fc^'VX ' %v ^% ' ifc^fc 'Ai'~ «Ke- i ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Champaign, Illinois ISGS Guidebook 26 33rd Annual Meeting, April 1999 North-Central Section Geological Society of America Meeting Organizers Dennis R. Kolata, Chair Ardith K. Hansel, Vice Chair Field Trip Coordinators Janis D. Treworgy Myrna M. Killey Scientific Editors Janis D. Treworgy Myrna M. Killey Jonathan H. Goodwin Publications Coordinator Ellen M. Wolf Graphics Cynthia A. Briedis Pamella K. Carrillo Jacquelyn L. Hannah Michael W. Knapp Photography Joel M. Dexter Editors Thomas N. McGeary R. Stuart Tarr William W. Shilts, Chief Illinois State Geological Survey 615 East Peabody Drive Champaign, IL 61820-6964 (217)333-4747 http://www.isgs.uiuc.edu Cover photo East wall of the Tuscola quarry showing succession of pre-lllinois, Illinois, and Wisconsin Episode diamictons above carbonate bedrock. Plate 1 Infrared satellite view of east-central Illinois (see page iv). ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES © printed with soybean ink on recycled paper Printed by authority of the State of Illinois/1999/600 Glacial Sediments, Landforms, Paleosols, and 20,000-Year-Old Forest Bed in East-Central Illinois Ardith K. Hansel, Richard C. Berg, and Andrew C. Phillips Illinois State Geological Survey Vincent G. Gutowski Department of Geology and Geography, Eastern Illinois University contributions by Francois Hardy Illinois State Geological Survey William P. White Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Division of Natural Heritage Robert E. Szafoni Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of Realty and Environmental Planning ISGS Guidebook 26 Geological Field Trip 1: April 21, 1999 North-Central Section, Geological Society of America 33 rd Annual Meeting, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois April 22-23,1999 sponsored by Illinois State Geological Survey 61 5 East Peabody Drive Champaign, IL 61820-6964 University of Illinois, Department of Geology 1301 West Green Street Urbana, IL 61801-2999 U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division 221 North Broadway Avenue Urbana, IL 61801 To W. Hilton Johnson 1935-1997 Hilt Johnson devoted nearly four decades to studying the glacial and periglacial geology of Illinois. Central Illinois was the focus of much of his research, from his Ph.D. thesis and early papers on till stratigraphy, to his research documenting evidence for short- lived permafrost conditions during the last glacial maximum, to his synthesis of the late Wisconsin landscape, sediment sequences, and ice sheet dynamics. Even though many of us initially found the flat terrain of central Illinois uninspiring, Hilt effectively used the area as his teaching laboratory and motivated us to appreciate its uniqueness and subtleties. It is his example that inspired this field trip. CONTENTS DEDICATION ii INTRODUCTION 1 Trip Overview 1 Classification and Nomenclature 1 Landforms and the Sediment Record 3 FLOODING PROBLEMS IN VILLA GROVE 9 CHARLESTON STONE COMPANY QUARRY 1 1 Overview 1 1 Section Description 13 Paleoecological Indicators during the Farmdale-Shelby Phase Transition 17 Evidence for Bioturbation? 17 Points for Discussion at the Charleston Quarry 1 9 EMBARRAS RIVER EROSION CONTROL 21 HURRICANE CREEK ROADCUT 22 TUSCOLA STONE COMPANY QUARRY 23 Overview 23 Section Description and Interpretation 23 Points for Discussion at the Tuscola Quarry 27 REFERENCES 29 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 31 FIGURES 1 Map of Illinois showing Wisconsin Episode lithostratigraphic units 2 2 Stratigraphic relationships of diamicton (Wedron Group) and sorted-sediment (Mason Group) units of the Wisconsin Episode in Illinois 3 3 Time-distance diagram for the Lake Michigan Lobe in Illinois depicting phases of the Wisconsin Episode 4 4 Sample profiles and distal and proximal slopes for arcuate and lobate moraines in east-central Illinois 6 5 Generalized cross section of glacial drift from Shelbyville to Lake Michigan 8 6 Lithofacies characterization, classification, and interpretation at Charleston Stone Company quarry 12 7 Sedimentary features at the Charleston quarry 14 8 Photomosaic of diamicton tongue in relationship to other units at the Charleston quarry 16 9 Cross section of a depression on the Farmdale Geosol surface 19 10 Disturbed Farmdale Geosol surface at the Charleston quarry 20 1 1 East wall of the Tuscola quarry showing succession of diamictons above carbonate bedrock 24 12 Lithofacies characterization, classification, and interpretation at the Tuscola quarry 26 13 Sedimentary features at the Tuscola quarry 28 PLATE 1 Satellite view of east-central Illinois iv TABLE 1 Plant taxa from lacustrine silts of the Peddicord Tongue at the Charleston quarry 18 • vm p ' ' i ^*W ^ "'"1 ""*4 Kit*- • ' t'"«^. ; • 1 B ; ; J- ■ Plate 1 Infrared satellite view of east-central Illinois. The arcuate and lobate end moraines (light tone) have abrupt distal slopes and long proximal slopes merging with till and/or lake plains (dark tone) in the up-ice di- rection. Field trip stops 1 , 3, and 7, areas of small-scale fluting (see arrows), the Champaign (C) and Urbana (U) Moraines, the Embarras River (E), and glacial Lake Douglas (LD) are shown. (Landsat 1 MSS acquired on June 11, 1978, Scene ID-LM2024032007816290) IV INTRODUCTION Trip Overview This field trip will traverse end moraines, till plains, and lake plains of the Wisconsin Episode glacia- tion in east-central Illinois. Our focus will be the landforms, sedimentary environments, glacial pro- cesses, and ice sheet dynamics during the advance and retreat of the Lake Michigan Lobe. At quarry stops, we will examine deposits of the Wisconsin Episode as well as deposits and soils of earlier glacial and interglacial episodes. During the trip, we will discuss our approach to three- dimensional geologic mapping in areas of thick drift. Whether we are on end moraine, till plain, or lake plain, the landscape over which we travel may seem flat, but there are subtle features to observe. We will demonstrate that even though landscape variations are subtle, the landforms are significant (plate 1) and have important