COUNTY BOROUGH OF BOLTON public Libraries Catalogue of Books GREAT LEVER BRANCH LENDING LIBRARY. COMPILED BY ARCHIBALD SPARKE, F.R.5.L, CHIEF LIBRARIAN. STie Hue ^linw^yity ol -tlWe daus b a Qoiteotion oi eBoo&a, — CARLYLE. PRICE THIfcE EF»ENCE Gledsdale, Pbintee, Bolton A Library is not a luxury, but one of the necessities of life. H. W. Beeeker. Books are the windows through which the soul looks out. H. W. Beecher. Books are peculiarly necessary to the working men in our towns. Lord Avebury. Cultivate above all things a taste for reading. Lord Sherbrooke. Books are our household gods; and we cannot prize them too highly. George Searle Phillips. In books we have the best products of the best minds. G. S. Hillard. COUNTY BOROUGH OF BOLTON public Libraries. Catalogue of Books IN THE GREAT LEVER BRANCH LENDING LIBRARY. COMPILED BY ARCHIBALD SPARKE. F.R.S.L. CHIEF LIBRARIAN. §Tie taue ^nluewi-tij oj -tfte^e daijs b a (OlolteciioM of eBoo&a. BOLTON: Published by the Public Libraries Committee 1910. ^Publie Jbibraries Qommittee, 1909-131G. His Worship the Mayor of Bolton Mr. Alderman F. A. Horridge, Chairman. Mr. Alderman Wm. Smith, J.P., Vice-Chairman. Mr. Alderman Dr. Young. Mr. Councillor E. Cottrell, „ J. Gregory, J. Millar, M.B, „ S. Partington, (Councillor J. Tyas Cooper, J.P.) Mr. Councillor F. Steel, J. T. Turner, Dr. T. E. Flitcroft, J.P. John Harwood, Esq., J.P. A. T. Holden, Esq. J. A. Macduff, Esq., B.A. F. B. Mallett, Esq., M.D. S. H. Scott, Esq, MA. J. P. Taylor, Esq., B.A., J.P. SUB-COMMITTEES. ACCOUNTS. The Mayor. Chairman. Vice-Chairman, Councillor E. Cottrell, Councillor S. Partington. Dr. T. E. Flitcroft, J.P. J. P. Taylor, Esq,, B.A., J.P. WORKS. The Mayor. Chairman. Vice-Chairman. Alderman Dr. Young. Councillor Cottrell. ,, J. Gregory. Councillor J. Millar, M.B. J. T. Turner. J. Harwood Esq., J.P. F. E. Mallett, Esq., M.D. J. P. Taylor, Esq., B.A., J.P. BOOKS. The Mayor. Chairman. Yice-Chairman. Alderman Dr. Young. Councillor S. Partington. John Harwood, Esq., J.P. A. T. Holden, Esq. J A. Macduff, Esq., B.A. S. H. Scott, Esq., MA. Chief Librarian Deputy Librarian Archibald Sparke, f.r.s.l. John E. Clarke. ^ . \^V *- \ «3 l^ BOLTON PUBLIC LIBRARIES RULES and REGULATIONS 1 The Chief Librarian shall have the general charge of the Library and other rooms, and shall be responsible for the safe keeping of the Books, and all other property belonging thereto, under the direction of the Public Libraries Committee. 2 The Lending Library shall be open to the public for the issue and return of books each week day from 9-30 a.m. to 8 p.m., except Wednesdays, when the Library will be closed at one o'clock, and it shall be closed on Sundays, Christmas Dap, New Year's Days, Good Fridays, and upon such other days as the Committee may direct. 3 The conditions upon which Books are lent from the Library are : (a) That the borrower shall be resident, rated, or employed within the County Borough of Bolton ; and (b) shall obtain the signature, upon a form which may be had at the Library, of a Burgess of the said County Borough, whose name is on the current Burgess List. Such person shall guarantee the return of all books lent to the Borrower, free from injury, or to replace the same, or pay their value; and in every case shall be responsible for all fines and expenses that may be incurred by the said Borrower, such liability not to exceed the sum of Two Pounds. If, however, the intending Borrower be a Ratepayer it will not be necessary for him to obtain the signature of another Ratepayer, but simply to sign his name on the form provided. 4 The form, duly signed, must then be delivered at the Library to an assistant, by whom it will be'examined, and, if found to be satisfactory, a Borrower's Ticket will be issued at once. This Ticket will remain in force for three years, when it will be necessary that the same be renewed by again filling in an application form. 5. In case oi^a, Borrower losing his ticket, immediate notice must be given to the Assist- ant in charge, who, if satisfied that no misuse has been made of the missing ticket, shall replace it; the cost thereof to be One Penny. 6. Should a Guarantor desire to withdraw from his responsibility, he must give notice thereof in writing to the Chief Librarian, who will give the necessary release when all liabilities in connection with the guarantee have been discharged. 7. Change of address, either on the part of the Borrower or Guarantor, must be im- mediately reported at the Library. 8. The time allowed for reading a book, which may be in one or more volumes, is FOURTEEN DATS from the date of issue, and a fine of One Penny for each week or portion of a week will be charged for a book detained beyond 14 days. Should the Borrower desire to keep a book beyond that time, it may be renewed by calling at the Library with it and having it re-entered. Should another Borrower want the book it may be renewed for a week only. If a book be detained beyond four weeks, application shall be made to the Borrower by post card for its immediate return, the cost of the application to be repaid by the Borrower ; and in the event of that request being disregarded, the Guarantor will be requested to replace the book. 3,27912 9. Every book when returned must be delivered into the hands of an official of the Library at the counter ; if it be found to have sustained any damage, the amount thereof will be charged to the Borrower or Guarantor. Should the damage be such as to require a new copy of the book, the old copy shall become the property of the Borrower. If a book be lost whilst in the possession of a Borrower, it must be replaced or paid for in the same manner. 10. It is requested that books be applied for and returned by the Borrower in person. If this, however, be not convenient, a responsible messenger should be sent. The assistants are authorised to refuse books to messengers whom they may consider not qualified to take proper care of them. In wet weather, books should be conveyed to and from the Library under cover. 11. Borrowers' Tickets are not transferable, and should any Borrower wish to cease using the Library, he must return his ticket to the Assistant-in-charge, in order that it may be cancelled ; otherwise he or his Guarantor will be held responsible for any books that may be taken out by the misuse of his ticket. 12. When the Borrower does not require a book, application must be made for his Ticket, which must be presented again when another book is taken out. 13. No book may be exchanged on the day of issue. 14. Only borrowers or their representatives shall have the right of direct access to the book-shelves, and the borrower's ticket, or book, must be produced before entering the enclosure. 15. Borrowers should apply for the books in person, or if unable to do so, should send intelligent messengers, as children under fourteen years of age will not be admitted to the shelves. 16. All books must be returned to the Library once every two years, for Stock-taking, of which notice will be given at least 14 days before the closing, A Fine of Sixpence will be charged for all books not so returned. 17. No person shall write upon, or shall soil, damage, mutilate, deface, or TTJRJf DOWN THE LEAYES of any book. Borrowers should take the earliest opportunity of reporting any damage or imperfection they may discover in the books they receive; other- wise they will be held responsible for the same. 18. No person shall partake of Refreshments, or Smoke, or Spit in the Building, or bring any dog into it. ' No person in a dirty or intoxicated state, or who is suffering from any infectious disease shall be admitted. 19. The Chief Librarian shall have power to suspend the Ticket of any Borrower who may neglect or refuse to comply with any of these Rules and Regulations ; such person, however, to have the right of appealing to the Committee. 20. The Committee shall not make any dividend, gift, division or bonus in money unto or between any of its members. Special attention is called to the following Clause of 24 and 25 Vict., cap. 97. " Whosoever shall unlawfully and maliciously destroy or damage any book, manuscript, picture, print " or any other article or thing kept for the purpose of Literature, in any Library " which is either at all times or from time to time open for the admission of the public, shall be guilty of a '" misdemeanour, and being convicted thereof, shall be liable to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding six " months, with or without hard labour; and if a male, under the age of 16 years, with or without whipping." " Any person found committing any offence against this Act may be immediately apprehended, •' without a warrant, by any peace-officer, and forthwith taken before some neighbouring Justice of the " Peace, to be dealt with according to law." By Order of the Public Libraries Committee, ARCHIBALD SPARKE, F.R P.L., Chief Librarian. PREFACE. HIS Catalogue of the Great Lever Branch Library represents the Stock of about 10,000 Volumes. It is arranged on the Dictionary System, the books being catalogued under Authors, Subjects, and Titles (where necessary), and are all brought together into one Alphabet. The object of this plan is obvious ; readers may readily ascertain the whole of the books in the Library on any given subject and by any given author. In deciding on the subject headings I have preferred to use the ordinary terms rather than Scientific and technical names, as Birds instead of Ornithology, and Insects for Entomology, but in most cases a cross reference has been inserted from the Scientific to the every day term. To make the Catalogue as complete and as useful as possible, the contents of some of the more important volumes of collected Biography and volumes of Essays have been set out with the entry appearing under the author's name. In this way Readers will gather the subject matter of many books, which, if they were only catalogued under their bald Titles would convey little or nothing of their contents. Books bearing the assumed Names of Authors are entered under the Name of the Pseudonym in most cases, the invariable rule being to catalogue such books under the Name best known. A. cross reference is, however, made from the real or assumed Name as the case may be. Date of publication is given in most cases (except to works of Eiction) as a warning to Students, who will know that, though the book was published some years ago, it is still of historic use. If a work is in several volumes, any consecutive three may be taken out at one time. The classification of the books on the shelves is an adaption of what is known as the Dewey Decimal System, and a brief explanation may be of some assistance. The classification proceeds by tens — hence its name Decimal. The field of knowledge is divided into ten main classes, and these are numbered by the digits — 9. Each class is divided into ten divisions, and these divisions are sub-divided into ten sections. Thus 677 means Class 6 (Useful Arts), Division 7 (Manufactures), Section 7 (Cotton Manufacture), and every work on Cotton Manufacture is numbered 677. Since each subject has a definite number it follows that all books on one subject must stand together on the shelves. The attention of borrowers is called to the shelf-guides which are provided to facilitate the finding of books. Should any difficulty be experienced in this direction, however, enquiry should be made at the counter, where willing assistance will be given. As the books will always occupy the same position on the shelves, it will be found that after two or three visits to the Library, borrowers will be able to find the books with ease. It is particularly requested that borrowers should be careful not to disarrange the books, and to put back in the same place any books which they may take from the shelves to look at. This Collection of Books must not be considered to represent the whole field of Literature, or in any way to be complete in itself. The Student will find the Central Lending Library better equipped to serve his purpose and should draw from that Department for anything he requires to further his studies. There is much to interest the General Reader in this Catalogue, and the continual addition of new books to the stock should amply supply the needs of the district. The Libraries Committee are most anxious that the Library shall be used to its fullest capacity, and thus spread the cause of Education and the many benefits to be derived from the reading of wholesome literature. In conclusion I think it desirable to say that whilst the utmost care has been taken in the compilation of this Catalogue, errors have probably escaped detection, if this be so I can only urge in mitigation — the character of the work, and the fact that the preparation and proof reading has been done in addition to the work connected with the administration of the other Public Libraries of the Borough. I gladly take this opportunity to express my best thanks to my Deputy, Mr. J. E. Clarke, for having so cordially co-operated with me in the work involved in its production. 19th July, 1910. ARCHIBALD SPARKE, f.b.s.l. Dotes on tin Crcatment of Books. Books suffer much injury from want of thought and care, and a few words as to the treatment of the books issued from the Lending Departments of the Public Libraries may not be considered out of place. The books are the property of the Ratepayers, and it is in the interests of the borrowers themselves that every care should be taken of them. It will be easily seen that with care a book will last longer and serve a much greater number of readers than if it be carelessly and roughly handled. Borrowers should avoid soiling the books with dirty hands, and the somewhat prevalent habits of wetting the finger to turn over the leaves, and reading at meal times should be discontinued. When the book is not in use it should be placed out of the way of the younger Children and of the domestic pets. The leaves must not be turned down, a chance piece of paper will serve equally well as a book-mark and will not strain the binding. No writing or marking of any kind is permitted on any book belonging to the Libraries. Accidental damage should be at once reported to the officials at the Library, and the cost of repairing the same will be charged to the borrower. In wet weather the books should be wrapped up in transit to and from the Library. A Book Cover may be purchased at the Library at a cost of One Penny. Should infectious disease occur in a house where there are Library Books, the books must not be returned to the Library, but handed over to the Sanitary Authorities of the Borough for destruction. A Separate Catalogue of the Books for Boys and Girls may be purchased. Price One Penny. HOURS OF OPENING. Lending Library 9-30 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. Wednesdays, 9-30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Men's Reading Room - - - - - 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. Wednesdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Women's Reading and Writing Room - - 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. Wednesdays. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Boys and Girls' Reading and Writing Room - 4-30 to 8 p.m. daily, except Wednesdays. HOLT ON PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Catalogue of Books in the Great Lever Branch Lending Library. The dash (— ) at the commencement of a line is used instead of repeating an author's name. A Abbe Mouret's transgression, by Emile Zola N10656 Abbess of Vlaye, by S. J. Weyman. 2 copies N9975 N9976 Abbey (George) The balance of nature. 1909 5901 Abbott (A. V.) The electrical transmission of energy. 1904 62127 Abbott (C. C.) The rambles of an idler 82461 Abbott (E. A.) St. Thomas of Canterbury : his death and miracles. 2 vols. 1898 2317 — and Sir J. R. Seeley. English lessons for English people. 1907 4201 Abbott, The, by Sir Walter Scott. 2 copies N8543 N8544 A Beckett (A. W.) The A Becketts of " Punch " : memories cf father and sons. 1903 920A1 — Recollections of a humourist, grave and gay. 1907 920A2 Abercromby (Ralph) Weather. 1887 55120 Aberdeen (Earl of), Life of, by Sir Arthur Gordon. 1893 920A3 Abney (W. de W.) Colour measurement and mixture. 1891 5352 Absentee, &c, by Maria Edgeworth N2744 According to Plato, by F. F. Moore N7113 (Arthur) Shakespeare and the rival poet. 1903 82219 " Ackworth (John)" Beckside lights Nl — Clog shop chronicles N2 — The mangle house N3 — The minder N4 — The partners N5 Aconcagua and Tierra del Fuego, by Sir Martin Conway. 1902 9187 Across the world for a wife, by Guy Boothby N935 Acte, by Hugh Westbury N9970 Act in a backwater, by E. F. Benson N675 Actor's love story, by Mrs. A. M. Diehl...N2410 Actbesses. Fyvie (John) Comedy queens of the Georgian Era. 1906 9277 Actress's husband, by Gertrude Warden... N9845 Adam Bede, by George Eliot. 2 copies N2780 N2781 Adam Grainger, &c, by Mrs. Henry Wood N10300 Adams (F. TJ.) John Henry Smith: a. golfing romance N9 Adams (Henry) Building construction. 1908 6904 — Cassell's engineering handbook 6214 Adams (H. G.) Ed. A cyclopaedia of sacred poetical quotations 80825 Adams (John) The Herbartian, psychology applied to education 1501 Adams (Mrs. Leith) Geoffrey Stirling N12 — Louis Draycott N13 — The Peyton romance N14 GREAT LEVER BRANCH LIBRARY. AIN Adams (W. D.) Famous books : sketches in the highways and byways of English literature 82018 Adam's clay, by Cosmo Hamilton N3897 Ada Triscott, by Andrew Haggard N3819 Addison (Christopher) and J. W. Jennings. See Jennings. Addison (Joseph) Essays. 1885 ......8246 Contents— Sir Roger de Coverley. Tatler's Court. States- women. Humours of the town. Tales and Allegories. Court of honour. Country humours. Humours of fashion. — Sir Roger de Coverley 8247 — The Spectator. Ed. by Henry Morley. 1888 8245 " Adeler (Max)" In happy hollow N18 Adrienne de Noailles, wife of Lafayette, Life of, by M. M. Crawford. 1908 920A4 Adventurer, The, by Lloyd Osbourne N7573 Adventurer of the North, by Sir Gilbert Parker N7669 Adventures in Thule, by William Black ...N846 Adventures of Alicia, by Katherine Tynan.N9499 Adventures of an aide-de-camp, by James Grant N3520 Adventures of Arthur O'Leary, by Charles Lever. 2 copies N5997 N5998 Adventures of Augustus Short, by Richard Marsh N6680 Adventures of Captain Horn, by P. R. Stockton N8978 Adventures of Francois, by S. W. Mitchell. N6995 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by " Mark Twain" ' N9460 Adventures of Miranda, by L. T. Meade... N6826 Adventures of M. D'Haricot. Trans, by J. S. Clouston N1746 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir A. C. Doyle .....N2475 Adventures of Tyler Tatlock, by " Dick Donovan" N7185 Ady (C. M.) A history of Milan under the Sforza. 1907 9453 Adye (Frederic) The Queen of the moor N22 Aeronautics. See Aviation. ^Esthetics. Clay (F.) The origin of the sense of beauty. 1908 7015 Affairs of the heart, by Violet Hunt N4437 Afghanistan, by A. Hamilton. 1906 915108 Aflalo (F. G.) Sea and coast fishing. 1901... 7992 — Sunset playgrounds: fishing days, &c, in California and Canada. 1909 91751 Africa. Baynes (A. H.) English Church expansion : South Africa. 1908 2806 Bryce (James) Impressions of South Africa. 1899 96815 Decle (Lionel) Three years in savage Africa. 1898 91671 Freemantle (H. E. S.) The new nation. 1909 96810 Kingsley (M. H.) Travels in West Africa. 1897 91641 Little (W. J. K.) Sketches and studies in South Africa. 1899 96811 Africa. — Continued. Livingstone (David) Missionary travels and researches in South Africa. 1875 91637 Lloyd (A. B.) In dwarf land and cannibal country. 1899 91630 Maturin (Mrs. F.) Petticoat pilgrims on trek. 1909 91676 Patterson (J. H.) In the grip of the Nyika. 1909 91676 Peters (C.) The Eldorado of the ancients. 1902 91672 Robinson (Sir J.) A life time in South Africa. 1900 91677 Schillings (C. G.) In wildest Africa. 2 vols. 1907 91638 Stanley (Sir H. M.) How I found Living- stone : travels in Central Africa. 1890 91640 — In darkest Africa. 2 vols. 1890 91660 Theal (G. M.) South Africa. 96813 Wilmot (A.) Story of the expansion of Southern Africa. 1904 96814 Young (E. D.) Nyassa. 1877 91670 See also Algeria, Congo, Damaraland, Egypt, Nile, Rhodesia, Somaliland, Uganda, Afterwards, <&c, by "Ian Maclaren " N6483 Agatha Webb, by A. K. Green N3578 Agenor De Mauleon, by Alexandre Dumas. 2 vols N2571 Agincourt, by G. P. R. James N4617 Agnes Grey, by Anne Bronte N1086 " Agnus (Orme) " Minvale N35 Agony Terrace, by Arthur Griffiths N3650 Agriculture. Haggard (H. R.) A farmer's year. 1899 6301 Harwood (W. S.) The new earth : a recital of the triumphs of modern agriculture in America. 1906 6302 Jefferies (Richard) The toilers of the field. 1898 6303 Aguilar (Grace) Home scenes and heart studies N30 — The vale of cedars N31 — Woman's friendship N32 — The women of Israel : characters and sketches from the Holy Scriptures and Jewish history 92142 Aidan, the Apostle of England, by A. C. Fryer. ■ 1902 920A14 Aide (Hamilton) The snares of the world... N42 Aim of her life, by L. T. Meade N6827 Ainger (Alfred) Lectures and Essays. 2 vols. 1905 8204 Contents — Vol. I. The three stages of Shakespeare's Art. The ethical element in Shakespeare. Sir John Falstaff. Euphuism, past and present. Swift. Some leaders in the Poetic Revival of 1760-1810. Mrs. Barbauld. The children's books of a hundred years ago. Vol. II. Letters of C. Lamb. How I traced Charles Lamb in Hertfordshire. Nether Stowey. Coleridge's ode to Wordsworth. Death of Tennyson. Secret of charm in literature. Influence of Chaucer upon his successors. The illiterate Peasant. Dickens's amateur theatricals. C. J. Matthews. True and false humour in literature. Sir George Rose. Art of conversation. Teaching of English Literature. Books and their uses. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. Ainger (Alfred) Life of Charles Lamb. 1888 920L1 — Life of George Crabbe. 1903 920C42 Ainsworth (W. H.) Auriol N45 — Beau Nash N46 — Boscobel N47 — Cardinal Pole N48 — Constable de Bourbon N49 — Constable of the Tower N50 — Crichton. 2 copies N51 N52 — Flitch of bacon. 2 copies N54 N55 — Guy Fawkes. 2 copies N56 N57 — Hilary St. Ives N59 — Jack Sheppard. 2 copies N60 N61 — James II.; and, Lancashire witches N63 — John Law N64 — Lancashire witches N65 — The Leaguer of Lathom N66 — The Lord Mayor of London N67 — The Manchester Rebels N68 — Mervyn Clitheroe N69 — Miser's daughter. 2 copies N70 N71 — Myddleton Pomfret N73 — Old Court N74 — Old St. Paul's. 2 copies N75 N77 — Ovingdean Grange N79 — Rookwood. 2 copies N80 N81 — Saint James. 2 copies N83 N84 — Spanish match N85 — The spendthrift, 2 copies N86 N87 — The Star-Chamber. 2 copies N88 N89 — Tower of London,. 2 copies N90 N92 — Windsor Castle. 2 copies N94 N95 Aitken (W. H. M. H.) Temptation and toil: sermons on life. 1895 2521 Alain Tanger's wife, by J. H. Yoxall N10600 Alarums and excursions, by H. B. M. Watson N9885 Alaska. Savoy (L. A., Prince of) Ascent of Mount St. Elias. 