• f • • * 1 1* • • PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY of FARMERS and BREEDERS EDGAR COUNTY ILLINOIS '•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'''•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•''•'•'•-'tV i ' Published By PRAIRIE FARMER- Chicago IllinoiM Oldest and Sett Farm Paper PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY 1 EDWARD LEVINGS, President J. G. BROWN, Vice-Preudent j 1 W. O. AUGUSTUS, Cashier g 1 CHAS. G. JUREY, Asst Cashier L N. SHAW, Asst. Cashier | I CITIZENS national! I BANK 1 I PARIS ILLINOIS I I Capital, $100,000.00 I 1 Surplus and Undivided Profits, $80,000.00 | s F^ ■■'-•! s R ' ^ giiiiiii ^ • "1 R T _,. . , • , ■*v-._.J T ti ■■ : - ' • . ■ . Mil .iiiiiiiilii rmr — — '■ ^ i n'^-^— The Bank that Service Built DIRECTORS: MILTON THOMAS J. G. BROWN W. H. HODGE C. S. HUNTER J. WM. SNYDER HARLAN SWANGO H. O. BOYER EDWARD LEVINGS J. B. WOOD ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Crandall's Drug Store n n D D CHEMICALS, PHYSICIANS' SUP- PLIES, TOILET ARTICLES CANDIES AND CIGARS n n n D Agents for SAN TOX Guaranteed Remedies and Toilet Articles PARIS S. E. Cor. of Square ILLINOIS Superb Values in High-Grade Pianos and Player-Pianos Slightly used and Second-hand Pianos of well known makes at prices within the reach of every- body. THE NEW EDISON "The Phonograph with a Soul" is unlike the sharp-toned talking machine which your neighbors have. Come to our store. Write or phone and (if you so desire) we will show you an Edison in your own home. A. C. LANDIS & CO. "S?TuaTe5 ILLINOIS PARIS Both Phones 340 SPEAKS FOR ITSELF ONC MAJNl ^m^ ALL PURPOSE IpHE Parrett Tractor enjoys a very good reputation — everywhere you hear the Parrett Tractor spoken of by everybody in unus- ually praiseworthy terms. This fact is clearly and definitely the result of uninterrupted service in the fields of hundreds of Illinois farmers. This is significant, because, as a result of the successful performance referred to, our sales of Parrett Tractors, each year has averaged over four tunes the amount of sales for the preceding year, and this fact is true of five consecutive years of Parrett Tractor business. Your Tractor investment is important. It represents so much abiUty to accomplish work. In this respect the Parrett offers more per dollars invested than other Tractors NO REGRETS— JUST PARRETT TRACTORS "Official Demonstration** The Parrett Tractor plowed forty-eight acres; Double disced thirty-two acres in seventy-two hours, continuous run. Motor sealed by Paris Com- niercial Club Committee. Twenty-two acres of alfalfa consumed 2 J/2 gallons of fuel per acre. Twenty-six acres stubble ground consumed I ^ gallons per acre. Burns Kerosene or Gasoline Auto Sales Tractor & Truck Co. JOE M. STEWART, Manager PARIS, ILLIIS^blS FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Jllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllli:: Sntrobuction IN this directory we have endeavored to give Edgar County farmers a complete and reliable directory of the farmers, breeders and merchants of the county, with such other information as will make the directory a valuable reference book. The task of calling on every farmer in a county and collecting the information for such a directory is a tre- mendous one. We have received splendid co-operation from the farmers and business men of the county, without which the publication of such a directory would be impos- sible. In a very few cases we have found farmers unwilling to give the information requested, which accounts for a few names that do not appear. A few mistakes are bound to occur in a directory that involves so large an amount of work, but we have spared no eflFort or expense to make the information complete and accurate, and we believe that the mistakes are very few. We want to speak a word of appreciation for the ad- vertisers whose liberal support has helped materially to bear the heavy expense of publishing this directory, and ask that you favor them with your patronage whenever possible. We hope and believe that the publication of this direc- tory will be a real service to Edgar County farmers and in line with Prairie Farmer's policy of service to the farmers of Illinois. We hope that the increased circulation of Prairie Farmer in Edgar County which has resulted will help in the movement for better farming, better farm living, and more prosperity for the county, and that our many new friends will become permanent members of the big Prairie Farmer family. BURRIDGE D. BUTLER, Publisher, Prairie Farmer. 7lllliilllllilllilllllllllllllllllllllll||||||illllllllll|||||||||||||||||||MI||||||||||||||||i||||||Mili= 1 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Street Scene in Newman, 111. NOW SEE flERE Let Us Make h, 1^' Your Old Clothes Look Like New MARY PHERIGO &V.C. MOATS, Proprietors Unique DRY CLEANERS "We Are On the Square." See? West Side Telephone Kin 969-J PARIS ILUNOIS FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY SHOLEM'S DEPARTMENT STORE THE STORE OF PARIS FOR Men, Women and Children PARIS ILLINOIS -A>^*»>. Lumber and | Building Material | Nails and Builders' Hard- i ware, Red Cedar Posts, | Sashes and Doors, Galvan- I ized Roofing, Ridge-roll | _ Valleys, etc. 1 I South Central Avenue - - . - PARIS, ILLINOIS | We sell and recom- mend the following Triple-G goods: All Roofing Mfg. Co. Rubber Roofing Portland Cement Lime and Plaster Apex Gates PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY EDGAR COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Paris, Illinois Capital $100,000 Surplus and Profits $140,000 r^ R. N Parrish President George V. Dole Vice-President ^T ^ Frank F. Hager Cashier Warren D. Cole Asst. Cashier ^ United States Depository We do a general banking business and solicit a share of your patronage. No account too small. Extensions of credit granted on approved security DIRECTORS; DANIEL ARTHUR CALEB WOOD YARD WILUAM S. LOGAN S. C. HOGUE ROBT. N. PARRISH GEORGE V. DOLE ALAN J. PARRISH FRANK F. HAGER ; T i». Prairie Farmer's Directory Edgar County Illinois Complete Directory of the F"armers of Edgar County, with valuable information about each farm. Breeders' Directory, giving full classified list of breeders of purebred livestock and poultry. Business Directory, giving list of all business houses in Edgar County. Valuable statistics and general information. Copyright, 1917 By PRAIRIE FARMER PUBLISHING COMPANY ^ Compiled and Published by Prairie Farmer Publishing Co. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY BINDER TROUBLES AND ADJUSTMENTS By C. O. Reed, University of Illinois, in Prairie Farmer. To have to await the services of an expert when every minute of the har- vest days is money is not only an ex- pensive practice, but in most cases is an unnecessary one if the operator will only use patience and good judg- ment and try to understand a few very simple principles of what seems a complicated machine. The purpose of this article is to aid the operator in his most common binder troubles. To cover the ground in the most log- ical and concise manner, let us con- sider troubles under the three general heads: general binder troubles, bind- er head troubles and knotter head troubles. Starting. If possible, start the new machine on a road or in a pasture before going into the grain field. Use plenty of kerosene and run the ma- chine empty for about five minutes, taking notice that every duct to bear- ings and every oil hole is open. Then apply lubricating oil. When you are ready to enter the grain with a new machine, raise the machine well up, tilt the platform forward; open the throat of the machine by throwiiig the butt adjuster forward and start in with about one-half of a full swath. After five minutes work the machine is ready for maximum results. If compelled to make a full swath at the start, cut the grain extra high. Never change the adjustment of a new binder head before going into the field. It may miss a few bundles at first, but do not adjust. Apply a lib- eral amount of coal oil to the knotter head and the trouble will usually dis- appear. New Machine Failing to Start. Oc- casionally a new machine fails to start due to some part sticking or catch- ing. Throw the binder out of gear and see that the bull wheel revolves without catching. Remove the eleva- tor chain and throw in gear. This will test the sickle. Next put on ele- vator chain and throw off reel chains. This will test the rollers. Then con- nect and test the reel. This method will test one part at a time and should locate the trouble without difiiculty. In testing out head for failure to re- volve, operate head by hand at back of machine through shaft which drives head from elevator chai*'. General Binder Troubles Chains. Undue wear in chains may be caused by the chain being run too tight or backwards. Run the chain with the hooks of the links leading and with the openings of the hooks out. The use of oil or grease on chains, if the binder is being run in a sandy country or under dusty con- ditions, is not to be recommended, for the oil will collect the fine parti- cles of grit and ca'use excessive wear. Under such conditions use dry graph- ite. Chain jumping is caused by the chain being too loose or by the sprocket being badly worn. If a worn sprocket is the cause for the trouble a new one will have to be supplied. Canvas Troubles. The creeping of canvases is caused by running them too loose or by the elevators not be- ing square. Test the elevators to see if they are square by means of meas- uring the diagonals, and then square by the special apparatus to be found for that purpose. Have the canvases of the same tightness on both sides. Canvases not elevating the grain may be caused by missing slats oi loose canvases. Broken slats are gen- erally caused by the elevators not be- ing square, or by the canvases not being buckled evenly and thus the slat is forced to pass over the roller at an angle to it. Chewed slats may be caused by a projecting bolt or the canvas guides being out of shape. Heavy Draft. Heavy draft may be caused from lack of sufficient good lubricating oil, bull wheel being en- tered in quadrant wrong; chains, espe- cially main drive chain, being too tight; paint or varnish not being cut out of the bearings; or rollers binding. Apply lubricating oil to the bearings j:/^A FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Enter the bull wheel in the quadrant square. Have the proper tension in the chains. Coal oil will cut the paint or varnish from bearing surfaces. When machine is empty, operator should be able to move elevators by hand on elevator chain. Sidedraft. Sidedraft in a binder re- fers to such resistance of the platform end of the machine as to cause a "dragging" of platform, and hence re- sults in a tendency to run the ma- chine into the grain. It may be caused by (a) grain wheel bearing too light; (b) grain wheel being out of proper adjustment; (c) sickle parts not cutting properly, resulting in a pulling ofif of stalks rather than cut- ting; (d) very light grain may give a condition where sidedraft is more no- ticeable, and (e) a fast horse on the outside may lead the operator to be- lieve he has sidedraft. Remedies, (a) See that grain wheel revolves freely and perfectly on axle. If axle, bearings and wheel bell are badly worn, replace, (b) The inexpe- rienced operator cannot tell whether a grain wheel is aligned properly or not. It should lead out of the grain slightly, and in c;ise of poor align- ment here, an expert must be called. (c) Obvious, (d) Sidedraft here is an advantage rather than an objec- tion for it indicates the best construc- tion, (e) Put fast horse on inside. If difficulty is experienced in get- ting far enough into the grain with a tongue truck attachment, make adjust- ments to increase the angle between the platform and tongue proper, i. e., without changing position of machine make adjustments to let horses away from grain slightly. If machine runs too far into grain, make adjustments to bring horses a little closer to grain line. These adjustments can be found between tongue and stub tongue on the McCormick and Milwaukee bind- ers, and in the truck axle braces on the Deering. If sufficient adjustment is not provided in the Deering to per- mit a full swath, turn the tongue over. Badly Shaped Bundles in good grain are caused by improper manip- ulation of binder parts. Set the reel to strike straws about two inches be- low the heads. Run the butter as near at right angles to the rollers on tier shaft as possible, even if you have to sacrifice an inch or two in the position of the band on the bun- dle. Do not expect the butter to shove the straws down under* the breast plate. Adjust the position of the head to bring the straws under the breast plate and then adjust the butter to smooth the butt of the bun- dle. In uneven grain the head, but- ter and reel must be shifted often to obtain the best results. In ver> short grain or in down grain leaning toward the elevators we have probably the worst conditions for good bundle making, especially for eight-foot bind- ers. First, do all possible to retard the heads by running the platform as level as possible and place a rope head-retarder across the platform, ty- ing the same to the outside divider frame. A rope head-retarder is often found to give better results than the retarding strap iron sent out with the machine, but if the latter is used, the operator will find that he gets very good results in retarding heads by bending up or crinkling the end of the strap iron. Throw the head as far forward as possible and run the butter as near perpendicular to the rollers as possible to still have the bundle securely tied. Tighten the front grain check. '^ Badly Shaped Bundles in Long Tangled Grain can be remedied by loosening all grain checks slightly and by adjusting the head to tie a smaller, looser bundle. Getting Grain Down to Packers. Trouble is sometimes experienced in getting light, flufify grain down to the packers. See that the deck roller is working properly and lower the deck cover. Choking Down. Sometimes in heavy, flufify and tangled grain, and often in flax, the head cannot dis- charge a bundle and is stopped by "choking." Adjust the head to tie a smaller, looser bundle, loosen all grain checks and loosen the tension on the compressor spring, which is the spring attached to the compres- sor rod. Bundles Too Loose or Too Tight. Tighten or loosen the trip spring shown in Illustration 1 and described below under "Binder Head Troubles." Do not attempt to make a tight bun- dle by tightening the twine tension on the twine can. The twine tension is not for the purpose of affecting the PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY TRIP SPRING STOP DOG. tightness of bundles and if it is used for such _ purpose serious _ needle troubles will result. The twine ten- sion should be sufficiently tight to keep back slack in the twine between the can and needle. Bundles Too Large or Too Small. Move the compressor arm nearer or farther away from the needle. The compressor arm is that arm against which the bundle is formed and as it is moved in or out that space in which the bundle is formed is changed. Reel Troubles. Short oats is often the cause for considerable reel trouble, especially reel breakage on those ma- chines which have no outside reel support. The operator cutting short oats will necessarily have to tilt his platform well forward and run his reel low. This means that occasion- ally the reel slats will whip down onto the guards and result in broken parts. Farmers in some localities have solved this difficulty by tacking on to each reel slat a piece of heavy linoleum about six inches wide. The reel can then be run higher, for this extra piece on the slats serves ad- mirably to force the grain over onto the platform and at the^ same time is sufficiently flexible to give if the reel is whipped down on the guards. Binder Head Troubles Before taking up binder head trou- bles let us refer to the first illustra- tion and get clearly in mind the exact function of the ^ parts mentioned. Every operator is aware that his packer shaft revolves continually and that at certain moments it must drive the whole binder head while the bun- dle is being tied and cast. The dog, shown in the illustration, is that mechanism which throws the head in motion with the rest of the ma- chine, or it is that mechanism which momentarily engages the head with the continuous motion of the packers while the bundle is being tied. Suf- ficient pressure by the straw on the trip arm raises the stop arm, shown in the illustration, which allows the dog to be forced into the path of the continually revolving binder head driver. A little spring attached to the dog forces the dog into the path of this driver when the dog is released, and this same spring holds the dog in this path until the stop arm can drop back into pi«C2 and force the dog back out of the way of the revolving drivers oi the packer shc*ft. When the dog is thrown back out of the path of the binder head drivers, the motion in the head ceases and the dog, if properly working, must re- main engaged with the packer shaft until the discharge arms make a com- plete revolution. The continuity of motion in the head depends upon the dog. Discharge Arms Fail to Start or Fail to Revolve Completely. This is a dog trouble. See that the dog spring is in place and is of sufficient strength to hold the dog in the path of the binder head drivers when the dog is released. See also that the striking faces of the dog and dog driver are not worn sufficiently to permit them 8 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY to slip by one another. If the dis- charge arms revolve by jerks it is very probable that a worn condition in the striking faces is the cause. Discharge Armr Revolve Continu- ally. Before discui-sing this trouble a word should be said regarding timing. It will be noticed that every part of the binder head except the packers works at a certain moment in rela- tion to other parts. The dog makes a 4:ertain number of revolutions before *he stop arm is allowed to drop back into place to throw the dog out of Engagement with the binder head 'irivers. Hence the relation between *he stop arm and the dog is a set -elation maintained through beveled ^ears. If for any reason these gears 'ire separated and not put back in the -vriginal definite relation to each /)ther, the head is said to be out of »ime. This means that the stop arm ^>ould not be in place at the proper moment to throw the dog out of en- g^agement and a second revolution of *he discharge arm immediately fol- :Ows the first. The timing principle '^olds true in all makes of heads and <5 obtained in a way more or less 'ommon in all types, though the 'nechanism will vary to some degree '1 its shape and position. If the dis- charge arms revolve continually the *^ead may be out of time or the stop 'rm face may be so badly worn that -^ allows the dog to slip by when the -■ "o come together. If the machine is ■ ■'It of time, i. e., if the stop arm is ' ot in place to throw the dog out in he proper tirne, time the head by properly meshing the beveled gears between the packer shaft and the binde'r head counter shaft which runs up to drive the tier shaft. If the striking faces between the dog and the stop arm are so worn that they clip by one another, file the faces to +heir original form. If this allows *oo much play or looseness in the 'og (which can be tested by taking *>old of the discharge arms to deter- -^ine whether they are tight or loose) •^ new dog or perhaps a new stop -"-m must be purchased. Some ma- ' 'lines permit lengthening of the stop '^'•m. Look for such adjustment and use same to hold the dog back tighter. Casting Very Small Bundles. There are two causes for this trouble. The dog may not be thrown out at the proper time, and the remedy for such a condition has been just stated above. Small bundles often appear in badly tangled grain when the cast bundle is not cleaned from the machine and its weight trips the head again immedi- ately and a small bundle is cast whicli seems to be really a part of the first. Alanipulate the machine to make a clean bundle, loosen the grain checks, adjust the trip spring to tie a looser bundle and adjust the compressor arm to tie a smaller bundle. Discharge Arms Not Set Tight, cr Dog Drive Strikes Dog. Usually these two conditions accompany one another and are due to extreme wear m gears and dog, or tier sliaft lock may have become loosened. The tier shaft lock is usually a little dog working behind the tier shaft cam wheel at the end of the tier shaft. It holds the discharge arms in place when they are at rest. Examine your bmder head for this mechanism and if It can be adjusted usually the trouble can be remedied by such ad- justment. If the cam track in tier shaft cam wheel acts as the lock, new parts may have to be added to relieve badly worn conditions, but this will not necessarily remedy the striking between dog and driver* If head is very badly worn and all gear- ing has considerable play, the dog may be advanced one cog which will bnng the head into better time. Great care must be used in doinq- this, how- ever, for it often happens that a head so treated will work perfectly when operated by hand, but when driven by the packer shaft under actual con- ditions the tier shaft is not compelled to complete its revolution and thus is not "driven home" and locked. This will then result in the discharg-e arms dropping down and in greatest- inter- ference between dog and driver. It is sometimes found necessary to re- place badly worn gears, in order to entirely eliminate this trouble. Knotter Head Troubles All binders are very similar. They combine the same principles, and al- though the detail of the mechanism rnay differ somewhat, still for every vital part on one make of machine there_ can be found on each other machine a part similar in function, very similar in shape, and often very PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY KNOTTEf BILLS OISG )J ^ ) J \ similar in position. This is particu- larly true in the knotter head or that portion of the binder head which ties the knot. In discussing these troubles then, let us bear in mind that every make of binder has in some form each part shown in the second illus- tration, and that the functions of these parts are the same though the posi- tion and shape may vary slightly. The disc is that part which holds the end of the twine while the bundle is being formed. The bills, also shown in the illustration, are those parts which tie the knot. It is the function of the needle to bring up the needle end of the band, place it over the bills and into the disc where the disc catches it and securely holds both snds. The bills then revolve, forming a loop about themselves, and after revolving part way they open, seize both ends of the band, as shown in the illustration, and hold the ends of the band while the stripper arm pulls the loop oft" the bills— hence the ends of the band are pulled through the loop and the knot is tied. If these operations are kept clearly in mind the operator will find his tying trou- bles greatly simplified. Each operator should be able to tell just where his trouble lies by ex- amining the failing band and noting where it is found. In the third illustration, Figure 1 found clinging to the bills with the simple knot tied around the bills and the loose end cut square and smooth, indicates that the disc spring is too loose and the twine tension is too tight. The same band found cast with the bundle instead of clinging to the bills would indicate that the disc is but slightly loose, yet too loose. The band indicating such trouble is shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 3 found clinging to the Dills but with the free end crushed and 10 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY A i-i-.: V. / f OUNO WITH buholc" OH 1 "■■■ -sit;. .! i J ^ I row: ir r,- -i fn) \ y iL i 1 :•,' 4 1 'I I 3-B:-,t i /V ^ FisS v '"-"^ ragged indicates that the disc is too tight and that the twine tension is also too tight. Fig. 4 found cast with the bundle instead of on the bills indicates that the twine tension is perfect but that the disc is slightly too tight. Fig. 5 found with the cast bundle and with both ends crushed and ragged indicates that the disc is very tight. Notice the bent crinkled ends in Fig. 6 and that the band is formed with the bundle. The ends have been in the knot but have pulled out. The bills may be too loose or the "hump" on the underside of the upper bill may be worn away sufficiently so that the bills cannot hold the ends of the band securely enough when the loop is pulled ofif. This probably has caused a loose knot which pulled out when the bundle spread. If the bills are too loose tighten the bills spring. If the little "hump" is worn away file away a little of the stock behind the hump, using a rat-tail file. Fig. 8 is the familiar band which seems to be tied perfectly when the bundle is first cast, but when the shocker grasps the bundle the band gives way and appears as shown. If the disc is at the proper tension, then the trouble is probably that the bills do not open wide enough to grasp both ends of the twine in the disc. Tf the bills cam roller on the back of the upper bill is worn one-sided, sup- ply new parts. If the whole bills shaft has dropped down due to wear below the bills pinion gear, place a very thin washer under pinion to bring the bills up against the knotter head frame where they belong. It sometimes happens that a very loose twine tension allows sufficient slack in the twine to arch slightly over the bills instead of being pulled down tightly over them. The upper bill will then nose in between the bands' ends instead of grasping both of them and a simple slip knot is tied instead of a hard knot. Fig. 9 indicates a needle trouble. For some reason the needle has not placed the twine in the disc. Most likely the needle has carried up some green stufif of some kind which mo- mentarily clogs the disc. If this band occurs frequently, however, then prob- ably the eye of the needle has be- come so badly worn back, due to too tight a tension, that the needle can not advance far enough to place the twine in the disc. The needle should advance until it just barely touches the stripper or breast plate._ If it does not advance that far it is prob- ably slow and the needle pitman ?hould be shortened slightly. "Make all binder head and knotter head adjustments gradually. A quar- ter of a turn of the studs on the disc and knotter bills springs is ample to remedy most troubles in those parts. n PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY CORN PLANTER ADJUSTMENTS By C. O. Reed, University of Illinois in Prairie Farmer. Not all of our implement troubles are to be found in the plow or in the binder. The corn planter has troubles of its own, and it is the purpose of this article to discuss some of the corn planter principles and troubles that are often misunderstood. Accuracy in Drop Some corn growers say that ac- curacy of drop is not an important factor with them because two kernels in one hill and four in the next gives an average of three kernels per hill and that is the number desired. The fallacy of this statement is very ap- parent when we stop to consider that in such p'.anting we have not the de- sired three kernels in either hill; and if the soil is three-kernel soil, two kernels per hill are too few while four kernels are too many. The re- sult is probably a loss in each hill. A certain soil may give the best yield with either two, three or four kernels per hill, but after it has been ascertained which number of kernels is best every efifort should be made to secure that number in each hill where the soil conditions remain constant. The variable drop devices on planters afford ample opportunity to shift from two to three or from three to four kernels per hill as the soil conditions through the row may demand, but the advisability of permitting inac- curacy in drop from hill to hill is questionable. The first two requisites for accu- racy in drop are (a) seed of uniform size, and (b) the selection of the proper seed plate. Hand tipped and butted corn or machine sorted corn will give seed as uniform in shape and size of kernel as is practical, but unsorted seed may be relied upon to cause inaccurate dropping. Testing out the planter to make sure that the proper plate is used is to be strongly advocated. Last year's plate may not be the best one for this year's ^seed, for if there is a slight difference in the average size of ker- nels between the two years, a corre- sponding change may be necessary in the size of the seed pits in the plate used. The following table taken from laboratory tests shows the danger of carelessness in selecting the seed plate. The planter was set to drop three-kernel hills, and the plates "small" and "large" were plates next size smaller and next size larger than the proper or right sized plate found. Right Small sized Large plate plate plate Per cent of blank hill.. 9.34 .00 .00 Per cent of hills contain- ing I kernel 29.36 .26 .28 Per cent of hills contain- ing 2 kernels 37.54 8.66 5.3 Per cent of hills contain- ing 3 kernels 20.48 88.12 81.28 Per cent of hills contain- ing 4 kernels 2.66 2.84 11.48 Per cent of hills contain- ing 5 kernels 62 .12 1.66 These figures tend to show that a slight mistake in plate selection may lead to a direct loss in stand. There may be but a very slight difference between two pairs of plates — so slight perhaps that we can not detect the difference by eye — but a test of the two pairs will quickly show that one of those pairs means a good drop while the other pair is dangerous and its use should be avoided. Testing can be done when time at the barn permits and will not only mean a sav- ing of time in the field but will also enable the operator to avoid a mis* take before it is too late. Each operator will have his own method of testing out the planter but he should heed these three rules: (1) Let each test consist of at least SO or 60 hills; (2) run the planter parts at field speed; (3) do not give up until the best plate is found. Probably the quickest way to test is to run the planter in the farm yard, providing the chickens do not get the corn be- fore we can count it. Rainy day test- ing on the barn floor is a little more troublesome but can be very success- fully accomplished by two persons as follows Jack the planter up''over a blanket stretched tight on the floor so that the furrow openers will be about three inches above the blanket when 12 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY the depth lever is thrown forward. One man can then turn the drive wheel, trip the check arm and call out the number of kernels dropped, while the second person records the count. After each hill is dropped the kernels are brushed away by foot of the man turning the drive wheel. Glancing at the drop without recording the count simplifies the process but it is not an accurate method and should be avoided when possible. Accuracy of drop may be secured further by keeping the seed hoppers at least half full at all times. Blank Hills at the Ends of Rows Accuracy of drop depends also to some extent upon the speed of the valves. It sometimes happens that at one end of the row we will happen to stop the team just as the button on the check wire has begun to force the check arm. The valves work so slowly at such a time or stop at such a point that in some planters the seed at the top of the boot drops clear through to the ground instead of be- ing intercepted at the bottom of the boot. Two hills drop at once, then. and when we have turned around there are no kernels at the lower valve ready for the first hill on the return trip. On some planters we may overcome the difficulty by foot dropping one hill while the team is turning. On other planters the only remedy is to stop sooner at the end of the row or to drive ahead at usual speed until the wire has released the check arm. Accuracy in Check Considerable attention is usually given to securing accurate checkmg, but a word regarding the adjustment will not be amiss. Accurate checking means possibility of closer cultivation and less loss by cultivating out hills. The manufacturer has found that un- der usual conditions the check wire will travel from one to three inches across the field, and inasmuch as the slack will always be ahead of the machine, he designs his planter to drop the hill at a distance behmd the button equal to one-half the travel. On the return trip the hill is again dropped behind the button and thus the hills should check in spite of the wire travel. It can readily be seen then that if our shoes or furrow openers are 'dropping nearer to or farther away from the button than half the wire travel, our system for securing good checking will be ma- terially interfered with and adjust- ments must be made at A in Fig. 1. This tongue adjustment will vary on the dififerent makes of planters. On some it is at the rear end of the tongue, but it will be found on aU the popular makes. As a rule the front frame of the planter should be run level, and it can be so run with^ a properly drawn check wire.^ But dif- ferent tensions on the wire drawn by different drivers may necessitate throwing the front frame slightly out of a horizontal position. If the planter drops too close to the button, make such tongue adjustment as will Tig. 1. Ton^rue Adjustment to Secure Accurate CbecUnf 13 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY P^S A Spread Clieck Fork May Cause Stringing- drop the furrow openers back a little toward the wheels. To some extent tightening the check wire will accom- plish the same result in the check. Forcing the furrow openers a little ahead by means of the tongue adjust- ment will cause the hill to be dropped a little clo^e to the button, or having the check wire a little more slack will have the same result in the check. In testing for accuracy of check by digging up hills, select hills pretty close behind the planter. Adjusting the neckyoke straps will also affect the check. The adjustment shown in Fig. 1 is also a means of maintaining a good check when different heights of teams are used and when the dif- ference cannot be compensated for by adjusting the neckyoke straps. Uniform tension in the check wire must be maintained if accurate check- ing is to result. Some drivers even go so far as to make allowance for the expansion and contraction of the check wire due to varying tempera- ture from day to day, but this is get- ting too particular to be practical. It is practical, however, where plant- ing is being done up ::.nd down a slope, to pull the wire tighter when setting the high stake. Uniform Depth of Planting In planting over a rough field, a more uniform depth can often be se- cured by floating the furrow openers, but when this is done the operator should keep the openers under foot control so that the shoes may be forced to their depth in dry spots and kept from planting too deep in moist, soft spots. There are a number of shoe gauges now on the market which attach to shoes to insure uniform depth when floating is desirable. Such attachments should prove valuable if properly used where the conditions demand. Stringing of the hill may be caused by (a) dirt in the boot, and (h) by a spread check arm. Trouble from the first cause will probably be 14 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY due to the team having set back on the planter while the shoes were still in the ground. Clean out the boot bottom thoroughly and the rest of the remedy is obvious. Trouble (b) is less easily detected. If the check arm is spread as is shown at B in Fig. 2, the wire button will let go of the check arm before the valves have been forced wide open, to the result that the kernels w^ill be strung out in the row rather than being dropped well together. By means of a ham- mer, drive the arm halves together to their original position, but in so doing care must be taken not to get the halves so closely together that bind- ing of the wire will result. The check arm halves can be left straight as shown at A in Fig. 2. Some opera- tors find that stringing is due to a badly worn shoe. If this is deter- mined to be the cause, new parts must usually be supplied. Clutch Troubles Clutches on the various planters differ so widely in design that no spe- cific rules can be given that would apply to all makes. Failure of the clutch to grip or release can often be overcome by thoroughly cleaning the parts, and if the striking forces are worn round, new parts may have to be secured. On most planters this means but slight expense and a little patience. Timing the Plate Rims Breakage may necessitate removal of the rim which drives the plate. This rim is timed with the pinion on the shaft which drives the plates from the clutch, and when the rim is re- placed on the machine the "time" must be re-established. If the plate rim is out of time with the pinion, inaccu- racy will result because the plate it- self will not stop at the proper time. On some machines the cog teeth of the rim and pinion are so marked or constructed that it is very easy to . ascertain the proper relation between the two castings. Before removing the rim the operator should carefully seek any such guides so that he may know just how to replace the parts. If no guide is found on the arm and on the shaft pinion, make a mark on each by means of a cold chisel, and then in replacing parts bring these two marks into the same relation to each other as at first. It sometimes happens that after replacing a rim or adding a new one, it breaks as soon as it revolves. This is due to non- timing. The question is often asked: "Is the disc furrow opener preferable to the ordinary shoe runner?" The sin- gle disc opener has better penetration than the shoe and will cut through trash to better advantage, but it throws the soil to one side and cover- ing is made more difficult. The dou- ble disc has less penetrating ability than the single disc, but covering can be more easily accomplished after it. In hard, trashy ground, then, the disc opener should prove preferable to the shoe opener, but in a well pre- pared seed bed, well free from surface trash, the shoe is strongly advocated because of its simplicity. The planter with disc openers cannot be consid- ered a heavy draft implement, but the discs carry bearings which must work in soil and one may always expect trouble with such a combination. MRS. LENA STEVENSON MANN Household Editor of Prairie Farmer 15 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY HOW TO MEND THE HAY ROPE By C. O. Reed, University of Illinois in Prairie Farmer. To repair a broken or badly weak- ened strand, complete the break as shown in Fig. 1 and unlay each end of the strand back about 2 feet as shown at A and B in Fig. 2. Take a strand about five feet long froni a piece of rope exactly the same size as the hay rope, and lay it into the Pig-. 1. A Broken Strand to Be Repaired, Pigr. 2. Ready to Lay In the New Piece Pig. 3. Starting- to lay In the New Strand in Repairing- a Broken Strani 16 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Tig. 4. In Itajrlng- In the New Strand the OrLsrinal Twist and Tension Must Be Maintained rig. 5. The New Strand Has Been Laid In Ready to he Secured at the Ends. place of the broken strand as shown in Figs. 3 and 4, great caution being taken to give the new strand its orig- inal twist and to draw it sufficiently- tight, so that the old and new strands will have the same tension when the load is applied. We now have tne ends, as shown in Fig. 5. With each pair of ends, tie a simple knot, as shown in the upper rope in Fig. 6, caution being taken to avoid tying the knot shown in the lower half of the same picture. Pull the knots well down into the lay of the rope. Now weave each end in, always working from right to left in weaving, or at right angles to the twist or spiral. Work each end under the two strands, laying next to the knot as with ends B and D in Fig. 7. Work the ends in a second time and then cut them ofif, leaving about a quarter of an inch extending out of the rope, as shown in Fig. 8. This completes the repairing of a broken strand. The rope will be stronger than its pre- vious dangerous condition, and if the repair is properlj^ made, it will be hard to detect and will last as long as the rope is serviceable. If the hay rope is broken or breaks during the hay season, mend it with a long splice which can be quickly made with a little practice. The short splice should not be used in hay ropes. Proceed with the long splice as follows: 17 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY About 2^ feet from the ends of the rope at the break, tie a piece of twine securely around the rope. Un- lay all three strands in each end back to the twines. Now bring the ends of the rope together securely so that each strand from one end lies alone between two strands of the other end, as shown in Fig. 9. Each strand from each end must now be paired with a corresponding strand from the other end, the strands of each pair standing in the same relation to each other as the strands in each other pair; for instance, in Fig. 9 strands 3 and 5 are paired and the other re- maining strands must now be paired in exactly the same way. The proc- ess now consists of unlaying one strand of each two pairs and laying into its place its mate from the other rope. In other words, strand 5 in Fig. 9 is unlaid and strand 3 is laid into its place toward the reader's right. Then strand 2 from the left rope is unlaid and its mate, strand 6, is laid into its place toward our left. The third pair of strands remains in the center. Cut off each strand so that about five inches remains and we will then have the partially com- pleted splice, as shown in Fig. 10. With each pair of ends, tie a simple knot exactly as shown in the upper half of Fig. 6 and weave the ends in just as we did when repairing a broken strand above. In making the splice great care must be taken to keep the original twist in all strand* Fig*. 6. Tying- Ends In Repairing' a Broken Strand and in the ^ong- Splice. The Upper Simple Knot Is Correct. The Iiower Knot Is Wrong' Fiff. 7. Weave In the Ends as at B and D 18 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY laid in, and in pulling each just tight enough so that it will carry its one- third of the load. A properly made long splice is hard to detect except where the ends protrude. It does not increase the diameter of the rope, and is the only splice which should be used where the rope runs over pulleys. The lengths of long splices for ordinary farm ropes of different sizes should be as follows: % inch rope — 4 feet \ inch rope — 5 feet 1 inch rope — 6 feet This means that each end to be spliced will be unlaid back only one- half these distances. The same dis- tances can be safely used for repair- ing broken strands where new strands are laid in. If you wish to "take the twist out" of a new rope before puting it into the hay rigging, tie one end of the rope to a light wagon and drag the rope about a meadow for twenty min- utes or so, drawing it sharply around a tree or post if possible. This treat- ment will lessen objectionable twist- ing and snarling, so troublesome with new ropes. Do not drag the rope out on a dirt road, as is often done. It is hardly necessary to caution the wise driver to turn his fork team al- ternately to the right and to the left to avoid twisting the hay rope. H. G. Brunning of Mason county, 111., who has had considerable experi- ence with alfalfa on sandy lands, says that when he seeds alfalfa again he will not use a nurse crop, as on light, sandy soils the young alfalfa plants need all the plant food they can get and should not be robbed by the nurse crop. Fig*. 8. The Repair Completed Fig*. 9. Startiugr the Iiong Splice Tig, 10. Beady to Tie the Knots in the Iiongr Splice. Ends 1, 2 and 3 Axe from Xtope A. End* 4, 5 and 6 Are from Rope B 19 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY LIVESTOCK FARMER'S MEDICINE CHEST By Dr. A. S. Alexander in Prairie Farmer. When a farmer can employ a com- petent graduate veterinarian at rea- sonable expense it always is best to do so, and in all serious cases such expert help should be used even if the expense will be considerable. Unfortunately it is not always pos- sible to find such an expert or he may live at such a distance that an ordinary or trivial case will not warrant the expense of his employment, or the nearest veterinarian may not be a properly qualified practitioner, or is one in whom the stockman has no confidence. For these reasons every owner of animals should keep some simple remedies on hand, and these are nec- essary even on farms where profes- sional assistance can readily be had. It should be understood, however, that the untrained farmer should not attempt the administration of strong poisons, alkaloids and many prepara- tions used hypodermically by a gradu- ate veterinarian. Such preparations are extremely dangerous in the hands of the layman and are liable to do much more harm than good. The trained surgeon also should be_ de- pended upon for all major operations. A cupboard may be set apart for storing medicines in a cool, dry place and where freezing will not occur in winter. A glass graduate and scales will be necessary for measuring and weighing medicines. Powdered drugs should be kept in tightly closed glass fruit jars and should be plainly labeled. They may soon lose their strength if exposed to the air. Poisons should b« kept on a separate part of a shelf partitioned off for the purpose and away from simple, harmless drugs. Ointments, with the exception of fly blister, should be made up fresh at time of use. Liniment may be pre- pared and kept indefinitely if well corked. > The medicine case should also have a special division in which to keep a few instruments, bandages, suture silk and absorbent cotton; or better still, these may be kept in a handbag fc immediate use as required. The emergency bag should contain a roll of absorbent cotton, several rolled three-yard bandages of unbleached muslin in strips three inches wide, a pound or two of oakum, a spool of strong suture silk, half a dozen suture needles of assorted shapes and sizes, most of them large; a half-ounce, short-barreled, strong-nozzled hard rubber syringe, a two-ounce metal syringe, a cow trocar and canula for tapping a bloated animal, a pair of curved shears, a combination operat- ing knife containing a curved bistoury, a probe pointed bistoury and a strong straight scalpel, a few milking tubes and a teat bistoury, an artery forceps, metal probe, castrating knife and pair of horse clippers. These will suffice, but there are many other useful instruments such as a clinical thermometer, horse tro- car, catheter and dentistry "float," which may be added from time to time. Some of the medicines to be listed later may also have a place in the emergency kit or bag, notably those needed for the treatment of wounds, and at hand should be a strong quart drenching bottle and ten feet of quarter-inch cotton rope with which to hold up a horse's head for drenching. A veterinary force pump is added on a large farm, but its place may be taken by three feet of new lawn sprinkling hose fitted with a large tin funnel. This is used to give a horse or cow a rectal injection. There should also be a six-foot piece of new half-inch rubber tubing for use in giving a cow or mare a vaginal injection. Simple necessary medicines may best be listed under the following special heads: Physics. Epsom and Glauber Salts. Average dose for an adult cow, one pound in 20 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY three pints of warm water. Dose for a horse, 12 ounces. Castor Oil. Especially useful for young animals. Dose for a calf or foal, from 1 to 6 tablespoonfuls shaken up in milk. Raw Linseed Oil (not boiled, which is poisonous). Average dose, one pint for constipation and to follow a dose of colic medicine, or contain medicine for colic. Barbados Aloes (freshly powdered). .\verage dose, one ounce, to be given to an adult horse as a "physic ball." Wound Medicines. Keep in stock one pint each of car- bolic acid and coal tar disinfectant and a gallon can of the latter for dipping and disinfecting purposes. Two tea- spoonfuls to a pint of water ordinarily makes a sufficiently strong solution. Bleeding is stopped by applying Mon- sel's solution of iron on oakum or cotton batting, or applying Monsel's powder. As a wound lotion also keep on hand a mixture of one ounce of sugar of lead and six drams of sul- phate of zinc in one pint of water. This is called "white lotion" and should be plainly labeled "poison" and well shaken before use. Dusting Powders. A dusting powder of equal parts of slacked lime, charcoal and sulphur is useful for application to surface wounds and sores. Boracic acid also is needed and a little iodoform may be added to keep flies away. Liniments. Keep on hand a pint (pound) each of turpentine and aqua ammonia. One ounce each of these mixed with a pint of soft water, in which two raw eggs have been shaken up and the mixture left for 24 hours, will make a good stimulating liniment; or one ounce of each may be mixed with 6 to 14 ounces of raw linseed oil to make a very strong or comparatively mild liniment. Lotions. "White lotion" for wounds has al- ready been mentioned. Equal quan- tities of lime water and raw linseed oil make "carron oil," an excellent lotion for burns. Two to four ounces of Goulard's extract and one to two ounces of glycerine in one quart of soft water form a useful lotion for scratches and mud fever of itchiness and "gumminess" of the legs. A good lotion for inflammation of the udder is made by mixing together one part each of fluid extracts of poke root and belladonna leaves and one part of tur- pentine with five parts of sweet oil, melted lard or camphorated oil. It is made weaker or stronger as required. Anodyne lotion for painful swellings is made by combining equal quantities of tinctures of opium, aconite, bella- donna and druggists' soap liniment. A small quantity of chloroform may be added. Mouth lotion consists of an ounce of powdered borax or alum in a quart of soft water; eye lotion of half a dram each of sulphate of zinc and fluid extract of belladonna in a quart of soft water. Tonics. Fowler's solution of arsenic is a good general tonic for rundown, thin, hidebound horses and those afflicted with chronic skin diseases or heaves (broken wind). The average dose is half an ounce (one tablespoonful) given night and morning until one quart has been given. The medicine may then be gradually discontinued, taking at least a week to the work. Dried sulphate of iron (copperas), dose one dram night and morning, is another good tonic, commonly com- bined with an equal dose of ground gentian root or ginger root, nux vomica, saltpeter and fenugreek as a condition powder. The dose is one tablespoonful of the combination of drugs mixed in the feed night and morning for ten days. Omit sulphate of iron for pregnant animals. Nux is poisonous and must therefore be given with care. It is most useful as a nerve tonic and appetizer. Colic Medicines. Keep in stock one pound each of laudanum (dose, 1 to 2 ounces); es- sence of ginger root (dose, 1 to 2 drams); sulphuric acid (dose, Yz to \ ounce) ; turpentine (dose, 1 to 2 ounces); granular hpyosulphite of soda (dose, 1 to 4 ounces). A dose of each of the first three medicines in a pint of water containing two ounces of hpyosulphite of soda will prove eflFective for most colics. Two ounces of turpentine in a pint of raw linseed oil may be given for "wind" (flatulent) 21 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY colic, or following the other medicine when the pain of "cramp" (spasmodic) colic has subsided. Fever Medicines. Powdered saltpeter is an important drug for animals. It is given in the fever of influenza, founder (laminitis) or lymphangitis (milk leg, also for stocking of the legs and other large swellings. A dram is the average dose. Give it every four or six hours in fever, twice daily for swellings, or with tonics as a condition powder, and in double doses for founder or milk leg. Do not give it in colt distemper, when abscesses are forming. It may often be administered in drinking water or a bran mash or damp feed. It also is given in tablespoonful doses once or twice daily for garget of the cow. Beware of aconite often given for fever. It is too dangerous a poison to be safely used by anyone other than a trained doctor. Blister. An efifective blistering ointment is made by melting together three parts of lard and one-quarter part of finely shaved yellow beeswax, and then stirring in one part of powdered can- tharides (Spanish fly). Stir in a tin dish until cold, then store in a capped glass fruit jar. It improves with age. When using this blister clip off the hair, wash ahe skin clean, dry it per- fectly. Tie the horse up short in his stall, rub the blister in for fifteen minutes and then smear on some more blister. Wash the blister ofif in 48 hours and then apply a little lard daily. Do not cover a blistered part, or rub it on the loins, or on top of the hips, or use it after a poultice, or on irritated skin, or in very hot or cold weather. Absorbents. Never be without tincture of iodine to swab on swollen glands, tumors, forming abscesses, bony growths, capped or puffed joints, indolent sores or wounds, canker of the mouth in pigs and ringworm spots. It also is useful to inject into abscessei fistula and lump jaw cavities. Iodine oint- ment is made by mixing one drarn each of iodine crystals and iodide of potash in one ounce of lard. This is used on swellings, sore necks and shoulders, puffs of all sorts, tumors. formi'ner abscesses, ringworm spots and enlargements of the udder. .