LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-OHAMPAICN bVO.% 1 - UPp } - 11(1-0.) n ., £ £ . n ik — k k £=1 i=l ^ 3 ]r (•) k- 1 /.\ 3 v k-1 ,.s Z v n xY } + Z P., > Z v* + Z cp - U P lJj - U 0, i!=l i=l i/=l i=l 2 k JJ) - Z v x . i=l ^ * k-1 / .\ 3 k k-1 / . \ z p)^ > - z v, - z q> + i - u(i-r u; ) - u e 1 . -. lk - /, , i . _ lk ^ k ' k i=l £=1 i=l V k = 1, 2, ... , R - 1 j = 1, 2, ..., 8 As easily seen, the first two inequalities are for a NOR gate and the last two are for a NAND gate. For the last gate, for j = 1, 2, ..., 8, r i \ v R x (;i) i=l ^ ^ R-l , x 3 R R-l = P iR >" * v i" = *iR + 1 - U0 R i=l i!=l i=l ? R (j) ^ ,(J) i=i ^ * Z P^ ; > - U(l-0 ), i=l V. if f(x (j) ) = 1, or r I R (j) *'} M) . I R R-l * V J X J + . Z n P iR * A T J + . Z - ^R'^R i;=l i=l i!=l i=l < Z v*x^ } + Z P^ } > 1 - U(l £=1 i=l R" ^. if f(x^) = 0. The non- linear relation P^jj/ = pj 3 ' cp i s expressed by the following linear inequalities: ,(i) f?>>-i - p: 0/ - cp + p Pp } + cp. v - 2 pjj^ > 0, r ik ik - k o 2, 3, ..., R i = 1, 2, . .., k - 1 1 k = 1, 2, .... R i=l l i=l 1K R Z j=k+l % * X ' K. — J., C. y . . . « K ~ J. (2) Assume three gates are connected as shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 1 Triangular interconnections If the j-th gate does not have any output interconnection except cp , then Jk it can be proved that the subnetwork should be discarded. R p=j+i ij jk lk - ^ op i <0+U( S Z » (1 }J + (l-v)), j=i+l p=l j=k+l k = If, 5, ..., R i = 1, ^-, • • • , k - 3 i = 1, 2, 3. (3) If a gate has the output interconnection connected to the last gate, the gate can have no other output interconnections. ?., ♦u^»a ) . J=i+1 i — J-j e- y ■ • • a R — 2« (k) Interconnections to the last gate can be ordered as follows CD < CD ^1R - y 2R CP (R-2)R * *(R-1)R 1 5 VDh- (5) The condition stated in (*0 can be extended to a subnetwork in which only the k-th gate has an output interconnection to those gates outside the subnetwork. Fig. 2 Ordering of interconnections This is illustrated in Fig. 2. Only subnetworks consisting of gates 1, 2, . . . , k are taken into account. k-1 R (p-i)k- Pk i=1 . =k+1 ±y k = 3, ^, ..., R p = 2, 3, ..., k-1. (6) A gate which has exactly one input connection can be specified as a NOR gate (9 k = 1). k-1 3 k e >1 - ( 2 cp + z v - 1), k i=l lk i=l * (7) Although the detail is omitted, some inequalities are added to preclude some of the networks which can be obtained from others by relabeling the gates in the network. They are similar to those explained in [3] for NOR networks . With those basic and additional inequalities, all the optimal NOR-NAND networks of up through six gates were obtained by using the general purpose implicit enumeration code ILLIP [h] [5]. Two classes of functions, however, need seven gates and the computation time for these by the above approach appears excessive. Therefore, the all- interconnect ion formulation was used for these two seven gate functions. The detailed discussion on this approach is not given in this paper, since the modification from the above feed-forward network can be done straightforward along the line given in [3]. 