LI 6 R.AR.Y OF THL UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 016.9748 B5| w I 957 R Zl WST. SURVEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Good people all, who dwell far off or near And do desire the truth from hence to hear, Mark well the things which to you I relate, They will inform you of our happy state. Holme, A True Relation. Bibliography of Pennsylvania History SECOND EDITION OF WRITINGS ON PENNSYLVANIA HISTORY A BIBLIOGRAPHY Compiled by NORMAN B. WILKINSON Edited by S. K. STEVENS *DONALD H. KENT PENNSYLVANIA HISTORICAL AND MUSEUM COMMISSION HARRISBURG, 1957 THE PENNSYLVANIA HISTORICAL AND MUSEUM COMMISSION Frank W. Melvin, Chairman James B. Stevenson, Vice-Chairman Francis Dorrance John W. Oliver Maurice A. Mook Grace A. Rankin Thomas F. Murphy Mrs. Lawrence M, C. Smith J. Bennett Nolan Charles H. Boehm, ex officio Superintendent of Public Instruction MEMBERS FROM THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Leroy E. Chapman, Senator Israel Stiefel, Senator E. Gadd Snider, Representative Norman Wood, Representative TRUSTEES— EX OFFICIO George M. Leader, Governor of the Commonwealth Charles C. Smith, Auditor General Robert F. Kent, State Treasurer ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Sylvester K. Stevens, Executive Director William N. Richards, Executive Assistant Earle W. Newton, Director, Bureau of Museums, Historic Sites, and Properties Sanford W. Higginbotham, Director, Bureau of Research, Publications, and Records 11 ILL . FOREWORD In 1946 the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission pub- lished Writings on Pennsylvania History: A Bibliography of Printed Secondary Works, compiled by Arthur C. Bining, Robert L. Brun- house, and Norman B. Wilkinson. The Pennsylvania Historical As- sociation sponsored the compilation and its publication was made possible by a grant from the American Philosophical Society. The bibliography was designed to aid librarians, teachers, re- v searchers, students, and writers in the field of Pennsylvania history. It has proved itself as a research tool and as a helpful guide to the vast store of literature on the history of the Commonwealth. One of its incidental values has been to show the gaps in writing on z* Pennsylvania history which need to be filled in the future. At the time of its publication it was recognized that Writings was not perfect nor complete. It was also agreed that it should be brought up to date at proper intervals. The terminal year for entries in Writings was 1942, and in the ten-year period ending with the close of 1952 there has been considerable accretion to the body of Penn- sylvania's historical literature. Greater interest in Pennsylvania is evidenced by an increase in the flow of writings in recent years. In this present compilation, a Bibliography of Pennsylvania History, books and articles published within the decade 1943 to 1952 have been incorporated into the original Writings. Some omissions from the earlier publication were soon evident and they have been included in this successor volume. Organization of the bibliography has been changed in only a few details, but the scope of this volume has been broadened to include certain printed source materials that will be of genuine value to the person interested in Pennsylvania history. It is believed that these additions, revisions, and supplements will make this Bibliography of Pennsylvania History even more valuable than the first volume. As a guide to students, teachers, and writers, it is hoped that it will serve to encourage more reading and writing on the history of the State in all aspects and at all levels. Norman B. Wilkinson, the compiler, began the accumulation of entries to enlarge and extend Writings while he was a member of the faculty of Muhlenberg College. As Assistant State Historian in the Historical Division of the Commission, he completed this task and created the present Bibliography before September, 1954, when he joined the research staff of the Eleutherian Mills-Hagley Foundation iii Foreword of Wilmington, Delaware. Even then, however, he devoted much personal time and effort on the finishing touches, the checking and proofreading. Therefore, both the beginning and the ending of his work on a Bibliography of Pennsylvania History have been his own personal contribution to Pennsylvania history, which deserves special acknowledgment. S. K. Stevens, Executive Director. IV INTRODUCTION In preparing the Bibliography of Pennsylvania History it has been the intent of the compiler to list all books and periodical articles bearing upon the history of this State that appeared between 194:3 and 1952.^ In this respect it is a continuation of Writings on Penn- sylvania History which classified printed secondary materials through 1942. It is supplemented by the inclusion of items that should have gone into the earlier compilation but which had escaped attention. The principles determining the selection of entries in the present volume, however, have been modified to be more inclusive. Kecognizing that the historiography of Pennsylvania is not confined to printed secondary materials, several other categories have been added. They include everything which, in the compiler's judgment, might add to a more complete picture of the State's past, and to a better under- standing of its contemporary affairs. The historical and the con- temporary can only be distinguished by arbitrary procedure, a tactic that incurs the risk of omitting what may be helpful to some future student of history looking back at the day in which we now live. Thus, while this volume is a historical bibliography, its coverage ex- tends from prehistoric times to the year 1952 A. D. The types of materials listed in this compilation are as follows : 1. Printed books and serial articles. 2. Biographies of persons significant to Pennsylvania history. 3. Autobiographical writings of Pennsylvanians. 4. Printed source materials that have value for reading, study, and school use. 5. Printed and imprinted doctoral dissertations and masters theses on Penn- sylvania subjects. 6. Publications of regional, county, and local historical societies. 7. General and topical works not limited to this State but which contain a fair amount of material on some phase of Pennsylvania history. 8. College, secondary, and elementary textbooks on State and local history and government. 9. Pamphlets, brochures, and printed addresses — "ephemera" easily lost — when relevant to Pennsylvania history. 10. Folklore tales, legends, poetry and plays where Pennsylvania is mise en sctne. With a few minor changes this Bibliography adheres to the same plan of organization as found in Writings on Pennsylvania History. To facilitate its use it has been divided into four major sections. Section I, Bibliographical Aids, lists bibliographical aids 1<> many Introduction subjects in Pennsylvania history. Special attention is called to "Sources and Archival Material," which, among other items, contains a descriptive analysis of each of the nine series of the published Pennsylvania Archives. Section II, Bibliography of Pennsylvania History, constitutes the principal part of this volume. Within it are found the majority of entries, all of which are classified topically within broad chrono- logical periods. Entries have been grouped in a topical, state-wide organization in an effort to make the compilation a truly State bibliography, not a collection of local bibliographies. Studies that trace a particular subject through several chronological periods are entered only once, in the earliest appropriate period. Similarly, histories of institutions and organizations are listed within the earliest time period stated in or inferred from the title. Section III, General and Special Works, contains entries that do not lend themselves to the chronological-topical outline of Section II. Among these are State, regional, county and local histories ; works of description, travel and place names; histories of religious groups, and histories of military organizations. Section IV, Folklore Tales, Legends, Poetry and Plays. A number of the volume entries have been annotated briefly to give some idea of content, not to evaluate critically. Annotations on vol- umes published prior to 1943 were supplied by over fifty scholars, each well informed on some particular topic of Pennsylvania history. We wish to acknowledge our indebtedness to those persons whose names appear on pages IX and X of Writings on Pennsylvania History. Annotating the volumes published since 1943 has been the compiler's task. Liberal use was made of reviews appearing in the major historical journals, and in the book review sections of the larger metropolitan newspapers. Compiling a bibliography is a cooperative undertaking in which many hands are joined. To the Committee on a Pennsylvania Bibli- ography composed of members of the Pennsylvania Historical As- sociation, acknowledgment is made for planning the general outline of the compilation. Doctors Arthur C. Bining and Robert L. Brun- house were collaborators on the earlier bibliography to which this is both a sequel and a supplement. Everyone working in the field of American history is indebted to Grace G. Griffin and her associates, vi Introduction and more recently to Dr. James R. Masterson, editors of Writings on American History, an indispensable bibliography. Many courtesies and helpful suggestions were furnished by the Bibliographical Di- vision of the Library of Congress, and by staff members of the Free Library of Philadelphia, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania State Library, the library of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, and by directors and secretaries of a num- ber of Pennsylvania's local historical societies. Chairmen of the history departments of the larger Pennsylvania universities provided rosters of doctoral dissertations and masters' theses. The Bibliography of Pennsylvania History was prepared under the direction of Dr. S. K. Stevens, then Chief of the Historical Division, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, and with the con- stantly helpful advice of Mr. Donald H. Kent, Associate Historian. Mr. Kent also supervised the details of printing, read the proof, and prepared the index. Mrs. Autumn L. Leonard, Research Assistant, organized the final manuscript for the printer, and assisted in reading the proof. Assistance in typing and checking was given by Ann Stone, Mrs. Patricia Yeager, and Jane AVorden, secretaries in the Historical Division. To my wife, Marian, I am indebted for pre- paring the final manuscript and for keeping errata to a minimum by her insistence upon uniformity and precision. Norm an B. Wilkinson Vll CONTENTS Pages FOREWORD iii INTRODUCTION v LIST OF SERIALS AND ABBREVIATIONS xx SECTION I. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AIDS General Bibliographies 1 State Bibliographies 3 Regional, County and Local Bibliographies 3 Topical Bibliographies 5 Agriculture 5 Archaeology 5 Arts and Sciences 5 Boundaries 7 Economics 7 Education 8 Government and Legislation 8 Military 8 National Groups 8 Newspapers and Magazines 9 Penn, William 10 Place Names 10 Religious Groups 11 Sources and Archival Material 13 Historical Societies 16 State Publications 17 SECTION II. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PENNSYLVANIA HISTORY Part One. The Colony of Pennsylvania I. The Virgin Land 19 A. Physical Features 19 B. Flora and Fauna 23 C. Natives 27 II. Transplanting Diverse Cultures 38 A. The Settlements to 1681 38 1. The Dutch Explorers on the Delaware, 1609-1638 38 2. The Swedish and Finnish Settlers on the Delaware, 1638-1655, the Real Pioneers . . 38 ix Contents Pages 3. Dutch Dominion in the Delaware Valley, 1655-1664 41 B. The Founding of Pennsylvania 42 1. The Man, William Penn 42 2. The Holy Experiment 53 3. The Creation of Philadelphia 55 4. Indian Relations 56 C. The Types that Came 58 1. General 58 2. Major National Groups 59 a. English 59 b. German 59 c. Scotch-Irish 83 3. Minor Groups 85 a. Welsh 85 b. French 86 c. Scots and Irish 87 d. Dutch and Swiss 88 e. Jews and Italians 88 f. Negroes 89 III. An Agrarian Society 90 A. Land 90 B. Labor ". 93 C. Agriculture 94 D. Manufacture 95 E. Transportation and Trade 102 1. Internal 102 2. Inter-Colonial 106 3. Imperial and Foreign 107 4. Indian 107 F. Finance, Insurance, and Prices 108 G. Cultural Evidences 110 1. General 110 2. Art and Architecture 110 3. Education 113 4. Journalism and Printing 119 5. Libraries, Literature and Learned So- cieties 122 6. Music 124 7. Science 126 x Contents ^ Pages H. Religion 127 I. Social Life 131 1. General 131 2. The Family 132 3. Inns, Taverns, and Lotteries 133 4. Public Safety 135 5. Amusements 135 J. Law and the Courts 136 K. Crime and Punishment 140 L. Hospitals, Medicine, and Public Health .... 140 IV. The Political Panorama, 1681-1763 143 A. The Development of Democratic Institutions, 1681-1718 143 1. Colonial Politics 143 2. The Penn Family 145 3. Penn's Contemporaries 146 B. Peaceful Progress, 1718-1754 147 1. General 147 2. Governor Keith, 1717-1726 147 3. James Logan 148 4. Indian Relations 148 5. Movement Westward and Exploration . . 151 C. Conflict on the Upper Ohio, 1753-1765 154 1. General 154 2. The French Phase 160 3. The Indian Phase 162 4. Important Frenchmen and Indians .... 165 D. Colonial Worthies 166 V. The Colony in Controversy and as a Common- monwealth, 1763-1790 181 A. Boundary Disputes 181 1. Maryland and Delaware 181 2. Virginia 183 3. Connecticut 184 4. New York 186 B N Growing Friction with Britain 187 1. General 187 2. John Dickinson 188 3. Benjamin Franklin 189 xi Contents _ Pages C. Pennsylvania in the American Revolution, 1776-1783 201 1. The Civil Side 201 2. The Military Side 205 3. Indian Affairs 213 4. Loyalism and Sectionalism 217 5. Pennsylvania Patriots 220 D. From Colony to Commonwealth, 1774-1790 . . 227 1. The Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776 . . 227 2. The Federal Constitution, 1787 229 3. Cultural and Economic Life 231 4. Pennsylvanians of the Period 234 Part Two. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania I. The Beginnings of a New Age, 1790-1820 246 A. The Rise of the Democracy 246 1. General 246 2. The Whiskey Rebellion 249 3. The Fries Rebellion 250 4. The War of 1812 250 B. Laying the Foundations of the New Century. 252 1. Increase and Spread of Population 252 2. Industry 253 3. Harbingers of the Revolution in Trans- portation 255 a. Infancy of Turnpike, Steamboat, and Canal Developments 256 4. Commerce and Commercial Rivalry 260 a. Zenith and Decline of Foreign Trade . 261 5. Banking, Finance, and Insurance 262 6. Law, Courts, and Penology 264 7. Public Health and Safety 267 8. Refugees in Pennsylvania 269 C. The Social and Cultural World 271 1. Religion 271 2. Social Life 272 3. Education 273 4. Gradual Advances in the Arts and Sciences 275 a. General 275 b. Art and Architecture 275 xii Contents Pages c. Journalism 277 d. Literature 278 e. Sciences 279 f . The Theatre and Music 282 D. Personalities of the Day 282 n. Expanding Horizons, 1820-1860 295 A. The Growth of the People 295 1. Renewal of the European Influx 295 2. The Flow and Distribution of Population . 297 B. Expansion of the Economic Scene 297 1. Industrial Revolution Comes to the State . 297 a. Transition from Domestic to Factory Production 297 b. Improvements in Manufacturing Tech- niques 298 c. Advent of New Industries : Coal, Coke, and Oil 300 d. Commerce and the Rise of the Protec- tive Tariff 302 e. The Problems of Labor 304 2. The Revolution in Transportation 305 a. Rise and Decline of the Steamboat Era 305 b. Flourishing of the Canal Movement . . 306 c. The Coming of the Iron Horse 310 3. Banking, Finance, and Insurance 314 4. Agricultural Progress 316 a. Trends in Farming 316 b. Growth of Agricultural Societies .... 316 C. Confusion and Realignment in the Political World 317 1. General 317 2. Four Pennsylvania-German Governors: Hiester, Shulze, Wolf, Ritner 319 a. Antimasonry and the Buckshot War . . 319 b. Revision of the Constitution, 1838 . . . 320 3. Native Americans 321 4. The Slavery Issue in Pennsylvania 321 a. The Christiana Riot, 1851 325 5. Know-Nothingism Triumphant: Governor Pollock 326 xiii Contents ^ Pages 6. Rise of Republican Strength 326 7. James Buchanan: President from Penn- sylvania 327 D. New Problems in the Cultural and Social Sphere 329 1. Religion, Reform Movements, Utopian Communities, and Feminism 329 2. Expansion of Education 332 a. General 332 b. Struggle and Victory for a Public School System 333 c. Changes in Theory and Practice of Education 336 d. Flourishing of Academies and Normal Schools 337 e. Growth of Colleges, Seminaries, and Professional Schools 339 3. Development of Arts and Sciences 343 a. General 343 b. Art and Architecture 344 c. Hospitals and Medical Advancement . 345 d. Inventions 347 e. Journalism and Printing 348 f. Libraries, Literature, and Learned So- cieties 349 g. The Theatre and Music 352 h. Miscellaneous 353 E. Men and Women of the Age 354 III. Pennsylvania — An Industrial Commonwealth, 1860-1900 365 A. Prelude : The State Defends the Union 365 1. Public Sentiment 365 2. The Military Phase — To Gettysburg and After 367 3. "Wartime Politics 372 4. Economic Affairs 373 5. Prominent Wartime Pennsylvanians .... 373 B. The Machine in Manufacturing and Mining . 377 1. General 377 xiv Contents ^ Pages 2. Expanding Scope of Production : Iron and Steel, Lumber 379 3. Tapping the Resources of the Earth : Coal, Minerals, and Oil 382 C. Advertising, Banking, Finance, and Insur- ance 387 D. Railroad Consolidation 388 1. Neglect of Old Forms of Transportation . 388 2. Expansion of the Great Railroad Systems 389 E. Agriculture and Fisheries 391 F. New Position of Labor in Society 392 1. Changed Character of Immigration 392 a. Growth, Distribution, and Urbaniza- tion 393 2. Labor in the Machine Age 393 a. Urban Labor and Its Organization . . . 394 b. Molly Maguires 395 3. Expanding Social Consciousness 396 G. Religion in the Industrial Age 398 H. Complex Problems of Education 398 1. General 398 2. State Aid to Higher Education 400 3. Extension of the High Schools 401 4. Higher Education and Special Schools . . 401 I. Social and Cultural Life 404 1. Host to the World— Centennial of 1876 . . 407 J. Law, Courts, and Penology 407 K. The Dynasty of Political Bosses 409 1. General 409 2. The State Constitution of 1873 411 3. Republican Revolt and Quayism 412 L. Men of the Latter Part of the Nineteenth Century 413 IV. Pennsylvania and the Flourishing of the Machine Age, 1900-1952 423 A. Government — State and Local 423 B. Urbanization of the People 430 1. Growth of Cities and Civic Problems 430 2. Demographic Pattern of the Twentieth Century 434 xv Contents ^ Pages C. The Labor Movement Comes of Age 438 1. Factors of Urban Labor 438 a. Women Enter the Factory and Shop . 439 b. Trend Toward Abolition of Child Labor 440 c. Gradual Improvement in Working Conditions 441 2. Struggles of Labor Organization 442 D. Agriculture in a Machine Age 443 E. Forestry and Rivers 446 F. Fortunes and Misfortunes in Manufacturing and Mining 449 1. Expansion in Early Years of the Century 449 2. Labor 453 3. Boom, Depression, and Revival 455 4. Problems of a Coal Industry in Decline . . 458 G. Public Services— Utilities 461 H. Twentieth Century Transportation 463 1. General 463 2. Railroad Empire 464 3. Urban Transportation 465 I. Oscillations in Commerce and Finance 467 J. Contemporary Journalism 470 K. Law, Courts, and Penology 471 L. The First World War 476 M. Varying Fortunes of Politics 477 1. Peace with Pennypacker 477 2. Penrose 477 3. Stuart and the Capitol Graft Scandal . . . 478 4. Politics in the "Twenties" 478 a. Pinchot's First Administration 480 5. The "Thirties" 480 a. Pinchot's Second Administration ... 481 b. George H. Earle 481 c. Republicanism Returns, 1939-1952 ... 482 N. Religion Struggles on in a Materialistic World 483 0. Social Consciousness Broadens Its Scope 485 P. Education Goes Democratic 489 1. Enormous Expansion of Public School System 489 xvi Contents ^ Pages 2. Public Attitude and Support 494 3. New Trends in Higher Education 496 Q. The Social and Cultural "World 499 1. General 499 2. Art and Architecture 500 3. Literature 502 4. The Theatre and Music 503 R. Enlarging the Scope of Science, Medicine, and Public Health 505 S. Pennsylvania in the 1930 's — "Wrestling with Depression 510 T. Emergence from Economic and Social Gloom — The Contemporary Scene 513 U. Pennsylvania in World War II 517 V. Pennsylvania — Self -Conscious State 519 W. Men and Women of the Twentieth Century . 523 SECTION III. GENERAL AND SPECIAL WORKS State History 536 Regional History 542 County and Local History 550 Adams 550 Allegheny 551 Local 551 Topical 556 Armstrong 559 Beaver 559 Bedford 560 Berks 561 Local 562 Blair 564 Bradford 566 Bucks 567 Local 568 Butler 570 Cambria 570 Cameron 572 Carbon 572 Centre 572 Chester 573 xvii Contents „ Pages Clarion 575 Clearfield 576 Clinton 576 Columbia 577 Crawford 577 Cumberland 578 Dauphin 579 Delaware 580 Elk 582 Erie 582 Fayette 583 Forest 584 Franklin 584 Fulton 586 Greene 586 Huntingdon 586 Indiana 587 Jefferson 588 Lackawanna 588 Lancaster 590 Local 591 Lawrence 594 Lebanon 594 Lehigh 596 Luzerne 598 Lycoming 599 McKean 601 Mercer 601 Mifflin 602 Monroe 602 Montgomery 603 Local 604 Montour 607 Northampton 607 Northumberland 609 Perry 611 Philadelphia 611 Descriptive, Sectional, Topical 614 Pike 621 Potter 621 xviii Contents Pages Schuylkill 622 Local 623 Snyder 624 Somerset 625 Sullivan 625 Susquehanna 626 Tioga 626 Union 627 Venango 627 Warren 628 Washington 628 Wayne 629 Westmoreland 629 Wyoming 630 York 630 Description, Travel, and Place Names 633 Religious History 641 Baptist 642 Catholic 643 Church of the Brethren, Dunker, German Baptist . . 648 Evangelical 651 Friends 651 Lutheran 656 Mennonite, Amish 665 Methodist 669 Moravian 671 Presbyterian 674 Protestant Episcopal 682 Reformed 685 Schwenkfelder 690 Other Groups 690 Military History 693 SECTION IV. FOLKLORE TALES, LEGENDS, PO- ETRY AND PLAYS 704 INDEX 711 xix LIST OF SERIALS, WITH ABBREVIATIONS USED Abraham Lincoln Assoc. Bul. Abra- ham Lincoln Association Bulletin. Agric. Hist. Agricultural History. Air Transport. Allegheny Co. Bar Assoc. Add. Alle- gheny County Bar Association, Ad- dresses. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. Ann. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Am. Anthrop. American Anthropolo- gist. Am. Anthrop. Assoc. Mem. American Anthropological Association, Mem- oirs. Am. Antiq. Soc. Proc. American Anti- quarian Society, Proceedings. Am. Artist. American Artist. Am. Bar Assoc. Jour. American Bar Association Journal. Am. Book Coll. American Book Col- lector. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec. American Catholic Historical Society of Phila- delphia, Records. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Res. American Catholic Historical Society of Phila- delphia, Researches. Am. Church Mo. American Church Monthly. Am. City. American City. Am. Coll. American Collector. Am. College Dentists Jour. Journal, American College of Dentists. Am. Econ. Assoc. Pub. American Eco- nomic Association, Publications. Am. Econ. Rev. American Economic Review. Am. Federationist. The American Fed- erationist. Am. Forests. American Forests. Am. Forum. American Forum. Am. Geog. Soc. Bul. American Geo- graphical Society, Bulletin. Am. -Germ an Rev. American-German Review. Am. Heritage. American Heritage. Am. Hist. Assoc. Rep. American His- torical Association, Annual Report. Am. Hist. Rev. The American His- torical Review. Am. Historical Reg. American His- torical Register. Am. Inst. Architects Jour. Journal of the American Institute of Architects. Am. Irish Hist. Soc. Jour. American Irish Historical Society, Journal. Am. Jewish Hist. Soc. Pub. American Jewish Historical Society, Publica- tions. Am. Jour. Archaeol. American Jour- nal of Archaeology. Am. Jour. Educ. American Journal of Education (Barnard's). Am. Jour. Pharmacy. American Jour- nal of Pharmacy. Am. Jour. Philology. American Jour- nal of Philology. Am. Jour. Pub. Health. American Journal of Public Health and the Nation's Health. Am. Jour. Sci. American Journal of Science. Am. Jour. Soc. Science. American Journal of Social Science. Am. Jour. Sociol. American Journal of Sociology. Am. Labor Leg. Rev. American Labor Legislation Review. Am. Law Reg. American Law Register, and University of Pennsylvania Law Review. Am. Law School Rev. American Law School Review. Am. Leg. Mag. The American Legion Magazine. Am. Literature. American Literature. Am. Mag. American Magazine. Am. Mag. Art. American Magazine of Art. Am. Mercury. The American Mercury. Am. Mid. Naturalist. American Mid- land Naturalist. Am. Mo. Mag. American Monthly Magazine. Am. Naturalist. American Naturalist. Am. Notes and Queries. American Notes and Queries. Am. Phil. Soc. Bicentennial Vol. American Philosophical Society, Franklin Bicentennial Volume. Am. Phil. Soc. Lib. Bul. American Philosophical Society, Library Bul- letin. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. Am. Phil. Soc. Trans. Transactions of American Philosophical Society. Am. Phil. Soc. Year Book. Year Book of the American Philosophical So- ciety. XX List of Serials Am. Philatelic Cong. American Phila- telic Congress. Am. Planning. American Planning and Civic Annual. Am. Pol. Sci. Rev. The American Po- litical Science Review. Am. Rev. American Review. Am. -Scandinavian Rev. The American- Scandinavian Review. Am. Soc. Church Hist. Pap. American Society of Church History, Papers. Am. Soc. Civil Engineers Trans. American Society of Civil Engineers, Transactions. Am. Soc. Naval Engineers Jour. Jour- nal of the American Society of Naval Engineers. Am. Sociol. Rev. American Sociological Review. Am. Speech. American Speech. Am. Statistical Assoc. Jour. Journal of the American Statistical Associa- tion. Am. Swed. Hist. Found. Yr. Bk. American Swedish Historical Founda- tion, Year Book. Am. Univ. Mag. American University Magazine. Am. Water Works Assoc. Jour. Ameri- can Water Works Association Jour- nal. America. American. Americana. Ann. Internal Med. Annals of In- ternal Medicine. Ann. Med. Hist. Annals of Medical History. Annual Rep. Pa. Fisheries Bur. An- nual Report of Pennsylvania Fisher- ies Bureau. Annual Rep. Pa. Fisheries Comm. Annual Report of Pennsylvania Fish- eries Committee. Annual Rep. Pa. Fisheries Dept. Annual Report of Pennsylvania Fish- eries Department. Antiquarian. Antique Auto. The Antique Automo- bile. Antiques. Antiques Jour. Antiques Journal. Arch. Forum. Architectural Forum. Arch. Rec. Architectural Record. Arena. Around the World. Art. Bul. The Art Bulletin. Art Digest. Art Quar. Art Quarterly. Art and Archaeol. Art and Archeology. Art in America. Assembly Herald. Assoc. Am. Geog. Ann. Association of American Geographers, Annals. Atlantic. Atlantic Monthly Atlantic Med. Jour. Atlantic Medical Journal. Audubon Mag. Audubon Magazine. Auto. Coll. Jour. Autograph Collectors Journal. B Berks Co. Hist. Rev. Historical Re- view of Berks County. Berks Co. Hist. Soc. Trans. Berks County Historical Society, Trans- actions. Bermuda Hist. Quar. Bermuda His- torical Quarterly. Berwick Hist. Soc. Pub. Berwick His- torical Society, Publications. Bibliog. Soc. Am. Pap. Bibliographical Society of America, Papers. Bibliotheca Sacra. Blackwood's. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. Booklover's Mag. Booklover's Maga- zine, later Appleton's Magazine. Bookman. Book News Mo. Book News Monthly. Bradford Co. Hist. Soc. Ann. Brad- ford County Historical Society, An- nals. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll. Bucks County Historical Society, Collec- tions. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Pap. Bucks County Historical Society, Papers. Bulletin of Garden Club of America (Washington). Bus. Hist. Soc. Bul. Business His- torical Society, Bulletin. Bus. Rev. Fed'l. Res. Bank, Phila. Business Review of the Federal Re- serve Bank of Philadelphia. Canad. Defence Quar. Canadian De- fence Quarterly. Canadian Forestry Jour. Canadian Forestry Journal. Canadian Mag. Canadian Magazine. Carnegie Mag. Carnegie Magazine. Carnegie Mus. Ann. Carnegie Mu- seum, Annals. Case and Comment. Castanea. Cath. Digest. Catholic Digest. Cath. Educ. Rev. Catholic Educational Review. XXI List of Serials Cath. Hist. Rev. Catholic Historical Review. Cath. School Jour. Catholic School Journal. Cath. Univ. Bul. Catholic University Bulletin. Cath. World. Catholic World. Century. Century Magazine. Charities. Chem. and Eng. News. Chemical and Engineering News. Chester Co. Coll. Chester County Collections. Christian Science Monitor Mag. Christian Science Monitor Magazine. Chron. Early Am. Indus. Chronicles of Early American Industry. Church Hist. Church History. Church Hist. Soc. Proc Church His- torical Society, Proceedings. Church Hist. Soc. Pub. Church His- torical Society, Publications. Citizen. Coast Artillery Jour. Coast Artillery Journal. Colby Lib. Quar. Colby Library Quar- terly. Col. Soc. Mass. Pub. Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Publications. Collier's. Colophon. Comm. Law Jour. Commercial Law Journal. Comm. and Financial Chron. Com- mercial and Financial Chronicle. Commonweal. Commonwealth. Concord Society, Yearbook. Concordia Hist. Inst. Quar. Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly. Congregational Quar. Congregational Quarterly. Cong. Digest. Congressional Digest. Const. Rev. Constitutional Review. Contemporary Rev. Contemporary Re- view. Consumers' Cooperative. Cornhill Mag. Cornhill Magazine. Cosmopolitan. Cosmopolitan Maga- zine. Country Life. County Comm. County Commissioner. County Officer. The County Officer. Craftsman. Current Hist. Current History. D. A. R. Mag. Daughters of American Revolution Magazine. Dauphin Co. Hist. Soc. Pub. Dauphin County Historical Society, Publica- tions. Dauphin Co. Hist. Soc. Trans. Dau- phin County Historical Society, Transactions. DeBow's Commercial Rev. DeBow's Commercial Review. Decorator. Del. Co. Inst, of Science Proc. Dela- ware County Institute of Science, Proceedings. Del. Hist. Delaware History. Del. Hist. Soc. Pap. Delaware Histori- cal Society, Papers. Democratic Rev. Democratic Review. Der Deutsche Pionier. Deutsch-Am. Geschichtsblatter. Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichts- blatter. Deutsch. Pion.-Verein v. Phila. Mit- teil. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Pionier-Vereins von Philadelphia. Deutsche Arbeit, Zeitschrift des Volkbundes fur das Deutschtum im ausland. Deutsches Archiv fur Landes-und- VOLKFORSCHUNG. Dickinson Alumnus. Dickinson Law Rev. Dickinson Law Review. E Eccles. Rev. Ecclesiastical Review. Eclectic Rev. Eclectic Review. Econ. Geog. Economic Geography. Econ. Hist. Economic History. Econ. Hist. Rev. Economic History Review. Edison Elec. Inst. Bul. Edison Elec- trical Institute Bulletin. Education. Educ. Adm. and Sup. Educational Ad- ministration and Supervision. Educ. Outlook. Educational Outlook. Educational Rec. Educational Record. Educational Rev. Educational Review. Electrical World. E L H. E L H.: A Journal of English Literary History. Engineering Mag. Engineering Maga- zine. Engineers Soc. Western Pa. Proc. Engineers Society of Western Penn- sylvania, Proceedings. Era. Erie County Annals. Essex Review. Etude. xxn List of Serials Everybody's. Everybody's Magazine. Exile Herald. F Federator. Field Artillery Jour. Field Artillery Journal. Filson Club Hist. Quar. Filson Club Historical Quarterly. Fort Ticonderoga Mus. Bul. Fort Ticonderoga Museum Bulletin. Fortune. Forum. Forum and Century. Fourth Annual Rep. Pa. Board Agric. Fourth Annual Report of Pennsyl- vania Board of Agriculture. Franco-American Rev. Franco-Ameri- can Review. Frankford Hist. Soc. Pap. The His- torical Society of Frankford, Papers. Friend. The Friend. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul. Friends' Historical Association, Bulletin. Friends' Hist. Soc. Bul. Friends' His- torical Society, Bulletin. Friends' Hist. Soc. Jour. Friends' His- torical Society, Journal. Friends' Quar. Examiner. Friends' Quarterly Examiner. G Ga. Hist. Quar. Georgia Historical Quarterly. Ga. Rev. Georgia Review. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron. General Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Geog. Rev. Geographical Review. German Am. Ann. German American Annals. Germantowne Crier. Germantown Site and Relic Soc. Add. Germantown Site and Relic Society, Addresses. Grand Lodge Bul. Grand Lodge Bul- letin. Greater Phila. Mag. Greater Philadel- phia Magazine. Greater Pittsburgh. Green Bag. Gunton Mag. Gunton's Magazine. Hamilton Lib. Assoc. Publ. Hamilton Library Association Publication. Harper's. Harper's Magazine. Harvard Educ. Rev. Harvard Educa- tional Review. Harvard Grad. Mag., Harvard Gradu- ates' Magazine. Hazard's Reg. Pa. Hazard's Register of Pennsylvania. Health Officer. Hearst's Mag. Hearst's Magazine. Hisp. Rev. Hispanic Review. Historian. Historical Mag. (Dawson's). Histori- cal Magazine (Dawson's). Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Bulletin. History Educ. Jour. History of Edu- cation Journal. History Med. Bul. History of Medi- cine Bulletin. History Today. Hobbies. Holiday. Holiday Magazine. HOMILETIC AND PASTORAL REV. Homi- letic and Pastoral Review. Hospital Prog. Hospital Progress. Hospitals. House and Garden. Huntington Lib. Quar. Huntington Library Quarterly. Hydro Hi-Lines. I III. State Hist. Soc. Jour. Illinois State Historical Society, Journal. Ind. Mag. Hist. Indiana Magazine of History. Independent. Infantry Jour. Infantry Journal. Inland Seas. Inst. Franc. Washington Bul. Bul- letin de l'lnstitut Francais de Wash- ington. International Archives of Ethnog- raphy. International Congress of Ameri- canists, Proceedings. Iron and Steel Engineer. Iron Trade Rev. Iron Trade Review. Isis. Italica Gens. John P. Branch Historical Papers (of Randolph-Macon College). Johns Hopkins Inst. Hist. Med. Bul. Bulletin of the Institute of History of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Uni- versity. Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. Johns Hopkins University Studies in His- torical and Political Science. Jour. Accountancy. Journal of Ac- countancy. Jour. Adult Educ. Journal of Adult Education. Jour. Am. Folk-Lore. Journal of x x 1 1 1 List of Serials American Folk-Lore. Jour. Am. Hist. Journal of American History. Jour. Am. Judicature Soc. Journal of American Judicature Society. Jour. Chem. Educ. Journal of Chemi- cal Education. Jour. Criminal Law. Journal of Crimi- nal Law and Criminology, Including the American Journal of Police Science. Jour. Doc. Journal of Documentation. Jour. Econ. Hist. Journal of Economic History. Jour. Econ. and Bus. Hist. Journal of Economic and Business History. Jour. Forestry. Journal of Forestry. Jour. Franklin Institute. Journal of Franklin Institute. Jour. Geog. Journal of Geography. Jour. Geol. Journal of Geology. Jour. Hist. Med. Journal of the His- tory of Medicine and Allied Sciences. Jour. Ind. and Eng. Chem. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chem- istry. Jour. Land and Public Utility Eco- nomics. Journal of Land and Public Utility Economics. Jour. Negro Educ. Journal of Negro Education. Jour. Negro Hist. Journal of Negro History. Jour. Pol. Econ. Journal of Political Economy. Jour, of Religion. Journal of Religion. Jour. Soc. Arch. Hist. Journal of So- ciety of Architectural Historians. Jour. Soc. Hyg. Journal of Social Hygiene. Journalism Quar. Journalism Quar- terly. Juridical Rev. Juridical Review. Jurist. K Kansas Hist. Quar. Kansas Historical Quarterly. Kittochtinny Hist. Soc. Pap. Kittoch- tinny Historical Society, Papers. Kittochtinny Magazine. Lackawanna Hist. Soc. Pub. Lacka- wanna Historical Society, Publica- tions. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap. Lan- caster County Historical Society, Papers. Land. Arch. Landscape Architecture. League of Cities of the Third Class in Pa. League of Cities of the Third Class in Pennsylvania. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap. Lebanon County Historical Society, Papers. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pub. Lebanon County Historical Society, Publica- tions. Lebanon, City and County. Legal Intelligencer. Legion d'Honneur Mag. Legion d'Honneur Magazine. Lehigh Co. Hist. Soc. Proc. Lehigh County Historical Society, Proceed- ings. Lib. Chron. The Library Chronicle. Lib. Cong. Quar. Jour. Library of Congress Quarterly Journal. Lincoln Herald. Lippincott's Mag. Lippincott's Maga- zine. Living Age. Littell's Living Age. London Quar. and Holborn Rev. Lon- don Quarterly and Holborn Review. Luth. Church Quar. Lutheran Church Quarterly. Luth. Church Rev. Lutheran Church Review. Luth. Quar. Lutheran Quarterly. Lycoming Hist. Soc. Proc. Lycoming Historical Society Proceedings and Papers. M McClure. McClure's Magazine. Mag. Am. Hist. Magazine of American History. Mag. Art. Magazine of Art. Mag. of Hist. Magazine of History. Mag. of West. Hist. Magazine of Western History. Marine Hist. Assoc. Pub. Marine Historical Association, Publications. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc. Massachusetts Historical Society, Proceedings. Md. Hist. Mag. Maryland Historical Magazine. Mechanical Engineering. Medical Ann. Dist. of Col. Medical Annals of the District of Columbia. Med. Hist. Soc. Bul. Medical Histori- cal Society, Bulletin. Medical Life. Medical Soc. Pa. Trans. Medical So- ciety of Pennsylvania, Transactions. Medical Stand. Medical Standard. Mein Heimatland. Mennonite Community. The Men- nonite Community. Mennonite Life. xxiv List of Serials Mennonite Quab. Rev. Mennonite Quarterly Review. Mennonite Yearbook and Almanac. Mental Hyg. Mental Hygiene. Mercersburg Rev. Mercersburg Review. Merchant's Mag. Merchant's Magazine (Hunt's). Methodist Rev. Methodist Review. Mich. Alumnus (Quarterly Review). Michigan Alumnus (Quarterly Re- view) . Mich. Hist. Mag. Michigan History Magazine. Mich. State Bar Jour. Michigan State Bar Journal. Mid-America. Mid-America, An His- torical Review. Middle States Council Social Stud. Proc. Middle States Council of Social Studies, Proceedings. Midw. Jour. The Midwest Journal. Mil. Surgeon. Military Surgeon. Mining Congress Jour. Mining Con- gress Journal. Minute Man. Miss. Valley Hist. Assoc. Proc. Mississippi Valley Historical Associa- tion, Proceedings. Miss. Valley Hist. Rev. Mississippi Valley Historical Review. MlTTEILUNGEN DER GeOGRAPHISCHE N Gesellschaft in Munchen (Mu- nich). Mod. Lang. Assoc. Amer. Pub. Publi- cations of the Modern Language Association of America. Mod. Lang. Quar. Modern Language Quarterly. Mod. Philology. Modern Philology. MONATSHEFTE FUR DEUTSCHEN UnTER- RICHT. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul. Mont- gomery County Historical Society, Bulletin. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Hist. Sketches. Montgomery County His- torical Society, Historical Sketches. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Pap. Montgomery County Historical So- ciety, Papers Month at Goodspeed's. Monthly Labor Rev. Monthly Labor Review. Moody's Mag. Moody's Magazine. Moravian Hist. Soc. Trans. Moravian Historical Society, Transactions. Municipal Affairs. Munsey. Munsey's Magazine. Museum of American Indian (Heye Foundation). Musical Quar. Musical Quarterly. N N. J. Hist. Soc. Pkoc. New Jersey His- torical Society, Proceedings. N. Y. Folklore Quar. New York Folk- lore Quarterly. N. Y. Hist. New York Historv. N. Y, Hist. Soc. Bul. New York His- torical Society Quarterly Bulletin. N. Y. Med. Jour. New York Medical Journal. N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bul. New York Public Library, Bulletin. N. Y. State Hist. Assoc. Quar. Jour. New York State Historical Associa- tion Quarterly Journal. Nation. Nation's Bus. Nation's Business. Nation's Schools. National Academy of Sciences, Bio- graphical Memoirs. National Conf. City Govt. National Conference of City Government. National Corporation Rep. National Corporation Report. National Geneal. Soc. Quar. National Genealogical Society Quarterly. National Geog. Mag. National Geo- graphic Magazine. National Munic. Life. National Mu- nicipal Life. National Munic. Rev. National Mu- nicipal Review. National Railway Hist. Soc. Bul. National Railway Historical Societv Bulletin. Nature. Nautical Gaz. Nautical Gazette. Negro Hist. Bul. Negro History Bulle- tin. New Church Life. New Colophon. Newcomen Soc. Trans. Newcomen Society for the Study of the History of Engineering and Technology, Transactions. New Eng. Mag. New England Maga- zine. New Eng. Quar. New England Quar- terly. New Eng. Water Works Assoc. Jour. New England Water Works Associa- tion Journal. New Englander. New Haven Colony Hist. Soc. Pap. New Haven Colony Historical Society Papers. New Mexico Hist. Rev. New Mexico Historical Review. XXV List of Serials New Republic. No. Am. Rev. North American Review. Northampton Co. Hist, and Gen. Soc. Pub. Northampton County Historical and Genealogical Society, Publica- tions. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc. Northumberland County Historical Society, Proceedings. Nova Francia. Now and Then. Numismatist. O Ohio Archaeol. and Hist. Quar. Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly. Ohio Archaeol. and Hist. Soc. Pub. Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society, Publications. Ohio Hist, and Phil. Soc. Bul. Ohio Historical and Philosophical Society Bulletin. Ohio Valley Hist. Assoc. Rep. Ohio Valley Historical Association, Annual Report. Olden Time. Old York Road Hist. Soc. Bul. Old York Road Historical Society, Bulle- tin. Ontario Hist. Soc. Pap. Ontario His- torical Society, Papers. Open Court. Orange Disc. Outing. Outlook. P P. E. Church Hist. Mag. Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Pa. Acad. Sci. Proc. Pennsylvania Aca- demy of Science, Proceedings. Pa. Archaeol. The Pennsylvania Ar- chaeologist. Pa. Arts and Sciences. Pennsylvania Arts and Sciences. Pa. Bar Assoc. Quar. Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly. Pa. Bar Assoc. Rep. Pennsylvania Bar Association Report. Pa. Board Fish Commissioners. Penn- sylvania Board of Fish Commission- ers. Pa. Chiefs of Police Assoc. Pennsyl- vania Chiefs of Police Association. Pa. Club Lectures. Pennsylvania Club Lectures. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul. Penn- sylvania Department of Internal Af- fairs, Bulletin. Pa. Farmer. Pennsylvania Farmer. Pa. Forests and Waters. Pennsylvania Forests and Waters. Pa. Game News. Pennsylvania Game News. Pa. Geneal. Soc. Pub. Pennsylvania Genealogical Society, Publications. Pa .-Germ an. Pennsylvania-German. Pa. German Folk. Soc. Pennsylvania German Folklore Society. Pa.-German Soc. Proc. and Add. Penn- sylvania-German Society, Proceed- ings and Addresses. Pa. Health. Pennsylvania Health. Pa. Hist. Pennsylvania History. Pa. Hist. Soc. Coll. Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Collections. Pa. Hist. Soc. Mem. Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Memoirs. Pa. Lib. Notes. Pennsylvania Library and Museum Notes. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Pa. Med. Jour. Pennsylvania Medical Journal. Pa. Park News. Pennsylvania Park News. Pa. Public Instruction. Pennsylvania Public Instruction. Pa. School Jour. Pennsylvania School Journal. Pa. Soc. Col. Governors Pub. Pennsyl- vania Society of Colonial Governors, Publications. Pa. State Dental Jour. Pennsylvania State Dental Journal. Pa. State Modern Language Assoc. Bul. Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association, Bulletin. Pa. Univ. Lib. Chron. University of Pennsylvania Library Chronicle. Pacific Hist. Rev. Pacific Historical Review. Partisan Rev. Partisan Review. Peabody Jour. Educ. Peabody Journal of Education. Penn Germania. Penn Mo. Penn Monthly. Pennsylvanian. The Pennsylvanian. Perkiomen Region. Phi Chi Quar. Phi Chi Quarterly. Phila. City Hist. Soc. Pub. City His- tory Society of Philadelphia, Publica- tions. Phila. Co. Dental Soc. Bul. Philadel- phia County Dental Society, Bulletin. Phila. College of Phys. Trans. Phila- delphia College of Physicians, Trans- actions. xxvi List of Serials Phila. Forum. The Philadelphia Fo- rum. Phila. Geog. Soc. Bul. Geographical Society of Philadelphia, Bulletin. Phila. Mag. Philadelphia Magazine. Phila. Mus. Bul. Philadelphia Mu- seum Bulletin. Phila. Numismat. and Antiq. Soc. Proc. Philadelphia Numismatic and Antiquarian Society, Proceedings. Philol. Quar. Philological Quarterly. Phylon. Picket Post. Pilot. The Pilot. Pitt. Pittsburgh Legal Jour. Pittsburgh Legal Journal. Pittsburgh Med. Bul. Pittsburgh Medical Bulletin. Pol. Sci. Quar. Political Science Quar- terly. Polish Am. Stud. Polish American Studies. Popular Sci. Mo. Popular Science Monthly. Potter's Am. Mo. Potter's American Monthly. Presbyterian Church Dept. Hist. Jour, Journal of the Department of History (The Presbyterian Historical Society) of the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. Presbyterian Hist. Soc. Jour. Pres- byterian Historical Society Journal. Presbyterian Life. Princeton Univ. Lib. Chron. Prince- ton University Library Chronicle. Prison Jour. Prison Journal. Prison World. Progressive Arch. Progressive Archi- tecture. Psychological Clinic. Public Health Nurs. Public Health Nursing. Public Opinion Quar. Public Opinion Quarterly. Public Works. Quar. Jour. Econ. Quarterly Journal of Economics. Quartermaster Rev. Quartermaster Review. R R. I. Hist. Soc. Coll. Rhode Island Historical Society, Collections. Railroad Mag. Railroad Magazine. Railway Age. Railway and Locomotive Hist. Soc. Bul. Railway and Locomotive His- torical Society, Bulletin. Reading Rail. Mag. Reading Railroad Magazine. Recherches Historiques. Les Bulletins des Recherches Historiques. Red Man. Reformed Church Rev. Reformed Church Review. Regional Rev. Regional Review. Religious Telescope. Republic. Review of Reviews. Rev. Hist. Am. Franqaise. Revue d'Histoire de l'Amerique Frangaise. Rice Inst. Pamphlet. Rice Institute Pamphlet. Royal Soc. Canad. Proc. Royal Society of Canada, Proceedings and Trans- actions. Sanitarian. Saturday Evening Post. School Arts Mag. School Arts Maga- zine. School and Soc. School and Society. Schuylkill Co. Hist. Soc. Pub. Schuyl- kill County Historical Society, Publi- cations. Schwenckfeldiana. Sci. Mo. Scientific Monthly. Science. Scientific Am. Scientific American. Scotch-Irish Congress, Proceedings. Scotch-Irish Society of America, Pro- ceedings and Addresses. Scribner's. Scribner's Magazine. scripta mathematica. The Settler. Sign. Smithsonian Inst. Rep. Smithsonian Institution, Annual Report. Snyder Co. Hist. Soc. Bul. Snyder County Historical Society, Bulletin. So. Atlan. Quar. South Atlantic Quar- terly. So. Folk. Quar. Southern Folklore Quarterly. So. Workman. Southern Workman. Soc. Colonial Wars in Pa. Hist. Pub. Society of Colonial Wars in the Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania, Histori- cal Publication. Soc. Hist. Protestantisme Franc. Bul. Societe de THistoire du Protestant- isme Frangaise, Bulletin. Social Forces. Social Just. Rev. Social Justice Review. XXVll List of Serials Social Service Rev. Social Service Re- view. Social Stud. Social Studies. Southern Medicine and Surgery (Charlotte, N. C). Southw. Hist. Quar. Southwestern Historical Quarterly. Spec. Lib. Special Libraries. Spectator. Spinning Wheel. Stained Glass. State Government. State Horticultural Assoc. Pa. Proc. State Horticultural Association of Pennsylvania, Proceedings. Steamboat Bill of Facts. Studies. Studies in Philol. Studies in Philology. Survey. Survey Graphic. Susq. Univ. Stud. Susquehanna Uni- versity Studies. Swedish-Am. Hist. Soc. Year Book. Swedish-American Historical Society, Year Book. Symposium. Teacher-Educ. Jour. Teacher-Educa- tion Journal. Telephone News. Temple Law Quar. Temple Law Quar- terly. Tenn. Hist. Mag. Tennessee Historical Magazine. Theol. Sem. Evangelical and Re- formed Church Bul. Theological Seminary of the Evangelical and Re- formed Church Bulletin. Therapeutic Gazette. Third Annual Rep. Board Agric. Third Annual Report of the Board of Agri- culture. Timepieces Quar. Timepieces Quar- terly. Tobacco. Tobacco, A Weekly Trade Review. Tomorrow. Township Comm. The Township Commissioner. Trains. Transatlantic. Travel. Tyler's Quar. Hist, and Geneal. Mag. Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine. U U. S. Bur. Educ. Circ. United States Bureau of Education, Circular. U. S. Bur. Mines and Information Circ. United States Bureau of Mines and Information, Circular. U. S. Bur. Mines Rep. United States Bureau of Mines. Reports. U. S. Bureau Labor Bul. United States Bureau of Labor, Bulletin. U. S. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec. United States Catholic Historical Society, Records and Studies. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Rep. United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Report. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Yearbook. United States Department of Agricul- ture, Yearbook. U. S. Steel News. United States Steel News. U. S. N. Inst. Proc. United States Naval Institute Proceedings. United Service Mag. United Service Magazine. Univ. of Pa. Alumni Reg. University of Pennsylvania Alumni Register. Univ. of Pa. Bul. University of Penn- sylvania Bulletin. Univ. of Pa. Law Rev. University of Pennsylvania Law Review, and American Law Register. Univ. of Pa. Lectures. L T niversity of Pennsylvania Lectures. Univ. of Pa. Lib. Chron. University of Pennsylvania Library Chronicle. Univ. of Pa. Mus. Jour. University of Pennsylvania, The Museum Journal. Univ. of Pa. School of Educ. Proceed- ings. University of Pennsylvania School of Education. Proceedings. Univ. of Pittsburgh Bul. University of Pittsburgh Bulletin. Univ. of Pittsburgh Law Rev. Uni- versity of Pittsburgh Law Review. Upper Ohio Valley Pioneer. V Vineland Hist. Mag. Vineland Histori- cal Magazine. Virginia Clinical Rec. Virginia Clini- cal Record. Virginia Mag. Hist, and Biog. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. W Washington Acad. Sci. Jour. Wash- ington Academy of Science, Journal. Washington University Studies, Hu- manistic Series. Waterloo Hist. Soc. Rep. Waterloo Historical Society. Annual Report. XXVlll List of Serials Welcome Society Pub. Welcome So- ciety Publications. Westchester Co. Hist. Bul. West- chester County Historical Bulletin. West Va. Hist. West Virginia History. Western Pa. Hist. Mag. Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine. Wm. and Mary Quar. William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. World's Work. Wyoming Commem. Assoc. Proc. Wy- oming Commemorative Association, Proceedings. Wyoming Hist, and Geol. Soc. Proc. and Coll. Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Proceedings and Collections. Yale Jour. Biol, and Med. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine. Yale Law Jour. Yale Law Journal. Yale Rev. Yale Review. York Co. Hist. Soc. Pap. York County Historical Society, Papers. York Co. Hist. Soc. Proc. York County Historical Society, Proceedings. York Co. Hist. Soc. Yearbook. Year- Book of the Historical Society of York County. xxix SECTION I BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AIDS General Bibliographies State Bibliographies Regional, County and Local Bibliographies Topical Bibliographies : Agriculture Archaeology Arts and Sciences Boundaries Economics Education Government and Legislation Military National Groups Newspapers and Magazines Penn, William Place Names Religious Groups Sources and Archival Material Historical Societies State Publications xxx BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AIDS GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES Andrews, Charles M., J. Montgomery Gambrill, and Lida L. Tall. A Bibliography of History for Schools and Libraries. New York : Longmans, Green, 1910. 224 p. [1 Published under the auspices of the Association of History Teachers of the Middle States and Maryland. Beers, Henry P. Bibliographies in American History. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1942. 487 p. [2 Bradford, Thomas L. Bibliographer's Manual of American History, Containing an Account of All State, Territory, Town and County Histories Relating to the United States. Revised by Stanley V. Henkels. Philadelphia : Henkels, 1907-1910. 5 vols. [3 Clark, Arthur H., Co. The United States : A Catalogue of Books Re- lating to the History of Its Various States, Counties, and Terri- tories Arranged Alphabetically by States. Cleveland, Ohio : Arthur H. Clark, 1928. 411 p. [4 Coulter, Edith M., and Melanie Gerstenfeld. Historical Bibliogra- phies : A Systematic and Annotated Guide. Berkeley, Calif. : Uni- versity of California Press, 1935. 206 p. [5 Dutcher, George M., Henry R. Shipman, Sidney B. Fay, Augustus H. Shearer, and William H. Allison, eds. A Guide to Historical Litera- ture. New York: Macmillan, 1931. 1222 p. [6 Evans, Charles. American Bibliography: A Chronological Diction- ary of All Books, Pamphlets, and Periodical Publications Printed in the United States of America from the Genesis of Printing in 1639 Down to and Including the Year 1820. Chicago : The Au- thor, 1934. 12 vols. [7 Griffin, Grace G., and others, eds. Writings on American History: A Bibliography of Books and Articles on United States History, 1906-1940. New York: Macmillan, 1908-1910 (for years 1906- 1908); Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1911-1913 (years 1909-1911 in American Historical Association Re- ports, 1909-1911) ; New Haven: Yale University Press, 1914-1919 (for years 1912-1917); Washington: United States Government 2 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Printing Office, 1921-1944 (years 1918-1940 in American Historical Association Reports as supplements). [8 An indispensable bibliography classifying a wide range of volume and periodical material of each year into both topical and regional categories. Some of the more significant entries are briefly described. Recognized as the most useful compilation for research in American history. Harper, Lathrop C, corny. Source Books on American History. New York: Harper, 1914. 219 p. [9 International Committee of Historical Sciences, AVashington, D. C. International Bibliography of Historical Sciences. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1926-1936. 11 vols. [10 Masterson, James R., ed. Writings on American History, 1948. Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1952. 462 p. (Volume 2 of the Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the year 195Q.) [11 A resumption of Miss Griffin's compilations in different format and arrange- ment. Years 1941-1947 omitted. Matthews, William, comp. American Diaries ; an Annotated Bibliog- raphy of American Diaries Written Prior to the Year 1861. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 1945. 383 p. [12 Mugridge, Donald H. American History and Civilization, A List of Guides and Annotated or Selective Bibliographies. Washington: The Library of Congress, 1950. 18 p. [13 Perkins, Frederic B. Check List for American Local History. Bos- ton : Ruckwell and Churchill, 1876. 198 p. [14 Sabin, Joseph. Bibliotheca Americana : A Dictionary of Books Re- lating to America from Its Discovery to the Present Time. Begun by Joseph Sabin, continued by Wilberforce Eames, and completed by R. W. G. Vail for the Bibliographical Society of America. New York, 1868-1936. 29 vols. [15 1. Penn— vol. 14: p. 311-324. 2. Pennsylvania — vol. 14: p. 327-444. 3. Philadelphia— vol. 14: p. 524-582; vol. 15: p. 9-54. 4. Pittsburgh— vol. 15: p. 156-162. A "magnum opus" of bibliographical endeavor. Most useful for older works; needs supplementing with Griffin's and Masterson's Writings on American History. Vail, R. W. G. The Voice of the Old Frontier. Philadelphia: Uni- versity of Pennsylvania Press, 1949. 492 p. [16 Bibliographical Aids 3 STATE BIBLIOGRAPHIES Beers, Henry P. Pennsylvania Bibliographies. Philadelphia, 1936. 32 p. [17 Biningf, Arthur C. Pennsylvania History: A Selected Bibliography of Secondary Works on Pennsylvania History. Harrisburg, 1933. 16 p. [18 Boyer, Melville J. Pennsylvania History: A Seventeen-Inch Shelf. A Suggestion to Teachers of Pennsylvania History. Pa. Hist., v. 18 : 1951, 220-226. [19 Dunaway, Wayland F. A Brief Bibliography of Pennsylvania His- tory for High School Teachers. Pa. Hist., v. 1: 1934, 38-46. [20 Heckman, Oliver S., comp. What to Read about Pennsylvania. Har- risburg : Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1942. 97 p. [21 Pennsylvania Historical Commission. Pennsylvania Bibliography: Articles Published by Societies Belonging to the Pennsylvania Federation of Historical Societies. Harrisburg : Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1933. 102 p. (Bulletin no. 2). [22 Pennsylvania State Library. Accessions Relating to Pennsylvania. Harrisburg, 1904-1923. (Reports of the State Librarian of Penn- sylvania, 1903-1922). [23 REGIONAL, COUNTY AND LOCAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES Aurand, Ammon M., ed. Notes and Queries : Historical, Biographical and Genealogical Relating Chiefly to Interior Pennsylvania, 1878- 1900. Works of Doctor William H. Egle. Harrisburg: Aurand Press, 1934. 64 p. [24 Bausman, Lottie M. A Bibliography of Lancaster County, Penn- sylvania, 1745-1912. Philadelphia: Patterson and White, 1916. 460 p. (Publications of the Pennsylvania Federation of Historical Societies). [25 Bryan, Kirke. Books on Montgomery County History. Norristown, Pa., 1941. 16 p. (Republished in Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 2: 1939-1941, 297-311). [26 4 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Cremer, Henry. Available Sources for the Study of Industrial and Social History of Western Pennsylvania. Indiana, Pa. : Grosse, 1930. 19 p. [27 Croll, P. C. Lebanon County Imprints and Bibliography. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 4: 1908, 153-199. [28 Crumrine, Boyd. The Bibliography of Washington County [to 1907]. [Harrisburg: Pennsylvania Federation of Historical Societies, 1909]. 29 p. [29 Harbaugh, Linn. Introductory to Bibliography of Franklin County. Kittochtinny Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 7: 1912, 90-99. [30 Hayden, Horace E. A Bibliography of Wyoming Valley . . . with Bibliographical and Critical Notes. Wyoming Hist, and Geol. Soc. Proc. and Coll., v. 2 : 1886, 86-131. [31 Levin, Bernard S. Source Materials for Berks County History. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 6: 1941, 74-77. [32 Mohr, Marie H. A Bibliography of Westmoreland County, 1773-1949. Harrisburg : Archives Publishing Company of Pennsylvania, 1949. 73 p. [33 Morgan, George. A Bibliography of Philadelphia . . . In The City of Firsts, Being a Complete History of the City of Philadelphia from Its Founding, in 1682, to the Present Time. Philadelphia: His- torical Publication Society, 1926. p. 485-522. [34 Pennsylvania State Library. Bibliography of Pennsylvania History : State, County, Town and Township. In The Pennsylvania State Library, Report of the State Librarian of Pennsj^lvania, 1901. [Harrisburg: Ray], 1902. p. 253-285. [35 Check List of Pennsylvania County, Town and Township Histories, 1794-1892. Harrisburg : Meyers, 1892. 24 p. (Report of the State Librarian of Pennsylvania, 1891). [36 Peterson, C. Stewart, corny. Bibliography of County Histories. Balti- more, Md., 1946. 126 p. (Revised edition). [37 Reichmann, Felix. Subject-Index to the Proceedings of the Lancaster County Historical Society, 1895-1939. Lancaster, Pa.: Lancaster County Historical Society, 1940. 66 p. [38 Tubbs, Charles. Bibliography of Tioga County, 1804-1903. Wells- boro, Pa. : Agitator Print, 1904. 20 p. [39 Bibliographical Aids 5 TOPICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES Agriculture Edwards, Everett E. A Bibliography of the History of Agriculture in the United States. Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1930. 307 p. (United States Department of Agri- culture. Miscellaneous Publications, no. 84). [40 Kelsey, Rayner W. . . . Description and Travel as Source Material for the History of Early Agriculture in Pennsylvania. Am. Hist. Assoc. Rep., 1920, 283-292. [41 Price, Robert. John Chapman, a Bibliography of "Johnny Apple- seed." Paterson, N. J. : The Swedenborg Press, 1944. 40 p. [42 Schmidt, Louis B. Topical Studies and References on the Economic History of American Agriculture. Philadelphia : McKinley, 1923. 126 p. [43 Archaeology Carpenter, Edmund S. Recently Acquired Manuscripts Relating to the Archaeology of Pennsylvania. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 93: 1949,166-168. ' [44 Murdock, George Peter. Ethnographic Bibliography of North America. Yale Anthropological Studies, v. 1. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1941. 168 p. [44a Rouse, Irving, and John Goggin. An Anthropological Bibliography of the Eastern Seaboard. Eastern States Archaeological Federation Research Publication No. 1. New Haven: Yale Peabody Museum, 1947. 174 p. [44b Schaeffer, Claude E., and Leo J. Roland. A Partial Bibliography of the Archaeology of Pennsylvania and Adjacent States. Harris- burg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1941. 45 p. [45 Arts and Sciences American Philosophical Society. Classified Index to Publications of the American Philosophical Society, 1769-1940. Philadelphia : The Society, 1940. 173 p. [46 6 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Bach, Richard F. Books on Colonial Architecture. Arch. Reg., v. 41 : 1917, 84-87, 187-189, 279-285, 373-374, 470-474, 566-571; v. 42: 1917, 88-91, 185-188, 283-284, 486-491. [47 Early American Architecture and the Allied Arts : A Bibliog- raphy. Arch. Rec, v. 59 : 1926, 265-267, 328-334, 483-488, 525-532 ; v. 60 : 1926, 65-70. [48 Bell, Whitfield J., jr., comp. Bibliography of the History of Medicine of the United States and Canada — 1948. History Med. Bul., v. 23 : 1949, 494-517. [49 Brown, Harry G., and Maude 0., comps. A Directory of the Book- Arts and Book Trade in Philadelphia to 1820, Including Painters and Engravers. New York : New York Public Library, 1950. 129 p. [50 Dickson, Harold E. A Working Bibliography of Art in Pennsylvania. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania His- torical and Museum Commission, 1948. 148 p. [51 Henry, Frederick P. Medical Literature of Philadelphia. In Stand- ard History of Medicine in Philadelphia. Chicago : Goodspeed, 1897. p. 479-544. [52 Index-Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1880-1932. [53 An exhaustive, classified compilation of the literature of medicine; much of historical value. Mattil, Edward L. A Bibliography of Art in Pennsylvania. Penn- sylvania State College, master's thesis. 1946. [54 National Park Service. Historic American Buildings Survey. Wash- ington : Department of the Interior, 1941. 470 p. (Pennsylvania — p. 315-331). [55 Roos, Frank J., jr. Writings on Early American Architecture. An Annotated List of Books and Articles on Architecture Constructed before 1860 in the Eastern Half of the United States. Columbus : Ohio State University Press, 1943. 272 p. [56 Sawitzky, William, comp. Catalogue, Descriptive and Critical of the Paintings and Miniatures in the Historical Society of Pennsyl- vania. Philadelphia: Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1942. 285 p. [57 Bibliographical Aids 7 Boundaries Burchard, Edward L., and Edward B. Mathews. Manuscripts and Publications Relating to the Mason and Dixon Line and Other Lines in Pennsylvania, Maryland and the Virginias Involving the Charter Rights of the Baltimores and the Penns. In Report on the Resurvey of the Mason and Dixon Line, Part 4. Harrisburg : Har- risburg Publishing Company, 1909. p. 209-403. [58 Economics Committee on State Statistics. Source Book of Pennsylvania Statistics. Harrisburg: American Statistical Association, 1940. 284 p. [59 Cremer, Henry. Available Sources for the Study of Problem Eco- nomics in Western Pennsylvania. Indiana, Pa. : Grosse, 1930. 8 p. [60 Garrison, Curtis W. Economic Material in the Pennsylvania Archives and Other Depositories. Bus. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 8: 1934, 97- 101. [61 Giddens, Paul H. The Beginnings of the Petroleum Industry: Sources and Bibliography. Harrisburg : Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania, Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1941. 195 p. [62 Gras, N. S. B., and Henrietta M. Larson. Casebook in American Busi- ness History. New York : Crofts, 1939. 765 p. [63 Hasse, Adelaide. Index of Economic Material in Documents of States of the United States — Pennsylvania, 1790-1904. Washington : Car- negie Institution of Washington, 1919-1922. 1 vol. in 3. (Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication no. 85). [64 Hussey, Miriam. Business Manuscripts in the Library of the His- torical Society of Pennsylvania. Bus. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 10 : 1936, 48-51. [65 Larson, Henrietta M. Guide to Business History. Cambridge : Har- vard University Press, 1950. 1181 p. [66 Valuable guide to books and articles on economic and business history. McCosker, M. Joseph. The Historical Collections of the Insurance Company of North America. Philadelphia: Insurance Company of North America, 1945. 176" p. [67 8 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Education Mulhern, James. Bibliography. In A History of Secondary Educa- tion in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: The Author, 1933. p. 611- 684. [68 A comprehensive bibliography covering all aspects of the field including historical developments, curriculum, organization, method and policies. Government and Legislation Graves, William B., Norman J. Small, and E. Foster Dowell. Ameri- can State Government and Administration: A State by State Bibliography of Significant General and Special Works. Chicago : Council of State Governments, 1949. 79 p. [69 Institute of Local and State Government. University of Pennsyl- vania. Bibliography on Pennsylvania Government. Philadelphia : Institute of Local and State Government, 1941. 188 p. [70 Pennsylvania State Library. Checklists of the Laws, Minutes, Jour- nals and Documents Published by Pennsylvania, 1682-1898. In The Pennsylvania State Library, Reports of the State Librarian of Pennsylvania, 1900-1904. Harrisburg : Ray, 1901-1905. [71 Price, Giles D. Index to Local Legislation in Pennsylvania from 1700 to 1892. . . . Philadelphia: T. and J. W. Johnson, 1894. 1032 p. [72 Smedley, Elizabeth. State Sources of Information Relating to Penn- sylvania Local Government. Harrisburg : Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania, Department of Internal Affairs, 1949. 61 p. [73 Military United States War Department Library. Bibliography of State Par- ticipation in the Civil War, 1861-1866. Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 1913. 1140 p. Pennsylvania — p. 653- 722. (Subject Catalogue no. 6). [74 National Groups Armor, William C. Scotch-Irish Bibliography of Pennsylvania. Scotch-Irish Congress, Proceedings, v. 8 : 1896, 253-289. Also in Pennsylvania State Library, Report of the State Librarian of Pennsylvania, 1901. [Harrisburg: Ray], 1902. p. 287-324. [75 Bibliographical Aids 9 Johnson, Amandus. Bibliography. In The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware : Their History and Relation to the Indians, Dutch and English, 1638-1664. New York: Appleton-Century, 1911. 2 vols. Volume 2, p. 767-812. [76 Kolehmainen, John I. The Finns in America. Hancock, Mich. : Finnish American Historical Library, 1947. 141 p. [77 Long, Harriet C. A Select Bibliography of the Pennsylvania Ger- mans. Pa.-German, v. 11 : 1910, 460-476. [78 Meynen, Emil. Bibliography on German Settlements in Colonial North America, Especially on the Pennsylvania Germans and Their Descendants, 1683-1933. Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, 1937. 636 p. [79 Indispensable for research on Pennsylvania Germans. Riccardi, Saro J., corny. Pennsylvania Dutch Folk Art and Archi- tecture: A Selective Annotated Bibliography. N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bul., v. 46 : 1942, 471-483 [80 Springer, Otto. A Working Bibliography for the Study of the Penn- sylvania German Language and Its Sources. Philadelphia: Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, Department of Germanic Languages, 1941. 16 p. [81 Werner, William L., comp. Pennsylvania Germans, 1927-1937. (Bib- liography). Am. Speech, v. 13: 1938, 122-127. [82 Newspapers and Magazines Boyer, Melville J. Checklist of the Society's Newspaper Files. Le- high Co. Hist. Soc. Pboc, v. 15 : 1946, 110-116. [83 Brigham, Clarence S. Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690- 1820. Worcester, Mass: American Antiquarian Society, 1947. 2 vols. [84 Gregory, Winifred, ed. American Newspapers, 1821-1936, a Union List of Files Available in the United States and Canada. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1937. 791 p. [85 Hause, Nathan E., comp. Annotated Catalogue of Newspaper Files in the Pennsylvania State Library. In Report of the Pennsylvania State Librarian, 1900. Harrisburg: Ray, 1901. p. 185-308. [86 Hildeburn, Charles S. A Century of Printing : The Issues of the Press in Pennsylvania, 1685-1784. Philadelphia: Matlack and Harvey, 1885-1886. 2 vols. [87 10 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Nolan, J. Bennett, comp. Newspapers of Berks County, Pennsyl- vania, 1789-1900. Reading, Pa.: The Historical Society of Berks County, 1951. 69 p. [88 Pennsylvania Historical Survey. A Checklist of Pennsylvania News- papers. (Volume 1, Philadelphia County). Harrisburg: Common- wealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1944. 323 p. [89 Schwegmann, George A., ed. Newspapers on Microfilm, A Union Check List. Philadelphia: Association of Research Libraries, 1948. 176 p. [90 Shoemaker, Alfred L., comp. A Check List of Imprints of the Ger- man Press of Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, 1807-1900, with Biographies of the Printers. Allentown, Pa., 1947. 240 p. (Pro- ceedings of Lehigh County Historical Society, 1947. Volume 16). [91 A Check List of Imprints of the German Press of Northamp- ton County, Pennsylvania, 1766-1905, with Biographies of the Printers. Easton, Pa., 1943. 162 p. (Publications Northampton County Historical and Genealogical Society. Volume 4). [92 Western Pennsylvania Historical Society. Inventory of Files of American Newspapers in Pittsburgh and Allegheny County, Penn- sylvania. Pittsburgh, 1933. 34 p. (Western Pennsylvania Histori- cal Survey. Bibliographical Contributions, no. 2). [93 Wilkinson, Norman B., comp. Checklist of Pennsylvania History Magazines. Pa. Hist., v. 17: 1950, 315-322. [94 William Penn Spence, Mary K. . . . William Penn: A Bibliography, a Tentative List of Publications about Him and His Work. Harrisburg, 1932. 19 p. (Bulletin of the Pennsylvania Historical Commission). [95 Place Names Sealock, Richard B., and Pauline A. Seely, comps. Bibliography of Place Name Literature, United States, Canada, Alaska and New- foundland. Chicago : American Library Association, 1948. 331 p. (Pennsylvania, p. 175-179). [96 Bibliographical Aids 11 Religious Groups A List of Books and Pamphlets Printed in America, 1733-1809, bearing on Catholic History in the New World. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec., v. 31 : 1920, 248-256. [97 Bender, Harold S. Two Centuries of American Mennonite Litera- ture; A Bibliography of Mennonitica Americana, 1727-1928. Goshen, Ind. : Mennonite Historical Society, Goshen College, 1929. 181 p. (Studies in Anabaptist and Mennonite History, no. 1). [98 Cadbury, Henry J. Quaker Bibliographical Notes. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 24 : 1935, 83-93. [99 Catholic University of America. Dissertations in American Church History, 1889-1932. Washington, D. C. : Privately Printed, 1933. 27 p. (American Church History Seminar Bulletins, no. 1). [100 Chorley, E. Clowes, corny. Bibliography of Bishop William White. P. E. Church Hist. Mag., v. 6 : 1937, 173-186. [101 Doll, Eugene E., and Anneliese M. Funke. The Ephrata Cloisters. Philadelphia: Carl Schurz Memorial Foundation, 1944. 140 p. [102 Dubbs, Joseph H. Bibliography — History of the Reformed Church, German. In American Church History Series. Volume 8. New York : Christian Literature Company, 1895. p. 214-220. [103 Edwards, Morgan. Materials Towards a History of the Baptists in Pennsylvania both British and German. . . . Philadelphia : Joseph Crukshank and Isaac Collins, 1770-1792. 134 p. [104 Gehres, Mary A. The Key to Unlock Tomorrow. Presbyterian Life, v. 5 : no. 15, 1952, 17-20. [105 Guilday, Peter. Guide to the Biographical Sources of the American Hierarchy. Cath. Hist. Rev., v. 5: 1919, 120-128, 290-296 (Con- tents, A to C) ; v. 6: 1920, 128-132, 267-271 (Contents, D to K) ; v. 6 : 1921, 548-552 (Contents, L to N). [106 Hamilton, J. Taylor. Bibliography — A History of the Unitas Fra- trum or Moravian Church, in the United States of America. In American Church History Series. Volume 8. New York : Christian Literature Company, 1895. p. 426-428. [107 Henkels, Stanley V. Quakeriana : A Remarkable Collection of Books Relating to the Society of Friends. Philadelphia: Henkels, 1911. 95 p. [108 12 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Hinke, William J. Bibliography of the Reformed Church of the United States Prior to 1800. Pa.-German Soc. Proc. and Add., v. 11 : 1900, 341-349. [109 Hostetler, John A. Annotated Bibliography on the Amish. Scott- dale, Pa. : Mennonite Publishing House, 1951. 100 p. [110 Jackson, Samuel M. A Bibliography of American Church History, 1820-1893. In American Church History Series. Volume 12. New York : Christian Literature Company, 1895. p. 443-513. [Ill Malin, W. G. C. Catalogue of Books Relating to or Illustrating the History of the Unitas Fratrum or United Brethren. Philadelphia : Collins, 1881. 178 p. [112 Mode, Peter G. Source Book and Bibliographical Guide for American Church History. Menasha, Wis. : Banta Publishing Company, 1921. 735 p. [113 Rosenbach, Abraham S. W. An American Jewish Bibliography: Being a List of Books and Pamphlets by Jews or Relating to Them Published in the United States from the Establishment of the Press in the Colonies until 1850. Baltimore : [Lord Baltimore Press], 1926. 486 p. (American Jewish Historical Society. Publi- cation, no. 30.) [114 Smith, Joseph. Bibliotheca Anti-Quakeriana ; or a Catalogue of Books Adverse to the Society of Friends. London: The Author, 1873. 474 p. [115 Bibliotheca Quakeristica : A Bibliography of Miscellaneous Literature Relating to the Friends: London: The Author, 1882. 32 p. [116 A Descriptive Catalogue of Friends' Books; or, Books Writ- ten by Members of the Society of Friends. . . . London: The Au- thor, 1867. 2 vols. (Supplement, London: Edward Hicks, 1893. 364 p.) [117 Thomas, Allen C, and Richard H. Bibliography — History of the Society of Friends in America. In American Church History Series. Volume 12. New York: Christian Literature Company, 1895. p. 164-170. [118 Thomas, Allen C. Quaker Books and Quakeriana in the Library of Haverford College. Friends' Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 9: 1919, 27-32. [119 Bibliographical Aids 13 Umble, John, and Harold S. Bender. Research on the Amish and Source Materials for the Study of the Amish. Mennonite Quar. Rev., v. 25 : 1951, 128-140. [120 Warrington, James. A Bibliography of Church Music Books Issued in Pennsylvania with Annotations. Penn Germania, v. 1: n. s., 1912, 170-177, 262-268. [121 Sources and Archival Material Ames, Herman V., and Luther R. Kelker. Public Archives of Penn- sylvania. In Annual Report of the American Historical Associa- tion, 1904. "Washington: Government Printing Office, 1905. p. 629-649. [122 Ames, Herman V., and Albert E. McKinley. The Public Archives of the City and County of Philadelphia. In Annual Report of the American Historical Association, 1901. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1952. p. 231-344. (Volume 2). [123 Ames, Herman V., and Lewis S. Shimmell. Report on the Public Archives of Pennsylvania. In Annual Report of the American Historical Association, 1900. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. p. 267-293. (Volume 2). [124 Beers, Henry P. Colonial Records of Western Pennsylvania. Penn- sylvania:*, v. 3: 1946, 37-38. [125 Braderman, Eugene M., and Bernard S. Levin. Pennsylvania and Her Archives. Pa. Hist., v. 8 : 1941, 59-64. [126 Buck, Solon J. Research Materials in the National Archives Per- taining to Pennsylvania History. Pennsylvanian, v. 1 : 1944, 19- 20. [127 Connor, R. D. W. The National Archives and Pennsylvania History. Pa. Hist., v. 7 : 1940, 63-78. [128 Eddy, Henry H. Guide to the Published Archives of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania His- torical and Museum Commission, 1949. 101 p. [129 The Newer Pattern of the Public Records in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvanian, v. 8: 1951, 27-28. [130 14 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Eliot, Margaret S., and S. K. Stevens, eds. Guide to Depositories of Manuscript Collections in Pennsylvania. Harrisburg: Common- wealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1939. 126 p. [131 Garrison, Curtis W. The C. W. A. Survey of Historical Source Ma- terial in Pennsylvania. Pa. Hist., v. 1 : 1934, 217-231. [132 ■ Report on Pennsylvania State Archives. Pa. Lib. Notes, v. 14: 1935, 579-585. [133 Guide to the Manuscript Collections of The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: The Historical Society of Pennsyl- vania, 1949. (Second edition). [134 An analytical description, and index, to four million items in some 1600 collec- tions. Hamer, Philip M. The Records of the Federal Government as Mate- rials for the History of Pennsylvania in World "War II. Pennsyl- vania^ v. 6 : 1949, 45-46. [135 Hasse, Adelaide R. Public Archives of the Province and Common- wealth of Pennsylvania to 1789. In Annual Report of the Ameri- can Historical Association. 1906. Washington : Government Print- ing Office, 1908. Volume 2. p. 412-444. [136 Nichols, Roy F. The Mystery of the Dallas Papers. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 73 : 1949, 349-392, 475-517. [137 [Pennsylvania Archives]. Colonial Records. Edited by Samuel Hazard. Harrisburg and Philadelphia, 1838-1853. 16 vols. [138 The title pages of the first ten volumes bear the title, "Minutes of the Provincial Council, 1682-1776," and the title pages of the remaining six volumes, "Minutes of the Supreme Executive Council, 1776-1790." Binder's title is Colonial Records. Pennsylvania Archives. First Series. Edited by Samuel Hazard. Philadelphia, 1852-1856. 12 vols. [139 Papers from the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth printed in chronological order (1664-1790) to parallel and supplement Colonial Records. Pennsylvania Archives. Second Series. Edited by William II. Egle, John B. Linn, and George E. Reed. Harrisburg, 1879-1890. 19 vols. [140 A collection of diverse materials, included among which are the minutes of the Board of War and those of the Navy Board, both for 1777; militia rolls and church records; materials on the Connecticut land claims in Pennsylvania, and on the Whiskey Insurrection. Bibliographical Aids 15 Pennsylvania Archives. Third Series. Edited by William H. Egle, John B. Linn, and George E. Reed. Harrisburg, 1894-1899. 31 vols. [141 Largely a continuation of the materials found in the Second Series and also lists of land warrantees and of taxables by counties. Pennsylvania Archives. Fourth Series. Edited by George E. Reed. Harrisburg, 1900-1902. 12 vols. [142 Addresses, messages, proclamations, and other papers of Pennsylvania gover- nors, 1681-1902. Printed with a minimum of notation and without indication as to the sources used. Pennsylvania Archives. Fifth Series. Edited by Thomas L. Mont- gomery. Harrisburg, 1906. 8 vols. [143 Muster rolls and other military lists of the provincial and revolutionary period. Some are reprinted from the Second Series and Third Series in more orderly and accurate form. Pennsylvania Archives. Sixth Series. Edited by Thomas L. Mont- gomery. Harrisburg, 1906-1907. 15 vols. [144 Military rolls and accounts, and orderly books from the period of the Revolu- tion through the War of 1812, and some material on the Mexican War. Inven- tories of estates confiscated during the Revolution; church records of marri- ages and baptisms, and scattered returns of elections in the eighteenth century on a county basis, are included. Volume XV, in two parts, is an index to the Fifth Series. Pennsylvania Archives. Seventh Series. Edited by Thomas L. Mont- gomery. Harrisburg, 1914. 5 vols. [145 Entire Series is an index to the more than one million names appearing in the first fourteen volumes of the Sixth Series. Pennsylvania Archives. Eighth Series. Edited by Gertrude Mac- Kinney, and Charles F. Hoban. Harrisburg, 1931-1935. 8 vols. [146 Reprints the eighteenth-century edition of Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives of the Province of Pennsylvania, 1682-1776. Pennsylvania Archives. Ninth Series. Edited by Gertrude Mac- Kinney. Harrisburg, 1931-1935. 10 vols. [147 A continuation of Colonial Records and also a supplement to the Fourth Series, consisting of the Executive Minutes, a journal of official actions by Pennsylvania governors for the period 1790-1838, during which the Constitution of 1790 was in force. Pennsylvania Historical Junto. Materials in Foreign Archives for "Writing Pennsylvania History. Washington: Pennsylvania His- torical Junto, 1944. 12 p. [148 16 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Schlegel, Marvin W. The Pennsylvania Archives. Pa. Hist., v. 8: 1941, 219-229. [149 Stevens, S. K., and Donald H. Kent, eds. County Government and Archives in Pennsylvania. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1947. 576 p. [150 Stevens, S. K., and Donald H. Kent, comps. Pennsylvania Sources in Various Western Depositories; a Preliminary Check List. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania His- torical and Museum Commission, 1949. 37 p. [151 Surrey, N. M. Miller, ed. Calendar of Manuscripts in Paris Archives and Libraries Relating to the History of the Mississippi Valley to 1803. Washington : Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1926- 1928. 2 vols. [152 Wood, Richard G. Research Materials in the National Archives Pertaining to Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 69 : 1945, 89-102. [153 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES Crittenden, Christopher, ed. Historical Societies in the United States and Canada, A Handbook. Washington: The American Associa- tion for State and Local History, 1944. 261 p. [154 Dunlap, Leslie W. American Historical Societies, 1790-1860. Madi- son, Wis. : Privately Printed, 1944. 238 p. [155 Griffin, Appleton P. C. Bibliography of American Historical So- cieties. (The United States and the Dominion of Canada) "Penn- sylvania" — In American Historical Association Annual Report, 1905. Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1907. p. 792-882. [156 Stevens, S. K. Local Historical Societies in the United States. County Officer, v. 15 : no. 9, 1950, 6-11, 29. [157 Year Book of the Pennsylvania Federation of Historical Societies. Harrisburg. Issued Biennially. [158 Lists local historical societies within the State, their location, their holdings, and their facilities for research. Bibliographical Aids 17 STATE PUBLICATIONS Bowker, R. R. Pennsylvania Publications. In State Publications : A Provisional List of the Official Publications of the Several States of the United States from their Organization. New York: Pub- lishers' Weekly, 1899-1908. p. 176-199. [159 List of State Publications. Harrisburg : Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania, Bureau of Publications. [160 SECTION II BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PENNSYLVANIA HISTORY Part One. The Colony of Pennsylvania Part Two. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 18 PART ONE. THE COLONY OF PENNSYLVANIA I. THE VIRGIN LAND A. Physical Features Climate — Forests — Geography — Geology — Mountains and Caves — Rivers. See — Section III, Description, Travel, and Place Names. Ashley, George H. The Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 13 : no. 7, 1945, 3-7, 28. [161 The Scenery of Pennsylvania, Its Origin and Development Based on Eecent Studies of Physiographic and Glacial History. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of In- ternal Affairs, 1933. 91 p. [162 Bailey, John S. Our Stone Age. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 1 : 1908, 45-53. [163 Barker, Charles R. The Stony Part of Schuylkill; Its Navigation, Fisheries, Fords and Ferries. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 50: 1926, 344-366. [164 Bertin, Eugene P. Primary Streams of Lycoming County. Now and Then, v. 8 : 1947, 230-232, 237-239, 257-266. [165 Blodget, Lorin. Climatology of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg: Meyers, 1889. 203 p. [166 Brandt, Francis B. The Majestic Delaware, the Nation's Foremost Historic River. Philadelphia : Brandt and Gummere, 1930. 192 p. [167 Brodhead, Luke W. The Delaware Water Gap: Its Scenery, Its Legends and Its Early History. Philadelphia: Sherman, 1867. 220 p. [168 Burrowes, Thomas B. State-Book of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Uriah Hunt and Son, 1847. 332 p. (Second edition). [169 Butterfield, Consul W. History of Brule's Discoveries and Explora- tions, 1610-1626. Cleveland: Hellman-Taylor Company, 1898. 184 p. [170 Canby, Henry S. The Brandywine. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1941. 285 p. [171 19 20 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Cattell, Henry S. The Pocono Plateau. New York: McBride-Nast, 1912. 59 p. [172 Clark, Margaret, and Truman J. Purdy. The Lost Mountains of Pennsylvania. Snyder Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 2 : 1939, 166-170. [173 Claypoole, E. W. Pennsylvania Before and After the Elevation of the Appalachian Mountains. Am. Naturalist, v. 19 : 1885, 257-268. [174 Olemson, Thomas G. Observations on the Geology of York County, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia : W. P. Gibbons, 1834. [175 Davis, William M. The Rivers and Valleys of Pennsylvania. National Geog. Mag., v. 1 : 1889, 183-253. [176 Donehoo, George P. The Archaeology and Early History of the Alle- gheny River. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 6 : 1923, 21-24. [177 The Historical Allegheny. Red Man, v. 5 : 1913, 271-276. [178 Eavenson, Howard N. Hutchins' Courses of the Ohio River — A Cor- rection. Ohio Hist, and Phil. Soc. Bul., v. 8 : 1950, 207-210. [179 Faris, John T. Romance of the Rivers. New York: Harper, 1927. 298 p. [180 Ford, Worthington C. The First Separate Map of Pennsylvania. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 57 : 1924, 172-183. [181 Foshay, P. Max. Preglacial Drainage of Western Pennsylvania. Am. Jour. Scl, v. 40 : 1890, 397-403. [182 Garrison, Hazel S. Cartography of Pennsylvania Before 1800. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 59 : 1935, 255-283. [183 Geologic Survey Completes First Century of Work. . . . Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 1 : no. 5, 1936, 5-8. [184 Gorges and Waterfalls of Northeastern Pennsylvania. Around the World, v. 1 : 1894, 123. [185 Harshberger, John W. Nature and Man in the Pocono Mountain Region, Pennsylvania. Phila. Geog. Soc. Bul., v. 13 : 1915, 64-71. [186 Hoch, Daniel K. A River with a Past. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 16 : 1951, 47-50, 63. [187 Kussart, Sarepta. The Allegheny River. Pittsburgh : Burgum, 1938. 342 p. [188 The Colony 21 Leeds, A. R. Pennsylvania's Ancient Sea. Jour. Franklin Inst., v. 92 : 1871, 55, 133. [189 Lesley, John P. Historical Sketch of Geological Explorations in Penn- sylvania. Harrisburg, 1876. 200 p. [190 Lewis, H. C. The Ice Age in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1883. 21 p. [191 Lobeck, A. K. The Physiographic Influence upon the Distribution of Population in Maryland and Pennsylvania. Assoc. Am. Geog. Ann., v. 16 : 1926, 94-101. [192 Lutz, H. J. Original Forest Composition in Northwestern Pennsyl- vania. Jour. Forestry, v. 28 : 1930, 1098-1103. [193 Meyerhoff, H. A. and E. W. Olmsted. Windgaps and Watergaps in Pennsylvania. Am. Jour. Sci., v. 27 : 1934, 410-416. [194 Murphy, Raymond E., and Marion. Pennsylvania: A Regional Geography. Harrisburg : Pennsylvania Book Service, 1937. 591 p. [195 Myers, Richmond E. The Long Crooked River (The Susquehanna). Boston : Christopher Publishing House, 1949. 380 p. [196 Netting, M. Graham. More about Pittsburgh Geography. Greater Pittsburgh, v. 25 : April, 1944, 14-15. [197 Pittsburgh 500,000,000 Years Ago. Greater Pittsburgh, v. 25 : March, 1944, 12-13. [198 Nolan, J. Bennett. The Schuylkill. New Brunswick: Rutgers Uni- versity Press, 1951. 310 p. [199 A highly satisfactory treatment of "Hidden Creek" and the rich mixture of Americana of the valley it nourishes. Perry, George S. The Common Trees and Shrubs of Pennsylvania, Native and Introduced. Harrisburg: Pennsylvania Department of Forests and Waters, 1932. 127 p. [200 Richards, T. Addison. The Susquehanna. Harper's, v. 7: 1853, 613- 623. [201 Rogers, Henry D. Geology of Pennsylvania: A Government Survey. New York: Van Nostrand, 1858-1868. 2 vols. [202 22 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Rolfe, Deette. Geological Influences in the Economic Development of the Pennsylvania Piedmont Plateau. Phila. Geog. Soc. Bul., v. 13 : 1915, 133-154. [203 Scott, Joseph. A Geographical Description of Pennsylvania. Phila- delphia : Robert Cochran, 1806. 147 p. [204 Shaw, E. W. High Terraces and Abandoned Valleys in Western Pennsylvania. Jour. Geol., v. 19 : 1911, 140-156. [205 Shoemaker, Henry W. Penn's Grandest Cavern; the History, Leg- ends, and Description of Penn's Cave in Centre County, Pennsyl- vania. Altoona, Pa. : Altoona Tribune Press, 1916. 94 p. [206 Stone, R. W. Many Waterfalls in Pennsylvania. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 10 : 1942, 21-30. [207 Stone, R. W., and others. Pennsylvania Caves. Harrisburg: Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Internal Affairs, 1932. 143 p. [208 Stose, George W., and Anna I. Jonas. Geology and Mineral Resources of York County, Pennsylvania. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Internal Affairs, 1931. 199 p. (Pennsylvania Geological Survey, Fourth Series, bulletin c 67). [209 Tower, Walter S. Topography and Travel in Pennsylvania. Am. Geog. Soc. Bul., v. 37 : 1905, 145-154. [211 Trego, Charles B. A Geography of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia : Ed- ward C. Biddle, 1843. 384 p. [212 Ward, Freeman. Recent Geological History of the Delaware Valley Below the Water Gap. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania, Department of Internal Affairs, 1938. 76 p. [213 Way, Frederick, jr. The Allegheny. New York: Farrar and Rine- hart, 1942. 280 p. [214 Weyburn, S. Fletcher, ed. Origin and History of the Famous Arch- bald Pot-hole, Archbald, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania. Scranton, Pa. : Lackawanna Historical Society, 1929. 24 p. [215 White, David. Age of the Pocono. Am. Jour. Scl, v. 27 : 1934, 265- 272. [216 The Colony 23 Wildes, Harry E. The Delaware. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1940. 398 p. [217 Wildman, Edward E. Penn's Woods, 1682-1932. Philadelphia: Christopher Sower, 1933. 192 p. [218 Wiley, Richard T., Monongahela : The River and Its Region. Eliza- beth, Pa. : The Author, 1937. 257 p. [219 Willard, Bradford. Cultural Influences of Pennsylvania's Mountain Gaps. Sci. Mo., v. 57 : 1943, 33-43, 132-144. [220 Origin of the Lackawanna Basin, Pennsylvania. Jour. Geol., v. 54: 1946,246-251. [221 Williams, Edward H. Notes on the Southern Ice Limit in Eastern Pennsylvania. Am. Jour. Sci., v. 49 : 1895, 174-185. [222 Wright, George F. The Glacial Boundary in Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois. In J. W. Powell, Depart- ment of the Interior Bulletin of the United States Geological Sur- vey no. 58. Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 1890. p. 38-59. [223 Wroth, Lawrence C. Joshua Fisher's " Chart of Delaware Bay and River." Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 74: 1950, 90-109. [224 B. Flora and Fauna Animals — Birds — Botanists— Fishes — Flowers and Plants — Fossils — Insects. Barton, William P. C. Compendium Florae Philadelphicae : Contain- ing a Description of the Indigenous and Naturalized Plants Found Within a Circuit of Ten Miles Around Philadelphia. Philadelphia : M. Carey, 1818. 2 vols. [225 Bean, T. H. Fishes of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg, 1893. [226 Benner, Walter M. The Flora of Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Phila- delphia, 1932. 331 p. [227 Bryant, W. L. New Fishes from the Triassic of Pennsylvania. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 73 : 1934, 319-326. [228 Caulwell, William H. Biological Field Guide and Check List for Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Minneapolis: Burgess Publish- ing Co., 1951. 109 p. [229 24 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Claypoole, E. W. Report of Some Fossils from the Lower Coal Meas- ures near Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. Wyoming Hist, and Geol. Soc. Proc. and Coll., v. 2 : 1886, 239-253 [230 Common Trees of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Forests and Waters, 1952. 55 p. [231 Darlington, William. Flora Cestrica : An Attempt to Enumerate and Describe the Flowering and Filicoid Plants of Chester County . . . Pennsylvania . . . West Chester, Pa. : S. Siegfried, 1837. 640 p. [232 Florula Cestric: An Essay Towards a Catalogue of the Phaenogamous Plants, Native and Naturalized, Growing in the Vicinity of the Borough of West Chester, in Chester County, Penn- sylvania . . . West Chester, Pa. : S. Siegfried, 1826. 152 p. [233 Flora Cestrica: An Herborizing Companion for the Young Botanists of Chester County . . . Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Lindsay and Blakiston, 1853. 498 p. [234 Faris, John T. Old Gardens in and about Philadelphia. Indianapolis : Bobbs-Merrill, 1932. 311 p. [235 French, J. C, and others. The Passenger Pigeon in Pennsylvania. Altoona, Pa. : Altoona Tribune Company, 1919. 257 p. [236 Frey, Edward S. The Centennial Check-List of the Birds of Cumber- land County, Pennsylvania and Her Borders, 1840-1943. Lemoyne, Pa. : E. S. Frey, 1943. 68 p. [237 Gress, Ernest M. Common Wild Flowers of Pennsylvania. Altoona, Pa. : Altoona Times-Tribune, 1928. 113 p. [238 Grimm, William C. The Shrubs of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg: The Stackpole Company, 1951. 440 p. [239 A beautifully executed book with informative text. The Trees of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg : Stackpole and Heck, 1950. 363 p. [240 A descriptive manual of 137 different trees of 20 different species that are found in Pennsylvania. Harshberger, John W. The Botanists of Philadelphia and Their Work. Philadelphia: Davis, 1899. 457 p. [241 Plant Distribution in Eastern Pennsylvania. Phila. Geog. Soc. Bul., v. 17 : 1919, 53-61. [242 The Colony 25 Jennings, Otto E. A Botanical Survey of Presque Isle, Erie County, Pennsylvania. Carnegie Mus. Ann., v. 5 : 1908-1909, 289-421. [243 MacReynolds, George. A List of the Birds of Bucks County, Penn- sylvania, with Annotations. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 7 : 1937, 479-538. [244 Melsheimer, Frederick V. Insects of Pennsylvania. Hanover, Pa.: The Author, 1806. 60 p. [245 Moldenke, H. N. Contribution to Our Knowledge of the Wild and Cultivated Flora of Pennsylvania. Am. Mid. Naturalist, v. 35: 1946, 289-299. [246 Netting, M. Graham. The Amphibians and Reptiles of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg : Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Board of Fish Com- missioners, 1946. 29 p. [247 Paxson, Henry D. The Last of the Wild Pigeon in Bucks County. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 4: 1917, 367-382. [248 Peterson, 0. A. Fossils of the Frankstown Cave, Blair County, Penn- sylvania. Carnegie Mus. Ann., v. 16 : 1925, 249-297. [249 Poole, Earl L. A Half Century of Bird Life in Berks County, Penn- sylvania. Reading: Reading Public Museum and Art Gallery, 1947. 139 p. (Bulletin no. 19). [250 Porter, Thomas C. Flora of Pennsylvania. Boston: Ginn, 1903. 362 p. [251 Rhoads, Samuel N. The Mammals of Pennsylvania and New Jersey . . . Philadelphia : Privately Printed, 1903. 266 p. [252 Shoemaker, Henry W. The Black Bear of Pennsylvania. Ardmore, Pa. : N. F. McGirr, 1921. 92 p. [253 The Black Moose in Pennsylvania. Altoona, Pa. : Tribune, 1917, 45 p. [254 Extinct Pennsylvania Animals . . . Altoona, Pa. : Tribune, 1917. 134 p. [255 Pennsylvania Bison Hunt . . . the Destruction of These Noble Beasts in the Keystone State. Middleburg, Pa.: Middleburg Post, 1915. 60 p. [256 26 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Pennsylvania Wild Cats. Altoona, Pa. : Tribune, 1916. 34 p. [257 Wolf Days in Pennsylvania. Altoona, Pa. : Tribune, 1914. 85 p. [258 Stone, Hugh E. A Flora of Chester County, Pennsylvania. Phila- delphia: The Academy of Natural Sciences, 1945. 2 vols. [259 [Stone, Witmer]. Birds of Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Philadelphia : Delaware Valley Ornithology Club, 1894. 185 p. [260 Sutton, George M. Birds of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg: J. Horace McFarland, 1928. 161 p. [261 Swank, James M. Buffaloes in Pennsylvania. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 12 : 1908, 295-302. [262 Swanson, P. L. Notes on the Amphibians of Venango County. Am. Mm. Naturalist, v. 40 : 1948, 362-371. [263 Reptiles of Venango County. Am. Mid. Naturalist, v. 47: 1952, 161-182. [264 Todd, Walter E. C. and George M. Sutton. Birds of Western Penn- sylvania. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1940. 710 p. [265 Turnbull, William P. The Birds of East Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Philadelphia : H. Grambo, 1869. 50 p. [266 Twining, Alfred. Flora of Northeastern Pennsylvania. Scranton, Pa. : Everhart Museum of Natural History, Science and Art, 1917. 89 p. [267 Walker, Clarence F. Plant and Animal Life of Snyder County. Snyder Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 2 : 1942, 46-59. [268 Warren, B. H. Report on the Birds of Pennsylvania, with Special Reference to the Food-Habits. . . Harrisburg: Meyers, 1888. 260 p. (Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Bulletin.) [269 Willard, Bradford. Fossils in Pennsylvania. Soi. Mo., v. 43: 1936, 335-340. [270 Wood, T. Kenneth. The Latest Pennsylvania Buffalo Hunt. Now and Then, v. 7 : 1942, 57-64. [271 The Colony 27 C. Natives Archaeology — Customs and Manners — Industries — Religion — Tribes and Chiefs. Abbott, Charles C. Primitive Industry: or, Illustrations of the Handi- work, in Stone, Bone and Clay of the Native Races of the Northern Atlantic Seaboard of America. Salem, Mass. : G. A. Bates, 1881. 560 p. [272 Recent Archaeology Explorations in the Valley of the Dela- ware. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1892. 30 p. [273 Ten Years' Digging in Lenape Land, 1901-11. Trenton, N. J. : MacCrellish and Quigley, 1912. 191 p. [274 Adams, Richard C. The Ancient Religion of the Delaware Indians. Washington, [Pa.] : Law Reporter Printing Company, 1904. 43 p. [275 Albertson, Charles L. Local Indian Tribes and Early Historical Events. Bradford Co. Hist. Soc. Ann., v. 9 : 1915, 31-52. [276 Augustine, E. E. Recent Archaeological Discoveries in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. Pa. Archaeol., v. 8 : 1938, 6-12, 60-63. [277 Barker, James N. Sketches of the Primitive Settlements of the River Delaware. Philadelphia : Carey and Lea, 1827. 62 p. [278 Bender, Harry E. The Nanticoke Indians in Lancaster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 33 : 1929, 121-130. [279 Berkebile, Fred D. Our Native Indians. Somerset, Pa.: F. D. Berkebile, [1940]. 57 p. [280 Berlin, Alfred F. A Bit of Lehigh County Indian History. Pa.- German, v. 7 : 1906, 227-231. [281 Birket-Smith, Kaj. Geographic Study of the Early History of the Algonquian Indians. International Archives of Ethnography, v. 24: 1918, 174-222. [282 Bostwick, Retta E. The Indians of Colonial Pennsylvania. Penn- sylvania State College, master's thesis. 1930. [283 Boyd, Stephen G. Indian Local Names with Their Interpretation. York, Pa. : The Author, 1885. 70 p. [284 28 Bibliography op Pennsylvania History Brinton, Daniel G. Lenape and Their Legends. . . . Philadelphia : The Author, 1885. 262 p. [285 Brunner, David B. The Indians of Berks County, Pennsylvania, Being a Summary of All the Tangible Records of the Aborigines of Berks County. Reading, Pa. : Spirit of Berks Book Printing Office, 1897. 257 p. [286 Buck, William J. Lappawinzo and Tishcohan, Chiefs of the Lenni Lenape. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 7 : 1883, 215-220. [287 Butler, Mary. Archaeological Problems in Erie County, Pennsyl- vania. Pa. Archaeol., v. 6 : 1936, 27-30. [288 Pottery Types in Pennsylvania. Pa. Archaeol., v. 16 : 1946, 117-122. [289 Recent Archaeological. Work in Southwestern Pennsylvania. Pa. Archaeol., v. 6 : 1936, 55-58. [290 Three Archaeological Sites in Somerset County, Pennsyl- vania. Harrisburg : Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1939. 79 p. [291 Cadzow, Donald A. Archaeological Studies of the Susquehannock Indians of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania, Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1936. 217 p. [292 Petroglyphs in the Susquehanna River near Safe Harbor, Pennsylvania. Harrisburg : Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Penn- sylvania Historical Commission, 1934. 59 p. [293 Carmer, Carl. Carantouan. Am. Heritage, v. 3: no. 4, 1952, 17-19. [294 Carpenter, Edmund S. Ecology and Pennsylvania Mounds. Pa. Archaeol., v. 20: 1950, 63-74. , [295 The Spartansburg Cairns. Pa. Archaeol., v. 20: 1950, 40-46. [296 Carpenter, Edmund S., and Harry L. Schoff. The Nelson Mound, Crawford County, Pennsylvania. Pa. Archaeol., v. 21 : 1951, 57-60. [297 Carter, John H. Indian Tribes of Shamokin. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 5 : 1933, 71-83. [298 The Colony 29 Daniel, Warren J. Some Old Indian Paths in Pennsylvania. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 11 : no. 7, 1943, 3-8. [299 Davidson, D. S. The Lock Haven Expedition. Univ. of Pa. Mus. Jour., v. 20 : 1929, 307-317. [300 Desrosiers, Leo-Paul. Iroquoisie (1534-1646). Montreal : Les Etudes de l'lnstitut d'Histoire de PAmerique Francaise, 1947. Volume 1. 351 p. [301 A Canadian account of the Iroquois written in French. Diffenderffer, F. R. Indian Tribes of Lancaster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 1 : 1896, 85-88 [302 Donehoo, George P. A History of the Indian Villages and Place Names in Pennsylvania . . . Harrisburg: Telegraph Press, [cl928]. 290 p. [303 The Indians of the Past and of the Present. Pa. Mag. Hist. and Biog., v. 46 : 1922, 177-198. [304 One of the Earliest Trails of the Red Men Through the Mountains of Pennsylvania. Red Man, v. 5 : 1913, 448-456. [305 The Shawnee in Pennsylvania. "Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 7 : 1924, 178-187. [306 ■ A Short Sketch of the Indian Trails of Pennsylvania. Wilkes- Barre, Pa. : Yordy, 1920. 28 p. [307 Downes, Randolph C. Council Fires on the Upper Ohio : A Narra- tive of Indian Affairs in the Upper Ohio Valley Until 1795. Pitts- burgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, 1940. 367 p. [308 In Council Fires the Indian viewpoint is ably interpreted; the author assumes the attitude that the Indian civilization was neither better nor worse than that of the white man. Edson, Walter H. The Eries, the Nation of the Cat. N. Y. Hist., v. 16 : 1935, 36-44. [309 Eisenhart, Charles W. The Indians of the Susquehanna Valley. Pennsylvanian, v. 1: 1944, 22-23. [310 Ely, Warren S. Indian Character and Habits in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Publication of the Society of Colonial Wars in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1928. 8 p. [311 30 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Engberg, Robert M. Algonkin Sites of Westmoreland and Fayette Counties, Pennsylvania. Western Pa. Hist. Mao., v. 14: 1931, 143-190. [312 Eshleman, H. Frank. Lancaster County Indians: Annals of the Sus- quehannocks and Other Indian Tribes of the Susquehanna Territory from about the Year 1500 to 1763. Lancaster, Pa., 1909. 415 p. [313 Fenton, William N. Place Names and Related Activities of the Cornplanter Senecas. Pa. Archaeol., v. 15 : 1945, 25-29, 42-50, 88-96, 108-118 ; v. 16 : 1946, 42-57. [314 Fenstermaker, G. B. Algonkin Research, 1934-1935. Pa. Archaeol., v. 6 : 1937, 67-86. [315 Foulke, William P. Notes Respecting the Indians of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Pa. Hist. Soc. Mem., v. 4: 1850, [188]- 219. [317 Frost, S. W. Types of Arrowheads Found in Adams County, Pa. Pa. Archaeol., v. 14: 1944, 23-30. [318 Gardner, E. M. Archaeological Study of Indian Village Sites in the Lower "Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania. Pa. Archaeol., v. 9 : 1939, 21-34. [319 Gilkyson, Phoebe H. Surface Observations along the Schuylkill Valley: Norristown-Pottstown Section. Pa. Archaeol., v. 15: 1945, 51-58. [320 Godcharles, Frederic A. The Indians of Pennsylvania. Pa. Arts and Sciences, v. 2, 1937, 83-85, 112, 116. [321 Gracey, Wilbur T., Genevieve Bowen, Matrona Walck, and Dorothy Cross. Lenni Lenape Indians in Fact and Fancy. This is Bucks County Series, Unit 1. Doylestown : Bucks County Teachers As- sociation, 1945. 34 p. [321a Griffin, J. B., ed. Archaeology of Eastern United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1952. 392 p. [322 Griffin, J. B. On the Historic Location of the Tutelo and the Mohetan in the Ohio Valley. Am. Anthrop., v. 44: 1942, 275- 280. [323 Haldeman, S. S. On the Contents of a Rock Retreat in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Am. Phil. Soc. Trans., v. 15 : 1881, 351-368. [324 The Colony 31 Hark, J. Max. Meniolagomeka : Annals of a Moravian Indian Village a Hundred and Thirty Years Ago. Moravian Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 2 : 1886, 129-144. [325 Harrington, M. R. Lenape Culture. Am. Anthrop., v. 15: 1913, 208-235. [326 Religion and Ceremonies of the Lenape. Xew York: Mu- seum of the American Indian, Heye Fonndation, 1921, 249 p. [327 Hayden, Horace E. Antiquities of Southwestern Pennsylvania. Smithsonian Inst. Rep., 1881, 638-641. [328 Heckewelder, John G. E. History, Manners and Customs of the Indian Nations Who Once Inhabited Pennsylvania and the Neigh- bouring States. Philadelphia : Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1876. 465 p. [329 Names Given by the Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians to Rivers, Streams and Places in the Now States of New Jersey, Penn- sylvania, Maryland, and Virginia . . . Allentown, Pa. : Pennsylvania German Folklore Society, 1940. 41 p. [330 Hill, R. B. The Andastes Nation on the Lower Susquehanna River. Pa. Archaeol., v. 6 : 1936, 35. [331 Huber, David A. The Indians of the Perkiomen Valley. Perkiomex Region, v. 9 : 1931, 99-124. [332 Johnson, Amandus. The Indians and Their Culture as Described in Swedish and Dutch Records from 1614 to 1664. International Congress of Americanists, Proceedings, 1917, 277-282. [334 Johnson, Walter R. Description of a Specimen of Engraving by the Aboriginal Inhabitants of North America; with a Notice of Some Incidents in the History of the Early Settlers on the West Branch of the Susquehanna River. Pa. Hist. Soc. Mem., v. 4: 1840, 93- 103. [335 Jordan, Francis. Aboriginal Fishing Stations on the Coast of the Middle Atlantic States. Lancaster, Pa. : New Era Printing Com- pany, 1906. 45 p. [336 Jordan, John W. Some Indian History of the Lehigh Valley. Lehigh Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 1 : 1908, 184-196. [337 Kahler, Clarke B. Indian Exploration Work near Muncy, Pennsyl- vania. Now and Then, v. 6 : 1938, 69-72. [338 32 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Kinietz, Vernon. Delaware Culture Chronology. Indianapolis: Indiana Historical Society, 1946. 143 p. [339 Landis, D. B. Former Indian Habitations and Ancient Relics Found near Lancaster City. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 38 : 1934, 1-12. [340 [Landis, David H.] ... The Location of Susquehannock Fort . . . Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 14: 1910, 81-117. [341 Laubach, Charles. Prehistoric Bucks County. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 3 : 1909, 61-68. [342 Prehistoric Man in Northern Bucks County. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 2 : 1909, 52-57. [343 Leslie, Vernon. An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Upper Dela- ware Valley Sites Between Point Mountain and Bushkill, Pa. Pa. Archaeol., v. 16 : 1946, 20-30, 59-78, 95-112, 131-141. [344 Lincoln, Anna T. Our Indians of Early Delaware, [n. p.] (Dela- ware Citizens Association, Historical Bulletin no. 1). 1932. 42 p. [345 Lindestrom, Peter M. Geographia Americae, with an Account of the Delaware Indians, Based on Surveys and Notes Made in 1654-1656. Philadelphia : Swedish Colonial Society, 1925. 418 p. [346 Macauley, P. S. The Archaeological Records of the Susquehannocks. Pa. Archaeol., v. 6 : 1936, 43-47. [347 McConnell, E. M. Account of the Old Indian Village Kushkushkee, near Newcastle, Pennsylvania. Smithsonian Inst. Rep., 1871, 406-407. [348 MacLeod, W. C. Family Hunting Territory and Lenape Political Organization. Am. Anthrop., v. 24 : 1922, 448-463. [349 Mahr, August C. Materia Medica and Therapy Among the North American Forest Indians. Ohio Archaeol. and Hist. Quar., v. 60: 1951, 331-354. [350 Mercer, Henry C. Indian Jasper Mines in the Lehigh Hills. Am. Anthrop., v. 7 : 1894, 80-92. [351 ■ The Red Man's Bucks County. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 2 : 1909, 267-283. [352 The Colony 33 Researches upon the Antiquity of Man in the Delaware Valley and the Eastern United States. Boston: Ginn, 1897. 178 p. [353 Miles, J. Walter, and Robert M. Engberg. Archaeological Work in Westmoreland and Fayette Counties, 1929. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 13 : 1930, 67-103. [354 Moorhead, Warren K., ed. A Report of the Susquehanna River Ex- pedition. Andover, Mass.: Andover Press, 1938. 142 p. (Spon- sored in 1916 by the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation.) [355 Murray, Elsie. Carautouan (Old Spanish Hill) and Etienne Brule (Explorer of the Susquehanna.) Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 16 : 1948, 35-66. [356 The "Noble Savage". Sci. Mo., v. 36: 1933, 251-257. [357 ■ Stone Tubes in Bradford County, Pa. : An Enigma. Pa. Archaeol. v. 15 : 1945, 10-24, [358 Murray, Louise W. Aboriginal Sites in and near "Teaoga", Now Athens, Pennsylvania. Am. Anthrop., v. 23 : n. s. 1921, 183-214, 268-297. [359 Murray, Louise W., ed. Selected Manuscripts of General John S. Clark, Relating to the Aboriginal History of the Susquehanna, Athens, Pa., 1931. 150 p. (Publications of the Society for Pennsyl- vania Archaeology. Volume 1.) [360 Neff, George H. How the Indians Lived at Shamokin. Northum- berland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 7 : 1935, 5-15. [361 Parker, Arthur C. The Influence of the Iroquois on the History and Archaeology of the Wyoming Valley and the Adjacent Region. Wyoming Hist, and Gkol. Soc. Proc. and Coll., v. 11: 1910, 65- 102. [362 — The Nantieoke. Pa. Archaeol., v. 5: 1936, 83-90. [363 Problems of the Delaware Susquehanna Area. Pa. Arch- aeol., v. :\: 1934, 7-11. [364 Petrullo, V. M. The Diabolic Root. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1934. 185 p. [365 34 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Poole, Earl L. Early Man in Berks Comity. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 17 : 1952, 102-103. [366 Ruth, John A. Aboriginal Remains in Durham [Pa.] and Vicinity. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 1 : 1908, 417-425. [367 Remains in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Smithsonian Inst. Rep., 1883, 872-876. [368 Ruttenber, E. M. Indian Geographical Names in the Valley of Hud- son's River, the Valley of the Mohawk, and on the Delaware. New York: Publication of the New York State Historical Association, 1906. 241 p. [369 Schrabisch, Max. Aboriginal Rock Shelters and Other Archaeological Notes of Wyoming Valley and Vicinity. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. : Yordy, 1926. 186 p. [370 Archaeology of Delaware River Valley Between Hancock and Dingman's Ferry in Wayne and Pike Counties. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical Com- mission, 1930. 181 p. [371 Mountain Haunts of the Coastal Algonquian. Am. Anthrop., v. 21 : 1919, 139-152. [372 Shoemaker, Henry W. Indian Folk-Songs of Pennsylvania. Ard- more, Pa. : N. F. McGirr, 1927. 15 p. [373 Sipe, Chester H. The Indian Chiefs of Pennsylvania, or, a Story of the Part Played by the American Indian in the History of Penn- sylvania . . . Butler, Pa.: Ziegler, [cl927]. 569 p. [374 The Indian Wars of Pennsylvania: An Account of the Indian Events, in Pennsylvania, of the French and Indian War . . . Harrisburg: Telegraph Press, 1929. 793 p. [375 The Principal Indian Towns of Western Pennsylvania. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 13 : 1930. 104-122. [376 Smithsonian Institution. Explorations and Field Work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1921. Washington: Smithsonian Insti- tution, 1922. 128 p. [377 Snyderman, George S. Concepts of Land Ownership Among the Iroquois and Their Neighbors. In Symposium on Local Diversity in Iroquois Culture. Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin no. 149. Washington, 1951. p. 13-34. [378 The Colony 35 Speck, Frank G. Algonkian Influence upon Iroquois Social Organi- zation. Am. Antheop., v. 25 : 1923, 219-227. [379 The Delaware Indians as Women: Were the Original Penn- sylvanians Politically Emasculated? Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 70 .- 1946, 377-389. C 380 Functions of Wampum among the Eastern Algonkian. Am. Anthrop. Assoc. Mem., v. 6 : 1919, 1-71 . [381 Game Totems among the Northeastern Algonkians. Am. Anthrop., v. 19 : 1917, 9-18. [382 Gourds of the Southeastern Indians. Boston : New England Gourd Society, 1941. 113 p. l 383 The Grasshopper War in Pennsylvania: An Indian Myth That Became History. Pa. Archaeol., v. 12 : 1942, 31-34. [384 Kinship Terms and the Family Band among the North- eastern Algonkian. Am. Anthrop., v. 20: 1918, 143-161. [385 Medicine Practices of the Northeastern Algonkians. Inter- national Congress of Americanists, Proceedings, 1917, 303-321. [386 Midwinter Rites of the Cayuga Long House. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1949. 192 p. [386a The Nanticoke and Conoy Indians. Del. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 1 : 1926, 1-77. [387 The Nanticoke Community of Delaware. Museum of Ameri- can Indian, Heye Foundation, v. 2 : 1915, 1-43. [388 Speaking of the Delawares. Pa. Archaeol., v. 4: 1935, 3-9. [389 A Study of the Delaware Indian Big House Ceremony. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania His- torical Commission, 1931. 192 p. [390 The Tutelo Spirit Adoption Ceremony: Reclothing the Liv- ing in the Name of the Dead. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1942. 125 p. [391 36 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History — The Wapanachki Delawares and the English. Pa. Mag. 1 1 ist. and Biog., v. 67 : 1943, 319-344. [392 Whip-poor-wills, Nighthawks and Lady Slippers. Gen. Ma<;. and Hist. Chron., v. 36 : 1934, 593-599. [393 Squier, Ephraim G. Historical and Mythological Traditions of the Algonquins . . . Am. Rev., no. 14 : 1849, 173-193. [394 Swauger, James L. Carnegie Museum Program for Archaeological Study in Western Pennsylvania. Pa. Arciiaeol., v. 20: 1950, 31-32. [395 The Mingo. Pa. Archeol., v. 19 : 1949, 64-68. [395a Tantaquidgeon, Gladys. A Study of the Delaware Indian Medicine Practice and Folk Beliefs. Harrisburg : Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania, Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1942, 91 p. [396 Delaware Indian Art Designs. Pa. Archaeol., v. 20: 1950, 24-30. [397 Underhill, Sarah G. The Indians of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Two Hundred and Fifty Years Ago. Philadelphia: Friends' His- torical Association, 1934. 20 p. [398 Urban, Theodore L. ... American Indians: The Who, What and Whence of Pre-Columbian Dwellers . . Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 2 : 1897, [87] -107. [399 Vietzen, Raymond C. The Immortal Eries. Elyria, O. : The Author, 1945. 387 p. [400 Voegelin, Erminie W. Some Possible Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Locations of the Shawnee. Ind. Acad. Sci. Proc, v. 48 : 1939, 13-18. [400a Voegelin, Erminie W. and George K. Neaumann. Shawnee Pots and Pottery Making. Pa. Archaeol., v. 18 : 1948, 3-12. [401 Volk, Ernest. The Archaeology of the Delaware Valley. Cambridge, Mass. : Archaeological Papers of the Peabody Museum, 1911. 258 p. [402 Walker, Edwin R. The Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians. Somer- ville, N. J. : Unionist-Gazette, 1917. 27 p. [403 The Colony 37 Wallace, Anthony F. C. Some Psychological Characteristics of the Delaware Indians During the ITIli and 18th Centuries. Pa. Arch- akoi,. v. 20: 1950, 33-39. [404 ■ Woman, Land, and Society: Three Aspects of Aboriginal Delaware Life. Pa. Archaeol., v. 17 : 1947, 1-35. [404a Wanner, Atreus. Relics of an Indian Hunting Ground in York County, Pennsylvania. Smithsonian Inst. Rep., 1892, 571-575 [405 Weslager, C. A. The Delaware Indians as Women. Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour., v. 34 : 1944, 381-388. [406 ■ Indian Grave Robbers of Early Pennsylvania, Delaware. and Maryland. Pa. Archaeol., v. 15 : 1945, 104-107. [407 The Nanticoke Indians : A Refugee Tribal Group of Pennsyl- vanians. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsyl- vania Historical and Museum Commission, 1948. 159 p. [408 The Nanticoke Indians in Early Pennsylvania History. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 67 : 1943, 345-355. [409 Williston, Cyrus H. Indian Chiefs of Pennsylvania. Pa.-German, v. 11 : 1910, 422-424, 494-497, 549-551, 594-598. [410 Witthoft, John. A Bucks County Argillite Cache. Pa. Archaeol., v. 18 : 1948, 13-14. [411 The Grasshopper War in Lenape Land. Pa. Archaeol., v. 16 : 1946, 91-94. [412 Witthoft, John and James Miller. Grooved Axes of Eastern Penn- sylvania. Pa. Archaeol., v. 22 : 1952, 81-94. [413 Witthoft, John. The History and Present Status of Pennsylvania Archaeology. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc., v. 94: 1950, 301-307. [414 Notes on Pennsylvania Fluted Points. Pa. Archaeol., v. 20: 1950,49-54. [415 An Outline of Pennsylvania Indian History. Pa. Hist., v. 16 : 1949, 165-176. [416 Smoothed-Base Projectile Points from Eastern Pennsylvania. Pa. Archaeol., v. 16 : 1946, 123-130. [417 38 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Witthoft, John and S. S. Farver. Two Shenk's Ferry Sites in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania. Pa. Archaeol., v. 22: 1952, 3-32. [418 Woodward, Arthur. Wampum and Its Uses. Pa. Archaeol., v. 3: 1934, no. 5, 11-16 ; no. 6, 15-20. [419 Wren, Christopher. Remains of the Stone Age in the Wyoming and along the Susquehanna River. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. : Yordy, 1902. 26 p. [420 Turtle Shell Rattles and Other Implements from Indian Graves at Athens, Pennsylvania. Wyoming Hist, and Geol. Soc. Proc. and Coll., v. 10 : 1909, 195-210. [421 II. TRANSPLANTING DIVERSE CULTURES A. The Settlements to 1681 1. The Dutch Explorers on the Delaware, 1609-1638 Carson, Hampton L. Dutch and Swedish Settlements on the Dela- ware. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 33 : 1909, 1-21. [422 [Diffenderffer, F. R.] The First White Man in Pennsylvania and in Lancaster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 17 : 1913, 5-36. [423 Ferris, Benjamin. A History of the Original Settlements on the Delaware, from Its Discovery by Hudson to the Colonization under William Penn. Wilmington, Del. : Wilson, 1846. 312 p. [424 Hazard, Samuel. Annals of Pennsylvania, from the Discovery of the Delaware, 1609-1682. Philadelphia: Hazard and Mitchell, 1850. 664 p. [425 Ward, Christopher. The Dutch and Swedes on the Delaware, 1609- 1664. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1930. 393 p. [426 .2. The Swedish and Finnish Settlers on the Delaware, 1638-1655; the Real Pioneers Acrelius, Israel. A History of New Sweden; or, the Settlements on the River Delaware. Translated from Swedish by William M. Reynolds. Philadelphia : Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1874. 468 p. (Originally published Stockholm: Harberg and Hassel- berg, 1759.) [427 The Colony 39 Arfvedson, Karl D. A Brief History of the Colony of New Sweden . . . Lancaster, Pa. : Pennsylvania German Society, 1909. 44 p. (Proceedings of Pennsylvania German Society, 1909, volume 18.) [428 Balch, Thomas W. The Cradle of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Allen, Lane and Scott, 1921. 41 p. [429 The Swedish Beginning of Pennsylvania and Other Events in Pennsylvania History. Am. Antiq. Soc. Proc, v. 24: n. s. 1914, 305-341. [430 Benson, Adolph B., and Naboth Hedin. Americans from Sweden. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1950. 448 p. [431 Portions of this ethnic study deal with Swedish settlement in Pennsylvania. Benson, Adolph B., and Naboth Hedin, eds. Swedes in America, 1638-1938. Published for the Swedish American Tercentenary * Association. New Haven : Yale University Press, 1938. 614 p. [432 Clay, John C. Annals of the Swedes on the Delaware. Chicago: Swedish Historical Society of America, 1914. 170 p. [433 De Lannoy, Charles. A History of Swedish Colonial Expansion. Newark, Del. : University of Delaware Press, 1938. 46 p. [434 Federal Writers' Project. Pennsylvania's Swedish Heritage. Har- risburg, 1939. [435 Garber, John P. The Settlements on the Delaware Prior to the Com- ing of William Penn. Phila. City Hist. Soc. Pub., no. 6 : 1909, 129-161. [436 Governor Printz Park. Harrisburg : Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1942. 8 p. [437 Heiges, George L. Lancaster County and the Swedish Settlement on the Delaware. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 42: 1938, 97- 104. [438 Holm, Thomas C. A Short Description of the Province of New Sweden, Now Called by the English, Pennsylvania, in America. Translation and Notes by Peter S. Du Ponceau. Philadelphia : McCarty and Davis, 1834, 1GG p. (Originally published Stockholm: Werner, 1702. 190 p.) [439 40 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Johnson, Amandus, ed. The Instruction for Johan Printz, Governor of New Sweden, "The First Constitution or Supreme Law of the States of Pennsylvania and Delaware." Philadelphia: Swedish Colonial Society, 1930. 287 p. [44C Johnson, Amandus. Swedes in America, 1638-1900. Philadelphia: Publication of Swedish Settlements, College Hall, University of Pennsylvania, 1914. 391 p. [441 The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware: Their History and Relation to the Indians, Dutch and English, 1638-1664. New York: Appleton- Century, 1911. 2 vols. [442 Keen, G. B. New Sweden ; or, the Swedes on the Delaware. In Justin Winsor, ed., Narrative and Critical History of America. Volume 4. New York, 1884. p. 443-502. [443 Kidder, Frederic. The Swedes on the Delaware and Their Intercourse with New England. Boston : David Clapp, 1874. 13 p. [444 Larsen, Esther L. Peter Kalm, Preceptor. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 74: 1950, 500-511. [445 Louhi, E. A. The Delaware Finns : The First Permanent Settlement in Pennsylvania, Delaware, "West New Jersey and Eastern Part of Maryland. New York: Humanity Press, 1925. 331 p. [446 New Sweden Historical Exhibit, 1638-1938. Philadelphia: American Swedish Historical Museum, 1938. 70 p. [447 Odhner, C. T. The Founding of New Sweden. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 3 : 1879, 269-284, 395-411. [448 Page, Evelyn. The First Frontier — The Swedes and the Dutch. Pa. Hist., v. 15: 1948, 276-304. [449 Paxson, Henry D. Sketch and Map of a Trip from Philadelphia to Tinicum Island, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, Where the Swedes Founded the First Permanent Colony, and Established and Main- tained for Twelve Years (1643-1655) the First Seat of Government in Pennsylvania . . . Philadelphia: [George II. Buchanan], 192(5. 248 p. [450 Rambo, Ormond, jr. The House on Queen Christina's Land Grant. In American Swedish Historical Museum Yearbook. Philadelphia: American Swedish Historical Museum, 1944. p. 44-50. [451 The Colony 41 Rauanheimo, Akseli. Before William Penn; the Story of the First Settlers in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Dorrance, c 1929. w 2.">:{ p. [452 Ryden, George H. Story of New Sweden. Am. -Scandinavian" Rev., v. 26 : 1938, 23-38. [453 Seidensticker, Oswald. Beziehungen der Deutschen zu den Schweden in Pennsylvanien. Kulturgeschichtlicher Beitrag. Der Deutsche Pionier, Jg. 6 : 1874-1875, 400-405, 426-432. [454 Sipe, Chester H. Pennsylvania Beginnings in the Colony of New Sweden. Ilarrisbnrg : Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsyl- vania Historical Commission, 1937. 9 p. [455 Sprinchom, Carl K. S. The History of the Colony of New Sweden. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 7 : 1883, 395-419 ; v. 8 : 1884, 17-44, 129-159, 241-254. [456 Stevens, S. K. The Brief History of the Colonization of Xew Sweden. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania His- torical Commission, 1938. 12 p. [457 Ward, Christopher. Xew Sweden on the Delaware. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1938. 160 p. [458 Weslager, C. A. Log Structures in Xew Sweden During the Seven- teenth Century. Del. Hist., v. 5 : 1952, 77-95. [459 Wetherill, Samuel P. Early Swedish Influence in the Delaware Valley. Pa. Soc. of Colonial Wars Pub., v. 6 : no. 9, 1946, 11 p. [460 Wuorinen, John H. The Finns on the Delaware, 1638-1655. New York: Columbia University Press, 1938. 179 p. [461 3. Dutch Dominion in the Delaware Valley, 1655-1664 de Valinger, Leon. The Burning of the Whorekill, 1673. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog,, v. 74 : 1950, 473-487. [462 Harder, Leland. Pioneer of Christian Civilization in America. Men- xoxite Life, v. 4 : 1949, 41-45, 48. [463 Pennypacker, Isaac R. The Dutch on the Delaware. Am. Mercury, v. 2 : 1924, 345-350. [464 42 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Fort Beversrode and Beyond. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 58: 1934, 289-311. [465 Pennypacker, Samuel W. Bebber's Township and the Dutch Pa- troons of Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 31 : 1907, 1-18. [466 B. The Founding of Pennsylvania 1. The Man, William Penn See — The Penn Family Alcott, William A. C. Sketches of William Penn. Boston: D. S. King, 1839. 137 p. [467 Written for the purpose of inculcating virtue by example and intended for Sunday School children, this book was no doubt read with edification by many of their elders a century ago. Barker, Joseph. Life of William Penn, the Celebrated Quaker and Founder of Pennsylvania. London : J. Chapman, 1847. 320 p. [468 The author, not a Friend, but patronizingly tolerant of them, described this book as "chiefly a republication of all that was important in the lives of Penn published by Joseph Bess [sic] and Thomas Clarkson." As was to be expected in 1847, the book's confusion is assisted by the use of a good deal of small type and by the omission of an index. Beatty, Edward C. 0. William Penn as Social Philosopher. New York : Columbia University Press, 1939. 338 p. [469 A careful study based on original sources and attempting to relate one aspect of Penn's thought — the social — to the thought currents of his time and to the influences in his own life. Professor Jernegan says in the foreword, "This is the first extensive analysis of the great Quaker leader which clearly and ade- quately explains his philosophy of life, his political and social theories, his attitude towards war and peace, his religious and racial views, his notions re- specting the distribution of wealth and income and his educational theories and plans for humanitarian reforms." This, then, is not a biography and it does not even attempt to compare what Penn did with what he thought. William Penn, Pragmatist. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 29 : 1940, 30-37, 107-116. [470 Benham, William G. William Penn and George Fox in Essex, 1677. Essex Review, v. 44: 1935, 172-179. [471 [Besse, Joseph.] An Account of the Author's, William Penn's, Life, Prefixed to the First Edition of Penn's Works. London, 1726. Vol. 1, p. 1-150, 151-238. [472 This first English life of Penn by his editor includes, as its title continues, "many original letters and papers, not before published." All careful later biographies The Colony 43 are indebted to it. No other biography comes from a contemporary or personal acquaintance. The author is judicious and well informed. Unfortunately this work in a two-volume folio was never reprinted either in later editions of his works (folio 1771; octavo 1782; octavo 1825) or elsewhere. Blum, Herman. The Mystery of the Burned William Penn Letter. Auto. Coll. Jour., v. 3 : no. 3, 1951, 18-22. [473 Bolles, Albert S. William Penn, the Founder of Pennsylvania. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 5 : 1922, 47-65. [474 Brailsford, Mabel R. The Making of William Penn. New York: Longmans, Green, 1939. 368 p. [475 As the title indicates, this book deals with slight exception only with the early part of Perm's life, up to the death of his father in 1670. More than most books it treats the formative influences of his environment. It gives a much more favorable view of the Admiral than one would get from the jaundiced Pepys. Its attention to the education of Penn at Saumur and to his teacher Moses Amyraut is important. Buck, William J. William Penn in America: An Account of His Life from the Time He Received the Grant of Pennsylvania in 1681, until His Final Return to England. Philadelphia : The Author, 1888. 424 p. [476 This study is nearly limited to the two decades from 1687 to 1707, and deals particularly and in detail with the two visits of Penn to America which fall near the beginning and end respectively of that period. The author writes from long study and, use of manuscript materials at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, which he quotes with discrimination. He does not gloze over the difficulties which Penn faced nor the bad judgment and bad management to which he thinks they were largely due. Buell, Augustus C. William Penn as the Founder of Two Common- wealths. New York: Appleton- Century, 1904. 368 p. [477 Coming to this subject an experienced biographer, the author attempts to present in objective fashion the career of Penn, especially in connection with West Jersey and Pennsylvania. The work has justly and accurately been described as "unjust and inaccurate." Burdette, Robert J. . . . William Penn (1644-1718). New York: Holt, 1882. 366 p. [478 The author, known in his day as a humorist, has produced a vivid, racy, altogether vernacular and conversational narrative that will still appeal to those that like that kind of thing. It belongs in the series of Lives of American Worthies, where other popular writers also have sacrificed not only principle for interest, to borrow the "feeble joke" that he assigns to Penn (page 3), but fact for fiction. Busch, Henry P. Pennsbury, William Penn's Manor and Its Restora- tion. Welcome Society Pub., 1942, 9-23. [479 44 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Cadbury, Henry J. Another Child to William and Gulielma Penn. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 74: 1950, 110-112. [480 Gulielma Penn's Grave. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 76: 1952, 326-329. [481 Cadbury, Henry J., ed. Intercepted Correspondence of William Penn. 1670. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., y. 70 : 1946, 349-372. [482 More Penn Correspondence, Ireland, 1669-1670. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., y. 73 : 1949, 9-15. [483 Cadbury, Henry J. Penn, Collinson and the Royal Society. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 36 : 1947, 19-24. [484 Cadbury, Henry J., ed. William Penn's Journal: Kent and Sussex, 1672. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 68 : 1944, 419-429. [485 Cadbury, Henry J. William Penn — Just among Friends. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 34 : 1945, 5-24. [486 Cadzow, Donald A. Pennsbury. Am. Heritage, v. 1: no. 4, 1950. 50-51, 66-67. [487 Carson, Hampton L. William Penn as a Law-Giver. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 30 : 1906, 1-29. [488 Chandler, Charles L. William Penn as a Business Man. Jour. Frank- lin Institute, v. 215 : 1933, 445-453. [489 Clarkson, Thomas. Memoirs of the Private and Public Life of William Penn. London : Bradshaw, 1849. 370 p. [490 The first real biography attempted and one that is not yet superseded. The author was not a Quaker, but was an admirer of Quakers and of William Penn. He attempts to interpret the latter to suit the evangelical piety of his own later circle and generation. His interest here, as in his other works, is upon the humanitarian aspects. The materials used are still of value. Clement, John. William Penn, His Interest in West New Jersey. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 5 : 1881, 312-333. [491 Colket, Meredith B., jr. Some Thoughts on the Contributions of William Penn. Pennsylvanian, y. 2: 1944, 15-1 G. [493 Comfort, William W. William Penn and Our Liberties. Philadelphia : Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, 1947. 146 p. [494 Emphasizes the origins of many American liberties as stemming from the principles of the Society of Friends. Tin: Colony 45 William Penn, 1644-1718. A Tercentenary Estimate. Phila- delphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1944. 185 p. [495 An interpretation of Penn as defender, apostle, governor, and as a man of letters, derived from a study of the founder's religious principles and experiences. William Penn's Reli°'ious Background. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 68 : 1944, 341-358. [496 Cope, Thomas P., ed. Passages from the Life and Writings of William Penn . . . Philadelphia: Friends' Book Store, 1882. 512 p. [497 Davis, W. W. H. William Penn's Home Life at the Manorhouse [Pennsbury]. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 1: 1908, 28-38. [498 Dixon, William H. A History of William Penn, Founder of Penn- sylvania. New York : New Amsterdam Book Company, 1902. 337 p. [499 A shorter edition of the same author's An Historical Biography, without references. Yet the writer claims to have dealt with a mass of new materials and to have produced a substantially new book. William Penn : An Historical Biography. London : Chapman and Hall, 1851. 472 p. [500 A brilliant work stimulated by the attack on Penn in Macaulay's History of England. The author did some independent research and made a skillful selection and presentation. He pays no attention to Penn's writings — indeed few biographers do — and is interested in Penn as a statesman, not as a Quaker. Dobre'e, Bonamy. William Penn, Quaker and Pioneer. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1932. 346 p. [501 The author selects the mistakes or acts of unwisdom in Penn's career as continuing vagaries from his youth up. These when mingled with the multitu- dinous misfortunes of his later years give a decidedly less glamorous picture of the subject than do other biographies. Yet the unique place that Penn holds in history is recognized. Draper, Bourne H. The Life of William Penn. London: Darton, n. d. 271 p. [502 [Duche', Jacob]. Caspipina's Letters: Containing Observations on a Variety of Subjects, Literary, Moral, and Religious. Dublin: J. Jones, 1792. 2 vols. (The Life of Penn— Volume 2). [503 The letters by the curate of St. Peters, Philadelphia, were originally printed in Philadelphia in 1774, but were edited in Bath, England, in 1777 when the editor, said to be Edmund Rack, appended, supposedly from his own pen, a brief quaint laudatory memoir of Penn. Ellis, George E. Life of William Penn. Boston: Little, Brown, 1849. [504 46 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Fackenthal, B. F., jr. William Penn and His Home Life at Pennsbury. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 7 : 1937, 137-172. [505 Fisher, Sydney G. The True William Penn. Philadelphia: Lippin- cott, 1900. 392 p. [506 This is a conscientious and well-balanced biography by a man whose familiarity with colonial history, especially in Pennsylvania, made him a suitable and appreciative biographer of its founder. William Penn, a Biography. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1932. 392 p. [507 This is a reprint with a different cover and title of the same author's The True William Penn. It was provided with a brief new foreword by Rayner W. Kelsey and was issued in the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary year after Penn's first arrival in America. Folgelkou, Emelia. William Penn: En Bok om Samvete och Stat. Stockholm : Albert Bonniers, 1935. 324 p. [508 A well-written, original and thoughtful study by a leading Swedish writer of our times, who is also herself a Quakeress. She is concerned to trace the psychological nature of Penn's experience in relation to the social forces about him. Unfortunately, a translation into English for Penn's American and British successors has not yet been published. The book is almost unique among lives of Penn in being extensively illustrated. Freeman, Clifford B. William Penn after Three Hundred Years. London Quar. Rev., v. 169 : 1944, 344-352. [509 Frost, John. The Life of William Penn, with a Sketch of the Early History of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: 0. Rogers, 1839. 239 p. [510 Garber, John P. William Penn, Commonwealth Builder. Phila. City Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 2 : 1934, 371-385. [511 Godcharles, Frederic A. William Penn. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 14: 1944, 55-76. [512 Goldman, Irvin. Deviation Toward Ideas of Natural Ethics in the Thought of William Penn. Philol. Quar., v. 18 : 1939, 337-352. [513 Graham, John W. William Penn, Founder of Pennsylvania. New York: Stokes [1917]. 332 p. [514 The author was a Quaker educator and a competent historian. He says, "I have given greater space to the enormous volume of William Penn's writings than has been given before, and I have tried to bring out his personal characteristics." This is one of the best biographies of a man whose variety of aspects baffles anyone who would completely describe him. The Colony 47 Grant, Mrs. Colquhoun. Quaker and Courtier: The Life and Work of William Penn. London : J. Murray, 1907. 259 p. [515 Qualified less by her actual descent from William Perm than by her experience as an author, Mrs. Grant has written on the basis of earlier biographies a readable story of Penn's entire life. Genealogical tables, a short list of Penn's books, some old maps, with other illustrations make this still an attractive introduction for the student, in spite of its limitations and occasional inaccura- cies, especially in the author's misinformation about Quakerism. Gray, Elizabeth J. Penn. New York : Viking Press, 1938. 298 p. [516 This life of William Penn was written to provide young people with an account suitable to their years and interests. In this object it fully succeeds. It will also satisfy older persons both by its simple text and by its attractive appearance. Griffin, Martin I. J. William Penn, the Friend of Catholics . . . Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 1 : 1884-1886, 71-85. [517 Grubb, Isabel, ed. My Irish Journal, 1669-1670. [By William Penn.] New York: Longmans, Green, 1952. 103 p. [518 A modernized edition of young Penn's account of several years spent in Ireland managing his father's estates. Harrison, George L. The Remains of William Penn. Philadelphia: [Globe Printing House], 1882. 94 p. [519 Haviland, Virginia. William Penn, Founder and Friend. New York : Abingdon- Cokesbury Press, 1952. 127 p. [520 Hawkins, Lydia S. Lydia Wade, the First American Hostess of William Penn. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 21 : 1932, 63-65. [521 Hayes, Manlove. . . . William Penn and His Province. Wilmington, Del. : Historical Society of Delaware, 1899. 51 p. [522 Heisey, M. Luther. William Penn in the Conestoga Valley. Lan- caster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 48 : 1944, 140-144. [523 Hess, Mary W. William Penn and Isaac Penington. Commonweal, v. 40 : 1944, 153-155. [524 Hibbert, Gerald K. William Penn, a Tercentenary Appreciation. Con- gregational Quar., v. 22 : 1944, 331-337. [525 Highley, George N. William Penn with Special Reference to Mont- gomery County. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 2 : 1939-1941, 220-228. [526 48 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Holland, Rupert S. William Penn. New York: Macmillan, 1915. 166 p. [527 A well-written account for younger readers. Presents a reasonably accurate picture. Horwitz, Solis. William Penn — Capitalist and Social Projector. Uni- versity of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1932. [528 Huckel, Oliver. A Dreamer of Dreams: Being a New and Intimate Telling of the Love-Story and Life-Work of "Will Penn the Quaker." New York: Crowell [cl916]. 249 p. [529 An attempt to reconstruct the human side of William Penn, through the medium of an imaginary journal of Gulielma Springett Penn. continued by Letitia Penn. Hughs, Mary R. The Life of William Penn. London : Darton, 1822. 192 p. [530 Written with the avowed purpose of edifying j-ounger readers. The Life of William Penn. Philadelphia: Kay, 1828. 224 p. [531 Presumably for adult consumption, but with large portions taken verbatim from the 1822 version. Hull, William I. Eight First Biographies of William Penn, in Seven Languages and Seven Lands. [Swarthmore, Pa.: Swarthmore Col- lege], 1936. 136 p. (Swarthmore College Monographs on Quaker History, no. 3.) [532 A bibliographical study of the biographies of William Penn which were first published in each of seven languages: English (1727), American (1822), Dutch (1717), Latin (1695), German (1700), French (1791), Spanish (1879). Italian (1884). William Penn : A Topical Biography. New York : Oxford University Press, 1937. 362 p. [533 A well-presented account based on years of research. Especially valuable, for certain purposes, because of its topical arrangement. Everything considered, probably the most satisfactory account now available. Hunt, Rachel M. M. William Penn — Horticulturist. Bulletin of the Garden Club op America (Washington), 5th Series, no. 5: 1933, 6-16. [534 Jackson, Joseph. William Penn's Interest in Catholics. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Kec, v. 55 : 1944, 209-219. [535 The Colony 49 Janney, Samuel M. The Life of William Penn. Philadelphia: Hogan- Perkins, 1852. 560 p. [536 For many years a standard biography of Penn. Clearly written, well docu- mented and generally reliable. Follows the "life and letters" fashion of the times by containing liberal excerpts from contemporary documents. Jenkins, Charles F. The Founding of Pennsylvania. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 47 : 1944-1945, 67-78. [537 Jenkins, Howard M. Penn and His Plans in Pennsylvania. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 1 : 1908, 367-379. [538 Justice, G. M. William Penn Not a Slaveholder at the Time of His Death. Living Age, v. 8 : 1846, 617. [539 Kelsey, Rayner W. An Estimate of William Penn. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 21 : 1932, 90-93. [540 Kite, St. Alban. William Penn and the Catholic Church in America. Cath. Hist. Rev., v. 7 : n. s., 1927, 480-496. [541 Krahmer, Wolff. William Penn als Kolonisator von Pennsylvania Insbesondere Seine Politik Gegeniiber den Indianern. Frankfurt: Graphische Anstalt Schirmer und Mahlau, 1928. 96 p. [542 This German doctoral dissertation is a sympathetic study of Penn's ideals and policies with reference to his colony. The author is particularly interested in the treatment accorded the Indian. Leach, Frank W. Certain Black-Letter Days in the Life of William Penn. [Philadelphia], 1917. 18 p. [543 The Life and Career of William Penn. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 27 : 1944, 101-115. [544 The Life of William Penn, the Founder of Pennsylvania . . . Phila- delphia: Lindsay and Blakiston, 1849. 210 p. [545 Lil, Herman V. Het Leven, de Govoelens en Lotgevallen van William Penn, Beroemd Kwaker, en Stichter van Pennsylvanien . . . Amster- dam : J. C. Sepp, 1820-1825. 2 vols, in 1. [546 Lingelbach, Anna L. William Penn as Seen in Excerpts from His Writings. Philadelphia: The Religious Society of Friends, 1932. 20 p. [547 Lingelbach, William E. William Penn and City Planning. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 68: 1944, 398-418. [548 Lippincott, Horace M., ed. The Restoration of Penn's Manor. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 41 : 1939, 387-410. [549 50 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History A Man of Conscience. Fortune, v. 29 : 1944, 162-163. [550 Mann, William J. Leben und Wirken William Penn's: Gabe zur Zweihundertjahrigen Gedachtnissfeier Seiner Ersten Ankunft in Pennsylvanien. Reading, Pa. : Pilger-Buchhandlung, 1882. 153 p. [551 Marsillac, Jean. La Vie de Guillaume Penn, Fondateur de la Pennsyl- vanie . . . Paris: De l'lmprimerie du Cercle Social, 1791. 2 vols. [552 Based almost exclusively on Penn's own writings, from which liberal excerpts are quoted. The appendix gives the text of several documents, including the Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776. Mason, Miriam E. William Penn, Friendly Boy. Indianapolis : Bobbs- Merrill, 1944. 210 p. [553 Mood, Fulmer. William Penn and English Politics in 1680-1681 : New Light on the Granting of the Pennsylvania Charter. Friends' Hist. Soc. Jour., v. 32 : 1935, 3-21. [554 Myers, Albert C. Robert Wade, the Earliest Quaker Settler on the West Side of the Delaware River, in 1676, and the First American Host of William Penn, in 1682. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 21: 1932, 53-59. [555 William Penn's Early Life in Brief, 1644-1674. Moylan, Pa. : The Author, 1937. 83 p. [556 Nichols, Roy F. New Light on Pennsbury. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 67 : 1943, 92-93. [556a O'Brien, E. F. An Admiral's Son (William Penn) and How He Founded Pennsylvania. London, 1918. 175 p. [557 Oertel, Hugo. . . . William Penn. Chicago: A. C. McClurg, 1911. 114 p. [558 Pomfret, John E. The Proprietors of the Province of West New Jersey, 1674-1702. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 75: 1951, 117-146. [559 Pound, Arthur. The Penns of Pennsylvania and England. New York : Macmillan, 1932. 349 p. [560 Generally reliable and well written, though with a somewhat obvious effort at streamlining. Especially useful in that it covers Penn's successors, who are not included in most biographies. The Colony 51 Powell, J. H. William Perm's Writings : An Anniversary Essay. Pa. Hist., v. 11 : 1944, 233-259. [561 Pratt, E. J. Pionnier de la paix qui vient, William Penn (1644- 1718). Geneva, Switzerland: Editions Gerard de Buren, 1945. 86 p. [562 Price, Joseph H. William Penn : A Short Life with Selections from His Writings. Philadelphia: Winston, 1932. 63 p. [563 Eemember Willam Penn, 1644-1944, A Tercentenary Memorial. Sec- ond edition. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1945. 173 and 78 pages. [563a The second part of this biographical work, numbered separately, contains Penn's Some Fruits of Solitude and More Fruits of Solitude. Riddell, William R. William Penn and Witchcraft. Jour. Criminal Law, v. 18 : 1927, 11-16. [564 Roberts, Owen J. Penn as Statesman and Founder. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 47 : 1944-1945, 145-153. [565 Schuyler, W. B. Catholics Grateful to William Penn. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 55: 1944, 220-225. [566 Seidensticker, Oswald. William Penn's Travels in Holland and Ger- many in 1677. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 2 : 1878, 237-282. [567 Sellick, George G. William Penn, Quaker and Colonist. London: Epworth Press, 1929. 159 p. [568 A brief elementary account, based upon secondary works. Smyth, Clifford. William Penn, Quaker Courtier and Founder of Colonies. New York : Funk and Wagnalls, 1931. 175 p. [569 A volume in the Builders of America Series. Sohl, Charles E. William Penn — His Contributions to Democracy. Old York Road Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 9 : 1945, 3-11. [570 Stevens, S. K. William Penn. Am. Heritage, v. 3: no. 1, 1951, 51-53, 73. [571 Stoughton, John. William Penn, the Founder of Pennsylvania. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1882. 364 p. [572 An acceptable but somewhat labored account from the pon of a conscious apologist. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 52 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Terasaki, Taro. William Penn et la paix. Paris: Pedone, 1925. 163 p. [573 Contains a biographical sketch, but is principally devoted to a consideration of Perm's ideas on international peace, in which the author sees the prototype of Anglo-American hostility to the establishment of an international army in the League of Nations era. Tolles, Frederick B., [eel] A Rhymed Defense of William Penn, 1690. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., y. 76 : 1952, 406-410. [574 Tributes to William Penn ; a Tercentenary Record, 1644-1944. Harris- burg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1946. 126 p. [575 Turner, Beatrice P. William Penn and Pastorius. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 57 : 1933, 66-90. [576 Umbdenstock, Raymond. William Penn et les precurseurs de Geneve de 1500 a 1815. Saint-Dizier [Haute-Marne] : Andre Brulliard, 1932. 