V(SCu; ' SPECIAL LISTS j No. 1 MATHEMATICS ITHACA, NEW YORK 1883 This list of works relating to Mathematics (reprinted from “The Li- brary of Cornell University,” Nos. 2 to 6) includes such allied subjects as As- tronomy, Engineering, and Physics. In the scheme of classification the general divisions of the subject are placed first, followed by collective works and miscellaneous applications, and these in turn by special subjects arranged in alphabetical order. The Library is indebted to Professor J. E. Oliver for aid in the classifica- tion of titles; but, owing to the circumstances attending the publication of the list in serial form, some inconsistencies will doubtless be found. P ^ |j"c University— Libraries. Unbound, 8 ^. Contents.- 1. Mathematics. 2 . References on municipal government in the United States by Hodder. (From the Library bulletin, vol. ■C C70711I MB / WORKS RELATING TO MATHEMATICS IN CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. The books composing the following list form what is known as the ** Kelly Mathemat- ical Collection^' and were in large part the gift of the late Hon. William Kelly ^ fortnerly a Trustee of the University, Bibliography. Babbage, C. [Catalogue of the] mathematical and scientific library of C. Babbage. [London], 1872. 80. Boston, Mass. — Public library. List of mathe- matical works added to the Bowditch collection. May, 1878. Boston, 1878. 40. De Morgan, A. Arithmetical books from the invention of printing to the present time. London, 1847. 120. Brsch, J. S. Literatur der Mathematik, Natur- und Gewerbs-Kunde mit Inbegriff der Kriegskunst seit der Mitte des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts bis auf die neueste Zeit ; neue fortgesetzte Ausg. von F. W. Schweigger- Seidel. Leipzig, 1828. 8°. Holden, B. S. A subject-index to the publica- tions of the United States naval observatory, 1845- 75 : [including the observations of Capt. J. M. Gilliss on Capitol hill (1838-42)]. {Appended to U. S. naval observatory. Wash., £>. C. As- tronom. and raeteorol. observations made during 1876; 1880, 40, 1 .) Same, separated. Washington, 1879. 40. Libri-Carrucci della Sommaia, G. (B. I. T.), conte. Catalogue of the mathematical, histor- ical, bibliographical and miscellaneous portion of the celebrated library of M. Libri, including an extraor- dinary collection of the rarest treatises in existence respecting ancient arithmetic, algebra, astronomy and geometry, with a very complete and unique series of works relating to Galileo. London, [ 1861 ]. 2 pt. in I V. 1 . 80. With a preface by Libri. Loffelholz-Colberg, P., Freiherr -^cm. Forst- liche Chrestomathie. i. Abth. ; Grundwissenschaf- ten der Forstwissenschaft, in specie dixo. Literatur der Mathematik iiberhaupt der Geschichte derselben, sowie der Arithmetik und Algebra. Berlin, 1871. 80. Murhard, F. W. A. Litteratur der mathema- tischen Wissenschaften. Leipzig, 1797-1805. 5 v. in 2. 80. Poggendorff, J. C. Biographisch-literarisches Handwbrterbuch zur Geschichte der exacten Wis- senschaften enthaltend Nachweisungen liber Le- bensverhaltnisse und Leistungen von Mathemati- kern, Astronomen, Physikern, Chemikern, Minera- logen, Geologen u. s. w. aller Volker und Zeiten. Leipzig, 1863. 2 V. 1 . 8®. Contents:—! A-L. — ii. M-Z. Riccardi, P. Biblioteca matematica italiana dalla origine della stampa ai primi anni del secolo XIX. Vol. i. fasc. I, 2, 4. Modena, 1870-72. 4®. Only 250 copies. Rogg, J. Handbuch der mathematischen litera- tur vom Anfange der Buchdruckerkunst bis zum Schlusse des Jahrs 1830. i® Abth. welche die arith- metischen und geometrischen Wissenschaften ent- halt. Tubingen, 1830. 8®. [Scheibel, J. E.] Einleitung zur mathema- tischen Biicherkentnis. I. -16. Stuck. Bresslau, 1771-89. 3 V. 8®. Neue Aufl. in part; lacks Stiick. Schumacher, H. C. (Jatalogue des livres et cartes composant la bibliotheque de M. Schumacher. I® pt. Berlin, 1855. 8®. Interleaved, with a few MS. additions. Contents : — i. Sciences mathematiques, physiques et natu- relles. United States — Engineer department. Ana- lytical and topical index to. the reports of the chief of engineers upon works and surveys for river and harbor improvement 1866-79; compiled under the direction of H. M. Robert. Washington, 1881. 8®. DicTtionaries and Encyclopaedias. AUgemeine Encyklopadie der Physik heraus- gegeben von G. Karsten. i., ii., ix., xv., xix.-xxi. Bd. Leipzig, 1860-69. 7 v. 8®. Contents : — i. Einleitung in die Physik bearbeitet von G. Karsten, F. Harms und G. Weyer. 1869. — ii. Lehrbuch der Krystallographie von H. Karsten. 1861. — ix. Handbuch der physiologischen Optik bearbeitet von H. Helmholtz. 1867. — XV. Handbuch des Magnetismus, bearbeitet von J. Lamont. 1867. — xix. Die Lehre von den Fernewirkungen des galva- nischen Stromes bearbeitet von Frh. v. Feilitzsch. 1865. — XX. Handbuch der angewandten Elektricitatslehre bearbeitet von C. Kuhn. 1866. — xxi. Lehrbuch der Meteorologie bear- beitet von E. E. Schmid, i860, and Atlas 0 / 21 plates, obi. 40. Appleton’s dictionary of machines, mechanics, engine- work, and engineering. New ed. New York, 1873-74. 2 V. 1 . 8®. Barlow, P. A new mathematical and philosoph- ical dictionary ; comprising an explanation of the terms and principles of pure and mixed mathematics, and such branches of natural philosophy as are sus- 4 WORKS RE LA TING TO MA THEM A TICS. ceptiblc of mathematical investigation; with histor- ical sketches of the rise, progress, and present state of the several departments of these sciences. Lon- don, 1814. 8®. Benjamin, P., editor. Appletons’ cyclopedia of ap|)lied mechanics: a dictionary of mechanical engineering and the mechanical arts. New York, 1880. 2 V. 1 . 8®. Byrne, O., and E. Spon. Spons’ dictionary of engineering, civil, mechanical, military, and naval ; with technical terms in French, German, Italian and Spanish. London, etc,, 1874. 3 v. 1 . 8®. For the supplement see Spon, E. Davies, C., and W. G. Peck. Mathematical dictionary and cyclopedia of mathematical science ; comj)rising definitions of all the terms employed in mathematics — an analysis of each branch, and of the whole, as forming a single science. New York, etc. , 1 869. 8®. Encyclopaedia metropolitana, or Universal dic- tionary of knowledge ; edited by E. Smedley; 1st division, pure sciences. Vol. i. London, 1829. 4®. Contents: — Introduction (S. T. Coleridge), Grammar (Sir J. Stoddart), Logic, Rhetoric (R. Whateley), (icometry (P. Par- low), Arithmetic (G. Peacock), Algebra and Geometrical analy- sis (D. Lardner), Theory of numbers (P. Harlow), Trigonome- try (G. B. Airy), Analytical geometry and Conic secuons (H. P. Hamilton), Calculus (A. Levy). Encyclopedic mdthodique : Math^matiques par D’Alembert, Bossut, De la Lande, Condorcet, Charles, &c. Paris, etc., 1784-89. 3 v. 4®, and 108 plates hi I vol. Contents: — i. Preliminaire (Bossut), A-E. — ii. F-R. — iii. S-Z, Additions et corrections. Same. Dictionnaire des jeux, faisant suite au tome iii. des Math^matiques. Paris, 1792. 4®. Bd. with vol. iii. of the preceding. Forney, M. N., and others. The car-builder’s dictionary : an illustrated vocabulary of terms which designate American railroad cars, their parts and attachments. New York, 1881. obi. 16®. Gehler, J. S. T. Physikalisches Worterbuch neu bearbeitet von Brandes, Gmelin, Horner, [Lit- trow], Muncke, Pfaff. Leipzig, 1825-45. ii v. in 22. 8®. The nth vol. is a “Sach- und Namen-Register mit ergan- zenden Zusatzen von G. W. Muncke, nebst Nachtragen zum Verzeichniss geographischer Ortsbestimmungen von C. L. von Littrow.” Kupfer- Atlas ; cclxxiii. Kupfertafeln nebst iv. Charten zu dem sechsten und ii. Charten zu dem neunten Bande. Leipzig, 1842. obi. 4®. Hoffmann, L. Mathematisches Worterbuch; alphabetische Zusammenstellung sammtlicher in die mathematischen Wissenschaften gehdrender Gegen- stande in erklarenden und beweisenden synthetisch und analitisch bearbeiteten Abhandlungen. Berlin, 1858-67. 7 V. in 4. 8®. Vol. v.-vii. “von L. Natani”. Contents : — i. A-B. — ii. C-D. — iii. E-J. — iv. K-P. — v. Q. — vi. R-S. — vii. T-Z. Hutton, C. A philosophical and mathematical dictionary, containing an explanation of the terms, and an account of the several subjects comprised under the heads mathematics, astronomy, and phi- losophy both natural and experimental, with an his- torical account of the rise, progress and present state of these sciences. A new ed. London, 1815. 2 V. 4®. Contents: — i. A-L. — ii. M-Z. Kliigel, G. S. Mathematisches Worterbuch, Oder ICrklarung der Begriffe, Lehrsatze, Aufgaben und Mcthoflcn der Mathcmatik mit den nothigen Beweisen und literarischen Naclirichtcn begleitct in alphabetischer Ordnung. i® Abth. Die rcine Matliemalik. Leipzig, 1803-31. 5 v. 8®. 'I hc fourth vol. h;ts on the title “fortgesetzl von C. B. Moll- weide ” and the fifth has in addition “ beendigt von J. A. Gru- ncru” Contents:— \. A-I). — ii. E-L-iii. K-P. — -iv. O-S. — v. T-Z. _ Sunjilcmcntc zu Klilgcl’s Wdrlcrbuche dor reinen Mathcmatik, herausgegeben von J. A. Gru- nert. Leipzig, i8ti-^6. 2 v. 8®. Contents: — \. A-I) — Ii. I>Z. Montferrier, A. 8. de. Di( tionn.airc des sciences mathdmatifitics purcs ct apitlifiudes ; 2® ^d. Paris, 1845. 3 V. 4®. Contcnts: — \. A-F.. — ii. F-Z. — iii. A-Vol. Moore, R. 'I'he universal assistant and com- plete mechanic; containing over one million indus- trial facts, calculations, receipts, etc. New York, 1881. 8®. Moxon, J. Mathematicks made easie, or A mathematical dictionary, explaining the terms of the art, and difficult phrases used in arithmctick, ge- ometry, astronomy, astrology, and other mathe- matical sciences. 2d ed., corrected and much en- larged by H. Coley. London, 1692. 8®. Nichol, J. P. A cyclopxdia of the physical sciences, comprising acoustics, astronomy, dynamics, electricity, heat, hydrodynamics, magnetism, phi losophy of mathematics, meteorology, optics, pneu matics, statics, etc. 3d ed. London, 1868. 8®. Ozanam, J. Dictionnaire mathdmatique, ou Id<^e g^ndrale des mathdmatiques, dans Icqucl sont contenus les termes de cette science avec des rai- sonnemens qui conduisent peu b. peu I’csprit une connoissance universelle des math^matiques. Am- sterdam, 1691. 4®. Raiikiiie, W. J. M. The cyclopaedia of ma- chine and hand-tools ; a series of plans, sections, and elevations of the most approved tools for work- ing in iron, wood, and other materials ; to which are added an essay on the strength and qualities of wood and metals ; and an essay on the puddling of iron by St. John V. Day. London, 1869. f®. Sonnet, H. Dictionnaire des math^matiques appliqu^es, comprenant les principales applications des math^matiques et I’explication d’un grand nombre de termes techniques usit^s dans les appli- cations. Paris, 1867. 1 . 8®. Spon, E. Supplement to Spons’ dictionary of engineering, civil, mechanical, military and naval. London, etc., 1880-81. 3 v. 8®. Wilhelm, T. A military dictionary and gazet- teer ; comprising ancient and modern military tech nical terms, with an appendix containing the articles of war, etc. Revised ed. Philadelphia, 1881. 8®. History and Biography. Ameth, A. Die Geschichte der reinen Mathe- matik in ihrer Beziehung zur Geschichte der Ent- wickelung des menschlichen Geistes. Stuttgart, 1852. 8®. Baldi, B. Cronica de matematici overo Epitome dell’ istoria delle vite loro. Urbino, 1707. 4®. Barton, W. Memoirs of David Rittenhouse, LL.D. Philadelphia, 1813. 8®. Biot, J. B. Essai sur I’histoire generale des sciences pendant la revolution fran9aise. Paris, 1803. 8®. Life of Sir Isaac Newton [translated from the “Biographic universelle”]. London, 1829. 8®. Published under the superintendence of the Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge. “List of the editions cf New- ton’s works’’ at end. Bolton, H. C. The book of the balance of wisdom : an essay on determinations of specific gravity by the Arabians of the Xllth century. New York, 1876. 12®. Bossut, J. A general history of mathematics from the earliest times to the middle of 'the eight- CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 5 teenth century, translated from the French; to which is affixed a chronological table of the most eminent mathematicians. London, 1803. 8^. Poggendorff calls him Charles. Bowditch, N. I. Memoir of Nathaniel Bow- ditch, by his son. Boston, 1839. 40. Originally printed as part of the 4th volume of the translation of the “Mecanique celeste.” With portraits, autograph of the author, and autograph letter of N. Bowditch. _ Brewster, SirTi. The life of Sir Isaac New- ton. New York, 1835. 18®. (Harper’s fam. lib., 26.) Same. With an account of the inaugura- tion of the statue at Grantham. London, 1861. 160. Memoirs of the life, writings and discover- ies of Sir Isaac Newton. Edinburgh, etc.., 1855. 2 V. 80. Buchan, D. Stewart, earl of, and W. Minto. An account of the life, writings and inventions of John Napier of Merchiston. Perth, 1787. 40. Cantor, M. Mathematische Beitrage zum Kul- turleben der Volker. Halle, 1863. 8®. Colburn, Z. A memoir of Zerah Colburn, written by himself, containing an account of the dis- covery of his remarkable powers ; with his peculiar methods of calculation. Springfield, 1833. 120. Delambre, J. B. J. Rapport historique sur les progres des sciences mathematiques depuis 1789 et sur leur etat actuel, pr^sente a Sa Majeste I’empereur et roi le 6 fev. 1808. Paris, 1810. 40. Dissertations on the history of metaphysical and ethical, and of mathematical and physical science; by Dugald Stewart, Sir J. Mackintosh, J. Playfair and Sir J. Leslie. Edinburgh, etc., 1835. 4^. Drobisch, M. W. De loannis Widmanni Ege- rani Compendio arithmeticae mercatorum scientiae mathematicae saeculi xv. simul atque artis typo- graphicae lipsiensis insigni monumento. Lipsiae, 1840. 40. Bkama, C. De Frisia ingeniorum mathematico- rum inprimis fertili. Leovardiae, [1809]. 40. Friedlein, G. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Mathematik. i. PI of, [1868]. 40. Gerhardt, C. I. Etudes historiques sur I’arith- metique de position. Berlin, [1856]. 40. Gherardi, S. Eiiiige Materialien zur Geschichte der mathematischen Facultat der alten Universitat Bologna; unter Mitwirkung des Verfassers in’s Deutsche ubersetzt von M. Curtze ; 2^ vermehrte Aufl. des italianischen Originals. Berlin, 1871. 8®. Gurlitt, J. Narratio de vita P. H. C. Brod- hagenii. Hamburgi, 1806. 40. ■■ Heilbronner, J. C. Historia matheseos uni- versse a mundo condito ad seculum P. C. N. xvi. ; accedit recensio elementorum, compendiorum et operum mathematicorura atque historia arithmetices ad nostra tempora. Lipsise, 1 742. 40. Kastner, A. G. Geschichte der Mathematik seit der Wiederherstellung der Wissenschaften bis an das Ende des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts. Got- tingen, 1796-1800. 4 V. 80. Contents: — i. Arithmetik, Algebra, Elementargeometrie, Trigonometric, praktische Geometric, bis zum Ende des sechs- zehnten Jahrhunderts. — ii. Perspectiv, geometrische Analysis und hohere Geometric, Mechanik, Optik, Astronomic bis zum Ende des sechszehnten Jahrhunderts, Nachtrag zum ersten Bande. — iii. Geschichte der reinen Mathematik von 1600 bis auf Cartesius. — iv. Geschichte der mechanischen Wissen- schaften vom Anfange des siebenzehnten Jahrhunderts. The and ^th vol. have the title: — “Geschichte der Kiinste und Wissenschaften, etc. Von einer Gesellschaft ge- lehrter Manner ausgearbeitet. 7® Abth. Geschichte der Ma- thematik von A. G. Kastner. ” Leslie, J. A general view of the progress of mathematical and physical science chiefly during the eighteenth century. [Edinburgh, 1835.] 4®. Libri-Carrucci della Sommaia, G. (B. I. T.), conte. Plistoire des sciences mathematiques en Italie depuis la renaissance des lettres jusqu’i la fin du dix-septi^me siecle. Paris, 1838-41. 4 v. 8®. Contents: — i. Discours preliminaire. — ii. Livre i. De Charlemagne a la fm du 156 siecle. — iii. Livre 2. i6e siecle. — iv. 1 7C siecle. Montucla, J. E. Histoire des mathematiques, dans laquelle on rend compte de leurs progres depuis leur origine jusqu’a nos jours. Nouvelle ed. con- siderablement augmentee. Paris, An vii.-An x. (1802). 4 V. 40. Author wrongly styled on title-page J. F. Contents: — 1. Au commencement du 17^ siecle. — ii. 17^ siecle. — iii. i8e siecle. — iv. i8e siecle supplement; achev^ et public par Jerome de la Lande. Navarrete, M. F. Disertacion sobre la his- toria de la nautica y de las ciencias matematicas que han contribuido k sus progresos entre los Espanoles ; obra postuma. Madrid, 1846. sm. 40. Newton, Sir I. Schools of ancient philosophy. Life of Sir Isaac Newton. London, n. d. 160. I'he latter half of the vol. is devoted to the biography of Newton. Ofterdinger, L. F. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Mathematik in Ulm bis zur Mitte des xvii. Jahr- hunderts. Ulm, 1867. 40. Playfair, J. Dissertation : exhibiting a view of the progress of mathematical and physical science since the revival of letters in Europe. Pt. ii. Bos- ton, 1820. 80. Quetelet, (L.) A. (J.). Histoire des sciences mathematiques et physiques chez les Beiges. Bru- xelles, 1864. 80. Sciences mathematiques et physiques chez les Beiges au commencement du xix® siecle. Bru- xelles, 1866. 8®. Rigaud, S. P. Historical essay on the first publication of Sir Isaac Newton’s Principia. Ox- ford, 1838. 8®. Ruprecht, . Aphorismen und Beitrsege zu der Anschauungslehre in den mathematischen Wis- senschaften. Hersfeld, 1850. 40, Taylor, W. B. A memoir of Joseph Henry; a sketch of his scientific work. 2d ed. Washing- ton, 1880. 80. Valson, C. A. La vie et les travaux du Baron Cauchy, membre de I’academie des sciences ; avec une preface de M. Hermite. Paris, 1868. 2 v. in I. 80. Contends: — i. Partle historique. — ii. Partie scientifique. Vossius, G. J. De vniversje mathesios natvra & constitvtione liber; cui subjungitur chronologia mathematicorvm. Amstelaedami, 1660. 40. a. History of Algebra. Berckelmann, J. A. C. Historiae criticae algebrae delineatio. Gottingae, 1830. 8Q. Bhascara Acharya. Bija Ganita, or The alge- bra of the Hindus, by E. Strachey. London, [1812]. 40. Translated from the Persian. b. History of Arithmetic. Caiitzler, R. F. B. De Graecorum arithmetics. Gryphisvaldiae, 1832. 40. Delambre, J. B. J. De I’arithmetique des Grecs. (^Appended to Archimedes. (Euvres, traduites par F. Peyrard, etc. 1807, 40, pp. 569-601.) Drobisch, M. W. Ad historiam literariam arithmeticae communis symbolae. [Lipsiae], 1840. 40. c. History of Astronomy. Brewster, Sir D. The martyrs of science ; or, The lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler. 7th ed. London, 1870. 120. 6 WOAV^S RE LA TING TO MA THEM A TICS. Curtze, M. Ueber cinige bis jetzt unbekanntc gedruckte Schriften des D. M. Novara da Ferrara. [Konigsberg, 1870.] 8®. Delambre, J. B. J. Ilistoire de I’astronomie ancienne. Paris, 1817. 2 v. 40. Contents : — i. Livres i, 2. — ii. Livres 3-5. Plistoire de I’astronomie du moyen age. Paris, 1819. 40. Histoire de I’astronomie moderne. Paris, 1821. 2 V. 40. Contents : — Rdformation du calendrier, Copemic, Rein- hold, Tycho Brahe, Werner, Longomontanus, Ursus Dithmar- sus, Bassanrin, Juste Byrge, Kdpler, Neper, Briggs, Galilde, Riccioli, Scheiner, Tarde, Malapertius, etc. — ii. Rheticus, Pitis- cus, Clavius, Snellius, Mdtius, Boulliaud, Ward, Descartes, Morin, Riccioli, Borelli, Gassendi, Mouton, Vlacq, Hevelius, Horrockes, Wing, Roberval, Tacquet, Mercator, Huyghens, Gascoyne, Crabtree, Hook, Picard, Roenier, La Hire, Cassini, etc. Ilistoire de I’astronomie au dix-huiti^me si^cle; publiee par M. Mathieu. Paris, 1827. 40. [Driukwater-Bethune, J. E.] Idfe of Kep- ler. London, 1830. 80. (Society for the diffu- sion of useful knowledge. Library of useful knowledge. ) Dudley observatory, Albany, N. Y. The Dudley observatory. [Newspaper article upon the disagreement between the board of trustees on the one side, and Dr. Gould with his associates of the scientific council on the other ; reviewing the “De- fence of Dr. Gould by the scientific council,” and the “Statement of the trustees.” (In Boston weekly messenger, Sept. 15, 1858; v. 48 .) In favor of the trustees. Same. [Two newspaper articles upon the controversy between the trustees and the scientific council of the observatory; in favor of the trustees.] (In Boston daily advertiser. Sept. 23, 27, 1858.) Inauguration of the observatory, Aug. 28, 1856. Albany, 1856. 8®. Contents : — Hunt, W. Eulogy on the Hon. C. E. Dudley. — Gould, B. A.,yr. Remarks. — Bache, A. D. Remarks. — Dudley, yl/rj. Blandina. Letter. — Everett, Edward. The uses of astronomy. A discourse. — Letter and schedule of the scientific council. Same. 2d ed. Albany, 1858. 80. In this edition after Everett’s discourse the “ Chronicle of the Dudley observatory, since the inauguration ” is substituted for the “ Letter and schedule ” in the ist ed. Scientific council. Defence of Dr. Gould by the council [Joseph Henry, A. D. Bache, Ben- jamin Peirce]. Albany, 1858. 8®. Reviewed in the of the trustees,” 1858, 80 ; also in a newspaper article published in the Boston weekly messen- ger, Sejjt. 15, 1858, and in two articles published in the Boston daily (Advertiser, Sept. 23, 27, 1858. Irustees. 'I'he Dudley observatory and the scientific council. — Statement of the trustees [relating to the difficulties in connection with Dr. B. A. Gould]. Albany, 1858. 8®. Revit'vjed in Gould, B. A.,jr. Reply to the ” Statement,” etc. 1859, 8"; — (Observer, A letter to the majority of the trustees, [1858?] 8''; — Thacher, G. H. A key to the “trustee's \sic] Statement,” etc. 1858, 8« ; — also in a riewsjjaijer article imblished in the Boston weekly messenger. Sept. 15, 1858, and in two .articles ittiblished in the Boston daily (uivertiscr. Sept. 23, 27, 1858. 'I’o the jjatrf>ns and friends of the Dudley observaUtry. [f 'iiciilar announcing the acceptance by I'rof. < ). M. .Milchcl, of Cincinnali, of the office of director of llte institution. To wliich arc ap- pended “ Infpiit ics coneerning a charge of intercep- tion ” of the entire edition of no. 121 of I )r. Gould’s A dronoinit al journal, by (. I’alerson, who had the charge of iireparing and directing the journal for the mail. Albany, 1859.] sin. 4". Ekama, C. De nrignium, qui in seienlia as- tronontiea faeli sunt, progressuum fundatiientis, a siiiiiniis in te nial hemal it .a el astronomita viris, parlim dccimo sexto, maxiinc decimo sejitimo seciilo, jam praecipue jactis. I.ugduni Batavorum, 1823. 4”. Gebler, K. von. Galileo Galilei und die rd- mische Curie. Stuttgart, 1876. 80. Gould, B. A..,jr. An address in commemoration of Sears Cook Walker, delivered April 29, 1854. [Cambridge, Mass.], 1^4. 80. — — The Dudley observatory. An address to the citizens of Albany, and the donors and friends of the Dudley observatory, on the recent proceedings of the trustees [in regard to Dr. B. A. Gould, the director] ; from the committee of citizens aj)pointed at a meeting held in Albany, July 13, 1858. Albany, 1858. 80. Reply to the “Statement of the trustees” of the Dudley observatory. Albany, 1859. 8«. Report to the Smithsonian institution on the history of the discovery of Neptune. Washing- ton, 1850. 80. Hipler, F. Nikolaus Kopernikus und Martin Luther, nach ermlandischen Archivalien. Brauns- berg, 1868. 80. Ideler, (C.) L. Ilistorische Untersuchungen fiber die astronomischen Beobachtungen der Alten. Berlin, 1806. 8®. Untersuchungen uber den Ursprung und die Bedeutung der Sternnamen ; ein Beytrag zur Cfeschichte des gestirnten Ilimmels. Berlin, 1809. 80. Junge, E. F. Aphorismen aus der Geschichte der griechischen Astronomic vor Aristarchus aus Samos. Zeitz, 1830. 40. Lewis, Sir G. C. An historical survey of the astronomy of the ancients. London, 1862. 80. Loomis, E. The recent progress of astronomy, especially in the United States. New York, 1850. 120, Same. 3d ed. New York, 1856. 12®. Muller, (F. ) Max. On ancient FI indu astron- omy and chronology. Oxford, 1862. 40. [Observer, pseud.'] A letter to the majority of the trustees of the Dudley observatory [concerning the controversy between the trustees and the scien- tific council over the director of the observatory. Dr. B. A. Gould. Albany? 1858?] 8®. Signed “Observer;” reviewing the “Statement of the trustees.” Prowe, L. (P. ). [Andenken des Copernicus bei der Nachwelt. Konigsberg], n. d. 8®. De Nicolai Copernici patria. Thoruni, i860. 80. Hat Copernicus Wasserleitungen angelegt ? [Konigsberg], n. d. 8®. Nicolaus Copernicus in seinen Beziehungen zu dem Herzoge Albrecht von Preussen. Thorn, 1855. 80. [Sterbeort und Grabstatte des Copernicus. Konigsberg,] n. d. 80. Ueber die Abhringigkeit des Copernicus von den Gedanken griechischer Philosophen und Astronomen. Thorn, 1865. 8®. [Rothman, R. W.] History of astronomy. Pt. i.-iv. London, 1832. 8«. (Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge. Library of useful knowledge.) Sedillot, L. P. E. A. Comtes observations sur (luehiues jtoints de I’histoire de r.astronomie et des niathcinati<[ues chez les Clrientaux. Paris, 1863. 8 ‘>. Thacher, G. H. A key to the “trustee’s [.f/V] Statement.” — I, ('tiers to the majority of the trustees of llu' Dudley observatory, showing the misrepre- sentalions, gaiblings and perversions of their mis- statement [in regard to Dr. Ik A. Gould, the director. Alhany, 1 1858. 8«. j “ I'Vom the Allas aiiu argus.” CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 7 Westphal, J. H. Nikolaus Kopernikus. Kon- stanz, 1822. 80. d. History of Calculus. Giesel, (K. ) F. Geschichte der Variationsrech- nung; Theil. Torgau, 1857. 40. Todhunter, I. A history of the calculus of variations during the nineteenth century. Cam- bridge, [Eng.], etc., 1861. 80. e. Biographies of Engineers. Smiles, S. James Brindley and the early en- gineers. London, 1864. 8®. The life of George Stephenson and of his son Robert Stephenson. New York, 1868. 8®, The life of Thomas Telford, civil engineer. A new ed. London, 1867. 8®. The story of the life of George Stephen- son ; including a memoir of his son, Robert Stephen- son : a new ed. London, 1868. 8‘>. Stuart, C. B. Lives and works of civil and military engineers of America. New York, 1871. 80. f. History of Geometry. Chasles, M. Geschichte der Geometrie, haupt- sachlich mit Bezug auf die neueren Methoden ; aus dem Franzosischen iibertragen durch L. A. Sohncke. Halle, 1839. 80. Fiedler, J. A. Zur geometrischen Analysis der Griechen. Leobschiitz, 1862. 40. Finger, F. A. De primordiis geometriae apud Graecos. Heidelbergae, 1831. 8®. Gent, K. Notata quaedam de geometris Grae- corum. Liegnitz, 1864. 40. g. History of the Telegraph. Reid, J. D. The telegraph in America; its founders, promoters and noted men. New York, 1879. 80. Sabine, R. The history and progress of the electric telegi'aph, with descriptions of some of the apparatus. 3d ed. London, 1872. 12®. Taylor, W. B. An historical sketch of Henry’s contribution to the electro-magnetic telegraph ; with an account of the origin and development of Prof. Morse’s invention. Washington, 1879. 8®. From the Smithsonian report for 1878. Instruments. [Batchelder, S. ] The balance dynamometer. [Cambridge, Mass., 1873.] 8°. Grebel, M. W. Ueber Linsenglaser mit Riick- sicht auf ihre Dicke. Zeitz, 1843. 4 *^- Mackay, A. The description and use of the sliding Gunter in navigation. Aberdeen, 1802. 80. Peyrard, F. Miroir ardent par le moyen du- quel on pent reflechir et fixer, sur un object en repos ou en mouvement, les rayons solaires, en aussi grande quantite que I’on veut. {Appended to Archimedes. CEuvres, traduites par F. Pey- rard, etc. 1807, 40, pp. 537-568.) a. Astronomical Instruments. Bond, G. P. On the new form of the achromatic object-glass introduced by Steinheil. Cambridge, [Mass.], 1863. 80. From the Proceedings of the American acad. of arts and sciences, vol. vi. Chaucer, Geoffrey. The treatise on the as- trolabe, edited with notes and illustrations by A. E. Brae. London, 1870. 8®. Davis, C. H.,/r. Chronometer rates as affected by change of temperature and other causes. Wash- ington, 1878. {Appended to U. S. naval observa- tory, JNash., D. C. Astronom. and metcorol. ob- servations made during 1875 ; 1878, 40, v. 3.) Dollen, J. H. W. The portable transit instru- ment in the vertical of the pole star, translated from the original memoir by C. Abbe. Washington, 1870. 8‘>. Dolbear, A. E. The art of projecting : a man- ual of experimentation in physics, chemistry, and natural history with the porte-lumiere and magic lantern. Boston, etc., 1877. 80. Fockens, G. R. Responsio ad quaestionem as- tronomicam “Tubi culminatorii varii usus, turn in astronomia, turn in geodesia, exponantur et ex- emplis illustrentur ? ” [Ultr. Traject ?], 1837. 40. Harkness, W. Observations to determine the error of the Kessels clock at Washington. {Ap- pended to U. S. naval observatory, Wash., D. C. Astronom. and meteorol. observations made during 1867; 1870, 40, v. 1 . pp. 31-38.) Holden, E. S. Investigation of the objective and micrometers of the 26-inch equatorial construct- ed by Alvan Clark & sons. {Appetided to U. S. naval observatory. Wash., D. C. Astronom. and meteorol. observations made during 1877; 1881, 40, V. 1 .) [Oughtred, W. ] The description and use of the double horizontal dyal, whereby not onely the hour of the day is shewn, but also the meridian line is found, and most astronomical questions which may be done by the globe are resolved; whereunto is added the description 6f the general horological ring, invented and written by W. O. London, 1674. sm. 80. Pujazon, C. Observations to determine the error of chronometer Frodsham no. 2816 made at Havana, Cuba. {Appended to U. S. naval ob- servatory, Wash., D. C. Astronom. and meteorol. observations made during 1867; 1870, 40, v. 1 . pp. 39 - 54 -) Uylenbroek, P. J. Responsio ad quaestionem Quaenam est micrometrorum in tubis astronomicis theoria? Quinam eorum usus? [Lugduni Bata- vorum, 1821.] 40. [Yarnall, M., and others. ] Instruments and publications of the United States naval observatory, 1845-76. {Appended to U. S. naval observatory. Wash., D. C. Astronom. and meteorol. observa- tions made during 1874; 1877, 40, v. 1.) Contents : — Nourse, J. E. Founding of the observaMry. (Condensed from appendix iv. of the volume of Observations for 1871.) — Yarnall, M. The mural circle ; the transit instru- ment ; the prime-vertical transit instrument. — Eastman, J. R. The 9.6-inch equatorial; the transit circle. — Holden, E. S. The 26-inch equatorial. b. Barometer. Belville, J. H. A manual of the oarometer. 3d ed. London, 1858. 120. Guldberg, C. M. Bemserkninger om Formelen for Hoidemaaling med Barometer. [Christiania], 1872. 80. P., G. W. The aneroid barometer, its con- struction and use. New York, 1878. 240. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 35.) Williamson, R. S. On the use of the barom- eter ou surveys and reconnaissances. Pt. i., ii. New York, 1868. 2 pt. 40. Contetits : — i. Meteorology in its connection with hypsome- try. — ii. Barometric hypsometry. Eng. papers U. S. A., no. 15. Same. Being a compendium without plates of no. 1 5 of the professional papers of the corps of engineers. Washington, 1878. 8®. 8 WORKS RE LA TING TO MA Til EM A TICS. c. Geometric Instruments. Foster, S. The sector altered, and other scales added, with the description and use thereof, and now published by W. L[eybourn]. London, i66i. 40. Bd. w. Gunter, E. Heather, J. F. A treatise on mathematical in- struments, their construction, adjustment, testing, and use concisely explained. 9th ed. London, 1869. 1 2®. d. Nautical Instruments. Borda, J. C. Description et usage du cercle de reflexion avec diflerentes m^thodes pour calculer les observations nautiques. Paris, 1787. 4®. e. Theniiometer. Belville, J. H. A manual of the thermometer. London, 1850. 120. Martine, G. Essays and observations on the construction and graduation of thermometers. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1772. 12®. Periodicals. American journal of mathematics pure and ap- plied. Editor, J. J. Sylvester, i.-iii. Baltimore, 1878-80. 3 V. 40. To be continued. Analyst (The) : a journal of pure and applied mathematics. Edited by J. E. Hendricks. Vol. i.- vHi. ; ix. no. 1-3. m. b. rn. Jan. 1874-May, 1882. Des Moines, Iowa, 1874-82. 8 v. and 3 nos. 80. To be continued. Annalen der Physik, angefangen von F. A. C. Gren, fortgesetzt von L. W. Gilbert. 1799-1808. Halle, 1799-1808. 30 V. 80. The title is changed with the 4th vol. (1800) to “Annalen der Physik, herausgegeben von L. W. Gilbert.” Indexes are found in vol. 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, and 30. Same. Neue Eolge ; herausgegeben von L. W. Gilbert. 1809-19; [vol. 31-60 of the whole series]. Leipzig, 1809-19. 30 v. 8®. The indexes are in vol. 6 (36 of the whole series), 12 (42), 18 (48), 24 (54), and 30 (60). _ Annalen der Physik und der physikalischen Chemie, herausgegeben von L. W. Gilbert. 1819- 24; [vol. 61-76 of the whole series]. Leipzig, 1819-24. 16 V. 80. Annalen dcr Physik und Chemie, herausgegeben zu Berlin von J. C. Poggendorff. 1824-77; [vol. 77-236 of the whole series]. Leipzig, 1824-77. 160 V. 80. .Same. Neue Eolge, Bd. i.-xiii. ; heraus- gegeben von G. Wiedemann. 1877-81 ; [vol. 237- 249 of the whole series]. Leipzig, 1877-81. 13 v. 8 '>. Sajne. Erganzungsband, i.-viii. I^eipzig, 1842-78. 8 V. 80. Nainen- und Sach-Regisler zu den Biinden i. bis lx., bearbeilet von W. Barentin. Leiiizig, 18.15. 8". 'I f» vol. 77-1 3fj of flic whole series. Same. Zu den baiulen Ixi. bis xc. und den I-irg:inzungsb:iudcu ii. bis iv., be.nrlieitet von W. Bareiil ill. L<-ip/.ig, 1854. 8“. 'I'o vfil. 137-1^6 of llie whole .'-ries. Same. 7 m dm riiiiidcn xci. bis cxx., bcar- bfitet von W. II.'irciitiM. Leipzig, 1865. 8*’. 'J o vol. \(q- i<)fi of ihe whole sericH. I uiiclb.'ind dein I lerausgeber j. G. I’oggcn- dorlf zur f eier fiiiifzigjahrigen Wirkens gevvidiuet. Jxipzig, 1874. 8‘*. Namen-Register zu Band i. bis cl., Ergan- zungsband i. bis vi. nebst Jubclband und Sach- Register zu Band exxi. bis cl., hirganzungsband v. und vi. nebst Jubelband bearbeitet von W. Barentin. Nebst einem Anhange von J. C. J’oggendorff. Leipzig, 1875. 8«. 'I he set lacks the index to the scries edited by Gilbert entitled “Sach- und Namenregistcr iiber Bd. i.-lxxvi. von H. Miillcr. Leipzig, 1826. 8".” Annales de mathematiques pures et appliqu6es ; recueil j)6riodique, r^dig^ par J. D. Gergonne et J. E. Thomas-Lavern6de, 1810-31. Nismes, 1810-31. 21 V. in 9. 40. Gergonne’s name alone appears after vol. ii. See Nouvelles annales. Aiiiiali di matematica pura ed applicata pubbli- cati da B. Tortolini. 1858-65. Roma, 1858-65. 7 V. in 6. 40. Same. Diretti da F. Brioschi e L. Cre- mona in continuazione degli Annali gi^ pubblicati in Roma dal prof. Tortolini. i.-iii. 1867-70. Mila- no, 1867-70. 3 V. 4«. Vol. iv. complete unbound. Vol. v. no. 1-3 (lacks 4) ; vol. vi. no. 2-4 (lacks i). Ailuali di scienze matematiche e fisiche compilati da B. Tortolini. i.-viii. Roma, 1850-57. 8 v. 8«. Archiv der Mathcmatik und Physik mit beson- derer Rucksicht auf die Bedvirfnisse der Lehrer an hohern Unterrichtsanstalten, herausgegeben von J. A. Grunert. i.-li. Greifswald, 1841-70. 51 v. 8®. Inhaltsverzeichniss zu Theil i. bis xxv. i. Abth. nach den Autoren geordnet ; ii. Abth. nach der Materie geordnet. Greifswald, 1858. 8«. Inhaltsverzeichniss zu Theil xxvi. bis xl. i. Abth. nach den Autoren geordnet ; ii. Abth. nach der Materie geordnet. Greifswald, 1864. 80. Bd. with the preceding. Archiv der reinen und angewandten Mathematik herausgegeben von C. F. Hindenburg. i^s bis Heft. Leipzig, 1795-1800. 3 v. 8^. Bulletin de bibliographie, d’histoire et de bio- graphic mathematiques par M. Terquem. Paris, 1855-57- 3 V. in I. 8 «. _ Cambridge and Dublin mathematical journal (The); edited by W. Thomson [and N. M. Fer- rers]. Cambridge, 1846-54. 9 v. 80. Cambridge miscellany (The) of mathematics, physics and astronomy, edited by B. Peirce [and J. Lovering]. April-Oct. 1842. No. 1-3. Boston, 1842. 8«. Correspondance ,mathematique et physique publiee par MM. Gamier et Quetelet. Gand [Bruxelles], 1825-39. ii v. 8®. Beginning with vol. iii. it is edited by A. Quetelet and pub- lished at Brussels. Gentleman’s mathematical companion (The) for the year i798-[i826]. London, 1809-26. 5 v. 120. In part 2d ed. A general title in vol. i. Journal de mathematiques pures et appliquees ou Recueil mensuel de m^moires sur les diverses parties des mathematiques, public par J. Liouville. 1836-55. Paris, 1836-55. 20 V. 40. Same. 2^ serie. 1856-68. Paris, 1856- 68. 13 V. 4 «. General Index to first scries in vol. 20. Journal fiir die reine und angewandte Mathe- matiU, in zwanglosen Hcftcn, herausgegeben von A. 1 .. Crellc. 1-91. Herlin, 1826-81. 91 v. 4<>. yot. have 0)1 the iitle-pagc : — “Als Fortsetzung des von A. 1 .. t'relle gogriindclen Journals lieiansgcgebcn tinier Milwirknng dor llerren Steiner, Sehellbach, Rummer, Kro- neckcr, Weierstrass von (.’. W. Borchanlt. ” The iitie 0/ vol 01 reath : — “ 1 1 eransgegeben von L. Kronecker und Is. Weierstrass : Fortsetzung des von A. 1 ,. C'relle mui t'. W. Ilorcliardt lieransgegebcnen Journals.” General inde.x to vols. i-po in vol. 50. indices also in vol. 60, 70, 80 and 90. To be con tin tied. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 9 Konigsberger Archiv fiir Naturwissenschaft und Mathematik, von F. W. Bessel, K. G. Hagen, W. H. G. Remer, A. F. Schweigger und E. F. Wrede. ier bd. Kdnigsberg, 1812. 80. Leeds correspondent (The) ; a literary, mathe- matical & philosophical miscellany ; edited by J. Ry- ley. Leeds [London], 1815-23. 5 v. 120. No title-page to last vol. Mathematical department edited by J. Whitley. Leipziger Magazin fiir reine und angewandte Mathematik, herausgegeben von J. Bernoulli und C. F. Hindenburg. 1786, 1787; 1788, i, 2. Leip- zig, 1 786-88. 2 V. and 2 nos. 8®. London, Edinburgh, and Dublin philosophical magazine and journal of science (The). Conducted by Sir R. Kane, Sir W. Thomson, and W. Francis. 4th series, vol. xlvii.-f. ; 5th series, i.-iv. ; v. no. 28-32; vi.-xii. ; xiii. 78-80. m. Jan. 1874-April, 1882. London, 1874-82. 15 v. and 8 nos. 8®. “A journal devoted to physics, astronomy, mechanics, chem- istry, mineralogy, and the allied sciences.” To be continued.* Mathematical diary (The), containing new re- searches and improvements in the mathematics, with collections of questions, proposed and resolved by ingenious correspondents ; in quarterly numbers ; conducted by R. Adrain. New York, 1825. 12®. Same. Conducted by J. Ryan ; vol. ii. New York, 1828-32. 12®. Mathematical magazine (The) : a journal of elementary mathematics. Edited by A. Martin. Vol. i. no. I. Jan. 1882. q. Erie, Pa., 1882. 4®. To be continued. Mathematical miscellany (The). No. i.-viii. New York, 1836-39. 8®. No. i. in MS. Mathematical monthly (The) ; edited by J. D. Runkle. Cambridge, 1859-61. 3 v. 4®. Mathematical repository. New series of the mathematical repository, by T. Leybourn. i.-vi. London, 1806-32. 6 v. 8®. The last vol. was never completed and has no title-page. Mathematical visitor (The). Edited by A. Martin. Vol. i. ; ii. no. i. Oct. 1878-Jan. 1882. a. &= s. a. Erie, Pa., 1878-82. sm. 4®. Vol. i. no. I is “2d ed.” To be continued. Mathematician (The) ; edited by T. S. Davies, W. Rutherford and S. Fenwick, i.-iii. London, 1856. 3 V. 8®. New title-pages only. Work originally publ. from Nov. 1843 to Sept. 1850. The last two vols. do not have Davies’s came. Mathematische Annalen, herausgegeben von A. Clebsch und C. Neumann. i., ii. Leipzig, 1869-70. 2 V. 8®. Vol. ili. no. 2 unb. Mathematisk Tidsskrift udgivet af H. C. F. C. Schjellerup og C. Tychsen. Kjobenhavn, 1859- 64. 6 V. in 2. 8®. After the ist vol. Schjellerup’s name no longer appears. For continuation see Tidsskrift for Mathematik. Northumbrian mirror (The), or Young stu- dent’s literary & mathematical companion, forming an introduction, to the Ladies’ diary, &c. Alnwick, 1837-38. 2 V. 12®. Nouvelles annales de math^matiques ; journal des candidats aux 6coles poly technique et normale, redig^ par Terquem et Gerono. Paris, 1842-61. 20 V. 8®. From vol. 14, serie, there is in each vol. a “Bulletin de bl- bliographie, d’histoire et de biographie mathematiques ” with separate pagination. See Bulletin. Same. 2® serie. Paris, 1862-81. 20 v. 8®. In the 2d series vol. ii.-vi. r^dige par Gerono et Prouhet; vol. vii.-x. par Gerono et J. Bourget; xi.-xx. par Gerono et Brisse. To be continued. Our schoolday visitor, mathematical almanac and annual, 1871. Philadelphia, [1870]. 4®. Quarterly journal (The) of pure and applied mathematics, edited by J. J. Sylvester and N. M. Ferrers. Vol. i.-x. London, 1857-70. 10 v. 8®. Rensselaer polytechnic institute, Troy, N. Y. Papers read before the Pi Eta scientific so- ciety. 1878-80; vol. ii. no. 1-3. Troy, 1879-82. 5 nos. 8®. Tidsskrift for Mathematik, udgivet af C. Tych- sen ; anden Raekke. Kjobenhavn, 1865-70. 6 v. in I. 8®. For first series see Mathematisk Tidsskrift. a. Astronomical Periodicals. Astronomical journal (The). Edited by B. A. Gould, jr. Vol. i.-vi. Nov. 1849-Feb. 1861. Cambridge, etc., 1851-61. 6 v. 4®. Astronomical notices. No. 28. Ann Arbor, 1861. 8®. Sidereal messenger (The) ; a monthly journal devoted to astronomical science. Edited by O. M. Mitchel. Cincinnati, 1846-48. 2 v. 4®. Problems. Cambridge problems, being a collection of the printed questions proposed to the candidates for the degree of bachelor of arts at the general examina- tions from 1801 to 1820 inclusive. Cambridge, 1821. 8®. [Cambridge] mathematical problems and exam- ples arranged according to subjects, from the senate- house examination papers, 1821 to 1836 inclusive, with an appendix containing the senate-house ques- tions for 1837. Cambridge, 1837. 8®. [Campion, W. M., and'W. Walton.] Solu- tions of the problems and riders proposed in the senate-house examination for 1857; by the moder- ators and examiners ; with an appendix containing the examination papers in full. Cambridge, 1857. 8®. Ceulen, L. van. De hondert konstige Vraage. 4®. ff. 26. MS. Contains 36 problems and solutions. Christie, J. R. A collection of elementary test questions in pure and mixed mathematics with an- swers, and appendices on synthetic division and on the solution of numerical equations by Horner’s method. London, etc., 1866. 8®, Diarian repository (The), or Mathematical reg- ister, containing a complete collection of all the mathematical questions which have been published in the Ladies’ diary from the commencement of that work in 1 704 to the year 1 760, together with their solutions fully investigated, according to the latest improvements, by a society of mathematicians. Lon- don, 1774. 4®. Dodson, J. The mathematical repository, con- taining analytical solutions of near five hundred questions, mostly selected from scarce and valuable authors, designed as examples to Mac-Laurin’s and other elementary books of algebra and to conduct beginners to the more difficult properties of num- bers. 2d ed. London, 1775. 12®. Same. Vol. ii. containing algebraical solu- tions of a great number of problems, in several branches of the mathematics. i. Indetermined questions, solved generally by an elegant method communicated by Mr. De Moivre ; ii. Many curious questions relating to chances and lotteries ; iii. A great number of questions concerning annuities for lives, and their reversions. London, 1753. i^®. Sa??ie. Vol. iii. containing analytical solu- tions of a great number of the most difficult prob- lO WORKS RE LA TING TO MA THEM A TICS. lems relating to annuities, reversions, survivorships, insurances and leases dependent on lives. London, 1755. 12®. Ferrers, N. M., and J. S. Jackson. Solu- tions of the Cambridge senate-house problems for four years, 1848-51. Cambridge, 1851. 8®. Ghetaldi, M. Variorum problematum collectio. Venetiis, 1607. 4®. Bd. with Ghetaldi’s edition of Apollonius PergcBus. Goodwin, H. Problems and examples, adapted to the “ Elementary course of mathematics.” 3d ed. revised, with additional examples in conic sections and Newton, by T. G. Vyvyan. Cambridge, 1862. 8 ®. Hutt, W. W. Solutions of Goodwin’s Collec- tion of problems and examples. 3d ed. revised and enlarged by T. G. Vyvyan. Cambridge, 1863. 8 ®. Jameson, F. J. The principles of the solution of senate-house “Riders” exemplified by the solu- tion of those proposed in the earlier parts of the examinations of the years 1848-51. Cambridge, 1851. 8®. Le Cointe, I. L. A. Solutions d^velopp^es de 300 problemes qui ont ete proposes dans les compo- sitions mathematiques pour I’admission au grade de Bachelier es sciences. Paris, 1865. 8®. Leybourn, T. The mathematical questions proposed in the Ladies’ diary and their original answers, with some new solutions, from its com- mencement in 1704 to 1816. London, 1817. 4 V. 8®. i. 1707-^— 1747-8. —ii. 1748-9—1775-6.-111. 1776-7 — 1801-2. — iv. 1802-3 — 1815-16, appendix. Lonchampt, A. Recueil de problemes poses dans les examens d’admission a I’ecole imperiale technique. Enonc^s et solutions. Paris, 1865. Recueil de probRmes tir^s des compositions donn^es a la Sorbonne de 1853 a 1875 pour les bac- calaur^ats ^s sciences. 2® 6d. Paris, 1876-77. 3 V. 12®. Contents: — i. Arithmetique, algebre, trigonometrie. — ii. Geometric. — ill. Approximations numeriques, maxima et mini- ma, courbes usuelles, geometric descriptive, cosmographie, mecanique. [Mathematical examination papers given out in the Royal naval college, Woolwich, 1839-51.] «./>., 1839-51. 3 V. f®. The vols. contain one paper of an earlier date (1831), some in MS. and one of King’s college, London. Morgan, H. A. A collection of problems and examples in mathematics, selected from the Jesus college examination papers. Cambridge, 1858. 8®. Reidt, . Themata zu mathematischen Ar- beiten fiir Schuler. . llamm, 1862. 4®. Schellbach, K. H. Mechanische und mathe- matische Probleme. Berlin, 1845. 4®. Schmidt, J. Eine Auswahl von Aufgaben aus des Diophant arithmetischen Problemen. [Strau- bing, 1858.] 4®. [Walton, W., and C. F. Mackenzie.] Solu- tions of the problems and riders proposed in the senate-house examination for 1854; by the modera- tors and examiners ; with an appendix containing the examination papers in full. Cambridge, 1854. 8 ®. [Walton, W., and M. M. U. Wilkinson.] Solutions of the problems and riders proposed in the senate-house examination for 1864; by the modera- tors an(l examiners ; with an appendix containing the examination papers in full. Cambridge, 1864. 8 ®. Watson, H. W., and E. J. Routh. Cam- bridge senate-house problems and riders for the year i860 with solutions. Cambridge, i8'6o. 8®. Wolstenholme, J. A book of mathematical problems on subjects included in the Cambridge course. London, etc.^ 1867. 8®. Wright, I. M. F. Solutions of the Cambridge problems from 1800 to 1820. London, 1825. 2 v. 8^. Contents : —X. Geometry, arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry, differentials, integrals, finite differences, finite integrals, .series, probabilities, miscellanies. — ii. Curves, mechanics, hydrostat- ics, hydrodynamics, pneumatics, optics, astronomy, miscella- nl es. Wrigley, A. A collection of examples and problems in pure and mixed mathematics, with an- swers and occasional hints. 7th ed. corrected. London, 1865. 8®. Platts, J., and A. Wrigley. A companion to Wrigley’s Collection of examples and problems, being illustrations of matheraatical processes and methods of solution. Cambridge, 1861. 8®. a. A Igebraic Problems. Bland, M. Algebraical problems, producing simple and quadratic equations, with their solutions ; designed as an introduction to the higher branches of analytics : to which is added an appendix, con- taining a collection of problems on the nature and solution of equations of higher dimensions. 9th ed. with considerable additions. London, 1849. 8®. A key to Bland’s Algebraical problems con- taining the solutions of all the equations and prob- lems in the appendix to the 4th ed. London, 1827. 8 ®. Colburn, W. A key containing the answers to the examples in the introduction to algebra upon the inductive method of instruction. Boston, 1838. 12®. Hohr, D. Algebraische Aufgaben. hlermann- stadt, 1869. 8®. Jones, C. A., and C. H. H. Cheyne. Alge- braical exercises progressively arranged. New ed. London, ele. 1867. 18®. Rotherham, "W. The algebraical equation and problem papers, proposed in the examinations of St. John’s college, Cambridge, from 1794 to the present time, with answers. Cambridge, i%2. 8®. b. Arithmetical Problems. Dalton, T. Arithmetical examples progressively arranged, with miscellaneous exercises and examina- tion papers. London, etc., 1866. 18®. Problemata arithmetica, e codice MS. Cizensi primum edidit R. Hoche ; accedunt eiusdem codicis scholia ad Nicomachi institutionem arithmeticam. Wetzlar, 1863. 4®. Ray, J. 3000 test examples in arithmetic ; drill exercises for review. Cincinnati, [1862]. sm. 8®. Sonnet, H. Problemes et exercices d’arithm6- tique et d’algebre sur les principales questions usu- elles relatives au commerce, a la banque, aux fonds publics, aux ^tablissements de pr^voyance, a I’in- dustrie, aux sciences appliquees, etc. Paris, 1858. 2 V. 8®. Contents : — i. £nonc6s. — ii. Solutions raisonn 4 es. c. Problems in Calculus. Gregory, D. F. Examples of the processes of the differential and integral calculus. 2d ed., edited by W. Walton. Caml:)ridge, 1846. 8®. Haddon, J. Examples and solutions in the dif- ferential calculus. London, 1851. 12®. Hann, J. Examples on the integral calculus. Louflon, 1850. 12®. Hirsch, M. Collection of examples, formulae & calculations on the literal calculus and algebra ; translated from the German by J. A. Ross. Lon- don, 1827. 8®. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. I r Peacock, Cr. A collection of examples of the applications of the differential and integral calculus. Cambridge, 1820. 8®. Sohncke, L. A. Sammlung von Aufgaben aus der Differential- und Integralrechnung ; 3© Aufl. herausgegeben von E. Heis. Halle, 1865. 2 v. in I. 8®. Contents: — i. Differentialrechnung. — ii. Integralrechnung. d. Geometric Problems. Amiot, A., et A.. Desvignes. Solutions raison- n^es des probl^mes ^nonces dans les Elements db g^ometrie de A. Amiot, et pr^cedees de quelques observations sur la resolution des problemes de ge- ometrie. Paris, 1858. 8®. Angeli, S. degli. Problemata geometrica sex- aginta, circ^ conos, sphseras, superficies conicas, sphgericasque prsecipu^ versantia. Venetiis, 1658. 4 ®- . Bd. with dupl. of same author’s “De infinitis parabolis.” Bland, M. Geometrical problems deducible from the first six books of Euclid, arranged and solved. 4th ed. London, 1842. 8®. Catalan, E. Theoremes et problemes de ge- ometrie eiementaire : 6© ed. Paris, 1879. 8®. Gaskin, T. The solutions of geometrical prob- lems, consisting chiefly of examples in plane co-or- dinate geometry, proposed at St. John’s college, Cambridge, from Dec. 1830 to Dec. 1846, with an appendix containing several general properties of curves of the second order, and the determination of the magnitude and position of the axes of the conic section represented by the general equation of the second degree. Cambridge, etc., 1847. 8®. Petersen, J. M^thodes et theories pour la reso- lution des problemes de constructions g^ometriques avec application plus de 400 problemes : traduit par O. Chemin. Paris, etc., 1880. 8®. Schenk, J. Einige Aufgaben fiber Anwendung der Algebra und Trigonometric zur Lbsung und Construction geometrischer Aufgaben. Wien, 1869. 8 ®. Sluse, R. F. de. Mesolabivm seu duse medioe proportionates inter extremas datas per circulum et per infinitas hyperbolas vel ellipses et per quam- libet exhibitae ac problematum omnium solidorum effectio per easdem curvas ; accessit pars altera de analyst et miscellanea. Leodii Eburonum, 1668. 4®. Speidell, J. A geometricall extraction, or a compendiovs collection of the chiefe and choyse problemes, collected out of the best and latest writers ; vvherevnto is added about 30. problemes of the authors inuention. London, 1017. 4®. Twysden, J. Problematum quorundam mathe- maticorum (De triangulis tain rectangulis quam ob- liquangulis) analytica solvtio et constructio. Certain mathematical problems, (concerning triangles as well oblique as rectangled), analytically resolved and effected. JL.ondini, 1059. f®. Walton, W. Problems in illustration of the rinciples of plane coordinate geometry. Cam- ridge, etc., 1851. 8®. Warren, S. E. General problems from the orthographic projections of descriptive geometry, with their applications. New York, 1868. 8®. e. Problems in Mechanics, Physics, etc. Kries, F. (C.). Sammlung physikalischer Auf- gaben nebst ihrer Auflbsung. Jena, 1843. 8®. Walton, W. A collection of problems in il- lustration of the principles of theoretical hydrostatics and hydrodynamics. Cambridge, etc., 1847. 8®. A collection of problems in illustration of the principles of theoretical mechanics. 2d ed. Cambridge, etc., 1855. 8®. f. Trigonometrical Problems. Gaskin, T. Solutions of the trigonometrical problems, proposed at St. John’s college, Cam- bridge, from 1829 to 1846. Cambridge, etc., 1847. 8®. Tables, Formulae and Ephemerides. (See also Annuities and Logarithms. J - Barlow, P. Tables of squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots, reciprocals of all integer numbers up to 10,000. Stereotype ed. examined and correct- ed [by A. De Morgan]. London, 1866. sm. 8®. Under the superintendence of the society for the diffusion of useful knowledge. Bernoulli, J. A sexcentenary table, exhibiting at sight the result of any proportion, where the terms do not exceed 600 seconds or 10 minutes, with precepts and examples ; published by order of the commissioners of longitude. London, 1779. 4®. Centnerschwer, J. J. Neu erfundene Multi- plikations- und Quadrat- Tafeln mit einer Vorrede von J. P. Grfison und L. Ideler. Berlin, 1825. 8®. Hinkley, E. Tables of the prime numbers, and prime factors of the composite numbers, from i to 100,000. Baltimore, 1853. 8®. Hoiiel, J. Recueil de formules et de tables numeriques : 2© ^d. Paris, 1868. 8®. Contents: — Introduction: Dispo.sition et usage des tables. — Formules relatives au.x functions hyperboliques. — Formules relatives au.v functions elliptiques. — Applications numeriques des fonctions elliptiques. — Table i. Logarithmes vulgaires ou ddcimaux des 2000 premiers nombres. — 2. Antilogarithmes. — 3. Logarithmes d’addition et de soustniction. — 4. Logarithmes I du rapport . — 5. Table abr^g^e pour le calcul des loga- I — X rlthmes vulgaires h 15 ddcimales. — 6. Logarithmes naturels ou hyperboliiiues a 4 ddcimalcs. — 7. Table abreg^e pour le calcul des logarithmes naturels h 20 d^cimales. — 8. Tables de con- version des logarithmes naturels en logarithmes vulgaires, et des parties decimales du rayon en parties decimales du quadrant, I 2 7t et r^ciproquement, ou tables des multiples de M, — , — , — . M 7t 2 — 9. Valeurs naturelles des fonctions circulaires, h 4 d6cim.ales, de 15' en 15' d’arc, ou de minute en minute de temps. — 10. Logarithmes des fonctions circulaires, k 4 decimales, de minute en minute jusqu’h loc/, et de 10' en 10' pour le reste du quadrant. — ii. Logarithmes des fonctions circulaires a 4 decimales de C en 6' ou de dixieme en dixierne de degrd. — 12. Valeurs naturelles, h 3 decimales, des fonctions circulaires, pour chaque centiime du quadrant, avec la conversion des par- ties decimales du quadrant en parties sexag^simales. — 13. Logarithmes des fonctions circulaires i 3 decimales, de centleme en centieme du quadrant, et h 4 decimales de millieme en mil- lleme du quadrant. — 14. Valeurs naturelles et logaritlnnuiues des fonctions circulaires et hyperbolupies, pour des arcs crois- sant de millieme e:i millieme du (luadrant. — 15. Valeurs natu- relles des fonctions circulaires a 10 decimales. — 16. 'Fables de fonctions elliptiques. — 17. T.ables de di verses transcendantes. -—18. Table des carrds a 4 decimales des nombres depuis 0,000 jusqu’k 1,200. — ly. 'Fables de puis.sances. Mackay, A. A collection of mathematical tables. London. 1804. 8®. a. Astronomical Tables. ( Including Ephemeriiles.) American ephemeris (The) and nautical almanac published by authority of the secretary of the navy, *^ 55 - 57 , ’59-70, ’72-75. ’ 77 -^ 3 - Washington, 1852-82. 26 V. 8®. Colby, H. T he improved nautical almanac, or True navigator, astronomically, mathematically, and mechanically arranged. New York, 1859. 8®. 12 WORJCS RE LA TING TO MA THEM A TICS. Ephemerides of the minor planets. London, 1864. 80. Suppl. to the nautical almanac for 1868. [Gerling, .] Tabulae. [Marburgi], n. d. 4 °- Halley, E. Tabulae astronomicae, accedunt de usu tabularum praecepta. Londini, 1 749. 40. Hill, G. W. Tables of Venus, prepared for the use of the American ephemeris and nautical almanac. Washington, 1872. 40. Nautical almanac (The) and astronomical ephemeris published by order of the commissioners of longitude, 1767-1885. London, 1766-1881. 1 19 V. in 71. 8°. With the year 1833 the commissioners of the admiralty be- came the publishers. The years 1803-12 are the American edi- tion “ carefully revised by J. Garnett” and published at New Brunswick, N. J. ; the years 1813-33 New York reprint of E. M. Blunt, mostly styled “ Blunt’s edition of the nautical almanac,” of which 1825-26 are “carefully examined by D. Stansbury” and 1829 “ examined by E. C. Ward.” Peirce, B. Tables of the moon ; constructed for the use of the American ephemeris and nautical almanac. Published by authority of the secretary of the navy. Washington, 1865. 40. Schubert, E. Tables of Eunomia computed for the American ephemeris and nautical almanac. Washington, 1866. 40. Tables of Idarmonia computed for the American ephemeris and nautical almanac. Wash- ington, 1869. 40. Tables of Melpomene computed for the American ephemeris and nautical almanac. Wash- ington, i860. 40. Tables of Parthenope, computed for the American ephemeris and nautical almanac. Wash- ington, 1871. 40. Tables to facilitate the reduction of places of the fixed stars prepared for the use of the American ephemeris and nautical almanac. [Washington], 1869. 80. Winlock, J. Tables of Mercury for the use of the American ephemeris and nautical almanac. Washington, 1864. 40. b. FormulcB. Bierens de Haan, D. Nouvelles tables d’intd- grales definies. Leide, 1867. 40. Hirsch, M. Integral tables, or A collection of integral formulae ; translated from the German [by J. A. Ross]. London, etc.^ 1823. 8®. c. Heat Tables. Clarke, F. W. The constants of nature. Pt. iii. : tables of expansion by heat for solids and liquids. Washington, 1876. 8®. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous collections.) d. Logarithmic Tables ( wholly or in part logarithmic.} Babbage, C. Table of the logarithms of the natural numbers from i to 108,000. 4th impression. London, 1844. 8«. [Briggs, H. An epitomy of Briggs’ logarithms, with several other useful tables. London, 1679?] I2». 'J'itlc wanting. Bd. with Moore’s Math. compe 7 iciium. Appended is, with separate title: — “A table of artificial sines and t^^ngcnts, for every degree and minute of the quadrant, fitted to tlie size of the logarithms. London, 1679. 12®.” Callet, F. 'I'ables portatives de logarithmes contenant les logarithmes des nombres depuis i jusqu’^i 108,000 les logarithmes des sinus et des tan- gentes de seconde en seconde pour les cinq premiers degr^s de dix en dix secondes pour tous les degr^s du quart de cercle, prec^dees d’un discours pr^- liminaire sur I’explication, Pusage et la sommation des logarithmes; entierement revues et corrig^es par M. Saigey, Paris, 1866. 8®. Galbraith, W. Mathematical and astronomical tables preceded by an introduction containing the construction of logarithmic and trigonometrical tables, plane and spherical trigonometry, their ap- plication to navigation, astronomy, surveying and geodetical operations. 2ded. Edinburgh, 1834. 80. [Gummere, J. ] Mathematical tables: differ- ence of latitude and departure, logarithms from i to 10,000, and artificial sines, tangents, and secants. Philadelphia, 1822. 8®. Bd. with his Surveying. Same. Philadelphia, 1829. 8®. Same. Philadelphia, 1843. 8®. Gunter, E. Canon triangulorum, or Table of artificial sines and tangents to a radius of 10,000,0000 parts, to each minute of the quadrant. London, 1661. 4®. Published as a part of the author’s “ Works.” Hassler, F. R. Logarithmic and trigonometric tables, to seven places of decimals. New York, 1830. 12®. Hoiiel, J. Tables de logarithmes a cinq d6- cimales pour les nombres et le^ lignes trigonome- triques ; nouvelle ^d. Paris, 1880. 8®. Hutton, C. Mathematical tables : containing the common, hyperbolic, and logistic logarithms, also sines, tangents, secants, and versed sines, both natural and logarithmic, together with several other tables useful in mathematical calculations ; also the complete description and use of the tables ; with seven additional tables of trigonometrical formulae by O. Gregory; new ed. London, i860. 8®. Kohler, H. G. Logarithmisch - trigonome- trisches Handbuch. 13® stereotypausgabe. Leip- zig, 1876. 8®. La Lande, J. le F. de. Tables de logarithmes ; etendues a sept d^cimales par F. C. M. Marie ; pre- cedees d’une instruction dans laquelle on fait con- naitre les limites des erreurs qui peuvent resulter de I’emploi des logarithmes des nombres et des lignes trigonometriques par le baron Reynaud ; nouvelle 6d. augmentee de formules pour la resolu- tion des triangles par M. Bailleul. Pai'is, 1867. 12®. Loomis, E. Tables of logarithms of numbers and of sines and tangents for every ten seconds of the quadrant. 7th ed. New York, i860. 8®. (2 copies.) Same. 25th ed. New York, 1868. 8®. Bd. w. his “Trigonometry,” 25th ed., 1867. Same. 25th ed. New York, 1869. 8®. (5 copies.) Peirce, J. M. Three and four place tables of logarithmic and trigonometric functions. Boston, 1871. 4®. [Plauzoles, C. de. ] Tables de logarithmes des nombres depuis i jusqu’a 21,750; des sinus, cosinus, tangentes et cotangentes pour chaque minute du quart de cercle ; suivies d’une table centAsimale donnant les logarithmes de ces memes lignes pour chaque cent-millieme du quadrans. Paris, 1830. 12®. Plauzoles is the compiler; his name is signed to the “ discours preliminaire ”. Rivard, D. F. Tables des sinus, tangentes, secantes, et de leurs logarithmes, avec la construc- tion de ces tables, et les problemes de la trigonom^- trie. Paris, 1743. 