<# As an absorbent blister rub up one dram of biniodide of mercury with two ounces of the fly blister already men- tioned and use on bony growths, such as splints and ringbone, callouses, indolent sores, tumors of the udder. Worm Medicines. Gasoline is kept on most farms and in tablespoonful doses in six ounces of milk is the best remedy for stomach worms in sheep. Lambs take less in proportion. Two ounces of turpen- tine in a pint of raw linseed oil is effective as a starting dose for a "wormy horse." Follow with worm powders composed of equal parts of salt, sulphur and dried sulphate of "ron. Dose, one tablespoonful night and morning for a week, then skip ten days and repeat. Omit iron for preg- nant animals. For worms of swine give one teaspoonful of turpentine in slop for three consecutive days for each eighty pounds of body weight; or one dram of dried sulphate of iron in slop for five successive mornings for each hundred pounds of body weight. Where swine are known to be seriously infested withworms, give eight grains of santonin and five grains of calomel in a little slop for each hundred pounds of body weight. Divide the pigs into lots of five and give the medicine in a little slop after starving the animals for eighteen hours. Care must be taken to give only the doses here prescribed, else damage may be done. Disinfectants. In the paragraph on wound medi- cines it has been advised to keep car- bolic acid and coal tar disinfectant in stock. To these may be added for- maldehyde, bichloride of mercury tablets and permanganate of potash crystals. In disinfecting a stable a solution of four or five ounces of for- maldehyde to the gallon, or a 1-1,000 of bichloride of mercury (corrosive sublimate) or a 1-30 solution of car- bolic acid or coal tar disinfectant should be used after a thorough clean- sing of the premises. For wounds a 1-1,000 solution of corrosive sublimate also is the most effective disinfectant and a 1-500 solution should be used for disinfecting when a spore-form- ing germ, like that of anthrax, is pres- 22 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY ent. Permanganate of potash is a useful mild disinfectant (antiseptic and deodorizer) in a 1-5,000 to a 1-50 solution. The weaker solution is used lukewarm for vaginal injection pur- poses, while the 2 per cent solution is useful for injection into cavities from which come bad-smelling discharges and for swabbing sores (cankers) of the mouth. As a wound lotion it is usual to employ a 2 to 5 per cent solution of carbolic acid, or lysol, or coal tar disinfectant. Carbolic acid is also much used as an internal disin- fectant in contagious abortion. Two drams of the acid is well diluted with water and mixed in soft feed for each pregnant cow every other night throughout pregnancy. Peroxide of hydrogen one part and clean water two or three parts is a popular dis- infectant for cleansing foul wounds. Scour Medicines. The farm medicine chest would not be completely stocked without some remedies for diarrhoea or scours. A mixture of one part of salol and two parts of bismuth (first prescibed years ago by the writer) has become a standard remedy among farmers. The average dose is one teaspoonful given two or three times a day and washed down with milk or water. The dose may be doubled in bad cases and for larger calves and foals. Prepared chalk, powdered alum, sulphur, pow- dered catechu, rhubarb and ginger root are also much used for diarrhoea, Administering Medicines. - Small doses of liquid medicine, such as the average two-ounce dose of a fever medicine or tonic solution, are best given by means of a half-ounce hard rubber syringe. Expert veteri- narians sometimes give such medicines or bad-tasting drugs in gelatine cap- sules, or in form of a "ball." Worm, condition and tonic powders are mixed in damp grain feed. A large dose of liquid medicine is termed a "drench" and is given from a strong, long-necked bottle. A few inches of rubber hose may be fitted on the neck of such a bottle. ' Wood) Ch Clell. Hazel, Walter; Kansas R13 Em- .'foIn^ ^,^r^^^ ^^^^"^ Harlaud Swangs (1860) Wabash Tel. Redmon Baker Cash (Oda Brooks) Ch Rus- sell, Carl, Myrtle; Chrisman R26 Ed- gar _Sec32 O40a (1873) Wabash Tel Chrisman Baker, Enoch Ch Everette, Glenn Secl3W 0267a (1890) Wabash Tel Brocton Baker, Ira (Pearl Duckworth) Ch i^joyd, Raymond. Victoria, Lonie- Kansas R16 Sec2 T160a Farm Hand H. F. Pinnell (1892) Tel. Kansas ^^ker John W. (Emma Smith) Ch Opal Marion, Fern; Hume Rl Shiloh SeclE T120a W W Baker Est. (1887) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Baker J. D. Ch Carrie, Elsie; Paris I ^/T™T? ^-"^ O-*^^ ^^'^'^'^) Wab- ash Tel. Pans ^^r?7'q^k-,^1 (Mabel Ousley) Brocton 0917) ^^- ^- ^"^''' Baldwin, Eddie (Essie Askew) Ch Basil, Cain, Lula. Beulah; Metcalf Rl Young America Sec20 T400a Mrs. Epps (1917) Tel. Metcalf Bales, F. E. (OUie Baker) Ch John; Sidell R2 Young America Sec7 T120a J. L Richardson (1898) Bales, George (Nancy Odgen) Ch Clara, Ella. Laura, Ethel. Gladys. George, Cloe; Paris R2 Symms Sec30 T130a Roy McCalister (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris Ballard, John (Lena Ballard) Ch Vi- ola, Fred, Ned; Scottland R29 Scott- land Sec26 Farm Hand Noah Scott (1917) Bandy, F, E. (Ellen Rusmisel) Ch Alice; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Secl8 074a (1887) Bandy, Roy B. (Golda Perisho) Dud- ley R12 Grandview Sec22 O160a Mrs. Bandy & Son (1890) Wabash Tel. Paris Bandy, T. M. Oliver Rl Symms SeclO O160a Wabash Tel. Paris Banta, A. J. (Jane E. Pugh) Ch Claud, Ethel, Wilber, Warren; Chrisman R24 Prairie Secl2 045^a (1866) Bell Tel. Ridgefarm Banta, W. H. Ridgefarm Rl Prairie Sec2E T85a S. E. Banta Est. (1884) Bell Tel. Ridgefarm Barber, Paul S. (Grace Prather) Ch Francis. Pauline; Kansas R13 Kan- sas Sec22 O80a (1877) Kansas Tel. Farmers Mutual Barker, J, P. (Helen Williams) Ch Guy W., Alta Belle; Chrisman R24 Ross Sec24 T154a Epps Farm (1915) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Barkley, A. G. (Mertie Secres) Ch George F., Grace E., Walter F., Carl, Ruth; Paris R2 Elbridge Secll TlOOa Maude Barkley (1871) Wab- ash Tel. Elbridge Barkley, Henry (Belle Delaney) Ch Viola Miller, Clarence, Bertha, Gladys, Ralph, Elsie; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec22 T40a J. M. Howard (1865) Wabash Tel. Paris Barkley, Orlando (Rosa Rhoads) Ch Clara, Dora, Estella, George. Er- nest. Effie, Rosalie, Charles; Oliver Rl Elbridge Secl6 O30a Secll T28a C. H. Wade (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris Barkley, O. E. (Minnie Holaday) Paris R8 Paris Sec9N T160a Bob Hennessy (1899) Wabash Tel. Paris Barkley, W. P. (Dora Clouse) Ch Everett, Lucile, Kathleen; Paris R7 Paris Sec21W O80a (1863) Wabash Tel. Paris 36 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Barnett, Egbert (Amanda Weddle) Ch Leona, Edna, Sallie, Effie, Roy, Victor, Daisy, Charles, Willis, Maud. Frank, Edith, Orval; Chris- man R23 Ross SeclS Farm Hand Roy F. B^irnett (1877) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Barnett, Roy F. (May Lyda) Ch Verna, Dale; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec22 T330a Fred Thayer (1886) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Barnett, Victor H. (Oddest Richart) Chrisman R23 Ross Secl6 T200a Mrs. Sarah Hurst (1889) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Baron, Louis Ch Herbert; Sidell R2 Young America Sec6 O60a (1860) Barr, Isaac W. (Nettie Green) Ch Florence, Lillian L; Brocton R19 Embarras Sec8 T240a Mrs. M. E. Hathaway and Mrs. Whitlock (1872) Hume Tel. Co. Brocton Barr, Mary E. Ch Lucile, Newell, Russell; Chrisman R25 Edgar Sec8 O102a (1868) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Barr, Michael (Minnie Gill) Ch Cecil, Edgar, Raymond, Clarence, Roy, Frank, Robert; Paris R5 Grandview Sec36 045a (1861) Tel. Grandview Barr, Silas M. (Ada EUedge) Kansas R13 Embarras Sec32 T159a E. K. Moffet (1873) Wabash Tel. Redmon Barr, William and Nettie Paris R5 Grandview Sec6 T239a Tames Barr Est. (1861) Barr, W. H. Ch Lela, Ruth; Paris R6 Buck Sec30E Resident Harry Adams (1872) Barrett, J. E. (Anna Smith) Ch Bern- ard, Blanche, Bert, William. Ro- salie, John, Ted, Paul, Charles, Law- rence, Harold, Edna, Marv, Tanies; Hume Rl Shiloh Sec3E 0287a (1865) Wabash Tel. Hume Barry, John (Osie Pigg) Ch Clarf^nce; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Sec25 T45a Burk Bros. (1889) Barry, William Edward (Libby Mc- Litosh) Ch Michael Benjamin; Paris R3 Symms Sec2 087a Craig Est. (1878) Wabash Tel. Paris Barth, A. B. (Belle Rhods) "Red Rose Farm" Paris R8 Paris Sec35N T117a O'Gandy & Co. (1872) Wabash Tel. Paris Barth, Clifford (Lucy Dean) Metcalf Rl Young America Sec24 T185a A. J. Barth (1890) Tel. Metcalf Barth, W. F. (Lena Reed) Ch Ray. Raymond, Gladys, Helen; Metcalf Rl Young America Sec24 O80a (1879) Tel. Metcalf Bartmess, Ernest (Margaret Mc- Whorter) Kansas R15 Grandview Sec9 T160a Warren Bartmess (1886) Batchelor, Harvey (Frances Jones) George, Harry, Grace, Russell; Kansas R14 Kansas Sec30 T144a A. F. Welch (1916) Tel. Kansas Bates, S. R. (Nellie Osborn) Ch Beu- lah, Charles, Katherine; Brockton R19 Shiloh Sec4SW T120a John Alason (1893) Wabash Tel. Red- mon Baum, Willis (Lavina Plildreth) Sidell R2 Young America Sec3 OlOOa (1907) Tel. Sidell Baum, W. J. (Carrie Zemke) Sidell R2 Young America Secl2 T80a (1910) Tel. Hume Baxter, G. Q. (Carrie Blaisdell) Ch Vance, Stanley, Florence; Hume Rl Young America Sec22 T160a Dr. Rutherford (1908) Tel. Hume Baysinger, W. (Ettie Ward) Chris- man R26 Edgar SecSS 041a (1877) Beals, Ora E. (Cora Bertram) Ch Vera L. ; Paris Rl Stratton Sec7 T80a B. F. Beals (1877) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Beasley, W. H. (Laura Lewis) Ch James, Blanch, Lula, Benjamin, Lorena, Anna, Bronce, Ray, Lewis, Lilah, Lennie, Owen, Parroll; Kan- sas R14 Grandview Sec2 T127a J. E. Adams (1916) Tel. Kansas Beatty, O. H. (Sallie Asher) Ch Luna, Elsie, Lloyd, Elva, William F., Opal, Pauline; Paris R4 Symms Sec29 OllOa (1865) Wabash Tel. Paris Beatty, R. H. (Belle Jones) Ch Ro- bert; Hume Rl Young America Sec26 T80a (1914) Tel. Hume Becker, Carl (Goldie Macke) Ch Fern D.; Oliver Rl Svmms Sec5 O40a (1882) Wabash Tel. Paris Becker, Forest (Nellie Gresham) Ch Wilber, Ray; Paris R3 Symms Sec6 026a (1888) Wabash Tel. Paris Becker, Louis (Dilla Daugherty) Ch Carl, Forest, Ruby, Lena; Paris R3 Symms Sec6 0272a (1863) Wabash Tel. Paris Beckwith, Thaddeus D, (Cora Cur- nutt) Ch May, Maud, Olga; Chris- man R23 Ross Sec30 Farm Hand R. A. Livett (1912) Bedwell, Alfred Morris (Mary S. Par- rish) Ethel G., Ola M., Verla F.; Paris Rl Stratton Sec5 O80a (1890) Wabash Tel. Vermilion i7 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Beedle, Charles A. (Mary Butler) Ch Mary; Woodrow Swiger; Paris R6 Paris Sec2W O20a (1888) Bell, Charles (Effiie A. Click) Ch La Verne, Earl, Paul, Irene, Wayhe, Virgil. Clifford; Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec25S O320a (1867) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Bell, Samuel (Serena Norris) Ch Charles, Albert; Hume Rl Shiloh Secl2E O80a (1840) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Bennett, Clark (Bertha Swigert) Ch Lorain, Georgian, Elmo, Roeanna, Delia May, Boyd, Dale; Sidell R2 Young America SeclO T320a B. H. Heaton (1882) Bennett, Daniel (Mary Fitzgarrold) Ch Isaac, Euphratis, John; Kansas R15 Grandview Sec4 0155a (1855) Tel. Grandview Bennett, Emil C. (Katherine Cline) Ch Emil C, Basil; Dudley R12 Grandview Secl5 O80a (1870) Tel. Grandview Bennett, E. (Lucy Sims) Ch Ruth. May; "Prairie Ridge Stock Farm" Kansas R15 Grandview Sec4 O80a (1875) Grandview Tel. Kansas ' Bennett, J. T. (Bertha E. Barr) Ch Kenneth Ross; Paris R9 Paris Sec20W T96a J. J. McCarty, Also rents 70 acres in Hunter Twp. (1879) Wabash Tel. Paris Bennett, J. T. (Cora Whiteside) Ch Homer, Bruce, Merritt, Brent, Ar- thur, Mary, Leona; Kansas R16 Kansas Sec3 T300a B. H. & W. C. Pinnell (1884) Tel. Kansas Bennett, L. E. (Ethel Perkerson) Kansas R13 Kansas Secl8 027^a (1893) Tel. Kansas Bennett, Merritt (Margery Morris) Kansas R16 Kansas Sec3 T80a B. H. & W. C. Pinnell (1887) Tel. Kan- sas Bennett, Roy (Elsie Webright) Ch Oscar, Mabel; Dudley R12 Grand- view Secl4-lS O120a (1903) Tel. Grandview Bennett, Samuel (Catherine Kline) Ch Emil, Basil; Dudley R12 Grand- view Sec36 O80a (1877) Bennett, S. A. (Esther Boyer) Ch Charles O., Bennett; Kansas R15 Kansas Sec7 T140a O. E. Boyer (1895) Bennett, W. I. (Allie Cline) Ch Blanch; Kansas R15 Grandview Sec4 O106a T140a Arthur Great- house and D. Bennett (1871) Tel. Grandview Benson, Frank (Kate Berry) Ch Opal, William, Josephine; Paris RIO Hun- ter Sec22 TlOOa J. Frye and Z. Staf- ferd (1884) Wabash Tel. Paris Bercaw, Claude (Stella Collier) Ch Elsie; Paris R3 Symms Sec22 O200a (1883) W^abash Tel. Paris Bercaw, Frank (Ada Davis) Paris R6 Paris Sec3W T84a Mrs. Blanche Bercaw (1878) Wabash Tel. Paris Bercav/, Grover C, (Edna Jones) Ch Willis. Allen; Paris R8 Paris Sec23N O80a (1884) Wabash Tel. Paris Bergen, Byron (Okalla Frank) Cli Curtis; "The Hickories" Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec25-26 0143a (1875) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Berry, Mack (Julia Liggett) Ch John L.; Oliver Rl Elbridge Secl6 O60a (1869) Berry, R. L. (Nellie Harper) Ch Cor- ine, Jennie, Kenneth, Raymond; Newman R3 Shiloh Sec3W T80a Tonah Harper (1911) Bibo, L. M. "Wood Manse" Kansas R15 Grandview Sec8 0512a (1883) Biddle, T. W. (Ada Hooe) Ch Fred, Grace, Russell, Loren, Wilma, Ross; Brocton R17 Shiloh SecllW Farm Hand Ed. Nichols (1915) Wabash Tel. Hume Binkley, George (Mintie Kegley) Ch Marv, Stephen, Lucile, Frances; Scot'tland R30 Brouillett Creek Secl5 T40a Eva Wilhoit (1904) Tel. Iv3.n S3. s Bird, Cora M. (Pearl Wallace) Ch Paul. Lucile, Louise, Rebecca; Kan- sas R15 Kansas Sec6 T57a Riley Nay (1878) Bishop, A. J. (Nancy Elledy) Ch Isaac; Paris R5 Grandview Sec32 0115a (1857) Bishop, Edward (Sarah Lovell) Ch Delbert, Clyde; Kansas R16 Kansas Seel 5 T40a Eva Wilhoit (1904) Tel. Kansas Black, Albert (Naomi David) Ch Wil- liam F., Charles A.; Paris RIO Hun- ter Seel T117a E. K. Stafford and Helen David (1911) Black, Frank A. (Lizzie Green) "Blackville Farm" Paris R7 Paris Sec21N O120a (1881) Wabash Tel. Paris Black, James (Maud Stagg) Ch Min- nie; Vermilion R80 Stratton Seel Farm Hand W. S. Ross (1878) Black, James S. (Elizabeth C. An- thony) Ch Frank; Paris R7 Paris Sec21N O80a (1865) 38 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Blackman, E. B. (Delle Hunter) Ch Faber C, J. E., H. V., J. L., Ben J., Beatrice, Miriam; "Lone Sycamore Farm" Paris Rll Hunter Sec24 O230a (1864) Wabash Tel. Paris Blair, A. W. (Lena Clapp) Dudley R12 Grandview Sec26 T75a Mrs. Susie Clapp (1891) Tel. Grandview Blair, Elza N. (Amanda E. Ashmore) "Lone Pine Farm" Borton Embar- ras Sec24 O250a (1858) Bell Tel. Oakland Blair, F. A. (xMatilda Dunn) Ch Wal- ter, FLrnest, Arnold; Paris R6 Buck Sec2 T385a J. M. Collier (1872) Wabash Tel. Paris Blair, Mint (Hattie Ogle) Ch Kate, Jess, Steve, Fan, Clara; Dudley Grandviev^ Secl6 T760a Fred Baber (1868) Tels. Paris and Kansas Bland, Homer (Ruby Stewart) Ch Elno, W'inford; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec6 Farm Hand J. A. Frantz (1917) Blanford, H. R. (Clara Lamb) Ch Howard L., Paul J.; Paris Rll Hun- ter Sec20 T217a Alonzo Blanford (1882) Wabash Tel. Paris Blanford, L. H. (Ella Vicars) Ch Al- bert S., Mildred L.; Paris Rll Hun- ter Sec20 T217a Alonzo Blanford (1875) Wabash Tel. Paris Blanford, L. S. (Lottie F. Doudy) Ch Donald, Jean, Hermine; Paris Rll Hunter Sec8 T170a W. C. Blanford (1909) Wabash Tel. Paris Bledsoe, Floyd F. (OUie M. Davis) Ch Mary, Nell, John A.; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec31 TlOa C. A. San- ders (1885) W^abash Tel. Elbridge Blevins, Ed. (Ella Penick) Ch Thelma; Paris R6 Paris Sec34W Farm Hand H. A. Hinds (1915) Wabash Tel. Paris Board, Bert (Ethel Hicks) Ch Victor, Walter, Robert, Herbert; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec29 Farm Hand John Lewis (1891) Board, Harry (Maud Harvey) Ch Isabel; Edgar R28 Edgar Secl4 T240a L. Clark (1885) Boland, C. R. (Olive Swank) Ch John; Paris RIO Paris Sec29E T196a J. T. Boland (1885) Wabash Tel. Paris Boland, James D. (Ella Kizer) Ch Elsie; Chrisman R23 Young Ameri- ca O80a (1887) Tel. Metcalf Bolen, J. E. (Liddie J. Harness) Ch Orville, Jessie, Osie, Levona F., Vernon, Charlie, Margaret; Paris R9 Hunter Sec3 0134a (1890) Wab- ash Tel. Paris Boles, C. F. (Alice Watson) Ch Ethel. John, Mabel; Chrisman R27 Edgar Secl2 T152^a Julia Boles (1872) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Bonner, John W. (Elizabeth Bell) Ch Bessie M.; Chrisman R27 Ross Sec33 OlS^a (1865) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Bonwell, B. H. (Ruth Adams) Scott- land R29 Prairie Secl7 T200a Josiah Bonwell (1888) Citizens Tel. Dana Bonwell, Charles S. (Lucy E. Riley) Ch John, Lucy, Jennie, Florence, Marion; Scottland R29 Prairie Secl3 T477a William M. Smith (1886) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Bonwell, James R. (Ota Jennings) Ch Alma, Ruth, Oma, Bertram, Frank, Edna, Russell, Mae; Scottland R29 Prairie Sec20 O170Ha (1867) Citi- zens Tel. Dana Bonwell, W. A. (Bessie Wallace) Ch Dorothy; Chrisman R24 Prairie Sec30 T210a (1885) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Boomer, Hiram (Tillie Thomas) Paris Stratton Sec28 046a (1863) Wabash Tel. Paris Boone, Walter G. (Alice McClure) Chrisman R23 Ross Sec21 T320a Charles Boone (1883) Wabash Tel. ^"hrisman Borton, Emmet S. (Nona Carver) Ch Emmet C. ; Borton Embarras Sec24 O120a (1870) Coles County Tel. Oakland Botner, C. M. (Mary Farrington) Ch Mabel, Harold, Paul, Florence, Car- roll; Scottland R30 Hunter Sec33 T80a Mrs. H. M. Nolan (1916) Citi- zens Tel. St. Bernice Bottom, W. D. (Lottie Melton) Ch Fenton, Martha, Archie, Robert; Kansas R16 Kansas Secl3 T131a Rena Hunt (1908) Bouslog, Charles (Norma Fulton) Ch Horace, Dan, Victor; Chrisman R26 Edgar Sec29 T74a Walter Downing (1889) Wabash Tel. Horace Bouslog, D. W. (Alice Todd) Ch Louis; Paris R8 Paris Sec26N T45a Mart Boatman (1878) Wabash Tel. Paris Bowling, Clyde (Grace McDowell) Ch Lloyd, Arnold; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek T133a Alford Man- ning (1903) W^abash Tel. Horace Boyars, George (Lora Zonk) Ch Reginald; Kansas R14 Kansas Sec36 O20a (1882) Tel. Kansas 39 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Boyd, R. B. (Alice M. Safiford) Ch Hazel, Paul, Mortie, Richard; "Edgewood Farm" Dudley R12 Grandview Sec24 O60a (1869) Tel. Paris Boyer, A. Dudley R12 Grandview Secl4 OlOOa (1875) Boyer, J. M. (Frances Westhafer) Ch Gerald, Wendell; Newman Rl Shiloh Sec22W T96a Mrs. John Cornwell (1917) Boyer, Lew (Belle Wright) Ch Mabel. Oolah, Charles, Russell, Ester, Ruth, Donald, Euclid; Dudley R12 Grand- view Secl4 O200a (1877) Tel. Grand- view Boyer, Prosper A. (Kathryn Tyler) Ch Hellen, Lucile; Paris R5 Grand- view Secl3 O60a (1893) Tel. Clarks- ville Boyer, P. (Katherine Tyler) Ch Lu- cile; Paris R5 Grandview Secl3 O60a (1893) Tel. Clarksville Boyer, W. E. (Mae Radabaugh) Ch Otto, Emory, Ray. Ira, Earl, Grace, Mary, Lucile, Frank; Kansas Kan- sas Sec31 T31a T. J. Boyer (1880) Tel. Kansas Bozarth, E. J. (Letha Reese) Ch Dale, Merrett, Thelma; Paris Rl Stratton Sec33 0144a (1907) Citizens Tel. Libertyville Brackney, Marshall (Katie Combs) Ch Leah; Redmon Buck Sec22W T80a Bell Pierce (1917) Bragg, Harry Ch Anna; Dudlev R12 Grandview Sec36 05a (1878) Brakefield, Joseph (Margaret Rice) Ch Elmer W.. W. Walter; Chris- man R23 Ross Secl6 O40a (1880) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Branson, Norval (Stella Galeener) Paris R7 Paris Sec27W T120a James Eads (1916) Brantlinger, James Ch George; Paris R9 Paris Secl9 TUN RllW Farm Hand J. S. Shank (1897) Bratzler, Jacob (Margaret Humphrey) Ch Moses, Edgar; Edgar R28 Edgar Sec3 T128a James Fades (1895) Wabash Tel. Paris Breen, M. E. (Luella Hayes) Ch Byron; Hume Rl Shiloh Sec2E C108a (1869) Wabash Tel. Hume Breen, W. E, (Maggie Gossett) Nation, Edna; Chrisman R27 Shiloh Secl8E 0212a (1860) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Breneman, David (Louisa Minnick) Ch Stephen, James, Charles, Clar- ence, Anna, Benjamin, Alva; Mar- shall R3 Elbridge Secl6 O20a (1857) Brengle, W. C. (Lizzie Mabry) Ch Fred, Olive, Ray; Paris R6 Buck Sec25S O80a (1861) Wabash Tel. Paris Brick, Mack (Mary Brick, Mother) Paris RIO Hunter Sec36 0139a (1863) Bright, Charles A. (Mary B. Bonwell) Ch Dwight, Anna, May, Caral, Fred, Amos; "Duroc Jersey Hog Farm" Paris RIO Hunter Sec5 T234a G. F. Bright and Bert Nolan (1872) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Bright, J. E. (Carrie Logan) Ch Or- leigh, LeRoy; Paris Rll Paris Sec6E 0152a (1873) Wabash Tel. Paris Bright, J. F. (Mary G. Helt) Ch Her- schel, Harry, Ruth, Henry, Arthur, Rosemary, Max, Johnnie; Paris RIO Hunter Secl4 T220a Jack Black- man (1877) Wabash Tel. Paris Brimner, C. E. (Mamie Downs) Ch Harold, Virginia; "Happy Home Stock Farm" Dudley R12 Grand- view Secll O320a (1907) Tel. Grand- view Brinkerhoff, Charles (Emma Schni- der) Ch Mabel, Leone, Irene; Dud- ley R12 Grandview SeclO O80a (1867) Tel. Grandview Brinkerhoff, George Ch Ozis, Jessie, Clever, Wilson; Dudley Buck SeclO T200a (1852) Brinkerhoff, George (Gertrude Simms) Dudley R12 Grandview Sec27 T44a Henry Brinkerhoff Sr. (1889) Tel. Grandview Brinkerhoff, Henry Sr. (Minnie Fro- vill) Ch Myrtle, George, Henrv, Edith, Clyde; Dudley R12 Grand- view Sec25 0332a (1858) Tel.-Paris Brinkerhoff, Henry Jr. (Lola Bane) Dudley R12 Grandview Sec25 T332a Henry Brinkerhoff Sr. (1889) Tel. Paris Brinkerhoff, Henry H. (Alice Murphy) Ch Lula, Gertrude; "Pleasant View Farm" Brocton R19 Embarras Sec9 O200a (1865) Wabash Tel. Redmon Brinkerhoff, Louis (Parilee Keenen) Ch John, Sylvian; Dudley Buck SeclO T240a John Brinkerhoff (1891) Wabash Tel. Paris 40 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Brinkerhoff, S. W. (Ola Henn) Ch Kathrvn, Martha, Mary; Redmon Buck "SeclS T200a A. Brinkerhoff (1883) Tel. Wabash Brinkerhoff, William (Rosa Bragg) Ethel, Ruth, Ray; Paris R6 Pans Sec33W T135a Hannah Bussart (1868) Wabash Tel. Paris Brinkerhoff, W. W. (Cora Tate) Kan- sas R14 Kansas Sec8-7 T305a Mrs. Eda Steele (1891) Tel. Kansas Briscoe, Robert W. (Melle Kinzel) Kansas R13 Kansas Sec22 T310a R. S. Briscoe (1884) Tel. Kansas Bristow, Frank (Lily White) Ch John, Warren. Helen; Paris R6 Paris Sec3W 0185a (1892) Wabash Tel. Paris Broady, J. E. (Mary Simmons) Ch Gertrude, William, Dade, Edwin, Hudson, Helen; Chrisman R24 Prairie Secl2 Farm Hand (1917) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Brockjones, Harry Sr. Ch Willie, Charles, Tillie, Lucy, Harry Jr. Frank, George; "Maple Lane Farm" Metcalf Shiloh Sec6E 0172a (1879) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Brockjones, Harry Jr. (La Verne Lme- barger) Ch Paul, Verlon; Metcalf Rl Shiloh SecllE T215a W. S. Linebarger (1887) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Eroding, William E. Isabel Embarras Secl4 O80a (1873) Brooks, Charles (Clara Stewart) "Walnut Row Farm" Chrisman R24 Prairie Sec8 05a (1903) Brooks, Hugh E. (Velva Cusick) Ch Elmer; Edgar R28 Edgar Sec22 T220a J. S. Shank (1894) Brooks, John L. (Virginia Saughers) Ch Francis, Geraldine, Lawrence; Edgar R28 Edgar Sec22 T120a Anna Holloway (1888) Brooks, J. R. (Dixie B. Dawson) Ch lona, Robert, James; Scottland R29 Prairie Sec23 T160a Taylor Dawson (1913) Citizens Tel. Scottland Brooks, J. T, (Hattie Black) Ch Geo'rge, William, Edgar; Paris Rl Paris SecSE O40a (1862) Wabash Tel. Paris Brooks, Louis (Eliza Griffin) Ch Gol- den, Bertha; Chrisman R26 Edgar Sec9 OlOa (1865) Brooks, Ralph (Lizzie Moore)) Eu- lalia, Clifford, Clarence, Raymond, Herbert; Oliver Rl Symms Secl7 O40a (1883) Bell Tel. Paris Brown, Charles R. (Nettie Rogers) Ch Orville, Ida, Carl, Charles Jr.; Paris R8 Paris Secl4N T300a George W. Brown Sr. (1886) Wabash Tel. Paris Brown, Claude Brocton R19 Buck SeclOW T240a Eli Brown (1890) Wabash Tel. Redmon Brown, Elijah (Sarah Keys) Ch Clif- ford; Hume Rl Young America Secl9 O80a (1867) Tel. Hume Brown, George W., Jr. (Anna Henry) Paris Rll Paris Sec7E T. A. Foley (1883). Wabash Tel. Paris Brown, Herschel (Ruth Howald) "Sunny Brook Stock Farm" Ver- milion R33 Elbridge Sec25 064a Amanda Brown (1893) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Brown, H. (Lela Igoe) Ch Rosemary, Izeyl Marie; Ridge Farm Rl Prairie Sec2 T340a S. H. Brown (1887) Bell Tel. Ridge Farm Brown, Jim (Lena McCool) Ridge Farm Rl Prairie Sec6 Farm Hand Frank Rickard (1912) Brown, J. E. Ch Mabel, Claude, Clyde; Chrisman R26 Edgar Sec32 015a (1854) Brown, J. M. (Nellie M. Morris) Broc- ton R17 Shiloh SeclO T160a J. W. Hancock (1910) Brown, William R. (Chat Vance) Ch Viola; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec23 OlOOa (1862) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Bruce, James F. (Mary Minor) Ch Clara A., James H., Floyd A., Fred, Clyde, Lucile; Paris Rll Stratton Seel 076a (1852) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Brummett, Harvey (Susie Ashley) Ch Mona, Ivan, Almeda, James; Paris R8 Edgar Sec6 O160a (1862) Wabash Tel. Paris Brunsman, Frank (Frances Cunning- ham) Paris R3 Paris SecllS OlOla (1876) Bell Tel. Paris Buckler, Ed, (Eva House) Ch Edna, Bessie, Maud, Bernice; Hume Rl Young America Sec23 T320a Jennie Rogers (1869) Tel. Hume Buckler, James B. (Nancy J. Ash- more) Ch Leona D., Lawrence M.; "The Maples" Borton Embarras Sec25 O240a (1845) Coles County Tel. Oakland 41 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Buckler, Jess T. (Effie Keys) Ch Pearl, Irene, Clyde, Elizabeth, Myrtle; "The Maples" Isabel Em- barras Sec26 T200a James B. Buck- ler (1915) Coles County Tel. Oak- land Buckler, J. C. (Louisa Scoggin) Ch Adrea, Belva, Jessielee, Ona, Den- nie; Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec27S O120a T350a J. B. Wood (1885) Wabash Tel. Paris Buckner, George (Lettie Starks) Ch Glenn, Robert; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec21 T80a Mrs. Cora Hasler (1909) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Bullock, John. (Pearl McCauley) Scottland R29 Brouillett Creek Sec8 T60a Fred McCauley (1912) Bunnell, James H. (Ona W. William- son) Ch Mildred R., Ivan A., Loveina R., Lawrence A.; "Seven Springs Farm" Paris R2 Elbridge Sec21 T200a Farm Foreman for Dr. W. H. Hoff (1915) Bell Tel. Paris Bunnell, W.S. (Emma Marquand) Ch Elva, Carrie; Paris Rll Paris Sec6E 06a (1864) Wabash Tel. Paris Buntain, Birt (Cora Hess) Ch Mil- dred; Paris Rll Stratton Sec25 Tl70a John Wright (1886) Wabash Tel. Paris Burgett, Charles (Idelia Perisho) Ch Hila, Clarence: Paris R7 Paris Sec21N O80a (1868) Wabash Tel. Paris Burk Bros. M. L.. W. M. and John Chrisman R25 Hunter Sec36 0534a (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris Burke, D. J. (Emma Clements) Pans RIO Hunter Sec2 062i^a T40a M. L. Burke (1875) Wabash Tel. Paris Burket, Charles E. (Alberta Claypool) Ch Lelahmay; Kansas R15 Grand- view Sec4 T120a H. Z. Smith (1912) Tel. Grandview Burkey, Hal (Evelyn Helton) Ch Nina M.; Paris R2 Elbridge Sec4 0167a (1882) Wabash Tel.' Paris Burnham, T. F. (Jessie Halloran) Ch Ted; Brocton R18 Shiloh Sec34S bl06a (1886) Wabash Tel. Redmon Bumsides, W. T. (Clara Wyrick) Ch William, Hellen, Julia; Kansas R15 Grandview Sec4-9-10 O240a (1912) Tel. Grandview Burton, Floyd (Madge Hurnbrooks) Dudley R12 Grandview Secl2 O150a (1892) Tel. Grandview Burton, J. C. (Lena Webright) Ch Floyd, Nettie, Lester, Esta, Ina; Dudley • R12 Grandview Secl2-13-1 0297a (1861) Tel. Grandview Bush, H. L. (Margaret M.) Chrisman R26 Edgar Sec30 046a (1865) Wa- bash Tel. Horace Bush, William (Margaret E. Newton) Ch Bessie, Roy, Marie, Thelma; Scottland Brouillett Creek Secl8 033Ha (1858) Citizens Tel. Dana Bussart, A. O. (Alice Twigg) Ch Laverne, Leone; Dudley Rl^ Grand- view Secl3 O570a (1872) Tel. Paris Bussart, Charles (Ethel Morris) Ch Alildred, Harold; Paris R5 Grand- view Sec29 T44a Mrs. Harry Jones (1890) Wabash Tel. Paris Bussart, D. E. (Laura Lycan) Ch Mattie, Edward, Ralph; Dudley Grandview Secl5 O80a (1887) Tel. Paris Bussart, Edward R. (Lola Brinker- hoff) Dudley Grandview Secl5 T80a D. E. Bussart (1897) Tel. Paris Bussart, Harry (Emma Gumm) Paris R7 Paris Sec33W T80a Charles Gumm (1883) Wabash Tel. Paris Bussart, J. E. (Ida Fisher) Ch Lila, Glen, Gertrude; Paris R6 Buck Sec32E O160a (1872) Wabash Tel. Paris Bussart, Ora (Lilly Comstock) Ch Ovin, Everett; Paris R6 Buck Sec36 O80a (1873) Wabash Tel. Paris Bussart, W. B. (Lou Tohns) Ch Ger- trude; Paris R6 Buck Sec36 T200a George Dole (1882) Wabash Tel. Paris Butcher, Charley (Susie Watkins) Ch Margaret, Lucile; Hume Rl Young America Secl9 T160a Anna Good- son (1895) Tel. Hume Butler, Edward Paris R2 Elbridge Sec28 Farm Hand J. A. Parrish (1870) Butler, Thomas (Jennie Twigg) Paris R8 Paris Seel IN O40a T80a Alarv Hibarger (1873) Wabash Tel. Paris Butterfield, Ocus (Clara Ingram) Chrisman R23 Ross Sec30 T190a Blanche Schance (1915) Wabash Tel. Chrisman FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Cain, Peter (Patrick E. Smith) Ch Ambrose, Alyrtle, Alice, Grace, Annie, Marv: Paris Rll Paris SecSE OlOa (1867) Callaway, R. L. (Bertha Davison) Ch Marvin, Thelma, Ralph; Newman R3 Young America Sec27 T80a C. S. Kirchner (1915) Tel. Newman Calvin, Frank (Nora Hays) Ch Floyd, Fern, Sarah, Sheldon, Harry; Hume Rl Young America Sec24 T160a Oliver Lyons (1896) Tel. Hume Calvin, S. W. (Grace Wright) Ch Pauline, Tessie, Ruby; Edgar R28 Edgar Secl4 T245a A. W. Williams (1869) Wabash Tel. Horace Camerer, Grant and Charlie (Addie) Chrisman R26 Brouillett Sec22-27 085a (1865) Tel. Wabash Camerer, John (Ruth Parish) Ch Dortha J.; Scottland R29 Scottland Sec20 Farm Hand Roy Hess (1895) Camerer, S. W. (Mary J. Bouslag) Ch John, Goldie; Scottland R29 Prairie Secl9 T220a Albert Ingram (1859) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Camp, Frajik (Nancy Moore) Ch Russell, Albert; Kansas R15 Grand- view Sec4 T120a Henry McMulen (1914) Tel. Grandview Campbell, Clarence (Flossie Tatoni) Ch Cleo, Thelma, John R., Clarence E. ; Paris Rl Stratton Sec2 Farm Hand Grant Wright (1917) Campbell, James R (Orna Cummins) Ch Carl; Vennilion R33 Elbridge Sec32 Farm Hand Sieber Shirar (1911) Campbell, J. H. (Belle Craft) Ch Mabel, Alice, Anna. Irene, Alva. Marie. Floe. James. May; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec30-31 T138a Miss Jessie Trout (1911) Campbell, Thomas A. (Orena B. Nica- sour) Ch Walter, Ethel, Newton. Irma, Howard; "Maple Lawn Farm" Isabel Embarras Secl5 O40a T7a John Orack (1897) Canaday, W. S. (Marv Davis) Ch Willard. Glen C. ; S'cottland "R29 Brouillett Creek Sec8 T40a John Cheeswright (1875) Citizens Tel. Dana Cantrell, J .J. (Laura Kirby) Ch Liza, James, Willard; Dudley R12 Grand- view Sec27 T200a R. O. Storemore (1862) Caraway, Mrs. Martha C. Ch Charles C; Chrisman R24 Ross Sec36 0134a (1852) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Carico, J. C. (Nora Hall) Ch Ethel. Helen, Pauline, Charles; "Sunny Brook Farm" Ridge Farm R2 Ross Sec4 T320a James Gaines (1900) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Carico, R. L. (Rhoda Hackler) Ch Katherine. Freta; Ridge Farm R2 Ross Sec4 Farm Hand T. C. Carico (1917) Carmichael, J. V. (Mary Lowery) Ch Helen, Nolan; Paris Rll Hunter Secl8 T120a C. S. Hunter and Charles Watson (1912) Citizens Tel. Libertyville Carmichael, M. S. (Cora Kirk) Ch Inez. Charles; Clinton R2 Stratton Sec28 T60a F. P. Kirk (1897) Cit- izens Tel. Libertyville Carnes, Mat (Rebecca Corzina) Ch Ethel D., Vera M.; "Meadow Brook Farm" Isabel Embarras Sec22 042a (1883) Coles County Tel. Oakland Carnes, Ralph (Jessie Ogden) Ch Lucile; Paris R5 Grandview Secl8 O50a (1885) Wabash Tel. Paris Carrell, Lester (Ella Shoffer) Ch Isla, Laverna, Estella, Lester, Sarah, David; Sidell R2 Young America Seel T80a D. W. Shoffer (1911) Tel. Hume Carroll, Mrs. Anna Ch John J., Alice, Rosie, Paul; Brocton R19 Embarras Sec3 O80a (1881) Coles County Tel. Co. Oakland Carroll, John J. "Shady Lawn Farm" Brocton R19 Embarras Secl5 O90a (1885) Coles County Tel. Co. Oak- land Carroll, Mike (Julia Dugan) Ch Henry,- Honora; Brocton R19 Em- barras Sec34 O60a (1891) Hume Tel. Brocton Carroll, Patrick J. and Delia B. Broc- ton R85 Embarras Sec26 O103a (1891)Hume Tel. Broctoo Carroll, Thomas (Sophia M. Schmitz) Ch Elizabeth C, Mamie L., Florence A., Monica S., Thomas E., Sophia M., Edward J., Norber; "Maple View Farm" Brocton R19 Embarras Sec27 O280a (1869) Hume Tel. Brocton 43 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Carroll, T. J. (Kathryn Dugan) Ch Agnes, George, Anna, Henry, Thomas J.; Brocton R18 Shiloh Secl9W O240a (1903) Hume Tel. Brocton Casebeer, John N. Sidell R2 Young America Sec5 T160a G. W. Green (1900) Tel. Hume Casebeer, Thomas B. (Tenna Eagler) Ch Ray, John, Vera, Vrint, Grace, Lydia; Hume Shiloh Sec5W 083a (1904) Wabash Tel. Hume Cash, Charles H. (Anna Tysinger) Ch Maggie, Florence, Elsie, Walter, Edward; Paris R8 Paris Secl6N O120a (1868) Wabash Tel. Paris Cash, F. F. (Ethel Parker) Ch Gerald, Louise; Brocton R17 Shiloh Secl2W 0125a J. E. Beck (1886) Wabash Tel. Hume Cash, John (Minnie Merryman) Ch Verlon, Oceola, Louis; Chrisman R27 Shiloh Sec20E T185a Gertrude Morris (1873) Wabash Tel. Horace Cash, U. D. (Jessie Buckler) Ch Dor- othy, Dean, Dale; Chrisman R27 Edgar SeclS T120a J. C. Buckler (1893) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Caskey, Bert (Ethel Creech) Ch Ruth, Hugh, Ervin; Edgar R28 Edgar Sec2 T165a W. H. Morris (1910) Wabash Tel. Paris Cassity, Andrew (Margaret Snider) Ch Deva, Xenophon, Mark; Dudley R12 Grandview Secl3 O80a (1873) Cassity, J. A. (Mary Savage) Ch Paul, Blanche, Jean, Robert, Charles: Chrisman R26 Edgar Sec32 T40a Carlos Murphy (1897) Cassity, O. P. (Ethel Robinson) Ch Russell, Myrtle, Melvin, Otis; Sidell R2 Young America Sec5 T92a Hartly Est. Cassity, Xen (Mabel Newman) Ch Lloyd, Alarie; Paris R8 Shiloh Sec6S O80a T220a Mrs. Alice Tennery (1877) Wabash Tel. Paris Cassle, G. W. (Julia A. Hall) Ch Helen, Walter, Hazel. Mary; Paris Rl Stratton Secl8 O140a Secll T60a Mrs. Ida Nye (1860) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Cassle, H. W. (Louise Boyd) Ch Mary K., Mabel; Paris Rl Elbridge Secl8 OlOOa (1876) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Cassle, Walter J. (Beulah Eastham) Paris Rl Elbridge SeclS T140a George W. Cassle (1892) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Chandler, Arthur (Zula Hedrick) Ch Esta, Lester, Cecil; Paris R7 Paris Sec29W Farm Hand Charles Gumm . (1915) Chancy, Hiram (Julia Hutchens) Ch Green, Hurley, Lillie, Sallie, Andrew, OUie; Dudley R12 Grand- view Sec35 O40a (1871) Tel. Grand- view Chaney, W. M. (Gertrude Fry) Ch Floyd, Fenton; Kansas R14 Kansas Sec7 T305a J. B. Lord (1907) Tel. Kansas Chapman, H. N. (DoUie Yingst) Ch Alice, William, Lucile, John; Kansas R15 Kansas Sec36 T155a Ira May (1906) Tel. Kansas Chapman, William (Maggie Harrison) Ch Iva Simps, Carlan, Virgil, Grace; Kansas R14 Kansas Seel T160a Ace Greathause (1910) Chesroun, Charles L. (Minnie M. Cry- der) Ch Mildred, E., Lillian C., Esthel, LaFern; "Plain View Farm" Brocton R19 Embarras Sec8 O120a (1869) Wabash Tel. Redmon Chesrown, James Sr. (Martha Rob- erts) Ch Elizabeth M., Clive J., Gen- evieve; Brocton R19 Embarras Sec9 O80a (1857) Wabash Tel. Red- mon Chesrown, James M. (Ella Richard- son) Ch Bernice, Ida, Eva, James D., Minniebell; Redmon Embarras Sec20 O40a (1867) Wabash Tel. Redmon Chesrown, Peter Ch Daniel W., Annie M., Myrtle D., Avis, Garnet; "Ches- rown Homestead" Brocton R19 Embarras Secl8 O170a (1860) Wa- bash Tel. Redmon Chesnut, J. L. (Etta Sayre) Ch George, Okie; Chrisman R24 Prairie Sec30 093a T220a W. F. Hoult (1895) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Chestnut, J. W. (Rachael Wheeler) Ch Delia M.; William F., James F., Vanhuss, Stepchildren; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Secl6 Farm Hand Oren Igo (1917) ' Chew, C. W. (Clara H. Trout) Ch Hazel, Forest, Helen; "Lone Maple Fruit and Berry Farm" Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec30-31-36 068a (1893) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Chrisman, E. L. (Mary Manning) Ch Thelma, Madge, Gertrude; Chris- man R25 Hunter Sec3S O70a Brouillett Creek Sec26 T320a Jacob Littlefield and Mary E. Manning (1879) Wabash Tel. Horace and Citizens Tel. St. Bernice 44 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Church, C. H. (Estella Harris) Ch Maria, Louise; Paris R5 Buck Sec6 T200a John W. Church (1910) Wabash Tel. Paris Clapp, C. C. (Susie Huston) Ch Lena; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec34 0113a (1869) Tel. Grandview Clapp, F. L. (Zula Linder) Ch Leona, Richard; Kansas R14 Grandview Sec28 O120a (1874) Tel. Kansas Clapp, I. B. (Blanch Tate) Ch Lallvn, Ruth; Dudlev R12 Grand- view" Sec27 0156a (1879) Tel. Grand- view Clark, Albert (Lola Brading) Ch Bertha, Fern, Christine; Hume Rl Young America Sec36 T170a Jasper Brading (1878) Tel. Hume Clark, Alva (Lula Rautledge) Ch Earnest, George, Russell; Chrisman R26 Edgar Sec30 Caretaker Frank- lin Cemetery (1876) Wabash Tel. Horace Clark, Benjamin S. Brocton R19 Embarras Secl3 T140a Charles Hem and Mrs. Ewalt (1888) Clark, Charity A. Ch Minnie, Emma, Mary, Daisy. Harry, William, Ednah; Paris R5 Grandview Sec36 OlOa (1890) Clark, Homer (Mabel Sloan) Paris R5 Paris Sec8W T120a Mrs. Joe Collier (1889) Wabash Tel. Paris Clark, Howard Louis (Sarah J. Clark, Mother) Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Secl4 TllOa (1881) Citizens Tel. Dana Clark, Joe (Ellen Peters) Ch Emma, Zone, Brown, Edward; Sidell R2 Young America Seel T360a J. M. Baum(1915) Clark, J. H. (Sarah Myers) Ch Orris; Brocton R17 Shiloh Sec2W O80a (1912) Wabash Tel. Hume Clark, M. O. (Iva Milton) Borton Embarras Secl3 T120a E. N. Blair (1883) Bell Tel. Oakland Clark, Orval (Lyra Hooe) Ch Wil- bur; Newman R3 Shiloh Sec2W T160a Hazel Voyles (1911) Wabash Tel. Hume Clark, Seberry M. (Mary K. Bonnell) Ch Rosie, Leona, Benjamin, Homer, Theodore, William, Florence, Goldie, Otis; Kansas R13 Embarras Sec23 T221a Maggie Hyatt and Carrie Bradford (1876) Coles Coun- ty Tel. Oakland Clark, W. H. (Xenia Dougherty) Ch Martha; Edgar R28 Edgar Secl4 T200a E. C. Clark (1880) Wabash. Tel. Horace Clark, W. M. (Salina Parish) Ch Alto, Bennie, Alva; Horace Edgar Sec30 O40a (1848) Wabash Tel. Horace Clark, W. P. Chrisman R23 Ross Sec7 T480a Dr. F. N. Obert (1898) Wa- bash Tel. Chrisman Clause, A. W. (Eva Turner) Ch Walter, Ivan, Florence; Chrisman R27 Ross Sec33 046a (1877) Wa- bash Tel. Chrisman Clause, Ivan (Anna Ellsberry) Ch Mary, Everett, Lena; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec33 041a (1887) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Clawson, Joseph C. (T. Miller) Ch William, Lloyd, Otis; Chrisman R26 Edgar Sec28 T53a Nettie Cornape (1882) Cline, Charles (Leota Clinton) Ch Byron, Elizabeth, Leslie, Beatrice; Kansas R13 Embarras Sec32 T430a Will Cowell (1865) Wabash Tel. Redmon Cline, Fred (Eva Croudy) Ch Lucile, Pauline, Geraldine, Virginia; Paris R4 Symms Sec5 O190a (1872) Wa- bash Tel. Paris Cline, G. V. (Nanna J. Barr) Kansas R13 Embarras Sec33 T150a (1879) Wabash Tel. Redmon Cline, W. A. (Nancy E. Hollings- worth) Ch Edna, Ethel; Paris R3 Symms Secl2 O60a (1869) Wabash Tel. Paris Clinton, C. E. (Jennie Young) Ch Elsa, Mayme, Jessie; Kansas R13 Kansas Sec5 0142a Clinton Est. (1895) Wabash Tel. Redmon Clouse, Walter (Elsa Wood) Ch Edith; Chrisman R25 Edgar Sec4 T360a Jessie Reaves (1886) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Cochran, Arthur (Ella Gray) Ch Essie, Oliver, Wilmar, Olaf, Harold; Paris R7 Buck Secl3N Foreman Jerry Curl (1909) Wabash Tel. Paris Cochran, O. P. (Lilly Collins) Ch Bertha. Helen, Raymond, Josephine; Paris R7 Buck Sec24N Foreman J. G. Humerichouse (1908) Cockcroft, Harlan (Nell Comstock) Ch Leora, Eileen, Lucile, Roy; Paris R2 Elbridge Seel OlOa TlOOa R. M. Cockcroft Wabash Tel. El- bridge Cockcroft, R. M, (Sarah A. Shields) Ch Harlan. Gladys; "Hominy Ridge Stock. Dairy and Poultry Farm" Paris R2 Elbridge Seel 0115a (1857) Wabash Tel. Elbridge 45 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Cockcroft, Seth^ E. (Exia A. Mad- dock) Ch Josephine E., Earl W., Nina L., Hallie I., Margaret I., Paris R2 Elbridge Seel 06a (1885) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Cockcroft, S. D. (Sarah E. White) Ch Jessie, Seth E.; Paris R2 Elbridge Secl-6 083a (1860) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Cockcroft, W. H. Paris R2 Elbridge Seel 033/4a (1859) Coe, John F. (Maggie E. Banta) Ch Ocie, Henry, Everett, Edna, John, Charles, Ethel; Scottland R29 Prairie Sec20-17 OlOOa (1885) Elec- tric Tel. Dana Coe, N. S. (Martha Porter) Ch Frank, Mary, Vivian, Kenneth; Chrisman R23 Ross Secl4 O40a TlSOa (1875) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Coleman, Bert Scottland R29 Brouil- lett Creek Sec8 T5a M. W. Mattox (1880) Tel. Dana Collier, G. L. (Wena Schlagle) Ch Mabel, Grace, Gilbert, Addie, Lissie, Lillian, Elsie, Clayton, Chester; Paris R9 Paris Secl9 TUN RllW T150a Shank Est. (1911) Wabash Tel. Paris Collier, Harry M. (K. Orrell) Ch Walter, Harold; Edgar R28 Edgar Sec36 0226a (1896) Wabash Tel. Horace Collier, Henry C. (Elsie Honnold) Ch Stella, Ray, Nora; "Red Polled Stock Farm" Redmon Embarras Sec31 O640a (1861) ^ ^ ^, Collier, John (Bertha Jacobs) Ch Dorothy, Garnet; Paris R3 Pans SecllS T120a John Wallace (1906) Collier, John W. (Nora E. Jacobs) Paris R3 Symms Sec23 O240a (1883) Wabash Tel. Paris Collier, Steve (Laura Miller) Ch Rus- sell, Orville, Allen. Thelma; Pans R2 Elbridge Secl6-21 T120a Berlau Bros. (1881) Bell Tel. Paris Collier, Vernie (Elsie Crum) Chris- man R24 Prairie Sec30 T90a W. E. Holden (1884) Wabash Tel. Chris- inan Collins, Fred (Bessie Nolan) Ch Flor- ence, Andrew, Jonathan, Martha, Mary; Scottland R29 Prairie Secl6 T80a J. E. Ellis (1875) Citizens Tel. Dana Collins, Joseph G. (Effie Cornett) Ch Eula, Ola, Rudolph, Robert, Paul; Ridge Farm Rl Ross Sec2 Farm Hand Isaac Woodyard (1917) Wa- bash Tel. Chrisman Collins, Louisa Ch Frances B., Robert; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Sec28 0127Ha (1882) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Collins, Mike (Mary Cain) Ch Marie, Tresa; Paris R2 Symms Secl7 O180a (1890) Wabash Tel. Paris Collins, Roscoe (Grace White) Ch Eva; Brocton R17 Shiloh SeclOW Farm Hand Carl S. Long (1916) Combs, John N. Brocton R19 Embar- ras Secl8 025a (1896) Comstock, J. H. (Nancy B. Shields) Ch Minnie B., Lillie R., Cora D.. Nellie R., Lena M.; "The Bement Farm" Dennison R2 Elbridge Secl3 O260a (1876) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Condon, John Hume Shiloh Sec5-6W O760a (1868) Tel. Hume Conley, James L. (Dessie E., Perisho) Ch Nellie P., James R., John F., Zella, Zona, Ruby, Mabel; "Crest View Farm" Kansas R13 Embarras Sec29 O120a (1865) Wabash Tel. Redmon Conley, William (Myrtle Eyers) Ch Mary M.; "Walnut Drive Farm" Kansas R13 Embarras Sec30 O104a (1866) Wabash Tel. Redmon Conner, Bert E. (Mary Park) Ch Russell P.. Frances L. Leonard W.; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Sec33 O50a Secl3 T120a W. R. Con- ner (1873) Citizens Tel. Dana Conner, Jacob R. (Mary Robertson) Ch Cloe, Ollie, Permelia, Charlie, Bernice; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Secl9 O60a (1876) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Conner, Sam (Nancv) Ch Sofa, Dell B.; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Secl9 T61a Sam Conner (1890) Tel. Farmers' Line Connery, Will Paris R2 Symms Secl8 O40a Secl9-30 T135a Connery Est. Wabash Tel. Paris Conover, J. C. (Abba Fulton) Ch Samuel, Eleanor, Margaret, William, Carl, Robert; Chrisman R24 Ross Sec26 Olla (1882) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Conover, T. (Nellie Bussart) Ch Blanche O. W., Lucile, Bertha, Leona; Paris RIO Hunter Secl5 T200a Adam Mann (1870) Wabash Tel. Paris Cook, F. D. (Lenora Henderson) Ch William, Warren, Alice; Chrisman R2 Prairie Sec5 T120a Mrs. Hender- son (1902) Citizens Tel. Dana 46 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Cook, G. W. (Jane Cook) Ch Harm, Lawrence, Elmer, Clara, Nora, Alva, Orval; Paris R6 Buck T80a (1867) Cook, H. H. (Ida Stewart) Ch Ray- mond, Mildred; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec32 T200a David Hartley (1913) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Cooley, Henry (Edith Howley) Ch Hazel, Ethel; Kansas R13 Kansas Sec23 T240a R. E. Brisca (1915) Tel. Kansas Cooper, C. E. (Marjorie Burnham) Ch Joseph; Paris R7 Buck Secll O400a (1915) Wabash Tel. Redmon Cornwell, Allen (Goldie Dickson) Ch Wayne Allen, Agnes Irene; Oliver Rl Symms Secl4 084a Irena Dick- son (191*0) Citizens Tel. Oliver Cox, Benjamin (Bathsheba Rhoads) Ch Riley, Bertie, Lonnie, Bennie, Mitchell; Paris R3 Symms Secl3 0125a (1857) Wabash Tel. Paris Cox, F. (Lida Green) Ch William; Sidell R2 Young America Sec4 T420a Grant Jones (1915) Tel. Hume Cox, George L. (Laura Jackson) Ch Zada, RoUey, Earle, Claude; Broc- ton R17 Shiloh Sec8W Farm Hand M. Winn (1900) Wabash Tel. Hume Cox, M. B. (Josephine Schneider) Ch Hazel, Marie; Dudley R12 Grand- view Sec26 OSOa (1903) Tel. Paris Cox, Riley (Lillie Beatty) Ch Marie, Owen; Paris R3 Symms Sec5 T40a Nancy Beatty (1875) Wabash Tel. Paris Cox, R. W. (MoUie Morris) Ch Wil- liam, Samson, Roy, Jewel; Sidell R2 Young America Seel T80a Tom George (1917) Cox, Willie (Fannie Willison) Ch Chester; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Sec34 T240a Winfield Ran- dall (1915) Crabtree, Bernie Paris R7 Paris Seclb T160a Claude Crabtree (1896) Wa- bash Tel. Paris Crabtree, E. D. (Tillie Dowdell)' Ch Anna, Ethel, Gertrude; Paris R7 Paris Secl6N O80a Sec36N T16a W. D. Coles (1884) Wabash Tel. Paris Crabtree, Dr. J. S. (Anna Church) Ch Frank, Richard, Maryelizabeth, Caroline; ParisR7 Paris Secl6N OSOa (1876) Wabash Tel. Paris Crafton, James Ch Opal, Irene, Agnes, Buford, Wayne, Josephine; Ridge- farm Rl Ross Seel Farm Hand H. C. Woodyard (1882) Craig, H. Siegel (Emma Zimmerman) Ch Floyd, Oral; Isabel Embarras Sec22 O60a (1862) Craig, J. F. (Goldie I. Birchfield) Ch Ned, Mildred, Bernice, Imogene, Harold, Harlan, Kent; Newman R3 Shiloh Sec2W T160a C. F. Voyles (1914) Craig, L. T. (Nora Freeman) Ch Hazel, Plumie, Kermit; Brocton R17 Shiloh Sec6W T260a W. B. Morraw (1899) Wabash Tel. Hume Craig, T. M. (Susie Mershoun) Ch Archie, Mabel, Elsie, Herschel, William; Hume Rl Shiloh SeclOE T226a J. W. Snyder (1887) Wabash Tel. Hume Craig, William A. (Effie U. Skelton) Ch Alice O., Edith; Kansas R13 Embarras Sec23 T200a C. W. Good- hart and S. Sherman (1897) Creech, D. W. (Lizzie McCulloch) Ch George, Mabel, Hazel, Mary; Chris- man R26 Edgar Sec33 035a (1907) Wabash Tel. Horace Crist, Elbert E. (Elno Inmon) Ch Loui, Louisa, John, William; Met- calf Rl Young America Sec25 O80a (1875) Tel. Metcalf Crist, William (Olive Wright) Ch Zuelma; Metcalf Rl Shiloh Secl2E T190a Mrs. Mary R. Wright (1883) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Crist, J. O. (Lula Mapes) Ch Anna Mary; Metcalf Rl Young America Sec25 T160a J. W. Whitehead (1887) Tel. Metcalf Crooks, Chester W. (Opal F. Dur- man) Chrisman R24 Prairie Sec7 T200a J. E. Holady (1913) Citizens Tel. Scottland Crowe, Edgar and Clarence (Callie Crowe, Sister) Chrisman R23 Ross Secl8 T132a David Varner (1917) Crum, Claud (Maud Egan) Ch Helen, Aline; Paris RIO Hunter Secl3 083a T290a H. E. Reeves and Frank Hagn (1878) Wabash Tel. Paris Crum, Joe T. (Gaylena Dennison) Ch Paul, Catherine; Paris R2 Symms Sec20 O90a Oda Sigmore (1894) Wabash Tel. Paris Crum, J. A. (Hannah Henson) Ch Joseph, Cecil, Francis, Harry, Albert, Jesse, Walter, Minnie, Willis, Edith; Chrisman R26 Edgar Sec32 0135a (1873) Wabash Tel. Horace Crumb, A. H. (Etta Ward) Ch Ada. Myrtle, Lloyd, Elmer; Paris R9 Paris Sec8E Farm Hand Mrs. Lilly Wright (1877) 47 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Culbertson, Edward (Dora Rhoads) Paris R6 Buck Sec31E 0156a (1860) Wabash Tel. Paris Cummins, Glenn (Blanche Scott) Ch Cecile, Vergil, Gertrude, Glenn Jr.. Helen; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec32 T160a C. E. Bonner (1885) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Cummins, J. F. (Elizabeth Zimmer- man) Ch Myrtle, Cecile; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec31 T124a Epps Farm (1858) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Cummins, M. H. (Cecil Stotts) Ch M., Herold; Paris Rll Stratton Sec2 T75a R. M. Stotts and Sarah Throneburg (1895) Cummins, Robert A. (Ora E. Gilhs) Ch Jesse G., Claude, Lowell, Mabel; Brocton R19 Embarras Sec6 Farm Hand Henry S. Merkle (1865) Wabash Tel. Redmon Cundiff, L. L. (Ethel Boyd) Ch Ver- non. Aleein; Paris Rl Stratton Sec6 062a (1916) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Curl, Charles E. (Genevieve Duga) Paris R6 Buck Sec31 T146a J. W. Curl (1893) Wabash Tel. Paris Currey, Isaac Ch Charles S., Owen M., William C, Harry P., Pearl E., Ezra F.; Brocton Embarras Sec36 O60a (1890) Hume Tel. Co. Brocton Curry, Jacob W. (Roena Gillis) Ch Frank, Goldie, Paul, Ola. Gladys, Mildred, Erma; Brocton Embarras Sec36 O20a (1887) Hume Tel. Co. Brocton Curtis, Bernie (Myrtle Bell) Paris R8 Paris Secl6N T160a Joseph Curtis (1889) W^abash Tel. Paris Curtis, Charles (Beulah Honeywell) Ch Richard, Charles; Paris R8 Edgar Sec33 T426a Joseph Curtis (1887) Wabash Tel. Paris Curtis, Claude (Hattie Franklin) Ch Kenneth; Paris R7 Paris Sec26N 05a (1905) Bell Tel. Paris Curtis, Fred (Delia Ferguson) Ch Byron, Owen. Eugene; Paris R8 Edgar Sec4 T120a Joseph Curtis (1885) Wabash Tel. Paris Cusick, A, M. (Mary Cunningham) Ch Viola. Tom, Dave, Bertha, William, Leslie; Ethel, Maymie and Sammie Morrow; Metcalf Rl Shiloh Secl3E O220a (1857) Cusick, John (Jane Crauther) Ch Alyrtle, Maude. Sara; Chrisman R27 Edgar Sec21 092a (1856) Wa- bash Tel. Horace Cusick, L. T. (Nannie Stanfield) Ch Pearl. Paul, Lena. Carmel. Gilbert; Metcalf Rl Shiloh Secl3E T300a A. M. Cusick (1885) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Cusick, W. N. (Stella Perkins) Ch Hellen, Raymond; Chrisman R23 Young America Secll T440a Cora L. Epps (1885) Tel. Metcalf Cutsinger, Carl (Clara Pool) Kansas R13 Buck Sec21 Tla (1914) Wa- bash Tel. Paris D Dailey, D. B. (Minnie Webir) Ch Max Wayne; Dudley R12 Grand- view Sec35 T188a Frank Schnieder (1884) Dailey, M. B. (Rex Yergan) Ch Dorthea, Edward, Olive, Myrl; Oliver Rl Symms Secl8 O80a (1857) Bell Tel. Paris Dailey, Hugh (Anna Shields) Ch Opal, Ruby, Pearl, Lloyd, Lester; Paris R5 Grandview Sec7 T200a Laura Swango (1865) Peoples Mutual Tel. Grandview Dalton, T. M. (Jennie Coon) Ch Gladys, Buell. Elmer. Harry. Mar- jorie; Brocton R19 Shiloh Sec4SW TBOa Mrs. S. D. Fahrner (1916) Wabash Tel. Redmon Daniels, Frank I. (Mary A. McQueen) Ch Lillian F., Dwight I., Fay, Thelma; Redmon Embarras Sec20 T183a Role Est. (1917) Wabash Tel. Redmon Danner, J. F. (Pearl Smith) Chris- man R27 Edgar Secl7 T160a Cora Apps (1886) Wabash Tel. Horace Daugherty, B. F. (Ada Webb) Ch Victor, Howard, James; "Red Feather Poultry Farm" Metcalf Young. America Sec35 OlOa (1893) Tel. Metcalf Daugherty, William D. (Ada Bates) Ch Delorus, Willard, Robert; Broc- ton R19 Embarras Secl7 T375a Mary E. Hathaway (1892) 48 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY David, C. A. (Mary Berry) Ch Marie, Delia, James, Ellen, Frank; Paris RIO Hunter Sec36 O80a (1860) David, George W. (Mae Matthew) Ch Link, Mary, Raymond, Ruth, Wal- ter; Paris R7 Paris Sec20W Farm Hand James Eledge (1860) David, J. H. (Julia H. Stafford) Ch Mary N.. Liddie H., Susie B.; Ar- thur X.. Mary L. Alsberry Grand- children; Paris RIO Hunter Seel 065a T40a Mrs. J. H. David (1883) Davidson, A. E. (Nettie Dekriest) Ch William, Addie, Mary, Arch, John, Hazel; Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec25S T140a D. S. Perkins (1862) Wabash Tel. Hume Davidson, Bros., William and George Brocton R18 Shiloh Sec3SW O106a (1859) Wabash Tel. Redmon Davidson, Miss. Elizabeth Brocton R18 Shiloh Sec3SW 054a (1882) Wabash Tel. Redmon Davidson, H. L. (Gertrude Hartley) Ch Georgia H.; Newman R3 Young America Sec27 T80a M. Hartley (1915) Davidson, Lloyd B. (Freda Hewitt) Metcalf Rl Shiloh Secl7E T373a Mrs. Clark Carmon (1911) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Davidson, W. H. (Emma Hartley) Ch Nettie, Louise; Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec24W T160a Mason Standley (1888) Hugh Tel. Brocton Davis, Alice M. (Alice M. Mathews) Ch Eva, Jennie V., Mary E. Evard, Granddaughter; Paris Hunter Sec34 O20a (1856) Davis, Arnold (Pearl Gilbert) Ch Ruth; Kansas R14 Kansas Secl9 T60a Asa Greathouse (1914) Davis, A. D. (Ruby Anderson) Ch Alma; Kansas Kansas Sec3 T160a D. Green (1895) Davis, Mrs. Bess (Bess Redmon) Ch Walter. Robert, Jane; "Lake View Farm" Paris R8 Paris Sec25 TUN RllW O160a (1879) Wabash Tel. Paris Davis Bros. James R. and John M. Alf. Redmon Embarras Secl9-24 O80a Sec24 T80a E. N. Blair (1887) Davis, B. M. (Rachael Malone) Ch Walter, Edna, Ruth; Paris R9 Edgar Sec9 O20a Davis, Daniel (Belle Milbourn) Ch Roy; Kansas R16 Kansas Secl8 016a Tel. Kansas Davis, F. J. (Matilda Campbell) Ch Daisy; Paris R5 Paris Secl6S T176a Charles Levings (1910) Wabash Tel. Paris Davis, George (E. Caldwell) Ch Flos- sie, Willis, Glenn, Blanche; Chris- man, R25 Edgar Sec3 T50a Dennis Sayre (1888) Wabash Tel. Chris- man Davis, John T. (Anna Sudduth) Paris R5 Paris Secl9S Solomon Davis (1879) Wabash Tel. Paris Davis, J. P. (Charity Paris) Ch Otto, Alva, Susie, Flossie, Charles, Carl, Roscoe; Dudley R12 Grandview Secl5 T200a Dave Perkins Est. (1863) Tel. Grandview Davis, Norman (Nellie Needigh) Chrisman R23 Young America Secl2 T448a W. N. Cusick (1917) Davis, O. C. (Hattie Harris) John, Grace, Ruth, Paul, Lonnie, Fay; Paris R6 Edgar Sec29 O40a (1867) Davis, Mrs. Rebecca (Rebecca Ogle) Ch Ethel; Paris R4 Paris SeclOS 0153a (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris Davis, Solomon (Ellen Collier) Ch John; Paris R5 Paris Secl6S 0161a (1846) Wabash Tel. Paris Davis, Walter L. (Olive Brooks) "Lake View Farm" Paris R8 Paris Sec25N Mrs. Bess Davis (1898) Davis, W. M. (Nellie McCauley) Ch Leota, Leora, James O., Inez L. ; Chrisman R25 Brouilett Creek SeclS T70a Grant Hutson (1908) Citizens Tel. Dana Davison, Ray (Nellie Blizzard) Ch Harold, Mildred; Chrisman R27 Ross Sec31 T160a M. Hartley's Est. (1913) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Dawson, Doug (Ida May Roden- berger) Ch Drexel, Gail, Wayne, Dewey; "Osage Nook" Scottland R29 Prairie Sec23 O160a (1861) Citizens Tel. Scottland Dawson, James (Leona Boaz) Ch Forest; Hume Young America Sec30 T240a Hanna Reed (1898) Tel. Hume Dawson, J. L. (Nettie Maddack) Ch Gladys, Francis, Lowell; Scottland Brouillett Creek Sec35 0197a (1887) Citizens Tel. Scottland Dawson, J. W. (Ellen Brick) Paris RIO Hunter Secl2 O200a (1845) Farmers and Citizens Tel. St. Ber- nice 49 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Day, Walter (Stella Hall) Ch Anna M., Luella, William, Howard L., Lucy H.; Paris R9 Hunter Sec21 T120a Robert Click (1910) Wabash Tel. Paris ^. Dean, Albert Ch Inthia; Pans R5 Crandview Sec29 T9a W. T. Gra- ham Dean, A. L. Ch Mary, Lucy; Hume R20 Young America Secl8 T204a (1885) Tel. Hume Dean, Collett (Nettie Foltz) Ch H. Russell, Meredith C, Dorothy L; "Wright Dale Farm" Vermilion El- bridge Secl3-14 0149a (1894) Wa- bash Tel. Vermilion De Atley, F. M. (Elizabeth Kincaid) Ch Lenora, Ethel, Everett; Metcalf Rl Young America Secl9 T160a James Kincaid (1911) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Delap, Clinton B. (Golda B. Wass) Ch Dorothy E.; Kansas R13 Em- barras Sec34 T320a M. J. Delap (1890) Coles County Tel. Oakland Delap, Minter I. (Amanda Blood) Ch Clinton, Homer, Ray, Grace; "Lowland Stock Farm" Kansas R13 Embarras Sec26 O320a (1885) Coles County Tel. Oakland Delap, Ray J. "Lowland Stock Farm" Kansas R13 Embarras Sec26 T320a M. I. Delap (1894) Coles County Tel. Oakland De Lapp, E. O. (Mary Perisho) "Hickory Grove Farm" Kansas R14 Buck Sec4 0118a J. P. Perisho (1915) Wabash Tel. Redmon Demougin, W. E. (Kate Smithkamp) Ch Elsie, Pearl, Edward, Victor, Maggie, Ruth, Brent Allyn; Dud- ley R12 Grandview Sec3 093a (1870) Tel. Grandview Dengler, Irvin (Cora White) Ch Lunda B., Laura, Nellie, Ezra, Emil, Ruth, Jewel; "Sugar Valley Dairy and Poultry Farm" Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec6 057a (1879) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Denham, John Ch James, Angeline, Lilly, Maude, Arthur; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec21-22 0133a (1863) Bell Tel. Paris Dennis, William A. (Dorotha Summy) Ch Barbara; Paris Rll Stratton Sec34 O370a W. O. Wilson Est. (1913) Wabash Tel. Paris Dennison, Zelora E. (Ella L. Works) Ch James P., Grace L; Isabel Em- barras Secl5 O103a (1909) Depery, O. M. Scottland R29 Prairie Sec21 O210a (1897) DePuy, Everett M. (Nora Adams) Chrisman R27 Edgar Sec8 O206i^a (1897) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Devers, G. W. (Louella Mounts) Paris RIO Paris Sec32E T17^a Kate Mor- risey (1913) Devers, John (Carrie L. North) Ch Jacob M.; Paris Rll Stratton Sec2 OlOO (1879) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Dick, A. B. (Annie Henson) Paris R5 Grandview Sec31 TlOa N. R. Mol- pitt (1887) Tel. Grandview Dick, Charles H. (Margaret Kauf- man) Ch Edgar, Allen, Lilly; Dud- ley R12 Grandview Sec36 T20a Harry Gill (1915) Tel. Grandview Dick, Edgar (Margie Hensen) Ch Ar- thur, Elbert, Charles; Paris R5 Grandview Sec6 042a (1885) Tel. Grandview Dicken, John C. (Lillie Brummett) Ch Mabel, Mark, Ruth, Fred; Chris- man R24 Ross Sec24 0376a (1871) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Dickson, Charles H. (Anna M. Healy) Ch Harold E., Eleanor M., G. Lucille; Ridgefarm R2 Ross Sec8 O40a (1882) Vermilion County Tel. Co. Ridge Farm Dickson, Elmer H. Ridge Farm R2 Ross Sec8 T80a Sarah J. Dickson (1883) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Dickson, Eph. (Cora L. Bradford) Ch Gilford I., Mary, Leonard; Paris R3 Symms Sec6 O40a (1863) Wa- bash Tel. Paris Dickson, Fred (Beatrice Sommerville) Ch Margaret, Robert, Herbert, Max; Sidell R2 Young America Sec2 0154a (1876) Tel. Metcalf Dickson, J. H. (Sarah M. Kidwell) Ch Hattie, Ora, Grace, Edna, Ruby; Oliver Rl Elbridge Sec9 O30a T36a (1860) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Dickson, Lawrence (Anna Gill) Ch Owen; Sulphur Springs Farm" Paris R5 Grandview Sec31 Ol5^a (1879) Tel. Grandview Dickson, William (Ellen Craig) Ch Lawrence, Rose, Floyd, Carl, Ella, Lois; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec2 0123a (1857) Tel. Grandview Dill, George W. (Ella Wideman) Ch Edna, George; Hume Rl Young America Sec26 T84a M. Clark (1913) Tel. Hume DUlan, W. P. (Alary McCarty) Ch Cecil, Eugene, Lee, Mildred, Pearl, James, Frank, Nora, Rosie, Maxine; Paris RIO Hunter Seel 059a (1864) 50 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Dillman, Ralph O. (Clova Bandy) Kansas R13 Embarras Sec31 T160a H. Collier (1893) Dinsmore, Emory H. (Sarah D. Tus- tison) Ch Robert, Mary. Harry, Frank, Mabel, Madge, Katherine. Martha; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec20 0163a (1857) Wabash Tel. Chris- man Dinsmore, George O. (Cleo Linn) Chrisman R23 Ross Secl9 T160a J. T. Dinsmore (1888) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Dinsmore, G. H. (Maud Webb) Ch Webb, Herbert, Annette; "The Elms" Chrisman R23 Ross Secl9 O160a (1864) Wabash Tel. Chris- man Dittamore, Charles A. (Leona B. Ar- ney) Ch Nedra P., Mildred L., Sarah J.; Brocton R19 Embarras Secll T300a Charles Merkle (1892) Dittoe, John B. (Kate Hendricks) Ch Mary, Ruth. Beulah; Paris RIO Hunter Secll 037a (1873) Wabash Tel. Paris Dixon, Ed. N. (Ethel Peer) Ch Carl, Helen, Maxine, Wilma; Scottland R29 Prairie Sec24 T80a Clara Ear- hart (1888) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Dixon, Nettie (Nettie Arnold) Ch Edna, Frank, Ervin; "Maple Yard Farm" Scottland R29 Prairie Sec20 083a (1870) Citizens Tel. Scottland Dixon, Oscar E. (Goldie Dawson) Ch Herbert; Scottland R29 Prairie Secl7-18 T240a Hickman & Wilson (1872) Citizens Tel. Scottland Dixon, Owen (Mary Woodard) Ch Jeraldine; Scottland R29 Scottland Sec24 Farm Hand Charles Bonwell (1912) Dobbins, Amanda V. (Amanda Bot- ner) Ch Emma C, Alinnie B., Archie F.; Paris Rl Stratton Sec4 O103a (1880) Wabash Tel. Paris Dodd, H. L. (Viola Waltz) Ch Sarah; Metcalf Rl Shiloh Secl3E T90a Louis Dodd (1892) W^abash Tel. Metcalf Dodd, Jefferson Ch Lizzie. Lewis, Travis, Allen, Juretta E., Katherine E., Nancy A., Grover C. ; "The Pop- lar Spring Farm" Vermilion R33 . Elbridge Sec23 O140a (1838) Wa- bash Tel. Vermilion Dodd, John (Amanda Ringler) Ch Marv; Paris R4 Symms Sec21 056a (1865) Wabash Tel. Paris Dodd, Lewis (Victoria Van Sickle) Ch Howard. William; Hume Rl Shiloh Secl2E O160a T220a E. A. Driskell (1868) Wabash Tel. Met- calf Dodd, Travis (Zora Myers) Ch Fred, Mary, Dorlev, Glen; Paris R6 Buck SeclS T215a W. O. Gustus (1877) Wabash Tel. Paris Donahey, J. S. Hume R2 Young America Sec26 0195a (1892) Tel. Hume Donovan, Willis J. (Hortense Keys) Chrisman R23 Ross Sec21 T80a Sarah A. Donovan (1893) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Dooley, William (Anna Carel) Ch Ira; Metcalf Rl Young America Sec24 T80a W. F. Barth (1915) Dorsett, H. M. (Sallie M. Graves) Ch Willard. Bertha, Ethel; Chrisman R25 Edgar Secl4 T207a Charles Hunter (1880) Douglas, Joseph (Mollie Shively) Ch Olive; Oliver Rl Svmms Secl7 O20a (1874) Bell Tel. Paris Downey, Bert (Myrtle Murphy) Ch Burl; Allerton Rl Young America SeclO T160a W. J. Jones (1916) Downey, E. W. (Nora Eckle) Ch Bert, Emma, Ruth. Gladys. Clifford. Opal. Lester. Laura; Allerton Rl Young America SeclO T80a Charles Jones (1917) Tel. Allerton Downing, J. D. (Bertha Shields) Ch Emil. Nellie. Loie; "Walnut Grove Place" Paris R3 Elbridge Sec33 06a Sec34 T204a Charles Sellars (1891) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Downing, J. R. (Allie Bozarth) Ch Raymond. Neva. Vivian; Paris Rll Stratton Sec29 023a (1859) Citizens Tel. Libertyville Downs, John (Minnie Grishmer) Ch Pearl, Lola, Mame, Mary Blanche, Carle. Harrv; "Need More Hog Farm" Dudley R12 Grandview Secl7 057a (1892) Tel. Grandview Downs, S. B. (Pearl L Keller) Ch William D.. John F.. Eli M.; Paris R3 Symms Sec31 O50a (1895) Bell Tel. Paris Drake, James (Nora Rhoads) Ch Fenton W.. Jennie M.. Erma B.; Paris Rl Elbridge Secl5-16 T160a J. A. Travis (1872) Wabash Tel. Paris Drake, J. H. (Ellen Tompkins) Ch Zackie, Olaf; Oliver Rl Symms SeclS O80a (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris 51 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Drake, Zack (Carrie Baker) Ch Ken- neth, Francis; Paris R3 Symms Sec6 T185a Mrs. Charles Rahel and Mrs. Lola H. Martin (1879) Wabash Tel. Psris Dubre, Mrs. M. C. (Swalls) Ch Rosa, Preston. Vanna, Gertrude; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec36 T73a Swalls Est. (1882) Tel. Grandview Duck, George M. (Esther Hopkins) Ch Louie, Willie E., Bessie; Pans Rl Stratton Sec9 021a (1867) Citi- zens Tel. Libertyville Duck, Sylvester (Clara Farnham) Ch Shirley; Paris Rl Stratton Sec32 O40a (1848) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Duck, William (Ida Holdsworth) Ch Josiah. Vivian. Forest; Paris RH Stratton Sec2 T108a D. S. Vansickle and Dr. Kilgore (1866) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Dugan, Mike T. (Fannie Carroll) Ch Marjorie, Maurice; Brocton R18 Embarras Sec25 O160a (1894) Hume Tel. Co. Brocton Dugan, Otis (Florence Merkel) Ch Elizabeth; Norah Merkel. Sister-in- law; Paris R9 Hunter Sec9 T2lSa Mrs. John AlcCullough (1889) Wa- bash Tel. Paris Dunaway, Walter (Eva Dial) Ch Con- stance: Brocton R17 Shiloh Sec6\\ Farm Hand John Condon (1917) Dunblaser, Oscar (Edith Winn) Ch Marie A., Wane. Oscar; Hume Rl Young America Sec31 T202a George M. Hughes (1886) Tel. Hume Duncan, J. F. (Florence Carnahan) Ch Lydia, Elva. Leola. Jessie, Jen- nie; Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec35S TlOOa Elizabeth Henry (1893) Dunn, A, (Grace Alillhouse) Ch Roy, Ralph. Kenneth, John; Kansas R14 Grandview SeclO T80a John Dunn Tel. Grandview Dunn, Bert (Stella Arbagast) Ch Herbert, Carl, John, Arthur; Kan- sas R15 Grandview Sec9 O60a (1878) Peoples Mutual Tel. Grand- view Dunn, Charles (Viola Haley) Ch Ethel, Albert, Mary, John; Paris R7 Buck Secl3N T320a John Eng- lum (1907) Wabash Tel. Paris Dunn, Ed. Paris R6 Buck Sec32E T177a Mary A. Dunn (1865) Wab- ash Tel. Paris Dunn, J. D. (Florence Blew) Ch Ar- dubon, Burt; Dudlev Grandview Sec9-10-15-16 O230a " (1887) Tel. Grandview Dunn, Orin (Cloa Elkins) Paris R9 Paris Sec31N (1908) Dunn, Wasson (Clara Newhart) Ch Clarence. Arville; Paris R4 Symms Sec20 O60a (1869) Wabash Tel. Paris Dunn,- W. M. (Anna Dorsett) Ch Richard, Isaac. Hazel, Blanche, Helen, Lucinda; Chrisman