259 p. [577 Vulliamy, C. E. William Penn. New York : Scribner, 1934. 302 p. [578 This stimulating account, more objective than most lives of Penn, is based on conscientious scholarship, and is presented against an authentic and informa- tive background of local color. Wade, Mary H. The Boy Who Dared: The Story of William Penn. New York: Appleton- Century, 1929. 238 p. [579 Weems, Mason L. The Life of William Penn, the Settler of Penn- sylvania, the Founder of Philadelphia . . . Philadelphia : U. Hunt. 1836. 208 p. [580 The reverse of reliable, but an invaluable piece of Americana. White, Thomas R. Influence of William Penn on International Re- lations. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 68: 1944, 388-397. [581 William Penn. Fruits of an Active Life. Philadelphia: Friends' Book Store, 1945. 102 p. [582 William Penn, 1644-1718. New Light Thrown on the Quaker Founder of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: The Blunihaven Library, 1950. 48 p. [583 Wood, Herbert G. William Penn, 1644-1944: A Twentieth Century Estimate. London: Friends' Book Centre, 1944. 18 p. [584 The Colony 53 Wright, Luella M. William Perm and the Royal Society. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 30 : 1941, 8-10. [585 Yarnall, Stanley R. Lest We Forget, a William Penn Tercentenary Recollection on Religious Liberty. Philadelphia, 1944. 16 p. [586 Some Thoughts on William Penn. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 10:1944,3-5. [587 The William Penn Tercentenary, 1644-1944. Friends' Hist. issoc. Bul., v. 34: 1945. 25-33. [588 Your Friend, William Penn. Philadelphia: Penn Mutual Life In- surance Company, 1944. 24 p. [589 2. The Holy Experiment See — 1. The Development of Democratic Institutions, 1681-1718. 2. Section III, Religious History, Friends. Applegarth, Albert C. The Quaker in Pennsylvania. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Studies in History and Political Science, 1892. 84 p. [590 A study of Quaker customs, laws, and attitude toward Indians and slavery. Baker, John A. On William Penn's Conservatism in His First Frame for Pennsylvania. Temple University, master's thesis. 1946. [591 Bronner, Edwin B. Pennsylvania: 1681 to 1701; Utopian Failure, Practical Success. University of Pennsylvania, doctoral dissertation. 1952. [592 Budd, Thomas. Good Order Established in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, in America. . . . New York: W. Growans, 1865. Ill p. [593 Cadbury, Henry J. Early References to Pennsylvania in the London Press. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Btog., v. 75 : 1951, 147-158. [594 The Pounding of Pennsylvania. History Today, v. 2: 1952, 676-684. [595 Persecution and Religious Liberty, Then and Now. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 68: 1944, 359-371. [596 Charter of King Charles II of England and William Penn's Frames of Government for Pennsylvania, Including Historical Notes on William Penn, Pounder, Master Builder, and Statesman. Harris- burg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Public In- struction, State Library and Museum, 1939. 59 p. [597 54 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Davidson, Robert L. D. War Comes to Perm's Province : A Study of the Events Leading to the Failure of the Holy Experiment With Special Attention to Pennsylvania's Participation in the Early Colonial Wars. Temple University, doctoral dissertation, 1947. [598 Dingwall, E., and E. A. Heard. Pennsylvania, 1681-1756, the State Without an Army. London: C. W. Daniel [1937]. 134 p. [599 Fisher, Sydney G. The Quaker Colonies: A Chronicle of the Pro- prietors of the Delaware. New Haven : Yale University Press, 1919. 244 p. [600 A volume in the popular Chronicles of America Series. The author is somewhat critical of Quaker political policies. "The Fundamentale Constitutions of Pennsylvania." Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 20: 1896, 283-301. [601 Hershberger, Guy F. Pacifism and the State in Colonial Pennsyl- vania. Church Hist., v. 8 : 1939, 54-74. [602 Quaker Pacifism and the Provincial Government of Penn- sylvania, 1682-1756. Iowa University, doctoral dissertation. 1938. [603 Janney, Samuel M. Peace Principles Exemplified in the Early His- tory of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Friends' Book Store, 1876. 169 p. [604 Jones, Rufus M. The Quakers in the American Colonies. New York : Macmillan, 1911. 603 p. [605 The standard volume in the field. Dr. Isaac Sharpless, former President of Haverford College, wrote the chapters on Pennsylvania. Mayer, Brantz. Calvert and Penn; or, the Growth of Civil and Re- ligious Liberty in America, as Disclosed in the Planting of Mary- land and Pennsylvania. [Baltimore: Printed for the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, by J. D. Toy, 1852] . 49 p. [606 Oakley, Violet. The Holy Experiment: Our Heritage from William Penn, 1644-1944. Philadelphia: Cogslea Studio Publication, 1950. 164 p. [607 A plea for world peace inspired by the life and thought of William Penn. Penn and Religious Liberty, Interpreted by Representatives of Six- teen Denominations. [Philadelphia: Ketterlinus, 1908]. 81 p. [608 Rawle, William B. Where Ts the Original of the Charter of Charles the Second to William Penn for the Province of Pennsylvania? Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 16 : 1892, 86-92. [609 The Colony 55 Sharpless, Isaac. ... A History of Quaker Government in Pennsyl- vania . . . Philadelphia : T. S. Leach [cl900] . 2 vols. [610 A standard work by a leading Quaker historian. Readable and quite detached. Stevens, S. K. William Penn's Gift to Pennsylvania. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 12 : no. 10, 1944, 3-7, 18. [611 Stone, Frederick D. The Founding of Pennsylvania. In Justin Winsor, ed., Narrative and Critical History of America. Volume 3. New York, 1885. p. 469-516. [612 Thomas, Allen C. William Penn, the Founder of Pennsylvania and His Holy Experiment. Philadelphia : Philadelphia Peace Association of Friends, 1896. 36 p. [613 Trueblood, Benjamin F. William Penn's Holy Experiment in Civil Government. Boston: American Peace Society, 1906. 23 p. [614 Wainwright, Nicholas B. The Mystery of Pennsylvania's Royal Charter. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 73 : 1949, 415-428. [615 3. The Creation of Philadelphia See — Section III, County and Local History, Philadelphia. Bridenbaugh, Carl. Cities in the Wilderness : The First Century of Urban Life in America, 1625-1742. New York: Ronald Press, 1938. 500 p. [616 An excellent comparative study of the growth of five colonial cities, one of which is Philadelphia. Brinton, Walter. Thomas Holme and the First City Plan of Phila- delphia. Frankford Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 2 : 1918, 295-298. [617 Brown, Ralph H. Philadelphia. Jour. Geog., v. 21 : 1922, 214-218. [618 Daniel, Warren J., ed. William Penn's First Visit to Pennsylvania. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 18 : no. 3, 1950, 3-10 ; no. 4, 7-13. [619 Henry, Frederick P., ed. Founders' Week Memorial Volume. Phila- delphia : City of Philadelphia, 1909. 900 p. [620 History of the Founding of Philadelphia, Some Brief Historic Chap- ters on the City . . . [Philadelphia: Times Printing House, 1910]. 64 p. [621 56 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Hopwood, Josephine L. R. Perm's Landing Place. Commonwealth, v. 6: do. 1, 1952, 10-11. [622 Lathrop, George P. A Clever Town Built I>\ Quakers. Harper's, y. 64: 1882, 32:]. [623 Mason, Norman H. Why " Philadelphia " ? [The Name]. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 42 : 1940, 481-490. [624 Matos, William W., comp. . . . Philadelphia, Its Founding and De- velopment, 1683-1908. [Philadelphia], 1908. 588 p. [625 Sachse, Julius F. Penn's City on the Susquehanna. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 2 : 1898, 223-237. [626 Wharton, Anne H. William Penn and His Green Country Town. Book News Mo., v. 27 : 1908, 73-79. [627 Williams, Talcott. Philadelphia: The City Penn Pounded and to Which Franklin Gave Distinction. In Lyman P. Powell, Historic Towns of the Middle States. New York: Putnam, 1899. p. 297-333. [628 Wolf, Edwin, 2nd. The 1706 Charter of the City of Philadelphia. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 96 : 1952, 388-405. [629 4. Indian Relations Boyd, Julian P., ed. Indian Treaties Printed by Benjamin Franklin, 1736-1762. Philadelphia : Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1938. 340 p. [630 Significant for its introductory essay. Brinton, Ellen S. Benjamin West's Painting of Penn's Treaty with the Indians. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 30 : 1941, 99-110. [631 Cribbs, George A. The Frontier Policy of Pennsylvania. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 2 : 1919, 5-35, 72-106, 174-198. [632 Drake, Thomas E. William Penn's Experiment in Race Relations. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 68 : 1944, 372-387. [633 Du Ponceau, Peter S. A Memoir on the History of the Celebrated Treaty Made by William Penn with the Indians under the Elm Tree at Shackamaxon in the Year 1682. Philadelphia : McCarty and Davis, 1836. 63 p. [634 The Colony 57 Frey, Carroll. Indian Chiefs View ' ' Pemi 's Treaty. ' ' Friends ' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 40 : 1951, 103-104. [635 Friends Society of New Jersey. Aborigines Committee. Some Ac- count of the Conduct of the Religious Society of Friends Toward the Indian Tribes in the Settlement of the Colonies of East and West Jersey and Pennsylvania . . . London, 1844. 247 p. [636 Harvey, Henry. History of the Shawnee Indians from the Year 1681 to 1854. Cincinnati, O. : Ephraim Morgan, 1855. 316 p. [637 Includes an account of Perm's relations with the Indians. Indian Agreements with William Penn. Historical Mag. (Daw- son's), v. 6:1862,64-66. [633 Jackson, Halliday. Civilization of the Indian Natives; or, a Brief View of the Friendly Conduct of William Penn Towards Them in the Early Settlement of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Gould, 1830. 120 p. [639 Jacobson, Henry A. The Walking Purchase. Moravian Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 9 : 1911, 16-35. [640 Keith, Charles P. The Bishop of London and Penn's Indian Policy. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 31 : 1907, 385-392. [641 Kelsey, Rayner W. Friends and the Indians, 1655-1917. Philadel- phia, 1917. 291 p. [642 An excellent monograph with considerable attention given to the Pennsylvania story in colonial times and the philanthropic activities of Pennsylvania Friends since the Revolution. Keyser, C. S. Penn's Treaty with the Indians. Philadelphia : MacKay, 1882. 99 p. [643 Mathews, Maxine. Truth and Fiction about William Penn's Treaty with the Indians. Social Stud., v. 37 : 1946, 200-20-1. [644 Myers, Albert C. William Penn: His Own Account of the Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians, 1683. Moylan, Pa., 1937. 107 p. [645 Orchard, W. C. The Penn Wampum Belts. New York, [De Vinne Press], 1925. p. 17-20. (Leaflets of the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, no. 4). [646 Speck, Frank G. The Penn Wampum Pelts. New York: [De Vinne Press], 1925. p. 1-1 (i. (Leaflets of the Museum of the American Indian, Ileye Foundation, no. 4). [647 58 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Stone, Frederick D. Penn's Treaty with the Indians: Did It Take Place in 1682 or 1683? Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 6: 1882, 217- 238. [648 Uhler, Sherman P. Pennsylvania's Indian Relations to 1754. Temple University, doctoral dissertation. 1950. [649 Watson, John P. Indian Treaty for the Lands Now the Site of Phila- delphia and the Adjacent Country. Pa. Hist. Soc. Mem., v. 3: 1836, 129-140. [650 William Penn and the Delaware Indians. [Philadelphia: Christopher Sower, 1932]. 36 p. [651 Zeh, Lillian E. Penn Wampum Treaty Belts. So. Workman, v. 47 : 1918, 138-144. [652 C. The Types That Came 1. General Bready, Marcia B. The Colonists of William Penn. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 5 : 1922, 259-264. [653 Dowling, Emma C, and Anna A. Rapp. Early Pennsylvania Settlers. New York: T. Nelson, 1938. 86 p. (Our Changing World). [654 Franklin, Walter M. Impress of Early Names and Traits. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 3 : 1899, 46-53. [655 Kane, Hope F. Notes on Early Pennsylvania Promotion Literature. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 63 : 1939, 144-168. [656 Martin, Ruth A. Pennsylvania as a Distributing Center of Popula- tion to 1830. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1927. [657 Rupp, Isaac D. Foreign Immigrants to Pennsylvania, 1727-1776. Philadelphia : Leary, 1898. 495 p. [658 Sanders, Mrs. Leroy. Naturalized Citizenship in Berks County. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 15: 1950, 209-211. [659 Southwick, A. F. Ethnic Elements of Colonial Pennsylvania and the Population of To-day. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 6: 1923, 234-247. [660 The Colony 59 Weygandt, Cornelius. The Plenty of Pennsylvania. New York : II. C. Kinsey, 1942. 327 p. [661 Pennsylvania's seven diverse cultures given excellent treatment in whimsical mood. Most suggestive chapter is that entitled "Richness" in which the heritage of Pennsylvania and America is ably analyzed. 2. Major National Groups a. English Diffenderffer, F. R. The Quaker and Palatine as Commonwealth Builders. Reformed Church Rev., v. 3 : 1899, 145-172. [662 Dunaway, Wayland F. The English Settlers in Colonial Pennsyl- vania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 52 : 1928, 317-341. [663 Learned, Marion D. The Pennsylvania German and His English and Scotch-Irish Neighbors. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 2: 1901- 1904, 317-329. [664 Vaux, George. The Embarkation, Voyage, and Arrival of the Ship "Welcome," 1682. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bui*, v. 21: 1932, 59-62. [665 b. German Due to the extensive literature on the Pennsylvania Germans, it has been thought advisable to bring it together in one section. The following entries deal not only with migration but also include numer- ous topical studies, many of which go beyond the colonial period. 1. General Alderfer, E. Gordon. Pastorius and the Origins of Pennsylvania German Culture. Am.-German Rev., v. 17 : no. 3, 1951, 8-11. [666 Baum, Walter E. Two Hundred Years: An Informal History of Pennsylvania-Germans. Sellersville, Pa. : Sellersville Herald, 1938. 170 p. [667 This sympathetic picture of the Pennsylvania-Germans is found in a slight volume of "essays" culled from a weekly newspaper column the author had written. Beidelman, William. The Story of the Pennsylvania-Germans, Em- bracing an Account of Their Origin, Their History and Their Dia- lect. Easton, Pa. : Express Book Print, 1898. 254 p. [668 60 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Bergfeld, A. W. Pennsylvania Dutch. So. Atlantic Quab., v. 49: 1950, 324-331. [669 Berlin, Alfred F. The German [mmigrant in Pennsylvania Before and During the Revolution. Lehigh Co. Hist. Soc. Pboc, 1921. 3-29. [670 Bittinger, Lucy F. The Germans in Colonial Times. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1901. 314 p. [671 This book of a generation ago interprets the culture of that large group of early immigrants, the so-called "Pennsylvania Dutch." Bolenius, Robert M. . . . Germans in Pennsylvania . . . Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 10 : 1906, 321-352. [672 [Brackbill, Martin H.] The Early Eisenhowers. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 20 : no. 11, 1952, 3-8, 26-28. [673 Buchwalter, Grace M. Naturalization of German Settlers in Penn- sylvania, Am.-German Rev., v. 17 : no. 6, 1951, 22-23. [674 Buck, William J. The German Population of Bucks County. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 1 : 1908, 57-65. [675 Clemens, Gurney W. Comments on the Pennsylvania Germans in the Diary of James L. Morris. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 11 : 1946, 106-109. [676 Cobb, Sanford H. The Story of the Palatines : An Episode in Colonial History. New York : Putnam, 1897. 319 p. [677 A pioneer study in this field. General in scope. Particular reference to settlements in New York Province. Cronau, Rudolf. Drei Jahrhunderte Deutschen Lebens in Amerika. Berlin : D. Reimer, 1909. 640 p. [678 Cunz, Dieter. The Maryland Germans. Princeton, X. J.: Princeton University Press, 1948. 476 p. [679 Discusses the movement of Germans, chiefly Catholics, who left Pennsylvania and settled in Maryland. Darone, E. Max. Der Pennsylfawniseh Dietsch. Erie County An- nals, 1952, 49-62. [680 De Chant, Alliene S. Of the Dutch 1 Sing. Kutztown, Pa.: The Kutztown Publishing Co., 1951. 109 p. [681 A collection of essays and character sketches of "Dutch" folk and their doings. The Colony 61 Deutsche Gesellschaft von Pennsylvanien, Philadelphia. Hundert- jahrige Feier der Incorporation der Deutschen Gesellschaft von Pennsylvanien. Philadelphia. Druck vom Globe Printing House, 1882. *36 p. [682 De Witt, C. H. and Ann Hark. The Story of the Pennsylvania Dutch. New York: Harper, 1943. 32 p. [683 Diffenderffer, F. R. The German Exodus to England in 1709. Pa. German Soc. Proc. and Add., v. 7: 1896 [257] -413. [684 — The German Immigration into Pennsylvania Through the Port of Philadelphia from 1700 to 1775. Lancaster, Pa. : Pennsyl- vania German Society, 1900. 328 p. (Proceedings of Pennsylvania German Society, 1899. Volume 10). [685 Dorpalen, Andreas. Muhlenberg and Schurz ; a Comparative Study of Two Periods of German Immigration into the United States. Am.- German Rev., v. 5 : no. 4, 1939, 29-30, 38 ; no. 5, 16-17, 35. [686 Dunham, B. Mabel. The Trail of the Conestoga . . . Toronto : Mac- millan, 1924. 342 p. [687 Egle, William H. The Pennsylvania-German; His Place in the His- tory of the Commonwealth. Pa. -German Soc. Proc. and Add., v. 2 : 1892, 118-130. [688 Eno, Joel N. The Palatine Germans in Pennsylvania. Americana, v. 27: 1933, 306-310. [689 Ermentrout, Daniel. Das Deutsche in Ost-Pennsjlvanien. Der Deutsche Pionier, Jg, 12: 1880-1881, 25-33. [690 Eshleman, H. Frank. Historic Background and Annals of the Swiss and German Pioneer Settlers of Southeastern Pennsylvania . . . Lancaster, Pa. : The Author, 1917, 386 p. [691 A collection largely of brief notes on the European background and colonial settlement of Mennonites and Amish in eastern Pennsylvania. Faust, Albert B. The German Element in the United States with Special Reference to Its Political, Moral, Social, and Educational Influence. Xew York: Houghton Mifflin, 1909. 2 vols. [692 A standard work dealing with the German element in general. Excellent treat- ment of the early history of the Pennsylvania Germans. Foltz, M. A. The German Influence in Pennsylvania, with Special Reference to Franklin County. Kittoctittxxv Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 1: 1900, 62-83. [693 62 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Franck, Ira S. A Jaunt into the Dutch Country : Accent on the Ainish. [Lancaster: The Author, 1952]. 28 p. [694 A Jaunt into the Dutch Country: Accent on the Mennonites. [Lancaster: The Author, 1952]. 35 p. [695 Gehrke, William H. The Beginnings of the Pennsylvania-German Element in Rowan and Cabarrus Counties, North Carolina. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 58 : 1934, 342-369. [696 Gerhard, Elmer S. Count Von Zinzendorf in Germantown Two Hundred Years Ago. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 4 : 1945, 276-296. [697 Gibbons, Phebe H. "Pennsylvania Dutch," and Other Essays. Phila- delphia: Lippincott, 1882. 427 p. [698 Gibson, James E. The Historical Background of the German Emigra- tion. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 5 : 1940, 67-72. [699 Gilbert, Eussel W. A Picture of the Pennsylvania Germans. Gettys- burg, Pa. : Pennsylvania Historical Association, 1947. 65 p. (Penn- sylvania History Studies, no. 1.) [700 Graeff, Arthur D. The Pennsylvania Germans in Ontario, Canada. Pa. German Folk. Soc, v. 11 : 1946, 1-80. [701 Haberle, Daniel. Auswanderung und Koloniegrundungen der Pfalzer im 18, Jahrhundert. Kaiserlautern : H. Kayser, 1909. 263 p. [702 Hammer, Carl. Khinelanders on the Yadkin : The Story of the Penn- sylvania Germans in Rowan and Cabarrus Counties. Salisbury, N. C. : Rowan, 1943. 130 p. [703 Henry, Katharine. Back Home in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia : Dor- rance, 1937. 213 p. [704 The author reminisces delightfully on her rural Pennsylvania German child- hood and girlhood. Hoechst, Coit R. The Pennsylvania Dutch. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 35 : 1952, 1-16. [705 Home, A. R. The Worth and Character of the Pennsylvania Germans. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 1 : 1908, 333-349. [706 Jacobs, Henry E. The German Emigration to America, 1709-1740 . . . Pa.-German Soc. Proc. and Add., v. 8: 1897 [27] -150. [707 The Colony 63 Kaufmann, Wilhelm. The Pastorius Protest and the Real Beginning of the German Immigration. Penn Germania, v. 1: n. s., 1912, 529-533. [703 Kephart, Calvin I. Antecedents of the Pennsylvania Germans. Penn- sylvanian, v. 2 : 1944, 11-12. [709 Klees, Frederic. The Pennsylvania Dutch. Holiday, v. 2 : 1947, 78-83, 85-86. [710 The Pennsylvania Dutch. New York : Macmillan, 1950. 451 p. [711 A panoramic treatment of Pennsylvania's most distinctive cultural group. Klemm, Frederick A. The Story of the Schoharie Germans. Am.- German Kev., v. 17 : no. 6, 1951, 14-16. [712 Knauss, James 0. Social Conditions among the Pennsylvania Ger- mans in the Eighteenth Century. Lancaster, Pa. : [New Era Print- ing Company], 1922. 217 p. (Proceedings of Pennsylvania German Society, 1922. Volume 29.) [713 One of the first outstanding critical and interpretative studies. Knittle, Walter A. The Early Eighteenth Century Palatine Emigra- tion: A British Government Kedemptioner Project to Manufacture Naval Stores. Philadelphia: Dorrance, 1937. 320 p. [714 Result of study of the records in Old World depositories. Only indirectly related to Pennsylvania history. Deals primarily with 1709 migrations of Palatines, mostly to New York. Kuhns, Levi O. The German and Swiss Settlements of Colonial Penn- sylvania: A Study of the So-Called Pennsylvania Dutch. New York: Holt, 1901. 268 p. [715 Lacher, J. H. A. The Germans of Colonial Pennsylvania. In Con- cord Society. Yearbook, 1929. New York: Kosswaag's Stuyvesant Press, 1930. p. 6-28. [716 Langguth, Otto, and Don Yoder. Pennsylvania German Pioneers from the County of Wertheim. Pa. German Folk. Soc, v. 12: 1947, 147-289. [717 Learned, Marion D. The Early German Immigrant and the Immi- gration Question of Today. Pa.-German, v. 12: 1911, 356-361. [718 Lichtenthaeler, Frank E. Storm Blown Seed of Schoharie. Pa. German Folk. Soc, v. 9 : 1944, 3-105. [719 64 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History They Drove Their Cattle Overland. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 5: 1940, 111-118. [720 Lohmann, Martin. . . . Die Bedeutung der Deutsehen Ansiedlungen in PennsyTvanien. Stuttgart : Ansland und Ileimat Verlags-Aktien- gesellschaft, 1923. 153 p. [721 Long, Theodore K. Emigre Saga, A Tale of Early America. New Bloomfield, Pa. : Carson Long Institute, 1943. 78 p. [722 Ludwig, G. M. The Influence of the Pennsylvania Dutch in the Middle West. Pa. German Folk. Soc, v. 10 : 1945, 7-101. [723 Mattice, Paul B. The Palatine Emigration from Schoharie to the Tulpehocken. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 10: 1944, 17-21. [724 Mays, George. The Palatine and Scotch-Irish Settlers of Lebanon County. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 1: 1898-1901, 305-326. [725 Mellick, Andrew D. German Emigration to the American Colonies, Its Causes and the Distribution of the Emigrants. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 10 : 1886, 241-250, 375-391. [726 Metzger, H. D. The Pennsylvania Germans . . . Salemville, Pa. : Salemville Publishing House, 1896. 37 p. [727 Meyer, T. P. The Germans of Pennsylvania : Their Coming and Con- flicts with the Irish. Pa.-German, v. 11: 1910, 38-47. [728 Nead, Benjamin M. The Pennsylvania-German in History. Pa.- German Soc. Proc. and Add., v. 3: 1893, 34-51. [729 Nead, Daniel W. The Pennsylvania-German in the Settlement of Maryland. Lancaster, Pa.: [New Era Printing Company], 1914. 304 p. (Proceedings of Pennsylvania German Society, 1913. Volume 22.) [730 Pennypacker, Samuel W. The Settlement of Germantown and the Causes Which Led to It. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 4: 1880, 1-41. [731 The Settlement of Germantown, Pennsylvania, and the Be- ginning of German Immigration to North America. Pa. -German Soc. Proc. and Add., v. 9: 1898 [47-346]. [732 Pfund, Harry W. A History of the German Society of Pennsylvania, Founded 1764. Philadelphia: German Society of Pennsylvania. L944. 38 ].. [733 The Colony 65 Pollak, Otto. German Immigrant Problems in Eighteenth Century Pennsylvania as Reflected in Trouble Advertisements. Am. Sociol. Rev., v. 8 : 1943, 674-684. [734 Raup, H. F. The Pennsylvania Dutch of Northampton Comity: Settle- ment Forms and Culture Pattern. Phila. Geog. Soc. Bul., v. 26 : 1938-1939, 1-15. [735 Richards, George W. German Pioneers in Pennsylvania . . . Phila- delphia, 1905. [736 German Pioneers of Pennsylvania, Lancaster County. Ameri- cana, v. 18 : 1924, 34-50. [737 Richards, Henry M. M. The Pennsylvania-German in the French and Indian War : A Historical Sketch . . . Lancaster, Pa. : Pennsyl- vania German Society, 1905. 559 p. (Proceedings of Pennsylvania German Society, 1904. Volume 15.) [738 The Pennsylvania-German in the Revolutionary War, 1775- 1783. Lancaster, Pa. : Pennsylvania German Society, 1908. 542 p. (Proceedings of Pennsylvania German Society, 1908. Volume 17.) [739 Richards, Matthias H. The German Emigration from New York Province into Pennsylvania . . . Pa. -German Soc. Proc. and Add., v. 9: 1898 [347-448]. [740 Richardson, William H. The Picturesque Quality of the Pennsyl- vania German. Pa.-German Soc. Proc. and Add., v. 13: 1904, 1-21. [741 Roberts, Charles R. Pennsylvania Germans in Public Life During the Colonial Period. Pa.-German, v. 10 : 1909, 153-157. [742 Rosenberger, Jesse L. In Pennsylvania-German Land, 1928-1929. Chicago: University of Chicago Press [1929 "|. 90 p. [743 The Pennsylvania Germans: A Sketch of Their History and Life. Chicago : University of Chicago Press [cl923]. 173 p. [744 A descriptive accounl of the life, customs and religious practices of the German settlers in Pennsylvania. Rosengarten, J. G. The Palatines in New York and Pennsylvania. German- Am. Ann., v. 6: n. s., 1908, 251-256. [745 Rothermel, Abraham H. The Dumb Dutch By One of Them. Myers- town, Pa. : Church Center Press, 1948. 136 p. [746 66 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Sachse, Julius P. Benjamin Furly, "An English Merchant at Rotter- dam.' ' Philadelphia, 1895. 32 p. [747 Sachse, Julius F. trans, and eel. Daniel Falckner's Curieuse Nach- richt from Pennsylvania. Pa.-German Soc. Proc. and Add., v. 14 : 1905, 2-256. [748 Sachse, Julius P. The Fatherland: (1450-1700) Showing the Part It Bore in the Discovery, Exploration and Development of the Western Continent, with Special References to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1897. 234 p. (Proceedings of Pennsylvania German Society, 1897. Volume 7.) [749 Schach, Paul. Facts and Fallacies about Berks County Dutch. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 10: 1945, 80-82. [750 Schmucker, Samuel C. The Racial Composition of the Pennsylvania Germans. Pa.-German Soc. Proc. and Add., v. 33 : 1923, 15-19. [751 Seidensticker, Oswald. Bilder aus der Deutsch-Pennsylvanischen Geschichte. New York: E. Steiger, 1885. 276 p. [752 Seidensticker, Oswald, and Max Heinrici. Geschichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft von Pennsylvanien . . . 1764-1917. Philadelphia : Graf and Breuninger, 1917. 2 vols. [753 A record of the activities of the German Society of Pennsylvania, dealing with its charities and its organization. Shryock, Richard H. The Pennsylvania Germans in American His- tory. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 63 : 1939, 261-281. [754 Smith, Abbot E. Some New Facts about Eighteenth Century German Immigration. Pa. Hist., v. 10: 1943, 105-117. [755 Stauffer, Elmer C. In the Pennsylvania-Dutch Country. National Geog. Mag., v. 80 : 1941, 37-74. [756 Stoudt, John J. The Pennsylvania Dutch, an Introduction to Their Life and Culture. Allentown, Pa. : Schlechter's, 1950. 32 p. [757 Strassburger, Ralph B., and William J. Hinke, eels. Pennsylvania German Pioneers. [Lancaster, Pa.] : Pennsylvania German Society, 1934. 3 vols. [758 A publication of the original lists of arrivals in the Port of Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808. Wayland, John W. The German Element of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Charlottesville, Va. : Wayland, 1907. 312 p. [759 The Colony 67 Wentz, Abdel R. The Beginnings of German Element in York County, Pennsylvania. Lancaster, Pa. : [New Era Printing Company] , 1916. 217 p. (Proceedings of Pennsylvania German Society, 1913. Volume 24.) [760 A laborious study of factual value that seeks to evaluate this element of German settlers. Discussion of Penn-Baltimore controversy is of historical interest. Weygandt, Cornelius. The Red Hills : A Record of Good Days Out- doors and in, with Things Pennsylvania Dutch. Philadelphia : Uni- versity of Pennsylvania Press, 1929. 251 p. [761 Dr. Weygandt's works possess much warmth and homely charm coupled with splendid literary style. Williams, David G. The Lower Jordan Valley Pennsylvania German Settlement. Lehigh Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 18 : 1950, 181 p. [762 Wolf, Richard C. The Americanization of the German Lutherans, 1683 to 1829. Yale University, doctoral dissertation, 1947. [763 Wood, Ralph, ed. The Pennsylvania Germans. Princeton, N. J. : Princeton University Press, 1942. 299 p. [764 Discusses immigration, agriculture, religion, education, journalism, literature, dialect and military qualities of the Pennsylvania Germans. Yoder, Donald H., ed. Emigrants from Wuertemberg: The Adolf Gerber Lists. Pa. German Folk. Soc, v. 10 : 1945, 104-237. [765 Yoder, Donald H. Pennsylvania German Pioneers from Wertheim. Am.-German Rev., v. 17 : no. 6, 1951, 6-8. [766 Zimmerman, Thomas C. Puritan and Cavalier ? Why Not the Penn- sylvania Germans? Pa.-German Soc. Proc. and Add., v. 1: 1891, 36-47. [767 2. Agriculture Fuller, R. T. Prosperous Farmland of German Settlers. Travel, v. 66 : 1935, 14-17, 49-50. [768 Henning, D. C. The German Settler and Farmer of the Day along the Blue Mountains. Schuylkill Co. Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 3: 1911, 19-35. [769 Hibshman, E. K. What the Pennsylvania "Dutch" Gave to American Farming. Commonwealth, v. 1: no. 7, 1947, 15-16. [770 68 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Kollmorgen, Walter M. The Old Order Amish of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Washington: United States Departmenl of Agricul- ture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, 1942. 105 p. [770a An excellent monograph devoted primarily to the achievements in agriculture of this cohesive religious community. Learned, Marion D. German Barn in America. Univ. of Pa. Lec- tures, 1913-1914, 338-349. [771 Lick, David E., and Thomas R. Brendle. Plant Names and Plant Lore among the Pennsylvania Germans. Lancaster, Pa. : Lancaster Press, 1927. 300 p. (Proceedings of Pennsylvania German Society, 1923. Volume 33.) [772 Meynen, Emil. Das Pennsylvaniendeutsche Bauernland. Deutsches Archiv fur Landes-und Volkforsc iiuxg, v. 3 : 1939, 253-292. [773 Och, Joseph T. Der Deutchamerikanische Farmer. Columbus, 0. : F. J. Heer, 1913. 248 p. [774 Roberts, J. Baylor. Pennsylvania Dutch — In a Land of Milk and Honey. National Geog. Mag., v. 74: 1938, 49-56. [775 Shryock, Richard H. British Versus German Traditions in Colonial Agriculture. Miss. Valley Hist. Rev., v. 26 : 1939, 39-54. [776 Wood, Ralph. Der Bauerfifreund : A Newspaper of the Pennsylvania- Germans. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 2: 1939-1941, 175- 213. [777 3. Art coal Architecture Adams, Ruth. Pennsylvania Dutch Art. New York: World Publish- ing Co., 1950. 64 p. [778 Barber, Edwin A. Tulip Wan 1 of the Pennsylvania-German Potters . . . Philadelphia: [Patterson and White], 1903. 233 p. [779 Rorneman, Henry S. Pennsylvania German Illuminated Manuscripts. Norristown, Pa. : Pennsylvania German Society, 1937. 58 p. (Pro- ceedings of Pennsylvania German Society, 1937. Volume 46.) [780 Brumbaugh, G. Edwin. Architectural Rambles in "Pennsylvania Dutch" Country. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 45: 1942, 53-63. [781 Colonial Architecture of Pennsylvania Germans. Lancaster Pa.: Pennsylvania German Society, 1933. 60 p. (Proceedings of Pennsylvania German Society, 1930. Volume 41.) [782 The Colony 69 The Significance of Pennsylvania German Art. School Arts Mag., v. 32: 1933, 386-394. [783 Downs, Joseph. The House of the Miller at Millbach: The Architec- ture, Arts and Crafts of the Pennsylvania Germans. [Philadelphia : Franklin Printing Company, cl929]. [31] p. [784 Pennsylvania German Arts and Crafts. New York : Metro- politan Museum of Art, 1949. 4 p. [785 Drepperd, Carl W. Origins of Pennsylvania Folk Art. Antiques, v. 37 : 1940, 64-69, 166, 275. [786 Early Art Industries of the Pennsylvania Dutch. Country Life, v. 30: 1916, 100. [787 Ferris, Edythe. Some Origins of Pennsylvania-Dutch Art. Am.- German Rev., v. 10: no. 2, 1943, 14-16.' [788 Kauffman, Henry. Pennsylvania Dutch American Folk Art. New- York: American Studio Books, 1946. 136 p. [789 A beautifully executed work dealing with the origins of folk art. Text and illustrations are blended in sensitive harmony. Keyser, M. W. D. Pennsylvania-German Art. School Arts Mag., v. 45 : 1946, 270-275. [790 Lichten, Frances. Folk Art of Rural Pennsylvania. New York: Scribner, 1946. 276 p. [791 A well-written, excellently illustrated book by one well qualified to depict and describe the multiple arts and crafts of Pennsylvanians. Rich in historical and anecdotal lore. Mahr, August C. Origin and Significance of Pennsylvania Dutch Barn Symbols. Ohio Archaeol. and Hist. Quar., v. 54: 1945, 1-32. [792 Mercer, Henry C. The Bible in Iron; or, the Pictured Stoves and Stove Plates of the Pennsylvania Germans. Doylestown, Pa. : Bucks County Historical Society, 1914. 174 p. (Second edition; revised, corrected and enlarged by Horace M. Mann, Doylestown, Pa. : Bucks County Historical Society, 1941. 216 p.) [793 The Survival of the Mediaeval Art of Illuminative Writing among Pennsylvania Germans. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 36: 1897, 424-433. [794 Reinert, Guy F. Coverlets of the Pennsylvania Germans. Pa. German Folk. Soc, v. 13: 1948, 1-215. [795 70 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Robacker, Earl F. Pennsylvania Dutch Stuff: A Guide to Country Antiques. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1944. 163 p. [796 A readable guide to those who wish to acquire the "peasant" type of house- hold articles of Pennsylvania German origin. Chatty, picturesque, and instructive. Shelley, Donald A. Illuminated Birth Certificates ; Regional Examples of an Early American Folk Art. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 29 : 1945, 92-105. [797 Stoudt, John J. Consider the Lilies How They Grow : An Interpreta- tion of the Symbolism of Pennsylvania German Art. [Allentown, Pa.: Schlechter's], 1937. 333 p. (The Pennsylvania German Folk- lore Society. Volume 2.) [798 An important interpretation of the symbolism of Pennsylvania German art. The Decorated Barns of Eastern Pennsylvania. Plymouth Meeting, Pa. : Keyser, 1943. [799 The Meaning of Pennsylvania German Art. Berks Co. Hist. Kev., v. 3 : 1937, 3-8. [800 Pennsylvania Folk- Art ; an Interpretation. Allentown, Pa. : Schlechter's, 1948. 402 p. [801 The religious origins of many designs and motifs in folk art are demonstrated along with their application in the iconography of Pennsylvania folk. Wertenbaker, Thomas J. The Founding of American Civilization: The Middle Colonies. New York: Scribner, 1938. 380 p. [802 Internal growth, chiefly cultural, of the Quakers and Germans in Pennsylvania. Architecture, religion and language receive major emphasis. Weygandt, Cornelius. The Dutch Country. New York: Appleton- Century, 1939. 352 p. [803 Very readable essays on the cultural heritage of the Dutch in Pennsylvania with special emphasis on folk art. The Folk Art of the Pennsylvania Dutch. Exile Herald, v. 10 : 1934, 1-12. [804 4. Domestic and Social Life Arnold, Howard N. The Romance of the Pretzel. Am. Heritage, v. 3 : no. 4, 1952, 38-39, 80. [805 Aurand, Ammon M. . . . Child Life of the Pennsylvania Germans. . . . Harrisburg, 1947. 32 p. [806 The Colony 71 . . . Early Life of the Pennsylvania Germans. Harrisburg: Aurand Press, 1946. 32 p. [807 . . . Home Life of the Pennsylvania Germans. . . Harrisburg, 1947. 31 p. [808 Social Life of the Pennsylvania Germans. Harrisburg, 1947. 31 p. [809 Barba, Preston A. Pennsylvania German Cookery. Am. Heritage, v. 3 : no. 4, 1952, 28-31. [810 Eberlein, Harold D., and Oortlandt V. Hubbard. Household Furni- ture of the Pennsylvania Germans. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 3 : 1938, 35-40, 66-70. [811 Frederick, Justus G. The Pennsylvania Dutch and Their Cookery, Their History, Art, Accomplishments, also a Broad Collection of Their Food Recipes. New York : Business Bourse, 1935. 275 p. [812 Gilbert, Russell W. Pennsylvania German Wills. Pa. German Folk. Soc, v. 15 : 1951, 5-107. [813 The Pennsylvania German Wills of Northumberland County. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 17 : 1949, 123-153. [814 Typical Pennsylvania German Wills. Pa. Hist., v. 13 : 1946, 113-125. [815 Graeff, Arthur D. Humor in Pennsylvania-German Almanacs. Am.- German Rev., v. 5: no. 5, 1939, 30-33, 37-38. [816 Hark, Ann, and Preston A. Barba. Pennsylvania German Cookery, A Regional Cookbook. Allentown, Pa.: Schlechter's, 1950. 258 p. [817 Hutchison, Ruth. The Pennsylvania Dutch Cook Book. New York: Harper, 1948. 213 p. [818 Kemp, A. P. The Pennsylvania German Versammlinge. Pa. German Folk. Soc, v. 9 : 1944, 187-218. [819 Landis, Henry K. Early Kitchens of the Pennsylvania Germans. Pa.-German Soc. Proc. and Add., v. 47 : 1939, 1-130. [820 Pennsylvania German Foods. Am.-German Rev., v. 1 : 1938, 38-41, 53. [821 72 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Mann, William J. Die "Gute Alte Zeit" in Pennsylvanien. Phila- delphia : I. Kohler, 1880. 106 p. [822 Pennsylvania Dutch Influence. House and Garden, v. 79 : 1941, 22- 41. [823 Reichmann, Felix. Pennsylvania-Dutch Furniture. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 3 : 1942, 84-97. [824 Rush, Benjamin. Account of the Manners of the German Inhabitants of Pennsylvania. Revised and annotated by Theodore E. Schmauk and Isaac D. Rupp. Lancaster, Pa. : New Era Printing Company, 1910. 128 p. (Proceedings of Pennsylvania German Society, 1910. Volume 19.) Originally published, 1789. [825 Schantz, Franklin J. F. The Domestic Life and Characteristics of the Pennsylvania-German Pioneer. Lancaster, Pa. : Pennsylvania German Society, 1900. 97 p. (Proceedings of Pennsylvania Ger- man Society, 1899. Volume 10.) [826 An essay on olden-time ways and practices, most of which could apply to any ethnic group in America. Smith, Edward C, and Virginia V. Thompson. Traditionally Penn- sylvania Dutch. New York : Hastings House, 1947. 81 p. [827 Stahr, John S. The Pennsylvania-Germans at Home. Pa. -German Soc. Proc. axd Add., v. 5 : 1895, 53-70. [828 Steffy, Muriel K. The Humble Pretzel. Am.-German Rev., v. 16: no. 2, 1949, 27-29. [829 Swope, Pierce E. Pennsylvania German Humor. Am. -German Rev., v. 6 : 1940, 7-8, 35. [830 Williams, Maynard O. Pennsylvania Dutch Folk Festival. National Geog. Mag., v. 102: 1952, 503-516. [830a 5. Education Bradley, A. Day. Pennsylvania German Arithmetical Books. Scripta Mathematics, v. 5 : 1938, 45-51. [831 Buehrle, Robert K. The Educational Position of the Pennsylvania- Germans. Pa. -German Soo. Proc. and Add., v. 4: 1894, 121-132. [832 Cavell, Jean M. Religious Education among People of Germanic Origin in Colonial Pennsylvania. Pa.-German Soc. Proc. and Ann., v. 36: 1929 [29]-45. [833 The Colony 73 Gotwald, F. G. Pennsylvania German Lutherans and Higher Educa- tion. Lutii. Quar., v. 37 : 1907, 404-421. [834 Heilman, Uria H. The Early Schools and Teachers among our Ger- man Ancestors. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 9: 1925-1928, 291-307. [835 Peiffer, Levi S. The Pennsylvania Germans and Their First Schools. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 10 : 1929-1935, 251-283. [836 Porter, Thomas C. The Pennsylvania German in the Field of the Natural Sciences. Pa.-German Soc. Proc. and Add., v. 6 : 1896, 22-38. [837 [Seilhamer, G. 0.] Education among the Pennsylvania Germans. Kittochtinny Magazine, v. 1: 1905, 108. [838 Shimmell, Lewis S., ed. The Pennsylvania-German in His Relations to Education : A Symposium of Historical and Descriptive Articles. Pa.-German, v. 8 : 1907, 292-317, 347-359, 402-420, 459-474, 515- 530, 571-583. [839 Stine, Clyde S. Problems of Education among the Pennsylvania Ger- mans. Cornell University, doctoral dissertation, 1938. [840 6". Folklore and Superstitions Aurand, Ammon M., ed. Little Known Facts about the Ritual of the Jews and the Esoteric Folklore of the Pennsylvania Germans. Har- risburg: Aurand Press, 1939. 108 p. [841 Aurand, Ammon M. Popular Home Remedies and Superstitions of the Pennsylvania Germans. Harrisburg: Aurand Press, 1941. 32 p. [842 The Pow-Wow Book. Harrisburg: Aurand Press, 1929. [843 Brendle, Thomas R., and Claude W. Unger. Folk Medicine of the Pennsylvania Germans: The Non-Occult Cures. Norristown, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Society, 1935. 303 p. (Proceedings of Penn- sylvania German Society, 1934. Volume 45.) [844 Brendle, Thomas R., and William S. Troxell, comps. and eds. Penn- sylvania German Folk Tales, Legends, Once-Upon-a-Time Stories, Maxims and Sayings. Norristown, Pa. : Pennsylvania German So- ciety, 1941. 238 p. (Proceedings of the Pennsylvania German Society, 1941. Volume 50.) [845 74 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Coble, Oliver D. The Superstitions and Beliefs of the Pennsylvania Germans. Temple University, doctoral dissertation, 1933. [846 Doering, J. Frederick. Pennsylvania German Folk Medicine in Water- loo County, Ontario. Jour. Am. Folk-Lore, v. 49: 1936, 194-198. [847 Fogel, Edwin M. Beliefs and Superstitions of the Pennsylvania Ger- mans. Philadelphia : Americana Germanica Press, 1915. 387 p. [848 A critical and interpretative study. Gerhard, Elmer S. Pennsylvania German Folk-Lore. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 2: 1940, 117-137. [849 Pennsylvania German Weather Lore. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 18 : 1952, 2-7, 23, 25. [850 Gilbert, Russell W. The Almanac in Pennsylvania German Homes. Susq. Univ. Stud., v. 2: 1944, 360-377. [851 Graeff, Arthur D. Anecdotes Related in Pennsylvania-German Almanacs. Am.-German Rev., v. 6: no. 4, 1940, 10-13, 37; v. 6: no. 5, 1940, 9-12. [852 Astrology in Pennsylvania-German Almanacs. Am.-German Rev., v. 5 : no. 6, 1939, 24-29. [853 1950 in Pennsylvania German Folklore. Pa. German Folk. Soc, v. 15: 1950, 129-134. [854 Pennsylvania German Almanacs. Am.-German Rev., v. 5: no. 4, 1939, 4-7, 38. [855 Remedies in Pennsylvania-German Almanacs. Am.-German Rev., v. 6 : no. 1, 1939, 10-13, 40. [856 Weather Prophecies in Pennsylvania-German Almanacs. Am.-German Rev., v. 6 : no. 6, 1940, 10-14. [857 Hark, Ann. Blue Hills and Shoofly Pie in Pennsylvania Dutchland. Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1952. 284 p. [858 A collection of folk tales and lore of the "Pennsylvania Dutch." Cure by Pow-Wow. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 11 : 1946, 103- 105. [859 Erdspiegel Mystery. Am.-German Rev., v. 7 : 1941, 9-11. [860 The Colony 75 Hex Marks the Spot in the Pennsylvania Dutch Country. Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1938. 316 p. [861 A readable, friendly, somewhat journalistic interpretation of the Pennsylvania Germans. Heizmann, Louis J. Are Barn Signs Hex Marks? Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 12 : 1946, 11-14. [862 Hoffman, W. F. Folk-Lore of the Pennsylvania Germans. Jour. Am. Folk-Lore, v. 1: 1888, 125-135; v. 2: 1889, 23-35, 191-202. [863 Folk-Medicine of the Pennsylvania Germans. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 26 : 1889, 329-352. [864 Humorous Tales Told by Contemporary Pennsylvania Germans. Pa. German Folk. Soc, v. 15 : 1950, 109-128. [865 Landis, Henry K. Hex Marks as Talismans. Antiques, v. 30 : 1936, 156-157. [866 Mahr, August 0. A Pennsylvania Dutch ' ' Hexzettel. ' ' Monatshefte fur Deutschen Unterricht, v. 27: 1935, 215-225. [867 Reichmann, Felix. Folklore in the Landis Valley Museum. Am.- German Rev., v. 7 : 1940, 10-13. [868 Rupp, William J. Bird Names and Bird Lore among the Pennsyl- vania Germans. Norristown, Pa. : Pennsylvania German Society, 1943. 348 p. (Proceedings of the Pennsylvania German Society, 1943. Volume 52.) [869 Shoemaker, Alfred L. Pennsylvania Dutch Hex Marks. Lancaster, Pa.: Pennsylvania Dutch Folklore Center, [1950?]. 32 p. [870 3 Myths About the Pennsylvania Dutch Country : Hex Signs, Seven Sours and Seven Sweets, the Amish Blue Gate. Lancaster, Pa. : Pennsylvania Dutch Folklore Centre, 1951. 32 p. [871 Shoemaker, Henry W. The Tree Language of the Pennsylvania-Ger- man Gypsies. Reading, Pa. : Reading Eagle Press, 1925. 16 p. [872 Starr, Frederick. Some Pennsylvania German Folk-Lore. Jour. Am. Folk-Lore, v. 4: 1891, 321-326. [873 Starry, D. E. Witchcraft in My Back Yard. Cath. Dtgkst, v. 7: 1943, 45-48. [874 76 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Stoudt, John B. The Folklore of the Pennsylvania-German. Lan- caster, Pa. : [New Era Printing Company], 1915. 155 p. (Proceed- ings of Pennsylvania German Society, 1915. Volume 23, supple- ment.) [875 Stoudt, John J. Folklore. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 17: 1952, 66- 74. [876 Pennsylvania German Folklore. Pa. German Folk. Soc, v. 16 : 1951, 158-170. [877 Wintemberg, W. J. Folk-Lore of Waterloo County, Ontario. Ottawa, Canada : National Museum of Canada, Bulletin no. 116, Anthropol- ogical Series no. 28, 1950. 68 p. [878 Calls attention to the migration of Pennsylvania Germans into Waterloo County by the persistence of much of their folk-lore in that area. Ziegler, S. H. Pennsylvania German Folklore Society. Jour. Am. Folk-Lore, v. 56 : 1943, 181-183. [879 7. Language and Literature Allen, George. Two Pennsylvania-Dutch Poets. Am. -Germ an Rev., v. 8: no. 6, 1942, 10-12, 34; v. 9: no. 1, 1942, 10-12, 37. (Henry Ilarbaugh and Henry Lee Fisher.) [880 Aurand, Ammon M. Aurand's Collection of Pennsylvania German Stories and Poems. Harrisburg: Aurand Press, 1916. 128 p. [881 Aurand, Ammon M., ed. Quaint Idioms and Expressions of the Penn- sylvania Germans. Harrisburg: Aurand Press, 1940. 24 p. [882 Pennsylvania German Dialect Stories and Poems. Harris- burg: Aurand Press, 1939. 24 p. [883 Barba, Preston A. John Birmelin, Distinguished Pennsylvania Gor- man Dialect Poet. Berks Co. Hist. Kev., v. 16 : 1951, 79-80, 95-96. [884 Birmelin, John. Gezwitscher : A Book of Pennsylvania German Verse. Allentown, Pa.: Schlechter's, 1938. 156 p. (The Pennsylvania German Folklore Society, Volume 3). [885 Borneman, Henry S. Pennsylvania German Bookplates. Colophon, v. 2 : 1937, 432-442. [886 Bressler, Leo A. "The Pennsylvania-German. ' ' Am.-German Rev., v. 18: no. 4, 1952, 11-14; no. 5, 13-15. [887 The Colony 77 Buffington, Albert F. Linguistic Variants in the Pennsylvania Ger- man Dialect. Pa. German Folk. Soc, v. 13 : 1948, 217-252. [888 The Pennsylvania German Dialect Today. Commonwealth, v. 1 : no. 2, 1946, 10-11. [889 Pennsylvania German : Its Relation to Other German Dia- lects. Am. Speech, v. 14: 1939, 276-286. [890 Diffenderffer, F. R. ... Early German Printers of Lancaster and the Issues of their Press . . . Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 8 : 1904, 53-83. [891 Feer, Robert A. Official Use of the German Language in Pennsyl- vania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 76 : 1952, 394-405. [892 Fischer, H. L. Kurzweil um Zeitfertreib oder Pennsylfaanisch Duetsche Folks-Lieder. . . . York, Pa. : Fischer Briider, 1882. 187 p. [893 ■ 'S Alt Marik-Haus Mittes in D'r Shtadt un Die Alte'Zeite E'n Centennial Poem in Pennsylfanisch Deutsch in Zwei Dhel. York, Pa. : The York Republican, 1879. 275 p. [894 Fogel, Edwin M. Proverbs of the Pennsylvania Germans. Lancaster Pa. : Pennsylvania German Society, 1929. 222 p. [895 Frey, John W. Amish Triple-Talk. Am. Speech, v. 20: 1945, 85-98. [896 The German Dialect of Eastern York County, Pennsylvania. University of Illinois, doctoral dissertation, 1942. [897 Graeff, Arthur D. American History Visualized in Pennsylvania Ger- man Almanacs. Am.-German Rev., v. 6 : no. 3, 1940, 12-19. [898 — — Standardizing Pennsylvania German Orthography. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 4 : 1939, 82-86. [899 Grumbine, Lee L. Dei- Dengelstock and Other Poems and Transla- tions in the Pennsylvania-German Dialect. Lebanon, Pa.: New Era Printing Company, 1903. 155 p. [900 Haldeman, S. S. Pennsylvania Dutch, a Dialect of South Germany with an Infusion of English. Philadelphia: Reformed Church Pub- lication Board, 1872. 69 p. [901 78 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Harbaugh, Henry. Harbaugh's Harfe. Gedichte in Pennsylvanisch- Deutscher Mundart. Philadelphia: Reformed Church Publication Board, 1902. 120 p. [902 Hark, J. Max. En Hondful Farsh: Experiments in Pennsylvania- German Verse. Pa.-German Soc. Proc. and Add., v. 10 : 1900, 5-31. [903 Heydrick, B. A. Provincialisms of Southeastern Pennsylvania. Ger- man Am. Ann., v. 5 : 1907, 307-313 ; v. 6 : 1908, 32-52. [904 Kloss, Heinz. Die Pennsylvania-Deutsche Literatur. Munich: Mit- teilungen der Deutschen Akademie, 1931. 43 p. [905 Kloss, Heinz, ed. Lewendiche Schtimme aus Pennsilveni. New York : B. Westermann, 1929. 153 p. [906 Kloss, Heinz. Rauch und Home, ein Abschnitt aus der Kultur- geschichte des Pennsylvanisch-Deutschen Yolkes. Deutsch-Am. Geschichtsblatter, v. 19 : 1929, 221-242. [907 Kutz, Sara K. A History and Index of the Pennsylvania German Magazine. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1935. [908 Landis, Ira D. The German-English Transition in Lancaster County. Am.-German Rev., v. 11 : 1945, 8-9, 27. [909 Learned, Marion D. Pennsylvania German Dialect. Am. Jour. Philology, v. 9 : 1888, 64-83, 425-456 ; v. 10 : 1889, 288-315. [910 Lytle, Clyde F. Pennsylvania Germans in Fiction. Pa. Lib. Notes, v. 16 : 1938, 2-5. [911 Martin, H. R. American Backgrounds for Fiction : The Pennsylvania Dutch. Bookman, v. 38 : 1913, 244-247. [912 Mays, George. Why the Pennsylvania German Still Prevails in the Eastern Section of the State. Reading, Pa. : Daniel Miller, 1904. 16 p. [913 Miller, Daniel. Early German American Newspapers. Lancaster, Pa. : Pennsylvania German Society, 1911. 107 p. (Proceedings of Penn- sylvania German Society, 1910. Volume 19.) [914 The German Newspapers of Berks Comity. Berks Co. Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 3 : 1923, 4-23. [915 Miller, Daniel, ed. Pennsylvania German. Reading, Pa. : The Author, 1903-1911. 2 vols. [916 The Colony 79 Miller, Donald T. English Loan Words in Pennsylvania German Newspaper Articles Published before 1900. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1950. [917 Miller, H. M. G'shbos und Arnslit. Elizabethville, Pa.: Hawthorne Press, 1939. [918 Page, Eugene R. English in the Pennsylvania German Area. Am. Speech, v. 12 : 1937, 203-206. [919 Pennypacker, Samuel W. The Early Literature of the Pennsylvania Germans. Pa.- German Soc. Proc. and Add., v. 2 : 1892, 33-46. [920 The Poems of John Birmelin. Pa. German Folk. Soc, v. 16 : 1951, 1-149. [921 Read, A. W. Bilingualism in the Middle Colonies, 1725-1775. Am. Speech, v. 12 : 1937, 93-99. [922 Reed, Carroll E. The Pennsylvania-German Dialect Spoken in the Counties of Lehigh and Berks : Phonology and Morphology. Brown University, doctoral dissertation. 1941. [923 Reichard, Harry H. Pennsylvania-German Dialect Writings and their Writers. Lancaster, Pa.: [New Era Printing Company], 1918. 400 p. (Proceedings of Pennsylvania German Society, 1918. Volume 26.) [924 Robacker, Earl F. Pennsylvania German Literature: Changing Trends from 1683 to 1942. Philadelphia: University of Pennsyl- vania Press, 1943. 217 p. [925 A recent and definitive work. Runyeon, Mildred E. Pennsylvania-German in the Reading Adler: 1837-1857. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1936. [926 Schach, Paul. The Formation of Hybrid Derivatives in Pennsylvania German. Symposium, v. 3 : 1949, 114-129. [927 Seidensticker, Oswald. First Century of German Printing in America, 1728-1830, Preceded by a Notice of the Literary Work of Francis D. Pastorius. Philadelphia: Schaefer and Koradi, 1893. 253 p. [928 Seifert, Lester W. J. Lexical Differences Between Four Pennsyl- vania German Regions. Pa. German Folk. Soc, v. 11 : 1946, 155- 169. [929 80 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History — Pennsylvania-German Dialect Literature. Am.-German Rev., v. 8 : no. 4, 1912, 26-27, 36 ; v. 8: no. 5, 1942, 30-33. [930 The Pennsylvania-German Dialect Spoken in the Counties of Lehigh and Berks : A'ocabulary. Brown University, doctoral dis- sertation. 1941. [931 Shoemaker, Alfred L. Traditional Rhymes and Jingles of the Penn- sylvania Dutch. Lancaster, Pa.: Pennsylvania Dutch Folklore Center, 1951. 16 p. [932 Snader, Howard. Glossary of 6167 English Words and Expressions and Their Berks County Pennsylvania Dutch Equivalents. Temple, Pa. : Howard Snader, 1948. 63 p. [933 Struble, George G. The English of the Pennsylvania Germans. Am. Speech, v. 10 : 1935, 163-172. [934 Troxell, W. S. Aus Pennsylfawnia. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1938. 47 p. [935 Werner, William L., comp. Pennsylvania German, 1927-1937. Am. Speech, v. 13 : 1938, 122-127. [936 Wollenweber, Louis A. Gemalde aus dem Pemisylvanischen Volk- leben. Philadelphia : Schaefer and Koradi, 1869. 143 p. [937 Zwei Treue Kameraden. Die Beiden Ersten Deutschen Ansiedler in Pennsylvanien. Philadelphia : J. G. Kohler, 1880. 72 p. [938 Wood, Ralph. Das Pennsylvaniadeutschtum und seine Mundart. Mein Heimatland, v. 24: 1937, 13-23. [939 Ziegler, Charles C. Drauss un Deheem. AUentown, Pa., 1936. (The Pennsylvania Folklore Society. Volume I.) [940 8. Political Dorpalen, Andreas. The German Element in Early Pennsylvania Politics, 1789-1800 : A Study in Americanization. Pa. Hist., v. 9 : 1942, 176-190. [941 The Political Influence of the German Element in Colonial Pennsylvania. Pa. Hist., v. 6: 1939, 147-158, 221-239. [942 Graeff, Arthur D. The Relations between the Pennsylvania Germans and the British Authorities, 1750-1776. Norristown, Pa.: Privately Printed, 1939. 271 p. [943 The Colony 81 Johnson, William T. Some Aspects of the Relations of the Govern- ment and German Settlers in Colonial Pennsylvania, 1683-1754. Pa. Hist., v. 11 : 1944, 81-102, 200-207. [944 9. Religion and Music See — Section III, Religious History Bittinger, Lucy F. German Religious Life in Colonial Times. Phila- delphia : Lippincott, 1906. 145 p. [945 Companion volume of the author's earlier work, The Germans in Colonial Times; limited exclusively to this group's religious life, the book appears a digest made from wide reading, particularly in church histories. Boyer, Walter E., Albert F. Buffington, and Don Yoder. Songs Along the Mahantango. Lancaster, Pa. : Pennsylvania Dutch Folk- lore Center, 1951. 231 p. [946 A classified collection of folk songs embracing a Pennsylvania German area that includes parts of Schuylkill, Northumberland, and Dauphin counties. Doll, Eugene E. Social and Economic Organization in Two Pennsyl- vania German Religious Communities. Am. Jour. Sociol., v. 57 : 1951, 168-177. [947 Drummond, Robert R. Early German Music in Philadelphia. New York: Appleton-Century, 1910. 88 p. [948 Early Music in Philadelphia, with Special Reference to Ger- man Music. German Am. Ann., v. 6 : n. s., 1908, 157-179. [949 Dubbs, Joseph H. Early German Hymnology of Pennsylvania. [Lancaster, Pa.], 1882. 27 p. [950 The Founding of the German Churches of Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 17 : 1893, 241-262. [951 German Church Life in Pennsylvania. Pa.-German, v. 7: 1906, 188-191. [952 Eller, Paul H. Revivalism and the German Churches in Pennsylvania. 1783-1816. University of Chicago, doctoral dissertation. 1935. [953 Etter, R. C. Extemporaneous Hymn-Making among the Pennsylvania Dntch. Jour. Am. Folk-Lore, v. 44 : 1931, 302-305. [954 Glatfelter, Charles H. The Colonial Pennsylvania German Lutheran and Reformed Clergymen. Johns Hopkins University, doctoral dis- sertation. 1952. [955 82 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Gohdes, C. B. Puritan and Palatine. Luth. Quar., v. 47 : 1917, 241- 259. [956 Heathcote, Charles W. Early German Bibles, 1743-1834. Common- wealth, v. 3 : no. 6, 1949, 14-15. [957 Helffrich, William A. Lebensbild aus dem Pennsylvanisch-Deutschen Predigerstand oder, Wahrheit in Licht und Schatten. Allentown, Pa. : N. W. A. and W. U. Helffrich, 1906. 594 p. [958 Full of minute detail taken from the author's long life among the Pennsyl- vania Germans. An important source work on the manners and customs of the Pennsylvania Germans in the nineteenth century. Jackson, G. P. American Amish Sing Medieval Folk Tunes Today. So. Folk. Quar., v. 10 : 1946, 151-157. [959 Pennsylvania Dutch Spirituals. Musical Quar., v. 38 : 1952 80-84. [960 Rosenberry, M. Claude. The Pennsylvania German in Music. Pa.- German Soc. Proc. and Add., v. 41 : 1933, 29-44. [961 Rupp, Isaac D. Defunct German Sects in Pennsylvania. In William H. Egle, ed., Notes and Queries . . . Annual Volume, 1896. Harris- burg, 1897. p. 166-170, 172-174, 177-179. [962 Schuler, H. A. The Old-Time Pennsylvania-German Christmas. Pa.- German, v. 7 : 1906, 411-419. [963 Seip, Oswell J. Pennsylvania German Choral Books. Lehigh Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 14 : 1944, 39-43. [964 Stoeffler, E. Ernest. Mysticism in the German Devotional Literature of Colonial Pennsylvania. Pa. German Folk. Soc, v. 14 : 1949, 1- 190. [965 Thompson, Robert E. The German Mystics as American Colonists. Penn Mo., v. 2: 1871, 391-403, 443-451, 487-497. [966 Weiser, Clement Z. The Pennsylvania-Germans in Church and State. Pa.-German Soc Proc and Add., v. 1 : 1891, 62-71. [967 Winters, Roy L. The Religious Life of the Pennsylvania German Pioneers. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc Pap., v. 10: 1929-1935, 161-190. [968 Wood, Ralph. Life, Death and Poetry as Seen by the Pennsylvania Dutch. Monatshefte fur Deutschen Unterricht, v. 37: 1945, 453-465. [969 The Colony 83 c. Scotch-Irish Agnew, Daniel. The Scotch-Irish of Pennsylvania. Scotch-Irish Congress, Proceedings, v. 2 : 1890, 247-255. [970 Bair, Robert C. Scotch-Irish Conquest. Scotch-Irish Congress, Proceedings, v. 10 : 1901, 115-135. [971 Chambers, George. A Tribute to the Principles, Virtues, Habits and Public Usefulness of the Irish and Scotch Early Settlers of Penn- sylvania. Chambersburg, Pa. : M. Kieffer, 1871. 172 p. [972 Clyde, John C. Genealogies, Necrology and Keminiscences of the Irish Settlement, n. p., 1879. 419 p. [973 Cooper, John M. The Scotch-Irish in the Cumberland Valley. Scotch- Irish Congress, Proceedings, v. 8 : 1896, 295-318. [974 Dalzell, John. The Scotch-Irish in Western Pennsylvania. Scotch- Irish Congress, Proceedings, v. 2 : 1890, 175-191. [975 Dinsmore, John W. The Scotch-Irish in America: Their History, Traits, Institutions and Influences . . . Chicago: Winona Publish- ing Company [cl906]. 257 p. [976 A collection of essays on the Scotch-Irish originally published as a series in the Presbyterian Banner. Mainly confined to western Pennsylvania. Dunaway, Wayland F. The Scotch-Irish of Colonial Pennsylvania. Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, 1944. 273 p. [977 Old World backgrounds, the causes of migration, settlement in Pennsylvania and the growth of Scotch-Irish institutions on the Pennsylvania frontier are the elements of this excellent work. Egle, William H. Landmarks of Early Scotch-Irish Settlement in Pennsylvania. Scotch-Irish Congress, Proceedings, v. 8: 1896, 71-82. [978 Egle, William H., eel. Notes and Queries: Historical, Biographical and Genealogical : Chiefly Relating to Interior Pennsylvania. Har- risburg : Telegraph Press, 1881-1896. 4 vols. [979 A very important publication relating to the Scotch-Irish in America. Evans, Samuel. Scotch-Irish Settlement of Donegal, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Scotch-Irish Congress, Proceedings, v. 8 : 1896, 212-218. [980 84 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Ford, Henry J. The Scotch-Irish in America. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1915. 607 p. [981 Deals mainly with the history of seventeenth-century Ulster, the migrations to America, the Scotch-Irish settlements in Pennsylvania and elsewhere, and the influence of the Scotch-Irish stock on the civilization of the United States. Futhey, J. Smith. The Scotch-Irish. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 11 : 1907, 220-231. [982 Garland, Robert. The Scotch-Irish in Western Pennsylvania. Pitts- burgh : Carnegie Library, 1923. 32 p. [983 Green, Edward R. R. Scotch-Irish Emigration, An Imperial Problem. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 35 : 1952, 193-209. [984 Hanna, Charles A. The Scotch-Irish or the Scot in North Britain, North Ireland, and North America. New York: Putnam, 1902. 2 vols. [985 Hensel, William U. The Scotch-Irish, Their Impress on Lancaster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 9 : 1905, 246-268. [986 Hersh, Grier. The Scotch-Irish in York and Adams Counties, Penn- sylvania. Scotch-Irish Congress, Proceedings, v. 8 : 1896, 319- 379. [987 Keatley, John H. Scotch-Irish Conflicts. Scotch-Irish Congress, Proceedings, v. 6 : 1894, 103-113. [988 Klett, Guy S. The Scotch-Irish in Pennsylvania. Gettysburg, Pa.: Pennsylvania Historical Association, 1948. 46 p. (Pennsylvania History Studies, no. 2). [989 McKenna, John J., jr. Early Scotch-Irish and Irish in Berks County. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 15 : 1950, 212-213, 221, 223. [990 McMeen, Robert. The Scotch-Irish of the Juniata Valley. Scotch- Irish Congress, Proceedings, v. 8 : 1896, 110-129. [991 Meginness, John F. The Scotch-Irish of the Upper Susquehanna Valley. Scotch-Irish Congress, Proceedings, v. 8 : 1896, 159-169. [992 Moffat, James D. Pioneer Educators in Washington County, Penn- sylvania. Scotch-Irtsh Congress, Proceedings, v. 8: 1896, 180- 187. [993 Morrow, Paoli S. The Scotch-Irish of Payette County, Pennsylvania. Scotch-Irish Congress, Proceedings, v. 5 : 1893, 166-177. [994 The Colony 85 Nead, Benjamin M. The Scotch-Irish Movement in the Cumberland Valley of Pennsylvania. Scotch-Irish Congress, Proceedings, v. 8: 1896, 130-136. [995 Norcross, George. The Scotch-Irish in the Cumberland Valley. Scotch-Irish Congress, Proceedings, v. 8 : 1896, 188-211. [993 Northampton County Historical and Genealogical Society. The Scotch-Irish of Northampton County, Pennsylvania. [Easton, Pa. : J. S. Correll], 1926. 594 p. [997 Pomeroy, Albert N. The Scotch-Irish Pioneer Settlers of Path Val- ley. Scotch-Irish Congress, Proceedings, v. 10: 1901, 192-200. [998 Schaeffer, Anne D. Early Scotch-Irish Settlements in Pennsylvania. Pa. Hist., v. 10 : 1943, 141-147. [999 Smyth, S. G. Scotch-Irish Pioneers of the Schuylkill Valley, Penn- sylvania . . . Conshohocken, Pa., 1901. 14 p. [1000 Stewart, John. Scotch-Irish Occupancy and Exodus. Kittochtinny Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 2 : 1903, 14-28. [1001 Wiley, S. T. The Scotch-Irish in Southwestern Pennsylvania. Scotch- Irish Congress, Proceedings, v. 3 : 1891, 232-239. [1002 Williams, E. Melvin. The Scotch-Irish in Pennsylvania. Americana, v. 17 : 1923, 374-387. [1003 3. Minor Groups a. Welsh Browning, Charles H. "Welsh Settlement of Pennsylvania. Philadel- phia : W. J. Campbell, 1912. 631 p. [1004 An authoritative account of the early emigration of Welsh Quakers to William Penn's Welsh Tract in Pennsylvania, based on original records. Corbit, W. F. Welsh Emigration to Pennsylvania. Pa. ~S\\g. Hist. and Biog., v. 1 : 1877, 330-332. [1005 Dunaway, Wayland F. Early Welsh Settlers of Pennsylvania. Pa. Hist., v. V_>: 1!»4:>. 251-269. [1006 Glenn, Thomas A. Merion in the Welsh Tract. Norristown, Pa.: [Herald Press], 1896. 394 p. [1007 86 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Welsh Founders of Pennsylvania. Oxford, England: Jones, 1911-1913. 2 vols. [1008 Chiefly genealogical records of the Welsh founders of Pennsylvania. Hibbard, Ruth. Our Town, How We Began, How We Are Governed : Bryn Mawr and Lower Merion Township. [Bryn Mawr, Pa.], 1920. 47 p. [1009 Jenkins, Howard M. Historical Collections Kelating to Gwynedd, a Township of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, Settled, 1698 by Welsh Immigrants . . . Philadelphia: [Ferris Brothers], 1897. 456 p. [1010 The Welsh Settlement at Gwynedd. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 8 : 1884, 174-183. [1011 Levick, James J. The Early History of Merion. Philadelphia: Col- lins, 1880. 41 p. [1012 The Early Welsh Quakers and Their Emigration to Penn- sylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 17 : 1893, 385-413. [1013 Lewis, Howard B. The Welsh Society of Philadelphia: An Account of the Early Settlement of the Welsh in Philadelphia and Its Vicinity . . . Philadelphia: [The Author], 1926. 13 p. [1014 McKenna, John J., jr. Early Welsh in Berks County. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 15: 1950, 179-186. [1015 Rees, T. Mardy. A History of the Quakers in Wales and Their Emi- gration to North America. Carmarthan, Wales : W. Spurrell, 1924. 294 p. [1016 Contains a chapter on the Welsh Tract and leading Welsh Quakers in Pennsylvania. Williams, J. Ambler. The Influence of the Welsh on the History of Pennsylvania. Pa. Hist., v. 10: 1943, 118-123. [1017 b. French Birch, Edith W. The Huguenot Settlers of Pennsylvania. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 6 : 1941, 78-82. [1018 Dunaway, Way land F. The French Racial Strain in Colonial Penn- sylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 53: 1929, 322-342. [1019 [Landis, Charles I.] Madame Mary Ferree and the Huguenots of Lancaster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 21 : 1917, 101-124. [1020 The Colony 87 Laux, James B. The Huguenot Element in Pennsylvania. [New York?], 1896. 21 p. [1021 Ledet, Wilton P. Acadian Exiles in Pennsylvania. Pa. Hist., v. 9 : 1942, 118-128. [1022 Reed, William B. Acadian Exiles in Pennsylvania. Pa. Hist. Soc. Mem., v. 6 : 1858, 283-313. [1023 Sener, S. M. The Acadians in Lancaster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 1 : 1896, 35-43. [1024 Snyder, Charles F. Huguenot and Palatine. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 7 : 1935, 56-69. [1025 Stapleton, Amon. The Huguenot Element in the Settlement of Berks County. Berks Co. Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 2: 1905-1909, 386-401. [1026 Memorials of the Huguenots in America, with Special Refer- ence to Their Emigration to Pennsylvania. Carlisle, Pa. : Huguenot Publishing Company, 1901. 164 p. [1027 c. Scots and Irish Mcllhaney, Asa K. The Irish Settlement in the Forks of the Delaware. Penn Germania, v. 1 : 1912, 632-640. [1028 McKenna, John J., jr. Early Irish in Berks County. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 17 : 1951, 20-21, 25-29. [1029 Maclean, John P. Historical Account of the Settlement of Scotch Highlanders in America, Prior to the Peace of 1783. Cleveland, O. : Helman, 1900. 459 p. [1030 Myers, Albert C. Immigration of the Irish Quakers into Pennsylvania, 1682-1750, with Their Early History in Ireland. Swarthmore, Pa. : The Author, 1902. 477 p. [1031 A, meticulous and valuable monograph. O'Brien, Michael J. Irish Pioneers and Schoolmasters in Butler County, Pennsylvania. Am. Irish Hist. Soc. Jour., v. 18: 1919, 198-204. [1032 Irish Pioneers in Berks County, Pennsylvania. Am. Irish Hist. Soc. Jour., v. 27 : 1928, 39-45. [1033 Irish Settlers in Pennsylvania. Am. Irish Hist. Soc. Jour., v. 6 : 1906, 37-45. [1034 88 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Purcell, Richard J. Irish Settlers in Early Delaware. Pa. Hist., v. 14 : 1947, 94-107. [1035 Putney, Taylor. Irish Immigration into Pennsylvania in the 18th Century. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1925. [1036 St. Andrew's Society of Philadelphia. Historical Catalogue, 1749- 1913. Philadelphia: St. Andrew's Society, 1913. 2 vols. [1037 d. Dutch and Swiss Hull, William I. William Penn and the Dutch Quaker Migration to Pennsylvania. Swarthmore, Pa. : Swarthmore College, 1935. 445 p. [1038 An excellent monograph based on the thesis that Germantown was of Dutch- Quaker origin rather than German-Mennonite origin. Kuhns, Oscar. The Homeland of the First Settlers in Lancaster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 21 : 1917, 23-28. [1039 Roberts, Charles R. The First Swiss Settlements in America. Lehigh Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1923, 9-13. [1040 e. Jews and Italians Freund, Miriam K. Jewish Merchants in Colonial America: Their Achievements and Their Contributions to the Development of America. New York: Behrman's Jewish Book House, 1939. 127 p. [1041 Hirsh, Monroe B. Early Jewish Colony in Lancaster County. Lan- caster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap,, v. 5: 1901, 91-105. [1042 Jastrow, Morris, jr. Notes on the Jews of Philadelphia from Pub- lished Annals. Am. Jewish Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 1 : 1893, 49-61. [1043 Kisch, Guido. German Jews in White Labor Servitude in America. Am. Jewish Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 34 : 1937, 11-49. [1044 Marraro, Howard R. Italo-Americans in Pennsylvania During the Eighteenth Century. Pa. Hist., v. 7: 1940, 159-1GG. [1045 Miller, Julia. Jews Connected with the History of Pittsburgh, 1749- 1865. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1930. [1046 Morais, Henry S. The Jews of Philadelphia : Their History from the Earliest Settlements to the Present Time. Philadelphia: Levytypc Company, 1894. 576 p. [1047 The Colony 89 Necarsulmer, Henry. The Early Jewish Settlement at Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Am. Jewish Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 9 : 1901, 29-44. [1048 Rosenbach, Abraham S. W. Notes on the First Settlement of Jews in Pennsylvania, 1655-1703. Am. Jewish Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 5 : 1897, 191-198. [1049 Rosenbach, Hyman P. The Jews in Philadelphia Prior to 1800. Phila- delphia: E. Stern, 1883. 43 p. [1050 Trachtenberg, Joshua. Consider the Years: The Story of the Jewish Community of Easton, 1752-1942. Easton, Pa. : Centennial Com- mittee of Temple Brith Sholom, 1944. 327 p. [1050a f. Negroes See — The Slavery Issue in Pennsylvania, 1820-1860. Aptheker, Herbert. Quakers and Negro Slavery. Jour. Negro Hist., v. 25 : 1940, 331-362. [1051 Bell, Whitfield J., jr. Washington County, Pennsylvania, in the Eighteenth Century Antislavery Movement. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 25 : 1942, 135-142. [1052 Binder-Johnson, Hildegard. The Germantown Protest of 1688 Against Negro Slavery. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 65 : 1941, 145-156. [1053 Cadbury, Henry J. An Early Quaker Anti-Slavery Statement. Jour. Negro Hist., v. 22 : 1937, 488-493. [1054 Chapman, T. J. Early Slavery in Pennsylvania. Mag. of West. Hist., v. 7 : 1888, 370-374. [1055 Klingberg, Frank J. The African Immigrant in Colonial Pennsyl- vania and Delaware. P. E. Church Hist. Mag., v. 11 : 1942, 126- 153. [1056 Kraus, Michael. Slavery Reform in the Eighteenth Century: An As- pect of Transatlantic Intellectual Cooperation. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 60: 1936, 53-66. [1057 Pennington, Edgar L. Thomas Bray Associates and Their Work among the Negroes. Am. Antiq. Soc. Proc, v. 48: n. s., 1938, 311- 403. [1058 Pitt, Arthur S. Franklin and the Quaker Movement Againsl Slavery. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 32: 1943, 13-31. [1059 90 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Riddell, William R. Pre-Revolutionary Pennsylvania and the Slave Trade. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 52 : 1928, 1-28. [1060 Spaid, Arthur R. M. Slavery in Pennsylvania. Am. Historical Reg., v. 2: 1895, 1181-1187. [1061 Thomas, Allen C. The Attitude of the Society of Friends Toward Slavery in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Am. Soc. Church Hist. Pap., v. 8 : 1897, 263-299. [1062 Turner, Edward R. The First Abolition Society in the United States. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 36 : 1912, 92-109. [1063 The Negro in Pennsylvania, Slavery — Servitude — Freedom, 1639-1861. Washington, D. C. : American Historical Association, 1911. 314 p. [1064 Slavery in Colonial Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 35 : 1911, 141-151. [1065 III. AN AGRARIAN SOCIETY A. Land Bivens, Harry R. The Disposition of Lands in Provincial Pennsyl- vania. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1932. [1066 Bond, Beverly W., jr. The Quit-Rent System in the American Colo- nies. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1919. 492 p. (Yale His- torical Publications. Miscellany, 6). [1067 A carefully documented and exhaustive treatment. The sections dealing with Pennsylvania are of prime importance. Byrne, Jacob H. Henry William Stiegel's Land Holdings. Lancas- ter Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 39 : 1935, 9-20. [1068 Carter, John H. Land Grants in Northumberland County. . . . North- umberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 14 : 1944, 77-97. [1069 Chesnut, W. Calvin. The Effect of Quia Emptores on Pennsylvania and Maryland Ground Rents. Univ. of Pa. Law Rev., v. 91 : 1942, 137-152. [1070 Chidsey, Andrew D., jr. The Penn Patents in the Forks of the Dela- ware. Easton, Pa.: John S. Correll, 1937. 91 p. (Northampton County Historical and Genealogical Society. Publications. Volume 2.) [1071 The Colony 91 Christol, Frank, ed. Uistoire d'un Legs de Mille Acres de Terre en Amerique. Soc. Hist. Protestantisme Franc. Bul., v. 80: 1931, 202-221. [1072 Conference of William Penn with Colonel Talbot, 1684. Md. Hist. Mag., v. 3 : 1908, 21-32. [1073 Daniel, Warren J. Land Office Is Oldest of All State Offices. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 13 : no. 7, 1945, 14-16. [1074 Diffenderffer, F. R. Early Local History as Kevealed by an Old Document. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 2 : 1897, 3-27. [1075 Eshleman, H. Frank. Titles to Lancaster County Lands. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 11 : 1907, 145-161. [1076 Ford, Amelia C. Colonial Precedents of Our National Land System. Madison, Wis. : Wisconsin University Press, 1910. 157 p. (Wis- consin University Bulletin, no. 352. History Series, volume 2, no. 2.) [1077 An interesting study of the colonial antecedents of the American land system. Attention is given to the principal distinctions in land policies among the several colonies. Fox, Bertha S. Provost William Smith and His Land Investments in Pennsylvania. Pa. Hist., v. 8 : 1941, 189-209. [1078 Gipson, Lawrence H. Two Centuries Ago in Pennsylvania. Wyoming Commem. Assoc. Proc, 1941, 7-20. [1079 Gregg, Alan C. The Land Policy and System of the Penn Family in Early Pennsylvania. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 6 : 1923, 151-164. [1080 Heisey, M. Luther. Penn's Manors, Their Origin, Location and Num- ber. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 42: 1938, 47-48. [1081 Huston, Charles. Essay on the History and Nature of Original Titles of Land in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia : Johnson, 1849. 484 p. [1082 Kain, William H. The Penn Manorial System and the Manors of Springetsbury and Maske. Pa. Hist., v. 10 : 1943, 225-242. [1083 Lewis, J. F. The History of an Old Philadelphia Land Title, 208 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia: [Patterson and White], 1934. 273 p. [1084 Lewis, Lawrence, jr. An Essay on Original Land Titles in Phila- delphia. Philadelphia: Kay, 1880. 266 p. [1085 92 Bibliography op Pennsylvania History Lippincott, Horace M. Gulielma Maria Perm's Manor ai Springfield. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., y. 5: 1947, 247-259. [1086 Livermore, Shaw. Early American Land Companies, Their Influence on Corporate Development. New York: Oxford University Press, 1939. 327 p. [1087 A methodical and carefully documented study of American land companies in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Emphasis is placed on the de- velopment of corporation law and little attention is given to land policies and land settlement. Moredock, A. L. Historical Value of Land Surveys. Upper Ohio Valley Pioneer, y. 1 : 1946, 41, 44-46. [1088 Myers, Albert C. Historic Description of Ancient Land Office. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., y. 17 : no. 3, 1949, 3-7. [1089 Penrose, Boies, and E. P. Allinson. Ground Bents in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1884. [1090 Potter, John E. The Penns and Land Titles in Western Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh Legal Jour., v. 60 : 1912, 17-20. [1091 Powell, Walter A. Fio-ht of a Century Between the Penns and Cal- verts. Md. Hist. Mag., v. 29 : 1934, 83-101. [1092 Prices on Land in Pennsylvania at Various Periods. Historical Mag. (Dawson's), v. 14: 1868, 96. [1093 Rupp, Alfred E. History of Land Purchase in Pennsylvania. Jour. Forestry, v. 22 : 1924, 490-497. [1094 Sergeant, Thomas. View of Land Laws of Pennsylvania. Philadel- phia : Kay, 1838. 303 p. [1095 Shepherd, William R. The Land System of Provincial Pennsjdvania. A.m. Hist. Assoc. Rep., 1895, 117-125. (Also in History of Pro- prietary Government in Pennsylvania. New York: Columbia Uni- versity Press, 1896. p. 13-83.) [1096 Smith, Benjamin H. The Lands of Edward Jones and Company in Merion. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., y. 26: 1902, 42-57. [1097 Smith, Charles. Land Titles in Pennsylvania from First Settlement to 1810. Hazard's Reg. Pa., y. 12: 1833, 297-302, 305-312, 326-333, 340-345, 359-363; v. 13: 1834, 314-320, 321-327, 353-361, 371-377. [1098 The Colony 93 Smith, Charles H. Colonial Land Tenure in Hatboro and Vicinity. Hatboro, Pa.: Old York Road Publishing Company, 1943. 50 p. [1099 Wheeler, George. The Last Purchase of Land from the Indians in Bucks County. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 8 : 1940, 339-349. [1100 Wood, T. Kenneth. History of John Penn's "Manor of Muncy." Now and Then, v. 7 : 1945, 273-281. [1101 B. Labor Bernstein, Leonard. The Working People of Philadelphia from Colonial Times to the General Strike of 1835. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 74 : 1950, 322-339. [1102 Ehrlich, Leon. Labor Arbitration in Pennsylvania [1705-1950]. Temple Law Quae., v. 24: 1950, 107-136. [1103 Geiser, Karl F. . . . Redemptioners and Indentured Servants in the Colony and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. New Haven : Tuttle, Morehouse and Taylor [1901]. 128 p. [1104 Harley, Lewis R. The Redemptioners. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 1 : 1895, 209-218. [1105 Harr, Luther A. The Status of Labor in Colonial Pennsylvania. Temple University, master's thesis. 1948. [1106 Hastings, E. C. Labor in Pennsylvania Previous to 1790. Pennsyl- vania State College, master's thesis. 1926. [1107 Herrick, Cheesman A. White Servitude in Pennsylvania : Indentured and Redemption Labor in Colony and Commonwealth. Philadel- phia : J. J. McVey, 1926. 330 p. * [1108 A scholarly and well-written account of indentured and redemption labor in Pennsylvania. An almost definitive study of this aspect of labor throughout the history of the province and into the national period. Margaret Patricia, Sister. White Servitude in the American Colonies. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 42: 1931, 12-54. [1109 Morris, Richard B. Government and Labor in Early America. New York: Columbia University Press, 1946. 557 p. [1110 A thorough study of bound and free labor during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries based largely upon the unpublished inferior court records of the colonies. 94 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History C. Agriculture Barnes, Horace R. Early History of Tobacco. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 45 : 1941, 2-24. [1111 Buck, Solon J. Frontier Economy in Southwestern Pennsylvania. Agric. Hist., v. 10: 1936, 14-24; and Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 19 : 1936, 113-122. [1112 Carrier, Lyman. The Beginnings of Agriculture in America. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1923. 323 p. [1113 Fletcher, Stevenson W. A History of Fruit Growing in Pennsylvania : The Colonial Period, 1623-1827. State Horticultural Assoc. Pa. Proc, v. 8 : 1931, 1-26 ; supplement, 1932, 27-51. [1114 Pennsylvania Agriculture and Country Life, 1640-1840. Har- risburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Histori- cal and Museum Commission, 1950. 605 p. [1115 A work of broad scope that covers all of farm life and treats of the social and political side of the farmer as well as the main theme of agricultural economy. The Subsistence Farming Period in Pennsylvania Agriculture, 1640-1840. Pa. Hist., v. 14: 1947, 185-195. [1116 Frantz, J. Andrew. History of Cattle and Stock Yards in Lancaster County Prior to 1800. Lancaster Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 18 : 1924, 41-46. [1117 Hayward, W. J. Early Western Pennsylvania Agriculture. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 6 : 1923, 177-189. [1118 Hedrick, Ulysses P. A History of Horticulture in America to 1860. New York : Oxford University Press, 1950. 551 p. [1119 Many parts of this thorough study deal with agriculture in Pennsylvania. Huber, Levi B. Two Hundred Years of Farming in Lancaster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 35 : 1931, 97-110. [1120 Kiebach, Raymond E. Fences in Pennsylvania German Land. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 14: 1948, 12-14. [1121 Miller, Frederic K. The Farmer at Work in Colonial Pennsylvania. Pa. Hist., v. 3 : 1936, 115-123. [1122 Otto, Ivo V. Two Centuries of Farming in Cumberland County. Pa. Farmer, v. 144: no. 11, 1951, 3, 23, 25, 28. [1123 The Colony 95 Roberts, Job. The Pennsylvania Farmer. Philadelphia: Bartram, 1804. 224 p. [1124 Ross, Earle D. Benjamin Franklin as an Eighteenth Century Agri- cultural Leader. Jour. Pol. Econ., v. 37 : 1929, 52-72. [1125 Scheerer, Mary K. Development of Colonial Agriculture in South- eastern Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1933. [H26 Stoner, J. H. Old Mill Stones. Kittochtinny Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 11 : 1939, 295-315 [1127 D. Manufacture Allen, George. The Rittenhouse Paper Mill and Its Founder. Men- nonite Quar. Rev., v. 16 : 1942, 108-128. [1128 Barker, Charles R. Old Mills of Mill Creek, Lower Merion. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 50 : 1926, 1-22. [1129 Barnes, Horace R. Industries of Lancaster County Prior to 1800. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 48 : 1944, 41-56. [1130 Beck, Herbert H. Cannon Hill and the Hessian Ditch, with Personal Reminiscences of the Furnace Hills. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 44: 1940,21-39. [1131 Bergner, Milton K. Carrick Furnace. Kittochtinny Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 11 : 1939, 495-507. [1132 Billinger, Robert D. Early Ironworks in Pennsylvania; the Durham Furnaces. Bethlehem, Pa.: Lehigh University, [1939]. 9 p. (The Institute of Research. Circular No. 52. Studies in Science and Technology No. 128.) [1133 Early Pennsylvania Paper Making [1690-1865]. Jour. Chem. Educ, v. 26 : 1949, 154-158, 162. [1134 Early Pennsylvania Pottery. Jour. Chem. Educ, v. 17 : 1940, 407-413. [1135 Bining, Arthur C. British Regulation of the Colonial Iron Industry. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1933. 163 p. [1136 Early Ironmasters of Pennsylvania. Pa. Hist., v. 18 : 1951, 93-103. [1137 96 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History The Iron Plantations of Early Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist. and Biog., v. 57 : 1933, 117-137. [1138 Pennsylvania Iron Manufacture in the Eighteenth Century. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania His- torical Commission, 1938. 227 p. [1139 A well-documented account of the rise and growth of the iron industry in Pennsylvania in the eighteenth century. Presents the technology of the early industry as well as the story of the ironmasters and their workers. Place and importance of iron manufacture in an agrarian civilization are stressed. The Rise of Iron Manufacture in Western Pennsylvania. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 16 : 1933, 235-256. [1140 Bridenbaugh, Carl. The Colonial Craftsman. New York: New York University Press, 1950. 214 p. [1141 Philadelphia craftsmen as both artists and working manufacturers are discussed. Chapman, T. J. Early Iron Industry of Pennsylvania. Mag. of West. Hist., v. 9 : 1889, 659-664. [1142 Cornwall Furnace. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1946. 8 p. [1143 Drepperd, Carl W. The Franklin Stove. Am. Heritage, v. 1 : no. 2, 1950, 52-53. [1144 Early Grist Mills Source of Wealth to State. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 17 : no. 6, 1949, 3-6. [1145 Easson, Lelia, and Marie Puhr. Three Hills and Their Treasure. Phila. Forum, v. 31: no. 6, 1952, 10-11. [1146 Engart, Henry S. Notes on Gristmills and Milling in Pennsylvania. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 7 : 1937, 104-136. [1147 Evans, Samuel. Old Mills and County Ordinaries. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 1 : 1897, 283-298, 313-322. [1148 Fackenthal, B. F., jr. The Durham Iron Works in Durham Town- ship. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 7 : 1937, 59-94. [1149 Fegley, H. Winslow. Among Some of the Older Mills in Eastern Pennsylvania. [Norristown, Pa.] : Pennsylvania German Society, 1931. 76 p. (Proceedings of Pennsylvania German Society, 1930. Volume 39.) [1150 Flory, Paul B. Millstones and Their Varied Usage. Lancaster Co. Htst. Soc. Pap., v. 55: 1951, 125-136. [1151 The Colony 97 Old Millstones. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 55 : 1951, 73-85. [1152 Foose, Richard M. Iron Ores of the Cumberland Valley and Their Future. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 13 : no. 5, 1945, 3-13. [1153 Gemmell, Alfred. The Charcoal Iron Industry in the Perkiomen Valley. Allentown, Pa.: The Author, 1949. 134 p. (Published separately in Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 6: 1948-1949.) [1154 On the Trail of America's First Cook Stove. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 15 : 1949, 142-144. [1155 Gillingham, Harrold E. Calico and Linen Printing in Philadelphia. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 52 : 1928, 97-110. [1156 Pottery, China and Glass Making in Philadelphia. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 54 : 1930, 97-129. [1157 Some Early Brickmakers of Philadelphia. Pa. Mag. Hist. and Biog., v. 53 : 1929, 1-27. [1158 Some Early Philadelphia Instrument Makers. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 51 : 1927, 289-308. [1159 Grittinger, Henry C. Cornwall Furnace and Cornwall Ore Banks, or Mine Hills. [Lebanon, Pa.] : Lebanon Courier, 1901. 54 p. [1160 The Iron Industries of Lebanon County. [Lebanon, Pa., 1904]. 50 p. [1161 Hawke, David. Founded in 1687. Phila. Mag., v. 38 : no. 7, 1951, 8-9. [1162 Heller, William J. The Gun Makers of Old Northampton. Lancaster, Pa. : Pennsylvania German Society, 1908. 14 p. (Proceedings of Pennsylvania German Society, 1908. Volume 17.) [1163 Hillard, Charles. The Development of the Textile Industry in Penn- sylvania Prior to 1790. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1941. [1164 Historical Sketch of Hopewell Furnace. Reading, Pa. : Reading Eagle Press. 19 p. [1165 Hocker, Edward W. Water Power Aided Valley Forge Industries. Picket Post, no. 20: 1948, 25-30. [1166 98 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Hommel, Rudolf P. The Duche Family: Colonial Master Potters. Hobbies, v. 54: 1949, 80-81. [1167 Hilltown Glass Works. Montgomery Co. Hist Soc. Bul., v. 6 : 1947, 24-29. [1168 Two Centuries of Papermaking at Miquon, Pennsylvania. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 5 : 1947, 275-290. [1169 Hornor, William M., jr. Blue Book, Philadelphia Furniture, William Penn to George Washington, with Special Reference to the Phila- delphia Chippendale School. Philadelphia, 1935. 340 p. [1170 Some Early Philadelphia Cabinetmakers. Antiquarian, v. 16 : 1931, 42-45, 76. [1171 William Savery, "Chairmaker and Joiner." Antiquarian, v. 15 : 1930, 29-32, 72-74, 86. [1172 Hughes, George W. The Pioneer Iron Industry in Western Penn- sylvania. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 14: 1931, 207-224. [1173 Hunter, Dard. Papermaking in Pioneer America. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1952. 178 p. [1174 An expert account of an industry that had its beginnings in Pennsylvania. Hunter, Frederick W. Stiegel Glass. New York : Dover Publications, 1950. 272 p. [1175 Jayne, Horace F., and Samuel W. Woodhouse, jr. Early Phila- delphia Silversmiths. Art in America, v. 9 : 1921, 248-259. [1176 Jones, Horatio G. Historical Sketch of the Rittenhouse Paper Mill: The First Erected in America, A. D. 1690. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 20: 1896, 315-333. [1177 Kauffman, Henry J. Coppersmithing in Pennsylvania. Pa. German Folk. Soc., v. 11 : 1946, 83-153. [1178 Early American Gunsmiths. Harrisburg: The Stackpole Co., 1951. 160 p. [1179 A meticulous study of antique firearms and their makers, a number of whom were Pennsylvanians. 18th Century Iron Furnaces. Spinning Wheel, v. 6 : no. 5, 1950, 24, 26, 28, 50. [1180 Keefer, Horace A. Early Iron Industries of Dauphin County. Har- risburg: Telegraph Press, 1927. 35 p. (Publication of the Dauphin County Historical Society.) [1181 The Colony 99 " Kentucky' ' Rifle Really Pennsylvania Product. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 15 : no. 12, 1947, 14-25. [1182 Kindig, Joseph, jr. The Pedigree of the Pennsylvania Rifle. Antiques, v. 22 : 1932, 101-104. [1183 Landis, Bertha C. The Backwoodsman and the ''Kentucky" Rifle. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 51 : 1947, 117-118. [1184 Landis, Henry K., and George D. Lancaster Rifle Accessories. Pa. German Folk. Soc, v. 9 : 1944, 107-184. [1185 Lancaster Rifles. Pa. German Folk. Soc, v. 7 : 1942, 107-157. [1186 Larkin, Fred V. Early Industry in the Lehigh Valley — in Colonial Times and After. A Newcomen Address, 1939. [Princeton • Prince- ton University Press, 1939]. 32 p. [1187 Laubach, Charles. The Durham Iron Works. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc Coll., v. 1 : 1908, 232-249. [1188 [Long, Harker A.] A Short History of the Hopewell Furnace Estate. Reading, Pa., 1930. 19 p. [1189 Lyles, Victoria. Forges and Furnaces of York County. York Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 4: n. s., 1939. 8 p. [1190 Macfarlane, John J. Manufacturing in Philadelphia, 1683-1912. [Philadelphia] : Commercial Museum, 1912. 101 p. [1191 A very brief but reliable survey of Philadelphia industries. Magee, David P. The So-Called " Kentucky Rifle," as Made in Lan- caster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 30 : 1926, 47-60. [1192 Magee, James P., jr. Berks County Paper Mills, Paper Makers and Watermarks, 1747-1832. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 13 : 1948, 76-78. [1193 Mason, Kathleen. Early Industries in Germantown. Germantowne Crier, v. 1 : no. 3, 1949, 11-12, 29-30. [1194 Mercer, Henry C. The Tools of the Nation Maker. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 3 : 1909, 469-481. [1195 Miner, Charles A. The Early Grist-Mills of Wyoming Valley, Penn- sylvania. Wyoming Hist, and Geol. Soc. Proc and Coll., v. 5: 1900, 111-152. [1196 100 Bibliography op Pennsylvania History Montgomery, Morton L. Early Furnaces and Forges of Berks County, Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 8: 1884, 56-81. [1197 National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. Pennsylvania. . . . Forges and Furnaces in the Province of Pennsylvania. Phila- delphia: Printed for che Society, 1914. 204 p. [1198 The Oldest Business House in America. Philadelphia: Francis Perot's Sons Malting Company. 24 p. [1199 A Philadelphia concern founded in 1687 and operated by original family- descendants to present day. Paper by Rittenhouse. Pa. Arts and Sciences, v. 3: 1938, 193-194, 222-223. [1200 Pearse, John B. A Concise History of the Iron Manufacture of the American Colonies up to the Revolution, and of Pennsylvania until the Present Time. Philadelphia : Allen, Lane and Scott, 1876. 282 p. [1201 Peirce, Patricia. Iron and Copper Mining in Caernarvon Township. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 16 : 1950, 12-15, 25, 27, 29, 31. [1202 Pinkett, Harold T. Development and Utilization of Power in Paper Industry, 1690-1870. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 19 : no. 2, 1951, 15-22. [1203 Pioneer Paper Makers of Pennsylvania. Pa. Arts and Sciences, v. 3 : 1938, 191-192, 223-224. [1204 Reichmann, Felix. The Pennsylvania Rifle. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 69 : 1945, 3-14. ' [1205 Reinert, Guy F. The Vanishing Craft of Birch Oil Distilling — an Old Pennsylvania-Dutch Industry. Am. -German Rev., v. 6 : 1940, 30-31. [1206 Rice, William S. Mount Hope Furnace, An Early Landmark. Am.- German Rev., v. 17 : no. 5, 1951, 28-29. [1207 Sachse, Julius F. The Ephrata Paper Mill. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 1 : 1897, 323-338. [1208 Schultz, George W. Antique Iron Works and Machines of the Water Power Age. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 5 : 1947, 291-310. [1209 Birth of the Iron Industry in Pennsylvania. Picket Post, no. 34, 1951, 27-36. [1210 The Colony 101 Colebrookdale — "Mother" of Pennsylvania's Iron Industry. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 10 : 1944, 13-15. [1211 Forges along the Valley Creek. . . . Picket Post, no. 14, 1946, 49-54. [1212 Scoville, Warren C. Growth of the American Glass Industry to 1880. Jour. Pol. Econ., v. 52: 1944, 193-216, 340-355. [1213 Sheas, Jerome J. The Forges at Valley Forge. Picket Post, no. 6, 1944, 3-6. [1214 Industries of the Past at Valley Forge. Picket Post, no. 5, 1944, 9-11. [1215 Shelton, Frederick H. Norse Mills of Colonial Times in Pennsylvania. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 5 : 1926, 175-185. [1216 [Shoemaker, Benjamin H., jr.] More About Old Mills in Eastern Pennsylvania. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 20 : no. 2, 1952, 21-22. [1217 Silk, Norma J. America's First Lime Kilns in Pennsylvania. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 19 : no. 8, 1951, 20-21, 23. [1218 Smith, E. Stanley. Pennsylvania Muzzle-loaders [cl700-1900]. Pa. Game News, v. 19 : no. 8, 1948, 4-5, 24. [1219 Smith, Ray M. The Kentucky Rifle and Its Snyder County Makers. Snyder Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 2 : 1946, 14-32. [1220 Spears, James F. A Picture Story of the House of Derr. [Myerstown, Pa.: Church Center Press, 1949]. 188 p. [1221 Stevens, S. K. The Pennsylvania Rifle. Pa. Farmer, v. 141 : no. 8, 1949, 5, 30. [1222 Swank, James M. Introduction to the History of Iron Making and Coal Mining in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: The Author, 1878. 125 p. [1223 Wandrus, Harry. The Deringers: A Review of Biographical and Contract Data Available. Hobbies, v. 53 : 1948, 139-140. [1224 Warwick, Edward. Philadelphia Chippendale Furniture and Its Makers. Pa. Arts and Sciences, v. 1: 1935-1936, 221-225, 263. [1225 102 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Weig, Melvin J. Hopewell Village and the Colonial Iron Industry. Regional Rev., v. 2 : no. 4, 1939, 3-9. [1226 Wenham, Edward. The Silversmiths of Early Philadelphia. An- tiquarian, v. 13 : 1930, 48. [1227 Werckshagen, Paul E. St. Clement 's Art in Old Readingtown : Notes on the Pioneer Hatmaking Industry of Berks County. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 1 : 1936, 83-88. [1228 The Wetherill Papers, 1762-1899; Being the Collection of Business Records of the Store and White Lead Works Founded by Samuel Wetherill in the Late Eighteenth Century. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania, Industrial Research Department, Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, 1941, 121 p. [1229 Wilkinson, Norman B. The Pennsylvania Rifle. Am. Heritage, v. 1 : no. 4, 1950, 3-5, 64-66 . [1230 Williams, David G. Lime Kilns in the Lower Jordan Valley. Lehigh Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 19 : 1952, 73-96. [1231 Wilt, L. E. The Pennsylvania Rifle. The Settler, v. 1 : no. 1, 1952, 9-11. [1232 Windle, Spencer L. A History of Warwick Furnace. 1945. 8 p. [1233 Wittlinger, C. 0. Early Manufacturing in Lancaster County, Penn- sylvania, 1710-1840. University of Pennsylvania, doctoral disserta- tion. 1952. [1234 Woodhouse, Samuel W., jr. Colonial Craftsmen of Philadelphia. Art and Archaeol., v. 21 : 1926, 182-186. [1235 Eighteenth Century Philadelphia Cabinet Makers. Am. Mag. Art, v. 18 : 1927, 535-539. [1236 E. Transportation and Trade 1. Internal Ambler, Charles H. A History of Transportation in the Ohio Valley, with Special Reference to Its Waterways, Trade, and Commerce from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Glendale, Calif: Arthur H. Clark, 1932. 465 p. [1237 Baily, Joshua L., jr. Old Milestones about Philadelphia. Friends' Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 9 : 1919, 46-62. £1238 The Colony 103 Barker, Charles R. The Haverford-and-Merion Road to Philadel- phia : A Walk Over an Old Trail. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 58 : 1934, 232-254. [1239 Barnes, Horace R. Organization and Early History of the Conestoga Navigation Company. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 39 : 1935, 49-61. [1240 [Barton, Thomas]. . . . The Beginnings of Artificial Roads in Penn- sylvania. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 23 : 1919, 99-107. [1241 Berg, Harry D. Merchants and Mercantile Life in Colonial Phila- delphia, 1748-1763. University of Iowa, doctoral dissertation. 1941. [1242 The Organization of Business in Colonial Philadelphia. Pa. Hist., v. 10 : 1943, 157-177. [1243 Bomberger, Henry H. Pioneers and Transportation on Newport Road. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 36 : 1932, 101-110. [1244 Brackbill, Martin H. Peter Bezaillion's Road. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 43 : 1939, 1-48. [1245 Burkhardt, F. A. Romance and History along the Easton-Reading King's Highway. Lehigh Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1932, 37-57. [1246 Byars, William V., ed. B. and M. Gratz, Merchants in Philadelphia, 1754-1798. Jefferson City, Mo. : Hugh Stephens, 1916. 386 p. [1247 Cheyney, Edward P. Commerce, Navigation and Ship-building on the Delaware River. Harrisburg : Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Internal Affairs, Official Document no. 10, 1891. 80 p. [1248 Clark, Martha B. Early Conestoga Navigation. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 12 : 1908, 315-330. [1249 The King's Highway. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 3: 1899, 27-39. [1250 Cooper, John M. The Paths and Roads of Our Forefathers. Scotch- Irish Congress, Proceedings, v. 10 : 1901, 176-188. [1251 Coulson, Thomas. The Conestoga Wagon. Jour. Franklin Insti- tute, v. 246 : 1948, 215-222. [1252 Douds, Harold C. Merchants and Merchandising in Pittsburgh, 1759- 1800. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 20 : 1937, 123-132. [1253 104 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Downes, Randolph C. Problems of Trade in Early Western Pennsyl- vania. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 13 : 1930, 261-271. [1254 Dublin, Frances. Jewish Colonial Enterprise in the Light of the Amherst Papers, 1758-1763. Am. Jewish Hist. Soc. Pub., no. 35 : 1939,1-25. [1255 Eavenson, Howard N. Who Made the "Trader's Map"? Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 65 : 1941, 420-438. [1256 Emden, Paul H. Quakers in Commerce; a Record of Business Achievement. London: S. Low, Marston and Company, [1940]. 273 p. [1257 Eshleman, H. Frank. The Great Conestoga Road. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 12 : 1908, 215-232. [1258 History of Lancaster County's Highway System (from 1714- 1760) . Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 26 : 1922, 37-80. [1259 Evans, Allen. The Old Gulph Road. Phila. Numismat. and Antiq. Soc. Proc, v. 28 : 1919, 227-244. [1260 Faris, John T. Old Roads out of Philadelphia. Philadelphia : Lippin- cott, 1917. 327 p. [1261 Old Trails and Roads in Penn's Land. Philadelphia : Lippin- cott, 1927. 259 p. [1262 Frey, H. C. The Conestoga Wagon. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 34 : 1930, 289-312. [1263 Conestoga Wagon Lore. Lancaster, Pa. : Pennsylvania Dutch Folklore Center, 1951. 20 p. [1264 Gras, N. S. B. The Oldest American Business Corporation in Ex- istence. Bus. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 10 : 1936, 21-24. [1265 Hain, Winfield J. Notes on Early Pennsylvania Postal History. Am. Philatelic Cong., 14th, 1948, 42-51. [1266 Hanna, Mary A. Trad* 1 of the Delaware District Before the Revolu- tion. Northampton, Mass.: Smith College, 1917. 342 p. (Smith College Studies in History ... v. 2 : no. 4, July, 1917.) [1267 Hayes, Raymond E. Business Regulation in Early Pennsylvania. Temple Law Quar., v. 10: 19:50, 155-178. [1268 The Colony 105 Heathcote, Charles W. Historical Glimpses of Two Old Roads in Chester County. Picket Post, no. 38 : 1952, 12-19, 41. [1269 Hemminger, J. D. ... Old Roads of Cumberland County, Pennsyl- vania. [Carlisle, Pa., 1909?]. 44 p. [1270 Hensel, William U. An Early Canal Project. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 17 : 1913, 101-105. [1271 Hill, Harry S. The Conestoga Wagon : A Short Story of a " Ship of Inland Commerce." Trenton, N. J.: Phillips and Godshalk, 1930. 23 p. [1272 Hoge, Mary R. Salt on the Frontier. University of Pittsburgh, mas- ter's thesis. 1931. [1273 Jenkins, Charles F. The Susquehanna Street Road. Old York Road Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 3 : 1939, 50-70. [1274 Keyser, Naaman H. Early Transportation to Germantown. German- town Site and Relic Soc. Add., v. 2 : 1907, 39-55. [1275 Lichtenthaeler, Frank E. Overland Barriers of the Susquehanna Corridor. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 10 : 1945, 67-73. [1276 Lippincott, Horace M. The Old York Road. Old York Road Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 1 : 1937, 3-15. [1277 Lippincott, Isaac. Early Salt Trade in the Ohio Valley. Jour. Pol. Econ., v. 20 : 1912, 1029-1052 [1278 Livingood, James W. Inland Navigation Between Philadelphia and Middletown, 1760-1810. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 3: 1937, 11-14. [1279 McCann, William H. Along the Easton Road in Its Early Days. Old York Road Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 6 : 1942, 36-44. [1280 McMinn, J. H. Early Methods of Transportation in the West Branch Valley. Now and Then, v. 3 : 1892, 181-194. [1281 Melhorn, Leoma O. Travel in Pennsylvania Prior to 1800. Temple University, master's thesis. 1935. [1282 Mervine, William M. Pirates and Privateers in the Delaware Bay and River. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 32 : 1908, 459-470. [1283 Omwake, John. The Conestoga Six-Horse Bell Teams of Eastern Pennsylvania. Cincinnati, O. : Ebbert and Richardson, 1930. 163 p. [1284 106 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Orr, John G. Early Highways. Kittochtinny Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 5 : 1908, 9-23, 223-251 ; v. 6 : 1910, 140-169 ; v. 7 : 1912, 152-185. [1285 Ritenour, John S. Over the Old Roads to Pittsburgh. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 4: 1921, 76-83. [1286 Shoemaker, Henry W. Early Transportation in Pennsylvania. Pa. Arts and Sciences, v. 2 : 1937, 90-92, 116. [1287 Sohl, Charles E. Early Transportation in the Philadelphia Area. Old York Road Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 11 : 1947, 3-20 [1288 Strohm, John and Herbert H. Beck. The Conestoga Horse. Lan- caster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 44 : 1940, 77-92. [1289 Tolles, Frederick B. Benjamin Franklin's Business Mentors: The Philadelphia Quaker Merchants. Wm. and Mary Quar., v. 4 : 1947, 60-69. [1290 Meeting House and Counting House. Chapel Hill, N. C. : University of North Carolina Press, 1948. 290 p. [1291 A study of the Philadelphia Quaker merchants during the 18th century. Turner, Morris K. The Commercial Relations of the Susquehanna Valley, the Colonial Period. University of Pennsylvania, doctoral dissertation. 1916. [1292 Two Early Roads. York Co. Hist. Soc. Yearbook, 1940, 15-16. [1293 Wilkinson, Norman B. The Conestoga Wagon. Am. Heritage, v. 2 : no. 4, 1951, 2-6. [1294 Wister, Frances A. The Great Road to Germantown. Germantowne Crier, v. 1 : no. 1, 1949, 15, 24-26. [1295 Young, Henry J., ed. Two Early Roads. York Co. Hist. Soc. Year- book, 1940, 15-16. [1296 2. Inter-Colonial Beyer, Richard L. Relations of New York and Pennsylvania, 1710- 1719. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 14 : 1930, 3-12. [1297 Nettels, Curtis. The Economic Relations of Boston, Philadelphia and New York, 1680-1715. Jour. Econ. and Bus. Hist., v. 3: 1931, 185-215. [1298 Raup, H. F. Susquehanna Corridor : A Neglected Trans-Appalachian Route. Geog. Rev., v. 30 : 1940, 439-450. [1299 The Colony 107 Rodney, Richard S. Early Relations of Delaware and Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 54 : 1930, 209-240. [1300 3. Imperial and Foreign Brewington, Marion V. Maritime Philadelphia, 1609-1837. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 63 : 1939, 93-117. [1301 Chandler, Charles L. Early Shipbuilding in Pennsylvania, 1683-1812. [Philadelphia: Colonial Press], 1932. 43 p. [1302 A Brackett Foundation lecture, which is a brief outline of the shipbuilding industry in Pennsylvania during the first one hundred and thirty years of settlement. Gillingham, Harrold E. Some Colonial Ships Built in Philadelphia. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 56 : 1932, 156-186. [1303 Griffin, B. Account of the Evasions of the Acts of Trade in the Early History of Pennsylvania. University of Pennsylvania, master's thesis. 1932. [1304 Klopfer, Helen L. Statistics of Foreign Trade of Philadelphia, 1700- 1860. University of Pennsylvania, doctoral dissertation. 1936. [1305 Middlebrook, Louis F. The Ship Mary of Philadelphia, 1740. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 58 : 1934, 127-151. [1306 Schenkel, Edwin N. The Development of the Foreign Commerce of Philadelphia to 1820. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1928. [1307 4. Indian Adams, John A. The Indian Trader of the Upper Ohio Valley. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 17: 1934, 163-174. [1308 Carter, John H. The Shamokin Indian Traders. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc., v. 15 : 1946, 5-24. [1309 Diffenderffer, F. R. Indian Trader Troubles. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 9 : 1905, 305-326. [1310 Dunham, Douglas. The French Element in the American Fur Trade. University of Michigan, doctoral dissertation. 1950. [1311 Eavenson, Howard N. Map Maker and Indian Traders; an Account, of John Patten . . . Charles Swaine . . . Theodorus Swaine Drage. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1949. 275 p. [1312 108 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Franklin, W. Neil. Pennsylvania-Virginia Rivalry for the Indian Trade of the Ohio Valley [1720-1775]. Miss. Valley Hist. Rev., v. 20 : 1934, 463-480. [1313 Hanna, Charles A. The Wilderness Trail ; or, the Ventures and Ad- ventures of the Pennsylvania Traders on the Allegheny Path . . . New York : Putnam, 1911. 2 vols. [1314 Hunter, William A. Traders on the Ohio : 1730. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 35 : 1952, 85-92. [1315 Landis, Charles I. . . . Captain William Trent, an Indian Trader. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 23 : 1919, 173-183. [1316 Landis, David H. A Brief Description of the Indian Life and Indian Trade of the Susquehanna Indians . . . [Lancaster, Pa.], 1929. 48 p. [1317 Conoy Indian Town and Peter Bezaillion. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 37 : 1933, 113-136. [1318 Peckham, Howard, ed. George Croghan, Journal of His Trip to Detroit in 1767. Ann Arbor, Mich. : University of Michigan Press, 1939. 61 p. [1319 Ross, Frank E. The Fur Trade of the Ohio Valley. Ind. Mag. Hist., v. 34:1938,417-442. [1320 Thurman, Lawrence S. An Account Book of Baynton, Wharton, and Morgan at Fort Pitt, 1765-1767. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 29 : 1946, 141-146. [1321 Wainwright, Nicholas B. George Croghan — Indian Trader. Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, master's thesis. 1951. [1322 An Indian Trade Failure, the Story of the Hockley, Trent and Croghan Company, 1748-1752. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 72 : 1948, 343-375. [1323 Zimmerman, Albright G. Daniel Coxe and the New Mediterranean Sea Company. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 76 : 1952, 86-96. [1324 F. Finance, Insurance, and Prices Another Franklin "First." Phila. Mag., v. 39: no. 3, 1952, 38-39, 92-93. [1325 The Colony 109 Bezanson, Anne, Robert D. Gray and Miriam Hussey. Prices in Colonial Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1935. 445 p. [1326 Buell, Richard C. Constitutional Significance of Early Pennsylvania Price-Fixing Legislation. Temple Law Quar., v. 11: 1937, 314- 329. [1327 Diffenderffer, F. R. Our Early Currency and Its Value. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 14 ■ 1910, 151-159. [1328 Fowler, John A. History of Insurance in Philadelphia, 1683-1882. Philadelphia: Review Publishing and Printing Company, 1888. 899 p. [1329 Gillingham, Harrold E. Counterfeiting in Colonial Pennsylvania. New York : American Numismatic Society, 1939. 52 p. [1330 Hoober, R. T. Colonial Paper Currencies of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Numismatist, v. 57: 1944, 1101-1113. [1331 Jackson, Tatlow. Revenue of Pennsylvania, 1682-1883. Philadelphia : Welsh, 1883. 54 p. [1332 Lester, Richard A. Currency Issues to Overcome Depressions in Pennsylvania, 1723 and 1729. Jour. Pol. Econ., v. 46 : 1938, 324- 375. [1333 MacFarlane, C. W. Pennsylvania Paper Currency. Philadelphia: American Academy of Political and Social Science, Publications, no. 178, 1896. 126 p. [1334 Martin, C. H. Early Coin and Private Scrip of Lancaster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 44 : 1940, 41-50. [1335 . . . Provincial, Continental and Federal Revenues of Lan- caster County, Pennsylvania. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 25 : 1921, 27-38. [1336 Myers, Eugene A. Tax Legislation in Pennsylvania to 1873. Uni- versity of Pittsburgh, doctoral dissertation. 1947. [1337 Nead, Benjamin M. A Brief Review of the Financial History of Penn- sylvania, 1682-1881. Harrisburg: Hart, 1881. 56 p. [1338 Phillips, Henry, jr. Historical Sketch of the Paper Money Issued by Pennsylvania . . . Philadelphia : Kline, 1862. 40 p. [1339 110 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Plummer, Wilbur C. Consumer Credit in Colonial Philadelphia. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 66 : 1942, 385-409. [1340 Riddell, William R. Benjamin Franklin and Colonial Money. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 54 : 1930, 52-64. [1341 Rosenberger, Homer T. Commodity Price Fixing in Pennsylvania — 1676-1800. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 19 : no. 4, 1951, 3-12 ; no. 5, 13-22, 30-31. [1342 Stradley, Leighton P. Early Financial and Economic History of Pennsylvania. New York: Commerce Clearing House, 1942. 85 p. [1343 A very brief outline in the most general terms of the financial and economic development of Pennsylvania to 1873. Thomas Willing and Company: A Study of Early Marine Under- writers in Philadelphia. In Casebook in American Business History. New York: Crofts, 1939. p. 139-149. [1344 Wainwright, Nicholas B. A Philadelphia Story: 1752-1952. Philadel- phia: The Contributionship, 1952. 260 p. [1345 The history of two centuries of insurance writing in Philadelphia. Worthington, T. K. Historical Sketch of the Finances of Pennsyl- vania. Baltimore, 1899. 106 p. (American Economic Association Publications, 1897. Volume 2, no. 2.) [1346 Yoder, Paton W. Paper Currency in Colonial Pennsylvania. Indiana University, doctoral dissertation. 1941. [1347 G. Cultural Evidences 1. General Alderfer, E. Gordon. The Pioneer Culture of the Plain People. Mennonite Life, v. 5: no. 4, 1950, 30-34. [1348 Wertenbaker, Thomas J. The Golden Age of Colonial Culture. New York : New York University Press, 1942. 172 p. [1349 Philadelphia is one of six colonial cities discussed in this survey of learning, the arts, literature and commerce of the colonial era. 2. Art and Architecture Allen, G. H. Some European Origins of Early Pennsylvania Archi- tecture. Am. Jour. Archaeol., v. 40 : 1936, 126. [1350 The Colony 111 Boggs, Edward F. Colonial Architecture in Montgomery County. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 3 : 1905, 23-34. [1351 Brabazon, Thomas. Our Earliest Civic Center; the Independence Hall Group in Philadelphia. Arch. Rec, v. 34: 1913, 1-19. [1352 Brumbaugh, G. Edwin. Architecture in Pennsylvania. Pa. Hist., v. 17 : 1950, 103-105. [1353 Chandler, J. E. The Colonial Architecture of Maryland, Pennsyl- vania and Virginia. Boston : Bates and Guild, 1900. 50 p. [1354 Comings, Marian. The Pioneer Architecture of Western Pennsyl- vania. Carnegie Mag., v. 11 : 1938, 305-308. [1355 Cousins, Frank, and P. M. Riley. The Colonial Architecture of Phila- delphia. Boston : Little, Brown, 1920. 248 p. [1356 Dickson, Harold E. Pennsylvania's Contributions to the Arts: A Symposium. Pa. Hist., v. 17 : 1950, 101-102. [1357 Drepperd, Carl W. Silversmiths of Lancaster. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 49 : 1945, 1-7. [1358 Early Architecture of Western Pennsylvania. Arch. Forum, v. 66 : 1937, 229-236. [1359 Eberlein, Harold D., and Cortlandt V. Hubbard. Fractur Painting in Pennsylvania. Am.-German Rev., v. 3 : no. 1, 1936, 11-15. [1360 Portrait of a Colonial City : 1670-1838. Philadelphia: Lip- pincott, 1939. 580 p. [1361 Critical interpretations of architecture; genealogical and social details reliable, but largely antiquarian rather than critical in nature. Flexner, James T. America 's Old Masters ; First Artists of the New World. New York: Viking, 1939. 332 p. [1362 Benjamin West and Charles Willson Peale are among the artists whose lives and works are presented. Gillingham, Harrold E. Indian Ornaments Made by Philadelphia Silversmiths. New York : Published under the Auspices of Museum of American Indian, Heye Foundation, 1936. 26 p. [1363 Gray, William F. Philadelphia's Architecture . . . Phila. City Hist. Soc. Pub., no. 12 : 1915 [319] -376. [1364 Heisey, M. Luther. Were Imported Bricks Used in Colonial America ? Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 50 : 1946, 81-93. [1365 112 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Jackson, Joseph. American Colonial Architecture, Its Origin and Development. Philadelphia : David McKay, 1924. 228 p. [1366 Early Philadelphia Architects and Engineers. Philadelphia: The Author, 1923. 285 p. [1367 How Independence Hall Was Built. Am. Inst. Architects Jour., v. 4: 1945, 160-166. [1368 Kimball, Fiske. Domestic Architecture of the American Colonies and of the Early Republic. New York : Scribner, 1923. 314 p. [1369 Kocher, Alfred L. The Character and Development of Colonial Ar- chitecture in Centre County, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1916. [1370 [Kocher, Alfred L.] The Early Architecture of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 24: 1920, 91-106. [1371 Kocher, Alfred L. Early Architecture of Pennsylvania. Arch. Rec, v. 48: 1920, 513-530; v. 49: 1921, 31-47, 135-155, 233-248, 311-330, 409-422, 519-535; v. 50: 1921, 27-43, 147-157, 214-226, 397-406; v. 51 : 1922, 507-520 ; v. 52 : 1922, 121-132, 435-444. [1372 The Origin of Log Houses in the United States. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 5 : 1926, 568-583. [1373 Morrison, Hugh. Early American Architecture: From the First Colonial Settlements to the National Period. New York: Oxford University Press, 1952. 619 p. [1374 Prime, Alfred C, comp. The Arts and Crafts in Philadelphia, Mary- land and South Carolina, 1721-1785. Topsfield, Mass. : The Walpole Society, 1929. 325 p. [1375 Raymond, Eleanor. Early Domestic Architecture of Pennsylvania. New York : William Helburn, 1931. 158 p. [1376 Ritter, Eleanor G. Germantown's First Artists. Germantowne Crier, v. 1 : no. 3, 1949, 18-19. [1377 Robacker, Earl F. The Painted Tinware of Pennsylvania [1683- 1914] . Decorator, v. 3 : no. 2, 1949, 13-20. [1378 Sawitzky, William. The American "Work of Benjamin West. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 62 : 1938, 433-462. [1379 The Colony 113 Sellers, Charles C. J nines Claypoole — A Founder of the Art of Paint- ing in Pennsylvania. Pa. Hist., v. 17 : 1950, 106-109. [1380 Sherman, Frederic F. The Art of Benjamin West. Art in America, v. 6 : 1918, 155-162. [1381 Shoemaker, Alfred L. Reading's First Artist, A Painter of Butter- flies. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 13 : 1948, 89-90. [1382 Sims, Joseph P. Old Philadelphia Colonial Details. New York: Architectural Book Publishing Company, 1914. 55 p. [1383 Sizer, Theodore. Philadelphia's First Presbyterian Church by Mr. Trumbull. Jour. Soc. Arch. Hist., v. 9: October, 1950, 20-22; May, 1951, 27-28. [1384 Stiffler, Mary E. Early Pennsylvania Painters and Their Paintings. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1931. [1385 Wallace, Philip B. Colonial Churches and Meeting Houses, Pennsyl- vania, New Jersey and Delaware. New York: Architectural Book Publishing Company, 1931. 291 p. [1386 Colonial Houses, Philadelphia, Pre-Revolutionary Period. New York: Architectural Book Publishing Company, 1931. 248 p. [1387 Waterman, Thomas T. The Dwellings of Colonial America. Chapel Hill, N. C. : University of North Carolina Press, 1950. 312 p. [1388 Whitmore, Eleanor M. Origins of Pennsylvania Folk Art. Antiques, v. 38 : 1940, 106-110. [1389 3. Education Alexander, Archibald. Biographical Sketches of the Founder and Principal Alumni of Log College . . . Philadelphia: Martien, 1851. 279 p. [1390 Beam, Jacob N. Dr. Robert Smith's Academy at Pequea, Pennsyl- vania. Presbyterian Church Dept. Hist. Jour., v. 8: 1915, 145- 161. [1391 Bell, Whitfield J., jr. Philadelphia Medical Students in Europe, 1750- 1800. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 67 : 1943, 1-29. [1392 Brumbaugh, Martin G. An Educational Struggle in Colonial Penn- sylvania. Lancaster, Pa.: Wickersham Press, 1898. 20 p. [1393 114 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Burns, James A. Catholic Colonial Schools in Pennsylvania. Cath. Univ. Bui*, v. 13: 1907, 582-600. [1394 Chamberlain, Joshua L. University of Pennsylvania, Its History, Influence, Equipment and Characteristics with Biographical Sketches . . . Boston: R. Herndon, 1901-1902. 2 vols. [1395 Cheyney, Edward P. History of the University of Pennsylvania, 1740-1940. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1940. 461 p. [1396 The impressive story of the two hundred years of achievement of the University of Pennsylvania, told chiefly through the men who shaped its destinies. Craven, Elijah R. The Log College of Neshaminy and Princeton University. Presbyterian Church Dept. Hist. Jour., v. 1: 1901- 1902, 308-314. [1397 Distler, Theodore A. Franklin's Two Colleges. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 48 : 1945-1946, 117-124. [1398 Documentary History of William Tennent and the Log College. Phila- delphia : Department of History of the Presbyterian Church, 1940. 193 p. [1399 Dowlin, Cornell M. Polymathean Professors, William Smith — John Ewing — David Rittenhouse. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 45: 1942-1943, 136-156. [1400 Dulles, Charles W. Charity School of 1740, the Foundation of the University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia : The Author, 1904. 29 p. [1401 Fox, Bertha S. Provost Smith and the Quest for Funds. Pa. Hist., v. 2 : 1935, 225-238. [1402 Franklin, Benjamin. Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pensilvania. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1931. 32 p. (A facsimile reprint of Franklin's famous 1749 edi- tion.) [1403 Garrett, Edwin A., III. The Evolution and Early Years of the Episcopal Academy in Philadelphia. P. E. Church Hist. Mag., v. 21 : 1952, 461-473. [1404 Gerhard, Elmer S. The History of Schwenckfelder Schools and Edu- cation. SCHWENCKFELDIANA, V. 1 : 1943, 5-21. [1405 German Schools. Chester Co. Coll., no. 13 : 1939, 413-414. [1406 The Colony 115 Gotwald, F. G. Pennsylvania German Lutherans and Higher Educa- tion. Luth. Quar., v. 37 : 1907, 404-421. [1407 Graves, Frank P. Educational Pioneers of Pennsylvania. School and Soc., v. 13 : 1921, 91-97. [1408 Grumbine, Ezra L. An Early Educational Project of Lebanon Town. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 3 : 1905, 143-154. [1409 Gummere, John F. Highlights of the History of the William Penn Charter School. Germantowne Crier, v. 1 : no. 3, 1949, 16-17, 26. [1410 Haller, Mabel. Early Moravian Education in Pennsylvania. Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, doctoral dissertation. 1951. [1411 Hamilton, J. Taylor. The Early Moravian Contribution to Liberal Education in Eastern Pennsylvania. [Easton, Pa., 1901?]. 15 p. [1412 Hanning, George T. A Historical Survey of the Schools in Chester County Prior to 1834. Temple University, master's thesis. 1937. [1413 Harbold, P. M. Schools and Education in the Borough of Lancaster. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 46 : 1942, 1-44. [1414 Haskins, Charles H., and William I. Hull. History of Higher Edu- cation in Pennsylvania. Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1902. 272 p. [1415 An account of the origin and growth of many of the colleges and universities in Pennsylvania. Each institution is treated in a separate chapter by a member of its faculty. There is evaluation of higher education at different periods in history. Haviland, Thomas P. "Attend ! Be Firm ! Ye Fathers of the State" : An Account of the Commencement, College of Philadelphia, May 17, 1775. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 52 : 1950, 129-137. [1416 Hornberger, Theodore. A Note on the Probable Source of Provost Smith's Famous Curriculum for the College of Philadelphia. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 58 : 1934, 370-377. [1417 Hunter, Margaret A. Education in Pennsylvania Promoted by the Presbyterian Church, 1726-1837. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1937. 170 p. [1418 Ingram, George H. The Story of the Log College. Prushyterian Church Dept. Hist. Jour., v. 12 : 1927, 487-511. [1419 116 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Jackson, Joseph. A History of the Germantown Academy. Phila- delphia: S. H. Burbank, 1910. 321 p. [1420 A Philadelphia Schoolmaster of the Eighteenth Century. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 35 : 1911, 315-332. [1420a Jenkins, Arthur H. Abington Friends School. Old York Road Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 7 : 1943, 41-51. [1421 Lewis, Frank G. A Sketch of the History of Baptist Education in Pennsylvania. Chester, Pa. : J. Spencer, 1919. 42 p. [1422 Lippincott, Horace M. Early Undergraduate Life. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 43 : 1940, 38-50. [1423 Founding and Founder : Weighing the Evidence [University of Pennsylvania] . Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 43 : 1941, 298- 322. [1424 The University of Pennsylvania, Franklin's College: Being Some Account of its Beginnings and Developments . . . Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1919. 248 p. [1425 Livingood, Frederick G. Eighteenth Century Keformed Church Schools. Norristown, Pa., 1930. 313 p. [1426 Lozo, John P. A Brief History of Pennsylvania Colleges and Uni- versities. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1925. [1427 McAnear, Beverly. The Raising of Funds by the Colonial Colleges. Miss. Valley Hist. Rev., v. 38 : 1952, 591-612. [1428 McDevitt, Philip R. Parish School Beginnings in North America. Eccles. Rev., v. 91 : 1934, 292-294. [1429 Maurer, Charles L. Early Lutheran Education in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia : Dorrance [cl932]. 294 p. [1430 An evaluation of the contribution of the Lutheran Church to the education of youth in Pennsylvania during the eighteenth century. The influence of such leaders as Muhlenberg, Zinzendorf and others is very effectively presented. For the most part based on original sources. Selected bibliography is included. Meyer, Henry H. Child Nature and Nurture According to Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf. Cincinnati, O.: Abington Press, 1928. 229 p. [1431 Montgomery, Thomas H. A History of the University of Pennsyl- vania from Its Foundation to A. D. 1770 . . . Philadelphia: G. W. Jacobs, 1900. 566 p. [1432 The Colony 117 Moore, Herbert G. Our Colonial Colleges; 1 — Moravian Seminary and College. D. A. R. Mag., v. 82 : 1948, 413-418. [1433 Our Colonial Colleges : 3— Linden Hall. D. A. R. Mag., v. 82 : 1948, 677-681. [1434 Our Colonial Colleges : 8 — the University of Pennsylvania [1740-1949]. D. A. R. Mag., v. 83: 1949, 8-14. [1435 Morgan, William G. The University of Pennsylvania, Its Pioneers, and Its Influence on American Life and History. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chrox., v. 33 : 1931, 348-358. [1436 Mortimer, Charlotte B. Bethlehem and Bethlehem School. New York : Stanford and Delisser, 1858. 208 p. [1436a Mulhern, James. A History of Secondary Education in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia : The Author, 1933. 714 p. [1437 A scholarly study of secondary education in Pennsylvania from its origin to the end of the nineteenth century. All aspects of the field are covered including the historical development, curriculum, organization, method and policies. Nolan, J. Bennett. Pennsylvania Students at the Inns of Court. Pa. Bar Assoc. Quar,, December, 1929, 22-27. [1438 Owen, Eugene D. Where Did Benjamin Franklin Get the Idea for His Academy? Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 58: 1934, 86-94. [1439 Pears, Thomas C, jr. Colonial Education Among Presbyterians. Presbyterian Hist. Soc. Jour., v. 30 : 1952, 115-126, 165-174. [1440 History by Hearsay; or New Light on William Tennent: A Footnote on the "Documentary History of William Tennent." Presbyterian Church Dept. Hist. Jour., v. 19 : 1940, 65-75. [1441 Pennypacker, Samuel W. Origin of the University of Pennsylvania in 1740. Philadelphia, 1899. 23 p. [1442 Pleasants, Henry. The History of the Old Eagle School, Tredyffrin, in Chester County, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Winston, [cl909]. 180 p. [1443 "Public Grammar School" [William Penn Charter School]. Phila. Mag., v. 38: no. 10, 1951, 32-33, 56. [1444 Purcell, Richard J. Irish Educational Contribution to Colonial Penn- sylvania. Cath. Educ. Rev., v. 37 : 1939, 425-439. [1445 118 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History University of Pennsylvania, 1740-1940. Cath. Educ. Rev., v. 40:1942,460-468. [1446 Reichel, Levin T. A History of Nazareth Hall from 1755 to 1855 . . . Philadelphia : Lippineott, 1855. 159 p. [1447 Reichel, William C. Historical Sketch of Nazareth Hall from 1755 to 1869 . . . Philadelphia : Lippineott, 1869. 356 p. [1448 Reynolds, Mary. Early Episcopal Education in Pennsylvania. Tem- ple University, master's thesis. 1937. [1449 Riddle, William. Nicholas Comenius; or, Ye Pennsylvania School- master of Ye Olden Time. Lancaster, Pa. : Wickersham Press, 1897. 469 p. [1450 One Hundred and Fifty Years of School History in Lan- caster, Pennsylvania. Lancaster, Pa. : The Author, 1905. 442 p. [1451 Robinette, A. History of the Educational Institutions of Chester City, Pennsylvania from Its Settlement to 1876 . . . Chester, Pa., 1879. 63 p. [1452 Ruhl, Harry S. History of Secondary Education, Lebanon, Pennsyl- vania. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 11 : 1936, 55-115. [1453 Schaeffer, N. C. Education in Berks County Before the Revolution. Berks Co. Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 1 : 1904, 17-20. [1454 Schlegel, Albert G. W. Moravian Education in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1927. [1455 Schultz, Marvin G. Early Schwenckfelder Education in Pennsylvania. Temple University, master's thesis. 1936. [1456 Schultz, Selina G. The Hosensack Academy. Sciiwenckfeldiana, v. 1 : 1943, 72-82. [1457 Schwarze, W. N. Linden Hall Junior College and School for Girls. Moravian Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 14 : 1949, 293-310. [1458 Smith, "William, D. D., and Collegiate Education in Pennsylvania Prior to 1800. Am. Jour. Educ, v. 27 : 1877, 473-496. [1459 Taylor, William S. The Development of the Professional Education of Teachers in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Lippineott, 1924. 293 p. [1460 A critical and interpretative history of the cdurntion of teachers from the colonial period to the present time. The Colony 119 Thompson, W. J. George Whitefield: Educator and University Founder. Methodist Rev., v. 109 : 1926, 341-355. [1461 Travis, William. History of the Germantown Academy, 1760 to 1877. Philadelphia : Ferguson, 1882. 64 p. [1461a Turner, D. K. The Schools of Neshaminy. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 7 : 1937, 1-18. [1462 Sketch of Log College. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 3 : 1909, 1-10. [1463 Turner, William L. The College, Academy and Charitable School of Philadelphia. . . . 1740-1779. University of Pennsylvania, doctoral dissertation. 1952. [1464 Weber, Samuel E. The Charity School Movement in Colonial Penn- sylvania. Philadelphia: G. F. Lasher [1905]. 74 p. [1465 A critical study of the charity school movement based on an examination of the sources. Wood, George B. Early History of the University of Pennsylvania from its Origin to the Year 1827 . . . Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1896. 275 p. [1466 Woody, Thomas. Early Quaker Education in Pennsylvania. New York: Teachers College, Columbia University, 1920. 287 p. [1467 A careful monograph based on an intensive study of the records of Quaker meetings and schools in colonial times. Worner, William F. The Charity School Movement in Lancaster, 1755. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 42 : 1938, 1-11. [1468 4. Journalism and Printing Bridenbaugh, Carl. The Press and the Book in Eighteenth Century Philadelphia. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 65 : 1941, 1-30. [1468a Brig, Jean H. Publishing — A Philadelphia Tradition. Phila. Mag., v. 37 : no. 5, 1950, 22-24, 42-43. [1469 Brigham, Clarence S. Journals and Journeymen. A Contribution to the History of Early American Newspapers. Philadelphia : Uni- versity of Pennsylvania Press, 1950. 114p. [1470 Bullen, Henry L. The Bradford Family of Printers. Am. Coll., v. 1 : 1926, 148-156, 164-170. [1471 120 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Complete File of the Earliest American Magazine to Survive Infancy {The American Magazine and Historical Chronicle, 1743-46]. Month at Goodspeed's, v. 21 : October, 1949, 19-22. [1472 Dearmond, Anna J. Andrew Bradford. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania, doctoral dissertation. 1947. [1473 Dreis, Hazel. Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Bookbindings, An Historical Study. Bibliog. Soc. Am. Pap., v. 42 : 1948, 119-128. [1474 [Engle, J. Linton], corny. Franklin Printing Company, Benjamin Franklin, Founder . . . 1728-1915. Philadelphia: Franklin Print- ing Company, 1915. 53 p. [1475 Ford, Paul L. History of the Pennsylvania Gazette. Mag. Am. Hist., v. 15 : 1886, 452-456. [1476 Gilbert, Russell W. Advertisements and Announcements in the Sauer Almanac. Susq. Univ. Stud., v. 3 : 1948, 244-262 [1477 Sower's Almanac as an Advertising Medium. Am.-German Kev., v. 15 : no. 1, 1948, 9-12. [1478 Haviland, Thomas P. Franklin's General Magazine, 1741. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 48 : 1945-1946, 125-138. [1479 Hocker, Edward W. Book Printing in Germantown After the Sowers. Germantowne Crier, v. 2: no. 3, 1950, 15-17, 25-26; no. 4, 11, 25-27. [1480 The Sower Printing House of Colonial Times. Pa. -German Soc. Proc. and Add., v. 53 : 1948. 125 p. [1481 Huch, C. F. Die Erste Deutsche Zeitung in Philadelphia. Deutsch. Pion.-Verein v. Phila. Mitteil., v. 7 : 1908, 20-27. [1482 Jorgenson, Chester E. A Brand Flung at Colonial Orthodoxy : Samuel Keimer's "Universal Instructor in all Arts and Sciences." Jour- nalism Quar., v. 12 : 1935, 272-277. [1482a Kobre, Sidney. The Development of the Colonial Newspaper. Pitts- burgh: Colonial Press, 1944. 188 p. [1483 Journalism in Philadelphia receives extended treatment. McMurtrie, Douglas C. The First Printers of York, Pennsylvania, Including the Text of Some of the Imprints of the York Press During the Early Days of the Revolutionary War. York, Pa. : Maple Press, 1940. 48 p. [1484 The Colony 121 A History of Printing in the United States; The Story of the Introduction of the Press and Its History and Influence During the Pioneer Period in Each State of the Union. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1936. Volume 2. [1485 Murphy, Lawrence W. John Dunlap's Packet and Its Competitors [Philadelphia, 1771-96]. Journalism Quar., v. 28: 1951, 58-62. [1486 Murphy, Lawrence W., eel. A Monopoly Daily of 1785 [Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser] Looks at Its Obligations. Journalism Quar., v. 26 : 1949, 202-203. [1487 Nolan, J. Bennett. The First Decade of Printing in Reading, Penn- sylvania. Reading, Pa. : Reading National Bank and Trust Com- pany, 1930. 64 p. [1488 Parsons, Wilfrid. Early Catholic Publishers in Philadelphia. Cath. Hist. Rev., v. 24 : 1938, 141-152. [1489 Phillips, Henry, jr. Almanacs Published in Philadelphia Between 1705 and 1744. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 19 : 1881, 291-297. [1490 Richards, Louis. The First Newspaper in Pennsylvania. Berks Co. Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 2 : 1905-1909, 335-358. [1491 Smyth, Albert H. The Philadelphia Magazines and Their Contribu- tors, 1741-1850. Philadelphia : Lindsay and Blakiston, 1892. 264 p. [1492 Sower, Albert M. The Sower Bible. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 4: 1943, 33-38. [1493 Wallace, John W. Early Printing in Philadelphia. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 4 : 1880, 432-445. [1494 Wilson, H. W. Early Periodicals in Pennsylvania. Pa. Lib. Notes, v. 14:1935,498-504. [1495 Ziegler, Samuel H. The Ephrata Printing Press Now in the Print- shop of Frank P. King, New Enterprise, Bedford County, Pennsyl- vania. Allentown, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Folklore Society. 1940. 12 p. [1496 122 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History 5. Libraries, Literature, and Learned Societies Abbot, George M., corny. A Short History of the Library Company of Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Library Company of Philadelphia, 1913. 26 p. [1497 American Philosophical Society. An Historical Account of the Origin and Formation of the American Philosophical Society. Philadel- phia : The Society, 1914. 196 p. [1497a Boynton, Henry W. Annals of American Bookselling, 1638-1850. New York : J. Wiley, 1932. 219 p. [1498 Brigham, Clarence S. History of Book Auctions in America. N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bul., v. 39 : 1935, 55-90. [1499 Comly, Isaac. Notices of Some Early Poets of Pennsylvania. Penn Mo., v. 3 : 1872, 137-147. [1500 Conklin, Edwin G. A Brief History of the American Philosophical Society [1743-1946]. Am. Phil. Soc. Year Book, 1949, 7-27. [1501 Dubbs, Joseph H. The Colonial Literature of Pennsylvania. Mercers- burg Rev., v. 22 : 1875, 556-570. [1502 Englebert, Arthur F. Francis Daniel Pastorius in His Literary Ac- tivities. University of Pittsburgh, doctoral dissertation. 1935. [1503 First Book Printed in Philadelphia, 1685. Historical Mag. (Daw- son's), v. 8: 1864, 274-276. [1504 Fisher, Joshua F. Some Account of the Early Poets and Poetry of Pennsylvania. Pa. Hist. Soc. Mem., v. 2: 1830, [53] -102. [1505 Gray, Austin K. Benjamin Franklin's Library: A Short Account of the Library Company of Philadelphia, 1731-1931. New York : Mac- millan, 1937. 80 p. [1506 Gummere, Richard M. Apollo on Locust Street. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 56 : 1932, 68-92. [1507 Jackson, M. K. Outlines of the Literary History of Colonial Penn- sylvania. Lancaster, Pa. : New Era Printing Company, 1906. 177 p. [1508 This analysis of literary production in Pennsylvania, from the time of William Penn until 1800, emphasizes the foreign source or inspiration of much colonial and early national writing. The Colony 123 Jones, Howard M. The Importation of French Books in Philadel- phia, 1750-1800. Mod. Philology, v. 32 : 1934, 157-177. [1509 Kenny, Robert W. James Ralph [cl695-1762] an Eighteenth Century Philadelphian in Grub Street. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 64 : 1940, 218-242. [1510 Krumrine, John M. Literature of Pennsylvania to 1860. Pennsyl- vania State College, master's thesis. 1928. [1511 Lamberton, E. V. Colonial Libraries of Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 42 : 1918, 193-234. [1512 Lingelbach, William E. The Library of the American Philosophical Society. Wm. and Mary Quae., v. 3 : 1946, 48-69. [1513 The Story of " Philosophical Hall." Am. Phil. Soc. Proc v. 94: 1950, 185-213. [1514 Livingood, James W. A History of Libraries in Pennsylvania Before 1832. Pa. Lib. Notes, v. 13 : 1932, 152-155. [1515 McCreary, Nancy H. Pennsylvania Literature of the Colonial Period. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 52 : 1928, 289-316. [1516 Nolan, J. Bennett. A Literary Landmark of Early Berks County; Our First Book Subscription List. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 5 : 1940, 108-110. [1517 Oberholtzer, Ellis P. Franklin's Philosophical Society. Popular Sci. Mo., v. 60 : 1902, 430-437. [1518 Patterson, Robert M. Early History of the American Philosophical Society . . . Philadelphia : John C. Clark, 1943. 36 p. [1519 Renstrom, A. G. Earliest Swedish Imprints in the United States. Bibliog. Soc. Am. Pap., v. 39 : 1945, 181-191. [1520 Rosengarten, J. G. The American Philosophical Society, 1743-1903. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 27 : 1903, 329-336. [1521 Rubincam, Milton. History of Benjamin Franklin's Junto Club. Pennsylvanian, v. 1 : 1944, 15-16. [1522 Thomas, Macklin. The Idea of Progress in the Writings of Franklin, Freneau, Barlow, and Rush. University of Wisconsin, doctoral dis- sertation. 1938. [1523 124 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Tyson, J. R. The Social and Intellectual State of the Colony of Penn- sylvania Prior to the Year 1743. Philadelphia: John C. Clark, 1843. 84 p. [1524 Wainwright, Nicholas B., ed. Nicholas Scull's "Junto" Verses. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 73 : 1949, 82-84. [1525 Wharton, Thomas I. Notes on the Provincial Literature of Pennsyl- vania. Pa. Hist. Soc. Mem., v. 1: 1826 [99] -157. [1526 Williams, Churchill. Philadelphia in Fiction. Bookman, v. 16 : 1902, 360-373. [1527 Williams, Francis H. Pennsylvania Poets of the Provincial Period. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 17 : 1893, 1-33. [1528 Wilson, Arthur H. Literature Regarding the Susquehanna Valley, 1743-1842. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc., v. 13: 1943, 71-86. [1529 Wright, Luella M. Cultural Qualities in Early Quakerism. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 24 : 1935, 34-44. [1530 The Literary Life of the Early Friends, 1650-1725. New York : Columbia University Press, 1932. 309 p. [1531 6. Music Albrecht, Otto E. 18th Century Music in the University Library. Pa. Univ. Lib, Chron., v. 5 : 1937, 12-24. [1532 Baily, Joshua L., jr. Friends and Music. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 23 : 1934, 21-30. [1533 [Beck, Herbert H.] . . . Lititz as an Early Musical Centre . . . Lan- caster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 19 : 1915, 71-84. [1534 Campbell, Jane. Old Philadelphia Music. Phila. City Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 2: 1926, [181] -206. [1535 Chancellor, Paul G. Pennsylvania's Colonial Influences on American Musical History. Etude, v. 66 : no. 75, 1948, 122-123, 147, 186, 221, 256, 266. [1536 Church Music and Musical Life in Pennsylvania in the Eighteenth Century. Philadelphia : Pennsylvania Society of the Colonial Dames of America, 1947. 576 p. [1537 The Colony 125 David, Hans T. Background for Bethlehem: Moravian Music in Pennsylvania. Mag. Art., v. 32 : 1939, 222-225, 254. [1538 Musical Composition at Ephrata. Am.-German Rev., v. 10: no. 5, 1944, 4-5. [1539 Musical Life in the Pennsylvania Settlements of the Unitas Fratrum. Moravian Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 13 : 1942, 19-58. [1540 Good, Marian G. Some Musical Backgrounds of Pennsylvania. Car- rolltown, Pa. : Carrolltown News Press, 1932. 101 p. [1541 Grider, Rufus A. Historical Notes on Music in Bethlehem, Pennsyl- vania from 1741 to 1871. Philadelphia: John L. Pile, 1873. 41 p. [1542 Hipsher, Edward E. Music in Philadelphia. Pa. Arts and Sciences, v. 2: 1937, 169-170, 189-192, 237-239, 260; v. 3: 1938, 20-23, 256- 258, 294-295; v. 4: 1939-1940, 148-150. [1543 Kinscella, Hazel G. Music in Colonial Philadelphia, 1664-1776. Wash- ington University, doctoral dissertation. 1941. [1544 Myers, Elizabeth L. The Story of the Bach Festival. Am.-German Rev., v. 1 : no. 4, 1935, 14-17, 49. [1545 Pennsylvanians Early Developed Own Music. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 18 : no. 1, 1949, 28-32. [1547 Rail, Albert G. Development of Music in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Moravian Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 13 : 1942, 59-64. [1548 Sachse, Julius F. The Music of the Ephrata Cloister also Conrad Beissel's Treatise on Music as Set Forth in a Preface to the "Turtel Taube" of 1747. Lancaster, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Society, 1903. 108 p. (Proceedings of Pennsylvania German Society, 1903. Volume 12). [1549 Satcher, Herbert B. Music of the Episcopal Church in Pennsylvania in the Eighteenth Century. P. E. Church Hist. Mag., v. 18 : 1949, 372-413. [1550 Seipt, Allen A. Schwenkfelder Hymnology and the Sources of the First Schwenkfelder Hymn-Book Printed in America. Philadel- phia: Americana Germanica Press, 1909. 112 p. [1551 Sonneck, Oscar G. T. Early Concert-Life in America (1731-1800). New York: Musurgia, 1949. 338 p. [1552 126 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Francis Hopkinson, the First American Poet-Composer, 1737- 1791, and James Lyon, Patriot, Preacher, Psalmodist, 1735-1794. Washington, D. C. : H. L. McQueen, 1905. 213 p. [1553 This work contains every scrap of information available concerning musical life in Philadelphia between 1728-1760, about Hopkinson's musical education, concerts and theories, together with a frank evaluation of the subject's shortcomings. Whitaker, Pauline L. Musical History of Lancaster County. Lan- caster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 46 : 1942, 128-131. [1554 7. Science Abbot, Elizabeth 0. Bartram's Garden, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: J. J. McVey, 1904-1907. 40 p. [1555 Anders, Eugene. Mathematics in Philadelphia from 1682-1783. Tem- ple University, master's thesis. 1928. [1556 Cardwell, Robert H. American-English Communications of Three Colonial Scholars, 1700-1775. Tenn. Hist. Mag., 2nd series, v. 2 : 1932, 227-233. (Bartram, Franklin, Humphrey Marshall.) [1557 Cope, Thomas D. Scientific Landmarks from Philadelphia's Colonial Days. Sci. Mo., v. 73 : 1951, 339-342. [1558 Kapp, M. E. . Some Early American Students of Chemistry at the University of Edinburgh, 1750-1800. Jour. Chem. Educ, v. 18: 1941, 553-559. [1559 Krout, A. F. K. Early Botanists in Bucks County. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 7 : 1937, 48-56. [1560 McCosker, M. Joseph. Science and the Sea. Phila. Forum, v. 29: no. 7, 1950, 1. (Thomas Godfrey's quadrant.) [1561 MacLaren, Malcolm. Early Electrical Discoveries by Benjamin Franklin and His Contemporaries. Jour. Franklin Institute, v. 240: 1945, 1-14. [1562 Miles, Wyndham. Notes on Some Early Chemistry Books Published in Pennsylvania [1763-1796]. Isis, v. 40: 1949, 313-316. [1563 Mitchell, Samuel A. Astronomy During the Early Years of the Ameri- can Philosophical Society. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 86 : 1942, 13- 21. [1564 The Colony 127 Morley, Christine C. The Bartram House, Chester, Pa.: Delaware County Historical Society, 1949. [10 p.] [1565 Pennell, Francis W. Quaker Botanists. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 37 : 1948, 3-13, 63-82. [1565a Pettengill, George E. Franklin, Priestley and the Samuel Vaughan, Jr., Manuscripts, 1775-1782. Jour. Franklin Institute, v. 247: 1949, 195-204. [1566 Pyle, Howard. Bartram and His Garden. Harper's, v. 60: 1880, 321- 330. [1567 Raistrick, Arthur. Quakers in Science and Industry. Being an Account of the Quaker Contributions to Science and Industry Dur- ing the 17th and 18th Centuries. New York : Philosophical Library, 1950. 361 p. [1568 Richards, Horace C. Some Early American Physicists. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 86 : 1942, 22-28. [1569 Solis-Cohen, Bertha. Philadelphia's Expeditions to Labrador. Pa. Hist., v. 19 : 1952, 148-162. [1570 H. Religion See — Section III, Religious History. Alderfer, E. Gordon. Johannes Kelpius and the Spiritual Ferment of the Seventeenth Century. Am.-German Rev., v. 17 : no. 6, 1951, 3-6. [1571 Three Faces of the Colonial Quaker Testimony. Pa. Hist., v. 17 : 1950, 265-280. [1572 Bacon, Leonard W. A History of American Christianity. New York : Christian Literature Company, 1897. 429 p. (American Church History Series, v. 13.) [1573 Barton, Samuel G. The Quaker Calendar. [Features of calendar ascribed to Scripture]. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 93: 1949, 32- 39. [1574 Bergendoff, Conrad J. I. The Swedish Church on the Delaware. Church Hist., v. 7 : 1938, 215-230. [1575 Bowman, Early J. Efforts to Christianize the Indians of Pennsyl- vania in Colonial Times. Luth. Church Quar., v. 2 : 1929, 21-41 ; v. 4: 1931, 190-222. [1576 128 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Brink, Frederick W. The Contribution of Gilbert Tennent to Ameri- can Christianity and the American Nation. Temple University, doctoral dissertation. 1942. [1577 Brynestad, Lawrence E. The Great Awakening in the New England and Middle Colonies. Presbyterian Church Dept. Hist. Jour., v. 14: 1930, 80-91, 104-141. [1578 Coldren, Caroline S., and M. Luther Heisey. Religious Life in Lan- caster Borough. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 45 : 1941, 125- 143. [1579 Delong, C. M. The Early Churches of the Goshenhoppen Region. Pa.- German, v. 10 : 1909, 541-551. [1580 Early, John W. The Church History of Berks County. Berks Co. Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 1 : 1904, 8-16. [1581 The Oldest Churches of Berks County. Berks Co. Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 1 : 1904. 11 p. [1582 Ephrata Cloister and Village Linked with an Earlier Culture. Picket Post, no. 20 : 1948, 68. [1583 Faris, John T. Old Churches and Meeting Houses in and Around Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1926. 260 p. [1584 Fisk, William L., jr. The Diary of John Cuthbertson, Missionary to the Covenanters of Colonial Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 73 : 1949, 441-458. [1585 Fortenbaugh, Robert. Pennsylvania : A Study in Religious Diversity. Pa. Hist., v. 4: 1937, 88-102. [1586 Gamble, Anna D. An Ancient Mission Among a Great People. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 60 : 1949, 125-143. [1587 Gipson, Lawrence H. The New World Paradise of the Sects. In The British Empire Before the American Revolution, 1748-1754. Volume 3. Caldwell, Idaho : Caxton, 1936. p. 162-203. [1588 Harvey, Margaret B. The Oldest Church in Pennsylvania. Am. Mo. Mag., v. 6 : 1895, 528-539. [1589 Hinke, William J. Diaries of Missionary Travels Among (lie German Settlers in the American Colonies, 1743-1748. Pa. -German Soc. Proc. and Add., v. 34: 1929, 67-82. [1590 The Colony 129 Historic Churches Picture Our Religious Heritage. Pa. Dept. In- ternal Affairs Bul., v. 17 : no. 8, 1949, 3-6. [1591 Hotchkin, S. F. Early Clergy of Pennsylvania and Delaware. Phila- delphia : Ziegler, 1890. 280 p. [1592 Israel, Cora M. Historic Churches of Pennsylvania. Am. Mo. Mag., v. 41: 1912, 10-16. [1592a Jacoby, John E. Two Mystic Communities in America. Paris: Les Presses Universitaires de France, 1931. 104 p. [1593 Ephrata Cloister is one of the communities described. Johnson, Roy H. Frontier Religion in Western Pennsylvania. