Rules and Regulations of TOE Murphysboro, Illinois. 1891 : THE INDEPENDENT, Murphysboro, 111. D43 Rules and Regulations Coverning the Electric Light Service. Rule 1. Application to bo made to the company when lights are wanted or alterations desired. Rule 2. All lights on the commercial arc circuit will be turned off at midnight. Rule 3. Incandescent lights must be turned off by the occupant when the premises are vacated for the night, and under no circumstances later than midnight, except where meters are used, or when consumer has made con- tract for all-night service. Where this rule is violated by any person, such person will be charged at double the rate that others pay for all-night service. Persons desiring all- night service can have same by making application to the company at the regular rates for such service. Rule 4. All renewals for incandescent lamps must be paid for by the consumer. Rule 5. All wiring and changing wiring in inside of buildings and repairs of same must be done at the expense of the consumer, the company reserving the right to have same done under supervision and direction of its employe. Wiring for arc-lamps free. Rule (5. All bills for light must be paid monthly in advance, or before the 10th day of the month following, at the option of the company. Rule 7. Any damage done to arc-lamps in buildings, except the usual wear and tear, or when done through neg- lect of the company’s employes, must be paid for by the consumer. Rule 8. The company will do all in its power to give its customers good, steady service, and for such times as it may fail to do this will make reduction in all bills equal to the time such failure is continued, at the rate consumers are paying. Consumers are expected to comply honestly with foregoing rules, and are requested to report to officers any neglect on part of employes, or at any time when lights are not up to the standard. Attention directed to Rule 8. RATES PER MONTH. Auc-ligiit— All-night service $12 00 “ “ Half “ (until midnight) 8 00 Incandescent Light— A ll-night service, 16 c p 1 50 “ “ Half “ (until midnight) , 16 c. p 1 00 Meter Kates to halls, churches, residences: 1 cent per hour per light, 16 c. p.; provided, the minimum shall not be less than $2.50 per month; the consumer to pay cost of meter and putting same in place. A discount of 20 per cent, on Half-night Arc and All and Half- night Incandescent service; and 10 per cent, on Meter service will be allowed when bills are paid before the 10th of each succeeding month. Bills will be presented by collector or mailed to customer’s ad- dress “net,” but if not paid as above noted the deduction price will again be added to the account. GAS RATES. Lighting Gas Fuel “ No Meter set for less than 50c per month. Any information regarding application at Company’s office,. Gas service $1.50 per 1000 cubit feet ...$1.25 “ will be fgrnjshed on Rules and Regulations Governing the Water Service. Rule 1 . All persons desiring to take water must make application at GENERAL. the office of the company, and sign a register, stating fully and truly all the purposes for which it is to be used, that they may be assessed according to the established rate, and must answer fairly and without concealment all ques- tions relating to number of rooms, etc., accessibility of neighbors and all possible chances of illegal use of water. Hydrants and water fixtures in exposed positions will be assessed for each and every purpose available, and for each family or establishment within the same enclosure or sepa- rated only by a door, gateway or other means of easy access thereto, unless same be placed securely under lock and key. Water will not be supplied to any premises for a bath-tub or other specific purpose alone, except where each separate use is included in the charge for which such fixture is avail- able. “ Street-washers" only will be permitted to be used for sprinkling streets, alleys, lawns or gardens. Hydrants will not be allowed on any premises whatever unless the yearly water rent is $11 or more. Wo water will be taken LIBRARY UNIVERSIF OF IUJN0IS URu.a from street-washers except for sprinkling. Goose-necks or crooked pipe, to attach to street-washers, shall not be per- mitted, except upon special contract. In fixing rates where same is determined by the number of rooms, all rooms shall be counted, whether used or not. Such shall be con- sidered private baths, water-closets, urinals and wash-basins* which are exclusively used by a single family; all others shall be considered public. Rule 2. Water rents must be paid monthly, quarterly, or semi-annu- RATES. ally, in advance, &t$the option of the water company, e-xeept sprinkling rents, which shall invariably be paid in advance for the season. When consumers desire to dis- continue use of water, notice must be given to company, so that water may be turned off. Full rate will in all cases be charged consumer until water is turned off from premises. Rule 3. No person or family supplied with water by