implications for understanding the glacial processes and ice sheet dynamics of the Lake Michigan Lobe in central Illinois. On our trip south from Champaign, we will follow the route of the Embarras River (plate 1 and fig. 1 ), which begins on the distal slopes of the Champaign and Urbana Moraines. The Embarras River originated as a glacial meltwater stream that drained the central part of the Decatur sublobe of the Lake Michigan Lobe (fig. 1, inset) as the ice melted back from the Shelbyville Moraine between about 20,000 and 17,000 14 C years B.P. At the first stop, in the village of Villa Grove, the Embarras River flows across low-relief till plain en- closed by lobate recessional moraines. After heavy rains in the drainage basin, the river overtops its banks causing flooding problems for the village. Near the village of Camargo, the Embarras River flows through a gap in the end moraines; south of there, the river cuts through the delta and lake plain of glacial Lake Douglas (plate 1), which formed when meltwater of the retreating glacier was ponded by the Areola Moraine to the south. At Charleston, the Embarras River begins its cut through the upland of the Shelbyville Morainic System (herein called the Shelbyville Moraine); the upland consists of three distinct ridges east of Charleston (the Paris, Nevins, and Westfield Moraines). Headward erosion of the river's tributaries have formed steep, V-shaped valleys in the Shelbyville Moraine at Fox Ridge State Park, where we will stop for lunch. After lunch, we will drive beyond the Shelbyville Moraine onto the lllinoian till plain. Here, tributaries of the Embarras River that head in the Shelbyville Moraine dissect the till plain surface to form rather rugged topography (for central Illinois, that is!), and Illinois Episode glacial deposits of the Glasford Formation can be seen. We will stop at the Charleston and Tuscola quarries on the way to and from the Shelbyville Moraine to examine glacial successions typical for east-central Illinois. Unfortunately, quarries are few in this area since the drift is thick and averages 10 to 60 m. To understand and map the glacial sediment record, we must rely on shallow cuts exposed in construction sites and along streams and roads. We augment such information with data from engineering borings, water-well cuttings, and our own stratigraphic borings. Classification and Nomenclature The glacial deposits of Illinois have been" classified into lithostratigraphic units, primarily on the basis of till and loess lithology (color, texture, composition) and stratigraphic position, particularly with re- spect to intertonguing, proglacial sorted sediments and buried soils. The lithostratigraphic classifica- tion used here is from Hansel and Johnson (1996), Lineback (1979), and Willman and Frye (1970). Where these classification systems differ (mostly in classification of the deposits of the Wisconsin _42 c f ^ X*, route stops formation boundary member boundary TT 25 km ±£*- Figure 1 Map of eastern Illinois showing Wisconsin Episode lithostratigraphic units, end moraines (gray), and the sublobes of the Lake Michigan Lobe during the last glacial maximum (inset map). Also indicated are the locations of (1) the satellite view in plate 1 (dashed line), (2) the moraine profiles in figure 4 (heavy dark line segments perpendicular to morianes), and (3) the Villa Grove, Charleston, Fox Ridge State Park, Hurri- cane Creek, and Tuscola field trip stops. TF stands for Trafalgar Formation, which is not part of the Wedron Group (fig. 2) (after Hansel and Johnson 1996). Mason Group Equality Fm (EF) Lake Michigan M Peddicord T Henry Fm (HF) Beverly T AshmoreT Peoria Silt (PS) Morton T Roxana Silt Robein M Q. O k— O c o CO CO Lake Michigan M (EF) Peoria Silt, Henry, and Equality Fms (intertongued) Ashmore T (HF) Peddicord T (EF) Morton T (PS) 7 — ? — ? — ? — ? — 7 Roxana Silt Wedron Group Kewaunee Fm Two Rivers M Manitowoc M Shorewood M Wadsworth Fm Lemont Fm Haeger M Yorkville M Batestown M Tiskilwa Fm Piatt M Delavan M sediment sorted by wind and water unsorted glacial diamicton 7 j~ Farmdale Geosol Figure 2 Stratigraphic relationships of diamicton (Wedron Group) and sorted-sediment (Mason Group) units of the Wisconsin Episode in Illinois (from Hansel and Johnson 1996). glaciation), we have used the most recent system of Hansel and Johnson (fig. 2). The temporal clas- sification used is diachronic (Hansel and Johnson 1996, Johnson et al. 1997) and recognizes the unequal spans of time for events recorded by time-transgressive material units. The time-distance diagram in figure 3 shows both the nonglacial (Athens Subepisode) and glacial (Michigan Sub- episode) phases of the Wisconsin Episode in Illinois. Landforms and the Sediment Record The following description and interpretation are summarized from Johnson and Hansel (in press). The Wisconsin Episode landscape of east-central Illinois is characterized by a series of subparallel end moraines separated by low-relief till plains and lake plains. The configuration of the end mo- raines reflects glacial flow out of the Lake Michigan basin and the development of several sublobes where bedrock topographic highs influenced ice flow (fig. 1 ; Johnson et al. 1 986). Figure 3 Time-distance diagram for the Lake Michigan Lobe in Illinois representing phases of the Wisconsin Episode including nonglacial phases (Alton, Farmdale) of the Athens Subepisode and glacial phases (Shelby, Putnam, Livingston, Woodstock, Crown Point) of the Michigan Subepisode. The lithostratigraphic and pedostra- tigraphic units upon which nonglacial phases are based are shown in parentheses. Key 14 C control is also indi- cated (after Johnson et al. 1997). Most of the moraines are true end moraines; that is, they are composed predominantly of till and formed at an ice margin during the last till deposition event (Mickelson et al. 1983). The end moraines in central Illinois are either simple or superposed (overridden). The broader, multiple-crested morainic systems (Shelbyville, Bloomington, llliana, Marseilles; fig. 1) are superposed end moraines; these moraines are made up of tills of multiple readvances or stillstands during