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 16 : 1933, 23-37. [1594 Kieffer, Elizabeth C . Christmas Customs in Lancaster County. Lan- caster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 43 : 1939, 175-182. [1595 Easter Customs of Lancaster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 52 ■ 1948, 49-68. [1596 Klein, David H. Bishop Swedborg and the Old Swedes' Church in Philadelphia. New Church Life, v. 42 : 1922, 1-10. [1597 Landis, I. D. German-English Language Controversy in the Churches. Am.-German Kev., v. 11 : 1945, 8-9, 27. [1598 Lewis, Clifford M. French Priests in Western Pennsylvania, 1739- 1759. Mid- America, v. 18 : n. s. 1947, 92-121. [1599 Loose, Jack W. W. A Study of Two Distinct Periods of Ephrata Cloister History. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 55 : 1951, 145- 175. [1600 McCleave, David H. The Synod of Philadelphia and the Great Awakening, 1716. University of Iowa, doctoral dissertation. 1947. [1601 Massanari, Karl. The Contribution of Christopher Dock to Con- temporary Christian Teaching. Mennonite Quar. Rev., v. 25: 1951, 100-115. [1602 Maurer, Heinrich H. Studies in the Sociology of Religion. Am. Jour. Sociol., v. 30 : 1925, 408-438. [1603 Maxson, C. H. The Greal Awakening in the Middle Colonies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1920. 158 p. [1604 Though essentially a regional study, the book treats the Great Awakening as both an inter-colonial and an international evangelical revival. 130 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Pears, Thomas C, jr., and Guy S. Klett, comps. Documentary His- tory of William Tennent, and the Log College. Preseyterian Hist. Soc. Jour., v. 28 : 1950, 37-64. [1605 Pennington, Edgar L. Keith the Quaker and Keith the Anglican. P. E. Church Hist. Mag., v. 20 : 1951, 346-362. [1606 Reichmann, Felix, and Eugene E. Doll. Ephrata As Seen By Con- temporaries. Allentown, Pa. : Pennsylvania German Folklore Society, 1952. 206 p. [1607 Impressions of Conrad Beissel and his communal settlement told by eighteenth- century visitors. Reichmann, Felix. Ezechiel Sangmeister's Diary. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 68 : 1944, 292-313. [1608 Sachse, Julius F. The Influence of the Halle Pietism in the Provincial Development of Pennsylvania. Luth. Quar., v. 31 : 1901, 170-176. [1609 Schmauk, Theodore E. The Early Churches of Lebanon County. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 1 : 1898-1901, 357-384. [1610 Sharpless, Isaac. The Political and Religious Conditions of the Province of Pennsylvania Two Hundred Years Ago. Presbyterian Church Dept. Hist. Jour., v. 3 : 1906, 262-277. [1611 Silveus, Marian. Churches and Social Control on the Western Penn- sylvania Frontier. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 19 : 1936, 123-134. [1612 Slosser, Gaius J. A Chapter from the Religious History of Western Pennsylvania. Presbyterian Church Dept. Hist. Jour., v. 16 : 1934, 97-125. [1613 Stille', Charles J. Religious Tests in Provincial Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 9: 1885, 365-406. [1614 Stoudt, John B. Great Religious Revival Which Occurred in the Oley Valley One Hundred and Seventy Five Years Ago. Berks Co. Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 3 : 1923, 255-270. [1615 Stoudt, John J. Early Pennsylvania Religions Movements. Am. German Rev., v. 8: no. 4, 1942, 9-10, 31. [1616 Sweet, William W. Pennsylvania Men and the Church. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 44: 1942, 348-357. [1617 The Colony 131 Religion in Colonial Ameriea. New York: Scribner, 1!)42. 367 p. [1618 The first volume of a three-volume work by a recognized authority. Chapters seven and eight are especially important for Pennsylvania history. Tappert, Theodore G. John Caspar Stoever and the Ministerium of Pennsylvania. Luth. Church Quar., v. 21 : 1948, 180-184. [1619 Tolles, Frederick B. Quietism Versus Enthusiasm : The Philadelphia Quakers and the Great Awakening. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 69 : 1945, 26-49. [1620 Weaver, Glenn. The German-Speaking Religious Denominations and Sects in British North Ameriea During the French and Indian War. Lehigh University, master's thesis. 1947. [1621 Winters, R. L. John Caspar Stoever — Colonial Pastor and Founder of Churches. Pa.-German Soc. Proc. and Add., v. 53: 1948. 171 p. [1622 I. Social Life 1. General Bayard, S. P. "Witchcraft Magic and Spirits on the Border of Penn- sylvania and West Virginia. Jour. Am. Folk-Lore, v. 51 : 1938, 47-59. [1623 Bryce, Charles C. The Backwoodsman Era in Western Pennsylvania. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 24: 1941, 23-36. [1624 Clark, Chester D. Pioneer Life in the New Purchase. Northumber- land Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 7 : 1935, 16-44. [1625 Gravatt, Eugenia D. Manners and Customs of the Pennsylvania Pioneers. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1929. [1626 Kieffer, Elizabeth C. Social Life in Lancaster Borough. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 45 : 1941, 105-122. [1627 Kraus, Michael. Eighteenth Century Humanitarianism : Collabora- tion Between Europe and America. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 60: 1936, 270-286. [1628 Landis, D. B. Early Arts, Customs and Experiences in Rural Lan- caster. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 37 : 1933, 6-14. [1629 132 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Larison, George H. The Mode of Life in Our Early Settlements. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Com,, v. 1 : L908, 459-467. [1629a Mackraby, Alexander. Philadelphia Society Before the Revolution. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 11 : 1887, 276-287, 491-494. [1630 Mitchell, Edwin V. It's an Old Pennsylvania Custom. New York: Vanguard Press, 1947. 256 p. [1631 A charming treatment of the customs and folkways of the many national and linguistic groups that settled Pennsylvania. Nolan, J. Bennett, <<1. Play at Reading Town •. The Diversions of Our Ancestors. Pottstown, Pa. : Feroe Press, 1935. 119 p. [1632 Reichmann, Felix. Amusements in Lancaster, 1750-1940. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 45 : 1941, 26-56. [1633 Richards, Louis. Old Time Popular Amusements in Reading. Berks Co. Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 3 : 1915, 402-410. [1634 Shoemaker, Henry W. Wild Life in Western Pennsylvania . . . New York: Composite Printing, 1903. 83 p. [1635 Stevenson, Virginia P. Social Legislation in Colonial Pennsylvania, 1682-1700. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1935. [1636 Tener, Wallis J. The Pioneer Women of Western Pennsylvania. Greater Pittsburgh, v. 15 : 1934, 5, 16. [1637 Wharton, Anne H. Salons Colonial and Republican. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1900. 286 p. [1638 Through Colonial Doorways. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1893. 237 p. [1639 Worner, William F. Old-Time Customs in Lancaster. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 36 : 1932, 121-132. [1640 2. The Family Beckel, Clarence E. Early Marriage Customs of the Moravian Con- gregation in Bethlehem . . . [Allentown, Pa.: Schlechter's, 1938]. 32 p. (The Pennsylvania German Folklore Society. Volume 3.) [1641 Bunting, Martha. Annotations on the Correspondence of Josiah Bunting, 1734-1813. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 28: 1939, 9-18. [1642 The Colony 133 Caley, Percy B. Child Life in Colonial Western Pennsylvania. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 9: 1926, 33-49, 104-121, 188-201, 256- 275. [1643 Clopper, Edward N. An American Family: Its Ups and Downs Through Eight Generations in New Amsterdam, New York, Penn- sylvania, Maryland, Ohio and Texas from 1650 to 1880. Cincinnati : The Author, 1950. 624 p. [1644 A rambling account of a family's sojourns in many places, one of which was Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. Collins, M. P. The Eternal Feminine in Philadelphia. Piiila. Forum, v. 29 : no. 2, 1949, 1. [1645 Flynn, Eleanor J. Public Care of Dependent Children in Pennsyl- vania, 1676-1901. University of Chicago, doctoral dissertation. 1936. [1646 Heffner, William C. History of Poor Relief Legislation in Pennsyl- vania, 1682-1913. Cleona, Pa. : Ilolzapfel, 1913. 302 p. [1647 Kiefer, Sister Monica. Early American Childhood in the Middle Atlantic Area. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 68 : 1944, 3-37. [1648 Massey, George V. 2nd. The Pennocks of Primitive Hall. West Chester, Pa. : Chester County Historical Society, 1951. 139 p. [1649 A family history that sheds much light on domestic life in colonial times. Riddell, William R. Legislative Divorce in Colonial Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 57 : 1933, 175-180. [1650 Sterrett, Mary M. Pioneer Women of Western Pennsylvania. Uni- versity of Pittsburgh, master 's thesis. 1931. [1651 3. Inns, Taverns, and Lotteries Anderson, Bart. Lotteries. Chester Co. Coll., no. 7 : 1937, 256-260. [1652 Barker, Charles R. Colonial Taverns of Lower Merion. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 52: 1928, 205-228. [1653 Bixler, Floyd S. The History with Reminiscences of the Early Taverns and Inns of Easton. Easton, Pa. : Northampton County Historical and Genealogical Society, 1931. 29 p. [1654 134 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Chrisman, L. H. Early Inns in the Philadelphia Region. Am. Speech, v. 12 : 1937, 318-319. [1655 Gilbert, Daniel R. Patterns of Organization and Membership in Colonial Philadelphia Club Life, 1725-1755. University of Penn- sylvania, doctoral dissertation. 1952. [1656 Gillingham, Harrold E. Lotteries in Philadelphia Prior to 1776. Pa. Hist., v. 5 : 1938, 77-100. [1657 Groshens, David E. Legal Lotteries in Early Pennsylvania. Mont- gomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 4 : 1943, 15-32. [1658 Harper, Zella D. Ye Inns and Taverns of Olde Philadelphia. Phila. Mag., v. 39 : no. 5, 1952, 21, 47. [1659 Harpster, John W. Eighteenth-Century Inns and Taverns of West- ern Pennsylvania. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 19: 1936, 5-16. [1660 Jones, Alfred S. Reading's Inns of Long Ago. Berks Co. Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 1 : 1904. 8 p. [1661 Kimball, Marie. Some Genial Old Drinking Customs. Wm. and Mary Quar., v. 2 : 1945, 349-358. [1662 McSwigan, Genevieve. Early Inns and Taverns in Western Pennsyl- vania, 1750-1830. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1940. [1663 Nevin, Fleming. The Liquor Question in Colonial and Revolutionary War Periods. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 13 : 1930, 195-201. [1664 Powers, Fred P. Tales of Old Taverns. Germantown Site and Relic Soc. Add., v. 1 : 1915, 195-231. [1665 The Crown Inn, near Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 1745 : A History. Philadelphia : King and Baird, 1872. 162 p. [1666 Reichel, William C. The Old Moravian Sun Inn, Bethlehem, Penn- sylvania. Pa.-German Soc. Proc. and Add., v. 6 : 1896, 44-75. [1667 Reichel, William C, ed. The Old Sun Inn at Bethlehem, Pennsyl- vania, 1758, Now the Sun Hotel. Doylestown, Pa. : W. W. H. Davis, 1876. 51 p. [1668 Reichel, William C. A Red Rose from the Olden Time . . . Bethlehem, Pa.: Clauder, 1883. 54 p. (Rose Inn, Nazareth.) [1669 The Colony 135 Smith, Charles H. The Golden Ball Tavern. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 1 : 1939, 243-250. [1670 Watts, Irma A. Pennsylvania Lotteries of Other Days. Pa. Hist., v. 2 : 1935, 36-43. [1671 4. Public Safety Genesis of Police and Fire Protection in Philadelphia from the Auto- biography of Benjamin Franklin. Am. City, v. 32 : 1925, 46. [1672 Gillespie, George C. Early Fire Protection and the Use of Fire Marks. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 46 : 1922, 232-261. [1673 Gillingham, Harrold E. Philadelphia's First Fire Defense. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 56 : 1932, 355-377. [1674 The Origin of Street Cleaning and Street Lighting in Philadelphia. Am. City, v. 32 : 1925, 182. [1675 Sprogle, Howard 0. Philadelphia Police, Past and Present. Phila- delphia, 1887. 671 p. [1676 A very interesting account of police in Philadelphia from the eighteenth century to 1885. Swigart, W. Emmert. Old Fire Marks. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 5 : 1946, 55-65. [1677 5. Amusements Beck, Herbert H. Historical Sketches of Rural Field Sports in Lan- caster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 27 : 1923, 149-160. [1678 Beck, Herbert H., and William F. Worner. Horse-Racing in Lan- caster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 37 : 1933, 41-58. [1679 Bridenbaugh, Carl. Baths and Watering Places of Colonial America. Wm. and Mary Quar., v. 3 : 1946, 151-181. [1680 Durang, Charles. The Philadelphia Stage : From the Year 1749 to the Year 1855. Philadelphia, 1868. 6 vols. [1681 Dye, William S. Pennsylvania Versus the Theatre. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog, v. 55: 1931, 333-372. [1682 136 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Hart, Thomas. Some Early Philadelphia Sportsmen. [Philadelphia] : Publication of the Society of Colonial Wars in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1936. 16 p. [1683 Himes, Charles F. The Old Carlisle Dancing Assembly: A Glimpse at the Social Life of the Eighteenth Century. Carlisle, Pa. : Hamil- ton Library Association, 1917. 29 p. [1684 Lippincott, Horace M. Early Sport at Pennsylvania and the Game of Cricket. Smithsonian Inst. Kep., 1929, 559-583. [1685 Quaker Humor. Friends' Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 35 : 1946, 10-16. [1686 Maxfield, Ezra K. Friendly Testimony Regarding Stage Plays. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 14: 1925, 13-21, 53-61. [1687 Milnor, William A., jr. History of the Schuylkill Fishing Company of the State in Schuylkill, 1732-1888. Philadelphia : Dando, 1889. 446 p. [1688 Parker, J. Brooks B. Horses and Hunting in Colonial Days. Soc. Colonial Wars in Pa. Hist. Pub., v. 6 : 1941, 3-20. [1689 Pattee, Fred L. The British Theatre in Philadelphia in 1778. Am. Literature, v. 6 : 1935, 381-388. [1690 Paifl, Henry N. Shakespeare in Philadelphia. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 76 : 1936, 719-729. [1691 Pollock, Thomas C. The Philadelphia Theatre in the Eighteenth Century. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1933. 446 p. [1692 Sims, Joseph P. The Fishing Company of Fort St. Davids. Phila- delphia: Society of Colonial Wars in the Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania, 1951. 30 p. [1693 Sims, Joseph P., ed. The Philadelphia Assemblies, 1748-1948. Phila- delphia : Managers of the Philadelphia Assembly, 1947. 51 p. [1694 Spell, J. R. Hispanic Contributions to the Theatre in Philadelphia in the Eighteenth Century. Hisp. Rev., v. 9 : 1941, 192-198. [1695 J. Law and the Courts Ayers, Phyllis L. The History of Pennsylvania Sunday Blue Laws. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1952. [1696 The Colony 137 Bean, Theodore W. Colonial Estates. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 1: 1908, 353-361. [1697 Biddle, Edward W. The Courts and Bar of Cumberland County in the Eighteenth Century. Carlisle, Pa. : [The Author], 1914. [1698 [Binney, Horace]. The Leaders of the Old Bar of Philadelphia . . . Philadelphia: Sherman, 1859. 120 p. [1699 Boston, Charles A. Some Glimpses of Colonial History. Pa. Bar Assoc. Rep., v. 37 : 1931, 307-336. [1699a Boyer, Calvin S. The County Court at Newtown. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 7 : 1937, 256-264. [1700 Buchanan, John G. Sources of the Development of Pennsylvania Equity. Univ. of Pittsburgh Law Rev., v. 8: (Nov. 1941), 1-20. [1701 Cochran, Richard E. Pennsylvania's Debt to the Inns of Court. Pa. Bar Assoc. Rep., v. 30 : 1924, 6-26. [1702 The Colonial Society of Pennsylvania. Record of the Courts of Chester County, 1681-1697. Philadelphia : The Colonial Society of Pennsylvania, 1910. 430 p. [1703 Records of the Courts of Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 1684-1700. Philadelphia: The Colonial Society of Pennsylvania, 1943. 446 p. -[1704 Cromer, Samuel R. The Statutory Regulation of Social Conduct in Colonial Pennsylvania. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1939. [1705 Derrick, Michael F. Bucks County (Pa.) Courts, 1684-1700. Temple University, master's thesis. 1938. [1706 Dickinson, John. Eastern Shore Lawyers at the Early Philadelphia Bar. Pa. Bar Assoc. Quar., v. 13: 1942, 177-189. [1707 Dodson, Leonidas. The Originals of the Laws of Pennsylvania, 1693- 1700. Am. Phil. Soc. Lib. Bul., 1944, 52-54. [1708 Eastman, Frank M. Courts and Lawyers of Pennsylvania : A History, 1623-1923. New York: American Historical Society, 1922. 3 vols. [1709 138 Bibliography op Pennsylvania History Eshleman, H. Frank. The Constructive Genius of David Lloyd in Early Colonial Pennsylvania Legislation and Jurisprudence, 1686 to 1731. Pa. Bar Assoc. Rep., v. 16 : 1910, 406-461. [1710 [Eshleman, H. Frank]. Our First Civil Courts. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 10 : 1906, 416-430. [1711 Faught, Albert S. Early Rules of Court in Pennsylvania. Dickinson Law Rev., v. 44: 1940, 273-289. [1712 William Penn's Courts as the Foundation of Pennsylvania's Judicial System. Old York Road Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 5 : 1941, 36-48. [1713 Fitzroy, Herbert W. K. Richard Crosby Goes to Court, 1683-1697 : Some Realities in Colonial Litigation. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 62 : 1938, 12-19. [1714 Gipson, Lawrence H. Criminal Codes of Pennsylvania. Jour. Crimi- nal Law., v. 6 : 1915, 323-344. [1715 Guffey, Alexander S. The First Courts in Western Pennsylvania. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 7 : 1924, 145-177. [1716 History of County Court-House of Philadelphia. Historical Mag. (Dawson's), v. 10: 1866, 105-108. [1717 Jacobs, Michael W. The Guaranties of Liberty in the Early Law of Pennsylvania. Pa. Bar Assoc. Rep., v. 13 : 1907, 468-487. [1718 Keedy, Edwin R. History of the Pennsylvania Statute Creating De- grees of Murder [1681-1944]. Univ. op Pa. Law Rev., v. 97: 1949, 759-777. [1719 Kleber, Brooks E. Notorious Tom Bell. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 75: 1951,416-423. [1720 Lewis, Lawrence, jr. The Courts of Pennsylvania in the Seventeenth Century. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 5 : 1881, 141-190. [1721 Liverant, Spencer R., and Walter H. Hitchler. A History of Equity in Pennsylvania. Dickinson Law Rev., v. 37 : 1933, 156-183. [1722 Lloyd, William H., jr. The Courts of Pennsylvania in the Eighteenth Century Prior to the Revolution. UNrv. of Pa. Law Rev., v. 56: 1908, 28-51. [1723 The Early Courts of Pennsylvania. Boston: Boston Book Company, 1910. 287 p. [1724 The Colony 139 Nead, Benjamin M. The Evolution of the Judiciary System of Penn- sylvania. Dauphin Co. Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 4: 1907, 1-22. [1725 Nolan, J. Bennett. Printer Strahan's Book Account; a Colonial Con- troversy. Reading, Pa. : Bar of Berks County, 1939. 143 p. [1726 Oliver, L. Stauffer. The Origin of Pennsylvania's Present Day Courts in Early Colonial Times and a Famous Lawyer and the Zenger Trial. [Philadelphia?]: Printed by Order of the Society, [1939]. 18 p. (Historical Publications of the Society of Colonial Wars in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Volume 5, no. 3.) [1727 Pollock, Herman I. The Pennsylvania Correctional Program for Adult Offenders [1773-1950]. Temple Law Quar., v. 24: 1950, 27- 41. [1728 Rawle, William. Great Law or the Body of Laws of Ye Province of Pennsylvania, 1682. Hazard's Reg. Pa., v. 10: 1832, 276-280. [1729 Reed, H. Clay. The Court Records of the Delaware Valley. Wm. and Mary Quar., v. 4 : 1947, 192-202. [1730 Ryan, William C. Early Courts of Bucks County. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 2 : 1909, 601-614. [1731 Schlegel, Marvin W. The Text of the Great Law of 1682. Pa. Hist., v. 11 : 1944, 276-283. [1732 Selsam, J. Paul. A History of Judicial Tenure in Pennsylvania. Dickinson Law Rev., v. 38 : 1934, 168-183. [1733 Sharswood, George. The Common Law of Pennsylvania. Pa. Bar Assoc. Rep., v. 1 : 1895, 333-352. [1734 Soffel, Sara M. Early History of Our Courts. Greater Pittsburgh, v. 15 : 1934, 16-17. [1735 Steele, Henry J. Bench and Bar of Colonial Easton. Easton, Pa. : Northampton County Historical and Genealogical Society, 1931. 14 p. [1736 Von Moschzisker, Robert. A Case for a Philadelphia Lawyer. Am. Bar Assoc. Jour., v. 10 : 1924, 857-860. [1737 Wakeling, Arthur. Victories of Great Lawyers— Andrew Hamilton. Green Bag, v. 23 : 1911, 71-73. [1738 140 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History K. Crime and Punishment Barnes, Harry E. The Criminal Codes and Penal Institutions of Colonial Pennsylvania. Friends' Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 11 : 1922, 3-16, 68-84. [1739 The Evolution of American Criminal Jurisprudence as Il- lustrated by the Criminal Code of Pennsylvania. Open Court, v. 37 : 1923, 321-338. [1740 ■ The Evolution of Penology in Pennsylvania. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1927. 414 p. [1741 An authoritative history of the Pennsylvania prison system based on early sources, laws and records. Fitzroy, Herbert W. K. The Punishment of Crime in Provincial Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 60 : 1936, 242-269. [1742 Gipson, Lawrence H. Crime and Its Punishment in Provincial Penn- sylvania; a Phase of the Social History of the Commonwealth. Pa. Hist., v. 2: 1935, 3-16. (Also Lehigh University Publication, v. 9, no. 5, May, 1935.) [1743 Heilman, S. P. The First Trial, Conviction and Execution for Murder in Lebanon County. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 2 : 1901-1904, 155-178. [1744 Murray, J. A. . . . The Jails of Carlisle, Pennsylvania. [Carlisle, Pa., 1902]. [7] p. [1745 Turner, D. K. The Jails of Bucks County. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 2 : 1909, 111-121. [1746 L. Hospitals, Medicine, and Public Health Abbott, A. C. The Development of Public Health Work in Phila- delphia. In Frederick P. Henry, ed., Founders' Week Memorial Volume. Philadelphia : City of Philadelphia, 1909. p. 563-592. [1747 An Account of the Rise, Progress and Present State of the Pennsyl- vania Hospital. Philadelphia: Robert Carr, 1801. [1748 Behnke, H. D. Colonial Theories Concerning Cause of Disease. Medi- cal Life, v. 41 : 1934, 59-74. [1749 Clark, Sydney P. Pennsylvania Hospital Since May 11, 1751: Two Hundred Years in Philadelphia. New York: Newcomen Society in North America, 1951. 44 p. [1750 The Colony 141 Cleaver, Israel. History of the Medical Profession in Berks County. Medical Soc. Pa. Trans., v. 22 : 1891, 148-156. [1751 Croskey, John W., comp. History of Blockley: A History of Phila- delphia General Hospital from Its Inception, 1731-1928. Philadel- phia : F. A. Davis, 1929. 765 p. [1751a Davis, D. J. Quakers and Medicine. Medical Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 4: 1928, 77-93. [1752 Diller, Theodore. Pioneer Medicine in Western Pennsylvania. New York: P. B. Hoeber, 1927. 230 p. [1753 Franklin, Benjamin, and David Hall. Some Account of the Pennsyl- vania Hospital, from Its First Rise to the Beginning of the Fifth Month, Called May, 1754. Philadelphia : Franklin, 1754. 40 p. [1754 Gibson, James E. Dr. Bodo Otto and the Medical Background of the American Revolution. Springfield, 111. : Charles C. Thomas, 1937. 345 p. [1755 Guilford, William M. Notes and Medical History of Lebanon County. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 4: 1906-1909, 204-219. [1756 Heiges, George L. Apothecaries of Lancaster County 1760 to 1900. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 50: 1946, 33-69. [1757 Heisey, M. Luther. The Water Supply of Lancaster. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 41 : 1937, 1-24. [1758 Henry, Frederick P. Standard History of the Medical Profession of Philadelphia. Chicago : Goodspeed, 1897. 544 p. [1759 Herman, L. Influence of Early Philadelphia on the Development of American Medicine. Hospitals, v. 14: 1940, 21-28. [1760 History and Reminiscences of the Philadelphia Almshouse and Phila- delphia Hospital. Philadelphia : Detre, 1890. 144 p. [1761 Hunter, Robert J. The Origin of the Philadelphia General Hospital. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 57 : 1933, 32-57. [1762 LaCerda, John. Two Centuries of Service to Mankind [Pern 1*3-1 vania Hospital]. Phila. Forum, v. 30: no. 6, 1951, 10-11, 20. [1763 Lawrence, Charles. Philadelphia Almshouses and Hospitals: 1701- 1900. Philadelphia : C. Lawrence, 1905. 398 p. [1764 142 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Levick, James J. The Early Physicians of Philadelphia and Its Vicinity. Philadelphia: T. W. Stuckey, 1886. 17 p. [1765 Livingood, Louis J. The Pioneer Doctor. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 1 : 1936, 71-75. [1766 Lloyd, James H. Benjamin Rush and His Critics. Ann. Med. Hist., v. 2 : n. s., 1930, 470-475. [1767 McFarland, Joseph. The History of Nursing at the Blockley Hospital [Philadelphia]. Medical Life, v. 40: 1933, 177-191. [1768 Mclntire, Charles. Physic and Its Practisers in Old Northampton. Easton, Pa., 1900. 64 p. [1769 Mansfield, Mary A. F. Yellow Fever Epidemics of Philadelphia, 1699- 1805. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1949. [1770 Morton, Thomas G., and Frank Woodbury. History of the Penn- sylvania Hospital : 1751-1895. Philadelphia : Times Printing House, 1897. 591 p. [1771 Norris, George W. The Early History of Medicine in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: [Collins], 1886. 232 p. [1772 Packard, Francis It. Benjamin Franklin and the Pennsylvania Hos- pital. General Mag., and Hist. Chron., v. 62 : 1940, 190-191. [1773 How London and Edinburgh Influenced Medicine in Phila- delphia in the Eighteenth Century. Ann. Med. Hist., v. 4: n. s., 1932, 219-244. [1774 The Practice of Medicine in Philadelphia in the Eighteenth Century. Ann. Med. Hist., v. 5 : n. s., 1933, 135-150. [1775 Some Account of the Pennsylvania Hospital from Its First Rise to the Beginning of the Year 1938. Philadelphia : Engle Press, 1938. 133 p. [1776 Philadelphia and American Medicine. Ann. Internal Med., v. 8 : 1935, 1138-1161. [1777 Radbill, Samuel X. The Barber Surgeons among the Early Dutch and Swedes along the Delaware. Johns Hopkins Inst. Hist. Med. Bul., v. 4: 1936, 718-744. [1778 Redman, John. Account of the Yellow Fever as It Prevailed in Philadelphia in . . . 1762. Philadelphia, 1865. 44 p. [1779 The Colony 143 Rush, Benjamin. An Inquiry into the Comparative State of Medicine in Philadelphia Between the Years 1760-1766 and the Year 1805. In his: Medical Inquiries and Observations, 2nd edition, Philadel- phia, 1805. Volume 4. p. 365-405. [1780 Schar, Mabel M. Doctors in Colonial Philadelphia. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1930. [1781 Shafer, Henry B. Medicine in Old Philadelphia. Pa. Hist., v. 4: 1937, 21-31. [1782 Shryock, Richard H. A Century of Medical Progress in Philadelphia, 1750-1850. Pa. Hist., v. 8 : 1941, 7-28. [1782a West, Roberta M. History of Nursing in Pennsylvania. Harrisburg : Pennsylvania State Nurses Association, 1939. 937 p. [1783 IV. THE POLITICAL PANORAMA, 1681-1763 A. The Development of Democratic Institutions, 1681-1718 1. Colonial Politics See — The Holy Experiment Ames, Herman V. Pennsylvania and the English Government. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 24 : 1900, 61-80. [1784 Budd, Henry. . . . Colonial Legislation in Pennsylvania, 1700-1712. Philadelphia : Colonial Society of Pennsylvania, 1897. 31 p. [1785 Carson, Hampton L. The Genesis of the Charter of Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 43 : 1920, 289-331. [1786 Dodson, Leonidas. Pennsylvania Through the Eyes of a Royal Gov- ernor. Pa. Hist., v. 3 : 1936, 89-97. (Francis Nicholson.) [1787 Eberlein, Harold D., and Cortlandt V. Hubbard. Some State House Notes. Old York Road Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 11 : 1947, 21-26. [1788 Eshleman, H. Frank. The Struggle and Rise of Popular Power in Pennsylvania's First Two Decades (1682-1701). Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 34: 1910, 129-161. [1789 Franklin, Benjamin. An Historical Review of Pennsylvania from Its Origin . . . Philadelphia: E. Olmsted and W. Powers, 1812. 444 p. (Originally published in London in 1759 for R. Griffiths). [1790 144 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Gould, E. R. L. Local Self-Government in Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 6 : 1882, 156-173. [1791 Gummere, Amelia M. The Quaker in the Forum. Philadelphia: Winston, 1910. 327 p. [1792 A study of the Quaker achievement and use of the franchise, with certain references to their Pennsylvania experiences. Holcomb, William P. Pennsylvania Boroughs. Johns Hopkins UNrv. Stud., v. 4: 1886, 129-180. [1793 Leach, Josiah G. The First Provincial Council of Pennsylvania and Its Members. Pa. Geneal. Soc. Pub., v. 6 : 1915, 1-15. [1794 Leonard, Sister J. D. The Composition, Organization, and Legislative Procedure of the Pennsylvania Assembly, 1682-1776. University of Pennsylvania, doctoral dissertation. 1947. [1795 The Organization and Procedure of the Pennsylvania As- sembly, 1682-1776. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 72 : 1948, 215-239, 376-412. [1796 Lincoln, C. H. Representation in the Pennsylvania Assembly Prior to the Revolution. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 23: 1899, 23-34. [1797 Osgood, Herbert L. The Proprietary Province as a Form of Colonial Government. Am. Hist. Rev., v. 2 : 1897, 644-664. [1798 Rau, Albert G. Moravian Missions and Colonial Politics. Moravian Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 11 : 1934, 137-145. [1799 Riddell, William R. Powers of a Colonial Legislature in Impeach- ment and Contempt. Royal Soc. Canad. Proc, v. 21 : 1927, 83-90. [1800 Root, Winfred T. The Relations of Pennsylvania with the British Government, 1696-1765. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1912. 422 p. [1801 An unprejudiced investigation of British colonial policy in a representative colony during the eighteenth centurj'. It is approached chiefly through English history, describing both the organization and activity of the central institutions of colonial control, and the work of the nyyal officials in the colonial service. Sharpless, Isaac. Political Leaders of Provincial Pennsylvania. New York: Macmillan, 1919. 248 p. [1802 An important series of essays on the leading Quakers who controlled the government of provincial Pennsylvania: William Penn, James Logan, Thomas Lloyd, David Lloyd, John Kinsey, Isaac Norris, James Pemberton and John Dickinson. The Colony 145 Quakerism and Politics. Philadelphia: Ferris and Leach, 1905. 224 p. [1803 Interesting essays on the Quaker approach to politics, and various Quaker experiences in politics, chiefly in the colonial period. Shepherd, William R. History of Proprietary Government in Penn- sylvania. New York : Columbia University Press, 1896. 601 p. [1804 A work of great importance to all students of provincial Pennsylvania, especially with respect to land policy and government. Short, Raymond S. The Development of Borough and City Govern- ment in Pennsylvania. University of Pittsburgh, doctoral disserta- tion. 1930. [1805 Smith, Culver H. Why Pennsylvania Never Became a Royal Prov- ince. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 53 : 1929, 141-158. [1806 Stoudt, John B., ed. Letters Addressed to the Honorable Robert Hunter Morris Upon His Appointment as Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, from the Reformed Clergy, from the Lutheran Churches, from the Lutheran Ministers, from German Protestant Freeholders; and a Broadside by German Freeholders of Philadel- phia Against Benjamin Franklin Candidate for the Assembly. Allentown, Pa. : Pennsylvania Folklore Society, 1939. 22 p. [1807 Wetherill, Charles. The Influence of the Quakers on Our Colonial Affairs. Philadelphia: Society Colonial "Wars in Pennsylvania, 1912. 26 p. [1808 Wolff, Mabel P. The Colonial Agency of Pennsylvania, 1712-1757 . . . Philadelphia, 1933. 243 p. [1809 An excellent critical work covering a period of great importance in the provincial history of Pennsylvania, and relating to one of the most essential agencies for maintaining relations between its colony and Mother Country. 2. The Penn Family See — The Man, William Penn Etherton, P. T. Penn Country in Sussex: Home of Pennsylvania's Founder Abounds in Quaker History and Memories of Adventurous Smugglers. National Geog. Mag., v. 68 : 1935, 59-90. [1810 [Gilpin, Thomas]. William Penn, Proprietary of Pennsylvania, His Ancestry and Descendants. Philadelphia, 1852. [1811 Hodgkin, Lucy V. Gulielma : Wife of William Penn. London : Long- mans, Green, 1947. 227 p. [1812 146 Bibliography op Pennsylvania History Jenkins, Howard M. The Family of William Penn, Founder of Pennsylvania, Ancestry and Descendants. Philadelphia: The Author, 1899. 260 p. [1813 John Penn's Journal of a Visit to Reading, Harrisburg, Carlisle, and Lancaster, in 1788. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 3 : 1879, 284-295. [1814 Leach, M. Atherton. Gulielma Maria Springett, First Wife of Wil- liam Penn. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 57 : 1933, 97-116. [1815 Penn, Granville. Memorials of the Life and Times of Sir William Penn. London: James Duncan, 1833. 619 p. [1816 The Penns and the Taxation of Their Estates by the Provincial As- sembly. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 23 : 1899, 290-302, 420-443 ; v. 24: 1900, 165-177, 308-324, 479-494. [1817 Rawle, William B. The General Title of the Penn Family to Penn- sylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 23: 1899, 60-68, 224-240, 329-355, 464-482. [1818 Smith, John Q. The Penn Family. Lippincott's Mag., v. 5: 1870, 149-162. [1819 Turner, D. K. The Relations of Pennsylvania Proprietaries to the Colonies. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 3 : 1909, 621-632. [1820 William Penn's Children. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 3: 1909, 89-96. [1821 Webb, Maria. The Penns and Penningtons of the Seventeenth Cen- tury in Their Domestic and Religious life. Philadelphia : Longstreth, 1881. 446 p. [1822 Wheeler, George. Richard Penn's Manor of Andolhea. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 58 : 1934, 193-212. [1823 3. Penn's Contemporaries Crispin, Frederic S. Thomas Holme, Surveyor General and City Planner. Old York Road Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 12 : 1948, 3-19. [1824 Davis, Robert H. Edward Shippen, Deputy Governor of Pennsyl- vania, 1703-1704. Pa. Soc. Col. Governors Pub., v. 1 : 1916, 98-102. [1825 The Colony 147 Horwitz, George Q. Thomas Lloyd, Deputy Governor of Pennsyl- vania, 1684-1688, 1690-1693. Pa. Soc. Col. Governors Pub., v. 1 : 1916, 132-138. [1826 Konkle, Burton A. David Lloyd and Chester. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 21 : 1932, 71-74. [1827 ■ David Lloyd, Penn's Great Lawmaker. Pa. Hist., v. 4: 1937, 153-156. [1828 Leach, Frank W. William Markham, Deputy Governor of Pennsyl- vania, 1681-1682. Pa. Soc. Col. Governors Pub., v. 2 : 1923, 12-32. [1829 Lloyd, Stacy B. Samuel Carpenter, Deputy Governor of Pennsyl- vania, 1694-1698. Pa. Soc. Col. Governors Pub., v. 1 : 1916, 177- 183. [1830 Morris, Henry. Samuel Carpenter, Deputy Governor of Pennsyl- vania, 1694-1698. Pa. Soc. Col. Governors Pub., v. 1 : 1916, 111- 124. [1831 Wainwright, Nicholas B. Governor John Blackwell. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 74: 1950, 457-472. [1832 B. Peaceful Progress, 1718-1754 1. General Alter, Donald R. Mid-Century Political Alignments in the Middle Provinces, 1740-1760. Urbana, 111., 1934. 165 p. [1833 Bronner, Edwin B. The Disgrace of John Kinsey, Quaker Politician, 1739-1750. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 75 : 1951, 400-415. [1834 Johnson, Joseph E., ed. A Quaker Imperialist's View of the British Colonies in America, 1732. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 60: 1936, 97-130. [1835 Riddell, William R. Libel on the Assembly: A Pre-Revolutionary Episode. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 52 : 1928, 176-192, 249-279, 342-360. [1836 2. Governor Keith, 1717-1726 Biographical Sketch of Sir William Keith. Pa. Hist. Soc. Mem., v. 1: 1826, [425] -430. [1837 148 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History [Hamilton, Andrew.] Narrative of Sir William Keith's Coming to the Government of Pennsylvania with His Conduct in It. Pa. Hist. Soc. Mem., v. 2: 1830, [23] -41. [1838 Keith, Charles P. Sir William Keith. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 12 : 1888, 1-33. [1839 The Wife and Children of Sir William Keith. Pa. Mag. Hist. and Biog., v. 56 : 1932, 1-8. [1840 3. James Logan Armistead, Wilson. Memoirs of James Logan . . . London: C. Gil- pin, 1851. 192 p. [1841 Brasch, Frederick E. James Logan, a Colonial Mathematical Scholar and the First Copy of Newton's Principia to Arrive in the Colony. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 86 : 1942, 3-12. [1842 Cooper, Irma J. The Life and Public Services of James Logan. New York, 1921. 77 p. [1843 This brief work, based upon a survey of the Penn-Logan papers in the His- torical Society of Pennsylvania, is concerned chiefly with aspects of the career of Logan as agent of the proprietors and incidentally as Chief Justice of Pennsylvania. Jenkins, Charles F. James Logan of Stenton. Germantowne Crier, v. 1 : no. 3, 1949, 7-10. [1844 Johnson, Joseph E. A Statesman of Colonial Pennsylvania. The Private Life and Public Career of James Logan to the Year 1726. Harvard University, doctoral dissertation. 1942. [1845 Logan, Robert R. James Logan, President of the Council and Act- ing Governor of Pennsylvania, 1736-1738. Pa. Soc. Col. Governors Pub., v. 2: 1923, 33-47.* [1846 4. Indian Relations Alexander, Arthur J. The Pennsylvania Association of 1747. Pa. Hist., v. 12 : 1945, 15-23. [1847 Boyd, Julian P. Dr. Franklin: Friend of the Indians. Jour. Frank- lin 1 nst ., v. 234 : 1942, 311-330. [1848 Buck, William J. History of the Indian Walk, Performed for tin 4 Proprietaries of Pennsylvania in 1737 . . . [Philadelphia] : The Author, 1886. 269 p. [1849 The Colony 149 Davidson, Robert L. D. Pennsylvania's Participation in Colonial Wars to 1756. Temple University, doctoral dissertation. 1947. [1850 Davis, Rose M. "The Tents of Grace" in Longfellow's Evangeline: Their History and Fate. Pa. Hist., v. 18 : 1951, 269-292. [1851 Donehoo, George P. Carlisle [Pennsylvania] and the Red Men of Other Days. Red Man, v. 3 : 1911, 429-445. [1852 The Indian Occupation of Wyoming Valley. Wyoming Commem. Assoc. Proc., 1922, 8-15. [1853 Gamble, Anna D. Colonel James Smith and Caughnawago Indians. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 49 : 1938, 1-26. [1854 Hamilton, Kenneth G. Cultural Contributions of Moravian Missions Among the Indians. Pa. Hist., v. 18 : 1951, 1-15. [1855 Hamilton, Milton W. Sir William Johnson and Pennsylvania. Pa. Hist., v. 19 : 1952, 52-74. [1856 Heckewelder, John G. E. A Narrative of the Mission of the United Brethren Among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians, 1740-1808. Philadelphia : McCarty and Davis, 1820. 426 p. Second edition, 1907. [1857 Heisey, M. Luther. The Indian Treaty of 1744. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 48 : 1944, 57-70. [1858 Heller, William J. The Disappearance of the Lenni Lenape from the Delaware and Their Subsequent Migrations. Penn Germania, v. 1: o. s., 1912, 711-717. [1859 Lenni Lenape Departure from Delaware River. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 4 : 1917, 271-282. [1860 Hindle, Brooke. The March of the Paxton Boys. Wm. and Mary Quar., v. 3 : 1946, 461-486. [1861 Jacobs, Wilbur R. Diplomacy and Indian Gifts. Stanford, Cal. : Stanford University Press, 1950. 208 p. [1862 Johnson, Frederick C. Count Zinzendorf and the Moravian and Indian Occupation of the Wyoming Valley, 1742-1763. Wilkes- Barre, Pa., 1904. 64 p. [1863 Martin, C. H. Manheim Township and lis Pari in the Indian History of the County. Lancaster Co. ITtst. Soc. Pap., v. 19: 1915, 163- 173. [1864 150 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Marye, William B. Warriors' Paths. Pa. Archaeol., v. 13: 1943,. 4-26; v. 14: 1944, 4-22. [1865 Morrison, John. David Zeisberger and His Delaware Indians. On- tario Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 12 : 1914, 176-202. [1866 Pruner, Robert F. The Kittanning Path. Pa. Hist., v. 19 : 1952, 350- 352. [1867 Shoemaker, Ann G. The Red Man Speaks. Doylestown, Pa. : Doyles- town Printing Shop, 1947. 76 p. [1868 Slick, Sewell E. William Trent and the West. Harrisburg : Archives Publishing Company, 1947. 188 p. [1869 Straley, George H. Taken in Stride, the Story of the Walking Pur- chase. Phila. Forum, v. 30: no. 4, 1950, 14-15, 20, 24. [1870 Swauger, Harry E. The Logans, Sons of Shikellamy. Northumber- land Co. Hist. Soc. Proc., v. 17 : 1949, 1-39. [1871 Thompson, Robert E. Zeisberger 's Mission to the Indians. Penn Mo., v. 2 : 1871, 97-106, 188-197. [1872 The Walking Purchase. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 21 : no. 1, 1952, 3-8, 28-32. [1873 Wallace, Anthony F. C. King of the Delawares : Teedyuscung. Phila- delphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1949. 305 p. [1874 An ethnohistoric biography of an Indian diplomat who fought a losing battle to save his people's lands. Wallace, Paul A. W. Conrad Weiser and the Delawares. Pa. Hist., v. 4: 1937,139-152. [1875 Conrad Weiser and the Tulpehocken Path. Northumber- land Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 16 : 1948, 3-20. [1876 Historic Indian Paths of Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 76 : 1952, 411-439. [1877 Indian Highways. Now and Then, v. 9 : 1950, 165-176. [1878 Mapping the Indian Paths of Pennsylvania. Pa. Archaeol., v. 19 : 1949, 84-85. [1879 The Moravian Records. Ind. Mag. Hist., v. 48: 1952, 141- 160. [1880 The Colony 151 Our Indian Trails. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc., v. 18 : 1950, 1-22. [1881 They Knew the Indians : The Men Who Wrote the Moravian Records. Am. Phil. Soc. Lib Bul., v. 95: 1951, 290-295. [1882 When the 'Savages' Saved Pennsylvania. Phila. Forum, v. 29 : no. 7, 1950, 12-13, 16. [1883 Walton, Joseph S. Conrad Weiser and the Indian Policy of Colonial Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: G. W. Jacobs, 1900. 420 p. [1884 A detailed treatment of Weiser and the Indians ; descriptive rather than critical. [Wilt, Leo E.] The Moravian Mission. The Settler, v. 1: no. 2, 1952, 66-70. [1885 5. Movement Westward and Exploration Abraham, Evelyn. Over the Mountains : The Life of a First Settler in Fayette County. [Uniontown, Pa.: Herald-Genius], 1936. 53 p. [1886 Bailey, Kenneth P. Christopher Gist and the Trans- Allegheny Fron- tier: A Phase of the Westward Movement. Pacific Hist. Rev., v. 14: 1945, 45-56. [1887 Bailey, Kenneth P., corny. The Ohio Company Papers, 1753-1817, being Primarily Papers of the " Suffering Traders " of Pennsylvania. Ann Arbor, Mich. : Edwards Brothers, 1947. 549 p. [1888 Bailey, Kenneth P. The Ohio Company and Its Relations to Western Pennsylvania. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 22 : 1939, 73-86. [1889 The Ohio Company of Virginia and the Westward Move- ment, 1748-1792 . . . Glendale, Calif. : Arthur H. Clark, 1939. 374 p. [1890 Bell, Whitfield J., jr. Carlisle to Pittsburgh : A Gateway to the West, 1750-1815. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 35 : 1952, 157-166. [1891 Bridenbaugh, Carl. Myths and Realities. Societies of the Colonial South. Baton Rouge, La. : Louisiana State University Press, 1952. 208 p. [1892 A folk movement originating in Pennsylvania that created settlements on the western side of the southern colonies, is described in part three, "The Back Settlements." 152 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Buck, Solon J., and Elizabeth H. The Planting of Civilization in Western Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, 1939. 565 p. [1893 An excellent account of every aspect of the region's life and development as far as the War of 1812. Clark, Thomas D. Early Accounts of Ohio Valley Settlement. Ohio Hist, and Phil. Soc. Bul., v. 10 : 1952, 91-110. * [1894 Craig, Neville B. Notices of the Settlement of the Country along the Monongahela, Allegheny and Upper Ohio Rivers and Their Tribu- taries. Olden Time, v. 1 : 1846. 8 Installments. [1895 Dunaway, Wayland F. Pennsylvania as an Early Distributing Center of Population. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 55 : 1931, 134- 169. [1896 Eavenson, Howard N. Pattin's Map of the Road to Shannopintown. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 27 : 1944, 21-28. [1897 Evans, Paul D. The Holland Land Company. Buffalo, N. Y. : Buffalo Historical Society, 1924. 469 p. [1898 A model treatment of the sales and settlement policies of one of the large land companies of American development. The chapters on "The East Alleghany" and "The West Alleghany" throw light on Pennsylvania land policy and the part speculators played in the growth of western Pennsylvania. Gardiner, Abraham S. Tom Quick: Or the Era of Frontier Settle- ment. Chicago : Knight and Leonard Co., 1888. 46 p. [1899 Gates, Paul W. The Role of the Land Speculator in Western De- velopment. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 66 : 1942, 314-333. [1900 Gipson, Lawrence H. Lewis Evans. Philadelphia : Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1939. 246 p. [1901 The role played by Lewis Evans as a leading eighteenth-century Pennsylvania cartographer and surveyor is here portrayed. The book contains an important collection of maps, some hitherto unpublished. Godcharles, Frederic A. The Influence of Lancaster County on the Pennsylvania Frontier. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 24: 1920, 77-82. [1902 Hale, John P. Trans-Allegheny Pioneers : Historical Sketches of the First White Settlements West of the Alleghenies in 1748 and After. Cincinnati, O. : S. C. Cox, 1886. 330 p. [1903 Harbison, Francis R. Flood Tides Along the Allegheny. Pittsburgh, Pa. : The Author, 1941. 205 p. [1904 The Colony 153 Harpster, John W. Pen Pictures of Early Western Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1938. [1904a Horn, W. F., ed. The Horn Papers : Early Westward Movement on the Monongahela and Upper Ohio, 1765-1795. Waynesburg, Pa. : Published for a Committee of the Greene County Historical Society, 1945. 3 vols. [1905 Careful examination indicates volumes one and two contain much unauthenti- cated, presumably fabricated, material. Volume three is a useful compilation of early maps and surveys of Greene, Washington and Fayette counties. Hulbert, Archer B. The Ohio River, A Course of Empire. New York: Putnam, 1906. 378 p. [1906 ■ Washington and the West. New York: Appleton-Century, 1905. 217 p. [1907 Hunter, William H. Influence of Pennsylvania on Ohio. Ohio Archaeol. and Hist. Quar., v. 12 : 1903, 287-309. [1908 James, Alfred P. The First English-Speaking Trans-Appalachian Frontier. Miss. Valley Hist. Rev., v. 17: 1930, 55-71. [1909 Kemerer, James P. Colonial Settlement of Pennsylvania West of the Susquehanna River. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1931. [1910 Kephart, Isaiah. Pioneer Life in the Alleghenies. Religious Tele- scope, v. 59 : 1893, 1, 17, 33, 49, 65, 81. [1911 Middleton, A. P., and Douglas Adair. The Mystery of the Horn Papers. Wm. and Mary Quar., v. 4: 1947, 409-445. [1912 Oliver, F. L. The Kentucky Rifle. U. S. N. Inst. Proc, v. 65 : 1939, 679-684. [1913 Ormsby, John. Pennsylvania Pioneer Days. Americana, v. 4 : 1909, 155-166. [1914 Orrill, Lawrence A. Christopher Gist and His Sons. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 15 : 1932, 191-218. [1915 Panabaker, D. N. Living Conditions in Pennsylvania, Eighteenth Century. Waterloo Hist. Soc. Rep., v. 22 : 1935, 75-80. [1916 Patterson, A. W. History of the Backwoods; or, the Region of the Ohio . . . Pittsburgh: The Author, 1843. 311 p. [1917 154 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Pritts, Joseph. Mirror of Olden Time Border Life. Abingdon, Va. : Miles, 1849. 700 p. [1918 Quattrochi, Anna M. Thomas Hutchins in Western Pennsylvania. Pa. Hist., v. 16 : 1949, 31-38. [1919 Records, Spencer. Pioneer Experiences in Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana, 1766-1836. Ind. Mag. Hist., v. 15: 1919, 201- 232. [1920 Reichmann, Felix. The Magic Rifle. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 5: 1940, 103-107. [1921 Volwiler, Albert T. George Croghan and the Westward Movement, 1741-1782. Cleveland, O. : Arthur H. Clark, 1926. 370 p. [1923 An intensive study of a prominent Indian agent, trader and land speculator. Valuable for its account of Croghan's land speculations in Pennsylvania, New York, and the Ohio country. Western Pennsylvania in 1799. Historical Mag. (Dawson's), v. 21: 1873, 292. [1924 C. Conflict on the Upper Ohio, 1753-1765 1. General Alden, John R. General Gage in America. Baton Rouge, La. : Louisi- ana State University Press, 1948. 313 p. [1925 Chapter Two, "Disaster in the Wilderness," is an account of the Braddock campaign. Berg, Harry D. Economic Consequences of the French and Indian War for the Philadelphia Merchants. Pa. Hist., v. 13: 1946, 185- 193. [1927 Berlin, Alfred F. The Frontier Forts in Lehigh County. Lehigh Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1922, 34-40. [1928 Boone, C. B. Braddock 's Campaign and Its Lessons. United Service Mag., v. 39 : 1909, 88-93. [1929 Braddock, Pennsylvania. History Committee. The Unwritten His- tory of Braddock's Field . . . [Pittsburgh: Nicholson], 1917. 336 p. [1930 Carter, John H. The March of the Augusta Regiment aud Its Base at Fort Halifax. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc., v. 18: 1950, 23-32. [1931 The Colony 155 Copenhaver, Albert B. Port Augusta. Am. Mo. Mag., v. 29: 1906, 672-678. [1932 Cornu, Donald. Captain Lewis Ourry, Royal American Regiment of Foot. Pa. Hist., v. 19: 1952, 249-261. [1933 Dr. [Samuel] Johnson at Fort Augustus: Captain Lewis Ourry. Mod. Lang. Quar., v. 11, 1950, 27-49. [1934 Cort, Cyrus. Colonel Henry Bouquet and His Campaigns of 1763 and 1764. Lancaster, Pa. : Steinman, 1883. 96 p. [1935 Cummings, Hubertis. The Frontier Forts of Provincial Pennsylvania. Pa. Hist., v. 14 : 1947, 41-43. [1936 Darlington, Mary C. History of Colonel Henry Bouquet and the Western Frontiers of Pennsylvania, 1747-1764. n. p., [cl920]. 224 p. [1937 Diller, Theodore. The Place of Washington in the History of Western Pennsylvania. [Pittsburgh] , 1916. 43 p. [1938 Edwards, William W. From Colonial Time. Infantry Jour., v. 36 : 1930, 39-46. [1939 Fort Augusta. Harrisburg : Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsyl- vania Historical Commission, 1941. 8 p. [1940 Fort Ligonier. Commonwealth, v. 5 : no. 5, 1951, 6-7, 16. [1941 Gipson, Lawrence H. The Great War for the Empire : The Victorious Years, 1758-1760. (The British Empire Before the American Revolution. Volume 7.) New York: Knopf, 1949. 467 p. [1942 English triumphs over the French, due to Pitt's organizing genius and superior British resources are described with originality and insight. The Great War for the Empire : The Years of Defeat, 1754- 1757. (The British Empire before the American Revolution. Volume 6.) New York: Knopf, 1946. 426 p. [1943 A noteworthy work on the first three years of the French and Indian War setting forth many fresh viewpoints. Zones of International Conflict, the Great Lakes Frontier, Canada, the West Indies, India, 1748-1754. (The British Empire before the American Revolution. Volume 5.) New York: Knopf, 1942. 352 p. [1944 The sections on the fur trade and the role of the Six Confederated Indian Nations in the Great Lakes region are pertinent to Pennsylvania. 156 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Zones of International Friction : North America, South of 1 he Great Lakes Region, 1748-1754. (The British Empire before the American Revolution. Volume 4.) New York: Knopf, 19IJ9. 312 p. [1945 Scholarly account of Anglo-French rivalry in Pennsylvania. Hadden, James. Washington's Expeditions (1753-1754) and Brad- dock's Expedition (1755) . . . Uniontown, Pa., 1910. 139 p. [1946 Hoerner, William S. The Colonial Defenses of Franklin County: Their Dates and Location, the Cause of Their Location and Their Erection. Scotch-Irish Congress, Proceedings, v. 10: 1901, 261- 278. [1947 Hulbert, Archer B. Braddock's Road. Cleveland, 0.: Arthur H. Clark, 1903. 213 p. (Historic Highways of America Series, v. 4.) [1948 Old Glade (Forbes') Road. Cleveland O.: Arthur II. Clark, 1903. 205 p. (Historic Highways of America Series, v. 5.) [1949 Hutton, Edward. King's Royal Rifle Corps Chronicle. Winchester, England, 1911. 214 p. [1950 Material relevant to the Royal Americans and Henry Bouquet. James, Alfred P. Fort Ligonier: Additional Light from Unpub- lished Documents. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 17 : 1934, 259-285. [1951 The Nest of Robbers. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 21 : 1938, 165-178. [1952 Western Pennsylvania Military School of George Washing- ton. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 32 : 1949, 1-10. [1953 Lacock, John K. Braddock Road. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 38 : 1914, 1-38. [1954 Lamberson, Francis O. George Washington in the Forbes Campaign. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1934. [1955 McManus, D. T. Braddock's Campaign and Its Lessons. Canad. Defence Quar., v. 2 ■ 1925, 368-372. [1956 Mapes, George E. Two Famous Military Roads of Pennsylvania. Kittochtinny Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 6 : 1910, 93-104. [1957 The Colony 157 Montgomery, Thomas L., ed. Frontier Forts of Pennsylvania. Bar- risburg: William Stanley Ray, State Printer, 1916. 2 vols. (Second edition.) [1958 Mullan, James M. Fort Loudon. Kittoohtinny Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 4:1906,230-243. [1959 Newell, William H. Schuylkill County During the French and Indian War, 1754-1763. Scjitykill Co. Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 2: 1909, 270- 277. [I960 Nichols, Franklin T. The Braddock Expedition. Harvard University, doctoral dissertation. 1947. [1961 ■ The Organization of Braddock \s Army. Wm. and Mary Quar., v. 4: 1947, 125-147. [1962 Pargellis, Stanley. Braddock's Defeat. Am. Hist. Eev., v. 41 : 1936. 253-269. [1963 Reece, Frances R., ed. Colonel Eyre's Journal of His Trip from New York to Pittsburgh, 1762. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 27: 1944, 37-50. [1964 Richards, Henry M. M. Berks County in the French and Indian War. Berks Co. Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 2 : 1905-1909, 275-293. [1965 Lebanon County in the French and Indian War. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc, Pap., v. 2 : 1901-1904, 55-80. [1966 Riker, Thad W. The Politics Behind Braddock's Expedition. Am. Hist. Rev., v. 13: 1908, 742-752. [1967 Sachse, Julius F. The Braddock Expedition. Conditions of Pennsyl- vania During the Year 1755. Lancaster, Pa.: New Era Printing Company, 1917. 38 p. [1968 Sargent, Winthrop. History of an Expedition Against Fort Duquesne in 1755, under Major-General Edward Braddock. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1856. 423 p. [1969 The lengthy introductory memoir, which fills most of the volume, is a careful and judicious history of the expedition and of the origins of the war. The Journals of Orme and Morris, and other sources, are printed with the Memoir. Schlebecker, John. Braddock 's Defeat. Ohio Archaeol. and Hist. Quar., v. 58 : 1949, 171-184. [1970 158 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Selig, J. Colonel Bouquet, Schweizerisches Lebensbild mis den Indianer-kampfen am Ohio. Aarau, Switzerland: AZ-Presse, 1941. 247 p. [1971 Shoemaker, Henry W. The Cumberland Valley and the Highland Regiments. Kittochtinny Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 10 : 1923. 11 p. [1972 Siebeneck, Henry K. William Pitt and John Forbes. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 14 : 1941, 69-92. [1973 Sipe, Chester H. Fort Ligonier and Its Times : A History of the First English Fort West of the Allegheny Mountains . . . Harrisburg: Telegraph Press, 1932. 699 p. [1974 Smith, William. A Brief State of the Province of Pennsylvania in Which the Conduct of Their Assemblies for Several Years Past Is Impartially Examined and the True Cause of the Continual En- croachments of the French Displayed. London: R. Griffiths, 1756. 47 p. (Third edition.) [1975 Snyder, Charles F. Fort Watson, A Frontier Fort. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 17 : 1949, 40-66. [1976 Sons of the American Revolution. Pennsylvania Society. Fort Necessity and Historic Shrines of the Redstone Country. Union- town, Pa. : Fort Necessity Chapter, Pennsylvania Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, 1932. 144 p. [1977 Speight, Frederick E., jr. Pennsylvania and the French and Indian War to 1759. Temple University, master's thesis. 1938. [1978 Stevens, S. K., and Donald H. Kent, eds. The Papers of Colonel Henry Bouquet. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1940-1943. 19 vols. (Proc- essed.) [1979 Bouquet was second in command of the Forbes Expedition, 1758, and of British forces in Pennsylvania to 1765. Stevens, S. K., Donald H. Kent, Autumn L. Leonard, eds. The Papers of Henry Bouquet. Vol. II, The Forbes Expedition. Harris- burg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1951. 704 p. [1980 The correspondence of one of the abler British military leaders in Pennsylvania during the French and Indian War. The Colony 159 Stevens, S. K., and Donald H. Kent, eds. Wilderness Chronicles of Northwestern Pennsylvania. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania, Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1941. 342 p. [1980a Stille, Charles J. The Attitude of the Quakers in the Provincial Wars. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 10: 1886, 283-315. [1981 Temple, Henry. Braddock's Road. Ohio Archaeol. and Hist. Quar., v. 18 : 1909, 432-442 ; and Ohio Valley Hist. Assoc. Rep., v. 2 : 1909, 89-99. [1982 Thayer, Theodore. The Friendly Association. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 67 : 1943, 356-376. [1983 The Quaker Party of Pennsylvania, 1755-1765. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 71 : 1947, 19-43. [1984 Theis, Ruth K. The Attitudes of the White People Toward the Indians of the Upper Ohio Valley, 1749-1795. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1935. [1985 Thrush, A. W. Along the Loudon Road. Kittochtinny Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 11 : 1928-1939, 317-332, 443-458. [1986 A True and Impartial State of the Province of Pennsylvania . . . Philadelphia : W. Dunlap, 1759. 173 p. [1987 A reply to William Smith's A Brief State of the Province of Pennsylvania. Union Savings Bank of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The Story of Grant's Hill . . . and Its Relation to the Struggle Between the British and French for the Possession of a Continent . . . Pitts- burgh: Union Savings Bank, 1934. 24 p. [1988 Van Stone, James W. Fortified Houses in Western Pennsylvania. Pa. Archaeol., v. 20: 1950, 19-24. [1989 Wainwright, Nicholas B., ed. George Croghan's Journal, 1759-1763. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 71 : 1947, 305-444. [1990 Walkinshaw, Lewis C. As Forbes Trailed Through. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 19 : 1936, 135-142, 221-228. [1991 Whitehead, Cortlandt. Capture of Fort Duquesne: An Historical Discourse . . . [Philadelphia] : Society of Colonial Wars in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1 898. 30 p. [1992 Worrilow, William H., jr. Old Zeller Fori Is Historical Landmark. Commonwealth, v. 5: no. 5, 1951, 10-11. [1993 160 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Young, Henry J., ed. Some Documents Concerning York County and the French and Indian War. York Co. Hist. Soc. Yearbook, 1940, 18-23. [1994 2. The French Phase Brady, William Y. The Venango Fords and Trails. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 28 : 1945, 127-139. [1995 Casgrain, H. R., ed. Canada, Correspondence generale. M. M. Duquesne et Vaudreuil, gouverneurs-generaux, 1755-1760. Quebec, 1890. [1996 Chapman, T. J. The French in the Allegheny Valley. Cleveland, 0. : W. W. Williams [1887]. 209 p. [1997 [Courville]. Memoires sur le Canada, depuis 1749 jusqu'a 1760. Quebec : Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, 1873. (Second edition.) [1998 de Bonnault, Claude. Les Francais de l'Ohio. Un Drame dans la prairie: L 'Affaire de Jumonville (1749-1754), Rev. Hist. Am. Francaise, v. 1 : 1948, 501-518. [1999 Eaton, S. J. M. The French Occupation in Pennsylvania. Mag. of West. Hist., v. 10: 1889, 23-33, 119-130. [2000 Essington, Joseph H. The French Claims to the Ohio Valley. West Va. Hist., v. 8 : 1947, 365-381. [2001 Fregault, Guy [Donald H. Kent, trans.]. The Epoch of the Belle Riviere [Duquesne 's Expedition, 1753]. Pa. Hist., v. 18: 1951, 185-196. [2002 Galbreath, C. B. Expedition of Celoron to the Ohio Country in 1749. Columbus, Ohio: F. J. Heer Printing Company, 1921. 140 p. [2003 Contains journals of Celoron and Father Bonnecamps, and article by Orsamus H. Marshall (Entry 2009a). Grenier, Fernand, ed. Papiers Contrecoeur et autres documents concernanl le conflit anglo-francais sur l'Ohio de 1745 a 1756. Quebec: Les Presses Universitaires Laval, 1952. 485 p. [2004 Papers of a number of French leaders in the struggle for control of the Ohio region. Kent, Donald H., ed. Contrecoeur 's Copy of George Washington's Journal for 175 I. Pa. TItst., v. 19: 1952, 1-32. [2005 The Colony 161 Lambing', A. A. The Baptismal Register of Fort Duquesne (from June, 1754 to December, 1756). Pittsburgh, 1885. [2006 The French original is reproduced in Recherches Historiques, v. 19: 1913, 182-192, 193-210. Leduc, Gilbert F. Washington and "The Murder of Jumonville." Boston: La Societe Historique Franco-Americaine, 1943. 235 p. [2007 Lemay, Hugolin, ed. Le Registre de la Fort de la Presqu'ile pour 1753. Recherches Historiques, v. 44: 1938, 204-211. [2008 Leonard, Autumn L. The Presque Isle Portage and Venango Trail. Pa. Archaeol, v. 15 : 1945, 4-9, 59-64, 75-87, 119-127. Revision of 2017. [2009 Marshall, Orsamus H. De Celoron's Expedition to the Ohio in 1749. Mag. Am. Hist., v. 2: 129-150 (Also in The Historical Writings . . . Orsamus H. Marshall. Albany, N. Y. : Joel Munsell's Sons, 1887. p. 237-273; and in Entry 2003). [2009a Olds, Irving S. Ten Momentous Years at Erie, 1753-1763. New York: Newcomen Society of England, American Branch, 1947. 32 p. [2010 Reynolds, John E. The Venango Trail in the French Creek Valley. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 16 : 1933, 13-22. [2011 Roy, Pierre-Georges. Le Mal-Engueulee. Recherches Historiques, v. 51 : 1945, 434. [2012 Severance, Frank H. An Old Frontier of France: The Niagara Region and Adjacent Lakes under French Control. New York, 1917. 2 vols. [2013 Records authoritatively events of French occupancy of the region under discussion, which includes Lake Chautauqua, Conewango Creek, and Upper Allegheny River. Based on a lifetime of original research by a thoroughly competent scholar. Stevens, S. K., and Donald H. Kent, eds. The Expedition of Baron de Longueuil. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Penn- sylvania Historical Commission, 1941. 17 p. [2014 — Journal of Chaussegros de Lery. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical Commis- sion, 1940. 118 p. [2015 Diary of a French officer at Chautauqua, Fort Presque Isle, and Detroit, 1754-1755. 162 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Stevens, S. K., Donald H. Kent, and Mrs. Emma E. Woods, eds. Travels in New France by J. C. B. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1941. 167 p. [2016 Memoirs of a French soldier in northwestern Pennsylvania during the French and Indian War. Stevens, S. K., and Donald H. Kent, eds. The Venango Trail. Harris- burg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1940. 52 p. (See 2009.) [2017 Trudel, Marcel. L 'Affaire Jumonville. Rev. Hist. Am. Francaise, v. 6 : 1952, 331-373. Translated and abridged by Donald H. Kent, Pa. Hist., v. 21 : 1954, 351-381. [2018 3. The Indian Phase Barton, Thomas. The Conduct of the Paxton-men, Impartially Repre- sented Philadelphia : A. Stewart, 1764. 34 p. [2019 [Bausman, Lottie M.] . . . Massacre of the Conestoga Indians, 1763. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 18 : 1914, 169-185. [2020 Bomberger, Christian M. H. The Battle of Bushy Run: The Most Decisive Victory in All History Gained by the White Man over the American Indian. Jeannette, Pa. : Jeannette Publishing Company, 1928. 64 p. [2021 Boyd, Julian P. The Franklin-Carlisle Indian Treaty, 1753. Pa. Univ. Lib. Chron., v. 7 : 1939, 5-10. [2022 Chapman, T. J. A Moravian Mission to the Western Indians in 1758. Americana, v. 4: 1909, 337-345. [2023 Charles, Edwin. Stump 's Run Massacre. Snyder Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 1 : 1914, 31-40. [2024 Clark, Martha B. Lazarus Stewart. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 14: 1910, 301-309. [2025 Davidson, J. Milton. The Paxton Boys, 1763-1764. Temple Uni- versity, master's thesis. 1938. [2026 Donehoo, George P. A Pew Facts in the History of Logstown. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 1: 1918, 259-264. [2027 The Colony 163 Early, John W. Indian Massacres in Berks County and the Story of Regina, the Indian Captive. Berks Co. Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 2 : 1905-1909, 107-140. [2028 Egle, William H. The First Indian Massacre in the Valley of Wyom- ing. . . . Harrisburg : Harrisburg Publishing Company, 1890. 47 p. [2029 Fisher, John S. Colonel John Armstrong's Expedition Against Kittan- ning. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 51 : 1927, 1-14. [2030 Gerhard, Elmer S. What Conrad Weiser Wrote about Count Von Zinzendorf and the Indians. Am.-German Rev., v. 12 : no. 3, 1945, 14-16 ; no. 4, 1945, 18-20. [2031 Godcharles, Frederic A. Colonel Matthew Smith, Soldier and States- man. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 12 : 1942, 35-54. [2032 Heppell, Shirley G. The Indian War in Berks County, Pennsylvania, 1755-1758. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1949 [2033 Hunter, William A. Provincial Negotiations with the Western Indians, 1754-1758. Pa. Hist., v. 18 : 1951, 213-219. [2034 Jacobs, Wilbur R. The Indian Frontier of 1763. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 34: 1951, 185-198. [2035 Was the Pontiac Uprising a Conspiracy? Ohio Archaeol. and Hist. Quar., v. 59 : 1950, 26-37. [2036 Loudon, Archibald, comp. Selection of Some of the Most Interesting Narratives, of Outrages, Committed by the Indians in Their Wars with the White People, also an Account of their Manners, Customs, Traditions Whitehall, Pa. : The Author, 1808-1811. 2 vols. [2037 MacMinn, Edwin. On the Frontier with Colonel Antes; or, The Struggle for Supremacy of the Red and White Races in Pennsyl- vania. Camden, N. J. : S. Chew, 1900. 513 p. [2038 Peckham, Howard H. Captured by Indians. Am. Heritage, v. 1: no. 1, 1949, 14-15, 60. [2039 Pontiac and the Indian Uprising. Princeton : Princeton Uni- versity Press, 1947. 346 p. [2040 Based on considerable new evidence since Parkman's work, this excellent study- gives considerable space to conditions on Pennsylvania's frontier at close of French and Indian War. 164 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Reeve, J. C. Henry Bouquet : His Indian Campaigns. Ohio Archaeol. and Hist. Quar., v. 26 : 1917, 489-506. [2041 Rice, William H. The Gnadenhutten Massacres : A Brief History of Two Historic Tragedies. Pa.-German, v. 7 : 1906, 26-31, 71-79. [2042 Ritenour, John S. Old Tom Fossit: A True Narrative Concerning a Thrilling Epoch of Early Colonial Days. Pittsburgh: J. R. Weldon, 1926. 269 p. [2043 Roughead, William. Indian Peter. Juridical Rev., v. 36 : 1924, 1-32. [2044 Schnure, W. M. The Penns Creek Massacre of 1755. Snyder Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 1 : 1914, 17-20. [2045 Smith, William. An Historical Account of the Expedition [Bouquet] Against the Ohio Indians in 1764. Philadelphia: Bradford, 1765. 71 p. [2046 Snyder, Charles F. The Albany Treaty Line. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 13 : 1943, 87-95. [2047 The Great Shamokin Path. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 14 : 1944, 5-54. [2048 • The Penn's Creek Massacre [1755]. First Indian Incursion in Pennsylvania. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 11 : 1939, 147-173. [2049 The Story of Regina Leininger, Indian Captive of the Penn's Creek Massacre. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 9 : 1937, 73-83. [2050 Swope, Maude S. The Albany Treaty Line of 1754 Through Monroe Township. Snyder Co. Hist. Soc Bul., v. 1 : 1922, 241-243. [2051 Temple, Henry. Logstown. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 1 : 1918, 248-258. [2052 Thomson, Charles. Causes of the Alienation of the Delaware and Shawanese Indians from the British Interest. Philadelphia, 1867. 184 p. (Originally published London, 1759.) [2053 Wheeler, George. The Red Hole. Schuylkill Co. Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 5 : 1940, 5-24. [2054 The Tulpehocken-Shamokin Trail. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 11 : 1939, 113-127. [2055 The Colony 165 4. Important Frenchmen and Indians Audet, Francis J. Contrecoeur. Famille, seigneurie, paroisse, village. Montreal, 1940. [2056 Jean-Daniel Dumas, le heros de la Monongahela. Esquisse Biographique. Montreal, 1920. [2057 Bennett, Katharine W. Madam Montour. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 13: 1943, 29-46. [2058 Chatelineau, Emmanuel de. Les Lienard, Sieurs de Beaujeu, Saveuse, et Villemomble. Nova Francia, v. 3 : 1927, 327-354. [2059 Les Piercot de Bailleul. Nova Fraxcia, v. 1: 1925, 62- 74. [2060 Dahlinger, Charles W. The Marquis Duquesne, Sieur de Menneville. Founder of the City of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh : Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania, 1932. 116 p. [2061 Darlington, William M. The Montours. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 4: 1880, 218-224. [2062 Donehoo, George P. Shikellamy. Red Max, v. 8 : 1916, 157-161. [2063 Shikellamy : A Prominent Indian Chieftain of Pennsylvania. Red Man, v. 7 : 1914, 141-145. [2064 Fregault, Guy. Le Grand Marquis, Pierre de Rigaud de Vaudreuil et la Louisiane. Montreal: Les Etudes de l'lnstitut d'Histoire de TAmerique Francaise, 1952. 481 p. [2065 An account of the Anglo-French struggle for North America written from French sources. Freeze, John G. Madame Montour. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 3 : 1879, 79-87. [2066 Les Freres Celoron de Blainville. Recherches Historiques, v. 13 : 1907, 313-315. [2067 Gosselin, Amedee. Notes sur la famille Coulon de Villiers. Re- cherches Historiques, v. 12 : 1906, 161-179, 193-218, 225-246, 257- 279, 289-308. [2068 Hentz, Nicholas M. Tadeuskund the Last King of the Lenape. Boston: Cummings-Hilliard, 1825. 276 p. [2069 166 BiBLIOGRArHY OP PENNSYLVANIA IIlSTORY Massicotte, E. Z. Le Capitaine Frangois Marie Le Marchant de Ligneris. Recherchbs Historiques, v. 33 : 1927, 241-242. [2070 Pierre-Jacques Druillon, Seigneur de Mace. Recherches Historiques, v. 26 : 1920, 125-126. [2071 Notes sur Joseph-Louis Celoron de Blainville. Recherches His- toriques, v. 33 : 1927, 600-606. [2072 Penny, John P. Madam Montour. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 13 : 1930, 55-58. [2073 Roy, Pierre-Georges. La Famille Celoron de Blainville, Les Celorons de Blainville. Recherches Historiques, v. 15 : 1909, 302-314, 329- 350, 360-381. [2074 La Famille Chaussegros de Lery. Recherches Historiques, v. 40: 1934, 577-614. [2075 La Famille Deschamps de Boishebert : Charles Deschamps de Boishebert. Recherches Historiques, v. 12 : 1906, 105-111. [2076 La Famille Le Gardeur de Repentigny. Recherches His- toriques, v. 53 : 1947, 165-176, 195-216, 227-247. [2077 Roy, Regis. Les Capitaines de Marin, Sieurs de la Malgue, Chevaliers de Saint-Louis, officiers canadiens, etc., en la Xouvelle France, de 1680 a 1762. In Memoires de la Societe Royale du Canada, 1904. (Section 1, p. 25-34.) [2078 Shea, John G. Daniel Hyacinth Mary Lienard De Beaujeu. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 8 : 1884, 121-128. [2079 Siebeneck, Henry K. Cornplanter. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 11 : 1928, 180-193. [2080 D. Colonial Worthies (Alphabetical by Subject) Allen. De Lancey, Edward F. Chief Justice William Allen. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 1: 1877, 202-211. [2081 Kistler, Ruth M. William Allen, Provincial Man of Affairs. Pa. Hist., v. 1 : 1934, 165-174. [2082 Roberts, Charles R. William Allen, the Founder of Allen- town, and His Descendants. Lehigh Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 1: 1908, 22-43. [2083 The Colony 167 Armstrong. King, J. W. Colonel John Armstrong : His Place in the History of Southwestern Pennsylvania. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 10: 1927, 129-145. [2084 Bartram. Darlington, William. Memorials of John Bartram and Humphrey Marshall, with Notices of Their Botanical Contempo- raries. Philadelphia: Lindsay, 1849. 585 p. [2085 Earnest, Ernest. John and William Bartram, Botanists and Explorers, 1699-1777, 1739-1823. Philadelphia : University of Penn- sylvania Press, 1940. 187 p. [2086 Fox, R. Hingston. John Bartram, Botanist. Friends ' Quar. Examiner, no. 194: 1915, 145-153. [2087 Middleton, William S. John Bartram, Botanist [1699-1777]. Sci. Mo., v. 21 : 1925, 191-216. [2088 Phillips, Marguerita. Philadelphia's Royal Botanist. [John Bartram]. Phila. Forum, v. 32: no. 3, 1952, 9, 23. [2089 Bechtel. Jordan, John W. John Bechtel: His Contributions to Literature, and His Descendants. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 19 : 1895, 137-151. [2090 Beissel. Klein, Walter C. Johann Conrad Beissel, Mystic and Martinet. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1942. 218 p. [2091 A reliable work based on the sources, describing and interpreting the place and work of Beissel as a religious leader. Benezet. Brooks, George S. Friend Anthony Benezet. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1937. 516 p. [2092 A dull but accurate life of the Franco-American Quaker schoolmaster and humanitarian. Half of the book contains letters to and from Benezet. Lashley, Leonard C. Anthony Benezet and His Anti-Slavery Activities. Fordham University, doctoral dissertation. 10'19. [2093 Pannier, Jacques. Antoine Benezet (de Saint-Quentin) un Quaker Francais en Amerique. Toulouse: Societe d 'Edition de Toulouse, 1925. 44 p. [2094 Woodson, Carter G. Anthony Benezet of Philadelphia, 1713-1784. Jour. Negro Hist., v. 2: 1917, 37-50. [2095 168 Bibliography op Pennsylvania History Boehm. Hinke, William J., ed. Life and Letters of the Reverend John Philip Boehm, Founder of the Reformed Church in Penn- sylvania, 1683-1749. Philadelphia: Publication and Sunday-School Board of the Reformed Church in the United States, 1916. 501 p. [2096 Boone. Bakeless, John E. Daniel Boone, Master of the Wilderness. New York : William Morrow, 1939. 480 p. [2097 A well-written biography based on careful and thorough research. The chapters on Boone's childhood and youth in Pennsylvania are especially good, summing up all the known facts about it. Brown, John M. Daniel Boone. New York : Random House, 1952. 181 p. [2098 — Daniel Boone Homestead. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1946. 8 p. [2099 Stoudt, John J. Daniel and Squire Boone : A Study in His- torical Symbolism. Pa. Hist., v. 3 : 1936, 27-40. [2100 Sutton, Isaac C. The Boones in Pennsylvania. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 14: 1949, 74-76. [2101 Turner, D. K. Daniel Boone, a Native of Bucks County. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 2 : 1909, 329-337. [2102 Wilson, Samuel M. Daniel Boone. Filson Club Hist. Quar., v. 8 : 1934, 183-204. [2103 Bouquet. Branch, E. Douglas, ed. Henry Bouquet : His Relict Pos- sessions. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 22: 1939, 201-208. [2104 Branch, E. Douglas. Henry Bouquet : Professional Soldier. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 62: 1938, 41-50. [2105 Robbins, Edward E. Life and Services of Colonel Henry Bouquet. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 3: 1920, 120-139. [2106 Schazmann, Paul-Emile. Henry Bouquet in Switzerland. Pa. Hist., v. 19 : 1952, 237-248. [2107 Bradford. De Armond, Anna J. Andrew Bradford. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 62: 1938, 463-487. [2108 Andrew Bradford, Colonial Journalist. Newark, Del.: University of Delaware Press, 1<)4<). 272 p. [2109 A well-documented study of colonial journalism. The Colony 160 Brainerd. Day, Richard E. Flagellant on Horseback. The Life Story of David Brainerd. Philadelphia : Jndson Press, 1950. 253 p. [2110 Burd. Nixon, Lily L. Colonel James Burd in the Campaign of 1760. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 23 : 1940, 13-24. [2111 James Burd, Frontier Defender. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1941. 198 p. [2112 An excellent biography of an important Pennsylvania officer during the French and Indian War. Cadwalader. Dulles, Charles W. Sketch of the Life of Dr. Thomas Cadwalader. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 27 : 1903, 262-278. [2113 Chalkley. A Journal or Historical Account of the Life, Travels, and Christian Experiences of Thomas Chalkley. Philadelphia: Friends' Book Store, 1866. 634 p. [2114 Cheyney. Cheyney, Edward P. Thomas Cheyney, a Chester County Squire ... Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 60 : 1936, 209-228. [2115 Chovet. Miller, William S. Abraham Chovet, 1704-1790. Ann. Med. Hist., v. 8 : 1926, 375-393. [2116 Crawford. Snyder, Henry P. Colonel William Crawford: Pioneer and Patriot [1732-1782]. [Connellsville, Pa., 1909?]. 13 p. [2117 Crispin. Hough, Oliver. Captain William Crispin, Proprietary's Commissioner for Settling the Colony in Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 22 : 1898, 34-56. [2118 Dock. Bender, Harold S. Christopher Dock. Am.-German Rev., v. 11 : 1945, 4-6, 36. [2119 Brumbaugh, Martin G. The Life and Works of Christopher Dock: America's Pioneer Writer on Education . . . Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1908. 272 p. [2120 Leatherman, Quintus. Christopher Dock, Mennonite School- master, 1718-1771. Mennonite Quar. Rev., v. 16 : 1942, 32-44 [2121 Pennypacker, Samuel W. Christopher Dock, the Pious Schoolmaster on the Skippack and His Works. Philadelphia: Tripple, 1883. 416 p. [2122 Eberle. Radbill, Samuel X. John Eberle, a Pennsylvania Dutch Pioneer in American Medical Education. Johns Hopkins Inst. Hist. Med. Bul., v. 4: 1936, 121-136. [2123 170 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Eichiiolz. Hensel, William U. Jacob Eichholz, Painter [1712-1760]. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 37 : 1913, 48-75. [2124 Evans. Pennington, Edgar L. Nathaniel Evans, Poet of Colonial America. Ocala, Fla. : Privately Printed, 1935. 32 p. [2125 Two slight appreciative essays present Evans as poet and priest. There are some new biographical facts intermingled with much quotation from Evans' verses. Falckner. Clark, Delber W. The World of Justus Palckner. Phila- delphia: Muhlenberg Press, 1946. 189 p. [2126 Biography of a Lutheran pastor who labored among the German immigrants in New York and Pennsylvania during the early eighteenth century. Sachse, Julius F. Justus Falckner, Mystic and Scholar. Philadelphia: The Author, 1903. 141 p. [2127 Fox. Nichols, Charles L. Justus Fox, a German Printer of the Eighteenth Century. Am. Antiq. Soc. Proc, v. 25: 1915, 55-69. [2128 Godfrey. Gegenheimer, Albert F. Thomas Godfrey: Protege of William Smith. Pa. Hist., v. 9: 1942, 233-251; v. 10: 1943, 26-43. [2129 Hamilton. Fisher, Joshua F. Andrew Hamilton, Esquire of Penn- sylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 16 : 1892, 1-27. [2130 Konkle, Burton A. The Life of Andrew Hamilton, 1676- 1741: "The Day Star of the American Revolution." Philadelphia: National Publishing Company, 1941. 168 p. [2131 A biography of one of Pennsylvania's greatest characters. Based on much research and written by a well-known antiquarian. Henry. Beck, Herbert H. William Henry. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 54 : 1950, 65-88. [2132 Hesselius. Gustavus Hesselius, the Earliest Painter and Organ- Builder in America. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 29 : 1905, 129- 133. [2133 Gustavus Hesselius, 1682-1755. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1938. 42 p. [2134 Richardson, E. P. Gustavus Hesselius. Art Quar., v. 12: 1949, 220-226. [2135 The Colony 171 Hicks. Ford, Alice. Edward Hicks : Painter of the Peaceable King- dom. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1952. 161 p. [2136 The biography of a celebrated Quaker preacher and foremost American primitive painter. Hill. Richard Hill, Pennsylvania Colonial Leader. Pennsylvanian, v. 8 : 1950, 6-7. [2137 Holme. Hough, Oliver. Captain Thomas Holme, Surveyor-General of Pennsylvania and Provincial Councillor. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 19: 1895, 413-427; v. 20: 1896, 128-131, 248-256. [2138 Hudson. Glenn, Thomas A. William Hudson, Mayor of Philadelphia, 1725-1726. Pa. Mag. Hist and Biog., v. 15 : 1891, 336-343. [2139 Hughes. Clement, John. Griffith Hughes: S. P. G. Missionary to Pennsylvania and Famous 18th Century Naturalist. P. E. Church Hist. Mag., v. 17 : 1948, 151-163. [2140 Husband. Lazenby, Mary E. Herman Husband : A Story of His Life. Washington, D. C. : Old Neighborhoods Press, 1940. 181 p. [2141 A sympathetic biography of a restless Quaker's activities in Maryland, Penn- sylvania and North Carolina in the late colonial period. Hutchins. Quattrocchi, Anna M. Thomas Hutchins, 1730-1789. University of Pittsburgh, doctoral dissertation. 1944. [2142 Janney. Pennington, Edgar L. Reverend Robert Janney. Am. Antiq. Soc. Proc, v. 51 : 1941, 95-186. [2143 Kearsley. Middleton, William S. The John Kearsleys. Ann. Med. Hist., v. 3 : 1921, 391-402. [2144 Keimer. Bloore, Stephen. Samuel Keimer, a Footnote to the Life of Franklin. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 54: 1930, 255-287. [2145 Carlson, C. Lennart. Samuel Keimer : A Study in the Tran- sit of English Culture to Colonial Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 61 : 1937, 357-386. [2146 Keith. Kirby, Ethyn W. George Keith (1638-1716). New York: Appleton-Century, 1942. 177 p. [2147 A scholarly biography of the Scotch Quaker who led the first schism in Philadelphia Yearly Meeting in 1691. 172 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Kelpius. Klein, Kurt K. Magister Johannes Kelpius Transylvanus, der Heilige unci Dichter von Wissahickon in Pennsylvanien. In Festschrift Seiner Hochwuerden D. Dr. Friedrieh Teutsch gewid- met zu seinem 25 jaehrigen Bischofs-Jubilaeum vom Ausschuss des Vereins fuer Siebenbuergische Landeskunde. Hermannstadt : Honterus-Buchdr. und Verlagsanstalt d. ev. Landeskirche, 1931. p. 57-77. [2148 Seidensticker, Oswald. Johannes Kelpius der Einsiedler am Wissahickon. Der Deutsche Pionier, Jg. 2 : 1870-1871, 35-42, 67-75. [2149 Steinmetz, Andrew. Kelpius, the Hermit of the Wissahickon. Am.-German Rev., v. 7 : no. 6, 1941, 7-12. [2150 Kinsey. Walton, Joseph S. John Kinsey, Speaker of the Pennsyl- vania Assembly and Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province. Philadelphia: Friends Book Association, 1900. 69 p. [2151 Langhorn. Buck, William J. Jeremiah Langhorne. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 7 : 1883, 67-87. [2152 Eastburn, Samuel C. Jeremiah Langhorne and His Time. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 2 : 1909, 546-560. [2153 Lardner. Lardner, John. Sketch of Lynford Lardner. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 76 : 1952, 97-100. [2154 Lay. Rowntree, C. Brightwen. Benjamin Lay (1681-1759) of Col- chester, London, Barbadoes, Philadelphia. Friends' Hist. Soc. Jour., v. 33 : 1936, 3-19. [2155 Leech. Lippincott, Horace M. Toby Leech. Old York Road Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 11 : 1947, 27-35. [2156 Mercer. Keene, James S. Hugh Mercer [1725-1777]. John P. Branch Historical Papers (of Randolph-Macon College), v. 2: 1908, 198-213. [2157 Miller. Dapp, Charles F. Johann Heinrich Miller [1702-1782]. German Am. Ann., v. 14: 1916, 118-136. [2158 [Croll, P. C] Famous Pennsylvania Germans: John Peter Miller, the Scholarly Mystic of Ephrata. Pa.-Ger.max, v. 1: 1900, 3-17. [2159 The Colony 173 Morgan. Middleton, William S. John Morgan, Father of Medical Education in North America. Ann. Med. Hist., v. 9 : 1927, 13-26. [2160 Morrey. Leach, Josiah G. Colonial Mayors of Philadelphia. (Hum- phrey Morrey, First Mayor, 1691-1692). Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 18 : 1894, 419-428. [2161 Morton. Leach, M. Atherton. John Morton [1724-1777]. Am. Scandinavian Kev., v. 3: 1915, 226-232. [2162 Muhlenberg. Frick, W. K. Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, Patri- arch of the Lutheran Church in America. Philadelphia: Lutheran Publishing Company, 1902. 200 p. [2163 Mann, William J. Conservatism of Henry Melchior Muhlen- berg. Luth. Church Kev., v. 7 : 1888, 18-46. [2164 The Life and Times of Henry Melchior Muhlenberg. Philadelphia: G. W. Frederick, 1887. 547 p. [2165 This work rests upon painstaking researches in the manuscript sources. The emphasis is on Muhlenberg's early ministry and the last twenty years of his career receive comparatively scant attention. Richards, George W. Henry Melchior Muhlenberg and Michael Schlatter. Luth. Church Quar., v. 15: 1942, 274-284. [2166 Rubincam, Milton. Henry Melchior Muhlenberg's Early Labors in Pennsylvania, 1742-1760. Pa. Hist., v. 10 : 1943, 178-192. [2167 Schmauk, Theodore E. An Analysis of the Qualities of Muhlenberg as the Organizer of the Lutheran Church in America. Luth. Church Rev., v. 30: 1911, 583-609. [2168 Schuchard, C. B. A Critical Estimate of Henry Melchior Muhlenberg in the Development of the American Lutheran Church. Luth. Church Rev., v. 46 : 1927, 373-390. [2169 Seebach, Margaret R. An Eagle of the Wilderness: The Story of Henry Melchior Muhlenberg. Philadelphia: United Lutheran Publishing House, 1924. 139 p. [2170 Stoever, M. L. Memoir of the Life and Times of Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, D. D., Patriarch of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Philadelphia: Lindsay and Blakiston, 1856. 120 p. [2171 174 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Tappert, Theodore G., and John W. Doberstein, trans. The Journals of Henry Melchior Muhlenberg. Philadelphia: Muhlen- berg Press, 1942-1945. 2 vols. [2172 A careful translation of the journals kept by the patriarch of the Lutheran church in America. Tappert, Theodore G. Muhlenberg and German Religious Culture in Colonial America. Am.-German Rev., v. 8 : no. 6, 1942, 4-7. [2173 The Muhlenberg Tradition in the Nineteenth Cen- tury. Luth. Church Quar., v. 15 : 1942, 394-403. [2174 Wallace, Paul A. W. Conrad Weiser's Son-in-law. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 4: 1939, 112-116. [2175 Norris. Norris, George W. Isaac Norris. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 1 : 1877, 449-454. [2176 Orndorff. Drake, Julia A., and James R. Orndorff. From Mill Wheel to Ploughshare : The Story of the Contribution of Christian Orndorff Family to the Social and Industrial History of the United States. Cedar Rapids, la. : Torch Press, 1938. 271 p. [2177 Pannebecker. Pennypacker, Samuel W. Hendrick Pannebecker, Surveyor of Lands for the Penns, 1674-1754. Philadelphia, 1894. 164 p. [2178 Parsons. Chidsey, Andrew D., jr. William Parsons, Easton's First Citizen. Pa. Hist., v. 7 : 1940, 89-102. [2179 Jordan, John W. William Parsons, Surveyor General, and Founder of Easton, Pennsylvania [1701-1757]. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 33 : 1909, 340-346. [2180 Partridge. Appleton, Marguerite. Richard Partridge: Colonial Agent. New Eng. Quar., v. 5 : 1932, 293-309. [2181 Pastorius. Clayton, Beatrice. Francis Daniel Pastorius. In Men- nonite Yearbook and Almanac for 1902. Quakertown, Pa., 1902. p. 42-44. [2182 Elkinton, Howard W. Francis Daniel Pastorius After 300 Years. Phila. Forum, v. 31 : no. 2, 1951, 9, 15. [2183 Jenkins, Charles F. Francis Daniel Pastorius. Am.-German Rev., v. 1 : 1934, 22-25, 47. [2184 The Colony 175 Learned, Marion D. The Life of Francis Daniel Pastorius, the Founder of Germantown . . . Philadelphia: W. J. Campbell, 1908. 324 p. [2185 This book of rare beauty, written for the two hundred and twenty-fifth anni- versary of the landing of Pastorius, is a model of historical research and painstaking study of primary sources. Pemberton. Thayer, Theodore. Israel Pemberton, King of the Quakers. Philadelphia: Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1943. 260 p. [2186 Peters. Cummings, Hubertis. Richard Peters : Provincial Secretary and Cleric, 1704-1776. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1944. 347 p. [2187 Colonial Pennsylvania is here seen through a study of one of its sons who served the colon}'- and the Penns in many capacities. Printz. Balch, Thomas W. Johan Printz, Governor of New Sweden, 1643-1653. Pa. Soc. Col. Governors Pub., v. 1: 1916, 292-301. [2188 Johnson, Amandus. Johan Printz, Governor. Pa. Arts and Sciences, v. 2 : 1937. [2189 Quick. Crumb, Frederick W. Tom Quick, Early American. Nar- rowsburg, N. Y. : Delaware Valley Press, 1936. 85 p. [2190 Khoads. Biddle, Henry D. Colonial Mayors of Philadelphia. (Samuel Khoads, 1774) . Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 19 : 1895, 64-71. [2191 Kising. Johnson, Amandus. Johan Classon Rising, the Last Gover- nor of New Sweden. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 39 : 1915, 129-142. [2192 Rittenhouse. Elliott, Harrison. The Founder of the Paper Industry in North America. Chron. Early Am. Indus., v. 3 : 1950, 193, 196. [2193 Schlatter. Harbaugh, Henry. The Life of Reverend Michael Schlatter, with a Full Account of His Travels and Labors among the Germans in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and Virginia . . . Philadelphia : Lindsay and Blakiston, 1857. 375 p. [2196 Hinke, William J. Famous Pennsylvania-Germans : Michael Schlatter, the Organizer of the Reformed Church in the United States. Pa.-German, v. 1 : 1900, 3-21. [2197 176 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Schultz. Kriebel, Howard W., and others. Christopher Schultz (1718-1789). Schwenkfeldiana, v. 1: 1940, 5-55. [2198 Kriebel, H. W. David Schultz, Diarist, Scrivener, Con- veyancer, Surveyor, General Business Agent. Perkiomen Region, v. 14: 1936, 67-125. [2199 Shippen. Lewis, Lawrence, jr. Edward Shippen, Chief Justice of Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 7 : 1883, 11-34. [2200 Middleton, William S. William Shippen, Junior. Ann. Med. Hist., v. 4: n. s., 1932, 441-452, 538-549. [2201 Smith. Tolles, Frederick B. A Literary Quaker: John Smith of Burlington and Philadelphia. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 65: 1941, 300-333. [2202 Gegenheimer, Albert F. William Smith: Educator and Churchman, 1727-1803. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1942. 233 p. [2203 Smith, Horace W. Life and Correspondence of Reverend William Smith, D.D. . . . Philadelphia: George, 1879-1880. 2 vols. [2204 Stille, Charles J. A Memoir of the Reverend William Smith, D.D., Provost of the College Academy and Charitable School of Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Moore, 1869. 63 p. [2205 Sower. Brandt, Harry A. Christopher Sower and Son. Elgin, 111. : Brethren Publishing House, cl938. 135 p. [2206 Friedrich, Gerhard. Three Anecdotes About Christopher Sower. Am.-German Rev., v. 10: no. 5, 1944, 33-35. [2207 Fuhrmann, Otto W. Christopher Sauer, Colonial Printer. Am.-German Rev., no. 4, v. 1 : 1935, 39-44, 55. [2207a Reichmann, Felix. Christopher Sower, Sr., 1694-1758, Printer in Germantown. Philadelphia: Carl Schurz Memorial Foundation, 1943. 79 p. [2208 Seidensticker, Oswald. Die Beiden Christoph Saur in Ger- mantown. Der Deutsche Pionier, Jg. 12 : 1880-1881, 10-15, 47-51, 89-92, 178-182, 305-310, 350-357, 389-393, 437-444; Jg. 13: 1881- 1882, 63-67, 114-118, 138-142. [2208a The Colony 177 Spry. Lewis, J. F. Thomas Spry, Lawyer and Physician . . . Phila- delphia: Patterson and White, 1932. 126 p. [2209 Stiegel. Bausher, Mildred J. Henry William Stiegel. Berks Co. Hist. Eev., v. 2 : 1936, 19-25. [2210 Brendle, Abraham S. Henry William Stiegel. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 6 : 1912-16, 59-76. [2211 Daugherty, Harvey P. Henry William Stiegel and Stiegel Glass. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 9 : 1924-1929, 79-89. [2212 Drepperd, Carl W. A Baron of Glass and Iron, Henry William Stiegel. Am. Coll., v. 1 : 1926, 175-182. [2213 Heathcote, Charles W. William Henry Stiegel, an Early Pennsylvania Business Pioneer . . . Picket Post, July, 1946, 13-20. [2214 Heiges, George L. Henry William Stiegel and His Associates. Lancaster, Pa. : Rudisill and Company, 1948. 227 p. [2215 Henry William Stiegel : The Life Story of a Famous American Glass-Maker. Manheim, Pa.: The Author, 1937. 80 p. [2216 Hensel, William U. Stiegel's Life and Legends. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 18 : 1914, 227-235. [2217 Huch, C. F. Baron Heinrich Wilhelm Stiegel [1730-1783]. Deutsch. Pion.-Verein v. Phila. Mitteil., v. 5 : 1907, 1-16. [2218 Sieling, J. H. Baron Henry William Stiegel. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 1 : 1896, 44-65. [2219 Stine, Milton H. Baron Stiegel: An Interesting Narrative Based on the Experiences of a Lutheran Pioneer. Philadelphia : Lutheran Publication Society, cl903. 331 p. [2220 Van Tassel, Valentine. The " Baron' ' Stiegel, Yeoman and Gentleman. Antiques Jour., v. 5 : no. 8, 1950, 14-18 ; no. 9, 22-23. [2221 Sturgeon. Shelling, Richard I. William Sturgeon, Catechist to the Negroes of Philadelphia and Assistant Rector of Christ Church, 1747-1766. P. E. Church Hist. Mag., v. 8 : 1939, 388-401. [2222 178 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Tennent. Ingram, George H. William Tennent, Senior, the Founder [Log College], 1673-1746. Presbyterian Church Dept. Hist. Jour., v. 14 : 1930, 1-27. [2223 Townsend. Hocker, Edward W. Richard Townsend, Pioneer In- dustrialist. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 20 : no. 9, 1952, 23-26, 29. [2224 Trent. Slick, Sewell E. William Trent and the West. Harrisburg : Archives Publishing Co., 1947. 188 p. [2225 Vallandigham. Vallandigham, Edward N. Lieutenant Colonel George Vallandigham. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 53 : 1929, 159- 167. [2226 Weiser. Anderson, Mrs. K. T. Colonel Conrad Weiser (1696-1760) Pioneer, Soldier, Diplomat, Judge, Provincial Interpreter. III. State Hist. Soc. Jour., v. 23 : 1931, 604-617. [2227 Beauchamp, William M. The Life of Conrad Weiser as It Relates to His Services as Official Interpreter Between New York and Pennsylvania . . . Syracuse, N. Y. : Onondaga Historical Asso- ciation, 1925. 122 p. [2228 Croll, P. C. Conrad Weiser, the Interpreter. Am. Historical Reg., v. 1 : 1894, 221-232. [2229 Conrad Weiser and His Memorial Park, Reading, Pa. : Reading Eagle Press, 1926. 186 p. [2230 Graeff, Arthur D. Conrad Weiser — Interpreter. Temple University, master's thesis. 1932. [2231 Conrad Weiser, Pennsylvania Peacemaker. Allen- town, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Folklore Society, 1943. 406 p. [2232 A narrative setting forth Weiser's services to the colony of Pennsylvania. Long, E. J. Conrad Weiser. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 12 : 1929, 58-62. [2233 Nolan, J. Bennett. Conrad Weiser, the Interpreter. [Phila- delphia] : Publication of the Society of Colonial Wars in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1930. 8 p. [2234 John Conrad Weiser the Elder: A Forgotten Pi- oneer. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 2 : 1937, 38-41. [2235 The Colony 179 Richards, Henry M. M. Conrad Weiser, an Early Lutheran Patriot. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 9: 1924-1929, 165-185. [2236 The Weiser Family. Lancaster, Pa. : Pennsylvania German Society, 1924. 115 p. [2237 Schopf, Eugen. J. K. Weiser, Vater und Sohn : Schwabische Bauern Machen Geschichte in Nordamerika. Stuttgart: Steinkopf, 1938. 117 p. [2238 A very interesting narrative of the careers of the Indian agent and his father, based on secondary sources and a sympathetic understanding of Swabian temperament. Seversmith, Herbert F. The Two Conrad Weisers, Pioneers of Liberty. Pennsylvanian, v. 4 : 1947, 37-38. [2239 Snyder, Charles F. Conrad Weiser in the Susquehanna Valley, His Travels, Land Holdings, and the Weiser Family in This Vicinity. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 6 : 1934, 5-72. [2240 Wallace, Paul A. W. Conrad Weiser. Philadelphia: Uni- versity of Pennsylvania Press, 1945. 648 p. [2241 An excellent work on white-Indian relations and the life of the leading "ambassador" to the red men. Conrad Weiser. Am. Heritage, v. 3: no. 4, 1952, 9-13. [2242 Conrad Weiser: Messenger of Peace. Now and Then, v. 8 : 1946, 78-86. [2243 Weiser, Clement Z. The Life of (John) Conrad Weiser, the German Pioneer, Patriot, and Patron of Two Races. Reading, Pa. : Daniel Miller, 1876. 449 p. [2244 West. Lippincott, Horace M. Benjamin West, 1757. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 47 : 1944-1945, 13-28. [2245 Zachary. Kieffer, John E. Lloyd Zachary, 1701-1756, Physician- Health Officer. Pa. Health, v. 1 : 1940, 25-27. [2246 Radbill, Samuel X. Dr. Lloyd Zachary, 1701-1756. Ann. Med. Hist., v. 1 : 1939, 507-518. [2247 180 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Zeisberger. Blumhardt, Christian G. Vie de D. Zeisberger, Mission- aire de l'Eglise des Freres de Moravie. Neuchatel: Jean Pierre Michaud, 1844. 184 p. [2248 de Schweinitz, Edmund. David Zeisberger the Western Pioneer and Apostle of the Indians . . . Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1870. 747 p. [2249 Zinzendorf. Bovet, Felix. The Banished Count; or, the Life of Nicholas Zinzendorf. London: Nisbet, 1865. 322 p. (Translated from the French by Reverend John Gill). [2250 Spangenberg, August G. Life of Count Zinzendorf, Bishop and Ordinary of the Church of the United Brethren. London : Holdsworth, 1838. 511 p. (Translated from the German by Samuel Jackson. ) [2251 Biographical Collections Armor, William C. Lives of the Governors of Pennsylvania with the Incidental History of the State, from 1609-1873. Norwich, Conn. : Davis, 1874. 557 p. [2252 Biddle, Gertrude B., and Sarah D. Lowrie, eds. Notable Women of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1942. 307 p. [2253 Short biographies of some two hundred women who have played outstanding roles in the story of the State from the earliest days to the present. Jordan, John W., ed. Colonial Families of Philadelphia. New York : Lewis, 1911. 2 vols. [2254 Keith, Charles P. The Provincial Councillors of Pennsylvania who Held Office between 1733 and 1776 . . . Philadelphia, 1883. 141 p. [2255 Lefferts, Walter. Noted Pennsylvanians. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1913. 252 p. [2256 Morris, Charles, ed. Makers of Philadelphia, an Historical Work Giving . . . Sketches of the Most Eminent Citizens of Philadelphia from the Time of William Penn to the Present Day. Philadelphia: L. R. ITamersley, 1894. 308 p. [2257 The Colony 181 V. THE COLONY IN CONTROVERSY AND AS A COMMONWEALTH, 1763-1790 A. Boundary Disputes 1. Maryland and Delaware Bacon, John B. Mason and Dixon's Line. [n. p., 1881 ?] . 22 p. [2258 Bayliff, William H. Boundary Monuments on the Maryland-Penn- sylvania and the Maryland-Delaware Boundaries. Annapolis, Md. : Maryland Board of Natural Resources, 1951. 100 p. (Bulletin no. 4). [2259 Cope, Thomas D. The Apprentice Years of Mason and Dixon. Pa. Hist., v. 11 : 1944, 155-170. [2260 Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon. Sci. Mo., v. 62 : 1946, 541-554. [2261 Collecting Source Material about Charles Mason and Jere- miah Dixon [1760-92]. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 92: 1948, 111-114. [2262 Degrees Along the West Line, the Parallel Between Maryland and Pennsylvania. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 93: 1949, 127-133. [2263 The First Scientific Expedition of Charles Mason and Jere- miah Dixon. Pa. Hist., v. 12 : 1945, 3-12. [2264 A Frame of Reference for Mason and Dixon. Pa. Acad. Sci. Proc, v. 19 : 1945, 79-86. [2265 The Stargazer's Stone. Pa. Hist., v. 6: 1939, 205-220 [2266 Craig, Neville B. Lectures on the Controversy over the Western Termination of the Mason and Dixon Line and the Possession of Pittsburgh. Olden Time, v. 1 : 1846, 433-457. [2267 Dunlap, James. Memoir of Penn-Baltimore Controversy. Pa. Hist. Soc. Mem., v. 1 ■ 1825, 163-204. [2268 Dwight, H. G. The Mason and Dixon Line. Yale Rev., v. 15: 1926, 687-702. [2269 Fleming, Samuel W., jr. The Mason and Dixon Line. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 20: no. 5, 1952, 22-25, 29. [2270 182 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Graham, J. D. Report of Lieutenant Colonel J. D. Graham, United States Topographical Engineers, on Mason and Dixon's Line. Chicago, 1862. 95 p. [2271 Harmer, Harvey W. When, Where, and Why the Mason-Dixon Line Was Run. West Va. Hist., v. 13: 1952, 111-119. [2272 Hayes, J. Carroll. The Delaware Curve : The Story of the Pennsyl- vania Delaware Circular Boundary. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 47 : 1923, 238-258. [2273 Penn vs. Lord Baltimore : A Brief for the Penns. Pa. Hist., v. 8 : 1941, 278-304. [2274 Heaven, Alice M. A Sketch of the Famous Mason and Dixon Line. Washington, D. C. : Ben Franklin Press, 1927. 19 p. [2275 Hodgkins, W. C. Historical Account of the Boundary Line Between the States of Pennsylvania and Delaware. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Rep., 1893, 175-222. [2276 Johannsen, Robert W. The Conflict Between the Three Lower Coun- ties on the Delaware and the Province of Pennsylvania. Del. Hist., v. 5 : 1952, 96-132. [2277 Konkle, Burton A. Delaware : A Grant Yet Not a Grant. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 54 : 1930, 241-254. [2278 Latrobe, John H. B. History of Mason and Dixon's Line. Philadel- phia : Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1855. 52 p. [2279 Lefferts, Walter. Story of Pennsylvania's Southern Boundary. Phila. Geog. Soc. Bul., v. 18 : 1920, 94-99. [2280 Lunt, Dudley. The Bounds of Delaware. Wilmington, Del.: Star Publishing Company, 1947. 69 p. [2281 A legal study of the Penn-Baltimore boundary dispute that shows Penn as a not always "pacific" Friend. McPherson, Edward. The Murder of Dudley Digges, 1752. Gettys- burg, Pa. : Times and News Publishing Co., 1941. 57 p. [2282 Mason and Dixon's Line. Olden Time, v. 1 : 1846, 529-548. [2283 Mason and Dixon Line Resurvey Commission. Report on the Re- survey of the Maryland-Pennsylvania Boundary Part of the Mason The Colony 183 and Dixon Line. [Harrisburg : Harrisburg Publishing Company], 1909. 412 p. [2284 A full, able review of the long controversy, listing a great number of items of source material, with brief abstracts of each. It fails, however, to recognize the importance of the legal phases of the subject, chiefly from the compromise viewpoint; a vital factor in view of the recent United States Supreme Court's affirmation of the Chancery Court decision in favor of the Penns, in the cause celebre of Penn vs. Lord Baltimore. Morton, Richard L. The Reverend Hugh Jones: Lord Baltimore's Mathematician. Wm. and Mary Quae., v. 7 : 1950, 107-115. [2285 Robinson, Morgan P. Evolution of the Mason-Dixon Line. Jour. Am. Hist., v. 3 : 1909, 555-568. [2286 Rodney, Richard S. End of the Penns' Claim to Delaware, 1789- 1814 : Some Forgotten Lawsuits. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 61 : 1937, 182-203. [2287 Scaife, Walter B. The Boundary Dispute Between Maryland and Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 9 : 1885, 241-271. [2288 Tansill, Charles C. The Pennsylvania-Maryland Boundary Con- troversy. Washington, D. C. : Catholic University of America, 1915. 72 p. [2289 Veech, James. Mason and Dixon's Line. Pittsburgh, 1857. 58 p. [2290 An interesting review of the long controversy. The author, however, questions the Penn title to Delaware, a title recently sustained by the United States Supreme Court. 2. Virginia Abernethy, Thomas P. Pennsylvania- Virginia Boundary Dispute. In Western Lands and the American Kevolution. New York : Apple- ton-Century, 1937. p. 91-97. [2291 Barns, William D. Southwestern Pennsylvania During the Pennsyl- vania-Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1763-1784. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1940. [2292 Caley, Caleb B. Lord Dunmore and the Pennsylvania-Virginia Boundary Dispute. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 22 : 1939, 87-100. [2293 Chapman, T. J. Early Virginia Claims in Pennsylvania. Mag. Am. Hist., v. 13 : 1885, 155-160. [2294 184 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Craig, Neville B. Lecture upon the Controversy Between Pennsyl- vania and Virginia about the Boundary Line. Pittsburgh: A. Jaynes, 1843. 30 p. [2295 Crumrine, Boyd, cd. Boundary Controversy Between Pennsylvania and Virginia, 1748-1785 : A Sketch. Carnegie Mus. Ann., v. 1 : 1902, 505-524. [2296 The County Court for the District of West Augusta, Virginia, Held at Augusta Town, near Washington, Pennsylvania, 1776-1777. Washington, Pa. : Washington County Historical Society, 1905. 46 p. [2297 James, Alfred P. The Role of Virginia and Virginians in the Early History of Southwestern Pennsylvania. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 34: 1951, 51-63. [2298 McGroarty, William B. Major Andrew Ellicott and His Historic Boundary Lines. Virginia Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 58: 1950, 98-111. [2299 Noll, Robert C. The Boundary Dispute Between Pennsylvania and Virginia. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1936. [2300 Potter, John E. The Connecticut Grants and the Virginia Boundary Controversy. Wyoming Commem. Assoc. Pub., 1916, 9-29. [2301 The Pennsylvania and Virginia Boundary Controversy. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 38 : 1914, 407-426. [2302 3. Connecticut Avery, Samuel. The Susquehanna Controversy Examined. Wilkes- Barre, Pa. : A. and C. Miner, 1803. 142 p. [2303 Baldwin, Simeon E. Connecticut in Pennsylvania. New Haven Colony Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 8 : 1914, 1-19. [2304 Bidwell, Barnabas. The Susquehanna Title, Stated and Examined. Catskill, [N. Y.] : Mackay Croswell, 1796. 115 p. (Reprinted in Wyoming Hist, and Geol. Soc. Proc. and Coll., v. 20: 1929, 49- 243). [2305 Bowen, Clarence W. Boundary Disputes of Connecticut. Boston: Osgood, 1882. 90 p. [2306 The Colony 185 Boyd, Julian P. The National Background of a Local Picture. Wyoming Hist, and Geol. Soc. Proc. and Coll., v. 22 : 1930-1936, 281-302. [2307 The Susquehannah Company: Connecticut's Experiment in Expansion. Jour. Econ. and Bus. Hist., v. 4 : 1931, 36-69. Also oy Tercentenary Commission of the State of Connecticut, New Haven : Yale University Press, 1935. 48 p. [2308 Boyd, Julian P., ed. The Susquehannah Company Papers, 1750-1772. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. : Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, 1930-1931. 4 vols. [2309 Each volume contains an extended introduction dealing with the controversy over jurisdiction of northeastern Pennsylvania between Connecticut and Pennsylvania and the early settlement of the Wyoming Valley. Brewster, William. The Connecticut Claim. Wyoming Commem. Assoc. Proc, 1939, 7-15. [2310 Dana, Sylvester. The Fatherland of the Wyoming Settlers. Wyoming Commem. Assoc. Proc, 1894, 11-30. [2311 Dutcher, George M. The Connecticut Background of the Settlement of the Wyoming Valley. Wyoming Commem. Assoc. Proc, 1935, 7-17. [2312 Fornance, Joseph K. The Pennymite Wars. Soc. Colonial Wars in Pa. Hist. Pub., v. 6 : 1941, 1-29. [2313 Gnichtel, Frederick W. The "Pennamite Wars" and the Trenton Decree of 1782. N. J. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 6: n. s., 1921, 24-34. [2314 Godcharles, Frederic A. The Second Pennamite-Yankee War. Wy- oming Commem. Assoc. Proc, 1923, 5-15. [2315 Groff, George G. A Colony out of the Northern Wilderness. Wy- oming Commem. Assoc. Proc, 1904, 9-44. [2316 Harvey, Oscar J. ... A Connecticut Town and County in Pennsyl- vania, 1774-1782. [Scranton, Pa.: Lackawanna Historical Society, 1921]. 13 p. [2317 Some Phases of the Pennamite-Yankee Controversy. Ameri- cana, v. 24 : 1930, 159-214. [2318 Hermann, Burke M. The Pennsylvania-Connecticut Boundary Dis- pute. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1916. [2319 186 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History [Hooker, Roland M.] Boundaries of Connecticut. New Haven : Yale University Press, 1933. 38 p. [2320 Hoyt, Henry M. Brief of a Title in the Seventeen Townships in the County of Luzerne . . . Harrisburg : Hart, 1879. 145 p. [2321 Jenkins, Steuben. A Yankee Celebration at Wyoming in Ye Olden Time. Wyoming Hist, and Geol. Soc. Proc. and Coll., v. 17 : 1920, 39-66. [2322 Lay, George C. Famous Disputes Between the States in First Grants in America: . . . Political ''War" Between Pennsylvania and Con- necticut in the Wyoming Valley. Jour. Am. Hist., v. 4 : 1910, 431- 445. [2323 McPherson, Bernice M. The Connecticut Women of Wyoming Valley. Bradford Co. Hist. Soc. Ann., v. 8 : 1914, 5-16. [2324 Phillips, Edward H. A Frontier Interlude : Timothy Pickering and the Wyoming Valley. Rice Inst. Pamphlet, v. 37: no. 1, 1950, 48-74. [2325 Smith, William. An Examination of the Connecticut Claim to Lands in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia : Crukshank, 1774. 94 p. [2326 Turner, D. K. The Claim of Connecticut to Wyoming. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 3 : 1909, 644-657. [2327 Weyburn, S. Fletcher, comp. Following the Connecticut Trail from Delaware Kiver to Susquehanna Valley. Scranton, Pa. : Anthracite Press, 1932. 191 p. [2328 Wilcox, William J. John Jenkins, the Judge and the Colonel. Wy- oming Commem. Assoc. Proc, July, 1949, 7-18. [2329 Woodward, Stanley. The Yankee and Pennamite in the Wyoming Valley. Wyoming Hist, and Geol. Soc. Proc. and Coll., v. 4: 1899, 95-110. [2330 4. New York Flick, A. C. How New York Won and Lost an Empire. X. Y. Hist., v. 18 : 1937, 361-377. [2331 Halsey, Francis W. The Old New York Frontier. New York : Scrib- ner, 1901. 432 p. [2332 Pertinent to history of northwestern Pennsylvania. The Colony 187 [Pratt, Daniel J.] Report upon the New York and Pennsylvania Boundary. Albany, N. Y. : Weed, 1886. 488 p. [2333 Contains a wealth of material as valuable for Pennsylvania as New York. B. Growing Friction with Britain 1. General Abernethy, Thomas P. Western Lands and the American Kevolution. New York : Appleton-Century, 1937. 413 p. [2334 A study of the politics of land speculation. Among those who participated were such Pennsylvanians as Franklin, Croghan, Baynton, Wharton, Morgan and Morris. Bartlett, Alice C. T. Philadelphia Tea Tempest. Temple University, master's thesis. 1935. [2335 Brunhouse, Robert L. The Effect of the Townsend Acts in Penn- sylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 54 : 1930, 355-373. [2336 Bushey, Glenn. A Bibliography of Controversial Literature Pub- lished in the American Revolutionary Period, 1750-1785, Found in the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Temple University, doc- toral dissertation. 1939. [2337 Davidson, Philip G., jr. Revolutionary Propaganda in New England, New York, and Pennsylvania, 1763-1776. University of Chicago, doctoral dissertation. 1929. [2338 Grant, Hattie M. Pennsylvania Under the Townshend Acts. Temple University, master's thesis. 1938. [2339 Johnson, Mary A. The Attitudes of the Leading Religious Sects of Pennsylvania Towards the Revolution. Temple University, master's thesis. 1936. [2340 Lincoln, Charles H. . . . The Revolutionary Movement in Pennsyl- vania, 1760-1776. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1901. 300 p. [2341 A sound piece of research based on manuscript and printed sources available fifty years ago. Written with clarity and understanding. Martin, Alfred S. The King's Customs: Philadelphia, 1763-1774. Wm. and Mary Quar., v. 5 : 1948, 201-216. [2342 Sawtelle, William O. Acadia: The Pre-Loyalist Migration and the Philadelphia Plantation. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 51 : 1927, 244-285. [2343 188 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Schlesinger, Arthur M. Politics, Propaganda, and the Philadelphia Press, 1767-1770. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 60: 1936, 309-322. [2344 Sklar, Aaron H. Pennsylvania During the Stamp Act. Temple Uni- versity, master's thesis. 1947. [2345 Stone, Frederick D. How the Landing of Tea Was Opposed in Phila- delphia by Colonel "William Bradford and Others in 1773. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 15 : 1891, 385-393. [2346 Swanson, Neil H. The First Rebel: Being a Lost Chapter of Our History and a True Narrative of America's First Uprising Against English Military Authority . . (Colonel James Smith). New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1937. 393 p. [2347 Concerns the armed uprising in the Conococheague Valley settlements on the Pennsylvania-Maryland frontier in 1765. Taylor, Thomas B. The Philadelphia Counterpart of the Boston Tea Party . . . Friends' Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 3 : 1909, 21-49. [2348 2. John Dickinson Dickinson, John. The Political Thought of John Dickinson. Dickin- son Law Rev., v. 39 : 1934, 1-14. [2349 The Political Writings of John Dickinson. Wilmington, Del. : Bonsai and Niles, 1801. 2 vols. [2350 Frank, Will P. John Dickinson, Who Refused to Sign. Dickinson Alumnus, v. 9 : 1932, 11-15. [2351 Himes, Charles F. The True John Dickinson [1732-1808]. [Carlisle, Pa.] : Historical Society of Cumberland County, 1912. 32 p. [2352 Powell, John H. John Dickinson and the Constitution. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 60 : 1936, 1-14. [2353 John Dickinson, Penman of the American Revolution. Uni- versity of Iowa, doctoral dissertation. 1938. [2354 Stille' Charles J. The Life and Times of John Dickinson, 1732-1808 . . . Philadelphia: Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1891. 437 p. [2355 The Colony 189 3. Benjamin Franklin Abbe, Cleveland. Benjamin Franklin as Meteorologist. Am. Phil. Soc. Peoc, v. 45 : 1906, 117-128. [2356 Adams, Percy G. Crevecoeur and Franklin. Pa. Hist., v. 14: 1947, 273-279. [2357 Aldridge, Alfred 0. Franklin and Jackson on the French War. Am. Phil. Soc. Peoc, v. 94: 1950, 396-397. [2358 Franklin and the Ghostly Drummer of Tedworth. Wm. and Mary Quar., v. 7 : 1950, 559-567. [2359 Franklin as Demographer. Jour. Econ. Hist., v. 9 : 1949, 25-44. [2360 Franklin's Deistical Indians. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 94: 1950, 398-410. [2361 Franklin's Letter on Indians and Germans. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 94: 1950, 391-395. [2362 Allen, Henry B. Benjamin Franklin, Philosophical Engineer. Prince- ton, N. J. : Newcomen Society, American Branch, 1943. 28 p. [2363 Ames, Herman V. The Public Career of Benjamin Franklin, a Life of Service. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 55 : 1931, 193-207. [2364 Arvidson, Stellan. Benjamin Franklin, ett Universalgeni. Stockholm: Naturoch Kultur, 1943. 235 p. [2365 Bache, Richard M. The Two Rival Autobiographies of Franklin. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 24 : 1900, 195-199. [2366 Baird, Henry M. The Diplomatic Services of Benjamin Franklin. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 28 • 1890, 209-225. [2367 Baumgarten, Eduard. Benjamin Franklin, der Lehrmeister der Amerikanischen Revolution. Frankfurt am Main : V. Klostermann, 1936. 248 p. [2368 Beale, Louis. Benjamin Franklin, International Patriot. Jour. Franklin Institute, v. 239: 1945, 185-200. [2369 Becker, Carl L. Benjamin Franklin. Ithaca, N. Y. : Cornell Uni- versity Press, 1946. 49 p. [2370 A brief biographical sketch of the most versatile American by one exception- ally well qualified in style of writing and understanding of his subject. 190 Bibliography op Pennsylvania History Benjamin Franklin, Colonial Agent for Georgia, at the Court of St. James. Ga. Hist. Quar., v. 2 : 1918, 150-164. [2371 Bettziech-Beta, Heinrich. Benjamin Franklin: Sein Leben, Denken und Wirken. Leipzig : Broekhaus, 1853. 108 p. [2372 Bruce, William C. Benjamin Franklin, Self-Kevealed : A Biographical and Critical Study Based Mainly on His Own "Writings. New York : Putnam, 1917. 2 vols. [2373 A worthwhile study for the serious student of Franklin and the period, but not recommended for the general reader because of its bulk. Buffington, Joseph. Benjamin Franklin and the Constitution. Const. Rev., v. 3 : 1919, 157-167. [2374 A Recall of Benjamin Franklin. Reformed Church Rev., v. 15: 1912, 451-487. [2375 Bullen, Henry L. Benjamin Franklin and What Printing Did for Him. Am. Coll., v. 2 : 1926, 284-291 [2376 Butler, Ruth L. Doctor Franklin, Postmaster General. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1928. 200 p. [2377 Limited to one phase of Franklin's life. Campbell, William J., comp. The Collection of Franklin Imprints in the Museum of the Curtis Publishing Company. Philadelphia: Curtis Publishing Company, 1918. 333 p. [2378 Carey, Lewis J. Franklin's Economic Views. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1928. 243 p. [2379 Chaplin, Jeremiah. The Life of Benjamin Franklin. Boston : Lothrop, 1876. [2380 Choate, Joseph H. Franklin as Statesman and Diplomatist. Am. Phil. Soc. Bicentennial, v. 1 : 1906, 71-95. [2381 Clary, William W. B. Franklin, Printer and Publisher. [Los Angeles] : Los Angeles Club of Printing House Craftsmen, 1935. 95 p. [2382 Cloyd, David E. Benjamin Franklin and Education: His Ideal of Life and His System of Education for the Realization of That Ideal . . . Boston : D. C. Heath, 1902. 104 p. [2383 Cohen, I. Bernard. Aspects of the Scientific Career of Benjamin Franklin. Auto. Coll. Jour., v. 5 : no. 1, 1952, 2-10. [2384 The Colony 191 Cohen, I. Bernard, ed. Benjamin Franklin's Experiments. Cam- bridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1942. 453 p. [2385 A distinguished piece of editing and interpretation. A scholarly contribution published in a beautiful format. Necessary for the Franklin scholar. Cohen, I. Bernard. Benjamin Franklin and the Transit of Mercury in 1753. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 94: 1950, 222. [2386 How Practical Was Benjamin Franklin's Science? Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 69 : 1945, 284-293. [2387 In Defense of Benjamin Franklin. Scientific Am., v. 179 : no. 2, 1948, 36-43. [2388 Connelly, Elizabeth D. Benjamin Franklin in the News Today. Pennsylvanian, v. 4 : 1947, 33-34. [2389 Cope, Thomas D. Some Contacts of Benjamin Franklin with Mason and Dixon and Their Work. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 95 : 1951, 232- 238. [2390 Coulson, Thomas. Benjamin Franklin and the Post Office. Jour. Franklin Inst., v. 250 : 1950, 191-212. [2391 Cousins, Margaret. Ben Franklin of Old Philadelphia. New York : Kandom House, 1952. 184 p. [2392 Crane, Verner W. Benjamin Franklin, Englishman and American. Baltimore : Williams and Wilkins, 1936. 142 p. [2393 Based on a fresh and detailed study of source material, this critical interpre- tation is important. Develops Franklin's attitude toward public affairs. Crane, Verner W., ed. Benjamin Franklin's Letters to the Press, 1758-1775. Chapel Hill, N. C. : University of North Carolina Press, 1950. 308 p. [2394 Letters written to the English press when Franklin was in London as agent for one or more of the American colonies. Crane, Verner W. Benjamin Franklin on Slavery and American Liberties. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 62 : 1938, 1-11. [2395 Dickinson, Asa D. Benjamin Franklin, Bookman. Bookman, v. 53 : 1921, 197-205. [2396 Douglas, Paul H. Two Eighteenth Century Philadelphians : Benja- min Franklin and John Woolman. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 54:1952,131-138. [2397 192 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Dudley, Edward L. Benjamin Franklin. New York: Macmillan, 1915. 232 p. [2398 Duncan, William de B. Benjamin Franklin and the Frontier. Uni- versity of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1933. [2399 Dvoichenko-Markov, Eufrosina. Benjamin Franklin and Leo Tolstoy. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 96 : 1952, 119-128. [2400 Eaton, Jeanette. That Lively Man, Ben Franklin. New York: William Morrow and Co., 1948. 253 p. [2401 A biography for younger readers. Eddy, George S. Dr. Benjamin Franklin's Library. Am. Antiq. Soc. Proc, v. 34 : n. s., 1924, 206-226. [2402 Eiselen, Malcolm R. Franklin's Political Theories. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1928. 101 p. [2403 Eliot, Charles W. Franklin as Printer and Philosopher. Am. Phil. Soc. Bicentennial, v. 1 : 1906, 55-70. [2404 Eliot, Thomas D. The Relations Between Adam Smith and Benjamin Franklin before 1776. Pol. Sci. Quar., v. 39 : 1924, 67-96. [2405 Epstein, Samuel, and Beryl Williams. The Real Book About Benja- min Franklin. New York: Garden City, 1952. 192 p. [2406 A biography for younger readers. Farrand, Max, ed. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Berke- ley, Cal. : University of California Press, 1949. 238 p. [2407 An edition using Franklin's original manuscript and three versions based on "fair copies" — that of William Temple Franklin, and two French translations, one by le Veillard, and a second by Buisson. Benjamin Franklin's Memoirs. Berkeley, Cal.: University of California Press, 1949. 462 p. [2408 A companion work to Farrand's edition of Franklin's Autobiography. Farrand, Max. Self -Portraiture : The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 42 : 1940, 403-417. [2409 Fay, Bernard. Benjamin Franklin. Paris : Caiman-Levy, 1930-1931. 3 vols. [2410 The French edition of the work published in America by Little, Brown and Company in one volume. The Colony 193 Franklin, the Apostle of Modern Times. Boston: Little, Brown, 1930. 547 p. [2411 A good, readable single-volume survey of Franklin's life and work by a Frenchman. His Excellency Mr. Franklin. Forum, v. 79: 1928, 321- 334. [2412 The Two Franklins : Fathers of American Democracy. Boston : Little, Brown, 1933. 397 p. [2413 The Franklin-Bache Collection provided the basis for this study of Franklin and Benjamin Franklin Bache. Fisher, Sidney G. Benjamin Franklin. Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1927. 381 p. [2414 A little old-fashioned but in many ways still a fairly good book for the general reader. Ford, Paul L. Franklin Bibliography. A List of Books Written by or Relating to Benjamin Franklin. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1889. 467 p. [2415 The Many-Sided Franklin. New York, 1899. 516 p. [2416 Although published over forty years ago this book is still an excellent survey of Franklin's life as the title indicates. Who Was the Mother of Franklin's Son? Xew Rochelle [X. Y.] : Walpole Printing Office, 1932. 33 p. [2417 Franklin, Benjamin. Dr. Benj. Franklin and the Ladies; Being Various Letters, Essays, Bagatelles, & Satires to & About the Fair Sex. Mount Vernon, [N. Y.] : Peter Pauper Press, 1939. 69 p. [2418 Franklin Institute. The Will of Benjamin Franklin, 1757. Philadel- phia: Franklin Institute, 1949. 16 p. [2419 Furness, Horace H. Franklin as Citizen and Philanthropist. Am. Phil. Soc. Bicentennial, v. 1 : 1906, 31-53. [2420 Goode, G. Brown. The Literary Labors of Benjamin Franklin. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 28 : 1890, 177-197. [2421 Goodman, Nathan G., ed. A Benjamin Franklin Reader. New York : Crowell, 1945. 818 p. [2422 A collection of Franklin's writings arranged topically. Possibly the most satisfactory compilation for the general reader. Benjamin Franklin's Own Story. His Autobiography Con- tinued from 1759 to His Death in 1700 . . . Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1937. 268 p. [2423 194 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Goodman, Nathan G. The Ingenious Dr. Franklin. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1931. 244 p. [2424 A collection of Franklin's letters and papers on scientific matters, including some hitherto unpublished letters. "An entertaining volume which reveals the ranging curiosity of Franklin's mind and the state of scientific knowledge in his day." Gottschalk, Louis. Franklin and Lafayette. Inst. Franc. Washing- ton Bul., v. 12 : 1939, 7-24. [2425 Grampp, William D. The Political Economy of Poor Richard. Jour. Pol. Econ., v. 55 : 1947, 132-141. [2426 Gray, Austin K. Franklin's First Project. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 42 : 1940, 146-155. [2427 Green, Samuel A. Benjamin Franklin, Printer, Patriot and Philoso- pher. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc., v. 32 : 1893, 42-54. [2428 Guedalla, Philip. Dr. Franklin. Cornhill Mag., v. 59: n. s., 1925, 116-126. [2429 Hart, Albert B. Benjamin Franklin as a Commonwealth Builder. Wyoming Commem. Assoc. Proc., 1906, 9-22. [2430 Harvey, E. Newton. Benjamin Franklin's Views on the Phospho- rescence of the Sea. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc., v. 83 : 1940, 341-348. [2431 Haviland, Thomas P. Two Epitaphs for Ben. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 75 : 1951, 196-199. [2432 Hines, Norman E. Benjamin Franklin on Population. Econ. Hist., v. 3:1937, 388-398. [2433 Holland, J. W. The Scientific Work of Benjamin Franklin. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 28 : 1890, 199-207. [2434 Horner, George F. Franklin's "Dogood Papers" Re-examined. Stud. in Philol., v. 37 : 1940, 501-523. [2435 Houston, Edwin J. Franklin as a Man of Science and Inventor. Philadelphia: Franklin Institute, 1906. 140 p. [2436 Huckel, Oliver. Benjamin Franklin and George Whitefield, Founding Fathers. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 40: 1938, 372-382. [2437 Irwin, Agnes. The Social and Domestic Life of Franklin. Jour. Franklin Inst., v. 161: 1906, 431-438. [2438 The Colony 195 Jackson, Sidney L. An Unknown Ben Franklin. Harvard Educ. Rev., v. 11 : 1941, 102-111. [2439 Joost, Nicholas. William Parks, Benjamin Franklin, and a Problem in Colonial Deism. Mid-America, v. 23 : 1952, 3-13. [2440 Kirkland, Frederic R. Jefferson and Franklin. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 71 : 1947, 218-222. [2441 Three Mecom-Franklin Letters. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 72 : 1948, 264-272. [2442 An Unknown Franklin Cartoon. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 73: 1949, 76-79. [2443 Leary, Lewis. Joseph Dennie on Benjamin Franklin. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 72 : 1948, 240-246. [2444 B. Franklin and the Art of Writing. Auto. Coll. Jour., v. 4 : no. 3, 1952, 3-9. [2445 Lingelbach, William E. B. Franklin, Printer ; New Source Materials. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 92 : 1948, 79-100. [2446 Franklin's American Instructor. Early Americanism in the Art of Writing. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 96 : 1952, 367-387. [2447 William Trent Calls on B. Franklin. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 74 : 1950, 43-50. [2448 McAdie, Alexander. The Date of Franklin's Kite Experiment. Am. Antiq. Soc. Proc, v. 34 : n. s., 1924, 188-205. [2449 McCosker, M. Joseph. A Philosopher's House. Phila. Forum, v. 30: no. 2, 1950, 1, 23. [2450 MacLaurin, Lois M. The Vocabulary of Benjamin Franklin. Uni- versity of Chicago, doctoral dissertation. 1928. [2451 McMaster, John B. Benjamin Franklin as a Man of Letters. Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1887. 293 p. [2452 Mason, William S. Franklin and Galloway. Am. Antiq. Soc. Proc, v. 34: n. s., 1924, 227-258. [2453 Mathews, Lois K. Benjamin Franklin's Plans for a Colonial Union, 1750-1775. Am. Pol. Sci. Rev., v. 8 : 1914, 393-412. [2454 196 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Maurois, Andre. Franklin, the Life of an Optimist. New York: Didier, 1945. 79 p. [2455 Meadowcroft, Enid L. Benjamin Franklin. New York: Crowell, 1941. 190 p. [2456 Meet Dr. Franklin. Philadelphia: Franklin Institute, 1943. 234 p. [2457 A collection of essays covering the "many-sided" Franklin by well-known authorities. Meyer, Gladys. Free Trade in Ideas. New York: Columbia Uni- versity Press, 1941. 108 p. [2458 Aspects of American liberalism illustrated in Franklin's Philadelphia career. Morice, John H. Franklin and the University of Pennsylvania. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 41 : 1939, 269-273. [2459 Morse, John T. Benjamin Franklin. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1892. 428 p. (American Statesmen Series, v. 9). [2460 Moses, Ernest C. The Religion of Benjamin Franklin. Arena, v. 40 : 1908, 434-438. [2461 Mott, Frank L., and Chester E. Jorgeson. Benjamin Franklin : Rep- resentative Selections with Introduction . . . New York : American Book Company, 1936. 544 p. [2462 Mugridge, Donald H. Scientific Manuscripts of Benjamin Franklin. Libr. Cong. Quar. Jour., v. 4 : 1947, 12-21. [2463 Nichols, Edward L. Franklin's Researches in Electricity. Am. Phil. Soc. Bicentennial, v. 1 : 1906, 103-121. [2464 Nolan, J. Bennett. Benjamin Franklin in Scotland and Ireland, 1759 and 1771. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1938. 229 p. [2465 A discursive, anecdotal little book with some picturesque material. Nolan, J. Bennett, and others. Frankliniana : Three Short Pieces. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 75 : 1951, 191-199. [2466 Nolan, J. Bennett. General Benjamin Franklin: The Military Career of a Philosopher. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1936. 101 p. [2467 One phase of Franklin's many-sided life/ that has been largely neglected, in a lively, brief narrative. Interesting comments on the provincial leaders. The Colon v 197 Odgers, Merle M. Two Philadelphia Founders : Franklin and Girard. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 50 : 1948, 129-136. [2468 Oswald, John C. Benjamin Franklin, Printer. New York: Double- day, Doran, 1917. 244 p. [2469 Pace, Antonio. Ben Franklin and Italy Since the 18th Century. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 94 : 1950, 242-250. [2470 Parton, James. Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin. Boston: Ticknor, 1867. 2 vols. [2471 Possibly the finest biography of Franklin; some authorities believe that Carl Van Doren's Benjamin Franklin is the only modern work comparable to it. Pepper, William. Benjamin Franklin, Founder of the University [of Pennsylvania]. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 40: 1938, 318-324. [2472 The Medical Side of Benjamin Franklin. Philadelphia: W. J. Campbell, 1911. 122 p. [2473 Pitt, Arthur S. Franklin and Keligious Sectarianism. Yale Univer- sity, doctoral dissertation. 1939. [2474 Quinlan, Maurice J. Dr. Franklin Meets Dr. Johnson. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 73 : 1949, 34-44. [2475 Read, Conyers. The English Elements in Benjamin Franklin. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 64 : 1940, 314-330. [2476 Riley, Edward M. The Deborah Franklin Correspondence. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc., v. 95 : 1951, 239-245. [2477 Franklin's House. Am. Heritage, v. 3: no. 1, 1951, 44-45, 76. [2478 Roelker, William G., eel. Benjamin Franklin and Catharine Ray Greene, Their Correspondence (1754-1790). Philadelphia: The American Philosophical Society, 1951. 147 p. [2479 Franklin's correspondence with a woman who later became tho wife of a governor of Rhode Island. Rosenbach, Abraham S. W. The All-Embracing Doctor Franklin. Philadelphia : Privately Printed, 1932. 45 p. [2480 Ross, Frank X. Ben Franklin, Scientist. New York: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard, 1952. 128 p. [2481 198 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Ross, J. F. Character of Poor Richard: Its Source and Alteration. Mod. Lang. Assoc. Amer. Pub., v. 55 : 1940, 785-794 [2482 Rossiter, Clinton. The Political Theory of Benjamin Franklin. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 76 : 1952, 259-293. [2483 Rotch, Abbott L. Benjamin Franklin and the First Balloons. Am. Antiq. Soc. Proc, v. 18 : n. s., 1907, 259-274. [2484 Did Benjamin Franklin Fly His Electrical Kite Before He Invented the Lightning Rod? Am. Antiq. Soc. Proc, v. 18: n. s., 1907, 118-123. [2485 Russell, Phillips. Benjamin Franklin : The First Civilized American. New York : Brentano, 1926. 323 p. [2486 Sachse, Julius F. Benjamin Franklin as a Free Mason . . . Philadel- phia : The Author, 1907. 150 p. [2487 Scholarly and exhausts its somewhat limited field. Scott, James B. Franklin — Political Philosopher. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 71 : 1932, 217-223. [2488 Scudder, Evarts S. Benjamin Franklin [1706-1790] a Biography. London: Collins, [1939]. 328 p. [2489 Sellers, Charles C. The Peale Portraits of B. Franklin. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 94: 1950, 251-257. [2490 Shaw, Lawrence M. Beniamino Franklin, Diplomatico, Scienziato, Filosofo, Economista (1706-1790) . . . Firenza: R. Bemporad e Figlio, 1922. 109 p. [2491 Shelling, Richard I. Benjamin Franklin and the Dr. Bray Associates. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 63 : 1939, 282-293. [2492 Smyth, Clifford. Benjamin Franklin, "The Father of All the Yankees. ' ' New York : Funk and Wagnalls, 1931. 188 p. [2493 Smythe, J. Henry, jr., ed. The Amazing Benjamin Franklin. New York : Stokes, 1929. 296 p. [2494 Spiller, Robert E. Benjamin Franklin — Pragmatist, Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 44: 1941, 48-61. [2495 Steell, Willis. Benjamin Franklin of Paris, 1776-1785. New York: Minton, 1928. 227 p. [2496 An interesting account of Franklin's sojourn in France, picturing his associa- tion with many French notables in pre-revolutionary Paris. The Colony 199 Stifler, James M. The Religion of Benjamin Franklin. New York: Appleton-Century, 1925. 138 p. [2497 Perhaps the only serious treatment of this phase of Franklin's character, and well done. Swift, Lindsay. Benjamin Franklin. Boston : Small-Maynard, 1910. 154 p. [2498 Thaler, A. Franklin and Fulke Greville. Mod. Lang. Assoc. Amer. Pub., v. 56 : 1941, 1059-1064. [2499 Thayer, William M. Benjamin Franklin. New York: H. Frowde, 1912. 380 p. [2500 From Boyhood to Manhood, the Life of Benjamin Franklin. Boston: J. H. Earle, 1890. 497 p. [2501 Thorpe, Francis N., ed. Benjamin Franklin and the University of Pennsylvania. Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1893. 450 p. [2502 Thorpe, Francis N. Franklin's Influence in American Education. Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1903. 100 p. [2503 Trowbridge, John. Franklin as a Scientist. Col. Soc. Mass. Pub., v. 18 : 1917, 1-12. [2504 Van Doren, Carl. Benjamin Franklin. New York: Viking Press, 1938. 845 p. [2505 The finest, best-written, most comprehensive and reliable work on its subject. Only to be compared with James Parton's Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin. Van Doren, Carl, ed. Benjamin Franklin's Autobiographical Writ- ings. New York : Viking Press, 1945. 810 p. [2506 An essential supplement to be used with Van Doren 's Benjamin Franklin: A Biography. Contains a number of Franklin's writings published here for the first time. Van Doren, Carl. The First American Man of Letters — Benjamin Franklin. Mich. Alumnus (Quarterly Review), v. 45: 1939, 283- 296. [2507 Van Doren, Carl, ed. Letters and Papers of Benjamin Franklin and Richard Jackson (1753-1785). Philadelphia: The American Philo- sophical Society, 1951. 222 p. [2508 Letters between two philosopher friends and stylists in 18th century letter writing. Jackson was colonial agent for Pennsylvania for a number of years. 200 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History The Letters of Benjamin Franklin and Jane Mecom. Phila- delphia: The American Philosophical Society, 1951. 380 p. [2509 An intimate picture of Franklin seen through correspondence with his sister. Three Letters to B. Franklin [1782-83]. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 74: 1950, 36-43. [2510 Victory, Beatrice M. Benjamin Franklin and Germany. Philadel- phia, 1915. 180 p. [2511 Reliable and painstaking research. Not the full account of Franklin's rambles in Germany in the light of more recent discoveries. Wecter, Dixon. Burke, Franklin, and Samuel Petrie. Huntington Lib. Quar., v. 3: 1940, 315-338. [2512 Thomas Paine and the Franklins. Am. Literature, v. 12: 1940, 306-317. [2513 Wetherell, J. E. The Failure of Franklin. Canadian Mag., v. 64: 1925, 38, 62. [2514 Wetzel, W. A. Benjamin Franklin as an Economist. Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 13 : 1895, 425-474. [2515 Wiese, J. Benjamin Franklin. Stuttgart: C. and A. Ulshofer, 1909. 139 p. [2516 Williams, David, ed. More Light on Franklin's Religious Ideas. Am. Hist. Rev., v. 43 : 1938, 803-813. [2517 Wolf, Edwin, 2nd. Franklin's Way to Wealth as a Printer. Phila. Forum, v. 27 : no. 7, 1949, 7-8, 23, 28. [2518 Woodward, C. R. Benjamin Franklin, Adventures in Agriculture. Jour. Franklin Institute, v. 234: 1942, 207-228. [2519 Woody, Thomas, ed. Educational Views of Benjamin Franklin. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1931. 270 p. [2520 Wright, R. D. ''Dr. Franklin" (His Contributions to Medicine). Health Officer, v. 3 : 1939, 308-323. [2521 Wykoff, George S. Problems Concerning Franklin's "A Dialogue Between Britain, France, Spain, Holland, Saxony, and America." Am. Literature, v. 11: 1940, 439-448. [2522 The Colony 201 C. Pennsylvania in the American Revolution, 1776-1783 1. The Civil Side Albion, Robert G., and Leonidas Dodson, eds. Philip Vickers Fithian : Journal, 1775-1776. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1934. 279 p. [2523 Journal of a frontier missionary that gives objective picture of back-country society. Archer, Adair P. The Quaker's Attitude Towards the Revolution. Wm. and Mary Quar., v. 1 : 1921, 167-182. [2524 Baisnee, Jules A., and John J. Meng. Philadelphia and the Revolu- tion. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 56 : 1945, 307-328 ; v. 57 : 1946, 23-40, 88-96, 179-190, 237-247; v. 58: 1947, 103-106, 144-153, 214- 228 ; v. 59 : 1948, 241-254. [2525 Bausman, Lottie M. Transportation Troubles in Lancaster County during the Revolution. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 19 : 1915, 333-345. [2526 Belisle, D. W. History of Independence Hall. Philadelphia, 1859. 369 p. [2527 Betz, I. H. The Continental Congress at York, Pennsylvania, 1777- 1778. Pa.-German, v. 8 : 1906, 64-68. [2528 Bezanson, Anne. Controls in Pennsylvania, 1774-1779. Jour. Econ. Hist., v. 8 : supplement 8, 1948, 1-20. [2529 Bezanson, Anne, and others. Prices and Inflation During the Ameri- can Revolution : Pennsylvania, 1770-1790. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1951. 362 p. [2530 A study of prices during war and post-war years, experiments in currency, shortages, and attempted price control. Important for the light it throws on the Philadelphia merchant group. Breed, W. R. Presbyterianism and the Revolution. Philadelphia, 1876. 206 p. [2531 A popular account of the part taken by Presbyterians in the revolution. Chapter on "The Westmoreland County Resolutions." Canty, John B. Sidelights on the Betsy Ross Myth. Auto. Coll. Jour., v. 4 : no. 2, 1952, 22-24. [2532 Cohen, Charles J. The Origin of Carpenters' Hall, Philadelphia, with Incidents of the Neighborhood. Phila. Numismat. and Antiq. Soc. Proc, v. 28 : 1919, 123-166. [2533 202 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Cometti, Elizabeth. The Civil Servants of the Revolutionary Period. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. To : 1951, 159-169. [2534 Cummings, Hubertis. Robert Morris and the Episode of the Polacre "Victorious." Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 70 : 1946, 239-257. [2535 Cunningham, Mary E. The Case of the Active. Pa. Hist., v. 13, 1946, 229-247. [2536 Davis, Rebecca H. A Glimpse of Philadelphia in July 1776. Lippin- cott's Mag., v. 18 : 1876, 27-38. [2537 The Diary of Robert Morton. Kept in Philadelphia While That City Was Occupied by the British Army in 1777. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 1 : 1877, 1-39. [2538 Diffenderffer, F. R. The Quaker Exiles. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 9 : 1905, 77-117. [2539 Donaldson, Thomas. The House in Which Thomas Jefferson Wrote the Declaration. Philadelphia: Avil, 1897. 119 p. [2540 Duane, William, ed. Passages from the Diary of Christopher Mar- shall, Kept in Philadelphia and Lancaster During the American Revolution. Philadelphia : Hazard and Mitchell, 1839-1849. 174 p. [2541 Eberlein, Harold D., and Cortlandt V. D. Hubbard. Diary of In- dependence Hall. Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1948. 378 p. [2542 A record of the structure and of the major historic events associated with it from 1733 to 1824. Erb, Ruth E. Extra-Legal Governmental Machinery in Pennsylvania from 1774 to 1776. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1930. [2543 Etting, Frank M. Historical Account of the Old State House of Pennsylvania, Now Known as the Hall of Independence. Phila- delphia : Porter, 1891. 222 p. [2544 Falk, Robert P. Thomas Paine and the Attitude of the Quakers to the American Revolution. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 63: 1939, 302-310. [2545 Frey, Carroll. The Strange Fortunes of the Liberty Bell. Am. Heritage, v. 3 : no. 1, 1951, 46-49. [2546 The Colony 203 Gilpin, Thomas. Exiles in Virginia, with Observations on the Con- duct of the Society of Friends During the Revolutionary War. Philadelphia: Sherman, 1848. 302 p. [2547 Hamilton, Kenneth G. John Ettwein and the Moravian Church Dur- ing the Revolutionary Period. Bethlehem, Pa.: Times Publishing Company, 1940. 345 p. [2548 Not the least service of this book is its revealing a mine of riches in the Moravian Archives at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, which generally have been ignored by secular and ecclesiastical historians alike. Herter, Theophilus J. Anglican and Presbyterian Clergymen of Philadelphia and the American Revolution. Haverford College, master's thesis. 1947. [2549 Jackson, Joseph. Where Jefferson Wrote the Declaration of Inde- pendence . . . [Philadelphia: Penn National Bank, 1924]. 18 p. [2550 Johns, John 0. July 4, 1776 — Rediscovered : the Greatest Coincidence in American History. Commonwealth, v. 2 : no. 8, 1948, 2, 16. [2551 Lee, Alfred M. Dunlap and Clay pool [sic] : Printers and News- Merchants of the Revolution. Journalism Quar., v. 11 : n. s., 1934, 160-178. [2552 Leonard, Eugenie A. Paper as a Critical Commodity During the American Revolution. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 74 : 1950, 488- 499. [2553 Lombard, Mildred E. James Searle: Radical Business Man of the Revolution. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 59 : 1935, 284-294. [2554 McCouch, Gladys. The Quakers in the American Revolution. Temple University, master's thesis. 1936. [2555 Macmillan, Margaret B. The War Governors in the American Revo- lution. New York : Columbia University Press, 1943. 309 p. [2556 Joseph Reed of Pennsylvania is pictured as a man of leadership and ability. Meigs, Cornelia. The Violent Men. New York: Macmillan, 1949. 278 p. [2557 The conflict of views and opinions held by the representatives of the thirteen colonies at the First Continental Congress, that met in Philadelphia, 1774. 204 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Memorial Souvenir Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of York as the Capitol of the United States of America, 1777-1778. York, Pa. : Conservation Society of York County, 1927. 64 p. [2558 Meng, John J. French Diplomacy in Philadelphia : 1778-1779. Cath. Hist. Rev., v. 24 : 1938, 39-57. [2559 Menges, Franklin. Continental Congress in York, 1776-1778. Wash- ington : Government Printing Office, 1927. 15 p. [2560 Miller, William. The Effects of the American Revolution on Inden- tured Servitude. Pa. Hist., v. 7 : 1940, 131-141. [2561 Montross, Lynn. The Reluctant Rebels: The Story of the Conti- nental Congress, 1774-1789. New York: Harper, 1950. 467 p. [2562 A study of the members of the Continental Congress that reveals their capabilities and the limitations under which they deliberated. [Morton, John S.] A History of the Origin of the Appellation Keystone State, as Applied to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen and Haffelfinger, 1874. 190 p. [2563 Myers, Albert C, ed. Sally Wister's Journal [1777-1778]. Phila- delphia, 1902. 224 p. [2564 Pennsylvania Writers' Project. A Bid for Liberty. Philadelphia: [William Penn Association], 1937. 48 p. (American Guide Series). [2565 Rightmyer, Nelson W. Churches under Enemy Occupation, Phila- delphia, 1777-1778. Church Hist., v. 14: 1945, 33-60. [2566 Rosewater, Victor. The Liberty Bell, Its History and Significance. New York : Appleton- Century, 1926. 246 p. [2567 Rudolph, Samuel H. Philadelphia in the American Revolution. Temple University, master's thesis. 1937. [2568 Shaw, Lillian H. The Quaker Exiles. Temple University, master's thesis. 1948. [2569 Smith, William C. James Wilson and the Philosophy of Freedom in the American Revolution. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 50 : 1939, 65-71. [2570 Steinberg, Herman S. Financial Conditions in Pennsylvania During the Revolution and Critical Period. Temple University, master's thesis. 1933. [2571 The Colony 205 Stevens, S. K. The Reading Country in the American Revolution. Reading Rail. Mag., v. 14: no. 6, 1949, 4-5, 18-19, 27. [2572 Stille', Charles J. Pennsylvania and the Declaration of Independence. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 13 : 1889, 385-429. [2573 Stoudt, John B. The Liberty Bells of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia : W. J. Campbell, 1930. 204 p. [2574 Stoudt, John J. The German Press in Pennsylvania and the Ameri- can Revolution. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 59 : 1935, 74-90. [2575 Van Baman, W. Walter. Yorktown, A Forgotten Capital. York, Pa. : Privately Printed, 1950. 88 p. [2576 Wallace, Paul A. W. The Muhlenbergs and the Revolutionary Under- ground. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc., v. 93 : 1949, 119-126. [2577 Whipple, Wayne. The Story of the Liberty Bell. Philadelphia: Henry Altemus, 1910. 124 p. [2578 2. The Military Side Alexander, Arthur J. Pennsylvania's Revolutionary Militia. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 69 : 1945, 15-25. [2579 Anspach, Marshall R. Old Militia Days. Now and Then, v. 7 : 1944, 231-238, 269-272 ; v. 7 : 1945, 282-287. [2579a Baker, William S. The Camp by Schuylkill Falls. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 16 : 1892, 28-41. [2580 Barnsley, Edward R. Snapshots of Revolutionary Newtown. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 8 : 1940, 119-139. [2581 [Beck, Herbert H.] ... The Military Hospital at Lititz, 1777-1778 . . . Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 23: 1919, 5-14. [2582 Bellas, Henry H. The Defenses of the Delaware River in the Revo- lution. Wyoming Hist, and Geol. Soc. Proc. and Coll., v. 5 : 1900, 47-73. [2583 Betz, I. H. The Conway Cabal at York, Pennsylvania, 1777-1778. Pa.-German, v. 9 : 1908, 248-254. [2584 Bill, Alfred H. Valley Forge : The Making of an Army. New York: Harper, 1952. 259 p. [2585 206 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History The Brandywine Story, 1777-1952. [Philadelphia] : Brandywine Battlefield Park Commission, 1952. 26 p. [2586 Brewington, Marion V. The State Ship General Greene. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 60 : 1936, 229-241. [2587 Brindley, William. Magnificent Mnd. Field Artillery Jour., v. 39 : 1949, 124-125. [2588 Brownlow, Donald G. A Documentary History of the Paoli "Mas- sacre." [Philadelphia], Paoli Memorial Association, 1952. 29 p. [2589 Buck, William J. Washington's Encampment on the Neshaminy. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 1 : 1877, 275-284. [2590 Burk, W. Herbert. Historical and Topographical Guide to Valley Forge. North Wales, Pa. : N. B. Nuss, 1928. 281 p. [2591 Valley Forge and the French Alliance. [Philadelphia] : The Author, 1928. 42 p. [2592 Burns, Franklin L. The Midnight Surprise at Paoli. Picket Post, no. 8, 1945, 6-8. [2593 Carter, John H. The Committee of Safety of Northumberland County. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc., v. 18 : 1950, 33-46. [2594 Cook, Chester P. Washington in Lower Merion. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 1 : 1937, 74-80. [2595 Cope, Rue A. Fort Mcintosh. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1929. [2596 Craine, Eugene R. The Story of Fort Roberdeau, 1777-1783. Altoona, Pa. : Altoona Chamber of Commerce, 1941. 27 p. [2597 Creighton, Thomas. The Battle of Crooked Billet. Frankford Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 2 : 1916, 251-253. [2598 Crerar, J. W. The Story of the " Black Prince." Vineland Hist. Mag., v. 24 : 1939, 186-193. [2599 Davis, W. W. H. Bucks County in the Revolution. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 1 : 1908, 153-160. [2600 Washington on the West Bank of the Delaware. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., y. 4 : 1880, 133-163. [2601 The Colony 207 Dunaway, Wayland F. The Susquehanna Valley in the Revolution. Wyoming Commem. Assoc. Pboc, 1927, 5-24. [2602 Eighteen Colonial and Revolutionary Documents of Colonel Samuel Hunter, 1759 to 1783. . . . Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc., v. 11 : 1939, 203-241. [2603 Elliott, Charles W. Mutiny or a Bounty. Coast Artillery Jour., v. 82 : 1939, 330-338. [2604 Eshleman, H. Frank. Lancaster County and Valley Forge. Lan- caster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 32 : 1928, 74-87. [2605 Ford, W. C. Defenses of Philadelphia in 1777. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1897. 300 p. [2606 Francis, J. G. Providence 's Part in Provisioning the Camp at Valley Forge. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 1: 1936-1939, 255- 273. [2607 Futhey, J. Smith. The Massacre of Paoli. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 1 : 1877, 285-319. [2608 Griffis, William E. Wyoming, the Pivot of the Revolution. Wyoming Commem. Assoc. Proc, 1910, 9-31. [2609 Halsey, Francis W. Pennsylvania and New York in the Border Wars of the Revolution. Wyoming Commem. Assoc. Proc, 1898, 10-24. [2610 Hartman, John S. The Contribution of Chester County to the Revo- lutionary Cause, 1774-1783. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1936. [2611 Hassler, Edgar W. Old Westmoreland : A History of Western Penn- sylvania during the Revolution. Pittsburgh: J. R. Weldin, 1900. 204 p. [2612 A small but valuable volume, somewhat antiquarian but essentially sound and greatly interesting. Heathcote, Charles W. Army Chaplains at Valley Forge. . . .Picket Post, no. 17 : 1947, 6-15. [2613 Heiges, George L. Letters Relating to Colonial Military Hospitals in Lancaster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 52: 1948, 73-96. [2614 208 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Helms, James K. The Continental Army in and about Philadelphia. Minute Man, v. 20 : 1926, 401-406. [2615 Herman, John A. Pennsylvania Soldiers at Valley Forge. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 4: 1909, 358-367. [2616 Heverly, Clement F. Bradford County During the Revolution. Brad- ford Co. Hist. Soc. Ann., v. 3 : 1909, 5-34. [2617 Heyl, Francis. The Battle of Germantown. Phila. City Hist. Soc. Pub., no. 3 : 1908, 43-64. [2618 Hocker, Edward W. Desperate Fight Against Famine. . . . Picket Post, no. 18 : 1947, 6-11. [2619 Spies, Hangings and Other Crimes During Winter at Valley Forge. Picket Post, no. 21 : 1948, 6-10. [2620 Hummel, William. The Committee of Safety in Northumberland County During the American Revolution. Pa. Hist., v. 11 : 1944, 145-148. [2621 Hutton, Ann H. George Washington Crossed Here : Christmas Night — 1776. Philadelphia: Dorrance, 1948. 71 p. [2622 A graphic account of the events that preceded the battle of Trenton. The Institution of . . . State Society of the Cincinnati of Pennsyl- vania. Philadelphia, 1863. 102 p. [2623 James, James A. Pittsburgh a Key to the West During the American Revolution. Ohio Archaeol. and Hist. Quar., v. 22 : 1913, 64-79. [2624 Jenkins, Howard M. The Old Iron Forge — "Valley Forge." Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 17 : 1893, 430-443. [2625 Johnson, Victor L. Administration of the American Commissariat During the Kevolutionary War. Philadelphia: Privately Printed, 1941. 238 p. [2626 A study of the problem of supplying food for the Continental forces during the Revolutionary War. Embodies a discussion of the struggle that Congress experienced in an attempt to keep a well-fed army in the field and gauges the influence of the factors involved upon the fortunes of war. Pennsylvania figures prominently. Robert Morris and the Provisioning of the American Army During the Campaign of 1781. Pa. Hist., v. 5 : 1938, 7-20. [2627 The Colony 209 Jordan, John C. York in Its Relation to the Revolution. York Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 1 : 1903, 27-50. [2628 Jordan, John W. Bethlehem During the Revolution. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 12 : 1888, 385-406. [2629 The Military Hospitals at Bethlehem and Lititz. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 20 : 1896, 136-157. [2630 Kahler, Clark B. Where Stood Fort Brady? Now and Then, v. 9: 1950, 224-228. [2631 Kain, C. Henry. The Military and Naval Operations on the Delaware in 1777. Phila. City Hist. Soc. Pub., no. 8 : 1910, 177-203. [2632 Knyphausen, Baron Wilhelm von. Knyphausen at the Battle of Brandywine. Chester Co. Coll., no. 14: 1939, 448-450. [2633 Kyte, George W. A Projected British Attack upon Philadelphia in 1781. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 76 : 1952, 379-393. [2634 Lambdin, Alfred C. Battle of Germantown. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 1 : 1877, 368-403. [2635 Leffmann, Henry. Notes on the Secret Service of the Revolutionary Army Operating Around Philadelphia. Phila. City Hist. Soc. Pub., no. 7 : 1910, 165-173. [2636 Lutes, Lillian C. The Evacuation of Valley Forge. Jour. Am. Hist., v. 7 : 1913, 1261-1271. [2637 Lutz, Henry F. The Germans, Hessians, and Pennsylvania Germans. Pa.-German, v. 10 : 1909, 435-443. [2638 Macfarlan, Douglas. Washington's Movements Around Philadelphia, 1777-78. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 4 : 1943, 3-14. [2639 Marraro, Howard R. Unpublished Letters of Colonel Nicola, Revo- lutionary Soldier. Pa. Hist., v. 13 : 1946, 274-282. [2640 Martin, C. H. The Military Hospital at the Cloister. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 51 : 1947, 127-133. [2641 The Society of the Cincinnati in Lancaster. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 41 : 1937, 93-101. [2642 Middleton, William S. Medicine at Valley Forge. Ann. Med. Hist., v. 3 : 1941, 461-486. [2643 210 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Montross, Lynn. Rag, Tag and Bobtail. New York: Harper, 1952. 519 p. [2644 A fast moving, intimate narrative of soldiering in the Revolution. Valley Forge, and the mutiny of Pennsylvania troops are two Pennsylvania features. Moschzisker, Anne V. The Emergency Aid of 1776. [Philadelphia] : Town Printing Company, 1917. 6 p. [2645 Newburg, Judson E. British Occupation of Philadelphia During the Winter of 1777-1778. Temple University, master's thesis. 1950. [2646 Nolan, J. Bennett. Valley Forge or Keading Debated as Winter Quarters for the Army [December, 1777]. Picket Post, no. 20: 1948, 14-18. [2647 Orndoff, Harry E. Western Pennsylvania in the Revolution. Penn- sylvania State College, master's thesis. 1934. [2648 Parry, Richard R. Coryell's Ferry in the Revolution. New Hope, Pa., 1907. 18 p. [2649 Pennypacker, Samuel W. George Washington in Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 28 : 1904, 257-272. [2650 The High Water Mark of the British Invasion. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 31 : 1907, 393-405. [2651 Perrine, William. Washington's Christmas at Valley Forge. Penn Germania, v. 1 : n. s., 1912, 839-845. [2652 Perrins, Thomas G. Battle of Brandywine, or, Chadd's Ford, Sep- tember 11, 1777. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 43 : 1941, 446-458. [2653 Pleasants, Henry, jr. Battle of the Clouds. . . .Picket Post, no. 13 : 1946, 26-29. [2654 The Battle of Paoli. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 72 : 1948, 44-53. [2655 Controversial Brandywine. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 54: 1952, 121-126. [2656 Prowell, George R. Continental Congress at York, Pennsylvania and York County in the Revolution. York, Pa.: York Printing Com- pany, 1914. (Extracted from the author's History of York County, Pennsylvania. Chicago, 1907. p. 157-340.) [2657 The Colony 211 Reisner, Frank H. General Muhlenberg's Attempts to Capture Bene- dict Arnold. Historian, v. 4 : 1942, 238-250. [2658 Richards, Henry M. M. Lebanon County's Part in the [Revolutionary War. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 4 • 1909, 382-404. [2659 The Pennsylvania-Germans in the British Military Prisons of the Revolutionary War. Lancaster, Pa. : Lancaster Press, 1924. 33 p. [2660 ■ Valley Forge and the Pennsylvania Germans. Lancaster, Pa. : [New Era Printing Company], 1917. 32 p. (Proceedings of Penn- sylvania German Society, 1916. Volume 26.) [2661 Rightmyer, Nelson W. Churches Under Enemy Occupation, Philadel- phia, 1777-8. Church Hist., v. 14: 1945, 33-60. [2662 Ross, Howard D. The British Expedition Against Philadelphia and the Battle of Brandy wine During the Campaign of 1777. Picket Post, no. 22 : 1949, 30-34. [2663 Rubincam, Milton. The Hessians in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvanian, v. 2 : 1944, 3-4. [2664 Schaeffer, Paul N. Pennsylvania's Draft Laws During the Revolution. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 6 : 1940, 2-4. [2665 Scott, J. E. Historic Account of Bowman's Hill. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 4 : 1917, 421-430. [2666 Sener, Samuel M. The Lancaster Barracks Where the British and Hessian Prisoners Were Detained During the Revolution. Harris- burg: Harrisburg Publishing Company, 1895. 20 p. [2667 Shaaber, Andrew. The Hessian Camp at Reading, Pennsylvania, 1781-1783. Pa.-German, v. 11 : 1910, 477-487 ; and Berks Co. Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 3: 1912, 23-46. [2668 Sharp, Thomas. Historical Events in the Vicinity of Philadelphia [1777], Participated in by the Scotch-Irish . . . [Carlisle, Pa.], 1914. 12 p. [2669 Shelton, Frederick H. Old Fort Mifflin. Pitila. Numismat. and Antiq. Soc. Proc, v. 29 : 1922, 105-138. [2670 Sherman, Andrew M. The Mutiny of Anthony Wayne's Pennsylvania Troops in Morris County, New Jersey, Winter of 1780-1781. Am. Irish Hist. Soc. Jour., v. 17 : 1918, 93-98. [2671 212 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Smith, Charles H. The Battle of the Billet Reviewed. Old York Road Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 9 : 1945, 25-43. [2672 Smith, W. H. B. They Almost Got Washington. Am. Leg. Mag., v. 44 : 1948, 30, 43-44. [2673 Smyth, S. G. Revolutionary Events About Newtown [Pennsylvania]. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 3 : 1909, 177-196. [2674 Snyder, Charles F. The Militia of Northumberland County During the Revolution. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 18 : 1950, 47-85. [2675 Snyder, Freas B. Delaware County in the American Revolution. Upper Darby, Pa., 1931. 28 p. [2676 Sohl, Charles E. Some Phases of the Battle of Germantown. Old York Road Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 3 : 1939, 23-46. [2677 Stewart, Frank H. Foraging for Valley Forge by General Anthony Wayne in Salem and Gloucester Counties, New Jersey . . . Wood- bury, N. J. : Gloucester County Historical Society, 1929. 32 p. [2678 Stine, Clyde S. A Former Berks Militia Unit— Company C, 103rd Quartermaster Regiment. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 6 : 1940, 18-20. [2679 Stone, Frederick D. The Battle of Brandywine. Mag. op Hist., v. 7 : 1908, 284-293. [2680 The Struggle for the Delaware. In Justin Winsor, ed., Nar- rative and Critical History of America. Volume 6, New York, 1888. p. [367] -447. [2681 Stone, Rufus B. Sinnontonan, or, Seneca Land in the Revolution. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 48 : 1924, 201-226. [2682 Strittmatter, Isidor P. The Importance of the Campaign on the Delaware During the Revolutionary War, 1777. [Philadelphia], 1932. 61 p. [2683 Taylor, Frank H. Valley Forge : A Chronicle of American Heroism. Philadelphia: W. S. Slack, 1920. 87 p. [2684 Theiss, Lewis E. Catherine Smith, Widow, Revolutionary Maker of Gun Barrels. Now and Then, v. 9 : 1950, 179-185. [2685 Tousey, Thomas G. York as a Supply Center for the Revolutionary Army. York Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 5 : n. s., 1939, 2-12. [2686 The Colony 213 Townsend, Joseph. Some Account of the British Army under the Command of General Howe and the Battle of Brandywine . . . 1777. Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Bulletin, v. 1 : 1846, 17-29. [2687 Van Doren, Carl. Mutiny in January. . . . New York : Viking Press, 1943. 288 p. [2688 An account of the Morristown affair of 1781 when a number of Pennsylvania regiments refused to obey the orders of their officers whom they considered careless and inefficient. Vollmer, Arthur, comp. Military Obligation : The American Tradition [Pennsylvania]. In Backgrounds of Selective Service, v. 2: part 2. Washington : The Selective Service System, 1947. 133 p. [2689 Documents that portray the use of compulsory military service from colonial days to the Civil War. Wetherill, Webster K. The Fighting Quakers. Phila. Numismat. and Antiq. Soc. Proc, v. 29 : 1922, 69-81. [2690 Wilcox, William J. The Comic Opera Battle That Made a General. Pa. Hist., v. 13 : 1946, 265-273. [2691 Wildes, Harry E. The Meaning of Valley Forge. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 4 : 1944, 159-168. [2692 Valley Forge. New York: Macmillan, 1938. 337 p. [2693 Local history in an enthusiastic vein. General treatment of the Revolutionary War and Valley Forge encampment. Wilkinson, H. F. Here Was Born a Nation. Quartermaster Rev., v. 10: 1930, 9-25. [2694 Wollenweber, Louis A. General Peter Muhlenberg und seine Deutschen Soldaten in Amerikanischen Freiheitskampf. Der Deutsche Pionier, Jg. 1: 1869, 343-347, 378-383; Jg. 2: 1870, 26-29, 58-62, 92-95, 122-126, 153-157, 186-189, 252-255, 285-287, 316-318, 348-351 ; Jg. 3 : 1871, 23-29, 42-49. [2695 Woodman, Henry. The History of Valley Forge. Oaks, Pa.: J. U. Francis, 1920. 156 p. [2696 3. Indian Affairs Boyer, Frank P. The Klinesmith Massacre. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 12 : 1942, 55-58. [2697 214 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Brackenridge, Hugh H. The Trial of Mamachtaga, a Delaware Indian, the First Person Convicted of Murder West of the Allegheny Mountains, and Hanged for His Crime [1785]. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 1 : 1918, 27-36. [2698 Bourman, Clara L. Massacre of Wyoming, July 3, 1778. Am. Mo. Mag., v. 6 : 1895, 665-673. [2699 Buckalew, John M. The Frontier Forts Within the North and West Branches of the Susquehanna Eiver, Pennsylvania. Wilkes-Barre, Pa.: [Yordy], 1896. 70 p. [2700 Budd, Henry. Some Contrasts Suggested by the Massacre of Wy- oming. Wyoming Commem. Assoc. Proc, 1908, 9-36. [2701 Butterfield, Consul W. Historical Account of the Expedition Against Sandusky under Colonel William Crawford in 1782. Cincinnati, Ohio : Clarke, 1873. 403 p. [2702 Butterfield, Consul W., ed. Washington — Irvine Correspondence. Madison, Wis. : David Atwood, 1882. 430 p. [2703 Military affairs in the trans-Allegheny region as described in the letters of the commander of the Western Department, located at Fort Pitt. Clement, Charles M. Fort Augusta and Its Part in the Sullivan Expedition. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 5 : 1933, 56-70. [2704 Craft, David. Sullivan Indian Campaign. Auburn, N. Y., 1887. 387 p. [2705 Journals of the expedition against the Indians of the Six Nations. Davis, Mrs. Elvert M. Fort Fayette. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 10 : 1927, 65-84. [2706 Deardorff, Merle H. The Religion of Handsome Lake: Its Origin and Development. In Symposium on Local Diversity in Iroquois Culture, Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, bulletin no. 149. Washington, 1951. p. 77-107. [2707 Zeisberger's Allegheny River Indian Towns, 1767-1770. Pa. Archaeol., v. 16: 1946, 2-19. [2708 Doddridge, Joseph. Notes on the Settlement and Indian Wars of the Western Parts of Virginia and Pennsylvania from 1763 to 1783 . . . Pittsburgh, 1912. 320 p. [2709 The Colony 215 Downes, Randolph C. George Morgan, Indian Agent Extraordinary, 1776-1779. Pa. Hist., v. 1 : 1934, 202-216. [2710 Indian War on the Upper Ohio, 1779-1782. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 17 : 1934, 93-115. [2711 Dunkelberger, George F. Stock Massacre — 1781. Snyder Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 2 : 1939, 157-161. [2712 Edson, Obed. Brodhead's Expedition Against the Indians of the Upper Allegheny, 1779. Mag. Am. Hist., v. 3 : 1879, 649-671. [2713 Eshleman, H. Frank. Cresap's War — The Lancaster County Border Struggle. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 13: 1909, 237-254. [2714 Fee, Walter R. Colonel George Morgan at Fort Pitt. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 11 : 1928, 217-224. [2715 Fenton, William N., and Merle H. Deardorff. The Last Passenger Pigeon Hunts of the Cornplanter Senecas. Journal op the Wash- ington Academy of Sciences, v. 33: 1943, 289-315. [2715a Godcharles, Frederic A. . . . History of Fort Freeland. Williamsport Pa. : Lycoming Historical Society, 1922. 36 p. [2716 Graeff, Arthur D. Transplants of Pennsylvania Indian Nations in Ontario. Pa. Hist., v. 15 : 1948, 180-193. [2717 Graham, Louis E. Fort Mcintosh. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 15 : 1932, 93-119. [2718 Griffis, William E. The History and Mythology of Sullivan's Expe- dition of 1779. Wyoming Commem. Assoc. Proc, 1903, 9-38. [2719 Halsey, Francis W. The Upper Susquehanna in the Border Wars. Mag. of Hist., v. 6 : 1907, 12-21. [2720 Hay den, Horace E. The Massacre of Wyoming. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1895. 85 p. [2721 Keiffer, Henry M. Old Sullivan Road. Wyoming Commem. Assoc. Proc, 1897, 10-16. [2722 The Old Sullivan Road. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 2 : 1909, 622-633. [2723 Linn, John B. Indian Land and Its Fair-Play Settlers, 1773-1785. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 7 : 1883, 420-425. [2724 216 Bibliography op Pennsylvania History McKnight, Charles. Our Western Border . . . Philadelphia: J. C. McCurdy, 1875. 768 p. [2725 Meginness, John F. Biography of Frances Slocum, the Lost Sister of Wyoming . . . Williamsport, Pa. : Heller, 1891. 238 p. [2726 The most extensive and reliable history of Frances Slocum. Murray, Louise W. Notes on the Sullivan Expedition of 1779 (In- cluding the Order Book of General Sullivan). Athens, Pa., 1929. 133 p. [2727 Norton, A. Tiffany. History of Sullivan's Campaign Against the Iroquois. Lima, N. Y. : The Author, 1879. 200 p. [2728 Peck, Mrs. Miles L. A Wyoming Heroine of the Revolution. Wyoming Commem. Assoc. Proc., 1895, 15-19. [2729 Peckham, Howard H. Josiah Harmar and His Indian Expedition. Ohio Archaeol. and Hist. Quar., v. 55 : 1946, 227-241. [2730 Phelps, Martha B. Frances Slocum, the Lost Sister of Wyoming. New York : Knickerbocker Press, 1905. 167 p. [2731 Scomp, Henry A. The Girty Legends and Romances: The Darkest Chapter on the American Border. Mag. of Hist., v. 12 : 1910, 243- 252 ; v. 13 : 1911, 219-229. [2732 Shoemaker, Henry W. Simon Girty. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc., v. 17 : 1949, 67-69. [2733 Shimmel, Lewis S. Border Warfare in Pennsylvania During the Revolution. Harrisburg : Meyers, 1901. 153 p. [2734 Compilation of material derived for the most part from secondary sources, relating to the Indian-American troubles in central and western Pennsylvania. Skergan, Geraldine. Cornplanter's Children. Commonwealth, v. 2: no. 2, 1948, 12-13, 16. [2735 Smith, Dwight L., ed. From Green Ville to Fallen Timbers : A Journal of the Wayne Campaign, July 28 to September 14, 1794. Indian- apolis: Indiana Historical Society, 1952. 94 p. [2736 Snyder, Charles F. A Forgotten Frontier Fort, the Lower Fort in Penn's Valley. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 12: 1942, 27-34. [2737 The Colony 217 Stone, Rufus B. Brodhead's Raid on the Senecas: The Story of the Little Known Expedition in 1779 from Fort Pitt to Destroy the Indian Villages on the Upper Allegheny. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 7 : 1924, 88-101. [2738 Tome, Philip. Pioneer Life, or Thirty Years a Hunter. Harrisburg : Aurand Press, 1928. 173 p. (Reprint.) [2739 Tome was interpreter to the Indian chief, Cornplanter. Uhler, Sherman P. The Moravian Church and the Missions Among the Delawares and the Indians of the North. Temple University, master's thesis. 1934. [2740 Wallace, Paul A. W. John Heckewelder's Travels. Now and Then, v. 10 : 1952, 105-119. [2741 This Land Is My Inheritance. Wyoming Commem. Assoc. Proc., 1951, 7-21. [2742 Wood, T. Kenneth. History of Fort Muncy. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 6 : 1934, 217-225. [2743 Wood, T. Kenneth, ed. The Indian-Hunter of the Susquehanna. Now and Then, v. 8 : 1948, 273-281, 306-312. (Samuel Brady.) [2744 Wright, Albert H. The Sullivan Expedition of 1779. Ithaca, N. Y. : A. H. Wright, 1943. 145 p. [2745 A collection of source materials. Zundel, William A. Fort Allen, in Westmoreland County, Pennsyl- vania. Pa.-German Soc. Proc. and Add., v. 33 : 1923, 21-38. [2746 4. Loyalism and Sectionalism Baldwin, Ernest H. Joseph Galloway: Loyalist Politician. Philadel- phia: E. P. Judd, 1902. 113 p. [2747 Boyd, Julian P. Anglo-American Union : Joseph Galloway 's Plans to Preserve the British Empire, 1774-1788. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1941. 185 p. [2748 Of particular value for interpretative introductory essay. Joseph Galloway's Plans of Union for the British Empire, 1774-1780. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 64: 1940, 402-515. [2749 Boyd, Julian P., ed. Joseph Galloway to Charles Jenkinson on the British Constitution. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 64: 1940, 516- 544. [2750 218 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Brooke, H. K. Annals of the Revolution ; or, a History of the Doans. Philadelphia : Perry, 1843. 82 p. [2751 Brown, Ralph A. The Pennsylvania Ledger : Tory News Sheet. Pa. Hist., v. 9 : 1942, 161-175. [2752 Caley, Percy B. The Life Adventures of Lieutenant-Colonel John Connolly: The Story of a Tory. "Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 11: 1928, 10-49, 76-111, 144-179, 225-259. [2753 Dewey, Donald J. John Jay and Joseph Galloway : A Case Study in Conservatism. Mid- America, v. 29 : 1947, 245-265. [2754 Diffenderffer, F. R. Colonel John Connolly : Loyalist. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 7 : 1903, 109-139. [2755 Lancaster County Loyalists. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 12 : 1908, 243-278. [2756 . . . The Loyalists in the Kevolution. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 23 : 1919, 113-125, 155-166. [2757 Eliot, Ellsworth, jr. The Patriotism of Joseph Reed. New Haven: Yale University Library, 1943. 42 p. [2758 Friedrich, Gerhard. Did Mr. Saur Meet George Washington? Pa. Hist., v. 10 : 1943, 193-200. [2759 Griffin, Martin I. J. The Roman Catholic Regiment of Philadelphia in the Service of Great Britain During the Revolution. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Res., v. 14: 1897, 65-80. [2760 Hicks, Sarah W. The Life and Expatriation of Judge Gilbert Hicks [1720-ca.l786]. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 7: 1937, 247-255. [2761 Hoberg, Walter R. Early History of Colonel Alexander McKee. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 58 : 1934, 26-36. [2762 A Tory in the Northwest. (Alexander McKee.) Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 59 : 1935, 32-41. [2763 Johnson, Elmer E. S. The Test Act of June 13, 1777. Pa.-German Soc. Proc. and Add., v. 38 : 1927, 9-22. [2764 Johnson, William T. Alan Cameron, a Scotch Loyalist in the Ameri- can Revolution. Pa. Hist., v. 8 : 1941, 29-46. [2765 The Colony 219 Kistler, Ruth M. William Allen, Pennsylvania Loyalist, 1704-1780. Lehigh Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1932, 45-102. [2766 Kuntzelman, Oliver G. Joseph Galloway, Loyalist. Temple University, doctoral dissertation. 1938. [2767 Kyte, George W. An Introduction to the Periodical Literature Bear- ing upon Loyalist Activities in the Middle Atlantic States, 1775- 1783. Pa. Hist., v. 18 : 1951, 104-118. [2768 Some Plans for a Loyalist Stronghold in the Middle Colonies. Pa. Hist., v. 16 : 1949, 177-190. [2769 McReynolds, George, ed. The Doan Outlaws ; or Bucks County Cow- boys in the Revolution. Doylestown, Pa.: Doylestown Publishing Company, 1897. 176 p. [2770 Mekeel, Arthur J. The Society of Friends (Quakers) and the Ameri- can Revolution. Harvard University, doctoral dissertation. 1940. [2771 The New Doane Book : Bucks County's Bandittories of the Revolution. Doylestown, Pa.: Bucks County Historical Society, 1952. 475 p. [2772 A voluminous, uncritical compilation of factual and legendary materials bearing upon a band of loyalist outlaws. Roche, John F. Was Joseph Reed Disloyal? Wm. and Mary Quar., v. 8 : 1951, 406-417. [2773 Seyler, Harry E. Pennsylvania's First Loyalty Oath. History Educ. Jour., v. 3 : 1952, 114-126. [2774 Siebert, Wilbur H. . . . The Loyalists of Pennsylvania. Columbus, O. : Published by the University at Columbus, 1920. 117 p. [2775 The account is restricted largely to the materials found in the printed Penn- sylvania Archives. While not definitive, it has not been superseded by a more thorough work. Sioussat, St. George L. Dr. William Smith, David Rittenhouse and the Canal Plate, September 7, 1777. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 95 : 1951, 223-231. [2776 Smith, William R. Sectionalism in Pennsylvania During the Revolu- tion. Pol. Sci. Quar., v. 24 : 1909, 208-235. [2777 Sprout, Oliver S. Tories at the " Dutch" Mill. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 56 : 1952, 36-44. [2778 220 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Straley, George H. The Shepherd of Donegal. Phila. Forum, v. 31 : no. 7, 1952, 8-9, 22-23. [2779 Tappert, Theodore. Henry M. Muhlenberg and the American Revo- lution. Church Hist., v. 11 : 1942, 284-301. [2780 Thompson, Louis E. An Introduction to the Loyalists of Bucks County and Some Queries Concerning them. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 7 : 1937, 204-234. [2781 Van Tyne, Claude H. The Wyoming Valley and Union Sentiment in the American Revolution. Wyoming Commem. Assoc. Proc, 1909, 9-20. [2782 Werner, Raymond C. Joseph Galloway [1731-1803] Politician and Statesman. University of Iowa, doctoral dissertation. 1934. [2783 Young, A. H. Thomas Barton: A Pennsylvania Loyalist. Ontario Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 30 • 1934, 33-42. [2784 5. Pennsylvania Patriots (Alphabetical by subject) See — Pennsylvanians of the Period Barry. Clark, William B. Gallant John Barry, 1745-1803. The Story of a Naval Hero of Two Wars. New York : Macmillan, 1938. 530 p. [2785 Griffin, Martin I. J., The History of Commodore John Barry, 1745-1803. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec., v. 7: 1896, 155-224, 235- 282 ; v. 8 : 1897, 86-194, 257-293. [2786 Gurn, Joseph. Commodore John Barry, Father of the American Navy. New York: Kenedy, 1933. 318 p. [2787 Biddle. Clark, William B. Captain Dauntless. The Story of Nicholas Biddle of the Continental Navy. Baton Rouge, La. : Louisi- ana University Press, 1949. 317 p. [2788 A meticulous and readable portrait of a little-known naval hero of the Revolution. The Letters of Captain Nicholas Biddle. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 74 : 1950, 348-405. [2789 Bradford. Calhoun, George N. Colonel William Bradford. Phila- delphia : Temple University Press, 1941. 203 p. [2790 The Colony 221 Wallace, John W. An Old Philadelpkian, Colonel William Bradford, the Patriot Printer of 1776. Philadelphia: Sherman, 1884. 517 p. [2791 Craig. Craig, Neville B. Life and Services of Major Isaac Craig. Pittsburgh ■ J. S. Davidson, 1854. 70 p. [2792 Darragh. Darrach, Henry. Lydia Darragh, One of the Heroines of the Revolution. Phila. City Hist. Soc. Pub., no. 13: 1916, [379]- 403. [2793 Dewees. Hanna, John S. A History of the Life and Services of Captain Samuel Dewees . . . Baltimore: R. Neilson, 1844. 360 p. [2794 Ewing. [Ewing, Thomas], ed. George Ewing, Gentleman, a Soldier of Valley Forge [1754-1824]. Yonkers, N. Y. : Privately Printed, 1928. 182 p. [2795 Franks. Zitt, Hersch L. David Salisbury Franks, Revolutionary Patriot, (c. 1740-1793). Pa. Hist., v. 16: 1949, 77-95. [2796 Frazer. Frazer, Persifor. General Persifor Frazer: A Memoir. Philadelphia, 1907. 430 p. [2797 Gibson. Gibson, John B. General Gibson [1740-1822]. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 5 : 1922, 298-310. [2798 Hartley. Fortenbaugh, Robert. Thos. Hartley, Col. Cmmdt. on the Northern Frontiers of Penna. Wyoming Commem. Assoc. Proc, July, 1944, 7-18. [2799 Henry. Jordan, Francis. The Life of William Henry, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1729-1786, Patriot, Military Officer, Inventor of the Steamboat . . . Lancaster, Pa. : New Era Printing Company, 1910. 185 p. [2800 Jameson. Jameson, Horatio G. Memoir of David Jameson, Esq., M.D., Lt. Colonel of the Provincial Forces and Colonel of the Revo- lutionary Forces of Pennsylvania. Washington : Regimental Press, Third Artillery, 1887. 122 p. [2801 King. Siebeneck, Henry K. The Life and Times of Robert King, Revolutionary Patriot. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 5: 1922, 145- 173. [2802 222 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Lacey. Davis, William W. H. Sketch of the Life and Character of John Lacey . . . Doylestown, Pa.: Privately Printed, 1868. 118 p. [2803 Wildes, Harry E. John Lacey. Old York Road Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 5 : 1941, 49-59. [2804 Magaw. Himes, Charles F. Colonel Robert Magaw [1738-1790] the Defender of Fort Washington, Major in Colonel William Thomp- son's "Battalion of Pennsylvania Riflemen" . . . [Carlisle, Pa.] : Hamilton Library Association, 1915. 60 p. [2805 Matlack. Landis, Bertha C. Colonel Timothy Matlack [1736-1829] a Revolutionary Patriot in Lancaster. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 42 : 1938, 149-156. [2806 Stackhouse, Asa M. Colonel Timothy Matlack, Patriot and Soldier. Moorestown, X. J., 1910. 105 p. [2807 Meade. Meade, R. W. George Meade, a Patriot of the Revolutionary Era. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec., v. 3 : 1888-1891, 193-220. [2808 Mercer. Novak, Beatrice H. C. The Life of General Hugh Mercer. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1936. [2809 Mifflin. Rossman, Kenneth R. Thomas Mifflin and the Politics of the American Revolution. Chapel Hill, N. C. : University of North Carolina Press, 1952. 344 p. [2810 Mifflin's enigmatic career is assessed but many questions remain unanswered. Thomas Mifflin — Revolutionary Patriot. Pa. Hist., v. 15 : 1948, 9-23. [2811 Thomas Mifflin: The Revolutionary Patriot from Pennsylvania. University of Iowa, doctoral dissertation. 1941. [2812 Miller. Dapp, Charles F. The Evolution of an American Patriot, Being an Intimate Study of the Patriotic Activities of John Henry Miller, German Printer, Publisher and Editor . . . Lancaster, Pa. : [Lancaster Press], 1924. 68 p. (Proceedings of Pennsylvania German Society, 1924. Volume 32.) [2813 Morris. Beals, Katharine M. Robert Morris. Am. Mo. Mag., v. 6 : 1895, 16-22. [2814 The Land Speculations of a Great Patriot. Bus. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 3 : 1930, 1-9. [2815 The Colony 223 Oberholtzer, Ellis P. Robert Morris, Founder of Morris- ville. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 3 : 1909, 345-355. [2816 Robert Morris, Patriot and Financier. New York: Macmillan, 1903. 372 p. [2817 A standard biography of the Revolutionary financier. Sakolski, A. M. Robert Morris, Patriot and Bankrupt. Nation's Bus., v. 18 : 1930, 36-38, 202-206. [2818 Sparks, Edwin E. Robert Morris, the Financier of the Revo- lution. In Men Who Made the Nation, vol. 8. New York : Macmil- lan, 1904. [2819 Sumner, William G. The Financier and Finances of the American Revolution. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1891. 2 vols. [2820 A distinguished piece of work in spite of the fact the author did not have access to much information that is now available. Turner, D. K. Robert Morris, the Financier of the Revolu- toin. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 2 : 1909, 157-172. [2821 Ver Steeg, Clarence L. Robert Morris, Revolutionary Finan- cier; With Some Account of His Earlier Career. Columbia Uni- versity, doctoral dissertation. 1951. [2822 Young, Eleanor. Forgotten Patriot: Robert Morris. New York: Macmillan, 1950. 280 p. [2823 An uncritical biography of a figure whose complex activities remain to be fully unraveled. Morton. Linder, Oliver A. John Morton. En af Revolutionens Svensk-Amerikaner. Swedish-Am. Hist. Soc. Year Book, 1907, 9-31. [2824 Muhlenberg. Famous Pennsylvania Germans: General John Peter G. Muhlenberg. Pa.-German, v. 3 : 1902, 3-21. [2825 Germann, William. The Crisis in the Early Life of General Peter Miihlenberg. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 37 : 1913, 298-329, 450-470. [2826 Gladfelter, Millard E. Peter Muhlenberg: Soldier, States- man, Man of God. Luth. Church Quar., v. 20 : 1947, 205-212. [2827 Hocker, Edward W. The Fighting Parson of the American Revolution: A Biography of General Peter Muhlenberg, Lutheran 224 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Clergyman, Military Chieftain, and Political Leader. Philadelphia : The Author, 1936. 191 p. [2828 A restrained, workmanlike sketch which gives due consideration to the investi- gations of various scholars since the publication of Henry A. Muhlenberg's work. Huch, C. F. General Peter Muhlenberg. Deutsch Pion.- Verein v. Phila. Mitteil., v. 2 : 1906, 2-26. [2829 Muhlenberg, Henry A. The Life of Major-General Peter Muhlenberg of the Revolutionary Army. Philadelphia : Carey and Hart, 1849. 456 p. [2830 Nixon. Hart, Charles H. Colonel John Nixon. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 1 : 1877, 188-202. [2831 Otto. Bodo Otto, Valley Forge Surgeon. . . . Picket Post, no. 11: 1945,20-24. [2832 Paine. Berthold, S. M. Thomas Paine, America's First Liberal. Boston : Meador Publishing Company, 1938. 264 p. [2833 Best, Mary A. Thomas Paine, Prophet and Martyr of Democracy. New York : Harcourt, Brace, 1927. 413 p. [2834 Connell, James M. Thomas Paine, a Pioneer of Democracy. New York : Longmans, Green, 1942. 40 p. [2835 Conway, Moncure D. The Life of Thomas Paine, with a History of His Literary, Political and Religious Career in America, France and England. New York : Putnam, 1909. 2 vols. [2836 One of the standard works on Thomas Paine. Creel, George. Tom Paine — Liberty Bell. New York : Sears, 1932. 173 p. [2837 Falk, Robert P. Thomas Paine : Deist or Quaker. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 62 : 1938, 52-63. [2838 Gibbens, V. E. Tom Paine and the Idea of Progress. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 66 : 1942, 191-204. [2839 Gould, F. J. Thomas Paine (1737-1809). Boston: Small- Maynard, 1925. 192 p. (The Roadmaker Series.) [2840 — Leffmann, Henry. The Real Thomas Paine, Patriot and Publicist, a Philosopher Misunderstood. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 46 : 1922, 81-99. [2841 The Colony 225 Palmer, R. R. Tom Paine: Victim of the Eights of Man. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 66 : 1942, 161-175. [2842 Pearson, Hesketh. Tom Paine, Friend of Mankind. New York: Harper, 1937. 293 p. [2843 Good critical study. Smith, Frank. Thomas Paine, Liberator. New York : Stokes, 1938. 338 p. [2844 Van der Weyde, William M., ed. The Life and Works of Thomas Paine. New York, 1925. 468 p. [2845 Peale. Sellers, Charles C. The Artist of the Revolution : The Early Life of Charles "Willson Peale. Hebron, Conn. : Feather-Good, 1939. 293 p. [2846 Pollock. James, James A. Oliver Pollock : The Life and Times of an Unknown Patriot. New York: Appleton-Century, 1937. 376 p. [2847 Mullaney, William F. Oliver Pollock, Catholic Patriot and Financier of the American Revolution. U. S. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 28 : 1937, 164-236. [2848 Potter. Linn, Mary H. General James Potter, His Life and Times. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 12 : 1942, 5-26. [2849 Reed. Reed, William B. Life of Esther deBerdt ; Afterwards Esther Reed of Pennsylvania, 1747-1780. Philadelphia: Sherman, 1853. 336 p. [2850 Life and Correspondence of Joseph Reed. Phila- delphia : Lindsay, 1847. 2 vols. [2851 Ross. Parry, Edwin S. Betsy Ross, Quaker Rebel; Being the True Story of the Romantic Life of the Maker of the First American Flag. Philadelphia: Winston, 1932. 252 p. [2852 Salomon. Adams, Herbert B. A Sketch of Haym Salomon. Am. Jewish Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 2: 1894, 5-19. [2853 Baron, Haym S. Haym Salomon, Immigrant and Financier of the American Revolution. New York: Block, 1929. 107 p. [2854 Fast, Howard M. Haym Salomon, Son of Liberty. New York: Julius Messner, 1941. 2:]:) p. [2855 226 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Kohler, Max. Haym Salomon, the Patriot Broker of the Revolution. His Real Achievements and Their Exaggeration. New York, 1931. 23 p. [2856 Peters, Madison C. Haym Salomon, the Financier of the Revolution : An Unwritten Chapter in American History. New York : Trow Press, 1911. 47 p. [2857 Russell, Charles E. Haym Salomon and the Revolution. New York; Cosmopolitan Book Corporation, 1930. 317 p. [2858 A story of the period rather than the man in question. Smith. Shoemaker, Henry W. Catherine Smith, Forgotten Woman Patriot of the Revolution. Now and Then, v. 5 : 1936, 70-76. [2859 Yost, Donald H. The Mysterious Mr. Smith. York Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., no. 1, 1939. 6 p. [2860 [Young, Henry J., ed.'] Letters of James Smith [The Signer]. York Co. Hist. Soc. Yearbook, 1939, 15-23; 1940, 30-42. [2861 Wayne. Bicknell, Thomas W. Major General Anthony Wayne. Am. Irish Hist. Soc. Jour, v. 10, 1911, 277-300. [2862 Boyd, Thomas A. Mad Anthony Wayne. New York: Scribner, 1929. 351 p. [2863 Stresses military details, particularly in the Revolutionary and Ohio frontier phases of Wayne's life. Moore, H. N. Life and Services of General Anthony Wayne. Philadelphia : John B. Perry, 1845. 210 p. [2864 Pennypacker, Samuel W. Anthony Wayne. Pa. Mag. Hist. and Biog., v. 32 : 1908, 257-301. [2865 Pleasants, Henry, jr. Anthony Wayne. [West Chester, Pa. : H. F. Temple], 1936. 50 p. [2866 Preston, John H. A Gentleman Rebel; the Exploits of Anthony Wayne. New York : Farrar and Rinehart, 1930. 370 p. [2867 ■ Stille, Charles J. Major-General Anthony Wayne and the Pennsylvania Line in the Continental Army. Philadelphia : Lippin- cott, 1893. 441 p. [2868 The Colony 227 Wildes, Harry E. Anthony Wayne, Trouble Shooter of the American Revolution. New York: llarcourt, Brace, 1941. 514 p. [2869 A full-length biography based on complete use of all existing Wayne MSS. Private life and militar}' career studied. Whitaker. Kurjack, Dennis. Joseph Whitaker of Hopewell Fur- nace. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 14: 1949, 49-53, 66-73 [2870 Zeigler. Katzenberger, George A. Major David Zeigler. Ohio Archaeol. and Hist. Quar., v. 21 : 1912, 127-174. [2871 Biographical Collections Develin, Mrs. John F. Pennsylvania's Patriotic Women During the Revolution. D. A. R. Mag., v. 46 : 1915, 252-257. [2872 Egle, William H. Some Pennsylvania Women During the War of the Revolution. Harrisburg: Harrisburg Publishing Company, 1898. 208 p. [2873 Shenk, Hiram H. Pennsylvania Women in the Revolution. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 9 : 1924-1929, 229-237. [2874 D. From Colony to Commonwealth, 1774-1790 1. The Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776 Brunhouse, Robert L. The Counter-Revolution in Pennsylvania, 1776- 1790. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1942. 368 p. [2875 Portrays the politics of the State under the Constitution of 1776; the rise of the radicals during the Revolution and their subsequent overthrow by the conservative forces in the period of the Confederation. Extensive bibliography. Casey, John. Religious Freedom in the Constitutions of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 60: 1949, 167-180. [2876 Dickson, Samuel. The Development in Pennsylvania of the Consti- tutional Restraints upon the Power and Procedure of the Legisla- ture. Pa. Bar. Assoc. Rep., v. 2 : 1896, 3-36. [2877 Edmonds, Franklin S. The Development of Constitutional Limita- tions upon the Power of the Legislature in Pennsylvania. Pa. Bar. Assoc. Rep., v. 21 : 1915, 252-277. [2878 228 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Egle, William H. The Constitutional Convention of 1776. Pa. Mao. Hist, and Biog., v. 3 : 1879, 96-101, 194-201, 319-330, 438-446 ; v. 4 : 1880, 89-98, 225-233, 361-372. [2879 Ferguson, Russell J. Early Western Pennsylvania Politics. Pitts- burgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, 1938. 300 p. [2880 A scholarly and well-written account of the political thought and behavior of the frontier society of western Pennsylvania, 1773-1823, including biographical sketches of many local politicians. It is mainly an interpretative study, relating local political incidents to the economic and social problems of the region, and to the broader political events of the State and nation. Ford, Paul L. The Adoption of the Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776. Pol. Sci. Quar., v. 10 : 1895, 426-459. [2881 Gibson, James E. The Pennsylvania Provincial Conference of 1776. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 58 : 1934, 312-341. [2882 Harding, Samuel B. . . . Party Struggles over the First Pennsylvania Constitution. Am. Hist. Assoc. Kep., 1894-1895, 371-402. [2883 Kelchner, Clyde I. Constitutional History of Pennsylvania with Par- ticular Reference to Taxation. Cornell University, doctoral disserta- tion. 1939. [2284 Kingsbury, Joseph B. Unicameral Legislatures in Early American States. Washington University Studies, Humanistic Series, v. 13: 1925, 95-119. [2885 Meador, Lewis H. The Council of Censors. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 22 : 1898, 265-300. [2886 Ramsay, L. L. From Colony to Commonwealth, 1775-1790. Pennsyl- vania State College, master's thesis. 1925. [2887 Selsam, J. Paul. Brissot De Warville on the Pennsylvania Constitu- tion. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 72 : 1948, 25-43. [2888 Selsam, J. Paul, and Joseph G. Rayback. French Comment on the Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 76 : 1952, 311-325. [2889 Selsam, J. Paul. The Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776 : A Study in Eevolutionary Democracy. Philadelphia: University of Pennsyl- vania Press, 1936. 280 p. [2890 A well-written and thoroughly reliable volume. Shows the influence of democratic ideas on the new State constitution, the fierce battle fought over it. and the effect of the struggle on the Revolution, covering t ho years 1774-1777. The standard work on the subject. The Colony 220 The Political Revolution in Pennsylvania in 177(5. Pa. Bist., v. 1 : 1934, 147-157. [2891 Thomas, E. Bruce. Political Tendencies in Pennsylvania, 1783-1794. Philadelphia : Westminster Press, 1939. 231 p. [2892 A factual summary of the subject based mainly on newspapers and official records. Wilson, Janet. The Bank of Xorth America and Pennsylvania Politics, 1781-1787. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 66 : 1942, 3-28. [2893 2. The Federal Constitution, 1787 Barnes, Elinor S. A "Faire Greene Country Towne" Plays Host: Philadelphia, 1787. Social Stud., v. 28 : 1937, 291-302. [2894 Clason, A. W. Pennsylvania Convention of 1788. Mag. Am. Hist., v. 25: 1891, 215-226. [2895 Egle, William H. The Federal Constitution of 1787. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 10: 1886, 446-460; v. 11: 1887, 69-79, 213-222, 249- 275, 499-500. [2896 Farrell, James A. Thomas Fitzsimons, Catholic Signer of the Ameri- can Constitution. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec., v. 39 : 1928, 175-224. [2897 Fitzpatrick, John C. The Man Who Wrote the Constitution. Wash- ington, [D. C] : United States Constitution Sesquicentennial Com- mission, 1937. 12 p. [2898 Flanders, Henry. Thomas Fitzsimons. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 2 : 1878, 306-314. [2899 Ford, Paul L. The Origin, Purpose and Result of the Harrisburg Convention of 1788 : A Study in Popular Government. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1890. 40 p. [2900 Fortenbaugh, Robert. The Nine Capitals of the United States. York, Pa. : The Maple Press, 1948. 105 p. [2901 Gordy, U. L. Franklin County in the Making of Our Federal Con- stitution. Kittochtinnt Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 11: 1928-1939, 509-525. [2902 Griffin, Martin I. J. Thomas Fitzsimons, Pennsylvania's Catholic Signer of the Constitution. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 2: 1886- 1888, 45-114. [2903 230 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PENNSYLVANIA HlSTORY Groshens, David E. Men of Montgomery County Who Aided the Ratification of Our Federal Constitution by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 5: 1946, 125- 134. [2904 [Hartley, Thomas]. Observations on the Propriety of Fixing upon a Central and Inland Situation for the Permanent Eesidence of Congress. York Co. Hist. Soc. Yearbook, 1941, 43-51. [2905 Koche, Milton B. Pennsylvania in National Affairs, 1787-1796. Temple University, master's thesis. 1935. [2906, Clarence W. Our Fourteen National Capitals. Washington, 1952. Unpaged. [2907 McMaster, John B. and Frederick D. Stone. Pennsylvania and the Federal Constitution, 1787-1788. Philadelphia: Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1888. 803 p. [2908 A voluminous record of public opinion and political controversy in Pennsyl- vania regarding the Federal Constitution. Mainly useful as a reference work as it records much source material: pamphlet, newspaper and official. Includes biographical sketches of Pennsylvania members of the Federal Convention, and of delegates to the State ratifying convention. McMaster, John B. Where the Constitutional Convention Met. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 11 : 1887, 81. [2909 Monaghan, Frank. The Constitution and the Radicals of 1787. Wy- oming Commem. Assoc. Proc, 1938, 7-15. [2910 Nichols, Roy F. Pennsylvania and the Constitution. Pa. Geneal. Soc. Pub., v. 13 : 1938, 11-23. [2911 Obering, William R. The Philosophy of Law of James Wilson. Washington, D. C. : American Catholic Philosophical Association, 1938. 276 p. [2912 Pennsylvania and the Federal Union. Harrisburg : Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1942. 16 p. [2913 Powell, Thomas R. From Philadelphia to Philadelphia (1787-1937). Am. Pol. Sci. Rev., v. 32 : 1938, 1-27. [2914 Prowell, George R. Where the National Capital Might Have Been. Mag. of Hist., v. 7 : 1908, 27-31. [2915 The Colony 231 Purcell, Richard J. Thomas Fitzsimons, Framer of the American Constitution. Studies, June, 1938, 273-290. [2916 Quattrochi, Anna M. James Wilson and the Establishment of the Federal Government. Historian, v. 2 : 1940, 105-117. [2917 Robertson, William E. Benjamin Rush and the Medical Signers of the Constitution. Medical Life, v. 45 : 1938, 129-135. [2918 Stradley, Leighton P. The Ten Capitals of the United States. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 50 : 1948, 217-225. [2919 When Germantown Was the National Capital. Phila. Forum, v. 28 : no. 7, 1949, 7-8. [2920 Wallace, William A. Pennsylvania's Formative Influence Upon Fed- eral Institutions. Philadelphia : [Historical Society of Pennsyl- vania], 1882. 29 p. [2921 3. Cultural and Economic Life Aldridge, Alfred O. Some Writings of Thomas Paine in Pennsyl- vania Newspapers. Am. Hist. Rev., v. 56: 1951, 832-838. [2922 Why Did Thomas Paine Write on the Bank? Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 93 : 1949, 309-315. [2923 Arrowood, Charles R. Educational Themes in the Writings of Francis Hopkinson. Peabody Jour. Educ, v. 6 : 1928, 145-160. [2924 Balch, Thomas W. The Philadelphia Assemblies. Philadelphia: Allen, Lane and Scott, 1916. 146 p. [2925 Bell, Whitfield J., jr. Aesculapius on the Delaware : The Story of the Founding of the First American Medical School. Pennsylvanian, v. 7: 1950, 39-40. [2926 Philadelphia Medical Students in Europe, 1750-1800. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 67 : 1943, 1-29. [2927 Science and Humanity in Philadelphia, 1775-1790. Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, doctoral dissertation. 1947. [2928 The Scientific Environment of Philadelphia, 1775-1790. A.m. Phil. Soc. Proc, v. 92 : 1948, 6-14. [2929 232 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Some Aspects of the Social History of Pennsylvania, 1760- 1790. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 62 ■ 1938, 281-308. [2930 Brunhouse, Robert L. Lascars in Pennsylvania : A Side-Light on the China Trade. Pa. Hist., v. 7 : 1940, 20-30. [2931 Buck, Elizabeth H. Social Life in Western Pennsylvania as Seen by Early Travelers. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 18 : 1935, 125-138. [2932 Burdine, John A. Governmental Regulations of Industry in Pennsyl- vania, 1776-1860. Harvard University, doctoral dissertation. 1939. [2933 Butterfield, Lyman H. The American Interests of the Firm of E. and C. Dilly, with Their Letters to Benjamin Rush. Bibliog. Soc. Am. Pap., v. 45 : 1951, 283-332. [2934 Carson, Joseph H. History of the Medical Department of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania . . . Philadelphia: Lindsay and Blakiston, 1869. 227 p. [2935 East, Robert A. Business Enterprise in the American Revolutionary Era. New York : Columbia University Press, 1938. 387 p. [2936 A considerable portion of this study concerns Pennsylvania. Gibson, James E. The German Academy or Seminary in Philadel- phia, 1773-1777. Luth. Church Quae,, v. 14: 1941, 84-97. [2937 Gillingham, Harrold E. The First Orreries in America. Jour. Franklin Institute, v. 229: 1940, 81-99. [2938 Hartz, Louis. Economic Policy and Democratic Thought : Pennsyl- vania, 1776-1860. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1948. 366 p. [2939 A study showing the strong influence of the State in shaping the patterns of economic life prior to the Civil War. Helms, James K. The Lost Planetarium of David Eittenhouse. Montgomery Co. IItst. Soc. Bul., v. 2 : 1939, 31-34. [2940 Hepburn, Joseph S. Smith and Morgan, Our First Chemists. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 25: 1933, 491-510. [2941 Hesser, H. A. Social Life in Pennsylvania During the Revolutionary Period. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1926. [2942 Howard, Leon. Literature and the Frontier: The Case of Sally Hastings. E L H, v. 7 : 1940, 68-82. [2943 The Colony 233 Jeffers, Eliakim T. Historical Sketch of the Period of Schools and the Academies, 1780-1806. Philadelphia: George II. Buchanan, 1903. [2944 Kieffer, J. E. Philadelphia Controversy [Between John Morgan and William Shippen, Jr.], 1775-1780. History Med. Bul., v. 11: 1942, 148-160. [2945 Kraus, Michael. The Atlantic Civilization : Eighteenth-Century Ori- gins. Ithaca, X. Y. : Cornell University Press, 1949. 334 p. [2946 A study that shows the impress of many American cultural, social, political and scientific advances upon European life. Lippincott, Horace M. George Washington and the University of Pennsylvania. Univ. of Pa. Alumni Reg., v. 18: 1916, 356-383. [2947 Livers, Sidney L. The Economic Effects of the Revolution in Penn- sylvania, 1783-1786. Temple University, master's thesis. 1937. [2948 [Markoe, Peter]. The Algerine Spy in Pennsylvania . . . Philadel- phia : Prichard and Hall, 1787. 129 p. [2949 Martin, Alfred S. The Port of Philadelphia, 1763-1776. Iowa Univer- sity, doctoral dissertation. 1941. [2950 Marvine, William M. Pirates and Privateers in the Delaware Bay and River. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 32 : 1908, 459-470. [2951 Mintz, Max M., ed. Robert Morris and John Jay on Education : Two Letters. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 74 : 1950, 340-347. [2952 Mishoff, Willard O. Business in Philadelphia During the British Occupation. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 61 : 1937, 165-181. [2953 Munroe, John A. The Philadelawareans. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 69 : 1945, 128-149. [2954 National Society of Colonial Dames of America. Pennsylvania. Church Music and Musical Life in Pennsylvania in the Eighteenth Century. Philadelphia: The Society, 1926-1927. 2 vols. [2955 Nolan, J. Bennett. Pennsylvania Students at the Inns of Court, Pa. Bar Assoc. Quar., December, 1929, 22-27. [2956 Packard, Francis R. The First American Medical School and Its Founders. Medical Stand., v. 25 : 1902, 464-468. [2957 234 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Phillips, James W. The Sources of the Original Dickinson College Library. Pa. Hist., v. 14: 1947, 108-117. [2958 Prime, Alfred C, comp. The Arts and Crafts in Philadelphia, Mary- land and South Carolina, 1786-1800. Topsfield, Mass. : The Walpole Society, 1932. 331 p. (Second series.) [2959 Reisman, David. The Oldest Medical School in America. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 38 : 1936, 273-290. [2960 Rowe, John J. Pioneering and Money in the Ohio River Valley from Fort Pitt to the Falls of the Ohio. New York: Newcomen Society of England, American Branch, 1948. 24 p. [2961 Rush, Benjamin. Pennsylvania in 1786. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 23 : 1940, 109-114. [2962 Schutte, Tenjes H. History of Educational Legislation in Pennsyl- vania, 1775-1850. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1923. 345 p. [2963 Stearns, George A. The Schools of Susquehanna County, 1775-1945. Montrose, Pa. : Susquehanna County Historical Society and Free Library Association, 1947. 208 p. [2964 Stetson, Sarah P. The Philadelphia Sojourn of Samuel Vaughan. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 73 : 1949, 459-474. [2965 Stone, Frederick D. Philadelphia Society One Hundred Years Ago; or, the Keign of the Continental Money. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 3: 1879, 361-394. [2966 Teeters, Negley K. The Philadelphia Society for the Relief of Dis- tressed Prisoners, 1776-1777. Prison Jour., v. 24: 1944, 452-460. [2967 4. Pennsylvanians of the Period (Alphabetical by Subject) See — Pennsylvania Patriots Bache. Fay, Bernard. Benjamin Franklin Bache, a Democratic Leader of the Eighteenth Century. Am. Antiq. Soc. Proc, v. 40 : 1930, 277-304. [2968 Barclay. Fackenthal, B. F., jr. John Barclay. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 8 : 1940, 9-18. [2969 The Colony 235 Bartram. Fagin, Nathan B. William Bartram [1739-1823] Inter- preter of the American Landscape. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press, 1933. 229 p. [2970 A thorough study of Bartram 's work and its influence upon Coleridge and other writers. Biddle. Biddle, Charles. Autobiography of Charles Biddle [1745- 1821]. Philadelphia: E. Claxton and Company, 1883. 423 p. [2971 Nolan, J. Bennett. Reading's Sailor Burgess, Charles Biddle. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 11 : 1946, 43-46. [2972 Biddle, Henry D. Owen Biddle. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 16 : 1892, 299-329. [2973 Bingham. Brown, Margaret L. Mr. and Mrs. William Bingham of Philadelphia. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 61 : 1937, 286-324. [2974 William Bingham, Agent of the Continental Con- gress in Martinique. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 61 : 1937, 54-87. [2975 William Bingham, Eighteenth Century Magnate. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 61 : 1937, 387-434. [2976 Sawtelle, William 0. William Bingham of Philadelphia [1752-18101. and His Maine Lands. Pa. Geneal. Soc. Pub., v. 9: 1926, 207-226. [2977 Brodhead. Fullerton, Elizabeth M. Colonel Daniel Brodhead. Uni- versity of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1931. [2978 Bryan. Konkle, Burton A. George Bryan and the Constitution of Pennsylvania, 1731-1791. Philadelphia: W. J. Campbell, 1922. 381 p. [2979 Chew. Konkle, Burton A. Benjamin Chew, 1732-1810, Head of the Pennsylvania Judiciary System under Crown and Commonwealth. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1932. 316 p. [2980 Cresap. Bailey, Kenneth P. Thomas Cresap : Maryland Frontiersman. Boston : Christopher Publishing House, 1944. 322 p. [2981 A vigorous account of the truculent pioneer figure who is of interest to Peun- sylvanians as much as to Mary landers. Cassel, James M. The Life of Thomas Cresap. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1938. [2982 236 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Crevecoeur. Sanborn, F. B. The "American Farmer" St. John De Crevecoeur and His Famous Letters. (1735-1813.) Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 30 : 1906, 257-286. [2983 Cuthbertson. A Biographical Sketch of the Rev. John Cuthbertson, the First Reformed Presbyterian Minister in America, from 1751 to 1791. Pittsburgh: Stevenson, Foster and Co., 1878. 36 p. [2984 Deshler. Kohl, Helen W., and John Y. Colonel David Deshler, Allentown's First Citizen. Lehigh Co. Hist. Soc. Proc., v. 15: 1946, 9-46. [2985 Duche. Neill, Edward D. Reverend Jacob Duche, the First Chap- lin of Congress. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 2 : 1878, 58-73. [2986 Du Simitiere. Potts, William J. Du Simitiere, Artist, Antiquary, and Naturalist, Projector of the First American Museum with Some Extracts from His Notebook. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 13 : 1889, 341-375. [2987 Ellicott. Mathews, Catherine V. Andrew Ellicott, His Life and Letters. New York : Grafton Press, 1908. 256 p. [2988 Ewing. Ewing, Lucy E. L. Dr. John Ewing and Some of His Noted Connections. Philadelphia: Winston, 1930. 139 p. [2989 Filson. Wilson, Samuel M. JohnFilson [1747-1788] in Pennsylvania. Filson Club Hist. Quar., v. 13 : 1939, 179-201. [2990 Fitz Simons. Phelan, Thomas P. Thomas Fitz Simons, Patriot, Soldier, Statesman. Am. Irish Hist. Soc. Jour., v. 21 : 1922, 157-164. [2991 Foulke. Lippincott, Horace M. Dr. John Foulke, 1780, a Pioneer in Aeronautics. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Ciiron., v. 34 : 1932, 525-533. [2992 Freneau. Marsh, Philip. Philip Freneau and Francis Hopkinson. N. J. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 63: 1945, 141-149. [2993 Girty. Boyd, Thomas A. Simon Girty, the White Savage 11741- 1818]. New York : Minton-Balch, 1928. 252 p. [2994 This entertaining and readable popular biography is based on Consul W. Butterfield's History oj the Girtys. It presents the famous Tory Leader of the western Indians as a human being with faults rather than as the monster of legend. The Indian case against the white man is very fairly treated. The Colony 237 Butterfield, Consul W. History of the Girtys : A Concise Ac- count of the Girty Brothers . . . Cincinnati, 0. : Robert Clarke, 1890. 426 p. [2995 Rodgers, T. L. Simon Girty and Some of His Contempo- raries. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 8 : 1925, 148-158. [2996 Hand. Orrill, Lawrence A. General Edward Hand. "Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 25: 1942, 99-112. [2997 Heckewelder. Rondthaler, Edward. Life of John Heckewelder. Philadelphia : Ward, 1847. 149 p. [2998 Hillegas. Huch, C. F. Michael Hillegas, der Erste Schatzmeister der Yereinigten Staaten [1729-1804]. Deutsch-Am. Geschichts- blatter. v. 7 : 1907, 97-104 ; and Deutsch Pion.-Verein v. Phila. Mitteil., v. 3 : 1907, 2-11. [2999 Minich, Michael R. Memoir of the First Treasurer of the United States. Philadelphia, 1905. 87 p. [3000 Smith, Helen B. Michael Hillegass' Faithful Public Trust. Picket Post, no. 16, 1947, 20-25. [3001 Sterrett, H. R. Michael Hillegas. Numismatist, v. 62 : 1949, 350-353. [3002 Hopkinson. Albrecht, Otto E. Francis Hopkinson, Musician, Poet and Patriot, 1737-1937. Univ. of Pa. Lib. Chron., v. 6 : 1938, 1-15. [3003 Hastings, George E. Francis Hopkinson and the American Flag. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 42 : 1939, 46-63. [3004 Francis Hopkinson and the Anti-Federalists. 1783- 1789.) Am. Literature, v. 1 : 1930, 405-418. [3005 The Life and AVorks of Francis Hopkinson. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1926. 516 p. [3006 A scholarly, reliable, heavily annotated compilation of every detail of Hopkin- son's career. Contains a full bibliography. Hastings, George E., (d. Two Uncollected Essays by Francis Hopkinson. Gen. Mac*, and Hist. Chrox., v. 41: 1939, 416-422. [3007 Hildeburn, Charles R. Francis Hopkinson. Pa. Mag. Hist. and Bioc, v. 2: 1878, 314-. 4, .24. [3008 238 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Marble, Annie R. Francis Hopkinson: Man of Affairs and Letters. New Eng. Mag., v. 27: 1902, 289-302. [3009 Wecter, Dixon. Francis Hopkinson and Benjamin Frank- lin. Am. Literature, v. 12 : 1940, 200-217. [3010 Wilkinson, Norman B. Francis Hopkinson, Humor Propa- gandist of the American Revolution. Historian, v. 4: 1941, 5-33. [3011 Ingersoll. Meigs, William M. The Life of Charles Jared Ingersoll. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1897. 351 p. [3012 Levy. Rosenbach, Isabella H., and Abraham S. W. Aaron Levy. Am. Jewish Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 2 : 1894, 157-163. [3013 Linn. Leary, Lewis. John Blair Linn, 1777-1805. Wm. and Mary Quar., v. 4: 1947, 148-176. [3014 Maclay. Gearhart, Heber. The Life of William Maclay. North- umberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc., v. 2 : 1930, 46-73. [3015 William Maclay, the Surveyor. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 9 : 1937, 20-43. [3016 Hamilton, A. Boyd. William Maclay (1737-1804), City Planner. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 9 : 1937, 5-19. [3017 Harley, Lewis R. William Maclay, United States Senator from Pennsylvania, 1789-1791. Philadelphia, 1909. 17 p. [3018 Klein, Philip S. Senator William Maclay. Pa. Hist., v. 10 : 1943, 83-93. [3019 McLene. Nead, Benjamin M. James McLene of the Cumberland Valley, in Pennsylvania: A Statesman of His Times [1730-1806]. Kittochtinny Hist. Soc Pap., v. 6 : 1910, 31-45. [3020 Markoe. Diebels, Sister Mary. Peter Markoe (1752 M792). A Phila- delphia Writer. Washington : Catholic University of America Press, 1944, 116 p. [3021 A study of the works, rather than the life, of a lesser known writer. Melsheimer. Barba, Preston A. Frederick Valentine Melsheimer, Father of American Entomology. Am.-Gebman Kev., v. 11: no. 3, 1945, 17-19 ; no. 4, 17-20. [3022 The Colony 239 Prowell, George R. Frederick Valentine Melsheimer, a Pioneer Entomologist, and a Noted Clergyman and Author. York Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 1 : 1903, 17-26. [3023 Morgan. Savelle, Max. George Morgan : Colony Builder. New York : Columbia University Press, 1932. 266 p. [3024 Biography of a business man, Indian agent, colonist, agriculturist and writer. Bell, Whitfield J., jr. John Morgan. History Med. Bul., v. 22 : 1948, 543-561. [3025 ■ John Morgan, Founder of the Medical School [Uni- versity of Pennsylvania]. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 53: 1951, 213-223. [3026 Muhlenberg. Reichmann, Felix. The Muhlenberg Family. Phila- delphia : Carl Schurz Memorial Foundation, 1943. 43 p. [3027 Wallace, Paul A. W. Anna Maria Muhlenberg and Her Children. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 15 : 1950, 162-165. [3028 The Muhlenbergs of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1950. 358 p. [3029 An absorbing account of a Pennsylvania family whose members were eminent in religion, government, science, and military affairs. Seidensticker, Oswald. Friederich August Conrad Muhlen- berg. Deutsch-Am. Geschichtsblatter, v. 9 : 1909, 12-22. [3030 Frederick Augustus Conrad Muhlenberg, Speaker of the House of Representatives in the First Congress, 1789. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 13: 1889, 184-206. [3031 Beck, Herbert H. Henry E. Muhlenberg [1753-1815]. Castanea, v. 3 : 1938, 41-53. [3032 Beck, Herbert H. Henry E. Muhlenberg, Botanist (1753- 1815). Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 32: 1928, 99-107. [3033 Maisch, J. M. Gotthilf Heinrich Ernst Muhlenberg als Botaniker. New York: Gustav Lauter, 1886. 39 p. [3034 Richards, Henry M. M. Gotthilf Henry Ernest Muhlenberg. Pa.-German, v. 3 : 1902, 116-155. [3035 Schiedt, R. C. Gotthilf Heinrich Ernst Muhlenberg, the First President of Franklin College. Lutii. Quar., v. 43: 1913, 59-69. [3036 240 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Neville. Hogg, J. Bernard. Presley Neville. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 19 : 1936, 17-26. [3037 Ormsby. Kamprad, Walter T. John Ormsby, Pittsburgh's Original Citizen. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 23: 1940, 203-222. [3038 Paine. Armytage, W. H. Thomas Paine and the Walkers : An Early Episode in Anglo-American Co-operation. Pa. Hist., v. 18 : 1951, 16-30. [3039 Parke. Bell, Whitfield J., jr. Thomas Parke, M. D., Physician and Friend. Wm. and Mary Quar., v. 6 : 1949, 569-595. [3040 Porter, Porter, William A. A Sketch of the Life of General Andrew Porter. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 4: 1880, 261-301. [3041 Poulson. Leach, M. Atherton. Zachariah Ponlson [1737-1804], a Study of Danish-American Achievement in Philadelphia in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries. Am. -Scandinavian Rev., v. 8 : 1920, 510-517. [3042 Redman. Middleton, William S. John Redman [1722-1808]. Axx. Med. Hist., v. 8 : 1926, 213-223. [3043 Rittenhouse. Babb, Maurice J. David Rittenhouse. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 56 : 1932, 193-224. [3044 Barton, William P. C. Memoirs of the Life of David Ritten- house. Philadelphia : Parker, 1813. 614 p. [3045 Ford, J. Edward. David Rittenhouse, Astronomer-Patriot, 1732-1796. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1946. 226 p. [3046 A readable biography of Rittenhouse as a man eminent in the field of pure science, and as a public servant. Renwick, James. Life of David Rittenhouse. In Jared Sparks, ed., Library of American Biography. Volume 7. New York : Harper, 1860. p. 297-398. [3047 Rubincam, Milton. David Rittenhouse, L.L.D., F.R.S. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 2 : 1939-1941, 8-30. [3048 Rufus, W. Carl. David Rittenhouse, Pioneer American Astronomer [1732-1796]. Sci. Mo., v. 26: 1928, 506-513. [3049 The Colony 241 Rush. Armstrong, Eva V. Portrait of Benjamin Rush [1745-1813] from a Student's Note-Book. Pa. Univ. Lib. Chron., v. 5: 1937, 42-45. [3050 Dr. Benjamin Rush's Journal of a Trip to Carlisle in 1784. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 74: 1950, 443-456. [3051 Butterfield, Lyman H., eel Letters of Benjamin Rush. Princeton, N. J. : Published for the American Philosophical Society by the Princeton University Press, 1951. 2 vols. [3052 A skilful editing of the letters of one of Philadelphia's most prolific writers and men of ideas. Butterfield, Lyman H. The Reputation of Benjamin Rush. Pa. Hist., v. 17 : 1950, 3-22. [3053 Gminder, Gwynneth. An Exhibit of the Life and Works of Benjamin Rush, M. D. History Med. Bul., v. 19: 1946, 96-112. [3054 Good, Harry G. Benjamin Rush [1746-1813] and his Serv- ices to American Education. Berne, Ind. : Witness Press, 1918. 283 p. [3055 Goodman, Nathan G. Benjamin Rush, Physician and Citi- zen, 1746-1813. Philadelphia : Universit} 7 of Pennsylvania Press, 1934. 421 p. [3056 This biograprry of the famous physician of the Revolution and post-Revolu- tiona^ period has become a standard American work. A thorough scholarly study with much background material on the life of the times and useful to the general reader as well as scholar. Interesting material on medical practice of the period. Henry, Hugh C. Benjamin Rush, the First American Psychiatrist. Southern Medicine and Surgery (Charlotte, N. C), v. 102 : 1940, 162-164. [3057 Kieffer, John E. Benjamin Rush, M. D., 1746-1813, the American Sydenham. Pa. Health, v. 1 : 1940, 19-25. [3058 A Physician Philanthropist in the Eighteenth Century: Benjamin Rush, 1746-1813. Social Service Rev., v. 2 : 1928, 274- 304. [3059 Radbill, Samuel X. The Iconography of Benjamin Rush. Phila. College of Piiys. Trans., v. 16 : 1948, 73-79. [3060 242 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Reed, William B. President Reed of Pennsylvania : A Reply to Mr. George Bancroft and Others. Philadelphia: Challen, 1867. 132 p. [3061 Pertains to Reed's aspersions cast on Benjamin Rush. Rucker, M. Pierce. Benjamin Rush, Obstetrician. Ann. Med. Hist., v. 3 : 1941, 487-500. [3062 Runes, Dagobert D., ed. The Selected Writings of Benjamin Rush. New York : Philosophical Library, 1947. 433 p. [3063 An attempt to show Rush's broad humanistic interests. Rush, Benjamin. A Memorial Containing Travels Through the Life or Sundry Incidents in the Life of Dr. Rush. Philadel- phia: Privately Printed, 1905. 262 p. [3064 Wright, Eleanor E. Dr. Benjamin Rush. Frankford Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 2 : 1914, 137-146. [3065 Richards, Louis. Honorable Jacob Rush, of the Pennsylvania Judiciary [1747-1820]. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 39: 1915, 53-68. [3066 St. Clair. Beals, Ellis. Arthur St. Clair, Western Pennsylvania's Leading Citizen, 1764-1818. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 12 : 1929, 75-96, 175-196. [3067 Boucher, John N. Gen. Arthur St. Clair — First Governor of the Northwest Territory. Americana, v. 12 : 1918, 381-404. [3068 Douglas, Albert. Major-General Arthur St. Clair [1734- 1818]. Ohio Archaeol. and Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 16: 1907, 455-476. [3069 Murray, Eleanor M. The Court Martial of General Arthur St. Clair. Fort Ticonderoga Mtjs. Bul., v. 7 : 1947, 3-20. [3070 Sears, Alfred B. Political Philosophy of Arthur St. Clair. Ohio Archeol. and Hist. Quar., v. 49 : 1940, 41-57. [3071 Siebeneck, Henry K. Ilervey Allen vs. Arthur St. Clair. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 30 : 1947, 73-94. [3072 Wilson, Frazer E. Arthur St. Clair: Rugged Ruler of the Old Northwest. Richmond, Va. : Garrett and Massie, 1944. 253 p. [3073 A useful but inadequate biography that overlooks too many phases of St. Clair's career. The Colony 243 Saugrain. O'Neill, Wayne F. Dr. Antoine F. Saugrain, First Mineralogist of Pennsylvania. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 19 : no. 5, 1951, 28-29. [3074 Savery. Taylor, Francis R. Life of William Savery of Philadelphia, 1750-1804. New York: Macmillan, 1925. 474 p. [3076 Shippen. Balch, Thomas W. The Historical Connection of the Shippen Family to the State. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 50: 1926, 23-28. [3077 ■ Tillotson, Harry S. The Exquisite Exile, the Life and Fortunes of Mrs. Benedict Arnold. (Peggy Shippen Arnold) Bos- ton : Lothrop, Lee and Shepard, 1932. 215 p. [3078 Walker, Lewis B. Life of Margaret Shippen, Wife of Benedict Arnold. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 24: 1900, 257-266, 401-429 ; v. 25 : 1901, 20-46, 145-190, 289-302, 452-497 ; v. 26 : 1902, 71-80, 224-244, 322-334, 364-468. [3079 Balch, Thomas W. Dr. William Shippen, the Elder. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 1 : 1877, 212-216. [3080 Corner, Betsy C. AVilliam Shippen, Jr.: Pioneer in Ameri- can Medical Education. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1951. 161 p. [3081 An account of Shippen's medical education in Europe, based upon his student diary, and his later disagreements with John Morgan, Benjamin Rush and others, over medical theory and practice. — Kieffer, John E. Dr. William Shippen, Jr., 1736-1808, Anatomist-Obstetrician-Teacher. Pa. Health, v. 1: 1940, 31-34. [3082 Thomas, Herbert. William Shippen, Jr., [1736-1808] the Great Pioneer in American Obstetrics. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (St. Louis), v. 37: 1939, 512-517. [3083 Smith. Konkle, Burton A. The Life and Times of Thomas Smith, 1745-1809. Philadelphia: Campion, 1904. 303 p. [3084 A reliable work filled with facts and quotations from original sources. Sower. Knauss, James O. Christopher Saur the Third (1754-1799). Am. Antiq. Soc. Proc, v. 41: n. s., 1931, 235-253. [3084a 244 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Thomson. Harley, Lewis R. The Life of Charles Thomson. Phila- delphia : George W. Jacobs Co., 1900. 244 p. [3085 Heathcote, Charles W. Charles Thomson. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 47 : 1944-1945, 46-55. [3086 Kneedler, Harry L. Charles Thomson. Temple Uni- versity, master's thesis. 1940. [3087 Turnbull. Turnbull, Archibald D. William Turnbull, 1751-1822. Morristown, N. J. : 1933. 175 p. [3088 Turnbull was the senior partner in the firm of Turnbull, Marmie and Company. whose activities were so important in the development of the Pittsburgh region during the 1780's. Wallis. Wood, T. Kenneth. Samuel Wallis — Pioneer Settler and Land Owner in Mnncy Valley . . . 1736-1798. Now and Then, v. 6 : 1940, 250-254. [3089 West. Carson, Hampton L. The Life and Works of Benjamin West. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 45 : 1921, 301-319. [3090 Gait, John. Life, Studies and Works of Benjamin West. London : Cadell, 1820. 2 vols, in 1. [3091 Jackson, Henry E. Benjamin West, His Life and Work. Philadelphia: Winston, 1900. 115 p. [3092 Landis, Charles I. Benjamin West and the Royal Academy. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 50 : 1926, 134-148, 241-253. [3093 Wharton. Wharton, Anne H. Thomas Wharton, Junior, First Gov- ernor of Pennsylvania under the Constitution of '76. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 5: 1881, 426-439; v. 6: 1882, 91-105. [3094 White. Stowe, Walter H. The Life and Letters of Bishop William White. New York: Morehouse Publishing Company [1937]. 306 p. (See also Protestant Episcopal Church Historical Magazine. volume 6: 1937). [3095 Temple, Sydney A., jr. The Common Sense Theology of Bishop White: Selected Essays from the Writings of William White, First Bishop of Pennsylvania. . . . New York: Columbia University Press, 1<)4(i. 170 p. [3096 Willing. Balch, Thomas W. Thomas Willing of Philadelphia (1731- 1821). Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 46: 192l> ? 1-14. [3097 The Colony 245 Willing Letters and Papers, Edited with a Bio- graphical Essay of Thomas Willing of Philadelphia, 1731-1821. Philadelphia : Allen, Lane and Scott, 1922. 227 p. [3098 Konkle, Burton A. Thomas Willing and the First American Financial System. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1937. 237 p. [3099 Wilson. Alexander, Lucien H. James Wilson, Nation-Builder. Green Bag, v. 19 : 1907, 1-9, 98-109, 137-146, 265-276. [3100 James Wilson, Patriot and the Wilson Doctrine. No. Am. Rev, v. 183 : 1906, 971-989. [3101 Bennett, Andrew. James Wilson of St. Andrews : An Ameri- can Statesman, 1742-1798. St. Andrews, Scotland : J. and G. Innes, 1927. 81 p. [3102 Carson, Hampton L. James Wilson and James Iredell: A Parallel and a Contrast. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog, v. 45 : 1921, 1-33. [3103 Gummere, Richard M. Classical Precedents in the Writings of James Wilson. Col. Soc. Mass. Pub., v. 32: 1937, 524-538. [3104 Leavelle, Armand B. James Wilson and the Relation of the Scottish Metaphysics to American Political Thought. Pol. Sci. Quar., v. 57 : 1942, 394-410. [3105 Quattrocchi, Anna M. James Wilson, a Study in Portraits. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1931. [3106 Smith, C. Page. James Wilson, Image and Essence. Auto. Coll. Jour., v. 3 : no. 1, 1950, 26-27. [3107 Woods. Kussart, Mrs. Sarepta. Colonel George Woods, Pittsburgh's First Surveyor. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 7 : 1924, 73-87. [3108 Yeates. Landis, Charles I. Jasper Yeates [1745-1817] and His Times. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 46 : 1922, 199-231. [3109 Biographical Collections Reed, H. Clay. Nine Pennsylvania Lives. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 69: 1945, 275-283. [3110 246 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History PART TWO. THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA I. THE BEGINNINGS OF A NEW AGE, 1790-1820 A. The Rise of the Democracy 1. General Beaumariage, Alexander C. The Hoge Family in Politics. Uni- versity of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1937. [3111 Boyd, Julian P. Attempts to Form New States in New York and Pennsylvania, 17864796. N. Y. State Hist. Assoc. Quar. Jour., v. 12 : 1931, 257-270. [3112 Budd, Henry. . . . Citizen Genet's Visit to Philadelphia. Phila. City Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 2 : 1919, 39-67. [3113 Butcher, Harry K. Political Parties in Pennsylvania. Common- wealth, v. 1 : no. 2, 1946, 12-13. [3114 Carson, Hampton L. Pennsylvania's Defiance of the United States. Harper's, v. 117: 1908, 670-678. [3115 Cohen, Beatrice. The Democratic Society of Philadelphia. Temple University, master's thesis. 1937. [3116 Cole, Charles C, jr. Brockden Brown and the Jefferson Administra- tion. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 72 : 1948, 253-263. [3117 Duane, William. Experience the Test of Government: In Eighteen Essays. Philadelphia: Duane, 1807. 60 p. [3118 Dumbauld, Edward. Thomas Jefferson and Pennsylvania, Pa. Hist., v. 5 : 1938, 157-165. [3119 Everett, Edward. Jeffersonian Democracy and the Tree of Liberty, 1800-1803. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 32: 1949, 11-44. [3120 John Smilie, Forgotten Champion of Early "Western Penn- sylvania, Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 33: 1950, 77-89. [3121 Fa'y, Bernard. Early Party Machinery in the United States: Penn- sylvania in the Election of 1796. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 60 : 1936, 375-390. [3122 The Commonwealth 247 Heiges, George L. When Lancaster Was Pennsylvania's Capital. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 55: 1951, 1-48; v. 56: 1952, 45-84. [3123 Henderson, Elizabeth K. Some Aspects of Sectionalism in Pennsyl- vania, 1790-1812. Bryn Mawr College, doctoral dissertation. 1935. [3124 Higginbotham, Sanford W. The Keystone in the Democratic Arch: Pennsylvania Politics, 1800-1816. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1952. 417 p. [3125 A careful study of Pennsylvania Republicanism when it accounted for the control of national affairs by Jeffersonians. Hildeburn, Charles R. The Legislative History of Pennsylvania as Exhibited in the Statutes-at-Large. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 22 : 1898, 393-409. [3126 Link, Eugene P. Democratic-Republican Societies, 1790-1800. New York: Columbia University Press, 1942. 256 p. (Columbia Studies in American Culture, no. 9.) [3127 A careful study of the origin, purpose, membership, activities and achieve- ments of the Democratic Republican Societies. Especially interesting for "the thought and action of those whom some have called the unimportant people." Modifies earlier conclusions regarding both aristocratic and democratic leaders of the period. McGraw, John V. Contemporary Attacks on George Washington, Chiefly by the Opposition Press in Philadelphia. Temple Uni- versity, master's thesis. 1938. [3128 Maclay, William. The Journal of William Maclay. New York: Albert and Charles Boni, 1927. 429 p. [3129 An important source. Maclay was United States Senator from Pennsylvania, 1789-1791. Mc Williams, Elizabeth. Political Activities in Western Pennsylvania, 1800-1816. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 7 : 1924, 225-234. [3130 Marsh, Philip, ed. Hugh Henry Brackenridge : The " Direct Primary" of 1792. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 32: 1949, 115-116. [3131 Martin, C. H. Early Presidential Elections in Lancaster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 47 : 1943, 93-105. [3132 248 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Meigs, William M. Pennsylvania Politics Early in This Century. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 17 : 1893, 462-490. [3133 Myers, James M. Committees of Correspondence in Western Penn- sylvania as the Forerunners of Party Organization. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1949. [3134 Peeling, James H. Governor McKean and the Pennsylvania Jacobins (1799-1808). Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 54: 1930, 320-354. [3135 Ritchie, Carey P. A Study of Some Important Laws Enacted by the Pennsylvania Legislatures, 1790-1801. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1930. [3136 Russ, William A., jr. Trends in the Pennsylvania Congressional Delegations, (1789-1945). Pa. Hist., v. 10: 1943, 268-282. [3137 Selsam, J. Paul. France and Pennsylvania: An Exchange of Greet- ings in 1791. Pa. Hist., v. 14: 1947, 13-22. [3138 Shenk, Hiram H. The Myerstown Riot of 1793. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 7 : 1919, 430-444. [3139 Tinkcom, Harry M. Presque Isle and Pennsylvania Politics, 1794. Pa. Hist., v. 16 : 1949, 96-121. [3140 The Republicans and Federalists in Pennsylvania, 1790- 1801. A Study in National Stimulus and Local Response. Harris- burg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1950. 354 p. [3141 The emergence of party divisions, caused by national and international issues, and the Jeffersonian triumph of 1800, are the themes of this study of Penn- sylvania politics. Walters, Raymond, jr. The Origins of the Jeffersonian Party in Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 66 : 1942, 440-458. [3142 Wills, Elbert V. The Case of Doctor Cooper. So. Atlan. Quar., v. 18 : 1919, 6-14. [3143 Woodbury, Margaret. Public Opinion in Philadelphia, 1789-1801. Durham, N. C. : Seeman Printery, 1919. 138 p. (Smith College Studies in History, v. 5.) [3144 Worner, William F. Two Meetings to Consider Removal of the State Capital to Lancaster. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 35 : 1931, 40-47. [3145 The Commonwealth 249 2. The Whiskey Rebellion Baldwin, Leland D. Whiskey Rebels : The Story of a Frontier Upris- ing-. Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, 1939. 326 p. [3146 Ably portrays the hopes and ideals of frontier democrats, the means adopted to protect their liberties, and their defeat. Bond, Beverly W., jr. The Whiskey Insurrection in Pennsylvania. Johx P. Branch Historical Papers (of Randolph-Macon College), v. 1 : 1902, 68-87. [3147 Brackenridge, Henry M. History of the Western Insurrection, Called the Whiskey Insurrection, 1794. Pittsburgh: W. S. Haven, 1859. 336 p. [3148 Polemical treatment of the Whiskey Insurrection, based mainly on earlier works of Hugh Henry Brackenridge and William Findley. Brackenridge, Hugh H. Incidents of the Insurrection in the Western Parts of Pennsylvania, in the Year 1794. Philadelphia : John M'Culloch, 1795. 154 p. [3149 Bright, Royal E. The Whiskey Rebellion. Temple University, master's thesis. 1939. [3150 Carnahan, James. The Pennsylvania Insurrection of 1794. X. J. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 6 ■ 1853, 115-152. [3151 Craig, Neville B. Exposure of the Many Misstatements in H. M. Brackenridge 's History of the Whiskey Insurrection. In History of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh : J. M. Mellor, 1917. p. 228-273. [3152 Findley, William. History of the Insurrection in the Four Western Counties of Pennsylvania in the Year 1794 . . . Philadelphia : Samuel H. Smith, 1796. 328 p. [3153 James, Alfred P. A Political Interpretation of the Whiskey In- surrection. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 33: 1950, 90-101. [3154 March on Pittsburgh, 1794: [Diary of John Hugg Clunn], Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 71 : 1947, 44-67. [3155 Miller, William. The Democratic Societies and the Whiskey Insur- rection. Pa. Ma<;. Hist, and Bkx;., v. (i2 : 1938, 324-349. [3156 Millis, Wade F. The First Trial of the Constitution. Jour. Criminal Law, v. 16: 1926, 573-588; and Mien. State Bar Jour., v. 5: 1926, 104-119. [3157 250 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Nolan, J. Bennett. Beading in the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 1 : 1936, 42-44. [3158 Rich, Bennett M. Washington and the Whiskey Insurrection. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 65 : 1941, 334-352. [3159 Shenk, Sarah L. Albert Gallatin and the Whiskey Insurrection. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1930. [3160 Shriner, Charles A. The Whiskey Insurrection. Americana, v. 18 : 1924, 228-251. [3161 Wagner, Pearl E. Economic Conditions in Western Pennsylvania During the Whiskey Rebellion. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 10: 1927, 193-209. [3162 Ward, Townsend. Insurrection in Pennsylvania in 1794 . . . Pa. Hist. Soc. Mem., v. 6 : 1858, 117-203. [3163 Wiley, Richard T. The Whiskey Insurrection: A General View. Elizabeth, Pa. : Herald Printing House, 1912. 59 p. [3164 Wills, Merlin V. Hamilton and the Whiskey Insurrection. Univer- sity of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1930. [3165 3. The Fries Rebellion Davis, W. W. H. The Fries Rebellion, 1798-1799 . . . Doylestown, Pa. : Doylestown Publishing Company, 1899. 143 p. [3166 Eastman, Frank M. The Fries Rebellion. Americana, v. 16: 1922, 71-82. [3167 Hauser, J. J. The Fries Rebellion. Penn Germania, v. 1 : n. s., 1912, 703-710. [3168 Hensel, William U. Window Tax and Fries Treason Trial. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 18: 1914, 87-89. [3169 Jones, Charles H. Memoir of William Rodman. Privately Printed, 1867. 42 p. [3170 Weinstein, Louis. The Fries Rebellion. Temple University, master's thesis. 1939. [3171 4. The War of 1812 Allaben, Frank, ed. The Niagara Keepsake. Jour. Am. Hist., v. 8 : 1914, 1-146. [3171a The Commonwealth 251 Brady, William Y. The 22nd Regiment in the War of 1812. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 32 : 1949, 56-60. [3172 Dobbins, William W. Battle of Lake Erie. Erie, Pa. : Ashby, 1929. 202 p. [3173 The Flagship Niagara. Ilarrisburg : Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1942. 8 p. [3174 McCulloch, Robert P. A Brief Sketch of the Military Operations on the Delaware During the Late War . . . Philadelphia : The Author, 1820. 96 p. [3175 Mills, James. Oliver Hazard Perry and the Battle of Lake Erie. Detroit: J. Phelps, 1913. 278 p. [3176 Minutes of the Committee of Defense of Philadelphia, 1814-1815, Philadelphia: Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1867. 428 p. [3177 Morton, Edward P. Lake Erie and the Story of Commodore Perry. Chicago: Ainsworth and Company, 1913. 104 p. [3178 Perry's Victory Centennial Souvenir. New York: Journal of American History, 1913. 96 p. [3179 Reese, Charles L., jr., ed. A Brief Sketch of the Military Operations on the Delaware During the War of 1812. Del. Hist., v. 3 : 1948, 79-96. (Excerpts from entry 3175.) [3180 Rosenberg, Max. The Building of Perry's Fleet on Lake Erie, 1812- 1813. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1950. 72 p. [3181 Sears, Louis M. Philadelphia and the Embargo, 1808. Am. Hist. Assoc. Rep., 1920, 251-263. [3182 Severance, Frank H., ed. The Dobbins Papers. Buffalo Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 8 : 1905, 255-379. [3182a Slocum, Charles E. The Ohio Country Between the Years 1783 and 1815 . . . New York: Putnam, 1910. 321 p. [3183 Straley, George H. Watchdog of the Delaware. Phila. Forum, v. 30 : no. 2, 1950, 8-9, 17. [3184 Thorpe, Francis. The Building of the Fleet. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 37 : 1913, 237-297. [3185 252 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Turnbull, Thomas H. Retaliation for the Burning of Dover. Erik County Annals, 1952, 15-26. [3186 Walker, Joseph E., ed. A Soldier's Diary for 1814. Pa. Hist., v. 12 : 1945, 292-303. [3187 Williams, William A. A Frontier Federalist and the War of 1812. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 76 : 1952, 81-85. [3188 Worner, William F. Military Activities in Lancaster During the War of 1812. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 35 : 1931, 205-227. [3189 Wright, Ross P., comp. The Burning of Dover. Erie, Pa. : Ross P. Wright, 1948. 83 p. [3190 B. Laying the Foundations of the New Century 1. Increase and Spread of Population Anspach, Marshall R. The Sunbury Case: A Study in Absentee Landlordism. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 19 : 1952, 105-118. [3191 Davis, Mrs. Elvert M. The Bates Boys on the Western Waters. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 29 : 1946, 1-34, 85-138 ; v. 30 : 1947, 15-67. [3192 Emery, John A. The McKean Tract, Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 9 : 1926, 24-32. [3193 Engle, K. D. The Williamson Road. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 12 : 1942, 77-107. [3194 Frank, John G., and John E. Pomfret. The German Lutheran Aid Society of 1790. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 63 : 1939, 60-65. [3195 Fullerton, James N. Squatters and Titles to Land in Early Western Pennsylvania ; or, an Introduction to Early Western Pennsylvania Land Titles. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 6 : 1923, 165-176. [3196 Hale, R. Nelson. Pennsylvania Population Company. University of Pittsburgh, doctoral dissertation. 1950. [3197 The Pennsylvania Population Company. Pa. Hist., v. 16 : 1949, 122-130. [3198 The Commonwealth 253 Henderson, Elizabeth K. The Northwestern Lands of Pennsylvania, 1790-1812. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 60: 1936, 131-160. [3199 McClintock, Walter J. Title Difficulties of the Holland Land Com- pany in Northwestern Pennsylvania. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 21: 1938, 119-138. [3200 Newlin, Claude M. Dialects on the Western Pennsylvania Frontier. Am. Speech, v. 4: 1928-1929, 104-110. [3201 Newmyer, Isabel N. How Caspar Reel, Revolutionary Soldier, Pushed His Way Across the Alleghany Mountains. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 3: 1920,74-81. [3202 Reed, J. E. The Erie Triangle — "The Chimney Corner of Pennsyl- vania," 202,187 Acres of History. Pa. Bar Assoc. Quar., v. 11: 1939, 37-40. [3203 Risch, Erna. Immigrant Aid Societies Before 1820. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 60 : 1936, 15-33. [3204 Ruddy, Joseph C. The Policy of Land Distribution in Pennsylvania Since 1779. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1933. [3205 Seely, Frederick F., eel. Tarleton Bates' Journal, 1798. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 34 : 1951, 199-207. [3206 Seyfert, A. G. Migration of Lancaster County Mennonites to Waterloo County, Ontario, Canada, from 1800 to 1825. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 30 : 1926, 33-41. [3207 Shetler, Charles. James O'Hara's Landholdings in Allegheny County. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 34 : 1951, 23-33. [3208 Simpson, Robert. Narrative of a Scottish Adventurer [1788-97]. Presbyterian Hist. Soc. Jour., v. 27: 1949, 41-67. [3209 Wilcox, William A. Early Land Titles of Northeastern Pennsyl- vania. Lackawanna Hist. Soc. Pub., no. 7 : 1925, 1-19. [3210 Winner, John E. The Depreciation and Donation Lands. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 8: 1925, 1-11. [3211 2. Industry Akeley, A. P. Salt and the Early Settlers. Pa. Hist., v. 12 : 1945, 170-173. [3212 254 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Bakewell, Mary E. The Bakewell Glass Factory. Antiques, v. 53: 1948, 220-221. [3213 Busch, George M., jr. Early Gunsmiths of Lycoming County. Now and Then, v. 7 : 1944, 213-215. [3214 Daniel, Dorothy. The First Glasshouse "West of the Alleghenies. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 32 : 1949, 97-113. [3215 Flower, L. E. Iron Furnaces in the Cumberland Valley. Antiques, v. 45 : 1944, 245-247. [3216 Gemmell, Alfred. The Charcoal Iron Industry in the Perkiomen Valley. University of Pennsylvania, master's thesis. 1947. [3217 Dale Iron Works— Dale Furnace, 1791-1822; Dale Forge, 1804-1868. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 14: 1949, 98-104. [3218 Gray, Juliet G. Early Industries and Transportation in Western Pennsylvania, 1800-1846. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1919. [3219 Hamilton, Milton W. An Early Ramage Printing Press. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 12 : 1946, 18-20. [3220 Early Printing Press Makers of Pennsylvania. Pennsyl- vania!*, v. 3 : 1946, 41-42. [3221 Heisey, M. Luther. The Makers of Pottery in Lancaster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 50: 1946, 117-128. [3222 Innes, Lowell. Early Glass of the Pittsburgh District, 1797-1890. Pittsburgh: Carnegie Museum, 1949. 56 p. [3223 James, Arthur E. The Potters and Potteries of Chester County, Pennsylvania. West Chester, Pa. : Chester County Historical Society, 1945. 116 p. [3224 Luetscher, G. D. Industries of Pennsylvania after the Adoption of the Federal Constitution, with Special Reference to Lancaster and York Counties. German-Am. Ann., v. 1 : n. s., 1903, 135-155, 197- 208. [3225 McFarland, David F. The Pageant of Iron in Pennsylvania. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 4: no. 3, 1937, 2-11. [3226 Mass Production as of 1800. Pa. Public Instruction, v. 10: 1943, 22-23. [3227 The Commonwealth 255 Nelles, Walter. The First American Labor Case. Yale Law Jour., v. 41 : 1931, 165-200. [3228 Pears, Thomas C, 3rd. Sidelights on the History of the Bakewell, Pears and Company. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 31 : 1948, 61-70. [3229 Rezneck, Samuel. The Rise and Early Development of Industrial Consciousness in the United States, 1760-1830. Jour. Econ. and Bus. Hist., v. 4: 1932, 784-811. [3230 Scaife, J. Verner. The Scaife Family and the Scaife Company. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., y. 34 : 1951, 85-95. [3231 Schoyer, Will, and Maxine. Scaife Company and the Scaife Family, 1802-1952. Pittsburgh: Privately Printed, 1952. 181 p. [3232 The sesqui-centennial account of a major Pittsburgh enterprise and the family that operates it. Some Notes on Peter Karthaus. Pennsylvanian, v. 9 : 1951, 1-3. [3233 Standard Steel 150 Years at Same Location. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul. v. 14 : nos. 2 and 3, 1946, 29-32 ; no. 4, 23-27. [3234 Taylor, Toni. Pennsylvania Woman Lukens Steel Founder. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 16 : no. 5, 1948, 3-7. [3235 Thurman, Lawrence S. The Cotton Industry in Pittsburgh, 1800- 1861. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1947. [3236 Wiestling, Edward B. Old Iron Works of the Cumberland Valley. Chambersburg, Pa.: [Kittochtinuy Historical Society], 1922. 14 p. (Kittochtinny Historical Society Papers, 1922. Volume 10, no. 1.) [3237 Zentmyer, R. A. Early Iron Works of Central Pennsylvania. Al- toona, Pa. : Altoona Tribune, 1916. 22 p. [3238 3. Harbingers of the Revolution in Transportation Albig, W. Espey. Early Development of Transportation on the Monongahela River. Ohio Valley Hist. Assoc. Rep., v. 8 : 1914, 66-74; and Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 2: 1919, 115-124. [3239 Baldwin, Leland D. The Keelboat Age on Western Waters. Pitts- burgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, 1941. 283 p. [3240 An account of river boating before the invention of the steamboat. 256 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History — The Rivers in the Early Development of Western Pennsyl- vania. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 16 : 1933, 79-98. [3241 Shipbuilding- on the Western Waters, 1793-1817. Miss. Valley Hist. Rev., v. 20 : 1933, 29-44. [3242 Dalberg, Elroy F. Pennsylvania Legislation on Transportation, 1790 to 1800. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1951. [3243 Duane, William J. Letters Addressed to the People of Pennsylvania Respecting the Internal Improvement, of the Commonwealth: by Means of Roads and Canals. Philadelphia : Jane Aitken, printer, 1811. 125 p. [3244 Freas, Mary S. Land Transportation in and Around Pennsylvania Toward the Close of the Eighteenth Century. Temple University, master's thesis. 1937. [3245 Hartman, J. Lee. Pennsylvania's Grand Plan of Post-Revolutionary Internal Improvement. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 65 : 1941, 439- 457. [3246 Hulbert, Archer B. The Paths of Inland Commerce. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1920. 211 p. (Chronicles of America Series, v. 21. ) [3247 McKean, Thomas. America's First Self-Propelled Vehicle. Antique Auto., v. 13: 1949, 68-69. (Oliver Evans' invention.) [3248 Myers, Richmond E. The Story of Transportation on the Susque- hanna River. N. Y. Hist., v. 29: 1948, 157-169. [3249 Sohl, Charles E. Early Transportation in the Philadelphia Area. Old York Road Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 11 : 1947, 3-20. [3250 Taylor, George R. The Transportation Revolution, 1815-1860. New York: Rinehart, 1951. 490 p. [v. 4, The Economic History of the United States]. [3251 a. Infancy of Turnpike, Steamboat, and Canal Developments Anderson, John A. Navigation of the Upper Delaware . . . Trenton, N. J.: MacCrellish and Quigley, 1913. 33 p. [3252 Navigation on the Delaware and Lehigh Rivers. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Pai., v. 4: 1917, 282-312. [3253 The Commonwealth 257 Boucher, John N. The Early Transportation: The Turnpike Road, the Canal, and the Early Railroad. Americana, v. 13: 1919, 113- 145. [3254 Breck, Samuel. Sketch of the Internal Improvements Already Made by Pennsylvania . . . Philadelphia: M. Thomas, 1818. 81 p. [3255 Brinkman, Charles W. Turnpikes and Conestoga Wagons a Century Ago. Pa. Farmer, September 15, 1934, 111, 117. [3256 Bruce, Robert. The Lincoln Highway in Pennsylvania: Old Phila- delphia-Pittsburgh Pike, or Pennsylvania State Road . . . Washing- ton, D. C. : National Highways Association, c.1920. 104 p. [3257 Carey, Mathew. Brief View of the System of Internal Improvement of the State of Pennsylvania . . . Philadelphia : Bailey, 1831. 36 p. [3258 Charles, Edwin. Canal Lore : Early Conditions Leading to the Build- ing of Canals in Central Pennsylvania. Pa. -German, v. 12 : 1911, 385-394; and Snyder Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 1 : 1922, 231-239. [3259 Clark, Chester D. Early Roads of Northumberland County. North- umberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 5 : 1933, 84-120. [3260 Diffenderffer, F. R. The Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 6 : 1901-1902, 116-149. [3261 Durrenberger, Joseph A. Turnpikes : A Study of the Toll Road Move- ment in the Middle Atlantic States and Maryland. Valdosta, Ga. : Southern Stationery and Printing Company, 1931. 188 p. [3262 A general survey of the development, importance, and eventual decline of toll roads in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland. Dyess, George A. Washington, Pittsburgh, and Inland Navigation. Ohio Arctiaeol. and Hist. Quar., v. 22 : 1913, 10-16. [3263 Frey, H. C. The Conestoga Wagon. Lancaster Co. IlrsT. Soc. Pap., v. 51: 1947, 61-92. [3264 Goodell, Robert H. The First Columbia Bridge. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 46: 1942, 97-127. [3265 Gossler, Jacob L. An Old Turnpike Road. New York: linker and Taylor Co., 1888. 122 p. [3266 Gutelius, C. Warren. Theodore Burr ., v. 3: 1904, 39-51. [7016 Chapman, Isaac A. A Sketch of the History of Wyoming. Wilkes- Barre, Pa. : S. 1). Lewis, 1830. 20!) p. [7017 Chapman, Thomas J. The Valley of the Conemaugh. Altoona, Pa.: McCrum and Dern, 1865. 202 p. [7018 Clark, James A. The Wyoming Valley, Upper Waters of the Susque- hanna and Lackawanna Coal-Regions, Including Views of the Natural Scenery of Northern Pennsylvania . . . Scranton, Pa.: The Author, 1875. 230 p. [7019 Regional History 543 Commemorative Biographical Cyclopedia of the Juniata Valley, Com- prising the Counties of Huntingdon, Mifflin, Juniata, and Perry. Pennsylvania. Chambersburg, Pa.: J. M. Runk, 1897. 2 vols. [7020 Commemorative Biographical Record of Northeastern Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Susquehanna, Wayne, Pike and Monroe . . . Chicago : J. H. Beers, 1900. 1852 p. [7021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Manufacturing and Mercantile Re- sources of the Lehigh Valley . . . Philadelphia : Industrial Publish- ing Company, 1881. 205 p. [7022 Cowley, Nellie S. Life in Northwestern Pennsylvania Eighty Years Ago. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 24 : 1941, 93-100. [7023 Croll, P. C. Ancient and Historic Landmarks in the Lebanon Valley. Philadelphia : Lutheran Publication Society, 1895. 334 p. [7024 Annals of the Oley Valley: Over Two Hundred Years of Local History of an American Canaan. Reading, Pa.: Reading Eagle Press, 1926. 148 p. [7025 Deatrich, Charles M. The Territory of North Hamilton in Pioneer Days. Kittochtixxy Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 5 : 1908, 286-307. [7026 Donehoo, George P., cd. A History of Cumberland Valley in Pennsyl- vania. Harrisburg: Susquehanna History Association, 1930. 2 vols. [7027 Dotterer, Henry S., ed. The Perkiomen Region, Past and Present, Philadelphia : Perkiomen Publishing Company, 1895-1901. 3 vols. [7028 Ellis, Franklin, and A. N. Hungerford, eds. History of That Part of the Susquehanna and Juniata Valleys, Embraced in the Counties of Mifflin, Juniata, Perry, Union and Snyder . . . Philadelphia : Everts. Peck and Richards, 1886. 2 vols. [7029 Flick, Alexander C. Wyoming's Contribution to New York History. Wyoming Com mem. Assoc. Proc, 1933, 7-20. [7030 Frank, Louis. The Story of Wyoming : A History of Wyoming Valley for Children, from the Earliest Indian Settlement to the Year 1800. Wilkes-Barre, Pa.: Smith-Bennett, cl930. 117 p. [7031 544 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Garber, John P. The Valley of the Delaware and Its Place in Ameri- can History. Philadelphia : Winston, 1934. 418 p. [7032 This popular history of the region drained by the Delaware covers the period from the beginnings of settlement to the early nineteenth century. Godcharles, Frederic A. Chronicles of Central Pennsylvania. New York : Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1944. 4 vols. [7033 Harbison, Francis R. Bygone Days in the Allegheny Valley. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 27 : 1944, 137-164. [7034 Henry, Mathew S. History of the Lehigh Valley . . . Easton, Pa. : Bixler and Corwin, 1860. 436 p. [7035 Hollister, Horace. History of the Lackawanna Valley. New York: C. A. Alvord, 1869. 442 p. [7036 Readable, descriptive history of the Lackawanna Valley formerly in Luzerne County, now Lackawanna County. The first section takes up the history of institutions, places and industries; the second part, biographical notices. James, Alfred P. Western Pennsylvanians in World Biography. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 29 : 1946, 53-64. [7037 Jones, Uriah J. History of the Early Settlement of Juniata Valley. Philadelphia: H. B. Ashmead, 1856. 380 p. (New edition edited by Floyd G. Hoenstine. Harrisburg: The Telegraph Press, 1940. 440 p.) [7038 Jordan, John W., ed. A History of the Juniata Valley and Its People. New York - Lewis, 1913. 3 vols. [7039 Joyce, Mary H. Pioneer Days in the Wyoming Valley. [Philadelphia, cl928.] 122 p. [7040 A presentation of the early history of Wyoming Valley. Compiled from standard local histories. Kulp, George B. Families of the Wyoming Valley: Biographical Genealogical and Historical. Wilkes-Barre, Pa.: [Yordj'], 1885- 1890. 3 vols. [7041 Leckey, Howard L. The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families. Waynesburg, Pa. : Waynesburg Republican, 1950. 39 p. [7042 Linn, John B., ed. Annals of Buffalo Valley, Pennsylvania, 1755-1855. Harrisburg: Hart, 1877. 620 p. [7043 A melange of a multitude of topics concerning Union County and neighboring territory. Regional History 545 McFarland, J. Horace, and Robert B. Eagles Mere and the Sullivan Highlands. Harrisburg: J. Horace McFarland Company, 1944. 164 p. [7044 McKnight, William J. ... A Pioneer Outline History of Northwestern Pennsylvania, Embracing the Counties of Tioga, Potter, McKean, Warren, Crawford, Venango, Forest, Clarion, Elk, Jefferson, Cam- eron, Butler, Lawrence and Mercer . . . Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1905. 748 p. [7045 To the author's original and valuable Pioneer History of Jefferson County, have been added short sketches of thirteen other counties of northwestern Pennsylvania. Mansfield, Ira F. Historical Collections of Little Beaver River Valleys. Beaver Falls, Pa.: Tribune Publishing Company, 1911. 224 p. [7046 Mast, Christian Z., and R. E. Simpson, comps. Annals of the Cones- toga Valley in Lancaster, Berks and Chester Counties, Pennsylvania. Elverson, Pa. : C. Z. Mast, 1942. 690 p. [7047 Meginness, John P. Biographical Annals of Deceased Residents of the West Branch Valley of the Susquehanna, from the Earliest Times to the Present. Williamsport, Pa.: Gazette and Bulletin Printing House, 1889. 272 p. [7048 The Historical Journal : A Monthly Record of Local History and Biography Devoted Principally to Northwestern Pennsylvania. Williamsport, Pa. : 1888-1894. 2 vols. [7049 Otzinachson : A History of the West Branch Valley of the Susquehanna. Williamsport, Pa. : Gazette and Bulletin Printing House, 1889. 702 p. [7050 Miner, Charles A. History of Wyoming Valley. Philadelphia : Crissy, 1845. 488 p. [7051 The foundation history of the region; most readable and reliable. It was gathered together by personal interviews with the survivors of the early time in the Valley. Miner, Lewis, H. The Valley of Wyoming: The Romance of Its History and its Poetry. New York: R. H. Johnston, 1866. 153 p. [7052 Murray, Elsie. Te-a-o-ga: Annals of a Valley. Athens, Pa.: Tioga Point Museum, 1939. 64 p. [7053 546 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Murray, Louise W. A History of Old Tioga Point and Early Athens, Pennsylvania . . . Athens, Pa., 1908. 656 p. [7054 Authentic and readable account of the early Indian history of the upper Susquehanna Valley and of Sullivan's Expedition against the Iroquois in 1779. Describes the long and obstinate refusal of Connecticut settlers in this section to accept the jurisdiction of Pennsylvania. Pioneer life up to the beginning of the canal and railroad period is covered. National Historical Association. A History of the Juniata Valley. Harrisburg: Telegraph Press, 1936. 3 vols. [7055 Nevin, Alfred. Centennial Biography: Men of Mark of Cumberland Valley, Pennsylvania, 1776-1876. Philadelphia: Fulton Publishing Company, 1876. 450 p. [7056 Nichols, Roy F. The Wyoming Valley : A Great Laboratory of His- tory. Wyoming Commem. Assoc. Proc., 1937, 7-15. [7057 Nolan, J. Bennett, eel. Southeastern Pennsylvania. New York : Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1943. 3 vols. [7058 Peck, George. Wyoming: Its History, Stirring Incidents, and Ro- mantic Adventures. New York: Harper, 1858. 432 p. [7059 One of the reliable, interesting and anecdotal earl}'' histories of the region. Perkins, Julia A. Early Times on the Susquehanna. Biughamton, N. Y. : Malette and Reid, 1906. 287 p. [7060 Pleasants, Henry. An Historical Account of the Pocono Region of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Winston, 1913. 69 p. [7061 Ray, John W. A History of Western Pennsylvania. Erie, Pa. : The Author, 1941. 374 p. " [7062 A good, elementary text. Based mainly on secondary materials, its chief value is for beginners. Reed, John E. Erie Triangle : An Interesting Historical Region. Erie, Pa.: Erie County Historical Society, 1931. [7063 Reynolds, John E. In French Creek Valley. Meadville. Pa. : Craw- ford County Historical Society, 1938. 352 p. [7064 A large number of sketches relating to the development of French Creek Valley in northwestern Pennsylvania between 1753 and 1840. It is an indis- pensable mine of information on the social, political, economic, educational, and religious development of this region. Rieseman, Joseph. History of Northwestern Pennsylvania. New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1943. 3 vols. [7065 Regional History 547 Preface to a Regional History. Americana, v. 37 : 1943, 98-124. [7066 Rowe, James W. Old Westmoreland in History ; a History of South- western Pennsylvania During the 18th Century. Scottdale, Pa., 1934. 45 p. [7067 Rupp, Israel D. Early History of Western Pennsylvania, and of the West . . . Pittsburgh: D. W. Kauffman, 1846. 759 p. [7068 Sargent, M. P. Pioneer Sketches: Scenes and Incidents of Former Days. Erie : Herald Printing and Publishing Company, 1891. 512 p. [7069 Anecdotal reminiscences and biographical sketches of settlers of early north- western Pennsylvania. Schuler, H. A. The Perkiomen Region and Its People. Pa.-German, v. 7 : 1906, 7-16. [7070 Shappee, Nathan D. Spoliation and Encroachment in the Conemaugh Valley before the Johnstown Flood of 1889. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 23: 1940, 25-48. [7071 Shenk, Hiram H. A History of Lebanon Valley in Pennsylvania. Harrisburg : Telegraph Press, 1930. 2 vols. [7072 A comprehensive and detailed history of the Lebanon Valley. Smith, Samuel R. The Story of Wyoming Valley. Kingston, Pa. : The Author, 1906. 97 p. [7073 The Wyoming A^alley in the Nineteenth Century. Wilkes- Barre, Pa, 1894. 153 p. [7074 Stevens, S. K. North Country Pennsylvania. Now and Then, v. 6: 1939, 109-115. [7075 Stewart, Harriet W. History of the Cumberland Valley, Pennsyl- vania, n. p, n. d. 146 p. [7076 Stone, William L. Poetry and History of Wyoming . . . New York: Putnam, 1864. 406 p. [7077 Stoner, J. H. Historical Papers — Franklin County and the Cumber- land Valley. Chambersbnrg, Pa.: The Craft Press, 1947. 549 p. [7078 Presidential Blood in the Cumberland Valley. Kittochtinxy Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 11 : 1928-1939, 403-428. [7079 548 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Super, Charles W. A Study of a Kural Community. Pa. -German, v. 12 : 1911, 15-23, 65-75, 129-137, 193-201. [7080 Swetnam, George. Pittsylvania Country. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1951. 315 p. [7081 An American Folkways volume that recounts the historic highlights and the tales and legends of the greater Pittsburgh region. Pittsylvania Country, Land of Strength and Streams. Am. Heritage, v. 3 : no. 2, 1952, 54-57. [7082 Townsend, J. W. The Old ''Main Line." [Philadelphia?], 1922. 114 p. [7083 [Trexler, Benjamin.] Skizzen aus dem Lecha-Thale. Allentown, Pa. : Trexler and Hartzell, 1880-1886. 260 p. [7084 The 27th Senatorial District, Northumberland, Union and Snyder Counties. Commonwealth, v. 5 : no. 1, 1951, 2-7, 14-16. [7085 Tyson, Carroll B. The Poconos. Philadelphia: Innes, 1929. 193 p. [7086 Urban, B. F. W. Dreaming on the Conestoga. Lancaster, Pa., 1911. 312 p. [7087 Van Voorhis, John S. The Old and New Monongahela. Pittsburgh : Nicholson, 1893. 486 p. [7088 Veech, James. The Monongahela of Old . . . Pittsburgh [cl910]. 259 p. [7089 Valuable old work by a scholarly antiquarian, generally used and frequently quoted by later monographic students. Lacking in organization and balance, it yet retains interest and furnishes some data no longer obtainable elsewhere. Vignettes from Schuylkill Valley. Lippincott's Mag., v. 13: 1874, 663-678; v. 14: 1874, 24-42. [7090 Walkinshaw, Lewis C. Annals of Southwestern Pennsylvania. New York : Lewis, 1939. 4 vols. [7091 Western Pennsylvania Historical Survey. Guidebook to Historic Places in Western Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh: University of Pitts- burgh Press, 1938. 186 p. [7092 Western Pennsylvania in 1836. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 20 : 1937, 133-135. [7093 Regional History 549 Whitacre, M. Elizabeth. Friends' Influence on the Early Settlement of Muncy Valley. Now and Then, v. 6: 1941, 329-337. [7094 Wiley, Samuel T. Biographical Cyclopedia of the Nineteenth Con- gressional District. Philadelphia: Ruoff, 1897. 597 p. [7095 Wilson, Arthur H. Literature Regarding the Susquehanna Valley, 1843-1943. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 15: 1946, 123-138. [7096 Winans, William. Recollections of Boyhood Years in Southwestern Pennsylvania, 1788-1804. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 22: 1939, 19-46, 117-124. [7097 Wright, John E., and Doris S. Corbitt. Pioneer Life in Western Penn- sylvania. Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, 1940. 251 p. [7098 This book on frontier life is no mere regional account; rather, in portraying life at the Gateway to the West, it depicts a period and a way of life that was repeated again and again in the westward march of America. 550 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History COUNTY AND LOCAL HISTORY Adams Fortenbaugh, Robert. Adams County Prepares for 150th Birthday. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 18 : no. 5, 1950, 7-11 ; no. 6, 16-21; no. 7, 10-15; no. 8, 19-22; no. 9, 23-28; no. 10, 11-14; no. 11, 10-13. [7099 Highlights in the Growth of Adams County, Pennsylvania. In Souvenir Program Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Founding of Adams County. Gettysburg, Pa. : Adams County Sesqui- Centennial Committee, 1950. 56 p. [7100 Historical Handbook Committee, comp. Historic Adams County, Pennsylvania: A Pictorial Record. Gettysburg, Pa.: Times and News Publishing Company, 1950. 98 p. [7101 History of Cumberland and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania. Chicago : Warner-Beers, 1886. 516 p. [7102 McPherson, Edward. The Story of the Creation of Adams County, Pennsylvania. Lancaster, Pa. : Inquirer Printing Company, 1889. 50 p. [7103 Pennsylvania Historical Survey. Inventory of the County Archives of Pennsylvania — Adams County. Gettysburg, Pa.: Board of County Commissioners, 1941. 313 p. [7104 Reily, John T. History and Directory of the Boroughs of Gettysburg, Oxford, and Adams County, Pennsylvania. Gettysburg, Pa. : J. E. Wible, 1880. 180 p. [7105 Rupp, Israel D. The History and Topography of Dauphin, Cumber- land, Franklin, Bedford, Adams, Perry, Somerset, Cambria and Indiana Counties . . . Lancaster, Pa. : G. Hills, 1846. 620 p. [7106 Sheads, J. Melchior. Little Known Facts About a Weil-Known County. In Souvenir Program Commemorating the 150th Anni- versary of the Founding of Adams County. Gettysburg, Pa. : Adams County .Sesqui-Centennial Committee, 1950. 56 p. [7107 County and Local History 551 Singmaster, Elsie. Of Human Interest in Adams County. In Souvenir Program Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Founding of Adams County. Gettysburg, Pa. : Adams County Sesqui-Centen- nial Committee, 1950. 56 p. [7108 Young, Henry J., ed. The Formation of the Townships and Boroughs of York and Adams Counties. York Co. Hist. Soc. Yearbook, 1939, 28-39. [7109 Allegheny Cushing, Thomas, ed. History of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Chicago : A. Warner, 1889. 758 p. [7110 Dermitt, H. Marie, comp. Fifty Years of Civic History, 1895-1945. Pittsburgh : Civic Club of Allegheny County, 1945. 61 p. [7111 Durant, Samuel W. . . . History of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia : L. II. Everts, 1876. 242 p. [7112 Kane, John J., and George Rankin, jr. Your Future in Allegheny County. New York: North River Press, 1947. 51 p. [7113 Kelly, George E., ed. Allegheny County : A Sesqui-Centennial Review. Pittsburgh : Allegheny County Sesqui-Centennial Committee [1938] . 402 p. [7114 Lambing, Andrew A., and J. W. F. White. Allegheny County: Its Early History and Subsequent Development. Pittsburgh : Snowden and Peterson, 1888. 277 p. [7115 — - Early History of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 4: 1893, 194-211. [7116 Memoirs of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania . . . Madison, Wis. : Northwestern Historical Association, 1904. 2 vols. [7117 Thurston, George H. Allegheny County's Hundred Years. Pitts- burgh : A. A. Anderson, 1888. 312 p. [7119 Allegheny — Local Abbott, Walter S., and William E. Harrison, camps. The First One Hundred Years of McKeesport : An Historical and Statistical De- scription of the City from Its Inception Until Its Centennial in 1894. McKeesport, Pa.: McKeesport Times, 1894. 173 p. [7120 552 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Allison, Milton M. Robinson Run Sketches: I. Iffly— "Ghost Town." Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 35 : 1952, 93-102. [7121 Robinson Run Sketches: II. The Nobles of Noblesburg. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 35 : 1952, 133-156. [7122 Bakewell, Mary E. Pittsburgh Fifty Years Ago— as I Recall It. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 30 : 1947, 1-8. [7123 Baldwin, Leland D. Pittsburgh : The Story of a City. Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, 1937. 387 p. [7124 An authentic story which gives the general reader an impressionistic picture of the development of the city of Pittsburgh. Boucher, John N., ed. A Century and a Half of Pittsburgh and Her People. New York: Lewis, 1908. 4 vols. [7125 Publication of the familiar commercial type of county and municipal history, of which the last volumes are generally contemporary biography. The manifold aspects of local history are incorporated and well handled. Carnegie Library. Pittsburgh in 1816. Pittsburgh : Carnegie Library, 1916. 75 p. [7126 Chapman, Thomas J. Old Pittsburgh Days. Pittsburgh : J. K. Weldin, 1900. 237 p. [7127 Church, Samuel H. A Short History of Pittsburgh, 1758-1908. New York: De Vinne Press, 1908. 135 p. [7128 Antiquarian treatment, episodical and unbalanced. Of value for history of authorship and imprints. Craig, Neville B. The History of Pittsburgh ; with a Brief Notice of Its Facilities of Communication . . . Pittsburgh : J. IT. Mellor, 1917. 310 p. [7129 For a half century the standard history of early Pittsburgh. Soundly based on original manuscripts, old collections, old books, and old newspaper files, it remains of the greatest value. Dahlinger, Charles W. Fort Pitt. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 5: 1922, 1-44, 87-122. [7130 Old Allegheny. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 1 : L918, 161-223. [7131 ■ Pittsburgh in 1828, as Seen by Anne Royall. Mac;, op Hist., v. 18:1914,59-72. [7132 County and Local History 553 Darlington, Mary C. Fort Pitt and Letters from the Frontier. Pitts- burgh: J. R. Weldin, 1892. 312 p. [7133 A combination of short historical essays and documents relating to early western Pennsylvania. Mainly of value to advanced historical students. Davison, Elizabeth M., and Ellen B. McKee, eds. Annals of Old Wilkinsburg and Vicinity: The Village, 1788-1888. Wilkinsburg, Pa., 1940. [7134 Demorest, Rose. Pittsburgh, a Brief History. Pittsburgh: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, 1944. 15 p. [7135 Dumigan, David H. Welcome to Pittsburgh — the City of Tomorrow. Telephone News, v. 46 : no. 3, 1950, 2-14. [7136 Ellis, Agnes L. Lights and Shadows of Sewickley Life. Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1893. 308 p. [7137 Errett, Russell. Pittsburgh in 1829. Mag. of West. Hist., v. 7 : 1887, 33-44. [7138 Evans, Henry 0. Life in Pittsburgh in 1845. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 28 : 1945, 20-25. [7139 The Penns' "Manor of Pittsburgh." Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 27 : 1944, 116-128. [7140 First National Bank. The Story of Pittsburgh . . . Pittsburgh : First National Bank, 1919-1930. 17 vols, in 1. [7141 Fleming, George T. History of Pittsburgh and Environs, from Pre- historic Days to the Beginning of the American Revolution. New York : American Historical Society, 1922. 5 vols. [7142 Frew, Margaret A. Squirrel Hill. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 12: 1929, 242-256. [7143 Gilchrist, Harry C. History of Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania. [Pitts- burgh], 1940. 269 p. (Second edition.) [7144 Greater Pittsburgh, Anniversary Edition, v. 31 : no. 2, 1949. Pitts- burgh : Chamber of Commerce of Pittsburgh, 1949. 142 p. [7145 Hawkins, Glenn B. Critical Survey of Pittsburgh as Seen by Travelers before 1808. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1926. [7146 Hine, Al. The City of Steel and Coal. Holiday, v. 6 : October, 1949, 34-51, 128. [7147 554 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Imbrie, Boyd V. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Its Postal History [1786-1950]. Am. Philatelic Cong., 16th, 1050, 133-138. [7148 Jenkinson, Anna C, comp. History of Bellevue : Historical Sketches . . . Pittsburgh : Iron City Press, cl927. 141 p. [7149 Jones, S[amuel]. Pittsburgh in the Year Eighteen Hundred and Twenty Six. Pittsburgh : Johnston and Stockton, 1826. 152 p. [7150 Kerr, Minnie M., and others. A Brief History of Wilkinsburg. Wil- kinsburg, Pa. : Wilkinsburg Bank, 1946. 46 p. [7151 Killikelly, Sarah H. The History of Pittsburgh : Its Rise and Progress. Pittsburgh : B. C. and Gordon Montgomery, 1906. 568 p. [7152 Frontier times, pre-charter times and the history of the community are followed by special chapters on schools, churches, hospitals, newspapers, etc. Kryskill, William. The Story of Hyeholde. Philadelphia : Dorrance, 1946. 253 p. [7153 Lamb, George H., ed. The Unwritten History of Braddock's Field. [Pittsburgh: Nicholson], 1917. 336 p. [7154 Lewis, Virginia. The Pittsburgh Scene, 1790-1949. Carnegie Mag., v. 22 : 1949, 321-325. [7155 Macartney, Clarence E. Not Far from Pittsburgh: Places and Per- sonalities in the History of the Land Beyond the Alleghenies. Pitts- burgh : Gibson Press, 1936. 138 p. [7156 A little vest-pocket book of essays written by a prominent and busy clergyman. Unpretentious and with no paraphernalia of critical scholarship, the volume is very readable and suggestive. The author has caught the spirit of the places and personalities included in the essays. Bight Here in Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh: Gibson Press, 1937. 163 p. [7157 A small volume of essays on sundry topics selected from the history of Pittsburgh. Skillfully organized and written, the essays, while not critically profound, are interpretative and very readable. Where the Rivers Meet. Pittsburgh: Gibson Press, 1946. 89 p. [7158 McKnight, Charles. Old Fort Duquesne. Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh Peoples Monthly Press, 1874. 501 p. [7159 Mackrabie, Alexander. Pittsburgh in 1770. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 31 : 1948, 113-114. [7160 County and Local History 555 Martin, Park H. City of Bridges. Carnegie Mag., v. 23: 1949, 154- 158. [7161 Mathews, Alfred. Pittsburgh and the Ohio River. Mag. of West. Hist., v. 1: 1885, 509-531; v. 2: 1885, 175-191, 258-272, 478-503. [7162 Morris, Emma D. A. Old Springhill. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1938. [7163 Mulkearn, Lois. Pittsburgh in 1806 by George Beck. Pitt, no. 32 : Spring, 1948, 24-31. [7164 Muller, G. F. The City of Pittsburgh. Harper's, v. 62: 1881, 49-69. [7165 Neel, Gregg L. Pittsburgh. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 21: 1938, 275-292. [7166 Nevin, Franklin *T. The Village of Sewiekley. Sewickley, Pa.: Sewickley Press, 1929. 227 p. [7167 Parke, John E. Recollections of Seventy Years, and Historical Glean- ings of Allegheny, Pennsylvania. Boston : Rand- Avery, 1886. 385 p. [7168 Parton, James. Pittsburg. Atlantic, v. 21 : 1868, 17-36. [7169 Pennsylvania Writers' Project. The Story of Old Allegheny City. Pittsburgh: Allegheny Centennial Committee, 1941. 236 p. [7170 Perry, George S. Pittsburgh. Saturday Evening Post, August 3, 1946, 14-15, 46-48. [7171 Potter, John E. The Place of Pittsburgh in History. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 9 : 1926, 1-23. [7172 Riggs, Walter L. The Early History of McKeesport. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 13 : 1930, 3-19. [7173 Schriftgiesser, Kurt. Pittsburgh Story. Atlantic, v. 187: May, 1951, 66-69. [7174 Shear, John K. Pittsburgh Rediscovers an Architectural Pioneer, Frederick Scheibler. Arch. Rec, v. 106 : no. 1, 1949, 97-99. [7175 Siebert, P. W. Old Bayardstown. "Westkrx Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 9: 1926, 90-103, 169-187. [7176 556 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Steel City Saga, Pittsburgh's Early Years. U. S. Steel News, v. 14: no. 3, 1949, 1-8. [7177 Stevenson, William H. The Historic Pittsburgh Point. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 11 : 1928, 3-9. [7178 Stewart, Howard, camp. Historical Data, Pittsburgh's Public Parks. Pittsburgh: Greater Pittsburgh Parks Association, 1943. 48 p. [7179 Tarentum's 100th Anniversary [1842-1942]. Tarentum, Pa.: Taren- tum Centennial Committee, 1947. 55 p. [7180 Thompson, James H. A Financial History of the City of Pittsburgh, 1816-1910. University of Pittsburgh, doctoral dissertation. 1949. [7181 The Financial History of Pittsburgh: The Early Period, 1816-1865. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 33 : 1950, 43-64. [7182 Pittsburgh's Worst Crisis in Municipal Finance — The Kail- road Bond Affair (1859-64). Pa. Hist., v. 17: 1950, 215-220. [7183 Wiley, Richard T. Colonel Stephen Bayard, His Wife and Their Town. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 18 : 1935, 7-25. [7184 Elizabeth and Her Neighbors. [Butler, Pa.: Ziegler], 1936. 386 p. [7185 Wilhelm, Carl. Complete History of the City of Allegheny, Pennsyl- vania . . . [Pittsburgh, 1891]. 155 p. [7186 Wilson, Erasmus, ed. Standard History of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania . . . Chicago : Goodspeed, 1898. 1074 p. [7187 A superior, detailed commercial publication, well edited and based on docu- mentation, especially on newspapers. Wright, J. Ernest. Pittsburgh Seventies. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 26 : 1943, 137-150. [7188 Allegheny — Topical Adams, Marcellin C. Pittsburgh's Great "Fire of 1845. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 25 : 1942, 17-36. [7189 Arensberg, Charles F. C. The Pittsburgh Fire of April 10, 1845. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 28 : 1945, 11-19. [7190 County and Local History 557 Beck, Virginia. The Evolution of Government in Allegheny County, 1788-1808. University of Pittsburgh, doctoral dissertation. 1941. [7191 Burgoyne, Arthur G. All Sorts of Pittsburgers . . . Pittsburg: Leader All Sorts Company, 1892. 303 p. [7192 Dahlinger, Charles W. Pittsburgh : A Sketch of Its Early Social Life. New York: Putnam, 1916. 216 p. [7193 Highly valuable work of a critical research antiquarian and writer. Lover of local history, although a busy lawyer, this volume is the best work of many pamphlets and articles by the author. Davison, Elizabeth M. More About the Naming of Wilkinsburg. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 25 : 1942, 174-180. [7194 The Econometric Institute. The Long Range Outlook for the Pitts- burgh Industrial Area. New York : The Econometric Institute, 1947. 31 p. [7195 Federal Writers' Project. Pittsburgh. Tales of Pioneer Pittsburgh. [Philadelphia: William Penn Association], 1937. 28 p. (American Guide Series.) [7196 Goodfellow, Donald M. "Old Man Eloquent " Visits Pittsburgh. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 28 : 1945, 99-110. [7197 Greater Pittsburghers as We See Them. [Pittsburgh : Perley] , 1906. 225 p. [7198 Harper, Frank C. Pittsburgh of Today: Its Kesources and People. New York : American Historical Society, 1931. 4 vols. [7199 Hart, George S. Tax and Budgetary Practice in Pittsburgh, Penn- sylvania. University of Pittsburgh, doctoral dissertation. 1937. [7200 Herbert, Anne H. Personal Memories of the Darlington Family at Guyasuta. Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, 1949. 39 p. [7201 Klein, Philip, and others. Social Study of Pittsburgh: Community Problems and Social Services of Allegheny County. New York: Columbia University Press, 1938. 958 p. [7202 Kussart, Sarepta. The Early History of the Fifteenth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh. [Bellevue, Pa.: Suburban Press, cl925]. 90 p. [7203 558 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Lambing, Andrew A. A Sketch of Catholicity in the City of Pitts- burg, Pennsylvania. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rev., v. 9 : 1898, 293- 304. [7204 McLaughlin, Glenn E. Growth of American Manufacturing- Areas: A Comparative Analysis with Special Emphasis on Trends in the Pittsburgh District. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1938. 359 p. [7205 A comparative analysis of industrial and population trends from 1869 to 1938. The author analyzes the reasons for the differences in growth among the various industrial areas of the country and places special emphasis on trends in the Pittsburgh area. Mighty Pittsburgh Streamlines. Commonwealth, v. 1: no. 11, 1947, 2-6, 25-26, 28. [7206 Miller, Annie C. Chronicles of Families, Houses and Estates of Pitts- burgh and Its Environs. Pittsburgh, 1927. 133 p. [7207 Nevin, Adelaide M. The Social Mirror: A Character Sketch of the Women of Pittsburg and Vicinity During the First Century of the County's Existence. Pittsburgh: T. W. Nevin, 1888. 199 p. [7208 Brief comments on many hundreds of individuals under such categories as beauty, talent, charity, music, wealth, art, ecclesiasticism, temperance, and society. Valuable mainly for feminism, social history and genealogy. Nevin, Robert P. Los Trois Rois. Pittsburg: J. Eichbaum, 1888. 185 p. [7209 Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce. Fifty Years of the Chamber of Commerce of Pittsburgh, 1874-1924. Pittsburgh: Murdoch-Kerr, 1924. 145 p. [7210 The Mercantile, Manufacturing and Mining Interests of Pittsburgh, 1884. Pittsburgh : W. G. Johnston, 1884. 214 p. [7211 Pittsburgh's New Powers; Bent Upon Rebuilding the City. Fortune, v. 35: 1947, 69-77, 182. [7212 Schmidt, Salvin. The Telephone Comes to Pittsburgh. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1941. [7213 Shetler, Charles W. The Evolution of the O'Hara-Schenley Proper- ties in Allegheny County to 1880. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1949. [7214 Smith, Percy F. Memory's Milestones: Reminiscences of Seventy Years of a Busy Life in Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh: Murdoch-Kerr, 1918. 292 p. [7215 County and Local History 559 Thurston, George H. Pittsburgh and Allegheny in the Centennial Year. Pittsburgh: A. A. Anderson, 1876. 271 p. [7216 Pittsburgh as It Is; or, Facts and Figures Exhibiting the Past and Present of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh : Haven, 1857. 204 p. [7217 Pittsburgh's Progress: Industries and Resources. Pitts- burgh : The Author, 1886. 240 p. [7218 Wagner, Stanley P. Natural Gas Comes to Pittsburgh. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1949. [7219 White, Edward, ed. Pittsburgh the Powerful . . . Pittsburgh : Industry Publishing Company, 1907. 104 p. [7220 White, J. W. F. The Judiciary of Allegheny County. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 7 : 1883, 143-193. [7221 Armstrong Armstrong County, Pennsylvania : Her People, Past and Present . . . Chicago : J. H. Beers, 1914. 2 vols. [7222 Hammond, Olive L. Social Life and Customs in Early Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1930. [7223 Henry, Thomas J. 1816-1916; History of Apollo, Pennsylvania. Apollo, Pa. : News-Record Press, 1916. 105 p. [7224 Smith, Robert W. History of Armstrong County. Chicago : Water- man-Watkins, 1883. 624 p. [7225 Wiley, Samuel T., ed. Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Indiana and Armstrong Counties, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia : J. M. Gresham, 1891. 636 p. [7226 Beaver Baker, R. L. Description of Economy, Beaver County, Pennsylvania. Pa. Hist. Soc. Mem., v. 4: 1850 [183] -187. [7227 Bausman, Joseph H. History of Beaver County, Pennsylvania . . . New York ■ Knickerbocker Press, 1904. 2 vols. [7228 Beaver County Looks to the Future. Commonwealth, v. 2: no. 3, 1948, 3-15. [7229 560 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History History of New Brighton, 1838-1938. New Brighton, Pa. : Centennial Historical Committee, 1938. 187 p. [7230 McKnight, Robert W. Ambridge. Pa. Park News, no. 69 : 1951, 8-9, 13-14. [7231 Monaca, Pa. Historical Committee of the Monaca Centennial. His- tory of Monaca, 1840-1940. [Monaca, Pa.] : Historical Committee of the Centennial [1940]. 168 p. [7232 Pennsylvania Historical Survey. Inventory of the County Archives of Pennsylvania — Beaver County. Beaver, Pa. : Board of County Commissioners, 1942. 408 p. [7233 Reader, Francis S. ' ' Old Brighton ' ' : Sketch of Settlements Forming Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. New Brighton, Pa.: F. S. Reader [1908]. 44 p. [7234 Richard, J. F. History of Beaver County, Pennsylvania : Including Its Early Settlement : Its Erection into a Separate County ; Its Sub- sequent Growth and Development . . . Chicago: A. Warner, 1888. 908 p. [7235 The Story of Beaver Falls. Beaver Falls, Pa.: Board of Trade of Beaver Falls, 1946. 33 p. [7236 Bedford Blackburn, E. Howard. History of Bedford and Somerset Counties, Pennsylvania. New York : Lewis, 1906. 3 vols. [7237 [Byers, William L.] A Brief History of Bedford County. Bedford, Pa. : Inquirer Press, 1924. 49 p. [7238 Gilchrist, Annie M. A Brief History of Bedford, Pennsylvania, from Pioneer Days to the Present [1751-1949]. [Bedford, 1949]. 32 p. [7239 Harned, Ada. Early History of Bedford, Pennsylvania, 1751-1850. Pennsylvania State College, master 's thesis. 1940. [7240 History of Bedford, Somerset and Fulton Counties, Pennsylvania. Chicago : Waterman-Watkins, 1884. 672 p. [7241 Notes and Sketches of Early Bedford County History. Bedford, Pa. : Pioneer Historical Society, 1946. 32 p. [7242 Shell, W. P. The Annals of Bedford County. Bedford, Pa., 1907. [7243 County and Local History 561 Berks Balthaser, Francis W. The Story of Berks County, Pennsylvania. Reading, Pa. : Reading Eagle Press, 1925. 373 p. [7244 Berks County Bicentennial. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 20 : no. 6, 1952, 11-16, 23-24. [7245 Book of Biographies : This Volume Contains Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens of Berks County, Pennsylvania. Buffalo: Bio- graphical Publishing Company, 1898. 739 p. [7246 Brunner, David B. Poetical History of Berks County. Reading, Pa., 1902. 34 p. [7247 Clemens, Gurney W. The Berks County Historical Society. Pa. German Folk. Soc., v. 7 : 1942, 55-80. [7248 Dunkelberger, James E. Berks County Court Houses. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 17 : 1951, 2-9. [7249 Endlich, G. A. Political and Social History of the County. Berks Co. Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 1 : 1904, 21-27. [7250 Fox, Cyrus T. Reading and Berks County, Pennsylvania : A History. New York : Lewis, 1925. 3 vols. [7251 Gerhard, Elmer S. Early Berks Through Foreign Eyes. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 16 : 1951, 109-112, 124. [7252 Graeff , Arthur D., ed. Industrial Berks County, 1748-1948. Reading : Textile Machine Works, Berkshire Knitting Mills, 1948. 35 p. [7253 Handwork, Edna M. Pleasant Valleys of Southern Berks. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 12 : 1946, 15-17. [7254 Lerch, Lila. The Berks County Polk Festival. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 16 : 1951, 82-85. [7255 Major, Richard M. Early Post Offices in Berks County. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 12 : 1947, 51-54. [7256 Montgomery, Morton L. Historical and Biographical Annals of Berks County, Pennsylvania . . . Chicago : J. H. Beers, 1909. 2 vols. [7257 History of Berks County in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Everts, Peck and Richards, 1886. 1204 p. [7258 562 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History History of Berks County, Pennsylvania, in the Revolution, from 1774 to 1783. Reading, Pa. : C. F. Haage, 1894. 295 p. [7259 Political Handbook of Berks County, Pennsylvania, from 1752 to 1883. Reading, Pa. : Owen, 1883. 104 p. [7260 School History of Berks County in Pennsylvania. Philadel- phia: J. B. Rodgers Printing Co., 1889. 302 p. [7261 Nolan, J. Bennett. Early Narratives of Berks County. Reading, Pa. : Berks County Historical Society, cl927. 188 p. [7262 Pennsylvania Historical Survey. Inventory of the County Archives of Pennsylvania — Berks County. Reading, Pa. : Board of County Commissioners, 1941. 409 p. [7263 Rosenberger, Homer T. Early Maps of Berks County. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 10 : 1945, 99-102. [7264 Rupp, Israel D., corny. History of the Counties of Berks and Lebanon : Containing a Brief Account of the Indians. Lancaster, Pa. : G. Hills, 1844. 512 p. [7265 Wagner, A. E. The Story of Berks County. Reading, Pa.: Eagle Press, 1913. 253 p. [7266 Warren, Louis A. The Lincolns of Berks County. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 14 : 1949, 83-85. [7267 Berks — Local Ahrens, S. Helen. Young Women's Christian Association of Reading, Pennsylvania, 1897-1947. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 13 : 1948, 45-49. [7268 Albright, Raymond W. Two Centuries of Reading, Pa., 1748-1948. Reading: The Historical Society of Berks County, 1948. 307 p. [7269 Althouse, Horace S. Notes on the History of the Reading Post Office [1793-1936]. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 5: 1939, 14-17. [7270 Birch, Edith W. The Benevolent Society — Reading's Oldest Charity. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 10 : 1944, 7-12. [7271 Brinton, Robert F. A Glimpse of Reading Mail Service Before 1792. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 5 : 1939, 4-6. [7272 County and Local History 563 Olauser, Samuel L. History Brought Home. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 16 : 1951, 74-77. [7273 Croll, P. C. Annals of Womelsdorf, Pennsylvania and Community, 1723-1923. Reading, Pa., 1923. 150 p. [7274 Early Views of Reading. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 13 : 1948, 98-136. [7275 Fisher, Charles A. Early Tulpehocken Settlers. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 4: 1939, 104-110. [7276 Friedmann, Anne C. Reading, Pretzel Capital of the World. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 13 : 1948, 72-75. [7277 Fryer, Benjamin A. Congressional History of Berks (Pennsylvania) District, 1789-1939. Reading, Pa.: Historical Society of Berks County, 1939. 358 p. [7278 The Historical Chronology of Penn Square [1733-1948]. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 13 : 1948, 137-142, 147. [7279 Hamilton, Milton W. The Fryer Political Scrapbooks. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 11 : 1946, 40-42. [7280 Handwork, Edna M. Birdsboro, 1740-1940. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 5 : 1940, 119-122. [7281 Hoch, Daniel K. Journey to Weiser Park. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 15 : 1950, 238-241. [7282 Kutztown Centennial Association. The Centennial History of Kutz- town, Pennsylvania. Kutztown, Pa. : Kutztown Publishing Com- pany, 1915. 247 p. [7283 Levan, F. K. Maxatawny Prior to 1800. Pa.-German Soc. Proc. and Add., v. 4 : 1894, 73-90. [7284 Montgomery, Morton L., comp. History of Reading, Pennsylvania, 1748-1898. Reading, Pa.: Reading Times, 1898. 298 p. [7285 Nolan, J. Bennett. Annals of the Penn Square, Reading. Philadel- phia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1933. 106 p. [7286 The Foundation of the Town of Reading in Pennsylvania. Reading, Pa. : School District of Reading, 1929. 210 p. [7287 564 Bibliography op Pennsylvania History George Washington and the Town of Reading in Pennsyl- vania. Reading, Pa. : Reading Chamber of Commerce, 1931. 162 p. [7288 Of a Tomb in the Reading Cemetery and the Long Shadow of Abraham Lincoln. Pa. Hist., v. 19 : 1952, 263-306. [7289 A Tale of Reading Town : An Episode from the Plot Against Washington. New York: Albert and Charles Boni, 1930. 229 p. [7290 Thomas Penn and the Town of Reading in Pennsylvania. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 10 : 1944, 6. [7291 Walks in Reading Town. Reading, Pa.: Chamber of Com- merce, 1945. 216 p. [7292 Reading and Berks County. Commonwealth, v. 3 : no. 6, 1949, 2-13. [7293 Sehl, Lillian W. Fleetwood's Diamond Anniversary. Berks Co. Hist. Rev.,v. 14:1948, 3-7. [7294 Shenton, Donald R., Leroy J. Kline, and J. Paul Burkhart. A Town Rebuilt from Inside Out, Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 16 : 1951, 98- 108. [7295 Stahle, William. A Description of the Borough of Reading. Reading, Pa., 1841. 68 p. [7296 Topton, Seventy-five Years of Progress. Kutztown, Pa. : Kutztown Publishing Co., 1951. 96 p. [7297 Blair Adams, David M. Early Industries of Blair County. Roaring Spring, Pa. : Cove News, 1938. 23 p. [7298 History of Blair County Iron Works. Roaring Spring, Pa. : News Printing Company, 1938. 23 p. [7299 Adams, Paul G. History of Hollidaysburg, 1790-1870. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1939. [7300 Africa, J. Simpson. History of Huntingdon and Blair Counties, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia : L. H. Everts, 1883. 761 p. [7301 County and Local History 565 Altoona, Pennsylvania. High School. A History of Blair County, Pennsylvania. Altoona, Pa.: Altoona High School, 1938. 122 p. [7302 Bare, Daniel M. Looking Eighty Years Backward and a History of Roaring Spring, Pa. Findlay, 0. : College Press, 1920, 247 p. [7303 Baum, Arthur W. Altoona. Saturday Evening Post, v. 221 : no. 39, 1949, 32-33, 156-158. [7304 Century-Old Altoona Railroad Town — Plus. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 17 : no. 10, 1949, 3-6. [7305 Clark, Charles B. A History of Blair County, Pennsylvania, 1846- 1896. Altoona, Pa. : C. B. Clark, 1896. 116 p. [7306 Clark, Charles B., ed. Illustrated Altoona. Altoona, Pa.: Altoona Board of Trade, 1896. 180 p. [7307 Davis, Tarring S., ed. A History of Blair County, Pennsylvania. Harrisburg: National Historical Association, 1931. 2 vols. [7308 Dumigan, David H. Altoona Goes Ahead. Telephone News, v. 46 : no. 5, 1950, 2-12. [7309 Ewing, James H., ed. History of the City of Altoona and Blair County . . . Altoona, Pa. : Slep's Mirror Press, 1880. 262 p. [7310 Lingenfelter, William D. A Civil History of the Early Development of the City of Altoona. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1936. [7311 Miller, Mervin A. Meet the Blair Family. Hollidaysburg, Pa. : Blair County Historical Society, 1946. 64 p. [7312 Passmore, Walter H. An Educational History of Blair County, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1930. [7313 Pennsylvania Historical Survey. Inventory of the County Archives of Pennsylvania — Blair County. Hollidaysburg, Pa. : Board of County Commissioners, 1941. 293 p. [7314 Sell, Jesse C. Twentieth Century History of Altoona and Blair County, Pennsylvania. Chicago : Richmond- Arnold, 1911. 972 p. [7315 Shoemaker, Henry W. Captain Logan, Blair County's Indian Chief. Altoona, Pa. : Altoona Publishing Company, 1915. 40 p. [7316 566 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Smith, Robert L. Basic Industrial Resources of the Altoona, Pennsyl- vania Area. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1949. [7317 Wiley, Samuel T., and Winfield S. Garner, eels. Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Blair County. Philadelphia, 1892. 602 p. [7318 Wolf, George A., eel, Blair County 's First Hundred Years, 1846-1946. Altoona, Pa. : The Mirror Press, 1945. 526 p. [7319 Wolf, George A., and Harry A. McGraw. Blair County's Postal History, and the McGraw 's Blair County Place Names. Altoona, Pa. : Blair County Historical Society, 1947. 94 p. [7320 Bradford Beirne, Virginia. Publicity in the Early Days. The Settler, v. 1 : no. 2, 1952, 53-59. [7321 Bradsby, Henry C. History of Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Chicago : S. B. Nelson, 1891. 1320 p. [7322 [Craft, David.] . . . History of Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia : L. II. Everts, 1878. 492 p. [7323 Heverly, Clement F. Bradford County Chronology, 1615-1800. Brad- ford Co. Hist. Soc. Ann., v. 9: 1915, 53-73. [7324 Bradford County Chronology, 1800-1815. Bradford Co. Hist. Soc. Ann., v. 10: 1917, 12-48. [7325 History and Geography of Bradford County, Pennsylvania. [Towanda, Pa.] : Bradford County Historical Society [1926]. 594 p. [7326 History of Albany Township, 1880-1885. Towanda, Pa., 1885. 130 p. [7327 History of Monroe Township and Borough, 1779-1885. Towanda, Pa. : Reporter-Journal Press, 1885. 209 p. [7328 History of Overton Township, 1810-1885. Towanda, Pa., 1885. 82 p. [7329 — History of Shesheqnin, 1777-1902. Towanda, Pa.: Bradford Star Press, 1902. 380 p. [7330 — History of the Towandas, 1776-1886. Towanda. Pa.: Re- porter-Journal Press, 1886. 362 p. [7331 County and Local History 567 Pioneer and Patriot Families of Bradford County, Pennsyl- vania. Towanda, Pa., 1913-1915. 2 vols. [7332 History of Camptown, Pennsylvania, 1792-1952. Camptown, Pa.: Camptown Civic Club, 1952. 52 p. [7333 Ingham, I. N. Olden Times in Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Wyoming Hist, and Geol. Soc. Proc. and Coll., v. 10: 1909, 119- 135. [7334 Pennsylvania Historical Survey. Inventory of the County Archives of Pennsylvania — Bradford County. Towanda, Pa. : Board of County Commissioners, 1946. 242 p. [7335 Sexton, John L., jr. An Outline History of Tioga and Bradford Counties in Pennsylvania . . . [Elmira, N. Y. : Gazette Company, 1885]. 283 p. [7336 The Story of Bradford County. Towanda, Pa. : Bradford County Commissioners, 1952. [7337 Bucks Battle, J. H., ed. History of Bucks County, Pennsylvania ; Including an Account of Its Original Exploration : Its Kelation to the Settle- ments of New Jersey and Delaware . . . Chicago : A. Warner, 1887. 1176 p. [7338 Book of Biographies: Sketches of Leading Citizens of Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Buffalo: Biographical Publishing Company, 1899. 558 p. [7339 Buck, William J. History of Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Willow Grove, Pa., 1855. 144 p. [7340 Local Sketches and Legends Pertaining to Bucks and Mont- gomery Counties, Pennsylvania. [Philadelphia?] : The Author, 1887. 340 p. [7341 Cummings, John and Audubon R. Davis. The Bucks County His- torical Society. Pa. Hist., v. 19 : 1952, 75-82. [7342 Davis, Knickerbacker. Bucks County, An Historical Area That Has Become Progressively Modern. Commonwealth, v. 4: no. 4, 1950, 4-11. [7343 568 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Davis, W. W. H. History of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, from the Discovery of the Delaware to the Present Time. New York : Lewis, 1905. 3 vols. [7344 MacReynolds, George, comp. Place Names in Bucks County, Penn- sylvania. Doylestown, Pa. : Bucks County Historical Society, 1942. 474 p. [7345 Mann, Horace M. The Bucks County Historical Society. Pa.- German Folk. Soc., v. 7 : 1942, 9-28. [7346 Pervy, Charlotte S. The Bucks County Scrapbook of Old Roads and Towns [cl700-1800]. [Doylestown, Pa.], cl948. 64 p. [7347 Robert Morris Envisioned Bucks County Development. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 20 : no. 7, 1952, 7-9. [7348 Wright, Caleb E. Legends of Bucks County. Doylestown, Pa., 1887. 280 p. [7349 Bucks — Local Bache, William. Historical Sketches of Bristol Borough, in the County of Bucks, Anciently Known as "Buckingham", 1681-1853. Bristol, Pa. : The Author, 1853. 60 p. [7350 Barnsley, Edward R. Historic Newtown. Newtown, Pa., 1934. 146 p. [7351 History of China's Retreat. Bristol, Pa.: Bristol Printing Company, 1933. 12 p. [7352 Bryant, D. S. Newtown, America : Bucks County. Am. City, v. 67 : 1952, 106-107. [7353 Buck, William J. The Cuttalossa and Its Historical, Traditional and Poetical Associations. Doylestown, Pa. : Intelligencer Office, 1897. 90 p. [7354 Dana, Robert S. Morrisville and Its Vicinity. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 3 : 1909, 242-257. [7355 Davis, W. W. H. Early History of Bristol. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 1 : 1908, 548-560. [7356 History of Doylestown, Old and New, 1745-1900. Doylestown, Pa. : Intelligencer Office, 1904. 373 p. [7357 County and Local History 569 DuBois, Charles E. Old Doylestown. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 3 : 1909, 670-676. [7358 Eastburn, Samuel C. Langhorne and Vicinity in Olden Times. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 4 : 1917, 488-503. [7359 Fairless Hills. ... A New Town for Steelworkers. U. S. Steel News, v. 17 : no. 1, 1952, 20-21. [7360 Green, Doron. A History of Bristol Borough. . . . Camden, N. J. : C. S. Magrath, 1911. 370 p. [7361 A History of the Old Homes on Radcliffe Street. (Bristol, Pennsylvania). Bristol, Pa., 1938. 319 p. [7362 Grundy, Joseph R. Industrial Growth of Bristol Borough. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 4 : 1917, 97-102. [7363 Hutchinson, J. Pemberton. Newtown Prior to 1800. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 2 : 1909, 386-405. [7364 Kenderdine, T. S. When Newtown Was the County Seat. Newtown, Pa. : Newtown Enterprise, 1915. 21 p. [7365 Krauss, Fred A. Quakertown. Pa.-German, v. 11: 1910, 718-723. [7366 Parry, Richard R. Old New Hope, Formerly Coryell's Ferry, Penn- sylvania. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 3 : 1909, 547-564. [7367 Stow, Emma M. "Old Bristol" [1681-1861]. D. A. R. Mag., v. 83: 1949, 394-396. [7368 Watson, John. An Account of the First Settlement of the Townships of Buckingham and Solebury, in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Pa. Hist. Soc. Mem., v. 1 : 1826 [277] -311. [7369 Wood, C. H. Quakertown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Potter's Am. Mo., v. 13, 1879, 457-467. [7370 Wynkoop, William. Newtown — Old and New. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 3 : 1909, 287-295. [7371 Yerkes, Harman. Morrisville the Capital. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 3 : 1909, 355-360. [7372 570 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Butler Brown, Robert 0., ed. History of Butler County, Pennsylvania . . . Chicago: R. C. Brown, 1895. 1360 p. [7373 Butler County Sesqui-Centennial Association. Butler County, Penn- sylvania. [150 Years of History and Development]. Butler, Pa.: Butler County Sesqui-Centennial Association, 1950. 198 p. [7374 History of Butler County, Pennsylvania. Chicago: Waterman-Wat- kins, 1883. 454 p. [7375 McKee, James A., ed. 20th Century History of Butler and Butler County, Pennsylvania. Chicago: Richmond- Arnold, 1909. 1487 p. [7376 Sipe, Chester H. History of Butler County, Pennsylvania. Indian- apolis : Historical Publishing Company, 1927. 2 vols. [7377 Cambria Alderfer, Harold F., and Elizabeth Smedley. Johnstown, Profile of a City Solving Its Problems. Commonwealth, v. 1 : no. 8, 1947, 5-12, 28-32. [7378 Alexander, E. P. Disastrous Hour. Railroad Mag., v. 49 : no. 1, 1949, 12-31. [7379 Baumgardner, Mahlon J. The 'Summit Hotel. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 20 : no. 12, 1952, 3-7, 20-21. [7380 Beale, D. J. Through the Johnstown Flood . . . Philadelphia : Edge- wood Publishing Company, 1890. 424 p. [7381 Benshoff, Harry M. The World's Charity to the Conemaugh Valley Sufferers and Who Received It. Johnstown, Pa. : The Author, [1890]. 192 p. [7382 Biographical Cyclopedia of Cambria County. Philadelphia, 1896. 518 p. [7383 Bleyden, Paul. Beula. Pa. Hist., v. 14: 1947, 118-130. [7384 Cambria County Medical Society. The Cambria County Medical Society, 1852-1932. Johnstown, Pa.: W. IT. Raab, 1932. 