8®. Schrdn, (H. ) L. (F.). Seven-figure logarithms of numbers from i to 108,000 and of sines, cosines, tangents, cotangents to every 10 seconds of the CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 3 quadrant, with a table of proportional parts ; 5th ed., corrected and stereotyped, with a description of tlie tables added by A. De Morgan. London, etc.^ 1865. roy. 80. Shortrede, R. Logarithmic tables to seven places of decimals ; containing logarithmic sines and tangents to every second of the circle, with argu- ments in space and time. Edinburgh, etc., 1858. roy. 80, Stanley, A. D. Tables of logarithms of num- bers, and of logarithmic sines, tangents and secants, to seven places of decimals ; together with other tables of frequent use in the study of mathematics and in practical calculations. New Haven, 1869. 80. Thoman, F. Tables logarithmiques pour les calculs d’interet compost et d’amortissement. [Paris, 1869.] 80. As an appendix to Charlon, H. Th 6 orie math 6 matique des operations financieres. Vega, G., Freiherr von. Logarithmisch-trigo- nometrisches Handbuch ; 30® Aufl. herausgegeben von J. A. Hiilsse. Leipzig, 1848. 8®. Same. 47® Aufl. bearbeitet von C. Bre- miker. Berlin, 1863. 8®. e. Tables in Meteorology and Hypsometry. Williamson, R. S. Practical tables in meteor- ology and hypsometry, being the appendix to the paper on the use of the barometer on surveys and reconnaissances. New York, 1868. 4®. Eng. papers, U. S. A., no. 15 , appendix. f. Navigation Tables. Lurtz, F. E. Tafeln zur Bestimmung der Zeit aus der Sonnenhohe mittelst des Sextanten fiir die Polhdhe von Kronstadt. Kronstadt, 1859. 4®. Ancient and Oriental Authors. Alhazen. Opticae thesavrvs Alhazeni Arabis libri septem nunc primum editi. Eivsdem lilier de crepvscvlis & Nubium ascensionibus. Item Vilcllo- nis thvringopoloni libri x. omncs instaurati, figuris illustrati & aucti, adiectis etiam in Alhazenum com- mentarijs a F. Risnero. Basileae, 1572. f®. Apollonius Tergams. Conicorvm libri iv. cvm commentariis C. Richardi. Antverpia.*, 1655. f®. “Apollonius brauchte zuerst die Wortc Ellipse und Hy- perbel.” — Poggendorff. Two books concerning determinate section, as they have been restored by Willebrordus Snellius ; by J. Lawson ; to which are added the same two books by \V. Wales, being an entire new work. London, 1 772. 4®, Bd. with his Two books concerning tangencies. Marini Ghetaldi Apollonius rediuiuus, seu restituta Apollonii Pergan inclinationum geo- metria. Venetiis, 1607. 4®. Marini Ghetaldi svpplementum Apollonij Galli, seu exsvscitata Apollonii Pergai tactionum geometria pars reliqua. Venetiis, 1607. 4®. 13d. with the preceding. Apollonius Galla is Francois Vieta. — ^ — Two books concerning tangencies as they have been restored by F. Vieta and M. Ghetaldus, with a supplement by J. Lawson ; 2d ed., to which is now added a second supplement, being M. Fer- mat’s treatise on spherical tangencies. London, 1771. 4®. Zwei Bucher vom Raumschnitt ; ein Ver- such in der alten Geometric von A. Richter. 11 al- berstadt, 1828. 8®. Aratus Solensis. Astronomical poem (with ten lines not heretofore known) with Cicero’s Latin translation edited from a MS. in the British museum of the 2d or 3d century; by W. Y. Ottley. [Lon- don, 1834.] 4®. ^atvopeva uai diodrjuEla. — Phae- nomena et diosemea graece et latine ad codd. MSS. et optimarvm edd. fidem recensita ; accedvnt Theo- nis scholia vvlgata et emendatiora e cod. mosqvensi, Leontii de sphaera aratea libellvs, et versionvm Arati poeticarvm Ciceronis, Germanici et R. IL Avieni qvae svpersvnt ; cvravit 1. T. Bvhle. Lip- siae, 1793-1801. 2 V. 8®. Conte?tts: — i. Prolegomena, OfXEVOC, IxE'ia, Aeovtiov TCEpi -koct a 6 KEvr]i ApcCTElOCs 6 (pOCipOCi, Scholia Theonis, Anfmadversiones criticae. — ii. Praefado, Ciceronis Arateorvm fragmenta, Ger- manic! Aratea et commentaria, Avieni Aratea, Notae, Epistola cridca avctore G. E. Groddeck exhibens Arad lectionem variam etc.. Vitae Arati, Indices. Phaenomena et diosemea quibus subjici- untur Eratosthenis catasterismi : Dionysii orbis ter- rarum descriptio ; Rufi Festi Avieni utriusque poetae metaphrases ; curavit F. C. Matthiae. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1817. 8®. The phenomena and diosemeia of Aratus, translated into English verse, wdth notes, by J. Lamb. London, 1848. 8®. In the classic presses. Archimedes. OEuvres, traduites litt^ralement, avec un commentaire par F. Peyrard, suivies d’un m^moire du traducteur, sur un nouveau Miroir ar- dent, et d’un autre m^moire de M. Delambre, sur I’Arithmetique des Grecs. Paris, 1807. 4®. Lemmata Archimedis apud Groecos & Lati- nos jam pridem desiderata, e vetusto codice MS. arabico a J. Gravio traducta ; et nunc primum cum Arabum scholiis publicata ; revisa & pluribus mendis repurgata a S. Foster. Londini, 1659. f®. I3d. w. Foster, S. Theorems selected out of Archimedes by A. Tacquet, and demonstrated in a more easy and compendious w'ay ; to which are added some other agreeable propositions, newly invented, by the same A. Tacquet. London, 1719. 8®. See Euclides ; by Tacquet. , Arya Bhatta. The elements of plane geometry in 48 propositions ; promising to serve for the first six books of Euclid with all the deductions : from the .Sanscrit text. P'.dited on the principle of Euclid by Jasoda Nandan .Sircar. Calcutta, 1878. 12®. Beha-Eddin al Aamouli. Khol.ai^at al hissab, ou Quintessence du calcul ; traduit et annote par A. Mane; 2® ed. Rome, 1864. 8®. Bhascaia Acharya. Lflavatf, a treatise on algebra and geometry. Published under the author- ity of the committee of public instruction. Sanskrit. Calcutta, 1832. 8®. Brahniegupta, and Bliascara Acharya. Al- gebra, with arithmetic and mensuration from the .Sanscrit ; translated by II. T. Colebrooke. London, 1817. 4®. Chasles, M. Les trois llvres de porismes d’Eu- clide, retablis pour la premiere fois, d’apr^s la notice et les lemmes de Pappus, et conform<§ment au senti- ment de R. Simson sur la forme des enonc^s de ces propositions. Paris, i860. 8®. Christmaiin, W. L. Apollonius Suevus, sive Tactionum problema nunc demum restitutum; acce- dente censura in Vietam. Tubingae, 1821. 8®. Euclides. VuhAeISov rd dcot^opEva. Eu- clidis quoe supersunt omnia, ex recensione 1). Gre- gorii. Greek and Latin. Oxoniaj, 1 703. f®. Les (euvres en grec, en latin et en frangais, d’apr^s un manuscrit Ires-ancien qui 6tait rest6 in- connu jusqu’a nos jours; par F. Peyrard. Paris, 1814-18. 3 V. 4®. 4 WORKS RE LA TING TO MA THEM A TICS. Contents: — i. Elementorum lib. i.-vii. — ii. Elementorum lib. viii.-x. — iii. Elementorum lib. xi.-xiii., data, hypsiclis de quinque corporibus, collatio codicis 190 Bibliothecae regiae cum editione oxoniae. Euclides. Preclarissimus liber elementorum Euclidis perspi | cacissimi; in artem Geometrie in cipit I In fine: Opus elementoru euclidis megaren- sis in geometna arte In id quoqi . Lampa | ni pspi- cacissimi Lomentationes finiut. Erbardus ratdolt Augustensis impressor solerrissimus. venetijs im- pressit. Anno salutis. M.CCCC.LXXXIJ. Octa- uis. Lalen. Jun. Lector. Vale. The editio princeps or first edition of Euclid’s Elements of geometry in a Latin version and one of the earliest printed works with mathematical figures. Elementorum libri priores xii. ex Com- mandini et Gregorii versionibus latinis edidit, pluri- bus in locis nuxit et in depravatis emendavit S. [Horsley], episcopus roffensis. Oxonii, 1802. 80. Elementorum libri priores sex, item un- decimus et duodecimus, ex versione latina F. Com- mandini ; sublatis iis quibus olim libri hi a Theone, aliisve, vitiati sunt, et quibusdam Euclidis demon- strationibus restitutis a R. Simson. Glasguae, 1756. 40. Elementorum libri sex priores graece et latine, commentario e scriptis veterum ac recentio- rum mathematicorum illustrati, edidit I. G. Came- rer. Berolini, 1824-25. 2 v. 8®. Contents : — i. Libri i.-iii. — ii. Libri iv.-vi. Also with the title: — “Euclidis elementa graece et Latine. — Commentariis instructa ediderunt 1 . G. Camerer et C. F. Hauber.” [Elementorum libri xiii., ex traditione Na- siridini Tusini nunc primum arabice impressi. Romae, ex typ. medicea, 1 594. ] f o. Only with an Arabic title-page ; the Latin title-page is want- ing. The above title is taken from Brunet. Elements of geometry, in xv. books ; with a supplement of divers propositions and corollaries ; to which is added a Treatise of regular solids by Campane and Flussas ; likewise Euclid’s Data and Marinus his preface ; also a treatise of the divisions of superficies, ascribed to Machomet Bagdedine, published by the care and industry of J. Leeke and G. Serle. London, 1661. f®. Prefixed is Dee’s Mathematical preface. Elements ; with select Theorems out of Archimedes, by A. Tacquet; to which are added practical corollaries, shewing the uses of many of the propositions ; the whole abridg’d, and in this 4th ed. publish’d in English by W. Whiston. Lon- don, 1719. 80. 'I'he Archimedes has a separate title and paging. See Ar- chimedes. Same, nth ed. with an appendix of prac- tical geometry by S. F. Dublin, 1791. 8®. Elements, the whole fifteen books with Archimedes’s Theorems of the sphere and cylinder investigated by the method of indivisibles ; by I. Barrow ; to which is annex’d Euclide’s Data with Marinus’s preface and in this edition is added a supplement containing some practical corollaries. London, 1 722. 8". Elements of geometry from the Latin translation of Commandine ; to which is added a treatise of the nature of arithmetic of logarithms, likewise another of the elements of plain [j/r] and spherical trigonometry, with a preface shewing the usefulness and excellency of this work by J. Keil [Keill]; the whole revised, where deficient, supplied where lost or corrupted, restored, by S. Cunn. 4th ed., to which is subjoined an appendix. London, 1741. 80. .Same. 8th ed. London, 1759. 8®. JOIements : the first six books, with the i ith and 1 2th ; also the book of Euclid’s Data, corrected ; by R. Simson. loth ed. [to which] are also annexed Elements of plain and spherical trigonometry Edinburgh, 1 799. 8^. Same. [Books i. -vi., xi., xii. by J. Walker. London, 1840?] 8®. Title-page wanting. Same. The first six books and portions of the I Ith and 12th books; with notes, etc. by 1 . Todhunter. New ed. London, etc., 1867. 16®. Same. The first six books and the first 21 propositions of the nth book; from the text of Dr. Simson by J. M. Williams. 9th ed. London, 1854. 120. Same. The first vi. books in a com- pendious form contracted and demonstrated, by T. Rudd, whereunto is added the mathematical! preface of J. Dee. London, 1651. 40. The first six books of the Elements of Euclid in which coloured diagrams and symbols are used instead of letters for the greater ease of learn- ers ; by O. Byrne. London, 1847. sm. 40. Elements : the first six books, from the text of Dr. Simson, with questions on. each book, and a selection of geometrical exercises from the senate- house and college examination papers ; by R. Potts. London, 1853. 12®. A supplement to the Elements of Euclid ; 2d ed. by D. Cresswell. Cambridge, etc., 1825. 8®. Evclide megarense aevtissimo philosopho solo introdvttore delle scientie mathematice; dili- gentemente rassettato et alia integrita ridotto, per N. Tartalea secondo le dve tradottioni di nuouo con ogni diligenza ben corretto e ristampato. Venetia, 1586. 4®. Ofversattning och bearbetning af sjunde, attonde, nionde och tionde bockerna af Euclids Elementer af A. Rundback. Lund, 1855. 8®. Porismen und Data von F. Buchbinder. Naumburg, 1866. 4®. La prospettiva di Evclide, nella quale si tratta di quelle cose, che per raggi diritti si veggono ; & di quelle, che con raggi reflessi nelli specchi ap- pariscono ; tradotta da E. Danti, con alcune sue annotationi ; insieme con la prospettiva di Eliodoro Larisseo. Fiorenza, 1573. 4®. Heliodorus Larisscetis. KecpdXaia rtSv oit- TiyttSv. Capita opticorum. Greek and Latin. Florentine, 1573. 4®. Bd. w. the preceding. La prospettiva tradotta da E. Danti, con alcune breui annotationi del medesimo et di nuouo data in luce. Fiorenza, 1573. 4®. Bd. w. the preceding. lamblichus Chalcidensis. In Nicomachi Ge- raseni arithmeticam introductionem et de fato ; nunc primum editus, in latinum sermonem conversus notis perpetuis illustratus a S. Tennulio, accedit J. Came- rarii explicatio in duos libros Nicomachi. Arnhe- mise, 1668. 2 pt. in i v. 4®. The second part has the follo^uing title: — “Explicatio 1 . Camerarii in dvos libros Nicomachi Geraseni Pythagorei deduc- tionis ad .scientiam numerorum ; et notae S. Tennulii ia Arith- meticam Jamblichi chalcidensis. Daventriae, 1667. 40.’’ Knoche, J. H. Untersuchungen fiber des Proklus Diadochus Commentar zu Euklids Ele- menten. Ilerford, 1862. 4®. Mohammed (Abu Abdallah) ben Musa al-Khowarezmi. 'I'he algebra of Mohammed ben Musa, edited and translated by F. Rosen. Printed for the oriental translation fund. Arabic and Eng- lish. London, 1831. 8®. Der von Ibn Esra als Arithmetikcr und Astronom genannte Muhamvted b. Musa al-Khowarezmi ist ohne Zweifel Ver- fasser einer Schrift iiber die “indische Rechnung,’’ welche ins Latcinische iibersetzt, die Veranlassung ward, dass man dem arabischen Ziffersystem und der entsprechenden Rechen- methode seit dem xii. Jahrhundert den Namen Algorismus oder A Igorithmus gab. — Steifischneider. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 5 Nicomachus Gemsemts. Eidayooyy dpiO- HrjTiH)} rccognovit et praefatus est R. Iloche. W’ctzlar, 1862. 4”. Planudes, Maximus. Das Rechenbucli. {Ma^i/iov yoraxov rov IlXavovdi] ‘ip7jq)0- q>opia nai Lvdov^S 77 Leyopevr/ peydXr^); nach den llandschriften der kaiserlichen Bibliothek zu Paris herausgegeben von C. I. Gerhardt. Halle, 1865. 40. Same. Eisleben, 1865. 40. Proclus. The philosophical and mathematical commentaries of Proclus on the first book of Eu- clid’s Elements [translated and edited by T. Taylor]. London, 1792. 2 v. in i. 4®. Conients : — i. Preliminary dissertations (including The true end of geometry), Life of Proclus, Commentaries (books i., ii.). — ii. Commentaries (books iii., iv.). Restoration of the Pla- tonic theology. Elements of theology. Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Mafi-ppariuf/ dvv- Composition mathematique, traduite pour la premiere fois du grec en frangais sur les manuscrits originaux de la bibliotheque imperiale de Paris, par M. Halma et suivie des notes de M. Delambre. Greek and French. Paris, 1813-16. 2 v. 40. In vol. 2 the words du roi are substituted for impMale. IlEpi rfji yeooypaqiiHrji vq^rjy-pdEGOi ftiftXiov TtpcSrov xai rov kfjddpov sdxocra. Traits de geographie, traduit pour la premiere fois, du grec en fran9ais par M. I’abb6 Halma. Paris, 1828. 40. Schmidt, K. C. G. Ueber den alten Mathe- matiker Kleomedes und seine Schrift : KvxXim} ^EGopia rojy pEVEoopooy. Naumburga. d. Saale. 1828. 40. Theodosius. 'Eq>aipiH(Sy ftiftXiaF. Sphx- ricorum libri tres. [Edited by J. Hunt.] Greek and Latin. Oxonioe, 1707. 80. Woepcke, F. Essai d’une restitution de tra- vaux perdus d’Apollonius sur les quantites irration- nelles, d’apres des indications tiroes d’un manuscrit arabe. Paris, 1856. 40. Collections and Miscellaneous (including the collective works 0/ modern authors.) Abel, N. H. Oeuvres completes, avec des notes et developpenients, redigdcs par P. Ilolmboe. Cliristiania, 1839. 2 v. 4^. Contents: — i. Les oeuvres de I’anleur qui ont 6te publices auparavant. — ii. Les oeuvres de I’auteur qui n’ont pas hih publiecs auparavant. Airy, Sir G. B. Mathematical tracts on tlie lunar and planetary theories, tlie figure of the eartli, precession and nutation, the calculus of variations and the undulatory theory of optics. 4th ed., cor- rected and improved. Cambridge, 1858. 8®. Alembert, J. le R. d’. Opuscules mathe- matiques, ou Meinoircs sur diffdrens sujets de g^- omd'trie, de m6chani(jue, d’optique, d’astronomie, &c. Paris, 1761-68. 5 v. 4“. Contents: — i. Vibrations des cordes sonores, Mouvement d’un corps, Oscillations d’un corps, Mouvement des fluides. Composition des forces, Logtirithines des cjuantit^s negatives, Des cones obliiiues. Attraction, Optique. — it. Calcnl des proba- bilit^s et l.’appiication a I’inoculation de la petite v^role, The- orie des cometes, Com^te de 1682 & 1759, Problemc des trois corps, 'fables de la lime, Libration de la lune. — iii. Verres optiques. — iv. Axes de rotation d’un corps, Mouvement d’un corps, Lettres, 1767, Verres optiques, Vibrations des cordes sonores, Calcul integral, Calcnl des probabilitds et calculs relatifs h. I’inoculation, ficrits sur differens sujets, 'flidorie de la lune, Problcme des trois corps. — v. 'f h^orie des ll,uides, Mouve- ment des fluiiles. Suites, Racines imaginaires, Ecrits sur diffe- rens sujets d’astronomie physique. Arago, (D.) (F.) J. (ICuvres competes publiecs (I’aprc.s son ordre sous la direction de J. A. Banal. Paris, i854-(3o. 16 v. 8®. Co 7 itcnts : — i.-iii. Notices biographiques. — iv.-viii. Nottces scicntifiqucs. — ix. Voyages scientiiiqucs. — x., xi. M6moires scicntifiques. — xii. Melanges. — xiii.-xvi. Astronomic popu- laire. Barrow, I. Mathematical works; edited for Trinity college by W. Whewell. Cambridge, i860. 8 ®. Bernoulli, Jacob. Opera. Genevan, 1744. 2 V. 4®. Contents: — i. Vita, Systema cometarum, Dissertatio de gravitate setheris, Opuscula varia. — ii. Notse in geometriam Cartesii, Opuscula varia, Varia posthuma. Bernoulli, Johann. Opera omnia, tarn antea sparsim edita quam hactenus inedita. Lausannse & (ienevse, 1 742. 4 v. 4®. Contents: — i. Opera ab anno 1690 ad annum 1713. — ii. 1714-1726. — iii. 1727-42, accedunt Lectiones de calculo inte- gralium. — iv. Anecdota. Brougham, H. Tracts, mathematical and phys- ical. London, etr., i860, sm. 8®. Cauchy, A., Baron. Exercices d’analyse et physique de mathematique. Paris, 1840-47. 4 v. Contents: — i. Mouvements infiniment petits. Reflexion et refraction d’un mouvement simple transmis d’un systeme de molecules a un autre. Transformation et reduction des integrales d’un systeme d’equations lineaires aux differences partielles. Rayons simples qui se propagent dans un systeme isotrope de molecules, Theorie des suites. Deux especes d’ondes planes qui peuvent se propager dans un systeme isotrope de points mate- riels, Integration des equations differentielles. Elimination d’une variable entre deux equations algebriques. . — ii. Resolution des equations indeterminees du premier degre, Mecanique celeste et calcul des limites, Racines d’une equation qui renferme un parametre variable, Quelques th6oremes d’algebre, Diverses suites que Ton peut former avec des termes donnes, Fonctions et sommes alternfees, Resultantes, Rapport difierentiel de deux grandeurs qui varient simultanemcnt, Problcmes du calcul in- tegral, Integration des equations au.x derivees partielles du premier ordre, 'fh^oremes relatifs a la transformation des co- ordonnees rectangulaires, 'fheoremes relatifs a des sommes d’exponentielles, I’roprietes des integrales defmies. Dilatations, condensations, et rotations produites par un changement de forme dans un systeme de points materiels, Integrales des equations lineaires aux derivees partielles, 'fh^orie des inte- grales defmies singulieres ajipliquec a la ileterinination des in- t6grales defmies. — iii. Analyse infinit6siniale, Calcul des varia- tions, Mouvement de rotation variable d’un point, Un th6oreme de g6om6trie analytique, Qnelques propositions relatives a la th6orie des nombres. Arrangements que I’on peut former avec des lettres donn6es, Lignes qui divisent en parties egales les angles formas par deux droites, Quekiues propriet6s des re- sultantes, Th6orle des projections orthogonales, Fonctions de variables imaginaires, Modules des series. — iv. Re- sultantes, Equivalences algebriipies, Progressions des divers ordres, Changement des variables dans les int6grales, Valeurs inoyennes des fonctions, (Quantites geonietriqnes, Methode nouvelle pour la resolution des equations algebriques, C)uelqnes definitions adoptees en aritlmietiipie et en algebre, Moyennes arithmetiques et geometriques, Quantitd geometrique i =/ — , 2 (Quantites geonietriiuics dans la trigonometric rectiligne, Fonc tions entieres d’un degre infini, Divers logaritlnnes il’iine quan- tite geonietriiiuc. Puissances ou exponentiellcs dont les expo- sants et les bases sont des quantites geometriipies, Arguments de deux (piantites geometriipies, Valeurs des expressions sin z, cos z, etc., J)ivers arcs qui ont pour sinus ou cosinus etc. ime qiiantite geometriipie, Fonctions et differentielles de ipiantites algebriques ou geometriques. Clefs algebriques, etc. CTavius, C. Opera niatheiuatica ; ab auctore nunc (lenuo correcta et pluriinis locis aticta. Mo- gvntiae, 1612. 5 v. in 3. f®. Contents: — i. General title, preface and index, In iMiclidem et in 'f lieodosiimi commentarij, De sinibiis et lineis tangentibiis et secantibiis, Triangula rcctilinea, friangula spba:rica, 1611. — ii. Geoinetria practica, Arithmetica practica. Algebra, 1611. — iii. InSpliaeram loannis de Sacro Hosco coinmentarius. Astro- labium, 1611. [ I'he two remaining volumes are of earlier edi- tions j Cossali, P. Scritti inediti, ptiliblicali da B. Boncoinpagni ; seguiti, da un’ appendice eonlenentc quattro lettere dirette al niede.sinio 1 ’. Ckis.sali ed una nota inlorno a queste lettere. Roma, 1857. 4®. Cremona, L., e E. Beltrami. Collectanea mathematica nunc jiriinuin edita. [In ineinoriam D. Chelini.] Mediolani, etc., 1881. 1 . 8®. i6 WORKS RELATING TO MATHEMATICS. Contents : — Beltrami, E. Della vita e delle opere di D. Chelini. — Hermite, C. Sur les fonctions 0 (jt) et H {-x) de Jacobi. — Siacci, F. L’iperboloide centrale nella rotazione de’ corpi. — Cayley, A. On a differential equation. — Bat- taglini, G. Sulle cubiche temarie sizigetiche. — Hirst, T. A. On the complexes generated by two correlative planes. — Ovidio, E. d’. Nota sopra alcuni iperboloidi annessi alia cubica gobba. — Mannheim, A. Constructions planes des Elements de courbure de la surface de I’onde. — Padova, E. Sulla integrazione delle equazioni a derivate parziali del primo ordine. Smith, H. J. S. De fractionibus quibusdam con- tinuis. — Caporali, E. Sopra i sistemi lineari triplamente in- finiti di curve algebriche piane. — Cerruti, V. Intorno ad una generalizzazione di alcuni teoremi di meccanica. — Bardelli, G. Sugli assi di equilibrio. — Darboux, G. Sur I’equation de Riccati. — Borchardt, C. W. Sur deux algorithmes ana- logues a celui de la moyenne arithmetico-geometrique de deux elements. — Brioschi, F. Sopra una forma binaria dell’ ottavo ordine. — II risultante di due forme binarie, Tuna cubica e 1 ’ altra biquadratica. — Kronecker, L. Ueber Potentiale «-Facher Mannigfaltigkeiten. — Betti, E. Sopra la propagazione del calore. — Reye, T. Ueber quadratische Kugelcomplexe und confocale Cycliden. — Dini, U. Alcuni teoremi sulle funzioni di una variabile complessa. — Schlafli, L. Einige Bemer- kungen ueber die Lame’schen Funktionen. — Wolf, R. Ueber die Abspiegelung der Sonnenfleckenperiode in den zu Rom beobachteten magnetischen Variationen. — Geiser, C. F. Ueber die dreifachen Secanten einer algebrai.schen Raumcurve. — Casorati, F. Una formola fondamentale concernente i dis- criminanti delle equazioni differenziali e delle loro primitive com- plete. — Bertini, E. Sulle curve gobbe razionali del 50 ordine. — Jung, G. Sui momenti obliqtii di un sistema di punti e sull’ “imaginares Bild” di Hesse. — Beltrami, E. Sulla teoria degli assi di rotazione. — Boncompagni, B. Intorno ad un testamento inedito di Nicolo Tartaglia. — Cremona, L. Sopra una certa superficie di quart’ordine. Desargues, G. GLuvres, reunies et analysees par M. Pouclra. Paris, 1864. 2 v. 8®. Contents : — i. Biographic, Per.spective, Traite des coniques, Coupe des pierres, Gnomonique, etc. — ii. Analyse des ouvrages de Bosse, Lettres de Descartes, Notices sur Desargues, Aleaume, Niceron et Huret, Divers libelles centre Desargues, etc. Descartes, R. QEuvres, publiees par V. Cousin. Paris, 1824-26.^ II V. 80. Contents: — i. Eloge de Descartes par Thomas; oeuvres philoiiophiques. — ii.-iv. Ouvrages philosophiques. — v. Diop- trique, Meteores, Geometric, Mecanique, hlusique, Tables. — vi.-x. Lettres. — xi. Ouvrages traduites du latin. Opuscula posthuma, physica et matbe- matica. Amstelodami, 1750. 4°. Contents : — i. Mvndus, sive Dissertatio de lumine, ut & de aliis sensuum objectis primariis. — ii. Tractatus de mechanica cum elucidationibus N. Poissonii. — iii. N. Poissonii Elucida- tioncs physicae in Cartesii Musicam. — iv. Regulae ad direc- tionem ingenii, ut & inquisitio veritatis per lumen naturale. — V. Primae cogitationes circa generationem animalium, & non- nulla de saporibus. — vi. Excerpta ex MSS. R. Des Cartes. Dippe, M. C. Peitriige zur Elementar-Mathe- matik. i. Abth. Schwerin, 1854. 4®. Contents : — 1 )ie Binomialreihe. — Die Logarithmen. — Die algcbraischen Gleichungen des dritten und vierten Grades. — Die arithmctischen Reihen. — Die Combinationslehre. Divers ouvrages de mathematique et de physique par Messieurs de Pacademie royale des sciences. I’aris, 1693. fo. ConUiins treatises by Fr^nicle de Bessy, Roberval, Huyghens, Picard, Auzout, Mariotte and Rbmer. Euler, L. Opuscula varii argumenti. Berolini, 1 746-5 1 . 3 V. in 1 . 40. Contents : — i. De motu corporum tubis mobilibus inclusorum, Tabula; mfituiim solis ac lunm, I'heorui lucis, De perturbatiqne motus planeUirum, An materiae facultas cogitandi tribui possit? Nature des moindres particules des corps. — ii. Conjectura circa propagationem .sfitii ac luminis, De numcris amicabilibus, De iiatiira mqiiationum, De rectificatione ellipsis. — iii. Nova thcoria magnetis, dissertationcs analytico-mechanicae. Ojiera jiostuma niathematica et physica anno MDCCC.XLIV dctecta rjuae Academiae sci- entiaruin jictropolitanae obtulerunt ejusque auspiciis etliderunt auctoris jironepotcs B. 11 . k'uss et N. Fu;s. I’etropoli, (?A. , 1862. 2 v. 40. Contents: — i. Arithmctica, Analysis, Varia. — ii Mechanic.a, Astronomia, I'hysica, Varia. Fermat, P. de. Varia opera mathcmatica ac- ce‘‘ erunt selectae quxdam ejusdem epistolse. To- loste, 1679. fo. Same. Berolini, 1861. f®. Foster, S. Miscellanies, or Mathematical lucu- brations ; published, and many of them translated into English, by J. Twysden. London, 1659. fo. _ Also with the^ Latin title: — “Miscellanea, sive Lucubra- tiones mathematicse ’’ and contains, after eight leaves of prefa- tory matter, several treatises by Foster; some of them with separate title-pages ; also the following by Twysden ; — “ Cer- tain mathematical problems,” “ The whole art of reflex dial- ling ” and “ A short treatise of fortifications ” ; also, “ Lemmata Archimedis e vetusto codice arabico a J. Gravio traducta, revisa a S. Foster;” also an appendix with “Extracts from letters wnUen by Im. Halton [on dialling];” and “^Equations arising from a quantity divided into two unequal parts, and the second book of Euclide’s Elements, demonstrated by species by J. Leeke.” Fresnel, A. (J.). CEuvres completes, publiees par El. de Senarmont, fi. Verde t, et L. Fresnel : tom. iii. Paris, 1870. 40. Frisi, P. Opera. Mediolani, 1782-85. 3 V. 40. Contents:— i. Algebra et geometria analytica. 1782. — ii. Mechanica universa et mechanics applicatio ad aquarum flu- entium theoriam. 1783. — iii. Cosmographia physica et mathe- matica. 1785. Galilei, G. Opere, in questa nuoua editione insieme raccolte, e di varij trattati dell’ istesso autore non piu stampati accresciute. Bologna, 1655-56. 2 V. 40. Contents: — i. Bastard title, frontispiece, title, dedication, preface of C. Manolessi, table of contents, letter to Galileo from Mafieo Barberini, poem arid epitaph, second bastard title and portrait (in all ii leaves), and then follow the various treatises with separate title-pages as follows : — 1. Le operation! del bompasso geometrico e militare. 1656.' 2. Annotation! di M. Bemaggeri sopra ’1 trattato dell’ in- strumento delle proportion! del Sig. Galilei. 1655. 3. Vsvs et fabrica circirii cvivsdam proper tionis, per quern omnia fere turn Euclidis, turn mathematicorum omnium proble- mata facili negotio resoluuntur; opera, et stvdio B. Caprae. ^^ 55 - 4. Difesa di Galilei contro alle calunie & imposture di B. Capra. 1655. 5. Discorso intorno alle cose, che stanno sii 1 ’ acqua, 6 che in quella si muouono ; 2® ed. 1655. 6. Discorso apologetico di L. delle Colombe d’ intorno al Dis- corso del S. Galilei, circa le cose, che stanno sir 1 ’ acqua, 6 chc in quella si muouono. 1655. 7. Consideration! di V. di Gratia sopra il Discorso del Sig. Galilei intoVno alle cose che stanno sii 1’ acqua, e che in quella si muouono. 1655. 8. Risposta alle opposition! del Sig. L. delle Colombe e del Sig. V. di Gratia contro all trattato del Sig. Galilei delle Cose che stanno sii 1’ acqua, 6 che in quella .si muouono. 1655. 9. Della scienza mecanica e delle vtilita che si traggono da gl’ instromenti di quella; con vn fragmento sopra la forza della percossa. 1655. [Also “ La bilancetta, nella quale, ad imita- tlone d’ Archimede nel problema della corona, s’ insegna a trouare la proportione del misto di due metalli insieme, e la fabrica dell’ istesso strumento. ”] ii. Bastard title “ Opere del Galileo, volvme sccondo.” 10. Syderevs nvncivs. 1655. 11. Continvatione del Nvntio sidereo di Galilei, ouero Saggio d’ istoria dell’ vltime sue osseruationi fatte in Saturno, Marte, Venere e Sole. 1655. 12. Istoria e dimostrationi intorno alle macchle solari e loro accident! comprese in tre lettere. 1655. [Also “ De macvlis solaribus tres epistolae.”] 13. De tribvs cometis anni M. DC. XVIII. disputatio astro- nomica publice habita in collegio romano societatis lesv ab vno ex patrlbus eiusdem societatis. 1655. 14. Discorso delle comete di M. Gvidvccl fatto da Ivi nell’ Academia fiorentina. 1655. [Said to be written by Galileo.] 15. 11 saggiatore nel quale con bilancia esquisita, e giusta si ponderano le cose contenute nella libra astronomica, e filosofica di L. Sarsi. 1655. 16. Lettera al Rev. T. Gallvzzi, di M. Gvidvcci nella quale si giustifica dell’ imputationi datcgli da L. Sarsi nella libra astronomica, e filosofica. 1655. [Also “ Ex libro inscripto Liteosphoros sev de lapide bononiensi F. Liceti caput qiiinqua- gesimum.” Also “Lettera del Sig. Galilei in proposito di quanto discorre F. Liceti sopra il candor hmarc, nel cinquantesi- mo capltolo del suo Litcosforo.” Also “ De Ivnarivm montivm altitvdine problema mathematievm habitvm ab vno ex patrlbus nostra; societatis lesv.” Also “Lettera del Sig. Galilei con- tenente vna dimostratione d’vn principio gia supposto dall’ autore nel suo trattato del moto accelerato ne’ dialoghi de’ moui- menti local!.”] 17. Lettera del Sig. Galilei in materia delle montuosita della Ivna. 1655. 18. Discorsi e dimostrationi matematiche Intorno a due nuouc scienze, attenenti alia mecanica, & i mouimenti local!. 1655. 19. Tavola. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. ^7 Galilei, G. Opere. Milano, 1808-11. 13 v. 80. Contents: — i. Vita, Prefazione universale, Operazioni del compasso geoinetrico e niilitare, Annotazioni di M. Pernaggeri, Usus et fabrica circini. — ii. Difesa contro P’. Capra, Discorso intorno alle cose che stanno in su 1 ’ acqua, Lettera di T. Nozzo- lini, Lettera a T. Nozzolini. — iii. Discorso di L. delle Co- lombo, Considerazioni di V. di Grazia, Risposta di Galileo. — iv. Considerazioni appart’enenti al libro di V. di Grazia, Della scienza meccanica. La bilancetta, Annotazioni di D. Mantovani, Osservazioni di P. Castelli e V. Viviani, Del modo di misurar con la vista, Nuncius sidereus. — v. Continuazione del Nunzio siderco, Le macchie solari. — vi. De maculis solaribus, Discorso delle comete di M. Guiducci, II saggiatore. — vii. Lettera di M. Guiducci, Ex libro Lileosphoros F. Liceti, Lettera sopra il candor lunare, De lunarium montium altitudine ab uno ex patribus societatis Jesu, Lettera di G. Piancano, Epistola C. Griemberger, Lettera a C. Griemberger, Lettera di C. Sassetti, Lettera sopra 1 ’ uso del canocchiale, Risposta ad un problema di P. Pardi, Lettere in proposito di trovare le longitudini per via de’ pianeti medicei, Operazioni astronomiche, Trattato della sfera, Lettere a P. Gualdo, F. Micanzio, P. Sarpi, ecc . — viii. Discorsi matemadche intorno a due nuove scienze atte- nenti alia meccanica (giornate i.-iii.). — ix. Meccanica (gior- nate iv.-vi), Trattato delle resistenze da V. Viviani e G. Grandi. — X. Lettere, Frammenti, Considerazione sopra il giuoco de’ dadi, Problemi varj, Indice (tonii i-io). — xi. Condanna di Galileo, Dissertazione sovra il sistema del mondo degli andchi Ebrei, Dialog! sui sistemi del mondo (giornate i., u.). — xii. Dialog! sui sistemi del mondo ^giornate iii., iv.). — Lettere ed illustrazioni vaij. Gauss, C. F. Werke, herausgegeben von der konig. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottin- gen. ier-iiier^ v^r Bd. Gottingen, 1863-67. 4 V. 40. Contents : — i. Di.squLsidones arithmeticae. — ii. Hohere Arilhmetik (Abhandlungen und Anzeigen). — iii. Algebraische Functionen, Gauss’ Reihe, Mittheilungen iiber verschiedene Schriften, Interpolation, Ellipdsche Functionen. — v. Mathe- madsche Physik (Abhandlungen, Aufsatze, Peobachtungen, und Anzeigen). Same, viier Bd. ; herausgegeben von E. J. Sobering. Gotha, 1871. 4®. Giaimini, P. Opuscula mathematica. Parmse, 1773. 40. Contents: — De hydraulica. — De cycloide contracta, ac pro- tracta. — De sectione determinata. Green, G. Mathematical papers edited by N. M. Ferrers. London, 1871. 8«. (2 copies.) Contents : — An essay on the application of mathematical analysis to the theories of electricity and magnetism. — Mathe- matical investigations concerning the laws of the equilibrium of fluids analogous to the electric lluld, with other similar re- searches. — On the determination of the extenor and interior attractions of ellipsoids of variable densities. — On the motion of waves in a variable canal of small depth and width. — C)n the reflexion and refraction of sound. — On the laws of re- flexion and refraction of light at the common surface of two non-crystallized media. — On the motion of waves in canals. — On the propagation of light in crjstallized media. — Re- searches on the vibration of pendulums in fluid media. Gregory, D. F. Mathematical writings, edited by W. Walton ; with a biograiihical memoir by R. L. Ellis. Cambridge, etc., 1865. 8«. Grunert, J. A. Beitriige zur reinen und ange- wandten Mathematik : i«r Theil. Brandenburg, 1838. 40. No more published. Grupelli, L. Memorie matematiche. Milano, ^^34- Contents: — i. Osservazioni Intorno alle equazioni di grado superiore al secondo. — 2. Serie logaritmiche. — 3. Osservazioni intorno alle serie ricorrend. — 4. Equazioni indeterminate di primo gmdo. Guglielmini, D. Opera omnia, mathematica, hydraulica, medica et physica; accessit vita autoris a J. B. Morgagfii. Genevae, 1719. 2 v. 4“. Contents: — 1. Mathematica, Hydraulica. — Ii. Medica, Phy- sica. Gunter, E. Works, containing the description and use of his sector, cross-staff, bow, quadrant, and other instruments : with a canon of artificial sines and tangents, to a radius of 10.00000 parts, and logarithms from an unite to loooo, with the use thereof in arithmetick, geometry, astronomy, navigation and dialling; corrected by 11. Bond; 4th ed., to which is added, the description and use of another sector with more lines, differing from that of Mr. Gunter, as also of a quadrant fitted with new lines, both invented and written by S. Foster; now published from his manuscripts; the whole work examined, and in many places enlarged by W. L[eybourn]. London, 1602. 40. The volume has three sub-titles which are given in their proper places. — — The crosse-stafife, in three books, the first containing its description, and the use thereof in taking of heights and distances ; the second, con- taines the use of the lines thereon in the measuring of all manner of superficies and solids ; the third containes the use of the lines of numbers, sines and tangents in dialling, to which is added an appendix, containing the description and use of a small porta- ble quadrant. London, 1662. 40. Published as a part of the author’s “ Works”. Guyot, . Nouvelles recreations physiques et mathematiques ; nouvelle ed. , corrigee & conside* rablement augmentee. Paris, 1 772-74. 3 v. 8®. Contents: — L’aimant, Mechanique, Nombres. — ii. Ge- ometrie, Optique, Perspective, Electricite. — iii. L’aimant, Jeu des gobelets, etc., Catoptrique, Dioptrique. Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O., editor. Rara math- ematica; or, A collection of treatises on the math- ematics and subjects connected with them, from an- cient inedited manuscripts. London, etc., 1839. 80. Includes treatises by J. de Sacro Bosco, W. Bourne, J. Robyns, A. de Villa Dei, D. de Merley, J. Norfolk and others. Halliwell’s own contributions are “ A few observations on the numerical contractions found in some manuscripts of the Trea- tise on geometrj- by Boetius,” and “Notes on early almanacs.” Horrebow, P. Opera mathematico - physica^ Havnioe, 1740-41. 3 v. in i. 40. Hutton, C. Tracts on mathematical and philo- sophical subjects. London, 1812. 3 v. 8«. Contents: — i. Bridges, Infinite series, Extraction of roots, Binomial theorem, Sphere and cone. Circles, Trigonometry without tables of sines, Machin’s quadrature of the circle. Quickly-converging .series for the circle, History of trigonomet- rical tables. History and construction of logarithms, Properties of the powers of numbers, New method for square-roots. Tables of squares, cubes, reciprocals, square-roots and cube-roots. — ii. Density of the earth, greatest attraction on the side of a hill. Cubic etjualions and infinite series. Sines, tangents, and secants of circular arcs. Spheroids and conoids. Comparison of curves, Cube-root of binomial radicals. History of algebra. New experi- ments in gunnery. — iii. New experiments in gunnery con- tinued, A new gunpowder eprouvette. The air’s resistance to bodies in motion. Theory and practice of gunnery. Solution of miscellaneous questions. Huyghens, C. Opuscula posthuma. Amste- lodami, 1728. 2 v. in i. 4'*. Contents: — i. Dioptrica, De formandis vitris. — ii. De coronis et parheliis, De motu corporum ex percussione, De vi centri- fuga, Dc.scriptio automat! planetarii. Bd. with his “ Opera rehqua.” Opera reli. Contents: — i. Mysterium cosntographicum. Apologia Ty- chonis, Literae de rebus astrologicis, Calcndariiim (1598, 1599), De fundamentis astrologiae. Judicium de Trigono igneo, Prog- nosticun (1605), Bericht von newen Stern (1604), Prognosticun (1618, 1619), Respon.sio ad Roeslinum, Tertius interWniens. — ii. Astronomia; pars optica, De tubo optico, De siella nova in Serpentario, lie Stella nova in Cygno, Phaenomenon singularc seu Mercurius in sole visus. — iii. Astronomia nova, Fragmenta studiorum ustronomicorum, Epistola de solis deli(|uiu. — iv. De calendario Gregoriano, De temporis initio, Chronologia Judmo- ruin, etc.. Ex Petavii libro de doctrina temporum, lie Christi vero anno natalitio, Bericht vom Geburt.sjahr Christi, Responsio ad Sethum Calvisium, De vero anno quo Dei filius humaiiaiu naturam assumsit, Eclogac chronicac, Kanoncs pucriles, Sy- i8 WO R ICS RELATING TO MATHEMATICS. nopsis aerarum usualium, Stereometria doliorum. — v. Har- monices mundi libri v., Cl. Ptolemaei Harmonicorum liber iii., Apologia adversus demonstrationem Roberti de Fluctibus, Auszug auss der Messe-Kunst Archimedis, De mensuris, Mensurae civitatis Ulmensis, Machina hydraulica. — vi. Epi- tome astronomiae Copernicanae, Tabulae Rudolphinae, Con- sideratio observatlonum Regiomontani et Waltheri. — vii. Von dem Kometen 1607, De cometis, Tychonis Brahei Hyperas- pistes, Chilias logarithmorum, Praecepta ex tabulis Rudolphi- nis, Ex ephemeridum volumine, Responsio ad epistolam J. Bartschii, De raris mirisque 1631 phaenomenis, Responsio ad epistolam Terrentii, Discurs von der grossen Conjunction 1623, De nive sexangula, Excerpta ex MSS. Pulkoviensibus. — viii. I. Bericht von Finstemussen, Astronomia lunaris, Appendix geographica, Plutarchus de facie in orbe lunae, Unterricht vom Sacrament, Carmina solemnia. Collectanea ex codicibus Pulko- viensibus, Judicium matris Kepleri. — viii. 2. Historia astro- nomiae seculo xvi., Kepleri vita [et epistolae], De Kepleri familia, De amicis Kepleri, Kepleri studia. Index rerum. Vol. viii. lacks title-page, in vol. viii. part 2. Lagrange, J. L. de. CEuvres, publi^es par J. A, Serret. Paris, 1867-77. 7 v. 40. Contents: — i. Vie de Lagrange par Delambre, Mhnoires extraits des recueils de V acadimie de Turin: — De maximis et minimis, L’integration d’une equation difFerentielle a diffe- rences finies. La nature et la propagation du son, Les maxima et les minima des formules integrales indefinies. Solutions des problemes de dynamique, de calcul integral et d’arithmetique. — ii. Mhnoires extraits des recueils de V acadimie de Turin: — L’integration de quelques equations differentielles. La me- thode des variations, Le mouvement d’un corps qui est attire vers deux centres fixes. La figure des colonnes. La methode de prendre le milieu entre les resultats de plusieurs observations. La percussion des fluides, Une nouvelle methode de calcul inte- gral pour les differentielles affectees d’un radical carre. — Md- moires extraits des recueils de Tacade'mie de Berlin : — Les courbes tautochrones, Le passage de Venus du 3 juin 1769, La solution des probRmes indetermines du second degr6. La reso- lution des equations numerique.s, Nouvelle methode pour re- soudre les problemes indetermines en nombres entiers. — iii. Me^noires extraits des recueils de T academic de Berlin : — Nouvelle methode pour resoudre les equations litterales. La force des ressorts plies, Le probleme de Kepler, L’ elimination des inconnues dans les equations, Les tautochrones. Demon- stration d’un theoreme d’arithmetique. La resolution algebrique des equations, Theoreme nouveau concernant les nombres pre- miers, U ne nouvelle espece de calcul relatif a la differentiation et a I’integration des quantites variables. La forme des racines imaginaires des dquations, Les refractions astronomiques, L’in- t^gration des equations a differences partielles. Solution du probleme du mouvement de rotation d’un corps, L’attraction des spheroides elliptiques. Solutions de quelques problemes sur les pyramides triangulaires, Recherchas d’arithmetique. — iv. Menioires extraits des recueils de V acaddmie de Berlin : — Les integrales particulieres des equations differentielles, Le mouve- ment des nceuds des orbites planetaires, Recherches sur les suites recurrentes, L’alteration des moyens mouvements des planetes, Solutions de quelques problemes d’astronomie sphe- rique, L’ usage des fractions continues dans le calcul integral. Solution d’un probleme de geomdtrie. La determination du nombre des racines imaginaires dans les equations litterales, Quelques problemes de I’analyse de Diophante, Le mouvement de plusieurs corps qui d’attlrent mutuellement. Reflexions sur I’^chappement, i.e probleme de la determination des orbites des comctes. La thcorie des lunettes, Une maniere particuliere d’exprimer le temps dans les sections coniques. Questions d’analy.sc rekitives a la theorie des integrales particulieres. La construction des c.artcs geographiques. La theorie du mouve- ment des lluidcs. — v. Alemoires extraits des recueils de T academic de Berlin : — '1 hdorie de la libration de la lune, 'I heoric des variations sdculaires des ^l(Jments des planetes, 'I’h^orie des variations pdriodiques des mouvements des pla- nctes, Sur les variations seculaires des mouvements moyens des i)lanetcs, Rectification des methodes pour I’integration des Equations du mouvement des iilanetes, Sur une methode parti- culierc d’approximation et d’intcrpolation, Sur une nouvelle pro- priete du centre de gravity, M6thodc pour int^grer les equations aux differences partielles du premier ordre, 'I'heorie geome- triqiie du mouvement des aphelies des jilanetes, Sur la maniere dc rectifier deux endroits des Brincipes de Newton, Sur une question concernant les anniiit^s, Sur I’expression du termc general des .series recurrentes, Sur les sph6roidcs elliptiques, Sur la methode d’interpolation, Sur I’dquation siiculaire de la lune, Sur une loi gdn^rale d'oplique. — vi. Mdmoires extraits des recueils de T academic des sciences de Paris : — Recherches sur la K'jration dc la lune, Recherches sur les indgalit^s des satellites de Jujiiter, Sur le probleme des trois corps, Sur 1 ’^- uation sdculaire de la lune, Sur la theorie des perturbations es cometes, Formation dcs tables des planetes d’apres les ob- servations, Sur les Equations s6culaires dcs mouvements dcs nocuds, etc., Sur la theorie des variations des 6Rincnts dcs pla- netes, etc., Sur la th6orie g6n6rale de la variation des constantes arbitraircs. — vii. Additions aux tldmenU d’algebre d’Euler, Le9ons elementaires sur les mathematiques, Essai d’analyse numerique sur la transformation des fractions, Sur le principe des vitesses virtuelles. Discours sur I’objet de la theorie des fonctiqns analytiques, Solutjons de quelques problemes relatifs aux triangles spheriques, Eclaircissement d’une difficulte sin- guliere qui se rencontre dans le calcul de I’attraction des sphe- roides tres-peu differents de la sphere, Sur I’origine des co- metes, Sur la methode des projections pour le calcul des eclipses de soleil ou d’etoiles, Sur le calcul des eclipses su- jettes aux parallaxes, Nouvelle methode pour determiner I’or- bite des cometes. Nouveau moyen de determiner les longitudes de Jupiter et de Saturne, Sur la diminution de I’obliquite de I’ecliptique, Sur les interpolations, Valeurs des variations an- nuelles des elements des orbites des planetes. Determination des elements de I’orbite d’une planete ou d’une comete, etc., Essai d’arithmetique politique, Sur un paradoxe qu’on ren- contre dans les formules de I’attraction d’un point vers une sur- face spherique quelconque, Sur la metaphysique du calcul in- finitesimal, Formules relatives au mouvement du boulet dans I’interieur du canon. Landen, J. Mathematical lucubrations. Lon- don, 1755. 40. Mathematical memoirs. London, 1780-89. 2 V. 40. Vol. i. has a separately paged appendix. Contents : — i. Equilibriums, Ellipsis and hyperbola. Descent of a body in a circular arc. Centrifugal force of the particles of a body. Sums of series. New property of the C5rcloid, Motion of a body in the same plane. Motion of a body in a spherical surface. Motion of a body m any variable plane. Tables of theo- rems for the calculation of fluents. — ii. Motion of a body re- volving on a horizontal plane. Rotatory motion of a sphere, Rotatory nriotiqn of bodies. Precession of the equinoxes. Rota- tion of bodies in free space. Roots of a cubic equation. Laplace, P. S. de. CEuvres. Paris, 1843-47. 7 V. 4 *’- . _ Contents : — i. Mecanique c6!este, livres i., ii. — ii. Mecanique celeste, livres iii.-v. — iii. Mecanique celeste, livres vi., vii. — iv. Mecanique celeste, livres viii.-x. — v. Mecanique celeste, livres xi.-xvi. — vi. Systeme du monde. — vii. Theorie des probabilites. Leibnitz, G. W. von. Mathematische Schrif- ten, herausgegeben von C. I. Gerhardt. Berlin [Halle], 1849-63. 7 V. in 8. 8®. le Abth. Bd. i.-iv. Briefwechsel ; 26 Abth. i.-iii. Mathema- tische Abhandlungen. Leurchon, J. Mathematical recreations : or, A collection of many problems extracted out of the ancient and modern philosophers as secrets and ex- periments in arithmetick, geometry, cosmography, horologiography, astronomy, navigation, opticks, not vulgarly manifest till now ; written first in Greek and Latin, lately compil’d in French by H. Van Etten and now in English ; whereunto is added the description and use of the double horizontal dyal and the general horological ring, invented and writ- ten by W. Oughtred. London, 1674. sm. 8®. “The author calls himself Van Etten, but his real name was Father J. Leurchon, a Jesuit. This work contains very curi- ous problems, viz. ‘ Comment on peut charger un canon sans poudre’ (b> steam or heated air), and several arithmetical questions.” — See the Cdtalogue 0/ the library of M. Libri, no. 6137. [Mansfield, J.] Essays, mathematical and physical. New Haven, n. d. 8®. Contents: — Of negative quantities in algebra. — Goniomet- rical properties. — Nautical astronomy. — Of the longitude.— Orbicular motion. — Investigation of the loci. — Fluxionary analysis. — Theory of gunnery. — Theory of the moon. Marolois, S. Opera mathematica, ou CEuvres mathematiques traictans de geometrie, perspective, architecture et fortification, nouveau reueu, aug- mentee et corrigee par A. Girard. Amsterdam, 1628. fo. Maurolycus, F. Opuscula mathematica, nunc primum in lucem tedita. Venetijs, 1575. 4®. Newton, I. Opera qute exstant omnia commen- tariis illustrabat S. Horsley. Londini, 1779-85. 5 V. 40. Contents: — i. Arithmetica universalis, De rationibus. Analy- sis, Ex epistolis ad series fluxionesque pertinentia, De qua- dratura curvarum, Geoinetria analytica, Methodus differentialis, F.numeratio linearum tertii ordinis. — ii. Brincipiorum lib. i.,iL — iii. Brincipiorum lib. iii.^ De rnundi systemate, Theoria lunae, Lectioncs opticac, Ilorsleii de viribus centralibus. — iv. Optics, CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 19 Letters on natural philosophy, Letter to Boyle on gravitation, Tabula: caloruin ct refraction uin, De probleinatis Bernouillianis, The motion of a body urged by two central forces. Four letters to Bentley, Commerciuin epistolicum, Additamenta ex His- toria Huxionum Raphsoni. — v. Chronology, A short chronicle. Observations upon the Prophecies, Two notable corruptions of Scripture. Newton, I. Opuscula mathematica, philosophica et philologica; collegit partimque Latin^ vertit ac recensuit J. Castillioneus. Lausannee, etc.y 1744. 3 V. 4 "’- Contents: — i. Analysis per aequationes numero terminorum infinitas, Methodus fluxionum serierum infinitarum, De quad- rature curvarum, Enumeratio linearum tertii ordinis, Methodus differentialis, Solutio duorum problematum, a Bemoullio propo- sitorum, Epistolse. — ii. De mundi systemate, Lectioiies opticae, Scripta inserta Transactionibus philosophicis, De natura acido- rum, Scala graduum caloris & frigoris. — iii. Brevla chronica, Chronologia veterum regnorum. Ad Danielis vaticinia observa- tiones, De Judaeorum cubitis. Nicholson, P. Analytical and arithmetical essays ; consisting of continued fractions — figurable numbers ; an entire new method of the transforma- tion of equations ; to which are added essays on the method of finite differences — indeterminate equa- tions ; and the combinatorial analysis. London, 1821. 80. Ozanam, J. Recreations mathematical and phys- ical, laying down and solving many problems of arithmetick, geometry, opticks, gnomonicks, cos- mography, mechanicks, physicks and pyrotechny; done into English. London, 1708. 8°. Pascal, B. Qiuvres completes. Paris, 1864-65. 3 V. sm. 8®. Contents: — i., ii. Theological and viiscella 7 ieous ivorks. — iii. Physical. Experiences touchant le vide, De I’equilibre des liqueurs, De la pesanteur de I’air. Mathetnatical. De I’csprit geomdtrique, Essais pour les coniques. Machine arithmetique, Du triangle arithmetique, Des ordres num^riques, Problemes sur la cycloide, Histoire de la roulette, Des trilignes rectangles, Des sinus du quart du cercle, Des arcs de cercle, Des solides circulaires, Traite gen^rale de la roulette. Table analytique. Playfair, J. Works ; with a memoir of the author. Edinburgh, 1822. 4 v. 8®. Contents : — i. Life, by F. Jeffrey, The Huttonian theory of the earth. — ii. General view of the progress of mathematical and physical science. — iii. Arithmetic of impossible quantities. Causes which affect the accuracy of barometneal measurements, Astronomy of the Brahmins, Borisms, 'i'rigonometrical tables of the Brahmins, Theorems relating to the figure of the earth, Solids of greatest attraction. Progress of heat in spherical bodies, etc. — iv. Lives of .M. Stewart, J. Hutton and J. Robi- son, I'rigonometrical survey of England, Reviews of Alechtiin et Delainbre (Systeme m^tnque), Laplace (Mecanique celeste), Le compte-rendu par I’institut de I'rance, Lambton (Measure- ment of an arch of the meridian), Laplace (Essai sur les proba- bilites. Rieinaiin, B. Gesammelte matliematische Werke und wissenschafllicher Nachlass; heraus- gegeben von 11 . Weber. Leipzig, 1876. 1 . Salusbury, T. Matliematical collections and translations. London, 1661. 2 v. f^*. Contents : — i. Galileus his system of the world, Gallleus, his epistle to the (>rand Dutchesse Mother, concerning the author- ity of holy Scripture in jihilosophical controversies, J. Kep- lerus, his reconcilings of Scripture texts, &c., Didacus a Stunica his reconcilings of Scripture texts, ^!:c., 1 *. A. Foscarinus, his cjiistle to Father Fantonus, reconciling the authority of Script- ure, and judgments of divines alledged against this system. — ii. H. Castellus, his discourse of the mensuration of running waters. Each treatise has a separate title. Schooteu, F% van. Mathematische oeffenin- gen begrepen in vijf boecken. Amsterdam, 1659- 60, 4«. Each book has a separate title-page. Co 7 itcnts : — i. Verhandeling van vijftig arlthmetische en vijftig gcomctrische voorstellen. 1659. — Ontbinding der simpele meet-konstige werck-stucken. i66o. — iii. Apollonii Pergaei herstelde vlacke plaetsen. 1660. — iv. Tuych-werck- elijcke beschrijving der kegel-sneden op een vlack. 1660. — v. Dertich afdeelingen van gemengde stoffe ; waer bij gevougt is een tractat, handelende van reeckening in speelen van geluck, door C. Hugenius. 1660. Exercitationvm mathematicarum libri quin- que. Lvgd. Batav., 1657. 40. Above is bastard title, except date and place. Each book has a separate title-page. Contents: — i. Propositionum arithmeticarvm et geometrica- rvm centuria. 1657. — ii. Constructio problematum simplicium geometricorvm. 1656. — iii. Apollonii Pergaei loca plana res- tituta. 1656 iv. Organica conicarum sectionum in piano descriptio. 1657. — v. Sectiones triginta miscellaneae ; quibus accedit C. Hugenii tractatus, De ratiociniis in ludo aleae. 1657. Simpson, T. Mathematical dissertations on a variety of physical and analytical subjects. London, 1743 - 4 ^"- Stevin, S. Les oeuvres mathematiques, ou sont inser^es les memoires math^matiqves, le tout reveu, corrige & augmente par A. Girard. Leyde, 1634. 2 V. in I. fo, ■Vol. ii. has no title-page. Tacquet, A. Opera mathematica. Antverpioe, 1669. fo. Verdet, E. QLuvres ; publi^es par les soins de ses 6Rves. Paris, 1868-73. ^ 'v* in 9. 8°. Co 7 itetits : — i. Notes et memoires. 1872. — ii., iii. Cours de physique; publid par E. Fernet. 1868-69. 2 v. — iv. Conferences de physique; publiees par D. Gernez. 1872. apt. — V., vi. Lefons d’optique physique; publi6es par A. Lcvistal. 1869-70. 2 V. — vii., viii. Theorie mecanique de la chaleur; pubh6e par MM. Prudhon et Violle. 1868-72. 2 v. Vieta, F. Opera mathematica, in unum volumen congesta, ac recognita; opera atque studio P'. ^ Schooteu. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, 1646. fo. Wallis, J. Opera mathematica. O.xonicc, 1695- 99. 3 V. fo. Cofitents : — i. Oratio inauguralis, Mathesis universalis, scu Opus arithmeticum, Adversus M. Meibomii de proportionibus dialogum, De sectionibus conicis, Arithmetica infmitorum, Eclipsis Solaris observatio, 2 Aug. 1654, De cycloide tractatus, Tractatus episiolaris, ad D. Hugenium, Mechainca. 1695. — ii. De algebra tractatus, cum variis appendicibus, 1693. — iii. Claudii I’tolemmi, Porphyrii, Manuelis Bryennii Harmonica, Archimedis Arenarius & Dimensio circuli, cum Eutocii Com- mentario, Aristarchi Samii, De magnitudinibus & distantiis solis & lima; liber, Pappi Alexandrini libri secundi fragmentum, cpistola: et opu.scula miscellanea. 1699. Wilkins, J. Mathematical and philosophical works. T'o which is prefix’d the author’s life. London, 1708. 5 pt. in i v. 8®. Each part has a separate title-page. Contents : — i. The discovery of a new world ; or A di.s- course tending to prove that ’tis probable there may be another habitable world in the moon. — ii. 'I'hat ’tis probable our earth is one of the jilanets. — iii. Mercury, or 'I'he secret and swift messenger. — iv. Mathematical magick. — v. An abstract of his essay towards a real character and a philosophical language. Same. London, 1802. 2 v. 8«. Young, J. R. Mathematical dissertations for the use of students in the modern analysis ; with improvements in the practice of Sturm’s theorem, in the theory of curvature, and in the summation of infinite series. London, 1841. 8®. 20 WORKS RE LA TING TO MA THEM A TICS. Courses and General Works on Mathematics. Belidor, B. F. de. Nouveau cours de math6- matique a I’usage de I’artillerie et du genie. Nou- velle ed., corrig^e & considerablement augmentee. Paris, 1757. 4®. pp. xxxii., 656. Plates. Bezout, E. Cours de math^matiques k I’usage des gardes du pavilion et de la marine. Paris, an iii. [1767]. 5 v. 8®. Contents: — i. Arithm6tique, 1767. — ii. G6om6trie et trigo- nometrie rectiligne et spherique. 1771. — iii. Algebre. 1768. — iv. Mechanique et principes de c^cuL 1767. 2 v. Bjorn Gunnlaugsson. Tolvi'si samantekin a6 tilhlutun og a kostnab bins islenzka bokmentafb- lags. Reykjavik, 1865. 8®. f. (i), pp. 400. Bjom Gunnlaugsson is the distinguished Icelandic topog- rapher. Blum, A. Cours complet de mathematiques a I’usage des aspirants a toutes les ecoles du gouverne- ment. Paris, 18^-45. 2 v. 8®. Contents: — i. Arithmetique et algebre 61ementaire. 1844. — ii. Geometrie elementaire, trigonometrie rectiligne, trigo- nometrie spherique, elements de geometrie descriptive. 1845. Camus, C. E. L. Cours de math^matique. Paris, 1749-52. 3 pt. in 4v. 8®. Contents: — 1. Elemens d’arithmetique. 1749. — ii- Siemens de geometrie theorique et pratique. 1750. — lii. Elemens de mechanique statique. 1751-52. 2 v. Cape, J. A course of mathematics principally designed for the use of students in the East India company’s military college at Addiscombe. 5th ed. London, 1857. 2 v. 8®. Contents: — i. Arithmetic, logarithms, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, mensuration. — ii. Curves and surfaces, mechan- ics, calculus, astronomy. Capmany, G. de, y B. Bails. Tratados de mathematica. Madrid, 1772. 4®. ff. (ii), pp. 404- Contains arithmetic, geometry, plane trigonometry and prac- tical geometry. [Castel, L. B.] Math^matique universelle abr^gee ; ou Ton donne une notion g6n6rale de toutes les sciences mathematiques, & une connoissance particulibre des sciences geometriques. Paris, 1728. 4®. pp. X., f. (i), pp. 672. Tables. Catalan, E. Manuel des candidats a I’Ecole polytechnique. Paris, 1857-58. 2 v. sm. 8®. Contents : — i. Algebre, trigonometrie, geometrie analytique k deux dimensions. 1857. — ii. Geometrie analytique a trois dimensions, mecanique. 1858. Day, J. A course of mathematics, containing the principles of plane trigonometry, mensuration, navigation and surveying. New Haven, etc., 1851. 8®. ff. (3), pp. 155, ff. (2), pp. 96, ff. (2), pp. 1 19. (2 copies.) Dechales, C. F. M. Cursus seu mundus mathe- maticus ; editio altera ex manuscriptis authoris aucta & emendata, operd & studio A. Varcin. Lug- duni, 1690. 4 V. fo. Co 7 itents : — \. De progressv matheseos, de illustribus math- cmaticis, Euclidis libri xiv, 'I'heodosii spha;rica, de sectioni- bus conicis, arithmetica, trigonometria, algebra, hypotheseon Cartesiananim rcfutatio. — ii. Geoinetria practica, mechanice.s, sUitica, gcogrnphia, de niagnete, architectonica civilis, ars tig- naria, de laijiduni sectione. — iii. Architcctura nulitaris, hydro- statica, de fr)ntibus et fluviis, de in.achinis hydraiilicis, de navi- gatione, optica, perspectiva, catoptrica, dioptrica. — iv. Mu- sica, pyrotechnia, astrolabiuin, gnomonica, astronomia, astro- logia, de metcoris, kalendarium. Dewan Kdnh Ji. Khazdnat ul ilm, or The trea.sury of science, being a course of instruction in the various branches of mathematics. Calcutta, 1837. 4®. ff. (2), pp. (873). Ihc title-page only is m English; the text is in Persian. — See Brunet, iL 663. Emerson, W. Cyclomathesis, or An easy in- troduction to the several branches of the mathemat- ics, being principally designed for the instruction of young students, before they enter upon the more abstruse and difficult parts thereof. Introduction. London, 1763. 8®. pp. xvi. A general title to the works of Emerson in 8®. Francoeur, L. B. Cours complet de mathema- tiques pures ; ouvrage destinb aux elbves des bcoles normale et polytechnique et aux candidats qui se preparent a y etre admis. 4® ed., revue et aug- ment^e. Paris, 1837. 2 v. 8®. Plates. Contents: — i. Arithmetique, algebre elementaire, geometrie. — ii. Algebre superieure, analyse a trois dimensions, calcul differentiel et integral, calcul des differences. A complete course of pure mathematics; translated from the French by R. Blakelock. Cam- bridge, etc., 1829-30. 2 V. 8®. Contends : — i. Arithmetic, elementary algebra, geometry, analytical geometry. 1829. — ii. Algebra, analysis of three dimensions, calculus. 1830. Goodwin, H. An elementary course in mathe- matics, designed principally for students of the uni- versity of Cambridge. 3d ed. Cambridge, etc., 1849. 8®. pp. xvi., 528. Haller von Hallerstein, F., baron von. Lehr- buch der Elementar-Mathematik, fiir die durch al- lerhochste Verordnung vom 4. Feb. 1844 fest-gesetzte Eintritts- oder Portepeefahnrichs - Priifung in der koniglich preussischen Armee bearbeitet. 2® Aufl. Berlin, 1851. 8®. pp. xii., 484. Hutton, C. A course of mathematics ; com- posed for the use of the royal military academy; with many corrections and improvements, by O. Gregory. London, 1831-32. 3 v. 8®. Contents: — i. Arithmetic, logarithms, algebra, geometry, loth ed. 1831. — ii. Plane trigonometry, mensuration, land sur- veying, conic sections, statics, dynamics, hydrostatics, pneu- matics, fluxions, etc. loth ed. 1831. — iii. Conic sections, iso- perimetry, trigonometry, polygonometry, equations, curves, gunnery, promiscuous exercises, etc. 5th ed. 1832. Same. 12th ed., with considerable altera- tions and additions by T. S. Davies. London, 1841-43. 2 V. 8®. Contents: — i. Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, plane trigo- nometry, mensuration. 1841. — ii. Spherical trigonometiy, conic sections, transversals, co-ordinates, lines of the second order, curves, calculus. 1843. Solutions of the principal questions of Dr. Hutton’s Course of mathematics ; by T. S. Davies. London, 1840. 8®. pp. xii., 551 - Lamy, B. Elemens des mathematiques, ou Traits de la grandeur en g^n^ral qui comprend I’arithmetique, I’algebre, I’analyse, etc. 3® ed., re- veue & augmentee. Amsterdam, 1692. 12®. pp. xi., 416, ff. (4). Lorenz, J. F. Grundriss der reinen und ange- wandten Mathematik, oder Erster Cursus der ge- sammten Mathematik. Helmstedt, 1799-1837. 2 Theile in 3 v. 8®. Contents: — i. i. Die reine Mathematik: 6e Ausg., heraus- gegeben von C. L. Gerling. 1837. — i. 2. Grundlehren der all- gemeinen Grbssenberechnung; 6« Ausg., herausgegeben von H. Birnbaum. 1835. — ii. Die angewandte Mathematik; 2* Ausg. 1799. Ludlam, W. The rudiments of mathematics. 4th ed. London, 1794. 8®. pp. vi., 226. Mathematical sciences (The) : including sim- ple arithmetic, algebra, and the elements of Euclid by J. R. Young ; planes, spherical trigonometry, series, logarithms and mensuration by J. F. Twis- den ; and practical geometry by A. Jardine. Lon- don, 1854. 8®. ff. (2), pp. viii., 454. Also with the title: — “Orr’s circle of the sciences: the mathematical sciences.” CORNELL UNlVERSri'Y. 2 Metius, A. Aritlimeticse libri clvo et geometrijE libri vi., in quibus etiam tractatur trigonometria planorvm, geodacsia, vsvs circini & regvlae propor- tionalis, architectvra militaris, problemata astrono- mica, sciaterica horologia; editio postrema priore multo auctior. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, suniptibus BonaventnrcB 6^ Abrahami Elseviriortcni^ 1640. 40. ff. (8), pp. 426, ff. (15). Lettered “ Geestevelt” Moore, J. A mathematical compendium; or Useful practices in arithmetick, geometry, and as- tronomy, geography and navigation, embattelling and quartering of armies, fortification and gunnery, gauging and dyalling. 2ded. London, 168 1. 120. ff. (12), pp, 120, ff. (89). Logarithms bd. in same vol. Muller, J. Elements of mathematics ; to which is prefixed the first principles of algebra. 3d ed., improved. With a new treatise on perspective. London, 1765. 2 v. in i. 8®. pp. xxxvi., 312. A new system of mathematics ; to which is prefixed the first principles of algebra. London, 1769. 80. ff. (2), pp. xl., 92. Oiiebar, A. B. A course of pure and mixed mathematics for the use of the Elphinstone institu- tion at Bombay. London, 1848-50. 2 v. 120. Contents: — Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, difterential calculus, mechanics, hydrostatics, optics and as- tronomy. Sauri, or Saury, , Pabbe. Cours complet de mathemaliques. Paris, 1774. 5 v. 8®. Contents: — i. Calcul, geometrie. — ii. Sections coniques, courbes algebriques, courbes transcendantes. — iii. Calcul diffe- rentiel. — iv. Calcul integral. — v. Calcul integral, calcul des variations, problemes physico-mathdmatiques. Schott, K. Cursus mathematicus, sive absoluta omnium matheinaticarum disciplinarum encyclopae- dia, in libros xxviii. digesta, Bambergoe, 1677. f®. ff. (12), pp. 660, ff. (28). Ward, J. The young mathematician’s guide, being a plain and easie introduction to the mathe- maticks, in five parts. London, 1709, 8®. ff. (4), PP- 45 I+- Webber, S. Mathematics compiled from the best authors. 2d ed. Cambridge, [Mass,], 1808. 2 V, 80, Co7itents : — i. Arithmetic, logarithms, algebra, geometry, mensuration of superficies. — ii. Mensuration of solids, gauging, heights and distances, surveying, navigation, conic sections, dialing, spheric geometry, spheric trigonometry, spheric as- tronomy. Wells, E, The young gentleman’s course of mathematicks, containing tlie more useful elements of arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, mechanicks, opticks, astronomy, chronology, dialling. London, 1713-36- 3 V. 8«. Contents: — 1. Arithmetic, geometry. — ii. Trigonometry & tables, mechanics, optics. — iii. Astronomy, chronology, dialling. 'I'he general titles of vol. i. andii. are dated 1714. Vol. i. has two other title-pages of “ the second edition ” dated 1723 ; vol. ii. has two title-pages dated 1713; vol. iii. is “4th ed.”, 1736. Wolf, C. Elementa matheseos universoe. lOdi- tio novissima, multo auctior et correctior. Genevae, 1743-52- 5 .V- 4 «- Contents : — i. De methodo mathematica, arithmetica, geo- metria, trigonometria plana, elementa analyscos. 1743. — ii- Mechanica, statica, hydrostatica, aerometria, hydraulica. 1746. — iii. Optica, perspectiva, catoptrica, dioptrica, sphacrica, tngo- nonietria sphaerica, astronoinia. 1747. — iv. (jeographia, hy- drographia, chronologia, gnomonica, pyrotechnia, architectura. 1749. — V. De praecipuis scriptis matheiuaticis, de studio math- ematico. 1752. Correspondence of Mathematicians. Collins, J., and others. Commercium epistoli- cum J. Collins et aliorum de analysi promota, etc., ou Correspondance de J. Collins et d’autres savants cdl6bres du xvii® sii:cle, relative 1 ’analyse sup6- rieure, publide par J. B. Biot et E. Lefort. Paris, 1856. 40. pp. XV., 293 -f-. Fuss, P. H., editor. Correspondance math^ma- tique et physique de quelques c^lebres geometres du xviiio si^cle, pr^c^d^e d’une notice sur les tra- vaux de L. Euler, et publiee sous les auspices de r Academic imperiale des sciences de Saint- Peters- bourg. St. Petersbourg, 1843. 2 v. 8^. Contefits : — i. Euler et Goldbach. — ii. J. Bernoulli pere, N. Bernoulli, D. Bernoulli et Goldbach. A “ Liste des ouvrages de L. Euler” is in vol. i. Newton, I., and R. Cotes. Correspondence, including letters of other eminent men, now first published, with an appendix, containing other un- published letters and papers by Newton ; with notes, by J. Edleston. London, etc. 1850. 80. pp. xcviii., f. (i), pp. 316. Heretical or Eccentric Literature. Davis, J. The measure of the circle ; perfected in Jan. 1845. Providence, 1854. 8®. pp. 155+. [F., G.] A short correspondence with the editor of the Glasgow mechanics’ magazine, respecting a method of reducing algebraic equations ; by a friend to science. Glasgow, 1824. 8«. pp. 16. Lettered “ Mathematical pamphlets.” Faber, T. Mathematical and philosophical man- ifesto declaring numerous theorems, problems, post- ulates, corollaries, growing out of the extraordinary and most significant discovery of a lacking link in the demonstration of the world-renowned pythagorean problem. New York, 1872. 8®. pp. 34. Harris, J. The circle and straight line. Mon- treal, 1875. 4 pt. in I V. 80, and IHates, i v. Supplementary note in revision, to books first and second. London, 1877. 8®. Parker, J. A. The quadrature of the circle, containing demonstrations of the errors of geometry in finding the approximation in use, the quadrature of the circle and practical questions on the ([uad- raturc, applied to the astronomical circles ; with an appendix. New York, 1851. 8^. pp. 212. Smith, James. The geometry of the circle, and mathematics as applied to geometry by mathe- maticians, shewn to be a mockery, delu.sion and a snare. Liverpool, etc., 1869. 8*^. pp. viii., 405. Young, A. The fractional family, being the first part of spirit-mathematics-matter. London, etc., 1864. 8«. pp. xvi., 141. Miscellaneous Applications. Cardano, G. Opvs novvm de proportionibvs nvmerorvm, motvvm, pondervm, sonorvm, aliarvm- qve rervm mensurandarum, proeterea artis magiue, sive de regvlis algebraicis liber vnvs, totius arith- meticae thesaurus item, De aliza regvla liber. Ba- siled, [1570]. f*’. ff. (8), pp. 271, 163, ff. (4), pp. III. Chaiion, H. Th^orie math^matique des opera- tions financieres. Paris, 1869. 80. pp. xvi., 152, 69. Coriolis, G. (G.). I'h^orie math^matique des effets du jeu de billard. Paris, 1835. 8‘>. pp. vii.-f, 174. De Morgan, H. Formal logic, or The calculus of inference, necessary and probable. liOndon, 1847. 80. pp. xvi., 336. 22 IVORKS EE LA TING TO MA THEM A TICS. Drobisch, M. W. Quaestionummathematico- psychologicarum specimen iii. [Lipsiae, 1837. ] 40. PP- 15 - Same. Specimen iv. [Lipsiae, 1837.] 4°. PP- 24 - Dupin, (F. P.) C. Mathematics practically ap- plied to the useful and fine arts ; adapted to the state of the arts in England by G. Birkbeck. Hali- fax, 1854. 80. f. (i), pp, xvi., 301. Gregory, O. Mathematics for practical men, being a commonplace book of pure and mixed math- ematics designed chiefly for the use of civil en- gineers, architects and surveyors ; enlarged by H. Law; 4th ed., carefully revised and corrected by J. R. Young. London, 1862. 8®. pp. xx., 392, f. (i), pp. 106. Pliilosopliical essay (A) on the game of bill- iards, wherein the theory is minutely examined upon physical principles, and familiarly exhibited by easy transitions from causes to effects, with plates illus- trating the several propositions advanced. By an amateur. London, n. d. 8®. pp. 59, 4. Signed Philobill. RaiiMne, W. J. M., editor. Shipbuilding, the- oretical and practical illustrated by a series of en- gravings from drawings furnished by some of the most eminent British shipbuilders. By I. Watts, W. J. M. Rankine, F. K. Barnes, J. R. Napier. London, etc.^ 1866. f®. f. (i), pp. xi.-f-, 300. Philosophy, Method, and Uses {inchiding works on mathe^natical education}, o Akerberg, H. S. De analogia mathematica. Lundoe, 1836. 4®. f. (i), pp. 19. Amersfoordt, J. P. Dissertatio de axiomatibus. Lugduni-Batavorum, 1841. 8®. ff. (3), pp. iv., 64. Bacon, R. Specvla mathematica, in qua de spe- ciervm mvltiplicatione, earundemque in inferioribus virtute agitur; liber omnium scientiarum studiosis apprime vtilis, editus opera & studio J. Combachii. Francofvrli, 1614. 4®. ff. (4), pp. 83. Bd. with his “ Perspectiva.” Bailly, C. R^forme de la g^om^trie, livr. I-5. Paris, 1857-58. 8®. Barrow, I. The usefulness of mathematical learning explained and demonstrated, being math- ematical lectures read in the publick schools at the university of Cambridge ; to which is prefixed [his] oratorical preface spoke before the university on his being elected Lucasian professor of the mathemat- ics; translated by J. Kirkby. London, 1734. 8®. pp. xxxii., 440, ff. (8). Beeck Calkoen, J. F. van. De praestantia et utilitate disciplinae mathematicae ad omnem in- genuam institutionem. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1806. 4®. pp. 51-f. [Berkeley, G.] The analyst; or A discourse addressed to an infidel mathematician, wherein it is examined whether the object, principles and infer- ences of the modern analysis are more distinctly conceived or more evidently deduced, than religious mysteries and points of faith ; by the author of The minute philosopher. London, 1734. 8®. ff. (4), pp. 94. Bd. with Robins on Newton. Bernhardt, . Das unendliche nach der Stu- fenfolge der kosmischen Anschauungen. Witten- berg, 1852. 4®. f. (i), pp. 26. Bledsoe, A T. The philosophy of mathematics with special reference to the elements of geometry and the infinitesimal method. Philadelphia, 1868. 12®. pp. 248. Bubendey, G. H. Bemerkungen fiber die Axiome in den Elementen des Euklides. Hamburg, 1848. 4®. f. (i), pp. 20. Carnot, L. N. M., Comte. Reflexions on the metaphysical principles of the infinitesimal analysis ; translated by W. R. Browell. Oxford, 1832. 8®. pp. vi., f. (i), pp. 132. Comte, A. The philosophy of mathematics, translated from the Cours de philosophie positive by W. M. Gillespie. New York, i860. 8®. pp. 260. Cournot, A. A. De I’origine et des limites de la correspondance entre I’algebre et la geom^tide. Paris, etc., 1847. 8®. pp. viii., 399. Davies, C. The logic and utility of mathemat- ics, with the best method of instruction explained and illustrated. New York, etc., 1850. 8®. pp. 375 - Same. New York, 1851. 8®. pp. 375 - Dietz, . Versuch, den Begriff des Differen- zials zu entwickeln. Schleusingen, [1832]. 4®. pp. iv., 26. Diihring, E. K. De tempore, spatio, causalitate atque de analysis infinitesimalis logica. — Diss. inaug. Berqlini, [1861]. 8®. ff. (2), pp. 130-f-. Duhamel, J. M. C. Des methodes dans les sciences de raisonnement. Paris, 1868-78. 5 v. in 3. 8®. le, 26 pt. are “a® ed.” Eichhorn, C. F. Dissertatio inauguralis de semiologistica ex principiis arithmographicis repe- tita. Gottingae, 1826. 8®. pp. 36. Enschede, W. A. De disciplinarum mathe- maticarum et physicarum auxiliis. Groningae, 1836. 4®. pp. 23. Ermerins, J. W. De matheseos vi ad acuen- dum veri sensum. Groningae, 1835. 4®. pp. 21. De studio matheseos ad plurimorum homi- num ingenia accommodato. Franequerae, 1825. 4®. pp. 16. Ewyck, D. J. van. Dissertatio inauguralis de comparata cognitionis in mathesi et in philosophia indole. Trajecti ad Rhenum, [1830]. 8®. pp. viii., 142. Gies, W. Ueber Methode und methodische Behandlung des Rechenunterrichts. Fulda, 1867. 8®. f. (i), pp. 98. Gloesener, M. De vera scientias physicas ex- colendi methoclo et vero illarum studii fine. n. p., [1826]. 4®. f. (i), pp. 364-. Harprecht, A. Der Rechenunterricht in der Realschule. Berlin, 1866. 4®. pp. 38. Hoene de Wronski, J. Introduction b. la philosophie des math^matiques et technie de I’algo- rithmie. Paris, 1811. 4®. ff. (4), pp. vi., 269-j-. Jacquier, E. De I’esprit des math^maliques sup6rieures : premiers principes de la geometrie analytique, du calcul diff^rentiel et du calcul integral appliques aux lois de la pesanteur et de I’attraction universelle. Paris, 1873. (i)> PP- 152- Kastner, A. G., und G. S. Kliigel. Philoso- phisch-mathematische Abhandlungen aus dem Philo- sophischen Magazin besonders abgedruckt. Halle, 1807. 16®. pp. 1 71-}-. Contents : — Eastner, A. G. Was heisst in Euklids Geo- metrie nioKlich?— -Ueber den matheniatischcn Begriff des Raums. — Ueber die geometrischen Axiome. — Ueber Kunst- worter, besonders in der Mathematik. — Kliigel, G. S. Grundsatze der reinen Mechanik. CORNELL UNI VERS/ T Y. 23 Kelland, P. Lectures on the principles of de- monstrative mathematics. Edinburgh, etc., 1843. 8'*. pp. viii., 147. Koppe, C. Der mathematische Lehrplan fiir das Gymnasium. Soest, 1866. 40. pp. 24. Lacroix, S. F. Essais sur I’enseignement en general et sur celui des mathematiques en particu- lier. Paris, 1805. sm. 80. pp. vii., 390. Mathematics.' London, 1835-36. 2 v. 8®. (See. for the diffusion of useful knowledge. Library of useful knowledge. ) Contents: — i. De Morgan, A. Study and difficulties of mathematics. — Parker, A. M. Arithmetic and algebra. — De Morgan, A. Examples of the processes of arithmetic and algebiu. 1836. — il. Morton, P. Geometry, plane, solid, and spherical. — Hopkins, W. Elements of trigonometry. — De Morgan, A. Elements of spherical trigonometry. — Wand, S. W. Algebraical geometry. 1835. Parke, U. Lectures on the philosophy of arith- metic. 4th ed. Philadelphia, 1850. 120. pp. 395. Raphson, J. De spatio reali, seu ente infinito conamen mathematico - metaphysicum. Londini, 1702. 40. if. (4), pp. 95. Bd. with his Analysis sequationum universalis. Robins, B. A discourse concerning the nature and certainty of Sir Isaac Newton’s methods of flux- ions, and of prime and ultimate ratios. London, 1735. 80. ff. (2), pp. 78. Rottenbach, H. Ueber den Unterricht in der Elementargeometrie. Saalfeld, 1869. 40. pp. 16. Schmeisser, (J. C.) F. De disciplinis mathe- maticis a P. Melanchthone ad veram philosophiam restituendam in scholas revocatis commentatio. Francofurti, 1817. i6«. pp. 34. Kritische Betrachtung einiger Lehren der reinen Analysis. 2^ Abth. Frankfurt a. d. O., [1846]. 40. f. (i), pp. 26. Schwarz, H. Versuch einer Philosophic der Mathematik. Halle, 1853. 8®. pp. vi., f. (i), pp. 193. Sebas, or Sebass, C. L. De dvplici mathemati- carvm qvantitatvm relatione. Lipsiae, [1797]. 4®. pp. 32. Steen, A. De vi et natura infmiti mathematici. Ilauniae, [1845]. 40. pp. 32. [Strong, M.] An essay on the usefulness of mathematical learning, in a letter from a gentleman in the city to his friend in Oxford. 2d ed. Oxford, 1721. i6‘*. f. (i), pp. 37. Thiele, (J. C.) G. Wie sind die svnthetischen Urtheile der Mathematik a priori mbgfich ? — Inau- guralschrift. Halle, 1869. 8". f. (i), pp. 44-}-. Tillich, . Ueber Grundlagen und Ausbau unserer Algebra als Unterrichts-Gegenstand. Ber- lin, 1869. 4«. pp. 43. Walker, J. 'Phe philosophy of arithmetic (con- sidereil as a branch of mathematical science) and the elements of algebra. Dublin, 1812. 8®. pp. x.-|-, 203. Whewell, W. Remarks on mathematical reas- oning, Ac. : a supplement to the fourth edition of Dr. Whewell’s Mechanical Euclid, containing the omitted j)ortions of the third edition. [Cambridge, 1845.] 12". pp. 64. lid. wilh his Mechanical Euclid. Wilde, E. Ueber mathematische Uebungsauf- gaben auf Gymnasien. Stargard, 1828. 4". Wilson, W. D. The nature and method of teaching mathematics. (From the proceedings of the university convocation, held at Albany, Aug. 6th, 7th and 8th, 1867.) [Albany, 1867.] 8". pp. 89-104. Woodhouse, R. The principles of analytical calculation. Cambridge^ 1803. 4". f. (i), pp. xxxiv., 219. (2 copies.) Young, J. R. An introductory lecture deliv- ered at the opening of the mathematical classes in Belfast college, Nov. 12, 1833. London, 1833. 8". pp. 32. a. Uses of Astronomy. Everett, E. The uses of astronomy : a discourse delivered at Albany, Aug. 28, 1856, on occasion of the inauguration of the Dudley observatory. Bos- ton, 1856. 8". pp. 50. b. Philosophy of Calculus. Wilde, A. Ueber die Principien der hohern Analysis. Stargard, 1836. 4". f. (1), pp. 24. c. Methods m Geometry. Delboeuf, J. Prolegomenes philosophiques de la geometrie et solution des postulats ; suivis de la traduction d’une dissertation sur les principes de la geometrie par F. Ueberweg. Liege, ^ A., i860. 8". pp. xxi., 308. Drobisch, M. W'. Theoriae analyseos geome- tricae prolusio. Lipsiae, [1824]. 8". pp. viii., 64. Jones, J. On the unsuitableness of Euclid as a text-book of geometry. London, ete., 1870. 8". pp. 46. Extracted from the Transactions of the Liverpool literary and philosophical society. Kribben, J. J. Die Beziehungen der verschie- denen Auflosungsweisen geometrischer Aufgaben zueinander und die Behandlung geometrischer Auf- gaben durch Rechnung und 'rrig<.)nometrie von einer eigenthumlichen bis dahin nicht genug beachteten Seite. Aachen, [1853]. 4". f. (i), pp. xxvi. Mattlies, C. J. Commentatio ad ciuaestionem : “ Fiat comparatio inter methodum analyticam vete- rum geometrarum apud Graecos et inter analysin recentiorem, qua hodie([ue utuntur ; turn etiam utriusque methodi commoda exquisitioribus tjuibus- dam exemplis illustrentur.” [ Lugduni Batavoruiu], 1 ^ 33 - 4 *"- PP- 3 ^- Reynolds, E. M. Modern methods in elemen- tary geometry. London, etc., 1868. 8". pp. vii., 112. Serret, P. Des mdthodes en geometrie. Paris, 1855. 8". pp. XV., 144. Wedgwood, H. 'I’he geometry of the three first books of Euclid, by direct proof from defini- tions alone, with an introduction on the j)rinciples of the science. London, 1856. 12". p[). viii., 104. The princij)les of geometrical dcmonsl ra- tion deduced from the original conception of space and form. London, 1844. 12". f. (i), pp. 48. Algebra. {See ako Imaginaries, Logarithms, Maxima and Minima, Permutations and Combina- tions, Series, Functions, a. Symmetric Eunc- tions. Theory of Numbers.) Adh6mar, J. Traites d’arithmdtique et d’al- g^bre ; 3" ed. Paris, 1880. 8". p[). xvi., 496. [Bahrdt, . ] Abhandlung iiber die Zerle- gung der Producte, besonders der polynomischen in ihre Factoren. Diisseldorf, 1830. 4". f. (i), 1 pp. 20. 24 WORKS RE LA TING TO MA THEM A TICS. Bell, A. The elements of algebra ; with an ap- pendix on the solution of numerical equations. Pt. ii, EcMnburgh, etc., 1840. ib®. (Chambers’s ed- ucational course.) Bertrand, J. (L. F.). Traite d’algebre: i® pt. a I’usage des classes de mathematiques ^lementaires ; lie ed., revue par J. Bertrand et H. Garcet. Paris, 1879. 80. ff. (2), pp. iv., 326. Sa 77 ie. 2® pt. ^ I’usage des classes de ma- th^matiques speciales ; nouvelle ^d. par J. Ber- trand et H. Garcet. Paris, 1878. 8®. ff. (2), pp. 388. Beyer, . Mathematische Abhandlung. Neustettin, 1863. 4®. pp. 31. Bissell, J. N. Algebra. Cambridge, etc., 1867. 120. ff. (4), pp. 60. Bonnycastle, J. A treatise on algebra, in practice and theory, with notes and illustrations, containing a variety of particulars relating to the discoveries and improvements that have been made in this branch of analysis ; 2d ed., revised and im- proved. London, 1820. 2 v. 8®. A key to Bonnycastle’s Algebra, contain- ing the solutions of the questions with the refer- ences as they stand in the last edition of that work, by W. Davis; 2ded. London, 1810. 12®. pp. iv., 183. Bourdon, P. L. M. Elements d’algbbre ; 13© ^d. Paris, 1868. 8®. pp. xiv., f. (i), pp. 572. Elements of algebra, translated from the French by E. C. Ross. New York, 1831. 8®. pp. vii., 389+. Sa 77 ie. Including Sturm’s theorem, trans- lated from the French by C. Davies. New York, etc., 1853. 8®. pp. 368. Bridge, B. A treatise on the elements of alge- bra; nth ed. London, etc., 1842. 8®. ff. (3), pp. 224. SaTTie. 1 2th ed. London, 1847. 8®. ff. (3), pp. 224. Briot, C. (A. A.). Le9ons d’alg^bre. Paris, 1868. 2 V. 8®. Contents: — i. Introduction, calcul algebrique, Equations, progressions et logarithmes. 76 6d. — ii. Complement de cal- cul algebrique, binome, series, des logarithmes, derivees, theo- rie des equations, appendice. 6® ^d. Brooks, E. The normal elementary algebra, containing the first principles of the science. Phil- adelphia, [cop. 1871]. 12®. pp. 287. Buch, J. P. Om modsatte Storrelser. Kjoben- havn, 1855. 16®. pp. 35. Cauchy, A. L., Baro 7 i. Rbsumbs analytiques. Turin, 1833. 4®. pp. 1 66. Choquet, C., et M. Mayer -D’Almbert. Traits dl^mentaire d’alg^bre ; 50 6d., revue, cor- rigbc et augmentde. Paris, 1849. 8®. pp. xv., 638. Choquet, C. Compldment d’algdbre, nontenant les matieres qui ne se trouvent pas dans la 5® ed. du Traite e'le' 77 ie/ 7 taire d'algebre. Paris, 1851. 8®. ff. (2), pp. 50-f. Colenso, J. W., bp. of Natal. The elements of algebra. Pt. i. 14th ed. London, 1859. 12®. pp. vi., 156, xxiv., 24. Key. New ed. London, 1859. 12®. f. (I), pp. 68. Davies, C. New elementary algebra, embrac- ing the first principles of the science. New York, 1868. 12®. pp. 299. Day, J. An introduction to algebra; being the first part of a course of mathematics, adapted to the method of instruction in the American colleges. New ed. — 23d thousand; with additions and altera- tions by the author and Prof. Stanley of Yale col- lege. New Haven, etc., 1869. 12®. pp. xii., 404. Elliot, J. Advanced algebra. London, etc., [1880]. 8®. pp. vi., 249. (Stewart’s mathemat- ical series.) Emerson, W. A treatise of algebra, contain- .ing the fundamental principles of this art, [and] problems in the most important branches of the mathematics. London, 1764. 8®. pp. viii., 527. Euler, L. Elements of algebra, translated from the French, with the additions of La Grange and the notes of the French translator, to which is add- ed an appendix, containing the demonstration of several numerical propositions ; 2d ed. London, 1810. 2 v. 8®. Contents: — i. Determinate quantities. — ii. Indeterminate quantities. — Additions by La Grange. Sa 77 ie. With the notes of M. Bernoulli &c. and the additions of M. de La Grange; 5th ed., revised and corrected ; by J. Hewlett; to which is prefixed a memoir of the life of Euler by F. Horner. London, 1840. 8®. pp. xxx., 593. Gamier, J. G. Elemens d’algebre. i® section ; 3® ed. Paris, 1811. 8®. f. (i), pp. xxvi., f. (i), pp. 511+. Analyse algebrique, faisant suite a la pre- miere section de I’Algebre; 2® ed., revue et aug- ment6e. Paris, 1814. 8®. pp. xvi., 668. Greenleaf, B. New elementary algebra, in which the first principles of analysis are progress- ively developed and simplified. Boston, etc., 1868. 12®. pp. 324. New higher algebra; an analytical course designed for high schools, academies and colleges. Boston, etc., 1868. 12®. pp. 394. Hackley, C. W. A treatise on algebra, con- taining the latest improvements. New York, 1846. 1 . 8®. pp. XV., 503-1-. Hincke, J. Arithmetische Formenlehre. Hal- berstadt, [1859]. 4®. f. (i), pp. 18. Hind, J. The elements of algebra ; 4th ed. Cambridge, 1839. 8®. pp. viii., 540. Hirsch, M. A collection of arithmetical and al- gebraic problems and formulae ; translated from the original German by F. J. Grund. Boston, 1831. 12®. pp. xii., 340, 2. Kelland, P. Algebra; being a complete and easy introduction to analytical science. Edinburgh, 1876. 16®. pp. V., 454, xxiii. K6nit2;er, J. S. Die Ableitung der Gleichung- en aus den Aufgaben. Neu-Ruppin, 1862. 4®. pp. 36. Lacroix, S. P. de. Elements d’algebre ; 22® 6d., revue, corrigee et annotee par M. Prouhet. Paris, 1868. 8®. pp. xvi., 469. Complement des Siemens d’algebre; 4® 6d. Paris, 1817. 8®. pp. viii., 328. Sa 77 ie. 7®6d. Paris, 1863. 8®. pp. viii., 342. Lawrence, C. D. Elements of algebra. Au- burn, [N. Y.], etc., 1853. 12®. pp. 314. Lefebure de Fourcy, L. E. Le9ons d’algebre; 50 ed. Paris, 1845. 8®. pp. ix.-f-, 548. Loomis, E. A treatise on algebra; revised ed. New York, 1870. 12®. pp. 384. Maclaurin, C. A treatise of algebra; to which is added an appendix concerning the general prop- erties of geometrical lines. London, 1748. 3 pt. in I V. 8®. pp. xiv., 366, f. (i), pp. 65. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 25 The appendix is in Latin, is paged separately, and has this title : — “ Appendix : de lincarum geometricarum proprie- tatibus generalibus tractatus. Londini, 1748.’! Maclaiirin, C. A treatise of algebra. 5th ed. London, 1788. 80. ff. (7), pp. 504. Newton, Sirl.. Universal arithmetick : or, A treatise of arithmetical composition and resolution ; to which is added Dr. Halley’s method of finding the roots of equations arithmetically. Written in Latin and translated by Mr. Ralphson and revised and corrected by Mr. Cunn; 2d ed., corrected. London, 1728. 8®. ff. (2), pp. iii.+, 271. Olney, E. The complete school algebra; em- bracing simple and quadratic equations, proportion and the progressions, with an elementary and prac- tical view of logarithms, and a chapter on the busi- ness rules of arithmetic treated algebraically. New York, [cop. 1870]. 120. (Olney’s mathematical series.) A university algebra : comprising i. a com- pendious course in elementary algebra, and ii. an advanced course in algebra. New York, 1875. 8®. pp. xxii., 323. Paoli, P. Element! d’algebra. Pisa, 1794. 2 V. 40. Contents: — i. Algebra delle quantita finite, introduzione air analisi infinitesimale. — iL Analisi infinitesim^e. Supplement. Inedito. Pisa, 1804. 40. ff. (2), pp. 286+. Peacock, G. A treatise on algebra. Cam- bridge, etc., 1842-45. 2 V. 8°. Contents: — i. Arithmetical algebra. 1842. — ii. On sym- bolical algebra, and its applications to the geometry of position. 1845. Peirce, B. An elementary treatise on algebra, to which are added exponential equations and loga- rithms; new ed. Boston, 1870. 120. pp. iv., 284. Perkins, G. R. The elements of algebra; serv- ing as an irttroduction to the “ Treatise on algebra; ” revised ed. New York, 1863. 12°. pp. 244. A treatise on algebra, containing the new method of cubic and higher equations as well as the development and application of the more recently discovered theorem of Sturm ; 4th ed., revised, en- larged and improved. New York, 1869. 8°. pp. 420. Petr, T. Neue Potenziallehre, sammt dem Be- weise der Unrichtigkeit der von den Mathematikern bis jetzt angenommenen Deffinition vom Potenziren. Oedenburg, 1844. 8®. pp. 40. Ray, J. Algebra. Cincinnati, etc., n.d. 2 pt. 120. (Eclectic educational series.) Contents : — i. On the analytic and inductive methods of in- struction : with exercises. Revised ed. — ii. An analytical treatise for high schools and colleges. Same. Second book. — Elements of alge- bra. Revised ed. Cincinnati, etc., [cop. 18C6]. 12®. pp. 406. (Eclectic educational series.) Riccati, V., e G. Saladini. Institutiones analytics. Bononise, 1765-67. 2 v. in 3. (ii. and iii. ])aged continuously.) 40. Contents : — i. De algoriinmo, de aequationibus, de lineis seu locis secundi, tertii & superiorum graduum. 1765. — ii. i. De quantitatibus infinitesimis, de curvarum quadraturis& rectifica- tionibus, & de integratione formularum, quae unam tantum variabileni continent. — 2, 3. De methodo tangenlium, de sepa- ratione indeterminatarum de constructione earum aequationum, in (luibus indeterminatae separari non possunt, de calculo, & usu quantitatum differentialium altiorum graduum. 1767. Ryan, J. An elementary treatise on algebra, theoretical and practical ; to which is added an ap- pendix containing an algebraic method of demon- strating the propositions in the fifth book of Euclid’s Elements, by R. Adrain ; 6th ed. New York, 1845. 120. pp. viii., 391. Satne. 6th ed. New York, 1851. 12°. pp. viii., 391. Sandeman, A. Pelicotetics, or The science of quantity ; an elementary treatise on algebra and its groundwork, arithmetic. Cambridge, etc., 1868. 80. pp. xxi., 443. Sanford, S. P. New elementary algebra. Philadelphia, [cop. 1879]. 120 or 160. pp. 332. Saunderson, N. The elements of algebra in ten books ; to which are prefixed i. The life and character of the author ; ii. His palpable arithmetic decypher ed. Cambridge, 1740-41. 2 v. 40. Contents: — i. Life, algebra, and algebraic quantities, sim- ple equations, quadratic equations, pure algebra, problems ad- mitting of many answers, curious properties of whole numbers, incommensurables. 1741. — ii. Diophantine questions, doc- trine of proportion, composition and resolution of ratios, appli- cation of algebra to geometry, doctrine of solids, powers and their indexes, the binomial theorem, logarithms, logarithmotech- ny, division, arithmetic of surd quantities, cubic and biquad- ratic equations. 1740. Schlomilch, O. Handbuch der algebraischen Analysis ; 3® verbesserte und durch einen Anhang vermehrte Aufl. Jena, 1862. 80. pp. vii.-f, 414. [Schnabel, C.] Die 4 Species der Buchsta- benrechnung und die algebraischen Gleichungen des I. Grades. Siegen, 1866. 8®. pp. 39. Schuyler, A. A complete algebra for schools and colleges. Cincinnati, etc., [cop. 1870]. 160. pp. 368. Serret, J. A. Cours d’alg^bre sup^rieure. 3® 6d. Paris, 1866. 2 v. 8®. Contents: — i. Propri6t6s g6n^rales, resolution numeriquc des equations, functions symmetriques. — ii. Proprietes des nombres entiers, substitutions, resolution algebrique des equa- tions. Sestini, B. A treatise on algebra. Baltimore, etc., 1855. I 2 «. pp. 216. Sherwin, T. The common - school algebra. Boston, 1846. 160. pp. viii., 238. Same. Boston, 1847. 16®. pp. viii., 238. An elementary treatise on algebra. 7th ed. Boston, [cop. 1841]. 12®. pp. vii., 300. Simpson, T. A treatise of algebra; wherein the fundamental principles are fully and clearly demonstrated, and applied to the solution of a great variety of problems ; to which is added the construc- tion of a number of geometrical problems. Lon- don, 1745. 8®. pp. viii., ff. (2), pp. 402. Same. 8lh ed. London, 1804. 8®. ff. (4), pp. 400. Smith, J. H. Elementary algebra; new ed., revised and corrected. London, 1870. sm. 8®. pp. viii., 398. Spiller, W. H. Key to Prof. Young’s Alge- bra; new ed. l.ondon, 1840. 12®. f. (i), pp. vi., 218. Stoddard, J. F., and W. D. Henkle. An elementary algebra. New York, 1865. 120. pp. 240. Same. New York, 1867. 12®. pp. 240. Strong, T. A treatise on elementary and higher algebra. New York, 1859. 8®. pp. ix., 551. Todhunter, I. Algebra for beginners, with nu- merous examples. New ed. London, etc., 1867. 160. pp. viii., 328. Algebra; with numerous examples. 4th ed. London, etc., 1866. sm. 8®. pp. x., 553. 26 WORKS RE LA TING TO MA THEMA TICS. Tower, D. B. Intellectual algebra; or, Oral exercises in algebra. New York, etc., [cop. 1845]. 160. pp. 208. Same. I4tli ed. Boston, 1865. 160. pp. 208. Twilt, A. Toet-steen van d’algebra spetiosa, by na op een oneyndelijke manier proef-vast getoetst wordt de 57® quaestie van L. van Keulen, in sijn Boeck des cirkels, ofte de 19® quaestie, uyt ’t vijfde Boeck van den wijtvermaerden Griek Diophante van Alexandrie. Alles gestelt en gecorrigeert door Dirck d’Hollander. Amsterdam, 1669. 4®. pp. 52- Vose, G. L. A graphic method for solving cer- tain algebraic problems. New York, 1875. 24®. pp. 62. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 16.) Wallis, J. A treatise of algebra, both histor- ical and practical, shewing the original, progress and advancement thereof, from time to time, with some additional treatises. London, 1685. f®. ff. (8), pp. 374, ff. (2), pp. 17, f. (i),pp. 176, f. (I), pp. 17. The “ Additional treatises ” with separate titles and some- times separate paging are as follows: — i. Cono-cuneus, or The shipwright’s circular wedge; that is, a body resembling in part a conus, in part a cuneus, geometrically considered. Lon- don, 1684. — 2. A treatise of angular sections. London, 1684. — 3. A defense of the treatise of the angle of contact. Lon- don, 1684. — 4. A discourse of combinations, alternations, and aliquot parts. London, 1685. Waring, E. Meditationes algebraicae; ed. 3®' recensita et aucta. Cantabrigise, 1782. 4®. f- (i)> pp. xliv., 389-f, ff. (13). Welcker, W. T. Advanced algebra. San Francisco, [cop. 1880]. 8®. pp. vi., 104. Wiegand, A. Algebraische Analysis und An- fangsgriinde der Differential-Rechnung; 4® Aufl. Halle, 1872. 8®. pp. x., 170. Young, J. R. An elementary treatise on alge- bra, theoretical and practical, with attempts to sim- plify some of the more difficult parts of the science, particularly the demonstration of the binomial theo- rem, the summation of infinite series, the solution of equations of the higher order, &c. ; new Ameri- can ed., revised and corrected. Philadelphia, 1848. 8®. pp. 324. An introduction to algebra, and to the so- lution of numerical equations ; 2d ed. London, ete.y 1855. 12®. pp. 248, 24. See Spiller, W. H. Key to Prof. Young’s Algebra. a. A pp 7 'oxiniations. Laplace, P. S., marqtds de. M^moire sur les approximations des formules qui sont fonctions de tr^s-grands nombres, et sur leur application aux prol)abilites. [I’aris? 1810?] 4®. pp. 353-415. From the “M6moircsde I’acad. des sciences.” Liounet, E. Des approximations num^riques ; 2® ^cl. Pans, 1857. 8®. pp. 40. Vieille, J. (M. L.). Thdorie g^n^rale des ap- E roximations num^riques, suivie d’une application k i resolution des Equations numeriques; 2® ed., re- vue, corrigee et augmentee. Paris, 1854. 8®. pp. xii., 200. b. Equations. Beaune, F. de. De aeqvationvm natura, con- stitutione & limitibus opuscula duo, incepla k F. de Ifeavne, absoluta verb, & post mortem ejus edita ab K. Bartholino. Amstelodami, 1683. 4®. pp. 49- 152. Bridge, B. On the theory and solution of cubic and biquadratic equations, and of equations of the higher orders; 2d ed., revised. London, 18^-?. ff- (3). PP-. 145- Supplement to his “ Treatise on the elements of algebra.” Ehrlenholtz, A. Ueber die Losung der bino- mischen Gleichung. Celle, 1869. 4®. pp. 16. Hymers, J. A treatise on the theory of alge- braical equations. Cambridge, etc., 1837. 8®. pp. xi., 196. Same. 3d ed. , enlarged. Cambridge, 1858. 8®. pp. vii., 284. Jordan, C. Traite des substitutions et des equations algebriques. Paris, 1870. 4®. pp. xvi., f (I), pp. 667. Murphy, R. A treatise on the theory of alge- braical equations. London, 1839. 8®. pp. iv., 1 71. (Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge. Library of useful knowledge. ) Raphson, J. Analysis sequationum universalis, seu ad aequationes algebraicas resolvendas inethodus generalis ; ed. 2^ cui accessit appendix de infinito infinitarum serierum progressu ad equationum alge- braicarum radices eliciendas. Londini, 1702. 4®. ft. (2), pp. 55. Todhunter, I. An elementary treatise on the theory of equations, with a collection of examples ; 2d ed., revised. London, etc., 1867. sm. 8®. pp. vi., f. (i), pp. 318. Young, J. R. Theory and solution of algebra- ical equations of the higher orders; 2d ed., en- larged. London, 1843. 8®. pp. xxiii., 476. I. Quadratics, Cubics and Biquadratics. Brosius, F. X. Abhandlung von den cubischen Gleichungen. Diiren, 1832. 4®. f. (i), pp. 16. Buchner, E. Cardanus Formel, deren Ver- wandlung zur Berechnung der Wurzeln von Zahlen- gleichungen von der Gestalt : x'^ — Px — ^ = o. Hildburghausen, 1857. 8®. pp. vi., 26. Grebe, E. W. Ueber die Verwandlung der Wurzeln quadratischer Gleichungen in Ketten- briiche. Cassel, 1847. 4®. f. (i), pp. 32. Maseres, or Mazbres, F. Tracts on the reso- lution of cubick & biquadratick equations. Lon- don, [1803]. 8®. pp. Ixi., 599. Schimmel, G. L. Ueber die Auflosung der kubischen Gleichungen mittelst der Cardanischen Regel. [Glatz], 1829. 4®. pp. 12. Schon, J. J. Theorie der Gleichungen vom zweiten und dritten Grade. Aachen, [1863!. 4®. ff. (2), pp. 38. Young, J. R. The analysis and solution of cubic and biquadratic equations ; forming a sequel to the elements of algebra, and an introduction to the theory and solution of equations of the higher orders. London, 1842. 12®. pp. xx., 247. 2. Equations of nth Degree. Jerrard, G. B. Mathematical researches. Pt. i. Bristol, etc., 1832. 8®. f. (i), pp. v., 33. Lettered “ Mathematical pamphlets.” Ley, F. Ueber die Auflosung der hoheren Gleichungen durch Reihen. Koln am Rhein, [1831]. 4®. f. (I), pp. 30. Muller, A. Die algebraische Auflbsung der Gleichungen des ftinften und des sechsten Grades. .Stuttgart, 1848. 4®. pp. xii., 82. Schreiber, . Ueber die Unmoglichkeit einer allgemeinen Methode der algebraischen Lo- CORNELL UN/ VERS/ TV. 27 sung algebraischer Gleichungen. Blankenburg, [1863]. 40. f. (I), pp. 20. 2'. Literal Equations. Job, . Beitrag zur Auflosung der Gleich- ungen. Dresden, 1864. 8®. pp. 39. 2". Numerical Equations. Budan de Boislaurent, (F.) F. D. Nouvelle m^thode pour la resolution des Equations nume* riques d’un degre quelconque, revue, augment^e d’un appendice et suivie d’un apper9u [j/r] concer- nan*^ les suites syntagmatiques. Paris, 1&2. 40. pp. viii., 12 1. Egeu, P. N. C. Ueber die Methoden, Zahlen- gleichungen durch Naherung aufzulosen. Soest, [1829]. 40. f. (I), pp. 33. Exner, . Auflosung der numerischen Gleichungen aller Grade mit einer Unbekannten, entwickelt an den Gleichungen des sechsten Grades. Hirschberg, 1866. 40. pp. 32. Fourier, J. B. J., CotJite. Analyse des Equations determinees. [Edited by M. Navier.] i^pt. Paris, 1831. 40. ff. (2), pp. xxiv., 258. Konitsser, J. S. Ueber die Auflosung hoherer Gleichungen mit Hilfe der arithmetischen Reihen ; nebst einer trigonometrischen Losung des Casus ir- reducibilis. Neu-Ruppin, [1830]. 40. pp. 22. Lagrange, J. L., comte de. De la resolution des equations numeriques de tons les degres. Paris, an vi. [1798]. 40. pp. viii., 268. Same. Nouvelle ^d., revue et augment^e. Paris, 1808. 40. pp. xii., 311+. Same. 3® ^d., conform^ a celle de 1808, et pr^c^dee d’une analyse de I’ouvrage, par M. Poinsot. Paris, 1826. 4®. pp. xxviii., 314-f- Maseres, or Maz^res, F. Tracts on the reso- lution of affected algebraick equations by Dr. Hal- ley’s, Mr. Raphson’s and Sir Isaac Newton’s meth- ods of approximation. London, 1800. 8®. pp. Ixxviii., f. (i), pp. 479. Nicholson, P. Essay on involution and evolu- tion, containing a new, accurate, and general method of ascertaining the numerical value of any function of an unknown quantity ; particularly aj)plied to the operation of extracting the roots of equations. Lon- don, 1820. 8®. pj). xxvi., 50, 16. Lettered “ Mathematical pamphlets.” New demonstration of the method invented by Budan, and improved by others, of extracting the roots of equations. London, 1822. 8®, pp. 8. From the Philosophical magazine for .Sep L 1822. — Bd. with his “Analytical and arithmetical essays.” Oughtred, W. The key of the mathematicks new forged and fded ; with a treatise of the resolu- tion of all kinde of affected lequations in numbers ; with the rule of compound usury, and demonstra- tion of the rule of false position; and [the] art of delineating all manner of plaine sun-dyalls, geomet- rically taught. London, 1647. sm. 8®. ff. (6), pp. 174, 29. Sarrus, (P.) F. Nouvelle m^thode pour la re- solution (les equations numeriques. Paris, etc., 1833. 8®. I))). 31. Lettered “ Afathematical pamphlets.” Schulz von Strassnicki, L. C. Neue Me- thtjde zur Auffindung der reellen Wurzeln hoherer numerischer Gleichungen und zur Ausziehung der dritten und der hoheren Wurzeln aus bestiinmten Zahlen ; zunachst imeh inglischen Quellen bear- beitet. Wien, 1842. 1 . 8®. pp. vi., 132. Stoltzenburg, . Das Aufsuchen der irra- tionalen Wurzeln einer Gleichung. Landsberg, a. d. W., [1863]. 4®. pp. 15. Sturm, J. C. F. Memoire sur la resolution des equations numeriques. [Paris, 1835.] 4®. f. (i), pp. 273-318. From vol. vi. of the “ Memoires des savants Strangers.” Weisseiiborn, C. De spectatissimis quibus aequationes altioris gradus numericae solviintur me- thodis. Berolini, 1847. 8®. f. (i), pp.. 73-|-. 3. Syste 7 ns of Equatio 7 ts, and Elimmation. (See also Determinants.) Baltzer, R. Ueber die Auflosungen eines Sys- tems von Gleichungen. Dresden, 1868. 8®. pp. 31. Garnier, J. G. Discussion des racines des equa- tions determinees du premier degre, a plusieurs in- connues, et elimination entre deux equations de de- gres quelconques a deux inconnues ; 2® ed. Paris, 1813. 8®. ff. (2), pp. 99, ff. (2). c. Continued Fractions. Bre<3ow, F. C. F. Von den Perioden der Ket- tenbriiche. Oels, [1846]. 4®. pp.24. d. Rational Fractions. Berlin, C. G. De decompositione fractionum rationalium. Londini Gothorum, 1824. 4®. pp. 22. Jacobi, K. G. J. Disquisitiones analyticoe de fractionibus simplicibus. — Diss. inaug. Berolini, [1825]. 4®. f. (I), pp. 40-I-. Annuities, Interest and Insurance. Attensperger, F. X. Anwendungen der Pro- gressionen und Logarithfnen auf Rechnungsfalle des biirgerlichen Lebens. Wiirzburg, [1851]. 4®. pp. 42. Baily, F. The doctrine of interest and annui- ties analytically investigated and explained; with ta- bles connected with the subject. London, 1808. 4®. pp. xiv., f. (i), pp. 14.1, ff. (31). 'I'lidorie des annuites viag^res et des assu- rances sur la vie, suivie d’une collection de tables; traduit de I’anglais par A. de Courcy, et public par la compagnie d’assurances g^n^rales sur la vie. Paris, 1836. 2 V. in 1. 8®. Contents; — i. 'I'h^orie, etc. — li. Questions praticjiies, tables. Baylis, E. The arithmetic of annuities and life assurance, or Compound interest simplified; ex- plaining tlie value of annuities certain, or contingent on one or two lives, and the values of assurances in single and annual payments and comprehending the values of leases, pensions, freeholds and reversionary sums. London, 1844. 8®. pp. (157). Bliiniel, . Versicherung von Erziehungs- geldern. Ilohenstein, 18O2. 4®. f. (i), pp. 36. Chisholm, D. Commutation tables for joint an- nuities & survivorship assurances, based on the Carlisle mortality at 3, 3^, 4, 5, and 6 per cent, in- terest, with tables of annuities & assurances on single lives, and other tables, and an introduction on their construetion & use. London, 1858. 2 v. 8 ®. Contents: — i. Introduction, monetary mhlcs, life tables ii. Formula;, survivorship commutation tables. Davies, G. Treatise on annuities, with tables, based on the experience of the JOquitable society and on the Northampton rate of mortality, l.ondon, n. d. 8®. pp. xii., 380, ff. (71). 28 IVORKS JiELATING TO MATHEMATICS. De Moivre, A. Annuities on lives; 3d ed., with tables, exhibiting the values of lives, for sev- eral rates of interest. London, 1750. sm. 8®. pp. xii., 1 1 7. Deutz, J, Specimen mathematico juridicum in- augurate, ad explicationem nonnullarum legum. Lugduni Batavorum, 1765. 40. ff. (2), pp. 27-}-. liitze, . Kurze Darstellung der Zinseszins- und Rentenrechnung, nebst deren Anwendung, na- mentlich zur Bestimmung der an Lebensversicher- ungs-Anstalten und Wittwen-Cassen zu zahlenden Beitrage. Stendal, 1858. 40. f. (i), pp. 8. Farr, W. English life table. — Tables of life- times, annuities, and premiums, with an introduc- tion; published by authority of the registrar-gen- eral of births, deaths, and marriages in England. London, 1864. sm. fo. ff. (2), pp. civ., 605. Galezowski, J. Tables des annuites, calculdes d’apres la methode logarithmique de F. Thoman. Paris, 1880. 80. ff. (2), pp. 43+. Gumersall, T. B. Tables of discount, or sim- ple interest, at the several rates of 5, 4^, 4, 3^, 3, & 2^ per cent., from i to 365 days, and from to ;^20,ooo ; to which are added tables of brokerage or commission; 9th ed. London, [185-?]. 8°. ff. (4), pp. 486. Jones, D. On the value of annuities and rever- sionary payments, with tables ; to which is appended a tieatise on probability, by Sir J. W. Lubbock and J. E. Drinkwater-Bethune. London, 1844. 2 v. 8®. (Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge. Library of useful knowledge. ) Contejits : — i. Monetary tables, annuity tables, assurances. — ii. Annuities, rates of mortality, life tables. Vol. i. has pp. 65-128 in duplicate corrected. Jones, J. A series of tables of annuities and assurances calculated from a new rate of mortality amongst assured lives with examples illustrative of their construction and application. London, etc., 1843. 80. f (i), pp. 2, XXX., 55, ff. (32). Orchard, W. Single and annual assurance premiums, for every value of annuity, on single or joint lives, or survivors, adapted to any table of mor- tality, at 2>^, 3, y/2, 4, 4^, 5, 6 and 7 per cent. ; also, a table for the formation of half yearly & quar- terly assurance premiums ; 2d issue, with prelimi- nary notice by P. Gray. London, 1856. 1 . 8®. pp. 4, ff. (39). Price, R. Observations on reversionary pay- ments ; on schemes for providing annuities for wid- ows, and for persons in old age ; on the method of calculating the values of assurances on lives; and on the national debt; 3d ed., with a supplement. Dublin, 1772. 8°. pp. xv., 334. Rowlett, J. Tables of discount, or interest; besides a complete cent table : the whole computed at six per cent. Philadelphia, 1802. 40. pp. 200. [ Scratchley, A. ] Actuarial tables and formulae, with mathematical notes; no. i. London, 1862. 8‘>. {Appended to his Treatise on life assurance, etc. 1867, 8« pp. 233-309.) 'I'reatise on life assurance and reversions ; containing mathematical ajipendices and tables, and inslructions for the calculation of values of rever- sions, of ])o.st obits, of policies of assurance, divi- sions of bonus, mathematical and moral probabili- ties, sickness in friendly societies, &c. ; also an al- phabetical digest of the law; new ed. London, 1867. 8‘». pp. 7, vii., 64, 74, 16, 39, 7. Thoman, F. Theory of compound interest and annuities, with a series of logarithmic tables ; 2d ed. London, 1872. 12°. pp. xviii., 128, ff. (34). ltd. with Lintem’s “Mineral surveyor & valuer’s guide." Turnbi^, A. H. Tables of compound interest and annuities, yearly, half-yearly, and quarterly payments in decimals and currency, with rules for determining the amount of principal and interest in any payment of annuity, and for the construction of tables showing the same. Edinburgh, 1863. 8®. pp. XXV., 143. Wright, E. Savings bank life insurance : with tables, analyzing the premiums, per $1000, of 268 policies, showing the insurance, self-insurance and surrender value of each for every policy-year, by the actuaries’ rate of mortality at 4 per cent. Boston, 1872. fo. pp. 30, 181. Tables on the “American” rate of mortal- ity, at 4^ per cent., for calculating reserves and in- surance values. Boston, 1872. fo. ff. (14). ^ Valuation tables, on the “combined expe- rience,” or “actuaries’” rate of mortality; 2d ed., revised and enlarged. Boston, 1871. fo. pp. 12, 203. Arithmetic. Adams, D. Arithmetic, in which the principles of operating by numbers are analytically explained and synthetically applied. Keene, N. H., i8'?8. 120. pp. 180. Adhemar, J. Traitds d’arithm^tique et d’al- gebre; 30 ed. Paris, 1880. 80. pp. xvi., 496. Alexander, C. A new and complete system of arithmetic; 2d ed. Albany, 1806. 120. pp. 216. Baker, H. The well-spring of sciences, teach- ing the perfect worke and practise of arithmetick, both in numbers and fractions. London, 1646. sm. 80. ff. (5), pp. 312, ff. (22). Barreme, F. Le livre facile pour aprendre [jzV] I’arithmdtiqve de soy mesme et sans maistre. Paris, 1672. 120. ff. (18), pp. 199-I-. Bertrand, J. (L. F.). Traite d’arithmetique ; 70 ed. Paris, 1880. 80. ff. (2), pp. 337, ff. (2). Bhascara Acharya. Lilawati : or, A treatise on arithmetic and geometry; translated from the original Sanscrit by J. Taylor. Bombay, 1816. 40. ff. (4), pp. 39, 161. Same. A treatise on arithmetic, trans- lated into Pei'sian, from the Sanscrit, by the cele- brated Feizi. Calcutta, 1827. 80. f. (i), pp. 162. Boetius, A. M. T. S. De institutione arith- meticalibri duo; de institutione musicalibri quinque ; accedit geometria quae fertur Boetii ; edidit G. Friedlein. Lipsiae, 1867. sm. 80. pp. viii., 492. Bourdon, P. L. M. ^dements d’arithmetique ; ouvrage adopts par I’universite ; 30® ed. Paris, 1857. 80. pp. viii., 371. Breimecke, W. H. Einige Satze aus den An- fangsgriinden der Zahlenlehre. Posen, [1855]. 40. f. (I), pp. 32. Briem, E. Reikningsbdk ; 2. litgafa ; i. partur. Reykjavik, 1867. 160. pp. iv., 75. Byrne, O. Dual arithmetic; anew art. New issue, with a complete analysis. London, etc., 1864. 80. pp. vi., f. (i), i)p. 244. Sajne. Pt. ii. The descending branch of the “art” and the “science” of dual arithmetic. London, 1867. 8”. pp. xvi., xii., 218. [Cataldi, or Cataldo, P. A.] Prima parte della pratica aritmetica, overo Elcmenti pralici delli nvmeri aritmetici ; data hora in luce da Perilo An- notio. Bologna, 1602. 4®. ff. (6), pp. 148. Perilo Annotio is the anagram of Pietro Antonio. Seconda parte; overo Element! pratici delli CORNELL UNIVERSITY, 29 nvmeri geometrici. Bologna, 1606. 40. ff. (2), pp. 151. [Cataldi, or Cataldo, P. A.] Terza parte; overo Element! pratici dell! nvmeri natvrali, o’ de- nominati. Bologna, 1617. 40. fif. (2), pp. 149-I— Qvarta parte ; done si tratta della princi- palissima, & necessarijsima regola chiamata comu- nemente del tre. Bologna, 1616. 40. If. (2), pp. 104. Regola della qvantit^, o cosa di cosa. Bo- logna, 1618. 40. ff. (2), pp. 34. Ceulen, L. van. Fvndamenta arithmetica et geometrica cum eorundem usu in varijs problematis ; e vernaculo in Latinum translata a W. Sn[ell]. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, 1615. 40. ff. (2), pp. 269. Chase, P. E. The common-school arithmetic. Worcester, Mass., 1848. 12®. pp. 256. Key. Worcester, Mass., 1848. 1 20. PP- 31- The elements of arithmetic ; in which dec- imal and integral arithmetic are combined and taught inductively on the system of Pestalozzi. Pt. i. Philadelphia, 1844. 120. pp. 144. Cocker, E. Decimal arithmetick, wherein is shewed the nature and use of decimal fractions in the usual rules of arithmetick and the mensuration of plains \sic'\ and solids, with tables of interest and rebate for the valuation of leases and annuities ; cor- rected and published by J. Hawkins ; 6th ed. Lon- don, 1729. sm. 8®. pp. xvi., 448. Colburn, W. Intellectual arithmetic upon the inductive method of instruction. Philadelphia, eic., 1835. 120. pp. 172. (Colburn’s first lessons.) Same. With an introduction to written arithmetic by his son. Boston, [cop. 1858]. i6«. PP- 173- (Colburn’s first lessons. — Newed.) Cornwell, J., and J. G. Fitch. The science of arithmetic ; a systematic course of numerical reas- oning & computation, with exercises ; 3d ed. Lon- don, etc., 1857. 120. pp. 372. Daboll, N. Schoolmaster’s assistant improved and enlarged, being a plain practical system of arithmetic; with the addition of the Farmers’ and mechanics’ best method of book-keeping by S. Green. Utica, 1832. 12®. pp. 240, ff. (6). Same. Utica, 1834. 12°. pp. 249, ff. (6). Same. Utica, 1837. 120. pp. 240, ff. (6). Same. Utica, 1839. 12®. pp. 240, ff. (6). Same. Ithaca, 1841. 12". pp. 228, ff.'(6). Davies, C. First lessons in arithmetic. New York, etc., 1854. 120. pp. 198. University arithmetic, embracing the sci- ence of numbers and general rules for their applica- tion. New York, etc., 1870. I2«. pp. 466. Key. New York, 1853. 12®. jip. 51. De Morgan, A. I'he elements of arithmetic ; 5th ed., enlarged. London, 1846. 12®. jip. vi., f. (1), ])p. 220. Dilworth, T. The schoolmaster’s assistant ; being a compendium of arithmetic, both jiractical and theoretical; newed. London, 179^. pt. in I V. i6«. pp. 200. Eaton, J. S. A treatise on arithmetic, combin- ing analysis and synthesis, adapted to the best mode of instruction in common schools and acade- mies. Boston, 1857. 120. pp. viii., 355. Emerson, F. The North American arithmetic. Pt. i. Boston, 1829. 120. Contents : — Elementary lessons. Emerson, J. Female education ; a discourse, to which is added the little reckoner, consisting principally of arithmetical questions for infant minds. Boston, 1822. 12®. pp. 40. Emerson, "W. A treatise of arithmetic, con- taining all the practical parts thereof, both in whole numbers, vulgar fractions and decimals, likewise the theory of numbers. [London, 1763.] 8®. pp. 8, 244- Fisher, G. C. A teacher’s manual in arithmetic for primary grades. Boston, 1881. 160. pp. 70. French, J. H. Common school arithmetic, combining the elements of the science with their practical applications to business. New York, 1869. 12®. pp. 335+. (French’s mathematical series.) Garnier, J. G. Traitd d’arithm^tique ; 4® ^d. Gand, 1818. 8®. pp. xvi., 316-f-. Gemma Frisius {Dutch de Fries), R. Arith- meticae practicse methodvs facilis, iam recens ab ipso authore emendata & multis in locis insigniter aucta ; hvc accesservnt I. Peletarij annotationes ; eiusdem item de fractionibus astronomicis compen- dium. Parishs, 1578. sm. 80. ff. (i), 93, (2). Gerhardt, C. I. Uber die Enstehung [j/V] und Ausbreitung des dekadischen Zahlensystems. Salz- wedel, 1853. 40; f. (i), pp. 35. Greenleaf, B. New practical arithmetic, in which the science and its applications are simplified by induction and analysis. Boston, etc., 1868. 12®. pp. 324. Hassler, F. R. Vollstandiges Lehrbuch der theoretischen und angewendeten Arithmetik. Aa- rau, 1834. 8«. pp. 240. On the title-page the author is styled, “ Geometer der verein- igten Staaten von Nordamerika.” Elements of arithmetic, theoretical and practical; new stereotype ed., revised and cor- rected. New York, 1828. 120. pp. 215-I-. Hodder, J. Arithmetick, or that necessary art made most easie ; 14th ed., revised, [and] aug- mented, by II. Mose. London, 1683. 120. ff (5), ])p. 216. Jean, A. Arithm^tiqve av miroir, par laquelle on peut (en quatre vaccations [j/V] de demie heure chacune) prati(juer les plus belles regies d’icellc. n. p., 1649. sm. 8. ])p. 49. “ Washington observations for 1870. — Appendix ii.” Rzepecki, L. V. de B. De orbita cometae qui anno MDCCCLIV primus ai)|)aruit. — Diss. in- aug. Vratislaviai, [1857]. 4®. ff. (3), pp. i4-f-. 32 WORKS RE LA TING TO MA THEM A TICS. Valentiner, (C.) W. (F. J.). Determinatio orbitae cometae V anni MDCCCLXIII. — Diss. in- aug. Berolini, [1869]. 40. fF. (2), pp. 24-I-. d. Earth ( The ) ; its Figure, Rotation, etc. Cheyne, C. H. H. The earth’s motion of ro- tation including the theory of precession and nuta- tion. London, etc., 1867. 160. pp. viii., 52. La Condamine, C. M. de. Mesure des trois premiers degres du meridien dans I’hemisphere aus- tral. Paris, 1751. 4®. ff. (6), pp. 266, x. Schell, A. Ueber die Bestimmung der mittler- en Dichtigkeit der Erde. Goettingen, 1869. 40. PP- 39 - e. Eclipses a 7 id Occultations. Coffin, J. H. Solar and lunar eclipses familiar- ly illustrated and explained, with the method of cal- culating them according to the theory of astronomy as taught in New England colleges. New York, 1845. 80. pp. 83, ff. (10). Gerling, C. L. Method! projectionis ortho- graphicae vsvm ad calcvlos parallacticos facilitandos explicavit simvlqve eclipsin solarem die vii. Sept. 1820 apparitvram. Goettingae, 1812. 40. pp. 48. With autograph notes. [Harkness, W., and others.~\ Reports on the total solar eclipses of July 29, 1878, and Jan. ii, 1880 [by W. Harkness, L. E. Trouvelot, G. H. E. Trouvelot, S. Newcomb, J. C. Watson, D. G. Ea- ton, A. G. Compton, E. S. Holden, C. S. Hastings, E. W. Bass, C. H. Rockwell, J. E. Keeler, and others], pp. xiv., 426. (^Appended toXi. S. naval observatory. Wash., D. C. Astronom. and me- teorol. observations made during 1876 ; 1880, 40, iii. ) Same, separated. Washington, 1880. 40. pp. xiv., 426. MoebiuB, A. F. De compvtandis occvltationi- bvs fixarvm per planetas. Lipsiae, 1815. 40. ff. (3), pp. 42. Newcomb, S. On the recurrence of solar eclipses ; with tables of eclipses from B. C. 700 to A. D. 2300. Washington, 1879. 40. pp. 55. (As- tronom. papers prepared for the use of the Amer. ephemeris and nautical almanac, i. i.) [Sands, B. F., attd others.') Reports on obser- vations of the total eclipse of the sun, Aug. 7, 1869 [by B. F. Sands, S. Newcomb, W. Harkness, J. R. Eastman, E. Curtis, J. H. Lane, W. S. Gilman, jr., F. W. Bardwell, A. J. Myer, and A. Hall], pp. V.+, f.(i), pp. 218. (Appe^ided to U. S. naval observatory. Wash., D. C. Astronom. and me- tcorol. observations made during 1867 ; 1870, 40, ii.) [ ] Reports on observations of the total so- lar eclipse of Dec. 22, 1870 [by B. F. Sands, .S. Newcomb, A. Hall, W. Harkness, and J. R. East- man]. pp. iv., ff. (2), pp. 132. {Appended to U. S. naval observatory, Wash., D. C. As- tronom. and mcteorol. observations made during 1869; 1872, 4^*, i.) .Satne, separated. Washington, 1871. 4". pp. iv., ff. (2), pp. 132. Smithsonian institution, Washington, D. C. The nnnular cclij)sc of May 26, 1854, published by the Smithsonian institution and Nautical almanac, ['fables.] Washington, 1854. 1 . 8‘h pp. 13. Total eclipse (The) of July 17, i860; published by the nautical almanac. Washington, i860. 1 . 80. I'P- f. Elliptic Motion. Kletke, C. A. Entwickclung des Kepler’schen Problems: “ Aus der miltleren Anomalie eines in einer elliptischen Bah n.sich bewegenden Weltkor- pers die wahre Anomalie desselben zu finden.” Breslau, 1852. 4«. f. (i), pp. 36. g. G lobes, etc. Fleming, A. Lessons in geography and astron- omy on the globes. Boston, 1844. 120. pp. 106. Tellurion manufacturing co., Hartford, Conn. An epitome of astronomy, arranged to as- sist in the manipulation and understanding of Camp- bell’s tellurion. [With recommendations.] Hait- ford, 1870. 120. pp. 17-I-. h. Moon. Adams, J. C. On new tables of the moon’s parallax to be substituted for those of Burckhardt. London, 1853. 80. f. (i), pp. 19. Drobisch, M. W. Ad selenographiam mathe- maticam symbolae. Lipsiae, [1827]. 40. pp. iv., 35 +- Lubbock, J. W. On the theory of the moon and on the perturbations of the planets. London, etc., 1833. 80. pp. viii., 88, 15. Newcomb, S. Researches on the motion of the moon. Made at the U. S. naval observatory, Washington. Pt. i. {Appended to U. S. naval observatory. Wash., D. C. Astronom. and me- teorol. observations made during 1875 ; 1878, f, ii.) Contents: — Reduction and discussion of observations of the moon before 1750. Newcomb, S., and J. Meier. A transforma- tion of Hansen’s lunar theory compared with the theory of Delaunay. [Washington, 1880.] 40. (Astron. papers prepared for the use of the Ameri- can ephemeris and nautical almanac, i. 2.) i. Nebulce. Gautier, A. Recent researches relating to neb- ulce. [New Haven, 1863.] 8®. pp. 10. From the Amer. journ. of science, vol. xxxv., Jan. 1863. Schneider, J. P. Dissertatio physico-astro- nomica de galaxia. Altorfii, [1713]. 4®. pp. 32. j. Observatories. Cambridge, Eng. — University — Observatory. Astronomical observations made by G. B. Airy, [in 1828-35]. Cambridge, etc., 1829-36. 8v. 4‘h Dudley observatory, Albany, N’. Y. Annals. Vol. i., ii. Albany, 1866-71. 2 v. 8®. Bastman, J. R. Tables of instrumental con- stants and corrections for the reduction of transit observations made at the U. S. naval observatory, pp. 57. {Appended to U. S. naval observatory. Wash., D. C. Astronom. and metcorol. observa- tions made during 1872; 1874, 4^’, i.) [Gould, B. A.,yr. ] An account of the obser- vatory at Pulkowa, as written for the North American review, July, 1849. [Boston, 1849.] 8‘h pp. 20. Harvard college, Cambridge, Alass. — Ast?'o- 7 to??iical observatory. Annals. Vol. i. pt. 1, 2; ii. 1,2; iii.; iv. i; v.-vii. Cambridge, 1856-71. 9 V. 40. Astronomical engravings of the moon, planets, etc. ; prepared at the observatory under the direction of J. Winlock. Cambridge, 1876. 40. pp. 8. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 33 “Comprising plates i, 2, 4, ii, 15, 16, 18-22, and 24 to 35, inclusive, of tlie general series of astronomical engravings from the observatory.’ I^rvard college, Cambridge^ Mass. — Astro- notnical observatory. Astronomical engravings il- lustrating solar phenomena; prepared at the obser- vatory under the direction of J. Winlock. Cam- bridge, 1876. 40. pp. 7. Comprising plates 3®, 5-10, 12-14, i7> snd 23, of the general series of astronomical engravings from the observatory. Hudson observatory, Hudson, O. Astro- nomical observations made at [the] observatory ; with some account of the building and instruments ; by E. Loomis. [Philadelphia], 1839. 40. From the Transactions of the American philosophical society. Same. Third series. [Philadelphia], 1844. 40. From the Transactions of the American philosophical society. Newcomb, S. The Uranian and Neptunian systems, investigated with the 26-inch equatorial of the U. S. naval observatory, pp. 74. t^Appended to U. S. naval observatory. Wash., D. C. As- tronom. and meteorol. observations made during 1873; 1875,4^1-) Nourse, J. E. Memoir of the founding and progress of the United States naval observatory, pp. 52. (^Appended to XJ. S. naval observatory. Wash., D. C. Astronom. and meteorol. observa- tions made during 1871 ; 1873, 4®, iv.) Same. Condensed. (^Appended to U. S. naval observatory. Wash., D. C. Astronom. and meteorol. observ. made during 1874; 1877, 40, i- 3 - 9 -) Oxford, Eng . — Univ. — Radcliffe observatory. Astronomical observations made in 1840-61 by M. J. Johnson. Oxford, 1842-64. 21 v. 8®. With vol. xiv. (1853) the title is changed to “Astronomical and meteorological observations”: vol. xix. (1858) has added to the title “ Reduced and printed under the superintendence of K. Main”; with vol. xx. the name of Johnson no longer appears. Trinity college, Dublin, Ireland — Observa- tory. Astronomical observations and researches made at the observatory [by P". Briinnow]. Dub- lin, 1870-73. 