CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER 1841 — 1889 t CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER 1841—1889 EDITED BY ANDREW ALEXANDER HUNTER REGISTRAR OF CHELTENHAM COLLEGE COI.LEGIUM CHELTONIENSE MDCCCXLl “ Floruit, Floret, Floreat ” LONDON GEORGE BELL AND SONS, YORK STREET COVENT GARDEN 1890 CHISWICK PRESS : — C. VVHITTINC.HAM AND CO., TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE 3 X f CONTENTS. PAGE REFACE Abbreviations ..... History of the College The College Buildings The College Arms .... Cheltenham College Mission The Greek Plays at Cheltenham Board of Directors and College Council .... Principals of Cheltenham College ..... Head Masters of the Military and Civil Department . Head Masters of the Junior Department .... Assistant Masters ........ College Boarding Houses and House Masters . Register of Entries ........ Scholarships, Exhibitions, and Prizes at Cheltenham College Heads of Departments ....... List of the College Cricket Elevens, Boat Crews, Football and Rifle Corps Teams, Racquet Pairs, and Gymnasium Eights List of Winners of House Challenge Cups "The Cheltonian Society Cheltonian Bibliography . Index of Directors and College Council Index of Masters . . . . Index of Collegians .... vii ix I lO 23 23 23 24 30 32 33 33 58 61 403 410 412 423 426 427 428 429 431 735293 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. HE Founders of Cheltenham College . j Cheltenham College. West Front . I Cheltenham College. From the Playground Ground Plan of Cheltenham College . I The “ Big Classical” .... ) The “ Big Modern ” .... r The Chapel. Exterior . . ( The Chapel. Interior t The Gymnasium, Workshops, and Fives Courts I The Pierson Museum ........ I The Junior School. From the West ..... ( The Junior School. From the Playground .... r The Junior School. Interior ...... I The Drawing Room ........ The Principals of Cheltenham College . . . - . Plan of the College Buildings, showing Boarding Houses PAGE Frontispiece . . I 1 2 . . lO lO 12 12 . l8 . i8 . 20 . . 20 . . 22 . . 22 . 30 . . 58 PREFACE. HE compilation of a College Register was first mooted in the columns of the “ Cheltenham College Magazine” in 1870, and letters had since, at occasional periods, appeared on the subject in that publication. Nothing, however, was done until the summer of 1883, when the writer of these lines and Captain (now Lieut.-Colonel) J. C. Dalton, R.A., brought the matter again forward in “ The Cheltonian.” It was then decided to publish the Register in preliminary parts, merely giving the names of the boys who had entered and the dates of their births, together with the names and addresses of their fathers. Part I. accordingly appeared in 1883 ; and Part IV., which completed the entries to the end of 1885, came out in 1886. These formed the basis of the Register now issued. Circulars were also sent to all Old Cheltonians whose addresses were known, asking them to fill up the necessary particulars with regard to them- selves. A great many of these, unfortunately, have never been returned by their recipients, although in the majority of instances they have had two and sometimes more applications made to them. The addresses of many others it has been found impossible to obtain, hence the lack of information respecting their careers. The information stated after each boy’s name is put down, as far as possible, in the following order: — Father’s name and address. Class and Department on entering College, and the same on leaving, name of Boarding House, date of leaving, scholastic and athletic honours attained at the College, and subsequent career when known. The details thus given are the result of much labour and research. Great difficulty was experienced in finding out anything about Old Cheltonians who had left College many years ago, and more especially of those who were dead. Another cause, which did not minimise the difficulty, was the fact of many Old Cheltonians having made additions to their names, or else changed their surnames altogether, making identification not easy. The old method of naming the classes at Cheltenham would probably prove totally unintelligible to those unconnected with the College, and for their benefit it may be perhaps as well here to explain that formerly Classes were numbered from I downwards, and these again were divided into A and B, some into C and D, others into P (Principal’s side) and V.P. (Vice-Principal’s side). 1'* was the highest class in each Department. Besides these, certain others were cdSS.&d. Addiscombe, Woolwich, Civil, Direct, Line, Sandhurst, Naval, Special, Preparatory, Latin, and Ljidia Civil. In September, 1889, all this was abolished, and the plan substituted was that which PREFACE. viii was in force at all the great Public Schools ; the word Form took the place of Class, and the Sixth Form then became the highest, the First P'orm the lowest. To make a book of this nature absolutely correct is of course an impossible task, but it is hoped that this Register may nevertheless prove of great interest not only to all Cheltonians, but also to those who have been in any way officially connected with the College ; and for any errors that occur the writer craves their indulgence, and would be glad to have them pointed out, so that they may be put right in the event of another edition of the Register being published at some future period. The history of the College here given was very kindly undertaken by the late Rev. H. E. Bayly, whose intimate connection with Cheltenham, both as a boy and Master, for the long period of forty-two years — 1842-84 — entitled him to speak with authority on the subject. The description of the buildings is from the able hand of Mr. H. A. Prothero, the well-known architect at Cheltenham, himself an Old Cheltonian, and who received much valuable assistance from Mr. Rainger, builder to the College. The permanent photographic prints are from negatives supplied by Mr. White, of Weston Villa, Cheltenham, to whose care and trouble are due the very successful results given. In conclusion, especial thanks are due to Mr. Francis J. Cade, without whose aid — as also that of the Rev. William Vassall — during the preliminary stages it would have been well-nigh impossible to have carried the work out at all ; to Mr. Basil H. Soulsby, who spared himself no trouble in collecting information, and whose assistance has been invaluable; to Sir Ralph W. Thompson, K. C.B., Permanent Under Secretary for War, for having permitted the records at the War Office to be utilized for all details respecting Old Cheltonians in the Army, much of which it would otherwise have not been possible to obtain ; and to Mr. Hughes, of the Secretary’s Office, on whom devolved the great labour of writing up the original Register books from the manuscript documents. The College, Cheltenham, December, 1889. A. A. H. ABBREVIATIONS. B.A. Bachelor of Arts. H.I.H. His Imperial Highness. Her Majesty’s Ship. Bart. Baronet. H.M.S. B.C. Bachelor of Surgery. Hon. Honourable or Honorary. . B.C.L. Bachelor of Civil Law. H.R.H. His (or Her) Royal Highness. B.D. Bachelor of Divinity. H.S.H. His (or Her) Serene Highness. B.Mus. Bachelor of Music. J.P. Justice of the Peace. B.Sc. Bachelor of Science. K.C.B. Knight Commander of the Order of C.B. Companion of the Order of the the Bath. Bath. K.C.I.E. Knight Commander of the Order CE. Civil Engineer. of the Indian Empire. C.I.E. Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire. K.C.M.G. Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. CM. Master in Surgery. K. C.S.I. Knight Commander of the Order of C.M.G. Companion of the Order of St. the Star of India. Michael and St. George. Lieut. Lieutenant. Co. County. LL.B Bachelor of Laws. C.S.I. Companion of the Order of the LL.D. Doctor of Laws. Star of India. LL.M. Master of Laws. D.C.L. Doctor of Civil Law. M.A. Master of Arts. D.D. Doctor of Divinity. M.B. Bachelor of Medicine. D.L. Deputy Lieutenant. M.D. Doctor of Medicine. D.Mus. Doctor of Music. M.P. Member of Parliament. D.S.O. Companion of the Distinguished O.C. Old Cheltonian. Service Order. P. and 0. Peninsular and Oriental. F.R.C.P. Fellow of the Royal College of Phy- Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy. sicians. R.A. Royal Artillery, or Royal Academi- F.R.C.S. Fellow of the Royal College of Sur- cian. geons. R.E. Royal Engineers. F.R.S. Fellow of the Royal Society. R.I.E.C. Royal Indian Engineering College. G.C.B. Knight Grand Cross of the Order R.M. Royal Marines. of the Bath. S.C.L. Student in Civil Law. G.C.M.G. Knight Grand Cross of the Order of c. 1 ( Classical J -j Military and Civil > epar - St. Michael and St. George. H.E.I.C.S. Honourable East India Company’s Service. J. / i Junior j ! ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. ADDITIONS. ENTERED OCTOBER, 1865. Lloyd, Hugh Wroughton, son of Major Banastre P. Lloyd, 3 Priory Parade, Cheltenham ; born 20th May, 1856. ENTERED AUGUST, 1872. Johnson, Hamilton, son of Frederick H. Johnson, Esq., 29 Carlton Hill, London ; born 24th April, 1859. Latin III. C — . Leconfield. ENTERED APRIL, 1874. Tuckerman, Fleming, son of the Hon. C. K. Tuckerman, 14 Sumner Place, Onslow Square, London ; born 17th December, 1858. 6C — . Newtek House. ENTERED SEPTEMBER, 1883. Meakin, James Robinson, son of Edward John Meakin, Esq., The Grange, Spondon, Derby; born 1 2th June, 1868. UC — DC. Hazelwell. Cricket XXII., 1884-85. Page 57. A. W. C. Sanders, add “ M.A., 1890.” Died at Cheltenham, 28th May, 1890. „ 58. M. Tanner, add “ M. A., 1890.” „ 58. To List of Masters under 1889 add ; “ Sidney Augustus Sworn, B. A., Scho- lar of Balliol College, Oxford. B. A. (ist Class National Science), 1888. Master in Experimental and Na- tural Sciences, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1889. “ H. Matthews, B. Sc. London Univer- sity. Assistant Master in Experi- mental and Natural Sciences, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, since 1889.” „ 60. After Jelfs, add “ James.” „ 62. H. M. Clifford, add “ Subsequently at Rugby School (August, 1848 — ). Wadham College, Oxford, 1852. B. A., 1856; M. A., 1866. Ordained Deacon, 1858, and Priest, 1859. Curate of Oswaldkirk, Yorkshire, Page 25. ,, 25. 25 - 28. 30. 34 - 35 - 40. 42. 46. 57. R. C. Sherwood died at Cheltenham, 7th February, 1850. C. C. Hay died at Cheltenham, 29th July, 1858. J. B. Irving died 6th October, 1876. J. P. Haines died at Cirencester, 3rd May, 1890. Rev. W. Dobson, M.A., add “ Edu- cated at Charterhouse.” Rev. R. Airey died at Kirk Santan Vicarage, Isle of Man, 6th Novem- ber, 1889. Rev. J. B. Seaman died at Bourne- mouth, 7th May, 1890. Rev. George Butler, D.D., died in London, loth March, 1890. Rev. P. H. E. Brette, B.D., died in London, i6th March, 1890. Rev. J. Wood, D.D., appointed Head Master of Tonbridge School, 1890. After W. B. Haworth, B.A., add “ Educated at King Edward VI. Grammar School, Birmingham.” ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. XI Page 67. ,, 7 >- ,, 74 - » 74- » 75- ,, 77- „ 79- „ 80. ,, 84. „ 84. ,, 85. » 85. „ 90. ,, 90- „ 90. » 90. » 93- » 94- 1858- 59; of Scawljy, Lincolnshire, 1859- 62 ; Vicar of Fiilforcl, York- shire, r 864-7 1. Address: St.John’s Hill, Ellesmere, Salop.” M. W. Willonghljy, add “ Major- General, 1890.” R. A. Dalyell, add “ Entered Madras Civil Service in 1851. Was Secre- tary to the Madras Government (Revenue Department), 1868-70; Chief Secretary, 1873 5 Chief Com- missioner of Mysore, 1875-76 ; Vice- President of the Council of State for India, 1883-84. C.S.I., 1879. L L.D.(S. Andrew’s), 1 885. K.C.I.E., 1887. Sir Robert Dalyell was also a J.P. and D.L. for Fifeshire. Died of heart disease, at the New Club, Edinburgh, i8th January, 1 890.” C. B. Whish, add “Cornet, 14th Hus- sars, 1851 ; Lieutenant, 1853 ; Cap- tain (retired), 1861. Served as Assistant - Quartermaster -General of the Cavalry Division in the Persian Expedition of 1857 (men- tioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Lost in the wreck of the ss. ‘ Quetta,’ on her voyage from Brisbane to England, 28th Febru- ary, 1890.” C. J. Addington, add “ Retired, 1890.” R. H. Cunliffe, add “ Addiscombe Military College” before Ensign. A. H. H. McGachen, add “ Retired, 1889. ” J. D. Campbell, add “Appointed Commander of the Portugese Or- der of Our Lady of the Conception, of Villa Vicosa, 1888.” E. O. Hewett, add “ Major-General, 1 890. ” C. E. Lewes, before 2nd Lieutenant add “Addiscombe Military Col- lege, 1849.” W. G. Murray ^add “Addiscombe Military College ” before Ensign. R. A. Stevenson, add “Addiscombe Military College” before 2nd Lieu- tenant. C. A. Robertson, add “ Addiscombe Military College” before Ensign. R. W. T. Gordon, before Ensign add “ Passed into the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, in 1857, but did not proceed there.” F. J. P. Hill, before Ensign add “ Royal Military Academy, Wool- wich, 1852 ; passed into the Artil- lery, but entered the Line.” T. G. Kennedy, add “ Lieut.-General, 1890.” J. F. W. Kane, after 1833 add “ Re- entered College, January, 1852.” H. Johnson, add “Appointed Canon of Kildare Cathedral, 1890.” C. Campbell, add “ Ensign, 48th Foot, June, 1855 ; Lieutenant, October, 1855 ; Captain, June, 1866 ; transferred to 86th Foot, Page 96. „ 98. » 98. » 98. ,, 98. „ 98. „ 98. » 99 - „ 99 - „ - 99 - 99 - „ 99 - lOI. „ 103 - „ 104. October, r866, and to 7th Dragoon Guards, 1 868 ; Brevet-Major, June, 1879 ; Major, Sejjtember, 1879 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1881 ; on Half-Pay, 1883; Colonel, 1 885 ; Retired, 1889. Passed Staff College, 1867. Garri- son Instructor, Curragh District, 1870- 71 ; and in North Britain, 1871- 76; Instructor in Tactics, Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1877-79. Assistant- Adjutant-Gen- eral, Dublin Recruiting District. Served with the 7th Dragoon Guards in the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present in the en- gagements at El Magfar and Mahsama, in the action at Kas- sassin on the 28th August, at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir and cap- ture of Cairo (mentioned in de- spatches, C.E., Medal with clasp, 3rd Class Medjidie, and Khedive’s Star).” J. H. Knox, add “Addiscombe Military College, 1855. Ensign, Bengal Artillery, 1856. Died at Meerut, East Indies, i6th August, 1857.” R. H. Hudleston, before Ensign add “Addiscombe Military College.” J. Jacob, before Ensign add “ Ad- discombe Military College.” W. Moult, add “ Previously at Rossall School (1844—).” H. S. Pasley, before Head add “Pre- viously at Rossall School.” Delete address, and add “ Died at South- sea, Hants, 28th February, 1 890.” P. C. Rynd, before Ensign add “Ad- discombe Military College.” G. R. Trevor, add “ Previously at Sherborne School.” A. Vivian, before Ensign add “ Ad- discombe Military College.” H. St. M. Wynch, before Ensign add “Addiscombe Military College.” C. G. Gunning, add “ Addiscombe Military College, 1851. Ensign, Madras Infantry, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; Captain, i865;joinedMadras Staff Corps, 1866 ; Major, 1873. Died at h'olkestone, 13th June, 1878.” C. J. Anderson, before Ensign add “Addiscombe Military College.” W. A. Basevi, add “ Previously at Westminster School.” H. F. Ramsay died at Hankow, China, 22nd May, 1890. W. S. Sleigh, before Modern add “ Previously at Marlborough Col- lege (February, 1848, to June, 1848).” A. Wynch, add “ Addiscombe Mili- tary College. 2nd Lieutenant, Ma- dras Artillery, 1856 ; Lieutenant, 1858 ; Captain, Royal Artillery, 1865; Major, 1872; Lieut.-Colonel (retired), 1877.” C. W. Babington, add “ Colonel, 1890.” ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Page io6. „ io6. „ io6. „ 107. » 107. „ 107. „ 108. „ 108. „ 109. „ 109. „ III. » III. „ 1 12. „ 1 12. » 113. » 114. „ 1 14. W. W. F. Hay, before Ensign add “Addiscombe Military College.” Page 1 1 8. A. M. Lang, before Cricket add “Previously at Rugby School (Au- gust, 1846 — ).” 5 ) 1 19. W. H. McCausland, before 2nd Lieu- tenant add “Addiscombe Military 1 19. College.” F. L. Nicholls, add “ Previously at Marlborough College (February, 120. 1848 — December, 1848).” G. M. Shewell, after Day Boy add 120. “ Re-entered College, March, 1855.” H. H. C. G. Warrington, before En- sign add “ Addiscombe Military College.” ' H. P. L. E. St. George, before En- 120. sign add “ Royal Military Aca- demy, Woolwich, 1854 ; passed into the Artillery, but entered the Line. Retired, 1890.” J. Bubb died at Cheltenham, 4th 121. 122. May, 1890. W. de S. Filgate, before Cricket add “ Previously at Rugby School JJ 123. (August, 1847—).” J) 124. A. P. Grant, before Ensign add “ Previously at Rugby School (February, 1848 — ). Addiscombe Military College.” H. F. Corbyn, add “ Previously at King William’s College, Isle of „ 125. Man.” R. B. Mathew, add “ Previously at Marlborough College (August, „ 125. 1848 — June, 1850).” C. A. M. Skinner, laefore ist Lieu- „ 125. tenant add “ Addiscombe Mili- tary College, 1858.” „ 127. J. N. Steel, before Ensign add “ Addiscombe Military College.” „ 127. F. B. Molony, before Madras add “ Previously at Marlborough Col- lege (August, 1846 — December, 1847). H.E. I. C. College, Hailey- „ 129. bury ; Senior Gold Medallist, 1853.” „ 129. C. F. Gleig, after 1854 add “Addis- combe Military College.” „ 132. J. H. Gleig, before Lieutenant add “Addiscombe Military College.” » 132. 1 14. A. R. Heyland, at end of paragraph add “Assassinated by a trooper of his regiment, at Deesa, Bombay, 26th November, 1889.” 1 16. E. R. Hudleston, add “ Previously at Brighton College (1847 — 51). Ensign, 14th Madras Native In- „ 140. fantry, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1857 ; Joined Madras Staff Corps, 1857. Died at sea, loth August, 1864.” „ 140. „ 140. 1 16. G. W. H. Whitehead, add “Pre- viously at Rossall School (185 1 — ).” „ 141. 117. C. J. T. Duesbury, add “ Previously at Rugby School (February, 1850 -).” „ 142. 117. E. Greg, add “ Previously at Rugby School (August, 1850 — ).” „ 142. 1 18. W. P. Hughes, add “ Previously at » 143. Rossall School.' J. Maughan, add “ Previously at Lea- mington College.” G. W. Raymond, add “ Previously at Marlborough College (Febru- ary, 1848 — Easter, 1851).” W. A. Turnbull, after Merchant add “J.P. for Essex.” R. T. Hamond, before 2nd Lieu- tenant add “Addiscombe Mili- tary College.” J. F. W. Kane, after 1833 add “ Re- entry vide August, 1 846.” J. G. Macleod, add “ Addiscombe Military College, 1857. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1859; Lieuten- ant, 1861; Captain, 1869; Major, 1879. Died at Agra, East Indies, 1 8th November, 1880.” F. C. Singleton, before Ensign add “Addiscombe Military College.” J. A. Armstrong, before Lieutenant add “ Addiscombe Military Col- lege, 1858.” W. F. Allen, add “ Previously at Marlborough College (February, 1851 — June, 1852).” J. B. Hennell, add “ Addiscombe Military College, 1858. Ensign, Bombay Infantry, 1859 ; Lieu- tenant, 1862 ; Captain, Bombay Staff Corps, 1871. D ied at Shank- lin. Isle of Wight, 8th May, 1875.” E. Kempson, before Ensign add “ Previously at Rugby School (August, 1851 — ).” H. Lawe, add “ Previously at King William’s College, Isle of Man.” C. L. Prendergast, add “ Colonel, 1 890.” J. Ewing, before Ensign add “Addis- combe Military College.” A. H. Austen-Leigh, before Cricket add “ Previously at Radley Col- lege.” After 1 87 5 add “ Vicar of Wargrave, Berkshire, 1890.” C. F. Hughes add “ Brevet-Colonel, 1889. ” A. C. Lawford, add “ Previously at Brighton College (1850-52).” W. P. O. Boulderson died 12th June, 1890. H. G. Willis, add “ ist Lieutenant, Bengal Artillery, 1858 ; Captain, Royal Artillery, 1872 ; Resigned, 1876. Address: The Glenfall, near Cheltenham.” D. Milne-Home, after On Half- Pay, 1889, add “ Commanding nth Regimental District, 1890.” J. G. Pollock, add “Retired, 1890.” A. C. Wood died at Hollin Hall, Ripon, 10th February, 1890. C. S. Beauchamp, after i860 add “Joined Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, February, 1861 (on Addiscombe being closed).’’ C. V. Eccles died at Bareilly, East Indies, 20th February, 1890. J. L. Hunt,add“Lieut-Colonel, 1890.” W. M. Rolph, add “ Lieut.-Colonel, 1890.” ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. xiii Page 146. „ 146. ,, 147 - » >5 )) )) 149 - 154. 156. 158. 161. 162. 162. 163. 166. 166. „ 166. „ 167. 168. „ 172. „ 172. ,, I7S- „ 176. » 179- „ 181. „ 184. „ 186. „ 189. » 191- 193 - ,, 193 - » 194 - » 194- H. W. R. de Coetlogon, after 1888, towards end of paragraph, add “and Consul for the Highlands of New Caledonia and New Hebri- des, in the Western Pacific Ocean, with their Dependencies, 1890.” II. S. Hutchinson, add “ Colonel, 1890.” J. L. L. Morant, before 2nd Lieu- tenant add “ Addiscombe Mili- tary College.” G. M. Shewell, after 1837 add “ Re-entry vide August, 1849.” C. B. Cooke, add “ Lieut. -Colonel, 1889. ” A. I. Maclaverty, add “Colonel, 1890.” A. W. Bird, before Ensign add “ Addiscombe Military College.” J. R. Pine-Coffin died at Portledge, Devon, i6th March, 1890. B. G. Vyvyan, before Ensign add “ Addiscombe Military College.” R. O. Vyvyan, add “ Colonel, 1890. ” T. A. A. Barstow, after On Half- Pay, 1888, add “Retired, 1889.” F. E. Apthorp, add “ Lieut. -Colonel, 1890. ” R. J. Abbott, before 2nd Lieutenant add “Addiscombe Military Col- lege.” J. B. Ribton died at Westgate-on- Sea, Kent, 20th May, 1890. F. S. Carr died at Rawul Pindi, East Indies, 30th March, 1890. R. Garnett, after Major, July, 1881, add “ Appointed Aide-de-Camp to the Queen, 1890.” C. R. Jones, after 1846 add “ Re- entered College, September, 1861.” A. Conolly, before 2nd Lieutenant add “Addiscombe Military Col- lege.” G. D’A. Jackson, add “ Colonel, 1890.” H. L. Brett died at Cannes, France, 9th December, 1889. G. A. Lewes, add “ Lieut.-Colonel (on Half-Pay), 1889.” C. de B. Carey, add “Lieut.-Colonel, 1889. ” M. F. Ommaney, add “ K.C.M.G., 1890. ” R. T. Reid, after Q.C., 1882, add “ Bencher of the Inner Temple, 1 890.” W. Brydon died at Colon, Panama, loth February, 1890. A. D. Walker, before Edinburgh add “ Previously at Wellington College (1859-60).” C. W. Hemans, add “ Lieut.-Colonel, on Half-Pay, 1890.” J. Buckingham, add “C.I.E., 1890.” F. C. N. Goldney, add “ Major, 1890 ; Retired, 1890.” J. C. Dalton, add “ Lieut.-Colonel, 1 890.” P. G. Dillon died at Seafield, New Zealand, 4th March, 1890. Page 194. „ 198. „ 198. 210. 210. >> 11 »> 217. 218. 218. 219. „ 224. » 230. » 230. » 230. » 247. „ 251. „ 252. „ 252. 255. 255. 260. 261. „ 265. „ 265. „ 266. „ 274. „ 276. „ 276. » 297. „ 299. „ 302. ,, 305- » 306- Z. H. Turton, add “Vicar of St. Mary’s, Southtown, Suffolk, 1890.” A. G. Fife, at end of paragraph add “Called to the Bar, Middle Tem- ple, 1890.” H. S. A. Fuller, add “ Major, 1889 > Retired, 1890.” G. R. Taylor, add “ Ensign, 3rd Foot, 1864; Lieutenant, 1867 ; Captain, 1874 ; on Half- Pay, 1876 ; Re- tired, 1886.” J. Dickinson, add “Appointed a Metropolitan Police Magistrate, 1 890.” L. Langley died at Kulloor, East Indies, 19th April, 1890, from in- juries caused by a tiger. R. W. Studdy, add “ Colonel, 1890.” F. F. Johnson, add “ Major, 1890.” E. A. Young, add “ Major, 1890.” C. M. T. Hooper died in London, I ith June, 1890. B. E. Spragge, add “Major, 1890.” J. H. C. Harrison, add “ Major, 1890.” R. A. Rigg, add “Major, 1890.” F. H. Trevithick, add “ Granted the Japanese Order of the Mirror (4th Class), 1890.” E. R. Vyvyan, before Died add “ Previously at Clifton College (September, 1865 — July, 1869).” R. C. Hadow, add “ Major, 1890.” A. G. Schuyler, add “ Retired, 1 890.” J. A. M. Bowhill, add “ Retired, 1890.” J. M. S. Brunker, add “ Major, 1890.” C. F. Hadden, add “ Major, 1890.” N. Macleod, add “ Retired, 1890.” F. W. Bromfield, add “Major, 1890.” C. de L. Brock, add “ St. Thomas’s Hospital, London. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1875; Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 1878 ; Licentiate of the Apothecaries’ Society, 1878. Member of the British Medical Association. Ad- dress : Mitcham Road, Tooting Graveney, Surrey.” C. H. Rickards, add “ Major, 1890.” G. W. W. Rochfort-Boyd, add “Major, 1890.” W. D. B. Fenton, add “ Major, 1 890.” M. E. Carthew-Yorstoun, add “ Cap- tain, 1890.” ' J. D. Rees, add “C.I.E., 1890.” H. J. Seton, add “ Major, 1890.” W. R. C. Baird, add “ Retired, 1 890.” A. E. Mackenzie, add “ Retired, 1890.” P. M. Carnegy, add “ Captain, 1889. ” H. R. Addington, add “ Captain, 1 890. ” J. L. Corser, add “Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1890.” XIV ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Page 318. » 319- „ 319- „ 320. » 325- „ 325- 330 - » 348. » 352 . „ 354 - » 355 ' „ 357 - ,, 358. 359- „ 359- W. H. Kyiiaston, add “Vicar of Annesley, Notts, 1890.” H. V. Page, add “ M.A., 1890.” J. B. T. Pratt, add “ Captain, 1890.” J. D. Vyvyan died at Lucknow, East Indies, nth June, 1890. R. S. Bowen, add “Captain, 1889.” W. M. Ellis, add “ Captain, 1890.” L. de R. Jervis killed by a fall from his horse at Allipore, East Indies, loth April, 1890. A. Robinson, add “ Called to the Bar, Middle Temple, 1890.” W. M. Thomas, add “transferred to East Yorkshire Regiment, 1890.” H. W. Heffernan, add “ Lieutenant, 1 890.” H. R. Bottomley, add “2nd Lieu- tenant, Royal West Surrey Regi- ment, 1890.” F. H. Tuke, add “Ordained Dea- con, 1890. Curate of St. George’s Camberwell, Surrey, 1890.” L. G. Moore, add “Passed Indian Civil Service, 1890.” P. A. Boileau drowned while on active service in Lushai, 29th June, 1890. M. A. Prickett, add “ Ordained Dea- con, 1890. Curateof Holy Trinity, Worthing, 1890.” Page 361. » 364. » 367- » 369- » 371. » 372. „ 373- ,, 374- » 381. ,, 384- ,, 384- „ 386. » 389- » 392. E. N. Longe died of cholera at Nungengode, East Indies, 21st April, 1890. M. Stevenson, add “2nd Lieutenant, Argyll and Sutherland High- landers, 1890.” F. E. Bradshaw-Isherwood, add “ Royal Military College, Sand- hurst, 1890.” F. H. Weldon, add “2nd Lieutenant, Derbyshire Regiment, 1890.” A. M. Ross, add “ Resigned, 1890.” E. A. O. Leeds, add “2nd Lieu- tenant, Welsh Regiment, 1890.” E. R. P. Boileau, add “ 2nd Lieu- tenant, East Lancashire Regi- ment, 1890.” The Christian names of Drake-Cut- liffe are Charles Bernard Mervyn. O. L. Francis, add “2nd Lieutenant, 6th Dragoon Guards, 1890.” H. O. W. G. Brooke, add “ Passed Indian Civil Service, 1890.” A. B. Kettlewell, add “ Passed Indian Civil Service, 1890.” R. F. Cox, add “Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1890.” C. H. Harrington, add “Royal Mili- College, Sandhurst, 1890.” W. F. Bainbridge, add “ Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1890.” CORRECTIONS. Page 10. Footnote 2. For “one of the founders of the College,” read “ one of the first Directors of the College.” „ 16. Lines 9 — 13. Read as follows : '''' Captain C. H. Evans {Qua.rier\Y, 1st, argent, three war saddles sable ; 2nd, or, a lion rampant reguardant sable ; 3rd, argent, a chevron sable between three Cor- nish choughs proper ; 4th, sable, a lion rampant ai'gent within a bordure engrailed or ; 5th, or, a chevron between three mullets sable ; 6th, argent, three beavers sable.” 17. For “an urn or” read “a spur rowel- led or.” „ 23. Cheltenham College Mission. Since going to the press, the Industrial School at Cheltenham has ceased its connection with the College, and its place has been taken by a College Mission, instituted in the parish of St. Antholin, Nunhead, near London, which contains a population of 14,000 people. The Mission district, which will form a separate parish, will contain 5,000 people, all of the poorest sort. It is hoped that all Old Cheltonians will interest them- selves in the College Mission, and help in various ways, and so the Mission may be another bond of brotherhood between past and present Members of the School. The cost of maintaining the Mis- sion, including the stipend of the Missioner, will be not less than ;^400 a year. Subscriptions are invited from all Old Cheltonians, and from all who are interested in the College, and will be gratefully received by the Treasurer, the Rev. J. A. Owen, M.A., 22 Suffolk Square, Cheltenham. Page 23. Last line. Delete “ On opposite page is an illustration of each.” „ 29. Line 19. For “1842 ’’read “1841-42.” „ 63. A. L. Gordon’s second Christian name is spelt “ Lindsay.” „ 71. For “ Dalzel” read “Da^ell.” „ 89. T. L Bell, delete “ Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1849 — S°” „ 90. For “ Hobbes, Richard B.,” read “ Hobbes, Richard „ 94. Under Brancker,W.G., delete “Royal Military Academy, Woolwich,” and insert “ Direct Commission.” „ too. Under Girardot, H., delete from “ Lieutenant ” to “ 1857-58,” and insert “ Addiscombe Military Col- lege, 1855. 2nd Lieutenant, Ben- gal Artillery, 1856; ist Lieu- tenant, 1858 ; 2nd Captain, Royal Artillery, 1865. Served in the ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. XV Pa}(C 123. „ 124. „ 125. » 127. » 130- » 133- » 135- „ 136. „ 148. Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1857- 58, including the actions at Ba- reilly, Shahjehanpore, and Bunka- goan (Medal).” T. B. Butler, delete “Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1854.” F. G. F'rith, delete “ Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1856 — 57.” Under Roberts, F. B., delete “Di- rect Commission,” and insert “ Addiscombe Military College, 1857.” Under A. H. Austen-Leigh, delete address given, and insert “ War- grave Vicarage, Henley-on- Thames.” S. Moore, delete “ Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1854.” H. W. Feilden, delete “Royal Mili- tary College, Sandhurst, 1855.” Turnbull, C. C., should be entered under August, 1852, and not August, 1853. For “Ward, S. H. J. C.” read “Ward, S. J. H. C.” Under Gambier, G. R., delete “ Royal Military Academy, Wool- Page 1 5 1. „ 154- „ 1 56. „ 181. » 194- „ 221. „ 286. „ 320. 380. wich,” and insert “ Addiscombe Military College.” Under Montgomerie, W. II., delete “ Direct Commission,” and insert “Addiscombe Military College, 1857.” U nder de Lautour, E. J ., delete “ Royal Military Academy, Woolwich,” and insert “Addiscombe Military College.” Under Maclaverty, A. I., delete “ Royal Military Academy, Wool- wich,” and insert “Addiscombe Military College.” For “Ommaney” read “ Omman- «ey.” Under Turton, Z. H., delete address given, and insert “ St. Mary’s Vicarage, Southtown, Suffolk.” For “ Apperley ” read “ Apperly.” G. E. Walter, delete “Royal Mili- tary College, Sandhurst.” Wingfield - Stratford’s Christian names are Richard Neville. The second Christian name of Scot- Skirving should be Adam, not Scot. % OF THE UNIVERSiTlf Ur ILLir^CIS ^ • t •> « • « • ♦ • # . * V/ t ^ • 8iMi£»' « e ’ s « t 4 ( HI'.I.TENHAM COLLEGE FROM THE I’LAYGROUNI). CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. HISTORY OF THE COLLEGE. OUNDED in the summer of A.D. 1841, Cheltenham College lacks yet barely two years of the celebration of its jubilee. The forty-eight years of its existence have been perhaps the most important in the progress of education which the annals of England have to record. A new era in literature, and new requirements in extended commerce, new demands in almost every branch of knowledge, began to bring about what may be termed rather a revolution than a reformation in the domain of education. Science, technically so called, put in her claims for consideration, and modern languages became a necessity of the times, and mathematical training, which had hitherto taken a subordinate position in the curriculum of the older schools, forced its way to the front. Competitive examinations throughout all departments, in accordance with national wants, struck a death-blow to nepotism, nominations, and old hereditary claims to lucrative posts. A more practical age required a sterner test, and insisted on some better guarantee to ensure getting the right man for the right place. The merit of having been the first founders of the College is universally assigned to Mr. G. S. Harcourt and Captain J. S. Iredell but little did they and the other gentlemen who met together in the winter of 1840 foresee what a young giant they were destined to produce. The original Board of Directors consisted of the aforesaid, with the Revs. F. Close, J. Brown, See., and Captain R. Litchfield, R.A., ' On the termination of Captain Iredell’s long and valuable services to the College, his old friends, to mark their appreciation of his labours, gave him a massive silver-gilt vase of classical design, with his coat-of-arms engraved on one side, and a view of the College on the other, the marble base upon which the vase rested being inscribed as follows : — “ Presented to James Shrubb Iredell, Esq., formerly Captain in the 15th Regiment Bombay Native Infantry, to commemorate his Services as one of the Founders of Cheltenham College, and as having, in the discharge of the duties of Hony : Registrar and Director for nearly 22 years, been greatly instrumental in bringing the College to its present state of prosperity, 1862. The number of pupils on Capt. Iredell’s re- tirement from office was 614.” Accompanying the vase was a handsomely bound illuminated volume, containing the names of the subscribers to the testimonial. The above presentation took place on Wednesday, 26th November, 1862, in the “ Big Modern,” before a large audience. B - I I 2 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. the latter of whom acted as Honorary Secretary. Lord Sherborne was President of the Board, and these elected as their first Principal the Rev. Alfred Phillips, D.D. No speeial buildings then existed for the reception of pupils, who met for the first time on Thursday, 29th July, 1841, in the centre houses of Bays Hill Terrace. Small as the numbers then were (about one hundred), the accommodation, especially that of the playground, was very insufficient for school purposes ; and all concerned welcomed the opening of the new buildings in the summer of 1843. They, too, were small compared with the existing structure ; and perhaps it were well here to note the dates at which the several additions have been made. The playground was enlarged first in the year 1848, and subsequently in 1855. The large room of the Military Department (the “ Big Modern ”), was erected upon the foundation of the old open gymnasium and fives-courts in 1850; the Chapel was commenced in 1856; the Gymnasium and Racquet Courts in 1864; the Work- shops (a very valuable addition) in 1875. Other class-rooms were built from time to time, also a large apartment devoted to Chemistry and Science, and an excellent Museum, which contains many valuable specimens. Nor must we pass over the erection of a magnificent swimming and other baths, in an adjacent field purchased by the Council for the purpose in 1880. The exact reason for the retirement of Dr. Phillips we do not know. He was an excellent teacher of the subjects which he took in hand, especially of Hebrew, in which he was proficient. His successor was the Rev. William Dobson, M.A., late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, — a name now widely known and appreciated, but then new to scholastic fame outside the University. The reputation of the new Head, and that of the establishment over which he so ably presided, grew pari passu, for the first time the “young school” came forward as a successful competitor for the highest honours, and the coveted title of “ Balliol Scholar” came to be frequently inscribed upon the College walls. If sufficient talent and application were forthcoming Mr. Dobson was the man to lead his men to triumph and to victory. Who can forget his calm and dignified courtesy and his unobtrusive management of that portion (viz. the educational) which was immediately under his control ; while the organization was such that scarcely any- thing could be supplemented or superseded. This went on with a continued tide of success until, in 1859, retirement left the College to deplore his loss. In the meanwhile, ever since 1844, a constantly increasing strength was manifesting itself in the sister — for it must not be called rival — Department, the Military and Civil. As many a sturdy tree spreads into two equally large and important branches, each with its own life and vigour united by the parent stem, so did the School. Instead of being a mere class or two — a mere appendage to the Classical — the Military and Civil sprang into importance with the greatest rapidity, and its numbers soon equalled and eventually surpassed those of the older Department. It may almost be said to have been the creation of one man — the Rev. Thomas Allen Southwood. The more practical side of modern education invited the attention of many who felt that the curriculum of the older Public Schools was insufficient for the existing requirements, and those Schools have since recognized the necessity of following the example set by their younger competitor. Before quitting the period of Mr. Dobson’s career, we should state that, owing to the rapid development and largely increasing numbers of the College, he gained permission from the Directors to appoint a Vice- Principal, as his own assistant, in 1853, and his choice fell on the Rev. H. A. Holden, Senior Classic, and Fellow and <5l\eUi7D PmI/ op C 0 LUE 6 E t \f >, V -r <• ' , 1 I /* /'■ I r I t '•■[;. f;'i^ 1 -r ■ ' \'i>; : . f . ki. \ I . - ^ - s < HISTORY OF THE COLLEGE. 