351 p. [7385 County and Local History 571 Connelly, Frank. Official History of the Johnstown Flood. Pitts- burgh : Journalist Publishing Company, 1889. 252 p. [7386 Dieck, Herman. The Johnstown Flood. [Philadelphia?], 1889. 244 p. [7387 Federal Writers' Project. The Floods of Johnstown. Johnstown, Pa. : Mayor's Committee of the City of Johnstown, 1939. 36 p. [7388 Gage, Arthur N. Order Out of Chaos ; the Role of the National Guard in the Great Pennsylvania Flood. Harrisburg: The Telegraph Press, 1936. 105 p. [7389 Johnson, Willis F. History of the Johnstown Flood; with Full Ac- counts also of the Destruction on the Susquehanna and Juniata Rivers, and the Bald Eagle Creek. [Philadelphia] : Edgewood Publishing Company, 1889. 459 p. [7390 Johnstown, Industry's "Custom Tailor." U. S. Steel News, v. 17: no. 1 : 1952, 2-5. [7391 McLaurin, John J. The Story of Johnstown: Its Early Settlement, Rise and Progress . . . Harrisburg : J. M. Place, 1890. 380 p. [7392 McMaster, John B. The Johnstown Flood. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 57 : 1933, 209-243, 316-354. [7393 Ogilvie, John S. History of the Great Flood in Johnstown, Pennsyl- vania, May 31, 1889 . . . New York: The Author, cl889. 223 p. [7394 Shappee, Nathan D. Johnstown and the Great Flood of 1889. Uni- versity of Pittsburgh, doctoral dissertation. 1940. [7395 The Johnstown Flood and Pittsburgh's Relief, 1889. West- ern Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 23 : 1940, 79-98. [7396 Slattery, Gertrude Q. Johnstown and Its Flood. Wilkos-Barre, Pa.: The Author, 193G. 178 p. [7397 Standish, Kate A. The Racial Origins of the Early Settlers of Cambria County, Pennsylvania. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1934. [7398 Storey, Henry W. History of Cambria County, Pennsylvania. New York: Lewis, 1907. 3 vols. [7399 572 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Swank, James M. Cambria County Pioneers: A Collection of Brief Biographical and Other Sketches Relating to the Early History. Philadelphia: [Allen, Lane and Scott], 1910. 138 p. [7400 Walker, James H. The Johnstown Horror ! ! ! or, Valley of Death . . . Stevenspoint, Wis. : Creore and Nickerson, 1889. 504 p. [7401 Cameron Leeson, Michael A., comp. History of the Counties of McKean, Elk, Cameron and Potter, Pennsylvania . . . Chicago : J. H. Beers, 1890. 1261 p. [7402 State Planning Board. Cameron County, an Analysis of Problems. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Com- merce, 1937. 87 p. (Pennsylvania Planning Bulletin.) [7403 Carbon Brenckman, Fred. History of Carbon County, Pennsylvania. Harris- burg: J. J. Nungesser, 1913. 626 p. [7404 Mathews, Alfred. History of the Counties of Lehigh and Carbon, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Everts and Richards, 1884. 802 p. [7405 Portrait and Biographical Record of Lehigh, Northampton and Car- bon Counties, Pennsylvania. Chicago : Chapman, 1894. 999 p. [7406 Rupp, Israel D. History of Northampton, Lehigh, Monroe, Carbon and Schuylkill Counties. Harrisburg : Hickok and Cantine, 1845. 568 p. [7407 Centre Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania: Centre, Clinton, Union and Snyder Counties. Chicago, 1898. 1230 p. [7408 Boalsburg, An American Village, Birthplace of Memorial Day. Boals- burg, Pa. : Boalsburg Fire Company, 1949. 36 p. [7409 Centre County in Pictures, 1800-1950. Bellefonte, Pa. : Centre County Historical Society, 1950. [7410 Centre County's Place in the Development of Pennsylvania. Pennsyl- vanian, v. 7 : 1949, 5-8. [7411 County and Local History 573 Ferree, Walter L. An Introduction to the History of State College, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1932. [7412 Hagerty, Mahlon R. A History of Philipsburg, Pennsylvania, 1797- 1860. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1942. [7413 Kapp, Ruth I. Early History of Bellefonte, 1795-1835. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1936. [7414 Linn, John B. History of Centre and Clinton Counties, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: L. H. Everts, 1883. 672 p. [7415 Maynard, D. S., comp. Industries and Institutions of Centre County, with Historical Sketches of Principal Villages. Bellefonte, Pa. : Republican Job Printing House, 1877. 340 p. [7416 Rickard, R. B. Philipsburg, 150 Years Old . . . Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 15 : no. 8, 1947, 3-7, 32. [7417 Rupp, Israel D. History and Topography of Northumberland, Hunt- ingdon, Mifflin, Centre, Union, Columbia, Juniata and Clinton Counties, Pennsylvania. Lancaster, Pa. : G. Hills, 1847. 1672 p. [7418 Chester Alderfer, E. Gordon, and Berenice M. Ball. Chester County Heritage. Am. Heritage, v. 3 : no. 1, 1951, 14-19. [7419 Anderson, Bart. The Chester County Historical Society. Pa. Hist., v. 19 : 1952, 194-197. [7420 Ball, Berenice M. Tokens of the Past in Chester County. Am. Coll., v. 16 : September, 1947, 9-11. [7421 Brinton, Francis D. No Man's Land in Chester County 200 Years Ago. Chester Co. Coll., no. 15 : 1939, 459-463. [7422 Cope, Gilbert, ed. Historic Homes and Institutions and Genealogical and Personal Memoirs of Chester and Delaware Counties, Pennsyl- vania. New York : Lewis, 1904. 2 vols. [7423 Daily Local News. West Chester, Past and Present. West Chester, Pa. : Daily Local News, 1899. 279 p. [7424 Dumigan, David H. Chester County — First in Pennsylvania. Tele- phone News, v. 45 : no. 7, 1949, 3-12. [7425 574 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Futhey, John S. History of Chester County, Pennsylvania . . . Phila- delphia : L. H. Everts, 1881. 782 p. [7426 Garner, Winfield S., ed. Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Chester County, Pennsylvania, Comprising an Historical Sketch of the County . . . Philadelphia: J. M. Gresham, 1893. 879 p. [7427 Haines, Townsend. Letters of Townsend Haines. Chester Co. Coll., no. 15 : 1939, 473-477. [7428 Heathcote, Charles W., ed. A History of Chester County, Pennsyl- vania. Harrisburg: National Historical Association, 1932. 479 p. [7429 James, Arthur E. Chester County Clocks and Their Makers. West Chester, Pa. : Chester County Historical Society, 1947. 205 p. [7430 Lapp, Dorothy B. 150 Years a County Seat (West Chester). Chester Co. Coll., no. 3 : 1937, 103-107. [7431 MacElree, Wilmer W. Along the Western Brandywine . . . [West Chester, Pa.: F. S. Hickman], 1909. 190 p. [7432 Around the Boundaries of Chester County. West Chester, Pa. : The Author, 1934. 600 p. [7433 Down the Eastern and up the Black Brandywine . . . [West Chester, Pa.: F. S. Hickman], 1906. 176 p. [7434 Side Lights on the Bench and Bar of Chester County. West Chester, Pa., 1918. 435 p. [7435 Oxford, a Representative Pennsylvania Borough. Oxford, Pa. : Ox- ford Board of Trade, 1894. 79 p. [7436 Pennypacker, Charles H. History of Downingtown. Downingtown, Pa.: Downingtown Publishing Company, 1909. 140 p. [7437 Pennypacker, Samuel W. Annals of Phoenixville and Its Vicinity: From the Settlement to the Year 1871. Philadelphia: Bavis and Pennypacker, 1872. 295 p. [7438 Phoenixville 100 Years Old, Typically American. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 17 : no. 10, 1949, 33-36. [7439 County and Local History 575 Polk, William W. History of Kennett Square. Chester Co. Coll., nos. 1 and 2: 1936, 22-25, 52-56; nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8: 1937, 96-99, 128-131, 186-190, 231-235, 268-269, 306-309 ; nos. 9, 10 and 11 : 1938, 339-340, 349-351, 371-372. [7440 Reeve, J. Stanley. Red Coats in Chester County. New York : Derry- dale Press, 1940. 393 p. [7441 Sheeder, Frederick. East Vincent Township, Chester County, Penn- sylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 34: 1910,^74-98, 194-212, 361-380. [7442 Straley, G. E. Literary Values of Chester County. Americana, v. 37 : 1943, 485-494. [7443 Thomson, W[ilmer] W. Chester County and Its People. New York : Union History Company, 1898. 982 p. [7444 Two Chester County Craftsmen. Chester Co. Coll., no. 14: 1939 439-446. [7445 Walton, J. S., and G. W. Moore. History, Geography and Govern- ment of Chester and Delaware Counties. West Chester, Pa. : Chester County Publishing Company, 1893. 196 p. [7446 West Chester . . . Past and Present, 1799-1899. West Chester, Pa. : Daily Local News, 1899. [7447 West Chester, Pennsylvania, the Most Important Suburb of Philadel- phia. West Chester, Pa., 1888. 51 p. [7448 West Chester Sesqui-Centennial [1799-1949]. West Chester, Pa.: Historical Booklet Committee, 1949. 152 p. [7449 West Chester Sesqui-Centennial, The Picture Story . . . 1799-1949. West Chester, Pa.: West Chester Chamber of Commerce, 1949. [7450 Clarion Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania: Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson and Clarion Counties. Chicago, 1898. 1679 p. [7451 Davis, Aaron J., cd. History of Clarion County, Pennsylvania. Syracuse, N. Y. : D. Mason, 1887. 664 p. [7452 576 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Clearfield Aldrich, Lewis C. History of Clearfield County, Pennsylvania. Syracuse, N. Y. : D. Mason, 1887. 731 p. [7453 Barrett, H. G. History of Clearfield County, Pennsylvania. Altoona, Pa., 1896. [7454 McCreight, M. I. Memory Sketches of DuBois, Pennsylvania, 1874- 1938; a History. DuBois, Pa.: Gray Printing Company [1938]. 79 p. [7456 What Happened to DuBois. Forum, v. 88: 1932, 5-9. [7457 Pentz, William C. The City of DuBois. DuBois, Pa. : Gray Printing Company, 1932. 195 p. [7458 Swoope, Roland D. Twentieth Century History of Clearfield County. Pennsylvania. Chicago: Richmond- Arnold [1911]. 981 p. [7459 Wall, Thomas L. Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, Present and Past. Clearfield, Pa. : The Author, cl925. 296 p. [7460 Clinton Corter, Samuel G. The Early History of Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1933. [7462 Federal Writers' Project. A Picture of Clinton County. Lock Haven, Pa. : Commissioners of Clinton County, 1942. 195 p. (American Guide Series.) [7463 Furey, J. Milton. Historical and Biographical Work; or, Past and Present of Clinton County. Williamsport, Pa. : Pennsylvania Grit Printing House, 1892. 417 p. [7464 Maynard, D. S. Historical View of Clinton County, from Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. Lock Haven, Pa. : Enterprise Printing House, 1875. 228 p. [7465 Rich, M. B. History of the First 100 Years in Wool rich. Woolrich, Pa.: Grit Press, 1930. 233 p. [7466 County and Local History 577 Columbia Battle, J. H., ed. History of Columbia and Montour Counties, Penn- sylvania. Chicago : A. Warner, 1887. 3 parts in 1 vol. [7467 Bloomsburg and Columbia County. Commonwealth, v. 6 : no. 3, 1952, 1-18. [7468 Diehl, Fred W. The Contest for the Division of Columbia County. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 19 : 1952, 101-104. [7469 Freeze, John G. A History of Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Bloomsburg, Pa. : Elwell and Bittenbender, 1883. 572 p. [7470 Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Coun- ties, Pennsylvania. Chicago: J. H. Beers, 1915. 2 vols. [7471 Parlor Town of the Susquehanna [Bloomsburg, Pa.] . Commonwealth, v. 2 : no. 3, 1948, 2-12, 26-27. [7472 Crawford Bates, Samuel P. Our County and Its People. [Boston?] : W. A. Fergusson, 1899. 972 p. [7473 Brown, Robert C, and others. History of Crawford County, Penn- sylvania . . . Chicago : Warner-Beers, 1885. 1186 p. [7474 Connors, Robert E. A Geographical Analysis of the Dairy Industry of Crawford County, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1952. [7475 Higby, Mary A. The First Hundred Years of Townville and Vicinity. Rutland, Vt. : Tuttle Company, 1924. 136 p. [7476 Huidekoper, Alfred. Incidents in the Early History of Crawford County. Pa. Hist. Soc. Mem., v. 4: 1850 [113] -163. [7477 Meadville — Progressive City. Commonwealth, v. 1 : no. 6, 1947, 3-8, 24, 26. [7478 Miller, Florence G. Our Own Pioneers. Meadville, Pa. : Tribune Publishing Company, 1929. 210 p. [7479 Smedley, Elizabeth. Meadville, from Village to Third Class City. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 15: no. 4, 1947, 3-10. [7480 578 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Cumberland Carlisle and "Old Mother Cumberland ' ' Celebrate. Pa. Dept. Inter- nal Affairs Bul, v. 19 : nos. 6 and 7, 1951, 8-12. [7481 Civic Club of Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Carlisle Old and New. Har- risburg: J. II. McFarland, 1907. 173 p. [7482 The Cumberland Blue Book ... A Compendium of Information of Lower Cumberland County. Camp Hill, Pa. : J. R. Schwarz [cl908]. 100 p. [7483 Flower, Milton E., and Leonore E. This Is Carlisle : A History of a Pennsylvania Town. Carlisle, Pa., 1944. 72 p. [7484 A narrative of one of Pennsylvania's most historic towns. Gramley, Andrew D., ed. An Introduction to Mt. Holly Springs, Pennsylvania. Harrisburg : Evangelical Press, 1944. 175 p. [7485 Hemminger, J. D. Bridges of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. Carlisle, Pa, 1905. 30 p. [7486 Klein, Theodore B. ... Early History and Growth of Carlisle. Har- risburg : Ray, 1905. 76 p. [7487 Miller, John R. ... Odds and Ends of Cumberland County History. Carlisle, Pa, 1912. 27 p. [7488 • Reminiscences of the Walnut Bottom Road. Carlisle, Pa, 1904. 32 p. [7489 Murray, Joseph A. . . . First Public Buildings in Carlisle: Court Houses. Carlisle, Pa, 1902. 32 p. [7490 . . . First Public Buildings in Carlisle: Market Houses. Carlisle, Pa, 1902. lip. [7491 ■ Local History (Carlisle). Carlisle, Pa, 1902. 17 p. [7492 Nead, Benjamin M. The Town of Carlisle, Pennsylvania and Its Historic Environment. Scotch-Irish Congress, Proceedings, v. 10 : 1901, 146-152. [7493 Riley, Theodore M. A Garrison Town in Pennsylvania Fifty Years Ago (Carlisle). Pa.-German, v. 7: 1906, 55-63. [7494 Seilhamer, George O. Old Mother Cumberland. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog, v. 24 : 1900, 17-47. [7495 County and Local History 579 Stewart, Helen W. The History of Shippensburg, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1930. [7496 Thompson, David W. Early Publications of Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 1785-1835. Carlisle, Pa. : The Sentinel, 1932. 133 p. [7497 Thompson, David W., eel., and others. Two Hundred Years in Cum- berland County. Carlisle, Pa. : The Hamilton Library and Historical Association of Cumberland County, 1951. 388 p. [7498 A compilation of source materials that portray principal events of county history in chronological order. Tousey, Thomas G. Military History of Carlisle and Carlisle Bar- racks. Richmond, Va. : Dietz Press, 1939. 447 p. [7499 Good research study describing Carlisle and the Barracks as trading post, frontier fort and military depot. The Indian School, World War I General Hospital No. 31, and Medical Field Service School are also discussed. Wing, Conway P. ... History of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania . . . Philadelphia : J. D. Scott, 1879. 272 p. [7500 Zuver, Paul E. A Short History of Carlisle Barracks, 1757-1934. Carlisle Barracks, Pa., 1934. 157 p. [7501 Dauphin Barrett, J. Allen. Lykens — Williams Valley History — Directory and Pictorial Review. Harrisburg : The Author, 1922. 303 p. [7502 Biemiller, C. L. History of a Candy- Coated Play town. Holiday, v. 1 : September, 1946, 83-85. [7503 Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania . . . Chambersburg, Pa. : J. M. Runk, 1896. 1196 p. [7504 Dauphin County. Commonwealth, v. 5: no. 2, 1951, 7, 15-16. [7505 Donehoo, George P. Harrisburg and Dauphin County : A Sketch of the History for the Past Twenty-Five Years, 1900-1925. Dayton, O. : National Historical Association, 1925. 2 vols. [7506 ■ Harrisburg, the City Beautiful, Romantic and Historic. [Harrisburg : Telegraph Press, cl927] . 265 p. [7507 Egle, William H., ed. . . . Centenary Memorial of the Erection of the County of Dauphin and the Founding of the City of Harrisburg. Harrisburg : Telegraph Press, 1886. 397 p. [7508 580 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History History of the Counties of Dauphin and Lebanon, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Everts and Peck, 1883. 2 vols. [7509 Hutchinson, C. H. The Chronicles of Middletown . . . n. p., 1906. 266 p. [7510 Inglewood, Marian. Then and Now in Harrisburg. Harrisburg, Pa., 1925. 181 p. [7511 In Years Gone By. Dauphin Borough, Pa. : Program Committee of Dauphin Borough, 1947. 39 p. [7512 Kelker, Luther R. History of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. New York: Lewis, 1907. 3 vols. [7513 Light, Richard. The Hershey Museum. Pa. German Folk. Soc, v. 7 : 1942, 85-90. [7514 Morgan, George H., comp. Annals, Comprising Memoirs, Incidents and Statistics of Harrisburg from the Period of Its First Settle- ment. Harrisburg: Brooks, cl906. 488 p. [7515 Morgan, George H. Centennial: The Settlement, Formation and Progress of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, from 1785 to 1876. Har- risburg : Telegraph Press, 1877. 239 p. [7516 The Industries, Trade and Commerce of the City of Harris- burg. Dauphin Co. Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 2 : 1874, 1-120. [7517 Moyer, Nevin. Military Milestones. Penbrook, Pa. : Triangle Press, 1946. 122 p. [7518 Watts, Irma A. Historic Harrisburg and Its Environs. Harrisburg : Telegraph Printing Company, 1925. 39 p. [7519 Delaware Ashmead, Henry G. Historical Sketch of Chester, on Delaware. Chester, Pa. : Republican Steam Printing House, 1883. 336 p. [7520 History of Delaware County, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia : L. H. Everts, 1884. 767 p. [7521 Barringer, Richard W. Radnor Township's History. Township Comm., v. 10 : no. 1, 1951, 1-4. [7522 County and Local History 581 Chester, Pennsylvania: History of Its Industrial Progress and Ad- vantages for Large Manufacturers. Chester, Pa., 1889. 100 p. [7523 Davis, James M. Springfield Township. Township Comm., v. 10: no. 3, 1951, 1-4. [7524 Delaware County. Commonwealth, v. 6 : no. 1, 1952, 2-6, 9. [7525 Dodge, Allen C. One Hundred and Sixty Years of Postal Progress in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. Am. Philatelic Cong., 16th, 1950, 118-132. [7526 Eckfeldt, John W. Cobb's Creek in the Days of the Old Powder Mill . . . [Philadelphia: A. H. Siekler], 1917. 104 p. [7527 Garner, Winfield S., ed. Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Delaware County, Pennsylvania. New York: J. M. Gresham, 1894. 500 p. [7528 Institute of Local and State Government. University of Pennsyl- vania. Yeadon — A Civic Picture. Prepared for Yeadon Borough Council. Yeadon, Pa., 1940. 39 p. [7529 Johnson, George C. Lansdowne Past and Present. Lansdowne, Pa. : The Author, cl908. 100 p. [7530 Jordan, John W., ed. A History of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, and its People. New York : Lewis, 1914. 3 vols. [7531 McDonough, John E. Idyls of the Old South Ward (Chester). Chester, Pa.: Chester Times [cl932], 355 p. [7532 Martin, John H. Chester (and Its Vicinity), Delaware County, in Pennsylvania . . . Philadelphia : W. H. Pile, 1877. 530 p. [7533 Xether Providence Township. Township Comm., v. 11: no. 3, 1952, 1-3. [7534 Palmer, Charles, ed, A History of Delaware County, Pennsylvania. Harrisburg: National Historical Association, 1932. 2 vols. [7535 Pennsylvania Historical Survey. Inventory of the County Archives of Pennsylvania — Delaware County. Media, Pa.: Board of County Commissioners, 1941. 287 p. [7536 Reeve, J. Stanley. A Foxhunter's Journal. Philadelphia: Dorranee. 1952. 520 p. [7537 582 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Foxhunting Recollections, a Journal of the Radnor Hounds and Other Packs. Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1928. 320 p. [7538 Further Fox-Hunting Recollections. New York, 1935. 160 p. [7539 Radnor Reminiscences, a Foxhunting Journal. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1921. 204 p. [7540 Smith, George. History of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, from the Discovery of the Territory Included Within Its Limits to the Present Time . . . Philadelphia: H. B. Ashmead, 1862. 581 p. [7541 Smith, Henry V. Chester and Vicinity . . . Chester, Pa. : The Author, 1914. 126 p. [7542 Elk [Kuhns, Mrs. John P.] Loleta in 1910. Pa. Hist., v. 19 : 1952, 452- 460. [7543 Schout, Charles J. Early St. Mary's and Some of Its People. Clear- field, Pa. : The Author, 1952. 221 p. [7544 Erie Bark, Emelia, comp. Know Erie. Erie, Pa.: School District of the City of Erie. 59 p. [7545 Bowen, Dana T. Historic Shipwrecks of the Great Lakes. Inland Seas, v. 8 : 1952, 3-13. [7546 City of Erie Celebrates Centennial. League of Cities of the Third Class in Pa., v. 16 : No. 5, 1951, 15-17. [7547 Federal Writers' Project. Erie: A Guide to the City and County. Philadelphia: William Penn Association, 1938. 133 p. [7548 Kent, Donald H. Port of Eric . . . Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 19 : no. 11, 1951, 3-8. [7548a Miller, John. A Twentieth Century History of Erie County, Penn- sylvania. Chicago : Lewis, 1909. 2 vols. [7549 Moorhead, Isaac. The Occasional Writings of Isaac Moorhead. Erie, Pa. : A. H. Caughey, 1882. 258 p. [7550 County and Local History 583 Nelson's Biographical Dictionary and Historical Reference Book of Erie County, Pennsylvania. Erie, Pa. : S. B. Nelson, 1896. 922 p. [7551 Pennsylvania Historical Survey. Inventory of the County Archives of Pennsylvania — Erie County. Erie, Pa. : Board of County Com- missioners, 1940. 374 p. [7552 Ray, John W. Scraps of Erie County History. Erie, Pa., 1947. 45 p. [7553 Reed, John Elmer. History of Erie County, Pennsylvania. Indian- apolis : Historical Publishing Company, 1925. 2 vols. [7554 Robbins, D[avid] P. Popular History of Erie County, Pennsylvania. Erie, Pa. : Advertiser Printing Company, 1895. 192 p. [7555 Sanford, Laura G. The History of Erie County, Pennsylvania. Phila- delphia : Lippincott, 1894. 460 p. [7556 Whitman, Benjamin, and Nathaniel W. Russell. History of Erie County, Pennsylvania. Chicago : Warner-Beers, 1884. 1245 p. [7557 Fayette Bell, Edmund H. Echoes of Early Brownsville. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 7 : 1924, 10-23. [7558 Early Settlers in Fayette County Named in Land Office Paper. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bui,., v. 20 : no. 12, 1952, 14-15. [7559 Ellis, Franklin. History of Fayette County, Pennsylvania. Philadel- phia: L. H. Everts, 1882. 841 p. [7560 Fayette County. Commonwealth, v. 5 : no. 4, 1951, 2-4. [7561 Hackney, Jacob S. A History of the Medical Profession of Fayette County, Pennsylvania. Uniontown, Pa., 1924. 299 p. [7562 Hadden, James. A History of Uniontown, the County Seat of Fayette County, Pennsylvania. [Akron, O.: New Werner Company], 1913. 824 p. [7563 Hart, John P., ed. Hart's History and Directory of the Three Towns, Brownsville, Bridgeport, West Brownsville . . . Cadwallader, Pa. : J. P. Hart, 1904. 686 p. [7564 584 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Koval, Daniel R. Social Life in Early Fayette County as Seen Especially in Church and Court Records. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1929. [7565 Leonard, McClelland. Laurel Hill. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 12 : 1929, 102-111. [7566 McClenathan, John C. Centennial History of the Borough of Con- nellsville, Pennsylvania, 1806-1906. [Columbus, 0. : Champlin Press, 1906]. 564 p. [7567 Nelson, S. B. Nelson's Biographical Dictionary and Historical Refer- ence Book of Fayette County, Pennsylvania. Uniontown, Pa. : The Author, 1900. 1225 p. [7568 Pennsylvania Historical Survey. Inventory of the County Archives of Pennsylvania — Fayette County. Philadelphia : Historical Records Survey, 1940. 291 p. [7569 Wiley, Samuel T. Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Fayette County, Pennsylvania. Chicago : J. M. Gresham, 1889. 602 p. [7570 Forest Irwin, Samuel D. History of Forest County. Tionesta, Pa., 1876. [7571 Leeson, Michael A. History of the Counties of McKean, Elk and Forest, Pennsylvania. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1890. 970 p. [7572 Pennsylvania Historical Survey. Inventory of the County Archives of Pennsylvania — Forest County. Tionesta, Pa. : Board of County Commissioners, 1940. 201 p. [7573 Franklin Chambersburg Development Committee. Chambersburg : Its Record and its Prospect. Chambersburg, Pa. : Chamber of Commerce, 1945. 164 p. [7574 Cremer, C. W. Historical Incidents Connected with Waynesboro and Franklin County. Kittochtinny Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 9 : 1923, 346- 370. [7575 Davison, Watson R. Reminiscences of Greencastle. Kittochtinny Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 9 : 1923, 534-552. [7576 County and Local History 585 Deatrich, Charles M. Historical Sketch of Saint Thomas, Formerly Campbellstown. Kittochtinny Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 4 : 1906, 244-285. [7577 Finafrock, John L. Notes on Franklin County History. Chambers- burg, Pa. : Kittochtinny Historical Society, 1942. 95 p. [7578 Foreman, Harry E. North Mountain Shadows and Loudon Road History. Chambersburg, Pa. : The Author, 1952. 176 p. [7579 Garrard, Lewis H. Chambersburg in the Colony and the Revolution. Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1856. 60 p. [7580 Gillan, W. Rush. The Judiciary of Franklin County. Kittochtinny Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 7 : 1912, 55-89. [7581 M'Cauley, I. H. Historical Sketch of Franklin County, Pennsylvania. Chambersburg, Pa. : D. F. Pursel, 1878. 322 p. [7582 Maclay, J. P. History of the Early Physicians of Chambersburg. Kittochtinny Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 9 : 1923, 477-491. [7583 Montgomery, John. Medical Society of Franklin County : Its History, and Sketches of Early Practitioners of the County. Chambersburg, Pa. : J. R. Kerr, 1892. 62 p. [7584 Nead, Benjamin M. Waynesboro : A History from Its Beginning to Its Centennial, 1797-1900. Harrisburg, Pa., 1900. 428 p. [7585 Old Mercersburg. New York: Journal of American History, 1912. 215 p. [7586 Richard, J. F. History of Franklin County, Pennsylvania . . . Chicago : Warner-Beers, 1887. 968 p. [7587 Schenck, B. S. The Burning of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. Phila- delphia, 1864. 76 p. [7588 Stoner, J. H. Washington and Franklin County. Kittochtinny Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 11 : 1939, 191-215. [7589 Thrush, Ambrose W. The Genesis of Local Hospitals. Kittochtinny Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 11 : 1939, 281-293. [7590 Medical Men of Franklin County, 1750-1925. Chambersburg, Pa. : Medical Society of Franklin County, 1928. 428 p. [7591 Unger, Frederick F. Old Bridges of Franklin County. Mercersburg, Pa. : Mercersburg Journal, 1941. 99 p. [7592 586 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Fulton Greathead, Elsie S. The History of Fulton County, Pennsylvania. McConnellsburg, Pa. : Fulton County News, 1936. 55 p. [7593 Greene Bates, Samuel P. History of Greene County, Pennsylvania. Chicago : . Nelson-Rishforth, 1888. 898 p. [7595 Evans, Lewis K. Pioneer History of Greene County, Pennsylvania. Waynesburg, Pa. : Waynesburg Republican, 1941. 177 p. [7596 Hanna, William. History of Greene County, Pennsylvania : Contain- ing an Outline of the State from 1682, until the Formation of Wash- ington County in 1781. n. p., 1882. 350 p. [7597 Pennsylvania Historical Survey. Inventory of the County Archives of Pennsylvania — Greene County. Waynesburg, Pa. : Board of County Commissioners, 1940. 259 p. [7598 Huntingdon Adams, Joseph. An Account of Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. Pa. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 1 : 1853, 409-422. [7599 Commemorative Biographical Cyclopedia of the Juniata Valley, Com- prising the Counties of Huntingdon, Mifflin, Juniata, and Perry, Pennsylvania. Chambersburg, Pa. : J. M. Runk, 1897. 2 vols. [7600 Historic Huntingdon, 1767-1909. Huntingdon, Pa. : Monitor Press, 1909. 183 p. [7601 Huntingdon County Historical Society. Souvenir Historical Book, Issued in Connection with the Sesqui-Centennial Celebration of Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, 1787-1937. Huntingdon, Pa., 1937. 113 p. [7602 Lytle, Milton S. History of Huntingdon County, in the State of Pennsylvania from the Earliest Times . . . Lancaster, Pa. : W. H. Roy, 1876. 361 p. [7603 County and Local History 587 Welch, Charles H. History of Mount Union, Shirleysburg and Shirley Township. Mount Union, Pa. : Mount Union Times Office, 1909-1910. 752 p. [7604 Wolf, George A. A Division of the Names of the Inhabitants of Huntingdon County in the 1790 U. S. Census, Pennsylvania Sec- tion, into Townships. Altoona, Pa. : Blair County Historical Society, 1951. 11 p. [7605 Indiana Anderson, William. A Brief Biographical Sketch of the Medical Profession of Indiana County. Indiana, Pa.: Times Steam Plant [189-?]. 200 p. [7606 Blairsville Historical Record, 1760-1947. Blairsville, Pa. : The Young Men's Volunteer Fire Department, 1948. 271 p. [7607 Caldwell, John A. ... History of Indiana County, Pennsylvania. Newark, O. : The Author, 1880. 543 p. [7608 Elkin, Cortlandt W. W. The Early Settlement of Indiana County, Pennsylvania. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 18 : 1935, 267-277. [7609 Heath, Harvey A. County Government Finances of Indiana County, Pennsylvania. University of Pittsburgh, doctoral dissertation. 1939. [7610 Helman, Prances S. Indiana County, Past and Present. Pennsyl- vania^ v. 8 : 1951, 39-40. [7611 Kinsey, Charles E. History of Indiana, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1934. [7612 Saylor, Roger B., and Alice E. Warne. An Economic Survey of Indiana County, Pennsylvania. State College, Pa. : Pennsylvania State College, 1950. 94 p. (Bureau of Business Research, County Study no. 4.) [7613 Stewart, Joshua T., comp. Indiana County, Pennsylvania: Her People, Past and Present. Chicago : J. H. Beers, 1913. 2 vols. [7614 Trexler, Ralph O. History of Armagh, Pennsylvania, f Armagh, Pa. : Privately Printed, 1950] . 17 p. [7615 588 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Jefferson Elliott, Ward C. History of Reynoldsville and Vicinity, Including Winslow Township. Punxsutawney, Pa. : Spirit Publishing Com- pany, 1922. 97 p. [7616 McKnight, William J. Jefferson County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People, 1800-1915. Chicago : J. H. Beers, 1917. 2 vols. [7617 ■ . . . Pioneer History of Jefferson County, Pennsylvania . . . Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1898. 670 p. [7618 Punxsutawney Board of Trade. Industrial History of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. Punxsutawney, Pa. : Spirit Publishing Company, 1925. [7619 Scott, Kate M., ed. History of Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. Syracuse, N. Y. : D. Mason, 1888. 753 p. [7620 Smith, William 0. Punxsutawney, 1772-1909. Punxsutawney, Pa.: Spirit Publishing Company, 1909. [7621 Lackawanna [Craft, David.] History of Scranton, Pennsylvania. Dayton, O. : United Brethren Publishing House, 1891. 583 p. [7622 Durfee, John R. Reminiscences of Carbondale, Dundaff, and Provi- dence Forty Years Past. Philadelphia: Miller's Bible Publishing House, 1875. 150 p. [7623 Galatian, Andrew B., comp. History of Scranton, Providence, Dun- more, Waverly and Humphreysville . . . Scranton, Pa. : Printed at the " Republican' ' Office, 1867. 416 p. [7624 History of Luzerne, Lackawanna and Wyoming Counties, Pennsyl- vania. New York: W. W. Munsell, 1880. 540 p. [7625 Hitchcock, Frederick L. History of Scranton and Its People. New York: Lewis, 1914. 2 vols. [7626 Johnson, George H. The City of Scranton, the Metropolis of North- eastern Pennsylvania. New York: Capitalist Publishing Company, 1904. 102 p. [7627 McKune, Robert H., comp. Memorial of the Erection of Lackawanna County in the State of Pennsylvania. Scranton, Pa. : Walter, 1882. 115 p. [7628 County and Local History 589 Merrifield, Edward. . . . The Founders of Scranton. [Scranton, Pa., 1916]. 14 p. (Lackawanna Institute of History and Science. His- torical Series, no. 5.) [7629 . . . The Territory of Scranton Immediately Prior to the Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company Purchase. [Scranton, Pa., 1896]. 15 p. (Lackawanna Institute of History and Science. His- torical Series, no. 5.) [7630 Murphy, Thomas F. Jubilee History ; Commemorative of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Creation of Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania. Indianapolis: Historical Publishing Company, 1928. 2 vols. [7631 Piatt, Joseph C. ... Reminiscences of the Early History of "Dark Hollow," "Sloeum Hollow," "Harrison," "Lackawanna Iron Works," " Scrantonia, " and "Scranton, Pennsylvania" . . . [Scran- ton, Pa.: Scranton Republican Press, 1896]. 36 p. (Lackawanna Institute of History and Science. Historical Series, no. 2.) [7632 Portrait and Biographical Record of Wyoming and Lackawanna Counties, Pennsylvania. New York : Chapman, 1897. 1077 p. [7633 Stephens, J. Benjamin, comp. History and Directory of Newton and Ransom Townships, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania ; Including a History of the Wyoming Valley, and a Brief History of Pennsyl- vania and Lackawanna County. Montrose, Pa. : J. B. Stephens, 1912. 247 p. [7634 Stoddard, Dwight J. Prominent Men : Scranton and Vicinity, Wilkes- Barre, and Vicinity, Pittston, Hazleton, Carbondale, Montrose, and Vicinity, Pennsylvania. [Scranton, Pa.: Tribune Press, 1906]. 300 p. ' [7635 Throop, Benjamin H. ... A Half Century in Scranton. Scranton. Pa. : [Scranton Republican Press] , 1895. 355 p. [7636 Historical Notes: The Settlement of Providence Township and Reminiscences of Early Scranton. Scranton, Pa., 1887. 15 p. (Lackawanna Institute of History and Science. Special Publication, no. 1.) [7637 Weyburn, Samuel F. A Story of Lackawanna County and Lackawanna Historical Society. Scranton, Pa.: Lackawanna Historical Society, 1928. 32 p. [7638 Zierer, C. M. Scranton as an Urban Community. Geog. Rev., v. 17 : 1927, 415-428. [7639 590 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Lancaster Alderfer, E. Gordon. Lancaster County Is an American Tradition. Commonwealth, v. 1 : no. 7, 1947, 4-5. [7640 Biographical Annals of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Chicago : J. H. Beers, 1903. 1524 p. [7641 Clare, Israel S. A Brief History of Lancaster County, with Special Reference to the Growth and Development of Its Institutions. Lan- caster, Pa. : Argus Publishing Company, 1892. 317 p. [7642 Diffenderffer, F. R. The Early Settlement and Population of Lan- caster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 9 : 1905, 151-171. [7643 Ellis, Franklin. History of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Phila- delphia : Everts and Peck, 1883. 1101 p. [7644 Eshleman, H. Frank. The Birth of Lancaster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 12 : 1908, 5-39. [7645 . . . Lancaster County in Province, State and Nation. Lan- caster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 33 : 1929, 21-43, 45-63. [7646 . . . The Political History and Development of Lancaster County's First Twenty Years, 1729-1749 . . . Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 20: 1916, 37-68. [7647 Eshleman, H. Frank, comp. ... A Running Story of Lancaster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 27: 1923, 39-71. [7648 Harris, Alexander. A Biographical History of Lancaster County . . . Being a History of Early Settlers and Eminent Men of the Count}- . . . Lancaster, Pa. : E. Barr, 1872. 638 p. [7649 Heisey, M. Luther. A Brief Postal History of Lancaster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 48 : 1944, 1-37. [7650 Klein, Frederic S. Lancaster County, 1841-1941. Lancaster, Pa.: The Lancaster County National Bank, cl941. 198 p. [7651 Klein, H. M. J. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania: A History. New York: Lewis, 1924. 4 vols. [7652 Klein, Philip S. Early Lancaster County Politics. Pa. Hist., v. 3: 1936, 98-114. [7653 County and Local History 591 Lancaster County Historical Society. . . . Report of the True Char- acter, Time and Place of the First Regular Settlement in Lancaster County . . . Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 14 : 1910, 21-71. [7654 Magee, D. F. Grandfathers' Clocks : Their Making and Their Makers In Lancaster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., y. 43: 1939, 137-164. [7655 Mombert, Jacob I. An Authentic History of Lancaster County in the State of Pennsylvania. Lancaster, Pa. : J. E. Barr, 1869. 617 p. [7656 Pennsylvania Historical Survey. Inventory of the County Archives of Pennsylvania — Lancaster County. Lancaster, Pa. : Board of County Commissioners, 1940. 294 p. [7657 A Petition of 1747. York Co. Hist. Soc. Yearbook, 1939, 23-28. [7658 Portrait and Biographical Record of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Chicago : Chapman, 1894. 689 p. [7659 Risk, Robert B. Observed and Noted: Reminiscences of Lancaster County. Lancaster, Pa. : Examiner Printing House, 1893. 504 p. [7660 Rupp, Israel D. History of Lancaster County . . . Lancaster, Pa. : G. Hills, 1844. 531 p. [7661 Smedley, Elizabeth. America's "Garden Spot" Ranks High in In- dustry. Commonwealth, v. 1 : no. 7, 1947, 11-13. [7662 "A State in Itself." Commonwealth, v. 1 : no. 7, 1947, 7-10. [7663 Steinman, George. . . . Territorial Raids on Lancaster County. Lan- caster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 8: 1904, 97-109. [7664 Steinmetz, H. E. Political Divisions of Lancaster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 5 : 1900, 36-51. [7665 Lancaster — Local Albright, John R. Historical Sketch of Reamstown, Pennsylvania. [Reamstown: Oran B. Boose, 1951]. 26 p. [7666 Beck, Herbert H. Rock Springs and Their Historic Surroundings. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 47 : 1943, 45-58. [7667 592 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Brackbill, Martin H. The Manor of Conestoga in the Colonial Period. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 42 : 1938, 17-46. [7668 Brickenstein, H. A. Sketch of the Early History of Lititz, 1742-1775. Moravian Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 2 : 1886, 343-374. [7669 Diffenderffer, F. R. Odds and Ends of Local History. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 10 : 1906, 181-215. [7670 Dubbs, Joseph H. How They Were Named: Nomenclature of Our Townships. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 1 : 1896, 3-13. [7671 Eshleman, H. Frank. Early Columbia and Vicinity. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 18 : 1914, 29-41. [7672 Eshleman, Wilmer J. Three Churches in Three Southern Townships. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 51 : 1947, 41-52. [7673 Heisey, M. Luther. The Art of Photography in Lancaster. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 51 : 1947, 93-114. [7674 The Borough Fathers. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 46 : 1942, 45-82. [7675 How Lancaster Grew, and What People Thought of It. Lan- caster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 45 : 1941, 87-104. [7676 Stories Radiating from Conestoga Centre. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 56 : no. 1, 1952, 1-19. [7677 Huebener, Mary A. A Brief History of Lititz, Pennsylvania. Lititz, Pa., 1947. 23 p. [7678 Klein, H. M. J. Lancaster City Faces the Future. Commonwealth, v. 1 : no. 7, 1947, 6-7. [7679 Lancaster's Golden Century, 1821-1921 . . . Lancaster, Pa.: Hager, 1921. 130 p. [7680 Lancaster Board of Trade. Resources and Industries of the City of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Lancaster, Pa. : Hensel, 1887. 98 p. [7681 Lincoln, James B. . . . The Story of Caernarvon . . . Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 18 : 1914, 59-79. [7682 Magee, David P. The Early Settlement and History of Little Britain Township, Including Fulton Township. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 17 : 1913, 138-151. [7683 County and Local History 593 New Holland, Pennsylvania. The Three Earls. (Historical Sketch of Earl, East Earl and West Earl Townships in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.) New Holland, Pa. : Ranck and Sandoe, 1876. 115 p. [7684 Out of the Past — For the Future [The Landis Valley Museum]. Am.-German Rev., v. 7 : no. 4, 1941, 3-38. [7685 Phelps, E. J. Historical and Illustrated Sketch of Lancaster, Pennsyl- vania. Lancaster, Pa. : New Era Printing Company, 1897. 118 p. [7686 Pyle, James I. The Story of Dillerville. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 53 : 1949, 65-88. [7687 Riddle, William. Cherished Memories of Old Lancaster — Town and Shire. Lancaster, Pa.: Intelligencer Printing Office, 1910. 334 p. [7688 The Story of Lancaster: Old and New . . . Lancaster, Pa.: The Author, 1917. 292 p. [7689 Tribute to Old Lancaster: City — County, Pennsylvania. Lancaster, Pa. : L. B. Herr, 1908. 99 p. [7690 Robinson, Mary N. Old Lancaster. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 4: 1900, 97-109. [7691 Ross, James H. Our City Government. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 47 : 1943, 106-116. [7692 Sener, Samuel M. Lancaster Townstead: How, When and Where Laid Out by the Hamiltons in 1730. Lancaster, Pa., 1901. 14 p. [7693 Millersville and Other Early Towns Established by Lotteries. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 4: 1899, 23-30. [7694 Seyfert, A. G. Samuel Bowman and the Village He Founded. Lan- caster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 1 : 1896, 133-140. [7695 Steinman, George. Lancaster Borough. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 4 : 1900, 143-152. [7696 Weaver, Martin G. A History of New Holland, Pennsylvania, Cover- ing Its Growth, and Activities During Two Hundred Years of Ex- istence, 1728-1928. New Holland, Pa. : New Holland Clarion, 1928. 184 p. [7697 594 Bibliography op Pennsylvania History Worrier, William F. Old Lancaster, Tales and Traditions. Lancaster, Pa. : The Author, 1927. 261 p. [7698 [Wright, Samuel.] Hempfield: The Beginning of Columbia. Lan- caster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 17 : 1913, 215-226. [7699 Zook, John G. Historical and Pictorial Lititz . . . Lititz, Pa. : Express Printing Company, 1905. 217 p. [7700 Lawrence Book of Biographies: Sketches of Leading Citizens of Lawrence County, Pennsylvania. Buffalo : Biographical Publishing Company, 1897. 668 p. [7701 Durant, Samuel W. . . . History of Lawrence County, Pennsylvania . . . Philadelphia : L. H. Everts, 1877. 228 p. [7702 Hazen, Aaron L., comp. 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County, Pennsylvania. Chicago : Richmond- Arnold, 1908. 1015 p. [7703 Pennsylvania Historical Survey. Inventory of the County Archives of Pennsylvania — Lawrence County. New Castle, Pa. : Board of County Commissioners, 1942. 392 p. [7704 Wood, W. W. Historical Review of the Towns and Business Houses, Including Valuable . . . Information of Lawrence County. New Castle, Pa., 1887. 132 p. [7705 Lebanon Bierman, Elijah B. A Visit to Annville Sixty Years Ago. Lebanon, Pa. : Weigley, 1899. 147 p. [7706 Biographical Annals of Lebanon County, Pennsylvania . . . Chicago : J. H. Beers, 1904. 772 p. [7707 Brendle, Abraham S. A Brief History of Schaefferstown. York, Pa. : Dispatch Publishing Company, 1901. 233 p. [7708 Breslin, William M. A History of Lebanon County Prior to 1876. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 6 : 1913, 121-140. [7709 Croll, P. C. Lebanon and Its Environs: A Brief Historical Sketch. Pa.-German Soc. Proc. and Add., v. 14: 1905, 38-51. [7710 Dumigan, David H. Lebanon, City and County of Neighbors. Tele- phone News, v. 45 : no. 6, 1949, 1-10. [7711 County and Local History 595 Early, John W. Palmyra, Its History and Its Surroundings. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 4: 1908, 253-291. [7712 Egle, William H. History of the County of Lebanon. Philadelphia, 1883. 360 p. [7713 Graeff, Arthur D., comp. Lebanon County Through the Centuries. Lebanon, Pa. : Lebanon Steel Foundry, 1945. 35 p. [7714 Grier, Nathan M. Some Social and Economic Trends in Lebanon County. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 11 : 1937, 119-166. [7715 Grumbine, Ezra L. Folk-Lore of Lebanon County. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 3 : 1905-1906, 254-294. [7716 Stories of Old Stumpstown . . . Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 5 : 1910, 153-276. [7717 Heilman, Samuel P. A Story of Beginnings and First Things in Lebanon County. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 6 : 1912, 27-56. [7718 Krall, John M. Millbach History and Lore. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 6 : 1914, 265-282. [7719 Kreider, Olive S. The Development of East Lebanon. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap, v. 11 : 1938, 169-221. [7720 Lebanon — The City and the County. Commonwealth, v. 3: no. 3, 1949, 2-11. [7721 Lebanon County. Commonwealth, v. 5 : no. 2, 1951, 2-3, 16. [7722 Lebanon Forges Ahead as a Progressive Community. League of Cities of the Third Class in Pa., v. 16: no. 4, 1951, 2-6. [7723 Miller, Frederic K. The Rise of an Iron Community: An Economic History of Lebanon County, Pennsylvania from 1740 to 1865. University of Pennsylvania, doctoral dissertation. 1948. (Also Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 12: 1950-52. 196 p.) [7724 Schantz, Franklin J. F. Myerstown, Its Men and Events of the Past. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 4 : 1907, 5-19. [7725 Seltzer, A. Frank. Steitztown. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 3: 1905-1906, 79-83. [7726 Shank, Ray. Lebanon: Its Economic, Political and Social Develop- ment Between 1845-1865. Temple University, master's thesis. 1943. [7727 596 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Strouss, Benjamin M. The Founding of Fredericksburg. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 6 : 1913, 97-113. [7728 Warner, Joseph H. Annville: Township and Town. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 5 : 1910, 69-127. [7729 Weirick, Charles D. Early and Historic Churches in Lebanon Valley Prior to 1800. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 11: 1936, 3-51. [7730 Lebanon City and County in Brief Sketches. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 10 : 1929-1935, 217-242. [7731 Young, Hiram. A Brief History of Schaefferstown. n. p. [cl900]. 234 p. [7732 Zerbe, Charles M. Annals of Schaefferstown, with Some Reference to the Early Jewish Community. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 4: 1908, 294-316. [7733 Lehigh Allentown and Lehigh County. Commonwealth, v. 4: no. 3, 1950, 2-18. [7734 Allentown Board of Trade. Descriptive History of the City of Allen- town. Allentown, Pa., 1896. 109 p. [7735 Baum, Arthur W. Cities of America (Allentown). Saturday Evening Post, v. 221 : no. 39, 1949, 32-33. [7736 Boyer, Melville J. Filming "Historic Allentown." Pa. Hist., v. 10: 1943, 299-300. [7737 Glace, William H. Early History and Reminiscences of Catasauqua, Pennsylvania. Allentown, Pa.: Searle and Dressier, 1914. 112 p. [7738 Hauser, James J. A History of Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, from the Earliest Settlements to the Present Time. Emaus, Pa. : Times Publishing Company, 1901. 93 p. [7739 Northampton Town and Allentown. Pa.-German, v. 7 : 1906, 102-111, 208-211, 244-252. [7740 History of Allentown, Pennsylvania, Past, Present and Future. Allen- town, Pa., 1886. 168 p. [7741 Home, A. R. History of Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. Allentown, Pa.:T. H. Diehl, n.'d. [7742 County and Local History 597 Lambert, James F., Henry J. Reinhard, Alfred C. Lewis, and others. A History of Catasauqua in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. Allen- town, Pa.: Searle and Dressier, 1914. 408 p. [7743 Miller, Benjamin L. Early History of Lehigh County Outlined. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 11 : 1942, 3-10. [7744 Ohl, Albert. History of the Milfords (Lehigh County, Pa.) Upper and Lower, 1732-1947. Coopersburg, Pa. : The Author, 1952. 72 p. [7745 History of Upper Saucon Township, Lehigh County, Pa., 1732-1947 . . . Coopersburg, Pa. : The Author, 1952. 151 p. [7746 Pennsylvania Historical Survey. Inventory of the County Archives of Pennsylvania — Lehigh County. Allentown, Pa. : Board of County Commissioners, 1946. 262 p. [7747 Pretz, Reuben C. Allentown as the Boys of the 1880 's Knew It, Lehigh Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 13 : 1943, 20-21. [7749 Roberts, Charles R. Early History of Allentown. Lehigh Co. Hist. Soc. Proc., 1939, 81-87. [7750 A Glimpse at Allentown, Pennsylvania. Pa. -German, v. 11 : 1910, 291-298. [7751 Roberts, Charles R., comp. History of Lehigh County, Penns3^1vania. Allentown, Pa. : Lehigh Valley Publishing Company, 1914. 3 vols. [7752 Roberts, Charles R. Lehigh County. Pa.-Germania, v. 1 : n. s., 1912, 742-747. [7753 Lehigh County as a Part of Bucks County Prior to 1752. Lehigh Co. Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 12 : 1939, 47-49. [7754 Schantz, Franklin J. F. Allentown and Its Vicinity about Sixty Years ago. Lehigh Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 1 : 1908, 154-183. [7755 Snyder, Henry L. Old Zionsville. Miami, Fla.: Southern Publishing Co., 1947. 64 p. [7756 Wilcox, William J. The George Taylor House at Catasauqua. Lehigh Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 15 : 1946, 47-51. [7757 598 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Williams, David G. Grouse Hall. Lehigh Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 19 : 1952, 37-59. [7758 Northampton Township, Lehigh County's Atlantis. Lehigh Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 15: 1946, 53-66. [7759 Peter Blank Log House in the Lower Jordan Valley. Lehigh Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 19 : 1952, 61-72. [7760 Luzerne Bradsby, Henry C, ed. History of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. Chicago : S. B. Nelson, 1893. 1509 p. [7761 Brewster, William. History of the Certified Township of Kingston, Pennsylvania, 1769-1929. [Wilkes-Barre, Pa. : Smith-Bennett, cl930.] 580 p. [7762 Brower, Edith. Little Old Wilkes-Barre as I Knew It. Wyoming Hist, and Geol. Soc. Proc, v. 18 : 1923, 1-58. [7763 Carpenter, Benjamin H. The History of Glen Summit Springs. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1936. 146 p. [7764 French, Samuel L. Reminiscences of Plymouth, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. [New York: Lotus Press], 1914. 94 p. [7765 Harvey, Oscar J. The Beginnings of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. Wyoming Hist, and Geol. Soc. Proc and Coll., v. 13 : 1914, 93-123. [7766 A History of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania . . . Including Chapters of Newly-Discovered Early Wyoming Valley. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. : Raeder Press, 1909-1930. 6 vols. [7767 History of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. New York : W. W. Mun- sell, 1880. 452 p. [7768 Martin, M. J. Jay Gould and His Tannery. Scranton, Pa. : Lacka- wanna Historical Society, 1945. 49 p. [7769 Pearce, Stewart. Annals of Luzerne County . . . Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1860. 554 p. [7770 Pennsylvania Historical Survey. Inventory of the County Archives of Pennsylvania — Luzerne County. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. : Board of County Commissioners, 1938. 239 p. [7771 County and Local History 599 Plumb, Henry B. History of Hanover Township, Including Sugar Notch, Ashley, and Nanticoke Boroughs, and also a History of Wyoming Valley . . . Wilkes-Barre, Pa. : Banr, 1885. 498 p. [7772 Ryman, William P. The Early Settlement of Dallas Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1901. 152 p. [7773 Sutherland, John H., corny. The City of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity, and Their Resources . . . Wilkes-Barre, Pa. : Wilkes-Barre Leader Publishing House, 1897. 151 p. [7774 Whyte, William E. . . . Centennial Chronology of the County of Luzerne, 1776 . . . 1876. Pittston, Pa.: D. H. Huntington, 1886. 146 p. [7775 Wilkes-Barre (The "Diamond City"), Luzerne County, Pennsyl- vania : Its History, Its Natural Resources, Its Industries, 1769-1906 . . . [Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1906] 160 p. [7776 Wright, Hendrick B. Historical Sketches of Plymouth, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia : Peterson, cl873. 419 p. [7777 Lycoming Baldwin, Kate M. S. Muncy Reminiscences of the 1870 's. Now and Then, v. 6 : 1941, 344-348. [7778 Collins, Emerson, ed. Genealogical and Personal History of Lycom- ing County, Pennsylvania. New York: Lewis, 1906. 2 vols. [7779 Cox, Joseph. Jersey Shore ... A Tale of the Tiadaghton. Jersey Shore, Pa. : The Herald Publishing Co., 1951. 59 p. [7780 Jersey Shore Celebrates 125th Anniversary. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 19: no. 11, 1951, 9-13; no. 12, 19-24; v. 20: no. 1, 1951, 18-25, 29; v. 20: no. 2, 1952, 24-30; no. 3, 12-16; no. 4, 13-17. [7781 Eldred, Charles E. Williamsport in 1830. Now and Then, v. 8 : 1948, 315-318. [7782 Federal Writers' Project. A Picture of Lycoming County. Williams- port, Pa. : Frank H. Painter, 1939. 223 p. [7783 Gross, Rebecca F. Fascinating Black Hole Valley. Now and Then, v. 9 : 1949, 141-150. [7784 600 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Hess, Carrie B. Hughesville and Its Founding Fathers. Now and Then, v. 9 : 1948, 1-8, 21-22. [7785 History of Lycoming County . . . Philadelphia: D. J. Stewart, 1876. 132 p. [7786 Kirk, Gertrude P., and Louisa W. Starbuck. Early Life of William Simpson, Surveyor. Now and Then, v. 10 : 1951, 17-22. [7787 Lloyd, Thomas W. History of Ly coining County, Pennsylvania. Topeka, Kan. : Historical Publishing Company, 1929. 2 vols. [7788 Lycoming County. Commonwealth, v. 6 : no. 6, 1952, 2-4, 13. [7789 Lycoming County Medical Society. A History of the Lycoming County Medical Society. Williamsport, Pa., 1925. [7790 Meginness, John F. Annals of Montoursville, Pennsylvania, from the Earliest Times to the Present. Montoursville, Pa. : Globe Press, 1898. 122 p. [7791 History of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. Chicago : Brown, 1892. 1268 p. [7792 History of the Great Island and William Dunn, Its Owner and Founder of Dunnstown. Williamsport, Pa. : Gazette and Bulletin Printing House, 1894. 242 p. [7793 Lycoming County . . . 1795-1895. Williamsport, Pa. : Gazette and Bulletin Printing House, 1895. 82 p. [7794 Opp, Mrs. Howard C. History of Clarkstown and Vicinity. Now and Then, v. 7 : 1942, 65-70. [7795 A Picture Gallery Made Up of Nineteen Portraits of Historical Char- acters of Muncy. Now and Then, v. 8 : 1946, 137-148. [7796 Rogers, Fred M. The First Permanent Settlers of the Upper Loyal- sock. Now and Then, v. 7 : 1943, 153-160, 173-176. [7797 Schnee, William E. History of Black Hole Valley and Clinton Town- ship. Now and Then, v. 7 : 1943, 89-93, 118-127. [7798 Whitacre, M. Elizabeth. The Elizabethtown Pottery. Now and Then, v. 10: 1952, 121-125. [7799 Wood, Nancy M. Wolf Run and Mount Equity. Now and Then, v. 9 : 1948, 25-37. [7800 County and Local History 601 [Wood, T. Kenneth.] " Along These Streets," Muney, As It Was Populated in 1870. Now and Then, v. 9 : 1951, 280-289. [7801 Wood, T. Kenneth. Muncy's Four Dr. Woods, in Service from 1803 to 1943. Now and Then, v. 9 : 1949, 67-72. [7802 Muncy "The Ancient Borough." Now and Then, v. 8: 1946, 99-114. [7803 When the "California Fever" First Struck Muncy in 1852. Now and Then, v. 6 : 1939, 124-136. [7804 William Kent Lathy, M.D. Now and Then, v. 10: 1952, 161-166. [7805 [Williamsport.] Now and Then, v. 8: 1947, 213-218. [7806 McKean Hatch, Vernelle A., ed. Illustrated History of Bradford, McKean County, Pennsylvania. Bradford, Pa. : Burt, 1901. 261 p. [7807 Henretta, James E. Kane and the Upper Allegheny. Philadelphia : [Winston], 1929. 357 p. [7808 Lillibridge, C. W., comp. Historical Data, McKean County, 1804-1945. Smethport, Pa.: McKean County Schools, 1945. [34 p.] [7809 McDonnell, F. M., comp. The Book of Bradford . . . Bradford, Pa. : The Author, 1897. 100 p. [7810 Stone, Rufus B. McKean, the Governors' County . . . New York: Lewis, 1926. 325 p. [7811 Mercer Coulter, Jennie F. The Early Churches of Mercer County, 1799-1811. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1933. [7812 Durant, Samuel W. History of Mercer County, Pennsylvania. Phila- delphia: L. H. Everts, 1877. 156 p. [7813 History of Mercer County, Pennsylvania: Its Past and Present, Chicago : Brown-Runk, 1888. 1210 p. [7814 History of Sharpsville, Pennsylvania. Sharpsville, Pa. : Sharpsville Diamond Jubilee, 1949. 36 p. [7815 Simmons, Mabel M. One Hundred Years of Greenville, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1931. [7816 602 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Stokely, Benjamin. Remarks and General Observations on Mercer County, Pennsylvania. Pa. Hist. Soc. Mem., v. 4: 1850, [65] -82. [7817 White, John G., ed. A Twentieth Century History of Mercer County, Pennsylvania . . . New York : Lewis, 1909. 2 vols. [7818 Mifflin Cochran, Joseph. History of Mifflin County: Its Physical Peculiari- ties, Soil, Climate . . . Including an Early Sketch of the State of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg: Patriot Publishing Company, 1879. 422 p. [7819 James, Henry F. The Kishacoquillas Valley: A Study in Human Geography. Phila. Geog. Soc. Bul., v. 28 : 1930, 223-239. [7820 McNitt, Helen M. History of Lewistown, 1750-1850. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1931. [7821 Mifflin County Development Committee. A Survey of the Resources and Opportunities of Mifflin County. Harrisburg: Archives Pub- lishing Company, 1947. 195 p. [7822 Stroup, J. Martin, and Raymond M. Bell. The Genesis of Mifflin County, Pennsylvania. Lewistown, Pa., 1939. 68 p. [7823 Pioneers of Mifflin County, Pennsylvania. Lewis- town, Pa., 1942. 41 p. [7824 Monroe Burrell, Abram B. Reminiscences of George La Bar, the Centen- arian of Monroe County, Pennsylvania . . . and Incidents in the Early Settlement of the Pennsylvania Side of the River Valley, from Easton to Bushkill. Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen and Haffelfinger, 1870. Ill p. [7825 Evans, Morris, comp. Picturesque Monroe County, Pennsylvania . . . Stroudsburg, Pa.: The Author, [1898]. [107] p. [7826 Keller, Robert B. History of Monroe County, Pennsylvania. Strouds- burg, Pa. : Monroe Publishing Company, 1927. 500 p. [7827 Koehler, Leroy J. The History of Monroe County, Pennsylvania, During the Civil War. Stroudsburg, Pa. : Monroe County Histori- cal Society and Monroe County Commissioners, 1950. 250 p. [7828 County and Local History 603 Koehler, Leroy J., Robert Brown, and Arlington W. Williams. The Founding of Monroe County. Stroudsbnrg, Pa.: Monroe County Historical Society, 1936. 26 p. [7829 Lantz, J. Picturesque Monroe County. Stroudsbnrg, Pa., 1897. 163 p. [7830 Mathews, Alfred, ed. History of Wayne, Pike and Monroe Counties, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: R. T. Peck, 1886. 1283 p. [7831 Meyers, Dorothy B. Beginnings in Monroe County. Temple Uni- versity, master's thesis. 1942. [7832 Walters, Mrs. Horace G. Monroe County. Commonwealth, v. 5: no. 3, 1951, 2-5, 16. [7833 Montgomery Alderfer, E. Gordon. The Montgomery County Story. Norristown, Pa. : Commissioners of Montgomery County, 1951. 213 p. [7834 Auge, M. Lives of the Eminent Dead and Biographical Notes of Prominent Living Citizens of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Norristown, Pa. : The Author, 1879. 568 p. [7835 Bean, Theodore W., ed. History of Montgomery County, Pennsyl- vania. Philadelphia : Everts and Peck, 1884. 1197 p. [7836 Buck, William J. History of Montgomery County Within the Schuyl- kill Valley . . . Norristown, Pa. : E. L. Acker, 1859. 124 p. [7837 Local Sketches and Legends Pertaining to Bucks and Mont- gomery Counties, Pennsylvania, [Philadelphia?] : The Author, 1887. 340 p. [7838 Cook, Chester P. Map Making and Some Maps of Montgomery County. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 2 : 1939, 51-56. [7839 Cox, Eugene A. Heraldry and Seals of Montgomery County. Mont- gomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 6 : 1947, 3-16. [7840 Harley, J. K. A History and Geography of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1891. 116 p. [7841 Hunsicker, Clifton S. Montgomery County, Pennsylvania: A His- tory. New York : Lewis, 1923. 3 vols. [7842 604 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Kriebel, Howard W. A Brief History of Montgomery County, Penn- sylvania. Norristown, Pa.: School Directors' Association, 1923. 216 p. [7843 Montgomery County, A Governmental Picture. Norristown, Pa. : Commissioners of Montgomery County, 1949. 42 p. [7844 Roberts, Charles R. Sketches of Some Early Settlers of Montgomery County. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 1: 1937, 126-135. [7845 Roberts, Ellwood, eel. Biographical Annals of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. New York : T. S. Benham, 1904. 2 vols. [7846 Sligluff, Ella. Outstanding Women of Montgomery County. Mont- gomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 1 : 1937, 101-111. [7847 Smedley, Elizabeth, and others. Montgomery County, Profile of a Pennsylvania Subdivision. Commonwealth, v. 1 : no. 4, 1947, 3-8, 20-26. [7848 Wiley, Samuel T., eel. Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Biographical Publishing Company, 1895. 652 p. [7849 Montgomery — Local Allebach, David K. History of Hatfield, Montgomery County, Penn- sylvania. Hatfield, Pa. : The Author, 1944. 120 p. [7850 Barker, Charles R. Historical Gleanings South of the Schuylkill. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 2 : 1941, 323-329 ; v. 3 : 1941, 33-41 ; v. 5 : 1945, 12-22. [7851 ■ Lost Townships of Montgomery County. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 1 : 1938, 195-211. [7852 Beck, Clara A. History of Whitpain Township. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 5: 1946, 106-117, 179-218; v. 5: 1947, 311-326. [7853 Boorse, John C. Some Unwritten History of Towamensing. Mont- gomery Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 3 : 1905, 57-66. [7854 Buck, William J. The History of Mooreland . . . Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 6 : 1947, 30-81. [7855 County and Local History 605 The History of Moreland from Its First Purchase to the Present Time. Philadelphia : Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 1852. 34 p. [7856 Carrell, John B. Four Miles of Historic Road. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 2 : 1940, 78-86. [7857 Cheltenham Township. Township Comm, v. 9 : no. 3, 1950, 1-8, 11. [7858 Copp, Carrie V. S. Looking Backward. Old York Road Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 8 : 1944, 3-11. [7859 Degn, William L. The History of Hope Lodge. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul, y. 1 : 1939, 324-326. [7860 Develin, Dora. Historic Lower Merion and Blockley: Also the Erection or Establishment of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Bala, Pa, 1922. 131 p. [7861 Some Historical Spots in Lower Merion Township, Mont- gomery County, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia : Guarantee Printing Company, 1906 ? 57 p. [7862 Dock, G, jr. Sanctuary on the Perkiomen, Audubon's Farm, Mill Grove, Becomes a National Shrine. Audubon Mag, v. 53: 1951, 218-223. [7863 Dotterer, Henry S. Palkner Swamp. Schwenksville, Pa. : Grubb and Thomas, 1879. 22 p. [7864 Evans, L. Kryder. Historical Sketch of Pottstown. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Pap, y. 3 : 1905, 345-366. [7865 Fisher, Daniel. Xorristown as It Was in 1814 and 1815. Mont- gomery Co. Hist. Soc. Pap, v. 5 : 1925, 115-142. [7866 Fisher, Frank C. Cheltenham Village. Old York Road Hist. Soc. Bul, v. 3 : 1939, 13-22. [7867 Francis, J. G. Audubon's Holdings West of the Perkiomen. Mont- gomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., y. 5 : 1946, 153-178. [7868 Harvey, Margaret B. Something about Lower Merion. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Pap, y. 1 : 1895, 149-175. [7869 Heckler, James Y. History of Lower Salf ord Township, in Sketches ; Commencing with a History of Harloysville. Harleysville, Pa. : Weekly News Office, 1888. 456 p. [7870 606 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Heysham, Theodore. Norristown, 1812-1912: A Brief History . . . [Norristown, Pa. : Norristown Herald] , 1913. 71 p. [7871 Hough, Mary P. H. Early History of Ambler, 1682-1888. Ambler, Pa., 1936. 54 p. [7872 Jones, Arthur H. Cheltenham Township. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1940. 173 p. [7873 Landes, Henry S. History of Souderton, Montgomery County, Penn- sylvania. Souderton, Pa., 1930. 154 p. [7874 Lansdale Semi-Centennial, 1872-1922. Lansdale, Pa., 1922. 172 p. [7875 Lippincott, Horace M. Gulielma Maria Penn's Manor of Springfield. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 5: 1947, 247-259. [7876 Mathews, Edward. History of Towamencin Township. Skippack, Pa., 1897. 66 p. [7877 Towamencin Township. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 3 : 1905, 67-75. [7878 Morgan, Ralph. Preserving the Heritage of Cheltenham Township. Old York Road Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 9 : 1945, 12-24. [7879 Morrow, Edward. Lorimer Park in Montgomery Comity. Old York Road Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 12 : 1948, 23-30. [7880 Pearce, Josiah S. Early Recollections of Ardmore. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 4: 1944, 65-136, 169-247; 1945, 297-344. [7881 Pinkowski, Edward. History of Bridgeport, Pa. Bridgeport: South Side Press, 1951. 47 p. [7882 Roberts, Ellwood. Plymouth Meeting, Its Establishment and the Settlement of the Township. Norristown, Pa., 1900. 235 p. [7883 Schrack, David. Norriton Township. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 1 : 1895, 122-133. [7884 Smith, Carl T. Early History of Lower Pottsgrove Township. Mont- gomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 8: 1952, 86-95; 192-201. [7885 Smith, Charles H. The Settlement of Horsham Township. Old York Road Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 4: 1940, 3-17. [7886 County and Local History 607 Sidelights on the History of Graeme Park. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 4: 1945, 257-275. [7887 Souder, John D. History of Franconia Township. Harleysville, Pa.: B. L. Gehman, 1886. 102 p. [7888 Supplee, Mrs. A. Irvin. Gulph Mills and Rebel Hill. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 6 : 1947, 17-23. [7889 Yeakle, William A. Whitemarsh. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 1 : 1895, 16-89. [7890 Montour Battle, J. H., ed. History of Montour County. Chicago, 1887. 220 p. [7891 Brower, D. H. B. Danville, Montour County, Pennsylvania. Harris- burg: Hart, 1881. 288 p. [7892 Montour County. Commonwealth, v. 5 : no. 6, 1951, 2-3. [7893 One Hundredth Anniversary of Montour County, 1850-1950. Com- monwealth, v. 4: no. 2, 1950, 2-13. [7894 Northampton Butler, A. W., ed. A Visit to Easton, Pennsylvania, 1761. Ind. Mag. Hist., v. 32 : 1936, 266-274. [7895 Carling, William W. Early Northampton County. Easton, Pa.: Northampton County Historical and Genealogical Society, 1946. 6 p. (Bulletin no. 1.) [7896 Carling, George S., and William W. The Historical Society. Easton, Pa. : Northampton County Historical and Genealogical Society, 1947. 6 p. (Bulletin no. 2.) [7897 Carter, M. H. One Man and His Town. (Roseto) McClure, v. 30: 1908, 275-286. [7898 Chidsey, Andrew D., jr. Easton before the French and Indian War. Pa. Hist., v. 2 : 1935, 156-171. [7899 A Frontier Village : Pre-Revolutionary Easton. Easton, Pa. : Northampton County Historical and Genealogical Society, 1940. 264 p. [7900 608 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Condit, Uzal W. The History of Easton, Pennsylvania, from the Earliest Times to the Present, 1739-1885. Easton, Pa. : G. W. West, [1889?]. 500 p. [7901 Crichton, Samuel K. Hometown Revisited: 19. Bethlehem, Penn- sylvania. Tomorrow, v. 9 : no. 11, 1950, 40-44. [7902 Dumigan, David H. The Star of Bethlehem. Telephone News, v. 47 : no. 7, 1951, 1-12. [7903 Ellis, P. . . . History of Northampton County, Pennsylvania. Phila- delphia: P. Fritts, 1877. 293 p. [7904 Erbe, Hellmuth. . . . Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Stuttgart, Ger- many, 1929. 190 p. [7905 Federal Writers' Project. Northampton County Guide. Bethlehem, Pa. : Times Publishing Company, 1939. 246 p. [7906 Helfferich, Reginald H., ed. History of Bath, Pennsylvania . . . [n. p., 1937.] 62 p. [7907 Heller, William J., ed. History of Northampton County, Pennsyl- vania, and the Grand Valley of the Lehigh. New York : American Historical Society, 1920. 3 vols. [7908 Houseberg, Clarence R. History of Education in Northampton County. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1933. [7909 Kachline, Susan A. Old Nazareth : A Brief Sketch of Early Moravian Life. Bethlehem, Pa. : E. H. Lichty, cl933. [7910 Kieffer, Henry M., trans. Some of the First Settlers of "the Forks of the Delaware ' ' and Their Descendants ; . . . Being a Translation from the German of the Record Books from 1760 to 1852. Easton, Pa., 1902. 404 p. [7911 Levering, Joseph M. A History of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 1741- 1892, with Some Account of Its Founders and Their Early Activity in America. Bethlehem, Pa. : Times Publishing Company, 1903. 809 p. [7912 Martin, John H. Historical Sketch of Bethlehem in Pennsylvania, with Some Account of the Moravian Church. Philadelphia: O. Rogers, 1872. 191 p. [7913 County and Local History 609 Myers, Elizabeth L. The Upper Places, Nazareth, Gnadenthal and Christian's Spring. Eastern, Pa.: Northampton County Historical and Genealogical Society, 1929. 10 p. [7914 Nazareth, Pennsylvania, Bi-Centennial. Two Centuries of Nazareth, 1740-1940. Nazareth, Pa. : Nazareth Item Publishing Company, 1940. 276 p. [7915 Northampton County, Profile of an American Community. Common- wealth, v. 2 : no. 2, 1948, 2-11, 16, 24-28. [7916 Reid, Grace S. The Barony of the Rose: An Historical Monograph. (Nazareth) New York: Grafton Press, 1904. 58 p. [7917 Skillman, David B. Easton in the First Half of the Nineteenth Cen- tury. Easton, Pa. : Northampton County Historical and Genealogi- cal Society, 1947. 8 p. (Bulletin no. 3.) [7918 Northampton County. Commonwealth, v. 6 : no. 4, 1952, 2-10. [7919 Trachtenberg, Joshua. An American Jewish Community: Easton, Pa., on Its Two Hundredth Anniversary. New York: American Jewish Historical Society, 1952. 327 p. [7920 Walters, Raymond. Bethlehem Long Ago and To-day. Bethlehem, Pa. : Carey Printing Company, 1923. 151 p. [7922 Weaver, Ethan A. Local Historical and Biographical Notes, Col- lected from Files of Newspapers Published in Easton, Pennsyl- vania. Germantown, Pa., 1906. 315 p. [7923 Northumberland Bell, Herbert C, ed. History of Northumberland County, Pennsyl- vania; Including Its Aboriginal History; the Colonial and Revolu- tionary Periods; Early Settlement and Subsequent Growth; Po- litical Organization ; Agricultural, Mining . . . Chicago : Brown- Runk, 1891. 1256 p. [7924 Bird, S. John. Early Shamokin. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 6 : 1934, 145-169. [7925 Boyer, Frank P. Flavel Roan and His Diary. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 19 : 1952. 40-48. [7926 610 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Carter, John H. Spread Eagle Manor, Ancient Gateway to North- umberland County. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 16 : 1948, 21-27. [7927 Clark, Chester D. Formation of Townships in Northumberland County. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 7 : 1935, 212-266. [7928 Glimpses of Sunbury as Seen Through the Borough Ordi- nances. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 17: 1949, 92- 104. [7929 Northumberland County in 1804 . . . Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 6 : 1934, 73-102. [7930 Fryling, Charles A. The Merchants of Sunbury, 1772-1861. North- umberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 17 : 1949, 105-115. [7931 Gearhart, Heber G. Notable Women of Northumberland County. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc Proc, v. 5 : 1933, 220-245. [7932 Godcharles, Frederic A. The Great Milton Fire. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 14: 1944, 211-218. [7933 New Berlin. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 13 : 1943, 119-125. [7934 Gutelius, C. Warren. Centennial Summer (1874) in Northumberland. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 16 : 1948, 164-185. [7935 ■ Northumberland. The Story of an Old Town, 1829-1929. Northumberland, Pa., 1929. 48 p. [7936 Haines, E. B., comp. Historical Sketch of Sunbury. Northumber- land Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 7 : 1935, 185-211. [7937 Haupt, Mynn S. Memories of an Old-Time Sunbury. Northumber- land Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 9 : 1937, 133-140. [7938 History of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania . . . Philadelphia: Everts and Stewart, 1876. 161 p. [7939 John, Don D. The Diary of Eliza John. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 19 : 1952, 49-70. [7940 Jones, Oliver H. Northumberland County Income, 1938-1947. Penn- sylvania State College, master's thesis. 1949. [7941 County and Local History 611 Lesher, Will. The History of Northumberland. Northumberland Co'. Hist. Soc. Proc., v. 7 : 1935, 109-129. [7942 Saylor, Roger B. An Economic Survey of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. State College, Pa.: Pennsylvania State College, 1950. 91 p. (Bureau of Business Research, County Study no. 1.) [7943 Snyder, Charles F. The Boundaries of Old Northumberland— The Mother of Counties. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 19 : 1952, 71-100. [7944 Pilger Ruh, "Where the Tulpehocken Path Crosses the Appa- lachian Trail. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 16 : 1948, 28-34. [7945 The Romance of Mahanoy. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 18 : 1950, 86-93. [7946 Watson, M. Louise. John Watson and Watsontown. Northumber- land Co. Hist. Soc Proc, v. 7 : 1935, 157-168. [7947 Perry Gutelius, C. Warren. The Marcus Hulings of Juniata Island. North- umberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 17 : 1949, 70-77. [7948 Hain, Harry H. History of Perry County, Pennsylvania ; Including Descriptions of Indians and Pioneer Life from the Time of Earliest Settlement . . . Harrisburg : Hain-Moore, 1922. 1088 p. [7949 Long, Theodore K. Tales of the Cocolamus. New Bloomfield, Pa.: Carson Long Institute, 1936. 152 p. [7950 Philomathean Society of Bloomfield, Pennsylvania. The History of Perry County. New Bloomfield, Pa., 1882. 146 p. [7951 Wright, Silas. History of Perry County in Pennsylvania, from the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. Lancaster, Pa. : Wylie and Griest, 1873. 290 p. [7952 Philadelphia See — Section II, The Creation of Philadelphia Allinson, Edward P., and Boies Penrose. Philadelphia, 1681-1887: A History of Municipal Development. Philadelphia : Allen, Lane and Scott, 1887. 392 p. [7953 612 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Bowen, Daniel. A History of Philadelphia, with a Notice of Villages in the Vicinity . . . Philadelphia: The Author, 1839. 200 p. [7954 A gazetteer, with miscellaneous arrangement of data, and brief historical notes concerning institutions in the city in 1839. Burt, Struthers. Philadelphia : Holy Experiment. New York : Double- day, Doran, 1945. 396 p. [7955 The "biography" of Philadelphia by one of its most critical admirers. Butterfield, Roger. Ben Franklin's Philadelphia. Holiday, v. 9: June, 1951, 34-35. [7956 Collins, Herman L., and Wilfred Jordan. Philadelphia : A Story of Progress. New York : Lewis, 1941. 4 vols. [7957 First volume contains conventional historical chapters with no citations; other volumes topically arranged. Unusual wealth and range of information. Faught, Albert S. Philadelphia in 1750. Old York Koad Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 8 : 1944, 20-36. [7958 Jackson, Joseph. Encyclopedia of Philadelphia. Ilarrisburg: Na- tional Historical Association, 1931-1933. 4 vols. [7959 Johnson, Gerald W. Pattern of Liberty : The Story of Old Philadel- phia. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1952. 146 p. [7960 A portrayal of Philadelphia of the 1790's when it was the national capital. Joyce, John S., ed. The Story of Philadelphia. [Philadelphia: Rex Printing House, cl919.] 617 p. [7961 Lippincott, Horace M. Early Philadelphia: Its People, Life and Progress. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1917. 339 p. [7962 Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Macrae Smith, [cl926]. 259 p. [7963 MacDowell, Lillian I. The Story of Philadelphia. New York: American Book Company, [cl900]. 384 p. [7964 Mease, James. The Picture of Philadelphia, Giving an Account of Its Origin. Increase and Improvements in Arts, Sciences . . . Phila- delphia: B. and T. Kite, 1831. 2 vols. [7965 Almost a source. Contains material not to be found elsewhere. Morgan, George. The City of Firsts, Being a Complete History of the City of Philadelphia from Its Founding in 1682 to the Present Time. Philadelphia: Historical Publication Society, 1926. 619 p. [7966 County and Local History 613 Oberholtzer, Ellis P. Philadelphia: A History of the City and Its People . . . Philadelphia: S. J. Clarke, [1912]. 4 vols. [7967 A reliable, seriously-written history by a trained and industrious scholar. Penniman, James H. Philadelphia in the Early Eighteen Hundreds. Philadelphia: St. Stephen's Church, 1923. 47 p. [7968 Perry, George S. Philadelphia. Saturday Evening Post, September 14, 1946, 12, 128, 130, 133, 135. [7969 Phillips, Walter M. What Philadelphia Wants from the State. Commonwealth, v. 1 : no. 5, 1947, 11-12, 28. [7970 Repplier, Agnes. Philadelphia: The Place and the People. New York : Macmillan, 1898. 392 p. [7971 An account by one of America's most brilliant essayists. Very readable and reliable, but without the details of history. Richter, Thomas D. Philadelphia, Its Contributions, Its Present, Its Future. Philadelphia : The Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, 1929. 64 p. [7972 Scharf, John T., and Thompson Westcott. History of Philadelphia : 1609-1884. Philadelphia : L. H. Everts, 1884. 3 vols. [7973 A reliable, comprehensive and too unappreciated history of the city by thorough authors. Taylor, Frank H., comp. Philadelphia Past and Present. Philadel- phia, 1907. 287 p. [7974 Vickers, George E. Philadelphia, the Story of an American City. Philadelphia: Dunlap Printing Company, 1893. 235 p. [7975 Walther, Rudolph J. Happenings in Ye Olde Philadelphia: 1680- 1900. Philadelphia : The Author, 1925. 234 p. [7976 Welch, Earl. Cradle of Our Nation: Philadelphia [1682-1949]. New York : Henry Holt, 1949. 201 p. [7977 Weygandt, Cornelius. Old Philadelphia: Theme and Variations. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chrox., v. 41 : 1939, 345-354. [7978 Woolsey, Sarah C. A Short History of the City of Philadelphia from Its Foundation to the Present Time. Boston : Roberts, 1887. 288 p. [7979 614 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Young, John R., cd. Memorial History of the City of Philadelphia, from Its First Settlement to the Year 1895. New York : Xew York History Company, 1895-1898. 2 vols. [7980 The narrative and critical history is written by Howard M. Jenkins, an accomplished and accurate historian. The biographical sketches are by George O. Seilhamer. Philadelphia Descriptive — Sectional — Topical Allinson, Edward P. ... The City Government of Philadelphia. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University, 1887. 72 p. [7981 Armytage, W. H. G. A Sheffield Quaker in Philadelphia, 1804-1806. Pa. Hist., v. 17 : 1950, 192-205. [7982 Ashmead, Henry 6. Philadelphia, the Birthplace of the Nation. Philadelphia: Shelden, 1904. 47 p. [7983 Auslander, Joseph. Hometown Revisited: 14. Philadelphia. To- morrow, v. 9 : no. 5, 1950, 16-21. [7984 Bankson, Lloyd. North and South Philadelphia and the ''Neck." Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 39 : 1936, 75-82. [7985 Barker, Charles R., corny. Philadelphia in the Late Forties. Phila. City Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 2 : 1931, 245-274. [7986 Barton, George. Little Journeys Around Old Philadelphia. Phila- delphia : Peter Reilly, [cl925] . 325 p. [7987 Walks and Talks about Old Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Peter Reilly, [cl928]. 349 p. [7988 Bicknell, Joseph D. The Wissahickon in History, Song and Story. Philadelphia : City History Society, 1908. 24 p. [7989 Blitzstein, Madelin. Life and Culture in the Early Days. Travel, v. 86 : 1946, 8-11, 34. [7990 [Boyer, Harriet.] North of Market Street . . . Philadelphia: Avil Printing Company, 1896. 92 p. [7991 Brandt, Francis B. Byways and Boulevards in and about Historic Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Corn Exchange National Bank, [cl925]. 320 p. [7992 County and Local History 615 The Wissahickon Valley Within the City of Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Corn Exchange National Bank, [cl927]. 144 p. [7993 Bridenbaugh, Carl, and Jessica. Rebels and Gentlemen. New York : Reynal and Hitchcock, 1942. 393 p. [7994 Comprehensive, scholarly and attractively written work on the beginnings of American culture in Philadelphia, a city claiming the first broadly democratic society of modern times. Bush-Brown, Louise, and James. Portraits of Philadelphia Gardens. Philadelphia : Dorrance, 1929. 179 p. [7995 Campbell, William B. Old Towns and Districts of Philadelphia. Philadelphia: City History Society, 1942. 148 p. [7996 Cohen, Charles J. Rittenhouse Square, Past and Present. Philadel- phia, 1922. 324 p. [7997 Comly, Isaac. Sketches of the History of Byberry, in the County of Philadelphia. Pa. Hist. Soc. Mem., v. 2: 1827, [165] -203. [7998 Cook, Joel. Brief Summer Rambles near Philadelphia. Philadel- phia : Lippincott, 1882. 303 p. [7999 Cooke, James F. America's Most Historic Thoroughfare — Chestnut Street. Phila. Forum, v. 31 : no. 7, 1952, 10-18, 20. [8000 Craven, H. T. Travels in Ambrosia, Some Memories of Traditional Foods in the Philadelphia Area. Commonwealth, v. 1 : no. 5, 1947, 7-8. [8001 Creighton, Thomas. Springs and Water Courses of Frankford and Vicinity. Frankford Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 3: 1924, 20-26. [8002 Daly, Thomas A., comp. The Wissahickon. Philadelphia: The Gar- den Club of Philadelphia, 1922. 81 p. [8003 D'Apery, Tello J. Overbrook Farms: Its Historical Background, Growth and Community Life. Philadelphia: Magee Press, 1936. 101 p. [8004 Davies, Benjamin. Some Account of the City of Philadelphia, the Capital of Pennsylvania, and Seat of the Federal Congress . . . Philadelphia : Richard Folwell, 1794. 93 p. [8005 Davis, Rebecca H. Old Philadelphia. Harper's, v. 52: 1876, 705- 721, 868-882. [8006 616 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Duffy, Marie S. The Philadelphia Award. Temple University, mas- ter's thesis. 1932. [8007 Eberlein, Harold D., and Horace M. Lippincott. The Colonial Homes of Philadelphia and Its Neighbourhood. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1912. 365 p. [8008 Faris, John T. The Romance of Old Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1918. 336 p. [8009 Federal Writers' Project. Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, a Guide to the Nation's Birthplace. Philadelphia: "William Penn Association, 1937. 704 p. [8010 Frey, Carroll. The Independence Square Neighborhood in Philadel- phia. Philadelphia: Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, 1926. 155 p. [8011 Philadelphia's Washington Square. Philadelphia: The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, 1952. 19 p. [8012 Hardie, James. A Short Account of the City of Philadelphia, and of the Different Charitable and Literary Institutions Therein. Philadelphia : Jacob Johnson, 1794. 40 p. [8013 History Lives in Germantown. Phila. Mag., v. 37 : no. 5, 1950, 12-17. [8014 Hocker, Edward W. Germantown, 1683-1933; the Record That a Pennsylvania Community Has Achieved in the Course of 250 Years . . . Philadelphia: The Author, 1933. 331 p. [8015 Hotchkin, Samuel F. Ancient and Modern Germantown, Mount Airy and Chestnut Hill. Philadelphia: P. W. Ziegler, 1889. 538 p. [8016 Penn's Greene Country Towne; Pen and Pencil Sketches of Early Philadelphia . . . Philadelphia: Ferris and Leach, 1903. 216 p. [8017 Rural Pennsylvania in the Vicinity of Philadelphia. Phila- delphia: G. W. Jacobs, 1897. 432 p. [8018 Humphrey, Grace. Father Takes Us to Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Penn Publishing Company, [cl929[. 264 p. [8019 Independence Hall Project to Include Famous Buildings. Pa. Dept. Internal Affaibs Bul., v. 19: no. 11, 1951, 17-21. [8020 County and Local History 617 The Independence National Historical Park and Independence Mall in Historic Philadelphia. Philadelphia: The Independence Hall Asso- ciation, 1951. 28 p. [8021 Jackson, Joseph. America's Most Historic Highway, Market Street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia : J. Wanamaker, [cl926]. 368 p. [8022 Athens of America. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 56 : 1945, 99-113. [8023 Birthplace of a Nation. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 54: 1943, 1-27. [8024 Iconography of Philadelphia. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 59 : 1935, 57-73. [8025 Where Old Philadelphia Lingers. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 52 : 1941, 197-218. [8026 Jellett, Edwin C. Germantown Gardens and Gardeners. Philadel- phia: H. F. McCann, 1914. 96 p. [8027 Germantown Old and New : Its Rare and Notable Plants . . . [Germantown, Pa. : Germantown Independent-Gazette], 1904. 114 p. [8028 Kensington : A City Within a City. Philadelphia : Keighton Printing House, 1891. 588 p. [8029 Keyser, Charles S. Fairmount Park : Sketches of Its Scenery, Waters and History. Philadelphia : Claxton, 1872. 161 p. [8030 Keyser, Naaman H., and others. History of Old Germantown, with a Description of Its Settlement . . . Philadelphia: H. F. McCann, 1907. 453 p. [8031 Kohn, Adelbert. . . . Olde Philadelphia, Historical Land Marks . . . Philadelphia, [1908]. 33 p. [8032 LaGorce, John O. The Historic City of Brotherly Love: Philadel- phia, Born of Penn and Strengthened by Franklin, a Metropolis of Industries, Homes and Parks. National Geog. Mag., v. 62: 1932, 643-697. [8033 Langdon, George L. J. Philadelphia's Main Line District. Penn- sylvania State College, master's thesis. 1947. [8034 618 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Lauer, C. N. William Perm's Philadelphia in 1840. Philadelphia: Privately Printed, 1940. [8035 Law, Margaret L. The Plain Tale of Philadelphia and Rudyard Kipling. Phila. Forum, v. 30 : no. 7, 1951, 20-21, 23. [8036 Leaman, Bertha R. A Frenchman Visits Philadelphia in 1851. Pa. Hist., v. 8 : 1941, 261-277. [8037 Leffman, Henry. The Consolidation of Philadelphia. Philadelphia: City History Society, 1908. 15 p. [8038 Lingelbach, William E., and Carroll Frey. The National Heritage in Historic Philadelphia. Am. Heritage, v. 3: no. 1, 1951, 30-36, 75. [8039 Lingelbach, William E. Old Philadelphia. Redevelopment and Con- servation. Am. Phil. Soc. Lib. Bul., v. 93: no. 2, 1949, 179-207. [8040 Lippincott, Horace M. A Narrative of Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Philadelphia : Old York Road Publishing Co., 1948. 190 p. [8041 The chronicle of a neighborhood drawn from a background of intimate knowl- edge of its people and institutions. Some Philadelphia Houses. Gen. Mag. and Hist. Chron., v. 45 : 1942, 194-203, 277-286. [8042 Lowrie, Sarah D. Strawberry Mansion. Philadelphia: Committee of 1926 of Pennsylvania, 1941. 224 p. [8043 Lynch, M. Antonia. The Old District of Southwark in the County of Philadelphia. Philadelphia: City History Society, 1909. 39 p. [8044 McCosker, M. Joseph. City of Established Business, Nearly 200 Philadelphia Firms Are at Least 100 Years Old. Phila. Forum, v. 30: no. 1, 1950, 1, 33. [8045 Forgotten Figures in Philadelphia. Phila. Forum., v. 29 : no. 3, 1949, 11. [8046 Our Pioneering Heritage. Phila. Forum, v. 31 : no. 8, 1952, 1, 20. [8047 Macf arlane, John J. History of Early Chestnut Hill. Philadelphia : City History Society, 1927. 168 p. [8048 County and Local History 619 Martindale, Joseph C. A History of the Townships of Byberry and Moreland, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from Their Earliest Settle- ment by the Whites to the Present Time. Philadelphia: T. E. Zell, 1867. 379 p. [8049 Meynen, Emil. Germantown. Deutsche Arbeit, Zeitschrift des Volksbundes fur das Deutschtum im Ausland, Jg. 34 : 1934, 176- 183. [8050 Miles, Joseph S., and William H. Cooper. A Historical Sketch of Roxborough, Manayunk, Wissahickon. Philadelphia: G. Fein and Co., 1940. 200 p. [8051 Morley, Christopher D. Travels in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: David McKay, [cl920] . 264 p. [8052 Musser, Florence. The Bells of Germantown. Germantowne Crier, v. 2 : no. 4, 1950, 15-16, 30. [8053 Old Landmarks and Relics of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1876. 6 vols. [8054 Pennell, Elizabeth. Our Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1914. 552 p. [8055 Pennell, Joseph. Joseph Pennell 's Pictures of Philadelphia. Phila- delphia: Lippincott, 1926. 137 p. [8056 A Pennsylvania Shrine, The Independence Mall. Harrisburg: Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania, Joint State Government Commission, 1951. 18 p. [8057 Peterson, Charles E. Carpenters' Shrine. Am. Heritage, v. 3: no. 1, 1951, 43, 73-74. [8058 Phillips, Marguerita. The Four Mansions of Fairmount. Greater Phila. Mag., v. 39 : no. 8, 1952, 16-17, 34. [8059 Porter, Thomas. Pictures of Philadelphia from 1811 to 1831 . . . Philadelphia, 1831. 122 p. [8060 Powers, Frederick P. The Historic Bridges of Philadelphia. Phila. City Hist. Soc. Pub., no. 11, 1914, 267-316. [8061 Price, Eli K. The History of the Consolidation of the City of Phila- delphia. Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1873. 140 p. [8062 620 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Public Ledger Company. Philadelphia. Historic Philadelphia : His- toric Central, Metropolitan, Industrial. Philadelphia : Public Ledger Company, 1922. [116] p. [8063 Pullinger, Herbert. Old Germantown. Philadelphia: David McKay, 1926. 57 p. [8064 Quaint Corners in Philadelphia . . . Philadelphia: J. Wanamaker, [cl922]. 506 p. [8065 Rhodes, Harrison. Who Is a Philadelphian ? Harper's, v. 133: 1916, 1-13. [8066 Rivinus, Marion W. M. The Story of Rittenhouse Square, 1682-1951. [Philadelphia: S. A. Wilson Co.], 1951. 55 p. [8067 Scott, Dolores T. The Nation's Home Town: Philadelphia Treasures its Historic Shrines. Holiday, y. 1 : April, 1946, 19-23. [8068 Shackleton, Robert. The Book of Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Penn Publishing Company, 1918. 413 p. [8069 Sinkler, Charles. Traditions Concerning the Old York Road. Old York Road Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 5 : 1941, 18-23. [8070 Site and Relic Society of Germantown. Germantown History. Ger- mantown, Pa. : The Society, 1915. 384 p. [8071 Smith, Leroy, jr. Philadelphia's "White House." Greater Phila. Mag., v. 39 : no. 7, 1952, 19, 40. [8072 Smith, R. A. Philadelphia as It Is in 1852. Philadelphia: Lindsay, 1852. 452 p. [8073 Souder, Caspar. The History of Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, from the Founding of the City to the Year 1859. Philadelphia : King, 1860. 2 vols. [8074 Spencer, David. Historic Germantown. Philadelphia : Horace F. McCann, 1908. 193 p. [8075 Stafford, Giles S. Incidents and Reminiscences of Smearsburg. Philadelphia : Harris and Partridge, [cl930] . 126 p. [8076 Sutherland, Hugh. Philadelphia Blueprints Her Future. Common- wealth, v. 1 : no. 10, 1947, 26-28. [8077 A Sylvan City; or, Quaint Corners in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Our Continent Publishing Company, 1883. 508 p. [8078 County and Local History 621 Taylor, Frank H., cd. The City of Philadelphia as It Appears in the Year 1893. Philadelphia: G. S. Harris, 1893? 218 p. [8079 The City of Philadelphia as It Appears in the Year 1894. Philadelphia: G. S. Harris, 1894? 279 p. [8080 Vieira, Laffitte. West Philadelphia . . . Early History . . . and Its Environs, Its People and Its Historical Points. Philadelphia: Clarke, 1903. 182 p. [8081 Wainwright, Nicholas B. Scull and Heap's East Prospect of Phila- delphia. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 73 : 1949, 16-25. [8082 Watson, John F. Notes of the Early History of Germantown. Hazard's Keg. Pa., v. 1 : 1828, 279-284, 289-293. [8083 Weaver, William W. West Philadelphia : A Study of Natural Social Areas. Philadelphia: Westbrook Company, 1931. 169 p. [8084 Westcott, Thompson. Historic Mansions and Buildings of Philadel- phia. Philadelphia : Barr, 1895. 528 p. [8085 Weygandt, Cornelius. The "Wissahickon Hills . . . Philadelphia : Uni- versity of Pennsylvania Press, 1930. 366 p. [8086 White, D. Fedotoff. A Russian Sketches Philadelphia, 1811-1813. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 75 : 1951, 3-24. [8087 Pike Pike County. Commonwealth, v. 5 : no. 3, 1951, 10-12. [8088 Potter Beebe, Victor L. History of Potter County, Pennsylvania. Couders- port, Pa. : Potter County Historical Society, 1934. 280 p. [8089 Early History of Coudersport [1796-1949]. Coudersport, Pa., 1949. 32 p. [8090 Pennsylvania Historical Commission. Ole Bull Pilgrimage, July 30, 1920 . . . [Coudersport, Pa. : Potter Enterprise], 1920. 80 p. [8091 Thompson, William W. Historical Sketches of Potter County, Penn- sylvania. Coudersport, Pa. : Potter Enterprise, 1925. 68 p. [8092 Welfling, Mary E. Historical Notes in the Development of Potter County [1767-1948]. Coudersport, Pa.: Potter County Commission- ers, 1949. 23 p. [8093 622 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Schuylkill Chambers, George. Historical Sketch of Pottsville. Pottsville, Pa.: Standard Publishing Company, 1876. 19 p. [8094 Downey, Edgar. Schuylkill County and Some of Its People When Abraham Lincoln "Was Assassinated. Pottsville, Pa.: The Author, 1952. 20 p. [8095 There Were Kinsmen of Abraham Lincoln in Schuylkill County. Pottsville, Pa. : The Author, 1952. 22 p. [8096 Elliot, Ella Z. Blue Book of Schuylkill County . . . Pottsville, Pa. : Pottsville Kepublican, 1916. 456 p. [8097 Old Schuylkill Tales: A History of Interesting Events, Traditions and Anecdotes of the Early Settlers . . . Pottsville, Pa. : The Author, 1906. 344 p. [8098 Hartranft, Paul E. The History of the Public Schools in Schuylkill County. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1933. [8099 History of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. New York: W. W. Munsell, 1881. 390 p. [8100 History of the County of Schuylkill. Pottsville, Pa. : Dives, Pomeroy, and Stewart, [1911]. 104 p. [8101 [Hobbs, Herrwood E.] The History of Schuylkill County. Pottsville, Pa. : School District of the City of Pottsville, 1950. 107 p. [8102 Leighton, George R. Five Cities ; the Story of Their Youth and Old Age. New York: Harper, 1939. 370 p. [8103 Shenandoah is one of the five cities studied. Newell, W. H. Early Days of Schuylkill County. Schuylkill Co. Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 1 : 1907, 43-51. [8104 Schalck, Adolph W., ed. History of Schuylkill County, Pennsyl- vania . . . [n. p.] : State Historical Association, 1907. 2 vols. [8105 Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. Chicago : J. H. Beers, 1916. 2 vols. [8106 Wiley, Samuel T., and Henry W. Ruoff, eds. Biographical and Por- trait Cyclopedia of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. Philadel- phia, 1893. 752 p. [8107 County and Local History 623 Zerbey, Joseph H. History of Pottsville and Schuylkill County. Potts- ville, Pa. : J. H. Zerbey Newspapers, 1934-1935. 6 vols. [8108 Schuylkill — Local Barr, J. W. Biographical Notes of Pine Grove, 1841-1916. Pine Grove, Pa. : Anderson and Reber, 1916. 109 p. [8109 Bowman, John B. Pomeroy's Corner. Schuylkill Co. Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 6 : 1950, 51-60. [8110 Channell, G. W. Port Carbon and Her People. Schuylkill Co. Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 4 : 1913, 156-167. [8111 Eastman, Elizabeth. Early Days in Pottsville. Schuylkill Co. Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 4: 1913, 185-192. [8112 Farquhar, Walter S. The Natural Beauty of Tumbling Run. Schuyl- kill Co. Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 6 : 1952, 16-25. [8113 Haas, George B., comp. History of Pine Grove, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. Pottsville, Pa.: Pottsville Republican, 1935. 338 p. [8114 Henning, D. C. Early Annals of Pottsville. Schuylkill Co. Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 2 : 1910, 104-150. [8115 Hubbard, Freeman H. Delano: Portrait of a Railroad Town. Rail- road Mag., v. 45 : no. 2, 1948, 12-33. [8116 Leighton, George R. Shenandoah, Pennsylvania: The Story of an Anthracite Town. Harper's, v. 174: 1937, 131-147. [8117 Lyon, T. H. B. History of Mahanoy City and the Building of Ma- hanoy Tunnel. Schuylkill Co. Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 1: 1907, 216- 227. [8118 Moser, H. O. A History of Delano, Pennsylvania, 1861-1931. 227 p. [8119 Newell, W. H. An Old Town of Schuylkill County. Schuylkill Co. Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 1 : 1907, 288-295. [8120 Paxson, Isaac. Reminiscences of Schuylkill Haven. Schuylkill Co. Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 4 : 1913, 71-92. [8121 Russell, James Y. Historical Notes of the Early Days of Pottsville, Written in 1888. Schuylkill Co. Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 2 : 1908, 151- 158. [8122 624 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PENNSYLVANIA IIlSTORY Schuylkill Haven — 1750. Schuylkill Haven, Pa.: G. I. Bensinger, 1925. 200 p. [8123 Seltzer, Livingston. History of McKeansburg, Schuylkill County's Oldest Town. Schuylkill Co. Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 1: 1907, 177- 182. [8124 Spayd, H. H. The Early Settlement of Minersville and History of Its Schools. Schuylkill Co. Hist. Soc. Pub.., v. 1: 1907, 67-78. [8125 Snyder Aurand, Ammon M., ed. History of Beaver Springs, Pennsylvania . . . Beaver Springs, Pa.: Aurand Press, 1906. [138] p. [8126 Cunefare, Mrs. Clara L. A Brief History of McClure. Snyder Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 3 : 1948, 7-22. [8127 Dunkelberger, George F. Religious Discipline in Snyder County Churches. Susq. Univ. Stud., v. 2 : 1944, 382-390. [8128 The Story of Snyder County. Selinsgrove, Pa. : Snyder County Historical Society, 1948. 982 p. [8129 Fisher, Charles A. The Snyder County Pioneers. Selinsgrove, Pa., 1938. 103 p. [8129a Houtz, Harry D. The Oldest Churches of the County. Snyder Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 2 : 1942, 10-20. [8130 Russ, William A., jr. The Selinsgrove Fires of 1872 and 1874. Snyder Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 2 : 1939-1941, 7-12. [8131 Schnure, William M. Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, Chronology. Mid- dleburgh, Pa. : Middleburgh Post, 1918-1929. 2 vols. [8132 Schoch, Agnes S. The Floods of Snyder County. Snyder Co. Hist. Soc Bul., v. 2 : 1939-1941, 12-17. [8133 Old Homes in Snyder County. Snyder Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 2 : 1944, 23-38. [8134 Schoch, Marion S. The Selinsgrove Bridge Builders. Snyder Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 2 : 1944, 17-26. [8135 Smith, Ray M. The Shoemakers and Saddlers of Snyder County. Snyder Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 3 : 1951, 3-8. [8136 County and Local History 625 Spangler, R. M. The Rolling- Green Park. Snyder Co. Hist. Soc. Bul.,v. 2: 1945,3-11. [8137 Wagenseller, George W., comp. Snyder County Annals ... a Col- lection of All Kinds of Historical Items Affecting Snyder County . . . Middleburgh, Pa. : Middleburgh Post, 1919. 296 p. [8138 Somerset Cassaday, John C. The Somerset County Outline. [Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House], 1932. 263 p. [8139 Doyle, Frederic. Early Somerset County. Somerset, Pa.: Somerset County Historical Society, 1945. 60 p. [8140 Faust, Alvin G. Some Aspects of the Social History of Somerset County. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 21 : 1938, 193-208. [8141 Hause, Mary. A Somerset County Historical Notebook. Somerset, Pa. : Somerset County Historical Society, 1945. 24 p. [8142 Hoffman, George W. A Brief History of Somerset, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1937. [8143 Lindsay, Arnett C. The Story of Negro Mountain. Negro Hist. Bul., v. 12 : 1949, 147-149, 167. * [8144 Tomb, Jessie M. The Records of the Pioneer Churches of Somerset County, Pennsylvania. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1933. [8145 Sullivan Baldwin, Mrs. Guy M. A History of Laporte, County Seat of Sullivan County, Pennsylvania. Now and Then, v. 9 : 1949, 109-121. [8146 Drum, Sarah H. A Short History of the First Settlers at Forksville, Pa. Now and Then, v. 10 : 1952, 173-177. [8147 Ingham, Thomas J. History of Sullivan County, Pennsylvania. New York: Lewis, 1899. 218 p. [8148 Wood, T. Kenneth. An Account of the First Murder and Hanging in Sullivan County, Pa., in 1855. Now and Then, v. 9: 1949, 122-124. [8149 626 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Susquehanna Blackman, Emily C. History of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia : Claxton, Remsen and Haffelfinger, 1873. 640 p. [8150 Dale, Norman C. Agriculture in Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1932. [8151 Dubois, James T. The Centennial of Susquehanna County. Washing- ton, Pa. : Gray and Clarkson, 1888. 138 p. [8152 Harford Sesqui-Centennial Committee, Harford, Pa. Harford Town- ship, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. [Harford? 1940?]. 480 p. [8153 Miller, Adam. Early Pastors in Susquehanna County, n. p., 1875. 120 p. [8154 Stocker, Rhamanthus M. Centennial History of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia : R. T. Peck, 1887. 851 p. [8155 Strom, Margaret. A History of Dundaff. [Forest City?], Pa., 1952. 11 p. [8156 Weston, E. A. A History of Brooklyn Township, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, Its Homes and Its People. Brooklyn, Pa., 1889. 300 p. * [8157 Tioga Alger, Hugh W. A Social and Educational Survey of Richmond Township, Including Mansfield Borough, Tioga County, Pennsyl- vania. Temple University, master's thesis. 1929. [8158 Glover, Edwin A. Centennial History of Knoxville, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Knoxville, Pa. : Elkland Journal Press, 1951. 96 p. [8159 Meginness, John P. History of Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Chicago : R. C. Brown, 1897. 1186 p. [8160 Randel, W. P. Place Names of Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Am. Speech, v. 14: 1939, 181-190. [8161 Rolfe, Maro O. Old Tioga and Ninety Years of Its Existence. Tioga, Pa. : Bunnell and Rolfe, 1877. 116 p. [8162 County and Local History 627 Roy, Arthur M., ed. 1804-1904. Tioga County Centennial Celebration. Wellsboro, Pa. : Centennial Commission, 1905. 184 p. [8163 Sexton, John L., jr. History of Tioga County, Pennsylvania . . . New York: W. W. Munsell, 1883. 366 p. [8164 Young, Robert K. Tales of Tioga, Pennsylvania and Its People. Phila- delphia: Lippincott [cl916]. 158 p. [8165 Union Earnest, Mrs. Franklin M. Ludwig Derr and Lewisburg up to 1812. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 5 : 1933, 204-219. [8166 Gutelius, C. Warren. The Contest for the Division of Union County. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 13 : 1943, 126-156. [8167 The Division of a County. Northumberland, Pa.: The Sus- quehanna Press, 1942. 28 p. [8168 Lincoln, Richard V. B. History of Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania. Mifflin- burg, Pa. : Keystone Telegraph Press, 1938. 38 p. [8169 Manser, I. H. Centennial History of Lewisburg, Union County. Lewisburg, Pa., 1886. 154 p. [8170 Mifflinburg 150 Years Old, Is " Taxless Borough.' ' Pa. Dept. In- ternal Affairs Bul.. v. 10 : 1942, 3-7. [8171 Steese, Charles M. History of Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania. Lewisburg, Pa. : Saturday News Publishing Company, 1929. 54 p. [8172 Venango Babcock, Charles A. Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People. Chicago : J. H. Beers, 1919. 2 vols. [8173 Bell, Herbert C, ed. History of Venango County, Pennsylvania. Chicago : Brown-Runk, 1890. 1164 p. [8174 McCay, William R. History of Utica, Penna. [Utica? Pa.], 1950. 24 p. [8175 Morrow, Nancy C. Early Churches of Venango County. Oil City, Pa. : Putnam King Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, 1938. 99 p. [8176 628 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Newton, J. H., ed. History of Venango County, Pennsylvania, and Incidentally of Petroleum . . . Columbus, 0. : J. A. Caldwell, 1879. 651 p. [8177 Pope, Henry R. Ghost Towns of Venango County. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1938. [8178 Saylor, Roger B. An Economic Survey of Venango County, Pennsyl- vania. State College, Pa. : Pennsylvania State College, 1950. 89 p. (Bureau of Business Research, County Study no. 3.) [8179 Warren Blair, H. L. Warren County Review of Its Historical — Political — Social Development, 1739-1950. Warren, Pa.: The Author, 1950. 38 p. [8180 Bristow, Arch. Old Time Tales of Warren County. [Meadville, Pa. : Tribune Press], 1932. 389 p. [8181 Deardorff, Merle H. The Cornplanter Grant in Warren County. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 24 : 1941, 1-22. [8182 Pennsylvania Historical Survey. Inventory of the County Archives of Pennsylvania, Warren County. Warren, Pa. : Board of County Commissioners, 1942. 343 p. [8183 Schenck, J. S., ed. History of Warren County, Pennsylvania. Syracuse, N. Y. : D. Mason, 1887. 692 p. [8184 Smith, Bruce A., comp. Historical Collections of Sheffield Township. Warren County, Pennsylvania. Warren, Pa. : Mohr Printery, 1943. 565 p. [8185 Warren Library Association. Warren Centennial. [Warren, Pa. : Warren Library Association, 1897]. 244 p. [8186 Washington Baker, William A., jr., comp. Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, 1773-1936. Canonsburg, Pa., 1936. 60 p. [8187 Bennett, George W. Pioneer Scientific Sons of Washington County. Pa. Acad. Sci. Proc, v. 14: 1940, 20-24. [8188 Commemorative Biographical Record of Washington County, Penn- sylvania. Chicago : J. II. Beers, 1893. 1486 p. [8189 Creigh, Alfred. History of Washington County from TIs First Settle- ment to the Present Time . . . [Washington, Pa., 1870]. 386 p. [8190 County and Local History 629 Crumrine, Boyd. The Courts of Justice, Bench and Bar of Washing- ton County, Pennsylvania. [Chicago : R. R. Donnelley] , 1902. 352 p. [8191 ■ History of Washington County, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia : L. H. Everts, 1882. 1002 p. [8192 Crumrine, E. E., comp. The Centennial Celebration of the Organiza- tion of Washington County, Pennsylvania. Washington, Pa. : E. E. Crumrine, 1881. 109 p. [8193 Forrest, Earle R. History of Washington County, Pennsylvania. Chicago : S. J. Clarke, 1926. 3 vols. [8194 Foust, Leslie A. County Government and Politics with Particular Reference to Washington County, Pennsylvania. University of Pittsburgh, doctoral dissertation. 1937. [8195 McFarland, Joseph F. 20th Century History of the City of Washing- ton and Washington County . . . Chicago : Richmond-Arnold, 1910. 1369 p. [8196 Pennsylvania Historical Survey. Inventory of the County Archives of Pennsylvania — Washington County. Washington, Pa. : Board of County Commissioners, 1941. 399 p. [8197 Reader, Francis S. Some Pioneers of Washington County, Pennsyl- vania. New Brighton, Pa. : The Author, 1902. 154 p. [8198 Wayne Callaway, Edwin B. Wayne County. Commonwealth, v. 5: no. 3, 1951, 6-7. [8199 Goodrich, Phineas G. History of Wayne County. Honesdale, Pa.: Haines and Beardsley, 1880. 409 p. [8200 Pennsylvania Historical Survey. Inventory of the County Archives of Pennsylvania — Wayne County. Philadelphia : Historical Records Survey, 1939. 207 p. [8201 Whaley, Samuel. History of the Township of Mount Pleasant, Wayne County, Pennsylvania. New York: M. W. Dodd, 1856, 96 p. [8202 Williams, Garford F. A History of Sterling, Wayne County, Pa. Nicholson, Pa. : Nicholson Examiner, 1950. 98 p. [8203 Westmoreland Albert, George D. History of the County of Westmoreland, Pennsyl- vania. Philadelphia : L. H. Everts, 1882. 727 p. [8204 630 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Bell, Albert H. Memoirs of the Bench and Bar of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. [Batavia, N. Y. : Batavia Times Publishing Company], 1925. 302 p. [8205 Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia : J. M. Gresham, 1890. 744 p. [8206 Bomberger, C. M. Brush Creek Tales. Jeannette, Pa.: Jeannette Publishing Co., 1950. 108 p. [8207 A mixture of history and legends relating to a part of Westmoreland County. Bomberger, Christian M. H. A Short History of Westmoreland County: The First County West of the Appalachians. Jeannette, Pa. : Jeannette Publishing Company, 1941. 100 p. [8208 Boucher, John N. History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. New York: Lewis, 1906. 3 vols. [8209 Old and New Westmoreland. New York: American His- torical Society, 1918. 4 vols. [8210 City of Greensburg, A History [1799-1949]. Greensburg, Pa. : Greens- burg Sesqui-Centennial Corporation, 1949. 303 p. [8211 History of Greensburg . . . Greensburg, Pa., 1899. 171 p. [8212 History of Our City, Monessen, Pennsylvania. Columbus, Ohio: Lutheran Book Concern [1902]. 101 p. [8213 Jones, Russell R. A Fiscal Study of the City of Monessen. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1946. [8214 Laughlintown, Pennslyvania, 1797-1947. Laughlintown, Pa.: The General Committee, 1947. 83 p. [8215 Pennsylvania Historical Survey. Inventory of the County Archives of Pennsylvania — Westmoreland County. Greensburg, Pa. : Board of County Commissioners, 1942. 459 p. [8216 Zundel, H. M., ed. The Burg of Greene in Pictures Seen. Greensburg, Pa. : Charles M. Henry Printing Co., 1927. 351 p. [8217 Wyoming Tiffany, J. L. History of Nicholson Township and Borough, n. p., 1892. 180 p. [8218 York A Book of Views, Illustrating York County's Sesqui-Centennial Celebration, September 3-6, 1899. York, Pa.: York Daily Press, 1899. 120 p. [8219 County and Local History 631 Carter, William C. History of York County, from Its Erection to the Present Time. York, Pa. : A. J. Glossbrenner, 1834. 183 p. [8220 Catechism on York County. York, Pa. : York County Superintendent of Schools, 1927. 16 p. [8221 Ehehalt, C. M., ed. Pictorial Souvenir — The Borough of Red Lion, York County, Pennsylvania — Golden Jubilee, 1880-1930. York, Pa., 1930. 208 p. [8222 Eslinger, A. M. Local History of Dillsburg, Penna. Dillsburg, Pa. : Dillsburg Bulletin Print, 1902. 34 p. [8223 Gibson, John, ed. History of York County, Pennsylvania, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Chicago : F. A. Battey, 1886. 979 p. [8224 Grafflin, Laura J. A Letter from the Springs (1842). Md. Hist. Mag., v. 36 : 1941, 220-222. [8225 Hanover Centennial Committee. Official Program of the Centennial of Incorporation of the Borough of Hanover, Pennsylvania, Together with Historical Sketches. [Hanover, Pa.] : Anthony Printing Co., 1915. 105 p. [8226 Hawkins, Charles A. Some Facts Concerning York and York County. York, Pa.: [York Daily Press, cl901]. 144 p. [8227 Heilman, Vernon D. Yorktown to York. A Journey in History from 1741 to 1934. York, Pa. : Dispatch Publishing Co., 1934. 22 p. [8228 Historical Review of the Industrial and Commercial Growth of York County, Including McSherrystown, Adams County, n. p., 1892. 130 p. [8229 Kain, George H. Famous Visitors to York. York Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 2 : n. s., 1938. 7 p. [8230 Kain, William H. High Time to Find High Street. York Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 6 : n. s., 1949. 3 p. [8231 Kilbourne, John D. History of the Borough of Stewartstown [Penna.] . York Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 7 : n. s., 1951. 12 p. [8232 McElhinny, C. M. Know York Better. York, Pa., 1915. 79 p. [8233 Murphy, Raymond E. The Economic Geography of York, Pennsyl- vania, a City of Diversified Industries. State College, Pa. : School of Mineral Industries, 1935. 62 p. [8234 632 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Peckham, Betty C. The Story of a Dynamic Community: York, Penn- sylvania . . . York, Pa. : York Chamber of Commerce, 1946. 259 p. [8235 Prowell, George R. The City of York, Past and Present. York, Pa. : Gazette Print, 1904. 48 p. [8236 History of York County, Pennsylvania. Chicago : J. H. Beers, 1907. 2 vols. [8237 Rupp, Israel D. History of York County from 1719 to the Present Time. Lancaster, Pa. : G. Hills, 1845. 750 p. [8238 Shettel, James W. Sketches of York County Towns and Villages and and Their Cigar Fame. Tobacco, v. 78 : no. 5, 1924, 41-49. [8239 Spangler, F. L. The Inundation of York, Pennsylvania . . . 1884. York, Pa. : York Daily Printing House, 1884. 103 p. [8240 Spring Grove Bi-Centennial (1747-1947). Spring Grove, Pa., 1947. 43 p. [8241 Trattner, Norman F. A History of York, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1938. [8242 Woolsey, Janette, ed. Spotlight on York. York, Pa. : The League of Women Voters, 1952. [64 p.]. [8243 York's Centenary Memorial; Comprising a Detailed Description of the Centennial Celebration in the City of York, September 23rd and 24th, 1887. York, Pa. : Hiram Young, 1887. 226 p. [8244 York County, Heart of the Canning Industry. Commonwealth, v. 6 : no. 5, 1952, 2-9. [8245 York, Pennsylvania, Its Progress and Development. York, Pa. : York Trust Company, 1930. 31 p. [8246 [Young, Henry J., ed.] A Petition of 1747 [from the Inhabitants of Lancaster County on the West Side of the Susquehanna, Praying for the Division of the County]. York Co. Hist. Soc. Yearbook, 1939, 23-28. [8247 Young, Henry J., ed. The Formation of the Townships and Boroughs of York and Adams Counties. York Co. Hist. Soc. Yearbook, 1939, 28-39. [8248 [Young, Henry J., ed.] Notes and Documents Concerning the Manorial History of the Town of York. York Co. Hist. Soc. Yearbook, 1941, 17-63. [8249 Description 633 DESCRIPTION, TRAVEL, AND PLACE NAMES S< ( — Section I. The Virgin Land, Physical Features Atwood, Albert W. Today on the Delaware, Penn's Glorious River. National Geog. Mag., v. 102 : 1952, 1-40. [8250 Bailey, Bernardine. Picture Book of Pennsylvania. Chicago: Whit- man, 1950. 28 p. [8251 Bartram, John. Observations on the Inhabitants, Climate, Soil, Rivers, Production, Animals, and Other Matters Worthy of Notice. London : J. Whiston and B. White, 1751. 94 p. [8252 Beecher, H. K. Beauty Spots of Schuylkill County. Schuylkill Co. Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 6 : 1947, 55-65. [8253 Bertin, Eugene P. Origins of Lycoming County Place Names. Now and Then, v. 7 : 1944, 202-207. [8254 Bowen, Eli. The Pictorial Sketch-Book of Pennsylvania . . . Phila- delphia : W. Bromwell, 1853. 309 p. [8255 Bridenbaugh, Carl, ed. Gentleman's Progress: The Itinerarium of Dr. Alexander Hamilton, 1744. Chapel Hill, N. C. : University of North Carolina Press, 1948. 284 p. [8256 A shrewd, lively travel account containing remarks on life and manners in colonial Philadelphia. Brush, Frederic. Walk the Long Years Through Pennsylvania, with Converse and Ruminations by the Way. Selinsgrove, Pa. : Susque- hanna University Press, 1946. 348 p. [8257 An appreciation of those who have lived along the banks of the Susquehanna River told in affectionate vein. Buck, William J. An Enquiry into the Origin of the Names of Places in Bucks County. Am. Notes and Queries, v. 1 : 1857, 88-95. [8258 Bump, Charles W. Down the Historic Susquehanna. A Summer's Jaunt from Otsego to the Chesapeake. Baltimore : Sun Printing Office, 1899. 184 p. [8259 Burnaby, Andrew. Travels Through the Middle Settlements in North America, 1759-1760. London: T. Payne, 1775. 106 p. (Third edition.) [8260 634 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Cammerhoff, John C. F. Bishop J. C. F. Cammerhoff 's Narrative of a Journey to Shamokin, Pennsylvania in the Winter of 1748. Phila- delphia, 1905. 20 p. [8261 Chinard, Gilbert, ed. Voyage dans Tlnterieur des Etats-Unis et au Canada par le Comte de Colbert Maulevrier . . . Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 1935. 87 p. [8262 Church, Jeremiah. Journal of Travels, Adventures, and Remarks of Jerry Church. Harrisburg: Aurand Press, 1933. 89 p. (Reprint of 1845 edition.) [8263 Collette, Elizabeth, ed. Journey to the Promised Land; Journal of Elizabeth Van Home, 1807. Pittsburgh: Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania, 1939. 23 p. [8264 Collins, Herman L. Pennsylvania, The Golden. Harrisburg : National Historical Association, 1933. 131 p. [8265 Written in breezy journalistic style and quite readable. Intended for popular consumption. Romance in Pennsylvania History. Pa. Hist., v. 3: 1936, 18-26. [8266 The "Commonwealth" and the "Keystone State." Greater Pitts- burgh, v. 32 : no. 9, 1950, 9. [8267 Conyngham, W. L., and T. R. Jones, trans. Northern Route, Cone- maugh Salt Work. Pa. Forests and Waters, v. 4 : 1952, 66-68. [8268 Cummings, Hubertis M. Song of a River. Pa. Hist., v. 19: 1952, 163-184. [8269 Crevecoeur, Michel G. Voyage dans la Haute Pensylvanie et dans L'etat de New- York. Paris: Maradan, 1801. 3 vols. [8270 de Montule, Edouard. Travels in America, 1816-1817. Bloomington, Ind. : Indiana University Press, 1950. 197 p. (Translated by Edward D. Seeber.) [8271 Contains impressions of Philadelphia and observations on the development of western Pennsylvania. Doll, Eugene E. Meet Mrs. Royall. Am. -German Rev., v. 10: 1944, 8-10, 34. [8272 Donehoo, George P. The Changing of Historic Place Names. Altoona, Pa.: Tribune Press, 1921. 14 p. [8273 Description 635 Errett, Russell. Indian Geographical Names. Mao. of West. Hist., v. 2 : 1865, 51-59, 238-246. [8274 Espenshade, A. Howry. Pennsylvania Place Names. State College, Pa.: Pennsylvania State College, 1925. 375 p. (Pennsylvania State College Studies in History and Political Science, no. 1. Col- lege Series, no. 1.) 18275 Faris, John T. Seeing Pennsylvania. Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1919. 349 p. [8276 Gerhard, Elmer S. Seeing Ourselves as Others Saw Us in Pennsyl- vania a Hundred Years Ago. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 7 : 1949, 40-62. [8278 Gordon, Thomas F. A Gazeteer of the State of Pennsylvania. Phila- delphia : T. Belknap, 1832. 508 p. [8279 Grafly, Dorothy. Portrait of Pennsylvania. Carnegie Mag., v. 21: 1948, 197-202. [8280 Gray, Ralph, and Walter M. Edwards. Down the Susquehanna by Canoe. National Geog. Mag., v. 98 : 1950, 73-120. [8281 Grumbine, Lee L. The Origin and Significance of Our Township Names. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 1 : 1899, 121-133. [8282 Hailman, James W. A Trip from Pittsburgh to St. Louis and Return in 1850. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 23 : 1940, 175-181. [8283 Halsey, Francis W., eel. A Tour of Four Great Rivers : The Hudson, Mohawk, Susquehanna, and Delaware in 1769, Being the Journal of Richard Smith of Burlington, New Jersey. New York : Scribner, 1906. 102 p. [8284 Hardy, Isabel R. The Visit of Francisco de Miranda to Pennsylvania, 1783-1784. University of Pennsylvania, master's thesis. 1944. [8285 Harpster, John W., eel. Pen Pictures of Early Western Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, 1938. 337 p. [8286 Western Pennsylvania as described by eye witnesses a century and more ago. Hatcher, Harlan. Lake Erie. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1945. 416 p. (The American Lake Series.) [8287 One of the better volumes in the American Lakes Series that tells the story of the Erie littoral in sound scholarly method and good literary style. Heilman, Grant, and Marjorie. In Quest of History on the Allegheny. Travel, v. 91: June, 1948, 16-19. [8288 636 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Hettinger, Edwin L. The Schuylkill River in the Good Old Days. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 11 : 1945, 2-6. [8289 Hobbs, Herrwood E. The Origin of the Names of Towns and Town- ships in Schuylkill County. Schuylkill Co. Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 6 : 1947, 43-53. [8290 Hotchkin, Samuel F. A Pocket Gazeteer of Pennsylvania Arranged by Counties. Philadelphia: L. R. Hamersly, 1887. 174 p. [8291 Kelsey, Rayner W. At the Forks of the Delaware, 1794-1811 : Chroni- cles of Early Travel to Easton and Neighboring Parts of Pennsyl- vania and New Jersey. Haverford, Pa. : Pennsylvania History Press, 1920. 18 p. [8292 Kelsey, Rayner W., trans, and ed. Cazenove Journal, 1794 ; a Record of the Journey of Theophile Cazenove Through New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Haverford, Pa. : Pennsylvania History Press, 1922. 103 p. [8293 Klein, Benjamin, and Eleanor, eds. The Ohio River Handbook and Picture Album. Cincinnati: Young and Klein, 1950. 400 p. [8294 Kohl, Johann G. Travels in Canada, and Through the States of New York and Pennsylvania. London: G. Manwaring, 1861. 2 vols. [8295 LaGorce, John O. Artists Look at Pennsylvania. National Geog. Mag., v. 94 : 1948, 37-56. [8296 Lincklaen, John. Travels in the Years 1791 and 1792 in Pennsylvania, New York and Vermont . . . New York: Putnam, 1897. 162 p. [8297 Lloyd, Thomas W. History of Interesting Places on the Susquehanna Trail. Williamsport, Pa. : Coleman Distributing Service, 1931. 78 p. [8298 Look at America: The Central Northeast. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1948. 392 p. [8299 Pennsylvania is one of the six northeast central states covered in this descriptive survey. Loskiel, George H. Extempore on a Wagon ; a Metrical Narrative of a Journey from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, to the Indian Town of Goshen, Ohio, in the Autumn of 1803. Lancaster, Pa.: S. II. Zahm. 1887. 45 p. [8300 Description 637 Lukacs, John A. A Hungarian Traveler in Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 73 : 1949, 64-75. [8301 McClintock, Gilbert S. Valley Views of Northeastern Pennsylvania. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. : The Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, 1948. 45 p. (106 Plates.) [8302 McKirdy, James. Origin of the Names Given to the Counties in Pennsylvania. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 8 : 1925, 37-58, 104-119, 159-174, 235-256. [8303 Maclay, Samuel. Journal of Samuel Maclay, While Surveying the West Branch of the Susquehanna, the Sinnemahoning, and the Allegheny Bivers, in 1790. Williamsport, Pa. : John F. Meginness, 1887. 63 p. [8304 Matthews, Orus J. Pennsylvania Land of Infinite Variety and Un- limited Resources. Greater Pittsburgh, v. 28 : 1947, 28-31. [8305 Michener, James A. The Main Line. Holiday, v. 7 : no. 4, 1950, 34-57, 134. [8306 Mittelberger, Gottlieb. Gottlieb Mittelberger 's Journey to Pennsyl- vania in the Year 1750 and Return to Germany in the Year 1754 . . . Philadelphia : J. J. McVey, 1898. 129 p. [8307 Murphy, Raymond E., and Marion. Pennsylvania Landscapes. Har- risburg: Pennsylvania Book Service, 1938. 303 p. [8308 Murray, Elsie. Pennsylvania Through Eighteenth Century French Eyes. Pa. State Modern Language Assoc. Bul., v. 25 : 1946, 6-13. [8309 Yesterday's Travelers up the Susquehanna. Northumber- land Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 13: 1943, 47-70. [8310 [Nicklin, Philip H.] A Pleasant Peregrination Through the Prettiest Parts of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia : Grigg and Elliot, 1836. 148 p. [8311 Nutting, Wallace. Pennsylvania Beautiful. New York : Garden City Publishing Company, 1935. 296 p. [8312 Pennsylvania Beautiful (Eastern). Framingham, Mass.: Old America Company, 1924. 302 p. [8313 638 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Pastorius, Francis D. A Particular Geographical Description of the Lately Discovered Province of Pennsylvania. Pa. J Fist. Soc. Mem., v. 4:1850, 83-104. [8314 Pennsylvania. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1944. 112 p. [8315 Pennsylvania Writers' Project. Pennsylvania, a Guide to the Key- stone State. New York: Oxford University Press, 1946. 660 p. (Reprint of 1940 edition.) [8316 Perkins, Mrs. George A. Early Times on the Susquehanna. Bing- hamton, N. Y. : Malette, 1870. 287 p. [8317 Prowell, George R. Pennsylvania County Names. Mag. of Hist., v. 10: 1909, 130-136; v. 12: 1910, 210-219; v. 19: 1914, 231-238; v. 24: 1917,234-235. [8318 Pullinger, Herbert. Philadelphia, Past and Present. Boston: L. Phillips, 1915. 25 p. [8319 Quaint and Interesting Cartoons about Pennsylvania. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Commerce, 1947. 35 p. [8320 Rice, W. S. Some Pennsylvania Landmarks Revisited. Am. -German Rev., v. 13 : nos. 5 and 6, 1947, 17-19. [8321 Vanishing American Landmarks. School. Arts Mag., v. 45 : 1946, 276-279. [8322 Roberts, Charles R. Place Names of Lehigh County and their Origin. Lehigh Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 4: 1936, 5-12. [8323 Rogers, W[illiam]. Journal of My Visit to the Eastward Commencing in August, 1781. R. I. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 33 : 1940, 39-44, 65-72. [8324 Rosenberger, Homer. Early Maps of Pennsylvania. Pa. Hist., v. 11 : 1944, 103-117. [8325 Royall, Mrs. Anne N. Mrs. Royall's Pennsylvania, or Travels Con- tinued in the United States. Washington: The Author, 1829. 2 vols. [8326 Russ, William A., jr. The Export of Pennsylvania Place Names. Pa. Hist., v. 15 : 1948, 194-214. [8327 Description 639 Scherman, David E. The Lovely Rivers of Pennsylvania. Holiday, v. 12 : no. 4, 1952, 48-59. [8328 Schoepf, Johann D. Travels in the Confederation [1783-1784] . Phila- delphia: William J. Campbell, 1911. 2 vols. (Translated and edited by Alfred J. Morrison.) [8329 Scott, Joseph. A Geographical Description of Pennsylvania : Also of the Counties Respectively, in the Order in Which They Were Estab- lished by the Legislature. Philadelphia: Robert Cochran, 1806. 147 p. [8330 Shinn, Earl. A Century After : Picturesque Glimpses of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania, Including Fairmount, the Wissahickon . . . Phila- delphia : Allen, Lane and Scott, and J. W. Lauderbach, 1875. 360 p. [8331 Shoemaker, Henry W. Eldorado Found, the Central Pennsylvania Highlands; a Tourist's Survey. Altoona, Pa.: Altoona Tribune Publishing Company, 1917. 143 p. [8332 Simpich, Prederich. So Much Happens Along the Ohio River. Na- tional Geog. Mag., v. 97 : 1950, 177-212. [8333 Singnmster, Elsie. Pennsylvania's Susquehanna. Harrisburg: J. Horace McFarland Company, 1950. 236 p. [8334 Beautifully illustrated, with emphasis upon the scenic and legendary rather than the historical. Susquehanna Saga. Am. Heritage, v. 3: no. 4, 1952, 20-23, 78-79. [8335 Smalley, Donald, ed. Philadelphia to Pittsburgh: B. R. Hall's Trip by Stage in the Eighteen-Twenties. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 35 : 1952, 211-238. [8336 Stevens, Harry R., ed. Western Travels (By John W. Baker). Ohio Hist, and Phil. Soc. Bul., v. 6 : 1948, 127-155. [8337 Stokes, A. F. Picturesque Northeastern Pennsylvania. Scranton, Pa. : A. F. Stokes, 1935. 63 p. [8338 Tinkcom, Harry M. Sir Augustus in Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 75: 1951, 369-399. [8339 640 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Tryon, Warren S., comp. and ed. A Mirror for Americans : Life and Manners in the United States, 1790-1870, As Recorded by American Travelers. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1952. 3 vols. [8340 Parts of volume 1 pertain to Pennsylvania. Walling, Henry F. The Morris and Essex R. R., and the Anthracite Coal Regions of Pennsylvania. New York: Taintor Brothers, 1867. 63 p. [8341 Ward, Townsend. A Walk to Darby. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 3 : 1879, 150-166, 250-268. [8342 Weiser, Conrad. Narrative of a Journey from Tulpehocken, in Penn- sylvania, to Onondago, the Headquarters of the Six Nations of Indians, Made in 1737. Philadelphia: J. Pennington, 1853. 72 p. [8343 Weygandt, Cornelius. The Blue Hills: Rounds and Discoveries in the Country Places of Pennsylvania. New York : Holt, 1936. 434 p. [8344 Wharton, Anne H. In Old Pennsylvania Towns. Philadelphia: Lip- pincott, 1920. 351 p. [8345 White, Elliott P. The Beautiful Ohio: A Pageant of Yesterday. New York: Exposition Press, 1950. 196 p. [8346 Williams, David G. Mapping of the Lehigh Valley. Lehigh Co. Hist. Soc. Pboc, v. 15 : 1946, 117-146. [8347 Windell, Marie, ed. James Van Dyke Moore's Trip to the West, 1826- 1828. Del. Hist., v. 4 : 1950, 69-104. [8348 Youthful Historians Do Research on Berks County Place Names. Pa. Dept. Internal Affairs Bul., v. 20 : no. 7, 1952, 10-13. [8350 Zebley, Frank R. Along the Brandywine with Frank R. Zebley. [Wil- mington, Del. : W. N. Cann], 1940. 203 p. [8351 RELIGIOUS HISTORY This section consists of histories of denominations, synods, dioceses, conferences and individual churches. General studies on religious life and the educational activities of various denominations are classified under the appropriate headings in Section II. 641 642 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History RELIGIOUS HISTORY PARTICULAR DENOMINATIONS (Arranged alphabetically by denominations) Baptist Bailey, Edward L. History of the Abington Baptist Association from 1807 to 1857. Philadelphia, 1863. 312 p. [8352 Brooks, Charles H. Official History of the First African Baptist Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1922. 167 p. [8353 Davidson, James A. Baptist Beginnings in Western Pennsylvania. University of Pittsburgh, doctoral dissertation. 1941. [8354 Social Life and Church Discipline Among Baptist Churches on the Western Pennsylvania Frontier. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 25 : 1942, 47-60. [8355 Elliott, Edward 0. Tent to Temple, a History of Grace Baptist Church, Philadelphia, Pa., 1870 to 1895. Jenkintown, Pa.: Times Chronicle Company, 1946. 107 p. [8356 Hand, Walter R. A History of the Background, Development, and Programs of the Pittsburgh Baptist Association. University of Pittsburgh, doctoral dissertation. 1944. [8357 Harkness, R. E. E. Early Relations of Baptists and Quakers. Church Hist., v. 2 : 1933, 227-242. [8358 Jones, Horatio G. History of the Philadelphia Baptist Association. Philadelphia, 1832. [8359 Keen, William W., ed. . . . The Bi-centennial Celebration of the First Baptist Church of the City of Philadelphia, 1898. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, 1899. 511 p. [8360 Minor, Clyde G. The First Baptist Church of Huntingdon, Pennsyl- vania. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1943. [8361 Pankey, William R. History of the Churches of the Pittsburgh Baptist Association. Philadelphia: Judson Press [1939]. 164 p. [8362 Religious History 643 Spencer, David. Early Baptists of Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Sykelmoore, 1877. 203 p. [8363 Torbet, Robert G. A Social History of the Philadelphia Baptist Asso- ciation: 1707-1940. Philadelphia: Westbrook Publishing Company, 1944. 247 p. [8364 An account of one denomination's position on a wide range of social problems ; religious liberty, war, slavery, education, industrialization, amusements, et al. Vedder, Henry C. A History of the Baptists in the Middle States. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, 1898. 355 p. [8365 Walkinshaw, Lewis C, comp. The First Fifty Years of the Baptist Church of Greensburg, Pennsylvania. Greensburg, Pa. : Record Print, 1923. 84 p. [8366 Worden, 0. N. The First Half Century of the Northumberland Baptist Association. Philadelphia, 1871. 216 p. [8367 Catholic Alma, Sister Maria. Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Philadelphia : Dolphin Press, 1934. 347 p. [8368 Benjamin, Cletus J. Philadelphia and the North American College, Rome. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 55 : 1944, 305-331. [8369 Blanche Marie, Sister. The Catholic Church in Colonial Pennsylvania. Pa. Hist., v. 3 : 1936, 240-258 ; v. 4 : 1937, 32-46. [8370 Blied, Benjamin J. From Munich to Milwaukee by Way of Pennsyl- vania. Am.-German Rev., v. 14 : no. 1, 1947, 21-23, 37. [8371 Boyle, Sister Mary E. Mother Seton's Sisters of Charity in Western Pennsylvania. Greensburg, Pa. : Sisters of Charity, Seton Hill, 1946. 251 p. [8372 Campbell, P. E. First Bishop of Pittsburgh: M. O'Connor. Homiletic and Pastoral Rev., v. 43 : 1943, 535-542. [8373 Conrad Weiser: His Fear of Catholics — His Daughter's Conversion — Her Descendants. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 21 : 1910, 155-158. [8374 Donovan, Dunstan. Conewago, Gateway of the Faith. Cath. Digest, v. 8 : 1944, 39-42. [8375 644 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Dougherty, Dennis. Third Oldest Parish in Pennsylvania; Blessed Sacrament Parish. Am. Oath. Hist. Soc. Reg., v. 52: 1941, 185- 187. [8376 Edwina, Sister M. The Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph. Polish Am. Stud., v. 5 : 1948, 8-13. [8377 Ellis, John T. Cardinal Gibbons and Philadelphia. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec., v. 58 : 1947, 87-101. [8378 Esling, Charles H. A. Catholicity in the Three Lower Counties. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec., v. 1 : 1884-1886, 117-157. [8379 Fellner, Felix. Trials and Triumphs of Catholic Pioneers in Western Pennsylvania. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 34: 1923, 195-261, 287-343. [8380 Fink, Leo G. Old Jesuit Trails in Penn's Forest: The Romance of Catholicity Told in the Footprints of the Pioneer Missionaries of Eastern Pennsylvania. New York: Paulist Press, 1933. 270 p. [8381 Traditions of Bally. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec., v. 54 : 1943, 81-109. [8382 Flick, Ella M. E. Founding the Faith in Philadelphia. Cath. World, v. 125 : 1927, 740-747. [8383 Flintham, Lydia S. The Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. (A Philadelphia Foundation of 1833.) Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec., v. 15 : 1904, 46-68. [8384 Fusco, Nicola. Mount Saint Peter : Story of Saint Peter 's Church in New Kensington, Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh: St. Joseph's Protec- tory, 1944. 140 p. [8385 Gamble, Anna D. Conewago Chapel Sesquicentennial, 1721-1787-1937. 1937. 54 p. [8386 [Gamble, Anna D.] Notes on the History of Catholics in York County. [York, Pa.], 1927. 40 p. [8387 Ganss, Henry G. History of St. Patrick's Church, Carlisle, Pennsyl- vania. Philadelphia: D. J. Gallagher, 1895. 215 p. [8388 Goodall, Francis P. The Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries of Philadelphia. Am. Catii. Hist. Soc. Rec., v. 61 : 1950, 237-247. [8389 Religious History 645 Griffin, Martin I. J. The Church of the Holy Trinity, Philadelphia. . . . Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 21 : 1910, 1-45. [8390 Early Catholics of Bucks County. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 1 : 1908, 489-495. [8391 Fear of Catholics in Colonial Pennsylvania, 1755-1756. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Res., v. 17 : 1900, 74-77. [8392 The Founding of the Faith in Philadelphia. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Res., v. 12 : 1895, 117-125 ; v. 15 : 1898, 175-184. [8393 History of the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Phila- delphia. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 20: 1909, 350-405. [8394 Lionel Brittin, Pennsylvania's First Convert to Catholicity. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Res., v. 7 : 1890, 50-66. [8395 Griffin, Martin I. J., ed. Popery in Pennsylvania. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Res., v. 11 : 1894, 58-64. [8396 Griffin, Martin I. J. The Religion of the Early Irish Immigrants to Pennsylvania. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Res., v. 7 : n. s., 1911, 170-172. [8397 Religious Liberty First Founded in Pennsylvania. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Res., v. 6 : n. s., 1910, 290-292. [8398 Hassett, Maurice M. An Historical Sketch of the Diocese of Harris- burg, 1868-1918. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 29 : 1918, 193-218. [8399 Hawkes, E. History of the Parish of St. Joan of Arc, Harrowgate, Philadelphia. Philadelphia : P. Reilly, 1937. 172 p. [8400 Hughes, Thomas. An Alleged Popish Plot in Pennsylvania, 1756-1757. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 10: 1899, 208-221. [8401 Properties of the Jesuits in Pennsylvania, 1730-1830. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 11 : 1900, 177-195. [8402 Jackson, Joseph. Building Philadelphia's Cathedral. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 56 : 1945, 163-176. [8403 Old St. John's and Its Neighborhood. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 54 : 1943, 189-204. [8404 Kirlin, Joseph L. J. Catholicity in Philadelphia from the Earliest Missionaries down to the Present Time. Philadelphia : J. J. McVey, 1909. 546 p. [8405 646 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Kostka, Sister Maria. Sisters of St. Joseph of Philadelphia: A Cen- tury of Growth and Development, 1847-1947. Westminster, Md. : Newman Press, 1950. 380 p. [8406 Lallou, William J. The Church in Philadelphia. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 58 : 1947, 113-121. [8407 Lamb, Hugh L. Catholicism in Philadelphia. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Eec, v. 62 : 1951, 5-14. [8408 Lambing, Andrew A. Foundation Stones of a Great Diocese, Pitts- burgh. Wilkinsburg, Pa. : The Author, 1914. 345 p. [8409 A History of the Catholic Church in the Dioceses of Pitts- burgh and Allegheny from Its Establishment to the Present Time. New York: Benzinger, 1880. 531 p. [8410 McCann, John E. History of Catholicity in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, from the Earliest Times to the Present, 1737-1920. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 31: 1920, 339-348; v. 32: 1921, 61-92. [8411 McEntee, Sister Mary V. The Sisters of Mercy of Harrisburg, 1869- 1939. Philadelphia: Dolphin Press, 1939. 416 p. [8412 McKenna, Bernard A. A Story of Holy Angels Parish, Philadelphia, 1900-1950. Philadelphia, 1951. 366 p. [8413 MacNeil, Norman. Historical Progress of the Church in Philadelphia, 1875-1950. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 62 : 1951, 15-21. [8414 McSherry, William, jr. History of St. Aloysius Church of Littles- town, Pennsylvania. Gettysburg, Pa.: J. E. Wible, 1893. 127 p. [8415 Moosmuller, Oswald. St. Vincenz in Pennsylvanien. New York: F. Pustet, 1873. 385 p. [8416 Mulcahy, George. Catholic Backgrounds in Lewisburg, Union County, Pa. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 61 : 1950, 98-100. [8417 Nolan, Hugh J. Philadelphia's First Diocesan Synod, 1832. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 54: 1943, 28-43. [8418 [Norris, Sister M. St. Anthony.] The Annals of the Good Shepherd, Philadelphia, 1850-1925 . . . Philadelphia: Convent of the Good Shepherd, 1925. 271 p. [8419 Religious History 647 O'Hara, Gerald P. The Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute of Philadelphia. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 62 : 1951, 23-32. [8420 O'Hara, Joseph M. Chester's Century of Catholicism, 1842-1942. Philadelphia : Peter Reilly Company, 1942. 221 p. [8421 125th Anniversary St. Patrick's Parish, York, Pa., 1810-1935. York, Pa., 1935. 46 p. [8422 One Hundred Years in Philadelphia (Sisters of St. Joseph). Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 58 : 1947, 1-20. [8423 Popp, Sister Clarissa. History of the Sisters of St. Francis of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1868-1938. Mt. Alvernia, Millvale, Pa. : Sisters of St. Francis, 1939. 308 p. [8424 Purcell, William J. and Committee, eds. Catholic Pittsburgh's One Hundred Years. Chicago : Loyola University Press, 1943. 271 p. [8425 Reily, John T. Conewago: A Collection of Catholic Local History. Martinsburg, W. Va. : [Herald Publishing Company], 1885. 220 p. [8426 Reuss, Francis X. Catholic Chronicles of Lancaster County, Pennsyl- vania. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 18 : 1907, 354-361. [8427 St. Charles Seminary — Overbrook, Philadelphia. Jefferies and Manz, 1943. 401 p. [8428 Saint Mary's Church, Hampton Township, Allegheny County, Pa. Centennial, Saint Mary's Church, Pine Creek, Glenshaw, Pennsyl- vania, Labor Day, September 2, 1940. [Pittsburgh: Saint Joseph's Protectory for Homeless Boys, 1940]. 95 p. [8429 Schuyler, William B. The Beginnings of the Perkiomen Valley Missions. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 61 : 1950, 101-109. [8430 The Pioneer Catholic Church of Chester County, Saint Agnes, West Chester, Pennsylvania, 1793-1943. Philadelphia: Peter Reilly, Company, 1944. 283 p. [8431 Sener, Samuel M. The Catholic Church at Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 5 ■ 1894, 307-356. [8432 Shields, John L. The Catholic Church in Northumberland County. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 7: 1935, 90-108. [8433 648 BlBLIOGRAPPIY OF PENNSYLVANIA HlSTORY The Sisters of the I. H. M. : The Story of the Founding of the Con- gregation of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary . . . New York : P. J. Kenedy, 1921. 503 p. [8434 Sisters of Mercy, Pittsburgh. Memoirs of the Pittsburgh Sisters of Mercy . . . 1843-1917. New York: Devin-Adair, 1918. 467 p. [8435 Smith, Sara T. Philadelphia's First Nun. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 5 : 1894, 417-522. [8436 Stock, Leo F. The Papal Consuls of Philadelphia. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 55 : 1944, 178-189. [8437 Tourscher, Francis E. Old St. Augustine's in Philadelphia: Its Foundation and Its Mission. Philadelphia: P. Reilly, 1937. 261 p. [8438 Watts, Henry. Conewago: Our First Shrine to the Sacred Heart. U. S. Cath. Hist. Soc. Rec, v. 20 : 1931, 28-63. [8439 Goshenhoppen : An Early Jesuit Foundation in Pennsyl- vania. U. S. Cath. Hist. Soc Rec, v. 21 : 1932, 138-169. [8440 Church of the Brethren — Dunker — German Baptist Altick, Richard D. Ephrata Cloisters in 1759. Pa. Hist., v. 6 : 1939, 240-245. [8441 Aurand, Ammon M. Ephrata Cloister and the Seventh Day Baptist Society. Harrisburg : Aurand Press, 1940. 24 p. [8442 Blough, Jerome E. History of the Church of the Brethren of the Western District of Pennsylvania. Elgin, 111. : Brethren Publishing House, 1916. 600 p. [8443 [Blough, S. S.] 50th Anniversary and Homecoming of the Church of the Brethren, King Street and Belvidere Avenue, York, Pennsyl- vania. [York], Pa., 1934. 32 p. [8444 Brumbaugh, Lewis H. Changing Emphases of the Church of the Brethren Toward Certain Social Problems. University of Pitts- burgh, doctoral dissertation. 1945. [8445 Brumbaugh, Martin G. A History of the German Baptist Brethren in Europe and America. Elgin, 111.: Brethren Publishing House, 1899. 559 p. [8446 Religious History 649 Conyngham, Redmond. An Account of the Settlement of the Dunkers at Ephrata, in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Pa. Hist. Soc. Mem., v. 2 : 1827, [133] -153. [8447 Cronau, Rudolf. Die Tunker und das Kloster Ephrata. In Drei Jahrhunderte Deutschen Lebens in Amerika. Eine Geschichte der Deutschen in den Vereinigten Staaten. Berlin, 1924. p. 75-80. [8448 Doll, Eugene E. Historical Guide to the Seventh Day German Baptist Cloister at Ephrata, Pennsylvania. Pa. Public Instruction, v. 9 : 1942, 22-26. [8449 Eisenberg, J. Linwood, [ed.] A History of the Church of the Breth- ren in the Southern District of Pennsylvania. Quincy, Pa. : Quincy Orphanage Press, [1941]. 437 p. [8450 Ephrata Cloister. Harrisburg : Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Penn- sylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1942. 8 p. [8451 Eshleman, Wilmer J. The River Brethren Denominations. Lancas- ter Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 52 : 1948, 173-211. [8452 Fahnestock, William M. Historical Sketch of Ephrata, Together with a Concise Account of the Seventh-Day Baptist Society of Pennsyl- vania. Hazard's Keg. Pa., v. 15 : 1835, 161-167. [8453 Falkenstein, George N. The German Baptist Brethren or Dunkers . . . Lancaster, Pa. : Pennsylvania German Society, 1900. 148 p. (Proceedings of Pennsylvania German Society, 1899. Volume 10.) [8454 [Falkenstein, George N. and D. C. Reber.] History of the Church of the Brethren of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Lancaster, Pa. : New Era Printing Company, 1915. 670 p. [8455 Faust, Alvin G. Cultural Patterns and Social Adjustments in the Church of the Brethren. University of Pittsburgh, doctoral dis- sertation. 1942. [8456 Flory, John S. Literary Activity of the German Baptist Brethren in the Eighteenth Century. Elgin, 111. : Brethren Publishing House, 1908. 335 p. [8457 Francis, J. G. The Church of the Brethren (Dunkers) in Lebanon County. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 8 : 1920-1924, 87-129. [8458 650 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Gillin, John S. The Dunkers: A Sociological Interpretation. New York: Columbia University, 1906. 238 p. [8459 Hark, J. Max, trans. Chronicon Ephratense : A History of the Com- munity of Seventh Day Baptists at Ephrata, Lancaster County. Lancaster, Pa. : S. H. Zahn, 1889. 288 p. [8460 Heatwole, Daniel R. The Ephrata Martyrs Mirror, Past and Present. Mennonite Community, v. 3 : no. 10, 1949, 6-13. [8461 Howe, Rowland L. The History of a Church (Dunker). Philadel- phia: Privately Printed, 1943. 706 p. [8462 Lenhart, John M. The Protestant Monks and Nuns of Ephrata, Pa. (1732-1814). Soc. Just. Rev., v. 41: 1949, 388-389. [8463 Miller, E. K. Ephrata Hymnal. Antiques, v. 52 : 1947, 260-262. [8464 Price, G. Arthur. Historical Sketch, Pricetown, Pennsylvania, The Meeting House Church of the Brethren. Sunbury, Pa. : The Author, 1952. 21 p. [8465 Pyle, Howard. A Peculiar People. Harper's, v. 79: 1889, 776-785. [8466 [Royen, Galen B.] A History of the Church of the Brethren in the Middle District of Pennsylvania, n. p., 1925. 561 p. [8467 Sachse, Julius F. The German Pietists of Provincial Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: The Author, 1895. 504 p. [8468 The most inclusive treatment of the subject. Fairly well documented, readable and rich in facsimiles. The German Sectarians of Pennsylvania, 1708-1800: A Critical and Legendary History of the Ephrata Cloister and the Dunkers. Philadelphia : The Author, 1899-1900. 2 vols. [8469 Seidensticker, Oswald W. Ephrata, eine Amerikanische Kloster- geschichte. Cincinnati, O. : Druck von Mecklenburg und Rosenthal, 1883. 141 p. [8470 Zerfass, Samuel G. The Ephrata Cloister : Complete History from Its Settlement in 1728 to the Present Time. Lititz, Pa. : John G. Zook, 1921. 84 p. [8471 Religious History 651 Evangelical Albright, Raymond W. The Evangelical Church in Union County. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 14 : 1944, 183-210. [8472 A History of the Evangelical Church. New Berlin, Pa. : Evangelical Press, 1942. 501 p. [8473 A clear and comprehensive narrative of the origins and development of a denomination that represents the religious trends of our nation since the beginning of the nineteenth century. Breyfogel, S. C. Landmarks of the Evangelical Association, 1800- 1887. Reading, Pa., 1888. 436 p. [8474 Dettra, Norman E. The Albright People. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 14 : 1944, 176-182. [8475 Heiges, George L. John Seybert, a Hessian Soldier's Son Who Be- came Bishop . . . Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 47 : 1943, 1-12. [8476 McFall, Donald. The History of the Evangelical Church in North- ampton County. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1933. [8477 Shortess, John D., and A. D. Gramley, eds. The Evangelical Cen- tennial Celebration . . . Harrisburg : Publishing House of the United Evangelical Church, 1917. 178 p. [8478 Stapleton, A. Flashlights on Evangelical History . . . York, Pa., 1908. 193 p. [8479 Yeakel, Reuben. Albright and His Co-Laborers. Cleveland, O., 1883. [8480 History of the Evangelical Association, 1850-1875. Cleveland, O., 1895. 2 vols. [8481 Friends See — Section II, The Holy Experiment. Bi-Centennial of Old Kennett Meeting House, 1710-1910. Philadel- phia: Walter H. Jenkins, 1910. 105 p. [8482 Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of the Members of the Religious Society of Friends. Philadelphia, 1871. 427 p. [8483 Brinton, Anna C. Quaker Profiles. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 29 : 1940, 7-16. [8484 652 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Brinton, Howard H., ed. Byways in Quaker History. Wallingford, Pa. : Pendle Hill, 1944. 246 p. [8485 Brinton, Howard H. Friends for Three Hundred Years : The History and Beliefs of the Society of Friends Since George Fox Started the Quaker Movement. New York : Harper and Bros., 1952. 239 p. [8486 An assessment of the value of Quaker principles and practices through three centuries, by a Pennsylvania Friend. Brodin, Pierre. Les Quakers en Amerique au dix septieme siecle et au debut du dix-huitieme. Paris: Societe des Amis (Quakers), 1935. 394 p. [8487 A French version of American Quakerism in the seventeenth century, taken from standard manuscript, documentary, and secondary English sources. Book five is on Pennsylvania. Brown, George W. Historical Sketches, Chiefly Relating to the Early Settlement of Friends at Falls in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1882. 152 p. [8488 Bunting, Samuel J. Merion Meeting House, 1695-1945. . . . Merion, Pa., 1945. 16 p. [8489 Cadbury, Henry J. Earliest Records of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 40 : 1951, 16-23. [8490 Intercolonial Solidarity of American Quakerism. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 60 : 1936, 363-374. [8491 Philadelphia Quakerism in 1749 as Seen by a Finn. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 31 : 1942, 26-32. [8492 Cadbury, William W. How Friends of Over a Century Ago Ad- dressed the Pennsylvania Legislature in Behalf of Conscientious Objectors. Friend, November 8, 1945, 150-151. [8493 Comfort, William W. Just Among Friends, the Quaker Way of Life. New York: Macmillan, 1941. 