which the ice built a new moraine on the proximal slope of an older moraine or, in some cases, overrode the older moraine. In transverse cross section, the end moraines are asymmetric; the distal slopes are steeper and more prominent than the long, gentle, ramp-like proximal slopes (fig. 4). The end moraines are com- posed of till (Johnson et al. 1971). Both distal and proximal slopes are low (distal slopes are gener- ally 2% or less and proximal slopes less than 1%; fig. 4). Moraine height ranges from about 10 to 60 m. Moraine width ranges from about 2 to 20 km. In map view, some end moraines are broadly arcuate (e.g., Champaign and Shelbyville Moraines), whereas others are more lobate (e.g., Areola, Pesotum, and West Ridge Moraines) (plate 1; fig. 1). Unlike the arcuate moraines, the more lobate ones generally lack outwash along their distal slopes and beneath the till of the moraine. On the basis of sediment assemblages, Johnson et al. (1986) and Johnson and Hansel (in press) interpreted the arcuate moraines to represent advance or readvance positions of the entire Lake Michigan Lobe and the more lobate moraines to represent recessional positions of a sublobe. Overall, the landscape and the sediment record lack hummocky topography, kettles, drumlins, es- kers, and tunnel valleys — all characteristic features typical of a glaciated landscape. Outwash plains with their associated glaciofluvial deposits are either absent or small, discontinuous, and poorly de- veloped along the distal slopes of most moraines. The end moraines are separated by lake plains or low-relief till plains that gradually merge with the gentle proximal slopes of the end moraines (Johnson and Menzies 1995; plate 1; figs. 1, 4). Till- plain relief commonly is 3 to 6 m. The linear features parallel to ice flow give some till-plain surfaces a fluted appearance on the satellite photo (plate 1). In lake plain areas, pre-existing relief is subdued by a cover of laminated silt and clay (fig. 5). The Wisconsin Episode glacial succession in Illinois consists of a series of offlapping drift sheets. The drift sheets (mostly diamicton) pinch out beneath successively younger drift sheets in the direc- tion of Lake Michigan (fig. 5). Locally, tongues of proglacial sorted sediment separate till units of dif- ferent drift sheets and provide evidence for a fluctuating ice margin. The generalized cross section from Shelbyville to Lake Michigan shown in figure 5 shows that dia- mictons (tills) form wedge-shaped units overthickened in end moraines. The base of the Wisconsin drift is marked by a relatively smooth, predominantly erosional contact with paleosols and older drift that had filled bedrock valleys prior to the Wisconsin Episode glaciation. The last interglacial soil (Sangamon Geosol) and in some cases the cold-climate soil (Farmdale Geosol, Athens Subepi- sode, Wisconsin Episode; fig. 3) are preserved beneath proglacial outwash and lake sediment and/or diamicton in much of the outer 50 to 80 km of the Wisconsin drift (Kempton and Gross 1971). Only in the region of the Silurian bedrock high in northern Illinois have most of the older drift and paleosols been eroded. The thick, widespread, uniform till sheets and the numerous, large, broad end moraines of central Illinois have generally been attributed to a wet-based, fast-moving Lake Michigan Lobe that had a low ice-surface profile and remained active during retreat from the late glacial maximum position (for example, Willman and Frye 1970, Mckelson et al. 1981 and 1983, Clayton et al. 1985, Beget 1986, Clark 1992, 1994, and 1997, Johnson and Hansel 1990, Hansel and Johnson 1992, Johnson and Hansel in press, Alley 1991, Boulton 1996a and 1996b). Johnson and Hansel (in press) concluded Moraine Shelbyville Outline Distal Proximal shape slope % slope % Moraine Profile (vertical exaggeration: 100x) arcuate 1.07 ft m Cerro Gordo lobate 2.07 100 0.86 50 o- 1 - Arcola lobate West Ridge lobate 1.33 1.60 0.46 0.51 Champaign arcuate 1.85 Urbana lobate 1 .56 llliana arcuate 2.04 0.15 0.75 0.86 Ellis-Paxton arcuate 1.33 Chatsworth arcuate 1.14 0.27 0.35 100 30 50--15 100 j 30 50--15 5 10 15 km I 1 1 1 — i 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 5000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 55,000 ft Figure 4 Sample profiles (vertical exaggeration approximately 4.5x) and distal and proximal slopes for arcuate and lobate moraines in east-central Illinois. Locations are indicated in figure 1 (after Johnson and Hansel, in press). that both the low-relief landscape and Wisconsin Episode sediment succession are consistent with subglacial deposition from basal ice and/or a deforming bed. The series of end moraines that formed in Illinois during Wisconsin Episode deglaciation required (1) actively flowing ice to deliver debris to the glacier terminus and (2) conditions whereby the ice margin was stationary for tens to hundreds of years to build up the 30 to 60 m of diamicton in the end moraines. The large number of end moraines that formed between Shelbyville and Lake Michi- gan between about 20,000 and 14,000 14 C years B.P. (figs. 1, 3, 5) indicates that the ice margin sta- bilized numerous times during the overall retreat. Whereas most of the moraines record recessional stillstands or slight readvance positions of the ice margin, others represent readvances on the order of tens of kilometers. The lack of landforms characterized by supraglacial sediment and stratified drift and the small amount of redeposited sediment on the central Illinois landscape are consistent with relatively clean ice in the southern Great Lakes area during the last glaciation (Mickelson et al. 1983). The lack of eskers and tunnel channels on the landscape and the absence of R-channel deposits in the uniform till beds are consistent with predictions by Walder and Fowler (1994) and Clark and Walder (1994). On the basis of glaciological theory, they predicted that the subglacial drainage network at the base of gently sloping ice sheets that rest on fine-grained deforming sediment should consist of many wide, shallow, braided channels. Slower water velocities in shallow, wide channels, as opposed to faster