3. Computation Based on the integer programming formulations discussed in Section 2, all the optimal networks for functions of three variables are exhausted by- using the IBM 360/751 computer. The size of each problem and computation time are listed in Tables 1 and 2„ All the functions of three variables are realized within seven gates. All 80 representative functions can be realized by networks of NOR and NAND gates which have totally 58 fewer gates than the total number of NOR gates in the case of [6]. The total number of interconnections and connections contained in all the networks is also reduced by ^h. Total computation time is 69. 07 minutes including both feed- forward and all- interconnection network formulations. Of course, if all the net- works are solved by all- interconnection network formulation the computation time could be reduced further. w H cd cr'H -H c^ ■H -H ctf -H O o o ra ct3 -p ° & • CD O £ S 'H w 0) H

H •H cd -P > w cri •H to •P 3 S ^ G D< -p CD CD •H •H CO +3 & CD <+H o U O c cd ft 9 H (1.) W m Ch rQ r M g cti ^--^ o CO CM N •H a; o •H w -P CO H a; o W • cd ■P G 01 CD in ctf a H o « -=t- o6 OJ VO OJ d VQ H LT\ UA H CO J" VO CO OJ CO H CO CO J- vo CM O O H H OJ 0O -=f LT\ O LT\ J- OJ a\ LT\ a\ -^ ON H H CO ON -3- LTN H o H -d- OJ oo -4- LTN VQ L^ CD H -§ EH 10 11 CD H r^ •H W a CD c H ,Q •H CO cd 0) o d o CO -H S3 P O O •h a cd "Vi Sh CO ?H -P 0) •H ft o •H P cd ■P & O o < o •H P H O LT\ 3\ <+H O VO' ?h no 0) 0) M CD 1 S3 in CO ft CO O •H P cd c ^ o CD -H P P •H O <+H 2 O <4-l S3 O •H P cd ■§ & O o a) M cd in CO 4 S3 O •H P H O LT\ «h O VO - £h CO CO 0) CD H o (D W CO a) S3 H > co CM Sh o n> CH H ,o cd EH 12 h. List of all the optimal networks In tables k and 5, all the optimal networks of NOR and NAND gates for all functions of up through three variables are listed. The procedure for obtaining the optimal network diagram for a given function follows that of Hellerman's [6]. A function can be represented by a truth table as shown below, by specifying the values of L, f , . . . , f Q 1 c. O where f , . . . , fn show the values of the given f for input vectors in the same rows. a. b and c denote the variables of f. a b c f l 1 f 3 1 % 1 1 f 5 1 f 6 1 1 f 7 1 1 f 8 1 1 1 Let us write eight binary digits f , ..., fn as follows, fo f. f f f 3 2 1 ' v 0. 13 Grouping the f.'s as shown, we obtain three octal digits to identify a function. In Tables k and 5 only representatives of equivalence class obtained by permutation of variables and dualization of the function are listed, reducing 256 functions into hG representatives. The dualization is intro- duced because NOR is the dual of NAND, and vice versa. The representative of a given function f can be easily derived by using Table 3- The procedure is illustrated by an example. Suppose that the function f has the octal number 321. The entry for this number in Table 3 is 5*056d. This means that f is equivalent to function O56 by applying permutation 5, which is (ac) as also shown in Table 3» a nd then taking the dual of the resultant function. Table k shows that function O56 has the optimal network with network number 13. Then Table 5 gives us the actual optimal networks of function O56. To obtain optimal networks for the function 321, we apply the dualization operation (change NOR to NAND, and NAND to NOR) and then the permutation 5, which is (ac), to the network in