t<1a. .ff- THE 'eflLLINft AN ANNOUNCEMENT OF TWO NEW VOLUMES TOGETHER WITH A LIST OF THE BOOKS PRINTED BY , MR. CLARKE CONWELL AT THE ELSTON PRESS NEW ROCHELLE, NEW YORK WITH INITIAL LETTERS AND DECORATIONS CUT ON WOOD FROM DESIGNS BY H. M. O’KANE SOLD BY MR. CLARKE CONWELL AT THE ELSTON PRESS NEW ROCHELLE, NEW YORK JULY, MDCCCCIII CONCERNING THE ISSUES OFTHE ELSTON PRESS In answer to repeated inquiries and to forestall such in the future, Mr. Conwell states the following facts, which apply invariably to all issues of the Elston Press: The books are limited as to the number of copies printed, the number in each case being stated in the announcement as well as in the colophon of the book. Every detail of the work of print¬ ing and binding is done by hand, the presswork being exe¬ cuted on hand-presses directly from special types, on hand made paper bearing the water-mark of the Press. The dec¬ orations and initial letters used throughout the books are printed from wood blocks cut from designs by H. M. O’Kane. POEMS CHOSEN FROM HERRICK’S HESPERIDES Owing to the fire at the Elston Press on May third, no an¬ nouncement has hitherto been made of Herrick’s Hespe- rides, the printing of which was finished May first, having been in progress since February. The task of presenting all that is best in worth and beauty in Hesperides, and of omitting such as is uninteresting or worse, is one not easy of fulfillment, and it is scarcely possible that it can ever be done to the entire satisfaction of every reader. Nevertheless, in the present edition, there have been omitted such pieces as seem to have no genuine claim to perpetuity. In making the selection, which is unusually liberal as compared to prev¬ ious ones, the effort has been to include everything which could be sought for from its poetic quality, from the fact of its being well or generally known, or from its personal or his¬ toric bearing, especially the pieces relating to or touching upon the customs and manners of the period. Two hundred and sixty copies have been printed, in red and black, with numerous wood-cut initials and other decorations by H. M. O’Kane, one of which appears on the first page of the pres¬ ent announcement. The text and sequence followed are those of the edito princeps of 1648, the peculiarities of dic¬ tion, spelling, and punctuation being preserved verbatim as in the original. In size the book is a small quarto, differing somewhat in shape from the previous issues of the Press. The price is seven dollars, carriage paid. The price in Great Britain will be thirty shillings, and all British subscriptions should be sent directly to Mr. David Nutt, 57 - 59 Long Acre, London, W. C., who has arranged for the exclusive handling of the Elston Press publications in Great Britain. THE CENCI, A DRAMA: PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY Mr. Con well desires to announce the completion, July third, of the edition of Shelley’s “Cenci, ” printed at the Elston Press. One hundred and eighty copies have been printed, in red and black, octavo, with initial letters for each of the acts and scenes cut on wood from designs by H. M. O’Kane. The price is six dollars, carriage paid, and subscriptions should be sent at once, accompanied by cheque, as but very few copies remain. In Great Britain the price will be twenty-five shillings; and British subscriptions, inquiries, and requests for announcements must be sent to Mr. David Nutt, 57-59 Long Acre, London, W. C., who has arranged for the exclusive handling of the Elston Press publications in Great Britain. LIST OF BOOKS ISSUED FROMTHE ELSTON PRESS 1 SONNETS FROM THE PORTUGUESE BY ELIZA¬ BETH BARRETT BROWNING. Quarto. 485 copies, $5; and 60 copies on Japanese paper, $15. OUT OF PRINT. 2 THE PHILOBIBLON OF RICHARD DE BURY. The Inglis translation of 1832. Octavo. 485 copies, at $5; and 70 copies on Japanese paper, at $15. OUT OF PRINT. 3 THE HOUSE OF LIFE BY DANTE GABRIEL ROS¬ SETTI. Quarto. 310 copies, at $10. OUT OF PRINT. 4 THE VISION OF PIERS PLOWMAN. Folio: double columns, black and red. 210 copies, $10. OUT OF PRINT. 5 THE TALE OF GAMELYN, (XIVth. Century). 16mo. 200 copies, in black and red, at $3. OUT OF PRINT. 6 THE SONNETS OF SHAKESPEARE (1609), in the original spelling. Octavo. 210 copies, $5. OUT OF PRINT. 7 THE ART AND CRAFT OF PRINTING BY WILLI AM MORRIS, with reproductions of the types used by him. Octavo. 210 copies, black and red, $5. OUT OF PRINT. 8 SOME NOTES ON EARLY WOOD-CUT BOOKS BY WILLIAM MORRIS. Octavo. With many pages of repro¬ ductions. 120 copies, black and red, $5. OUT OF PRINT. 9 COMUS, A MASKE, BY JOHN MILTON (1637). Oc¬ tavo. 160 copies, in black and red, at $5. OUT OF PRINT. 10 ENDYMION, A POETIC ROMANCE, BY JOHN KEATS. 8vo. 160 cps., black and red, $7. OUT OF PRINT. 11 ROSALYNDE, OR EUPHUES GOLDEN LEGACIE, BY THOMAS LODGE. From the editions of 1592-98. Octavo. 160 copies, black and red, $7. OUT OF PRINT. 12THE RAPE OF THE LOCK BY ALEXANDER POPE Octavo. 160 copies, black and red, $5. OUT OF PRINT. 13 FIVE ARTHURIAN POEMS BY WILLIAM MORRIS Octavo. 178 copies, black and red, at $5. OUT OF PRINT. 14 PANDOSTO, OR THE HISTORIE OF DORASTUS AND FAWNIA, BY ROBERT GREENE. 160 copies, in black and red. The second volume of Shakespearean re¬ prints ;8vo, uniform with Rosalynde. $5. OUT OF PRINT. 15 AUCASSIN ANDNICOLETE. Translated by Andrew Lang. 16mo. 240 copies, black and red, $3. OUT OF PRINT 16 SIR GALAHAD BY WILLIAM MORRIS. Large folio. 180 copies, in black and red, at $10 each. OUT OF PRINT 17 THE PATTERNE OF PAINEFULL ADVENTURES BY LAURENCE TWINE. 170 copies, black and red, uni¬ form with Rosalynde and Pandosto. $5. OUT OF PRINT.