2 pt. 40. United States naval observatory, Wash- ington, D. C. Astronomical observations made [during 1838-42], 1845-52; Astronomical and me- teorological observations made during 1861-69, ’71-77. Washington, 1846-81. 23 v. in 24. 4‘>. The observations for 1838-42, 1851, ’52, ’61-64 were prepared by J. M. (Jilliss; the vols. for 1845-50 are designated as “vol. i.-v.’’; these were prepared by M. F. Maury ; 1865, '66, ’74- 6 by C. H. Davis; 1867-69, '71-73 by 11 . F. Sands; 1877 by . Rodgers. [Yarnall, M., and others.'] Results of observa- tions made at the U. S. naval observatory with the transit instrument and mural circle in the years 1853 to i860, inclusive. [By M. Yarnall, J. Major, T. J. Robinson.] pp. 144. {Appended to U. S. na- val observatory. Wash., D. C. Astronom. and meteorol. observations made during 1871 ; 1873, 40, ii.) Same, separated. Washington, 1872. 40. pp. 144. k. Orbits {Computation of]. Gauss, C. F. Theoria motvs corporvm coeles- tivm in sectionibvs conicis solem ambientivm. Ilandjvrgi, 1809. 40. pp. xi., 227-f, 20. Knorre, V. (C.). Additamenta in usum com- modiorem et tutiorem methodorum, quae ad orbitas planetarum paucis observationibus determinandas inserviunt. — Diss. inaug. Berolini, [1867]. 40, pp. 29-h. 1 . Parallaxes (includmg Transits of Mercury and Venus). Eastman, J. R. The solar parallax from me- ridian observations of Mars in 1877. pp. 43. {Ap- pended to U. S. naval ob.servatory, Wash., D. C. Astronom. and meteorol. observations made during 1877; 1881, 40, iii.) Feldt, L. Commentatio de parallaxi corporum coelestium, puta de parallaxi longitudinis et latitu- dinis, ascensionis rectae et declinationis, nec non altitudinis. Brunsbergae, [1859]. 40. pp. 10. Fockens, G. R. Responsio ad quaestionem : “ Exponantur observandi et computandi raliones, quibus astronomi stellarum fixarum parallaxin an- nuam definire conati sunt.” [Lugduni Batavorum, 1834.] 40. pp. 263. Gerling, C. L. De parallaxi elationis disserta- tio astronomica. Marburgi, [1830]. 40. f. (i), PP- 42. . Two editions in the same year, slightly differing. [Hall, A., and others.] Reports on telescopic observations of the transit of Mercury, May 5, 6, 1878 [by A. Hall, W. Harkness, J. R. Eastman, H. Draper, E. S. Holden, and H. M. Paul], f. (i), pp. 126. {Appended to 'U . S. naval obser- vatory, Wash., D. C. Astronom. and meteorol. observations made during 1876; 1880, 40, ii.) m. Perturbations. Challis, J. On the problem of three bodies. [London, 1856.] 40. pp. 523-545. From the Philosophical transactions . — Lettered “ Papers on astronomy.” Cheyne, C. H. H. An elementary treatise on the planetary theory, with a collection of problems. Cambridge, etc., 1862. 16®. pp. xii., 148. Hansen, P. A. Untersuchung iiber die gegen- seitigen Storungen des Jupiters und Saturns ; eine gekronte Preisschrift. Berlin, 1831. 4A pp. xvi., 326+. Houel, J. Sur le d^veloppement de la fonction perturbatrice suivant la forme adoptee par Hansen dans la th^orie des petites plan^tes. Paris, 1875. 80. pp. 84. Scheibner, W. Ueber die Berechnung einer Gattung von Eunctionen, welche bei der Entwicke- lung der Storungsfunction erscheinen. Gotha, [1853]. 40. f. (I), pp. 30-h. n. Planets and Satellites. Alberi, E. De Galilei Galileii circa Jovis satel- lites lucubrationibus quae in 1 . et R. Pittiana Pala- tina bibliotheca adservantur. [Elorentiae, 1843.] 8". pp. 13. Euler, L. Theoria motuum planetarum et coin- etarum, continens methodum facilem ex aliquot ob- servationibus orbitas cum planetarum turn cometa- rum determinandi. Berolini, [1744]. 4®. pp. 187. Hall, A. Observations and orbits of the satel- lites of Mars; with data for ephemcrides in 1879. Washington, 1878. 4®. pp. 46. Him, G. A. M^moire sur les conditions d’^qui- libre et sur la nature probable des anneaux de Sa- turne. [Paris, 1872.] 4®. f. (i), pp. 47. Loomis, E. On Kirkwood’s law of the rotation of the primary planets. [New Haven, 1851.] 8®. PP- 7 - “ P'rom the Amcr. journ. of science and arts, 2d senes, voL xi., March, 1851.” 34 WORKS RE LA TING TO MA THEM A TICS. Peirce, B. On the new planet Neptune. [Cam- bridge, 1847.] 80. pp. 12. “From the Proceedings of the Amer. acad. of arts and sci- ences, March 16, 1847.” Feuerbach, c>rPurbach, G. von. Theorica- rum nouarum Textus Georgij Purbachij cu vtili ac preclarissima expositione Domini Francisci Capuani de Manfredonia. Ite in eosde Reuerendi patris fratris SyluestrLde Prierio perfamiliaris commentatio. Insuper Jacobi P'abri Stapulesi astronomicon. Om- nia nuper summa diligentia emendata cu figuris ac comodatissimis longe castigatius insculptis cj prius suis in locis adiectis. [Parishs, 1515.] f®. ff. xci., f. (I). Planet Neptune (The). [New York, 1847.] 80. pp. 145-155- . From the American whig review, vol. vi., Aug. 1847. Proctor, R. A. Saturn and its system. Lon- don, 1865. 80. pp. xvi.-j-, 252. Schroeter, J. H. Beobachtungen iiber die sehr betraechtlichen Gebirge und Rotation der Venus. Erfurt, 1793. 4®. ff. (2), pp. 48. Walker, S. C., and'B. Peirce. The orbit of Neptune, computed by S. C. Walker, and Formulae in the theory of Neptune, by B. Peirce. [Cam- bridge, 1847.] 80. pp. 13. “ From the Proceedings of the American academy, read Dec. 1847.” o. Plurality of Worlds. Proctor, R. A. Other worlds than ours ; the plurality of worlds studied under the light of recent scientific researches. 2d ed. London, 1870. 8®. pp. xxvi., f. (i), pp. 339. Plates. [ Whewell, W. ] The plurality of worlds ; with an introduction by E. Hitchcock. New ed., [with] a supplementary dialogue, in which the author’s re- viewers are reviewed. Boston, etc.., 1861. pp. 368. Plate. p. Refraction. Atkinson, H. On astronomical and other re- fractions ; with a connected inquiry into the law of temperature in different latitudes and at different altitudes. [London, 1825 ?] 40. pp. 137-260. From the Philosophical transactions of the Astronomical so- ciety of London, vol. ii. Lettered “Papers on astronomy.” Brunn, (H.) J. (H.) De computando refrac- tionis effectu in minorum angulorum determinationi- bus micrometricis. — Diss. inaug. Berolini, [1865]. 40. pp. 17+. Young, T. A finite and exact expression for the refraction of an atmosphere nearly resembling that of the earth. [London, 1824.] 40. pp. 159-161. From the Philosophical transactions of the Astronomical so- ciety of London. Lettered “ Shipbuilding.” q. Solar System. Dick, T. The solar system. London, n. d. 2 pt. in I V. l6«. Plate. Hind, J. R. The solar system ; a descriptive treatise ujion tlie sun, moon and planets. New York, 1852. 120. pp. 198. Plate. Marcoz, J. B. P. Astronomie solaire d’llip- parque, soumise a une critique rigoureuse, et en- suite rendue a sa vdrite primordiale. Baris, 1828. 8f>. pp. Ixii., 352. Wachter, F. L. De dementis, qvae ad cor- porvm codestivm revolvtionem cirevm proprivm axem spectant, ex observationibvs geocentricis deri- vandis commentatio. Gottinga^, 1815. sm. 40. PP- 39 - W atson, J . C. Theoretical astronomy ; relating to the motions of the heavenly bodies revolving around the sun in accordance with the law of uni- versal gravitation. Philadelphia, etc., 1868. 1. 80. pp. 662. r. Spherical and Practical Astronomy. Bergh, J. W. van den. Responsio ad quaes- tionem : “Ad diem i Novembris 1825 computentur anguli horarii, altitudines, azimutha stellae /if et a Polaris, dum sint in eodem verticali, uti et cum per- venerint ad aequales altitudines.” [Lugduni Bata- vorum, 1820.] 40. pp. 22. Plate. Bremiker, H. De temporis e stellarum obser- vationibus definiendi ratione apud veteres usitatissi- ma. Berlin, 1856. 40. pp. 25. Briinnow, F. (F. E.). Spherical astronomy; translated by R. Main. Pt. i. Cambridge, etc., i860. 80. pp. xii., 2, 202. Plate. Cojpents : — Parallax, refraction, aberration, precession, and nutation. Chauvenet, W'. A manual of spherical and practical astronomy, embracing the general problems of spherical astronomy, the special applications to nautical astronomy, and the theory and use of fixed and portable astronomical instruments ; with an ap- pendix on the method of least squares. 4th ed. London [Philadelphia], 1868. 2 v. 80. Plates. Contents : — i. Spherical astronomy. — ii. Theory and use of instruments. — Method of least squares. Herling, . Wichtigste Lehren der sphar- ischen Astronomie nach einer neuen Darstellungs- weise. [Frankfurt am Main, 1832.] 40. f. (i), pp. 28. Plate. Loomis, E. An introduction to practical astron- omy, with a collection of astronomical tables. 7th ed. New York, 1870. 80. pp. 499. Sacro Bosco, or Busto {Eng. Holy wood, Halifax or Holybush), J. de. Sphaerade Sacro- bosco emendata ; E. Vineti Santonis scholia in ean- dem sphseram, ab ipso autore restituta, et annota- tionibus I. Martini Pedemontani aucta; P. Nonij Salaciensis annotatio in caput de climatibus, eodem Vineto interprete ; Compendium in sphaeram per P. Valerianum Belunensem [jzV]. Parisiis, 1608. sm. 80. pp. 37, 190. s. Stars. [American ephemeris and nautical almanac.] Almanac catalogue of zodiacal stars, printed for the use of the American ephemeris and nautical almanac. Washington, 1864. 1 . 80. pp. x., 37. Bond, G. P. On the companion of Sirius. — On the discovery of the asteroid (72). — On the discovery of comet III. 1861. — On the physical aspect of Encke’s comet. [New Haven, 1862.] 8®. pp. 4. From the Amer. joum. of science and arts, vol. xxxiii., March, 1862. Hall, A. Catalogue of 15 1 stars in Prresepe. pp. 38. (Appended to U. S. naval observatory. Wash., D. C. Astronom. and meteorol. observa- tions made during 1867; Washington, 1870, 40, iv. Observations of double stars made at the United States naval observatory, pp. 144. (Ap- pended to U. S. naval observatory. Wash., D. C. Astronom. and meteorol. observations made during 1877; Washington, 1881, 40, v.) Holden, E. S. The multiple star 'E 748. pp. 22. (Appended to XJ. S. naval observatory, Wash., I). C. Astronom. and meteorol. observa- tions made during 1877; Washington, 1881, 4®, ii.) Kokides, D. K. De variationibus declination- CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 35 um stellarum 5 Ursae Majoris et Draconis. liero- liiii, [1862]. 4«. ff. (2), pp. 20+. Loomis, F. E. Periodic stars. — Tnaug. diss. Gottingen, 1869. 4*’. pp. 28. Newcomb, S. Catalogue of 1098 standard clock and zodiacal stars. [Washington, 1878.] 40. pp. 147-314- From the Astronomical and meteorological observations made [during 1878?] at the U. S. naval observatory. Positions of fundamental stars deduced from observations made at the U. S. naval observatory between 1862 and 1867. pp. 46. (^Appc 7 ided to U. S. naval observatory. Wash., D. C.' Astronom. and meteorol. observations made during 1867; Washington, 1870, 40, iii.) Nichol, J. P. Views of the architecture of the heavens ; in a series of letters to a lady. New York, 1840. 1 20. pp. 158. Maps diYid plates. Pickering, E. C. Dimensions of the fixed stars, with especial reference to binaries and variables of the Algol type. Cambridge, [Mass.], 1880. 80. f. (I), pp. 37. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the American academy of arts and sciences, vol. xvi. Proctor, R. A. Half-hours with the stars : a plain and easy guide to the knowledge of the con- stellations. London, 1878. 40. pp. viii., 22. 12 maps. A new star atlas ; intended as a companion to ‘Webb’s celestial objects for common tele- scopes.’ 2d ed. London, 1872. 8®. pp. xii., 27. 14 rnaps. Oxford university — Radcliffe observatory. The Radcliffe catalogue of 6,317 stars, chiefly cir- cumpolar, reduced to the epoch 1845.0; formed from the observations made at the Radclifie observa- tory, under the superintendence of M. J. Johnson; with introduction by R. Main. Oxford, i8(jO. 1 . 80. ff- ( 3 )» PP- xiii., 363. Safford, T. H. The observed motions of the companion of Sirius considered with reference to the disturbing body indicated by theory. Cambridge, [Mass.], 1863. 8®. pp. 6. From the Proceedings of the Amer. acad. of arts and sci- ences, vol. vi. On the proper motion of Sirius in declin- ation. (Astronomical notices, no. 28; Dec. 20, 1861, pp. 25-32.) On the right ascension of the pole star, as determined from observation. Cambridge, [Mass.], 1864. 8». pp. 13. From the Proceedings of the American academy of arts and sciences, vol. vi. Scliur, W. Untersuchungen filter die Balm des Doppelsterns 70 / Ophiuchi. — Inaug. diss. Al- tona, 1867. 4". f, (i), pp. 18. Verzeichniss der von Bradley, Piazzi, Lalande und Bessel beobachteten Sterne, berechnet und auf 1800 reducirt von R. Luther [C. F. R. Olufsen, J. J. Morstadt, d’Arrest, K. Knorre, !•'. Argelander, C. Bremiker, S. Fellocker, Wolfers, Oobel, Bogus- lawski, Steinheil, T. J. Hussey, Harding, liighirami und C'apocci, Henke.]. Auf Veranlassung der konigl. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Berlin. Akademische Sternkarten. Zone o-xxiii Uhr. Ber- lin, 1830-58. 24 pt. in I V. fo. Winnecke, A. De Stella duplici 7/ coronae borealis. — Diss. inaug. Berolini, [1856]. 8«. ff. (2), pp. 344-. • Yarnall, M. Catalogue of stars observed at the United States naval observatory during 1845 to 1871. pp. xxi., 273. {^Appended to U. S. naval observa- tory, Wash., D. C. Astronom. and meteorol. ob- servations made during 1871 ; Washington, 1873, 40, iii.) t. Sun. Ericsson, J. Solar investigations. New York, 1876. 40. pp. 32. Meibauer, R. O. Ueber die physische Beschaf- fenheit der Sonne. Berlin, 1866. 40. pp. 26. Proctor, R. A. The sun : ruler, fire, light, and life of the planetary system. 2d ed. London, 1872. sm. 80. pp. xxviii., 503. Plates. Sestini, B. Observations on solar spots, made at the observatory of Georgetown college, Sep. 20 to Nov. 6, 1850. pp. 10. {Appended to U. S. naval observatory. Wash., D. C. Astronom. observa- tions made during 1847; Washington, 1853, 40, iii. Appendix A, pp. i-io.) Spbrer, G. F. W. Beobachtungen von Sonnen- flecken. Anclam, 1862-68. 3 pt. 40. Plate. Trowbridge, D. On the atmospheres of the sun and planets. Read before the American philo- sophical society, Nov. 3, 1876. [Philadelphia, 1876.] 80. pp. 7. u. Tides. Graham, J. D. A lunar tidal wave in the North American lakes. Cambridge, [Mass.], 1861. 8®. pp. II. Plate. “ From vol. xiv. of the Proceedings of the Amer. assoc, for the advancement of science.” Knorr, E. Disquisitiones quaedam de aestu maris. Berolini, [1830]. 40. f. (i), pp. 23-}-. Book-keeping. Dilworth, T. The young book-keeper’s assist- ant, shewing him, in the most plain and easy man- ner, the Italian way of stating debtor and creditor. New ed. l.ondon, 1801. 8*^. [ff. 82], pp. var. Green, S. The practical accountant ; or. Farm- ers’ and mechanics’ best method of book-keeping; a companion to Daboll’s Arithmetic. [Utica, 1832.] 120. ff. (6). Same. [Utica, 1834.] I2‘’. ff. (6). Same. [Utica, 1837.] 12®. ff. (6). Same. [Utica, 1839.] I2«\ ff. (6). Satne. Ithaca, [1841]. 12^. ff. (6). ltd. with the corresponding editions of llahoH’s Arithmetic. Hollander, D. d’. (.)ogen-salve, voor den in konst - sticksienden Italiaenschen boeck - houdens Spiegel - maker B. H. Geestevelt, hem bercyt, en toe-gepast, op sijn (piaet toesicht, omtrent sijn fonctie van’t koopmans boeck-houden. Amster- dam, 1669. 4«. jip. 123-f. Lettered “Geestevelt. Spetiosa algebra.” Jones, T. Paradoxes of debit and credit demol- ished ; double entry results obtained from single entry; ctjualion of payments in a nutshell. New York, 1859. 8^. i)p. iv., f. (i), pp. 74. Mayhew, I. Practical book-keeping. Boston, [1880]. 120. pp. 228. University book-keeping; a treatise on business and accounts. Boston, 1868. 8«‘. pp. 318. Calculus, or Fluxions. {See also Functions, Geometry, Analytic, Maxima and Minima, Rational jpractions, and Series.) Bezout, E. First principles of the differential and integral calculus, or the doctrine of fluxions; 36 WORIirS RE LA TING TO MA THEM A TICS. taken chiefly from the mathematics of Bezout, and translated [by J. Farrar]. Cambridge, [Mass.], 1824. 80. f. (i), pp. viii., 195. Plates. Boucharlat, J. L. Elements de calcul differen- tiel et de calcul integral; 7® ed. Paris, 1858. 8®. pp. xvi., 541. Plates. Carmichael, R. A treatise on the calculus of operations ; designed to facilitate the processes of the differential and integral calculus and the calculus of finite differences. London, 1855. 8®. pp. xii., 1704-- Cauchy, A. L. Resume des legons donnees a I’Ecole royale polytechnique sur le calcul infinitesi- mal. Tome i. Paris, 1823. 40. pp. xii., 172. Church, A. E. Elements of the differential and integral calculus ; improved edition, containing the elements of the calculus of variations. New York, i860. 8®. pp. viii., 344. Sa??ie. Revised ed. New York, 1868. 8®. pp. xi., 369. Same. New York, 1870. 80. pp. xi., 369. Courtenay, E. H. A treatise on the differen- tial and integral calculus, and on the calculus of variations. New York, 1868. 8®. pp. xviii., 13-501* Crousaz or Crouzas, J. P. de. Commentaire sur Panalyse des infiniment petits. Paris, 1721. 40. ff'. (18), pp. 320. Plates. lid. with Varignon’s “ Eclaircissemens sur I’analyse des Infi- niment petits.” An elementary treatise on the differential and integral calculus ; translated by R. Blakelock. Cambridge, 1828. 8®. pp. lx., 398. Plates. Davies, C. Elements of the differential and in- tegral calculus. Improved ed. New York, 1868. 80. pp. 283. Dealtry, W. The principles of fluxions. Cam- bridge, 1810. 80. ff. (2), pp. iv., 376-I-. De Morgan, A. Tbe differential and integral calculus ; also, Pilementary illustrations of, [the same]. London, 1842. 80. pp. xx., 3-785, 64. ( In Society for the diffusion of useful knowl- edge. Library of useful knowledge.) Duhamel, J. M. C. Elements de calcul infini- tesimal. 2« ed. Paris, 1860-61. 2 v. 80. Contents: — i. Qiiantites considerees comme limites. — Cal- cul des derivecs et des differentielles des fonctions. — ii. Limites de sommes. — Calcul inverse du calcul diflerentiel. — Integra- tion des equations diffurentiellcs. Emerson, W. The doctrine of fluxions ; not only explaining the elements thereof, but also its ap- plication and use in the several parts of mathematics and natural philosophy. 2d ed., revised and en- larged. London, 1757. 8". pp. xvi., ff. (2), pp. 432 -f-. Plates. Euler, L. Introduction a Panalyse infinitesi- male ; traduite du latin en fran9ais, avec des notes & des dclaircissemcnts, par J. B. Labey. Paris, 1796-97. 2v.ini. 40. Gamier, J. G. Notes sur le calcul diff^renticl et sur le calcul integral ; faisant suite a la Mecha- nif|ue de Bezout. jite. de la Mdchanique. Paris, An IX. [1801]. 8'>. ff. (2)' pp. 367-501 ff. (2), pj). 403-662, ff. (3). Plates. 'I hc p.-iginatioii docs not correspond with that of the edition (ist) of Ilczout’s “ Cours de mathematique ” catalogued else- where. Hales, W. Analysis fluxionum. Londini, 1800. 4^’. ])p. X., 1 10. Lettered “ Mathematical tracts.” Hall, T. G. An elementary treatise on the dif- ferential and integral calculus. Cambridge, etc., !834. 80. pp. xi., 372. Hemming, G. W. An elementary treatise on the differential and integral calculus, for the use of colleges and schools. 2d ed., with corrections and additions. Cambridge, 1852. 80. pp. xi., 194. Lacroix, S. P. An elementary treatise on the differential and integral calculus ; translated [by C. Babbage, G. Peacock and J. P". W. Plerschel], with appendix and notes. Cambridge, 1816. 80. pp. viii., 720. Plates. See Herschel, Sir J. F. W. A collection of examples of the applications of the calculus of finite differences. Traite elementaire de calcul differentiel et de calcul integral. 7« ed., revue et augmentee de notes par [C.] llermite et J. A. Serret. Paris, 1867. 2 V. 8®. Contents: — i. Calcul differentiel. — Calcul Integral. — il. Ap- pendice. — Notes. Landen, J. A discourse concerning the residual analysis, a new branch of the algebraic art. Lon- don, 1758. 40. pp. 43-f. The residual analysis, a new branch of the algebraic art. Book I. London, 1764. 40. pp. viii., 128. Plates. Lardner, D. An elementary treatise on the dif- ferential and integral calculus. London, 1825. 8®. pp. xxxiii., ff. (2), pp. 520. Another copy, lettered “ Lardner’s Geometry.” L’Huillier, S. (A. J.) Principiorum calculi dif- ferentialis et integralis expositio elementaris. Tu- bings, 1795. 40. ff. (3), pp. xxviii., 339-j-. Plates. Interleaved with blank ff. Two copies. Maclaurin, C. A treatise on fluxions. Edin- burgh, 1742. 2 V. 40. Paged continuously. A treatise on fluxions. 2d ed. ; to which is prefixed an account of his life, carefully corrected and revised by an eminent mathematician. London, 1801. 2 V. 80. Port, and plates. Mayer, J. T. Vollstandiger Lehrbegriff der hohern Analysis. Gottingen, 1818. 2 v. 8°. Contents: — i. Differenzialrechnung. — ii. Integralrechnung. Moigno, (F. H. M.) Tahbe. Le9ons de calcul differentiel et de calcul integral, redigees d’apres les methodes et les ouvrages publics ou inedits de A. L. Gauchy. Paris, 1840-44. 2 v. 8®. Plates. Contents: — i. Calcul differentiel. — ii. Calcul integral. Lettered “Calcul differentiel.” Natani, L. Die hohere Analysis, in vier Ab- handlungen ; mit Beriicksichtigung der Theorie der complexen Grossen und anderer neuen Untersuchun- gen ; Supplement zu den Lehrbiichern der Difieren- zial- und Integralrechnung. Berlin, 1866. 8®. pp. viii., 567. Navier, (C. L. M. H.) Resumd des le9ons d’analyse donnees a Pecole polytechnique ; suivi de notes par J. Liouville. 2® ed., revue par E. Liou- ville. Paris, 1856. 2 v. 8®. Newton. I. Analysis per quantitatum series, fluxiones ac differentias, cum enumeratione linearum tertii ordinis. Londini, 1 71 1. 4®. ff. (7), pp. lOi. Plates and engrs. The method of fluxions qnd infinite series, with its apj:)]ication to the geometry of curve-lines ; translated from the author’s Latin original, not yet made publick; to which is subjoined a perpetual comment upon the whole work, by J. Colson. Lon- don, 1736. 4‘>. pp. xxiii.-j-, 339. Eront. Pd. with his “ Excerpta qumdam.” Peirce, B. An elementary treatise on curves, functions and forces. Boston, etc. 2 v. I2<>. Contents : — i. Analytic geometry. — Differential calculus. — ii. Calculus of imaginary quantities. — Residual calculus. — In- tegral calculus. Price, B. A treatise on infinitesimal calculus ; CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 37 containing differential and integral calculus, calculus of variations, applications to algebra and geometry, and analytical mechanics. Oxford, 1862-68, ’62. 4 V. 8”. Plates. Contents: — i. Diflerential calculus. — ii. Integral calculus. — Calculus of variations. — Differential equations. — iii. Statics. — Dynamics of material particles. — iv. Dynamics of material systems. Vol. i.-iii. are 2d ed. ; vol. iv., ist ed. Quinby, I. F, A new treatise on the elements of tlie differential and integral calculus. New York, 1868. 80. pp. 472. This is really I. Todhunter’s Calculus rearranged. Ritchie, W. Principles of the differential and integral calculus, familiarly illustrated, and applied to a variety of useful purposes; 2d ed., revised by J. A. Spencer. London, 1847. 12®. pp. x., f. (i), pp. 193. Schlomilch, O. Compendium der hoheren An- alysis. Braunschweig, 1868, ’65. 2 v. 8®. Contents : — i. Differentialrechnung. — Integralrechnung. — ii. Die hoheren Differentialquotienten. — Functionen complexer Variabelen. — Periodischen Reihen. — Fourier’schen Integrate. — Bernoulli’schen Functionen. — Gammafunctionen. — Ellip- tischen Integrale. — Elliptischen Functionen. — Vielfachen In- tegrale — Integration der linearen Differentialgleichungen zwei- ter Ordnung. Vol. i. is “36 Aufl.”; vol. ii., “ae Aufl.” Serret, J. A. Cours de calcul differentiel et in- tegral. Paris, 1868. 2 V. 80, Contents: — i. Calcul differentiel. — ii. Calcul integral. Simpson, T. The doctrine and application of fluxions, containing (besidt^ what is common on the subject) a number of new improvements in the the- ory, and the solution of a variety of new and very interesting problems, in different branches of the mathematics. New ed., revised by a graduate of the university of Cambridge. 2 v. London, 1823. 8®. Strong, T. A treatise on the differential and in- tegral calculus. New York, 1869. 8«. pp. viii., 61 7. Sturm, (J.) C. (F. ) Cours d’analyse de PEcole polytechnique. 3® 6d., revue et corrigee par M. E. Prouhet. Paris, 1868. 2 v. 8«. Contents: — i. Calcul differentiel. — Calcul integral. — ii. Suite du calcul integral. — Calcul des variations. Taylor, B. Methodus incrementorum directa & in versa. Londini, 1717. 4®. ff. (3), pp. 118, f. (1). Thomson, J. An introduction to the differential and integral calculus ; with an appendix, illustrative of tlie theory of curves and other subjects. 2d ed. London, 1849. *2®. pp. viii., 7-3 lO. Plates. Varignon, P. Eclaircissemens sur I’analyse des infmiment petits. Paris, 1725. 4®. ff. (4), pp. 1 18, f. (i). Plates. Vince, S. The principles of fluxions. istAmer. ed., corrected and enlarged. Philadelphia, 1812. 8®. ff. (2), pp. 256. Waring, E. Meditationes analyticte. 2® ed. Cantabrigioe, 1785. 4^. ff. (2), pp. xlii., 722, ff. (3). Plate. “Primaeditio imprimebatur annis 1773, 4 & 5; secunda, cum nonnullis additlonibus annis 1783, 4 & 5, et edita Jun. 4, 1785.” a. Differential Calculus. Arbogast, L.'F. A. Du calcul des derivations. Strasbourg, An viii. (1800). 4®. f. (i), pp. xxii., f. (I), pp. 404. Bertrand, J. (L. F. ) Traite de calcul differentiel et de calcul integral : Calcul differentiel. Paris, 1864. 4«. ff. (2), pp. vii., xliv., 780. Bubendey, G. H. Ueber die Ableitung des Taylorschcn 'I'heorems aus den Principien des Infin- itesimal-Calculus. Hamburg, 1841. 40. ff. (2), PP- 53 +- Cauchy, A. L. Vorlesungen iiber die Differen- zialrechnung, mit Fourier’s Auflosungsmethode der bestimmten Gleichungen vecbunden ; ubersetzt von C. H. Schnuse. Braunschweig, 1836. 8®. pp. xiii., ( 0 > PP- 372. Plate. Same. Zusatze. Braunschweig, 1846. 8®. pp. 48.. Bd. with the preceding. Dippe, M. C. Anfangsgriinde der Differential Rechnung. Halle, 1839. 4®. pp. iv., 54. Plate. Euler, L. Institutiones calculi differentialis cum eius vsu in analysi finitorum ac doctrina serierum. Petropoli, 1755. 4®. pp. xxiv., 880. Vign. Gamier, J. G. Le9ons de calcul diflerentiel. 3® ed. Paris, 1811. 8®. pp. xxvi., 474. Plates. Another copy; same ed., but different title-page. Hoppe, (E.)R. (E.) Theorie der independen ten Darstellung der hohern Differentialquotienten. Leipzig, 1845. PP- xii., 187. Lagrange, J. L. Theorie des fonctions analy- tiques ; contenant les principes du calcul differentiel, degages de toute consideration d’infiniment petits, d’evanouissants, de limites et de fluxions, et reduits a I’analyse algebrique des quantites finies. 3® ^d., revue par J. A. Serret. Paris, 1847. 4®. pp. xii., 399 - Rauschenbusch, C. F. A. Ueber Differenzial- Rechnung. Cassel, 1833. 4®. pp. 16, f. (i). Schellbach, K. H. Beitriige zur Differenzen- rechnung. Berlin, 1836. 4®. f. (i), pp. 19. Spare, J. The differential calculus, with unusual and particular analysis of its elementary principles, and copious illustrations of its practical application. Boston, 1865. 12®. pp. xix., 244. Todhunter, I. A treatise on the differential cal- culus, with numerous examples. 4th ed. Cam- bridge, etc., 1864. 8®. pp. viii., 404. See Quinby, I. F., under Calculus. Whewell, W. The doctrine of limits with its applications ; namely, conic sections, the first three sections of Newton, the differential calculus. Cam- bridge, 1838. 8®. pp. xii., f. (i), pp. 172. Williamson, B. An elementary treatise on the differential calculus, containing the theory of plane curves. 4th ed. London, 1880. 8®. pp. xvi., 440. Woolhouse, W. S. B. Pdements of the dif- ferential calculus. 6th ed. London, 1864. 12®. pp. viii., 164. Young, J. R. Elements of the differential cal- culus ; comprehending the general theory of curve surfaces and of curves of double curvature. 2d ed. London, 1836. 12®. pp. xxii., 312. Same, [ist Amer. ed.], revised and cor- rected by M. O’Shannessy. New York, 1833. 8®. pp. XX., 255. b. Integral Calculus. Bertrand, J. (L. F. ) Traitd de calcul difli^ren- tiel et de calcul integral : Calcul integral ; int6- grales d^fmies et indefinies. Paris, 1870. 4®. pp. xii., 725. Bougeiinville, (L. A. de). Traitd du calcul in- tegral, pour servir de suite h. I’Analyse des infini- ment petits de L’H6pital. Paris, 1754-56. 2 v. 4®. Condorcet, (M. J. A. N. de C.), marquis de. Du calcul integral. Paris, 1765. 4®. pp. viii,, 94, f. (I). Euler, L. Institution[es] calculi integralis. ltd. 3». Petropoli, 1824-27. 3 v. 4®. Contents: — Methodus integrand! a primis principiis usque 38 IVOJ^JCS J^£LA7’/JVG TO MATHEMATICS. ad integrationem aequationum differentialium prlmi gradus. — ii. Methodus inveniendi functiones unlus variabilis ex data rela- tione differentialium secundi altiorisve gradus. — iii. Methodus invepiendi functiones duarum et plurium variabilium, ex data relatione differentialium cujusvis gradus; cum appendice de Calculo variationum. Garnier, J. G. Le9ons de calcul integral. 3® 6d. Paris, 1812. 8®. pp. 8, 643 -f-. Plates. Herzberg, R. De integralium multiplicium re- ductione. Halis, [1858]. 4®. ff. (3), pp. 19. Hymers, J. A treatise on the integral calculus, containing the integration of explicit functions of one variable, together with the theory of definite inte- grals and of elliptic functions. 3d ed. Cambridge, 1844. 8®. ff. (2), pp. 300. Plates. Joachimsthal, F. Ueber die Bedingung der Integrabilitat. Berlin, 1844. 4®. pp. 21. Legendre, A. M. Exercices de calcul integral sur divers ordres de transcendantes et sur les quadra- tures. Paris, 1811-17, ’16. 3 V. 4®. Le Seur, T. et F. Jacqnier. Elemens du cal- cul integral. Parme, 1768. 2 v. 4®. Plates. Contents: — i. Differentielles a une variable. — ii. Differen- tielles a plusieurs variables. Moigno, F. N. M., compiler. Vorlesungen fiber die Integralrechnung ; vorzfiglich nach 3 en Meth- oden von A. L. Cauchy ; deutsch herausgegeben von C. H. Schnuse. Braunschweig, 1846. 8®. pp. xxxvi., 618. Todhunter, I. A treatise on the integral calcu- lus and its applications, with numerous examples. 3d ed., revised and enlarged. London, etc., 1868. 8®. pp. vi., f. (i), pp. 376. Williamson, B. An elementary treatise on the integral calculus, containing applications to plane curves and surfaces. 3d ed. London, 1880. 8®. pp. xiv., 375. Young, J. R. The elements of the integral cal- culus, with its applications to geometry and to the summation of infinite series. London, 1831. 12®. pp. xi.-f, 306. c. Definite Integrals. Anderssen, A. Entwickelung aller Eigen- schaften der Logarithmen und Kreisfunktionen aus dem bestimmten Integral P Breslau, 1857. 4®. f. ( I ), pp. 28. J Bellavitis, G. Relazione sulle tavole d’integrali definiti compilate da I). Bierens de Ilaan. [Vene- zia, 1859]. 8®. pp. 8. Estratto dal vol. iv., serie iii., degli Atti dell’ Istituto veneto. Bierens de Haan, D. Expose de la th^orie, des propriet^s, des formules de transformation, et des methodes d’^valuation des integrates definies. Amsterdam, 1862. 4®. ffv(2), pp. xii., 702. Plate. Foelsing, J. H. M^moire sur la substitution d’une variable imaginaire dans une integrate d^finie. licrlin, [1841]. 4®. f. (i), pp. 19. Meyer, A. Pixpos^ ^l^mentaire de la th^orie des intfigrales definies. Bruxelles, etc., 1851. 8®. ff. (2), pp. iii.+j iii- Meyer, G. F. Vorlesungen fiber die Theorie der bestimmten Integrate zwischen reellen Grenzen. Leipzig, 1871. 8®. f. (i), pp. xviii., 628. d. Differential Equations. Airy, G. B. An elementary treatise on partial differential equations. London, etc., 1866. 8®. pp. viii., 58. Plates, and 4 stereoscopic views in cover. Boole, G. A treatise on differential equations. 2d ed., revised. Cambridge, etc., 1865. 8®. pp. XV., 496. Same; supplementary volume ; [edited by I. Todhunter], Cambridge, etc., 1865. 8®. pp. xi.+, 235. Brunacci, V. Calcolo integrale delle equazioni lineari. Firenze, 1798. 4®. pp. xx., 280, f. (i). Floquet, G. Sur la theorie des equations diffe- rentielles lineaires. (These presentee a la Faculte des sciences de Paris.) Paris, 1879. 4®. f. (i), pp. 132. Gehring, F. E. De aequationibus differentiali bus quibus aequilibrium et motus laminae crystal- linae definiuntur. — Diss. inaug. Berolini, [1859]. 4®. pp. 30, f. (I). Halphen, [G.] Sur les invariants differentiels. (These presentee a la Faculty des sciences de Paris.) Paris, 1878. 4®. pp. 60. Hymers, J. A treatise on differential equations, and on the calculus of finite differences. 2d ed., en- larged. London, 1858. 8®. pp. viii., 180, 139. Plate. Lie, S. Discussion aller Integrations- Methoden der partiellen Differential-Gleichungen i. O. Pt. i., ii. [Christiania, 1875.] 8®. “ Besonderer Abdruck nach den Verh. der Gesellschaft d. W. zu Chr. a 1875.” Pt. ii. has the title : — “ Allg«meine Theorie partielle Differen- tial-Gleichungen I. O.” Mansion, P. Theorie des Equations aux d^- rivees partielles du premier ordre. Paris, 1875. 8®. ff. (2), pp. xvi., 289. Sohncke, L. De aequatione differentiali seriei d^y hypergeometricae x(i— .r) . — dy ——a . ( 5 . y=o. — Diss. inaug. Halis, [1866]. 4®. f. (I), pp. 20, f. (i). Ueber den Zusammenhang hypergeomet- rischer Reihen mit hoheren Differentialquotienten und vielfachen Integralen. Konigsberg in Pr., 1867. 4®. pp. 30. Zorer, F. Integration zweier simultanen Gleich- ungen der zweiten Ordnung mit constanten Coef- ficienten. Stuttgart, 1844. 4®. pp. 15. e. Calculus of Variations. Abbatt, R. A treatise on the calculus of varia- tions. 2d ed. London, 1841. 16®. pp. xi., 207. Plate. Moigno, F. N. M. Le9ons de calcul diff^rentiel et de calcul integral, r^dig^es d’apres les methodes et les ouvrages publics ou in^dits de A. L. Cauchy. Tome iv., fasc. : Calcul des variations. Paris, 1861. 8®. pp. XX., 352. Natani, L. Die Variationsrechnung; Anhang zur hoheren Analysis. Berlin, 1866. 8®. ff. (2), pp. 53, f. (I). Simon, (E.) O. (A.) Die Theorie der Varia- tionsrechnung. Berlin, 1857. 4®. f. (i), pp. 35. Todhunter, I. Researches in the calculus of variations, principally on the theory of discontinuous solutions; an essay. Cambridge, 1871. 8®. pp. viii., 278. Wilkinson, M. M. U. Of false discontinuity, with illustrations from Pburier’s theorem and the calculus of variations. Cambridge, 1871. 8®. pp. vii., 192. Plates. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 39 Calendar. (See also Astronomy.) Clavius, C. Romani calendarii a Gregorio XI 11. P. M. restitvti explicatio ; accessit confutatio eorum, qui calendarium aliter instaurandum esse contende- runt. Romae, 1603. f®. ff. (18), pp. 680, f. (i). Marked as vol. v. of “ Clavii Opera.” Gumpach, J. von. Practical tables for the re- duction of Mahometan dates to the Christian kalen- dar, computed for the use of astronomers, chronolo- gers, historians, and others ; with an introduction including some special remarks on the Turkish kal- endar. London, 1856. 40. pp. 23. Crystallography. Hempflng, J. C. Tabellen zum Auffinden der vcrschiedenen Classificationsstufen in welche eine beliebige Gestalt nach dem von dem Professor Hes- sel aufgestellten System der sammtlichen denkbaren Gestalten gehort. Marburg, 1851. obi. 40. ff. (14). Kupfifer, A. T. Preisschrift uber genaue Mes- sung der Winkel an Krystallen. Berlin, 1825. 40. pp. viii., 135+. Plate. Marbach, H. Ueber “hemiedrie non super- posable”; Oder, “ gewendete Krystallformen.” Breslau, 1861. 40. f. (i), pp. 20. Plate. Determinants. (See also Elimination and Quantics.) Baltzer, R. Theorie et applications des deter- minants, avec I’indication des sources originales ; traduit par J. Hoiiel. Paris, 1861. 8®. pp. xii., 235- Brioschi, F. La teorica dei determinanti e le sue principali applicazioni. Pavia, 1854. 4“. pp. V., f. (I), pp. 116. Theorie des determinants et leurs princi- pals applications ; traduit par E. Combescure. Paris, 1856. 8«. pp. xii., 216. Dodgson, C. L. An elementary treatise on de- terminants, with their application to simultaneous linear ecjuations and algebraical geometry. London, 1867. 40. pp. viii., 143. Hoiiel, J. Notions eiementaires sur les deter- minants. Paris, etc., 1871. 4“. f. (i), pp. 36, f. (l). Lithographed. Mansion, P. Elements de la theorie des deter- minants, avec de nombrcux exercices. 3<^ed. Mons, etc., 18^. 8«. pp. 634*. Dialling. Clavius, C. Gnomonices | libri octo, | in qvi- bvs I Non solum horologiorum solariu, | sed aliaruin quocj' rerum, | qux* ex gnomonis umbra | cognosci t ossunt, de scriptiones | Geoinetrice demonstrantur. Romce apvd Eranciscvm Zanettvm. IDLXXXI. fo. ff. (8), pp. 654, f. (i). IVdcts. Marked as vol. iv. of “ Clavii opera.” Emerson, W. Dialling; or. The art of draw- ing dials on all sorts of planes whatsoever ; in three parts. [London, 1770] 8‘>. pp. iv., 164. Plates. Hd. with his “Geography.” Foster, S. The art of dialling, by a new, easie, and most speedy way ; shewing how to describe the house-lines upon all sorts of plaines, howsoever, or in what latitude soever scituated; as also to find the sun’s azimuth. London, 1638. sm. 4°. ff. (3), pp. 39. Plate and ivdcts. Sec also his “ Miscellanies.” Gelder, J. J. de. Commentatio ad quaestionem mathematicam: “Dato piano cuiuscunque positionis et puncto extra planum, determinetur per formulam generalem locus umbrae purae huius puncti, proiec- tae per disci solis centrum in hoc planum, pro quavis diei hora et solis declinatione, neglectis refractionis et parallaxeos effectibus ? ” [Groningae, 1825.] 40. pp. 1 14. Plate. Luchini da Pesaro, D. Trattenimenti mate- matici, i quali comprendono tavole horarie per gli orologj a sole orizzontali, vertical!, riflessi, e porta- tili ; con una notizia della geometria, e trigonometria sferica, e piana; con diversi quesiti e problem! astro- nomic!, e del calendario ecclesiastico. Roma, 1730. 40. ff. (16), pp. 368, ff. (175). Plates. Twysden, J. The whole art of reflex dialling, shewing the way to draw all manner of dialls which shall shew the hour by a spot of light reflected from a glasse, [etc.] London, 1659. fo. f. (i), pp. 9. Plate. Bd. in Foster’s “Miscellanies.” See also Appendix in same volume. Woepcke, F. Disquisitiones archaeologico- mathematicae circa solaria veterum. — Diss. inaug. Berolini, [1842]. 40. ff. (3), pp. 80, f. (i). Plates. Engineering. (See also Applied Mechanics, Descriptive Geometry, Practical Geometry, Machinery, and Military Engineering. ) American institute of mining engineers. 'I'ransactions. Vol. i., ii., iv.-vi., ix. May, 1871- Feb. 1881. Philadelphia, ^/r., [ I S71 ]-8i. 6 v. 8®. Vol. V. contains a general index to vol. i.-v. Bossut, [C., / 'abbe, ] et [G. ] Viallet. Recher- ches sur la construction la plus avantageuse des digues. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1798. 4®. pp. 67-}-. Plates. Claudel, J. Formules, tables efrenseignements usuels ; aide-memoire des ingenieurs, des arcliitectes, etc.: partie pratique. Neuv. ed. Paris, 1877. 2 v. 80. Plates and wdcts. Introduction ii la science de I’ingenieur; aide-memoire des ingenieurs, des arcliitectes, etc. : partie theorique. ed. Paris, 1875. 80. pp. XV. -j-, 1126. delates and 7iidcts. Engineer and machinist’s drawing-book (The) ; a complete course of instruction for the practical en- gineer : comprising linear drawing, projection, ec- centric curves, gearing, recii)rocating macliinery, sketching and drawing from machines, shadows, tinting and colouring, and jierspective. London, 1878. f^^. j)p. viii., 1 16. I dates and wdcts. Gaudard, J. Foundations ; translated by L. F. V. Harcourt. New York, 1878. i8“. pp. 404. IVdcts. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 34.) First published in the “ Froceedings ” of the Institution ol civil engineers of Great Britain. Reprinted in Van Nostrand’s engineering magazine, vol. xviii. (1878). Law, H. Civil engineering for practical en- gineers, and for the army and navy; the section on hydraulic engineering by G. R. Burnell. 5th ed., with notes and illustrations by R. Mallet. London, 1869. 120. pp. xii., 152, 126, 208. Plates. McAlpine, W. J. Modern engineering; a lect- ure delivered at the American institute in New York. 2d ed. New York, 1874. 8“. pp. 71. Millar, W. J. Principles of mechanics and their application to prime movers, naval architecture, iron bridges, water sujiply, &c. ; [and] Thermodynamics, with special reference to the steam engine. London, 1874. 8‘>. pp. vii., 136. Wdcts. 40 WORKS RELA TING TO MA THEM A TICS. Mosely, H. The mechanical principles of en- gineering and architecture. 1st Amer. from 2d Lon- don ed., with additions by D. H. Mahan. New York, 1856. 8®. pp. xxi., 699. Wdcts. Rankine, W. J. M. Useful rules and tables relating to mensuration, engineering, structures, and machines. 4th ed. London, 1873. 80. pp. viii., 312. Plate. Roper, S. The engineer’s handy-book; con- taining a full explanation of the steam-engine indi- cator, with formulae for estimating the power of steam-engines, facts, figures, questions and tables for engineers. Philadelphia, 1881. 160. pp. [ 7 ]- 678. Wdcts. Sganzin, I. An elementary course of civil en- gineering; translated from the 3d French ed., with notes and applications. 3d ed. Boston, 1837. 8®. pp. viii., 232. Plates. Trautwine, J. C. The civil engineer’s pocket- book of mensuration, trigonometry, surveying, etc. 14th thousand, revised. Philadelphia, 1881. 120. pp. 677. Wdcts. United States — Chief of engineers. Analytical and topical index to the reports of the chief of en- gineers [etc. ] upon works and surveys for river and harbor improvement, 1866-79; compiled, under the direction of H. M. Robert, by L. Y. Schermer- horn, S. O. L. Potter, and others. Washington, 1881. 80. pp. vii., f. (i), pp. 624. Annual report to the secretary of v/ar. 1871-81. Washington, 1871-81. ii v. in 24. 8®. Maps, plates and wdcts. For earlier reports see those of the Secretary of war. Warner, J. New theorems, tables and diagrams for the computation of earth-work ; with an appen- dix. Philadelphia, 1861. 1. 80. pp. 315+. Plates. [Weisbach, J. ] Ingenieur: Sammlung von Tafeln, h'ofmeln und Regeln der Arithmetik, der theoretischen und praktischen Geometrie sowie der Mechanik und des Ingenieurwesens. 6® umgear- beitete Aufl., unter Mitwirkung von F. Reuleaux; herausgegeben von G. Querfurth. Braunschweig, 1874-77. nar. 8®. pp. xvii., 931+. Wdcts. A manual of the mechanics of engineering and of the construction of machines, with an intro- duction to the calculus ; translated from the 4th Ger- man ed. by E. B. Coxe. Vol. i. New York, 1870. 8 ®. Wdcts. Contents : — Theoretical mechanics. Same ; translated bv A. J. Du Bois. Vol. ii., pt. I, 2. New York, 1880. i v. in 2. 8®. Port, and wdcts. Contents: — i. Hydraulics and hydraulic motors. — 2. Heat, steam and the steam-engine. A continuation of the above translation by Coxe. Wellington, A. M. Methods for the computa- tion from diagrams of preliminary and final estimates of railway earthwork. New York, 1874-75. 2 v. 8® and f ®. Wheeler, J. B. An elementary course of civil engineering. New York, 1877. 8®. pp. xix., 472. Wdcts. Woodbury, D. P. Sustaining walls : geomet- rical constructions to determine their thickness under various circumstances; derived chiefly from a me- tnoir of [J. V.] i’oncelet. 2d ed. Washington, 1854. 8®. pp. [233]-268. Plates. (U. S. — Corps of engineers. Papers on practical engineering, 3.) a. Aqueducts and Water Supply. Browne, J. H. B. Water supply. London, 1880. 8®. pp. 104. Corfield, W. H. Water and water supply. New York, 1875. 18®. pp. 145. (Van Nos- trand’s science series, 17.) Humber, W". A comprehensive treatise on the water supply of cities and towns, with numerous specifications of existing waterworks. London, 1876. f®. pp. xiv., 378. Plates and wdcts. Jacob, A. The designing and construction of storage reservoirs. New York, 1873. 18®. pp. 95. 'Wdcts. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 6.) New York (City) — Croton aqueduct department. Annual report to the common council. 1862. New York, 1863. 8®. pp. 135. Plates. Turnbull, W. Report on the construction of the piers of the aqueduct of the Alexandria canal across the Potomac river. 1835-1840. Washington, 1873. 4®. pp. 49. Plates. Zeller, C. Des conduites d’eau, de leur ^tab- ' lissement et de leur entretien ; avec tables et calculs. Paris, 1863. 18®. ff. (2), pp. 89. Wdcts. b. Bridges and Trusses. Bender, C. Practical treatise on the properties of continuous bridges. New York, 1876. 18®. pp. 150. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 26.) Proportions of pins used in bridges. New York, 1873. 18®. pp. 52. Wdcts. (Van Nos- trand’s science series, 4.) Boiler, A. P. Description of the new wrought- iron bridge at Bridgeport, Ct. n. p., n. d. 8®. pp. (3 1 71-3 71- (Prom American society of civil engineers. Transactions, xxiv.) Practical treatise on the construction of iron highway bridges ; with [an] essay upon the applica- tion of the principles of the lever to a ready analysis of the strains upon beams and trusses. 2d ed. New York, 1878. 8®. pp. x., (7)-i44. Plates o.nd wdcts. Burr, W. H. A course on the stresses in bridge and roof trusses, arched ribs and suspension bridges. New York, i88o.* 8®. pp. viii., 344. Plates. Cain, W. Maximum stresses in framed bridges. New York, 1878. 18®. pp. 1924-. (Van Nos- trand’s science series, 38. ) Reprinted from Van Nostrand’s engineering magazine. Theory of solid and braced elastie arches applied, to arch bridges and roofs in iron, wood, con- crete, or other material: graphical analysis. New York, 1879. 18®. pp. 172. Plates. (Van Nos- trand’s science series, 48.) Reprinted from Van Nostrand’s engineering magazine. Voussoir arches applied to stone bridges, tunnels, domes and groined arehes. New York, 1879. 18®. pp. 196. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 42.) Reprinted from Van Nostrand’s engineering magazine. Chanute, O., and G. Morison. The Kansas City bridge ; with an account of the regimen of the Missouri river, and a description of methods used for founding in that river. New York, 1870. 4®. pp. 1 39. Plates. Clark, E. The Britannia and Conway tubular bridges ; with general inquiries on beams and on the ])roperties of materials used in construction ; under the supervision of R. Stephenson. London, 1850. 2 V. 8®, and Atlas of plates, f®. Clarke, T. C. An aceount of the iron railway bridge across the Mississippi river, at Quincy, 111 . New York, 1869. 4®. pp. 71-}-. Plates. Dempsey, G. D. Examples of iron bridges for railways and other works; shewing the details of construction, as adopted in the application of cast CORNELL UN/VERS/TV. 41 and wrought iron. London, 1852. 40, and ARas of plates, f«. Dempsey, G. D. Tubular and other iron gird- er bridges, particularly describing the Britannia and Conway tubular bridges ; with a sketch of iron bridges and illustrations of the application of mal- leable iron to the art of bridge-building. 3d ed. London, 1865. 120. pp. (iii.)-viii., 136. Wdcts. (Weale’s elementary series, 43.) Diedrichs, J. H. The theory of strains : a com- pendium for the calculation and construction of bridges, roofs and cranes, with the application of trigonometrical notes. Baltimore, 1871. 8®. pp. 184. Plates. Du Bois, A. J. The elements of graphical stat- ics and their application to framed structures, with practical examples of cranes, bridge, roof and sus- pension trusses, braced and stone arches, pivot and draw spans, continuous girders, &c. 2d ed., revised and corrected. New York, 1875. and Atlas of plates. The new method of graphical statics. New York, 1875. 80. pp. 79. Plates. ist ed. of preceding. Reprinted from Van Nostrand’s en- gineering magazine. Eddy, H. T. Researches in graphical statics. New York, 1878. 8®. Reprinted from Van Nostrand’s engineering magazine. Greene, C. E. Trusses and arches analyzed and discussed by graphical methods. New York, 1880, ’79. 3 V. 80. Plates. Cofitefits : — I. Graphical analysis of roof-trusses. — ii. Bridge- trusses. — iii. Arches. Haupt, H. General theory of bridge construc- tion : containing demonstrations of the principles of the art and their application to practice ; furnishing the means of calculating the strains upon the chords, ties, braces, counter-braces, and other parts of a bridge or frame of any description. New York, 1856. 80. pp. 268. Plates. Hildenbrand, W. Cable-making for suspen- sion bridges, with special reference to the cables for the East River bridge. New York, 1877. iS*^. pp. 121. Plates and Wikts. (Vail Nostraiid’s sci- ence series, 32.) Reprinted from Van Nostrand’s engineering magazine. Humber, W. A handy book for the calculation of strains in girders anfl sinular structures, and their strength. New York, 1869. 8®. pp. x., 71. Plates and wdcts. A complete treatise on cast and wrought iron bridge construction, including iron foundations. 2d ed. I.ondon, 1864. fo, and Atlas of plates. pp. xii., f. (i), pp. 237-f-. Hyde, E. W. Skew arches : advantages and disadvantages of different methods of construction. New York, 1875. 18®. pp. 104. Plates. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 15.) McMaster, J. B. Bridge and tunnel centres. New York, 1875. i8«, pp. 106. Wdcts. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 20.) Merrill, W. E. I ron truss bridges for railroads : methods of calculating strains, with a comparison of the most prominent truss bridges, and new formulas for bridge computations ; also. The economical angles for struts and ties. New York, 1870. 40. pp. 130. Merriman, M. On the theory and calculation of continuous bridges. New York, 1876. l8‘^. j)p. 130. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 25.) Ranken, F. A. I'he strains in trusses comi)uted by means of diagrams. London, 1872. 8^. ff. (4), pp. 63. Roebling, J. A. Long and short span railway bridges. New York, 1869. fo. f. (i), pp. 50, ff. (to). Plates. Shreve, S. H. A treatise on the strength of bridges and roofs, with practical applications and examples. New York, 1873. 8®. f. (i), pp. xx., 346. Stoney, B. B. The theory of strains in girders and similar structures, with observations on the ap- plication of theory to practice, and tables of the strength and other properties of materials. New ed., enlarged and revised. New York, 1873. pp. xxxi. ,632. Wdcts. [Ware, S. ] Tracts on vaults and bridges. Lon- don, 1822. 80. pp. XX., ff. (3), pp. 73, f. (i), pp. 70, f. (i), pp. 177. Plates. Contents: — i. On vaults. — 2. The taking down and re- building London bridge. — 3. The principles of pendent bridges, with reference to the catenary, applied to the Menai bridge. A treatise of the properties of arches and their abutment piers ; containing directions for de- scribing geometrically the calenaria and the extra- dosses of all curves. London, 1809. 8®. pp. ix., 62. Plate. Wenckebach, W. De pontium lapideorum forma et mensuris ex aequilibrii doctrina determin- andis. Amstelodami, 1830. 40. fif. (2), pp. 116, f. (i). Plates. Whipple, S. An elementary and practical treatise on bridge building. Enlarged and improved ed. New York, 1872. 8®. pp. vi., 317, f. (i). Plate and wdcts. Woodbury, D. P. Treatise on the various ele- ments of stability in the well-proportioned arch; with tables of the ultimate and actual thrust. New York, 1858. 80. ff. (2), pp. (i87)-438. Plates. (U. S. — Corps of engineers. Tapers on practical engineering, 7.) c. Canals. Barnard, J. G. Report on the North Sea canal of Holland; and on the improvement of navigation from Rotterdam to the sea. Washington, 1872. 4‘>. jq-). 77. Plates. (U. S. — Corps of engineers. Trofessional papers, 22.) Lesseps, F. de. The Suez canal : letters and documents descriptive of its rise and progress in 1854-56; translated by N. D’ Anvers. London, 1876. 8‘*. pp. viii., 31 1. New York instate') — State engineer and survey- or. Annual rcj)ort on the canals of the state. 1879. Albany, 1880. 8”. Maps and plates. San Francisco — Board of trade. Report of special committee on inter-oceanic canal. San Fran- cisco, 1880. 8*'. pp. 33. Stevenson, D. The principles and practice of canal and river engineering. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1872. 8^. pp. xiii., f. (i), pp. 347. Plates and wdcts. d. Jlydrattlic engineering and Hydraulic Motors. Bleiswyck, P. van. De aggeribus. Lugduni Batavorum, 1745. 4**. ff. (2), pp. 61. Plates. Brisse, A., and "Lx. de Rotrou. 'I'he draining of lake Fucino accomplished by Trince Alexander Torlonia; an abridged account, historical and tech- nical : English translation by V. de Tivoli. Rome, 1876. 2 v. 4‘> and f«. Burnell, G. R. The rudiments of hydraulic en- gineering. Newed. London, 1868. I2«. pp. x., 283. 42 WORKS RE LA TING TO MA THEM A TICS. Eads, J. B. Report on the Mississippi jetties. 1876. n. p., n. d. 80, pp. 25. Charts. Francis, J. B. Lowell hydraulic experiments ; being a selection from experiments on hydraulic motors, on the flow of water over weirs, in open canals of uniform rectangular section, and through submerged orifices and diverging tubes. 3d ed., revised and enlarged. New York, 1871. 40. pp. xi., 251. Plates. Hagen, G. Handbuch der Wasserbaukunst. Bd. i.-vi., 3® Aufl. ; vii.-x., 2® Aufl. Berlin, 1869- 81. 10 V., 8®, and Atlas of plates, obi. f®. Contents: — i., ii. Brunnen, Wasserleitungen und Fundir- ungen. — iii.-vi. Ufersch^ungen, Strombauten und Schiffahrts- Can^e. — vii.-x. Seeufer- und Hafen-Bau. Hirn, G. A. Etude sur une classe particuliere de tourbillons qui se manifestent sous des certaines conditions speciales dans les liquides. Paris, 1878. 8®. pp. 40. Plates, Humphreys, A. A., andH. L. Abbot. Phys- ics and hydraulics of the Mississippi : Reply to crit- icisms made by Dr. Hagen. New York, 1878. 4®. pp. 8. Report upon the physics and hydraulics of the Mississippi river; upon the protection of the alluvial region against overflow; and upon the deep- ening of the mouths (reprinted with additions). Washington, 1876. 4®. pp. xxiii.-f-, 691* Maps and plates. (U. S. — Corps of topographical en- gineers. Professional papers, 13.) McMaster, J. B. High masonry dams. New York, 1876. 18®. pp. 132. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 22.) Trowbridge, W. P. Turbine wheels : on the inapplicability of the theoretical investigations of the turbine wheel as given by Rankine, Weisbach, Bresse and others to the modern constructions in- troduced by Boyden and Francis. New York, 1879. 18®. pp. 88. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 44 -) ... Reprinted from Van Nostrand’s engineering magazine. Verdam, G. J. Dissertatio in qua, ratione mathematica et physica, quaeritur de mensura, con- structione, et munitione aggerum terreorum, ad lacus, fluvius et mare ab agris humilioribus ascenda. l.ugduni Batavorum, 1825. 4®. ff. (2), pp. ii., 107, ff. (2). Plate. Wells, W. The water-power of Maine. Au- gusta, 1869. 8®. pp. viii., 526. Wex, Sir G. hhrst treatise on the decrease of water in springs, creeks and rivers, contemporane- ously with an increase in height of floods in culti- vated countries ; from the Papers of the Society of Austrian engineers and architects, 1873, nos. 2, 4, 6; translated by G. Weitzel. Washington, i88t. 8®. pp. 57. Plates. A lecture on the progress of the works of completion of the new improved bed of the Danube at Vienna, with a description of the catastrophe pro- duced by the ice gorge of 1880; from the Journal of the Society of Austrian engineers and architects, no. 3, 1880; translated by G. Weitzel. Washington, PP- 33 - Riates. e. lighthouses. Adams, W. H. D. Lighthouses and lightships ; a descriptive and historical account of their mode of construction and organization. London, 1878. 8®. pp. 326. Pront., plates d.r\(l 7 udcts. Elliot, G. H. Report of a tour of inspection of European light-house establishments, made in 1873. Washington, 1874. 8®. pp. 288. Plates tmlh^ivdcts. (U. s . — Senate ; eg^d Cong., ist sess. Ex. Doc., 54 -) Same. London, 1875. 8®. pp. 284. Plates and wdets. Great Britain — Commissioners \_on'\ lights, buoys and beacons. Extracts from the report submitted 1861. Republished for the U. S. light-house estab- lishment. Washington, 1871. 8®. pp. 254. Kurz, J. D., and M. R. Brown. Report on the effects of the sea-water and exposure upon the iron-pile shafts of the Brandywine-shoal light-house. Washington, 1874, 4®. pp. 13+- Plates. (U. S. — Corps of engineers.') Reynaud, L. Memoir upon the illumination and beaconage of the coasts of France; translated by P. C. Hains. Washington, 1876. 4®. pp. 226. Plates and wdets. (U. S. — Light house boa?'d.) Memoir upon the light-house illumination of the coast of France ; translated by T. A. Jenkins. Washington, 1871. 8®, diXid, Atlas of plates, 4®. (U. S. — Light house board.) United States — Light house board. Instruc- tions and directions to light-house keepers and oth- ers belonging to the Light-house establishment. Jan., 1870. Washington, 1870. 8®. pp. 173. Same. 1871. 6th ed. Washington, 1871. 8®. Plates. List of illuminating apparatus and supplies in general use in the U. S. light-houses, lighted- beacons, and light-vessels, with directions for dis- tributing supplies, etc. Washington, 1870. 8®. PP- 55 - List of light-houses, lighted beacons, and floating lights of the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts of the United States, corrected to January i, 1872. Washington, 1872. 4®. pp. 54. List of lights on the northern lake and river coasts of the United States, corrected to Janu- ary I, 1872 ; and also of the English lights on the northern shores of those waters. [Washington,] 1872. 4®. pp. 35. Organization and duties of the Light-house board ; and regulations, instructions, circulars and general oi'ders of the light-house establishment of the United States. Washington, 1871. 8®. pp 213. f. Mechanical Engineermg. Campiii, F. A practical treatise on mechanical engineering, comprising metallurgy, moulding, cast- ing, forging, tools, workshop machinery, mechanical manipulation, manufacture of the steam-engine, etc. ; with an Appendix on the analysis of iron and iron ores ; [and] : The construction of steam boilers, furnaces for smoke prevention, and explosions, by R. Armstrong, revised by J. Bourne ; Rules for cal- culating the change wheels for screws on a turning lathe, and for a wheel-cutting machine, by J. La Nicca; The management of steel, by G. Ede. Phil- adelphia, 1877. 8®. pp. 416. Plates and wdets. Clark, D. K. A manual of rules, tables, and data for mechanical engineers. 2d ed. London, 1878. 8®. pp. xxvii., 984. g. Railroads. Adams, C. T.,jr. Notes on railroad accidents. New York, 1879. 12®. pp. viii., 279. Railroads : their origin and problems. Re- vised ed., with appendix. New York, [1878]. 12®, ff. (2), pp. 230. CORNELL UNI VERSITY. 43 Bartels, H. Belriebs-einriclitungcn auf amgi'- ikanischcn Eisenbahnen. i. Eerlin, 1879. *^ 79 - pp. xv.-{-, 267. Plates and zadcts. Conte 7 its: — Bahnhofsanlagen unci Signale. Chevalier, M. Histoire et description des voies de communication aux Etats-Unis et des travaux d’art qui en dependent. Paris, 1840-41. 2 v. in i. 40. Coutinho, J. M. da S. Estrada de Ferro do Recife ao S. Francisco; estudos definitivos de Una a Boa-Vista. Rio de Janeiro, 1874. 40. pp. 155. Dowson, J. E. and A. Tramways : their con- struction and working. London, etc., 1875. 8®. pp. 654-- Wdets. Dredge, J. The Pennsylvania railroad : its or- ganization, construction, and management. Lon- don, 1879. 1 . 40. pp. xiv., f. (i), pp. 274. Port., map, plates and wdcts. “ Chiefly reproduced from ‘ Engineering’.” Franqueville, C. de. L’etat et les chemins de fer en Angleterre ; Lettre au president de la Com- mission des annales des ponts et chaussees. Paris, 1880. 80. pp. 32. Hartwich, E. Erweiterungsbauten der rhein- ischen Eisenbahn. i., iii. Berlin, 1867-69. 2 v. f o. Plates. Conte 7 its : — i. Die Rheinbriicke bei Coblentz. — iii. Eiseme Brucken. Langdon, W. E. The application of electricity to railway working. London, 1877. 8®. pp. xv., 315. Plates ‘m.H wdcts. Marqfoy, G. Nouveau systeme d’appareils ^lec- triques destinies a assurer la securite des chemins de fer. Paris, 1858. 8®. pp. xiv., 64. Plates. Massachusetts — Board of railroad commission- ers. 4th annual report. 1873. Boston, 1873. 80. pp. xii., 229. New York {State) — State engineer and survey- or. Annual report [on railroacls], 1862, 66, 68, 7 L 73 ~ 75 * 77 ~ 79 ' Albany, 1863-80. 10 v. 8^*. Plates and maps. State engineers and surveyors: — 1862, ’73, W. 13 . Taylor; 1866, J. P. Goodsell; 1868, ’71, V. R. Richmond; 1874, ’75, S. H. Sweet; 1877, J. D. Van Burcn, jr. ; 1878, ’79, II. Sey- mour. The reports were prepared by the deputy state engineer and surveyor. Ohio — Commissioner 0 / railroads and telegraphs. Annual report. 1870. Columbus, 1870-71. 2 v. 8‘>. Contents : — i. Laws and charters. — ii. Statistics. Perdoiinet, A. Traite dlementaire des chemins de fer. Tp ed. Paris, 1865. 4 v. 8*^. J'ort., maps, plates and wdcts. Poor. H. V. Manual of the railroads of the United States; showing their mileage, stocks, bonds, cost, traffic, earnings, expenses and organi- zations; with an appendix. 1868-73. New York, 1868-73. 5 V. 8*^. Rae, J. Railways of New South Wales; report ^)n their construction and working, 1872-75 inclu- sive. Sydney, N. S. W., 1876. fo. pp. 128. Diagrs. and maps. Seymour, S. A review of the theory of narrev.* gauges as ajiplied to main trunk lines of railway. New York, 1871. 80. pp. 56. Diagr. Trautwine, J. C. The field practice of laying out circular curves for railroads. 8th ed. Pliila- delidiia, 1873. 120. pp. 108. Voae, G. L. Manual for railroad engineers and engineering students, containing the rules and ta- llies needed for the location, construction, and equipment of railroads, as built in the United States. Boston, 1873. 8«, and Atlas 0 / plates. h . Reta in i ng ^ IVa I Is. Allen, J. R. Theory and practice in the design and construction of dock walls. London, 1876. 40. pp. xii., 54. Plates. Jacob, A. Practical designing of retaining walls. New York, I873. 180. pp. 47. Wdcts. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 3.) Tate, J. S. Surcharged and different forms of retaining walls. New York, 1^73. 180. pp. 59. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 7.) i. Roads. Gillespie, W. M. A manual of the principles and practice of road-making ; comprising the loca- tion, construction, and improvement of roads and railroads. 9th ed. New York, 1870. 