Table 5. Seven out of the k6 three-variable functions listed are degenerate in the sense that they are independent of at least one variable. The network diagram numbers for the degenerate functions have the suffix D. They are grouped together at the beginning of Table h. Note that if a given function is symmetric in some variables, say a and b. among all the optimal networks obtainable by permuting these symetric variables, a and b, only one network is listed in Table h and Table 5. The rest of networks can be obtained by simply interchanging the connection from the external variables according to the permutation Ik of variables. Also in Table 5* if & gate has only one input, the gate is specified as NOR gate. Obviously the network with such gate replaced by NAND gate is also an optimal network. If a function is self-dual, the network with NOR gates and NAND gates interchanged also realizes the same function. In Table 5? only one of these two networks is tabulated. For these self-dual functions the letter "S" is attached after the octal number expression of functions in Tables k and 5- Some classes of functions have a property such that the dual of a function in the class belongs to the same class by permuting variables. For these functions, two optimal networks can be paired in the sense that one can be obtained from the other by applying the dualization f interchange of NOR and NAND) and also an appropriate permutation of variables. In Table 5? however, both optimal networks are listed for easy manipulation. Such classes are 033, 055, 232 and 2^k. 15 1 2 3 1+ 5 6 7 -1*000 1*001 1*002 -1*003 3*002 -3*003- 1*006 1*007 10 1*010 1*011 -1*012 1*013 -4*012 4*013 1*016 -1*017 20 2*002 -2*003 2*006 2*007 3*006 3*007 1*026 1*027 30 1*030 1*031 1*032 1*033 l+*032 4*033 1*036 l*007d 4o 2*010 2*011 -6*012 6*013 2*030 2*031 6*032 6*033 50 1*050 1*051 1*052 1*053 1*054 1*055 1*056 l*013d 6o -2*012 2*013 2*016 -2*017 2*032 2*033 2*036 2*007d 70 6*05l+ 6*055 6*056 6*013d -l*07l+ 3*031d 1*076 -l*003d 100 3*010 3*011 3*030 3*031 -3*012 3*013 3*032 3*033 110 3*050 3*051 l+*05l+ l+*055 3*052 3*053 4*056 4*013d 120 -5*012 5*013 5*032 5*033 3*016 -3*017 3*036 3*007d 130 3*054 3*055 -3*071+ 2*031d 3*056 3*013d 3*076 -3*003d 140 2*050 2*051 2*05l+ 2*055 5*05l+ 5*055 -2*074 l*031d 150 1*150 1*151 1*152 l*051d 3*152 3*051d 1*156 l*011d 160 2*052 2*053 2*056 2*013d 5*056 5*013d 2*076 -2*003d 170 2*152 2*051d 2*156 2*011d 3*156 3*011d 1*176 l*001d 200 1*200 l*176d 1*202 l*076d 3*202 3*076d 1*206 l*036d 210 -1*210 l*156d 1*212 l*056d 1+*212 4*05 6d 1*216 l*0l6d 220 2*202 2*076d 2*206 2*036d 3*206 3*036d 1*226 l*026d 230 5*27^d -2*074d 1*232 6*032d l+*232 3*03 2d l*206d l*006d 240 -2*210 2*156d 6*212 6*056d 6*27l+d 3*074d 6*232 l*032d 250 1*250 l*152d -1*252 1*0 5 2d 1*25U 4*054d l*212d - l*012d 260 2*212 2*056d 2*216 2*0l6d 2*232 5*032d 2*206d 2*006d 270 6*25^ 2*05l+d 6*212d -6*012d l*27l+ 3*030d l*202d l*002d 300 -3*210 3*156d 4*274d -l*07l+d 3*212 3*056d 3*232 4*03 2d 310 3*250 3*152d l+*25l+ l*05l+d -3*252 3*052d 4*212d -4*012d 320 5*212 5*056d 5*232 2*032d 3*216 3*Ol6d 3*206d 3*006d 330 3*254 5*05l+d 3*27l+ 2*03 Od 3*212d -3*012d 3*202d 3*002d 340 2*250 2*15 2d 2*25l+ 6*05l+d 5*25U 3*054d 2*274 l*030d 350 1*350 l*150d l*250d l*050d 3*250d 