3 Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge, a gentleman of great attainments and of widespread reputation. To him, in 1858, succeeded the Rev. G. Butler, late Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford, and now Canon of Winchester. Upon his re- tirement in 1865, the title of Vice-Principal was abolished, or rather was merged in that of Head Master of the Military and Civil Department, and the Principal’s Assistant was styled Senior Assistant Classical Master. This post was held successively by the Rev. Dr. Bigg, Mr. Nutt, and Mr. Leighton. This last was succeeded by the Rev. J. A. Owen, who still gives his valuable services to the College. His successes, especially in the Indian Civil Service Examinations, have left a decided mark upon the School. It is now time to consider what has been the general government of the School as a whole, up to the date of 1859. It may be divided into three headings — the intellectual, the moral, and the religious. The first of these was left entirely in the hands of the Principal. It was for him to elect and dismiss masters, and to arrange all matters connected with the teaching of the pupils. The moral government was entrusted to a committee of Directors, who were styled “ The Discipline Com- mittee.” They had to deal with any offences committed by boys outside the College walls. They too, had the appointment of masters to the Boarding-houses, together with the regulation and control of these establishments. The religious training was entrusted to two Theological Tutors, who were appointed by the Directors, and were not dismissible by the Principal. This iinperium in impet'io can hardly be said to have worked very well. No Theological Tutors can ever obtain the high influence over the inner lives of boys which is possessed by the Head Master of a School. The government by the Discipline Committee was cer- tainly not a success. The only person among them who showed any real admini- strative power, was the Rev. Francis Close, who was a most able man of business. He had a marvellous knack of managing a large assembly, and by some little incisive remark or well-timed saying, could turn the audience in his favour. At a meeting of proprietors to consider the question of raising the boarding fees, which were then ridiculously low, a certain Colonel, who was much averse to the increase, and was very wrath with the Rev. Chairman, got up and said : — “Gentlemen, I pro- pose that the name of Mr. Close be expunged from the Directorate.” “ You will require rather a large sponge to do that. Colonel,” was the quiet rejoinder; a burst of laughter followed, and the dissenting voice was heard no more. Without Mr. Close the Committee was a mere nonentity. It is only fair to say that they were quite willing to delegate their powers to the Principal, who declined to accept the responsibility. To sneer at their unremunerated service would be most unfair. Doubtless they performed a task, which Avas more or less necessary during the School’s infancy, in the absence of other authority ; but a full-grown and well organized institution can afford to dispense with laws which may be necessary to guide the child or the savage over the first steps of self-restraint. A few more remarks may close what we may term the first epoch of the School’s history, ending with the retirement of Mr. Dobson in 1859. public lists give the names of the senior masters on either side of the College. Mr. Dobson’s successor had to under- take the task of superintending the Boarding-houses, and all the external manage- ment of the School, in short, the duties of the late Discipline Committee, which now ceased to exist. The choice of the Directors fell upon the Rev. Henry Highton, M.A., late Fellow of Queen’s College, Oxford — a favourite pupil of Dr. Arnold’s — and for a long time a House Master at Rugby, with an array of testi- 4 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. moiiials of the highest order. What more eligible candidate could have presented himself to the electors ? Having many more calls upon his time than his prede- cessor, Mr. Highton appointed the Rev. T. A. Marshall, previously Vice-Master of the Military and Civil Department, as his Composition Master, and con.signed to him much of the teaching of his first class. The step was an unfortunate one, and undoubtedly much weakened his influence. But the time was come when the School had outgrown its boyhood, and was yearning to cast off the trammels of a local Directorate. In the throes of a near revolution, history shows us how many men are sucked into the vortex who might have well held their own in quiet times. It is needless to dwell longer on the subject. Mr. Highton’s reign was short and event- ful, like that of Galba ; and perhaps the Roman historian’s summary of character might not be here wholly inapplicable. The year 1862 saw a new state of thing.s. A new era dawned upon the School. The proprietors had agreed to entirely remodel the constitution. In place of the old local Directors the government was centred in a Council, for the most part non resident. This was divided into two parts, (a) Life Members, not necessarily shareholders, comprising some of the best- known men of the day; (d) Triennial Members, elected by the proprietors out of their own body. These retired by rotation. The first President was Lord Redes- dale. Chairman to the Committee of the House of Lords, and he held the office until his death. The vacant post of Principal was offered to and accepted by the Rev. Alfred Barry, D.D., at that time Head Master of Leeds Grammar School, recently Bishop of Sydney. The powers as well as the duties of the office were considerably enlarged under the new system. The first thing upon which Dr. Barry insisted was that he alone should be responsible for the religious teaching of the College, as well as sole controller of the services in the Chapel. This of course trenched considerably upon the position previously occupied by the Theological Tutors, and it was plain that the abolition of this special office was not far off. It was patent to all that a master-mind was present, and that a new power was at work. The inadequacy of the then existing boarding-house arrangements sug- gested itself to Dr. Barry, who felt that accomodation more suited to the times was necessary if Cheltenham College was to hold its own against its rivals. A Com- pany was formed by which four new large houses were built, and were occupied by the Revs. H. E. Bayly, W. Boyce, J. Graves, and T. M. Whittard. Hazelwell was erected by Mr. Green, while other masters enlarged their houses in accordance with the requisite demands. Boyne House, now the residence of the Head Master of the Modern Department, occupies a most conspicuous position on the north side of the play-ground. In the year 1865, Dr. Barry persuaded the Council to form a separate Junior Department under a separate Head, and excellent rooms were erected on the south side of the main buildings, one of which serves as a Library. In selecting the Rev. T. Middlemore Whittard for the post of Head Master, the Principal found one who was not only an excellent scholar, but a first-rate organizer and disciplinarian. Mr. Whittard’s power also of extracting work from small boys was quite remarkable, as can be testified by all those who were ever in the class under his immediate teaching. The post is now held by the Rev. C. E. Lefroy Austin, who proves himself in all respects a most able successor. After the comparatively short rule of six years, the Council of King’s College, London, offered to Dr. Barry the post of Principal of that institution. To the regret of all at Cheltenham, it was accepted. Dr. Barry had done so much in elevating the status and general condition of the School, that his loss was sure to HISTORY OF THE COLLEGE. 5 be deeply felt. He had introduced the prefect system, and won the confidence of the elder and younger boys alike. He removed several restrictions which were vexatious and galling without having any real efficacy. He had infused a new spirit into the Chapel Services, and many who are now grown up men will remember his influence in preparing for confirmation, and perhaps date from that their first impressions of the higher life. The Council were fortunate in appointing for his successor one who has ever shown himself in every position most capable of holding the reins of government, viz., the Rev. Thomas William Jex-Blake, D.D., subsequently Head Master of Rugby. Long experience in one of the leading Public Schools in England, and a training under such a Head Master as the present Bishop of London (Dr. Temple), whom he eventually succeeded, had ripened his natural administrative abilities into a first-rate condition of efficiency. Boys appreciated his scholarship, and Masters his moral and mental vigour. His sermons in the College Chapel were always dis- tinguished by good sense adorned by culture, while his command and power of epigram was almost unique. When in the year 1874, Rugby claimed her son as her future ruler, the Council appointed as Principal the Rev. Herbert Snow, then a Master at Eton, who has subsequently taken the name of Kynaston. Hardly could a more distinguished scholar have been selected, while his fame as having rowed in 1856, and stroke in 1857, in the Cambridge Eight, marks him as an athlete of no mean order. It is beyond the scope of this treatise to deal with quite recent times, it is enough to say that Dr. Kynaston did much for the School in many respects. He had greatly improved its discipline by making the day-boys more immediately amenable to the laws which are intended for the good of the whole community. His musical talents also were put to good purpose in greatly improving the Chapel services. Dr. Kynaston resigned his office at Christmas, 1888, after a longer tenure than any of his predecessors, with the exception of Mr. Dobson ; and his successor is the Rev. Herbert Armitage James, B.D., late Dean of St. Asaph, and formerly well known as a most successful Head Master of Rossall School. The year 1879 saw the retirement of the Rev. T. A. Southwood from the post which he had so long and so admirably filled. He had perhaps over-estimated his physical strength, and fought too long against the weakness of declining years ; for he was not a man to flinch from any of the duties which his office required, and many a time have his friends regretted to see him face the cold and damp of wintry mornings, with which he was obviously unfit to cope. A few years of repose, marred by ill-health, and it is to be feared by frequent suffering, was all the span allowed him ere he passed away in 1885. If a blameless life before men, if a career devoted to the service of the School which he had so much benefited, and to the boys whom he so loved, if an undeviating and conscientious discharge of duty be acceptable before God, then may Mr. Southwood have calmly turned himself to his rest. When he first joined the College he was comparatively a young man, and it is not too much to say that he became at once its leading spirit. He was the first organizer of its cricket, the first promoter of athletic sports, which, small in their beginnings have now become so important an element, not only in all Public Schools, but in the life and training of English youth. None of the great improvements which the College has seen were undertaken without his advice and co-operation. The plans of the new Boarding-houses, the Gymnasium, the Workshops, the Baths, etc., were all submitted to his judgment, and directed by his practical good sense. 6 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. But we may pass over these, and go on to the great intellectual benefits which he conferred on the School. He was the best trainer of his day in the line of military education, and above all, as a trainer — not a crammer — he aimed at what was per- manent, not evanescent. So he gained the confidence of parents, boys, and masters, who served with him rather than under him, such was the courtesy which he showed to all with whom he came in contact. His picture adorns the “ Big Modern,” as that of Mr. Dobson does the “ Big Classical.” These are their physical features; as to a mental memorial, of both it may alike be said. Si monu- ment uni requiris, circumspice. Mr. Southwood’s successor, Mr. E. A. A. Spencer, came from Wellington College, and was therefore well conversant with the details of military education. Under him the list of Woolwich successes was fully kept up, in spite of an increasing competition which is ever becoming more severe. Mr. Spencer resigned his charge at the close of the Easter term of 1888, and the choice of Head Master of the Military and Civil Department fell upon Mr. J. Brook-Smith, who for the long period of thirty-eight years had been a Master of the College, and since 1884 Vice-Master of the Modern. He, however, was destined never to preside over the office to which he was called; for, to the great grief of all, within a few weeks of his appoint- ment the hand of death was upon him, and he passed peacefully away to his rest. In him the College lost one who had ever shown himself most liberal in taking the lead in all measures for the furtherance of its welfare, and to mark their apprecia- tion of his labours, the former members of his Boarding-house subscribed for the full-length portrait of himself which now hangs in the “ Little Modern,” and which was painted by one who was also in his house — Mr. C. N. Kennedy. The successor to Mr. Brook-Smith as Head Master of the Modern is Mr. W. M. Baker, who has previously occupied a similar position at Rossall School; and it is with a feeling of confidence that under his administration the Department will continue to assert the position it has held in bygone years. To enumerate here all the scholastic successes of Cheltenham boys, would take up too much space, and moreover be needless, as they will be found duly recorded further on, but as a summary of them may be interesting, they are herewith given. Taking first the Universities, and reckoning only such honours as can be gained on leaving school, the number of open scholarships and exhibitions gained since the foundation of the College to the end of 1888, has been 185, and is made up as follows : — At Oxford, 107: Balliol, 17 ; Brasenose, 7 ; Christ Church, 7 ; Corpus Christi, 6; Exeter, 7 ; Jesus, i ; Keble, 2 ; Lincoln, 5 ; Magdalen, 5 ; Magdalen Hall, i ; Merton, 9 ; New, 2 ; Oriel, 3 ; Pembroke, 10; Queen’s, 2 ; St. John’s, i ; Trinity, 10; University, 5 ; Wadham, 5 ; Worcester, 2. At Cambridge,"] 2 : Caius, 7 ; Christ’s, 3 ; Clare, 5; Corpus Christi, 2 ; Emmanuel, 3 ; Jesus, 6; King’s, i ; Pembroke, 3 ; St. Catherine’s, 3 ; St. John’s, 10; St. Peter’s, I ; Trinity, 22 ; Trinity Hall, 6. At Dublin, 5 ; and at Durham, i. Besides the above, Cheltonians while in residence at the Universities, have carried off the following scholarships and prizes open to the ivhole University : — At Oxford: Four Hertford Scholarships (1853, 1856, 1877, 1881); Four Ireland Scholarships (1854, 1868, 1877, 1883); Three Craven Scholarships (1857, 1884, 1887); One Vinerian Law Scholarship (1862) ; One Boden Sanskrit Scholarship (1883); One Derby Scholarship (1886); Two Denyer and Johnson Scholarships HISTORY OF THE COLLEGE. 7 (1873, 1877); One Senior Mathematical Scholarship (1865) ; Four Gaisford Greek Verse Prizes (1858, 1862, 1865, 1885); Four Latin Essay (1856, 1858, i860, 1889) ; Two Latin Verse (1862, 1874); One Newdigate Prize Poem (1861); One English P3ssay (1875) ; One English Sacred Poem (1869) ; One Ellerton Theological Essay (1877); and Four Hall and Hall-Houghton Prizes (1871, 1872, 1875, 1876). At Cambridge: One Browne’s Medallist (1848); One Camden Medallist (1862); One Chancellor’s Classical Medal (1850) ; Two Chancellor’s Medals, Eng- lish Poem (1861, 1863); One Chancellor’s Medal, Legal Studies (1861) ; Four Bell Scholarships (1861, 1873, 1878, 1885); One Craven Scholarship (1863); One Whewell International Law Scholarship (1872) ; Two Porson Prizes (1871, 18-72) ; Four Members’ Prizes for Latin Essay (1863, 1864, 1865, 1881) ; One Evans Theo- logical Prize (1884); One Scholefield Theological Prize (1884); One Cams Greek Testament Prize (1885) ; One Winchester Reading Prize (1872). Cheltenham has likewise produced One Senior Classic (1881) ; Three Second Classics (1850, 1858, 1864); One Third Classic (1862) ; and One Third Wrangler (1870). The admissions of Cheltenham boys into the Royal Military Academy, Wool- wich, and also to the now extinct Military College, Addiscombe, have been very numerous (upwards of 450) ; whilst into the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, they are countless. Of those who entered Woolwich and Addiscombe, five have passed in first, direct from the College (i860, 1861, 1864, 1876, 1878); whilst seven- teen Old Cheltonians have passed out as First Engineer, nine from Addiscombe (1851, 1852, 1853, 1856, 1857, two in 1858, 1859, 1861), and eight from Woolwich (1849, 1862, 1872, 1874, 1876, two in 1878, 1887). The Indian Civil Service Examination, the most difficult of all competitive examinations has been successfully passed by 65 boys direct from the College, of whom one obtained the first place (1877). As regards the various professions, it appears that the number of Cheltonians who have entered into each, as gathered from the information thus far collected, is as follows : — Army, 1771; Barristers, 1 16 ; Clergy, 320; Medical, 53; Royal Navy, 51 ; and Solicitors, 71. A few words must now be said about the games, etc., and the physical education of the School, from the first period of its coming into note. Both the old Directors and the Council have ever been most liberal in fostering these. In cricket the College has always well held its own, as the records will fully testify. In football it has taken and still occupies one of the first places, and has never been stronger than at the present time. The athletic sports introduced by Mr. Southwood in 1853, to which the best part of two days are allotted, have thriven year by year, and never flagged, under the careful management of Mr. Porcher. In 1859 the nucleus of a Boat Club was started at Tewkesbury. It is surprising to see to what dimensions it has spread, when the difficulties of the position are taken into consideration. Nine long miles separate Cheltenham from the rivers Severn and Avon, and the pecuniary question alone would have been found a serious obstacle, had not the liberality of the Midland Railway Company allowed special low fares to members of the Boat Club. It could not, as a matter of course, compete on equal terms with a school such as Eton, Avhich is situated on the river side, but the wonder is that its popularity and success have been so great. In the year 1879 Cheltenham had the honour of becoming the first holders of the Public Schools Challenge Cup at the Henley Regatta. This race, however, was 8 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. abolished a few years later. The Rifle Corps, enrolled in 1862, has fluctuated at times in its numbers, but on many occasions it has done doughty deeds and achieved fame, notably when it won the Ashburton Shield at Wimbledon in 1877 and 1881, (besides being twice equal first, viz., in 1880 and 1889), as also the Spencer Cup in the years 1864, 1867, 1869, 1872, 1874, 1876 and 1877. Besides which the Public Schools Veterans’ Trophy has been carried off by the Old Cheltonians in 1878, 1883, 1885, 1886, 1888 and 1889. One feature in the physical training of the College deserves to be noted, viz., the great variety of games and healthy amusements which are open to boys who do not care to join in any of the above mentioned. There is a first-rate gymna- sium, furnished with all that can be wanted in that respect, and as a proof of the excellent work that is done by the boys under the painstaking supervision of the instructors, it may be mentioned that the College 'has on three occasions — 1885, 1886 and 1887 — succeeded in winning the Public Schools’ Challenge Shield, com- peted for at Aldershot, and are the absolute possessors of the first Shield. Splendid racquet and fives courts are available both for the elder and for the younger boys ; while to those of a mechanical turn, the workshops provide a most desirable and useful occupation for leisure hours. It is an old tale now to cry up the importance of athletic training — it is admitted by all — but who can under-estimate the value of the subsidiary outlets for boys, not necessarily of the lower type but of the weaker nature ? It is this which saves many from loafing and rowdyism, and other evil communications which not only corrupt good manners, but pour oil of vitriol on the roses of young lives. It would be impossible in a short treatise like this to enumerate all Old Cheltonians who have done and are still doing credit to their School in their respective careers in life. All that can be done is siimma seqiii fastigia rerum. In the Army WQ may mention Major-General Sir T. D. Baker, K.C.B., Aide-de- Camp to the Queen ; Major-General Sir Charles Warren, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., R.E. ; Colonel Sir C. W. Wilson, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., R.E. ; Colonel Sir F. Carrington, K.C.M.G. ; the late Colonel Sir J. U. Bateman-Champain, K.C.M.G., R.E. ; the late Colonel P. H. S. Barrow, C.B., C.M.G. ; and the late Colonel J. D. H. Stewart, C. M.G., the companion of General Gordon at Khartoum. In the Church, amongst other noteworthy representatives we have Lord Plunket, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin ; the Very Rev. Francis Pigou, D.D., Dean of Chichester ; the Very Rev. E. R. Currie, D.D., Dean of Battle ; the Very Rev. H. Stewart, D.D., late Dean of Dromore ; the Very Rev. H. B. Bromby, late Dean of Hobart, Tasmania; the Rev. W. W. Merry, D.D., Rector of Lincoln College, Oxford, and Public Orator to the University ; the Rev. R. J. Wilson, M.A., Warden of Keble College, Oxford ; the Rev. F. J. A. Hort, D D., Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity at Cambridge University; the Rev. H. Robeson, M.A., Canon of Bristol; and the Rev. R, E Trefusis, M.A., Canon of Exeter. Of those engaged in Education, the Rev. J. Robertson, M.A., Head Master of Haileybury College ; the Rev. C. McDowall, D. D., Head Master of Highgate School, and Prebendary of St. Paul’s Cathedral ; Henry Jackson, Litt.D., Senior Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge; and Matthews Kempson, M.A., Fellow of Calcutta University, late Director of Public Instruction, North-West Provinces, India. In the profession of Law : — The Right Hon. Sir Henry Jame.s, O.C., M.P., late Attorney-General (and who subsequently refused the Lord Chancellorship); the Hon. Sir J. D. Barry, Chief Justice of the Eastern District, Cape Colony ; C. I. Elton, O.C., M.P. ; R. T. Reid, Q.C., HISTORY OF THE COLLEGE. ^ M.P. ; F. T. Dames-Longworth, Q.C. (Irish); W. F, McDoncll, V.C., late Judge of the High Court of Judicature, Calcutta; and F. Brandt, late Judge of the High Court of Judicature, Madras. In Literature : — The Right Hon. John Morley, M.P. ; W. E. H. Lecky, D.C.L., historian ; R. E. Francillon, novelist ; and F. W. H. Myers, M.A. In Art : — Briton Riviere, Royal Academician; and S. E. Waller. In Architecture : — Professor J. H. Middleton, M.A., Slade Professor of Fine Art in the University of Cambridge. The Victoria Cross has been gained by five of Cheltonia’s sons, viz.: Major A. C. Bogle, in 1857 ; W. F. McDonell, in 1857 ; Midshipman D. G. Boyes in 1864; Colonel G. N. Channer, in 1875; and Colonel R. C. Hart, in 1879; whilst another Old Cheltonian, Lieut. T. Melville, would have been recommended to Her Majesty for the honour had he survived. All the above were at the College either prior to or during Dr. Barry’s Prin- cipal.ship. It is not possible to give the names of many of more recent date, who are rapidly making their way on the road to distinction. On two occasions has the College been honoured by the presence of Royalty. The first being the visit of H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge, Field Marshal Com- mandlng-in-Chief, who distributed the prizes on Speech Day, Friday, 29th June, 1883; and the next visit was that of PI. R.H. the Princess Mary of Cambridge (Ekichess of Teck) and H.S.H. the Duke of Teck and their daughter the Princess Victoria, who were also present on a Speech Day — Tuesday, 28th June, 1886 — the Princess Mary distributing the prizes, on which occasion her son. Prince Francis, was the winner of two prizes. This sketch should not be ended without noticing a somewhat important fact connected with the governing body. As vacancies occur from time to time they have been replaced by Old Cheltonians of established worth. Who more likely than they to appreciate the wants and understand the peculiarities of the School which educated them t Who more likely than they to have its best interests at heart, and to bestow upon it their truest sympathies "i Although the loss of Lord Redesdale would necessarily be felt at first, it is a matter of congratulation to have as his successor such a President as Sir Henry James. This is not the place to enumerate the details of his famous career — of the learned lawyer, of the much- coveted advocate, of the accomplished orator, and of the loyal-hearted statesman ; these are matters of history. It suffices to say that while all Old Cheltonians welcome to their highest seat their most distinguished schoolfellow, Cheltonia her- self can boast of no truer and more loving son. The writer is fully conscious of the imperfections and shortcomings in this brief sketch. It may be that one who has for a long time stood nearest the canvas is not the best person to describe the picture ; but such as it is he commends it to the kindness and forbearance of his fellow Old Cheltonians. C lO CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. THE COLLEGE BUILDINGS. A school of very recent foundation can rarely secure from the world in general any great interest in its buildings, such as every one must feel in Eton and Win- chester, or the old schools of the Charter House and Shrewsbury, unless it chance to have installed itself in a habitation of respectable age, as Marlborough and Radley did ; or to have started from the first with a scheme of considerable architectural pretension, as Lancing and others have done ; or possibly had both these advan- tages, like the astonishing pile of buildings which dominates the valley of the Ribble at Stonyhurst. Still our College has a certain interest of its own, as showing how a com- paratively small school, starting with proportionate “plant,” gradually adapted itself to the requirements of the very large institution that it became. In this way the story of the buildings is the story of the School ; and the best way, con- sequently, of describing them is to take them pretty nearly in order of date, and note their sizes, various uses from time to time, and, so far as it can be ascertained, the amounts expended on them. The actual school buildings of course come first. As they now stand, they consist of a large parallelogram, about 230 feet by 200 feet, containing the two Big Rooms and main entrance, with class rooms, etc., on the side towards the Bath Road ; two long wings with class rooms at right angles to the main building ; an open racquet court, a museum, and several smaller rooms, forming the fourth side, enclosing an open quadrangle. Behind these again the Chapel, and lastly, attached to this square block of buildings to the south-west, the long narrow wing of the Junior School. All this was by no means built at one time, nor by ^the same architect, nor have the uses of the rooms always remained the same ; but the growth spreads over a period of altogether forty-one years (1843-1884). 1843. The Original School'^ standing in a playground of about half the size of the present one, is the long principal facade towards the Bath Road, consisting of two long clerestoried “ naves ” (if one may borrow ecclesiastical terms to describe them) with aisles, double transepts, and a central tower with battlements and turrets and hexagonal flying buttress at each corner, which rises to a height of about 80 feet ; the middle block, containing the hall, staircase, five upstairs rooms,^ and three ground-floor rooms.^ On either side are the two Big Rooms, and opening ^ This building was formally opened on Thursday, 22nd June, 1843, when the annual prize, giving took place for the first time in the “ Big Classical” before a very numerous audience. The inaugural address was delivered by the Rev. Francis Close, and the Rev. Alfred Phillips, the Prin- cipal, distributed the prizes. * One of these is the Council Room. In it is hung an excellent portrait (by Mr. Edwin Williams, of Cheltenham) of Captain Frederick Robertson, R.A., one of the founders of the College. ^ The Principal’s Room is here situated. This contains the portraits of the Rev. Alfred Phillips, D.D. (by Mr. Edwin Williams), and of the Rev. Henry Highton, M.A. (by hliss Ada Knight, of Gloucester), both former Principals of the College. tMW THE “BIG CLASSICAL." THE “ BIG MODERN." M htk, Photographer Dighton s Art Studio, Cheltenham. ■ ^ •r N _ r I .'I ■ -j?- 1 , I l^ THE COLLEGE BUILDINGS. ii from them a number of smaller class rooms. The “ Big Classical ” forms the right wing of the chief front of the College, and is lighted from the clerestory by a range of square-headed windows with mullions and tracery, while the south end has a large and handsome bay window, 20 feet wide and 35 feet high, divided into three stories, and having mullions and tracery corresponding to the windows in front. Between each of the latter is a buttress, or pier, terminating in a crockctcd pinnacle. Along the ground-floor front a range of building projects from the main wall, like the aisles of some of our old churches, and consisting of a series of separate apartments, lighted by windows of the same order as those in the clerestory, though smaller in size, having two, instead of three lights each. The elevation and architectural arrangements of the left wing, which now forms the “ Big Modern,” correspond in almost every particular with those of the right above described. The length of each of the large classical and modern rooms is 90 feet, and the breadth 45 feet. The whole is in what is called “ Late Perpendicular,” or “ Tudor” style, and remains outwardly unaltered, as originally designed by Mr. J. Wilson, of Bath. But a great change has taken place in its Jise ; for when the School started it had only one department, the “ Classical,” and the present “ Big Modern ” was built as a gymnasium, etc., so that one long building contained everything that was wanted for the School under one roof. 1850. In 1850 the “Modern Department” was begun, and the gymnasium side of the main building adapted for it at a cost of about £710. From that time there has been no further change of any importance in this block. The two Big Rooms remain much as at first, except that their walls have gradually become covered with records of success — scholarships. University honours, Woolwich, Addiscombe, Civil Service, and other achievements — which are duly set forth in other parts of the Register, and need not be further noted here. The only other adornment of the walls are two pictures by Mr. Edwin Williams, one, in the “ Classical,” of the Rev. William Dobson, M.A., a former Principal of the College,^ and the other in the “ Modern,” of the Rev. Thomas Allen Southwood — both very successful portraits. 1852. In 1852 the next addition to the buildings was made, being the two old Racquet Courts next to the present Chapel (one of which is now the Museum) and some arrangement of Fives Courts, though not apparently what Cheltonians of 20 years ago remember, as further changes were made in the following year. The outlay in 1852 was about ;£’i200. 1853- In 1853 very important additions were made. The Classical and Modern wings were built, attached to the older school by long corridors, with large door- ways opening into what now became an enclosed “ Quad.” These wings contain eleven additional class or lecture rooms, which remain as when first built, though their particular uses have of course varied. In the same year the Racquet and Fives Court were extended, and arrangements made for warming and ventilating 'This portrait was painted in 1859, and presented to the College by the tradesmen of the town of Cheltenham. 12 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. the whole of the buildings, and supplying them with hill water. The cost of all this seems to have been about ;£'5,ooo. 1856. The next work taken in hand, completing the college buildings and bringing them to what for many years seemed likely to be their full extension, was the Chapel. This, in plan, is a simple parallelogram, about 115 feet by 53 feet outside, with tall transomed windows between buttresses towards the playground, and entrance porch to the north-east, a roof of low pitch, and an open parapet with pinnacles, the whole being built of ashlar Bath stone, and the style adopted by the architect, the late Mr. D. J. Humphris, of Cheltenham (who designed also the wings, and superintended all work at the College at that time), being the same “Late Perpendicular” as that of the School itself. On Wednesday, 24th February, 1858, the building was opened for divine service. The Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol (Dr. Charles Baring) took part in the service and preached the first sermon, taking for his text St. Luke xi. 13. Inside, the entrance is between two vestries and under the ladies’ gallery, which is reached by a screened staircase. The general arrangements differ from the traditional “ use ” of college chapels, in that the seats for the boys mostly face “ eastward ” (though it is not east in this case), a single line of seats for masters, under canopies, alone being ranged laterally against the walls, as also the choir seats and those behind them. The woodwork throughout is of pine, and the fittings of a simple description. The pulpit is of fine-grained freestone, carved, as is also the screen above the Communion Table. The floor around the altar is inlaid with Minton’s encaustic tiles, and the railing is supported by ornamental iron-work. On either side of the Communion Table are a series of marble tablets inscribed with the names of Old Cheltonians who have fallen in the various wars of their country, and of which the following is a list : — Crimean War, 1854-55- Major B. D. Gilby ; Captains W. R. Corbet, E. Every, and R. S. Sherwood ; Lieutenants J. H. S. Carter, C. H. Evans, F. K. Kirby, R. S. Machell, D. G. C. Maclachlan, E. P. Marshall, R. H. Somerville, and H. F. Wilmer. Indian Mutiny, 1857-58. Captains R. Bogle, J. Dalzell, and T. W. H. Hutch- inson ; Lieutenants C. Battine, F. J. Cunliffe, C. M. Farquharson, A. P. Grant, E. Jones, C. E. Lewes, N. A. Martin, A. W. Murray, W. W. Pitt, C. A. Robertson, G. W. Rutherfurd, E. Salwey, and E. Walker ; Cornet C. Mainwaring ; and C. W. Cunliffe and R. H. Pomeroy, both of the Bengal Civil Service. Chma War, i860. Cornet W. T. Jay. India {North-West Frontier Expedition), 1868. Captain A. U. F. Ruxton. Ashantee War, 1873-74. Lieutenants F. H. Eardley-Wilmot and W. A. Johnston. Afghan War, 1878-80. Lieutenant-Colonels A. G. Daubeny and W. H. New- port ; Majors A. D. Anderson, R. J. Le Poer Trench, A. M. Shewell, and R. G. T. Stevenson ; Captains C. A. Carthew, J. H. Gamble, R. B. Reed, and W. Roberts ; Lieutenants R. E. L. Dacres, A. E. Dobson, W. F. Hennell, W. N. Justice, J. T. Rice, and H. H. S. Spoor. South African Wars, 1879-81. Mpjor L. C. Singleton; Lieutenants R. W. p'ranklin, G. C. J. Johnson, T. Melvill and A. H. Saltmarshe. Egyptian War, 1882. Major T. Colville ; Lieutenants R. J. Parkinson and L. Somervell. 1 THE CHAPEL — EXTERIOR. THE CHAPEL— INTERIOR. '/ E. 1 1 '//j/f, Photographer. Dighton's Art Studio, Cheltenham . * ' • . * -■ ' •< Si ■Jt :-’ 'r'^ I JJ ;^.« - ■ . "V f^' • r. ' *"'■■■ ■'8*^ ■] ■**% ' '. 'I'flHjS .\t r-‘:r;r : ‘^ “ ■• ’ ■': '■ ' ..."^ ■-'■ . .-V ’ v.'f ’ V u.:y ''^c -V.- ■t: V/ s'*' *■>■’ . I^fi - ' ■. - 1'=- ■ ' -:«r '^v^' .T ■ j ' ■••’•••’ , O, •^rs*p0R»':i^-.ii h*- •■•'•r>'-;:‘ ftjWjffff , j-*^'-'- vJ •.- - ■•' »:, .' / ' \ : <*.■ ■■■■ ' ■•••/•-« ■ ‘ v-,-^ i 1: ,'? • t'jv'.' ..... SS • rf •". .E?^jr • .,,.va,fe ,j^.; . rjf ■*t“ if A K,<. V*', •*!■'*. tl ' viJi , , . _.,,, ,„.. - •l.x.V'iJiSLlSi. ' ., '■■• '/*• f' ' '’ ' '^fc ' r Jtf.v:'^; .^-V ; >. A i^,, r. ,M■^ ■ «‘,''':-'‘S»'"'' •■ ■ ’■•‘'‘''Wl' ■ • > ,:^;X.'‘' ’ y/ '' >.V. . / • • -‘r’ T’*. ' '.^w .' • .pf K. ''’'i^mm:-y.JM •■ :--5^ *. -in. ' VV'" ‘- i: '>-;';ji‘'^ '■ ^ i ■ ■ •*.>'>'T' ■ ■ ■ . - ' iW ^'f I - .w.’'.-; , ' ,. ■-■' ■-~;~^.-^: -:ir--^-^'--r~^^-r-^,..i' _,.. ■ -,^.-^f y-y~,, 4(^^- ,, W;i '. ,'.y, J- ' - THE COLLEGE BUILDINGS. 13 Soudan War, 1884-85. Lieutenant-Colonels P. II. S. Barrow, C.B., C.M.G., and J. D. II. Stewart, C.M.G. ; Lieutenants A. T. F. Edwards, J. D. Guthrie, and J. P'. Soltau. Burmese War, 1886-87. Captains W. G. Dunsford and R. T. Roberts; Lieu- tenant H. T. Shubrick, and G. M. Me N. Rind, Burma Police. Besides the above, there are also the following memorials in the chapel : — 1. Marble tablet, with medallion portrait, to the Rev. William Dobson, M.A. (by Thomas Woolner, R.A.) “ Gulielmo Dobson A.M. Coll : S.Trin. apud Cantabr. olim e sociis rectori provido Magistro strenuo interpret! sollerti praeceptori indefesso. P. C. Cheltoniensium pietas. Coll. Chelt. cui per annos xv praefuit parvum invenit magnum reliquit vixit annos Iviii vita decessit prid. kal. Ian. A.D. MDCCCLXVII.” (To William Dobson, M.A., formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, a wise Principal, an active master, an accomplished scholar, an unwearied teacher, this monument has been raised by the affection of Cheltenham boys. He was for 15 years at the head of this College; he found it small, he left it great. He died 31st December, 1867, at the age of 58.) 2. Marble tablet, with medallion portrait, to John Wyllie, Esq., C.S.I. ; his crest (a fox courant proper) is carved above. “In memoriam Johannis Gulielmi Shaw Wyllie in rebus indicis gerendis, si quis alius sequalium strenui audacis felicis spes egregias suorum prsecisas quidem at nulla ex parte delusas reliquit stellar indicae comes. Primitias honorum hac in aede Cheltoniensi carpsit. Coll : Sanctiss : Trin : Oxon : postea e scholaribus, cujus tanti viri ne memoria defloresceret, ex alumnis Cheltoniensibus optimum sanctis- simae Trinitatis inter scholares adscribendum collate acre curaverunt amici. Qui legis exemplum sequere. Natus prid non. Oct. M.D.CCC.XXXV. Obiit Indibus Martius M.D.CCC.LXX.” (In memory of John William Shaw Wyllie, who was distinguished among his contemporaries alike for his energy, his courage, and his success in the Civil Service of India. The high expectations of his friends, though cut short, were fully justified. He was a Companion of the Star of India. He gained his earlier honours in this College at Cheltenham, and was afterwards a scholar of Trinity College, Oxford. To preserve the memory of so noble a man, his friends have founded a scholarship at Trinity College to be held by an Old Cheltonian. Reader, follow his example. Born 6th October, 1835. Died 15th March, 1870.) 