R26 Edgar Sec30 Farm Hand Phillip Bibo (1916) Durnil, J. A. (Kate Newhart) Ch Raymond; Paris R6 Buck Scc36 O80a Sec35 T160a (1890) Wabash Tel. Paris Duzan, H. A. (Sarah Sims) Ch Carrie, Cleophas, Vergil, Forest; Kansas R13 Kansas Sec2 T248a S. F. Hannea (1911) Dwyer, Ben (Bess) Brocton R17 Shiloh E Earl, James W. (Mame Harbaugh) Ch Ralph W.. Raymond K., Amos, Helen; Paris R2 Symms Sec30 Farm Hand U. G. Stewart (1913) Wabash Tel. Paris Easter, Carl (Blanche Sidinbinder) Paris R2 Symms Secl7 0112a W. C. Slimons (1892) Wabash Tel. Paris Easter, Charles (Cora Davis) Ch Ger- trude, Pansy. Mary. Mabel; '"Oak- dale Place Farm" Paris R2 Paris Sec7S 018a (1871) Wabash Tel. Paris Easter, David (Nora Bergen) Ch Lou Ellen; Paris R2 Paris Sec8S O120a (1857) Wabash Tel. Paris Easter, G. H. (Mila Hughs) "Cedar Grove Stock Farm" Dudley R12 Grandview Sec23 O60a (1872) Tel. Paris Easter, W. K. (Addie Brown) Ch Carl; Paris R9 Paris Secl3N T180a Simon Risser (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris Eastham, C. C. (Rosa J. Tweedy) Ch Beulah. Dean. Glen, Stella; Ver- milion R33 Elbridsre Secl7 T185a T. J. Trogdon (1866) Wabash Tel. Vermilion 52 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Ecker, T. E. (Jessie E. Cockcroft) Ch Max D., MarJ^ Elizabeth; Dennison R2 Elbridge Secll-12 T140a S. E. Cockcroft (1910) Wabash Tel. El- bridge Eckerty, W. C. (Lettie Thomas) Ch George Frederick; Hume Rl Young America SecoO T102a Hugh Wilson (1907) Hume Tel. Co. Edington, Ed. (Maude Britton) Ch Ruth; Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec30S Farm Hand M. C. Stone (1914) Wabash Tel. Horace Edmiston, H. H. (Estella Mapes) "Blue Grass Stock Farm" Paris R2 Elbridge SeclO-11 OlOOa (1903) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Edward, Paul (Anna Spriter Long) Ch Anna, Margaret Long.; Paris RIO Stratton Sec28 TlOa Robert Stepp (1883) Edwards, Mrs. Anna (Anna Patton) Ch Earl; Oliver Rl Elbridge Secll O90a (1892) Wabash Tel Elbridge Edwards, A. B. (Melissa Mapes) Ch Glenn; "Clear Creek Stock Farm" Paris R2 Elbridge Secll-14-3 OlSla (1858) Wabash Tel Elbridge Egan, John (Mary Heelen) Ch T. F.. I. 1.. Anna. Delia, Pearl; Paris Rll Hunter Secl9 O260a (1861) Egan, T. F. (Minnie Mogan) Ch Marie, Leo, Anna M., Carmelete; Paris Rll Hunter Secl9 022a T238a John Egan Wabash Tel. Paris Ehl, A. C. (Delia Jones) Ch George, Anna, Ora, William, Lena. Eddie; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Sec8 Ola (1895) Elam, R. (Mary Burton) Ch Forest, Earl. Richard. Anna. Lafern, Lu- cile, Ranze, Francis, Joseph; Paris R5 Buck Sec7 T180a (1884) Wabash Tel. Paris Eldredge, S. (Margarett Thomas) Ch Minnie. William, Carry, Lowa, Cleveland, Charles. Owen, Frank, Russell, Goldman, Dora; Oliver Rl Symms Secl6 0179a (1852) Citizens Tel. Oliver Elkins, Ed. (Sadie Ward) Ch Arthur, Emma. Mvrtle: Chrisman R26 Ed- gar Sec33 OUU (1870) Wabash Tel. Horace Elkins, J. H. (Lizzie Calore) Ch Ed.. William. Minnie; Chrisman R26 Ed- gar Sec5 05a (1889) Wabash Tel. Horace Elledge Bros. Kansas R14 Kansas Sec7-8 O40a T120a (1887) Westfield Tel. Kansas Elledge, D. B. (Sarah Cale) Ch Lemil, Daniel, Clayton; Paris R5 Grand- view Secl3 045a (1848) Tel. Clarks- ville Elledge, G. E. (Lucile Handy) Ch Ruth; Paris R5 Grandview Secl2 T225a W. S. Elledge (1895) Peoples Mutual Tel. Grandview Elledge, John (Sarah Maine) Ch Vern, Owen; Paris R4 Symms Sec4 O50a (1849) Wabash Tel. Paris Elledge, J. E. (Julia Gagen) Ch Mona; Paris R7 Buck Sec29E T404a Mrs. S. H. Wells (1901) Wabash Tel. Paris Elledge, J. D. Ch Herbert; Kansas R14 Kansas Sec7 O40a T80a (1887) Elledge, L. R. (Sybia Barr) Ch Glad}-s. Marie; Dudley Grandview Sccl5 T80a Arthur Lacv (1916) Elledge, Vern (Lillie Dick) Paris R4 Svmms Sec4 O40a (1889) Wabash Tel. Paris Elledge, W. S. (Ella Binning) Ch Ray, Glen; Paris R5 Grandview Secl2 0225a (1885) Peoples Mutual Tel. Grandview Ellis, John (Ida Radcliff) Ch Cloyd, Wreatha; Hume. R20 Young Amer- ica Secl4 T160a W. A. Cooley (1912) Tel. Hume Ellis, Samuel (Martha Collins) Ch Mary, Richard, Howard, Mildred: Dana R3 Prairie Sec9 O220a (1897) Citizens Tel. Dana Ellison, Mrs. Sarah (Sarah Fox) Ch Etta, Cleo; Brocton R18 Shiloh Sec4SW Resident Abe Fox (1900) Ellsberry, Bert H. (Lula Lamb) Chrisman R23 Ross Sec33 T80a Jo- seph Ellsberry (1892) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Ellsberry, J. W. (Dorothy Turner) Ch Cecile, Lyman; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec33 0169a (1873) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Elsberry, C. M. (Nellie A. Hanks) Ch Vernon H.. Inez L., Leona M.: Paris RIO Hunter Sec8 081a Sec7 T82a William Elsberry (1886) Wab- ash Tels. Paris Farmers' Line St. Bernice Elsberry, Edward J. ( lessie Frazier) Paris RIO Hunter Sec5 O20a T125a William Elsberrv (1877) Wabash Tel. Paris Elsberry, Frank (Rose Troup) Ch Everett; Paris Rl Stratton R3 T150a P. Troup (1883) Wabash Tel. Paris 53 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Elsberry, William (Ora Jeiiks) Ch Clarence. Edward, Forest; "Pleasant View Stock Farm" Paris RIO Hun- ter SecS O350a (1865) Citizens Tel St. Bernice Emerick, John (Susan Cain) Ch James C Nellie, George, Edith. Kellie. Alice- Vermilion R33 Elbndge Sec35 O90a (1878) Emerick, T. C. (Pearl Hickniar) Ch Raymond T.. Thelma M.; Pans R2 Elbridge Sec35 TlOOa Mrs. Charles Tared (1895) English, H. D. (Ella Parker) Ch Louise; Edgar R28 Edgar Sec35 T320a P. S. Levings (1913) Wabash Tel. Paris English, Walter B. (Fannie Arbuckle) Ch Harlan. Kathrvn, Edward; Pans R6 Buck Sec35 T400a Mrs. Sarah Clark (1912) Wabash TeL Redmon Englum, Ed. Sr. (Kate Sullivan) Ch Jerrv Tommie, Mary, Margaret. Ed 'Jr., Charlie: Paris R8 Pans Sec9N O320a (1861) Wabash Tel. Bernice Englum, Frank (Josephine Sunken Ch Leo. Ralph, Francis, John; Pans R7 Buck Secl9E O290a (1877) Wabash Tel. Paris Englum, W. J. (Mary Mattingly) Ch Owen. Louis, Mary. Katherme, Julia, James: Paris R7 Buck Sec29E b350a" (1876) Wabash Tel. Paris Epperson, Elizabeth (Baber) Kansas R15 Kansas Sec6 071a (1844) Epperson, Charles (Clara Bardon) Ch Irene. Edgar. Raymond. Ella. Georgia. Russell. Carol: Sidell R2 Young America Sec9 T160a D. A. Richardson (1892) Tel. Metcalf Epperson, George (Lula Hildreth) Metcalf R22 Young America Sec8 J. Russ Grace (1880) Tel. Hume Epperson, H. (Minnie Whitted) Ch Homer. Frank; Sidell R2 Young America Sec6 TlOl^^a (1881) Tel. Hume Epperson, O. B. Sidell R2 Young America Sec9 05a (1890) Tel. Hume Epoerson, Stella (Stella Zink) Ch Hazel: Kansas R15 Kansas Sec6 019a (1870) Tel. Kansas Eskew, Alva (Frances Adcox) Ch Ruth, Alf ranees, Dorotha M.; Kan- sas Embarras Sec30 T140a E. N. Blair and Charles Henn (1893) Coles Co. Tel. Oakland Eslinger, Guy (Alma Bonwell) Ch Kenneth; Scottland R29 Prairie Sec29 T200a Nelson Scott (1891) Citizens Tel. Scottland Eslinger, James A. (Minnie Shires) Ch Guy, Mary; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Sec30 0147a (1861) Estes, G. M. (Adelia Kirkaham) Ch Arden, Lulu, Abraham; Kansas R15 Grandview SecS O80a (1885) Tel. Kansas Evans, Mrs. Kate Ch Josephine: Ed- gar Sec27 OlOOa (1850) Wabash Tel. Horace Evard, John (Ellen Boles, Mother; Ethel Boles, Sister) Paris RIO Hun- ter Sec35 T70a David Evard (1878) Evard, John A. (Linna Warmouth) Paris R7 Paris Secl6-17W Farm Hand Z. Cassidy (1893) Wabash Tel. Paris Evinger, Addison (Jennie Chambers) Ch Delia, Chester, Cecil, Georgie; Paris Rl Stratton Sec7 O50a (1882) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Bivinger, A. B. (Jennie Furguson) Ch Tuna; Kansas R14 Kansas Seel O80a "(1887) Tel. Kansas Evinger, M. S. (Julia J. Reese) Ch Goldie, Madeline: Paris R2 El- bridge Seel 015^a (1865) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Evinger, N. W. (Lena Stump) Ch John R.; Paris Rl Stratton SecS O20a TlOOa A. S. Tweedy (1881) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Evinger, V. H. (Mae Blanford) Paris R2 Elbridge Sec7-1 T250a James Marley and J. W. Evinger (1886) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Evinger, W. E. (Margaret E. Smith) Ch Goldie K.. Asa W.. Note W.; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec31 045a (1872) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Ewing, Riley (Clyda M. Barnes) "Big Pine Farm" West Terre Haute El- bridge Secl6 O80a J. A. Ewing (1856) Citizens Tel. Sandford Eyers, Willis (Nellie Tones) Ch Har- vey, Sallie; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Secl2 Ola (1860) til 54 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Farnham, Maurice R. Vermilion El- bridge Secl8 O180a (1899) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Farrell, Frank Chrisman R25 Brouil- lett Creek Secl4 T120a J. E. Rob- erts (1895) Wabash Tel. Horace Farrell, J. E. (Bessie Housten) Ch William; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Secl5 T240a Housten Est. (1885) Wabash Tel. Horace Farris, Charles B. (Dora Clark) Ch Leo, Terrance, Edward, Harold, Lucile, Fay, Helen; Metcalf Rl Shiloh Secl4E T600a Sangamon Loan and Trust Co. (1881) Wabash Tel. Hume Farris, Elmer T. Ch Mabel, Annie, Mary; Metcalf Young America Sec33-34 T272a Cora Epps (1882) Tel. Metcalf Farris, John (Minnie Blake) Ch Thelma, Velva, Blake, Devall, Francis, Phjdlis; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Secl8 OlOa (1877) Farris, Robert (Emma Striker) Ch Ben, Omar, Bobbie; Paris Rll Paris Sec29E 05a T20a (1913) Wabash Tel. Paris Faucher, Charles E. (Bertha Delap) Ch Helen; Kansas R14 Kansas S^ecll T160a J. H. Delap (1911) Tel » Kansas Fay, Hobart (Opal Robinson) New- man R3 Young America Sec22 T80a J. Al. Robinson (1917) Fears, B. F. Ch Laura, Fannie, Rhoda, Dora, Charlotte; Dennison R2 El- bridge Secl8 014a (1856) Fell, A. F. (Mary Hannold) Ch Early, Emmery; Kansas R13 Kansas Sec3 O204a (1877) Tel. Kansas Fell, G. E. (Nellie Washburn) Ch Frances; Kansas R13 Kansas Sec3 T204a Frank Fell (1885) Tel. Kan- sas Fell, J. L. (Leah Brown) Ch James; Kansas R14 Kansas Sec6 034a (1890) Fellers, William (Sarah Watson) Ch Roscoe, Edna, Marion; Sidell R2 Young America Sec2 T160a (1895) Fenwick, Frank L. Brocton R18 Em- barras Sec32 T200a Mrs. Jennie Fenwick Fitzgerald (1891) The Hume Tel. Brocton Fenwick, Jesse W. (Anna E. Smith) Ch Elizabeth E., Laura V., Cath- erine L. ; Brocton R19 Embarras Sec5 T280a George W. Fidler and Henry H. Merkle (1890) Hume Tel. Co. Pjrocton Fenwick, Russell R. (Mary E. Krabel) Ch John C, Raymond, Hazel; Broc- ton R18 Embarras Sec36 T160a Jesse Fenwick (1890) Hume Tel. Co. Brocton Ferguson, Alva (Izola Goleener) Paris RIO Hunter Sec21 T170a H. E. Rives (1902) Wabash Tel. Paris Ferguson, Chloral (Nellie Kels- heimer) Ch Beatrice; Edgar R28 Edgar Sec33 T120a Bruce Ferguson (1886) Wabash Tel. Horace Ferguson, Guy A. (Kizzie Dague) Ch Nondis M., Roy D., Woodrow, Samuel L. ; Brocton R19 Embarras Sec6 T187a Douglas Alerkle (1908) Ferguson, William T. and Elizabeth C. Kansas R13 Embarras Secl9 0237Ka (1869) Wabash Tel. Red- mon Ferguson, Dr. W. M. (Rosa Wheeler Morton) Ch Hannah E.; Paris R2 Elbridge Sec33 O80a (1885) Wabash Tel. Paris Ferris, Charles S. (Charlotte C. Clem) Ch Warren C, Edmond B., Irene Lenore; Paris Rl Stratton Secl2 O80a (1904) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Fessaut, Joe (Beulah Hamilton) Ch Beulah, Raymond, Russell; Sand- ford Elbridge Sec21 O150a (1873) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Fetcher, H. W. (Lena Turpin) Ch John, Winifred; Chrisman R23 Young America Sec24 T80a Mahala Fletcher (1912) Tel. Metcalf Fidler, A. D. (Pearl Ogle) Ch Lola, Arthur; Paris R7 Paris Sec22N T335N A. B. Huston (1882) Wabash Tel. Paris Fidler, George F. (Mary Morris) Ch Morris; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec26 TlOOa Bennett Morris (1892) Tel. Paris Fields, A. C. (Gladys Jones) Ch Emil; Brocton R17 Shiloh Secl7W G. W. Hugh (1915) Wabash Tel. Hume PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Finchum, Mrs. Laura (Laura Whit- aker) Ch Cecil, Bessie, Clifford; Paris R7 Buck SeclSE House- keeper Hanner & Wallace (1917) Findley, Frank (Emma Weber) Ch Edward, Emmett; Paris R5 Grand- view Sec6 T240a Barr Flickner Est. (1890) Findley, Henry (Myrtle Millhouse) Ch Elmer, Clifford; Paris R4 Symms Sec21 OlOOa John Zimmerly (1912) Finley, J. O. (Exia Wait) Ch Beulah, Edward; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec2 OlOa (1911) Tel. Grandview Finley, W. P. (Charlotte Richey) Ch Margaret, Mary, Bertha, Minnie, Fannie, Olive, Willard, Coleman, Oscar; Kansas R15 Kansas SeclS 04a (1900) Finney, Vess (Laura Kibler) Ch An- drea, Donald, Pearl, Madge, Edna; Brocton R18 Embarras Sec36 Farm Hand W. H. Allen (1905) Hume Tel. Co. Brocton Fisher, J. A. (Mary Hinds) Ch Roy, Carl; Paris R7 Paris Sec35W 0285a (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris Fite, Earl (Estella Murray) Ch Win- fred, Myrtle; Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec20W T140a D. Wright (1907) Wabash Tel. Hume Fitzgerald, C. W. (Bertha Hutchens) Ch Irena, Ralph; Kansas R15 Grandview Secl7 T5a J. W. Fitz- Fitzgerald, John E. (Delia Dugan) Ch Maggie. Jerry, Henry, Katie, James, Delia, John Jr.; Brocton R18 Em- barras Sec30 O80a (1901) Hume Tel. Co. Brocton Fitzgerald, Mrs. Mary (Mary Logue) Ch Jane, Kate, Tom, Jerry, Dan; Brocton R18 Shiloh Sec33SW O160a (1892) Wabash Tel. Hume Fitzgerald, Thomas H. (Delia F. Car- roll) Ch Marie H., James T., Eugene, Georgie; Brocton RIB Em- barras Sec33 O200a (1896) Wabash Tel. Redmon Fitzgerald, T. W. (Lizzie Carroll) Ch Geraldine, Alarcella; Hume Rl Shi- loh Sec3E T172a Mrs. Mary Fitz- gerald (1891) Wabash Tel. Hume gerald (1884) Tel. Clarksville Fitzpatrick, J. C. (Ida Winters) Ch Lola; Kansas Kansas Secl9 0335a Sec2-30-29 T273a C. M. Paxton (1867) Tel. Kansas Fitzpatrick, W. I. (Ethel Hall) Kan- sas R13 Kansas SeclS T180a E. W. Hall (1914) Mutual Tel. Kansas Fitzsimmons, Louis A. (Edna Has- kell) Paris Rl Stratton Sec5-6 099a (1890) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Flanery, Floyd (Mollie Peters) Ch Clinton, Bertha; Kansas R14 Kan- sas Sec24 024a (1910) Tel. Kansas Flecher, N. S. (Lyre Knatcal) Ch Evert, Harmon, Maud; Metcalf Rl Young America Sec28 T160a S. C. Cash (1900) Tel. Metcalf Fleeger, James (Laura Bruce) Ch James E., Gertrude O. A.; Paris Rll Hunter Sec20 T30a J. H. Blanford Est. (1855) Wabash Tel. Paris Fleming, James Ch Verner, Nanie; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec36 012a (1847) Tel. Grandview Fleming, Robert Ch Albert, Ellen; "Bellridge Farm" Paris R4 Grand- view Sec8 O80a Secl7 T60a (1839; Flemings, Albert (Ella McCormick) Ch Dennie; Paris R4 Symms Sec8 O80a (1870) Wabash Tel. Paris Flemings, Forest (Blanche Zimmerly) Ch Harold; Oliver Rl Symms Secl5 T112a (1891) Wabash Tel. Paris Fletcher, C. S. (Minnie Bell) Ch Ethel, Forrest, Pearl; Paris R8 Shi- loh Sec6S T240a Mrs. Albert Har- rison (1871) Wabash Tel. Paris Flickner, James (Lucie Millhouse) Paris R7 Paris SeclSN T320a J. B. Huston (1878) Flowers, Levi (Eliza Owens) Ch Mack, Dave, Mamie; Kansas R16 Kansas Secl3 T180a McClenan Redmon (1910) Tel. Kansas Foltz, C. A. (Belle Adams) Ch Ernest v., Glenn M.; Scottland R30 Hunter Sec32 O40a (1860) Citizens Mutual Tel. St. Bernice Foltz, Ernest V. (Mary Pugh) Ch Leo. Lavcre, Charline; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek O20a Hunter Sec32 T80a (1884) Citizens Mutual Tel. St. Bernice Foltz, George P. (Mary C. Foltz) Ch Edward P., Frank J., Ora B.. Joseph O.. Edna I.. Vernie L. ; "Low Land Farm" Kansas R13 Embarras Sec25 O160a (1887) Tel. Oakland Foltz, Joseph O. (Dora Davis) Kan- sas R13 Embarras Sec25 T160a George P. Foltz (1887) Foltz, J. M. (Ella Bonwell) Ch Amy, Arthur, Norman, Cecil, John, Stella, Esther; Scottland R30 Hunter Sec33 T80a Fielden Foltz Est. (1866) Tel. Farmers' Line St. Bernice 56 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Fonner, D. H. (Nellie Leath) Ch Ray- mond, Dale, Gerald, Irving; Met- calf Rl Shiloh SecSE T485a Mrs. Clark Carmen (1898) Wabash Te!. Metcalf Fonner, Fred (Ethel Harrison) Ch Carroll; Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec26S TlOOa^ Francis Randleman (1897) Ford, J. G. (Elizabeth Nicholas) Ch Floyd, Bernice; Metcalf Rl Shiloh Sec24S T240a Mrs McDevitt (1910) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Ford, RoUin (Minnie B. Duck) "Gables Farm" Paris Rl Stratton Sec2 O80a (1870) Wabash Tel. Paris Foreman, Carl W. (Mamie Miller) Ch Mary Ellen, Carrie B.; Paris R5 Grandview Secl9 T50a John Mc- Muller (1893) Wabash Tel. Paris Forsman, Glenn (Jessie McFarland) Ch Marion O., Florence E.; Paris R2 Elbridge Sec36 Ollla (1889) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Forster, Ellsworth "Catalpa Hill Farm" Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec34 O200a (1862) Wabash Tel. Paris Forster, Homer (Carrie Tweedy) Ch Florence A., Charles H.; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec36 T320a James Forster (1891) Wabash Tel. El- bridge Forster, James (Nanc}^ Morton) Ch Homer C, Anna A'l., Robert M., Arthur C, Alta M.; "Brook Side Farm" Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec36-31 O320a (1867) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Forster, Thomas (Jennie Payne) Ch Frank E., Lawrence B., J. Harry; "Happy Hill Stock Farm" Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec30 O140a (1858) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Forsythe, A. A. (Bertha) Ch Brutus, Irene, Ethel, Harold, Bertram, Nel- lie; Chrisman R26 Edgar Sec30 T495a P. Bibo (1893) Wabash Tel. Horace Forsythe, A. C. (Maude Sims) Ch Thelma, Martha, Willhall, Fay; Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec29E T200a Edward Levings (1897) Wabash Tel. Paris Forsythe, Eric (Ruth Payne) Ch Rh- setta M., Alvin P., Harriet I.; Broc- ton R18 Embarras Sec29 T80a Ed. Sutton (1893) Hume Tel. Co. Broc- ton Forsythe, Ernest B. (Dovie Creed) Ch Kenneth G.; Oliver Symms Secl8 O80a Munsel Est. (1889) Wabash Tel. Paris Forsythe, T. G. (Margaret E. Lauf- man) Ch Opal, Arlis, Hattie, Er- nest, Mettie, Ethel, Kirfer, Elva. Joseph, Russell; Oliver RIO Symms Secl8 OlOOa (1894) Wabash Tel. Paris Fortune, Bert (Lillie White) Metcalf Rl Young America Secl6 T440a Isaac Woodward (1894) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Foster, Henry (Jennie Thompson) Ch Albert R., Thelma R.; Paris RU Stratton SeclO Farm Hand (1914) Foster, J. M, (Alice Smith) Ch Janey, George; Paris Rl Stratton Sec33 O40a (1872) Fowler, Thomas (Florence Todd) C!i Dolores Paris R7 Buck Secl9E Farm Hand Frank Engluni (1916) Fox, Abe Brocton R18 Shiloh 4SW O300a (1867) Wabash Tel. Redmon Fox, Charles E. Ch Frank; Brocton R19 Buck Seel 5 T200a W. R. Fox (1885) Wabash Tel. Redmon Fox, Waldo (Mary Richie) Ch Thel- ma; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec3 T132a Harry E. Smith (1916) Tel. Grandview Fox, W. R. (Sarah Garbe) Ch Charles E., Tillie; Brocton R19 Buck SeclS O200a (1882) Wabash Tel. Redmon Francis, Allen A. (Helen Brown) Ch Eugene, Arthur; Paris R9 Paris Sec29E T160a Mrs. A. T. Crumbaugli (1891) Wabash Tel. Paris Francis, Bernie M. (Levona Bolen) Ch Marion; Paris R9 Hunter Sec3 T140a Mrs. Jane McCarthy (1892) Wabash Tel. Paris Francis, I. A. (Caroline T. Millikin) Ch Allen A., Bernie M., Wilbur L., Andrew, HarrieXte; Paris R9 Hun- ter SeclS 0274a T99a George B. McCulloch (1856) Wabash Tel. Paris Frank, Harry (Hannah Morton) Ch Okalla, Louie; Paris R2 Symms Sec26 O102a (1887) Wabash Tel. Paris Frantz, I. A. (Susie Carter) Ch Ro- anna, Marie, James, Ellen M., Velva A., Daniel W.; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec7 T480a Bert Dickson (1904) Wabash Tel. Chrisman 57 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Frazicr, J. B. (Dora Zimmerly) Ch J. Edgar, John Z., Grace, Bertha, Tames Jr., Arthur, Lawrence, Mary; Paris R4 Symms Sec4 O170a (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris ^ , -p, • Frazier. J. Edgar (Stella See) Pans R4 Symms Sec33 0285a (18/8) Wabash Bell Tel. Paris Frazier, J. E. (Cora Brown) Ch Otis, Lura, Florence, Hazel Daniel, Nel- lie, John Jr., Dorris, William Ruth, Marie, Arnold; Pans R4 Symms Secl6 O60a (1864) Bell Tel. Pans Frazier, WilUam J. (Maude Kauffman) Ch Harry C, Harvey S., Reba, Jo- sephine; Paris Rl Stratton Sec5-8 O120a (1875) Wabash Tel. Ver- Freeman, J. H. (Bettie Edds) Ch Hil- lery; Kansas R14 Kansas Sec7 T240a Herman Juntgen (1911) iel. Kansas _. ,, ,, so ^. Frink, George (LiUie Mullen) Scott- land R30 Brouillett Creek Sec7 T73a James Jamison (1913) Tel. Dana Frink, Henry (Mary Payne) Ch Wal- ter, Ray, May, George, Ora, Flora; Scottland R29 Brouillett Creek Sec9 T80a Dan Henson (1860) Citizens Tel. Dana , ^ „, Froman, M. D. (Stella Delmon) Ch Cecile, Russell, Gorden; Paris R7 Buck Secl2 O80a T80a T. J. Brewer (1910) Wabash Tel. Redmon Froman, William (Maud) Ch Lizzie. Earnest, Edna, Herman. Howard; Edgar Edgar Secl3 O400a (1890) Wabash Tel. Horace „ . , . Frye Charles P. (Rachael J. Bright) Ch Bertha; Paris R9 Paris Sec29E 0153i^a (1882) Wabash Tel. Pans Frye C. S. (Zula Henning) Ch Anna A ; Paris RIO Hunter Sec5 T81a Joe Henning (1903) Wabash Tel. Paris and Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Frye, John (Catherine Dodd) Pans Rib Hunter Sec22-12 O40a T160a E. K. Stafford (1904) Wabash Tel. Paris Frye, J. G. (Myrtle Lesher) Ch Ver- non. Mary, Beulah, Lloyd, Clara, Carl; Paris Rll Stratton Seel OlOOa (1897) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Frye, William J. (Mary J. Meadous) Ch Charlie. Leslev, Don, Letha; Paris Rll Stratton Sec31 O190a (1888) Wabash Tcl. Vermilion Fulton, Mrs. Abby Ch Pearl, Dick; Chrisman R26 Edgar Sec31 095a (1860) Wabash Tel. Horace Fulton, America (Rice) Ch Robert, Georgiana, Corodery, Samuel; Chrisman R27 Edgar SeclS T200a Phillip Bibo (1867) Wabash Tel. Horace Fulton, John Oliver (Ruth Scott) Ch Hobart, Mary E., Dorothy J.; Paris R9 Edgar Sec8 T25na I. T. Mnsscl- man (1889) Fulton, Louis (Sarah Hanks) Ch Teddie, Dorothy, Elzia, John; Paris R9 Paris Sec25N TlOa Martha Hanks (1879) Fulton, Luther (Lillie Houghton) Ch Leland, Walter; Chrisman R26 Ed- gar Sec31 096a (1870) Wabash Tel. Horace Fulton, R. D. (Carol Galeener) Ch Maxwell W.; Paris RIO Hunter Secl3 T336a E. K. and W. D. Staf- ford (1883) Wabash Tel. Paris Fulton, Samuel (Martha Parsley) Ch Luther, Franklin, Alvin, Abraham; Chrisman R25 Edgar Sec21 0127a (1850) Wabash Tel. Horace Fulton, S. D. (Laura Haley) Ch Goldie, Oliver. Norma, Hugh; Chrisman R26 Edgar Sec28 0118a (1860) Wabash Tel. Horace Fulwider, Mrs. Mary M. Ch Horace M.; Brocton R19 Embarass Sec9 052i^a (1838) Wabash Tel. Red- mon Funkhouser, C. A. (Effie James) Ch Homer J., Mary Crystal; Paris Rl Elbridge Secl5 O130a Secl4 T160a C. F. Shirley (1895) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Fuqua, Charles M. (Anna Thomas) Ch Flossie, Wayne; Paris R9 Paris Sec32E O60a (1872) Wabash Tel. Paris Fuqua, E. E. (Adelia Hanks) Ch Clarence, Harold; "Lone Elm Farm" Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec29-32-5 O180a (1873) Wabash . Tel. Elbridge Fuqua, J. F. (Matt Price) Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec29 O30a (1884) Citizens Tel. Sandford Furnish, Pascal (Olive King) Hume Rl Young America Sec26 T80a J. L. King (1912) Wabash Tel. Hume 58 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Gaines, James (Elizabeth Schultz) "Gaines Acres Farm" Ridge Farm R2 Ross Sec4 O900a (1846) Ver- milion County Tel. Ridge Farm Gaines, Orval H. (Edith Buehler) Ch Francis, Jane, Charity; Chrisman R23 Young America SeclS 035a (1888) Tel. Metcalf Gaines, Ralph (Jessie Boyd) Ch Or- ville, Inez, Marjory, Boyd; "Maple Grove Farm" Chrisman R23 Young America SeclS 0132a (1888) Wa- bash Tel. Metcalf Galeener, Albert (Ada Wright) Ch Estelle, Maude, Blanche, Dora, Ray; Paris R7 Paris Sec27W T120a James Eads (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris Galway, J. B. (Elzie Coe) "Cedar Lawn Farm" Chrisman R23 Young America Secl2 T120a J. H. Galway (1887) Tel. Chrisman Galway, J. H. (Daisy Kiser) Ch Mabel, John, Abbott, Orville, Earl; Chrisman R23 Young America Secl2 OlOOa (1856) Tel. Metcalf Galway, Orville (Katharine Rothe) Chrisman R23 Young America Secl4 T180a Elizabeth Galway (1889) Tel. Metcalf Galway, William E. (Nellie Mitchell) Ch James Buren, Daisy Kathyrn; Chrisman R23 Young America Secl2 T120a James Galway (1887) Tel. Chrisman Gardner, Charles R. (Pearl Ross) Ch James A., Robeit; Paris R6 Buck Sec34 T140a Mrs. B. Henn (1877) Wabash Tel. Redmon Gardner, Frank (Grace Bennett) Paris R8 Edgar SeclO O80a (1880) Wa- bash Tel. Paris Gardner, John (Sarah Sisson) Ch Lovel, Lillie; Dudley R12 Grand- view Sec26 019a (1850) Gardner, Oliver V. (Carrie Camerer^ Paris R7 Paris Sec25N T46a D. B. Camerer Est. (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris Garver, H. H. Ch Cora, Arthur, Der- naak; Dudley R12 Grandview SeclS TlOOa R. L. Kemper (1917) Garver, W. H. (Nancy M. Cox) Ch Flavis, Dean; Kansas R16 Kansas Secl2 T80a J. Y. Wilhoit (1906) Tel. Kansas Garvin, C. (Sarah Dillon) Ch Cecelia Catherine, John W. ; Paris RIO Hun- ter Sec2 0173a (1869) Wabash Tel. Paris Garvin, J. E. (Elizabeth J. Bouslog) Ch Mary A.; "North Arm Stock Farm" Paris R9 Hunter Sec2 O180a T60a Hattie and Ida Wilson (1865) Wabash Tel. Paris Garvin, Mike (Mary, Kate, Jennie, Anna Ryan, Sisters) Paris Rll Hun- ter Sec20 OS09a (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris Garwood, Ed (Zella Reese) Ch Anna- belle, Emma; Paris Rl Stratton Sec31 O40a (1886) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Garwood, R. T. (Anna B. Rhine- smith) Ch Paul, James, Clyde, Clara B., Albert, Harry, Elmer E.; Paris Rl Stratton Sec32 O160a (1884) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Gaultney, John (Mary Dickson) Ch Gardner, Irene, Nellie; Paris R3 Symms Secll 075a Dickson Est. (1874) Gelling, Alfred (Mary Randall) Ch Jessie P., Carl E., Frank C, Emma M., Homer E., Roy A., Ona V.; "Pleasant View Farm No. 1" Broc- ton R2 Embarras Sec28 O320a (1892) Hume Tel. Co. Brocton Geiling, Carl (Ona Coslet) Ch Wayne, Helen, Undine, Clydia. Gladys; Oliver Symms Secl3 O70a (1914) Citizens Tel. Oliver Geiling, F. C. (Luella McAdams) Ch Clive, Louise, Naomi; Metcalf Rl Shiloh SecSE T132a Henry Moyer (1896) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Geiling, Homer (Ruth Nichols) Ch Bertha L., Mary E., John A.; Broc- ton R18 Embarras Sec4 T80a Alfred Geiling (1889) Tel. Brocton Geiling, Roy (Oceola Cash) Ch Lloyd, Meyer; "Pleasant View Farm" Brocton R2 Embarras Sec29 T240a Alfred Geiling (1894) Tel. Brocton Gentry, John (Ella Miller) Ch Ted Caldwell; Paris R3 Symms SeclO 0133a William Curtis (1872) Wa- bash Tel. Paris George, W. A. (Ina Coffman) Ch Nora, Glenn; Sidell R2 Young America Secll TlOOa J. W. George (1915) Wabash Tel. Hume Gibbens, Ed. (Bertha Runyan) Ch Miles, Beulah; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Sec20 O80a (1877) Citizens Tel. Dana 59 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Gibbons, L. H. (Naomi Foncannon) Ch Mary K., Robert, Thelma, Le- roy; Paris RIO Hunter Sec32 OlSOa (1882) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Giflford, William E. (Effie Snearley) Ch L. Earl, Edward G.; Redmon Embarras Sec20 T220a William Roll (1911) Wabash Tel. Redmon Gilbert, Allen (Ethel Townson) Ch Francis, Tennis; Chrisman R24 Prairie Secl8 T200a (1887) Wa- bash Tel. Chrisman Gilbert, Jed rEttie Peterson) Ch Mary Edna, Walter; Chrisman R24 Prairie Secl8 O80a (1851) Wabash Tel. Chrisman _ Gilbert, William A. (Harriet Kerrick) Ch Elzv, Laura. Allen, Effie, Riley; Chrisman R24 Prairie Secl8 O200a (18^4) Gilkey, Clarence (D. Seybold) Chris- man R26 Edgar Sec30 O210a (1813) Wabash Tel. Horace , ^, ^ u Gilkey, Riggs (Hattie King) Ch John R Edith; Hume Rl Young Amer- ica Sec25 O160a (1879) Tel. Hume Gill A. O. (Mabel Brinkerhoff) Ch Edith, Lemuel; Dudley R12 Grand- view Sec2 T120a Henry Hichmon (1879) Tel. Grandview Gill, James H. (Mary Miller) Ch James E., Marv P.; Redmon Em- barras Sec33 Farm Hand H^ 1. Headley (1915) Wabash Tel. Red- mon Gill, John (Susie Ripple) Ch Eva Georgia, Lucile. Cecil; Pans R3 Symms Sec2 096a Frank Berleau (1885) Gill, J. H. (Anna B. Syster) Ch Alva, Bell, Curtis; "Bell Ridge Farrn Paris R5 Grandview Sec8 023Ua (1840) Tel. Wabash Gill, J. R. (Martha Elledge) Ch Arnie, Jason, James; Dudley R12 Grand- view Secll T97a Thorn Kemper (1914) Tel. Grandview Gill, William (Nora Fishel) Ch Bes- sie Arthur, Roy, Ethel, Dora, Floyd, Ruthellen; Paris R7 Shiloh Sec2S Farm Hand (1875) Wabash Tel. Redmon Gillespy, Charles M. (Maud Garwood) Ch Frank, Howard; Paris Rll Strat- ton Sec34 OllOa (1882) Wabash Tel. Paris Gillespy, George A. (Ethel Miller) "Maple Lawn Farm" Paris RIO Stratton Sec27 087a (1884) Wabash Tel. Paris Gillespy, J. H. (Frances Frye) "Plain- view Farm" Paris RIO Stratton Sec27 098a (1889) Wabash Tel. Paris Gillis, C. C. (Lou Payne) Ch Leon, fames; Brocton R17 Shiloh Scc2SW T160a J. H. Payne (1885) Hume Tel. Brocton Girl, Peter (Leona Mitchell) Ch Reed; Metcalf R20 Shiloh Seel O120a (1915) Tel. Hume Givens, Lannie Paris R8 Edgar Sec5 TlOOa Givens Est. (1895) Wabash Tel. Paris Glass, James A. (Lillie Calvin) Ch Robert, Maud, Esther, Lena; Ed- gar Edgar Secl3 042a (1857) Glatthaar, Joseph (Elsa Gill) Ch Ester, Sylvia, Norma, Carlisle; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec35 O80a (1869) Tel. Grandview Glatthaar, Nimrod (Adah Kaufer) Ch Helen, Mildred, Clotilde; Dudley R12 Grandview Secl4 OlOSi^a (1879) Tel. Grandview Glatthaar, Xavier Ch Mary, Joseph, Otto, Josephine, Rudolph, Nimrod; Dudley R12 Grandview Secl4 0114a (1868) Tel. Grandview Gleckler, A. E. (Hattie McDaniel) Ch Rudolph, Beulah, Margaret; Paris R5 Paris Sec9S T220a Mrs. P. F. Voorhees (1878) Wabash Tel. Paris Gleckler, Carl "Valley Farm" Paris R6 Paris Sec4W T200a F. L. Adams (1888) Wabash Tel. Paris Gleckler, Fred (Margaret Merkle) Ch Sam F., Julia, Adolphus, Ora J., Grover C., Carl E. ; Paris R4 Symms Sec28 O240a (1877) Wab- Gleckler, G. C. (Luna Beatty) Ch Ethel; Paris R7 Paris Sec22N T200a Means Sisters (1884) Wabash Tel'. Paris Gleckler, Sam F. (Nell Asher) Ch Esther, John, Ruth; "White Star Farm" Paris R5 Symms Sec29 OlOOa (1878) Wabash Tel. Paris Glick, Enos (Anna Hunt) Ch Rus- sell; Paris Rl Elbridge Secl5-ll O160a (1865) Wabash Tel. Ver- milion Glick, R. H. (Nettie Perkins) Ch Leona, Dorothy, Harlan, Kenneth, Kemper; Paris R8 Paris Sec24N O160a (1882) Wabash Tel. Paris Glick, William E. (Bella Wendal) Ch Orena, Garnet, Hazel, Pauline; "Maple Lane Stock Farm" Kansas R13 Embarras Sec35 O80a (1884) Coles County Tel. Oakland 60 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Glines, Herbert (Hattie Friddle) Ch Mildred, Mattie; Paris R3 Symms Sec22 O120a Addie Dudley (1916) Glithero, J. G. (Mary Brown) Ch Edward V.; Chrisman R25 Edgar Sec8 042a (1889) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Gobes, William A, (Elizabeth In- gram) Ch Louis, Arthur; Scottland R29 Brouillett Creek Sec5 0125a (1890) Citizens Tel. Dana Gobin, John L. (Mary A. Canine) Ch Robert, Clifford D., Earl, Pearl; Paris R4 Symms Sec9 0466a (1915) Bell Tel. Paris Gobin, Robert L. (Louise G. Gast- man) Ch Mary L., Pauline, Caro- line, Martha J., Roberta; Paris R4 Symms Secl6 O308a Frank Lind- ley (1916) Bell Tel. Paris Goble, W. E, (Lillian Honnold) Ch Ervin; Kansas R13 Kansas Seel T80a O. E. Honnold (1911) Tel. Kansas Good, Edward (Martha Ward) Ch Cecil, Ruby, Naomi, Harley, Erma; Paris RS Grandview Sec24 T160a Ray West (1907) Good, Frank (Pearl Harrington) Paris R7 Paris Sec22N Farm Hand Charles Burgett (1902) Good, Irvin (Amelia Conner) Ch Esther, Paul, Edna; Scottland R30 Hunter Sec32 T9a Albert Wooten (1910) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Good, John (Elizabeth Ludington) Ch Maude, Everett; Paris R4 Symms Sec21 O20a (1868) Good, John E. (Pearl Nail) Ch Elsie L., Clyde W., George M.; Paris R5 Symms Sec29 TlOa M. L. Ward Grandview Twp. T60a Anerle Franz and G. Nadin (1888) Wab- ash Tel. Paris Good, Mac (Nancy Jenkins) Ch Samuel, Ida, Henry, Burd, Rosa, John, Frederick; Paris R5 Grand- view Secl3 T5a Jack Graham (1877) Goodpaster, Oscar (Josephine Thiel) Ch Opal; Paris R6 Buck Secl2 T240a N. O. Augustus (1909) Wa- bash Tel. Paris Goodson, John Hume Rl Young America Secl9 T160a Anna Goodson (1912) Tel. Hume Goodwin, Frank (Cora Boyd) Ch Roy; "Oak Ridge Farm" Paris R4 Symms Sec27 0222a (1897) Wabash Tel. Paris Goodwin, Joe (Nellie Houghton) Ch Fern, Clellan; Chrisman R26 Edgar Sec28 06a (1905) Goodwin, Roy (Eulalia Wilson) Paris R4 Symms Sec22 0142a T160a Frank Goodwin (1893) Wabash Tel. Paris Gordon, George Ch Harley, Ida, Dan; Horace Edgar Sec25 0176a (1872) Gore, Charlie (Edna Davis) (jh Blanch M., Charles O., Clarence R., Carl H.; Chrisman R26 Brouillett Creek Sec27 T40a Fulton McCul- lough (1887) Gore, William (Ella Griffith) Ch Ver- non; Chrisman R26 Brouillett Creek Secl4 T300a Mary C. Scott (1870) Wabash Tel. Horace Gorman, J. F. (Elizabeth Walters) Ch Margaret E.; Paris RIO Hunter Sec23 Farm Hand Claud Crum (1881) Wabash Tel. Paris Gossett, D. M. (Blanche Welker) Ch Alitchell, Freda; Brocton R17 Shiloh Secl4W O200a (1881) Hume Tel. Co. Brocton Gough, J. Arlie (Jennie Taggert) Ch Charles W., Roberta H., John F.; "Locust Grove Farm" Brocton R19 Embarras Seel T600a Frank Craw- ford (1899) Hume Tel. Co. Brocton Grable, S. C. (Minnie Kemper) Ch Lenna, Anis, Oscar, Jessie, Marie; Gladys; Dudley R12 Grandview Secl4 0141a (1897) Tel. Grandview Grace, J. Russ (Mary Gaines) Ch Inez, Pearl, Roscoe, Hallie; "Rose Lawn Farm" Chrisman R23 Ross Sec8 O380a (1881) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Grady, W. J. (Mary Rooney) Ch Laurence; Paris Rll Hunter Sec20 O20a (1892) Wabash Tel. Paris Grafton, Oscar (Nellie Hayes) Ch Louise; Metcalf Shiloh SeclE Farm Hand James Dawson (1906) Wab- ash Tel. Metcalf Graham, Henry (Ida Hefner) Ch Les- ter, Velvin, Garnet, Opal, Oral; Paris R5 Grandview Secl9 T107a N. R. Moffitt (1879) Wabash Tel. Paris Graham, John Sr. (Nettie Green) Ch Edward, Russell Ray. Fenimore, Louis, John; Paris R5 Grandview Sec31 f530a Mrs. R. Moffit (1855) Graham, J. W. Paris R5 Grandview Sec29 099a (1885) Tel. Paris Graham, L. M. Parts R5 Grandview Sec29 T99a Maggie Graham (1891) Graham, Samuel (Florence Stewart) Ch Luella, Helen, Stewart; Paris R7 Buck Sec7NE O120a (1859) Wabash Tel. Paris 61 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Gray, Grover (Ethel Williams) Ch Robert; Paris R7 Paris Sec33W T70a Charles Gumm (1910) Wabash Tel. Paris Gray, Orvill Paris R2 Symms Secl9-24 OlSla (1843) Wabash Tel. Paris Gray, Virgil R. (Bertha Cochran) Ch Richard, Delmer, Margaret; Ridge Farm Rl Ross Sec2 Farm Hand Gordon Woodyard (1916) Greathouse, A. B. (Ethel Pinnell) Ch Margaret, Asa B.; Dudley Grand- view Secl6 01,245a (1888) Tel. Kan- SRS Green, A. K. (Clara Mapes) Ch Wil- bert O., Mertie M., Howard F., Ed- gar v.; Stepdaughter Ethel Barn- hart, Josie Reed; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Sec28 086a (1862) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Green, C. D. (Mary C. Miller) Ch Belva, Eva; Kansas R16 Kansas Sec3-34 0172a (1903) Tel. Kansas Green, Russell (May Patchett) Sidell R2 Young America Sec6 O40a F. J. A. Green (1894) Tel. Sidell Greenlee, Alva (Myrtle Matters) Ch Clarence, Herbert, Raymond, Wayne, Charles, Mary, Harrison; Edgar R28 Edgar Sec6 T800a Mr. Harrison (1899) Wabash Tel. Paris Greenwalt, S. B. (Pearl Fulton) Ch June; "Clay's Prairie Height Farm" Paris RIO Hunter Sec6 O120a (1876) Wabash Tel. Paris Greenwalt, Will (Nellie Jenkins) Chrisman R24 Prairie Sec30 051a T22a (1897) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Greenwell, Bert (Daphney Benefiel) Ch Josephine. Louella; Hume Rl Shiloh Sec3E T90a Joe Welker (1914) Wabash Tel. Hume Gresham, Allen (May Dickson) Ch Archie S., Paul, Ina, Roscoe, Mary- nell; Paris R4 Symms SeclO 0169a (1898) Citizens Tel. Oliver Griffin, Charles (Nellie Schlatter) Ch Florence, Leonard, Clarence, Myr- tle; Oliver Symms Secl7 T80a C. T. Biddeson (1880) Griffin, Frank (Hadie Newhart) Ch Richard, Victor, Kenneth; Paris R5 Grandview Sec31 T40a V. Newhart (1889) Griffin, Mrs. James L. (Cynthelia Asher) Ch Newton, Joe, Susie, Nicie, Charle}^ Bertha, Frank, Mazie, Wiley, Howard, Martha, Alice; Paris R4 Symms Sec21 0128a (1852) Bell Tel. Paris Griffin, Joe (Rosa Welsh) Ch Ray, Edith, John, Beatrice, Ruth, Edna, Louise, Leona, May; Paris R4 Symms Sec20 T49a Cynthelia Grif- fin (1869) Griffin, J. A. (Sylvia Myers) Ch Carl, Clyde, May, Charley, John, Grace, Cecil, Cyrus, Esther, Lester, Bar- bara; Oliver Rl Symms Secl3 052a (1867) Griffin, N. B. (Beatrice McMuUen) Ch Inez, Willard; Paris R4 Symms Sec21 T30a Cynthelia Griffin (1868) Griffin, Ray (Ethel Fletcher) Paris R8 Shiloh Sec6SE Ora Myers (1893) Wabash Tel. Paris Griffith, A. P. (Almeda Harris) Ch Laurence, Clarence, Hubert; Scott- land R30 Brouillett Creek Secl6 T30a J. T. Griffith (1890) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Griffith, T. J. (Sarah Nichols) Ch A. P., Charles Hutchinson Stepson; Scottland R30 Brouillet Creek Secl6 O80a (1889) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Grinn, Morgan (Hannah Knapp) Ch Anna, Rena, Creal, Nellie, Arthur; "Clark Williams Farm" Ridge Farm R2 Ross Sec5 T132a Mrs. Mary Newkirk (1916) Grisham, Harry (Mary Page) Ch Van E., Walter G.; "Meadow Lawn Farm" Marshall R3 Elbridge Secl5-16 T140a Mrs. Anna Page Wabash Tel. Paris Grose, Frank (Anna Sinis) Ch Jo- sephine, Elsie, Louise, Oran, Pearl, Marie, Fern, Wayne; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec20 T120a Ray Fenton (1874) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Grose, Taylor (Nancy Cummins) Ch Irvin. Frank, Harrison; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Secl3 O40a Wabash Tel. Vermilion Groves, Charles (Rose Sederberg) Ch Rov. Helene, Deva; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec27 T80a Julia Fair (1902) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Groves, C. M. Ch Effie, Brownie, Myr- tle, Floyd, Fern; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Secl6 O102a (1884) Groves, Shell (Pearl Heddle) Scott- land R30 Brouillett Creek Sec20 T90a Sherman Mont (1913) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Grubb, Wiley (Minta Wineburger) Ch Boyd, Geneva, Francis; Chris- man R24 Scottland Sec20W Farm Hand Steve Kegley (1915) 62 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Grubb, Mrs. W. A. (Susan Hawkins) Ch James, Charity, Charles, Wil- liam; Ridge Farm Rl Ross Seel T2a Cabel Woodyard (1912) Guinn, Harry (Elizabeth West) Ch Leon, Tommie, George, Eugene; Paris Rll Hunter Sec20 TIL Burt Huffman (1912) Guinn, H. L. (Nellie Pendley) Ch Ethel, Mabel; Paris R9 Paris Sec8N T307a Archie Wood (1917) Wabash Tel. Paris Gumm, Charles (Susan Lindsey) Ch Emma, Minnie; Paris R7 Buck Sec32E O370a (1864) Wabash Tel. Paris Gumm, E. H. (Florence Mapes) Ch Frederick, Zeis, Mary, Bessie; Paris R7 Paris Sec34W O240a (1864) Bell and Wabash Tel. Paris Gumm, Fred (Susan Taflinger) Ch Florence, Edward; Paris R7 Paris Sec32W T160a Elizabeth Gumm (1888) Wabash Tel. Paris Gumm, H. Z. (Junita Love) Ch Rob- ert; Paris R7 Paris Sec33W T160a Ed. Gumm (1892) Wabash Tel. Paris Gumm, Walter (Lula North) Ch Her- bert, Homer, Marie, George; Paris R7 Buck Sec32E 0284a (1873) Wabash Tel. Paris Guthrie, Mrs. Emma (Emma Larkin) Paris R9 Paris Sec30N O40a (1877) Wabash Tel. Paris Guthrie, Mrs. W. H. (Emma Victor) Ch William, Ada; Paris Rll Paris SecSE T40a W. H. Guthrie Est. (1872) Wabash Tel. Paris Guymon, Ernest (Stella Fuqua) Ch James F., Gilbert E.; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec24-20 O20a T201a James E. Fuqua (1882) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Guymon, James (Frances E. Vance) Ch Bruce A., William, Ernest, G. C, Millie, Grecirx C, Boyd C; Ver- milion R33 Elbridge Sec2S-30 0259a (1850) Wabash Tel. Vermilion- Guymon, W. H. (Cora Shipley) Ch Harold. Lyla, Vernon; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec25 T65a James Guymon (1870) H Hackett, B. F. (Amerial Rigsby) Ch Nevada, Eva; Ridge Farm Rl Ross Secl2 Farm Hand Caleb Woodyard (1883) Hackler, J. P. (Minnie Sage) Ch Alice, William, Rhoda, Frank, James, Bert, Anna M., Minnie L., Virginia, Lois; Ridge Farm R2 Ross Sec4 Farm Hand James Gaines (1900) Hagan, Stewart (Ina Fulks) Ch Aliene; Chrisman R23 Young Amer- ica Secl2 T180a Walter Boon (1899) Tel. ChrismdH Hale, A. C. (Verne Myers) Ch Rus- sell; Paris Rll Stratton Sec25 T160a S. F. Myers (1881) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Hale, Clayton (Malissa Sutherland) Ch Howard, Mary, Verna; Metcalf Rl Young America Secl7 Farm Hand Thomas Howell (1914) Hale, Clyde V. (Anna Dunkley) Ch Wayne, Allen, Robert; Paris Rll Hunter Secl8 T274a Marion Hale (1883) Wabash Tel. Paris Hale, S. T. (Margaret Harrington) Ch Walter, Lettie, Nona, Hobert, Fred, Verginia, Maiden, Shannon, Rex, Howard; Chrisman R23 Ross Secll T160a Isaac Woodyard (1916) Wab- ash Tel. Chrisman Hale, Wise (Alice Hackler) Ch Ralph; Chrisman R24 Ross Sec24 TlOla John McCuddy (1903) Hall, Carry (Hattie Morgason) Ch Fred, Owen, Arthur, Martha, Harry; Oliver Symms Secl8 07a T48a Jo- seph Parrish (1881) Citizens Tel. Oliver Hall, Douglas (Anga Burkholder) Ch' Elvet, Ernie, Grace, Irenis, Helen, Delmar, Carlyle; Oliver Rl Symms Sec7 O80a (1860) Citizens Tel. Oliver Hall, E. E. (Hattie Marltt) Ch Wal- lace, Carl, Earl, Pauline; Redmon Buck Sec27 TlOOa John Mason (1911) Wabash Tel. Redmon Hall, F. B. (Matilda Reeves) Ch Beatrice, Charles, Cora; Kansas R15 Kansas Seel 058a (1891) Tel. Kansas 63 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Hall, Meeker (Lucinda Welsh) Ch Carry, Minnie, Delvas, Dollie, El- verta; Marshall R3 Symms Secl7 OlOOa (1884) Hamilton, David Ch Orris, Sanford; Brocton R19 Embarras Sec36 O80a (1887) Hamilton, Jesse A, (Verna McFar- land) Ch Paul B., Joe M., Mary Golden; "Corn King Farm" Ver- milion R33 Elbridge Secl9 054a (1888) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Hamilton, J. H. (Mary Hoover) Ch Rosella, Mike, John, Harry, Mary; Brocton R18 Shiloh Sec28S T320a W. T. Blackburn (1861) Wabash Tel. Redmon Hamilton, Lewis H. (Cora Gilkey) Chrisman Rl Ross Sec6 0325u (1897) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Hamilton, Mike (Bessie Hobson) Ch Forrest, Floyd; Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec28S Resident J. H. Hamilton (1884) Hamilton, P. L, (Nannie Black) Ch Louise G.. lean A., Abe J., Hugar H., Bessie M., Elmer P., Alva E.; Paris R2 Elbridge Sec35 T213a Ed. Coburn (1877) Wabash Tel. El- bridge Hamilton, W. F. (Rosa Wetsel) Ch Pearl, Leta T., Don H.. Thomas S., Mildred; Paris R4 Symms Secl3 T143a William Wallace (1862) Wabash Tel. Paris Hamm, Fred (Myrtle Bailey) Ch Esther, Harold; Chrisman R26 Hunter Sec35 T120a Frank Ear- hardt (1907) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Hammond, C. A. (Lottie Bell) Paris Rll Stratton Sec36 T103a Mrs. R. B. Hammond (1882) Wabash Tel. Ver- milion Hand, A. P. (Anna Milner) Ch Ony, Guy, Bertha: "Old Hand Farm" Paris R3 Symms Secll 014Sa (1859) Wabash Tel. Paris Handley, Herbert (Elsie Stokes) Kan- sas R13 Embarras Sec34 089a (1889) Hanks, Caroline (Caroline Frith) Ch Martha. Sarah, Roselia; Paris R9 Paris Sec25N 03a (1845) Wabash Tel. Paris Hanks, Jack (Ida Forsythe) Ch Mae, Ura C. ; Paris R2 Symms Sec20 O200a (1868) Wabash Tel. Paris Hanks, Mrs. Jemima Ch Clyde, Nor- ris, Nellie, Harry; Brocton R18 Embarras Sec31 O80a (1880) Hanks, Mike (Louie Elledge) Paris R2 Svmms Secl9 T55a Stella Hanks (1880) Wabash Tel. Paris Hanna, D. W. (Maggie Hawkins) Ch Allie, Wilber, Clara, Edgar, Hazel, Lola, Margis, Etta, May; Kansas R15 Grandview Sec9 T80a Charles Bremner (1847) Hanna, Edgar (Versa Rhoads) Ch Emerson, Merriam; Paris R2 Symms Sec32 T120a (1892) Wabash Tel. Paris Hanna, Hugh Ch Joel, Sherman, John, Rachel, Hugh jr.; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec 10-3-12 0154a (1846) Tel. Grandview Hannah, Philip E. (Adelaide Jenness) Chrisman R5 Ross Sec33 044a (1912) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Hanner, Joseph M. (Mary C. Whit- lock) Ch Carry A.. Iva M., Willis H., Elba E., Elsie V.; "Forrest View Farm" Isabel Embarras Sec22 046a (1900) Hanno, Hugh Jr. (Lois P. Kemper) Ch Thomas: Kansas R14 Kansas Sec6 T40a Charles Elledge (1887^ Harbaugh, Lewis D. (Nell McGin- ness) Ch Virgil L., Geraldine; Broc- ton R18 Embarras Sec25 T120a Mrs. L. A. Boyer (1897) Hume Tel. Co. Brocton Harbaugh, William E. (Emma Moore) Ch Ross, R. G., Benjamin, Louis, Helen, Isabelle; Brocton R18 Em- barras Sec30 T160a 1. N. Cooley (1897) Tel. Brocton Harby, George (Susie Hunt) Ch George, Edwin, Alice, Velda; Aller- ton Rl Young America Sec3 T240a (1890) Tel. Allerton Hard, C. A. Ch Barney, Eva, Ruth. Fern, Lola, Florence, Loren, Olen; Paris R5 Grandview Sec7 T40a Fred Sheets (1910) Hardy, F. P. (Addessa Ruble) Ch Giffin; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Sec23 0145a (1879) Wabash Te!. Horace Hardy, G. S. (Oma Cruthfield) Ch Sylvia, Goldie, Tessie; Paris R6 Buck SeclS T12ba Elizabeth Mc- Phillips (1902) Hardy, William A. (Cora Sater) Ch Edith M., Fannie E., Kermit W.. Verain T.: Paris R9 Stratton Sec9 05a (1879) Wabash Tel. Paris Hardy, W. B. (Gertrude Lewis) Ch Edith, Louise, James, Perisho; Dud- ley R12 Grandview Sec26 T69a Rosa Smith (1909) 64 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Hardy, W. R. Ch William, Manlius, Ruth; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec26 T69a Rosa Smith (1917) Hargis, Lloyd Kansas R15 Grandview Sec24 O50a (1894) Peoples Mutual Tel. Grandview Harman, H. S. (Lillian Kimler) Ch Charles, Ralph, Katherine, Edna, Kansas R16 Secl7 T160a M. A. Pinnell (1885) Tel. Kansas Harmon, John A. (Lizzie McAdams) Ch Leah, Arthur; Oakland Rl Em- barras Sec27 T180a Luella Morris (1917) Coles Tel. Co. Harness, Oscar L, (Florence Clouse) Ch Arthur, Lewis; Chrisman R24 Ross Secl3 T220a Cora Epps (1889) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Harness, Thomas D. (Carrie Goinges) Ch Oscar, Bertha, Cora, Dorothy, James, Thomas Jr.; Chrisman R24 Ross Sec24 T160a John Dicken (1892) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Harper, Ora H, (Josie Manning) Ch Frank A., Forest K., Charles N., Parker, Stepchildren; Scottland R30 Secl9 O50a Brouillett Creek T235a Mary Ingram and Roy Hutson (1879) Harrington, J. A. (Elizabeth Knight) Ch Minnie, Gracie, Gladys; Paris R7 Shiloh Sec3S T235a Mrs. J. D. Barr (1875) Wabash Tel. Redmon Harris, Charles E. (Annis Eastham) Ch Ethel, Leslie, Hazel, Eugene; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Secl7-18-19 O290a (1888) Wabash Tel. Ver- milion Harris, James N, (Susan C. Barr) Ch Donald, Jane, Martha; Paris R8 Paris SecllN T382a W. K. Harris (1866) Wabash Tel. Paris_ Harris, J. O. (Louisa A. Billings) Ch William O., H. J., Maude; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Sec29 T40a Sam Daugherty (1861) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Harris, Leonard (Gertrude Taylor) Ch Helen, Katherine; Paris R9 Paris Sec24N T210a Mary J. Harris (1873) Wabash Tel. Paris Harris, M. L. (Irma Volkers) Ch Lu- cile, Hila; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Secl9 T200a C. E. Harris (1891) Harrison, A. D. (Pearl Burnham) Ch Burnham, Mary; Paris R8 Buck Sec7NE 0319a (1891) Wabash Tel. Paris Harshbarger, Hugh (Lucy Lucile Redman) Ch Ben, Redman; Kansas R15 Grandview Sec21 011a (1888) Hart, Woodic M. (Stella Keith) Ch Diela, Delia, Ruby; Borton Em- barras Sec24 Farm Hand Emmet Borton (1917) Coles Tel. Co. Oak- land Hartley, James (Lula McCubbins) Ch Jennie; Paris R4 Symms Secl3 O90a (1868) Wabash Tel. Paris Hathaway, H. C. (Matilda Brook Jones) Ch Howard; "Idlewyld Farm" Hume Young America Sec32 072a (1885) Tel. Hugh Haupt, George W. (Minnie Berg) Ch Dorothy, Charity, Erma; Chrisman R27 Edgar Sec22 T225a C. Haupt (1917) Wabash Tel. Horace Haupt, Ira (Maud Cusick) Ch Lucile; Chrisman R27 Edgar Sec20 T160a C. P. Thomas (1888) Wabash Tel. Horace Hawkins, Fred R. (Louretta Cornwell) "Cedar Hill Farm" Paris Rl Paris Sec32E 061a (1887) Wabash Tel. Paris Hawkins, Noa, (Francis Calihand) Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Sec25 T80a W. T. Littefield (1917) Haws, C. C. (Lidda Martin) Ch Virgil L., Thelma L., Mary J., Charles F.; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Sec3q 093a (1869) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Haws, Edward (Fern Wagner) Ch Margaret; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Sec3 T80a M. M. Light (1886) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Haws, George W. (Martha I. Cole- man) Ch Chester, Edward, Fern, Ray; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek SeclO OlOOa (1853) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Haws, Perry (Cora Martin) Ch Ar- thur, Beecher, Harold; Edgar R28 Edgar Sec34 T119a G. D. Mitchell (1905) Wabash Tel. Horace Haws, Roy E. (Leah Jenkins) Chris- man R25 Brouillett Creek SeclO T60a Wayne Haus (1892) Citizens Tel. Scottland Haws, W. P. (Marie Penrose) Ch Vesta; Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec32 O. C. Winans (1897) Hay, Frank L. (Daisy M. McCarty) Ch Pearl C, Velma; West Terre Haute Elbridge Secl6 T40a Mary B. McCarty (1905) Hayes, B. F. (Martelia Botner) Ch Bluford, Beulah; Paris Rll Stratton Sec33 T128a C. S. Sellar (1898) Wa- bash Tel. Paris 65 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Hayes, William (Mary Hufifacker) Ch Glenn, Vada. Owen, Eula; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Sec8 OlOOa (1895) Hays, Bert (Pearl Hays) Metcalf Rl Young America Sec36 T120a Frank F. O'Hair (1895) Wabash Tel. Met- calf Hays, Douglas Chrisman R24 Prairie Sec7-8-9 O800a (1864) Citizens Tel. Dana Hays, S. M. (Bell Moubray) Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Secl7 058a (1892) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Hays, William Jr. (Grace Jones) Ch Lucile, Enid; Metcalf Rl Young America Sec7 T180a David Rich- ardson (1891) Tel. Hume Head, M. H. (Olevia Vale) Ch Mil- dred, Niece ; Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec25S 05a (1887) Headley, F. L. (Louise Bull) Paris R7 Shiloh Sec2S T280a S. L Headlev (1894) Wabash Tel Redmon Hearn, J. R. (Mary E. Rhyn) Ch Clyde, Don, Elmer, Dela, Arle; Paris R6 Buck Sec3 T396a P. L. Stonburn (1895) Wabash Tel. Paris Heath, J. H. (Katherine Abrahams) Ch Mabel, Stephen, La Verne, Opal, Gene, Harley, Lathan; Metcalf Rl Shiloh Secl3 T400a Sangamon Loan & Trust Co. (1904) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Heath, T. (Sarah Burge) Ch Harvey. Margaret, Malinda, Dovie; Metcalf Rl Shiloh Sec24E T80a Dovie Click (1903) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Heelen, Charles and John (Cela, An- nie, Sisters and Partners) Paris RIO Hunter Sec2 O350a (1887) Heelen, James (Nora Collahn) Ch Cleo, James; Paris RIO Hunter Sec2 O350a (1857) Wabash Tel. Paris Heizer, S. H. (Fav Miller) Ch Les- lie; Edgar R28 Edgar Sec33 TlOOa H. Clark (1889) Wabash Tel. Hor- ace Helm, William (Hattie McKinney) Newman Rl Shiloh Secl5W T206a Scott Burgett (1913) Wabash Tel. Newman Helms, Francis (Audray Wellman) Ch Carl; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec28 Farm Hand J. V/. Elsberry (1890) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Helms, S. S. (Mary Games) Ch Min- nie, Solon, Amv, Francis, Andrew, Elsie, Edith; Metcalf Rl Edgar Sec36 T80a Mary E. Helms (1865) Halt, Morton (Mary Light) Ch May Henry, Anna Floyd, Blossom. Rosie; Scottland R30 Hunter Sec32 O70a (1880) Citizens Tel. St. Ber- nice Helton, Fred (Fay Buckler) Ch Rus- sell L., Paulina E., John M., Janet F. ; Redmon Embarras Sec28 T198a Mrs. H. De Barr (1883) Wabash Tel. Redmon Helton, J. A. (Nettie Mays) Ch Eve- lyn, Fred. Roy, Exie; Paris R2 Paris Sec8S OllOa (1874) Wabash Tel. Paris Helton, Roy C. (Maud Kerrick) Ch Lucille, Aileen G. ; Brocton R18 Embarras Sec25 T210a Dr. H. C. Kerrick (1888) Hume Tel. Co. Broc- ton Hemphill, Joab (Cora Rhoads) Ch Orville, Pearl; Paris R3 Symms Secl2 O40a (1860) Hemphill, T. S. (Cora McBride) Ch Bonnie, Winnie, Hilda G. ; "Spring Dale Farm" Chrisman R25 Brouil- lett Creek Sec25 0243a (1866) Citi- zens Tel. St. Bernice Hendershot, E. J. (Daisy Guthridge) Ch Harry; Brocton R17 Shiloh Secl5W T400a Scott Burgett (1909) Bell Tel. Newman Henderson, George C. (Jennie Scott) Ch Charles W., John F., Ethel, Bert, Fred, Harry, Lucia; "Pleasant Cor- ner Farm" Kansas R13 Embarras Sec23 0138a (1892) Coles County Tel. Co. Oakland Henderson, N. W. (Cora Jennings) Ch Earl, Wayne, Una Mae, Eugene J., Floyd, Wilson, James Paul; Hume Rl Young America Sec24 T160a Dr. J. M. Wagner (1908) Hendrix, Earl H. (Nell Gillis) Ch Imogene, Undene; Brocton R18 Embarras Sec29 T160a Henry Merkle (1885) Hume Tel. Co. Broc- ton Hendry, Isaac M. (Maud Miller) Ch Eugene, Leota; Brocton R18 Em- barras Sec31 T140a I. N. Cooley (1892) Hume Tel. Co. Brocton Henn, Charles H. (Lillian L. Garvey) Phillip, L. G., Charles T., William; "Hedge Apple Farm" Borton Em- barras Sec25 0346a (1871) Coles County Tel. Co. Oakland Henn, Phillip A. (Christine Bames- berger) Cli Ola, Bernice, Fred, Ed- gar, Lucile, Belle, Herbert, Kath- erine; "Village View Farm" Red- mon Embarras O140a (1852) Wa- bash Tel. Redmon 66 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Henn, Walter R. (Delpha Hunt) Ch Helen, Ralph; "Sun Set Knoll Farm" Brocton R19 Embarras Secl3 015a T98a Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Han- ley and J. Borton (1884) Bell Tel. Oakland Henn, W. H, (Ora Morris) Redmon Buck Sec28 T235a John Henn Sr. (1867) Wabash Tel. Redmon Henning, B. A, (Mrs. Emma A. Hen- ning, Mother) Paris RIO Hunter Secl4 T200a Emma A. Henning (1889) Henning, J, F. (Annie Hollinger) Ch Zula, Flossie. Elizabeth; Paris RIO Hunter Secl2 O200a (1852) Wabash Tel. Paris Henning, S. E. (Nettie Stultz) Paris R9 Paris SeclSE Charles Sullivan (1864) Wabash Tel. Paris Henry, David F. (Annie Tucker) Ch Clifford, Maud, Leonard, Ray, Gus- sie, Forrest, Frank, Alice, June; Edgar R28 Edgar Sec25 T600a Mil- ton Thomas (1864) Wabash Tel. Horace Henry, George (Olive Beedle) Ch David; Paris R6 Paris Sec4W O80a (1870) Wabash Tel. Paris Henry, George F. (Clara Scott) Ch Mae. Roscoe, John, Golda, Frank. Nellie. Marv, Harry; Chrisman R26 Edgar Sec28 035a (1870) Henry, P. S. (Marv Wittick) Ch John; Paris R9 Paris Sec20 T162a "Cyrus Henry (1881) Wabash Tel. Paris Henson, Emery (Fay Brading) Paris R3 Paris SeclSS T210a Mrs Rebecca Davis (1893) Wabash Tel. Paris Henson, Frank (Bertha Buness) Ch Eugene. Rosella, Fred; Ridge Farm Rl Prairie Sec6W Farm Hand Dr. Hinshaw (1910) Wabash Tel. Ridge Farm Henson, Frank S. (Mabel Scroggs) Ch Herman, Emory, Ora, Walter, Nathaniel. Lelah; Paris R5 Paris SeclOS T237a McClain Bercaw^ (1869) Wabash Tel. Paris Henson, Mrs. George (Cynthia Le- masters) Ch Frank, Nancy, Jeffer- son, Hatch, Maude, Rov; Paris R4 Symms Sec33 O40a (1850) Wabash Tel. Paris Henson, Jeff (Ruida Perisho) Ch Mil- lie, Zepha, Carlisle. Cleone. Louise, Arthur B.; Paris R4 Symms SeclO 074a T126a Z. F. Baum (1973) Wa- bash Tel. Paris Henson, J. R. Ch Frank, Mary. Mag- gie, Rose, William, Anna, Esther; Paris R5 Grandview Sec5 058a (1878) Tel. Grandview Hess, Abraham (Lola M. Hamilton) Ch Osie P., Earl; Paris RIO Hunter Secl3 O320a (1869) Wabash Tel. Hess, John (Amanda Hull) Ch Cora, Myrtle, Henrv, Oscar; Paris RIO Hunter Secl3 b320a (1870) Wabash Tel. Paris Hess, John (Maud Dixon) Ch Velva; Scottland R29 Prairie Sec20 O40a (1887) Citizens Tel. Scottland Hess, L. (Mable Bonwell) Ch Har- old, Blanche, Victor, Helen; Chris- man R2 Prairie Secl3 T160a Joe Stanfield (1878) Wabash Tel. Chris- man Hess, Roy R. (Maud Prichett) Ch Lola Jean, Carl; Scottland R29 Prairie Secl6 O20a (1889) Electric Tel. Dana Hester, P. W. (Hattie A. Kizer) "Walnut Lawn Farm" Chrisman R5 Ross Sec27 O80a (1895) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Hewit, H. K. (Dora Kiger) Ch Bertha, Earl, Hattie, Charles, Freda, Herschel, Cecil; Metcalf Young America Sec28 T320a S. C. Cash (1885) Tel. Metcalf Hewitt, Earl W. (Edith Reed) Ch Laurence, Omah, Vhlore; Sidell R2 Young America Sec9 T90a Wade Holton (1883) Tel. Metcalf Hickel, Jake (Aggie Boes) Ch Ger- trude, Clayton, Archie; Paris R9 Hunter Sec3 T25a Charles Williams and Thomas Keys (1877) Hickey, John (Lina Gungerich) Broc- ton Rl Shiloh Secl4W T155a James Hickey (1911) Hickey, William (Shiloh Taflinger) Ch James, Kathleen; Brocton R17 Shiloh Secl4W T320a James Hickey (1902) Hume Tel. Brocton Hickman, J. E. (Minnie A. Aliller) Ch Dottie E., Maude P., Bert D., Wilbert S., Elsie J., Robert C, Nellie, Claude O., William H., Ruth, Bertha M., Earl; "The Twin Silos Dairy and Fruit Farm" Paris R2 Elbridge Sec2 O60a TlOOa T. B. Herrick (1875) Wabash Tel. El- bridge Hickman, Mary A. (Mary A. Cana- day) Ch Charles, Bert, Mona; Scott- land R29 Prairie Secl8 O120a (1849) Citizens Tel. Scottland 67 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Hickmann, J. H. (Rosa Dickson) Ch Merrit E., Ellis W., Thelma L., Henry H.; Paris R3 Symms Sec35 O220a Henry Hickmann (1879) Wa- bash Tel. Paris Hicks, Glen A. (Mayme E. Hall) Ch Ruth, Merle, Mabel, Ethel. Wen- dell, Miriam; Vermilion R33 El- bridge Sec5 074a (1881) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Hicks, Roscoe Vermilion R33 El- bridge Sec8-9 O109a (1880) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Hiddle, John M. (Malinda J. Layne) Paris RIO Hunter Sec8 O40a T290a Joseph Layne Est. (1873) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Hiddle, Leslie (Iva Ingram) Scott- land R30 Brouillett Creek Sec21 0165a (1894) Citizens Tel. St. Ber- nice Hiddle, Nancy Ch Herschel, Gertrude, W. W.. J. M.; Scottland R30 Brouil- lett Creek Sec29 O70a Edward Hid- dle Est. (1869) Citizens Tel. Hiddle, Noah (Bessie E. Bush) Scott- land R30 Brouillett Cre.ek Sec29 T93a Charles Reed (1885) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Hiddle, Shell (Virgie Haws) Scott- land R30 Brouillett Creek Sec20 O30a (1890) Citizens Tel. St. Ber- nice Hiddle, W. W. (Florence Westbrook) Paris RIO Hunter Sec7 O180a (1877) Higfill, Hobart Scottland R30 Brouil- lett Creek Sec5 T40a Dan Craft (1910) Tel. Scottland Higgs, John (Delia Aulden) Ch Lela, Oren: Paris Rl Stratton Sec32 T80a Mr. Wilhoit (1910) Wabash Tel. Vermilion HighfiU, Perry M. (Bertha Roberson) Ch Oma; Paris R6 Buck SecoOE Farm Hand Charles Adams (1914) Hildreth, John (Edith Click) Ch Helen; Metcalf Rl Young America Sec23 O80a (1868) Tel. Metcalf Hildreth, M. (Nannie E. Smith) Ch Leslie M.; Chrisman R23 Young America Secl4 OlOOa (1874) Wa- bash Tel. Metcalf Hiler, Oscar G. (Stella Baker) Broc- ton R18 Embarras Sec29 T205a E. L. Wiese (1915) Hume Tel. Co. Brocton Hill, John H. (Mary Crooks) Ch Wal- ter B., Florence G. ; Vermilion Secl7 T95a Frank Fessant (1896) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Hill, Thomas (Azelma Mason) Ch Alaine, Willie; Brocton Embarras Sec34 Farm Hand James Giithridge (1917) Hume Tel. Co. Brocton Hillery, L. M. (Rosie Hinds)' Ch Esther; Paris R7 Paris Sec26 T14N R12W OlOOa (1882) Wabash Tel. Paris Hillery, Roy (Hattie Hinds) Paris R6 Buck SecSSE T160a I. M. Hinds (1890) Wabash Tel. Paris Hillis, W. G. (Gola Chapman) Ch William; Paris R6 Buck Sec35 Farm Hand W. H. Colwell (1915) Wabash Tel. Paris Hinds, E. A. (Nora Blake) Ch Har- vey; Paris R9 Paris Sec29 T14N RllW OlOOa (1902) Wabash Tel. Paris Hinds, E. Manuel (Sallie Davis) Ch Addie; Paris R4 Paris SecllS 0368a (1858) Wabash Tel. Paris Hinds, Glen W. (Leoan Brinkerhofif) Ch Charles; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec25 T80a Charles Brinkerhofif (1895) Hinds, H. A. (Sallie Fisher) Ch Anna, Mabel; Paris R6 Paris Sec34W O160a (1860) Wabash Tel. Paris Hinds, J. F. (Laura