1900 91752 Albanesi (E. M.) Blunder of am innocent.... N97 — Capricious Caroline N98 — " Drusilla's point of view." 2 copies N99 N10O — Envious Eliza N104 — Love-in-a-mist N101 — A question of quality N102 — Sister Anne N103 Albe (E. E. F. d') New light on immortality. 1908 1503 Alcohol. Starke (J.) Alcohol, the sanction for its use. 1907 61321 Sturge (M. D.) and Sir V. Horsley. Alcohol and the human body. 1909 61320 Alden (H. M.) Magazine writing and the new literature. 1908 8012 Alden (Percy) Ed. Hungary of to-day. 1909 914156 Alderson (J. P.) Life of Mr. Asquith. 1905 920A11 Aldersyde, by A. S. Swan N9056 Aldis (Mrs. W. S.) Consider the Heavens : a popular introduction to astronomy. 1895 5201 Aldous (J. C. P.) Ed. An elementary course of physics. 1903 5301 Aldyth, by Jessie Fothergill N3040 Alec Forbes, of Howglen, by George MacDonald N6442 Alexander (Mrs.) The wooing o't N110 — Yellow fiend Nlll Alexander (J. H.) Elementary electrical engineering in theory and practice. 1906 62135 Alford (Henry) A plea for the Queen's English. 1864 4202 Alfred the Great. Besant (Sir Walter) Story of King Alfred. 1901 94256 Alg^e. Cooke (M. C.) Introduction to fresh- water algae. 1890 5893 Algebra. Barnard (S.) and J. M. Child. A new algebra. 1909 5121 Hall (H. S.) and S. R. Knight. Elementary algebra for schools. 1893 5123 — 1907 5122 Todhunter (I.) Algebra for beginners. 1897 5124 Algeria. Manington (George) A soldier of the Legion : an Englishman's adventures under the French flag in Algeria and Tonquin. 1907 9591 Alice, by Lord Lytton N6215 " Alien." The majesty of man N119 — Over the barriers N120 — The perfect union N121 — A slum heroine N122 — Wheat in the ear N123 Alien, The, by F. F. Montresor N7103 Alien sisters, by Mabel Dearmer N2293 Alix of the glen, by Curtis Yorke. 2 copies N10574 N10575 All along the river, by M. E. Braddon N1020 Allan Quatermain, by H. R. Haggard. 2 copies N3837 N3838 Allan Ruthven, knight, by E. F. Black N835 Allanson-Winn (R. G.) See Winn. Allan's wife, &c, by H. R. Haggard. 2 copies N3839 N3840 Allen (F. M.) Through green glasses N130 Allen (Grant) Evolution in Italian art. 1908 7594 — Life of Charles Darwin. 1885 920D5 — Moorland idylls. 1896 5903 — Philistia N131 — Plant life 5806 — Science in Arcady. 1897 5902 — What's bred in the bone N132 — and Others. Nature studies. 1882 59043 Allen (J. L.) The choir invisible N140 — The mettle of the pasture. 2 copies N141 N142 Allen (J. P.) Practical building construction. 1909 6905 Allen (J. W.) The place of history in education. 1909 9011 All in a garden fair, by Sir W. Besant N728 All moonshine, by Richard Whiteing N10089 GREAT LEVER BRANCH LIBRARY. ANQ Allonby (Edith) The fulfilment N145 — Jewel sowers N146 — Marigold N147 Allsop (F. ('.) Practical electric bell fitting. 1903 62140 - Practical electric light fitting. 1905... 62162 All sorts and conditions of men, by Sir W. Besant. g copies ..N729 N730 All that a man hath, bv O. Stanton and H. Hosken '. N8900 Alluring flame, by J. E. Muddock N7186 Alphabet. The story of the, bv E. Clodd 4111 Alphabets old and new, bv L. F. Dav. 1906 74510 Alps, The. Forbes (J. D.) Travels through the Alps. 1900 914300 Gribble (F.) Story of Alpine climbing. 1904 914301 Le Blond (Mrs. A.) True tales of mountain adventure. 1906 914302 Stephen (Sir Leslie) The playground of Europe. 1899 914304 Tyndall (J.) The glaciers of the Alps. 1906 5518 Alroy, &c., by the Earl of Beaconsfield N556 Alston (Leonard) Modern constitution in outline. 1909 3421 Alton Locke, by Charles Kingsley. 2 copies N4835 N4836 Alwyn Ravendale, by E. E. Green N360O Amabel Ohannice, by A. D. Sedgwick. 2 copies N8604 N8605 Amaryllis at the fair, by Richard Jefferies N4667 Amateur adventuress, by F. F. Moore. 2 copies N7114 N7115 Amateur emigrants, by Thomas Cobb N1755 Amazing Duke, by Sir William Magnay...N6536 Amazing marriage, by George Meredith ...N6913 Ambassador's adventure, by Allen Upward. N9575 Ambassador's glove, by Robert Machray...N6462 Amberlev (Viscount) An analysis of religious belief. 2 vols. 1876 2011 Ambitious man, by E. W. Wilcox N10180 Amblers, by B. L. Farjeon. 2 copies N2874 N2875 America. Dickens (Charles) American notes. 3 copies 8231 914190 N2350 Fiske (John) The American Revolution. 2 vols. 1891 9735 - The Dutch and Quaker colonies in America. 2 vols. 1899 9741 Hole (S. R.) A little tour in America. 1895 91730 Knight (A. E.) of the "Falcon" to South America. 1906 9182 Montgomery (H. E.) Vital American problems : an attempt to solve the "Trust," "Labor," and "Negro" problems. 1908 3305 America.— Continual. Parkman (Francis) Count Frontenje and New France under Louis XIV. 1885 9715 — La Salle and the discovery of the Great West. 1885 .....' 9717 — The Oregon trail. 1885 9175 — Pioneers of France in the New World. 1885 9718 Waterton (Charles) Wanderings in South America. 1893 9181 Wells (H. G.) The future in America. 1906 33112 See also Alaska, Andes, Canada, Chile, Mexico, Peru, United States. American Church. Foley (Arthur, Bishop). The early English Colonies. 1908 2831 American claimant, by Mark Twain N9461 American cousins, by Sarah Tytler N9524 American duchess, by Arabella Kenealy. . .N4773 American Emperor, by Louis Tracy N9340 American prisoner, by Eden Phillpotts...N7843 American prose, by G.R, Carpenter. 1898.. 8101 Americans at home, by T. C. Haliburton...N3890 American senator, by Anthony Trollope. ..N9387 American wives and English husbands, bv Gertrude Atherton .'..N231 American womani, by A. S. Swan. 2 copies N9057 N9058 Amethyst box, &c, by A. K. Green N3579 Among the ruins, by M. C. Hay N4036 Amos (Sheldon) The science of politics. 1883 3201 Amusements. See. Sports and Pastimes. Amy Herbert, by E. M. Sewell N8671 Anatomy, Artistic, by M. Duval. 1884 7431 Ancestors, by Gertrude Atherton N232 Anchorage, by W. H. Koehel N4889 Ancient law, by Ellen Glasgow N3414 Andalusia. Maugham (W. S.) Land of the blessed Virgin : sketches and impressions in Andalusia. 1905 914231 Anderson (Sir Robert) Pseudo-criticism. 1904 2213 Anderson (R. E.) Extinct civilizations of the East 9301 — Extinct civilizations of the West. 1903.. 9302 Andes. The. Whymper (Edward) Travels amongst the Great Andes of the equator. 1892 9183 "Andom (R.) " The enchanted ship N152 Andreades (A.) History of the Bank of England. 1909 .' 3322 Andreae (Percy) The vanished emperor N155 Andrews (Alexander) The history of British Journalism. 2 vols. 1859 0701 Andromeda, by Robert Buchanan N1170 Anecdotes. Miles (A. H.) Eel. One thousand and one anecdotes 80827 Anet (Claude) Through Persia in a motor-car by Russia and the Caucasus. 1907... 91580 Angel, The, by Guy Thorne N9245 Angel and the author — and others, by J. K. Jerome. 1908 ' 82710 Angela's marriage, by L. G. Moberly N7045 Angel Esquire, by Edgar Wallace N9764 10 ANG CATALOGUE OK HOOKS. Angel of forgiveness, by R. N. Carey N1486 Angel of pain, by E. F. Benson N676 Anii< Pitou, by Alexandre Dumas N2570 Angling. See Fishing. Anglo-Saxon literature, by John Karl.-. 1884 8291 Anglo-Saxon .superiority: to what it is due, by E. Demolins. 1898 30112 Angot (Alfred) The- Aurora Borealis. 1896.. 52318 Animal magnetism, by A. Binet and C. Fere. 1889 .' 1341 Animals. Avebury (Lord) On the senses, instincts, and intelligence of animals. 1888 5955 Beavan (A H.) Animals I have known. 1905 5913 Brightwen (Mrs.) Inmates of my house and garden 5914 — Wild nature won by kindness 5915 Cornish (C. J.) Animals at work and play. 1896 5916 Fitzpatrick (Sir P.) Jock of the bushveld. 1907 5917 Gordon (W. J.) Our country's animals and how to know them 59125 Hartwig (G.) Wild animals of the tropics. 1893 59120 Heilprin (A.) The geographical and geological distribution of animals. 1887 59127 Jones (T. R.) General outline of the organi- zation of the animal kingdom. 1871... 5911 Lindsay (B.) The story of animal life. 1902 59038 Long (W. J.) A little brother to the bear. 1903 5918 — Northern trails. 1905 5919 — School of the woods. 1902 59110 — Whose home is the wilderness. 1907 59111 Marey (E. J.) Animal mechanism. 1874 59112 Mivart (St. G.) Types of animal life. 1894 59041 Pettigrew (J. B.) Animal locomotion. 1873 59113 Poulton (E. B.) The colours of animals. 1890 59114 Roberts (C. G. D.) The kindred of the wild. 1903 59044 Romanes (G. J.) Animal intelligence. 1882 59115 — Mental evolution in animals; with a posthumous essay on instinct, by C. Darwin. 1883 59116 Semper (K.) The natural conditions of existence as they affect animal life. 1881 57519 Seton (E. T.) The biography of a silver- fox. 1909 69117 — Monarch, the big bear. 1905 59118 — Wild animals I have known. 1900.. 59119 Animals. Continued. Wood (.1. G.) Domestic animals of the Bible. 1887 5994 — Man and beast, here and hereafter. 2 vols. 1874 59120 Strang., dwellings. 1891 59122 See also name of animal required, as Ferrets. Anna Kareiiina, by Count L. N. Tolstoi. .' copies N9309 N9310 Anne Hereford, by Mrs. Henry Wood. 2 copies N10301 N10302 Anne Judge, spinster, by F. W. Robinson. N8309 Anne of Argyle, by G. E. Todd N9304 Anne of Geierstein, by Sir Walter Scott. 2 copies N8545 N8546 Anne Page, by Netta Syrett N9111 Annesley (Maud) This day's madness. 2 copies N160 N162 — Wine of life N161 Annette N248 Annunzio (G. D'.) Flame of life N167 Anselm (Saint), Life of, by R. W. Church. 1870 920A5 "Anstey (F.) " A Bayard from Bengal N170 — A fallen idol N171 — Giant's robe N172 — Lyre and lancet N173 — Mr. Punch's young reciter 8081 — Salted almonds N174 Anstruther (Mrs.) A lady in waiting N180 Anthologies, British. Ed. hy Edward Arber : — Dryden, 1675-1700 8215 Jonson, 1617-1637 8213 Milton, 1638-1674 8214 Anthropology. See Man Anticipations, by H. G. Wells. 1902 30110 Antiquary, by Sir Walter Scott. 2 copies N8547 N8548 Antiquities. Budge (E. A. W.) The mummy : Egyptian archaeology. 1893 9134 Elworthy (F. T.) Horns of honour, and other studies in archaeology. 1900 9131 Jewitt (L.) Half-hours among some English antiquities. 1880 91314 Lempriere (J.) A classical dictionary. 1906 91316 See also Arms and Armour. Antrim and Donegal, Highways and byways in, by S. Gwynn, 1899 91442 Ants, bees, and wasps, by Lord Avebury. 1882 59515 Apes. Hartmann (R.) Anthropoid apes. 1885 5995 Apple of Eden, by E. T. Thurston. 2 copies N9263 N9264 Appleton (G. W.) The Down Express N185 — The house on the Thames N186 — The ingenious Captain Cobbs N187 — Miss White of Mayfair N188 — The rook's nest N189 — The Willoughby affair N190 Appleyard (J.) William of Orange and the English Revolution. 1908 94264 11 GRKAT LEVER BRANCH LIBRARY. ARN Applm (Arthur) The butcher of Bruton Street N197 - Chorus girl X1!)S - The Devil and Dolores N199 Appreciations, by W. Pater. 1889 82014 Apprentice, The. by M. S. Rawson N8068 Aquarium, The: its inhabitants, structure, and management, by J. E. Taylor. 1901.59070 Arabella Stuart, bv G. P. R. James, g copies N4G18 N4619 Arabia. Burton (Sir R. F.) Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to Al-Medinah and Meccah. 2 vols. 1893 91.5.51 Forder (A.) With the Arabs in tent and t copies B1 , , N8947 N8948 Black but comely, by G. J. W. Melville... N6888 Black Dwarf, by Sir Walter Scott N8551 Blacker (J. F.) Chats on Oriental china. 1908 7381 Black familiars, by L. B. Walford N9739 Black heart and white heart, by H. R. Hao-o-ard t>i . • N3841 Blackie (Professor), His sayings and doings, by H. A. Kennedy. 1896 P20B16 Blackmail (R. D.) Ed. Voice, speech and gesture. 1908 8084 B'ackmore (R. D.) Christowell N880 — Cripps, the carrier N881 - Mary Anerlev N882 Black shilling, by A. E. Barr N426 Black spaniel, &c, by Robert Hichens ...N4088 Black, the story of a dog, by Alexandre Dumas N2573 Black tulip, by Alexandre Dumas N2574 Black wolf's breed, by Harris Dickson N2406 Blackwood (William), and his sons, by Mrs. Oliphant. 2 vols. 1897 920B17 Blades (William) The enemies of books. 1880 0108 Blaikie (W. G.) The life of David Livingstone. 1906 920L13 Blain (H. E.) Ed. Pitman's secretary's hand- book. 1908 6581 Blake (Mrs. Warrenne) Erf. Memories of a vanished generation : the family of Thomas Knox. 1909 920K7 Blake (William), Poems of. Erf. by W. B. Yeats. 1893 1 82140 Ellis (E. J.) The real Blake. 1907...920B19 Langridge (I.) William Blake : a study of his life, and art work. 1904 920B20 Blanche Esmead, bv E. F. Maitland. 2 copies N6549 N6550 Blaserna (Pietro) The theory of sound in its relation to music. 1876 5341 Bleaching. See Dyeing, Bleaching, and Calico Printing. Bleackley (Horace) The story of a beautiful duchess : being an account of the life and times of Elizabeth Gunning, Duchess of Hamilton and Argyll. 1907 920G26 Bleak House, by Charles Dickens. 2 copies N2353 N2354 Blennerhassott (Lady) Life of Talleyrand. 2 vols. 1894 920T1 Wind (Mathilde) Life of George Eliot. 1883 920E3 - Life of Madame Roland. 1886 920R17 Blind bird's nest, by Mary Findlater N2935 Blind goddess, by Mulvy Ouseley N7610 Blindman's marriage, by Florence Warden. N9812 lilix, by Frank Norris N7365 Blomfield (Reginald) Studies in architecture. 1905 7204 Blood-tax, by Dorothea Gerard N3304 Bloom o' the heather, by S. R. Crockett... N2047 Bloom or blight, by Dorothea Conyers N1868 Blotting book, by E. F. Benson N677 Bloundelle-Burton (J.) See Burton. Blout (Mrs. Georg?) See Norman (Mrs. George). Blow (S. E.) Educational issues in the kinder- garten. 1908 3721 Bloxam (C. L.) Metals : their properties and treatment. 1894 5465 Blue Lagoon, by H. de V. Stacpoole N8888 Blue pavilions, by Sir A. T. Q. Couch N1930 Blue Peter : sea comedies, by Morley Roberts N8266 Blue ribbon N887 Blundell (Mrs. Francis) See Francis (M. E.) Blunder of an innocent, by E. M. Albanesi...N97 Blyth (James) The diamond and the lady...N890 — Hazardous wooing N891 — A Longshore lass N892 — The smallholder N893 — and Barry Pain. See Pain. Boaden (James) Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons. 1896 920S21 Bob Covington, by A. C. Gunter N3750 Boddington (Helen) A voice from the void.N908 Boden's boy, by Tom Gallon N3221 Bodkin (M. M.j The capture of Paul Beck.N912 — A madcap marriage N913 Bodley (J. E. C.) France. 2 vols. 1898. ..9441 Boer War. See South African War. Boger (A. J.) The story of General Bacon. 1903 920B1 Bog-myrtle and peat, by S. R. Crockett... N2048 Bohemia, from the earliest times to the fall of national independence in 1620, by C. E. Maurice 94335 Boi'elle (J.) and De V. Payen Payne, Eds. CasselPs New French and English dictionary. 1908 4131 Boilers. Buchetti (J.) Engine tests and boiler efficiencies. 1903 62124 Parsons (H. de B.) Steam boilers : their theory and design. 1903 62116 Wilson (Robert) A treatise on steam boilers. 1879 62123 Boisgobey (Fortune du) Ocean knight N918 Boldrewood (Rolf) A colonial reformer N920 — The last chance N921 — The miner's right N922 — Modern buccaneer N923 — Nevermore N924 — Robbery under arms. 2 copies. .N925 N926 — A romance of canvas town, &c N927 — A Sydney-side Saxon N928 Bolivian Andes, The, by Sir Martin Conway. 1901 9184 Bomb, The, by Frank Harris N3983 Bompas (G. C.) Life of Frank Buckland. 1886 920B34 BON CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. BOR Bonapartes, The. Turquan (Joseph) The .sisters of Napoleon : Klisa, Pauline and Caroline Bonaparte. 1908 920N7 Williams (H. N.) The women Bonapartes: the mother and three sisters of Napoleon I. 2 vols. 1908 ."...920N8 Bonaventure (S.) The life of Christ. Bonaventure, by G. W.' Cable' '.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' .'.N 13 69 Bond (J. A. W.j Bird life in wild Wales. 1904 5986 Bond of wedlock, by Mrs. Campbell Praed.N7910 Bond slaves, by Mrs. G. L. Banks N391 Bonds of steel, bv J. S. Fletcher N2970 Bones and I, by G. J. W. Melville N6889 Bonnet conspirators, by V. A. Simpson N8767 Bonney (T. G.) Charles Lyell and modern geology. 1895 920L21 — Ice-work, present and past. 1896 5516 — The story of our planet. 1893 5207 Bonwick (James) Romance of the wool trad°. 1887 67730 Bookbinding. Hasluck (P. N.) Ed. Bookbinding. 1903 6361 Prideaux (S. T.) Modern bookbindings : their design and decoration. 1906 6362 Book Illustration. See Illustration, Book. Book-keeping. Fieldhouse (Arthur) The student's advanced book-keeping. 1907 6571 — The student's complete commercial book-keeping. 1909 6572 Nixon (Alfred) Advanced book-keeping. 1905 6573 Pitman's Primer of book-keeping 6574 Thornton (J.) First lessons in book-keeping. 1906 6575 Book-plates, by W. J. Hardy. 1907 0971 Books. Blades (W.) The enemies of books. 1880 0108 Burton (J. H.) The book-hunter 0101 Davenport (C.) The book : its history and development. 1907 0102 Ditehfield (P. H.) Books fatal to their authors. 1895 0103 Elton (C. I. and M. A.) The great book- collectors. 1893 0104 Fitzgerald (P.) The book fancier. 1887.. 0105 Fowler (W. W.) Summer studies of birds and books. 1895 59811 Lang (A.) Books and bookmen. 1887... 0106 Mabie (H. W.) Books and culture. 1908 0284 Nevinson (H. W.) Books and personalities. 1905 8048 Rawlings (G. B.) The story of books. 1901 0107 Robertson (J. M.) Ed. Courses of study. 1908 0282 Stevenson (R. L.) Familiar studies of men and books. 1901 80410 See also Fiction. Boothby (Ben) The centipede N929 Boothby (Guy) Across the world for a wife.N935 — A bid for fortune. 2 copies N936 N937 — A bid for freedom .' N938 — A bride from the sea N939 — A Brighton tragedy N940 — Bushigrams. 2 copies N941 N942 — A Cabinet secret. 2 copies N943 N944 — The Childerbridge mystery N945 — Connie Burt N946 — A consummate scoundrel N947 — Countess Londa N948 — A crime of the under-seas N949 — The curse of the snake. 2 copies. N950 N951 — A desperate conspiracy N952 — Doctor Nikola .' N953 — Dr. Nikola's experiment N954 — Farewell, Nikola N955 — Fascination of the king N956 — For love of her N959 — In spite of the Czar N957 — In strange company N958 — The kidnapped president N960 — Lady of the island N961 — The league of twelve N962 — "Long live the king!" N963 — Love made manifest N964 — Lust of hate. 2 copies N965 N966 — A maker of nations N967 — The man of the crag N968 — The marriage of Esther N969 — My strangest case N970 — An ocean secret N971 — Pharos the Egyptian N972 — A prince of swindlers N973 — A queer affair. 2 copies N974 N975 — Race of life N976 — Royal affair, &c N977 — Sheilah McLeod N978 — Stolen peer N979 — Two-fold inheritance N981 — Uncle Joe's legacy, &c N980 — Woman of death. 2 copies N982 N983 Boothby (M. S. and C. E.) Under England's flag from 1804 to 1809 : the memoirs, diary and correspondence of Charles Boothby, R.E. 1900 920B22 Boraston (J. M.) British birds and their eggs. 1909 5987 Borderland, by Jessie Fothergill. 2 copies N3041 N3042 Borenius (Tancred) The painters of Vicenza. 1480-1550. 1909 7085 Borneo. Beccari (Odvardo) Wanderings in the great forests of Borneo. 1904 9199 Macgregor (John) Through the Buffer State : recent travels through Borneo, Siam, and Cambodia. 1896 91910 Born soldier, by J. S. Winter N10272 Borrow (George) The Bible in Spain. 1900 914220 — Lavengro. 2 copies N990 N991 Walling (R. A. J.) GeoTge Borrow: the man and his work. 1908 9iOB23 23 GREAT LEVER BRANCH LIBRARY Bosanquet (Helen) The strength of the people: a study in social economics. 190'2 3391 Boscobel, by W. H. Ainswortb. N47 Boscowitz (Arnold) Earthquakes. 1890 5514 Boswell (James) Life of Samuel Johnson. 1898 920J6 Botany. Allen (G.) Plant life :.5806 Avebury (Lord) A contribution to our knowledge of seedlings. 2 vols. 1892 5817 - On buds and stipules. 1899 581(5 Bergen (J. Y.) and B. M. Davis. Laboratory and field manual of botany. 1907 5801 Brightwen (Mrs.) Glimpses into plant life. 5811 Candolle (A. de) Origin of cultivated plants. 1884 58111 Cavers (F.) Life histories of common plants. 1908 5807 Cooke (M. C.) Freaks and marvels of plant life 5808 Darwin (O.) The movements and habits of climbing plants. 1905 ....58110 — The various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects. 1904 5819 Evans (E.) Botany for beginners. 1907 5802 Figuier (L.) The vegetable world 5812 Furneaux (W. S.) Field and woodland plants. 1909 ....5824 Grindon (L. H.) Summer rambles in Cheshire, Derbyshire, Lancashire and Yorkshire. 1868 5809 Heath (F. G.) Autumnal leaves. 1899. .5823 Hehn (V.) Cultivated plants and domestic animals in their migration from Asia to Europe. 1891 58010 Henslow (George) The origin of plant structure. 1895 5815 Hooker (Sir J. D.) The student's flora of the British Islands. 1878 58112 Jameson (H. G.) Illustrated guide to the trees and flowers of England and Wales. 1909 58217 Lloyd (P.) The months of the year 58011 Lowson (J. M.) Second stage botany. 1908 5803 Mudge (G. P.) and A. J. Maslen. A class- book of botany. 1903 6804 Phythian (J. E.) Trees in nature, myth' and art. 1907 58012 Stra.sburger (E.) and Others. Text-book of botany. 1908 5805 Taylor (J. E.) The sagacity and morality of plants. 1891 58013 Watson (F.) Flowers and gardens : notes on plant beauty. 1901 58014 Sri also Ferns, Flowers, Fungi, Trees. Both in the wrong, by Mrs. J. K. Spender. 2 copies ' N8879 N8880 Both sides of the veil, by Richard Marsh. ..N6683 Botor chaperon, by C. N. and A. M. Williamson NT 021 7 JQotterill (Elizabeth) A woman of the world N994 Bottone (S. R.) Electric bells and all about them. 1901 62141 Boulger (G. S.) and J. A. Owen. Sec Owen. Boxtlton (Matthew) Smiles (Samuel) Lives of the engineers. Boulton and Watt. 1904 9262 Bound together, bv M. E. Mann N6593 Bourgeois, by H. de Y. Stacpoole N8889 Bourget (Paul) The weight of a name N1000 Bourinot (Sir J. G.) Canada 9711 Bousset (Wilhelm) The faith of a modern Protestant. 1909 2304 Boutell (Charles) English heraldry. 1908... 9294 Boutmy (Emile) The English people: a study of their political psychology. 1904... 3012 Bovill (W. B. F.) Hungary and the Hungarians. 1908 ." 914157 " Bowen (Mar.jorie)." Glen o' weeping... N1005 — The sword decides! N1006 — Viper of Milan N1007 Bowman (F. H.) The structure of the wool fibre : and its relation to the use of wool for technical purposes. 1908 67731 Bowne (B. P.) The immanence of God. 1905.2305 — Persoixalism : common-sense and philo- sophy. 1908 ....1261 Box (Thomas) A practical treatise on mill- gearing. 1892 621131 Boxing, by R. G. A. Winn. 1906 7964 Boy, by Marie Corelli N1887 Boyesen (H. H.) A history of Norway 9481 Boy's Own Paper. 19 vols 0501 to 05019 Boys (C. V.) Soap-bubbles and the forces which mould them. 1902 5321 Bracebridge Hall, by Washington Irving. N4559 Bracebridges, The, by Sarah Tytler N9525 Brackenbury (Sir Henry) Some memories of my spare time. 1909 920B24 Bradbv (G. F.) The awakening of Bittlesham N1015 Braddon (M. E.) All along the river N1020 — Aurora Floyd N1021 — The captain of the "Vulture" N1022 — Charlotte's inheritance N1023 — The conflict N1024 — Dead love has chains N1025 — Dead sea fruit N1033 — Doctor's wife N1026 — During Her Majesty's pleasure N1027 — Eleanor's victory N1028 - Golden calf N1029 — In high places N1030 — Just as I am N1031 - Lady Audley's secret N1034 — The lady's mile N1032 — The Livingstones of Lillingstone N10397 — A lost Eden N1035 — Mohawks N1036 — One life, one love N1037 — Only a clod N1038 — Rose of life N1039 — Rough justice N1040 — Rupert Godwin N1041 — Sir Jasner's tenant N1042 , — Sons of fire N1043 1 — Strangers and pilgrims N1044 24 BRA CATALOGUE OK HOOKS. BRO Braddou (M. E.) Strange world N]()45 - Taken at the flood N1046 - Under love's rule N1047 - Under the red flag, &c N1048 — The Venetians N1049 Bradlaugh (Charles'), his life and work, by his daughter. 