8®. pp. 372. Plate and wdcts. Gillmore, Q. A. A practical treatise on roads, streets and pavements. New York, 1876. 12^. pp. 258. Wdcts. Hughes, S., H. Law, and J. F. Burgoyne. Rudimentary papers on the art of constructing and repairing common roads. 4th ed. London, 1868. 1 20. pp. vi., 202. j. Sanitary Engineering. Bayles, J. C. House drainage and water serv- ice in cities, villages, and rural neighborhoods, with incidental consideration of causes affecting the health- fulness of dwellings. New York, 1879. 8®. f. (i), pp. 351. Plates and 7vdcts. Cain, W. Sanitary engineering. 2d ed. Ral- eigh, 1880. pp. 86. Plates. (North Carolina — Board of health. [Publications.]) Latham, B. Sanitary engineering; A guide to the construction of works of sewerage and house drainage, with tables. London, 1873. 8^*. ff. (4), pp. 352. Plates and 7vdcts. k. Steam and Steam Engine. Auchincloss, W. S. The practical application of the slide valve and link motion to stationary, port- able, locomotive, and marine engines, with new and simple methods for proportioning the parts. 7th ed. New \'ork, 1880. 8‘>. pp. 170. Plates and xudets. Baker, J. The mathematical theory of the steam engine, with rules anef examples for the use of prac- tical men. New ed. London, 1870. I2‘>. pp. 118. Hhlcts. (Weale’s rudimentary series, 139.) Bourne, J. A treatise on the steam-engine in its applications to mines, mills, steam navigation, railways, and agriculture ; with theoretical investi- gations respecting the motive power of heat and the proper proportions of steam-engines, and practical illustrations; being the 7th ed. of “A treatise on the steam-engine,” by the “Artisan club.” Lon- don, 1866. 40. pp. X., f. (i), pp. 495s Plates and wdcts. Buel, R. H. Safety-valves. New York, 1875. i8’». pp. 100. Wdcts. (Van Nostraiid’s science series, 21.) RepriiitcU from Van Nostrand’s engineering magazine. Burgh, N. P. d'he slide valve practically con- sidered. 4th ed. London, 1872. i6«. pp. viii., 1 2 1 . Wdcts. Cotterill, J. H. The steam engine considered as a heat engine : a treatise on the theory of the steam engine. Londo-n, etc., 1878. 8®, pp. xvi., 346. Diagrs. 'i'wo copies. 44 WORKS RELA TING TO MA THEM A TICS. Evers, H. Steam and the steam engine : land, marine and locomotive. London, 1873. sm. 80. pp. 373. Wdcis. (Collins’s advanced science se- ries, 22.) Steam and the steam engine : land and marine. N. Y., 1873. 16®. pp. 160. Wdcts. (Putnam’s elementary science series, 22 a. ) Fletcher, W. The abuse of the steam jacket practically considered ; with a statement of some of the requirements for obtaining beneficial results. London, etc., 1878. 80. pp. xvi., 60. Wdcts. Goodeve, T. M. Text-book on the steam en- gine. London, 1879 [1878]. 8®. pp. (iii.)-vi., fi (i), pp. 296. Wdcts. Graham, J. C. An elementary treatise on steam and the use of the indicator. London, etc., 1877. 8®. fT. (4), pp. 140. Wdcts. Isherwood, B. F. Experimental researches in steam engineering ; composed of experiments made by the U. S. navy department. Philadelphia, 1863- 65. 2 V. 40. Plates. Jacqmin, F. Des machines a vapeur. Paris, 1870. 2 V. 80. Lardner, (D.) The steam engine; for the use of beginners. loth ed. London, 1869. pp. viii., ii., 135. Plate and wdcts. (Weale’s rudimentary series, 34.) Lyman, E. The use of the steam-engine indi- cator; or. Practical science for practical men. New Haven, Conn., 1874. sm. 160. pp. 95. Port, and diagrs. Mac Cord, C. W. A practical treatise on the movement of slide valves by eccentrics. New York, 1873. 40. pp. 88. Plates. Mallet, A. Compound engines; translated from the French. New York, 1874. 180. pp. 82. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 10.) Pochet, L. Steam injectors; their theory and use ; translated from the French. New York, 1877. 180. pp. 79. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 29 -) . ... Reprinted from Van Nostrand’s engineering magazine. Porter, C. T. A treatise on the Richards steam- engine indicator, and the development and applica- tion of force in the steam-engine. 3d ed. London, [1874]. 80. pp. 258. Plates. Rankine, W. J. M. A manual of the steam engine and other prime movers. 5th ed. London, 1870. 80. pp. xxxii., 575. Wdcts. and diagr. Rigg, A. A practical treatise on the steam-en- gine. l.ondon, 1878. 40. pp. xvi., 312. Plates and wdcts. Roper, S. A catechism of high pressure or non- condensing steam engines, including the modelling, constructing, running and management of steam engines and boilers. 14th ed. riiiladelphia, 1882. 180. pp. (v. )-232. Port. walS. wdcts. Hand-book of land and marine engines; including the modelling, construction, running and management of land and marine engines and boilers. 5th ed. J’hiladelphia, 1881. 16®. pp. (iii. )-598. l‘ort. and wdcts. Hand-book of modern steam fire-engines, including the running, care, and management of steam fire-engines and fire-jiumps. riiiladelphia, 1876. i6«. pp. (ix.)-4ii. J^rt. :in(\ wdcts. Thurston, R. H. A history of the growth of the steam-engine. New York, 1878. I2«. jip. xvi., f. ( I ), pp. 490. Eront., portrs. dii\d wdcts. (Inter- national scientific series, 24.) On the several effici*^ des of the steam- engine, and on the conditions of maximum economy. Author’s ed. n. p., 1882. 80. pp. 44. Plate. From the Transactions of the Amer. soc. of mechanical en- gineers, vol. iii. Tredgold, T. [The principles and practice and explanation of the construction of the steam engine.] London, 1850-53. 3 v. in 4. 40. Plates. Cojitejits : — i. Locomotive engines. — ii. Machinery used in steam navigation : i. Text ; 2. Plates. — iii. Stationary en- gines, [etc.]. Turnbull, J., Jr. A short treatise on the com- pound steam engine, with a new method of finding the relative areas of the two cylinders. New York, 1874. 180. pp. 43. Diagrs. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 8.) Wit, A. de. De machina atmica. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1823. 40. pp. x., f. (i), pp. 88-}-. Plates. I. Boilers. Armstrong, R. The construction and manage- ment of steam boilers ; with an appendix by R. Mal- let. 5th ed. London, 1866. 120. pp. (iii.)-viii., 184. Wdcts. (Weale’s rudimentary series, 59.) Barr, W. M. A practical treatise on high pres- sure steam boilers, including results of recent experi- mental tests of boiler materials, with a description of approved safety apparatus, steam pumps, inject- ors and economizers in actual use. Indianapolis, Ind., 1880. 80. pp. (iii.)-vi., f. (i), pp. 456. Plates and %vdcts. Colburn, Z. Steam boiler explosions. New York, 1873. 180. pp. 98. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 2.) Marten, E. B. Boiler explosions, 1879: con- tinuation of “ Records of steam boiler explosions,” with brief details of explosions during the years 1862-3-4-5, to complete records. London, 1880. 80. ff. (14). Wdcts. Brief abstracts from reports on steam boiler explosions. [1866-78]. Stourbridge, Eng., 1869- [79]. 80. ff. (148). Wdcts. Bd. with his Records of steam boiler explosions. Records of steam boiler explosions. Lon- don, etc., 1878. 80. pp. 108. Wdcts. Contents: — On steam boiler explosions and their records, and, On inspection as a means of prevention. — On the conclu- sions derived from the experience of recent steam boiler explo- sions. — Boiler explosions. Prideaux, T. S. The economy of fuel, par- ticularly with regard to reverberatory furnaces for the manufacture of iron, and to steam boilers. Lon- don, [186-]. 12®. pp. xvi., 128. Rowan, F. J. On boiler incrustation and corro- sion. New York, 1876. 180. pp. 88. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 27.) Roper, S. Use and abuse of the steam-boiler. 6th ed. Philadelphia, 1881. 180. pp. 347. Wdcts. Shock, W. H. Steam boilers ; their design, construction and management. New York, i880h, 40. ff. (2), pp. 473. Plates and wdcts. 2. Locomotive Engines. Evers, H. Steam and the locomotive engine. New York, 1873. i6«. pp. 160. Wdcts. (Put- nam’s elementary science series, 22 b. ) Roper, S. Hand-book of the locomotive, includ- ing the construction, running and management of locomotive engines and boilers. 9lh ed. Phila- delphia, 1881. 180. pp. (iii.)-xv., 19-324. Port. Zeuner, G. Treatise on valve-gears with special consideration of the link-motions of locomotive en- gines ; translated by M. Muller. 3d ed. Lon don, 1869. 8®. pp. xii., 224. Plates. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 45 3. Marine Engines. Burgh, N. P. Modern marine compound en- gines ; a supplement to modern marine engineering. London, 1873. 40. f. (i), pp. 405-410. Plates. Modern marine engineering. London, 1872. 40. ff. (2), pp. 403. Plates and wdets. Edwards, E. A catechism of the marine steam engine. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1881. 12°. pp. 414. ' Plates and wdets. Modern American marine engines, boilers, and screw propellers ; their design and construction. Philadelphia, 1881. 4®. pp. 146. Plates and wdets. 1. Strength and Resistanee of Materials. Allan, W. Strength of beams under transverse loads. New York, 1875. 18®. pp. 114., Wdets. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 19.) Barlow, P. A treatise on the strength of ma- terials, with rules for application, and an Appendix on the power of locomotive engines, and the effect of inclined planes and gradients. New ed., revised by P. W. Barlow and \V. H. Barlow; [with] A summary of experiments, by E. Hodgkinson, W. Fairbairn, and L). Kirkaldy; On the effect produced by passing weights over elastic bars, by R. Willis ; Formulae for calculating girders, etc. Edited by W. Humber. London, 1867. 80. pp. xii., 396. Plates and zudets. Beardslee, L. A. Experiments on the strength of wrought-iron and of chain cables ; including mis- cellaneous investigations into the physical and chem- ical properties of rolled wrought iron ; revised and abridged by W. Kent. New York, 1879. 80. pp. vi., 1 19. Front, wdets. An abridged reprint of the report of the committees of the U. S. board appointed to test iron, steel, and other metals, chain cables, malleable iron, and re-heating and re-rolling wrought- iron. The report is contained, in lull, in United States — House 0/ representatives : t,^th Cong., -id sess. Ex. docs., 98. Cooper, Hewitt, & Co., New York. [Rules and formulae relating to] rolled beams, channels, angles, etc., made by the New Jersey .Steel and Iron Co., Trenton, N. J. New York, 1881. nar. 120. pp. 97. P'ront. and zudets., and plate in poeket. Fairbairn, W. On the application of cast and wrought iron to building purposes. New York, 1854. 8®. pp. viii., 184. Francis, J. B. On the strength of cast-iron pil- lars, with tables for the use of engineers, [etc.] New York, ete., 1865. 80. pp. 71. From American academy of arts and sciences. Pro- ceedings, vi., pp. 403-471. Gillmore, Q. A. Report on the compressive strength, specific gravity, and ratio of absorption of the building stones in the United States. New York, 1876. 80. pp. 37. Kent, W. The strength of materials. New York, 1879. 180. pp. 139. Wdets. (Van Nos- trand’s science series, 41.) Reprinted from Van Nostrand’s engineering magaaine. Klein, H Festigkeit kreisformig gebogener Korper. Dresden, 1865. 8®. ff. (2), pp. 61. Kohlrausch, F., and F. E. Loomis. Influ- ence of temperature on the modulus of elasticity of certain metals. [New Haven, 1870.] 8®. pp. 17. From the American journal of science and arts, vol. 1 ., Nov. 1870. Spangenburg, L. The fatigue of metals under r.epeated strains; with a preface by S. 11 . Shreve. New York, 1876. 180. pj). 89. Wdets. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 23.) Van Buren, J. Investigations of formu- las for the strength of the iron parts of steam ma- chinery. New York, 1869. 8®. f. (i), pp, 70. Weyraucli, J. J. Strength and determination of the dimensions of structures of iron and steel, with reference to the latest investigations ; translat- ed by A. J. Du Bois, with an appendix by R. H. Thurston. New York, 1877. 8^. pp. iv., ff. (2), pp. (v.)-xi., 206, ff. (2). Plates. Wood, De V. A treatise on the resistance of materials ; with an appendix on the preservation of timber. New York, 1871. 80. pp. x., 245, f. (i). Wdets. m. Tunnels. Buck, J. H. VT. The construction of large tun- nel shafts ; a practical and theoretical essay. Lon- don, 1880. 8®. pp. vi., 54. Plates. Massachusetts — Commissioner on the Troy and Gi'eenfield raibvad and Hoosae tunnel. Report. (1866-69.) Boston, 1867-69. 3 V. 8®. Senate: Committee on the Hoosae tunnel and Troy and Greenfield railroad. Report. 1866. Boston, 1867. 80. Rziha, F. Lehrbuch der gesammten Tunnel- baukunst. 2® Aufl. Berlin, 1874. 2 v. 4®. Plates and zudets. Co 7 itents : — i. Die Arbeiten der bergmannischen Gewin- nung. — Forderung der Berge. — Bergmannische Zimmerungs- lehre. — ii. Die Tunnel-Holtzbausysteme. — Tunnelniauenmg. — Tunnel- Eisenbausysteme. — Briiche bei Tunnelbauten. — Aligemeine Anlagen und Vorkehrungen. — Projektirung und Ausfiihrung der Tunnelbauten. — Baukosten. Shute, J. M. Rejected papers in relation to the Hoosae tunnel. Boston, 1868. 8®. pp. 22. Finite Differences (including Factorials and Interpolation). {See also Calculus, Functional Equations, and Series. Bartlett, W. P. G. On certain forms of inter- polation. [Boston, 1862.] 4®. pp. 435-443. From the Memoirs of the American academy of arts and sci- ences. Boole, G. A treatise on the calculus of finite differences; edited by J. F, Moulton. 3d ed. Lon- don, 1880. 8®. pp. xii., 336. Crelle, A. L. Versuch einer allgemeinen The- orie der analytischen Facultiiten, nacli einer neuen Entwickelungs-Methode. Berlin, 1825. 8®. pp. X., f. (i), pp. 396. Contents : — Potenzen, I.og.arithmen und Exponential-Gross- en. — Facultiiten. — Die rheorie der Winkel-Functionen. Emerson, W. The arithmetic'of infinites, and the differential method. London, 1767. 8®. pp. 4, 44. Plate. Bd. with his “Conic sections.” The method of increments, wherein the principles are demonstrated and the practice thereof shown in the solution of problems, London, 1763. 4®. pj). viii., 147. ltd. with Simpson’s “Mathematical dissertations.” Herschel, Sirl. F. W. A collection of exam- ples of the applications of the calculus of finite dif- ferences. Cambritlge, 1820. 8®. pp. iv., f. (i), PP- 17D A supplementary volume to Lacroix’s “ Differential and inte- gral calculus,” tr. by Peacock and IIer.schel. Lacroix, S. F. 'Praite des differences et de.s series; faisant suite au d'raite du calcul differenliel et du calcul integral. I’aris, An. viii., (1800). 4®, f. (l), j)p. viii., 582. Plate. Oettinger, L. Die Lehre von den aufsleigeii- den Functionen, nebst einer auf sie gegiundeten 46 . WOJ^KS RELA TING TO MA THEM A TICS. Summenrechnung fiir Reihen, oder Integral-Calcul mit endlichen Differenzen. Berlin, 1836. 40. pp. X., 312. Contents : — Aufstufungen der einfachen Functionen. — Un- terschiede der einfachen Functionen. — Aufstufungen der zu- sammengesetzten Functionen. — Unterschiede und Abstufung- en der zusammengesetzten Functionen. — Summenrechnung fur einfache Reihen. — Summenrechnung fiir zusammengesetzte Reihen. — Summenrechnung fur einfache und zusammenge- setzte Reihen mittelst der Differenziale und Integrale. From Crelle’s Journal fiir Mathematik, xi.-xvi. Schaeffer, W. De facultatibus. — Diss. inaug. Berolini, [1837]. 40. pp. 27+. Schlomilch, O. Theorie der Differenzen und Summen. Halle, 1848. 80. ff. (3), pp. 241-f-. Uylenbroek, P. J. Commentatio de methodo interpolandi. Lugduni Batavorum, 1821. 40. f. (i), pp. 7^. Plate. FuncTtions. {^See also Calculus.) Kruse, • Einiges aus der Theorie der Func- tionen. Berlin, 1863. 40. pp. 28. Ramus, C. Tentamen de functionum formis, originibus et variationibus. Hauniae, [1833 ?]. 4°* f. (I), pp. 28, f. (I). "Worpitzky, . Beitrage zur Functionen- theorie. Berlin, 1870. 40. f. (i), pp. 22. a. Symtfietric Functions. {See also Algebra.) Lotz, J. F. De functionibus symmetricis. — Diss. inaug. Hanoviae, 1844. 40. f. (i), pp. 38. Schbn, [J. J. ?] Ueber die Multiplication der symmetrischen Functionen, nebst einigen damit zu- sammenhangenden analytischen Satzen. Aachen, 1831. 40. pp. xvi. b. Circular and Hyperbolic Functions. Dittrich, . Ueber symmetrische Functionen der Cosinus aliquoter Theile von Tt. Breslau, 1863. 40. f. (i), pp. xxxvi. Jolly, P. (G.) De Euleri meritis de functionibus circularilDus, praecedit historia functionum circula- rium usque ad Eulerum continuata. Heidelbergae, 1834. 40. pp. vi., 32. Laisant, C. A. Essai sur les fonctions hyper- boliques. Paris, 1874. 8®. ff. (2), pp. lOO. Ley, J. F. Beitrage zur Entwickelung der c^- clischen Functionen. Koln, [1865]. 40. pp. 24. Plate. c. Bessels and Allied Functions. Neumann, C. Theorie der BessePschen Func- tionen ; ein Analogon zur Theorie der Kugelfunc- tionen. Leipzig, 1867. 8®. pp. viii., 72. Todhunter, I. An elementary treatise on La- place’s functions. Lamp’s functions, and Bessel’s functions. London, 1875. 8°. pp. viii., 348. d. Elliptic Functions. Bertram, (H.) Ueber die Flachen, welche den Verlauf der elliptischen Functionen versinnlichen konnen. Berlin, 1861. 4". f. (i), pp. 28. Plates. Biermann, W. G. A. Problemata quaedam mechanica functionum cllipticarum ope soluta. — Diss. inaug. Berolini, [1865]. 8®. pp. 36. Legendre, A. M. Exercises de calcul integral sur divers ortlres de transcendantes, et sur les quad- ratures. Paris, 1811, ’17, ’16. 3 V. 4”. Plates. Contents: — i. Dcs fonctions ciliptiques. — Des int6grales Euleriennes. — ii. [Les propriety de la fonction F. — Le deve- loppement des fonctions en series. — Les applications des fono tions elliptiques a la mechanique.] — iii. Construction des tables elliptiques. Mmcker, Entwickelung des Integrales j X i/a4 4- OLx^ -{-d \dx in geschlossenem Ausdruck. Meiningen, 1838. 40. f. (I), pp. 13. Mdllmann, B. Die geometrische Bedeutung des Differentials dx V i—ls^sin^x’ Rostock, 1869. 40. f. (i), pp. 15. Muller, H. F. De transformatione functionum ellipticarum. — Diss. inaug. Berolini, [1867]. 40. ff. (2), pp. 25. Rothig, J. W. O. De quibusdam generibus in- tegralium ellipticorum. — Diss. inaug. Berolini, [1857]. 40. ff. (2)-, pp. 15. Seegers, K. Zur Theorie der elliptischer Func- tionen. Insterburg, 1869. 40. pp. 19-26. Tagert, . Beweis der von Jacobi gegebenen, die Zerlegung elliptischer Functionen in unendliche Producte betreffenden Formeln; Nachtrag: Be- rechnung einiger hyperbolischer Logarithmen bis auf 100 Decimalstellen. Coeslin, i860. 40. f. (i), pp. 10. Verhulst, P. F. Traits eldmentaire des fonc- tions elliptiques; suite aux trait^s elementaires de calcul integral. Bruxelles, 1841. 80. ff. (2), pp. xii. , 316. Plate. e. Abelian Functions. Briot, C. Theorie des fonctions ab^liennes. Paris, 1879. 4®- PP* ^ix., 181. Clebsch, A., und P. Gordan. Theorie der Abelschen Functionen. Leipzig, 1866. 8®. pp. xiii. , 333* Meyer, J. T. De transformatione functionum ultraellipticarum. — Diss. inaug. Regiomonti, [1866]. 4®. pp. 27. Netto, E. De transformatione aequationis y^— R{x), designante 7^(x) functionem integram ration- alem variabilis x, in aequationem rf^=Ri{^). — Diss. inaug. Berolini, [1870]. 4®. pp. 20. Neumann, C. Vorlesungen uber Riemann’s Theorie der Abel’schen Integrale. Leipzig, 1865. 8®. pp. xiv., 514. Plate. Riemann, (C. P.) B. Theorie der Abel’schen Functionen. Berlin, 1857. 4®. ff. (2), pp. 55. From Crelle’s Journal fiir Mathematik. Rosenhain, J. G. Exercitationes analyticae in theorema de integralibus functionum algebraicarum. Vratislaviae, [1844]. 4®. ff. (2), pp. 16, f. (i). f. Ftmctional Equations atid Calculus 0/ Functions. Babbage, C. Examples of the solutions of func- tional equations. [Cambridge, 1820. ] 8®. ff. (2), pp. 42. Plate. Supplementary to Herschel’s “Examples of the application of calculus,’’ with which it is bd. De Morgan, A. A treatise on the calculus of functions ; (extracted from the Encyclopaedia metro- politana). London, 1836. 4®. f. (i), pp. 88. Lettered “ Mathematical tracts.’’ Herapath, J. On the complete solution of cer- tain functional equations. [London, 1824.] 8®. pp. 197-200. “ Mathematical pamphlets.’’ “From the Philo- sophical magazine, Sep., 1824.’’ On the conditions of possibility, arbitrary functions and complete solutions of periodical func- CORNELL UNIVERSITY 47 tional equations. [London, 1825 J. 8®. pp. 102-108. “ Mathematical pamphlets.” Philosophical maga- zine, lx., 328. Herapath, J. On the solution of tp^x=x. [London, 1824]. 80. pp. 16. “ Mathematical pamphlets.” From the Annals of philosophy. On the transformation of the solutions of a eriodical functional equation. [London, 1824.] PP- 333 - 339 - Lettered “ Mathematical pamphlets.” Philosophical maga- zine, Ixiv., 319. Geometry. {See also Ancient and Oriental Authors.) a. Elementary and Miscellaneous. Adhemar, J. Trait^s de geometrie et de trigo- nometrie. 2® 6d. Paris, 1880. 8®, and Atlas of plates. Amiot, A. Elements de geometrie, r^diges d’apr^s le nouveau programme de I’enseignement scientifique des lycees ; suivis d’un complement. 5® ed. Paris, [1859?]. 8®. f. (i), pp. vii., 394. Angel, H. Practical plane and solid geometry. New York, 1873. 16®. pp. 182. (Putnam’s ele- mentary science series, i.) Angeli, S. degli. De infinitis parabolis, de in- finitisqve solidis ex varijs rotationibus ipsarum, par- tiumque earundem genitis. [Libri iv.] Venetiis, 1659. 4®. ff. (10), pp. 408. Another copy bd. with his ” Problemata geometrica.” De infinitis parabolis. Liber v. — Opvs- cvlvm geometricvm. Venetiis, 1663. 4®. ff. (6), pp. 108. Bd. with the preceding. August, E. F. Construction der regelmassigen Korper nach einer fiir alle ubereinstimmenden Methode. Berlin, 1854. 4®. pp. 8. Plate. Bertrand, L. fil^mens de g^om^trie. Paris, 1812. 4®. f. (i), pp. viii., 326, f. (i). Plates. Bonnycastle, C. Inductive geometry; or. An analysis of the relations of form and magnitude. Charlottesville, Va., i-Zr., 1834. 8®. pp. xxvi., 63i-|-- Bradbury, W. F. An elementary geometry and trigonometry. Boston, [1872.]. 8®. pp. iv., f. (i), pp. no, 06, 62. Cavalieri, B. Geometria indivisibilibvs con- tinvorvm noua quadam ratione promota. Bononite, 1635. 4®. ff. (8), pp. 128, 123, III, 99, 80, 71, 80. Same. Postrema ed. Bononiie, 1653. 4®. ff. (8), pp. 543. Chauvenet, W. A treatise on elementary ge- ometry ; with appendices containing a collection of exercises for students and an introduction to modern geometry. Philadelphia, 1870. 8®. pp. 368. Cirodde, P. L. Lemons de gdometrie, suivies de notions ^lementaires de geometrie descriptive. 2® ^d. 1‘aris, 1844. 8®. f. (i), pp. 444, f. (i). Plates. Clairaut, A. C. fil^mens de geometrie. Nouv. 61 . I’aris, 1830. 8®. jip. xxii., 185. Plates. Compagnon, P. F. Elements de g6om6trie. 2® ed. Paris, 1876. 8®. pp. xi., 516. Crosby, A. First lessons in geometry; upon the model of Colburn’s First lessons in Arithmetic ; with an introduction by S. Chase. Boston, 1847. pp. 164. Plates. Davies, C. Elements of geometry and trigo- nometry, with applications in mensuration. New York, 1868. 12®. pp. [3]-262, 62. Same. New York, 1871. 12®. pp. [3]- 262, 62. Duncan, T. Supplement to Playfair’s Geometry and Wood’s Algebra, completing a course of mathe- matics. Edinburgh, 1822. 8®. pp. xi., ff. (2), pp. 846. Plates. Emerson, W. The elements of geometry; to which is added a collection of geometrical problems. London, 1763. pp. viii., 183. Plates. Bd. with his “Arithmetic.” Evans, E. W. Primary elements of plane and solid geometry. Cincinnati, [cop. 1862]. 12®. pp. 102. Fergola, N. Della invenzione geometrica ; opera postuma; ordinata, compiuta, e corredata di note da V. Flauti. Napoli, 1842. 1 . 8®. pp. Ivi., 283. Plates. Contents: — De’ dati. — De' quesiti de' problemL — Dell’ an- alisi geometrica. — Appendice. Finseus, or Fineus {French Fine), O. De re & praxi geometrica, Libri tres, figuris & demonstra- tionibus illustrati. Vbi de Quadrato geometrico, & virgis seu baculis mensoriis, nec non aliis cum math- ematicis, turn mechanicis. Parisiis, 1586. 4®. ff. (4), pp. 118. Finke, or Finck, T. Geometriae rotvndi Li- bri xiiii. Basileae, 1583. 4®. ff. (8), pp. 406, f. (i). Lettered “Geestevelt” Gamier, J. G. Les rdciproques de la geome- trie ; suives d’un recueil de probl^mes et de th6o- remes, et de la construction des tables trigonome- triques. Paris, 1807. 8®. pp. viii., 199+, f. (i). Plates. Greenleaf, B. Elements of geometry ; with practical applications to mensuration. Electrotype ed. Boston, etc., 1869. 12®. pp. 320. Hackley, C. W. Elementary course of geome- try. New York, 1847. 12®. pp. xi., 103,4, 7, 15, 7, 20, 18, 2, f. (i), pp. 10, 15, 13. The irregular pagination is that of the appendices. Same. New York, 1851. 12®. Hassler, F. R. Elements of the geometry of planes and solids. Richmond, Va.. 1828. 8®. PP- * 59 -|-:- Plates. 'I'wo copies. Hermes, O. Vom Pascalschen Sechseck. [Ber- lin, 1854.] 4®. pp. [9]-2i. Appended to August’s “Construction der regelmassigen Korper.” Hill, T. A second book of geometry. Boston, 1863. 12®. pp. 136. Plate. Hirschvogel, A. Ein aigentliche vnd grundt liche anweysung, in die Geometria, sonderlich aber, wie alle Regulierte, vnd Vnregulierte Cori)ora, in den grundt gelegt, vnd in das Perspecktiff gebracht, aiich init jren Linien auffzogen sollen werdcn. [Nurnberg], 1543. sm. 4®. ff ( 3 *)- Plates. 'I he engraved t.-p. of the plates commences thus: GKOMKTKIA. Das bveh geometria ist mein namen All freye kvnst avs mir zuin ersten kamen Ich bring architectvra vnd perspectiva zvsamen. Jacobi, C. F. A. Geometrische Lchrsiitze Auf- gaben aus den Anhangen zu van Swinden’s Elemen- ten der Geometrie; herausgegeben von A. Wiegand. Halle, 1847. 2 V., 1 x 1 . in i. 8®. Plates. Lettered “ I.ehrsatze und Aufgaben.” Joachimsthal, F. Cours de geomdtrie d-ldmen- taire. Berlin, 1852. 8®. f. (i), jtp. 94. Plates. Joanet, J. Annotation a la geometric 61 emen- taire de Legendre. Paris, 1845. 8®. pp. 56. 48 WORKS RELA TING TO MA THEM A TICS. Klein, H. Leitfaclen zu den Elementen der Geometric. Dresden, i86i. 8®. f. (i), pp. Ii6. Plate. Lacroix, S. P. Elements de geometrie. i8e ed., [redigee] par [E.] Prouhet. Paris, 1863. 80. pp. xxiv., 21 1. Same. 21® ed. Paris, 1880. 8®. Legendre, A. M. Elements de geometrie, avec des notes [et un Traite de trigonometrie]. 14® ed. Paris, i860. 8®. fF. (3), pp. 431. Plates. Same ; avec additions et modifications par M. [P]. A. Blanchet. ii® ed. Paris, 1868. 8®. f. (I), pp. ii., 280. Elements of Geometry; translated by J. b'arrar. New ed., enlarged. Boston, 1838. 8®. pp. XV., 235. Plates. Same ; with additions and modifications by M. [P]. A. Blanchet; translated from the lith French ed. by F. H. Smith. Baltimore, 1867. 8®. pp. 312. Elements of geometry and trigonometry; adapted to the United States by C. Davies. New York, 1868. 8®. pp. 259, 134, 62. Same. New York, 1871. g®. pp. 259, 134, 62. Loomis, E. Elements of geometry and conic sections. New York, 1847. 8®. pp. 222. Same. 28th ed. New York, 1868. 12®. pp. 234. Elements of geometry, conic sections, and plane trigonometry. Revised ed. New York, 1873, 12®. pp. 388. Liibsen, H. B. Ausfiihrliches Lehrbuch der Elementar-Geometrie : Ebene und korperliche Ge- ometrie. 10® unveranderte Aufl. Leipzig, 1867. 8®. ff. (2), pp. 177. Malton, T. The new royal road to geometry, and familiar introduction to the mathematics. Lon- don, 1793. 2 V. bd. in I. 8®. Plates. Contents: — i. Euclid (1-6, 11, 12). — Mensuration. — ii. Practical geometry’. — Appendix. Marie, M. Petit cours m^thodique de geome- trie experimentale pour les ecoles primaires. Paris, [187-]. obi. 8®. Plates yC\\., (2), with descriptive text. [Morton, P.] Geometry, plane, solid, and spherical; [with] The theory of projection, auxil- iary to geometry; [and] The plane sections of the cone and cylinder. London, 1830. 8®. pp. viii., 272. (Soc. for the diffusion of useful knowl- edge. Library of useful knowledge. Mathemat- ics, ii.) Newman, F. W. The difficulties of elementary geometry, especially those which concern the straight line, the plane, and the theory of parallels. Lon- don, 1841. 8®. ff. (2), pp. 143. Olney, E. A treatise on special or elementary geometiy. University ed. New York, 1873. pp. xii., 327. lid. with Ills “Trigonometry.” Pagan, B. F., comte de. Les dix livres des theoremes geometriqves. Donnez pour Supple- ment des Sciences Mathematiques. Paris, 1654. 8 ->. IT. (7), pp. 475 +. f- (>)• Peirce, B. An elementary treatise on plane and solifl geometry. Stereotype ed. Boston, ir/r., 1855. 12®. pp. xix., [3]-! 50. Plates. Perkins, G. R. Plane and solid geometry; [with] plane and spherical trigonometry and men- suration, [and] tables. New York, etc., 1869. • pp. vii. , 235, f. (i), pp. 124, 84. Playfair, J. Elements of geometry; containing: The first six books of Euclid, The quadrature of the circle, The geometry of solids. Elements of plane and spherical trigonometry. New ed., remodelled by J. Ryan. New York, 1836. f. (i), pp. [vii.]- viii. , f. (1), pp. 3ii-{-. Sa??te. From the last London ed., en- larged. Philadelphia, 1855. 8®. ff. (2), pp. 317. Same ; with additions by W. Wallace. loth ed., re-arranged by P. Kelland. Edinburgh, etc., 1846. 8®. pp. XV., 306. Reynolds, E. M. Modern methods in elemen- tary geometry. London, etc., 1868. 8®. pp. vii., 112. Rouche, E., et C. de Comberousse. Ele- ments de geometrie; suivis de Notions sur le lever des plans et I’arpentage. Paris, 1867. 8®. pp. xi., 442. Schuyler, A. Elements of geometry ; with ex- ercises, and an introduction to modern geometry. Cincinnati, etc., [1876]. 12®. pp. 372. Serret, P. Des methodes en geometrie. Paris, 1855. 8®. pp. XV., 144. Sestini, B. Elements of geometry and trigo- nometry. Baltimore, 1856. 8®. pp. 303, 62. Simpson, T. Elements of plane geometry ; [with] The maxima and minima of geometrical quantities, Regular solids, Mensuration, [and] Prob- lems. London, 1747. 8®. pp. v.-}-, 193. Bd. with Muller’s “New system of mathematics.” Lettered “ Muller & Simpson.” Smith, Seba. New elements of geometry. New York, 1850. 8®. pp. 200. Contents: — Philosophy of geometry. — Demonstrations in geometry. — Harmonies of geometry. Claims a solution of the quadrature of the circle. Same. London, 1850. 8®. pp. 200. Stanley, A. D. An elementary treatise of spher- ical geometry and trigonometry. Revised ed. New Haven, n. d. 12®. pp. 122. Tappan, E. T. Treatise on geometry and trig- onometry ; for the Mathematical course of J. Ray. Cincinnati, [cop. 1868]. 8®. pp. 420. Treatise on plane and solid geometry ; for the Mathematical course of J. Ray. Cincinnati, [cop. 1864]. 12®. pp. 276. Torelli, G. De nihilo geometrico. Libri ii. Verona, 1758. 8®. pp. 117. [Wells, E. The young gentleman’s geometry; containing such elements of geometry as are most useful and easy to be known. London, 1 723 ?] 8®. ff. (2), pp. 173-294, f. (i). Plates. Extracted from his “Young gentleman’s course of mathe- maticks,” and bound separately. Lacks title-page. Whitlock, G. C. Elements of geometry, theo- retical and practical; containing [an] Explanation of the construction and use of tables, and A new system of surveying. New York, 1849. 8®. pp. 324- Wiegand, A. Volksschulbuch der Elemente der Geometrie und deren praktischer Anwendung. 2® Aufl. Halle, i860. 8®. pp. viii., 112. Young, J. R. Elements of geometry; with notes. London, 1827. 8®. pp. x., 208. .Same ; revised, with additions, by M. Floy, jr. New ed. Philadelphia, 1835. 8®. pp. vii., 216. Same. Philadelphia, 1848. 8®. pp. vii.^ 216. CORNELL UNI VERS I T K 49 1. Plane Geo 7 netry. Baur, C. W. Trigonometrische Analysen ge- ometrischer Aufgaben. Ulm, [1849]. 40. pp. 22. Plate. Huberdt, A. Lehrbuch der ebenen Geometric, nebst vielen Aufgaben. Berlin, 1841. 8®. pp. xii., 210, f. (i). Plates. Ibach, F. Elements of plane geometry. Phila- delphia, [1882]. 120. pp. 196. (Butler’s series of mathematics.) Leslie, J. Geometrical analysis, and geometry of curve lines ; being vol. ii. of a Course of math- ematics, and designed as an introduction to the study of natural philosophy. Edinburgh, 1821. 8®. pp. ix., 448. Plates. Rogg, (I.). Geometrische Analysis nach der Methode der Griechen. Stuttgart, [1847]. 80. f. (i), pp. 64. Plates. [Schnabel, (C.?).] Die Fundamentalsatze der allgemeinen Arithmetik in systematischer Zusam- menstellung. i^Abth. Siegen, 1866. 8®. pp. 39. Conte/its: — i. Die 4 Species der Buchstabenrechnung u 1 die algebraischen Gleichungen des i. Grades. Schoeder, P. Synopsis of mathematics. Pt. i. New York, 1877. 8®. pp. viii., 48. Plates. Co 7 ite 7 tts : — Plane geometiy systematically and genetically arranged. Wiegand, A. Erster Cursus der Planimetrie. 9« Aufl. Halle, 1870. 80. pp. viii., 86. (/« his Lehrbuch der Mathematik.) Same. Zweiter Cursus. 8® Aufl. Halle, 1871. 80. pp. vi., f. (i), pp. 104. Same. Dritter Cursus. 2® Aufl. Plalle, 1871. 8®. ff. (3), pp. 69. Plates. The above 3 v. bd. in one. Wolf, R. Die Lehre von den geradlinigen Ge- bilden in der Ebene. 2® Ausg. Bern, etc., 1847. 8®. pp. vi., 155. Ximenes, L. I sei primi elementi della geomet- ria piana. Venezia, 1752. 8®. pp. xxxii., 354. Plates. 2. Solid Geometry. Fahland, H. Anfangsgriinde der Stereometric. Miihlhausen, 1863. 4®. pp. 18. Plate. Grebe, E. W. Bemerkimg iiber die Berech- nung des i’rismatoids. Cassel, 1866. f. (i), pp. 4. Leuzinger, . Einige Aufgal)en und l.ehr- satze aus der niedern und hohern Stereometric fur practische Zwecke. Coblenz, 1849. 4®. f. (i), pp. 40. Plate. Vlviani, V. De locis solidis secuuda divinatio geometrica in quinc[ue libros iniuria tempora amissos Aristoei senioris geometrte. Elorenlite, [1701]. 1 . 4®. ff. (12), pp. 164, 128. Port, and plates. Wiegand, A. l.ehrbuch der Stereometric und spharischen Trigonometric. 6® Aufl. Halle, 1871. 8®. pp. X., 130. (/« his Lehrbuch der Malh- ematik.) b. Analytic Geometry {including Curves and Surfaces 0/ the second Order). {See also Calculus.) Agnesi, M. G. Analytical institutions ; trans- lated byj. Colson; [edited by] J. Hellins. Lon- don, 1^80 i. 2 V. 4®. Co/it,e/its : — i. Analysis of finite quantities. — ii. Analysis of quantities infinitely small. — Integral calculus. — The inverse method of tangents. Belanger, J. B. (C. J.). R^sumd de le9ons de geoinetrie analytique ct de calcul infinitesimal. 2® Baris, 1859. 8®. pp. xd., 295. Plates. Berner, T. (M. ). De transformatione secundi ordinis ad figuras geomctricas adhibita. — Diss. inaug. Berolini, [1865]. 4®, pp. 234-. Biot, J. B. Essai de gt^om^trie analytique, ap- pliquee aux courbes et aux surfaces du second ordre. 6® ed. Paris, 1823. 8®. pp. xii., 447. IHates. Boset, A. Traite de geometric analytique pre- cede des elements de la trigonometric rectiligne et de la trigonometric spherique. Paris, 1878. 8®. ff. (2), pp. ii., 706. Boucharlat, J. L. Theorie des courbes et des surfaces du second ordre; ou, Traite complet d’ap- plication de I’algebre a la geometric. 3® ed. Paris, 1845. f. (i), pp. xxii., 524. Plates. Bourdon, P. L. M. Application de Palgebre i la geometric, comprenant la geometric analytique a deux et a trois dimensions. 5® ed. Paris, 1854. 8®. pp. XX., 546. Plates. Sanie. 9® ed., revue et annotee par G. Darboux. ‘Paris, 1880. 8®. pp. xviii., f. (i), pp. 648. Plates. Brandes, C. G. H. De chordis linearum et superficierum secundi gradus. Lipsioe, 1841. 4®. f. (i), pp. 25-f-. Plate. Briot, (C.), et (F.) Bouquet. Lemons de geometric analytique. 0® ed. Paris, 1868. 8®. ff. (2), pp. 544. Cauchy, A. L. Legons sur les applications du calcul infmitesimal a la geometric. Paris, 1826. 2 V. in I. 4®. Contents: — i. Applications du calcul differentiel. — ii. Cal- cul inhnitesinial. Vorlesungen uber die Anwendungen der Infmitesimalrechnung auf die Geometric; deutsch bearbeitet von C. H. Schnuse. Braunschweig, 1840. 8®. pp. xiii., f. (i), pp. 428, ff. (2). Same. Zusiitze. Braunschweig, 1846. 8®. PP- 75 -. Bd. with the preceding. Church, A. E. Elements of analytical geome- try. 3d ed. New York, 1867. 8®. pp. ix., 297. Sa/ne. New York, 1870. 8®. pp. ix.,297. Davies, C. Elements of analytiaxl geometry; embracing the ecpiations of the i)oint, the straight line, the conic sections, and surfixces of the first and second order. Revised ed. New York, 1870. 12®. pp. 352. Delisle, (A.), et (C. C.) Gerono. G^omd- trie analytique. Paris, 1854. 8®. pp. xxiv., 598. Plates. Garnier, J. G. Geomdtrie analytique ; ou, Ap- Iilication de Palgebre i la geomdtrie. 2® ed. Paris, 1813. 8®. pp. vi., f. (i), pp. 448, f. (i). Grandtner, O. Die I'demcnte der analytische Geometric. Minden, 1862. 8®. pp. 44. Plate. Guinodie, R. 'Prait6 d’application tie l’alg6bre a la geometric a deux et a trois dimensions. 1‘aris, 1858. 4®. f. (i), p]). ii., 318. Plates. 'J he author signs himself “R® [RayinoiidJ Guinodie fils aiii6.” Howisou, G. H. A treatise on analytic geom- etry, especially as applied to the properties of conics, including the modern method of abridged notation; written for the mathematical course of J. Ray. Cin- cinnati, etc., [1869]. 8®. pp. xxxiv., 574. Joachimsthal, F. De duabus ceti nation ibus (juarti et sexti gradus qua; in theoria linearum et superficierum secundi ordinis occurrunt. Berolini, 1856. 4®. f. (I), pp. 24. Lefebure de Fouicy, (L. E.). Lemons de geoinetrie analytitiue, comprenant la trigonomeiric rectiligne et spherK[ue. 9® dd. Paris, 1871. 8®. |)p. viii., 498, f. (i). IHates. 50 WORKS RELA7'ING TO MATHEMAl'ICS. Narrien, J. Analytical geometry; with the prop- erties of conic sections ; and an appendix, constitut- ing a tract on descriptive geometry. London, 1846. 8®. pp. xxiv., 202. OLney, E. A general geometry and calculus : including book i. of The general geometry treating of loci in a plane ; and An elementary course in the differential and integral calculus. New York, [1871 ]. 8«. pp. XXV., 204, 152. Poncelet, J. V. Applications d’analyse et de geometric, qui ont servi de principal fondement au 'I'raite des j^roprietes projectives des figures ; avec additions par MM. Mannheim et Moutard. Paris, 1862-64. 2 V. 80. Puissant, L. Recueil de diverses propositions de geometric, resolues ou demontrees par I’analyse algebrique ; precede d’un precis du leve des plans. 3« ed. Paris, 1824. 8«. pp. xxi.-f-, f. (i), pp. 475. Plates. Rabuel, C. Commentaires sur la geometric de Descartes, l.yon, 1730. 40. ff. (4), pp. 590, ff. (2). Plates. Schooten, F. van. Principia matheseos vni- versalis; sev, Introductio ad geometrije methodum R. Des Cartes ; edita ab E. Bartholino, Casp. fil. Lvgd. Batav., 1651. 40. ff. (8), pp. 46. Lettered “a Schoten mathem.” Same. Ed. 3^. Amstelodami, 1683. 4®. ff. (8), pp. 48. Tractatus de concinnandis demonstrationi- bus geometricis ex calculo algebraico ; in lucem edi- tus a P. a Schooten. Amstelodami, 1683. 40. pp. (34O-420, 8. Viant, J. Notions sur quelques courbes usuelles. Paris, 1864. 80. pp. 88. Plates. Waud, S. W. A treatise on algebraical geom- etry. London, 1835. 8®. pp. xxiv., 260, ff. (2). (/« Society for the diffusion of useful knowl- edge. Library of useful knowledge.) “ Mathematics. Vol. ii.” Wiegand, A. Analytische Geometric. 3® Aufl. Halle, 1871. 8®. pp. vi., 90. (/« his Lehrbuch der Mathematik.) Young, J. R. Analytical geometry. 2d ed. London, 1838. 2 v. 12®. Contents; — i. Conic sections. — ii. Curves and surfaces of ifie second order. I. Plane Analytic Geometry (including Curves o/- the second Order). Eddy, H. T. A treatise on the principles and applications of analytic geometry. Philadelphia, 1874. 8®. pp. 200. Eitze, . Analytisch-Geometrisches. Sten- dal, [1847]. 4«. pp. 7. Plate. Fergola, N. Trattato analitico di luoghi geomet- rici. Napoli, 1818. 8®. ff. (2), pp. 146, f. (i). JHates. Ferrers, N. M. An elementary treatise on tri- linear co-ordinates, the method of reciprocal polars, and the theory of projections. 2d ed. London, etc., 1866. 80. pp. xiv., 182. Hann, J. A rudimentary treatise on analytical geometry and conic sections. London, 1850. 12®. ff. (2), pp. 128. Joachimsthal, F. P'.lemente der analytischen Geometric der Ebene. 2®. Aufl. Berlin, 1871. 8®. pp. xiv., f. (i), pp. 205. Plates. Kroll, . Analytische Auflosung geomet- rischcr Aufgaben. Eisleben, 1856. 4®. pp. 18. Plate. Lardner, D. A system of algebraic geometry. Vol. i. London, 1823. 8®. pp. (iii.)-lvi., 512. Co 7 itents : — The geometry of plane curves. Loomis, E. Elements of analytical geometry and of the differential and integral calculus. 19th ed. New York, 1868. 8®. pp. xii., 10-286. Two copies. [Algebraic geometry, with differential and integral calculus ; translated into Chinese by A. Wylie and i.e Shen-lan.] Shanghae, 1859. fo. (305)- Title-page in Chinese. Introduction and list of technical terms in English. Mousing, (J. G. W.). Ueber die Anfangs- griinde der symbolischen Gepmetrie. Erfurt, 1845. 40. f (i), pp. 40. Ohm, M. Die analytische und hohere Geom- etric in ihren Elementen ; mit vorziiglicher Beriick- sichtigung der Theorie der Kegelschnitte. Berlin, 1826. 8®. pp. (xi. ), 370. Plates. (/« /^/j- Reinen Elementar-Mathematik, i. ) Peirce, J. M. A text-book of analytic geometry; on the basis of [B. ] Peirce’s treatise. Cambridge, Mass., 1857. 8®. pp. vi., f. (i), pp. 228. Plates. Puissant, L. Recueil de diverses propositions de geometrig, resolues ou demontr^es par I’analyse algebrique, suivant les principes de Monge et de La- croix. Paris, 1801.* 8®. pp. loi, f (i). Plates. Same. Precede d’un Precis du leve des plans. 3® ed. Paris, 1824. 8®. pp. xxi.-|-, f. (i), pp. 475. Plates. Ritt, G. Problemes de geometric analytique, avec les solutions developpees. 2® ed. Paris, 1859. 8®. f (i), pp. 361. Plates. Lettered “ Problemes de geometrie analytique.” Schwarz, H. Die Elemente der analytischen Geometrie der Ebene. i® Abth. Plalle, 1858. 8®. ff. (2), pp. 277-I-. Plates. {In his System der analytischen Geometrie, i. ) Todhunter, I. A treatise on plane co-ordinate geometry as applied to the straight line and the conic sections, with numerous examples. 5th ed. London, 1874. 8®. pp. vi., 358. Whitworth, W. A. Trilinear coordinates and other methods of modern analytical geometry of two dimensions. Cambridge, 1866. 8®. pp. xxxvi., f (i), pp. 506. Wiegand, A. Mathematische Kleinigkeiten. Halle, 1846. 4®. f. (i), pp. 12. 2. Analytic Geometry 0/ Three Dhnensions {including Surfaces of the second Order). Bachmann, (H. K. W.) F. De rectorum radiorum systematis quorum superficies mediae sint planae. — Diss. Inaug. Berolini, [1861]. 4®. pp. 26, f. (I). Baumgardt, E. De lineis* duplicis curvaturae sectione superficierum rotatoriarum secundi ordinis oriundis, quarum axes rotationis sunt principales et alter alteri paralleli. Vratislaviae, [1842]. 8®. ff. (2), pp. 34, f. (i). Carnot, L. N. M. Memoire sur la relation qui existe entre les distances respectives de cinq points quelconques pris dans I’espace ; suivi d’un essai sur la theorie des transversales. Baris, 1806. 4®. ff. (2), pp. Plates. Diederichs, O. De planis, quorum summa dis- tantiarum a numero dato planorum est constans, quaedam proferuntur. Ilalberstadt, [1864]. 4®. fi(i), pp. 23. Plates. Dornheim, F. Additamenta ad theoriam super- ficicrum secundi ordinis. Minden, 1842. 4®. f. (i), pp. 10. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 5 Drobisch, M. W. De horizontibus sphaeroi- dum ; specimen analytico-geomelricum. Lipsiae, [1831]. 40. pp. 26. Frost, P., and J. Wolstenholme. A treatise on solid geometry. Cambridge, etc.y 1863. 8®. pp. (iii.)-xxiii., 471. Plates. Gregory, D. F., and W. Walton. A treatise on the application of analysis to solid geometry. 2d ed. Cambridge, etc.., 1852. 8®. pp. xvi., 310. Plates. Houel, G. L. Responsio ad quaestionem : “ De- sideratur commentatio de coni scaleni proprietatibus, valore superficiei et sectionibus planis.” [Gronin- gae, 1831]. 40. pp. 49. Plate. Hymers, J. A treatise on analytical geometry of thi-ee dimensions, containing the theory of curve surfaces, and of curves of double curvature. 2d ed. Cambridge, etc., 1836. f. (i), pp. viii., 2754-* Plates. Same. 3ded. Cambridge, 1848. 8®. pp. viii., 324. Palates. Leroy, C. F. A. Analyse appliquee a la g^o- metrie des trois dimensions ; comprenant les sur- faces du second degre, avec la theorie generale des surfaces courbes et les lignes a double courbure. 4® ^d. Paris, 1854. pp. xvi., 408. Plates. Mayr, (A.). Ueber die tangirenden Flachen erster und zw^eiter Ordnung. Wurzburg, 1845. 4®. pp. 79. Oliver, J. E. On some focal properties of quad- rics. [Cambridge, Mass.], 1865. 8®. f. (i), pp. (39)-43- “ From the Proceedings of the Amer. acad. of arts and sci- ences, vol. vii., Nov. 8, 1865.” Painvin, L. Application de la nouvelle analyse aux surfaces du second ordre. Paris, 1861. 8®. pp, viii., 170. Ritzefeld, (A.). Analytische Darstellung ein- iger geometrischen Oerter in Raume. Duren, 1861. 40. f. (I), pp. 22. Salmon, G. A 'treatise on the analytic geometry of three dimensions. 2d ed. Dublin, 1065. 8". pp. XV. 4 - , 520. Scliwering, K. (M. J. G.). De linea brevissi- ma in elliptica paraboloide sita. — Diss. Inaug. Per- olini, 1869. 40. ff. (2), pp. 32. Serret, P. G^ometrie de direction ; application des coordonn^es polyedriques. Paris, 1869. 8*^. pp. XX., 523. Szenic, S. Disquisitiones analyticae nonnulla- rum qualitatum superficierum confocalium secundi gradus. Schrimm, 1865. 4“. pp. xxxxii. Todhunter, I. Examples of analytical geometry of three dimensions. 2d ed. Cambridge, i’/r., 1864. 80. pp. 84. Willert, (A.). Ueber die Kriimmung des ellip- tischen Paraboloids. Frankfurt a. O., 1867. 4<‘. f. (I), pp. 24. c. Modern Higher Geometry {employing Transversals, Correlation 0/ Figures, Trigonom- etry, etc.). Carnot, L. N. M. Gdorn^trie de position. Paris, An IX. (1803). 40. ff. (2), pp. xxxviii., f. (i), pp. 489. Plates. Chasles, M. Traits de g^om^trie supdrieure. Paris, 1852. 8'>. pp. Ixxxiii., 603. Plates. Die Grundlehren der neuern Geometric; nach Chasles’ Traite de g^om^trie sup^rieure frei bearbeitet von C. II. Schnuse. Theil. Praun- schweig, 1856. 80. pp. XV., 349. Contents ; — Die Theorie der anharmonischen Verbal tnisscs, der homographischen Theilung und dcr Involution. Faber, F. Einige planimetrische Satze. Lauban, [1861]. 40. f. (i), pp. 10. Plates. Heinen, F. Einige planimetrische Satze. Diis- seldorf, [1865]. 40. pp. (ii)-i5. Plate. Jonqui^res, E. de. Melanges de geometric pure, comprenant diverses applications des theories exposees clans le Traits de geometric superieure de M. Chasles, et la traduction du traite de Maclaurin sur les courbes du troisieme ordre. Paris, 1856. 80. pp. viii., 261. Plates. Krause, . Das Pascal’sche Sechseck. Deutsch-Crone, 1863. 40. pp. 14. Plates. Mobius, A. F. Der barycentrische Calcul ; ein neues Hiilfsmittel zur analytischen Behandlung der Geometric. Leipzig, 1827. 80. pp. xxiv., 454-f. Plates. Mulcahy, J. Principles of modern geometry, with applications to plane and spherical figures ; ancl an appendix. 2d ed. Dublin, 1862. pp. vii., 227. Steiner, J. Die geometrischen Konstructionen ausgefiihrt mittelst der geraden Linie und eines festen Kreises. Berlin, 1833. 80. pp. no. Plates. Vorlesungen iiber synthetische Geometric. Leipzig, 1867. 2 V. 8«. Contents ; — i. Die Theorie der Kegelschnitte in elementarer Darstellung: bearbeitet von C. F. Geiser. — ii. Die Theorie der Kegelschnitte gestiizt auf projektivische Eigenschaften ; bearbeitet von H. Schrbter. Townsend, R. Chapters on the modern geom- etry of the point, line and circle. Dublin, 1803-65. 2 V. 8‘>. I. Correlation of Figures. Carnot, L. N. M. De la correlation des figures degeometrie. Paris, An IX. (1801). 8«. pp. viii., 188, ff. (2). Plates. Freyer, P. (G. ). De quadrilateri et quadranguli inter se polarium connexu. Vratislavim, [1862]. 4‘». pp. 194-. Kast, J. U. Einige Satze fiber projectivische Ebencn und Slrahlenbiindcl, — Inaug. Diss. Mar- burg, 1857. 8‘>. pp. 38. Plate. Maur, (A.). Einleitung in die ncuere Geom- etrie: i. Die Conformitat der ebencn Gebilde. Cob- lenz, 1861. 4“. pp. 25. Plate. Poncelet, J. V. 'I'raite des jnoprietes projec- tives des figures. 2« ed. Paris, 1865-66. 2 v. 4”. Plates. Contents: — i. Principes gdneraux. — Proprictes fondainen- tales des lignes droites, des sections coni(iucs et des cercles. — Systenies de sections coniques. — Des angles et des polygones. — Proprictes projectives des figures dans I’espace. — ii. Cen- tres de inoyennes harinoniques. — Polaires reciproipics. — Ana- lyse des transversales applitjuee anx courbes et surfaces gcoinc- triques. — Proprietds communes aux systenies de lignes et de surfaces geometriques d’ordre quelcompie. — Cuiisidirations gencrales. Steiner, J. Systematische Entwickelung der Abhiingigkeit geometrischer Ge^jtallen von einander, mit Berficksiclitigung der Arbeitcn alter und neuer Geometer fiber Porismen, Projection.s-Mellioden, Geometric der Lage, Tran.sversalen, Dualitiit und Reciprocitat, etc. Theil. Berlin, 1832. 8“. pp. xvi., 322. Plates. No more published. 2. Harmonic Division. Hiilsen, M. Die IClementc der harmonischen Theilung grader Linien. Naumburg a. S., 1868. 40. f. (i), pp. 35. Plates. Jansch, (E. R. ). Einiges aus der Lehre von der harmonischen Theilung. Rastenburg, 1848. 40. pp. 20. Plate. 52 IVORKS RELA TING TO MA THEM A TICS. Kambly, L. Tlieorie der Harmonikalen. Bres- lau, 1859. 40. f. (i), pp. 32. Plates. d. Descriptive Geometry and its Applications. (See also Practical Geometry.) Bellavitis, G. Lezioni di geometria descrittiva. 2® ed. Padova, 1868. 8®. pp. 206, f. (i). Plates. Briot, C., et C. Vacquant. Elements de geo- metrie descriptive. 2^ ed. Paris, 1869. 80. ff. (2), pp. 140. Plates. Church, A. E. Elements of descriptive geom- etry, with its applications to spherical projections, shades and shadows, perspective and isometric pro- jections. New York, 1870. Atlas of plates, op. Davies, C. Elements of descriptive geometry, with their application to spherical trigonometry, spherical projections, and warped surfaces. New York, 1866. 80. pp. 174. Plates. Flohr, A. Der Unterricht in der beschreiben- den Geometric auf Realschulen. Berlin, 1869. 40. pp. 30. Hachette, (J. N. P.). Supplement de la geo- metric descriptive [de G. Monge]. Paris, 1812. 40. ff. (2), pp. viii., 1 18, f. (i). Bd. with Monge’s “ Geometric descriptive.” Heather, J. F. Descriptive geometry applied to drawing and designing ; with the theory of shad- ows and perspective, and the principles and practice of isometrical projection. New ed., with an index. London, n. d. 120. pp. \'i.,i42. Plates. (Weale’s rudimentary series, 76.) Jullien, A. Cours el^mentaire de geometric de- scriptive [avec une collection de reliefs]. ed. Paris, 1878. 120. pp. xxiv., 156. Plates and box of reliefs. Lacroix, S. F. Essais de geometric sur les ;)lans et les surfaces courbes (elemens de geometric descriptive). 7® ed. Paris, 1840. 8®. pp. xi.-f, 1 19. Plates. Leroy, C. F. A. Traite de geometric descrip- tive, suivi de la methode des plans cotes et de la theorie des engrenages cylindriques et coniques ; avec une collection d’epures. 7« ed., revue et an- notee par M. E. Martelet. Paris, 1865. 40, and A tlas of plates. Monge, G. Gdometrie descriptive. 7®^d.,aug- mentee d’une theorie des ombres et de la perspec- tive, extraite des papiers de Pauteur, par [ll] Bris- son. Paris, 1820. 40. pp. xx., 187. Plates. Olivier, T. D^veloppements de geometric de- scriptive. Paris, 1843. 4^, and Atlas of plates. Smith, F. H. Elements of descriptive geom- etry, with its applications to shades, shadows and perspective, and to topography. Baltimore, 1871. 8«. pp. (iii.)-70. Tresca, H. Traits ^l^mentaire de g^om^trie de- scriptive, r^dig6 d’apr^s les ouvrages et les lc9ons de T. Olivier. 2® dd. Paris, 1864. 80, and Atlas of plates. Bd. in I V. I. Perspective {including Shades and Shadows). Bacon, R. Perspcctiva; in qua, qu?e ab aliis fvse trarluntur, succinctc, neruose & ita pertractan- tur, vt omnium intcllcctui facile pateant; nunc pri- mum in lucem edita opera & studio J. Combachii. Erancofvrti, 1614. 4'’. ff. (4), pp. (207). Plates. 'I he numeration of pages is irregular. 'J'he “ I'ractatvs de de speevlis” occupies pp. i68-(207). Bernard, C. E. An essay on arithmetical per- spective, in which the representation is obtained by computation from the known dimensions and posi- tion of the object. London, 1839. 80. pp. xvi.. 135. Plates. Davidson, E. A. The elements of practical perspective. London, [1870]. 160. pp. viii., 89. Plates. Davies, C. A treatise on shades and shadows, and linear perspective. New York, 1868. 8®. pp. 159. Plates. Emerson, W. Perspective: or, The art of drawing the representations of all objects upon a plane. [London, 1768.] 80. pp. vi., iii. Plates. Bd. with his “Optics.” Marolois, S. La perspective; contenant tant la theorie que la practique et instruction fondamen- tale d’icelle, remise en volume plus commode qu’ au- paravant. Amsterdam, 1662. fo. ff. (2), pp. 42. Plates. Bd. with his “ Mathematicum.” Two engraved title-pages, on both of which the dates have been altered, that of the second being 1651. The second title- page says that the work is “ par lean Vredeman Prison, et aug- mentee par Samuel Marolois.” Monge, (G.). Theorie des ombres et de la per- spective; extrait par [B. ] Brisson. Bruxelles, 1827. 8®. ff. (2), pp. 68. Plates. Pyne, G. Rudimentary perspective. Pt. i., ii. London, 1848. 120. pp. v., f. (i), pp. 60. Plates. Scholz, J. Ueber Wesen und Bedeutung der Perspective. Berlin, 1867. 40. pp. 28. This copy lacks the last folio. Taylor, B. Principles of linear perspective ; or. The art of designing upon a plane the representation of objects as they appear to the eye. New ed., with additions by J- Jopling. London, 1835. 8®. pp. xxviii., no. Port, and plates. Taylor, C. A familiar treatise on perspective; in four essays. London, 1816. 80. pp. 143+. Plates. Wood, J. Elements of perspective ; containing the nature of light and colours, and the theory and practice of perspective ; [and] Rules for painting in transparent water colours. Edinburgh, 1797. 80. pp. XV., 192. Plates. Wood, J. G. Lectures on the principles and practice of perspective. 3d ed. London, 1844. 40. pp. vi., f. (i), pp. 95. Plates. Zanotti, E. Trattato teorico-pratico di prospet- tiva. Milano, 1825. 8°. pp. xxxii., 230-}-. Plates. 2. Stereotomy. Leroy, C. F. A. Traits de st^rdotomie, com- prenant les applications de la g^ometrie descriptive. Paris, 1844. 40, and Atlas of plates, fo. Warren, S. E. Problems in stone-cutting. New York, 1875. PP* ^i*> 126. Plates. Two copies. e. Practical Geometry {ifuluding Mensuration, Geometric Drawing and Projec- tion, Surveying, etc.). ' (See also Descriptive Geometry.) Diirer, A. Institvtionvm geometricarvm libri qvatvor, in quibus, lineas, superficies, & solida cor- pora, ita tractavit, ut non malhescos solum s'tudiosis, sed & pictoribus, fabris oerariis ac lignariis [etc.] sint summ6 utiles & necessarii : versi olim 6 Ger- manica in linguam Latinam, & nunc iterate editi, servato ordine & figuris, sicut ab ipso authore cx* pressse fuerunt. Arnhemi.x, 1605 (col. 1606). fo, ff. (3), pp. 185. Plate and wdets. CORNELL UNIVERSLTY. 53 Langley, B. Practical geometry applied to the useful arts of building, surveying, gardening and mensuration. London, 1726. f®. pp. viii., 136. Elates. Mayer, J. T. Griindlicher und ausfiihrlicher Unterricht zur praktischen Geometrie. Gottingen, 1814-20, ’15. 5 V. 80. Cotitents : — i.-iii. Feldmesskunst. — iv. Verzeichnung der Charten. — v. Stereotomie. Bd. i.-iii., 4® Aufl. ; iv., 2® Aufl. ; v., 3® Aufl. Metius, A. Geometriae practicse, part. vi. ; quarum duae priores rei cujusvis mensurabilis vim, proprietates & habitudines interpretantur & exer- cent. . Franekerae, 1640. sm. 40. f. (i), pp. 185- 426, ff. (15). Plates. Lettered “ Geestevelt.” Tarn, E. "W. Practical geometry for the archi- tect, engineer, surveyor and mechanic. London, 1871. 80. pp. xvi., 170. Tarnier, E. A. Elements de geometrie pratique. Paris, 1872. 8®, and Atlas of plates^ fo. I. Mensuration. Bonnycastle, J. An introduction to mensura- tion and practical geometry. 14th ed. London, 1827. 120. pp. xii., 300. Day, J. A practical application of the principles of geometry to the mensuration of superficies and solids. New York, 1848. 12^. pp. 100. Bd. with same ed. of his “ Trigonometry.” Hutton, C. A treatise on mensuration, in the- ory and practice. 4th ed. London, 1812. pp. xvi., 530 - 2. Geometric Drawing and Projection. Binns, W. An elementary treatise on ortho- graphic projection ; being a new method of teaching the science of mechanical and engineering drawing. 4th ed. London, 1865. 80. pp. xxvi., 138. Plates. Bradley, T. Elements of geometrical drawing; or. Practical geometry, plane and solid, including botli orthographic and perspective projection. Pt. 1 . London, 1861. old. 40. pp, 34. Plates. Burn, R. S. The illustrated I.ondon practical geometry, and its application to architectural draw- ing. 2d ed. London, [1853?]. 8^. pp. 83. Plate. Clarke, G. S. Practical geometry and engineer- ing drawing. London, 1875. 40. pp. viii., 116. Plates. Davidson, E. A. Linear drawing, showing the application of practical geometry to trade and manu- factures. London, [1868]. 16®. pp. x., 118. Orthographic and isometrical projection, development of surfaces and penetration of solids. London, [1868]. 16". pp. xi., 128. Emerson, W. The projection of the sphere, orthographic, stereographic and gnomonical, dem- onstrating the principles and explaining the practice of these three sorts of projection. 2d ed. London, 1769. 8«. pix iv., 57-f-. Plates. Bd. with his “ Mechamcs.” Francoeur, L. B. Lineal drawing, and intro- duction to geometry, as taught in the Lancastrian schools of France ; translated. London, 1835. 8®. f. (I), pp‘. 6, 83, ff. (6). Plates. Minifie, W. A text book of geometrical draw- ing; with an introduction to isometrical drawing, a course of linear perspective and shadows, an essay on the theory of color. 8th thous. New York, 1871. 8'^ |)p. 162. Plates. Nicholson, P. A treatise on j^rojection, with a complete system of isometrical drawing. I.ondon, 1840. 80. f. (i), pp. xvi., 136. I^ort. and plates. Rijke, P.L. Responsio ad quaestionem : “Com- mentatio de projectione stereographica ejusque usu in geographica et phasibus defectus Solaris delinean- dis.” [Lugduni Batavorum, 1832.] 40. pp. 41. Plates. Sopwith, T. Treatise on isometrical drawing, as applicable to geological and mining plans, delin- eations of ornamental grounds, perspective views of buildings and machinery, and to civil engineering. 2d ed. London, 1838. 80. f. (i), pp. xiii., f. (i), pp. 224. Plates. 3. Surveying^ Geodesy, and Hydrography (including Topographical Drawing). Abendroth, W. Darstellung und Kritik der altesten Gradmessungen. Dresden, 1866. 8®. f. (I), pp. 47. Baker, T. Elementary treatise on land and en- gineering surveying. New ed. London, 1868. 120, pp. xii., 228. Plates. (Weale’s rudimen- tary series, 60.) Burt, W. A key to the solar compass, and sur- veyor’s companion, comprising all the rules neces- sary for use in the field. Philadelphia, 1858. 120. pp. 84, 1 1 8. Cai'penter, F. De Y. Geographical surveying; its uses, methods and results. New York, 1878. 180, pp. 176. (Van Nostraiid’s science series, 37 -) Reprinted from Van Nostrand’s engineering magazine. Clarke, A. R. Geodesy. Oxford, i88o. 8®. pp. xi., 356. (Clarendon press series.) Davies, C. Elements of surveying and level- ling; with descriptions of the instruments and the necessary tables. New York, 1871. 8». pp. 270, 161. Gillespie, W. M. A treatise on land-surveying; comprising the theory developed from five elemen- tary principles, and the practice with the chain alone, the compass, the transit, the theodolite, the plane table, &c. 8th ed. New York, 1868. 8«. pp. 428, 16, 84. Chart. Gordan, P. A. De linea geodetica. — Diss. inaug. Berolini, [1862]. 4“. ff. (2), pp. 40, f. (i). Gummere, J. A treatise on surveying; to which is prefixed A system of plane trigonometry. 4th ed. Philadelphia, 1825. 8‘*. pp. 216, 152. Plates. The separate pagination at the end of the volume is that of “Mathematical tables”, having a separate title-page, and dated 1822. Same; 5th ed. Philadelphia, 1828. 8®. pp. 216, 152. Plates. The title-page of the “ Mathematical tables” is dated 1829. Same ; 14th ed., [with] articles on the theodolite, levelling, and to[)ography. Philadel- phia, 1843. 8*^. pp. 266, 152. Plates. Jess, Z. A compendious system of practical sur- veying and dividing of land. Wilmington, [Del.], 1799. 8. Algebraic Carves. Bierens de Haan, D. Dissertatio de lemnis- cata Bernouillana. Amstelodami, 1847. 40. If. (3), pp. 109. Plate. Fischer, . Untersuchungen iiber die Conch- oide. Kempen, 1861. 40. pp. 24. Plate. Klingenstierna, S. Analysis constructionis general is quadraturte curvarum quarum abscissa est 2, & ordinatae. [Stockholmiae, 1744. ] 40. pp. (91)- iio. Plates. (/« Upsala — Regia societatis scien- tiarum Upsaliensis. Acta. 1740.) Bd. with Euler’s “Theoria motuum.” Kiilp, E. (J.). De curva focali regulari. — Diss. inaug. Mannhemii, 1824. 40. pp. 34. Plate. Prasse, M. von. De ellipseos evoluta et aequi- distantibus earumque constructione. Lipsiae, [ 1 798] . 40. f. (i), pp. 14, Plate. Shiitte, . Die semikubische Parabel. Stral- sund, 1866. 40. pp. 18. Plate. Temme, A. J. De inventione proprietatibusque trium curvarum mechanicarum. Monasterii Guest- phalorum, 1853. 40. ff. (2), pp. 32. Plate. Tielemans, K. Commentatio ad quaestionum : “Axes coordinatarum orthogonalium sibi sunt ad perpendiculum in puncto A, ubi ponitur eorum origo ; in axe ordinalarum y inde a puncto A sursum usque ad punctum P pars AF=a capitur ; ex hoc deinde puncto F in axem abscissarum x emittitur linea recta FB, ad quam ex puncto intersectionis B et axis ab- scissarum perpendicularis recta CBD erigitur : in qua si utra(jue ex parte sumitur BC=BD=AB, ex- tremitates C ct I) in linea jacent curva, cujus natura subsidio acquationis inter coordinatas exhibitoe pen- itus est investiganda.” [Leovardise.] n. d. 40. ff. (2), pp. 92. Plates. Tobisch, J. K. Abhandlung iiber die Curve, deren Natur durch die Gleichung : y^ = (4ax— 2 x‘‘^)y 2 —x* ausgedriickt wird. Breslau, 1833. 40. f. (i), pp. 25. IVate. Weidenmiiller, C. Ueber die geometrischen Oerter der Spitze eines Dreiecks von constanter Grundlinie unter verschiedenen Bedingungen. Ful- da, 1868. f. (i), pp. 26. Plates. 2''. Cycloidal Curves. Cramer, D. G. Verhandeling over de cycloTdale lijnen. Schiedam, 1856. 4'h ff. (4), pp. 99. Plate. Reinmitz, . Ueber die zykloidischen Kur- ven und ihre Anwendung in der Physik und in der praktischen Mechanik. Guben, [1839]. 40. f. (i), pp. 22. Plate. 2U». Spirals. Alewyn, C. De lineis spiralibus. Gottingae, 1808. 