Jenkins) Ch Sarah, Ethel, Roy; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec23 0325a (1868) Wabash Tel. Paris Hinds, Roy J. (Laura Waite) Ch John, Albert; Dudley R12 Grand- view Sec23 T325a J. F. Hinds (1897) Tel. Paris Hinds, S. B. (Mary E. Jenkins) Ch Gladys, Samuel; "Big Four Trail Farm" Paris R5 Grandview Secl8 082a (1872) Tel. Paris Hinkle, T. E. (Estella Jackson) Ch Lauraine. Doyne; Paris R5 Buck Sec6 T370a Jim Bushner (1912) Wabash Tel. Paris Hinos, Magie Ch Emerald, Pauline, Emerage, Donald, Madeline; Chris- man R26 Elbridge Sec30 T80a V. S. Read (1917) Hinson, Roy (Mary Clarke) Ch Beu- lah, Floyd; Paris R4 Symms Sec29 T70a Everett Graham (1881) Wab- ash Tel. Paris Hite, James T. (Alice King) Ch Ada, Pearl, Lena, Catherine; Kansas R15 Kansas Sec26 O40a (1860) Tel. Kan- sas Hixon, Oscar (Cora Ingram) Ch Ralph, Carl; Scottland R29 Brouil- lett Creek Sec5 T50a Bert Conner (1903) Citizens Tel. Dana 68 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Hobbs, Charles (May Bolsey) Ch Esther, Blanch, Edgar, Clara, Ar- thur, Rachel, Myrtle, Wilber, Oscar; Paris Rll Hunter Secl8 O30a (1871) Wabash Tel. Paris Hockett, Will (Bertha Newman) Ch Lela, Daisy. Roy, Jane; Paris Rll Stratton Sec27 T240a M. B. Wilson (1882) Wabash Tel. Paris Hogshead, Raymon L. (Leota Wash- burn) "Maple Stock Farm" Kansas R13 Kansas SeclS T163a J. R." Hogshead (1894) Mutual Tel. Kan- sas Holady, J. C. (Delora Thompson) Scottland R29 Prairie Secl8-6-7 O260a (1872) Wabash Tel. Chris- man Holden, V. J. (Susan Lamb) Ch Grace, Carl, Winiferd, Dorotha, Velva; Metcalf Young America Sec26 T80a Claud Kizer (1917) Hollingsworth, D. Cass (Altgary Bledsoe) Paris Rl Stratton Sec7-8 T120a Ray Fenton (1892) Citizens Tel. Libertyville Hollingsworth, Felix (Mary E. Clin- ton) Ch Pearl, Hazel; Paris R3 Symms Sec2 094a (1887) Wabash Tel Paris Hollingsworth, J. R. (Rebecca L. Hepner) "Hile Morris Farm" Kan- sas R13 Kansas Secll T120a Hile Morris (1912) Tel. Kansas HoUoway, Charles E, (Jessie Sisson) Ch Floyd Earl, Tohn Henry; Paris Rl Stratton Sec8 T40a Tohn Hollo- way (1889) Wabash Tel. Vermilion HoUoway, John F. (Angie Hamilton) Ch George. Lola, Charles, Floyd; Vermilion Stratton Sec8 O40a El- bridge Secl3 T196a Roy Fenton (1865) HoUoway, O. M. (Jessie C. Curnutt) Ch Lewis; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec24 O40a T15a T. Grose (1865) Wabash Tel. Vermilion HoUowell, Mack (Elsie Swickard) Metcalf Rl Young America Secl7 T360a Mrs. H. Thomas and Mrs. Boone (1916) Tel. Metcalf HoUey, Elmer (Rose Crane) Ch Vivian, Bernard, Clyde; Paris R2 Symms Sec29 0163a Miss Anna Stewart (1877) Wabash Tel. Paris Holt, Grover C. (Bertha F. Herron) Ch Roy E. ; Brocton R18 Embarras Sec32 Farm Hand August Weise (1909) Hume Tel. Co. Brocton Holt, Wniiam (Ellen Gorden) Ch Lola, Violet, Forest; Kansas R16 Kansas Ray Pinnell (1877) Tel. Kansas Hon, Dan S. (Beulah Green) Ch Leona, Grace, Levern, Lola, Daniel; Metcalf Rl Young America Sec26 T320a Mrs. Epps (1896) Tel. Met- calf Honeywell, G. (Emma Rhoads) Ch Iva, Beulah, Forest, Louis, Esther, Glen; Paris RIO Stratton Sec27 O106a T89a F. B. Rigg (1863) Wab- ash Tel. Paris Honnold, Burr W. (Katherine Perisha) Ch Isaac, Chester; Kansas R13 Kansas Sec2 077a SeclO T200a I. D. Honnold Est. (1873) Westfield Co. Tel. Kansas Honnold, E. H. (Ella Meadows) Ch Harlan, Edith, Zola; Kansas R13 Kansas Secl2 O80a (1860) Tel. Kansas Honnold, Ira N. (Nora Lauher) Ch Loie, Leland, Audrey; "Justamere Farm" Kansas R13 Kansas Seel O160a Sec6 T34a (1871) Tel. Kan- sas Honnold, John O. (Louretta Wright) Ch Eva. John Jr.; "White View Farm" Kansas R13 Kansas Secl-2 O320a (1874) Tel. Kansas Honnold, John R. (Francis B. Moch) Ch Susanna, Ezra, Anna, Ora; "Knoll Farm" Kansas R13 Kansas Seel O160a (1855) Tel. Kansas Honnold, J. H. (Ruth Perisho) Ch Eugene, Wilber; Kansas R13 Em- barras Sec33 T200a John Perisho (1882) Wabash Tel. Redmon Honnold, P. B. (Sarah Downey) Ch Delia. Edgar, Almeda, Eliza; "Evergreen Place" Kansas R13 Kansas Secl5 O160a (1854) Tel. Kansas Honnold, Samuel F. (Mandy Yena- wine) Ch Orville, Oliva, Amy, Al- vah, Carl, Omer, Clarence^ Clarice, Lonnie, Richard; "West View Farm" Kansas R13 Kansas Sec2-3 O2S0a (1855) Tel. Kansas Honnold, W. H. (Bertha Pinnell) Ch Winona, Joy; Kansas R13 Kansas Secl5-14-6 T234a (1870) Tels. West- field and Kansas Hooker, Henry (Lulie Meeker) Ch Orion. Warren, Irene, Eugene; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec27 T240a J. W. Tate (1895) Wabash Tel. Paris 69 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Hopkins, J. F. (Ora Cutright) Ch Mildred, Dorotha, Truman, Mane; Metcalf Rl Young America Sec25 T220a Hely Eversall (1911) Horsley, Henry (A. Glass) Paris R9 Edgar Sec9 O20a (1858) Horsley, Ora E. (F. Ellis) Chrisman R26 Edgar Secl7 0154a (1882) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Houghton, H. M. Ch Lizzie, Mary, Jane, Tillie, Susan, Minnie, Nellie, Charles; Chrisman R26 Edgar Sec29 T32a Houghton Est. (1890) Wabash Tel. Horace Hoult, Albert (Nellie Barth) Ch Irene, Lyda, Maurice, Howard, Francis, Paul; Chrisman R27 Edgar Secl2 T270a A. K. Hartley (1875) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Hoult, Charles (Laura Lewis) Ch Everette, Annette, Martha. Lewis. J. Warren, Howard; Chrisman Ross Sec28 O160a (1853) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Hoult, Fred K. (Effie Brothers) Ch Robert, Velma; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec26 OlOa T200a (1879) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Hoult, John (Emily A. Tucker) Ch Jane R., Fred K., Carrie L., Ada M.. Owen O.; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec27 O400a (1848) Wabash Tel Chris- man Hoult, Lawrence E. (Okie Mitchel) Ch George Mitchell; Chrisman R5 Ross Sec34 TllOa J. E. Click (1887) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Hoult, Owen O. (Gertrue Brothers) Chrisman R23 Ross Sec26 OlOa T200a (1889) Wabash Tel. Chris- man Hoult, Sylvester (Maud Watson) Ch Roger; Chrisman R27 Edgar Secl2 O120a (1883) Wabash Tel. Chris- man Hoult, Thomas (Rosie Sunkel) Ch Agnes, Edith, Vollie; Chrisman Ed- gar SecS 048a (1852) W^abash Tel. Chrisman Hoult, William (Viola Simms) Ch Albert. Sylvester, Lawrence, Majr, Nellie, Josephine, Carrie. Mathew; Chrisman Ross Sec34 O160a (1852) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Housel, Charles (Elsie Trimle) Ch Fay, Fern, Donovan, Paul, Charles E. ; Brocton R19 Embarras Sec35 T160a Charles Merkle Sr. (1885) Housel, Horton (Stella Stokes) Ch Virgil; "Spring Brook Farm" Broc- ton R19 Embarras Secll 068a (1880) Coles County Tel. Co. Oak- land Housel, Jacob (Martha J. Rush) Ch Charles E., Luther E.; Brocton R19 Embarras Sec3 T190a Charles Merkle (1861) Housel, Luther E. (Carrie McFarlm) Brocton R19 Embarras Sec3 T190a Charles Merkle (1888) Houston, Daniel (Mabel Jamison) Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek SecS T60a James Jamison (1893) Tel. Dana Houston, Ida (Ida Kitts) Ch Edith, Ethel L., Grace, Daniel L., William R.; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Sec20 046a (1887) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Houston, James (Madge French) Ch Christine, Marj^^ Pauline; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec29 T44a William French (1887) Citizens Tel. Sand- ford Howard, Edward E. (Cornelia Par- rish) Ch Vivian L., Arthur R.; "Crescent Fruit Farm" Paris R2 Elbridge Sec34 035a (1873) Wabash Tel. Paris Howard, E. L. (Elnora Cordell) Ch Mabel J., Frank, Grace. Nellie; Sandford Elbridge Sec32 056a (1883) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Howe, Eli T. (Lettie J. Cuppy) Ch Wilbert F., Laura E., Elmer A., Sarah S., Owen E.; Brocton R17 Embarras Sec26 O160a (1865) Hume Tel. Co. Brocton Howe, Elmer (Lizzie Neikirk) Ch Oscar. Earl. Ivan; Brocton R2 Shi- loh Sec26S T80a Eli Howe (1885) Tel. Hume Howe, G. A. (Eva Mood) Ch Ethel, George, Marv, Rhoda; Chrisman R27 Edgar Sec25 T90a (1916) Hudson, Vince J. (Susie Lamb) Ch Grace, Carl, Winifred, Dorotha, Velva; Metcalf Young America Secl3 T90a J. O. Kizer (1916) Htiey, Levi (Grace English) Ch Clif- ford, Earl, Glen, Marshall; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec22 T515a Mary E. Busv (1917) Huffaker, M. (Mary Hubbard) Ch Herold, Ada, Forest, Carl; Scott- land R30 Brouillett Creek Secll 085a (1895) Tel. Scottland 70 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Huffman, B. M. (Grace Watson) Ch Louise, Alax W., Hermine; Paris Rll Hunter Secl9 O610a T166a Oscar Huffman Est. (1877) Bell Tel. Paris, Citizens Libertyville Hugg, Joe (M. Bartlett) Ch Madge, Fern, Winifred, Gertrude; Chris- man R27 Edgar Sec25 TlOa Frank Nolan (1874) Hugg, John (Edith Ellberry) Ch Fred, Dewey. Roscoe; Chrisman R26 Edgar Sec29 THj^a Hugg Est. (1868) Hughes, Charles V. (Pearl Noble) Ch Noble. Norman; Chrisman R24 Prairie Sec5 T180a Alarv Noble (1914) Citizens Tel. Dana Hughs, Jacob (Alice Jones) Ch Ray. Mabel. Clifton; Kansas R15 Kan.sas Sec26 T20a Homer Pinnel! (1907) Tel. Kansas Hull, A. C, (Mary Davis) Newman R3 Young America Sec35 T155a G. B. Myers (1915) Tel. Hume Hull, John H. (Hattie McNear) Ch Frances, Henry, Sophia; Brocton Embarras Sec35 T40a Carroll Est. (1879) Humerickhous, Ely (Martha Humer- ickhous, Mother) Ch Rov; Paris RIO Hunter Secl2 T160a E. K. Staf- ford (1882) Wabash Tel. Paris . Humrichouse, C. P. (Hazel Stotts) Ch Doranne; Paris R7 Buck Secl7E T260a (1907) Wabash Tel. Paris Hunter, Alex (Mary Hollinger) Ch Esther. Caroline; Paris R2 Symms Secl7 O80a (1865) Wabash Tel. Paris Hunter, C. S. "Ashland Stock Farm" Paris Rll Hunter Secl7 O180a T420a J. D. Hunter Est. (1871) Wa- bash Tel. Paris Hunter, John (Ansia Fuqua Reed) Ch Maud, Goldie and Nellie Reed; Ver- milion R33 Elbridge Sec5 O50a Wa- bash Tel. Elbridge Hunter, Neil (Mary Hunter. Mother) Paris R2 Elbridge Sec33 T120a Mary Hunter (1885) Huston, Lula R. Ch Emmett, Violet, Charles, Louis; "Wayside Farm" Dudley R12 Grandview Sec23 O340a (1867) Tel. Paris Hutson, F. M. (Ida Bracken) Ch Vernie, Russell; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Secl8 (1867) Citi- zens Tel. Dana Hutson, James (Ida Smith) Ch Owen, Alva, Ralph, Laurence, Mary, Gladys; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Sec20 T50a Dan Miller (1887) Hutson, J. G. (Elizia Johnson) Ch Gertha; Paris Rll Paris Sec6E 06K-a (1865) Wabash Tel. Paris Hutson, McGilbra (Mary Reed) Ch Nora, James, Grant, William; Scott- land R30 Brouillett Creek SeclS 012 (1843) Citizens Tel. Dana Hutson, R. T. (Ella Dixon) Ch Irene, Paul, Iva; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Secl9 O130a (1901) Citizens Tel. Dana Hybarger, E. (Sarah Croddy) Ch Guv, Evelyn, Marie; Paris R5 Paris Secl6S 037a (1652) Wabash Tel. Paris Igo, Clarence (Nettie Spurgeon) Ch Glenn; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Cre£k Secl4 T157^a Charles Igo Est. (1893) Wabd:sh Tel. Horace Igo, Oren (Hortense Lonsdale) Ch Anna B., Julia T.; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Secl6 059a Sec20 TlOOa Sam Igo (1883) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Igo, Samuel (Jane Skidmore) Ch Blanche, Ida, Ward, Oren. Sadie. Lelia. Vernie; Scottland R30 Brouil- lett Creek Secl6 0129a (1877) Citi- zens Tel. St. Bernice Ike, William Anderson (Amanda Cox) Ch Verda F.. Minnie, James R., Chester A., William M., Mae Marie; Paris Rl Stratton Sec9 013a (1867) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Ingole, Jesse (Jennie Quinn) Oliver Rl Symms Secll 041a (1880) Citi- zens Tel. Oliver Ingram, Albert (Clara Henness) Scottland R29 Prairie Secl9-20 0284a (1876) Electric Tel. Dana Ingram, C. A. (Alcy Adams) Ch Olive, Elton: Scottland Prairie Sec26 T175a H. H. Adams (1869) Citizens Tel. Scottland 71 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Ingram, Debert (Viola Smith) Ch Esther, Evert, Cleatis, Basil; Scott- land R29 Prairie Sec22 T80a Nancy Freece (1875) Citizens Tel. Scott- land ^^_ Ingram, Ellas (Margaret Farris) Ch Cora, Iva, Bennie, Earl, Forest; Scottland R9 Brouillett Creek SecS 04a (1880) Ingram, James (Mary A. Piper) Ch Herald, Ralph; Scottland R29 Brouillett Creek Sec35 T8a Robert Legate (1890) Ingram, John (Sarah Brown) Ch Roy, Blanche, Louise, Myrtle, Ola, Beatrice, Grace, Mary, Julia, Min- nie; Chrisman R24 Prairie Sec6W Farm Hand E. O. White (1913) Ingram, Ray (Leola Rigs) Kansas R13 Kansas SeclO T280a Herb Shively (1917) Ingram, R. A. (Nettie Bolard) Ch Arthur, Nellie, George, Ossie, James, Elva, Marie; Scottland R29 Brouil- lett Creek Sec35 T73a John Ashby (1874) Inman, John (DoUie Russell) Ch Rachel, Hellen, Ina, Fern, Thelma; Dudley R12 Grandview Secl4 T40a John Hyden (1917) Irish, Charles (Clara Miller) Ch Laurence, Freeman, Charity, Jo- seph; Paris Rll Stratton Sec26 Farm Hand S. F. Myers (1882) Wabash Tel. Paris Irwin, Dayton (Minnie Bedwell) Ch Mary, Alfred, Winnifred, Mildred; Paris R8 Shiloh Sec31S James Sul- livan (1912) Isham, Theodore (Anna Watkins) Ch Donovan C, Leone, Josephine; Brocton R18 Embarras Sec31 T360a I. N. Cooley (1902) Hume Tel. Co. Brocton Jackson, Charles (Anna Mathews) Ch Lawrence; Paris R5 Grandview Sec30 047a (1877) Tel. Paris Jackson, John C. (Samantha Hunt) Ch James, Edna; Sidell R2 Young America Secll T40a (1887) Jackson, Logan (Lettie Marshall) Ch Pauline, Gerald; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Sec29 TlOOa Charles Reed (1917) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice James, A. C. (Mary Bandy) Ch Burr, Ivy, Susie, Ode; Paris Rll Stratton Sec29 032a (1899) Citizens Tel. Libertyville Jamison, James (Hattie Thomas) Ch Nettie, Mabel, John, Gordon; Scott- land R30 Brouillett Creek SecS O509a (1860) Jamison, James (Ota Aitkens) Met- calf Rl Shiloh Secl7E 0135a (1868) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Jamison, S. A. (Meda Manning) Ch Esten, Violet; Chrisman R24 Ross Secl2 T240a Cora Epps (1868) Wa- bash Tel. Chrisman Jared, William (Alice Smith) Ch Grace, Herbert; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec28 Ola (1902) Jarvis, Charles (Anna Adams) Ch Laurel, Harry, Roy, Gladys; Chris- man R26 Edgar Secl8 TlOOa May and Mollie Summerville (1901) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Jarvis, Ray (Lillian Pierce) Chrisman R25 Edgar Sec9 T40a Fred Light (1887) Tel. Chrisman Jeffers, Harry (Nellie Garman) Chris- man R23 Ross Sec22 T40a Martha Compton and Elsie Clause (1913) Jeffries, O. L. (Josephine Bulion) Ch Claude, Helen; Paris R4 Paris SecllS (1915) Wabash Tel. Paris Jenkins, Charles (Ethel Carell) Ch Fern; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Sec24 039a (1871) Tel. Farmer's Line Jenkins, James A. (Effie Wellman) Ch Morris, Francis; Paris RIO Hun- ter Sec6 O102a (1913) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Jenkins J. H. (Clara Bussart) Ch Ellen; Paris R4 Paris SeclSS 0166a (1861) Wabash Tel. Paris Jennings, Fred Ch Lyman B.; "Cedar Hill Farm" Kansas R16 Kansas Sec26 O40a (1889) Tel. Kansas 72 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Jennings, Omar A. (Georgia Fulton) Scottland R29 Prairie Secl8 061a (1881) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Jett, P. (Pearl Vaught) Ch Meva, Cecil; Brocton R17 Shiloh Secl7W T200a G. W. Hugh (1897) Wabash Tel. Hume Jewell, George (Annie Keith) Ch Edith, Stella, Elsie, Stepdaughters; Paris RIO Stratton Sec33 T60a Lewis Hamilton (1869) Wabash Tel. Paris Jewell, Paul (Mattie Minnick) Ch Richard, Laurence; Paris R9 Hun- ter Sec2 Farm Hand J. E. Garvin (1887) Johns, W. H. (Emily Mount) Ch Allie, Genie, Myrtle, Frank; Paris Rl Paris Sec6E 017a (1916) Johnson, C. T. (Mandy McCauley) Ch Elmer, Ethel, Glenn, Laz; Scott- land R29 Brouillett Creek Sec8 019a (1888) Tel. Dana Johnson, C. W. (Maude Charters) Ch Clifford; Kansas R6 Buck SeclO Farm Hand D. D. Baber (1917) Johnson, Dave M. Ch Ora, June, Thelma; Paris R4 Symms Secl3 T80a Zada Moran (1865) Wabash Tel. Paris Johnson, Flora (Flora Martin) Ch Roscoe, Dortha; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Secl7 056a (1879) Citizens Tel. Dana Johnson, Grant (June Seybold) Ch Charles; Edgar R28 Edgar Sec25 O160a (1913) Wabash Tel. Horace Johnson, John (Belva Martin) Ch Helen M.; Paris R9 Hunter SeclO Farm Hand Wilford Kinney (1915) Wabash Tel. Paris Johnson, Lawson V. (Sudie Fowler) Ch Mary G. ; Redmon Embarras Sec29 Farm Hand Hiter Stephen- son (1915) Johnson, Omar (Effie Carnes) Ch Barbara, Charles, Kenneth, Mildred, Edna, Ralph; Brocton R19 Shiloh SeclW 062a T132a (1896) Wabash Tel. Hume Johnson, S. A. (Alice Hancock) Ch Elsie, George, Horace, Findlay, Lucy; Horace Edgar Sec36 0117a (1861) Wabash Tel. Horace Johnston, Mrs. S. E. (Wood) Ch Es- ther, Arthur, Mira, George, Hugh, Charles; Paris Rl Stratton SeclO 096a (1862) Wabash Tel. Paris Jones, A. P. (Mattie Meese) Kansas R14 Kansas Sec25 T80a John Barry (1917) Jones, Bros., Park and Gramet Paris R5 Grandview Secl3 O50a (1887) Jones, Charles V. (Anna Winsett) Ch Vernice, Louise, Donald; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Sec36 T80a B. M. Riley and_ C. S. Bonweli (1896) Citizens Tel. Scottland Jones, Frank (Maude Comstock) Ch Carl, Pauline; Oliver Rl Symms Sec5 O80a (1886) Wabash Tel. Paris Jones, Frank R. (Lena Short) Ch Hulah, Cecil, Gladys, Alma, Ruth; Brocton R17 Shiloh Sec9E T160a Mrs. Sue Markle (1906) Wabash Tel. Hume Jones, George W. (Jennie Young) Ch Louie, Grover; Paris R5 Grandview Secl3 O50a (1882) Jones, James "Woodlawn Farm" Paris R2 Elbridge Sec4 T305a Lewis Jones (1873) Wabash Tel. Paris Jones, Leonaifd L. (Flora Mathews) Ch Hazel, Kenneth, Everett, Mar- ion, Clyde, Edward; "Woodlawn Farm" Brocton R19 Embarras Secl3 T163a E. T. Thompson (1901) Bell Tel. Oakland Jones, Lewis (Eliza Shields) Ch William S., George B., Ida M., Ella F., Emma, James, Nettie, Bessie, Frank; "Woodlawn Farm" Oliver Rl Elbridge Sec4 O305a (1832) Wa- bash Tel. Paris Jones, Ora A. (Cora D. Fulton) Ch Herbert, Archie; Scottland R29 Prairie Sec24 O60a (1883) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Jones, O. M. (Dorotha Crimmins) Sidell R2 Young America Sec9 T160a Mary C. Young (1890) Jones, P. E. (Minnie Drummonds) Ch Mamie, Ralph, Ruth, Stella. Dewey, Hortense, i^izzie; Metcalf Rl Young America Sec22 O640a (1873) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Jones, Ralph (Bessie White) Ch Ralph Jr.; Metcalf Rl Young Amer- ica Sec22 T90a P. E. Jones (1894) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Jones, Silas (Violet Shepard) Ch Marzelle, Charlotte; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Secl6 O20a (1912) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Jones, S. P. (Mary V. Wood) Ch Glen, Wood, Jessie, Clarence, Geor- gia, Harry; Edgar R28 Edgar Sec9 T16a Julia Wilkinson (1873) Wa- bash Tel. Horace 11 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Jones, W. E. (Edna Rhoads) Ch Thelma, Xathleen, DeLjame, Mar- ian; Chrisman R27 Edgar Sec29 T80a Piper Bros. (1880) Wabash Tel. Horace Jones, W. J. (Ada Loften) Ch Oliver. Edward, Raymond; Chrisman R2.5 Young America Sec23 O150a (1887) Tel. Chrisman Jordon, John (Virgie Frye) F'aris Rll Stratton Sec34 Farm Hand W. A. Dennis (1900) Judy, W. M. (Matty Spung) Ch Voor- hccs, Lum, Theodore, Ruth, Ralph; Paris Rll Stratton Sec26 T320a Ed- ward Gregg (1913) Wabash Tel. Paris Julian, Bernard (Lida Sly) Chrisman R28 Edgar Secl8 T80a R. P. Morris (1887) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Jump, W. E. (Addie Downs) Ch Forest E.; Scottland R29 Prairie Sec30 0575a (1864) Wabash Tel. Dana K Kanouse, Douglas Paris R9 Paris Sec25N 06a (1879) Kay, Hobart (Opal Robinson) New- man R3 Young America Sec22 T80a J. M. Robinson (1917) Kegley, Steve (Maud Garwood) Ch Fenton, Carroll; Scottland R29 Prairie SeclS T590a W. P. McKee (1896) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Keenen, Charles W. (Ethel Throne- burg) Ch John, Allen, Lloyd; Paris R9 Paris SeclSN T80a Mrs. James Oliver (1888) Wabash Tel. Paris Keifer, A. W. (Ellen Jones) Ch Dora, Augusta, Ben, Ella, Josie, Ivan, Gertrude; Oliver Rl S3mims Sec8 O306a (1838) Bell Tel. Paris Keifer, Benjamin (Rosa E. Walls) Ch Gifford; Oliver Rl Symms Sec7 O140a (1863) Wabash Tel. Paris Keifer, Ivan (Mina Daugherty) Ch Grace, Iva; Paris R3 Symms Sec5 027a T300a A. W. Keifer (1867) Bell Tel. Paris Keith, N. M. (Laura Pendleton) Ch Lela, Glen, Beulah, Margaret, Rosaline; Chrisman R23 Young America Secl3 T197a Claud Kiser (1897) Tel. Metcalf Keith, Sam (Minnie Thompson) Ch Ernest; Metcalf Rl Shiloh Sec23E T120a Mrs. Rowe (1893) Wabash Tel. Hume Kelly, Edd (Cora Rice) Ch Dale, Frank, Francis, Genevieve, Maxine, Metcalf Rl Young America Sec35 T300a Cora Epps (1876) Tel. Met- calf Kelly, J. F. (Tressie Hanley) Ch Leona, Lucile, Lawrence, Laura, Ama; Paris R4 Grandview Secl7 T160a Robert Lohens (1907) Kelm, William (Myrtle Lawrence) Ch Roselle; Paris R7 Buck Secl4 T291a J. P. Carter (1912) Wabash Tel. Redmon Kelsheimer, Clarence (Blanch Little) Ch Ezra, Owen; Paris R6 Buck Sec34 T342a M. A. Henn (1886) Wabash Tel. Redmon Kelsheimer, C. E. (Kate Savage) Ch Clarence, Robert, Nellie. Floe; Paris R8 Paris Sec20 08()a (1862) W^abash Tel. Paris Kelsheimer, Frank (Nellie Gillespy) Ch Eugene, John; Paris R9 Paris SeclS 684a Sec34 T172a Mrs. S. J. Kelsheim.er (1878) Wabash Tel. Paris Kelsheimer, H. H. (Alma Wolverton) Ch Mabel; Edgar R28 Edgar Secl2 T160a J. L. Wright (1870) Wabash Tel. Horace Kelsheimer, Ivan S. (Hazel Reed) Paris R9 Edgar SecS T170a B. D. Kelsheimer (1883) Wabash Tel. Paris Kelsheimer, Sherman (Edna An- drews) Paris R7 Paris Sec21W Farm Hand Frank Andrews (1876) Bell Tel. Paris Kelso, J. W. (Nancy Marion) Ch Elsie L., Edna V., James O., Mary E., William C. Viola AL, Harry S., Oka C, Glen E., Helen; Paris Rl Stratton Sec4 T171a E. W. Green (1870) Keltz, C. (Ida Carmichael) Ch Grace, Eschol, Lora, Marion, Ruth, Pearl, Edna, Weller. Florence, Margaret. Mildred; Paris Rll Hunter Secl7 T200a C. S. Hunter (1882) Keltz, S. K. (Fannie Sater) Ch Annie, Ella, Delbert; Paris .R9 Paris Sec20E Farm Hand P. S. Henry (1870) 74 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Kemper, Alex (Addie Murphy) Ch Clarence, Blanch, Pearl, Grace, Ray, Gladys, Exie; Kansas R15 Grandview Secl7 O80a (1857) Tel. Clarksville Kemper, Hugh (Clara Shuman) Ch Herman, Eula. Lorene, Raymond. Leonard; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec2 0182a (1876) Tel. Grandview Kemper, Ivan (]Mabel McDaniel) Ch Donald: Kansas R15 Grandview Sec3 T95a I. Kemper (1894) Kemper, James W. Ch Lyda, Charley. Leona, Arlia, Harvey; Dudley R12 Grandview SeclO 079a (1860) Tel. Grandview Kemper, J. S. Ch Hugh. Riley, Evert, Ivan, Alpha, Effie, Mabel; Kansas R15 Grandview Sec3 095a Tel. Grandview Kemper, Silas (Lula Shuman) Ch Beulah. Buford; Dudley R12 Grand- view SeclS 0116%a (1874) Tel. Grandview Kendall, G. G. (Maud Smith) "Ken- dall Home Farm" Metcalf Rl Young America SeclS 0198a (1875) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Kendall, J. B. (Annie Boon) Ch Charles, Clara, Irene, Edwin, May, Madge; Metcalf Rl Young Amer- ica Secl5 0415a (1869) Tel. Met- calf Kendall, W. Gordon (Martha Wat- son) Ch Tohn, William, Caroline; Chrisman"R26 Edgar Sec7 TlOla W. J. Watson (1913) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Kennedy, Lee (Grace Steele) Ch Henrv, Alfred; Scottland R29 Prairie Sec27 T79a A. J. Clark (1892) Citizens Tel. Scottland Kennedy, Willis (Emma Hess) Ch Mary, Julia; Scottland R29 Prairie Secl4 T160a Albert Thompson (1895) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Kenney Wilfred "Brookside Stock Farm" Paris RIO Hunter Secll T334a David Kennev and M. Welch (1891) Wabash Tel". Paris Keran, J. C. (Gertrude Stark) Ch Eugene, Vivian", Wilna; Kansas R16 Kansas Secl2 025a (1870) Kerrick, Frank (Stella Maddock) Ch Alice, Ralph, John S.. Betty J.; "Maple Lawn Stock Farm" Paris R2 Elbridge Sec2-ll O200a (1867) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Kerrick, Ralph (Jennie Tucker) Ch Frank A.; Paris R2 Elbridge Sec36 O80a Secl-36 T180a Dr. W. I. Mad- dock (1893) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Ketchem, George Sr. (Nettie Vories) Ch Harry, Violet, Madge, Ernest, George Jr.; Paris R6 Buck Sec36 Farm Hand H. L. Hodge (1916) Wabash Tel. Paris Key, Aniel (Cora Shaw) Ch Hubert, Eldon, Odin, Beatrice, Lester, Carrie; Paris R6 Buck Secl9E Farm Hand Herbert Lycau (1915) Wabash Tel. Paris Keys, Thomas J. (Callie Redman) Ch Jessie, Chester, William, Hazel, Joseph, Charlie, Elizabeth; Chris- man R26 Hunter Sec34 O305a (1859) Kidd, Jacob (Lucy Grafton) Cli Myrtle, Ernest, Glenn, Helen; Ridgefarm Rl Ross Secl2 Farm Hand H. C. Woodyard (1860) Kile, Ernest (Mabel Bott) Ch Ernest, Mary; Hume R20 Young America Secl3 T160a Kile Est. (1883) Tel. Hume Kile, Orla (Lillian Schickadenz) Paris R9 Edgar Sec33 T60a O. Williams (1913) Wabash Tel. Horace Kilgore, W. A. (Rena Hollaway) Ch May, Maud, Willie, Bessie; Ver- milion Stratton Secll Olla (1852) Kimball, C. O. (Ida B. Dowdrick) Ch Theodore, Rubv, Orris, Kenneth; Kansas R16 Secl2 T40a A. Wilhout (1890) Kimble, John Sr. (Louise Slanker) Ch Walter, Tohn Jr.; Paris R8 Paris Secl5N OlOOa (1874) Wabash Tel. Paris Kimble, W. L. (Helen Quinn) Ch Lawson, George; Paris R9 Paris Sec30 T14N RllW O150a (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris Kime, A. W. (Dvmple Redman) Dud- lev R12 Grandview Sec2 T150a John O. Kime (1893) Tel. Grand- view Kime, John O. (Rachel Cline) Ch David, Arthur. Katherine, John O. Jr.; Dudlev R12 Grandview Sec2 OlSOa (1858) Tel. Grandview Kincaid, Ervin (Mildred Monroe) Ch Eileen; Newman R3 Young Amer- ica Secl5 T120a F. M. Kincaid (1894) Kincaid, F. M. (Sarah Thomas) Ch Ervin, Ovil, Floyd; Newman R3 Young America Secl5 T4()0a(1891) Tel. Newman Kincanon, Grover (Nora Cook) Ch Hazel, Helen, Harold; Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec36S T160a William Zenke (1913) Wabash Tel. Hume 75 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY King, B. L. (Sarah VanBuskirk) Ch Ralph, Olivine Marie; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec23 T511a Mary E. Busey (1910) Tel. Paris King, F. J. (Minnie Bottom) Scott- land R30 Hunter Sec33 T116a W. J. Nolan (1917) Tel. Farmers' Line St. Bernice King, David (May Richey) Ch Lewis; Kansas R16 Kansas Secl3 T155a M. L. Redman (1910) Tel. Kansas King, E. G. (Charity Morris) Ch Lucile, Lenora, Maurice, Gregory; Brocton R17 Shiloh Secl4W O40a (1915) Hugh Tel. Brocton King, J. J. (Bertha Baganz) Ch Jos- eph, Edward C, Hattie, Edith, Osie; Hume R20 Young America Sec25 O80a (1872) King, J. L. (Katie GofiF) Ch Olive, George, Bertha, James, Mary; Hume Rl Young America Sec25-26 O160a (1870) Tel. Hume King, Ora E. Ch Raymond, Clifford, Roy; Chrisman R23 Ross SeclS T280a Thomas Boone (1914) Wa- bash Tel. Chrisman Kirkham, J. H. (Retta Boyer) Ch Byron, Marvin; Kansas R16 Kan- sas Secl4 O30a (1874) Tel. Kansas Kirkham, C. M. (Ida Shy) Ch Nina, Lucile, Lillie. Daisy; Kansas R16 Kansas Secl4 059a (1887) Tel. Kansas Kizer, Edwin E. (Jessie Barr) Chris- man R23 Ross Secl9 O80a (1866) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Kline, J. E. (Clara Seaton) Ch Nola, Mabel; Paris R9 Hunter Sec4 Farm Hand F. J. Thiel (1911) Knight, Bernard (May McComas) Ch Bernice, Paul, Wayne, Zelma; Broc- ton R2 Shiloh Sec25S Resident Ed- ward Knight (1875) Knight, D. H. Ch Francis, James, Henry, Lester, Ora, Ernest, Ger- trude, Charles; Brocton R17 Shiloh Secl3W O280a (1877) Knight, Edward (Belva Buckler) Ch Marion, Jessewood; Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec25S O80a T228a (1884) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Knight, E. (Ethel Hunt) Ch Kenneth; Brocton R18 Shiloh Secl9W TlOOa D. H. Knight (1892) Knight, F, M. (Nellie Emrick) Ch Clarence, Mary, Elmer, Harry, Alice, Woodrow; Brocton R18 Shiloh Sec24W T160a D. H. Knight (1915) Wabash Tel. Brocton Knight, H. D. (Rosie Cook) Ch Ed- ward, Elsie; Hume Rl Shiloh Secl5E T80a D. H. Knight (1884) Wabash Tel. Hume Knight, I. J. Oliver Symms Secl3 0117a (1868) Citizens Tel. Oliver Knight, James (Nora Cook) Ch Zella', Paris R6 Buck Sec25S T160a Scott Est. (1885) Wabash Tel. Paris Koho A. B. (Margaret A. Wilkins) Ch Forest Burks, Dorothy J., Rob- ert M.; Vermilion Elbridge Secl3 OlOa (1875) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Krabel, Carl L. (Louvena Tucker) Brocton R18 Embarras Sec33 T200a Charles Krabel and Mrs. Williams (1891) Hume Tel. Brocton Lacy, Mrs. Anna Ch William, Arthur, Richard, Emma, Marian; Kansas R14 Kansas Secl4 O80a (1895) Tel. Kansas Lacy, Arthur (Allie Clark) Kansas R14 Grandview SeclO O80a (1897) Tel. Paris Lacy, William (Maud Yenawine) Ch Lester; Kansas R16 Kansas Sec27 O160a (1882) Tel. Kansas Ladow, Dana (Mina Howell) Ch Glen, Evelyn, Inez; Paris R7 Paris Sec26W Fred Means (1916) Lake, J. W. (Mattie C. Palmer) Ch Margaret, Newton; Kansas R13 Kansas Sec2 T320a John O. Hon- nold (1913) Tel. Kansas Lamb, Charley Redmon Embarras Farm Hand W. Stewart (1896) Wabash Tel. Redmon Lamb, H. J. (Stella Roll) Ch James L., Margaret J., Forest E.; Paris R2 Elbridge Sec28 058a (1899) Bell Tel. Paris Lamb, I. G. (Mary A. Roush) Ch Henry J., Margaret, Bruce; Paris R2 Symms Sec32 023a (1899) Bell Tel. Paris Lamb, Jack (Mary E. Spotts) Ch William; Marshall R3 Symms Secl7 O160a (1877) Citizens Tel. Oliver Lamb, Orville (Ruby Beam) Ch Lena; Clinton R2 Stratton Sec29 TSOa Will Lamb (1916) Citizens Tel. Libertyville 76 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Lancaster, Otis (Minnie Hickle) Scottland R29 Brouillett Creek Sec9 T14a John Cheswright (1901) Citizens Tel. Dana Lance, G. C. Sr. (Ora Ramsey) Ch Grover Jr., Lois. Mildred.; Paris R6 Paris Sec21-22W P. L. Ston- burner (1916) Landes, C. W. (Leota Wiggins) Ch Nellie, Roy, Jesse, Mildred, Harold; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec30-31 T220a William Forster (1871) Wa- bash Tel. Elbridge Landes, Frank (Emma Story) Ch Charles Reign; "Oak and Hickory Grove Farm" Denninson R2 El- bridge Secl4 07Sa (1887) Landes, Isaac R. (Emma Jones) Ch Ella, Lewis, Elsie, Grace, George, Ray, Roy, Chester, Bert, Max; Denninson R2 Elbridge Secll O80a (1877) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Landes, J. R. (Polesa J. Ray) Ch Charles, Hamilton V., Frank, Mag- gie M., Emma, Ike, Ira, Bruce, Clovia; Denninson R2 Elbridge Sec24-13 0112a (1836) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Lane C. E. (Mae Trogdon) Ch Le- land; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Secl9 054a (1912) Wabash Tel Vermilion Lanford, Cam (Etta Williamson) Ch LeRoy, Marie, Paul, Francis; Paris R5 Paris Sec4W T80a J. F. Bristow (1897) Wabash Tel. Paris Lange Bros, and Sister, Dan, Frank, Albert, Brothers; Rosie, Sister; Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec21W O880a (1877) Wabash Tel. Hume Lange, K. F. (Lula Mann) Ch Charles, William; Brocton R18 Shiloh SeclSE O160a (1883) Wabash Tel. Hume Langford, Elmer (Lilly Christersen) Ch Louise, Freda; Paris R8 Paris Sec26N T102a Jim Eads (1915) Wa- bash Tel. Paris Langford, Fred (V. Whitesell) Ch Harold. Ruth; Edgar R28 Edgar Sec35 T221a James Eads (1891) Langford, E. R. (Avis Whitesell) Ch Homer: Paris R9 Paris SeclSN T288a Jim Fades (1887) Wabash Tel. Paris Langford, Ross (Frances Leach) Ch Charles, Laura, Ernest. Elmer, Fred, Lawrence, Ruth; Paris R8 Paris SeclON T320a Bob Hennessy (1884) Wabash Tel. Paris Larrence, C. M. (Lillian Thornton) Ch Garnett, Harley, Earl, Russell; Ridge Farm R2 Ross Sec2 T80a William Larrence (1869) Laughlin, Logan (Carrie Harper) "Lawndale Stock Farm" Paris R2 Symms Sec24-19 T60a Mrs. Lav- inia Lauchlin (1889) Tel. Paris Lauher, Frederick A (Fannie E. Handy) Ch Forrest E., Alja L., Nora M., Charles F., James L., Morris E., Orville D., Mary M.; "Clearview Farm" Brocton R19 Embarras Secll O80a (1878) Lauher, James K. (Sarah Stokes) Nora F., William L., Thomas P., Fred A.; Brocton R19 Embarras OlOOa (1846) Lauher, S. A. (Ethel Byard) Ch Lela, Lita, Zeno; Kansas R13 Kansas SeclO T280a L. Covalt (1917) Tel. Kansas Lauher, William L. (Juna Evinger) Ch Christine; Kansas R14 Kansas Seel 038a (1884) Tel. Kansas Lea, Edward (Jane Powers) Ch Ethel; Brocton R17 Shiloh Sec22W T240a L. R. Powers (1907) Hugh Tel. Brocton Lee, D. F. (Sallie Newcome) Ch ♦Homer, George; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Secl2 T156a W. H. Lee (1889) Citizens Tel. Scottland Legate, F. M. Chrisman Prairie Sec32 O380a (1854) Legate, Robbie (Isabelle Malone) Scottland R29 Prairie Sec29 061%a (1871) Electric Tel. Dana Lesher, Maurice (Linnie Murphy) Ch Vera, Ford, Harry, Ruth; Paris Rl Stratton Seel O60a (1875) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Lester, Charles W. (Ella Bishop) Ch Stanley, Clyde, Louella; Chrisman R25 Prairie Sec31 Tlla Morris Brumett (1890) Wabash Tel. Chris- man Lester, David (Hattie W.allace) Scott- land R30 Brouillett Creek Secl2 T515a P. B. Roberts (1887) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Lewis, G. T. (Mary Rue) Ch Albert. Frank; Kansas R14 Kansas Sec25 T328a A. J. Baber (1917) Lewis, I. B. (Lucinda Newlin) Ch Mary, Everett, Charles, Maud; Ridge Farm Rl Prairie Sec2 TlSSa John Castle (1Q12) Bell Tel. Ridge Farm n PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Lewis, John A. (Lillian Traphagan) Ch John A., Rachel C; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec29 O40a T200a N. C. Lewis (1879) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Lewis, J. M. (Susan Lownsdale)) Ch Myrtle, Gertrude, Herbert, Grace; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec23 T40a H. Brinkerhoff (1900) Lewis, Richard (Dorothy Burford) Ch Alary Elizabeth, Julia, Monroe, Etta, William; "Dear Lick Farm" Chrisman R24 Prairie Secl7 0154a (1870) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Lewis, William (Florence J. Clay- baugh) Chrisman R24 Prairie Secl7 T154a Richard Lewis (1876) Light, C. K. (Mary Pritchard) Ch Maurice E.; Chrisman R25 Brouil- lett Creek Sec2 O180a (1859) Wa- bash Tel. Chrisman Light, Ezra L. (Maud Turner) Ch Esther, Anna. Claude, James, Ed- gar, Max; Chrisman R5 Edgar Sec3 TllOa C. E. Bonner (1913) Tel. Chrisman Light, William M. (Esther McCol- lett) Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Sec2 0325a (1855) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Lilley, J. W. (Myrtle Syms) Ch Eve- lyn, Roberta; Paris R7 Paris Sec24N T80a Frank Berlau (1890) Wabash Tel. Paris Lilly, R. F. (Edith Griflfen) Ch Mary, Louise; PaHs R6 Buck Sec34 TlOOa L N. Lilly (1892) Wa- bash Tel. Redmon Lindsey, A. B, (Minnie Young) Ch Lloyd, Glenna; Brocton R19 Buck Sec9W T200a Binkerhoflf Bros. (1890) Wabash Tel. Redmon Lindsey, Ed. (Grace Griffin) Ch Cor- nelius E., Chester O.; Oliver Rl Symms Secl3 Olla (1875) Lindsey, Simon (Dovie Bringle) Ch Arthur, Tessie, Roy, Gladys; Paris R6 Buck Sec25S T180a W. S. Logan (1863) Wabash Tel. Paris Linebarger, O. J. (Celia Marquand) Ch Pauline; Metcalf Rl Shiloh SecllE T270a W. S. Linebarger (1890) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Linn, Mrs. Minnie (Minnie Stokes) Ch Cleo; Paris Rll Paris Sec6E Superintendent Edgar County Chil- dren's Home (1877) Wabash Tel. Paris Litteral, William (Cora Sheeks) Ch Thelma; Paris R5 Grandview Secll T40a Horace Plumb (1915) Little, W. M. "Grand Prairie Farm" Farm" Chrisman R24 Prairie Secl2 T264a Breen Est. (1894) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Littlefield, Jacob Ch Levi, Edith; Chrisman R25. Brouillett Creek Sec33 Ol,000a (1854) Wabash Tel. Horace Littlefield, W. T. (Ida M. Roberts) Ch William E., Gladys M.; Chris- man R25 Brouillett Creek Sec26 O480a (1887) Livett, R. A. (Olive Stark) Ch Wil- liam A., James S.; "Justafarm" Chrisman R23 Ross Sec30 T280a N. C. Lewis (1881) Wabash Tel. Chris- man Livingston, Bert (Bertha Nieland) Ch Thelma, Raymond, Harold; Kansas R13 Kansas Sec2 03a (1900) Tel. Kansas Livingston, Joseph H. (Clara Skaggs) Bert M., Gertie F., Earl L., Edith M., Fernie; Isabel Embarras SeclS TlOa John Orack (1907) Long, H. C. (Martha H. Littlewood) Ch Lora, David; Kansas R15 Kan- sas Sec31 081a (1890) Mutual Tel. Grandview Longfellow, Clarence (Flossie Myers) *Ch Louis, Forest; Chrisman R24 Prairie Sec2 Farm Hand Ervin Scott (1902) Loop, Forest (Edna Coy) Ch Gladys, Forest; Chrisman R23 Young Amer- ica Secl4 TlOOa Mark Hildreth (1893) Tel. Chrisman Loop, W. H. (Lucy Tabor) Metcalf Rl Ross Sec31 T320a John Mitchel (1859) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Lowry, Lyman (Hattie Gardner) Ch Raymond, Ruth, Teddie, Russell, Martha, Carrie; Paris R7 Buck SecllN T80a Jake Jackrup (1911) Lowther, Homer (Laura McConchie) Ch Eulalia, lona, Orville, Thelma E.; Oliver Rl Symms Sec7 OlOa (1901) Wabash Tel. Paris Lucas, J. H. (Ada Jean) Ch Mabel, Edward, Louise; Hume Rl Young America Sec36 T130a Dole Est. (1902) Lucas, J. H. (Hester Straus) Ch Pierce, Stella, Bonnie, Hallie, Owen; Paris R3 Svmms Secll T40a E. M. Rings (1912) Wabash Tel. Paris Lucas, Thomas H. (Arena Day) Ch James. Marvin, Ada, William; Alet- calf Rl Young America Sec33 T176a Mrs. Matta Gray (1906) Tel. Metcalf 78 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Lucas, William (Lucinda Tally) Ch Katherine, Charles; Metcalf Rl Young America Secl8 O80a (1872) Tel. Metcalf Lucas, W. P. (Veronica Smith) Ch Irene, Arlene; Hume Rl Shiloh Sec3E T160a Oliver Smith (1902) Wabash Tel. Hume Ludington, John (Pearl McClain) Kansas R14 Kansas Sec8 T300a Mrs. Steel (1895) Lukenbill, Frank (Laura Moss) Ch Elsie; Paris R6 Buck Sec25S T40a Maggie Moss (1896) Wabash Tel. Paris Lumbrick, Arthur (Myrtle Mae Hus- ton) Ch Margaret Mae, Mary Eliza- beth, Ruth Catherine, Martha Louise; "Epps Farm" Metcalf Young America Sec34 Mrs. Cora Epps (1912) Tel. Metcalf Luttrell, Homer (Goldie Lamb) Ch Byron. Edna, Maurice; Paris R6 Buck Sec31 Farm Hand Mrs. Mat- tie Gannon (1886) Wabash Tel. Paris Lycan, D. R. (Lois Ford) Ch Pauline, Thila, Idine, Evelyn; Brocton R17 Shiloh Sec23W O80a (1890) Hugh Tel. Brocton Lycan, Herbert (Martha Stewart) Ch Louise, Amy; Paris R7 Buck SeclSN OlSOa (1872) Wabash Tel. Paris Lycan, Hiram (Elizabeth Thomas) Ch Harry, Edwin, Minnie, Albert H., Anna, Charles P.. Daisy; Paris R3 Svmms Sec31 0275a Seel T253a (1850) Wabash Tel. Paris Lycan, M. A. (Cynthia Lycan) Ch Lee, Cynthia, Lillian, William A., Edna, Daniel; Brocton R17 Shiloh Sec22W O370a (1842) Lycan, Nelson Paris R3 Symms Sec27 079a (1844) M Mack, J. H. Ch Arthur, Goldie, Grace, Clifford; Oliver Symms Secl8 095a (1865) Mainard, G. D. (Nellie Callahan) Ch Rosa, Maggie, George, Bird, Annie, Dove; Paris R5 Grandview Sec24 T140a William Gibbens (1847) Maloney, Lorenzo (Malinda Wilson) Ch Luther, Harlan; Oliver Symms SeclS 083a (1903) Citizens Tel. Oliver Manion, Hosie (Minnie Fortune) Ridge Farm Rl Prairie Sec5 T200a John L. Brown (1914) Manning, Courtney (Emma Bird) Ch Alma, Corbett, Liez, Vernon, Min- nie; Chrisman R23 Edgar Sec6 T230a A. K. Hartley (1913) Manning, Will H. (Sarah A. Ash- more) Kansas R13 Embarras Sec30 T167Ha Miss Eleanor Fads (1899) Wabash Tel. Redmon Manuel, G. A. (Lillie Plank) Ch Opal; Metcalf Young America Sec26 T530a Whiteem and Vansickle (1897) Tel. Metcalf Manugh, Mrs. Sarah (Sarah Robison) Ch Clyde, Abert, Guy, Essie, Er- nest, Rilla, William; Brocton R17 Shiloh Sec24W O150a (1900) Wab- ash Tel. Brocton Mape, Earl (Violet Richardson) Si- dell R2 Young America Seel T174a W. G. Cathcart (1917) Mapes, C. L. (Clara V. Fowler) "Deer- Lick Farm" Paris R2 Elbridge Secll 0145a (1870) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Mapes, J. Victor (Eva Fisher) Ch Cecil, Donald, Mary; Paris R7 Paris Sec28W O80a (1876) Wabash Tel. Paris Mapes, Maxwell (Cora Deal) Paris R7 Paris Sec28W T80a Mrs. J. W. Mapes (1885) Wabash Tel. Paris Marin, Morgan (Elizabeth Hurmick- house) Ch Perry, John, Ben, Ella, Dollie; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek SeclS 041a (1885) Citizens Tel. Dana Markwell, Plum (OUie Conner) Ch Edith; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Sec24 T42a Ida Fox (1910) Marley, Ernest E. (Pearl S. Smith) Ch Mannetta P., Ruth; "Grand Suc- cess Stock Farm" Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec32-5 O300a (1877) Wa- bash Tel. Elbridge Marley, Floyd E. (Madalene Perry) Paris R2 Elbridge Secl2 T80a James Marley (1895) 79 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Marley, James (Laura Ferrell) Ch Ray F., Maude E., Floyd E.; "Big Pines Farm" Paris R2 Elbridge Secl2-13 0312a (1854) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Marley, James A. "New Providence Stock Farm" Vermilion R33 El- bridge Sec8 T309a Mrs. W. H. Mar- ley (1882) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Marlow, I. F. (Rose Schooley) Ch Louva, John McFee, Frances, Louise Gaffney, Adopted Children, Paris R9 Paris Sec24N Farm Hand Len Harriss (1917) Marks, George D, Paris R5 Grandview Secl9 07a (1860) Marquand, C. A. (Lizzie Thompson) Ch Effie, Abbie, Arch, Jessie; Chrisman R23 Young America Secl3 T160a J. A. Kiser (1853) Tel. Metcalf Marquand, Arch D. (Bertha Ferguson) Ch Boyd, Charles; Redmon Em- barras Sec20 TlOOa H. M. Ferguson (1903) Wabash Tel. Redmon Marrs, Asa T. (Ethel O'Hair) Paris R4 Symms Sec28 T130a J. B. O'Hair (1880) Wabash Tel. Paris Marrs, Dossa (Adda Sallee) Ch Brent, Joseph, Wayne; Paris R5 Grandview Secl9 T490a Owen West (1874) Wabash Tel. Paris Marrs, James (Blanche Perkins) Ch Harold, Raymond; Paris R5 Paris Sec9W 0113a T80a S. B. Perkins (1888) Wabash Tel. Paris Martin, Cecil (Bessie Norris) Ch Leo, Vivian; Paris R3 Symms Secl2-5 016a T80a Jones Est. (1895) Martin, Eliza J. Ch Charity, Lydia, Marcus, Lew, Cora, Laurence; Paris RIO Hunter Sec32 Lew Mar- tin (1865) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Martin, George Chrisman R26 Edgar Sec31 T20a Miss Farris (1917) Wabash Tel. Horace Martin, G. W. (Anna Parker) Ch John, Harvey, Gertie, Grace, Vera, George, Charles, Paul; Edgar R28 Edgar Sec6 T509a E. E. Gregg (1915) Wabash Tel. Horace Martin, Homer H. (Sabra Steele) Ch Ada, Lucile; Vermilion R33 El- bridge Secl3-24 T320a Fred B. Caldwell (1891) Wabash Tel. Ver- milion Martin, James R. (Eliza Downing) Ch Cecil E., John D. ; Paris R3 Symms SecS 078a (1895) Wabash Tel. Paris Martin, Jim (Mary J. Barnes, Mother- in-Law) Ch Lucile; Paris R9 Hun- ter SeclO O20a (1872) Wabash Tel. Paris Martin, Len (Madge Newton) Ch Audrey M.; Scottland R30 Brouil- lett Creek Sec20 T41a Mary C. Mar- tin (1885) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Martin, Lew (Nora Haws) Ch Veda, Faber; "Spring Valley Farm" Paris RIO Hunter Sec32 064a (1872) Citi- zens Tel. St. Bernice Martin, Perry (Effie Hamilton) Ch Alwyn; "Cedar Lawn Farm" Paris R9 Hunter SeclO 06a (1882) Wab- ash Tel. Paris Martin, P. E. (Maud McClain) Ch Everett, Marjory, Ohmer; Brocton R19 Buck Secl5 O200a Mrs. Susan Henn (1877) Wabash Tel. Redmon Martin T. J. (Agnes O. McClain) Ch Paul E., Ovid R., Brent M., Fred B., Nina E.; Paris R6 Buck Sec2 O160a (1872) Wabash Tel. Paris Martin, W. O. (Sarah Murray) Ch Albert, Nettie, Louise, Iva; Ver- milion R33 Elbridge Sec24 T96a Branson Davis (1865) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Mason, J. H. (Alta Rector) Ch Maerene; Chrisman R27 Shiloh Secl9E T260a Frank Long (1914) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Mason, O. S. (Florence Hanley) Ch Lola, Orval, Myrtle, Raymond; Chrisman R27 Edgar Secl6 0158a (1910) Wabash Tel. Horace Mason, Perry (Rebecca Harp) Ch Nora, Mary, Lindsay, Tillie, Edua, Willie, Charles, Herbert, Nellie, Hazel, Thomas, Elmer; Dennison R2 Elbridge Secl3-14 T160a Mrs. Clara Green (1916) Massie, E. J. (Ella D. Morris) Kansas R13 Kansas Sec3 065a (1880) Massie, J. A. (Ella Morris) Kansas R16 Kansas Sec3 T60a I. F. Tolen (1865) Tel. Kansas Mathews, Clarence (Stella Rankin) Ch Harold, Hellen; Brocton R19 Embarras Sec7 Farm Hand Peter Chesrown (1903) Mattingly, C. C. (Mary Coughlan) Ch John, Alonzo, Mary; Paris R7 Buck Secl2N O200a (1872) Wabash Tel. Paris Mattingly, Edward (Zella O'Hair) Paris R6 Buck Sec30E T80a J. A. Mattingly (1892) Wabash Tel. Paris 80 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Mattingly, J. A. (Agnes Dunn) Ch Edward, Genevieve, James, Ber- nard, Ivan; Paris R6 Buck Sec26N O80a T200a Emmet Mattingly (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris Mattingly, Raymond, Sr. (Mabel Curl) Ch Raymond Jr., Ruth, Rose,'Reta, Robert, Florence, Willis, Jerome, Joseph; Paris R7 Buck Sec30E OSOa (1873) Wabash Tel. Paris Mattox, Howard (Mattie Coleman) Ch Hubert, Beulah, Ruby, Gene- vieve; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Sec26 Farm Hand W. T. Lit- tlefield (1887) Mattox, M. W. (Josephine Mott) Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Secl9 T70a William Clouser (1863) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Maynard, Freeland (Maggie Agras) Ch Flossie, Maude, Millie, Elsie, Versie, Edith, Sherman, Hazel, Clifif, Holland, Violet; Oliver Rl Elbridge Sec9 026a (1856) Bell Tel. Paris Mayo, C. E. (Nora Welker) Ch Joe, Henry, Welker, Bruce; Metcalf Rl Shiloh Secl9E T132a Sarah Mayo (1879) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Mays, S. B. (Rose Rhoads) Ch Charles A., Blanche, Fred, Claude, Hallie; Paris Rll Stratton Sec33 023a (1860) Wabash Tel. Paris McAdams, Carlin (Adela Andrev^r) Ch Fred A., Bertha M.; "Home Farm" Kansas R13 Embarras Sec27 O230a (1869) Coles County Tel. Co. Oak- land McCallister, Bert (Cora McDonald) Ch Lela; Paris R5 Grandview Sec2 O60a (1880) Wabash Tel. Paris McCarty, E. E. (Laura Brown) Paris Rl Stratton SeclO O80a (1869) Wabash Tel. Paris McCauley, Charles (Elizabeth Scott) Ch Joe, Charles, Thelma; Scottland R29 Prairie Secl6 T20a Jane Scott (1891) McCauley, George (Sarah Eslinger) Ch Alice, John, Albert, Anna, Har- vey, William, Dollie; Scottland R29 Brouillett Creek Sec9 025a (1863) Tel. Dana McCauley, Joe (Nora Collins) Ch Charles, Harry, Carrie, Winifred, Earl, Rosie, Bessie, Wayne, Andrew, Clarence; Scottland R29 Brouillett Creek Sec8 OlOa (1865) Tel. Dana McCauley, O. W. (Mattie Helt) Ch Foster, Edith, Ella, Elva; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek SeclO T300a D. M. Camreon (1880) Wabash Tel. Chrisman McCauley, Tom (Laura Wallace) Ch Otha, Fred, Pearl; Scottland R29 Brouillett Creek Sec8 025a (1856) McClain, Charles B. (Jessie Whitson) Ch Vivian, Berrlej', Glenwood; "Cock Grove Farm" Kansas R16 Kansas Secl3 015a (1885) Tel. Kansas McCloud, J. C. (Otha Paul) Kansas RIO Sec34 T80a (1903) McClure, Frank (S. Speechley) Ch Amy, Winifred, Walter, Anna, Alice, Ruth; Chrisman R26 Edgar Secl6 O106a (1860) Wabash Tel. Horace McCoUum, Robert (Ella Boatman) Ch La Verne, Marie, Lester, Jeanette; Paris R8 Paris SeclON 0135a (1866) Wabash Tel. Paris McCoUum, Walter O. (Lyda Moore) Ch Betty, Maxine; Paris R9 Paris Sec29N T139a C. W. Sidenbender (1885) Wabash Tel. Paris McComas, Chloral (Lewellen Easter) Paris R2 Paris Sec8S T60a (1892) Wabash Tel. Paris McConchie, Claude (Laura VanHou- tin) Ch Jennie, Clifton, Rosalie, Edna, Russell, Eldon D., Margaret; Oliver Rl Svmms Secl2 028a (1877) Wabash Tel. Paris and Citizens Tel. Oliver McConchie, Dess (Lennie Sims) Ch Audry, Loretta, Elberta, Wendell; Oliver Rl Symms Sec6 OlOa Sec8 T193a John Rahel (1879) Wabash Tel. Paris McConchie, Foster (Delsa Daily) Ch Marcella, Melvin D.; Paris R3 Symms Sec5 TlOa Dess McConchie (1893) McConchie, R. D. (Sarah Rhoads) Ch Claude, IDess, Laura, B. T., Ruth, Foster, Robert; Paris R3 Symms Sec6 064a (1840) Wabash Tel. Paris McConnaha, W. C. (Blanche Wright) Ch Ethel, Edith; Kansas R13 Kan- sas Sec6 T80a Martha E. Redman (1888) McCool, Joe (Efifie Haworth) Ch Ad- die, Meryl, Grace; Ridge Farm Rl Ross Seel Farm Hand W. H. Frib- ble (1916) Vermilion Tel. Ridge Farm 81 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY McCoun, J. B. (Ella McCoun) Ch Blanche, Ilmo, Wilber E. ; New- man R2 Young America Sec27-34 T436a (1849) Tel. Newman McCoy, Flavel (Ruth Smith) Ch Lu- cile; Newman R3 Young America Sec34 T230a Charles McCoun (1917) Tel. Hume McCoy, Frank (Rosie Guyon) Ch Delia, Byron; Paris Rll Stratton Seel TlOOa Mrs. Ellen McCov (1869) Wabash Tel. Vermilion McCoy, Joe (Ida Wevear) Ch Leona, Orville, Leonard; Brocton R17 Shi- loh Secl3W T160a D. Winn (1871) Wabash Tel. Hume McCoy, O. D. (Anna Campbell) Ch Juanita, Herald; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec36 Farm Hand Glenn Forsman (1892) Wabash Tel. El- bridge McCoy, Warren J. (Nora Fuqua) Ch Thelma, Pauline; Vermilion R33 El- bridge Sec29 T124a Mrs. M. D. Fuqua (1874) Wabash Tel. El- bridge McCrocklin, Caroline Ch Cleo, Wayne, Beulah, Clarence, Aileen, Roland; Newman R3 Young Amer- ica SeclO T80a (1903) Tel. AUer- ton McCulley, Arthur Paris R9 Hunter Secl6 T220a H. McCulley (1887) McCulley, Frank (Sarah J. Lindsey) Paris R8 Paris Secl6W O60a (1864) Wabash Tel. Paris McCulley, H. (Ella Andrews) Ch Arthur, Mabel; Paris R9 Hunter Secl6 O220a (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris McCuUoch, George B. (lanthe Stal- naker) Ch Olive L., Horace Y.; Paris R9 Hunter Sec9 0335a (1863) Wabash Tel. Paris McDaniel, Asa Ch Mary; Paris Rl Paris Sec8E O40a (1848) Wabash Tel. Paris McDaniel, Charles (Jessie Herring- ton) Ch Raymond, Owen, Lola, Nettie Mae; Paris R5 Grandview Sec24 Farm Hand A. O. Bussart (1895) McDaniel, Clarence (Minnie Matte- son) Ch Doris; Brocton R18 Shiloh Sec33S Farm Hand Abe Fox (1915) McDaniel, Omer (Bell Gresham) Ch Elsie, Ruth; Oliver Rl Symms Secl4 098a Secl6 T225a (1877) Citizens Tel. Oliver McDaniel, Warren (Velma Stafford) Ch Leo, Velma, Herold, Chauncey, Percy; Paris RIO Hunter Secl2 T70a E. K. Stafford (1915) McDaniel, William E. (Emma Camp- bell) Ch Theodore, Charles, Maud, Lillie, Homer, Raymond, Forrest, Alary, Otis, Pearl; Paris R5 Grand- view Sec30 099Ha (1858) McDavitt, Margaret J. (Margaret J. Paxton) Ch Annette, Anyada, Edna; Kansas R14 Kansas Sec32 O180a (1864} Tel. Kansas McDevitt, O. L. (Mary Kerrick) Paris R2 Elbridge 082a (1864) Wabash Tel. Elbridge McDivitt, Joseph W. (Blanche Mor- ton) Ch Maxine, Archie Lee, Mar- garet; "Prairie Place Farm" Kan- sas R14 Kansas Sec7 076a Secl2 T75a J. E. Adams (1886) Kansas and Tel. Westfield McDivitt, O. L. (Mary B. Kerrick) Paris R2 Elbridge Secll-12 082a (1864) Wabash Tel. Elbridge McDivitt, O. O. (Emma English) Ch Joseph; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec27 0143a (1860) Wabash Tel. Paris McDonald, Edgar R. (Ethel Redman) Ch Gean; Kansas R15 Kansas Secl8 T70a O. Redman (1890) Tel. Kan- sas McDonald, John (Anna Jennings) Ch Edgar, Blanch, Thomas, Sarah; Francis; Kansas R15 Kansas Seel O40a T46a Joe Zink (1887) McDonald, T. J. (Florence Perkman) Ch Nina; Kansas R16 Kansas Sec2 T220a Lulu Wilhoit (1892) Tel. Kansas McDonald, W. T. (Mary Thompson) Ch Harry, William, Jennie; Paris Rll Stratton Sec29 O40a (1877) McEvoy, C. A. (Blanch McDonald) Kansas R15 Grandview Sec8 T37j^a George Baber Est. (1886) Peoples Mutual Tel. Grandview McEvoy, Martha Ch Lillie, William, Daisy, Leonard, Clifford, Thurmon; Kansas R15 Grandview Secl7 047a (1847) Tel. Kansas McFarland, A. D. (Oakie Jared) Ch Exia; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec20 027^a (1865) McFarland, Mrs. Basha Ch William J.; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Secl9 043a (1855) Wabash Tel. Vermilion 82 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY McFarland, Fleming (Gt;ace Jared) Ch Ruth, Frank, Nellie, John; Ver- milion R33 Elbridge Secl9-24 O90a (1870) McFarland, F. O. (Goldie Forsman) Ch Joe Forsman Cottom; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Secl8 078a (1876) Wabash Tel. Vermilion McGUl, G. W. (Nellie Bugg) Scott- land R30 Brouillett Creek Sec20 T70a Anna Wilkins (1917) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice McGill, W. H. (Onnie Clapp) Ch Marie, Howard, Myrtle; Paris R4 Symms Sec32 0216a (1854) Citizens Tel. Oliver McGinness, L, W. Ch Herman; Broc- ton Shiloh Sec23W T120a C. D. Murkel (1903) Hugh Tel. Brocton McGregor, Edward (Iva D. Brown- ing) Ch Earl E., Clara M., Law- rence E., Dwight, Hugh D., Fern; Brocton R19 Embarras Sec34 T240a L. G. Norton (1907) Coles County Tel. Co. Oakland McHenry, E. E. (Fern Estes) Ch Wayne, Ellen, Paul, Dorothy, Lu- cile; Kansas R16 Sec35 O90a Sec2 T120a J. Y. Wilhoit (1888) McHenry, J, E. (Silva McConaha) Kansas R13 Embarras Sec31 TlOOa W. M. McConoha (1887) Hall Tels. Kansas and Westfield Mcintosh, Dave (Ada Harlow) Ch Goldie N.. Gertrude N., Marie M.; Paris R5 Symms Sec29 017a (1889) Wabash Tel. Paris Mcintosh, Eckert (Beulah Atkins) Ch Harry, Gloyde; Paris R61 Buck Sec36 T80a Frank Clinton (1915) Wabash Tel. Paris Mcintosh, James (Attie Hardin) Ch Ernest; Paris R6 Buck Sec23N T97a Mrs. Culbertson (1909) Wa- bash Tel. Paris McKee, Fred (Lyda Moss) Ch Paul, Carol, Mildred; Chrisman R28 Ed- gar Sec9 T72a H. McKee (1878) Wabash Tel. Chrisman McKee, W. H. (Nettie Ratts) Ch Forris, Russell; Kansas R16 Kan- sas Secl4 017a (1902) Tel. Kansas McKezie, Mrs. May (May Myers) Ch Francis, Charles, Violet, Rosamond, Chester, Ruth, Olive; Paris R6 Buck Sec3 R13 T81a Mrs. L. V. Pitcher (1876) McKinney, Dr. C. F. (Pearl Ewing) Ch Bruce W. Vermilion Elbridge Secl3 OlOa (1885) Wabash Tel. Vermilion McKinney, Otto (Mabel Campbell) Ch Milburn; Vermilion R33 El- bridge Sec20 T53a George Denham (1915) McMahon, E. R. (Myrtle Flynn) Ch Daniel, Robert, Maud, Mamie, Nel- lie, Earnest, Thelma, Mary, Chrys- tal, Marrell; Metcalf Rl Young America Sec20 T320a Mrs. Epps (1915) Tel. Hume McMullen, H. (Belle Walles) Ch Ar- thur, Roy; Brocton R17 Shiloh Sec8W O40a (1852) Wabash Tel. Hume McNees, D. F, (Clara Reasar) Ch Orville, Alice; Sidell R2 Young America Sec4 041a (1868) Tel. Hume McNees, George Sidell R2 Young America Sec4 04a (1885) McNees, William H. (Mattie Cather- wood) Ch .Stella, Mabel, Evert, . Loren, Cecil, Margaret; Sidell R2 Young America SeclO O160a (1861) Tel. Metcalf McNeese, Louis and James Sidell R2 Young America Sec4 04a (1881) McNutt, W. S. (Laura B. Thompson) Ch Lilly B., Pearl, Goldie; Ver- milion R33 Elbridge Sec4-5 0192a (1902) Wabash Tel. Elbridge McQuillin, William (Alice Fellers) Ch Florence, Francis, Mary; Chris- man R24 Prairie Secl9 T205a Roy Zenkcy (1913) Wabash Tel. Chris- man McSmith, Ed. (May Hornberger) Ch Helen, Forest; Kansas R14 Kansas Sec31 O160a (1861) Tel. Kansas McVicker, C. O. (Jessie Hanks) Ch Linder, Joe, Asa; Kansas R14 Kan- sas Sec32 T180a Mrs. M. McDavitt (1890) Tel. Kansas McVicker, J. W. (Maggie Asay) Ch Mabel, William, Vernon, Mildred, Brent; Kansas Kansas Sec22 O80a Mabel McVicker (1899) Tel. Kan- sas Meadows, J. R. (Clara Braden) Ch Mabel; Paris Rl Stratton Sec31 096a (1877) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Means, Emma Ch Herbert, Esther, John, Paul, Francis; Paris R8 Ed- gar SeclO O80a (1872) Wabash Tel. Paris Means, H. S. (Emma Means, Mother) Ch Herbert, Esther, John, Paul, Frances; Paris R8 Edgar SeclOS T80a Mrs. Emma Means (1869) Wabash Tel. Paris 83 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Meehan, J. T. (Cecil Rooney) Ch Helen; Hume Rl Shiloh SeclOE TlOOa Thomas Fitzgerald (1892) Wabash Tel. Hume Meehan, P. H. (Anna Undercoflar) Ch Thomas. Charles, Bill, Mary, Owen. Ed., Raymond, Grace; Broc- ton R18 Shiloh Sec35S T320a John Condon (1887)' Wabash Tel. Hume Meehan, W. M. (Cecelia Waller) Ch Mary, Bernadine; Hume Rl Young America Sec26 T80a Stiedle (1889) Tel. Hume Melter, Albert A. (Mary E. Melter, Mother) Ch William, Edward, Clar- ence, Ida, Albert, Gertrude, Hes- ter; Kansas RlS Kansas Secl7 038a (1905) Melton, C. R. (Ollie Morns) Ch Anna, Sherman; Kansas R16 Kan- sas Secl2 016a (1863) Melton, Jacob (Caroline Melton) Ch Addie, Rena, Jeflfie, Ellis: Kansas RlS Grandview Sec3 T55a Alary Miller (1867) Peoples Mutual Tel. Grandview Melton, J. F. (Lucy Gordon) Ch Em- mett. Don. Woodrow, Russell. Shelby; Kansas R15 Kansas Secl8 011a"(1865) Menk, John (Ella Hutchens) Ch Marv, Ethel, Gladys. Hazel, Thelma, Wayne; Kansas R15 Grandview Sec4 T120a Charles Phillips (1870) Peoples Mutual Tel. Grandview Menk, Noah (Josephine Glatthaar) Ch Ralph; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec3 0165a (1867) Tel. Grandview Mercer, V. M. (Sarah Reed) Ch Min- nie; Paris Rll Hunter Sec20 T^a Collett Hunter (1910) Meredith, L. W. (Mandy Heazeltine) Ch Charles; Paris R7 Buck Secl2N O80a (1894) Wabash Tel. Paris Mering, Ainthus (Dora Walraven) Paris Rll Hunter Secl9 Ol^a (1857) Citizens Tel. Libertyville Merkle, Roy C. (Lelia Erp) Ch An- drew; "Spring Valley Farm" Broc- ton R19 Embarras Secll 054a T25a J. B. Ogden (1885) Coles County Tel. Co. Oakland Metcalf, F. N. (Matie Bird) Ch Chris- tine, Elrena, Fay; Paris R2 Elbridge Secl2 T251a Fred CaldWell (1897) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Metcalf, M. B. (Margaret Brooks) Ch Brooks, Vera, Ruby, Eugene, Lowell; Kansas R14 Kansas Secll T128a Bud Morris (1892) Tel. Kan- sas Metcalf, Ralph (Sarah McCoy) Ch Maud. Hazel, Ruth, Mary; Chris- man R26 Edgar Sec29 076a (1872) Wabash Tel. Horace Meyers, M. D. (Celia Boler) Ch Mary Max, Eileen, Curtis; Redmon Buck Sec23 O200a (1871) Wabash Tel. Redmon Meyers, Sidney E. (Maud O. Exlim) Ch Marie E. ; "Clover Blossom Farm" Redmon Embarras Sec21 0285a (1864) Wabash Tel. Redmon Michael, William A. (Lena Slack) Ch Wayne, Allen; Hume Rl Shiloh SeclOE T120a Henry Stickler (1886) Wabash Tel. Hume Michaels, Marion (Maud Metcalf) Ch John, Wilmoth; Chrisman R26 Ed- gar Sec29 T60a John Fauts (1913) Milam, Charles (Maude Jewel) Ch Leota, Hazel, Louis, George, Ed- ward; Paris R6 Buck Sec27 T150a Mrs. Jane Henn (1882) Wabash Tel. Paris Milburn, Elijah S. (Alice Davidson) Ch Ethel, Hilda, Philip, Harold, William, Rex; "Pleasant Knoll Farm" Redmon Embarras Secl6 O80a (1869) Miller, Charles E. (Grace Sisson) Paris R3 Paris Secl3S T120a Shelbv Greene (1901) Wabash Tel. Paris Miller, George W. (Nellie Rainey) Paris R6 Paris Sec35N Farm Hand Edward Sunkel (1916) Miller, G. V. (Maude Armstrong) Ch George, Carl, Emmafa}^ Mary, Waldo; Metcalf Rl Shiloh Sec24E T120a Mrs. Mary Armstrong (1886) Miller, James T. (Clara E. Miller) Ch Verna B., Charles E., Nellie M., Maggie A., Grace L., William O., Tura J.; Brocton RlS Embarras Sec31 T160a L N. Cooley (1874) Hume Tel. Brocton Miller, Joe (Lillie Walsnuth) - Ch Wavne, Alice, Ora, May; Scottland R29 Brouillett Creek Sec5 O70a (1909) Citizens Tel. Dana Miller, John L. (Viola Barkley) Cli Charles L., George E. ; Paris R2 El- bridge SeclO-9-2 T238a Charles L. Miller (1877) Wabash Tel. El'Dricge Miller, J. J. (Malissa Garrigties) Ch Lena; Chrisman R24 Ross Secl3 T195a S. and A. Hartley (1893) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Miller, William O. (Emma J. Graham) Ch Floyd H., Walter F., Clarence W.; Paris R4 Symms Sec3 O260a (1877) Wabash Tel. Paris 84 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Miller, Willis O. (Addie L. Stanley) Ch Omer L., Ethel L., Orion; Paris R3 Symms Seel O120a R. K. Mc- Cord (1858) Wabash Tel. Paris Miller, W. S. (Victoria David) Paris R9 Paris Sec30 T14N RllW O40a (1916) Wabash Tel. Paris Millsap, Ray E. (Effie I. Hopkins) Ch Linden K., Joseph L., Paul S., Roy E.; Brocton R19 Embarras Secll T4i^a Paradine E. Millsap (1917) Milner, Henry (Nancy T. Holmes) Ch Beatrice; Paris R3 Symms Seel O80a (1895) Wabash Tel. Paris Milton, J. T. (Clare Bishop) Ch Bertha, Ray, Ralph, Emory, Cecil, Edith, Nina; Kansas R16 Kansas Secl4 027a (1849) Tel. Kansas Minnick, Millard (Ella Conover) Ch James, Minnie, Finley, Emory, An- thony, Nettie, Hazel, Richard, Harry, William, John, Dorothy; "Brookside Garden" Chrisman R24 Ross Sec26 OS^a T40a (1903) Wa- bash Tel. Chrisman Mitchel, Chandler (Marica Hartley) Ch George; Chrisman R24 Ross Secl3 097i^a (1845) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Mitchel, George A. (Ida Stout) Chris- man R24 Prairie Secl9 O280a (1881) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Mitchell, A. C. (Rachel Hardv}- Ch Minette, Albert, Anna, Harry, Ira; Metcalf Rl Y c.;- A—- ica Secl4 O40a (1856) Metcalf Tel. '"=<-cheli, J3p"' a ^.owry) Ch Lu- Ross Sec22 Wyatt (1876) ^u-.iilci) Met- calt . -..