1908 920B25 Bradley (A. G.) The making of Canada. 1908 9712 Bradley (G. G.) and R. E. Prothero. See Prothero. Bradley (Henry) The Goths: from the earliest times to the end of the Gothic dominion in Spain 9434 Bradley (Tom) The old coaching days in Yorkshire. 1889 91496 Bradley-Birt (F. B.) See Birt. Brahms (Johannes) The Herzogenberg corres- pondence. Ed. by Max Kalbeck. 1909 920B26 Brain, The. Bastian (H. C.) The brain as an organ of mind. 1885 1311 Donaldson (H. H.) The growth of the brain. 1895 1312 Luys (J.) The brain and its functions. 1883 1313 I See also Mind and Body. Bramah (Ernest) The mirror of Kong H0.NIO60 Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly, by Charles Lever. 2 copies N6000 N6001 Branded, by Gerald Biss N818 Brandes (George) Poland : a study of the land, people, and literature. 1903 914150 Brangwyn mystery, by D. C Murray N7243 Braiint (W. T.) A practical treatise on animal and vegetable fats and oils. 2 vols. 1896 6651 Brassev (Lady) The last voyage in the " Sunr- beam." 1887 91018 — A voyage in the "Sunbeam." 1878. ..91017 Brave lady, by Mrs. D. M. Craik N1987 Bray (R. A.) The town child. 1907 33114 Brav (William) Ed. Diary of John Evelyn 920E14 Braybrooke (Lord) Ed. Diary of Samuel Pepvs (1659-1669) '. 920P12 Breachlev, black sheep, bv Louis Becke N570 Bread of tears, by G. B. Burgin N1212 Bread upon the waters, by Mrs. A. M. Diehl N2411 Brend (W. A.) The story of ice in the present and past. 1899 5517 Brendavale, bv Ernest Black N836 Brendle, by Marmaduke Pickthall N7884 Breezie Langton, by Hawley Smart N8806 Brereton (Austin) Life of Henry Irving. 2 vols. 1908 92013 Brethren, The, by H. R. Haggard N3842 Briar and palm, by A. S. Swan N9061 Briar rose, by Sarah Tytler N9526 Brickwork. Hasluck (P. N.) Ed. Practical brickwork. 1905 6932 The stonemason and the bricklayer. 1891 6931 Bride from the sea, by Guy Boothby N939 Bride of Lammermoor, by Sir Walter Scott. 2 copies N8552 N8553 Bi-idge (J. S. C.) From island to empire: a short history of the expansion of England by force of arms. 1908 9421 Bridge. Doc (John) The bridge manual. 1906 7956 Dunn (A.) Club bridge 7957 Bridgeman (Laura), Dr. Howe's famous pupil, and what he taught her, by M. Howe and F. H. Hall. 1904 ' 920B27 Bridges. Davies (M. W.) The theory and practice of bridge construction in timber, iron and steel. 1908 6241 Bridget's quarter deck, by Amy Le Feuvre.N5954 Bridgman (R. L.) The passing of the tariff. 3372 Brierley (J.) Ourselves and the universe. 1902 2013 Brigand, The, by Alexandre Dumas N2575 Briggs (John) and W. H. Low. See Low. Bright (Charles) The story of the Atlantic cable. 1903 6545 Bright (Florence) A girl capitalist N1073 — and Robert Machray. The vision splendid N1074 Brighton tragedy, by Guy Boothby ......... N940 Brightwen (Mrs.) Glimpses into plant-life.. 5811 — Inmates of my house and garden 5914 — More about wild nature 5906 — Quiet hours with nature. 1904 5907 — Wild nature won bv kindness 5915 Brimley (George) Essays. 1882 82485 Contents— Tennyson's Poems. Wordsworth's Poems. Poetry and criticism. The Angel in the house. Carlyle's life of Sterling. "Esmond." " My Novel." "Bleak House." "Westward Ho!" Noctes Ambrosianae. Comte's "Positive Philosophy." Briseis, by William Black N848 Brittany, painted and described, by M. and D. Menpes. 1905 914172 Broadbent (Frank) Chats on electricity 5372 Brodie (Emily) His guardian angel....' N1077 Broken honeymoon, bv Edwin Pugh N7980 Broken off, by Mrs. Baillie Reynolds N8113 Broken road, by A. E. W. Mason N6752 Broke of Covenden, by J. C. Snaith N8835 Bronte (Anne) Aenes Grey N1086 — Tenant of Wildfell Hall N1095 Bronte (Charlotte) Jane Eyre. 2 copies N1087 N1088 — The professor N1090 — Shirley N1091 — Villette N1093 Bronte (Emily) Wuthering heights N1097 Robinson (A. M. F.) Life of Emily Bronte. 1883 '.....920B28 Brooke (Emma) Susan wooed and Susan won N1100 Brooke (S. A.) The poetry of Robert Browning. 1902 82172 — Studies in poetry. 1907 8218 Contents— William Blake. Sir W. Scott. Inaugural address to Shelley society. Lyrics of Shelley. Epipsy- chidion. Keats Brooke-Hunt (Violet) See Hunt. BRO GREAT LEVER BRANCH LIBRARY. BRY Brookes of Bridlemere, bv G. J. W. Melville N6890 Brookfiold (F. M.) A friar observant N1105 — My Lord of Essex N1106 Brooks (Mansfield) The Newell fortune... N1112 Brooks (Phillips) Twenty sermons. 1899... 25212 Broom-squire, by S. B. Gould N3464 Brothers Rantzau, bv E. Erckmann and P. A. Chatrinn :.N2818 Broughton (Rhoda) A beginner N1118 — Belinda N1119 — Cometh up as a flower N1120 - Dear Faustina N1121 — Doctor Cupid. 2 copies N1122 N1123 — Foes in law N1124 — " Good-bve, sweetheart !" N1125 — Joan N1126 — Lavinia N1127 — Mamma N1128 — Mrs. Bligh N1129 — Not wisely but too well N1130 — Red as a rose is she N1131 — Scylla or Charybdis? 2 tY,jH>.s.N1132 N1133 — Second thoughts N1134 — A waif's progress N1135 Brown (Alice) Rose Macleod N1145 Brown (G. B.) The fine arts. 1891 7022 — Rembrandt : a study of his life and work. 1907 .' 920R7 Brown (H. D.) Mr. Tuckerman's nieces... N1146 Brown (H. H.) By meadow, grove and stream : nature study. 1907 5908 Brown (John) Hora? Subseciva?. 3 vols. 1897 82486 Contents — Vol. I. Locke and Sydenham. Dr. Andrew Combe. Dr. Henry Marshall and Military Hygiene. Art and Science : a contrasted parallel. Our CTideon Grays. Dr. Andrew Brown and Sydenham. Free competition in Medicine. Edward Forbes. Dr. Adams of Banchory. Henry Vaughan. Excursus ethicus. Dr. John Scott and his son— Mr. Syme— Sir Robert Christison. Appendix— Health. Vol.11. Letter to |ohn Cairns. Dr. Chalmers. Dr. George Wilson. Her last half-crown. Oueen Mary's child-garden. Our Dogs. Notes on Art" "Oh I'm wat, wat ' " Education through the senses The Black Dwarf's Bones. Kab and his friends "With brains, Sir!" Arthur H. Hallam. Vol. III. |ohn Leech. A Jacobite family Mystifications. Miss Stirling Graham of Duntrune. Thackeray's Death. Marjorie Fleming. Minchmoor. In cUar dream and solemn vision. |eems the Doorkeeper. Sir E Landseer's Picture " There's life in the old dog yet." The Enterkin. The Duke of Athole. Struan. Dick Mihi, or Cur Why > E. V. K. to his friend in town. Sir Henry Raeburn. Something about a well. More of "Our Dogs." — John Leech, and other papers. 1882.. .82489 Contents — A |acobite family Mystifications. Miss Stirling Graham of Duntrune. Thackeray's death. Marjorie Fleming. Minchmoor. " In clear dream and solemn vision." Jeems the Doorkeeper. Landseer's picture "There's life in the old dog yet." The enterkin The Duke of Athole. Struan. Dick Mihi, or cur why ? E V K to his friend in town. Sir Henry Raeburn. Brown (J. T.) Dr. John Brown : a biography and criticism. 1903 920B29 Brown (J. M.) Maori and Polynesian: their origin, history, and culture. 1907. ...5728 Brown (Vincent) The Christian marriage. 2 copies N1150 N1151 — The coward in Eden N1151 — The dark ship N1152 — The disciple's wife N1153 — Fashionable Christians N1154 — Last shore N1155 — A Magdalen's husband N1156 — Mrs. Grundy's crucifix N1157 — Venus and the woodman N1158 Browne (G. L.) Nelson : his public and private life. 1891 920N15 Browne (Lennox) and E. Behnke. Voice, song and speech. 1883 7841 Browne (Sir Thomas) Religio Medici. 1908.. 2401 Gosse (Edmund) Life of Sir Thomas Browne. 1905 920B30 Browne (T. A.) See "Boldrewood (Rolf)." Browne (William), Poems of. Eel. by Gordon Goodwin. 2 vols. 1894 82118 Browning (E. B.) Poetical works. 6 vols. 1889 82161 Ingram (J. H.) Life of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 1888 920B31 Browning (Robert) Poems. 1898 82170 — Asolando. A poem. 1890 82171 Brooke (S. A.) The poetry of Robert Browning. 1902 82172 Fotheringham (J.) Studies in the poetry of Robert Browning. 1888 82173 Hutton (J. A.) Guidance from Robert Browning in matters of faith. 1903.... 2344 Browning (W. E.) Memoirs of the life of Philip Dormer, 4th Earl of Chesterfield. 1906 920C22 Brownjohn's. by Mabel Dearmer N2292 Brown portmanteau, &c, by Curtis Yorke N10576 Bruce (A. B.) The moral order of the world, in ancient and modern thought. 1899.23910 Bruce (W. N.) Ed. Autobiography and letters of Sir A. H. Layard. 2 vols. 1903.920L5 Brudenells of Brade, by E. J. Worboise...N10387 Brugsch (Heniry) History of Egypt under the Pharaohs. 2 vols. 1879 9321 Brummel (Ttcau), and his times, bv R. B. de Monvel. 1908 .' 920B32 Brummell again, by C. Hamilton N3898 Bruton (F. A.) The Roman Fort at Manchester. 1909 94294 Bryan (G. H.) and F. Rosenberg. First stage mechanics (fluids). 1906 5322 Bryant (E. A.) A new self-help. 1908 3742 Bryce (James) The holy Roman Empire. 1873 : 9432 — Impressions of South Africa. 1899 96815 — Studies in contemporary biography. 1903 ' 92115 Contents— Disraeli. Dean Stanley. T.H.Green. Arch- bishop Tait. A. Trollope. |. R, Green. Sir G. Jessel. Earl Cairns. Bishop Fraser. Earl [ddesleigh. ' C. S. Parnell Cardinal Manning. E. A. Freeman. Viscount Sherbrooke. W.R.Smith. Henry Sidgwick. E. E. Bowen. E. L. Godkin. Lord Acton. W. E. Gladstone. 26 BUC CATALOGUE OF HOOKS. BUR Buohan (John) Some eighteenth century byways, and other essays. 1908 '. 82490 Contents — Prince Charles Edward. Lady Louisa Stuart. Mi Secretary Murray. Lord Mansfield. Charles II. Tin- making of modern Scotland. Castlereagh. A comic Chesterfield A Scottish lady of the old school. The Victorian Chancellors. The first Lord Dudley. Mr. Balfour. John Bunyan. Tolstoi and idealism of war. Heroic age of Ireland. Rabelais. Theodore Mommsen. The Apocalyptic style. Buchanan (Robert) Andromeda N1170 - A child of nature N1171 — Come live with me and be my love N1172 — Foxglove Manor N1173 — God and the man N1174 — The new Abelard N1175 — Rachel Dene N1176 — Shadow of the sword N1177 — Woman and the man N1178 — and Henry Murray. The Charlatan... N1179 Buchetti (J.) Engine tests and boiler efficiencies. 1903 62124 Buckland (Anna) The story of English literature. 1882 82019 Buckland (F. T.) Curiosities of natural history. 4 vols. 1883 59016 — Log-book of a fisherman and zoologist. 1875 59020 Bumpus (G. C.) Life of Frank Buckland. 1886 : 920B34 Buckle (H. T.) History of civilization in England. 3 vols. 1903 9422 Buddhism. Hall (H. F.) The soul of a people. 1904 2941 Budge (E. A. TV.) The mummy : chapters on Egyptian funereal archaeology. 1893... 9134 Building Construction. Adams (Henry) Building construction. 1908 '. 6904 Advanced building construction. 1901... 6903 Allen (J. P.) Practical building construction. 1909 6905 Building and machine construction 6211 Domestic house planner ; and, The sanitary architect. 1891 6921 Emanuel (Charles) and E. M. Joseph. How to choose a house, how to take and keep it. 1906 6901 Mitchell (C. F.) Building construction. 1906 6907 — Building construction and drawing. 1906 6906 Riley (J. W.) Building construction for beginners. 1905 6908 Sparrow (W. S.) Our homes and how to make the best of them. 1909 6902 See also Masonry. Bullen (F. T.) The call of the deep N1189 — Confessions of a tradesman. 1908...920B35 — Deep-sea plunderings N1190 — Idylls of the sea, &o N1191 — Our heritage the sea N1192 — Sea Puritans N1193 — Sea-wrack N1194 — A. whaleman's wife N1195 — With Christ at sea : a religious autobio- graphy. 1900 920B36 Bullen (F. T.) With Christ in Sailor Town: what tlic Seamen's Mission is doing. 1901 2661 — Young Nemesis N 1 11)0 Buller (Sir Redvers), Life of, by L. Butler. 1911!) 920B37 Bulloch (J. M.) The Gay Gordons: some strange adventures of a famous Scots family. 1908 920016 Bullock (S. F.) A laughing matter N1206 Bumpus (T. F.) Cathedrals and churches of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. 1908 914270 — The cathedrals and churches of the Rhino and North Germany. 1906 914136 Bunkum, bv Frank Richardson N8167 Bunthorne, by C. H. Eden N2740 Bunyan (John), Life of, by J. A. Froude. 1888 920B38 Burchell (S. H.) The grip of fear N1210 Burden, The, by C. A. D. Scott N8528 Burden-bearers, by A. 8. Swan. 2 copies N9062 N9063 Burden of her youth, by L. T. Meade N6830 Burgin (G. B.) The bread of tears N1212 — Devil's due N1213 — Fanuela N1214 — The hermit of Bonneville N1215 — The hermits of Gray's Inn N1216 — Ladies of the Manor N1217 — The man who died N1218 — The marble city N1219 — The only world N1220 — A son of mammon N1221 — The way out N1222 — A woman's way N1223 Buried alive, by Arnold Bennett N645 Buried diamonds, by Sarah Tytler N9527 Buried Temple, The, by M. Maeterlinck. 1902 824191 Burke (Edmund), Life of, by J. Morley. 1887 920B39 Burke (J. B.) The origin of life: its physical basis and definition. 1906 5761 Burkett (C. W.) and C. H. Poe. Cotton : its cultivation, marketing, manufacture, and the problems of the cotton world. 1907 6772 Burland (J. B. H.) Love the criminal N1238 — Workers in darkness N1239 Burleigh (Bennett) Khartoum Campaign, 1898; or, The re-conquest of the Soudan. 1899 9627 Burma. O'Connor (V. C. S.) Mandalay and other cities of the past in Burma. 1907 915115 Burn (G. F.) First stage practical plane and solid geometry. 1906 5131 Burn (R. S.) Ed. The carpenter and joiner. 1892 6941 — Ed. The ornamental draughtsman and designer. 1892 7451 — Ed. The steam engine user. 1894 6213 — Ed. The technical student's introduction to mechanics. 1892 5311 Burnabv (Fred 1 ) A ride to Khiva. 1877... 91 5109 Wright (Thomas) Life of Colonel Fred Burnaby. 1908 920B40 27 GREAT LEVEE BRANCH LIBRARY. Burnand (F. C.) Some old friends N1245 Burne (Irene) Generous gods N1241 Burnett (Mrs. F. H.) The dawn of a to-morrow N1250 - Dolly N1251 - His Grace of Osmonde N1252 In connection with the De Willoughby Chum. 2 copies N1253 N1254 A lady of quality Nl255 - The shuttle _ N1256 - That Lass o' Lowrie's N1257 Burning Cresset, by Howard Pease N7761 Burnley (James) The story of British trade and industry. 1904' 3804 Burns <('. D.) The growth of modern phili- sophy. 1909 1091 Burns (J.) Sermons in art by the great masters. L908 " 7502 Burns (Rohert) Poetical works. 2 copies 82138 82139 Shairp (J. G.) Life of Robert Burns. 1887 920B41 Burnt million, by James Payn N7721 Burnt offering, by S. J. Duncan N2630 Burpee (L. J.) and H. J. Morgan. See Morgan. Burrard (W. D.) A weaver of Runes N1267 Burroughs (John) Fresh fields. 1895 5909 — Indoor studies. 1895 81425 Contents — H. D. Thoreau. Science and literature. Science and the poets. Matthew Arnold's criticism. Arnold's view of Emerson and Carlyle. Gilbert White's book. A malformed giant. Brief essays. An egotistical chapter. — Leaf and tendril. 1908 59010 — Pepacton. 1895 59011 - Riverbv. 1895 59012 - Signs and seasons. 1895 59013 Wake— Robin. 1895 59014 — Winter sunshine. 1895 59015 Burrv (B. P.) In a German colony; or, four weeks in New- Britain. 1909 ...91928 Burt (Thomas), a great Labour leader, Life of, by Aaron Watson. 1908 920B42 Burton (Alfred) Rush-bearing. 1891 3941 Burton (J. B.) Fortune's my foe N1270 — The Hispaniola plate N1271 — Knighthood's flower N1272 — The land of bondage N1273 — Last of her race N1974 — The seafarers N1275 — Servants of sin N1276 — The sword of Gideon N1277 — Traitor and true N1278 — A vanished rival N1279 — A -woman from the sea N1280 Burton (J. H.) The book-hunter O101 Burton copies N1850 N1851 - A set of six N1852 - Tales of unrest N1853 — Typhoon, &c N1854 — and F. M. Hueffer. The inheritors. ..N1864 - Romance N1865 Conscience of Coralie, by F. F. Moore N7118 Conscience of Dr. Holt, by Austin Clare... N1670 Consciousness, The religion of, by F. R. Statham. 1907 1262 Consequences, by Egerton Castle N1522 Conspirators, The, by Alexandre Dumas... N2582 Constable de Bourbon, by W. H. Ainsworth.N49 Constable of the Tower, by W. H. Ainsworth N50 Constantia Carew, by Emma Marshall N6731 Constitutions. Alston (L.) Modern constitution in outline. 1909 3421 Dicey (A. V.) Introduction to the study of the law of the constitution. 1908... 3423 Consummate scoundrel, by Guy Boothby ...N947 Contarini Fleming, &c, by Earl of Beaconsfield. 2 copies ' N557 N558 Contemporary Science Series : — Aryans, Origin of, by I. Taylor. 1892.. 57210 Growth of the brain, by H. H. Donaldson. 1895 1312 Hypnotism, by A. Moll. 1906 1344 Marriage, Evolution of, by C'h. Letorneau. 1891 3924 Property : its origin and development, by C. Letourneau. 1892 3315 Sanity and insanity, by C. Mercier. 1890 1322 Sex, The evolution of, by P. Geddes and J. A. Thomson. 1889 57520 Contraband, by G. J. W. Melville N6892 Contraband of war, by M. P. Shiel N8704 Conventionalists, The, by R. H. Benson... N71T Conversion of Claud, by G. F. Turner N9453 Convert, by Elizabeth Robins N8298 Convict ship, by W. C. Russell N8351 Conway (Sir Martin) Aconcagua and Tierra Del Fuego. 1902 9187 — The Bolivian Andes. 1901 9184 Conway (M. D.) My pilgrimage to the wise men of the East. 1906 9108 Conyheare (W. J.) and J. S. Howson. The life and Epistles of St. Paul. 1892. ..2272 Conyers (Dorothea) Bloom or blight? N1868 — Cloth versus silk N1869 — Three girls and a hermit N1870 Cook (Captain), Life of, by Sir W. Besant. 1894 920C38 Cook (Mrs. E. T.) Highways and byways in London. 1907 91466 Cook (E. T.) Gardens of England, painted by Beatrice Parsons. 1908 7103 Cook (Herbert) Life of Giorgione. L907...920G7 Cook (T. A.) The cruise of the " Branwon " : a short history of the modern revival of the Olympic games, together with an account of the adventures of the English fencing team in Athens in 1906. 1908 914312 Cook (William) Billiards 7943 Cooke (J. P.) The new chemistry. 1874 5401 Cooke (M. C.) Freaks and marvels of plant life 5808 — Fungi : their nature, influence, and uses. 1875 5891 — Introduction to fresh-water algse. 1890.5893 — Our reptiles and batrachians. 1893 5982 Cookery. Beeton (Mrs. I.) Everv-day cookery. 1907 6412 Simple cookery 6411 Coomassie, The march to, by G. A. Henty. 1874 96214 Coombe (William) Doctor Syntax : his three tours in search of the picturesque, of consolation, of a wife 82156 Cooper (A. N.) Tramps of "The Walking Parson." 1902 9109 Cooper (E. H.) Mr. Blake of Newmarket.N1876 Co-operation. Aves (E.) Co-operative industry. 1907.3341 Holyoake (G. J.) The history of co-opera- tion. 2 vols. 1906 3342 Cope (E. A.) Pitman's Elementary law. 1904 3473 Copperhead, &c, by H. Frederic N3135 Copping (A. E.) Gotty and the guv'nor..N1880 Coppinger (R. W.) Cruise of the " Alert " : four years in Patagonian, Polynesian, and Mascarene Waters. 1883 91020 Corban, bv Constance Smith N8832 Corbett (J.) The river Irwell. 1907 91481 Corbett (Julian) Life of George Monk. 1889 920M40 Corbett (J. S.) England in the Seven Years' War. 2 vols. 1907 94272 — and A. T. Mahan. See Mahan. Corbould (E. M.) Pitman's Studies in elocution 8085 Cordova, a city of the Moors, bv A. F. Calvert and W. M. Gallichan. 1907 914232 Corelli (Marie) " Ardath " N1880 — Barabbas N1886 — Boy N1887 — Cameos N1888 — Delicia, &c N1889 — Holy orders. 2 conies N1890 N1901 — Master-Christian * N1891 — The mighty atom N1892 — Murder of Delicia N1893 — Sorrows of Satan. 2 copies... N1894 N1895 — The soul of Lilith N1896 — "Temporal power" N1897 — Treasure of Heaven N1898 — Wormwood N1899 — Ziska N1900 Corkran (Henrietta) Round our square. ...N1925. COR GREAT LEVEB BRANCH LIBRARY. cou Corner of the West, by E. H. Fowler. 2 copies N3061 N3062 Cornford (L. C.) Life of Robert Louis Stevenson. 1899 920S40 ( ■ rnish (( . J.) Animals at work and play. 1896 5916 Wild England of to-day. 1895 59021 Cornish (Vaughan) Short studies in physical science. 1897 5041 Cornwall. Hind (C. L.) Days in Cornwall. 1907.91476 Norway (A. H.) Highways and byways in Devon and Cornwall. 1897 91475 Corona of the Nantahalas, bv Louis Pendleton N7806 Coronation necklace, by Alan St. Aubyn...N8458 Corot (C.) and his friends, by E. Meynell. 1908 920C39 Corry Thorndike, by Winifred Crispe N2046 Corsica, an island of rest, by J. M. Chapman. 1908 914215 Cosette, by Victor Hugo. 2 copSV also Bleaching, Dyeing and Calico Printing, Weaving. Cotton plant, Story of, by F. Wilkinson 6779 Couch (Sir A. T. Q.) The blue pavilions. .N1930 — Dead man's rock N1931 — The delectable Duchy N1932 — I saw three ships, &c N1933 Couch {Sir A. T. Q.-) .Merry-garden, &C...N1934 — Noughts and crosses. 2 copies. N1935 N1936 — Old fires and profitable ghosts N1937 — Shakespeare's Christmas, &c N1938 — Shining ferry N1939 — The ship of stars N1940 — Sir John Constantine N1941 — Troy Town N1942 — Two sides of the face N1943 — The W T estcotes N1944 — The white wolf, Ac N1945 Coues (Elliott) Handbook of field and general ornithology. 1890 5988 Coulton (G. G.) Chaucer and his England. 1908 920C20 Council of justice, by Edgar Wallace N9765 Cr.uncil of Trent, Lectures on, by J. A. Froude. 1896 : 2708 Counsel of perfection, by Lucas Malet N6563 '< Counsels of the night, bv Lucas Cleeve...N1687 I Count Bunker, by J. S. Clouston N1748 i Countess and the king's diary, by Percy W 7 hite N10049 Countess De Charny, bv Alexandre Dumas N2584 I Countess Eve, by J. H. Shorthouse N8735 Countess Londa, bv Guy Boothby N948 Countess of Maybury, by W. B. Maxwell,N6809 Countess of Mountenoy, by J. S. Winter. N10274 Countess Pharamond, bv "Rita" N8220 Count Hannibal, by S. J. Weyman N9995 Count of Monte Cristo, bv Alexandre Dumas N2583 Count Reminy, by Jean Middlemass N6970 Count Robert of Paris, bv Sir Walter Scott. 2 copies .' N8556 N8557 Countrv bunch, by Mrs. H. E. Dudeney...N2545 Country-house party, bv D. S. Shorter N8733 Country squire, by G .M. Fenn N2903 Courier of fortune, by A. W. Marchmont...N6613 Cnurlander (Alphonse) Henry in search of a wife N1955 — The sacrifice N1956 Course of true love never did run smooth, by Charles Reade N8082 Court Netherleigh, by Mrs. Henry Wood.N10308 Courtney (W. L.) Dramas and diversions. 1908 82238 Contents— Brida'.sof blood. Kit Marlowe's death. Gaston Bonnier. Undine. Father Time and his children. Pericles and Aspasia. On the side of the Angels. — The feminine note in fiction. 1904 82020 Contents- Mrs. Humphrey Ward. John OliVer Hobbes. Lucas Malet. Ger'ru'dc Atherton. Mrs. Wood. Mrs. Voynich. Miss Robins. Miss Mary Wilkins. — The literary man's Bible: a selection of passages from the Old Testament, his- toric, poetic and philosophic, illustrating Hebrew literature. 1908 22010 Courtship and chemicals, bv Emily Cox...N1967 Courtship of Sarah, by Sarah Tyt'ler N9528 Cousin Cinderella, by S. J. Duncan N2631 Cousin Henry, by Anthony Trollope N9392 Cousin Mona, by R. N. Carey N1440 Cousins, by L. B. Walford N9741 Cousins and others, by Katherine Tynan... N9500 40 CATALOGUE OK HOOKS. Coutts (Francis) The romance of King Arthur. Drama. L907 82239 Coutts (Tristram) The prodigal city N1962 Coward behind the curtain, hv Richard Marsh N6686 Coward in Eden, by Vincent Brown N1151 Cowen (Louis) and Israel Zangwill. See Zangwill. Cowper (William) Poetical works of, with life 32137 Smith (G.) Life of Cowner. 