40. pp. 49-j-. Plate. Bothe, . Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Spir- alen. Dresden, [1867]. 80. f. (i), pp. 80. Plate. Hausmann, F. K. De lineis spiralibus. Lip- siae, 1790. 40. pp. 24. Plate. Scherling, C. Die Archimedische Spirallinie. Liibeck, 1865. 40. ff. (2), pp. 25. Plate. Caustic and Optical Curves. Matthes, K. J. De invenienda aequatione ctus- ticarum. Lugduni-Batavorum, 1837. 40. pp. viii., 68. Plates. Meyer, (C. F.?). Uber die Brennlinien, welche durch die Zuriickwerfung des Lichtes von Curven der zweiten Ordnung entstehen. Potsdam, 1838. 40. f. (I), pp. 26. Moseley, H. On caustics. [London, 1827.] 8®. pp. 263-271. From the Philosophical magazine, ii., 1827. Lettered “ Mathematical tracts.” Paezkowski, I. Geometrische Eigenschaftea des Bildes unter Wasser gelegener Curven. Gnesen, 1869. 40. f. (i), pp. 20. Curves defined by Maximum or Minhnu 7 n Properties. Euler, L. Methodus inveniendi lineas curvas maximi minimive proprietate gaudentes, sive soluto problematis isoperimetrici latissimo sensu accepti. Lausannse, ^/c., 1744. 40. pp. 322, f. (i). Plates. Kiessling, F. G. Discussion der Curve, derea Tragheitsmoment ein Maximum oder Minimum ist. Berlin, 1866. 40. f. (i), pp. 47. 3. Curves of Double Curvature. Clairault, A. C. Recherches sur les courbes a double courbure. Paris, 1731. 4<^. ff. (4), pp. 1 19, f. (i). Plates. Gies, W. De helicibus quae superficiebus rota- tione sectionis conicae genitis inscribuntur. — Diss. Inaug. Marburgi, 1842. 40. f. (i), pp. 43-I-. Plate. Janisch, O. K. F. Notio punctorum inflexionis quae constituitur pro curvis planis qua ratione ex- tendenda sit in curvas duplo-curvatas. — Diss. inaug. Berolini, [1853]. 40. pp. 21-f-, f. (i). Perger, A. C. De curva catenaria sphaerica parabolica. — Diss. inaug. Berolini, [1838]. 40. f. (i), pp. 30. Plate. Schell, W. Allgemeine Theorie der Curven doppelter Kriimmung in rein geometrischer Darstel- lung. Leipzig, 1859. 8®. ff. (3), pp. 106. j. Parallel Lines. [Kircher, A. ] Nouvelle theorie des paralRles ; avec un appendice conlenant la mani^re de perfec- tionner la theorie des paralDles de A. M. Legendre. Paris, 1803. 8”. pp. 64. Plate. Signed ‘‘ A. Kircher,” but incorrectly attributed to Legendre by the Michaud “Biographic universelle,” Querard, and other authorities. Lettered “ Puissant — Legendre — Briot.” Lotz, . Ueber die Theorie der Parallelen. Fulda, 1862. 40. f. (i), pp. 36. Plate. Muller, C. R. Theorie der Parallelen. Mar- burg, [1822]. 40. f. (i), pp. 40. Plates. CORNELL UNIVERSLTY. 57 Wahl, F. W. L. Dissertatio mathcmatica syni- bolas ad epicrisin Iheoriarum parallelas spcctantium continens. lenae, [1823]. 40. f. (1), pp. 44, f. a). R/a^e. k. Polyedrons. Bahrdt, . Beitrage zur Lehre von den reg- ularen Korpern. Molheim a. d. Ruhr, 1838. 40. pp. 20. Plate. Hermes, (E. S. T. ) O. Satze iiber Tetraeder, welche dem von Desargues iiber ebene Dreiecke analog sind. Berlin, 1856. 4°. f. (i), pp. 25. Lankeren Matthes, D. van. Commentatio ad quaestionem : “ Singulis costis tetraedri irregularis magnitudine datis, omnes anguli positionis planorum lateralium et distantiae inter cuspides angulorum solidorum et plana lateralia obversa determinentur turn constructione geometrica, turn arithmetices uni- versalis auxilio. Deinde si plana lateralia tetraedri versus omnes plagas in infinitum producta sint nu merus sphaerarum definiatur quae haec plana later- alia tarn interne quam externe tangent, turn etiam radii harum sphaerarum et constructione et compu- tatione determinandi sunt eorumque mutua ratio investiganda.” [Lugduni Batavorum, 1836.] 4®. pp. 33. Plate. Muller, J. H. T. De polygonis solidis et poly- edris simplicibus. Gothae, n. d. 40. f. (i), pp. 18. Verdam, G. J. Commentatio ad quaestionem : “Quaeritur invenire angulos, inter plana, linea recta sibi contigua, et corporum regularium superficiem constituentia, interceptvs, atque ex hoc problemate, ratione geometrica et analytica, ed consectaria col- ligere, quae ad soliditatem variorum corporum in- veniandam conducant.” Groningae, 1824. 4®. pp. 79. Plates. Wackernagel, P. Ueber die Zerlegung des Icosaeders in fiinf Tetraeder. Elberfeld, i^i. 40. pp. II. Plates. 1 . Polygons. Broager, P. D. Nogle Formler henhorende til de regulaire I’olygoner. Roskilde, [1850]. 8“. f. (i), pp. 17. Dilling, (C. A. A.). Aufgaben iiber das sym- inetrische Baralleltrapez oder das Antiparallelo- gramm. Muhlhausen, 1865. 40. f. (i), pjr. 25. Fliigel, J. G. B. Kinige .Siitze iiber halbreguliire Bolygone. llalberstadt, [1831]. 40. f. (i), pp. 32. Plate. Gessner, T. (G.b Combinalionen und Reihen in den Vielecken. Gotha, [1859]. 4®. pp. 29. Das Deltoid. Gotha, [1864]. 40. f. (i), pp. 29, Jdates. Jacobi, C. F. A. Commentatio geometrica de quadrangulis. Naumburgi, 1837. 40. f. (i), i)p. 41. J dates. EUetke, C. A. De polygonorum regularium aequationibus. Lib. ii. Vratislaviae, [1833J. 4^. f. (1), pp. iv., f. (I), pp. ( 35 )'- 74 . (I)- Lontetits ; — De soliilioiie aeciuationuni quibus polygonorum regularium latera et diagonalcs cletcrminautur. Mollmaiin, B. Das regelmiissige Siebzehneck. Rosttjck, 1863. 40. pp. 22. Plates. Mueller, J. H. T. Cber die symmetrischen Krcisvielecke von ungerader Seitenzalil. Gotha, 1840. 4‘>. f. (i), pp. 13. Plate. Ofterdinger, L. F. Beilriige zur Wicderherstel- lung der Sclirift des Kuklides iiber die Theilung der Kiguren. Ulm, 1853. 40. IT. (2), pp. 16. Plate. Piani, D. Principj di poligonometria analitica. Bologna, [1833]. 4 ®* PP- 72 * Plates. m. Quadrature of the Circle. Ekeroth, C. E. C. En elementair Rtekke for It. liorsens, [1858]. 80. pp. 12. Plate. Fleming, P. Geometrical solutions of the quad- rature of the circle. Montreal, 1850. fo. ff. (3), pp. 10. Plates. Leibnitz, (G. W.). De quadratura arithmetica circuli, ellipseos et hyperbolas ; nach den Hand- schriften der koniglichen Bibliothek zu Hannover herausgegeben von C. I. Gerhardt. Eisleben, 1858. 40. pp. 33. Plates. Longomontanus, C. S. Rotundi in piano, seu circuli, absoluta mensura, duobus libellis compre- hensa. Amsterdami, 16.^. 40. ff. (6), pp. 72. Bd. with Schooten's “ Principia matheseos universalis.” Montucla, (J. E.). Histoire des recherches sur la quadrature du cercle ; avec une addition con- cernant les problemes de la duplication du cube et de la trisection de Tangle. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1831. 80. pp. xvi., 300. Plates. The editor’s preface is signed “L. c.” (S. F. Lacroix). Vorsselman de Heer, P. O. C. Responsio ad quaestionem: “ Detur succincta expositio prae- cipuarum methodorum, quae ad circuli quadraturam ducunt.” Groningae, 1832. 40. pp. 81. Plates. n. Spheres. Gorgas, R. Ueber die Analysis auf der Kugel. Magdeburg, 1847. 3 pts. 40. Plate. Stegmann, F. L. De nova quadam methodo quadrandi areas figurarum in sphaera descriptarum. — Diss. inaug. Marburgi, 1S40. 40. pp. 16. Walker, G. On the doctrine of the sphere. London, 1777. 4‘>. pp. (iii.)-xii., 338, 1. (i). Plates. o. Surfaces {higher or general). Ackermann, C. C. Ueber Inhalt und Ober flache von Rotationskorpern. — Inaug. -Diss. Mar- burg, 1864. 4‘». pp. 15. Plate. August, F. (W. O.). Disquisitiones de super- ficiebus tcrtii ordinis. — Diss. inaug. Berolini, [1862]. 4“. pp. 39+. Baum, T. (L.) R. De superficiebus orientibus motu rectoe lineoe quye abscissarum piano parallela per lineam rectam in abscissarum piano perpendicu- iarem, et per lineas secundi gradus ducitur. Vratis- laviaj, [1842]. 8“. f. (i), jjp. 28, f. (i). Behlau, A. Ueber die Kurven, welche die Tan- gcntialebenen mit einer Llache gemein haben. Ilei- ligenstadt, 1854. 4“. pp. 26. Brutkowski, J. Disfjuisitio analytica tritim theorematum in Crellii diani volio xviii. ab Stein- er j)ropositorum, ad areas ctirvarum revolutarum spectantium. — Diss. inaug. Berolini, [1859.] 40. pp. 18, f. (i). Childe, G. F. Singular properties of the ellip- soid, anti associated surfaces of the wth degree. Cajie Town, etc., 1861. j)p. xi.-f-. 152. Plate. Dornheim, F. De singularitatibtis stiperficicr- um. Bonnae, 1840. 4‘*. ff. (2), pp. 14, f. ( i ). Drobisch, M. W. Ztisatze ztim llorentiner Problem. [I.eipzig, 1852. ] 4“. p|). (43i)-482. J'late. {In Kbii. sachsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschafteii. Abhandlungen der mathe- matische-i)hysischen Classe, i.) Duda, T. Abhandlung aus der Geometrie der 58 WORKS RELA TING TO MA THEM A TICS. ] iige, betreffend die Construction von Normaleben- cn gewisser Oberflachen und Curven. Brieg, [1867]. 40. pp. 13. Faure, H. Theorie des indices. Paris, 1878. 8°. pp. 21 1. Fischer, G. E. De superficierum pedalium theorematibus quibusdam. — Diss. inaug. Berolini, [1859]. 40. pp. 27-I-. Plate. Fuchs, L. De superficierum lineis curvaturse. — Diss. inaug. Berolini, 1858. 40. ff. (3), pp. 18, f. (I). Joachimsthal, F. Memoire sur les surfaces ccurbes. Berlin, [1848]. 40. pp. 20. Luchterhandt, A. R. Analytisch-geometrisclie Untersuchung einer algebraischen Flache vierten Grades. Berlin, 1861. 40. pp. 14. Meyer, (C. F.). Die windschiefe Flache. Pots- dam, 1853. 40. f. (I), pp. 13. Quapp, A. Ueber die krummen Flachen, welche ein System von Kriimmungslinien in parallelen Ebenen haben. Minden, 1864. 40. pp. 12. Schell, W. Ueber Abwickelung einfach krum- mer Flachen. — Inaug. -diss. Marburg, 1851. 40. pp. 42, f. (I). Schumann, A. Untersuchungen fiber Fuss- punktenflachen. Brandenburg, 1863. 40. f. (i), pp. 12. Schwarz, K. A. A. De superficiebus in plan- am explicabilibus primorum septem ordinum. — Diss. inaug. Berolini, [1864]. 40. pp. 24. Simon, E. O. A. Ueber ebene und spharische Krummungslinien. Glogau, 1861. 40. pp. 18. Sturm, R. Synthetische Untersuchungen fiber h'lachen dritter Ordnung. Leipzig, 1867. 8®. pp. XX., 388. Uth, C. Die Flache, welche durch Rotation eines Kreises um eine beliebige Axe entsteht. Ful- da, 1865. 40. f. (i), pp. 13. Plates. p. Tangencies. Adams, C. Das Malfattische Problem neu gel 5 st. Winterthur, 1846. 40. pp. 24. Plate. Frosch, C. Ueber die Beriihrung der Kegel- schnitte mit dem Kreise. Schneidemuehl, 1867. 40. pp. xii. Ottemann, F. Einige Satze fiber die Tangent- cn der Ellipse. Saarbrficken, 1832. 40. pp. 24. Plate. Ritzefeld, A. Verschiedenartige allgemeine Auflosungen einiger Berfihrungsaufgaben und An- wcndung derselben zur Ableitung einiger Satze fiber die Durchschnittspunkte zweier oder mehrerer sich schneidenden Parabeln. Dfiren, 1846. 40. f. (i), pp. 9. Zirkel, P. J. Behandlung einiger Falle der Auf- gabe fiber die Berfihrungen. Bonn, 1827. 40. pp. iv., 22. Plates. Ein Supplement zum Tactionen-Problem. [Bonn, 1849.] 4«. f. (i), pp. 20. Plate. q. Triangles. {See also Trigonometry.) Auth, (E.). Ueber den durch die Fusspunkte der Dreieckshohen bestimmten Kreis und eine ent- sprechende Kugel beim Tetraeder. Cassel, 1867. 8‘\ f. (i), pp. 16. Plate. Copernicus {Polish Koppemigk), N. De lat- erijbvs et angvlis trijangulorum, turn planorum rec- lilineorum, | inm .Spnaericoriim. . Additus est Canon semisium subten|sarum rectarum linearum ' in Circulo. | Excusum Vittembergre per | lohannem Lufft. I Anno M.D.XLII. 40. ff. (29). 2. Tables Illustrated with figures printed on the margins. Emsmann, G. Ueber einen merkwfirdigen Punkt im Dreiecke. Halle, 1854. 80. pp. 33. Plate. {Pi his Mathematische Studien ffir die Zwecke der Schule, 2^8 Heft.) Gandtner, . Ueber Parallel- und Gegen- transversalen im geradlinigen Dreieck. Greifswald, [1852]. 40. f. (i), pp. 22. Plate. Gerber, . Allgemeines Gesetz, wie man den Inhalt und die Seiten eines Dreiecks aus Trans- versalen finden kann ; [und] Bestimmung der Erd- achsen aus der Polhohe. Berlin, 1833. 40. f. (i), pp. 10. Grebe, E. W. Beitrage zur Lehre vom dem geradlinigen Dreieck. Cassel, 1862. 40. f. (i), pp. 16. Ffinfzig Aufgaben fiber das geradlinige Dreieck, trigonometrisch gelost. Cassel, 1865. 40. f. (i), pp. 13. Eine Gruppe von Aufgaben fiber das gerad- linige Dreieck. Marburg, 1856. 40, f. (i), pp. 32. Harnischmacher, (F. J.). Einige Dreiecks- constructionen, wenn drei hervorragende Punkte des Dreiecks gegeben sind. Brilon, 1863. 40. pp. II. Plates. Jacobi, C. F. A. Die aussern Entfernungsorter geradliniger Dreiecke. Naumburg, 1854. 40. f. (i), pp. 73. Plates. Janisch, CO. K. F.). Beitrag zu den harmon- ischen Eigenschaften des geradlinigen Dreiecks. Frankfurt a. O., [1861]. 40. f. (i), pp. 22. Plate. Leybourn, W. Mathematical institutions : i. Clavis ) ( key, ii. Janua > the < gate, iii. Ancilla ) ( hand-maid, to the mathematical sciences ; wherein the doctrine of plane and spherical triangles is handled. Lon- don, 1704. 40. ff. (6), pp. 366. Plates. Michaelis, W. J. H. Ueber einige merkwfir- ,dige Puncte im Dreiecke. Leipzig, 1833. 40. pp. 25. Plate. Mink, W. Die Centralen des einem Dreieck um- und der ihm eingeschriebenen Kreise. Crefeld, 1866. 40. pp. 15. Plate. Muller, J. H. T. Ueber die Schwerpuncte der Seitcnquadrate des geradlinigen Dreiecks. Naum- burg a. S., 1835. 40. f (i), pp. 20. Plate. Niegemanii, A. Zur Theorie der Dreiecks- Transversalen. Koln, 1864. 40. f (i), pp. 18. Plate. Regiomontanus Monteregio {Germ. Miil- ler), J. . . . De Triangvlis omni|modis libri qviiKjve I . . . Accesserunt hue in calce pleraqg D. Nicolai Cusani de Qua|dratura circuli, Decj recti ac curui commensuratione : | item'q? lo. de monte Regio eadem de re eXEyvr 7 \Hd , hactenu.'- a nemine publicata. I . • . Norimbergoe in aedibus lo. Pe- trei. I . . . M.D.XXXIH. Bd. with Feuerbach’s “Theoricarum nouarum.” Richter, A. Trigonometrische Auflosung; ein- iger Aufgaben fiber das geradlinige Dreieck. Elb- ing, 1833. 40. pp. 27. Wiegand, A. Die merkwfirdigen Punkte des Dreiecks mit Rficksicht auf harmonische Theilung. 26 Aufl. Halle, 1848. 8®. f (i), pp. 92. Plate. Trigonaltriaden in arithmetischer und har- monischcr Progression. Halle, i 8 ‘io. 4°. f. (i)i pp. 16. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 59 Horology. {See also Machinery.) Booth, Mary L. New and complete clock and watchmakers’ manual ; compiled from the French, with an appendix containing a history of clock and watchmaking in America. New York, 1877. 120. pp. xvii., 294. Plates. Schwilgue, C. Description abr6g^e de I’hor- loge astronomique de la cathedrale de Strasbourg. 6e ed. Strasbourg, 1856. 120. pp. 66. Plate. Imaginaries, Quaternions, Equipol- lences, Geometric and Multiple Algebras. {See also Algebra and Functions.) Bellavitis, G. Intorno ad alcune question! di mathematica-pura elementaire. [Venezia, i860.] 80. pp. 45 - “ Estr. dal vol. vi., serie iii., degli Atti dell’ istituto” [veneto di scieiize, lettere ed arti]. A bibliography of Bellavitis accompanies this pamphlet (80. pp. 4). Saggio sull’ algebra degli immaginarii. Venezia, 1852. 40. pp. 104. Plate. “ Inserito nel vol. iv. delle Memorie dell’ I. R. istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti.” Bubendey, G. H. Ueber die raumliche Dar- stellung der imaginaren Grossen der Analysis. Ham- burg, 1854. 40. f. (i), pp. 53. Buch, J. P. Om afvigende Storrelser. Nyki- obing, [1852]. 80. pp. viii., 20. Duport, . Sur un mode particulier de rep- resentation des imaginaires. Paris, 1880. 40, pp. 301-362. “ Extraite du Ann. de r^cole normale, 2« serie, t. ix., Sept. 1880.” Faure, A. Essai sur la th^orie et I’interpreta- tion des quantites dites imaginaires. — Premier m^- moire. Paris, 1845. 8®. ff. (3), pp. 96. Hamilton, . 9 /> W. R. Elements of quaternions ; edited by W. E. Hamilton. London, 1866. 8<>. pp. vi., {. (i), pp. lix., 762. Lectures on quaternions : containing a stated ment of a new mathematical method, — the subject of lectures delivered in 1848 and subsequent years in Trinity college, Dublin. Dublin, etc., 1853. 8". (3)» pp. 64, (ix.)-lxxii., 736, f. (i). Hankel, H. Theorie der complexen Zahlcnsys- teme, insbesondere der gemeinen imaginaren Zahlen und der Hamilton’sehen (]uaternionen nebst ihrer geometrischen Darstellung. Leipzig, 1867. 8®. pp. xii., 196. {In his Vorlesungen iiber die com- plexen Zalilen, i. Theil.) Laisant, . Theses pr^sent^cs h la faculte des sciences de Paris pour obtenir le grade de doc- teur. — I'^th^se: Applications m^cani(jues du calcul des qual rrnions ; 2^ these : .Sur un nouveau mode de transformation des courbes et des surfaces. Paris, 1877. 40. pp. 133. Paterson, J. The calculus of operations. Al- bany, 1850. 8<*. pj). viii., 154. Plates. Peirce, B. Linear associative algebra. Wash- ington, 1870. 40. f. (i), pp. 153. Read before the National academy of sciences. Lithographed. Scheffler, (A. C. W.) H. r)er Situations- kalkul ; Versuch einer arithmetischen Darstellung der niederen und hoheren Geometrie auf Grund einer abstrakten AfTassung der raumlichen (irossen, Eormen und Bewegungen. Braunschweig, 1851. 80. pp. xiv., f. (i), pp. 404. Sperling, (J. G. A.). Ueber die Conformitiit der unmoglichen oder imaginaren Grossen iiber- haupt, und iiber die Unveriinderlichkeit der Form a-\-b\/ — I. [Gumbinnen, 1827.] 40. pp. 43. This copy lacks pp. 9-24. Tait, P. G. An elementary treatise on quater- nions. Oxford, 1867. 80. pp. xviii., f. (l), pp. 320. Valles, F. Des formes imaginaires en algdbre; leur interpretation en abstrait et en concret. Paris, 1869. 80. pp. xiv., 306, f. (i). Latitude and Longitude. {See also Navigation and Spherical and Prac- tical Astronomy.) Baily, F. On the new method of determining the longitude by the culmination of the moon and stars; [with] an appendix and a list of stars. T on- don, 1824. 40. f. (i), pp. 48. Lettered “ Papers on astronomy.” [Eastman, J. R. ] Report on the determina- tion of the longitude of the Cincinnati observatory at iVIount Lookout, Hamilton county, Ohio. {Append- ed to U. S. naval obseivatory. Wash., D. C. Astronomical and meteorological observations made during 1877; Washington, 1881, 40, iv. ) Report on the difference of longitude be- tween the U. S. naval observatory and the Sayre observatory of Lehigh university. Washington, 1878. {Appended to U. S. naval observatory. Wash., D. C. Astronom. and meteorol. observa- tions made during 1875; Washington, 1878, 40, i.) Report on the difference of longitude be tween Washington and Detroit, Mich. ; Carlin, Ne vada; and Austin, Nevada. {Appended to U. S. naval observatory. Wash., D. C. Astronom. and meteorol. observations made during 1872; Wash- ington, 1874, 4f>, ii.) Report on the difference of longitude between Washington and Ogden, Utah. {Appended to U. S. naval observatory, IVash., I). C. Astronom. and meteorol. observations made during 1874; Washington, 1877, 4‘>, ii.) , and H. S. Pritchett. Longitude of the Morrison observatory, Glasgow, Mo. {elppended to U. S. Naval observatory. Wash., D. C. As- tronom. and meteorol. observations made during 1877; Washington, 1881, 4*’, v. ) Harkness, W. Report on the difference of longitude between Washington and Havana. {Ap- pended to U. S. naval observatory. Wash., D. C. Astronom. and meteorol. observations made during 1867; Washington, 1870, 4**, i.) Klinger, K. F. A. Longitudo observatorii Vrat- islaviensis derivata e stellarum fixarum occultationi- bus. Vratislaviae, [1861]. 4'*. pp. 20, f. (i). Mackay, A. The theory and practice of find- ing the longitude at sea or land: [and] various methods of determining the latitude of a place, and variation of the compass. 2d ed. Aberdeen, 1801. 2 V. 8'». Plates. Newcomb, S. Investigation of the latitude and longitude of the U. .S. naval observatory, Washing- ton, and of the declinations of certain circum|)olar stars. {In U. S. naval obseivatory, Wash., D. C. Astronom. and meteorol. observations made during 1864; Washington, 1866, 40.) Riddle, E. Remarks on Mr. Meikle’s pajier on finding the longitude by lunar observations. [Lon don, 1819.] 8*'. ])]). 241-252. Philosophic.^l nKigazine, vol.'liv., no. 258, Oct. 1819. Lettered Mathematical pamphlet.s. 6o WORKS RELATING TO MATHEMATICS. Verdam, G. J. Conimentatio ad qua-stionum : “ Data duorum locorum differentia latitudinis et linea loxodromica, invenire differentiam longitudinis eorun- dem.” [Gandavi, 1823.] 40. pp. 56. Plates. Logarithms. {See also Algebra and Trigonometry^ ) Artur, J. F. Instruction theorique et applica- tions de la regie logarithmique ou a calculs. ed. Paris, 1845. 80. pp. vii., 118. Plate. Loof, . Ueber die differenzen der Logarith- men, der trigonometrischen Functionen und der Lo- garithmen der trigonometrischen Functionen. So- rau, [1830]. 40. pp. II. Maseres, F., editor and compiler. Scriptores logarithmici ; or, A collection of several curious tracts on the nature and construction of logarithms, together with some tracts on the binomial theorem and other subjects connected with the doctrine of logarithms. Vol. i., ii., v., vi. London, 1791- 1807. 4 V. 40. A collection of the tracts on the doctrine of logarithms men- tioned in C. Hutton’s historical introduction to his edition of Sherwin’s “Mathematical tables”, London, 1785. Contents: — i. Hutton, C. [Introduction, on Trigonomet- rical tables, History of logarithms, and Construction of loga- rithms.] — Kepler, J. Chilias logarithmorum [et supplemen- tum]. — Mercator, N. Logarithmo-technia. — Ricci, M. A. Exercitatio geometrica de maximis et minimis. — Brouncker, W., visconnt Brotincker. The squaring of the hyperbola. — Wallis, J. An account of N. Mercator’s Logarithmico- technica. — Method of finding the sums of logarithms. — Mercator, N. Illustration of the Logarithmico-technia. — Maseres, F. Remarks on the two foregoing.ihfinite serieses [with Appendix]. — ii. Gregory, J. Extracts from This] Ex- ercitiones geometricae. — [Extracts from letters by J. Cregor>% Sir Isaac Newton and G. W. Leibnitz.] — Wallis, J. 12th chap, of Treatise on algebra. — Letter concerning the collection of secants and the true division of the meridians. — Speidell, E. Logarithmotechnia. — Halley, E. Demonstra- tion of the analogy of the logarilhmick tangents to the meridian line. — Method of constructing logarithms. — Maseres, F. Notes on the foregoing [with Appendix]. — Dem- onstration of Newton’s binomial theorem. — Landen, J. Same. — Maseres, F. Explanation of the foregoing demonstration. — The binomial theorem in the case of fractional pow- ers. — Newton’s residual theorem. — Method of extending Cardan’s rules for resolving cubick equations. — Conjecture concerning the discoverj”^ of Cardan’s rules by Scipio Ferreus of Bononia. — Appendix to the tract on Newton’s binomial theorem. — v. Preface. — Maseres, F. Newton’s binomial theorem in the ca.se of reciprocals of the roots of a binomial quantity. — Hales, W. Analy.sis fluxion- urn. — Glenie, J. Demonstration of Newton’s binomial the- orem. — Halley, E. Compound interest. — Maseres, F. Notes and appendix on the foregoing. — Moivre, A. de. Let- ter on the foregoing. — Robertson, J. Investigations of twen- ty cases of compound interest. — Jones, W. Theorems on compound interest. — Same ; from Dodson’s Anti-log- ariihmick canon. — Questions, with solutions, relating to com- pound interest and annuities. — Ward, J. Extracts from [his] Young mathematician’s guide. — Clavis usurm. — Ma- seres, F. Appendix to the foregoing. — Corrections and additions to Hales’s Analysis fluxionum. — vi. Preface. — Mackay, A. Examination of Maseres’s solution of Bougtier’s example to Halley’s problem. — Indirect method of solving Halley’s problem. — Maseres, F. Remarks on Glenic’s problem. — Manning, T. I nve.stigation of the differential l>.r Ilxi ^ senes a : — , ,—k.c. an i 7 ifin. — Simpson, i-f-r (i+-r)3 R. De logarithmis — De limitibus qiiantitatum et ra- tionum. — Huygens, C. De determinatione qiiantitatum max- imariim et miiiimarum. — Maseres, F. Additaincntiim ad praicedcntcm. — Alia methodus inveniendi maximos valores qiiantitatum. — Frend, W. Invcstigatio maxinii val- oris quern quantitas binomia qx — habere possit dum quan- titas X crcscit a nihilo usque atl ^ q, sen dum xx crescit k ni- hilo ad q. — Beaune, F. de. Dc limitibus aequationum; edi- tus ab E. Bartholino. — Recensio limitum. — Maseres, F. FNcmpla [8] qiiaedam resolutionis aiquationum mimer- aliiim, cubicarum et biquadraticariim, per methodiim approxi- mationis k [. Raphson tradit.im. — Ivory, J. Method of ascer- tiiining the degree of exactness of a root obtained by Raph.son’s me hod of approximation. — Solution of 'l itus’s arith- metical problem. — Maseres, F. Resolution of the equation 342-1-52*— 342*— 2*— 8. — Method of re.solving biqiiad- | ratick [and other] equations of all kinds without first taking away their .second terms. — Hutton, C. Computation of the length of the sine of a circular arc of one minute of a degree. — Napier, J. Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio. — Ma- seres, F. Observations on the foregoing. — Ivory, J. Ac- count of J. Speidell’s table of logarithms, 1619. — Mackay, A. Computation of the length of the tangent of a circular arch of one..minute of a degree. Napier, Neper t^rNepair, J., baron Merchiston. Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio, ejusque usus, in utraque trigonometria, ut etiam in omni logisticu mathematica, amplissimi, facillimi & expe- ditissimi explicatio. Edinburgi, 1614. 40. ff. (4), pp 57, fif. (45). On the title-page the author’s r'sn' e is given thus: “ Authore ac inven tore Joanne Nepero, barene Merchistonii, &c. Scoto.” Young, J. R. Mathematical tables, compre- hending the logarithms of all numbers from i to 30,600; also the natural and logarithmic sines and tangents, with several other tables. Newed. Lon- don, [1833]. 120, pp. xxvi., 190. Machinery. {See also Engineering Horology.) Babbage, C. On the economy of machinery and manufactures. 4th ed. London, 1841. 120. f. (i), pp. xxiv., 408. Baker, T. The elements of practical mechanism and machine tools ; with remarks on tools and ma- chinery by J. Nasmyth. 3d ed. London, ' 1867. 120. pp. xii., 240. Plates. Bale, M. P. Woodworking machinery : its rise, progress, and construction : with hints on the man- agement of saw mills and the economical conversion of timber. London, 1880. 8®. pp. x., 362. Wdets. and plates. Bazley, T. S. Notes on the epicycloidal cutting frame of Holtzapffel & Co., with special reference to its compensation adjustment. London, 1872. 8®. pp. (iii.)-xvi., 192. Plate wdets. The preface contains a bibliography of the subject. Camus, C. E. L. A treatise on the teeth of wheels, demonstrating the best forms which can be given to them for the purposes of machinery, such js mill-work and clock-work ; translated from the French by J. 1 . Flawkins. 3d ed. London, 1868. 80. pp. vi., 102. Plates. Colyer, F. Hydraulic, steam, and hand power lifting and pressing machinery. London, etc., 1881. 8^. pp. viii., 120. Plates. Cooper, J. H. A treatise on the use of belting for the transmission of power. Philadelphia, etc., 1878. 80. pp. 310. Plates. Corssen, H. Vorlegeblatter fiir Maschinen- Constructionen. Berlin, i860, obi. f®. Haton de la Goupilli^re, J. N. Traits des m6canismes, renferniant la theorie geometrique des organes et celle des resistances passives. Paris, 1864. 8°. pp. xxxi., 483. Plates. Traite theorique et pratique des engrenages. Paris, 1861. 8*’. pp. viii., 88. Wdets. Hayes, J. L. American textile machinery. Cam- bridge, [Mass.], 1879. 8<^. pp. 72. Laboulaye, C. P. L. Traite de cinematique, ou theorie des mecanismes. Paris, 1861. 80. pp. xliv., 910. Ledoux, (C. ). Ice-making machines; the the- ory of the action of the various forms of cold-produc- ing or so-called ice macliines. New York, 1879. 180. pp. 150. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 46.) Reprinted from Van Nostraiid’s engineering magazine. I Nahuys, G. J. Dc maximo et minimo in sci- CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 6i entia machinal:. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1761. 40. f- ( 0 » PP- 39 +. f- ( 0 - Rankiiie, W. J. M. A manual of machinery and millvvork. 1st ed. London, 1869. 80. pp. xvi., 588. JVdcts. Redtenbacher, J. F. Der Maschinenbau. Mannheim, 1862-65. 3 v. 8®. Contents : — i. Elastizitat und Festigkeit der Materialien. — Maschinenbestandtheile. — Berechnung der Widerstande. — Verzahnung. — Bewegungsmechanismen. — Messinstrumente. Maschinen durch Menschenkraft bewegt. — ii. Wasser als Motor. — Warme und technische Benutzung. — iii. Lokomo- tivbau. — Bau der Dampfschiffe. — Bergwerksmaschinen. R^sultats scientifiques et pratiques destines k la construction des machines ; traduction de la 4® ed. de I’ouvrage allemand. Mannheim, 1861. 8®, and A tlas of plates. Bd. together. Reuleaux, F. Constructionslehre fur den Ma- schinenbau. Bd. Braunschweig, 1862. 8®, and Atlas of plates, f®. Conte 7 its ; — Die Construction der Maschinenthelle; begon- nen von C. L. Moll und F. Reuleaux, fortgesetzt von F. Reuleaux. Robinson, S. W. A practical treatise on the teeth of wheels, with the theory and use of Robin- son’s odontograph. New York, 1876. 18®. pp. 126. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 24.) Roos, J. D. C. de. Linkages ; the different forms and uses of articulated links ; translated from Revue universelle des mines. New York, 1879. 18®. pp. 87. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 47 -) Stahl, A. W. Transmission of power by wire ropes. New York, 1877. 18®. pp. 124. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 28.) Uhland, W. H. Skizzenbuch fur den prac- tischen Maschinen-Constructeur. Leipzig, 1879-81. 3 V, in I. obi. 8®. Plates. Webber, S. Manual of power for machines, shafts and belts ; with the history of cotton manu- facture in the United States. New York, 1879. 1 . 8®. pp. XV., 12-124, ( 0 > PP- ^ 05 - Wiebe, F. K. H. Die Lehre von den einfachen Maschinentlieilen. Berlin, 1854-60. 2 v., 8®, and Atlas of plates, f®. Contents: — i. Befestigung der Maschinen-theile. — ii. Grund- lehren der Mechanik. — Verbindung dcr Maschinentheilc. Willis, R. Principles of mechanism. J.ondon, 1841. 8®. pp. xxxi.-|-, 446. Saine. 2d ed. London, 1870. 8®. pp. xxiv., 463. Zahner, R. The transmission of power by com- pressed air. New York, 1878. 18®. pp, 133. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 40.) Maxima and Minima. {See also Calculus.) Cresswell, D. An elementary treatise on the geometrical and algebraical investigation of maxima and minima; [and) a selection of propositions. 2d ed. Cambridge, I617. 8®, pp. iv., 298, 138. Escliweiler, . Abhandlung iiber die grosste in ein gegebenes Dreieck und Viereck eingeschrie- bene und iiber tlie kleinste densclben umschriebene Ellipse. Koln, 1828. 4®. f. (i), pp. 30. Plate. Forster, C. Darstellung der elementaren The- orie der Maxima und Minima und ihre Anwendung. Ciistrow, [1866]. 4®. f. (i), ])p. 32^^. Plate. Ramchundra. A treatise on problems of max- ima and minima solved by algebra; reprinted under the superintendence of A. De Morgan. London, 1859. 8®. pp. xxiii., v., f. (i), pp. 185. Plates. . The treatise proper has a separate title-page, with the im- print “Calcutta, 1850.” Schondorff, A. Ober die Minimalflache die von einem doppelt-gleichschencklingen raumlichen Viereck begrenzt wil'd. Gottingen, 1868. 4®. pp. 52. Sperling, J. G. A. Eine neue Methode das Maximum und Minimum zu finden. Gumbinnen, 1831. 40. f. (i), pp. 27. Viviani, V. De maximis et minimis geometrica divinatio in qvintvm conicorvm Apollonii Pergiei. Florentise, 1659. 2 v. in i. f®. Plates. Wituski, L. L. De maximis atque minimis val- oribus functionum algebraicarum. Berolini, [1853]. 4®. pp. 25, f. (I). Mechanics. [See also Physics.) Baker, T. The principles and practice of statics and dynamics, with those of liquids and gases. 2d ed., revised by E. Nugent. London, 1869, 12®. pp. viii., 152. Wdets. (Weale’s rudimentary se- ries, 97.) Ball, R. S. Experimental mechanics. London, etc., 1871. 8®. pp. (iii.)-xv., 352. Plate and wdets. Bartlett, W. H. C. Elements of analytical mechanics. 8th ed. New York, 1868. 8®. f. (i), pp. viii., (i3)-5io. Elements of natural philosophy: i. Me- chanics. 3d ed. New York, etc., 1855. 8®. pp. 632. Wdets. Elements of synthetic mechanics. 6th ed. New York, i860, 8®. pp. 632. Boucharlat, J. L. filaments de m^canique. 4® ed. Paris, 1861. 8®, pp. xvi., 364. Plates. Clebsch, A. Analytische Mechanik; nach Vor- triigen gehalten an der polytechnischen Schule. 1858-59. Carlsruhe, [1859?]. 2 pt. sm. 4®. f. (i), pp. 46, 46, II. Lithographed in German script. Delaunay, C. (E.), 'Fraitd dc mdcanique ra- tionnelle. 4® ed. Paris, 1866. 8®. ff. (2), pp. 539. Duhamel, (J. M. C.). Cours de m^canique. 3® ^d. Paris, 1862-63. 2 V. 8®. Contents: — i. Du niouvement consid^r^ ind6pendamment de .ses causes. — Stati(|ue. — Dynamitpie. — ii. Suite de la dy- naniique. — Hydroslatique. — Hydrodynamique. Eberhard, K. W. H. Betrachtung der Niveau- fliichen und des hydrostatischen Druckes einer um zwei Oder mehrere vertikale Axen rotirenden Fliis- sigkeit. Rostock, 1870. 4®. pp. 22. Plate. Emerson, W. Mechanics; or, d'he doctrine of motion. 1.011(1011,1769. 8®. jip. iv., 14S. Plates. Contents : — Laws of motion. — Descent of bodies. — Motion of pendulum.s. — Centers of gravity. — lupiilil)rium of beams ot timber. — The meclianic.al i)Owcrs. — Strengtli of timber, and stress. I'owers of engines, motions and friction. — Hydrostat- ics and pneumatics. Euler, L, Mcchanica; sive, Motvs scientia ana- lytice. Petropoli, 1736. 2 v, 4®. Plates. Contents : — i. I )e motu in genere. — 1 )e effectu jtotentianim. — De motu rcctilinco. — De motu puncti liberi in medio resist- ente. — ii. Dc inotu non libero in genere. — De motu imncti suijer data linea in vacuo. — De motu puncti super data linea in medio resistente. — 1 )c motu ]>uncti siq)er data superficie. Grassmann, H. G. Gruudriss dcr Mechanik. Stettin, [1867]. 4®. f. (i), pp. 34. Gravesaiide, W. J. Pliysices elenienta malh- ematica, experiiiientis confirmata; sive, Introductio ad iihilosophiain Newlonianam. Ed. 3“'. Leidoe, 1742. 2 V. 4®. Plates. Contents : — i. De corpore in genere. — De a f* (i)» PP* viii. b. Applied Mechanics. Bninton, R. A compendium of mechanics ; con- taining rules and tables. Glasgow, 1824. 8 '\ f. (i), pp. 132, ff. (2). Plates. Byrne, O. The essential elements of p^ractical mechanics. London, 1867. 8®. pp. xi., 360. Leibbrand, M., editor. Technische Mechanik, bearbeitet und herausgegeben vom Ingenieur-Vcrein an Polytechnikum zu Stuttgart. Stuttgart, 1878. 8®. pp. viii., 308. Rankine, W. J. M. A manual of applied me- chanics. 5th ed. London, 1870. 8®. pp. xvi., 648. and E. F. Bamber. A mechanical text- book ; or. Introduction to the study of mechanics. 2d ed. London, 1875. 8°. pp. xii., 312. Venturoli, G. Elements of practical mechan- ics; [and] 'I'he principle of virtual velocities, and its uses in mechanics; translated by I). Cresswell. Cambridge, 1823. 8®. f. (1), pp. iii., iv., 238. Plates. c. Dynamics. Atwood, G. A treatise on the rectilinear mo- tion and rotation of bodies ; with a description of original exjieriments relative to the subject. Cam- bridge, 1784. 8°. ff. (2), pp. xv.-|-, 436, f. (i). Plates. Deahna, (H. W. ) F. Momenta inertiae singu- lorum quinque corporum regularium. Gottingae, 1835* 40. pp. II. Plate. Dornheim, (F. ?). Die Rewegungsgesetze fiir Krafte, welche der Entfernung proportional sind. Minden, 1867. 80. pp. 31. Plate. Earnshaw, S. Dynamics ; or, A treatise on motion ; [and] A short treatise on attractions. 3d ed. Cambridge, etc., 1844. pp. vii.-|-, 372. Euler, L. Dissertatio de principio minimjE ac- tionis. Berolini, 1753. sm. 80. ff. (8), pp. 223. Latin and French on jdternate pages. Theoria motvs corporvm solidorvm sev rigidorvm. Ed. nova. Gryphiswaldise, 1790. 40. ff. (17), pp. 624. Plates. Gruhl, E. Beitrag zu einer elementaren Behand- lung schwingender Bewegungen. Hagen, 1867. 40. f. (i), pp. 16. Hahnemann, . Bewegung zweier durch einer starve Linie verbundenen materiellen Punkte auf einen verticalen Kreise. Halle, 1861. 40. f. (I), pp. 24. Hamilton, W. R. On a general method in dy- namics. [London, 1834.] 40. pp. 247-308. From the “Philosophical transactions of the Royal society,” cxxiv. Peters, C. H. F. De principio minimae actionis. Berolini, [1836]. 4®. pp. 20, f. (i). Routh, E. J. An elementary treatise on the dy- namics of a system of rigid bodies, with examples. 2d ed. London, etc., 1868. 8®. pp. xi., f. (i), pp. 492. Voigt, . Einige Satze aus der Lehre vom Stosse. Zwickau,' 1 849. 80. pp. 17. Plate. Whewell, W. On the free motion of points, and on universal gravitation, including the principal propositions of books i. and iii. of the Principia; the first part of a new ed. of a treatise on dynamics. Cambridge, 1832. 80. pp. xxviii., 237, f. (i). Plates. I. Pendulum. Dumas, W. A. De motu penduli sphaerici ro- tatione terrae perturbato. — Diss. inaug. • Regio- monti, [1857]. f. (i), pp. 88, ff. (2). Gilbert, D. On the vibrations of heavy bodies. London, 1825. 8®. pp. 7. “ Mathematical pamphlets.” Roudolf, W. Bewegung eines von einer vollen Kugel angezogenen Punktes auf einer Kugelflache, zugleich als allgemeinste Theorie des mathemat- ischen Pendels. i^^^ q'heil. Neuss, 1858. 4®. f. (I), pp. 19. ■». Undulation. Craig, T. Elements of the mathematical theory of fluid motion. New York, 1879. 180. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 43.^ Reprinted from Van Nostrand’s engineering magazine. Hehl, J. Ueber Wellenbewegung. Marburg, 1837. 4«. f. (i), i)p. 42. Plates. Lampe, E. Sur (juekiues probRmes relatifs d la surface des ondes. Berlin, 1870. 4”. f. (i), pp. 28. Melde, F. Ueber die Erregung stehender Wel- len eines fadenformigen Kdrpers. Marburg, i860. 8®. pp. 27, f. (i). Plate. 3. Dynamics 0/ a Particle (including Orbits and Central Forces). Belanger, J. B. 'I'rait^ de la dynamique d’un point materiel. Paris, 18O4. 8®. pp. xiv., f. (i), pp. 148. JHate. Emerson, W. The laws of centripetal and cen- trifugal force, shewing the motion of bodies in cir- cular orbits and in the conic sections and other curves; beitig a work preparatory to astronomy. [London, 1769?] 8‘», f. (i), pp. 8i-f-. IHates. Bd. with his “ Mechanics.” Hoche, R. Welche Curve muss die Bahn eines 64 WORKS RE LA TING TO MA THEM A TICS. materiellen schweren Punktes bilden, wenn dieser mit constanter Geschwindigkeit fortriickt, wahrend jene sich um eine verticale Achse mit constanter Winkelgeschwindigkeit dreht? Halle, 1867. 4®. f. (i), pp. 21. Leitzmann, . Ueber die Anziehung einer unendlichen Geraden. Magdeburg, [1860I. 4®. f. (i), pp. 37. Fiates. Praetorius, I. De motu corporis, quod duo- bus fixis centris secundum legem Newtonianam attrahitur. — Diss. inaug. Vratislaviae, [1863]. 4®. ff. (2), pp. 26. Schellbach, K. H. Ueber Bewegung materi- eller Punkte. Berlin, 1849. 40. pp. 20. Tait, P. G., a}id W. J. Steele. A treatise on the dynamics of a particle, with examples. 2d ed. Cambridge, etc., 1865. 8®. pp. xv., 363. Vollhering, . Mathematische Abhandlung. Cdslin, 1868. 40. pp. II. Wilkinson, W. On the orbits described by bodies revolving in given planes round immoveable centres of forces. Cambridge, 1816. f. (i), pp. 34. Lettered “ Mathematical tracts.” d. Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics. Atwood, G. The construction and analysis of geometrical propositions, determining the positions assumed by homogeneal bodies which float freely, and at rest, on a fluid’s surface. [London, 1796.] 40. pp. 4^130. Plates. From the “ Philosophical transactions of the Royal society,” Ixxxviii. Lettered " Shipbuilding.” Bernoulli, D. Hydrodynamica; sive, De viri- bus et motibus fluidorum commentarii. Argento- rati, 1738. 40. ff. (4), pp. 304. Plates. [Brougham, H., Baron Brougham and Vaiix.^ Hydrostatics. 5th ed. London, etc., 1827. 80. pp. 32. Wdcts. {In Soc. for the diffusion of useful knowledge. Library of useful knowledge. ) Craig, T. Elements of the mathematical theory of fluid motion : On the motion of a solid in a fluid, and the vibrations of liquid spheroids. New York, 1879. 180. pp. 208. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 49.) Reprinted from Van Nostrand’s engineering magazine. Darcy, H., et H. Bazin. Recherches hydrau- liques. Paris, 1865. 2 pt. in i v., 40, and Atlas, fo. Contents : — 1 . Sur I’^coulement de I’eau dans les canaux d6- couverts. — 2 . Remous et la propagation des ondes. ” Extrait du tome xix. des Memoires pr<5sentes par divers savants a I’lnstitut imperial de France.” Du Bois-Reymond, P. (D. G. ). De equilibrio fluidorum. — Diss. inaug. Berolini, [1859]. 40. f. (i), pp. 21. Eberhard, K. W. H. Betrachtung der Niveau- fliiclien und des hydrostatischen Druckes einer um zwei Oder mehrere vertikale Axen rotirenden Fliis- sigkeit. Rostock, 1870. 40. pp. 22. Plate. Genet, E. C. Memorial on the upward forces of fluids, and their applicability to several arts, sci- ences, and public improvements. Albany, 1825. 8". pp. 1 12. Plates. ConUuns papers on aeronautics. Hoche, M. Bewegung der Kugel in einer un- endlichen Fliissigkeit. Soest, [ 1863]. 4«. pp. 21. Matthiessen, (H. F.) L. Neue Untersuchung- en iilxjr frei rotirende Fliissigkeiten im zustande des (ileichgewichts. Kiel, 1859. 4”. pp. (5)-74. Plate. Merian, J. R. Ueber die Bewegung tropfbarer b'lussigkeiten in Gefassen. Basel, 1828. 40. f. fO. PP- 53 - Miller, W. H. The elements of hydrostatics and hydrodynamics. Cambridge, 1831. 80. pp. viii., 95-f. Plates. Sujue. 2d ed. Cambridge, 1835. 80. pp. viii., 120. Plates. Phear, J. B. Elementary hydrostatics; with examples. 4th ed. London, etc., 1866. 80. pp. viii., 155. Vince, S. The theory of the motion and resist- ance of fluids. [London, 1794.] 40. pp. 24-45. Plates. From the “Philosophical transactions of the Royal society,” Ixxxiv. Lettered " Shipbuilding.” Webster, T. The principles of hydros'^atics ; an elementary treatise on the laws of fluids. 4th ed. London, etc., 1856. 12®. pp. xii., 312. The theory of the equilibrium and motion of fluids. Cambridge, etc., 1836. 80. pp. viii., 212. Plate. e. Kinematics. Belanger, J. B. Traite de cinematique. Paris, 1864. 8®. pp. xxiv., 288. Plates. Freydanck, . Geometrische Gesetze iiber endliche Ortsveranderungen congruenter Systeme in der Ebene. Magdeburg, 1863. 40. f. (i), pp. 13. Plate. Resal, (A.) H. Traite de cinematique pure. Paris, 1862. 8®. pp. xv.-{-, 412. Schonemann, T. Ueber die Bewegung veriin- derlicher ebener Figuren, welche wahrend der Be- wegung sich ahnlich bleiben in ihrer Ebene. Bran- denburg, 1862. 40. pp. 19. Plates. f. Pneumatics. {See also Acoustics, and Warming and Ventila- tion.^ Blake, E. W. Original solutions of several problems in aerodynamics. New Haven, 1882. 8®. pp. 61. Four of the papers were originally published in the Ameri- can journal of science. Contents: — A theoretical determination of the law which governs the flow of elastic fluids through orifices. — A deter- mination of the general law of the propagation of pulses in elas- tic media. • — On the mode of expansion of elastic fluids as con- trolled by dynamic laws. — Experimental demonstration of the law of the flow of elastic fluids. — The form, formation and movement of sonorous waves. — Answers to the principal ob- jections which have been made to the last of the foregoing articles. Hoogeven, T. De aeris resistentia in globes projectos. Lugduni Batavorum, 1773. 40. ff. (4), pp. 80, ff. (3). Plate. Tomlinson, C. Pneumatics. 3d ed. London, 1863. 12®. pp. iv., 162. g. Rotation. Maerker, F. J. De motu corporum solidorum adiuncto exemplo. — Diss. inaug. Halis, [1851]. 40. ff. (2), pp. 19+. Plate. Poinsot, L. Theorie jiouvelle de la rotation des corps. {Appended to his Elements de statique, etc., 1861, 8‘>, pp. 303-328.) Outlines of a new theory of rotatory mo- tion ; translated by C. Whitley. Cambridge, 1834. 8®. pp. iv., 96. Plates. Schultze, C. Ueber einen besonderen Fall des Rotations-Problems. Elbing, 1863. 40. pp. 17. h. Statics. Earnshaw, S. A treatise on statics ; contain- CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 65 ing the theory of the equilibrium of forces and ex- amples. 4th ed. Cambridge, 1858. 80. pp. vii., 228. Plates. Monge, G. Traits ^lementaire de statique. 5® 6d. Paris, 1810. 8®. pp. vi., 204-}-. Plates. Poiiisot, L. E 16 nents de statique, suivis de quatre memoires sur la composition des moments et des aires ; sur la plan invariable du systeme du monde ; sur la th^orie generale de I’equilibre et du mouvement des systemes ; et sur une theorie nou- velle de la rotation des corps. 10® ed. Paris, 1861. 8®. pp. xi., 328. Plates. Tietz, J. Eine mathematische Arbeit. Brauns- berg, 1866. 4®. f. (i), pp. 23. Todhunter, I. A treatise on analytical statics, with examples. 2d ed. Cambridge, 1858. 8®. PP- 330- I. Attraction. t^See also Astronomy, d.) Konen, H. Ueber die Anziehung, welche ein materieller Punkt von Seiten einer begrenzten ger- aden Linie erleidet, deren Dichtigkeit von dem einen zum anderen Ende gleichformig zunimmt. Koln, 1865. 4®. pp. 15. Kdnig, J. F. Gesucht wird die Kraft, mit der ein gerades Parallelepipedum ein anderes ebenfalls gerades Parallelepipedum anzieht. Konigsberg, 1832. 4®. f. (i), pp. 16. Pihl, O. Om Attractionen mellem to Cirkel- flader. [Christiania, 1875]. 8®. pp. ii. “ Saerskilt aftrykt af Christiania Videnskabs-Selskabs For- handlinger for 1875.” Rothig, (J. W.) O. Ueber das Potenzial und die Anziehung eines homogenen Cylinders. Berlin, 1861. 4®. pp. 21. Meteorology (including A uroras). (See also Instruments, Tables, ami Physics.) Blodget, L. Climatology of the United States, and of the temperate latitudes of the North Ameri- can continent; end)racing a comparison of these with the climatology of the temperate latitudes of I'iurope and Asia, and in regard to agriculture, sani- tary investigations, and engineering. Philadelphia, etc., 1857. 1 . 8®. pp. 53b. Charts. Capron, J. R. Aurorae : their characters and spectra. London, 1879. 4®. pp. xiv.-{-, 207. Plates. Claridge, J. The shepherd of Banbury’s rules to judge of the changes of the weather; to which is added a rational account of the causes of such alter- ations, the nature of wind, rain, snow, &c. 2d ed. London, 1748. 8®. pp. x., 54. Originally published in 1670. Contains an anonymous pref- ace, by Dr. John Campbell. See “Notes and (Queries,” vol. vii. (1853), no. 181, pp. ( 373 )- 375 . Dove, H. W. I )as Gesetz der Stiirme in seiner Beziehung zu den allgemeinen Bewegungen der .Xt- mosphare. 3® Aull. Berlin, 1866. 8®. ff. (5), pp. 346. Plates. Espy, J. P. The philosophy of storms. Bos- ton, 1841. 8®. pp. xii., (v.)-xl., 552. Maps and wclcts. Ferrel, W. The motions of fluids and solids relative to the earth’s surface, comprising applica- tions to the winds and the currents of the ocean. New York, i860. 4®. pp. 72. From the “ Mathematical monthly.’’ Harrison. B. F., aud F. E. Loomis. On the direction and force of the wind, with the fall of rain and snow, at Wallingford, Conn. New Haven, 1871. 8®. pp. 62. From the “Transactions” of the Conn. acad. of arts and sci- ences, ii , 1871. Heis, . Die Finsternisse wiihrend des pelo- ponnesischen Krieges. Koln, 1834. 4®. pp. 14. Ideler, J. L. Meteorologia veterum Graecorum et Romanorum; prolegomena ad novam meteorol- ogicorum Aristotelis editionem adornandam. Bero- lini, 1832. 8®. ff. (4), pp. 254, f. (i). Loomis, E. A treatise on meteorology ; with a collection of meteorological tables. New York, 1870. 8®. pp. 305. Plates. New York (City). — Department of public parks — Meteorological observatory. [Abstract of registers from self-recording instruments ; and. Quarterly comparisons and annual tables. 1879-81. New York, 1879-81]. 3 V. 4®. Lacks July and Dec. 1881. New York (State) — University. Results of a series of meteorological observations at sundry acad- emies in the state of New York, 1846-63; compiled by F. B. Hough. Albany, 1855-72. 2 v. 4®. Charts. Contains records of rain-fall and other phenomena to 1871, inclusive. Smith, R. A. Air and rain ; the beginnings of a chemical climatology. London, 1872. 8®. pp. xiii., f. (i), pp. 600. Strehlke, F. Zwei Abhandlungen physikal- ischen und mathematischen Inhalts. Berlin, [1832]. 4®. f. (I), pp. 15. _ • Contents: — Ueber den mittlern Barometerstand im Niveau der Ostsee. — Ueber den durch 3 Punkte eines Kegelschnitts gehenden Kreis. Taber, C. A M. The causes which produce the great prevailing winds and ocean current's, and their effects on climate. Boston, 1881. 12®. pp. 54. United States — Army. Army meteorological register, 1843-54; compiled from observations made by the officers of the medical department at the mil- itary posts of the Unitetl States, under the direction of General T'. Lawson, [by R. H. Coolidge]. Wash- ington, 1855. 4®. i)p. xi., 763-J-, f. (1). Charts. Contains a “ Report on the prominent features of general cli- mate in the United States, as exhibited in the distribution of temperature and of rain, and in explanation of the illustrative charts.” — Coast survey. Methods, discussions, and results : Meteorological researches for the use of the coast pilot [by \V’. Ferrel]. I’t. i., ii. Washington, 1877-80. 2 pt. 4®. Plates. Contents : — i. Mechanics and general motions of the atmos- phere. — 2. Cyclones, waterspouts, and tornadoes. Patent office. Results of meteorological oltservations made under the direction of the United States patent office and the .Smithsonian institution, 1854-59. Vol. i., ii., I. Washington, 1861. 2 v. 4 *"- . . Contents: — i. Reductions of meteorological observations, 1854-59. — ii., 1. Hough, T,^., editor. Observations upon periodical phenomena in plants and animals, 1851-59; with Tables of the dates of opening and closing of lakes, rivers, har- bors, etc. — Coffin, J. H., editor. Storms of 1859. Signal service. Annual report. 1873-74, ’76-81. Washington, 1874-81. 8 v. 8®. Maps and charts. Daily bulletin of weather-reports, taken at 7.35 A. M., 4.35 1 *. M., and ll v. M., Wash- ington mean time, witli the synopses, jirobabilities, ami facts. Sept. 1872-March, 1874. Washington, 1873-76. 18 v. 4®. Lacks Sept. 1873. The practical use of meteorological 66 WOJ^KS RELA TING TO MA THEM A TICS. reports and weather maps. Washington, 1871. 8®. pp. 76, f. (i). Chai't wdcts. Military Art and Science (not including government reports, etc.). Duane, W. A military dictionary; or. Expla- nation of the several systems of discipline of differ- ent kinds of troops, infantry, artillery, and cavalry, the principles of fortification, and all the modern improvements in the science of tactics. Philadel- phia, 1810. 8®. pp. xi., 748. Kelton, J. C. A new manual of the bayonet, for the army and militia of the United States. 5th ed. New York, 1864. 120. pp. 70. Plates. Lo-Looz, (R. ), chevalier de. Recherches d’an- tiquites militaires, avec la defense du Chevalier Fol- lard, contre les allegations inferees dans les Me- moires militaires sur les Grecs & sur les Romains. Paris, 1770. 40. pp. xxiv., 226, f. (i). Plates. Reed, H. T., compiler. Elements of military science and tactics, prepared for cadets at colleges and academies, and military students generally. Baltimore, 1882. 18®. f. (i), pp. 469. Wheeler, J. B. A course of instruction in the elements of the art and science of war. New York, 1879. 120. pp. xiv., (5)-326. Plans. Wilhelm, T. A military dictionary and gazet- teer; with appendix containing the Articles of war, etc. Revised ed. Philadelphia, 1881. 8®. pp. 659. Plates. a. Cavalry. Denison, G. T. A history of cavalry from the earliest times, with lessons for the future. London, 1877. 8®. pp. xxii., f. (l), pp. 567. Maps and plans. Verdy du Vernois, I. von. Studies in troop leading ; translated from the German by H. J. T. Hildyard. Pt. i., ii. London, 1872. 8®. pp. viii., 144. Plans. b. Military Engineering. Ernst, O. H. A manual of practical military en- g neering. New York, 1873. 12®. pp. 296. J lates. Great Britain — School of military eitgineering, Chatham. Instruction in military engineering. Vol. i., pt. 2-5. London, 1879, ’78. 4 pt. 8®. Plates. Cofttents : — 2. Attack of fortresses. — 3. Military bridges. — 4. Military mining. — 5. Miscellaneous. Pt. 2, 4, 5, 2d ed. ; pt. 3, 3d ed. Straith, H. A treatise on fortification, with ob- servations on the increased effects of artillery. Croy- don, 1833. 8®. f. (i), pp. XX vi., f. (i), pp. 409. c. Field Service. Wolseley, Sir G. J. The soldier’s pocket-book for field service. 3d ed. l.ondon, 1874. sq. 16®. pp. ix., f. (i), pp. 399. IVdcts. d. Gunneyy and Projectiles. Benton, J. G. A course of instruction in ord- nance and gunnery. 4th ed. New York, 1875. 8®. pp. 585. IVdcts. Diirer, A. Pitliche vnderricht, zu befestigung | der Stett, Schloss, vnd flecken. [Nuremberg, 1527.] 4®. Plates and wdcts. This copy is imperfect, lacking signatures A, AiiL, B, and all after K iv. Mersenne, M. Ballistica et acontismologia ; in qua sagiltarum, iaculoruin, & aliorum missilium iactus, & robur arcuum explicantur. Parisiis, 1644. 4®. ff. (6), pp. 140. t^In his Cogitata physico- mathematica). Moore, W. On the motion of rockets both in resisting and nonresisting mediums. [London, 1811.] 8®. pp. (24i)-254. Plate. In Nicholson’s “Journal of natural philosophy, chemistry, and the arts,’’ xxix., no. 134. Steenstra, P. De pulveris pyrii theoria. — Diss. inaug. Lugduni Batavorum, 1763. 4®. f. (i), PP- 35 +» f- (I)- Tartaglia, N. La Nona Scientia . . con vna gionta al terzo Libro. . . At end: In Vinegia, Per Curtio Troiano de i Nauo. [M.D.LVIII.]- M.D.LXII. 4®. ff. (4), 32, 5-94, (32). Wdcts. e. Organization. Schellendorf, B. von. The duties of the gen- eral staff; translated by W. A. H. Hare. London, 1877-80. 2 V. 8®. Plan. f. Outposts. Hamley, (E. B. ). A chapter on outposts. 2d ed. Edinburgh, etc., 1875. PP- 56. g. Strategy and Tactics. Boguslawski, A. von. Tactical deductions from the war of 1870-71 ; translated by L. Graham. 3d ed. London, 1874. 8®. pp. xxii., f. (i), pp. 184. Clery, C. Minor tactics. 5th ed. London, 1880. 8®. pp. xii., 350. Plans. De Peyster, J. W. Practical strategy, as illus- trated by the achievements of the Austrian field mar- shal Traun. Catskill, [N. Y.], 1863. 8®. pp. 64. Dufour, G. H. Strategy and tactics ; translated by W. P. Craighill. 2d ed. New York, 1878. 12®. pp. 400. Helvig, H. Tactical examples ; translated by Sir L. Graham. London, 1877-78. 2 v. 8®. Plans. Contents: — i. The battalion. — ii. The regiment and brigade. Home, R. A precis of modern tactics, compiled from the works of recent continental writers. Lon- don, 1878. 8®. pp. xiii., 243. Plate, maps and plans. Malorti (de Martemont, C. S.). A treatise on the attack and defence of fortified places. Lon- don, 1824. 8®. pp. xi.-j-, 238. Shaw, W. J. The elements of modern tactics, practically applied to English formations. 2d ed. London, 1880. 8®. pp. xxii., 319. Plates and maps. {In Brackenbury, C. B., editor. Mili- tary handbooks for officers and non-commissioned officers, vii. ) Navigation. {See also Latitude and Longitude.) Bowditch, N. The new American practical navigator; being an epitome of navigation, contain- ing all the tables necessary to be used with the naut- ical almanac; the whole exemplified in a journal kept from Boston to Madeira; with tables. 1st ed. Newburyport, Mass., 1802. 8®. pp. 589-I-, f- (i)+* Chart and plate. Pages (247)-(532) are unnumbered. Same; continued by J. 1 . Bowditch. 35th stereotype ed. New York, 1867. 8®. f. (i), pp. 8, (iii. )-xix.-|-, 289, 460. Chart and plates. Chauvenet, W. New method of correcting lunar distances, and improved method of finding the CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 67 error and rate of a chronometer by equal altitudes. New York, 1868. 8®. pp. 86. “ From the appendix to the American ephemeris for 1857.” Chauvenet, W., and J. H. C. Coffin. Navi- gation and nautical astronomy. 4th ed. New York, 1868. 120. pp. 283. Collins, J. The mariners plain scale new plain’d : or, A treatise shewing the ample uses of a circle equally divided, or of a line of chords and equal parts ; divided into three parts. London, 1659. sm. 40. ff. (6), pp. 56, 128, ff. (2), pp. 67, flf. (2), pp. 36. Plate. Each part has also a separate title-pa^e ; that of pt. i. being as follows : “ Navigation by the manners plain scale new plain’d ; or, A treatise of geometrical and arithmetical naviga- tion,” etc. On account of the difference of its title pt. i. has been treated by Watt as a separate work. Day, J. The mathematical principles of naviga- tion and surveying with the mensuration of heights and distances. 3d ed. New Haven, 1831. 80. ff. (2), pp. 1 19. Plates. Pilaar, J. C. Handleiding tot de beschouwende en Werkdadige stuurmanskunst. Leiden, etc., 1837. 2 V. 8°. Plates. Vol. ii. is composed of tables and problems. Raper, H. Rules for finding distances and heights at sea. London, 1831. 8®. f. (i), pp. 7. Lettered “ Mathematical pamphlets.” Tuxen, S. L. Loerebog i Styrmandskunsten, eller Styrmandskunsten practisk og theoretisk fork- laret, tilligemed de dertil fornodne Tabeller. i^te Deel. Kjobenhavn, 1833. 8®. pp. 419, ff. (2). Plates. "Wall, J. van der. De navigandi arte. — [Diss.] inaug. [Lugduni Batavorum], 1756. 40. ff. (3), pp. 61. Plate. a. Mathematical Geogtaphy. Emerson, W. The mathematical principles of geography. London, 1770. 8“. f. (i), pp. viii., ii., 172. Plates. Stoltzing, . Ueber den Unterricht in der mathematischen Geographie. Ilersfeld, 1866. 8«. pp. 32. Plates. Wiegand, A. Grundriss der mathematischen Geograpliie. 7« AuH. Halle, 1869. 8°. pp. xii., 80. (/« Wiegand, A., and others. Mathemat- ische und physikalische Geographie nebst Chronol- ogic, i.) Permutations and Combinations. Hindenburg, K. F. Novi systematis permuta- tionum combinationum ac variationum jirimae lineae et logisticae serieruin formulis analytico-combina- toriis per tabulas exhibendae conspectus et speci- mina. Jdpsiae, 1781. 4°. pp. xii., Ixxxiii. Maseres, F., compiler translator. The doc- trine of 1 erinutations and combinations, being an essential and fundamental part of the doctrine of chances. London, 1795. o®. pp. viii., xvi., 606. Contents: — Bernoulli, J. Artis conjectandi, pars ii. — Traiislaiioii. — Simpson, T. Method of finding tlie sum of any series of ' powers of a set of quantities in arithmetical pro- gression. — Maseres, F. An investigation and demonstration of Newton’s binomial theorem in the ca.se of integral and affirm- ative powers. — Wallis, J. A discourse of combinations, alter- nations, and aliquot parts. — Brancker, T. Appendix to [his] translation of Rhonius's Algebra, containing a table of [inconi- poslts], — Maseres, F. Rational numbers that express the tides of right-angled triangles. — 1 tifferences of the cubes of 1-100. — On De Lagney’s method of approxi- mating to the cube root of any number when the two or three first figures of the cube-root are known. — On Kaph- ion’s method of resolving affected equations by appnjximation. — Dodson, J. 'I'able of square and cube roots, 1-180. — Hut- ton, O. Table of square roots and reciprocals, i-iooo. — Account of the foregoing table. Physics. {See also Mechanics and Meteorolog/.) [Allen, S. M.] Actien : a new law in physics ; the letters of “Alpha,” embracing a new theory of the origin of light, heat, [etc.]. Boston, 1876. 120. pp. 61. Anthony, W. A. Notes of a course of lectures upon physics delivered before the classes of the Cor- nell university. Ithaca, N. Y., 1874. 8®. pp. 156. Bartlett, W. H. C. Elements of natural phil- osophy: ii.. Acoustics ; iii.. Optics. 5th ed. New York, 1868. pp. 365. IVdcts. Two copies. Pt. i.. Mechanics, and iv,. Spherical astrono- my, are catalogued elsewhere. Biot, J. B. Precis elementaire de physique ex- perimentale. 3^ ed. Paris, 1824. 2 v. 8®. Plates. Boutan, A., et J. C. d’ Almeida. Cours el6- mentaire de physique suivi de problemes. 3® ed. Paris, 1867. 2 V. 8®. IVdcts. Brooke, C. The elements of natural philoso- phy ; or. An introduction to the study of the phys- ical sciences ; based on the treatise by G. Bird. 3d ed. London, 1867. 16®. pp. xxxii., 851. IVdcts. Buckmaster, J. C. The elements of acoustics, light, and heat ; revised and enlarged by C. Lees. 5th ed. London, 1S71. 16®. pp. xii., 186. IVdcts. Challis, J. Notes on the principles of pure and applied calculation ; and applications of mathemat- ical principles to theories of the physical forces. Cambridge, 1869. 8®. pp. (iii. )-lxiv., 696. Plate. Dagiiin, P. A. Traits elementaire de physique th^orique et experimentale, avec les ajiplications a la m^teorologie et aux arts industriels. 2« ^d. Tou- louse, etc., 1861-62. 4 V. 8‘>. IVdcts. Contents: — i. Pesanteur. — Des corp<^ consicl^res s6par6- ment sous les trois etals. — Des corps en vibration. — ii. Cha- leur. — iii. Electricite et magnetisme. — iv. Optiiiue. Eisenlohr, W. Lelnbuch der I’hysik. loeAufl. Stuttgart, 1870. 8<>. pp. viii., 808. IVdcts. Enfield, W. I nstitutes of natural })hilosophy, theoretical and experimental. London, 1785. 4*’. pp. xii., 353. I'lates. Contents : — Matter. — Mechanics. — Hydrostatics and pneu- matics. — Optics. — Astronomy. — Magnetism. — Electricity. Encssoii, J. Contributions to the Centennial exhibition. New York, 1876. 40. pp. xx., 577. Port., plates and 7 udcts. Consists principally of researches In radiant heat and descrip- tions of the author’s inventions. Ettingshausen, A. voii. Die 1 ‘rincipien der heutigen Bhysik. Wien, [1857]. 4“. pp. 19. Ferguson, J. Lectures on select subjects in me- chanics, hydrostatics, hydraulics, jineumatics, and optics; with the use of the globes, the art of dialing [j/V], and the calculation of the mean times of new and full moons and eclipses. 9th ed. London, 1799. 80. ff. (6), pp. 396, ff, (3), pp. 48. Plates. Frick, J. Physical technics ; or. Practical in- structions for making experiments in physics, and the construction of physical apparatus ; translated by J. D. Easter, Philadelphia, 1861. 8®. pp. 467. IVdcts. Ganot, (A.). Elementary treatise on physics experimental and applied ; translated and edited by IL Atkinson. 5th ed. New York, 1872. 1 . 12”. l)p. xi.-j-, 828. IVate and 7 vdcts. Greene, R. I'lie princijilcs of the philosion. — .Manners of expressing a law. — Law evolved from the numerical results of observations and experiments. — General properties of matter. — The constitution of matter ac- cording to the molecular hypothesis. — Capillary attraction. Pouillet, C. S. M. M. R. l.chrbuch der Phys- ik und Meteorologie ; theilwci.se nach I’ouillet’s Lehrbuch der Physik selbstandig bearbeitet von J. [H. J.] Muller. 7® Aufl. Braunschweig, 1868. 2 V. 8®. Plates and wdcts. Contents : — i. Mechanik. — Akustik. — Optik. — ii. Die elektrischen Erschein ungen. — Von der Warme. — Meteorologie. I.ettered '' ^IxxW^x's, Lehrbuch,” etc. Same. 8® Aufl., bearbeitet von L. Pfaund- ler. Braunschweig, 1877-81. 