-i.merica Sec9 T200a V Isaac v.-ov,^:,'aid (1887) Tel. Met- "" calf Mitchell, H. W. (May Abel) Metcalf Rl Young America Sec26 O120a (1874) Tel. Metcalf Mitchell, Ike (Blanche Hanks) Ch Harry, Mary, Logan, Ike, J. T., Nelse; Paris R2 Symms Sec25 0177a Mitchell Est. (1887) Moffett, N. R. (Anna Zemmerly) Ch Grace, Silas, Lawrence, Fay, Joseph- ine; Paris Grandview Sec31 052fla (1868) Tel. Paris Moffitt, J. S. (Belle Hibarger) Ch Mittielau; Paris R5 Grandview Sec36 O180a (1916) Tel. Paris Megan, L. J. (Carrie Crum) Paris RIO Hunter Secll O180a (1872) Wabash Tel. Paris Moody, Charles (Laura Davis) Ch Mary, Bertha, Charlie, Doris, Flora; Chrisman R2S Brouillet Creek Secll 02a (1912) Moody, W. S. (Dora McConha) Ch Gladys, Glenn, Wilma; Kansas R13 Embarras Sec36 OlSOa (1909) Hall Tel. Westfield & Kansas Moore, D. B. (Cora Skidmore) Ch Alta, Gladys; Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec26S O40a (1876) Wabash Tel. Hume Moore, Emanuel (Lola Murphy) Ch Lucile, Dessie, Kenneth, Lee, Flozza, Truman; Clarksville R4 Grandview Secl3 T200a C. L Baver (1915) Tel. Clarksville Moore, Taylor (Ethalinda Edging- ton) Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Secl5 041a (1849) Wabash Tel. Horace Moore, W. T. (Mary J. Bartlett) Ch Elmer, Daniel, Elgar; Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec26S O40a (1873) Moran, Eugene (Jessie Woodward) Metcalf Rl Edgar Sec36 T80a M. Steele (1904) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Morgan, W. M. (Clara Storms) Ch Vera; Paris RIO Hunter Secll O200a (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris Morns, Bennett (Sarah Perisho) Ch Ida, Mary; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec26 OlOOa (1857) Wabash Tel. Paris Morris, Clifford (Emma Ceiling) Ch Orrin, Reese; Chrisman R27 Edgar Sec20 T195a J. H. Thomas (1887) Wabash Tel. Horace Morris, Edward G. (Alvina Hunt) Ch Joseph, George; Kansas R13 Kan- sas Sec2 079a Sec3 T40a (1877) Tel. Kansas Morris, George Paris R4 Symms SeclSN O360a (1844) Wabash Tel. Paris Morris, H. W. (Ida B. Handley) Ch Harry; Kansas R13 Kansas Secll-23 O280a (1872) Tel. Kansas Morris, Lawrence (Hazel Baird) Ch Wilbur; Chrisman R27 Edgar Sec21 TlOOa E. Morris (1891) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Morris, Lewis (Cora Hollinger) Ch Clayton, Arthur, Frank, Mae, Isa- bel, Josephine; Chrisman R27 Edgar Sec21 T160a E. Morris (1916) Wa- bash Tel. Horace Morris, Lud (Margaret Shepard) "Pleasant Hill Farm" Paris R8 Paris SeclSN O50a (1857) Wabash Tel. Paris 85 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Morris, Oscar F. (Edna Gruber) Kan- sas R14 Kansas Secl8 095a (1881) Tel. Kansas Morris, William H. (Ida Brown) Ch Archie, Athalinda, Harvey, Jane, Foster, Stella, Walter, Virginia; Paris R8 Paris Sec23N O270a TlOOa (1861) Wabash Tel. Paris Morrisey, J. T. (Florence Dunn) Ch Herbert. Alberta. Wilbur; Paris RIO Hunter Sec22 OlSQ^a (1871) Wa- bash Tel. Paris Morrison, Frank (Augusta Brown) Paris Rll Elbridge Sec22 O120a Secl4 TlOOa (1880) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Morrow, H. L. Jr. (Marie Parsons) Brocton R19 Shiloh SeclW T80a H. L. Morrow Sr. (1892) Wabash Tel. Hume Morstatter, F. S. (Sarah McMorris) Ch Katherine, Leona, Arthur, Mar}', Anna, Mabel; Kansas R16 Kansas Sec3 T125a Aden Wilhoit (1871) Morstatter, J. W. Kansas R16 Kansas Sec3 T125a Aden Wilhoit (1871) Tel. Kansas Morton, James (Bessie Jones) Ch J. Everett, John W., Edna M., Ruth F.; Paris R2 Elbridge Sec4 O106a T12a Ellsworth Foster (1870) Wa- bash Tel. Paris Morton, Rufus Paris R2 Elbridge 065a (1891) Wabash Tel. Paris Morton, Samuel (Alice, Lillian. Sis- ters) "Asher Morton Farm" Paris R2 Elbridge Sec28 O200a (1859) Wabash Tel. Paris Morton, William (Sarah Vanarsdal) Ch Gerald, Glen, Blanche, Benja- min, Gran, Alice; "Sugar Valley Stock Farm" Vermilion R33 El- bridge Sec26-34 0266a (1856) Wab- ash Tel. Paris Mosely, A. K. (Sa.ah Gano) Ch Roe, Allen. John, Byron, Mark; Dudlev R12 Grandview Sec27 0225a (1857') Moss, Charles (Rosa Sublet) Ch Jes- sie, Bessie, Harry, James; Edgar R28 Edgar Secll T310a C. Harris (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris Moss, Ed. (Allie Redmon) Ch John, Frank, Florence, Arnold, Kenneth, Ralph; Paris R9 Paris Sec25 TUN R12W O160a (1874) Wabash Tel. Paris Moss, Frank (Myrtle Wright) Ch Sylvia M., Lucile E.; Paris Rl El- bridge Secl6 O70a (1878) Moss, Harrison (Caroline McClain) Ch Blanche, Bertha, Fay; Edgar R28 Edgar Seel 01500a (1854) Wabash Tel. Paris Moss, H. E. (Nancy Purlee) Ch Ollie, Olive; Paris R8 Paris Sec25N 033a (1872) Moss, Mrs. Maggie (Maggie Naugle) Ch Elvis, Laura, Frank, Maudie, Pearl; Paris R8 Paris Sec25N 07a (1870) Mott, Hannah Ch Roscoe, Reatha; Paris R9 Edgar Sec9 05a (1900) Mott, Sherman (Beatrice Skidmore) Ch Herbert; Scottland R30 Brouil- lett Creek Secl7 0238a (1872) Citi- zens Tel. St. Bernice MuUenix, John (Lena Waite) Ch Wil- liam, Frances, Helen; Paris R5 Paris Secl6W TlOOa Mrs. Susan Mullenix (1887) Wabash Tel. Paris Mullins, Thomas W. (Minnie Barrett) Ch Lester, Glen, Gilbert, Dolores; Paris R8 Paris Sec26N 023a (1910) Bell Tel. Paris MuUis, Richard (Alary Goff) Ch Myr- tle, Raymond, Arthur, Louis; Paris R9 Paris Secl9 T14N RllW T80a Thomas Sims (1913) Wabash Tel. Paris Murphy, David (Catherine Gillivary) (Ellen Murphy. Mother; Grace E. Murphv. Sister) Paris R9 Hunter Secl5 T5Sa Ellen Alurphjf (1878) Bell Tel. Paris Murphy, Frank (B-rtha Meltoik) Ch ^ Marie, Liiella'. ^ —n^; "Plois""' " Hill Farm- " -- . Sec5 T13G. Kill (1904 Murph", '^€o. Leonard, Vvam^,-.^ , v^ai.. R5 Grandview Sc, .._,.... .,(1860) Tel. Paris Murphy, N. W. (Emma Murphy) Paris R3 Svmms Sec23 T80a J. G. Brown (184"7) Murphy, William (Eliza Benge) Ch Ida, Daniel, Gilbert, George, Frank. Alice; Ridge Farm R2 Ross Sec5 Farm Hand Flora Neblick (1916) Vermilion Tel. Ridge Farm Murray, J. W. (Martha E. Patterson) Ch Effie, Stella, Nellie, Delia; "Clo- ver Leaf Farm" Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec20W T300a D. Wright (1871) Wabash Tel. Hume Musselman, Albert (Stella Scott) Chrisman R26 Edgar Secl5 O102a (1861) Wabash Tel. Horace 86 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Musselman, M. (Mary J. Patrick) Ch George H.; Chrisman R25 Brouil- lett Creek Secl4 0292a (1861) Wa- bash Tel. Horace Myers, Archie B. (May Ellington) Ch Albert, Evelyn, Marjorie; Hume Rl Young America SecoS T155a George W. Myers (1902) Tel. Hume Myers, Ben (Dolly Arbuckle) Ch Chester, Katherine; Paris R7 Shiloh Sec7N Bert North (1910) Wabash Tel. Redmon Myers, B. F. (Mary Fuqua) Ch Zora, Jessie, Veda; Paris Rll Stratton SecfS O50a (1858) Wabash Tel. Paris Myers, Guy A. (Gertrude Hinds) Ch Genevieve; Newman R3 Shiloh . SeclW T160a William Myers Est, (1917) Wabash Tel. Hume Myers, Huger (Georgia Ewinger) Ch Eugene, Nema; Paris Rll Strat- ton Sec35 O240a S. F. Myers (1892) Wabash Tel. Paris Myers, J. W. (Diana Riddle)) Ch Lucile, Jeremiah; Hume Rl Young America Sec36 OlSOa (1871) Tel. Hume Myers, Omer (Rose Fonner) Ch Paul, Louise; Hume Rl Shiloh SeclW T240a Mrs. E. J. Myers Est. (1891) Wabash Tel. Hume Myers, Ora E. Sr. (Florence Draper) Ch Merritt. Ora Jr.; Paris R8 Shiloh Sec32SE T360a L. F. Myers (1885) Wabash Tel. Paris Myers, Owen (Clara Bruce) Ch Homer, Gather; Paris Rl Stratton Sec35 T160a S. F. Myers (1882) W^a- bash Tel. Vermilion Myers, S. S. (Ella Malone) Ch Jennie, Evelyn, Phoebe, Mary; Paris R9 Edgar Sec9 T92a William Sullivan (1893) Myles, Clark (Honora Maloney) Ch Richard, Russell, Bellda. Ethel, Kathryn; Brocton R18 Shiloh Secl8W T287a S. M. Barnes (1911) Wabash Tel. Hume N Nay, C. E. (Ida Ov^^ens) Kansas R15 Kansas Sec36 O80a (1865) Tel. Kan- sas Nay, Elmer (Anna M. Perisho) Ch Enis, Virginia, Paul; Kansas R15 Kansas Secll O20a (1880) Tel. Kan- sas Nay, Frank "Maple Shade Farm" Kansas R15 Kansas Sec26 T80a W. H. Nay (1892) Mutual Tel. Nay, Miss Lelah and June Kansas R15 Kansas Secl3 092a (1895) Tel. Kan- sas Nay, Oscar (Anna Hockins) Ch Rus- sell, Viola, Beulah; Kansas R15 Kansas Secl7 OlOa (1876) Tel. Kan- Nay,' Riley (Ada Hite) Ch Lilah, June; Kansas R15 Kansas Sec35-7 O80a T93a (1866) Tel. Kansas Nay, W. Henry (Lottie Hobbs) Ch (Dscar, Zelma, Elmer, Rolley, Bruce, Mabel, Frank. Alpha, Glenn; "Maple Shade Farm" Kansas R15 Kansas Sec26-35-17-18 0164a (1855) Neblick, F. D. (Sarah Gaines) Ch Mabel, Edith; Ridge Farm R2 Ross Sec4 O80a (1902) Vermilion Tel. Ridge Farm Nees Bros. (Mamy Kerney) Ch Agnes, Ralph, George; Sidell R2 Young America Sec5 T300a D. A. Richeson (1885) Tel. Hume Neikirk, Kester (Maggie McNees) Ch Leona, Frank; Sidell R2 Young America Sec4 T43a Nancy McNees (1895) Neldon, S, H. Ch Lena, Fred; Chris- man R27 Edgar Secl5 O20a (1886) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Nelson, William (Stella Perkins) Ch Hellen, Raymond; Chrisman R23 Young America Secl2 T440a Mrs. Epps (1915) Tel. Metcalf Newcomer, W. A. (Lulu Thomas) Ch Carl, Dorothy, Loyd; Paris R6 Buck Sec27 O180a (1882) Wabash Tel. Redmon Newhart, Frank (Mandy Zimmerly) Ch Raymond, Valla, Ethel, Esther, Versa, Lawrence; Paris R4 Symms Sec20 O250a (1871) Wabash Tel. Paris Newhart, J. F. Ch Nellie, Evaline, Hazel, Grace; Paris R5 Symms Secl7 O40a (1862) Bell Tel. Paris 87 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Newhart, V. (Nancy Hanson) Ch Dorothy, Hady; Paris R4 Symms Sec21 0116a (1867) Bell Tel. Paris Newkirk, Mrs. E. J. '(Mary Williams) Ch Margaret; "Clark Williams' Farm" Ridge Farm R2 Ross SecS 096a (1851) Vermilion Tel. Ridge Farm Newman, Ferdie (Edna McGrew) Ch Mildred, Richard, Freeman; Broc- ton R2 Shiloh Sec27S Farm Hand J. B. Wood (1913) Newton, Celia (Celia Martin) Ch Les- ter, Isma, Alta, Leonard, Vincent; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Sec20 OlOa (1882) Nicholison, Charles W. (Sarah Cha- ncy) Ch Ralph; Dudley R12 Grand- view Sec34 02a (1875) Nichols, Emmet (Maude Watkins) Paris R7 Shiloh Sec2S T280a S. I. Headley (1902) Wabash Tel. Red- mon Nicholson, T. T. (Rebecka Hutchens) Ch Glen, Roscoe; Kansas R14 Grandview Sec28 T160a Fred Smith (1877) Tel. Kansas Nickles, Thomas F. (Viola Archer) Ch Wilma. Earl; Vermilion R33 Elbridge SecS TlOOa Mrs. E. J. Calaway (1897) Noble, Albert K. (Laura Humphrey) Brocton R19 Embarras Sec2 T160a Thomas Noble (1884) Hume Tel. Co. Brocton Noble, Mary R. Ch Pearl, Flossie; Chrisman R24 Prairie SecS O180a (1863) Citizens Independent Tel. Dana Noble, Thomas Ch Ernest, Maretia, Albert, Alice; Brocton R19 Em- barras Sec2 O300a (1854) Hume Tel. Brocton Noble, William B. and Henry G. (Catherine, Sister) Brocton R19 Embarras Sec34 O160a (1858) Hume Tel. Brocton Nolan, Frank (Ethel Warmouth) Ch Mary, Jane; Chrisman R28 Edgar Sec25 O20a (1911) Wabash Tel. Horace Nolan, F. C. (Sadie Pinson) Ch A. Rietus, Mitta, Metta; Scottland R30 Hunter Sec33 063a (1850) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Nolan, J. M. (Alice Morrison) Ch Fern; Scottland R3 Hunter Sec33 O20a (1885) Tel. Farmers' Line St. Bernice Nolan, Pearl (Oda White) Ch Oris, Owen; Paris R7 Buck Sec7NE Farm Hand William Stewart (1913) Wabash Tel. Redmon North, Bert (Mary M. Fox) Ch Grace, Arthur, Harold, Charles, Earl; Paris R7 Buck Secl3 T24 Agnes Dugan (1884) Wabash Tel. Redmon North, Charles (Estella Querrey) Ch Mary, Wayne, Thelma; Paris R7 Buck Seel IN T200a John Carroll (1881) Wabash Tel. Redmon North, Edgar (Lula Cash) Paris R8 Shiloh Sec6SE 075a (1871) Wabash Tel. Paris North, Ezra S. (Ethel Souder) Paris R5 Buck Sec7SE O60a (1873) Wab- ash Tel. Paris North, George (Mary O. Stewart) Ch Charles A., Mabel, Egbert, Ethel, Ella, Lillie; Paris Rl Stratton SeclO O80a (1855) V.^abash Tel. Paris North, Walter Paris R8 Shiloh Sec6SE 075a (1873) Wabash Tel. Paris North, Z. T. (Ola Brown) Ch Irma; Paris R4 Paris Secl3S T160a Mrs. Arch Hanna Jr. (1880) Wabash Tel. Paris Nuckles, Harvey J. (Myrtle Slaughter) Ch Russell, Ernest; Chrisman R23 Ross Secl6 O80a (1870) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Nye, E. E. (MoUie Cummins) Ch Donald, Carrol, Gertrude, Ella, Archie; Dennison R2 Elbridge Secl4 T160a N. E. Hawkins (1877) Wab- ash Tel. Elbridge Ogden, Alva C. (Cora Wiese) Kansas Ogden, Clarence H. (Florence Stokes) R13 Embarras Sec24 T200a Emmett "Cottage Lawn Farm" Isabel Em- Scott (1895) Coles County Tel. Co. barras Sec22 O50a (1894) Oakland 88 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Ogdon, F. E. (Letha Chandler) Ch Kenneth; Newman R3 Shiloh Sec2W T80a J. R. Keran (1915) Ogden, G. W. (Rosie Norbeck) Ch Jessie, Clara, Genevieve, Lilly; Ogden Brown, Grandson; Paris R8 Paris Sec26N 04a (1859) Wabash Tel. Paris Ogden, John B. (Dollie Mapes) Ch Ella, Clarence, Floyd, Grover. Lil- ley, Earl, Eva; "Pleasant Hill Farm" Brocton R19 Embarras SeclO OliOa (1895) Coles County Tel. Co. Oak- land Ogden, Ralph L. (Nellie Hogue) Kansas R13 Embarras Sec27 T120a Ogden Est. (1897) Ogden, William C. "Maple View Farm" Brocton R19 Embarras SeclO-11 O40a T12a John Ogden (1883) Ogg.A. F. (IdaDonahey) Ch Thelnia, Verla; Newman R3 Shiloh Sec3W T295a Hannah Wigner Est. (1887) Wabash Tel. Hume Ogle Clifford (Jessie Moss) Ch Charles, James; Paris R8 Paris SecHN T80a Mary J. Ogle Wabash Tel. Paris Ogle, William (Elizabeth Floe Kel- sheimer) Paris R3 Symms Sec31 T233a Georgia L. Ogle (1887) Wab- ash Tel. Paris O'Hair, J. Ogden (Jennie Rogers) Ch Scofield, Grady, Carlisle, Forest; "Wayside Farm" Paris R2 Symms Sec20 0887a (1847) Wabash Tel. Paris O'Hair, Smith (Lucile Linder) Paris R4 Symms SeclO OlOOa Wabash Tel. Paris O'Hair, W. S. (Beatrice Smith) Ch John, Lucile Smith; Paris R5 Grand- view Secl7 T265a Mrs. E. O'Hara (1864) Wabash Tel. Paris O'Hair, Z. C. (Bertha Wright) Ch Cecil, May, James, Robert; Paris R7 Buck Secl5 T200a C. Burham (1917) Wabash Tel. Redmon Osborn, O. P. Ch James, Walter, Harvey; Chrisman R26 Edgar Sec7 T218a J. W. Wynn (1893) Owens, Jane (Minnie Robison) Ch Rhu, Chester, Buster, Warneta. Frank, Hazel. Esther; Kansas R14 Kansas Sec2 T62j/2a Emely J. Evens (1882) Owens, John H. (Ella Wyatt) Chris- man R4 Ross Sec35 012a (1892) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Page, Mrs. Anna (Anna Hanks) Ch Mary; "Meadow Lawn Farm" Mar- shall R3 Elbridge Secl5-16 O140a (1874) Wabash Tel. Paris Painter, James H. (Anna Ellis) Ch Ernest, Clyde, William; Paris R4 Grandview Sec4 T260a J. H. Gill (1908) Wabash Tel. Paris Parish, J. A. (Sue Link) Ch Fred, Harry, Mary, Edgar; Paris R2 Paris Sec7S O102a (1857) Wabash Tel. Paris Parish, Viola Ch Ruth; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Sec3 032a (1871) Citizens Tel. Scottland Parke, J. B. (Blanch Beasley) Ch Na- dine, Gaylord; Kansas R14 Kansas Sec35 T80a Joseph Adams (1907) Parker, Frank (Belle Littlefield) Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Sec3 O200a (1849) Wabash Tel. Chris- man Parker, Lival (Katie Smith) Ch Charles, Waltei^, Fred; Chrisman R65 Brouillett Creek Sec33 065a W. M. Sayre. (1885) Tel. Chrisman Parker, R. K. (Vinabell Runyan) Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek SeclO 072^a (1878) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Parker, William (Nora Felts) Ch Mary; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek SeclS T48a Parker Est. (1890) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Parks, J. W. (Cecil Southard) Ch Louise. Electa; Scottland R29 Brouillett Creek Sec7 065a (1873) Citizens Tel. Scottland Parks, S. A. (Minnie Collins) Ch Roscoe, Vance. Millard, Bessie, Grace, John, Spurgeon; Scottland R29 Prairie Sec22 T205a Margaret Clark (1896) Wabash Tel. Chris- man Parrish, Charles (Ida G. Crawford) Ch Rush; Oliver Rl Elbridge Sec4 OlOOa (1868) Wabash Tel. Paris Parrish, E, C. & Sons (Ida Jones) Ch Lloyd, Louis, Willard; "Hazel- dell Farm" Oliver Rl Elbridge Secl6 O200a (1865) Wabash Tel. Paris 89 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Parrish, Mrs. Kate Ch Herbert Par- rish, Nelie, Verner, Walter; Oliver Rl Elbridge SeclO O230a (1860) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Parrish, Rush C. (Dollie Hall) Ch Paul; Oliver Rl Symms Sec8 O20a (1892) Wabash Tel. Paris Parrish, S. H. (Grace Reese) Ch Car- rol, Lee. Melvin, Garnet; "Locust Bend Farm" Paris R2 Elbridge Sec35-2 095a (1875) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Parrish, Verner (Marietta Forsythe) Ch Hall; Oliver Rl Elbridge SeclO T233a Mrs. Kate Parrish Wabash Tel. Elbridge Parson, W. F. (Maggie Julian) Ch Vivian, Marie, Inez; Hume Rl Shiloh SeclOE T160a Tames McCul- louch (1882) Wabash Tel. Hume Patchett, Earl (Maud Davis) Ch Lois, Thomas; Brocton R18 Shiloh Sec20 O80a Embarras Sec28 T240a Matthew Patchett (1885) Tel. Brocton Patchett, Mathew (Helen Beck) Ch George, Effie, Margaret, Earl; "Green Lawn Farm No. 1" Broc- ton R18 Embarras Sec28 O280a (1887) Hume Tel. Co. Brocton Patrick, Roy (Lena Myers) Paris R8 Shiloh SeclS O160a T160a (1885) Wabash Tel. Paris Patrick, S. M. Chrisman R2S Edgar Sec21 0191a (1862) Tel. Horace Patterson, I. W. (MoUie Holley) Ch Goldie, LaVerne, Genevieve, Orville. Dorothv; Paris Rll Paris Sec6E T3a Peter T. Patterson (1887) Patten, Mrs. Anna Edwards Ch Earl; Oliver Rl Elbridge Secll O90a (1892) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Patten, John M. (Donie Wyatt) Ch Ellen; Metcalf Rl Young America Secl7 T80a T. Roscoe Grace (1917) Tel. Metcalf Patten, W. A. (Dollie Hanks) Ch Russell. Kenneth; Dennison R2 Elbridge SeclS 048a (1868) Wab- ash Tel. Elbridge Paul, John F. (Zella Jones) Ch James; Hume Rl Shiloh Secl5E Farm Hand Harvey Pinnell (1917) Paul, W. J. (Florence Turner) Ch Cora, Lillie, Curtis. Otha; Kansas R16 Kansas Sec34 T80a A. J. Clark (1903) Tel. Kansas Pavey, William (Eva Hobson) Chris- man R24 Scottland SeclS Farm Hand Otis Scott (1893) Payne, B. A. (Helen Jones) Ch Allen. Robert: Brocton R17 Shiloh Sec23W O150a (1890) Bell Tel. Brocton Payne, Charles (Pearl Houpt) Ch Madge; Edgar R28 Edgar Sec35 T160a Harrison Moss (1880) Wab- ash Tel. Horace Payne, Charles T. (Emma Potter) Ch Ruth, Russell, Harold, Hannah, Mary, Adell, Charles Jr.; Brocton R17 Shiloh Sec22VV O160a (187/) Bell Tel. Brocton Payne, F. M. (Ella Newcomb) Ch Marguerite L. ; Scottland R29 Prairie Sec27 OlOa (1856) Citizens Tel. Scottland Payne, James (Ellen Skeeters) Ch Mary, Frank, Joseph, James Jr., John, Robert; Chrisman R26 (1883) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Payne, Joseph M. (Blanch Wheeler) Ch Joseph M., Paul W. ; Chrisman R25 Brouilleit Creek Sec26 T92K'a Claud Wheeler (1889) Wabash Tel. Horace Pear, George (Jessie Tanner) Ch Thelma; Paris Rl Stratton Sec31 T60a John Sanders (1883) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Pear, J. F. (Nora Whitmer) Ch Flor- ence; Paris R3 Symms Sec23 T200a Miss Jennie Smith (1887) Wabash Tel. Paris Pearman, C. F. (Bertha Fry) Paris R9 Hunter Secl5 T118a Charlie Fry (1894) Wabash Tel. Paris Pearman, S. O. (Alice Driesbach) Ch Carrol, Julia, Brown, Clifford, Eliza- beth, Helen, Ruth, Allan; Paris R2 Paris Secl8S 0115a (1872) Wabash Tel. Paris Pearmin, William (Louisa Robinson) Ch Helen. Charles; Hume Rl Shi- loh Sec9W Farm Hand John Con- don (1916) Wabash Tel. Hume Pearson, Clyde (Mary Love) Ch Wil- ma, Chester, James; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec9 Farm Hand A. L Smith (1917) Pearson, Rey (Ophelia Cook) Ch Ernest, Madge; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec9 Farm Hand A. J. Smith (1916) Peeler, Joseph (Nellie Patts) Chris- man R25 Brouillett Creek Sec34 T24a Winfield Randall (1917) Wab- ash Tel. Chrisman Peer, Charles (Ada Wirnsett) Ch Harold; Scottland R29 Brouillett Creek Sec32 T40a Dave Peer (1914) 90 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Pennington, C. C. (Lela Elsberry) Ch Marvin, Francis, Dortha; Paris RIO Hunter Sec8 Farm Hand C. M. Els- berry (1883) Wabash Tel. Paris Pennington, Mont (Esther Quinn) Ch Nettie, Nellie, Charles; Chrisman R26 Hunter 068a Brouillett Creek Sec27 T140a Mrs. Oren Manning (1879) Wabash Tel. Horace Pennington, Mora (Anna Dillon) Ch Mildred, Edith; Paris RIO Hunter Sec35 O20a (1886) Pennington, W. H. (Susie Wilson) Ch Ralph; Paris R2 Elbridge Secl6 T30a Berleau Bros. (1885) Wabash Tel. Paris Perisho, A. (Emily Morton) Ch Han- ora, Edwin; Paris R6 Buck Sec5 O70a (1847) Wabash Tel. Redmon Perisho, Carl N. (Clara Reynolds) Ch Bernice;- Paris R9 Paris Sec31N O80a (1889) Bell Tel. Paris Perisho, Clayton (Bernice Sunkel) Paris R6 Buck Sec35S Resident W. H. Perisho (1895) Wabash Tel. Paris Perisho, C. Edward (Beatrice Bous- log) Ch Mae, Louise; "Airy Knoll Stock Farm" Dudley R12 Grand- view Secl4 0159a T55a Joseph Perisho (1889) Tel. Paris Perisho, Enos (Lyzee Clopoal) Ch Anna, Grace. Golda; Kansas R15 * Grandview Secl6 O170a (1856) Peoples Mutual Tel. Grandview Perisho, Enos E. (Barbara Heinlein) Kansas R15 Grandview Sec9 T90a James H. Perisho (1915) Perisho, Everett (Chloe Bercaw) Ch Ruth, Francis; Paris R9 Paris Secl9N T210a Charles Levings (1887) Wabash Tel. Paris Perisho, Frank (Daisv Watkins) Ch Annie: Paris R6 Buck Secl2 OlOOa (1864) Wabash Tel. Paris Perisho, James H. (Margaret Fitz- jarrald) Ch William, Enos, Myrtle; Kansas R15 Grandview Sec9-16 O90a (1846) Perisho, Jonathan Ch Golda; "Lans- dale Farm" Paris R5 Grandview Secl3 O80a (1865) Tel. Paris Perisho, Joseph (Harriett Hinds) Ch Edward, Sarah; Paris Paris Sec2S 0174a (1860) Wabash Tel. Paris Perisho, J. W. Ch Dessie, Artela, Nancy, Ida; Kansas R15 Grandview Secl6 O130a (1854) Tel. Grandview Perisho, Olba (Hattie Runian) Ch Earmel; Chrisman R23 Ross Secl6 T160a A. D. Summa (1873) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Perisho, W. H. (Dora Adams) Ch Clayton; Paris R6 Buck Sec35S O160a (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris Perisho, W. H. Jr. (May Murphy) Ch Everett. Charles; Paris R4 Symms Sec 15 O40a (1863) Wabash Tel. Paris Perkins, Edward (Athalinda Morris) Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec30S O80a T120a (1914) Wabash Tel. Horace Perkins, J. I. (Minnie Lease) Ch Stella. Esther. Jessie; Metcalf Rl Shiloh Secl3E T120a A. M. Cusick (1882) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Perkins, Paul K. (Florence Bercaw) Ch Dorothy; Paris R9 Paris Secl7E T230a D. S. Perkins (1892) Wabash Tel. Paris Perkinson, W. J. (Emma Beyer) Ch Florence, Ethel, Ray, Robert, Wayne, Anna, Myson. Margaret, Hazel; Kansas R15 Kansas Ser7 044a (1885) Perry, Charles (Jennie Davis) Ch Annie, William, Versie, John, Golda, Fred; Paris R9 Hunter Sec34 O60a (1892) Perry, J. W. (Emma Turner) Ch Eva- line. Byron. Edith. Harrj', Louise. James, Doris; Chrisman R26 Edgar Secl9 T61a C. P. Thomas (1870) Wabash Tel. Horace Peters, G. B. (Josephine Ross) Ch Floyd, Claud; Dudlev Grandview Sec9 T160a Fred Baber (1905) Wabash Tel. Paris Pettyjohn, W. M. (Alta Allison) Ch James E. ; Metcalf Rl Young Amer- ica Secl5 Farm Hand G. G. Kendall (1914) Phillips, C. C. (Linnie Darnell) Ch Louise, Charles. Archer. Rosellsa; Paris R6 Buck Sec34 T400a Arnie Archer (1884) Wabash Tel. Redmon Phillips, J. C. (Mary Cook) Ch Chand- los, Adis, Oscar, Rosa. Charles; Paris R5 Grandview Sec7 T166a W. D. Curtis (1848) Wabash Tel. Paris Pifer, Robert (Effie Wright) Ch Joseph W. ; Paris R8 Edgar Sec5 T185a W. K. Wright (1912) Wabash Tel. Paris Pilkenton, Ben (Mary Roberts) Ch Corda, Ernest. Golda; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec28 Farm Hand Charles Hoult (1895) Wabash Tel. Chris- man Pinnell, Curtis (Sherer) Ch Irene; Kansas R15 Kansas Secl8 O150a (1866) Tel. Kansas 91 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Pinnell, Ruber (Mabel Redman) Kan- sas R16 Kansas SeclO 044a (1888) Tel. Kansas Pinnell, H. F. Ch Lawrence, Mary, Charles, Jean, Shelby, Horace; Kan- sas Kansas Sec2-3 0500a (1861) Tel. Kansas Pinnell, H.V. (Ella Redman) Ch Eva. Hazel, June, Lois; Kansas R16 Kansas Secl4 O40a (1868) Tel. Kansas Pinnell, Irene Kansas R15 Kansas Secl7 063a (1898) Tel. Kansas Pinnell, Joseph H. (Orena Sater) Ch Thelma, Richard; Metcalf Rl Shi- loh SeclSE O20a T190a Joseph Pin- nell (1884) Wabash Tel. Hume Pinnell, J. R. (Sarah Ellen Corn- stock) Ch Charles E., Elva L.; "Truck and I'oultry Farm" Kansas R16 Kansas SeclS 08a (1854) Tel. Kansas Pinnell, J. W. (Lovina Nay) Ch Minnie, Curtis, Bertha, Fannie, Loulie, Sherman; Kansas R15 Kansas Sec6 O40a (1839) Tel. Kansas Pinnell, L. T. (Annie May Fox) Ch Glen, Don, Lloyd, Jean; "Pure Breed Stock Farm" Kansas R16 Kansas Secl4 0152a (1876) Tel. Kansas Pinnell, Miss Mabel Kansas R15 Kan- sas Sec31-36 0172a (1889) Tel. Kansas Pinnell, Mrs. Mary I. (Cash) Ch Os- borne, Harvey; Metcalf Rl Shiloh Secl5 O160a (1857) Wabash Tel. Hume Pinnell, Mrs. Mildred A. (Wilhoit) Ch Homer, Mabel, Ethel; Kansas R15 Kansas Sec27-26 0159a Sec34 T71a (1853) Tel. Kansas Pinnell, Osborne R. (AUie Brown) Ch Mabel, Frances, Fredrica, Joseph, Jacob, Emory; Hume Shiloh Secl5E T190a Joseph Pinnell Est. (1876; Wabash Tel. Hume Pinnell, Ray (Chloe Nay) Ch Verlin. Max; Kansas R16 Kansas O380a (1882) Tel. Kansas Pinnell, Richard (Alva Miller) Ch Lola; Kansas R16 Kansas Secll O20a (1885) Tel. Kansas Pinnell, W. I. S. (Martha Poulter) Ch W. O.. H. F.; Kansas R15 Kansas Sec26 027a (1830) Tel. Kansas Pinnell, W. O. (Anna B. Huber) Ch Ray, Huber; "Ridge Breeding Farm" Kansas R16 Kansas SeclO-11-14 O400a (1859) Tel. Kansas Planson, Julius H. (Lizzie Watkins) Ch Homer, Clara; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec2 023a (1876) Tel. Grandview Plowman, Pharis (Bertha Miller) Ch Raymond, Ina; Newman R3 Shiloh Sec2W Farm Hand Rachael Mor- rows (1917) Plumb, Horace R. (Lucy Rodgers) "Walnut Valley Stock Farm" Paris RS Grandview Sec31 O290a (1859) Tel. Paris Poe, Thomas A. (Gertrude Porter) Ch Foster, Roscoe, Lena; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Sec35 T90i^a Mrs. Edd Dillon (1890) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Poor, Thomas (Mabel Brown) Ch Ruth, Albert. William; Brocton R19 Embarras Sec8 T380a Sarah Whit- lock (1872) Wabash Tel. Redmon Porter, E. E. (Ida Lange) Ch Ralph, Leona. Sylvia. Morris; Hume Rl Young America Sec35 T172a Ed Porter (1894) Tel. Hume Porter, Grant (Fannie Hamilton) Ch Howard, Nelson, Alarvel, Roscoe, Leonard. Gladys; "Beautiful Lawn Stock Farm" Hume R20 Young America Sec7 O330a (1888) Tel. Hume Porter, Howard (Ona Buckler) Broc- ton R2 Shiloh Sec27S Farm Hand I. B. Wood (1911) Porter, John C. (Zilpha Miller) Ch Gladys, Kenneth. Kermit, Cather- ine, Clellen; Paris R9 Hunter Secl6 T130a Catherine Morehouse (1903) Wabash Tel. Paris Porter, O. P. (Verna Darnell) Ch Terrence, Robert, Ruth, Mabel, Elmer, Ralph, Helen, Beatrice; Ed- gar R28 Edgar Sec27 T321a Cora Epps Wabash Tel. Horace Pott, E. D. (Exie Ryan) Ch Blanche, Cecil. Christena; Paris Rll Hunter Sec24 Farm Hand Frank Watson (1889) Citizens Tel. Libertyville Potts, Oscar (Anna Suttles) Ch Her- bert, Fred, Beulah, Willard; Paris R2 Paris Sec7S 016a T120a (1891) Wabash Tel. Paris Poulter, A. T. (Estella Rowland) Ch Carl; Paris R6 Paris Sec5W D. D. Huston (1870) Wabash and Bell Tel. Paris Poulter, Everett (Rosabell Luc) Ch Elsie, Hubert, Verrina, Cecil. Hazel; Kansas R16 Kansas Secl4 T30a L. T. Pinnell (1883) 92 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Poulter, M. A. (Zella O. Green) Kan- sas R16 Kansas SeclO T210a Thom- as Poulter (1877) Tel. Kansas Poultney, Early (Lillie Blauchard) • Sidell R2 Young America Sec2 T50a Mr. Ames (1917) Powell, I. M. (Manda Britt) Ch Ber- nard, Arthur, Dennis, Anna; Met- calf Rl Young America Sec20 T320a Mrs. Epps (1914) Powell, Z. E. (Virginia F. Campbell) Paris Rl Paris SecSE 029a (1844) Wabash Tel. Paris Powers, Edward (Bertha Waller) Ch Marv; Paris R9 Hunter SeclO T160a James McCarthy (1894) Wab- ash Tel. Paris Powers, George (Grace Miller) Ch Louise. Marie; Kansas R13 Kansas Sec3 T80a H. M. Whitnand (1916) Powers, John (Mary Kasper) Ch Clarence; Brocton R17 Shiloh SeclSW T200a (1872) Hugh Tel. Brocton Powers, P. C. (Katie Morrisey) Ch Edward; Paris R9 Edgar Sec33 OlOOa (1864) Wabash Tel. Paris Powers, R. C. (Adelia Morrisey) Ch Mary, Aloysius, Paul. George, Josephine, Gertrude; Paris R2 Paris SecSS T228a Joe Ketterson (1866) Wabash Tel. Paris Poynter, W. A. (Cora Nicholson) Ch Ruth, Eva. Ester, Ruby, Theodore, Ada, Levi, Biesel, Donald, Paul; Kansas Kansas Sec2 Farm Hand R. O. Wilhoit (1917) Preston, Mrs. Samuel (Laura Lycan) Ch Charles, Blanch, Samuel, Lena, Frank, Ralph. Glen; Paris R3 Symms Sec23 036a (1860) Wabash Tel. Paris Prewett, Ivan (Cornelia Kennedy) Ch Macy; Paris R7 Paris Sec28N Farm Hand Harry Robinson (1915) Wab- ash Tel. Paris Price, Charlie (Nora Shirley) Ch Gladys. Herald. Hubert, Ethel, Grace; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec20 T67a Anna Reese (1887) Wab- ash Tel. Vermilion Price J. W. Ch Samuel. Henry, Mar- garet. Raymond, Josephine, Nellie; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec30 053a (1868) Pritchett, W. A. (Laura Koons) Ch Ora, Grover, Maud, Orland, Lola; Scottland R29 Prairie Secl6 O250a (1871) Citizens Tel. Dana Propst, Mrs. Elizabeth (Stultz) Ch Josiah, James; Paris RIO Hunter Sec22 O40a (1875) Wabash Tel. Paris Propst, Evert (Eva Younts) Ch Elsie, Vivian. Lloyd; Paris R9 Hunter Sec9 O80a (1879) Wabash Tel. Paris Propst, H. L. (Lizzie McCormick) Ch Nora, Zella, Kenneth, Orma. Aud- rey, Claxton; Paris RIO Stratton Sec28 T130a Mrs. Rachel Blackburn (1883) Propst, J. W. (Anna Kanouse) Ch Everett, Lawrence, Stanley; Paris R9 Hunter Sec9 032a (1853) Wab- ash Tel. Paris Proul, Melvin F. (Mary Ingram) Ch Hazel, Ray; Chrisman R24 Prairie Sec6W Farm Hand E. O. White (1917) Pugh, Lee (Delia Clark) Ch Edna, Toe, Nettie, Jettie, William, Dane. "Donald, Dudly; Metcalf Rl Edgar Sec9-16 Tl,005a Jessie Memillion and H. H. Butler (1910) Wabash Tel. Chrisman and Metcalf Querrey, W. C. (Sadie Housman) Ch Stella,' Madge, Mary, Frank, Ernest; Paris R7 Buck Secl4N 083a (1890) Wabash Tel. Paris Quinn, F. J. Sr. (Permelia Carter) Ch Everett, Flavins Jr., Otis, Pross, Mary, Ethel, Milton, Elmer; Pans R4 Paris Secl3S 052a T46a Mary Mason (1875) Wabash Tel. Pans Quinn, Mrs. Gertrude (Keifer) Oliver Rl Symms Secl4 O120a (1880) Quinn, J. E. (Maggie Nicholas) Ch Roy; Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec30E T160a S. B. Perkins (1864) Wabash Tel. Horace Qualkebush, Frank (Ella North) Ch Ethel, Lovena; Paris R5 Buck Sec7 Farm Hand C. T. Rudy Est. (1910) Wabash Tel. Paris 93 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY R Ragains, Lee (Mary Buckler) Ch Lula, Verne; Paris R9 Paris Sec20E T124a A. O. Buzzard (1882) Wabash Tel. Paris Ragains, R. E, (Lena Ryan) Ch Wayne; Paris R5 Grandview Sec29 T160a Frank Newhart (1895) Tel. Paris Raines, J. M. (Edith Davis) Ch Doris, Mildred; "Village Hill" Paris Rl Elbridge Secl3 T77a Mrs. S. C. Raines (1879) Wabash Tel. Ver- milion Rakans, Lee (Llela Wilmoth) Hume Rl Young America Sec32 T7a Lau- rence Brooks (1911) Tel. Hume Ramsey, Clyde (Hanna Sanders) Ch Lee, Golde, Forest, Milton, John, Eli, Harry, Clyde, Edith, Sabra, Ellen; Kansas R15 Grandview Sec5 TllOa John Snyder (1910) Tel. Grandview Randall, Jacob S. (Anna Littlefield) Ch Delia B., Mary L., Belle, Laura; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Sec34 T240a Anna Randall (1886) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Randall, Orville (Ethel Morris) Ch Marjorie, Max; Scottland R29 Brouillett Creek Sec33 O306a (1876) Citizens Tel. Dana Randleman, Mrs. Frances (Frances Scoggins) Ch Olie, Mattie, Roy, Elgie; Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec25S O200a (1877) Wabash Tel. Hume Randolph, John (Orlena C. Snearly) Ch Doris; Brocton R19 Embarras Sec8 T180a Douglas Merkle (1908) Wabash Tel. Redmon Rankins, Green (Martha Davis) Ch Arthur, Clem, Lee, Stella, Anna, Bruce, Maye; Brocton R19 Embar- ras Secl3 O220a Minnie Hanley (1885) Bell Tel. Oakland Ray, Adren B. (Dora Poindexter) Ch Maggie Poindexter, Mother-in-law; "Old Rav Farm" Vermilion R33 El- bridge Secl6-17-8 0193a (1860) Wa- bash Tel. Elbridge Ray, Charles Dennison R2 Elbridge Secl7 T80a Jasper Ray (1896) Ray, Marion (Mary Henry) Ch Del- bert, Edith, Albert, Silvan, Paul; Paris RIO Hunter Sec32 Farm Hand Charlie Bright (1915) Reardon, Clarence Kansas R15 Grand- view Secl6 026a T124a Dan Ander- son (1917) Redden, Samuel (Leah Kenderdine) Ch Carl, Dewey , Harvey, Marie, Elizabeth, Lola, Mary, Hazel; Kan- sas R16 Kansas SeclO-3 Ollla (1873) Tel. Kansas Redman, Bruce (Beula Rider) Ch Marian; Kansas R15 Kansas Sec5 O300a Homer Pinnell (1890) Tel. Kansas Redman, Clarence (Lola Wilhoit) Kansas R13 Kansas T80a Burr Honnoe (1916) Redman, Elmer L. (Kate Adams) Ch Lancaster, Harrold, Warder, Rebec- ca, Randall; Kansas R16 Kansas Secl3 O180a (1880) Tel. Kansas Redman, McClelland (Elizabeth Da- vis) Ch Mildred, Cecile; Kansas R16 Kansas Secl3 0155a (1862) Tel. Kansas Redman, Roe (Ethel Withoit) Kan- sas R16 Kansas Secl3 T180a Elmer Redman (1915) Tel. Kansas Redman, William Jr. (Myrtle Robi- son) Kansas Kansas Sec5 T300a Homer Pinnell (1892) Tel. Kansas Redmon, William (Maggie Soughers) "Lone Oak Farm" Paris Rl Strat- ton Sec35 O160a (1870) Wabash Tel. Paris Reed, Mrs. Daniel (Shields) Ch Alice, Emma, Grace, Grover; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Secl8 065a (1864) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Reed, Jacob W. (Mary E. Darby) Chrisman R25 Hunter Sec32 O60Ha (1878) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Reed, J. W. (Gertrude Wheat) Ch Eugene, Irene, Wayne, Leona; Paris Rll Hunter Secl9 Farm Hand C. S. Hunter (1913) Reed, Perry (Minnie Pyles) Ch Golda, Edna, Clifton, Bessie; Kansas R16 Kansas Sec2 J. Y. Wilhoit (1917) Reed, Sheridan Scottland R30 Brouil- lett Creek Secl2 0123a (1876) Cit- izens Tel. Scottland Reel, B. L. (Blanch David) Ch Vic- toria, May, Leo; Paris RIO Stratton Sec4 O90a TlOa Mrs. A. V. Dobins (1895) Wabash Tel. Paris Reel, Kirk (Alice Bandy) Ch Helen, Ruth; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Secl8 T160a F. E. Bandy and Hugar North (1905) Wabash Tel Ver- milion 94 FARMERS AIID BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Reese, Chester (Goldie Perisho) "Lawn Dale Farm" Paris R5 Grand- view Secl3 T80a Jonathan Perisho (1893) Tel. Paris Reese, John P. (Lona Spurlock) Ch Odessa, Mary, Forest; Paris R2 Elbridge Secl-2 0136a (1849) Wab- ash Tel. Elbridge Reichard, George (Belva Binkley) Ch Catheline, Helen; Ridge Farm Rl Sec8 Farm Hand C. C. Archibald (1914) Reichard, Otto (Anna Mitchell) Ch Bessie, Russell, Louis, Leonard, Catherine, Martha, Myron, Melvin; Hume Rl Shiloh SecllE T120a Har- vey Hayes (1896) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Revis, Elby (Nora Fielder) Ch Oda, Essel. Woodrow, Helen, Millie, Bertha, Tillie; Chrisman R26 Edgar Secl2 T206a Sam Scott (1911) Wab- ash Tel. Horace Reynolds, Luther (Grace Martin) Ch Sylvia, Ray, Mary; Paris R5 Grand- view Sec32 T117i^a Egecel (1915) Tel. Paris Reynolds, T. D. (May Elledge) Ch Nima, Lloyd; Paris R2 Symms Sec24 OlOla (1890) Wabash Tel. Paris Rhea, Edward (Edith Hart) Ch Julia, Louise, Edwin, Margaret; "Clover- dale Farm" Paris Rll Stratton Sec36 0125a (1915) Bell Tel. Paris Rhoads, Ben (Ella Morton) Ch Lillis, Stewart; Paris R2 Elbridge Sec28 0166a (1868) Wabash Tel. Paris Rhoads, Chauncy (Ada Irish) Ch Maxine; Paris R2 Elbridge Sec33 OlOOa (1878) Rhoads Elbert Paris R2 Symms Sec29 0186a Elizabeth Rhoads (1886) Wabash Tel. Paris Rhoads, Frank (Zena Ogden) Ch Alva; Paris R3 Symms Sec5 O40a Lizzie Ogden (1880) Rhoads, Gideon (Lula Stanley) Ch Benjham, Delbert, Rosa, Ella, Chauncy, Hershall, Versa; Paris R3 Symms Sec5 O40a (1848) Wabash Tel. Paris Rhoads, Harlan (Goldie Wilson) Ch Clayton, Mary. Hazel, Fern; Paris R3 Symms Sec5 053a (1877) Wab- ash Tel. Paris Rhoads, J. G. (Maude Hamilton) Ch Anna, Irma, Lela, Mabel, Dorothy; Paris R8 Paris Sec25 T14N R12W Farm Hand William Redmon (1886) Wabash Tel. Paris Rhoads, J. R. Sr. (Anna Symms) Ch Roy, Harry. William, John Jr.; "Honeywell Farm" Paris R7 Buck Sec7NE T190a Lydia Mitchell (1867) Tel. Wabash Rhoads, Omar (Addie Vanhoutan) Ch Claude, Lonnie, Chester Alcy, Bernidean, Adelia, Lillie B.; Paris R3 Symms Sec7 087a (1874) Bell and Wabash Tels. Paris Rhoads, Riley (Martha M. Forcum) Ch Albert, Edna, Elza, Ollie, Les- ter, Rufus; Paris R3 Symms Sec6 081a (1846) Wabash Tel. Paris Rhoads, Rufus (Maria Flynn) Paris R3 Symms Sec32 043a (1895) Rhoden, Charles P. (Anna Martin) Ch Martin, Mary; "Willrose Farm" Chrisman R23 Ross Secl4 Farm Hand W. T. Scott (1913) Rhodes, Mansfield (Anna Honnold) Ch Frances, William, John; "Prairie Lawn Farm" Kansas R13 Kansas Sec2 O80a T40a J. R. Hon- nold (1889) Kansas Tel. Westfield Rhodes, M. L, (Susannah Honnold) Ch Jessie; Kansas R13 Kansas T80a Mansfield Rhodes (1880) Rhyan, Charles (Ellen Hasting) Ch Eva, Irma, Lois, Eloise; Chrisman Edgar 047a (1902) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Rhyan, John N. (Blanch Wright) Ch Evelyn, Mary; Paris Rll Stratton Sec32 T120a Mrs. Cash Wright (1915) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Rhyan, J. F. (Nora Richardson) Ch Olive; Brocton R17 Shiloh Secl7W T160a E. Hunt (1908) Wabash Tel. Hume Rhyan, William (Winnie Harmon, Sister) Brocton R17 Shiloh Sec8W T240a George Hughes (1900) Wa- bash Tel. Hume Rice, J. F. Ch Emma, Bert, Bessie, Tom, May; Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec27S Farm Hand J. C. Buckler (1903) Richardson, B. F. (Helene Rowand) Ch William; Sidell R2 Young America Sec5 D. A. Richardson (1889) Tel. Hume Richardson, E. G. (Alma Whitted) Ch Sarah, Ora, Russell; Chrisman R25 Edgar Secl5 0245a (1897) Wa- bash Tel. Horace Richeson, S. R. (Carrie Wright) Ch Elba, Virgitine, Genevieve; Kansas R15 Kansas Sec26 084a (1878) 95 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Richey, E. O. (Blanch Kemper) Kan- sas R15 Grandview Sec8 T66a C. W. Sallee (1892) Tel. Kansas Richey, Fred W. (Delia Schneider) Dudley R12 Grandview Seel O60a (1877) Tel. Grandview Richey, Jos. M. (Margaret Sims) Ch Rena, Laurence, Archie, Lois, James, Frederick; Kansas R15 Sec8 O140a (1868) Tel. Kansas Richey, J. C. (Edith Simons) Ch Pearl; Kansas R15 Grandview SecJJ T180a W. O. Smith (1872) Richey, Mack (Minnie Anderson) Ch Everett, Asa; Kansas R15 Grand- view Sec8 036a (1877) Tel. Kansas Richey, Marion (Nancy Manes) Ch Salmon, McDonald, Coleman, John, Joseph, George, Melvin, Maurice; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec2 T2a Jack Howell (1907) Richey, Melvin D. (Jennie Augustus) Ch Josephine, Clarence, William, Raymond; Kansas R15 Kansas Sec31 T170a Mabel Pinnell (1895) Tel. Kansas ,. • , ^ Riggs, Chalmers E. (Sara Perisho) Ch Chalmers, Wayne; Dudley R12 Grandview Secl4 TlOSa Joseph Perisho (1890) Paris Tel. Rigg, E. B. (Sarah, Carrie, Sis- ter's) "Edgewood Farm" Paris RIO Stratton Sec27-28 T89a Rigg Est. (1861) Wabash Tel. Paris Riggs, Frank (Tillie Webber) Ch Edna, Nora; Dudley R12 Grand- view Sec36 O120a (1897) Tel. Grandview Riggs, J. E. (Elizabeth Younger) Ch Charles, Gladys, Chalmers, Ethel, Grace, Alta; Paris R5 Grandview Sec7-6 Ol56a (1872) Paris Tel. Kin- loch Riggs, W. B. (Calla Knight) Ch Cecil, Sara; Metcalf Rl Shiloh Sec24S 055a T196a Sarah A. Smith (1886) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Rigsby, T. L. (Mary Cain) Ch George, Lew, Tom, Gary, Annie, Bill, Charles, Teddie, Abraham, Howard, Helen, Sammie; Paris Rll Hunter Sec20 Farm Hand B. M. Huffman (1905) Riley, B. M. (Iris Henderson) Ch Max; Scottland R29 Prairie Sec24 T80a O. B. Riley (1880) Citizens Tel. Scottland Riley, Ed. (Lula Froman) Brocton R18 Shiloh Sec35S William Fox (1911) Wabash Tel. Redmon Riley, O. B. (Lucy Hill) Ch Bert, James, Lydia, Ella; Scottland R29 Prairie Sec24 O80a (1857) Citizens Tel. Scottland Riley, Thomas (Blanche McDaniel) Ch Walter, Charles, Grace; Paris R4 Grandview Sec2 T40a D. Mc- Callister (1875) Wabash Tel. Paris Ringo, H. J. (Laura Walls) Ch Don- ald, Inez, Ruth, Effie, Marie; Paris R3 Symms Sec2 O70a (1863) Wa- bash Tel. Paris Risk, Oscar (Eldora Petty) Ch Leon- ard, Hugh; Chrisman R23 Ross Secl4 Farm Hand C. E. Coe (1911) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Risser, J. H. and A. (Jennie, Sister) Paris RIO Hunter Secl4 O130a (1871) Wabash Tel. Paris Ritchey, Pearl (Nettie Waren) Ch Albert, Walter, Leota, Bernard; Kansas R14 Kansas Sec5 T160a Mrs. Fades (1878) Roberts, W. E. (Delilah DwyerJ Ch Alarjory, Dan, Charles, Belva, Nel- lie, Claud; Hume Rl Shiloh Secl6W T320a J. B. Wood (1775) Wabash Tel. Hume Robertson, J. Easton (Floy Stans- bury) Ch Lorain, Frank; Paris R2 Symms Sec26 071a Branson Davis (1914) Wabash Tel. Paris Robertson, R. D. (Maggie Cash) Ch Grace, Ida; Kansas R15 Kansas Sec36 032i/4a (1891) Tel. Kansas Robinson, H. J. (Estella Morris) Ch Mary; Paris R7 Buck Secl9E T160a Mrs. Ida Stiedel (1905) Wa- bash Tel. Paris Robinson, J. W. (Martha J. Goble) Ch Mira, Clay, Dwight, Wendell; Kansas R16 Kansas SeclO-15 O220a (1896) Tel. Kansas Robison, Alfred C. (Florence Swank) Ch Hermine, Margaret, Emma, Sarah; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec31 T320a John Mitchel (1882) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Robison, James P. (Cora Ingram) Ch Jessie, Julia, James, Rose, Forest; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec28 T240a Jasper M. Baum (1885) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Robison, N. N. (Laura Legate)) Ch Ora, Francis; Scottland R29 Prairie Sec32 T340a F. M. Legate (1882) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Robison, Ora R. (Bessie L. Smith) Ch Carl, Earl; Chrisman R24 Prairie Secll T120a F. M. Legate (1893) Wabash Tel. Chrisman 96 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Roe, W. R. (Ella Lott) Ch Nellie, Fred, Everett; Chrisman R24 Prairie Secl8 O200a (1891) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Rogers, Albert (L. Wise) Ch Lida; Chrisman R28 Edgar Sec2 0285a (1869) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Rogers, Charles C. (Grace Under- wood) Ch Ethel, Blanch, Thomas, Marcella, Fay; Vermilion R33 El- bridge Secl7 T80a Mrs. Glen Brown (1898) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Rogers, Clarence (Matilda Henry) Oliver Rl Elbridge Sec9-16 O80a T120a Mrs. Maria W. Rogers (1864) Wabash and Bell Tels. Paris Rogers, C. E, Oliver Rl Elbridge SeclS O80a Secll T70a A. B. Ed- wards Rogers, George T. (Bell Burton) Ch Elsie; Brocton R19 Embarras Sec9 T80a Andrew Smith (1857) Hume Tel. Brocton Rogers, S, M. (Alto Cox) Ch S. George Jr.; Chrisman R27 Edgar Sec3 0145a (1861) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Rogers, Thomas (Clarinda Craig) Paris R3 Symms Sec2 036a (1849) Roland, W. E. (Pearl Estes) Ch Erma, Raymond, Henry, Audrey, Lloyd; Kansas R14 Kansas Secl3 T120a Mrs. Mattie KroU (1874) Tel. Kansas Roll, George (Josephine White) Ch Daniel; Paris R2 Elbridge Sec27-28 O240a (1872) Wabash Tel. Paris Roller, C. C. (Dona M. Devers) Ch Hazel, Alice, Louis, Anna; Brocton R17 Shiloh Secl7W O120a (1896) Wabash Tel. Hume Roller, E. H. (Lula B. Devers) Ch Ruth; Brocton R18 Shiloh Secl7W O120a (1896) Wabash Tel. Hume Roller, John (Nora Neal) Ch Merl, Vergil, Curtis; Hume Young Amer- ica Sec25 T160a M. W. Maxwell (1895) Tel. Hume Rollings, John I, (Bertha Kincaid) Ch Wilma, Phyllis, Donald; Hume Rl Shiloh Sec2E T120a S. M. Kin- caid (1905) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Rooney, P. J. (Celia Mullin) Ch Josepha, Aubrey, Cecile, George, Leo, Kathleen; Brocton R18 Shiloh Sec21W T240a Langle Bros. (1902) Wabash Tel. Hume Rork, Charles C. (Stella Vice) Chris- man R24 Ross Sec36 046a T178a (1872) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Ross, Ernie (Onus Grable) Dudley Grandview Secl5 T80a Mrs. Bandy & Son (1915) Tel. Paris Ross, Harry E. (Berth Harmening) Redmon Embarras Secl6 T240a Mary E. Roll (1892) Wabash Tel. Redmon Ross, John (Ida Clauser) Ch Milo, Meuel. Lowell, Nellie; Scottland R29 Prairie Sec28 0199a (1872) Electric Line Dana Ross, William Sandford (Gertrude Wilhoit) Ch Lillian, Madge; Ver- milion Stratton Secl-12 T320a Wil- liam H. Mings (1889) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Roth, Chester (Georgia Devers) Ch Dall, George, Mary; Brocton R17 Shiloh Sec4W^ T80a William Yena- wine (1892) Wabash Tel. Hume Roth, J. W. (Emma Janes) Ch Mary, Catherine; Paris R5 Grandview Secl3 O180a (1863) Roth, Lydia Wilson Ch Joe, Jacob, Nettie, Ellis, Margaret B., Alice; Kansas R16 Kansas Secl4 O30a (1902) Roth, W. P. (Nannie Wilson) Ch Dora, Harry, Charles; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Sec2 T220a William E. Light (1872) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Routledge, Mrs, M. A, (Mary A. Nick- ey) Ch Lunda, RoUin, Allen; Paris Rl Elbridge Secl4 035a (1865) Wa- bash Tel. Vermilion Rowley, W. A. (Mary Maddock) Ch Fern; "Fern Valley Grain Farm" Dennison R2 Elbridge Secl3-18 O200a (1859) W^abash Tel. Elbridge Runnyan, J. B. (Mary Cleman) Ch Frank, Clara, Florence, Pryor; Chrisman R27 Edgar Sec22 T160a L. Stanfield (1874) Wabash Tel. Horace Russell, G. A. Ch Thomas, Bertha, Dalla, Dorotha; Dudley R12 Grand- view Sec25 T320a Rhoda Brinker- hoff (1885) Tel. Grandview Ryan, Charles (Dora Davis) Ch Ern- est, Harry, Oliver. Albert, Fred, Ida, Frank, Ralph, Leona; Chrisman R24 Prairie Secl2 T240a J. F. Jen- . nings (1862) Wabash Tel. Chris- man Ryan, Clyde (Josie Ervin) Ch Shelby, Levern; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec34 T15a Molli e Bergen Est. (1893) Ryan, Daniel (Mary Harrington) Ch William, Shelby, Dolo, John, Daniel, George, Lena, Clyde, Mary, Forest; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec34 0195a Sec35 T80a (1867) Tel. Grandview 97 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Ryan, John (Ollie Chaney) Ch Mil- dred; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec34 T6a Thomas Nicholson (1883) Tel. Grandview Ryan, J. J. (Ella, Agnes, Sisters) Chrisman R25 Hunter Sec35 O80a (1883) Wabash Tel. Paris Ryan, William Jr. (Bessie Hen- son) Ch Helen, Dennis, Paul; Dud- ley R12 Grandview Sec34 036a (1877) Ryon, Mrs. Gertrude (Gertrude Drake) Ch Byron; Paris R7 Buck Sec29E O30a (1877) Wabash Tel. Paris Salter, Daniel S. (Louise Harris) Ch Myrtle, Lizzie, Edd, Amy, William, Claude, Clarence, Ernest; Metcalf Rl Shiloh Secl4E Farm Hand Charles B. Karris (1857) Samford, William (Lottie Hayes) Ch Edmond, George, James, Mary. Grace, Henrv; Hume Young Amer- ica Sec29 t640a Smallwood Est. (1914) Tel. Hume Sanders, G. A. Ch Martha, James, Jesse, Bert; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec31 OlOa (1872) Wabash Tel. El- bridge Sanders, John D. (Rosie York) Ch Lawrence, Francis, Walter; Paris R6 Paris Sec3W T220a Svrus Henry (1903) Wabash Tel. Paris Sanders, J. E. (Grace Barnhart) Ch Thelma, Wilbert, Louis; Paris Rl Stratton SeclO T160a E. H. Sanders (1892) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Sanders, L. A. (Helen M. Green) Paris R5 Buck Sec7 TllSa J. W. Vorhees (1892) Wabash Tel. Paris Sanders, W. E. (Nettie Wilson) Ch Oren, Raymond; Chrisman R27 Ed- gar Sec7 T234a J. L Brothers (1904) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Sanford, Walter (Mary Alterberry) Ch Kenneth, Marie; Hume Rl Young America Sec30 T160a S. E. Barr and Springer (1915) Tel. Hume Sater, Charles O. (Florence Riddell) Ch Dorothv, Lucile; Paris R9 Ed- gar Sec33 TlOOa J. D. Arthur (1885) Sater, Clarence (Beulah Thompson) Paris R9 Edgar Sec33 T73a John Hodge Sater, Edw. R. (Laura Hawkins) Ch Cora, Charles, Ola, Grace, Clarence; Paris Stratton Sec35 07a (1877) Saugers, J. (Rebecca Payne) Scott- land R30 Brouillett Creek Sec7 O40a (1865) Saults, Cale (Lucinda Sandis) Ch Alice, Willie, Harry; Hume Rl Young America SeclS T60a W. F. Chilcoot (1915) Tel. Hume Saunders, B. A. (Adria Buckler) Broc- ton R18 Shiloh Sec27S T180a J. B. Wood (1901) Wabash Tel. Hume Sawlaw, Claud (Emma Willis) Ch Wayne F., Nema; Paris Rll Strat- ton Sec36 T80a Lem Sawlaw (1876) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Sawlaw, Lem Ch Phillip, Claud, Nel- lie, Orville; Paris Rll Stratton Sec36 O160a (1865) Sayre, A. Sly (O. Slaughter) Chrisman R25 Edgar Sec4 T105a J. D. Sayre (1891) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Sayre, C. R. (Bettie Lester) Ch Nora, Elizabeth, Charles, Richard; Chris- man R25 Brouillett Creek Sec3 O130a (1§86) Wabash Tel. Chris- man Sayre, F. D. (Lula Porter) Ch Jan- ette, Fred, Porter, Mabel; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Sec34 0135a (1879) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Sayre, W. S. (Grace Payne) Ch Carl, Fern, Elnora, Ruth; Chrisman R24 Prairie Sec30 O40a (1866) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Schance, C. E. (Helen Riddle) Ch Lola, Theodore. Doris, Daisy; Chrisman R27 Ross Sec33 O140a (1858) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Schneider, Frank Dudley R12 Grand- view Sec35 0185a (1880) Tel. Grand- view Schneider, J. D. (Ida Allen) Ch Mary, Isabell, Hilda; Dudley R12 Grand- view Sec27 074a (1880) Tel. Grand- view ,, Schneider, Martin (Kate Smith) Ch Lewis; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec35 095a (1880) Schneider, W. H. (Minnie Smith) Ch Charles, Frederick; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec29 OlOOa Sec3j5 TlOOa (1880) Citizens Tel. Grandview Schrech, Robert (Sarah Ida Perisho) Ch Esther; Dudley R12 Grandview Secl6 T123a Charles Schrech (1882) Tel. Grandview 98 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Schreech, Roy (Dora Davis) Ch Carl, Pearl, Gladys; Kansas R14 Kansas Sec24 T157a O. E. Wilhoit (1882) Schuler, E. C. (Ocie Coe) Ch Doris. Everett, Charles; Scottland R29 Brouillett Creek Sec35 T175a Gran- ville Clark (1902) Citizens Tel. Scottland Scott, A. B. (Amv Legg) Ch Ursal. Louisa, Albert; Scottland R29 Prairie Sec21 TSOOa O. M. Depuy (1871) Electric Tel. Dana Scott, Charles (Dora E. Ludington) / Ch Ruba, Fern; "Clear Creek Farm" Paris R2 Symms Sec20 OlOOa (1861) Wabash Tel. Paris Scott, Edwin B. (Oakye B. Peer) Ch Gretchen, Gladys; Scottland R29 Prairie Sec24 Farm Hand John L. Scott (1890) Wabash Tel. Chris- man Scott, Everett (Dora Manning) Ch Mary V., Hilah G. ; Chrisman R26 Brouillett Creek Sec22 O140a (1871) Wabash Tel. Horace Scott, George F. Ch Florence, Paul, Oscar; Chrisman R26 Edgar Sec32 O300a (1850) Wabash Tel. Chris- man Scott, Irvin (Jennie Riley) Ch Flor- ence, Ozias; Chrisman R24 Prairie Secll O180a (1876) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Scott, John (May Kirchner) Ch Mary; Brocton R3 Shiloh Sec3W 065a (1914) Wabash Tel, Newman Scott, John L. (Mary A. Ingram) Ch Maud, Edwin. Oren, Melvin, Elsie, Edna; "Oak Grove Farm" Scott- land R29 Prairie Sec24 O120a-(1867) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Scott, John R. (Rachel Loop) Ch John, James, Benjamin, Esther; Paris R2 Symms Sec29 0136a James Stewart (1865) Scott, Marshall (Mary Daily) Ch Sherman, Maud, Lola, Eva; Kansas R16 Kansas Sec26 T40a Fred Jen- nings (1885) Tel. Kansas Scott, Meek (Nettie Chase) Ch Guy, Pearl, Leo; Chrisman R24 Ross Secl3 095a (1872) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Scott, Noah (Daisy Adams) Ch Mar- jorie, Maynard; "Brookside Stock Farm" Scottland R2 Prairie Sec25 T237a Lucretia A. Scott (1878) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Scott, Otis G. (Bernice Bratton) Ch Paul, Edward; Chrisman R24 Prairie Secll T280a Walter Scott (1887) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Scott, Samuel Jr. (Millie Livett) Ch Ruby, Evelyn. Paul; "Woodlawn Stock Farm" Chrisman Ross Sec35 O540a (1866) Wabash Tel. Chris- man Scott, S. A, (Dollie Ketcham) Ch Vic- tor, Nona; Scottland R29 Prairie Secl4 O240a (1863) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Scott, Winfield H. Ch Edith, Fay, Ruth; Chrisman R26 Edgar Sec21 O150a (1857) Wabash Tel. Horace Scott, W. O. (Flora Bolen) Ch Jay, Otho; Scottland R29 Prairie Sec23 O500a (1867) Wabash Tel. Chris- man Scott, W. T. (Rose Moss) Ch John R.; "Willrose Farm" Chrisman R23 Ross Secl4 OlOOa (1867) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Sears, Granville (Otha Nail) Paris R4 Symms Sec8 OlOOa Catherine Nail (1880) Wabash Tel. Paris Sears, J. L. (Elizabeth Pointer) Ch Flem, Myrtle. Willie, Molly, Charles, Elmer, Dorothy, Carl, Lilly; Paris Rl Paris Sec5E T260a Charles Waide (1906) Wabash Tel. Paris Sears, William (Ida Good) Ch Ever- ett, Lafe, Ruth, Henry, Maude, Jes- sie, May; Paris R3 Symms Sec27 O80a Louisa Fields (1915) Bell Tel. Paris Sebree, Mrs. Etta Ch Oren, Feme, Dorothy; Paris Kansas Secl8 065a (1867) Sederberg, Alfred (Nola M. Wellnian) Ch Margaret, Olive; Chrisman R27 Ross Sec32 Farm Hand George Rogers (1891) Wabash Tel. Chris- man See, Harlan (Grace E. Frazier) Ch Eugene, Loren, Arthur; Paris R4 Symms Sec33 O205a (1894) Wabash Tel. Paris Selders, Grant (Elizabeth Saders) Dudley R12 Grandview Sec34 09a (1869) Tel. Grandview Sensenbrener, A. C. (Laura Lycan) Ch Owen, Ray, Glen, Ruth, Ralph; Paris R6 Paris Sec4W O80a (1885) Wabash Tel. Paris Sensenbrenner, Herman (Carrie Fish- er) Ch Alva; "Fairview Farm" Paris R2 Paris Sec7S O102a (1882) Wa- bash Tel. Paris Sexton, J, N, (Carrie Hurst) Ch Kath- leen, Kenneth; Kansas R15 Kansas Secl8 O190a W. H. Sexton (1893) Tel. Kansas 99 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Sexton, W. H. C. Ch Robert, Newton, Mary, Bertha; Kansas R15 Kansas Secl8 O190a (1894) Tel. Kansas Seybold, Charles (Viola Glass) Ch Fern, June, Theodore, Fred, Wil- bur; Chrisman R26 Edgar SeclS OBSa (1875) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Shaffer, H. H. (Mary Easter) Paris R7 Paris Sec27W T129a Susie Mor- ris (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris Shank, J. S. (Margaret Oliver) "Donny Brook Farm" Paris R8 Paris Sec25 TUN RllW T5a Thomas Flint (1869) Wabash Tel. Paris Sharkey, W. T. (May Buser) Paris R3 Paris SeclSS T280a Mrs. P. C. Wells (1913) Wabash Tel. Paris Shaw, J. H. (Edith Frederick) Broc- ton R17 Shiloh Secl2W T320a Mrs. Marlow (1902) Tel. Newman Sheehy, Edmund Sr (Ida Blanford) Ch Edmund Jr.; Paris R8 Shiloh SecSSE 023.Sa (1878) Wabash Tel. Paris Sheets, Frank (Gertie Johnson) Ch Mary, Herbert, Frank; Hume Young America Sec31 T14a John A'lurry (1882) Tel. Hume Sheets, J. W. (Louisa Barnes) Ch Fred, Frank, Bruce, Cleo, Grace, Jessie, Esther; Hume Rl Shiloh Sec4W O200a (1855) Wabash Tel. Hume Sheffey, Omar (Edna Chamay) Ch Callie; Chrisman R24 Prairie Sec8 T300a J. D. Hays (1911) Electric Tel. Dana Shell, Dora (Allie Cummins) Ch Mat- tie, Harlan, William, Nellie, Mabel; Vermilion R33 Elbjridge Sec31 T200a E. E. Morley (1862) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Shell, W. M. (Ella Flinn) Ch Mary; Paris R2 Elbridge Sec34 T225a C. S. Sellars (1886) Wabash Tel. El- bridge Shelton, John (Clara Black) Ch Beu- lah, Howard, Walter, Edith, Hu- bert; Metcalf Rl Young America Sec32 T270a Cresa Smith (1887) Tel. Hume Shepard, H. (Ros^e M. Mitchel) Ch Mary, Sarah: Clirisman R24 Prairie SeclO 054a (1905) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Sherer, Ellis (Lora Long) Ch Ches- ter, Victor; Kansas R15 Kansas Sec35 T160a Mrs. O. E. Wilhoit (1895) Shields, Daniel (Ella Reeves) Ch Walter Mabel, Ellie, James; Paris R5 Grandview Sec36 O80a (1854) Tel. Grandview Shields, J. M. (Jane Hite) Ch John, Annie; Paris R5 Grandview Sec6 O160j^a (1852) Tel. Grandview Shields, W. R. (Nancy Parrish) Ch Bertha, Edgar; Paris R2 Elbridge Sec33-34 0161a (1852) Wabash Tel. Paris Shipley, Nathan O. (Esther John- ston) Ch Lucille; Kansas R13 Kan- sas Secl2 T160a S. A. York and William Bradbury (1890) Tel. Kan- sas Shirar, Arnold (Helen Cassle) Ch George; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec35 T145a Frank Shirar (1889) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Shirar, H. F. (Jeannette Shields) Ch Elizabeth, Nellie, Arnold, Leona, Siebert, Cornelia, Howard, Opal; "Cloverdale Stock Farm" Paris R2 Elbridge Sec35 O320a (1860) Wa- bash Tel. Paris Shirar Siebert (Mae Fissant) Ch Francis; "East View Farm" Ver- milion R33 Elbridge Sec30 T180a W. E. Fissant (1894) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Shirley, Howard P. (Ruth Sims) Ch Mary, Margret; Borton Embarras SeclS T145a James Lauher (1911) Shively, H. E. Kansas R13 Kansas SeclO O220a Sec3 T20a (1873) Tel. Kansas Shoptaugh, Win Kansas R15 Grand- view Sec9 O120a T129a Anna Shoptaugh (1878) Tel. Grandview Shuman, John (Rhoda A. Augustus, Deceased) Ch Edward, Frank, Mary, Clara, Lulu, Charles, Allie; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec36 O80a (1856) Tel. Grandview Shuman, W. G. (Lillie Graham) Ch Clifford, Ola, Maude, Mae, Clem; "East View Stock Farm" Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec32 O80a T35a (1865) Citizens Tel. Sandford Shutz, Joseph (Beatrice A. Burton) "Schultz Fair Farm" Dudley R12 Grandview Secl6 O20a (1852) Shy, Mary (Mary Bragg) Ch Ida; Kansas Kansas Secl4 T16a C. M. Kirkham (1880) Tel. Kansas Sidenbender, C. H. Ch Edward, Ella, Blanche, Chester, Riley, (Gertie, Ruth, Henry; Paris Rl Stratton Sec3 O80a (1881) Tel. Wabash 100 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Sidenbender, C. W. (Jennie McCol- lum) Paris R9 Paris Secl9 T14N RllW 0292a (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris Sidenbender, J. G. Paris R9 Paris Sec30 T14N RllW 0118a (1877) Sidenbender, Robert (Jessie Reed) Ch Royce, Wayne, June, Gerrard; Paris R9 Paris Secl7E 0125^a (1878) Wabash Tel. Paris Simms, W. H. (Josephine Glover) Ch Tillie, Gracie, Lela, Margaret, Vernie, Annie, Arlene, Raymond, Charles, Clifford; Kansas R15 Kan- sas Seel T80a Homer Pinnell (1895) Simpson, E. E. (Emma Bowman) Ch Anna, Bertha, Leota, Ralph, Lloyd, Ruth; Kansas R14 Kansas Secl3 076a (1861) Tel. Kansas Simpson, E. G. (Mary Ryan) Ch William O., Barbara J., George R., Soros B., Raymond, Clarence, Tom- mie, Margaret; Paris R9 Hunter Sec2 O190a (1869) Wabash Tel. Paris Simpson, Henry (Minnie Haggins) Ch Lydia, Seymour, William J., Roy G., Gertie, Cora, Carrie; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Secl9 T5a (1865) Simpson, R. O. (Lilly Hown) Ch Clyde, Murle, Helen, Naomi; Kan- sas R13 Embarras Sec36 T80a Frank Mills (1908) Kansas Tel. Westfield Simpson, S. (Mary Hunter) Paris R9 Hunter SeclO Farm Hand J. E. Gar- vin (1916) Sims, Frank Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec27 T80a Mary E. Sims Est. (1886) Wabash Tel. Paris Sims, James M. (Laura Browning) Ch Ruth, James Jr., Morris, Evelyn; "Silver Leaf Farm" Kansas R13 Embarras Secl9 016Sa (1913) Coles County Tel. Oakland Sims, J. Mat (Lilla Denham) Ch Dorothy; "Black Walnut Stock Farm" Paris R2 Symms Sec32 .O120a (1856) Wabash Tel. Paris Sisk, Henry Brocton R19 Embarras SeclO O40a (1842) Sisson, Asa (Irene Tisher) Ch Ger- ald; -Paris R3 Symms Sec23 T160a M. A. Turner (1892) Wabash Tel. Paris Sisson, Charles (Jennie Patton) Ch Millie, Emma, George, Lucile; Scottland R29 Brouillett Creek Sec7 O70a (1862) Sisson, Frank (Mary Shuman) Ch Lu- cile, Paul, Ruby; Paris R6 Paris Sec9 T160a Frank T. O'Hair (1910) Tel. Paris Sisson, Grant (Mary Lea) Ch Asa, Grace, Orville; Paris R5 Grandview Sec25 O20a (1868) Tel. Paris Sisson, Henry (Mamie Jones) Ch George, Jessie, Ezra, Arthur; Ver- milion R33 Elbridge Secl7 T190a Andy Farnham (1863) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Sisson, Louis Vermilion R33 Elbridge Secl8 Olla (1858) Sizemore, Gertrude (Estelle, Sister) Paris R7 Paris Secl6W T160a J. N. Sizemore Est. (1877) Wabash Tel. Paris Sizmore, Oda M. (Dona Yergan) Ch Leo, Opal, Carroll, Kenneth, Ches- ter; Paris Rl Symms Secl7 0483a (1875) Wabash Tel. Paris Skidmore, Earl (Belva Price) Ch Vida; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek. Secl7 091a T40a Edwin Skidmore (1884) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Slager, William M. (Minnie King) Ch Orpha, Leo A., Clarence, Claude; Brocton R19 Embarras Secl4 T244a C. D. Merkle (1907) Bell Tel. Oak- land Slanker, Harry (Ada Arthur) Ch Charitv. Jane; Edgar R28 Edgar S.ec7 t480a Dan Arthur (1883) Wa- bash Tel. Paris Slaughter, D. C. (Emma G. Conner) Verna M., Ernie M.; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Sec24 T80a W. R. Conner (1901) Citizens Tel. Dana Sloan, E. W. (Drucilla Hinton) Ch Mabel, George, Fred, Donald; Kan- sas R14 Kansas Sec2 T160a Fred . Smith (1897) Tel. Kansas Sly, Allen (Jeanette Sayre) "Orchard Grove Farm" Chrisman R3 Ross # Sec36 0124a (1888) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Sly, John (Ada Millis) Ch Lucile, John; Chrisman R26 Edgar Sec20 OllOa (1914) Wabash Tel. Horace Sly, J. R. (Sarah Jane Fletcher) Ch Anna, Ada, Eliza, Allen, John, Mary; Qirisman Ross Sec36 053a (1885) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Smith, A. J. (Anna Milburn) Kansas R14 Grandview Sec33 0253a (1856) Bell Tel. Paris Smith, A. J. (M. M. Townson) Ch Tressie B.; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec9 T400a George Fisher (1869) Wa- bash Tel. Chrisman 101 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Smith, A. K. (Rose Swangler) Ch Charles, Grace; "Midway Farm" Chrisman Rl Young America Secll O80a M. F. Smith (1867) Tel. Met- calf Smith, Charles T. (Bessie Coy) Ch Emmett; Sidell Young America Sec2 T50a Forest Somerville (1890) Tel. Metcalf Smith, Clarence (Mabel Galway) Ch James, Earl; Metcalf Rl Young America Sec33 T160a J. M. Smith (1895) Tel. Metcalf Smith, C. D. (Emma Tate) Ch Jus- tin "Grandview Farm" Dudley R12 Grandview Sec27 0135a (1862) Tel. Paris Smith, C. W. Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Secl8 T15a M. I. Healter (1875) Smith, D. V. (Alice Chamberlain) Ch Ovie, Rothel, James E., Thomas C, Harley, Naomi; Paris Rll Hun- ter Secl7 T14a Bert Hufifman (1917) Smith, Elbert T. "J. R. Smith Home- stead" Brocton R19 Embarras Secl8 067K'a Secl2-1 T80a I. P. Allen (1867") Bell Tel. Oakland Smith, Elijah (Goldie Britton) Ch Mildred, Carl; Hume Rl Shiloh Sec2E T200a Cora Epps (1910) Wa- bash Tel. Metcalf Smith, Frank D. (Lena Daeger) Ch Helen, Francis. Agnes; Hume Rl Shiloh SeclOE T160a Oliver Smith (1880) Wabash Tel. Hume Smith, Mrs. F. Hume Young Amer- ica Sec32 O270a (1880) Tel. Hume Smith, F. A. (Cornelia Wilhoit) Ch Pearl. Elsie; Dudley R12 Grand- view Sec27 OSVsa Sec28 T160a (1849) Tel. Kansas Smith, Harry A. (Izel M. Brown) Ch Elizabeth; Chrisman R24 Prairie Sec31 T180a Millikin Smith (1896) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Smith, Harvey T. (Nora Briscoe) Ch Elizabeth; Dudlev R12 Grandview Sec9 O240a Sec5-3 T108a (1864) Tel. GrandvicAV Smith, Henry M. (Pearle Stewart) Ch Doris, Mildred, Gerald; Paris R7 Paris Sec28N T132a J. L. Morris (1892) Wabash Tel. Paris- Smith, James M, (Bindia A. Smith) Ch Ella; "Sleepy Hollow Stock Farm" Vermilion Elbridge Secl4 O180a (1847) Wabash Tel. Ver- milion Smith, Lawrence (Ella Breen) Ch Grace, Asa, David, Robert; Hume Rl Shiloh Sec3E O80a (1854) Wa- bash Tel. Hume Smith, L. G. (Blanche Nichols) Ch Eugene; Scottland R30 Prairie Sec25 T20a Bessie Rollison (1885) Citizens Tel. Scotciand Smith, Mack (Leona Walters) Ch Glen, Constance, Opal, Geneva, Her- bert, Lloyd; Kansas R16 Kansas T180a W. H. C. Sexton (1916) Tel. Kansas Smith, Millikin (Ida M. Koons) Ch Bertha, Harrv; Chrisman R24 Prairie Sec30 C3l80a (1866) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Smith, M. T. Ch A. K.; Chrisman R23 Young America Seel 1-2 T135a (1861) Smith, Nathan (Lula Hasler) Ch Flov, Hazel, Lucile; Chrisman R23 Ross Secl7 T200a Epps Farm (1907) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Smith, Oliver (Mary Breen) Ch Mar- garet, Frank, Helena, Veronica, Stella, Oliver. Ursula, Agnes; Hume Rl Shiloh Sec5W 0456a (1867) Wa- bash Tel. Hume Smith, Peter (Rosa McGill) Ch John, Ralph; Paris R4 Symms Sec9 O80a (1861) Citizens Tel. Oliver Smith, Phillip S. (Ella Meyers) Ch ^'ineta M., Erma C. ; "Square Deal Stock Farm" Redmon Buck Sec23 Ollla (1894) Wabash Tel. Redmon Smith, Roscoe G. (Jessie Brown) Chrisman R23 Ross Sec26 T205a W. AL Smith (1895) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Smith, S. E. (Nora Marauand) Ch Lucile, Francis; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Sec36 T160a Smith Est. (1882) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Smith, Virgil (Zella Ketchem) Ch Viola; Hume Rl Shiloh Secl2E Farm Hand Lewis Dodd (1915) Smith, W. A. (Elizabeth Fledge) Ch Lucile. William; Dudley R12 Grand- view Sec27 T135a John Huston (1880) Tel. Grandview Smith, W. A. (Laura H.- Price) Ch Pearl. Earl, Chester; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec31 064a (1859) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Smith, W. O. (Minnie Tackson) Ch Vera. Lester, Hazel, Carl; Kansas R14 Grandview Sec33 O180a (1870) Bell Tel. Paris 102 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Smithkamp, Chester (Cecil Hicks) Ch Charles, Joseph; Paris R3 Symnis Sec35 087a (1887) Wabash Tel. Paris Smithkamp, Joseph (Sophia Schnei- der) Ch Chester, Oscar, Fred; "Yel- low Corn Stock Farm" Paris R3 Symnis Sec25 O160a (1868) Wabash Tel. Paris Smittkamp, J. O. (Hattie Graham) Paris R5 Paris SeclOS T97a Charles Levings (1891) Wabash Tel. Paris Smock, William (Susie Gilbert) Ch Ralph, Raymond, Clayton, Leo, Paul, Earnest; Kansas R16 Kansas Secl2 O300a Ray Pinnell (1890) Tel. Kansas Snedeker, A. J. Paris R7 Buck Secll T260a Snedeker Est. (1867) Wabash Tel. Redmon Snedeker, Sarah E. (Sarah Stewart) Ch Aleck, Alary, Floyd; Paris R7 Buck Secll T260a Snedeker Est. (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris Snider, Charles (Rosalie McNees) Ch Owen, Lillian, Kermit; Paris R7 Buck Sec29 T200a Willis Brinker- hofif (1870) Wabash Tel. Redmon Snider, John C. (Lydia Achterman) Ch Leonard, Clarence, Marv; Ridge Farm R2 Ross SeclO T26ba Isaac Woodyard (1912) Snyder, Jacob (Minnie Boyer) Ch Hattie, Heman, Bessie. Iva, Lavern; Paris R3 Symms Sec35 Farm Hand Al. Douglas (1863) Snyder, W. H. (Gertrude Everett) Ch Everett; "Highland Farm" Paris R2 Symms Sec29 0112a (1872) Wa- bash Tel. Paris Soughers, Letta Ch Virginia, Lucile, Harold, Plummer; Scottland R29 Brouillett Creek Sec8 0119a (1869) Citizens Tel. Dana Soughers, Perry (Ida Wright) Ch Archie, Nellie, Arthur; Paris RIO Hunter SeclS T140a Mrs. Matilda Wright (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris Southard, Almeda (Almeda Damson) Ch Cecil. Charles, Chloe, Laura, Chancey, Rav; Scottland R29 Prairie Sec23 O40a (1856) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Southard, Azariah (Martha McGee. Deceased) Ch William, Otha, Roy; Chrisman R24 Prairie Sec9 031%a (1869) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Southard, Chancy (Ida Gordon) Chrisman R27 Edgar Sec2S T46a Ida Baird (1889) Wabash Tel. Hor- ace Southard, C. C. (Edith Scott) Ch Janett, Robert; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek SeclS O70a (1879) Wabash Tel. Horace Southard, O. W. (Dona Haun) Ch Dorothy, Theda; Metcalf Rl Young America Sec9 T240a Isaac Wood- yard Tel. Aletcalf Southard, Roy (Cora Dixon) Ch Rex, Margaret. Lema. Lolla; Chrisman R24 Prairie Sec8 T360a Mrs. N. A. McGee (1886) Wabash Tel. Chris- man Spaulding, William Sr. (Bertha Hill) Ch Susie, William Jr., Edward, Nellie, George; Paris R9 Paris Sec29E Farm Hand A. A. Francis (1903) Speichly, John (Bessie Boone) Chris- man R23 Young America Secl3 O200a Tel. Metcalf Spencer, Roy (Blanch Ferguson) Ver- milion R33 Elbridge Sec8 T250a George White (1917) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Spitzmesser, Gustav (Barbara Ford) Ch Joseph, Kate, Lottie, Opal, Fern, Gladys; Brocton R17 Shiloh SeclOW O80a (1909) Spung, R. A. (Agnes Hammond) Ch Marie, Earl. Donovan. Helen, Fayne; Paris R9 Hunter Sec9 TSOa George McCulloch (1905) St. John, J. B. (Cabbie Widdle) Ch Charles, Lee. Russell. Harold; Hume Rl Young America Secl3 O160a (1889) Wabash Tel. Hume Stafford, Ben (Flossie Henning) Paris RIO Hunter Secl2 T80a (1902) Wa- bash Tel. Paris Stafford, C. C. (Elizabeth Henning) Ch Ruth; Paris RIO Hunter Seel O80a (1883) Stafford, E. K. (Susan Darby) Paris RIO Hunter Secl8 0736a (1865) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Stafford, W. D, (Stella Anderson) Paris RIO Hunter Sec2 0389a (1865) Wabash Tel. Paris Staggs, Morton H, (Grace L. Miller) Ch Kenneth. Bernardine L. ; Broc- ton R18 Embarras Sec31 T120a I. N. Cooley (1902) Hume Tel. Brocton Staley, A. E. (Mary Johnson) Ch Fred, Clarence, Pearl; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec6 O70a (1872) Staley, C. M. (Clova Landes) Paris R6 Paris Sec4W Farm Hand Carl Gleckler (1880) 103 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Staley, C. R. (Maude Long) Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec31-32 T240a Aaron Staley (1885) Wabash Tel. El- bridge Staley, James O. (Clova Flinn) Ch Orla, Lenna. Fern, Claude, McClel- land, Letha; Vermilion R33 El- bridge Sec5 O80a (1903) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Staley, M. J. (Ina Thompson) Ch Mae D., Walter I., A. Fay, Nila E., Dale; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec23 O40a (1854) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Staley, Oliver (Sarah Maddock) Ch Laura. Maude, Myrtle, Jessie, Ethel; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec5 0174a (1840) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Stallutcup, Ben (Minnie Portuamon) Ch Arthur; Edgar Edgar Secl3 Farm Hand John Milliams (1917) Standiford, Mrs. S. Emma Chrisman R24 Ross Sec36 T126a Charles C. Rork (1861) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Standly, Richard E. (Anna Mason) Ch Mabel, Roj', Leona, Selma; "Plainview Farm" Kansas R13 Em- barras Sec30 O120a (1864) Wabash Tel. Redmon Stanfield, Caleb (Alice Benson) Ch Maud, Foster, Faye; Paris Edgar Secl7 0735a (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris Stanley, George P. (Ravenna Greene) Ch John. Frank; Paris R7 Paris Sec21W T80a S. H. P. White (1903) Wabash Tel. Paris Stark, Edwin (Nannie Olive) Ch Marjorie, Vona; Kansas R16 Kan- sas Secl2 T160a P. B. Stark (1872) TTcl Iv3.ns3.s Stark, John (Nellie Hardesty) Ch Delpha, Fred, Homer, Vera, Wood- row; Isabel Embarras Sec23 Ola (1892) Stark, P. B. (Margaret Wilhoit) Ch Edwin, Gertrude, Lillie, Riley, Eathel; "Summerhill Farm" Kan- sas R15 Kansas Secl2 Ol57a (1868) Tel. Kansas Stark, Riley (Mildred Redman) Ch Max; Kansas R16 Kansas Secl6 T170a^ McLelland Redman (1880.) Tel. Kansas Step, C. W. (Vina Blue) Ch Law- rence, Francis; Paris RIO Stratton Sec33 02414a T206a George and Jim Gillispie and Frank Ciel- siemer (1870) Wabash Tel. Paris Step, Grant (Laura Eckles) Paris RIO Stratton Sec33 021^a (1869) Wab- ash Tel. Paris Stephens, Nathan (Lillie Flickner) Ch Russell; Paris R4 Symms Sec8 O160a (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris Stephenson, Walter E. "Prairie View Farm" Kansas R13 Embarras Secl9 OllOa (1891) Stephenson, Winfield (Katherine Doh- ner) Brocton R19 Embarras Secl9 T91a J. H. Stephenson (1882) Stepp, Frank (Effie Crooks) Paris RIO Paris Sec29E 015a (1882) Wabash Tel. Paris Stepp, Mrs. G. W. Ch Jane, James, George Jr.; Paris Rl Stratton Sec35 0341a (1881) Wabash Tel. Paris Stepp, James (Mary Weaver) Ch Rob- ert, Frank; Paris Rl Stratton Sec35 015a (1837) Stepp, Robert (Estella Green) Ch Ray, Elizabeth, Martha, Lucile; Paris Rl Stratton Sec35 O40a T34a Mrs. G. W. Stepp (1877) Stewart, Grant (Sallie Hildreth) Ch Virgil, Helen; Chrisman R27 Edgar Sec8 T80a (1868) Wabash Tel: Chrisman Stewart, Virgil (Lida Smith) Ch Lu- cille, Margaret; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec30 T160a George W. Smith (1892) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Stewart, William (Loretta Sunkel) Ch Alarie, Minnetta, Gladys, Carl, Wal- ter, Bvron, Owen, Fern; Paris R7 Buck SecllN O240a T360a (1866) Wabash Tel. Paris Stewart, W. G. (Mary E. Greene) Ch Toe, Glen, Vernon, James; Paris R2 Symms Sec30 0615a (1866) Wa- D 3. s h j^ p 1 P 3. n s Stickler, H.' W. (Julia M. McCullough) Ch Harriet L, Lovenia, Harold A., Jay Y., James K., Saxton R., Henry W.; Paris R4 Svmms Sec26 0234a (1866) Wabash Tel. Paris Stickler, James W. (Lona E. Miller) Ch George E., Martha A., Mary C. ; Paris Rl Stratton Sec31 O40a (1869) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Stipp, George W. (Nancy York) Ch Arthur, Chester, Earl, Emma, Ear- mal; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec25 079Ha (1847) Wabash Tel. Ver- milion Stokes, James W. (Mary Lamb) Ch Elsie; "Elder Lawn Farm" Isabel Embarras Sec22 012a (1864) Stokes, Joseph C. (Annie Buckler) Ch Flossie, Floyd, Jessie, Clella; Isabel Embarras Sec22 O150a (1873) 104 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Stolz, Frank W. (Josephine Stolz, Mother) Ch Clyde; Albert Dwyer, Nephew; Paris R9 Hunter Sec3 T240a James McCarthy (1884) Wa- bash Tel. Paris Stolz, Joseph M. (Ora Bell) Ch Helen; Paris R3 Paris SecUS 0214a (1881) Wabash Tel. Paris Stolz, T. B. (Bertha Rapp) Ch Paul, Edward, Mary, Angela; Paris RO Buck Sec34 T120a Mrs. J. Stolz (1887) Bell Tel. Paris Stone, John J. (Anna B. Brenaman)Ch Chester T., Earl, Virgil; Oliver R2 Elbridge Sec9-10 TlOOa Charles Mil- ler (1905) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Stone, M. C. (Clara Van Sickle) Ch Hugh, Lena, John; Hume Rl Shi- loh'Sec2E 093a T240a Dan Collins 0881) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Stone, W. B. (Dora McCain) Ch Pearl; Metcalf Rl Young America Sec27 T640a M. M. McGuire (1883) Tel. Metcalf Stoneburner, P. L. (Mary Bell) Ch Ralph, Richard; Paris R6 Paris Sec34W O205a (1860) Wabash Tel. Paris Stoneburner, Ralph G. (Rose Curl) Paris R8 Paris Secl4N T120a P. L. Stoneburner (1888) Wabash Tel. Paris Stoneburner, R. O. (Mary Kime) Ch Marie; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec22 O260a (1857) Paris Tel. Kan- sas Stoops, Loren Q. (Anna McCuUough) Ch Lester, Lilbern, Vernon, Orvil, Roy, Lura; Chrisman R23 Ross Secl6 T350a Caleb Woodyard (1900) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Story, W. L. (Rebecca C. Woodward) Ch Cicero W., Texana, Miranda E., Elizabeth M., Emma, Tessie E., Cloie; Dennison R2 Elbridge Secl7 043a (1885) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Stotts, J. M. (Dollie Black) Ch W. C, Iva, Cecil; Paris Rll Stratton Sec2 O106a (1859) Wabash Tel. Ver- milion Stotts, R. M. (Bell Wear) Paris Rll Stratton Sec2 066a (1852) Stotts, William (Anna Thiel) Ch Hazel, Lowell, Virgil, Josephine, Irving, Homer, Louise, Lorene; Paris R8 Paris Secl7N O140a (1871) Wabash Tel. Paris Stout, Mary E. Ch Eva; Edgar R28 Edgar Sec25 042a (1860) Wabash Tel. Horace Stout, Samuel (Margaret Hannah) Cli Ida; Chrisman R24 Prairie Sec30 032Ha (1870) Wabash Tel. Chris- man Stratton, Albert (Ruth Westbrook) Ch James; Chrisman R25 Sec24 T73a Albert Stratton and U. W. Stratton (1883) Tel. Farmers' Line Stratton, M. W. (Frances Houston) Ch Lydia, Nora, Neva, Albert, Stella, Frank, Ruth, Mabel; Chris- man R25 Brouillett Creek Sec25 O420a (1877) Citizens Tel. St. Ber- nice Straw, Charles (Sarah Baysinger) Ch Anna, Asenath, Russell; Chrisman R26 Edgar Sec29 045a (1865) Wa- bash Tel. Horace Striker, Alonzo (Dell B. Conner) Ch Mabel L. ; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Sec26 Farm Hand (1887) Striker, Oliver (Stella Nichols) Chris- man R25 Brouillett Creek Secl3 O40a (1883> Citizens Tel. St. Ber- nice Striker, Theodore (Minnie Cornwell) Ch Francis, Irene; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Sec24 T53a J. Hud- son (1901) Tel. Farmers' Line Sturgell, Nathan (Alice Kerrick) Ch William M., Paul W.; Paris R2 El- bridge Seel O40a Secl2 T301a Wil- liam Wallace (1905) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Sudduth, J. B. (Florence Curl) Ch Arthur, Margaret, Charles; Paris R5 Grandview Secl3 T130a Mrs. Anna Jones (1912) Wabash Tel. Paris Sudduth, Mrs. Mary (Mary Ogle) Ch William, Annie, Grace; Paris R4 Paris SeclOS (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris Sudduth, W. L. Paris R4 Paris SeclOS OlOOa (1877) Wabash Tel. Paris Sullivan, Charles (Catherine Halloran) Ch Francis, Margaret, Edward; Paris Paris SeclSE 0127a (1870) Wabash Tel. Paris Sullivan, Frank H. (Marie Sullivan) Ch James, Eugene, Mary, Margaret; Paris R8 Buck Sec8NE O160a (1876) Wabash Tel. Paris Sullivan, James (Catherine Nolan) Ch Kathleen, Nolan; Brocton R2 Shi- loh Sec31S O160a (1882) Wabash Tel. Paris Sullivan, John (Elizabeth Carroll) Ch Toseph, Bernard, Leon, Irene; Broc- ton R19 Shiloh Sec3S O240a (1865) Wabash Tel. Redmon 105 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Sullivan, Pat Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec31S O160a (1865) Wabash Tel. Sullivan, W. E. (Bridget Burke) Ch Grace, Michael, William; Paris R9 Paris Secl7N 059a (1863) Wabash Tel. Paris Sunkel, Alonzo (Nell McFall) Ch Margaret, Charles, Scott, John, Thomas, Richard; Paris R7 Paris Sec28W TlOOa Mrs. Margaret Sun- kel (1876) Wabash Tel. Paris Sunkel, Edward (Bertha Bussard) Ch Bernice, Everett; Paris R6 Paris Sec35N 0248a (1872) Wabash Tel. Paris Sunkel, Frank (Emma Stewart) Ch Frances; Paris R8 Paris Sec8W O160a (1874) Wabash Tel. Paris Sunkel, Harry (Demmaree Voorhees) Ch Harold. Helen, John, Mor- ris, David; Dudley Grandview SeclS 0296a Sec26 T24a (1876) Tel. Grandview Surber, James (Gertrude Asher) Ch Alma, Arlie, Merle; Brocton R18 Shiloh Sec34S T216a Mrs. Culbert- son (1897) Wabash Tel. Redmon Surber, Thomas (Viola Jones) Ch Al- merta, Nila, John, Lavern, Forest, Nellie; Oliver Rl Elbridge Sec9 T80a jemima Jones (1885) Sutton, Chancy (Ella Prichard) Ch Emerson; Scottland R29 Brouil- lett Creek Sec8 OlOa (1872) Tel. Dana Sutton, Edward (Lucie Dalzett) Ch Noel; Hume R2 Young America Secl4 T320a J. W. Baum (1907) Swadner, G. A. (Ella Rinesmith) Ch Max, Leon, Eloise, Marion; Paris R3 Symms Seel 0253a, Owns 400a in Stratford Twp. (1875) Wabash Tel. Paris Swain, C. A. (Mira Fry) Ch Mabel, Tom, Charlotte, Bernice, John, lames; Paris R9 Paris Sec30 T14N RllW T134a Mrs. Perisho (1886) Wabash Tel. Paris Swan, Glenn M. (Vivian Parsons) Ch Wilbur, Mildred; Brocton R19 Em- barras T90a E. Cummins and N. Swan (1889) Coles County Tel. Co. Oakland Swan, Mrs. Nannie Brocton R19 Em- barras Sec2 08Ua (1885) Swangle, Charles (Lula Fergason) Ch Roscoe; Chrisman R23 Young America Secll T80a A. K. Smith (1915) Swango, Ebert (Odetta Brooks) Ch Virgil, Vermine; Chrisman R2/ Edgar Sccl6 T160a S. and M. Sholem (1912) Wabash Tel. Horace Swango, Jesse Jr. (Lila Smith) Paris R3 Symms Sec34 O250a Harlan Swango (1885) Wabash Tel. Paris Sv/earingen, Owen (Mabel Stoker) Ch Mary, Martha, Catherine. Virginia; Scottland R29 Prairie Sec28 T500a Jennie DePuy (1911) Electric Tel. Dana Swiger, George (Helen Wallace) Ch Forest; Paris R3 Symms Sec2 O80a (1879) Wabash Tel. Paris Swiger, William (Pearl Hamilton) Ch Catherine; Paris R4 Symms Sec3 O80a (1877) Wabash Tel. Paris Swinford, C. E. (Cora Blythe) Ch Alberta, Daphne, George, Hattie; Paris R3 Paris Secl4S T253a Mrs. Addie Dudley (1917) Wabash Tel. Paris Swinford, Leo Paris RIO Stratton Sec27 T157a B. M. Hoffman (1908) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Tanner, J. R. (Cynthia Roberts). Ch Jessie, Everett. Orien; Paris R6 Paris Sec33W T230a R. O. Kirby (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris Tansel, Harold (Myrtle Phipps) Ch Elinor; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Secl7 Farm Hand Ward Igo (1917) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Tate, Mrs. Annette (McDavitt) Ch John M.; Kansas R15 Kansas Sec5 O180a (1866) Tel. Kansas Tate, J. M. (Jennie Bennett) Ch Robert, Blanche, Cora; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec27 044a Sec28 T40a (1849) Wabash Tel. Paris Tate, L. M. (Ella Liken) Ch Walter; Kansas R14 Grandview Sec38 081a (1861) Wabash Tel. Paris Tate, Robert R. (Elsie Smith) Dud- ley R12 Grandview Sec27 T8a Fred Smith (1880) Wabash Tel. Paris 106 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Tate. Samuel Dudley R12 Grandview Sec21 T240a J. W. Tate (1891) Tel. Paris Taylor, E. J. (Orrisa Gambold) Ch Ruth. Maude, Ray, Mark, Earl. Sam. Fannie; Metcalf Rl Shiloh Sec6E T52Ua Mrs. Darnell (1915) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Taylor, G. C. (Nettie Arthur) Paris R8 Paris SecUE 0114a (1877) Wa- bash Tel. Paris Taylor, William H. (Ethel Adams) Scottland R29 Brouillett Creek Sec32 O80a (1873) Citizens Tel. Dana Taylor, W. H. (Carrie Wimsett) Ch Commodore, Walter; Ridge Farm Rl Prairie Sec2 T482a C. P. Brown (1882) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Taylor, W. S. (Alma Kirk) Ch Doyne; Clinton R2 Stratton Sec29 T60a F. B. Kirk (1902) Citizens Tel. Liberty- ville Templeton, J. E. (Esther Blood) Kan- sas R16 Kansas Sec34 TlOOa Mrs. O. E. Wilhoit (1913) Tel. Kansas Mutual Thiel. F. J. (Margaret Stolz) Ch Law- rence. Lillie . Rosie. Ella. Edith, George, Francis, Mary, Henry; Paris R9 Hunter Sec4 T300aCharles Ouslev (1884) Wabash Tel. Paris Thiel, John M. (Mabel North) Ch Earl. Carl. Marie. Raymond. Helen. Blanche. Mabel; Paris R8 Shiloh Sec6SE T230a Sheehy Est. (1884) Wabash Tel. Paris Thiel, Joseph A. (Tillie F. Noble) Ch Stella F.. lohn J.; Brocton Embarras Sec32 O120a (1865) Hume Tel. Brocton Thiel, L. F. (Loula Odell) Ch Mary L.. Irene. Glenn; Paris R5 Buck Seel T200a Con Hodge (1877) Wab- ash Tel. Paris Thiel, W. J. Ch Lvdia L.. Leona M.; Paris R4 Symms Sec24 OlOOa (1879) Wabash Tel. Paris Thomas, Bruce (Jennie Hollings- worth) Ch Ruth. Florence. Blanche. Mabel; Oliver Rl Svmms Sec7 074a (1867) W^abash Tel. Paris Thomas, Daniel (Clara Morris) Broc- ton R17 Shiloh Secl4W O160a (1881) Tel. Brocton Thomas, Ed. F. (Effie Redmon) Ch Ch Herbert, Ernestine Mavs; Paris R7 Buck SeclSN Farm Hand Herbert Lycan (1916) Thomas, E. B. Ch Charles. Charlotte. Herbert, Ernestine Mays; Paris R7 Buck SeclSN Farm Hand Herbert Lycan (1916) Thomas, Mrs. Emma (Emma Wilkin- son) Ch Griffith, Lila; Metcalf Rl Shiloh Sec24S O40a (1871) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Thomas, Jerry (Mary Stump) Ch Eva, A.rtie. Bartie. Thomas; Newman R3 Shiloh Sec3W T4()a Dr. Rutherford (1912) Thomas, J. Howe (Hattie Grave) "Thomas Villa" Chrisman R5 Edgar SeclS O600a (1885) Tel. Horace Thomas, Orma (Jessie Baker) Ch Claud; Sidell R2 Young America Sec5 T160a G. W. Green (1916) Tel. Hume Thomas, W. A. (Mary Haugh) Paris R5 Grandview Sec7 O60a (1848) Wabash Tel. Paris Thompson, A. F. (May Morris) Ch Jean. Helen. Lucile, Golden; Met- calf Rl Young America Secl9 T240a Mrs. Epps (1885) Tel. Hume Thompson, Duane (Golda Fonner) Ch Charles; Newman R3 Young America Sec22 T80a (1897) Tel. Newman Thompson, Edward T. (Mima Mc- Donald) Ch Frederick L.. Charles O.. Donald K.. Edward T. Jr., C; "Woodlawn Farm" Brocton RJ9 Embarras Secl3 0163a (1866) Bell Tel. Oakland Thompson, Fred (Pansy Shepard) Ch Claris; Ridge Farm Rl Prairie SeclE TlOOa William Arasmith (1887) Bell Tel. Ridge Farm Thompson, Harry H. (Lillian Sayers) Ch Verna B., Rachel H., Earl H., Albert G.; Paris R2 Elbridge Sec3-2 T202a Henry Mink (1884) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Thompson, James (Clara Rice) Ch Fred; Ridge Farm Rl Prairie Sec2 0125a (1897) Bell Tel. Ridge Farm Thompson, J. A. (Clara McConkey) Ch Bessie M., Waltie W., Earl D.; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec27 T160a J. R. Hartley (1884) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Thompson, J. H. (Duna Gwinn) Ch W. C, H. H.; Paris Rl Stratton SeclOT80a L. E. Lamb (1882) Wab- ash Tel. Vermilion Thompson, J. I. "Beallsville Farm" Sidell R2 Young America Sec2 0395a (1877) Tel. Metcalf Thompson, J. S. (Iva M. White) Ch lohn W.; Anna White, Mother-in- law; Paris Rl Stratton Sec3 T7^a Anna White (1881) Wabash Tel. Paris 107 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Thompson, J. W. (Lydia Boyse) Ch Maude, Barkley; Oliver Rl Elbridge Sec9-10-ll O340a (1852) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Thompson, Lorin (Rachel Bratton) Scottland R29 Prairie SeclS O250a (1858) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Thornpson, O. D. (Cora Clark) Ch Thelma, Pauline, Urma May; Scottland R29 Prairie Sec23 T200a Edmond Clark (1906) Thompson, S. I. (Ella Botner) Ch Francis E., Paul, Leonard; Chris- man R25 Brouillett Creek Sec30 T90a Jessie York (1915) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Thompson, Walter A. (Flora Wall- ing) "Big Hill Stock and Poultry Farm" Vermilion Elbridge Secl4 O80a (1858) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Thompson, W. C. (Grace Bodine) Ch Veda M., Jessie E., Gladys M.; Paris Rl Stratton Secl4 TlOOa L. E. Ford (1900) Wabash Tel. Ver- milion Thornton, S. M. (Doshia Harris) Ch Virgil, Lucy, Olas, Emma, Julia, Irvin; Hume Rl Young America Sec23 T160a W. M. Hunt (1868) Thornton, T. M. (Sadie Parker) Ch Grace, Maud, Blanche, John, Nettie, Bertha, Charles, Stella, Elza, Fay; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Sec30 053a (1866) Citizens Tel. St Bernice Throneburg, John (Cora Brown) Ch Daisy, Nora, Lucy. Stella; Chris- man R25 Hunter Sec36 T160a W. T. Wilkins (1901) Farmers' Line St. Bernice Tiffin, B. H. (Alargaret Garvin) Ch lames F., ]ohn E., Mary H.; Paris Rll Hunter Sec20 096a (1868) Wabash Tel. Paris Todd, J. B. (Amanda Jentry) Ch Gordon: Paris Rl Stratton Sec4 Olla T80a W. A. Dennis (1870) Wabash Tel. Paris Todd, Ranee (Lizzie) Paris R6 Buck Sec31 T135a Culbertson Est. (1913) Wabash Tel. Paris Todd, Walter (Maggie Farmer) Ch Lizzie, William, Ethel, Minnie, Ella, James, Rosie; Paris R7 Buck Secl3N Farm Hand Charles Dunn (1915) Tompkins, J H. (Lora Alright j Ch Chester, Bernie; Paris R2 Symms Sec25 O470a (1861) Wabash Tel. Paris Toney, William H. (Veda Myers) Paris R9 Hunter Sec3 Farm Hand Bernie Frances (1909) Wabash Tel. Paris Tooley, Joseph (Lola Biggstaff) Ch Weaver, Grace, Goyle, Garnett; Sidell R2 Young America Sec6 T20a J. N. Baume (1913) Tel. Hume Travis Bros., John and Porter (Ethel Travis, Sister) Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Sec24 T280a Mrs. Willis Jones (1898) Citizens Tel. Dana Travis, John Chrisman R25 Brouil- lett Creek Secl3 T285a Willis Jones (1901) Tel. Wabash Travis, J. A. Ch Ethel M., Thomas, Porter, John W. ; Paris Rl Elbridge Secl6 O160a (1893) Wabash Tel. Paris Travis, R. A. (Vada Hayes) Paris R8 Paris Sec26N T160a Philip Bibo (1894) Wabash Tel. Paris Tresner, Charles C. (OUie Rogers) Ch Forrest, Horace, Sidney; Brocton R18 Embarras Sec30 Farm Hand Rov C. Helton (1891) Tresner, G. W. (Martha E. Hobbs) Ch Dora; Paris RIO Hunter Secll O40a (1862) Wabash Tel. Paris Tresner, Harry (Stella Wilkson) Cli Harold, Earl, Esther; Brocton R17 Shiloh Sec7W Farm Hand T. Wall (1894) Wabash Tel. Hume Tresner, William M. (Nancy Foltz) Ch Emory, Ora. Dovie, Charles, Harrv. Clara. Lottie; Hume Rl Shiloh SecllE T80a VanSickle Est. (1861) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Tretter, August (Eva A. Lycan) Ch Emily; "Sunnyside Farm" Paris R2 Paris SeclS 028Ha Symms Sec24 T28Ka Lycan Est. (1899) Wabash Tel. Paris Tribby, Edgar C. (Vena C. Allen) Ch Maud A., Wilbur F., Eula M., Emerson E.; Kansas R13 Embarras Sec31 T160a Samuel Andrews (1896) Wabash Tel. Redmon Trimble, Arthur L. "Shady Knoll Farm" Redmon Embarras Sec20 T244Via Susan Trimble, W. T. and Kate Ferguson (1882) Trimble, Mrs. Susan Ch Ura E., Elsie E., Margaret 1., Arthur L., Eric G., Raymond R., Ethel S.; "Shady Knoll Farm" Redmon Embarras Sec20 036a (1869) 108 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Triplett, D. W. (Laura Matsoii) Ch Roy, Ruth, Lida, Francis, Maurice, George, Milan; Chrisman R27 Edgar Sec3 T160a G. W. Triplett Wabash Tel. Chrisman Triplett, George G. (Nora Athon) Chrisman R27 Ross Sec32 T240a George W. Triplett (1891) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Trogdan, C. E. ( Wreatha Funkhouser) Ch Rajanond, Rachel; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec29-30 OlOOa Sec30 T17a (1882) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Trogdon, H. J. (Dora Todd) Ch Beu- lah, Ella Mae; Paris Rl Stratton Sec9 088a (1871) Wabash Tel. Ver- milion Trogdon, J. F. (Ada Fuqua) Ch Nellie, Lois, Mar3^ Francis; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Secl9-31 _O280a (1870) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Troup, Pal (Violet Brown) Ch Carrie N.. Rosie, Bernard, Charles; Paris Rl Stratton Sec3 0182a (1857) Wab- ash Tel. Paris Trout, George (Margie Fonts) Ch Dean, Catherine; Paris R8 Edgar Sec35 T320a E. E. Jones (1910) Tucker, Albert (Emma Hemphill) Ch Jerome, Norman; Paris R3 Symms Sec 11 O80a (1870) Tucker, A. B. (Delitho Bush) Ch Zona, Walter; Horace Kdgar Sec35 O160a (1858) Wabash Tel. Horace Tucker, Charles F. (Cora Yenawine) Ch Glen. Gladys; Hume Shiloh Sec5W O160a (1857) Wabash Tel. Hume Tucker, C. B. (Cristina Richards) Ch Emeline, James, Virginia, Bell; Brocton Rl Shiloh Sec7W O80a (1917) Wabash Tel. Hume Tucker, C. D. (Ora May Rhodes) Ch Lowell, Hubert, Gladys, Fern, Ken- neth; "Cloverland Stock Farm" Paris R3 Symms Secl2 O210a (1905) Wabash Tel. Paris Tucker, D. A. (Ada Quinn) Ch Delos. Leta, Orrel, lone, Fred; Paris R3 Symms Secll 058Ha (1867) Wab- ash Tel. Paris Tucker, Fred (Joy Marckwell) Ch Harold; Brocton R17 Shiloh Secl8W T80a Tucker Est. (1894) Wabash Tel. Hume Tucker, James (Maud Dunn) Ch Cecil; Paris R9 Paris Sec30 Farm Hand B. Kinbal (1907) Tucker, N. A. (Cecil Butcher) Ch Ormal, Robert; Brocton R17 Shiloh Secl7W O80a (1896) Wabash Tel. Hume Tucker Sisters, Horace Edgar Sec26 0311a (1860) Wabash Tel. Horace Turner, E. C. (Lydia Bulger) Ch Mary, Isaac, Jerry, Rebecca, Sarah. John, Annabelle, Cora; Hume Rl Shiloh SeclE O160a (1903) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Tweedy, Alvin (Effie Trogdon) Ch Pearl, Elmer, Clyde, Russell, Dor- othy; "Strawberry Hill Fruit Farm" Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec29 O40a (1864) Citizens Tel. Sandford Tweedy, A. S. (Anna E. Barrow) Vermilion R33 Stratton Sec8-17 OlOOa (1844) Wabash Tel. Ver- milion Tweedy, L. E. (Nellie J. Reese) Ch Maurice, Mildred; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec29 O70a (1889) Wab- ash Tel. Vermilion Tweedy, John Ch Arthur, Carrie, Viola; Vermilion Stratton Secll O60a (1857) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Twigg, H. R. (Nellie Noonan) Ch Mary, Leonard, Ruth, Byron, Helen, Jim, Marguerite, Josephine, Leo; Brocton R18 Shiloh Sec34SW T240a Jerry Doyle (1877) Wabash Tel. Paris Tyler, Benjamin F. (Rebecca Black) Ch Herbert, Wilbur; Brocton R19 Embarras Secl7 T280a Mary E. Hathway (1917) Tyler, Charles R. (Alice Plank) Ch Clayton, Roy, Nizabelle, Deliah, Lotella; Brocton R19 Embarras Sec7 T164a Roll & Hathaway (1906) Tyler, J. H. (Ala Millhouse) Ch Jaunita. Lorene, Frank, June; Kan- sas R14 Kansas Sec32 Mrs. O. E. Wilhoit (1907) Tel. Kansas Tyler, Lee (Hulda Harbert) Ch Grace, Nellie, Ethel, Alfred; Brocton R19 Embarras Secl2 T312a William Roll and Mrs. M. E. Hathaway (1904) Bell Tel. Oakland Tyler, William N. (Minnie HoUis) Ch Rusbert, Marie, Howard; Brocton R19 Embarras Secl3 TlOOa Jessie Borton (1904) 109 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY U Underwood, Charles (Anna Waltz) Ch Bright. Lola, Harley; Sidell R2 Young America SeclO 0274a (1911) Tel. Metcalf Underwood, David Sidell R2 Young America Secll T256a (1892) Tel. Hume Underwood, R. B. (Cecile Smith) Ch Maryelizabeth; "Grandview Farm" Sidell R2 ^'oung America Sec9 T115a C. I. Underwood (1915) Tel. Metcalf V Vale, C. B. (Jessie Starnater) Ch Mary, Arthur, Etta, Tillie. James, Ruth, Catherine, Leona, Owen, Irene; Hume Rl Shiloh Sec4W Resident Thomas Fitzgerald (1863) VanAuken, Howard (Laura Shonk- wiler) "Clover Valley Farm" Broc- ton R19 Embarras Sec8-9 0227^a (1891) Wabash Tel. Redmon VanBuren, Charles (Lillie George) Ch Reta, Vallie; Sidell R2 Young Amer- ica Sec6 T50a (1890) Tel. Hume Vance, A. L (Clara Wellman) Ch By- ron, Thomas, Clifford, Harry W. ; Paris RIO Hunter Sec6 T160a C. H. Wellman, E. K. Stafford and Lane Pennington (1895) Wabash Tel. Paris Vance, John G. (Mabel R. Holt) Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec24-25 T75a Uriah Vance (1895) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Vance, T. B. "The Twins Fruit and Berry Farm" Vermilion R33 El- bridge Sec30 O60a Farm Hand T. C. Vance (1871) Wabash Tel. Ver- milion Vance, T. L. (Cora Knight) Ch Paul: "The Twins Fruit and Berry Farm" Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec30 O20a (1871) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Vangilder, Richard (Jane Shaw) Ch Grace; Paris R3 Svmms Sec25 063a (1899) Wabash Tel. Paris Vanpelt, Riley (Cora lackson) Ch Tohnnie; Paris R8 Buck Sec7NE T114a A.D. Harrison (1913) Wab- ash Tel. Paris Vansant, George (Sarah Wilson) Cb Luella, Laurence B., Grace F. ; Paris Rll Hunter Secl9 Farm Hand (1879) Citizens Tel. Libertyville VanScoyk, Isaac (Ida V. Dunn) Ch James A., Hazel O.; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec23 T625a Fred Thayer (1865) Wabash Tel. Chrisman VanSickle, Mrs. Clara (Clara Martin) Ch Ethel, Bessie; Metcalf Rl Shiloh Secl2E O120a (1872) Wabash Tel. Metcalf VanSickle, James Ch Clayton, Clark; Metcalf Young America Sec35 T530a VanSickle & Whitcome (1869) Tel. Metcalf VanSickle, Mrs. Margaret (Margaret Morris) Ch Eva, Morris, Irene, Eunice; Brocton R2 Shiloh Secl9E T80a E. Alorris (1912) Wabash Tel. Horace VanTress, Ferd (Sina Lewis) Brocton R19 Embarras SeclO T280a Paul Cash (1892) Coles County Tel. Oakland VanTress, Samuel (Cora M. Adcox) Brocton R19 Embarras SeclO T250a John Moffett (1890) Coles County Tel. Oakland Varner, Allen (Jemima Dickson) Ch Jacob, Mary, Margaret, Robert, William, David; "Walnut Hill Farm" Chrisman R23 Ross Sec7 O780a (1859) Wabash Tel. Chris- man Varner, David (Nellie Neal) Ch Vic- tor, Elmer; Indianola Ross Sec6 O80a T200a Allen Varner (1887) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Varner, William (Eloise Busby) "Walnut Hill Farm" Chrisman R23 Ross Sec7 OlOOa T160a Allen Var- ner (1882) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Vicars W. H. (Bertha Maddock) Ch Raymond T., Robert, Virginia; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec6 045a T200a Mrs. Josephine Maddock (1891) Wabash Tel. Elbridge 110 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Vice, George (Rosa Elledge) Ch Ed- gar D., Walter M.. Robert L.. Ellen, losephine; Paris R3 Svmms Sec26 b240a (1867) Wabash and Bell Tel. Paris Vice, J. C, Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Secl2 T120a G. F. Scott (1853) Vice, J. S. (Rachel Hays) Ch Myrtle; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Sec36 T202a Mr. Stanfield (1863) Wabash Tel. Chrisman - Victor, Edward (Cassie E. Haddicks) Ch Pearl, Allen, Ruba, Archie; Paris R4 Symms Sec21 OllOa (1865) Wabash Tel. Paris Volkers, F. C. (Hazel Chew) Sand- ford Elbridge Sec28 TlOa W. H. Volkers (1886) Citizens Tel. Sand- ford Voorhies, J. M. (Julia Gleckler) Ch Peter; Dudley Ri2 Grandview Sec25 034a (1869) Wabash Tel. Paris w Wade, L. E. (Mary James) Ch Nye, Jason, Winston; Edgar R28 Edgar Sec27 0174a Wabash Tel. Horace Wagner, J. M. (Jane Potter) Ch Flos- sie, Hassie, Vernie, Genova, Mar- lice, Ernest, Gladys, Smith; Scott- land R30 Hunter Sec33 T60a Mrs. Mary Nolan (1913) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Wagner, Purl (Edna Runyan) Ch Hulbert; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Sec25 Farm Hand Stratton (1916) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Wagoner, S. (Earna Mattox) Ch Edith, Helen, Winnie, Mary E. ; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Sec20 TSOa Oliver Fulton (1914) Waite, Frank E. (Maud Stepleton) Ch Eulah, Helen, Mildred, Audrey; Kansas R15 Grandview Sec9 T6()a Bert Waite (1885) Tel. Grandview Waite, J. A. (Francis Nay) Ch Lena, Frank, Zoe, Laura; Kansas R15 Grandview Secl6 O205a Sec9 T60a (1862) Peoples Mutual Tel. Grand- view Walden, J. E. (Alice Haddix) Ch Richard; Paris R6 Buck Sec31E Farm Hand Edward Culbertson (1914) Walden, L. A, (Jennie Gray) Ch Wal- ter, Mary; Paris R6 Buck Sec30E Farm Hand H. B. Adams (1917) Walker, J. A. (Emma Harris) Ch Mabel, Edna, Alford, John, Alma; Hume Rl Young America Sec32 T69a Tohn Sheets (1917) Wallace, J. E. (Rebecca Wilson) Ch Harry, Lucile, Helen, Vern; Paris R9 Edgar Sec33 T94a W^allace Est. (1890) Wallace, Walter V. (Mabel Boles) Ch Alice M.; Chrisman Edgar Sec31 T199a Sam Scott Jr. (1906) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Wallace, William (Maria C. Brown) Paris R2 Elbridge Secl2 0437a (1858) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Wallace, Wilbur, Manner and Delbert Paris R7 Buck Secl8E T200a Wal- ter Stewart (1911) Wabash Tel. Paris Wallace, William E. (Blanche Mann) Ch Mabel, Pearl, Edgar, Randolph; Paris R9 Edgar Sec9 024a (1877) Wallace, William F. (Nora Jones) Ch Emma, Victor, Jessie, Josephine; Chrisman R23 Ross Sec20 T120a Erastus Hearst (1858) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Wallas, W. A. (Lenora Newton) Ch Harold; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Secl2 T232a P. B. Roberts (1883) Citizens Tel. Scottland Waller, Albert (Rosie Rapp) Ch Fer- dinand, Leonard, Carl, Henry, Vic- tor, Bernard, Ollie, Louise. Loraine, Oliva, Marie; Paris R6 Buck Sec4 O240a (1869) Wabash Tel. Redmon Waller, C. E. (Anna Hellan) Paris R6 Buck Sec22W T60a Tohn Waller (1892) Waller, F. Cyril (Cleah Brading) Ch Dorothy. Fay; Paris R6 Buck Sec2 T200a F. F. Weller (1913) Waller, F. F. (Mary I. Kaser) Ch Robert, Alma, Viola, Anetta, Cyril, Zita; Paris R6 Buck Sec3 O200a (1867) Wabash Tel. Redmon and Paris Waller, F. T. (Maynie Thiel) Ch Leona, Rosella, Bernadine; Paris R5 Buck Sec5SE T160a Albert Wal- ler (1886) Wabash Tel. Paris Waller, Leonard (Margaret Ryan) Ch Leo, Eileen, Raymond; Paris R6 Buck Sec4 T200a Albert Waller (1890) Bell Tel. Paris 111 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Waller, William (Mary Carroll) Ch Cecil, Bertha. Paul, Emma, Walter, Kathryn, Edith, Harriett, Edward, Margaret, William; Pans R6 buck Sec3 O200a (1865) Wabash Tel. Redmon Walling, Earnest E. (Nancy Dodd) Ch Henry D., Ruth E.; 'Tleasant Grove Farm" Paris Rl Elbridge Secl5-22 T120a W. M. Walling (1883) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Walls C. P. Ch Ida Elizabeth; Chris- man R26 Edgar Sec32 019a (1900) Wabash Tel. Horace Walls D. W. (Elizabeth J. Hand) Ch Harvey O.; Paris R3 Symms Seel O90a (1853) Walls, Ed. (Zrilda Weartsbough) Ch Pearly, Wilber; Hume Young America Sec31 T140a Roscoe Grace (1902) Tel. Hume Walls, Elza E. (Anna Quinn) Ch Frank, Fern, Wilber, Roe, Bermce, Forest; Paris R3 Symms Seel Oll/a (1864) Wabash Tel. Paris Walls, George (Nettie Thomas) Ch DoUie v., Roscoe, Violet, Rosella, Milton J.- "Woodland Farm" Oliver Rl Symms Secl2 O250a (1863) Tel. Farmers' Line Oliver Walls, L. J. Ch Tula, Millie, Bertha; Paris R3 Symms Secll O130a (1863) Wabash Tel. Paris Walls, Ora A. (Hazel May Downing) Ch Marjorie, Mav, Earl, Emerson; Brocton R17 Shiloh Secl2W O160a T220a T. W. Walls (1892) Wabash Tel. Hume Walls, W. E. (Bessie Ashley) Ch Le- land. Francis, Daniel, Robert; Scott- land R30 Brouillett Creek Sec20 TllSa Mrs. Louisa Collins (1899) Walthall. Francis (Mary C. Kiner) Scottland R29 Prairie Secl7 055a (1875) Citizens Tel. Dana Walthall, H. (Mary Fortune) Ch Ter- rence; Chrisman R24 Prairie Sec5 T120a James Soey (1914) Citizens Tel. Dana Waltz, George W. (Margarett Law- rence) Ch William, Bruce. Oscar, Ray, Alice; Paris R3 Symms Sec35 Farm Hand T. A. Foley (1880) Wabash Tel. Paris Waltz, Oscar (Ada Lucas) Hume Rl Young America Sec22 T160a Dr. Rutherford (1913) Tel. Newman Waltz, Ray (Cleo McCrocklin) Ch Margarett E.; Paris R3 Symms Sec35 O202a T. A. Foley (1916) Waltz, W. J. (Florence Warren) Ch Clara, Esta, Agnes, Hellen, Georgia, Herbert; Mctcalf Rl Youns Amer- ica Sec/ T440a Caleb Woodyard (1914) Tel. Hume Ward, Daniel A. (Clara A. Runyon) Oliver Rl Elbridi-e Secl4 T40a C. P. Moore (1879) Ward, Herbert (Corda Chapni) Ch Charles; Hume Rl Young America Secl4 T80a Charlie Chapin (1915) Douglas Tel. Newman Ward, J. B. (Minnie Elkins) Ch Fay; Chrisman R27 Edgar Secl5 T160a D. Huston (1880) Wabash Tel. Hor- ace Ward, Walter (Clara Farrell) Ch Leslie; Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Sec3 T42a Frank Parker (1878) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Ward, W. N. (Rosa Good) Ch Elca. Susa, Paul, Mina, Versa; Paris R5 Grandview Sec30 05a (1875) Ware, R. F. (Minnie Bell) Ch Margar- et; "The Elms" Chrisman R23 Ross Secl9 Farm Hand G. H. Dinsmore (1917) Warmouth, Bruce (Edna Burgess) Ch Albert, Eugene. Kenneth, Wayne; Edgar R28 Edgar Sec27 T40a C. P. Thomas (1890) Bell Tel. Paris Warmouth, Frank (Edna Brooks) Ch Helen; Chrisman R25 Ross Sec36 Farm Hand Luella Wyatt (1895) Warmouth, Grover (Sarah Sims) Chrisman R26 Edgar Secl6 T322a J. E. Thomas (1889) Wabash Tel. Horace Warmouth, James (Laura Calvin) Ch Vera, Bruce, Mabel, Elphia, Delphia, Leonard, Ruth; Edgar R28 Edgar Sec26 OlOa (1879) Bell Tel. Paris Wasson, R. S. (Elminor Slaughter) Ch James, William, Francis, Gor- don, Golden; Chrisman R25 Brouil- lett Creek Sec30 T250a T. P. Slaugh- ter (1870) Tel. Farmers' Line Waters, Charles (Flossie Flickner) Ch Chester, Velvin; Paris R5 Grandview Secl7 O80a (1909) Watkins, Fred (Annie Clem) Ch Pearl; Paris R5 Grandview Secl9 T35a Henry Watkins Tel. Paris Watkins, Green (Clara Anna Cale) Ch Lizzie, Ella, Daisy; Paris R5 Grandview Secl3 O60a (1855) Tel. Grandview Watkins, Henry Ch Annie, Fred. John; Paris R5 Grandview Secl9 . 075a (1856) Watkins, Vern (Allie Hanna) Ch Clyde, Lillie; Paris R5 Grandview Secl9 T40a A. J. Watkins Est. 112 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Watson, A. H. (Stella Daugherty) Ch Emil; Metcalf Rl Young Amer- ica Sec35 TlS4a Mrs. George Hala- way (1872) Tel. Metcalf Watson, A. N. (Jane Padgett) Ch Lester, Bessie, Grace, Roscoe, Fred; Metcalf Rl Young America Sec25 T122a Thomas D. Watson (1870) Tel. Chrisman Watson, B. F. (Ama A. Fultz) Ch Herschel J., Ruth I., Clara C. ; Paris Rll Hunter Sec9 0364a (1870) Citi- zens Tel. Indiana, Libertyville, Clinton Watson, Charles (Myrtle Staats) Ch Josephine, Helen; Paris Rll Hun- ter Sec24 OSOOa (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris Watson, Joseph (Martha Fitzgerald) Ch Calla, Dayton; Dudley R12 Grandview Sec35 041Ha (1855) Tel. Grandview Watson, J. A. (Anna Gillespy) Ch Mary, Harlan, Eleanor, Dean; Paris Rll Hunter Secl6 0356a (1875) Wabash Tel. Paris and Citi- zens Tel. Libertyville Watson, J. L. (Glenna Ward) Ch Rachel M., Evelyn L, Ward, Wal- ter B.; Paris Rll Hunter Secl6 0411a (1884) Wabash Tel. Paris and Citizens Tel. Libertyville Watson, William J. (Emma Car- michael) Paris Rll Stratton Sec36 OllOa Hunter Secl9 TlOOa P. Gar- vin (1888) Watson, Z. H. (Margaret G. Robi- son) Ch Ralph, Rav; Metcalf Young America Sec26 0237a (1860) Tel. Metcalf Weathers, Charles M. (Doris Totten) Ch Lily, Floyd, Virginia, Theodore, Henry, Harry, Hildred, Bruce; Paris R7 Buck Sec30E Farm Hand Ray Mattingly (1915) Weathers, Tolbert (Emma Hawkins) Ch Elvis, Nolin; Ridge Farm R2 Ross Sec3 T160a James Gaines (1901) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Weaver, Isaac (Mattie E. Wood) Ch Nellie G.; Kansas R13 Embarras Sec20 0155a (1881) Wabash Tel. Redmon Webb, Ely (Ava Short) Everett H., Essie, R. O., Inez F., Ruby, Amy, Verna, Iva, Louis; Paris Rll Strat- ton Seel 071a (1914) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Weber, Louise (Louise Weber) Ch Tillie, Bertha, Minnie, Emma, Kath- len, Elsie, William; Paris R5 Grand- view Sec6 O40a (1886) Webright, Carl (Leo Daughetty) Ch Lois; Dudley R12 Grandview Secl4 T40a Ray Bennett (1911) Tel. Grandview Webster, S. F. (Monica White) Ch N. Leo, Freda I., William F.; Paris R2 Elbridge Sec7 0157a (1884) Wa- bash Tel. Elbridge Webster, W. A. (Blanche Mayer) Ch Florence, Paul; Chrisman R27 Edgar Secl5 T200a A. W. Mark (1890) Wabash Tel. Horace Webster, W. D. (Alvira E. Archer) Ch Frank, Mary E., William M., Floyd, Alwilla, Forest E.; "Webster Farm" Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec6-7 O106Ha (1885) Wabash Tel. Elbridge Weiland, William L. (Rosie L. Wur- inford) Ch Irean, Myrtie, Francis, Ernest; "Prairie View Farm" Kan- sas R13 Embarras Sec35 O40a (1884) Coles County Tel. Co. Oak- land Welch, Addison (Carrie E. Skiver) Ch May; "Lone Pine Farm" Paris RIO Stratton Sec27 062a (1869) Wabash Tel. Paris Welch, A. F. (Lucy Lawler) Ch Earl; "Walnut Grove Farm" Kansas R14 Kansas Sec30 0149a (1890) Tel. Kansas Welch, Ezra (Clara Ogden) Paris R9 Paris Sec31 T75a M. Athens (1882) Wabash Tel. Paris Wellman, C. H. (Grace Dauson) Ch Paul; Paris RIO Hunter Sec26 069a T300a Indianolia, Anna, S. D., Frazier (1887) Wabash Tel. Paris Wellman, Frank D. (Myrtle Jenkins) Ch Ferrol F. ; Chrisman R23 Ross Secl9 Farm Hand Lott Wellman ( 1900) Wellman, J. N. (Lucinda Rhvan) Ch Fred C, Clara B., Clifford H., Effie M.; Paris RIO Hunter Sec5 O120i^a (1892) Citizens Tel. St. Bernice Wellman, Lott (Maggie Brinson) Ch Nola, Frank, Audrie, Arthur; Chris- man R23 Ross Sec30 T280a Thomas Boston (1900) Wabash Tel. Chris- man Wells, Ervin O. (Marie Hendershot) Ch William M.; Brocton Embarras Secl7 T126a Mary Hathway and William Roll (1909) Wabash Tel. Redmon Welton, M. G. (Rhoda Thomason) Ch Paris Rl Paris Sec32E Farm Hand J. E. Bright (1913) Wabash Tel. Paris 113 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Wendel, Henry E. (Bessie Dever) Brocton R17 Shiloh Sec24W T157a I. Whitlock (1912) Hume Tel. Broc- ton West, Roscoe (Georgie Trump) Ch Clarence, Merle, Melvin, Julia; Paris R8 Paris Secl2N Farm Hand Charles Harris (1916) Wabash Tel. Paris West, T. L. (Annie Yoken) Ch Marion, Helen, August, Dorotha; Paris Rll Hunter Secl9 Mrs. James Fleeger (1917) Westbrook, W. B. (India BuUmgton) Ch Gladys; Paris R4 Symms Secl6 O80a (1870) Wabash Tel. Paris Westerfield, Frank R. (Carrie Sims) Ch Mabel E., Mildred L.; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec26 0114a Sec27 T50a (1875) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Westerfield, Ray (Grace Dickson) Ch J. Floyd, Clyde E.; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec23 T222a James West- erfield (1885) Wabash Tel. Ver- milion Weston, C. P. (Lilly Church) Ch Rus- sell, Mary, Ora; Paris R8 Shiloh Sec31S Farm Hand O. E. Patrick (1912) Wabash Tel. Horace Wetzel, Charles Edgar R28 Edgar Sec36 0154a (1867) Wabash Tel. Paris Wheeler, Alford (Madge Hugg) Pans RIO Hunter Seel Farm Hand Bert Nolan (1891) Wheeler, G. D, (Emma Huston) Ch Edward, Ruth; Paris R6 Grand- view Secl4 OlOOa (1887) Tel. Paris Whetstone, Carey (Winifred Daw- son) Ch Francis; Chrisman R24 Prairie Sec3 T80a Marion Clark (1893) Citizens Tel. Scottland Whetstone, D. E. (Lida Riley) Ch Luella, Jav; Chrisman R24 Praine Secll T190a O. B. Riley (1886) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Whetstone, Ora (Elsie Maute) Ch Carey, Ralph, Nettie; Chrisman R24 Prairie Secl7 045a (1871) Citi- zens Tel. Scottland Whisnand, H. M. (Hanna Shively) Ch Fern, Lyle, Leo; "Big Four Farm" Kansas R13 Kansas SeclO O440a (1897) Tel. Kansas White, Ben (Mattie Davidson) Ch Lilos, Gladys, Edna, Douglas, Carl, Arnona, James, Hulda. Ben Jr.; Kansas R14 Grandview Sec9 T240a Harvey Smith (1872) Tel. Grand- view White, Charles (Esta Scott) Ch For- rest, Delbert; Metcalf Rl Shiloh Secl3E TllOa Susan Van Syckle (1916) White, Charles E. (Annie E. Conley) Ch Walter L., James E., Harriet M.; "Maple Grove Farm No. 1" Kansas R13 Embarras Sec29 0114Ka (1874) Wabash Tel. Red- mon ^ White, Clifford O. Dudley R12 Grandview Sec27 T3a U. A. White (1897) Tel. Grandview White, Frank (Nellie McCormick) Ch Harold, Wilber; Redmon Buck SeclO T220a Charles Jump (1883) Wabash Tel. Redmon White, Grant (Margaret Demangen) Ch William, Clifford; Kansas R14 Grandview Sec27 03a (1867) Tel. Grandview White, James M. (Margaret Hill) Ch William, Molem, Blaine, Charles, Lillie. Cora, Bessie, Dorie; Chris- man R27 Edgar SeclO T240a D. D. Huston (1854) Wabash Tel. Chris- man White, M. G. (Stella Adams) Ch Madalene; "Catalpa Grove Stock Farm" Chrisman R24 Prairie Sec6W O400a (1882) Citizens Tel. Dana White, O. L. (Gaynell Brown) Ch Pauline, Lucille; Paris R2 Elbridge Seel T40a Nathan Sturgell (1887) Wabash Tel. Elbridge White, Paul F. (Tessie Lindsey) Ch Morris A.; Redmon Embarras Sec20 T163a Maud and S. E. Meyers and Mrs. E. M. Exline (1885) Wabash Tel. Redmon White, Schuyler (Ella Sidenbender) Ch Elbon; Paris R4 Symms Sec4 O180a W. W. Hutchison (1882) Wa- bash Tel. Paris White, William (Sarah Thomas) Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Sec7 T40a Lora Thomas (1864) White, W. G. (Laura Waller) Ch Monica, Ovid L., Pleasant, McClel- lan, Gary C. ; "Wildwood Dairy Farm" Paris R2 Elbridge Secl-6 O120a (1857) Wabash Tel. El- bridge White, W. T. (Mina Helms) Ch James, Mabel, Roy, Stella, Ivan; Chrisman R27 Edgar SeclS T320a D. D. Huston (1877) Wabash Tel. Horace 114 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Whiteside, James M. (Mary A. Sut- ten) Ch James. Russell; Kansas R13 Kansas Secl5-14 O230a (1897) Tel. Kansas Whiteside, J. M. Jr. (Katharine Bell) Ch James Kansas R14 Kansas Secl8 T160a M. Estella Tune (1897) Whitlock, Isaac S. (Sarah Roll) Ch Lillie E., Stella M.; "Maple Grove Farm" Brocton R18 Embarras 022i^a (1874) Hume Tel. Brocton Whitmer, Harry H. (Gertrude Butcher) Ch Donovan L., Harold M.; "Fairview Farm" Brocton R18 Embarras Sec29 T120a Henry Whit- mer (1879) Hume Tel. Brocton Whitsell, Joshua (Susan Kibler) Ch Orville, Avas, Veva, Robert, Mary. Ruth, Beulah; Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec30S 0145a (1881) Wabash Tel. Horace Whitton, C. H. (Edith Moffitt) Ch John, Edward, Nola; Paris Paris Sec2S T76a Charles Levings (1914) Wabash Tel. Paris Wiese, August (Pearl Ceiling) Ch Ernest L., Freda M., Floy L., Or- mal A.; "Illinois Farm" Brocton R18 Embarras Sec32 O360a (1892) Tel. Brocton Wiese, George H. (Orlena Roberts) Ch Mabel A.; Brocton Embarras Sec2 T106a Mrs. Fred Wiese (1914) Coles County Tel. Co. Oakland Wiley, Mrs. Anna (Anna Shy) Ch Lulu, Allen, Paul, Bruce, Walter, Shy; Kansas R14 Kansas Sec4 O30a (1857) Wilhoit, Elizabeth (Elizabeth Collins) Scottland R29 Prairie Sec20 056a (1860) Electric Tel. Dana Willrose, Abi (Nora Bishop) Ch Adda, Jessie; Kansas R16 Kansas Secl3 O30a (1860) Tel. Kansas Wilhoit, J. R. (Martha McLean) Ch Doll, Dimple, Elmer, Floe, Agnes, Floyd, Homer, Glenn, Vernie, Cecil; Kansas R16 Kansas Secl3 031a (1861) Tel. Kansas Wilhoit, Miss Lulu Kansas R16 Kan- sas Sec2 O180a Secll T40a (1860) Wilhoit, R. Adin (Dorothy Rich- mund) Ch Mathew, Lewis; Kansas R16 Kansas Sec35-34-3 0283a (1883) Wilhoit, R. A. and R. E. Kansas R16 Kansas Sec2-ll OlOOa Wilhoit, R. O. (Sarah Owens) Ch Al- bert I.; Kansas R16 Kansas Secl-2-11 0265a (1860) Williams, Charles (Elizabeth Haitt) Ch James, Fern; Paris R2 Symms Sec30 T165a James Williams (1888) Wabash Tel. Paris Wilkins, W. M. (Alay Woodward) Ch Owen, Claud, Olive, Erma; Paris R9 Hunter Secl6 O80a Secl6 T155a Henry Click, Mrs. S. Moorehouse, Nellie Jenkins (1865) Wabash Tel. Paris Williams, Charles E. (Jessie Lientz) Chrisman R25 Brouillett Creek Sec23 T160a P. B. Roberts (1881) Wabash Tel. Horace Williams, Ezekiel (Lura Yonts) Paris Rl Symms Secl3 O60a Secl7 T80a E. O. Laughlin (1885) Wabash Tel. Paris Williams, F. C. (Eula Lynch) Chris- man R27 Edgar Sec4 O540a (1889) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Williams, John H. (Mabel Rhoads) Ch Francis: Edgar Edgar Secl4 0518a (1877) Wabash Tel. Horace Williams, L. C. (Hanna Whitehead) Ch Locie, Ethel, William, Bessie; Kansas R16 Kansas SeclO T44a Huber Pinner (1885) Tel. Kansas Williams, W. L. (Mary Green) Ch Evelyn, Alvin; Hume Rl Young America Sec23 T160a Reed Spencer (1880) Tel. Hume Willmoth, Alonzo (Sarah Sidenbot- tom) Ch Ira, Mertie, Delia, Wil- liam, Ray, Edgar; Hume Rl Young America Scc31 T160a Tohn Condon (1904) Tel. Hume Willmoth, Ray (Leona Hon) Ch Lloyd; Metcalf Rl Young America Sec28 T160a S. C. Cash (1907) Tel. Metcalf Willrnoth, W. J. (Nellie Murray) Ch Elsiefern; Brocton R17 Shiloh SeclW T120a David Bane (1890) Wilson, Andrew (Mame Redmon) Ch Esther; Oliver Rl Symms SeclS 0144a H. J. Wilson (ISSO) Citizens Tel. Oliver Wilson, Clem (Minnie Tucker) Ch Ceibert, Mabel, William; Oliver Rl Symms Secl7 O160a Wabash Tel. Paris Wilson, C. H. (Siby Paris) Ch Re- becca, Susie; Paris R2 Elbridge Secl5-16 T140a Oat Sizemore (1857) Wabash Tel. Paris Wilson, C. L. (Lena Becker) Ch Eu- lalia, Chester, Hazel; Paris R3 Symms Sec27 O60a (1866) Wabash Tel. Paris Wilson, I. C. (Idello Martin) Ch Chlorel, Paul, Busscll, Ora; Chris- man R27 Edgar Sec5 T335a H. A. Hartley (1865) Wabash Tel. Chris- man 115 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Wilson, John D. (Delia M. Stigler) Ch Carl; Paris R3 Symms Sec22 O50a (1861) Wabash Tel. Paris Wilson, J. W. (Golda Wagoner)) Ch Annie B., John R.; Paris Rll Strat- ton Sec34 05a (1869) Wabash Tel. Paris Wilson, Roscoe (Helen Driver) Ch Flovd F.; "Hill Crest Farm" Broc- ton" R18 Embarras Sec29 T200a James Wilson (1917) Hume Tel. Brocton Wilson, Sam (Carrie Penley) Ch Lula, Lucile, Lyda B.; Paris Rll Strat- ton Sec34 T88a Mike Frazier (1870) Wilson, T. M. (Alice E. Stigler) Ch Delpha, Ethel, Ruth, Raymond, Earl, Eva; Paris R3 Synims Sec27 OllOa (1863) Wabash Tel. Paris Wilson, Wigfall (Clara Hannah) Ch Dorothy; Oliver Rl Symms Secl4 T80a Emma McMullin (1884) Citi- zens Tel. Oliver Wilson, William (Lela Gore) Ch Har- old, Lawrence, Leonard; Paris R7 Buck Secl4N T157a Mrs. M. M. Reese (1874) Wabash Tel. Redmon Wilson, William (Mandy Poor) Ch Lula, Forest, Gladys; Paris R3 Symms Sec27 O80a (1870) Wabash Tel. Paris Wilty, W. J. (Delia Word) Ch Wilma, Burvan; Metcalf Rl Young Amer- ica Sec9 T240a Isaiah Moody (1917) Wimsett, G. W. (Mary Misner) Ch Florence, Howard, Monroe, An- drew, Bennie, Velma, Minnie, Ida, Melvin; Scottland R29 Brouillett Creek Sec31 O80a (1858) Wimsett, Howard (Bessie Bagley) Ch Wilma; Scottland R29 Prairie Sec29 T97a Williim Scott (1881) Wimsett, J. M. (Lillie Barr) Scott- land R29 Prairie Sec30 T290a W. E. Jump (1883) Citizens Tel. Scott- land Wimsett, Leroy (Donnie Hayworth) Ch Paul, Flora, Victor, Oscar, Floyd; Scottland R29 Prairie Sec30 T140a W. E. Jump (1886) Citizens Tel. Scottland Wimsett, M. F. (Fayette Wood) Ch Audrey, Anna; Scottland R30 Brouillett Creek Sec31 O80a (1880) Citizens Tel. Scottland Winans, C. E. Paris R8 Shiloh Secl3S T300a J. W. Winans (1893) Wabash Tel. Paris Winans, C. H. (Mary Bailey) Ch Wil- lie, Ruth, Arlene, Floyd; Paris Rll Stratton Secll O160a (1859) Wa- bash Tel. Vermilion Winans, O. O. (Hortense Cusic) Ch Kenneth, Dean; Paris R8 Edgar Sec3 O40a (1884) Wabash Tel. Paris Wingfield, Harry (Jessie Blaisdell) Ch Naomi, Harry, Elbert, Carl, Marion; "Summit Home Farm" Sidell R2 Young America Sec2 T160a (1885) Tel. Allerton Winkler, J. P. (Tura Miller) Ch June; Brocton R19 Buck SeclOW Farm Hand Claude Brown (1912) Wabash Tel. Redmon Winkler, Owen (Maud Myrich) Ch Pacie, Mabel, Abram, Russell, Carl; Chrisman R23 Secl2 T160a Mrs. Culver (1912) Tel. Metcalf Winn, H. M. (Nettie McAdams) Ch Edith, Erwin, Everett, Esther, Mary E.; Hume Shiloh Sec4 T300a (1862) Tel. Hume Winn, J. Erwin (Lida Davis) Hume Rl Shiloh Sec9W T280a H. M. Winn (1894) Wabash Tel.Hume Winans, O. Clif Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec32S T120a J. W. Winans (1891) Wabash Tel. Paris Witt, Amiel A. (Mary Burnes) Ch Vernon, Beulah, Meryl, Orville, Fern; Hume Rl Young America Secl9 T140a P. D. Witt (1912) Tel. Hume Witt, Arthur L. (Maud Daugherty) Ch William H., Flossie, Ernest P.; Brocton R18 Embarras Sec32 Tl^Oa Eliza Witt (1893) Hume Tel. Broc- ton Witt, John D. (Emma McCollum) Ch Olive, Archie, Flora, Ora; Paris R6 Buck Seel T200a W. O. Gustus (1913) Wabash Tel. Paris Wolfe, A. F. (Nettie Judy) Ch Noah, Frank, Nettie, Harvev, Lola; Paris Rll Stratton Sec30 O80a (1891) Wolfe, Frank (Cora Rusmisel) Ch Ada, Arbie, Verna, Veda, Hazel, Harry; Paris Rl Elbridge Sec22 T135a C. H. Wade (1872) Wabash Tel. Paris Wood, Abner L. (Gertrude P. Van Sycle) Ch Jenett, Jessie, Shelby; Redmon Embarras Sec21 O80a (1876) Wabash Tel. Redmon Wood, John W. (Addie Logan) Ch Earl, Irene, Eugene, Logan; Paris R9 Hunter T130a S. J. Van Sycle and S. Curtis (1871) Wabash Tel. Paris Wood, J. B. Brocton R2 Shiloh Sec27S 01500a (1863) Wabash Tel. Hume 116 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Wood, J. O. (Bertha Sanders) Ch Ruth; Paris Rl Elbridge Secl4-15 T170a D. S. Van Sickle (1881) Wa- bash Tel. Vermilion Wood, J. W. (Addie Logan) Ch Earl. Irene, Eugene, Logan; Paris R9 Hunter Sec21 T1.50a S. G. Van Sycle and Shellie Curtis (1872) Wabash Tel. Paris Wood, S. S. (Phoeba C. Craig) Ch Eliza J., J. F., Hallie, Ella, Ange- tine, John W., Etta, Charles, Cath- erine, Oliver. Fred; Paris RIO Strat- ton Sec28 O130a (1860) Wabash Tel. Paris Woodruff, Mrs. Charlotta (Charlotta Kester) Ch Adolphus; Kansas RIS Kansas Sec26 O20a Secl2 T57a (1844) Tel, Kansas Woodruff, C. O. (Bertha Cox) Ch Cecil; Paris R3 Symms Sec31 O70a (1872) Woodruff, D. K. (Adona Kirkham) Kansas R15 Kansas Sec26-12-7 0137a (1874) Woods, Cyrus (Menarva J. Snyder) Ch Lilly, Orvill. Abner, W^illiam. Margaret; Isabel Embarras SeclS 015a Secl4 T250a Charles Onsley (1867) Woods, Homer (GertrudeWagner) Ch Gladj'S. Erma, Lowell; Hume Rl Young America Sec35 T142a Andv Roller (1917) Woods, Orvill Isabel Embarras Secl4 T255a Charles Onslev (1873) Bell Tel. Oakland Woodyard, Fred (Anna Bell William) Ridge Farm R2 Ross Sec3 O320a (1883) Vermilion Tel. Ridge Farm Woodyard, Gordon (Marie Wright) Ridge Farm Rl Ross Secl2 Farm Hand H. C. Woodyard (1871) Bell Tel. Ridge Farm Woodyard, Henry C. (Eva Gaines) Ch Gordon, Marie; Ridge Farm Rl Ross Secl2 O600a (1868) Bell Tel. Ridge Farm. Worstell, V/illiam (Emma Downey) Paris RIO Hunter Sec7 Farm Hand C. H. Wellman (1896) Wabash Tel. Paris Wright, Ada (Bailey) Ch Velva E., Martin, Vivian, Orville, Russel; Ver- milion R33 Elbridge Sec24 O60a (1871) W^abash Tel. Vermilion Wright, Mrs. Addell (Addell Fitz- simmons) Ch Charles L., William A., Guv M.; "Pioneer Farm" Ver- milion Stratton Sec7 0136a(1889) Tel. Vermilion Wright, Bernard (Marie Hunter) Paris R9 Paris Secl7E T80a James Eads (1893) Wabash Tel. Paris Wright, Cash Y. (Kate Merkel) Ch Marie, Robert; Paris Rll Stratton Sec36 084a (1885) Wabash Tel. VermilKon Wright, Charles R. (Gertrude Mul- vaney) Ch James, Isadore; Paris Rl Stratton Sec6 0161a (1879) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Wright, C. Carl (Elizabeth Andrews) Ch Winifred, Helen, Alden, Cath- erine, Clifford; Paris R8 Edgar Sec5 O180a (1915) Wabash Tel. Paris Wright, C. T. (Cloda Harris) Ch Harris; Paris I?l~Paris SeclSN T120a Albert Harris Est. (1879) Wabash Tel. Paris Wright, Dale (Esther Brinkerhoff) Ch (Catherine; Paris Rl Stratton Sec35 T210a Laurence Watson (1890) W^abash Tel. Paris Wright, Edward T. (Ora E. Wilkin) Ch Marie, Louise A., Gertrude M., Forest E.. Wilbur J.; "Wright's Hereford Farm" Vermilion Stratton R12-7 0157a (1882) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Wright, G. B. (Laura See) Ch Hor- ace, Blanche. Herschel. Barbara; Paris Rl Stratton Sec32 079a (1870) Wabash Tel. Vermilion Wright, H. W. (Flora Dickenson) Paris RIO Hunter Sec22 TllOa H. W^ Wright Est. (1887) Wabash Tel. Paris Wright, James (Etiiei Forsythe) Ch Max; Marshall R3 Symms Secl7 T80a E. B. Munsel Est. (1912) Wright, John U. (Florence Hale) Ch Opal, LTlysses; Paris R9 Hunter Sec8N T371a Miss Hila Moss (1886) W^abash Tel. Paris Wright, J. M. (Sallie Landsaw) Ch Matilda; Paris R4 Svmms Sec21 064a (1871) Wabash Tel. Paris Wright, J. W. (Almira Wood) Ch Fred, Howard,, Ross; Paris R9 Hunter Sec22 045a T40a Elizabeth Propst (1856) Wabash Tel. Paris Wright, Mrs. Lillian J. (Lillian Loch- enour) Ch Bernard, Ralph, Mil- dred, Caroll; Paris R9 Paris Sec8E 0174a (1865) Wabash Tel. Paris Wright, Mrs. Mary R. (Mary Stotts) Ch Otto, Olive; Metcalf Rl Shiloh Secl2E O140a (1854) 117 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Wright, Otto (Bell Hayes) Metcalf Rl Shiloh Secl2E T70a Mary R. Wright (1875) Wabash Tel. Met- calf Wright, O. M. (Stella Landsaw) Ch Harrold: Paris R9 Paris Sec20E T80a Gertrude Ryan (1878) Wab- ash Tel. Paris Wright, Robert (Emmie A. Koho) Ch Berth, Sarah, Cash, Ora, Cecil, Dale, Hattie, Max; Paris Rl Strat- ton Sec3 0124a (1870) Wabash Tel. Paris Wright, Robert T. (Bessie Webster) Ch Miriam F., Nelmer; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec22 TlOOa Dr. H. Lycan (1891) Wabash Tel. Ver- milion Wright, T. G. (Mary Bennett, Niece) Paris Rl Stratton Sec3 0173a (1870) Wabash Tel. Paris Wright, Walter E. (Carrie Hall) Ch Grace, Leola, Wayne, Beatrice; Kansas R14 Kansas Secl2 T80a Mrs. Nellie Panton (1907) Wright, W. O. (Mary A. Tiffin) Ch Willie Z., Anna M.; Paris Rll Stratton Sec31 T37a Hannah Van- housen (1880) Wyatt, Ira (Clara Stahl) Ch Ora, Hazel. Sylvia, Walter; Chrisman R25 Edgar Sec8 T233a W. P. Mc- Kee (1915) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Wyatt, Robert H. (Rose M. Hurst) Ch Ramon; "Wylan Farm" Chris- man R23 Ross Sec21 O180a (1898) Wabash Tel. Chrisman Yargus, Charley (Amanda Mcintosh) Ch Francis, Odetta; Paris R3 Symms Sec24 Farm Hand L. F. Theil (1910) Wabash Tel. Paris Yates, Arthur Metcalf Rl Shiloh SeclE T272a Elmer McClain (1915) Wabash Tel. Metcalf Yates, A. T. (Ella Harman) Ch Fern. Lee, Elmer, Wilber; Metcalf Rl Shiloh Sec5 T170a Harry Brock- Jones (1916) Tel. Metcalf Yeargin, Frances (Frances Greenlee) Ch Herman, Bessie, Lester, John, Margaret, Ellen, James; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Seel 05a (1877) Yeargin, J. P. (Bonnie Joy) Ver- milion R33 Elbridge Sec6 05a Christie Jones (1891) Yeargin, W. H. (Edith Archer) Ch Russell, Pansy, Archie; Vermilion R33 Elbridge Sec6 015a (1886) Yenawine, R. A. (Lena Dornblaser) Ch Irene, May, Harold; Kansas R13 Kansas Secll T160a G. B. Yena- wine (1873) Kansas Tel. Westfield Young Sisters, Emma, Mary, Jennie, Millie, Lucv; Dudley Grandview SeclS 051a T. M. Young Est. (1878) Yount, A. C. (Lula Brinson) Ch Roy, Noel, Katheleen, Millard, Garnet; Metcalf Rl Young America Sec26 T320a John Alitchell (1917) Tel. Metcalf Yount, Chauncey (Ella Hudson) Paris R7 Buck Secl2N T160a John Dugan Est. (1915) Wabash Tel. Paris Yowell, Mrs. Stella Ch Lucile; Dud- lev Grandview Secl5 T240a Edmon Yowell Est. (1879) Paris Tel. Kin- loch Zaring, Mont. Kansas R16 Kansas Secl3 OlOa (1865) Tel. Kansas Zerbe, C. G, (Mayme Hickey) Ch Margaret; Hume Rl Shiloh SeclOE O80a (1916) Wabash Tel. Hume Zerrell, Dennis (Nora Britts) Ch Clarice, Carrie; Kansas R16 Kan- sas T4a L. T. Pinnell (1915) Tel. Kansas Zimerly, Edward E. (Maud Rey- nolds) Ch Elbert, Eugene; Paris R5 Grandview Sec31 T120a S. E. Zimerly (1886) Tel. Paris Zimmerly, A. D. (Ena Frazier) Ch Mania, Blanche; Paris R5 Grand- view Sec7 O120a (1857) Wabash Tel. Paris 118 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Zimmerly, Jake (Amanda Adams) Ch Eva, George, Edna; Paris R3 Symms Sec 12 OlOOa (1865) Wabash Tel. Paris Zimmerly, J. B. (Mary Bandy) Ch Grace, Mabel; Paris R9 Paris Secl7E Superintendent Edgar County Poor Farm (1887) Wabash and Bell Tel. Paris Zimmerly, H. V. (Annah Walz) Ch John, Claire, Annah; Paris R5 Grandview Secol 075a Sec6 T30a (1862) Tel. Grandview Zimmerly, Laurence (Roxie Findley) Paris R5 Symms Sec5 O140a (1888) Wabash Tel. Paris Zimmerman, Edward (Sadie Slager) Ch Beulah, Sylvan; Brocton Em- barras Sec6 O120a (1862) Hume Tel. Brocton Zim.merman, E. H. (Ada Barr) Paris R2 Paris Sec7S T87a Dr. Adams (1904) Wabash Tel. Paris Zimmerman, J. H. (Etta Ryon) Ch Walter, Wilmar; Paris R6 Paris SecSW O80a (1857) Wabash Tel. Paris Zimmerman, Ross (Sarah E. Smith) Ch LaFern; Brocton R19 Embarras Secl2 O60a (1860) Zink, Joseph (Catherine Grace) Ch Josephine, Nettie, Earnest, Stella, Ethel. William, Frank; Kansas R16 Kansas Sec6 041a Seel T171a (1860) Tel. Kansas Zink, J. B. (Anna Cash) Ch Laura, Ada ; Kansas R15 Kansas Scc36 O80a (1885) Tel. Kansas Zink, W. T. (Lola Humphrey) Ch Hal, Anna, Earnest, Florence; Kansas R15 Kansas Seel O108a (1875) Almost everyone in Illinois knows the Lazy Farnaer. Thousands of Illinois farmers laugh over his song-s in Prairie Farmer every two weeks. You are missing a treat if you are not a reader of the Lazy Farmer's sayings. 