1888 920C41 Cox (Emily) Courtship and chemicals N1967 Cox (E. W.) The arts of writing, reading, and speaking. 1909 8086 Cox (F. J.) The forbidden way. 2 copies N19G3 N1969 Cox (Harold) Ed. British industries under free trade: essays by experts. 1904 .......3807 Crabb (George) English synonyms explained 4241 Crabbe (George) Poetical works of. Ed. by A .J. and R. M. Carlyle. 1908 82141 Ainger (Alfred) Life of George Crabbe. 1903 920C42 Crackanthorpe (Montague) Population and progress. 1907 3121 Craddock (C. E.) The windfall NT 979 Cradle of the rose N1982 Craig (R. S.) The making of Carlyle : an experiment in biographical explication. 1908 920C5 Craigie (Mm.) See " Hobbes (J. O.)." Craik (Mrs. D. M.) A brave lady N1987 — Christian's mistake N1988 — Hannah N1989 — Head of the family N1990 — John Halifax, gentleman. 2 copies N1991 N1992 — Nothing new N1993 — The Ogilvies N1996 — Olive. 2 copies N1994 N199S — Woman's thoughts about women N1997 — Young Mrs. Jardine N1998 Craik (Sir Henry) Impressions of India. 1908 91557 Craik (Henry) Life of Jonathan Swift. 2 vols. 1894 920S47 — The State in its relation to education. 1884 3791 Crane (Stephen) Great battles of the world. 1901 9042 — Wounds in the rain N2O03 — and Robert Barr. The O'Ruddy N2006 Crane (Walter) The claims of decorative art. 1892 7453 Cranford, by Mrs. Gaskell. 2 copies.N3290 N3291 Craven (Mary) Famous beauties of two reigns : some fair women of Stuart and Georgian times. 1906 92127 Contents— Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland. Duchess of Portsmouth and Aubigny. Lady Henry. The beautiful Gunnings. Mrs. Abington. Anne Seymour Darner. Jane, Duchess of Gordon. Elizabeth Linley, the Maid of Bath. Georgiana, Duchess ot Devonshire. Mary Robinson, " Perdita " Craven fortune, by K. M. White N10021 Crawford (F. M.) Aivthusa N2010 Casa Braccio N20H — Cecilia N2012 — Cigarette-maker's romance N2013 — Diva's ruby N2014 — Doctor Claudius N2015 - Greifenstein. 2 copies N2016 N2017 - Heart of Rome N2018- - In the palace of the king N2019 — Ladv of Rome N2020 — Marietta N2021 — Marion Darche N2022 — Marzio's crucifix N2023 — Mr. Isaacs. 2 copies N2024 N2025 — Paul Patoff N2026 — The Primadonna. Sequel to " Soprano " N2027 — The Ralstons N2028 — Roman singer. 2 copies N2029 N203O — Rose of yesterday N2031 — Sant' Ilario N2032 — Saracinesca N2033 — Soprano N2034 — Tale of a lonely parish. 2 copies N2035 N2036 — Whosoever shall offend. 2 copies N2039 N2040 — Witch of Prague N2037 — With the immortals N2038 — Zoroaster N2041 Crawford (J. H.) Nature. 1909 59022 Crawford (M. M.), The wife of Lafayette (Adrianne de Noailles). 1908 920A4 Crawford (V. M.) Ideals of charity. 1908... 3611 — Studies in foreign literature. 1899 8044 Contents— Present decadence in France. Cyrano de Bergerac. Alphonse Daudet. J. K. Huysmans Emile Verhaeren. Maurice Maeterlinck. A singer of Bruges. Gabriele D'Annnnzio. Antonio Fogazzaro. Henryk Sienkiewicz. War and peace. Crawfurd (Oswald) In green fields N2042 — Mystery of Myrtle Cottage N2043 — Revelations of Inspector Morgan N2044 — The ways of the millionaire N2045 Crayfish, The : an introduction to the study of zoology, by T. H. Huxley. 1880 5951 Credit of the county, by W. E. Norris N7381 Creeds, The. Denney (James) and Others. Questions of faith : lectures on the Creed. 1904.2381 Mortimer (A. G.) The Creeds: an historical and doctrinal exposition of the Apostles', Nicene, and Athanasian Creeds. 1902.2382 Pearson (John) An exposition of the Creed. Creighton (Mandell) The Church and the nation. 1901 2832 — Historical essays and reviews. 1902 9003 — Life of Cardinal Wolsey. 1891 920W15 — The story of some English Shires 9425 Contents— Northumberland. Durham. Yorkshire. Cum- berland. Westmoreland. Lancashire. Cheshire. Shropshire. Stafford. Derby Worcester. Gloucester. Hereford. Warwick Leicester. Northampton. Huntingdon. Cambridge. — Thoughts on education. 1902 37012 41 CRE GREAT LKVKR BRANCH LIBRARY. CRO Cremer (W. H.i Ed. Hanky panky: a book of conjuring tricks. 1902 7937 — Ed. Tlie secret out : one thousand tricks in drawing-room; or, White magic. L907 7938 Cressida. bv Bertha. Thomas N9233 Crested .seas, by J. B. Connolly N1840 Crichton, by W. H. Ainsworth. 2 copies N51 N52 Cricket. Grace (W. G.) Cricket. 1891 7974 Holland (F. C.) Cricket. 1904 7975 Lucas (E. V.) Ed. The Hambledon. men. 1907 7976 Lyttelton (R. H.) Out-door games: cricket and golf. 1901 7977 Trevor (P.) The problems of cricket. 1907 7978 Crime. Maitland (F. W.) Justice and -police. 1885 3523 See also Trials. Crimean War. Kinglake (A. W.) Invasion of the Crimea. 9 vols. 1877 9476 Crime in the Alps, by Gertrude Warden...N9846 Crime of the century, by " Dick Donovan " Crime of the " Liza Jane," by Fergus Hume N4380 Crime of the under-seas, by Guy Boothby...N949 Crime on canvas, by F. M. White N10022 Criminal Croesus, by George Griffith N3672 Criminal Law. Le Bon (G.) The crowd. 1903 3431 Crimson Azaleas, by H. de V. Stacpoole. . .N8891 Crimson blind, by F. M. White N10023 Crimson crime, by G. M. Fenn N2904 Crimson cryptogram, bv Fergus Hume N4381 Crimson weed, by C. St. John N8487 Cripps, the carrier, by R. D. Blackmore N881 Crisis, The, bv Winston Churchill N1644 Crispe (Winifred) Corry Thorndike N2046 Criticism. Arnold (Matthew) Essays in criticism. 2 vols. 1895 8041 Vaughan (C. E.) Ed. English literarv criticism. 1896 82010 Crittenden, by John Fox N3087 Crockett (S. R.) Adventurer in Spain. 1903 914224 — Bloom o' the heather N2047 - Bog-myrtle and peat N2048 — The cherry ribband N2049 — Cleg Kelly N2050 - Deep Moat Grange N2051 — Firebrand N2052 — Flower-o'-the-corn N2053 — Grey man N2054 — lone March. 2 comes N2055 N2056 — Joan of the sword hand N2057 — Kit Kennedy N2058 — The lilac .sunbonnet N2059 — Little Anna Mark N2060 — Lochinvar N2061 — The loves of Miss Anne N2062 — Maid Margaret of Galloway. 2 copies N2063 N2064 Crockett (S. R.) Me and Myn N2065 — The men of the moss-hags N2066 — Red axe N2067 — Silver skull N2068 — The standard bearer N2069 — The stickit minister. 2 copies. N2070 N2071 — Strong Mac N2072 — Vida N2073 Croker (B. M.) Jason, &c N2080 — Johanna N2081 — Katherine the arrogant. 2 copies N2082 N2083 — Mr. Jervis N2084 — A nine days' wonder N2085 — The old cantonment, &c. 2 copies N2086 N2087 — Peggy of the Bartons N2088 — Pretty Miss Neville N2089 — The real Lady Hilda N2090 — Village tales and jungle tragedies N2091 Cromartie (Countess of) The web of the past N2101 Cromer (Earl of) Modern Egypt. 2 vols. 1908 .' 9622 Crommelin (May) A daughter of England. N2109 — "I little knew !" 2 f op;>,s.N2110 N2111 — Midge N2112 — Phoebe of the White Farm N2113 — One pretty maid and others N2114 — Partners three N2115 Cromwell (Oliver). Carlyle (Thomas) Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches. 4 vols. 1897 920C43 Gardiner (S. R.) Life of Oliver Cromwell. 1901 920C47 Harrison (Frederic) Life of Oliver Cromwell. 1888 920C48 Morley (John) Life of Oliver Cromwell. 1900 920C49 — and Richard, the two Protectors, by Sir R. Tangye. 1899 920C5O Cronson (Bernard) Pupil self-government : its theory and practice. 1907 3711 Crooke (W.) The North-Western Provinces of India : their history, ethnology, and administration. 1897 9546 Crooked places, by Edward Garrett ......... N3265 Crookes (W.) Dyeing and tissue-printing. 1882 6673 Crosland (T. W. H.) The Lord of Creation. 1904 824104 — The suburbans. 1905 824103 Cross (Duncan) Choosing a career : a guide to success in professions, occupations, and trades. 1908 3702 Cross (Mrs. G. F.) See Cambridge (Ada). Cross (J. W.) Ed. George Eliot's life. 2 vols. 1885 920E4 Cross purposes, by Emma Marshall N6732 Crossriggs, by M. and J. H. Findlater N2940 Crowd, The, by G. Le Bon. 1903 3431 Crowest (F. J.) The story of music. 1902... 7806 — Verdi, man and musician : his biography. 1907 920Y2 Crowned skull, by Fergus Hume N4382 Crown of straw, by Allen Upward N9577 12 CATALOG UK OF HOOKS. Crown of wild olive, by John Ruskin. 1873.38110 Cruise of the " Betsey," by H. Miller. 187(1 5541 Cruise of the make-believes, by Tom Gallon N3224 Cruise of the "Midge," by Michael Scott... N8539 Crusades, The. Archer (T. A.) and C. L. Kingsford. The Crusades: the story of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem.. 9404 Crustacea. Stebbing (T. R. R.) A history of crustacea. 1893 5952 Crystallization. Ruskin (John) The ethics of the dust, 1907 5481 Cuff (H. E.) and Isla Stewart. See Stewart. Cullum (Ridgwell) The devil's keg N2125 — The watchers of the plains N2126 Culture. Gibbs (P.) Knowledge is power : a guide to personal culture. 1906 0283 Knowlson (T. S.) The century student's manual. 1910 37411 Mabie (H. W.) Books and culture. 1908 ...0284 Robertson (J. M.) Ed. Courses of study. 1908 0282 Cundall (Joseph) A brief history of wood engraving. 1895 7611 Cunningham (Allan) Traditional tales of the English and Scottish peasantry. 1887.8281 Cunningham (Sir H. S.) The Heriots N2129 Cunningham (J. F.) Uganda and its peoples. 1905 91655 Cunningham (Peter) The story of Nell Gwyn 1903 920G27 Cunningham (W.) An essay on Western civilization in its economic aspects (ancient times). 1898 9013 — The growth of English industry and commerce. 2 vols. 1890 3808 — S. Austin and his place in. the history of Christian thought. 1886 2308 Cunning Murrell, by Arthur Morrison N7170 Cunvnghame (H. H.) Time and clocks. 1909.5291 Curate of Royston, by Dora Russell N8336 Curayl, by U. L. Silberrad N8757 Curiosities of olden times, by S. B. Gould. 1896 ..8283 Curse of Clement "Waynflete, by Bertram Mitford N7010 Curse of the snake, by Guy Boothby. 2 copies N950 N951 Curzon (Lord) Principles and methods of University reform. 1909 3782 Cust (A. M.) The ivory workers of the Middle Ages. 1902 7365 Cust (Mrs. Henry) Gentlemen errant : journeys and adventures of four noblemen in Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries. 1909 9141 Cust (R. H. H.) The pavement masters of Siena (1369-1562). 1901 7595 Custom of the country, &c, by Mrs. H. Fraser N3125 Cuthbert of Lindisfarne : his life and times, by A. C. Fryer. 1880 920C51 Cut laurels, by M. Hamilton N3910 Cycling. Griffin (H. H.) Cycles and cycling. 1897 .' 7966 Hasluck (P. N.) Ed. Cycle building and repairing. 1905 688] Cynthia's ideal by Adeline Sergeant N8626 Cynthia Wakeham's money, by A. K. Green N3577 D Dagonet the Jester, by M. K. Macmillan.N6512 Daireen, by F. F. Moore N7119 Dalby (Walter) The ivory raiders N2205 Dale (Darley) Chloe N2208 — Naomi's transgression N2209 Dale (R. W.) The atonement. 1895 2324 — Fellowship with Christ, &c. Sermons. 1902 25230 — Laws of Christ for common life. '1899. ..2301 — Life of, by his son. 1898 920D1 D'Alpens (Marchioness) The house of the lost court N2212 Daltons, by Charles Lever. 2 copies N6005 N6006 Dalziel Brothers, The : a record of fifty years' work (1840-1890). 1901 920D2 Damaraland. Galton (F.) Narrative of an explorer in tropical South Africa. 1889 91680 Damien (Father), a journey from Cashmere to Hawaii, by Edward Clifford. 1889.920D3 Dampier (William), Life of, by W. C. Russell. 1889 920D4 Damsel or two, by F. F. Moore. 2 copies N7120 N7121 Dan— and another, by L. G. Moberly N7046 "Danby (Frank)." A babe in Bohemia... N2216 — Baccarat N2218 — The heart of a child. 2 eopies.N2219 N2220 — The Sphinx's lawyer N2221 Danby. Atkinson (J. C.) Forty years in a moorland parish : reminiscences and researches in Danby in Cleveland. 1891 91495 Dancing, by E. Scott. 1897 79317 Dancing leaves, by Gertrude Warden N9847 Danger mark, by R. W. Chambers N1556 Daniel (Canon) The grammar, history, and derivation of the English language. 1904 4203 Daniel Deronda, by George Eliot. 2 copies N2782 N2783 Daniel Quayne, by J. S. Fletcher N2971 Dante Alighieri. The banquet of. Trans. by E. P. Sayer. 1887 85110 — La Commedia. In Italian. 1900 85114 — The divine comedy. Trans, by H. D. Longfellow 85117 — Inferno. Trans, by Edward Wilberforce. 1909 85111 — Paradise Trans, by Edward Wilberforce. 1909 , 85112 — Purgatorio. Trans, by Edward Wilberforce. 1909 85113 — Thirty-nine cantos from the Divina Com- media. Trans, by C. Potter. 1899. .85118 43 DAN GRKAT LEVER BRANCH LIBRARY DAW Dante Alighieri. The vision. Trans, by H. F. Carey, 2 copies 8.511.5 8-5116 Rossetti (M. F.) A shadow of Dante. 1896 8519 Toynbee (Paget) Dante in English litera- ture : from Chaucer to Carv (1380-1844). 2 vols. 1909 8202 Darby O'Gill and the good people, by Herininie Templeton N9207 Dark, bv Mrs. S. Batson : N521 Dark lantern, by Elizabeth Robins N8300 Dark ship, bv Vincent Brown N1152 Darnley. by G. P. R. James N4621 Darrell Chevasney, by Curtis Yorke N10577 Darrel of the Blessed Isles, by Irving Bacheller N351 Dartmoor idylls, by S. B. Gould N3465 Darwin (Charles) The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. 1901 5753 — Journal of researches into the natural historv and geology of the countries visited by H.M.S. "Beagle." 1876. ...5081 — The movements and habits of climbing plants. 1905 58110 — The origin of species by means of natural selection. 1901 57524 — The various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects. 1904 5819 Life of. Ed. by his son. 1902 920D6 Allen (Grant) Life of Charles Darwin. 1885 920D5 Poulton (E. B.) Charles Darwin and the theory of natural selection. 1896...920D7 Darwin (Leonard) Municipal ownership. 1907 3333 Darwinism. See Evolution. Dasent (A. I.) John Thadeus Delane, Editor of " The Times " : his life and corres- pondence. 2 vols. 1908 920D11 D'Aubigne (J. H. M.) The story of the Reformation 2741 Daudet (Alphonse) Hope of the family ...N2231 Daughter, bv Constance Smedley N8820 Daughter of Belial, by Basil tozer N9336 Daughter of England, by May Crommelin.N2109 Daughter of the manse, bv Sarah Tytler...N9o29 Daughter of the soil, by M. E. Francis... N3100 Daughter of the vine, by Gertrude Atherton N233 Daughters of Babylon, bv W. Barrett and R. Hichens N485 Daughters of men, by Hannah Lynch N6208 D'Auvergne (E. B.) Life of Lola Montez : aru adventuress of the forties 920M43 Davenport (Cyril) The book, its history and development. 1907 0102 Davenport (H. J.) Outlines of elementary economics. 1897 3309 Davenport Dunn, by Charles Lever. 2 copies N60O7 N6008 Daventry's daughter, by Harold Bindloss...N776 David (A. E.) English Church expansion : Australia. 1908 2808 David (Mrs. Edgeworth) Funafuti ; or, three months on a coral island. 1899 91939 David Bran, by Morley Roberts N8269 David Copperfield, by Charles Dickens N2368 David Harum, bv E. N. Westcott N9972 Davids (T. W. R.) Buddhist India. 1903... 9341 Davidson (E. A.) Practical manual of house- painting, graining, marbling, and sign- writing. 1904 6981 Davidson (Gladys) Stories from the operas, with short biographies of the composers. 7823 Davidson (J. T.) Forewarned — forearmed. N2235 Davidson (K. L.) Gardens past and present 7165 Davies (A. C. F.) The finances of Sir John Kynnersley N2238 Davies (F. H.) Electric power and traction 1907 62145 Davies (M. W.) The theory and practice of bridge construction in timber, iron and steel. 1908 6241 Davis (B. M.) and J. Y. Bergen.. See Bergen. Davis (G. E.) Practical microscopy. 1882... 5781 Davis (John), Life of, by C. R. Markham. 1889 Davis (R. H.) In the fog N2240 Davy (Humphry), Life of, by T. E. Thorpe. 1896 920D9 Dawe (W. C.) Grand Duke N2246 — Her Highness's secretary N2247 — Historv of Godfrey Kinge N2248 — Life perilous N2249 — The London plot N2250 — A morganatic marriage N2251 — One fair enemy N2252 — The Prime Minister and Mrs. Grantham N2253 — Rose and chrvsanthemum N2254 — Straws in the'wind N2255 — The voyage of the " Pulo "Way " N22-56 — Yellow and white N2257 Dawn, by H. R. Haggard. 2 copies.N3845 N3846 Dawn of a to-morrow, by Mrs. F. H. Burnett N1250 Dawson (A. J.) Finn the wolfhound. 2 copies N2268 N2269 — The fortunes of farthings N2267 — God's foundling N2270 — Things se^n in Morocco. 1904 91620 Dawson (Charles) A minister of fate N2275 Dawson (C. F.) Elem?rtary design. 1903. ..7454 Dawson (E. C.) James Hannington, first Bishop of Eastern Equatorial Africa : a historv of his life and work (1847-1885). 1889..920H2 Dawson (Frank) A Scots laddie N2282 Dawson (F. W.) The scar N2278 — The scourge N2279 Dawson (George) Sermons on, daily life and duty. 1888 .' 25231 Dawson (Joseph) Life and labours of Peter Mackenzie. 1896 920M4 Dawson (Sir J. W.) Eden lost and won : studies of the early history and final destiny of man as taught in nature and revelation. 1896 2396 — The geological history of plants. 1888... 5602 — The making of mankind. 1895 25232 — The origin of the world according to revelation and science. 1885 2151 — The redemption of Edward Strahan...N2283 U CATALOGUE OK BOOKS. DER Dawson (Sir ,l. W.) The story of bhe earth and man. 1887 5731 Day (L. P.) Alphabets old and new. 1906. ..74510 — Every-day art. 1882 7455 — Lettering in ornament. 1902 74511 — Nature and ornament. 1908 74512 — Ornament and its application. 1904.... 74513 — Pattern design. 1903 74514 Day-books, by M. E. Wotton N10413 Day of recompense, by S. K. Hocking N4186 Day of wrath, by Maurus Jokai N4734 Days of auld lang svne, by " Ian Maclaren " N6485 Days of his vanity, by Sydney Grundv. 2 copies N3720 N3721 Day's ride, by Charles Lever. 2 copies N6009 N6010 Day's work, by Rudyard Kipling N4859 Dazzling Miss Davison, by Florence Warden N9815 Dazzling reprobate, bv W. R. H. Trowbridge N9436 Deacon Brodie, by "Dick Donovan" N7191 Dead Ingleby, by Tom Gallon N3225 Dead love has chains, by M. E. Braddon...N1025 Dead man's rock, bv Sir A. T. Q. Couch.. N1931 Dead sea fruit, by M. E. Braddon N1033 Dead secret, by Wilkie Collins N1806 Dead tryst, by James Grant N3522 Deakin (Dorothea) Tormentilla N2290 Deal in wheat, &c 3 by Frank Norris N7366 Dean and his daughter, by P. C. Philips... N7831 Deane (Mary) The rose-spinner N2291 Dearer than honour, by E. L. Prescott ...N7947 Dear Faustina, by Rhoda Broughton..,...N1121 Dearmer (Mabel) The alien sisters N2293 — Brownjohn's N2292 Dearmer (Percy) Body and soul : an enquiry into the effects of religion upon health, with a description of Christian works of healing from the New Testament to the present day. 1909 2658 Death man, by Benjamin Swift N910O Death the showman, by J. Fraser .'. N3130 Decle (Lionel) Three years in savage Africa. 1898 91671 De Crespigny (Mrs. P. C.) The Spanish prisoner N2296 Deemster, by Hall Caine N1378 Deeping (G. W.) Bertrand of Brittany... N2302 — Bess of the woods N2303 — Love among the ruins : N2304 — Seven streams N2305 — The slanderers N2306 — A woman's war N2307 Deep Moat Grange, by S. R. Crockett N2051 Deep-sea plunderings, by F. T. Bullem N1190 Deep-sea warriors, by Basil Lubbock N6160 Deer. Jefferies (R.) Red deer. 1900 5993 Macpherson (H. A.) Red deer. 1896... 79922 Deerbrook, by Harriet Martineau N6745 Defence. See Military Science. De Foe (Daniel) History of the plague in London, 1665. 1889 94237 Minto (William) Life of Daniel Dofoo. 1887 920D10 Degenerate, by Fred Whishaw N10104 D'Esterre-Keeling (Elsa) See Keeling. D'Horsay (A. G. G.); or, The follies of the day, by John Mills. 1902 920D16 D'Humieros (Robert) Through isle and empire. 1905 91032 Deland (E. D.) Josephine N2329 Deland (Margaret) Awakening of Helena Richie N2317 — Dr. Lavendar's people N2318 — Mr. Tommy Dove, &c N2319 — Philip and his wife N2320 — R.J.'s mother and some other people... N2321 — Sidney N2322 Delane (J. T.), Editor of "The Times": his life and correspondence, by A. I. Dasent. 2 vols. 1908 920D11 Delannoy (Burford) Midnight special N2332 Delectable Duchy, by Sir A. T. Q. Couch... N1932 Delicia, Ac, by Marie Corelli N1889 Del Mar (Walter) Around the world through Japan. 1903 91022 De L'Orme, by G. P. R. James N4622 Deluge, The, by Henry Sienkiewicz N8748 Demeter, and other poems, by Alfred Lord Tennyson. 1889 82158 De Mille (A. B.) Literature of the century. 1902 8091 Democracy and liberty, by W. E. H. Lecky. 2 vols. 1896 .......3219 Demolins (Edmond) Anglo-Saxon superiority : to what it is due. 1898 30112 De Morgan (William) Somehow good N2335 Demosthenes. The oration upon the Crown. Trans, by Lord Brougham 8856 Dene Hollow, by Mrs. Henry Wood. 2 copies N10309 N10310 Denmark. Bumpus (T. F.) Cathedrals and churches of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. 1908 ....' 914270 Butlin (F. M.) Among the Danes. 1909 914286 Denney (James) The death of Christ: its place and interpretation in the New Testament. 1902 23210 — Studies in theology. 1906 2309 — and Others. Questions of faith : lectures on the Creed. 1904 2381 Dennis Martin, traitor, by Stephen Grace.N3491 Denny (J. K. H.) The clever Miss Follett.N2340 Departmental ditties, and other verses, by Rudyard Kipling. 1895 82194 Deplorable affair, by W. E. Norris N7382 De Quincey (Thomas). Japp (A. H.) Thomas De Quincey : his life and writings. 1890 920D13 Masson (David) Life of Thomas De Quincey. 1888 920D14 Derby (E. H., 15th Earl of) Speeches and addresses (1854-1891). 2 vols. 1894... 8252 GREAT LEVER BRANCH LIBRARY. DIS Derbyshire. Jennings (L. J.) Rambles among the hills: Derbyshire and the South Downs. 1880 91477 Derrick Yaughan, by Edna Lyall N6192 DervaJ Hampton, by James Grant N3523 Desborough mystery, by Mrs. A. M. Diehl.N2412 Descent of man, &c, by Edith Wharton. N10005 Descent of the Duchess, by Morley Roberts , N8270 De.sertis V Y. C.) Psychic philosophy as the foundation of a religion of natural law. 1909 1335 Despatch rider, by Ernest Glanville N3399 Desperate conspiracy, by Guy Boothby N952 Despotic lady, by Yv. E.' Norris N7383 Destroyer, The, by Benjamin Swift N9101 Dp Tabley (Lord) Orpheus in Thrace, and other poems. 1901 821128 Devastators, by Ada Cambridge N1395 Devereux, by Lord Lytton N6220 Devil and Dolores, by Arthur Applin N199 Devil of Dulyerton, by F. J. Snell N8841 Devil's bargain, bv Florence Warden N9816 Devil's due. by G. B. Burgin N1213 Devil's keg. by Ridgwell Cullum N2125 Devonshire (8th Duke of) : a personal and political biography, bv Henry Leach. 1904 920D15 Devonshire. Norway (A. H.) Highways and byways in Devon and Cornwall. 1897 91475 Rowe (C. R.) Devon, painted by C. E. Hannaford. 1907 91474 Dewar (G. A. B.) Life and sport in Hampshire. 1908 59132 — Wild life in Hampshire Highlands. 1899 59133 Dexter (H. M. and M.) The England and Holland of the Pilgrims. 1906 2841 Dexter (T. F. G.) and A. H. Garlick. Psychology m the schoolroom. 1905 1502 Diamond and the lady, by James Blyth N890 Diamond and the rose, by H. Protheroe...N7963 Diamonds, by J. S. Fletcher N2972 Diana, by L. G. Moberly. 2 copies. ,N7 '047 N7048 Diana Mallory, by Mrs. Humphry Ward...N9790 Diana of the Crossways, bv George Meredith N6915 Diana's defender, by W. S. Hayward N4047 Diana Tempest, bv Mary Cholmondeley...N1622 Diane, by K. S. Maccjuoid N6530 Diary of a goose girl, by K. D. Wiggin...N10166 Diary of a pilgrimage, by J. K. Jerome... N4687 Dicey (A. V.) Introduction to the study of the law of the constitution. 