velocities in a few large, dendritic subglacial tunnels such as might develop over a rigid bed, could account for the general lack of outwash along the margins of many moraines in central Illinois (Clark and Walder 1994, Johnson and Hansel, in press). The greater cross-sectional area for a channel network would reduce the ability of the subglacial streams to transport large volumes of coarse material. Road Log Miles 0.0 Exit parking lot of the Clarion Hotel and Convention Center and TURN RIGHT on U.S. Route 45 (Neil Street). Follow this road south to Curtis Road. 1.1 At Windsor Road, the route crosses a swale between the east-west-trending Champaign Moraine and the north-south-trending West Ridge Moraine. The route follows the crest of the West Ridge Moraine. The surface diamicton in the moraines of the Champaign-Urbana area (i.e., Champaign, Urbana, Hildreth, West Ridge, and Pesotum Moraines) and in the Areola Moraine is mapped as the Batestown Member, Lemont Formation. 2.2 TURN LEFT on Curtis Road. For the next mile, the route descends the proximal slope of the West Ridge Moraine. The ridge on the horizon ahead is the juncture of the Champaign and Urbana Moraines. 3.5 Cross the Embarras River, which here is a small stream made up of intermittent tributaries that begin on the distal slopes of the Champaign and Urbana Moraines. Farther south along the route, the Embarras River served as a major meltwater channel draining away from the retreating Wisconsin glacier. The route crosses the Embarras River numerous times on this trip. 4.3 Ascend the distal slope of the Champaign Moraine. 4.5 Cross the crest of the Champaign Moraine. Within the next half mile, the Champaign Moraine is truncated by the Urbana Moraine (as mapped by Willman and Frye 1970). 5.5 Cross the crest of the Urbana Moraine. 6.3 The proximal slope of the Urbana Moraine merges with till plain. As is typical of east-central Illinois, for the next 2.5 to 3 miles, the surface of the till plain is more undulating than that of the end moraines. 6.7 TURN RIGHT on Illinois Route 130. The crest of the Urbana Moraine can be seen on the horizon to the right as the route proceeds south. 8.2 The route rises onto the proximal slope of the Urbana Moraine. Although the moraine aver- ages only 2 miles wide, because the route crosses this stretch of the moraine at an oblique angle, the route traverses the moraine for the next 5 miles. 11.0 Enter the village of Philo. 1 1 .7 Cross the crest of the Urbana Moraine. For the next mile, the crest of the West Ridge Moraine can be seen on the horizon to the right. 13.5 Leave distal slope of the Urbana Moraine. 15.3 Good view of the Urbana Moraine at 7 o'clock. This is one of the more impressive views of an end moraine in central Illinois. 15.8 Cross bridge over the East Branch of the Embarras River. 18.2 Terraces along the East Branch of the Embarras River to the right. 18.7 The Multi-County Landfill is at 10 o'clock. 19.0 After heavy rains in the Embarras River watershed, water ponds in swales to form lakes in the fields in the low area that extends for the next 4 miles along the route. Although water likely accumulated in this low area between moraines as the glacier melted back across the landscape, lake sediment is thin to absent. 20.2 Enter Douglas County. A pit dug approximately 0.5 miles east and 0.5 miles south of here to extract fill for capping the Multi-County Landfill exposed about 2.5 m of spoil fill over 5.5 m of gray silt loam diamicton (Batestown Member, Lemont Formation) over 7.5 m of red gray loam diamicton (Tiskilwa Formation). A striated clast pavement was present between the two diamictons, which we interpret as advance and retreat tills of the Shelby Phase (fig. 3). 20.7 Enter the village of Villa Grove. 21 .2 Cross the Embarras River. 21 .3 TURN LEFT on Front Street (Douglas County Route 6) and then immediately left again into a parking lot. Stop 1 : Villa Grove. S Shelbyville 4 800 -i c o TO > CD 400^ moraines with asymmetric slopes and few kettles or hummocks laminated silt and clay Batestown diamicton Wadsworth diamicton Tiskilwa diamicton Yorkville diamicton W'M sand and gravel Lemont diamicton <- < < paleosol Figure 5 Generalized cross section of glacial drift from Shelbyville to Lake Michigan. Bedrock surface data from Herzog et. al. 1994 (after Johnson and Hansel, in press). FLOODING PROBLEMS IN VILLA GROVE— Richard C. Berg Most cities and towns in east-central Illinois are located on moraines. Such sites offered relatively better drainage and pleasing views of an otherwise flat landscape. Villa Grove, however, is one of the few towns that was built on a floodplain. Because of its precarious position, repeated inundation by flood waters from the Embarras River has caused many thousands of dollars in damage. A USGS hydrograph from a gaging station near Camargo (about 7 km south of Villa Grove) recorded the area's worst flood on April 1 2, 1 995, when the river rose about 4 m over a three-day period. Recent severe floods also occurred in 1952, 1974, 1992, 1996, and 1997. Geomorphologic, geologic, and anthropogenic conditions contribute to flooding problems in Villa Grove. The most obvious condition, of course, is that the village is located in the floodplain. Further, the Embarras River traverses very flat till- and lake-plain topography once it emerges from its head- waters in the Champaign and Urbana Moraines. From about 5 km north of the Champaign-Douglas county line to near the town of Oakland (just southeast of the Areola Moraine), a river distance of about 50 km, the elevation of the Embarras River decreases by only about 4 m (fig. 1). In addition to its relatively low gradient, along almost its entire length, the riverbed consists of diamicton of low erodibility and permeability. Thus, rainwater flows quickly to river courses and rapidly fills the banks. These natural watershed characteristics have also been substantially altered by settlement. Contin- ued urbanization in Champaign-Urbana, about 27 km upriver from Villa Grove, is often thought to contribute to increased runoff. Villa Grove mayor Ron Hunt (personal communication 1998) con- tends, however, that heavy rainfall in the