3 v. in 4. 8®. Plates and wdcts. Contents: — i. Mechanik. — Akustik. — ii., 1 . Optik. — ii., 2 . Von der Warme. — iii. Electricitat. Privat Deschanel, A. Elementary treatise on natural philosophy ; translated and edited by J. D. Everett. London, 1872. 8®. f. (i), pp. xxviii., 1050. Plates and wdcts. Quackenbos, G. P. A natural philosophy; embracing the most recent discoveries in the various branches of physics. New York, i860. 12®. pp. 450. Wdcts. Silliman, '&.,jr. Principles of physics or natu- ral philosophy. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1861. 12®. pp. (iii.)-xxvii., 710. Plate dead wdcts. Steele, J. D. Fourteen weeks in physics. New York, etc., 1879. 12®. pp. (iii.)-305. Wdcts. Tait, P. G. Lectures on some recent advances in physical science ; with a special lecture on force. 2d ed. London, 1876. 8®. pp. xx., 363. Thomson, Sir W., and P. G. Tait. Treatise on natural philosophy. Vol. i. Oxford, 1867. 8®. pp. xxiii., 727. (Clgjendon press series.) Contents : — Preliminary notions. — Abstract dynamics. Weinhold, A. F. Vorschule der Experimental- physik ; Naturlehre in elementarer Darstellung, nebst Anleitung zum Experimentiren und zur Anfer- tigung der Apparate. Leipzig, 1872. 8®. pp. (iii. )-x., f. (i), pp. 529. Plates and wdcts. Wells, D. A. Natural philosophy. New York, etc., 1857. * 12®. pp. 452. Wdcts. Wiillner, A. Lehrbuch der Experimental- physik. 2® Ausg. Leipzig, 1866. 2 v. in 4. 8®. Plates and %vdcts. Contents: — i., 1 . Mechanik. — Akustik. — i., 2 . Optik. — ii., 1 . Warme-Lehre. — ii., 2. Magnetismus. — Electneitat. a. Acoustics. Airy, Sir G. B. On sound and atmospheric vi- brations, with the mathematical elements of music. London, etc., 1868. 8®. pp. xvi., 263. Plates. Auerbach, F. Untersuchungen iiber die Natui des Vocalklanges. — Inaug.-Diss. Berlin, 1876. 8®. ff. (2), pp. 51. Lettered “ Wissenschafthche Vortrage von Felix Auerbach.' Donkin, W. F. Acoustics ; Theoretical, pt. i. Oxford, 1870. sm. 8®. pp. vi., f. (i), pp. 202. (Clarendon press series.) Galbraith, W. On the velocity of sound. [Lon- don, 1825.] 8®. pp. 109-115. “ Philosophical transactions of the Royal society,” Ixvi., 328, Aug. 1825. Helmholtz, H. (L. F.). Die Lehre von den Tonempfindungen als physiologische Grundlage fiir die Theorie der Musik. 3® Ausg. Braunschweig, 1870. 8®. Henry, J. A summary of researches in sound : conducted in the service of the United States light- house board during the years 1865-77. Washing- ton, 1879. 8®. f. (i), pp. 455-559- From the Smithsonian report for 1878. Miittrich, J. A. Beitrag zur Lehre von den Schwingungen der Elachen. Konigsberg, 1837. 4®. f. (i), pp. 8. Plate. Peirce, B. An elementary treatise on sound ; being the second volume of a Course of natural phil- osophy. Boston, 1836. 8®. pp. Ivi., 220. Plates. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Radan, R. Wonders in acoustics; or, The phe- nomena of sound ; from the P'rench ; the English revised by R. Ball. London, [1870]. sm. 8®. b. Atomic Theory. Bayma, J. The elements of molecular mechan- ics. London, etc., 1866. 8°. pp. xviii., 2*66. Plates. Daubeny, C. . An introduction to the atomic theory. 2d ed. Oxford, 1850. 80. pp. xxiii., 502. Guldberg, C. M. Bidrag til Legemernes Moleky- lartheori. [Christiania, 1871. J 8®. pp. 15. “ Saerskilt aftrykt af Vidensk.-Selsk. Forhandlinger for 1871.” Watson, H. W. A treatise on the kinetic the- ory of gases. Oxford, 1876. 8®. pp. viii., 51. (Clarendon press series.) Wurtz, A. The atomic theory; translated by E, Cleminshaw. New York, 1881. 12®. pp. viii., 344. (International scientific series, 29. ) c. Capillarity. Koniecki, . Elementare Darstellung der Capillaritatslehre. Berlin, [1869]. 40. f. (i), pp. 46. Quincke, G. A. De constantibus mercurii cap- illaribus. — Diss. inaug. Berolini, [1858]. 40. pp. 28. d. Electricity a 7 id Magnetism. Anderson, R. Lightning conductors, their his- tory, nature, and mode of application. London, 1880. 8«. pp. XV., 256. Plate and wdcts. Bailie, J. L’electricite, 2® ed. Paris, 1869. 120. ff. (2), pp. xvi., 344. IVdcts. (Charton, E., editor. Ifiljlioth^que dcs merveilles.) Becqiierel, (A. C.) et (A.) E. Traite d’elec- tricite et de magnetisme, et des applications de ces sciences a la chimie, a la jdiysiologie et aux arts. Paris, 1855-56. 3 V. 8«. Jdates and wdcts. Cofi/ents : — i. Principes g^neraiix. — ii. Electrochimie. — iii. Magnetisme et electro-magnetisme. Buckmaster, J. C. i'he elements of magnet- ism and electricity; revised by C. Lees. 6lh ed. Ltmdtm, 1872. i6«. p[). xii., 212. IVdcts. Christoffel, E. B. De motu permanenti elec- tricitatis in corporibus homogeneis. — Diss. inaug. Berolini, [1856]. 40. pj). 62, f. (i). Plate. Cumniing, L. An introduction to the theory of electricity. London, 1876. 8<‘. pp. xiv., 266. Same. 2d ed. London, 1879. 8^^. pp. XV., 308. Davy, M. Recherches th^oriques et experimen- tales sur P^lectricite consideree au point de vue me- canique. J*aris, 1861. 8®, ff. (2), pp. viii., 235-f-. Dellmann, J. F. G. Ueber die Cesetzmiissig- keit und die i'heorie des I'dectricitiits-Yerlustes. Kreuznach, 1864. 4^. pp. 28. Du Moiicel, T. (A. L.), comte. I'Npose des applications de Pelectricit^. 3® 6d. Paris, 1872-78. 5 V. 8‘*. Plates and ivdcts. Coutenis : — i., ii. 'I'cchnologie electrique. — iii. Telegra- phic ^lectruiue. — iv. Applications mecanicpies de I’electricite. — V. Applications industricllcs de I’eiectricite. Notice sur Pappareil d’induction electrkjue de Ruhmkorff, et les experiences que Pon jteut faire avec cet instrument. Paris, 1855. 8". ff. (2), pp. 152. Wdcts. Enschede, W. A. De calore qui excitatur elec- tricitate. — [Diss. inaug. I Lugduni-Batavorum, 18^. 4 ^- (3). PP- 77 . («)• Ermerins, J. J. De lege repulsionis electricae. 69 Lugduni Batavorum, 1828. 40. f. (3), pp. 54. Tables. Fontaine, H. Eclairage b. Pdlectricitd. Paris, 1877. 80. pp. xv.-(-, 239. Wdcts. Franklin, B. PNperiments and observations on electricity, made at Philadelphia, in America; [and] letters and papers on philosophical subjects. Lon- don, 1769. 40. ff. (3), pp, 496, ff. (8). Plates and 7 vdcts. Gavarret, J. Traite d’electricite. Paris, 1807 \_mistake for 185 73-58. 2 v. 120. Wdcts. Gintl, W. F. Studien fiber Crookes’ strahlende Materie und die mechanische Theorie der Electrici- tat. Prag, 1880. 8®. pp. 20. Gordon, J. E. H. A physical treatise on elec- tricity and magnetism. New York, 1880. 2 v. 8®. Plates and wdcts. Contents : — i. Electro-statics. — IMagnetism. — Electro-kinet- ics. — ii. Electro-kinetics (continued). — Electro-optics. Harris, W. S. Rudimentary electricity ; show- ing the general principles of electrical science, and the purposes to which it has been applied. 6th ed., with additions, including extracts from the Caven- dish papers, and index. London, 1869. 12®. pp. vi., 200. Wdcts. (Weale’s rudimentary science series, 7.) Henry, J. Contributions to electricity and mag- netism. Philadelphia, 1839. 40. ff. (2), pp. (i 7 )- 5 i- “ From the transactions of the American philosophical so- ciety, vol. vi.” Higgs, P. Electric transmission of power : its present position and advantages. London, 1879. sm. 8'>. pp. viii., 87. IVdcts. Jenkin, F. Electricity and magnetism. 4th ed. New York, 1878. 8®. pp. xxii., f. (i), pp. 391. Wdcts. La Rive, A. de. A treatise on electricity, in theory and practice. ['I'ranslated for the author by C. V. Walker.] London, 1853-58. 3 v. 80. Wdcts. Contents: — i. Preliminary notions. — Static electricity. — Magnetism and electro-dynamics. — ii. Appendi.x to Magnet- ism and electricity. — 'I ransmission of electricity. — Sources of electricity. — iii. Relations of electricity to natural phenomena. — Aijplications of electricity. — Appendix. Laurencin, P. L’etincelle electrimie, son his- toire, ses applications. Paris, 1869. io<>. j)p. 228, f. (1). Wdcts. (Biblioth^que de la science pit- toresque. ) Lorberg, H. Zur d'heorie der Bewegung der Electricilal in Leitcrn. [ Ruhrort, 1865. ] 4*^. fi(i), pp. 32. Liidtge, R. Ueber den iMiifluss mechanischer Verantlerungen auf die magnetische Drehungsfiihig- keit einiger Substanzen. Inaug.-diss. Berlin, [1869]. sm. 8‘*. f. (i), j)p. 33, f. (i). Plate. Maxwell, J. C. A treatise on electricity and magnetism. Oxford, 1873. 2 v. 8^ Plates and wdcts. Most, . Potentialbetrachtungen mit Berfick- sichtigung magnetischer und elektrischer Krfifte. .Stettin, 1862. 4‘>. pp. 34. Noad, H. M. A manual of electricity, includ- ing galvanism, magnetism, diamagnetism, electro- dynamics, magneto-electricity and the electric tele- graph. 4th ed. London, 1859. 8“. ])p. iv., 910. Nollet or Nolet, (J. A.). Lettres sur I’filec- tricite, dans lesfjuelles on examine les decouvertes ((ui ont 6tfi faites sur cette matiere depths I’anuee 1752, & les consetjuences que I’on en pent tirer. Paris, 1764-70. 3 V. i8<>. Plates. Vol. i., ii., “Nouv. 6 d.” ; vol. iii., 2® 6d. WORKS RE LA TING TO MA THEM A TICS. 70 Palniieri, L. Description du s^smographe dec- tro-magnetique appareil enregistreur des tremble- ments de terre, et de I’appareil a conducteur mobile avec Telectrometre Ijifiliare pour les observations comparables de I’electricite atmospherique ; traduc- tion fran^aise de A. Mauche. Naples, 1869. 40. pp. 16. Plates. Riess, P. T. Die Lehre von der Reibungselek- tricitat. Berlin, 1853. 2 v, 80. Plates. Contents: — i. Der elektrische Zustand. — Wirkungen elek- trisirter Korper wahrend ihrer Isolation. — Wirkungen elek- trisirter Korper wahrend ihrer Entladung. — ii. Wirkungen elektrisirter Korper wahrend ihrer Entladung (Fortsetzung). — Mechanismus der elektrischen Entladung und ihrer Wirkungen. — Wirkung des Schliefsungsbogens der Batterie in die Feme. — Die Erregung der Elektricitat. — Die atmospharische Elek- tncitat. Same: Abhandlungen. Berlin, 1867. 8®. pp. vi., 394. Plate. Rijke, P. L. De origine electricitatis voltaicse. — [Diss. inaug.] Trajecti ad Mosam, 1836. 40. pp. 81, f. (i). Rollmann, W. Die Thermoelektricitat. Stral- sund, [1859]. 40. f. (i), pp. 38. Stebbins, J. H. Some facts about the electric light in Paris. [New York, 1878.] 80. pp. 20. Svauberg, A. F. Forsok att forklara orsaken till den dynamiska thermo-elektriciteten. Upsala, 1851. 40. f. (i), pp. 12. Thomson, Sir W. Reprint of papers on elec- tro-statics and magnetism. London, 1872. 80. pp. XV., 592. Plates 2i\\d. wdcts. Varley, C. F. Some experiments on the dis- charge of electricity through rarefied media and the atmosphere ; and on the polarization of metallic sur- faces in aqueous solutions. London, 1871. 8®. pp. (235)-246. Plates. “ From the Proceedings of the Royal society, no. 125, 1871.” I. Electrical Measnretnent. Clark, L. An elementarv treatise on electrical measurement. London, 1868. 8®. pp. viii., 175. Plate and table. Jenkin, F., editor. Reports of the Committee on electrical standards appointed by the British asso- ciation ; with, A report on units of electrical resist- ance, and the Cantor lectures. London, etc., 1873. 8‘*. ff. (2), pp. 248. Plates, wdcts and tables. 2. Galvanism and Electro-chemistry. Auerbach, F. Der Durchgang des galvanischen Stroms durch das Eisen. Leipzig, 1878. 8^. pp. 58. Plate. Lettered “ WLssenschaftliche Vortragc von Felix Auerbach.” Bachhoffner, G. H. A popular treatise on vol- taic electricity and electro-magnetism. London, 1838. 80. pp. 35. /date. Becquerel, (A. C.). Elements d’^lectro-chimie apprK|uee au sciences naturelles et aux arts. 2® 6d. Baris, 1864. 8”. ff. (2), pp. iii., 626. Wdcts. [Chester, C. T. Description of an improved galvanic battery, local battery, and improved insu- lator.] n. p., n. d. 8®. pp. 6. Daniell, J. F. Fifth letter on voltaic combina- tions, with some account of the effects of a large con- stant battery, and on the electrolysis of secondary compounds. London, 1839. 4'’. f. ( i ), pp. 89-1 12. ” From the Philosophical transaction;;, pt.' i., 1839.” Lettered “ Mathematical tracts.” Hittorf, W. De iontum migrationibus electro- lyticis. Pars i. Monastcrii Guestphalorum, 1853. 40. f. (i), pp. 19. Plate. Kiihiiert, E. H. Ueber die Quelle der galvan- ischen Electricitat. — Inaug. -diss. Marburg, 1842. 8®. f. (i), pp. 49. Plate. Wiedemann, G. Die Lehre von Galvanismus und Elektromagnetismus nebst ihren technischen Anwendungen. Braunschweig, 1861-63. 2 v. 8®. Wdcts. Contents : — i. Galvanismus. — ii. Elektrodynamik. — Elek- tromagnetismus. — Diamagnetismus. — Induction und Schluss- capitel. 3. Magnetism. Chase, F. E. On the numerical relations of gravity and magnetism. [Philadelphia, 1864. ] 40. pp. 117-136. “ From the Transactions of the American philosophical soci- ety, vol. xiii.” Gauss, K. F. Intensitas vis magneticae terres- tris ad mensuram absolutam revocata. Gottingae, 1833- 4 ^’. pp. 44. Harris, W. S. Rudimentary magnetism ; being a concise exposition of the general principles of mag- netical science. 2d ed., revised and enlarged by H. M. Noad. London, 1872. 12®. pp. viii., 412. Wdcts. (Weale’s rudimentary science series, 8.) Rogers, F. The magnetism of iron vessels, with a short treatise on terrestrial magnetism. New York, 1877. 180. pp. 125. Tables. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 30.) Schumann, J. (H. K. E.). Eine neue Tau- gentenboussole. Kpnigsberg, 1862. 40. f. (i), pp. 32. Steblecki, A. Uiber [j-Zz] den tellurischen Magnetismus. Lemberg, [1854]. 40. pp. 34. Stone, J. B. Magnetic variation in the United States ; being a compilation of observations made in America from the year 1640 to the present date. New York, 1878. 12®. pp. 139. Tyndall, J. Researches on diamagnetism and magne-crystallic action, including the question of dia- magnetic polarity. London, 1870. 8®. pp. xix., 361. Plates. United States — Bureau of navigation. The magnetism of ships, and the deviations of the com- pass : [a series of paper's from the transactions of foreign societies by S. D. Poisson, G. B. Airy, A. Smith, F. J. Evans, and W. W. Rundell, with other papers and documents ; reprinted under the direc- tion of T. A. Jenkins; edited, and the memoir of Poisson translated, by B. F. Greene.] Washing- ton, 1865. 8®. pp. var. Plates and tables. The magnetism of ships and the deviations of the compass ; comprising the three reports of the Liverpool compass commission, with additional pa- pers by Archibald Smith and F. J. Evans. Wash- ington, 1869. 8«. pp. xiii., 344. Plates. 4. Telegraph. (Most of the following titles belong to what is known as the Morse Collection, being the works on the telegraph collected by Professor S. F. B. Rlorse, and prese nted to the Library by Ezra Cornell. Many of them contain Professor Morse’s anno- tations.) Arnoux, E. La lettre 61 ectrique : nouveau serv- ice teI6graphi(iue. Paris, 1867. 8®. ff. (2), pp. xix., 106. Plates. Baudouin, F. M. Observations sur le mode d’etablissement des lignes t^legraphiques sous-ma- rines. Paris, 1858. 8®. pp. 31. Blavier, E. E. Cours thdorique et pratique de telegraphic eiectrique. Paris, 1857. 12®. ff. (2), pp. 467. Plates and wdcts. Nouveau traite de telegraphic eiectrique. Paris, 1865-67. 2 V. 8®. Wdcts. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 71 Bois, V. La telegraph ie ^lectrique. 20 ^d. Paris, 1855. 160. ff. (2), pp. 127. Wdcts. (Bib- lioth^que des chemins de fer.) Breguet, L. Manuel de la t^l^grapliie 61 ec- trique. 3® ^d. Paris, 1856. 12®. pp. 107+. Plates and wdcts, Same. 4® ed. Paris, 1862. 12®. pp. vi., 252. Plates and wdcts. Brooke, J. M. Ocean telegraph. [Washing- ton, 1857.] 8®. pp. 4. Lettered “Atlantic cable.” [Brooks, D.] The Brooks’ patent paraffin in- sulator. Philadelphia, 1870. 8®. pp. 47. Wdcts. Buerbaum, J. Die elektro-magnetische Tele- graphie, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der aus- gefiihrten Telegraphen-Systeme. Berlin, 1851. 8®. pp. xi., 192. Plates. Du Moncel, T. (A. L.), cotnte. Traite theorique et pratique de telegraphie electrique. Paris, 1864. 8®. pp. xxvi., 613. Plates and wdcts. , et Bergon. Appareils telegraphiques de MM. Digney freres ; rapports las a la Societe d’encouragement pour I’industrie nationale. Paris, 1859. 8®. pp. 28. Plate. Extraits de rapports et lettres sur le syst^me de telegraphie de guerre de J. Swaim. Paris, 1858. 8®. pp. 25. • Figuier, (G. ) L. [Machines ^lectriques a I’ex- position de 1867.] pp. 155-217. {Extracted Jj’om his L’annee scientifique et industrielle, 1867, Paris, 1868, 8®.) Forsach, J. (A.). Ilandbuch der electrischen, galvanischen, magnetischen und electromagnetischen Telegraphie. Wien, 1854. 8®. pp. vi., Plates. Katechismus der elektrischen Telegraphie. Leipzig, 1852. 16®. pp. X., 58. Wdcts. Gamier, C. F. M^thode innemonique pour re- tenir facilement les signes de I’ecriture t^legraphique de Morse. Neuchatel, 1862. 8®. pp. 14. Gavarret, J. Telegraphie electrique. Paris, 1861. 12®. ff. (2), pp. 42S. Wdcts. Gintl, W. Der elektro-chemische Schreib-Tele- graph auf die gleichzeitige Gegen-Correspondenz an einer Drathleitungangewendet. [Wien, 1855.] 8®. pp. 18. Plates. “Aus der Sitzungsberichte der m.-ithcm.-natiirw. Clas.se der kais. Akadeniie der Wissenschaften (lid. xiv., s. 400),” 1854. Gonon, E. Des teiegraphes aeriens et eiec- triques : questions mises a la poriee de tout le nionde. Paris, 1845. 8®. ff. (4), pp. 107. Plate. Great Britain — Patent office. [.Specifications and drawings of inventions relating to the electric telegraph.] London, 1854-57. 1 . 8®. Gros, J. B. Louis, baron. Lettre sur la teie- rajihie eiectritjue. Paris, 1856. 8®. pp. 31. Hates. Guyot, J. De la telegraphie de jour et de nuit. Paris, 1840. 8®. pp. xv., 214, f. (i). Plates. Horstmann, W. H. [Plan for a submarine cable. New \'ork, i860.] 4®. ff. (2). JHates. Lettered “ Atlantic cable.” Hoskiaer, V. A guide for the electric testing of telegraph cables. 2d ed. London, 1879. 8®. pp. viii., 72. Plates. Lardiier, D. The electric telegraph. Newed., revised and re-written by K. B. Bright. London, 1867. 16®. pp. xii., 272. Wdcts. Loring, A. E. A hand-book of the electro-mag- netic telegraph. New York, 1878. 18®. pp. 98. Wdcts. (Van Nostrand’s science series, 39.) Mi^ge, B. Guide pratique de t^ldgraphie dlec- trique. Paris, 1863. 12®. ff. (2), pp. 148. Wdcts. (Biblioth^que des professions industrielles et agri- coles, serie B., no. 4.) , et T. R. lingerer. Vade-mecum pratique de telegraphie electrique. Paris, 1855. *2®. pp. xi., 68. Plates and 7vdcts. Monaghan, R. E. The vox populi, or legisla- tive telegraph : a machine for accelerating the tak- ing of the yeas and nays, and other votes in legisla- tive assemblies West Chester, Pa., 1849. 8®- pp. 8. Morse, S. F. B. Examination of the telegraph- ic apparatus and the processes in telegraphy. Wash- ington, 1869. 8®. pp. 166. IVdcts. {In United States — Cojnniissioners for the Paris exposition, 1867.) [Letter to Hon. A. L. Linn, containing a drawing of the electro-magnetic telegraph instru- ment, with explanation of its action. ] MSS. [Wash- ington], 1843. 4®. ff. (2). Preece, W. H. Railway electric signalling. London, 1865. 8®. pp. 39-}-. Plate. Prescott, G. B. Electricity and the electric telegi-aph. 3d ed. New York, 1879. 8®. pp. vi., (5)-98 o . Wdcts. Rogers, H. J. A brief treatise on insulated tele- graphic wires. New York, 1861. 8®. pp. 15. Plate. Roux, F. L. Etude sur la fabrication et la pose des cables electriques sous-marins. Paris, 1865. 8®. ff. (2), pp. 52. Schellen, H. Der elektromagnetische Tele- graph in den einzelnen Stadien seiner Entwicklung und in seiner gegenwartigen Ausbildung und An- weiulung; nebst einer Einleitung iiber die ojUische und akustische Telegraphie, und einem Anhange Uber die elektrischen Uhren. Braunschweig, 1850. 8®. pp. xii., 368. Plate and wdcts. Same. 2® Ausg. Braunschweig, 1854. 8®. pp. xii., 259. JHate 7vdcts. Siemens, W. Kurze Darstellung der an den preussischen Telegraphen-Linien mit unterirdischen Leitungen bis jetzt gemachten Erfahrungcn. Ber- lin, 1851. 8®. ]ip. 31. Memoire sur la telegraphie electrique; suivi du raj)port fait a I’Academie lies sciences. Ber lin, 1851. 8®. f. (i), ])]). 64. Ueber die Beforderung gleichzeitiger De- peschen (lurch einen telegraphischen Leiter. [Leip- zig, 1856.] 8®. pp. (ii5)-«33- from Foggendorff 's “ Annalcn der I’liysik und Cheiiiie,” ltd. clxxiv. For the “ Nachtrag ” see same vol., pj). 183-184. Ueber die elektrostatische Induction und die Verzogerung des Stroms in Flaschendriihten. [Leipzig, 1857.] 8®. pp. (66)-i22. Plates. From the same, i>d. clxxviii. Ueber eine neue Construction magneto- elektrischer Maschinen. [Leipzig, 1857. ] 8®. pp. (27i)-274. Plate. From tlie same, lid. clxxvii. 'the above five pamphlets bd. in i v., lettered “Siemens. Telegraphen.” Smith, J. E. Manual of telegraphy for begin- ners. Poughkeepsie (N. Y.), 1865. 8®. j)p. 48. Platt and 7 odcts. .Same. 3d ed. New York, [cop. 1865]. Plate and 7vdcts. Vail, A. DescriiJtion of the American electro- magnetic telegrapli between Washington and Balti- more. Washington, 1845. 8®. pp. 24. Wdcts. 72 JVOJ^/CS RELA TING TO MA THEM A TICS. Vail, A. Le telegraphe electro-magnetique amd- ricain ; avec le rapport du congres, et la description de tons les telegraphes connus ou sont mis en usage I’electricite et le galvanisme ; traduit par H. Vatte- mare. Paris, 1847. 80. lif. (2), pp. 263. "Walker, C. V. Nouveau manuel complet de la telegraphie electrique ; ou, Traite de I’electricite et du magnetisme appliques a la transmission des sig- naux ; traduit par D. Magnier ; suivi d’un appen- dice. Paris, i%i. 240. pp, 197. Plates. Wartmann, E. Sur la transmission simultanee de depeches electriques entre deux stations jointes par un seul fil de ligne. Geneve, 1856. 80. pp. 7* Plate. “ Tire de la Bibliotheque universelle de Geneve, Mars, 1856.” Weiss, J. J. Der Typendruck-Telegrapli nebst vorbereitender Beschreibung der nothigsten Appa- rate und Vorrichtungen zur elektro-magnetischen Telegraphie, sowie des Morse’schen Schreibtele- gi'aphen. Winterthur, 1854. 8®. pp. 27. Plate. Whitehouse, W. Report of a series of experi- mental observations on two lengths of submarine electric cable. Brighton, [Eng,], i860. 80. pp. 23. Plates. “Read before the British association, Sep. 14, 1855.” 4>. History of the Telegraph, and Telegraph Service. American telegraph company. Charter and by-laws. 1859. New York, i%9. 16®. pp. 18. Same. 1861. New York, 1861. 160. pp. 25. '1 he above two pamphlets bd. in vol. lettered “ Early Amer. telegraph companies.” Atlantic telegraph company. A history of preliminary experimental proceedings, and a descrip- tive account of the present state and prospects of the [company]. 1857. London, [1857]. 80. pp. 69-]-. Plate and chart. Signed “R. J. M.” Reports and opinions in reference to the selection of the best point for laying the cable. July, 1857. n. p., [1857]. fo. pp. 8, ff. (2). Lettered “ Electric telegraph — British parliament.” Belgium — Ministere des travatix publics. [Les r^ponses faites par le service des telegraphes a la circulaire remise au Bureau telegraphique de Brux- elles par la Confederation americain des telegraphes (American telegraph convention).] MSS. Brux- elles, 1854.' 40, pp. (20). Vinchent’s “ fitablissemcnt des lignes telegraphiques en Bel- gique ” and the three following titles are referred to in this doc- ument as “Annexes A, E, D, H,” respectively. The letter is addressed to “ [T. P. ] Shaffner, Secretaire de la Confederation amcricaine de telegraphes, Washington.” Administration des chemins de fer, postes et telegraphes : loi, arrete et r^glement concernant I’exploitation des telegraphes. Bruxelles, 1851, 80. pp. 30, ff. (7). Same. 1853. Bruxelles, [1853]. 8^. pp. 22, ff. (4). Tables. Arretes portant reorganisation de I’adminis- tration des chemins de fer, postes et telegraphes. Bruxelles, 1852. 80. ff. (2), pp. 36. 'Ihc above three pamphlets bd. in i vol. lettered “T 616 - graphes en Belgique.” Bonel, A. Ilistoire de la telegraphic : descrip- tion des principaux appareils aeriens et electriques. Paris, etc., 1857. I2«. pp. 147. IVdcts. Cooke, W. F. The electric telegraph : was it invented by I’rofcssor Wheatstone? J.ondon, 1866, ’56. 2 j)t. 8‘*. Plates. I’t. 2 contains Arbitration papers and drawings. Lettered “Cooke and Wheatstone.” Costa de Serda, E. Essai d’un reglcment sur le service telegraphique en campagne. Paris, 1866. 80. ff. (2), pp. 96. “ Extrait du Spectateur militaire.” Craig, D. H. The convicted libeller : [letter tc F. O. J. Smith], n. p., n. d. 80. pp. 8. Lettered “ Morse patent case, iv.” Curtis, G. T. The French cable: argument in the matter of the agreement between C. C. Leigh \_et al.^ and Baron E. d’Erlanger [. j)j). 74. Lettered “ Early Amer. telegraph companies.” Sabine, R. The history and progress of the electric telegraph, with descriptions of .some of the apparatus. 3d ed. London, 1872. I2«. pp. xiv., 280. Plates and wdcts. (Weale’s rudimentary science series, 1 1.) Smith, F. O. J., vs. H. Downing, et al. Ar- guifient of B. R. Curtis. Portland, 1850. 8“. pp. 54. Lettered “ Morse patent case, iv.” [Suit in equity for an infringement of the letters patent of S. F. B. Morse.] New York, 1850. 2 v. 4^. IVdcts. Interleaved. Lettered “ Morse patent case, i., iii.” VS. H. B. Ely, et al. On a certificate of di- vision in opinion between the judges of the circuit court, U. S., for the district of Ohio. [Suit brought for violation of the plaintiff’s right as assignee of a 74 WORKS RE LA TING TO MA THEM A TICS. part of each of two patents, issued by the United States to S. F. B. Morse. J n, p., n. d. 8®. f. (i), PP- 34 - Lettered “ Morse patent case, iv.” Smith, F. O. J., vs. Massachusetts. [Libel.] Arguments of T. M. Hayes and F. O. J. Smith on a motion for a new trial, exposing the conspiracy of D. H. Craig. Portland, i866. 8®. pp. 64. Lettered “ IMorse patent case, iv.” VS. S. F. B. Morse, et al. Argument for plaintiff in error, [by] R. H. Iduntley. New York, 1869. 80. pp. 12. Argument on the part of defendants in error, [by C. Tracy]. New York, [1869.] 80, pp. 16. Opinion of the circuit court on the denial of the defendant’s motion for a new trial. New York, [1869.] 80. pp. 3. 't he above three pamphlets bd. in vol. lettered “ Morse pat- ent case, iv.” Sutton, R., reporter. The arguments in favor of the international submarine telegraph in the Sen- ate of the United States. [1856.] Washington, 1857. 80. pp. 16. Lettered “Atlantic cable.” Taylor, W. B. An historical sketch of [Jo- seph] Plenry’s contribution to the electro-magnetic telegraph ; witli an account of the origin and devel- opment of Prof. Morse’s invention. Washington, 1879. 80. pp. 103. “ From the Smithsonian report for 1878.” Tefft, (T. A. ). Remarks at a dinner given by the Americans in Paris to S. P'. B. Morse. [Paris], n. d. 80. pp. 7. Trousdale, L. The postal telegraph system, as proposed by Hon. E. B. Washburne, examined in its relations to American institutions, in five letters addressed to J. Coleman. Memphis, Tenn., 1869. 120. pp. 24. Lettered “ Postal telegraph.” United States — House of representatives : iZth Cong. [Report of the Committee on ways and means on the] magnetic telegraph from Baltimore to New York. [W'ashington, 1845.] PP* 7 * Lettered “ Early Amcr. telegraph companies.” 41 j/ Cong., 2 d Sess. Report of the com- mittee [on] a postal telegraph. (Rep. 114.) [Wash- ington], 1870. 8®. pp. 160. Report of the special committee on postal telegraph. (Rep. 1 15.) [Washington,] 1870. 80. pp. 19. I he above two pamphlets bd. in vol. lettered “ Postal tele- graph.” Vinchent, J. Notice sur I’etablissement des lignes telegraphiques en Belgique. Bruxelles, 1854. 80. ff. (2), pp. 75. “ F.xtrait des Annales des travaux publics de Belgique. '1'. xiii.” Washington and New Orleans telegraph company. Articles of agreement and association for formation. New York, 1846. sm. 80. pp. 16. Articles of association ; with the minutes of the meetings of stockholders and directors, &c. Washington, 1848. 8«. pj). 31. Minutes of the meeting of the stockholders at Washington, July, 1850. Macon, [Ga.], 1850. 8". pp. 15. '1 he above three pamphlets bd. in vol. lettered ” F.ar\y Amcr. telegraph companies.” Western union telegraph company. An- nual report of the jiresiclent to the stockholders. 1S69. New York, 1869. 8‘>. jip. 48. Report on the condition of the lines; [by] C. T. Valley. [New York, 1868.] 80. f. (i), pp. 129. Lithographed. Report on the [history, policy and condi- tion of the] company; by E. B. Grant. New York, 1869. 80. pp. 124, f. (i). The above three pamphlets bd. in vol. lettered ‘^Western union tele'graph company.” The proposed union of the telegraph and postal systems. Cambridge, 1869. 8®. pp. vi., 128. Lettered “Postal telegraph.” Wheatstone, Sir C. A reply to Mr. Cooke’s pamphlet, “The electric telegraph ; was it invented by Professor Wheatstone?” London, 1855. 80. pp. 74. Whitehouse, E. O. W. Reply to the state- ment of the directors of the Atlantic telegraph com- pany, in the “Daily News,” Sept. 20, and “Times,” Sept. 22, 1858. London, 1858. 8®. pp. 27. Lettered “Atlantic cable.” e. Force, Conservation and Correlation of. Grove, "W. R. The correlation of physical forces; [with] A discourse on continuity. 5th ed. London, 1867. 80. pp. xvii., 363. Stewart, B. The conservation of energy; with an Appendix treating of the vital and mental appli- cations of the doctrine. New York, 1879. 120. pp. viii., f. (i), pp. 239. (International scientific series, vii. ) f. Friction. Jellett, J. H. A treatise on the theory of fric- tion. Dublin, 1872. 80. pp. xv., 220. Wdets. g. Heat. (See also Strength and Resistance of Materials.') Armstrong, R. Chimneys for furnaces, fire- places, and steam boilers. New York, 1873. 18®. pp. 76. (Van Nostrand’s science series, i.) Barnaart, A. Diss. inaug. exhibens quasdam leges caloris. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1772. 40. ff. (2), pp. 92, ff. (2). Barr, W. M. A practical treatise on the com- bustion of coal, including descriptions of various me- chanical devices for the economic generation of heat by the combustion of fuel, whether solid, liquid, or gaseous. Indianapolis, Ind., 1879. 8^. pp. viii., 306, f. (I). Bi.schof, G. Die Warmelehre des Innern un- sers Erdkorpers ; ein Inbegriff aller mit der Warme in Beziehung stehender Erscheinungen in und auf der Erde. Umgearb. Aufl. Leipzig, 1837. 8®. pp. xxiv., 512. Box, T. A practical treatise on heat as applied to the useful arts. 3d ed. London, 1880. 80. pp. viii., 300. Plates and tables. Colnet d’Huart, de. Nouvelle tli6.)rie mathematique de la chaleur et de I’electricit^. Lux- embourg, 1864-65. 2 V. bd. in I. 80. Plate. Contents : — i. Dc la relation entre la chaleur rayonnante, la chaleur de conductibilit6 et I’electricite. — ii. Throne mathdma- tique de la diathermansie, de la lumiere et de la chaleur rayon- nante naturelles et polarisees. — Theorie mathematique de relectricite statique. Flesch, J. Ueber das Prinzip der Warme- Aus- strahlung und Mittheilung. Trier, 1847. 40. f. ( 0 . PP* 32* Maxwell, J. C. Theory of heat. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1872. sm. 80. pp. xii., 312. Wdets. Same. New ed. New York, 1875. sm, 8®. pp. xii., 333. Wdets. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 75 P 4 clet, E. Trait <5 de la chalcur consiJdr^e dans ses applications. 3® 6d. Paris, 1860-61. 3 V. 8®. Poisson, S. D. Thdorie inath^matique de la chalcur. Paris, 1835. 4®. ff. (3), pp. 532. Plate. {In his Traite de physique mathematique.) Thdorie mathematique de la chaleur ; m^- moire et notes formant un supplement h Pouvrage public sous ce titre. Paris, 1837. 4®. ff. (2), pp. 72. (In ///j- Traite de physique mathematique.) Simons, G. De dilitatione liquidorum per cal- orem. Trajecti ad Rhenum, [1828]. 4®. ff. (4), pp. 78, ff. (3). Plates. Stewart, B. An elementary treatise on heat. Oxford, 1866. sq. 1 6®. pp. xx., 392. Wdcts. (Clarendon press series.) Suerman, A. K. W. De calore fluidorum elas- ticorum specifico. — Diss. inaug. Trajecti ad Rhen- um, 1836. 4®. f. (i), pp. X., loi-f-j ( 0 - Plates. Swart, W. S. De communicatione et propaga- tione caloris liberi, turn in interioribus corporum solidorum partibus turn in eorum superficie. Am- stelodami, [1831]. 4®. ff. (3), pp. ii., iii., 93+, ff. (3). Plate. Tyndall, J. Contributions to molecular physics in the domain of radiant heat. London, 1872. 8®. pp. xiv., f. (i), pp. 446. Plates and 7 vdcts. Contents : — Absorption and radiation of heat by gases and ▼apours, and the physical connection of radiation, absorption, and conduction. — Relation of radiant heat to aqueous vapour. — The passage of radiant heat through dry and humid air. — Absorption and radiation ol heat by gaseous and liquid matter. —Contributions to molecular physics. — Luminous and obscure radiation. — Calorescence. — The influence of colour and me- chanical condition on radiant heat. — The action of rays of high refrangibility upon gaseous matter. — Aqueous vapour, re- sumed. — Recent researches on radiant heat. — Radiation through the earth’s atmosphere. — A new series of chemical reactions produced by light. — 'I'he blue colour of the sky, po- larization of sky-light, and polarization of light by cloudy mat- ter generally. — Cometary theory. — Formation and phenom- ena of clouds. “ A series of memoirs published in the ‘ Philosophical trans- actions ’ and ‘Philosophical magazine,’ with additions.” Van Amringe, W. F. The nature and origin of heat and the forces of the universe. New York, 1869. 12®. pp. 52. Wal, H. de. De expansione corporum solid- orum ipsi flammm action! exhibitorum. — Spec, inaug. Franequeroe, 1775. sm. 4®. pp. viii., 70, ff. (3). I. Thervtodynamtcs (including the mechanical theory of heat). Clausius, R. (J. E.). Tlie mechanical theory of heat, with its apjdications to the steam-engine and to the physical j)r()perties of bodies ; edited l)y T. A. Hirst, with an introduction by [J.] Tyndall. London, 1867. 8®. pp. xvi., 376. Dupre, A. Th^orie m^canique de la chaleur. (I’artie experimentale en commun avec P. Dupre.) Paris, 1869. 8®. pp. xi., 484. Eddy, H. T. T'hermodynamics. New York, 1879. 18®. pp. 182. (Van Nostraiid’s science series, 45.) Gouilly, A. 'I'hdorie mecanique de la chaleur. Paris, 1877. 8®. pp. viii., 103. McCulloch, R. S. Treatise on the mechanical theory of heat and its applications to the steam-en- gine, etc. New York, 1876. 8®. pp. 288. Tyndall, J, Heat as a mode of motion. From the 4th Fngli.sh ed. New York, 1877. 1 . 12®. pp. XX., 532. Zeuner, G. Grundziige der mechanischen Warmetheorie ; niit Anwendungen auf die der Wannelehre angehorigen d'heile der Maschinen- Ichre, insbesondere auf die Theorie der calorischen Maschinen und Dampfmaschinen. 2® Aufl. Leip- zig, 1866. 8®. pp. xvi., 568, XXV., f. (i). Thdorie mecanique de la chaleur avec ses applications aux machines. 2® ed., traduit par M. Arnthal, A. Cazin. Paris, 1869. 8®. pp. xi., 585. h. Optics. Becquerel, (A.) E. La lumi^re, ses causes et ses effets. Paris, 1867-68. 2 v. 8®. Plates and wdcts. Contents : — i. Sources de lumiere. — ii. Effets de la lumiere. Brewster, D. A treatise on optics. New ed. London, 1853. 12®. pp. xiii., 526. IVdets. Same; containing an elementary view of the application of analysis to reflexion and refraction, by A. D. Bache. Philadelphia, 1854. 12®. pp. 323> 95 * Wdcts. Emerson, W. The elements of optics, in four books. London, 1768. 8®. f. (i), pp. iv., 244, f. (i). Plates. Contents: — i. Simple optics. — 2. Catoptrics. — 3. Dioptrics. — 4. Construction of optical instruments. Exley, T. Physical optics ; or. The phenomena of optics explained according to mechanical science, and on the known principles of gravitation. Lon- don, 1834. 8®. pp. xix., ff. (2), pp. 206. Plate. Laugel, A. L’optique et les arts. Paris, etc., 1869. 18®. pp. xvi., 152, f. (i). Lommel, E. The nature of light, with a gen- eral account of physical optics. New York, 1876. 12®. pp. xiii., 356. Plate and zvdcts. (Interna- tional scientific series, xviii.) Newton, Sir Isaac. Opticks : or, A treatise of the reflections, refractions, inflections, and col- ours of light. 3d ed. London, 1721. 8®. ff. (4), pp. 382. Plates. Optice ; sive, De reflexionibus, refractioni- bus, inflexionibus & coloribus lucis libri tres ; Lat- ine reddidit S. Clarke ; accedunt tractatus duo ejus- dem authoris de sjieciebus & magnitudine figurarum curvilinearum, Latine script!. Londini, 1706. 4®. ff. (6), pp. 348, f. (I), .pp. 24, f. (i), pp. 43, f. (i). Plates. Optical lectures read in the publick schools of the university of Cambridge, 1669. Never before printed; translated into English out of the original Latin. London, 1728. 8®. pp. xi.-{-, 212. Plates. Nugent, E. Optics ; light and sight theoretical- ly and practically considered, with their application to fine art and industrial pursuits. New ed., with a chapter on spectrum analysis. London, 1870. sm. 8®. pp. xii., 268. Wdcts. Parkinson, S. A treatise on optics. 3d ed. London, 1870. sm. 8®. pp, viii., 352. Potter, R. An elementary treatise on optics : pt. i., containing all the requisite propositions car- ried to first approximations, with the construction of optical instruments. 3d ed. l.ondon, 1865. 8®. pp. viii., 166, f. (i). Wilde, E. Ueber die Optik der Griechen. Ber- lin, 1832. 4®. f. (i), pp. 33. Wituski, (L. L. ?). Dissertatio optica. Posen, 1862. 4®. f. (i), pp. 8. Plates. I. Color and Vision. Camper, P. De visu. — Diss. [inaug.] Lug- duni Batavorum, 1746. 4®. ff. (3), ))p. 25. Plate. Dove, H. W. Darstellung der Farbenlehre und optische Studien. Berlin, 1853. 8®. pp. viii., 292, ff. viii. Port, and plates. Le Conte, J. Sight : an exposition of the prin- ciples of monocular and binocular vision. New 76 WORKS RELATING TO MATHEMATICS. York, i88i. 120. f. (i), pp. 275. (Interna- tional scientific series, xxxi. ) 2. Diffraction. Lommel, E. Die Fraunhofer’schen Beugungs- erscheinungen in elementarer Darstellung. Dres- den, 1868. 80. f. (i), pp. 47. Plates. Rijke, P.L. Responsio ad quaestionum : “ Prae- cipuae exponantur Naturae leges, quae in luminis diffractione observantur, earumque nexus cum aliis optices phaenomenis.” [Lugduni Batavorum, 1833.] 40. pp. 55. Plate. 3. Refraction. Bermann, E. O. Ueber die scheinbare Verand- erung des Orts und der Gestalt durch einfache Brechung. Stolp, 1863. 40. f. (i), pp. 28. Plates and table. Ueber die durch einfache Brechung an einer ebenen Grenzflache bewirkte scheinbare Aenderung des Orts und der Gestalt. Theil ii. Liegnitz, 1866. 40. pp. 23. Plates. Krumme, W. Die Brechung des Lichts an Ku- gelflachen. Duisburg, 1866. 4P. f. (i), pp. 20. Plate. 4. Spectrum Analysis. Angstrom, A. J. Recherches sur le spectre solaire : spectre normal du soleil. Upsal, 1868. 4*’, and Atlas of plates, obi. fo. Kirchhoff, G. Untersuchungen fiber das Son- nenspectrum und die Spectren der chemischen Ele- mente. Th. i., ii. Berlin, 1866, ’63. 2 pt. 40. Plates. “ Besonderer Abdruck aus den Abhandlungen der Konigl. Akademle der Wisseiischaften zu Berlin, 1861-62.” Theil i., 3er Abdruck. Bd. together. Lockyer, J. N. Studies in spectrum analysis. New York, 1878. 120. pp. xii., 258. Plates and wdcts. (International scientific series, xxiii.) Schellen, H. Die Spectralanalyse in ihrer An- wendung auf die Stoffe der Erde und die Natur der Ilimmelsktirper. 2® Aufl, Braunschweig, 1871. 8®. pp. xvi,, 619. Poi’trs., plates Q.m\ wdcts. Contents : — Die kunstlichen Quellen der hochsten Warme- iind Lichtgrade. — Die einfachen und zusaminengesetzten Spectra in ihrer Anwendung auf die Stoffe der Erde. — Die Spectralanalyse in ihrer Anwendung auf die Himmelskorper. Spectrum analysis in its application to ter- restrial substances and the physical constitution of the heavenly bodies ; translated from the 2d German ed. by Jane and Caroline Lassell, edited by W. Hug- gins. London, 1872. 8°. pp. xxvi., 662. Plates and wdcts. 5. Velocity 0/ Light. Kuckuck, A. Die Geschwindigkeit des Lichtes. Berlin, 1867. 4”. pp. 35. Liovering, J. On the velocity of light and the sun’s distance. [New Haven,] 1863. 8®. pp. 12. “From the American journal of science, &c., vol. xxxvi., Sept. 1863.” Michelson, A. A. Experimental determination of the velocity of light, made at the U. .S. naval acad., Annapolis. Washington, 1880. 40. pp. 109- 145. (Astron. papers Amcr. Ephemeris, vol. i., pl- 3 -) 6 . IVave Theory. Airy, G. B. On the undulatory theory of optics. New ed. London, etc., i866. sm. 8‘>. pp. viii., 159. J dates. Briot, C. Essais sur la th^orie mathdmatique de la lumiere. Paris, 1864. 8‘». ])j). xxii., 132. Cauchy, L. Mdmoire sur la disj)ersion de la lumidre. Prague, 1836. 4*'. pp. iv., 236. Gian, P. Ueber die absoluten Phasenverander- ungen durch Reflexion. Inaug. -Diss. Berlin, [1870]. 80. pp. 42. Plate. Honigmann, J. Analytische Betrachtung der Aethervibrationen im elementaren polarisirten Licht- strahle. Dfisseldorf, 1848. 40. pp. i7-{-. Plate. Lessing, . Elementare Darstellung der Ge- setze der Fortpflanzung des Lichtes in einem isotro- pen Mittel. Prenzlau, 1863. 40. pp. 24. Meibauer, R. Demonstratio complurium Kum- meri theorematum, quae agunt de generalibus, et in- finite tenuibus luminis fascibus, praecipue in crystal- lis. — Diss. iqjug. Berolini, 1861. 40. pp. 20. Theorie der geradlinigen Strahlensysteme des Lichts. Bromberg, 1864. 40. f. (i), pp. 34. Plate. Probabilities. {^See also Insurance.) Airy, G. B. On the algebraical and numerical theory of errors of observations and the combination of observations. Cambridge, 1861. 8®. pp. xvi., 1 18. Bernoulli, J. Ars conjectandi; opus posthum- um; accedit tractatus de seriebus infinitis, et epistola Gallice scripta de ludo pilse reticularis. Basilese, 1713. 40. ff. (2), pp. 35-}-, 306. Plates. Chase, P. E. Remarks on the mathematical probability of accidental linguistic resemblances, and on the comparative etymology of the Yoruba lan- guage ; with a mathematical note by J. E. Oliver. [Philadelphia, 1869.] 40. pp. (25)-72. “From the Transactions of the Amer. phllos. society, vol. xiii.” ^ Condorcet, M. J. A. N. de C., marquis de. Elfimens du calcul des probabilitfis, et son applica- tion aux jeux de hasard, a la loterie, et aux jugemens des hommes ; avec un Discours sur les avantages des mathematiques sociales, et une notice sur Condorcet. Paris, An. XHI. (1805). sm. 8®. pp. (iii. )-xii., 210. Cournot, A. A. Exposition de la theorie des chances et des probabilites. Paris, 1843. 8®. pp. viii., 448. Plate. De Morgan, A. An essay on probabilities and on their application to life contingencies and insur- ance offices. London, 1838. 12®. pp. x viii., 306, xl. Fries, J. F. Versuch einer Kritik der Prin- cipien der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung. Braun- schweig, 1842. 80. pp. vi., f. (i), pp. 236. Lacroix, S. F. Traitfi elementaire de calcul des probabilites. 4® ^d. Paris, 1864. 8®. pp. xi., 308. Plate. [Laplace, P. S., mat'quis de,] Quatrieme sup- Ifiment a la theorie analytique du probabilites. Paris, 1825.] 40. f. (i), pp. 28. Bd. with the 1808 ed. of Lagrange’s “ Equations num^riques.” [Lubbock, J. W., and J. E. D. Bethune]. On probability. London, 1830. 8®. pp. 64. (So- ciety for the diffusion of useful knowledge, Library of useful knowledge, no. 78, 79. ) Michaelis, G. M^moire sur la probability du jeu de rencontre. Berlin, 1846. 4®. pp. 31-36. 40. Moivre, A. de. The doctrine of chances; or, A method of calculating the probabilities of events in play. London, 1738. 4®. ff. (2), pp. xiv., 256. [Montmort, P. R. de.] Essay [j/c] d’analyse sur les jeux de hazard. 2® yd. Paris, 1713. 4®. pp. xlii., 414, f. (i). Plates. Quetelet, (L.) A. (J.). Letters on the theory of probabilities, as applied to the moral and political CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 77 sciences ; translated by O. G. Downes. London, 1849. 80. pp. xvi., 309. Qiietelet, (L.) A. (J. ). Popular instructions on the calculation of probabilities ; translated by R. Beamish. London, 1839. 12®. pp. xvi., 157. Plate. Ruffini, P. Riflessioni critiche sopra il saggio filosofico intorno alle probabilita del Sig. conte La- place. Modena, 1821. 8®. ff. (2), pp. i83-|-- Todhunter, I. A history of the mathematical theory of probability, from the time of Pascal to that of Laplace. Cambridge, etc.^ 1865. 80. pp. xvi., 624. Venn, J. The logic of chance, an essay on the foundations and province of the theory of probability. London, etc.y 1866. sm. 8®. pp. xxvii.-{-j 370. Same. 2d ed. London, 1876. 80. pp. xxvii., 488. Whitworth, W. A. Choice and chance : two chapters of arithmetic ; with an appendix containing the algebraical treatment of permutations and com- binations newly set forth. Cambridge, 1867. sm. 80. pp. vi.-f-, 160. a. Least Squares. Gauss, K. F. Methode des moindres carres : memoires sur la combinaison des observations ; trad- uits par J. Bertrand. Paris, 1855. 8®. ff. (4), pp. 167. Gerling, C. L. Die Ausgleichungs- Rechnungen der practischen Geometrie ; oder. Die Methode der kleinsten Quadrate mit ihren Anwendungen fur geo- datische Aufgaben. Hamburg, etc., 1843. 8^*. xix.-j-, 409. Plates and tables. Zech, J. Zur Methode der kleinsten Quadrate. Tubingen, 1857. 40. ff. (2), pp. 43. Qualities. {See also Determinants.) Brioschi, F. La teorica dei covarianti, e degli invarianti delle forme binarie. Roma, 1862. 4‘». f. (i), pp. 62. “ I'.stratta dagli Annali di mathematica pura ed applicata, tom. i.-iv.” Fiedler, W. Die Elemente der neueren Geo- metrie uiui der Algebra der binaren Eormen ; ein Beitrag zur iCinfuhrung in die Algebra der linearen 'rranslormalionen. Leipzig, 18O2. 8“. ]>p. vi., 235. Plates. Salmon, G. Lessons introductory to the mod- ern higher algebra. 2d ed. Dublin, 1866. 80. pp. XV., 296. Series. {See also Algebra, Calculus, and Finite Dif- ferences. ) Anton, . Die arithmetischen Reihen hb- herer Ordnungen uhd die figurirten Zahlen. Oels, 185c. 4'*. pp. 30. Barfuss, F. W. Die Khtwickelungsmethoden tier gemeinen mathematischen Analisis. 2« Ausg. Berlin, 1869. 8«. pp. xiv., 229. {In his Lehr- buch der mathematisclien Analysis, Theil.) Bjdrling, E. G. Doclrime serierum infmitarum exereilationes. Parsi.,ii. Upsaliae, 1846. 2 pt. 4<\ “ ICx Act is rcg. socict. scieiit. Upsal." 'I'wo copies. Chrzescinski, . Ueber hohere arithmet- ische Reihen, logarithmische und Kreis-Function- en. Rastenburg, 1832. sm. 4«. f. (i), pp. 17. ■ Davies, T. S. Thoughts on the demonstration of certain formulae. [London, 1825.] 8®. pp. 1 15-120. “Philosophical magazine,” Ixvi., no. 328. Lettered “ Mathematical pamphlets.” Drobisch, M. W. Observationes analyticae. Lipsiae, 1831. 2 pt. in i. 40. pp. 21. Co 7 itents : — i. Theorematis polynomiahs nova demonstratio universalis. — 2. De numerorum Bernoullianorum computa- tione. Eickemeyer, . Die algebraischen und transcendenten Funktionen, durch die Methode der unbestimmten Coefficienten dargestellt. Weilburg, 1858. 40. pp. 25. Ende, H. F. am. De summatione seriei : — usque ad inf. Vratislaviae, (i) ^cp{iy 1853. 80. ff. (4), pp. 40. Fischer, F. A. Die Entwickelung algebraischer transcendenter Functionen von x in unendliche Rei- hen und die kubischen Gleichungen. Insterburg, 1863. 40. f. (I), pp. 25. Gercke, . Elementare Entwickelung der Summenformel der Potenzreihen. Berlin, 1852. 40. f. (I), pp. 23. Gudermann, C. Allgemeiner Beweis des poly- nomischen Lehrsatzes ohne die Voraussetzung bi- nomischen. Cleve, 1825. 4°. f. (i), pp. 44, f. (i). Hindenburg, C. F., editor. Sammlung com- binatorisch-analytischer Abhandlungen. Leipzig, 1796-1800. 2 V. 80. Contents: — i. Tetens, J. N. Formula polynomiorum. — Kliigel, Gr. S. Bemerkung iiber den polynomischen Lehrsatz. — Kramp, C. Polynomial- und andere Aufgaben combin- atorisch-analytisch bearbeitet. — Pfaff, J. F. Satze iiber Po- tenzen und Produkte gewisser Reihen. Bemerkungen iiber Coefficienten gleichungen. — Hindenburg, C. F. Hdehst- wichtiger Einffuss der Combinationslehre auf die Analysis. — ii. Hindenburg, 0 . F. Entwickelung gehrochener Eunc- tionen in lokal- und combinatorischen Zeichen. — Trembley, J. Verfahren das allgemeine Cilied der wiederkehrendeii Reihen zu finden. — Hindenburg, C. F. Vergleichung ver- schiedener, combinatorischer und anderer Verfahren. — Kliigel, Gr. S. Erkiuterungeu seines Beweises des polynomischen l.ehr- satzes. — Pfaff, J. F. Localformeln fiir hohere DifTerentiale. Autldsung einiger verwickeltem Coeflicientengleich- ungen. Ober Lagrange’s neuen Beweis seiner Rever- sionsformel. — Hauber, K. F. Autldsung des Elevations- problems fiir Cleichungen. Von Wegsehaffimg der Ir- rationaht.'iten aus Cleichungen. — Rothe, H. A. t)ber Per- mutationen und Hire Anwendnung auf das Eliminationsprob- lem. Lokalausdriicke von Potenzen besonders inerk- wiirdiger Reihen. — Kramp, C. Verschiedene combinatorisch- analyllsch bearbeitete Aulgaben. (Jber die Suinmen der Potenzen der natiirlichen Zahlenreihe, vermittelst der Com- binationcnlehre. Jacobi, A. Kurze Bemerkungen iiber cinige I’uncte der Analysis. Naumburg, 1848. 4‘^. f. (i), 1 >P- 47 ; . . '1 renting of negatives, imaginaries, senes and differential equations. Jurgensen, C. De certo (|uo(lam serierum sum- mabilium genere. llauniae, [1832]. 40. f. (i), pp. 23, f. (1). Landen, J. Observations on converging scries, occasioned by Mr. Clarke’s translation of Mr. Lorgna’s treatise on the same subject. London, 1781. 40. f. (1), pp. 28, f. (i), pp. 27, 32. Lorgiia, A. M. De casu irreductibili tertii gra dus et seriebus infinitis exercitatio analytica. Veto nte, 1776. 40. pp. 1 16. Specimen de serie 1 )us convergentibus. Ve- rona.*, 1775. 4**. pp. viii., no. A dissertation on the summation of infinite converging series willi algebraic divisors ; translated, with notes and an appendix, by 11 . Clarke. Lon- don, 1779. 4'*. pp. xiv., *221-}-. Plates. Supplement to [his] Summation of series, [and] Remarks on Mr. Landen’s observations 011 78 WORKS RELA TING TO MA THEM A TICS. the same subject; by H. Clarke. London, 1782. 40. pp. iv., 56, f. (i). Bd. with the preceding. Lotze, H. De summis continuorum. Lipsiae, 1840. 40. f. (i), pp. 21. Maynz, A. Ueber die Entwickelungscoefficien- ten eines gewissen unendlichen Products. Freien- walde a. O., 1867. 40. pp. 22. Muller, F. H. Problemata quaedam analytica ad summationem serierum pertinentia. Torgovae, [1833]. 40. pp. 22. Putiatycki, . Der polynomische Lehrsatz fiir beliebigen Exponenten. Lissa, [1845]. 4®. f. (i), pp. xxiii., f. (i). Scheibert, . Herleitung der Allgemein- giihigkeit der Binomialformel, sowie der logarith- misclien Fundamentalreihe dut ch die Hauptsatze aus der Methode der unbestiininten Koeffizienten. El- bing, 1862. 40. pp. 20. Schlbmilch, O. Die Reihener.twickclungen der Differential- und Integrairechnung. Dresden, 1851. 40. f. (i), pp. 39. Plate. Schmidt, J. P. Von der Convergenz und Di- vergenz der unendlichen Reihen. Koln, 1867. 4P. f. (i), pp. 21. Schniirlein, L. C. Erweiterung und Verallge- meinerung der bisher zwischen den trigonomet- rischen und anderen Functionen und zwischen den Koefficienten der niedrigsten Glieder in den Sum- men der Potenzen ganzer Zahlen bekannt gewesenen Relationen. Hof, [1833]. 40. pp. 16. Schwarz, A. Die Lehre von den einfachen Reihen. Siegen, 1863. 40. pp. 17. Taylor, T. The elements of a new arithmetical notation and of a new arithmetic of infinities, with appendix. London, 1823. 8®. pp. vii.+, 15 1. Theory of Numbers (including Indeterminate and Diophanthie Analysis). (See also Algebra.) Arendt, G. Elements de la thdorie des nombres complexes de la forme a-\- b^/ — i, d’a]:>r6s un corns de M. Dirichlet. Berlin, [1863]. 40. f. (i), pp. 43 - Barlow, P. Demonstration of a curious numer- ical proposition : [The equation is al- ways impossible, either in integers or fractions, for every value of n greater than 2.] [London], 1810. 80. pp. 13. From Nicholson’s “Journal of natural philosophy, chemistry and the arts,” xxvii., Nov. 1810. Lettered “Mathematical pamphlets.” An elementary investigation of the theory of numbers, with its application to the indeterminate and diophanline analysis, the analytical and geomet- rical division of the circle, and several other prob- lems. London, 1811. 8^. pp. xxiv., f. (i), pp. 507. Bertram, F. H. T. Einige Siitze aus der Zah- lenlehre. Berlin, 1849. 4 *’- ( 0 > PP- ^ 7 - Boncompagni, B. Intorno alia risoluzione delle equazioni simultanee — ^ = Roma, 1855. 80. f. (i), pp. 22. “ Estratu dagli Annali di scienze malematiche e fislche, Aprilc, 1855." Cantor, G. De aequationibus secundi gradus indeterminatis. — Diss. inaug. Berolini, [1867]. 4”. f. (I), pp. 25-f-. De transformatione formarum ternariarum quadraticarum. Ilalis Saxbnum, [ 1869]. 4”. f. (i), pp. 12, f. (i). Diophantus Alexandrmus. Arithmeticorvm libri sex, et de nvmeris mvltangvlis liber vnvs ; cvm commentariis C. G. Bacheti & obseruationibus D. P. de Fermat ; accessit Doctrinte analyticse inuentum nouum, collectum ex varijs eiusdem D. de Fermat epistolis. Tolosae, 1670. fo, ff. (7), pp. 64, 341, 48. Greek text, with Latin translation and notes. Emsmann, A. G. liber eine Aufgabe aus der Zahlentheorie. Frankfurt a. O., 1850. 40. f. (i), PP- 36. Erler, . De periodis, qum compositione for- marum quadraticarum ejusdem determinantis hunt. Ziillichau, 1847. 40. f. (i), pp. 16. Eine zahlentheoretische Abhandlung. Ziil- lichau, 1847. 40. f. (i), pp, 19. Fiille, . Zur Zahlen-Theorie. Ratibor, 1867. 40. f. (i), pp. 20. Gauss, C. F. Theorematis fundamentalis in doctrina de residuis quadraticis demonstrationes et ampliationes novae. Gottingae, 1818. 40. pp, 20. Genochi, A. Intorno ad alcune somme di cubi nota. Roma, 1866. 40. pp. 10. “ Estratta dagli Atti dell’ Accademia pontificia de nuovi lincei (tomo xix., anno xix., sessione ii., del 7 Gennaio 1866).” Gill, C. Application of the angular analysis to the solution of indeterminate problems of the second degree. New York, A., 1848. 120. pp. 90, f. (i). Gorgas, R. Ueber Losung diophantischer Gleichungen zweiten Grades in ganzen Zahlen. Magdeburg, 1867. 40. f. (i), pp. 32. Getting, . Untersuchungen fiber die bi- quadratischen Reste und Nichtreste der Primzahlen von der Form 4/2 -j-i. Halle, 1861. 40- f. (i), PP- 23- Kummer, E. E. De residuis cubicis disquisi- tiones nonnullae analyticae. Vratislaviae, [1842]. 40. f. (I), pp. 18, f. (I). Lejeune-Dirichlet, P. G. Vorlesungen fiber Zahlentheorie ; herausgegeben und mit zusatzen versehen von R. Dedekind. 2® Aufl. i. Braun- schweig, 1871. 80. pp. 288. Meyer, C. F. Ein diophantisches Problem. Potsdam, 1867. 40. f. (i), pp, 14. Poinsot, L. Reflexions sur les principes fonda- mentaux de la theorie des nombres. Paris, 1845. 40. ff. (2), pp. lOI. From the “Journal de mathematiques pures et appliquees,” tome X., Jan. 1845. Poselger, P. J. Ueber einige merkwfirdige Eigenschaften periodischer Divisionsreihen. Berlin, 1830. 40. f. (i), pp. 16. Schonemann, (T. ). Grundzfige einer allge- meinen Theorie der hohern Congruenzen, deren Modul eine reelle Primzahl ist. Brandenburg, 1844. 40. f. (i), pp. 50. Schwarz, H. Elemente der Zahlen-Theorie. Halle, 1855. 8». pp. vi., 467. Tenner, G. W. Einige Bemerkungen fiber die Gleichung <7x2^ IZZZ9/2, Merseburg, [1841]. 40. pp. 12. Weirauch, K. Untersuchungen fiber eine Gleichung des ersten Grades mit mehreren Unbe- kannten. Dorpat, 1869. 40. pp, 43+, f. (i). Trigonometry. (See also Crystallography, Logarithms, and Triangles. ) Bourdon, P. L. M. Trigonomdtrie rectiligne et sphdrique. Paris, 1854. 8®. pp. 159. CORNELL UNIVERSLTY. 79 Bourdon, P. L. M. Same. Nouv. dd., revue par C. Brisse. Paris, 1877. S®. ff. (2), pp. 127. Briot, C., et C. Bouquet. Lemons nouvelles de trigonometrie. 3®^d. Paris, 1858. 8®. ff. (2), pp. 224. Cagnoli, A. Trigonometria piana e sferica. Ed. 2»'. Bologna, 1804. 4®. pp. xx., 533. Plates and tables. Trigonometrie rectiligne et sph^rique ; tra- duite par N. M. Chompre. 2® ed. Paris, 1808. 4®. f. (i), pp. xvi., 508, ff. (2). Plates and tables. Caswell, J. A brief (but full) account of the doctrine of trigonometry, both plain and spherical. London, 1685. f®. f. (i), pp. 17. Bd. with Wallis’s “Algebra.” Cavalieri, B. Trigonometria plana, et sphaerica, linearis, & logarithmica ; hoc est tarn per sinuum, tangentium & secantium multiplicationem ac diuis- ionem iuxta veteres, quam per logarithmorum sim- plicem fere additionem iuxta recentiores. Bononige, 1643. 4®. pp. 16, 71, ff. (52). Frontisp. & plate. Chauvenet, W. A treatise on plane and spher- ical trigonometry. 7th ed. Philadelphia, 1869. 8®. pp. 256. ^ ^ Chrzescinski, . Auflosungen einiger trig- onometrischen Aufgaben. Lyck, 1849. 4®. pp. 19. Copernicus {Polish Koppernigk), N. Die Trigonometrie; iibersetzt von Menzzer. Halber- stadt, [1857]. 4®. f. (i), pp. 21. Plate. De Morgan, A. Trigonometry and double alge- bra. London, 1849. 12®. pp. xi., 167. Plate. Bmerson, W. The elements of trigonometry, containing the properties, relations, and calculations of sines, tangents, secants, &c., the doctrine of the sphere, and the principles of plain and spherical trig- onometry. 2d ed., with tables. London, 1764. 8®. pp. viii., 240, ff. (141). I^lates. Greenleaf, B. Elements of plane and spherical trigonometry; with practical applications. Improved electrotype ed, Boston, 1867. 12®. ff. (2), pp. 108, 62. Gutzlaff, K. Ueber das Auflosen trigonom- etrischer Aufgaben. Marienwerder, 1866. 4®. f. (i), pp. 19. Plate. Hassler, F. R. Elements of analytic trigonom- etry, plane and spherical. New York, 1826. 12®. pp. 192. Plate. Another copy bd. with his “Geometry.” Heydenreich, F. F. Transformationen der Formeln aus der ebenen und spharischen Trigonom- etrie. Tilsit, 1826. 4®. f. (i), pp. 13. Hopkins, W. Elements of trigonometry. Lon- don, 1833. 8®. pp. 68. (/« Society for the dif- fusion of useful knowledge. Library of useful knowledge. ) “ Mathematics, vol. ii.” Hymers, J. A treatise on plane and spherical trigonometry, and on trigonometrical tables and log- arithms, with a selection of problems and their solu- tions. 3d ed. Cambridge, 1847. 8®. pp. viii., 216. Plates. Kayer, E. Ein Beitrag zur Trigonometrie. Er- furt, 1863. 4®. ff. (2), pp. 21. Kribben, J. J. Versuch einer neuen Begriind- ung des Positiven und Negativen in der Trigonom- etrie. Elberfeld, 1832. 4®. f. (i), pp. 15. Plate. Lacroix, S. F. Traits ^kmentaire de trigono- metrie rectiligne et sph^rique, et d’application de I’alg^bre k la g6om^trie. 8® 6d. Pans, 1827. 8®. pp, xii., 31 1. Plates. Same. ii®^d. Paris, 1863. 8®. pp. xvi., 299. Plates. Lardner, D. An analytical treatise on plane and spherical trigonometry, and the analysis of angular sections. London, 1826. 8®. pp. xxviii., 313. Plates. Le Cointe, I. L. A. Lemons sur la th^orie des fonctions circulaires ei la trigonometric. Paris, 1858. 8®. pp. xii., 387. Lefebure de Fourcy, L. E. (L.). El^mens de trigonometrie ; contenant la trigonometric recti- ligne, la trigonometric spherique, et quelques appli- cations a Palgebre. 2® ed. Paris, 1831. 8®. ff. (2), pp. 119+. Plate. Elements of trigonometry, plane and spher- ical ; translated from the last French ed. by F. II. Smith; with tables. Baltimore, 1870. 8®. pp. vi., 138, xvi., 150. Loomis, E. Elements of plane and spherical trigonometry, with their applications to mensura- tion, surveying and navigation. 14th ed. New York, 1859. 8®. pp. 193. Satne. 25th ed. New York, 1867. 8®. pp. 193. Contains “Tables of logarithms, and of sines and tangents” bd. at end. Oliver, J. E., L. A. Wait and G. W. Jones. A treatise on trigonometry. Ithaca, [N. Y.], 1881. 8®. pp. vi., f. (i), pp. 102. Olney, E. Elements of trigonometry, plane and spherical. New York, 1872. 8®. f. (i), pp. 113, Oughtred, W^. Trigonometria, hoc est modus computandi triangolorum latera & angulos, ex can- one mathematico traditus & demonstratus; una cum tabulis sinuum, tangent. secant, &c. Londini, 1657. 4®. ff. (7), pp. 36, 234, ff. (5). [Peacock, G. ] ‘ A syllabus of a course of lect- ures upon trigonometry and the application of alge- bra to geometry. 2d ed. Cambridge, etc., 1836. 8®. ff. (3), pp. 120. Peirce, B. An elementary treatise on plane & spherical trigonometry, with their apjdications to navigation, surveying, heights and distances, and spherical astronomy. 3d ed. Boston, 1845. 8®. pp. iv., f. (i), pp. 449. Plates. This copy lacks pp. i-io. Same. Revised ed. Boston, etc., 1861. 1 . 8®. pp. vi., f. (i), pp. 359. Plates. Serret, J. A. Traitd de trigonometric. 4® dd. Paris, 1 808 . 8®. p[). xi., 336. Simpson, T. d'rigonometry, plane and spher- ical ; with the constructitm and apidication of log- arithms ; with an appendix on spherical projections. Philadelphia, 1810. 8®. pp. 125. Plates. Snowball, J. C. The elements of plane and spherical trigonometry ; with the construction and use of taldes of logarithms both of numbers and for angles, loth ed. Cambridge, etc., 1863. 8®. pp. x., 240. Sperling, J. Analytische Miscellen. Gumbin- nen, 1863. 4®. f. (i), pj). 15. 'I'reatmg of trigonometry, compound interest, Diophantine analysis, and cubic equations. Stade, . I. Kinige trigonometrischc Ele- mentaraufgaben fiir Schiller. Zeitz, 1862. 4®. pp. 10. Todhunter, I. Trigonometry for beginners; with examples. London, . pp. iv., 146. [Solutions of examples in] Plane trigo- nometry. New ed. London, 1861. 2 pt. 120. Day, J. A treatise of plane trigonometry; to which is prefixed a summary view of the nature and use of logarithms. New Ilaven, etc., 1829. 80. ff. (2), pp. 155. Plates. {Ifi his Course of mathe- matics.) Safne. New York, 1848. 120. pp. 153. {In Day and Thomson’s series.) Same. New Ilaven, 1851. 80. pp. 155. Plates. {In his Course of mathematics.) Grebe, E. W. Ueber die Proportionalitat von Stiffen des geradlinigen Drciecks mit den trigo- nometrischen .Eunctionen der ganzen, halbeu und doppelten Winkel desselben. Cassel, 1856. 40. f. (i), pp. 10. Plate. Haun, J. The elements of plane trigonometry. 2d ed. London, 1854. 12®. ff. (2), pp. 119. Snowball, J. C. The elements of plane trigo- nometry, with the construction and use of loga- rithmic tables of numbers, and those of trigonomet- ric functions of angles. 2d ed. Cambridge, etc., 1834. 8®. pp. viii., 177. Todhunter, I. Plane trigonometry for the use of colleges and schools ; with examples. Cam- bridge, etc., 1864. 8®. ff. (4), pp. 279. Wiegand, A. Lehrbuch der ebcnen Trigonom- etric. 5® Aufl. Halle, 1870. 8®. pp. viii., 95. Winkler, E. O. Kurzer Abriss der el>cnen Trigonometric. Dresden, 1864. 8®. pp. iv., 54. c. Spherical Trigonometry. Brettner, W. Zur Theorie des spharischen rechtwinkligen Dreiecks. [Leobschiitz], 1831. 4®. pp. 41. Byrne, O. A short practical treatise on spher- ical trigonometry. London, 1835. 8®. pp. xi.,37. De Morgan, A. Elements of spherical trigo- nometry. [London, 1835.] 