1908 3423 Dick (Robert), Life of, bv Samuel Smiles. L878 920D17 Dickbeny (F.) Phantom figures N2343 Dickens (Charles) American notes and reprinted pieces 8231 — Barnabv Rudge. 8 copies N2351 N2352 — Bleak House. 2 copies N2353 N2354 — Christmas hooks. 2 copies N2355 N2356 — Christmas stories N2367 Dickens (Charles) David Copperfield N2368 — Dombey and Son. 2 copies.... N2369 N2370 — Great expectations N2373 — Hard times; and, Pictures from Italy. N2374 — The letters of, 1833-1870. 2 vols 920D21 — Little Dorrit N2375 — Martin Chuzzlewit. 2 copies.. N2376 N2377 — The mystery of Edwin Drood, &c. 2 copies N2371 N2372 — Nicholas Nickleby. 2 copies... 1X237$ N2379 — The old curiosity shop. 2 copies. N2380 N2381 — Oliver Twist. 2 copies N2382 N2383 — Our mutual friend. 2 copies. N2384 N2385 — Pickwick Papers. 2 copies N2386 N2387 — Pictures from Italy ; and, American notes. 18SC 914190 — Sketches by " Boz." 2 ropie.s.N2388 N2389 — A tale of two cities. 2 copies.N2390 N2391 — The uncommercial travel'er N2392 Forster (John) Life of Charles Dickens. 2 vols 920D18 Ward (A. W.) Life of Charles Dickens. 1889 920D2O We'sh (C.) Ed. Character portraits from Dickens. 1908 8232 Dickens (M. A.) Unveiled, &c N2400 Dickinson (H. N.) Sir Guy and Lady Rannard N2403 Dick Pentreath, by Katherine Tynan. 2 copies N9501 N9502 Dickson (Harris) The black wolf's breed... N2406 Dickson (Walter) Japan: a sketch of the Hstory, government and officers of the Empire. 1869 9522 Dick, the faithful, by J. S. Winter N10275 Dictator, The, by Justin McCarthy N6406 Dictionary of fools, by G. G. Chatterton...N1595 Did she love him? by James Grant N3524 Diehl (Mrs: A. M.) An actor's love story.N2410 — Bread urjnn the waters N2411 — The Desborough mvstery N2412 — Entrapped. 2 copies N2413 N2414 — TJpt ladysbin of the season N2415 — A lonely fight N2416 — Love and liars N2417 — Love — with variations N2418 — A mysterious Bohemian N2419 — A woman's cross N2420 Digby Grand, by G. J. W. Melville N6893 Diggle CJ. W.) 'Th° Lancashire life of Bishor. Fraser. 1889 920F9 Dilemma of Commander Brett, by Weath°rbv Chesney '. N1606 Dilke (Sir C. W.) and Spenser Wilkinson. Imperial defence. 1892 3553 Dillon (J. M.) Motor days in England. 1908 91454 Dilnot (Frank) The tyrants of North Hyben N2433 Diosy (Arthur) The new Far East. 1900... 91532 Disappearance of the duke, by Mrs. Coulson Kernahan N4813 Disappearing eye, by Fergus Hume N4383 Disciples of Plato, by F. 0. Philips and Percy Fendall .' N7839 Disciple's wife, by Y'incent Brown N1153 46 DIS CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. Discipline, and other sermonSj by Charles Kingsley. L890 25260 Discoveries and inventions of bhe nineteenth century, by Robert Routledge. 19O0..6081 Disease. Schmidt (Rudolph) Pain: its causa- tion and diagnostic significance in internal diseases. 1908 61215 Disenchanted, bv Pierre Loti N6143 Disowned, by Lord Lytton N6221 Disraeli (Benjamin) See Beaconsfield {Earl of). Ditehfield (P. H.) Books fatal to their authors. 1895 0103 - The old-time parson. 1908 2501 Diva's ruby, by F. M. Crawford ....N2014 Diversions of a country gentleman, by Sir G. Douglas. 1885 824117 Divers vanities, by Arthur Morrison N7171 Divided house, by A. S. Swan N9064 Divided houses, by F. C. Gardiner N3258 Divine adventure, by Fiona Macleod N6499 Dix (Gertrude) The girl from the farm...N2439 Dixon (Charles) Birds' nests. 1902 5989 Dixon (W. W.) King Hal of Heronsea...N2443 Dobbs (W. J.) Examples in elementary mechanics. 1908 5313 Dobson (Austin) Collected poems. 1902.... 82182 — Eighteenth century vignettes. 1892... 824112 Contents — Steele's letters. Prior's "Kitty" Spence's "Anecdotes." Captain Corum's Charity. " The female Quixote." Fielding's voyage to Lisbon. Hanway's travels. A garret in Gough Square. Hogarth's Sigis- munda. Citizen of the world. An old London Book- seller. Gray's library. The new Chesterfield. A day at Strawberry Hill. Goldsmith's library. In Cowper's arbour. &c. — Life of Henry Fielding. 1889 920F3 — Life of Samuel Richardson. 1902 920R13 — Life of William Hogarth. 1891 920H17 — A paladin of philanthropy [Oglethorpe] and other papers. 1899 824113 Contents— Goldsmith's poems and plays. Angelo's reminis- cences. Latest life of Steele. The Author of Monsieur Tonson. Boswell's predecessors. &c. English Engraver in Paris. Old Whitehall. Luttrell's letters to Julia. Changes at Charing Cross. John Gay. The Grub Street of the Arts. Marteilhe's memoirs. The burning of Whitehall. — Side-walk studies. 1902 824114 Contents— Mrs. Woffington. St. James's Park. The Covent-Garden Journal " Chinese shadows." " Dear Mrs. Delany." The "Vicar of Wakefield" and its illustrators. Dr. Johnson's haunts and habitations. Titled Authors of the i8th century. The story of the "Spectator." A walk from Fulham to Chiswick. On certain quotations in Walton's Angler t " Vader Cats.'. — Story of Rosina, and other verses. 1895.82183 — Thomas Bewick and his pupils. 1884...920B15 Dr. Burton's success, hy A. C. Gunter N3751 Doctor Claudius, by F. M. Crawford N2015 Doctor Cupid, by Rhoda Broughton. 2 eopies N1122 N1123 Doctor Forrest, hy Mrs. O. F. Walton ...N9784 Doctor Gordon, by M. E. Wilkins... N10187 Doctor in corduroy, by Max Baring N406 Dr. Lavendar's people, by Margaret Deland N2318 Doctor Luttrell's first patient, by R. N. Carey N1441 Doctor Nikola, by Guy Boothby N953 Dr. Nikola's experiment, by Guy Boothby.. N954 Dr. North and his friends, by S. VV. Mitchell N6997 Doctor of Crow's Nest, hy Ralph Connor. N 1820 Doctor Pons, by Paul Gwynne N3708 Doctor's wife, by M. E. Braddon Nl020 Doctor Therne, by H. R. Haggard N3847 Doctor Thome, by Anthony Trollope. 2 copies N9393 N9394 Dr. Wortle's school, by Anthony Trollope. N9395 Dootor Xavier, by Max Pemberton N7773 Dodd (A. B.) On the Broads. 1890 91479 Dodd (C. I.) Introduction to the Herbartian principles of teaching. 1898 3703 Dodd family abroad, by Charles Lever. 2 copies N6011 N6012 Dodgson (C. L.) See "Carroll (Lewis)." Dodo, by E. F. Benson. 2 copies... .1X682 N683 Doe (John) The bridge manual. 1906 795f> Dog of Flanders, &c, by " Ouida " N7588 Dogs. Hutchinson (W. N.) Dog breaking. 1909 63610 Jesse (G. R.) Researches into the history of the British dog. 2 vols. 1866 63611 Lee (R. B.) A history and description of the modern dogs of Great Britrin and Ireland (sporting division). 1893 63613 Slaughter (Frances) " The one " dog and " the others " : a study in canine character. 1907 63616 Smith (A. C.) British dogs at work. 1906 63618 — Everyman's book of the dog. 1909.63617 Dolbear (A. E.) The machinery of the universe. 1897 5302 Dole (C. F.) The ethics of progress; or, The theory and the practice by which civiliza- tion proceeds. 1909 '. 1701 Dole (N. H.) Famous composers. 2 vols. 1903 9273 Contents— Vol. I. Palestrina. Purcell. Bach. Handel. Gluck. Haydn. Mozart. Beethoven. Rossini. Weber. Vol. II. Schubert. Spohr. Meyerbeer. Mendelssohn. Schumann. Chopin. Glinka. Berlioz. Liszt. Wagner. Dollar City, by Lucas Cleeve N1688 Dolliver romance, &c, hy Nathaniel Hawthorne N4020 Dolly, by Mrs. F. H. Burnett N1251 Dolly Dialogues, hy Anthony Hope N4261 Dolmage (C. G.) Astronomy of to-day. 1909 5203 Dombey and Son, by Charles Dickens. 2 copies N2369 N2370 Domestic Economy. Beeton (Mrs.) Book of household manage- ment. 1907 6401 Butterworth (Annie) Manual of household work and management. 1906 6402 Enquire within upon everything. 1906... 6021 Masters (E. T.) One hundred useful things and how to make them. 1908 6403 Panton (J. E.) From kitchen to garret. 1889 6404 See also Cookery. Dominy's dollars, by B. P. Neuman N7318 Domitia, by S. B. Gould N3467 47 GREAT LEVER BRANCH LIBRARY. Donald Marcy. by E. S. Phelps N7823 Donald Ross of Heimra, by William Black.. N849 Donaldson (H. H.) The growth of the brain: a study of the nervous system in relation to education. 1895 1312 Donal Grant, by George MacDonald N6443 Donatello. Balcarres (Lord) Life of Donatello. 1903 920D23 Rea (Hope) Life of Donatello. 1900..920D24 Donegal and Antrim, Highways and byways in. by S. Gwynn. 1899 91442 Donna Diana, by Richard Bagot N361 Donna Teresa, by F. M. Peard N7758 Donne (John), Poems of. Ed. by E. K. Chambers. 2 vols. 1901 82121 " Donovan (Dick)." See Muddock (J. E. P.) Donovan, by Edna Lyall N6193 Donovan Pasha, by Sir Gilbert Parker N7671 Don Q's love story, by K. and H. Prichard. 2 copies N7956 N7957 Don Quixote de la Mancha, by Miguel de Cervantes. 2 copies N1547 N1548 Doom Castle, by Neil Munro N7226 Doomswoman, The, by Gertrude Atherton...N234 Dore (Gustave), Life of, by Blanchard Jerrold. 1891 920D25 Doreen, by Edna Lyall N6194 Dorothv Forster, by Sir W. Besant N738 Dorothea. Kirke, by A. S. Swan N9065 Dorothy Raeburn, by Reginald Turner N9456 Dorrien of Cranston, by Bertram Mitford.N7011 Dorrington deed-box, by Arthur Morrison. N7172 Double barrelled detective story, by Mark Twain N9463 Double harness, by Anthony Hope. 2 copies N4262 N4263 Double marriage, by Lucas Cleeve N1689 Double marriage, by Charles Reade. 2 copies N8083 N8084 Double thread, by E. T. Fowler N3071 Doudney (Sarah) Miss Willowburn's offer.. N2450 — Nothing but leaves N2451 - One of the few N2452 — Shadow and shine N2453 - Thy heart's desire N2454 — Under false colours N2455 — When we were girls together. 2 copies N2456 N2457 Dougall (L.) Beggars all N2467 — The earthly purgatory N2468 - Paths of the righteous N2518 Doughty (A. G.) The cradle of New France: a story of the city of Quebec. 1909... 97115 Douglas (Sir George) Diversions of a country gentleman. 1902 824117 Douglas (George) The house with the green shutters N2521 Douglas (James) Adventures in London. 1909 91467 Douglas (R. K.) China 9512 - and L. T. Meade. See Meade. Douglas (Theo) Miss Caroline N2522 — A white witch N2523 Dowden (Edward) Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley. 2 vols. 1886 920S13 — Life of Southey. 1888 920S30 — Shakespeare: his mind and art. 1875.. 82222 — Studies in literature, 1789-1877. 1887.. 8045 Contents — French Revolution and literature. Transcen- dental movement and literature. Scientific movement and literature. Prose works of Wordsworth. Landor. Tennyson and Browning. Eliot. Lamennais. Edgar Quinet. On some French writers of verse. Poetry of Hugo. Poetry of Whitman. — Transcripts and studies. 1896 8209 Contents— Carlyle's lectures on European culture. Shelley's " Philosophical view of reform." Text of Wordsworth's poems. Victorian literature: Spenser. Shakespeare. Marlowe. Milton. Browning. Dowie (M. M.) Love and his mask N2528 — Things about our neighbourhood. 1903.59023 Dowland Castle, by Earl of Iddesleigh N4530 Downes (R. P.) Man's immortality and destiny 2182 Down Express, by G. W. Appleton N185 Downfall, The, by Emile Zola N10657 Downman (E. A.) English pottery and porcelain : a handbook for the collector. 1904 7383 Downman (Francis) Great English painters. 1908 9272 Contents — Hogarth. Reynolds. Gainsborough. Romney. George Morland. Lawrence. Turner. Constable. Doyle (A. C.) Adventures of Sherlock Holmes N2475 — Captain of the Polestar, &c. 2 copies N2476 N2477 — A Duet N2488 — Great shadow; and, Uncle Bernac N2489 — The great Boer War. 1900 9683 — The green flag, &c N2490 — The hound of the Baskervilles N2491 — Micah Clarke , N2492 — Mystery of Cloomber N2493 — The refugees N2494 — Round the fire stories N2496 — Round the red lamp N2495 — The sign of four N2497 — Sir Nigel N2498 — The Stark Munro letters N2499 — A study in scarlet. 2 cop ies...N2500 N2501 — The tragedy of the Korosko. 2 copies N2502 N2503 — Through the magic door. English literature. 1907 8208 — The white company N2504 Dracula, by Bram Stoker N8996 Drage (Geoffrey) Austria-Hungary. 1909... 9141 45 Dragooning a dragoon, by E. L. Prescott..N7948 Drake: an English epic, by Alfred Noyes. 1908 821115 Drama. Symonds (J. A.) Shakespeare's predecessors in the English drama. 1884 8222 See also Plays. For Plays of individual Dramatists, see under their names. Dramas and diversions, by W. L. Courtney. 1908 82238 Draper (J. W.) History of the conflict between religion and science. 1875 2152 48 DRA CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. Draughts. Kear (J. A.) Ed. Sturge's guide to the game of draughts. 1895 79416 Drawing and Design. Burn (R. S.) Ed. The ornamental draughts- man and designer. 1892 7451 Cadness (H.) Decorative brush-work and elementary design. 1909 7452 Dawson (C. F.) Elementary design. 1903 7454 Day (L. F.) Pattern design. 1903 74514 The geometrical draughtsman. 1892 7441 Harding (J. D.) Lessons on art 7401 Hatton (R. G.) Design. 1902 74515 Hutchinson (G. W. C.) Some hints on learning to draw. 1893 7402 Jackson (F. G.) Decorative design. 1888 ^ 74516 — Theory and practice of design. 1903 74517 Lilley (A. E. V.) and W. Midgley. Studies in plant form and design. 1905 74518 Low (D. A.) An introduction to machine drawing and design. 1906 62115 Moodv (F. W.) Lectures on decorative art.' 1908 74519 Ruskin (John) The elements of drawing. 1892 7404 Stephenson (C.) and F. Suddards. A text- book dealing with ornamental design for woven fabrics. 1900 74521 Sturgis (R.) The interdependence of the arts of design. 1905 74522 See also Illustration, Book; Perspective. Drayson (A. W.) The art of practical billiards for amateurs. 1901 7944 Dream, The, by Emile Zola N10658 Dream and the business, by " J. O. Hobbes." 2 copies N4135 N4136 Dream — and the woman, by Tom . Gallqn.N3226 Dreamers of Ghetto, by Israel Zangwill.N10635 Dream of freedom, by Hume Nisbet N7331 Dream of peace, by Francis Gribble .N3630 Dreams and ghosts, Book of, by A. Lang. 1897 ..1351 Dream's fulfilment, by L. B. Walford N9742 Dress. See Costume. Dreyfus (Alfred), The tragedy of, by G. W. Steevens. 1899 .920D27 D'ri and I, by Irving Bacheller N352 Drink. See Temperance Question. Drinkwater (John) A history of the Siege of Gibraltar (1779-1783) ; with a description and account of that garrison from the earliest times. 1905 9466 Driver (S. R.) An introduction to the literature of the Old Testament. 1891 2211 Drummond (Henry) The ascent of man. 1894 5754 — The ideal life and other unpublished addresses. 1897 2043 — Natural law in the spiritual world. 1907 2153 Drummond (Henry) The new Evangelism, and other papers. 1899 2042 Contents— The New Evangelism ami its relation to Cardinal Doctrines. The method of the New Theology, and some of its applications Survival of the fittest. The third kingdom I he problem of foreign missions. The contribution of science to Christianity. Spiritual diagnosis. Smith (G. A.) Life of Henry Drummond. 1899 920D28 Drummond (William), Poems of. Ed. with memoir and notes, by W. C. Ward. 2 vols. 1894 82116 Drury (W. D.) Ed. Open-air gardening : the culture of hardy flowers, fruit and vegetables. 1S01 7166 Drury (W. P.) Men-at-arms N2538 — On dangerous ground N2540 — The peradventures of Private Pagett.N2539 " Drusilla's point of view," by E. M. Albanesi 2 copies N99 N10O Dryad, by J. H. McCarthy N6420 Dryden (John) Poetical works. 1893 82128 Arber (Edward) Ed. The Dryden anthology, 1675-1700. 1899 8215 Saintsburv (G.) Life of John Dryden. 1888 920D29 Du Chaillu (P. B.) Land of the midnight sun : journeys through Sweden, Norway, Lap- land, and Northern Finland. 2 vols. 1888 914271 Duchesne (Louis) Early history of the Christian Church from its foundation to the end of the third century. 1909 2809 Duchinka, by Lucas Cleeye N1690 Dudeney (Mrs. H. E.) A country bunch. N2545 — Maternity of Harriett Wicken N2546 — The orchard thief N2547 — Rachel Lorian N2548 — Spindle and plough N2549 — The wise woods N2550 Dudley (G.) and F. A. Kellor. Athletic games in the education of women. 1909 61316 Dudley, by Curtis Yorke N10578 Duel, by Richard Marsh N6687 Duet, A, by A. C. Doyle N2488 Dufferin and Ava (Marquess of), Life of, by C, E. D. Black. 1903 920D26 Duffy (Bella) The Tuscan Republics : Florence, Siena, Pisa, Lugga, with Genoa 9456 Duke in the suburbs, by Edgar Wallace. 2 copies N9766 N9767 Duke of Britain, by Sir H. Maxwell N6807 Duke's children, by Anthony Trollope N9396 Dulcie Carlyon, by James Grant N3525 Dulcie Everton, by Mrs. E. L. Linton N6070 Dull girl's destiny, by Mrs. Baillie Reynolds N8114 Dull Miss Archinard, by A. D. Sedgwick... N8606 Dumas (Alexandre) Ange Pitou N2570 — Agenor De Mauleon N2571 — Ascanio N2572 — Black, the story of a dog N2573 — The black tulip N2574 — The brigand; and, The horoscope N2575 — Chauvelin's will, &c N2576 — The Chevalier D' Harmental N2577 GREAT LEVER BRANCH LIBRARY EAS Dumas (Alexandre) Chevalier De Maison Rouge. 2 copies N2578 N2579 — Chicot, the Jester N2580 — The companions of Jehu N2581 — The conspirators N2582 - Count of Monte Cristo N2583 — Countess De Charily N2584 - Forty-five Guardsmen. 2 cop?'es.N2585 N2586 - Marguerite De Valois N2587 — Memoirs of a physician N2588 — Olympe De Cleves N2589 - The page of the Duke of Savoy N2590 The Queen's necklace N2591 — Regent's daughter N2592 — She-wolves of Machecoul N2593 — Sylvandire N2594 - Taking the Bastile N2595 — Three Musketeers N2596 — Twenty years after. Sequel to " Three Musketeers " N3596 - Two Dianas N2598 — Vicomte de Bragelonne. Sequel to " Twenty years after" N2599 - War of women N2600 — Whites and the hlues N2601 Du Maurier (George) The Martian. 2 copies N2616 N2617 Duncan (David) Life and letters of Herbert Spencer. 1908 920S33 Duncan (Norman) The way of the sea N2624 Duncan (P. M.) The transformations of insects 5953 Duncan (S. J.) The burnt offering N2630 - Cousin Cinderella N2631 — His Honour and a lady N2632 — The Imperialist N2633 — On the other side of the Latch N2634 — The pool in the desert, &c N2635 — Set in authority N2636 — The simple adventures of a Memsahib.N2637 — delightful Americans N2638 Dundonald (Thomas, 10th Earl of) The auto- biography of a seaman 920D3O Dunk (James) Where the tamarisk blooms N2656 Dunn (Archibald) Club bridge 7957 Dunne (F. P.) Mr. Dooley's philosophy. 1901 81710 Dunton (T. W.) Alywin N2650 — The coming of love, and other poems. 1898 82184 Dupe, The, by Gerald Biss N819 During Her Majesty's pleasure, by M. E. Braddon N1027 Durnford (Walter) Ed. Memoir of Colonel Wm. Kenyon-Slaney, M.P. 1909 920S25 Dutch (M. A.) Food and digestion in health and disease during infant, child, and adult life ; with an account of the source, properties, and influence of water. 1906 6136 Dutch Language. Enderdijk (J.) A Dutch grammar, for schools. 1909 4392 Eoogvliet (J. M.) Elements of Dutch. 1909 4391 Dutch pictures, and, Pictures done with a quill. 1887 82814 Dutt (W. A.) Highways and byways in East Anglia. 1904 91478 Duty, by S. Smiles. 1905 3749 Duval (Mathias) Artistic anatomy. 1884... 7431 Duelling stories of the sixteenth century. Ed. by G. H. Powell. 1904 7961 Dye (Frederick) A practical treatise upon warming buildings by hot water. 1905.. 6971 Dyeing, Bleaching, and Calico Printing. Berthollet (C. L. aud A. B.) Elements of the art of dyeing and bleaching. 1841 .....6671 Calvert (F. G.) Dyeing and calico printing, and the manufacture and use of aniline colours. 1876 6672 Crookes (W.) Dyeing and tissue-printing. 1882 6673 Fraps (G. S.) Principles of dyeing. 1903 6674 Hummel (J. J.) Dyeing of textile fabrics. 1906 6677 — Mordant's methods, and machinery used in dyeing. 1906 ..6675 — Textile fabrics and their preparation for dyeing. 1906 6676 Dyer (Henry) The evolution of industry. 1895 3801 Dyer (T. F. T.) English folk-lore. 1878... 3982 Dynamiter, by R. L. and F. van de G. Stevenson. 2 copies N8966 N8967 Dynamos. Hasluck (P. N.) Ed. Dynamos and electric motors. 1906 62160 Paterson (G. W. L.) The management of dynamos. 1903 .62161 Dynevor Terrace, by C. M. Yonge. 2 copies N10552 N10553 E Eagles, The, by Paul Urquhart N9597 Eagle's nest, by John Ruskin. 1872... 7011 Eames (J. B.) The English in China: the intercourse and relations between England and China from 1600 to 1843. 1909... 9513 " Earl and the Doctor." South Sea bubbles. 1873 91936 Earle (Mrs. C. W.) More Pot-Pourri from a Surrey garden. 1899 7167 Earle (John) Anglo-Saxon literature. 1884.8291 Earl's daughter, by E. M. Sewell N8672 Earlston (Peter) The place taker N2758 Earl without an Earldom, by Scott Graham N3496 Earthly purgatory, by L. Dougall N2468 Earthquake, by W. H. White N10087 Earthquakes. Boscowitz (A.) Earthquakes. 1890 5514 Milne (J.) Earthquakes and other earth movements. 1886 5515 — Seismology. 1898 5512 See also Volcanoes. Eastern Counties. Dutt (W. A.) Highways and byways in East Anglia. 1904.... 91478 50 EAS CATALOGUE OF HOOKS. Lynne, by Mrs. Henry Wood. 2 copies N10811 N10312 Easy go luckies, by M. S. Rawson N8069 Ebb-tide, by R. L. Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne N8968 Eccles (P. Y.) A century of French poets: illustrating the history of French poetry. during the last hundred years. 1909.. 8409 Ecclesiastical vestments : their development and history, by R. A. S. Macalister. 1896 2471 Economics. See Political Economy. Eddy (Charles) The bachelors N2730 — Hole in the coat N2731 — Mrs. Bailey's debts N2732 Eden (C. H.) Bunthorne N2740 Eden lost and won : history and destiny of man, by Sir J. W. Dawson. 1896". 2396 Kdersheim (Alfred) The life and times of Jesus the Messiah. 2 vols. 1884 23211 Edgar (J. H.) and G. S. Pritchard. Practical solid or descriptive geometry. 1880... 5137 Edgar (W. C.) The story of a grain of wheat 6331 Edgeworth (Maria) The absentee, &c N2744 — Belinda N2745 — Castle Rackrent, &c N2746 — Manoeuvring, Ac N2747 — Harrington, &c N2748 — Helen N2749 — Moral tales N2750 — Ormond N2751 — Patronage, &c. 2 copies N2752 N2753 — Popular tales 2753 Lawless (Emily) Life of Maria Edgeworth. 1904 920E1 Zimmern (Helen) Life of Maria Edgeworth. 1883 920E2 Edina, by Mrs. Henry Wood. 2 covies N10303 N10304 Edinburgh. Fyfe (W. T.) Edinburgh under Sir Walter Scott. 1906 9412 Hyatt (A. H.) Ed. The charm of Edinburgh. 1908 91430 Miller (H.) Edinburgh and its neighbours: geological and historical. 1869 5544 Oliphant (Mrs.) Royal Edinburgh: her saints, kings, and poets. 1891 9413 Edison (T. A.) Hudson (Robert) Two princes of science : Thomas Alva Edison, Guglielmo Marconi 9251 Editor's tales, by Anthony Trollope N9397 Edridge-Green (F. W.) See Green. Edser (Edwin) Heat, for advanced students. 1906 5361 Education. Adams (J.) The Herbatian psychology applied to education ....1501 Allen (J. W.) The place of history in education. 1909 9011 Bain (A.) Education as a science. 1886.3701 Binns (H. B.) A century of education. 1908 37015 Cassell's New popular educator. 8 vols. 3704 Craik (H.) The State in its relation to education, 1884 3791 Education. Conformed. Cross (D.) Choosing a career: a guide to success in professions, occupations and trades. 1908 3702 Creighton (M.) Thoughts on education. 1902 37012 Keatinge (M. W.) Suggestions in education. 1907 1531 Roberts (R. D.) Ed. Education in the nineteenth century. 1901 37013 Wilkinson (S.) Ed. The nation's need : chapters on education 37014 See also Culture, Kindergarten, Teaching, Universities. Edward Barry, by Louis Becke. 2 copies N573 N574 Edwardes (Annie) Susan Fielding N2764 Edwards (A. B.) Lord Brackenbury N2762 Edwards (M. B.) The flower of doom, &C..N2765 — Literary rambles in France. 