210 p. [8494 An excellent popular interpretation of modern American Quakerism mainly in Philadelphia, by a leading authority. The Quakers, A Brief Account of Their Influence on Penn- sylvania. Gettysburg, Pa.: Pennsylvania Historical Association, 1948. 57 p. (Pennsylvania History Studies, no. 2.) [8495 Religious History 653 Emmott, Elizabeth B. A Short History of Quakerism (Earlier Periods). New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1923. 352 p. [8496 A good popular history of seventeenth-century Quakerism, with two chapters on Pennsylvania. Eshelman, John E. A History of Catawissa Friends' Meeting. Ber- wick Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 1 ■ 1940, 4-20. [8497 The Society of Friends, and Their Meeting Houses, in Berks County. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 1 : 1936, 34-40. [8498 Eves, Jesse M. The Friends, an Early Berwick Sect. Berwick Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 1 : 1940, 21-24. [8499 Fawcett, Thomas H. Quaker Migration from Pennsylvania and New Jersey to Hopewell Monthly Meeting, 1732-1759. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 26 : 1937, 102-108. [8500 The Friends. Phila. Mag., v. 38 ■ no. 7, 1951, 7, 54. [8501 Gummere, Amelia M. Witchcraft and Quakerism. Philadelphia: Biddle Press, 1908. 69 p. [8502 Harris, Dorothy G. History of Friends' Meeting Libraries. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 31 : 1942, 52-63. [8503 Hayes, John R. Old Quaker Meeting-Houses. Philadelphia: Biddle Press, 1911. 72 p. [8504 Hirst, Margaret E. The Quakers in Peace and War. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1923. 560 p. [8505 A history of Quaker peace principles and practice by an English Friend. Several chapters are devoted to American experiences, with special reference to Perm and Pennsylvania. Hodgson, William. The Society of Friends in the Nineteenth Cen- tury : A Historical View of the Successive Convulsions and Schisms Therein During the Period. Philadelphia: Smith, English, 1876. 2 vols. [8506 The best detailed account of the great Hicksite separation of 1827 and later troubles leading to the establishment of "Progressive" and "Primitive" yearly meetings of Friends in Pennsylvania. [Imhoff, Mrs. J. Howard]. Historic Warrington Meeting. Warring ton Meeting Chapter, Daughters of the American Colonists, Bulletin no. 2, 1951. [8507 654 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Janney, Samuel M. History of the Religious Society of Friends, its Rise to the Year 1828. Philadelphia : Hayes and Zell, 1859. 4 vols. [8508 The standard work of the nineteenth century, written by a Hicksite Friend when the Separation of 1827 was still an issue. Jenkins, Charles F., and Richmond P. Miller. Quarterly Meeting at Gwynedd Seventy Years Ago. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 39 : 1950, 3-5. [8509 Jones, Rufus M. The Faith and Practice of the Quakers. London : Methuen, 1927. 181 p. [8510 An exposition of Quaker beliefs and practices both in the past and the present. The Later Periods of Quakerism. New York: Macmillan, 1921. 2 vols. [8511 The most important work on Quaker history since 1700, with large portions devoted to the history of American Quakerism since the Revolution. Part of the Rowntree Series in Quaker history. Kelsey, Rayner W. Early Books of Discipline of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 24: 1935, 12-23. [8512 Leach, Robert J. Concord Quarterly Meeting of Ministers and Elders, 1701-1801. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 38: 1949, 20-28. [8513 Lippincott, Horace M. Abington Friends Meeting. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 40 : 1951, 81-97. [8514 Abington Friends Meeting and School: 1682-1949. Philadel- phia : Privately Printed, 1950. 84 p. [8515 An Account of the People Called Quakers in Germantown, Philadelphia. Burlington, N. J.: Enterprise Publishing Company, 1923. 43 p. [8516 The Keithian Separation. Friends' Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 16 : 1927, 49-58. [8517 Quaker Meeting Houses and a Little Humor. Jenkintown, Pa. : Old York Road Publishing Co., 1952. 136 p. [8518 A Searching Time for Quakers. Philadelphia: The Author, 1945. 80 p. [8519 Lloyd, Arnold. Quaker Social History, 1669-1738. New York: Long- mans, Green, 1950. 207 p. [8520 Religious History 655 [Martin, A. L.] Gwynedd Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, 1699-1949. Lansdale, Pa.: A. L. Martin, 1950. 64 p. [8521 Michener, Ezra. A Retrospect of Early Quakerism. Philadelphia: T. Ellwood Zell, 1860. 434 p. [8522 A work on the history of local meetings in Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, and of Friends' principles and practices. Taken mostly from meeting records. Penn, William. The Rise and Progress of the People Called Quakers. Philadelphia: T. Ellwood Chapman, 1855. 102 p. [8523 Philips, Edith. The Good Quaker in French Legend. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1932. 235 p. [8524 Pyle, Howard. The Early Quakers in England and Pennsylvania. Harper's, v. 65: 1882, 811-828. [8525 Quaker Biographies : Brief Biographical Sketches Concerning Certain Members of the Religious Society of Friends. Philadelphia, 1927. 5 vols. [8526 Quaker Torch Bearers. Philadelphia: Friends General Conference, 1943. 217 p. [8527 Richards, Helen E. The Organization of Friends ' Meeting at Norris- town. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 2 : 1939, 39-50. [8528 Russell, Elbert. History of Quakerism. New York : Macmillan, 1942. 586 p. [8529 The best one-volume history of world Quakerism. The Pennsylvania part of the story is placed in proper emphasis. Scarborough, Elizabeth B. Meeting Houses on the Old York Road. Old York Road Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 5 : 1941, 24-35. [8530 Schultz, George W. Ironmaster Rutter and the Pietists. Am.-German Rev., v. 10 : no. 4, 1944, 26-28. [8531 Sewell, William. History of the Rise, Increase and Progress of the Christian People Called Quakers . . . London : Sowle, 1722. 723 p. [8532 Sharpless, Isaac. Presbyterian and Quaker in Colonial Pennsylvania. Presbyterian Church Dept. Hist. Jour., v. 3 : 1906, 201-218. [8533 Smith, Charles H. Horsham Preparative Meeting. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 5 : 1946, 66-78. [8534 656 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Spann, Anna L. The Ministry of Women in the Society of Friends. Iowa University, doctoral dissertation. 1945. [8535 Thomas, Allen C. Congregational or Progressive Friends : A Forgotten Episode in Quaker History. Friends' Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 10: 1920, 21-32. [8536 Thomas, Allen C, and Richard H. A History of the Friends in America. Philadelphia : Winston, 1930. 287 p. [8537 A standard semi-popular work, only partially superseded by Elbert Russell's History of Quakerism. Tolles, Frederick B. Apology for Quaker History — An Editorial. Friends' Hist. Assoc. Bul., v. 38: 1949, 3-10. [8538 Two Hundred Fifty Years of Quakerism at Birmingham, 1690-1940. West Chester, Pa. : Birmingham Friends, 1940. 128 p. [8539 Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Establishment of The Friends Meeting at New Garden, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1715-1915. 1915. 89 p. [8540 Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Founding of London Grove Meeting . . . 1714-1914. Philadelphia : Innes and Sons, 1914. 127 p. [8541 Urdang, George. The Influence of the Quakers on Philadelphia Insti- tutions. Am. Jour. Pharmacy, v. 118 : 1946, 81-88. [8542 Walker, Mrs. Ivins C. Valley Friends' Meeting House. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 2 : 1940, 214-219. [8543 Wetherill, Charles H. History of the Religious Society of Friends, Called by Some the Free Quakers in the City of Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Society of Friends, 1894. 118 p. [8544 A standard account of the Free or Fighting Quakers of the Revolution by one of their descendants. Whitely, Paul L. A History of Friends in Lancaster County. Lan- caster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 51 : 1947, 1-33. [8545 Lutheran Acker, E. R. . . . A Sketch of the Life and History of the Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Schuylkill Haven, Pa. Schuylkill Haven, Pa. : Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1946. 66 p. [8546 Religious History 657 Baker, Joseph B. History of the St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 1775-1921. Gettysburg, Pa. : Gettysburg Compiler Press, 1921. 318 p. [8547 Beidelman, Harry H. Two Hundredth Anniversary, 1743-1943, St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, Hanover, Pennsylvania. 1943. 26 p. [8548 [Bergstresser, Fuller.] St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Middletown, Pennsylvania, 1767-1917. 1917. 153 p. [8549 Biegener, E. M. Heinrich Bernhard Koester (1662-1749). Concordia Hist. Inst. Quar., v. 22 : 1950, 158-166. [8550 The Birth of the English [Lutheran] District in Pittsburgh: A Narrative of the Beginnings and Development of 60 Years of Work in the English Language. Concordia Hist. Inst. Quar., v. 22 : 1950, 150-158. [8551 Burgess, Ellis B. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Western Pennsylvania. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 26 : 1943, 21-46. [8552 ■ Memorial History of the Pittsburgh Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1748-1845-1924 . . . Greenville, Pa.: Synod of Beaver County, 1925. 814 p. [8553 Carney, W. H. B. History of the Allegheny Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Pennsylvania . . . Philadelphia: Lutheran Publication Society, 1918. 2 vols. [8554 Dapp, Charles F. History of Zion's or Old Organ Church. (Zion's Evangelical Lutheran Church, East Pikeland, Chester County, Pennsylvania.) Spring City, Pa.: Interborough Press, 1919. 253 p. [8555 [Dempwolf, Reinhardt.] . . . The Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Founding of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1733-1933 at York, Pennsylvania. York, Pa., 1933. 64 p. [8556 Early, John W. Lutheran Ministers of Berks County . . . Reading, Pa. : Central Luther League, 1902. Ill p. [8557 The Ministerium of Pennsylvania and the Organization of the General Synod. Luth. Church Rev., v. 11 : 1892, 61-70, 172- 186. [8558 658 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Earnest, Mrs. Franklin M. The Dreisbach Church. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 11 : 1939, 95-112. [8559 Edmonds, Franklin S. History of St. Matthew's Church, Francis- ville, Philadelphia, 1822-1925. Philadelphia: St. Matthew's Church, 1925. 323 p. [8560 Enders, George W., and Roy W. Limbert. 50th Anniversary of the Shiloh Lutheran and Reformed Church . . . and Historical Sketch. Shiloh, Pa., 1932. 32 p. [8561 Finck, W. J. Lutheran Landmarks and Pioneers in America. . . . Philadelphia: General Council Publishing House, 1913. 200 p. [8562 Fisher, Allen S. Lutheranism in Bucks County, 1735-1934 with a Re- study of the Indians of Eastern United States to More Definitely Prove Lutheran Missions Among the Lenape of the Delaware Valley, 1638-1740. Tinicum, Pa. : The Author, 1935. 208 p. [8563 Focht, D. H. Churches Between the Mountains: A History of the Lutheran Congregations in Perry County, Pennsylvania. Balti- more : Kurtz, 1862. 370 p. [8564 Fortenbaugh, Robert. Development of the Synodical Polity of the Lutheran Church in America to 1829. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1926. 252 p. [8565 A competent study in the development of Lutheran church organization with particular attention to the contributions of Henry M. Muhlenberg. Ecclesiastical Orders in American Colonial Lutheranism. Luth. Church Quar., v. 20 : 1947, 274-296. [8566 A History of Christ's (College) Evangelical Lutheran Con- gregation of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (1836-1936). Gettysburg, Pa.: [Times and News Publishing Company], 1936. 79 p. [8567 [Fretz, Franklin K.] Historical Sketch of St. John's Lutheran Church, 1740-1915, Easton, Pennsylvania. Easton, Pa. : Free Press Publishing Company, 1915. 64 p. [8568 Frey, Edward S. A Little Booklet Depicting the One Hundred Years of Life in St. Paul's English Evangelical Lutheran Church, York, Pennsylvania. York, Pa. : Dispatch Print, 1936. 88 p. [8569 Fry, Harold C. The " Union Churches" of Southeastern Pennsyl- vania. Temple University, doctoral dissertation. 1936. [8570 Religious History 659 Fry, Jacob. The History of Trinity Lutheran Church, Reading, Penn- sylvania, 1751-1894. Reading, Pa. : Eagle Job Office, 1894. 300 p. [8571 Ganser, M. H. History of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Trinity, Norristown, Pennsylvania, 1848-1938. Norristown, Pa. : Norristown Herald, 1938. 107 p. [8572 Gearhart, Heber G. The Rev. John Peter Shindel, Sr., Noted Lutheran Minister. Snyder Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 3 : 1950, 19-28. [8573 Salem, or Row's, Lutheran and Reformed Church. Snyder Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 3 : 1952, 3-15. [8574 Glatfelter, Charles H. The Colonial Pennsylvania German Lutheran and Reformed Clergyman. Johns Hopkins University, doctoral dis- sertation. 1952. [8575 Goll, George P. The History of the St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Maytown, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 1765-1904. Lancaster, Pa. : Wickersham Press, 1904. 181 p. [8576 Hay, E. G. History of the English Lutheran Church of Pottsville, Pennsylvania [1847-1888]. Pottsville, Pa.: Colborn, 1888. 167 p. [8577 Heathcote, C. W. A History of the Lutheran Church in Cumberland Valley. Kittochtinny Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 7 : 1912, 106-121. [8578 Heller, W. J. The Rise and Decline of the First Lutheran Congrega- tion at the Forks of the Delaware. Pa.-German, v. 11 : 1910, 138-147. [8579 History of St. Bartholomew's Union Church, R. D. 1, Hanover, Pa. 1936. 36 p. [8580 History of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of East Pennsylvania, with Brief Sketches of Its Congregations, 1842-1892. Philadelphia : Lutheran Publication Society, 1892. 383 p. [8581 History of the Lutheran Church of the Ascension, Mount Airy, Philadelphia, Pa., 1889-1939. Philadelphia: United Lutheran Pub- lication House, 1940. 108 p. [8582 Hocker, Edward W. History of Trinity Lutheran Church, German- town, Philadelphia, 1836-1936. Philadelphia: Trinity Lutheran Church, 1936. 240 p. [8583 660 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Hoover, Emmanuel J., and C. L. Osenbach. The 100th Anniversary of the Founding of Mt. Zion Lutheran and Reformed Church, Springettsbury Township, York County, Pa. 1941. 40 p. [8584 [Hoover, Emmanuel J.] 125th Anniversary, 1819-1944, St. Michael's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Rossville, Pennsylvania. 1944. 22 p. [8585 Jacobs, Henry E. The Ideals of 1748 and Their Realization. Luth. Church Rev., v. 42 ■ 1923, 209-228. [8586 Three Lutheran Synods in Eastern Pennsylvania. Luth. Church Quar., v. 1 : 1928, 320-335. [8587 Johnson, Roy H. The Lutheran Church and the Western Frontier, 1789-1830. Luth. Church Quar., v. 3 : 1930, 225-248. [8588 [Kidd, H. S.] Lutherans in Berks County: Two Centuries of Con- tinuous Organized Church Life, 1723-1923. Reading, Pa. : William S. Rhode, 1923. 503 p. [8589 Kistler, John L., comp. The History of Jerusalem " Allemaengel' ' Church: [1747-1947.] Stony Run, Pa.: Jerusalem Lutheran and Reformed Church, 1947. 54 p. [8590 Kline, John J. The Lutheran Church in New Hanover (Falckner Swamp), Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Lancaster, Pa.: [New Era Printing Company], 1911. 444 p. (Proceedings of Pennsyl- vania German Society, 1909. Volume 20.) [8591 Knittle, J. F. Early Historical Record of Zion Lutheran Church, Manheim, Pa. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 44: 1940, 11-19. [8592 Knudsen, Gunnar. Trinity Lutheran Church, The First Two Hundred Years. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 16 : 1951, 66-72, 93. [8593 Kretschmann, Ernest T., ed. The Old Trappe Church, 1743-1893. Philadelphia: The Congregation, 1893. 182 p. [8594 Laury, Preston A. The History of the Allentown Conference of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania. Kutztown, Pa.: Kutztown Publish- ing Company, 1926. 387 p. [8595 Lubold, Daniel G. Pioneer Lutheran Ministers of Schuylkill County. Schuylkill Co. Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 1 : 1907, 311-323. [8596 Religious History 661 [Manhart, Franklin P.], cd. The Susquehanna Synod of the Evangeli- cal Lutheran Church in the United States: A History, 1867-1917. Harrisburg : Telegraph Press, 1917. 340 p. [8598 Mann, W. J., Beale M. Schmucker and W. Germann, eds. Nachrichten von den Vereinigten Deutschen Evangelisch-Lutherischen Gemeinen in Nord- America, Absonderlich in Pennsylvanien. Allentown, Pa. : Brobst, Diehl, 1886. 2 vols. [8599 Selected reports of early Lutheran missionaries in Pennsylvania. Martin, Richard B. History of Trinity Lutheran Church, Shamokin, Pennsylvania, 1840-1940. Philadelphia: United Lutheran Publica- tion House, 1940. 85 p. [8600 Miesel, Walter E. The Development of the Lutheran Inner Mission Societies in the Lutheran Church in America with Special Refer- ence to Pennsylvania. University of Pittsburgh, doctoral disserta- tion. 1947. [8601 Ministerium of Pennsylvania : Lutherans in Berks County, 1723-1923. Reading, Pa. : Reading Conference, 1923. 503 p. [8602 Moul, Charles E., ed. Memorial Volume of the Sesquicentennial Serv- ices in St. Matthew's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Hanover, Penn- sylvania, November 19-26, 1893. York, Pa. : York Daily Print, 1893. 122 p. [8603 Myers, J. M., and John C. Brumbach. A History of St. Luke's Union Church, Mt. Pleasant Township, Adams County, Pa. 1946. 42 p. [8604 Myers, William H. Quarto-Centennial History of Grace Lutheran Church, Reading, Pennsylvania, 1878-1903. Reading, Pa. : Pengelly, 1903. 152 p. [8605 New Jerusalem Union Church of Western Salisbury. History of Jerusalem Lutheran and Reformed Church of Western Salisbury, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. [Allentown, Pa. : H. R. Haas], 1911. 282 p. [8606 Oberly, Frank C. Lutheran Pioneer Missionaries of Western Penn- sylvania. Luth. Church Rev., v. 27 : 1908, 259-270, 456-468. [8607 Oswald, Jonathan. Hallische Nachrichten Series: The Planting of the Lutheran Church in North America, Especially in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1880. 356 p. [8608 662 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Pfatteicher, Helen E. The Ministerium of Pennsylvania: Oldest Lutheran Synod in America Founded in Colony Days. Philadel- phia : Ministerium Press, 1938. 176 p. [8609 Qualben, L. Pederson. The Lutheran Church in Colonial America. New York : T. Nelson, 1940. 320 p. [8610 Written in a clear and flowing manner as a textbook. For this reason it is to be considered interpretative, rather than critical, and is based mainly on secondary sources. Rader, Herbert. Early History of St. Paul's (Summer Hill) Lutheran and Reformed Church . . .Schuylkill Co. Hist. Soc. Pub., v. 5: 1945, 1-15. [8611 [Reed, Luther D.], ed. The History of the First English Evangelical Lutheran Church in Pittsburgh, 1837-1909. Philadelphia: Lippin- cott, 1909. 230 p. [8612 Reed, Luther D., ed. The Philadelphia Seminary Biographical Eecord, 1864-1923. Philadelphia : The Seminary, 1923. 271 p. [8613 Richards, J. W. A History of St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church and School. Philadelphia : The Congregation, 1919. 100 p. [8614 Sachse, Julius F. The Genesis of the German Lutheran Church in the Land of Penn. Luth. Church Rev., v. 16 : 1897, 60-76, 283-301, 435-452, 521-539 ; v. 17 : 1898, 723-727 ; v. 18 : 1899, 118-120. [8615 Pennsylvania, a Lutheran Colony. Luth. Church Rev., v. 20: 1901, 277-292. [8616 Schaeffer, C. F., and F. A. Muhlenberg. Memorial Volume of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity, Lancaster, Penn- sylvania. Lancaster, Pa.: John Baer's Sons, 1861. 144 p. [8617 Schantz, F. J. F. History of the Brickerville Congregation in Lan- caster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 3: 1899, 57-99. [8618 Schmauk, Theodore E. A History of the Lutheran Church iu Penn- sylvania, 1638-1820. Philadelphia: General Council Publication House, 1903. 588 p. [8619 A monumental collection of materials which must be used with discrimination. Richly illustrated and furnished with extensive references to sources, this work is rewarding as a starting point for further research. Religious History 663 The Lutheran Church and the Province of Pennsylvania in the Seventeenth Century. Luth. Church Rev., v. 15 : 1896, 134-151. [8620 Old Salem in Lebanon: A History of the Congregation and Town. Lebanon. Pa.: [Report Publishing Company], 1898. 208 p. [8621 Schmucker, Beale M. Early History of the Tulpehocken Churches. Luth. Church Rev., v. 1 : 1882, 292-302. [8622 The First Pennsylvania Liturgy. Luth. Church Rev., v. 1 : 1882, 16-27, 161-172. [8623 The Lutheran Church in York, Pennsylvania. Luth. Church Quar. Rev., v. 18 : n. s., 1888, 473-529. [8624 The Organization of the Congregation in the Early Lutheran Churches in America. Philadelphia, 1887. [8625 Scholl, George K. The History of Grubb 's Church. Snyder Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 3 : 1948, 23-29. [8626 Sibole, Edward E. Centennial, a Brief Narrative of Events in the First Hundred Years of the Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of Saint John's Church, 1806-1906. Philadelphia : Craig, 1906. 136 p. [8627 Spaeth, A., and others, eds. Documentary History of the Evangelical Lutheran Ministerium of Pennsylvania and Adjacent States, 1748 to 1821. Philadelphia: General Council Publication Board, 1898. 619 p. [8628 Steese, Charles M. History of the First Lutheran Church of Mimin- burg, Pa. Mifflinburg, Pa. : Keystone Telegraph Press, 1931. 80 p. [8629 Strevig, John R., ed. The Golden Jubilee Book of St. John's Evangeli- cal Lutheran Church, Water Street, Abbottstown, Pa., 1889-1939. Gettysburg, Pa., 1939. 35 p. [8630 The Golden Jubilee Book of Trinity Lutheran Church, Main Street, East Berlin, Pa. East Berlin, Pa., 1939. 30 p. [8631 Stump, Adam, and Henry Anstadt. History of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of West Pennsylvania of the United Lutheran Church in America, 1825-1925. Chambersburg, Pa.: J. R. Kerr, 1925. 696 p. [8632 664 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History [Trabert, G. H., and others]. History of the Wilkes-Barre Confer- ence. Lebanon, Pa. : Report Publishing Company, 1898. 250 p. [8633 Ulery, William F., and A. L. Youndt. History of the Southern Con- ference of the Pittsburgh Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Greensburg, Pa. : Church Register Company, 1903. 431 p. [8634 Weber, J. H. 1791-1891: History of Zion's Evangelical Lutheran Church with a Synopsis of the Centennial Services of the Church . . . Philadelphia: Lutheran Publication Society, 1891. 109 p. [8635 Webner, H. Walter. Biographical Sketch of the Advent Lutheran Congregation. York, Pa., 1951. 44 p. [8636 Weller, H. A. Pioneer Lutheranism Beyond the Frontier of Early Civilization in Pennsylvania. Luth. Quar., v. 42: 1912, 337-354. [8637 Weng, Armin G. The Language Problem in the Lutheran Church in Pennsylvania, 1742-1820. Church Hist., v. 5 : 1936, 359-375. [8638 Wentz, Abdel R. The Lutheran Church in American History. Phila- delphia: United Lutheran Publishing House, 1923. 355 p. [8639 Muhlenberg and the Synod of Pennsylvania. Luth. Church Quar., v. 20 : 1947, 417-424. [8640 Muhlenberg and the United Lutheran Church. Luth. Church Quar., v. 15 : 1942, 384-393. [8641 Wischan, F. Kurze Geshichte der Deutschen Evangelische Lu- therischen Gemeinden in und urn Philadelphia unter der Lu- therischen Synoden Amerikas, 1892. In Die Lutherische Kirche in Amerika. Leipzig: Theodor Rother, 1893. p. 79-240. [8642 Wolf, E. J. Church of the Dispersion; or, the Evangelical Lutheran Church on the Eve of Muhlenberg's Arrival. Luth. Church Rev., v. 8 : 1889, 128-143. [8643 Zundel, William A. History of Old Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hempfield Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, near Harrold's. [Waverly, la. : Wartburg Press], 1922. 266 p. [8644 Religious History 665 Mennonite — Amish Aurand, Ammon M. Little Known Facts about the Amish and Men- nonites. Harrisburg : Aurand Press, 1938. 32 p. [8645 The Pennsylvania Amish. Pa. Arts and Sciences, v. 3 : 1938, 102, 111-112. [8646 Bachman, Calvin G. The Old Order Amish of Lancaster County. Norristown, Pa. : Pennsylvania German Society, 1942. 297 p. (Pro- ceedings of Pennsylvania German Society, 1941. Volume 49.) [8647 The first scholarly, sympathetic, dependable and readable account of the Amish (Mennonites) of eastern Pennsylvania. Largely a description of their doctrine, practice, culture, way of life, with brief historical introduction. Bender, Harold S. The Founding of the Mennonite Church in America at Germantown, 1683-1708. Mennonite Quar. Rev., v. 7: 1933, 227-250. [8648 The Literature and Hymnology of the Mennonites of Lan- caster County, Pennsylvania. Mennonite Quar. Rev., v. 6 : 1932, 156-168. [8649 Was William Rittenhouse the First Mennonite Bishop in America? Mennonite Quar. Rev., v. 7 : 1933, 42-47. [8650 William Rittenhouse, 1644-1708: First Mennonite Minister in America. Mennonite Quar. Rev., v. 8 : 1934, 58-61. [8651 Bender, Wilbur J. Pacificism among the Mennonites, Amish Mennon- ites and Schwenkfelders of Pennsylvania to 1783. Mennonite Quar. Rev., v. 1: 1927, no. 3, 23-40; no. 4, 21-48. [8652 Bowman, H. M. The Mennonite Settlements in Pennsylvania. Water- loo Hist. Soc. Rep., v. 10 : 1922, 225-247. [8653 Brackbill, Martin H. A Communication on the Relation of Franconia and Lancaster Mennonites in Colonial Pennsylvania. Mennonite Quar. Rev., v. 26 : 1952, 161-163, 168. [8654 Breithaupt, W. H. First Settlements of Pennsylvania Mennonites in Upper Canada. Ontario Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 23 : 1926, 8-14. [8655 Burkholder, Joseph C. Benedict Brechbuhl, Hans Burkholder and the Swiss Mennonite Migration to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 31 : 1927, 57-62. [8656 666 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Cassel, Daniel K. History of the Mennonites. Philadelphia: The Author, 1888. 450 p. [8657 Conyngham, Redmond. Further Information Relative to the Amish or Aymenist Sect. Hazard's Reg. Pa., v. 7: 1831, 161-163. [8658 History of the Mennonites and Aymentists or Amish. Hazard's Reg. Pa., v. 7: 1831, 128-132, 150-153. [8659 Correll, Ernst H. Das Schweizerisehe Tauf ermannonitentum ; ein Sociologischer Bericht. Tubingen : J. C. B. Mohr, 1925. 145 p. [8660 Cronau, Rudolf. Die Mennoniten und die Grundung Germanstowns. In Drei Jahrhunderte Deutschen Lebens in Amerika. Eine Geschichte der Deutschen in den Vereinigten Staaten. Berlin, 1924. p. 49-69. [8661 Eshleman, Wilmer J. History of the Reformed Mennonite Church. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 49 : 1945, 85-116. [8662 Fretz, Herbert. The History of the Deep Run Mennonite Congrega- tion. [New Mennonite Congregation of Deep Run, Pa., 1949.] 52 p. [8663 Friedmann, Robert. Mennonite Piety Through the Centuries: Its Genius and Its Literature. Goshen, Ind. : The Mennonite His- torical Society, 1949. 287 p. [8664 About 40 pages of this general study are devoted to the Mennonites in Pennsylvania. Getz, Jane C. The Economic Organization and Practices of the Old Order Amish of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Mennonite Quar. Rev., v. 20: 1946, 53-80, 98-127. [8665 Gingerich, Melvin. The Mennonite Church in World War II, a Review and Evaluation. Mennonite Quar. Rev., v. 25 : 1951, 183- 200. [8666 Hartzler, J. S., and Daniel Kauffman. Mennonite Church History. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Book and Tract Society, 1905. 422 p. [8667 Hayes, A. Reed, jr. The Old Order Amish Mennonites of Pennsyl- vania: A Survival of Religious Fundamentalism in a New World Environment. Lewistown, Pa. : Mifflin County Historical Society, 1947. 23 p. [8668 Religious History 667 Hershberger, Guy F. The Mennonite Church in the Second World War. Scottdale, Pa. : Mennonite Publishing House, .1951. 308 p. [8669 Hostetler, John A. The Amish Family in Mifflin County, Pennsyl- vania. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1951. [8670 The Amish in American Culture. Am. Heritage, v. 3 : no. 4, 1952, 4-8. [8671 Amish Life. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1952. 32 p. [8672 Hunsberger, Willard D. The Franconia Mennonites and War. Souder- ton, Pa. : Peace and Industrial Relations Committee of Franconia Mennonite Conference, 1951. 140 p. [8673 Jackson, George P. The Strange Music of the Old Order Amish. Musical Quar., v. 31 : 1945, 275-288. [8674 Klein, Harry J. History and Customs of the Amish People. York, Pa. : The Maple Press, 1946. 73 p. [8675 Landis, Ira D. Some Important Trends in Old Mennonite Commu- nities. Mennonite Community, v. 4: no. 3, 1950, 6-11. [8676 Nock, Albert J. Utopia in Pennsylvania: The Amish. Atlantic, v. 167 : 1941, 478-484. [8677 Rice, Charles S., and John B. Shenk. Meet the Amish. New Bruns- wick, N. J. : Rutgers University Press, 1947. 119 p. [8678 A pictorial presentation of the Amish of Lancaster County. Concise accom- panying text. Scheffer, J. G. Mennonite Emigration to Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 2 : 1878, 117-138. [8679 Schreiber, William I. A Day with the Amish. Am.-German Rev., v. 12 : no. 3, 1946, 12-13. [8680 Schrock, Alta. Amish Americans : Frontiersmen. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 26 : 1943, 47-58. [8681 Shelly, Paul R. Religious Education and Mennonite Piety Among the Mennonites of Southeastern Pennsylvania: 1870-1943. Newton, Kan. : Mennonite Publication Office, 1950. 193 p. [8682 668 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Smith, Charles H. The Mennonite Immigration to Pennsylvania in the Eighteenth Century . . . Norristown, Pa.: [Norristown Press], 1929. 412 p. [8683 Thorough and exhaustive study of colonial Mennonite settlements in Pennsylvania. The Story of the Mennonites. Berne, Ind. : Mennonite Book Concern, 1941. 823 p. [8684 Historical treatment of all divisions of the sect in America dealt with down to the present. Steinfellt, Berenice. The Amish in Lancaster County. Lancaster, Pa. : Conestoga Publishing Company, 1938. 31 p. [8685 Stoltzfus, Grant M. Amish Backgrounds in Berks County. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 16 : 1951, 38-42. [8686 Umble, John. The Amish Mennonites of Union County, Pennsyl- vania. Mennonite Quar. Rev., v. 7 : 1933, 71-96, 162-190. [8687 Customs, Hymns and Hymn Tunes of the Old Order Amish. Jour. Am. Folk-Lore, v. 52 : 1939, 82-95. [8688 Umble, John, trans, and ed. Memoirs of an Amish Bishop (David Beiler, 1786-1871). Mennonite Quar. Rev., v. 22: 1948, 94-115. [8689 Weaver, Martin G. Mennonites of Lancaster Conference, Containing Biographical Sketches of Mennonite Leaders . . . Scottdale, Pa. : Mennonite Publishing House, 1931. 496 p. [8690 A regional history of the second oldest Mennonite settlement in America (1710-1930) centered in Lancaster County. The work of a diligent, careful local historian. Weber, Harry F. Migrations of the Mennonites Through Pennsyl- vania. Pennsylvanian, v. 4: 1946, 3-4. [8691 Wenger, John C. Franconia Mennonites and Military Service, 1683- 1823. Mennonite Quar. Rev., v. 10 : 1936, 222-245. [8692 Glimpses of Mennonite History and Doctrine. Scottdale, Pa. : Herald Press, 1947. 258 p. [8693 History of the Mennonites of the Franconia Conference. Telford, Pa. : Franconia Mennonite Historical Society, 1937. 523 p. [8694 Religious History 669 An exhaustive, scholarly and reliable account of the oldest Mennonite regional settlement in America, 1683-1936, centered in Bucks, Montgomery and Chester counties. Covers all branches of Mennonites with emphasis on local con- gregational history, but includes general and interpretative material as well as biographies, and a considerable documentary appendix. Yoder, Edward. The Mennonites of Westmoreland County, Pennsyl- vania. Mennonite Quae. Rev., v. 15 : 1941, 155-186, 219-242. [8695 Yoder, Joseph W. The Kishacoquillas Valley. Mennonite Com- munity, v. 2 : no. 7, 1948, 18-21. [8696 Rosanna's Boys. Huntington, Pa.: Yoder Publishing Co., 1948. 345 p. [8697 A picture of Amish family life in the latter part of the 19th century. Methodist Binder, William J. Rise and Progress of Methodism in Pottstown and in the Neighboring Regions. Pottstown, Pa. : Daily Ledger Press, 1902. 350 p. [8698 Carrow, Goldsmith D. The Introduction of Methodism into Pennsyl- vania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 12 : 1888, 200-211. [8699 Clark, Chester D. The Methodist Church in Milton. Northumber- land Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 19 : 1952, 119-131. [8700 Forrester, W. T., and J. L. Hammitt. A History of Methodism in McKeesport. McKeesport, Pa., 1941. 61 p. [8701 Heiges, George L. The National Methodist Camp Meeting at Manheim in 1868. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 47 : 1943, 13-22. [8702 History of Ebenezer Methodist Episcopal Church of Southwark, Philadelphia. Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1890. 180 p. [8703 [Jackson, Edward.] Duke Street Methodist Episcopal Church [York, Pa.]. 75th Anniversary Souvenir Booklet. York, Pa., 1936. 37 p. [8704 Kinsey, William. The Centennial of Bristol Methodist Church, 1788- 1888. Philadelphia : Methodist Episcopal Book Room, 1888. 61 p. [8705 Knox, Homer C, corny. History of Methodism in Altoona, Pennsyl- vania. Altoona, Pa., 1909. 168 p. [8706 670 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Mag-ruder, Kenneth D. Methodism's Struggle for a Permanent Foot- hold in Pittsburgh. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 23: 1940, 156-162. [8707 Palmer, Louis D. Heroism and Romance, Early Methodism in North- eastern Pennsylvania. Stroudsburg, Pa. : The Author, 1950. 248 p. [8708 A tribute to the circuit preachers who carried Methodism into the remoter parts of the State. Payton, Jacob S. Our Fathers Have Told Us: The Story of the Founding of Methodism in Western Pennsylvania. Cincinnati, O. : Ruter Press, 1938. 141 p. [8709 Essentially a history of Methodism from 1784 to 1800 in the area now comprising the Pittsburgh Conference. Peck, George. Early Methodism, Within the Bounds of the Old Genesee Conference, from 1788 to 1828 ; or, the First Forty Years of Wesleyan Evangelism in Northern Pennsylvania . . . Xew York : Carlton and Porter, 1860. 512 p. [8710 Peters, C. Howard. The Story of One Hundred Years of Methodism in Phoenixville, 1826-1926. [Philadelphia], 1926. 176 p. [8711 Reeves, Howard N. Methodism: In and Around West Chester. [Philadelphia], 1946. 68 p. [8712 Rheem, George W. Centennial History of Methodism in Clearfield, Pennsylvania, 1810-1910. Clearfield, Pa., 1910. 186 p. [8713 Simpson, Matthew. A Hundred Years of Methodism. New York: Nelson and Philips, 1876. 369 p. [8714 Smeltzer, Wallace G. Homestead Methodism (1830-1933) ; the His- tory of Methodism in Mifflin Township, Allegheny County, Pennsyl- vania. [Pittsburgh: D. K. Murdoch], 1933. 167 p. (Supplement 1934. 32 p.) [8715 Methodism on the Headwaters of the Ohio: The History of the Conference of the Methodist Church. Nashville: Parthenon Press, 1951. 448 p. [8716 The Place of Methodism in the Religious Life of the Pitts- burgh Region. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 23 : 1940, 147-155. [8717 Spottswood, W. Lee. Brief Annals: Central Pennsylvania Confer- ence, Methodist Episcopal Church. Harrisburg, 1888. 351 p. [8718 Religious History 671 Stevens, Abel. Memorials of the Early Progress of Methodism in the Eastern States. Boston: C. H. Pierce, 1852. 492 p. [8719 Stiles, S. M. Methodism in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1871. 137 p. [8720 Tees, Francis H. The Ancient Landmark of American Methodism, or Historic Old St. George's. Philadelphia: Message Publishing Co., 1951. 231 p. [8721 Tees, Francis H., and others. Pioneering in Perm's Woods: Philadel- phia Methodist Episcopal Annual Conference Through One Hun- dred and Fifty Years. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Conference Tract Society of Methodist Episcopal Church, [1937]. 216 p. [8722 Tuttle, A. H. Methodism Fifty Years Ago and Now. Methodist Rev., v. 99 : 1917, 673-688. [8723 Zerbey, Joseph H. History Compiled for First Methodist Episcopal Church, Pottsville, Pennsylvania . . . Pottsville, Pa. : J. H. Zerbey, 1930. 128 p. [8724 Moravian Albright, S. C. The Story of the Moravian Congregation at York, Pennsylvania. York, Pa. : Maple Press, 1927. 224 p. [8725 Beck, Clara A. An Honest Effort to "Save Pennsylvania from Moravians." Moravian Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 11: 1936, 189-198. [8726 Carter, John H. The Moravians at Shamokin [Pennsylvania]. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 9 : 1937, 52-72. [8727 Dahlinger, Charles W. The Moravians and Their Missions Among the Indians of the Ohio Valley. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 3 : 1920, 45-67. [8728 de Schweinitz, Edmund. The History of the Church Known as the Unitas Fratrum or the Unity of the Brethren. Bethlehem, Pa. : Moravian Publication Office, 1885. 693 p. [8729 de Schweinitz, Paul. The German Moravian Settlements in Pennsyl- vania, 1735-1800. Pa.-German Soc. Proc. and Add., v. 4: 189-4, 53-73. [8730 672 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Fries, Adelaide L., and J. Kenneth Pfohl. The Moravian Church, Yesterday and Today. Raleigh: Edwards and Broughton, 1926. 153 p. [8731 Fries, Adelaide L. Moravian Customs: Our Inheritance. Moravian Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 11 : 1936, 215-274. [8732 The Road to Salem. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1944. 316 p. [8733 Pennsylvania is the early setting for this account of Anna Catherina Antes, one of a group of Moravians who moved into the vicinity of Salem, North Carolina. Some Moravian Heroes. Bethlehem, Pa. : Comenius Press, 1936. 118 p. [8734 Gerhard, Elmer S. Count Von Zinzendorf in Germantown Two Hun- dred Years Ago. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 4: 1945, 276-295. [8735 Hamilton, J. Taylor. The Confusion at Tulpehocken. Moravian Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 4 : 1891-1895, 235-273. [8736 The Contacts of the Moravian Church with the Iroquois League. Moravian Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 11 : 1931, 28-55. [8737 History of the Church Known as Moravian Church; or, the Unitas Fratrum, or the Unity of the Brethren During the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Bethlehem, Pa. : Times Publishing Com- pany, 1900. 631 p. [8738 The Moravian Work at Oley, Berks County, Pennsylvania. Moravian Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 13 : 1942, 8-18. [8739 A Sketch of the Moravian Activity in New Sweden and Its Vicinity. Moravian Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 4: 1891-1895, 163-186. [8740 Hark, J. Max. The Beginnings of the Moravian Church in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Moravian Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 11: 1936, 174-188. [8741 Moravian Influence in the Settlement and Early Develop- ment of Lebanon County [Pennsylvania]. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 6 : 1914, 189-204. [8742 Religious History 673 Henry, James. Sketches of Moravian Life and Character, Comprising a General View of the History, Life, Character and Religious and Educational Institutions of the Unitas Fratrum. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1859. 316 p. [8743 Hillman, Ralf R. Old Dansbury (now Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania) and the Moravian Mission. Buffalo: Kenworthy, 1934. 100 p. [8744 Howland, Garth A. Reconstructional Problems Associated with the Moravian Buildings in Bethlehem. Moravian Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 13:1944,175-280. [8745 Huebener, Mary A. Bicentennial History of the Lititz Moravian Con- gregation [1742-1949]. Moravian Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 14: 1949, 199-271. [8746 Jordan, John W., comp. Fragments of History and Biography Re- lating to the Moravians in York County, 1744-1782. n. p., n. d. 35 p. [8747 Jordan, John W. Moravian Immigration to Pennsylvania, 1734-1767. Moravian Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 5 : 1895-1899, 51-90. [8748 Meyers, Elizabeth L. A Century of Moravian Sisters : A Record of Christian Community Life. New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1918. 243 p. [8749 Miller, Daniel. The Early Moravian in Berks County. Pa.-German, v. 8 : 1909, 23-31, 67-73. [8750 The Early Moravian Settlements in Berks County. Berks Co. Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 2 : 1905-1909, 309-334. [8751 Moravians as Educators in Georgia and Pennsylvania. Ga. Hist. Quar., v. 2 : 1918, 47-56. [8752 Nitzsche, George E. Moravian Towns in Pennsylvania. Pa.-German, v. 12 : 1911, 321-329. [8753 Ogden, John C. An Excursion into Bethlehem and Nazareth, in Penn- sylvania, in the Year 1799 ; with a Succinct History of the Society of United Brethren, Commonly Called Moravians. Philadelphia: Charles Cist, 1800. 167 p. [8754 Reichel, Levin T. Early History of the Church of the United Brethren Commonly Called Moravians in North America, 1734- 1748. Nazareth, Pa.: Moravian Historical Society, 1888. 241 p. [8755 674 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Ritter, Abraham. History of the Moravian Church in Philadelphia from its Foundation in 1742 to the Present Time. Philadelphia : Hayes and Zell, 1857. 281 p. [8756 Schwarze, Margaret, comp. The Old Moravian Chapel, 1751-1951. Bethlehem, Pa. : Chapel Bi-centennial Committee, 1951. 24 p. [8757 Schwarze, William N. Early Moravian Settlements in America. Am. Soc. Church Hist. Pap., v. 7: 2nd series, 1923, 69-88. [8758 The Moravians in Northampton County. Americana, v. 14 : 1920, 1-31. [8759 The Moravian Settlement of Bethlehem — Its Courage; Its Vision; Its Ideals. A Newcomen Address, 1940. [Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1940]. 28 p. [8760 Sessler, Jacob J. Communal Pietism among Early American Mo- ravians. New York : Holt, 1933. 265 p. [8761 Stocker, H. E. Moravian Customs and Other Matters of Interest. Bethlehem, Pa. : The Author, 1918. [8762 Stoudt, John J. Count Zinzendorf and the Pennsylvania Congrega- tion of God in the Spirit. (The First Oecumenical Movement.) Church Hist., v. 9 : 1940, 366-380. [8763 Ward, A. Gertrude. John Ettwein and the Moravians in the Revolu- tion. Pa. Hist., v. 1: 1934, 191-201. [8764 Warner, Paul T. History of the First Moravian Church, Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania, Moravian Hist. Soc. Trans., v. 13: 1942, 65-] 12. [8765 Westphal, Milton C. Early Moravian Pietism. Pa. Hist., v. 3 : 1936, 164-181. [8766 Zorb, Elizabeth H. Zinzendorf and Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Am.- German Rev., v. 11: no. 6, 1945, 9-12; v. 12: no. 1, 1945, 12-14, 20. [8767 Presbyterian Addleman, Andrew N. Early Presbyterianism in Westmoreland County before 1800. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1937. [8768 Baggs, Nicholas. History of Abington Presbyterian Church, llat- boro, Pa.: Privately Printed, 1914. 191 p. [8769 Religious History 675 Beadle, E. R. Old and New, 1743-1876, the Second Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia, Its Beginning and [ncrease. Philadel- phia, 1876. 180 p. [8770 Birch, George W. F. Our Church and Our Village: History of the Claysville Presbyterian Church. New York: Ward and Drum- mond, 1899. 206 p. [8771 Briggs, Charles A. American Presbyterianism : Its Origin and Early History. New York: Scribner, 1885. [8772 Burrowes, Helen B. The Warrior Run Presbyterian Church. North- umberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 11 : 1939, 179-202. [8773 Camp, D. I., and J. Warren Kaufman. History of the Presbyterian Churches of Path Valley . . . Chambersburg, Pa.: Chambersburg Repository, 1916. 121 p. [8774 Capers, Thomas S. The Great Awakening in the Middle Colonies. Presbyterian Church Dept. Hist. Jour., v. 8 : 1916, 296-315. [8775 Centenary Memorial of the Planting and Growth of Presbyterianism in Western Pennsylvania and Parts Adjacent. Pittsburgh, 1876. 445 p. [8776 Centennial Volume of the First Presbyterian Church of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1784-1884. Pittsburgh, 1884. 259 p. [8777 [Clark, Martha B.] Donegal Church: Colin McFarquhar, a Land- mark of Presbyterian History. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 17:1913,251-267. [8778 Clark, R. Lorenzo. History of Centre Presbyterian Church, New Park [York County] Pennsylvania, 1780-1903. Lancaster, Pa. : The New Era Printing Co., 1903. 67 p. [8779 Clyde, John C. History of the Allen Township Presbyterian Church and the Community Which Has Sustained It, in What Was For- merly Known as the "Irish Settlement,' ' Northampton County. Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Historical Society, 1876. 198 p. [8780 Coldren, Jesse. A Study of Four Pioneer Churches in Western Pennsylvania: Dunlaps Creek, Rehoboth, Round Hill and Browns- ville First Presbyterian. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1929. [8781 676 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Collins, Charles. Norriton Presbyterian Church. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Hist. Sketches, no. 1 : 1895, 255-308. [8782 Craighead, J. G. Scotch and Irish Seeds in American Soil : The Early History of Scotch-Irish Churches and Their Relation to the Presby- terian Church of America. Philadelphia : Presbyterian Publication Board, 1878. 348 p. [8783 Dale, James W. Earliest Settlement by Presbyterians on the Dela- ware River in Delaware County. Philadelphia, 1871. 28 p. [8784 Davison, William R. Historical Sketch of East Conococheague Church. Kittochtinny Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 11 : 1928-1939, 589-609. [8785 Degelman, William C. Historical Narrative of Bethel Presbyterian Church, 1776-1936. [Bridgeville, Pa.], 1936. 164 p. [8786 Detty, Victor C. History of the Presbyterian Church of Rome, Penn- sylvania, 1844-1942. Wysox, Pa. : The Author, 1942. 234 p. [8787 History of the Presbyterian Church of Wysox, Pennsylvania, 1791-1938. Wysox, Pa. : The Author, 1939. 270 p. [8788 Dripps, J. Frederick. History of the First Presbyterian Church in Germantown. Philadelphia: Allen, Lane and Scott, 1909. 302 p. [8789 Dunlap, J. Russell. History of the Chanceford Presbyterian Church. Woodbine, Pa., 1951. [8790 Eastwood, Walter H. History of Northumberland Presbytery. Temple University, doctoral dissertation. 1941. [8791 Eaton, S. J. M. History of the Presbytery of Erie . . . New York: Hurd and Houghton, 1868. 463 p. (Supplement — Franklin, Pa., 1888. 29 p.) [8792 Lakeside: A Memorial of the Planting of the Church in Northwestern Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh, 1880. 306 p. [8793 Edmands, John. The Early History of the Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia. Presbyterian Church Dept. Hist. Jour., v. 5: 1910, 219-226. [8794 Everitt, F. B. Early Presbyterianism along the West Branch of the Susquehanna River. Presbyterian Church Dept. Hist. Jour., v. 12 : 1927, 480-486. [8795 Religious History 677 Ferguson, T. J. Silver Spring Presbyterian Church [1734-1884]. Harrisburg : Hart, 1885. 59 p. [8796 Finney, William G. The History of the Chillisquaque Church. [Pottsgrove, Pa.] : Privately Printed, 1926. 88 p. [8797 Ford, Harry P. A History of the Harriet Hollond Memorial Presby- terian Church of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia : Castle and Heilman, 1899. 283 p. [8798 Gearhart, Heber G. The Founding of the Shamokin Presbyterian Church in Shamokin Township. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 6 : 1934, 103-121. [8799 Gibbons, Hughes 0. A History of Old Pine Street (Presbyterian Church) : Being the Record of a Hundred and Forty Years in the Life of a Colonial Church. Philadelphia: Winston, 1905. 366 p. [8800 Gibson, William J. History of the Presbytery of Huntingdon. Belle- fonte, Pa. : Bellefonte Press, 1874. 362 p. [8801 Guthrie, D wight R. John McMillan, The Apostle of Presbyterianism in the West, 1752-1833. Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, 1952. 296 p. [8802 Historical Memorial of the Centennial Anniversary of the Presby- tery of Huntingdon, 1795-1895. Philadelphia, 1896. 442 p. [8803 History of the Presbyterian Church of Sewickley, Pennsylvania . . . [New York: Knickerbocker Press], 1914. 208 p. [8804 History of the Presbytery of Redstone. Washington, Pa. : Observer Book and Job Printers, 1889. 225 p. [8805 History of the Presbytery of Washington, Including a Brief Ac- count of the Planting of the Presbyterian Church in Western Pennsylvania and Parts Adjacent. Philadelphia, 1889. 450 p. [8806 [Houston, Joseph W.] Early Presbyterianism in Lancaster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 8 : 1904, 213-229. [8807 Johnson, Hubert R. A History of the Neshannock Presbyterian Church, New Wilmington, Pennsylvania . . . Washington, D. C. : National Capital Press, 1925. 463 p. [8808 678 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History [Jones, Edward H.] An Historical Sketch of the Presbyterian Church at Gettysburg, 1740 1931. Gettysburg, Pa., 1931. 16 p. [8809 Jones, Gilbert S., Henry L. Woll, and Franklin L. Burns. Presby- terians in the Great Valley. . . . Picket Post, no. 8, 1945, 21-22, 36-38. [8810 Kelso, James A., ed. The Centennial of the Western Foreign Mission- ary Society, 1831-1931. [Pittsburgh: Presbytery of Pittsburgh], 1931. 234 p. [8811 Kelso, James L. Seminaries of the Presbyterian Family in the Pitts- burgh Area. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 33 : 1950, 1-10. [8812 Kieffer, W. T. L. A History of the First Presbyterian Church of Milton, Pennsylvania. [Milton, Pa.: Privately Printed], 1936. 155 p. [8813 Klett, Guy S. Presbyterian Beginnings along the Neshaminy. Old York Road Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 4: 1940, 40-49. [8814 ■ The Presbyterian Church and the Scotch-Irish on the Penn- sylvania Colonial Frontier. Pa. Hist., v. 8: 1941, 97-109. [8815 Presbyterians in Colonial Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Uni- versity of Pennsylvania Press, 1937. 297 p. [8816 A substantial contribution to social history from an ecclesiastical point of view. Laird, Washington R. History of First Presbyterian Church of West Chester, Pennsylvania, 1834-1909. [West Chester, Pa.] : Village Record Print, 1909. 88 p. [8817 Loetscher, Lefferts A. Presbyterianism in Philadelphia Since 1870. University of Pennsylvania, doctoral dissertation. 1943. [8818 McAlarney, Mathias W. History of the Sesqui- Centennial of Pax- tang Church. Ilarrisburg: Harrisburg Publishing Company, 1890. 344 p. [8819 McBurney, Francis. History of the Congregation of Guinston. Chanceford, York County. Pa., in Connection with the United Presbyterian Church. Philadelphia: James B. Rodgers, 1866. [8820 McClure, James. History of the Presbyterian Church in the Porks of Brandywine from 1735-1885. Philadelphia, 1885. 273 p. [8821 Religious History 679 McKinney, William W. Early Pittsburgh Presbyterianism : Tracing the Development of the Presbyterian Church . . . in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, from 1758-1839. Pittsburgh: Gibson Press, 1938. 345 p. [8822 Eighteenth Century Presbyterianism in Western Pennsyl- vania. Presbyterian Church Dept. Hist. Jour., v. 10 : 1919, 57-83, 97-112. [8823 The Establishment of the Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 18 : 1935, 177-188. [8824 McNees, W. S. History of Butler Presbytery . . . Butler, Pa. : Zeigler Press, 1923. 190 p. [8825 Markle, Gladys J. The Presbyterian Congregation of Hazleton: A History of the First Hundred Years . . . Hazleton, Pa., 1938. 244 p. [8826 Maus, Charles W. History of the Long Run Presbyterian Church (Irwin, Pennsylvania). Scottdale, Pa., 1931. 205 p. [8827 Metz, W. Ray. First Presbyterian Church of Williamsburg, Penn- sylvania. Williamsburg, Pa.: Williamsburg Journal, 1941. 78 p. [8828 Mitchell, James Y. History and Directory of Temple Presbyterian Church, Formerly Contra! Presbyterian Church in the Northern Liberties, Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Daughaday, 1873. 241 p. [8829 Murphy, Thomas. One Hundred Years of the Presbyterian Church of Frankford [Pennsylvania]. Philadelphia, 1872. 167 p. [8830 The Presbytery of the Log College: or, the Cradle of the Presbyterian Church in America. Philadelphia, 1889. 526 p. [8831 Negley, Georgina G., comp. East Liberty Presbyterian Church .. . . Pittsburgh: Murdoch-Kerr, 1919. 257 p. [8832 Nevin, Alfred. Churches of the Valley; or, an Historical Sketch of the Old Presbyterian Congregations of Cumberland and Franklin Counties in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: J. M. Wilson, 1852. 338 p. [8833 History of the Presbytery of Philadelphia and <>F Philadel- phia Central. Philadelphia, 1888. 596 p. [8834 680 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Norcross, George, ed. Centennial Memorial; or, History of the Presbytery of Carlisle. Harrisburg : Meyers, 1889. 2 vols. [8835 Osmond, J. History of the Presbytery of Luzerne County. Wilkes- Barre, Pa. : Presbyterian Historical Society, 1897. 344 p. [8836 Pears, Thomas C, jr. The Foundations of Our Western Zion: The Pre-Redstone Period. Presbyterian Church Dept. Hist. Jour., v. 16 : 1934, 145-162. [8837 and Guy S. Klett. A Meeting of Presbytery. Presbyterian Church Dept. Hist. Jour., v. 19 : 1940, 85-97. [8838 Robinson, Thomas H., and A. Boyd Hamilton. Historical Sketch of Old Hanover Church. [Harrisburg] : Dauphin County Historical Society, 1878. 59 p. [8839 Rose, J. G. The Mercersburg Presbyterian Church, Its Early History, 1738-1811. Kittochtinny Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 11 ■ 1928-1939, 39-54. [8840 Rutherford, W. F. Old Paxtang Church. Scotch-Irish Congress, Proceedings, v. 8 : 1896, 219-226. [8841 Scott, John W. Historical Sketch of the Pine Street; or, Third Presbyterian Church in the City of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1837. 84 p. [8842 Scouller, J. B. History of the Big Spring Presbytery of the United Presbyterian Church and Its Territorial Predecessors, 1750-1879. Harrisburg, 1879. 126 p. [8843 Segelken, C. B. The Donegal Presbyterian Church. Harrisburg: Evangelical Press, 1935. 100 p. [8844 Sharpless, Isaac. Presbyterian and Quaker in Colonial Pennsylvania. Presbyterian Church Dept. Hist. Jour., v. 3: 1906, 201-218. [8845 Simonton, J. W. History of Hanover Church and Congregation, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Scotch-Irish Congress, Proceed- ings, v. 8 : 1896, 231-252. [8846 Sloan, D. H., ed. History of the Presbytery of Kittanning. Pitts- burgh : Barrows and Osborne, 1888. 425 p. [8847 Smith, Joseph. Old Redstone; or, Historical Sketches of Western Presbyterianism . . . Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1854. 459 p. [8848 Religious History 681 Sonierndike, John M. The Presbyterian Church of Frankford, Philadelphia, 1770-1920. [Frankford, Pa.], 1920. 144 p. [8849 Spessard, Harvey W. The Early History of the Falling Spring Pres- byterian Church, and the Founder of Chambersburg. Kittochtinny Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 11 : 1928-1939, 85-114. [8850 Stewart, George B., ed. Centennial Memorial, English Presbyterian Congregation, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 1794-1894. Harrisburg, 1894. 435 p. [8851 Stocker, Rhamanthus M. History of the First Presbyterian Society, Honesdale. Honesdale, Pa. : Herald Press, 1906. 336 p. [8852 Storer, Harper B. History of the Knoxville Presbyterian Church, n. p., 1927. 117 p. [8853 Swope, Belle M. History of the Middle Spring Presbyterian Church, Middle Spring, Pennsylvania, 1738-1900. Newville, Pa. : Times Steam Press, 1900. 227 p. [8854 Swope, Gilbert E. History of the Big Spring Presbyterian Church, Newville, Pennsylvania, 1737-1898. Newville, Pa. : Times Steam Press, 1898. 223 p. [8855 Trimble, Prudence B. Presbyterian Church and Temperance in the United States, 1811 to 1919, with Particular Reference to Western Pennsylvania. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1929. [8856 Trinterud, Leonard J. The Forming of an American Tradition: A Re-examination of Colonial Presbyterianism. Philadelphia: West- minster Press, 1949. 352 p. [8857 Turner, D. K. History of Neshaminy Presbyterian Church, 1726- 1876. Philadelphia, 1876. 370 p. [8858 Two Hundred Years of Presbyterianism in Philadelphia. Presby- terian Church Dep. Hist. Jour., v. 3 : 1906, 281-287. [8859 Walters, Mrs. Horace G. The Bicentennial Celebration of the Shawnee Presbyterian Church, 1752-1952. East Stroudsburg, Pa. : Sun Printery, 1952. 52 p. [8860 Weaver, W. Melval. The History of Pine Grove Presbyterian Church, Sunnyburn, Pa. Delta, Pa. : S. J. Clayman, 1932. 33 p. T8861 682 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History West, William A. Scotch-Irish Presbyterianism in Cumberland Val- ley, Its Origin ami Religious, Educational and Patriotic Aspects. Scotch-Irish Congress, Proceedings, v. 10: 1901, loo- 175. [8862 Wheeler, Marietta, and Dorothy Kilgore. 200th Anniversary Slate Ridge Presbyterian Church. [Delta, Pa. J, 1950. [8863 White, William P., ed. The Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Allen, Lane and Scott, 1895. 311 p. [8864 Wilson, Robert F. The Centennial Anniversary of the Presbytery of Huntingdon, 1795-1895. Philadelphia, 1896. 422 p. [8865 Wing, Conway P. A History of the First Presbyterian Church of Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Carlisle, Pa. : Valley Sentinel Office, 1877. 263 p. [8866 Wylie, S. S., and A. Nevin Pomeroy. History of Rocky Spring Presbyterian Church. Chambersburg, Pa., 1895. 117 p. [8867 Zeigler, J. L. History of the Donegal Church. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 1 : 1896, 258-279. [8868 Protestant Episcopal Abel, Alfred M. The Episcopal Church in Lebanon County. Leb- anon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 2 : 1903, 274-290. [8869 Burr, Nelson H. Early History of the Swedes and the Episcopal Church in America. P. E. Church Hist. Mag., v. 7 : 1938, 113-132. [8870 ■ Welsh Episcopalians of Colonial Pennsylvania and Dela- ware. P. E. Church Hist. Mag., v. 8 : 1939, 101-122. [8871 Clement, Mary. Henry Nichols, the First Residential S. P. G. Mis- sionary. P. E. Church Hist. Mag., v. 12 : 1943, 242-245. [8872 Collins, E. V. The Episcopal Church in the Cumberland Valley. Kittochtinny Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 6 : 1910, 46-72. [8873 Diller, Theodore. The Pennsylvania Dutch in the Episcopal Church. Am. Church Mo., v. 35 : 1934, 355-359. [8874 Dives, Mary P. Alexander A. Murray, D. D. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 4: 1939, 35-39. [8875 Religious History 683 Dorr, Benjamin. Historical Account of Christ Church, Philadelphia, from its Foundation, 1695-1841. New York: Swords, 1841. 430 p. [8876 Douglass, William. Annals of the First African Church in the United States of America, Xow Styled the African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas, Philadelphia . . . Philadelphia : King, 1862. 172 p. [8877 Eberlein, Harold D., and Cortlandt V. Hubbard. The Church of Saint Peter in the Great Valley, 1700-1940. Richmond, Ya. : August Dietz and Son, 1944. 167 p. [8878 Gast, Stuart F. History of the Episcopal Church of Bellefonte, Penn- sylvania. Pennsylvania State College, master's thesis. 1934. [8879 Hammarskold, J. G. The Beginnings of Swedish Work in This Church. P. E. Church Hist. Mag., v. 2: 1933, 13-23. [8880 Jefferys, C. P. B. The Provincial and Revolutionary History of St. Peter's Church, Philadelphia, 1753-1783. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 47 : 1923, 328-356 ; v. 48 : 1924, 39-65, 181-192, 251-269, 354-371. [8881 Joiner, Franklin. The Early Days at St. Clement's, Philadelphia. Am. Church Mo., v. 35 : 1934, 100-108, 220-231, 298-306 [8882 Jones, C. H. Old St. Peter's Church, Philadelphia, 1761-1909. Phila- delphia : Lippincott, 1909. [8883 Keim, Henry M. The Episcopal Church in Reading, Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 4 : 1880, 66-78. [8884 Keith, Charles P. The Founding of Christ Church, Philadelphia. Church Hist. Soc. Pub,, no. 6 : 1930, 5-14. [8885 Klein, H. M. J., and William F. Diller. The History of St. James' Church (Protestant Episcopal), 1744-1944. Lancaster, Pa.: Vestry of St. James Church, 1944. 347 p. [8886 Klingberg, Frank J. The Anglican Minority in Colonial Pennsyl- vania with Particular Reference to the Indian. Pa. Mac. Hist, and Biog., v. 65: 1941, 276-299. [8887 Colonial Anglo-Lutheran Relations. P. E. Church ITist. Mag., v. Ifi: 1947, 217-220. [8888 Landis, Merkel. The "English Church" in Carlisle. Carlisle, Pa.: Hamilton Library Association, 1949. 16 p. [8889 684 Bibliography op Pennsylvania History Memorial of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Founding of Christ Church, Philadelphia, 1695-1895. Philadelphia: Christ Church Historical Association, 1896. 102 p. [8890 Miller, Jonathan W. History of the Diocese of Central Pennsyl- vania, 1871-1909, and the Diocese of Harrisburg, 1904-1909. Frack- ville, Pa., 1909. 2 vols. [8891 Pennington, Edgar L. The Anglican Clergy of Pennsylvania in the American Revolution. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 63 : 1939, 401- 431. [8892 ■ The Beginning of the Church of England in Pennsylvania. Am. Antiq. Soc. Proc, v. 51 : 1941, 95-159. [8893 The Work of the Bray Associates in Pennsylvania. Pa. Mag. Hist, and Biog., v. 58 : 1934, 1-25. [8894 Perry, William S. Historical Collections Relating to the American Colonial Church. Hartford, Conn. : Church Press, 1871. 3 vols. [8895 [Pleasants, Henry.] The History of Old St. David's Church, Radnor, in Delaware County, Pennsylvania . . . Philadelphia: Winston, [cl907]. 206 p. [8896 Rightmyer, Nelson W. Joseph Pilmore, Anglican Evangelical. P. E. Church Hist. Mag., v. 16 : 1947, 181-198. [8897 Ross, R. Chester. The History of St. John's Pequea Protestant Episcopal Church, Compass, Chester County. [Lancaster] : The Intelligencer Printing Company, 1929. 178 p. [8898 Stille, Charles J. Historical Relations of Christ Church, Philadel- phia, with the Province of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Stock- hausen, 1895. 27 p. [8899 Washburn, Louis C. Christ Church, Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Macrae Smith, 1925. 317 p. [8900 ■ The Church in Pennsylvania. P. E. Church Hist. Mag., v. 4: 1935, 116-127. [8901 Whitehead, Cortlandt. The Early History of the Church in Western Pennsylvania. Church Hist. Soc. Proc, pt. 1 : 1915, 30-54. [8902 Religious History 685 Worner, William F. The Church of England in Lancaster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 37: 1933, 65-97; v. 40: 1936, 79-92; v. 41: 1937, 25-54, 57-92. [8903 Reformed Bartholomew, Allen R. Brief History: Salem Reformed Church, Allentown, Pennsylvania, 1875-1900. Allentown, Pa.: John H. Ritter, 1901. 166 p. [8904 Beardslee, John W. The Church in Delaware and Pennsylvania. New York: Reformed Church in America, 1928. 515 p. (Tercente- nary Studies.) [8905 Brendle, Thomas R. Falckner Swamp, 1725-1925. Reformed Church Rev., v. 4: 1925, 326-340. [8906 Brumbach, John C. History of Christ Reformed Church . . . Union Township, Adams County . . . Pennsylvania, 1746-1947. Littles- town, Pa. : Christ Reformed Church, 1947. 179 p. [8907 Cramer, W. Stuart. History of the First Reformed Church, Lan- caster, Pennsylvania, 1736-1904. Lancaster, Pa. : Wickersham Press, 1904. 171 p. [8908 [DeLong, C. M.] Two Hundred Twenty-Five Years at New Goshen- hoppen, 1727-1952. Allentown, Pa.: Schlecter's, 1952. [8909 DeLong, Irwin H. An Early Eighteenth Century Reformed Church, a Contribution to Church and Family History. Lancaster, Pa.: Privately Printed, 1934. 85 p. [8910 Dickert, Thomas W. The History of St. Stephen's Reformed Church, Reading, Pennsylvania, 1884-1909. Reading, Pa. : I. M. Beaver, 1909. 392 p. [8911 Dotterer, Henry S., ed. Historical Notes Relating to the Pennsyl- vania Reformed Church. Philadelphia: Perkiomen Publishing Company, 1900. 201 p. [8912 Dubbs, Joseph H. Earliest Reformed Church in Lancaster County. Lancaster Co. IItst. Soc. Pap., v. 5: 1900-1901, 3-17. [8913 The Reformed Church in Pennsylvania . . . Lancaster, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Society, 1902. 357 p. (Proceedings of Penn- sylvania German Society, 1900. Volume 11.) [8914 686 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Fackenthal, B. F. Saint John Reformed Church of Riegelsville, Pennsylvania . . . Easton, Pa. : Eschenbach, 1911. 221 p. [8917 Fluck, J. Lewis, corny. A History of the Reformed Churches in Chester County. Norristown, Pa. : Herald Printing Company, 1892. 139 p. [8918 Garrett, Walter E. History of the Kreutz Creek Charge of the Re- formed Church. Philadelphia: Publication and Sunday School Board of the Reformed Church, 1924. 250 p. [8920 Gerhard, D. W. A History of the New Holland Charge of the Re- formed Church in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. New Holland, Pa. : Ranck and Sandoe, 1877. 140 p. [8921 Glass, Daniel, and others, eds. History of the Classis of Lancaster of the Eastern Synod of the Reformed Church in the United States, 1852-1940. New Holland, Pa. : New Holland Clarion, 1940. 431 p. [8922 Glatfelter, Charles H. The Colonial Pennsylvania German Lutheran and Reformed Clergyman. Johns Hopkins University, doctoral dissertation. 1952. [8923 Good, James I. Early Attempts at Church Union in America. Am. Soc. Church Hist. Pap., v. 2 : 1911, 105-114. [8924 Harbaugh, Linn. Historical Sketch of Zion Reformed Church, Cham- bersburg, Pennsylvania, 1780-1911. Chambersburg, Pa. : Public Opinion Press, 1911. 100 p. [8925 Hay, Ellis S. One Hundred and Forty-Four Years. A Sketch of Emmanuel Reformed Church, Hanover, Pa., 1765-1909. Hanover. Pa. : Anthony Printing Company, 1909. 73 p. [8926 ■ One Hundred and Thirty and Three Years. Sketch of the Reformed Church of Maytown, Pa. Marietta, Pa.: The Times Printing House, 1898. 66 p. [8927 Hinke, William J., and William D. Happel. First (Tabor) Reformed Church: A History. Lebanon, Pa., 1935. 127 p. [8928 Religious History 687 Hinke, William J. German Reformed Church Records in Pennsyl- vania [1725-1947J. National Geneal. Soc. Quar., v. 37: June, 1949, 33-38. [8929 A History of the Goshenhoppen Reformed Charge, Mont- gomery County, Pennsylvania (1727-1819). Lancaster, Pa.: [New Era Printing- Company], 1920-1922. 490 p. (Proceedings of Penn- sylvania German Society, 1916-1917. Volumes 27-28.) [8930 A History of Tohickon Union Church, Bedminster Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Meadville, Pa. : [Tribune Publishing Company], 1925. 483 p. (Proceedings of Pennsylvania German Society, 1925. Volume 31.) [8931 Ministers of the German Reformed Congregations in Penn- sylvania and Other Colonies in the Eighteenth Century. Lancaster, Pa. : Historical Commission of the Evangelical and Reformed Church, 1951. 432 p. [8932 The Reformed Church in Lancaster County During the Eighteenth Century. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 33 : 1929, 149-159. [8933 The Reformed Church Within the Bounds of Lebanon Classis During the Eighteenth Century. Reformed Church Rev., v. 25 : 1921, 46-64. [8934 Rev. Paulus Van Vlecq. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 4: 1917, 688-702. [8935 The Sources of Reformed Church History in Pennsylvania. Reform kd Church Rev., v. 24: 1920, 251-264. [8936 History of the Reformed Church Within the Bounds of Westmoreland Classis. Philadelphia: Reformed Church Publication Board, 1877. 232 p. [8938 Keen, Edward O. History of the J. O. Miller Memorial Reformed Church, York, Pa., 1898-1948. York, Pa., 1949. 46 p. [8940 Kershner, William J., and Adam G. Lerch. History of St. John's (Hain's) Reformed Church in Lower Heidelberg Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. Reading, Pa.: I. M. Beaver, 1916. 494 p. [8941 688 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PENNSYLVANIA HISTORY Klein, H. M. J. The History of the Eastern Synod of the Reformed Church in the United States. Lancaster, Pa. : Eastern Synod of the Reformed Church in the United States, 1943. [8943 Krick, Thomas H. History of Trinity Reformed Church, Coplay, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. Allentown, Pa.: H. R. Haas, 1922. 128 p. [8944 Lady, David B., and others. History of the Pittsburgh Synod of the Reformed Church in the United States. Greensburg, Pa. : Henry Printing Company, 1920. 569 p. [8945 Maurer, Oliver K. 50th Anniversary Program with Historical Sketch, St. John's Reformed Church, Red Lion, Pa. 1932. 24 p. [8946 Miller, Daniel. The Early History of the Reformed Church in Penn- sylvania. Reading, Pa. : The Author, 1906. 280 p. [8947 History of the Reformed Church in Reading, Pennsylvania. Reading, Pa. : The Author, 1906. 468 p. [8948 Oleweiler, Robert W. Michael Schlatter and His Influence on Penn- sylvania History. Pennsylvanian, v. 7 : 1950, 43-44. [8951 Omwake, J. Edward. The German Reformed Congregation at Green- castle. Kittochtixxy Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 11 : 1939, 365-382. [8952 Pastors and People of Somerset Classis of the Reformed Church in the United States. Berlin, Pa. : Berlin Publishing Company, 1940. 432 p. [8953 Pierce, Marybelle. The Establishment of the Associate, Reformed and Associate Reformed Churches in Western Pennsylvania. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1931. [8954 Ranck, Henry H. The History of St. John's Reformed Church, 1858- 1901. [Lebanon, Pennsylvania.] Lebanon, Pa.: [Lebanon Daily Times, 1901.] 246 p. [8956 Richards, George W. History of the Theological Seminary of the Reformed Church in the United States, 1825-1934; Evangelical and Reformed Church, 1934-1952. Lancaster, Pa.: Rudisill and Co., 1952. 660 p. [8957 Roth, Marsby J. 1883-1933. 50th Anniversary of Trinity Reformed Church, Hanover, Pa. [Hanover, Pa.], 1933. 23 p. [8958 Religious History 689 Schaeffer, Charles E., ed. A Repairer of the Breach: The Memoirs of Bernard C. Wolff. Lancaster, Pa.: The Historical Society of the Evangelical and Reformed Church, 1949. 117 p. [Franklin and Marshall College Studies, v. 6.] [8959 Schlatter, Michael. A True History of the Real Condition of the Destitute Congregations in Pennsylvania. In Henry Harbaugh, The Life of Reverend Michael Schlatter . . . Philadelphia, 1857. p. 87-234. [8960 [Sipple, Simon.] History of Zion Reformed Church, Allentown, Pennsylvania, 1762-1937. Allentown, Pa. : Berkemeyer-Keck, 1937. 339 p." [8961 Snyder, Charles F. The Beginnings of the Reformed Church in Northumberland and Nearby Counties. Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. Proc, v. 15 : 1946, 37-121. [8962 Stein, Thomas S. Centennial History of Lebanon Classis of the Re- formed Church in the United States. Lebanon, Pa. : Sowers, 1920. 473 p. [8963 Stofflett, Sefellen E. Reformed Church History of Hazleton and Vicinity. Hazleton, Pa., 1924. 106 p. [8964 Van Home, David. History of the Reformed Church in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Reformed Church Publication Board, 1876. 104 p. [8965 Weaver, Glenn. A History of St. John's (Center) Reformed Church, East Earl Township, Lancaster County. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 49 : 1945, 53-84. [8966 Weiser, C. Z. A Monograph of the New Goshenhoppen and Great Swamp Reformed Charge in Perkiomen Valley, 1731-1881. Read- ing, Pa. : Daniel Miller, 1882. 166 p. [8967 Welsh, George W. The 50th Anniversary Mt. Zion Reformed Church, Spring Grove, Pa. 1934. 24 p. [8968 Yoder, Paul D. The Centennial of Christ Reformed Church, Jeffer- son, Pa. 1928. 75 p. [8969 [Yost, Francis C] Heidelberg Reformed Church, York, Pa. 1902. 48 p. [8970 690 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Yundt, Thomas M. A History of Bethany Orphans' Home . . . Philadelphia: Reformed Church in the United Stales, 1907. 217 p. [8971 SCHWENKFELDER Anders, Asher A. The Schwenkfelclers. Bucks Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 2 : 1909, 35-42. [8972 Cook, Helen S. Early Religions Poets among the Sehwenkf elders. Exile Herald, v. 10 : 1934, 13-21. [8973 Hinke, William J. Caspar Sehwenkf eld and the Sehwenkf elders in Pennsylvania. Exile Herald, v. 2 : 1925, 9-18. [8974 Johnson, Elmer E. S. The Sehwenkfelder Historical Library. Pa. German Polk. Soc, v. 7 : 1942, 33-40. [8975 Kriebel, Howard W. The Sehwenkfelders in Pennsylvania. Lan- caster, Pa. : New Era Printing Company, 1904. 237 p. (Proceed- ings of Pennsylvania German Society, 1902. Volume 13.) [8976 Emphasis is on the beginnings and the eighteenth century development, but development in the nineteenth century is also traced. Kriebel, Lester K., and others. Early Sehwenkfelder Ministers in Pennsylvania. Sciiwenckfeldiana, v. 1 : 1941, 5-83. [8977 Schultz, Selina G. The Sehwenckfelder Migration to Pennsylvania. Pennsylvanian, v. 7 : 1950, 31-32. [8978 The Schwenkfeldians of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Haz- ard's Reg. Pa., v. 4: 1829, 127. [8979 Smedley, Elizabeth. The Sehwenkfelders. Commonwealth, v. 2: no. 4, 1948, 24-25. [8980 Weiser, C. Z. Caspar Schwenkfeld and the Sehwenkfelders. Mer- cersburg Rev., v. 17 : 1870, 347-373. [8981 Other Groups Becktel, Russell G. The Backgrounds and Origin of the United Brethren in Christ Church in Lancaster County Prior to 1800. Temple University, doctoral dissertation. 1939. [8982 Bender, Eleanore. The Eastern Church as Found in Allegheny County. University of Pittsburgh, master's thesis. 1945. [8983 Religious History 691 Brane, 0. I. Berton. The United Brethren Church in Lebanon County. Lebanon Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 2 : 1907, 203-252. [8984 Climenhaga, A. W. History of the Brethren in Christ Church. Nappanee, Ind. : B. V. Publishing House, 1942. 390 p. [8985 Drury, A. W. A History of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. Dayton, Ohio, 1924. 821 p. [8986 Eberly, Daniel. Landmark History of the United Brethren Church . . . Treating of the Early History of the Church in Cumberland, Lancaster, York and Lebanon Counties, Pennsylvania. [Reading : Behney and Bright], 1911. 292 p. [8987 Forney, Christian H. History of the Churches of God in the United States of North America. [Harrisburg] : Board of Directors of the Publishing House and Book Rooms of the Churches of God, 1914. 933 p. [8988 A history of a distinct religious movement originating in Pennsylvania about 1825. Fulton, J. S. History of the Allegheny Conference of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ . . . [Dayton, 0. : United Breth- ren Publishing House], 1931. 279 p. [8989 Garrison, W. E. A History of the Disciples of Christ (Campbellites). New York : Harper, 1931. 317 p. [8990 Gates, E. The Disciples of Christ (Campbellites). New York: Baker and Taylor, 1905. [8991 Gerhard, Elmer S. The First Preacher of Universal ism in Pennsyl- vania. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 14: 1948, 15-10. [8992 Gibble, Phares B. Founding of the United Brethren Church in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. Pap., v. 54: 1950, 165-184. [8993 History of the East Pennsylvania Conference of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. Dayton, Ohio: Otterbein Press, 1951. 593 p. [8994 History of the Philadelphia, Bible-Christian Church for the Mrs! Century of Its Existence, from 1817-1917. Philadelphia: Lippin- cott, 1922. 192 p. [8995 692 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Holdcraft, Paul E. History of the Pennsylvania Conference of the United Brethren in Christ. [Fayetteville, Pa.: Craft Press, 1938.] 506 p. [8996 Keller, Charles H. A History of the Allegheny Conference of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. University of Pittsburgh, doctoral dissertation. 1943. [8997 100th Anniversary, 1840-1940. First Church of the United Brethren in Christ, York, Pa. [York, Pa.: First U. B. Church, 1940.] 32 p. [8998 Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel : Its First 100 Years, 1847-1947. [Philadelphia, 1950.] 64 p. [8999 Smith, Walter W. The History of the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Branch [of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints]. Jour. Am. Hist., v. 11 : 1918, 358-373. [9000 Yohn, S. G. History of the Churches of God in North America. Harrisburg, 1926. [9001 MILITARY HISTORY The histories of Pennsylvania military organizations — divisions, regiments, companies, et cetera — that have participated in the wars of the nation are brought together on the following pages. Accounts describing Pennsylvania's participation in the major wars of the nation will be found under the appropriate headings in Section II. 693 694 Bibliography op Pennsylvania History MILITARY HISTORY Albert, Allen D., ed. History of the Forty-Fifth Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Veteran Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1865. Williamsport, Pa. : Grit, 1912. 530 p. [9002 Antietam to Appomattox with the One Hundred and Eighteenth Pennsylvania Volunteers, Corn Exchange Regiment . . . Philadel- phia, 1892. 746 p. [9003 Banes, Charles H. History of the Philadelphia Brigade . . . Phila- delphia: Lippincott, 1876. 315 p. [9004 Bates, Samuel P. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1865. Harrisburg: B. Singerly, 1869-1871. 5 vols. [9005 A Brief History of the Hundredth Regiment (Roundheads) . . . New Castle, Pa., 1884. 32 p. [9006 Benson, Edmund L., and others. History of the First Regiment In- fantry, National Guard of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1880. [9007 Booth, C. A. The National Guard of Pennsylvania and Its Ante- cedents. Outing, v. 23: 1893-1894, 73-80, 412-416. [9008 Bosbyshell, Oliver C. Forty-Eighth Regiment Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers. Philadelphia, 1895. [9009 Boyle, John R. Soldiers True: The Story of the One Hundred and Eleventh Regiment Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers, and Its Cam- paigns in the War for the Union, 1861-1865. New York: Eaton, 1903. 368 p. [9010 Brewer, A. T. History of the Sixty-First Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-3865. [Pittsburgh: Art Engraving Press], 1911. 234 p. [9011 A Brief History of the Fourth Pennsylvania Veteran Cavalry . . . Pittsburgh, 1891. 113 p. [9012 Brooke, George. With the First City Troop on the Mexican Border. Philadelphia: Winston, 1917. 166 p. [9013 Military History 695 Brown, Millard D. Short History and Photographic, Record of the First Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry, National Guard of the United States. Philadelphia, [1917]. [9014 Chamberlin, Thomas. History of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Second Regiment, Bncktail Brigade. Philadelphia : McManus, 1905. 362 p. [9015 Clark, William, comp. History of Hampton P>attery F, Independent Pennsylvania Light Artillery, Organized at Pittsburgh, Pennsyl- vania, October 8, 1861 . . . Pittsburgh: Werner, cl909. 179 p. [9016 Clarke, W. Packer. Official History of the Militia and the National Guard of the State of Pennsylvania from the Earliest Period of Record to the Present Time. Philadelphia: C. J. Handler, 1909. 3 vols. [9017 Clement, Charles M., and others, eels. Pennsylvania in the World War : An Illustrated History of the Twenty-Eighth Division. Pitts- burgh: States Publications Society, 1921. 2 vols. [9018 Craft, David. History of the One Hundred and Forty-First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1862-1865. Towanda, Pa., 1885. 270 p. [9019 Crater, Lewis. History of the Fiftieth Regiment, Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers, 1861-65. Reading, Pa., 1884. 88 p. [9020 Cuff el, Charles A. History of Durrell's Battery in the Civil War . . . [Philadelphia, 1900.] 265 p. [9021 Davis, W. W. H. History of Doylestown Guards. Doylestown, Pa., 1887. 223 p. [9022 History of the One Hundred and Fourth Regiment from August 22, 1861, to September 30, 1864. Philadelphia: J. B. Rogers, 1866. 364 p. [9023 Dickey, Luther S. History of the Eighty-Fifth Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1865 . . . New York: [Powers], 1915. 467 p. [9024 ■ History of the One Hundred and Third Regiment, Penn- sylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1865. Chicago : The Author, 1910. 400 p. [9025 Dornblaser, T. F. Sabre Strokes of the Pennsylvania Dragoons, 1861-1865. Philadelphia, 1884. [9026 696 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Embick, Milton A., comp. and ed. Military History of the Third Division, Ninth Corps, Army of the Potomac . . . [Harrisburg] : C. E. Aughinbaugh, 1913. 100 p. [9027 Evans, John R. The Reading Artillerists in the Mexican War. Berks Co. Hist. Rev., v. 15 : 1949, 130-141. [9028 Farrar, Samuel C. The Twenty-Second Pennsylvania Cavalry and the Ringgold Battalion, 1861-1865. [Pittsburgh: Werner], 1911. 538 p. [9029 Fernald, Granville. The Story of the First Defenders. District of Columbia, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts. Washington, 1892. 24 p. [9030 First City Zouaves and City Grays : A History of Harrisburg 's Lead- ing Military Organizations, 1861-1913. Harrisburg, 1914. 237 p. [9031 Gage, Arthur N. Order out of Chaos ; the Role of the National Guard in the Great Pennsylvania Flood. Harrisburg: Telegraph Press, 1936. 105 p. [9032 Galloway, G. N. The Ninety-Fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers in the Sixth Corps . . . Philadelphia, 1884. 87 p. [9033 Gibbs, James M. History of the First Battalion, Pennsylvania Six Months Volunteers and One Hundred and Eighty-Seventh Regi- ment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry . . . Civil War, 1863-1865. Harrisburg: Central Press, 1905. 320 p. [9034 Gibson, J. T., ed. History of the Seventy-Eighth Pennsylvania Volun- teer Infantry. [Pittsburgh, 1905.] 267 p. [9035 Gould, Joseph. The Story of the Forty-Eighth: A Record of the Campaigns of the Forty-Eighth Regiment, Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry ... in the War for the Preservation of the Union. [Philadelphia: Alfred M. Slocum], 1908. 471 p. [9036 Gracey, Samuel L. Annals of the Sixth Pennsylvania Cavalry. Phila- delphia: E. II. Butler, 1868. 372 p. [9037 Green, Robert M., comp. History of the One Hundred and Twenty- Fourth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers in the War of the Re- bellion, 1862-1863 . . . Philadelphia : Ware, 1907. 396 p. [9038 Military History 697 Grier, Thomas J., comp. History of the Eighteenth Regiment of Cavalry, Pennsylvania Volunteers (One Hundred and Sixty-Third Kegiment of the Line) 1862-1865. New York: [Wynkoop-Hallen- beck-Crawford, 1909]. 299 p. [9039 Hardin, M. D. History of the Twelfth Regiment, Pennsylvania Re- serve Volunteer Corps . . . New York, 1890. 248 p. [9040 Hays, Gilbert A., comp. Under the Red Patch: Story of the Sixty- Third Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1864. Pittsburgh, 1908. 476 p. [9041 History and Roster of Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry Veteran Volun- teers, 1861-65. [1904?] 141 p. [9042 History of the Eighteenth Regiment of Cavalry, Pennsylvania Volun- teers . . ., 1862-1865. New York, 1909. 299 p. [9043 History of the Eleventh Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry . . . Phila- delphia, 1902. 289 p. [9044 History of the First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry from Its Or- ganization, November 17, 1774, to Its Centennial Anniversary, No- vember 17, 1874. Philadelphia, 1875. [9045 History of the First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry, 1914-1948. Philadelphia: First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry, 1948. 208 p. [9046 History of the One Hundred and Eighteenth Pennsylvania Volunteers. Philadelphia : Smith, 1905. [9047 History of the One Hundred and Twenty-First Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Volunteers. Philadelphia : Burk and McFetridge, 1893. 292 p. [9048 History of the One Hundred and Twenty-Fifth Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, 1862-1863. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1906. 342 p. [9049 History of the One Hundred and Twenty-Seventh Regiment, 1862- 1863, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Familiarly Known as the "Dauphin County Regiment." [Lebanon, Pa.: Report Publishing Company, 1902]. 335 p. [9050 History of the Pennsylvania Hospital Unit (Base Hospital No. 10, U. S. A.) in the Great War. New York: P. B. Hoeber, 1921. 253 p. [9051 698 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History History of the Third Pennsylvania Cavalry, Sixtieth Regiment Penn- sylvania Volunteers . . ., 1861-1865. Philadelphia, 1905. 614 p. [9052 Hitchcock, Frederick L. War from the Inside, the Story of the One Hundred and Thirty-Second Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry . . . 1862-1863. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1904. 308 p. [9053 Hoenstine, Floyd G. Soldiers of Blair County. Harrisburg: Tele- graph Press, 1940. 432 p. [9054 Hommel, Rudolf P. The Second Troop, Montgomery County Cavalry [1800-1847]. Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc. Bul., v. 6: 1948, 172-176. [9055 Howard-Smith, Logan, and J. F. R. Scott, comps. History of Battery A and Troop A, National Guard of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia , 1912. [9056 Huey, Pennock. True History of the Charge of the Eighth Pennsyl- vania Cavalry at Chancellorsville. Philadelphia: Porter, 1883. 76 p. [9057 Hyndman, William. History of a Cavalry Company. A Complete Record of Company "A," Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry . . . Philadelphia, 1870. 343 p. [9058 Indiantown Gap Military Reservation, Pennsylvania. Indiantown Gap, Pa. : Third Service Command, Army Service Forces, Public Relations Office, 1945. 15 p. [9059 Judson, Amos M. History of the Eighty-Third Regiment. Pennsyl vania Volunteers. Erie, Pa. : Lynn, 1865. 139 p. [9060 Kauffman, James L. Philadelphia's Navy Yards (1801-1948). New York: Newcomen Society of England, American Branch, 1948. 36 p. [9061 Kiefer, William R. History of the One Hundred and Fifty-Third Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers . . . 1862-1863. Easton, Pa.: Chemical Publishing Company, [1909]. 352 p. [9062 Kirk, Charles H., romp, and ed. History of the Fifteenth Pennsyl- vania Volunteer Cavalry . . . 1861-1865. Philadelphia, 1906. 784 p. [9063 Military History 699 Kitchen, D. C. Record of the Wyoming Artillerists. Tunkhannock, Pa. : Alvin Day, 1874. 89 p. [9064 Lanard, Thomas S. One Hundred Years with the State Fencibles: A History of the First Company State Fencibles, Infantry Corps State Fencibles, Infantry Battalion State Fencibles, and the Old Guard State Fencibles, 1813-1913. Philadelphia: Nields, 1913. 436 p. [9065 Spectemur Agendo, a History of the State Fencibles, 1913- 1919 . . . Camden, N. J.: Iluntzinger, 1920. 224 p. [9066 Latta, James W. History of the First Regiment Infantry. National Guard of Pennsylvania (Gray Reserves), 1861-1911. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1912. 811 p. [9067 Lewis, Osceola. History of the One Hundred and Thirty-Eighth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. Norristown, Pa., 1866. 198 p. [9068 Lloyd, W. P. History of the First Regiment Pennsylvania Reserve Cavalry . . . Philadelphia, 1864. 216 p. [9069 Locke, W. H. The Story of the Regiment. (Eleventh Infantry). Philadelphia, 1868. 401 p. [9070 Loucks, Augustus. History of the York Rifle Company from 1775 to 1908. York, Pa. : The Author, 1908. 120 p. [9071 Mark, Penrose G. Red: White: and Blue Badge, Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers: A History of the Ninety-Third Regiment, Known as the "Lebanon Industry Infantry" . . . 1861-1865. [Har- risburg: C. E. Aughinbaughl, 1911. 577 p. [9072 Martin, Edward. The Twenty-Eighth Division, Pennsylvania's Guard in the World War: The History of the Keystone or Iron Division in World War. Pittsburgh, 1923. 498 p. [9073 Martin, James, and others, comps. History of the Fifty-Seventh Regiment, Pennsylvania A^eteran Volunteer Infantry. Meadville, Pa. : McCoy and Calvin, 1906. 196 p. [9074 Mays, George. . . . "Battalion" or Training Day at Schaefferstown in the Olden Time. Lebanon, Pa.: Courier Press, 1899. 20 p. [9075 700 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History McDermott, A. W. A Brief History of the Sixty-Ninth Regiment, Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers . . . Philadelphia, 1889. 106 p. [9076 Merchant, Thomas E. Eighty-Fourth Regiment, Pennsylvania Vol- unteers. . . 1889. [Philadelphia, 1889?] 109 p. [9077 [Miller, Charles H.] History of the Sixteenth Regiment Pennsyl- vania Cavalry . . . Philadelphia, 1864. 44 p. [9078 Minnigh, H. N. History of Company K (Infantry) First Pennsyl- vania's Reserves. Duncansville, Pa., 1891. [9079 Moore, James. History of the Cooper Shop Volunteer Refreshment Saloon. Philadelphia : Rodgers, 1866. 212 p. [9080 Mott, Smith B., comp. Campaigns of the Fifty-Second Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, First Known as the ''Luzerne Regiment" . . . 1861-1865. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1911. 266 p. [9081 Moyer, H. P. History of the Seventeenth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry . . . 1861-1865. [Lebanon, Pa.: Sowers], 1911. 472 p. [9082 Myers, J. C. A Daily Journal of the One Hundred and Ninety- Second Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers . . ., in the Service of the United States for One Hundred Days. Philadelphia, 1864. 203 p. [9083 Muffly, Joseph W., ed. The Story of Our Regiment, a History of One Hundred and Forty-Eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers . . . n. p., 1904. 1096 p. [9084 Mulholland, St. Clair A. The Story of the One Hundred and Six- teenth Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry . . . 1862-1865. [Phila- delphia: McManus, 1899]. 422 p. [9085 Nachtigall, Hermann. Geschichte des 75sten Regiments, Pa. Vols . . . Juli, 1886. Philadelphia, [1886?] 10 p. [9086 Niebaum, John H. History of the Pittsburgh-Washington Infantry, One Hundred and Second (Old Thirteenth) Regiment, Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers . . . 1820-1861. Pittsburgh: Burgum, 1931. 325 p. [9087 Nolan, J. Bennett. The Reading Militia in the Great War. Reading, Pa. : F. A. Woerner, 1919. 208 p. [9088 Military History 701 [Obreiter, John, and D. W. Reed]. The Seventy-Seventh Pennsyl- vania at Shiloh. History of the Regiment. The Battle of Shiloh. [Harrisburg,] 1905. 406 p. [9089 Parker, Thomas H. A History of the Fifty-First Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Volunteers . . . 1861-1865. Philadelphia, 1869. [9090 Pennsylvania Cavalry, Eleventh Regiment, 1861-1865 : History of the Eleventh Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, n. p., 3 903. 289 p. [9091 Price, Isaiah. History of the Ninety-Seventh Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Volunteer Infantry . . . Philadelphia, 1875. 608 p. [9092 Proctor, H. G. The Iron Division: The National Guard of Pennsyl- vania in the World War. Philadelphia : Winston, 1919. 297 p. [9093 Prowell, George R. History of the Eighty-Seventh Regiment, Penn- sylvania Volunteers. York, Pa. : York Daily Press, 1903. 306 p. [9094 Rauch, William H., and O. R. H. Thomson. History of the Bucktails, Kane Rifle Regiment of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, Thirteenth Pennsylvania Reserves. Philadelphia : Electric Printing Company, 1906. 466 p. [9095 Rawle, William B., ed. History of the Third Pennsylvania Cavalry, Sixtieth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1865. Philadel- phia: Franklin Printing Company, 1905. 614 p. [9096 Reed, John A., and L. S. Dickey. History of the One Hundred and First Regiment, Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry, 1861- 1865. Chicago : L. S. Dickey, 1910. 285 p. [9097 Roll On 28th. Atlanta, Ga. : Albert Love Enterprises, 1951. [9098 A pictorial review of the 28th Infantry Division, U.S.A., while in Camp Atterbury, Indiana, 1950-1951. Rowe, D. W. A Sketch of the One Hundred and Twenty-Sixth Regi- ment Pennsylvania Volunteers . . . Chambersburg, 1869. 89 p. [9099 Scott, Kate M. History of the One Hundred and Fifth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1865. Philadelphia: New World Publishing Company, 1877. 329 p. [9100 Seventy-Seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers at Shiloh : A History of the Regiment. Harrisburg, 1908. 341 p. [9101 702 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Siers, William, and Paul Bachschmid. The Volunteer's Manual; or. Ten Months with the One Hundred and Fifty-Third Pennsylvania Volunteers. Easton, Pa., 1863. 52 p. [9102 Sipes, William B. The Seventh Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Cavalry. Pottsville, Pa.: Miners' Journal Press, 1906. 375 p. [9103 Smith, J. L., comp. History of the Corn Exchange Regiment, One Hundred and Eighteenth Pennsylvania Volunteers. . . . Philadel- phia, 1888. 746 p. [9104 Sprenger, George S. Concise History of the Camp and Field Life of the One Hundred and Twenty-Second Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers. Compiled from notes . . . , as recorded in the diary of G. S. Sprenger. Lancaster, Pa., 1885. 372 p. [9105 Stewart, Robert L. History of the One Hundred and Fortieth Regi- ment, Pennsylvania Volunteers. [Philadelphia: Franklin Printing Company], 1912. 504 p. [9106 Stewart, Thomas J., comp. Record of Pennsylvania Volunteers in the Spanish- American War, 1898. Harrisburg: Ray, 1901. 946 p. [9107 Strong, William, ed. History of the One Hundred and Twenty-First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers. Philadelphia : Catholic Stand- ard and Times Press, 1906. 299 p. [9108 Sypher, Josiah R. History of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps . . . Lancaster, Pa. : E. Barr, 1865. 723 p. [9109 Thompson, Heber S. The First Defenders. [Pottsville, Pa.: Miners' Journal Press], 1910. 179 p. [9110 Under the Maltese Cross, Antietam to Appomattox; the Loyal Up- rising in Western Pennsylvania, 1861-1865; Campaigns of the One Hundred and Fifty-Fifth Pennsylvania Regiment, Narrated by the Rank and File. Pittsburgh, 1910. 817 p. [9111 Vale, Joseph G. Minty and the Cavalry, Late Captain of the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, Army of the Cumberland: A History of Cavalry Campaigns in the Western Armies. Harrisburg, 1886. 550 p. [9112 Vautier, John D. History of the Eighty-Eighth Pennsylvania Volun- teers, . . . 1861-1865. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1894. [9113 Military History 703 Ward, George W. History of the Second Pennsylvania Heavy Artil- lery (One Hundred and Twelfth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volun- teers), 1861-1866. Philadelphia: Ward, 1904. 311 p. [9114 Ward, Joseph R. C. History of the One Hundred and Sixth Regiment. Pennsylvania Volunteers, Second Brigade, Second Division, Second Corps, 1861-1865. Philadelphia: McManus, 1906. 457 p. [9115 Westbrook, R. S. History of the Forty-Ninth Pennsylvania Volun- teers . . . Altoona, Pa., 1898. 272 p. [9116 Wilson, Joseph L. and others, eds. Book of the First [City] Troop [of Philadelphia] 1774-1914. Philadelphia, 1915. [9117 Woodward, E. M. History of the Third Pennsylvania Reserve. Tren- ton, N. J. : The Author, 1884. [9118 ■ Our Campaigns; or, the History of . . . (Second Pennsyl- vania Reserves) 1861-1864. Philadelphia: J. E. Potter, 1865. [9119 Wray, William J. History of the Twenty-Third Pennsylvania Volun- teer Infantry ... 1861-1865. [Philadelphia?], 1904? 432 p. [9120 Zierdt, William H. Narrative History of the One Hundred and Ninth Field Artillery, Pennsylvania National Guard, 1775-1930. Wilkes Barre, Pa. : Yordy, 1932. 298 p. [9121 704 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History SECTION IV FOLKLORE TALES, LEGENDS, POETRY, AND PLAYS Anderson, Maxwell. Valley Forge, a Play in Three Acts. Washing- ton, D. C. : Anderson House, 1934. [9122 Barnitz, William I. Recluse of the Conewago. Carlisle, Pa. : The Author, 1853. [9123 A legend of Adams County. Bayard, Samuel P. Hill Country Tunes: Instrumental Folk Music of Southwestern Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: American Folklore Society, 1944. 95 p. [9124 Unrecorded Folk Traditions in Pennsylvania. Pa. Hist., v. 12 : 1945, 1-14. [9125 Brendle, Thomas, and William S. Troxell, comps. and eels. Pennsyl- vania German Folk Tales, Legends, Once-Upon-a-Time Stories, Maxims and Sayings. Norristown, Pa. : Pennsylvania German So- ciety, 1941. 238 p. (Proceedings of Pennsylvania German Society, 1941. Volume 50.) [9126 Brinton, D. G. Reminiscences, Folk-Lore of Pennsylvania. Jour. Am. Folk-Lore,, v. 5 : 1892, 176-185. [9127 Brush, Frederic. The Alleghenians. New York: Blackshaw Press, 1940. 203 p. [9128 Verse and prose. Crooked River. Philadelphia: David McKay, 1934. 114 p. [9129 A poetical account of the life and thought of the people in the Alloghony Mountain region. Burke, Edmond. Funnel Country: Tales of Penn-York Valley. N. Y. Folklore Quar., v. 4: 1948, 256-267. [9130 Carver, George. Legend in Steel. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 27: 1944, 129-136. [9131 Chatham, John H. Story of Hie Indian Steps. Altoona, Pa. : Tribune. 1913. 122 p. T9132 Folklore 705 Committee on Publications, comp. A Little Book of Somerset County Verse. Somerset, Pa. : Somerset County Historical Society, 1945. 37 p. [9133 Cort, Cyrus. Response to the "Blue Juniata" and Other Poems. Cleveland, 0. : Central Publishing Company, 1902. 117 p. [9134 Davis, Edward Z. Some Early Poems Referring to Lancaster, Penn- sylvania. German Am. Ann., v. 14: n. s., 1916, 111-117. [9135 Duganne, Augustine J. H. Poetical Works. Philadelphia, 1855. 407 p. [9136 Federal Writers' Project. Tales of Pioneer Pittsburgh. Philadel- phia : William Perm Association, 1937. 29 p. [9137 Fisher, Henry L. Olden Times; or Pennsylvania Rural Life Some Fifty Years Ago and Other Poems. York, Pa.: Fisher, 1888. 472 p. [9138 Poetry which reflects the life and thought of the people in the early nineteenth century. French, John C, Henry W. Shoemaker and J. H. Chatham, eds. North Pennsylvania Minstrelsy as Sung in the Backwoods Settle- ments . . . 1840-1923. Altoona, Pa. : Tribune, 1923. 228 p. [9139 Gantt, Paul T. Lydia Darrah, Patriot. Pa. Hist., v. 14: 1947, 280- 288. [9140 Gilbert, Howard W. Aldornere and Two Other Pennsylvania Idylls. Boston : Index Association, 1885. 141 p. [9141 Graeff, Arthur D. It Happened in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Winston, 1947. 183 p. [9142 Gray, Zenas J., ed. Prose and Poetry of the Susquehanna and Juniata Rivers. Harrisburg: Harrisburg Publishing Company, 1893. 96 p. [9143 Halpert, Herbert. Pennsylvania Fairylore and Folktales. Jour. Am. Folk-Lore, v. 58 : 1945, 130-134. [9144 Harrison, Henry, ed. Pennsylvania Poets. New York, 1936. 223 p. [9145 Hostelley, Alfred E. Songs of Susquehanna. Philadelphia: Sher- man, 1901. 202 p. [9146 706 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Jagendorf, Moritz. Upstate, Downstate : Folk Stories of the Middle Atlantic States. New York : Vanguard Press, 1950. 299 p. [9147 Keller, Martha. Brady's Bend, and Other Ballads. New Brunswick, N. J. : Rutgers University Press, 1946. 142 p. [9148 Korson, George G. Coal Dust on the Fiddle. Philadelphia: Uni- versity of Pennsylvania Press, 1943. 460 p. [9149 ■ Minstrels of the Mine Patch: Song's and Stories of the Anthracite Industry. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1938. 332 p. [9150 Korson, George, ed. Pennsylvania Songs and Legends. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1949. 474 p. [9151 A comprehensive collection of folklore from the whole of Pennsylvania, includ- ing tall tales and legends, proverbs, superstitions, riddles, songs and ballads, fiddle and marching tunes. Songs and Ballads of the Anthracite Miner. New York: F. H. Hitchcock, 1927. 196 p. [9152 Landis, David B. Lancaster Lyrics: A Cheerful Volume of Poems. Lancaster, Pa. : The Author, 1914. 310 p. [9153 Latimer, E. Idylls of Gettysburg. Philadelphia, 1872. 126 p. [9154 Laux, James B. Brother Albrecht's Secret Chamber: A Legend of the Ancient Moravian Sun Inn of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Lititz. Pa. : Express Printing Company, 1914. 62 p. [9155 Lewis, Victor E., ed. Poets and Poetry of Wyoming Valley. Wilkes- Barre, Pa. : Llewellyn Brothers, 1940. 127 p. [9156 Long, Haniel. Pittsburgh Memoranda. Santa Fe: Writers' Edition, [1935]. 87 p. [9157 [McCoy, Joseph]. The Frontier Maid; or, A Tale of Wyoming: A Poem in Five Cantos. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. : Steuben Butler and Samuel Maffet, 1819. 208 p. [9158 MacNair, Vane. Pittsburgh: Urbs et Orbis. Middletown, Pa.: Mel- horn Press, 1942. [9159 Poetry and drama. Manges, Walter E., and David E. Nichols, comps. Western Pennsyl- vania Poets, an Anthology, 1934-193. r ). Pittsburgh : Anthology Pub- lications, 1934. 259 p. [9160 Folklore 707 Mercer, Henry C. November Night Tales. New York: Walter Wale. 1928. 244 p. [9161 Miller, Harvey M. Collections of Pennsylvania Dutch Poems. Eliza- bethville, Pa. : Hawthorne Press, n. d. 92 p. [9162 Mitchell, Edwin V. It's an Old Pennsylvania Custom. New York: Vanguard Press, 1947. 160 p. [9163 Monroe, Will S. Poets and Poetry of the Wyoming Valley. Scran- ton, Pa., 1887. 21 p. [9164 Neal, Janice C. Heroic Settlers of the Upper Susquehanna. N. Y. Folklore Quar., v. 4 : 1948, 195-206. [9165 Neusbaum, Frank, and Kathryn M. Popp. Ephrata, a Play. New York : Dramatists Play Service, 1943. 47 p. [9166 Owens, J. G. Folk-Lore from Buffalo Valley, Central Pennsylvania. Jour. Am. Folk-Lore, v. 4 : 1891, 115-128. [9167 Parry, Albert. Folk Giants of Our East. Tomorrow, v. 9 : no. 6, 1950, 38-42. [9168 Parsons, Elsie C. Folk-Tales from Maryland and Pennsylvania. Jour. Am. Folk-Lore, v. 30 : 1917, 209-217. [9169 Peterson, Arthur. Songs of New Sweden and Other Poems. Phila- delphia: Hart, 1887. 134 p. [9170 Purdy, Truman H. Legends of the Susquehannah and Other Poems. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1888. 197 p. [9171 Read, Thomas B. The Wagoner of the Alleghenies. Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1863. 276 p. [9172 Ryder, Thomas P. Verses and Prose Selections. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. : Wilkes-Barre Press, 1899. [9173 Verse of the Wyoming Valley. Sheffer, George P., ed. and comp. True Tales of the Clarion River. Clarion, Pa. : Northwestern Pennsylvania Raftsmen Association. 1933. [9174 Shenk, S. S. Penn State Rural, as Told by Sam. Lebanon, Pa.: The Author, 1941. [9175 708 Bibliography of Pennsylvania History Shoemaker, Henry W. Allegheny Episodes : Folk Lore and Legends Collected in Northern and Western Pennsylvania. Altoona, Pa. : Tribune, 1922. 355 p. [9176 Black Forest Souvenirs, Collected in Northern Pennsylvania. Reading, Pa. : Bright-Faust, 1914. 404 p. [9177 Indian Steps and Other Pennsylvania Mountain Stories. New York: The Author, 1912. 427 p. [9178 In the Seven Mountains : Legends Collected in Central Penn- sylvania. Spring Mills, Pa. ; R, P. Campbell, 1913. 433 p. [9179 Juniata Memories: Legends Collected in Central Pennsyl- vania. J. J. McVey, cl916. 395 p. [9180 More Allegheny Episodes : Legends and Traditions, Old and New, Gathered among the Pennsylvania Mountains . . . Altoona, Pa. : Tribune, 1924. 2 vols. [9181 More Pennsylvania Mountain Stories. New York: The Author, 1912. 405 p. [9182 Mountain Minstrelsy of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: N. F. McGirr, 1931. 319 p. [9183 North Mountain Mementos : Legends and Traditions Gathered in Northern Pennsylvania. Altoona, Pa. : Tribune, 1920. 383 p. [9184 Pennsylvania Mountain Stories. Reading, Pa., 1913. 209 p. [9185 South Mountain Sketches : Folk Tales and Legends Collected in the Mountains of Southern Pennsylvania. Altoona, Pa. : Tribune, 1920. 332 p. [9186 Susquehanna Legends Collected in Central Pennsylvania. Reading, Pa. : Bright-Faust, 1913. 389 p. [9187 Tales of the Bald Eagle Mountains in Central Pennsyl- vania. New York: The Author, 1912. 490 p. [9188 Shoemaker, Henry W., comp. Transplants in Pennsylvania Forests; Stories of Persons from Other Lands and States Whose Lives Are Interwoven in Pennsylvania Mountain Folk Lore. Reading, Pa. : Reading Eagle Company, 1932. 121 p. [9189 Folklore 709 Spicer, Clayton. Songs of a Wood Hick. New York: Oquaga Press, 1942. [9190 Poems of the Pennsylvania lumber country. Stover, Herbert E. Under the Hunter's Moon. Commonwealth, v. 1 : no. 12, 1947, 11-12. [9191 Swetnam, George. Singing Pittsburgh. Western Pa. Hist. Mag., v. 35 : 1952, 25-36. [9192 Thornbury, D. L. Fairy Tales of Huntingdon. Huntingdon, Pa. : Lesher, 1940. [9193 Wheeler, Chris, pseud. Rhymes of the Road and River. Philadel- phia : Hart, 1885. 154 p. [9194 Poems on Lancaster Pike and songs of the Schuylkill. Whittier, John G. Pennsylvania Pilgrim and Other Poems. Boston : Osgood, 1872. 129 p. [9195 Williamson, Helen C. Pennsylvania Folklore Stirs Interest in His- tory in Elementary Schools. Pa. School Jour., v. 99 : 1950, 55-56, 79. [9196 Witman, Frederick K. Legend of the Mound : A Susquehanna River Poem. Harrisburg, 1878. 39 p. [9197 Wright, Caleb E. Legends of Bucks County. Doylestown, Pa. : B. McGinty, 1887. 280 p. [9198 The American Revolution with the scenes laid in Bucks County. INDEX A., R., 3401 Aaronsburg, 3703; and religious tolera- tion, 3452 Abbe, Cleveland, 2356 Abbey, Edwin Austin, 5314 Abbot, Elizabeth 0., 1555 Abbot, George M, 1497 Abbott, A. C, 1747 Abbott, Charles C, 272-274 Abbott, Edith, 5664 Abbott, Walter S., 7120 Abbott, William L., 6030 Abbottstown, churches, 8630 Abel, Alfred M., 8869 Abel, G. Gilbert, 6917 Abel, Paul J, 5262 Abernethy, Robert R., 6334 Abernethy, Thomas P., 2291, 2334 Abersold, John R., 6031 Abington, 3665 Abington Baptist Association, 8352 Abington Friends Meeting, 8514, 8515 Abington Friends School, 1421 Abington Presbyterian Church, 8769 Abolition, in Pennsylvania, 4152, 4156; see also Antislavery movement Abolition societies, 4137, 4141; first, 1063 Abraham, Evelyn, 1886 Abrahams, Robert D., 6151 Abrams, R. H., 4677, 4678, 6279 Absentee landlordism, 3191 Academic freedom, 6450 Academies, 1420, 1439, 1457, 1461a, 4314-4316, 4318-4332, 4334-4347, 4395, 5155; colonial, 1391, 1404 Academy of Music, Philadelphia, 4523 Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadel- phia, 3575 Acadia, Philadelphia and settlement of, 2343 Acadians, 1022-1024 Accountants, organization of, 6071 Accursia, Sister M., 5048, 6416 Acheson, Edward G., 5315 Acker, E. R., 8546 Acrelius, Israel, 427 Act 481, 6239-6240 Active, case of, 2536 Acts of Trade, early evasions of, 1304 Adair, Douglas, 1912 Adallis, Dio, 5597 Adamic, Louis, 5696 Adams, Arlin M., 6652 Adams, Charles S., 5712 Adams, David M., 7298, 7299 Adams, F. W., 5869 Adams, Gertrude M., 5447 Adams, H. L, 3891 Adams, Henry, 3673 Adams, Herbert B., 2853 Adams, John A., 1308 Adams, John Quincy, in Pittsburgh, 7197 Adams, Joseph, 7599 Adams, Marcellin C, 3549, 7189 Adams, Paul G, 7300 Adams, Percy G., 235 7_ Adams, Richard C, 275 Adams, Ruth, 778 Adams, S. H, 6546, 6547 Adams County, 318, 7099-7109, 9123; archives, 7104; churches, 8604, 8907; Scotch-Irish in, 987; and tobacco, 5741; townships and boroughs, 7109; in World War I, 6165 Addison, Agnes, 4652, 6473 Addison, Alexander, public career, 3598 Addleman, Andrew N., 8768 Ade, Lester K., 5978, 6335 Adelphia School, 3488 Adlum, John, 3599 Administrative agencies, delegation of power to, 5289 Adoption, 6288 Advent Lutheran Church, York, 8636 Advertising. 4978, 6076; in almanacs, 1477, 1478; and colonial German im- migrants, 734 Aeronautics, 2992; see also Aviation, Ballooning Africa, J. Simpson, 7301 Agnew, Daniel, 970, 7009 Agriculture, 1111-1127, 4040-4057, 5021- 5028, 5032-5035, 5037, 5038, 5712- 5749; bibliographies, 40-43; education, 5713, 5720, 5726, 5743, 5748, 5749, 6343, 6344, 6430; father and son part- nerships, 5739; higher education, 5033; as industry, 5736; Old Order Amish and, 770a; organizations, 4047-4057, 5749; Pennsylvania German, 768-777; pioneers in, 4044, 4045; since 1840, 4042; types, 5737; see also Farming, Farms, etc. Ahrens. S. Helen. 7268 711 Index Ainey, Kathleen, 3414 Air pollution, regulation of, 5561 Airports, need for, 5998 Akagi, Roy H., 4094 Akeley, A. P., 3212 Alan Wood, Iron and Steel Company, 3853 Albany Township, Bradford County, 7327 Albany Treaty line, 2047, 2051 Albert, Allen D, 9002 Albert, George D., 8204 Albertson, Charles L., 276 Albig, W. Espey, 3239 Albion, Robert G., 2523, 3302 Albrecht, Otto E., 1532, 3003 Albright, John R., 7666 Albright, Raymond W., 7269, 8742, 8743 Alcoholic beverages, control of, 5485, 5539, 6294 Alcott, William A. C, 467 Alden, John R., 1925 Alden, Timothy, 7010 Alderfer, E. Gordon, 666, 1348, 1571, 1572, 4478, 6502, 6813, 7419, 7640, 7834 Alderfer, Evan B, 6653, 6654 Alderfer, Harold F., 5448-5454, 5533, 5541-5543, 6168-6190, 6218, 6228, 6233, 6239-6241, 7378 Alderson, Bernard, 5328 Aldrich, Lewis C, 7453 Aldridge, Alfred O., 2358-2362, 2922, 2923 Alexander, Archibald, 1390 Alexander, Arthur J., 1847, 2579 Alexander, E. P, 3956, 7379 Alexander, Lucien H., 3100, 3101 Alger, Hugh W., 8158 Algerine Spy in Pennsylvania, 2949 Algonkian Indians: game totems among, 382; and Iroquois, 379; kinship terms, 385; myths, 393; wampum among, 381 Algonkin Indians, 312, 315 Algonquian Indians, 372; early history, 282; medicine, 386; traditions, 394 Aliens, treatment of, 5044 Allaben, Frank, 3171a Allebach, David K., 7850 Allegheny City, 7131, 7168, 7170, 7186, 7216 Allegheny College, 4394 Allegheny Conference, United Brethren Church, 8989, 8997 Allegheny County, 3208, 7110-7221; churches, 6272, 8715, 8983; in Civil War, 4723; depression, and social work, 6622; foreign language publica- tions, 6078; government, 5458, 7191; Hungarian-Americans in, 5599; indus- trial nursing, 6602; immigrants, 5615, 5618; Italians in, 5043; judges, 3375, 7221; juvenile delinquency, 6323; law- yers, 3375, 5248; newspaper files, 93; occupational changes, 6613; O'Hara- Schenley properties, 7214; old age as- sistance housing, 6298; party organi- zation, 6195; planning, 5568, 6658; Poles in, 5051; politics (1844-1856), 4179; relief, 6613; social facts, 6327; transportation, 6014; Workhouse, 6150 Allegheny Democrat, 4470, 4471 Allegheny Furnace, 3838 Allegheny Mountains, pioneer life in, 1911 Allegheny Path, 1314 Allegheny Portage Railroad, 3903, 3925, 4000, 4004, 4017; early surveys and reports, 4005 Allegheny River, 177, 178, 188, 214, 7808, 8288; French on, 1997, 2013; Indian towns, 2078; settlement, 1895, 1904; survey, 8304; upper, Indians of, 2713 Allegheny Valley, 7034; industrial de- velopment, 4857 Allen, Charles F. H, 5002 Allen, G. H, 1350 Allen, George, 880, 1128 Allen, Harbor, 5910 Allen, Henry B., 4548 Allen, Henry N., 2363 Allen, Hervey, 4642 Allen, Philip M., 4021 Allen, William, 2081-2083, 2766 Allen Township Presbyterian Church, Northampton County, 8780 Allentown, 2083, 2985, 4684, 7734-7737, 7740, 7741, 7749-7751, 7755; child be- havior problems, 6330; churches, 6261, 8904, 8961; music, 5218 Allentown Board of Trade, 7735 Allinson, E. P., 1090, 7953, 7981 Allison, Milton M., 7121, 7122 Allison, Robert, 3825 Allison, William H., 6 Allman, Clarence B., 3757 Allman, Herbert, 5713 Alma, Sister Maria, 8368 Almanacs, 816, 1477, 1478, 1490; Penn- sylvania German, 851, 898 Almshouses, 1761, 1764, 6332 Alper, B. S., 6090, 6124 Alpert, H., 5544 Alshouse, Herman S., 6930, 6931 Alsop, Gulielma F., 4348 Alsop, Joseph W., Jr., 6234 Alter, David, 5316 Alter, Donald R., 1833 712 Index Althouse, Horace S., 7270 Altick, Richard D., 4349, 8441 Altman, Gordon S., 5796 Altmer, Hanns G., 4630 Altoona, 7304, 7305, 7307, 7309-7311, 7315, 7317; churches, 8706; Greeks in, 5597; industries, 7317 Altoona Conference, 4686, 4758, 4783 Altoona High School, 7302 Aluminum Company of America, 5807 Aluminum industry, 4910, 5807; pio- neers, 4940 Amalgamated Clothing Workers, 5701 Amateur Photographic Exchange Club, 4459 Amberson Valley, land economy, 5731 Ambler, Charles H., 1237 Ambler, 7872 Ambridge, 7231 America, effect on European life, 2946 American civilization, founding of, 802 American Eagle, 3536 American Entomological Society, 4489 American Federation of Labor, 5703; first convention, 5070 American Historical Museum, 3563 American history, in Pennsylvania Ger- man almanacs, 898 American Journal of Medical Sciences, 4436 American Magazine and Historical Chronicle, 1472 American Pharmaceutical Association, Philadelphia Branch, 6555 American Philosophical Society, 1497a, 1501, 1513, 1514, 1518, 1519, 1521, 4551; and astronomy, 1564; and ex- ploration, 4403; index, 46; library, 1513; C. W. Peale and, 3724; Priest- ley and, 3734 American Revolution, 2341; biographies, 2785-3110; border wars, 2610; British military prisons, 2660; business dur- ing, 2936; campaign of 1777, 2663; civil side, 2523-2578; controversial literature, 2337; economic effects of, 2948; finances of, 2820; and inden- tured servitude, 2561; Indian affairs, 2697-2746; loyalism and sectionalism, 2747-2784; medical background, 1755; military side, 2579-2696; mutiny, 2604; paper shortages, 2553; Penn- sylvania Germans in, 739; period of cultural and economic life, 2922-2967 Philadelphia newspapers and, 2344 propaganda, 2338; religious sects and 2340; resolves in Pennsylvania, 2565 1777 campaign, 2580; social life, 2942 soldiers, 2644; supplies, 2626, 2627 underground, Muhlenbergs and, 2577 war governors, 2556; western lands and, 2334; York newspapers, 1484 American System, Abner Lacock and, 3867 American Viscose Corporation, collec- tive bargaining in, 5698 Ames, Herman V., 122-124, 1784, 2364, 6784 Ames, Mary L., 5387 Amherst papers, 1255 Amish, 694, 8646, 8658, 8659, 8677, 8680, 8689; Berks County, 8686; bibliogra- phies, 110, 120; "blue gate" myth, 871; and frontier, 8681; Lancaster County, 8678, 8685; language of, 896; life, 8670-8672, 8675; music, 959; and pacifism, 8652; social life, 8696, 8697; triple-talk, 6506; Union County, 8687; see also Mennonites Amish, Old Order, 8668; and agricul- ture, 5729; Lancaster County, 770a, 8647, 8665; music, 8674, 8688 Amphibians, 247, 263 Amusements, 5214; colonial, 1632-1634, 1678-1695 Anatomy, 3567 Andaste Indians, 331 Anders, Asher A., 8972 Anders, Eugene, 1556 Anders, J. M., 4580 Anderson, Bart, 1652, 7420 Anderson, Edward P., 3494 Anderson, John A., 3252, 3253, 3802 Anderson, Judith, 4106 Anderson, Mrs. K. T., 2227 Anderson, Maxwell, 9122 Anderson, Walter C, 5714 Anderson, William, 5445, 7606 Andolhea, manor, 1823 Andrews, Charles M., 1, 6937 Andrews, J. Cutler, 3519, 3782, 4082, 4704 Andrews, James M., 5366 Andrews, Robert J., 6033 Andruss, Harvey A., 6417 Anglicans, 8897, 8902, 8903; colonial, 8893, 8895; clergy in American Revo- lution, 2549, 8892; see also Episcopal Church, Protestant Episcopal Church Ankrum, Freeman, 6938 Annville, 7706, 7729; academy, 4336 Anspach, Marshall R., 3191, 4107 Anstadt, Henry, 8632 Anstadt, Peter, 5415 Antes, Anna Catherine, 8733 Antes, Col. Frederic, 2038 Anthony, Irvin W., 3653 Anthony, Katharine, 3713 Anthony, William, 4705 Anthracite coal, see Coal, anthracite 713 Index Anti-Federalists, Francis Hopkinson and, 3005 Antimasonic movement, 4082, 4083; Thaddeus Stevens and, 4085 Antimasonic party, 4089, 4093 Antimasonic press, 4086, 4088 Antiques, Pennsylvania German, guide to, 796 Antislavery movement, 1063, 2093, 2095, 4106, 4107, 4113; colonial, 1052, 1053, 1057; Quaker, Franklin and, 1059; Quakers and, 1054; see also Abolition, Abolition societies Apollo, 7224 Apothecaries, 1757 Appalachian Mountains, 174 Appalachian plateaus, coal mining, 5932 Appel, Joseph H., 6034, 6035, 5918 Appel, Theodore, 4350, 4351 Applegarth, Albert C, 590 Appleton, Marguerite, 2181 Apprentices' Library, Philadelphia, 4501 Aptheker, Herbert, 1051 Arbitration: in coal industry, 5865, 5866; commercial, 6031 Arcadian Institute, 4324 Archaeology, 177, 273, 274, 277, 288, 290-293, 297, 300, 312, 315, 318-320, 322, 324, 328, 338, 344, 347, 353-355, 358, 362, 364, 366-368, 370, 371, 377, 395, 402, 411, 413, 415, 417, 418, 420, 421; bibliographies, 44, 45; history of, 414 Archambault, Anna M., 6474 Archbald pot-hole, 215 Archer, Adair P, 2524 Architecture, 3508-3510, 3512-3514, 3518, 4405, 4407-4410, 4419-4421, 4652- 4654, 5207, 6474, 6477, 6480, 6481, 6484, 6486-6488, 6490, 6491, 6494, 6495, 6497, 6501, 6827, 6871, 7175; bibliographies, 47, 48, 55, 56; colonial, 1350-1356, 1359, 1361, 1364, 1366- 1374, 1376, 1383, 1384, 1386-1388; Georgian, in Philadelphia, 3504; Greek Revival, 4408, 4409; National Period, 1369, 1374; Pennsylvania German, 781, 782, 784 Archives, see Public records Ardmore, 7881 Arensberg, Charles F. C., 7190 Arey, Henry W., 4314 Arfvedson, Karl D., 428 Arithmetics, Pennsvlvania German, 831 Arky, Louis H., 3877 Armagh, 7615 Armes, Ethel, 3454 Armisted, Wilson, 1841 Armor, William C., 75, 2252 Armstrong, Eva V., 3050, 3051 Armstrong, John, 2084; expedition against Kittanning, 2030 Armstrong, Peter, 4250 Armstrong, Thomas F., 6418 Armstrong, Thomas Morton, 5317 Armstrong, W. G., 4518 Armstrong Association of Philadelphia, 5598 Armstrong County, 7222-7226; early so- cial life, 7223 Army, 6710 Army of the Potomac, 4738 Armytage, W. H, 3039, 7982 Arndt, Karl J. R., 3803, 3826, 4221-4224 Arnold, Benedict, attempts to capture, 2658 Arnold, Howard N., 805 Arnold, I. C, 4108 Arnold, Peggy Shippen, 3078, 3079 Arrowheads, 318, 415, 417 Arrowood, Charles R., 2924 Art, 1176, 1227, 3501, 3503, 3505-3507, 3511, 3515-3517, 4406, 4411-4418, 4422, 4579, 4590, 4591, 4618, 4635, 4647, 4656, 4657, 4673, 5198, 5227, 5228, 5314, 5350a, 5372, 5412, 5414, 5418, 6473-6475, 6478, 6479, 6482, 6484, 6485, 6489, 6492, 6493, 6496, 6498-6500, 6879, 8296; bibliographies, 50, 51, 54, 57; colonial, 1357, 1358, 1360, 1362, 1363. 1375, 1377-1382, 1385, 1389; Delaware Indians, 397; folk, 791, 801; folk, origins of, 786, 1389; Pennsylvania German, 778-780, 783-804, 812; schools, 5165 Arthur, Ethel K., 6280 Artis, Jay W, 6462 Arts and crafts: colonial, 1375; (1786- 1800), 2959 Arts and sciences, 3494-3597; bibliog- raphies, 46-57 Arvidson, Stellan, 2365 Asbury, Herbert, 4905, 4906 Ascension, Lutheran Church of the, Mt. Airy, 8582 Ash, S. H., 5750, 5911, 5912 Ashbrook, William D., 6336 Ashland, industries, 4852 Ashley, 7772 Ashley, George H, 161, 162 Ashman, William N., 5367 Ashmead, Henry G, 3321, 7520, 7521, 7983 Assemblies, social, 1684. 1694 Assessment, of real estate, 5466 Assistance, see Public assistance Association for Childhood Education, Committee of Nineteen, 6337 Assumption, Federal, of state debts, 4022 714 Index Astrology, 853 Astronomy, 3549, 5373; colonial, 1564 Asylum, see Azilum Athens, 7054; academy, 4335, 4339, archaeology, 359, 421; Stephen Foster at, 4601 Athletics, 6470 Atkeson, Mary M., 4479 Atkinson, Grace M., 5676 Atkinson, T. P, 3550 Atkinson, W. Ross, 5797 Atkinson, Wilmer, autobiography, 5318 Atlantic and Great Western Railroad, 3978 Atlee, Benjamin C, 4823 Attorney's lien, 5249 Atwood, Albert W., 5870, 8250 Auchampaugh, Philip G., 4187-4198 Audet, Francis J., 2056, 2057 Audio-visual aids, in teaching history, 6744 Audubon, John James, 3600, 3601, 5319; home, 7863, 7868 Audubon, Lucy B., 3600 Auge, M, 7835 Augustine, E. E., 277 Aurand, Ammon M., 24, 806-809, 841- 843, 881-883, 5073, 8126, 8442, 8645, 8646 Auslander, Joseph, 7984 Authorities: municipal, 6243; and school buildings, 6406, 6410 Automobiles, 3248, 5993; industry, 5988, 5997 Avery, Samuel, 2303 Avey, D. M., 5798 Aviation, 4457, 4462, 5978, 5983, 5989, 6878; airport needs, 5998 Aydelotte, Frank, and Swarthmore Col- lege. 6433 Ayer and Son, N. W., 4978 Avers, Phyllis L., 1696 Avtaman, Suleyman V., 5913 Azilum, 3414, 3419, 3420, 3422, 3424, 3430; and Marie Antoinette, 3437, 3438 B B., J. C, memoirs, 2016 Babb, Maurice J., 3044 Babcock, Charles A., 8173 Bach, Celia, 6419 Bach, Richard F., 47, 48 Bach festival, 1545 Bache, Alexander Dallas, 4548-4554 Bache, Benjamin Franklin, 2413, 2968 Bache, Franklin, 4555 Bache, Rene, 6785 Bache, Richard M., 2366, 4816 Bache, William, 7350; profiles, 3502 Bachman, Calvin G., 8647 Bachmann, E. Theodore, 4611 Bachschmid, Paul, 9102 Backofen, Catherine, 4588 Bacon, John B., 2258 Bacon, Leonard W., 1573 Bacteriology, 6576 Baer, Charles A., diary, 4679 Baer, Willis N., 5799 Baggs, Nicholas, 8769 Bailey, Bernadine, 8251 Bailey, David, 5232 Bailey, Edward L., 8352 Bailev, George S., 622'' Bailey, John S., 163 Bailey, Kenneth P., 1887-1890, 2981 Bailleul, familv of, 2060 Baily, Joshua L., Jr., 1238, 1533 Bair, Robert C, 971 Baird, Menry M., 2367 Baird, Spencer Fullerton, 5319 Baisnee, Jules A., 2525 Bakeless, John E., 2097 Baker, H. F., 6612 Baker, John A., 591 Baker, John W., travels, 8337 Baker, Joseph B., 8547 Baker, Michael, Jr., 5545 Baker, R. L., 7227 Baker, William A., Jr., 8187 Baker, William S, 2580 Bakewell, Mary E., 3213, 5199, 7123 Bakewell, Pears and Company, 3229 Bakewell glass factory, 3213 Balch. Thomas, 6939 Balch, Thomas W., 429, 430, 2188, 2925, 3077, 3080, 3097, 3098 Bald Eagle Creek, floods, 7390 Balderston, C. C, 5871 Baldridge, T. J., 6091 Baldwin, Ernest H., 2747 Baldwin, Mrs. Guy M., 8146 Baldwin, Henry, 3602, 4556 Baldwin, Kate M. S, 7778 Baldwin, Leland D., 3146, 3240-3242, 7124 Baldwin, Matthias W., 4557 Baldwin, Simeon E., 2304 Baldwin, Summerfield, 4463 Baldwin Locomotive Works, 3957, ; : ~. labor system, 5653 Ball, Berenice M, 7419, 7421 Ballet, 6535 Ballooning, 4462; first air voyage, 3495; 715 Index first hoax, 3498; Franklin and, 2484 Ballot: law of 1891, 5243; non-partisan, 6209; use of, 5447 Bally, traditions, 8382 Balogh, Joseph K., 5599 Balthaser, Francis W., 7244 Baltimore, Lord, 2285; see also Calverts Baltimore, trade rivalry with Philadel- phia, 3311, 3968 Banes, Charles H., 9004 Bank of North America, 2923, 3335, 3338, 4980; and Pa. politics, 2893 Bank of Pennsylvania (architecture), 3508 Bank of the United States (architec- ture), 3509 Banks and banking, 3321, 3322, 3324- 3329, 3331, 3333-3335, 3337-3339, 3343-3348, 3352, 3353, 4023, 4025- 4028, 4036, 4038, 4039, 4803-4805, 4980-4982, 6038, 6046, 6058; national, 6055 Bankson, Lloyd, 5158, 7985 Banta, Richard E., 5751 Baptismal registers, French forts, 2006, 2008 Baptists, 8352-8367; bibliography, 104; and education, 1422; and Quakers, 8358; in western Pennsylvania, 8354, 8355 Bar, 6112, 6154, 6156; see Lawyers Barba, Eleanor, 4635 Barba. Preston A., 810, 817, 884, 3022, 4635 Barbee, David R., 5419 Barber, Edwin A., 779 Barber, John W., 6940 Barber surgeons, early, 1778 Barbour, John B., 4907 Barclay, John, 2969, 3603 Barclay Railroad, 4020 Bare, Daniel M., reminiscences, 7303 Barger, Harold, 5800 Bark, Emelia C, 5200, 6735, 7545 Barker, Charles R., 164, 1129, 1239, 1653, 3982, 7851, 7852, 7986 Barker, G. F., 5381 Barker, James N., 278 Barker, James Nelson, 3604 Barker, Joseph, 468 Barlow, Joel, 1523 Barnard, C. 5049 Barnard, Henry, 4304 Barnard, James L., 5456, 5688 Barnes, Elinor S., 2894 Barnes, Harry E, 1739-1741, 6092-6094 Barnes, Horace R., 1111, 1130, 1240, 4984, 5949 Barnes, J. P., 5021 Barnes, William D., 2292 Barnette, Stuart M., 4405 Barnitz, William I., 9123 Barns: decorated, 799; German, 771; symbols, 792, 862 Barnsley, Edward R., 2581, 4047, 4464, 7351, 7352 Baron, Haym S., 2854 Barondess, Benjamin, 4706 Barr, Lockwood, 3755 Barr, J. W., 8109 Barratt, Norris S., 4083, 6830 Barren Hill, battle of, 2691 Barrett, Eugene A., 5368, 5369 Barrett, H. G., 7454 Barrett, J. Allen, 7502 Barringer, Richard W., 7522 Barrow, John, 5752 Barrows, Fred L., 3390 Barry, John, 2785-2787 Barth, Harry A., 6191, 6192 Bartholomew, Allen R., 8904 Bartlett, Alice C. T., 2335 Bartlett, Marguerite G., 4058 Barton, Anna M., 5600 Barton, Benjamin Smith, 3605-3607 Barton, George, 6260, 7987, 7988 Barton, Samuel G., 1574 Barton, Thomas, 1241, 2019, 2784 Barton, W. E., 4707 Barton, William, 3608 Barton, William P. C, 225, 3045 Bartow, H. E., 5872 Bartram, John, 1557, 2085-2089, 8252; garden, 1555, 1567; house, 1565 Bartram, William, 2086, 2970 Baseball, 5203, 5213, 6471, 6837, 6838 Basket-making, 3790 Basse, Baron, 3609 Bassler, John H., 4315 Bates, Samuel P., 4708, 4709, 7473, 7595, 9005, 9006 Bates, Tarleton, journal (1798), 3206 Bates boys, 3192 Bath, 7907 Bathe, Dorothy, 3661, 4449 Bathe, Greville, 3551, 3552, 3661, 4449 Baths and watering places, colonial, 1680 Batschelet, C. E., 5601 Battin, Joseph, 3847 Battle, J. H., 7338, 7891 Bauemjreund, Der, 111 Baugher, Edward E.. 5457 Baum, Arthur W, 4845, 7304, 1156 Baum, Walter E., 667 Baumgardner, Mahlon J., 3903, 7380 Baumgarten, Edward. 2368 Bausher, Mildred J., 2210 Bausman, Joseph H., 7228 Bailsman, Lottie M., 25, 2020, 2526, 3391, 4109, 4267 716 Index Bayard, S. P., 1623 Bayard, Samuel P., 9124, 9125 Bayard, Stephen, 3610, 7184 Bayardstown, 7176, 7184 Bayliff, William H., 2259 Baynham, Edward G, 4625, 5159, 5201 Baynton, Wharton, and Morgan, ac- count book at Fort Pitt, 1321 Beadle, E. R.. 8770 Beale, D. J., 7381 Beale, Louis, 2369 Beals, Ellis, 3067 Beals, Katharine M., 2814 Beam, Jacob N., 1391 Beamish, Richard J., 6230 Bean, T. H., 226 Bean, Theodore W., 1697, 7836 Bear, black, 253 Beardslee, John W., 8905 Beatty, Edward C. O., 469, 470 Beatty, John D., 6613 Beatty, Lewis B., Jr., 5546 Beatty, Richmond C, 4563, 4658, 4659 Beauchamp, William M., 2228 Beaujeu. Daniel Hyacinth Mary Lienard de, 2079; family, 2059 Beaumariage, Alexander C, 3111 Beaux, Cecilia, 6786 Beaver, Governor James Addams, 4985, 5320 Beaver County, 3867, 7227-7236; ar- chives, 7233; newspapers, 3531 Beaver Falls, 7234, 7236 Beaver and Lake Erie Canal, 3910 Beaver Springs, 8126 Beazell, Kathryn E., 3858 Bebber's Township, 466 Bechtel, John, 2090 Beck, Clara A, 7853, 8726 Beck, George, 7164 Beck, Herbert H., 1131, 1289, 1534, 1678, 1679, 2132, 2582, 3032, 3033, 5160, 5327, 7667 Beck, Leonard N., 3415 Beck, Virginia, 4585, 5458, 7191 Beck Family School, 5160 Beckel, Clarence E., 1641 Becker, Carl L, 2370 Becktel, Russell G., 8982 Bedford, 7239-7240 Bedford County, 1496, 7106, 7237-7243; early history, 7242 Beebe, Victor L., 8089 Beecham, Robert K., 4710 Beecher, H. K., 8253 Beers, Henry P., 2, 17, 125 Behnke, H. D., 1749 Behrens, D. M., 5202 Beidelman, Harry H., 8548 Beidelman, William, 668 Beiler, David, memoirs, 8689 Beirne, Virginia, 7321 Beissel, Conrad, 1607, 2091; treatise on music, 1549 Beitel, Calvin G., 5087 Beitler, Lewis E., 4751 Bek, William G, 3783 Belden, Ethel A., 6736 Belfour, C. Stanton, 4567 Belisle, D. W, 2527 Bell, Albert H., 8205 Bell, Alexander K., 4110 Bell, Edmund H., 7558 Bell, Herbert C, 7924, 8174 Bell, John F, 3859, 3904 Bell, Raymond M., 7823, 7824 Bell, Tom, 1720 Bell, Whitfield J., Jr., 49, 1052, 1392, 1891, 2926-2930, 3025, 3026, 3040, 5371 Bellas, Henry H, 2583 Belle Riviere, see Ohio River Bellefonte, 7414 Bellefonte Episcopal Church, 8879 Bellevue, 7149 Bemis, Edward W., 5055 Bench and bar, 6154, 6156; see Courts, Lawvers Bender, Eleanore, 8983 Bender, Harold S., 98, 120, 2119, 8648- 8651 Bender, Harry E., 279 Bender, Wilbur J., 8652 Bendiner, R., 6242 Benezet, Anthony, 2092-2095 Benfer, Neil A., 5715 Benham, William G., 471 Benjamin, Cletus J., 8369 Benner, Dorothea O., 3905 Benner, Walter M.. 227 Bennett, Andrew, 3102 Bennett, Daniel M., 3711 Bennett, George W., 8188 Bennett, Katharine W., 2058 Benshoff, Harry M., 7382 Benson, Adolph B., 431, 432 Benson, Edmund L., 9007 Benson, Nelson P., 5459 Benswanger, William E., 5203 Berg, Harry D, 1242, 1243, 1927 BergendofT, Conrad J. I., 1575 Bergfeld, A. W., 669 Berglund, Abraham, 5801 Bergner, Milton K., 1132 Bergstresser, Fuller, 8549 Berkebile, Fred D., 280 Berks County, 1228, 7047, 7244-7297; archaeology, 366; agriculture, 5712; Amish in, 8686; archives, 7263; banks, 3344; biographies, 7246, 7257; birds, 717 Index 250; churches, 1581, 1582, 8593, 8941; in Civil War, 4700; congressional his- tory, 7278; courthouses, 7249; covered bridges, 4996; early book subscription list, 1517; early iron works, 1197; early schools, 1454, 4257; and elec- tion of Lincoln, 4185; folk festival, 7255; in French and Indian War, 1965; Friends' meeting houses, 8498; German newspapers, 915; Huguenots in, 1026; Indians, 286; Indian war in, 2028, 2033; industries, 7253; Irish in, 990, 1029, 1033; Lincolns of, 7267; Lutherans in, 8557, 8589, 8602; maps, 7264; medical profession, 1751; militia, 2679; mining, 1202; Moravians in, 8739, 8750, 8751; naturalized citizens, 659; newspapers, 88; paper making, 1193; Pennsylvania Germans, 750, 923, 931, 933; place names, 8350; politics, 7280; post offices, 7256; Scotch-Irish in, 990; slavery in, 4144; slavery issue in, 4110; sources, 32, 7262; southern, 7254; Welsh in, 1015 Berks County Historical Society, 7248 Berlin, Alfred F., 281, 670, 1928 Berman, W. I, 6037 Bernstein, Leonard, 1102 Berry, Thomas S., 3860 Berthold, S. M., 2833 Bertin, Eugene P., 165, 5120, 8254 Berwick, Friends in, 8499 Besse, Joseph, 468, 472 Bessemer, Pennsylvania, 4883 "Bessemer" process, 4864, 4883 Best, Mary A., 2834 Bestor, Arthur E., Jr., 4225 Bethany Orphans' Home, 8971 Bethel community, 4229 Bethel Presbyterian Church, 8786 Bethlehem, 1436a, 4386, 7902, 7903, 7905, 7912, 7913, 7922, 8754; early inns, 1666-1668; journey to Goshen, Ohio (1803), 8300; military hospital at, 2630; Moravian buildings, recon- struction problems, 8745; Moravian Chapel, 8757; Moravians in, 1641, 8760; music, 1538, 1542, 1548; in Revolution, 2629; school, 1436a; Sun Inn, legend of, 9155; Zinzendorf and, 8767 Bethlehem Bach Choir, 6541, 6542 Bethlehem Steel Corporation. 4863, 5810 Bettle, Edward, 4111 Betts, L. W., 5802 Bettziech-Beta, Heinrich, 23 72 Bet/, I. H., 2528, 2584, 5347 Beula, 7384 Beveridge, Albert J., 6823 Beyer, Richard L., 1297 Bezaillion, Peter, 1318; road, 1245 Bezanson, Anne, 1326, 2529, 2530, 3303, 5803, 5885 Bible: Pennsylvania German, 957; rarest American, 3443 Bibliographies: agriculture, 40-43; Amer- ican imprints, 7; American Revolu- tion 2337; archaeology, 44, 45; arts and sciences, 46-57; general, 1-16; Pennsylvania, 17-23; place names, 96; regional, county, and local, 24-39; re- ligious groups, 97-121; sources, 9, 12; state and local histories, 3, 4, 8, 11, 14; topical, 40-160; William Penn, 95 Bicknell, Joseph D., 7989 B 1C knell, Thomas W., 2862 Biddle, Charles, autobiography, 2971 Biddle, Edward W., 1698, 4074, 4352, 4656 Biddle, Gertrude B, 2253 Biddle, Henry D., 2191, 2973 Biddle, Nicholas, 2788; letters of, 2789, 3612; on Joseph Dennie, 3655; at Princeton, 3611; unfinished novel, 4480 Biddle, Owen, 2973 Biddle, Violet, 6785 Bidwell, Barnabas, 2305 Biegener, E. M., 8550 Biemiller, C. L., 7503 Bierer, Bert W., 3553 Bierman, E. B., 5161, 7706 Big Spring Presbyterian Church, 8855 Big Spring Presbytery, 8843 Bigler, Governor William, 4558 Bilingualism, in Middle Colonies, 922 Bill, Alfred H., 2585 Billet, battle of the, 2672 B.llinger, Robert D, 1133-1135, 4863, 4908, 4909, 5348 Billings, John S., 5088 Billington, Roy A., 4099 Billstone, Laurie, 6281 Bimba, Anthony, 5074 Binder, Frederick M., 4711, 4712 Binder, William J., 8698 Binder-Johnson, Hildegard, 1053 Bingham, Anne Willing, 3613 Bingham, Katharine, 5437 Bingham, William, 2974-2977 Bingham, Mrs. William, 2974 Bining, Arthur C, 18, 1136-1140. 6737 Bining, William, 3804 Binney, Charles C, 5321, 5243 B.nney, Horace, 1699, 5321, 5322 Bums, John, 3614, 3615 Biographies, 169, 2056, 2057, 2968- 3110, 3598-3762, 4548-4676, 4796- 4844, 5314-5446, 6784-6936; collec- tions, 2252-2257, 3110, 3760-3762, 718 Index 3800, 4671-4676, 4843, 4844, 5437- 5446, 6930-6936, 6987; see also under various counties Bioren, John, 4465 Birch, Edith W., 1018, 7271 Birch, George W. F., 8771 Birch, William, views, 3517 Birch oil distilling, 1206 Bird, Albert A., 5263 Bird, H. Delbert, 5716 Bird, Mary M., 4559 Bird, Robert Montgomery, 4559, 4560 Bird, S. John, 7925 Bird lore, Pennsylvania German, 869 Birds, 236, 237, 244, 250, 260, 261, 265, 266, 269 Birdsboro, 7281; industries, 4852 Birket-Smith, Kaj, 282 Birkinbine, John, 4986 Birmelin, John, 884, 885, 921 Birmingham, Quakers at, 8539 Birth certificates, illuminated, 797 Bishop, Avard L., 3906, 3907 Bishop, J. B., 5844, 5927 Bishop, L. L., 5753 Bishop of London, and Penn's Indian policy, 641 Bison, 256, 262, 271 Bissell, Richard, 5754 Bitner, Mabel E., 6941 Bittinger, Lucy F., 671, 945 Bituminous coal, see Coal, bituminous Bivens, Harry R., 1066 Bixler, Floyd S., 1654 Black, Chauncey F., 4796 Black, Jeremiah S., 4561; essays and speeches, 4796 Black Hole Valley, 7784, 7798 Black Prince, ship, 2599 Blackburn, E. Howard, 7237 Blackman, Emily C, 8150 Blacksmiths, 3791 Blackwell, John, 1832 Blair, Andrew, 4562 Blair, Cassandra M. S., letters, 4713 Blair, H. L., 8180 Blair, Miriam W., 4562 Blair County, 7298-7320; architecture, 6486; archives, 7314; biographies, 7318; education, 6347, 7313; early in- dustries, 7298; fossils, 249; place names, 7320; post offices, 7320; sol- diers from, 9054 Blair County Iron Works, 7299 Blair family, 7312 Blairsville, 7607 Blaisdell, Mary, 6338 Blanchard, Charles, 5438 Blanchard, D. E, 3827 Blanchard, Jean P., 3495 Blanche Marie, Sister, 8370 Bland, James H., 6787 Blank, Peter, log house, 7760 Blankenburg, Lucretia M., 6788 Blankenburg, Rudolph, 5264, 5460, 5547 Blankenburg family, 6788 Blatt, Genevieve, 6421 Blessed Sacrament Parish, 8376 Bleyden, Paul, 7384 Blied, Benjamin J., 8371 Blind: aid for, 6309; pensions, 6282, 6331; schools for, 6280 Bliss, Arthur A., 5323 Bliss, R. P., 4481 Bliss, Theodore, 5323 Blitzstein, Madelin, 7990 Bliven, Bruce, Jr., 6235 Blockley, 1751a, 7861; see also Phila- delphia General Hospital Blockley Hospital, 1768, 6582; see also Philadelphia General Hospital Blodget, Lorin, 166, 4846, 4847 v 5050, 5089 Bloom, Lansing B., 4534 Bloom, Robert L., 4112, 4560 Bloomsburg, 7468, 7472 Bloore, Stephen, 2145 Blough, Jerome E., 8443 Blough, S. S., 8444 "Blue gate" myth, 871 Blue Hills, 8344 Blue laws, 1696 Blue Mountains, German farmers along, 769 Blum, Herman, 473 Blumhardt, Christian G., 2248 Blythe, David G., 4416, 5324 Boalsburg, 7409 Bock, Thomas A., 5121 Bodarky, Clifford, 6283 Bodin, Dorothy, 6289 Boehm, John Philip, 2096 Bogardus, J. F., 5873 Bogart, Ernest L., 5845 Bogen, Jules I., 5003 Boggs, Edward F., 1351 Boishebert, Deschamps de, family, 2076 Bok, Curtis, 6095 Bok, Edward W., 6802 Boker, George H., 4563, 4564, 4658 Bolan, Harvey S., 6339 Bolenius, Robert M., 672 Boll, E. S., 6463 Holies, Albert S, 474, 5056, 6942 Bollman, Eric, 3318 Bollman, Justus Erich, 3616 Bolton, Theodore, 3722 Bolze, Arthur W., 4714 Bombcrger, C. M. H, 2021, 4199, 8207, 8208 710 Index Bomberger, Henry H., 1244 Bonaparte, Joseph, in Philadelphia, 3423, 3436 Bond, Beverly W.. Jr., 1067, 3147 Bond, Earl D, 4423 Bonder, James B., 5140 Bonnecamps, Father, journal, 2003 Book, Herbert E., 6392 Book, Janet M., 4779 Book auctions, 1499 Book publishing, 3538, 6504 Bookmobiles, 6512 Bookplates, Pennsylvania German, 886 Books, 1474 Bookselling, 1498, 1499, 1504, 1509, 1520, 3547, 4486; directory, 50 Boone, C. B., 1929 Boone, Daniel, 2097-2103 Boone, Squire, 2100 Boone family, 2101 Boorse, John C, 7854 Booth, C. A., 9008 Booth, James Curtis, 4565 Booth, John Wilkes, 4566; as oil man, 4948 Booth and Flinn Company, 5806 Bordentown, New Jersey, Joseph Bona- parte in, 3436 Bordley, John Beale, and Philadelphia Agricultural Society, 4050 Borkowski, Joseph A., 5051 Borland, James, memoirs, 6073 Borneman, Henry S., 780, 886, 4482 Boroughs, 1793, 1805, 5269; annexa- tions, 5569, 5570; and poor relief, 6285, 6640 Borrows, General John, 3617 Bortz, Nelson M., 5075, 5405 Bosbyshell, Oliver C, 9009 Bossard, James H. S., 6261, 6422, 6463, 6614, 6911 Bosses, political, 5264, 5284, 5312, 5313 Boston, Charles A., 1699a Boston, 1298, 3451, 3558, 5088, 5672, 6162 Bostwick, Retta E., 283 Boswell, John L., 4468 Botanists, 241, 1560, 1565a, 2085-2089 Botsford, Harry, 4911, 4912 Botsford, Samuel, 6248 Boucher, John N., 3068, 3254, 4806, 4864, 7125, 8209, 8210 Bough ter, I. F., 4791 Boundaries: bibliography, 58; disputes with Maryland, 760, 1073, 1092; dis- putes, with Maryland and Delaware, 2258-2290; disputes, with Virginia, 2291-2296, 2300-2302; see also Mason and Dixon line Bouquet, Henry, 1935, 1937, 1950, 1971, 2104-2107; Indian campaigns, 2041, 2046; papers, 1979, 1980 Bourman, Clara L., 2699 Bourquard, E. H., 5755 Bovet, Felix, 2250 Bowden, James, 6943 Bowden. Robert D., 6179 Bowen, Catherine D., 5162 Bowen, Clarence W., 2306 Bowen, Dana T., 7546 Bowen, Daniel, 7954 Bowen, Eli, 3828, 8255 Bowen, Genevieve, 321a Bowen, Genevieve M., 6944 Bowen, Marjorie, 3637 Bowes, Anna D., 6548, 6549 Bowie, Walter R., 6842 Bowker, R. R., 159 Bowman, Charles M., 3520 Bowman, Early J., 1576 Bowman, H. M., 8653 Bowman, James L., 7015 Bowman, John B., 3908, 8110 Bowman, John G., 6423 Bowman, John J., 4848 Bowman, Samuel, 7695 Bowman's Hill, 2666 Boyd, James, 4048 Boyd, Julian P., 630, 1848, 2022, 2307- 2309, 2748-2750, 3112, 6738 Boyd, Stephen G., 284 Boyd, Thomas A., 2863, 2994, 3664 Boyer, Calvin S., 1700 Boyer, Frank P, 2687, 7926 Boyer, Harriet, 7991 Boyer, Melville J., 19, 83, 7737 Boyer, Norman R., 5004 Boyer, Walter E., 946 Boyle, John R., 9010 Boyle, Sister Mary E., 8372 Boynton, Henry W., 1498 Brabazon, Thomas, 1352 Brackbill, Martin H, 673, 1245, 7668, 8654 Brackenridge, Henry M., 3148, 3152, 3618, 3619 Brackenridge, Hugh H.. 2698, 3149, 3620-3624, 3131; and "direct pri- mary" of 1792, 3131 Braddock, Pa., 7154; History Commit- tee, 1930 Braddock, Major General Edward, 1969; army, 1962; defeat, 1963, 1970; expedition, 1925, 1929, 1946, 1956, 1961, 1967-1969 Braddock's Field, 1930, 7154 Braddock's Road, 1948, 1954, 1964, 1982 Braderman, Eugene M., 126 720 Index Bradford, 7807, 7810; oil region, 4952, 4953 Bradford, Andrew, 1473, 2108, 2109 Bradford, Thomas L., 3, 4424 Bradford, William, 2790, 2791; and Philadelphia tea episode, 2346 Bradford County, 7321-7337; antislav- ery movement, 4134; archaeology, 358; archives, 7335; biographies, 7332; in Civil War, 4732; farming in, 5728; Indians, 276; newspapers, 7321; railroad, 4020; and Revolution, 2617 Bradford family, 1471 Bradley, A. Day, 831 Bradley, Edward S., 4564, 5379 Bradley, Erwin S., 5265 Bradley, William A., Jr., 6632 Bradsby, Henry C. 7322, 7761 Bradsher, Earl L., 4483 Bradway, John S, 6096 Brady, Gerard, 4200 Brady, Samuel, 2744 Brady, William Y.. 1995, 3172 Brady's Bend, 9148 Brailsford, H. N, 6615 Brailsford, Mabel R., 475 Brainerd, David, 2110 Branch, E. Douglas, 2104, 2105, 3959, 3960, 4450 Brandt, Francis B„ 167, 7992, 7993 Brandt, Harry A., 2206 Brandywine, battle of, 2586, 2633, 2653, 2656, 2663, 2680, 2687 Brandywine Creek, 171, 7432, 7434, 8351; forks of, Presbyterian Church, 8821 Brane, C. I. Berton, 8984 Brasch, Frederick E., 1842 Brashear, John A., 6790; autobiography, 6789 Brashear Association, and community problems, 6320 Braucher, Samuel C, 6243 Braun, Frank X., 3589 Braun, Milton O., 5461 Bray, Thomas, see Bray Associates Bray Associates: Franklin and, 2492; in Pennsylvania, 8894; work among Negroes, 1058 Bready, Marcia B., 653 Brechbuhl, Benedict, and Swiss Men- nonite migration, 8656 Brecht, George K., 6340 Brecht, Robert P., 5871 Brecht, Samuel K., 4316 Brecht, Vincent B, 4484, 4485 Breck, Samuel, 3255; and Free School Act, 4275 Brede, Charles F., 3587, 3588 Breed, W. R., 2531 Breithaupt, W. H., 8655 Breitwieser, Thomas J., 6341 Brenckman, Fred, 5022, 7404 Brendle, Abraham S., 2211, 7708 Brendle, Thomas, 9126 Brendle, Thomas R, 772, 844, 845, 8906 Brereton, T. J., 7016 Breslin, William M., 7709 Bressler, Leo A., 887 Brethren, Church of the, 8456, 8458, 8465; cultural changes, 6263; eastern district, 8455; middle district, 8467; on social problems, 8445; southern district, 8450; western district, 8443; York, 8444 Brethren in Christ Church, 8985 Brewer, A. T., 9011 Brewer, Charles, 4567 Brewer, James H., 6074 Brewing, 1162, 1199 Brewington, Marion V., 1301, 2587 Brewster, Benjamin Harris, 5325, 5326 Brewster, Robert W., 4113, 6097 Brewster, William, 2310, 7762 Breyfogel, S. C, 8474 Brickenstein, H. A., 7669 Brickerville Lutheran Congregation, 8618 Brickmaking, 1158 Bricks, imported, 1365 Bridenbaugh, Carl, 616, 1141, 1468a, 1680, 1892, 7994, 8256 Bridenbaugh, Jessica, 7994 Bridge, J. H., 4865 Bridgebuilding, 6891 Bridgeport, 7564, 7882 Bridgeport and Horseshoe Turnpike, 4984 Bridges, 3265, 3267, 7592; covered, 4987, 4996 Bridges, Hal, 5430, 5431 Brig, Jean H.. 1469 Brigance, William N., 4797 Briggs, Berta N., 3723 Briggs, Charles A., 8772 Brigham, Clarence S., 84, 1470, 1499, 4406 Bright. Royal E., 3150 Brill Company, 6009 Brillhart, Norman C, 4780 Brindley, William, 2588 Brink, Frederick W., 1577 Brinkman, Charles W., 3256 Brinton, Anna C, 8484 Brinton, Daniel G., 285, 9127 Brinton, Ellen S., 631 Brinton, Francis D., 7422 Brinton, Howard H., 6424, 8485, 8486 721 Index Brinton, Mary W., autobiography, 6791 Brinton, Robert F., 7272 Brinton, Walter, 617 Brissot, Jacques Pierre, see Warville Bristol, 7350, 7356, 7361-7363, 7368; bank, 3346 Bristol Methodist Church, 8705 Bristol Pike, 3270, 3271 Bristow, Arch, 8181 British: immigrants, 3769, 3770, 3775, 3780; in northwestern Pennsylvania. 1980a; prisoners, 2667 British authorities, Pennsylvania Ger- mans and, 943 British colonies, James Logan on, 1835 British Empire: before the Revolution, 1942-1945; Galloway's views of, 2748- 2750; Pennsylvania and, 1784, 1801. 1809 British invasion, 2651 Brittin, Lionel, 8395 Brockman, Leonard M., 6739 Brodhead, Col. Daniel, 2978; expedi- tion, 2713, 2738 Brodhead, Davis, 5163 Brodhead, Luke W., 168 Brodin, Pierre, 8487 Broecker, T. W., 6120 Bromwell, William, 3961 Bronk, Detlev W, 3734 Bronner, Edwin B., 592, 1834, 4226 Bronson, Enos, 3625 Brooke, George, 9013 Brooke, H. K., 2751 Brooklyn Township, Susquehanna County, 8157 Brooks, Charles H., 8353 Brooks, George S., 2092 Brooks, R.R., 5697 Broome, Edwin C, 6342 Brotherhead, William, 4486 Broun, Maurice, 5756 Brower, D. H. B., 7892 Brower, Edith, 7763 Brown, Alexander C, 3893, 3894, 5757 Brown, Carroll T., 6503 Brown, Charles Brockden, 3627, 3638; and Gothic novel, 3540; and Jeffer- son administration, 3117; and wom- en's rights, 3626 Brown, C. Gordon, 6098, 6284 Brown, D. P., 4556 Brown, David P., 3354 Brown, George W., 4913, 8488 Brown, H. G., 50, 3538, 6504 Brown, J. Hay, 4201 Brown, General Jacob, 3634 Brown, John. 4569; in Pennsylvania, 4125, 4136 Brown, John C, 3322 Brown, John H., 4914 Brown, John M., 2098 Brown, Kenneth L, 3323-3325 Brown, Margaret L., 2974-2976, 3613 Brown, Mary V., 6055 Brown, Maude O., 50 Brown, Millard D., 9014 Brown, R. P., 6655 Brown, Ralph A., 2752, 5648 Brown, Ralph H, 618, 3496 Brown, Revelle W., 3962-3964, 4631, 5164, 5409-5411 Brown, Richard A., 4749 Brown, Robert, 7829 Brown, Robert B., 3589 Brown, Robert C, 7373, 7474 Brown Brothers and Company, 3322 Brown Shipley and Company, 3322 Browne, C. A., 3805, 6900 Browne, Henry J., 5057 Brownell, Stanley J., 5717 Brownell, W. C, 5165 Browning, Charles H., 1004 Brownlow, Donald G., 2589 Brown's Mill School, 3472 Brownson, James I., 3746, 5244 Brownson, S. M., 3682 Brownsville, 7558, 7564 Brownsville First Presbyterian Church. 8781 Brubaker, Marianna G., 4114 Bruce, David, 3635 Bruce, E. C, 5233 Bruce, Robert, 3257 Bruce, William C, 2373 Brule, Etienne, 170, 356 Brumbach, John C, 8604, 8907 Brumbaugh, G. Edwin, 781-783, 1353 Brumbaugh, Lewis H., 8445 Brumbaugh, Governor Martin G., 1393, 2120, 6792. 8446; and education, 6412 Bruner, David K, 6285 Brunhouse, Robert L, 2336, 2875, 2931, 5166-5168 Brunner, David B.. 286, 7247 Brush, Frederic, 8257, 9128, 9129 Brush Creek, tales, 8207 Bryan, George, 2979 Bryan, Kirke, 26, 4679, 4680 Bryant, D. S., 7353 Bryant, W. L., 228 Bryant-Jones, Mildred, 4824 Bryce, Charles C, 1624 Bryn Mawr, origins and government, 1009 Bryn Mawr College, presidents, 6910 Brynestad, Lawrence E., 1578 Bryson, Rev. John, school of, 4330 722 Index Buchanan, President James, 4187-4220; administration, 4212, 4213; as diplo- mat. 4215, 4216; and Lancaster, 4195, 4200, 4211; as lawyer, 4206; and slav- ery, 4205, 4217; religion, 4207, 4208 Buchanan, John G., 1701, 4798 Buchanan. Roberdeau, 3707 Bucher, Henry G., 6343, 6344 Buchwalter, Grace M., 674 Buck, Charles N., memoirs, 4570 Buck, Elizabeth H., 1893, 2932 Buck, Solon J., 127, 1112, 1893 Buck, William [., 287, 476, 675, 1849, 2152, 2590, 7340, 7341, 7354, 7837, 7838, 785', 7856, 8258 Buckalew, Charles R.. 5287 Buckalew, John M., 2700 Buckingham Township, Bucks County, 7369 Bucknell University, 4399, 5178 Bucks County, 2102, 7338-7372. 7838; agricultural societies, 4047; agricul- ture, 5035; archaeology, 367. 368, 411; banks, 3346; biographies, 7339; birds. 244; churches, 8931; courts, 1700, 1704, 1706, 1731; earlv botanists, 1560; early Catholics, 8391; early Friends in, 8488; early social life, 1629; flora, 227; Germans in, 675; Indian land purchase, 1100; Indians, 321a, 342, 343, 352, 398; invention. 4861; iron works, 1149; jails, 1746; legends, 7341, 7349, 9198; Lehigh Countv's separation from, 7754; lime burning. 3807; Loyalists, 2770, 2772, 2781; Lutheranism in, 8563; medical society, 3584, 4429; Morris and, 7348; newspapers, 3521; old roads and towns, 7347; place names, 7345, 8258; poets, 3539; in Revolution, 2600; schools, 4263, 4268; silk culture, 3802; tobacco growing, 4046; wild pigeon, 248 Bucks County Historical Societv, 7342, 7346 Bucks County Plavhouse, 6251 Buckshot War, 4084, 4087, 4091 Bucktail Brigade, 9015 Bucktails, Kane Rifle Regiment, 9095 Buckwalter, W. Roy, 5950 Budd, Henry, 1785, 2701, 3113. 4657 Budd, Thomas, 593 Bude, Edward Gowen, 6793 Buehrle, Robert K.. 832, 4115 Buell, Augustus C, 477, 5342 Buell, Harold E., 6425 Buell, Richard C, 1327 Buente, Francis M., 4915 Buffalo, see Bison Buffalo Valley, 7043; folklore, 9167 Buffington, Albert F., 888-890, 946 Bufhngton, Joseph, 2374, 2375 Building and loan associations, 6067 Building societies, 5052 Bull, Claus Borneman, 3776 Bull, Ole, 3767, 3771, 3778, 3779, 3787, 8091 Bull associations, 5717 Bullard, Frederic L., 4715 Bullen, Henry L., 1471, 2376, 4574 Bump, Charles W., 8259 Bundel, C. M., 4716 Bunting, Josiah, 1642 Bunting, Martha, 1642 Bunting, Samuel J., 8489 Burchard, Edward L., 58 Burd James, 2111, 2112 Burdette, Robert J., 478 Burdine, John A., 2933 Burgess, D. Lawrence, 6426 Burgess, Ellis B., 8552, 8553 Burgess. George H., 3965 Burgettstown, schools, 3483 Burgoyne, Arthur G., 5065, 7192 Burk, A. B., 5052 Burk, W. Herbert, 2591, 2592 Burke, D. B., 6099 Burke, Edmund, 9130; Franklin and, 2512 Burkhardt, F. A., 1246, 6010 Burkhart, J. Paul, 7295 Burkholder, Hans, and Swiss Mennonite migration, 8656 Burkholder, Joseph C, 8656 Burlington, 2202 Burnaby, Andrew, travels (1759-1760). 8260 Burnham, E. Lewis, 5093 Burnham, Smith, 3326, 6945 Burns, Edward J., 6038 Burns, Edward M., 4116 Burns, Franklin L., 2593, 8810 Burns, James A., 1394 Burr, Agnes R., 6798 Burr, Anna R., 6853 Burr, Franklin A., 5320 Burr, Nelson H., 8870, 8871 Burr, Theodore, 3267 Burrell, Abram B., 7825 Burrowes, Helen B., 8773 Burrowes, Thomas B., 169, 4284, 4286. 