this company USES. will be permitted to use the water for any other purpose than that stated in the application or agreement, or that estimated for in fixing the rates, nor supply water in any way to any other person or persons, nor shall they permit others to use their hose or attachments or leave them ex posed to use by others. [Note. — The water company agrees to Jarnish water for certain specified, uses for a cer- tain specified sum. If, therefore consumers furnish other people, or supply water for ani- mals, or sprinkling, or washing wagons, or to brick or stone masons, or plasterers, or allow it to be taken without permission from the company, it is a violation of the contract, and con- sumers of this company so offending will be required to pay full price of water so used, or have the ivater shut off and forfeit the amount paid for license for first offense ; if persisted in, the consumers will be held liable to prosecution under the law.] Rule 4. Consumers must keep REPAIRS their sprinklers, hydrants, pipes, stop- and cocks and boxes in good repair, at WASTE. their own expense, and keep all water outlets closed when not in actual use y and must prevent any unnecessary waste of water. The water at wash-basins, closets, urinals, baths or other places, must not be allowed to run, to prevent freezing, or wasted otherwise. A violation of this rule will cause the water to be shut off, and will subject the person so offending to the penalties and forfeitures of Rule P>. Rule 5. The street for a given width may be sprinkled (not washed) SPRINKLING, by consumers having a license for sprinkling purposes, but hose shall not be used to muddy the streets, nor used long enough to cause the water to flow from the part sprinkled onto the surface of the next front, nor shall the hose and attachments be converted into fountains or jets, nor used without an attachment to direct the flow of water, and no hose shall be used under any circumstances except when held by the hand. The use of hose by aid of frames, sticks, or by any other than personal aid, is strictly prohib- ited. When sprinkling, the consumer must confine himself to the exact frontage or area paid for , and to one-half the width of the street. Sprinklers will not be allowed where the consumer does not pay the rate for the whole premises, except by special contract, and then only when the sprink ling rate amounts to eleven dollars ($11.00) per annum. Keys to sprinklers are not allowed to remain exposed to use by others, nor shall hose be used without a nozzle. No hose larger than three-fourths of an inch, nor nozzle larger than one-eighth of an inch, shall be permitted, except by special contract. Rule (>. No alteration or exten sion shall be made in any water-pipe ALTERATIONS, or fixtures without first giving: notice of such proposed alteration or exten- sion, and receiving a permit from the company authorizing the same, and the work must be done by a competent plumber . Rule 7. In all cases where water is to be supplied to several parties or CONTRACTS. tenants from one connection or tap, the company contracts with one only of said parties, and on his, her or their failure to abide by these rules or regulations, the whole supply will be cut off without notice. Rule 8. The company reserves the right to set meters and charge meter METERS. rates at its option. Parties accepting meter rates in preference to special or established rates will pay the cost of meter and placing same, or pay rental, as may be agreed upon;' provided , that in no case the meter rate shall be less than the established ordinance rate, unless said water rate shall amount to twelve dollars ($12.00) or more per annum. Whenever the company shall determine to place a meter upon any premises supplied by more than one connection with the street-main, the superintendent shall notify the owner or occupant of the premises to so reconstruct his plumbing that the premises shall be supplied by one con- nection only; and if, after such notice, the owner or occu- pant refuses or fails to make such change, water will be shut off and will not again be turned on until the required change be made. Rule 9. The superintendent or authorized agent of the company shall have access at all reasonable hours to all premises supplied, to see that these rules are observed. Rule 10. The company reserves the right at any time, due notice being given by publication or otherwise, to shut off the water in their mains, for the purpose of mak- ing repairs or extensions, or for other purposes, and per- sons having boilers within their premises, not supplied by tanks or cisterns, are hereby cautioned against collapse. Rule 1 1 . Whenever the superintendent shall find that the stop-cock or box controlling the supply to any premises, or that any service-pipe within the curb-stone, or any fixture upon the consumer’s premises, is broken or not in service- able condition, lie shall at once notify the consumer of the fact, and should said consumer fail to remedy