3. Brass, with armorial bearings engraved and coloured, placed at the back of Council seat on the pulpit side, and inscribed : — “ In memory of Sir Alexander Ramsay, Baronet, of Balmain. Life member of the Council of Cheltenham College. Died March 3rd, 1875. In recognition of the great services rendered by him to the College during the twenty-two years he was a member of the Governing Body.” 4. Marble tablet (by H. L. Boulton, of Cheltenham), with medallion portrait of Major Pierson in the uniform of the Royal Engineers ; his crest (a dove, holding an olive branch in her beak) and motto (“Dum spiro spero”) are carved above, and beneath is this inscription : — “ In memory of Major William Henry Pierson, Royal Engineers, who died at Bunnoo, on 2nd June, i88r, aged 41 years, whilst commanding Royal Engineer Wuzeeree Field Force. His brilliant career at Addiscombe reflected honour on this College. Gifted with varied and splendid talents, successful in works of great 14 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. national importance, he was most distinguished by ‘ soldier-like, self-denying devo- tion to his duty.’ Erected by order of the Council, in acknowledgment of the high example given by William Henry Pierson to the Pupils of Cheltenham College.” 5. Marble tablet (by Boulton) with medallion portrait of Colonel Stewart, C.M.G., in the uniform of his regiment. Above are engraved his armorial bearings {Arms. Quarterly, ist and 4th grand quarters, quarterly, ist and 4th, or, a lion rampant, gules, within a double tressure flory counterflory gules ; 2nd and 3rd, or, a fesse chaquy argent and azure ; the whole within a bordure gobony argent and vert, a crescent for difference ; 2nd and 3rd grand quarters, azure, a fesse dencettd argent, between three martlets sable. Crests, i. An unicorn’s head, couped or, armed and crined argent, charged with a crescent. 2. A dexter naked arm, issuant, grasping a crescent. Motto. “ Forward.”) “In memory of Lieut.-Colonel John Donald Hamill Stewart, C.M.G., of the nth (Prince Albert’s Own) Hussars, who whilst engaged on a special mission in the Soudan, under Major-General C. G. Gordon, C.B., R.E., was wrecked on the River Nile near Merowe in Nubia where he and his followers where treacherously mas- sacred by the natives on the i8th Septr., 1884. In testimony of the distinguished services rendered to his Country and of the Honour his career reflected on Cheltenham College where he had received his early training, this memorial has been placed here by past and present Cheltonians.” 6. Marble tablet (by Boulton) with medallion portrait, to the Rev. Thomas Allen Southwood, M.A. “ In memoriam Viri Reverend! T. A. Southwood, A.M. Per xxxv annos militaribus et civilibus hujusce collegii disciplinis praepositi A.D, xiii Kal : Octob : MDCCCLXXXV anno aetatis suae LXXV mortui. Magistrum amicum diligentem dilectum qui discipulos omnes discentes ludentes consilio sapientia adjuvabat eosdem ubique terrarum sparsos memori prosequebatur studio sublatum ex oculis in animis haesurum pietate devincti Cheltonienses fleverunt.” (In memory of the Reverend Thomas Allen Southwood, M.A., who was for 35 years Head Master of the Military and Civil Department of this College, and who died 19th September, 1885, in the 75th year of his age. As a master, he was kindly, energetic, and deeply loved. Both in work and play he helped his pupils by his wise counsel, and followed them afterwards in spirit when scattered in all parts of the world. The boys of Cheltenham mourned his death with grateful affection, and though taken from their sight he will ever live in their hearts.) 7. Marble tablet, with medallion portrait, of Colonel Barrow, C.B., C.M.G., in the uniform of his regiment. Above the medallion is his coat-of-arms. “ In memory of Colonel Percy Harry Stanley Barrow, C.B., C.M.G., 19th (Princess of Wales’s Own) Hussars. Born 15th October, 1848. Died at Cairo, 13th January, 1886, from the result of wounds received in the cavalry charge at El Teb on the 29th February, 1884. In testimony of the distinguished services rendered to his country and in recognition of the Honour which his distinguished military career reflected on this College, where he received his early training, this memorial has been placed here by past and present members of Boyne House.” 8. Marble tablet (by Boulton), with medallion portrait of Colonel Sir John Underwood Bateman-Champain, K.C.M.G., in the uniform of the Royal Engineers. Two shields above show his armorial bearings. “ In memory of Colonel Sir John Bateman-Champain, K.C.M.G., Royal Engineers, of Halton Park, Lancaster, Born in London, July 22nd, 1835. Died THE COLLEGE BUILDINGS. '5 at San Remo, Feby ist, 1887. — From this College of which he was a distin- guished pupil he passed through Addiscombe to his Commission Facile Princeps of all his comrades. — A brilliant service throughout the Sepoy War including the Sieges of Delhi and Lucknow, marked his early career in India. — To his con- spicuous ability, rare tact and sound judgment, is chiefly due the successful accomplishment of the great work of his later life, the Telegraphic system which now binds the Indian Empire to the United Kingdom. — Erected by his Widow and Friends.” 9. Marble tablet (by Boulton), with medallion portrait of John Brook-Smith, Esq., M.A. “ In memory of John Brook-Smith, M.A., for 38 years a Master in the Modern Department, of which he died Head Master 5th May, 1888, soon after appointment to that office. This tablet is erected by the Council of Cheltenham College, in record of the ability and faithfulness which characterised his performance of duty, whether as teacher or House Master.” 10. Brass tablet inscribed : “In Memory of George Malcolm McNeil Rind, Burma Police, shot in an affray with dacoits, nth December, 1887. Erected by his brother officers.” F"or colour, the Chapel is dependent on its Windows, eighteen in number, which have been given from time by friends of the School, and as the majority of them are memorials, a separate note of each may not be out of place here. The following key plan will make their identification more easy : — - No. I 1 Altar. | No. 2 I No. 3 I No. 4 I No. 5 No. 6 I No. 7 I No. 8 1 No. 9 Gallery. I No. 10 1 No. I. The window above the altar is a large transomed composition of seven lights, and has a double row of figures. In the upper tier are St. John the Baptist and six of the Apostles ; in the lower, our Saviour and the other Apostles. Inscription on Brass beneath : — “ The window over the Communion Table was presented by Rev. W. Dobson, M.A., Principal of Cheltenham College. Mr. Dobson’s armorial bearings appear on the top of the window. No. 2. The upper tier (i, 2, 3) contains figures of Christ and little children. The lower one (4, 5, 6) is painted on zinc in metallic colours, and contains scriptural subjects. The following are the legends beneath each : — (4) “ The Lord is King for ever and ever.” (5) “The Lord hath chosen thee to build an house for the Sanctuary” ; also “The Lord’s feast is in heaven.” (6) “ The Lord is in His holy A.D. 1858.” 7 Z- J Ahh 6 r No. 18 I No. 17 I No. 16 I No. 15 I No. 14 I No. 13 I No. 12 I No. II i6 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. temple.” This zinc painting was executed by Mr. W. Warrington, of London, and presented by him to the College in i860. The windows on this side of the Chapel have upper lights only, the lower portion never having been opened out, but filled in with masonry, owing doubtless to the fact of the old racquet courts being constructed immediately behind, one of which is now the Museum. No. 3. Armorial bearings of (i) Lieut. E. Every (Erminois, two chevronels azure between two others gules). (2) A wreath of laurels. (3) Captain C. H. Evans (Quarterly, ist and 4th, argent, three war saddles sable ; 2nd, or, a lion rampant reguardant sable ; 3rd, argent, a chevron sable between three Cornish choughs proper ; 4th, sable, a lion rampant argent within a bordure engrailed or ; 5th, or, a chevron between three mullets sable). Inscription on brass: — “The above window and the three others of a corre- sponding character, were erected by subscription, in memory of the officers (late pupils of the College) who fell in the Crimea, A.D. 1855.” No. 4. On the canopies above the scriptural subjects are the following armorial bearings: — (r) Captain J.Dalzell (Sable, a naked man, proper) ; (2) Lieut. E. Salwey (Sable, a saltire or) ; (3) Lieiit. E. Walker (Per pale, sable and argent, on a chevron between three crescents as many annulets all counterchanged). Beneath these shields are the following scriptural subjects and legends : — (4) The anointing of David by Samuel — “ The Lord said. Arise anoint him.” (5) Saul putting his helmet on David — “ Go, and the Lord be with thee.” (6) David assuming the sword — “ David girded his sword upon his armour.” This window was erected in memory of three officers, former pupils of the College, who were killed during the Indian Mutiny. No. 5. Armorial bearings of: — (i) Major B. D. Gilby (Azure, a fess wavy argent between three estoiles argent). (2) A wreath of laurels. (3) Lieut. R. H. Somerville (Azure, three mullets argent, two and one, between six cross crosslets fitchee argent, two, one, two and one ; impaling, argent, two chevronels azure). Vide Inscription under Window No. 3. No. 6. r Armorial bearings of (i) University of Oxford; (2) Diocese of Gloucester and Bristol; (3) University of Cambridge. Inscription on brass : — “ The above window exhibiting the arms of the Diocese and those of Oxford and Cambridge, was erected by subscription, A.D. 1858.” No. 7. Armorial bearings of (i) Captain R. S. Sherwood. (Argent, a chevron sable, between three mullets gules). (2) Lieut. J. H. S. Carter (Sable, two lions combatant or.) (3) Lieut. D. G. C. Maclachlan (Quarterly ; ist, argent, a lion rampant gules ; 2nd, argent, a dexter hand fessways couped gules, holding a cross patee fitchee, sable ; 3rd, or, on a sea in base, a galley, sails furled, and oars in saltire, sea flags, sable ; 4th, argent, on a sea in base, a salmon naiant, proper). Vide inscription under window No. 3. No. 8. The lights in this window contain (i) armorial bearings of Sherwood (Argent, a chevron sable, between three mullets gules) with the motto “ Surculus arbor ” beneath. (2) Represents a woman THE COLLEGE BUILDINGS. 17 mourning, emblematical of the sorrow of a bereaved and widowed mother, with the legend, “She would not be comforted because they are not.’’ (3) Armorial bearings of son and daughter of Mrs. Sherwood (argent, a chevron sable, between three mullets gules ; impaling, argent, on a fess sable between three lions’ heads erased gules, three anchors or) motto beneath “Fit surculus arbor.’’ Inscription on brass: — “The above window was pre.sented by Mrs. M. A. Sherwood in memory of her deceased husband and son, the former a Director, the latter a pupil of the College. A.D. 1858.’’ No. 9. Armorial bearings of (i) Lieut. F. K. Kirby. (Quarterly, 1st and 4th, argent, on a canton gules, out of a ducal coronet or a greyhound’s head proper, in chief two bars gules, bars-gemel gules ; 2nd and 3rd, argent,' on a canton gules, an urn or). (2) A wreath of laurels. (3) Lieut. E. P. Marshall. (Azure, on a saltire argent a crescent azure, three leaves vert, in chief argent ; impaling, sable, on a bend argent, three cross crosslets gules.) Vide inscription under window No. 3. No. 10. The window over the gallery is, like the opposite one above the altar, a large seven-light transomed window. It was the last in the chapel to be filled w'ith stained glass (by Hardman, of Birmingham) and exemplifies the advance in that art which was then beginning to be made. It was placed here “In memory of Captain Robert Bogle, of the 78th Highlanders, and formerly a pupil in this College, who fell in the attack at Lucknow, 1857.” The upper tier represents the Adoration of the Magi, and the lower, Christ preaching in the Temple. The following inscription is on the window : “ The above window was presented by Michael James and Archibald Scott, his relatives, formerly pupils of this College. A.D. 1866.” No. II. In upper range of lights — The Return of the Prodigal Son. Lower range — The Reconciliation of Joseph with his Brethren. (By Rogers, of Worcester.) Inscription on brass : “ The above window was presented to the College by the tradesmen of the town of Cheltenham. A.D. 1858.’’ No. 12. Armorial bearings of (i) Lieut. N. A. Martin. (Sable, I Y^Y \ on a chevron between three crescents argent, a lozenge sable. Crest. — A lion rampant or, holding in dexter paw a crescent or, 6 ' and charged on the shoulder with a thistle proper. Motto. — “ Hinc fortior et clarior.’’) (2) Lieut. A. P. Grant. (Gules, three antique crowns or. Crest. — A mountain in flames proper. Motto. — “ Stand fast.”) (3) R. H. Pomeroy. (Or, a lion rampant gules holding between the paws an apple proper. Crest. — A lion rampant gules holding between the paws an apple proper. Motto. — “ Virtutis fortuna comes.”) {4) Lieut. W. W. Pitt. (Sable, a fess chequy or and azure, between three bezants. Crest. — A pelican statant proper. Motto. — “ Benigno numine.”) (5) Lieut. C. Battine (Argent, a lion rampant proper holding between the paws an Eastern crown or, between three battle-axes proper ; a chief gules, thereon a fieldpiece mounted on a carriage or between two towers argent, that on the dexter side superinscribed “ Hatrass,” and that on the sinister side, “ Bhurtpore,” in letters of gold. Crest. — A demi Bengal artilleryman, habited, holding in his dexter hand a flagstaff proper, therefrom flowing towards the sinister a banner gules inscribed “Bhurtpore” in letters of gold. Motto. — “Virtute et Industria.”) (6) Lieut. A. W. Murray. (Azure, a martlet argent between three mullets argent all within a double tressure flory counterflory or; impaling, azure, a castle proper, in chief argent, a crescent azure between two mullets gules. Crest D i8 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. rYY\ 3 ^W^ KYY1 3 — A lion rampant gules, holding between the paws a battle-axe proper, JSIotto . — “ Virtute fideque.”) (7) Lieut. E. Jones. (Quarterly; ist and 4th, azure, a chevron or, between three fleurs-de-lys or ; 2nd and 3rd, gules, two lions passant guardant or Crest . — A demi-lion rampant argent. Motto. — “Fide.”) (8) Lieut. F. J. Cunliffe. ( Sable, three conies courant argent. Crest . — A greyhound sejant argent collared sable. Motto . — “ Fideliter.”) inscription under window No. 14. No. 13. In this window the lights (i), {3), (4) and (6) contain shields similar to one another, viz., argent, a less azure, and are evidently inserted merely for purpose of ornamentation. The re- maining two lights contain armorial bearings : — (2) C. W. Cunliffe. (Sable, three conies courant argent. Crest . — A greyhound sejant argent collared sable. Motto. — “Fideliter.”) (5) Lieut. C. A. Robertson. (Gules, three wolves’ heads erased argent. Under the escutcheon a man in chains. Crest . — A dexter hand erect holding an imperial crown, all proper. Motto . — “ Virtutis gloria merces.”) Inscription on brass ; — “ The above window was erected by subscription, in memory of late pupils of the College. A.D. 1862.” No, 14. Armorial bearings of: — (i) Lieiit. C. E. Lezves. (Gules, a boar argent between three plumes of ostrich feathers argent. Crest . — A leopard’s head cabossed. Motto . — “ Spes nostra Deus.”) (2) Co 7 'net C. Mainwaring. (Argent, two bars gules. Crest . — Out of a ducal coronet or, an ass’s head proper. Motto . — “ Devant si je puis.”) (3) Captam R. Bogle. (Or, on a chevron gules, between two roses in chief and a demi-lion rampant in base, a cross crosslet fitchee argent issuing out of a crescent or between two bezants. Crest . — A ship in full sail proper. Motto . — “ Spe meliori vehor.”) (4) Liezit. C. M. Farquharson. (Quarterly, 1st, or, a lion rampant gules ; 2nd, argent, a dexter hand holding dagger point upwards, all gules ; 3rd, argent, a fir tree growing out of a mount in base fructed proper, on a chief gules the royal banner of Scotland displayed on a canton of the field ; 4th, or, a galley sable. Crest . — A demi-lion rampant gules holding in dexter paw a sword proper. Motto . — “Fide et fortitudine.”) {J) Lieut. E. Walker. (Per pale sable and argent, on a chevron between three crescents as many annulets all counterchanged. Crest . — A greyhound sejant proper. Motto . — “Nil desperan- dum.”) (6) Lieut. G. W. Rutherfurd. (Argent, an orle gules and in chief three martlets sable. Crest . — A martlet sable, “ Provide ” above. Motto . — “Necsorte nec fato.”) Inscription on brass : — “The above window as well as that over the pulpit were erected by subscription, in memory of the officers (late pupils of the College) who fell in India during the Mutiny. A.D, 1857-58.” (The stained glass then over pulpit has since been removed, and is now placed in window No. 12.) No. 15. This is a Crimean window. The various lights repre- sent : — (i) Lord Raglan’s arms with crest and supporters, with the insignia of the Order of the Bath. (2) St. George, the patron saint ' ’ ' of England, slaying the dragon. Pendant from the foliage above is the Crimean Medal with four clasps. (3) Lord Lyons’ arms, supporters, crest and motto, with the insignia of the Order of the Bath. (4) A military knight holding the royal banner. (5) Arms of the Com- mander-in-Chief, M.R.H. Duke of Cambridge, with his crest and full heraldic Zy 3 t THE GYMNASIUM. \ \ kite. Photographer. Dighton s Art Studio, Chettenhayn. 'k \ > f i I 0 -M .■U •it.' u i J t ‘ 'J^'* L HC UNIVEF.iitY, ur .-L1;Y01S 1. b’ I .t: f 1 i-- h. • . » * j 1 I i » i [ \ rtirf' THE COLLEGE BUILDINGS. 19 insignia; above, suspended from the foliage, the Victoria Cross and Ribband. (6) A military knight holding the royal banner. On the lower canopy arc the arms of the Rev. d. A. Southwood (a barry of five, gules and argent, surmounted with si.x mullets or, three, two and one.) The diagonal labels on the grounds contain the several mottoes — “ Dieu et Mon Droit,” “ England and St. George,” and others of Lord Raglan, Lord Lyons, etc. Inscription on brass : — “The above window was presented by the Rev. T. A. Southwood, M.A., Head Master of the Military and Civil Department of Chelten- ham College, A.D. 1858.” No 16. Above the pulpit— (upper range) Christ preaching on the Mount. (Lower range) St. Paul preaching. Inscription on window : — “ Sacred to the memory of Edward B. Wawn, Theo- logical Tutor in this College, who fell asleep on St. Michael’s Day, 1866.” rvY^ z r\r\r\ 3 No. 17. Armorial bearings : — (i) A lion supporter sejant holding a banner emblazoned with a rose. (2) Arms and cog- nizances of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. (3) An unicorn supporter sejant holding a banner emblazoned with a thistle and shamrock combined. (4) A lion supporter holding banner with arms of the Honourable East India Company. (5) Arms, crest and motto of the Plonourable East India Company. (6) A lion supporter as previous. The diagonal tablets contain mottoes. Inscription on brass : — “ The above window was presented by the following Masters of the College, Revds. T. P. Boultbee, E. B. Wawn, W. Boyce, J. Birkett, S. A. Ellis, T. A. Southwood, J. C. Turnbull, G. W. Smyth, J. Brook-Smith, Esq., C. D. Chenery, Esq., A. H. Marshall, Esq., C. Clarke, Esq., J. Philp, Esq., W. H. Tyrrell, Esq., W. Riviere, Esq., A.D. 1858.” No. 1 8. (Above the Organ.) On this window are represented angels playing on musical instruments, harp, guitar and organ, with labels beneath inscribed with the texts, “ Praise the Lord upon the harp ” ; “ Sing to the Harp with ” ; “A Psalm of Thanksgiving.” The windows mentioned above were painted by the following: — Nos. i, 3, 5, 7 and 9, by Scott, of Carlisle ; Nos. 2,4, 6,8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17 and 18, by Warrington, of London; No. 10 by Hardman, of Birmingham; and No. 11, by Davis, of Worcester. The Organ, with two manuals and twenty-one stops, is by Messrs. Gray and Davison. A Lectern of brass and iron stands in the middle of the Chapel, and was the gift of the Rev. P. R. R. Sandilands, M.A., a Master of the College. After the erection of the Chapel there was a long pause, during which there were no further works of extension ; ^ but the rapid growth of the school under Dr. Barry (late Bishop of Sydney) necessitated a number of important changes and additions. 1864. As before stated the original school contained a Gymnasium ; and when that was evicted to make room for the Modern Department, it had no successor to speak of until 1864, when the present one was built in the playground. It consists ' These notes refer to the buildings only ; but it may be remarked in passing that the increase of the playground to its present size, about 18 acres, had by this time been effected. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. 2o of the Gynasium proper in the middle, with an internal gallery all round approached by staircases in the two towers, two racquet courts, into which the gallery also looks through large windows, besides refreshment rooms, cricket dressing-rooms, etc,, all on the ground floor. The whole is singularly complete and satisfactory, and, as every Cheltonian knows, it has been put to right good use. The architects were Messrs. Lockwood and Manson, the contractor, Mr. Rainger, and the outlay, ;^5,I20. 1865. Another important work nearly contemporary with the Gymnasium was the new Junior School, built from the designs of the late Mr. John Middleton as a wing to the main building on the Classical side. In style it is Perpendicular, and so far like the rest of the College, but of a distinctly different type, the windows being more pointed and the treatment generally earlier. It consists mainly of one large schoolroom, 115 feet long, under a steep-pitched roof surmounted by a fleche and ornamented internally with pierced panels ; a class-room on the side towards the Bath Road ; and a small two-storied building, containing an entrance lobby and stairs under a low, square tower having a class-room below, and the College Library upstairs — which, inaugurated in Dr, Barry’s time, is still installed here, though its quarters are getting rather “ strait ” for it. 1865, ETC, Besides the Gymnasium and Junior School, this period in the College history saw a new departure of still greater moment, and that was with respect to Boarding- houses. Until Dr. Barry’s time. House-masters, as sufficiently old Cheltonians will remember, were obliged to look out for large houses in the town, and adapt them as best they might to hold thirty or forty boys. Such houses wereThe Priory (Mr. Boyce’s) and Keynshambury (Mr. Southwood’s), in the London Road, Mr. Turn- bull’s on Bays Hill, and others, which were made the best of pretty much as they stood ; others, as Newick House (Mr. Smyth’s) and Mr. Price’s (2, Bath Villas, now called Southwood House), were added to and so adapted that they can still be used as boarding-houses ; but the first real pioneer of the new system was the late Mr. Brook-Smith, whose house (Boyne House) is practically a new one as far as the boys’ quarters are concerned, and a very complete and successful one. A regular scheme of houses built for the purpose was now obviously desirable for what was an increasingly great school ; and though some may have regretted the change from the sociable common-room and bedroom for five or six to the dormitories and studies, where one had to read something at any rate “ pour passer le temps,” still maturer judgment may acknowledge that it was for the better in the long run. The eight large houses connected with the College all date, in the present form, from about this time. Four of them, “ Cheltondale,” “ Christowe,” “ Leconfield,” and “Teighmore” (for junior boys), were built by the College Boarding House Company, at an outlay of 16,000. They are much on the same plan, having a master’s house in front and a long wing at the back, with common-room, hall, senior boys’ studies, dormitories, etc. Mr. Middleton was architect of the first, and Mr. Knight of the other three. The four which were built or adapted by private enterprise, viz., “Boyne House,” “ Hazelwell,” “Southwood House,” and “Newick House,” vary much more in character and accommodation, one (Hazelwell) being I THE JUNIOR SCHOOL FROM THE BATH ROAD, THE JUNIOR SCHOOL FROM THE PLAYGROUND. "kite, Photographer. Dightons Art Studio, Cheltenhain. THE COLLEGE BUILDINGS. 21 an entirely new building (Mr. Knight, architect), while Boyne House and South- wood House had new quarters for boys attached to existing Masters’ houses. Altogether the accommodation is very complete — no Public School perhaps possessing better. The average capacity of these eight houses is for forty-five boys, Boyne House being the largest and holding sixty. Besides these there are of course many smaller houses connected with the College, which have been bought from time to time and adapted to hold ten or fifteen boys. 1867. The next acquisition in point of date seems to have been the Sanatorium at Leckhampton, on which ^1,057 expended in adding to and fitting it to its present purpose. 1870. In Dr. Jex-Blake’s time several alterations were made in the College itself and the playground, the first being the adaptation of one of the original racquet courts for the purpose of a Museum, at an outlay of £TOO, an improvement initiated by Mr. Charles Pierson, and since named after him, as the following inscription on a tablet in the Museum will show : — The Pierson Museum. Founded A.D. 1870 by Charles Pierson, Esq''" "Who presented to this College His large and valuable collection of Geological Specimens. By Order of the Council May 1883. 1871, 1872. In the following year ;^200 was spent on the racquet courts in the Gymnasium in putting in a new floor as at Prince’s and in 1872 the new Grand Stand, for use at the Athletic Sports, holding 600 people, was put up as a permanent institution, instead of the annual hireling which preceded it. 1874. The next purchase was Montpellier Lodge, which has since been the residence of the Principal of the College, and a considerable sum was spent in adapting and re-arranging it. 1874 TO 1878. During the next few years the improvements were mainly in the playground — a clock was put up in one of the Gymnasium towers (1874), the two new Eton Fives Courts added to the end of the Gymnasium at a cost of ^300 (1876), and the Workshops erected at an outlay of £ 1,400. These latter are in a line with the Gymnasium, but farther away from the main College buildings, and were completed in 1879, to enable such boys as have a taste for practical work and construction to 22 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. receive systematic training in carpentry. They are fitted with carpenters’ benches for eighteen boys and vice-benches for twelve, with five turning lathes. There is also a smith’s shop with forge and anvil, and the necessary store-rooms, etc. 1879. In 1879 a very desirable addition was made to the College “plant” — to wit, the new Baths, the largest perhaps attached to any school. These are situated near the playground for the junior boys. They were completed and ready for use in the autumn of 1880. The architect was Mr. W. H. Knight, of Cheltenham. The cost of the buildings, laying out the ground and fencing, amounted to 8,41 8. The exterior is principally of wdiite brick with some stonework to the windows, and the general interior arrangements consist of a large swimming bath, 80 feet long by 40 feet wide, with a depth varying from 3 feet 6 inches to 7 feet, and holding about 100,000 gallons of water, the sides and part of the bottom having white glazed tiles. There are also warm baths and fifty dressing boxes at the sides and end ; these, to the height of 5 feet 6 inches, are lined with white tiles. In addition to this, there are the necessary towel washing and drying rooms, attendant’s room, and engine and boiler rooms, etc. The interior of the swimming bath room is 105 feet by 63 feet, with an average height of 26 feet ; thoroughly ventilated, and lighted by windows at the sides and glass on the roof, being warmed by steam-pipes all round the walls, so as to maintain the temperature of the air at 60 degrees during the cold weather. The supply of water is ample, very clear, and of good quality, and is obtained from a series of wells sunk in the sand bed. About 33,000 gallons of water are usually pumped daily into the swimming bath at one end, and as the overflow is at the other end, a current is caused, which materially adds to the cleanliness and freshness of the bath. At short intervals the bath is entirely emptied and cleaned out. During the pumping, the temperature of the water is raised from 52 degrees in the wells to 68 or 70 degrees on entering the bath, ready for the immediate use of bathers. Adjoining the Baths is the Engineer’s residence. 1882-83. In these years some alterations were made in the College itself, new lighting being arranged for the Big Rooms ; and Masters’ reading and cloak rooms being fitted up in the former apartments of the Porter, for whom a new lodge was built in the playground, at a cost of about £ 500. 1883. In this year the four Rugby Fives Courts were built in the playground, at a cost of ;^’r,iOO. 1884. In 1884, the “ Quad.” as Old Cheltonians remember it, with its fives court, was encroached upon by the new Chemical Laboratory and four Science Class Rooms, with a cloister leading to them, the expenditure being some £ 2, 1 50. This year also saw what seems to have been the last work of school extension, viz., the purchase of the new playground for the Junior School and the erection of a Pavilion for their use. There the record ends for the present ; and the College, being well provided, may rest for a while upon its oars. Some day there will probably be new growths and new needs, and then there will be new developments. fl ( I INTERIOK OF JUNIOR SCHOOL. INTERIOR OF DRAWING-CLASS ROOM J White, Photographer. ! Dighton's Art Studio, Cheltenham. THE COLLEGE ARMS. 23 THE COLLEGE ARMS. (For Illustration sec Frontispiece.) Described in the language of heraldry, the blazon of the coat is as follows : — Quarterly, 1st and 4th gules, 2nd and 3rd sable ; on the ist, two keys in saltire, or ; 2nd, an open book, proper, showing a marker on the sinister page, garnished, or ; 3rd, a fasces in pale proper; 4th, two swords, saltirewise, points upwards, proper hiked and pomelled, or, surmounted by a star of five points of the same. Over all a cross, or. Motto . — “.Labor omnia vincit.’’ The colours of the arms-field are the College colours, red and black. The cross-keys are the arms of the See of Gloucester, and signify that the College is in that diocese. The book represents Learning. The fasces is typical of the Classical department ; and the cross-swords of the Military and Civil department. The star above the cross-swords was taken from the crest of the Rev. Thomas Allen Southwood, M.A., in honour of the great success attending his labours during the period of 35 years that he was Head Master of the Military and Civil Department. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE MISSION. Cheltenham College, being situated in a large town where there is a consider- able poor population, carries on a Mission, not in the East End of London, as many of the Public Schools do, but among the poor of its own neighbourhood. To this end the Town and College Industrial School was opened seven years ago. From twenty to thirty lads find employment there during the winter months in cutting wood into faggots for lighting fires ; in the summer the number of boys employed is a good deal reduced. Respectable boys with bad or no homes are lodged in the house for a small payment, and are thus saved making the acquaintance of the lowest class of lodging-houses. A school is carried on most evenings of the week, and there is a Sunday class every Sunday evening. Several boys have had good situations found them, many have been helped to emigrate, and the “old boys” who live in the town are formed into a club, which meets periodically at the School. Cheltenham College assists by offertories, subscriptions in the Houses, enter- tainments given in the Big Classical, and presents of cricketing things and old clothes. Subscriptions from Old Cheltonians would be most gratefully received and acknowledged by the Honorary Secretary, the Rev. James A. Owen, M.A., 22, Suffolk Square, Cheltenham. THE GREEK PLAYS AT CHELTENHAM. The College can also claim a full share in the recent revival of Greek drama initiated at Oxford. Two most successful representations of tragedies not before performed in England have recently been given. The Electra of Sophocles (music by Dr. Dyer) was performed at the College on June 28th, 29th, and 30th, 1888, and the (Edipus Coloneus with Mendelssohn’s music on June 27th, 28th, and 29th, 1889. On opposite page is an illustration of each. 1841-62. 1862-86. 1 886. 1841-62. 1841-57, 1841-45. 1841-61. 1846- 59. 1847- 62. 1848- 62. 1860-62. 1841-45. 1841. 1841-50. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE. Visitor. The Lord Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol. List of Visitors. 1862-63. Right Rev, William Thomson, D.D. 1863. Right Rev. Charles John Ellicott, D.D. Presidents. Right Hon. Lord Sherborne. Succeeded as 2nd Baron, 1820. Died at Sherborne Park, Gloucestershire, 19th October, 1862. Right Hon. Lord JRedesdale. Succeeded as 2nd Baron, 1830. Chairman of Committees in the House of Lords, 1851-86. Created Earl of Redesdale 1877. Died in London, 2nd May, 1886. Right Hon. Sir Henry James, Q.C., M.P. (O.C.) Triennial Member of College Council, 1862-75 ; Life Member 1875-86. Vice-Presidents. Rev. Francis Close, M.A. Rector of Cheltenham, 1826-56. Dean of Carlisle, 1856-81. Died at Penzance, Cornwall, 17th December, 1882. Rev. John Browne, LL.B. Incumbent of Trinity Church, Chelten- ham. Died at East Hayes, Cheltenham, 25th July, 1857. Walter Lawrence-Lawrence, Esq., of Sandywell Park, Andovers- ford. Died 3rd December, 1877. Thomas Henry Kingscote, Esq., of Kingscote Park, Gloucestershire, Colonel of North Gloucestershire Militia. Died 19th December, 1861. Major-General Sir James Law Lushington, G.C.B. Colonel 3rd Madras Light Cavalry. Chairman of the Honourable East India Company, 1838-39. General, 1854. M.P. for Petersfield, Hastings, and Carlisle, successively. Died at Dorset Square, London, 29th May, 1859. Right Hon. the Earl of Clancarty. Succeeded as 3rd Earl of Clancarty, 1837. Died at Salthiel, near Dublin, 26th April, 1872. Rev. Edward Walker, M.A. Rector of Cheltenham, 1857-72. Died at Cheltenham, 3rd July, 1872. Rev. William Dobson, M.A., formerly Principal of Cheltenham Col- lege, 1844-59. Dh'ectors. John Leathly Armitage, Esq. George Simon Harcourt, Esq. Honorary Secretary of Cheltenham College, 1841. Died at Bedford, 28th December, 1868. Fenton Hort, Esq. Died at St. John’s Mount, near Brecon, i8th March, 1873. 1841-62. 1841-56. 1841 - 55 - 1841 - 53 - 1841-62. 1841-57- 1841-62. 1841-50. 1841-56. 1841 - 55 - 1841-55- 1846-55- 1850-55. 1852-59. 1854 - 55 - 1855-62. 1855 - 57 - 1855-62. 1855-60. 1855- 62. 1856- 62. 1856-62. 1856-62. BOARD or-' DIRECTORS. 25 Captain James Siirubb Iredell, late 15th Bombay Native Infantry. Registrar of Cheltenham College, 1841-62. Founder of the Iredell Historical Prizes at Cheltenham College. Died at Cobourg House, Cheltenham, 13th May, 1872. Captain Richard Litchfield, late Royal Artillery. Served in the Walcheren Expedition in 1809; in the Peninsular Campaigns of 1812-14 (medal with three clasps) ; and in the American War, 1814. Honorary Secretary of Cheltenham College, 1842-54. Died at Cheltenham,' 14th September, 1865. AIneas Ranald McDonell, Esq. Major-General Duncan McPpierson, late Bengal Army. Died at Cheltenham, 24th November, 1853. Captain Frederick Robertson, late Royal Artillery. Served on board H.M.S. “ Victory” when Nelson’s fleet went in pursuit of the French Squadron in 1805- Was present at the capture of Hampton, in Virginia, on 26th June, 1813, during the American War ; awarded the Naval Silver War Medal with one clasp, inscribed, “April and May Boat Service, 1 8 1 3.” Honorary Secretary of Cheltenham College, 1842. Life Member of the Council of Cheltenham College, 1864-73. Captain George Schreiber, late i8th Dragoons. Served at the Battle of Waterloo, 1815. (Medal.) Edward Warner Shewell, Esq. Richard Crosier Sherwood, Esq. Major-General George Swiney, Bengal Artillery. General, 1859. Died at Cheltenham, loth December, 1868. John Swiney, Esq., M.D. James Webster, Esq. Major John Fitz Maurice, K.H., late Rifle Brigade. Served through- out the Peninsular War, and at the Battle of Waterloo, 1815. (Knight of Hanover ; Waterloo Medal ; and Silver War Medal with eight clasps.) Major-General, May, 1861. Lieutenant of the Yeomen of the Guard, December, 1861. Died at Drayton Green, Middlesex, 24th December, 1866. Major-General Richard Tickell, C.B., late Bengal Engineers. Died at Cheltenham, 3rd August, 1855. Charles Crosland Hay, Esq. Rev. Henry Walford Bellairs, M.A. One of Her Majesty’s In- spectors of Schools, 1844-72. Canon of Worcester Cathedral, 1881. George Bird, Esq. Edmund Greenhill Broderip, Esq. Colonel Samuel Hennell, late 27th Bombay Native Infantry. Died at Ventnor, Isle of Wight, 13th September, 1880. Charles Hogg, Esq. Sir Alexander Ramsay, Bart., of Balmain, M.P. for Rochdale, 1857. Triennial Member of College Council, 1862-72 ; Life Member, 1872-75. John Beaufin Irving, Esq. George Frederic Parry, Esq., M.A. (Trinity College, Cambridge). Triennial Member of College Council, 1862-71. Charles Pierson, Esq., Triennial Member of College Council, 1862-83. E 26 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. 1857-60. 1857-62. 1859- 62. 1860- 62. 1860-62. 1862-76. 1862-71. 1 862-64. 1862-84. 1862-65. 1862-86. 1862- . 1862- . John Curtis-Hayward, Esq., J.P. and D.L., of Quedgeley House, Gloucestershire. Life Member of College Council, 1862-74. Henry James, Esq., of Cheltenham; late 20th Bombay Native Infantry, and Barrister-at-Law. Triennial Member of College Council, 1862-75. George Humphrys, Esq. Vice-Admiral Thomas Ladd Peake, Royal Navy. Accompanied the Expedition to Ferrol in 1800, and that to Egypt in 1801, at the former he served on shore with the army. Took part in the Walcheren Expedition in 1809. Inspecting Commander of the Coast Guard, 1820-25. Died in London, 19th January, 1865. William St. Quintin St. Quintin, Esq. / In 1862 the Board of Directors was abolished, and the govern- ment of the College entrusted to a Council consisting of Life Members and Triennial Members. The Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol was at the same time appointed Visitor of the College. College Council. L ife Members. Right Honourable Thomas Henry Southeron-Estcourt, M.P., D.C.L. (Oxon), J.P. and D.L. M.P. for Marlborough, 1829-32 ; for Devizes, 1835-44 > for North Wiltshire, 1844-64. Privy Councillor, 1858. President of the Poor Law Board, 1858. Secretary of Statefor the Home Department, 1859. Died at Estcourt House, nearTetbury, Gloucestershire, 6th January, 1876. General Sir John Fox Burgoyne, Bart., G.C.B., Royal Engineers. Hon. D.C.L. (Oxon). Served in the Peninsular War (Gold Cross with one clasp, and Silver Medal with three clasps) ; also in the Crimean War (Medal with three clasps; Order of the Medjidie of Turkey, Legion of Honour of France, and Tower and Sword of Portugal). Constable of the Tower of London, 1865. Field Marshal, 1868. Died in London, 7th October, 1871. Rev. P'rancis Jeune, D.C.L, Master of Pembroke College, Oxford. Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University, 1858-62. Bishop of Peter- borough, 1864-68. Died at Whitby, 21st August, 1868. Very Rev. Henry George Liddell, D.D., Dean of Christ Church, Oxford. Professor of Moral Philosophy, 1845. Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University, 1870-74. Very Rev, Richard Dawes, M.A., Dean of Hereford, Died at Hereford, loth March, 1867. Rev. William Hepworth Thompson, M.A. Regius Professor of Greek in the University of Cambridge, and Canon of Ely, 1853-67- Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1866-86. Died at Cambridge, 1st October, 1886. Rev. Bartpiolomew Price, M.A. Sedleian Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Oxford, 1853. Member of the Governing Body and Fellow of Winchester College, 1873. Rev. Edward Harold Browne, M.A. Norrisian Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge, 1854-64. Canon of Exeter, 1857-64. COLLEGE COUNCIL. 27 1862- 74. 1863- 87. 1864- 85. 1864- 73. 1865- . 1872- 75. 1873- • 1874- . 1875- 86. 1876- , 1884- . 1885- 87. 1886- 1886- 1888- 1888- Bishop of Ely, 1864-73 ; translated to Winchester, 1873. Prelate of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. John Cuktis-IIaywaud, Esq., J.P and D.L., of Ouedgeley, Gloucestershire. Chairman of Quarter Sessions, Gloucestershire. I'ormerly a Director of the College, 1857-60. Died at Quedgeley House, 8th May. 1874. Right Honourable Lord Northwick. Succeeded as third Baron 1859. Was also a Governor of Harrow School. Died at Upper Norwood, Surrey, i8th November, 1887. Robert Stayner Holford, Esq., M.P. High Sheriff of Gloucester- shire, 1843. Captain Frederick Robertson, late Royal Artillery. Previously a Director of the College, 1841-62. Died at Batheaston, near Bath, 13th July, 1873. Sir Michael Edward Hicks-Beach, Bart., M.P., Hon. D.C.L. (Oxon). Privy Councillor, 1874. Chief Secretary for Ireland, 1874- 78. Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1878-80. Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1885-86. Chief Secretary for Ireland, 1886-87. Presi- dent of the Board of Trade, 1888. Sir Alexander Ramsay, Bart., of Balmain. Previously a Director of the College, 1855-62, and a Triennial Member of the Council, 1862- 72. Died at Cheltenham, 3rd March, 1875. Lieutenant-General William Craig Emilius Napier, Colonel East Kent Regiment, and subsequently of the King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Was Director-General of Military Education. Served at the recapture of Port Natal, 1842; in the Scinde Campaign, 1845 ! and in the Crimean Campaign, 1855. (Medal with clasp, fifth class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). John Reginald Yorke, Esq., M.P., D.L. of Forthampton Court, Tewkesbury. Sir Henry James, Q.C., M.P. (O.C.) Triennial Member of College Council, 1862-75. President, 1886. Allen Alexander Bathurst, Esq., M.P., of Cirencester House, Cirencester. Succeeded as sixth Earl Bathurst, 1878. Rev. William Walter Merry, D.D. (O.C.) Major-General Sir Frederick Abbott, C.B., late Bengal Engineers. Served throughout the Burmese War, 1824-26 (Medal with clasp); in the Afghan War, 1841-43 (Medal); and in the Sutlej Campaign in 1845 (Medal). Triennial Member of the College Council, 1871-85. Very Rev. Henry Montagu Butler, D.D., Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. Head Master of Harrow School, 1859-85. Dean of Gloucester, 1885-86. Master of Trinity, 1886. Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford, Esq., C.B., of Batsford, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire. Secretary to the Board of Works and Public Buildings. Simon Matthew Edwin Kempson, Esq., M.A. (O.C.) Triennial Member of the Council, 1880-88. Colonel Sir Charles Warren, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., Royal Engineers. (O.C.) 28 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. 1862-72. 1862-72. 1862-84. 1862-69. 1862-68. 1862-75. 1862-72. 1862-71. 1862-83. 1862-72. 1862-75. 1863-66. 1 866-84. 1869-71, 1 869-89. 1871-85. 1871-86. 1871-79. 1871-79. 1871- 84. 1872- 1875- 1875-76. 1877-84. 1880- 1880-88. Triennial Members. Sir John Wither Awdry, Knt., J.P. and D.L. Chairman of Quarter Sessions, Wiltshire. Chief Justice of Bombay, 1839-41. Died at Notton House, near Chippenham, 31st May, 1878. Rev. John Wilkinson, M.A. Rector of Broughton Gifford, Wiltshire. Prebendary of Chardstock in Salisbury Cathedral, 1863-76. J.P. for Wiltshire. Triennial Member of College Council again from 1875-76. Rev. Charles Brandon Trye, M.A. Rector of Leckhampton, near Cheltenham. Honorary Canon of Gloucester. Registrar of the College, 1862-84. Died at Leckhampton, 22rid February, 1884. Lieutenant-Colonel John Pitt Kennedy, late 42nd Highlanders. Triennial Member of College Council again from 1871-79. Henry Selfe Selfe, Esq. Henry James, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. (O.C.) Life Member of the College Council, 1875-86, and President 1886. William Lambert Newman, Esq., M.A. (O.C.) George Frederic Parry, Esq., M.A. (Trinity College, Cambridge.) Previously a Director of the College, 1856-62. Charles Pierson, Esq. Previously a Director of the College, 1856-62. Sir Alexander Ramsay, Bart., of Balmain. Previously a Director of the College, 1855-62. Life Member of the Council, 1872-75. Henry James, Esq., of Cheltenham, late 20th Bombay Native Infantry, and Barrister-at-Law. Previously a Director of the College, 1857-62. Died at Cheltenham, loth March, 1876. Rev. James Craigie Robertson, MA., Canon of Canterbury. Died at Canterbury, 29th June, 1882. Charles Schreiber, Esq., M.P, (O.C.) Major-General Sir William Thomas Denison, K.C.B., Royal Engineers. Lieutenant-Governor of Tasmania, 1846-54. Governor- General of New South Wales, 1854-60; of Australia, 1855-61; and of Madras, 1861-66. Died at East Sheen, Surrey, 19th January, 1871. John Walker, Esq., M.A. (O. C.) Registrar of Cheltenham College, 1884-89. Died at Cheltenham, 8th March, 1889. Major-General Sir Frederick Abbott, C.B., late Bengal Engineers. Life Member of the Council, 1885-87. John Poole Haines, Esq. Edward Maltby, Esq. Lieutenant-Colonel John Pitt Kennedy, late 42nd Highlanders. Previously a Triennial Member of Council, 1862-69. Captain Henry Whatley Tyler, Royal Engineers. Created a Knight in 1877. Henry Hugh Hornby, Esq. (O. C.) James Tynte Agg-Gardner, Esq., M.P. for Cheltenham. Rev. John Wilkinson, M.A., Rector of Broughton Gifford, Wiltshire. Previously a Triennial Member of Council, 1862-72. Died at Brough- ton Gifford, 5th September, 1876. William Henry Gwinnett, Esq. Lieutenant-Colonel John Geddes, late 44th Foot. Simon Matthews Edwin Kempson, Esq., M.A. (O. C.) Life Member of the Council, 1888. COLLEGE COUNCIL. 29 1884- John Euwaru DoRlNCiXON, Ks()., of Lypiatt Park, near Stroud, Glou- cestershire. Created a Baronet in 1886. M.P. for Gloucestershire (Tewkesbury Division) 1886., 1884- Rev. Hemming Robeson, M.A. (O. C.) 1884- Robert Tiiresiiie Reid, Esq., Q.C. M.P. (O. C.) 1884- Colonel David Milne-Home, M.P. ( 0 . C.) 1884- Rev. Arthur Henry Austen-Leigh, B.D. (O. C.) 1885- Sir Alexander Entwistle Ramsay, Bart., of Balmain. 1886- James McLachlan, Esq. 1888- Robert William Rarer, Esq., M.A. (O. C.) 1889- Alan Cameron Bruce-Pryce, Esq. Registrm’s. 1841- 62. Captain James Shrubb Iredell. 1862-84. Rev. Charles Brandon Trye, M.A. 1884-89. John Walker, Esq., M.A. (O.C.) 1889- Andrew Alexander Hunter, Esq. (O.C.) Secretaries. 1841. George Simon Harcourt, Esq. 1842. Captain Frederick Robertson, R.A. 1842- 54. Captain Richard Litchfield, R.A. 1854-89. William Levett Bain, Esq. 1889- Andrew Alexander Hunter, Esq. (O.C.) CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. 30 PRINCIPALS OF CHELTENHAM COLLEGE. I. 1841-45. Rev. Alfred Phillips, D.D. Born 4th March, 1802. Educated at Jesus College, Cambridge. B.A. (28th Wrangler) 1824. M.A. 1837. B.D. and D.D. (Trinity College, Dublin) 1841. \Ordained Deacon and Priest in 1 832. Was successively Head Master of Crewkerne Grammar School, 1838 ; Principal of King William’s College, Isle of Man, 1839-41 ; and Principal of Cheltenham College, 1841-45. After- wards resided at Demerara, West Indies, for some years, and was subsequently Vicar of Bushbury, Staffordshire, 1863-68. Died at Stalbridge, Dorsetshire, on the loth June, 1880, and was buried in Stalbridge Churchyard. 2. 1845-59. Rev. William Dobson, M.A. Born 21st December, 1809. Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. (3rd in ist Class Classical Tripos and 9th Junior Optime) 1832. M.A. 1835. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1834. Ordained Deacon 1839, and Priest 1840. Principal of Cheltenham College, 1845-59. Died at Cheltenham on the 31st December, 1867, and was buried in Prestbury Churchyard, Gloucestershire. 3 - 1859-62. Rev. Henry Highton, M.A. Born 19th January, 1816. Educated at Rugby School. Scholar and Michel Fellow of Queen’s College, Oxford. B.A. (ist class Classical Final Schools and 2nd class Mathematical Final Schools) 1837. M.A. 1840. Ordained Deacon 1839, Priest 1840. Curate of St. Ebbe’s, Oxford, 1839-41. Assistant Master at Rugby School, 1841-59. Examiner in Natural Philosophy in the University of Oxford, 1858. Principal of Chelten- ham College, 1859-62. Was awarded a Gold Medal by the Society of Arts, in 1849, for his discoveries with reference to Electric Tele- graphs, and in 1863 received the Prince of Wales’ Medal for improve- ments in Telegraphy. Died at Putney, Surrey, on the 21st Decern, ber, 1874, and was buried at Putney Cemetery. 4 - 1862-68. Rev. Alfred Barry, D.D. Born 15th January, 1826. Educated at King’s College, London, and Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. (4th Wrangler and 7th in 1st class Classical Tripos) and Smith’s Prizeman 1848. M.A. 1851; B.D. 1858; D.D. 1865; Hon. D.C.L. (Oxford) 1870; Hon. D.D. (Durham) 1888; P'ellow of Trinity College, Cam- Cambridge, 1849. Ordained Deacon 1850, and Priest 1853. Sub- Warden of Trinity College, Glenalmond, 1850-54; Head Master of Leeds Grammar School, 1854-62; Principal of Cheltenham College 1862-68; Principal of King’s College, London, 1868-83; Examining ^©4-1 - ^o I ^ DOB^® \&74-e^ Y88q, ^I^II>CIP^I/|^ OF ^17EI/^BI;17^^ ^0I/I/EOE. Ernest E Wh/te^ p/^oTocET/PHEn, D/ohtons Ept Studjo, Cheltepheat. PRINCIPALS OF TIIIC COLLECT-:. 3 > Chaplain to the Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1869-72 ; Canon of Wor- cester Cathedral, 1871-81 ; Honorary Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen, 1875-79; Boyle Lecturer, 1876-78; Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen, 1879-83; Canon of Westminster Abbey, 1881-83; Hono- rary Canon of Westminster Abbey, 1883-84; BisiiOP OF Sydney and Metropolitan of Australia, 1884-89; Assistant Bishop OF Rochester, 1889. Author of “Cheltenham College Sermons,” etc. Address : Rochestei', Kmt. 5 - 1868-74. Rev. Thomas William Jex-Blake, D.D. Born 26th January, 1832. Educated at Rugby School. Scholar of University College, Oxford. 1st class Classical Moderations 1853. (ist class Classical Final Schools) 1855. M.A. (Queen’s College, Oxford) 1857. B.D. and D.D. 1873. Ordained Deacon 1856, and Priest 1857. Assistant Master at Marlborough College, 1855. P'ellow of Queen’s College, Oxford, 1855-58. Assistant Master at Rugby School, 1858-68. Principal of Cheltenham College, 1868-74. Head Master of Rugby School, 1874-87. Rector of Alvechurch, Worcestershire, 1887. Author of “Sermons preached at Cheltenham and Rugby,” etc. Address : Alvechurch Rectory, Redditch. 6 . 1874-88. Rev. Herbert Kynaston, D.D. («/ Snow). Born 29th June, 1835. Educated at Eton College. Scholar of St. John’s College, Cambridge. Cambridge University Boat, 1856 and 1857 (stroke in latter year). Camden and Browne’s Medals and Person Scholar, 1855. B.A, (bracketed Senior Classic) 1857 ; M.A. i860 ; B.D. 1881 ; D.D. 1882. Ordained Deacon 1859, and Priest i860. Fellow of St. John’s Col- lege, Cambridge, 1858-60. Assistant Master at Eton College, 1858-74. Principal of Cheltenham College, 1874-88. Vicar of St. Luke’s, New Kentish Town, London, 1888-89. Professor of Greek at Durham University, and Canon of Durham Cathedral, 1889. Author of “ Cheltenham Sermons,” etc. Address : D2irham. 7 - 1889. Rev. Herbert Armitage James, B.D. Born 3rd August, 1844. Educated at King Henry VI 1 1 . Grammar School, Abergavenny. Scholar of Lincoln College, Oxford, ist class Classical Moderations 1865; B.A. (ist class Classical P'inal Schools) 1867; M.A. (St. John’s College, Oxford) 1870; B.D. 1874. Ordained Deacon 1870, and Priest 1872. Fellow of St. John’s College, Oxford, 1869. Tutor of St. John’s College, Oxford, 1871-72. Assistant Master at Marlborough College, 1872-75. Head Master of Rossall School, 1875-86. Dean of St. Asaph, 1886-89. Principal of Cheltenham College, 1889. Address : Montpellier Lodge, Cheltenham. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. HEAD MASTERS OF THE MILITARY AND CIVIL DEPARTMENT. 1. 1843-79. Rev. Thomas Allen Southwood, M.A. Born 27th December, 1810. Educated at Devonport. Appointed to the Ordnance Survey in Ireland, and subsequently proceeded to Emmanuel College, Cam- bridge. B.A. (29th Senior Optime) 1843. M.A. 1848. Ordained Deacon 1846, and Priest 1847. Elected Fellow of the Royal Astro- nomical Society in 1852. Head Master of the Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1843-79. House Master (Keyns- hambury), 184 -6 . Treasurer to Cheltonian Society, 1868-85. Died at Cheltenham, 19th September, 1885, and was buried in Leck- hampton Churchyard, Gloucestershire. 2. 1879-88. Edmund Arnold Alfred Spencer, M.A. Born 7th December, 1848. Educated at Rossall School, and Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. (23rd Wrangler and i8th in 3rd class Classical Tripos) 1872; M.A. 1879. Head Mathematical Master at Wellington College, 1872-79. Head Master of Military and Civil Department, Chelten- ham College, 1879-88. Head Mathematical Master at Brighton College, 1888. Address: Brighton College^ Brighton. 3 - 1888. John Brook-Smith, M.A., LL.B, Born 17th July, 1824. Educated at Huddersfield College, Edinburgh University (Gold Medal for Mathe- matics), and St. John’s College, Cambridge. B.A. 1853. M.A. 1856. LL.B. (London University) 1866. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1868. Senior Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1850-88. House Master (Boyne House), 1850- 88; Alderman of Cheltenham, 1881-86. Appointed Head Master of the Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, in 1888, but died within a few days of his appointment, on the 5th May, 1888. Buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. 4 - 1888- William Martin Baker, M.A. Born 25th March, 1857. Educated at the Albert Memorial College, Framlingham. Scholar of Queen’s College, Cambridge. B.A. (15th Wrangler) 1879; M.A. 1882. Head Mathematical Master at Friars’ School, Bangor, 1879-81. Head Mathematical Master at Rossall School, 1881-88. Head Master of Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1888, also House Master (Boyne House) 1888. Address: Boyne House, Chel- tenham. ASSISTANT MASTERS. 33 HEAD MASTERS OF JUNIOR DEPARTMENT. 1. 1863-85. Rev. Thomas Middlemore Middlemore-Whithard, M.A. {nd WiiittaRD). Born 5th November, 1829. Educated at King Edward VI. Grammar School, Birmingham, and Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. 1852; M.A. 1855, Ordained Deacon 1852, and Priest 1859. Professor of English Literature and Master of the Modern side at Victoria College, Jersey, 1852-63. Head Master of Junior Depart- ment, Cheltenham College, 1863-85; also House Master (Thirlestaine Villa) 1863-66; (Teighmore) 1866-85. Rector of Upton Helions, Devonshire, 1885. Address: Upton Helions Rectory, Crediton. 2. 1885. Rev. Christopher Edward Lefroy Austin, M.A. Born 2nd March, 1841. Educated at Gloucester Cathedral School and Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. B.A. 1862 ; M.A. 1870. Ordained Deacon 1865, and Priest 1866. Assistant Master at Rossall School, 1862-65. Curate of Tormanton and West Littleton, Gloucestershire, 1865-66; and of St. Sebastian, Wokingham, 1866. Assistant Master at Blackheath Proprietary School, 1866-68. Head Master of Rossall Preparatory School, 1868-70. Head Master of Cheltenham Juvenile Proprietary School, 1870-85. Head Master of Junior Department, Cheltenham College, 1885, also House Master (Teighmore), 1885. Address : Teighmore, Sandford Road, Cheltenham. ASSISTANT MASTERS. Principal— REV. A. PHILLIPS, D.D. 1841. Rev. William Baxter, M.A. Trinity College, Dublin. B.A. 1837. M.A. (Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge) 1845. Assistant Master, Cheltenham College, 1841-51. Boarding Houses: (Malcolm Ghur, 1841-46; Newick House, 1846-51.) Rev. Francis Robert Peter Clarke Bluett, B.A. Educated at Magdalen Hall, Oxford. B.A. 1833. Assistant Master, Cheltenham College, 1841-43. Perpetual Curate of Abersychan, Monmouthshire, 1844-71. Died 13th October, 1871. Edmund Boggis, B.A. St. Catherine’s College, Cambridge. B.A. 1838. Assistant Master, Cheltenham College, 1841-44. Died, 1873. — Brough. Drawing Master, Cheltenham College, 1841-49. Charles Dallinger Chenery, M.A. Trinity College, Dublin. B.A. 1853 ; M.A. 1856. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Chelten- ham College, 1841-68. Boarding-house (Northwick Villa), 1853-68. Died at Wilby, Suffolk, 9th August, 1876. — Debenham. Assistant Master, Cheltenham College, 1841-48. F 34 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. J. A. Dried, L. Professeur a I’Ecole Militaire de Vernon, i8 — . French Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1841-44. Rev. John George Gordon, LL.D. Scholar and Gold Medallist of Trinity College, Dublin. B.A. 1841. M.A. (Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge) 1844. LLD. (Trinity College, Dublin) 1853. Assistant Master, Cheltenham College, 1841-47. Killed in a railway accident, 18 — . William Henry James, M.A. Pembroke College, Oxford. B.A. 1822. M.A. 1823. Assistant Master, Cheltenham College, 1841-45. Julian Lindwart, D. Phil. Jena University. Professor of German, Cheltenham College, 1841-44. Felix L. Murgeaud. Royal College of St. Barbe, Paris. Professor of French, Cheltenham College, 1841-50; Boarding-house, 184- Rev. Joseph Corbett Turnbull, M.A. Scholar of Trinity College Cambridge. B.A. (32nd Wrangler) 1841 ; M.A. 1844. Senior Mathe- matical Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1841-72. Boarding-house (8, Bayshill Villas) 1841-66. Died at Cheltenham, 28th February, 1879. Rev. William Francis Wilkinson, M.A. Queen’s College, Cam- bridge. B.A. 1834; M.A. 1837. Theological Tutor, Cheltenham College, 1841-47. 1842. Rev. Robert Airey. Assistant Master, Cheltenham College, 1842-50. Curate of Lezayre, 1850-58; Jurby, 1858. Chaplain of Baldwin, 1859-62. Curate of St. George, Douglas, 1862-65. Chaplain of St. Mark, Isle of Man, 1865-74. Vicar of Kirk-Michael, Isle of Man, 1874-78. Vicar of Kirk-Santan, 1878. Address: Santan Vicarage, Isle of Man. Rev, John Charles Rowlatt, B.A. Educated at St. Paul’s School, London, and Emmanuel College, Cambridge. B.A. 1849. Assistant Master, Cheltenham College, 1842-44. Curate of St. James, Exeter, 1849-52. Rector of St. Paul, Exeter, 1854-66. Priest Vicar of Exeter Cathedral, and Surrogate, Diocese of Exeter, 1852-87. Died at Exeter, 24th August, 1887. B. W. Wyatt. Assistant Master, Cheltenham College, 1842. 1843. Rev. Henry Tilley Price, M.A. Educated at Beaumaris Grammar School and Jesus College, Oxford. B.A. 1840; M.A. 1846. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1843-77. Boarding- house (i, Bath Villas) 1852-77. Rector of Elkstone, Gloucestershire, 1877-88. Died at Elkstone, ist September, 1888. 1 844. Rev. Humphry Lowry Barnicoat, M.A. Educated at Falmouth Classical School. Scholar of St. John’s College, Cambridge. B.A. (4th Senior Optime) 1843 ) M.A. 1846. Assistant Master, Cheltenham College, 1844-46. Curate of Ladock, 1846 ; Penryn and St. Gluvias, Cornwall, 1847-48 ; Beer Alston and Ferris, Devonshire, 1849-66. Vicar of Landrake with St. Etney, Cornwall, 1866. Address: Lajidrake Vicarage, St. Germans, Cormvall. Rev. John William Hall, M.A. Educated at St. Paul’s School, London. Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. 1835 ; M.A. 1838. Assistant Master, Shrewsbury School, 1838-44. Assistant Master, Cheltenham College, 1844-46. Curate of West and South Hanningfield, ASSISTANT MASTERS. 35 Essex, 1846-49. Woolley, Yorkshire, 1849-68. Curate of Writtle and Minister of Highwood, Essex, 1871-76. Perpetual Curate of South Baddesley, Hampshire, 1877. Address : South, Baddesley, Lymington. Rev. John Benwell Seaman, M.A. Queen’s College, Cambridge. B.A. 1847; M.A. 1864. Assistant Master, Cheltenham College, 1844-45. Chaplain of Her Majesty’s Convict Establishment, Tasmania, 1854-61. Curate-in-Charge of Braintree, 1864. Perpetual Curate of South Baddesley, Hampshire, 1865-70. Curate of St. Giles, Camberwell, 1870-73 ; Moulsham, Essex, 1873-74; Elmswell, Suffolk, 1874-76 ; Springfield with Holy Trinity, Essex, 1877; Writtle, Essex, 1877-83. Missionary at Winnipeg, Canada, 1883-85 ; at Plympton, Manitoba, 1885-87. Address: Lombard Street, Newark. Principal REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 1845. Robert Andrews, M.A. Pembroke College, Cambridge. B.A. (3rd in 1st Class Classical Tripos, and 37th Senior Optime) 1843 > M.A. 1846. Assistant Master, Cheltenham College, [845-46. Fellow of Queen’s College, Cambridge, 1847. Rev. William Boyce, M.A. Educated at King’s College School, London, and Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. 1845. M.A. 1848. Mathematical Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1845-76. Boarding- houses (The Priory) 18 -67, (Christowe) 1867-76. Warden of West London College, 1880-8. Rector of Elkstone, Gloucestershire, 1888. Address : Elksto)ie Rectory, Cheltenham. James Philp. St. John’s College, Cambridge. A.ssistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1845-72. Died at Seven- oaks, Kent, 2 1st February, 1880. G. C- F. Werner, Ph.D. Gottingen University. German Master, Chel- tenham College, 1845-54. 1846. Charles George Blackader, M.A. Scholar of St. John’s College, Cambridge. B.A. (28th Senior Optime) 1853 ; M.A. 1856. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1846-49; and from 1853-62. Assistant Master at Clifton College, 1862-65. Principal of Educational Department, Hartley Institute, Southampton, 1870-74. Principal of Beaurepaire School, Boulogne, 1874. Address: Beatirepaire School, Boulogtie-sur-Mer, France. Captain Adam Durnford Gordon, late Bengal Cavalry. Professor of Oriental Languages at Cheltenham College, 1846-57. Public Examiner at the College, Calcutta, 18 — . Died at Cheltenham, i6th June, 1857. A. Penley, S.I.A. Painter in Ordinary to the Queen Dowager. Drawing Master at Cheltenham College, 1846-49. Rev. William Romanis, M.A. Educated at Christ’s Hospital, London. Scholar of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. B.A. (8th in ist Class Classical Tripos, and 2nd Senior Optime) 1846; M.A. 1849. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1846-56. Reader in Modern History, 1854-56. Boarding-house, 18 — . Curate of Axminster, 1856-58. Senior Curate of St. Mary, Reading, 1858-63. Vicar of Wigston Magna, Leicestershire, 1863-88. Vicar of Twyford, Hants, 1888. Address : Twyford Vicarage, Winchester. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. 36 1847. William Turner Newman, M.A. Educated at Rugby School. Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. 1843 ; M.A. 1846. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1847-72. Reader in Modern History, 1857-72. Boarding-house (7, Painswick Lawn) 1868-72. Died at Cheltenham, iith July, 1876. Rev. Thomas Lockyer Williams, B.A. Educated at Westminster School. Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. 1845. Assistant Master, Cheltenham College, 1847-49. Curate of Tetbury, 1849-51. Vicar of Porthleven, Cornwall, 1851. Address: Porthleven Vicarage, Helstoii. 1848. George James Gill, B.A. Emmanuel College, Cambridge. B.A. 1854. Assistant Master, Cheltenham College, 1848. Rev. Arthur Hill, M.A. Scholar of Corpus Christ! College, Cambridge. B.A. 1844 ; M.A. 1850 ; ad eundem M.A. (Trinity College, Toronto) 1865. B.D. (Cambridge) 1877 ; ad eundem B.D. (Dublin) and D.D. 1886. Assistant Master, Cheltenham College, 1848. Head Master of Bradford Free Grammar School, Canada West, 1849-50. Assistant Chaplain of Dartmoor Prison, 1857-59. Chaplain of Her Majesty’s Convict Prison, Portland, 1866-67. Vicar of St. Peter, Portland, 1873- 77. Vicar of Preston with Sutton Poyntz, Dorsetshire, 1877. Diocesan Inspector of Schools, 1878. Incumbent of West Gwillimbury, Canada West, 1850-57. Address: Preston Vicarage, Weymouth. Rev. John William Augustus Taylor, M.A. Trinity College, Cam- bridge. B.A. 1840; M.A. 1848 ; ad eundem M.A. Oxford, i860. Curate of Framfield, Sussex, 1845-46. Theological Tutor, Cheltenham College, 1848- 52. Died at Stoke Headington, Oxford, lOth April, 1886. 1849. — Ashwin. Assistant Master, Cheltenham College, 1849-50. Rev. Henry Eastfield Bayly, M.A. Educated at Cheltenham College. ( Vide Index to Collegians.) Charles Clarke, M.A. Trinity College, Dublin. B.A. 1824 ; M.A. 1832. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1849- 59. Boarding-house (Montague House) 18 — . Rev. James Hughes, B.A. Trinity College, Dublin. B.A. 1846. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1849-50. William Henry Tyrrell, B.A. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. 1846. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1849-59. 1850. John Brook-Smith, M.A, LL.B. {See under Head Masters of Military and Civil Department.) Rev. Samuel Adcock Ellis, M.A. Educated at King Edward VI. Grammar School, Birmingham. Scholar of St. John’s College, Cam- bridge. B.A. (i8th Senior Optime, and 7th in 3rd Class Classical Tripos) 1838; M.A. 1841. Curate of Teigngrace, Devonshire, 1841-42. Per- petual Curate of St. Ives, Cornwall, 1843-50. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1850-64. Boarding-house (i, Waresley Villas) i8 -64. Vicar of Long Itchington, Warwickshire, 1864. Address: Long Itchington Vicarage, Rugby. R. Essex. Assistant Master, Cheltenham College, 1850. Alexander James Manson. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1850-52. ASSISTANT MASTERS. .37 Thomas Richard O’Flaiierty, B.A. St. John’s College, Canibridge. B.A. 1843. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1850. William Riviere. Drawing Master, Cheltenham College, 1850-58. Died 1876. Richard Tovey. Surveyor to the Great Western Railway, 1845-50. Plan-Drawing Master and Surveyor, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1850-79. Died at Cheltenham, 24th July, 1879. H. J. Williams. Assistant Drawing Master, Cheltenham College, 1850-55. 1851. Rev. William Gilder, M. A., St. John’s College, Cambridge. B.A. 1845; M.A. 1848. Curate of Stapleton, Gloucestershire, 1846-48 ; Booton, Norfolk, 1848-49; Mackworth, 1850-51. Theological Tutor at Chelten- ham College, 1851-53. Curate of Tickenham, Somerset, 1857-58. Rector of Mackworth, Derbyshire, 1858-86. Rural Dean of Radbourne, 1877. Died at Margate, 28th June, 1886. Edward Schmelzkopf, Leipzig University. French and German Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1851-52. Rev. George Watson Smyth, M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. (lOth Senior Optime) 1834; M.A. 1839. Vicar of Fyfield, 1837-51. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1851-70. Boarding-house (Newick House) 1851-70. Died at St. Leonards-on- Sea, 30th December, 1878. 1852. Charles Wright Hankin, B.A. Educated at Uppingham School. Scholar of Oriel College, Oxford. B.A. (2nd Class Classical Final Schools) 1850. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1852-60. Head Master of Southampton Grammar School, 1860-75. Address: 49, Frederick Road, Edgbastoji, Birmingham. Edgar Hyde, M.A. Educated at St. Paul’s School, London. Scholar of Corpus Christ! College, Oxford. Junior Mathematical University Scholar, 1849. B.A. (3rd Class Classical Final Schools and ist Class Mathematics) 1851 ; M.A. 1854. Fellow of Corpus Christ! College, 185 — . Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1852-53. Head Master of Limerick and Killaloe School, 1859. Tutor in Jurisprudence to the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple, 18 — . Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1862. Advocate of the High Court of Calcutta, 1862. Adolph F. C. Schacht, French and German Master, Classical Depart- ment, Cheltenham College, 1852-70. Died at Cheltenham, 30th May, 1871. Edwin Watling, Writing Master, Cheltenham College, 1852-69. 1853. Rev. John Birkett, M.A., St. John’s College, Cambridge. B.A. (3rd Wrangler) 1822; M.A. 1825. Fellow of St. John’s College, Cam- bridge, 1824. Assistant Mathematical Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1853-70; Boarding-house (9, Suffolk Square) 18 -67. Died at Cheltenham, 19th June, 1878. Charles George Blackader, M.A. (S'^’^ under year 1846.) Rev. Thomas Pownall Boultbee, LL.D., St. John’s College, Cam- bridge. B.A. (5th Wrangler) 1841 ; M.A. 1844; LL.D. 1872. Fellow of St. John’s College, Cambridge, 1841, Senior Theological Tutor and 38 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Chaplain, Cheltenham College, 1853-63 ; Boarding-house, 18—. Prin- cipal of St. John’s Hall, London College of Divinity, 1864-83. Pre- bendary of Eadland in St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, 1883. Died at Bournemouth, 30th January, 1884. Edwin Cooper, B.A., Trinity College, Dublin. B.A. 1853. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1853-56. Died in London, 23rd March, 1856. Rev. Hubert Ashton Holden, LL.D., Trinity College, Cambridge. Bell University Scholar, 1842. B.A. (Senior Classic and 21st Junior Optime) 1845 ; M.A. 1848. LL.D. 1863. Fellow, Tutor, and Classical Lecturer of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1847-54. Examiner in Moral Science Tripos, 1851 ; in Classical Tripos, 1852. Vice-Principal of Cheltenham College, 1853-58. Examiner for India Civil Service, 1856 Head Master of Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Ipswich, 1858-83. Classical Examiner, University of London, 1869-74. Address : 20, Redcliffe Square, South Kensington, London. Rev. John Thomas Hyde, M.A. Educated at St. Paul’s School, Lon- don. Entered Addiscombe Military College and passed out ist Engineer in 1846, but subsequently resigned his commission owing to ill-health. Exhibitioner of Emmanuel College, Cambridge ; 6th Senior Optime, 1852; B.A. 1853; M.A. 1856. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1853-54. Professor of Fortifi- cation and Artillery, Addiscombe Military College, 1854-61. Curate of All Saints, Creeting, Suffolk, 1868-70. Rector of Wembworthy, Devonshire, 1870-78. Curate of Eggesford, Devonshire, 1871-78, Rector of Wallington, Hertfordshire, 1878-82. Rector of Ruan Lani- horne, Cornwall, 1882. Address : Ruan Rectory, Grampotmd, Cornwall. A. H. Marshall, Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1853-62, and in Junior Department, 1863-64. Rev. Percival Richard Renorden Sandilands, M.A. Educated at Tonbridge School. Scholar and Rustat Exhibitioner of Jesus College, Cambridge. B.A. 1848; M.A. 1851. 2nd Master of Crewkerne Gram- mar School, 1848-50. Curate of Chaffcombe, Somerset, 1849-50; Seavington St. Mary, Somerset, 1851-53. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1853-63 ; Boarding-house (Beaufort House, 1853-63). Vicar of Denford-with-Ringstead, Northants, 1863-74. Chaplain of Thrapston Union, 1866-70. Vicar of Chudleigh-Knighton, Devon, 1875. Address : Forde Park, Newton Abbott, South Devon. Rev. Edward Bickersteth Wawn, M.A., Scholar of St. John’s College Cambridge. B.A. 1849; M.A. 1852. Curate of Hilton, Cambridge, 1850-53. Assistant Theological Tutor, Cheltenham College, 1853-65 ; Boarding-house (5, Oriel Terrace) 18 -65. Died at Cheltenham, 29th September, 1866. 854. Henry Coke, B.A., St. John’s College, Cambridge. B.A. (27th Senior Optime) 1852. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1854-55. Thomas Jamieson Dymes, B.A. Educated at King’s College School, London. Scholar of Lincoln College, Oxford. B.A. (3rd Class Classical Final Schools) 1852. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, ASSISTANT MASTERS. 39 Cheltenham College, 1854-55. Assistant Master at Eastbourne College, 1875-83. Address: Colville Houses, Notting Hill, London, IV. Eugene Flageollet. French Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1854-63. Samuel Green, M.A., Scholar of Caius and Sidney Sussex Colleges, Cambridge. B. A. ( Wrangler) 1853 ; M. A. 1856. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1854-79; Boarding- houses (2, Vittoria Walk), 1857-59; (Thirlstaine Villa), 1857-63 ; (Beaufort House), 1863-65 ; (Hazelwell), 1866-79. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1875. Address : 4, Chester Place, Regent's Park, Londott. Augustus Davrock Spiller, B.A., Trinity College, Dublin. B.A. 1855. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1854-55- Rev. John James Tall Wilmot, St. John’s College, Cambridge (lo-year man). M.A. (by Archbishop of Canterbury), 1863. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1854-57. Curate of St. Mary, Chester, 1857-58. St. Luke, Cheltenham, 1861-62. Minister, Episcopal Church, Selkirk, 1862-68. Perpetual Curate of St. Philip, Old Kent Road, London, 1868-69. Curate of Kensington, 1869-75. Rector of Ampthill, and Chaplain of Ampthill Union, 1875. Assistant Chaplain at Nice, 1879-82. Address: The Rectory, A mp thill. 1855. Thomas Theophilus Bradley, B.A., St. John’s College, Cambridge. B.A. 1853. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham Col- lege, 1855. Rev. Vernon Edlin, B.A., Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. 1855. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1855-57. Curate of Upton Warren, Worcestershire, 1860-61 ; Bedford Chapel, Bloomsbury, 1865-67 ; Christchurch, Brondesbury, 1870-72. Curate of Alderney, and Assistant Chaplain to the Forces, 1872-74. Curate-in- charge of Ratby with Groby, Leicestershire, 1874-75. Curate of St. Dunstan in the East, London, 1886-88. Address: Atheling Lodge, Catford Hill, London, S.E. J. Schmidt, Berlin University. German Master, Military and Civil De- partment, Cheltenham College, 1855-58. 1856. R. Cooper. Assistant Drawing Master, Cheltenham College, 1856-58. Rev. Henry John Dodwell, M.A., Exeter College, Oxford. B.A. (4th class Mathematics) 1848 ; M.A. 1858. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1856-57. Assistant Master of Bed- ford Grammar School, 1859-60. Curate of Ravensden, Bedfordshire, i860. Chaplain of Brighton Industrial Schools, 1868-73. Head Master of Colyton Grammar School, 1875-76. William Hayes Dynham, B.A., Trinity College, Dublin. B.A. 1859. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1856-65 ; also House Master (Rockville), 18 — 65. Rev. William Inchbald, M.A., Scholar of St. Catherine’s College, Cam- bridge. B.A. (9th Senior Optime) 1842 ; M.A. 1871. Second Master, Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Crediton, 1853-56. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1856-80. 40 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Boarding-houses (24, Priory Street), 18 -68 ; (Elmley), 1868-72. Address : Paignton, South Devon. Rev. John Douglas Middleton, M.A, Educated at Cheltenham Col- lege. ( Vide Index to Collegians.) J. E. Morrell. Assistant Drawing Master, Cheltenham College, 1856- 58. James Munro, King’s College, Aberdeen University. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1856-58. 1857. Professor James Buckman, F.G.S., F.L.S., F.S.A. Curator and Resi- dent Professor in the Birmingham Philosophical Institution, 1846-48. Professor of Geology and Botany, Royal Agricultural College, Ciren- cester, 1848-63. Teacher of Physical Sciences, Military and Civil De- partment, Cheltenham College, 1857-58. Died at Bradford Abbas, Dorset, 23rd November, 1884. — Cartier. Assistant French Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1857-61. Rev. Thomas Ansell Marshall, M.A. Educated at Bridgnorth School. Scholar of Trinity College, Oxford. Ireland University Scholar, 1846. B.A. (New Inn Hall) 1850; M.A. 1868. Vice-Master Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1857-59, and Assistant Master, Classical Department, 1859-62. Principal of Milford College, 1862-65. Head Master of Barnstaple Grammar School, 1865- 72. Lecturer of St. Albans, 1872-73. Curate of Lastingham, Yorkshire, 1873-77. Rector of St. Mary, Antigua, 1877-83. Curate of Downton- with-Nunton, Wiltshire, 1884-88; of Cornworthy, Devon, 1888. Ad- dress : Cornworthy, Totnes. Cotton Mather. Assistant Oriental Professor, Cheltenham College^ 1857- 58. 1858. Rev. George Butler, D.D. Educated at Harrow School, Trinity College, Cambridge, afterwards Scholar of Exeter College, Oxford. Hertford University Scholar, 1841. B.A. (ist Class, Classical Final Schools) 1843 ; M.A. 1846. Hon. D.D. (Durham), 1882. Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford, 1842-52. Classical Examiner, Oxford Univer- sity, 1851-52. Classical Examiner to Her Majesty’s Secretary of State for War, 1855. Examiner to the Honourable East India Company’s Civil Service, 1856. Vice-Principal of Cheltenham College, 1858-65. Boarding-house (Priory House), 18 -65. Principal of Liverpool College, 1866-82. Canon of Winchester Cathedral, 1882. Address: The Close, Winchester. Rev. William Campbell, M.A. Scholar of Emmanuel College, Cam- bridge. B.A. (17th Senior Optime) 1858; M.A. 1864. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1858. Curate of Hyson Green, Notts., 1858-61. Assistant Master, Uppingham School, 1863; Acting Head Master, 1887. Address: Lome House, Uppingham. Rev. J. E. Jefferson, B.A., Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1858. George Marshall. Organist, Cheltenham College, 1858-59. Rev. William Sheppard, B.A., Worcester College, Oxford, afterwards ASSISTANT MASTERS. 