8®. pp. 32. (/« So- ciety for the diffusion of useful knowledge. Library of useful knowledge. ) Grebe, E. W. Kurzer Abriss der spharischen Trigonometric. Cassel, 1858. 4®. f. (i), pp. 20. Plate. Grunert, J. A. Spharoidische Trigonometric. Berlin, 1833. 4®. pp. iv., 311-!-. Plate. Hann, J. The elements of spherical trigonom- etry. London, 1849. 12®. ff. (2), pp. 68. Bd. with his “ Plane trigonometry.” Hofmann, F. Spharische Trigonometric mit Anwendungen auf Astronomic. Bayreuth, 1854. 4®. pp. 18. Plate. Nauck, F. Uber die harmonischen Proportion- en auf der Oberflache der Kugel. Schleusingen, 1847. 4 °* PP* 20. Plate. Renvers, . Einige Eigenschaften des sphar- ischen Dreiecks und die wichtigsten Lehrsatze der spharischen Trigonometric. Aachen, [1865]. 4®. f. (i), pp. 18. Plate. Snowball, J. C. The elements of spherical trigonometry. Cambridge, 1834. 8®. pp. v.-|-, 65. Plate. Bd. with his “ Plane trigonometry.” The two vols. have a collective title-page. Todhunter, I. Spherical trigonometry; with examples. 2d ed. Cambridge, etc., 1863. 8®. pp. 132. Wahl, F. W. L. Gerlingianae in demonstran- dis quibusdam sphaericae trigonometriae theorematis methodi censura. lenae, 1825. 4®. pp. 16. Plate. This copy is accompanied by autograph letters of Wahl and Gerlmg. Weights and Measures (me hiding Money). Alexander, J. H. Universal dictionary of weights and measures, ancient and modern; reduced to the standards of the United States of America. Baltimore, 1850. 8®. pp. viii., 158. Dove, H. W. Ueber Maass und Messen. Ber- lin, 1833. 4®. f. (i), pp. 40. ' Emsmann, (A. ) H. Ueber das Messen und die Masse. Stettin, 1863. 4®. pp. 24. Lanzac, A. Entwurf zu einem reinen Decimal- Systeme fiir Teutschland (Teutonia). [Leipzig], 1847. 4®. ff. (2), pp. iv., 35. Woolhouse, W. S. B. Measures, weights, and monies of all nations, and an analysis of the Christian, Hebrew, and Mahometan calendars. 6th ed. London, 1881. 12®. f. (i), pp. vi., f. (i), pp. 206. (Weale’s rudimentary series, 221.) Wright, J. The American negotiator ; or. The various currencies of the British colonies in America reduced into English money, by a series of tables. London, 1767. 8®. pp. Ixxx., 326. Young, W. B. An arithmetical dictionary, or book of reference ; comprising a system of practical tables. 6th ed. New York, 1847. 8®. f. (l), pp. v.-f-, ff. (6), pp. 224, ff. (3). T CORNELL UNLVERSITY. 8i ADDENDA, • History and Biography. d. History of Calculus. Gerhardt, C. I. Die Entdeckung der hoheren Analysis. Halle, 1855. 80. pp. viii., 155. Plates. {In his Geschichte der hoheren Analysis, i® Abth. ) Instruments. Gurley, W., and L. E. A manual of the prin- cipal instruments used in American engineering and surveying. 15th ed. Troy, N. Y., 1869. 16®. pp. 164, ff. (3). Plates and wdcts. Pictet, R., et G. Cellerier. Methode generale d’integration continue d’une fonction numerique quelconque a propos de quelques theor^mes fournis par I’analyse mathematique appliquee au calcul des courbes d’un nouveau thermographe. Geneve, 1879. 8®. pp. 152. Plates. Wagner, G. Ueber den Gebrauch und die Ein- richtung des vor kurzem erfundenen Planimeters. [Frankfurt a. M.], 1821. 4®. pp. 12. Plate. Periodicals. Annales des mines ; ou, Recueil de m^moires sur Sexploitation des mines, et sur les sciences qui s’y rapportent ; redigees par le Conseil general des mines. Serie i®-7®; 8® serie, t. i., ii. 1816-82. Paris, 1817-82. 125 V. 8®. le serie, 1816-26, 13 v. ; 2®, 1827-30, 8 v. ; 3*, 1832-41, 20 v. ; 46, 1842-51, 20 V.; 5«, 1852-61, 20 V.; 6®, 1862-71, 20 v. ; 7®, 1872-81, 20 V. See “Journal des mines,” 1794-1815. To be continued. Same; partie administrative; ou, Recueil de lois, decrets, arretes et autres actes concernant les mines et usines. S6rie 5®-7®. 1852-81. Paris, 1852-81. 30 V. bd. in 14. 8®. Annales des ponts et chauss^es : mdmoires et documens relatifs a I’art des constructions et au ser- vice de I’ingdnieur. i®-5® s6rie ; 6® serie, t. i., ii. 1831-82. Paris, [1831-82]. 102 V., 8®, and 2 v. of plates ^ 8® and f®. S6rie 1®, 1831-40, 20 v. ; 2®, 1841-50, 20 v. ; 3®, 1851-60, 20 V. ; 4®, 1861-70, 20 V. ; 5®, 1871-80, 20 v. To be continued. Same ; lois, ordonnances et autres actes concernant Padministration des ponts et chaussdes. S^rie i«-5®. 1831-80. Paris, [1831-80]. 50 v. bd. in 54. 8®. Tables g^n^rales. i® s^rie. 1831-40. Paris, 1843. 8®. Same. 2® s^rie. 1841-50. Paris, 1853. 8 ®. Same. 3® sdrie. 1851-60. Paris, 1866. 8®. Annales t^l^graphiques ; publi^es par un comity compost de fonctionnaires de Padministration des lignes teldgraphitjues. Tome i., Juillet-Aout, 1858. Paris, 1858. 1 j)t. 8®. Lettered “ Electric telegraph. Miscell. journals.” Annales tt^ldgraphiques ; publi^es sous le pat- ronage de le directeur gendral des lignes tel^gra- phiques. Tome i. ; ii., livr. 1®, 2®. Paris, 1855-56. 1 V., 2 pt. 8®. Lettered “ T 61 egraphes 61 ectrique. Journaux divers.” Annals of electricity, magnetism, and chemistry, and guarilian of experimental science. Vol. ii., no. 8; iii., 17, 18. London, 1838-39. 8®. Lettered “ Electric telegraph. Miscell. journals.” Electrical magazine (The) ; conducted by C. V. Walker. Vol. i., no. i. July, 1843. London, 1843. 8 ®. Lettered “ Electric telegraph. Miscell. journals.” Engineer (The). Vol. i.-liv. 1*856-82. Lon- don, [1856-82]. 54 V. f®. To be continued. Engineering and mining journal (The). Vol. xxiv.-xxxiv. New York, 1877-82. ii v. f®. To be continued. Journal des mines; public par PAgence des mines de la republique. An III. [i794]-i8i5. Paris, [1794-1815]. 38 V. 8®. For continuation see “Annales des mines.” Table analytique des matieres contenues dans les xxviii. premiers volumes ; par P. X. Le- schevin. Paris, 1813. 8®. Same. [Tomes xxix.-xxxviii. ] ; avec une table generale des planches renfermees dans les trente huit volumes ; r^digee par A. C. L. Peltier. Paris, 1821. 8®. Journal des t^legraphes : revue mensuelle inter- nationale. Tomei., ii. ; iii., nos. 1-4. Paris, 1865- 68. 2 V., 2 pt., bd. in i v. 1 . 8®. Lumi^re dectrique (La) : journal universel d’6- lectricite hebdomaire. Tome ii.-vii. Paris, 1880- 82. 6 V. 4®. To be continued. National telegraphic review (The), and opera- tor’s companion; edited by J. D. Reid. Vol. i., no. 2. July, 1853. Philadelphia, 1853. 8®. Portrs. Lettered “ Electric telegraph. Miscell. journals.” Railroad gazette (The). Vol. vii.-xiv. New York, 1876-82. 8 V. f®. To be continued. Repertorium fiir Experimental-Physik, fiir phys- ikalischeTechnik, mathematische und astronomische Instrumentenkunde ; herausgegeben von P. Carl. Bd. viii.-xviii. Munchen, etc., 1872-82. ii v. 8®. To be continued. Same. General Register zu Bd. i.-xv. Munchen, etc., 1881. 8®. Shaffner’s telegraj)!! companion. Vol. ii., no. i. Jan. 1855. New York, 1855. 8®. Lettered “ Electric telegraph. Miscell. journals.” Society of Engineers. Transactions. 1869- 78. London, 1872-79. lo v. 8®. Van Nostrand’s eclectic engineering magazine. Vol. i.-xxvii. 1869-82. New York, 1869-82. 27 v. 8®. To be continued. Problems. f. Trigonometrical Problems. Wittiber, (F. G. A. ?). Stereometrisch-trigo- nometrische Aufgaben. Glatz, [1866]. 4®. f- ( 0 » pp. 18. Mechanics. f. Pneumatics. Donker Curtius, B. Method! quibus aeris impulsus et venti velocitas determinantur. Lugduni Batavorum, 1826. 4®. if. (5), pp. 57. Plate. Freund, G. A. De aeris motu circa cylindrum qui rotatur. — Diss. inaug. Berolini, 1862. 4®. pp. 1 7-j-. Plate. INDEX In the following Index the names of authors are printed in Roman type, the chief subject-headings in Antique, and the subordinate subject-headings in Italic, The references are to page and column. Abbot, H. L., 42 a. Abel, N. H., 15 a. Abelian Functions y 46 b. Abendroth, W., 53 b. Ackermann, C. C., 57 b. Acoustics, 63 b. Adams, C., 58 a. Adams, C. 42 b. Adams, D., 28 b. Adams, J. C, 32 b. Adams, W. H. D., 42 a. Adh^mar, J., 23 b, 28 b, 47 a. Agnesi, M. G., 49 a. Airy, G. B., 15 a, 30 b, 38 a, 68 b, 76 a b. Akerberg, H. S., 22 a. Alberi, E., 33 a. Alembert, J. le K. d’, 15 a. Alewyn, C., 56 b. Alexander, C., 28 b. Alexander, J. H., 80 b. Algebra, 23 b. Algebra, Geometric, 59 a. Algebra, History of, 5 b. Algebra, Multiple, 59 a. Algebraic Problems, lO b. Alhazen, 13 a. Allan, W., 45 a. Allen, J. K., 43 b. Allen, S. M., 67 b. Allgemeine Encyklopadie d. Phy- sik, 3 b. Almeida, J. C. d’, 67 b. American ephemeris, 1 1 b, 34 b. Amer. inst. of mining eng., 39 b. Amer. journ. of niatheni., 8 a. Amer. telegraph co., 72 a. Amersfoordt, J. P., 22 a. Amiot, A., II a, 47 a. Analysis, Diophantine, 78 a. Analysis, Indeterminate, 78 a. Analyst, (The), 8a. Analytic Geometry, 49 a. Ancient and Oriental Au- thors, 13 a. Anderson, R., 69 a. Anderssen, A., 38 a, 54 b. Angel, H., 47 a. Angeli, S. degli, 1 1 a, 47 a. Angstrom, A. J., 76 a. Angular Section, 54 a. Animal Mechanics, 63 a. Annalen d. Physik. 8 a. Annalen d. Physik u. Chemie, 8 a. Annalen d. Physik u. d. phys. Chemie, 8 a. Annales de mathematiques, 8 b. Annales des mines, 81 a. Annales des ponts, 81 a. Annales telegraphiques, 81 a. Annali di mathematica, 8 b. Annali di scienze mathem., 8 b. Annals of electricity, etc., 81 a. Annuities, 27 b. Anthony, W. A., 67 b. Anton, , 77 a. Apollonius PergcBus, 13 a. Appleton’s dictionary of mechan- ics, 3 b. Approximations, 26 a. Aqueducts, 40 a. Arago, D. F. J., 15 a. Aratus Solensis, 13 a. Arbogast, L. F. A., 37 a. Archimedes, 13 b. Archivd. Mathem. u. Physik, 8 b. Archiv d. reinen u. angew. Math., 8 b. Arendt, G., 78 a. Arithmetic, 28 b. Arithmetic, History of, 5 b. Arithmetical Problems, 10 b. Armstrong, R., 44 b, 74 b. Arneth, A., 4 b. Arnoux, E., 70 b. Artur, J. F., 60 a. Arya Bhatta, 13 b. Asteroids, 31 b. Astronomical Instruments, 7 a. Astronomical journal, 9 b. Astronomical notices, 9 b. Astronomical Periodicals, 9 b. Astronomical Tables, 1 1 b. Astronomy, 30 b. Astronomy, History of, 5 b. Astronomy, Practical, 34 b. Astronomy, Spherical, 34 b. Astronomy, Uses of, 23 b. Atkinson, II., 34 a. Atlantic telegraph co., 72 a. Atomic Theory, 69 a. Attensperger, F. X., 27 b. Attraction, 65 a. Atwood, G., 63 a, 64 a. Auchincloss, W. S., 43 b. Auerbach, F., 68 b, 70 a. August, E. F., 47 a. August, F. W. O., 57 b. Auroras, 65 a. Auth, E., 58 a. ^ Azemar, L. P. V. M., 54 a. B abbage, c., 3 a, 12 a, 46 b, 60 b. Bachhoffner, G. H., 70 a. Bachmann, H. K. W. h"., 50 b. Bacon, R., 22 a, 52 a. Bahrdt, , 23 b, 57 a. Bailie, J., 69 a. Bailly, C., 22 a. Bails, Ik, 20 a. Baily, F., 27 b, 59 b. Baker, II., 28 b. Baker, J., 43 b. Baker, T., 53 b, 60 b, 6l b. Baldi, B., 4 b. Bale, M. P., 60 b. Ball, R. S., 61 1 ). Baltzer, R., 27 b, 39 a. Bamber, 1 C F., 63 a. Barfuss, F. \V., 77 a. Barlow, P., 3 b, ii b, 45 a, 78 a. Barnaart, .A., 74 b. Barnard, J. G., 41 b. Parameter. 7 b. Barr, W. M., 44 b, 74 b. Bar re me, F., 28 b. Barrow, I., 15 b, 22 a. Bartels, II., 43 a. Bartlett, \V. 1 1 . C., 61 b, 67 b. Bartlett, W. P. G., 45 b. Barton, W., 4 b. Balclielder, S. , 7 a. Bauclouin, F. M., 70 b. Baum, ' 1 '. L. R., 57 b. Baumgardt. E., 50 b. Baur, C. W., 49 a. Bayles, J. C., 43 b. Baylis, 1 C, 27 b. Bayma, J., 69 a. Bazin, H., 64 a. Bazley, T. S., 60 b. Beardslee, 1 .. A., 45 a. Beaune, F. de, 26 a. Becker, E. IC, 31 b. Beckett, IC, 30 b. Becquerel, A. C., 69 a, 70 a. Becquerel, A. E., 69 a, 75 b. Beeck Calkoen, J. F. v., 22 a. Beha-Eddin al Aamouli, 13 b. Behlau, A., 57 b. Belanger, J. B. C. J., 49 a, 63 b, 64 b. 84 INDEX. Belgium — Ministhe des travaux publics^ 72 a. Belidor, B. F. de, 20 a. Bell, A., 24 a. Bellavitis, G., 38 a, 52 a, 59 a. Beltrami, E., 15 b. Belville, J. H., 7 b, 8 a.- Bender, C., 40 b. Benjamin, P., 4 a. Benton, J. G., 66 a. Berckelmann, J. A. C., 5 b. Bergh, J. W. v. den, 34 b. Bergon, , 71 a. Berkeley, G., 22 a. Berkenbusch, C., 54 b. Berlin, C. G., 27 b. Bermann, E. O., 76 a. Bernard, C. E., 52 a. Berner, T. M., 49 b. Bernhardt, , 22 a. Bernoulli, D., 64 a. Bernoulli, Jakob, 15 b, 76 b. Bernoulli, Johann, i st, 15 b. Bernoulli, Johann, 3d, ii b. Bertram, F. H. T., 78 a. Bertram, H., 46 a. Bertrand, J. L. F., 24 a, 28 b, 37 a b, 47 a. Bessel's and Allied Functions^ 46 a. Bethune, J. E. D., 76 b. Bette, W., 31 b. Beyer, —3 — , 24 a. Bezout, E., 20 a, 35 b. Bhascara Acharya, 5 b, 13 b, 28 b. Bibliography, 3 a. Bkrens de Haan, D., 12 a, 38 a, 56 a. Biermann, W. G. A.. 46 a. Bigelow, J., 72 b. Binns, W., 53 a. Biography, 4 b. Biot, J. B., 4 b, 49 b, 67 b. Biquadratics, 26 b. Bischof, G., 74 b. Bischoff, J. N., 55 a. Bissell, J. N., 24 a. Bjorling, E. G., 77 a. Bjorn Gunnlaugsson, 20 a. Blake, E. W., 64 b. Blake, J. L., 30 b. Bland, M., 10 b, 1 1 a. Blavier, E. E., 70 b. Bledsoe, A. T., 22 a. Bleiswyck, P. v., 41 b. Blodget, L., 65 a. Blum, A., 20 a. Bliimel, , 27 b. Boetius, A. M. T. S., 28 b. Boguslawski, A. v., ^ b. Boilers, 44 b. Bois, V., 71 a. Boiler, A. P., 40 b. Bolton; II. C., 4 b. Boncompagni, H., 78 a. Bond, G. l\, 7 a, 31 b, 34 b. Bonel, A., 72 a. Bonnycastle, C., 47 a. Bonnycastic, J,. 24 a, 30 b, 53 a. Book-keeping, 35 b. Boole, G., 38 a, 45 b. Booth, M. L., 59 a. Borda, J. C., 8 a. Boset, A., 49 b. Bossut, C., 39 b. Bossut, J., 4 b. Boston, Mass. — Pub. library, 3 a. Bos wall, G., 72 b. Bothe, , 56 b. Boucharlat, J. L., 36 a, 49 b, 61 b. Bougainville, L. A. de, 37 b. Bouquet, C., 79 a. Bouquet, F., 49 b. Bourdon, P. L. M., 24 a, 28 b, 49 b, 78 b. Bourne, J., 43 b. Boutan, A., 67 b. Bowditch, N., 66 b. Bowditch, N. I., 5 a. Box, T. , 74 b. Bradbury, W. F., 47 a. Bradley, T., 53 a. Brahmegupta, 13 b. Brandes, C. G. H., 49 b. Bredow, F. C. F., 27 b, 80 a. Breguet, L., 71 a. Bremiker, H., 34 b. Brennecke, W. H., 28 b. Brettner, W., 80 b. Brewster, D., 5 a b, 75 b. Bridge, B., 24 a, 26 a, 54 b. Bridges, 40 b. Briem, E., 28 b. Briggs, H., 12 a. Brinkley, J., 30 b. Brinkmann, , 80 a. Brioschi, F., 39 a, 77 a. Briot, C. A. A., 24 a, 46 b, 49 b, 52 a, 76 a, 79 a. Brisse, A., 41 b. Broager, P. D., 57 a. Brooke, C., 67 b. Brooke, J. M., 71 a. Brooks, D., 71 a. Brooks, E., 24 a. Brosius, F. X., 26 b. Brougham, H., 15 b, 64 a. Brouwer, S., 55 b. Brown, M. R., 42 b. Browne, J. H. B., 40 a. Brunacci, V., 38 b. Brunn, H. J. H., 34 a. Briinnow, F. F. E., 34 b. Brunton, R., 63 a. Brutkowski, J., 57 b. Bubendey, G. H., 22 b, 37 a, 59 a. Buch, J. P., 24 a, 59 a. Buchan, D. S., 5 a. Biichner, E., 26 b. Buck, J. H. W., 45 b. Buckmaster, J. C., 67 b, 69 a. Budan de Boislaurent, F. F. D., 27 a. Buel, R. H., 43 b. Buerbaum, J., 71 a. Bulletin de math6matiques, 8 b. Burgh, N. P., 43 b, 45 a. Burgoyne, J. F., 43 b. Burn, R. S., 53 a. Burnell, G. R., 41 b. Burr, \V. II., 40 b. Burt, W., 53 b. Byrne, O., 4 a, 28 b, 63 a, 80 b. I^AGNOLI, A., 54 b, 79 a. Cain, W., 40 b, 43 b. Calculus, 35 b. Calculus, Differential, 37 a. Calculus, History of, 7 a, 81 a. Calculus, Integral, 37 b. Calculus of Functions, 46 b. Calculus of Variations, 38 b. Calculus, Philosophy of 23 b. Calculus, Problems in, 10 b. Calendar, 39 a. Callet, F., 12 a. Cambridge and Dublin math, journ., 8 b. Cambridge mathem. problems, 9 b. Cambridge miscellany, 8 b. Cambridge problems, 9 b. Cambridge — Univ. — Observatory, 32 b. Camper, P., 75 b. Campin, F., 42 b. Campion, W. M., 9 b. Camus, C. E. L., 20 a, 60 b. Canals, 41 b. '' Cantor, G., 78 a. Cantor, M., 5 a. Cantzler, R. F. B., 5 b. Cape, J., 20 a. Capillarity, 69 a. Capmany, G. de, 20 a. Capron, J. R., 65 a. Cardano, G., 21 b. Careme, A., 80 a. Carmichael, R., 36 a. Carnot, L. N. M., 22 b, 50 b, 51 a b. Carpenter, F. de Y., 53 b. Castel, L. B., 20 a. Caswell, J., 79 a. Catalan, E., ii a, 20 a. Cataldi, P. A., 28 b, 29 a. Cauchy, A. L., 15 b, 24 a, 31 b, 36 a, 37 a, 49 b, 76 a. Cavalieri, B., 47 a, 79 a. Cavalry, 66 a. Celestial Alechanics, 31b. Centnerschwer, J. J., ii b. Ceulen, L. v., 9 b, 29 a. Challis, J., 33 b, 67 b. Chambers, G. F., 30 b. Chanute, O., 40 b. Charlon, H., 21 b. Chase, P. E., 29 a, 70 b, 76 b. Chasles, M., 7 a, 13 b, 51 a, 54 b. Chaucer, G., 7 a. Chauvenet, W., 34 b, 47 a, 66 b, 67 a, 79 a. Chester, C. T., 70 a. Chevalier, M., 43 a. Cheyne, C. H. H., 10 b, 32 a, 33 Childe, G. F., 57 b. Chisholm, D., 27 b. Choquet, C., 24 a. Christie, J. R., 9 b. Christmann, W. L., 13 b. Christoffel, E. B., 69 a. Chrzescinski, , 77 a, 79 a. Church, A. E., 36 a, 49 b, 52 a. Circle, Quadrature of the, 21 b, 57 b. Circles, 54 b. Circular Functions, 46 a. Cirodde, P. L., 47 a. Clairaut, A. C., 47 a, 56 b. Claridge, J., 65 a. Clark, D. K., 42 b. INDEX. Clark, 1C., 40 b. Clark, L., 70 a. Clarke, A. R., 53 b. Clarke, F. W., 12 a. Clarke, G. S., 53 a. Clarke, J. S., 54 b. Clarke, T. C., 40 b. Claudel, J., 39 b. Clausius, R. E. J., 75 a. Clavius, C., 15 b, 39 a. Clebsch, A., 46 b, 61 b. Clery, C., 66 b. Cocker, E., 29 a. Coffin, J. H. C., 32 a, 54 b, 67 a. Colburn, W., 10 b, 29 a. Colburn, Z., 5 a, 44 b. Colby, H., II b. Colenso, J. W., 24 a, 80. Collections and Miscellane- ous, 15 a. Collins, J., 21 a, 67 a. Colnet d’Huart, de, 74 b. Color, 75 b. Colyer, F., 60 b. Comberousse, C. de, 48 b. Combinations, 67 a. Cornels, 31 b. Compagnon, P. F., 47 a. Computation of Earthzvorks, 54 a. Comte, A., 22 b. Condorcet, M. J. A. N. de C. de, 37 b, 76 b. Conic Sections, 54 b. Conservation of Force, 74 b. Contmiied Fractioiis, 55 b. Cooke, W. F., 72 a. Cooper, J. H., 60 b. Cooper, Hewitt & Co., 45 a. Copernicus, N., 58 a, 79 a. Corfield, W. II., 40 b. Coriolis, C. G., 22 b. Cornwell, J., 29 a. Correlation of Figures, 51 b. Correspondence, 21 a. Correspondance malhematique, 8 b. Corssen, IL, 60 b. Cossali, P., 15 b. Costa de Serda, E., 72 a. Cotes, R., 21 b. Cotterill, J. II., 43 b. Cournot, A. A., 22 b, 76 b. Courtenay, E. II., 36 a. Coutinho, J. M. da S., 43 a. Craig, 1). II., 72 b. Craig, T. , 63 b, 64 a. Cramer, D. G., 56 a. Crelle, A. L., 45 b. Cremona, L., 15 b. Cresswell, 1)., 61 a. Crosby, A., 47 a. Crousaz, J. P. de, 36 a. Crystallography, 39 a. Cubics, 26 b. Cumming, !>., 69 a. Curtis, G. T., 72 b. Curtze, M., 6 a. Curves, 55 a. Curves, Algebraic, 56 a. Curves, Caustic and Optical, 56 b. Curves, Cycloidal, 56 a. Curves defined by Alax. or Alin. Properties, 56 b. Curves, Higher Plane, 55 a. 85 Cuit'es of Double Cumuxture, 56 b. Cu 7 'ves of the 2 d Order, 50 a. Curves, Special Plane, 5^; b. J^ABOLL, N., 29 a. Daguin, P. A., 67 b. Dalton, T., 10 b. Daniell, J. F., 70 a. Darcy, H., 64 a. Daubeny, C., 69 a. Davidson, E. A., 52 b, 53 a. Davies, C., 4 a, 22 b, 24 a, 29 a, 36 a, 47 a, 49 b, 52 a b, 53 b. Davies, G., 27 b. Davies, T. S., 77 a. Davis, C. H.,7>., 7 b. Davis, J., 21 b. Davy, M., 69 a. Day, J., 20 a, 24 a, 53 a, 67 a, 80 a. Deahna, H. W. F., 63 a. Deal try, W., 36 a. Dechales, C. F. M., 20 a. Defi^iite Integrals, 38 a. Deinse, A. J. v., 31 b. Delambre, J. B. J., 5 a b, 6 a. Delaunay, C. E., 6i b. Delboeuf^ J., 23 b. Delisle, A., 49 b. Dellmann, J. F. G., 69 a. De Moivre, A., 28 a. De Morgan, A., 3 a, 29 a, 36 a, 46 b, 76 b, 79 a, 80 b. De Morgan, II., 21 b. Dempsey, G. D., 40 b. 41 a. Denison, E. B., 30 b. Denison, G. T., 66 a. De Peyster, J. W., 66 b. Desargues, G., 16 a. Descartes, R., 16 a. Deschanel, A., 68 b. Desvignes, A., ii a. Determinants, 39 a. Deutz, J., 28 a. Dewan Kanh Ji, 20 a. Dialling, 39 a. Diarian repository, 9 b. Dick, T., 34 a. Dictionaries, 3 b. Diederichs, O., 50 b. Diedrichs, J. 11., 41 a. Dietz, , 22 b. Differential Equations, 38 a. Diffraction, 76 a. Dilling, C. A. A., 55 a, 57 a. Dilworth, T., 29 a, 35 b. Diophantus Alexandrinus, 78 b. Dippe, M. C., 16 a, 37 b. Dissertations on hist, of sci., 5 a. Dittrich, , 46 a. Divers ouvrages math^m., 16 a. Division, Harmonic, 51 b. Dodgson, C. L., 39 a. Dodson, J., 9 b. Dolbear, A. E., 7 b. Dbllen, J. II. W., 7 b. Donker Curtius, B., 81 b. Donkin, W. F., 68 b. Dornheim, F., 50 b, 57 b, 63 a. Dove, II. \V., 65 a, 75 b, 80 b. Downing, 11., 73 b. Dowson, A., 43 a. Dowson, J. E., 43 a. Drawing, Geometric, 53 a. Dra^vhig, Topographical, 54 a. Dredge, J., 43 a. Drew, W. II., 54 b. Drinkwater-Bethune, J. E., 6 a. Drobisch, M. W., 5 ab, 22 a, 23 b, 32 b, 51 a, 57 b, 77 b. Duane, W., 66 a. Du Bois, A. J., 41 a. Dubois, E. P., 30 b. Du Bois-Reymond, P. D. G., 64 a Duda, T., 57 b. Dudley observatory, 6 a, 32 b. Dufour, G. H., 66 b. Duhamel, J. M. C., 22 b, 36 a, 61 b. Duhring, E. K., 22 b. Dumas, W. A., 63 b. Du Moncel, T. A. L., 69 a, 71 a. mean, T., 47 b. Dupin, F. P. C., 22 a. Duport, , 59 a. Dupre, A., 75 a. Diirer, A., 52 b, 66 a. Dynamics, 63 a. Dyna? 7 iics of a Particle, 63 b. jgADS, J. B., 42 a. Earnshaw, S., 63 a, 64 b. Earth, ( The), 32 a. Earthworks, Co 77 iputatio 7 t of, 54 a. East India telegraph co., 72 b. Eastman, J. R., 32 b, 33 b, 59 b. Eastman, S., 54 a. Eaton, J. S., 29 a. Ebe.hard, K. W. D., 61 b, 6., a. Eccentric Literature, 21 u. Eclipses, 32 a. Eddy, II. T., 41 a, 50 a, 75 a. Edwards, E., 45 a. Egen, P. N. C., 27 a. Ehrlenholtz, A., 26 b. Eichhorn, C. F., 22 b. Eickemeyer, , 77 b. Eisenlohr, \V., 67 b. lutze, , 28 a, 50 a. Ekama, C., 5 a, 6 a. Ekeroth, C. E. C., 57 b. Electric and intern, teleg. co., 72 b. Electrical magazine, 81 b. Elect 7 -ical Aleasure/ne/it, 70 a. Electricity, 69 a. Electro-che 77 iist 7 y, 70 a. ETunhiation, 27 b. Elliot, G. II., 42 a. Elliot, J., 24 1). Elliptic Eunctio 7 is, 46 a. Elliptic AIotio 7 i, 32 b. Ely, 11. B., 73 1). Emerson, F., 29 a. Emerson, J., 29 b. Emerson, W., 20 b, 24 b, 29 b, 30 1), 36 a, 39 a, 45 b, 47 b, 52 b, 53 a, 54 1), 55 a, 61 1), 63 1), 67 a, 75 b, 79 a. Emsmann, A. G., 78 b. Emsmann, A, II., 80 b. Emsmann, G., 58 b. Encyclopaedia metrojiolitana, 4 a. Encyclopaedias, 3 b. Encyclopedic methodique, 4 a. Ende, 11. F. am, 77 b. Enfield, W., 67 1). Engineer, ( i'he), 81 b. 86 INDEX. Engineer and machinist’s drawing book, 39 b. Engineering, 39 b. Enginee 7 -ittg, Mechajiical, 42 b. E)tgmeering, Military, 66 a. Engifieeritig, Sajiita^y, 43 b. Engineering and mining journal, 81 b. Eiigineei's, Biographies of, 7 a. Eagines, Alai ine, 45 a. Enschede, W. A., 22 b, 69 a. Ephemerides, ii b. Ephemerides of minor planets, 12 a. Equations, 26 a. Equations, Differential, 38 a. Equations, Fimctional, 46 b. Equations of nth Degree, 26 b. Equipollences, 59 a. Ericsson, J., 35 b, 67 b. Erler, , 78 b. Ermerins, J. W., 22 b, 69 a. Ernst, O. H., 66 a. Ersch, J. S., 3 a. Eschweiler, , 61 a. Espy, J. P., 65 a. Ettingshausen, A. v., 67 b. Euclides, 13 b. Euler, E., 16 a, 24 b, 33 b, 36 a, 37 b, 36 b, 61 b, 63 b. Evans, E. \V., 47 b. Everett, E,, 23 b. Evers, H., 44 a b. Ewyck, D. J. V., 22 b. Exley, T., 75 b. Exner, , 27 a. Extraits de rapports, 71 a. P G., 21 b. P'aber, F., 51 b. P'aber, T., 21 b. p'ahland, IL, 49 a. p'airbairn, W., 45 a. Farewell banquet to J. Bigelow, 72 b. Farr, W., 28 a. Eaure, A., 59 a. Eaure, il., 58 a. P'eldner, L., 54 b. Feldt, L., 33 b. Eergola, N., 47 b, 50 a. Ferguson, J., 30 b, 67 b. Fermat, P. de, 16 a. k'errel, W., 65 a. Ferrers, N. M., lo a, 50 a. Fiedler, J. A., 7 a. Fiedler, \V., 77 a. Field, C. W., 72 b. Field Service, 66 a. Figuier, G. L., 71 a. Figures, Correlation of, 51 b. Finx'us, O., 47 b. Finger, F. A., 7 a. Finite Differences, 45 b. J' inke, T., 47 b. Finlaison, J., 72 b. Fischer, , 56 a. 1‘ischer, E., 54 a. Fischer, G. E., 58 a. I'ischer, P. A., 77 b. I'isher, G. C., 29 b. Fitch, J. G., 29 a. l*'ilzgerald, I’., 72 b. Fleming, A., 32 b. Fleming, P., 57 b. Flesch, J., 74 b. Fletcher, W., 44 a. Flohr, A., 52 a. Floquet, G., 38 b. h liigel, J. G. B., 57 a. Fluxions, 35 b. Fockens, G. R., 7 b, 33 b. Foelsing, J. H., 38 a. Fontaine, H., 69 b. Fo 7 -ce, Conservation of, 74 b. Formul(2, 12 a. Forney, M. N., 4 a. Forsach, J. A., 71 a. Forstemann, W. A., 54 b,’'8o a. Forster, C., 61 a. Foster, S., 8 a, 16 b, 39 a. Fourier, J. B. J., 27 a. Francis, J. B., 42 a, 45 a. Francoeur, L. B., 20 b, 53 a. Franklin, B., 69 b. Franqueville, C. de, 43 a. French, B. B., 72 b. Frencn, j. 11 ., ^9 b. Fresenius, F. C., 55 b. Fresnel, A. J., 16 b. Freund, G. A., 81 b. Freydanck, , 64 b. Freyer, , 54 b. F>eyer, P. G., 51 b. Frick, J., 67 b. Friction, 74 b. F'riedlein, G., 5 a. Fries, J. F., 76 b. Fries, R. de, 29 b. Frisi, P., 16 b. Frosch, C., 58 a. Frost, P., 51 a, 55 b. Fuchs, L., 58 a. Fulle, , 78 b. Functional Equations, 46 b. Functions, 46 a. Ftnictiotts, Abelia^i, 46 b. Functio 7 is, Bessels and Allied, 46 a. Functions, Calculus of, 46 b. Fimctions, Circular and Hyper- bolic, 46 a. Fimctions, Elliptic, 46 a. Functions, Symmetric, 46 a. Fuss, P. II. , 21 b. QALBRAITH, W., 12 b, 68 b. Galezowski, J., 28 a. Galilei, G., 16 b. Galvanism, 70 a. • Gandtner, , 58 b. Ganot, A., 67 b. •Gamier, C. F., 71 a. Gamier, J. G., 24 b, 27 b, 29 b, 36 a, 37 b, 38 a, 47 b, 49 b. Gamier, P., 72 b. Gaskin, T., 1 1 a b. Gaudard, J., 39 b. Gauss, C. F., 17 a, 33 a, 70 b, 77 ‘'i, 78 b. Gautier, A., 32 b. Gavarret, J., 69 b, 71 a. Gebler, K. v., 6 b. Gehler, J. S. T., 4 a. Gehring, P'. E., 38 b. Gelder, J. J. de, 39 b. Gemma Frisius, R., 29 b. Genesee Valley teleg. co., 72 b. Genet, E. C., 64 a. Genochi, A., 78 b. Gent, K., 7 a. Gentleman’s math, companion, 8 b. Geodesy, 53 b. Geography, Mathematical, 67 a. Geometric Algebra, 59 a. Geometric Drawing, 53 a. Geometric Instruments, 8 a. Geometric Problems, 1 1 a. Geometry, 47 a. Geometry, Analytic, 49 a. Geometry, A nalytic, of Three Di- mensions, 50 b. Geometry, Descriptive, 52 a. Geometry, History of, 7 a. Geometry, Methods in, 23 b. Geometry, Modern Higher, 51a. Geometry, Plane, 49 a. Geometry, Plane A nalytic, 50 a. Geometry, Practical, 52 b. Geometry, Solid, 49 a. Gerber, , 58 b. Gercke, , 77 b. Gerhardt, C. I., 5 a, 29 b, 8i a. Gerling, C. L., 12 a, 32 a, 33 b, 77 a. Gerono, C. C., 49 b. Gessner, T. G., 55 b, 57 a. Gherardi, S., 5 a. Ghetaldi, M., 10 a. Giannini, P., 17 a. Gies, W., 22 b, 56 b. Giesel, K. F., 7 a. Gilbert, D., 63 b. Gill, C., 78 b. Gillespie, W. M., 43 b, 53 b. Gillmore, Q. A., 43 b, 45 a. Gintl, J. W., 71 a. Gintl, W. F., 69 b. Gian, P., 76 a. Glass & Elliot, 72 b. Globes, 32 b. Gloesener, M., 22 b. Godfray, H., 30 b. Goniometry, 80 a. Gonon, E., 71 a. Goodeve, T. M., 44 a. Goodwin, H., 10 a, 20 b. Gordan, P., 46 b. Gordan, P. A., 53 b. Gordon, J. li. H., 69 b. Gorgas, R., 57 b, 78 b. Getting, , 78 b. Gouilly, A., 75 a. Gould, B. A., 30 b, 32 b. Gould, B. A.,jr., 6 b. Graham, J. C., 44 a. Graham, J. D., 35 b. Grandtner, O., 49 b. Grassmann, H. G., 61 b. Gravesande, W. J., 61 b. Great Britain — Admiralty, 72 b. Great Britain — Comm, on lights, 42 b. Great Britain — House of commons, 72 b. Great Britain — Patent office, 71 a. Great Britain — School of military eng., 66 a. Great comet of 1861, 31 b. INDEX. Grebe, E. W., 26 b, 49 a, 58 b, 80 a b. Grebel, M. W., 7 a. Green, G., 17 a. Green, S., 35 b. Greene, C. E., 41 a. Greene, R., 67 b. Greenleaf, B., 24 b, 29 b, 47 b, 79 a. Gregory, D. F., 10 b, 17 a, 51 a. Gregory, O. G., 22 a, 62 a. Gros, J. B. L., 71 a. Grove, W. R., 74 b. Gruhl, E., 63 b. Grunert, J. A., 17 a, 80 b. Grupelli, L., 17 a. Gudermann, C., 77 b. Guglielmini, D,, 17 a. Guillemin, A., 68 a. Guinodie, R., 49 b. Guldberg, C. M., 7 b, 69 a. Gumersall, T. B., 28 a. Gummere, J., 12 b, 53 b. Gumpach, J, v., 39 a. Gunnery, 66 a. Gunter, E., 12 b, 17 a. Gurley, L. E., 81 a. Gurley, W., 81 a. Gurlitt, J., 5 a. Giitzlaff, K., 79 a. Guy, J., 30 b. Guyot, , 17 b. Guyot, J., 71 a. H ACHETTE, J. N. P., 52 Hackley, C. W., 24 b, 47 b. Haddon, J., 10 b. Hagen, G., 42 a. Hahnemann, , 63 b. Hales, W., 36 a. Halifax, J. de, 34 b. Hall, A., 31 b, 33 b, 34 b. Hall, T. G., 36 a. Haller von Hallerstein, F. v. 20 b. a. Halley, E., 12 a. Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O., 17 b. Halphen, G., 38 b. Hamilton, H. P., 54 b. Hamilton, W. R., 59 a, 63 b. Hamley, E. B., 66 b. Hankel, IL, 59 a. Hann, J., 10 b, 50 a, 80 a b. Hansen, P. A., 33 b. Harkness, W., 7 b, 31 b, 32 a, 59 Harmonic Division, 51 b. Harnischmacher, F. J., 58 b. Harprecht, A., 22 b. Harris, J., 21 1). Harris, W. S., 69 b, 70 b. Harrison, B. F., 65 a. Hartwich, E., 43 a. Harvard college — Observatory, 32 33 Hassler, F. R., 12 b, 29 b, 47 b, 54 a, 79 a. Haton de la Goupilli^re, J. N,, 60 b. Haughton, S-., 63 a. Haupt, H., 41 a. Hausmann, F. K., 56 b. Hayes, J. L., 60 b. Heat, 74 b. Heat Tables, 12 a. Heather, J. F., 8 a, 52 a. Hehl, J., 63 b. Heilbronner, J. C., 5 a. Heinen, F., 51 b. Heis, , 65 b. Heliodorus Lai'issmis, 14 b. Helmholtz, H. L. F., 68 a b. Helvig, H., 66 b. Hemming, G. W., 36 b. Hempfing, J. C, 39 a. Henkle, W. -D., 25 b. Henry, J., 68 b, 69 b. Herapath, J., 46 b, 47 a. Heretical Literature, 21 b. Herling, , 34 b. Hermes, E. S. T. O., 47 b, 57 a. Plerschel, J. F. W., 31 a, 45 b, 68 a. Herzberg, R., 38 a. Heydenreich, F. F., 79 a. Higgs, P., 69 b. Highton, E., 72 b. Hildenbrand, W., 41 a. Hill, G. W., 12 a. Hill, T., 47 b. Hincke, J., 24 b. Hind, J., 24 b. Hind, J. R., 34 a. Hindenburg, K. F., 67 a, 77 b. Hinkley, E., ii b. Hipler, F., 6 b. Him, G. A., 33 b, 42 a. Hirsch, M., 10 b, 12 a, 24 b. Hirschvogel, A., 47 b. History, 4 b, 81 a. History of the Telegraph, 72 a. Hittorf, W., 70 a. Hoche, M., 64 a. Hoche, R., 63 b., Hodder, J., 29 b. Hoene de Wronski, J., 22 b. Hoffmann, L., 4 a. Hofmann, F., 80 li. Hohr, D., 10 b. Holden, E. S., 3 a, 7 b, 31 a, 34 Hollander, D. d’, 35 b. Holybush, J. de, 34 b. Holy wood, J. de, 34 b. Home. R., 66 b. Honigmann, J., 76 b. Hoogeven, T., 64 b. Hopkins, \V., 79 a. Hoppe, E. R. E., 37 b. Horology, 59 a. Horrebow, 1'., 17 b. Horstmann, W. 11., 71 a. Hoskioer, V., 71 a. Houel, G. L., 51 a. Hoiiel, J., II b, 12 b, 33 b, 39 a. Howison, G. H., 49 b. Hubbard, G. G., 73 a. Huberdt, A., 49 a. Hudson observatory, 33 a. Hughes, S., 43 b. Hulsen, M., 51 b, 55 b. Hiilsmann, H., 54 b. Humber, W., 40 b, 41 a. Humphreys, A. A., 42 a. Hunyady, E. v., 55 b. Hutt, W. W., 10 a. 87 Hutton, C., 4 a, 12 b, 17 b, 20 b, 53 a. Huyghens, C., 17 b. Hyde, E. W., 41 a. Hydraulic Engineering, 29 b. Hydraulic Motors, 29 b. Hydrodynamics, 64 a. Hydrography, 54 a. Hydrostatics, 64 a. Hymers, J., 26 b, 38 a b, 51 a, 54 h 79 a. Hyperbolic Functions, 46 a. Hypsometry, Tables in, 13 a. TAMBLICHUS Chalcidensis, 1 14 b. Ibach, F., 49 a. Ideler, C. L., 6 b. Ideler, J. L., 65 b. Imaginaries, 59 a. Instruments, 7 a, 81 a. Insurance, 27 b. Integrals, Definite, 38 a. Interest, 27 b. Isherwood, B. F., 44 a. JACKSON, I. W., 62 a. Jackson, J., 68 a. Jackson, J. S., 10 a. Jacob, A., 40 b, 43 b. Jacobi, A., 77 b. Jacobi, C. F. A., 47 b, 57 a, 58 a. Jacobi, K. G. J., 17 b, 27 b. Jacqmin, F., 44 a. Jacquier, E., 22 b. Jacquier, F., 38 a. Jakobi, J. T. M., 56 a. Jameson, F. J., 10 a. Jamin, J. C., 68 a. Janisch, O. K. F., 56 b, 58 b. Jiinsch, E. R., 51 b. Jean, A., 29 b. Jellett, J. H., 74 b. Jenkin, F., 69 b, 70 a. Jerrard, G. B., 26 b. Jess, Z., 53 b. Joachimslhal, F., 38 a, 47 b, 49 b, 50 a, 58 a. Joanet, J., 47 b. Job, , 27 a. Johnson, L., 29 b. Jolly, P. G., 46 a. Jones, C. A., 10 b. Jones, U., 28 a. Jones, G. W., 79 b. Jones, J., 23 b, 28 a. Jones, T., 35 b. Jon([uieres, E. de., 51 b. Jordan, C., 26 b. Journal de mathdmatiques, 8 b. Journal des mines, 81 b. Journal des tel^graphes, 8i b. Journal f. d. reine u. angew. Math., 8 b. Jullien, A., 52 a. Junge, E. F., 6 b. Jiirgensen, C., 77 b. j^AMBLY, L., 52 a. Kast, J. U., 51 b. Kastner, A. G., 5 a, 22 1). Kayer, E., 79 a. 68 INDEX. Kelland, P., 23 a, 24 b. Kelton, J. C., 66 a. Kendall, A., 73 a. Kent^ W., 45 a. Kepler, J., 17 b. Kiepert, F. W. A. L., 56 a. Kiessling, F. G., 56 b. Kinematics, 64 b. Kircher, A., 56 b. Kirchhoff, G., 76 a. Klein, H., 45 a, 48 a. Kletke, C. A., 32 b, 57 a. Klingenstierna, S., 56 a. Klinger, K, F. A., 59 b. Kliigel, G. S., 4 a, 22 b. Knoche, J. H., 14 b. Knorr, E., 35 b. Knorre, V. C., 33 a. Kohler, H. G., 12 b. Kohlrausch, F., 45 a. Kokides, D. K., 34 b. Konen, H., 65 a. Koniecki, , 69 a. Konig, J. F., 65 a. Konigl. sachs. Teleg.-Linien., 73 a. Kbnigsberger Archiv., 9 a. Konitzer, J. S., 24 b, 27 a. Koppe, C, 23 a. Koppe, C. F. A., 80 a. Korneck, G., 54 b. Krause, , 51 b. Kribben, J. J., 23 b, 79 a. Kries, F. C., ii a. Kroll, , 50 a. Krumme, W., 76 a. Kruse, , 46 a. Kuckuck, A., 76 a. Kiihnert, E. H., 70 a. Kiilp, E. J., 56 a. Kummer, E. E., 78 b. Kupffer, A. T., 39 a. Kurz, J. D., 42 b. j^ABOULAYE, C. P. L., 60 b. La Condamine, C. M. de., 32 a. Lacroix, S. F., 23 a, 24 b, 29 b, 36 b, 45 b, 48 a, 52 a, 76 b, 79 a. Ladrasch, R., 55 b. Lagrange, J. L. de., 18 a, 27 a, 37 b, 62 a. Laisant, , 59 a. Laisant, C. A., 46 a. La Lande, J. le F. de., 12 b. Lampe, E., 63 b. Lainy, B., 20 b, 62 a. Landen, J., 18 b, 36 b, 77 a. I^angdon, W. E., 43 a. Langley, B., 53 a. Lankeren Matthes, D. v., 57 a. Lanzac, A., 80 b. Laplace, P. S. de., 18 b, 26 a, 31 b, 62 a, 76 b. Lardner, D., 36 b, 44 a, 50 b, 68 a, 71 a, 79 b. I>a Rive, A. de., 69 b. Katham, B., 43 b. Latitude, 59 b. l.augel, A., 75 a. Laurencin, P., 69 b. J.aw, IL, 39 b, 43 b. J^awrence, C. I)., 24 b. Least Squares, 77 a. Le Cointe, I. L. A., lO a, 79 b. Le Conte, J., 75 b. Ledoux, C., 60 b. Lee, C., 29 b. Lee, T. J., 53 b. Leeds correspondent, 9 a., Lees, W., 68 a. Lefebure de Fourcy, L. E. L., 24 b, 49 b, 79 b. Legendre, A. M., 38 a, 46 a, 48 a. Leibbrand, M., 63 a. Leibnitz, G. W. v., 18 b, 57 b. Leipziger Magazin f. Math., 9 a. Leitch, J. M. 73 a. Leitzmann, , 64 a. Lejeune Dirichlet, P. G., 78 b. Leroy, C. F. A., 51 a, 52 a b. Le Seur, T., 38 a. Leslie, J., 5 a, 29 b, 49 a. Lesseps, F. de, 41 b. Lessing, . , 76 b. Leurchon, J., 18 b. Leuzinger, , 49 a. Levi-Alvares, D., 68 a. Lewis, G. C., 6 b. Ley, J. F., 26 b, 46 a. Leybourn, T., 10 a. Leybourn, W., 53 b, 58 b. L’Hospital, G. F. A. de, 54 b, 55 b. L’Huillier, S. A. J., 36 b. Libri-Carrucci d. Sommaia, G. B. I. r., 3 a, 5 a. Lie, S., 38 b. Light, Velocity of, 76 a. Lighthouses, 42 a. Lintern, W., 54 a. Lionnet, E., 26 a. Literal Equations, 27 a. Lockyer, J. N., 31 a, 76 a. Locomotive Engines, 44 b. Loffelholz-Colberg, F. v., 3 a. Logarithmic Tables, 12 a. Logarithms, 60 a. Lo-Looz, R. de, 66 a. Lommel, E., 75 b, 76 a. Lonchampt, A,, 10 a. London, Edinb., & Dublin phil. mag., 9 a. Longitude, 59 b. Longomontanus, C. S., 57 b. Loof, , 60 a. Loomis, E., 6 b, 12 b, 24 b, 29 b, 33 b, 34 b, 48 a, 50 b, 65 b, 68 a, 79 b. Loomis, F. E., 35 a, 45 a, 65 a. Lorberg, II., 69 b. Lorek, E. F., 31 b. Lorenz, J. F., 20 b. Lorgna, A. M., 77 b. Loring, A. E., 71 a. Lotz, , 56 b. Lotz, J. F., 46 a. Lotze, II., 78 a. Lovering, J,, 76 a. Lubbock, J. W., 32 b, 76 b. Liibsen, H. B., 48 a. Luchini da Pesaro, D., 39 b. Luchlerhandt, A. R., 58 a. Liickcn, , 55 a. Lufllarn, W., 20 b. Liidtge, R., 69 b. Lumi^re ^lectrique (La), 81 b. Lurtz, F. E., 13 a. Lyman, E., 44 a. lyjC ALPINE, W. J., 39 b. Mac Cord, C. W., 44 a. McCulloch, R. S., 75 a. Machinery, 60 b. M’Intire, J., 31 a. Mackay, A., 7 b, ii a, 59 b. ^ Mackenzie, C. F., 10 a. Maclaurin, C., 24 b, 25 a, 36 b, 62 a. McMaster, J. B., 41 a, 42 a. Maerker, F. J., 64 b. Magnetic telegraph co., 73 a. Magnetism, 69 a, 70 b. Malcolm, A., 30 a. Malkin, B. H., 31 a. Mallet, A., 44 a. Malortide Martemont, C. S., 66 b. Malton, T., 48 a. Manilius, M., 31 a. Mansfield, J., 18 b. Mansion, P., 38 b, 39 a. Marbach, H., 39 a. Marcet, J. H., 68 a. Marcker, , 46 b. Marcoz, J. B. P., 34 a. Marey, E. J., 63 a. Marie, M., 48 a. Marine Engines, 45 a. Marolois, S., i8 b, 52 b. Marqfoy, G., 43 a, 72 b. Marten, E. B., 44 b. Martin, B., 62 a. Martine, G., 8 a. Martinez de Lizarraga, P. J., 30 a Maseres, F., 26 b, 27 a, 60 a, 67 a. Mass. — Board of R. R. com., 43 a. Mass. — Conun. on Iloosac tunnel, 45 b. Mass. — Comm, on T roy Cf Green- field R. R., 45 b. Mathematical diary, 9 a. Mathematical exam, papers, 10 a. Mathematical magazine, 9 a. Mathematical miscellany, 9 a. Mathematical monthly, 9 a. Mathematical repository, 9 a. • Mathematical sciences (The), 20 b. Mathematical visitor, 9 a. Mathematician (The), 9 a. Mathematics, 23 a. Mathematische Annalen, 9 a. Mathematisk Tidsskrift, 9 a. Matthes, K. J., 23 b, 56 b. Matthiessen, H. F. L., 64 a. Maur, A., 51 b. Maurolico, F., 18 b, 30 a. Maxima, 61 a. Maxwell, J. C., 68 a, 69 b, 74 b. Mayer, A. M., 68 a. Mayer, J. T., 36 b, 53 a. Mayer-D’Almbert, M., 24 a. Mayhew, I., 35 b. Maynz, A., 78 a. Mayr, A., 51 a. Measures, 80 b. Mechanical Engineering, 42 b Mechanics, 61 b, 81 b. Mechanics, Animal, 63 a. Mechanics, Applied, 63 a. INDEX. 89 Mechanics, Celestial, 31 b. Mechanics, Problems in, 1 1 a. Meibauer, R. O., 35 b, 76 b. Meier, J., 32 b. Melde, F., 63 b. Mensing, J. G. W., 50 b. Mensuration, 53 a. Merian, J. R., 64 a. Merrill, W. E., 41 a. Merriman, M., 41 a. Mersenne, M., 66 a. Meteorology, 65 a. Aleteorology, Tables in, 13 a. Method of Mathematics, 22 a. Metius, A., 21 a, 53 a. Meyer, A., 38 a. Meyer, C. F., 56 b, 58 a, 78 b. Meyer, G. F., 38 a. Meyer, J. T., 46 b. Michaelis, G., 76 b. Michaelis, W. J. H., 58 b. Michelson, A. A., 76 a. Miege, B., 71 b. Military Art and Science, 66 a. Military Engineering, 66 a. Millar, W. J., 39 b. Miller, W. H., 64 b. Minifie, W., 53 a. Minima, 61 a. Mink, W., 58 b. Minto, W., 5 a. Miscellaneous Applications, 21 b. Mobius, A. F., 32 a, 51 b. Mohammed ben Musa al-Khowar- ezmi, 14 b. Moigno, F. N. M., 36 b, 38 a b, 73 a. Moivre, A. de, 76 b. Mollmann, B., 46 b, 57 a. Monaghan, R. E., 71 b. Money, 80 b. Monge, G., 52 a b, 65 a. Monteregio, J., 58 b. Montferrier, A. S. de, 4 b. Montmort, P. R. de, 76 b. Montucla, J. E., 5 b, 57 b. Moon, 32 b. Moore, J., 21 a. Moore, R., 4 b. Moore, W., 66 b. Morgan, H. A., 10 a. Morison, G., 40 b. Morrieson, N., 54 a. Morris, E,, 54 a, Morse, S. F. B., 71 b, 73 a, 74 a. Morton, 1\, 48 a. Moseley, H., 40 a, 56 b. Most, , 69 b. Moxon, J., 4 b, 31 a. Mulcahy, J., 51 b. Muller, , 54 1), 56 a. Muller, A., 26 b, 30 a. Miiller, C. R., 56 b. Muller, F. II., 78 a. Muller, F. M., 6 b. Muller, II. F., 46 b. Muller, J., 21 a. Muller, J. II. T., 57 a, 58 b. Multiple Algebra, 59 a. Murhard, F. \V. A., 3 a. Murphy, R., 26 b. Murray, D.-, 54 a. Muttrich, J. A., 68 b. I^AHUYS, G. J., 60 b. Napier, J., 60 b. Narrien, J., 50 a. Natani, L., 36 b, 38 b. National teleg. review, 81 b. National teleg. union, 73 a. Nauck, F., 80 b. Nautical almanac (Amer.), ii b, 34 b. Nautical almanac (Brit.), 12 a. Nautical hstruments, 8 a. Navarrete, M. F., 5 b. Navier, C. L. M. H., 36 b. Navigation, 66 b. Navigation Tables, 13 a. Nebulce, 32 b. Neper, J., 60 b. . Netto, E., 46 b. Neumann, C., 46 a b. New England teleg. co., 73 a. New South Wales — Sup'' t of teleg., 73 b. New York {City) — Croton aque- duct dep't, 40 b. New York {City) — Dep'^ of parks, 65 b. New York {State) — State engi- neer, 41 b, 43 a. New York {State) — University, 65 b. New York & Boston teleg. assoc., 73 b. Newcomb, S., 31 a, 32 a b, 33 a, 35 a, 59 b. Newman, , 73 b. Newman, F. W., 48 a. Newton, I., 5 b, 18 b, 19 a, 21 b, 25 a, 36 b, 55 1), 62 a, 75 b. Newton’s philosophiska systeme, 62 1). Neydecker, , 54 b. Nichol, J. P., 4 b, 35 a. Nicholson, P., 19 a, 27 a, 53 a. Nicomachus Gerasenus, 15 a. Niegemann, A., 58 b. Noad, II. M., 69 1). Nollet, J. A., 69 h. North Amer. teleg. assoc., 73 b. Northumbrian mirror, 9 a. Norton, W. A., 31 a. Notices of the telegraph, 73 b. Nourse, J. E., 33 a. Nouv. annales de mathem., 9 a. Nugent, E., 75 b. Numerical Equations, 27 a. QBSERVATORIE.S, 32 b. Observer, pseud., 6 b. Occultations, 32 a. Oettinger, L., 45 b. Ofterdinger, L. F., 5 b, 57 a. Ohio — Com. of railroads and teleg. , 43 a. Ohm, M., 50 b. Oliver, J. E., 51 a, 79 b. Olivier, 1'., 52 a. Olney, E., 25 a, 48 a, 50 a, 79 b. Optics, 75 b. Orbits {Computation of), 33 a. Orchard, W., 28 a. O’Reilly, H., 73 a b. Organization {Military), 66 b. Orlebar, A. B., 21 a. Orton, W., 73 b. Ottemann, 55 a, 58 a. Oughtred, W., 7 b, 27 a, 79 b. Our schoolday visitor, 9 a. Outposts, 66 b. Oxford — Univ. — Radcliffe obs., 33 a, 35 a. Ozanam, J., 4 b, 19 a. Paczkowski, I., 56 b. Pagan. B. F. de, 48 a. Painvin, L., 51 a. Palmer, A., 30 a. Palmieri, L., 70 a. Paoli, P., 25 a.' Parallaxes, 33 b. Parallel Lines, 56 b. Paris — Conference teleg. intern., 73 b. Parke, U., 23 a. Parker, J. A., 21 b. Parkinson, S., 62 b, 75 b. Parkinson, T., 62 b. Particle, Dynarwcs of a, 63 b. Pascal, B., 19 a. Paterson, J., 59 a. Peabody, S. II., 31 a. Peacock, G., ii a, 25 a, 79 b. Peck, W. C., 62 b. Peck, W. G., 4 a. P^clet, E., 75 a. Peirce, B., 12 a, 25 a, 33 b, 36 b, 48 a, 59 a, 62 b, 68 b, 79 b. Peirce, J. M., 12 b, 50 b. Pemberton, II., 62 b. Pendulum, 63 b. People’s teleg. co., 73 b. Perdonnet, A., 43 a. Perger, A. C., 56 b. Periodicals, 8 a, 81 a. Perkins, G. R., 25 a, 30 a, 48 a. Permutations, 67 a. Perspective, 52 a. Perturbations, 33 b. Peschke, , 55 a. Peters, C. F. W., 31 b. Peters, C. II. F., 63 b. Petersen, J., ii a. Petr, T., 25 a. Pettigrew, J. B., 63 a. Peuerbach, G. v., 34 a. Peyrard, F., 7 a. Phear, J. B., 64 b. Philosophical essay on billiards, 22 a. Philosophy of Mathematics, 22 a. Physics, 67 b. Physics, Problems in, 1 1 a. Piani, 1)., 57 b. Pickering, E. C., 35 a. Pictet, R., 81 a. Pihl, ()., 65 a. Pike, N., 30 a. Pilaar, J. C., 67 a. Planet Neptune ( I'he), 34 a. Planets, 33 b. Planudes, Maximus, 15 a. Platts, J., 10 b. 90 INDEX. Plauzoles, C. de, 12 b. Playfair, J., 5 b, 19 a, 48 b. Plummer, j. L, 31 a. Plurality of Worlds, 34 a. Pneumatics, 64 b, 81 b. Pochet, L., 44 a. PoggendorfF, j. C., 3 a. Poinsot, L., 64 b, 65 a, 78 b. Poisson, S. D., 62 b, 75 a. Polyedrons, 57 a. Polygons, 57 a. Poncelet, J. V., 50 a, 51 b. Pontecoulant, P. G. D. de, 31 b. Poor, H. V., 43 a. Porter, C, T., 44 a. Poselger, F. J.,»78 b. Potter, R., 75 b. Pouillet, C. S. M. M. R., 68 a. Practical Geometry, 52 b. Praetorius, I., 64 a. Prasse, M. v., 56 a. Preece, W. H., 71 b. Prescott, G. B., 71 b. Prestel, M. A. F., 55 a. Price, B., 36 b. Price, R., 28 a. Prideaux, T. S., 44 b. Pritchett, IL S., 59 b. Privat Deschanel, A., 68 b. Probabilities, 76 b. Problemata arithmetica, 10 b. Problems, 9 b, 81 b. Proclus, 15 a. Proctor, R. A., 31 a, 34 a, 35 ab. Progress, Peter, 73 b. Projectiles, 66 a. Projection, 53 a. Prowe, L. F., 6 b. Ptolemaeus, Claudius, 15 a. Puckle, G. H., 55 a. Puissant, L., 50 a b, 54 a. Pujazon, C., 7 b. Purbach, G. v., 34 a. Putiatycki, , 78 a. Pyne, G., 52 b. Q UACKENBOS, G. P., 30 a, 68 b. Quadratics, 26 b. Quadrature of the Circle, 21 b, 57 b. Qualities, 77 a. Quapp, A., 58 a. Quarterly journ, of math., 9 b. Quaternions, 59 a. Quetelet, L. A. J., 5 b, 76 b. Quinby, I. IC, 37 a. Quincke, G. A., 69 a. Rabuel, C., 50 a. Radan, R., 69 a. Radcliffc observatory, 33 a, 35 a. Rae, J., 43 a. Railroad gazette, 81 b. Railroads, 42 b, Ramchundra, 61 a. Ramus, C., 46 a. Rankcn, F. A., 41 a. Rankine, W. J. M,, 4 b, 22 a, 40 a, 44 a, 61 a, 63 a. Raper, II., 67 a. Raphson, j., 23 a, 26 I . Rational Fractions, 27 b. Rauschenbusch, C. F. A., 37 b. Ray, T., 10 b, 2"; a, 30 a. Record, R., 30 a. Redtenbacher, J. F., 61 a. Reed, H. T., 66 a. Refraction, 34 a, 76 a. Regiomontanus, J., 58 b. Reid, H., 30 a. Reid, J. D., 73 b. Reidt, , 10 b. Reimnitz, , 56 a. Rensselaer polyt. inst., 9 b. Renvers, , 80 b. Renwick, J., 62 b. Repertorium f. Experimental- Physic, 81 b. Report of banquet by Field, 73 b. Report of dinner tc Morse, 73 b. Resal, A. H., 31 b, 62 b, 64 b. Resistance of Materials, 45 a. Retainmg Walls, 43. b. Reuleaux, F., 61 a. Reynaud, L., 42 b. Reynolds, E. M., 23 b, 48 b. Riccardi, Pr, 3 b. Riccati, V., 25 a. Richter, A., 58 b. Riddle, E., 59 b. Riemann, C. F. B., 19 a, 46 b. Riess, P. T., 70 a. Rigaud, S. P., 5 b. Rigg, A., 44 a. Rijke, P. L., 53 a b, 70 a, 76 a. Ritchie, W., 37 a. Ritt, G., 50 b Ritzefeld, A., 51 a, 56 a, 58 a. Rivard, D. P'., 12 b. Roads, 43 b. Robertson, A., 55 a. Robins, B., 23 a. Robinson, H. N., 54 a. Robinson, S. W., 61 a. Roebling, J. A., 41 b. Roehr, , 80 a. Rogers, F., 70 b. Rogers, H. J., 71 b, 72 b. Rogg, L, 49 a. Rogg. 3 b. Rollmann, W., 70 a. Roos, J. D. C. de, 61 a. Roper, S., 40 a, 44 a b. Rosenhain, J. G., 46 b. Rotation, 64 b. Rotherham, W., 10 b. Rothig, J. W. O., 46 b, 65 a. Rothman, R. W., 6 b. Rotrou, L. de, 41 b. Rottenbach, II., 23 a. Rouch^, E., 48 b. Roudolf, W., 63 b. Routh, E. J., 10 a, 63 b. Roux, P'. L., 71 b. Rowan, F. J., 44 b. Rowlett, J., 28 a. Ruffini, P., 77 a. Ruprecht, , 5 b. Russell, R. W., 73 b. Ryan, J., 25 a, 31 a. Rzepecki, L. V. de B., 31 b. Rziha, P'., 45 b. gABINE, R., 73 b. Sacro Bosco, J. de, 34 b. Safford, T. H., 35 a. Saladini, G., 25 a. Salmon, G., 51 a, 55 a b, 77 a. Salusbury, T., 19 a. San Francisco — Board of Trade 41 b. Sandeman, A., 25 b. Sands, B. F., 32 a. Sanford, S. P., 25 b. Sanitary Engineei'ing, 43 b. Sarres, , 55ab. Sarrus, P. F., 27 a. Satellites, 33 b. Saunderson, N., 25 b. Sauri, I’abbe, 21 a. Schaeffer, W., 46 a. Scheffler, A. C. W. H., 59 a. Scheibel, J. E., 3 b. Scheibert, , 78 a. Scheibner, W., 33 b. Schell, A., 32 a. Schell, W., 56 b, 58 a. Schellbach, K. H., lO a, 37 b, 64 a. Schellen, H., 71 b, 76 a. Schellendorff, B. v., 66 b Schenk, J., ii a. Scherling, C., 56 b. Schimmel, G. L., 26 b. Schlomilch, O., 25 b, 37 a, 46 a, 78 a. Schmeisser, J. C. F., 23 a. Schmidt, J., 10 a. Schmidt, J. P., 78 a. Schmidt, K. C. G., 15 a. Schnabel, C., 25 b, 49 a. Schneider, J. P., 32 b. Schniirlein, L. C., 78 a. Schoenfeld, E., 31 b. Scholz, J., 52 b. Schon, J. J., 26 b, 46 a. Schondorff, A., 61 b. Schonemann, T., 64 b, 78 b. Schooten,, F. v., 19 a, 50 a. Schott, K., 21 a. Schreiber, , 26 b. Schroeder, P., 49 a. Schroeter, J. PL, 34 a. Schron, H. L. PL, 12 b. Schuberb E., 12 a. Schultze, C., 64 b. Schulz von Strassnicki, L. C.» 27 a. Schumacher, PI. C., 3 b. Schumann, A., 58 a. Schumann, J. II. K. E., 70 b. Schur, W., 35 a. Schuyler, A., 25 b, 48 b. Schwarz, A., 78 a. Schwarz, II., 23 a. 50 b, 78 b. Schwarz, K. A. A., 58 a. Schwering, K. M. J. G., 51 a. Schwilgue, C., 59 Scratchley, A., 28 a. Sebas, C. L., 23 a. S^dillot, L. P. E. A., 6 b. Seegers, K., 46 b. Series, 77 a. SeiTct, J. A., 25 b, 30 a, 37 a, 79 Serret, P., 23 b, 48 b, 51 a. Sestini, B., 25 b, 35 b, 48 b. Seymour, S., 43 a. INDEX. 91 Sganzin, I., 40 a. Shades, 52 a. Shadows, 52 a. Shaffnei-’s teleg. companion, 81 b. Shaw, W. J., 66 b. Sherwin, T., 25 b. Shock, W. H., 44 b. Shortrede, R., 13 a. Shreve, S. H., 41 b. Shute, J. M., 45 b. Shiitte, , 56 a. Sidereal messenger, 9 b. Siemens, W., 71 b, Silliman, B. jr., 68 b. Simms, F. W., 54 a. Simon, E. O. A., 38 b, 58 a. Simon, M., 55 a. Simons, G., 75 a. Simson, R., 55 a. Simpson, T., 19 a, 25 b, 37 a, 48 »b. Sluse, R. F. de, ii a. Smiles, S., 7 a. Smith, A. W., 62 b. Smith, Barnard, 30 a. Smith, F. H., 52 a. Smith, F. O. J., 73 a b, 74 a. Smith, J. E., 71 b. Smith, J. H., 25 b. Smith, James, 21 b. Smith, R. A., 65 b. Smith, Seba, 48 b. Smithsonian inst., 32 a. Snowball, J. C., 62 b, 79 b, 80 a b. Society of engineers, 81 b. Sohncke, L., 38 b. Sohncke, L. A., ii a. Solar System, 34 a. Somerset, E. A. St. M., 55 a. Sonnet, II., 4 b, 10 b. Sop with, T., 53 b. Spangenburg, L., 45 a. Spare, J., 37 b. Spectrum Analysis, 76 a. Speidell, J., ii a. Sperling, J., 79 b. Sperling, J. G. A., 59 b, 61 b. Spheres, 57 b. Spieker, 55 a. Spiller, W. H., 25 b. Spirals, 56 b. Spoil, E., 4 a b. Sporer, G. F. W., 35 b. Stade, , 79 b. Stahl, A. W., 61 a. Stanley, A. D., 13 a, 48 b. Stars, 34 b. Statics, 64 b. Steam and Steam Engine, 43 b. Stebbins, J. H., 70 a. Steblecki, A., 70 b. Steele, J. I)., 31 a, 68 b. Steele, W. 64 a. Steen, A., 23 a. Steenstra, P., 66 b. Stegmann, F. L., 57 b. Steiner, J., 51 b. Stephensen, O., 30 a. Stereotomy, 52 b. Stevens, B., 30 a. Stevenson, D., 41 b. Stevin, S., 19 b. Stewart, B., 74 b, 75 a. Stoddard, J. F., 25 b. Stoltzenburg, , 27 b. Stoltzing, , 67 a. Stone, J. B., 70 b. Stoney, B. B., 41 b. Straith, H., 66 a. Strategy, 66 b. Strehlke, F., 65 b. Strettgth of Alaterials, 45 a. Strong, M., 23 a. Strong, T., 25 b, 37 a. Stuart, C. B., 7 a. Sturm, T. C. F., 27 b, 37 a, 62 b. Sturm, R., 58 a. Suerman, A. K. W., 75 a. Sjin, 35 b. Suifaces {higher or general), 57 b. Surfaces of the id Order, 50 b. Surveying, 53 a. Sutton, R., 74 a. Svanberg, A. F., 70 a. Swaim, J., 71 a. Swart, W. S., 75 a. Symmetric Functions, 46 a. Systems of Equations, 27 b. Szenic, S., 51 a. q^ABER, C. A. M., 65 b. Tables, ii b. Tables of stars, 12 a. Tacquet, A., 19 b. Tactics, 66 b. Tagert, , 46 b. Tait, P. G., 59 b, 64 a, 68 b. Tangencies, 58 a. Tappan, E. T., 48 b. , Tarn, E. W., 53 a. Tarnier, £. A., 53 a. Tartaglia, N., 30 a, 66 b. Tate, J. S., 43 b. Taylor, B., 37 a, 52 b. Taylor, C., 52 b, 55 a. Taylor, T., 78 b. Taylor, W. B., 5 b, 74 a. Tefft, T. A., 74 a. Telegraph, 70 b. Telegraph, History of, 72 a. Telegraph Service, 72 a. Tellurian mfg. co., 32 b. Temme, A. J., 56 a. Tenner, G. \V., 78 b. Thacher, G. II., 6 b. Theodosius, 15 a. Theory of Numbers, 78 a. Thermodynamics, 75 a. Thermometer, 8 a. Thiele, J. C. G., 23 a. Thoman, F., 13 a, 28 a. Thomson, J., 37 a. Thomson, J. B., 30 b. Thomson, W., 68 b, 70 a. Thurston, R. 1 1., 44 a. I'ides, 35 b. Tidsskrift for Mathem.,. 9 b. Tiele, B., 31 b. Tielemans, K., 56 a. Tietz, J., 65 a. Tillich, , 23 a. Timmermans, J. A., 62 b. Tobisch, J. K., 56 a. Todhunter, 1., 7 a, 25 b, 26 b, 37 b, 38 a b, 46 a, 50 b, 51 a, 65 a, 77 a, 79 1), 80 a b. Tomlinson, C., 64 b. I'opographical Drawing, 54 a. Torelli, G., 48 b. Total eclipse of i860, 32 a. Tower, I). B., 26 a. Townsend, R., 51 b. Tracy, C., 30 b. Transits, 33 b. Trautwine, J. C., 40 a, 43 a, 54 a. Tredgold, T., 44 b. Tresca, H., 52 a. Triangles, 58 a. Trigono 7 netrical Problems, II b, 81 b. Trigonometry, 78 b. Trigonometry, Plane, 80 a. Trigotiofuetiy, Sphei'ical, 80 b. Trinity college — Observatory, 33 a. Trousdale, L., 74 a. Trowbridge, D., 35 b. Trowbridge, W. P., 42 a. Trusses, 40 b. Tiuinels, 45 b. Turnbull, A. H., 28 b. Turnbull, J., 44 b. Turnbull, W., 40 b. Tuxen, S. L., 67 a. Twilt, A., 26 a. Twysden, J., ii a, 39 b. Tyndall, J., 70 b, 75 a. IJHDOLPH, J.,30 b. Uhland, W. IL, 61 a. Ullbrich, , 55 b. Undulation, 63 b. Ungerer, T. R., 71 b. U. S. — Army, 65 b. U. S . — Bureau of tiavigation, 70 b. U. S . — Chief of engineers, 40 a. U. S . — Coast survey, 54 a, 65 b. U. S . — Engineer dept., 3 b. U. S . — House of rep., 74 a. U. S . — Light house hoard, 42 b. U. S. naval observatory, 33 a. U. S . — Patent office, 65 b. U. S . — Signal service, 65 b. Uses of Mathematics, 22 a. Uth, C., 58 a. Uylenbroek, P. J., 7 b, 46 a. Yacquant, C., 52 a. Vail, A., 71 b, 72 a, 73 a. Valentiner, C. W. F. J., 32 a. ValRs, F., 59 b. Valson, C. A., 5 b. Van Amringe, W. F., 75 a. Van Buren, J. 1)., jr. 45 a. Van Nostrand’s eng. mag., 81 b. Varignon, P., 37 a. Varley, C. F., 70 a. Vega, G. V., 13 a. Venn, J., 77 a. Venturoli, G., 62 b, 63 a. Verdam, G. J., 42 a. 57 60 a, Venlet, £., 19 b. Verdy du Vernois, I. v., 66 a. Veiliulst, P. F., 46 b. Verzeichniss der Sterne, 35 a. Viallet, G., 39 b. ViaiU, J., 30 a. 92 INDEX. Vieille, J. M. L., 26 a. Vieta, F., 19 b. Vince, S., 37 a, 64 b. Vinchent, J., 74 a. Vision, 75 b. Viviani, V., 49 a, 61 b. Voigt, , 63 b. Vollhering, , 64 a. Vorsselman de Heer, P. O. C., 57 b. Vose, G. L., 26 a, 43 a. Vossius, G. J., 5 b. w ACHTER, F. L., 34 a. Wackernagel, P., 57 a. Wagner, G., 81 a. Wahl, F. W. L., 57 a, 80 b. Wainwright, W. P., 63 a. Wait, L. A., 79 b. Wal, H. de, 75 a. Waldaestel, H., 55 b. Walker, C. V., 72 a. Walker, G., 55 a, 57 b. Walker, J., 23 a. Walker, S. C. , 34 a. Walker, W. F., 30 b. Wall, J. V. der, 67 a. Wallis, J., 19 b, 26 a. Walton, W., 9 b, 10 a, II a, 51 a. Ward, J., 21 a. Ware, S., 41 b. Waring, E., 26 a, 37 a, 55 b. Warner, J. , 40 a, 54 a. Warren, S. E., ii a, 52 b. Wartmann, E., 72 a. Washington and N« O. teleg. co., 74 a. Water Supply, 40 a. Watson, H. W., 10 a, 69 a. Watson, J. C., 34 b. Watts, L, 31 a. Waud, S. W., 50 a. Wave Theory, 76 a. Webber, S., 21 a, 61 a. Webster, T., 64 b. Wedgwood, H., 23 b. Weidenmiiller, C., 56 a. Weights and Measures, 80 b. Weinhold, A. F., 68 b. Weirauch, K., 78 b. Weisbach, J., 40 a. Weiss, J. J., 72 a. Weissenborn, C., 27 b. Welcker, W. T., 26 a. Wellington, A. M., 40 a, 54 a. Wells, D. A., 68 b. Wells, E., 21 a, 48 b. Wenckebach, W., 41 b. Western union teleg. co., 74 a. Westphal, J. H., 7 a. Wex, G., 42 a. Weyland, j., 55 a. Weyrauch, J. J., 45 b. Wheatstone, C., 74 b. Wheeler, J. B., 40 a, 66 a. Whewell, W., 23 a, 34 a, 37 b, 56 a, 62 b, 63 b. Whipple, S., 41 b. Whitehouse, E. O. W., 72 a, 74 b. Whitlock, G. C., 48 b. Whitworth, W. A., 50 b, 77 a. Wichmann, R., 80 a. Wiebe, F. K. H., 61 a. Wiedemann, G., 70 b. Wiegand, A., 26 a, 30 b, 48 b, 49 a, 50 a b, 58 b, 67 a, 80 a. Wilde, A., 23 b. Wilde, E., 23. a, 75 b. Wilhelm, T.,. 4 b, 66 a. Wilkins, J., 19 b. Wilkinson, M. M. U., lo a, 38 b. Wilkinson, W., 64 a. Willert, A., 51 a. Williamson, B., 37 b, 38 a. Williamson, R. S., 7 b, 13 a. Willis, R., 61 a. Wilson, R., 79 b. Wilson, W. D., 23 a. Winkler, E. O., 80 a. Winlock, J., 12 a. Winnecke, A., 35 a. Wit, A. de, 44 b. Witt, J. de, 55 b. Witte, , 80 a. Wittiber, F. G. A., 81 b.^ Wituski, L. L., 61 b, 75 'b. Woepcke, F., 15 a, 39 b. Wolf, C., 21 a. Wolf, R., 49 a. Wolseley, G. J., 66 a. Wolstenholme, J., 10 a, 51 a. Wood, De V., 45 b. Wood, James, 63 a. Wood, John, 52 b. Wood, J. G., 52 b. Woodbury, D. P., 40 a, 41 b. Woodhouse, R., 23 b. Woolhouse, W. S. B., 37 b, 80 b. Worlds, Plurality of, 34 a, Worpitzky, , 46 a. Wright, E., 28 b. Wright, I. M. F., 10 b, 63 a. Wright, J., 80 b. Wrigley, A., 10 b. Wiillner, A., 68 b. Wurtz, A., 69 a. ^IMENES, L., 49 a. Y arn ALL, m., 7 b, 33 a, 35 a. Young, A., 21 b. Young, J. R., 19 b, 23 b, 26 a b, 37 b, 38 a, 48 b, 50 a, 60 b, 79 b. Young, T., 34 a. Young, W. B., 80 b. ^AHNER, R., 61 a. Zanotti, E., 52 b. Zech, J., 77 a. Zeller, C., 40 b. Zeuner, G., 44 b, 75 a. Zirkel, P. J., 58 a. Zorer, F., 38 b. Zuchetta, G. B., 30 b. CffnttU Itifirarj? ~L PVts U c? S,i ^ SPECIAL LISTS No. 2 REFERENCES M UN ICIPAL GOVERNMENT (S ' THE UNITED STATES By F. H. FIODDER (From the Library Bulletin, Volume II.) ITHACA, 888 REFERENCES ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT IN THE UNITED The municipal reports of American cities form the original material for a study of their government. Lists of such reports as are to be found in the Uni- versity Library have been printed in vol. ii. pp. 39-42 and 61-2 of the Library Bulletin. As there is no comprehensive work relating to the subjeet of our munieipal institutions, it has been thought that a list of sueh literature as exists in the form of arti- cles in periodicals and occasional lectures and ad- dresses might be useful. The references are divided, so as to correspond to the lectures in the course on this subject given during the spring term of 1887. Nearly all are to books and pamphlets in English, to be found in the University Library. The titles of articles printed in periodicals before January, 1882, may be found in Poole’s Index. Local Government Generally. An outline sketch of local administration should precede the special study of city government. .Short accounts of the systems of local government of the principal countries of continental Europe are given in the Cobden Club Essays: Local Government and Taxation (London, 1875), edited by J. W. Pro- byn. See also E. Pechard’s De Id administration de la France (2 v. Paris, 1851), with ai^pendix on muni- cipal organization in Europe. The best short description of English local gov- ernment is iM. 1 ). Chalmers’s I.ocal Goz-ernment {“ English Citizen ” Series, London, 1883). ^ce also I.ocal Administration (“Imperial Parliament” Series, London, 1887) by Win. Rathbonc, Albert Pell and P'. C. Montague. P'or still shorter account read chap. xv. of May’s Constitutional History, and article on “Local Government in Phigland” by E. J. Giddings in the Political Science Quarterly for Decem- ber, 1887. Supplement Chalmers with Cobden Club Essays : Local Government a 7 id luxation in the United Kingdom (London, 1882), edited by J. W. Probyn. The most exhaustive work on Phiglish local offices is Riulol[)h Gneist’s Self-goi'ernment : Commuiialver- fassung u. Verwaltungsgerichte in England (untrans- lated, 3d ed., 1876). P'or cpiite full bibliograjdiy see Gomme’s Literature of Local Institutimis (London, 1886). The best short outline of local government in the United States is an article by .S. A. Galpin on “Minor Political Divisions of the United States” in Gen. P'. A. Walker’s Statistical Atlas of the United States. The papers on the local institutions of sev- eral of the .States in the Johns Hopkins University STATES. Studies m Historical and Political Scieiice are es- pecially valuable. John Fiske’s lecture on “ The Town Meeting,” delivered at the Royal Institution, was printed in Harper’s Magazine, vol. Ixx. pp. 265-272, and in his American Political Ideas (N. Y. 1885). For comparison of American and foreign methods, read R P. Porter’s article “Local Govern- ment : at Home and Abroad,” Princetofi Revieiv (July, 1879, N. s. vol iv. p 172), and reprinted sep- arately. For further references on local self-gov- ernment see W. F. Foster’s Monthly Referetice Lists, vol. ii. pp. 23-29, and his pamphlet of References oti Political and Economic Topics, p. 24. For Canada, see J. G. Bourinot’s “ Local Govern- ment in Canada : an historical study,” in Transac- tions of the Royal Society of Canada for 1886, vol iv. sec. ii. pp. 42-70. Printed separately by the pub- lishers, and reprinted, with a letter on the municipal system of Ontario, in the 5th series of the Johns Hopkins Studies. European Cities. For the purposes of comparison, a short study should be made of the governments of typical Euro- pean cities. Foreign experienee is of very little assistance in the solution of the general inoblem of municii)al government in the United .States, but it may be useful in indicating improved methods of administration in particular departments of a eity government. Several cities that illustrate different forms of municipal government may be taken as exam[)les. London. .Si)eclally excepted from the operation of the Mu- nicipal Corporations Act of 1835. For outline of government read Chalmers, chap. x. For full de- scription see J. F. B. Firth’s Miuticipal London (1876) and his Reform of I.ondon Govcriimcnt and of City Guilds (“ Imperial Parliament” .Series, Lon- don, 1888). For history of the corporation consult W. J Loftie’s History of London (2d ed., 1884), and the same author’s smaller work, I.ondon, published in 1887 in I'Veeman’s series on “English Historic Towns.” Both books are based on new material, part of it recently discovered by Bishop Stubbs. For additional referenees, see Gomme, ])p. 122-134. 'I'here have been a great many articles on the municipal government of London in recent periodi- cal literature. Among them may be cited those by W. Newall, Contemporary Review, vol. xxii. p. 73 4 CORNELL UNLVERSLTY. (1873), and vol. xxv. p 437 (1875) ; W. M. Torrens, Nmeteenth Century fi88o), vol. viii. p. 766; Aider- man Cotton, Benj. Scott, City Chamberlain, and Sir Arthur Hobhouse in Co 7 itemporary Review, vol. xli. (1882), pp. 72, 308, and 404 respectively; and the Westniijister Rei'iew (January, 1887). Reference may also be made to S. C. Buxton’s LLandbook to Political Qnestio 7 is of the Day (6th ed., London, 1888). The London Government Bill, introduced in 1884, was dropped, owing to pressure of other business. A paper on “ The Government of London,” read by Prof. A. M. Wheeler at the meeting of the American Historical Association in Boston, May 24, 1887, will probably be printed among the papers of the Associa- tion. For a good review of the attempts since i860 to regulate the London gas supply, see an article in the British Quarterly for January, 1879. A Royal Commission on the City Livery Compa- nies reported May 28, 1884. See the discussion by Sir R. A. Cross, one of the dissenting members of the Commission, in the N'i 7 ietee 7 ith Ce 7 itu 7 'y for 1884, vol. xvi. p. 47, and by Sir Arthur Hobhouse in the Co 7 ite 77 ip 07 ’ary Review for 1885, xlvii. p. i. The most important work on the London guilds is William Herbert’s Llistory of the Twelve Great Co 77 ipa 7 iies of Lo 7 ido 7 i (London, 1837). The latest contribution to the subject is Price’s Desc 7 'iptio 7 i of the Guildhall (London, 1887). Berlin. An excellent short account of the government of Berlin is given by Dr. Rudolph Gneist, a member of the municijial council since 1848, in the Co 7 itet 7 ipo- ra/y Review, vol. xlvi. p. 769, December, 1884. See also the report on the “ Administration of the City of Berlin” in F'oreig 7 i Relatio 7 is for 1881, j). 487, made by Assistant-.Secretary of Legation Coleman at the recpiestof Hon. Andrew D. White, then Minister to Germany. Also the articles by Prof. R. T. Ely in the Natio 7 i for March 23 and 30, 1882, vol. xxxiv. pp. 145 and 267. The same writer printed an article on street cleaning in Berlin in the Eve 7 ii 77 g Post for April 6, i88r. Reference may also be made to a lecture by E. Eberty entitled Die Aiifgabe 7 i der Be 7 '- lincr Co 77 i 77 i 7 i 7 ialve 7 -iaaltii 7 tg nnd die ErJwhiaig der stddtische 7 i Steiier 7 i (Berlin, 1878). The Magistracy publish reports at irregular intervals. The first, Bericht iiber die Verwaltit 77 g der Stadt Berli 77 , /;/ de 7 i Jahre/i 1829 bis incl. 1840 (Berlin, 1842), and the second, /« de 7 i yahre 7 i 1841 bis i 7 icL 1850 (Berlin, 1853), are in the University library. A third, ]nib- lished in 1863, covers the period from 1851 to i86o, and a fourth, printed in 1882, covers the period from i86r to 1876. The Director of the Statistical Bureau of the city publishes annually Das Sti/tistische Jahr- buch der Stadt Berli 7 i. 'I'he present municipal system of Prussia dates from the reorganization of the municiiialitics by Stein and Hardenberg, Nov. 19, 1808. Sec Seeley’s Life of Stein, part v., chap, iii., and Meier’s Refor77t der P erwaltn 7 tgs-Orga 7 tizatio 7 i imter Stem tmd Harden- berg (Leipsig, 1881). The present “ Municipal Cor- porations Act” {Stddteord 7 inng) was passed May 30, 1853. See Kotze, Die Prenssische 7 i Stddte Verfis- sii 7 ige 7 t (Berlin, 1879) 5 Backoffner, Die Stddteord- 7 iimge 7 i der Prenssische 7 i Mo 7 iarchie (Berlin, 1880). Vienna. For short account of the municipal government see Report of Mr Kasson in Foreig 7 i Relatio 7 is for 1879, P- ^4, and for an extended account consult Dr. Felder’s Die Ge 77 iei 7 ide-Ve 7 'ivalt 7 mg der Reichs- haiipt- tmd Residetizstadt Wie 7 t (Vienna, 1872). Paris. A sketch of the government by Yves Guyot, a member of the municipal council, may be found in the Co 7 ite 77 iporary Review (March, 1883), vol. xliii. p. 439. An extended description is given in a work entitled Ad 7 ninistratio 7 t de la Ville de Pat'is, written by Hemi De Pontich under the direction of Maurice Block (Paris, Guillaumin, 1884). The Rapports et Docu- i 7 ie 7 its and P 7 'oces- Verbaux of the municipal council are printed yearly in three large cjuarto volumes, and the municipal bureau of statistics issues an annual report. A study of French municipal law in the i8th century, Une Electio 7 i Mutiicipale (