the defects, water will be shut off, and will not again be turned on until the apparatus be put in serviceable condition. Rule 12., No license of water to be supplied to any premises will be made for less time than one year, except special contracts. Sprinkling licenses will be issued only from April 1 to November 1, which shall constitute the sprinkling year. No license will be issued for any purpose for less than five dollars ($5.00) per annum. Rule 13. Water rates, once paid, are not refunded under any circumstances, but privileges may be transferred from one party to another, upon application and consent at the office of the company. Rule yl4. For a violation of any of the foregoing rules, and for the non-payment of rent, the water company reserves the right to turn off the water, without notice, and an}' payment made shall be forfeited ; and after the water has been turned off from the service-pipe, the same will not again be turned on until all back rents are paid, together with the expense of turning off and on such water, which expense shall in no case be less than one dollar ($1.00). Rule 15. The right is reserved to amend or add to these rules and regulations as experience may show to be necessary. Rule 1(>. It is expressly stipulated, by and between the Murphysboro Water Works and Electric and Gas Light Company and its consumers, that no claim shall be made against said company, or the city, by reason of the bursting of any street-main or the breaking of any service-pipe or cock, or for any accidental failure in the supply of water. By ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. AC. K. MURPHY, President. WILLARD WALL, Secretary. Attention directed to Rules 1 and 5. ■8 W r ater rate* authorized by the City of Murphy'sboro . WATER RATES. Banks, one basin.... . $10 00 Bakery, each bl. Hour used daily 5 00 Barber shop, first chair $.1.00, each additional 3 00 Bath, private, cold water only 4 00 private, with heating apparatus 5 00 “ in boarding-house or hotel, each tub 10 00 “ public, not less than , 12 00 Brewery, per bl. or meter rates C5 Billiard-saloon, each table 3 00 Boarding-house, per room 1 CO No license less than $10.00 10 00 Book bindery, not less than 12 00 Not including steam Brick- work, per 1,000 laid 10 Brick-yard, meter rates, or per gang per season 25 00 Butcher shops, steam extra, not less than 15 00 Candy factory, special or meter Cigar factory, no license less than 10 t * Cow, each 2 00 Dyeing and scouring, special or meter Forge, first fire 4 00 Each additional fire 3 ()• Fountain, during six months, not over four (4) hours per day according to size of jet, 1-8 inch 15 I'O Three-sixteenths 30 00 One-fourth 45 Oo Ilall and theatre (staud-pipe extra), special or meter Ilorse, one 3 00 lloi’se, each additional 2 00 Hotel, per room, special or meter Ice-cream saloon, $15.00 to 30 00 Laundry, special or meter Offices or sleeping-rooms 5 00 oyster-saloon, $15.00 to 45 to Printing-office, six hands or less, engine extra 10 00 Photograph gallery, $2.00 per hand; over six, $10.00 to 25 00 Plastering, per 100 yards 50 Residences, occupied by one family; domestic uses, one to four rooms, first lancet, $G.OO; each additional room 1 50 Bestaurant, special or meter 9 Sprinkling, private lawns or gardens, per season, 1-8-inch nozzle, 3-4-inch hose, first fifty feet front or less 5 00 All over fifty feet front, per foot 10 No license less than 5 00 Sprinkling, water-carts or water-haulers, special or meter Sprinkling sidewalk to center of street, per season, 25 feet front or less, per front . 5 oo Each additional front, foot or side 15 One-eighth nozzle, 3-4-inch hose, 1 1-2 hours per day Stable, liver.y feed for sale, six stalls or less 15 00 Each additional stall 2 00 Steam boilers, special ... Stone work, per perch 16 1-2 cubic feet 05 Store and shops, $5.00 to 25 00 Tobacco- factory (no license less than $>0.00), per hand (speceial) 2 00 Urinal-basin (private house) self-closing 5 00 Urinal-basin, hotels special * 10 00 Water-closet (private) per seat, self-closing 5 00 Water-closet (public) per seat, self-closing 10 00 Wash-basins in dwellings, self-closing 2 50 Wash-basins in hotels, self-closing..... 5 00 Meter Rates. When consumption averages daily 1,000 to 2,000 gallons, per 100 gallons “ “ “ “ 2,000 to 3,000 “ “ “ “ 4 “ “ “ “ 3,000 to 5,000 “ “ “ “ 3 “ *'■?' “ “ 5,000 to 8,000 4t “ “ “ 2 y x *■* “ “ “ 8,000 to 10,000 “ “ “ “ 2 “ “ “ “ 10,000 & more “ “ “ “ I V m Q TO OUR PATRONS AND THE PUBLIC: The within Rules and Regulations of the Murphysboro Water Works, Electric and Gas Light Company are presented to your notice for the purpose of acquaint- ing you with the duties of the Company and its Customers, and conditions of service rendered under same. You will also note that on and after January 1st, 1898, it is the intention of this Company to enforce the^Rules and Regulations as prescribed herein. Respectfully, MURPHYSBORO WATER WORKS, ELECfftyC AND GAS LIGHT COMPANY. By CHAS. L. RITTER, Superintendent . a w w