4 ' Scholar of Trinity College, Oxford. B.A. (ist Class Classical Final Schools) 1833. Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, 1836-40. Student of the Inner Temple, 1835. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1858-60. Died 2nd September, i860. Professor Monier Williams, M.A., D.C.L. (afterwards Sir Monier Monier-Williams). Educated at Kings College School, London, and Honourable East India Company’s College, Haileybury. University College, Oxford. Boden Sanskrit Scholar, 1843. B.A. (4th Class, Classical Final Schools, and 4th Class Mathematics) 1844; M.A. 1846. Hon. D.C.L., 1875. Professor at the Honourable East India Company's College, Haileybury, 1844-58. Oriental Professor, Chelten- ham College, 1858-60. Boden Professor of Sanskrit, Oxford University, i860. Hon. LL.D. Calcutta University, 1876. C.I.E. 1880. Created a Knight, 1886. K.C.I.E., 1887. Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford, 1882. Address : Merton Lea, Oxford. 1859. Edmund Atkinson, Ph.D., F.C.S. Educated at Lancaster Grammar School and Heidelberg University. Teacher of Physical Sciences, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1859-61. Profes- sor of Experimental Sciences, Staff College, Sandhurst, 1862. Address: Portesbery Hill, Camberley, Surrey. Alfred Newton Brooke. Educated at the South Kensington Museum School of Art and Antwerp Academy. Drawing Master, Cheltenham College, 1859-82. Died at Cheltenham, i6th March, 1887. Captain Henry James William Carter. Ensign, Bengal Army, 1837, Lieutenant, 1842. Captain, 1850. Retired, 1853. Oriental Professor, Cheltenham College, 1859-71. Pedro Friedrich Dusar. Educated at Mannheim and Heidelberg. Lecturer at King’s College, Aberdeen, and University of Aberdeen, 1854-58. Senior German Master, Cheltenham College, since 1859. George Edwards, M.A. Educated at King’s College, Aberdeen. Assis- tant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1859- 66. E. A. L’OSTE. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1859-61 Jeremiah Oakwell Smith. Organist and Choir Master, Cheltenham College, 1859-63. Address: Royston House, Cheltenham. F. G. White. Drawing Master, Cheltenham College, 1859-69. Principal— REV. H. HIGHTON, M.A. 1860. Wallace Brown, M.A. Worcester College, Oxford. B.A., 1852, M.A., 1855. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1860- 77. Boarding-houses (6, Painswick Lawn), 18 — 64; (Fleurville), 1864-77. Rev. William Buckell, M.A. Educated at St. John’s College, Cambridge. B.A. 1863; M.A. 1866. Arithmetic and Writing Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1860-67. Curate of Christ Church, Forestof Dean, 1867-70; Market Harborough, 1870-72; West Hackney, 1872-75. Licensed Preacher, Dioceses of London and Chichester, 1880; G 42 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. St. Albans, 1883. Curate of St. Paul, Brighton, 1887. Address: 10, Powis Road, Brighton. Rev. Sir George William Cox, Bart., M.A. Educated at Rugby School and Trinity College, Oxford. B.A. (2nd Class Classical Final Schools), 1848 ; M.A., 1859. Ordained Deacon, 1850, and Priest, 1851. Curate of Salcombe Regis, Devon, 1850-51 ; St. Paul, Exeter, 1854-57. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1860-61. Vicar of Bekesbourne, Kent, 1881 ; Rector of Scrayingham with Leppington, Yorkshire, 1881. Address: Scrayingham Rectory, York. Henry Arthur Nesbitt, M.A. Educated at University College, London. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1860-62. Rev. John Powley, M.A. Foundation Scholar of Jesus College, Cam- bridge. B.A. (loth Senior Optime) 1856; M.A. 1864; Mathematical Master St. John’s Foundation School, Kilburn, 1856-58. Ordained Deacon, 1858. Curate of St. Paul, Exeter, 1858-59. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1860-62. Pre- centor and Assistant Master, Bradfield College, 1862. Address: St. Andrew's College, Bradfield, Reading. Henri Van Laun, B.A. Officier de I’instruction publique. University of France. French Master, Classical Department Cheltenham College, 1860- 69. Boarding-house (Rockville), 1868-69. French Master, Edinburgh Academy, 1869-74. French Examiner for Civil Service Commissioners and War Office, 1874. Address: 172, Lancaster Road, London, W. Vincent Perronet Warren. Master in Writing and Arithmetic, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1860-64. 1861. Rev. Reginald Broughton, M.A. Educated at Cheltenham College. ( Vide Index to Collegians.) Rev. Peter John Francis Gantillon, M.A. Educated at Rugby School. Scholar of St. John’s College, Cambridge. B.A. (ist in 2nd Class, Classical Tripos) 1851; M.A. 1854. Second Master, Leicester Collegiate School, 1854-61. Ordained Deacon, 1856, and Priest, 1857, Curate of St. John, Leicester, 1856-59. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1861-85. Boarding-houses (Courtrai), 1864-74; (5, Fauconberg Terrace) 1874-85. Chaplain, Cheltenham General Hospital, 1886. Address: 5, Fauconberg Terrace, Cheltenham. Rev. John Graves, M.A. Educated at King Edward VI. Grammar School, Bury St. Edmunds. Scholar of Christ’s College, Cambridge. B.A, (15th in 2nd Class, Classical Tripos) 1855 ; M.A. 1858. History Lec- turer, Training College, Battersea, 1857-59. Ordained Deacon, 1859, and Priest, i860. Assistant Master, Kensington Grammar School, 1859-61. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1861- 73. Boarding-houses (i, Waresly Villas) 1865 ; (Keynshambury House) 1866-68; (Cheltondale) 1869-71 ; (2, Priory Buildings) 1872-73. Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty’s Household at Kensington Palace, 1884-1888. Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty at Kensington Palace, 1888. Died at Kensington Palace, 4th March, 1888. 1862. Rev. P. H. Ernest Brette, B.D. University of France. Senior French ASSISTANT MASTERS. 43 Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1862-63. Head Master of the French School, Christ’s Hospital, London, 1863. Examiner in the University of London, 1865-70, 1875-80, 1884. Examiner, College of Preceptors and Royal College of Surgeons, 1863- 67; Indian Civil Service, 1865, 1866, 1869; Harrow School, 1869; Eton College, 1880; and Royal Naval College, Greenwich, 1880. Address : Christ's Hospital, London. Principal — REV. A. BARRY, D.D. Thomas Bloxam, Ph.D., F.C.S., P’.G.S. Chemist to the Industrial Museum of Scotland, i860. Master in Experimental and Natural Sciences, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1862-72. Curator of the Cheltenham College Museum, 1870-72. Died in London, August, 1872. Rev. John Leighton, M.A. Educated at Sedbergh School. Scholar of St. John’s College, Cambridge. B.A. (2nd Junior Optime) 1848 ; M.A. 1855. Assistant Master, Chudleigh Grammar School, 1848-58, and Assistant Curate of Hennock for the district of Chudleigh Knighton, 1848-58. Mathematical Master, Somersetshire College, Bath, 1858-62. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1862-72. Boarding-houses (Keynshambury) 18 -66; (5, Queen’s Parade) 1866-72. Died at Cheltenham, iith January, 1884. W. F. Marshall, Assistant-Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1862-63. 863. Rev. Henry Borlase Grylls, M.A., St. John’s College, Cambridge. B. A. 1861 ; M.A. 1865. Ordained Deacon, 1864, and Priest, 1865. Mathematical Master, Victoria College, Jersey, 1861-63. Assistant- Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham College, 1863-64. Curate of St. Barnabas, Liverpool, 1864-66 ; St. Paul, Devonport, 1866-69 > Dawlish, 1869-71 ; Marystow with Thrushelton, 1871-74. Vicar of Marystow with Thrushelton, 1874. Address; Marystow Vicarage, Lew Down, Devon. Franz Kielhorn, Ph.D., C.I.E. Studied at Universities of Gottingen, Breslau, Berlin ; Ph. D. Leipzig, 1862. Studied at Oxford, Oct. 1862- Jan. 1866. Professor of Sanskrit, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1863-64. Bombay Educational Department: Professor of Oriental Languages, Elphinstone College, Bombay, Feb.-Oct., 1866. Superintendant of Sanskrit studies, and Professor of Oriental Languages, Deccan College, Poona, Oct., 1866-Dec. 1881. During this time, for about six years. Acting Principal of the Deccan College, and twice, for short periods. Acting Educational Inspector, Central Division, Bombay Presidency. Professor of Sanskrit, University of Gottingen (Jan., 1882). C. I.E. Jan., 1887. Address; Hainholz PVeg, 12c, Gottingen, Germany. William Read Porcher, M.A. Educated at the Perse Grammar School, Cambridge. Foundation and Thorpe Scholar of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. B.A. (24th Wrangler) 1857; M.A. 1864. Senior Assistant Master, Lincoln Grammar School, 1858 ; Senior Mathematical Master, Wimbledon School, 1858-63. Assistant-Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1863. Boarding-houses (5, 44 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Painswick Lawn) 1866-68 ; (Cambray Pavilion) 1868-71; (Leconfield) 1872. Address: Leconfield, College Road, Cheltenham. Rev. John Twentyman, M.A. Educated at St. Bees’ Grammar School and Christ’s College, Cambridge. B.A. (33rd Senior Optime and 7th in 1st Class Classical Tripos) 1861. First Class Theological Tripos, 1862. M.A. 1864. Ordained Deacon, 1861, and Priest, 1862. Fellow, and Divinity Lecturer, Christ’s College, Cambridge, 1861-64. Assistant- Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1863-66. Boarding- house (5, Oriel Terrace) 1865-66. Vice-Master of King’s College School, London, 1866-87. Curate of St. Anne, Holloway, 1880-87; Rector of Ingoldsby, Lincolnshire, 1887. Address: I ngoldsby Rectory, Grantham. Edward Walker, M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. (8th Wrangler and 3rd in 3rd Class Classical Tripos) 1844. Assistant-Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1863-71. Boarding-houses (Rockville) 1866-67; (Vittoria House) 1868-71. 1864. Jean Balague, B. 6s L., University of France. French Master at Rossall School, 1861-63, and in Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1864-66. Edouard Clavequin, B. 6s L., University of France. French Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1864-67. Clifford Evans Fowler Nash, M.A. Pembroke College, Oxford. First Class Mathematical Mods., 1857. B.A. (ist Class Mathematical Finals) 1859 ; M.A. 1862. Called to the Bar, Lincoln’s Inn, 1862. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1864-66, and in Military and Civil Department, 1866-78. Boarding-house (Elkstone House), 1866-71. Address: Glenfall Lawn, Pittville Circus, Cheltenham. Rev. Arthur Charles Whitley, M.A. Educated at St. Paul's School, London. Pauline and Sykes Exhibitioner, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. B.A. 1861 ; M.A. 1865. Ordained Deacon, 1862, and Priest, 1863. Classical Master, Victoria College, Jersey, 1861-64. Assistant Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham College, 1864-66. Second Master, Carlisle Cathedral School, 1866-73. Head Master of Southwell Grammar School, 1873-77. Head Master of St. Martin’s Grammar School and Curate of St. Martin’s, Scarborough, 1879-81. Head Master of Witton Grammar School, 1882. Address: Witton Grammar School, Northwich. 1865. Rev. John Henry Churchill Baxter, M.A. Educated at the Clergy Orphan School, Canterbury, and Jesus College, Cambridge. B.A. 1865 ; M.A. 1869. Ordained Deacon, 1870, and Priest, 1871. Assistant Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham College, 1865-74, in Military and Civil Department, 1874-88. Curate of All Saints, Chel- tenham, 1870-72. Boarding-houses (6, Painswick Lawn) 1869-70 ; (3, Priory Parade) 1870-76; (Beaufort House) 1877-81 ; (Cheltondale) 1881-88. Address: 18, West Cromwell-road, South Ketisingtoti, S.W. Rev. William Bazeley, M.A. Educated at Cheltenham College. {Vide Index to Collegians.) 1866. Rev. Charles Bigg, D.D. Educated at Manchester Grammar School. ASSISTANT MASTERS. 45 Scholar of Corpus Christ! College, Oxford, ist Class Classical Mods., 1859. Hertford University Scholar, i860. Gaisford Prize (Prose), 1861. B.A. (First Class Classical Final Schools), 1862. Ellerton Prize, 1864; M.A. 1864; B.D. and D.D. 1876. Ordained Deacon, 1863, and Priest, 1864. Senior Student and Tutor of Christ Church, Oxford, 1862-66. Senior Assistant Master, Cla.ssical Department, Cheltenham College, 1866-71. Principal of Brighton College, 1871-81. Chaplain of Corpus Christ! College, Oxford, 1883-87. Classical Moderator, Oxford Uni- versity, 1882-85. Classical Lecturer, Wadham College, Oxford, 1885. Bampton Lecturer 1886. Rector of P'enny Compton, Warwickshire, 1887. Address : Fenny Compton Rectory, Leamington. Joseph Pennyman Ketley, B.A., Queen’s College, Cambridge. B.A, (41st Wrangler) 1858. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Depart- ment, Cheltenham College, 1866. Samuel Lee, M.A., Scholar of Christ’s College, Cambridge. B.A. (nth, in 1st class Classical Tripos) 1861. Assistant Master, Classical De- partment, Cheltenham College, 1866-67. Rev. John Mugliston, M.A. Educated at Repton School. Scholar of Wadham College, Oxford. First Class Classical Mods. 1858. B.A. (4th Class Lit. Hum.) 1859 ; M.A. 1862. Ordained Deacon, 1867, and Priest, 1 868. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, since 1866; Boarding-houses (i. Oriel Terrace) 1868; (Beaufort House) 1868-69; (Newick House) 1870. Address: Newick House, Cheltenham. Rev. John Thomas Thorn, M.A. Educated at Shrewsbury School. Fell Exhibitioner of Christ Church, Oxford. 2nd Class Classical Mods., 1852; B.A. 1854; M.A. 1856. Ordained Deacon, 1855, and Priest, 1857. Curate of Willey and Barrow, Salop, 1855-57. Chaplain of Ardgowan, N.B., 1857-65. Second Master, Junior Department, Chel- tenham College, 1866-70 ; Boarding-house (5, Oriel Terrace), 1867-60. Rector of Ashow, Warwickshire, 1870-73. Vicar of Stoneleigh, Warwick- shire, 1873. Address: Stoneleigh Vicarage, Kenilworth. William Henry Wright, B.A., Scholar of Corpus Christ! College, Cam- bridge. B.A. (19th Senior Optime) 1864. Mathematical Master, Dr. Behr’s School, Ewell, 1864-66. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1866-67. Professor of English Lite- rature and Mathematics, Benares College, East Indies, 1867-71, and at Muir College, Allahabad, 1872. Principal of Bareilly College, East Indies, 1873-76. Inspector of Schools, ist Circle, 1875. Professor of History and Philosophy, Muir College, Allahabad, 1877, and of English Literature, 1879. Address : Muir Central College, Allahabad, East Indies. 867. Rev. Frank Besant, M.A., Scholar of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. B.A. (28th Wrangler) 1863; M.A. 1866; F.R.A.S., 1865. Ordained Deacon, 1866, and Priest, 1867. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1867-71. Boarding House (2, Segrave Villas) 1869-71. Vicar of Sibsey, Lincolnshire, 1871. Address: Sibsey Vicarage, Boston. Edward Coulson Musson, M.A., P'.G.S. Educated at Mill Hill Grammar School. Scholar of Queen’s College, Cambridge. B.A. (4th Senior 46 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Optime) 1859; M.A. 1862. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1867-69, Vice-Principal of Queen Elizabeth’s College, Guernsey, 1869-74. Head Master of Browne’s School, Stam- ford, 1874-80. Head Master of Ashford Grammar School, 1880-84. Head Master of Proprietary College, Ramsgate, 1884. Address: The Proprietary College, Chatham House, Ramsgate. Louis Roberti, hVench Master, Military and Civil Department, Chelten- ham College, 1867. Rev. George John Watts, Corpus Christ! College, Cambridge. Ordained Deacon, 1863, and Priest, 1864. Curate of Patcham, Sussex, and Assistant Chaplain to the Forces at Brighton, 1863-65. Assistant Minister at the Chapel Royal, Brighton, 1866. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1867-72. Curate of Holy Trinity, Kilburn, 1872-74. Association Secretary to the Colonial and Continental Church Society, 1874-76. Vicar of St. Mark, Glodwick, Lancashire, 1876. Address: St. Mark's Vicarage, Oldham. Rev. Joseph Wood, D.D. Educated at Manchester Grammar School. Exhibitioner of Balliol College, Oxford. First Class Classical Modera- tions, 1863. B.A. (ist Class Classical Final Schools) 1865 ; M.A. (St. John’s College, Oxford), 1868 ; B.D. and D.D. 1879. Fereday Fellow of St. John’s College, Oxford, 1865-68. Ordained Deacon, 1865, and Priest, 1873. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1867-70. Boarding-houses (Pittville House) 1868 ; (Tivoli House) 1868-70. Principal of Leamington College, 1870. Classical Moderator, Oxford University, 1875-76. Address : The College, Leamington. Principal— REV. T. W. J EX-BLAKE, D.D. 1868. Linnaeus Cumming, M.A. Educated at Perse Grammar School, Cam- bridge. Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A. (7th Wrangler) 1865 ; M.A. 1868. Master in Physics and Natural Science, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1868-75. Boarding-houses (Cam- bray Pavilion) 1872-73 ; (Thirlestaine Villa) 1874-75. Assistant Master, Rugby School, 1875. Address : 14, Bilton Road, Rugby. E. Dembski, French Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1868-73. Henry Montagu Draper, M.A. Educated at Rugby School. Scholar of Lincoln College, Oxford. B.A. (2nd Class Classical Final Schools) 1865 ; M.A. 1869. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Chelten- ham College, 1868-74; Boarding-house (Tivoli House) 1870-73. Head Master of Lockers Park School, 1874. Address: Lockers Park, Hemel Hempstead, Herts. Charles Henry Jeaffreson, M.A. Educated at King’s School, War- wick. Scholar of Lincoln College, Oxford. First Class Classical Moderations, 1864. B.A. (3rd Class Classical Final Schools) 1866; M.A. 1869. French Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1868-69, and 1881-83. Second Master, Reading Grammar School, 1883. ASSISTANT MASTERS. 47 Rev. P. Ledune. French Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham Col- lege, 1868. Thomas Riseley, Mus. Bac. Christ Church, Oxford. Organist of Calcutta Cathedral, 1861-68. Organist and Choir Master, Cheltenham College, 1868-75. Died at Kensington, London, 20th October, 1878. William Terry Scott, B.A. Exhibitioner of Exeter College, Oxford. First Class Classical Moderations, 1866. B.A. (2nd Class Classical Final Schools), 1867. Assistant Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham College, 1868-70. Died at Dunmow, 5th November, 1877. Charles Pilkington White. Assistant Drawing Master, Cheltenham College, 1868-79. Died at Cheltenham, loth P'ebruary, 1881. 1869. William Archibald Brown, M.A., Balliol College, Oxford. Second Class Classical Moderations, 1864. B.A. (3rd Class Classical Final Schools), 1867. M.A. 1874. Assistant French Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1869-70. Thomas Case, M.A. Educated at Rugby School and Balliol College, Oxford. First class Classical Moderations, 1865. P'irst Class Classical F'inal Schools, 1867. B.A. 1868; M.A. 1871. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1869. Fellow of Brasenose College, Oxford, 1868-70. Tutor of Balliol College, Oxford, 1870-82. Fellow, Tutor and Librarian of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 1882. Address : Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Rev. Octavius James Ellis, D.D. Educated at Athenee Royal, Brussels, and Trinity College, Dublin. B.A. 1862 ; Divinity Testimonium, 1863 ; M.A. 1866; B.D. and D.D. 1881. Ordained Deacon, 1862, and Priest, 1863. Curate of Sedgley, Staffordshire, 1863 ; St. Mary, Hulme, 1864- 66; St. Mary, Paddington, 1868-69. French Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1869-72. Vicar of Bishopswood, Herefordshire, 1872-77. Chaplain and Missionary to Jews, at Warsaw, Russia, 1877. Address: Szpitalua, Warsaw, Russia. Rev. Percy Hattersley-Smith, M.A. Educated at Perse Grammar School, Cambridge. Foundation Scholar of Emmanuel College, Cam- bridge. B.A. (3rd Senior Optime) 1869 ; M.A. 1872. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, since 1869. Ordained Deacon, 1873, and Priest, 1878. Chaplain of the Sanatorium, 1873. Boarding-houses (Vittoria House), 1871-74; (12, Suffolk Square) 1875-79; (Hazelwell) 1879. Address: Hazelwell, College Road, Chel- tenham. Edward Ellis Morris, M.A. Lincoln College, Oxford. B.A. (2nd Class Classical Final Schools, and 2nd Class Law and History Finals) 1866. M.A. 1869. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1869. Assistant Master, Haileybury College, 1870-71. Head Master of Bedfordshire Middle Class Public School, 1871-75. Head Master of Melbourne Grammar School, 1875-84. Professor of English, Melbourne University, since 1884. 1870. Rev. Thomas Charles Fry, M.A. Educated at Bedford Grammar School. Scholar of Pembroke College, Cambridge. B.A. (9th in 2nd Class Classical Tripos) 1868; M.A. 1871.- Ordained Deacon, 1871, and Priest, 1873. Assistant Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham 48 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. College, 1870-73, and in Classical Department, 1873-83. Boarding-houses (10, Oxford Parade) 1871-73 ; (Ashby Lodge) 1873-75 ; (Christowe) 1877-83. Head Master of Oundle School, 1883-84. Head Master of Berkhamsted School, 1886. Address : Berkhamsted, Herts. Henri Lallemand, B. es. Sc. Paris. Educated at Lyc^e de Metz, and Military College of St. Cyr. Officer in French Army, 1856-64. French Master at Rossall School, 1866-69; and at Elizabeth College, Guernsey, 1869- 70. French Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1870- 75. Lecturer in the French Language and Literature, Owen’s College, Manchester, 1875-85. Professor of French, University College, London, 1885. Mons. Lallemand served in the French Army during the Franco-Prussian War in 1870 (wounded). — Leviaux. Mons. Leviaux took Mons. Lallemand’s work as French Master during the absence of the latter, until October, 1870, when he went to serve in the French Army, and was killed in action in 1871, during the Franco-Prussian War. George Nutt, M.A. Educated at Winchester College. Scholar of New College, Oxford. First Class Classical Moderations, 1866. Gaisford Greek Verse Prize, 1868. First Class Classical Final Schools, 1868. Craven University Scholar, 1869. Fellow and Classical Lecturer of Exeter College, Oxford, 1869-77. B.A. 1869; M.A. 1871. Senior Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1870-74. Assistant Master at Rugby School, 1874. Address : Rugby. John Walrond Orchard, B.A., F.G.S. Trinity College, Dublin. B.A. 1871. Assistant Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham College, 1870-72. Rev. James Albert Owen, M.A. Educated at Cowbridge School. Junior Student of Christ Church, Oxford. First Class Classical Moderations, 1862. B.A. (ist Class Classical Final Schools) 1864; M.A. 1867. Ordained Deacon 1867, and Priest 1870. Assistant Master at West- minster School, 1866. Fellow and Classical Lecturer of University College, Oxford, 1868-71. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Chel- tenham College, since 1870. Boarding-houses (Beaufort House) 1870- 71 ; (Cheltondale) 1872-81. Address: 22, Suffolk Square, Cheltenham. Rev. Thomas Wolseley-Lewis, M.A. Educated at Shrewsbury School. Powis Exhibitioner and Scholar of Jesus College, Oxford. Second Class Classical Moderations, 1857. B.A. (ist Class Natural Science) 1858; M.A. 1861. Ordained Deacon, 1863, and Priest, 1864. Assistant Master, Llanwrst Grammar School, i860. Assistant Master and Science Lecturer at Llandovery School, 1861-63. Assistant Master at Shrewsbury School, 1863-65. Head Master of Llanwrst Grammar School, 1865-70. Second Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham College, since 1870. Boarding-houses (i, Wolseley Terrace) 1870-72 ; (Beaufort House) 1872-77 ; (Garth-Garmon) 1877-81. Address: St. Idloes, Cheltenham. 1871. J. L. Colassot. Professor, University of France, 18 . French Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1871-74. Captain George Egerton Hodgson, late 44th Foot. Educated at Marlborough College. Served with 44th Foot, 1855-69 ; in China War, ASSISTANT MASTERS. 49 i860 (Medal with clasp). Superintendent, Military Gymnasium, Col- chester, 1867-68. Instructor of Gymnastics at Cheltenham College since 1871. Address ; 6, Montpellier Terrace, Cheltenham. A. Weiss, B.Sc. Vienna University. German and Italian Master, Clas- sical Department, Cheltenham College, 1871-72. 872. Edward Anthony Bennett, M.A. Educated at Plymouth New Grammar School. Scholar of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. B.A. (8th Senior Optime) 1871 ; M.A. 1874. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1872. Boarding-houses (Thirle- staine Villa) 1875-81; (Beaufort House) 1881-88; (Cheltondale) 1888. Address : — Chelto 7 idale, Chelte 7 iham. Rev. John Irby Farr, M.A. Educated at Rugby School. Scholar of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. B.A. (i6th Senior Optime) 1872 ; M.A. 1876. Ordained Deacon, 1875, and Priest, 1876. Assistant Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham College, 1872-74. Head Master of Llanwrst Grammar School, 1874. Address : Lla 7 iwrst Gra 7 n 7 nai' School, North Wales. John Bridges Lee, M.A., F.G.S. Scholar of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Second in ist Class Natural Science Tripos, 1870. B.A. 1871 ; M.A. 1874. Professor of Experimental and Natural Sciences, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1872-74. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1876. Advocate of the High Court of Judicature, North-West Provinces and Oudh. Address: Lahore, India. William James Lewis, M.A. Educated at Llanwrst Grammar School. Scholar of Jesus College, Oxford. First Class Mathematical Moderations, 1877. B.A. (ist Class Mathematical Final Schools and ist Class Natural Science) 1869; M.A. 1872. Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, 1869. Senior Mathematical Scholar in the University of Oxford, 1871. Master in Mathematics and Natural Science, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1872-74. Mathematical Moderator, Oxford, 1874. M.A. (Trinity College, Cambridge) 1879. Professor of Mineralogy in the University of Cambridge, 1881. Examiner in Natural Science Tripos, Cambridge, 1881-82. Address: — Trmity College, Ca 77 ibridge. Rev. William PHsher MacMichael, M.A. Educated at Ripon Grammar School. Scholar of Downing College, Cambridge. B.A. (37th Wrangler) 1869; M.A. 1873. Ordained Deacon, 1871, and Priest, 1872. Chaplain of Downing College, Cambridge, and Curate of Shelford Magna, Cambridgeshire, 1871-72. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Depart- ment, Cheltenham College, 1872-76. Head Master of King’s School, Warwick, 1876-80. Curate of St. Paul, Warwick, 1877-80; St. Giles with St. Peter, Cambridge, 1881-84 ; Christ Church with charge of St. Saviour, Luton, 1884-87. Perpetual Curate of Lee St. Matthew, Devon- shire, 1887. Address: Lee, llfraco 77 tbe. Julius Maier, Ph. D. Gottingen University. German Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1872-78, and Master in Experimental and Natural Sciences, Military and Civil Department, 1879-83. Board- ing-house (Keynshambury) 1875-79. A. Mohring. Assistant German Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1872. Died at Cheltenham, 1872. H CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. 1873. Rev. William Weekes Fowler, M.A. Educated at Rugby School. Scholar of Jesus College, Oxford, ist Class Classical Moderations, 1870. B.A. (3rd Class Classical Final Schools) 1873 ; M.A. 1875. Ordained Deacon, 1874, and Priest, 1875. Assistant Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham College, 1873. Assistant Master at Repton School, 1873- 80. Head Master of Lincoln School, 1880. Licensed Preacher, Diocese of Lincoln, 1881. Prebendary of Lincoln Cathedral, 1887. Address : The School House, Lincoln. Rev. Arthur Brooke Haslam, M.A. Educated at Rugby School. Exhibitioner and Scholar of St. John’s College, Cambridge. B.A. (14th in 1st Class Classical Tripos) 1873 S M.A. 1879. Assistant Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham College, 1873-75, and in Classical Department, 1875-79. Boarding-houses (Ashby Lodge) 1875-78; (Park House) 1878. Head Master of Ripon Grammar School, 1879. Address: The School House, Bishopton Close, Ripon. John Bailev Haslam, M.A. Educated at Rugby School. Scholar of St. John’s College, Cambridge. Bell University Scholar, 1863. B.A. (35th Wrangler, and 4th in ist Class Classical Tripos) 1866 ; M.A. 1869. Natural Science Master at Clifton College, 1867. Fellow of St. John’s College, Cambridge, 1867-73. Warden of St. Leonard’s Hall, St. Andrew’s, N.B., 1869-73. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1873-74. Boarding-house (Thirlestaine Villa) 1873-74. One of Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Schools, 1874. Address: 3, Billon Road, Rugby. Adolphe Huet. French Master, Military and Civil Department, Chelten- ham College, 1873-85. Address : 6, Bath Parade, Chelte^iham. Rev. Henry Isaac Johnson, M.A. Educated at Llandaff House School, Cambridge. Scholar of Christ’s College, Cambridge. B.A. (30th Wrangler) 1853 ; M.A. 1856. Ordained Deacon, 1853, and Priest, 1854. Mathematical Master, Brighton College, 1853-55. Rector of Grey Institute, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 1863-73. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1873-74. Boarding- house (Keynshambury) 1873. Head Master of Liverpool Royal Institu- tion School, 1874. Address: 14, Ullett Road, Liverpool. Robert Leighton Leigpiton, M.A. Educated at Manchester Grammar School. Exhibitioner of Balliol College, Oxford, ist Class Classical Moderations, 1869. ist Class Classical Final Schools, 1871. B.A. 1872; M.A. 1875. Senior Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1873-75. Boarding-house (Keynshambury) 1874-75. Head Master of Wakefield Grammar School, 1 875-83. Head Master of Bristol Grammar School, 1883. Address : The Grammar School, Bristol. Rev. Edward Passawer, LL.D. Moscow University and Heidelberg University. Assistant German Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1873-74. Richard Prowde Smith, M.A. Educated at the King’s School, Canter- bury, and St. John’s College, Cambridge. B.A. (28th Wrangler) 1865 ; M.A. 1875. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Chelten- ham College, 1873. Boarding-houses (Fleurville) 1878-79; (North Devon Lodge), 1879. Address : North Devon Lodge, Bath Road, Cheltenham. ASSISTANT MASTERS. S> Principal— REV. H. KYNASTON, D.D. 1874. Albert Marie Victor Barr^re. Educated at Lyc^e Bonaparte and Lyc^e Charlemagne. Officier d’Acad^mie. French Master, Bruce Castle School, Tottenham, 1865-68. Head Master of International College, V^sinct, near Paris, 1868-69. Served in the French Army during the Franco-Prussian War, September 1869 to June 1870. P'rench Master at Merchant Taylors’ School, 1873-74, and in the Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1874-79. lessor of French, Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, and Professor to the Department of Artillery Studies, 1879. Examiner to the War Office, 1885. On the staff of “ L’Europe ” newspaper, 1885. Address: 4 Charlton Villas, Clnirch Lane, Old Charlton, ILent. Charles William Bell, M.A. Educated at Rossall School and Eton College. Scholar of King’s College, Cambridge. Bell University Scholar, 1870. B.A. (6th in 2nd Class Classical Tripos), 1873. M.A. 1876. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, since 1874. Arthur Sladen Davis, M.A. Scholar of Sidney Sussex College, Cam- bridge. B.A. (20th Wrangler) 1865 ; M.A. 1871. Assistant Computer and Observer, Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 1860-61. Mathematical Master, Leeds Grammar School, 1865-74. Master in Physics and Chemistry, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, since 1874. Boarding-houses (12, Suffolk Square) 1879-83 ; (6, Paragon Buildings) 1883-86 ; (Southwood House) 1887. Address: Soitthwood House, Bath Road, Cheltenham. John Ambrose Fleming, M.A., D.Sc., F.C.S. Educated at University College School, London, and Royal School of Mines, London. Uni- versity College, London, B.Sc. (3rd Class Chemistry and Natural Philo- sophy), 1868. Scholar of St. John’s College, Cambridge, ist Class Natural Science Tripos, 1880; B.A. 1881 ; M.A. 1884. D.Sc. (London University), 1885. Master in Experimental and Natural Sciences, Rossall School, 1871-72. Master in Experimental and Natural Sciences, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1874-77. Demon- strator in Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, Cambridge, 1880-81. Professor of Mathematics and Mechanics, University College, Notting- ham, 1881-85. Fellow of St. John’s College, Cambridge, 1883. Pro- fessor of Electrical Engineering, University College, London. 1885. Address : 57, Holborn Viaduct, London. Charles Hepworth Gibson, M.A. Educated at Merchant Taylors’ School, London. Scholar of St. John’s College, Oxford, ist Class Classical Moderations, 1870. B.A. (ist Class Classical Final Schools), 1872 ; M.A. 1875. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1874. Assistant Master at Marlborough College, 1875. Assistant Master at Merchant Taylors’ School, since 1875. Address: 57, Gunterstone Road, West Kensington, London. Edward Luxmoore, M.A. Educated at Eton College. Scholar of Lin- coln College, Oxford. 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1867. B.A. (3rd Class Classical P'inal Schools) 1870; M.A. 1873. Assistant Master 52 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. at St. Michael’s School, Slough, 1870-74; Classical Department, Chel- tenham College, 1874-75 ; at Cheam School, Surrey, 1875-82. Head Master of Truro Grammar School, 1886. Address : Tregolls, Truro. Cecil Newton, M.A. Educated at Brighton College. Scholar of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. B. A. (47th Wrangler), 1874; M.A. 1877. Assistant Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham College, 1874-76, and in Mili- tary and Civil Department, since 1876. Boarding-house (Northwick Villa), 1883. Address: Northwick Villa, Cheltenham. 1875. Henri Louis Amable D’Autier de la Rochebriant, B.A. (Paris). Chevalier, Legion d’Honneur. Assistant French Master at Rossall School, 1870-75 ; and in Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1875-85. Address : 19, Matheson Road, West Kensington, London, W. Franz Droege, Ph.D. (Berlin). Assistant German Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1875-77. German Master at Dulwich College, 1877-81. German Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, since 1881. Arthur Edwin Dyer, Mus, D., Non-Collegiate, Oxford. Mus. Bac., 1873 ; Mus. Doc., 1880. Fellow, College of Organists, London, 1874. Organist of St. John’s Parish Church, Weston-super-Mare, 1863-73. Organist and Music-Master, Cheltenham College, since 1875. Examiner in Music, Trinity College, London, 1881. Address : Malcolm Ghur, Bath Road, Chelte 7 tham. Charles Howard Hinton, M.A. Exhibitioner of Balliol College, Ox- ford. 1st Class Mathematical Moderations, 1873. B.A. (ist Class Mathematical Final Schools), 1874. 2nd Class Natural Science P'inal Schools, 1876. M.A. 1886. Master in Mathematics and Natural Science, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1875-79. Assistant Master at Uppingham School, since 1879. Address : Uppinghai 7 i. William Joseph Newcomb, M.A. Educated at Bedford Grammar School. Scholar of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. B.A. (i6th in 2nd Class Classical Tripos) 1873 ; M.A. 1876. Assistant Master, Royal Institution School, Liverpool, 1873-74; at Bedford Grammar School, 1874-75 ; and in Junior Department, Cheltenham College, 1875- 79, and in Classical Department, 1879-87. Rev. Edward Copson Peake, M.A. St. John’s College, Cambridge. B.A. 1875 ; M.A. 1878. Ordained Deacon, 1876, and Priest, 1877. Assistant Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham College, 1875. Curate of St. John, Wolverhampton, 1876-78 ; Ashtead, 1878-85. Rector of Ashtead, Surrey, 1885-87. Diocesan Inspector of Schools for West Surrey and Channel Islands, and Curate of Stoke d’Abernon, Surrey, 1887. Address : Oxshott, Surrey. George Griffiths Pruen, M.A. Educated at Cheltenham College. ( Vide Index to Collegians.) Charles Tillard, M.A. Educated at Repton School. Scholar of Clare College, Cambridge. B.A. (15th in 2nd Class Classical Tripos) 1874; M.A. 1885. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham Col- lege, since 1875. Boarding-houses (Keynshambury) 1879; (Northwick Villa) 1879-83; (Christowe) 1883. Address: Christowe, Sandford Road, Cheltenham. ASSISTANT MASTERS. 53 1876. Major Robert Cary Barnard, late 41st Foot. Botany Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1876. Rev. Alfred John Barton, B.A. Educated at Bury St. Edmunds Grammar School, and St. Peter’s College, Cambridge. B.A. (30th Senior Optime), 1872. Ordained Deacon, 1880, and Priest, i88i. Assistant Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham College, 1876-78. Curate of Hentland, Herefordshire, 1880-84; Vicar of Guestwick, Nor- folk, 1884. Address: Guestwick Vicarage, East Dereham. S. D. Crawford. Assistant Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham College, 1876. John Maximilian Dyer, M.A. Educated at University College, London. Exhibitioner of Worcester College, Oxford. 2nd Class Mathematical Moderations, 1873 ; ist Class Mathematical Final Schools, 1874, Senior Mathematical Scholar, University of Oxford, 1877. B.A. 1875; M.A. 1878. Mathematical Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1876-84, and Assistant Master, Classical Department, 1884-88. Board- ing-house (Thirlstaine Villa) 1885-88. Assistant Master at Eton College, since 1888. Address : Eton College, Windsor. William Griffin, M.A. Scholar of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. B.A. 1873 ; M.A. 1877. Assistant Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham College, since 1876. Boarding-house (Thirlstaine Villa), 1881-85. 1877. Charles Thomas Blanshard, B.A. Educated at Rossall School and Clifton College. Scholar of Queen’s College, Oxford. B.A. (ist Class Natural Science Schools) 1874; M.A. 1882. Chemistry Master at Rossall School, 1876-77. Master in Experimental and Natural Sciences, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1877-79. Natural Science and German Master at Highgate School, 1879-80. Natural Science and Modern Languages Master at Loretto School, 1882-84, and at Derby School, 1884. Edward Francis Rashleigh Gould, B.A. Exeter College, Oxford. 