4317 Burt, Struthers, 7955 Burton, Katherine K., 4253 Busch, George M., Jr., 3214 Busch, Henry P., 47 ( > Bush-Brown, James, 7 ( >'' :; Bush-Brown, Louise, 7 ( ^^ Bushey, Glenn, 2337, 3355 Bushkill, 344, 7825 723 Index Bushy Run, battle of, 2021 Business: early regulation of, 1268; and education, 6397; during Revolution, 2936; history, guides to, 63, 65, 66; seasonal changes, 6056, 6350 Butcher, Harry K., 3114 Butler, 7376 Butler, A. W, 7895 Butler, Elizabeth B., 5665-5667 Butler, Frank, 5914 Butler, Mary, 288-291 Butler, R., 5662 Butler, Ruth L, 2377 Butler, Smedley D, 6205, 6794 Butler County, 7045, 7373-7377; Irish in, 1032; Sesquicentennial Association, 7374 Butler Presbytery, 8825 Butterfield, Consul W., 1170, 2702, 2703, 2995 Butterfield, Lyman H., 2934, 3052-3053, 3469, 3554 Butterfield, Roger, 6244, 7956 Buttorff, Jane, 4519 Byars, William V., 1247 Byberry, Philadelphia, 7998, 8049 Bye, Arthur E., 3501, 4612, 6475, 6550 Bye, R. T., 5905 Byers, William L., 7238 Byington, Margaret F., 5649, 5650, 5668, 6616 Byram, Marian, 6521 Byrne, Jacob H., 1068 Byrnes, Agnes M. H., 5651 Cabarrus County, North Carolina, 696, 703 Cabeen, Francis V., 4059 Cabinetmakers, Philadelphia, 1171, 1236 Caches, Indian, 411 Cadbury, Henry Jr., 99, 480-486, 594- 596, 1054, 8490-8492 Cadbury, William W., 8493 Cades, Elliot, 5874 Cadwalader, Thomas, 2113 Cadwalader, William B., 6551 Cadzow, Donald A., 292, 293, 487 Caernarvon, 7682 Caernarvon Township, Berks County, mining in, 1202 Caldwell, Charles, 3636 Caldwell, John A., 7608 Cale, Edgar B., 4681, 5066, 6245 Calendar, Quaker, 1574 Caley, Caleb B., 2293 Caley, Percy B., 1643, 2753 Calhoun, George N., 2790 Calico making, 1156 California, gold rush, 4534, 4542, 7804 California, Pa., normal school, 5141 Callahan, James M., 3861 Callender, E. B., 4825, 8199 Calverts: dispute with Penns, 606, 1092; see also Baltimore. Lord Cambria County, 7106, 7378-7401; biographies, 7383; medical society, 7385; settlers, 7398; trolleys, 6012 Cameron, Alan, 2765 Cameron, Simon, 4571; family, 5327; in iron industry, 3845; and Lincoln's cabinet, 4802 Cameron colliery, 3855 Cameron County, 7045, 7402, 7403; problems, 7403 Cammerhoff, John C. F., journey to Shamokin (1748), 8261 Camp, D. I., 8774 Campaign of 1888, 5267 Campaign of 1894, 5271 Campaign of 1896, 5276-5279 Campaign of 1900, 5310 Campbell, Allan D., 4354 Campbell, Emma M., 3683 Campbell, Frances M., 6552 Campbell, Jane, 1535, 4663 Campbell, John H., 3763 Campbell, P. E., 8373 Campbell, Thomas C, Jr., 5005, 5999 Campbell, William B., 7996 Campbell, William J., 2378 Campbellites, 8990, 8991 Campbellstown, 7577 Camptown, 7333 Canada, 1944; memoirs (1749-1760), 1998; Pennsylvania Germans in, 701 Canal plate, 2776 Canals, 1240, 3244, 3254, 3291, 3296, 3300, 3903-3955, 3973, 3993, an- thracite tidewater, 4993; arguments against, 3976; building of, 3259; early, 1271, 1279; lotteries and, 3909; move- ment for, 3929, 3947; reports on, 3938, 4999; section boats, 3921 Canby, Henry S„ 171 Canning industry, 5715, 8245 Cannon Hill, 1131 Canon, Genevie O., 6363 Canonsburg, 8187; academy, 4395 Canty, John B., 2532 Capen, Louise L, 6946 Capers, Thomas S., 8775 Capital punishment, 3369, 3374 Capitals, 450 724 Index Capitol, State, 6184; and graft scandal, 6185-6187 Carantouan, 294, 356 Carbon, manufactured, 5805 Carbon County, 7404-7407; biographies, 7406; in Civil War, 4742; Molly Ma- guire trials, 5086 Carbondale, 4959, 7623; biography, 7635 Cardwell, Guy A., 4175 Cardwell, Robert H, 1557 Carey, Henry Charles, 3871, 4572, 4573 Carey, Lewis J., 2379 Carey, M., 3327 Carey, Mathew, 3258, 3392, 4483, 4574- 4577; autobiography, 4578 Cargill, J. F., 5548 Carleton, David A., 4916 Carling, George S, 6740, 7897 Carling, William W., 6740, 7896, 7897 Carlisle, 1891, 7481, 7482, 7484, 7490- 7494, 7497, 7499; churches, 8388, 8866, 8889; early publications, 7497; first public buildings, 7490, 7491; In- dians at, 1852; jails, 1745; John Penn in, 1814; public schools, 6385; Rush's journal of trip to, 3051 Carlisle Barracks, 6574, 7499, 7501 Carlisle Dancing Assembly, 1684 Carlisle Deposit Bank and Trust Com- pany, 4025 Carlisle Indian School, 5166-5168 Carlisle Indians, 6470 Carlisle Presbytery, 8835 Carlock, J. E., 6670 Carlson, C. Lennart, 2146 Carlstrom, J. A., 3784 Carman, Harry J., 5406, 5407 Carmer, Carl, 294 Carnahan, Floyd L., 6703 Camahan, James, 3151 Carnegie, Andrew, 5328-5335 Carnegie, Mrs. Andrew, 5336 Carnegie Institute of Technology, 6454 Carnegie Library, 7126 Carnegie Museum, archaeological pro- gram, 385 Carnegie Steel Company, 4865 Carney, W. H. B., 8554 Carpatho-Slavs, culture change, 5622 Carpenter, Aaron E., 6427 Carpenter, Benjamin H., 7764 Carpenter, Edmund S., 44, 295, 297 Carpenter, J. Stratton, 4425 Carpenter, Samuel, 1830, 1831 Carpenter, William H., 6947 Carpenters' Hall, 2533, 8058 Carpet manufacture, 3806 Carr, Charles C, 5807 Carr, George B., 5344 Carrell, John B, 7857 Carrick, Alice V., 3502 Carrick Furnace, 1132 Carrier, Lyman, 1113 Carrow, Goldsmith D., 8699 Carson, Hampton L., 422, 488, 1786, 3090, 3103, 3115, 4487, 5322, 6174, 6851 Carson, Joseph H., 2935 Carson, Marian S., 4465 Carson, Norma B., 6100 Carson, William J., 6617 Carter, Edward W., 5454, 5462, 6039 Carter, Hugh, 5090 Carter, James F., 6345 Carter, John H., 298, 1069, 1309, 1931, 2594, 7927, 8727 Carter, Joseph C, 3687 Carter, Lewis J., 5689 Carter, M. H., 7898 Carter, William C, 8220 Carver, George, 9131 Carver, T. N., 4227 Casey, John, 2876 Casey, Robert J., 5006 Casgrain, H. R., 1996 Caspers, F., 6476 Caspipina's Letters, 503 Cass, E. R., 6101 Cassaday, John C, 8139 Cassel, Daniel K., 8657 Cassel, James M., 2982 Cassidy, Lewis C, 5325 Castafero, Ralph F., 6393 Castetter, William B., 6394 Catasauqua, 7738, 7743; schools, 4278; Taylor House at, 7757 Catawissa Friends' Meeting, 8497 Cathcart, S. H., 5808, 5875 Gather, Willa, 6508, 6865 Catholic Church, see Roman Catholic Church Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute, Philadelphia, 8420 Catholic University of America, 100 Cathrall, Isaac, 3394 Catlin, George, 4579 Cattell, Henry S., 172 Cattell, James McKeen, 6795 Cattle industry, early, 1117 Catton, Bruce, 4717 Caughnawago Indians, Col. James Smith and, 1854 Caulwell, William H., 229 Cavell, Jean M., 833 Caves, 206, 208, 249 Cazenove, Theophile, journal (1794), 8293 Cedar Hill Seminary, 4327 Celesta community, 4250 725 Index Celoron de Blainville, brothers, 2067; expedition, 2003, 2009a; family, 2074; Joseph-Louis, 2072; journal, 2003 Cement industry, 4908, 4933, 5876, 5902 Census, (1950), 5644, 5645 Centennial Exhibition of 1876, 5232- 5242 Center Furnace, 3850 Central High School, Philadelphia, 4270, 5150; and Civil War, 4682 Central Pennsylvania, 7033, 8332; biog- raphies, 7011, 7012; canals, 3259; early iron works, 3238; industry, 5894; legends, 9179, 9180, 9187, 9188; railroads in Civil War, 4765 Central Pennsylvania Diocese, Protes- tant Episcopal Church, 8891 Centre County, 7408-7418; agricultural organizations and education, 5749; architecture, 1370; art, 6478; biogra- phies, 7011, 7012, 7408, 7451; cam- paign of 1896, 4276; in Civil War, 4776; poor relief in, 6640 Centre Presbyterian Church, New Park, York County, 8779 Centre Turnpike Road, 3277, 3278 Ceramic industries, 5907 Chadd's Ford, 2653 Chaffee, Charles E., 5123 Chalfant, Floyd, 3862 Chalfant, Harry M., 6286, 6287 Chalkley, Thomas, 2114 Chamberlain, Joshua L., 1395 Chamberlin, Thomas. 9015 Chamberlin, William H., diary, 4534 Chambers, George, 972, 8094 Chambersburg, 1644, 7574. 7580; acad- emy, 4322; burning of, 4764, 7588; churches, 8850, 8925; Confederates at, 4734; early physicians, 7583; hos- pitals, 6603 Chambersburg Development Commit- tee, 7574 Chambersburg Engineering Company, 5809 Chance, Burton, 5169 Chanceford Presbyterian Church, 8790, 8820 Chancellor, Paul G., 1536 Chandler, Charles L., 489, 1302 Chandler, J. E., 1354 Chang, Ching H, 6102 Channel], G. W., 8111 Chaplin, Jeremiah, 2380 Chapman, Francis. 387K Chapman, H. H., 5758 Chapman, Isaac A., 7017 Chapman, John, bibliography, 42 Chapman, T. J., 1055, 1142, 1997, 2023, 2294, 7018, 7127 Charcoal burning industry, 3816, 3829 Charcoal iron industry, see Iron indus- , try - • Charities, 6313 Charity School of 1740, 1401 Charity schools, 1465, 1468 Charles, Edward, 3967 Charles, Edwin, 2024, 3259 Chatelineau, Emmanuel de, 2059, 2060 Chatham, J. H., 9132, 9139 Chautauqua, 2015 Chelten Hills, School, 5183 Cheltenham Township, Montgomery County, 7858, 7873, 7879 Cheltenham Village, 7867 Chemical manufacturing, 3849 Chemistry, 3580, 3646, 3759, 4555, 4565, 4607, 4610, 5381, 5382; books, 4439; colonial, 1559, 1563; teaching, 3561 Chemists, early, 2941 Cheng, David T., 5602 Cherry Grove, oil at, 4951 Chester, 7520, 7523, 7532, 7533, 7542; acculturation of Lithuanians in, 5621; Catholic church in, 8431; David Lloyd and, 1827; South Ward, 7532 Chester, Giraud, 5345 Chester County, 2115, 4585, 7047, 7419- 7450; adult education, 6302; agricul- ture, 5023; artists, 4673; banks, 3326; bench and bar, 7435; biographies, 7427; boundaries, 7433; Catholic Church in, 8431; churches, 8898; clockmaking, 7430; court records, 1703; flora, 232-234, 259; fox hunt- ing, 7441; historic homes, 7423; and literature, 4513, 7443; lotteries, 1652; newspapers, 3533; potteries, 3224; Reformed churches, 8918; and Revo- lution, 2611; roads, 1269; schools, 1413, 1443, 1452; scientists, 4674; so- cial planning, 6302; Underground railroad, 4145 Chester County Historical Society, 7420 Chestnut, W. Calvin, 1070 Chestnut Hill, 8016, 8041, 8048 Chestnut Level Academy, 4332 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, 8000, 8074; raid on Wall Street (1839), 4029 Chew, Benjamin, 2980 Cheyney, Edward P.. 1248, 1396, 2115, 3665, 4549, 5380, 6784, 67% Cheyney, Thomas, 2115 Chicago, 6102, 6162 Chidsey, Andrew D., Jr., 1071, 2179, 7899, 7900 Child, L. Maria, 4614 Child guidance, 6295 726 Index Child labor, 5673, 5676-5687; compul- sory school attendance and, 5678; in- dustrial home work and, 5685; legis- lation, 5676, 5684, 5686; and strikes, 5679 Child placement, 6288 Child welfare, 3405, 6290, 6292-6295, 6325, 6333; county services, 6319; or- ganization for, 6324 Children: colonial, 1643, 1648; custody of, after divorce, 6322; delinquent, in courts, 6090; dependent, 1646; reli- gious instruction of, 6269 Children's homes, 6308 Childs, Frances S., 3416 Childs, M. W., 6246 Chillisquaque Presbyterian Church, 8797 China making, 1157 China trade, 2931 Chinard, Gilbert, 8262 China's Retreat, 7352 Chinese, 5626; acculturation of, 5602 Chippendale furniture, 1170, 1225 Choate, Joseph H., 2381 Chomet, Otto, 3417 Choral books, Penns3 r lvania German, 964 Chorley, E. Clowes, 101 Chovet. Abraham, 2116 Chrisman, L. H., 1655 Christ Church, Philadelphia, 222, 8876, 8885, 8890, 8900: and Province of Pennsylvania, 8899 Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church. Schuylkill Haven, 8546 Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, York, 8556 Christ Reformed Church, Jefferson, 8969 Christ Reformed Church, Union Town- ship, Adams County, 8907 Christiana riot, 4162-4168 Christianity, and Pennsvlvania law, 6153 Christian's Spring, 7914 Christina, Mother Mary, 6797 Christina, Queen of Sweden, 451 Christmas: Pennsylvania German, 963; in Reading (1838), 4536 Christol, Frank, 1072 Christ's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Gettysburg, 8567 Christy, Roland J., 6040 Christy, Sarah R., 4117 Church, and labor, 5057 Church, Arthur L.. 6536 Church, E. F., 3521 Church, Jeremiah, journal, 8263 Church, Samuel H., 7128 Church history, bibliography, 100, 111, 113 Church music: colonial, 1537, 2955; bib- liography, 121 Church union, early attempts at, 8924 Churches, 1591, 1592a, 1597, 1610; colo- nial, 1386; frontier, 1612; German, and revivalism, 953; lotteries and, 3909; rural, 6262, 6271, 6274; union, 6268, 8570; see also Religion Churches of God, 8988, 9001 Chute, Carlton F., 6247 Ciampa, V. A., 6792 Cigar industry, 5799; negro women in, 5671; women in, 5664 Cincinnati, Society of the, 2623, 2642 Circuit riders, 3445 Circus, 3596 Cities: civil service, 5464; colonial, 616 councils, 6191; government, 1805 home rule, 5465, 5468, 5473, 5474 problems of, 5049, 5050, 5542, 5543, 5556; see also Urbanization City planning, Penn and, 548 Civic Club of Carlisle, 7482 Civics textbooks, 6767 Civil liberties: Penn and, 494; in Penn- sylvania and Maryland, 606 Civil servants, of Revolutionary period, 2534 Civil service, 5464, 5514, 5536; provi- sional appointment in, 5507 Civil War: bibliography, 74; biography, 4796-4844; conscription, 4736; eco- nomic affairs. 4791-4795; letters, 4738; military phase, 4704-4778; military units, 9002-9007, 9009-9012, 9015, 9016, 9019-9027, 9029-9031, 9033-9047, 9048-9050, 9052, 9053, 9057, 9058, 9060, 9062-9064, 9067-9070, 9072, 9074, 9076-9087, 9089-9092, 9094- 9097, 9099-9106, 9116, 9118-9121; Monroe County in, 7828; opposition to, 4701; politics, 4779-4790; public sentiment, 4677-4703 Clare, Israel S., 7642 Clarion County, 7045, 7452; biographies, 7011, 7451; iron industry, 3856; roads, 3288 Clarion River, tales, 9174 Clark, Arthur H., Co., 4 Clark, Charles B., 7306, 7307 Clark, Chester D., 1625, 3260, 7928- 7930, 8700 Clark, David L., 3626-3628 Clark, Delber W., 2126 Clark, James A., 7019 Clark, John S., manuscripts, 360 Clark, Joseph S., Jr., 3968 Clark, Margaret, 173 Clark, Martha B., 1249, 1250, 2025. 4118, 8778 727 Index Clark, Mary E., 3638 Clark, Mary Z., 4718 Clark, R. Lorenzo, 8779 Clark, Robert W., 5149 Clark, Sydney P., 1750 Clark, Thomas D, 1894 Clark, William, 9016 Clark, William B, 2785, 2788, 2789 Clarke, Thomas W., 3418 Clarke, W. Packer, 9017 Clarke, Walter, 6554 Clarke, William P., 4641 Clarkson, Thomas, 468, 490 Clarkstown, 7795 Clary, William W., 2382 Clason, A. W., 2895 Claudy, J. W., 6103 Clauser, Samuel L., 7273 Clay industries, 4939 Clay, John C, 433 Claypoole, E. W., 174, 230 Claypoole, James, 1380, 2552 Claysville Presbyterian Church, 8771 Clayton, Beatrice, 2182 Clearfield, churches, 8713 Clearfield County, 7453-7460; biograph- ies, 7011, 7451 Cleaver, Israel, 1751 Clemens, Gurney W., 676, 7248 Clement, Charles M., 2704, 9018 Clement, John, 491, 2140 Clement, Mary, 8872 Clement, Rufus E., 6928 Clements Library, William L., sources, 6757 Clemson, Thomas G., 175 Cleophas, Mother Mary, 6797 Clepper, Henry, 5759 Clergy: and Civil War, 4685; colonial, 955, 1592, 8575; country, 5116; Penn- sylvania German, 955, 958 Clerk of the courts, 5516 Cleveland, Catherine C, 3439 Cleven, N. Andrew, 3618 Clifford, Edmund L., 6163 Climenhaga, A. W., 8985 Cline, Catherine A., 5847 Clinton County, 7415, 7418, 7462-7466; biographies, 7012, 7408 Clinton Township, Lycoming County, 7798 Clippinger, Charles H., 6164 Clockmaking, 7430, 7655 Clopper, Edward N., 1644 Clothing industry: home work in, 5675; negro women in, 5671; union in, 5701 Clouds, battle of the, 2654 Cloyd, David E., 2383 Clubs, colonial, 1656 Clunn, John Hugg, diary, 3155 Clyde, John C, 973, 8780 Clymer, George, and Columbian Press, 3529 Coal, 4955, 4959; first furnace using, 3810; land titles, 4934; river, 5757, 5923, 5935 Coal, anthracite, 3827, 3839, 3840, 3844, 3846, 3857, 4909, 4965, 5432, 5832, 5917, 5934, 5945; bootleg, 5940; and child labor, 5687; and collective bar- gaining, 5857; combination, 4972, 5822; communities, 4960, 5635; de- cline of, 5928; explosives accidents, 5925; labor relations, 5849; field, 3843; flood prevention, 5750; and forestry, 5767; and land subsidence, 5936; manpower, 6697; Molly Maguires and, 5085; as monopoly, 5896; problems of industry, 5919, 5927, 5928, 5934, 5936, 5940, 5948; railroads, 5003, 5006; region, 4918, 4945, 5911, 5931, 5937, 5938, 8341; strikes, 5063, 5845, 5848, 5855, 5856, 5858, 5860, 5862, 5867, 5868; union, 5071; United Mine Workers and, 5709; use in iron industry, 3815; water problem, 5912 Coal, bituminous, 3834, 4925, 5944; decline of industry, 5922; labor troubles, 5853; medical survey of industry, 5915; regional shifts, 5920; safety, 5913; towns, 5916; trends, 5899; wage rates (1912-22), 5885 Coal breaker, 3847 Coal fields, life in, 5670 Coal industry, 1223, 3825, 3830-3834, 3855, 5431, 5877; in Appalachian plateaus, 5932; arbitration in, 5865, 5866; and child labor, 5681; decline of, 5910-5948; poems and legends of, 9149, 9150, 9152; productivity. 5926; strikes, 5073, 5844, 5846, 5856 Coal miners, 5859, 5860; labor organi- zation, 5711; protective legislation for, 3889, 5947; safety, 5918; struggle of, 5861, 5864 Coal Mines Administration, 5915 Coal regions, 3828, 3833; southwestern Pennsylvania, agriculture in, 5747 Coates, Howard N., 4162 Cobb, Sanford H., 677 Cobbett, William, 3528, 3637, 3638; and Philadelphia journalism, 3532; and Priestley, 3738 Cobb's Creek, 7527 Coble, Oliver D, 846 Cochran, Harry A., 5124, 6346 Cochran, Joseph, 7819 Cochran, Richard E., 1702 Cocks, Edmund, 4268 728 Index Cocolamus Creek, 7950 Coder, William D., 5204 Codorus, sheet iron steamboat, 3894 Coffin, Selden J.,4357 Cohen, Beatrice, 3116 Cohen, Charles J., 2533, 7997 Cohen, I. Bernard, 2384-2388 Cohn, Samuel M., 6676 Coins, early, 1335 Coke industry, 4973 Coke regions, Slavs in, 5045 Colbert, Leo 0., 4550 Colden, Cadwallader D., 3669 Coldren, Caroline S., 1579 Coldren, Jesse, 8781 Cole, Arthur H., 3806 Cole, Charles C, Jr., 3117 Cole, R. J., 6656 Cole, Ray M., 5603 Colebrookdale, 1211 Coleman, James W, 5076, 5077 Coleman, W. G., 6250 Colket, Meredith B., Jr., 493 Collective bargaining, 5698, 5702 College of Philadelphia, 1416, 1464; 2205; curriculum, 1417; see also Uni- versity of Pennsylvania College of Physicians of Philadelphia, 3574 Colleges, liberal arts: recruiting stu- dents, 6461; and teacher training, 6443, 6456 Colleges and universities, 1415, 4348. 4349, 4351-4353, 4357-4364, 4366- 4368, 4370-4372, 4374-4377, 4379-4383, 4391-4399, 4402, 5158, 5159, 5161- 5164, 5170-5174, 5177, 5178, 5181, 5182, 5184, 5186-5192, 5194-5196, 6416, 6417, 6422, 6423, 6425, 6428, 6429, 6431-6439, 6441, 6443-6445, 6447, 6449-6451, 6453-6458, 6460, 6461, 6797; colonial, 1390, 1395-1419, 1424-1428, 1432-1436, 1441, 1442, 1446-1448, 1458, 1459, 1461, 1463, 1464, 1466, 1605; radio in curricula, 6434; sabbatical leave, 6431 Collette, Elizabeth, 8264 Collins, C. W., 6104 Collins, Charles, 8782 Collins, E. V, 8873 Collins, Emerson, 7779 Collins, Herman L., 7957, 8265, 8266 Collins, M. P., 1645 Collins, Patricia J., 6289 Collinson, Peter, 484 Colonial Agency of Pennsylvania, 1809 Colonial records, 125, 138 Colonial Society of Pennsvlvania, 1703, 1704 Colonial union, Franklin and, 2454 Colonies: government and labor in, 1110; Quakers in, 605; Scot settle- ment, 1030; white servitude in, 1109 Colson, William W., 6184 Colt, Judah, 3639 Colton, Harold S., 3555 Columbia, 7672, 7699; bridge, 3265; industries, 4851; race riots, 4160; trolley lines, 6011 Columbia and Philadelphia Railroad, see Philadelphia and Columbia Rail- road Columbia County, 7418, 7467-7472; biographies, 7013, 7471; divisions, 7469 Columbia Spy, 4468 Columbian Press, George Clvmer and, 3529 Colyer, Dorothy A., 6262 Comenius, Nicholas, 1450 Cometti, Elizabeth, 2534 Comfort, William W., 494-496, 6821, 8494-8495 Comings, Marian, 1355 Comly, Isaac, 1500, 7998 Commerce, 1292, 3860-3863, 3865-3869, 3873-3876, 6030, 6031, 6033-6035, 6037, 6041, 6042, 6044, 6045, 6049, 6052, 6054, 6056, 6057, 6062, 6063, 6068; Quakers in, 1257; see also Trade Commercial rivalry: between New York and other ports, 3302; between Phila- delphia and Baltimore, 3311; between Pittsburgh and Wheeling, 3305 Committee of correspondence, and party organization, 3134 Committee on State Statistics, 59 Common law, 1734 Commons, John R., 5652 "Commonwealth", as applied to Penn- sylvania, 8267 Communities: religious. 1593; rural, so- cial life, 6462 Compton, Karl T., 6912 Concord Quarterly Meeting, 8513 Condie, Thomas, 3393 Condit, Uzal W., 7901 Condy, Jonathan W., 3304 Cone, Andrew, 4917 Conemaugh Salt Work, 8268 Conemaugh Valley, 7018, 7071 Conestoga, manor of, 7668 Conestoga Collegiate Institute, 4345 Conestoga Creek, 1249, 7087 Conestoga horse, 1284, 1289 Conestoga Indians, massacre, 2020 Conestoga Navigation Company, 1240 Conestoga Valley, 687, 3299, 7047; William Penn in, 523 729 Index Conestoga wagon, 1252, 1263, 1264, 1272, 1294, 3256, 3264 Conewago Chapel, 8375, 8386, 8426, 8439 Confederates, in Pennsylvania, 4730, 4733, 4734, 4737 Conference of Moral Workers, 5109 Confession, judgment by, 6119 Congdon, Clement H., 5067 Congress Hall, 4380 Congress Hall, law school in, 3477 Congress, Pennsylvania delegations to, 3137 Conklin, Edwin G., 1501, 4403, 4551 Conlin, Sister Francis L., 4176 Conneaut Reservoir, 3935 Connecticut: claim, 2303-2330; grants, 2301; and Pennsylvania public schools, 4295; trails, 2328 Connell, James M., 2835 Connellsville, 7567 Connelly, Elizabeth D., 2389 Connelly, Eugene L., 4451 Connelly, Frank, 7386 Conner, Martha, 3620 Connolly, Lieut. Col. John, 2753, 2755 Connor, R. D. W., 128 Connors, Robert E., 7475 Conococheague Valley, uprising against British, 2347 Conowingo Creek, early industries, 3794 Conoy Indians, 387; Town, 1318 Conscientious objectors, 8493; in World War I, 6167 Conscription: during Civil War, 4736 see also Selective service Conservation, 5791; education, 5764 forest, 6877; ground water, 5766, 5768 soil, 5730, 5742; wild life, 5779, 5783 5784 Constitution, United States, 2894-2921 convention, and Philadelphia, 2894 Franklin and, 2374; medical signers 2918; Pennsylvania and, 2906, 2908 2913, 2921; and Radicals of 1787 2910; ratification of amendments 4784; Whiskey Rebellion as test of 3157; writer of, 2898 Consumptives, care of, 6587 Contempt of court, 1800 Continental Army: in and near Phila- delphia, 2615; Secret Service, 2636 Continental Congress, 2557, 2562; at York, 2528, 2657, 2560 Continental money, 2966 Contracting, general, 5806 Contrecoeur, family, 2056 Contrecoeur, papers of, 2004, 2005 Controls, during Revolution, 2529 Conventions, nominating, 4073 Converse, J. W., 5653 Conway, Moncure D., 2836 Conway Cabal, at York, 2584 Conwell, Edward L., 5698 Conwell, Russell H., 6798, 6799, 6919 Conyngham, David H., memoirs, 3640 Conyngham, Redmond, 8447, 8658, 8659 Conyngham, W. L., 8268 Cook, Chester P, 2595, 7839 Cook, Helen S, 8973 Cook, Joel, 7999 Cook, Mary A., 5298 Cooke, James F., 6882, 8000 Cooke, Jay, 4803-4805; and transporta- tion, 3992 Cookery, Pennsylvania German, 805, 810, 812, 817, 818, 821, 871 Cooper, Irma J., 1843 Cooper, John M., 974, 1251 Cooper, Thomas, 3143, 3641-3644 Cooper, William H., 8051 Cooper Shop Volunteer Refreshment Saloon, 9080 Cooperation, among Philadelphia grocers, 6062 Cooperatives: consumers', 5732; milk marketing, 5734 Cope, Alfred H., 5464 Cope, Edward Drinker, 5337 Cope, George, 4673 Cope, George W., 5338 Cope, Gilbert, 5023, 7423 Cope, Rue A., 2596 Cope, Thomas D, 1558, 2260-2266, 2390 Cope, Thomas P., 497 Copenhaver, Albert B., 1932 Coplay, churches, 8944 Copp, Carrie V. S., 7859 Copper mining, 1202 Copperheads, 4692, 4697; newspapers, 4677, 4678 Coppersmithing, 1178 Corbit, W. F, 1005 Corbitt, Doris S., 7098 Cork industry, 5317, 5879 Corkan, Lloyd A. M., 3910 Corn Exchange Regiment, 9003, 9104 Cornell, Francis G., 6365 Cornell, William A., 6193 Corner, Betsy C, 3081 Corner, George W., 3748 Cornog, William H., 5150 Cornplanter, 2080, 2735; grant, 8182 Cornplanter Senecas: passenger pigeon hunts, 2715a; place names of, 314 Cornu, Donald, 1933, 1934 Cornwall Furnace, 1143, 1146, 1160, 3551 Cornwall Ore Banks, 1146. 1160 Cornwall Railroad, 3969 730 Index Coroners, 6203 Corporations, 3795; law, 5259 Correction: postwar problems, 6132; and public-service training, 6317 Correll, Ernst H., 8660 Corrigan, James J., 4918, 5917 Corson, Hiram, 4580 Cort, Cyrus, 1935, 9134 Corter, Lee E, 4719 Corter, Samuel G., 7462 Coryell's Ferry, 2649, 7367 Cottam, H. R., 6657 Cotter, Arundel, 5810 Cotton industry, 3236; labor conditions, 6626 Coudersport, 8090 Coulson, Thomas, 1252, 2391, 4488 Coulter, Edith M., 5 Coulter, Jennie F., 7812 Counterfeiting, colonial, 1330 Counter-revolution (1776-1790), 2875 Counties: charity functions, 6300; child welfare services, 6319; comparative data, 5525; finances, 5540; govern- ment, 150; histories, bibliography, 37; legislation, 5523, 6258; names, 8303, 8318; offices, 5488, 5516-5520; post- war planning, 5574; real estate assess- ment, 5466; real estate taxation, 5475; treasurer, 5517 Country life, 6468 Country store, 6068 County, Albert J., 6000 County and local history, 7099-8249 Courthouse. Philadelphia, 1717 Courts, 3359, 3362, 3364, 3368, 6095, 6097, 6104, 6109, 6118; colonial, 1698, 1699a, 1700, 1703, 1704, 1706, 1709, 1711-1714, 1716, 1717, 1721, 1723- 1725, 1727, 1730, 1731, 1733, 1735, 1736; delinquent child in, 6090; development, 1725; domestic relations, 6318; early rules, 1712; judicial tenure, 1733; juvenile, 6117, 6137, 6149; legal aid work, 6096; lower, 6143-6144; municipal, 6146, 6147, 6152, 6161; origins, 1727; procedure, 6133, 6134; reform of, 3355, 3356; of review, 5253; small claims, 6151 Courville, 1998 Cousins, Frank, 1356 Cousins, Margaret, 2392 Covenanters, 1585 Covode, John, 4581 Cowan, Edgar, 4806, 5339 Cowan, Frank, 5340 Cowan, John L., 6001 Cowan, John P., 3970, 4720 Cowley, Nellie S., 7023 Cox, Eugene A., 7840 Cox, Joseph, 7780, 7781 Coxe, Daniel, 1324 Coxe, Robert D., 5245 Coxe, Tench, 3645 Coxey, Jacob S., 5341 Craft, David, 2705, 3419, 7323, 7622, 9019 Crafts, 1378; Pennsylvania Germans, 784, 785 Craftsmen, colonial, 1141, 1235 Crago, Thomas S., 4318 Craig, David W., 5289 Craig, Major Isaac, 2792 Craig, Neville B., 1895, 2267, 2295, 2792, 3152, 7129 Craighead, J. G., 8783 Craine, Eugene R., 2597 Crall, F. Frank, 3305 Cram, Ralph A., 6477 Cramer, Maurice B., 4591 Cramer, W. Stuart, 8908 Cramp, Charles H., memoirs, 5342 Cramp, William, 3895 Cramp's Shipyard, 3895, 3902 Crane, Verner W., 2393-2395 Crater, Lewis, 9020 Craven, Elijah R., 1397 Craven, H. T., 8001 Crawford, Stanton C, 4305 Crawford. William, 2117; expedition against Sandusky, 2702 Crawford County, 7045, 7473-7480; archaeology, 297; dairy industry, 7475 Creel, George, 2837 Creese, James, 5170 Creigh, Alfred, 8190 Creighton, Thomas, 2598, 8002 Cremer, C. W., 7575 Cremer, Henry, 27, 60 Crerar, J. W., 2599 Cresap, Thomas, 2981, 2982 Cresap's War, 2714 Cressman, Elmer W, 6949 Cresson, Ezra T., 4489 Cresswell, Donald M., 4049, 5718 Cret, Paul Philippe, 6800 Cretzinger, John I., 3943 Crevecoeur, Michael G., 8270 Crevecoeur, St. John de, 2983; and Franklin, 2357 Cribbs, George A., 632 Crichton, Samuel K., 7902 Cricket, 4539, 4547 Crime, and economic changes, 6155 Crime and punishment, 1715, 1719, 1720, 1728, 1739-1746 Criminal codes, 1715, 1739, 1740, 3388, 6130, 6131 Criminal conspiracy, cases, 5246 Criminal law, 1719 731 Index Crippen, Lee F., 4571 Crispin, Frederic S., 1824 Crispin, William, 2118 Crittenden, Christopher, 154, 6742 Crocker, William D., 5951, 6105 "Crocus," (Charles C. Leonard), 4941 Croghan, George, 1322, 1923; journal (1759-1763), 1990; journal (1767), 1319 Croll, P. C, 28, 2159, 2229, 2230, 5719, 6801, 7024, 7025, 7274, 7710 Cromer, Gladys, 6523 Cromer, Samuel R., 1705 Cronau, Rudolf, 678, 8448, 8661 Cronemeyer, W. C, 4866 Cronlund, Martin H., 6743 Crooked Billet, battle of, 2598 Crosby, J. R., 5113 Crosby, Richard, litigation of, 1714 Croskey, John W., 1751a Cross, Dorothy, 321a Cross, Michael H., 4520 Crowell, F. E., 5654 Crown Inn, 1666 Crumb, Frederick W., 2190 Crumrine, Boyd, 29, 2296, 2297, 8191, 8192 Crumrine, E. E., 8193 Cuffel, Charles A., 9021 Culin, Stewart, 5848 Cultural pattern, neighborhood groups in, 6662 Culture, 661; colonial, 1348-1570; Quakers and, 1530 Cumberland County, 7102, 7106, 7481- 7501; agriculture, 1123, 5037; birds, 237; bridges, 7486; churches, 8987; 18th century courts and bar, 1698; lower, 7483; old roads, 1270; Presby- terian churches, 8833; sources, 7498 Cumberland Road, see National Road Cumberland Valley, 7016, 7027, 7076, 7078, 7079; biographies, 7056; colleges, 5190; Episcopal Church in, 8873; and Highland Regiments. 1972; iron ores, 1153; iron works, 3216, 3237; Luth- eran Church in, 8578; Scotch-Irish in, 974, 995, 996, 1001; Scotch-Irish Presbyterians in, 8862 Cummings, Hubertis. 1936, 2187, 2535, 3911, 3912, 3971, 8269 Cummings, John, 7342 Cunefare, Mrs. Clara L., 8127 Cunningham, C. Robert, 5878 Cunningham, Gordon R., 5761 Cunningham, Mary E., 2536 Cunz, Dieter, 679 Curley, Michael J., 4640 Curran, Father, 5847 Currency, 3348; colonial, 1347; colonial New Jersey, 1331; colonial Pennsyl- vania, 1328, 1330, 1331, 1333-1335, 1339, 1341; Franklin and, 1341; paper, 1331, 1334, 1339 Current, Richard N., 4826, 4827, 4849 Currie, Robert D., 5918 Currie, William, 3394-3396 Currier, Thomas F., 4119, 4120 Curtin, Governor Andrew Gregg, 4807- 4810 Curtis, Cyrus H. K., 6802 Curtis, George T., 4202 Curtis, John, 4521 Curtis Publishing Company, 6075; Franklin imprints, 2378 Cushing, C, 3830 Cushing. Thomas, 7110 Custer, Edgar A., 5343 Custis, John T., 4254 Customs, King's, in Philadelphia, 2342 Customs service, 3320 Cutbush, James, 3646 Cuthbertson, Rev. John, 2984; diary, 1585 Cutler, Carl C, 3317 Cuttalossa Creek, 7354 Daggett, Stuart, 6002 Dahlgren, Admiral John A., 4582, 4583 Dahlgren, Madeleine V., 4582 Dahlinger, Charles W., 2061, 4177, 4178, 4228, 7130-7132, 7193, 8728 Dailey, Harold, 4229 Daily Local News, 7424 Dairy farming, 5717, 5738, 5745, 7475; feeding, 5025 Dalberg, Elroy F., 3243 Dale, James W., 8784 Dale, Norman C, 8151 Dale Iron Works, 3218 Dall. William H.. 5319 Dallas, Alexander James, 3648-3650; life and writings, 3647 Dallas, George M., 3647 Dallas, George Mifflin: papers, 137; po- litical career, 4584 Dallas Township, Luzerne County, 7775 Daly, John J., 6787 Daly, Thomas A., 8003 Dalzell, John, 975, 3858 Dana, Robert S, 7355 Dana, S. T., 5762 Dana, Sylvester, 2311 Daniel, Dorothy, 3215 Daniel, Warren J., 299, 1074, 3913 732 Index Daniel, Warren P., 619 Dannenhower, William F., 4319 Danowsky, Nina A., 4920 Dansbury, Moravian mission, 8744 Danville, 7892; iron industry, 4882 D'Apery, Tello J., 8004 Da Ponte, Lorenzo, 3651, 3652 Dapp, Charles F., 2158, 2813, 8555 Darby, 8342 Dark Hollow, 7632 Darlington, Frederick W., 6028 Darlington, Mary C, 1937, 7133 Darlington, William, 232-234, 2085, 3972, 4585, 4674 Darlington, William M., 2062 Darlington family, 7201 Darone, E. Max, 680 Darrach, Henry, 2793 Darragh, Lydia, 2793; legend, 9140 Dashwood, Wyona, 6236 Dater, Henry M., 3674 Daugherty, Harvey P., 2212 Daum, Fred J, 5879 Dauphin, 7512 Dauphin County, 4631, 7106, 7502-7519; biographies, 7504; churches, 8839, 8846; early iron industries, 1181; electricity, 5952; Pennsylvania Ger- man folk songs, 946 Dauphin County Regiment, 9050 Davenport, Walter, 6180 David, Charles W., 6704 David, Hans T., 1538-1540 David, Henry, 5406 Davidson, D. S., 300 Davidson, J. Milton, 2026 Davidson, James A., 8354, 8355 Davidson, Philip G., Jr., 2338 Davidson, Robert L. D, 598, 1850 Davies, A. F., 5655 Davies, Benjamin, 8005 Davis, Aaron J., 7452 Davis, Audubon R., 7342 Davis, D. J., 1752 Davis, Edward Z., 9135 Davis, Mrs. Elvert M., 2706, 3192 Davis, George L., 4850, 4976 Davis, James M.. 7524 Davis, John, 4586 Davis, Knickerbacker, 7343 Davis, Nelson F., 4987 Davis, Paul A., 5171 Davis, Phineas, 4587 Davis, Rebecca H., 2537, 8006 Davis, Robert H., 1825 Davis, Rose M., 1851 Davis, Stanton L., 4782 Davis, T. D., 3556 Davis, Tarring S., 6347, 7308 Davis, William M., 176 Davis, W. W. H., 498, 2600, 2601, 2803, 3166, 3539, 4121, 4586, 7344, 7356, 7357, 9022, 9023 Davison, Elizabeth M, 7134, 7194 Davison, Watson R., 7576 Davison, William R., 8785 Day, Dorothy, 6618 Day, Richard E, 2110 Day, Sherman, 6950 Day vs. Jarvis, 3503 Deacon, Charles R., 5439 Deardorff, Merle H., 2707, 2708, 2715a, 8182 Deardorff, N. R., 6194, 6290 De Armond, Anna J., 1473, 2108, 2109 Deatrich, Charles M., 7026, 7577 de Bonnault, Claude, 1999 DeCamp, L. S., 6505 Decatur, Stephen, 3653, 3654 De Chant, Alliene S., 681, 3790, 3791 Declaration of Independence, 2550, 2551, 2573; house, 2540 Deep Run Mennonite Congregation, 8663 Degelman, William C, 8786 Degn, William L., 7860 Deism, Franklin and, 2440 Dejong, Russell N., 3557 De Lancey, Edward F., 2081 Deland, Margaret, works, 6510 De Lannoy, Charles, 434 Delano, 8116, 8119 Delaware, 345, 440, 446, 1035, 1056, 1386, 1592, 6337, 6440, 6442, 6982, 7338, 8379; boundaries, 2273, 2276, 2281; early relations with Pennsyl- vania, 1300; Penn claim to, 2287; Philadelphia and, 2954; separation from Pennsylvania, 2277, 2278 Delaware Bay and River: Joshua Fisher's chart of, 224; pirates and privateers, 1283, 2951 Delaware County, 7446, 7520-7542; archives, 7536; biographies, 7528; churches, 8896; early Presbyterians in, 8784; fox hunting, 7537-7540; historic homes, 7423; postal history, 7526; revenue system, 6069; and Revolu- tion, 2676; school costs, 6390; social hygiene, 6554; Swedes in, 450 Delaware County National Bank, 3321 Delaware and Hudson Canal, 3905, 3930, 3973 Delaware Indians, 287, 321a, 329, 346, 389, 392, 403, 1874, 2069; aboriginal life, 404, 404a; alienation from British, 2053; archaeology, 273, 274; art, 397; culture, 326; culture chronology, 339; folk beliefs, 396; grasshopper war, 412; legends, 285; and Lutheran mis- 733 Index sions, 8563; medicine, 396; migrations, 1859, 1860; Moravian missions among, 1857, 2740; Penn and, 651; place names, 330 political organization, 349; religion, 275, 327, 365, 390; Weiser and, 1875; as women, 380, 406; Zeis- berger and, 1866 Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, 5006 Delaware River, 167, 217, 369, 2328; campaign of 1777, 2632; commerce, 1248, 6045; description, 8250, 8292; discovery, 425; Dutch on, 422-426, 462-466, 1778; Finnish on, 446, 461; geology, 213; Indians of, 278, 1860; industries on, 6664; lumbering on, 4875; navigation, 1248, 3252, 3253; navigation improvement, 3897, 4986; ports, 6041; Presbyterians on, 8784; proprietors, 600; rafting, 4887; in Revolution, 2583, 2681, 2683; set- tlers, 422, 424, 426, 436, 555; shad fisheries, 5036; Swedish on, 427-445, 447-451, 453-460, 1575, 1778; tour (1769), 8284; in War of 1812, 3175, 3180, 3184; Washington and, 2601, 2622 Delaware River Forks: first Lutheran congregation at, 8579; Penn patents in, 1071; settlers at, 1028, 7911 Delaware-Susquehanna area, archae- ology, 364 Delaware Valley: in American history, 7031; archaeology, 273, 344, 353, 371, 402; colonial trade, 1267; court records, 1730 Delaware Water Gap, 168 Delinquent boys, education of, 6311 Dellaporta, Anthony, 3357 Delong, C. M., 1580, 8909 DeLong, Irwin H., 8910 DeLong, Leo R., 6348 DeMille, Anna A., 5356 Democratic Party, 4176, 4213, 6204; governors, 5304 Democratic-Republican Societies, 3127; and Whiskey Rebellion, 3156 Democratic Society of Philadelphia, 3116 de Montule, Edouard, travels, 8271 Demorest, Rose, 7135 Dempwolf, Reinhardt, 8556 Demuth, Charles. 6482, 6803 Denison, Noyes R., 5290 Denney, John D., Jr., 4988, 6011 Dennie, Joseph, 3655; on Franklin, 2444; letters, 3656 Dennison, A. Bruce, 6428 Dennison, Henry S., 5849 Denny, Harmar, 4588 Dentistry, 6562; education, 4363, 6588; supplies, 4426 Denton, Frank R., 6843 Department stores, 3865, 6034 Dependent children, public care of, 1646 Depreciation lands, 3211 Depressions: (1720's), 1333; (1820), 4576; (1930's), 6612-6651; and mar- riage rate, 6614; and social work, 6622; women offenders and, 6121; see also Panics De Puy, LeRoy B., 3358 Deringers, 1224 Dermett, H. M., 6658, 7111 Derr, Ludwig, and Lewisburg, 8166 Derr family, 1221 Derrick, Michael F., 1706 DeSchweinitz, Dorothea, 6619 de Schweinitz, Edmund, 2249, 8729 de Schweinitz, Karl, 5549 de Schweinitz, Paul, 8730 Description and travel, 8250-8253, 8255- 8257, 8259-8272, 8276-8281, 8283-8289, 8291-8302, 8304-8317, 8319-8322, 8324-8326, 8328-8348, 8351; bibli- ography, 41 Desertion, and divorce, 6305 Deshler, Col. David, 2985 Designing, 4417 Desrosiers, Leo-Paul, 301 Detroit, 2015; Croghan's journal to, 1319 Dettra, Norman E., 8475 Detty, Victor C, 8787, 8788 Deutsch, Albert, 6556 Deutsche Gesellschaft von Pennsyl- vanien, 682, 733, 753 de Valinger, Leon, 462 Develin, Dora, 7861, 7862 Develin, Mrs. John F., 2872 Deveze, Jean, on yellow fever epidemic of 1793, 3403 Dewees, F. P., 5078 Dewees, Jacob, 3974 Dewees, Captain Samuel, 2794 Dewees, Sarah B., 4320 Dewees, Watson W., 4122, 4320 Dewey, Donald J., 2754 Dewhurst, James F., 5880, 5881, 6042 Dewhurst, Paul C, 3975 De Witt, C. H., 683 Dexter, S. B, 5465 Dialects, on Western Pennsylvania frontier, 3201 Diaries and journals, 1608, 1964, 3432, 3448, 3454, 3773, 3777, 4534, 4535, 4538, 5208, 5220; bibliographies, 12; of missionaries, 1585, 1590. Dick, David, 4452 Dickens, Charles, in Philadelphia, 4497 7134 Index Dickerson. Russell B., 5720 Dickert, Thomas W., 8911 Dickey, John Miller, 5344 Dickey, L. S, 9024, 9025, 9097 Dickinson, Anna, 4106, 5345 Dickinson, Anna Elizabeth, 4703 Dickinson, Asa D., 2396 Dickinson, H. W., 3670 Dickinson, John, 1707, 1802, 2349-2355 Dickinson College, 3484, 3489, 4352, 4367, 4383, 4397; early years, 3468; Latrobe and Old West at, 3512; library, 2958; Benjamin Rush and, 3468 Dickinson School of Law, 4369 Dickson, Clifford G., 5339 Dickson, H. E., 6478 Dickson, Harold E., 51, 1357, 4618 Dickson, Samuel, 2877, 5416 Dickstein, Edward L., 3540 Diebels, Sister Mary, 3021 Dieck, Herman, 7387 Diedel, C. Virginia, 3648 Dieffenbach, John Jacob, - 3592 Diehl, Fred W., 7469 Diehl, J., 5550 Dietrich, Marietta, 5172 Diffenderffer, F. R., 302, 423, 662, 684, 685, 891, 1075, 1310, 1328, 2539, 2755-2757, 3261, 3329, 3522, 3523, 4522, 7643, 7670 Digges, Dudley, murder of, 2282 Diller, Theodore, 1753, 1938, 8874 Diller, William F., 8886 Dillerville, 7687 Dillsburg, 8223 Dilly, E. and C, American interests of, 2934 Dimit, Robert M., 5721 Dingman's Ferry, 371 Dingwall, E., 599 Dinsmore, John W., 976 Dinwiddie, E. W., 5551 Diplomacy, 4648, 4649 Directors, interlocking, 5261 Disciples of Christ, 8990, 8991 Disston, Henry, 5346 Disston, Jacob S., 5346 Distilleries, 3809 Distler, Theodore A., 1398 District of Columbia, 6337 Ditter, Dorothy E., 5234, 5235 Dives, Mary P., 8875 Divorce, 6106; colonial, 1650; and cus- tody of children, 6322; desertion and, 6305; legislation, 6105 Dix, Dorothea, and western Pennsyl- vania social reform, 4235 Dixon, Jeremiah. 2260, 2261, 2264, 2265; sources on, 2262; see also Mason and Dixon line Dixon, S. G, 6557 Dixon, William B., 3896 Dixon, William H., 499, 500 Doan outlaws, 2751, 2770, 2772 Dobbins, Daniel, papers. 3182a Dobbins, William W., 3173 Doberstein, John W., 2172 Dobree, Bonamy, 501 Dock, Christopher, 1602, 2119-2122 Dock, G., Jr., 7863 Doctors, see Physicians Doddridge, Joseph, 2709 Dodds, A. John, 4581 Dodds, H. John, 6824 Dodds, H. W., 6213 Dodge, Allen C, 7526 Dodson, Leonidas, 1708, 1787, 2523 Doering, J. Frederick, 847 "Dogood Papers" of Franklin, 2435 Doll, Eugene E., 102, 947, 1607, 3589, 8272, 8449 Donald, Robert V., 3914 Donaldson, Thomas, 2540 Donaldson, Walter F., 6558 Donation lands, 3211 Donegal, Lancaster County, Scotch- Irish settlement of, 980 Donegal Presbyterian Church, 2779, 8778, 8844, 8868 Donehoo, George P., 177, 178, 303-307, 1852, 1853, 2027, 2063, 2064, 6951, 7027, 7506, 7507, 8273 Donovan, Dunstan, 8375 Dorflinger, Christian, 4967 Dornblaser, T. F., 9026 Dorpalen, Andreas, 686, 941, 942 Dorr, Benjamin, 8876 Dorsey, John Syng, 3657 Dorwart, Harold L., 4626 Dotterer, Henry S., 7028, 7864, 8912 Doubman, J. P., 6076 Douds, Harold C, 1253 Dougherty, Dennis, 8376 Dougherty, John, and section boats, 3921 Doughton, Isaac, 6395 Douglas, Albert, 3069 Douglas, Paul H., 2397 Douglas, Stephen A., Buchanan's feud with, 4187 Douglas, W. A. S., 5006 Douglass, William, 8877 Dove, David James, 1420a Dove, Frederick D., 6263 Dover, Ontario, burning of, 3186, 3190 Dowdell, George R., 4592 Dowell, E. Foster, 69 Dowlin, Cornell M., 1400, 6429 Dowling, Kmma C, 654 7:]: Index Downes, Randolph C, 308, 1254, 2710 2711 Downey, Edgar, 3359, 4722, 8095, 8096 Downingtown, 7437 Downingtown Archive, 6079 Downs, Joseph, 784, 785 Doyle, Frederic, 8140 Doylestown, 7357, 7358 Doylestown Democrat, 3526 Doylestown Guards, 9022 Draft laws, during Revolution, 2665 Drage, Theodorus Swaine, 1312 Drake, Julia A., 2177 Drake, Thomas E., 633, 4124 Drake Well Memorial Park, 4921, 4928 Draper, Bourne H., 502 Drawbaugh, Daniel, 5347 Dreis, Hazel, 1474 Dreisbach Church, 8559 Dreiser, Theodore, The Bulwark, and Philadelphia Quakerism, 6503 Drepperd, Carl W., 786, 1144, 1358, 2213 Drexel, A. J., 5170 Drexel, F. M, 3658 Drexel and Company, 4031 Drexel Institute of Technology, 5170, 5188 Drinking customs, early, 1662 Dripps, J. Frederick, 8789 Drown, Thomas Messinger, 5348 Druillon, Pierre-Jacques, 2071 Drum, Sarah H., 8147 Drummond, Robert E., 948, 949, 3590 Drumore Township, Lancaster County, 4108 Drury, A. W, 8986 Drury, Clifford M., 3440 Duane, William, 2541, 3118; on educa- tion, 4255; and judicial reform, 3355 Duane, William J., 3244, 3659 Dubbs, Joseph H., 103, 1502, 4358, 4359, 7671, 8913, 8914 Dublin, Frances, 1255 DuBois, 7456-7458 DuBois, Charles E., 7358 Du Bois, James T., 5362, 8152 Du Bois, W. E. B., 5552, 5604 Dubson, Mary, 4490 Duche, Rev. Jacob, 503, 2986 Duche family, 1167 Dudley, Albert W., 5722 Dudley, Edward L., 2398 Duels, 3464 Duff, Governor James H., 4666, 6254, 6259 Duffus, R. L., 6291 Duffy, John J., 5882 Duffy, Marie S., 8007 Duganne, Augustine J. H., 9136 Duke, Charles, 6559 Duke Street Methodist Church, York, 8704 Dulles, Charles W., 1401, 2113 Dumas, Jean-Daniel, 2057 Dumbauld, Edward, 3119 Dumigan, David H., 5883, 5953, 7136, 7309, 7425, 7903 Dunaway, Wayland F., 20, 663, 977, 1006, 1019, 1896, 2602, 4360, 6952 Duncan, Bingham, 4683 Duncan, John S., 4125 Duncan, O. D., 5605 Duncan, Robert D., 4452, 5091 Duncan, Willie de B., 2399 Dundaff, 7623, 56 Dunham, Arthr 6292, 6620 Dunham, Douglas, 1311 Dunham, B. Mabel, 687 Dunham, William A., 6293 Dunkelberger, George F., 2712, 4361, 4977, 5151, 5341, 5723, 6264, 6560, 8128, 8129 Dunkelberger, James E., 7249 Dunkelberger, Ralph D., 5418 Dunkers, 8454, 8458, 8459, 8462, 8469; at Ephrata, 8447, 8448 Dunlap, George A., 3541 Dunlap, J. Russell, 8790 Dunlap, James, 2268 Dunlap, John, 1486, 2552 Dunlap, Leslie W., 154 Dunlap, William, 3629 Dunlaps Creek Presbyterian Church, 8781 Dunmore, 7624 Dunmore, Lord, and Virginia boundary dispute, 2293 Dunn, William, 7793 Dunnstown, 7793 Du Ponceau, Peter S., 439, 634, 6953 Duquesne, Marquis, 2061; correspond- ence, 1996 Durang, Charles. 1681 Durant, Samuel W., 7112, 7702, 7813 Durbin, John Price, 5349 Durfee, John R., 7623 Durham, 367 Durham Ironworks, 1133, 1149, 1188 Durham Township, Bucks County, 1149 Durkin, Mary F., 4558 Durland, Kellogg, 5677 Durrell's Battery, 9021 Durrenberger, Joseph A., 3262 Duryea, Charles E., in Reading, 5980 Duryea, Merle J., 5980 Du Simitiere, Pierre Eugene, 2987, 3563 Duss, John S, 4230-4232 Dutch: barber surgeons among, 1778; on Delaware, 422-426, 449, 462-466; 736 Index description of Indians, 334; Swedish and, 442 "Dutch" Mill, Tories at, 2778 Dutch Quakers, immigration, 1038 Dutcher, George M., 6, 2312 Dutton, Charles J., 3727 Dvoichenko-Markov, Eufrosina, 2400 Dwarys, Samuel, 5125 Dwight, H. G., 2269 Dye, William S, 1682 Dyess, George A., 3263 Dyott, T. W., 3879 Dyottville, glass factory, labor system, 3879 E Eagan, T., 6043 Eagles Mere, 7044 Eakin, Myrl I., 3621, 4922 Eakins, Thomas, 5350 350a Earl Township, Lane? i County, 7684 Earle, Governor Geo* . H., administra- tion, 6233-6238 Earle, Thomas, 3360; as reformer, 4226 Early, John W., 1581, 1582, 2028, 4321, 7712, 8557, 8558 Early, Gen. Jubal S., invasion of Frank- lin County, 4767 Earnest, Ernest, 2086, 6854 Earnest, Mrs. Franklin M., 8166, 8559 Easson, Lelia, 1146 East, Robert A., 2936 East Berlin, churches, 8631 East Conococheague Presbyterian Church, 8785 East Earl Township, Lancaster Countv, 7684 East Lebanon, 7720 East Liberty Presbyterian Church, 8832 East Pennsylvania Conference, United Brethren Church, 8994 East Vincent Township Chester County, 7442 Eastburn, Samuel C, 2153, 7359 Eastern Church, in Allegheny County, 8983 Eastern Pennsylvania: archaeology, 413, 417; barns, 799; birds. 260, 266; Ger- mans in, 690; mills, 1150, 1217; plant distribution, 242; provincialisms, 904; roads and highways, 4994; slate indus- try, 4916; Swiss and German settlers, 691; union church problem, 6268 Eastern Shore, lawyers in Philadelphia, 1707 Eastern State Penitentiary, 3370, 6142, 6157; early days, 3383 Eastern Synod, Reformed Church, 8943 Eastman, Elizabeth, 8112 Eastman. Frank M., 1700, 3167 Easton, 2179, 2180, 7825, 7901, 7918, 7923; in 1761, 7895; churches, 8568; colonial bench and bar, 1736; early, 7899-7900, 8292; earlv inns and tav- erns, 1654; health survey, 6578; as Jewish community, 1050a, 7920 Easton-Reading King's Highway, 1246 Easton Road, 1280 Eastwood, Walter H., 8791 Eaton, Jeanette. 2401 Eaton, Leonard K., 3558 Eaton, S. J. M., 2000, 4923, 8792-8793 Eavenson, Howard N., 179, 1256, 1312, 1897, 3831, 3832 Ebenezer Methodist Church, Southwark, Philadelphia 8703 Eberle, John, 2123 Eberlein, Harold D, 811, 1360, 1361, 1788, 2542, 3455, 3504, 3591, 6480, 8008, 8878 Eberling, Ernest J., 5919 Eberly, Daniel, 8987 Eberly, Norman M.. 6430 Eckfeldt, John W., 7527 Eckhardt, George H., 4466 Econometric Institute, 7195 Economic changes, crime and, 6155 Economic history, 3800 Economic thought, 4572-4578 Economics, bibliographies, 27, 43, 59-67 Economists, 3859, 3871 Economy, 7227; see Old Economy, Har- mony Society Eddy, George S., 2402 Eddy, Henry H, 129, 130 Edinburgh, and Philadelphia medicine, 1774 Edison, Thomas Alva, in Sunbury, 4856 Edmands, Tohn, 8794 Edmonds. Franklin S., 2878, 4269, 4270, 5553, 8560 Edson, Obed, 2713 Edson, Walter H., 309 Education, 2944, 2952, 3468-3493, 4253- 4266, 4492,4493,5120-5197,6334-6461, 6894; adult, 6302; agricultural exten- sion, 6430; avocational, 6338; Alex- ander Dallas Bache and, 4553; Bap- tists and, 1422; bibliography, 68; business and. 6397; Catholic, 4253, 4259, 4260; colonial, 1390-1468: legal, 1 138; Lutherans and. 1430, Moravians 737 Index and, 1411, 1412; Presbyterians and, 1418, 1440; compulsory, 6371, 6392: costs, 6405; effect of national defense on, 6708; farmers and, 6397; Franklin and, 1403, 2383, 2503; general history, 4264-4266; Francis Hopkinson and, 2924; industrial, 6336, 6386; Jewish, 4261; juvenile delinquency and, 6311; labor and, 6397; lay organizations and, 6418; legislation, 2963, 6413, 6415; local and State control of, 6415; Moravians and, 1455; music, 4313; Philadelphia, 4309; Pennsylvania Ger- man, 831-840; philosophy of, 6335, 6412; pioneers of, 1408; poverty and, 6304; Presbyterians and, 4258; prob- lems, 6370, 6382; Quakers and, 6424, 6426; radio in, 6364; research on, 6384; Benjamin Rush and, 3055; sec- ondary, 1437, 5149-5157: relation with higher, 6437; State parks and, 5777; support of, 4285, 6404; theory and practice, 4304-4313; and Roberts Vaux, 3479; vocational, 5152, 5154, 6386: in agriculture, 5743; see also High schools, Higher education, Schools, Teachers Edwards, Everett E., 40 Edwards, George, 3729 Edwards, George J., 6106 Edwards, Morgan, 104 Edwards, Richard, 4851-4853 Edwards, Walter M., 8281 Edwards, William W., 1939 Edwina, Sister M., 8377 Egan, Rt. Rev. Michael, Bishop of Philadelphia, 4589 Egle, William H., 140, 141. 688, 978, 979, 2029, 2873, 2879, 2896, 4084, 4807, 6954, 7508, 7509, 7713; bibliography of works, 24 Ehehalt, C. M., 8222 Ehrenfeld, Charles L., 5141 Ehrhart, Paul C, 4022 Ehrlich, Leon, 1103 Eichelberger. Percy S., 6165 Eichenlaub, M. H., 6561 Eichholz, Jacob, 2124, 4418, 4422, 4590 Eilberg, Herman, 3470 Eiselen, Malcolm R., 2403, 3864 Eiseman, Ruby, 6790 Eisenberg, Harry O., 5466 Eisenberg, J. Linwood, 8450 Eisenhart, Charles W., 310 Eisenhower family, 673 Elder, Margaret, '3792 Elder, Walter T., 5811 Eldred, Charles E., 7782 Election of 1796, 3122 Election of 1864, in western Pennsyl- vania, 4780 Election of 1866, in western Pennsyl- vania, 4789 Election of 1940, 6256 Elections, ballot usage, 5447; congres- sional, of 1834, 4070; frauds, 5262; 5482, 6200; gubernatorial, 6188, 6241; municipal, reform in, 5266; presiden- tial, (1920-40), 6189; registration. (1926-46), 6190; supervision of, 6201 Electric companies, in World War II, 6712 Electricity, 5949, 5952, 5960, 5964, 5970. 5972, 5975; colonial discoveries, 1562; rates, 5959 Elementary schools, principals, prepara- tion of, 6362 Elgar, John, 3893 Elias, Janet, 6195 Eliot, Charles W., 2404 Eliot, Ellsworth, Jr., 2758 Eliot, Margaret S., 131 Eliot, Thomas D., 2405 Elizabeth, 7185 Elizabethtown, pottery, 7799 Elk County, 7045, 7402, 7543-7544, 7572 Elkin, Cortlandt W. W., 7609 Elkinton, Howard W., 2183 Ellenberger, J. W.. 4427 Eller, Paul H., 953 Ellicott, Andrew, 2988, 3660; boundary lines, 2299 Elliot, Ella Z., 8097, 8098 Elliott, Charles. 3745 Elliott, Charles W., 2604 Elliott, David, 4633 Elliott, Edward O., 8356 Elliott, Harriet A., 6659 Elliott, Harrison, 2193 Elliott. Huger, 6481 Elliott, S. F., 5039 Elliott, Ward C, 7616 Ellis, Agnes L., 7137 Ellis, Charles C, 3471, 5173 Ellis, F., 7904 Ellis. Franklin, 7029, 7560, 7644 Ellis, George E, 504 Ellis, John L, 6431 Ellis, John T., 8378 Elmquist, Holger N., 6044 Ely, Warren S., 311, 3807 Emancipation law. 4140 Emancipation Proclamation, Altoona Conference and. 4686 Embargo, 1808, Philadelphia and, 3182 Embick, Milton A.. 9027 Embree, Elihu, 4127 Emburv, Avmar, Tr.. 4407 738 Index Emden, Paul H, 1257 Emerson, Harrington, 5007 Emerson, Hugh N., 6045 Emery, John A., 3193 Emigration, from Pennsylvania. 3783, 3785, 3788; westward, 3785 Emlen, J. T., 5606 Emmanuel Reformed Church, Hanover, 8926 Emmert, David, 5174 Emmott, Elizabeth B., 8496 Employee attitudes, 6656 Employment, fluctuations (1921-27), 5880; opportunities, 6692 Enders, George W., 8561 Endlich, G. A., 7250 Engart, Henry S., 1147 Engberg, Robert M., 312. 354 Engineering, 3551, 3661, 5392, 5809, 5836, 6915, 6916; civil, 5825 Engineers, early Philadelphia, 1367 England, German immigration (1709), 684 England, Joseph W., 4362 Engle, Donald L., 6524 Engle, J. Linton, 1475 Engle, K. D., 3194 Englebert, Arthur F., 1503 English, Helen D.. 4179 English: Pennsylvania Germans and. 664; settlers, 662-665; Swedish and, 442, 444 English language: and German, in churches, 1598; Pennsvlvania Ger- mans and, 901, 909, 919, 922, 934 English Lutheran Church, Pottsvillc, 8577 English Presbyterian Congregation, Harrisburg, 8851 Engraving, 5414 Eno, Joel N., 689 Ensign. Forest C, 5678 Entomology, 3022, 3023 Ephrata: paper mill, 1208; public util- ities, 5955 Ephrata (play), 9166 Ephrata and Lebanon Street Railway Companv, 6105 Ephrata Cloister. 1583, 1593, 1600, 1607, 4236, 8447-8449, 8451, 8453, 8460, 8463, 8469, 8470. 8471; (1759), 8441; bibliographv. 102; hymnal, 8464; Martyrs' Mirror, 8461; military hos- pital at, 2641; music, 1539, 1549; printing press, 1496; and Seventh Day Baptists. 8442 Epidemics, yellow fever, 1770 Episcopal Academy, Philadelphia, 1404 Episcopal Church, 2140, 2222; and colonial education, 1449; colonial music, 1550; see also Anglicans, Prot- estant Episcopal Church Epstein, Abraham, 5607 Epstein, Samuel, 2406 Equity, 1722, 3367, 5244, 5254; develop- ment of, 1701 Erb, Ruth E., 2543 Erbe, Hellmuth, 7905 Erdspiegel (magic mirror), 860 Ergood, R. M, 5467 Erie, City of, 7545, 7547, 7548, 7548a; early history, 2010; Saengerfest, 5200 Erie, Lake, 8287 Erie County, 7545-7557; archaeology. 288: archives, 7552; biographies, 7551; child welfare, 6333; flora, 243; physi- cians, 4671 Erie Extension Canal, 3935, 3943 Erie Indians, 309, 400 Erie and Pittsburgh Railroad, 4011 Erie Presbvterv, 8792 Erie Railroad, 5010 Erie Triangle, 3203, 3639, 7063 Erie War of the Gauges, 3990 Eriksson. Erik M., 4085 Erisman, George F. K., 3808 Ermentrout, Daniel, 690 Errett, Russell, 7138, 8274 Ervin, Spencer, 6107 Eshelman, H. Frank, 313. 691, 1076, 1258, 1259, 1710, 1711, 1789, 2605, 2714, 4126, 6169, 7645-7647. 7648, 7672 Eshelman, John E., 8497. 8498 Eshleman, Wilmer J., 7673, 8452, 8662 Esling, Charles H. A.. 8379 Eslinger, A. M., 8223 Espenshade, A. Howry, 8275 Ess. T. J., 5812 Esser, Paul B., Jr., 4924 Essex, England. Penn and Fox in. 471 Essington, Joseph H., 2001 Estates, colonial, 1697 Etherton, P. T.. 1810 Etter, R. C, 954 Etting, Frank M., 2544 Ettinger. Amos A., 46 , 7935, 7936, 7948, 8167, 8168 Gutheim, Frederick, 6487 Guthrie, Dwight R., 3712, 8802 Guthrie, G. W., 5562 Guthrie, Paul N., 5406 Guyer, John P., 6114 Gwynedd Monthly Meeting, 8521 Gwynedd Quarterly Meeting, 8509 Gwynedd Township, Montgomery County, Welsh in, 1010, 1011 Gypsies, 872 II Haage, George D., 6528 Haas, Francis B., 6708 Haas, George B., 8114 Haas, James F., 5079, 5352 Haberle, Daniel, 702 Haberly, Loyd, 4579 Habermehl, John, 3900 Hackney, Jacob S., 7562 Hadden, James, 1946, 7563 Hadley, Earl J., 4933 Hager and Brother, department store, 3865 Hagerty, Mahlon R., 7413 Hagner, Charles V., 3268 Hahnemann Medical College, 4364, 4424 Mailman, James W., 8283 Hailperin, Herman, 4061 Haiman, Miecislaus, 5040 Hain, Harry H., 7949 Hain, Winfield J.. 1266 Haines, E. B., 7937 Haines, George, 6266 Haines, Joseph E., 4323 Haines, Reuben, 5097 Haines, Townsend, letters, 742S Haldeman, Horace L., 3810, 4829 Haldeman, S. S., 324, 901 Halderman, J. Leonard, 5475 Hale, John P., 1903 Hale, R.Nelson, 3197, 3198 Hale, Sara Josepha, 4609 Halich, Wasyl, 5041 Hall, B. R., stage trip, Philadelphia to Pittsburgh (1820's), 8336 Hall, Clifford J., 6166 Hall, David, 1754 Hall, Elizabeth L, 6299 Halle Pietism, 1609 Haller, Mabel, 1411 Hallgren, Mauritz A., 5956, 6623 Hallock, John W., 5690 Hallowell, Anna D., 4637 Hallowell, Howard T., autobiography, 6611 Halpert, Herbert, 9144 Halsey, Francis W., 2332, 2610, 2720. 8284 Hamer, Philip M., 135 Hamilton, A. Boyd, 3017, 8839 Hamilton, Alexander, 3330; and Whis- key Rebellion, 3165 750 Index Hamilton, Dr. Alexander, travels (1744), 8256 Hamilton, Andrew, 1727, 1737, 1738, 1838 Hamilton, Andrew, (d. 1741), 2130, 2131 Hamilton, J. Taylor, 107, 8736-8740 Hamilton, John, 4990 Hamilton, Kenneth G., 1855, 2548 Hamilton, Milton W., 1856, 3220, 3221, 4086, 5423, 7280 Hamilton, William, his "Woodlands," 3583 Hamilton Watch Company, 5818, 5819 Hamlin, Talbot F., 4408, 4409, 6488 Hammarskold, J. G., 8880 Hammer, Carl, 703 Hammerscale, 5796 Hammitt, J. L., 8701 Hammond, Bray, 4029 Hammond, J. W., 4030 Hammond, Olive L., 7223 Hammonds, Thomas, 6352 Hamor, William A., 6568, 6609 Hampton Battery F, Independent Penn- sylvania Light Artillery, 9016 Hancock, Pa., 371 Hancock, Cornelia, letters, 4738 Hancock, Winneld Scott, Maj. Gen. 4811, 4812 Hand, Alfred, 4934 Hand, General Edward, 2997 Hand, Walter R., 8357 Handicrafts, in post-war planning, 6690 Handsome Lake, religion of, 2707 Handwork, Edna M., 7254, 7281 Haney, John L., 5206 Hanna, Charles A., 985, 1314 Hanna, John S., 2794 Hanna, Mary A.. 1267 Hanna, W r illiam, 7597 Hanning, George T., 1413 Hanover, 8226; battle of, 4705; Centen- nial Committee, 8226; churches, 8548, 8603, 8926, 8958 Hanover Presbyterian Church, Dauphin County, 8839, 8846 Hanover Township, Luzerne Countv, 7772 Hanover Township, schools, 4278 Hanstein, George, 3592 Hapgood, Powers, 5852 Happel, William D., 8928 Harbaugh, Henry, 880, 902, 2196, 5363- 5365 Harbaugh, Linn, 30. 5363, 8925 Harbeson, John, 5207 Harbeson, William, 4410 Harbison, Francis R., 1904, 6923, 7034 Harbison-Walker Refractories Company. 5828 Harbold, P. M., 1414 Hardenstine, G. N., 6052 Harder, Leland, 463 Hardie, James, 8013 Hardin, Clara A., 5614 Hardin, M. D., 9040 Harding, A. R, 4670 Harding, Samuel B, 2883 Hardy, Isabel R, 8285 Hare, H. A., 3399, 4431 Hare, Jay V„ 3918, 3984, 3985 Hare, Lloyd C. M., 4638 Hare, Robert, 4610 Harford Sesqui-Centennial Committee. 8153 Hark, Ann, 683, 817, 858-861 Hark, J. Max., 325, 903, 8460, 8741. 8742 Harkness, R. E. E., 8358 Harlan, A. D., 5291 Harley, J. K., 7841 Harley, Lewis R., 1105, 3018, 3085, 4273. 5128, 5177 Harleysville, 7870 Harlow, Alvin F., 3919 Harman, J. Paul, 3841 Harmar, General Josiah, Indian expedi- tion, 2730 Harmer, Harvey W., 2272 Harmon, George D., 4204, 4685 Harmony Society, 4221, 4222, 4230- 4232, 4234, 4236, 4238, 4240, 4242, 4243, 4245, 4249, 4255; and Hut- terians, 4223; and Mormons, 4224; and oil industry, 3826; and silk in- dustry, 3803; see also Old Economy Harned, Ada, 7240 Harper, Frank C, 7199 Harper, Lathrop C., 9 Harper, Zella D, 1659 Harpster, John W., 1660, 1904a, 8286 Harr, Luther A., 1106 Harriet Hollond Memorial Presbvterian Church, Philadelphia, 8798 Harrington, M. R., 326, 327 Harrington, R. A., 6353 Harris, Alexander, 4087, 7649 Harris, Dorothy G.. 8503 Harris, Ella F., 6300 Harris, James D., 3912; canal papers, 3911 Harris, John H., autobiography, 517S Harris, Thomas. 4389 Harrisburg, 6618, 7506-7508, 7511, 7515, 7517, 7519; Catholic Diocese of, 8399; churches, 8851; in Civil War, 4779; First City Zouaves and City Grays 9031; great sickness at, 3410; John 751 Index Penn in, 1814; Sisters of Mercy, 8412 Harrisburg convention of 1788, 2900 Harrisburg Diocese, Protestant Epis- copal Church, 8891 Harrisburg Steel Corporation, 4892 Harrison, 7632 Harrison, George L., 519 Harrison, Henry, 9145 Harrison, Joseph, Jr., 3986 Harrison, Lowell H., 4255 Harrison, William E., 7120 Harry, Bertha S., 5208 Harshberger, John W., 186, 241, 242 Hart, Albert B., 2430 Hart, Charles H., 2831 Hart, George M., 3987, 5008 Hart, George S., 7200 Hart, John P., 7564 Hart, John R., 6709 Hart, Thomas, 1683 Hart, Willard, 5009 Hartford, Margaret E., 5615 Hartley, H. J., 4869 Hartley, Thomas, 2905 Hartley, Col. Thomas, 2799 Hartman, E. J., 3920 Hartman, J. Lee, 3246 Hartman, Jesse L., 3921 Hartman, John S., 2611 Hartranft, Governor John F., 5366-5370 Hartranft, Paul E., 4274, 8099 Hartz, Louis, 2939, 3309 Hartzler, J. S., 6167, 8667 Harvey, E. Newton. 2431 Harvey, George, 5353 Harvey, Henry, 637 Harvey, Margaret B., 1589, 7869 Harvey, Oscar J, 2317, 2318, 3421, 3527, 7766, 7767 Hasek, Carl W„ 5888 Haskins, Charles H., 1415 Hasse, Adelaide R., 64, 136, 6301 Hassett, Maurice M., 8399 Hassler, Edgar W., 2612 Hastings, Governor Daniel H., cam- paign, 5271 Hastings. E. C, 1107 Hastings, George E., 3004-3007, 3698 Hastings, Sally, 2943, 3698, 3699 Hastings, William S., 4662 Hatboro, colonial land tenure in, 1099 Hatch, Vernelle A., 7807 Hatcher, Harlan H., 4870, 8287 Hatfield, 7850 g Hathway, Marion, 4235 Hatmaking, 1228 Haupt, Lewis M., 4991, 4992 Haupt, Mynn S., 7938 Hause, Louisa S., 4324 Hause, Mary, 8142 Hause, Nathan E., 86 Hauser, James J., 3168, 7739, 7740 Hausman, William A., 6569 llaussmann, Carl F., 4365 llaverford College, 4368, 4374, 4392; Quaker books at, 119 Haverford and Merion Road, 1239 Haverstick, D. C, 4495 Haviland, Thomas P., 1416, 1479, 2432, 3542 Haviland, Virginia, 520 Hawk Mountain, 5756 Hawke, David, 1162 Hawkes, E., 8400 Hawkins, Charles A., 8227 Hawkins, Glenn B., 7146 Hawkins, Lydia S., 521 Hawks, 5752, 5756 Hawks, Edward, 6267 Hawks, Francis L., 6966 Hay, E. G., 8577 Hay, Ellis S, 8926, 8927 Hayden, Horace E., 31, 328, 2721, 3842 Hayes, A. Reed, Jr., 8668 Hayes, J. Carroll, 2273, 2274 Hayes, James R., 6465 Hayes, John R., 8504 Hayes, Manlove, 522 Hayes, Raymond E., 1268 Haynes, Elizabeth, 6929 Hays, Gilbert A., 9041 Hayward, W. J., 1118 Hazard, Samuel, 138, 139, 425, 6967 Hazen, Aaron L., 7703 Hazleton: biographies, 7635; Presby- terian Congregation, 8826; Reformed churches, 8964 Hazlett, William W., Jr., 6396 Health, mental, 6593 Health, public, 6546-6549, 6557, 6572, 6578, 6579, 6592, 6604-6606, 6608 Heard, E. A, 599 Heart disease mortality, 6573 Heath. Harvey A., 7610 Heath, Louis J., 6459 Heathcote, Charles W., 957, 1269, 2214, 2613, 3086, 4180, 4181, 7429, 8578 Heatwole, Daniel R., 8461 Heaven, Alice M., 2275 Hebrew Education Society of Philadel- phia, 5129 Heckewelder, John G. E., 329, 330, 1857, 2741, 2998 Heckler, James Y., 7870 Heckman, Oliver S., 21, 5098, 6750 Hedin, Naboth, 431, 432 Hedrick, Ulysses P., 1119 Hefelbower, Samuel G., 4366 Heffner, William C, 1647 Hege, F. B., 4256 752 Index Heidelberg Reformed Church, York, 8970 Heiges, George L, 438, 1757, 2215, 2216, 2614, 3123, 5099, 8476, 8702 Heiges, Ralph E., 6436 Heilman, Grant, 4935, 8288 Heilman, Marjorie, 4935, 8288 Heilman, Samuel P., 1744, 7718 Heilman, Uria H., 835 Heilman, Vernon D., 8228 Heinrici, Max, 753 Heinz, Henry J., 6812 Heinz Co., H. J., 4845 Heisey, M. Luther, 523, 1081, 1365, 1579, 1758, 1858, 3222, 3660, 3988, 3989, 4453, 4729, 5378, 5724, 7650, 7674-7677 Heizmann, Louis J., 862 HelfTerich. Reginald H., 7907 Helffrich, William A., 958 Helfman. Harold M., 4936, 5299 Heller, Mark 0., 6268 Heller, William J., 1163, 1859. 1860, 7908, 8579 Helman, Frances S., 7611 Helms, James K., 2615, 2940 Helton, Roy. 5616, 6662 Hemminger, J. D., 1270, 7486 Hempfield, 7699 Hench, William M, 5889 Henderson, Daniel, 5336 Henderson, Elizabeth K., 3124, 3199, 3362 Henderson, George M., 5820 Henderson, Helen W., 4590, 6489 Henderson, James A., 5059 Hendrick, Burton J., 5330, 5336 Henkels, Stanley V., 108 Henning, D. C, 769, 4792, 8115 Henretta, James E., 7808 Henry, Frederick P., 52, 620, 1759 Henry, Hugh C, 3057 Henry, J. T., 4937 Henry, James, 8743 Henry, Katharine, 704 Henry, Mathew S, 7035 Henry, Thomas J., 7224 Henry, William, 2132, 2800 Hensel, William U., 986, 1271, 2124, 2217, 3169, 3699, 4164, 4165, 4171, 4205-4208, 4830, 5268 Hentz, Nicholas M., 2069 Hepburn, Josephs, 2941,3561 Heppell, Shirley G, 2033 Hequembourg oil well, 4947 Herbert, Anne H, 7201 Herbert, T. W., 4730 Hergesheimer, Joseph, 6813, 6814 Herman, John A, 2616 Herman, L, 1760 Hermann, Burke M.. 2319 Hermann, Missouri, German settlement from Pennsylvania, 3783, 3788 Hermann-Literatur-Gesellschaft, 4496 Herrick, Cheesman A, 1108, 3689, 4325 Herrick, G, 5983 Herring, John W., 6302 Herriott, Bessie, 4731 Herrold, Chester S., 5923 Herrold, Miles, 6570 Hersh, Grier, 987 Hershberger, Guy F, 602, 603, 8669 Hershey, 7503 Hershey, Milton S, 6815 Hershey Museum, 7514 Herter, Theophilus J, 2549 Hertkorn, Francis J, 5115 Hertzog, Joseph, 3310 Hess, Came B, 7785 Hess, E. H., 5025 Hess, Mary W, 524 Hesselius, Gustavus, 2133-2135 Hesseltine, William B, 4686, 4783 Hesser, A. A, 3922 Hesser, H. A, 2942 Hessians, 2664, 2667, 2668; and Pennsyl- vania Germans, 2638 Hettinger, Edwin L, 5423, 8289 Heuser, Emil, 6968 Heverly, Clement F, 2617, 4732, 7324- 7332 Hewitt, Warren F, 4172, 4173, 4275 Hex marks, 866, 867, 870, 871; see also Barns Heydrick, B. A, 904 Heydrick, Christopher, 4276 Heyer, John Christian Frederick, 4611 Heyl, Francis, 2618 Heysham, Theodore, 7871 Hubbard, Ruth, 1009 Hibbert, Gerald K, 525 Hibernian Society, 3763 Hibshman, E. K, 770 Hicks, Edward, 2136, 4612 Hicks, Elias, 3700 Hicks, Judge Gilbert, 2761 Hicks, Sarah W, 2761 Hiester, Governor Joseph, 4075, 4079, 4081; and Germans of Reading, 4078 Higby, Clinton D.. 5476 Higby, Mary A, 7476 Higginbotham, Sanford W, 3125, 3866 High schools, 5149-5157, 6361-6372, 6383; administration, 6380; avoca- tional education. 6338; business edu- cation, 6350; early, 4299; finances of extracurricular activities, 6389; foot- ball, 6379, 6388; joint, fiscal status of, 6408; junior, 6355; libraries, 6360; principals, 6349: certification, 6440, 753 Index status, 6345; teachers: certification, 6440, professional education, 6446 Higher education, 1415, 1459, 6416-6461; aid to, 5140-5148; German Lutherans and, 834, 1407; legislative aid, 4387; policy, 6455; relation with secondary, 6437; see also Colleges and Univer- sities Highland Regiments, 1972 Highley, George N., 526 Highway system, development of, 5979 Highways, 5981, 5994; development of. 5979, 5986; roadside problem, 5995; State administration of, 5987; see also Roads Hildeburn, Charles R., 3008, 3126 Hildeburn, Charles S., 87 Hill, Harry S, 1272 Hill, R. B., 331 Hill, Richard, 2137 Hill, William F., 5026 Hill School, 4329, 4340 Hillard, Charles, 1164 Hillard, Muriel A., 3610 Hillegas, Michael, 2999-3002 Hillman, Ralf R., 8744 Hilltown Glass Works, 1168 Himes, Charles Francis, 1684, 2352, 2805, 3642. 4367, 4459, 5371 Hindle, Brooke, 1861 Hine, Al, 7147 Hines, Norman E., 2433 Hinke, William J., 109, 758. 1590, 2096, 2197, 6816, 8928-8936, 8974 Hinsdale, Burke A., 5477 Hinsdale, Guy, 6855, 6856 Hinshaw, David, 6822 Hinton, Edward M., 5188 Hintz, Howard W., 6507 Hinz, John P., 6508 Hipsher. Edward E., 1543 Hirsch, Rudolph, 6509 Hirsh, Monroe B., 1042 Hirst, Margaret E., 8505 Hirte, Tobias, 4938 Historic American Buildings Survey, 55 Historic restoration, 6490 Historical Handbook Committee. 7101 Historical markers, 6749, 6775 Historical sites and buildings, 6773, 6782, 8321, 8322; catalog, 6741; guide, 6474 Historical societies, 154-158; bibliog- raphy, 22; in wartime. 6717 Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 2337, 4487, 4506, 6774; business manu- scripts, 65; guide to manuscript col- lections, 134; paintings in, S7\ policv, 6738, 6765 History clubs: manual for, 6739; and teaching of local history, 6735 Hitchcock, Frederick L., 7626, 9053 Hitchler, Walter H., 1722, 6115, 4369 Hitrovo, M. V., 6303 Hoban, Charles F., 146 Hobbs, A. A, 3363 Hobbs, Herrwood E., 6529, 8102, 8290 Hobbs, Jane E., 4370 Hoberg, Walter R., 2762, 2763 Hoch, Daniel K., 187, 7282 Hocker, Edward W, 1166, 1480, 1481, 2224, 2619, 2620, 2828, 8015, 8583 Hocking Valley, mine labor, 5055, 5861 Hockley, Trent, and Croghan Company, 1323 Hodges, Fletcher, Jr., 4524, 4525, 4595, 4596 Hodges, Henry G., 6199 Hodgkin, Lucy V., 1812 Hodgkins, W. C, 2276 Hodgson, William, 8506 Hoechst, Coit, R., 705 Hoenstine, Floyd G., 3903, 7038, 9054 Hoerner, William S., 1947 Hoffman, George W., 8143 Hoffman, W. F., 863, 864 Hoffsten, E. G, 5617 Hoge, Mary R, 1273 Hoge family, in politics, 3111 Hogg, J. Bernard, 3037, 5068, 5069 Hoke, Jacob, 4733, 4734 Holben, Ralph P., 6304 Holbrook, Stewart H., 4871, 5890 Holcomb, William P., 1793, 5269 Holdcraft, Paul E., 8996 Holdsworth, John T., 3333 Hole, Helen G., 3473 Hollabaugh, Mildred, 3269 Holland, Ernest 0., 5142 Holland, J. W., 2434, 4432 Holland, Penn in, 567 Holland, Rupert S., 527 Holland, W. J., 4371, 4372 Holland Land Company, 1898; title difficulties, 3200 Hollidaysburg, 7300 Hollister, Horace, 7036 Holloway, Mark, 4236 Holm, Thomas C, 439 Holme, Thomas, 1824, 2138; and plan of Philadelphia, 617 Holt, Anne, 3736 Holy Angels Parish, Philadelphia, 8413 Holy Experiment, 590-615 Holv Trinity, Church of the, Philadel- phia, 8390 Holy Trinity, Evangelical Lutheran Church of the, Lancaster. 8617 Homan, John George, 4472 754 Index Homeopathic Medical College, 4424 Homer, Louise, 6865 Homestead, 5065; social conditions, 5649; strike of 1892, 5068, 5072 Homestead Act, 4608, 5362 Hommel, Rudolf P., 1167-1169, 4938. 9055 Honesdale, churches, 8852 Honesdale National Bank, 4026 Hoober, R. T, 1331 Hooker, Roland M, 2320 Hoover, Emmanuel J., 8584, 8585 Hope Lodge, 7860 Hopewell Furnace, 1165, 1189, 2870 Hopewell Monthly Meeting, 8500 Hopewell Village, 1226 Hopkins, J. G. E., 3528 Hopkins, Thomas C, 4939 Hopkinson, Edward, 4031 Hopkinson, Edward, Jr., 3334 Hopkinson, Francis, 1553, 3003, 3005- 3009, 3011; and American flag, 3004; and education, 2924; and Franklin, 3010; Freneau and, 2993; and gram- marians, 3542 Hopkinson, Joseph, 4613 Hopper, Isaac T., 4614 Hoppes, Charles H., 5300 Hopwood, Josephine L. R., 622 Horan, James D.. 5080 Horlacher, John P, 5691 Horn, Charles R., 4278 Horn, W. F., 1905 Horn Papers, 1905; critique of, 1912 Hornberger, Theodore. 1417 Home, A. R, 706, 7742 Horner, George F., 2435 Horner, William Edmonds, 4615 Hornor, William M, Jr., 1170-1172 Horse-racing, early, 1679 Horses, 1289; colonial, 1689 Horsham Preparative Meeting, 8534 Horsham Township, Montgomery Coun- ty, 7886 Horticulture: to 1860, 1119; see also Gardening Horwitz, George Q., 1826 Horwitz, Solis, 528 Hosensack Academy, 1457, 4316 Hosiery industry, 5901; workers, 6619 Hospitals, 1761-1764, 1768, 1771, 1773. 1776, 4423, 4424, 4437, 4438, 4440, 4446, 5105, 5110, 6552, 6553, 6571. 6579, 6582, 6598, 6603; early, 174S, 1750, 1751a, 1754; military, in Revolu- tion, 2614, 2630, 2641; State, 5106 Hostelley, Alfred E., 9146 Hostetler, John A., 110, 5436, 8670- 8672 Hostetter, Albert K., 3811, 4166, 4469 Hostetter, Ida L. K., 4209 Hotchkin, S. F., 1592, 3270-3272, 5116 Hotchkin, Samuel F., 8016-8018. 8291 Hough, Franklin B., 4096 Hough, Mary P. H., 7872 Hough, Oliver, 2118, 2138 Hounchell, Saul, 3543 House of Representatives, Votes and Proceedings, 146 Houseberg, Clarence R., 7909 Housing, 5049, 5050, 5052, 5053, 6312, 6624, 6645, 6657, 6673 Houston, Edwin J., 2436 Houston, J. W., 4277 Houston, Joseph W., 8807 Houtz, Harry, 3867 Houtz, Harry D., 8130 Hovenden, Thomas, 5372 Howard, John T., 4597, 5397 Howard, Leon, 2943 Howard-Smith, Logan, 9056 Howe, Rowland L., 8462 Howell, Spencer P., 5925 Hower, Ralph M., 4978 Howland, Charles A., 5957 Howland, Garth A., 8745 Howland. H. J., 6185 Hovt, Henry M., 2321, 6825 Hubbard, Cortlandt V., 811, 1360, 1361, 1788, 2542, 3455, 3591, 8878 Hubbard, Freeman H., 8116 Huber, David A., 332 Huber, Levi B., 1120 Hubler, Maude J., 3764 Huch, C. F., 1482, 2218, 2829, 2999, 3765, 3766, 3881, 3882, 4496, 4526, 5209. 5210, 6898 Huckel, Earle W., 4411 Huckel, Oliver, 529, 2437 Hudson, Henry, 424 Hudson, Samuel, 5441 Hudson, William. 2139 Hudson River, 8284 Huebener, Mary A., 7678, 8746 Huey, Pennock, 9057 Huggins, Elizabeth, 5180 Hughes, Frederick A., 5725 Hughes, George W., 1173 Hughes, Griffith, 2140 Hughes, Gwendolyn S., 5669 Hughes, Margaret M., 5700 Hughes, R. O., 6969 Hughes, Thomas, 8401 Hughes Mill, 3799 Ilughesville, 7785 Hughs, Mary R., 530, 531 Huguenots, 1018, 1020, 1021, 1025-1027; and Palatines, 1025 Huidekoper, Alfred, 7477 755 Index Huidekoper, Harm Jan, 3701; autobiog- raphy, 4616 Hulbert, Archer B., 1906, 1907, 1948, 1949, 3247, 3273-3275, 3924 Hulings, Marcus, 7948 Hull, William L, 532, 533, 1038, 1415 Humane societies, 4541 Humanitarianism: Evangelical Churches and, 3442; 18th century, 1628 Hummel, William, 2621 Humor, Quaker, 1686 Humphrey, Grace, 8019 Humphreysville, 7624 Humphry, James, 3rd, 6510 Hungarians, 5042, 5599 Hungerford, A. N., 7029 Hungerford, Edward, 5010 Hunsberger, Willard D., 8673 Hunsicker, Clifton S., 7842 Hunt, Leigh, in Philadelphia, 3544 Hunt, Rachel M. M., 534 Hunt, Roy A., 4940 Hunter, Dard, 1174 Hunter, F. M., 5468 Hunter, Frederick W., 1175 Hunter, Louis C, 3276, 3812-3814, 3901, 5821 Hunter, Margaret A., 1418 Hunter, Robert J., 1762 Hunter, Colonel Samuel, documents, 2603 Hunter, William A, 1315, 2034 Hunter, William H, 1908 Hunting, 4670; colonial, 1689 Huntingdon, 7601; churches, 8361; folk- lore, 9193 Huntingdon County, 7301, 7418, 7599- 7605; biographies, 7020, 7600; 1790 census, 7605 Huntingdon County Historical Society, 7602 Huntingdon Presbytery, 8801, 8803, 8865 Huntley, George W., Jr., 4872, 4873 Hurlbutt, Mary E., 5618 Hurley, Dunlea, 4032 Husband, Hermon, 2141 Hussey, Miriam, 65, 1326, 3303, 5871 Huston, Charles, 1082 Huston, John W., 4784 Hutcheson, Austin E., 4033 Hutcheson. Harold, 3645 Hutchins, Thomas, 2142; survey of Ohio River, 179; in western Pennsylvania, 1919 Hutchinson, C. H., 7510 Hutchinson, J. Pemberton, 7364 Hutchinson, William T., 6834 Hutchison, Ruth, 818 Huth, Hans, 3563 Hutterians, Harmony Society and, 4223 Huttner, Matthew, 6663 Hutton, A. J. W., 3364 ' Hutton, Ann H., 2622 Hutton, Edward, 1950 Hydroelectric industry, 5975 Hyeholde, 7153 Hymns, Pennsylvania German, 950, 954 Hyndman, William, 9058 Ianni, Francis A., 5619 Ibach, Lorenz, 5373 Ice Age, 191, 222, 223 Iffly, 7121 Illegitimacy, 6283 Illick, Joseph S., 5770-5772, 6893 Illinois, Senatorial election (1858), 4180 Illuminated manuscripts, 780, 794, 797, 1360 Illustrators, 4406, 4415 Imbrie, Boyd V., 7148 Imhoff, Mrs. J. Howard. 8507 Immaculate Heart of Mary, Sisters of, 8368, 8434 Immigrant aid societies, 3195, 3204 Immigration, 658, 718, 1727-1776, 3763, 3781; colonial, 653-1065: English, 662- 665, German (see Pennsylvania Ger- mans), Irish, 1036; Dutch Quakers, 1038; German, 670, 686, 726; later, 5039-5047, 5637; Swedish, 431, 432, 441 Impeachment, 1800 Imprints: on Catholic history, 97; Leb- anon County, 28; Swedish, in U. S., 1520 Indentured servants, 1104, 1108, 1109; German Jews as, 1044 Indentured servitude, American Revolu- tion and, 2561 Independence Hall, 1351, 1368, 2527. 2542, 2544 Independence Mall, 8021, 8057 Independence National Historical Park, 8020, 8021 Independence Square, 8011 Independent movements, 5299-5304, 5306, 5307, 5312, 5313 India, 1944 Indian land purchases, Bucks County, 1100 Tndian Peter, 2044 Indian relations, 630-652, 1883, 1990; 756 Index colonial, 649, 1847-1885; and presents, 1862; Weiser and, 1884 Indian Steps, 9132, 9178 Indian trade, 1308-1324, 1869; com- panies, 1321, 1323, 1324 Indian traders, 1314, 1316, 1318, 1319, 1322-1324; on the Ohio, (1730), 1315; papers of "suffering traders," 1888; of Upper Ohio valley, 1308 Indian treaties, 1858, 2022, 2034, 2047, 2051; printed by Franklin, 630; for site of Philadelphia, 650; Walking Purchase, 640, 1870, 1873; with Wil- liam Penn, 638; William Penn's at Shackamaxon, 631, 634, 635, 643, 644, 648 Indian Walk (1737), 1849; see also Walking Purchase Indian wars, 375, 2037, 2038, 2040, 2709, 2736; Berks County, 2033; Bouquet and, 2041; during Revolution, 2734; on upper Susquehanna, 2720 Indiana, Pennsylvania, 7612; State Teachers College, 6436 Indiana (state), 1920; war government in, 4790 Indiana County, 7106, 7226, 7606-7615; early settlement, 7609; economic sur- vey, 7613; finances, 7610; fugitive slaves, 4117; physicians, 7606; Rus- sian sect, 5113 Indians, 272-421, 1868, 2019-2021, 2037, 2053, 2717, 2742, 4479; art, 335; artifacts, 272; Bouquet's expedition against, 2046; captivities, 2028, 2037, 2039, 2050; Carlisle and, 1852; char- acter and habits, 311; chiefs, 374, 410; Church of England and, 8887; colonial missionary efforts, 1576; during and after Revolution, 2697-2746; educa- tion, 5167, 5168, 5185; fishing, 336; folk songs, 373; Franklin and, 1848, 2362; Friends and, 590, 642; frontier of 1763, 2035; gourds, 383; grave robbers, 407; jasper mines, 351; mas- sacres, 2024, 2028, 2029, 2037, 2045, 2049, 2050; massacres of, 2019, 2020, 2042; medicine, 350; Moravian records on, 1882; Moravians and, 1855, 2023, 2740, 8728; mounds, 295, 296; paths, 299, 305, 307, 1314, 1865, 1867, 1876- 1879, 1881, 1995, 2009, 2011, 2017, 2048, 2055, 3288; Penn and, 542, 639; place names, 284, 303, 314, 369; rock shelters, 324, 370; at Shamokin, 361; silver ornaments, 1363; Swedish and, 442; Upper Ohio Valley, 308; villages, 303, 319, 325, 348, 356, 359; Weiser on, 2031; white attitudes toward, 1985; in Wyoming Valley, 1853; Zeisberger's mission to, 1872 Indiantown Gap Military Reservation, 9059 Industry, 3212-3238, 4845-4975, 5796- 5843, 5869-5948, 6659, 6660, 6664, 6678, 6698, 6720, 6728; colonial, Quakers and, 1568; as community enterprise, 6700; development of safety standards, 5690; early, 3219, 3225; expansion of, 5884, 6671, 6674; future of, 6672; governmental regu- lation (1776-1860), 2933; home work in, 5651, 5675, 5685; jobs in, 6654; migration of, effect of taxes, 5878; nursing services, 6602; production, 6668, 6669, 6686; revival of, 6655; trends in, 5888, 5889, 5903, 6692; wartime and post-war problems, 6723; weekly earnings of women in, 6646; and World War II, 6719, 6726, 6732, 6734; see also Manufacturing, Iron and steel industry, Petroleum in- dustry, etc. Industrial arts, 5811 Industrial consciousness, rise of, 3230 Industrial education, 6352 Industrial history, sources, 27 Industrial research, 6590 Industrial Revolution, 3790-3890 Industrial worker, see Labor Infant School Society of Lancaster, 4301 Ingersoll, Charles Jared, 3012 Ingham, I. N., 7334 Ingham, J. Washington, 3422, 4134 Ingham, Thomas J., 8148 Inglewood, Marian, 7511 Ingram, George H., 1419, 2223 Ingram, Henry A., 3690 Innes, Lowell, 3223 Inns, 3290 Inns and taverns, colonial, 1653-1655, 1659-1661, 1663, 1665-1668, 1670 Inns of Court, and Pennsylvania, 1438, 1702,2956 Insane, care of, 4423, 5108, 6556, 6594 Insects, 245 Inskeep, John, 3702 Institute of Local and State Govern- ment, University of Pennsylvania, 70, 7529 Instrument-makers, 1159 Insurance, 1329, 1344, 1345, 3332, 3336, 3341, 3342, 3349, 6036, 6060; fire, 1325, 4021; life, 4032, 6043; marine, 3332; speculation, 4977 Insurance Company of North America, 3336. 3341, 3702; historical collections, 67, 4037 757 Index Intellectual life, transatlantic coopera- tion in 19th century, 1057 Internal improvements, 3913, 3928, 4019; advocacy of, 3244; S. Breck on, 3255; M. Carey on, 3258; W. J. Duane on, 3244; post-revolutionary plans for, 3246 International Committee on Historical Sciences, 10 Interstate comity, 5496 Inventions, 4449-4462, 4587, 4650, 4856, 5315, 5346, 5347; Franklin Institute and, 4458 Iredell. James, James Wilson and, 3103 Ireland: Franklin in, 2465; Penn in, 518: Penn's correspondence from, 483 Irish, 972, 973, 990, 1034; in early Dela- ware, 1035; early immigrants, religion of, 8397; and education, 1445, 3485; immigration, 3774; immigration, 18th century, 1036; Pennsylvania Germans and, 728; Quakers, immigration of, 1031; settlement at forks of Delaware, 1028; see also Scotch-Irish Iron Division, 9073, 9093 Iron industry. 1161, 1201, 1223, 3226, 3812-3814, 3837, 3838, 3850, 3851, 3853, 3856, 5399, 7724; Simon Cameron in, 3845; charcoal, 3217; colonial, 1137-1140, 1142, 1154, 1155, 1226; colonial, British regulation of, 1136; early, 1181; origins, 1210, 1211; stoves and stove plates, 793; use of anthracite, 3815; in western Pennsyl- vania, 1140, 1173; see also Iron and steel industry, Iron works Iron mining, 1202 Iron ores, Cumberland Valley, 1153 Iron and steel industry, 3234, 3235, 3237, 3238, 4632, 4863-4866, 4871, 4877, 4880-4883, 4885, 4889, 4892, 4903, 5338, 5429, 5431, 5796, 5801, 5810, 5812, 5820, 5837, 5841, 5882, 5883, 5908-5910; "barons," 5890; foundries. 5796, 5798, 5803; labor and, 4885, 5850; major companies, 5833; smelting, 5831; strikes, 5851; towns, 5939; unionism in, 5698, 5699 Iron works, 1131-1133, 1138, 1143, 1146, 1149, 1160, 1165, 1180, 1188-1190, 1197, 1198, 1207, 1209, 1211, 1212, 1214, 1215, 1226, 1233, 3216, 3218, 3816, 3838, 3841, 3850; Valley Forge, 2625 Ironmasters, early, 1137, 1139 Iroquois Indians, 301; concepts of land ownership, 378; culture, 378; social organization, 379; and Wyoming Val- ley, 362; see also Six Nations Iroquois League, Moravians and, 8737 Irvin, Richard, 6625 Irvine, William, correspondence with Washington, 2703 Irwin, Agnes, 2438 Irwin, churches, 8827 Irwin, Samuel D., 7571 Israel, Cora M., 1592a Italians, 5043, 5619; in colonial Pennsyl- vania, 1045; immigrants, 5609, 5639 Italy, Franklin and, 2470 Itter, William A., 3883, 4736 J., A, 3401 Jack, Philip R, 3457 Jackson, Andrew: and Buchanan, 4219; labor and, 4072; and patronage in Pennsylvania, 4065; sentiment for, 4061 Jackson, Conrad Feger, Brig. Gen., 4813 Jackson, Edward, 8704 Jackson, George P, 959, 960, 8674 Jackson, Hallidav, 639; journal, 3448 Jackson, Henry E., 3092 Jackson, Joseph, 535, 1366-1368, 1420, 1420a, 2550, 3458. 3498, 4497, 4527, 4629, 5211, 7959, 8022-S026, 8403, 8404 Jackson, M. K., 1508 Jackson, Richard: correspondence with Franklin, 2508; on French and [ndian War, 2358 Jackson, Samuel, 4617 Jackson, Samuel M., Ill Jackson, Sidney L., 2439 Jackson, Tatlow, 1332 Jackson Era: Philadelphia labor in, 3886; politics in, 4058 Jacobs, Charles Michael, 6817 Jacobs, Harry A., 3925 Jacobs, Henry E., 707, 8586, 8587 Jacobs, M., 4737 Jacobs, Maurice S., 4433, 4434 Jacobs, Michael W., 1718 Jacobs, Wilbur R., 1862, 2035, 2036 Jacobson, Henry A., 640 Jacoby, John E., 1593 jaekel, Blair, 6116 Jagendorf, Moritz, 9147 Jahr, Torstein K. T., 3768 Jails, see Prisons James, Alfred P., 1909, 1951-1953, 2298, 3154, 5070, 6168, 6752, 6753, 7037 758 Index James, Arthur E., 3224, 7450 James, Charles M., 5926 James, Edmund J., 3926 James, F. Cyril, 3335 James, Henry F., 5027. 7820 James, James A., 2624, 2847 James, Marquis, 3336 James, Reese D., 3593 James, William A., 6014 Jameson, Col. David, 2801 Jameson, Horatio G., 2801 Jameson, J. F., 6982 Jamestown, New York, Swedish settle- ment near, 3784 Jamison, Samuel Shryock, 5374 Janney, Robert, 2143 Janney, Samuel M., 536, 604, 8508 Jaquette, Henrietta S., 4738 Jarvis, John Wesley, 4618; earlv years, 3503 Jasinske, John Z., 5117 Jasper mines, 351 Jastrow, Morris, Jr., 1043 Jay, John, 2754, 2952 Jayne, Horace F., 1176.6807 Jeffers, Eliakim T, 2944 Jefferson, church, 8969 Jefferson, Joseph, 3594, 4619, 5375 Jefferson, Thomas, 2540, 2550; adminis- tration, 3117; architectural indebted- ness to Robert Morris, 3510; and Franklin, 2441; and Pennsylvania, 3119; Rapp's petition to, 4222 Jefferson College, 4370, 4395 Jefferson County, 7045, 7616-7621; biog- raphies, 7011, 7451; bituminous coal mining, 4925 Jefferson Medical College, 4375, 4430, 4432 Jeffersonian, The, 4678 Jeffersonian party: Pennsylvania origins of, 3142; and Tree of Liberty, 3120 Jefferys, C. P. B., 8881 Jeffries, William S., 5726 Jellett, Edwin C, 8027, 8028 Jenkins. Arthur H., 1421 Jenkins, Charles F., 537, 1274, 1844, 2184, 8509 Tenkins, Howard M., 538, 1010, 1011. 1813, 2625, 5301-5304, 6754, 6970 Jenkins, John, 2329 Jenkins. Steuben, 2322 Jenkins Town Lyceum, 4498 Jenkinson, Anna C, 7149 Jenkinson, Charles, 2750 Jenkintown, newspapers, 6082 Jenks, Chancellor L., 3785 Jennings, Sister Marietta, 3310 Jennings, Otto E., 243 Jennings, Samuel C, memoirs, 5212 Jersey Shore, 7780, 7781 Jerusalem Lutheran and Reformed Church, 8590 Jesuits, 8440; and education, 4398; properties in Pennsylvania, 8402 Jewett, Frank B., 4552 Jewish Foster Home and Orphan Asylum of Philadelphia, 5092 Jews, 1042, 1046, 1048, 5612, 5631; bibliography, 114; colonial enterprise, 1041, 1255; early settlement, 1042, 1043, 10474050a; in Easton, 7920; German, in white labor servtiude, 1044; immigration, 5046; of Philadel- phia, 1043, 1044, 1050 Jillson, Willard R, 4598 Johannsen, Robert W., 2277 John, Don D., 7940 John, Eliza, diary, 7940 John B. Stetson Company, labor system, 5656 "Johnny Appleseed," bibliographv, 42 Johns, John O, 2551, 4874 Johns, Walter R., 4917 Johnson, Alba B., 5736 Johnson, Alvin, 5331 lohnson, Amandus, 76, 334, 440-442, 2188, 2192 Johnson, President Andrew, 4192 Johnson, C. B., 3769 Tohnson, Carman C, 3676 Johnson, Elmer E. S., 2764, 8975 Johnson, Emory R., 5781; autobiog- raphy, 6818 Johnson, Frederick C, 1863. 3564 lohnson, George C, 7530 Johnson, George F., 4042-4044, 4052 Johnson, George H., 7627 Johnson, Gerald W., 7960 Johnson, Hubert R., 8808 Johnson, Jesse, 4373 Johnson, John G., 6819 Johnson, Joseph E., 1835, 1845 Johnson, Mary A., 2340 Johnson, Roy H., 1594, 8588 Johnson, Samuel: Franklin and, 24f>"; Lewis Ourry and, 1934 Johnson, Victor L., 2626, 2627 Johnson, W 7 alter R., 335, 3815 Johnson, Walter Rogers, 4620; and free schools, 4281 Johnson, Sir William, and Pennsylvania. 1856 Johnson, William T., 944, 2765 Johnson, Willis F., 7390 Johnston, David Claypoole, 4406 Johnstown, 7392; civic improvements. 7378; flood, 7071, 7379, 7381, 7382, 7386-7388, 7390, 7393-7397, 7401; in- dustry, 5895, 7391 759 Index Joiner, Franklin, 8882 Jonas, Anna I., 209 Jones, Alfred S., 1661 Jones, Arthur H., 7873 Jones, C. H, 8883 Jones, Charles H., 3170 Jones, Chester L., 4993 Jones, Clement R., 3565 Jones, Edward, and Company, lands in Merion, 1097 Jones, Edward H., 8809 Jones, Eliot, 5822 Jones, Emlyn, 6572 Jones, Evan J., autobiography, 6820 Jones, Gilbert S., 8810 Jones, Horatio G., 1177, 8359 Jones, Horatio Gates, 5376 Jones, Howard M., 1509 Jones, Hugh, 2285 Jones, J. J., 3277, 3278 Jones, J. Glancy, and Buchanan's nom- ination, 4196 Jones, James F., 3843 Jones, Joseph H., 4606 Jones, Lois M., 6879 Jones, Oliver H., 7941 Jones, Penelope R., 5984 Jones, R. L., 5853 Jones, Rufus M., 605, 4374, 6821, 6822, 8510,8511 Jones, Russell R., 8214 Jones, Samuel, 7150 Jones, T. R., 8268 Jones, Uriah J., 7038 Jones, William, steamboat venture, 3287 Jonitis, Peter P., 5621 Joost, Nicholas, 2440 Jordan, Francis, 336, 2800 Jordan, John C, 2628, 4587 Jordan, John W., 337, 2090, 2180, 2254, 2629, 2630, 6933, 7039, 7531, 8747, 8748 Tordan, Philip D., 3279 Jordan, Wilfred, 3507, 7957 Jorgenson, Chester E., 1482a, 2462 Josefita, Sister Maria, 6269 Journalism, 3519-3537, 4463, 4467-4471, 4475, 4476, 4592, 6073-6089; colonial, 1468a, 1469, 2109; see also News- papers Journals and diaries, 3129, 3155, 3187, 3209, 3308 Joyce, Helen, 6552 Joyce, John S., 7961 Joyce, Mary H., 7041 Judiciary: attack on, 3362; and com- pulsory education, 6392; early, 3376; minor, 6123; tenure, 1733 Judson, Amos M., 9060 Juliana Library Company, 4500 Jumonville affair, 1999, 2007, 2018 Jungman, Gottlob, 3534 Juniata College, 5173, 5174 Juniata County, 7029, 7418; biographies, 7020, 7600 Juniata Division, Pennsylvania Canal, 3925 Juniata Island, 7948 Juniata River, 9143; floods, 7390 Juniata Valley, 7029, 7038, 7055; biog- raphies, 7020, 7600; iron industry, 3850; Scotch-Irish of, 991 Junto, 1522, 1525 Jurors, selection, 6133 Justice, G. M., 539 Juvenile delinquency, 6090, 6289, 6323; and education, 6311 Juvenile probation, 6124, 6149 K Kachline, Susan A., 7910 Kahler, Clarke B., 338, 2631 Kain, C. Henry, 2632 Kain, George H., 3459, 3474, 8230 Kain, William H., 1083, 8231 Kainen, Jacob, 3529 Kaiser, Carl W., 3868 Kalm, Peter. 445 Kaminsky, John, 5622 Kaminsky, Martha R., 4034 Kamm, Samuel R., 4822 Kamprad, Walter T., 3038 Kane, 7808 Kane, Elisha Kent, 4621 Kane, Hope F., 656 Kane, John J., 7113 Kane, John K., autobiography, 4622 Kane Rifle Regiment, 9095 Kansas, 4123; Buchanan's policy to- ward, 4204; issue, in Pennsylvania newspapers, 4112 Kansas-Nebraska bill, Pittsburgh news- papers on, 4135 Kantor, MacKinlay, 4740 Kaplan, Abraham D. H., 4573 Kapp, M. E., 1559 Kapp, Ruth I., 7414 Karthaus, Peter, 3233 Kassmer, Henry S., 3884 Katzenberger, George A., 2871 Kauffman, Daniel, 8667 Kauffman, Henry, 789 Kauffman, Henry I, 1178-1180 Kauffman, James L., 4375, 9061 760 Index Kaufman, Eugene, 5270 Kaufman, J. Warren, 8774 Kaufmann, Wilhelm, 708 Kautz, Robert F.. 5773 Kearsley, John, 2144 Keatley, John H, 988 Keedy, Edwin R., 1719 Keefer, Harry L., 4856 Keefer, Horace A.. 1181 Keelboat age, 3240 Keen, Edward 0., 8940 Keen. G. B., 443 Keen, William W., 4435, 8360 Keene, James S., 2157 Kehl, James A., 4470, 4471 Keiffer, Henry M., 2722, 2723 Keim, Henry M., 8884 Keim, Phyllis P.. 5692 Keimer, Samuel, 1482a, 2145, 2146 Keir, R. M., 5823 Keir, Samuel, 4962 Keith, Charles P., 641, 1839, 1840, 2255, 6971, 8885 Keith, George, 1606, 2147 Keith, Sir William, 1837-1839; family, 1840 Kelchner, Clyde I, 2884 Kelker, Luther R, 122,7513 Kell, Cornelius J, 6354 Keller, Charles H., 8997 Keller, Eliza, 4648 Keller, Harold E., 6972 Keller, I. C, 4647 Keller, Martha, 9148 Keller, Robert B., 7827 Kelley, Florence, 6118 Kelley, G. L., 6793 Kelly, Anne C, 6355 Kelly, George E., 6924. 7114 Kelly, Howard A., William Osier and, 5377 Kelly, Melville C, 5478 Kelly, Ralph, 4557 Kelly, William. 4864 Kelpius, Johannes, 1571, 2148-2150 Kelsey, Rayner W., 41, 540, 642, 8292, 8293, 8512 Kelso, James A., 8811 Kelso, James L., 8812 Kemerer, James P., 1910 Kemp, Alvin F., 819, 4257 Kemper, Jackson. 3816 Kenderdine, Thaddeus S., 4875, 7365 Kendig, J. D., 4876 Keneseth Israel, Reform Congregation, 8999 Kennedy, Miles C, 3965 Kennett Meeting House, 8482 Kennett Square, 7440 Kenny, Robert W., 1510 Kenrick, Francis Patrick, 4623, 4624 Kensington, Philadelphia, 8029 Kent, Donald H., 150, 151, 1979, 1980, 1980a, 2005, 2014-2018, 3990, 5529, 6755-6757, 6773, 7548a Kent, Penn in, 485 Kentucky, 1920; Assembly, 4255; Buchanan in, 4214; trade with Penn- sylvania, 3873 "Kentucky" rifles, see Rifles Kephart, Calvin I, 709, 5383 Kephart, Isaiah. 1911 Kephart, W. M., 6305 Kepner, Charles W., 4258 Kernan, H. S, 5774 Kerns, Robert W., 6306 Kernsville dam, on Schuylkill Canal. 3923 Kerr, Minnie M., 7151 Kerr, W. M., 4621 Kershner, William J., 8941 Kessler, Selma P., 6307 Ketterlinus, 4979 Kevinski, John B, 5378 Keyser, C. S., 643, 5236, 8030 Keyser, Naaman H., 1275, 8031 Keyser, W. W. D., 790 Keystone Division. 9073 "Keystone State," as applied to Penn- sylvania, 2563, 8267 Keystone State Normal School, 5143 Kidd, Howard C, 6003 Kidd, H. S., 8589 Kidder, Frederic, 444 Kiebach. Raymond E., 1121 Kiefer, Sister Monica, 1648 Kiefer, William R., 9062 Kieffer, Elizabeth C, 1595, 1596, 1627, 4499, 4687, 5364, 5422 Kieffer, Henry M., 7911 Kieffer, J. E, 2945 Kieffer, John E., 2246, 3058, 3082, 3730 Kieffer. W. T. L., 8813 Kilbourne, John D., 8232 Kilgore, Dorothy, 8863 Killikelly, Sarah H., 7152 Kimball, Fiske, 1369, 3508, 3509 Kimball. Marie G., 1662, 6490 Kimes, Pearl C, 3927 Kimmel, Donald C, 5028, 5727 Kimmell, Eugenia G., 5563 Kindergarten movement, 6337 Kindig, Joseph, Jr.. 1183 King, C. L., 5479, 5892 King, Frank R., 1496 King, J. W., 2084 King, LeRoy A., 6356 King, Moses, 5442 King, Robert, 2802 King, Willis L., memoirs, 5824 761 Index King's Highway, Lancaster County, 1250 King's Royal Rifle Corps, see Royal American Regiment Kingsbury, Joseph B., 2885 Kingsley, John S., 3566 Kingston, 7762 Kingston, Joseph T., 4528, 6730 Kinietz, Vernon, 339 Kinscella, Hazel G., 1544 Kinsey, Charles E., 7612 Kinsey, John, 1802. 2151; disgrace of, 1834 Kinsey, William, 8705 Kintner, R. E., 6234 Kipling, Rudyard, and Philadelphia, 8036 Kirby, Ethyn W., 2147 Kirk, Charles H., 9063 Kirk. Gertrude P., 7787 Kirkbride, Thomas Story, and mental hospital, 4423 Kirkland, Frederic R., 2441-2443 Kirlin, Joseph L. J., 8405 Kisch, Guido, 1044 Kishacoquillas Valley, 7820; Amish, 8696 Kiskiminetas River, floods, 5765 Kistler, John L., 8590 Kistler, Russell H., 4097 Kistler, Ruth M., 2082, 2766 Kitchen, D. C, 9064 Kite, E. S, 3423, 6758 Kite, St. Alban, 541 Kittanning, Armstrong's expedition against, 2030 Kittanning Path. 1867 Kittanning Presbytery, 8847 Kleber, Brooks E., 1720 Kleber, Henry, 4625 Klees, Frederic, 710, 711 Klein, Benjamin, 8294 Klein. David H., 1597 Klein, Eleanor, 8294 Klein, Frederic S., 4376, 7651 Klein, H. M. J., 3475, 4237, 4326, 4377. 5365, 6710, 7652, 7679, 7680, 8886. 8943 Klein, Harry J., 8675 Klein, Kurt K., 2148 Klein, Philip. 7202 Klein, Philip S., 3019, 3614, 4062, 4076, 4211, 7653 Klein, Richard H., 6119 Klein. Theodore B., 3928, 4994, 5775, 7487 Klein, Walter C, 2091 Klemm, Frederick A., 712 Klett, Guy S., 989, 1605, 8814-8816, 8838 Kline, Harriet E., 4035 Kline, J. Simpson, 3991 Kline, John J., 8591 Kline, Leroy J., 7295 Kline, Ralph G., 5728 Kline, Robert T., 6054 Klinesmith massacre, 2697 Klingberg, Frank J., 1056, 8887, Klopfer, Helen L., 1305 Kloss, Heinz, 905-907 Knauff, Theodore C, 3770 Knauss, James O., 713, 3084a Kneedler, Harry L., 3087 Knerr, Walter A., 5372 Knierim, Robert F., 5657 Knight, Jonathan, 4626 Knights Templar, 3459, 3465 Knittle, J. F., 8592 Knittle, Walter A., 714 Know Nothing Party, 4169-4174; see also Native Americans Knowles, Morris, 5825 Knox, Homer C, 8706 Knox, Philander Chase, 6823-6826 Knoxville, 8159 Knoxville Presbyterian Church, 8853 Knudsen, Gunnar, 8593 Knyphausen, Baron Wilhelm von, 2633 Kobre, Sidney, 1483 Koch. Charles D., 6894 Koche, Milton B., 2906 Kocher, Alfred L, 1370-1373 Kocher, Theodore M., 4741 Koehler Leroy J., 7828, 7829 _ Koester, Heinrich Bernhard, 8550 Kohl, Helen W, 2985 Kohl, Johann G., travels, 8295 Kohl, John Y, 2985 Kohler, Dayton, 6511 Kohler, Max, 2856 Kohn, Adelbert, 8032 Kolakoski, L. W., 6120 Kolehmainen, John I., 77 Kollmorgen, Walter M., 770a, 5729 Konkle, Burton A, 1827, 1828, 2131, 2278-2980, 3084, 3099, 3625, 4613, 4627, 4665 Konopka, Gisela L., 5658 Korson, George. 3844, 9149-9152 Kostka, Sister Maria, 8406 Koukol, A. B., 5623 Koval, Daniel, R., 7565 Kovar, Don R., 4135 Koyl, George S., 6871 Krahmer, Wolff, 542 Krall, John M., 7719 Kralovec, Dalibor, 5182 Kiamer, J. H., 4688 Kratz, Althea H.. 6121 Kraus, Michael, 1057, 1628, 2946 762 Index Krause, Alfred C, 5826 Krauss. Fred A., 7366 Krebs, Frank S., 5143 Kreider, Ira, 6973 Kreider, Olive S., 7720 Kremer, George, political ideals, 4090 Kretschmann, Ernest T., 8594 Kreutz Creek Reformed Church. 8920 Krick, Thomas H., 8944 Kriebel, Howard W., 2198, 2199, 7843, 8976 Kriebel, Lester K., 8977 Krone, Henrietta L., 6122 Krotel, G. F, 4378 Krout, A. F. K., 1560 Krueger, M. C, 6200 Krumbharr, Edward B., 3567, 3568, 4436 Krumrine, John M., 1511 Kryskill, William, 7153 Kuhn, W. F., 5927 Kuhns, Mrs. John I\. 7543 Kuhns, Levi O., 715 Kuhns, Logan L., 6308 Kuhns, Oscar, 1039 Ku Klux Klan, 6202 Kulp, George B., 7041 Kuntzelman, Oliver G., 2767 Kunze's Seminarium, 4365 Kuritz, Hyman, 5246 Kurjack, Dennis, 2870 Kurtzman, David H., 6220 Kushin, Nathan, memoirs, 5624 Kuskuski (Kushkushkee). 348 Kussart, Sarepta, 188, 3108, 7203 Kutz, Sara K., 908 Kutztown, 7283 Kutztown Centennial Association, 72N. : Kutztown State Teachers College, 514/ Kyte, George W., 2634, 2768, 2769 La Bar, George, reminiscence of, 7825 Labor, 3877-3890, 5055, 5086, 5427, 5428, 5844-5868. 6852, 6927; arbitra- tion, 1103; Catholic Church and, 5057; colonial, 1102-1110; conspiracy trials, 3228; early, in Philadelphia, 3884; education, 5657, 5658, 6397; home work, 5651; improvement of conditions, 5688-5695; and Andrew Jackson, 4072; law: administration, 6158, and municipalities, 5660; legal status of, 5056; legislation, 5688, 5691, 5694, 5707, 5710; and national land policy, 3789; organizations, 3877, 3890, 5066, 5696-5711; Protestants and, 5114; public opinion on, 5069; skilled trades, 5648; supply, 6697; troubles, 3883, 3885, 5076; turnover, 5663; unfair practices, 5710; urban, 5648-5695; see also Unions Labor Relations Act, 6652 Labrador, Philadelphia's expeditions to, 1570 Lacey, John, 2803, 2804 Lacher, J. H. A., 716 Laciar, Jacob D., 4742 Lackawanna Basin, 221 Lackawanna coal regions, 7019 Lackawanna County, 2036, 7622-763'->; biographies, 7633; erection, 7628 Lackawanna County Historical Society 7638 Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company, 7630 Lackawanna Iron Works, 7632 Lackawanna Valley, 7036 Lacock, Abner, and American System, 3867 Lacock, John K., 1954 Ladner, Grover C, 4743 Lady, David B., 8945 Lafayette, Franklin and, 2425 Lafayette College, 4357, 4379, 4393 LaGerda, John, 1763 LaGorce, John O., 5827, 8033. 8296 Lahde, Clarence W., 2907 Laird, Warren Powers, 6827 Laird, Washington R., 8817 Laissez-faire thought (1776-1860), 3309 Lake Erie, battle of, 3171a, 3173, 3176, 3178,3179 Lallou, William J., 8407 LaMar, Elden, 5701 Lamb, George H., 7154 Lamb, Hugh L., 8408 Lambdin, Alfred C. 2635 Lamberson, Francis O., 1955 Lambert, James F., 7743 Lamberton, E. V., 1512 Lambing, Andrew A., 2006, 6828. 7115, 7116, 7204, 8409, 8410 Lanard, Thomas S., 9065, 9066 Lancaster, Clay, 3510, 5237 Lancaster, Joseph, and Philadelphia schools, 3471, 3480, 34S1 Lancaster, 2800, 2806, 7675, 7676. 7679- 7681, 7686, 7688-7690, 7691-7693, 7696, 7698, 9153; amusements. 1633; archaeology, 340; banks, 3329; book- bindings, 1474; bridges, 3989; British and Hessian prisoners in, 2667; Buchanan and, 4195; Catholic Church 763 Index at, 8432; charity school movement, 1468; churches, 1579, 8617, 8886, 8908; Cincinnati in, 2642; and Civil War, 4687; cork industry, 5879; early German printers, 891; education, 1414, 1451, 4290; employment oppor- tunities, 6651; in Gettysburg cam- paign, 4729; industries, 4851; Infant School Society, 4301; labor organiza- tions, 3890; libraries, 4495, 4499-4500; locomotive manufacture, 3988; mar- kets, 5724; Moravian beginnings, 8741; opera house, 4528; John Penn in, 1814; as Pennsylvania capital, 3123, 3145; photography in, 4453, 7674; poetry about, 9135; railroads, 3989; and Revolution, 2541; rope making, 3808; silversmiths, 1358; social life, 1627, 1640; theatre, 4522; War of 1812 and, 3189; watchmaking, 4848, 5797; water supply, 1758 Lancaster Board of Trade, 7681 Lancaster, Classis of, Eastern Synod, Reformed Church, 8922 Lancaster County, 1068, 3688, 7047, 7640-7700; academy, 4346; agricul- tural education, 6344; agriculture, 1120, 5719, 5729; Amish, 8678, 8685; antislavery movement, 4108, 4109, 4156; apothecaries, 1757; archives, 7657; aviation, 4457; bibliography, 25, 38; biographies, 7641, 7649, 7659; Buchanan's campaign, 4200; Catholic Church in, 8427; charity, 3391; Christmas, 1595; Church of England in, 8903; churches, 7673, 8576, 8618, 8966, 8987, 8993; clockmaking, 7655; colonial military hospitals in, 2614; and Confederate invasion, 4757; courts, 3365; and Cresap's War, 2714; division of, 7664, 8247; earliest Re- formed church, 8913; early architec- ture, 1371; early cattle industry, 1117; early coin and scrip, 1335; early Fed- eral revenues, 3340; early history, 1075; early industries, 1130, 1131, 1234; early newspapers, 3522, 3523; early politics, 7653; early Presbyte- rianism, 8807; early presidential elec- tions, 3132; early settlement, 1039, 7643, 7654; early social life, 1629; Easter, 1596; exploration, 423; Fed- eral revenues, 6059; flora and fauna, 229; and free schools, 4267; Friends in, 8545; and frontier, 1902; gas and electric industries, 5949; German-Eng- lish transition, 909; government, 5451; horse-racing, 1679; hospital, 4446; Huguenots in, 1020; Indians, 279, 302. 313, 317, 1864; industry, 3225; Jews in, 1042, 1048; Know Nothing Party in, 4171; land titles, 1076; Loyalists in, 2756, 2757, 2778; Mennonites, 8649, 8656; Mennonites in Ontario, 3207; and Missouri compromise, 4126; music, 1554; and New Sweden, 438; Old Order Amish, 770a, 8647, 8665; ordinaries, 1148; Pennsylvania Ger- man pioneers, 737; political divisions, 7665; postal history, 7650; pottery, 3222; provincial, continental and fed- eral revenues, 1336; Reformed Church in, 8933; roads, 1250, 1258, 1259; rural field sports, 1678; Scotch-Irish in, 980, 986; silk industry, 3811; and slavery, 4118; temperance so- ciety, 4251; township names, 7671; transportation during Revolution, 2526; United Brethren in Christ, 8992; and Valley Forge, 2605; women's suffrage, 6196 Lancaster County Colonization Society, 4161 Lancaster County Historical Society, 7654 Lancaster Law Library Association, 4514 Lancaster Pike, 9194 Lancaster rifles, see Rifles Lancaster State Dispatch, 3282 Lancaster Union, 4088 Lancaster Union and Tribune, 4469 Land: distribution policy, 3205; laws, 1095; prices, 1093; speculation, 1900, 1923, 2815, 3674; surveys, historical value, 1088 Land companies, 1898, 3197, 3198, 3200; early, 1087 Land Office, 1074, 1089 Land system, colonial, 1066-1101; and U. S. land system, 1077 Land titles, 1098, 1099; early north- eastern Pennsylvania, 3210; early western Pennsylvania, 3196; of Hol- land Land Company, 3200; Philadel- phia, 1084, 1085 Landenberger, J. Louis, 4979 Landes, Henry S., 7874 Landis, Bertha C, 1184, 2806, 4088 Landis, Charles I., 1020, 1316, 3093, 3109, 3280-3282, 3365, 4500, 4831 Landis, David B, 340, 1629, 4327, 4529, 9153 Landis, David H., 341, 1317, 1318 Landis, George D., 1185, 1186 Landis, Henry K, 820, 821, 866, 1185, 1186 Landis, I. D., 909, 1598, 8676 Landis, Kenneth R., 3402 Landis, Merkel, 8889 764 Index Landis Valley Museum, 868, 7685 Landisville, musical and literary organ- izations, 4529 Landsrath, M. H., 3929 Lane, Harriet, 4209 Lane, John E., 3403 Langdon, George, 5564 Langdon, George L. J., 8034 Langguth, Otto, 717 Langhorne, 2152, 2153, 7359 Langsdale, Franklin J., 6004 Language, 6505, 6506 Lankenau School, 5175 Lansburgh, R. H., 6667 Lansdale, 7875 Lansdowne, 7530; manager, 5530 Lantz, J., 7830 Laporte, 8146 Lapp, Dorothy B., 3476, 7431 Lappawinzo, Delaware chief, 287 Lardner, John, 2154 Lardner, Lynford, 2154 Larison, George H., 1629a Larkin, Fred V., 1187 La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, Due de, 3366 Larrabee, Don M., 3477, 4380 Larsen, Arthur J., 4841 Larsen, Esther L., 445 Larson, E. T., 6668, 6669 Larson, Garnet I., 6573 Larson, Henrietta M., 63, 66, 3392, 4803 Lascars, in Pennsylvania, 2931 Lashley, Leonard C., 2093 Last raft, 4895, 4898, 4899 Lathrop, George P., 623, 4785 Lathy, William Kent, 7805 Latimer, E., 9154 Latimer, Henry R., 6309 Latin America, Philadelphia commerce with, 3866 Latin grammar, 3542 Latrobe, Benjamin, and Old West at Dickinson College, 3512 Latrobe, John H. B., 2279 Latta, James W., 9067 Latter Day Saints, Church of Jesus Christ of, 9000 Laubach, Charles, 342, 343, 1188 Lauer, C. N., 8035 Laughlintown, 8215 Laundry industry, negro women in, 5671 Laurel Hill, 7566 Laury, Preston A., 8595 Laussat, Anthony, Jr., 3367 Laux, James B., 1021, 4278, 5625, 9155 Laverty, G. I., 4427 Lavonthol, Jesse, 6237 Law, 4648, 5243-5259, 5261, 6115; ad- ministration, and negro-white rela- tions, 6098; Christianity and, 6153; colonial, 1696. 1697, 1699a, 1701, 1702, 1705, 1708, 1710, 1714, 1715, 1718, 1719, 1722, 1726, 1728. 1729, 1732, 1734; corporation, 5259; labor, ad- ministration of, 6158; land, 1095; penal, 3357, 3360, 3387; schools, 4380, 4388; students at Inns of Court, 2956 Law, Margaret L., 8036 Law Academy, 3371 Law School in Congress Hall, 3477 Lawler, Percy E., 6892 Lawrence. Charles, 1764 Lawrence County, 7045, 7701-7705; ar- chives, 7704; biographies, 7701 Laws (1693-1700), originals of, 1708 Lawyers, 1709, 3354, 4544, 6112, 6160, 6819, 6823-6826; colonial, 1698, 1699, 1707, 1709, 1727, 1736-1738 Lay, Benjamin, 2155 Lay, George C, 2323 Lazenby, Mary E., 2141 Lea, Henry Charles, 5379. 5380 Lea, Matthew Carey, 5381, 5382 Leach, Frank W., 543, 1829, 6759; auto- biography, 6829 Leach. J. Granville, 6830 Leach, Josiah G., 1794, 2161, 4036 Leach, M. Atherton, 1815, 2162, 3042 Leach, Robert J., 8513 Leahy. Ethel C, 5985 Leaman, Bertha R., 8037 Learned, Marion D., 664, 718, 771, 910, 2185, 6437 Learned societies, 4487-4489, 4493, 4506, 4515, 4517; colonial, 1497a, 1501, 1513, 1514, 1518, 1519, 1521, 1522, 1525 Leary, Lewis, 2444, 2445, 3014, 3544, 3569 Leatherman, Quintus, 2121 Leavelle, Armand B., 3105 Leavitt, Robert K., 3817 Lebanon, 7710, 7711, 7721, 7723, 7727, 7731; churches, 8621, 8956; early edu- cation, 1409; newspapers, 3520; sec- ondary education, 1453 Lebanon Academy, 4328 Lebanon Classis, Reformed Church, 8934, 8963 Lebanon County, 7265, 7509, 7706-7733; in American Revolution, 2659; archae- ology, 418; bibliography, 28; biog- raphies, 7707; churches, 1610, 8458, 8984, 8987; economic history, 7724; Episcopal Church in, 8869; first mur- der trial, 1744; folklore, 7116, 7717; in French and Indian War, 1966; iron industries, 1161; Know Nothing Party in, 4174; medicine, 1756; mining, 765 Index 4974; Moravian influence, 8742; Pala- tines and Scotch-Irish in, 725; roads, 4994; social and economic trends, 7715; social work for girls, 6310; township names, 8282 Lebanon Industry Infantry Regiment, 9072 Lebanon Steel Foundry, 4877 Lebanon Valley, 7072; churches, 7730; landmarks, 7024 Lebanon Valley College, 5161 Lebanon Valley Railroad, 4009 Leckey, Howard L., 7042 Ledet, Wilton P., 1022 Leduc, Gilbert F., 2007 Lee, Alfred M., 2552 Lee, John H., 4103 Lee, Robert E.: escape after Gettysburg, 4752; in Pennsylvania, 4733, 4757 Leech, Toby, 2156 LeeDecker, Charles F., 5480, 5565, 5954, 5958 Leeds, A. R., 189 Leeds, M. E., 6627 Leese, Charles, 5702, 6628 Leeson, Michael A., 7402, 7572 Lefferts, Walter, 2256, 2280, 6974 Leffler, George L., 5888, 5893, 5959, 6055, 6056, 6670, 6671 Leffmann, Henry, 2841, 8038 Legal aid work, 6096, 6110 Legal-tender legislation, vote of Penn- sylvania Congressmen, 4795 Legends. 285, 9123, 9131, 9140, 9161^ Legislation, 5521; bibliography, 71, 72; county (1947) 5523; on divorce, 1650, 6105; educational, 2963, 4387, 5148, 6401, 6413, 6415; labor, 5688, 5691; machine and, 5478; on medical prac- tice, 6589; (1949), 6255, 6258; poor relief, 1647; for protection of coal miners, 3889; (1700-1712), 1785; (1790-1801), 3136; social, 6321; social, in colonial Pennsylvania, 1636; spe- cial, prohibition of, 5294, 5296; on transportation (1790-1800), 3243 Legislature: decadence of, 5268; uni- cameral, 5537; see also General As- sembly Legislatures, colonial, and impeachment and contempt, 1800 Lehigh Canal, Josiah White and, 3920 Lehigh Coal and Navigation Companv, 3268, 3852, 3993 Lehigh County, 7405, 7407, 7734-7760- agriculture, 5021; archives, 7747; biographies, 7406; churches, 8606, 8944; frontier forts, 1928; imprints, 91; Indians, 281; juvenile court, 6330; medical history, 6569; Pennsylvania Germans in. 762, 923, 931; place names, 8323; race mixture, 5625 Lehigh County Agricultural Societv, 4051 Lehigh County Historical Society, news- paper files, 83 Lehigh and Delaware Division, of Penn- sylvania Canal, 3941 Lehigh Hills, Indian jasper mines, 351 Lehigh River: cement industry, 5876; navigation, 3253 Lehigh University, 5162, 5163 Lehigh Valley, 7035, 7084, 7908; busi- ness and industry, 7022; development, 5432; early industry, 1187; Indians, 337; mapping, 8347; printing, 6083; transportation, 6010 Lehigh Valley Railroad, 3982, 5009 Lehman, Glenn A., 4063 Lehn, John P., 6166 Lehn, Joseph, 4417 Leidy, Joseph, 5383-5385; and medical sciences, 4431 Leighton, George R., 8103, 8117 Leinbach, B. B., 5986 Leininger, Regina, Indian captive, 2028, 2050 Leiseron, William K., 5693 Leland, Charles Godfrey, 5386 Lemay, Hugolin, 2008 Lemberger, Joseph L., 4328 Lemcke, Peter H., 3685 Lenape, see Delaware Indians Lenhart, John M., 8463 Lenni Lenape, see Delaware Indians Lentz, Harry D., Jr., 6015-6018 Leonard, Autumn L., 1980, 2009 Leonard, Charles C, ("Crocus"). 4941 Leonard, Eugenie A., 2553 Leonard, Sister J. D., 1795, 1796 Leonard, John W., 6934 Leonard, McClelland. 7566 Lerch, Adam G., 8941 Lerch, Lila, 7255 LeRoy, Edwin D., 3930 Lery, Chaussegros de: family, 2075; journal, 2015 Lescarboura, A. C, 6005 Lesh, William S., 3818 Lesher, Will, 7942 Lesley, John P., 190 Lesley, Peter and Susan, 5387 Leslie. Charles and Eliza, 4477 Leslie. Vernon, 344 Lester, John A., 4539 Lester, Richard A., 1333 Levan, F. K., 7284 Levering, Joseph M., 7912 Levick, James J., 1012. 1013, 1765 Levin, Bernard S., 32, 126, 4793 766 Index Levy, Aaron, 3013, 3703 Lewis, Alfred C. 7743 Lewis, Charles L., 3654 Lewis, Charles M., 4455 Lewis, Clifford M., 1599 Lewis, E. 0., 6019 Lewis, Edwin H., 6057 Lewis, Chief Justice Ellis, 4627 Lewis, Ellis S., 3337 Lewis, Frank G., 1422 Lewis, H. C, 191 Lewis, Howard B., 1014 Lewis, Howard T., 4212 Lewis, J. F., 1084, 2209, 4501, 5776 Lewis, Lawrence, Jr., 1085, 1721, 22(10. 3338 Lewis, Osceola, 9068 Lewis, Shippen, 5481 Lewis, Victor E., 9156 Lewis, Virginia, 4412, 7155 Lewisburg, 8166, 8170; Catholic Church in, 8417; journal from, to California (1849), 4534 Lewisburg and Mifflinburg Turnpike Company, 4997 Lewistown, 7821 Lex, W. B., 5482 Liberal Republican movement, 5299, 5300,5307 Liberalism, Franklin and, 2458 Liberty Bell, 2546, 2567, 2574, 2578 Liberty Bell route, 6026 Liberty Party, 4066, 4226 Libraries, 1515, 2958, 4481, 4492, 4494, 4495, 4499-4502, 4504, 4505, 4508. 4510, 4514, 4516, 6432, 6517; colonial, 1497, 1506, 1512, 1513, 1515; exten- sion, 6512; special, 6077; technical, 4510 Library Company of Philadelphia, 1497, 1506, 3513 Lichten, Frances, 791 Lichtenthaler, Frank E., 719, 720, 1276 Lichty, James J., 5987 Lick, David E., 772 Lick, James, 4628 Lickel, Conrad R., 5777 Lieb, Frederick G., 5213, 6837 Lienard family, 2059 Light, Richard, 7514 Light, Wayne A, 4942 Ligneris, Captain Francois de, 2070 Lil, Herman V., 546 Lilienthal, David E.. 5969 Lillibridge, C. W., 7809 Limbert, Roy W., 8561 Lime burning industry, 3807, 4924 Lime kilns, 1218, 1231 Lincklaen, John, travels (1791-92), X2'>7 Lincoln, Abraham, 4175, 4192; cabinet 4802; election, 4185; at Gettysburg 4706, 4707, 4715, 4724-4727, 4743 mourning for, 4680; nomination, 4181: and Pennsylvania, 4689, 4690; in Pittsburgh, 4177; and Reading, 7289 and Schuylkill County, 8096; and war governors. 4783; in western Pennsyl- vania, 4688 Lincoln, Anna T., 345 Lincoln, C. H., 1797 Lincoln, Charles H., 2341 Lincoln, James B., 7682 Lincoln, Richard V. B.. 8169 Lincoln, Roger C, 6398 Lincoln family, 7267 Lincoln Highway, 3257 Linden Hall, 1434, 1458 Linder, Oliver A., 2824 Lindestrom, Peter M., 346 Lindsay, Arnett C, 8144 Lindsay, S. M., 5101 Linen printing, 1156 Lingelbach, Anna L., 547 Lingelbach, William E., 548, 1513. 1514, 2446-2448, 6796, 8039, 8040 Lingenfelter, Mary R., 6512 Lingenfelter, William D., 7311 Lingo. William R.. 4136 Link, Eugene P., 3127 Linn, John Blair, 2724, 3014, 7045. 7415 Linn, Mary H, 2849 Linn. Merrill W., 4997 Linoleum manufacture, 5317 Lippard, George, 4629 Lippincott, Horace M., 549, 1086, 1277, 1423-1425, 1685, 1686. 2156, 2245, 2947, 2992, 4804, 5155, 5183, 5184, 5214, 5215, 6438. 6530, 6907, 7876, 7962, 7963, 8008, 8041, 8042, 8514- 8519 Lippincott, Isaac, 1278 Liquor question, in colonial and Revolu- tionary periods. 1664 List, Friedrich, 3859, 4630, 4631 "Listen to the Mocking Bird," 4530 Literature, 2090, 3021, 3538-3548, 4478, 4480, 4482, 4490, 4491, 4496, 4515. 4563, 4564, 4629, 4647, 4658, 4659, 5211, 5224-5226, 5395, 6502-6520, 6813, 6814. 6850, 6853-6863, 6884, 6885, 6887, 6888, 7443; colonial, 1500, 1502-1505, 1507, 1508, 1510, 1511 1516, 1523, 1525, 1526, 1528, 1529, 1531. 2202; Franklin and, 2396; and frontier, 2943; organizations, 4 C 2 ( >; Pennsylvania German, 905-907. 965; upper Ohio valley, 4479 Lithography, 4466, 4979 Lithuanians, acculturation of, 562] 767 Index Litigation, colonial, 1714, 1726 Lititz, 7669, 7678, 7700; military hos- pital in Revolution, 2582, 2630; as early music center, 1534 Lititz Moravian Congregation, 8746 Litke, W. W., 6123 Little, Albert W. S, 5483 Little, Mrs. J. Wesley, 6357 Little Beaver River Valleys, 7046 Little Britain Township, Lancaster County, 7683 Little theatres, 6539 Littlestown, churches, 8415 Livengood, William S., Jr., 6760 Liverant, Spencer R., 1722 Livermore, Shaw, 1087 Livers, Sidney L., 2948 Liversidge, H. P., 5960. 6712 Livestock farming, see Dairy farming Living conditions, eighteenth century, 1916 Living costs, and assistance standards, 6638 Livingood, Frederick G., 1426 Livingood, James W., 1279, 1515, 3311, 3931-3933 Livingood, Louis J., 1766 Lloyd, Arnold, 8520 Lloyd, David, 1802, 1827, 1828; and early law, 1710 Lloyd, Elizabeth, and the Whittiers, 4119 Lloyd, James H., 1767 Lloyd, Stacy B., 1830 Lloyd, Thomas, 1802, 1826 Lloyd, Thomas W., 3771, 7788, 8298 Lloyd, W. P, 9069 Lloyd, William H., 1723, 1724, 3368 Lobeck, A. K., 192 Local government, 72, 73, 1791, 6239, 6240; debts, 6051 Lock Haven, 7462 Lock Haven archaeological expedition, 300 Locke, Charles A., 6846 Locke, W. H., 9070 Locomotives, 3957, 3966, 3968, 3979, 3987, 3994, 4001; building, 4557; Philadelphia and improvement of, 3986 Lodgen, G. E., 6090, 6124 Loetscher, Lefferts A., 6270, 8818 Log College, 1399, 1419, 1463, 1605, 2223, 8831; biographical sketches. 1390; and Princeton University, 1397 Log houses, 7760; in New Sweden, 459; origin, 1373 Logan, Captain, Indian chief, 7316 Logan, Edward B., 6201 Logan, George, 3704-3706 Logan, James, 1802, 1841-1846; as act- ing governor, 1846; on British colonies, 1835; and Newton's Principia, 1842 Logan, Robert R., 1846 Logan, Samuel C, 5081 Logan brothers, Shikellamy's sons, 1871 Logstown, 2027, 2052 Loh, Homer C, 5626 Lohmann, Martin, 721 Loleta, 7543 Lombard, Mildred E., 2554 London: influence on Philadelphia medi- cine, 1774; newspapers, early refer- ences to Pennsylvania, 594 London Grove Friends' Meeting, 8541 Long, E. J., 2233 Long, F. M., 6310 Long, Haniel, 9157 Long, Harker A., 1189 Long, Harriet C, 78 Long, Theodore K., 722, 7950 Long, William O., 5185 Long Run Presbyterian Church, Irwin, 8827 Longfellow, Samuel Wadsworth, 1851 Longueuil, expedition, 2014 Loose, Jack W. W., 1600 Loper, Harry K., 6058 Lorain, John, 3772 Lorimer, George Horace, 6831; letters. 5388 Lorimer Park, Montgomery County, 7880 Loskiel, George H., journey (1803), 8300 Lotteries, 3461, 3909; colonial, 1652, 1657, 1658, 1671; and town founding, 7694 Loucks, Augustus, 9071 Loucks, Emerson H., 6202 Loucks, W. N., 6629, 6630 Loudon, Archibald, 2037 Loudon Road, 1986, 7579 Louhi, E. A., 446 Love, Mabel, 6874 Love, Philip H., 6847 Love, Thomas J., 4381, 5186 Lovejoy, Owen R., 5681 Lowe, Orton, 6975 Lowell, James Russell, in Philadelphia, 4482 Lower Jordan Valley, 1231; log house, 7760; Pennsylvania Germans in, 762 Lower Merion Township, Montgomery County, 7861, 7862, 7869; colonial taverns, 1653; old mills, 1129; origins and government, 1009; Washington in, 2595 Lower Milford Township, Lehigh Coun- ty, 7745 768 Index Lower Pottsgrove Township, Mont- gomery County, 7885 Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, 7870 Lownes, Caleb, 3369 Lowrie, James A., 5216 Lowrie, Sarah D., 2253, 5102, 8043 Lowry, Ellsworth, 6358 Lowy, Hugo W., 5778 Loyalists, 2747-2776, 2778-2784; in middle colonies, 2768, 2769 Lozo, John P., 1427, 6359 Lubold, Daniel G., 8596 Lucas, E. V., 5314 Lucy, Ernest W., 5082 Ludlow, William, 5103 Ludwick, Harry M., 3709 Ludwick Institute, 3478 Ludwig, G. M., 723 Ludwig, Martha M., 6360 Luetscher, G. D., 3225 Luhrs, Fanette H., 6188, 6190 Lukacs, John A., 8301 Lukens, Rebecca, 3235, 4632 Lull, George F., 6574 Lumbard, J. A., 5278, 4744 Lumbering, 4867-4869, 4872-4876, 4878, 4879, 4884, 4886-4888, 4890, 4893- 4902, 4904; poems, 9190; towns, 5762 Lundberg, Emma O., 6125 Lunt, Dudley, 2281 Lutheran and Reformed churches, colonial clergy, 8575 Lutheran Church, 1807; and American history, 8639; and conservatism, 5118; Muhlenberg and, 2163, 2168, 2169, 2171, 2173, 2174, 8640, 8641; and union with Reformed Church, 3453; see also Lutherans, Evangelical Lu- theran Church Lutheran Church, United, and children's homes, 6308 Lutherans, 8546-8644; and Anglicans, 8888; beginnings in Pennsylvania, 8615, 8616, 8620; church organization, 8623, 8625, 8565, 8566; in colonial America, 8610; and early education, 1430; eastern Pennsylvania synods, 8587; and frontier, 8588, 8637; and higher education, 834; Inner Mission Societies, 8601; language problem, 8638; Ministerium, 1619, 8558, 8595, 8609; ministers, 8557; missionaries, 8607; pioneers, 8562; and slavery, 4129; Wilkes-Barre Conference, 8633; see also Lutheran Church Luthin, Reinhard H., 4213, 4690 Lutz, H. J, 193 Lutz, Henry F., 2638 Lutz, Howard T., 5131 Luzerne County, 7625, 7761-7777; archives, 7771; in Civil War, 4731; coal mining and land subsidence, 5936; fossils, 230; title in, 2321 Luzerne County Presbytery, 8836 Luzerne Regiment, 9081 Lycoming County, 7778-7806; biog- raphies, 7779; in Civil War, 4755; early gunsmiths, 3214; place names, 8254; streams, 165 Lycoming County Medical Society, •7790 Lykens, 7502 Lyles, Victoria, 1190 Lynch, Clay F., 4973 Lynch, M. Antonia, 8044 Lynch, Marguerite, 4413 Lyon, Edward, 3737 Lyon, James, 1553 Lyon, Katherine G., 6567 Lyon, T. H. B., 8118 Lytle, Clyde F, 911, 6513 Lytle, Milton S., 7603 M M, V, 4259 McAdie, Alexander, 2449 McAlarney, Mathias W., 8819 McAnear, Beverly, 1428 Macartney, Clarence E., 4182, 4238, 4799, 7156-7158 Macauley, P. S., 347 McBane, Edith L, 5187 McBurney, Francis, 8820 McCadden, Joseph J., 3479-3481, 4279- 4281, 4660 McCafferty, E. D., 6812 McCain, George N, 5271, 6169 McCall, Samuel W., 4832 McCann, John E., 8411 McCann, William H., 1280 McCarrell, David K., 3995 McCarthy, Charles, 4089 McCarthy, T. J., 5894 M'Cauley, I. H., 7582 McCawley, E. S., 3934 McCay, William R., 8175 McClarren, Ralph H., 6575 McCleave, David H., 1601 McClellan, Dr. George, 4375 McClellan, George Brinton, 4814, 4815 McClellan, Mabel K., 6361 McClelland, Lindley R., 5247 760 Index McClenathan, John C, 7567 McClennan, Elizabeth, 4745 McClintock, Gilbert S, 8302 McClintock, Walter J., 3200, 3935 MacCloskey, James E., 5828 McClure, 8127 McClure, Alexander K., 4810; memoirs, 4786, 5390 McClure, C. James, 8821 McClymonds, Joseph A., 6311 McComsey, Sanders P., 4053 McConnell, E. ML, 348 McCormick, George A., 6399 McCormick, S. B., 4382 McCosker, M. Joseph, 67, 1561, 2450, 3460, 4037, 4414, 4456, 6514, 8045- 8047 McCouch, Gladys, 2555 McCoy, Joseph, 9158 McCoy, William D., 4282 McCracken, Robert T., 6439 McCreary, Nancy H., 1516 McCreight, M. I., 7456, 7457 McCulloch, Robert P., 3175 McDermott, A. W., 9076 McDermott, William, 3339 McDevitt, J. L, 5703 McDevitt, Philip R., 1429 MacDonald, A. F, 6203-6206 McDonald, Edward D., 5188 Macdonald, Marion E., 6362 McDonnel, Bernard J., 6440 McDonnell, F. M., 7810 McDonough, J. A., 5704 MacDonough, Jack E., 4651, 6976 McDonough, John E, 7532 MacDowell, Lillian I., 7964 McElhinny, C. M., 8233 MacElree, Wilmer W., 7432-7435 McElwee, Thomas B., 3370 McEntree, Sister Mary V., 8412 McFall, Donald, 8477 Macfarlan, Douglas, 2639 McFarland, David F, 3226 MacFarland, G. A., 6441 McFarland, J. Horace, 6631, 7044; auto- biography, 6832 McFarland, Joseph, 1768, 3404, 6576 McFarland, Joseph F., 8196 McFarland, Robert B., 7044 MacFarlane, C. W., 1334 Macfarlane, James, 3936 Macfarlane, John J, 1191, 8048 McFarquhar, Colin, 8778 McGeary, M. Nelson, 5452, 5484-5486 McGillicuddy, Cornelius, see Mack, Connie McGinnis. Ann, 6319 McGirr, Frank C, 5248 McGirr, Newman F., 4530 McGough, Walter F., 6251 McGovern, Sister Mary Victor, 5144 McGrane, Reginald C, 3612 McGrath, P. J, 6020 McGraw, Harry A., 7320 McGraw, John V, 3128 McGroarty, William B., 2299 McGuflFey, William Holmes, and his readers, 5391 McHenry, George, 3996 McHenry, Margaret, 5350 Machinery, farm, 5038 Mcllhaney, Asa KL, 1028 Mcllhenny, David R., 3997 Mcllvaine, Jane S., 6079 Mcllvaine, Sarah E., 6632 Mclntire, Charles, 1769 Mack, Connie, 6837; autobiographv, 6838 Mack, Pauline B., 6577 MacKay, Winnifred K., 4691 McKean, Governor Thomas, 3248, 3707, 3708; and Pennsylvania Jacobins, 3135 McKean County, 7045, 7402, 7572. 7807-7811; railroads, 5002 McKean tract, 3193 McKeansburg, 8124 McKee, Alexander, 2762, 2763 McKee, Ellen B., 7134 McKee, James A., 7376 McKeesport, 7120; churches, 8701; early, 7173; public schools, 6387 McKeever, Ivan, 5730 McKenna, Bernard A., 8413 McKenna, John J., Jr., 990, 1015, 1029 Mackenzie, Alexander, 3728 McKinley, Albert E., 123 McKinney, Chester A., 6442 MacKinney, Gertrude, 146, 147, 4502 McKinney, William W., 8822-8824 McKirdy, J. E., 5829 McKirdy, James, 8303 McKnight, Charles, 2725, 7159 McKnight, Robert W., 7231 McKnight, W 7 illiam J., 7045, 7617, 7618 Mackraby, Alexander, 1630, 7160 McKune, Robert H., 7628 McLain, F. D., 6021 MacLaren, Anson A., 6713 MacLaren, Malcolm, 1562 McLaughlin, Glenn E., 7205 McLaughlin, Joseph P., 6714 McLaughlin, M. J., 5566 McLaughlin, Marcellus H., Jr., >2V) McLaughlin, Robert J., 6977 McLaurin, John J., 7392 MacLaurin. Lois M., 2451 Maclay, J. P., 7583 70 I \di:x Maclay, Samuel, survey journal (17'"", 8304 Maclay, William, 3015-3019, 3709, 3710; journal, 3219 MacLean, Annie M., 5670 MacLean, Hazel C, 3482 Maclean, John P., 1030 MacLean, William, Jr., 3371 McLene, James, 3020 MacLeod, W. C, 349 McManus, Blanche, 6978 McManus, D. T., 1956 McMaster, John B., 2452, 2908, 2909, 3691, 6833-6836, 7393; memoirs, 6835 McMeen, Robert, 991 McMillan, John, 3711, 3712, 8802 Macmillan, Margaret B., 2! MacMinn, Edwin, 2038 McMinn, J. H, 1281 McMurtrie, Douglas C, 1484, 1485 McMurtry, R. Gerald, 4214 McNair, James B., 3845, 5392 McNair, Thomas S., 5392 MacNair, Vane, 9159 McNees, W. S., 8825 MacNeill, Norman, 3405, 8414 McNitt, Helen M., 7821 McParlan, James, and Molly Maguires, 5073 McPherson, Bernice M., 2324 McPherson, Edward, 2282, 7103 MacReynolds, George, 244, 2770, 3526, 4540, 7345 McSherry, William. Jr., 8415 McSherrystown, 8229 McSpadden, Joseph W, 6979 McSwigan, Genevieve, 1663 Mactier, William L., 5217 Macurdy, Rev. Elisha, 4633 MacVeagh, Wayne, 5389 McWilliams, Elizabeth, 3130 Madeira, Louis C., 4531 Madison, Dollv, 3713 Magaw, Col. Robert, 2805 Magazines, 94, 1472. 1479, 1492, 4609; ladies', 3548, 4511; literary, 3543 Magee, David F., 1192, 4167, 4879, 5011, 7655 Magee, James F., Jr., 1193 Magee-Flinn political machine, 5283 Magic, 1623; Pennsylvania German, 859, 860, 866, 867 Magill, Edward H., memoirs, 5393 Magistrates' courts, 6107; prosecution in, 6099 Magruder, Kenneth D., 8707 Mahan, F. A., 4995 Mahanoy City, 7946, 8118; industries, 4852 Mahanoy tunnel. 8118 Mahantango Creek, 946 Mahoning valley, iron and steel in- dustry, 4889 Mahr, August C, 350, 792, 867 Maier, Eugene L., 4575 Maier, William M., 4541 Main Line, 5564, 7083, 8034, 8306 Maine saw mill, 4890 Mairs, Thomas I., 4045 Maisch, J. M., 3034 Major, Richard M., 7256 Mal-Engueulee, see Monongahela River Malin, W. G. C, 112 Mallon, Edward A., 4437 Malone, Dumas, 3643 Malone, Mrs. John E., 6803 Malt houses, 1162, 1199 Maltbie, M. K., 5104 Maltby, Albert E., 5487 Malvern, 6260, 6276 Malvern, Gladys, 3594 Mamachtaga, murder trial of (1785). 2698 Mammals, 252 Mamout, Yarrow, Peale's painting of, 3577 Massacres, Indian, 2697, 2699, 2701, 2721 Managers, city or borough, 5453, 5480, 5505, 5506, 5530 Manavunk, 3268, 8051 Manges, Walter E., 9160 Manhart, Franklin P., 8598 Manheim: churches, 8592; Methodist camp meeting, 8702 Manheim Township, Lancaster County, Indians of, 1864 Mann, Horace M., 7346 Mann, William J., 551, 822, 2164, 216', 8599 Manors, 1081, 1083, 1086, 1101, 1823 Manross, William W., 4645 Manser, I. H., 8170 Mansfield, 8158 Mansfield, A. R., 6578 Mansfield, Ira F., 7046 Mansfield, Mary A. F., 1770 Manual training, 5154 Manufacturing. 1191: colonial, 1128- 1136; early, 1234; of munitions, 6713; World War II and, 6670; see also Industry- Manuscript collections: C. W. A. survey of, 132; guides, 131, 134, 151, 152 Manuscript illumination, 1360 Manwiller, Charles E., 6400 Mapes, George E., 1957 Maple sugar making, 4041 Maples, products industry, 5 773 771 Index Maps, 181, 183, 224, 1256, 1312, 1897, 1901, 1905; early, 8325 Marble, Annie R.. 3009 Marceau, Henri, 3511 March, Thomas S., 6980 Marchbin, Andrew A., 5042 Marcosson, I. F., 5305, 5567 Margaret Patricia, Sister, 1109 Marie Antoinette, and Azilum, 3437, 3438 Marietta, ironmasters of, 3837 Marin family, 2078 Mark, Penrose G., 9072 Market Street, Philadelphia, 8022 Markets, 5724, 6033 Markham, William, 1829 Markle, Gladys J., 8826 Markle, John, 6839 Markoe, Peter, 2949, 3021 Marks, Harold K., 5218 Markwell, Dawes, 4503 Marlowe, Sanford S., 5488 Marraro, Howard R., 1045, 2640 Marriage, customs of Moravians, 1641 Married woman's property law, 4228 Marsh, Philip, 2993, 3131 Marshall, Christopher, diary, 2541 Marshall, Clara, 5189 Marshall, General George C, 6840 Marshall, Humphrey, 1557, 2085, 4674 Marshall, Orsamus H., 2009a Marshall, Schuyler C, 6080 Marshall, Thomas F., 5219 Marshall College, 4358; student life, 4349, 4351; see also Franklin and Marshall College Marsillac, Jean, 552; on Philadelphia, 3417 Martin, A. L., 8521 Martin, Albert R., 5489 Martin, Alfred S., 2342, 2950 Martin, Asa E., 3461, 4239, 5145 Martin, C. H, 1335, 1336, 1864, 2641, 2642, 3132, 3340. 6059 Martin, Edward, 6715, 9073 Martin, Edward W., 5083 Martin, H. R., 912 Martin, James, 9074 Martin, John H., 3372, 5250, 5251, 7533, 7913 Martin, M. J., 7769 Martin, P. H., 5568, 7161 Martin, Richard B., 8600 Martin, Ruth A., 657 Martin, S. A., 5190 Martin, Thomas P., 4215 Martin, William T-, 4283 Martin Rope Walk, 3808 Martindale, Joseph C, 8049 Martz, Helen E., 6633 Marvin, Frances E., 4746 Marvine, William M., 2951 Mary, ship, 1306 Mary Charles, Sister, 4260 Marye, William B, 1865 Maryland, 1070, 1644, 1787, 2959, 2981, 6440, 6442, 6938; boundary disputes, 760, 1073, 1092, 2259 (see also Mason and Dixon line) ; civil and religious liberty, 606; colonial architecture, 1354; colonial arts and crafts, 1375; Confederate invasion, 4737; folklore, 9169; Pennsylvania Germans in, 679, 730; settlements, 446; turnpikes, 3262 Mask and Wig Club, 5196, 6460 Maske, Manor of, 1083 Mason, Carol Y., 5731 Mason, Charles, 2260, 2261, 2264, 2265; sources on, 2262; see also Mason and Dixon line Mason, Harrison D., 4240 Mason, Kathleen, 1194 Mason, Miriam E., 553 Mason, Norman H., 624 Mason, William S, 2453 Mason and Dixon line, 58, 2258, 2263, 2266, 2269-2272, 2275, 2279, 2280, 2283, 2284; Franklin and, 2390; west- ern termination, 2267 Mass production, 3227 Massachusetts. 4790, 6070; Pennsyl- vania and, 6988 Massanari, Karl, 1602 Massey, George V., 2nd, 1649 Massicotte, E. Z., 2070, 2071 Mast, Christian Z.. 7047 Master Builders' Exchange of Phila- delphia, 5067 Masterson, James R., 11 Mathematics, in colonial Philadelphia, 1556, 1561 Mather, Charles E., diary, 5220 Mathews. Alfred, 7162, 7405, 7831 Mathews, Catherine V., 2988 Mathews, Edward, 7877, 7878 Mathews, Edward B., 58 Mathews, Gertrude S., 5362 Mathews, Lois K.. 2454 Mathews, Maxine, 644 Matlack, Col. Timothy, 2806, 2807 Matos, William W., 625 Matthers, William, 12 Matthews. Evelyn L., 4504 Matthews, Orus J., 6672, 8305 Mattice, Paul B., 724 Mattil, Edward L., 54 Mauch Chunk Switchback Railway, 3981 Mauelshagen, Carl, 5118 Maule, Joshua, 5119 772 Index Maurer, Charles L., 1430 Maurer, Heinrich H., 1603 Maurer, Oliver K., 8946 Maurois, Andre, 2455 Maus, Charles W., 8827 Maxatawny, 7284 Maxey, Chief Justice George W., 6841 Maxfield, Ezra K., 1687 Maxson, C. H., 1604 Maxwell, E. Beverly, 3794 Maxwell, James Darwin, journal, 4385 May, Lioy, 4943 Maybee, Rolland H., 4944 Mayer, Brantz, 606 Maynard, D. S., 7416, 7465 Mayo, Katherine, 6126-6129 Mays, George, 725, 913, 9075 May town Reformed Church, 8927 Mead, A. P., 4241 Mead, Richard R., 5928 Meade, E. S., 5854 Meade, George, 4817 Meade, George, 2808 Meade, George Gordon, 4816-4818 Meade, R. W., 2808 Meador, Lewis H., 2886 Meadowcroft, Enid L., 2456 Meadville, 4452, 7478, 7480 Meadville Theological School, 4356 Means, Delia, 5316 Mears, Anne D., 3283 Mease, James, 4634, 7965 Mechanics' Library, Lancaster, 4495 Mechanics' liens, 3878 Mechanics' Union of Trade Associa- tions, 3877 Mecom, Jane, Franklin and, 2442, 2509 Meconnahey, Joseph H., 6531 Medical education, 4384, 4389 Medical history, bibliography, 48, 52, 53 Medical nutrition, 6549, 6577 Medical practice, laws affecting, 6589 Medical schools, 4364. 4375, 4424, 4430, 4432, 4435; University of Pennsyl- vania, 2957, 2960, 3026 Medical Society of Pennsylvania, 6558, 6579 Medical societies, 4425, 4429, 4441, 4443, 4445 Medical students, Philadelphia, in Europe, 1392, 2927 Medical welfare, 6608 Medicine, 1755, 1774. 1780, 1782a, 3080-3083, 3550, 3556, 3557-3560, 3564, 3565, 3567, 3568, 3570-3572. 3574, 3576, 3584, 3585, 3729-3733, 4423-4448, 4580. 4634, 5377, 6598, 6853, 6854, 6858, 6859, 6862, 6867, 6914, 7562, 7583, 7584, 7590, 7591, 7606, 7802, 7805; American, Phila- delphia and, 1777; colonial, 1749, 2116, 2123, 2144, 2160; early, 1760, 1772, 1775, 1778, 1782; Franklin and, 2473; Indian, 350, 386, 396; pioneer, 1753; preventive, 6591; Quakers and, 1752; research in, 6596, 6599; in Revolution, 2643; see also Physicians Meehan, William E, 5029-5031 Meeker, George H., 6901 Meeting houses, colonial, 1386 Meginness, John F., 992, 2726, 7048- 7050, 7791-7794, 8160 Meigs, Cornelia, 2557 Meigs, John, 6842 Meigs, John F., 4438 Meigs, William M., 3012, 3133 Mekeel, Arthur J., 2771 Melchior, D. Montfort, 6946 Melhorn, Leoma O., 1282 Meligakes, N. A, 4747 Mellick, Andrew D., 726 Mellon, Andrew W., 6845, 6847, 6849 Mellon, Thomas, 5394, 6844, 6848 Mellon, Thomas, II, 6846 Mellon, William L., 6848 Mellon family, 6843, 6844, 6848 Mellon Institute of Industrial Research, 6568, 6580, 6581, 6609 Melsheimer, Frederick Valentine, 245, 3022, 3023 Melvin, William, 3483 Memorial Day, 7409 Mende, Elsie, 5404 Meng, John J., 2525, 2559 Menges, Franklin, 2560 Meniolagomeka, 325 Mennonite Church, founding of, 8648 Mennonites, 695, 2121, 8653, 8654, 8657, 8659, 8663, 8667; and Amish, 8645- 8697; bibliography, 98, 8690; doc- trines, 8693; education, 8682; and founding of Germantown, 8661; Fran- conia, 8694: and military service, 8673, 8692; Lancaster Conference, 8690; literature and hymnology, 8649; migrations, 8679, 8683, 8691; Old Order, and agriculture, 5729; and pacifism, 8652; piety, 8664; settle- ment in Ontario, 3207, 8655; trends among, 8676; Westmoreland Countv. 8695; and World War I, 6167; and World War II, 8666, 8669; see also Amish, Reformed Mennonite Church Mental health, 6593 Mercer, Henry C, 351-353, 793, 794, 1195, 9161 Mercer, Hugh, 2157, 2809 Mercer County, 7045, 7812-7818; churches, 7812 773 Index Mercersburg, 7586; Confederate raid on, 4763 Mercersburg Presbyterian Church, 8840 Merchant, Thomas E., 9077 Merchants: colonial, Philadelphia, 1247; Jewish, colonial, 1041; Quakers as, 1290, 1291; see also Commerce, trade Meredith, Thomas R., 4692 Merion, 1007. 1012; lands of Edward Jones and Company, 1097 Merion Meeting House, 8489 Merit system, 6213 Merk, Frederick, 5032 Merklin, Alfred, 6634 Merrick, Sister Mary A., 5855 Merrifield, Edward, 7629, 7630 Mervine, William M., 1283 Meteorology, 3573 Methodist Church, 6273; Central Penn- sylvania Conference, 8718; and higher education, 6425; ministers' counselling activities, 6277; Philadelphia Con- ference, 8722 Methodists, 8698-8724; beginnings, 8699, 8719; camp meetings, 8702; Genesee Conference, 8710 Metz, W. Ray, 8828 Metzger, H. D., 727 Metzger, T. W., 5732 Mexican War, 9028 Meyer, Gladys, 2458 Meyer, T. P., 728 Meyerhoff, H. A., 194 Meyers, Dorothy B., 7832 Meyers, Elizabeth L., 8749 Meynen, Emil, 79, 773, 8050 Michael, Gwen, 5490 Michener, Albert O., 4284, 5156 Michener, Ezra, 8522 Michener, James A., 8306 Michener, John H., 4980 Michie, Peter S., 4814 Michigan, U. S. S., 4748 Microfilms, of newspapers, 90 Middle Atlantic States: neglect of re- gional history, 6761, 6771; turnpikes in. 3262 Middle Colonies: bilingualism, 922; Great Awakening, 1578, 1604; politi- cal alignments (1740-1760), 1833 Middle Spring Presbyterian Church, 8854 Middle West, Pennsylvania German in- fluence in, 723 Middlebrook, Louis F., 1306 Middleton, A. P., 1912 Middleton, William S., 2088, 2144, 2160, 2201, 2643, 3043, 3406, 3605, 3636, 3657, 3697, 3721, 3731, 3758, 4603, 4615, 4617, 5384, 6582-6584 Middletown, 7510; churches, 8549; in- land navigation between Philadelphia and, 1279 Midvale Company, 4880, 4881 Midwives, 3572 Miers, Earl S, 4749 Miesel, Walter E., 8601 Miesse, Charles, 4945 Mifflin, Lloyd, 5395, 6850 Mifflin, Martha J., 3714 Mifflin, Thomas, 2810-2812, 3714, 3715 Mifflin County, 7029, 7418, 7819-7824; biographies, 7020, 7600; development committee, 7822; schools, 4294 Mifflinburg, 8169, 8171, 8172 Migliere, Salvatore, 5043 Migration, to southern mountains, 1892 Mikell, William E., 6130, 6131 Miles, J. Walter, 354 Miles, Joseph S, 8051 Miles, Wyndham, 1563, 4439 Milestones, 1238 Military history (divisions, regiments, companies, etc.), 9002-9121 Military schools, 4712 Military service, compulsory, 2689 Militia, 9017, 9088; in Revolution, 2579; training days, 9075; see also National Guard Milk, marketing, 5734 Mill Creek, old mills, 1129 Mill stones, 1127, 1151, 1152 Mill towns: family in, 5668; housing, 5650 Millbach, House of the Miller, 784, 7719 Miller, Adam, 8154 Miller, Adeline E., 6363 Miller, Albert G, 5105 Miller, Alphonse B., 4833 Miller, Annie C, 7207 Miller, Benjamin L., 7744 Miller, Mrs. Carroll, 3284 Miller, Charles G., 6081 Miller, Charles H., 9078 Miller, Charles S., 5146 Miller, Daniel, 914-916, 8750, 8751, 8947, 8948 Miller, Donald T., 917 Miller, Dorothy, 5324 Miller, E. K., 8464 Miller, Ernest C, 4566, 4568, 4569, 4946-4951 Miller, E. Willard, 4857, 4952, 4953, 5929, 5930 Miller, Florence G., 7479 Miller, Frederick K., 1122, 3285, 7724 Miller, Guy V., 6252 Miller, Harvey M., 918, 9162 Miller, H. Robert, 3998 774 Index Miller, James, 413 Miller, James E, 5054, 6221, 6253 Miller, James M., 3499 Miller, Johann Heinrich, 2158 Miller, John, 7549 Miller, John Henry, 2813 Miller, John Peter, 2159 Miller, John R., 7488, 7489 Miller, Jonathan W., 8891 Miller, Julia, 1046 Miller, Lewis, 4635 Miller, Mervin A, 7312 Miller, Miriam C, 6585 Miller, R. W., 6364 Miller, Richmond P., 8509 Miller, William, 2561, 3156, 3795 Miller, William S, 2116, 4634 Miller Memorial Reformed Church, York, 8940 Millersville, 7694 Milligan, Harold V., 4599 Millinery trade, 5672 Milling, 5733 Millis, Wade F., 3157 Mills, 1129, 1150, 1216, 1217, 3796, 3799; grist, 1145, 1147, 1196 Mills, Charles K., 3570, 4440 Mills, James, 3176 Milnor, William A., Jr., 1688 Milton: churches, 8700, 8813; fire, 7933 Mine labor, 5055; conditions, 5693; non-union, 5852; Slav immigration and, 5047 Miner, Asher, 3716 Miner, Charles, 4636 Miner, Charles A., 1196, 7051 Miner, Lewis H., 7052 Miner, Margaret M., 3716 Miner, William P, 3846 Mineralogy, 3074, 4932 Minerals, 4956, 4970, 5875; industries, 4905-4975; see also Coal, Iron in- dustry, Petroleum Minerd, R. S., 4671 Minersville, 8125; industries, 4852 Mingo Indians, 395a Minich, Michael R., 3000 Minimum wages, 5692 Mining, 1202, 5800; see Coal, Mine labor Minnich, Harvey C, 5391 Minnigh, H. N., 9079 Minor, Clyde G., 8361 Mintz, Max M., 2952 Minutes of the Provincial Council, 138 Minutes of the Supreme Executive Council, 138 Miquon, papermaking at, 1169 Miranda, Francisco de, visit to Pennsyl- vania, (1783-84), 8285 Mishoff, Willard 0., 2953 Missionaries, 1576, 1585, 1590 Mississippi River, traffic on, 5786 Mississippi Valley, sources, 152 Missouri compromise, 4126 Mitchell, Claude, 4285 Mitchell, Edwin V., 1631, 9163 Mitchell, Harry E., Jr., 4996 Mitchell, J. Thomas, 5429 Mitchell, Chief Justice James Tvndale, 6851 Mitchell, James Y., 8829 Mitchell, John. 3938, 5856, 5863, 6852 Mitchell, S. Weir, 6853-6863; autobiog- raphy, 6857 Mitchell, Samuel A., 1564 Mittelberger, Gottlieb, journal (1750- 54), 8307 Mode, Peter G.. 113 Moedlinger, William, Jr., 6006 Moffat, James D., 993 Moffat, Maurice P., 5857 Moffatt, James V., 4329 Mohawk River, 8284 Mohegan Indians, Moravian missions to, 1857 Mohetan Indians, historic location, 323 Mohr, Marie H., 33 Mohr, Robert L., 4286 Moldenke, H. N., 246 Moll. Clarence R, 6443 Molly Maguires, 5073-5086; trials, 5086 Mombert, Jacob I., 7656 Monaca, 7232 Monaghan, Frank, 2910 Monahan, T. P., 6305 Monessen, 8213; finances. 8214 Money, agitation for cheap, 4983 Monongahela, battle of the, 1963, 1970; see Braddock, Gen. Edward Monongahela River, 219, 2012, 3239. 5754, 7088, 7089; settlement, 1895 Monopolies, 5896 Monroe, Anna M., 4309 Monroe, Will S.. 9164 Monroe Countv, 7407, 7825-7833; biog- raphy, 7021; in Civil War. 7828; founding, 7829; tanneries, 3818 Monroe Township and Borough, Brad- ford County, 7329 Monroe Township, Snyder County, 2051 Montgomery, Elizabeth B., 4330 Montgomery, John, 7584 Montgomery, Morton L., 1197, 7257- 7261, 7285 Montgomery, Thomas H., 1432, 3341 Montgomery, Thomas L., 143-145, 1958, 4505, 6175, 6933 Montgomery County, 4639, 7834-7890; art, 5372; banks, 3339; bibliography, 775 Index 26; biography, 7835, 7846, 7847, 7849; child welfare organization, 6324; churches, 8930; colonial architecture, 1351; early taverns, 1670; and Fed- eral constitution, 2904; heraldry, 7840; industries, 1168, 1169; and Lincoln's death, 4680; lost townships, 7852; Lutheran churches, 8591; maps, 7839; Penn and, 526; roads, 7857; Schwenkfelders in, 8979; settlers, 7845; sketches, 7341; Welsh in, 1010, 1011 Montgomery County Cavalry, Second Troop, 9055 Montour, Madam, 2058, 2066, 2073 Montour County, 7467, 7891-7894; biographies, 7013, 7471 Montour family, 2062 Montoursville, 7791 Montrose, biographies, 7635 Montross, Lynn, 2562, 2644 Mood, Fulmer, 554 Moore, Clara Jessup, 5229 Moore, G. W., 7446 Moore, Grace D., 6251 Moore, H. N., 2864 Moore, Herbert G., 1433-1435, 3484, 4331 Moore, James, 9080 Moore, James B., 4332 Moore, James Van Dyke, trip to West (1826-28), 8348 Moore, Lee C, 5491, 5569, 5570 Moore, Mother, 6864 Mooreland, 7855, 7856 Moorhead, Elizabeth, 5221, 6865 Moorhead, Isaac, 7550 Moorhead, Warren K., 355 Moose, 254 Moosmuller, Oswald, 8416 Morais, Henry S., 1047 Moravian Chapel, Bethlehem, 8757 Moravian Congregation, York, 8725 Moravian Indians, 325 Moravian missions, 1885, 8744; and colonial politics, 1799; Heckewelder on, 1857; and Longfellow's Evange- line, 1851; in Wyoming Valley, 1863; see also Moravians Moravian Seminary and College, 1433, 4391 Moravian Seminary for Young Ladies, 4386 Moravian Sisters, 8749 Moravians, 7913, 8725-8767; bibliog- raphies, 107, 112; biographies, 8734; buildings at Bethlehem, 8745; and colonial education, 1411, 1412; cus- toms, 8732, 8762; early history, 8755; early marriage customs, 1641; early pietism, 8761, 8766; early settle- ments, 8758; and education, 1455, 8752; immigration, 8748; Indian mis- sions, 1855, 2023, 8728; and Indians, 2740; and Iroquois League, 8737; life, 7910; music, 1538, 1540; in New Sweden, 8740; Pennsylvania attitude toward, 8726; records, 1880, 1882; in Revolution, 2548, 8764; at Shamokin, 8727; towns, 8753; see also Moravian missions Moredock, A. L., 1088 Moreland Township, Philadelphia, 8049 Morgan, George, 34, 2710, 3024, 7966 Morgan, Col. George, at Fort Pitt, 2715 Morgan, George H., 7515-7517 Morgan, James H., 4383 Morgan, John, 2160, 3025, 3026; con- troversy with William Shippen, Jr., 2945 Morgan, Ralph, 7879 Morgan, William G, 1436 Morice, John H., 2459 Moritz, Donald I., 5576 Morlatton, Swedish settlement, 3786 Morley, Christine C, 1565 Morley, Christopher D., 8052 Morley, Lewis W., 5734 Mormons, Harmony Society and, 4224 Morneweck, Evelyn F., 4600 Morrey, Humphrey, 2161 Morrill Act of 1862, 5192; Pennsyl- vania's land grant under, 5145 Morris, Caspar, 3571 Morris, Charles, 2257, 6981 Morris, Edmund, 4954 Morris, Edwin B., 5222 Morris, Emma D. A., 7163 Morris, H. S., 3342 Morris, Hannah P., 5396 Morris, Harrison S., 6493 Morris, Henry, 1831 Morris, James L., diary, on Pennsyl- vania Germans, 676 Morris, Joe A., 6254 Morris, Lawrence J., 4054 Morris, Richard B., 1110 Morris, Robert, 2814, 2817-2823; bank- ruptcy, 3351; and Bucks County, 7348; on education, 2952; and Hamil- ton's financial policy, 3330; Jefferson's architectural indebtedness to, 3510; land speculations, 2815; and Morris- ville, 2816; and the polacre "Victori- ous," 2535; and provisions for 1781 campaign, 2627 Morris, Governor Robert Hunter, ad- dresses to, 1807 Morris, Samuel, 5396 Morris and Essex R. R., 8341 776 Index Morrison, Hugh, 1374 Morrison, John, 1866 Morrisville, 7355, 7372; Robert Morris and, 2816 Morrow, Edward, 7880 Morrow, Nancy C, 8176 Morrow, Paoli S., 994 Morse, Edward S., 5385 Morse, John T., 2460 Mort, Paul R., 6365 Mortimer, Charlotte B., 1436a Morton, Edward P., 3178 Morton, Eleanor, 3819, 5432 Morton, John, 2162, 2824 Morton, John S., 2563 Morton, Richard L., 2285 Morton, Thomas G., 1771 Moschzisker, Anne V., 2645 Moser, H. 0, 8119 Moses, Ernest C, 2461 Moses, Mary S., 3677 Moses, Montrose J., 4593 Mossell, Sadie T., 5627 Mother's assistance, 6299 Mothers, unmarried, in municipal court of Philadelphia, 6125 Motion pictures, 4451, 4456, 6527, 6533; censorship, 6540 Motor carriers, regulation of, 5969 Mott, Frank L., 2462 Mott, James, 4637 Mott, Lucretia, 4143, 4637-4639 Mott, Smith B., 9081 Moul, Charles E., 8603 Mounds, Indian, 295, 296 Mount Airy, 8016 Mount Airy Seminary, 4378 Mount Equity, 7800 Mount Holly Springs, 7485 Mount Hope Furnace, 1207 Mount Joy, industries, 4851 Mount Joy Soldiers' Orphan School, 5099 Mount Penn Gravity Railroad, 6025, 6029 Mount Pleasant Academy, 4338 Mount Pleasant Township, Wayne County, 8202 Mount Union, 7604 Mt. Zion Lutheran and Reformed Church, York County, 8584 Mt. Zion Reformed Church, Spring Grove, 8968 Mountain gaps, cultural influences of, 220 Mountains, 172-174 Mowery, Daniel F., Jr., 4750 Moyer, H. P., 9082 Moyer, Nevin, 7518 Mozart, 3652 Mueller, Henry R., 4064 Mueller, Zita A., 5780 Muffly, Joseph W., 9084 Mugridge, Donald H., 13, 2463 Muhlenberg, Anna Maria, 3028 Muhlenberg, F. A., 8617 Muhlenberg, Frederick Augustus Con- rad, 3030, 3031 Muhlenberg, Gotthilf Heinrich Ernst, 3034-3036 Muhlenberg, Henry A., 2830 Muhlenberg, Henry E., 3032-3036, 3717 Muhlenberg, Henry Melchior, 686, 1430, 2163-2175; journals, 2172; and Lu- theran Church, 8640, 8641; and Rev- olution, 2780 Muhlenberg, Gen. John Peter Gabriel, 2695, 2825-2830; attempts to capture Benedict Arnold, 2658 Muhlenberg College, 5191 Muhlenberg family, 3027-3029; and Revolutionary underground, 2577 Mulcahy, George, 8417 Mulhern, James, 68, 1437 Mulholland, St. Clair A., 9085 Mulkearn, Lois, 7164 Mullan, James M., 1959 Mullaney, William F., 2848 Muller, G. F, 7165 Muller, Henry M., 6673 Muller, Susanna, 3572 Mullin, A. C, 5238 Mumey, Nolie, 6858 Mumford, Donald W., 4065 Muncy, 7778, 7796, 7801-7804; abolition riot, 4107; archaeology, 338; educa- tion, 5120; Manor of, 1101 Muncy Dam, 4897 Muncy Normal School, 6448 Muncy Valley: Friends and, 7094; settlement, 3089 Municipal authority, 6243 Municipal Authority Act, 5565 Municipal Court, Philadelphia, 6125 Municipal elections, reform, 5266 Municipal ownership, 5951, 5954, 5967 Municipalities: annexations, 5569, 5570; costs, 6400; and labor laws, 5660; planning and unemployment, 6629 Munitions, manufacture, 6713 Munn, R., 6515 Munroe, John A., 2954 Munson, C. LaRue, 5961, 5962 Murder, 1744; degrees of, 1719 Murdock, Frank R., 6170 Murdock, George Peter, 44a Murgas, Father Joseph, 6866 Murphy, Lawrence W., 1486, 1487 Murphy, Marion, 195, 5931, 8308 777 Index Murphy, Raymond E., 195, 5895, 5931, 5932, 8234, 8308 Murphy, Thomas, 8830, 8831 Murphy, Thomas F., 4981, 4982, 7631 Murray, Alexander A., 8875 Murray, Eleanor M., 3070 Murray, Elsie, 356-358, 3424-3429, 4601, 7053, 8308, 8309 Murray, Joseph A., 1745, 7490-7492 Murray, Louise W., 359, 360, 2727, 3430, 7054 Muschamp, E. A., 3601 Muse, Grace M., 5272 Museums, 2987, 3555, 3563, 3579, 3585, 6550, 6564, 6586, 6611, 6941 Music, 3589-3592, 4518, 4520, 4521, 4523-4525, 4528-4531, 4533, 4594- 4601, 4613, 5200, 5201, 5217, 5218, 5378, 6522, 6523-6526, 6528, 6530, 6532, 6534-6537, 6541, 6542, 6545, 6787, 9151; American, Pennsylvania influence on, 1536; Catholic church, 4520; church, 1537; colonial, 1532- 1554; early, 948, 949; education, 4313; in 18th century, 2955; medieval, among Amish, 959; organizations, 4529, 4531; Pennsylvania German, 959-961, 964; publishing, 6882, 6883 Musical Fund Society of Philadelphia, 4531. 5217 Musser, Florence, 8053 Musser, J. H., 6444, 6867 Musser, Malcolm E., 6467 Musser, Paul H., 3604 Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Germantown, 4021 Muzzle-loaders, 1219; see Rifles Myer, E. R., 4667 Myers, Albert C, 555, 556, 645, 1031, 1089, 2564 6982 Myers, Bernard J., 4287 Myers, C. Maxwell, 4183, 4693 Myers, Clara A., 5147 Myers, Elizabeth L., 1545, 7914 Myers, Eugene A., 1337, 5492 Myers, Gustavus, 5571 Myers, J. C, 9083 Myers, J. M., 8604 Myers, James M., 3134 Myers, Leroy O., 5933 Myers, Richmond E., 196, 3249, 5781 Myers, William H., 8605 Myers, William S., 4815 Myerstown, 7725; academy, 4315; riot of 1793, 3139 Mylin, Amos H., 5106 Mysticism, Pennsylvania German, 965, 966 Myths, Algonkian Indians. 