3*050d -l*210d l*010d 360 -2*252 2*052d 2*212d -2*012d 5*212d -5*012d 2*202d 2*002d 370 2*250d 2*050d -2*210d 2*010d -3*210d 3*010d l*200d -l*000d Explanatory Example Class of 321 is given by word at intersection of row 320 and column 1, 5*056d. This says 321 is in class of O56 by permutation 5 and dualization. Negative permutation means the function is degenerate. d means dualization Permutation 1 is the identity Permutation 2 is f'abc) Permutation 3 is (acb) Permutation 4 is (be) Permutation 5 is (ac) Permutation 6 is (ab) Table 3 Conversion of octal numbers by equivalence of functions 16 Table k Optimal network number corresponding to an octal number 17 Function Functional expression Network No. of gates No. of interconnections No. of (octal) number NOR NAND and connections levels 000 ID 003 a'b' 1+D 1 2 1 012 a'c 5D 2 3 2 017S a' 3D 1 1 1 07*+ a'b + ab' 7D 3 1 7 3 210 be 6D l 1 3 2 252S c 2D 1 001 a'b'c* 1 1 3 1 002 a'b'c 2 2 1+ 2 006 a'b'c + a'bc' 11+ 3 1 8 3 007 a'b' + a'c' 8 2 1 5 3 010 a'bc 5 l 1 1+ 2 Oil a'b'c' + a'bc 22 1+ 9 3 013 a'b' + a'c 7 3 5 3 016 a'b + a' c 3 2 1+ 2 026 a'b'c + a'bc' + ab'c' 1+6 2 h 12 1+ 027S a'b' + a'c' + b'c' 26 5 10 3 030 ab'c' + a'bc 32 2 3 10 3 1+1 3 2 10 1+ ' 031 a'bc + b'c' 30 3 2 9 3 36 1+ 1 9 1+ 032 a'c + ab'c' 31 2 3 9 3 33 5 9 3 39 3 2 9 1+ ■ *■■■! 18 unction Functional expression Network No. of gates No. of interconnections No. of (octal) number NOR NAND and connections levels 033 a'c + b'c' 27 k 1 8 3 29 3 2 8 3 35 5 8 k 37 2 3 8 h 036 a'b + a'c + ab'c' ko 3 2 9 k 050 a' be + ab'c 19 2 2 8 3 051 a'b'c' + a'bc + ab'c k5 3 3 12 h 052 a'c + b' c 9 1 2 5 3 053S a'c + b'c + a'b' 28 k 1 9 3 054 a'b + ab ' c 23 k 9 3 055 a'b + a'c' + ab'c ^7 k 2 10 5 1+8 k 2 10 5 056 a'b + b'c 13 3 1 7 3 076 a'b + ab' + a'c 16 3 1 8 3 150 a'bc + ab' c + abc' 3^- 5 15 3 151S a'bc + ab'c + abc' +a'b'c' h9 7 16 5 152 a'c + b'c + abc' 2k • k 10 3 156 a'b + a'c + b'c + be' 17 3 1 8 3 176 ab' + be' + a'c 18 3 1 9 3 200 abc h 1 1 1+ 2 202 abc + a'b'c 21 1 3 9 3 206 abc + a'b'c + a'bc' hk k 2 12 h 212 a'c + be 11 h 6 3 25 2 2 6 k 19 Function Functional expression Network No. of gates No. of interconnections No. of (octal) number NOR NAND and connections levels 216s a'b + a'c + be 38 3 2 9 k 226S abc v ab ' c ' ^ a'bc' ^a'b'c 50 6 1 15 5 232 a'c + be + ab'c' >+2 5 11 k ^3 1 k 11 k 250 ac + be 6 3 5 2 25U a'b + ac 12 h 7 3 20 l 3 7 3 27U ab' + ac + a'b 15 3 l 8 3 350S ■ -.. , ab + ac + be 10 h 9 2 20 Table 5 List of all the optimal networks of NOR and NMD gates for functions of three or fewer variables 21 o 3 D g i- o o 2 a g t- o z o 3 u. 22 0) 23 2 o <_> O o p (J 3 2k "O ■J3 u 'o 'a + o ~W + XI u o z a + o ~o u p z 2 + ~u -.0 "o • + (J X> "o 1 o - ~ m o jd ° r CO o !n -o 1 u o in z * o -O * .o u "o A -O 3 ~x> o + A A z + " o o CO CD A n PO O A C\J L_J OJ /A C\J rr n^ e u ° -° A o <\J 10 o z t TT in o n 25 REFERENCES 1. 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Hellerman, L. , "A catalog of three-variable or-invert logical circuits," IEEE Transactions of Electronic Computers, June 1963* 7. Muroga, S. , "Logical design of optimal digital networks by integer programming, " in book Advances in Information Systems Science, Vol. 3 edited by J. T. Tou, Plenum Press, 1970, pp. 283-3^8. *«* %