1907 914167 — Martha Rose, teacher N2766 — The parting of the ways N2767 Edwards (O. M.) Wales. 1907 94298 Edward's wife, by Emma Marshall N6733 Egerton (George) Rosa Amorosa N2775 Eggs. Atkinson (J. C.) British birds' eggs and nests, popularly described 5984 Boraston (J. M.) British birds and their eggs. 1909 5987 Vos (G. H.) Birds and their nests and eggs 59830 Eglamore portraits, by M. E. Mann N6594 Egoist, The, by George Meredith. 2 copies N6916 N6917 Egypt. Brugsch (Henry) History of Egypt under the Pharaohs. 2 vols. 1879 9321 Colvin (Sir Auckland) The making of Modern Egypt. 1906 9621 Cromer (Earl of) Modern Egypt. 2 vols. 1908 9622 Erman (Adolf) Life in ancient Egypt. 1894 9325 King (Mrs. A.) Dr. Liddon's tour in Egypt and Palestine in 1886. 1893 9165 Maspero (G.) The passing of the Empires (850 B.C. to 330 B.C.). 1900 9133 — Struggle of the nations : Egypt, Syria, and Assyria. 1896 9132 Milner "(Alfred) England in Egypt. 1892 9624 Rawlinson (George) Ancient Egypt 9324 Steevens (G. W.) From Capetown to Ladysmith ; and, Egvpt in 1898. 1900 96812 Wilkinson (Sir J. G.) Popular accounts of the ancient Egyptians. 2 *vols. 1890 9136 See also Cairo, Nile, Pyramids. Elbe (Louis) Future life in the light of ancient wisdom and modern science. 1907 2183 Eleanor, by Mrs. Humphry Ward N9791 Eleanor's victory, by M. E. Braddon N1028 51 GREAT LEVER BRANCH LIBRARY. Elections. Grego (J.) A history of Parlia- mentary elections and electioneering. 1892 6 ...3241 Electrical Engineering. Abbott (A. V.) The electrical transmission of energy. 1904 62127 Alexander (J. H.) Elementary electrical engineering in theory and practice. 1906 ...62135 Allsop (F. C.) Practical electric bell fitting. 1903 62140 Bottone (S. R.) Electric bells and all about them. 1901 62141 Clinton (W. C.) Electric wiring. 1906.. 62142 Davies (F. H.) Electric power and traction. 1907 62145 Gibson (C. R.) Electricity of to-day : its work and mysteries explained. 1907.. 62151 Hasluck (P. N.) Ed. Electric bells, how to make and fix them 62152 Kapp (G.) Electric transmission of energy. 1891 53717 Kinzbrunner (Charles) The testing of continuous current machines in labora- tories and test-rooms. 1904 62153 Parr (G. D. A.) Electrical engineering testing. 1903 62155 Rosenberg (E.) Electrical engineering. 1904 62156 Smith (R. H.) Electric traction. 1905.62157 Thompson (S. P.) Polyphase electric currents and alternate-current motors. 1900 62158 Walker (S. F.) Electricity in homes and workshops. 1906 62159 See also Dynamos. Electricity and Magnetism. Benjamin (P.) The age of electricity. 1886 5371 Broadbent (F.) Chats on electricity 5372 Foster (G. C.) and A. W. Porter. Elementary treatise on electricity and magnetism. 1903 5373 Gibson (C. R.) Electricity of to-day. 1909 5377 — Romance of modern electricity. 1908 62150 Glazebrook (R. T.) Electricity and magnetism. 1908 5375 Hadley (H. E.) Magnetism and electricity for beginners. 1907 5374 — Magnetism and electricity for students. 1906 5376 Hibbert (W.) Popular electricity. 1909.5378 Jude (R. H.) First stage magnetism and electricity. 1899 5379 Kolbe (B.) An introduction to electricity. 1908 53710 Maycock (W. P.) A first book of electricity and magnetism. 1895 53711 Munro (J.) The story of electricity. 1905 53712 Richardson (S. S.) Magnetism and electricity. 1908 53713 Electricity and Magnetism.— Continued. Trowbridge (J.) What is electricity? 1897 53714 Yerschoyle (W. D.) Electricity: what is it? 1908 53715 Walmslev (R. M.) The electric current. 1894 53716 Electric Lighting. Allsop (F. C.) Practical electric-light fitting. 1905 62162 Maycock (W. P.) Electric lighting and power distribution. 2 vols. 1904 62163 Metcalfe (C. C.) Practical electric wiring for lighting installations. 1905 62154 Urquhart (J. W.) Electric light: its production and use. 1902 62165 Walker (S. F.) Pocket book of electric lighting and heating. 1907 62166 Electro-metallurgy, by J. B. C. Kershaw. 1908 6692 Electro-plating. Ed. by P. N. Hasluck. 1908 62175 Elementary Jane, by Richard Pryoe N7968 Eliot (Sir C.) Letters from the Far East, 1907 9153 Eliot (C. W.) University administration. 1909 3781 " Eliot (George) " Adam Bede. 2 eopies N2780 N2781 — Daniel Deronda. 2 copies N2782 N2783 — Essays; and, Leaves from a mote-book. 8241 25 Contents — Wcrldliness. German wit. Evangelical teaching. The influence of rationalism. Natural History of German life. Three months in Weimar. Address to working men. Authorship. Judgments of Authors. Story-telling. Historic imagination. Value in originality. — Felix Holt. 2 copies N2784 N2785 — Impressions of Theophrastus Such 824126 — The legend of Jubal, and other poems. 821 85 — Middlemarch. 2 copies N2786 N2787 — Mill on the floss. 2 copies N2788 N2789 — Romola. 2 copies N2790 N2791 — Scenes of olerical life. 2 eopies.N2792 N2793 — Silas Marner ; Lifted veil ; Brother Jacob N2794 Blind (Mathilde) Life of George Eliot. 1883 920E3 Cross (J. W.) Ed. Life of George Eliot. 3 vols. 1885 ....920E4 Stephen (Leslie) Life of George Eliot. 1902 920E7 Elizabeth (Queen), Life of, bv E. S. Beesly. 1892 : 920E8 Elizabeth Glen, M.B., by A. S. Swan N9066 Ellen Middleton, by Lady G. Fullerton N3168 Ellesmere (Earl of) The Standertons N2800 Elliot (Ron. Arthur) The State and the Church. 1882 ...3221 Elliot (Frances) Diary of an idle woman in Spain. 1884 914226 Elliot (G. F. S.) Chile: its history and development, natural features, products, commerce, and present condition. 1909 9831 Ellis (Beth) King's spy N2804 Ellis (E. J.) The real Blake: a portrait biography. 1907 920B19 52 ELL CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. Ellis (Mrs. Havelock) Attainment N'2807 Ellis (J. J.) Life of John Williams, the missionary of Polynesia 920 W37 Elocution. Bell (D. C. and A. M.) Standard elocutionist. 1908 , , 8083 Oorbould (E. M.) Pitman's studies in elocution 8085 Cox (E. W.) The arts of writing, reading, and speaking. 1909 8086 Jennings (J. A.) Ed. The modern elocutionist 8089 Schleiniger (N.) The principles of eloquence. 1909 80816 Seymour (Charles) Speaking in public : how to produce ideas, and how to acquire fluency. 1909 80817 Elsie Vernier, by O. W. Holmes N4249 Elson (L. C.) Great composers and their work. 1905 9275 Contents— Palestrina. Gluck— Bach— Handel. Haydn and Mozart. Beethoven. Schubert. Chopin. Mendelssohn and Schumann. Wagner. Brahms. Verdi. Elson (Robert) The magnate N2808 Elster's folly, by Mrs. Henry Wood. 2 copies N10315 N10316 Elsworthy (F. T.) Horns of honour, and other studies in the by-ways of archaeology. 1900 9131 Elton (Sir A. H.) Below the surface N2812 Elton (C. I.) The career of Columbus 920C35 — and M. A. The great book-collectors. 1893 0104 Elusive lover, by V. Langbridge N5924 Elusive pimpernel, by Baroness Orczy N7542 Emancipation, by Arthur Beckett N595 Emanuel (Charles) and E. M. Joseph. How to choose a house ; how to take and keep it. 1906 6901 Embarrassing orphan, by W. E. Norris...N7384 Embden (L. von) Ed. The family life of Heinrich Heine. 1893 920H13 Emblems. Bayley (Harold) A new light on the Renaissance displayed in contemporary emblems. 1909 6551 Embryology, Experimental, by J. W. Jenkinson. 1909 5912 Emerson (R. W.) The conduct of life 3745 — English traits; and, Representative men. 1899 8146 Contents— Land. Race. Ability. Manners. Truth. Character. Cockayne. Wealth. Aristocracy. Uni- versities. Religion. Literature. Plato. Swedenborg. Montaigne. Shakspeare. Napoleon. Goethe. — Essays. 2 vols 81411 Contents— Vol. I. History. Self-reliance Compensation' Spiritual laws. Love. Friendship. Prudence. Heroism- Intellect. Art. Vol.11. The Poet. Experience. Character- Manners. Gifts. Nature. Politics. Nominalist and realist. New England Reformers. — Lectures and biographical sketches 81414 Contents— Demonology. Aristocracy. Perpetual forces. Character. Education. The superlative. The Sovereignty of Ethics The Preacher. The man of letters The scholar. Plutarch. Historic notes of life and letters in New England. Chardon Street convention. Ezra Riplev. Mary Moody Emerson. Samuel Hoar. Thoreau. Carlyle. George L. Stearns. Emerson (R. W.) Letters and social aims. ..8148 Contents— Poetry and imagination. Social aims. Eloquence. Resources. The comic. Quotation and originality. Progress of culture. Persian poetry. Inspiration. Greatness. Immortality. — Miscellanies 8147 Contents— The Lord's supper. Historical discourse at Concord. Letter to President Van Buren. Emancipa- tion in the British West Indies. War. The fugitive slave law : address at Concord. The fugitive slave law : lecture at New York. The assault upon Mr. Sumner. Speech on affairs at Kansas. |ohn Brown— speech at Boston. John Brown— speech at Salem. Theodore Parker. American civilization. The emancipation proclamation. Abraham Lincoln. Harvard commemor- ation speech. Dedication of the soldiers' monument in Concord, Editor's address. Address to Kossuth. Woman. Consecration of Sleepy Hollow Cemetery. R. Burns. Shakspeare. Humboldt. Walter Scott. Speech at banquet in honor of Chinese Embassy. — Natural history of intellect, &c 8149 Contents— Memory. Boston. Michael Angelo. Milton. Art and criticism. W. S. Landor. Prayers. Europe and European books. Past and present. — Nature addresses and lectures 81410 Contents — Nature. The American scholar. An Address. Literary ethics. The method of nature. Man the reformer. Lecture on the times. The Conservative. The transcendentalism The young American. — Poems 82186 — Representative men 9214 Contents— Uses of great men. Plato. Swedenborg. Montaigne. Shakspeare. Napoleon. Goethe. — Society and solitude 81413 Contents — Society and Solitude. Civilization. Art. Eloquence. Domestic life. Farming. Works and Days. Books. Clubs. Courage. Success. Old Age. Notes. — Works 8145 Contents— Essays. Repreientative men. Society and Solitude. English Traits. The conduct of life. Letters and social aims. Poems Miscellanies. Emigrant ship, by W. C. Russell N8352 Emigration. Whelpley (J. D.) The problem of the immigrant. 1905 32510 Eminent Women Series : — Austen (Jane), by Mrs. C. Malcolm. 1889 920A13 Bronte (Emily), by A. M. F. Rohinson. 1883 920B28 Browning (E. B.), by J. H. Ingram. 1888 920B31 Edgeworth (Maria), by Helen Zimmern. 1883 920E2 Eliot (George), by Mathilde Blind. 1883 920E3 Fry (Elizabeth), by Mrs. E. R. Pitman. 1884 920F13 Fuller (Margaret), by J. W. Howe. 1883 920F14 Goodwin (M. W.), by E. R. Pennell. 1885 920G12 Lamb (Mary), by Mrs. Gilchrist. 1883..920L2 Margaret of Angouleme, by A. M. F. Robinson. 1886 920M12 Martineau (Harriet), by Mrs. F. F. Miller. 1884 920M17 More (Hannah), by C. M. Yonge. 1888 920M44 Roland (Madame), by M. Blind. 1886.920R17 53 EMI GREAT LEVER BRANCH LIBRARY. Km i n eni Women Series.— Continued- Sand (George), by B. Thomas. 1883..,920S3 Shelley (Mrs.), by L. M. Rossetti. 1899 920S15 Siddons (Mrs.), by Mrs. Kennard. 1887 920S22 Wesley (Susanna), by E. Clarke. 1886 920W14 Emotional moments, by Sarah Grand ...N3512 Emperor's candlesticks, by Baroness Orczy. 2 copies N7543 N7544 Empty heritage, by Violet Tweedale N9490 Enchanted garden,' by M. S. Rawson N8070 Enchanted ship, by R. Andom N152 Enchantress, The, by Edwin Pugh N7981 Endell (James) The love story of Empress Josephine 920 J9 Endendi.jk (J.) A Dutch grammar, for schools. 1909 4392 Endymion, by Earl of Beaconsfield N559 Enemy in our midst, by Walter Wood. ..N10367 Energy. Dolbear (A. E.) The machinery of the universe. 1897 '. 5302 Stewart (B.) The conservation of energy. 1874 5316 Engagement of convenience, by Louis Zangwill N10650 Engine driving, Locomotive, by M. Reynolds. 1904 62131 Engineering. Adams (Henry) Cassell's Engineering handbook 6214 Church (I. P.) Mechanics of engineering. 1908 5312 Haldane (J. W. C.) Life as an engineer: its lights, shades, and prospects. 1905 6202 Hutton (W. S.) The works' manager's hand-book of modern rules, tables, and data. 1885 62112 Lineham (W. J.) A text-book of mechanical engineering. 1906 62114 Williams (Archibald) The romance of modern engineering. 1908 6203 See oho Boilers, Bridges, Gas Engines, Hydraulics, Marine Engineering, Steam and the Steam Engine. England. Descriptive. Cobbett (W.) Rural rides during the years 1821 to 1832. 2 vols. 1893 91469 Dillon (J. M.) Motor days in England. 1908 91454 Gould (S. B.) Old country life. 1895... 91456 Hawthorne (N.) Our old home ; and, English note-books. 2 vols. 1883... 91457 Honeyman (A. V. D.) Bright days in merrie England. 1903 91460 Miller (H.) First impressions of England and its people. 1869 91461 Salmon (A. L.) Literary rambles in the West of Scotland. 1906 91473 Timbs (J.) and A. Gunn. Abbeys, castles, and ancient halls of England and Wales. 3 vols 91462 England. Descriptive.— Continued. Willson (B.) Lost England: the story of our submerged coasts. 1902 91465 See also name of County required, as Cornwall. Social Life. Ashton (J.) Social England under the Regency. 1899 3901 Besant (Sir W.) Fifty years ago. 1892. .3903 Boutmy (E.) The English people : a study of their political psychology. 1904... 3012 Collier (P.) England and the English, from an American point of view. 1909.3013 Escott (T. H. S.) Social transformations of the Victorian age. 1897 3904 Godfrev (E.) Home life under the Stuarts (1603-1649). 1903 3906 Lytton (Lord) England and the English. 1874 3907 Masterman (C. F. G.) The condition of England. 1909 3018 Sixty years of Empire (1837-1897) : a re- view of the period, by various authors. 1897 30113 See edso Manners and Customs. English Constitution. Chambers (A. M.) A constitutional history of England. 1909 3422 Hallam (H.) The constitutional history of England. 3 vols. 1897 3424 Langmead (T. P. T.) English constitutional history, from the Teutonic conquest to the present time. 1886 3427 May (Sir T. E.) The constitutional history of England, 1760-1860. 3 vols. 1896. .3429 Perry (W. J.) The intermediate history of England. 1909 34212 Stubbs (W.) The constitutional history of England. 3 vols. 1891 34213 English History. Bateson (Mary) Mediaeval England (1066-1350). 1905 94258 Bees (W. J.) and Johnson Fenwick. Chambers's student's history of England and Great Britain. 1909 94248 Church (A. J.) Early Britain 94257 Creighton (Mandell) Story of some English shires 9425 Forster (H. O. A.) A history of England: from the landing of Julius C'sesar to the present day. 1907 9426 Froude (J. A.) History of England, from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish Armada. 12 vols 9427 Gardiner (S. R.) The first two Stuarts and the Puritan Revolution. 1887 94265 — History of England : from the accession of James I. to the outbreak of the Civil War (1603-1642). 10 vols. 1887 94219 — History of the Commonwealth and Protectorate (1649-1656). 4 vols. 1903 94268 — A student's history of England : from the earliest times to the death of Queen Victoria. 1905 94229 54 ENG CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. ENG English History.— Continued. Green (J. R) The eonquest of England. 2 vols. 1899 94259 - The making of England. 1885 ...94230 A short history of the English people. 1907 94231 Guest (M. ,!.) Lectures on the history of England. 1879 9-1232 Hume (M. A. S.) Two English Queens and Philip (Mary, Elizabeth and Philip II. of Spain). 1908 9233 Innes (A. D.) History of England. 1907 94233 Jane (L. C.) The coming of Parliament : England from 1350 to 1660. 1905... 94234 Lord (W. F.) The lost possessions of England : essays in Imperial history. 1896 '. !. .94236 Macaulay (Lord) History of England. 6 vols. 1898 94238 — History of England : from the accession of James II. 2 vols. 1883 ......94244 McCarthy (Justin) A history of our own times : from the accession of Queen Victoria to the General Election of 1880. 4 vols. 1882 94280 — A history of our own times : from 1880 to the Diamond Jubilee. 1901 94284 — Modern England before the Reform Bill to the present time 94279 — Modern England from the Reform. Bill to the present time 94279 — A short history of our own times : from Queen Victoria to Edward VII. 94285 Maitland (P. W.) The constitutional history of England. 1909 3428 Meikle.iohn (J. M. D.) A new history of England and Great Britain. 1907 94246 Molesworth (W. N.) History of England (1830-1874). 1887 94286 Newbolt (Henry) Froissart in Britain. 1900 94247 Pollard (A. F.) Factors in modern history. 1907 94249 Ramsay (Sir J. H.) Lancaster and York: a century of English history (1399-1485). 2 vols. 1892 94262 Ransome (Cyril) A short history of England : from the earliest times to the death of Queen Victoria. 1907 94251 See also Grand Remonstrance, Normans, Pilgrim Fathers, Stuarts. For books dealing with the reigns of in- dividual Sovereigns, see under name of Sovereign, as Elizabeth (Queen). English Illustrated Magazine. 36 vols. 1883-1908 050190 to 050225 English Language. Abbott (E. A.) and Sir J. R. Seeley. English lessons for English people. 1907 4201 Alford (Henry) A plea for the Queen's English. 1864 4202 English Language.— Continued. Crabb (George) English synonyms explained 1211 Daniel (Canon) The grammar, history, and derivation of the English language. 1904 ....4203 Fernald (.J. C.) A working grammar of the English language. 1908 4251 Hyde (M. F.) Lessons in the use of English. 4281 Lewis (E. H.) A second manual of com- position. 1900 4282 Low (W. H.) and J. Briggs. Matriculation English course. 1909 4204 Meikle.iohn (J. M. D.) The art of writing English. 1905 4283 Moon (G. W.) The Dean's English. 1865 4205 , Nesfield (J. C.) Aids to the study and composition of English. 1907 4284 Skeat (W. W.) A student's pastime : Etymology. 1896 4206 Walker (J.) and J. Longmuir. The rhyming dictionary of the English language. 1883 4232 English Literature. Adams (W. H. D.) Famous books: sketches in the highways and byways of English literature 82018 Bennett (E. A.) Fame and fiction. 1901 8206 Buckland (Anna) The story of English literature. 1882 82019 Canning (A. S. G.) Literary influence in British history. 1904 8201 Doyle (Sir A. C.) Through the magic door. 1907 8208 Gosse (E.) A history of eighteenth century literature (1660-1780). 1889 82021 Knight (William) Retrospects. 1904... 82013 Knowlson (T. S.) How to study English literature. 1901 82017 Lord (W. F.) The mirror of the century. 1906 82022 Magnus (Laurie) English literature in the nineteenth century. 1909 82023 Pancoast (H. S.) An introduction to English literature. 1909 82024 Pater (Walter) Appreciations; with an essay on style. 1889 82014 Saintsbury (G.) A history of Elizabethan literature. 1887 82025 — A history of nineteenth century literature (1780-1895). 1896 82026 — A short history of English literature. 1907 82027 Snell (F. J.) The age of Chaucer (1346- 1400). 1901 82112 Swinburne (A. C.) The age of Shakespeare. 1908 82016 Toynbee (Paget) Dante in English literature : from Chaucer to Cary. (1380-1844). 2 vols. 1909 8202 JSce also Fiction, Poets and Poetry. 55 ENG GREAT LEVER BRANCH LIBRARY. ESS English Men of Letters Series : — Arnold (Matthew), by H. W. Paul. 1902 920A8 Bacon, by R. W. Church. 1889 920B2 Bentley (Richard), by R. C. Jebb. 1889 920B12 Browne (Sir Thomas), bv Edmund Gosse. 1905 920B3O Bunyan, by J. A. Froude. 1888 920B38 Burke, bv J. Morley. 1887 920B39 Burns, by Principal Shairp. 1887 ...920B41 Byron, by J. Nichol. 1888 920B47 Carlyle, by J. Nichol. 1892 920C10 Chaucer, by A. W. Ward. 1888 920C21 Coleridge, 'by H. D. Traill. 1899 920C34 Cowper, by Goldwin Smith. 1888 920C41 Crabbe, bv A. Ainger. 1903 920C42 Defoe, by W. Minto. 1887 920D10 De Quincey (Thomas), by D. Masson. 1888 920D14 Dickens, by A. W. Ward. 1889 920D20 Dryden, by G. Saintsbury. 1888 920D29 Edgeworth (Maria), by E. Lawless. 1904 920E1 Eliot (George), by Sir Leslie Stephen. 1902 920E7 Fielding (Henry), by A. Dobson. 1889.920F3 Gibbon (Edward), by J. C. Morison. 1887 920G6 Goldsmith, by W. Black. 1887 920G13 Gray, by E. Gosse. 1889 920G21 Hawthorne, by H. James. 1887 920H9 Hazlitt (William), by A. Birrell. 1902.920H10 Hume, by T. H. Huxley. 1887 920H29 Johnson (Samuel), by Sir Leslie Stephen. 1887 920J7 Keats, bv S, Colvin. 1889 920K1 Lamb (Charles), by A. Ainger. 1888...920L1 Landor, by S. Colvin. 1888 920L3 Locke, by~T. Fowler. 1888 920L15 Macaulay (Lord), by J. C. Morison. 1889 920M1 Milton, by M. Pattison. 1887 920M30 Pope, by Sir Leslie Stephen. 1888...920P19 Richardson ("Samuel), by A. Dobson. 1902 920R13 Ruskin, by F. Harrison. 1905 920R21 Scott (Sir W.), by R. H. Hutton. 1887 920S8 Shelley, by J. A. Symonds. 1887 920S17 Sheridan, by Mrs. Oliphant. 1889....920S18 Sidney (Sir Philip), by J. A. Symonds. 1889 920S23 Southey, by E, Dowden. 1888 920S3O Spenser (Edmund), by R. W. Church. 1887 920S31 Sterne, by H. D. Traill. 1889 920S41 Swift, by Sir L. Stephen. 1889 920S49 Tennyson, by Sir A. Lyall. 1902 920T7 Thackeray, by A. Trollope. 1887 920T11 Wordsworth, by F. W. H. Myers. 1888 920W49 English traits; and, Representative men, by R. W. Emerson. 1899 .8146 Engraving. Hasluck (P. N.) Ed. Engraving metals. 1903 7601 Ruskin (John) Ariadne Florentina : lectures on wood and metal engraving. 1876 : 7602 Enock (C. R.) The Andes and the Amazon: life and travel in Peru. 1907 9185 — - Peru : its former and present civilisation, history, and existing conditions, topo- graphy and natural resources, commerce, and general development. 1908 9186 Enquire within upon everything. 1906 6021 Enthusiast, The, by Adeline Sergeant N8627 Entrapped, by Mrs. A. M. Diehl. 2 copies N2413 N2414 Envious Eliza, by E, M. Albanesi N104 Epics and romances of the Middle Ages, by W. Wagner : 2915 Erasmus (Desiderius), Life and letters of, by J. A. Froude. 1895 920E9 Erckmann (Emile) and P. A. Chatrian. The brothers Rantzau N2818 — The story of the Plebiscite N2819 Erewhon revisited, by Samuel Butler N1290 Erincourts, The, by *E. E. Green N3601 Erman (Adolf) Life in ancient Egypt. 1894.9325 Ernest Maltravers, by Lord Lytton N6246 Ernst-Browning (W.) See Browning. Erromanga, the marytr isle, by H. A. Robertson. 1902 '....; 91925 Error of her ways, by Frank Barrett N465 Erskine (Mr.i. Steuart) The magic plumes. N2829 Erskine-Murray (James) See Murray. Eschatology. See Future State. Escorial, The : a historical and descriptive account of the Spanish Royal Palace, Monastery, and Mausoleum. 1907.. 914221 Escott (T. H. S.) Social transformations of the Victorian Age. 1897 3904 — Society in the country house. 1907 9215 Contents— Evolution of the country host. Sussex. Dukeries. Fashionable South Downs. Penshurst. Wilton. Marston and Longleat. Dorset. T^esco Abbey to Polwhale. Devonshire visits. Hampshire Avon to the Thames Osterley to Ascot. Chilterns to the Cheviots. &c. Escott-Inman (H.) See Inman. Espinasse (Francis) Life of Ernest Renan. 1895 920R9 Essays, Collected. Addison (Joseph) Essays. 1885 8246 Ainger (Alfred) Lectures and essays. 2 vols. 1905 8204 Arnold (Matthew) Mixed essays. 1879.82441 Avebury (Lord) On peace and happiness. 1909 82462 — Pleasures of life. 1890 82463 - Use of life. 1904 82464 Bacon (Francis, Lord) Essays. 1900 ...8241 Balfour (A. J.) Essays and addresses. 1905 82475 Baring (Maurice) Russian essays and stories. 1908 8918 Bayly (J. A. S.) New studies in old subjects. 