2nd Class Classical Final Schools, 1875. B.A. 1876. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1877-79. James Colam Salter, M.A. Educated at Christ’s Hospital, London. Scholar of Pembroke College, Oxford, ist Class Mathematical Modera- tions, 1875. B.A. (2nd Class Mathematical Final Schools) 1877 ; M.A. 1 883. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, since 1877. Boarding-house (6, Paragon Buildings) 1887-88 and (Pembroke House) 1888. Address : Pembroke House, Bath Road, Cheltenham. 1878. Thomas Brumley Bushnell, B.A. Scholar of Pembroke College, Oxford. B.A. 1877 ; M.A. 1879. Assistant Master, J unior Department, Cheltenham College, 1878. Christopher George Newton, B.A. Scholar of St. Catherine’s Col- lege, Cambridge. B.A. (34th Wrangler) 1872. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1878-83. Address : 26, Sussex Place, Queen's Gate, London, S. W. 1879. Emile Pierre BarrI;re. French Master, Rossall School, 1863-65 ; International College, Isleworth, 1865-68. Served in the French Army during the Franco-Prussian War from September 1869 to January, 1870. 54 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. French Master, Merchant Taylor’s School, 1874-75. Special Corre- spondent to ‘ Le Monde Illustr6,’ ‘ L’lllustration,’ ‘ Le Paris Illustre.’ Exhibited at the Paris Salon, and the Dudley Gallery. Contributed to ‘Fun,’ and ‘Judy.’ Assistant French Master, Military and Civil Depart- ment, Cheltenham College, 1879-80. Died at Woolwich, 19th January, 1881. Rev. Walter David Challice, M. A. Educated at Perse Grammar School, Cambridge, and at St. John’s College, Cambridge, B.A. 1879 ; M.A. 1882. Ordained Deacon, 1881, and Priest, 1882. Assistant Master at Trent College, 1878-79. Assistant Master, Junior Department, Chelten- ham College, since 1879. Curate of All Saints, Cheltenham, 1881-83. Address : House, Fauconberg Terrace, CJieltenhant. Arthur Pickard Hall, B.A. Educated at King’s School, Canterbury, and Keble College, Oxford. B.A. 1878. Assistant Master, Junior De- partment, Cheltenham College, January to July, 1879. Assistant Master at King’s School, Canterbury, 1880, and at Retford Grammar School, 1882-85. Hubert Henry Hancock, M.A. Scholar of St. John’s College, Oxford. 2nd Class Classical Moderations 1877. B.A. (2nd Class Classical Final Schools) 1879; M.A. 1883. Assistant Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham College, 1879-80. Carl von Hedemann. German Master, Classical Department, Chelten- ham College, 1879-81. Louis Loffler. German Master, Military and Civil Department, Chel- tenham College, 1879-80. James Alexander Porterfield. Plan Drawing Master and Surveyor, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, since 1879. 1880. Henry George Bennett, M.A. Educated at Plymouth Grammar School. Scholar of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. B.A. (5th Senior Optime) 1880; M.A. 1884. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, since 1880. Address: Cheltoti- dale, Cheltenham. Rev. Arthur Gurney Gosset Bibby, M.A. Educated at Christ’s Hospital, and Victoria College, Jersey. Scholar of Corpus Christ! Col- lege, Cambridge. B.A. 1880; M.A. 1889. Assistant Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham College, April to July, 1880 ; Loretto School, 1882-84; Bury St. Edmunds Grammar School, 1884-89. Curate of St. James, Norwich, 1889. Henry Archer Bowler. Educated at King’s College School, London. Associate of King’s College, London, 1877. Assistant Drawing Master, Cheltenham College, 1880-85. Occasional Examiner, Science and Art Department, 1885. Address : 21, Pembroke Sqtiare, Kensington, London, W. P'rancis Joseph Cade, M.A. Educated at Cheltenham College. {Vide Index to Collegians.) Theodore Falle, M.A. Educated at Corpus Christ! College, Cam- bridge. B.A. (5th Junior Optime) 1876 ; M.A. 1879. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, since 1880. Edward Hugh Lewis Firmstone, M.A. Lincoln College, Oxford, ASSISTANT MASTERS. 55 B.A. 1870; M.A. 1875. Assistant Master, Junior Department, Chel- tenham College, 1880. Walter Larden, M.A. Educated at Rugby School. Postmaster of Merton College, Oxford, ist Class Mathematical Moderations, 1876; 1st Class Mathematical Final Schools, 1878 ; ist Class Natural Science, 1879. B-A. 1879; M.A. 1882. Mathematical and Natural Science Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1880-88. Charles Cornwallis Stevenson, B.A. Pembroke College, Cambridge. B.A. 1877. German Master, Military and Civil Department, Chelten- ham College, 1880. Rev. George Linton Thorp, B.A. St. Catherine’s College, Cambridge. B.A. (7th Senior Optime) 1873. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1880-83. Ordained Deacon 1884, and Priest 1885. Curate of Hampton Lucy, Warwickshire, 1884-87 ; and of Westbury-on-Severn, 1887. Address : Westbury-on- Severn, Neivnham, Gloucestershire. 1881. William Martin Burn, B.A. Trinity Hall, Cambridge. B.A. 1876 ; M.A. 1883. Assistant Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham Col- lege, 1881-82. Address: The Cedars, Shirley, Hants. Charles Henry Jeaffreson, M.A. {See under 1868.) Rev. Robert Charles Stores Whitling, B.A. St. John’s College, Oxford. B.A. (New Inn Hall) 1871. Curate of Combe St. Nicholas, 1870-75 ; of Curland, 1871-78. Vicar of Otterford, Somerset, 1875-80. German Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1881-84. Dobree Charles Wickham, B.A. Educated at Sutton Valence School and Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. (30th in 3rd Class Classical. Tripos) 1880; M.A. 1884. Assistant Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham College, 1881. Assistant Master, St. Mark’s School, Windsor, 1882-83. Head Master, Junior Department, Brighton Col- lege, 1884. 1882. Major John Whitacre Allen, B.A. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. 1846. Major 5th West York Militia, 1868. Drawing Master at the Ladies’ College, Cheltenham, 1880 ; and at Cheltenham College, 1882-87. Franz Droege, Ph.D. (Berlin). {See under 1875.) Alexander James Luckham, M.A. Educated at Tonbridge School. Scholar of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. B.A. (13th in ist Class Classical Tripos) 1879; M.A. 1882. Assistant Master at Somersetshire College, Bath, 1880-82. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Chel- tenham College, since 1882. Ernest Woodford Mulliner, B.A. Educated at Leamington College. Scholar of Clare College, Cambridge. B.A. 1880. Assistant Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham College, 1882. 1883. William Dewar, M.A. Educated at Aberdeen Grammar School and Aberdeen University. Assistant Classical Master at Henley Grammar School, 1868-69 ; and at Grange School, Ewell, 1869-73. Private Tutor in family of T. Vernon Wentworth, Esq., J.P., of Wentworth Castle, 1873-82. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1883-88. French Master at Rugby School, since 1888. 56 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Rev. Kenneth Macaulay Eicke, B.A. St. John’s College, Cambridge. B.A. 1883. M.A. 1886. Assistant Master at Oundle Grammar School, 1883. Assistant Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham College, 1883; at Oundle Grammar School, 1883-87. Ordained Deacon 1885, and Priest 1887. Curate of Oundle, 1885-87. Chaplain at Karachi, East Indies, 1884-89. Died at Karachi, 24th April, 1889. Theodore William Gould, M.A. Educated at Cheltenham College. (Vide Index to Collegians.) Thomas Leighton Leighton, B.A. Educated at Cheltenham College. ( Vide Index to Collegians.) John Joseph Taylor, B.A. ; F.I.C. Junior Student of Christ Church, Oxford. B.A. (ist Class Natural Science) 1877. Master in Experi- mental and Natural Sciences, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1883-89. Died at Wandsworth, Surrey, i6th September, 1889. George Henry Williams, M.A. Educated at Clifton College and Magdalen College School, Oxford. Scholar of Lincoln College, Oxford. 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1873. B.A. (2nd Class Classical Final Schools) 1875 ; M.A. 1878. Assistant Master, at Magdalen College School, Oxford, 1876-80; at Felstead School, 1881-83 ; in the Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, September to December, 1883 ; and at Felstead School, since 1884. 1884. John Barrow Allen, M.A. Educated at Winchester College. Scholar of New College, Oxford, ist Class, Classical Mods., 1865. 2nd Class, Classical Finals, 1867. B.A. 1868 ; M.A.1871. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1870. Assistant Master, Rossall School, 1871. Head Master, Perse Grammar School, Cambridge, 1875-83. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1884-87. S. Gibson, M.A. Edinburgh University. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1884. 1885. Emile Clare. Educated at Lycee Condorcet. French Master at Ken- sington School, 1883-85; at the Military School, Woolwich, 1884- 85. Visiting Master at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1883-85. French Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, since 1885. Paul Desages. Educated at Victoria College, Jersey. Modern Languages Master, King’s School, Bruton, 1875-80; at Bengeo Preparatory School, Hertford, 1883-85. French Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, since 1885. Address: 3, Cloverdale Lazun, Pains- wick Road, Cheltenham. Rev. Charles Sydney Hawken, B.A. Educated at Blundell’s School, Tiverton, and Merton College, Oxford. B.A. (3rd Class History) 1883. Second Master, Dorset County School, Dorchester, 1883. Assistant Master, Cheltenham Juvenile Proprietary School, 1884-85 ; Assistant Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham College, 1885-87. Ordained Deacon 1885, and Priest 1886. Curate of Leckhampton, near Chel- tenham, 1885-87. Minor Canon of Sydney Cathedral, and Assistant , Master in Choir School, Sydney, Australia, 1887. Address: 122, Victoria Street, Darlmghurst, New South Wales, Australia. Sidney Nesbitt. Educated at Bruce Castle School, Tottenham, and South ASSISTANT MASTERS. 57 Kensington Art Schools. Assistant Art Examiner, Science and Art Department, South Kensington, 1871-85. Second Master, West London School of Art, 1880-82. Head Master, Blackheath Hill School of Art, 1881-83. Assistant Drawing Master, Cheltenham College, since 1885. Address : i , Oriel Terrace, Cheltenham. Robert Irwin Porter, B.A. Educated at Cheltenham College. {Vide Index to Collegians.) Herbert Green Spearing, M.A. Educated at Chatham House School, Ramsgate. Queen’s College, Oxford. B.A. (2nd Class Natural Science Finals) 1872; M.A. 1875. Science Master, Victoria College, Jersey, 1873-75. House Master, United Services College, Westward Ho, 1875-81. Assistant German Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1885-88. Address: Hollilea, Green Bank Road, Liverpool. 1886. Rev. William Campbell Penney, B.A. Scholar of Hertford College, Oxford. 1st Class Classical Moderations, 1883. B.A. (2nd Class Classical Final Schools) 1886. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1886. Ordained Deacon 1886, and Priest 1887. Assistant Master at Blundell’s School, Tiverton, 1886-89. Head Master of Queen Elizabeth College, Guernsey, 1889. 1887. Eldred John Brook-Smith, M.A. Educated at Cheltenham College. ( Vide Index to Collegians.) William Bell Haworth, B.A. Clare College, Cambridge. B.A. (35th Junior Optime, Part I.) 1887. Assistant Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham College, 1887-88 ; and in the Military and Civil Depart- ment, since 1888. Frederick Wilson Long, B.A. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1887. Alfred William Charles Sanders, B.A. Educated at Winchester College. Scholar of New College, Oxford. 2nd Class Classical Modera- tions, 1879 ; 3rd Class Classical Final Schools, 1881. B.A. 1882. First Assistant Master, Bengeo Preparatory School, Hertford, 1881-85 ; and at Oatlands, Harrogate, 1885-87. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, since 1887. 1888. Alfred Allinson Bourne, M.A., F.G.S. Educated at Rugby School. Scholar of St. John’s College, Cambridge. B.A. (17th Wrangler, and 26th in 2nd Class Classical Tripos), 1871. M.A. 1874. F.G.S. 1876. Senior Mathematical Master, Rossall School, 1871-81. Head Master, Oxford Military College, Cowley, 1881-84. Senior Mathematical Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, since 1888. Address : Courtrai, Cheltenham. William Stuart Macgowan, B.A. Educated at Neuwied, Germany, and Neuilly Institution, Paris ; and at King’s College, Cambridge. B.A. (3rd Class, Mediaeval and Modern Languages Tripos) 1887. German and French Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, since 1888. Herbert Vivian Page, B.A. Educated at Cheltenham College. {Vide Index to Collegians.) Robert Edward Prior. Educated at Vevey, Switzerland. Assistant i 58 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Master, Ipswich Grammar School, 1886-88. Assistant Master, Mihtary and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, since 1889. Maurice Tanner, B.A. Educated at Marlborough College, and Pem- broke College, Cambridge. B.A. (32nd Senior Optime) 1886. Assistant Master, Bilton Grange, Rugby, 1886-88. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, since 1888. Charles Henry Thompson, B.A. Educated at Ripon and Hoddesdon Grammar Schools. Scholar of Queen’s College, Oxford. ist Class, Mathematical Mods., 1884. B.A. (ist Class Mathematical Finals) 1886. Senior Mathematical Scholar in the University of Oxford, 1889. Master in Mathematics and Natural Science, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, May to December 1888. Walter Henry Witherby, B.A. Scholar of St. John’s College, Oxford. 2nd Class, Classical Mods., 1884. B.A., 2nd Class, Classical Finals, 1886. 2nd Class, Modern History Finals, 1887. Assistant Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham College, September to December, 1888. 1889. Hugh Heaton, B.A. Educated at Rossall School and Worcester College, Oxford. B.A. 1887. Second Master, Rossall Preparatory School, 1888. Assistant Master, Junior Department, Cheltenham College, 1889. Address : Teighmore, Cheltenham. COLLEGE BOARDING-HOUSES AND HOUSE MASTERS. All the existing large Boarding-houses, with the exception of Boyne House, Newick House, and Southwood House, were erected during the Principalship of Dr. Barry. Beaufort House, which was for many years used as a Boarding-house, was abolished in 1888. Besides those already mentioned, there are several small private houses, where a few Boarders are taken in by the College Masters. Beaufort House. 1853-63. Rev. P. R. R. Sandilands, M.A. 1863-65. S. Green, Esq., M.A. 1865-68. House not occupied. 1869- 70. Rev. J. Mugliston, M.A. 1870- 71. Rev. J. a. Owen, M.A. 1872-77. Rev. T. Wolseley-Lewis, M.A. 1877-81. Rev. j. H. C. Baxter, M.A. 1881-88. E. A. Bennett, Esq., M.A. Boyne House. 184—. Miss Cunningham. 184 — . Mrs. Lamotte. 1850-88. J. Brook-Smith, Esq., M. A., LL.B. 1888. W. M. Baker, Esq., M.A. Cheltondale. 1869-71. Rev. j. Graves, M.A. 1872-81. Rev. j. a. Owen, M.A. 1881-88. Rev. j. H. C. Baxter, M.A. 1888. E. A. Bennett. Esq., M.A. Hazelwell. 1866-79. S. Green, Esq., M.A. 1879. Rev. P. Hattersley Smith, M.A. Leconfield. 1866-71. Rev. H. E. Bayly, M.A. 1872. W. R. PoRCHER, Esq., M.A. Newick House. 1846-51. Rev. W. Baxter, M.A. 1851-70. Rev. G. W. Smyth, M.A. 1870. Rev. j. Mugliston, M.A. COLLEGE BOARDING-HOUSES AND HOUSE MASTERS. 59 Southwood Hoiise. (Formerly i, Bath Villas, and subse- quently Garth Garmon.) 1852-77. Rev. H. T. Price, M.A. 1877-87. Rev. T. Wolseley-Lewis, M.A. 1887. A. S. Davis, Esq., M.A. Teighniore. 1866-85. Rev. T. M. Middlemore- WlilTHARD, M.A. 1885. Rev. C. E. L. Austin, M.A. Baker, W. M. (Boyne House, 1888). Baxter, Rev. J. H. C. (6, Painswick Lawn, 1869-70; 3, Priory Parade, 1870-76; Beaufort House, 1877-81 ; Cheltondale, i88i-88.) Baxter, Rev. W. (Malcolm Ghur, 1841-46; Newick House, 1846-51.) Bayly, Rev. H. E. (Cambray Pavilion, 18 -66; Leconfield, 1866-71.) Bayly, Rev. W. G. (Keynshambury House, 1841- .) Bennett, E. A. (Thirlestaine Villa, 1875-81; Beaufort House, 1881-88; Chelton- dale, 1888.) Bernard, — ,185 . Besant, Rev. F. (2, Segrave Villas, 1869-71.) Birkett, Rev. J. (9, Suffolk Square, 18 -67.) Boultbee. Rev. T. P., 185 . Boyce, Rev. W. (The Priory, 18 -67 ; Christowe, 1867-76). Brook-Smith, J. (Boyne House, 1850-88). Brown, Wallace (6, Painswick Lawn, 18 -64; Fleurville, 1864-77). Burrowes, — , 185 . Butler, Rev. G. (Priory House, 18 -65.) Cade, F. J. (Thirlestaine Villa, 1888). Chenery, C. D. (Northwick Villa, 1841-68). Clarke, C. (Montague House, 184 ). Cooke, R. H. (Sydney Lodge, 186 ). CUMMING, L. (Cambray Pavilion, 1872-73 ; Thirlstaine Villa, 1874-75). Cunningham, Miss (Boyne House, 184 ). Davis, A. S. (12, Suffolk Square, 1879-83 ; 6, Paragon Buildings, 1883-86 ; South- wood House, 1887). Draper, H. M. (Tivoli House, 1870-73). DUPREZ, — 184-. Dyer, J. M. (Thirlestaine Villa, 1885-88). Dynham, W. H. (Rockville, 185 -65). Ellis, Rey. S. A. (i, Waresley Villas, 18 -64). Fry, Rev. T. C. (10, Oxford Parade, 1871-73 ; Ashby Lodge, 1873-75 ; Christowe 1877-83). Gantillon, Rev. P. J. F. (Courtrai, 1864-74; 5, Fauconberg Terrace, 1874-85). Garrett, C. H. (Thirlestaine Villa, 18 -59). Gilbard, — , 184 . Graves, Rev. J. (i, Waresley Villas, 1865 ; Keynshambury House, 1866-68 ; Cheltondale, 1869-71 ; 2, Priory Buildings, 1872-73). Green, S. (2, Vittoria Walk, 1856-59; Thirlestaine Villa, 1859-63; Beaufort House, 1863-65 ; Hazelwell, 1866-79). Griffin, W. (Thirlestaine Villa, 1881-85). Haslam, Rev. A. B. (Ashby Lodge, 1875-78 ; Park House, 1878). 6o CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Haslam, J. B. (Thirlestaine Villa, 1873-74). INCHBALD, Rev. W. (24. Priory Street, 18 -68 ; Elmley, 1868-72). Jelfs, — ,184- . Johnson, Rev. H. I. (Keynshambury, 1873). Lamotte, Mrs. (Priory House, 1841-4 ; Boyne House, 184 ). Leighton, Rev. J, (Keynshambury, 18 -66; 5, Queen’s Parade, 1866-72). Leighton, R. L. (Keynsham, 1874-75). Maier, j. (Keynshambury, 1875-79). Mugliston, Rev, J. (i, Oriel Terrace, 1868; Beaufort House, 1868-69; Newick House, 1870). Murgeaud, F. L., 184 . Nash, C. E. F. (Elkstone House, 1866-71). Newman, W. T. (7, Painswick Lawn, 1868-72). Newton, C. (Northwick Villa, 1883). Owen, Rev. J. A. (Beaufort House, 1870-71 ; Cheltondale, 1872-81). PORCHER, W. R. (5, Painswick Lawn, 1866-68; Cambray Pavilion, 1868-71 ; Lecon- field, 1872). Price, Rev. H. T. (i, Bath Villas, now called Southwood House, 184 - 77 )- Pritchard, The Misses (i, Wellington Street, 1841- ). Pruen, G. G. (Park House, 1879), Romanis, Rev. W,, 184 . Salter, J. C. (6, Paragon Buildings, 1887-88 ; Pembroke House, 1888). Sandilands, Rev. P. R. R. (Beaufort House, 1853-63). Smith, Rev. P. Hattersley (Vittoria House, 1871-74; 12, Suffolk Square, 1875-79; Hazelwell, 1879). Smith, R. Prowde (Fleurville, 1878-79; North Devon Lodge, 1879). Smyth, Rey. G. W. (Newick House, 1851-70). Southwood, Rev. T. A. (Keynshambury, 18 ). Thorn, Rev. J. T. (5, Oriel Terrace, 1867-70). Tillard, C. (Keynshambury, 1879; Northwick Villa, 1879-83; Christowe, 1883). Turnbull, Rev. J. C. (8, Bayshill Villas, 1841-66). Twentyman, Rev. J. (5, Oriel Terrace, 1865-66). Van Laun, H. (Rockville, 1868-69). Walker, E. (Vittoria House, 1869-71). Wardroper, — ,185 . Wawn, Rev. E. B. (5, Oriel Terrace, 185 -65). Whittard, Rev. T. M. (Thirlestaine Villa, 1863-66; Teighmore, 1866-85). WiLMOTT, Rev. j. J. T., 185 . Wolseley-Lewis, Rev. T. (i, Wolseley Terrace, 1870-72 ; Beaufort House, 1872-77 ; Garth Garmon, now called Southwood House, 1877-87). Wood, Rev. J. (Pittville House, 1868 ; Tivoli House, 1868-70). REGISTER OF ENTRIES. Principal: REV. A. PHILLIPS, D.D. ENTERED JULY, 1841. Allardyce, Fletcher James, son of James Allar- dyce, Esq., M.D., 31, Cambray, Cheltenham ; born 19th February, 1832. Day Boy. Left August, 1841, but re-entered College, January, 1848. Armitage, Allan, son of James Leathy Armi- tage. Esq., Prestbury Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 28th September, 1825. Drowned while bathing at Portishead, 8th July, 1842. Armitage, Charles, son of William Armitage, Esq., Arundel House, Cheltenham ; born 2 1 St June, 1830. Baxter. Armitage, Frederick, son of James Leathy Armi- tage, Esq., Prestbury Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 1st May, 1827. Day Boy. Armitage, George, son of James Leathy Armi- tage, Esq., Prestbury Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 17th August, 1828. Day Boy. Armitage, Richard, son of James Leathy Armi- tage, Esq.,’ Prestbury Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 1 8th March, 1832. Day Boy. Bartlett, Herbert Lewes, son of — Bartlett, Esq., 4, Columbia Place, Cheltenham ; born 26th April, 1825. Day Boy. Barton, Charles John Wood, son of the Rev. C. Barton, Montpellier Terrace, Cheltenham. Day Boy. Barton, James, son of the Rev. C. Barton, Mont- pellier Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 20th June, 1828. Day Boy. Beaumont, Francis, son of Francis Beaumont, Esq., R.N. ; born nth August, 1828. Died at Cheltenham, March, 1842. Bennett, Edward Leigh, son of the Rev. Edward Leigh Bennett, Lechlade, Gloucester- shire ; born 7th December, 1828. Gilbard and TurfibuU. Beville, Granville Reresby, son of Henry Edward Beville, Esq., The Manor House, Edmonscote; born loth March, 1832. Turn- bull and Baxter. Drowned in the Avon, 22nd July, 1844. Beville, Henry, son of Henry Edward Beville, Esq., The Manor House, Edmonscote ; born i8th April, 1828. Dirnbull and Baxter. Previously at King William’s College, Isle of Man. Ensign, 8th Bombay Native Infantry, 1845 ; Lieu- tenant, 1848 ; Captain, Bombay Staff Corps, i860 ; Major, 1865 ; Lieut-Colonel, 1868 ; Colonel, 1874 ; Major-General (retired), 1880. Commanded the Left Wing, ist Belooch Battalion, throughout the Rohil- cund Campaign in 1858 ; present with General Penny's Column at the action of Kurkralee, and with the force under the Commander-in-Chief at the action before Bareilly and the capture of the town ; actions of Bunnee and Mahomdee, attack by the rebels on Shahjehanpore, and several minor affairs (Medal). Commanded the 27th Bombay Native Infantry (Be- loochees) throughout the Abyssinian Campaign in 1868, and was present at the action of Arogee and assault of Magdala (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lieut-Colonel, C.B., and Medal). Address : — Burfield Hall, Wymondham, Norfolk. Billamore, Alexander Luard, son of Captain Billamore, H.E.I.C.S., Bombay ; born 2nd February, 1833. Day Boy. Billamore, Frederick Andrew, son of Captain Billamore, H.E.I.C.S., Bombay ; born i6th April, 1828. Day Boy. Billamore, George Reid, son of Captain Billa- more, H.E.I.C.S., Bombay ; born 4th March, 1 830. Day Boy. Billamore, J. A., son of Captain Billamore, H.E.I.C.S., Bombay; born 6th July, 1831. Day Boy. Billamore, Robert Morgan, son of Captain Billamore, H.E.I.C.S., Bombay ; born 6th July, 1826. Day Boy. Bradshaw, Laurence Augustus, son of Lieu- tenant Robert Augustus Bradshaw, R.N. ; born 26th February, 1831. Gilbard, Bayly, and Baxter. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1846 ; 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, June, 1848 ; ist Lieu- tenant, November, 1848; 2nd Captain, 1855; ist Captain, 1861. Died at Shanghai, China, nth May, 1862. Brady, John Cornwall, son of John Beauchamp Brady, Esq., Montpellier Spa Buildings, Cheltenham ; born 26th March, 1 827. Day Boy and Bayly. Brady, Rupert George, son of John Beauchamp Brady, Esq., Montpellier Spa Buildings, Cheltenham ; born 26th July, 1831. Day Boy. \ i 1 - I { 'J 62 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Briggs, Henry, son of Lieutenant Briggs, Madras Cavalry; born 5th August, 1834. Day Boy. Died 13th November, 1841. Bubb, George Turner, son of John Bubb, Esq., Cheltenham; born 20th May, 1828. Day Boy. Bubb, William Henry, son of John Bubb, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 2nd May, 1 826. Day Boy. Head of Classical, June, 1844 ; Wadham College, Oxford, 1845 ; B. A. (2nd Class Mathematical Final Schools, and 3rd Class Classical Final Schools), 1848 ; M.A. 1861. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1850. Died at Cheltenham, 17th January, 1879. Burrowes, Mountstuart Edward, son of Major John Edward Burrowes, H.E.I.C.S. ; born 1 1 th April, 1827. Day Boy. Capel, Henry Martyn, son of the Rev. Samuel Richard Capel, St. Nicholas, Salisbury ; born 3rd April, 1832. loC — 9C Baxter. Left 1843. Subsequently at Marlborough College (August, 1843 — Christmas, 1849); scholarship, St. John's College, Cambridge, 1853 ; B.A. (8th Senior Optime) 1854, M.A. 1858. Ordained Deacon, 1855; and Priest, 1856. Curate of Wareham with Arne, Dorset, 1855-57. One of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools, 1857. Address; — 32, George Road, Birmingham. Clifford, Henry Marcus, son of John Clifford, Esq., South Aban Court, Cheltenham ; born loth February, 1834. Day Boy. Close, Charles Samuel, son of the Rev. Francis -Close [afterwards Dean of Carlisle], Chelten- ham ; born 25th November, 1831. Day Boy. Died at the Deanery, Carlisle, 18 — . Coghill, John Joscelyn, son of Vice-Admiral Sir Josiah Coghill, Bart., R.N., 19, Lansdown Place, Cheltenham; born nth February, 1826. Day Boy and Baxter. Subsequently at Rugby School (February, 1842-) ; succeeded his father as 4th Baronet in 1850 ; Ensign, 59th Foot, 1845 ; resigned 1848. High Sheriff of County Dublin, 1859. J.P. and D.L. for County Dublin. Address : — Glen Barrahane, Castletownsend, Co. Cork. Coghill, Kendal Josiah William, son of Vice- Admiral Sir Josiah Coghill, Bart., R.N., 19, Lansdown Place, Cheltenham; born 21st August, 1832. Day Boy. Ensign, 2nd Bengal European Fusiliers, 1851 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; Captain, Bengal Staff Corps, 1863 ; transferred to 19th Hussars, 1865 ; Brevet- Major, 1877; Major, 1879; Lieut. -Colonel, 1881; Colonel (retired), 1883. Brigade-Major, Bengal, 1861- 66 ; Assistant-Adjutant-General, Bengal, 1866-68 ; Deputy - Assistant-Quartermaster-General, Bengal, 1868-70; Adjutant, Au.xiliary Forces, 1873-79. Serv'ed as Adjutant of the 2nd Bengal European Fusiliers throughout the Indian Mutiny Campaign of 1857- 58, and was present at the battle of Budleekserai, storming the heights in front of Delhi, throughout the Siege of Delhi, including the actions in front, storming of the breach Cashmere Bastion, and final capture of the city. Served in General Showers’ Forces in the taking of the Forts of Rewarrie, Jujjhar, Renaude, Fumicknugur, and Bullumbghur. Also present at the capture of the heights of Sonah (Medal with clasp). Served in the Egyptian War of 1882 (mentioned in despatches, C.B., Medal, 3rd Class Medjidie, and Khedive's Star). Address: — 8, Pen-y-wern Road, Earl's Court, London, S.W. Colquhoun, John, son of — Colquhoun, Esq., Cheltenham, born loth March, 1832. Day Boy. [July, 1841. Was a Midshipman in the Royal Navy. Went to Australia, where he now resides. Colquhoun, Thomas, son of Isaac Colquhoun, Esq., Rockfort, Buncrana, Co. Donegal; born 1 2th September, 1829. 9—5. Baxter and Turnbull. Subsequently at Foyle College, Londonderry, and Trinity College, Dublin. Dublin University Cricket XL, 18 — . B.A. , 1851. Isa Land Owner and Land Agent, and a Magistrate and Grand Juror for County Donegal. Address : — Rockfort, Buncrana, Co. Donegal. Colquhoun, Thomas, son of — Colquhoun, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 9th September, 1830. Day Boy. Was a Civil Engineer. Went to Australia, and died there in 1875. Cooke, Charles John Rashleigh, son of Charles Turner Cooke, Esq., Cambray Place, Chel- tenham ; born 15th November, 1829. 5C — iC. Day Boy. Left October, 1848. Senior Classical Scholar 1844 ; Oriel College, 0 .v- ford, 1848 ; Rutland and Robinson Exhibitioner B.A. (3rd Class Classical Final Schools, and 3rd Class Mathematical Final Schools), 1852; M.A., 1856. Ordained Deacon, 1854, and Priest, 1855. Curate of Headley, Surrey, 1854-56 ; of Orton-Longueville, 1856-57 ; Rector of Orton-Longueville, Northamp- tonshire, 1857-63 ; Rector of Chesterton ivith Had- don, Huntingdon, 1863-77 ; Vicar of St. John, Angell Town, Brixton, S.W., since 1877. Address ; — St. John’s, Angell Town, Brixton, London, S.W. Covey, Charles Rogers, son of the Rev. Charles Covey, Alderton Rectory, near Cheltenham ; born 27th July, 1829. GilbarddJiA Turnbitll. St. Peter's College, Cambridge, S.C.L. , 1857; LL. B. , 1859 ; Ordained Deacon, 1858, and Priest, i860. Curate of Buckfastleigh, Devon, 1858-60 ; Curate-in-Charge of Kingston, Devon, 1860-64 : Ermington, Devon, 1864-69 ; Curate-in-Charge of Stoodleigh, Devon, 1870-75 ; Rector of Alderton, Gloucestershire, since 1875. Address ; — Alderton Rectory, Cheltenham. Covey, Edward Rogers, son of the Rev. Charles Covey, Alderton Rectory, near Cheltenham ; born 13th November, 1831. Gilbard and Turnbtdl. Crofton, James, son of Morgan Crofton, Esq., 49, Clarence Square, Cheltenham ; born 7th May, 1826. Day Boy and Cunningham. Addiscombe Military College; 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Engineers, 1844 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1851 ; Cap- tain, Royal Engineers, 1858; Lieut. -Colonel, 1867; Colonel 1872; Major-General, 1878 ; Lieut. -General (retired), 1882. Crowe, Frederick Henry, son of George William Crowe, Esq., Her Majesty’s Consul in the Morea ; born 1st April, 182S, Gilbard. Cunliffe, George Gordon, son of Brooke Cun- liffe. Esq., H.E.I.C.S., Erbistock Hall, Over- ton, Flintshire; born 29th September, 1829. Ba.xter. Dowell, Stephen, son of the Rev. Williamson Dowell, Upton St. Leonards ; born ist May, 1833. Baxter. Edgell, Edward Higginson, son of Edward Gould Edgell, Esq., Tewkesbury ; born 26th September, 1832. Gilbard and Cunning- ham. Edwards, John (afterwards Baghot-de-la-Bere), son of the Rev. John Edwards, Prestbury, near Cheltenham ; born 8th July, 1832. Trinity College, Oxford, 1850 ; St. Mary's Hall, July, 1841.] PRINCIPAL: REV. A. PHILLIPS, D.D. 63 Oxford; 15 .A., 1856; M.A., 1857; Ordained Ucacon, 1856, and Priest, 18S7 ; Curate of Ilarlaston, 1856- 57 ; of Chip|)ing Norton, 1857-58 ; of St. Paul, Kniglitsbridge, 1858-60; Vicar of Prestbury, Glouces- tersliire, 1860-84. Autlior of “St. Mary's, Pre.stl)ury : 'I'he Prosecution,” i88i ; and “ Has the Law been used Lawfully,” 1884. Address: — 13, Wyndhani Place, Brighton, Elphinston, Ceorge, son of — Elphinston, Esq., born lotli April, 1831. Gilbard and Bayly. Evans, George, son of the Rev. George Evans, Armagh ; born 30th June, 1829. Day Boy. Evans, Henry Charles, son of Richard Weaver Evans, Esq., Eyton Hall, near Leominster ; born i8lh July, 1831. Gilbard and Ctinning- ham. Ealkner, Philip Henry, son of Philip Richard Falkner, Esq., Newark-upon-Trent ; born 13th November, 1831. Baxter voViA Bayly. Feilden, Henry Arbuthnot, son of the Rev. Randle Henry Feilden, Shanklin, Isle of Wight ; born 7th September, 1828. 9C — iC. Baxter. Left October, 1847. Queen's College, Oxford, 1847 ; St. Alban Hall, Oxford, B.A. (3rd Class Classical Final Schools), 1851 ; ordained Deacon, 1852, and Priest, 1853. Perpetual Curate of Smallwood, Cheshire, 1857-62; Chaplain of St. Raphael’s Convalescent Home, Tor- quay, 1873-84 ; Vicar of Kirkby Stephen, Westmore- land, i886. Address : — The Vicarage, Kirkby Stephen. Finlay, Edward Bullock, son of Alexander Fin- lay, Esq., of Castlemaine, Douglas, N.B. ; born 1 8th September, 1827. Day Boy. Worcester College, O.xford, 1845; B.A. (2nd Class Classical Final Schools), 1849; M.A. , 1854. Or- dained Deacon, 1854, and Priest, 1855 ; 2nd Master at Dedham Grammar School, 1853. Curate of Strat- ford St. Mary, Suffolk, 1854-56 ; of Frittenden, Kent, 1857-59 ; and of Gazeley with Kentford, Suffolk, 1859-61 ; of Lavington, Sussex, 1863-64. Address : Avebury, Caine, Wiltshire. Flint, James, son of John J. E. Flint, Esq., H.E.I.C.S., York Place, Cheltenham ; born 15th May, 1825. Day Boy. Flint, Robert Filson, son of John J. E. Flint, Esq., H.E.I.C.S., York Place, Cheltenham; born 13th March, 1828. Day Boy. Forbes, Edward Charles, son of — Forbes, Esq., Tenby; born 17 th July, 1833. Gilbard. Forbes, John Pym, son of — Forbes, Esq., Tenby ; born 15th March, 1832. Gilbard. Fox, Jemmett George, son of the Rev. Francis Fox, Pau, France; born 22nd April, 1825. Baxter. Frossard, Emilien Sigismund, son of the Rev. Emilien Frossard, Nismes, France ; born 6th May, 1829. Baxter. Fynes-Clinton, Dormer, son of the Rev. Charles John Fynes-Clinton, Cromwell, Newark; born 2 1 St February, 1830. Baxter and Bayly. Wadham College, Oxford, 1848; B.A. , 1855; M.A. , 1857; Ordained Deacon, 1855, and Priest, 1856 ; Curate of Lye, near Stourbridge, 1855-57 ; Assistant Missioner of Church Missionary College, Agra, East Indies, 1858-60; Chaplain, Bengal Estab- lishment, 1860-73 i Curate of Ashington, Sussex, 1873-74; Vicar of Ebemoe-in-Kirdford, Sussex, 1874- 78. Died 8th May, 1880. George, William, son of the Rev. William George, Cherington ; born 6th August, 1827. Baxter. Gibson, Henry, son of William Gibson, Esq., Chipping Ongar, Essex; born 27th July, 1831. Gilbard. Gibson, William, son of William Gibson, Esq., Chipping Ongar, Essex ; born 3rd March, 1826. Gilbard TxnCi Duprez. Gordon, Adam Lindsey, son of Captain Adam Durnford Gordon, Ilengal Cavalry; born 19th October, 1833. Day Boy. Re-entered College, August, 1851. Was at Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, but left before receiving his Commission. For some time sheep-farming in .South Australia ; afterwards went to Melbourne, Victoria ; represented Victoria in the South Australian Parliament, 1865-66 ; was con- sidered “ the F’irst of Australian Poets,” and the best amateur steeple-chase rider in the Colony. Author of “Sea Spray and Smoke Drift’’; "Bush Ballads and Galloping Ryhmes’’; “Ashtaroth, a Dramatic Lyric,” etc. Died at Brighton, near Melbourne, 24th June, 1870. For an account of his Works, see “ Temple Bar ” for February, 1884 ; also J. H. Ross’ “Life of Adam Lindsay Gordon,” published by S. T. Mullen, 29, Ludgate Hill, London, E. C. Gordon, Robert Adam, son of Thomas Rowley Gordon, Esq., Bengal ; born 6th March, 1832. Day Boy. Graburn, Robert Scrivener, son of Robert Scrivener Graburn, Esq., Bramswell, Slea- ford, Lincolnshire ; born 31st October, 1832. Baxter. Died of scarlet fever, 31st October, 1841. Graham, Frederick William, son of Lieut.- Colonel Charles Graham, C.B., Cheltenham ; born 1st April, 1830. Day Boy. Left, Christmas, 1842. Ensign, nth Bengal Native Infantry, 1847; Lieu- tenant, 1856 ; Captain, Bengal Staff Corps, 1861 ; Major. 1864; Lieut. -Colonel, 1870; Colonel, 1877; Major-General (retired), 1878. Served in the Burmese War, of 1852-53 ; and was present at the operations against Myah Toon near Donabew (Medal with clasp). Served in Oude throughout the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1857-58, and was present in the action at Chinhut (wounded, and charger also wounded) ; defence of the Residency of Lucknow (wounded), including assault of i8th August, and sorties of 29th September and 2nd October ; through- out the occupation of the Alumbagh, including the surprise of the Gohilee, and affair of 25th February ; capture of Lucknow ; relief of Sundeela ; action of Jamoo ; and capture of Birwah (several times men- tioned in despatches, a year’s service. Brevet of Major, and Medal with two clasps). Died in London, 12th November, 1885. Graham, George Augustus, son of Lieut.- Colonel Charles Graham, C.B., Cheltenham ; born 6th August, 1833. Day Boy zndL Baxter. Left, 1851. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1851 ; Lieutenant, 1854; Captain, 107th Foot, 1857 ; retired, 1864. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1857 (Medal.) Is aJ.P. for Gloucestershire. Address : — Rednock, Dursley. Green, Henry, son of Andrew Green, Esq., Prestbury, near Cheltenham; born ist De- cember, 1 824. Day Boy. Green, Richard Allan, son of Andrew Green, Esq., Prestbury, near Cheltenham ; born 2nd April, 1830. Day Boy. GriflOiths, Edward Goodall Stewart, son of Lewis Griffiths, Esq., Marie Hill, Chelten- ham ; born 27th J uly, 1 827. Day Boy. Worcester College, Oxford, 1845. Rowed in the Oxford Eight v. Cambridge, 1847. Called to the Bar, Lincoln’s Inn, 1852. Died at Cheltenham, 18 — . Griffiths, George S., son of Lewis Griffiths, Esq., Marie Hill, Cheltenham ; born i8th June, 1829. Day Boy, [July, 1841. 