119 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Edgar County Breeders' Directory This list includes all farmers in Edgar County who own one or more purebred animals. Star (*) indicates farmers who raise breeding stock for sale BEEF CATTLE ABERDEEN ANGUS Adams, C. P Scottland, R. 30 *Archer, Abel Vermilion, R. 33 *Ellis, Samuel Dana, R. 3 *Hanks, Jack Paris, R. 2 *MiTCHELL, Geo. A Chrisman. R. 24 See, Harlan Paris, R. 4 *Triplett, Geo. W. & Son Chrisman, R. 27 HEREFORD Ashmore, Herman Brocton, R. 19 Baker, E Brocton, R. 18 Bell, Chas Brocton, R. 2 *Culbertson, Edw Paris, R. 6 Farris, Chas. B Metcalf, R. 1 Fleecer, James Paris, R. 11 *Hale, Clyde V Paris, R. 1 1 Hayes, B. F Paris, R. 11 HiLER, O. G Brocton, R. 18 *Knight, Ed Brocton, R. 2 LiTTLEFiELD, Jacob Chrisman, R. 25 Linebarger, O. J Metcalf, R. 1 *Marrs, Asa Paris, R. 4 McCouN, J. B Newman, R. 2 Phillips, C. C Paris, R. 6 PiNNELL, H. F Kansas, R. 16 RiGGS, W. B Metcalf, R. 1 Robinson, J. W Kansas, R. 16 Sheets, J. W Hume, R. 1 *Swango, Jesse Paris, R. 3 Wright, Edw. T Vermilion Wright, H. W Paris, R. 10 RED POLLED Collier, H. C Redmon Fenwick, F. L Brocton, R. 18 Smith, Clarence Metcalf, R. 1 Tyler, Lee ". Brocton, R. 19 SHORTHORN Armstrong, Mary E Metcalf, R. 1 *Ascher, Chas Paris, R. 5 *Bandy, Roy B Dudley, R. 12 Barr, Isaac W Brocton, R. 19 Baum, W. T Sidell, R. 2 *Becker, Forest Paris, R. 3 Bercaw, Claude Paris, R. 3 Bibo, L. M Kansas, R. 15 *Blackman, E. B Paris, R. 1 1 *BoLAND, C. R Paris, R. 10 *BoLES, C. F Chrisman, R. 27 BousLOG, Chas Chrisman, R. 26 Breen, W. E Chrisman, R. 27 ♦Brinkerhoff, Henry, Sr. Dudley, R. 12 Brinkerhoff, S. W Redmon *Brown, H. S Ridge Farm, R. 1 Buckler, J. C Brocton, R. 2 *Cash, John Chrisman, R. 27 Chesrown, James Brocton, R. 19 Chesrown, Peter Brocton, R. 19 Collier, Harry Edgar, R. 28 Crabtree, Bernie Paris, R. 8 Curtis, Bernie Paris, R. 8 Delop, C. B Kansas, R. 13 Delop, M. I Kansas, R. 13 Delop, R. J Kansas, R. 13 Ellsbery, J. W Chrisman, R. 23 Fenwick, F. L Brocton, R. 18 Fenwick, J. W Brocton, R. 19 Fox, Abe Brocton, R. 18 Frantz, I. A Chrisman, R. 23 Fulton, John Oliver Paris, R. 9 Ceiling, Alfred Brocton, R. 2 Geiling, Roy Brocton, R. 2 *Gobin, Robert Paris, R. 4 *Graham, Samuel Paris, R. 7 Gresham, Harry Marshall, R. 3 GuMM, E. H Paris, R. 7 ♦Hamilton, Lewis H. .Chrisman, R. 23 *Hanks, Jack Paris, R. 2 Harris, Jas. N Paris, R. 8 *Harrison, a. D Paris, R. 8 *Hemphill, T. S Chrisman, R. 25 Hendrix, E. H Brocton, R. 18 Henn, p. a Redmon Honnold, J. H. .... Kansas, R. 13 *HouLT, Chas ' Chrisman Housel, Chas Brocton, R. 19 *Ingole, Jesse Oliver, R. 1 Ingram, C. A Scottland IsHAM, Theo Brocton, R. 8 *JoNES, P. E Metcalf, R. 1 *King, B. L Dudley, R. 12 Krabel, C. L Brocton, R. 18 *Langford, Fred Edgar, R. 28 *Lycan, Herbert Paris, R. 7 AIartin, p. E Brocton, R. 19 McAdams, C Kansas, R. 13 McGiLL, W. H Paris, R. 4 McKee, Fred » .Chrisman, R. 28 Miller, J. T Brocton, R. 18 *Morris, Geo Paris, R. 4 *MoRRis, Oscar J Kansas, R. 14 Neblick, F. D Ridge Farm, R. 2 North, Bert Paris, R. 7 Ogle, Clifford Paris, R. 8 *Ogle, William Paris, R. 3 120 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY *Page, Mrs. Anna Marshall, R. 3 Parish, J. A Paris. R. 2 Payne, Jas Chrisman, R. 26 Payne, I. M Chrisman. R. 25 *Perisho, Clayton Paris, R. 6 *PiFER, Robert Paris. R. 8 Pinnell, L. T Kansas, R. 16 PouLTER, W. A Kansas, R. 16 ♦Randall, Jacob S Chrisman, R. 25 Richardson, E. G Chrisman, R. 25 RiGGS, J. E Paris, R. 5 Rogers, S. M Chrisman, R. 27 Ross, H. E Redmon ♦Sanders, B. A Brocton, R. 18 ♦ScoTT, S. A Scottland ♦ScoTT, W. T Chrisman, R. 23 ♦Shirar, Arnold Vermilion, R. 33 SiZEMORE, Oda M Paris, R. 1 Smith, E. T Brocton, R. 19 Smith, Peter Paris, R. 4 Smith, P. S Redmon ♦Smittkamp, Jos Paris, R. 3 Stephens, N Paris, R. 4 ♦Stewart, Wm Paris, R. 7 ♦Stoneburner, R. O Dudlej', R. 12 Sudduth, W. L Paris, R. 4 Sullivan, James Brocton, R. 2 ♦SuLLWAN, John Brocton, R. 19 Sullivan, Pat Brocton, R. 2 ♦SuNKEL, Edw Paris, R. 2 *Tavlor. W. H Ridge Farm. R. 1 Thomas. Daniel Brocton. R. 17 ♦Tompkins, J. H Paris. R. 2 Trimble. A. L Redmon Trout, Geo Paris, R. 8 Tucker, A. B Horace Van Auken, H Brocton, R. 19 Van Tress, Sam'l Brocton. R. 19 Varner, Allen Chrisman. R. 23 Varner, Wm Chrisman. R. 23 ♦Waite, J. A Kansas, R. 15 Weaver, Isaac Kansas. R. 13 White. C. E Kansas. R. 13 White, Frank Redmon White, M. G Chrisman, R.24 Wiese, Aug Brocton, R. 11 Williams, John Edgar Wingfield, Harry Sidell, R. 2 Witt, A. L Brocton, R. 18 ♦Wright, Mrs. Adell Vermilion DAIRY CATTLE HOLSTEIN Barr, I. W Brocton, R. 19 Crabtree, J. S Paris, R. 7 Fulton, Samuel Chrisman, R. 25 Livett, R. a Chrisman, R. 23 Meyers, S. E Redmon llllMlllllllllilllilllllllllililllMlllllllllllllliMlllllllllilMlillllllilllllllllllllllliillilllllllllli: Bill Boy, Reg. 36769, Head of the Herd Cup Winner Illinois State Fair First Prize Sired Yearling 1916 STOCK FOR SALE AT ALL TIMES M. FLENNER & SON I ASHMORE - - R. F. D. No. 2 - - ILLINOIS | illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllillllllillllllllllllillllMMIIIIIilllMllllllf^ 121 PRATRTE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Moss, Ed Paris, R. 9 *MuRPHY, Geo Paris, R. 5 Scott, Sam Jr Chrisman, R. 2 *Shepard, H Chrisman, R. 24 Stolz, Frank W Paris, R. 9 *TucKER, C. D Paris, R. 3 Van Tress, Ferd Brocton, R. 19 JERSEY Adams, G. W Paris, R. 6 Elain, R. E Paris, R. 5 *GoBiN, Robert Paris, R. 4 Hendry, I. M Brocton, R. 18 McIntosh, Eckert Paris, R. 6 McKezie, Mrs. May Paris, R. 6 Morrison, Frank Paris, R. 1 1 *0'Hair, Smith Paris, R. 4 *0'Hair, W. S Paris, R. 5 Pinnell, Mildred A Kansas, R. 15 Tyler, C. R Brocton, R. 19 *White, W. G Paris. R. 2 HOGS BERKSHIRE Delop, C. B Kansas, R. 13 Delop, M. I Kansas, R. 13 Delop, R. J Kansas, R. 13 Hall, E. E Redmon ♦Harrison, A. D Paris, R. 8 HousEL, Chas Brocton, R. 19 * Johnson, Grant Edgar, R. 28 McAdams, C Kansas, R. 13 See, Harlan Paris, R. 4 CHESTER WHITE *Allen, Frank E Brocton, R. 18 Arbuckle, Jas Brocton, R. 19 Ashmore, Herman Brocton, R. 19 Barr, I. W Brocton, R. 19 Bozarth, E. J Paris, R. 1 Breen, W. E Chrisman, R. 27 Cash, F. F Brocton, R. 17 Craig, Wm. A Kansas, R. 13 Dill, Geo. W Hume, R. 1 *Fidler, a. D Paris, R. 8 Fite, Earl Brocton, R. 18 *Forster, Thos Vermilion, R. 35 Click, W. E Kansas, R. 13 Hendrix, E. H Brocton, R. 18 Henn, W. R Brocton, R. 19 Hiler, O. G Brocton, R. 18 *HiNDES, Roy J Dudley, R. 12 Hogshead, Raymon L... Kansas, R. 13 Isham, Theo Brocton, R. 18 Jones, L. L Brocton, R. 19 *Jones, p. E Metcalf, R. 1 Lange, K. F Brocton, R. 18 Loop, F Chrisman, R. 23 *Lowther, H Oliver, R. 1 Mapes, J. Victor Paris, R. 7 Mayo, C. E Metcalf, R. 1 *McCoNCHiE, Dess Paris, R. 1 McHenry, J. E. Kansas, R. 13 McKezie, Mrs. May Paris, R. 6 Merkle, R. C Brocton, R. 19 *Miller, Willis O Paris, R. 3 Miller, W. S Paris, R. 9 Morstatter, J. W Kansas, R. 16 Murray, J. W Brocton Myers, S. S Paris, R. 9 Perisho, Frank Paris, R. 6 Phillips, C. C Paris, R. 6 Plumb, Horace R Paris, R. 5 Rankins, Green Brocton, R. 19 Rogers, S. M Chrisman, R. 27 Shirley, H. P Borton Smith, E. F Brocton, R. 19 Stephenson, W. E Kansas, R. 13 Stokes, J. W Isabel Thompson, E. T Brocton, R. 19 Tyler, C. R Brocton, R. 19 *Wellman, Lott Chrisman, R. 23 Whiteside, Jas. M Kansas, R. 13 Whiteside, J. M. Jr Kansas, R. 14 Zimmerman, Ed Brocton Zimmerman, Ross Brocton, R. 19 DUROC JERSEY Allison, Jacob B Oakland, R. 1 Barry, Wm. E Paris, R. 3 Barth, a. B ..Paris, R. 8 Bell, Samuel Metcalf, R. 1 Boles, C^ F Chrisman, R. 27 *Boyd, R. R Dudley, R. 12 *BoYER, P. A Paris, R. 5 Eroding, Wm. E Isabel Buckler, J. C Brocton, R. 2 *BuRKEY, Hal Paris, R. 2 Chesrown, Peter Brocton, R. 19 Collier, H. C Redmon CoNLEY, Wm Kansas CoNNERY, Will Paris, R. 4 *Crum, Joe T Paris, R. 2 Dennis, W. A Paris, R. 11 Dittamore, C. a Brocton, R. 19 Edwards, Mrs. A Oliver, R. 1 Ellsberry, Bert H. . .Chrisman, R. 23 *FiDLER, A. D Paris, R. 8 Fulton, John Oliver Paris, R. 9 Gardner, Chas. R Paris, R. 6 *Gobin, Robert Paris, R. 4 Griffin, J. A Oliver, R. 1 GuMM, E. H Paris, R. 7 Hall, Douglas Oliver, R. 1 Hardy, F. P Chrisman, R. 25 Hardy, G. S Paris, R. 6 *Hemphill, T. S Chrisman, R. 25 HiLLERY, L. M Paris, R. 7 *HiLLERY, Roy Paris, R. 6 HoLLiNGSwoRTH, J. R Kansas, R. 13 *Keenan, Chas. W Paris, R. 9 Kelsheimer, Ivan S Paris, R. 9 *Knight, Ed Brocton, R. 2 *Laughlin, Logan Paris, R. 2 *Lauher, F. a Brocton, R. 19 122 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY *Loop, Forest Chrisman, R. 23 *McGiLL, G. W Scottland. R. 30 McSmith. Ed Kansas, R. 14 Merkle, R. C Brocton, R. 19 Miller, Chas. E Paris, R. 3 *MoRRis, H. W Kansas, R. 13 *MoRTON, James Paris, R. 2 MussELMAN, Albert. ..Chrisman, R. 26 Ogden, W. C Brocton, R. 19 *0'Hair. J. Ogden Paris, R. 2 *0'H.\iR, W. S Paris, R. 5 Payne, B. A Brocton, R. 17 *Perisho, C. Edw Dudley, R. 12 Ross, H. E Redmon *Sanders, B. a Brocton, R. 18 Seybold, Chas Chrisman, R. 26 Sims, J. M Kansas, R. 13 *Smith, James M Vermilion Stephenson, W Brocton, R. 19 Thomas, J. H Chrisman, R. 5 *ToMPKiNS, J. H Paris, R. 2 *TucKER, C. D Paris, R. 3 *Turner, E. C Hume, R. 1 Tyler, Lee Brocton, R. 19 Van Tress, Ferd Brocton, R. 19 *Walls, Elza Paris, R. 3 Weiland, W. L Kansas, R. 13 Westbrook, W. B Paris, R. 4 White, C. E Kansas, R. 13 White, M. G Chrisman, R. 24 *WiLSON, WiGFALL Oliver, R. 1 HAMPSHIRE Carroll, Thos Brocton, R. 19 *Clause, Ivan Chrisman, R. 23 *Clouse, Walter Chrisman, R. 25 Collier, Harry Edgar, R. 28 Hannah, Phillipe Chrisman, R. 27 *HouLT, Lawrence E. ..Chrisman, R. 23 HouLT, Thos Chrisman McCouN, J. B Newman, R. 2 Nolan, F. G Scottland, R. 30 *Sly. Allen Chrisman, R. 25 *Smith, Roscoe G Chrisman, R. 23 Stanfield, Caleb Paris *Stewart, Grant Chrisman, R. 27 Surber, Jas Brocton, R. 18 SuRBER, Thos Oliver, R. 1 *Triplett, D. W Chrisman, R. 27 *Triplett, G. W. & Son. Chrisman, R. 27 ZiNK, W. T Kansas, R. 15 POLAND CHINA *Asher, Chas Paris, R. 5 *Baker, J. D Paris, R. 3 *Bandy, Roy B Dudley, R. 12 Baum, W. T Sidell, R. 2 Beals, Oka E Paris, R. 1 *Bennett, E Kansas, R. 15 BousLOG, Chas Chrisman, R. 26 Buckler. J. T Isabel *Carico, J. C Ridge Farm, R. 2 Carnes, Mat Isabel Chesrown, Jas Brocton, R. 19 Clark, B. S Brocton, R. 19 Clark, S. M Kansas, R. 13 Collier, H. C Redmon CoNLEY, J. L Kansas, R. 13 *Conover, J. C Chrisman, R. 24 Corn well, Allan Oliver, R. 1 *Culbertson, Edw Paris, R. 6 Currey, Isaac Brocton Danner, J. F Chrisman, R. 27 *DoBBiNS, Amanda Paris, R. 1 Durnil, J. A Paris, R. 6 Easter, Chas Paris. R. 2 Elam, R Paris. R. 5 Elsberry, Frank Paris, R. 1 Evans, Mrs. Kate. . . . Chrisman, R. 27 Fenwick, F. L Brocton, R. 18 Fenwick, J. W Brocton, R. 19 *Fetcher, H. W Clirisman, R. 23 Fitzgerald, J. E Brocton, R. 18 Fuqua, Chas. M Paris, R. 9 Geiling, Alfred Brocton, R. 2 Ceiling, Roy Brocton, R. 2 GiFFORD, Wm. E Redmon GiLKEY, Clarence Chrisman, R. 26 Gore, Wm Chrisman, R. 26 ^Hamilton, Jesse A. ..Vermilion, R. 33 *Hanks, Jack Paris, R. 2 Harbaugh, L. D Brocton, R. 18 .'iiiiiiliiliiliiliiiiiliiliiliiliiliiiiiiiilMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiliiliiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiilliliiliiEiiiiilMliilir^ I EDWARD T. WRIGHT 1 i "Wright's Hereford Farm" ^ I BREEDER OF | I PURE BRED HEREFORD CATTLE f I Herd Bull — Disturber 46th by Disturbers Lad 12th. | " Dam American Girl 11th. = I YOUNG STOCK FOR SALE 1 i Phone ^i;^ii:>;^i;t^ vermilion, Illinois \ ".iiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiliiliiliiliiiiiliiliiliilliliiiiiiiiliiliiliiliiliiliiliiiiii''' 123 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY *Hawkins, Fred R Paris, R. 1 Helton, Roy C Brocton, R. 18 Hendry, I. M Brocton, R. 18 Henn, p. a Redmon *Henson, Jeff Paris, R. 4 *Hester, p. W Chrisman, R. 23 HoLLiNGSwoRTH, D. Cass.. Paris, R. 1 HoLLOWAY, C. E Paris, R. 1 *HouLT, Chas *. Ciirisman Housel, Jacob Brocton, R. 19 *Ingole, Jesse Oliver, R. 1 Jennings, Fred Kansas, R. 16 Kile, Orla Paris, R. 9 KiME, John O Dudley, R. 12 King, J. L Hume, R. 1 Knight, D. H Brocton, R. 17 *Langford, Fred Edgar, R. 28 *Langford, Ross Paris, R. 8 Loop, T Chrisman. R. 23 *LuMBECK, Arthur Metcalf Manning, W. H Kansas, R. 13 Martin, P. E Brocton, R. 19 McCoy, Joe Brocton, R. 17 Meyers, S. E Redmon *MiLBURN, E. S Redmon Miller, J. T Brocton. R. 18 *Miller, Wm. O Paris, R. 4 *Miller, Willis O Paris, R. 3 Morrison, Frank Paris, R. 1 1 Noble. A. K Brocton. R. 19 Noble, Thos Brocton, R. 19 Ogden, G. W Paris, R. 8 Ogden, W. C Brocton, R. IQ Perisho, W. H Paris, R. 6 PiNNELL, L. T Kansas, R. 16 PiNNELL, W. O. Kansas, R. 16 *Randall, Jacob S Chrisman. R. 25 Redmon, Wm Paris, R. 1 *Reichard, Otto Hume, R. 1 Revis, Elby Chrisman, R. 26 RiGGS, C. V Dudley, R. 12 *Rings, H. J Paris, R. 3 *Schance, C. E Chrisman, R. 27 Schneider. Martin Dudley, R. 12 Slayer, Wm. M Brocton, R. 18 *Smith, Nathan Chrisman, R. 23 Smith, P. S Redmon Soughers, Perry Paris, R. 10 Stanfield, Caleb Paris *Stipp, Geo Vermilion, R. 33 Stokes, J. W Isabel Shuman, W. G Vermilion, R. 33 Slager, Wm. M Brocton, R. 18 Sullivan, Jas Brocton, R. 2 Sullivan, Pat Brocton, R. 2 Sunkel, Frank Paris, R. 8 *Swango, Ebert Chrisman, R. 27 Taylor, Wm. H Scottland, R. 29 *Taylor, W. H Ridge Farm, R. 1 *Thompson, Jas Ridge Farm, R. 1 Welch, A. F Kansas, R. 14 Wendel, Henry E Brocton, R. 17 Whiteside, Jas. M Kansas, R. 13 Whitmer, H. H Brocton, R. 18 WiESE, Aug Brocton, R. 18 Witt, A. L Brocton, R. 18 *WooD, J. O Paris, R. 1 * Wright, Mrs. Adell Vermilion Yates, A. L Metcalf, R. 1 TAMWORTH *Fetcher, H. W Chrisman, R. 23 Robinson, J. W Kansas, R. 16 Sayre, F. D Chrisman, R. 25 YORKSHIRE *Woodyard, Fred. .. .Ridge Farm, R. 2 HORSES BELGIAN Isham, Theo Brocton. R. 18 CLYDESDALE *Cook, F. D Chrisman. R. 24 *Taylor, W. H Ridge Farm, R. 1 DRAFT McCollum, W. O Paris, R. 9 HAMBLETONIAN Plumb, Horace R Paris, R. 5 MORGAN Plumb, Horace R Paris, R. 5 PERCHERON Ashmore. Herman Brocton, R. 19 Breen, W. E Chrisman, R. 27 *Cash, John Chrisman, R. 27 CoNNERY, Will Paris, R. 4 *CuLBERTSON, Edw Paris, R. 6 *Dean. a. L Hume, R.20 Geiling, Roy Brocton. R. 2 *GiLLESPY, L H Paris, R. 10 *Grace, Roscoe Chrisman, R. 23 Hendrix, E. H Brocton. R. 18 HiLER, O. G Brocton, R. 18 Hollingsworth, D. Cass.. Paris, R. 1 * JoH nson. Grant Edgar, R. 28 *JoNES, Jas Paris, R. 2 *JoNES, P. E Metcalf, R. 1 *Laughlin, Logan Paris, R. 2 Mayo, C. E Metcalf, R. 1 Meyers, S. E Redmon Noble, Thos Brocton, R. 19 North, George Paris, R. 1 Perisho, Jos Paris Poor, Thos Brocton, R. 19 Roland, W. E Kansas, R. 14 124 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY ♦Tucker, CD Pans, R. 3 Watson, J. A Pans, R. 11 WiESE, Aug Brocton, R. 18 * Wright, Edw Vermilion SHIRE Adams, Harry B Paris, R. 6 Arbuckle, B. E Brocton *BoLES, C. F Chrisman, R. 27 Bussart, a. O Dudley, R. 12 Chesrown, Jas Brocton, R. 19 Condon, John Hume *Crabtree, E. D Paris, R. 7 Fenwick, J. W Brocton, R. 19 Gossett, D. M Brocton, R. 17 ♦Graham, Samuel Paris, R. 7 *GuMM, Fred Paris, R. 7 *Hale, Clyde V Paris, R. 11 *Harby, Geo Allerton, R. 1 *HouLT, Chas Chrisman ♦McCoLLUM, RoBT Paris, R. 8 ♦McConchie, Claude Oliver. R. 1 McGiNNis, L. W Brocton ♦Myers, J. W Hume, R. 1 Poor, Thos Brocton, R. 19 ♦Randall, Jacob S Chrisman, R. 25 ♦Stewart, Wm Paris, R. 7 ♦Tate, L. M Kansas, R. 14 ♦Walls, Geo Oliver, R. 1 ♦Wingfield, Harry Sidell, R. 2 STANDARD BRED ♦Alexander, E. E Paris, R. 2 Breen, W. E Chrisman, R. 27 Easter, Chas Paris, R. 2 ♦Fidler, a. D Paris, R. 8 ♦Gleckler, Sam F Paris, R. 5 Keys, Thos. J Chrisman, R. 26 ♦O'Hair, J. Ogden Paris, R. 2 Rhodes, J. R. Sr Paris, R. 7 Wood, J. B Brocton, R. 2 ♦Wright, Mrs. Adell Vermilion SHEEP MULES Connery, Will Paris, R. 4 ♦Graham, Samuel Paris, R. 7 Jamison, Jas. J Scottland, R. 30 Jones, L. L Brocton, R. 19 ♦Tucker, C. D Paris, R. 3 Van Sickle, Jas Metcalf ♦Walthall, Francis. . .Scottland, R. 29 ♦Wilson, Clem Oliver, R. 1 PONIES COTSWOLD ♦Asher, John Paris, R. 5 ♦Mitchel, Geo. A Chrisman, R. 24 MERINO ♦Morris, Geo Paris, R. 4 SHROPSHIRE ♦Boles, C. F Chrisman, R. 27 ♦Clouse, Walter Chrisman, R. 25 Cox, Riley Paris, R. 3 Delop, M. I Kansas, R. 13 Delop, R. J Kansas, R. 13 Click, R. H Paris, R. 8 ♦Harby, Geo Allerton, R. 1 Harris, Leonard Paris, R. 9 Henn, P. A Redmon ♦Ing, Samuel Scottland, R. 30 ♦Johnson, Grant Edgar, R. 28 McKee, Fred Chrisman, R. 28 ♦Moffett, N. R Paris Morris, Edw. G Kansas, R. 13 ♦Perkins, Edw Brocton, R. 2 Porter, Grant Hume, R. 20 Trimble, A. L Redmon ♦Triplett, D. W Chrisman, R. 27 Zimmerly, a. D Paris, R. 5 CHICKENS SHETLAND Smith, P. S Redmon ♦Sunkel, Edw Paris, R. 6 BANTAMS ♦Welch, Addison Paris, R. 10 LIGHT BRAHMA ♦Brakefield, Jos Chrisman, R. 23 ♦Denham, John Est. .Vermilion, R. 33 ♦Fletcher, C. S Paris, R. 8 Ceiling, Homer Brocton, R. 18 ♦Hoult, Chas Chrisman ♦Kendall. G. G Metcalf, R. 1 North, Edgar Paris, R. 8 Rowley, W. A Dennison, R. 2 ♦Sims, J. Mat Paris, R. 2 ♦Sly, Allen Chrisman. R. 25 ♦Stoops, Loren Chrisman, R. 23 Tyler, Lee Brocton, R. 19 BUFF COCHIN Johnson, C. W Kansas, R. 6 ♦Welch, Addison Paris, R. 10 BLACK LANGSHAN ♦Chrisman, E. L Chrisman, R. 25 ♦Hanks, Jack Paris, R. 2 ♦Johnson, Dave M Paris, R. 4 Mattox, Howard Chrisman, R. 25 125 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY ♦Rings, H. J Paris, R. 3 *SuNKEL, Edward Paris, R. 6 Witt, A. L Brocton, R. 18 BLACK LEGHORN ♦Welch, Addison Paris, R. 10 BROWN LEGHORN Adams, G. W Paris, R. 6 ♦Flemings, Albert Paris, R. 4 ♦GoBiN, John L Paris, R. 4 Grinn, Morgan Ridge Farm, R. 2 McFarland, Mrs. B. .Vermilion, R. 33 ♦Vance, T. L Vermilion, R. 33 ♦Welch, Addison Paris, R. 10 WHITE LEGHORN ♦Crabtree, E. D Paris, R. 7 Fleegler, Jas Paris, R. 11 FuQUA, J. F Vermilion, R. 33 ♦Gillespy, J. H Paris, R. 10 Henn, Chas. H Borton ♦HouLT, Chas Chrisman ♦Johns, W. H Paris, R. 11 Miller, W. S Paris, R. 9 ♦Morris, Oscar J Kansas, R. 14 ♦Scott, Irvin Chrisman, R. 24 ♦Tweedy, Alvin Vermilion, R. 33 ♦Vance, T. L Vermilion, R. 33 Woodruff, D. K Kansas. R. 15 BLACK MINORCA ♦Welch, Addison Paris, R. 10 BUFF ORPINGTON ♦Addelbert, R Chrisman, R. 25 ♦Arbuckle, R Paris, R. 4 ♦Barth, a. B Paris, R. 8 Bennett, L. E Kansas, R. 13 ♦Brunswick, F Paris, R. 3 BussART, W. B Paris, R. 6 Cantrell, J. J Dudley, R. 12 ♦Cash, John Chrisman, R. 27 Collier, H. C Redmon Crist, Elbert E Metcalf, R. 1 Dengler, Irvin Vermilion, R. 33 Dennis, W. A Paris, R. 11 DiLLMAN, Ralph O Kansas, R. 13 ♦Dobbins, Amanda Paris, R. 1 ♦Drake, Jas Paris, R. 1 Fenwick, F. L Brocton, R. 18 FoLTZ, Ernest V Scottland, R. 30 Forsythe, T. G Oliver Francis, I. A Paris, R. 9 ♦Funkhouser, C. a Paris, R. 1 Geiling, Alfred Brocton, R. 2 ♦Geiling, Carl Oliver Gillespy, Charles Paris, R. 11 ♦GuMM, H. Z Paris, R. 7 Hamilton, Mike Brocton, R. 2 Hart, W. M Borton ♦Hawkins, Fred R Paris, R. 1 Henn, P. A Redmon Henson, Roy Paris, R. 4 Howe, Elmer Brocton ♦Hutson, R. T Scottland ♦Jones, P. E Metcalf Krabel, C. L Brocton ♦Lauher, F. a Brocton ♦Marrs, James Paris Martin, P. E Brocton McCollum, W. O Paris ♦Miller, Wm. O Paris Nay, Riley Kansas North, Bert Paris Patchett, Earl Brocton Patchett, Mathew Brocton Payne, B. A Brocton Reel, Ben Paris ♦Schneider, W. H Dudley' ♦Scott, A. B Scottland ♦Sims, J. AIat Paris Stephenson, W Brocton Surber, James Brocton Swearingen, Owen Scottland Weaver, Isaac Kansas ♦Welch, Addison Paris Wellman, C. H Paris Whiteside, Jas. M Kansas Whiteside, J. M. Jr Kansas Whitmer, H. H Brocton Wood, S. S Paris Wright, J. W Paris ZiNK, W. T Kansas R. 2 R.30 R. 1 R. 18 R. 19 R. 5 R. 19 R. 9 R. 4 R. 15 R. 7 R. 18 R. 2 R. 17 R. 1 R. 12 R.29 R. 2 R. 19 R. 18 R.29 R. 13 R. 10 R. 10 R. 13 R. 14 R. 18 R. 10 R. 9 R. IS WHITE ORPINGTONS ♦Dickson, J. H Oliver, R. 1 Hardy, F. P Chrisman, R. 25 Martin, P. E Brocton, R. 19 ♦Rings, H. J Paris, R. 3 Stolz, Frank W Paris, R. 9 BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK Adams, G. W Paris, R. 6 ♦Allen, F. E Brocton, R. 18 Ambers, Archie Paris, R. 11 Arbuckle, J Brocton, R. 19 Armstrong, M. E Metcalf, R. 1 Baker, E Brocton, R. 18 ♦Baker, J. D Paris, R. 3 Barry, Wm. E Paris, R. 3 Bates, S. R Brocton, R. 9 ♦Becker, Forest Paris, R. 3 ♦Blackman, E. B Paris, R. 4 Blair, E. M Borton ♦Boomer, H Paris BoNNELL, B. H Scottland, R. 29 Bright, C. A Paris, R. 10 Bright, J. F Paris, R. 10 Brinkerhoff, H. H Brocton, R. 19 Brinkerhoff, L Dudley Brinkerhoff, S. W Redmon Buckler, J. T Isabel 126 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Canada Y, W. S Scottland, R. 29 Carnes, Mat Isabel Carroll, J. J Brocton, R. 19 Chesrown, Jas Brocton, R. 19 Chesrown, Peter Brocton, R. 19 Collier, H. C Redmon Combs, J. N Brocton, R. 19 Conley, J. L Kansas, R. 13 CoNLEY, Wm Kansas, R. 13 Cox, Geo. L Brocton, R. 17 Craig, Wm. A Kansas, R. 13 CuRREY, Isaac Brocton Daniels, F. J Redmon Davis, Solomon Paris, R. 5 *DoDD, Jeff Vermilion, R. 33 ♦Drake, Zack Paris, R. 3 DuRNiL, J. A Paris, R. 6 Easter, G. H Dudley, R. 12 Edwards, Mrs. A Oliver, R. 1 ♦Edwards, A. B Paris, R. 2 Elam, R Paris, R. 5 *Elsberry, Wm Paris, R. 10 Fell, A. F Kansas, R. 13 Fell, G. E Kansas, R. 13 Fenwick, J. W Brocton, R. 19 Ferguson, Guy A Brocton, R. 19 Fields, A. C Brocton, R. 17 FiNLEY, J. O Dudley, R. 12 *FiSHER, J. A Paris, R. 7 FoLTZ, J. O Kansas, R. 13 ♦Frazier, J. Edgar Paris, R. 4 *Gainer, Ralph Chrisman, R. 23 Geiling, Alfred Brocton, R. 2 Gifford, Wm. E Redmon Gill, J. H Redmon *Gleckler, Sam F Paris, R. 5 Click, W. E Kansas, R. 13 *GoBiN, John L Paris, R. 4 Gore, Wm Chrisman, R. 26 Green, A. K Scottland, R. 30 Grisham, Harry Marshall, R. 3 Guymon, Jas Vermilion, R. 33 *Hall, Carry Oliver ♦Hamilton, Lewis H.. Chrisman, R. 23 Harrington, J. A Paris, R. 7 ♦Harrison, A. D Paris, R. 8 Henn, W. H Redmon Henn, W. R Brocton, R. 19 ♦Henson, Jeff Paris, R. 4 ♦Hess, L Chrisman, R. 24 HiGGS, John Paris, R. 1 Hillery, L. M Paris, R. 7 Holloway, O. M Vermilion, R. 33 HoLLiNGSWORTH, F Paris, R. 3 Honnold, J. H Kansas, R. 13 ♦HouLT, Chas Chrisman HousEL, Chas Brocton, R. 19 ♦Ing, Samuel Scottland, R. 30 ♦Ingole, Jesse Oliver, R. 1 Ingram, C. A Scottland IsHAM, Theo Brocton, R. 18 ♦Jones, Frank Oliver, R. 1 ♦Jones, Jas Paris, R. 2 Jones, L. L Brocton, R. 19 Keifer, Benj Oliver, R. 1 Kime, John O Dudley, R. 12 ♦Landes, Isaac R Dennison, R. 2 ♦Langford, Fred Edgar, R. 28 ♦Lewis, I. B Ridge Farm, R. 1 Mapes, J. Victor Paris, R. 7 Mapes, Maxwell Paris, R. 7 ♦Mattingly, Raymond Paris, R. 7 ♦AIcDaniel, Omer Oliver, R. 1 ♦AIcGill, G. W Scottland, R. 30 McMullen, H Brocton, R. 17 Merkle, R. C Brocton, R. 19 Meyers, S. E Redmon ♦AIiller, J. J Chrisman, R. 24 ♦Miller, Wm. O Paris, R. 4 ♦Miller, Willis O Paris, R. 3 Mitchel, Chandler. ...Chrisman, R.24 Mogan, L. J Paris, R. 10 Morris, Clifford Chrisman, R. 27 Morris, Lawrence Chrisman, R. 27 ♦Morton, James Paris, R. 2 Myers, Ora E Paris, R. 8 Noble, A. K Brocton, R. 19 ♦NucKLES, Harvey T. . .Chrisman, R. 23 ♦O'Hair, J. Ogden..' Paris, R. 2 ♦Page, Mrs. Anna Marshall, R. 3 ♦Parrish, E. C Oliver, R. 1 Patton, Mrs. Anna E. . . .Oliver, R. 1 Pear, J. F Paris, R. 3 ♦Pennington, C. C Paris, R. 10 Phillips, C. C Paris, R. 6 ♦Pifer, Robt Paris, R. 8 Powers, P. C Paris, R. 9 ♦Propst, Everett Paris, R. 9 Ragains, Lee Paris, R. 9 Ragains, R. E Paris, R. 5 Raines, J. M Paris, R. 1 Rankins, Green Brocton. R. 19 Richey, J. C Kansas, R. 15 RissER, J. H Paris, R. 10 RoBisoN, N. N Scottland, R. 29 ♦Rogers, C Oliver, R. 1 Rollings, John I Hume, R. 1 Ross, H. E '. Redmon See, Harlan Paris, R. 4 Seybold, Charles Chrisman, R. 26 Shank, J. S Paris, R. 8 ♦Sheffey, Omar Chrisman, R.24 Slager, Wm. M Brocton, R. 19 Smith, E. T Brocton, R. 19 ♦Smith, Millikin Chrisman, R.24 Smithkamp, Chester Paris, R. 3 Southard, C. C Chrisman, R. 25 Stokes, J. W Isabel ♦Swiger, Wm Paris, R. 4 Tanner, J. R Paris, R. 6 Taylor, W. S Clinton, R. 2 Thiel, J. A Brocton Thompson, E. T Brocton, R. 19 ♦Thompson, J. W Oliver, R. 1 127 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Todd, Range Paris, R. 6 *ToMPKiNS. T. H.. Paris, R. 2 *Tresner, G. W Paris, R. 10 Tyler, C. R Brocton, R. 19 Tyler, Lee Brocton, R. 19 Tyler, Wm. N Brocton, R. 19 Van Auken, H Brocton, R. 19 Van Tress, Samuel Brocton, R. 19 ♦Waite, J. A Kansas, R. 15 Waller, F. F Paris, R. 6 Waller, Leonard Paris, R. 6 Watson, B. F Paris, R. 11 *Welch, Addison. Paris, R. 10 Westbrook, W. B Paris, R. 4 WiESE, Aug Brocton, R. 18 Williams. Chas. E. . .Chrisman, R. 25 Wright, G. B Paris, R. 1 Wright, H. W Paris, R. 10 Yeargin, W. H Vermilion, R. 33 Zimmerman, Ross Brocton, R. 19 BUFF PLYMOUTH ROCK Andrews, Cliff Paris, R. 7 Buckler, J. B Borton Fell, A. F Kansas, R. 13 Fell, G. E Kansas, R. 13 ♦Fortune, Bert Metcalf, R. 1 Gillis, C. C Brocton, R. 17 *GoBiN, RoBT Paris, R. 4 HouLT, Fred K Chrisman, R. 23 *Jones, p. E Metcalf, R. 1 ♦Jones, Ralph Metcalf, R. 1 ♦Kizer, Edwin E Chrisman, R. 23 Knight, H. D Hume, R. 1 *KoHO, A. B Vermilion McAdams. C Kansas, R. 13 Propst, J. W Paris, R. 9 Rhodes, J. R. Sr Paris, R. 7 ♦Sizemore, Miss Gertrude. Paris, R. 7 Stokes, John Isabel WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCK Barkley, O Oliver, R. 1 *Barr, S. M Kansas, R. 13 Cline, Chas Kansas, R. 13 Curry, J. W Brocton Delop, C. B Kansas, R. 13 Delop, M. I Kansas, R. 13 Delop, R. J Kansas, R. 13 ♦Dickson, Eph Paris, R. 3 Easter, Chas Paris, R. 2 ♦Gaultney, John Paris, R. 3 GiLLESPY, Geo. A Paris, R. 10 ♦Hamilton, Jesse A. . .Vermilion, R. 33 Hanks, Mrs. J Brocton, R. 18 Hanno, Hugh Jr Kansas, R. 14 Hendershot, E. J Brocton, R. 17 Hickey, John Brocton, R. 17 Keltz, C Paris, R. 11 Lucas, J. H Paris, R. 3 McHenry, J. E Kansas, R. 13 Mering, Ainthus Paris, R. 11 Myers, S. E Redmon ♦Reel, Kirk Vermilion, R. 33 Smith, D. V Paris, R. 11 *Taylor, W. H Ridge Farm. R. 1 Twigg, H. R Brocton, R. 18 Van Tress, Ferd Brocton, R. 19 Waller, F. Cyril Paris, R. 6 Watson, J. L Paris, R. 11 ♦Westerfield, Roy Vermilion, R. 33 Zerber, C. G Hume, R. 1 RHODE ISLAND RED ♦Beaty, O. H Paris ♦Blanford, H. H Paris ♦Bonwell, M. a Chrisman Brengle, W. C Paris ♦Burkey, H Paris Church, C. H Paris ♦Cockcroft, R. M Paris Cooper, C. E Paris *Culbertson, Edw Paris ♦Daugherty, B. F ]V Dick, A. B Paris ♦Easter, Carl Paris Fulton. Samuel Chrisman ♦Gaultney, John Paris Click, R. H Paris ♦Good, John E Paris ♦Hamilton, J. H Brocton ♦Hanks, Jack Paris Hardy, G. S Paris Helton, J. A Paris Henson, Roy Paris HouLT, John Chrisman HouLT, Owen O Chrisman Kelsheimer, Clarence. .. .Paris KiME, A. W Dudley ♦Lance, G. Sr Paris ♦Lauher, F. a Brocton Lilly, R. F Paris ♦Martin, Homer Vermilion Martin, Perry Paris McIntosh, Eckert Paris Moore, Taylor Chrisman Newcomer, W. A Paris Ogden, R. L Kansas ♦Parrish, Chas Oliver Payne, J. M Chrisman ♦Rhoden, Chas. P Chrisman Robinson, H. J Paris Snyder, W. H Paris Taylor, E. J Metcalf ♦Trogdon, C. E Vermilion ♦Tucker, C. D Paris ♦Walls, Elza Paris ♦Walls, Geo Oliver ♦Webster, S. F Paris Weiland, W. L Kansas ♦White, W. G Paris ♦Witt, John D Paris Woods, O R. 4 R. 11 R.24 R. 6 R. 2 R. 5 R. 2 R. 7 R. 6 1 r ttCi R. 111 5 R. 2 R.25 R. 3 R. 8 R. 5 R. 18 R. 2 R. 6 R. 2 R. 4 R.23 R. 23 R. 6 R. 12 R. 6 R. 19 R. 6 R.33 R. 9 R. 6 R.25 R. 6 R. 13 R. 1 R.25 R.23 R. 7 R. 2 R. 1 R.33 R. 3 R. 3 R. 1 R. 2 R. 13 R. 2 R. 6 Isabel 128 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY RED SUSSEX *McDiviTT, O. L Paris, R. 2 SPECKLED SUSSEX *McDiviTT, O. L Paris, R. 2 RED COMB WYANDOTTE Collier, H. C Redmon SILVER LACED WYANDOTTE McKezie, Mrs. May Paris, R. 6 SILVER SPANGLED WYANDOTTE ^Hamilton, J. H Brocton, R. 18 *SizEMORE. Miss Gertrude. .Paris, R. 7 WHITE WYANDOTTE ♦EuMisTON, H. H Paris, R. 2 *Elsberry, C. M Paris, R. 10 Frye, John Paris, R. 10 *Gaines, James Ridge Farm, R. 2 ^Hamilton, J. H Brocton, R. 18 HiNKLE, T. E Paris, R. 5 *Keenan, Chas. W Paris, R. 9 *Laughlin, Logan Paris, R. 2 *Mapes, C. L Paris, R. 2 McFarland, Mrs. B. .Vermilion, R. 33 *Milburn, E. S Redmon SouGHERs, Perry Paris, R. 10 WiNANS, O. Clip Brocton, R. 2 *Wright, Mrs. Adell Vermilion Wright, W. O Paris, R. 11 GUINEA HENS ♦Welch, Addison Paris, R. 10 DUCKS BUFF ORPINGTON *Lauher, F. a Brocton, R. 19 PEKIN FoLTZ, J. O Kansas, R. 13 *Hess, L Chrisman, R. 24 HousEL, Horton Brocton, R. 19 *Landes, Isaac R Dennison, R. 2 Rogers, Chas. C Vermilion, R. 33 GEESE EMDEN Armstrong, M. E Metcalf, R. 1 Clark, J. H Brocton, R. 17 Craig, Wm. A Kansas, R. 13 TOULOUSE Click, W. E Kansas, R. 13 HousEL, Jacob Brocton, R. 19 *Le\vis, I. B Ridge Farm, R. 1 Slager, Wm. M Brocton, R. 19 Swan, Glenn M Brocton, R. 19 ♦Welch, Addison Paris, R. 10 TURKEYS BRONZE Conley, J. L Kansas, R. 13 Conley, Wm Kansas, R. 13 Delop, M. I Kansas, R. 13 Delop, R. J Kansas, R. 13 *Gaines. Jas Ridge Farm. R. 2 Ceiling. Homer Brocton, R. 18 Guymon, Jas Vermilion, R. 33 Housel, Horton Brocton, R. 19 *Landes, Isaac R Dennison, R. 2 Watson, J. L Paris, R. 11 *WiTT, John D Paris, R. 6 WHITE HOLLAND Hard\% F. P Chrisman, R. 25 Soughers, Perry ...Paris, R. 10 *Tresner, G. W Paris, R. 10 Van Tress, Ferd Brocton, R. 19 Van Tress, Samuel. .. .Brocton, R. 19 *Waller, Wm Paris, R. 6 Williams, Chas. E. . .Chrisman, R. 25 BEES ITALIAN *Hoult, Charles Chrisman CORN BOONE COUNTY Nay, Frank Kansas, R. 15 RED HOMESTEAD EARLEY Nay, Frank Kansas, R. 15 REED'S YELLOW DENT *Jones, Jas Paris, R. 2 Nay, Frank Kansas, R. 15 OATS SILVER MINE * Jones, Jas Paris, R. 2 129 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY PROTECT YOUR HONEST DOLLAR To Prairie Farmer Readers — D.on't buy cheap, unadvertised goods, but protect yourself when buy- ing by insisting on getting from your dealer only — ^yyi^^f^r^^ ^/Guaranteed ByXi^ Your Dealer All Goods Advertised in Prairie Farmer are TRIPLE-G Goods. All Goods Advertised in This Directory are TRIPLE-G Goods. When the local dealer says in his advertisement: "We Sell and Recommend the Following TRIPLE-Guarantee Goods" as in any advertisement in Prairie Farmer or in this Directory, it gives you this TRIPLE-Guarantee 1st That the manufacturer of the goods stands back of them. 2nd That the Prairie Farmer stands back of them. 3rd That the merchant handling the goods stands back of them. ©TRIPLE-Guarantee Goods" 1917 Are the best value for the money. Safest to buy. And Satisfaction is absolutely insured. 130 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY What Are "TRIPLE-G aGoods? •s 1917 should you ask for them and »^ ^- r refuse any other kind? WHY VOuaranteedByX*^ niiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiintiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiMiiiiniiiiiiniiiitiniiiiiiniiiiuiiiriiiiiiuiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinitriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM WHEN a reader of Prairie Farmer goes into a store to buy, he is assured of getting full value for his money if he insists on buying only well known advertised goods and refusing to buy any unknown brand substitute. W/ TLJ V" p Because advertised goods are well known goods that are backed up with the guar- antee of PRAIRIE FARMER and the manufacturer. If the goods are not as represented in the advertising, or do not give full satisfaction, this TRIPLE GUARANTEE means that you have only to make your complaint and that any just claim will be fairly considered and your . money paid back in case the goods are not as represented. This is PRAIRIE FARMER'S FAIR PLAY POLICY with its readers. We back up every advertisement in PRAIJR.IE FARMER and guarantee honest treatment. No humbugs , swindles or cheap substitute goods (that are made to sell and get the customer's money on false pre- tenses) are advertised in PRAIRIE FARMER. Buy the goods advertised in PRAIRIE FARMER and in this Directory and you are taking no chances. You are guar- anteed satisfaction because all goods we advertise are ., niiiiiiniiiiininiiiiiiniiiiMiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiinniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiHii iniiriiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiniiitiitiiiiiiiiriiMiriiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii TRIPLE-GUARANTEED GOODS \J g-_ Guaranteed by the Manufacturer, the Dealer and the Publisher, 131 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY iirrriniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiii: Professional Directory S. I. HEADLEY Attorney at Law Office S. Side Public Square Over Paris Gazette Office Telephones: Kinloch, 606; Bell, 408 PARIS ILLINOIS DYAS & DYAS Lawyers Joseph E. Dyas Richard S. Dyas Telephone, Kinloch 375R PARIS ILLINOIS Charles McKnight Attorney at Law Edward Moren Attorney at Law Telephone, Kinloch 646R Crandall Bldg. PARIS ILLINOIS FRANKLIN ADAMS D. V. S. Graduate Veterinarian Office Phone, Kinloch 776A Res. Phone, Kinloch 776B Office 224 W. Washington St. PARIS ILLINOIS FRED RHOADS Attorney at Law Telephone, Kinloch 76 First National Bank Bldg. PARIS ILLINOIS VAN SELLAR & VAN SELLAR Attorneys at Law Telephone, Kinloch 196 PARIS ILLINOIS Stewart W. Kincaid Attorney at Law Offices: Suite 2 in First National Bank Building Telephones: Kinloch, 979R; Bell, 676 PARIS ILLINOIS R. H. Mcknight M. D. Office Phone 100 House Phone 141 KANSAS ILLINOIS niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin; 132 FARMERS ANQ BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Edgar County Business Directory BORTON Blair, Curtis A Restaurant Henn & Beggs Grain Sims Bros. Implements & General Store Snodgrass. F Grocer BROCTON . . .Millinery Bandy, Mrs. Lucy E... Brocton Bank. Brocton Elevator Co. Brocton Poultry Co. Buckler, J. H Restaurant Cain, A Blacksmith Cook Bros Garage Deames, Eugene General Store Dunbar, A. D Vulcanising Gillis, B. W Manufacturer Tile Gillis, E. C. & Son Hardzvare, Furniture & Undertaking Handley, Dr. Chas. A Physician Handley, C. A Drugs, Etc. Henn, Dr. E. J Dentist Jacobsen, John H. . . .Lumber, Coal, Etc. Kerrick, Dr. H. C Physician Jones, Frank C Restaurant I Geo. W. Myers, Pres. I G. J. Kaericher, Cashier Lashbrook, Dr. Howard . . . Veterinarian Lawler, M. H Autos Lewis, J. M. .Plumbing & Well Drilling Martin, H. J Blacksmith McQueen, G. E General Store Miller. Chas. B Publisher, Stationery, Etc. Rhoads, H. H Harness Smith, John A General Store Theil, Joseph A Implements Wells, J. E Meat & Ice Wendel, Dr. C. A Osteopath White. Dr. J. O Physician Wright, H. H Grain CHRISMAN Appleby, J. E Vulcanising Ballard. Chas. W Grocer Chrisman Construction Co Contractors & Mfrs. Tile Hartley Elevator Co. Holden & Tucker Garage Keller, C. A Cigars Light, R. Fred.. Coa/ & Builders' Supp. Livingston, C. R • . Printer & Publisher McCalmont Bros Grocers W. BrinkerhofF, Vice-Pres. j I. G. Brinkerhoff, Asst. Cash. | The BROCTON BANK Capital $45,000 Surplus $8,500 INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE BROCTON ILLINOIS iiiiiiiiiii llliilllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliillllllliy iiiiiiiiiiiiiilli^ 133 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY if^^- #^»#^^#^^»^#v»»< P^^*<*s#v#^#^vr The Chrisman Courier C. R. LIVINGSTON, Publisher ALWAYS UP-TO-DATE Commercial and Fancy Printing Read by 4500 People Advertisers Guaranteed Results The Linotype Way is the only Up-to-Date and Economical Way Established in 1878 CHRISMAN ILLINOIS >*^»^^^^^»^»^»*^*»>»^»^**>»^^*^0'*^»^»*»^^0^^^^^*>»^^»^»i m BOY COOK Miller, E. M Clothing & Men's Furnishings Mitchell & Carson General Store Newkirk, W. N Harness, Seeds, Wool, Etc. Newlin, E. V Groceries & Meats Newlin & Watson . .Plumbing, Electric, Kodak Supplies Ogdon, E. W General Store Owen. John T Painter, Etc. Parks, Chas .Restaurant, Bakery & Confectionery Patrick, O. E Livery Prunty, T. A Feed, Coal, Etc. Remley, Michael Implements, Etc. Rinesmith. A. E. & Son Lumber &■ Contractor Rogers. \W\\ey. .Groceries, Notions, Etc. Runge, George W.. Paint & Wall Paper Scanling, Frank W Contractor Schnitker. A. E. & Son Drugs, Jezvclry, Etc. Scott. Alexander Livery Scott. Daniel Cigars, Etc. Scott, Isaac Feed Mill Scot Garage Garage & Auto Supplies Shurtz & Johnson Drugs Simpson, W. M. Lumber Co. Storm, NewUn & Watson Hardzvare & Stoves pearIj cook COOK BROS. GARAGE o"^** We SeU and I Recommend 'the Following Triple-G Goods: Federal and Goodyear Tires Havoline Oils Tungsten, Copper King and Champion Plugs Old Sol Spot Lights Ford Parts Oxy-Acetyline Welding | EVEREADr Authorized Service and Repair Ever R*ady Storage Battery Station Motor Car Supplies Accessories ^i BROCTON, ILLINOIS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^^ 134 lllllilllilllllllllilililililililillllilllliil FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Sturgell, Clyde Jewelry Wasson, G. W Restaurant Wasson & Son Furniture & Undertaking Watson & Co Grocers Wyatt. James Insurance Wyatt & Wyatt General Store Yates, Harry Blacksmith Yontz, S. W. & Son Hardzvare & Tinners DUDLEY Baber, Dexter D Grain, Etc. Bennett, R Insurance Hibschman, Seibert L Garage & Auto Repairing Rudy & Co Granite, Etc. Shields, Jas. A General Store EDGAR Hunter, Frank General Store Stanfield, A. L Grain Wetzel, Chas Grain HORACE Webster, Floyd G ..General Store, General Merchandise HUME Benefield, Joe Autos Burroughs, J. A Restaurant Carnahan, Chas. E .... Underivear & Men's Furnishings Coffman, T. J Coal, Feed & Seed Cohen, Max General Store Ellingyon, J. W Meat Finley, James A Boots &■ Shoes Grover, Guy Blacksmith Hipplehauser, Otto Printer Hughes State Bank. G. W. Hughes & Co., Props. Hume Motor Company Hume Telephone (not inc.) Kennedy, John Restaurant Linder, H. S. & Son General Store Lyons Lumber Co. (not inc.) Lumber, Hardzvare & Auto Supplies McCaull, Mrs. A. C Hardzvare McEvoy, Elmer Poultry McMullen, C. E Plumber Ob-Labby Company (not inc.) .Concrete Smith, Louis B Stark, W. H Drugs, Hdwre., Furn. & House Furn. Thomas, E. J Garage Vaughn, John W Jezvelry & Watch Repairs Vaughn, Mrs. John W Millinery LOUIS B. SMITH DEALER LN HARDWARE QUEENSWARE OILS and PAINTS KEENKUTER TOOLS COLE'S STOVES HOOSIER RANGES Every Tool Guaranteed Satisfactory or Money Refunded The Recollection of Quality Re- mains Longr After the Price is Forgotten. HUME ILUNOIS ---iiig: Triple-G goods: Sal-Vet Stock Powders Kreso Dip School Supplies Toilet Articles Kodaks g We specialize on the proper g g compounding of farm and home g g recipes. g 1 BOTH PHONES 1 KANSAS ILUNOIS iiiiliiiiiiiiii Berlau's S., Sons ..Dry Goods, Clothing & Furnishings Black, Thos. M Notions & Second Hand Goods Boestick, Perry Mfr. Ice Cream Bomgardner, John H Blacksmith Booth & Hodge.. r>r^) Goods & Carpets Bovell, John B Stoves & Tinware Boyles, J. V .Motorcycle Repairing & Accessories Bradshaw, Wm. H Jewelry Bridgman, Henry A Mfr. Cigars Brown, Chas. P Restaurant Brown, E. C Jewelry Brown, S. C Wall Paper, Crockery & Notions Bruns, Andrew Tailor Cabeen, Aaron T Garage & Carriage Repairing Campbell, Geo. R Wall Paper Canine, L. L F. & F., Coal, Etc. Cantlon, Wm. . .Plumbing & Machinery Carnahan & Huls Grocers Clark, Mrs. E. L Grocer Clem, Ezra C Bakery Clinton, Frank B Coal Citizens National Bank. Coffman, Roscoe A Electric Supplies Collier & Craig Autos & Garage Colson, U. O. Co. .Advertising Novelties 141 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY ^llllllllllllllllllllllllllllimilllllllllillllil^ Cook, Frank A S C. H. WADE W. H. WADE — Furniture & Undertaking = vf/ p wAnr E Corwin, George W Mfr. Cigars = W. E. WADE = Cramer, Bert W Tailor E V w v> ^ w-i^ w^ = Crandall & Son. Drugs = %^/ /V I ■ %•< = Crocker, James L Photographer = W X'^L, RJ ff^^ = Curl, Bruce A Wall Paper S E Daniels, Charles M S ^w«Z~ M«%J I7^.«.J /^«. E ...Mfr. Acetylene & Gasoline Lamps E Uram and reed to. = Davis, PerryH E Successors to c. H. Wade E Photographer & Frames S = Davis & Huston Implts. & Vehicles Z ^ S Dengler, Clinton Groceries E Wholesale and Retail = Devers, James Plumbing S Dealers in = Dorsett, Willard E. S2 2 Clothing & Furnishings S GRAIN, HAY, STRAW, E Oyas & Dyas Attorneys — ITCirrk AMn rrwi — Edgar Stone Co Concrete Blocks = rt^tAJ AINU ^^UAL ^ Edgar County National Bank. S S Elam, Chas Plumbing = S Ellingwood, Jos. R Grocer S AGENTS s Etchason, James W Grocer = Blatchford's Calf Meal S g?''"^^!?';.^- O^..... Autos & Garage S _ . . . . = First National Bank. E Virginia Carolina = Fisher Ten Cent Co. S Chemical Co. Fertilizers = Fo'^y, T A. . • • V • ^ • S = Saw Mm, Wholesale Lumber & Htvr. E PARIQ II I INniiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii = I Headquarters for all School Books and School Supplies = i for Edgar County. 1 = iiiiiiiiliiliiliiliiliililliililliiliililllilliliiliilliliilliliillllilliiliiliiliilillillllliiliiliiliiliiiniiiliiliiliiliiliiliiliiliiliiiiiliiliil ^ I Fine Pictures and Picture Framing, Kodaks and Kodak i 1 Supplies, Developing and Printing a Specialty — Bibles, i i Testaments, Latest Fictions — Copyright Books, etc. — = 1 Stationery of Best Makes, 1 i' We sell and recommend the V^'i^^C^'* following Triple-G Goods: Waterman Ideal Fonntain Pens. Moore's and Capitol Fountain Pens. Eastman Kodaks. Manninsr & Bowman and Benedict Mfg. Co.'s High Grade Goods. Dennison's Crepe and Tissue Paper. I PARIS ILLINOIS I 147 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ I Paris I I Steam Laundry | 1 Bring your laundry to us. g 1 We do the rest. | C. V. SMITH. Mgr. 1 PARIS ILLINOIS ■ lilililiiiliilliillliiilliiiliiiilliilliliiliiiiilililliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiilliiiliiiiiiil^^^ Means, W. E Printer Menk Bros Contractors Menke, W. J Cigars, Etc. Merkle- Wiley Broom Co Mfrs. Moody. James M Wagomnaker Moore, Scott Restaurant Morris, G Plumbing Morrisey, Terrence J. .Boots & Shoes Morton, Edgar Coal & Ice Moyer, Thomas Wall Paper, Etc. Mulins, T. Belle Coal Nelson Title & Trust Co. Noonan, D. Ray .Machinery & Garage Nuckles. Wm. A Photographer O'Hair, F. T Attorney O'Hair, H. B Livery, Hay, Etc. O'Hair, K. R. & Co Garage Papadakas, S. J Confectionery Papdokas, Peter Cigars, Etc. Paris Hotel Paris Beacon Publishing Co.. The Paris Auto Co. Paris Creamery Co. Paris Glove Co. Paris News Publishing Co. Paris Steam Laundry. Parrish, Allan J Contractor Parrish Bros Grocers Pearman & Shank • • • • • Clothing & Furnishings Clothing, Shoes and Furnishings High Art, Kuppenheimer Pre-shrunk Clothing. Sweet-Orr Trousers and Overalls. Kingsbury Hats. White House, Star Brand and Emerson Shoes. Buster Brown Shoes for Boys. Goodyear Rubbers and Boots. King Edward's Shirts. We Buy as Low as we can — that's Business Sense. We Sell as Low as we can — that's Progressive Sense. You Buy as Low as you can — that's Common Sense. You Buy of Us — that's Dollars and Cents for both of us. Always a 10 Per Cent Dis- count to Cash Customers. We appreciate your trade and leave nothing undone to give you the best goods and service possible. PARIS WALTER SIMS & SONS Both Phones ILLINOIS 148 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY SERVICE Has It Ever Occurred to You That the D. R. NOONAN GARAGE really gives its patrons SERVICE? With my experienced help and mechanics I am able to render you a Service unexcelled anywhere in Edgar County. Let me show you how I can do it. 1 also carry a complete stock of Automobile Acces- sories and Tires of known Value. D. R. NOONAN, Garage i PARIS ILLINOIS i ^illlililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiii ill ^l|||||||illlllllllilllllllllllllll!llllllllllllli!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllllilll^^ llllllllllllllllllllllllllllliilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^^ PARIS DAILY NEWS A live newspaper in a live town; designed and edited especially for EDGAR COUNTY people. The only evening publication owned and managed by local interests. I Published by The News Pub. Co. | I PARIS ILLINOIS I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^^^ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 149 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY When you go into a store to buy shoes, say to the clerk, "I want a pair of - shoes". Don't say, "I want a pair of shoes". If you name a brand of shoes you know will give you satisfaction, you not only say you want shoes, but you know about what you want. A clerk will always give closer attention to a customer who knows what he wants. It is human nature. The clerk will be more likely to give you satisfaction, even if he does not have the make of shoes you ask for, because he will know better what to show you, if you are willing to consider another make. C. R. BARNARD J. P. BARNARD | MAJESTIC QUALITY FEATURE HOUSE | $3,000.00 Seeburg Pipe Organ | With VOX HUMANA (Human Voice) | E. S. ROGERS, Organist I STARLAND 1 1 7 E. Court BEST IN MUSIC BEST IN PICTURES | PARIS ILLINOIS I Many times you have read an advertisement in Prairie Farmer of something you would like to buy, but you did not know where to find the store that sold it. You decided to look for this article when you were next in town and you tried several stores without finding it. Then you gave up in disgust. A two-cent damp or a postcard addressed to the manufacturer saying "Please advise me who handles your goods tn my town. If yoa have no dealer in my town, give me the name and address of your nearest deul^" , would get you accurate information by return mail. Try it. It work& amd saves time. 150 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY 50c Meals or a la Carte Service Leading and Up-Town Hotel HOTEL PARIS PARIS, ILL. Rooms with Bath $1.50 Hot and Cold Running Water $1.00 Good Rooms at 75c and 50c Restaurant in Connection H. E. REERE HOTEL CO. Also Taxi Cabs Baggage Wagon and Adams Express Co. Office Phone No. 9 WITT SEED CO. Wholesalers and Retailers of all kinds of SEEDS 128 East Wood Street (Rear) PARIS ILLINOIS CALL Fertilizer Company BOTH PHONES 28 To Remove Your Dead Animals of all kinds Reverse Phone Charges POSITIVELY HIGHEST PRICES W. H. HOFF PARIS, ILLINOIS W. H. HOFF 151 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY flMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII^ I The New | I Clothing Store | 1 The most modern, com- | 1 plete and u p-t o-d a t e J 1 Clothing and Furnishing 1 1 Store in Eastern Illinois. 1 g Everything needed by man M M and boy. Also many things ^ = for woman and girl M I SHANK-ALLISON I I COMPANY I i East Side Square | I PARIS ILLINOIS I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^^ ^IIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIillllllllllllilllllillllllllllll^ I L. A. Hutchison I Dealer in All Kinds of Dry Goods and Notions, Cloaks, Furs, Blankets and Knit Underwear for Ladies, Children and Misses Z Most Reliable House ~ S in the City E = West Side Public Squzure = I PARIS - - - ILLINOIS I iiilliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir Phoenix Mutual Life Ins. Co. Piper, A. A. & Sons Harness, Hardzvare & Buggies Pollard. Edward E Grocer Porter, Troy Plumber, Etc. Power, Robert J Plumbing Propst Lumber Co. Rambo & Co Meats Reed, J. H Drugs Reese. F. W .Foundry & Machine Shop Reese, H. E. Hotel Co. Rhoads, Fred Attorney Risser, Art & Co Lumber Ritter, John M General Store Roberts, J. H Restaurant Rodman, D. C Blacksmith Rowe, H. B Drugs Rozell, T. J Grocer Rudy Huston & Co Grain Rule, Martin H Restaurant Safford's, S., Sons Marble Sanders. Jessie. . .^ Restaurant Schaeffer. A. L Cigars, Nezi's, Etc. Shank-Allison Co Clothing Shaver, Llewellyn ...Pia)ias & Organs Shelienbarger, A. L Wall Paper, Crockery, Etc. Shoaff Bros Publishers, Etc. Sholem, Maurice Implements & Vehicles Sholem, Wm Boots & Shoes & Furnishings Sholem & Son Department Store Shutt, H. E. & Co Clothing Silverman. Morris Junk Sims, Walter & Son Clothing & Furnishings Steidl Bros Meat Packers Steidl, George W Meats Steidl, Joe V Groceries & Meats Stigler, Jos. S Grocer Stotts. C. E Groceries & Notions Sunkel Sisters Millinery Taflinger, Eli W Grocer Taflinger, Jacob H Implements & Harness Tanner's Department Store. Thomas, Paris Plumber Trover Shoe Co. Tucker, John A Second Hand Goods & Printer Tweedy, Charles F General Store Turner, Chas. E Restaurant Unique Dry Cleaners Vance, James C Motorcycles & Bicycles Van Sellar & Van Sellar Attorneys- Vlahos, Peter Billiards Wabash Valley Telephone Co. Wade, Charles E Grain, Feed & Coal 152 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Wardelman, Fred Stoves & Tinware Wetzel. Roland & Walter Boots & Shoes Witt Seed Co. Witt Vehicle Co. Wittick. J. G. Jr. & Son Publishers Wolfe, A. W ' Hardivare cr Variety Store Wood, Frank M Oil & Gasoline Woods, Archie E Real Estate SafFord, F. R. Coffins Shepherd & Son, J. A Insurance REDMON Brill-Gill Hardzi'are cr Implements Brinkerhoff, Willis & Son Grain Brocton El. Co Grain & Feed Bowling. E. M Blacksmith Essinger, Frank. .Grocery & Dry Goods Jump. Charles R General Store Kirchner, Charles Lumber, Etc. Mason, John W Drugs & Notions Poole, Thomas W Blacksmith Redmon Auto Co. . .Garage & Suplylici Redmon Bank, E. O. Snoddy. Propr. Redmon Tile & Construction Co. SCOTTLAND Craft, D. J. & Son. Garage & Machines Dawson, Jesse A TANNER'S DEPARTMENT STORE LADIES' READY-TO- WEAR AND MILLINERY Your Money's Worth All the Time PARIS ILLINOIS Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company GET ABSOLUTE PROTECTION FROM KARL G. GUMM, District Agent Room 217, New Sholem BIdg. PHONE 519-R PARIS, ILL. J E VV Ej L E R RELIABILITY Watches, Diamonds, Silverware, Jewelry, Cut Glass and Novelties ^^^W. H. BRADSHAW T^^^^^.. ; .:^^ North Side of Square PARIS, ILLINOIS 153 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Delco - Light Products W. W. HOLLEY PARIS, ILL. Delco-Light furnishes Electricity for Everybody — Everywhere Duro-Pumps give Automatic Water Pressure Operate your Cream Separa- tor, Washing Machine, Churn and other acces- sories by electricity. WIRING, FIXTURES and ACCESSORIES Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Etc. McKinney, Mrs. M. "E. .. .General Store Newcomb, Warren General Store Raven Elevator Co. Richison, Burveil Coal Scottland Telephone Co. Simpson, Seldon Miller Smith, Fred A General Store & Implements Wood, W. J Barber Shop Hoog, Stephen Boots & Shoes Hopkins, F. H Groceries Hurst, E. E Shoemaker VERMILION Blood, Sam General Store Downing, Thos. D Machines Dustheimer, B. A General Store Fessant, F. G Undertaker Fessant, Wm. E. & Co Implements &• Buggies First National Bank. Hornberger, C. A Hardware & Lumber Kilgare, Dr. J. G Physician Lycan, Dr. H Physician Petty, K. P General Store Raines, John Vicars Blacksmith Stubbs. Oliver Blacksmith, Etc. Wilkin Bros General Store ::ilillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllirillllllllMlllllllllllllll^ I F. J. FESSANT | I UNDERTAKER motor service | = Telephone Kin. 511 = I VERMILLION ILLINOIS | riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiii? 154 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY HARWARE AND LUMBER .(5 # ^ PLASTER, CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS SEWER PIPE ^y y ROOFING .^^^C^^ ^ ^M:^ "commend the fol We sell and rec- lowing- Triple-G Goods: l>e Ijaval Cream Separators Monarch Rang^es Sherwin-Williams Paints Keen Kntter and O. V. B. Tools VERMILION - - ILLINOIS ^ ^. t Hayes Pumps ^.^^ ^ Can't-Sasr Oates W. E. FESSANT & CO. Turnbull Wagons I. H. C. Manure Spreader FARM IMPLEMENTS, AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES, GAS ENGINES AND TITAN TRACTOR We sell and rec- i ffM^^\ lowing Triple-(; ommend the fol- iff ^ ^/SSft Goods: John Deere Implements Mowers I. H. C. Gas Engines Turnbull Wagons Titan Tractors Peerless Fencing McCormick Binder and Goodrich Tires The House of Quality — First and Always VERMILION ILLINOIS 155 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Edgar County Automobile Directory (This List Includes Farm Automobile Owners Only) Name Make Pos tofl^ ice Name Make Post ;oflice Adams, Chas. H. Reo and F ord Paris, R. 6 Bennett, J. T. Buick Kansas, R. 16 Adams, C. P. Ford Scottland, R. 30 Bennett, L. E. Ford Kansas, R. 13 Adams, Geo. W. Ford Paris, R. 6 Bennett, X. D. Ford Kansas, R. 15 Adams, H. B. Willys-Knight Paris, R. 6 Bennett, Ray Ford Dudley, R. 12 Adams, Hulbert Ford .Scottland, R. 3C' Bennett, S. Ford ■■ Dudley, R. 12 Aitken, L. R. Buick Metcalf, R. 1 Bercaw, Claude Ford Paris, R. 3 Alabough, F. M. Maxwell Kansas, R. 16 Bercaw, Frank Ford Paris, R. 6 Alden, C. I. Overland Paris, R. 1 Bercaw. G. C. Buick Paris, R. 8 Allen, Frank E. Ford Brocton, R. 18 Berry, Mack Ford Oliver, R. 1 Allen, Geo. Chalmers Kansas, R. 15 Berry, R. L. Ford Newman, R. 3 Anderson, D. E. Ford Kansas, R. 15 Bibo, L. M. Overland and Ford Anderson, E. L. Overland Scottland, R. 29 Kansas, R. 15 Anderson, E. \V. Reo \'ermilion. R. 33 Black, Frank A. Overland Paris, R. 7 Andrews, Cliff Reo Paris, R. 7 Blackman. E. B. Ford Paris, R. 4 Arbuckle, B. E. Westcoit Brocton Blair, E. N. Ford Borton Arhuckle, Jas. Ford Brocton, R. 19 Blair, F. A. Ford Paris, R. 6 Arbuckle, Zane Ford Br octon Blair, Mint F'ord Dudlev Armstrong, Mary E. Blanford, L. S. Ford Paris, R. 11 Chevrolet Metcalf, R. 1 Boland, C. R. Ford Paris, R. 10 .\nasmitli, Wni. Overland Ridge Farm. K. 1 Boland, Jas. 1). Aubin-n Chrisman, R. 23 Arthur, Bruce Ford and Haynes Boomer, H. tHerland Paris Edgar. R. 2S Bonwell, B. H. Buick .Scottland, R. 29 Arthur. J. IJ. I'ord Paris Bonwell, Ch.as. .S. Buick Scottland, R. 29 Arthur, Oliver Chalmers Edgar, R. 28 Bonwell. Jas. R. Overland .Scottland, R. 29 Asher, Chas. Overland Paris, R. 5 Boone, W'alter G. Auburn Chrisman, R. 23 Ashley, Jas. Ford ( 'lirisnian. R. 25 Borton, E. .S. Reo Borton Ashmore, Herman Overland Brocton, R. 1" Boyer, P. A. Maxwell Paris, R. 5 Augustus, Jas. Reo Dudley, R. 12 Boyd, R. R. Bover, P. Buick Maxwell Dudlev, Paris, R. 12 R. 5 Babcock, T. R. Overland Kansas, R. 15 Boyer, W. E. Ford Kansas, R. 15 Baher, D. D. Franklin and Bozarth, E. I. Ford Paris, R. 1 .Scripps- Booth Dudl ley Brakefield, Jos. Empire Chrisman, R. 22 Bailey, J. Ford Kansas, R. 16 Bratzler, J. Ford Edgar, R. 28 Baker, Cash Reo Chrisman, R. 26 Breen. M. E. Reo Hume, R. 1 Baker, E. Overland ; uid Ford Brengle, W. C. Ford Paris, R. 6 Brocton, R. 18 Brenkerhoff, W. W. Baker, J. D. Konl Paris, R. 3 Dodge Kansas, R. 14 Bandv, Rov K. Dodge Dudley, R. 12 Bright. Chas. A. Oakland Paris, R. 10 Bandy, T. M. Ford Oliver, R. 1 Bright, J. E. Overland and Ford Banta, W. H. Overland Ridge Farm, K. 1 Paris, R. 11 Barber, Paul S. Ford Kansas, R. 13 Bright, J. F: Overland Paris, R. 10 Barker, J. P. Ford Chrisman, R. 24 Brimmer, C. E. Maxwell Dudley. R. 12 Barkley, O. E. Ford Paris, R. 8 Brinkerhoff. Chai^ Barkley, W. P. Reo I'aris. R. 7 Overland and Studeb;ik er Barnett, Rov F. Ford Chrisman, R. 2i Dudley, R. 12 Barr, I. W. Ford Brocton, R. 19 Brinkerhoff. ( ieo. Buick Dudley, R. 12 Barr, Mary E. Buick Chrisman, R. 25 Brinkerhoff, Henry Barr, M. Maxwell Paris, R. 5 Reo Dudley. R. 12 Barr, S. M. Reo Kansas. R. 1.