Champaign-Urbana area alone does not cause serious flooding in the village. Rather, the most severe flooding is associated with local heavy rainfall. Kovacic and Gentry (1997) reported that by 1900 almost all of the original acres of prairie in north- central, central, and south-central Illinois had been converted to agriculture. Tile drainage, drainage ditches, and the steel plow allowed farmers to convert even the poorly drained wet prairies into some of the most productive farmland in the world. Nearly half of Champaign County once consisted N Lake Michigan moraines with kettles and hummocky topography 4 800 ^400 40 km vertical exaggeration: ~400x of wetlands, either permanent ponds or seasonally flooded hydric soils (total of about 309,000 acres). Today more than 490,000 acres are intensively farmed, and about 80% of this acreage has been drained. About 5% of the county is now classified as wetlands. Recent investigations of the up- per Embarras River watershed in Champaign County have revealed that 95% of the annual flow in the river is from agricultural drainage. Kovacic and Gentry (1997) argued that the effectiveness of a modern, more integrated drainage network has resulted in greater water volumes being removed rapidly from the soil and, therefore, that wetlands should be constructed to mitigate the negative ef- fects of this artificial drainage. The community of Villa Grove is discussing flood alleviation measures, including (1) rerouting the river, (2) diverting Jordan Slough (which enters the Embarras River just north of the village), and (3) cutting shallow, wide ditches to help divert flow away from the village. The latter option seems most cost effective. The village has also purchased and removed several floodplain residences. Pres- ently, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is evaluating the flooding problem, and the Embarras River Management Authority is seeking additional federal funds. 21 .3 TURN LEFT out of parking lot on Front Street (Piatt County Route 6). 22.3 The Multi-County Landfill is at 9 o'clock. 23.6 The low ridge on the horizon to the right is the West Ridge Moraine. 24.8 Cross Jordan Slough. 25.3 TURN RIGHT on Road 2050E. For the next 2.5 miles, the route ascends the proximal slope of the West Ridge Moraine, which rises' about 12 m in elevation to the moraine crest. 27.8 Cross the crest of the West Ridge Moraine. For the next mile, the route descends the steeper distal slope of the moraine. The flat bed of glacial Lake Douglas is visible ahead. 29.7 The route passes off the distal slope of the West Ridge Moraine. 30.0 The route passes onto the lake plain of glacial Lake Douglas. 30.4 TURN RIGHT on U.S. Route 36. The West Ridge Moraine is to the right, and the lake plain is to the left. 34.0 The route rises onto the distal edge of the Pesotum Moraine, which is overlapped to the northeast by the West Ridge Moraine. 34.5 Intersection with Illinois Route 130 (north) on the right. 35.4 TURN LEFT on Illinois Route 1 30 (south). 35.9 For the next 2.5 miles, the route crosses deltaic sediments (predominantly sand and silt) de- posited in glacial Lake Douglas where the glacial Embarras River spilled through a gap in the Pesotum and West Ridge Moraines. Here the sandy deltaic sediments are up to 3.3 m thick and overlie finer-grained lake sediments up to 6 m thick. The deltaic sediments occur as low, ridge-like bars that thin away from the delta head. 37.2 Cross the Embarras River. 38.9 Cross the Embarras River. For the next 4 miles, the route crosses the floor of glacial Lake Douglas. 41 .2 Cross Deer Creek. The low ridge on the horizon ahead is the Areola Moraine. 43.2 Cross the junction with Illinois Route 133. Begin to ascend the proximal slope of the Areola Moraine. This moraine ponded meltwaterto form glacial Lake Douglas. The Areola Moraine is approximately 4 miles wide here; the proximal slope is 3 miles wide. 10 46.5 Cross the crest of the Areola Moraine. For the next 0.6 mile, the route descends the distal slope of the moraine. 47.3 Cross the Flat Branch, a small, westward-flowing tributary of the Kaskaskia River that origi- nates between the Areola and Cerro Gordo Moraines. The surface diamicton in the Cerro Gordo and Shelbyville Moraines is mapped as the Piatt Member, Tiskilwa Formation. Dia- micton of the Piatt Member is grayer and sandier and less clayey than type Tiskilwa diamicton. 47.5 Rise onto a northeast-southwest-trending segment of the Cerro Gordo Moraine. 48.1 Cross the first crest of the double-crested Cerro Gordo Moraine. 48.6 Cross the second crest of the Cerro Gordo Moraine. 48.8 Leave the Cerro Gordo Moraine. For the next 6 miles, the route crosses a gently undulating till plain between the Cerro Gordo Moraine and the Shelbyville Moraine. 54.7 Enter Charleston city limits. 56.2 TURN RIGHT on Madison Street. 56.5 TURN LEFT on Division Street. 56.7 TURN RIGHT into City of Charleston Kiwanis Park. 56.9 Stop 2: Kiwanis Park. Coffee and rest stop. 57.1 TURN LEFT on Division Street and begin to ascend the proximal slope of the Paris Moraine, the northernmost moraine of the Shelbyville Morainic System. 57.7 TURN LEFT on Illinois Route 16 (Lincoln Avenue). 58.1 The castle-like building on the right is Old Main, which houses administrative offices on the Eastern Illinois University campus. 58.7 Intersection with Illinois Route 130. CONTINUE AHEAD on Illinois Route16. 59.8 Pass from the proximal slope of the Paris Moraine onto till plain. 62.0 TURN LEFT into the Charleston Stone Company quarries. The Embarras River can be seen on the right. 