1889 82476 Benson (A. C.) At large. 1908 82477 56 ESS CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. Essays, Collected. — Continued. Besant (Sir Walter) As we are and as we may be. 1903 82479 Birrell (Augustine) Miscellanies. 1901 82480 - Obiter Dicta. 2 vols. 1906 82481 Brimley (George) Essays. 1882 82485 Brown (John) Horaa Subsecivae. 3 vols. 1897 82486 — John Leech, and other papers. 1882 82489 Buchan (John) Some eighteenth century byways, and other essays. 1908 82490 Burroughs (John) Indoor studies. 1895 81425 Butler (S.) Essays on life, art and science. 1908 82491 Carlyle (Thomas) Critical and miscellaneous essays. 5 vols. 1899 82415 — Latter-day pamphlets. 1889 82421 — On heroes, hero worship, and the heroic in history. 1897 82420 Chesterton (G. K.) Orthodoxy. 1909.824100 Church (R. W.) Miscellaneous essays. 1888 824101 Clarke (Sir Edward) Selected speeches, with introductory notes. 1908 8251 Cobbe (F. P.) The scientific spirit of the age, &c. 1888 824102 Derby (E. H., 15th Earl of) Speeches and addresses. 2 vols. 1894 8252 Dobson (Austin) Eighteenth century vignettes. 1892 824112 — A paladin of philanthropy, &c. 1899 824113 — Side-walk studies. 1902 824114 Eliot (George) Essays and leaves from a note-book 824125 Emerson «. W.) Essays. 2 vols 81411 Forster (John) Biographical essays. 1^60 92118 Fry (Sir Edward) Studies by the way. i900 824132 Green (J. R.) Stray studies from England and Italy. 1876 824138 Gull (C. R.) " I believe," and other essays. 1907 824250 Harrison (Frederic) Realities and ideals. 1908 824145 " Hobbes (J. O.)." Life and to-morrow. 1907 824148 Howison (G. H.) The limits of evolution, and other essays. 1901 1043 Huxley (T. H.) Critiques and addresses. '1873 824149 — Essays upon some controverted questions. 1892 824150 — Lay sermons, addresses and reviews. 1870 824151 — Science and culture, &c. 1881... 824152 Jessop (Augustus) Studies by a recluse in cloister, town and country. 1893.. 824160 Lamb (Charles) Essays of Elia. 1891.. 82411 — Works. 1889 82410 Lecky (W. E. H.) Historical and political essays. 1908 9007 Essays, Collected.— Continued. Lee (Vernon) Gospels of anarchy, and other contemporary studies. 1908. .824180 Le Gallienne (Richard) Sleeping beauty, and other prose fancies. 1900 824181 Liddon (H. P.) Essays and addresses. 1892 25271 Little (W. J. K.) Sketches in sunshine and storm. 1892 824182 Macaulay (Lord) Essays and biographies. 4 vols. 1898 82431 — Essays; and, Lays of ancient Rome. 1906 82430 Macdonald (G.) A dish of orts. 1905.. 824190 Maeterlinck (Maurice) Life and flowers. 1907 824192 — The buried temple. 1902 824191 Manning (Frederic) Scenes and portraits. 1909 824199 Marvin (F. R.) The companionship of books, and other papers. 1905 824200 Miller (Hugh) Essays. 1869 824201 — Tales and sketches. 1869 824202 Morley (John) Critical miscellanies. 1871 824203 Miiller (F. M.) Chips from a German workshop. 2 vols. 1894 824204 Myers (F. W. H.) Essays, modern. 1885 824206 Newman (J. H, Cardinal) Essays, critical and historical. 2 vols. 1890 824210 O'Conor (W. A.) Essays in literature and ethics. 1889 824215 Pater (Walter) Imaginary portraits. 1905 824220 — Miscellaneous studies. 1895 824221 Patmore (Coventry) Principle in art, &c. 1907 824222 Payn (James) Seme private views. 1881 824223 Ravmond (Walter) The book of crafts and character. 1907 824230 Rees (J. R.) With friend and book in the study and the fields. 1892 824231 Ridge (W. P.) Speaking rather seriously. 1908 824232 "Rita." Personal opinions publiclv ex- pressed. 1907 .'....824233 Ruskin (John) Sesame and lilies. 1876 82454 Russell (G. W. E.) Collections and re- collections. 1898 824234 — A pocketful of sixpences. 1907... 824236 — Seeing and hearing. 1907 824237 Seeley (J. R.) Lectures and essays. 1870 824238 Shorter (Clement) Immortal memories. 1907 824239 Steevens (G. W.) Monologues of the dead. 1896 , 8804 — Things seen. 1900 824242 Stevenson (R. L.) Virginibus Puerisque, &c. 1887 824240 Street (G. S.) Books and things. 1905.824241 Symonds (J. A.) Essays, speculative and suggestive. 1907 824243 ESS GREAT LEVER BRANCH LIBRARY. EVO Essays, Collected. — Continual. Tennant (Pamela) Village notes, and some other papers. 1900 824249 Young (Filson) Memory Harbour. t 1909 824251 Yoxall (J. H.) The wander years: being some account of journeys into life,, letters, and art. 1909 824252 Zangwill (I.) Without prejudice. 1896 824255 For contents of these Volumes of Essays, see under the Author's Name. Essex, Marsh-country rambles in, by H. W. Tompkins. 1904 91480 Esther Cameron's story, by R. N. Carey... N1442 Etching. See Engraving. Eternal City, by Hall Caine N1379 Eternal dawn, by D. C. Murray and A. E. Hake. N7270 Eternal feminine, by Ada Cambridge N1396 Eternal woman, by Dorothea Gerard N3306 Ethics. Benett (W.) The ethical aspects of evolu- tion. 1908 „ 1711 Dole (C. F.) The ethics of progress. 1909 1701 Lecky (W. E. H.) History of European morals, from Augustus to Charlemagne. 2 vols. 1899 1702 Sera (L. G.) On the tracks of life. 1909 1772 Spinoza (B. de) Ethic, demonstrated in geometrical order. 1883 1985 Wells (H. G.) First and last things: a confession of faith and rule of life. 1908 1704 See also Idealism, Utilitarianism. Ethics of the dust, by John Ruskin. 1907... 5481 Ethnology. See Man. Etiquette. Grove (Lady) The social fetish. 1907... 3951 Humphry (Mrs.) Manners for men.. 1898 3952 Etonian, The, by A. and C. Askew. 2 copies N216 N217 Eucken (Rudolf) The life of the spirit: an introduction to philosophy. 1909 1001 Euclid, The story of, by W. B. Frankland . 1902 1831 Eugene Aram, by Lord Lytton N6222 Eugenie (Empress). Carette (Madame) My Mistress the Empress Eugenie 920E10 Loliee (Frederic) The life of an Empress. 1908 920E11 Tschudi (Clara) Eugenie, Empress of the French: a popular sketch. 1899...920E12 PIuphrates. Goene (H. V.) By Nile and Euphrates. 1904 9161 Euripides, Aristophanes, and Sophocles, Plays of. Tram, by J. H. Frere, &c '.8821 Europe. Church (R. W.) The beginning of the Middle Ages. 1895 9401 Cust (Mrs. H.) Gentlemen errant : journeys and adventures in Europe. 1909 9141 Frye (W. E.) After Waterloo : reminiscences of European travel (1815-1819). 1908.9142 Holmes (0. W.) Our hundred days in Europe. 1887 91459 Kennedy (B.) Wander pictures. 1906.9144 Lee (V.) Sentimental traveller. 1908. .9145 Miltoun (F.) The automobilist abroad. 1907 91013 Partsch (J.) Central Europe. 1903.... 9146 Townsend (M.) Asia and Europe. 1901.3272 European Literature. Crawford (V. M.) Studies in foreign literature. 1899 8044 De Mille (A. B.) Literature of the centurv. 1902 8091 Eustace (Robert) and L. T. Meade. See Meade. Eustace diamonds, by Anthony Trollope...N9398 Evangelism, The new, and other papers, by Henry Drummond. 1899 2042 Evan Harrington, by George Meredith. 2 copies N6918 N6919 Evans (Christmas), the preacher of Wild Wales, b v P. Hood. 1888 920E13 Evans (Ernest) Botanv for beginners. 1907.5802 — How to study geology. 1907 55015 — The student's hygiene. 1906 6132 Evans (H. E.) A general geography of the world : physical, historical, and political. 1909 91025 Evelyn (John) Dairy of. Ed. by William Bray 920E14 Everitt (Nicholas) Ferrets : their management in health and disease. 1897 63630 Everybody's favourite, by J. S. Winter... N10276 Evil angel, by Jean Middlemass N6971 Evil eye, The, by Mrs. J. C. Woods N10380 Evil spirit, by Richard Pryce N7969 Evolution. Clodd (E.) Pioneers of evolution, from Thales to Huxley. 1897 5751 — The story of evolution. 1904 5752 Darwin (C.) The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. 1901.5753 — The origin of species, bv means of natural selection. 1901 57524 Drummond (H.) The ascent of man. 1894 5754 Fiske (J.) Darwinism and other essays. 1879 '.....5755 Geddes (P.) and J. A. Thomas. The evolution of sex. 1889 57520 Haeckel (E.) The evolution of man. 2 vols. 1879 5756 — The history of creation. 2 vols. 1883 5758 — Last words on evolution. 1906 ...57510 Headley (F. W.) Darwinism and modern socialism. 1909 3352 Hovenden (F.) What is life? or, where are we ? What are we ? Whence did we come? and whither do we go ? 1897. ...57511 58 EVO CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. FAT Evolution. — Continued. Hutton (F. W.) Darwinism and Lanarckism, old and new. 1899 57512 EDuxlev (T. H.) American addresses. '1877 57513 — Darwiniana : essays. 1893 57514 Lodge (Sir 0.) Life and matter: a criticism of Professor Haeckel's " Riddle of the Universe." 1905 57515 Rodwav (J.) In the Guiana Forest. 1894' 57516 Saleeby (C. W.) Evolution the master-key. 19' of wild flowers 5826 Hibbert (S.) Field flowers 5827 Hulme (F. E.) Familiar wild flowers. 5 vols 5828 — and S. Hibbert. Familiar garden flowers. 4 vols 58213 Johns (C. A.) Flowers of the field. 1899 58113 Step (E.) The romance of wild flowers. 1901 58219 Taylor (J. E.) Flowers : their origin, shape, perfumes, and colours. 1906... 58220 Flute of Pan, by " J. 0. Hobbes." 2 envies N4137 N4138 Flying cloud, by Morlev Roberts N8271 Fly on the wheel, by K. C. Thurston N9278 Foes in law. by Rhoda Broughton Nil 24 Fogazzaro (Antonio) The saint N2999 — The woman N3000 Foley (Arthur, Bishnv) The early English Colonies. 1908 2831 Folk afield, by Eden Phillpotts N7846 Folk-Lore. Clodd f; Fuel of fire, by E. T. Fowler N3074 Fugitive Anne, by Mrs. C. Praed N7913 Fulfilment, by Edith Allonby N145 Fuller (Margaret), Life of, by J. W. Howe. 1883 920F14 Fuller (Thomas), Wise words and quaint counsels of. Ed., with memoir, by A. Jessopp. 1892 8287 Fullerton (Lady G.) Ellen Middleton N3168 — Too strange not to be true N3169 Fullerton (G. S.) and Others. Essays: philo- sophical and psychological, in honour of William James. 1908 1041 Contents— The new realism. Does reality possess practical character? Consciousness a form of energy. Perception and epistemology. Substitutionalism. Kant and the English Platonists. The abuse of abstraction in ethics. Pragmatism in Esthetics. The consciousness of relation. The variability of individualjudgment. The validity of judgments of character. Reactions and perceptions. A Pragmatic substitute for free will. &c. Funafuti; or, Three months on a coral island, by Mrs. E. David. 1899 91939 Fungi. Cooke (M. C.) Fungi : their nature, influence and uses. 1875 5891 Phillips (W.) A manual of the British discomycetes. 1887 5892 Fur. Feather and Fin Series : — The Grouse, by H. A. Macpherson and Others. 1894 79930 The Hare, by H. A. Macpherson and Others. 1896 79921 The Partridge, by H. A. Macpherson and Others. 1894 79931 The Pheasant, by H. A. Macpherson and Others. 1895 79932 Pike and perch, by W. Senior and Others. 1900 79914 The Rabbit, by J. E. Harting. 1898.79920 Red Deer, by H. A. Macpherson and Others. 1896 79922 The Salmon, by A. T. G. Hardy and Others. 1898 7998 Snipe and woodcock, by L. H. de V. Shaw and Others. 1903 79927 The Trout, by the Marquess of Granby and Others. 1898 7996 Furnace, The, by R. Macaulay. 2 copies N6400 N6401 Furnace of earth, by H. E. Rives N8254 Furneaux (W.) Butterflies and moths (British). 1905 5958 — Field and woodland plants. 1909 5824 — Human physiology. 1907 6122 — The out-door world ; or, Young collector's handbook. 1905 5791 Further experiences of an Irish R.M., by E. Somerville and M. Ross N8850 Furze the cruel, by John Trevena N9382 Futrelle (Jacques) The chase of the golden plate, &c N3175 Future Mrs. Dering, by Thomas Cobb N1771 Future State. Caillard (E. M.) Individual immortality. 1903 2181 65 FUT GREAT LEVEK BRANCH LIBRARY. GAR Future State.— Continued. Elbe (Louis) Future life in the light of ancient wisdom and modern science. 1907 2183 Downes (R. P.) Man's immortality and destiny 2182 Farrar (F. W.) Mercy and judgment: last words on Christian eschatology. 1892 2361 Gilbert (Levi) Side-lights on immortalrty. 1903 2184 Holmes (E. E.) Immortlitv. 1908 2185 Hutton (R. E.) The soul: here and hereafter. 1898 2371 Kempson (F. C.) The future life and modern difficulties. 1907 2186 Palmer (E. H.) In white robes : thoughts on life within the veil. 1901 2371 Roose (P. W. and D. C.) The book of the future life. 1900 2187 Slatterv (C. L.) Life beyond life : a study of immortality. 1907 2188 Stewart (B.) and P. G. Tait. The unseen universe. 1876 2189 Welldon (J. E. C.) The hope of Immortality: an essay. 1898 21810 S<< also Soul. Fyfe (W. T.) Edinburgh under Sir Walter Scott. 1906 9412 Fyvie (John) Comedy queens of the Georgian Era. 1906 ...'. 9277 Contents — Lavinia Fenton, Duchess of Bolton. Charlotte Clarke. Catherine Clive. Margaret Woffington. George Anne Bellamy. Frances Abington. Sophia Baddeley. Klizaheth Farren. Countess of Derby. Mary Robinson ("Perdita"V Mary Sumbel {" Becky " Wells). Dora Jordan. Harriot Mellon, Duchess of St. Albans. — Some famous women of wit and beauty. 1905 92131 Contents— Mrs. Fitzherbert. Lady Hamilton. Mrs. Montagu. Ladv Blessington. Mrs Lennox. Mrs. Grotc Mrs. Norton. Lady F.astlake. G Gaboriau (Emile) File No. 113 N3215 Gadd (W. L.) Soap manufacture. 1899 6681 Gadfly, The, by E. L. Voynich. 2 copies N9693 N9694 Galsworthys, The, by A. D. T. Whitney. 2 copies *. N10161 N10162 Gairdner (James) Life of Henry VII. 1892 920H15 — Ed. The Paston letters, 1422-1309. 6 vols. 1904 920P3 Galatea of the wheatfield, by M. E. Francis N3102 Galations, A historical commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the, by W. M. Ramsay. 1899 2277 Galleon of Torbay, by E. E. Speight N8855 Gallichan (W. M.) Fishing in Wales: a guide to the angler. 1903 7995 — and A. F. Calvert. See Calvert. Gallicia, the Switzerland of Spain, by A. M. B. Meakin. 1909 914228 Gallon (Tom) Aunt Phipps N3220 - Boden's boy N3221 - The charity ghost N3222 - Christmas at Poverty Castle N3223 — The cruise of the make-believes N3224 - The dead Ingleby N3225 - The dream — and the woman N3226 — Fortunes a-begging N3227 - The golden thread N3229 — Great gay road N3228 — In a little house N3230 — Jarwick, the prodigal N3231 - Jimmy Quixote N3233 — Judy — and the philosophers N3232 — The man who knew better N3234 — Meg the lady N3235 — A prince of mischance N3236 Galloway, painted and described, by J. M. Sloan and J. Faed. 1908 ' 91431 Gallus ; or, Roman scenes of the time of Augustus, by W. A. Becker. 1898... 9139 Galsworthy (John) Fraternity 3246 — The man of property N3247 Galton (Francis) Narrative of an explorer in tropical South Africa. 1889 91680 Gambier (J. W.) Links in my life on land and sea. 1906 ! 920G1 Gambler, The, by K. C. Thurston N9279 Game, The, by Jack London, N6099 Game and game shooting, bv J. J. Manley. 79923 Games and Amusements. See name of Game required, as Billiards. Gamlin (Hilda) George Romney and his art. 1894 920R18 "Ganconagh." John Sherman and Dhoya.N3257 Ganz (H. F. W.) Practical hints on modelling design and mural decoration. 1908... 7311 Gardening. Arnim (Countess mn) Elizabeth and her German garden. 1901 7161 — The solitary summer. 1901 7162 Amott (S.) The book of bulbs. 1901. ..7163 Cook (E. T.) Gardens of England, painted by Beatrice Parsons. 1908 7103 Davidson (K. L.) Gardens, past and present 7165 Drury (W. D.) Ed. Open-air gardening: the culture of hardy flowers, fruit, and vegetables. 1901 7166 Earle (Mrs. C. W.) More pot-pcurri from a Surrey garden. 1899 7167 Farrer (R.) In a Yorkshire garden. 1909 7101 Fitzgerald (H. P.) A concise handbook of climbers, twiners and wall shrubs. 1906 7151 Halsham (J.) Every man his own gardener. 1910 7168 Haves (F. C.) A handy-book of horticulture. 1900 ' 7169 Hibbert (S.) The amateur's flower garden. 71610 — The amateur's greenhouse and conser- vatory 71627 — The amateur kitchen garden 6351 Hole (S. R.) A book about the garden and the gardener. 1901 71611 - Our gardens. 1899 71612 66 GAR CATALOGUE OK HOOKS. GEN CardeninF,'. Continued. Bulme (K. E.) That rock-garden of curs. L909 71613 Jekyl] (G.) Homo and garden. 1900..71614 Kingsley (R. G.) Eversley Gardens, and others. 1907 '. 7102 Lewis (B. M. G.) A concise handbook of garden shrubs. 1900 7152 Marvon (M.I How the garden grow. 1900 71615 May (W. J.) Greenhouse management for amateurs 71628 Pearson (R. H.) The hook of garden pests. 1908 59123 Richmond (Mrs.) In my lady's garden. 1908 71616 Robinson (W.) The English flower garden : design, arrangement, and plans. 1895 71617 Sanders (T. W.) Vegetables and their cultivation , .6352 Thomson (D.) Handy hook of the flower- garden. 1893 71619 Vilmorin-Andrieux (M. M.) The vegetable garden. 1885 6353 Williams (B. S.) Choice stove and green- house flowering plants. 1883 71629 Williamson (W.) The British gardener. 1901 71620 Wood (J.) Hardy perennials and old- fashioned garden flowers 71621 Wright (W. P.) Cassell's ABC of garden- ing: an illustrated enicyclopsedia of practical horticulture. 1908 71622 — The perfect garden. .1908 71623 See also Flowers, Fruit, Boses. Garden Literature. Sieveking (A. F.) The praise of gardens. 1899 82015 Garden of mystery, by Richard Marsh N6688 Garden of swords, by Max Pemberton N7775 Gardiner (A. G.) Prophets, priests and kings. 1908 9212 Contents— Edward VII. Florence Nightingale. George Meredith. H. H. Asquith, A. J. Balfour. Lord Morlev. The Kaiser. Rev. R J. Campbell. David Lloyd-George. General Booth. John Burns. The Tsar. Thomas Hardy. Lord Rosebery. &c. Gardiner (F. C.) Divided houses N3258 Gardiner (S. R.) The first two Stuarts and the Puritan Revolution (1603-1660). 1887 94265 — History of England : from the accession, of James I. to the outbreak of the Civil War (1603-1642). 10 vols. 1887 94219 ■ — History of the Commonwealth and Pro- tectorate (1649-1656). 4 vols. 1903. .94268 — Life of Oliver Cromwell. 1901 920C47 — A student's history of England : from the earliest times to the death of Queen Victoria. 1905 94229 ■Gardner (Alice) Julian, philosopher and Emperor, and the last struggle of Paganism against Christianity. 1899.920J12 Garlick (A. H.) A now manual of method. 1 1>< i l 3712 ami T. F. G. Dexter. See Dexter. Garmiscath, by .). S. Clouston N1747 Garrett (Edward) Crooked places N3265 Garrick (David) and his circle, by Mrs. Clement Parsons. 1906 '. 920G2 Garthowen, by Allen Raine N803O Garvice (Charles) A girl of spirit N3270 — Love decides N3271 — The outcast of the family N3272 - The rugged path N3273 — Where love leads N3274 Gas Engines. Bale (M. P.) Gas and oil engine manage- ment. 1906 62180 Tookey (W. A.) The gas engine manual. 1908 621120 Gas Fitting, Practical. Ed. by P. N. Hasluck. 1900 6962 Gaskell (Mrs.) Cranford. 2 cop?Vs .N3290 N3291 - Lizzie Leigh N3292 - Mary Barton N3293 Gateless barrier, by Lucas Malet N6565 Gate of sinners, by Mrs. Coulson Kernahan N4817 Gates of Eden, by A. S. Swan N9067 Gathering clouds, by F. W. Farrar N2887 Gathorne-Hardy (A. E.) See Hardy. Gaulot (Paul) A conspiracy under the Terror : Marie Antoinette, Toulon, Jarjayes. 1904 94413 Gaverocks, The, by S. B. Gould N3469 Gay (John) Poetical works of. Ed., with life and notes, by John Underhill. 2 vols. 1893 82153 Gay conspiracy, by R. W. Chambers N1558 Gav Lord Quex : a comedv, by Sir A. W. Pinero. 1900 82241 Geddes (P.) and J. A. Thomson. The evolution of sex. 1889 57525 Gee (William) Short studies in nature know- ledge. 1895 5519 Geere (H. V.) By Nile and Euphrates. 1904 ' 9161 Gehenna, by Lewis Wingfield N10277 Geikie (Sir A.) Elementary lessons in physical geography. 1907 55111 — The scenery of Scotland. 1887 5543 — Scottish reminiscences. 1904 8279 — Text-book of geology. 1885 5508 Geikie (C.) Hours with the Bible: Old Testament. 6 vols. 1896 2216 Contents— Vol. I. Creation to the Patriarchs. Vol. II. Moses to ludges. Vol. III. Samson to Solomon. Vol. IV. Rehoboam to Hezekiah. Vol. V. Manassah to Zedekiah. Vol. VI. Exile to Malachi. — Hours with the Bible : New Testament. 6 vols. 1901 2256 Contents— Vol. I. The Gospels. Vols. II & HI. Life and Epistles of St. Paul. Vol. IV. St. Peter to Revelation. Vols. V. & VI. Life and words of Christ. — The life and words of Christ. 1891 23217 Geikie (James) Earth sculoture. 1898 WHO General Bounce, by G. J. W. Melville N6894 Generous gods, by Irene Burn N1241 Genevra, by Charles Marriott N6634 67 GEN GREAT LEVER BRANCH LIBRARY. GER Genoa, The city of, by R. W. Carden. 1908 914194 Gentle art of making enemies, by J. M. Whistler. 1890 82819 Gentleman, The, by Alfred Ollivant N7489 Gentleman of France, bv S. J. Weyman. 2 copies ' N9978 N9979 Gentleman of London, bv Morice Gerard... N3330 Gentleman from Portland, by C. R. Gull.N3732 Gentleman's gentleman, by Max Pemberton N7776 Gentle Thespians, by R. M. Gilchrist N3360 Geoffrey Stirling, by Mrs. Leith Adams N12 Geography. Chisholm, (G. G.) Handbook of commercial geography. 1906 91024 Evans (H. E.) A general geography of the world : physical, historical, and political. 1909 ....91025 Jacobs (J.) Story of geographical discovery. 1899 91029 Johnston (K.) A sketch of historical geography. 1909 91026 Knight (E. F.) Over-sea Britain: the geography, &c, of the Empire. 1907.91027 Meiklejohn (J. M. D.) A new geography. 1892 91028 Geology. Bonney (T. G.) The story of our planet. 1893 5507 Evans (Ernest) How to study geology. 1907 .'..55015 Figuier (L.) The world before the deluge. 55012 Geikie (A.) Text-book of geology. 1885.5508 Giberne (A.) The world's foundations. 1891 5509 Grew (E. S.) The romance of modern geology. 1909 5501 Lyell (Sir C.) Principles of geologv. 2 vols. 1875 5503 — The student's elements of geology. 1874 5505 Miller (H.) The cruise of the "Betsey." 1870 '....5541 — Edinburgh and its neighbourhood : geological and historical. 1869... 5544 — The old red sandstone. 1869 55127 — Sketch-book of popular geology. 1869 55010 - The testimony of the rocks. 1869.55013 Seeley (H. G.) The earth in past ages. 1895 55011 Sollas (W. J.) The age of the earth, and other geological studies. 1908 55014 Tate (R.) Rudimentary treatise on geology. 1890 '. 5511 See also Ice Age, Palaeontology. Ceometry. Barnard (S.) and J. M. Child. A new geometry for schools. 1904 5151 Burn (G. F.) First stage practical plane and solid geometry. 1906 5131 Edgar (J; H.) and G. S. Pritehard. Practica] solid or descriptive geometry. 1880. ..5137 Ceometry.— Continued. Godfrey (C.) and A. W. Siddons. Elementary geometry : practical and theoretical. 1908 5132 Harrison (Joseph) and G. A. Baxendall. Practical plane and solid geometry. 1906 5134 Potter (W. J.) Concurrent practical and theoretical geometry. 2 vols. 1909. .5135 George I. Melville (Lewis) The First George in Hanover and England. 2 vols. 1908 920G4 George TV. The Court of England under George IV. Founded on a diary and letters written by Queen Caroline. 2 vols. 1896 94276 George (Henry) Protection or Free Trade. 1886 3373 George (W. L.) France in the twentieth century. 1908 9443 — Labour and housing at Port Sunlight. 1909 33126 George Canterbury's will, by Mrs. Henry Wood 2 copies N10317 N10318 George Geith of Fen Conrt, by Mrs. J. H. Riddell N8185 George Mandeville's husband, by C. E. Raimond N8047 Gerard (Dorothea) The blood-tax N3304 — The compromise N3305 — The eternal woman N3306 — The house of riddles, &c N3307 — Itinerant daughters N3308 — The million N3309 — One year N3310 — Restitution N3311 — The rich Miss Riddell N3312 — A spotless reputation N3313 — The supreme crime N3314 Gerard (E.) Honour's glassy bubble N3325 — The land beyond the forest : facts, figures, and fancies from Transylvania. 