^ Brinkerhoff, H. H. Barrett, J. E. Premier Hume. R. 1 Velie Brocton, R. 19 Barth. Clifford Haynes Metcalf, R. 1 Brisco, Robt. Ford Kansas, R. 13 Barth, W. F. Havnes Metcalf, R. 1 Bristow, Frank Buick Paris. R. 6 Bartmess, E. Ford Kansas, R. 15 Brock- Jones. Harry Bates, S. R. Ford Brocton, R. 19 Ford Metcalf, R. 1 Baum, Willis Oakland Sidell, R. 7 Brooks, Hugh E. Ford Edgar, R. 28 Baum, W. T. Buick Sidell, R. 2 Brooks, J. R. Studebaki er Scottland, R. 29 Baxter, G. I. Chevrolet Hume. R. 1 Brown. Chas. R. Ford Paris, R. 8 Beatly, R. H. Chevrolet Hume, R. 1 Brown, Claude Oldsmobi le Brocton, R. 19 Becker, Carl Ford Oliver, R. 1 Brown, Herchel Overland Vermilion, R. 33 Bed well, A. M. Ford Paris, R. 1 Brown. H. S. .Studebaki er Bell, Chas. Case and Ford Ridge Farm, R. 1 Brocton, R. 9 Brown, J. M. Ford Brocton, R. 17 Bennett, E. iMjrd Kansas, R . 15 Brown, M. J. Ford Brocton, R. 17 Bennett, E. C. Ford Dudley, R. 12 Bruce, Jas. Ford Paris, R. 11 Bennett, J. J. Dodge Paris, R. , 9 Brummet, Harvey Reo Paris, , R. 8 156 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Xamc iSIake Pos toffice Name Make Pos toffice Brunsman, Frank Sttidebaker Paris, R. 3 Cassity, O. P. Ford Sidell, R. 2 Buckler, Ed. Overland Hume, R. 1 Cassity, Xen Ford Paris, R. 8 Burgett, Chas. Overland Paris, R. 7 Cassle, G. W. Apperson Paris, R. 1 Burke, D.J. Ford Paris, R. 10 Cassle, H. W. Overland Paris, R. 1 Burnham, J. F. Oldsmoliile Brocton, R. 18 Chanev, Hiram Ford Dudley, R. 12 Burnsides, V. T '. Staver Kansas. R. IS Chaney, W. M. Ford Kansas, R. 14 Burton. Loyd Briscoe Dudley, R. 12 Chesrown, C. L. Reo Brocton, R. 19 Burton, J. C. .'^tudebaker Dudley. R. 1? Bussart, A. O. Monroe and Oldsmobile Chesrown, Jas. Reo Brocton, R. 19 Dudley, R. 12 Chesrown, J. M. Ford Redmon Hussart, D. E. Keo Dudley Chesrown, Peter Reo Brocton, R. 19 Bussart, Harry Overland Paris, R. 7 Chesnut, J. D. Dodge Chrisman, R. 24 Bussart, J. E. Bussart, Ora Overland Paris, R. 6. Chrisman, E. L. Oakland Six Chrisman, R. 25 Overland Paris, R. 6 Church, C. H. Overland Paris, R. S Butcher, Chas. Ford Hume, R. 1 Clapp, C. C. Overland Dudley, R. 12 Butler, Thos. Ford Paris, R. 8 Clapp, F. L. Dodge Kansas, R. 14 Butterfield. O. Ford Chrisman, R. 23 Clapp, I. B. Ford Dudley, R. 12 Clark, Albert Ford Hume, R. 1 Calvin, Frank Ford Hume, R. 1 Clark, Homer Overland Paris, R. 5 Canierer Bros. Ford Chrisman, R. 26 Clark, J. H. Ford Brocton, R. 17 Carico, J. C. Ilupniobilc Clark, Orval Ford Newman, R. 3 Ridge Farm, R. 2 Clark, S. M. Overland Kansas, R. 13 Carnes, Mat Briscoe Isabel Clark, W. P. Overland Chrisman, R. 23 Carnes, Ralph Dodge Paris, R. 5 Clawson, Jos. Ford Chrisman, R. 26 Carrell, Lester Case .Sidell, R. 2 Cline, Chas. Ford Kansas, R. 13 Carroll, Thos. Ford Brocton, R. 19 Cline, Fred Reo Paris, R. 4 Carroll, T. J. Reo Brocton, R. 18 Cline, G. V. Reo Kansas, R, 13 Casebeer, John N. Clinton, C. E. Ford Kansas, R. 13 iM.r.l Sidell, R. 2 Clouse, Walter Ford Chrisman, R. 25 Casebeer, Thos , B. Cockcroft, R. M. Ford Paris, R. 2 Ford Hume Cockcroft, S. E. Ford Paris, R. 2 Cash, Chas. H. Reo Paris, R. 8 Coe, John F. Overland Scottland, R. 25 Cash, John Maxwell Chrisman, R. 27 Collier, Harry Ford Edgar, R. 28 Cookey, Bert Chevrolet Edgar, R. 28 Collier, H. C. Buick Redmon lllillil nav( J||||||if||||!l!llllllll!llllllllllllllllllllll!lllll[|lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^ Have You Seen Our Motor Cars? | Biltwel I^W Light I Six ^^r Six I Two motor cars which will meet the needs of any motor | car enthusiast. Continental Motors, Timkin Axles, Remy | Ignitions, Spiral Bevel Gears are simply suggestions of the | quality of these two most wonderful cars. Don't fail to | see them before you buy. | HORSE SHOE TIRES. En-Ar-Co Motor Oil | heads our list of Motor Car Accessories. We carry a full | line of all standard accessories, at the right prices. Give m = us a visit. L. E. 116 E. Court Street ■ FORD CO. I - - - PARIS, ILLINOIS I 157 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Collier, John W. Collins, Mike Conner, B. F. Comstock, J. H. Conley, J. L. Conly, Wm. Cook, G. W. Cooper, C. E. Cox, M. B. Crabtree, Bernie Crabtree, J. S. Craig, H. S. Craig, J. F. Craig, L. T. Craig, T. M. Craig, Wm. A. Crist, Elbert E. Crist, J. O. Crist, Wm. Crum, Claud Crum, Joe T. Crum, J. A. Culbertson, Edw. Cummins, J. F. Cummins, M. H. Currey, I. Curry, J. W. Curtis, Bernie Curtis, Chas. Curtis, Fred Cusick, A. M. Cusick, John Cusick, L. T. Cusick, W. N. Dailey, Hugh Daily, M. B. Daniels, F. J. Daugherty, B. F. Daugherty, W. D Davidson, A. E. Davidson, W. H. Davis, Mrs. Bess Davis, F. J. Davis, John T. Davis, Solomon Dawson, Jas. Dawson, J. L. Dean, A. L. DeAtley, F. M. Dean, Collett Delap, C. B. Delap, M. I. Delap, R. J. Delapp, E. O. Demoungin, W. E Dennis, W. A. Dennison, Z. E. DePuy, E. M. Depuy, O. M. Deveis, John Dick, Chas. Diert, Edgar Dicken, John C. Dickson, Chas. H. Dickson, Elmer H Dickson, J. H. Dillman, R. O. Make Ford Willys-Knight Ford Ford Reo Reo Six Buick Oldsmobile Maxwell Ford Ford Postoffice Paris, R. 3 Paris Scottland Dennison Kansas Kansas Paris Paris Dudley Paris Paris Briscoe and Ford Ford Buick Ford Studebaker Reo Keo Overland Oakland Ford Oakland Reo Overland Overland Ford Ford Oakland Reo Overland Overland Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Chevrolet Ford Ford Ford Mitchell Auburn Chalmers Grant Six Velie Maxwell Newman Brocton Hume Kansas Metcalf Metcalf Metcalf. Paris Paris Chrisman Paris Chrisman Paris R. 2 R. 30 R. 2 R. 13 R. 13 R. 6 R. 7 R. 12 R. 8 R. 7 Isabel R. 3 R. 17 R. 1 R. 13 R. 1 R. 1 R. 1 R. 10 R. 2 R. 26 R. 6 R. 23 R. 2 Brocton Brocton Paris, R. 8 Paris, R. 8 Paris, R. 8 Metcalf, R. 1 Chrisman, R. 27 Metcalf, R. 1 Chrisman, R. 23 Paris, R. 5 Oliver, R. 1 Redmon Metcalf Brocton, R. 19 Brocton, R. 2 Brocton, R. 2 Paris, R. 8 Paris, R. 5 Paris, R. S Paris, R. 5 Hume Scottland Hume, R. 20 Metcalf, R. 1 Vermilion Kansas, R. 13 Ford and Monroe Kansas, R. 13 Monroe Allen Maxwell Ford Ford Overland Paige Studebaker Ford Auburn Maxwell Ford Kansas, R. 13 Kansas, R. 14 Dudley, R. 12 Paris, R. 11 Isabel Chrisman, R. 27 Scottland, R, 29 Paris, R. 11 Dudley, R. 12 Paris, R. 5 Chrisman, R. 24 Name Dinsraore, Geo. O Dinsmore, G. H. Dittamore, C. A. Dodd, H. L. Dodd, John Dodd, Lewis Downey, Bert Downey, G. W. Downing, J. D. Downs, W. B. Dugan, Otis Dunblaser, O. Dunn, Chas. Dunn, J. D. Durnil, J. A. Duzan, H. A. Make Postoiifice Overland Chrisman, R. 23 Rayfield Chrisman, R. 23 Overland Brocton, R. 19 Overland Metcalf, R. 1 Overland Paris, R. t Overland Hume, R. 1 Chevrolet Allerton, R 1 Overland Allerton, R. 1 Chevrolet Paris, R. 2 Ford Paris, R. 3 Overland Paris, R. 9 Ford Hume, R. 1 Reo Paris, R. 7 Ford Dudley Willys-Knight and Ford Paris, R. 6 Ford Kansas, R. 13 Easter, David Ford Easter, G. H. Ford Edmiston, H. H. Maxwell Edwards, Mrs. A. Chevrolet Egan, F. F. & J. K. Ford (2) Eldredge, Frank Elkins, Ed. EUedge Bros. Elledge, G. E. Elledge, J. E. Elledge, V. Elledge, W. E. Ellis, John Ellis, S. Ellsbery, J. W. Elsberry, C. M. Elsberry, Edw. J. Elsberry, Wm. Englum, Ed. Sr. Englum, Frank Englum, W. J. Epperson, Chas. Epperson, Geo. Epperson, O. B. Eslinger, J. A. ?2vinger, Addison Evinger, A. B. Evinger, M. S. Evinger, V. H. Maxwell Overland Maxwell Ford Overland Ford Chevrolet Chevrolet Marion Auburn Buick Ford Mitchell Buick Six Chalmers Apperson Ford Reo Buick Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Ford Ford Paris, Dudley, Paris, Oliver, Paris, Paris, Chrisman, Kansas, Paris, Paris, Paris, Paris, Hume, Dana, Chrisman, Paris, Paris, Paris, Paris, Paris, and Ford Paris, Sidell, Metcalf, Sidell, Scottland, Paris, Kansas, Paris, Paris, R. 2 R. 12 R. 2 R. 1 R. 11 R. 4 R. 27 R. 14 R. 5 R. 7 R. 4 R. 5 R. 20 R. 3 R. 23 R. 10 R. 10 R. 10 R. 8 R. 7 R. 7 R. 2 R. 22 R. 2 R. 30 R. 1 R. 14 R. 2 R. 2 Ridge Farm, R. Ford Ridge Farm, R. 2 Ford Oliver, R. 1 Chevrolet Kansas, R. 13 Farris, Chas. B. Buick Farris, Elmer T. Ford Fell, A. F. Jeflferv Fell, G. E. Jeflfery Fell, J. L. Monroe Fellers, Wm. Auburn Fenwick, F. I^. Maxwell Fenwick, R. R. Maxwell Ferguson, Alva Briscoe Ferguson, C. Ford Ferguson, Guy A. Ford Ferguson, Wm. Ford Ferguson, W. M. Ford Fessant, Joe Studebaker Fetcher, H. W. Ford Fidler, Geo. F. Ford Fisher, J. A. Oldsmobile Fitzgerald, J. E. Ford Fitzgerald, Mrs. Mary Ford Metcalf, R. 1 Metcalf Kansas, R. 13 Kansas, R. 13 Kansas, R. 14 Sidell, R. 2 Brocton, R. 18 Brocton, R. 18 Paris, R. 10 Edgar, R. 28 Brocton, R. 19 Kansas, R. 13 Paris, R. 2 Sandford Chrisman, R. 23 Dudley, R. 12 Paris, R. 7 Brocton, R. 18 Brocton, R. 18 158 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Fitzgerald, T. H. Apperson Brocton, R. 18 Fuqua, E. E. Bush Vermilion, R. 33 Fitzgerald, T. W. Chevrolet Hume, R. 1 Fuqua, J. F. Ford Vermilion, R. 33 Fitzpatrick, J. C. Maxwell Kansas Fitzpatrick, W. I. Ford Kansas, R. 13 Gaines, Jas. McFarlane ind Cadillac Flecher, N. S. Ford Metcalf, R. 1 Ridge Farm, R. 2 Flennings, F. Maxwell Oliver, R. 1 Gaines, Ralph Maxwell Chrisman, R. 23 Fletcher, C. S. Ford Paris, R. 8 Galeener, Albert Foj-d Paris, R. 7 Flickner, Jas. Ford Paris, R. 7 (lalway, J. D. Oakland Chrisman, R. 23 Foltz, E. V. Ford Scottland, R. 30 Galway, J. H. Paige Chrisman, R. 23 Foltz, Geo. P. Overland Kansas, R. 13 Galway, Orville Oakland Chrisman, R. 23 Foltz, J. M. Ford Scottland, R. 30 Galway, Wm. E. Mitchell Chrisman, R. 23 Fonner, D. H. Overland Metcalf, R. 1 Gardner, Chas. R Studebaker Paris, R. 6 Ford, J. G. Ford Metcalf, R. 1 Gardner, Frank Studebaker Paris, R. 8 Ford, Rollin Studebaker Paris, R. 1 Gardner, O. V. Paige Paris, R. 7 Foreman, Carl W . Studebaker Paris, R. 5 Garvin, J. E. . Oakland Paris, R. 9 Forsman, G. Overland Paris, R. 2 Garvin, Mike Allen Paris, R. 11 Forster, jas. Overland Vermilion, R. 33 Garwood, Ed. Ford Paris, R. 1 Forsythe, A. A. Ford Chrisman, R. 26 Garwood, R. T. Ford Paris, R. 1 Fortune, Bert Ford Metcalf, R. 1 Gelling, Alfred Dodge Brocton, R. 2 Fox, Abe Ford Brocton, R. 18 Ceiling, Carl Ford Oliver Fox, Chas. E. Chalmers Brocton, R. 19 Ceiling, F. C. Ford Metcalf, R. 1 Francis, I. A. Overland Paris, R. 9 George, W. A. Reo Sidell, R. 2 Frantz, I. A. Willys-Knight Gibbens, Ed. Studebaker Scottland, R. 30 Chrisman, R. 23 Gififord, Wm. E. Chevrolet Redmon Frazier, J. E. Ford Paris, R. 4 Gilbert, J. Maxwell Chrisman, R. 24 Frazier, Wm. J. Chevrolet Paris, R. 1 Gilbert, Wm. A. Ford Chrisman, R. 24 Freeman, J. H. Buick Kansas, R. 14 Gilkey, Clarence Reo Chrisman, R. 26 Frye, Chas. P. Ford Paris, R. 9 Gilkey, Riggs Studebaker Hume, R. 1 Frye, C. S. Overland Paris, R. 10 Gill, A. O. Ford Dudley, R. 12 Frye, J. E. Studebaker Paris, R. 11 Gill, J. H. Elgin Paris, R. 5 Frye, Wm. J. Reo Paris, R. 11 Gillespy, Chas. Reo Paris, R. 11 Fulton, John O. Overland Paris, R. 9 Gillespy, J. H. Ford Paris, R. 10 Fulton, R. D. Buick Six Paris, R. 10 Gillis, C. C. Overland Brocton, R. 17 Fulton, S. D. Buick Chrisman, R. 26 Girl, Peter Ford Hume R. 20 ■.»^^^^^»^»^##^»s»^»^^#s»^#^»^>s»^»^<»^»^#^»^r^^sr#^»^»^^■»#^»»^#^»>»^<^#^*^»■»'#^^*^^^^'»*^*>»»*'^^^■*^*'*^^ i DoOGEBliaTHERS MOTOR CAR What Owners are thinking and saying the country over, constitutes a higher endorse- ment of the car than anything we might say about it. The economy of the car, its quality, the remarkable things it does when called upon. are comments you hear wherever the car is dis- cussed. IS The gasoline consumption unusually low. The tire mileage is unusually high. SOLD IN EDGAR COUNTY by K. R. O'HAIR :: Paris, Illinois 159 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Gleckler, A. E. Gleckler, G. C. Glick, Enos Glick, R. H. Glick, W. E. Goben, Robt. Gobes, Wm. A. Goble, W. E. Goodpaster, Oscar Make Ford Ford Maxwell Buick Chevrolet Maxwell Ford Ford Postoffice Paris, R. 5 Paris, Paris, Paris, Kansas, Paris, Scottland, Kansas, R. 7 R. 1 R. 8 R. 13 R. 4 R. 29 R. 13 Goodson, John Goodwin, Frank Goodwin, Roy Gordon, Geo. Gossett, D. M. Gough, J. A. Grable, S. C. Grace, Roscoe Graham, Henry Graham, S. Green, A. K. (Jreen, Russell Greenwalt, S. B. (ireathoMse, A. B ("livens, L. (iresham, Allen Grisham, Harry Giiinn, H. L. (iunim, Chas. (lunim, E. H. Gumm, Fred Gumm, Walter Guthrie. Mrs. W. Chevrolet Ford Maxwell Maxwell Buick Ford Overland Dodge Moon Buick Buick Ford Chevrolet Auburn Stutz Buick Maxwell Overland I'^ord Willys- Knight Studebaker l<"ord WiUvs-Kniglit H. Ford R. R. R. R. Paris, Hume, Paris, Paris, Horace Brocton, R. 17 Brocton, Dudley, Chrisman, Paris, Paris, Scottland, Sidell, R. I'J R. 12 R. 23 R. 5 R. 7 R. 30 R. 2 Paris, R. 10 Dudley Paris, R. 8 Paris, Marshall, Paris, Paris, Paris, Paris, Paris, R. R. R. R. R. R. R. I'aris, R. 11 Hale, A. C. Overland Hale, Clyde V. .Studebaker Hall, Douglas Ford Hall, E. E. Chevrolet Hall, F. B. Maxwell Hall, M. Ford Hamilton, J. H. Ford Hamilton, Lewis H. .\ubiun Hamm, Fred Hupmobile Hammon, C. A. Ford Handley, Herbert Ford Hanks, Jack Ford Hanks, Mrs. J. Studebaker Harbv, Geo. Auburn Hardy, F. P. Ford Hardy, Wm. A. Metz Harness, O. L. Overland Harness, Thos. D. Ford Harmon, J. A. Ford Harp, Wm. Jr. Overland Harper, O. H. Chevrolet Harrington, J. A. Ford Harris, Chas. E. Chalmers Harris, Jas. N. Reo Harris, L. Haynes Harrison, A. D. Reo Hart, W. M. Maxwell Haupt, Ira Ford Haus, C. C. Dodge Haus, Roy E. Ford Hawkins, Fred R. Studebaker Hayan, S. Overland Hays, Bert Overland an Headley. F. L. Overland Paris, R. 11 Paris, R. 11 Oliver, R. 1 Redmon Kansas, R. IS Marshall. R. 3 Brocton, K. IS Chrisman, R. 23 Chrisman, R. 26 Paris, R. 11 Kansas, R. 13 Paris, R. 2 Brocton, R. 18 Allerton, R. 1 Chrisman, R. 25 Paris, R. 9 Chrisman. R. 24 Chrisman. R. 24 Oakland, R. 1 Metcalf. R. 1 Scottland, R. 30 Paris, R. 7 Vermilion, R. 33 Paris, R. 8 Paris, R. 9 Paris, R. 8 Borton Chrisman, R. 27 Chrisman Chrisman, R. 25 Paris, R. 1 Chrisman, R. 23 d Ford Metcalf Paris. R. 7 Name Hearn, J. R. Heath, J. H. Helm, Wm. Helton, Fred Helton, Roy C. Hendershot, E. Henderson, N. W. Hendrix, E. H. Hendry, I. M. Henn, Chas. H. Henn, W. R. Henn, W. H. Henning, B. A. Henning, I. F. Henrv, Geo. Henry, P. S. Henson, Frank Henson, Jeff Henson, J. R. Hess, A. Hess, John Hess, L. Hess, Roy R. Hester, P. W. Hewit, H. K. Hickey, Wm. Hickman, J. E. Hickmsui, T. H. Hicks, R. " Hiddle. Tohn M. Hiddle, L. Hildreth, John Hildreth, M. Hiler. O. G. Hill, John H. Ilindes, J. F. Hindes, Roy J. Hinds, S. B. Hinds, E. A. Hinds, E. M. Hinds, H. A. Hinson, Rov Hockett, Will Hogshead, J. R. Hogshead, R. L. Holadys, J. C. Hollingsworth, F. Holloway, O. M. Hon, Dan S. Honnold, B. W. Honnold, E. H. Honnold, Ira N. Honnold, John O. Honnold, John R. Honnold, J. H. Honnold, P. B. Honnold, .Sam F. Honnolds, W. H. Horslev, Ora E. Hoult, Fred K. Hoult, L. E. Hoult, Thos. Housel, Horton Houston, Daniel Houston, Jas. Make Postoffice Dodge Paris, R. 6 Ford Metcalf, R. 1 Overland Newman, R. 1 F'ord Redmon Ford Brocton, R. 18 Hudson and Ford Brocton. R. 17 Reo Hume, R. 1 Ford Brocton, R. 18 Ford Brocton, R. 18 Buick and Ford Brocton Ford Brocton, R. 19 Dodge Redmon Oakland and Ford Paris, 4 5 10 R. 10 R. 24 R.29 R. 2j R. 2 R. 3 R. 33 R. 10 Paris, R. 10 Paris, R. 6 Paris, R. 9 Paris, R. 5 Paris, R. Davis, R. Paris, R. Ford Paris, Chrisman, .Scottland, Chrisman, Metcalf Brocton, R. 17 Paris, Paris, Vermilion, Paris, R. 10 Scottland, R. 30 Metcalf, R. 22 Chrisman, R, 23 Brocton, R. 18 Vermilion Dudlev, R. 12 Dudley, R. 12 Paris, Paris, Paris, Paris, Paris, Paris, R. 11 Kansas, R. 13 Kansas, Scottland, Paris, Vermilion, Metcalf, Oldsmobile and Buick Kansas, R. 13 Overland Reo Buick Ford Ford Ford Overland Inter-.'^late ant Formack Overland .\uburn Dodge Regal International Maxwell Ford Overland Dodge Reo Lexington Ford Overland Hudson Chandler Maxwell Overland Chafmers Franklin Chevrolet Ford Overland Ford Auljurn Overland Overland R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 13 29 3 33 1 Overland Hudson Jeffery Buick Oakland Bviick Overland tlverland Six Kansas, Kansas, Kansas, Kansas, Kansas, Kansas, Kansas, R. 13 Kansas,' R 13 R. 13 R. 13 R. 13 R. 13 R. 13 R. 13 Auburn Ford Buick Overland Moon Ford .Studebaker Chrisman, R. 2 Chrisman, R 23 Chrisman, R. 23 Chrisman Brocton, R. 19 Scottland, R. 30 Vermilion. R. 33 160 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Name Make Postoftice Name Make Postofficc Howard, E. E. Ford Paris, R. 2 Krabel, C. L. Ford Brocton, R. 18 Howard, E. L. Buick Sanford, Ind Howe, Elmer Ford Brocton, R. 2 Lacy, Mrs. Anna Overland Kansas, R. 14 Howe, E. T. Patterson Brocton, R. 17 Lacy, Arthur Buick Kansas, R. 14 Huffman, B. M. Buick Paris, R. 11 Lacy, Wm. Velie Kansas, R. 16 Hunter, C. S. Dodge and Ford Paris, R. 11 Lancaster, Ottis Ford Scottland, R. 29 Hunter, John Oakland vermilion R. 33 Landes. I. R. Maxwell Dennison, R. 2 Huston, Lula R. Willvs-Kn ght Dudley R. 21 Lange Bros, and Sisters Hutson, R. T. Ford Scottland R. 30 Cole and Oakland Hybarger, E. Maxwell Paris R. 5 Brocton, R. 2 Lange, K. F. E. M. F. Brocton, •R. 18 Igo, Clarence Overland Chrisman R. 25 Langford, Fred Ford Edgar, R. 28 Igo, Oren Ford Scottland R. 30 Langford, Ross Ford PariSj R. 8 Ingram, Albert Overland Scottland R. 29 Laughlin, L. Ford Paris, R. 2 Ingram, C. A. Ford Sc< Jttland Lauher, F. A. Overland Brocton, R. 19 Ingram, Delbert Overland Scottland R. 29 Lauher, Wm. L. Maxwell Kansas, R. 14 Ingram, Ray Ford Kansas R. 13 Lea, Ed. Dodge Brocton, R. 17 Isham, Theo. Ford Brocton R. 18 Legate, F. M. Auburn Chrisman Legate, R. Ford Scottland, R. 29 Jackson, Chas. Ford Paris R. 5 Lesher, M. Ford Paris, R. 1 Jamison, Jas. Ford Metcalf R. 1 Lester, David Overland Scottlandj R. 30 Jamison, Jas. Dodge Scottland R. 30 Lewis, I. B. Ford Ridge Farm^ R. 1 Jamison, S. A. Cutting Chrisman R. 24 Lewis, John A. Reo Chrisman, K. 23 Jenkins, J. H. Cadillac Paris R. 5 Lewis, Wm. Overland Chrisman Jennings, O. A. Auburn Scottland R. 29 Light, C. K. Buick Chrisman, R. 25 Jett, S. Ford Brocton R. 17 Light, Wm. M. Buick Chrisman, R. 25 Johnson, Grant Buick Edgar R. 28 Littlefield, J. Maxwell Chrisman, R. 25 Johnson, Omer Ford Brocton R. 19 Lindsey, A. B. Chevrolet Brocton, R. 19 Jones, Ora A. Paige Scottland R. 29 Lindsey, Simon Ford Paris, R. 6 Jones, O. M. Ford Sidell R. 2 Linebarger, O. J. Ford Metcalf, R. 1 Jones, P. E. Allen Metcalf R. 1 Little, W. M. Ford Chrisman, R. 24 Jones, S. P. Ford Edgar R. 28 Livett, R. A. Ford Chrisman, R. 23 Jones, W. E. Ford Chrisman R. 27 Long, H. C. Overland Kansas, R. 15 Jump, W. E. Overland Scottland R. 29 Loop, W. H. Maxwell Metcalf, R. 1 Kegley, S. Keifer, Benj. Keifer, Ivan Keith, Sam Kellv, Edd. Dodge Ford Ford Ford Overland Scottland Oliver Paris Metcalf Metcalf R. 29 R. 1 R. 3 R. 1 R. 1 Lowther H. Lucas, J. H. Lumbick, Arthur Lycan, D. R. Lycan, Herbert Ford Oliver. R. I Ford Hume, R. l Buick and Ford Metcalf Ford Brocton, R. 17 Overland Paris, R. 7 Kelm, Wm. Ford Paris R. 7 Manning, W. H. Ford Kansas, R. 13 Kelsheimer, C. Ford Paris R. 6 Manuel. G. A. Ford Metcalf Kelsheimer, C. E Ford Paris R. 8 Manngh, Mrs. S. Buick Brocton Kelsheimer, Frank Mape, Earl Maxwell Sidell, R. 2 Keo Paris R. 9 Mapes, C. L. Ford Paris, R. 2 Kemper, J. S. Chevrolet Kansas R. 15 Mapes, J. V. Dodge Paris, R. 7 Kemper, Silas Dodge Dudley R. 12 Mapes, M. Ford Paris, R. 7 Kelsheimer, H. K Marley, E. E. Maxwell Vermilion, R. 33 Overland Edgar R. 28 Marley, Jas. Hudson Paris. R. 2 Kendall, G. G. Buick Metcalf R. 1 Marley, Jas. A. Dodge and Ford Kendall, J. B. Buick and Ford Vermilion, R. 33 Metcalf R. 1 Marrs, Asa Ford Paris. R. 4 Kennedy, Lee Ford Scottland R. 29 Marrs, D. Willys- Knight Paris. R. 5 Kennedv, Wilfred Overland Paris R. 10 Marrs, Jas. Chalmers Paris, R. 5 Kennedy, Willis Overland Scottland R. 29 Martin, H. H. Dodge Vermilion, R. 33 Kile, Ernest Maxwell Hume R. 20 Martin, Jas. Ford Paris, R. 3 Kimble, John Ford Paris R. 8 Martin, Jim Ford Paris, R. 9 Kime, A. W. Maxwell Dudley R. 12 Martin, Lew Ford Paris, R. 10 Kime, John O. Ford Dudley R. 12 Martin, Perry Ford Paris, R. 9 Kincaid, E. Buick Newman R. 3 Martin, P. E. Maxwell Brocton, R. 19 Kincaid, E. M. Auburn Newman R. 3 Mason, O. S. Auburn an d Ford Kincanon, Grovei Ford Brocton R. 2 Chrisman, R. 27 King, B. L. Ford and Paige Mattlingly, C. C. Overland Paris, R. 7 Dudley R. 12 Mattingly, J. A. Ford Paris, R. 6 King, J. L. Overland Hume R. 1 Mattingly, Raymond King, Ora E. Reo Chrisman R. 23 Overland Paris, R. 7 Kizer, Edwin E. Maxwell Chrisman R. 23 McAdams, C. Ford Kansas, R. 13 Knight, Ed. Ford Brocton R. 2 McCallister, B. Maxwell Paris, R. 5 Knight, H. D. Ford Hume R. 1 McCarty, E. E. Paige Paris, R. 1 Knight, Jas. Ford Paris R. 6 McCauley, O. W. Ford Chrisman, R. 2S 161 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Make Postoffice Scottland, R. 29 Chrisman, R. 26 McCauley, Tom Ford McClure, Frank Oakland McCollum, Robert Overland Paris, R. 8 McComas, C. Ford Paris, R. 2 McConchie, Claude Ford Oliver, R. 1 McConnaha, W. C. Ford Kansas, R. 13 McCovy, Frank Ford Paris, R. 11 McCown, J. B. Overland (2) Newman, R. 2 McCoy, Joe Ford Brocton, R. 17 McCrocklin, C. Reo and Ford Newman, R. 3 McCulley, Arthur Ford Paris, R. 9 McCulIey, Frank Ford Paris, R. 8 McCulley, H. Overland Paris, R. 9 McCulloch, Geo. B. Buick Paris, R. 9 M.cDaniei. Omer Ford Oliver, R. 1 McDavitt, Margaret Ford McFarland, F. McGinnes, L. W. Mcintosh, Dave McKee, Fred McKinney, C. F. McMull.en, H. McNe£s, D. F. McNees, Wm. H. McNutt. W. S. McQuillan, Wm. McSmith, Ed. McVicker, C. O. Meadows, J. R. Means, Emma Means, H. S. Meehan, P. H. Menk, John Ment, N. Metcalf, F. N. Metcalf, R. Meyers, M. D. Meyers, S. E. Milam, Chas. Milburn, E. S. Miller, Chas. E. Miller, G. V. Miller, Joe Miller, J. J. Miller, J. L. Miller, J. T. Miller, Wm. O. Milton, J. T. Mitchell, Geo. A. Mitchell, H. W. Moffitt, J. S. Moffitt, N R. Mogan, L. J. Moody, W. S. Moran, E. Morgan, W. M. Morris, C. Morris, Edw. G. Morris, H. W. Morris, Lud Morris, L. Morris, Oscar J. Morris, Wm. H. Morrisey, J. T. Ford Dodge Ford Auburn Ford Ford Auburn Inter-State Overland Ford Dodge Ford Elgin Ford Ford Ford Ford Briscoe Ford Ford Mitchell Oakland Ford Reo Ford Ford King Ford Maxwell Overland Reo Ford Dodge Ford Ford Ford Oakland Buick Ford Oakland Six Ford Ford Buick Chevrolet Ford Buick Ford Maxwell Kansas, R. 14 Vermilion, R. 33 Brocton Paris, R. 5 Chrisman, R. 28 Vermilion Brocton, R. 17 Sidell, R. 2 Sidell, R. 2 Vermilion, R. 33 Chrisman, R. 24 Kansas, R. 14 Kansas, R. 14 Paris, R. 1 Paris, R. 8 Paris, R. 8 Brocton, R. 18 Kansas, R. 15 Dudley, R. 12 Paris, R. 2 Chrisman, R. 26 Redmon Redmon Paris, R. 6 Redmon Paris, R. 3 Metcalf, R. 1 Scottland Brocton, R. 18 Paris, R. 2 Chrisman, R. 24 Paris, R. 4 Kansas, R. 16 Chrisman, R. 24 Metcalf, R. 1 Paris, R. 5 Paris Paris, R. 10 Kansas, R. 13 Metcalf, R. 1 Paris, R. 10 Chrisman, R. 27 Kansas, R. 13 Kansas, R. 13 Chrisman, R. 27 Paris, R. 8 Kansas, R. 14 Paris, R. 8 Paris, R. 10 Name Morrison, Frank Morton, R. Morton, Wm. Mosely. A. K. Moss, Chas. Moss, Harrison Moss, H. E. Mott. Sherman Mullins, Thos. W. Murphy, Geo. Murphy, Frank Myers, A. B. Myers, Guy A. Myers, H, Myers, Omer Myers, Ora E. Mvers, Owen Myers, S. E. Myles, Clark Nay, C. E. Nay, Elmer Nay, Frank Nay, W. H. Nay, Oscar Nav, Riley Neblick, F. D. Neldon, S. H. Nees Bros. Nelson, Wm. Newhart, Frank Newhart, F. Newhart, J. F. Nichols, Emmet Nicholson, T. T. Noble, A. K. Noble, Mary R. Noble, Thos. Noble, W. B. Nolen, F. C. North, Bert North, Chas. North, Edgar North, Walter Nuckles, Harvey , Make Postoffice Buick Paris, R. 11 Overland Paris, R. 2 Ford Vermilion, R. 33 Ford Dudley, R. 12 Chevrolet Edgar, R. 28 Ford and Cadillac Edgar, R. 28 Chevrolet Paris. R. 8 Ford Scottland, R. 30 Ford Paris, R. 8 Ford Kansas, R. 16 Ford Paris, R. 5 Paige Hume, R. 1 Ford Newman, R. 3 Reo Paris, R. 11 Maxwell Hume, R. 1 Ford Paris, R. 8 Overland Paris, R. 1 Oakland Redmon Ford Brocton, R. 18 Maxwell Ford Ford Ford Ford Buick Studebaker Kansas, Kansas, Kansas, Kansas, Kansas, Kansas, Ford Maxwell Ford Maxwell Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Overland Overland Overland Ford Dodge Maxwell Buick Studebaker Ridge Farm, Chrisman, Sidell, Chrisman, Paris, Paris, Paris, Paris, Kansas, Brocton, Chrisman, Brocton, Brocton, Scottland, Paris, Paris, Paris, Paris, R-J5 R.i5 «. 15 R. 15 R. 15 R. 15 R. 2 R. 27 R. 2 R. 23 R. 4 R. 5 R. 4 R. 7 R. 14 R. 19 R. 24 R. 19 R. 19 R. 30 R. 7 R. 7 R. 8 R. 8 Hupmobile Chrisman, R. 23 Ogden, C. H. Ogden, J. B. Ogden, R. L. Ogdon, F. E. Ogg, A. F. Ogle, Clifford O'Hair, Smith O'Hair, W. S. Page, Mrs. Anna Parish, J. A. Parker, R. K. Parrish, E. C. Parrish, Mrs. Kati Parrish, S. H. Parson, W. F. Patchett, Earl Patchett, M. Patrick, Roy Patterson, I. W. Maxwell Overland Reo Ford Hudson Ford Buick Dodge Overland Buick Maxwell Reo e Dodge Reo (Truck) Studebaker Maxwell Studebaker Reo Maxwell Isabel Brocton, R. 19 Kansas, R. 13 Newman, R. 3 Newman, R. 3 Paris, R. 8 Paris, R. 4 Paris, R. 5 Marshall, R. 3 Paris, R. 2 Chrisman, R. 25 Oliver, R. 1 Oliver, R. 1 Paris, R. 2 Hume, R. 1 Brocton, R. 18 Brocton, R. 2 Paris, R. 7 Paris, R. 11 162 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Name Make Postoffice Overland Studehaker Overland Overland Overland Dodge Ford Ford Patton-Edwards, Mrs. Anna Chevrolet Patton, W. A. Payne, B. A. Payne, Chas. Payne, Chas. T. Payne, Jas. Pear, I. F. Pearman, S. O. Peer, Chas. Pennington, Mont Ford Perisho, A. Perisho, Clayton Perisho, C. Edw. Perisho, Enos Perisho, Everett Perisho, Frank Perisho, Jos. Perisho, J. W. Perisho, W. H. Perkins, Edw. Perkins, Paul K. Perry, Chas. Phillips, C. C. Pifer, Robert Pinnell, C. Pinnell, Huber Pinnell, H. F. Pinnell, H. V. Pinnell, Jos. H. Pinnell, L. T. Pinnell, Mrs. Mary I. Ford Pinnell, Rav Pinnell, W. C. Poor, Thomas Porter, E. E. Oliver, Dennison, Brocton, Edgar, Brocton, Chrisman, Paris, Paris, Scottland, Chrisman, Willys-Knight Paris, Ford Buick Dodge Ford Ford Studebaker Ford Ford Allen Ford Ford Buick Reo Ford Buick Buick Ford Maxwell Ford Hudson Ford Maxwell Studebaker Paris Dudley, Kansas, Paris, Paris, Kansas, Paris, Brocton, Paris, Paris, Paris, Paris, Kansas, Kansas, Kansas, Kansas, Metcalf, Kansas, Metcalf, Kansas, Kansas, Brocton, Hume, R. 1 R. 2 R. 17 R. 28 R. 17 R. 26 R. 3 R. 2 R. 29 R. 26 R. 14 R. 6 R. 12 R. 15 R. 9 R. 6 Paris R. 15 R. 6 R. R. R. R. R. Porter, Grant Willys-Knight and Porter, O. P. Potts, Oscar Poulter, M. A. Powell, John Powers, P. C. Pritchett, W. A. Pugh, Lee Raerains, Lee Rakans, Lee Randall, J. S. Randall, Orville Randleman, Mrs Randolph, John Rankins, Green Ray, A. B. Reardon, C. Redden, S. Redman, E. L. Redman, M. Redmon, Wm. Reel, Kirk Reese, Chester Reese, John P. Revis, Elby Reynolds, F. D. Rhea, Ed. Rhoads, Ben Ford Maxwell Ford Ford Ford Oakland Hume, Edgar, Paris, Kansas, Brocton, Paris, Marion-Handley Scottland, Hupmobile Metcalf, R. IS R. 16 R. 16 R. 16 R. 1 R. 16 R. 1 R. 16 R. 16 R. 19 R. 1 R. 20 R. 28 R. 2 R. 16 R. 17 R. 9 R. 29 R. 1 Overland Overland Ford Reo F. Ford Ford Overland Ford Ford Ford Maxwell Maxwell Ford Overland Maxwell Overland Ford Overland Overland Chevrolet Paris, R. 9 Hume, R. 1 Chrisman, R. 25 Scottland, R. 29 Brocton, Brocton, Brocton, Vermilion, Kansas, Kansas, Kansas, Kansas, Paris, Vermilion, Paris, Paris, Chrisman, Paris, Paris, Paris, R. 2 R. 19 R. 19 R. 33 R. 15 R. 16 R. 16 R. 16 R. 1 R. 33 R. 5 R. 2 R. 26 R. 2 R. 11 R. 2 Name Rhoads, Elbert Rhoads, J. R. Rhoads, Omar Rhodes, M. Rhyan, J. F. Rhyan, Wm. Richardson, B. F. Richardson, E. G. Richey, Fred W. Richey, Marion Riggs, Frank Riggs, J. E. Riggs, W. B. Roberts, W. E. Robinson, J. W. Robison, Alfred C Robison, N. H. Roe, W. R. Rogers, S. M. Roller, C. C. Roller, E. H. Roller, John Rollings. John I. Rooney, P. J. Ross, Ernie Ross, H. E. Ross, John Ross, W. S. Roth, Chester Rowley, W. A. Ryan, Daniel Ryan, John Ryan, John N. Make Postoffice Ford Paris, R. 2 Ford Paris, R. 7 Ford Paris, R. 3 Dodge Kansas, R. 13 Ford Brocton, R. 17 Ford Brocton, R. 17 Saxon Six Sidell, R. 2 Oakland Chrisman, R. 25 Ford Dudley, R. 12 Ford Dudley, R. 12 Overland Dudley, R. 12 Studebaker Paris, R. 5 Reo and Ford Metcalf, R. 1 Maxwell Hume, R. 1 Ford Kansas, R. 16 Auburn Overland Buick and Mitchell Ford Ford Buick and Ford Ford Overland Ford Reo Maxwell Ford Overland Ford Ford Ford Chrisman, R. 23 Scottland, R. 29 Saxon Chrisman, R. 24 Chrisman, R. 27 Brocton, R. 17 Brocton, R. 18 Overland Hume Hume, R. 1 Brocton, K. 8 Dudley Redmon Scottland, R. 29 Vermilion Brocton, R. 17 Dennison, R. 2 Dudley, R. 2 Dudley, R. 12 Paris, R. 11 Ford Overland Ford Ford Overland Oakland Buick Samford, Wm. Sanders, John D Sanders, J. E. Saunders, B. A. Sayre, C. R. Sayre, F. D. Schneider, J. D. Schneider, Martin Ford Schneider, W. H. Ford Scott, A. B. Schrech, Robt. Schreech, Koy Scott, Chas. Scott, Everett Scott, Geo. F. Scott, Irvin Scott, John L. Scott, N. Scott, Otis G. Scott, S. Jr. Scott, S. A. Scott, W. H. Scott, W. O, Scott, W. T. Sears, G. See, Harlan Hume, R. 22 Paris, R. 6 Paris, R. 1 Brocton, R. 18 Chrisman, R. 25 Chrisman, R. 25 Dudley, R. 12 Dudley, R. 12 Dudley, R. 12 Willys-Knight Six Scottland, R. 29 Ford Dudley, R. 12 Ford Kansas, R. 14 Ford Paris, R. 2 Oakland Chrisman, R. 26 Maxwell Chrisman, R. 26 Haynes Chrisman, R. 24 Overland Scottland, R. 29 Auburn Scottland, R. 2 Ford Chrisman, R. 24 Hudson Chrisman Buick Scottland, K. 29 Overland Chrisman. R. 26 Haynes Scottland, R. 29 Auburn Chrisman, R. 23 Ford ' Paris, R. 4 Ford Sensenbrener, A. C. Sensenbrenner, H. Sexton, W. H. Sharkev, W. T. Shaw, J. H. Buick Buick Overland Overland Overland Paris, R. 4 Paris, R. 6 Paris, R. 2 Kansas, R. 15 Brocton, R. 17 Paris. R. 3 163 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Sheehv, E. Sheets, J. W. ShefFey, Omar Shepard. H. Shields, Daniel Shields, J. M. Shields, W. R, Shipley, N. O. .Shirer, Arnold Shirer, Siebert Shoptough, Wm. Shuman, W. G Make Reo Ford Overland Ford Ford Ford •Reo Ford Oakland Overland Overland Overland Postoffice Sidenbender, C. W. Buick Sidenbender, Robt. Overland Simpson, E. E. Chevrolet Simpson, E. G. Oakland Simpson, R. O. Overland Sims, J. Mat Ford Sims, J. M. Ford Sisson, Asa Ford Sisson, Henry Reo Sizemore, Miss G. Ford Sizemore, Oda M. Ford Slanker, Harry Ford Slager. Wm. M. Maxwell Sloan, E. W. Dodge Sly, Allen Dodge Sly, John Ford Smith, A. J. Overland Smith, A. J. Dodge Smith, A. K. Ford Smith, Clarence Overlatid Smith, C. D. Ford .Smith, E. Ford Smith, E. T. Dod^e Smith, Frank D. Paige Smith, F. A. Dodge .Smith, Harvey T. Maxwell Smith, Henry M. Buick .Smith, Oliver Smith, Peter .Smith, P. S. .Smith, R. G. Smith, S. E. Smith, W. A. Smith, W. O. Smithkamp, C. Smittkamp, Jos. Snedeker, A. J. Snider, Chas. Snyder, W. H. .Southard. C. Southard, C. C. Southard, O. W. .Southard, Roy Speichly, John Spitzmesser, G. .St. John, J. B. .Stafford, Ben Stafford, E. K. Stafford. \V. D. Staley, A. E. Stalev. C. R. Standley, R. E. Stanfield, C. Step. C. VV. .Step, Grant Stephens, X. Paige Ford Ford Ford Dodge Maxwell Dodge Ford Overland Ford Ford Chevrolet Overland Dodge Ford Ford Auburn Studebaker Saxon Maxwell Ford Oakland Ford Ford Reo Mitchell and Ford Ford Maxwell Paris Hume Chrisman Chrisman Paris Paris Paris Kansas Vermilion Vermilion Kansas Vermilion Paris Paris Kansas Paris Kansas Kansas Paris Paris Vermilion Paris Paris Edgar Kansas Brocton Chrisman Chrisman Chrisman Kansas Chrisman Metcalf Dudley Hume Brocton Hume Dudley Dudley Paris Hume Paris Chrisman Scottland Vermilion Kansas Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Chrisman Chrisman Metcalf, Chrisman Chrisman Brocton Hume Paris Paris Paris, Vermilion Vermilion Kansas Ford Paris Paris Paris R. 8 R. 1 R. 24 R. 24 R. 5 R. 5 R. 2 R. 13, R. 33 R. 33 R. 15 R. 33 R. 9 R. 9 R. 14 R. 9 R. 13 R. 13 R. 2 R. 3 R. 33 R. 7 R. 1 R. 28 R. 14 R. 19 R. 25 R. 2( R. 23 R. 14 R. 23 R. 1 R. 12 R. 1 R. 19 R. 1 R. 12 R. 12 R. R. R. Red mon R. 23 R. 30 R.33 R. 14 R. R. R. R. R. R. 27 R. 25 R. 1 R. 24 R. 23 R. 17 R. 1 R. 10 R. 10 R. 10 R. n R. 33 R. 13 Paris R. 10 R. 10 R. 4 Name Make Stepp, Frank Stewart. Grant Stewart, Wm. Stewart, W. G. Stickler, H. W. Stickler, J. W. Stokes, J. C. Stolz, Frank W. Stolz, Jos. M. Stolz, T. B. Stone, M. C. Stone. W. B. Stoneburner, R. O. Postoffice Ford Paris, R. 1 Overland Chrisman, R. 27 Overland and Ford Paris, R. Elkhart Buick Six Ford Ford Ford Overland Overland Ford Dodge Paris, R. Paris, R. Paris. R. Isabel Paris, R. 9 Paris, Paris, Hume. R. R. R. Stoneburner, R. Q. Stoops, Loren Stotts, J. M. Stotts, Wm. Stratton, Albert Stratton, M. W. Straw, Chas. Sturgell, N. Sudduth, J. B. Sullivan, Chas. .Sullivan, Frank H. Paige Metcalf Dudley, R. 12 Paris, R. 8 Apperson Willys-Knight Chrisman, R. 23 Ford Paris, R. 11 Ford Paris, R. 8 Ford Chrisman, R. 25 Oakland Chrisman, R. 25 Ford Chrisman, R. 26 Elkhart Paris, R. 2 Reo Six Paris, R. 5 Ford Paris Sullivan, Jas. Sullivan, John .Sullivan, Pat Sullivan. W. E. .Sunkel, A. Sunkel, Frank .Sunkel, Surber, .Sutton, Sutton, Swango Swango .Swearin Swiger, Swiger, Harry Jas. C. Ed. Ebert Jesse gen, O. Geo. Wm. Tate, Mrs. A. Taylor, E. J. Taylor, G. C. Tavlor, Wm. H. Taylor, W. H. Thiel, J. A. Thiel, L. F. Thiel, W. J. Thomas, D. Thomas, E. B. Thomas, John Thompson, A. T. Thompson, D. Thompson, Fred Thornton, S, M. Tiffin, B. H. Tompkins, J. H. Tooly, Jos. Travis, R. A. Tribby, E. C. Trimble, A. L. Triplett, D. W. Trogdon, C. E. Reo Paris, R. 8 Dodge Brocton, R. 2 Westcott Brocton, R. 19 Ford Brocton, R. 2 Ford Paris, R. 9 Studebaker Paris, R. 7 Hudson and Ford Paris. R. 8 Oakland and Ford Dudley Ford Brocton, R. 18 Ford Scottland, R. 29 Ford Hume, R. 20 Inter-State Chrisman, R. 27 Ford Paris, R. 3 Overland .Scottland, R. 29 Ford Paris, R. 3 Ford Paris, R. 4 Paige Kansas, R. 15 Hupmobile Metcalf, R. 1 Reo Paris, R. 8 Overland Scottland, R. 29 Hupmobile Ridge Farm, R. 1 Paige Brocton Ford Paris, R. 5 Maxwell Paris, R. 4 Maxwell Brocton, R. 17 Ford Sidell, R. 2 Reo Six Chrisman, R. 27 Ford and Reo Metcalf, R. 1 Hudson Newman, R. 3 Case Ridge Farm, R. 1 Hume, R. 1 Chevrolet Ford Chalmers Ford Reo Ford Ford Ford Overland Paris, R. 11 Paris, R. ^ Sidell, R. 2 Paris, R. 8 Kansas, R. 13 Redmon Chrisman, R. 27 Vermilion, R. 33 164 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY Name Trogdon, J. F. Troup, Pal Trout, Geo. Tucker, A. B. Tucker, Chas. F. Tucker. D. A. Tucker, N. A. Turner, E. C. Tweedy, Alvin Twigg, H. R. Tyler, J. H. Tyler, Lee Tyler, Wm. H. Underwood, Chas. Make Postoffice Name Make Willys- Knight Vermilion, R. 33 Ford Paris, R. 1 Ford Paris. R. 8 Auburn Horace Ford Hume Maxwell Paris, R. 3 Paige and Saxon Brocton, R. 17 Ford Hume, R. 1 Studebaker Vermilion, R. 33 Whistnand, H. M. Auburn Cole Ford Ford Maxwell Ford Underwood, David VanAuken, H. Vance, A. I. Vance, T. B. Vance, T. L. Reo (2) Ford Overland Studebaker Overland VanSickle, Mrs. C. VanSickle, Jas. VanTress, Fred VanTress, S. Varner, Allen Varner, David Varner, Wm. Vielor, Edw. Volkers, F. C. Voorhies, J. M. Wade, L. E. Wait, Frank C. Waite, J. A. Wallace, Wm. Wallas, W. A. Waller, Albert Waller, F. F. Waller, Wm. Walls, Geo. Walls, L. J. Walls, Ora A. Waltz, Oscar Waltz, W. J. Ward, Herbert Waters, Chas. Watson, A. N. Watson, B. F. Watson, Chas. Watson, J. A. Watson, J. L. Watson, R. H. Weathers, T. W^eaver, I. Webster, S. F. Webster, W. A. Webster, W. D. Weiland, W. L. Welch, Addison Welch, A. F. Wellman, C. H. Westerfield, Ray Whetstone, D. E. Whetstone, Ora Ford Ford Paige Dodge Bore-Davis Ford Ford Maxwell Ford Chevrolet Brocton, R. 18 Kansas, R. 14 Brocton, R. 19 Brocton, R. 19 Sidell, R. 2 Sidell, R. 2 Brocton, R. 19 Paris, R. 10 Vermilion, R. 33 Vermilion, R. 33 Metcalf. R. 1 Metcalf Brocton, R. 19 Brocton, R. 19 Chrisman, R. 23 Indianola Chrisman, R. 23 Paris, R. 4 Sandford Dudley, R. 12 Buick and Ford Edgar, Reo Saxon Maxwell Overland Dodge Dodge Allen Saxon Ford Kansas, Kansas, Paris, Scottland, Paris, Paris, Paris, Oliver, Paris, R. 28 R. 15 R. IS R. 2 R. R. R. R. R. R. Maxwell and Chevrolet Brocton, R. 17 Ford Reo Buick Ford Buick Reo Buick Reo Hume, Metcalf, Hume, Paris, Metcalf, Paris, Paris, Paris, R. R. R. R. R. Oldsmobile Eight Paris, Dodge Metcalf, Studebaker Ridge Farm, Reo Overland Chevrolet Maxwell Ford Ford Ford Overland Ford Buick Overland Kansas, Paris, Chrisman, Vermilion, Kanass, Paris, Kansas, Paris, Vermilion, Chrisman, Chrisman, R. 11 R. 11 R. 11 R. 11 R. 1 R. 2 R. 13 R. 2 R. 27 R. 33 R. 13 R. 10 R. 14 R. 10 R. 33 R. 24 R. 24 Postoffice Kansas, R. 13 Kansas, R. 14 Kansas, R. 13 Redmon White, B. Ford White, C. E. Reo White, Frank Ford White, M. G. Cole and Ford Chrisman, R. 24 Whiteside, Jas. M. Chalmers Whiteside, J. M. Jr. Monroe Whitlock, I. S. Whitmer, H. H. Whitsell, J. Wiese, Aug. Wiese, G. H. Wilhoit, R. O. Wilkins. W. M. Williams, Chas. E. Ford Williams, E. Ford Williams, F. C. Ford Williams, John H. Ford Williams, W. L. Willmoth. A. Willmoth, Rav Willmoth, W. J. Wilson, C. Studebaker Overland Overland Ford Elkhart Reo Reo Reo Overland Ford Ford Ford Studebaker Maxwell Inter-State Overland Overland Overland Kansas, R. 13 Kansas, R. 14 Brocton, R. 18 Brocton, R. 18 Brocton, R. 2 Brocton, R. 18 Brocton Kansas, R. 16 Paris, R. 9 Chrisman, R. 25 Paris, R. 1 Chrisman, R. 27 Edgar Hume, R. 1 Hume. R. 1 Metcalf, R. 22 Brocton, R. 17 Wilson, C. L. Wilson, Wm. Wilson, Wm. Winans, C. E. Winans, O. Clif Winans, O. O. Wingfield. Harry Ford Winn, H. M. -Studebaker Witt, A. L. Witt, A. L. Wood, A. L. Wood, J. B. Woodruff, D. K. Woods, O. Woodyard, Fred Reo Ford Ford Auburn Dodge Ford Hupmobile Ridge Farm, R. Woodyard, G. Overland Ridge Farm, R. Woodyard, H. C. Locomotive Ridge Farm, R. Oliver, R. Paris, R. Paris, R. Paris, R. Paris, R. Brocton, R. Paris. R. Sidell, R. Hume Hume, R. 1 Brocton, R. 18 Redmon Brocton, R. 2 Kansas, R. IS Isabel Wright, Chas. R. Wright, C. Cad Wright, C. T. Wright, C. Y. Wright, Edw. T. Wright, G. B. Wright, John U. Wright, J. M. Wright, L. J. Wright. Robt. Wyatt, Robt. H. Vates, A. Yates, A. L. Yenawine, R. A. Yount, C. Yowell, Stella Reo Reo Ford Ford Reo Ford Ford Ford Overland Ford Dodge Overland Overland Six Ford Ford Ford Paris, R. Paris, R. Paris, R. Paris, R. 11 Vermilion Paris, R. 1 Paris, R. Paris, R. Paris, R. Paris, R. Chrisman, R. 23 Metcalf, R. 1 Metcalf, R. 1 Kansas, R. 13 Paris, R. 7 Dudley Zerber, C. G. Ford Hume, R. 1 Zimerly, E. E. Ford Paris, R. 5 Zimmerly, L. Ford Paris, R. 5 Zimmerman, Ed. Jackson Eight Brocton Zimmerman, Ross Reo Brocton, R. 19 Zink, W. D. Gra«t Kansas, R. 15 165 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Edgar County Tractor Owners Directory Name Adams, Chas. H. Aitken, L. R. Anderson, E. L. Bell, Chas. Bennett, W. I. Blair, Mint Board, Harry Brooks, Hugh E. Buckler, J. C. Clark, W. H. Clark, W. P. Collier, Harry Condon, John Currey, Isaac Currey, J. W. Make Postoffice 10-20 Heider Paris, R. 6 10-20 Titan Metcalf, R. 1 45-35 Waterloo Boy Scottland, R. 29 10-20 Hume Brocton, R. 2 Ford Form-a-Tractor Kansas, R. IS Oliver (25 H.P.) Dudley Titan I. H. C. Edgar, R. 28 Mogul I. H. C. Edgar, R. 28 Heider Brocton, R. 2 I. H. C. Titan Edgar, R. 28 10-20 ]\iternational Chrisman, R. 2i 8-16 I. H. C. Edgar, R. 28 15-30 Hume Hume 10-20 Bull Brocton Bull Dean, A. L. Imperial Dennis, W. A. 8-16 Mogul Dunblaser, Oscar Atlas Brocton Hume, R. 20 Paris, R. 11 Hume, R. 1 Englum, Frank Epperson, Chas. Farrell, J. E. Farris, Chas. B. Fortune, Bert Gaines, Jas. Galway, J. D. Galway, Wm. E. Gough, J. A. Green, Russell Harris, Chas. E. Headley, F. L. Hess, John Hess, L. Hess, Roy R. Hillery, Roy Honnold, Ira N. Honnold, W. H. Housel, Chas. Housel, Jacob Housel, L. E. Huston, Lula R. Jamison, S. A. Jones, O. M. Kendall, J. B. Lange Bros, and 20-30 Lyons-Atlas Paris, R. 7 International Sidell, R. 2 12-24 Waterloo Boy Chrisman, R. 25 10-20 International Metcalf, R. 1 12 20 Heider Metcalf, R. 1 10-20 International Ridge Farm, R. 2 Heider Chrisman, R. 23 Helt'.er Chrisman, R. 23 10- JO Case Brocton, R. 19 Hume Sidell, R. 2 lJ-25 Case Vermilion, R. ii R. 7 S-16 Mogul Paris, Nichols & Shepard Port Huron Paris, R. 10 Waterloo Boy Chrisman, R. 24 Waterloo Boy Scottland, 12-25 Hieder Paris Mogul Kansas Hieder Kansas, 10-20 Titan Brocton, 10 20 Titan Brocton, 10-20 Titan Brocton, International Dudley, International Chrisman, 10-20 International Sidell, International Metcalf, R. 29 R. 6 R. 13 R. 13 R. 19 R. 19 R. 19 R. 12 R. 24 R. 2 R. 1 Name Make Postoffice Linebarger, O. J. 10-20 Titan Metcalf, R. 1 McConnahan, W. C. Ford Attachment Kansas, R. 13 McSmith, Ed. 10-20 Case Kansas, R. 14 Mitchell, H. W. Bi^ Four Metcalf, R. 1 Nay, Frank 12-25 Parrett Kansas, R. 15 Nichols, Emmet S-IC Mogul Paris, R. 7 Ogden, J. B. 10 20 Titan Brocton, R. 19 Perisho, W. H. 5-12 Bluff Phillips, C. C. Pifer, Robert Pinnell, Jos. H. Porter, Grant Porter, O. P. Paris, R. 6 Heider Paris, R. ] .merson-Brantingham Paris, R. 10-20 Titan Metcalf, R. Titan Hume, R. 1 20 I. H. C. Titan Edgar, R. 28 Reynolds, T. D. Parrett Paris, R. 2 Ross, John 10 20 Heider Scottland, R. 29 Samford, Wm. Scott, A. B. Scott, Otis G. Shank, J. S. ShefFey, Omar Smith, A. J. Smith, C. D. Smith, S. E. Standley, R. E. Stokes, John Swearingen, Owen 10-20 Titan Hume, R. 22 Waterloo Boy Scottland, R. 29 Waterloo Boy Chrisman, R. 24 Mogul (30 H.P.) Paris, R. 8 15-20 Bull Chrisman, R. 24 10-20 Titan Chrisman, R. 23 International Dudley, R. 12 9-13 Case Scottland, R. 30 10-20 Titan Kansas, R. 13 8-12 Bull Isabel 12-25 Avery Scottland, R. 29 Thomas, Daniel Bull Brocton, R. 17 Tucker, A. B. I. H. C. Mogul Horace Sister 30-60 Hart-Parr Brocton, R. Varner, Wm. Heider Waltz, W. J. Warmouth, Bruce Webster, W. D. Whisnand, H. M. White, O. L. White, W. F. Williams, F. C. Wilson, Andrew Wilson, Roscoe Wingfield, Harry Wimsett, J. M. Woodyard, Henry Wright, Edw. T. Chrisman, R. 23 10-20 International Metcalf, R. 1 Gaar-Scott Threshing Edgar, R. 28 Towering Vermilion, R. 33 I. H. Case Kansas, R. 13 Advance-Steam (18 H.P.) Paris, R. 2 Heider Chrisman, R. 27 10-20 Bates Steel Mule Chrisman, R. 27 Bull Oliver, R. 1 7 20 Bull Brocton, R. 18 10-20 I. H. C. Sidell, R. 2 12-20 Waterloo Boy Scottland, R. 29 C. 12-25 Avery Ridge Farm, R. 1 12- 15 Parrett Vermilion ro- FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY UNITED STATES OFFICERS President Woodrow Wilson Vice-President Thomas Marshall Secretary of State Robert Lansing Secretary of Treasury William G. McAdoo Secretary of War Newton C. Baker Attorney General Thos. W. Gregory Postmaster General Albert S. Burleson Secretary of Navy Josephus Daniels Secretary of Interior Franklin K. Lane Secretary of Agriculture David F. Houston Secretary of Commerce William C. Redfleld Secretary of Labor William B. Wilson ILLINOIS STATE OFFICERS, 1917-1920 Governor Frank O. Lowden Lieutenant Governor John G. Oglesby Secretary of State Louis L. Emmerson Attorney General Edward J. Brundage Treasurer Len Small Auditor of Public Accounts Andrew Russel MEMBERS OF CONGRESS Illinois Senators Lawrence Y. Sherman James Hamilton Lewis Congressmen-at- Large William E. Mason Medill McCormick Congressman, 18th Dist. (Counties of Kankakee, Iroquois, Vermilion, Edgar, Cumberland and Clark) Jos. G. Cannon, Danville, ill. MEMBERS GENERAL ASSEMBLY, 22nd DISTRICT (Counties of Edgar and Vermilion) Senate Martin B. Bailey, Danville House P- J- Breen, Metcalf A. L. Stanfield, Paris Wm. P. Holaday, Georgetown LEGAL HOLIDAYS IN ILLINOIS New Year's Day January 1 Lincoln's Birthday February 12 Washington's Birthday February 22 Memorial Day May 30 Independence Day July 4 Labor Day First Monday in September Election Days Columbus Day October 12 Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day December 25 167 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY COUNTY AND TOWNSHIP OFFICERS OF EDGAR COUNTY (1917-1918) County Clerk Geo. D. Murphy Circuit Clerk T. J. Brewer Treasurer Archie N. Vance Sheriff W. R. McCallister States Attorney W. H. Hickman County Judge Dan V. Dayton Superintendent Schools O. Rice Jones Coroner O. R. Scott Surveyor Parker Craft Co. Supt. Roads , K. J. Barr EDGAR COUNTY SUPERVISORS Township Name Postoffice Township Name Postoffice Buck Geo. W. Adams Paris Paris John A. Helton Paris Brouillett Creek J. Cheesewright Dana, Ind. David Kinney Paris Elbridge A. B. Ray Vermilion Prairie T. A. Dawson Scottland Embarras J. F. Handler Oakland Ross T. Maddock Chrisman Edgar Lee Pugh Edgar Svmms W. W. Handy Oliver Grand view A. O. Bussart- Dudley Shiloh E. H. Roller Brocton Hunter Wm. Burke Chrisman Stratton D. M. Mason Vermilion Kansas 8. H. Pinnell Kansas Voung America H. C. Hathaway Hume Paris P. L. Stoneburner Paris COMMITTEES OF EDGAR COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (1917) PUBLIC BUILDINGS— Bussart, Kenney, Pinnell. PRINTING— Dawson. Adams and Ray. CLAIMS— Kenney, Handley, Maddock. COUNTY CLERK— Handy, Cheesewright, Maddock. SHERIFF— Roller, Bussart, Mason. TREASURER— Adams, Roller, Mason. STATE'S ATTORNEY— Cheesewright, Ray. Adams. POOR FARM— Handy, Pinnell, Kenney. CIRCUIT CLERK— Helton, Pugh, Hatha- way. EDUCATION— Pugh, Helton, Hathaway. CHILDREN'S HOME— Dawson, Handr Pinnell. PAUPERS— Burke, Cheesewright, Mad- dock. CORONER— Bussart, Handley, Mason. GRAND ARMY— Burke, Dawson, Hatha- way. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF ROADS— Roller, Handy, Ray. EDGAR COUNTY ASSESSORS Township Name Postoffice Township Name Postoffice Buck Jesse Pierce Redmon Paris Roscoe Rives Paris Brouillett Creek J. L. Dawson Scottland Prairie Roy Southard Scottland Elbridge Wm. Forster Vermilion Ross (i. M. Jamison Chrisman Embarras Roy C. Merkle Brocton Symms Frank Eldredge Oliver Edgar E. P. Walls Chrisman Shiloh Henry Knight Hume Grandview J. M. Howell Dudley Young America Owen Myers Vermilion Hunter Millard Foltz Scottland Stratton James Lucas Hume Kansas O. ' J. Arterburn Kansas 168 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY EDGAR COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMISSIONERS Township Name Postoffice Township Name Postoffice Buck Alex Snedeker Brouillett Creek T. M. Thornton Jas. Jamison C. ]'. Adams Elbridge H. H. Edmlston Paris Chrisman Scottland Paris Kansas Paris I. N. Hennold U. B. Fitzpatrick Elmer Nay Chas. Sullivan W. L. Sudduth Kansas Kansas Kansas Paris Paris E. E. Marley Arnold Shirar Vermilion Prairie E. H. Gumm John L. Scott Paris Scottland Embarras J. W. Ralph Brocton Ross N. S. Coe Chrisman S. E. Meyers Redmon A. J. Smith Chrisman John B. Ogden Brocton Jos. Ellsberry Chrisman Edgar O. S. Mason Symms Calvin Lemaster Paris Grandview \Vm. Rvan, Sr. Dudley N. R. Aitken Metcalf naniel Shields Paris Shiloh Frank Lange Brocton Carl Webright Dudley J. D. Powers Brocton Hunter Joiin Heelan Paris J. E. Sanders Vermilion D. D. Judy Paris Stratton Jas. VanSickle Metcalf Chas. Bright Paris Young America D. F. McNees Hume Every road has two ends — at one end the farm, at the other the country town. Each depends on the other, and both prosper together. When the broad-minded merchants and the progressive farmers work together for the good of the community, then you have a community worth living in. The Rexall Store PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND VETERINARY SUPPLIES— VETERINARY INSTRUMENTS Agents for Dr. White's Hog Cholera Serum ^ Jfk % We sell and recommend 'MwW^^ the following: Triple-O Thermos Bottles Parker Fountain Pens S/LJl^ Goods: Use Rose Jelly for Chapped Sherwin Williams and Lowe Hands, Face and Lips. Price Bros. Paints 25c Per Bottle. ROWE DRUG CO. On the Busy Corner PARIS ILLINOIS 169 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY GENERAL FARM DATA FOR EDGAR COUNTY, ILLINOIS— From 1910 Census Population ^o'cn^ Number of all farms J,b07 Color and nativity of farmers: Native white ' %i. Foreign-born white ^J Negro and other non-white * Number of farms, classified by size: Under 3 acres 4 3 to 9 acres °° 10 to 19 acres '. 95 20 to 49 acres 300 50 to 99 acres 592 100 to 17t acre'^ '25 175 to 259 acres 457 2fiO to 499 acres 307 500 to 999 acres 41 1.000 acres and over 1 Approximate land area acres 397.440 Land In farms acres 381.150 Improved land in farms acres 352 017 Wood land in farms acres 23 02fi Other unimnroved land in farms acres 6 107 Percent of land area in farms 95.9 Percent of farm land improved 92.4 Averaere acres per farm 1 4fi.2 Average improved acres per farm 135.0 All farm property value dollars 59.239 903 T.and dollars 50 5R9 241 Buildings dollars 4.485 580 Implements and machinery dollars 741.420 rio-T^ £>"*'> nnir^'al'3 poiiUrv and bees dollars 3,443,662 Percent of value of all property in: T.and 85.4 Building 7.6 Implements and machinery 1.3 Domestic animals, poultry and bees 5.8 Avera«re values: All propertv per farm dollars 22.723 Land and buildings per farm dollars 21 118 Land, per acre dollars 132. fiS Farms reporting domestic animals 2 579 Value of domestic animals dollars 3,323.093 Cattle : Total number 19 838 Dairv cows 6 743 Other cows 1 745 Yearling heifers 2 289 Calves 2 571 Yearling steers and bulls 2 056 Other steers and bulls 4 434 Value dollars 674.183 Horsi^s: TMal number 17 535 Mature horses 15 485 Yearling colts 1.396 Spring colts 654 Value dollars 1.876,092 Mule';: Total number 2,169 Mature mules 1.731 Yearling colts 331 Snring colts 107 Value dollars 282,966 Asses and burros: Number 37 Value dollars 13,015 Swine: Total number 58 608 Mature hogs 33.175 SiT-ine;- pigs 25 433 Value dollars 424,900 Sheen: Total number 10.655 Tfams. vew^s and wethers 6 761 Spring lambs 3 894 Value dollars 51,053 Goats: Number 245 Value dollars 884 170 ^:XSERS^AND^REEDERSrEDGA^ 208,593 Number of poultry of all kinds. '.'.['.'.'.'.'.'.. '.dollars ^^'^'ulo Value yoo Number of colonies of bees • '.'........■ .dollars 3.096 Value . . 1,431 Number of farms operated by owners ..:..:.'.:':.'.:.'.'.'.... , „ 54 9 Percent of all farms acres l^^'?^" Land in farms. '• '.'.'.'.'.'. acres Iny'ina Improved land in farms dollars 27,103,108 Value of land and buildings ^'^^p™ cSsthirof owned land only . . • • • • -^ • ; ; ; ; ] TsS ?trms conslsUnI of owned land and hired land ,- Color and nativity of tenants: 1,401 Native white .••■•■ ■'S Foreign-born white •••■•.;• . ^ Negro and other non-white. . . . . • • 1,145 Numbe? of farms operated by tenants ::..:. , ,43^ Percent of all farms acres UAln Land in farms. acres i^k'oos Improved land m farms _ .dollars 27,17b,^Z8 Value of land and buildings Form of tenancy. \^^ Share tenants ^^' Share cash tenants i«» Cash tenants. .•■••• '//. ^^ Tenure not specified. Color and nativity of tenants. 1,137 Native white . • ■ • • ' Foreign-born white i Neero and other non-white 31 Numblr of farms operated by managers • • • • • ^^^^^ 6,223 Land in farms. " acres „„c'1ok Improved land in farms dollars 775,485 Value of land and buildings ^°'?o%^intarmf operated by owners: 790 Number free from mortgage debt 574 Number with mortgage debt 67 Numblr with no mortgage report . For farms consisting of owned land only: 350 Number reporting debt and amount .dollars 6,029,800 Value of their land and buildings • ^^nars 1,147,116 Amount of mortgage debt. ......•■.•• •• 19.0 p^cent of value of land and buildings LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS number 6,348 Dairy cows on farms reporting dairy Produces • • • • • ^^^^ 6,254 D^iry cows on farms reporting milk produced :::::;:::.. gallons 2,031,287 Milk produced gallons ^ri^o Sold gallons 1.653 Cream sold. . . '.'.'.'.'.'. pounds Butter fat sold. pounds 510,^34 Butter produced pounds ^ 'i^Vn Sold ;;;;■. pounds 640 Cheese produced pounds b4u Valu^e^of dairy products, excluding home use'of milk and cream . . dollars 131,197 Receipts from sale of dairy products :::::::: '.number 408,465 Poultry raised number 150,251 Sold dozens ^?5.^?^ Eggs produced dozens 440,04b Sold ^■■■■;, dollars 337,942 Value of poultry and eggs produced^ • ; ; ; [^oUars 160.362 Receipts from sale of poultry and eggs ! ! ! ! . . . . .number 5,716 Wool, fleeces shorn.. v! ' ' ' number 63 Mohair and goat hair fleeces shorn dollars 11.551 Value of wool and mohair produced • ^^^^^^ 5,796 Honey produced pounds 24 Wax produced UV^W,;^^rt '. dollars 1.078 Value of honey and wax produced DOMESTIC AMMALS SOLD OR SLAUGHTERED ^^^ ^^^^ Calves, sold or slaughtered. . . . ; ; ; ; ; number 16.137 Other cattle sold or slaughtered^ number 2,890 Horses, mules, asses and burros sold number 75,328 Swine sold or slaughtered. . •■•••••• ; ; ; ; ; '.number 6.087 Sheep and goats sold or slaughtered dollars 2,097,071 Receipts from sale of animals dollars 196,592 Value of animals slaughtered VALUE OF ALL CROPS dollars 4,839,637 Cereals • • ;; dollars 13,091 Other grains and seeds 171 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Hay and forage dollars Vegetables . . . .• dollars Fruits and nuts dollars All other crops dollars SELECTED CROPS Corn acres . .bushels Oats acres . .bushels Wheat acres . . hii=hels Emmer and spelt acres . . bu'^hels Barley a cres . . V"i9hfils Buckwheat acres . .bushels Rye ficrps . . bushels All tame or cultivated grasses acres . . ton.s Timothy alone acres . .tons Timothy and clover mixed acres ..tons Clover alone acres \lfalfa ••**'"^ .-viiAiiA acres •««^.,, i -r-r . • -tons Millet or Hungarian grass acres Other tame or cultivated grasses ' .acres . . tons Wild, salt or prairie grasses acres . • . .tons Grains cut green acr^s 7? -, , . .tons R<; Coarse forage acres S*^ .„ ^ ^ . .tons ST"? Potatoes acr^R R7S „ . ^ ^ ^ . .bii=hela 64 5.';'> Sweet potatoes and yams acres fi ... ., , ,, ..bushels PSO All other vegetables acres fiR?^ Manle trees. ... _• :r,„mbor 3 n^^ Mar. e sii-ar fmade) ponrirls i<^9, Maple sirup (made) jrallons 1 707 Broom corn • .acres S2.«; _„,,,„„ . „ ..pounds 117,125 FRUITS AND NUTS Apples tT-eo«? RR nqi? Peaches and nectarines ; It^J'p^s^^^ 2« R47 p„arq ..biiPhols 13 Pas >.M">,olg 1 747 5 301 1 "^R trees 10 P7? 2 ^^•' 280,132 104,547 36.587 41,607 150,459 7,150.597 75 571 2,651 592 13 508 267,216 6 101 8 51 244 4 444 24 711 32 778 16 05-1 21 ?'^5 3 5'>7 4 9''4 5 OOS 6,340 9 26 113 224 Plums and prunes ; ^rees Cherries ! ."bn-hels trees Quinces ..bushels . TreA<5 Cranes - ..bushels 175 t-rrapes ,.(r,ec. 7 sss Strawberries [[Zr::''' '"^?3 Raspberries and loganberries ; [^crl^'' ^^ "10 Blackberries and dewberries • " a"rpT ^^ ^l\ ^sjutg . .niiP'-fc! ?1 7S« ..frppc: 11HP> . .pounds 7 390 r ,, ^ MISCELLAIVEOUS Labor — farms reporting 171 4 Cash expended ^^ii.a'^= " Anitot ^ Rent and board ! l ! ! l ! ! d" |^^ jS^'J^^ Fertilizer— farms reporting. . . dollars 1^7,539 Amount expended h^'h'oVo" j a^c Feed— farms reporting dollars 4,416 Amount expended ^;.ii'oV= " oji o?n Receipts from sale of feedable crops! 1 i ! ! ; ! i i ! i ! ! ! ! ; [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] :|°}JL^f sjl^fe" 172 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY F. J. FESSANT. Pres. JOS. FESSANT. Vice-Pres J. H. HELTSLEY, Cashier Six^t Matioml panfe VERMILION, ILL. Capital, $25,000 4% Paid on Time and Savings Deposits DIRECTORS F. J. FESSANT J. H. HELTSLEY JOS. FESSANT B. M. HUFFMAN J. A. HORNBERGER bS^^fi^ Too Late To Classify Arterburn, O. G. (Laura Noy) Kan- sas R16 Kansas Sec26 O80a (1875) Arterburn, Wellington (Emma Flint) Ch Ada, Henry, Early, Edear, Letha, Hulda, Guy, Ruth, Effie, Brent; Kansas R16 Kansas Sec26 T160a Wm. Paxton (1890) Pinnell, Homer (Marie Stoneburner) Ch Mildred. Martha; Kansas R14 Kansas Sec26 OSOOa Brown, W. S. (Barbra Taylor) Ch Charles, Tohn, Nelle; Kansas R14 Kansas Sec26 O120a (1857) Spragg, H. K. (Ellen Ault) Ch Nellie; Kansas R13 Kansas Secl2 O80a (1879) Tel. Kansas Zink, Frank D. (Loulie Pinnell) Kan- sas R15 Kansas Seel T200a Joseph Zink (1882) Tel. Kansas f»'#<^^»'#^<^»^^»^»^»#^#^#^^^^r<^^»^#^»^^#^»^^^^#^#^^»^ BIG TYPE POLAND CHINA If you want to get some of those long, stretchy kind, come and see what I have to offer. TecHinseh Blue Valley, a son of old Blue Valley, Is at the head of my herd. My brood sows are sired by Big: Joe 2nd, Big: Fessy, Grand Model, Big: Smooth Giant and Indiana Giant. BREEDING STOCK FOB SALE AT ALL TIMES Tell me what you want, or come and see the splendid animals I can sell you at very reasonable prices. A. L. YATES METCALF, ILL. »#s#^s»#s»^^^^#v»s»s#^^s»s»<^s»s»^^^^s»#>#s#>r#sri 173 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY UESIATION TABLE OF FARM ANIMALS Time of Mares, Seivice 340 D«ys Jan 1 Dec. 6 " 6 ** 11 " 11 ti 16 " 16 tt 21 •• 21 tt- 26 " 26 tt 31 ■• 31 Jan. 5 Feb 5 ■^ (« 10 lO (( 15 15 « 20 " 20 (■ 25 11 25 *• 30 Mar. 2 Feb. 4 7 t( 9 *( 12 « 14 t* 17 it 19 •* 22 (t 24 •» 27 Mar. 1 Apr- 1 ** 6 «' 6 *t 11 ti 11 tt 16 11 16 it 21 It • 21 K 26 (( 26 tt 31 May I Apr. 5 6 ** 10 t4 11 ti 15 <* 16 C( 20 (4 21 *l 25 it 26 (( 30 *« 31 May 5 June 5 *t 10 J 10 tt 15 t» 15 tt 20 «( 20 ** 25 it 25 (( 30 '* 30 June 4 July 5 ** 9 10 It U .« 15 (* ) <* 20 ^4 <( 25 29 '■ 30 /uly 4 Aug. 4 (« 9 *i 9 t'. 14 (I 14 tt 19 *• 19 •• 24 (1 24 ft 29 Set. 3 Aug. 3 29 ** 8 CI 8 tt 13 '* 13 it 18 <. 18 << 23 »* 23 II 28 t( 28 Set. 2 Oct. 3 II 7 tt 8 II 12 •• 13 <( 17 t( 18 •* 22 •• 23 tt 27 ■• 28 Oct. 2 Nov. 2 *i 7 7 It 12 •• 12 .1 17 •• 17 «• 22 •• 22 tt 27 " 27 Nov . 1 Dec, 2 It 6 7 1* li It 12 lb 16 »* 17 la 21 te 22 tt 26 «| 27 Dec 1 «« 31 « ■i Cow s. 283 Days Oct. 10 *' 15 »t 20 •1 25 i« 30 Nov. 4 II 9 tt 14 tt 19 ■1 24 11 29 Dec. 4 •' 9 It 14 II 19 II 24 II 29 Jan. 3 ^ tt 8 tt 13 tt 18 tt 23 tt 28 Feb. 2 (1 7 II 12 It 17 • 1 22 II 27 Mar. 4 II 9 II 14 II 19 ■ 1 24 41 29 Apr. II 3 8 II 13 It 18 II 23 II 28 May it 3 8 It 13 ft 18 tt 23 It 28 June 2 " tt 7 II 12 tt 17 tt 22 It 27 July 2 7 <• 12 tt 17 tt 22 tt 27 Aug. 1 6 ti 11 t* 16 tt 21 f 26 ■ » 31 Sept . 5 10 " IS •• 20 •• 25 4* 30 Oct. 5 Ewes ; 150 Days May 30 June 4 It 9 II 14 II 19 II 24 ti 29 July 4 9 14 II II 19 It 24 (I 29 Aug. 3 II 8 i* 13 tt 18 it 23 _ it 28 Sept. 2 II 7 II 12 II 17 II 22 II 27 Oct. 2 II 7 tt 12 tt 17 tt 22 ti 27 Nov. 1 II 6 II 11 II 16 II 21 11 26 Dec. 1 II 6 II 11 tt 16 tt 21 ti 26 tl 31 Jan. 5 " tt 10 ti IS tt 20 II 25 i< 30 Feb. 4 II 9 • 1 14 ti 19 tt 24 Mar. 1 n 6 f< 11 fi 16 If 21 It 26 tt 31 Apr. S It 10 SI 15 II 20 !• 2S II 30 May 5 It 10 II J 5 .* 20 i* 25 <• 29 Sows, 112 Days Apr 2Z 27 May 2 7 •» 12 ,t 17 "' 22 tt 27 June 1 it 6 tt U tt 16 «i 21 i; 26 July 1 6 11 11 • 1 16 !■ 21 1* 26 >l 31 Aug. II S 10 X 15 11 20 1* 25 II 30 Sept. 4 9 .1 14 II 19 • 1 24 II 29 Oct. 4 II 9 tt 14 tt 19 tl 24 4t 29 Nov. 3 II 8 • ( 13 II 18 tt 23 It 28 Dec. 3 tt 8 *t 13 tt 18 tt 23 tt 28 Jan. 2 II 7 tt 12 tt 17 •' 22 tt 27 Feb. 1 II 6 ■ • 11 «4 16 11 21 If 26 Mar . 3 II 8 1* 13 • 1 18 1* 23 «» 28 Apr. It 2 7 •I 12 •t 17 ji 21 Bitcnes. 63 Days Mar -J •* 9 It 14 II ]'" 1* 24 II 2^ Api. J II 8 ** 13 . 17 -• 22 «» 21 Jjiy I ** 1 " 12 tl 17 I* 22 41 27 Aug 1 •• 6 II 11 •■ 16 II 21 11 26 II 31 Sept. 5 II iQ tl l.i • 1 20 II 25 II 3U Oct. 5 II 10 «• 15 1* 20 41 25 «• 30 Nov 4 4* 9 «• 14 »• 19 It 24 <• 29 Dec. 4 !• 9 • • 14 «k 19 •4 24 41 29 Jan 3 tt 8 • 4 13 3>^ 18 •. 23 • • 28 tcb. 2 tt 7 •* l2 «• 17 44 22 •4 27 Mar. . 3 174 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY NO.l NO 5 NO. 17 /Its NO. 21 NO. 25 NO. 29 N0.33 N037 NO. 2 NO. 3 N0.6 N0.7 ^c^n^ ^cr:;^ ^cr:^ N0.18 N0.19 NO. 2 2 NO. 23 ^ .- ♦ FARMERS AND BREEDERS, EDGAR COUNTY illllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIII!= Sugar Creek Creamery, Danville, 111. There is a Gold Mine on Your Farm The Sugar Creek Creamery Co. Is Paying to the Farmers of Eldgar County $1,500,000.00 Annually for their Cream ^ Cream producers have no crop failures. ^ Cream production makes the maximum profit with no drain of soil fertility. ^ When shipping be sure your tag reads SUGAR CREEK CREAMERY CO. DANVILLE ILLINOIS Our Market Plus Your Cow Means Biggest Cream Checks = U. S. Food Administration License No. G- 12992 | iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim 1 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 031891101 1865 1918 First National Bank FRED BABER, Pres. F. L. MOSS, Vice-Pres. R. G. SUTHERLAND. Cashier A. RISSER, Asst. Cash. WM. H. COLWELL, Asst. Cash. Deposits Over One and One-Half Million Capital Surpluo and Undivided Profits $365,000 PARIS, ILLINOIS DORSETT'S "The House of Good Clothes" We sell and rec- ommend the fol- lowinK Tilple-O goods : Collegian Cloihes Hirsh-Wickwir^ Co.'s Re«