62.4 TURN LEFT and proceed past "the turtle" up the hill. 63.1 Stop 3: Charleston Stone Company quarry CHARLESTON STONE COMPANY QUARRY— Ardith Hansel, Vincent Gutowski, Andrew Phillips, and Frangois Hardy Overview Quaternary exposures in a series of pits at the Charleston quarries have been studied for the past three decades (e.g., Ford 1973, Gutowski et al. 1991 and 1998, Hansel and Johnson 1996, Johnson and Hansel in press). These exposures provide an opportunity to examine the sediment succession of the Wisconsin Episode at a site near the last glacial maximum (fig. 1). Above the last interglacial soil, proglacial deposits consist of (1) loess in which a forest soil (A horizon of the Farmdale Geosol) is developed, (2) lake sediment that contains a diamicton tongue interpreted to be a subaqueous flow deposit, and (3) outwash sand and gravel (fig. 6). The Farmdale Geosol has tree trunks (spruce) rooted in it (fig. 7a). A planar, erosional contact separates the outwash from a subglacial 11 diachronic temporal units CD CO n a. >. CD sz CO CD ■o O CO a. LU CD T3 O CO Q. CD -O CO C CO Q) ■o w o c w lens m massive s stratified fine-grained sediments subglacial channel-fill deposits (d) deformed (p) pedogenisized F fine-grained sediment m massive I laminated o organic (p) pedogenisized ...... sand °°Y°V 9 ravel contacts conformable erosional ^=^ laminae ^7-^ trough crossbeds ■^s ripple crossbeds Ail, trunk/wood fragments Mi soil S sand h horizontal bedded x crossbedded xriy ~*' clast concentration/ pavement o organic (d) deformed 13 F ■ ; ' 3 kil * ""•* ■ ■ . ; ^BBp' ^> * . '••■ '^*5f? ^%». ^ * Kwa|| •\ . Sm.".*!*" *^ ' •> * s m |BmH HFtES 03 C _co o. .Q CO — CO is O T3 c CO CO c CO CO -C CO CO 3 O X3 CD "E -Q C CO O "O CO 0) o -a ® CO _cd CO E c CO U- O r- CO ±5 O C Q. CD ■D O O SL CL CL O X CD 3 % " O >- o =s CO » E s= § «3£ £ £~ 5« ? CO £ CO ^ CD o c E w "O O CD •*= > CD *5- co" co £ci§ CO w c cr co ^ c 2 $ 2 | co CO 3 CD u ° =6 <§ = E CD +- CO £|f SOU) 03 CO c co 75, c CD j? CO i 3 " co 5 o CD -° "D T3 iS " 03 c s co o w o > CO CO £ O o 3 CO ft D) O o CD CD CO 14 One interesting feature of this stop is a large tongue of diamicton that separates the lacustrine de- posits into upper and lower beds (figs. 6, 8). In 1995, the tongue, which ranged up to 2.9 m thick and pinched out southward, extended 100-130 m across the exposure. To the north (up-ice direction), the upper lacustrine bed and overlying sands pinch out and the tongue merges with the overlying diamicton. Diamicton in the tongue is similar to the overlying diamicton in grain size, color, and clay mineral composition (fig. 6). The mainly uniform diamicton of the tongue locally contains thin, dis- continuous silt streaks parallel to the silt-diamicton contact and folded, attenuated wisps of organic- rich silt. Pebble fabrics measured in the diamicton tongue, though relatively strong (fig. 8), indicate pebbles dipping to the southwest or southeast. The diamicton tongue is interpreted to be a subaque- ous flow deposit. The bed geometry, internal variability, pebble fabrics, and similarity to the overlying subglacial till are consistent with a subaqueous, debris-flow origin for the diamicton tongue. Additional evidence in- cludes a tree trunk that was observed by Gutowski and Hansel in 1995. The trunk was rooted in the Farmdale Geosol and extended through the lacustrine silt and into the diamicton. The trunk was bent to the south, the assumed direction of debris-flow movement. Overlying the lacustrine silts containing the diamicton tongue is a gradational contact with an overall coarsening-upwards sequence consisting of a 1.1 -meter-thick subunit of fine to coarse sand overlain by a few centimeters of silt. Sedimentary structures in the unit include horizontal laminae, planar crossbeds, silt and gravel lenses, and ripple trough crossbeds (figs. 7b, c). Primary bedding is unde- formed in the sand, which is separated from the overlying diamicton by a sharp, planar, erosional contact. This sand unit, classified as the Ashmore Tongue (Henry Formation), is interpreted to be overridden outwash (fig. 6). The particular depositional environment of the outwash sands is unclear. No large-scale foreset beds typical of a prograding delta, however shallow, have been observed. Could the lake have been completely filled, or did it drain prior to progradation of the outwash sands? More than 6 m of silt loam diamicton (Tiskilwa Formation) are present above the proglacial sands. In lithology, the upper diamicton is like that of the subaqueous flow deposit in the diamicton tongue (fig. 6). The upper diamicton is mainly uniform, although attenuated lenses of sand and silt are pres- ent near the base. A strong fabric (CQ196 in fig. 8) with pebble long axes dipping to the northeast (up-ice direction) was measured in the upper diamicton, whereas four weaker fabrics (fig. 8) with pebble long axes dipping in the down-flow direction were measured in the diamicton tongue. In some parts of the quarry, stratified gravelly to fine sand bodies within the diamicton reach about 1 to 3 m across and are less than 1 m thick (fig. 7d). The sand bodies are channel shaped, gener- ally with flat tops and parabolic bottoms; some bodies show evidence of deformation including com- pressed and rotated sediments and intruded diamicton diapirs. On the basis of sedimentary characteristics, we interpret the diamicton overlying the diamicton tongue to be till that was depos- ited subglacially as the glacier advanced and retreated over the area. The sand bodies may reflect infilling of subglacial channels that were eroded into soft substrate materials and later deformed. Above the diamicton interpreted to be subglacial till is a distinct contact with 2 m of diamicton, sepa- rated into two beds, also classified as Tiskilwa Formation (fig. 6). Although color and overall grain- size distributions do not change across the contact between till and the lowermost overlying diamic- ton bed, gravel concentrations quadruple (from 6% to 26%). Lenses of crudely stratified gravelly sand, silt, and diamicton are also more abundant than in the underlying more uniform till. The lower and upper diamicton beds are separated by a sharp contact. The upper bed contains more clay and less gravel than the lower one (fig. 6). The two diamicton beds are interpreted to reflect resedimen- tation of supraglacial debris and loess deposited during glacial retreat. The section is capped by 1.5 m of uniform, leached silty clay loam interpreted to be loess with modern soil developed in it; the loess is classified as the Peoria Silt. 15 9J 2 <= £ w CD £ c E E^. CD — "S E CO c o o E CD CO CO CD ° ° k E c 3 -is " CD O L. E "o « ? 