64 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Griffiths, Henry C., son of Lewis Griffiths, Esq., Marie Hill, Cheltenham ; born 8th January, 1832. Day Boy. Griffiths, Lewis R. C., son of Lewis Griffiths, Esq., Marie Hill, Cheltenham ; born 14th December, 1825. Day Boy. Harcourt, George Llewellyn, son of George Simon Harcourt, f Esq., Montpellier Villas, Cheltenham; born 6th July, 1833. Day Boy. Was in the Mercantile Marine ; afterwards Mana- ger of Tea and Coffee Plantations in Ceylon and India. Died abroad, May, 1875. Harcourt, William, son of George Simon Har- court, Esq., Montpellier Villas, Cheltenham ; born 20th January, 1831. Day Boy. Went to India. Died about i860. Hartland, Frederick Dixon (afterwards Dixon- Hartland), son of Nathaniel Hartland, Esq., The Oaklands, Charlton Kings ; born ist May, 1832. Day Boy and Bayly. M. P. for Evesham, 1880-85, and for the Uxbridge Division of Middlesex, since 1885 ; J.P. for Middle- sex, Gloucestershire, and Worcestershire ; D.L. for the City of London ; Almoner of Christ’s Hospital, London ; Fellow of Society of Antiquaries ; Fellow of Royal Geographical Society ; and Fellow of Royal Horticultural Society. Author of “Genealogical History of the Royal Houses of Europe,” and other Historical Works. Address ; — The Oaklands, Charlton Kings ; 14, Chesham Place, London, S.W. ; and Carlton Club, Pall Mall, London, S.W. Heathcote, Arthur Francklin, son of Arthur Heathcote, Esq., Blackwell, Derbyshire ; born 26th December, 1833. Day Boy. Holmes, James Ogle, son of — Holmes, Esq. ; born 26th May, 1826. Baxter. Homfray, George Smith, son of Harry Homfray, Esq., Cheltenham; born 13th February, 1833. Day Boy. Hort, Fenton John Anthony, son of Fenton Hort, Esq., Farnley Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 23rd April, 1828. Day Boy. Subsequently at Rugby School (February, 1842 — ) ; Trinity College, Cambridge ; B.A. (3rd in ist Class Classical Tripos), 1850 ; 4th in ist Class Moral Science Tripos, and 2nd in ist Class Natural Science Tripos, 1851; M.A., 1853; B.D., 1875; D.D., 1876 ; Ordained Deacon, 1854, and Priest, 1856 ; Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1852-57 ; Vicar of St. Ippolyts with Great Wymondley, Hert- fordshire, 1857 ; Hulsean Lecturer, 1871 ; Examining Chaplain to Bishop of Ely, 1871-73 ; Divinity Lecturer of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 1872-78 ; Fellow of Emmanuel, 1872 ; Examining Chaplain to Bishop of Winchester, 1873 I Hulsean Professor of Divinity at Cambridge University, 1878-87 ; Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, since 1887. Was one of the New Testament Revisers. Author of "Two Dis- sertations : i. On Monogenes Theos in Scripture and Tradition ; ii. On the Constantinopolitan and other Eastern Creeds of the Fourth Century,” 1876 ; various Articles in “The Journal of Philology, ” and Smith and Wace’s “Dictionary of Christian Biography," 1877. Joint Editor with Dr. Westcott, of “ The New Testament in the original Greek.” Address ; — 6, St. Peter’s Terrace, Cambridge. Hort, Arthur Josiah, son of Fenton Hort, Esq., Farnley Lodge, Cheltenham ; born i8th July, 1831. Day Boy. Left March 1842. Died 13th May, 1842. Hulme, James Walter, son of James Hunter Hulme, Esq., Camden House, Cheltenham ; born 20th August, 1832. Day Boy. James, George Venables, son of Colonel Charles Butler James, H.E.I.C.S. ; born ist June, 1832. Day Boy and Ttcrnbitll. James, Henry, son of Philip Turner James, Esq., Hereford ; born 30th October, 1828. Gilbard and D^iprez. CricketXI., 184-. Entered the Middle Temple 1849; Lecturer's Prizeman, 1850 and 1851. Called to the Bar, 1852; ‘ ‘ Postman ” to the Court of Exchequer, 1867-69 ; Q. C. , 1869 ; Bencher of the Middle Temple, 1870 ; M. P. for Taunton, 1869-85 ; and for Bury, since 1885. Solicitor-General from September to Novem- ber, 1873 (when he was created a Knight) ; Attorney General from November, 1873, to February, 1874, and again from 1880-85 I Privy Councillor, 1885 ; Treasurer of the Middle Temple, 1887-88 ; Triennial Member of the Council of Cheltenham College, 1862- 75, Life Member, 1875-86, and President, since 1886 ; President of Cheltonian Society, 1870-71 ; President of the Marylebone Cricket Club, 1889. In February, 1887, Sir Henry James refused the high office of Lord Chancellor of England, as he was opposed to the Irish policy of Mr. Gladstone, who was then Prime Minister. Address ; — i. New Court, The Temple, London, E.C. James, Herbert Henderson, son of Captain J. James, H.E.I.C.S. ; born 7th December, 1 827. Day Boy. Ensign, Bombay Infantry, 1844 ; appointed to nth Bombay Native Infantry, January, 1845 ; trans- ferred to loth Bombay Native Infantry, June, 1845 ; Lieutenant, 1848; Captain, 1857; Brevet-Major, 1864; Major, Bombay Staff Corps, 1866; Brevet Lieut. - Colonel, 1868; Lieut. -Colonel, 1870; Brevet-Colonel, 1873 ; Major-General, 1885 ; Lieut. -General, 1888. Served throughout the Abyssinian Campaign of 1867- 68, from the first landing of the Advance Brigade, and was present at the capture of Magdala ; in com- mand of the loth Bombay Native Infantry during portion of the Campaign (Brevet of Lieut. -Colonel and Medal). Served in the Afghan War of 1879-80, and took part in the march to Candahar with the force under Major-General Phayre, when he com- manded the ist Infantry Brigade (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Joseph, William Ellis Hurdis, son of Ellis William Joseph, Esq., 9, Park Place, Chelten- ham ; born i8th December, 1832. Day Boy. Judd, Thomas Frank, son of Captain Robert Hayley Judd, R.N. ; born 3rd March, 1825. Baxter. Kempson, Edwin Alfred, son of the Rev. Edwin Kempson, Castle Bromwich, Birmingham ; born 8th April, 1830. — iC. Gilbard, Bayly, and Turnbull. Cricket XL, 1848 ; Scholarship, SL John's Col- lege, Cambridge, 1852 ; B.A. (35th Junior Optime, and 7th in 3rd Class Classical 'I'ripos), 1852 ; M.A. , 1855 ; Ordained Deacon, 1853, and Priest, 1854. Curate of Send with Ripley, Surrey, 1853-56 ; of Halesowen, Worcestershire, 1856-62 ; Vicar of Cla- verden, with Norton Lindsay, Worcestershire, 1862- 87 ; Vicar of Merton, Surrey, 1887. Address ; — The Vicarage, Merton, Surrey. Kempson, Simon Matthews Edwin, son of the Rev. Edwin Kempson, Castle Bromwich, Birmingham; born 3rd May, 1831. loC — iC. Gilbard, Bayly, Turnbull. Left 1850. Cricket XI. Captain, 1848-49-50 ; Scholarship, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, 1851 ; Cam- bridge Cricket XI., 1851-52-53. In the latter year he played for the Gentlemen v. Players, at Lord’s. B.A. (52nd Senior Optime, and i8th in 2nd Class Classical Tripos), 1854: M.A., 1859; Principal of Government College, Bareilly, India, 1858 ; Inspector of Schools, Agra, 1861; Director of Public Instruction, North-West Provinces, 1862 ; Fellow of Calcutta Uni- versity ; retired, 1878 ; Reader in Indian History, Cambridge University, 1879-81 ; Lecturer in Hindu- stani, Staff College, 1882-83 I President of Cheltonian July, iS4i.J PRINCIPAL: REV. A. PHILLIPS, U.U. 65 Society, 1878-79 ; Triennial Member of the Council of Cheltenham College, 1880-88 ; and Life Member, 1888. Address : — Stout’s Hill, Uley, Dursley. Kentish, John George, son of John Kentish, Esq., Bombay Civil Service ; born 27th April, 1828. Day Boy. Kinneir, Henry, son of Richard Kinneir, Esq., Cricklade ; born 17th November, 1831. Baxter. Kirkpatrick. William Maitland, son of William Kirkpatrick, Esq., Pelham Shrubby, Ryde, Isle of Wight; born 25th April, 1829. Baxter. Lewis, Herbert George, son of Edward Lewis, Esq., Hertingfordbury Park, near Hertford ; born 2nd January, 1828. Baxter. Litchfield, Richard Buckley, son of Captain Richard Litchfield, R.A., Lansdown Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 6th January, 1832*. 8L — I C. Day Boy. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1845 ; Scholarship, Tri- nity College, Cambridge, 1852 ; B.A. (8th Senior Optime, and 15th in 2nd Class Classical Tripos), 1853. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1863. In Ecclesiastical Commission Office. Address : — 31, Kensington Square, London, W. Longmore, William, son of Joseph Longmore, Esq., Mythe House, Tewkesbury ; born 6th November, 1827. Gilbard and Duprez. Longworth-Dames, Francis Travers (afterwards Dames- Longworth), son of f'rancis Long- worth-Dames, Esq., Greenhill, Edenderry, Ireland; born 26th April, 1834. Gilbard and Cunningham. Senior (Classsical) Scholar, 1847 ; Trinity College, Dublin ; 1st Senior Moderator and Gold Medallist, 1854. Called to the Irish Bar, 1864; Q.C., 18 — ; elected a Bencher of King’s Inns, Dublin, 1876 ; High Sheriff of Co. Westmeath, 1882. J.P. , and Lord Lieutenant, and Custos Rotulorum of King’s County. Address ; — Glynwood, Athlone, Ireland. Longworth-Dames, Thomas, son of Francis Longworth-Dames, Esq., Greenhill, Eden- derry, Ireland; born 12th March, 1831. WooBduich Class. Gilbard and Southwood. Left November, 1846. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich ; 2nd Lieu- tenant, Royal Artillery, 1849 ; ist Lieutenant, 1850 ; Captain, 1855 ; retired, 1864. Instructor in Artillery, Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1858-64. Served in the Crimean War of 1854-55, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with clasp). J. P. and D.L. , for King’s County. Address : — Greenhill, Edenderry, Ireland. Lyon, Frederick du Hopkinson, son of James Wittel Lyon, Esq., Misenden Park ; born 1st November, 1833. McDonell, William Fraser, son of rEneas Ranald McDonell, Esq., Madras Civil Service, Pitt- ville House, Cheltenham ; born 17th Decem- ber, 1829. Gilbard. H.E.I.C. College, Haileybury, 1849 ; ist Class Highly Distinguished ; Bengal Civil Service, 1849 ; Assistant to Magistrate and Collector, Sarum, 1852- 55 ; Magistrate of Sarum, 1855-59. Awarded the Victoria Cross “ For great coolness and bravery on the 30th July, 1857, during the retreat of the British troops from Arrah, in having climbed, under an inces- sant fire, outside the boat in which he and several soldiers were, up to the rudder, and with considerable difficulty, cut through the lashing which secured it to the side of the boat. On the lashing being cut, the boat obeyed the helm, and thus 35 European soldiers escaped certain death." Was .Settlement Officer, Shahabad, 1859-60; on furlough, i 36 o — 63; Joint Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Nuddea, 1863-64 ; Magistrate and Collector, ist Grade, Chumparum, 1864-66, and at Jessore, 1866-69 1 Civil and Sessions Judge, Nuddea, 1869-72 ; District and Sessions Judge, Chittagong, 1872-73 ; and at Patna, 1873-74 ; Com- missioner, Bhangulpore Division, 1874-75 : District and Sessions Judge, Patna, 1875-78. Judge of the High Court of Judicature, Calcutta, 1878-86; retired 1886. Address: — Oriental Club, Hanover Square, Lon- don, W. Mersey, .Samuel, son of — Mersey, Esq. ; born loth February, 1824. Gilbard. Head of Modern Department, June, 1842. Middleton, John Douglas, son of the Rev. Stephen Middleton, 12, Priory Street, Chel- tenham ; born 31st March, 1833. Day Boy. Scholarship, Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 1851 ; B.A. (2nd Class Classical Final Schools, and 4th Class Law and History), 1855; M.A. , 1858; ordained Deacon, 1858, and Priest, 1859 ; Assistant Master, Classical Department, Cheltenham College, 1856-58. Curate of Carisbrook, 1858-60 ; of St. James, Paddington, London, 1860-62; Perpetual Curate of Selsley, Gloucestershire. 1862-64 ; Vicar of Holy Trinity, West Cowes, with Gurnard, Isle of Wight, 1867-84. Address : — 6, Markwick Terrace, St. Leonard’s- on-Sea. Molesworth, Samuel (afterwards Viscount Molesworth), son of Captain John Moles- worth, R.N., I, Painswick Lawn, Chelten- ham ; born 19th December, 1829. Day Boy. Succeeded his uncle as 8th Viscount Molesworth, and Baron Philipstown, 1875; St. John’s College, Cam- bridge, B.A. (24th Junior Optime, and 5th in 2nd Class Classical Tripos), 1853; M.A. , 1856. Ordained Deacon, 1865, and Priest, 1866. Curate of West Cowes, Isle of Wight, 1865-66 ; of Addlestone, Surrey, 1866-68 ; Curate-in-Charge of Fawkham, Kent, 1868-72 ; Rector of St. Petrock, Cornwall, since 1876. Address : St. Petrock Minor, Cornwall. Moore, Frederick William, son of Ponsonby Moore, Esq., Moorefield, Kildare ; born 2’8th June, 1829. Gilbard a.nd Bayly. Moore, Henry Edward, son of Ponsonby Moore, Esq., Moorefield, Kildare ; born 26th April, 1827. Gilbard and Bayly. Morgan, William Edward, son of William Mor- gan, Esq., Bridgend, Glamorganshire ; born 1 6th September, 1826. Baxter Turnbull. Morgan, William George, son of the Rev. William Morgan, Llandovery Vicarage, Car- marthenshire ; born loth February, 1831. Gilbard. Died at Cheltenham, 1842. Munro, William Bayley Conway, son of Major- General Munro, Madras .Vrmy ; born 3rd January, 1826. Day Boy. Cornet, Bengal Cavalry, January, 1842 ; appointed to loth Bengal Cavalry, July, 1842. Died on his passage out to India (where he was going to be Aide-de-Camp to Lord Ellenborough, Governor- General of India), August, 1842. Nowall, Adam Gordon, son of Captain David Rae Newall, H.E.I.C.S. ; born 4th May, 1 829. Day Boy. Newall, James Torrington, son of Captain David Rae Newall, H.E.I.C.S. ; born 9th J uly, 1 827. Day Boy. Newman, Mitchell William, son of Edmund Lambert Newman, Esq., North Place, Chel- tenham; born 1 8th February, 1829. Bayly. Nisbet, Henry Curtis, son of Harry Nisbet, K 66 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [JULY, 1841. Esq., Bengal Civil Service ; born 24th April, 1 830. Baxter and Bayly. Phillips, Arthur, son of Thomas Jones Phillips, Esq., Newport, Monmouth; born2ist Novem- ber, 1831. Cunningham. Pinhom, George Stanley, son of the Rev. George Pinhorn, Brimfield Court, Ludlow ; born 31st May, 1826. Gilbard ■a.viA Duprez. St. John’s College, Cambridge; B.A. , 1849. Ordained Deacon, 1850, and Priest, 1851 ; Curate of Eskdale, Cumberland, 185- ; Vicar of St. John’s, Beckermet, Cumberland, 1859-70. Pitt, William Wilberforce, son of William Pitt, Esq., Bays Hill Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 26th June, 1833. Day Boy. Re-entered College, August, 1846. Ensign, 28th Bengal Native Infantry, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1856. Was killed during the Indian Mutiny, at Mahomdee, Oude, loth June, 1857. Plunket, Charles Bushe, son of the Hon. John Plunket, Q.C. (afterwards 3rd Baron Plun- ket), Dublin; born, 15th June, 1830. Baxter. J. P. , Assistant Resident Councillor, Penang ; Registrar, Supreme Court, Hong Kong, and after- wards Chief Magistrate of Police. Died 21st De- cember, 1880. Podmore, Henry Beresford, son of Maj'or- General Richard Podmore, Madras Army; born 1 2th May, 1834. Day Boy. Re-entered College, January, 1849. Quicke, Nutcombe, son of — Quicke, Esq., Lansdowne Parade, Cheltenham ; born 25th February, 1830. Day Boy. Randall, Henry, son of John Randall, Esq., Bridgend, Glamorganshire ; born 4th July, 1826. Baxter 20x6. Turnbull. Reveley, Robert, son of Algernon Reveley, Esq., Grosvenor Place, Cheltenham ; born 9th March, 1831. Day Boy. Roberts, Charles Henry (afterwards Crompton- Roberts), son of Charles Roberts, Esq., The Quarry, Stourbridge ; born 7th March, 1832. Cunningham. J.P. for Monmouthshire; High Sheriff of Mon- mouthshire, 1877; M.P. for Sandwich, 1879-80. Address ; — Drybridge, Monmouth, and 16, Bel- grave Square, London, S.W. Robertson, Henry James, son of Captain Frederick Robertson, R.A., Rodney House, Cheltenham; born 6th March, 1828. Day Boy Robertson, Struan Edward, son of Captain Frederick Robertson, R.A., Rodney House, Cheltenham ; born 24th October, 1825. Day Boy. Captain, Royal South Lincolnshire Militia. Died at Batheaston, Somerset, 26th January, 1880. Robinson, Frederick John, son of Robert Ansley Robinson, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 2nd July, 1 830. Baxter. Ross, Francis James Thomas, son of Frederick James Ross, Esq., 12 Clarence Square, Cheltenham; born nth May, 1833. Day Boy. Left 1 850. Ensign, Bombay Infantry, 1852 ; appointed to i6th Bombay Native Infantry, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1861 ; Brevet-Captain, 1864; Captain, 1865; Major, 1872; Lieut. -Colonel, 1878 ; Colonel, 1882 ; Major-General, (retired), 1885. Served throughout the Indian Mutiny Campaign, 1857-58 (Medal). Royds, Frederick Charles Alten, son of Captain William Royds,Westbury; born 21st January, 1827. Day Boy and Dupre z. Died loth January, 1863, from the effects of a fall from his horse. Russell, Edward Grant, son of Charles Duprd Russell, Esq., Bengal Civil Service ; born 23rd February, 1829. Day Boy. Russell, James John, son of Charles Duprd Russell, Bengal Civil Service ; born 4th October, 1830. Day Boy. Rynd, James Fleetwood, son of Robert Fleet- wood Rynd, Esq., Ryndville, Enfield, Ire- land ; born iith September, 1833. Gilbard and Cunningham. Trinity College, Dublin; B.A., 1855 ; called to the Irish Bar, 18 — ; Lieut. -Colonel, 8th Battalion Rifle Brigade (Leitrim Militia). Address : — Ryndville, Enfield, Ireland. Saunders, Morley Benjamin, son of the Rev. J. J. C. Saunders, Oswestry, Salop ; born 6th January, 1830. Gilbard a\\6 Cunningha?n. Trinity College, Dublin, B.A,, 1854 ; M.A. 1858. Sherwood, Richard Surtees, son of Richard Crosier Sherwood, Esq., Suffolk Lawn, Chel- tenham ; born 23rd August, 1832. Day Boy. Cornet, ist Bombay Lancers, 1849 ; Lieutenant, 1853 ; Brevet-Captain, 1855. Served in the Turkish Cavalry Contingent under General Vivian in the Crimean War, and was killed in a skirmish with Cossacks at Kertch, 19th December, 1855. Sherwood, William Christopher, son of Richard Crosier Sherwood, Esq , Suffolk Lawn, Chel- tenham ; born 4th April, 1830. Day Boy. Bengal Civil Service; Assistant Under-Commisioner of Revenue, Benares, 1852-54; on furlough, 1855-59; resigned, 1859. Died at Redworth House, Durham, 7th October, 1861. Shewell, Algernon, son of Edward Warner Shewed, Esq., 17 Royal Crescent, Chelten- ham; born 1 6th July, 1829. Day Boy. Shewell, Ernest Hawkins, son of Edward Warner Shewell, Esq., 17 Royal Crescent, Cheltenham; born loth July, 1833. Day Boy. Ensign, Bombay Infantry, 1851 ; appointed to 23rd Bombay Native Infantry, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1853 ; Sub-Assistant-Commissary-General, 1856-59 ; Interpreter and Quartermaster, Marine Battalion, 1859 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1861 ; Captain, 1862. Died at Malvern, 26th July, 1863. Shewell, Lewis, son of Edward Warner Shewell, Esq., 17 Royal Crescent,_Cheltenham ; born 27th January, 1831. Day Boy. Spalding, Charles Arthur, son of Hinton Spald- ing, Esq., M.D., Jamaica, born 25th June, 1825. Day Boy. Spalding, Colin Alexander, son of Hinton Spalding, Esq., M.D., Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 20th November, 1828. Day Boy. Sutton, Henry John Dilmont Richard, son of Lieutenant Sutton, Bombay Artillery ; born 1st October, 1832. Day Boy. Swiney, John, son of Major-General George Swiney, H.E.I.C.S. ; born 9th February, 1832. 9C — 3d/. Day Boy. Left 1848. Ensign, Madras Native Infantry, 1849 ; appointed to 32nd Madras Native Infantry, 1850 ; Lieutenant, 1853 ; Brevet-Captain, 1861 ; Captain, 1865 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1866; Major, 1869; Lieut. - Colonel. 1875 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1880. July, 1841.] PRINCIPAL: REV. Tenison, William, son of — Tenison, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 28th September, 1829. Day Boy. Trevor-Roper, Charles James, son of Charles Blayney Trevor-Roper, Esq., Plas Teg, Mold; born 20th October, 1824. Gilbard and Bayly. St. John's College, O.xford, 1845 ; B.A., 1849 ; M.A. , 1865; J. P. and D. L. , and High Sheriff of Flintshire, 1878 ; Honorary Colonel, 6th Battalion King’s Royal Rifle Corps, (Flint Militia). Address ; — Plas Teg Park, Mold, Flintshire. Trevor-Roper, William, son of Charles Blayney Trevor-Roper, Esq., Plas Teg, Mold ; born 30th December, 1827. Bayly. Turner, William, son of Thomas Turner, Esq., Consul at Panama ; born 21st February, 1 826. Day Boy and Duprez. Vicq, John Henry, son of — Vicq, Esq., born — . Gilbard. Walters, William, son of James W. Walters, Esq., Barnwood House, Gloucester ; born 13th June, 1832. Warrand, William Edmund, son of Major Robert Warrand, Westhorpe Hall, South- well, Notts; born 2nd January, 1831. Duprez. Left 1843. Addiscombe Military College, 1848-49 ; 2nd Lieu- tenant, Bengal Engineers, 1849 ; ist Lieutenant, 1854 ; Captain, 1858 ; Brevet-Major, 1858 ; Major, Royal Engineers, 1872 ; Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, 1869 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1874 ; Colonel, 1877; Major-General (retired), 1883. Served in the Indian Mutiny cam- paign in 1857-59, and was severely wounded at the siege of Delhi, where he lost his left arm by the A. PHILLIPS, D.D. 67 bursting of an eight-inch shell during the final siege operations (Brevet of Major, Medal with clasp.) Address : — Westhorpe Hall, Southwell, Notts. Way, Thomas Henry, son of the Rev. George Way, Cheltenham ; born 23rd October, 1832. Gilbard. Ensign, Madras Infantry, 1851 ; appointed to 35th Madras Native Infantry, 1852 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; Captain, ro8th Foot, 1862 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1867 ; Brevet-Major, 1871 ; Major, 1873 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1877; Colonel, 1881. Served with the 35th Madras Native Infantry in the Burmese war of 1852-54, and was present at the capture of Promo, and minor affairs (Medal with clasp). Webster, James Frederick, son of James Webster, Esq., Hatherley Court, Cheltenham ; born 27th February, 1827. Day Boy. White, William Henry, son of Thomas White, Esq., H.E.I.C.S. ; born 22nd January, 1831. Day Boy. Willoughby, Michael Weekes, son of Captain Michael Franklin Willoughby, Bombay Army ; born i8th March, 1833. Day Boy. Ensign, Bombay Army, 1849; 2nd Lieutenant, 4th Bombay Native Infantry, 1850 ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; Captain, Bombay Staff Corps, 1861 ; Major, 1869 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1875 : Brevet-Colonel, 1880; Secre- tary to Government, Military Department, Bombay, 1881-87 ; C. S. I. 1885. Served in the Persian Ex- pedition in 1856-57, present at the landing at Hallilah Bay, surrender of Bushire, bombardment and capture of Forts of Mohumra (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Served in the Abyssinian Expe- dition of 1867-68 (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Wynyard, Thomas Montagu Moseley, son of — Wynyard, Esq., born 9th December, 1829. Gilbard. ENTERED JANUARY, 1842. Averill, Isaac, son of Isaac Blakeman Averill, Esq., Broadway, Worcestershire; born 21st August, 1830. Day Boy and Baxter. Left 1847- J. P. for Worcestershire and Gloucestershire. Address : — Broadway, Worcestershire. Barker, William Henry, son of — Barker, Esq. ; born 30th December, 1830. Betty, William Thomas, (afterwards Kemmis- Betty), son of the Rev. William Betty, Dublin ; born 24th May, 1830. Turnbull. Comet, 6th Dragoon Guards, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1855; Captain, 1857; Major, 1867; Lieut. -Colonel, 1869 ; retired, 1878. Served with the Carabineers in the Crimean War in 1855, including the battle of the Tchernaya, siege and fall of Sebastopol ; and was with the Light Cavalry Brigade at Eupatoria (Medal with clasp, and Turkish medal). Served in the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1857, including operations in Rohilcund, and affair at Kurkralee (severely wounded) and taking of Bareilly ; also campaign in Oude in 1858-59, including the action of Buxarghat, Doon- deakira, and affair at Bassingpore (Medal). Brady, Henry Beachamp, -son of John Beau- champ Brady, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 8th July, 1828 Ensign 69th Foot, 1847 ; Lieutenant, 1852 ; Cap- tain, 1855 ; retired, 1861. Died 3rd May, 1872. Brady, Rupert George, son of John Beauchamp Brady, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 26th July, 1831. Day Boy ■axidi Bayly. Ensign, ist Foot, 1851 ; Lieutenant, 1853 ; Cap- tain, 1855 ; transferred to 2nd Foot, 1857 ; Major, 1870. &rved in the Crimean war in 1855, and was present at the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with clasp, and Turkish Medal). Died at Belgaum, East Indies, from the effects of a fall from his horse, 16th January, 1873. Brookes, James Philpot, son of Thomas Brookes, Esq., Tewkesbury ; born 2nd December, 1 828. Turnbidl. Browne, Denis George, son of the Rev. George Browne, Lenton, Notts ; born loth March, 1 829. Cunningha^n. Browne, Edward, son of the Rev. George Browne, Lenton, Notts; born 15th March, 1830. Cunningham. Browne, John Christopher, son of the Rev. John Browne, Cheltenham ; born July, 1834. Day Boy. Senior Classical Scholar, 1848 ; Scholarship, Corpus Christ! College, Oxford, 1852 ; ist Class Classical Moderations, 1854 ; B.A. (2nd Class Classical Final Schools, 1856. Brydges, Edward Thomas, son of Commander Brydges, R.N., Winchcomb ; born 18th December, 1827. gC—sC. Day Boy and Bayly. Solicitor (admitted 1850) ; is Town Clerk of Chel- tenham. Address; — Burghill, Charlton Kings. Bubb, Charles, son of John Bubb, Esq., Chel- tenham ; born 24th May, 1831. Day Boy. Senior Classical Scholar, 1846. Was a Solicitor. Died in London, i6th July, i888. Bushe, Arthur, son of Arthur Bushe, Esq., Dublin ; born 25th April, 1831. Baxter. 68 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1842. Bushe, Charles Percy, son of Arthur Bushe, Esq., Dublin; born nth December, 1829. Baxter. Naval Cadet, 1848 ; Midshipman, Royal Navy, 1850 ; Sub-Lieutenant, 1854 ; Lieutentant, 1857 ; Commander, 1868 ; retired Captain, 1883. Served in H.M.S. "Castor" during the Kaffir War, 1850- 52 (Medal); in the "President" at the attack of Petropaulovski, 1854, and capture of the Russian armed trader " Sitka ; " in " Mohawk ” during the Indian Mutiny, 1857-58; commanded " Linnet ” on South-East Coast of America, 1867-68 ; present at the seat of war in Paraguay protecting British interests, received approval of proceedings from the Admiralty. Oampbell, Colin Glencairn, son of Post Captain Colin Campbell, R.N., Ardpatrick, Argyll- shire; born 24th May, 1833. Turnbull. ChalUnor, Joseph, son of William Challinor, Esq. ; born loth May, 1828. 4C — 2C. Gilbard, Duprez, and Bayly. Left June, 1844. Solicitor (admitted 1849). Address : — Leek, Staffordshire, Clayton, Nathaniel George, son of the Rev Richard Clayton, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; born 20th September, 1833. Cun 7 iingham. Close, Francis Arden, son of the Rev. Francis Close, (afterwards Dean of Carlisle), Chel- tenham ; born 23rd January, 1829. Turn- bull. Midshipman, Royal Navy, 184- ; Sub-Lieutenant, 1848 ; Lieutenant, 1850 ; Commander, 1854 ; Cap- tain, 1861 ; Retired Captain, 1870 ; Retired Rear- Admiral, 1877; Retired Vice-Admiral, 1882; Retired Admiral, 1887 ; is Honorary Commander of the Bristol Brigade Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers. Midshipman of " Vernon,” at the defence of Monte Video, 1846 ; served at destruction of Chinese pirates in Bias Bay and Tonquin River, 1849, was officially commended in despatches ; served in battery at the reduction of Bomarsund, and was honourably men- tioned in despatches, 1854 (Baltic Medal). President of Cheltonian Society, 1888-89. Address : — 4 Burlington Gardens, Piccadilly, W. , and Stoke Park, Stapleton, Bristol. Close, Henry Pelham, son of the Rev. Franci; Close, (afterwards Dean of Carlisle), Chel- tenham, born 1 6th June, 1830. Turjibull. Ensign, Bombay Army, 1850; appointed to 27th Bombay Native Infantry, 1852 ; Lieutenant, 1853 ; Captain, 1837 ; transferred to 31st Bombay Native Infantry, 1858 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1866 ; Brevet-Major, 1867; Major, 1870; Lieut. -Colonel, 1876 ; Colonel, 1881. Served as second in command of the 5th Goorkha Regiment with a force under Brigadier-General Chamberlain for the subjugation of the Mahsood Wuzeer tribe in i860, including actions of Palloseen and Burrura Tungee. Served as second in command, and afterwards as Command- ant of the 5th Goorkhas during the whole of the Umbeyla Campaign in 1863, (contusion, and men- tioned in despatches). Commanded the 5th Goorkhas during the operations of a force under Brigadier Wilde, in January 1864, for the subjugation of the Rajah of Gundup, in Eusofzai. Commanded the 5th Goorkhas during the several offensive and defen- sive operations of a force under Colonel Rothney in Agrore, which resulted in the total defeat of the enemy on the 12th August, 1868. Commanded the Sth Goorkhas during the ascent and descent of the Black Mountain by a force under Major General Wilde, in October 1868. Commanded the 5th Goork- has during the secret expedition of a force under Colonel Rothney against the Akhazai tribe on the Black Mountain, on the 7th October, 1869. Com- manded the ist Sikh Infantry during the operations in connection with the construction of military posts at Girnee and Kote Kirghee on the Dera Ismael Khan frontier, by a force under Major G. T. Kennedy (Medal with two clasps). Served in the Afghan War of 1879-80, and was present at the action of Zawa (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Close, John Baptiste Granville, son of the Rev. Francis Close (afterwards Dean of Carlisle), Cheltenham ; born i8th June, 1826. Ttirn- bull and Day Boy. Head of Modern, 1844. Addiscombe Military College ; and Lieutenant, Bombay Engineers, 1846; ist Lieutenant, 1854 ; Captain, i%8 ; Major, Royal Engineers, 186- ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1865; retired, 1866; Field Engineer of Persian Expedition at Bombay, October to November, 1856. Died at Bournemouth, 31st May, 1879. Collins, Richard, son of the Rev. John Collins, Wembdon ; born 25th October, 1830. Day Boy. Comyn, Charles James Bouchier, son of the Rev. Henry Comyn, Sancreed, near Pen- zance ; born 8th July 1831. Gilbard and Baxter. Crawley, Charles, son of Captain Henry Owen Crawley, R.E. ; born 7th November, 1829. Cunningha 7 n. Dalton, John Dolphin, son of William Dalton, Esq., Rodney Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 2 1 St November, 1833. Day Boy. Dalzell, James, son of — Dalzell, Esq. ; born 28th April, 1830. Ensign, 93rd Highlanders, 1848 ; Lieutenant, 1851 ; Captain, 1854. Killed at the relief of Luck- now, during the Indian Mutiny, i6th November, 1857- Dauheny, Andrew Richard, son of the Rev. Andrew Alfred Daubeny, Cheltenham ; born 19th November, 1829. Day Boy. Davidson, Alexander, son of — Davidson, Esq., Surgeon ; born 6th July, 1829. Cun 7 iing- ha 77 i. Head of Modern, 1845-46. Addiscombe Military College, 1846-48 ; 2nd Lieutenant, Bombay En- gineers, 1848; ist Lieutenant, 1854; Captain, 1858 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Royal Engineers, 1869; Colonel, 1874 ; Major-General (retired), 1878. Davies, Alban Thomas, son of Captain Alban Thomas Davies, Bengal Army, Tyglyn, Cilian Aeron, Cardiganshire ; born 1 5th July, 1829. Cunnhigha 77 i. Died in 1870. Dewdney, Edmund, son of the Rev. Edmund Dewdney, Portsea, Hants; born nth March, 1831. East, John Wylie, son of the Rev. John East, Bath ; born 21st October, 1829. Baxter. Midshipman, Royal Navy, 1845 ; Sub-Lieutenant, 185! ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; Commander, 1863 ; Cap- tain, 1871 ; Retired Captain, 1884 ; Retired Rear- Admiral, 1888. Lieutenant of "Hogue" in the Baltic Expedition, 1854-56 ; landed at the capture of Bomarsund, commanded a party of seamen at the guns of Ramsay's Battery on the night of the 15th August, 1854 (Baltic Medal). Commanded the Ex- pedition up the Niger, West Coast of Africa, 1869. When Captain of H.M.S. " Comus " was permitted to accept a Gold Medal from the President of the United States of America, for services rendered to twojAmerican vessels in distress'off Vancouver’s Island in October, 1882 ; received Medal, March, 1884 ; re- ceived Captain's Good Service Pension, October. 1884. East, Theophilus Josiah, son of the Rev. John East, Bath ; born 6th January, 1832. Baxter. Ellis, Welbore, son of Captain Richard Rogers Ellis, Cheltenham ; born 7th February, 1831. Day Boy. January, 1842.] PRINCIPAL ; REV. Evans, Richard, son of Richard Weaver Evans, Esq., Eyton Hall, Leominster; born 15th January, 1830. GilbardAnA Cunningham. Worcester College, Oxford, 1849. B.A., 1853: M.A. , 1872; Ordained Deacon, 1853, and Priest, 1854. Curate of Packington with Snibston, 1853-55 > °f Drayton-in-Hales, 1855-56 ; of Honingham with Tuddenham, 1856-57 ; of Quidenham with .Snetter- ton, 1857-59 ; of Hales, Staffordshire, 1859-65 ; of Culford with Ingham and Timworth, 1865-72. Rector of West Stow with Wordwell, Suffolk, 1872-82. Address : — Eyton Hall, Leominster. Geneste, Maximilian Goodwin, son of the Rev. Maximilian Geneste, West Cowes, Isle of Wight ; born i8th July, 1831. Cunningham. Head of Modern, June, 1848. Addiscombe Mili- tary College, 1847-50 (Prizes: First Hindustani; First French). 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Engineers, 1852 ; ist Lieutenant, 1855. Interpreter and Quar- termaster, Bengal Sappers and Miners, 1855 ; and Captain, 1858. Died at Cowes, Isle of Wight, 30th July, 1858. Goulett, William, son of Peter Goulett, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 10th February, 1832. Day Boy. Graburn, John Uppleby, son of John Uppleby Graburn, Esq., Barton-on-Humber ; born 1 2th May, 1831. Cunningham. Cornet, 1st Dragoons, 1856 ; Lieutenant, 1857 ; Resigned i860. Magistrate for East Riding of York- shire and Lincolnshire. Address : — Tickton Grange, Beverley, Yorkshire ; and Conservative Club, London, S.W. Griffiths, Edward Rogers, son of John Griffiths, Esq., The Weir, Herefordshire ; born i6th December, 1826. Gilbard and ISayly. Gwynne, Edmund Roderick Ximenes Bulow, son of Colonel Sackville H. F. Gwynne, Glanbran Park, Carnarvonshire ; born 26th June, 1828. Day Boy. Left 1850. Chief Constable of Breconshire. Harrison, Thomas Harrison, son of the Rev. William Moore Harrison, Wiveliscombe, Somersetshire ; born 7th November, 1826. Cunningham. Hart, Henry, son of John Hart, Esq., Bally- macarron, co. Down ; born loth April, 1828. Cunningham and Bayly. Hart, John, son of John Hart, Esq, Ballyma- carron, Co. Down; born nth July, 1826. Cunningham and Bayly. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1854. Hayes, William Stephen, son of — Hayes, Esq.; born 1 6th May, 1827. Day Boy. Higgins, Samuel Merrick, son of Samuel Higgins, Esq., Hill Top, Ledbury; born 2nd January, 1828. Cunningham. Hutchinson, Thomas William Henry, son of William Henry Hutchinson, Esq., Rock Forest, Roscrea ; born 5th March, 1833. Day Boy. Cornet, 9th Dragoons, 1851 ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; Captain, 1855. Was mortally wounded in the opera- tions before Lucknow, during the Indian Mutiny, and died 2ist March, 1858. Irvine, Gorges Mervyn D’Arcy, son of the Rev. Gorges Marcus D’Arcy Irvine, LL.D., Bristol; born 8th July, 1825. Turnbull. Jones, Harry Valette, son of Lieut-Colonel Harry David Jones, R.E., Dublin ; born 24th September, 1829. Turnbull. Lloyd, Hugh Massy, son of Eyre Lloyd, Esq., A. PHILLIPS, D.D. 69 Beaumaris, Anglesea ; born 15th April. 1828. Cunningham. Ensign. 14th Foot, 1846 ; Lieutenant, 1847 ; Cap- tain, 1858; Major, on Half-Pay, 1870 (Major Lloyd not having drawn his half-pay for the two years ending 30th September, 1875, his name was conse- quently removed from the Army List, and it is not known whether he is alive or not). Served with the Expeditionary Force in the Eusofzie country, under Lieut-Colonel Vaughan, in 1857, and commanded the rifle company of the 87th Fusiliers, which formed part of the attacking column at the capture and de- struction of the village of Nharinga. McGachen, John Drummond, son of Captain John McGachen, Cheltenham ; born 2nd March, 1825. 3C — 2C Day Boy. Left 1842. Pembroke College, Oxford, 1844. B.A. 1848 ; M.A. 1855. Ordained Deacon 1848, and Priest 1849. Curate of St. Bartholomew, Bethnal Green, E. , 1851-52 ; Vicar of St. Bartholomew, Bethnal Green, E. , 1860-86. President of Cheltonian Society, 1876- 77. Died at St. Bartholomew’s Vicarage, Bethnal Green, E. , 10th April, 1886. McPherson, John Robert, son of Major-General D. M. McPherson, Bengal Army ; born 31st August, 1833. Day Boy. Maskelyne, William, son of William Maskelyne, Esq.,Tetbury,‘Gloucestershire; born 30th De- cember, 1832. Baxter. Died December, 1846. Ord, Augustus William, son of Major W. R. Ord, R.E., Edgbaston ; born 4th May, 1826. Turnbull. Ord, Charles John William, son of Major W. R. Ord, R.E., Edgbaston ; born 22nd March, 1825. Turnbull. Salt, George, son of the Rev. — Salt, Minety, Wilts ; born 7th April, 1827. Baxter. Schreiber, Arthur John, son of Lieut-Colonel James Alfred Schreiber, The Hill House, Melton, Suffolk; born 12th January 1832. Baxter and Southwood. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Ensign, 31st Foot, 1849 ; Lieutenant, 1851 ; Captain, 1855 ; Re- tired 1862. Served in the Crimean Campaign from 22nd May, 1855, including the siege of Sebastopol, and attacks on the Redan of the i8th June and 8th September (Medal with clasp, 5th Class Medjidie andTurkish Medal). Died at.Annaghmore House, Co. Cork, 28th May, 1865. Schreiber, Charles, son of Lieut-Colonel James Alfred Schreiber, The Hill House, Melton, Suffolk ; born loth May, 1826. Baxter. Head of Classical Department, 1842-43. Scholar- ship, Trinity College, Cambridge, 1847 ; Browne's Medallist (Greek Ode), 1848 ; Chancellor’s Classical Medallist, 1850. B.A. (2nd Classic and 29th Senior Optime), 1850; M.A. 1854. Fellow of Trinity, 1852-55. M.P. forCheltenham, 1865-68, and for Poole, 1880-84. President of Cheltonian Society, 1868-69. He formed the collection of English Ceramic Art bearing his name, and presented to the South Kensington Museum. Died at Lisbon, on his way home from South Africa, 29th March, 1884. Schreiber, William Thomas, son of Lieut-Colonel James Alfred Schreiber. The Hill House, Melton, Suffolk ; born 12th May, 1830. Baxter. Died 1859. Smalpage, Frederick Ely, son of Francis Smal- page. Esq., H.E.I.C.S. ; born 31st January, 1829. Day Boy. Addiscombe Military College, 184 -48. Lieutenant, Bengal Artillery, 1848 ; 2nd Captain, Royal Artillery, 1858. Died at Agra, East Indies, 2nd April, 1863. 70 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1842. Steevens, N ath aniel, son of Lieut-Colonel Charles Steevens, Cheltenham ; born i8th August, 1827. 3C — iC. Day Boy. Left December, 1845 - Ensign, 20th Foot, 1845; Lieutenant, 1848 ; trans- ferred to 88th Foot, 1850 ; Captain, 1854 ; Major, 185s ; Lieut-Colonel, 1866 ; Retired 1872. Deputy- Assistant-Adjutant-General, Dublin, 1862-64. Served throughout the Crimean War of 1854-55, including the battles of Alma and Inkerman, siege of Sebas- topol (wounded in the Trenches, 28th July), attack on the Quarries, 7th June, and on the Redan, i8th June and 8th September (Brevet of Major, Medal with three clasps, Knight of the Legion of Honour. 5th Class Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Author ot " The Crimean Campaign with the Connaught Ran- gers, 1854-56." Address : — i, Wolseley Terrace, Cheltenham. Thomas, Lloyd Henry, son of Francis Edward Thomas, Esq., Dublin ; born i6th June, 1 832. Baxter. Ensign, 91st Foot, 1851 ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; Cap- tain, 1858 ; transferred to the 63rd Foot, 1863 ; Re- tired 1864. Served throughout the Kaffir War of 1852-53, and was in every action in the Water- kloof in which the 91st Regiment were engaged (Medal). Tunnicliffe, Charles Key, son of William Key Tunnicliffe, Esq., Tewkesbury ; born 6th April, 1829. Turnbtill. Watson, George Edward, son of — Watson, Esq. ; born 23rd September, 1828. Day Boy. Addiscombe Military College. 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Engineers, 1846; ist Lieutenant, 1854; Cap- tain, 1858 ; Brevet Major, 1858 ; Lieut-Colonel, Royal Engineers ; Retired 1868. Served with Have- lock’s force in the Indian Mutiny, 1857, during the first advance on Lucknow, and as Brigade Major of Engineers at the Relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde, afterwards present at the siege and capture of Luck- now. (Brevet of Major, Medal with two clasps). Wilton, Charles Turner, son of Henry Hooper Wilton, Esq., Gloucester ; born 6th August, 1832. Cutmitighani. Exeter College, Oxford ; B.A. , 1855; M. A. ,1858: Ordained Deacon, 1856, and Priest, 1857 ; Curate of Hambledon, Hants, 1856-59; of Easton-in-Gordano, Somerset, 1859-60; of Pill, Somerset, 1860-62; Vicar ofFoy, Herefordshire, since 1862. Address ; Foy Vicarage, Ross, Herefordshire. ENTERED EASTER, 1842. Arbuthnot, William Wedderburn, son of Sir Robert Keith Arbuthnot, Bart. ; born loth August, 1831. Cunningham. Previously at Eton College. Succeeded his father as 3rd Baronet in 1873. Cornet, 9th Light Dragoons, 1848 ; Lieutenant, 1851 ; Captain, 63rd Foot, 1855 ; transferred to 18th Hussars, 1858 ; Retired, 1862. Died in London, 5th June, 1889. Head. William Alston, son of William Alston Head, Esq., East Grinstead, Sussex ; born born 24th September, 1831. Day Boy. Hewett, John Frederick Napier, son of Captain John Hewett, R.M., Llantrissant, Glamorgan- shire ; born 2oth June, 1833. Cuimingham and Baxter. Ensign. 