393, 394 N Nachtigall, Hermann, 9086 Names, early, 655 Nanticoke, 7772 Nanticoke Indians, 279, 363, 387, 388, 408, 409 Narrow Fabric Company, 5830 Nash, Charles R., 5132, 6401 Nash, J. V., 3692 Nathan, Robert R., 5881 National Academy of Sciences, 4552 National Archives, Pennsylvania sources in, 127, 128, 135, 153 National Bank of Chester County, 3326 National Bank of Germantown, 3328 National Bank of Northern Liberties, 3347 National Farm School, 5713 National groups, bibliographies, 75-82 National Guard, 7389, 9008, 9017, 9067, 9093, 9121; Battery A and Troup A. 9056; and floods, 9032; see also Militia National Historical Association, 7055 National Labor Union, 5428 National land policy, eastern labor and, 3789 National Park Service, 55 National Recovery Administration, 6626 National Road, 3273, 3279, 3284, 3292, 3293 National Society of Colonial Dames of America, 1198, 2955 National Youth Administration, 6642 Native Americans, 4099-4105, 5169; see also Know Nothing Party Nativism, see Native Americans Natural resources, and wealth in Amer- ica, 4963 Natural science, 4646 Naturalists, 2140 Naturalization, 659, 5628; of German settlers, 674 Naugle, George, 6532 Naulty, E. F., 5223 Naval Asylum, 3412 Navigation, 1561, 3897-3901; early Conestoga, 1249; see also Rivers Navy Yards, 9061 Nazareth, 7910, 7914, 8754; inn, 1669 Nazareth Bicentennial, 7915 Nazareth Hall, 1447, 1448 Nead, Benjamin M., 729, 995, 1338, 1725, 3020, 4794, 7493, 7585 Nead, Daniel W., 730, 731 778 Index Neagle, John, 4413 Neagley, Ross L., 6366 Neal, Janice C, 9165 Nearing, Scott, 5273, 5896 Neaumann, George K., 401 Necarsulmer, Henry, 1048 Needles, Edward, 4137 Needles, Samuel H., 3796 Neel, Gregg L., 6060, 7166 Neely, Anne E. S., autobiography, 6868 Neff, George H., 361, 3615, 3644 Negley, Georgina G., 8832 Negro Mountain, 8144 Negroes, 1051-1065, 2222, 5604, 5607, 5610, 5614, 5630, 5634, 5638, 5640, 5643, 5646, 5647; Bray Associates and, 1058; in business, 5598; Catholic mission to, 6265a; children in public schools, 6368; churches, 8877; colo- nial, 1056; cults, 6265; first national convention, 4132; migrant labor, 5689; new religious bodies, 6278; in Phila- delphia, 4141, 4148, 5054; in politics, 6221, 6227, 6253; problems in rural community, 5603; regiments, in Civil War, 4711; social conditions, 6297; standard of living, 5627; suffrage, 4121; at University of Pittsburgh, 6457; welfare work, 4138; white mar- riage, 5611; white relations with, 6098, 6284; women in industry, 5671; and yellow fever epidemic of 1793, 3401 Neill, Edward D., 2986 Nelles, Walter, 3228 Nelson, S. B., 7568 Nelson mound, Crawford County, 297 Neshaminy, 1397; schools, 1462 Neshaminy Creek: early Presbyterians, 8814; Washington's encampment on, 2590 Neshaminy Presbyterian Church, 8858 Neshannock Presbyterian Church, New Wilmington, 8808 Nether Providence Township, Delaware County, 7534 Nettels, Curtis, 1298 Netting, M. Graham, 197, 198, 247 Neuman, John, Bishop of Philadelphia, 4640 Neusbaum, Frank, 6445, 9166 Neville, General John, 3718 Neville, Presley, 3037 Nevin, Adelaide M., 7208 Nevin, Alfred, 7056, 8833, 8834 Nevin, D. R, 4672 Nevin, Ethelbert, 5397, 5398 Nevin, Fleming, 1664 Nevin, Franklin T., 7167 Nevin, Hugh W, 4457 Nevin, Robert P., 7209 New Amsterdam, 1644 New Berlin, 7934 New Brighton, 7230 New Castle, 348, 7703; and Civil War, 4683 New England: culture, Philadelphia and, 4546; Great Awakening in, 1578; history, 6940; and New Sweden, 444; and Pennsylvania's school system, 4279, 4281; Revolutionary propa- ganda, 2338 New Enterprise, 1496 New Garden Friends Meeting, 8540 New Goshenhoppen, 8909; and Great Swamp Reformed Charge, 8967 New Holland, 7684, 7697 New Holland Reformed Church, 8921 New Hope, 7367 New Jersey, 593, 1386, 2678, 6337, 6440, 6442; colonial currency, 1331; his- tory, 6940; settlement, 446, 636, 7338; see also West New Jersey New Jerusalem Union Church of West- ern Salisbury, 8606 New Kensington, churches, 8385 New Mediterranean Sea Company, 1324 "New Norway," 3779 New Orleans, Reed and Forde's trade with, 3320 New Purchase, pioneer life, 1625 New Sweden, 422-463, 2188, 2189, 2192; early accounts, 427, 439; historical exhibit, 447; houses, 451, 459; Mora- vians in, 8740; and New England, 444; in poetry, 9170; see also Swedish New Wilmington, churches, 8808 New York, 1644, 1923, 2338, 3541, 4790, 5127, 6070, 6102, 6162, 6399, 6440, 6442, 6940, 7030; attempts to form new states, 3112; boundary, 2331- 2333; German emigration from, 740; Palatine Germans in, 712, 714, 745; trade with, 1297, 1298, 3302 New York and Pennsylvania Railway, 5014 Newburg, Judson E., 2646 Newbury, David, 4882 Newcomb, J. T., 5306 Newell, Lyman C, 3738 Newell, W. H., 1960, 8104, 8120 Newlin, Claude M, 3201, 3622, 3623 Newmark, David, 6367 Newmyer, Isabel N., 3202 Newport Road, 1244 Newspapers, 1486, 1487, 3519-3537, 4463 4467-4471, 4475, 4476, 5298, 6073, 6074, 6076, 6077, 6079-6082, 6084, 6086-6088; and Christiana riot, 4166; and Civil War, 4695, 4696; 779 Index colonial, 1460, 1468a, 1476, 1482a, 1483, 1491; Copperhead, 4677, 4678; editorial sentiment in campaign of 1860, 4681; freedom of the press, 3537; German, 1482; Kansas issue in, 4112; on microfilm, checklist, 90; Thomas Paine in, 2922; Pennsylvania German, 777, 914, 915, 917, 926; and politics, 5278; reporting of battle of Gettysburg, 4704; and Revolution, 2344; Tory, 2752; and Washington, 3128; see also Journalism Newspapers and magazines, bibliog- raphies, 83-94 Newton, Sir Isaac, 1842 Newton, J. H., 8177 Newton, Joseph F., autobiography, 6869 Newton Township, Lackawanna County, 7634 Newtown, 7351, 7353, 7364, 7365, 7371; court at, 1700; printers, 4464; in Revolution, 2581, 2674 Newville, churches, 8855 Ney, Henry F., 5224 Niagara, Flagship, 3171a, 3174 Niagara region, French in, 2013 Nicola, Colonel Lewis, letters, 2640 Nichols, Charles L, 2128 Nichols, David E., 9160 Nichols, Edward L., 2464 Nichols, Franklin T., 1961, 1962 Nichols, Henry, Episcopal missionary, 8872 Nichols, Jeannette P., 4983 Nichols, Roy F., 137, 556a, 2911, 4506, 4787, 6761, 6762, 6784, 7057 Nicholson, Blake E., 5454, 6061 Nicholson, Francis, Governor of Mary- land, on Pennsylvania, 1787 Nicholson, John P., 4751 Nicholson Township, Wyoming County, 8218 Nicklin, Philip H., 8311 Nicollo, Tony, 6226 Nicolls, William J., 4955 Niebaum, John H., 9087 Niehoff, Walter H., 5493 Nietz, John A., 4288, 4305 Niles, Henry C, 4800 Nineteenth Congressional District, biog- raphies, 7095 Nitzsche, George E., 6533, 8753 Nixon, Col. John, 2831 Nixon, Lily L., 2111, 2112, 6402 Noble, W. H., 6586 Noble family, 7122 Noblesburg, 7122 Nock, Albert J., 5358, 5572, 8677 Nocton, Edward, 6587 Nolan, Hugh J, 4624, 8418 Nolan, J. Bennett, 88, 199, 1438, 1488, 1517, 1632, 1726, 2234, 2235, 2465- 2467, 2647, 2956, 2972, 3158, 3668, 4507, 4813, 7058, 7262, 7286-7292, 9088 Nolan, Thomas, 6495 Noll, Robert C, 2300 Norcross, George, 996, 8835 Nord, Gerald E., 4883 Norkus, Nellie, 5307 Normal schools, 4317, 5141-5143, 5180, 6367, 6448; women's, 4333; see also State Teachers Colleges Norman, James W., 4077 Norris, George W., 1772, 2176 Norris, Isaac, 1802, 2176 Norris, Sister M. St. Anthony, 8419 Norris locomotives, 3975 Norristown, 4679, 7866, 7871; accultura- tion of Italians in, 5619, churches, 8572; Friends' meeting, 8528; schools, 4272, 4293, 5157 Norriton Presbyterian Church, 8782 Norriton Township, Montgomery Coun- ty, 7884 North American, and protectionism, 3870; see also Pennsylvania Packet North American College, Rome, 8369 North Branch Canal, 3955 North Carolina, Pennsylvania Germans in, 696, 703 North central Pennsylvania, industrial growth, 6674 North Hamilton Township, Franklin County, 7026 North Mountain, 7579 North Pennsylvania Railroad, 3984, 3985, 5008 Northampton County, 1071, 7407, 7895- 7923; biographies, 7406; Catholic Church in, 8411; churches, 8780; early physicians, 1769; education, 7909; Evangelical Church in, 8477; gunmakers, 1163; imprints, 92; local history in schools, 6740; Moravians, 8759; newspapers, 3536; Pennsylvania Germans, 735; Scotch-Irish, 997 Northampton County Historical and Genealogical Society, 997, 7897 Northampton Town, 7740 Northampton Township, Lehigh County, 7759 Northeast High School, Philadelphia, 5156 Northeastern Pennsylvania, 8302, 8338; biographies, 7021; early land titles, 3210; early Methodism, 8708; flora, 267; gorges and waterfalls, 185 Northern Medical Association of Phila- delphia, 4433 780 Index Northern Pennsylvania, 7075; folklore, 9176, 9177, 9181, 9182, 9184, 9185, 9189; folk song, 9139; Methodism in, 8710; scenery, 7019 Northern Tier counties, early French influence in, 3425 Northumberland, 7935, 7936, 7942 Northumberland Baptist Association, 8367 Northumberland Bridge Company, 3267 Northumberland County, 3615, 7035, 7418, 7924-7947; biographies, 7013; boundaries, 7944; Catholic Church in, 8433; churches, 8559, 8773; Com- mittee of Safety, 2594, 2621; early roads, 3260; economic survey, 7943; income, 7941; Indians, 298, 361; land grants, 1069; militia during Revolu- tion, 2675; music, 3595; Pennsylvania German folk songs, 946; Pennsylvania German wills, 814; railroads, 3991; Reformed Church, beginnings, 8962; townships, 7928; women, 7932 Northumberland Presbytery, 8791 Northwestern Pennsylvania, 1980a, 2332, 7009, 7010, 7023, 7045, 7049, 7064-7066, 7069; culture, 3497; for- ests, 193; lands, 3199, 3200; and panic of 1837, 4034; Presbyterians in, 8793; settlement, 3645; Swedish settle- ment, 3784; see also Western Penn- sylvania Norton, A. Tiffany, 2728 Norton, Paul F, 3512 Norwegian immigration, 3768, 3771, 3778, 3779 Norwood, Alberta S., 4138 Norwood, William G., 4384 Nosal, Walter S., 6446 Notes and Queries, 979; bibliography, 24 Novak, Beatrice H. C, 2809 Nuermberger, Ruth K., 4139 Nulls, Alden B., 6598 Nunn, W. L., 5946 Nurick, Gilbert, 5494 Nursing, 1768, 1783, 6600; industrial, 6602 Nuschke, Marie K., 4884 Nutting, Wallace, 8312, 8313 Oakley, Amy, 6983 Oakley, Thornton, 4415, 5782, 6786, 6870 Oakley, Violet, 607 Oartel, J. S., 6588 Oberholtzer, Ellis P., 1518, 2816, 2817, 3545, 3630, 4805, 5225, 6836, 7967 Obering, William F., 2912 Oberly, Frank C, 8607 Obreiter, John, 9089 O'Brien, Charles, 5252 O'Brien, E. F., 557 O'Brien, Michael J., 1032, 1033, 1034 Obstetrical Society of Philadelphia, 4445 Occupations, inheritance of, 5662 Och, Joseph T, 774 Ochsenford, Solomon E., 5191 O'Connor, Harvey, 4885, 6849 O'Connor, John, Jr., 4416 O'Connor, M., Bishop of Pittsburgh, 8373 Octorara Valley: early schools, 4277; former industries, 3793 Octoraro Farmers Club, 4053 Oda, Wilbur H, 4472 Odgers, Merle M., 2468, 4334, 4553, 4554 Odhner, C. T., 448 Odle, Thomas D., 3869 Odum, H. W., 6368 Oertel, Hugo, 558 Offermann, H., 6817 Ogden, John C, 8754 Ogilvie, John S., 7394 O'Hara, Gerald P., 8420 O'Hara, General James, 3719; land- holdings, 3208 O'Hara, Joseph M., 8421 O'Hara, S. M. R., 6132 O'Hara-Schenley properties, 7214 Ohio, 1644, 1920, 6399; Pennsylvania and, 1908 Ohio Company, 1889, 1890; papers, 1888 Ohio country (1783-1815), 3183 Ohio River, 5751, 5780, 5985, 8294, 8333, 8346; Anglo-French rivalry on, 1862, 2004; commerce (1787-1936), 3312; French on, 2002; Hutchins' survey of, 179; Indian war, 2711; National Road terminus on, 3293; navigation, 3900, 3901 3295, 5786; Pittsburgh and, 7162; steamboats, 3298; and westward movement, 1906 Ohio Valley, 1917, 1923; early salt trade, 1278; economic .history, 5821; French claims to, 2001; Indian trade, 1308, 1313, 1315, 1320; Indians, 308, 323, 1985; Indians, Moravian missions among, 8728; literary magazines, 3543; newspapers before 1812, 3535; pioneering and money in, 2961; 781 Index schools, student life, 4305; settlement, 1895; transportation, 1237, 3914; upper, and culture, 3499; wholesale prices (1816-1860), 3860 Ohl, Albert 7745, 7746 Oil fields, early maps, 4946 Oil industry see Petroleum industry Oil region, J. W. Booth in, 4566; and Liberal Republican movement, 5299 Oil wells, 4947 Okie, John M., 4054 Okie, Richardson Brognard, 6871 Old age, problems, 6329 Old age assistance, 6314; housing, 6298; relatives' responsibility in, 6303 Old Believers, Russian, 5641 Old Eagle School, 1443 Old Economy, 4230-4232, 4234, 4236, 4238, 4240, 4242-4245, 4249; see Harmony Society Old Glade Road, 1949; see also Forbes' Road Old Gulph Road, 1260 Old Swedes' Church, 1597 Old York Road, 1277, 8070; meeting houses on, 8530 Olds, Irving S., 2010 Oleana, 3768, 3787 Oleweiler, Robert W., 8951 Oley Valley, 7025; Moravians in, 8739; revival in, 1615 Oliphant, J. Orin, 4997 Oliver, F. L., 1913 Oliver, Henry W., 5399 Oliver, John W., 5308, 5354, 6717 Oliver, L. Stauffer, 1727 Olmsted, E. W, 194 Olmsted, Frederick Law, on Lee's escape, 4752 Omnibus Bill, T. Stevens and, 4115 Omwake, John, 1284 O'Neill, Wayne F., 3074 Onondago, 8343 Ontario: Mennonites in, 3207, 8655; Pennsylvania Germans in, 701, 847, 878; Pennsylvania Indians in, 2717 Open pulpit controversy, 6267 Opera, 4523; in Philadelphia, 4518, 4521 Ophthalmology, 5169 Opp, Mrs. Howard C., 7795 Oppenheim, James, 5573 Orchard, W. C, 646 Organ building, 3592 Orlow, Abram, 5628 Ormsby, John, 1914, 3038 Orndorff, Christian, family, 2177 Orndorff, Harry E, 2648 Orndorff, James R., 2177 Orpheus Club of Philadelphia, 6536 Orr, John G., 1285, 3286, 4310 Orreries, first, 2938, 2940 Orrill, Lawrence A., 1915, 2997 "Oruktor Amphibolos," 3248, 3552 Orwigsburg Academy, 4324 Osage County, Kansas, 4123 Osenbach, C. L., 8584 Osgood. Herbert L., 1798 Osier, William, and Howard A. Kelly, 5377 Osmond, J., 8836 Osterweis, Rollin G., 3695 Oswald, John C, 2469 Oswald, Jonathan, 8608 Otto, Bodo, 1755, 2832 Otto, John Augustus, 3720 Otto, Ivo V., 1123 Otzinachson, 7050 Ourry, Captain Lewis, 1933; and Dr. Samuel Johnson, 1934 Overbrook Farms, Philadelphia, 8004 Overseas relief, textiles and, 6714 Overton Township, Bradford County, 7329 Owen, Eugene D., 1439 Owens, J. G., 9167 Owens, Robert L., 4216 Oxford, 7105, 7436 Pace, Antonio, 2470 Pacific Railroad, Pennsylvania and building of, 5004 Pacifism: in colonial Pennsylvania, 602, 603, 604; see also Conscientious ob- jectors Packard, Francis R., 1773-1776, 2957 Packer, Asa, 5400; and Lehigh Univer- sity, 5163 Packer, Governor William Fisher, 464 1 Page, Eugene R., 919 Page, Evelyn, 449, 4752 Page, Ralph E., 4596 Page, Walter H., 6876 Paine, Thomas, 2833-2845; on Bank of North America, 2923; and the Frank- lins, 2513; in Pennsylvania news- papers, 2922; and the Quaker attitude toward Revolution, 2545; and the Walkers, 3039 Paine, William K., 4788 Paint industry, records, 1 22*-* Painters and painting, 1379-1382, 1385, 2124, 2133-2136, 3505, 3506, 3577 782 Index Paintings, 57 Palatine Germans, 677, 689, 702, 712, 725, 745, 6968; emigration from New York, 724, 740; Huguenots and, 1025; Puritans and, 956; as settlers, 662 Palmer, Charles, 7535 Palmer, Charles K., 3312 Palmer, Gladys L., 5705, 5706, 5871, 6635, 6676 Palmer, Harold D, 3407 Palmer, Louis D., 8708 Palmer, R. R., 2842 Palmer, W. F., 5374 Palmer, General William Jackson, 5401 Palmer-Poroner, Bruno J., 4508 Palmyra, 7712 Palmyra Academy, 4321 Panabaker, D. N., 1912 Paniagua, Evelyn S., 4458 Panics: of 1837, 4034, 4035; of 1857, 4033; of 1873, 4976; see also De- pressions Pankey, William R., 8362 Pannebecker, Hendrick, 2178 Pannier, Jacques, 2094 Pantisocracy, Priestley and, 3431, 3739 Paoli "massacre," 2589, 2593, 2608, 2655 Paper currency, colonial, 1347 Papermaking, 1193, 1200, 2193, 5900; early, 1128, 1134, 1174; at Ephrata, 1208; at Miquon, 1169; pioneers of, 1204; power development, 1203; shortages during Revolution, 2553 Paper mill, Rittenhouse, 1128, 1177 Pardons, 5258 Pargellis, Stanley, 1963 Paris: Franklin in, 2496; manuscripts in, 152 Paris, Comte de, 4752a Parish, David, American career, 3350 Parish schools, beginnings, 1429 Park, L. M., 4335 Park, Mary C, 3431, 3739 Parke, John E., 7168 Parke, Thomas, 3040 Parker, Arthur C, 362, 363, 364 Parker, J. Brooks B., 1689 Parker, Rachel and Elizabeth, kidnap- ping of, 4162 Parker, Theodore R., 4753 Parker, Thomas H., 9090 Parker, William, and Christiana riot, 4168 Parkins, A. E., 3999 Parks, 437; community, 5793; State, recreation and education in, 5777 Parks, William, and Franklin, 2440 Parochial education, 5127; see also Schools and Education Parole, 6111, 6120, 6145, 6159; evidence rule, 6113; see also Probation Parrish, H. L., 5659 Parrish, Joseph, 3721 Parry, Albert, 9168 Parry, David M., 5402 Parry, Edwin S., 2852 Parry, Richard R., 2649, 7367 Parsons, Elsie C, 9169 Parsons, Frank, 5858 Parsons, Wilfrid, 1489 Parsons, William, 2179, 2180 Parton, James, 2471, 7169 Partridge, Richard, 2181 Pascal, Leo, 5988 Passavant, Dettmar, 3609 Passavant, William A., 4243 Passenger pigeon, 236, 248; Indian hunting of, 2715a Passmore, Walter H., 7313 Pastorius, Francis Daniel, 666, 2182- 2185, 8314; and German immigration, 708; literary work, 928, 1503; Penn and, 576 Path Valley: Presbyterian churches, 8774; Scotch-Irish pioneers, 998 Pathology, 3568 Patroons, 466 Pattee, Fred L, 1690 Pattee, Sarah L., 6497 Patten, John, 1256, 1312; map, 1897 Patterson, A. W., 1917 Patterson, B. S., 6498 Patterson, David F., 5253 Patterson, E. M., 5964, 6062 Patterson, John S., 6516 Patterson, Joseph F., 5060, 5061 Patterson, R. J., 5497, 6677 Patterson, Robert M., 1519 Patterson, T. Elliott, 6133 Pattin, John, see Patten, John Patton, Henry B., 6134 Paul, Alice, 6135 Paul, Henry N., 1691 Paul, James L, 5107 Paul, Ruth F, 5671 Paxson, Henry D., 248, 450, 4886 Paxson, Isaac, 8121 Paxtang Presbyterian Church, 8819, 8841 Paxton, Edward D., 6207 Paxton, Edward T., 6214 Paxton Boys, 2019, 2026; march of, 1861 Payton, Jacob S., 8709 Peach Bottom Railway Company, 5011 Peale, Charles Willson, 1362, 2846, 3722, 3723, 3726; and American Philosoph- ical Society, 3724; and museums, 3555, 3579; works, 3515; and Yarrow 78:5 Index Mamout, 3577 Peale-Sellers collection, 3578 Pearce, Josiah S., 7881 Pearce, Stewart, 7770 Pears, Thomas C, Jr., 1440, 1441, 1605, 8837, 8838 Pears, Thomas C, 3rd, 3229 Pearse, John B., 1201 Pearson, H. G., 5404 Pearson, Hesketh, 2843 Pearson, John, 3773 Pechan Bill, 6722 Peck, George, 7059, 8710 Peck, Mrs. Miles L., 2729 Peckham, Betty, 3474, 8235 Peckham, Howard H., 1319, 2039, 2040, 2730 Pedder, Laura G., 3656 Peeling, James H., 3135, 3708 Pehrson, Immanuel C, diary, (1862- 63), 4687 Peiffer, Levi S., 836 Peirce, Charles, 3573 Peirce, Patricia, 1202 Pemberton, Israel, 2186 Pemberton, James, 1802 Penal and correctional system, 6103, 6140 Penal institutions: colonial, 1739, 1741: see also Jails; Penitentiaries; Prisons Pendleton, Othniel A., 3373 Pendleton, Othniel A., Jr., 3442, 3462 Penington, Isaac, and Penn, 524 Penitentiaries, see Prisons Penn, Granville, 1816 Penn, Gulielma Maria Springett, 480, 529, 1812, 1815; grave, 481; manor, 1086, 7876 Penn, John, 6984; journal, 1814; Manor of Muncy, 1101 Penn, Letitia, 529 Penn, Richard, manor of, 1823 Penn, Thomas, and Reading, 7291 Penn, Sir William, 475, 557, 1816 Penn, William, 436, 452, 467-589, 597, 607, 611, 613, 1802, 8523; and Amer- ican liberties, 494; and Lord Balti- more, 606, 2268, 2274; bibliography, 15, 95; as business man, 489; as capitalist, 528; and Catholics, 517, 535, 541, 566; children, 480, 1821; as colonizer, 424, 542; conference with Colonel Talbot, 1073; conservatism, 591; correspondence, 482, 483; courts, 1713; and Dutch Quaker migration, 1038; early life, 556; and English politics (1680-81), 554; first visit to Pennsylvania, 619; as Friend, 486; home life, 498, 505; homes, 479, 487, 498, 505, 549, 556a; as horticulturist, 534; Indian policy, Bishop of London and, 641; Indian treaties, 638; and Indians, 542, 633, 639, 651; journals, 485, 518; landing place, 622; as law- giver, 488; and Pastorius, 576; and peace, 562, 573; and Philadelphia, 627, 628; as pragmatist, 470; religion, 496; and religious liberty, 606, 608; and the Royal Society, 484; Shacka- maxon treaty with Indians, 631, 634, 635, 643, 644, 648; and slavery, 539; social philosophy, 469, 513, 528; and Susquehanna River, 626; and Sussex, 1810; travels in Holland and Ger- many, 567; Robert Wade and, 555; Weems' biography, 580; and West New Jersey, 491; and witchcraft, 564; writings, 497, 547, 561, 563a, 582 Penn Charter School, 1410, 1444 Penn family, 560, 1810-1823, 2178; charter rights, 58; claim to Delaware, 2287; dispute with Calverts, 1092, 2268, 2274; general title to Pennsyl- vania, 1818; land patents in forks of the Delaware, 1071; land system, 1080; manors, 1081, 7140; and taxa- tion of estates of, 1817; and western Pennsylvania land titles, 1091 Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, 4032 Penn Square, Reading, 7279, 7286 Penn State Players, 6445 Penn Township, and strip mining, 5929 Penn wampum belts, 646, 647, 652 Pennamite Wars, 2313-2315, 2318, 2323 Pennell, Elizabeth R., 5386, 6872, 8055 Pennell, Francis W., 1565a, 3606 Pennell, Joseph, 6872, 8056 Penniman, James H., 7968 Pennington, Edgar L., 1058, 1606, 2125, 2143, 8892-8894 Pennington family, 1822 Pennock family, 1649 Penn's Cave, 206 Penns Creek massacre, 2045, 2049, 2050 Penn's Valley, lower fort in, 2737 Pennsbury Manor, 479, 487, 498, 505, 549, 556a Pennsylvania: in American history, 2706, 6781, 6989; bibliographies, 15, 17-26; as center of population distri- bution, 1896; Charter of, 554, 597, 609, 615, 1786; civil and religious liberty, 606; climate, 166; compre- hensive history proposed, 6768-6770; Confederate invasion, 4730, 4737; Congressional delegations, 3137; coun- ties, 6985 {see also Counties and County and local history); and Declaration of Independence, 2573; 784 Index defiance of the United States, 3115; and Delaware, 1300 (see also Dela- ware); descriptions, 6659, 6660, 6663- 6666, 6678, 6680, 6684, 6685, 6687, 6694-6696, 6702, 6997; documents, checklist of, 71; in early London newspapers, 594; early promotion literature, 656; encyclopedia, 6935; extra-legal governmental machinery (1774-76), 2543; finances, 1338, 1346, 4024, 4030, 4794; financial conditions during and after Revolution, 2571; financial and economic history, 1343, 2939; founding of, 467-652; frames of government, 591, 597; frontier policy, 632; "Fundamental Constitutions," 601; future of, 6702; Golden Age of, 3500; government aid to commerce, 3862; historical sketches, 6938, 6953, 6960, 6964, 6977, 6983, 6986-6989; history, general, 169, 4199, 5477, 6940, 6942, 6943, 6946-6948, 6950- 6952, 6954, 6956, 6957, 6961, 6962, 6966, 6967, 6970, 6971, 6976, 6981, 6984, 6986, 6990, 6992, 6993, 6995, 6996, 6998, 7004-7006; history maga- zines, checklist, 94; history, and morale, 6727; history textbooks, 6944, 6945, 6949, 6952, 6955, 6958, 6959, 6963, 6965, 6969, 6972-6975, 6978- 6980, 6990, 6991, 6994, 6999-7002; history, writing and research on, 6746, 6748, 6754, 6756, 6757, 6761, 6766, 6768-6771, 6779; legislative history, 3126; legislators, 4843; legislature, constitutional limitations on, 2878; movement to make royal province, 1806; navy, 2587; physical features, 161-224; and Presidential nomina- tions, 4068; revenue, 1332; Revolu- tionary movement in, 2341; sectional- ism (1790-1812), 3124; statistics, 59; Swedish heritage, 435; troops, mutiny of, 2671, 2688; war government in, 4790; in World War II, 6715, 6718, 6721, 6725, 6726, 6730; yearly sur- veys, 6694-6696, 6730 colonial, 599, 600, 6937, 6968, 6971, 6984, 6992, 6998, 7004, 7006- 7008; contemporary description, 748, 1975, 1985; ethnic elements, 660; French in, 1019; German settlers, 944; government, 610, 1784-1809; growing friction with Britain, 2334- 2348; land system, 1066-1101; living conditions, 1916; and pacifism, 602- 604; political leaders, 1802; Scotch- Irish of, 977; society, 1066-1783; sources, 6939, 6982; wars, 598, 1850 constitutions, 440, 591, 597, 2979; of 1776, 2875-2893, 5537; of 1838, 4094-4098; of 1873, 5287-5296; convention of 1788, 2895; evolution of, 4097; religious freedom in, 2876; revision of, 5481; votes on amend- ments to, 5290 politics, 3114, 3116-3118, 3122; (1776-1790), 2875, 2887; (1781- 1787), 2893; (1783-1794), 2892; (1790-1801), 3141; (1799-1808), 3135; (1800-1816), 3125; early 19th century, 3133 Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 6489 Pennsylvania Agricultural College, 5033 Pennsylvania Archives, 138-147, 149; economic material, 61; guide to, 129 Pennsylvania Argus, 4463 Pennsylvania Association (1747), 1847 Pennsylvania Board of Parole, 6111 Pennsylvania Board of Public Charities, 5108 Pennsylvania Canal, 3953; boatbuilding, 3944; building of, 3939; Lehigh and Delaware Division, 3941; pirates, 3949; along Susquehanna River, 3945, 3946; see also State Works Pennsylvania College for Women (now Chatham College), 5187 Pennsylvania Company for Insurances on Lives and Granting Annuities, 3342, 3349 Pennsylvania Conference, United Breth- ren, Church, 8996 Pennsylvania Department of Agricul- ture, 5034 Pennsylvania Department of Com- merce, 5898, 5899, 6985 Pennsylvannia Department of Forests and Waters, 5763 Pennsylvania Department of Highways, 5470 Pennsylvania Department of Internal Affairs, 5629, 6063, 6637 Pennsylvania Department of Justice, 6091 Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, 5683-5685 Pennsylvania Department of Public As- sistance, 6638, 6679 Pennsylvania Department of Public In- struction, 4289, 5499, 6369, 6680 Pennsylvania Department of Welfare, 5630, 6639 Pennsylvania Dragoons, 9026 Pennsylvania Farm Show, 4052, 5718 Pennsylvania Federation of Historical Societies, yearbook, 158 785 Index: Pennsylvania Game Commission, 5783 Pennsylvania Gazette, 1476 Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 184, 190, 202 Pennsylvania German Folklore Society, 879 Pennsylvania German Magazine, his- tory and index, 908 Pennsylvania Germans, 662, 666-969, 1496, 1629, 1807, 2126, 2196, 2197; agriculture, 768-777; almanacs, 816, 851-853, 855-857, 898; architecture, 781, 782, 784; art, 778-780, 783-804, 812, 1360; barns and barn symbols, 771, 792; Bibles, 957; bibliographies, 78-82; bird lore, 869; bookplates, 886; British authorities and, 943; in British military prisons, 2660; character, 706; children, 806; and Christmas, 963; churches, 1621; in colonial public life, 742; cookery, 805, 810, 812, 817, 818, 820, 821, 871; country, tours of, 694, 695; crafts, 784, 785; culture, 671, 757, 802, 803, 907, 1348; culture, Pastorius and, 666; customs, 825; de- funct sects, 962; devotional literature, 965; domestic and social life, 805-830; early art industries, 787; early litera- ture, 920; early physicians, 2123; early printers, 891; and education, 831-840, 1405, 1407, 1411, 1412, 1426, 1430, 1431, 1433, 1436a, 1455, 1456; emigration to England (1709), 684; and the English, 664; and English language, 919, 922, 934; in Episcopal Church, 8874; farmland, 773; fences, 1121; in fiction, 911, 912; folk festival, 831a; folk medicine, 842, 844, 847, 856, 859, 864; folk songs, 893, 946; folklore, 831a, 841-879, 9126; Franklin on, 2362; furniture, 811, 824; guide to antiques, 796; Hessians and, 2638; and higher education, 834; humor, 816, 830; hymns, 950, 954; illumi- nated manuscripts, 780, 794, 797; im- migration, 685, 686, 699, 707, 708, 732; imprints, 91, 92, industries, 1206; and the Irish, 728; language, 668, 887-890, 896, 897, 899, 901, 904, 909, 910, 913, 916, 917, 922, 923, 926, 927, 929, 931, 933, 936; language and liter- ature, 880-940, 1503; lists of arrivals, 758; magic, 859, 860, 866, 867; man- ners, 958; in Maryland, 679, 730; and Middle West, 723; missionaries, 1590; music, 948-950, 954, 959-961, 964, 1534, 1538-1540, 1542, 1545, 1548, 1549, 1551; mysticism, 965, 966; and natural sciences, 837; naturalization of, 674; newspapers, 111, 914, 915, 926; newspapers, English words in, 917; newspapers and Revolution, 2575; in North Carolina, 696, 703; in Ontario, 701, 847, 878, 3207, 8655; organizations, 682; pioneers, 736, 737; plant names, 772; poets and poetrv, 880, 881, 883-885, 894, 900, 902, 903, 921, 969, 9162; and politics, 941-944; pottery, 779; printing, 928; problems in colonial Pennsylvania, 734; racial composition, 751; religion, 945, 947, 950-960, 962, 963, 965-969, 1583, 1588, 1590, 1593, 1598, 1600, 1602, 1607-1609; religious communities, 947; and Revolution, 2695; and the Scotch-Irish, 664; significance, 688, 692, 693, 721, 729, 749, 754, 767; social conditions, 18th century, 713; stories, 881, 883; stoves and stove plates, 793; superstitions, 841-843, 848; and Swedish, 454; Valley Forge and, 2661; weather lore, 850, 857; wills, 813-815; from Wurttemberg, 765; see also Germans, Swiss Pennsylvania Hall, 4133 Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 22, 6751, 6755, 6756, 8091; see also Penn- sylvania Historical and Museum Commission Pennsylvania Historical Junto, 148 Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, program, 6772, 6773, 6775, 6776, 6779; see also Pennsyl- vania Historical Commission Pennsylvania Historical Survey, 89, 6748, 6766, 7233, 7263, 7314, 7335, 7536, 7552, 7569, 7573, 7598, 7657, 7704, 7747, 7771, 8183, 8197, 8201, 8216 Pennsylvania History, 19 Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, 4048 Pennsylvania Hospital, 1748, 1750, 1754, 1763, 1771, 1776, 4438, 4440; Franklin and, 1773; see also Blockley and Blockley Hospital Pennsylvania Hospital Unit, World War I, 9051 Pennsylvania Institution for the In- struction of the Blind, 6280 Pennsylvania Labor Relations Act, 5710 Pennsylvania Ledger, 2752 Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board, 5485; see also Alcoholic beverages, control of Pennsylvania Mounted Police, sec Pennsylvania State Police Pennsylvania Music Educators Associa- tion, 6523 Pennsylvania Packet, 1486. 1487 786 Index Pennsylvania Penal Commission, 6136 Pennsylvania Population Company, 3197, 3198 Pennsylvania Post-War Planning Com- mission, 5500, 5501 Pennsylvania Prison Society, 3384, 3385 Pennsylvania Public Charities Associa- tion, 6313 Pennsylvania Public Service Commis- sion, 5963 Pennsylvania Railroad, 3956, 3961, 3965, 4000, 4002, 4007, 4010, 4016, 5012, 5019, 5020, 6000, 6005, 6007, 6008; locomotives, 4001, 4015 Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, 9109 Pennsylvania rifles, see Rifles Pennsylvania Road, 3289 Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Com- pany, 3817, 3820 Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, 4137, 4141 Pennsylvania Society for the Promotion of Public Schools, 4280 Pennsylvania State College, see Penn- sylvania State University Pennsylvania State Grange, 5022, 5026 Pennsylvania State Library, 23, 35, 36, 71, 4481, 4502; newspaper files, 86 Pennsylvania State Museum, 6941 Pennsylvania State Police, 6108, 6114, 6116, 6126-6129 Pennsylvania State Road, 3257 Pennsylvania State University, formerly Pennsylvania State College, 4360; dramatics, 6445; and education, 5192; Federal aid, 5144, 5145; presidents, 6904, 6905; School of Chemistry and Physics, in World War II, 6703 Pennsylvania Turnpike, 5984; landscape treatment, 5996; restaurant stations, 5992 Pennsylvania Volunteers, 9005 Pennsylvania Week, 6681 Pennsylvania Welfare Conference, 6326 Pennsylvania Writers' Project, 2565, 4244, 6986, 7170, 8316 Pennsylvanian, 4475 Penny, John P., 2073, 4694 Penn-York Valley, tales of, 9130 Pennypacker, Charles H., 7437 Pennypacker, Isaac R., 464, 465, 4818, 5309, 6176 Pennypacker, Governor Samuel W., 466, 732, 920, 1442, 2122, 2178, 2650, 2651, 2865, 6174-6178, 6186, 6987- 6990, 7438; administration, 6176; autobiography, 6873 Penology, 3358, 3360, 3361, 3366. 3369, 3370, 3373, 3374, 3377-3389; eco- nomics of, 6092; evolution, 3389, 6093, 6094 Penrose, Boies, 6179-6181 Penrose, Boies, 1090, 3658, 7953 Pentz, William C, 7458 Pepper, George Wharton, 6874; auto- biography, 6875 Pepper, William, 2472, 2473, 5403 Pequea, academy at, 1391 Perkins, Frederic B., 14 Perkins, Mrs. George A., 8317 Perkins, Jacob, 4449 Perkins, Julia A., 7060 Perkiomen Valley, 7028, 7070; Catholic missions, 8430; charcoal iron industry in, 1154, 3217; churches, 8967; In- dians, 332 Perrine, William, 2652 Perrins, Thomas G., 2653 Perrott, Eleanor S., 6991 Perry, George S, 200, 7171, 7969 Perry, Josephine, 4957 Perry, Lorinda, 5672 Perry Oliver Hazard, 3176, 3178, 3727, 3728; building of fleet, 3181, 3185 Perry, William S., 8895 Perry County, 7029, 7106, 7948-7952; biographies, 7020, 7600; in Civil War, 4714; Lutheran congregations, 8564 Pershing, Benjamin H., 4795 Pervy, Charlotte S., 7347 Peters, Barbara J., 3639 Peters, C. Howard, 8711 Peters, Eleanor, 4754 Peters, Madison C, 2857 Peters, Richard, 2187 Peters, Richard, Jr., 4054, 5831 Peterson, Arthur, 9170 Peterson, C. Stewart, 37, 4583 Peterson Charles E., 3513, 8058 Peterson, O. A., 249 Petrie, Samuel, Franklin and, 2512 Petroglyphs, 293 Petroleum, 8177; drilling for, 5808; Silliman's report, 4964 Petroleum industry, 3835, 3836, 4905- 4907, 4911-4915, 4917, 4921-4923, 4926-4931, 4935-4938, 4941-4944, 4946-4954, 4957, 4961, 4962, 4964, 4966, 4968-4970, 4975, 5897; bibliog- raphy, 62; company prospectuses, 4958; Harmony Society and, 3826: oil war of 1872, 4936; pictures, 4929; raiIro;id competition and, 4944; sources, 62; see also Oil fields, Oil region, Oil wells Petrullo, V. M., 365 Petry, Howard K., 4441 PettengiU, George F., 1566, 4r,20 Peyote, 365 787 Index Pfatteicher, Helen E., 8609 Pfohl, J. Kenneth, 8731 Pfund, Harry W, 733 Pharmacy, education in, 4353, 4362 Phelan, Thomas P., 2991 Phelps, E. J, 7686 Phelps, Martha B., 2731 Philadelphia, 620, 625, 1807, 2202, 3417, 3544, 3879, 3986, 6974, 7953-8087, 8378, 8384, 8423, 8428; almshouses, 1761, 1764, 3407, 4440; and American Revolution, 2525, 2541; 2568, 2636; anti-Catholic riots, 4100-4103, 4105; antislavery fairs, 4143; architecture, 1364, 1383, 1384, 1387, 4410, 5207, 6477, 6481, 6483, 6487, 6488, 6490, 6491, 6494, 6495; art, 3501, 4591, 4618, 6493; art collections, 5227, 6489; art schools, 5165; arts and crafts, 1375, 2959; bacteriology in, 6576; ballet, 6535; balloon ascensions, 3495, 3569; banks and banking, 3322, 3324, 3325, 3327, 3328, 3335, 3338, 3343, 3345, 3347, 4038, 4039, 4980, 6046; bibliography, 15, 34; biographies, 2257, 4675, 5437, 5442, 5443, 5445; Birch's views, 3517; Blankenburg ad- ministration, 5460; Joseph Bonaparte in, 3423, 3436; and book publishing, 3538, 6504; book trade, 50, 4486; boss rule, 6222-6226; botanists, 241; brickmakers, 1158; bridges, 8061; British occupation, 2538, 2646, 2663, 2953; building societies, 5052; busi- ness, 4570, 6054, 8045; cabinetmakers, 1236; calico and linen printing, 1156; campaign of 1896, 5277; and canal movement, 3947; cathedral, 8403; Catholic beginnings, 8383, 8393; Catholic bishops, 4589, 4623, 4624, 4640; Catholic Church in, 8405; Cath- olic education, 4259, 4260; charity problem, 5101; charter, 629, 5488, 6247; chemical manufacturing, 3849; chemistry, 3580; child labor, 5680; child welfare in 1836, 3405; children's homes, 5092; china making, 1157; Chinese in, 5602, 5626; Chippendale furniture, 1225; churches and meeting houses, 1584, 2222, 8352, 8353, 8356, 8359, 8360, 8363, 8364, 8390, 8393, 8394, 8400, 8404, 8407, 8408, 8413, 8414, 8438, 8560, 8582, 8583, 8614, 8627, 8635, 8703, 8721, 8765, 8770, 8789, 8798, 8800, 8829, 8830, 8842, 8849, 8876, 8877, 8881-8883, 8885, 8890, 8899, 8900, 9000; churches under British occupation, 2566, 2662; city councils, 5263; city-county di- lemma, 5474; civic improvement, 5544; civil service, 5507, 5514; in Civil War, 4691, 4770; clergymen and Revolu- tion, 2549; clothing workers' union, 5701; consolidation, 8038, 8062; Con- tinental Army and, 2615; coroner system, 6203; corruption, 5571, 5582, 5583, 6219; courthouse, 1717; creation of, 616-618, 620, 621, 623-629; cricket, 4539, 4547; crime in, 3363, 6155; cul- ture, 2928, 2929, 3496, 4613, 5229, 5231, 5234, 5235, 8023; customs serv- ice, 3319; defense industries, 6667; defenses (1777), 2606; and Delaware, 2954; Democratic Party in, 6204; dentistry, 4363, 6562; depression, 6614, 6623, 6624, 6628; Dickens in, 4497; early Catholic publishers, 1489; early theater, 1690-1692, 1695; eco- nomic resources, 6653; education, 4306, 4493, 6342 (see also schools); election of 1940, 6256; election frauds, 5262, 5482, 5592, 6200; election methods, 5589, 5592; electric service, 5960; and the embargo, 3182; emer- gency aid of 1776, 2645; employ- ment, 6630, 6647; English books in, 3547; Episcopal Academy, 1404; Evan- gelical Churches and reform, 3442; expeditions to Labrador, 1570; Fair- mount Park, 8030; and Federal con- vention, 2894, 2909; feminism, 4247; in fiction, 1527, 3541; finance, 6032; finances, 5455, 5467; first book printed, 1504; first Catholic diocesan synod, 8418; first nun, 8436; flora, 225; food, 8001; foundry production, 5798, 5803; Franklin and, 628; French in, 3434, 3435; French diplomacy in, 2559; and Friends, 8490, 8492, 8542, 8544; gardens, 235, 7995; gas, 5867, 5957, 5976, 5977 (see also Philadel- phia Gas Works); Genet, Citizen, in, 3113; Georgian architecture and, 3504; German academy, 2937; Ger- man immigrants, 685, 3765, 3766; German newspapers, 1482; glassmak- ing, 1157; government, 5456, 7981; Greek Revival architects, 4409; gro- cers, cooperation among, 6062; ground rents, 1090; guide, 8010; health, 1747, 5088; Hebrew Education Society, 5129; historic sites and buildings, 8032, 8039, 8040, 8042, 8043, 8054, 8065, 8068, 8085; as historical re- search center, 6746; Holme's plan, 617; home ownership, 6673; home rule, 5473; hosiery workers, 6619; hospitals, 1748, 1750, 1751a, 1754, 1761-1764, 1768, 1771, 1773, 1776, 4424, 4440, 5105; housing, 5655, 5659, 788 Index 6312, 6624; iconography, 8025; and Illinois Senatorial election (1858), 4180; importation of French books, 1509; Indian treaty for site of, 650; inland navigation to Midletown, 1279; instrumentmakers, 1159; insur- ance, 1329, 1345, 3332, 6043; Italians in, 5609; Jews of, 1043, 1047, 1050, 5612; King's customs in, 2342; Kip- ling and, 8036; Knights Templar, 3459; as laboratory of history, 6737; land titles, 1084, 1085; land values, 5655; lawyers, 1699, 1707, 3354, 3372, 5245, 5250, 5251, 6156, 6819; legal aid work, 6110; libraries, 4492, 4501, 4510, 6517; lists of arrivals, 758; literary landmarks, 5211; literature, 3545, 4509, 5225, 5226, 6518; lithog- raphy, 4466; little theater movement, 6539; living costs, 5892, 5905; lot- teries, 1657; Lowell in, 4482; maga- zines, 1492, 3548, 4511; Main Line district, see Main Line; marine in- surance, 3332; Market Street, 8022; marketing area survey, 6042; mar- riage selection, 6279; Master Builders' Exchange, 5067; mayors, 2139, 2161, 2191, 3702; as medical center, 6559, 6598; medical literature, 52; medical students in Europe (1750-1800), 2927; medicine, 1759, 1774, 1777, 1780, 1782a, 3550, 3558, 3574, 3576, 3755, 4433, 4434, 4442, 4447, 6563, 6582-6584; merchants, 1927, 3310, 3316, 4844; metropolitan problem, 5550, 5596; military school, 4712; millinery trade, 5672; mills, 3796; minutes of committee of defense (1814-15), 3177; Moravian Church, 8756; mother's assistance, 6299; Municipal League, 5590; museums, 3579, 6586; music, 1543, 1544, 3590, 3591, 4309, 4520, 4530, 4531, 5217, 6526, 6536; as national capital, 7960, 8005; nation's birthplace, 7983, 8024; Naval Asylum, 3412; Navy Yards, 9061; and New England culture, 4546; and North American College, Rome, 8369; novelists, 6516; Old Swedes' Church, 1597; opera, 4518, 4521; ophthalmology, 5169; and origin of motion picture, 4456; origin of name, 624; origins of street clean- ing and lighting, 1675; and panic of 1857, 4033; papal consuls, 8437; party organization, 6224; Penn and, 627, 628; people of, 8066; photoengravers' union, 5702; pictures, 8056, 8060; planning, 5596, 8077; Poe in, 4512, 4642; police, 1676, 6102, 6205; police- women, 6100; political assessments, 5274; politics, 5578, 6206, 6212, 6219- 6226; Port of, 2950, 3302, 4986, 4991, 4992, 4995, 5000, 5001, 5991, 6041, 6045, 6049, 6052; potterymaking, 1157; Presbyterians in, 6270, 8818, 8859, 8864; President's home, 8072; prices, wholesale, 3303; printing, 6085, 6089; printmaking, 4414; prisons, 3366, 3369, 3379, 3380, 3383, 3386, 3388; projected British attack in 1781, 2634; proposed as home of United Nations, 6758; public baths, 5102; public opinion (1789-1801), 3144; publishing, 1469, 4465; Quaker mer- chants, 1290, 1291; Quakers and Great Awakening, 1620; railroads, 3974; recreational facilities, 6284; re- form movements, 5137, 5138, 5284, 5286, 5547, 5549, 5553, 5557, 5567, 5587-5594, 6194, 6197, 6198, 6205, 6208, 6244-6247, 6249, 6256; Re- formed churches, 8965; registration, 5502; relation to State, 7970; relief in, 3462, 5532; relief, unemployment, 6634; religious discussions after Revo- lution, 3449; religious revival (1858), 4233; religious and social conditions (1790-1800), 3444; restoration of colonial houses, 6490; rivalry with Baltimore, 3311, 3968; roads, 1238, 1239, 1261; Roman Catholic Regi- ment, 2760; rural environs, 8018; Russo-Jewish immigration, 5046; sani- tation, 5094; savings plans, 6617; science, 3581, 3582; Scots in, 1037; Scull and Heap's East Prospect of, 8082; sections, 7985, 7991, 7996-7998, 8002, 8004, 8029, 8044, 8048, 8049 {see also names of various sections) ; and settlement of Acadia, 2343; ship- building, 1303, 3902; shipping, 1306; sketches, 7971; slum clearance, 5109; social conditions, 5089, 5095, 5096, 5551; social life, 1638, 1639, 2925, 2966, 4541, 4543, 4544, 4547, 4613, 5222, 6701; sports, 5230; as state capital, 8005; sweated homes, 5661; Swedes in, 5617; Tammany society, 4059; taxes, 5497, 6039, 6064, 6677; tea episode, 2335, 2346, 2348; Text- Book Association, 5131; theater, 1681, 3593, 4527, 4532, 5204, 5206, 5209, 5210, 6530, 6531, 6543, 6544; theater, German, 3587, 3588, 4526; tours, 7987, 7988, 7992, 7999; trade and com- merce, 3863, 3875, 3876; trade, for- eign, 1301, 1305, 1307, 3866; trans- portation, 3892, 4006; trolleys, 6019, 6021-6023, 6027, 6028; truck farming, 789 Index 5722; Ukrainians in, 5624; unemploy- ment in, 5872, 5873, 5881, 6627, 6649, 6650; Union Canal and, 3951; S. Vaughan in, 2965; Vauxhall Garden, 3455, 3458; Washington in, 3460; Washington's movements around, 2639; Washington Square, 8012; water supply, 5093, 5097, 5102-5104, 5111, 5112, 6480; water waste control, 5566; waterworks, 3397, 3797, 5586; weather (1790-1847), 3573; Welsh in, 1014; Whittier in, 4147, 4484, 4485; wholesale grocery trade, 6030; whole- salers, market patterns, 6057; and World War I, 6171; World War II documents in, 6704; World War II, labor supply, 6676; yellow fever in, 1770, 1779, 3392-3396, 3399, 3401, 3403, 3404, 3406, 3408, 3409, 3413; zoo, 6551 colonial, 8256: almanacs, 1490; fining, 3805; textile, 4847, 5874, 6699; upholstery weaving, 5871 labor, 3880, 3884, 5704: to 1835, architects and engineers, 1367; archi- tecture, 1356; club life, 1656; con- sumer credit, 1340; craftsmen, 1141, 1235; culture, 1349, 1361, 7994; fam- ilies, 2254; fashions, 1645; fire protec- tion, 1674; history, 7006, 7007; homes, 8008; inns and taverns, 1655, 1659; literature, 1507; marine underwriters, 1344; mathematics in, 1556, 1561; medical students in Europe, 1392; medicine, 1760, 1772, 1775, 1782; merchants, 1242, 1243; music, 948, 949, 1535, 1553; newspapers, 1468a; physicians, 1765, 1781; police and fire protection, 1672; Presbyterianism in, 8794; publishing, 1468a, 1494; schools, 1420a; science, 1558; silversmiths, 1176, 1227; society, 1630; sportsmen, 1683; springs and spas, 3411; trade, 1298; transportation, 1288, 3250 courts, 6162: judges, 3354, 3372, 5245, 5250, 5251; jury selection, 6133; juvenile, 6137, 6149; lower, 6143, 6144; municipal, 6125, 6146, 6147, 6152, 6161, 6318 descriptive, 6997, 8006, 8009, 8017, 8019, 8026, 8033, 8046, 8047, 8052, 8055, 8063, 8069, 8078, 8271, 8319, 8331: in 1750, 7958; in July, 1776, 2537; in 1777, 2669; in 1794, 8005, 8013; in early 1800's, 7968; in 1804-6, 7982; in 1811-12, 8087; in 1840, 8035; in 1840's, 7986; in 1851, 8037; in 1852, 8073; in 1893, 807V; in 1894, 8080 industries, 1191, 4846, 4847, 1102; during Jackson era, 3886; or- ganization, 5066; skilled trades, 5648; turnover, 5663; women in industry, 5672; workingmen's movement, 3877; working mothers, 5669 Negroes, 4141, 4148, 5054, 5604, 5614, 5627, 6928, 6929; betterment of, 5606; in business, 5598; cults, 5614, 5627, 6298, 6929: betterment 6221, 6253; vote, 5552; welfare work, 4138; and white marriage, 5611; and white relations, 6098, 6284; women in industry, 5671 newspapers, 89, 1486, 1487, 4854, 6689: growth, 5823; iron and steel, 5812; suburban, 5842; sugar re- 3530, 3532, 4467, 6086, 6088: adver- tising in, 6076; and Civil War, 4695, 4696; Negroes in, 5640; and Revolu- tionary movement, 2344; and Wash- ington, 3128 schools, 3471, 3480, 3481, 3482, 3487, 3488, 4254, 4269, 4270, 4303, 5134-5138, 6792; changes, 5132, 6401; evening, 4492; financing of, 6406; high, 5149, 5150, 5152, 5153, 5156, 6383; Jesuit, 4398; Jewish, 4261; Negro children in, 6368; and radio, 6364; report, 6369; visual education in, 6378; and World War I, 6173 Philadelphia Academy, 3565 Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sci- ences, and exploration, 4404 Philadelphia Agricultural Society, 4050 Philadelphia Archdiocese, education in, 3486 Philadelphia Assemblies, 1694, 2925 Philadelphia Association of Life Under- writing, 6043 Philadelphia Aurora, on Latin America, 3525 Philadelphia Award, 8007 Philadelphia Baptist Association, 8359, 8364 Philadelphia Bible-Christian Church, 8995 Philadelphia Bibliographical Center, 6509 Philadelphia Board of Health, and yel- low fever, 3396 Philadelphia Brigade, 9004 Philadelphia Canal Commission, report, 4999 Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition, 5232-5242 Philadelphia Central High School, 4682; chemistry at, 3561 Philadelphia City Cavalry, First Troop, 9013, 9045, 9046, 9117 790 Index Philadelphia Club, 4543 Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, 4362 Philadelphia College of Physicians, 3408; collections, 6607 Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad, 3971, 4014, 4018 Philadelphia Contributionship for the Insurance of Houses from Loss by Fire, 1325, 1345 Philadelphia County Medical Society, 4443 Philadelphia County Prison, 6101 Philadelphia Customhouse, architecture, 4405 Philadelphia District Textile Council, 5705 Philadelphia Education Association, 4273 Philadelphia Electric Company, finan- cial history, 5964 Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, 4467 Philadelphia Gas Works, 5957, 5979 Philadelphia General Hospital, 1751a, 1762, 3568; see also Blockley, Block- ley Hospital Philadelphia High School for Girls, 5149 Philadelphia Hose Company, 3400 Philadelphia Inquirer, library, 6077 Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike, 3261, 3280-3282; inns, 3290 Philadelphia Maritime Exchange, 6045 Philadelphia National Bank, 3343 Philadelphia Normal School, 4333, 5180; students, 6367 Philadelphia Orchestra, 6524, 6545 Philadelphia Ordnance District, in World War II, 6706 Philadelphia-Pittsburgh Pike, 3257 Philadelphia Presbytery, 8834 Philadelphia Press, 4695; artists, 5198 Philadelphia Quartz Company, 3821 Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company, 6019, 6022, 6027 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, 3996; see also Reading Railroad Philadelphia Regiment, Volunteer Port Security Force, 6707 Philadelphia Saving Fund Society, 3353; building, 6487 Philadelphia School of Anatomy, 4435 Philadelphia School of Pedagogy, 5182 Philadelphia Seminary, biographies, 8613 Philadelphia Skating Club and Humane Society, 4541 Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture, 4054, 4057 Philadelphia Society for the Relief of Distressed Prisoners, 2967 Philadelphia State Employment Office, 6650 Philadelphia Textile Institute, 6452 Philadelphia Theological Seminary of St. Charles Borromeo, 4390 Philadelphia War History Committee, 6171 Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Balti- more Railroad, 3980 Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, Society of Friends, 8512, 8522 Philanthropy, 5467, 5091 Philips, Edith, 3500, 8524 Philips, G. M., 5503 Phillips, Edward H, 2325 Phillips, Harlan B, 5109 Phillips, Henry, Jr., 1339, 1490 Phillips, James W., 2958 Phillips, Marguerita, 209, 8059 Phillips, Walter M., 7970 Phillipsburg, 7413, 7417 Philomathean Society of Bloomfield, 7951 "Philosophical Hall," 1514 Phoenix Library, 4516 Phoenixville, 7438, 7438; churches, 8711; underground railroad, 4155 Photoengravers: and collective bargain- ing, 5702; in depression, 6628 Photography, 4453, 4454, 4459, 4650 Physicians, 1569, 1751, 1759, 1765-1767, 1769, 1781, 3040, 4544, 4671, 4674, 6560, 6806, 6881; see also Medicine Physick, Philip Syng, 3729-3733 Physiography, and population distribu- tion, 192 Pickering, Timothy, and Wyoming val- ley, 2325 Piedmont plateau, 203 Pierce, Edward L., 4755 Pierce, Francis M., 4756 Pierce, Marybelle, 8954 Piersol, George M., 6867 Pierson, W. W., 5504, 6138 Pietism, in Pennsylvania, 1609 Pietists, 8468, 8531 Pike County, 7831, 8088; archaeology. 371; biography, 7021 Pilger Ruh, 7945 Pilmore, Joseph, 8897 Pinchot, Governor Gifford S., 5735, 5785, 6314, 6876; autobiography, 6877; and direct primary, 6217; first administration, 6213-6217; and merit system, 6213; relief program, 6228; second administration, 6228-6232; and University of Pittsburgh, 6435 Pine, Bessie H., 6315 Pine, Joshua, 4887 Pine, Kurt, 5631 791 Index Pine Grove, 8109, 8114 Pine Grove Presbyterian Church, 8861 Pine Street Presbyterian Church, Phila- delphia, 8800, 8842 Pinkerton, Allan, 5084 Pinkerton detective agency, 5069, 5080 Pinkett, Harold T, 1203 Pinkowski, Edward, 3847, 7882 Pioneer life, 1624-1626, 1903, 1914, 1917, 1918, 1920; in Alleghenies, 1911; tales, 4479 Piper, William T, Sr., 6878 Piper aircraft, 5989 Pippin, Horace, 6879-6880 Pirates, 1283, 2951; along Pennsylvania Canal, 3949 Pithole, 4914, 4935, 4941 Pitkin, Francis A., 6682 Pitt, Arthur S, 1059, 2474 Pitt, William, 1942; and John Forbes, 1973 Pittsburgh, 1891, 2267, 3038, 3108, 4525, 4664, 6508, 7123-7129, 7132, 7135, 7136, 7138, 7139, 7141, 7142, 7145-7148, 7150, 7152, 7155-7158, 7160, 7161, 7164-7166, 7169, 7171, 7172, 7174, 7177, 7181, 7187, 7188, 7199, 7209, 7215-7218, 9157; in 1806, 7164; in 1870's, 7160, 7188; J. Q. Adams in, 7197; aluminum industry, 4910; and American Revolution, 2624; architecture, 3514, 6501, 7175; art, 6496, 6498, 6500; and aviation, 5983; banking, 3352; baseball, pro- fessional, 5203; bibliography, 15; biographies, 5446, 6865, 7192, 7198; business and industry, 7211; Catholic mission to Negroes, 6265 a; child guidance, 6295; churches, 8373, 8612, 8707, 8777; civic improvement, 5548, 5559, 5560, 5575, 5581, 7206, 7212; civic problems, 5572, 5573, 5595; in Civil War, 4719, 4720; Civil War fortification claims, 4766; commerce, 3313-3315, 3854; corruption, 5577, 5584, 5585; cotton industry, 3236; culture, 3494, 6465, 6466, 6498; dental education, 6588; depression, 6615, 6616, 6622; early, 7126, 7127, 7132, 7138, 7139, 7142, 7146, 7150, 7196, 9137; early courts, 1735; early in- dustry, 3719, 3792; early merchants, 1253; early music, 5201; early rail- roads, 3970; early religious move- ments, 3451; education, 6402; Fif- teenth Ward, early history, 7203; financial history, 7181-7183; first A. F. of L. convention, 5070; fiscal prac- tice, 7200; founding of, 2061; furni- ture style, 5202; geography, 196, 197; glassmaking, 3824, 4891, 5869; great fire, 7189, 7190; Hampton Battery F, Light Artillery, 9016; heart disease mortality, 6573; higher education and Methodists, 6425; Hill District, 5631, 6297; historic places, 7157; hospitals, 6552, 6585; housing, 6645; Hungar- ians, 5599; illegitimacy in, 6283; as industrial center, 5802, 5816, 5829, 5870; industrial research in, 6590; in- dustry, 3854, 4850, 5399, 7205; in- dustry and Civil War, 4772; industry and World War I, 6170; iron and steel industry, 3812, 3813, 4903; Italians, 5043; Jews, 1046; labor, 5652; labor education, 5658; libraries, 4494; Lu- therans, 8551, 8553; Manor of, 7140; medicine, 3565; morals court, 6104; munitions manufacture, 6713; music, 4625, 9192; natural gas, 7219; Negroes, 5607, 5638, 5643, 6227, 6278; newspapers, 93, 6081, 6084; news- papers on Kansas-Nebraska bill, 4135; newspapers on Spanish Civil War, 6080; and 19th century tariffs, 3872; and Ohio River, 7162; oil ex- changes, 4907; organized philan- thropy, 5091; and panic of 1837, 4035, 4976; parks, 7179; and petroleum in- dustry, 3836; Point at, 7178; pneu- monia in, 6604; poetry and drama, 9159; Poles, 5051; politics, 5270, 5283; population change, 5608; postal history, 7148; power strike, 5708; Presbyterianism in, 8822, 8824; Pro- hibition party convention, 5272; Protestant comity in, 6275; public health, 6546, 6547; and radium re- covery, 6597; railroad riots (1877), 5059; railroad struggle for, 3968; re- form movement, 5562; renascence of, 6683; and Republican Party origins, 4177, 4178; rivalry with Wheeling, 3305, 3861; roads, 1286; Roman Catholic Church, 7204, 8409, 8410, 8424, 8425, 8434; schools, 4282, 6351; sciences in, 6595; Slavs, 5636; smoke control, 5560; social conditions, 5580, 6291, 6327; social life, 5199, 5221, 7193, 7207, 7208; social study of, 7202; South Side community prob- lems, 6320; stained glass, 4412; steel barons, 5890; steel worker, 5850; taxes, 6065; telephone in, 5973, 7213; and "terrible Hempfield," 3959; theater, 5216; trades, women in, 5666; transportation, 4989, 6014; tubercu- losis organization, 6567; typhoid fever in, 6610; U. S. Steel Corporation as landlord in, 5654; water transporta- 792 Index tion, 3262; Workingmen's Party, 3887; working women in, 5665-5667; and world trade, 6037; and World War I, 6172; and World War II, biog- raphies, 6176; see also Allegheny County, Pittsburgh district Pittsburgh Baptist Association, 8357, 8362 Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce, 7210, 7211 Pittsburgh Coal Bed, 3832 Pittsburgh Council in Intercultural Education, 6419 Pittsburgh Courier, 6074 Pittsburgh district, 7081, 7082; agricul- ture, 5028, 5727; early glass, 3223; historic places, 7156; industrial data, 5886; iron and steel industry, 5909; Methodism in, 8717; mines, labor con- ditions, 5693; Presbyterian semi- naries, 8812; Russian Old Believers in, 5641; see also Allegheny County, Southwestern Pennsylvania Pittsburgh and Erie Railroad, 4011 Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad, 5007 Pittsburgh Pirates, 5213 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 3519 Pittsburgh Railways Company, union- management cooperation, 6020, 6024 Pittsburgh, Shawmut and Northern Railroad, 5015 Pittsburgh Synod, Reformed Church, 8945 Pittsburgh Urban Service District, finances, 5489 Pittsburgh-Washington Infantry, 9087 Pittsburgh, Westmoreland, and Somer- set Railroad Company, 6004 Pittston, biographies, 7635 Place names, 8254, 8258, 8267, 8273- 8275, 8282, 8290, 8303, 8318, 8323, 8327, 8350; bibliography, 96; chang- ing of, 8273; export of, 8327; Indian, 284, 303, 314, 330, 369, 8274 Plain people: culture, 1348; see also Amish, Dunkards, Mennonites, and Schwenkfelders Plaintiffs, rights of defaulting, 3357 Planning, 5524, 5544, 5545, 5568, 5574; local, 6691; post-war, handicrafts in, 6690; see also Pennsylvania Post-War Planning Commission, State planning, State Planning Board Plant names, Pennsylvania German, 772 Piatt, Joseph C, 7632 Plays, 9122 Pleasants, Henry, 1443, 4585, 7061, 8896 Pleasants, Henry, Jr., 2654-2656, 2866, 3546, 4673, 4674, 6881 Pleat, H., 5935 Plumb, Henry B., 7772 Plummer, Wilbur C, 1340, 5990 Plunkett, Margaret L., 4066 Plymouth, 7765, 7777 Plymouth Meeting, 7883 Plymouth Township, schools, 6340 Pneumonia, 6604 Pocono region, 172, 186, 216, 7061, 7086 Podolosky, Edward, 6859 Poe, Edgar Allan, 4642, 4643; in Phila- delphia, 4512; in Reading, 4491, 4507 Poets and poetry, 2125, 3539, 9128, 9129, 9133-9136, 9138, 9141, 9143, 9145, 9146, 9148-9150, 9152-9154, 9156, 9158-9160, 9162, 9170-9173, 9190, 9194, 9195, 9197; colonial, 1500, 1505, 1525, 1528, 1553; Pennsylvania German, 880, 881, 883-885, 894, 900, 902, 903, 921, 969 Poffenberger, Albert T., 6795 Point Mountain, 344 Poles, 5048, 5051; colleges, 6416; immi- gration, 5040 Police, 6102, 6114; early, 1672, 1676; private, 5941, 5946; State, see Penn- sylvania State Police; women as, 6100 Polish National Catholic Church, 5117 Political assessments, 5274 Political pamphlets, 3528 Political parties, 3114; organization, 3134, 5273, 6195, 6224 Politics, 4058-4186, 5297-5313, 6188- 6212, 6218-6227, 6239-6259; after Civil War, 5262-5286; during Civil War, 4780-4782, 4786-4789; colonial, 1611, 1784-1809, 1833, 1836, 1983, 1984; in Jacksonian period, 4058; Negroes in, 6253; newspapers and 5278; Pennsylvania Germans and, 941-944; Quakers and, 1792, 1802, 1808, 1983, 1984 Polk, William W., 7440 Pollak, Otto, 734 Pollins, John W., 5340 Pollock, Herman L, 1728 Pollock, Governor James, 4170 Pollock, Oliver, 2847-2848 Pollock, Thomas C, 1692 Pomfret, John E., 559, 3195 Pomeroy, A. N., 998, 8867 Pomeroy, J. N., 5293 Pomeroy's Corner, 8110 Pontiac War, 2036, 2040, 2046 Poole, Earl L, 250, 366-368, 4417 Poor Laws, 1647, 5087, 6328 Poor relief, 3462; administration, 6639; fluctuations, 5090; township and bor- ough system, 6285, 6640; see also Public assistance, Relief 793 Index Poorhouses, insane in, 5108 Pope, Henry R, 8178 Popish plot, alleged, 8401 Popp, Sister Clarissa, 8424 Popp, Kathryn M., 9166 Popular sovereignty, 4112 Population, 3191-3211, 5597-5647, 6659; distribution, Pennsylvania as center of, 657; immigrant types, 5620; physiography and, 192; trends, 5613, 5629, 5632, 5633, 6063, 6637 Populist Party, 5275 Porch, Marvin E., 5634 Port Carbon, 8111 Port Trevorton, railroad, 3967 Portages, 2009 Porter, General Andrew, 3041 Porter, Admiral David Dixon, 4819 Porter, Governor David Rittenhouse, 4644 Porter, Horace, 5404 Porter, Robert M., 5505, 5506 Porter, Thomas, 8060 Porter, Thomas C, 251, 837 Porter, William A., 3041, 4604 Post, Albert, 3374 Post, L. F., 6064 Post office, Franklin and, 2391 Postal system, early, 1266 Potomac, Susquehanna and, proposed canal route, 3938 Potter, Alonzo, Episcopal bishop, 4645 Potter, Gen. James, 2849 Potter, John E., 1091, 2301-2302, 7172 Potter County, 7045, 7402, 8089-8093; hunting, 4670; Ole Bull in, 3778 Pottery, 1157, 1167, 3222, 3224, 7799; early, 1135; Indian, 289; Pennsyl- vania German, 779; Shawnee Indian, 401 Potts, William J., 2987 Pottstown, 7865; Methodism in, 8698 Pottsville, 8094, 8108, 8112, 8115, 8122; churches, 8577, 8724; industries, 4852; public schools, 4300; theater in, 6529 Poulson, Zachariah, 3042 Pound, Arthur, 560 Pousch, Robert R, 4834 Powder mills, 7527 Powderly, Terence V., 5405-5407; auto- biography, 5062, 5406; and church- labor difficulties, 5057 Powell, J. H., 561, 2353, 2354, 3409, 3744, 4649 Powell, Lyman P., 628 Powell, Thomas R., 2914 Powell, Walter A., 1092 Power: in paper industrv, 1203; regula- tion, 5956; strike, 5708 Powers, Frederick P., 1665-1666, 8061 Powwowing, 843, 859 Pratt, Daniel J., 2333 Pratt, E. J., 562 Pratt, Elizabeth M., 3939 Pratt, Harry E., 4802 Prentis, Henning W., 5317 Presbyterians, Presbyterian Church, 2984, 8768-8868; bibliography, 105; colonial, 8784, 8816, 8837, 8857; and education, 1418, 1440, 4258; Friends and, 8553, 8845; "Great Awakening," 1601, 8775; and revivals, 6270; and Revolution, 2531, 2549; and the Scotch-Irish, 8788, 8815; seminaries, 8812; and temperance, 8856; Western Foreign Missionary Society, 8811 Presidential campaign (1860), 4681, 4693, 4702 Presidential nominations, Pennsylvania and, 4068 Presque Isle: flora, 243; and Pennsyl- vania politics, 3140 Presque Isle Portage, 2009 Presser, Theodore, 6882, 6883 Preston, John H., 2867 Pretz, Alfred C, diary and letters (1861-65), 4684 Pretz, Reuben C, 7749 Pretzel industry, 805, 829, 7277 Price, Eli K., 8062 Price, Esther G., 6592 Price, G. Arthur, 8465 Price, Giles D., 72 Price, Isaiah, 9092 Price. Joseph H., 563 Price, Robert, 42 Price, Warwick J., 3530 Price-fixing legislation, early, 1327, 1342 Prices: colonial, 1326; and inflation during Revolution, 2530; wholesale, in Ohio valley (1816-20), 3860; wholesale, in Philadelphia, 3303 Pricetown, Church of the Brethren, 8465 Priestley, Joseph, 1566, 3562, 3735- 3737, 3740, 3741, 3743; and Ameri- can Philosophical Society, 3734; as chemist, 3742; Cobbett and, 3738; educational philosophy, 3470; and pantisocracy, 3431, 3739 Primaries, 5285; legislation, 5256, 5273; direct, 3131, 5469, 6217 Prime, Alfred C, 1375, 2959 Primitive Hall, 1649 Princeton University: Nicholas Biddle at, 3611; H. H. Brackenridge at, 3620; Log College and, 1397; see also Log College 794 Index Printers and printing, 91, 92, 1471, 1473, 1475, 1480, 1481, 1482a, 1484, 1485, 1488, 1493, 1494, 1504, 2128, 2207a, 2208, 3443, 4464, 4465, 4475, 4474, 6083, 6089; Franklin and, 2376; Germans and, 891, 928; in Philadel- phia, 1486; during Revolution, 2552; see also Publishing Printing press, 3220, 3221; colonial, 1496 Printmaking, 4414 Printz, Governor Johan. 437, 2188, 2189; Instruction for, 440 Prisoners: case studies, 6142, 6157; em- ployment, 6136 Prisons, 1745, 1746, 2967, 3358, 3366, 3370, 3378-3381, 3386, 5260, 6101, 6150; efficiency, 6139; insane in, 5108; reform, 3373, 3382, 3384, 3385, 3388; State, 5106 Pritchard, Paul W., 5434, 6927 Pritts, Joseph, 1918 Privateers, 1283, 2951 Probation, juvenile, 6124, 6149 Proctor, H. G., 9093 Production trends, 5629, 6063, 6637 Professional men, recreation and, 6467 Progress, idea of, 1523 Progressive movement, 6182 Prohibition, 6286-6287 Prohibition party, Pittsburgh conven- tion (1884), 5272 Proprietaries, relations with colonies, 1820 Proprietary government, 1798, 1804 Protective tariff, 3858, 3859, 3864, 3868, 3870, 3872; North American and, 3870; Pittsburgh and, 3872 Protestant churches: cooperation of, 6272, 6275; and labor, 5114 Protestant Episcopal Church, 8869- 8903; bibliography, 101; bishops. 4645; and Lutherans, 8888; mission- aries, 8872; see also Anglicans and Episcopal Church Prothonotary, 5518 Proud, Robert, 3744, 6992 Providence, 7623, 7624 Providence Township, Lackawanna County, 7637 Provident Life and Trust Company, Philadelphia, 6036 Provincial conference (\776), 2882 Provincial Council, 1794, 2255; min- utes, 138 Prowell, George R., 2657, 2915, 3025, 4757, 8236-8237, 8318, 9094 Primer, Robert F., 1867 Psychiatry, 3057, 3570, 4423; first American text, 3557 Public assistance, 6296, 6316; case load, employability of, 6679; county boards and, 6633; standards, 6638; see also Relief, Poor relief, Mother's assist- ance, Old age assistance, Work relief Public Education Association of Phila- delphia, 4273, 5134 Public health and safety, 3390-3413 Public health work, 1747 Public Ledger, 4476, 8063 Public records (archives) : county, 150 (see also under various counties) ; foreign, 148; national, 127, 128, 135, 153; Philadelphia, 123; State, 61, 122, 124, 126, 130, 133, 136, 149 Public Records Division, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 122, 124, 126, 129, 130, 133, 136, 138-147, 149 Public service law, 5961, 5962 Public service training, 6317 Public utilities, see Utilities Public works, and emplovment stabili- zation, 6629, 6630 Publishing, 4465, 4473, 4474, 4483, 5414; colonial, 1468a, 1480, 1481, 1489; music, 6882, 6883; see also Book publishing, Printers and print- ing Pugh, Grace, 5673 Puhr, Marie, 1146 Pullinger, Herbert, 8064, 8319 Punxsutawney, 7619, 7621 Punxsutawney Board of Trade, 7619 Purcell, Richard J., 1035, 1445, 1446, 2916, 3485 Purcell, William J., 8425 Purdy, Truman H., 173, 9171 Puritans, Palatine Germans and, 956 Putney, Taylor, 1036 Pyle, Howard, 1567, 8466, 8525 Pyle, James L, 5408, 7687 Quadrant, invention of, 1561 Quaker colonies, 600 Quaker novels, cult of, 6519 Quakers, 6821, 6822; and American 795 Revolution, 2524, 2690; Baptists and, 8358; botanists, 1565a; calendar, 1574; colonial, 1572; and colonial wars, 1981; and Dreiser's Buhcark, Index 6503; early: and culture, 1530, and literature, 1531; and education, 1467, 6424, 6426; and Great Awakening, 1620; influence on colonial affairs, 1808; humor, 1686; Irish, 1031; and literature, 6507; and medicine, 1752; as merchants, 1257, 1290, 1291; mod- ern trends, 6266; in politics, 1792, 1803, 1834, 1983, 1984; relief and governments, 6705; religious and so- cial thought, 6902; Revolutionary ex- iles, 2539; in science and industry, 1568; as settlers, 662; and slavery, 1051, 1054, 1059, 1062; in Southern reconstruction, 5098; on stage plays, 1687; Welsh, 1013, 1016; see also Friends Quakertown, 7366, 7370 Qualben, L. Pederson, 8610 Quattrochi, Anna M., 1919, 2142, 2917, 3106 Quay, Matthew S., 5308-5311; attacks on, 5297, 5312; defeat, 5305; home- town newspapers on, 5298; speeches, 5310 Quia emptores, effect on Pennsylvania and Maryland ground rents, 1070 Quick, Tom, 1899, 2190 Quinlan, Maurice J., 2475 Quinn, Arthur H., 4643, 6447 Quit-rent system, 1067 Race riots, 4133, 4160 Rack, Edmund, 503 Radbill, Samuel X., 1778, 2123, 2247, 3060 Rader, Herbert, 8611 Radio: in college curricula, 6434; in education, 6364 Radishchev, Aleksander, 3415 Radium, recovery of, 6597 Radnor, churches, 8896 Radnor Township, Delaware County, 7522 Rafinesque, C. S., autobiography, 4646 Rafting, 4867, 4868, 4874, 4879, 4895, 4898-4900 Railroad riots of 1877, 5059, 5081, 5083 Railroads, 3903, 3907, 3913, 3925, 3926, 3948, 3956-4020, 4631, 4998, 5002- 5020, 5409-5411, 5999-6008; argu- ments for, 3976; in Civil War, 4765, 4775; competition and the oil trade, 4944; consolidations, 6003; early, 3254, 3997, 4008; narrow-gauge, 4988; reorganization, 6002; see also names of railroads Raistrick, Arthur, 1568 Ralph, James, 1510 Ramage printing press, early, 3220 Rambo, Ormond, Jr., 451 Ramsay, John, 4245 Ramsay, L. L., 2887 Ranck, Henry H., 8956 Ranck, James B., 4217 Randall, Alexander, 3732 Randel, W. P., 8161 Randolph, J, 3733 Rankin, ethnic and racial groups in, 5600 Rankin, George, Jr., 7113 Ransom Township, Lackawanna County, 7634 Rapp, Anna A., 654 Rapp, George, 4231; petition to Jeffer- son, 4222; on Wabash River, 4221 Rapp, R. Francis, 3941 Rashleigh, Alice V., 4959 Rasmussen, Fred, 5736 Rath, Gerhard, 6993 Rathgeber, Lewis W., Jr., 5275, 5420 Rationing, in World War I, 6169 Ratterman, H. A., 4078 Rau, Albert G., 1548, 1799 Rauanheimo, Aksili, 452 Rauch, William H., 9095 Rauchenstein, Emil, 5737 Raup, H. F, 735, 1299 Rawle, William, 1729, 3715 Rawle, William B., 609, 1818, 9096 Rawle, William H, 5254, 5255 Rawley, James A., 4184 Ray, John W., 7062, 7553 Ray, Leonard N., 4758 Rayback, Joseph G., 2889, 4068 Raymond, Eleanor, 1376 Read, A. W., 922 Read, Conyers, 2476 Read, Thomas Buchanan, 3546, 4647, 4673, 9172; and Civil War, 4820 Reader, Francis S., 3531, 5256, 7234, 8198 Reading, 2647, 2972, 7251, 7269, 7285, 7292, 7293, 7296; amusements, 1632, 1634; antimasonic press, 4086; art, 1382, 5418; automobile industry, 5997; benevolent society, 7271; Christmas (1838), 4536; churches, 8571, 8605, 8911; coming of railroad, 4003; and Confederate invasion, 4760; 796 Index C. E. Duryea in, 5980; early inns, 1661; early printing, 1488; early views, 7275; Episcopal Church, 8884; fair, 4056; founding, 7287; gas indus- try, 5966; Germans of, and Joseph Hiester, 4078; hatmaking industry, 1228; Hessians in, 2668; high schools, 6361; hospital, 5110; industries, 4852; libraries, 4508; Lincoln and, 7289; Friedrich List in, 4630; merchants, 3308; motion picture theatre, 6257; John Penn in, 1814; Thomas Penn and, 7291; Penn Square, 7279, 7286; Poe in, 4491, 4507; post office, 7270, 7272; pretzel industry, 7277; prison, 3378; Reformed Church in, 8948; re- ligious revival (1829), 4246; school and society in, 6359; Schuylkill Sem- inary, 5193; Socialist movement in, 5528, 6199; telegraph in, 4455; the- atre, 4519, 5205; trade in 1797, 3308; volunteer fire department, 5965; Wash- ington and, 7288, 7290; in Whiskev rebellion, 3158; Y. W. C. A., 7268 Reading Adler, 926 Reading Artillerists, 9028 Reading country, 4013; iron industrv in, 3851; in Revolution, 2572 Reading militia, in World War I, 9088 Reading Railroad, 3996, 5013, 5018, 5360; early history, 3962-3964; loco- motives, 3966, 3987 Reamstown, 7666 Rebel Hill, 7889 Reber, D. C, 8455 Reconstruction, Southern, Quakers in, 5098 Recorder of deeds, 5519 Records, Spencer, 1920 Recreation: and professional men, 6467; State parks and, 5777 Red Hole, 2054 Red Lion, 8222; churches, 8946 Redemptioners, 1104, 1105, 1108, 1109; Palatine Germans as, 714 Redlich, Fritz, 3287, 3318, 3797 Redman, John, 1779, 3043 Redsecker, J. H., 5719 Redstone country, historic shrines, 1977 Redstone Presbytery, 8805 Reece, Frances R., 1964 Reed, Carroll E, 923 Reed, D. W., 9089 Reed, U. S. Senator David A., 6225, 6232 Reed, Doris M., 4385 Reed, Esther deBerdt, 2850 Reed, G. Irving, 5444 Reed, George W., 142 Reed, H. Clay, 1730, 3110 Reed. John A., 9097 Reed, John Elmer, 3203, 3942, 3943, 7063, 7554 Reed, Joseph, 2556, 2758, 2773, 2851. 3061 Reed, Luther D., 8612, 8613 Reed, Neville F., 5192 Reed, T. H, 6065 Reed, William B., 1023. 2850, 2851, 3061 Reed and Forde, trade with New Or- leans, 3320 Reeder, Andrew H., 4069 Reeder, Eastburn, 5035 Reel, Caspar, 3202 Rees, T. Mardy, 1016 Reese, Charles L, Jr., 3180 Reeve, J. C, 2041 Reeve, J. Stanley, 7441, 7537-7540 Reeves, H. Gendell, 4069 Reeves, Howard N., 8712 Reeves, Mary B., 4038 Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel, 8999 Reform movements, 4226, 4228, 4235, 4239, 4247, 4251, 4663, 5284, 6183 Reformed Church, 1807, 2096, 2196, 2197, 8904-8971; bibliography, 103, 109; colonial clergy, 955, 8923, 8932; early history, 8947; Eastern Synod, 8943; eighteenth century schools, 1426; Lebanon Classis, 8934; records, 8929, 8936; theological seminary, 4350, 8957; see also German Re- formed Church Reformed Mennonite Church, 8662 Refractories, 5828 Refugees, 3414-3438 Regiments: 1st, 9067; 1st, Company K 9079; 2nd, 9119; 3rd, 9118; 11th 9070; 12th, 9040; 13th, 9095; 22nd 3172; 23rd, 9120; 45th, 9002; 48th 9009, 9036; 49th, 9116; 50th, 9020 51st, 9090; 52nd, 9081; 57th, 9074 60th, 9052, 9096; 61st, 9011; 63rd 9041; 69th, 9076; 75th, 9086; 77th 9089, 9101; 78th, 9035; 83rd, 9060 84th, 9077; 85th, 9024; 87th, 9094 88th, 9113; 93rd, 9072; 95th, 9033 97th, 9092; 100th, 9006; 101st, 9097 102nd, 9087; 103rd, 9025; 104th 9023; 105th, 9100; 106th, 9115; 111th 9010; 112th, 9114; 116th, 9085; 118th 9003, 9047, 9104; 121st, 9048, 9108 122nd, 9105; 124th, 9038; 125th, 9049 126th, 9099; 127th, 9050; 132nd 9053; 138th, 9068; 140th, 9106; 141st 9019; 148th, 9084; 150th, 9015 153rd, 9062, 9102; 155th, 9111; 163rd, 9039; 187th, 9034; 192nd, 9083; 1st 797 Index cavalry, 9069; 3rd cavalry, 9052, 9096; 4th cavalry, 9012; 4th cavalry, company A, 9058; 6th cavalry, 9037; 7th cavalry, 9042, 9103, 9112; 8th cavalry, 9057; 11th cavalary, 9044, 9091; 15th cavalry, 9063; 16th cav- alry, 9078; 17th cavalry, 9082; 18th cavalry, 9039, 9043; 22nd cavalry, 9029; 109th field artillery, 9121; 2nd heavy artillery, 9114; 1st infantry, 9007, 9014; old 13th, 9087; see also under names of regiments Regional history, 7009-7098 Register of wills, 5520 Registration, permanent, 5502 Regnemer, William, 5045 Rehm, George, 5738 Rehn, James A. G., 4404 Rehoboth Presbyterian Church, 8781 Reichard, Harry H., 924 Reichel, Levin T., 1447 Reichel, William C., 1448, 1667-1669, 4386, 8755 Reichmann, Felix, 38, 824, 868, 1205, 1607, 1608, 1633, 1921, 2208, 3027 Reid, A. B., 3375 Reid, George J., 3288 Reid, Grace S., 7917 Reilly, Edward M., 3486 Reily, John T, 7105, 8426 Reinagle, Alexander, and Philadelphia music, 3590 Reinemann, J. 0., 6317, 6318 Reinert, Guy F., 795, 1206, 3822 Reinhard, Henry J., 7743 Reinhold, Frances L., 5507 Reiser, Catherine E., 3313-3315 Reisman, David, 2960 Reisner, Frank H, 2658 Reitell, Charles, 5905 Reitzel, William, 3532, 3547 Relief, 6228, 6301, 6612, 6613, 6632; financing of, 6641; unemployment, 6620, 6634; unemployment compensa- tion and, 6643; work, 6625; see also Poor relief, Public asistance Religion, 275, 327, 390, 391, 3439-3453, 5113-5119, 8352-9001; and American culture (1765-1840), 3446; colonial, 1571-1622; diversity in, 1586; and education, 6269; on frontier, 3447; Pennsylvania Germans, 833, 945, 947, 950-960, 962, 963, 965-969; present- day, 6260-6278; sectarianism, Frank- lin and, 2474; sects, and American Revolution, 2340; see also Churches Religious groups, bibliographies, 97-121 Religious liberty, 596, 8398; in Penn- sylvania and Maryland, 606; in Penn- sylvania constitutions, 2876 Religious movements, 4233, 4237, 4246 Religious toleration, 3452 Renner, Elizabeth J., 4387 Renstrom, A. G., 1520 Renwick, James, 3047 Repentigny, Le Gardeur de, family, 2077 Repplier, Agnes, 6884, 6885, 7971 Reptiles, 247, 264 Republican Party: first campaign, 4184; first national convention, 4182; Pitts- burgh origins, 4177, 4178; political assessments, 5274; rise of, 4175-4186; western Pennsylvania and, 4186 Resnick, Nathaniel H., 6814 Resources, 169, 3848, 5840, 5843, 5904, 6659; economic, 6648, 6653; human, 6648 Retail trade, 6035, 6693 Retirement systems, 5463. 6375 Reuschlein, Harold G., 4388 Reuss, Francis X., 8427 Revenue, of Pennsylvania, 1332, 1336 Revivals, 1615, 6270; and German churches, 953 Revolutions, and Moravians, 8764 Rex, Millicent B, 4444, 4545 Reynolds, John E., 2011, 7064 Reynolds, John Fulton, 4821 Reynolds, Mary, 1449 Reynoldsville, 7616 Rezneck, Samuel, 3230 Rheem, George W., 8713 Rhoads, Samuel, 2191 Rhoads, Samuel N., 252 Rhoads, William W., 4003 Rhodes, Harrison, 8066 Rhodes, James F., 5085 Riccardi, Saro J., 80 Rice, C. O, 5708 Rice, Charles S., 8678 Rice, J. M, 5136 Rice, W. C, 8321, 8322 Rice, William H., 2042 Rice, William S, 1207 Rich, Bennett, M., 3159 Rich, M. B., 7466 Richard, J. F., 7235, 7587 Richards, Byron L., 5276 Richards, George W., 736, 737, 2166, 6816 Richards, Helen E., 8528 Richards, Henry H, 8957 Richards, Henry M. M., 738, 739, 1965, 1966, 2236, 2237, 2659-2661, 3035, 4079, 4312 Richards, Horace C, 1569 Richards, J. W, 8614 Richards, John R., 5906 Richards, Leonard B., 5966 798 Index Richards, Louis, 1491, 1634, 3066, 3376, 3786, 4760 Richards, Matthias H., 740 Richards, T. Addison, 201 Richardson, Charles F., 4636 Richardson, E. P., 2135, 4418 Richardson, Elizabeth M., 4636 Richardson, Lyon N., 6860 Richardson, William H., 741 Richley, John W., autobiography, 6886 Richmond Township, Tioga County, 8158 Richter, Conrad, 6887, 6888 Richter, Thomas D., 7972 Richwine, George H., 6404 Rickard, R. B., 7417 Ricker, Ralph R., 5277 Riddell, William R., 564, 1060, 1341, 1650, 1800, 1836 Riddle, William, 1450, 1451, 4290, 7688- 7690 Ridgely, Mabel L., 3463 Ridgely family, letters, 3463 Ridpath, Charlotte P., 5228 Ridpath, Florence M., 6082 Riegelsville, churches, 8917 Ries, Selma M., 4789 Rieseman, Joseph, 7065, 7066 Rifles, Pennsylvania or "Kentucky," 1182-1184; as Lancaster rifles, 1185, 1186, 1192, 1205, 1219, 1222, 1230, 1913, 1921, 3823; Snyder County makers of, 1220 Riggs, Walter L., 7173 Righter, J. C, 4888 Rightmyer, Nelson W., 2566, 2662, 8897 Riker, Thad W., 1967 Riley, Edward M., 2477, 2478 Riley, Margaret T., 6445 Riley, P. M., 1356 Riley, Theodore M., 7494 Ringgold Battalion, 9029 Risch, Erna, 3204 Rising, Johan Classon, 2192 Risk, Robert B., reminiscences, 7660 Risk, Robert Blair, 5408 Ritchie, Carey P., 3136 Ritenour, John S., 1286, 2043 Ritner, Governor Joseph, 4074, 4077 Rittenhouse, David, 1400, 2776, 3044- 3049; planetarium, 2940 Rittenhouse, William, 1200, 2193; and Mennonites, 8650, 8651; and paper mill, 1128, 1177 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, 7997, 8067 Ritter, Abraham, 3316, 8756 Ritter, Eleanor G., 1377 Ritzel, Mary L., 6295 River Brethren, 8452 Rivers, 164-167, 171, 176-180, 185, 187, 196, 199, 214, 217, 5751, 5754, 5757, 5765, 5775, 5776, 5778, 5780-5782, 5786, 8328; Civil War on, 4753; navi- gation, 3252, 3253; transportation on, 3239-3242, 3249, 3263; western, 3274: life on, 3900, steamboats on, 3901 Rivinus, Marion W. M., 8067 Roadman, George H., 4655 Roads, 1238, 1239, 1241, 1244-1246, 1258-1261, 3194, 3244, 3245, 3257, 3272, 3289; early, 1250, 1251, 1269, 1270, 1274, 1277, 1280, 1285, 1286, 1293, 1295, 1296, 3260, 3286, 3288; farmers and, 5735; good, 4985, 4990; military, 1948, 1949, 1954, 1957, 1982, 1986; policy, 5990; work-relief, 6631; see also Highways and Turnpikes Roan, Flavel, diary, 7926 Roaring Spring, 7303 Robacker, Earl F., 796, 925, 1378 Robbins, Clara J., 6448 Robbins, David P., 7555 Robbins, Edward E., 2106 Robbins, J. Albert, 4474 Roberts, Anna M., 3432 Roberts, Charles R., 742, 1040, 2083, 7750-7754, 7845, 8323 Roberts, Ellis W, 5936 Roberts, Ellwood, 7846, 7883 Roberts, George, 6319 Roberts, J. O. K., 4291 Roberts, J. Baylor, 775 Roberts, Job, 1124 Roberts, Kenneth, 3432 Roberts, Owen J., 565 Roberts, Peter, 4960, 5635, 5636, 5674, 5832 Roberts, Rev. Robert R., 3645 Roberts, S. W., 4004 Roberts, Thomas P., 4605 Roberts, Warren R., 6066 Robertson, William E., 2918 Robinette, A., 1452 Robins, Edward, 6518 Robins, Robert P., 6536 Robinson, C. K., 6024 Robinson, Elwyn B, 3870, 4475, 4476, 4695, 4696 Robinson, Margaret, 6552 Robinson, Mary N., 4142, 7691 Robinson, Moncure, 4005, 5409-5411 Robinson, Morgan P., 2286 Robinson, Thomas H., 8839 Robinson, Winfield W., 5014, 5015 Robinson Run, 7121, 7122 Robson, Charles, 3761, 4860 Roche, John A., 5349 Roche, John F., 2773 Rock shelters, Indian, 324, 370 791) Index Rock Springs, 7667 Rockey, John L., 4292 Rocky Spring Presbyterian Church, 8867 Roddis, Louis H., 4389 Rodearmel, William, 5510 Rodgers, A., 4889 Rodgers, T. L., 2996, 3464 Rodman, Selden, 6880 Rodman, William, memoir, 3170 Rodney, Richard S., 1300, 2287 Roebling, John A., 6889-6891 Roebling family, 6890, 6891 Roeder, Fred V., 6449 Roelker, William G., 2479 Roesen, S., 5412 Roessing, Jennie B., 6141 Rogers, Dorothy R., 5637 Rogers, Elizabeth B., 5937 Rogers, Fred M., 7797 Rogers, Henry D., 202 Rogers, J. M., 6177 Rogers, J. T., 5967 Rogers, William, 8324 Rohrer, Gertrude M., 6537 Roland, David, 6025 Roland, Leo J., 45 Rolfe, Deette, 203 Rolfe, Maro O., 8162 Roller, Anne H., 5938 Rolling Rock, 6472 Roman Catholic Church, 1599, 4623, 4624, 6265a, 6267, 6276, 8368-8440; bibliographies, 97, 100, 106; colonial schools, 1394; early publishers, 1489; fear of, 8392; first bishop of Philadel- phia, 4589; and Germans, 5115; hos- pitals, 6553, 6571; and labor, 5057; missionaries, 8382, 8389; Penn and, 541; trusteeism, 3441 Roman Catholics, as loyalists, 2760 Rome, Edwin P., 5686 Rome Presbyterian Church, 8787 Rondthaler, Edward, 2998 Roos, Frank J., Jr., 56 Roosevelt, Theodore, 5859 Root, Winfred T., 1801 Rope making, 3808 Rose, Albert C, 3289 Rose, Barony of the, 7917 Rose, J. G., 8840 Rose, Joseph R., 5968 Rose Inn, Nazareth, 1669 Rosemont College, 6797 Rosenbach, Abraham S. W., 114, 1049, 2480, 3013, 6892 Rosenbach, Hyman P., 1050 Rosenbach, Isabella H., 3013 Rosenbaum, Irwin S., 5669 Rosenbaum, Samuel R., 6538 Rosenberg, Herbert N., 5576 Rosenberg, Max, 3181 Rosenberger, Francis C, 6887 Rosenberger, Homer T., 1342, 3377, 4006, 4639, 7264, 8325 Rosenberger, Jesse L., 743, 744 Rosenberry, M. Claude, 961 Rosenbloom, Miriam B., 5638 Rosengarten, J. G., 745, 1521, 3433 Roseto, 7898 Rosewater, Victor, 2567 Ross, Benjamin P., 6373 Ross, Betsy, 2532, 2852 Ross, Carmon, 6374 Ross, Earle D., 1125 Ross, Frank E., 1320 Ross, Frank X., 2481 Ross, George, 4668 Ross, Howard D., 2663 Ross, J. F., 2482 Ross, U. S. Senator James, 3746, 3747 Ross, James H., 7692 Ross, R. Chester, 8898 Ross, Victor, 4961 Rossiter, Clinton, 2483 Rosskam, Edwin, 5786 Rosskam, Louise, 5786 Rossman, Kenneth R., 2810-2812 Rossville, churches, 8585 Rotch, Abbott L., 2484, 2485 Roth, George L., 3754 Roth, Marsby J., 8958 Rothenberg, Irvin W., 3595 Rothermel, Abraham H., 746 Rothrock, Joseph Trimble, 4674, 5787- 5789, 6893 Rotterdam, 747 Roughead, William, 2044 Round Hill Presbyterian Church, 8781 Roundheads (regiment), 9006 Rouse, Irving, 44b Rowan County, North Carolina, 696, 703 Rowe, D. W., 9099 Rowe, James W., 7067 Rowe, John J., 2961 Rowe, Kenneth W., 4577 Rowlands, David T., 6067 Rowntree, C. Brightwen, 2155 Roxborough, 8051 Roy, Andrew, 5960 Roy, Arthur M., 8163 Roy, Paul L., 4728, 4761 Roy, Pierre-Georges, 2012, 2074-2077 Roy, Regis, 2078 Royal American Regiment, 1933, 1950 Royal Society, Penn and, 484, 585 800 Index Royall, Mrs. Anne, 8272; description of Pittsburgh in 1828, 7132; travels, 8326 Royen, Galen B., 8467 Royer, B. Franklin, 3410 Rubincam, Milton, 1522, 2167, 2664. 3048, 3608, 5229, 5376, 5402 Rucker, M. Pierce, 3062 Ruddy, Joseph C, 3205 Rudolph, Samuel H., 2568 Rufus, W. Carl, 3049 Rugg, Martin, 6173 Ruhl, Harry S, 1453 Rumball-Petre, Edwin A. R, 3443 Runes, Dagobert D., 3063 Rung, Albert M., 4650 Runyeon, Mildred E., 926 Ruoff, Henry W, 8107 Rupp, Alfred E., 1094 Rupp, Isaac D, 658, 825, 962 Rupp, Israel D., 7068, 7106, 7265, 7407, 7418, 7661, 8238 Rupp, Leila H, 5311 Rupp, William J., 869 Rural areas, clergy in, 5116; Negroes in, 5603 Ruschenberger, William S. W., 3574, 3575 Rush, Benjamin, 825, 1523, 1780, 2918, 3050, 3054, 3056, 3058, 3064, 3065, 3749, 3750; autobiography, 3064, 3748; and critics, 1767, 3061; and Dickinson College, 3469; and educa- tion, 3055; journal of trip to Carlisle, 3051; letters, 3052; letters of E. and C. Dilly to, 2934; as obstetrician, 3062; as philanthropist, 3059; por- traits, 3060; and prison reform, 3382 as psychiatrist, 3057, 3557, 3560, 3570 reputation, 3053; and science, 3554 writings, 3063; and yellow fever epidemic of 1793, 3404 Rush, Jacob, and early judiciary, 3376 Rush, N. Orwin, 4143 Rush, Richard, 4648, 4649 Rush, William, 3507, 3511 Rusk, William S, 4419 Russ, William A, Jr., 3137, 4090, 4697, 5278, 5294, 5970, 5971, 6068, 6768- 6770, 8131, 8327 Russell, Charles E., 2858, 5577 Russell, Elbert, 8529 Russell, James Y., 8122 Russell, Nathaniel W., 7557 Russell, Phillips, 2486 Russell, Seth W., 6640 Russians, 3415, 5113; Old Believers 5641 Russo-Jewish immigration, 5046 Rutenberg, Edward A., 6142 Ruth, John L., 3474 Ruth, Marjorie, 6994 Rutherford, M. Louise, 5660 Rutherford, W. F., 8841 Ruttenber, E. M., 369 Ruttenberg, Harold J., 5939 Ryan, William C, 1731 Rvden, George H., 453 Ryden, Thomas P., 9173 Ryman, William P., 7773 Sabin, Joseph, 15 Sabine, George H., 6450 Sachse, Julius F, 626, 747-749, 1208, 1549, 1609, 1968, 2127, 2487, 3290, 3444, 3465, 4083, 8486, 8469, 8615, 8616 Sadder, Samuel P., 3849 Safe Harbor, petroglyphs near, 293; power development, 5972 St. Agnes Church, West Chester, 8431 St. Aloysius Church, Littlestown, 8415 St. Andrew's Society of Philadelphia, 1037 St. Augustine's Church, Philadelphia, 8438 St. Bartholomew's Union Church, 8580 St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Phila- delphia, 8428 St. Clair, Arthur, 3067-3069, 3072, 3073, 3751; court martial, 3070; political philosophy, 3071 St. Clair, Carpatho-Slavs in, 5622 St. Clement's Church, Philadelphia, 8882 St. David's Church, Radnor, 8896 St. Francis, Sisters of, Pittsburgh, 8424 St. George's Methodist Church, Phila- delphia, 8721 St. Henry, Sister M., 4104 St. James' Church, Lancaster, 8886 St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church, Gettysburg, 8547 St. Joan of Arc, Parish of, Philadelphia, 8400 St. John the Evangelist, Church of, Philadelphia, 8394 St. John Reformed Church, Riegelsville, 8917 St. John's Church, Philadelphia, 8404 St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, 8627 801 Index St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Abbottstown, 8630 St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, May town, 8576 St. John's Lutheran Church, Easton, 8568 St. John's Pequea Protestant Episcopal Church, 8898 St. John's Polish College, 6416 St. John's Reformed Church, East Earl Township, Lancaster County, 8966 St. John's Reformed Church, Lebanon, 8956 St. John's (Hain's) Reformed Church, Lower Heidelberg Township, Berks County, 8941 St. John's Reformed Church, Red Lion, 8946 St. Joseph, Franciscan Sisters of, 8377 St. Joseph, Sisters of, Philadelphia, 8406, 8423 Saint Joseph's College, 4398, 5186 St. Joseph's Hospital, 4437 St. Joseph's-in-the-Hills, 6260 St. Louis, trip to, (1850), 8283 St. Luke's Evangelical Church and School, 8614 St. Luke's Union Church, Adams County, 8604 St. Mary's Church, Pine Creek, 8429 St. Matthew's Church, Francisville, Philadelphia, 8560 St. Matthew's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Hanover, 8603 St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, Han- over, 8548 St. Mery, Moreau de, journal, 3432 St. Michael's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Rossville, 8585 St. Patrick's Church, Carlisle, 8388 St. Patrick's Parish, York, 8422 St. Paul's English Evangelical Lutheran Church, York, 8569 St. Paul's Lutheran and Reformed Church, Summer Hill, 8611 Saint Peter's Church, New Kensington, 8385 St. Peter's Church, Philadelphia, 8883; in 18th century, 8881 St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Middle- town, 8549 Saint-Pierre, Legardeur de, see Repen- tigny, Le Gardeur de, family St. Stephen's Reformed Church, Read- ing, 8911 Saint Thomas, 7577 St. Thomas African Episcopal Church, 8877 St. Vincent's, 8416 Sakolski, A. M., 2818 Salem, North Carolina, and Moravians, 8733 Salem Lutheran Church, 8621 Salem Lutheran and Reformed Church, Snyder County, 8574 Salem Reformed Church, Allentown, 8904 Saliers, Earl A., 5861 Salomon, Haym, 2853-2858 Salpeter, Gladys, 6320 Salt manufacture, 3817, 3820 Salt trade, early, in Ohio valley, 1278; on frontier, 1273, 3212 Salter, John T, 6143, 6144, 6209, 6222- 6226, 6256 Samitz, Samuel, 4261 Sanborn, F. B., 2983 Sanders, Mrs. Leroy, 659 Sandt, George W., 6895 Sandusky, Crawford's expedition against, 2702 Sandy, W. C, 6593 Sanford, Laura G., 7556 Sanger, Donald B., 4762 Sangmeister, Ezechiel, diary, 1608 Sanitation, 5094 Sankey, Ira D., 5413 Sanville, F. L, 5661, 6215, 6321, 6594 Sanville, Florence L., 6145 Sapp, A. D., 5511 Sargent, Daniel, 3686 Sargent, M. P., 7069 Sargent, Winthrop, 1969 Sartain, John, memoirs, 5414 Sartoris, Antonio, 5639 Satcher, Herbert B., 1550 Saturday Evening Post, 6831 Sauer, Christopher, see Sower, Christo- pher Sauer, Ethel M, 3533 Saugrain, Antoine F., 3074 Saur, Christopher, see Sower, Christo- pher Savelle, Max, 3024 Savery, William, 1172, 3076 Savidge, Eugene C, 5326, 5445 Savings plans, 6617 Savoy Company of Philadelphia, 6530 Sawitzky, William, 57, 1379 Sawtelle, William O., 2343, 2977 Saxton, Joseph, 4650 Saye, William H., 5940 Sayin, Afife, 5675 Saylor, Roger B., 7613, 7943, 8179 Scaife, J. Verner, 3231 Scaife, Walter B., 2288 Scaife Company, 3231, 3232 Scaife family, 3231. 3232 Scarborough, Elizabeth B., 8530 Schach, Paul, 750, 927, 5193 802 Index Schaeffer, Anne D., 999 Schaeffer, C. F., 8617 Schaeffer, Charles E., 4669, 8959 Schaeffer, Charles H., 3344 Schaeffer, Claude E., 45 Schaeffer, Morton H., 6539 Schaeffer, N. C, 1454 Schaeffer, Nathan C, 6894 Schaeffer, Paul N., 2665, 3378, 4144 Schaefferstown, 7708, 7732, 7733; militia training days, 9075 Schaff, Philip, 4763 Schaff, Wilfred H, 5001, 5840 Schalck, Adolph W., 8105 Schantz, Franklin J. F., 826, 7725, 77'^'^ 8618 Schar, Mabel M. 1781 Scharf, John T., 7973 Schazmann, Paul-Emile, 2107 Scheerer, Mary K., 1126 Scheerz, Greer, 4046 Scheffer, J. G, 8679 Scheffey, Lewis C, 3576, 4445 Scheibler, Frederick, 7175 Scheidhauer, Stell K., 4070 Schelling, Felix E., 6861 Schenck, B. S., 7588 Schenck, J. S., 8184 Schendel, Gordon, 6257 Schenkel, Edwin N., 1307 Scherman, David E., 8328 Schiedt, R. C, 3036, 4377 Schiefele, Theodore C, 6271 Schiller, on Philadelphia stage, 3588 Schlatter, Michael, 2196, 2197, 8951, 8960; Muhlenberg and, 2166 Schlebecker, John, 1970 Schlechter, Edward W., 6083 Schlegel, Albert G. W., 1455 Schlegel, Marvin W., 149, 1732, 5016, 5071, 5360, 6721, 6730 Schlesinger, Arthur M., 2344 Schmauk, Theodore E., 825, 1610, 2168, 6895, 8619-8621 Schmertz, Robert W., 3514 Schmidt, Louis B., 43 Schmidt, Salvin, 5973, 7213 Schmucker, Beale M., 8599, 8622, 8625 Schmucker, Samuel C, 751 Schmucker, Rev. S. S., 5415 Schnader, William A., 5694 Schneck, Benjamin S., 4764 Schnee, William E., 7798 Schneider, Leonard S., 5512 Schnure, W. M., 2045, 3944-3946, 46^8, 4765, 4890, 5974, 8132 Schoch, Agnes S., 8133, 8134 Schoch, Marion S., 8135 Schoepf, Johann D., travels (1783-84), 8329 Schoff, Harry L., 297 Schoharie Creek, New York, Germain on, 712, 719, 724 Scholars, colonial, 1557 Scholl, George K, 8626 School districts: bond issues, 6394; finance, 6396, 6400, 6407, 6409; finan- cially distressed, State aid of, 6409; third-class, 6339 School employes' retirement svstem, 6375 Schoolmasters, colonial, 1420a, 1450 Schools, 1405, 1406, 2964, 4254, 4257; administrative costs, 6399; and acad- emies (1780-1860), 2944; and World War I, 6173; bonded debt, 6395, 6398; building authorities, 6406, 6410; Catholic colonial, 1394; certification requirements, 6440; charity, 1464, 1465; colonial, 1410, 1420a, 1421; colonial, Reformed Church, 1426; compulsory attendance and child labor, 5678; costs, 6390; curriculums, public and private compared, 6403; early, 835, 836, 4263, 4268, 4277. 4290, 4302; guidance movement, 6376; institutes, 6348; legislation on, 6401; legislature and, 5148; parish, beginnings of, 1429; public, 5132-5139; advocates of, 4291, ex- pansion of, 6334-6391, finance, 6414, legal basis, 4288, normal schools and, 5142, struggle for, 4267-4303, and transportation of children, 6393; re- ports, 6369; retirement system, 6375; rural, 4283, 4310, 5130; special, 5160, 5165-5169, 5175, 5179, 5180, 5183, 5185, 5193, 5197; state administration of, 5146; state and local history in, 6752, 6778; system, 5128; taxes, col- lection costs, 6411; see also Education and High schools Schoonover, T. J., 5424 Schopf. Eugen, 2238 Schotter, H. W., 4007 Schout, Charles J., 7544 Schoyer, George P., 3747 Schoyer, Maxine, 3232 Schoyer, Will, 3232 Schrabisch, Max, 370-372 Schrack, David, 7884 Schramm, Callista, 3663 Schramm, Eulalia C, 371'' Schreiber, William I., 8680 Schriftgiesser, Kurt, 7174 Schriver, Elmer H., : Schrock, Alta, 8681 Schroeder, Gertrude G., 5833 Schuchard, C. B., 2169 803 Index Schuler, H. A., 963, 7070 Schulte, Augustine J., 4390 Schultz, Christopher, 2198 Schultz, David, 2199 Schultz, George W., 1209-1212, 4008, 8531 Schultz, Marvin G., 1456 Schultz, Selina G., 1457, 8978 Schurr, Sam H., 5800 Schurz, Carl, 686 Schutte, Tenjes H., 2963 Schuyler, Hamilton, 6890 Schuyler, Montgomery, 6501 Schuyler, W. B., 566 Schuyler, William B., 8430, 8431 Schuylkill anthracite district, early labor troubles, 3883 Schuylkill Canal, 3296, 3300, 3922, 3934, 3950, 3954; Kernsville dam, 3923 Schuylkill County, 4631, 7407, 8094- 8125, 8253; biographies, 8107; churches, 8611; and Civil War, 4774; coal mining, 3825; courts and judges, 3359; early Lutheran ministers, 8596; early private schools, 4337; education in, 4262; finance in Civil War, 4792; in French and Indian War, 1960; medical society, 4425; Molly Maguire trials, 5086; Pennsylvania German folk songs, 946; place names, 8290; public schools, 4274, 8099; in World War I, 6163 Schuylkill Falls, camp of Continental Army, 2580 Schuylkill Fishing Company of the State in Schuylkill, 1688 Schuylkill Haven, 8121, 8123; churches, 8546; industries, 4852 Schuylkill Navigation Company, 3268, 3294, 3918, 3933 Schuylkill and Susquehanna Navigation, 3291 Schuylkill Rangers, 3908 Schuylkill River, 164, 187, 189, 8289; falls of, 3268; lower, improvement of, 5776; songs, 9194 Schuylkill Seminary, Reading, 5193 Schuylkill Valley, 7090, 7837; archaeol- ogy, 320; Scotch-Irish in, 1000 Schwab, Charles M., 6896 Schwab, E. L., 4578 Schwartz, A. J., 3345 Schwarze, Margaret, 8757 Schwarze, W. N., 1458 Schwarze, William N., 4391 Schwegmann, George A., 90 Schwenkfeld, Caspar, 8974, 8981 Schwenkfelder Historical Library, 8975 Schwenkfelders, 8972-8981; and early education, 1456; early ministers, 8977; hymns, 1551; and pacifism, 8652; poets among, 8973; schools and edu- cation, 1405 Science, 3549-3586, 4674, 5316, 5383- 5385, 6595, 6790, 6795, 6900, 6901, 6912. 6913; colonial, 1555-1570, 1842: Quakers and, 1568; in Philadelphia (1775-1790), 2928, 2929 Scomp, Henry A., 2732 Scotch-Irish, 725, 970-1003, 8862; bib- liography, 75; of colonial Pennsyl- vania, 977; in Cumberland Valley, 974, 995, 996; early settlements, 978, 999; emigration, 984; Pennsylvania Germans and, 664, 8815; in Phila- delphia, 2669; and the Presbyterian Church, 8783; in Washington County, 993; in western Pennsylvania, 975, 976, 983; see also Irish Scotland, Franklin in, 2465 Scots, 972, 1037; settlement in America, 1030 Scott, Charles E., 3346 Scott, Dolores T., 8068 Scott, Dred, case of, and Buchanan, 4188 Scott, J. E., 2666 Scott, J. Ernest, 5036 Scott, James B., 2488 Scott, John F. R., 4821, 9056 Scott, John, and public schools, 4287 Scott, John W., 8842 Scott, Joseph, 204, 8330 Scott, Kate M., 7620, 9100 Scott, Samuel B., 5513 Scott, Thomas A., and Civil War, 4822 Scouller, J. B., 8843 Scoville, Samuel, Jr., 6146 Scoville, Warren C, 1213 Scranton, 7622, 7624, 7626, 7627, 7629, 7630, 7632, 7635-7637, 7639; banks, 4981, 4982; biographies, 7635; founders, 7629; mining, 5948; pro- nunciation in, 6505 Scrantonia, 7632 Scrip, 1335, 6621 Scudder, Evarts S., 2489 Scull and Heap's East Prospect of Phila- delphia, 8082 Scull, Nicholas, "Junto" verses, 1525 Sculpture, 3507, 3511, 6484 Seaber, Louis, 5578 Seabring, C. S., 6720 Seacrist, James H., 6405 Sealock, Richard B., 96 Searight, Thomas B., 3292 Searle, James, 2554 Sears, Alfred B., 3071 Sears, Louis M., 3182, 4218 804 Index Secession crisis, 4699 Second Presbyterian Church, Philadel- phia, 8770 Secondary schools, see High schools Secret Service, of Continental Army, 2636 Sectionalism, during Revolution, 2777 Sects: defunct German, 962; see also Religion Seebach, Margaret R., 2170 Seelaus, Karl G., 5488 Seely, Frederick F., 3206 Seely, Pauline A, 96 Segelken, D. B., 8844 Sehl, Lillian W., 7294 Seibel, George, 6084 Seidensticker, Oswald, 454, 567, 752, 753, 928, 2149, 2208a, 3030, 3031, 6897, 6898, 8470 Seifert, Lester W. J., 929-931 Seilhamer, George O., 838, 7495 Seip, Oswell J., 964 Seipt, Allen A., 1551 Selective service: backgrounds, 2689; see also Conscription Selig, J., 1971 Selinsgrove, 8132; boat-building, 3944; bridges, 8135; fires, 8131 Selinsgrove State Colony for Epileptics, 6570 Selinsgrove Times, 5278 Sell, Howard P, 6026 Sell, Jesse C, 7315 Sell, W. Edward, 6322 Sell, William E., 4388 Sellers, Charles C, 1380, 2490, 2846, 3515, 3577, 3578, 3724-3726, 4459 Sellers papers, 3578 Sellick, George G., 568 Sellin, Thorstein, 3379 Selsam, J. Paul, 1733, 2888-2891, 3138 Seltzer, A. Frank, 7726 Seltzer, Livingston, 8124 Seltzer, Robert E., 4262 Selwyn Hall School for Boys, 5197 Seneca Indians, 2715a; and American Revolution, 2682; Brodhead expedi- tion against, 2738; mission to, 3448; place names, 314 Sener, S. M, 1024 Sener, Samuel M., 2667, 7693, 7694, 8432 Sergeant, Thomas, 1095 Sessa, Frank B., 4098 Sessler, Jacob J., 8761 Seton, Mother, 8372 Settlement, 335; colonial, west of Sus- quehanna, 1910; early, 444-466, 653, 654; early western, 1886; western, 1886, 1892-1895 Settlers: early, salt and, 3212; Quakers as, 662; traits, 655 Seventeen Townships, title in, 2321 Seventh Day Baptists, 8442 Seventh Day German Baptists, 8449, 8453, 8460 Severance, Frank H., 2013, 3182a Seversmith, Herbert F., 2239 Sewell, William, 8532 Sewickley, 7137, 7167 Sewickley Presbyterian Church, 8804 Sexton, John L., 4963 Sexton, John L., Jr., 7336, 8164 Seybert, John, 8476 Seybold, John W., 6085 Seyfert, A. G., 3207, 7695 Seyler, Harry E, 2774, 6722 Seymour, Henry J., 4891 Shaaber, Andrew, 2668 Shackamaxon, Penn's treaty with the Indians at, 631, 634, 635, 643, 644, 648 Shackleton, Robert, 8069 Shad fisheries, 5036 Shadyside Hospital, Pittsburgh, 6585 Shafer, Henry B, 1782 Shaham, Milton A., 6323 Shakespeare, 1691; and Philadelphia, 4527, 5206 Shalloo, J. P., 5941 Shamokin, 361, 7925; Bishop Cammer- hoff's journey to, 8261; churches, 8600; Indians of, 298; Indian traders, 1309; Moravians at, 8727 Shamokin Guards, 4750 Shamokin Presbyterian Church, 8799 Shank, Ray, 7727 Shannon, Lester D., 3710 Shannopintown, 1897 Shappee, Nathan D'., 7071, 7395, 7396 Sharon Steel Corporation, 5820 Sharp, Frank A., 6272 Sharp, Thomas, 2669 Sharpless, Isaac, 605, 610, 1611, 1802, 1803, 4392, 6899, 6995, 8533, 8845 Sharpsville, 7815 Sharswood, George, 1734, 5416, 5417 Shaw, Adele M., 5137 Shaw, Charles H., 3798 Shaw, E. W., 205 Shaw, Joseph B., 5907 Shaw, Lawrence M., 2491 Shaw, Lillian H, 2569 Shaw, Reuben T., 6375 Shaw, Samuel S., 6376 Shawnee Indians, 306, 637; alienation from British, 2053; locations, 400a; pottery, 401 Shawnee Presbyterian Church, 8860 Shay, Ralph S., 4009 805 Index Shea, John G., 2079 Sheads, J. Melchior, 7107 Shear, John K., 7175 Shearer, Augustus H., 6 Shearer, Christopher High, 5418 Sheas, Jerome J., 1214, 1215 Sheeder, Frederick, 7442 Sheedy, Morgan M., 5148 Sheep, James T., 5426, 6908 Sheffer, George P., 9174 Sheffield Township, Warren County, 8185 Shell, W. P, 7243 Shellenberger, Paul M., 4293, 5157 Shelley, Donald A., 797 Shelling, Richard I, 2222, 2492, 3947 Shelly, Paul R., 8682 Shelton, Frederick H., 1216, 2670, 3411 Shenandoah, 8103, 8117: industries, 4852; Poles in, 5048 Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, Germans in, 759 Shenango Valley, iron and steel in- dustry, 4889, 5883 Shenk, Harry W., 6406 Shenk, Hiram H, 2874, 3139, 4174, 4336, 6935, 7072 Shenk, John B, 8678 Shenk, Sarah L., 3160 Shenk, S. S., 9175 Shenk's Ferry, Indian sites, 418 Shenton, Clarence G., 6147 Shenton, Donald R., 3790, 7295 Shepherd, William R., 1096, 1804 Sheppard, Muriel E., 5942 Sheridan, Peter B., 3774 Sherman, Andrew M., 2671 Sherman, Charles A., 6377 Sherman, E. W., 3596 Sherman, Frederick F., 1381 Sheshequin, 7330 Shetler, Charles, 3208 Shetler, Charles W., 7214 Shettel, James W, 5740, 5741, 8239 Shidler, Nancy, 6468 Shields, John L., 8433 Shikellamy, 2063, 2064; sons of, 1871 Shiloh, battle of, 9089, 9101 Shiloh Lutheran and Reformed Church, 8561 Shils, E. B., 5514, 6039, 6407 Shimmell, Lewis S., 124, 839, 2734, 5515, 6996 Shindel, Rev. John Peter, Sr., 8673 Shinn, Earl, 6997, 8331 Shipbuilding, 1248, 3891, 3895, 3902, 4862; early, 1302, 1303; iron, 3893, 3894; western, 3275 Ship lists, Pennsylvania Germans, 758 Shipman, Henry R., 6 Shippen, Edward, 1825, 2200, 3412 Shippen, Nancy, journal, 3454 Shippen, Dr. William, 3080 Shippen, William, Jr., 2201, 3081-3083; controversy with John Morgan, 2945 Shippen family, 3077 Shippensburg, 7496 Shipping: early, 3317; Philadelphia, 1306; see also Trade Shirley Township, Huntingdon County, 7604 Shirleysburg, 7604 Shissler, Henry H., 6273 Shoe industry, 5834; labor movement in, 3880 Shoemaker, Alfred L., 91, 92, 870, 871, 932, 1382 Shoemaker, Ann G., 1868 Shoemaker, Benjamin H., Jr., 1217 Shoemaker, Henry W., 206, 253-258, 373, 872, 1287, 1635, 1972, 2733, 2859, 7316, 6216, 8332, 9139, 9176- 9189 Short, Raymond S., 1805 Shortess, John D., 8478 Shoultes, Maurice, 4861 Showalter, Henry A., 4446 Showalter, Thelma J., 5516-5520 Shriner, Charles A., 3161 Shryock, Richard H., 754, 776, 1782a, 3750, 4447, 4546, 6596, 6771 Shulze, Governor John Andrew, 4076 Shunk, Governor Francis Rhawn, 4651 Shunk, James F., 5419 Shyne, Ann W., 6324 Sibley, Joseph C, 5420 Sibole, Edward E., 8627 Siebeneck, Henry K., 1973, 2080, 2802, 3072, 3616, 4766 Siebert, P. W., 7176 Siebert, Wilbur H., 2775 Sieling, J. H., 2219 Siers, William, 9102 Sigafoos, Robert A., 5521 Sigman, James G., 6378 Sigmond, Robert M., 6189 Silk, Norma J, 1218 Silk culture, 3802-3803 Silk industry, 3811, 5826 Sill, Maurice L., 6274 Silliman, Benjamin, Jr., report on petro- leum, 4964 Silver Spring Presbyterian Church, 8796 Silverman, Alexander, 6597 Silversmiths, 1176, 1227, 1358; Indian ornaments, 1363 Silveus, Marian, 1612, 5279 Simmons, Mabel M., 7816 806 Index Simmons, Ruth L., 6227 Simon, L. C, 3347 Simonton, J. W., 5257, 8846 Simpich, Frederich, 8333 Simpson, Alexander, 6148 Simpson, Annie B., 3799 Simpson, George E., 5640 Simpson, Henry, 4675 Simpson, Matthew, 8714 Simpson, R. E., 7047 Simpson, Robert, 3209 Simpson, Stephen, 3693 Simpson, William, 7787 Sims, Joseph P., 1383, 1693, 1694 Sinai, Nathan, 6598 Singmaster, Elsie, 4835, 7108, 8334, 8335; and regional tradition, 6511 Sinkler, Charles, 8070 Sinkler, John P. B., 6827 Sinnemahoning Creek: lumber industry on, 4872, 4873; survey of, 8304 Sioussat, St. George L., 2776 Sipe, Chester H., 374-376, 455, 1974, 7377 Sipe, E. E., 4294 Sipes, William B., 4010, 9103 Sipple, Simon, 8961 Sisters of Charity, 4437, 8372, 8384 Sisters of Mercy, 4253, 8412, 8435 Site and Relic Society of Germantown, 8071 Six Nations, 1944, 8343; see also Iro- quois; names of tribes Sizer, Theodore, 1384 Skating, 4541 Skeen, John R., 4510 Skergan, Geraldine, 2735 Skidmore, Rex A., 3380 Skillman, David B., 4393, 7918, 7919 Skippack Creek, 2122 Sklar, Aaron H., 2345 Slate industry, 5815; economic geog- raphy, 4916 Slate Ridge Presbyterian Church, 8863 Slattery, Gertrude Q., 7397 Slave trade, colonial Pennsylvania and, 1060 Slavery, 4116, 4118, 4142; in colonial Pennsylvania, 1055, 1065; 18th cen- tury reform, 1057; Friends and, 590, 4142, 4127, 4128; Germantown pro- test against, 1053; as issue, 4106- 4168; notices, 4111; Penn and, 539; in Pennsylvania, 1061, 4153; Quakers and, 1051, 1054, 1059, 1062; see also Abolition, Antislavery movement Slavs, 5045, 5623, 5635, 5636; and mine workers, 5047 Slick, Sewell E., 1869, 2225, 4664, 6451 Slidell, John, and Buchanan, 4218 Sligluff, Ella, 7847 Slingerland, William H., 6325 Sloan, D. H, 8847 Slocum, Charles E., 3183 Slocum, Frances, 2726, 2731 Slocum Hollow, 7632 Slosser, Gaius J., 1613 Slum clearance, 5109, 6312 Sly, J. F., 5522 Small, Norman J., 69 Smalley, Donald, 8336 Smearsburg, 8076 Smedley, Elizabeth, 73, 4055, 5523, 6258, 6688, 7378, 7480, 7662, 7663, 7848, 8980 Smedley, Robert C, 4145 Smeltzer, Wallace G., 8715-8717 Smilie, John, 3121 Smock, Ray F., 5994 Smith, A., 6086 Smith, Abbot E., 755 Smith, Adam, Franklin and, 2405 Smith, Albert H., 6799 Smith, Beauchamp E., 5975 Smith, Benjamin H., 1097 Smith, Beverly, 6259 Smith, Bruce A., 8185 Smith, C. Arthur, 4263 Smith, C. Page, 3107 Smith, Carl T., 7885 Smith, Catherine, 2685, 2859 Smith, Catherine B, 3293 Smith, Charles, 1098 Smith, Charles H., 1099, 1670, 2672, 7886, 7887, 8534, 8683, 8684 Smith, Conrad L., 6210 Smith, Culver H., 1806 Smith, Donald S., 3579 Smith, Dwight L., 2736 Smith, E. Stanley, 1219 Smith, Edgar F., 3580-3582, 3607, 3646, 3740, 3741, 3759, 4555, 4565, 4607, 4610, 5382, 6900, 6901 Smith, Edward C, 827 Smith, Edwin F., 3294 Smith, Edwin W., 6826 Smith, Emily V., 3434 Smith, Ernest A., 4394 Smith, Frank, 2844 Smith, Geane G., 6689 Smith, George, 7541 Smith, George W., 3871 Smith, Hannah Whitall, letters, 6902 Smith, Helen B, 3001 Smith, Henry V., 7542 Smith, Horace W., 2204 Smith, J. L., 9104 Smith, James: and Caughnawago In- dians, 1854; and uprising against the British, 2347 807 Index Smith, James, the Signer, 2860, 2861 Smith, John, 2202 Smith, John Q, 1819 Smith, Joseph, 115-117, 4395, 8848 Smith, Joseph B., 3489 Smith, Joseph H., 4146 Smith, Leroy, Jr., 8072 Smith, Logan P., 6902, 6903 Smith, Manning J., 6452 Smith, Marvin W, 6915 Smith, Matthew, 2032 Smith, Mortimer B., 3787 Smith, Ophia D., 4477 Smith, Percy F., 5443; reminiscences, 7215 Smith, Philip M., 6275 Smith, R. A., 8073 Smith, Ray D., 3348 Smith, Ray M., 1220, 3823, 5993, 8136 Smith, Richard, journal (1769), 8284 Smith, Richard C, 5943 Smith, Dr. Robert, academy, 1391 Smith, Robert C, 3516 Smith, Robert L., 7317 Smith, Robert W., 7225 Smith, S. Morgan, and hydro-electric industry, 5975 Smith, Samuel, 6998 Smith, Samuel R., 4965, 7073, 7074 Smith, Sara T., 8436 Smith, Thelma M., 4247 Smith, Thomas, 3084 Smith, Thomas K., 6999 Smith, W. H. B., 2673 Smith, Walter W., 9000 Smith, William, 1400, 1402, 1975, 2046, 2129, 2203-2205, 2326, 2776; corre- spondence, 2204; and higher educa- tion, 1459; his curriculum, 1417; land investments, 1078 Smith, William C, 2570 Smith, William H, 3751 Smith, William 0., 7621 Smith, William R., 2777 Smithers, William W., 5258 Smithsonian Institution, 377 Smoke control, 5560, 5561, 5579 Smyth, Albert H., 1492 Smyth, Clifford, 569, 2493 Smyth, S. G, 1000, 2674 Smythe, J. Henry, Jr., 2494 Snader, Howard, 933 Snavely, Joseph R., 6815 Sneath, E. Hershey, 6850 Snow, F. Herbert, 3295 Snyder, Bridget M., 6326 Snyder, Charles F., 1025, 1976, 2047- 2050, 2240, 2675, 2737, 3742, 7944- 7946, 8962 Snyder, Charles M., Jr., 4071 Snyder, Edward D., 4147 Snyder, Freas B., 2676 Snyder, Henry L,. 7756 Snyder, Henry P., 2117 Snyder, Louis H., 6408 Snyder, Martin P., 3517 Snyder, Governor Simon, 3752, 3753 Snyder, Warren P., 6409 Snyderman, George S., 378 Snyder County, 2051, 7029, 7085, 8126- 8138; agricultural extension associa- tion, 5748; agricultural fairs, 5723; automobiles, 5993; biographies, 7012, 7408; churches, 6264, 8128, 8130, 8574, 8626; in Civil War, 4744; dis- tilleries, 3809; electricity, 5970; floods, 8133; flora and fauna, 268; insurance speculation, 4977; old homes, 8134; parks, 8137; pioneers, 8129a; railroad, 3967; rifles, 1220, 3823; shoemakers and saddlers, 8136; telephone in, 5971; women doctors, 6560 Snyder County Tribune, 5278 Social agencies, rural, 6306 Social and cultural life, 5198-5242; be- fore 1743, 1542 Social conduct, colonial laws on, 1705 Social history, sources, 27 Social hygiene, 6554, 6565 Social legislation, 6321; colonial, 1636 Social life, 3444, 3454-3467, 4537, 4539, 4540, 4543, 4544, 4547, 6462-6464, 6701, 8340; colonial, 1623-1640, 1684, 2930; during Revolution, 2942 Social planning, 6302 Social science, 6911 Social security, 6296 Social studies, 6451 Social welfare, trends, 6315; see also Welfare Social work, 6279-6333 Socialism, 6199 Socialist Party, 5528 Society of Friends, see Friends; Quakers Society for the Promotion of Industry and Prevention of Pauperism, 3801 Society for the Propagation of Chris- tianity and Useful Knowledge among the Germans in America, 4365 Sociology, history of, 6422 Soffel, Sara M., 1735 Sohl, Charles E., 570, 1288, 2677, 3250 Soho Community House, 6281 Soil conservation, 5730, 5742; see also Conservation Sokoloff, Alex, 5641 Soldiers' homes, 5106 Soldiers' orphan schools, 5099, 5106, 5107 808 Index Solebury Township, Bucks County, 7369 Solenberger, Edwin D., 6328 Solis-Cohen, Bertha, 1570 Solomon, Charles M., 6112 Somexndike, John M., 8849 Somerset Classis, Reformed Church, biographies, 8953 Somerset County, 7106, 7237, 7241, 8139-8145; archaeology, 277, 291; maple products industry, 5773; pio- neer churches, 8145; verse, 9133 Sommers, Allen, 5790 Sonneck, Oscar G. T., 1552, 1553 Sons of the American Revolution, Pennsylvania Society, 1977 Sons of St. George, Society of, 3770 Sons of Saint Tammany of Philadelphia, Society of, 4059 Sources, bibliographies, 9, 12, 27, 32, 122-153, 6756-6757; exploration and early settlement, 425, 440; French, 1996, 1998, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2015, 2016; guides, 106 Souder, Caspar, 8074 Souder, John D., 7888 Souderton, 7874 South Carolina, 2959; colonial arts and crafts, 1375 South Mountain Railroad, 3998 Southeastern Pennsylvania, 7058; agri- culture, 5027; archaeology, 324; colonial agriculture, 1126; Under- ground railroad, 4145, 4146; "union churches," 8570 Southeastern states, 6337 Southern colonies, movement to, 1892 Southern Pennsylvania, folklore, 9186 Southwark, District of, Philadelphia, 8044 Southwestern Pennsylvania, 2084, 7015, 7067, 7081, 7082, 7091, 7097; anti- slavery movement, 4113; archaeology, 290, 328; coal regions, agriculture in, 5747; folk music, 9124; frontier econ- omy, 1112; population trends, 5633; Scotch-Irish in, 1002; Slavs in, 5045; and Virginia boundary dispute, 2292, 2298 Southwestern State Normal School, 5141 Southwick, A. F., 660 Sower, Albert M., 1493 Sower, Christopher, 2194, 2195, 2206, 2207, 2207a, 2208, 2208a, 3084a; almanac, 1477, 1478; printing house, 1481; Washington and, 2759 Sower Bible, 1493 Spaeth, A., 8628 Spaeth, Rev. Adolph, 5421 Spaeth, H. R., 5421 Spaid, Arthur R. M., 1061 Spain, and 18th century Philadelphia theater, 1695 Spangenberg, August G., 2251 Spangenberg, Cyriacus, 3754 Spangler, F. L., 8240 Spangler, R. M, 8137 Spanish-American War, Pennsylvania volunteers in, 9107 Spanish Civil War, Pittsburgh news- papers on, 6080 Spanish Hill, 356 Spann, Anna L., 8535 Spare parts, importance in war time, 6720 Sparkes, Boyden, 6848 Sparks, Edwin E, 2819, 6904, 6905 Spartansburg, mounds near, 296 Spayd, H. H., 8125 Spears, James F., 1221 Speck, Frank G., 379-393, 647 Speight, Frederick E., Jr., 1978 Speirs, Frederick W., 6027 Spell, J. R, 1695 Spence, Marvin J., 4011 Spence, Mary K., 95 Spence, Robert J., 6839 Spencer, David, 8075, 8363 Spencer, Charlotte L., autobiography, 6906 Spencer, Pauline W., 4295 Spessard, Harvey W., 8850 Spicer, Clayton, 9190 Spiller, Robert E., 2495 Spindler, Adeline B., 4149 Spittal, Hugh E., 5932 Spofford, Ernest, 6933 Sponseller, Amos N., 4313 Sports, 5203, 5230; early, 1678, 1679, 1683, 1685, 1688, 1689, 1693 Sportsmen, early Philadelphia, 1683 Spottswood, W. Lee, 8718 Spread Eagle Manor, 7927 Sprenger, George S., 9105 Sprigle, Ray, 6238 Sprinchorn, Carl K. S., 456 Spring Garden Institute, 4355 Spring Grove, 8241; church, 8968 Springer, Otto, 81 Springetsbury Manor, 1083 Springfield, Gulielma Penn's manor at, 1086, 7876 Springfield Township, Delaware County, 7524 Springhill, 7163 Springs and spas, 3411 Sprogle, Howard O., 1676 Sprout, Oliver S., 2778, 4012, 5017 Spry, Thomas, 2209 809 Index Squatters, in early western Pennsyl- vania, 3196 Squier, Ephraim G., 394 Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh, 7143 Staake, W. H., 6149 Stabley, Fred, 6379 Stackhouse, Asa M., 2807 Stackpole, Edward J., memoirs, 5280 Stafford, Giles S., 8076 Stage, see Theater Stage coach, 8336 Stahle, William, 7296 Stahr, John S., 828 Stained glass, 4412 Stalley, M., 5581 Stalton, J. Owen, 3349 Stamets Company, William K., 6713 Stamp Act, Pennsylvania and, 2345 Stampp, Kenneth M., 4699 Standard Steel Company, 3234 Standish, Kate A., 7398 Stapleton, A., 8479 Stapleton, Amon, 1026, 1027 Starbuck, Louisa W., 7787 Starner, Norman D., 6469 Starr, Frederick, 873 Starr, Isaac, 6599 Starrett, Agnes L., 4396 Starry, D. E., 874 State Capitol, grounds, 6497 State College, 7412; see Pennsylvania State University State Fencibles, 9065, 9066 State government, finance, 6047, 6048, 6066; subvention in, 6050 State grants-in-aid, 5531, 5532 State House, 1788; see also Independ- ence Hall State Liquor Control Board, and rev- enue, 6047 State and local history: bibliographies, 3, 4, 8, 11, 14, 6756, 6757; study and teaching of, 6735-6740, 6742-6748, 6750-6752, 6754-6757, 6759, 6766, 6768-6774, 6776-6783; value of, 6760, 6762, 6763 State planning, 6682, 6685 State Planning Board, 5524-5526, 5642, 5742, 5791, 5792, 5899, 5904, 5944, 5995, 6723, 6724, 6690-6693, 7403 State Public School Building Authority Act, 6410 State publications, 159, 160 State teachers colleges, 5140, 5147, 6341, 6358, 6436; development of, 6417; program, 6428; and teacher training, 6443; see also Normal schools State Works, 3903, 3907, 3925; Alle- gheny Portage Railroad and, 4000; corrupt practices in building, 3906; main line of, 3937; see also Canals States, new, attempts to form, 3112 Statistics, 6687 Statutes-at-Large, 3126 Staudenmaier, Margaret, 5600 Stauffer, David McNeely, 5422 Stauffer, Elmer C, 756 Steamboats, 3664, 3667, 3894, 3896; early, 3287, 3298; invention of, 2800; navigation, 3898, 3899; western, 3276 Stearns, Bertha M., 3548, 3631, 4511 Stearns, George A., 2964 Steckbeck, John S., 6470 Steel district, immigrant types, 5620 Steel industry, see Iron and steel in- dustry Steele, Henry J., 1736, 4080 Steell, Willis, 2496 Steese, Charles M, 8172, 8629 Steffens, Lincoln, 5582-5585, 5863 Steffy, Muriel K, 829 Stein, Thomas S., 8963 Steinberg, Herman S., 2571 Steinfellt, Berenice, 8685 Steinman, D. B., 6891 Steinman, George, 7664, 7696 Steinmetz, Andrew, 2150 Steinmetz, G. M., 5527 Steinmetz, H. E., 7665 Steinmetz, Mary O., 3534 Steitztown, 7726 Stenberg, Richard R., 4150, 4219 Stenton, 1844 Stephens, J. Benjamin, 7634 Stephenson, Mary V., 6600 Sterling, 8203 Stern, Leon T., 3381, 6150, 6329, 6330 Stern, Thomas N., 5793 Sterrett, H. R, 3002 Sterrett, Mary M., 1651 Stetler, Henry G., 5528 Stetson, Sarah P., 2965, 3583 Stetson Company, John B., labor sys- tem, 5656 Stevens, Abel, 8719 Stevens, Harry R., 8337 Stevens, John A., 3678 Stevens, S. K., 131, 150, 151, 157, 457, 571, 611, 1222, 1979-1980a, 2014-2017, 2572, 3850, 3851, 4013, 4608, 4644, 4893, 5018, 5281, 5529, 5835, 6694- 6696, 6725-6730, 6772-6779, 6936, 7000, 7075 Stevens, Thaddeus, 4823-4839; and antimasonic movement, 4085, 4092; charity, 4828; and conduct of Civil War, 4836; defense of, 4831; and Free School Act, 4292; and national de- 810 Index velopments, 4824; and Omnibus Bill, 4115; and slavery, 4823, 4834 Stevens, Willard M., 6380 Stevenson, George E., 5945 Stevenson, James S., 3912 Stevenson, Virginia P., 1636 Stevenson, William H., 7178 Stewart, Frank, 5530 Stewart, Frank H., 2678 Stewart, George B., 8851 Stewart, George S., Jr., 6151 Stewart, Harriet W., 7076 Stewart, Helen W., 7496 Stewart, Howard, 7179 Stewart, James R., diary, 4123 Stewart, John, 1001 Stewart, Joshua T., 7614 Stewart, Kenneth, 6087 Stewart, Lazarus, 2025 Stewart, R. W., 5996 Stewart, Robert F., 4296 Stewart, Robert L., 9106 Stewart, Thomas J., 9107 Stewartstown, 8232 Stiegel, Henry William, 1175, 2210- 2221; associates of, 2215; land hold- ings, 1068 Stiegel glass, 1175 Stiffler, Mary E., 1385 Stifler, James M., 2497 Stiles, S. M., 8720 Still, William, 4138, 4151 Stille, Charles J., 1614, 1981, 2205, 2355, 2573, 2868, 5194, 8899 Stine, Clyde S., 840, 2679 Stine, Milton H., 2220 Stirl, Miriam L., 4056 Stock, Leo F., 8437 Stocker, H. E. 8762 Stocker, Rhamanthus M., 8155, 8852 Stoddard, Dwight J., 7635 Stoeffler, E. Ernest, 965 Stoever, John Caspar, 1619, 1622 Stoever, M. L., 2171 Stofflet, Sefellen E., 8964 Stokely, Benjamin, 7817 Stokley, James, 6601 Stokes, A. F., 8338 Stokes, George S., 4512, 6884, 6885 Stoltzfus, Grant M., 8686 Stone, Frederick D., 612, 648, 2346, 2680, 2681, 2908, 2966 Stone, Governor William A., memoirs, 5282 Stone, Hugh E., 259 Stone, R. W., 207 Stone, Richard B., 5412 Stone, Rufus B., 2682, 2738, 7811 Stone, William L, 7077 Stone, Witmer, 260 Stonecipher, Frank W., 3872 Stoner, J. H., 1127, 4767, 4768, 7078, 7079, 7589 Storer, Harper B, 8853 Storey, Douglass D., 5694 Storey, Henry W., 7399 Storrick, W. C, 4769 Stose, George W., 209 Stotesbury, Edward T., 6907 Stotz, Charles M., 4420, 4421 Stoudt, John B., 875-877, 1615, 1807, 2574 Stoudt, John [., 757, 798-801, 1616, 2100, 2575, 6453, 8763 Stough, Mulford, 3413 Stoughton, John, 572 Stout, Randall S., 5492, 5531, 5532, 6641 Stove, first cook, 1155; Franklin, 1144 Stover, Herbert E., 7001, 9191 Stoves and stove plates, Pennsylvania German, 793 Stow, Emma M., 7368 Stowe, Walter H, 3095 Stowell, Myron R., 5072 Stradley, Leighton P., 1343, 2919, 2920 Strahan, Edward, 5239 Strahan, printer, 1726 Straley, G. E., 4513, 7443 Straley, George H, 1870, 2779, 3184, 6028 Strasburg academies, 4347 Strasburg Scientific Society, 3586 Strassburger, Ralph B., 758 Strauss, Lillian L., 5686 Strawberry Mansion, Philadelphia, 8043 Strecker, Dr. Herman, 5423 Street cars, see Trolleys Street cleaning and lighting, origins, 1675 Streeter, John A., 4894 Streets, dedication of, 5558 Strevig, John R., 8630, 8631 Strickland, William, 4652-4654 Strickler, Daniel B., 4514 Strikes, 5696, 5708, 5844-5846, 5848, 5851, 5855, 5856, 5858, 5860, 5862, 5867, 5868 Strip mining, 5930, 5933; Penn Town- ship and, 5929 Strittmatter, Isidor P., 2683 Strohm, John, 1289 Strom, Margaret, 8156 Strong, Dr. Joseph, 3755 Strong, William, 9108 Stroudsburg, Moravian mission at, 8741 Stroup, J. Martin, 7823, 7824 Strouss, Benjamin M., 7728 Struble, George G., 3597, 3651, 3652, 4619, 5395 Struck, Ferdinand T„ 5743 811 Index Stuart, Milton C, 5400 Stump, Adam, 8632 Stump's Run massacre, 2024 Stumpstown, 7717 Sturgeon, Daniel, 4655 Sturgeon, William, 2222 Sturgeon fisheries, 5030 Sturtevant, Peleg, 4091 Suffern, Arthur E., 5864, 5865 Suffrage: negro (1837), 4121; see also Voting Sugar Notch, 7772 Sugar refining, 3805 Suhr, Charles L., 4966 Sukel. A. S., 5449, 5450 Sullenberger, William L., 4460 Sullivan, General John, order book, 2727 Sullivan, John J., 5259, 6276 Sullivan, William A., 3885-3888, 4072 Sullivan County, 7044, 8146-8149; biog- raphies, 7013; farming, 5716; first murder, 8149 Sullivan Indian expedition, 2705, 2719, 2722, 2723, 2727, 2728, 2745; Fort Augusta and, 2704; journals, 2705 Sully, Thomas, 4411, 4656, 4657 Sulzberger, David, 5046 Summit Hotel, 7380 Sumner, William G., 2820 Sumneytown Academy, 4319 Sun Inn, Bethlehem, 1667, 1668; legend of, 9155 Sunbury, 3191, 7929, 7937, 7938; Edison in, 4856; education, 3493; Lorenzo da Ponte in, 3652; merchants, 7931 Sunday schools, for German workers, 3882 Super, Charles W., 4397, 7080 Superintendents of schools: certification, 6440; county, functions, 5121; county, supervision and administration, 5123; status, 5124, 6346 Supplee, Mrs. A. Irvin, 7889 Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Chief justices, 6841, 6851 Supreme Executive Council, minutes, 138 Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army, catalogue of library, 53 Surrey, N. M. Miller, 152 Susquehanna Boom, Williamsport, 4904 Susquehanna controversy, 2303 Susquehanna corridor, 1299; barriers of, 1276 Susquehanna County, 8150-8157; agri- culture, 8151; biographies, 7021; in Civil War, 4741; early pastors, 8154; grassland farming in, 5728; schools, 2964 Susquehanna Indians, 1317; see also Susquehannock Indians Susquehanna and North Branch and West Branch Telegraph Company, 5974 Susquehanna and Potomac rivers, pro- posed canal route, 3938 Susquehanna River, 196, 201, 626, 5778, 5781, 7060, 8257, 8259, 8269, 8310, 8317, 8334, 8335, 9143, 9146; archae- ology, 355, 420; canalization of, 3931; coal dredging, 5757, 5923; exploration, 356; floods, 7390; folklore, 9165; im- provement, 5775; Indians, 310, 331, 360; legends, 9171; navigation, 3304; Pennsylvania Canal along, 3946; petroglyphs, 293; in poetry, 9197; rafting, 4868, 4879; settlement west of, 1910; steamboats, 3899; tour (1769), 8284; travels, 8281; trans- portation on, 3249; upper, 992, 2720, 7019, 7053, 7054 Susquehanna River, West Branch: early Presbyterianism on, 8795; early settlers, 335; survey of, 8304 Susquehanna Street Road, 1274 Susquehanna title, 2305 Susquehanna Trail, 8298 Susquehanna University, 4361 Susquehanna Valley, 2328, 7029, 7096; and literature, 1529; colonial com- merce in, 1292; middle, canning in- dustry in, 5715; in Revolution, 2602; trolleys, 6013; Weiser in, 2240 Susquehannah Company, 2308; papers, 2309 Susquehannock Fort, 341 Susquehannock Indians, 313; archaeol- ogy, 292, 347 Sussex, England, and Penn, 485, 1810 Sutcliffe, Alice C, 3672 Sutherland, Bruce, 6888 Sutherland, Hugh, 8077 Sutherland, John H., 7774 Sutter, John A., 5424, 5425 Sutton, George M., 261, 265 Sutton, Isaac C, 2101, 6642 Suydam, Frederick D., 4967, 6471 Swaine, Charles, 1312 Swan, Marshall W. S, 4465 Swank, James M., 262, 1223, 3800, 6780, 6908, 7400 Swank, James T., 5426 Swanson, Neil H, 2347 Swanson, P. L., 263, 264 Swarthmore College, 6433 Swatara Collegiate Institute, 4543 Swauger, Harry E., 1871 Swauger, James L., 395, 395a Swayne, William Marshall, 4673 812 Index Sweating (home work), 5096, 5661 Swedborg, Bishop, 1597 Sweden, colonial expansion, 434 Swedish, 3784, 3786, 5617; barber sur- geons among, 1778; bibliography, 76; church, 1575; description of Indians, 334, 346; and Episcopal Church, 8870, 8880; Germans and, 454; immigra- tion, 431, 432, 441; imprints in U. S., 1520; relation to Indians, Dutch, and English, 442; settlements, 422, 426, 427-445, 447-451, 453-460; see also New Sweden Sweet, William W., 1617, 1618, 3445- 3447 Swetnam, George, 7081, 7082, 8182 Swift, Lindsay, 2498 Swigart, W. Emmert, 1677 Swiggett, Howard, 5080 Swiss, 1039, 1040; as colonial settlers, 715; settlers in eastern Pennsylvania, 691 Swisshelm, Jane Grey, 4840; letters, 4841 Swissvale, juvenile delinquency in, 6289 Switchback railroad, 6017 Swoope, Roland D., 7459 Swope, Belle M., 8854 Swope, Gilbert E., 8855 Swope, Maude S., 2051 Swope, Pierce E., 830 Sword, S. H, 3296 Sylvis, William, 5427, 5428 Sypher, Josiah R., 7002, 9109 Tabor Reformed Church, 8928 Tadeuskund, 2069; see Teedyuscung Talbot, Francis X., 4398 Talbot, Col. George, Penn's conference with, 1073 Tales, 9142 Tall, Lida L., 1 Tanger, Jacob, 5533 Tanner, Henry S., 3948 Tanneries, 3818 Tansill, Charles C, 2289 Tantaquidgeon, Gladys, 396, 397 Tappert, Theodore G., 1619, 2172-2174, 2780 Tarbell, Arthur W., 6454 Tarbell, Ida M., autobiography, 6909 Tarentum, 7180 Tariffs, 4791, 4918 Tarman, H. James, 6958, 6959 Tauber, Maurice F., 6540 Taverns, 1148; see also Inns and taverns Taxes, 6677; corporation, 6070; on earned income, 5497, 6039; effect on migration of industry, 5878; home rule, 6251; legislation (to 1873), 1337; local, 6061, 6064, 6065, 6069, 6072, 6239, 6240; occupation, 5490, 5512; personal property, 6040; prop- erty, equalization of, 5492; real es- tate, 5475; school, collection costs, 6411; State, 5982; study of, 5498; trends, 5629, 6063, 6637 Taylor, Amos E., 6781 Taylor, Bayard, 4563, 4658, 4659, 4673; campaigns for Lincoln, 4175; works, local color in, 4490 Taylor, E. J., 5586 Taylor, Floyd H., 4297 Taylor, Francis R., 3076, 6519 Taylor, Frank H, 2684, 3853, 4770, 5001, 7974, 8079, 8080 Taylor, Frank J., 4968 Taylor, George, house, 7757 Taylor, George R., 3251 Taylor, Grant S., 4862 Taylor, J. Madison, 6862 Taylor, John, 3549 Taylor, John J., 4248 Taylor, L. H, 4676 Taylor, M. Flavia, 3602 Taylor, Muriel, 6994 Taylor, Robert, 5914 Taylor, Thomas B., 2348 Taylor, Toni, 3235 Taylor, William S., 1460 Teachers: business, certification of, 6442; certification of, 6440; demand and supply, 6366; early, 4302, 4308; education, 1460, 6420; institutes, 6348, 6357, 6374; rural, 6356; sec- ondary school, professional educa- tion, 6446; selection, 4307; and teachers' meetings, 6377; tenure, 6334; training of, 4311, 6453, 6456; see also Education Teaf, Howard M., Jr., 5695 Teaoga, 359, 7053; see Tioga Point Tebbel, John, 6087, 6831 Technical schools, 4355 Tedworth, ghostly drummer, 2359 Tedyuscung, see Teedyuscung Teedyuscung, 1874, 2069 Tees, Francis H., 8721, 8722 Teeters, Negley K., 2967, 3382-3385 Telegraph, 4455, 4461, 5974; first com- mercial, 4460; in western Pennsyl- vania, 4450 Telephone, 5953, 5971, 5973, 7213 813 Index Temperance movement, 4239, 4251; Presbyterians and, 8856 Temple, Henry, 1982, 2052 Temple, Sydney A., Jr., 3096 Temple Presbyterian Church, Phila- delphia, 8829 Tener, Wallis J., 1637 Tenmile country, 7042 Tennent, Gilbert, 1577 Tennent, William, 1390, 1441, 1605 Tennent, William, Sr., 2223 Terasaki, Taro, 573 Test Act of 1777, 2764, 2774 Texas, 1644; independence of, Pennsyl- vania and, 4159 Text-Book Association of Philadelphia, 5131 Textile industry, 1156, 4847, 5830, 5874, 5893, 6688, 6699; colonial, 1164; girls in, 5674; and overseas relief, 6714; unions, 5705, 5706 Thaler, A, 2499 Thayer, John B., 5230 Thayer, Theodore, 1983, 1984, 2186 Thayer, William M., 2500, 2501 Theatre, 3587, 3588, 3593, 3594, 3596, 3597, 4522, 4527, 4532, 5204-5206, 5216, 5219, 5375, 6521, 6527, 6529, 6530, 6531, 6533, 6539, 6543, 6544, 6922; colonial, 1690-1692, 1695; Ger- man, 4526, 5209, 5210; opposition to, 1682; in Philadelphia, 1681; Quaker attitude toward, 1687 Theis, Ruth K., 1985 Theiss, Lewis E., 2685, 3617, 3949, 4399, 4895-4897, 5744 Theological education, 4373 Theological seminaries, 4350, 4354, 4356, 4378, 4390, 4391, 4401 Theological Seminary of the Reformed Church, 4350 Thibault, Donald A., 5745 Third Division, Ninth Corps, Army of the Potomac, 9027 Third parties (1840-1860), 4060 Thomas, Allen C, 118, 119, 613, 1062, 7003, 8536, 8537 Thomas, Augusta D., 4337 Thomas, Carey, 6910 Thomas, Chester L., 6277 Thomas, E. Bruce, 2892 Thomas, Gabriel, 7004 Thomas, Herbert, 3083 Thomas, Lowell, 6794 Thomas, Macklin, 1523 Thomas, Richard H., 118, 8537 Thomas, William Ashbridge, 5429 Thompson, David W., 7497, 7498 Thompson, George J., 6455 Thompson, Heber S., 9110 Thompson, J. P., 4105 Thompson, James H., 7181-7183 Thompson, Joseph M., 5534 Thompson, Louis E., 2781 Thompson, Robert E., 966, 1872 Thompson, Robert Ellis, 6911 Thompson, Vance, 5398 Thompson, Virginia V., 827 Thompson, W. J., 1461 Thompson, William W., 8092 Thompson's Battalion, 2805 Thomson, Charles, 2053, 3085-3087 Thomson, Elihu, 4515, 6912, 6913 Thomson, O. R. H., 9095 Thomson, Wilmer W., 7444 Thondrakians, Russian sect, 5113 Thornbury, D. L., 9193 Thorpe, Francis N., 2502, 2503, 3185, 4801, 5403, 5535 Thorpe, T. E., 3743 Throop, Benjamin H., 7636, 7637 Thrush, Ambrose W., 1986, 6603, 7590, 7591 Thurman, Lawrence S., 1321, 3236 Thurston, George H., 7119, 7216-7218 Thwaites, Reuben G., 3535 Tide Water Oil Company, 4915 Tiffany, Francis, 3701 Tiffany, J. H., 8218 Tiffany, Nina M., 3701 Tilberg, Frederick, 4771 Tilghman, William, 3756 Tillman, G. D., 5063 Tillotson, Harry S, 3078 Tinicum Island, 450 Tinkcom, Harry M., 3140, 3141, 5355, 8339 Tinker, Edward L., 3435 Tinplate industry, 4866 Tinware, painted, 1378 Tioga County, 7045, 7336, 8158-8165; bibliography, 39; place names, 8161 Tioga Point, 7053, 7054 Tioga Point Museum, Franco-Ameri- cana in, 3426 Tishcohan, Delaware chief, 287 Titusville, 4969 Tobacco industry, 4046, 5740, 5741, 5799, 8239; early history, 1111 Todd, Walter E. C, 265 Todes, Charlotte, 5428 Tohickon Union Church, Bedminster Township, Bucks Countv, 8931 Toll, Michael S., 6381 Tolles, Frederick B., 574, 1290, 1291, 1620, 2202, 3704-3706, 8538 Tolstoy, Franklin and, 2400 Tomanek, Ewald, 6604 814 Index Tomb, Jessie M., 8145 Tome, Philip, 2739 Toner, M. Edward, 3776 Tonkin, Joseph D., 4898 Tonkin, R. Dudley, 4899 Tooker, Elva C, 3873, 4039 Tools, 1195 Topping, Ruth, 6152 Topton, 7297 Torbert, Robert G., 8364 Totems, game, among Algonkians, 382 Tours, historical, 450 Tourscher, Francis E., 4623, 8438 Tousey, Thomas G, 2686, 7499 Towamencin Township, Montgomery County, 7877, 7878 Towamensing, 7854 Towanda, 7331 Tower, Charlemagne, 3436, 5430. 5431 Tower, Hansel H., 6864 Tower, Walter S, 211, 4970 Townsend Casper W. B., Jr., 6410 Townsend, J. W., 7083 Townsend, Joseph, 2687 Townsend, Richard, 2224 Townshend Acts, effect in Pennsylyania, 2336, 2339 Townships: finances, 5540; first-class, 5538; and poor relief, 6285, 6640; post-war planning, 5574 Townville, 7476 Trabert, G. H, 8633 Trachtenberg, Alexander, 3889 Trachtenberg, Joshua, 1050a, 7920 Trade: colonial, (internal) 1237, 1242, 1243, 1247-1268, 1273, 1278, 1290- 1292; foreign, 3317-3320; imperial and foreign, 1301, 1304, 1305, 1307; In- dian, 1308-1324; inter-colonial, 1297, 1298, 1300; see also Commerce "Trader's Map," 1256 Trades, skilled, 5648 Trails, see Indian paths Transit of Mercury, 2386 Transportation, 3800, 5840, 5978-6029; colonial (internal), 1237-1241, 1244- 1246, 1248, 1252, 1258-1264, 1266, 1269-1272, 1274-1277, 1279-1289, 1293-1296; early, 1281, 1287, 1288, 3219, 3250, 3254, 3999; freight, be- tween upper Ohio and Atlantic sea- board, 3914; inter-colonial, 1299; leg- islation on (1790-1800), 3243; Phila- delphia and development of, 4006; revolution in, 3239-3251, 3891-4020; urban, 6009-6029; in World War II, 6733; see also Canals, Railroads, Roads, Turnpikes, etc. Trappe Lutheran Church, 8594 Trasher, Eugene C, 5283 Trattner, Norman F., 8242 Trauger, Donald, 6331 Trautwine, John C, Jr., 4014, 5111 Travel, 211, 1964, 3432; before 1800, 1282 Travis, Leo R., 6411 Travis, William, 1462 Traylor Engineering and Manufactur- ing Company, 5836 Tredyffrin, school, 1443 Tree of Liberty, Jeffersonian Democ- racy and, 3120 Trees, 200, 231, 240, 5772 Trego, Charles B., 212 Trent, William, 1316, 1869, 2225; and Franklin, 2448 Trenton, battle of, 2622 Trenton Decree, 2314 Trevorton, Mahanoy and Susquehanna Railroad, 3983 Trexler, Benjamin, 7083 Trexler, Ralph O., 7615 Trials, criminal, 5247 Triassic, 228 Trickett, William, 6153; legal thought. 6115 Trimble, Prudence B., 8856 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church. Norristown, 8572 Trinity Lutheran Church, 8593 Trinity Lutheran Church, East Berlin, 8631 Trinity Lutheran Church, Germantown, 8583 Trinity Lutheran Church, Reading, 8571 Trinity Lutheran Church, Shamokin, 8600 Trinity Reformed Church, Coplay. Lehigh County, 8944 Trinity Reformed Church, Hanover, 8958 Trinterud, Leonard J., 8857 Tripp, Louise R., 6643 Trolleys, 6009, 6011-6016, 6018, 6019- 6022, 6027, 6028 Trout culture, 5031 Trowbridge, J. T., 4971 Trowbridge, John, 2504 Trowbridge, L. W., 5273 Troxell, Charles F., 6383 Troxell, William S., 845, 935, 9126 Trudel, Marcel, 2018 True, Rodney H., 4057 Trueblood, Benjamin F., 614 Trumbull, , 1384 Tryon, Lewis R., autobiography, 6914 Tryon, Warren S., 8340 815 Index Tubbs, Charles, 39 Tuberculosis: care of, 6587; pioneers against, 6592 Tuberculosis League of Pittsburgh, 6567 Tucker, Beverly B., 6863 Tucker, H. A., 5643 Tulip ware, 779 Tulpehocken: early Lutheran churches, 8622; Moravians at, 8736; settlers, 7276 Tulpehocken Creek, Palatine Germans' migration to, 724 Tulpehocken Path, 1876, 7945 Tulpehocken-Shamokin path, 2055 Tumbling Run, 8113 Turnbull, Archibald D., 3088 Turnbull, Robert J., 3386 Turnbull, Thomas H., 3186 Turnbull, William, 3088 Turnbull, William P., 266 Turner, Beatrice P., 576 Turner, Charles W, 3777 Turner, D. D., 1462, 1463, 1746, 1820, 1821, 2102, 2327, 3297, 3634, 3667, 8858 Turner, E. J., 6644 Turner, Edward R., 1063-1065, 4152- 4154 Turner, J. C, 6246 Turner, Morris K., 1292 Turner, Oliver E., 6606 Turner, William L., 1464, 3518 Turnpikes, 3254, 3256, 3261, 3262, 3266, 3269-3271, 3277, 3278, 3280-3282, 3284, 3285, 3292, 3297, 3301, 4984, 4997 Turtle shell rattles, 421 Tutelo Indians: historic location, 323; religion, 391 Tuttle, A. H, 8723 Twenty-Eighth Division, 9018, 9073, 9098 Twining, Alfred, 267 Tyler, Robert, 4198 Typewriter, 4849 Typhoid fever, 6610 Tyson, Carroll B., 7086 Tyson, Helen G., 6332, 6333 Tyson, J. R, 1524, 3387, 3466, 3876 U Uhlendorf, B. A., 3788 Uhler, Sherman P., 649, 2740 Ukrainians, 5041, 5624 Ulery, William F., 8634 Ulyat, William C, 5241 Umbdenstock, Raymond, 577 Umble, John, 120, 8687-8689 Underground Railroad, 4108, 4114, 4145, 4146, 4151, 4154, 4155 Underhill, Sarah G ; , 398 Underwriters, marine, early Philadel- phia, 1344 Unemployment, 5872, 5873, 5881, 5906, 6635, 6649, 6650; compensation, 6636, 6643; measures again, 6644; municipal planning and, 6629; see also Relief; Public assistance Unger, Claude W, 844 Unger, Frederick F., 7592 Union Canal, 3916, 3927, 3950; eco- nomic history, 3932; and Philadel- phia, 3951; tunnel, 3915 Union County, 7029, 7043, 7085, 7418, 8166-8172; Amish, 8687; biographies, 7012, 7408; division of, 8167, 8168; Evangelical Church in, 8473; narrow- gauge railroads, 4988 Union Hall (Academy), 3476 Union Horse Company, 4540 Union League of Philadelphia, 4785 Union National Bank, 4023 Union Oil Company of California, 4968 Union Savings Bank of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1988 Unions: relations with management, 6020, 6024; see also Labor Uniontown, 7563 Unitas Fratrum, see Moravians United Brethren Church, 8987, 8993, 8994, 8996-8998; in Lebanon County, 8984 United Brethren in Christ, 5351, 8986, 8989; origins, 8982 United Gas Improvement Company, Philadelphia, 5976 United Lutheran Church: and children's homes, 6308; see also Lutherans United Mine Workers, 5700, 5709 United Nations, Philadelphia proposed as home of, 6758 United States: agricultural history, bibliography, 40; capitals of, 2901, 2905, 2907, 2915, 2919, 2920; financial policy, 3330; land system, colonial precedents, 1077; Pennsylvania's de- fiance of, 3115; Second Bank of the, Stephen Girard and, 3324 United States Children's Bureau, 5687 United States Coast Survey, 4550 816 [ndex U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 5644, 5645 United States Steel Corporation, 5801, 5837, 5841; as Pittsburgh landlord. 5654 United States War Department Library, 74 Universal Atlas Cement Company, 4933 Universal Instructor in All Arts and Sciences, 1482a; see also Pennsylvania Gazette Universalism, 8992 Universities, see Colleges and univer- sities University Barge Club of Philadelphia, 5230 University of Edinburgh, early Amer- ican students at, 1599 University of Pennsylvania, 1395, 1396, 1401, 1402, 1416, 1432, 1435, 1436, 1442, 1446, 1464, 1466, 4549, 5158, 5177, 5184, 5194, 5196, 6427, 6429, 6439, 6447, 6458; beginnings, 1423- 1425; buildings, 3518; chemistry at, 3561; and clergy, 1617; clubs, 6438; Department of Architecture, 5171; early sports, 1685; football, 5215; Franklin and, 2459, 2472, 2502; hos- pital, nurses' training school, 6600; law school, 4380, 5416, 5417; libraries, 6432; Mask and Wig, 6460; medical research, 6599; medical school, 2926, 2935, 2957, 2960, 3026, 6444, 6583; music in library, 1532; photography and, 4454; portraits in, 6473; School of Veterinary Medicine, 5195; sociol- ogy, 6422; veterans at, 6441; Wash- ington and, 2947; Wharton School, 5181, 5663, 6818; and World War II, 6731 University of Pittsburgh, 4371, 4372, 4396, 6423; academic freedom, 6450; founding, 5159; and higher education, 6455; Law School, 4388; Negro grad- uates, 6457; Governor Pinchot and, 6435; and World War I, 6168 Upholstery weaving, 5871 Upper Loyalsock Valley, settlers, 7797 Upper Milford Township, Lehigh Coun- ty, 7745 Upper Saucon Township, Lehigh Coun- ty, 7746 Urban, B. F. W., 7087 Urban, Theodore L, 399 Urbanization (1840-1940), 3782; see also Cities Urdang, George, 8542 Ursinus College, 5164 Utica, 8175 Utilities, 5949-5977, 6686; average rates, 5959; municipal authorities and, 5565; municipal ownership, 5951, 5954, 5967; regulation of, 5956, 5961- 5963, 5968, 5969; regulation of valua- tion, 5950, 5963 Utopian communities, 4221-4225, 4227, 4229-4232, 4234, 4236, 4238, 4240- 4245, 4248-4250, 4252 Vail, R. W;. G., 16 Vaira, Louis, 4772 Vale, Joseph G., 9112 Vale, Thomas E., 6385 Vallandigham, Edward N., 2226 Vallandigham, George, 2226 Valley Creek, forges along, 1212 Valley Forge, 2585, 2647, 2684, 2692- 2694, 2696, 2795, 2832, 6782; chap- lains, 2613; crimes at, 2620; evacua- tion, 2637; forges, 1214, 2625; and French alliance, 2592; guide to, 2591; industries, 1215; industries, and water power, 1166; Lancaster County and, 2605; medicine at, 2643; and Penn- sylvania Germans, 2661; Pennsyl- vania soldiers at, 2616; play, 9122; provisioning, 2607, 2619, 2678; spies, 2620; Washington's Christmas at, 2652; during World War II, 6709 Valley Friends' Meeting House, 8543 Van Baman, W. Walter, 2576 Vanderslice, John M., 4773 Vanderslice, Mary H., 4155 Van der Wevde, William M., 2845 Van Doren, Carl, 2505-2510, 2688 Van Dyke, G., 5332 Van Home, David, 8965 Van Home, Elizabeth, journal (1807), 8264 Vann, Robert Lee, and Pittsburgh Courier, 6074 Vannatta, Harry E., 6456 Van Pelt, Henry W., 5838, 6698, 6732 Van Stone, James W, 1989 Van Tassel, Valentine, 2221 Van Tyne, Claude H., 2782 Van Urk, John B., 6472 Van Vlecq, Rev. Paulus, 8935 Van Voorhis, John S., 7088 Vare, William S.: fall of, 6223; memoirs, 6211 Yauclain, Samuel M., 6915; autobiog- raphy, 6916 817 Index Vaudreuil, Marquis Pierre de Rigaud de, 2065; correspondence, 1996 Vaughan, Samuel, in Philadelphia, 2965 Vaughan, Samuel, Jr., manuscripts, 1566 Vautier, John D., 9113 Vaux, George, 665 Vaux, Richard, 4081, 5260 Vaux, Roberts, 3388, 4280, 4680; and education, 3479 Vauxhall Gardens, 3455, 3458 Vazakas, Byron A., 5997 Vedder, Henry C, 8365 Veech, James, 2290, 7089 Veenstra, Theodore A., 5920, 6645 Venango, fords and trails, 1995 Venango County, 7045, 8173-8179; am- phibians, 263; early churches, 8176; economic survey, 8179; ghost towns, 8178; oil region, 4923; reptiles, 264 Venango Path, 1995, 2009, 2011, 2017 Venereal disease control, 6565 Ver Steeg, Clarence L., 2822 Veterans: in domestic relations court, 6318; at University of Pennsylvania, 6441 Veterinary medicine, 3553, 5195 Vickers, George E., 5284, 7975 "Victorious," polacre, Robert Morris and, 2535 Victory, Beatrice M., 2511 Vieira, Laffitte, 8081 Vietzen, Raymond C, 400 Villages, birth rate in, 5605 Villard, Oswald G., 6088 Villiers, Coulon de, family, 2068 Virginia, 2709; boundary disputes with, 2291-2296, 2300-2302; colonial archi- tecture, 1354; exiles in, 2547; and southwestern Pennsylvania, 2298; Pennsylvania trade rivalry with, 1313 Virtue, G. O., 4972 Visual education, 6378 Vitz, Carl, 3298 Vocational schools: rural, 6354, 6373; see under Education Voegelin, Erminie W., 400a, 401 Voight, David Q., 4700 Volk, Ernest, 402 Vollmer, Arthur, 2689 Volwiler, Albert T, 1923 Von Moschzisker, Robert, 1737 Votava, G. E., 6699 Votes, control of, 6220 Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 146 Voting, residence qualifications, 6148 Voting machines, 6210 Vrooman, Walter, 5109 Vulliamy, C. E., 578 W W. B. A., 5060, 5061, 5071, 5711 Wabash Railroad, and Gould's down- fall, 5005 Wabash-Pittsburgh Terminal Railway, 5999 Wade, Ella N, 6607 Wade, Lydia, 521 Wade, Mary H, 579 Wade, Robert, 555 Wagenseller, B. Meade, 4842 Wagenseller, Dr. Benjamin Franklin, 4842 Wagenseller, George W., 3753, 8138 Wagner, A. E., 7266 Wagner, Albert C, 6155 Wagner, John R., 3598 Wagner, Pearl E., 3162 Wagner, Stanley P., 7219 Wagner Free Institute of Science, 4493, 6566 Wainwright, Nicholas B., 615, 1322, 1323, 1345, 1525, 1832, 1990, 8082 Wakeling, Arthur, 1738 Walck, Matrona, 321a Walker, Albert H., 5839 Walker, Charles R., 5908 Walker, Clarence F., 268 Walker, Edwin R., 403 Walker, F. A., 5242 Walker, Mrs. Ivins C, 8543 Walker, J. Herbert, 4900 Walker, James H., 7401 Walker, Joseph E., 3187 Walker, Lewis B, 3079 Walker, Robert J., 4661 Walker brothers, Thomas Paine and, 3039 Walking Purchase, 640, 1849, 1870, 1873 Walkinshaw, Lewis C, 1991, 4338, 7091, 8366 Wall, Richard V., 6700 Wall, Thomas L., 7460 Wall Street, Chestnut Street raid on, (1839), 4029 Wallace, Anthony F. C, 404, 404a, 1874, 3448 Wallace, Francis B., 4774 Wallace, Henry E, Jr., 3702 Wallace, John W., 1494, 2791 818 Index Wallace, Paul A. W., 1875-1883, 2175. 2241-2243, 2741, 2743, 2577, 3028 3029, 3717 Wallace, Philip B, 1386, 1387 Wallace, William A., 2921 Walling, Henry F., 8341 Wallis, Samuel, 3089 Walls, Jean H, 6457 Wain, Robert, Jr., 4662 Walnut, T. H., 6217 Walnut Bottom Road, 7489 Walnut Street Prison, 3358, 3379, 3380 Walsh, James J., 3449 Walsh, Mrs. Louise, 4264 W 7 alsh, Mary L., 3649 Walsh, William J, 5709 Walter, Joseph B., 3584 Walters, Mrs. Horace G., 7833, 8860 Walters, Philip G., 3350 Walters, Raymond, 6541, 6542, 7922 Walters, Raymond, Jr., 3142, 3350, 3650, 3679-3681 Walters, Robert C., 5536 Walther, Rudolph J., 7976 Walton, Joseph S., 1884, 2151, 4073. 7446 Wampum, 419; among Eastern Algon- kian, 381 Wanamaker, John, 6917-6921; speeches, 5312 Wanamaker, John R., 5433, 6921 Wanamaker Stores, 6034 Wance, W., 5662 Wandrus, Harry, 1224 Wangner, Ellen D., 3437 W 7 anner, Atreus, 405 Wapanachki Delawares, 392 War of 1812, 3171a, 3172-3190; on Delaware River, 3175, 3180; soldier's diary (1814), 3187 War Production Board, and penal sys- tem of Pennsylvania, 6140 Ward, A. Gertrude, 8764 Ward, Christopher, 426, 458 Ward, Florence E., 4298 Ward, Freeman, 213 Ward, George W., 9114 Ward, Joseph R. C., 9115 Ward, Philip H., 3rd, 5261 Ward, Townsend, 3163, 8342 Warden, Katherine, 6608 Wardley, C. S, 4973 Warfel, Harry R., 3632, 3635, 4516 Warne, Alice E., 5710, 7613 Warne, Frank J., 5047, 5711, 5867 Warner, Joseph H, 7729 Warner, Paul T., 4015, 8765 Warren, 8186 Warren, B. H., 269 Warren, Louis A., 7267 Warren, Naomi H., 6412 Warren County, 7045, 8180-8186; ar- chives, 8183; biographies, 7014; eco- nomic survey, 6044; lumbering, 4902 Warren Library Association, 8186 Warrington, James, 1121 Warrington Meeting, 8507 Warrior Run Presbyterian Church, 8773 Warriors' Path, 1865 Wars, colonial: Quakers and, 1981; Pennsylvania in, 1850 W 7 arville, Brissot de: on Pennsylvania constitution of 1776, 2888; on Phila- delphia Almshouse, 3407 Warwick, Charles F., 7005 Warwick, Edward, 1225 Warwick Furnace, 1233 Washburn, Louis C, 8900, 8901 Washington, George: attempt to cap- ture, 2673; Christmas at Valley Forge, 2652; and Christopher Saur, 2759; correspondence with William Irvine, 2703; expedition to Fort Le Boeuf, 1946; in Forbes campaign, 1955; Fort Necessity expedition, 1946; and Franklin County, 7589; journal for 1754, 2005; and Jumon- ville affair, 2007; newspaper attacks on, 3128; in Pennsylvania, 2650; Philadelphia home, 3460; and Read- ing, 7288, 7290; and University of Pennsylvania, 2947; and the West, 1907; and western Pennsylvania, 1938, 1953; and Whiskey Rebellion, 3159 Washington, D. C, 6618 Washington, Pa., 8196 Washington County, 7597, 8187-8198; archives, 8197; bench and bar, 8191; bibliography, 29; biographies, 8189; and Civil War, 4746; 18th century antislavery movement in, 1052; gov- ernment and politics, 8195; pioneers, 8198; pioneer educators, 993; public schools, 5122; scientists, 8188; sur- veys, 1905 Washington Crossing, 2622 Washington and Jefferson College, 4402 Washington Presbytery, 8806 Washington Township, Franklin Coun- ty, Confederate retreat through, 4768 Wasielewski, H. Th. von, 3299 Watchmaking, 4848, 5797, 5818, 5819 Water: ground, conservation, 5766, 5768; rates, 5959 Water power: aid to Valley Forge in- dustries, 1166; and iron making, 1209 Water supply, 6610; Lancaster, 1758; see also Waterworks 819 Index Waterfalls, 207 Watergaps, 168, 194 Waterloo County, Ontario, 847, 878; Mennonites in, 3207 Waterman, Thomas T., 1388 Waterworks, 3268, 3397, 3402, 5586; municipal, 5954; see also Water sup- ply Waters, Ethel, autobiography, 6922 Waters, Richard H, 5888, 5998, 6733 Watkins, Elfreth, 4016 Watkins, Gordon, 6069 Watkins, Haseltine T., 6278 Watson, D. T., 6923 Watson, John, 7947 Watson, John F., 650, 7006, 7007, 7369, 8083; advice on writing of Pennsyl- vania history, 6754 Watson, M. Louise, 7947 Watsontown, 7947 Watt, George W., 6156 Watts, Frederick, 5037 Watts, Henry, 8439, 8440 Watts, Irma A., 1671, 5537, 7519 Watts, Ralph L., 5746 Waverly, 7624 Way, Frederick, Jr., 214 Wayland, John W., 759 Wayne, Anthony, 2862-2869; and troop mutiny, 2671; and Valley Forge, 2678; western campaign, journal, 2736 Wayne County, 7831, 8199-8203; ar- chaeology, 371; archives, 8201; biog- raphies, 7021; grassland farming in, 5728 Waynesboro, 7575, 7585; Confederate army in, 4768 Weaver, Ethan A., 3536, 7923 Weaver, F. P., 5737 Weaver, Glenn, 1621, 3450, 8966 Weaver, H. B., 4299 Weaver, Martin G., 7697, 8690 Weaver, W. Melval, 8861 Weaver, William M., 6157, 8084 Webb, Maria, 1822 Weber, Harry F., 6878, 8691 Weber, J. H, 8635 Weber, J. Sherwood, 3791 Weber, Samuel E., 1465 Weber, Thomas, 4775 Weberville, factory, 3798 Webner, H. Walter, 8636 Webster, Homer J., 3451 Wecter, Dixon, 2512, 2513, 3010 Weeden, William B., 4790 Weems, Mason L., 580 Weidlein, Edward R., 6609 Weig, Melvin J., 1226 Weigle, Richard S., 6387 Weigley, Russell F., 4185 Weinstein, Benjamin, 6388 Weinstein, Jerome, 3452 Weinstein, Louis, 3171 Weirick, Charles D., 7730, 7731 Weirick, Franklin, 4697, 5278 Weiser, Clement Z., 967, 2244, 8967, 8981 Weiser, Conrad, 2227-2234, 2236-2243; and Catholics, 8374; and Delawares, 1875; and Indian policy, 1884; jour- ney to Onondago, 8343; and H. M. Muhlenberg, 2175; and Tulpehocken Path, 1876; on Zinzendorf and In- dians, 2031 Weiser, John Conrad, 2235, 2238, 2239 Weiser family, 2237, 2240 Weiser Park, 2230, 7282 Weisman, Morris, 3351 Weiss, Arnold E., 6413 Weiss, Benevel, 6029 Weiss, Judge Samuel A., 6924 Welch, Charles H., 7604 Welch, Earl, 7977 Welch, Emmett H., 6647 "Welcome," voyage of, 665 Welfare, 6279-6333 Welfer, Nancy, 6251 Welfling, Mary E.. 3778, 8093 Weller, H. A., 8637 Welles, R. M., 4339 Wells, W. G., 4300 Welsh, George W., 8968 Welsh, Herbert, 5313 Welsh, 1004-1017; early settlement, 1004, 1006, 1014; Episcopalians, in colonial Pennsylvania, 8871; founders of Pennsylvania, 1008 Welsh Quakers, 1004; emigration to Pennsylvania, 1013; history, 1016 Welsh Society of Philadelphia, 1014 Welsh Tract, 1004, 1007, 1016 Welty, Earl M., 4968 Wendell, James I., 4340 Weng, Armin G., 8638 Wenger, John C, 8692-8694 Wenham, Edward, 1227 Wentz, Abdel R., 760, 4401, 8639-8641 Werckshagen, Paul E., 1228 Werner, Raymond C, 2783 Werner, William L., 82, 936 Wertenbaker, Thomas J., 802, 1349 Wertheim, Germany, Pennsylvania Ger- mans from, 717, 766 Wescott, Ralph W., 3319 Weslager, C. A., 406-409, 459 West, Benjamin, 1362, 1379, 1381, 2245, 3090-3092, 3546; neo-classicism, 3505; 820 Index painting of Penn's treaty with In- dians, 631; and Royal Academy, 3093 West, Bradford W., 5454 West, R. A., 5086 West, Richard S, Jr., 4819 West, Roberta M., 1783 West, William A., 8862 West Augusta District, Virginia, County Court, 2297 West Branch Valley, 7050; biographies, 7048; early transportation, 1281; lumber industry, 4888 West Brownville, 7564 West Chester, 7424, 7431, 7447-7450; churches, 8431, 8712, 8817; flora, 233 West Chester Academy, 3490 West Chester Railroad, 3972 West Earl Township, Lancaster County, 7684 West Indies, 1944; Girard's trade with, 3306, 3307 West New Jersey: Penn and, 491; pro- prietors, 559; sources, 6982, 7004 West Philadelphia, 8081, 8084; and University of Pennsylvania, 5158 West Philadelphia High School, 5153 West Side Bank of Scranton, 4982 West Virginia, 1623 Westbrook, R. S., 9116 Westcott, Thompson, 7973, 8085 Western Foreign Missionary Society, 8811 Western Missionary Society, 3440 Western Penitentiary, 6093 Western Pennsylvania, 1917, 1918, 1924, 2725, 7062, 7068, 7093; in American history, 6753; archaeology, 395; Bap- tists in, 8355; biography, 7037; birds, 265; in campaign of 1888, 5267; Catholic pioneers, 8380; Catholic schools, 4253; churches, 1612; civil engineering, 5825; and Civil War on inland rivers, 4753; coming of tele- graph, 4450; early agriculture, 1118; early Anglicans, 8902; early archi- tecture, 1355, 1359, 4420, 4421; early child life, 1643; early industries and transportation, 3219; early inns and taverns, 1660, 1663; early physicians, 1753, 3556; early social life, 1624, 2932, 7098; early trade problems, 1254; economic conditions during Whiskey Rebellion, 3162; economic sources, 60; education (1850-1860), 4298; election of 1864, 4780; election of 1866, 4789; first courts, 1716; folk amusements, 3457; folklore, 9176; fortified houses, 1989; founding of Methodism, 8709; French in, 2000; French priests, 1599; as frontier, 1909; frontier dialects, 3201; frontier religion, 1594; and Fugitive Slave Law, 4158; Gallatin and, 3675, 3677, 3681; geology, 205; glass industry, 3215, 3804; historic places, 7092; household technology, 3456; Hun- garians in, 5042; Indian villages, 376; Indian wars, 2709; Indians, 280; in- dustry, 4857, 5891; iron industry, 1140, 1173, 3814; land titles, 1091, 3196; Liberal Republican movement in, 5307; Lincoln in, 4688; Lutheran missionaries, 8607; Methodism in, 8709, 8716; and Morrill Tariff, 4791; newspapers, 3519, 3524; Ohio Com- pany, 1889; oil fields, 4911-4913, 4917, 4946, 4949, 4950; oil industry, 4922, 4937, 4942; oil region, 4931, 4943; pioneer women, 1637, 1651; poetry, 9160; poets, 3635; politics, 2880, 3121, 3130, 3134; preglacial drainage, 182; Presbyterian churches, 8781; Presby- terians in, 8776, 8802, 8806, 8823, 8837, 8848; Presbyterians and educa- tion in, 4258; and Presidential cam- paign (1860), 4693, 4702; public works, 3940; railroads, 3885; Re- formed Churches in, 8954; religion, 1613; and Republican Party, 4186; in Revolution, 2612, 2648; river trans- portation, 3239-3241; rivers, 3192, 3295; roads, 3288; Scotch-Irish in, 975, 976, 983; settlement, 1893, 1895, 1898, 1903-1905, 2709; shipbuilding, 3242; Sisters of Charity in, 8372; slavery in, 4116; social reform, 4235; sources, 27, 125, 1904a, 7133, 8286; strip mining, 5930; theological educa- tion, 4373; Ukrainians in, 5041; Washington and, 1938, 1953; wild life, 1635 Western Pennsylvania Historical Soci- ety, 93 Western Pennsylvania Historical Sur- vey, 7092 Western Saving Fund Society of Phila- delphia, 4038 Western Theological Seminary, 4354 Western University of Pennsylvania, 4372, 4382 \\ estfield, J., 5750 Westinghouse Corporation, in World War II, 6734 Westmoreland County, 2612, 2746, 7067, 8204-8217; archaeology, 312, 354; archives, 8216; bench and bar, 8205; bibliography, 33; biographies, 8206; churches, 8644; early Presbyterians in, 821 Index 8768; iron furnaces, 3841; Men- nonites, 8695; newspapers, 4463; Re- formed Church in, 8938 Westmoreland County Resolutions, 2531 Weston, E. A., 8157 Westphal, Milton C, 8766 Westtown School, 3473, 3491, 3492, 4320, 4341 Westward movement, 1886-1924; Cro- ghan and, 1923; land speculation and, 1900; Ohio River and, 1906 Wetherell, J. E, 2514 Wetherill, Charles H., 1808, 8544 Wetherill, Samuel P., 460; papers, 1229 Wetherill, Webster K., 2690 Wettach, Robert H, 6158 Wetzel, Lewis, 3757 Wetzel, W. A., 2515 Weyburn, S. Fletcher, 215, 2328 Weyburn, Samuel F., 7638 Weygandt, Cornelius, 661, 761, 803, 804, 4422, 6458, 6520, 6701, 7978, 8086, 8344; autobiography, 6925 Whaley, Samuel, 8202 Wharton, Anne H., 627, 1638, 1639, 3094, 3467, 8345 Wharton, Thomas, Jr., 3094 Wharton, Thomas I., 1526 Wharton School of Finance and Com- merce, 5663; see under University of Pennsylvania Wheatland, Buchanan's home, 4211 Wheeler, Chris, 9194 Wheeler, George, 1100, 1823, 2054, 2055, 3950, 3951 Wheeler, Marietta, 8863 Wheeler, N. P., 4901 Wheeler, W. Reginald, 4901 Wheeler and Dusenbury Lumber Com- pany, 4902 Wheeling, rivalry with Pittsburgh, 3305, 3861 Wherry, Joseph E., 6389 Whidden, Guy C, 5840 Whig party, 4064 Whipple, Wayne, 2578 Whiskey Rebellion, 3146-3165; Demo- cratic Societies and, 3156; economic conditions during, 3162; Albert Gal- latin and, 3160; Hamilton and, 3165; march on Pittsburgh, 3155; political interpretation, 3154; Reading in, 3158; as trial of Federal Constitution, 3157; Washington and, 3159 Whitacre, M. Elizabeth, 7094, 7799 Whitaker, Arthur P., 3320 Whitaker, Joseph, 2870 Whitaker, Pauline L., 1554 White, Mrs. Caroline Earl, 4663 White, D. Fedotoff, 8087 White, David, 216 White, Edward, 3352, 7220 White, Elliott P., 8346 White, Harry H., 3824 White, J. W. F., 7115 White, John G., 7818 White, Josiah, 3819, 5432; autobiog- raphy, 3952; and Lehigh Canal, 3920 White, Langdon, 5909 White, Stella, 4701 White, Thomas R., 581, 3537, 5295, 5296, 5587, 6212 White, W. Alpheus, Jr., 5977 White, Bishop William, 3095; bibliog- raphy, 101; writings, 3096 White, William C, 6459 White, William P., 8864 White Dental Manufacturing Company, S. S., 4426 White Plains, New York, 4739 Whitefield, George: as educator, 1461; Franklin and, 2437 Whitehead, Cortlandt, 1992, 8902 Whitely, Paul L., 8545 Whitemarsh, 7890 Whitenight, Hazel, 3953 Whitman, Benjamin, 7557 Whitmore, Eleanor M., 1389 Whitpain Township, Montgomery County, 7853 Whitson, Thomas, 4156 Whitten, R. H., 6070 Whittier, John G., 9195; in Philadel- phia, 4147, 4484, 4485; and Philadel- phia Friends, 4119, 4120 Wholesale grocery trade, 6030 Whorekill, burning of, 462 Whyte, William E., 7775 Wickersham, James P., 4265, 4266; edu- cational services, 5125 Widener, Peter A. B., 6926 Wiedersheim, William A., 5196 Wiedersheim, William A., 2nd, 6460 Wiese, J, 2516 Wiest, W. Irvine, 3855 Wiestling, Edward B., 3237 Wilbur, Henry W., 3700 Wilbur, Marguerite E., 5425 Wilcox, Clair L., 6159 Wilcox, William A., 3210 Wilcox, William J., 2329, 2691, 7757 Wild cats, 257 Wild flowers, 238 Wild life, conservation, 5752, 5756, 5779, 5783, 5784 Wilder, Henry J., 5747 Wildes, Harry E., 217, 2692, 2693, 2804, 2869, 3694, 6782 822 Index Wildman, Edward E, 218 Wiley, Lulu R, 3633 Wiley, Richard T., 219, 3164, 7184, 7185 Wiley, Roy W, 6461 Wiley, Samuel T., 1002, 7095, 7226, 7318, 7570, 7849, 8107 Wilgus, Horace L., 5841 Wilhelm, Carl, 7186 Wilhelm, Samuel A., 4902 Wilkes-Barre, 230, 7763, 7767, 7774, 7776; and anthracite, 5938; biog- raphies, 7635; newspapers, 3527 Wilkes-Barre Conference, Lutheran, 8633 Wilkins, William, 4664 Wilkinsburg, 7134, 7144, 7151, 7194 Wilkinson, George, 6071 Wilkinson, H. F., 2694 Wilkinson, Norman B., 94, 1230, 1294, 3011, 3438, 3779, 4092, 4157, 6694, 6695 Willard, Bradford, 220, 221, 270 Willauer, Philip B, 5454, 5538 Willcox, J. M., 3353 Willcox, Mildred S, 4342 William L. Clements Library, sources, 6757 William Cramp & Sons Ship and Engine Building Company of Philadelphia, 3902 William Penn Charter School, 1410, 1444 William K. Stamets Company, 6713 Williams, Aaron, 4249 Williams, Arlington W., 7829 Williams, Beryl, 2406 Williams, Churchill, 1527 Williams, David G., 762, 1231, 2517, 7758-7760, 8347 Williams, E. Melvin, 1003 Williams, Edward H., 222 Williams, F. E., 5842 Williams, Francis B., 6648 Williams, Francis H., 1528 Williams, Garford F, 8203 Williams, Irene E., 4158 Williams, J. Ambler, 1017 Williams, John H. H., 5333 Williams, Lewis 0., 3389 Williams, Maynard 0., 831a Williams, Mildred, 3624 Williams, P. R., 6072 Williams, Talcott, 628, 5231, 5868, 6181 Williams, Mrs. Talcott, 5138 Williams, Thomas, 4665 Williams, William, 3505 Williams, William A., 3188 Williams Valley, 7502; trolley lines, 6018 Williamsburg, churches, 8828 Williamson, Harold F, 3806 Williamson, Helen C, 9196 Williamson, Isaiah V., 5433 Williamson, Leland M, 3762 Williamson road, 3194 Williamsport, 5412, 7782, 7806; lumber industry, 4894, 4904; schools, 6353 Willing, Thomas, 1344, 3097-3099 Willing, Thomas, and Company, 1344 Williston, Cyrus H., 410 Wills, Pennsylvania German, 813-815 Wills, Elbert V, 3143 Wills, Merlin V, 3165 Willson, Seelye A., 4903 Wilmot, David, 4131, 4666, 4667 Wilmot proviso, 4150 Wilson, Arthur H., 4532, 6543, 6544, 7096 Wilson, E. B., 6604 Wilson, Erasmus, 7187 Wilson, Francis, 5375 Wilson, Frazer E., 3073 Wilson, H. C, 3300, 3954 Wilson, H. W., 1495 Wilson, James, 2570, 3100-3102, 3106, 3107; and Federal constitution, 2917; and James Iredell, 3103; legal philos- ophy, 2912; penal theories, 3377; political thought, 3105; writings, 3104 Wilson, Janet, 2893 Wilson, Joseph L., 9117 Wilson, Maurice E., 4402 Wilson, Robert F., 8865 Wilson, Samuel M., 2103, 2990 Wilson, Theophilus L., 3856 Wilson, William B., 4017, 4461, 5019, 5020 Wilson, William B, 5434, 6927 Wilson, William H., 4018, 4019 Wilson Line, 5790 Wilt, L. E, 1232, 1885, 3955, 4020, 4533 Winans, William, 7097 Windell, Marie, 8348 Windgaps, 194 Windle, Spencer L., 1233 Windolph, Francis L., 6160 Window tax, 3169 Winebrenner, Elder John, 4668 Wing, Conway P., 7500, 8866 Wing, F. E., 6610 Winkelman, Barnie F., 6819 Winkler, John K., 5334 Winner, John E., 3211 Winslow, Stephen N., 4844 Winslow Township, Jefferson County, 7616 823 Index Winsor, Justin, 443, 612 Winston, James E., 4159 Wintemberg, W. J., 878 Winters, Roy L, 968, 1622 Wion, Philip W., 4776 Wirt, G. H., 5794 Wischan, F., 8642 Wise, John, 4462 Wissahickon, 2148-2150, 8051 Wissahickon Creek, 7989, 7993, 8003, 8831 Wissahickon Hills, 8086 Wissler, Richard H., 5539 Wistar, Caspar, Jr., 3758 Wistar Museum of Anatomy, 3585 Wistar-parties, 4544 Wistar Party of Philadelphia, 3466 Wister, Frances A., 1295, 6545 Wister, Owen, 6187, 6808 Wister, Sally, journal, 2564 Wister, William R., 4547 Witchcraft, 1623; Penn and, 564; Quakerism and, 8502 Witman, Frederick K., 9197 Witmer, A. Exton, 3301 Wittels, David G., 6611 Witthoft, John, 411-419 Wittke, Carl, 6450 Wittlinger, C. O., 1234 Wolcott, Robert W., 4632 Wolcott, Wilfred B., 4344 Woelfly, Simon J., 4343 Wolf, E. J, 8643 Wolf, Edwin, 2nd, 629, 2518, 6892 Wolf, Fred C, Jr., 5197 Wolf, Governor George, 4080 Wolf, George A., 7319, 7320 Wolf, Richard C, 763 Wolf, Wilbur C, 4186 Wolf Run, 7800 Wolfe, Malverne R., 6182 Wolff, Bernard C, 4669, 8959 Wolff, Mabel P., 1809 Woll, Henry L., 8810 Wollenweber, Louis A., 937, 938, 2695 Wolstoncraft, Joseph B., 4702 Woltman, F. E., 5946 Wolves, 258 Womelsdorf, 7274 Women: biographies of, 2253; in indus- try, 5664-5675, 5682; legal position, 6135; married, property rights, 4228, 5252, 6138; misdemeanants, 6121, 6152; pioneer, of western Pennsyl- vania, 1637, 1651; of Revolution, biographies, 2872-2874; weekly earn- ings in industries, 6646 Women's Medical College, 4348, 5189 Women's rights, 3626 Women's suffrage, 6122, 6141, 6196 Wood, Ben D., 6437 Wood, C. H, 7370 Wood, C. L., Jr., 6089 Wood, George B., 1466 Wood, Herbert G, 584 Wood, Nancy M., 7800 Wood, Ralph, 764, 777, 939, 969 Wood, Richard G., 153 Wood, T. Kenneth, 271, 1101, 2743, 2744, 3089, 3599, 3780, 4250, 7801- 7806, 8149 Wood, W. W., 7705 Wood family, 7802 Woodburn, James A., 4836, 4837 Woodbury, David O., 6733, 6913 Woodbury, Frank, 1771 Woodbury, Margaret, 3144 Woodcock, E. N., reminiscences, 4670 Wooden pumps and pipes, 3822 Woodhouse, James, 3759 Woodhouse, Samuel W., Jr., 1176, 1235, 1236 Woodlen, Milton C, 6390 Woodley, Thomas F., 4838, 4839 Woodruff, Clinton R., 5112, 5285, 5286, 5588-5594, 6178 Woods, Emma E., 2016 Woods, Col. George, 3108 Woods, R. A, 5595 Woodson, Carter G., 2095, 5646 Woodward, Arthur, 419 Woodward, C. R, 2519 Woodward, E. M., 9118, 9119 Woodward, George, 6183 Woodward, Stanley, 2330 Woody, Thomas, 1467, 2520, 4448 Woolman, John, 2397 Woolrich, 7466 Woolsey, Janette, 8243 Woolsey, Sarah C, 7979 Worden, O. N, 8367 Work Projects Administration, 6625, 6766; see also Pennsylvania Historical Survey Work relief, 6625; on roads, 6631 Workhouses, 6150 Working Men's Party, Pittsburgh, 3887 Workingmen's Benevolent Association, 5060, 5061, 5071, 5711 Workingmen's educational movement, 5657, 5658 Workmen's compensation, 5691, 5694, 5695 Works Progress Administration, Na- tional Research Project, 6649-6651 World War I, 6163-6173, 9018, 9073, 9093; hospital unit, 9051; Reading militia in, 9088 824 Index World War II, 9098; documents, 6704; effect on manufacturing, 6670; labor supply, 6676; Mennonites and, 8666, 8669; Pennsylvania in, 6696, 6703- 6734; records, 135, 6711; war history program, 6721, 6727, 6729 Worner, William F, 1468, 1640, 1679, 3145, 3189, 3586, 3801, 3890, 4160, 4161, 4220, 4251, 4301, 4345-4347, 7698, 8903 Worrilow, William H., 4628 Worrilow, William H., Jr., 1993 Worthington, George E., 6161, 6162 Worthington, T. K., 1346 Wray, Robert P., 6296 Wray, William J., 9120 Wren, Christopher, 420, 421 Wright, Albert H., 2745 Wright, Caleb E., 7349, 9198 Wright, Edward N, 5871 Wright, Eleanor E, 3065, 4302 Wright, Frank Lloyd, in Philadelphia, 6488 Wright, George F., 223 Wright, Hendrick B., 7777 Wright, J. Ernest, 7188 Wright, John E., 7098 Wright, Louis B., 7008 Wright, Luella M, 585, 1530, 1531 Wright, Mary, 4303 Wright, R. D., 2521 Wright, Richard R, 6928, 6929 Wright, Richard R., Jr., 5647 Wright, Ross Pier, 3190 Wright, Samuel, 7699 Wright, Silas, 7952 Wright, Sydney L., 4517 Wright, Waldo C, 4252 Wright, William, 4975 Wrightsville, in Civil War, 4777 Wrigley, Paul I., 5540 Writing, art of, 2445, 2447 Wroth, Lawrence C, 224 Wueller, Paul H., 6414 Wuorinen, John H., 461 Wurster, L. Rodman, 4904 Wurttemberg, Pennsylvania Germans from, 765 Wyand, C. S., 6702 Wycoff, George S., 2522 Wyer, Samuel S., 5843 Wylie, S. S., 8867 Wvllie, Irvin G., 5335 Wynkoop, William, 7371 Wyoming Artillerists, 9064 Wyoming County, 7625, 8218; biog- raphies, 7633 Wyoming massacre, 2029, 2699, 2701, 2721 Wyoming valley, 2729, 7017, 7019, 7030, 7051, 7052, 7057, 7059, 7073, 7074, 7077, 7634, 7772; and anthracite coal, 3839, 3840, 3946; archaeology, 319, 370, 420; bibliography, 31; biog- raphies, 7041; Connecticut claim to, 2327; Connecticut women of, 2324, early grist mills, 1196; education, 5126; Indians, 1853; Iroquois and, 363; Moravians and Indians in, 1863; and New York history, 7030; Tim- othy Pickering and, 2325; physicians, 4676; pioneer days, 7040; pioneer physicians, 3564; poetry, 9156, 9158, 9164, 9173; and Revolution, 2609, 2782; royal refugees in, 3421; settle- ment, 2311, 2312, 2316, 2317, 2323, 2330 Wyomissing Industries, 4858 Wysox Presbyterian Church, 8788 Yadkin River, Pennsylvania Germans on, 703 Yarnall, Stanley R., 586-588 Yeadon, 7529 Yeakel, Reuben, 8480, 8481 Yeakle, William A, 7890 Yeates, Jasper, 3109 Yeich, Edwin B., 6783 Yellow fever epidemics, 1770, 1779, 3408; of 1793, 3392, 3399, 3401, 3403, 3404, 3406, 3409, 3413; of 1798, 3393, 3395; of 1802, 3394 Yerkes, Harman, 7372 Yerkes, Susan W., diaries, 5208 Yetter, J. M., 5139 Yoder, Cora E., 3493 Yoder, Don, 717, 946 Yoder, Donald H., 765, 766, 3453 Yoder, Edward, 8695 Yoder, Ira L., 5748 Yoder, Joseph W., 8696, 8697 Yoder, Paton W., 1347 Yoder, Paul D., 8969 Yoder, Samuel, 5436 Yohn, S. G., 9001 York, 8227, 8228, 8233, 8235, 8236, 8242-8244, 8246; and American Rev- olution, 2628, 2686; banking in, 3337; as capital of U. S., 2558, 2576; churches, 8422, 8444, 8556, 8569, 8636, 8704, 8725, 8940, 8970; city- county planning, 5545; Confederate 825 Index occupation, 4713; Continental Con- gress at, 2528, 2560; Conway Cabal at, 2584; economic geography, 8234; famous visitors, 8230; flood, 8240; High Street, 8231; industry, 5895; Lutheran church in, 8624; printers, 1484; schools, 3474; United Brethren Church, 8998 York County, 8219-8249; academy, 3474; archaeology, 405; Catholics in, 8387; churches, 8584, 8779, 8820, 8987; and Confederate invasion, 4757; creation, 8247; early roads, 1293, 1296; eastern, German dialect of, 897; forges and furnaces, 1190; and French and Indian War, 1994; geology, 175, 209; government, 5457; industries, 3225, 4853; manorial history, 8249; Moravians in, 8747; Pennsylvania Germans in, 760; tobacco, 5740, 5741; towns and villages, 8239; townships and boroughs, 7109, 8248; and World War I, 6166 York Rifle Company, 9071 York Road, 3272, 3283 Yost, Donald H., 2860 Yost, Francis C, 8970 Youghiogheny River, floods, 5765 Youndt, A. L., 8634 Young, A. H., 2784 Young, Arthur S., 5038 Young, Eleanor, 2823 Young, H. B., 3857 Young, Henry J., 1296, 1994, 2861, 7109, 8247-8249 Young, Hiram, 7732 Young, James H., 4703 Young, Jesse B., 4778 Young, John R., 7980 Young, Louise M., 5541 Young, Robert K., 8165 Young, Sara R., 5596 Young Ladies Academy of Philadelphia, 3487 Young Men's Christian Association, 4237 Young Women's Christian Association, 7268 Yundt, Thomas M., 8971 Yurkewitch, Joseph T., 6415 Zachary, Lloyd, 2246, 2248 Zahler, Helene S., 3789 Zahm, Matthias, diary, 4538 Zantzinger, C. C, 6800 Zaplotnik, John L., 5359 Zebley, Frank R., 8351 Zeh, Lillian E., 652 Zeigler, Major David, 2871 Zeigler, J. L., 8868 Zeisberger, David, 2248, 2249; on Alle- gheny River Indian towns, 2708; and Delaware Indians, 1866, 1872 Zelienople, founding of, 3609 Zenger case, 1727, 1737, 1738 Zentmyer, R. A., 3238 Zerbe, Charles M, 7733 Zerbey, Joseph H., 8108, 8724 Zerfass, Samuel G., 8471 Ziegler, Charles C, 940 Ziegler, E. A, 5795 Ziegler, Martin L., 5947 Ziegler, S. H., 879, 1496 Zierdt, William H., 9121 Zierer, C. M., 5948 Zimmerman, Albright G., 1324 Zimmerman, Lucinda, 3619 Zimmerman, Mae, 6391 Zimmerman, Thomas C, 767 Zinzendorf, Nicholas, Count von, 2250, 2251; and Bethlehem, 8767; in Ger- mantown, 697, 8735; and education, 1430, 1431; and Moravians in Wyo- ming Valley, 1863; and oecumenical movement, 8763; Weiser on, 2031 Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Hempfield Township, Westmoreland Countv, 8644 Zion Lutheran Church, Manheim, 8592 Zion Reformed Church, Allentown, 8961 Zion Reformed Church, Chambersburg, 8925 Zion's Evangelical Lutheran Church, East Pikeland, 8555 Zion's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Philadelphia, 8635 Zionsville, 7756 Zitt, Hersch L., 2796 Zoning, 5554 Zoning boards, 5546 Zook, John G., 7700 Zoology, 5337 Zoos, 6551 Zorb, Elizabeth H., 8767 Zubler, John R., 5749 Zucker, A. E, 3781 Zundel, H. M., 8217 Zundel, William A., 2746, 8644 Zuver, Paul E., 7501 Zychowski, Stanley S., 4093 82G