1 Q. CO L. £ IS 3 w E E £ c5 <° E C E ffl 5 '§E o i— — • — - > — o O) cc Cd =3 ric di e, eq co 05 CM d oo || M— JZ ii ■z. CD '- in CO CO- CO CD .c > E CD E CC c o /^ jz s — ' / L. ^ CD •*-' 5 CD 05 zf * ^ 5 O CD 1— CO 3 cn c o CD C 1_ rt CD k_ I jz o CO 1- ■D >« >> &_ c cd ffl h_ o cd 3 cn "D cn o CX c cz o cd o C/5 jz JZ CO cn _ _o cd D) 1_ cd jz 3 c O O CD CD >. > jz 12 o "cd C ffl CD JZ w CD c c 3 > O CO o Im. CD 'C CD i_ JD JZ cd ffl O JZ o CD o !c JD Q. 5 JD CD jz CO Q. CO CO CO CD 1— c o a5 CD "cd c CD CD i_ JZ 1_ to 5 _c 3 „ ^ to CD "co JZ o Q. cd o CD cd 3 T3 O 0) CO 5 O o o CL ■*—' CO x: CO -*~ j CO _Q § CD CD en JZ "O CD 3 CO 3 O 3 O) to O C O) CD o c 3 _CD JD c 2 cd JD C ^ .. ■•— ' CO cn cd 3 Cl CD JD CO O CL 13 O X o CD X "O en cn _CD JZ CD 3 a i_ c cn Q. c C o CD ^: o o C CD 3 E CD c o CD 1— T3 cn as CO CD c o c\i O 'l O *-* "D -Q CL c c ffl 3 o CO ^ — ' o cn CD to E o n JD cd CD cd o CD JZ T) CO 0. C t«_ o o E = c o o ■^ CD cd CO cd JZ CO T— CJ "^ o E 1 o o CO cn o CO o JD CL o JZ ^ 3 CO TD Q. 0) CD § CO S2 o 00 E O JZ cn CD 3 X o 3 c o iZ cd d. E 16 Paleoecological Indicators during the Farmdale-Shelby Phase Transition Gutowski et al. (1998) investigated the stratigraphic relationship of sediments and plant macrofossils found in the Farmdale Geosol and adjacent sediment at the Charleston quarries to determine envi- ronmental conditions just prior to overriding of the Lake Michigan Lobe during the Shelby Phase ad- vance to the Shelbyville Moraine in east-central Illinois (fig. 3). The Robein Member (Roxana Silt), in which the Farmdale Geosol is developed, and the Peddicord Tongue (Equality Formation) contain abundant plant fragments, mosses, seeds, insect fragments, gastropods, and spruce stumps. Gutowski and his students collected and washed bulk samples of sediment for plant, shell, and in- sect remains. Donald Schwert (North Dakota State University) identified fragments of Olophrum latum and Ago- num quinquepunctatum from the lower part of the Peddicord Tongue. The former is an arctic/sub- arctic beetle species that is today restricted to northern North America west of Hudson Bay, whereas the latter is a northern, boreal to lower arctic beetle that today is found around the shore- line of Hudson Bay. Cryobius, probably ventricosus, was identified from the upper part of the Farm- dale Geosol. Today this beetle is restricted to the lower arctic and to mountaintops of the northern Appalachians. These beetle remains appear to indicate a forest to tundra environment, rather than a strictly tundra environment. Plant macrofossils collected from the silts of the Peddicord Tongue at the Charleston quarry and identified by Richard Baker (University of Iowa) are listed in Table 1. The 22 taxa are presently ei- ther widespread or found in boreal environments. Several samples contained Selaginella selagnoi- des, a subarctic spikemoss. Numerous Picea stumps are found rooted in the Farmdale Geosol and encased in the overlying lacustrine silt (fig. 7a). Some in situ stumps are over 2 m in height; al- though stumps average 12 cm in diameter, some are up to 25 cm. The bark is well preserved, as are fine limbs and needles. Two in situ stumps yielded ages of 20,050 ± 170 (ISGS-2593) and 19,980 ± 150 (ISGS-2842) 14 C years B.P. Paleoecological interpretations of environmental conditions by Gutowski et al. (1998) at Charleston are consistent with those of Garry et al. (1990) at Wedron in north-central Illinois and Baker et al. in western Illinois (1989). Both studies concluded that the interval between about 28,000 and 21,000 14 C years B.P. was one of constant climatic cooling with boreal to subarctic environments near the ice margin. This interpretation is also consistent with Johnson's conclusion (1990) that permafrost in central Illinois was limited to a narrow zone that migrated with the Wisconsin ice margin. Evidence for Bioturbation? The Farmdale Geosol at the Charleston quarry site has a well-preserved O horizon that consists of a 1- to 3-centimeter-thick litter layer that is rich in Bryophytes. Unusual depressions in the geosol surface were observed by Gutowski et al. (1998). The depressions occur along the edge of a shal- low water area interpreted to be a proglacial lake that underwent fairly continuous aggradation. The depressions in the very dark brown, organic-rich Farmdale Geosol are filled with light gray lacustrine silts of the Peddicord Tongue (fig. 9). This disturbed geosol surface was mapped at 10-cm intervals over a 4 square meter grid (fig. 10a). The larger depressions have a roughly circular outline approxi- mately 70 cm in diameter and 25 cm deep. The lower portions of the fill sediments are draped to conform to the concavity of the depressions, whereas the upper layers of fill are nearly horizontal. In the lower portions, dark brown silt (Robein Member) interfingers with light gray silt (Peddicord Tongue) (fig. 9). The surrounding rim area is sev- eral centimeters higher than the original land surface and in places appears to have been ripped up and emplaced unconformably on top of younger sediments. This configuration is consistent with physical removal and redeposition of the Farmdale O material accompanied by its rapid burial in 17 -a o o CD a. CD o CD JD CL E co co CO 1— O o TJ T3 CD CL i_ CD Q. CL CO 3 O" c o CO x: O CO "cO CO co ■•— » 15 15 15 la CO CO CO CO -C X x: x CD CD CD CD XI -Q Xl Xj CO co CO CO CO CO CO co O O O o Cl Q. CL CL o >> >» >s >* to c C c c 3 CO co co co CT ^ 2 S S < < 2 2 m -2c0(lZ55CQ5O t> £ 5 _ o > CD CD CO CO CD CD CO CO o o ^ o t: o o T3 ^ CD Cl) CO c =5 ii O CO co CD Tl O c Ol CO CD W CO CD n C co Oi CO to Q) Q) o CO CL 3 is s -2 t5 o5 CD = =3 JO 4: c? g CO J- CD lis ir- co .fc 5 co c/) -CO 1 co i lie .« .CO co 3 CD £ CO O 55 3 X 5 CO ion? co Cr ca CO o c c CO CO ^o co P. CD £ o CO £ to CO I 52 CD CD T3 s I a o CD CO CO O -2 o ^ cS S c S. o .c» o CD CD CD CO CO r- -O ra r (1) 0) CO c re re O > Banner Formation Devonian Period Lingle Formation Figure 12 Lithofacies characterization, classification, and interpretation at the Tuscola quarry. Key to fabric diagrams is given in fig. 8. 