2 vols. 1888 914160 Gerard (Frances) A Kinsr's romance : the story of Milan and Natalie, first King and Queen of Servia. 1903 920M25 — Some celebrated Irish beauties of the last century. 1895 92132 Contents — Countess of Belvedere. Eleanor Ambrose, The Gunnings. Countess of Coventry. Dnchessof Hamilton. Mrs. Travis. General Gunning and his Daughter Gunilda. Peg Woffington. Dorothea Monroe. The Three Montgomerys. Countess of Lanesborough. Duchess of Cumberland. The Coghlans. Miss Farreo. " Gerard (Morice) " A gentleman of London — The man of the moment N3331 — Purple love N3332 — The pursuer N3333 — Red seal N3334 — Unspoken word N3335 German Language. Cassell's German dictionary. Ed. by Elizabeth Weir. 1907 4132 Hugo's German commercial correspondent 4332 Kluge (Friedrich) Etymological dictionary of the German language. 1896 4331 68 GER CATALOGUE OF HOOKS. GLA German literature, A historv of, by Calvin Thomas. 1909 8301 German romance : translations from the German, by Thomas Carlyle, with biographical and critical notices. 2 vols. N1487 Germany. Barker (J. E.) Modern Germany : her political and economic problems, c%c. 1909 9431 Bumpus (T. F.) Cathedrals and churches of the Rhine and North Germany. 1906 914136 Gould (S. B.) and Arthur Gilman. Germany. 1906 9433 Heine (H.) Travel pictures, together with the Romantic School. 1887 914137 Miltoun (F.) Cathedrals and churches of the Rhine. 1906 914138 Sidgwick (Mrs. A.) Home life in Germany. 1908 914139 Steevens (G. W.) Glimpses of three nations. 1901 9147 Germs. See Bacteria. Get-rich-quick Wallingford, by G. R. Chester N1610 Ghetto comedies, by Israel Zangwill N10636 Ghosts, by K. and H. Prichard N7958 Ghost kings, by H. R. Haggard N3849 Giant's Gate, by Max Pemberton N7777 Giant's robe, by F. Anstey N172 Gibb (E, H.) His sister N3347 Gibb (E. J. W.) and S. Lane-Poole. See Poole. Gibbon (Edward) History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. 3 vols. 1905 9372 Morison (J. C.) Life of Edward Gibbon. 1887 920G6 — and Simon Ockley. The Saracens : their history and the rise and fall of their Empire 9532 Gibbins (H. de B.) The industrial history of England. 1908 ..38010 Gibbs (Philip) Knowledge is power : a guide to personal culture. 1906 0283 — The romance of George Villiers, first Duke of Buckingham ; and some men and women of the Stuart Court. 1908...920B33 Giberne (Agnes) Pride o' the morning N3350 — Rack of this rough world N3351 — Sun, moon, and etars. 1890 5233 — The world's foundations ; or, Geology for beginners. 1891 5509 Gibraltae. Drinkwater (John) A history of the Siege of Gibraltar (1779-1783)/.... 9466 Gibson (C. R.) Electricity of to-day. 1909.. 5377 — Electricity of to-day : its work and mysteries described. 1907 62151 — The romance of modern electricity. 1908 62150 Gibson (Edward) See Ashbourne (Lord). Gibson (L. S.) Ships of desire N3356 Gibson (W. R. B.) and Augusta Klein. The problem of logic. 1908 1601 Gifted family, by Barry Pain N7646 Gift from the grave, by Edith Wharton. Nl 0007 Gifts and weirds, by Lily Perks N7819 Gilbert (Levi) Side-lights on Immortality. 1903 2184 Gilbert Hermer, by Charles Masefield N6748 Gilchrist (Mrs.) Life of Mary Lamb. 1883.920L2 Gilchrist (R. M.) Gentle Thespians N3360 — Good-bye to market N3361 — Nicholas and Mary, &c N3362 ■ — Two Goodwins N3363 Gilded age, by Mark Twain and C. D. Warner N9488 Giles (H. A.) and Others. Great religions of the world. 1901 ^ 2912 Contents — Confucianism. Buddhism. Mohammedanism. Brahminism. Zoroastrianism. Sikhism. Positivism. Babism. Judaism. The outlook for Christianity. Catholic Christianity. Gilian the dreamer, by Neil Munroe N7227 Gillman (Gurner) Her suburban highness. N3372 — The loafer N3370 — Suburban scandal N3371 Gilman (Arthur) Rome : from the earliest times to the end of the Republic 9375 — The Saracens : from the earliest times to the Fall of Bagdad 9531 — and S. B. Gould. See Gould. — and S. Lane-Poole. See Poole. — and J. P. Mahaffy. See Mahaffy. Gilman (Lawrence) Aspects of modern opera. 1909 7821 Giorgione, Life of, by H. Cook. 1907 920G7 Girl and the man, by Curtis Yorke N10581 Girl and the miracle, by Richard Marsh.. N6689 Girl capitalist, bv F. Bright N1073 Girl from the farm, by Gertrude Hix N2439 Girl in the blue dress, by Richard Marsh. N6690 Girl of spirit, by Charles Garvice N3270 Girl of the multitude N3376 Girls of Inverbarns, by Sarah Tytler N9531 Girl's Own Paper. 4 vols. 1902-6. 050275 to 050278 Girl who had nothing, by Mrs. C. N. Williamson N10208 Girl with the red hair, by Max Pemberton.N7778 Gissing (Algernon) Secret of the North Sea N3379 — Unlit lamp N3380 Gissing (George) The nether world N3387 — Thyrza N3388 — Veranilda N3389 — The whirlpool N3390 — Will Warburton. 2 copies N3391 N3392 Given proof, by Mrs. H. H. Penrose N7810 Givers, The, cfcc, by M. E. Wilkins N10188 Glade in the forest, &c, by S. Gwynn N3776 Gladiators, The, by G. J. W. Melville N6895 Gladstone (W. E.) The impregnable rock of Holy Scripture. 1903 2212 Lathbury (D. C.) Leaders of the Church : Mr. Gladstone. 1905 920G8 Morley (John) Life of W. E. Gladstone. 2 vols. 1908 920G9 Russell (G. W. E.) Life of W. E. Gladstone. 1891 920G11 "Glamour," by Meta Orred N7569 69 GREAT LEVER BRANCH LIBRARY. GOR Glanville (Ernest) Despatch rider — The golden rock N3400 — Inca's treasure N3401 — Kloof bride N3402 — Tales from the veld N3403 Glasgow (Ellen) The ancient law N3414 Glass working. Ed. by P. N. Hasluck. 1899 , 6C61 Glass writing, embossing, and fascia work, by P. N. Hasluck. 1906 7481 Glazebrook (R. T.) Electricity and magnetism. 1908 .' 5375 — James Clerk Maxwell and modern physics. 1896 920M19 Gleaming dawn, by James Baker N382 Gledstone (J. P.) Life of George Whitefield, field-preacher. 1900 920W27 Gleig (Charles) Julian Winterson N3420 Gleig (G. R.) The life of Robert, First Lord Clive. 1907 920C29 — The story of the Battle of Waterloo. 1907 94275 Glengarry days, by Ralph Connor N1827 Glen o' weeping, by Marjorie Bowen N1005 Gloria Mundi, bv H. Frederic. 2 copies N3136 N3137 Glory, by Mrs. G. L. Banks N393 Glyn (Elinor) Beyond the rocks N3425 — The vicissitudes of Evangeline N3426 God and the man. by Robert Buchanan... N1174 Godfrey (C.) and A. W. Siddons. Elementary geometry : practical and theoretical. 1908 5132 Godfrey (Elizabeth) Home life under the Stuarts (1603-1649). 1903 3906 Godley (A. D.) Oxford in the eighteenth "century. 1908 94291 Godolphin, by Lord Lytton N6224 Gods arrive, by A. E\ Houldsworth N4236 God's failures, by J. S. Fletcher. 2 copies N2973 N2974 God's foundling, by A. J. Dawson N2270 Godwin (M. W.), Life of, bv E. R. Pennell. 188.5 920G12 Goethe (J. W. von) Faust. Trans, by John Anster. To which is prefixed Marlowe's Faustus 8321 Gold. Rose (T. K.) The precious metals, comprising gold, silver, and platinum. 1909 6697 Gold of Cathay, by Gilbert Wintle N10295 Gold bug, &c, by E. A. Poe N7900 Golden bowl, by Henry James N4652 Golden butterfly, by Sir W. Besant and J. Rice N753 Golden calf, by M. E. Braddon N1029 Golden fleece, 'by Reginald St. Barbe N8484 Golden precipice, by H. B. M. Watson N9889 Golden rapids of high life, by R. H. Savage N8506 Golden Reciter, The. 1907 8087 Golden rock, by Ernest Glanville N3400 Golden rose, by Amelie Rives N8250 Golden thread', by Tom Gallon N3229 Gold-finder, The, by Gwrge Griffith N3673 Goldsmith (Oliver) Poetical works 82136 — A r icar of Wakefield. 2 copies.N3432 N3433 — Vicar of Wakefield; plays and poems. 1885 8248 Black (W.) Life of Oliver Goldsmith. 1887 920G13 Gold-spinner, by "Dick Donovan" N7196 Golf. Lyttelton (R. H.) Out-door games : cricket and golf. 1901 7977 Golsworthv (Arnold) Hands in the darkness N3435 Gonnard (Philippe) The exile of St. Helena : the last phase in fact and fiction. 1909 920N1 Goncourt (E. de) The confidantes of a King : the mistresses of Louis XV. 2 vols. 1907 92133 Contents — The Demoiselle de Nesle Madame de Pompa- dour. Madame du Bariy. " Good-bye, sweetheart !" by R. Broughton.N1125 Good-bye to market, by R. M. Gilchrist... N3361 Goodeve (T. M.) Text-book on the steam engine : with a supplement on gas and heat engines. 1907 62127 Good for nothing, by G. J. W. Melville... N6896 Goodman (E. J.) The best tour in Norway. 1896 914274 — The fate of Herbert Wayne N3439 Good stories of men and other animals, by Charles Reade N8087 Good Words. 8 vols. 1887-1894. 050290 to 050297 Gordon (Sir Arthur) Life of the Earl of Aberdeen, 1893 920A3 Cordon (Ceneral). Butler (Sir W. F.) Life of Charles George Gordon. 1889 920G15 Life of General Gordon 920G14 Gordon (C. W.) See "Connor (Ralph)." Gordon (L. D.) Home life in Italy. 1908.914191 Gordon (S. D.) Quiet talks on prayer 2481 Gordon (W. J.) Our country's animals and how to know them 59125 — Our country's birds and how to know them. 59812 — Our country's butterflies and moths, and how to know them 5959 — Our country's fishes and how to know them .' 5972 — Our country's flowers and how to know them .'. 5825 — Our country's shells and how to know them 5941 — Round about the North Pole. 1907... 91953 Gordon Family. Bullock (J. M.). The Gay Gordons : some strange adventures of a famous Scots family. 1908 920G16 Gore (Charles) The body of Christ : an enquiry into the institution and doctrine of Holy Communion. 1907 2653 — Dissertations on subjects connected with the Incarnation. 1895 2322 — The Sermon on the Mount : a practical exposition. 1907 25246 — Ed. Lux Mundi : studies in the religion of the Incarnation. 1904 2323 70 CATALOGUE OF HOOKS. GRA ies.N3754 N3755 — 'Twixt sword and glove N3756 Guthrie (T. A.) See " Anstey (P.)" Guy Fawkes, by W. H. Ainsworth. 2 copies N56 N57 Guy Fulkes of the Towers, by E. E. Green. 2 copies N3604 N3605 Guy Mannering, by Sir Walter Scott. 2 copies N8562 N8563 Guyot (Yves) Principles of social economy. 1884 33011 Gwyn (Nell), The story of, bv P. Cunningham. 1903 920G27 Gwynn (Stephen) The glade in the forest, &c. N3776 — Highways and bvwavs in Donegal and Antrim. 1899 91442 Gwynne (Paul) The bandolero N3767 — Doctor Pons N3768 — The pagan at the shrine N3769 Cymnastics. Checkley (Edwin) A natural method of physical training. 1897 61315 Cobbett (G. T. B.) and A. P. Jenkin. Indian clubs. 1905 79611 Graf (F.) Dumb-bells. 1905 79610 Hancock (H. I.) Physical training for children bv Japanese methods. 1904 ....' 61313 — Physical training for women by Japanese methods. 1904 .' 61314 Schmidt (F. A.) and E. H. Miles. The training of the body. 1905 61312 Gypsies. Morwood (V. S.) Our gipsies in city, tent, and van. 1885 3971 H "H. (F.) " With the Bankshire hounds... N3815 Hadley (H. E.) Magnetism and electricity for beginners. 1907 5374 — Magnetism and electricity for students. 1906 5376 Hadow (W. H.) Studies in modern music. 1895 7804 Contents— Hector Berlioz. Robert Schumann Richard Wagner. Haeckel (E.) The evolution of man. 2 vols. 1879 5756 - The history of creation. 2 vols. 1883.. .5758 — Last words on evolution. 1906 57510 — The wonders of life : a popular study of biological philosophy. 1906 21510 Haering (T. von) The ethics of the Christian life. 1909 23010 Haggard (Andrew) Ada Triscott N3819 — A Canadian girl N3820 — Love rules the camp N3821 Haggard (Arthur) Malcolm the patriot.... N3827 Haggard (A. C. P.) The real Louis XV. 2 vols. 1906 920L17 BRANCH LIBRARY. Haggard (H. R.) Allan Quatermain. 2 copies N3837 N3838 — Allan's wife, &c. 2 copies N3839 N3840 — Black heart and white heart N3841 — The brethren N3842 — Cleopatra N3843 — Colonel Quaritch, V.C N3844 — Dawn. 2 copies N3845 N3846 — Doctor Therne N3847 — Fair Margaret N3848 — A farmer's year. 1899 6301 — The ghost kings N3849 — Heart of the world N3850 — Jess N3851 — King Solomon's mines. 2 copj>.5.N3852 N3853 — Maiwa's revenge N3854 — Mr. Meeson's will N3855 — Nada the lily N3856 — Pearl-maiden N3857 — The people of the mist N3858 — She. 2 copies N3859 N3860 — Stella. Fregelius N3861 — Way of the spirit N3862 — The witch's head N3863 — Yellow god. 2 copies N3864 N3865 — and Andrew Lang. World's desire.... N3880 Hajji Baba, by James Morier N7165 Hake (A. E.) and D. C. Murray. See Murray. Haldane (J. W. C.) Life as an engineer : its lights, shades and prospects. 1905.6202 Hale (Susan) Mexico 9721 Hales (A. G.) Marozia N3886 "Half moon," bv F. M. Hueffer N4341. Half-smart set, by Florence Warden N9819 Halfway House, bv Maurice Hewlett N4066 Haliburton (T. C.) Americans at home...N3890 — The old judge N3891 Halil the pedlar, by Maurus Jokai N4735 Hall (F. H.) and Maud Howe. See Howe. Hall (Hubert) Antiquities and curiosities of the Exchequer. 1891 3363 Hall (H. F.) The hearts of men. 1901 2003 — One immortality N3888 — The soul of a people (Buddhism). 1904.2941 Hall (H. S.) and S. R, Knight. Elementary algebra for schools. 1895 5123 — 1907 5122 — and F. H. Stevens. A school geometry. 1907 5133 Hall (Thornton) Love intrigues of royal courts 9217 — Roads to riches: the romance of money- making 3361 Hallam (Henry) Constitutional history of England. 3 vols. 1897 3424 Halle (C. E.) Notes from a painter's life, in- cluding the founding of two galleries. 1909 920H1 Halo, by Baroness von Hutten ..- N4462 Halsham (John) Every man his own gardener. 1910 7168 Halves, by James Payn N7729 Hambledon men, The. Ed. by E. F. Lucas. 1907 7976 Hamblen (H. E.) The yarn of a bucko mate N3896 74 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. HAR Hamol (Frank) Famous French salons. 1908 92136 Contents — La Grande Mademoiselle. Madame de Sevigne- Madame de Maiiitenon. Madame du Deffand. Mademoiselle de Lespinasse. Madame de Stael. Madame Recamier. &c. Hamerton (P. G.) Human intercourse. 1898 1771 — The intellectual life. 1904 37415 — Life of J. M. W. Turner. 1895 920T19 — Modern Frenchmen: five biographies. 1878 92121 Contents— Victor Jacquemont. Henri Perreyve. Francoi s Rude. Jean Jacques Ampere. Henri Regnault. Hamilton and Argyll (Duchess of) Bleackley (Horace) The story of a beautiful Duchess. 1907 920G26 Hamilton (Angus) Afghanistan. 1906 915108 — Korea. 1904 91525 — Problems of the Middle East. 1909 ...9552 Hamilton (Cosmo) Adam's clay N3897 — Brummell again N3898 Hamilton (Lord Ernest) The Mawkin of the flow N3905 Hamilton (Lillias) A nurse's bequest N3998 Hamilton (M.) Cut laurels N3910 — The first claim N3911 Hammond (J. L. Le B.) Charles James Fox : a political study. 1903 920F5 Hampshire. Dewar (G. A. B.) Life and sport in Hampshire. 1908 59132 — Wild life in Hampshire Highlands. 1899 59133 Hancock (H. I.) Jiu-Jifcsu combat tricks. 1905 Hancock (H. I.) Physical training for children by Japanese methods. 1904 61313 — Physical training for women by Japanese methods. 1904 61314 Hand (J. E.) Ed. Ideals of science and faith. 1904 2154 Contents— A physicist's approach. A biological approach. A psychological approach. A sociological approach towards unity. An ethical approach. An educational approach— a technical approach. A Presbyterian approach. A Church of England approach. The Church as seen from outside. A Church of Rome approach. " Handasyde." For the week-end N3917 Handicapped, by R. H. Roberts N8295 Hand of Ethelberta, by T. Hardy N3938 Hand on the strings, by Ralph Rodd N8315 Hands in the darkness, by Arnold Golsworthy N3435 Handsome Humes, by William Black N851 Handy Andy, by Samuel Lover N6149 Hannah, by Mrs. D. M. Craik N1989 Hannington (James) : a history of his life and work, by E. C. Dawson. 1889 920H2 Hansa Towns, The, by Helen Zimmern 94316 Hanshew (T. W.) The world's finger N3918 Happy medium, &c, by Charles Marriott. N6635 Hard cash, by Charles Reade Harden (A.) and Sir H. Roscoe. See Harding (J. D.) Lessons on art 7401 Hardman (Frederick) Peninsular scenes and sketches N3922 Hard times, by Charles Dickens N2374 Hardwickb (Earl of). MacDonagb (Michael) The Viceroy's postbag: correspondence of the Eari of Hardwicke. 1904 ...920H3 Hard woman, by Violet Hunt. 2 copies N4438 N4439 Hardy (A. E. G.) and Others. The salmon. 1898 7998 Hardy (B. C.) Life of the Princesse de Lamballe (Marie Therese Louise de Savoy-Carignam). 1908 920M5 Hardy (E. J.) The five talents of woman : a book for girls and women. 1897 3921 — How to be happy though married 3923 — Love, courtship, and marriage. 1902... 3922 Hardy (I. D.) Love in idleness N3926 Hardy (Thomas) Far from the, madding crowd N3936 — A group of noble dames N3937 — The hand of Ethelberta N3938 — Jude the obscure N3939 — Life's little ironies, &c N3940 — Mayor of Casterbridge N3941 — The return of the native N3942 — Tess of the D' Urbervilles N3943 — Two on a tower N3944 — The well-beloved N3945 — Wessex poems, and other verses. 1898.82189 — Wessex tales N3946 Johnson (Lionel) The art of Thomas Hardy. 1894 8236 Hardy (W. J.) Book-plates. 1907 0971 Hardy Norseman, by Edna Lyall N6195 Hardy-on-the-hill, by M. E. Francis N3103 Hare (A. J. C.) Florence. 1890 914198 — Studies in Russia 914251 — Venice. 1891 914196 Hare (A. W. and J. C.) Guesses at truth. 1897 8284 Hare, The, by H. A. Macpherson and Others. 1896 79921 Hargreaves (J. G.) Literary workers. 1889.8014 Harker (Alfred) The natural history of igneous rocks. 1909 5523 Harland (Henry) The cardinal's snuff-box. 2 copies N3952 N3953 — My friend Prospero N3954 — The royal end N3955 Harland (Marion) In our country: stories of old Virginia life. 2 copies. N3960 N3961 Harm's way, by Lloyd Osbourne N7575 Harmsworth Magazine. 6 vols. 1904-7. 050310 to 050315 Harnack (Adolf) What is Christianity? 1901 '. 2707 Harness Making. See Saddlery. Harold, by Lord Lytton. 2 copies. N6225 N6226 Harper's Magazine. 12 vols. 1902-8. 050335 to 050346 Harp of life, by Alan St. Aubyn N8460 Harraden (Beatrice) The fowler N3965 — Hilda Strafford ; and, The remittance man N3966 — Interplay N3967 — In varying moods N3968 — Katharine Frensham. 2 cop ies.N 3969 N3970 — The scholar's daughter N3971 — Ships that pass in the night. 2 conies N3972 N3973 75 HAR GREAT LEVER BRANCH LIBRARY. HAU Harrington, &c, by Maria Edgeworth N2748 Harris (Charles) Pro Fide : a defence of natural and revealed religion. 1905 2101 Harris (Frank) The bomb N3983 Harns-Burland (J. B.) See Burland. Harrison (Frederic) Life of Chatham (William Pitt). 1905 920C19 — Life of John Ruskin. 1905 920R21 — Life of Oliver Cromwell. 1888 920C48 — National and social problems. 1908 3205 — The philosophy of common sense. 1907.1042 — Realities and ideals: social, political, literary, and artistic. 1908 824145 Contents— England and France. Votes for women. Ciyil Marriage. Funeral rites. Cremation. Centenaries. Use of Sunday. Primary education. Reform of the Lords. Uses of rich men. Revival of the drama. Thoughts about education. " Fors Clavigera." Sir Leslie Stephen. Canon Liddon. Herbert Spencer. &c. — Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill, and other literary estimates. 1899 82011 Contents— M. Arnold. J. A. Symonds. Lamb and Keats. E. Gibbon. J. A. Froude. E. A. Freeman. — Ed. The new calendar of great men. 1892 9211 Harrison (Joseph) and G. A. Baxendall. Practical plane and solid geometry. 1906 5134 Harrison (Mrs. M. St. L.) See Malet (Lucas). Harrowes (W. H.) The minister and his work. ■ 1909 2502 Harrv Lorrequer, by Charles Lever. 2 copies N6015 N6016 Harry of Athol, by R. H. Forster N3033 Harry Ogilvie, by James Grant N3527 Harry Richmond, by George Meredith. 2 copies N6920 N6921 Hart (Mabel) Sacrilege Farm N3987 Hart (Si r Robert) " These from the land of Sinim " : essays on Chinese questions. 1901 9514 Harte (Bret) In the Carquinez Woods N3990 — A sappho of green springs, &c N3991 — Stories in light and shadow N3992 — Tales of trail and town N3993 — Trent's trust, &c N3994 Harting (J. E.) The rabbit. 1898 79920 — Recreations of a naturalist. 1906 59024 Hartland (E. S.) The science of fairy tales. 1891 2916 Hartley (C. G.) and A. F. Calvert. See Calvert. Hartley (L. C.) Wind-Seekers in the Hebridean Seas. 1906 91429 Hartmann (Robert) Anthropoid apes. 1885.5995 Hartshorne (Albert) Ed. Memoirs of a Royal Chaplain : the correspondence of Edmund Pyle (1729-1763). 1905 920P22 Hartwig (G.) The subterranean world. 1871 55116 — Wild animals of the Tropics. 1893 59126 Harvest moon, by J. S, Fletcher N2977 Harvest of deceit, by Clive Pemberton N7768 Harvest of love, by C. R. Gull 3733 Ha.rwood (W. S.) The new earth: a. recital of the triumphs of modern agriculture in America. 1906 6302 Hasluck (P. N.) Telescope making. 1905... 6894 — The wood turner's handy-book. 1890... 6945 — Ed. Beehives and bee-keepers' appliances. 1905 6381 — Ed. Bookbinding. 1903 6861 — Ed. Cabinet work and joinery. 1907... 6944 — Ed. Carpentry and joinery. 1908 6943 — Ed. Cycle building and repairing. 1905 6881 — Ed. Domestic jobbing. 1907 6801 — Ed. Dynamos and electric motors. 1906 62160 — Ed. Electric bells, how to make and fix them 62152 — Ed. Electro-plating. 1908 62175 — Ed. Engraving metals. 1903 7601 — Ed. Glass working, by heat and by abrasion. 1899 6661 — Ed. Glass writing, embossing, and fascia work. 1906 7481 — Ed. Harness making. 1904 6851 — Ed. Iron, steel, and fire-proof construction. 1906 6911 — Ed. Microscopes and accessories: how to make and use them. 1905 6892 — Ed. Optical lanterns and accessories. 1903 6893 — Ed. Painters' oils, colours, and varnishes. 1905 6982 — Ed. Photographic chemistry. 1906 7711 — Ed. Photography. 1903 7701 — Ed. Practical brickwork. 1905 6932 — Ed. Practical gas-fitting. 1900 6962 — Ed. Practical painters' work. 1906. ..6983 — Ed. Rustic carpentry. 1907 6946 — Ed. Saddlery. 1904 6852 — Ed. Smiths' work. 1904 6821 — Ed. Taxidermy : comprising the skinning, stuffing and mounting of birds, mammals, and fish. 1901 5792 — Ed. Terra-cotta work : modelling, moulding and firing. 1905 73815 — Ed. Tinplate work. 1908 6895 — Ed. Upholstery. 1905 6451 — Ed. Violins and other stringed instruments. 1906 7871 — Ed. Window blinds: their making and fixing. 1907 6896 Hassall (Arthur) The French people. 1902.914168 Hastings (Warren), The private life of, by Sir C. Lawson. 1895 920H4 Hatch (F. H.) Text-book of petrology. 1909.5521 Hate of man, by Headon Hill N4100 Hathor, and other poems, by Hume Nisbet. 1905 821114 Hatton (Joseph) Three recruits N4003 — When Greek meets Greek N4004 — White King of Manoa N4005 Hatton (R. G.) Design. 1902 74515 — Perspective for art students. 1903 7421 Haunted church, by James Murphy N7240 Haunts of men, by R. W. Chamhers. 2 copies N1559 N1560 76 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. HEL Havelock (Sir Henry). Forbes (Archibald) Life of Sir Henry Havelock. 1903 920H5 Marshman (J. C.) Memoirs of Sir Henry Havelock. 1896 920H6 Hawaii, fifee Sandwich Islands. "Hawbuck Grange," by R. S. Surtees 79928 Haweis (Mrs.) The art of decoration. 1889.7471 — A flame of fire N4016 Haweis (H. R.) Music and morals. 1875 ...7805 — My musical life. 1902 920H7 — " Winged words " ; or, truth re-told. 1885 824146 Hawkins (A. H.) See " Hope (Anthony)." Hawkins (Sir John), Life of, by R. A. J. Walling. 1907 920H8 Hawthorne (Nathaniel) Dolliver romance,