26 lithofacies materials structures/ inclusions D diamicton a a a diamicton <=> lens m massive s stratified fine-grained sediments subglacial channel-fill deposits (d) deformed sand F= laminae (p) pedogenisized °>VV] gravel ^-^ trough crossbeds F fine-grained sediment m massive 1 laminated o organic (p) pedogenisized contacts conformable — - erosional -* s ripple crossbeds i5V^ trunk/wood fragments iiiiii soii S sand h horizontal bedded " cr ^ CT " clast concentration/ pavement x crossbedded o organic (d) deformed homogeneous part of the Batestown Member to be subglacial till. A pebble fabric (1 in fig. 12) in a 70-centimeter-thick diamicton bed between silt beds in the middle of the unit indicates a moderately strong orientation of clasts to the southeast. This orientation is inconsistent with an interpretation of till deposited from a glacier flowing from the northeast and may reflect debris flow from the distal slope of the Pesotum Moraine, mapped just north of the quarry. In places in the pit, the upper part of the Batestown diamicton has been observed to be in facies relationship with silt and clay interpreted to be lake sediment. In the measured section (fig. 12), the Batestown diamicton is overlain by about 0.5 meter of massive silty clay loam that is oxidized to dark yellow brown (10YR4/6) and leached of carbonates. This unit is interpreted to be loess in which the postglacial soil developed; it is classified as the Peoria Silt. Along most of the pit wall, the A horizon of the postglacial soil is present and can be traced around the pit below spoil from the quarry operation (fig. 11). Striated clast pavements between red and gray tills have also been observed north of this area in an excavation near Villa Grove and in one in Champaign. At those sites, the clasts are mostly cobbles and boulders, and facets and striae are well developed on their upper surfaces. We interpret the erosion surface between the red and gray tills in east-central Illinois to have developed subglacially when the sites were in the zone of erosion as the glacier margin advanced to and retreated from the Shelbyville Moraine during the Shelby Phase (fig. 3). We interpret the red and gray tills to represent advance- and retreat-phase tills, respectively. Boulton's theory (1996b) for glacial erosion, transport, and deposition as a consequence of subglacial sediment deformation predicts erosion surfaces marked by boulder pavements between lithologically distinct advance- and retreat-phase tills. Whether the subglacial erosion occurred at the base of the ice or at the base of the deforming bed, at the Tuscola quarry it appears that much (and locally all) of the advance-phase till (Tiskilwa) was eroded. Points for Discussion at the Tuscola Quarry 1 . An erosional contact with a clast concentration occurs between the gray and red till beds (Bates- town Member and Tiskilwa Formation). Do these units represent advance and retreat tills separated by a subglacial erosion surface? If not, what do they represent? 2. What is the origin of the sand lenses (fig. 13a) in the Glasford Formation? 27 <^ j m m • \ CM CM O 1 /3p || LO II « loo / m -y \<£m.. \ 'Ft i' jI e| 'fli ' .Ju&Mms ' ^ .^? d) .£1 co r- i- c5 * co E O 05 "D c § .9 c 2 2 c O CD I g CO o c co o ffl O CD Ll_ p T3 3 °£ — CO CO 03 CD CD CU c o o CL Q. CL 3 CD 00 CJ) W C CD a, C > £= "5) S co ~o CO co S 3 CO O I! co .3? ■ ■ 1_ c w o ^ CO 3, "° o co ,2 ■a _3 o c c o ~ CD CO ^ 2 E O CO E ^ CO "D ~° £ JZ "co ±i co *<* T3 C II II ■a co c w CO TJ CO O — s "O 5. 2 . . O) £ c CO '■£ CO c o o O o |! I— CO CD T3 £ T3 — CO T3 CO o CD *" i— -- — 3 .O CO O §"0 "O CO o >- co CO 5 • - 2 C- CO o CJ c CO _Q i- CO O '*- — I- CL CD ^£ C T3 O 3 E co co =5 E II en co T3 CO "D "ffi. >* CO > F CO -o fc ci> X 00 o Q. CO Cl CO CO 1- -1 ^ a> u o LL -Q E - ^ CO CO o CD O "a J3 c co c ^ o £ $ .52 E -° .21 T3 o i_ CO §^ CO g o § S 28 3. Why were paleosols (Sangamon and Yarmouth Geosols) not eroded in this area? 4. Why is so little proglacial sediment present between deposits of the three glacial episodes? 123.9 Leave Tuscola Stone Company quarry and TURN LEFT on U.S. Route 36. 1 24.8 TURN RIGHT on the entrance ramp to Interstate 57 North. 125.8 The route rises onto the Pesotum Moraine, which parallels Interstate 57. The ridge on the horizon to the left is the Areola Moraine. 131.0 Enter Champaign County. 134.5 Juncture of the Areola and Pesotum Moraines. 1 33.6 For the next 6 miles, the crest of the Pesotum Moraine is about 1 .5 miles to the right of the route. 141.7 EXIT Interstate 57 at Monticello Road. TURN RIGHT on County 1000N. 142.8 Cross the crest of the Pesotum Moraine. 143.8 Cross the crest of the West Ridge Moraine. 144.4 TURN LEFT on U.S. 45. 145.4 A good view of Urbana Moraine is on the right. 149.0 Cross the crest of the Champaign Moraine. 149.5 TURN LEFT into parking lot of the Clarion Hotel and Conference Center. REFERENCES Alley, R.B., 1991, Deforming bed origin for southern Laurentide till sheets?: Journal of Glaciology, v. 37, no. 125, p. 67-76. Baker, R.G., A.E. Sullivan, G.R. Hallberg, and D.G. Horton, 1989, Vegetational changes in western Illinois during the onset of late Wisconsinan glaciation: Ecology, v. 70, no. 5, p. 1363-1376. 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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the following landowners and site superintendents for their cooperation prior to and during the trip: Charleston Stone Company and John Tarble, Tuscola Stone Company and Randy Reed, and Fox Ridge State Park and Glenn Lyons. We also thank Madalene Cartwright and EIU interns Jeff Callahan and Bryan Scheidt for particle-size analysis, Herbert Glass for X-ray diffraction analy- sis, and Hong Wang and Jack Liu for radiocarbon analysis. Over the years we have appreciated field assistance and discussion at the Charleston quarry site from our colleagues Kari Kirkham, Glen Blakley, Dan Osterman, Mike Tappan, Alexis Clark, Steve DiNaso of EIU and Jack Masters, Leon Follmer, and Myrna Killey of the ISGS. Don Luman processed satellite imagery and Barb Stiff and Curt Abert helped with digital compilation. Don McKay and Myrna Killey provided helpful reviews of a draft of this guidebook. Portions of this research were supported by the National Science Founda- tion under Grant EAR-9204838 to W. Hilton Johnson and Ardith Hansel. 31 ORandolfch