1st West India Regiment, 1852 ; Lieu- tenant, 1853 ; tranferred to 72nd Highlanders, 1855 ; Captain (Retired), 1858. Fellow of the Royal Geo- graphical Society ; Magistrate for Glamorganshire, and Major, Royal Glamorgan Militia. Died at Ve- lindra House, Pembrokeshire, nth September, 1866. Isaac, Charles Powys, son of Elias Isaac, Esq., Broughton House, near Worcester ; born 30th May, 1830. Baxter. Lloyd, Guy, son of Guy Lloyd, Esq., Croghan House, Boyle, Ireland ; born 13th April, 1833. Day Boy. Left 1846. Trinity College, Cambridge. High Sheriff of co. Roscommon, 1867; High Sheriff of co. Leitrim, 1869. J. P. and D. L. Address : — Croghan House, Boyle, Ireland. Paul, Arthur George, son of Walter Matthews Paul. Esq., High Grove, Tetbury ; born 25th July, 1831. Turnbull. Power, Henry, son of Major John Francis Power, Cheltenham ; born 3rd September, 1829. Day Boy. Price, Robert Wynne, son of John Price, Esq., Llanrhaiadr Hall, Denbigh ; born 2istMarch, 1830. Tumibull. Ensign, 15th Foot, 1850 ; Lieutenant, 1851 ; Cap- tain, 1856 ; Retired, 1861. Died at Llanrhaiadr Hall, Denbigh, 27th September, 1879. Roberts, William, son of Charles Roberts, Esq., The Quarry, Stourbridge; born 12th April, 1 833. Cunningham. Scott, George, son of Lieutenant Edmund Scott, R.N., Cheltenham ; born 22nd July, 1826. Tompson, William Dalrymple, son of the Rev. Matthew Carrier Tompson, Alderminster Lodge, Shipston-on-Stour; born loth January, 1833. Cu 7 iningham. Ensign, 17th Foot, 1852 ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; Cap- tain, 1855 ; transferred to 2nd Foot, 1857 ; rejoined 17th Foot, 1858 ; Major, 1869; Brevet Lieut-Colonel, 1877 ; Lieut-Colonel, 1879 ; Colonel Leicestershire Regiment, 1881 ; Major General (Retired), 1884. Served with the 17th Regiment in the Crimean War from the 6th February, 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol and assaults of the Redan on the i8th June and 8th September — dangerously wounded (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp, Knight of the Legion of Honour, and Turkish Medal). Commanded the ist Battalion 17th Regiment in the Afghan War in 1878-79, and was present at the cap- ture of Ali Musjid, action of Chenar, first and second expeditions into the Bazar Valley, actions at Kabul River and Maidenack ■ (mentioned in despatches. C.B., Medal with clasp). Unett, William Sandys Lechmere, son of Henry Unett, Esq., Freen’s- Court, Herefordshire; born 17th July, 1827. Turnbull. Woodyatt, Edward, son of the Rev. Edward Woodyatt, Cheltenham ; born 17th June, 1830. Day Boy. August, 1842.J PRINCIPAL: REV. A. PHILLIPS, D.D. 71 ENTERED AUGUST, 1842. Bayly, Henry Eastfield, son of the Rev. William Bayly, D.D., Hartpury Vicarage, Gloucester- shire ; born 4th August, 1826. -C — iC. Day Boy. Left 1 844. Cricket XI. 184 — . Exhibition, Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 1844 ; B.A, (3rd Class Classical Final Schools), 1848 ; M.A., 1851. Ordained Deacon, 1853, and Priest, 1855. Vice-Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1849-84. Head Master of St. Marylebone and All Souls Gram- mar School, London, 1884-87. Rector of Fidding- ton, Somerset, 1888. Died at Fiddington, 23rd Sep- tember, 1888. Bluett, Francis William Anstruther, son of the Rev. Francis Robert P. C. Bluett, Kingscote, near Stroud ; born 2nd June, 1828. Bayly. Bogle, Andrew Cathcart, son of Archibald Bogle, Esq., Gilmore Hill, Glasgow ; born 20th January, 1829. — \M. Bayly South- wood. Left December, 1847. Head of Modern, June, 1847. Cricket XI. 1845-46- 47. Ensign, 72nd Highlanders, 1849 ; transferred to 78th Highlanders, 1850; Lieutenant, 1853 ; Adjutant, 1858 ; transferred to 13th Foot, 1858 ; and to loth Foot, 1859 ; Major, on Half-Pay, 1865 ; appointed to 23rd Foot, 1868 ; resigned, 1868. Served with the 78th Highlanders during the Persian War in 1857, in- cluding the bombardment of Mohumrah (Medal with clasp). Served in Bengal with Havelock’s Column from its first taking the field in 1857, in- cluding the actions of Futtehpore, Aoung, Pandoo Nuddee, Cawnpore, Oonao, where he was severely wounded, and mentioned in despatches for “con- spicuous gallantry ” (Victoria Cross), and Buseerut- gunge ; was awarded the Victoria Cross ' ‘ for con- spicuous gallantry on the 29th July, 1857, in the attack at Oonao (with Havelock's F"orce advancing to the reliel of Lucknow), in leading the way into a loopholed house, strongly occupied by the enemy, from which a heavy fire harassed the advance of his regiment. Lieutenant Bogle was severely wounded in this important service." Was present at Cawn- pore under Windham when attacked by the Gwalior mutineers. Served as Adjutant to the regiment in the Force under Outram at Alumbagh, including the repulse of the numerous attacks, and also in the operations ending in the final capture of Lucknow. In Rohilcund, in 1858, under Lord Clyde, and at the action of Bareilly (Medal with clasp). Address : — Sherborne House, Sherborne, Dorset. Bogle, Robert, son of Archibald Bogle, Esq., Gil- more Hill, Glasgow ; born 14th September, 1826. Bayly. Ensign, 78th Highlanders, 1846 ; Lieutenant, 1847 ; Captain, 1856. Aide-de-Camp to General Neil during the Indian Mutiny, and was killed at the Relief of Lucknow, 19th November, 1857. Bott, Charles Edward, son of John Bott, Esq., Coton Hall, Burton-on-Trent ; born 12th August, 1826. Bayly. Bott, Francis William, son of John Bott, Esq., Coton Hall, Burton-on-Trent ; born 24th April, 1832. Cunninghatn. Cricket XI. Captain, 1851-52. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. 1855. Bruce, George Evans, son of George Bruce, Esq., Edinburgh ; born 5th June, 1832. Cunningham . . Chapman, Edward, son of John Mellam Chap- man, Esq., Newcastle-on-Tyne ; born 26th h'ebruary, 1833. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1850 ; appointed to 14th Bengal Natjve Infantry, 1851 ; Lieutenant, 1857. Died in England, 24th April, 1862. Clubley, Thomas, son of Lieutenant Charles Witty Clubley, R.N,, Cheltenham ; born 3rd May, 1833. Cimningham. Crump, John Roberts, son of tlie Rev. Charles Collins Clump, Holford Rectory, Shipston- on-Stour ; born i8th November, 1829. Cun- ningham. Cunliffe, Charles Watkin, son of General Sir Robert Henry Cunliffe, Bart., C. B., Acton Park, Wrexham ; born 6th April, 1833. Baxter. H.E.I.C. College, Flaileybury, 1852; (ist Class Highly Distinguished), Bengal Civil Service, 1852 ; Assistant Commissioner of Revenue, Rohilcund Division, 1854-56; Assistant Commissioner, 2nd Class, Oude, 1856-57 ; Assistant Commissioner, 1st Class, Oude, 1857. Was killed by mutineers during the Indian Mutiny, at Byram Ghat, Oude, 9th June, 1857. Dalzell, Robert Anstruther, son of John Dalzell, Esq., Killybegs House, Naas, Ireland ; born 5th May, 1831. Turnbull. Doherty, George C., son of Lord Chief Justice Doherty; born 14th May, 1831. Erskine, David Holland, son of Sir David Erskine, Bart., Conway ; born 24th Septem- ber, 1828. Bayly. Ensign, 92nd Highlanders, 1846 ; Lieutenant, 1849 ; Captain, 1854 ; Retired, 1855. Afterwards British Consul at Madeira. Died 20th June, 1869. Foot, Cunningham Noel, son of the Rev. Lundy Foot, Prebendary of Sarum, Long Bredy. Dorset; born 14th May, 1832. 9'““C — iC. Cunninghatn and Garrett. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A. 1856. Ordained Deacon, 1856, and Priest, 1857. Curate of Putney, Surrey, 1857-58 ; Curate of Dogmersfield, Hamp- shire, 1859-60 ; Rector of Dogmersfield, 1860-88. Address : — Kingsley, Teddington. Geneste, Louis Daniel Bennett, son of the Rev. Maximilian Geneste, West Cowes, Isle of Wight ; born 15th January, 1833. Gordon, Edward William, son of — Gordon, Esq. ; born i8th May, 1828. Bayly. Assistant Paymaster, Royal Navy, 1851 ; Pay- master, i860 ; Retired, 1868. Died 19th September, 1884. Hamilton, William Henry McNeill, son of - Hamilton, Esq. ; born 19th May, 1827. Day Boy. Holmes, Francis George, son of — Holmes, Esq. ; born 8th February, 1834. Day Boy. Ensign, 20th Foot, February, 1855 ; Lieutenant, June, 1855. Served in the Crimean War, and was present at the siege and fall of Sebastopol, from ist June, 1855, and was wounded at the affair of the 18th June ; also present at the capture of Kimbourn. Served in_the Indian Mutiny Campaign of 1857-58, including the actions of Chanda, Umeerpore, and Sultanpore ; siege and occupation of Lucknow, sub- sequent operations in Oude, and affairs of Mohan, Meangunge, and Morar Mow (as Orderly Officer to Brigadier Evelegh), Fort of Simree, Berar, Buxar Ghat, Churda, Fort of Musjeediah, and Bankee (Medal with clasp). Died at Gondah, Oude, 9th January, i860. Jones, Conyngham, son of Henry Shawe Jones, Esq., Fair View, Bangor; born 12th April, 1828. Bayly. Jones, Frederick Edward Lloyd, son of the Rev. David Jones, Bishopstone, Swansea ; born 29th April, 1832. Cunningham. Lake, Percy Godfrey Botfield, son of Captain 72 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1842. Charles Lake, Weedon, Northamptonshire ; born 15th August, 1829. Duprez. Ensign, 8ist Foot, 1845 ; Lieutenant, 1848 ; trans- terred to 54th Foot, 1849 ; Adjutant, 1852 56 ; Cap- tain, 2nd West India Regiment, 1856; transferred to looth Foot, 1858 ; retired, 1859. Lamb, George Warren, son of Henry Lamb, Esq., Kettering, Northamptonshire ; born 4th June, 1828. Bayly. Lavicount, Stephen Wilkinson, son of Joseph Lavicount, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 26th September, 1826. Day Boy. Address ; — Elm Villa, Cheltenham. Martin, John Charles, son of the Rev. Charles Martin, Chaplain to the Grand Duchess of Manheim : born March, 1829. Baxter. Meylor, Thomas, son of William Morgan Mey- lor, Esq., Gloucester; born 24th July, 1830. Turnbull. Mytton, Devereux Herbert, son of Richard Herbert Mytton, Esq., Garth, Welshpool ; born 9th September, 1832, Baxter. Ensign, 85th Foot, 1852 ; Lieutenant, 1853 ; Cap- tain, 1858; Retired, 1867. J.P. ; High Sheriff of Montgomeryshire, 1873. Address : — Garth, near Welshpool. Mytton, George, son of Richard Herbert Myt- ton, Esq., Garth, Welshpool ; born 1 5th May, 1 834. Baxter. Addiscombe Military College. 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Engineers, 1853. Was Aide-de-Camp to the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal. Died at Chander- nagore. East Indies, 20th June, 1856. Patrickson, George C., son of — Patrickson, Esq. ; born i6th March, 1830. Baxter. Patrickson, Thomas, son of — Patrickson, Esq. ; born i8th March, 1828. Baxter. Pigou, Francis, son of William George Pigou, Esq., Spa, Belgium ; born 8th January, 1832. Cunningham and Turnbull. Trinity College, Dublin. B.A. 1853. Divinity Testimonium, 1854; M. A., 1857; B.D. and D.D., 1878. Ordained Deacon, 1855, and Priest, 1856. Curate of Stoke-Talmage, Oxford, 1855-56 ; Chap- lain to Bishop Spencer at Marboeuf Chapel, Paris, 1856-58 ; Curate of St. Philip, Regent Street, London, and Curate of St. Mary, Kensington, 1858-60 ; Per- petual Curate of St. Philip, Regent Street, London, 1860-69 < Vicar of Doncaster, 1869-75 ; Rural Dean of Doncaster, 1870-75 ; Honorary Chaplain-in-Ordi- nary to the Queen, 1871-74 ; Chaplain-in-Ordinary to the Queen, 1874 ; Vicar of Halifax, 1875-88 ; Dean of Chichester, 1888. Author of “Faith and Prac- tice” (a volume of sermons). Address : — The Deanery, Chichester, Sussex. Plunket, William Conyngham, son of the Hon, John Plunket, Q.C. (afterwards 3rd Baron Plunket), Dublin ; born 26th August, 1828. — iC. Baxter. Succeeded his father as 4th Baron Plunket in 1871. Silver (Classical) Medallist, 1845. Joint Editor of “Tirocinia, or the Cheltenham Collegian," 1847. Trinity College, Dublin; B.A., 1853; M.A., 1864; D.D. , 1876. Honorary LL.D. (Cambridge), 1888. Ordained Deacon, 1857, and Priest, 1858. Rector of Kilmoylan and Cummer, Tuam, 1858-64 ; Chaplain and Private Secretary to the Bishop of Tuam, and Treasurer of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin, 1864-67; Precentor of St. Patrick's Cathedral, 1869-77 ; Bishop of Meath, 1877-84 ; Dean of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, 1884-87 ; Archbishop of Dublin, 1884. Presi- dent of Cheltonian Society, 1872-73. His Grace is Primate of Ireland, and a Senator of the Royal Uni- versity of Ireland. Address : — The Palace, St. Stephen'sGreen, Dublin. Rogers, Herbert Brown, son of the Rev. John Rogers, The Home, near Bishopscastle; born 26th April, 1831. Cunningham. Royds, Arthur, son of James Royds, Esq., Woodlands, Northwich; born 19th Septem- ber, 1828. Turttbull. Cornet, 6th Dragoons, 1847 ; Lieutenant, 1848 ; resigned, 1849. Russell, Francis Whitworth, son of Francis Whitworth Russell, Esq., Bengal Civil Ser- vice ; born 27th July, 1829. Bayly. Russell, Whitworth George B., son of Francis Whitworth Russell, Esq., Bengal Civil Ser- vice ; born 14th April, 1832. Bayly. Scott, James, son of Thomas Scott, Esq., Wills- boro’, Londonderry ; born 19th May, 1831. Day Boy. Died 17th February, 1847. Sherman, John Frederick Taynton, son of — Sherman, Esq. ; born 1832. Bayly. Simpson, Edward, son of the Rev. Robert Simp- son, Newark-on-Trent ; born 2nd April, 1832. Bayly. Stack, John William, son of Major Maurice Stack, Bombay Cavalry; born 12th Sep- tember, 1832. Day Boy. Bengal Civil Service, 1852 ; Assistant to Com- missioner, Sattara, 1853 ; Third Assistant to Collec- tor and Magistrate, Tanna, 1853 ; Deputy Collector, Sinde, 1854 ; Judicial Deputy Magistrate, Hyder- abad, 1856. Died at Broach, East Indies, 8th October, i860. Stevenson, Walter James Hodgson, son of Colonel Stevenson, Brighton ; born 29th July, 1828. Boy and Bayly. Addiscombe Military College. 2nd Lieutenant, Bombay Artillery, 1847 ; ist Lieutenant, 1852 ; 2nd Captain, 1858 ; ist Captain, 1862 ; Major, Royal Artillery, 1872; Lieut.-Colonel (Retired), 1872. Sykes, Cam, son of Joseph Sykes, Esq., R.N., Wolferton House, near Hull; born 17th February, 1827. Baxter. Taylor, James, son of Lieut.-Colonel Taylor, Severn Stoke; born i8th March, 1829. Duprez. Taylor, John Barton, son of Lieut.-Colonel Taylor, Severn Stoke ; born 14th June, 1830. Day Boy and Duprez. Vicars, Henry George, son of Hedley Vicars, Esq., Newcastle-on-Tyne ; born 2nd Feb- ruary, 1833. Cunninghatn. Way, Lewis Albert, son of the Rev. George Way, Cheltenham; born 23rd June, 1825. Day Boy. White, James George, son of Thomas White, Esq., Cobourg House, Cheltenham ; born 3rd October, 1833. Day Boy. Bombay Civil Service, 1853 ; Third Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Broach, 1855 ; Second Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Kaira, 1858 ; First Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Poona, 1863 ; First Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Ahmednuggur, 1864 ; Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Surat, 1864 ; Sub-Collector, Broach, 1865 ; Collector and Magistrate, Broach District, 1869 ; Collector and Magistrate and Political Agent, Surat, 1881 ; retired, 1884. Williams, Richard Lloyd, son of Richard Lloyd Williams, Esq., M.D., Denbigh ; born 26th May, 1829. Turnbull. Woodhouse, Robert Russell, son of Robert Joseph Woodhouse, Esq. ; born 22nd January, 1833. Day Boy. Ensign, Bombay Army, 1851 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; Captain, Bombay Staff Corps, 1863 ; Major, 1871 ; Lieut.-Colonel, 1877; Colonel, 1881; Major-General (Retired), 1882. Michaelmas, 1842.] PRINCIPAL: RP:V. A. PHILLIPS, D.D. 73 ENTERED MICHAELMAS, 1842. Hatchard, Samuel, son of the Rev. John Hat- chard, St. Andrew’s, Plymouth ; born 20th February, 1826. Heywood, Nathaniel, son of Richard Heywood, Esc]., Banner Ilouse, Bath ; born 13th October, 1828. Heywood, Percival, son of Richard Heywood, Esq., Banner House, Bath ; born 6th March, 1831. Heywood, William, son of Richard Heywood, Esq., Banner House, Bath ; born 12th January, 1830. McGachen, Frederick Stewart, son of John McGachen, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 1825. Day Boy. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1849. Died at Ontario, Canada, i8th October, 1880, Palmer, Joshua John Reynolds, son of the Rev. Septimus Palmer, Sherborne Lodge, Chel- tenham ; born 8th January, 1834. Day Boy. Partridge, Richard Hawker, son of John Part- ridge, Esq., Bishopswood, near Ross ; born 2 1 St November, 1830. Died in the Isle of Man, 18 — . Schreiber, Henry Ware, son of Lieut. -Colonel James Alfred Schreiber, The Hill House, Melton, Suffolk; born 24th November, 1833. Baxter. Scholarship, Trinity Hall, Cambridge. 1854 ; rowed in the Cambridge Eight v. O.'tford, 1855 ; President of Cambridge University Boat Club, 1855; B.-A. (15th in 2nd Class Classical Tripos), 1856; M.A,, i860; Ordained Deacon, 1856, and Priest, 1857 ; Curate of Petworth, and Chaplain to the Pet- worth Union, 1859; resigned clerical work many years ago, owing to being permanently invalided. Address : — Coddenham Vicarage, Suffolk. Whitcombe, George, son of George Aubrey Whitcombe, Esq., Gloucester ; born 2nd July, 1834. Yorke, James, son of John Yorke, Esq., Thrap- stone, Northamptonshire ; born 23rd August, 1828. Yorke, William Lockwood, son of John Yorke, Esq., Thrapstone, Northamptonshire ; born 3rd May, 1827. ENTERED JANUARY, 1843. Arbuthnot, Forster Fitzgerald, son of Sir Robert Keith Arbuthnot, Bart., Bombay Civil Ser- vice ; born 24th May, 1833. Day Boy. Bombay Civil Service, 1853 ; Third Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Kaira, 1854-56 ; Assistant Collector, Guzerat, 1856-59 ; on special duty under Revenue Commissioner, Guzerat, 1859-61 ; ist Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Ahmedabad, 1861-62 ; at Poona, 1862-63 ! Deputy Commissioner of Customs,- salt and opium, 1863-65 ; on furlough, 1865-66 ; Sub-Collector, Sholapoor, 1866-67 i Regis- trar-General of Assurances, 1867-69 ; Collector of Bombay, and Superintendent of stamps and sta- tionery, 1869-73 : retired, 1878. Aylmer, Fenton John, son of Arthur P. Aylmer, Esq., born 1834. Lamotte. Royal Military College, Sandhurst ; Ensign, 97th Foot, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; resigned, 1857. Served in the Crimean War, and was present at the siege and fall of Sebastopol, from 20th November, 1854 (Medal with clasp). Badbam, Patrick, son of Richard Badham, Esq., Bromyard; born 19th March, 1831. Berrington, Arthur Vendigaid Davies, son of Jenkin Davies Berrington, Esq., Woodland Castle, Swansea : born 30th March, 1833. Bruce, William West James, son of Major William Bruce, Cheltenham : born 7th November, 1830. Day Boy. Callander, Richard John, son of John Callander, Esq., M.D. ; born 25th September, 1832. Turnbull. Carrington, Francis William, son of John William Carrington, Esq., Ceylon Civil Ser- vice ; born 8th December, 1829. Day Boy. Carrington, Frederick Alfred, son of John William Carrington, Esq., Ceylon Civil Ser- vice ; born 30th July, 1830. Day Boy. Codrington, Robert, son of William Codrington, Esq., Wroughton, Wiltshire ; born 23rd January, 1831. Cunliffe, Foster John, son of General Sir Robert Henry Cunliffe, Bart., C.B., Acton Park, Wrexham; born 10th October, 1834. Baxter. Addiscombe Military College ; 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Artillery, 1853. Died at Lucknow, during the Indian Mutiny, 22nd September, 1857. Dwyer, Gage Hall, son of Francis Dwyer, Esq., Imperial Square, Cheltenham ; born 21st April, 1830. Day Boy. Graham, Charles Thomas, son of Lieut.- Colonel Graham, C.B., Bengal Army ; born 30th October, 1828. Day Boy, Graham, Otway Mayne, son of Lieut.-Colonel Graham, C.B., Bengal Army : born i6th May, 1835. Day Boy. Ensign 7th Bengal Native Infantry, 1855 ; Lieu- tenant 1857 ; transferred to 6th Bengal European Regiment, 1858; Captain, Bengal Staff Corps, 1867; Major, 1875; Lieut.-Colonel, 1881; Colonel (retired), 1882. Served throughout the Indian Mutiny Cam- paign, 1857-59, including the occupation of the Alumbagh previous to and after the relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde ; Rohilcund and Oude campaigns (Medal with clasp, and a year's service). Served in the Hazara campaign in 1868 (mentioned in de- spatches ; Medal with clasp). Grant, James Murray, son of James Murray Grant, Esq., of Glenmoriston, Inverness- shire, N.B. ; born 31st December, 1828. Day Boy. Ensign 15th Madras Native Infantry, 1845 ; Lieu- tenant 1851 ; Captain, Madras Staff Corps, i860 ; Major, 1865 ; Lieut.-Colonel, 1871 ; Colonel, 1876 ; Major-General (Retired), 1880. Kirkpatrick, Robert Fead, son of William Kirkpatrick, Esq., Braintree, Essex ; born 13th November, 1830. L 74 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1843. Lloyd, Eyre, son of Eyre Evans Lloyd, Esq., Beaumaris, Anglesea ; born loth March, 1830. 6 C — iC. Garrett. Left June, 1848. Cricket XL, 184- ; Trinity College, Dublin ; First Class Classics, 18 — , and Vice-Chancellor's Prize for Greek Verse, 18 — . Scholarship, Magdalen College, Cambridge, 1852 ; B.A. 1853. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1859. Author of " Law of Compen- sation,” "Success in Laws of Christian Countries,” and “ The Law of Trade Marks.” Love, Anthony William, son of Lieutenant James Love, Royal Artillery ; born 13th March, 1830. Oldnall-Russell, Edward, son of Sir William Oldnall-Russell, Knt., Chief Justice of Ben- gal : born ist February, 1829. Oldnall-Russell, Henry Steward, son of Sir William Oldnall-Russell, Knt., Chief Justice of Bengal ; born iith April, 1831. Was in Ceylon Civil Service. Died 22nd July, 1872. Phillipson, John Burton, son of Richard Burton Phillipson, Esq., Rugby ; born 5th Novem- ber, 1830. Pratt, Edward, son of George Isaac Pratt, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 25th November, 1835. Day Boy. Pratt, George Henry, son of George Isaac Pratt, Esq., Cheltenham; born nth July, 1832. Day Boy. Wadham College, Oxford, 1851; B.A., 1855; M.A. , 1858; ordained Deacon, 1857, and Priest, 1858; Curate of Louth, Lincolnshire, 1857-66; Vicar of St. Swithin, Lincoln, since 1866 ; Chaplain to Lord Hawke, 1869. Address : — St. Swithin’s Vicarage, Lincoln. Rendle, William Gibson, son of John William Rendle, Esq., Plymouth ; born 20th March, 1827. Rowan, William, son of the Rev. Arthur Blenner- hassett Rowan, Belmont, Tralee, Co. Kerry; born 25th March, 1830. 6C — 2C. Turfibull. Trinity College, Dublin ; Second Class Honours ; called to the Irish Bar, 1853 ; Lieut. -Colonel 4th Battalion, Royal Munster Fusiliers (Kerry Militia). 3illery, Robert Seymour Croxton, son of Robert Sillery, Esq., M.D. ; born 24th October, 1830. Smalpage, Mordaunt, son of Francis Smalpage, Esq., H.E.I.C.S. ; born 12th January, 1831. Smyth, Edward Skeffington Randal, son of Henry Smyth, Esq., Mount Henry, Port- arlington ; born 27th September, 1831. 9C — 3C. Southwood. Left, June, 1847. Ensign, 67th Foot, 1852 ; Lieutenant, 28th Foot, 185s ; resigned, 1858. Served with the 28th Regi- ment in the Crimean War, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol and attack on the Cemetery, i8th June, 1855 ; wounded in the trenches, 21st August (Medal with clasp, and Turkish medal). Is Vice- Lieutenant of, and J. P. and D.L. for Queen’s County, and J. P. for King's County. High Sheriff of Queen’s County, 1865. Address ; — Mount Henry, Portarlington, Ireland. Tate, George Price, son of George Tate, Esq., Tewkesbury ; born 20th November, 1833. Day Boy. Thackwell, Matthew John, son of the Rev. Stephen Thackwell, Birts Morton Rectory, Tewkesbury; born nth January, 1827. Vaughan, John, son of Lieut.-Colonel Herbert Vaughan, Llangoedmawr Place, Cardigan ; born 9th November, 1830. Whish, Claudius Buchanan, son of Major- General W. C. Whish, C.B., Zeelught House, Cheltenham ; born 5th January, 1827. Day Boy. Whish, Henry Edward, son of Major-General W. C. Whish, C.B., Zeelught House, Chelten- ham ; born 30th November, 1832. Day Boy. Ensign, 26th Bengal Native Infantry, 1849 ; Lieu- tenant, 1856 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1861 ; Captain, 1861; Major, 1869; Lieut.-Colonel, 1875; Colonel, 1880; Major-General (Retired), 1881. Served as a Volunteer in the Punjab Campaign of 1849, and was present at the Siege of Mooltan (Medal with clasp). Williams, Aldborough Lloyd, son of Lieutenant A. A. L. Williams, R.N., Glan-y-rafon, Aberayron, Cardiganshire ; bom 25th June, 1 830. Lamotte. Williams, John James Lloyd, son of Lieutenant A. A. L. Williams, R.N., Glan-y-rafon, Aber- ayron, Cardiganshire ; born 13th October, 1828. Williamson, William, son of John Williamson, Esq., Cleckheaton, Leeds ; born 13th October, 1827. Woodroofe, John Allen, son of the Rev. Thomas Woodroofe, Colbourne Rectory, Isle of Wight ; born 21st December, 1827. ENTERED EASTER, 1843. Addington, Charles John, son of the Hon. and Rev. William Leonard Addington, (after- wards 2nd Viscount Sidmouth), Albury, near Guildford ; born 17th March, 1832. Previously at Winchester College. Ensign, 38th Foot, 1850; Lieutenant, 1852; Captain, 1854; Brevet-Major, 1858 ; Major, 1865 ; Brevet-Lieut.- Colonel, 1869 ; Lieut.-Colonel, lobth Foot, 1871 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1876; Commanding Regimental Dis- trict, 1877, and Provisional Battalion, 1882 ; on Half- Pay, 1883 ; Major-General, 1886. Assistant-Adjutant and Quartermaster-General, Cork District, 1884-85; Colonel on Staff, South Eastern District, 1885-86. Served with the 38th Regiment in the Crimean War of 1854, and up to 26th June, 1855, including the battles of Alma and Inkerman, siege of Sebastopol, attack and occupation of the Cemetery on the 18th June, sevpely wounded (mentioned in despatches. Medal with three clasps, 5th Class Medjidie, and Turkish medal). Served in the Indian Mutiny Cam- paign from November, 1857, including the assault and capture of Meangunge, siege and capture of Luck- now, affairs of Barra and Nugger (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with clasp). Bodley, Thomas, son of William Hulme Bodley, Esq., M.D., 27 Montpellier Road, Brighton ; born 15th July, 1825. Day Boy. Browne, Charles Orde, son of Valentine Browne, Esq., late 13th Regiment ; born i6th April, 1832. Day Boy. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich ; 2nd Lieu- tenant, Royal Artillery, 1854 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1855 ; Captain, 1862; retired, 1871. Served in the Crimean Campaign from April 1855 in the Trenches with the Siege Train at the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and bombardment of the 6th and 17th June and 17th August (Medal with clasp, Sardinian and Turkish Medals). Farwell, Christopher Wade, son of the Rev. William Farwell, The Rectory, St. Martin’s, East Looe ; born 21st January, 1831. Gayer, James Arthur, son of the Rev. Charles Easter, 1843,] PRINCIPAL: REV. A. PHILLIPS, D.D. 7j Gayer, Dingle, Kerry, Ireland ; born — . Day Boy. Ensign, 2nd European Bombay Light Infantry, 1850; Lieutenant, 1856; Brevet-Captain, Bombay Staff Corps, 1862 ; Captain, 1865 ; Major, 1870 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1876. (Colonel Gayer’s name dis- appears from the Army List after June, 1878, and it is uncertain whether ho is alive or not). Served in the Persian War of 1856-57 ; including the assault and capture of Reshire, surrender of Bushire, with the expedition to Borazjoon and at the action of Kooshab (Medal with clasp). Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign in_ 1857, under Brigadier- General Jacob, and was present at the assault and capture of Kolapore on the 6th December, 1857, (Medal). Hamilton, Gerald de Courcey, son of James John Hamilton, Esq., Ballymacoll, co. Meath, Ireland ; born loth October, 1828. 8C — 2C. Day Boy. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1847; B.A., 1851. Proceeded to Melbourne, Australia, and becami Lieutenant and Adjutant of the Gold Mounted Police ; was sometime in command of the Ballarat district Served aftei wards in the Crimea in the Turkish Contingent towards the close of the campaign. Wa . elected as the first Chief Constable of the county o, Devon in 1856. Address Exeter. Luke, William Henry Colbeck, son of William Luke, Esq., Bengal Civil Service ; born 19th June, 1831. Day Boy. Owen, Hugh Darby, son of the Rev. Edward Pryce Owen, M.A., Roderick House, Chelten- ham ; born ist July, 1829. Day Boy. B/OSS, Frederick Torriano, son of Frederick Ross, Esq., 12, Clarence Square, Chelten- ham ; born 19th July, 1827. Day Boy. ENTERED AUGUST, 1843. Baines, Capel, son of Francis Johnson Baines, Esq., Ludlow, Salop; born 19th November, 1 834. Day Boy. Blennerhassett, Charles John Allanson Winn, son of Arthur Blennerhassett, Esq., Bally- seedy House, Tralee, Ireland ; born 6th July, 1830. Was a J.P. and High Sheriff of Co. Kerry, 1858. Died gth December, 1859. Bond, Ralph Shelton, son of — Bond, Esq. ; born 14th November, 1832. Day Boy. Bowen, Robert St. John Cole, son of Henry Cole Bowen, Esq., Bowen’s Court, co. Cork ; born 13th August, 1830. Trinity College, Dublin; B.A. 1853; M.A. 1856; J. P. , and Captain South Cork Light Infantry. Address : — Bowen's Court, Kildorrery, Co. Cork, Ireland. Browne, John Michael, son of John Brown, Esq., Hall Court, near Bromyard; born 29th September, 1834. J.P. for Hereford, and late Major Hereford Militia. Address ; — Hall Court, Bromyard, Herefordshire, and Fosseway House, Lichfield. Campbell, James Carter, son of Captain Colin Campbell, R.N., of Ardpatrick, 21, Mont- pellier Terrace, Cheltenham; born 7th Sep- tember, 1828. Day Boy. Left 1843. Naval Cadet, October, 1843 ; Sub-Lieutenant Royal Navy, 1849 ; Lieutenant, 1852 ; Commander, 1858 ; Captain (Retired), 1873. Served as Lieutenant during the Russian War in the Baltic, 1854-55 i commanded "Lightning” in the latter year at the bombardment of Sveaborg (Baltic Medal) ; com- manded " Spitfire" in Expedition up River Scarces, West Coast of Africa, in 1858, and promoted to rank of Commander for services there. Is J. P. and D. L. for Argyllshire. Address: — Ardpatrick, Tarbert, Argyllshire, N. B. , and Colston Hall, Lechlade, Oxfordshire. Coddington, John Nicholas, son of Henry Barry Coddington, Esq., Oldbridge, Drogheda, Ireland; born 24th June, 1828. Ctinningham. J.P. for Co. Meath, and late Lieut. -Colonel Royal Meath Militia. Address : — Oldbridge, near Drogheda, Ireland. Coddington, William Henry, son of Henry Barry Coddington, Esq., Oldbridge, Drogheda, Ireland ;born 19th June, 1833. Cunningha 7 n. Left 1847. Civil Engineer from 1847 to 1867 ; subsequently an Estate Agent. Address : — Oldbridge, near Drogheda, Ireland. Cooch, Charles, son of Charles Cooch, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 4th July, 1829. — 3^^. Cufiningham and Southwood. Left June, 1847 - Ensign, 62nd Foot, 1849 : Lieutenant, 1852 ; Cap- tain, 1854; Brevet-Major, 1855; Major, 1857; Lieut. - Colonel, 1866 ; appointed to the Royal Body Guard, 1877 ; Colonel (Retired), 1881. Served with the 62nd Regiment in the Crimea War from the 12th Novem- ber, 1854, to 15th May, 1856, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol (ninety-five duties under fire, nearl) all of twenty-four hours), and the sorties of 13th April and 5th, 9th, and loth May; storming of the Quarries, 7th June, 1855, and the repulse of six sorties that night ; commanded the wool-bag party of the 62nd at the attack on the Redan, i8th June, 1855, and commanded his company at the final assault with the storming party, 8th September, 1855 (men- tioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with clasp, Knight of the Legion of Honour, 5th Class Medjidie, Sardinian and Turkish Medals, and was recommended by General Windham for the Victoria Cross). Appointed Town Major in Sebastopol imme- diately after its fall for his services during the Siege and final assault. Cripps, Agustus William, son of Charles Cripps, Esq., Greville Villa, Leckhampton ; born 14th July, 1830. Day Boy. Re-entered College, August, 1846. Cunliffe, Robert Henry, son of J. Brooke Cunliffe, Esq., H.E.I.C.S., Erbistock Hall, Overton, Flintshire ; born 6th July, 1833. Ensign, 31st Madras Native Infantry, 1851 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; entered Madras Staff Corps, 1861 ; Captain, 1863 ; Major, 1871 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1877 ; Colonel, 1881 ; Major-General (retired), 1883. Em ployed in suppressing the insurrection in the Pariah Kimedy district, in 1856-57, during the Indian Mutiny. Served in the Afghan War of 1879-80, and took part in the action of Ibandola (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Elliott, George Henry, son of George L. Elliott. Esq., H.E.I.C.S. ; born 5th November, 1831, Day Boy. Fawcett, Theodore, son of Lieut.-Colonel W. Fawcett, Mendip Lodge, Longford, near Bristol; born loth February, 1833. Fawcett, William Whalley, son of Lieut.- Colonel W. Fawcett, Mendip Lodge, Long- ford, near Bristol; born ist January, 1829. [August, 1843. 76 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Fowler, Arthur Robert, son of the Rev. Luke Fowler, Wellbrook, Freshford, Ireland; born 3rd February, 1829. Trinity College, Dublin. Ensign, Cape Mounted Riflemen, 1850 ; Lieutenant, March, 1855 ; trans- ferred to 17th Foot, November, 1855 ; Captain, Un- attached, May, 1857 ; appointed to 41st Foot, November, 1857 ; transferred to 32nd Foot, 1865 ; Retired, 1866. Served in the Kaffir .War in 1851-53, including the taking of Fort Armstrong, operations in Waterkloof, Amatolas (seriously wounded), and other actions of ist Division (Medal), Died, 1868. Qubhins, Joseph, son of Joseph Gubbins, Esq., Kilfrush, Bruff, Ireland; born 7th November, 1 829. Cunningham. Ensign, 28th Foot, 1850; resigned, 1853. J.P., and High Sheriff of Co. Limerick, 1863. Address : — Kilfrush, Knocklong, Co. Limerick. Gubbins, Thomas Wise, son of Joseph Gubbins, Esq., Kilfrush, Brulf, Ireland ; born 25th December, 1830. Ctcriningham. Address : — Bottomstown, Ireland. Gwynne, Nadolig, son of — Gwynne, Esq. ; born 25th December, 1832. Hamilton, Edward William, son of the Rev. Edward Hamilton, Brown Hall, Bally- shannon, Ireland ; born 2nd November, 1830. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1845 ; Silver (Classical) Medallist, 1848. Hamilton, John, son of the Rev. Edward Hamil- ton, Brown Hall, Ballyshannon, Ireland ; born 6th September, 1831. Harcourt, George John, son of — Haf court. Esq. ; born 22nd August, 1833. Ensign, 102nd Foot, 1850 ; Lieutenant, 1853 ; Captain, i860 ; Major 1871 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1876 ; Colonel (Retired), 1879. Served in the Madras Fusiliers in the Burmese War of 1852-53 (Medal with Clasp for Pegu), and accompanied the force sent against the rebel chief Nga Bew. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign of 1857-58, attached to the 2nd Bengal Fusiliers, and was present during the Siege of Delhi, in the advanced batteries from 7th to iith September ; assault of the city, and six days' fighting therein. Commanded a Field Column in November, 1857 ; sent to accompany Colonels Shewill and Johnstone, of the Trigonometrical Survey, to the Maree Mountain on the Trans-Indus Frontier ; en- countered and repulsed the enemy. Rejoined ist Madras Fusiliers in February, 1858, in defence of the Alumbagh under Outram, and present at the capture of Lucknow ; in the Campaign of 1858 in Oude, in- cluding the passage of the Gomtee, and other minor affairs. Was Staff-Officer to a Field Column under Major Raikes, which repulsed the enemy at Shahpore on 13th October, 1858 (Medal with two Clasps) Address : — 5, Albert Villas, Clifton, Bristol. Harington, William Henry, son of — Harington, Esq.; born 21st April, 1833. Re-entered College, January, 1847. Heath, George Poynter, son of the Rev. Charles Heath, Hanworth, Norfolk; born 19th June, 1830. 4C — \M. Lamotte. Left June, 1845. Sub-Lieutenant Royal Navy, 1851 ; Lieutenant, 1854; Retired Commander, 1869; Commander, 1879. Is Portmaster of Brisbane, and Chairman of the Marine Board, Queensland. Address ; — Hanworth, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Hodgkinson, Francis Barker, son of Francis Hodgkinson, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 24th October, 1828. Day Boy. Humfrey, Henry William, son of Colonel John Hambley Humfrey, Cheltenham ; born 5th September, 1831. Day Boy. Hutchinson, John Heap, son of the Rev. William Hutchinson, Checkley Rectory, Cheadle ; born 19th August, 1833. Jones, Arthur Trefusis, son of Lieut. -Colonel Harry David Jones, R.E., Floraville, Donny- brook, Ireland; born nth August 1831. Lamb, Charles Edward, son of Henry Lamb, Esq., Kettering, Northamptonshire ; born 27th August, 1830. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge ; B.A., 1853; M.A. , 1863; ordained Deacon, 1853, and Priest, 1854. Chaplain to the Mayor of Boston, Lincolnshire, 1856-57 ; Lecturer at Boston, 1863. Vicar of St. Mary, Sheffield, 1866-77 ; Vicar of Beverley Minster with St. Martin and Tickton, and Perpetual Curate of St. John's Chapel, Beverley, 1879-80 ; Vicar of St. George's, Leeds, 1880-87 ; Chaplain of the Leeds General Infirmary, 1881-87 ; Rector of Heauton- Punchardon, Devonshire, 1887. Address ; — Heauton-Punchardon Rectory, Barn- staple. Law, Alexander Patrick, son of the Rev. Patrick C. Law, North Repps Rectory, Cromer, Nor- folk ; born 14th February, 1832. Law, Francis, son of the Rev. Francis Law, Samlesbury, Preston ; born 27th February, 1829. Lewis, Thomas Robert, son of Edward Lewis, Esq., Hertingfordbury Park, Hertford ; born 25th January, 1834. Macaulay, George Hayter, son of Captain J. S. Macaulay, R.E. ; born 6th December, 1830. Day Boy. Macaulay, John Jeremy, son of Captain J. S. Macaulay, R.E. ; born 15th August, 1826. Day Boy. Magee, William, son of the Rev. Thomas Percival Magee, Dublin ; born 13th January, 1828. 4C — 3C. Cumiingham. Trinity College, Dublin, 1847 ; B.A 1851. O’Callaghan, John, son of George O’Callaghan, Esq., Maryfort, Tulla, Co. Clare, Ireland ; born 3rd May, 1829. Bayly and Garrett. Ensign, 62nd Foot, 1847 ; Lieutenant, 1849 ; Captain, 1853; Retired, 1853. J.P. for Co. Clare, and Colonel 7th Brigade, South Irish Division, Royal Artillery (Clare Militia). Address : — Maryfort, Callaghan's Mills, County Clare. Parker. Joseph, son of the Rev. Joseph Timothy Parker, 21, Bedford Place, Kensington, London ; born 12th August, 1831. Lamotte. Paske, Theophilus, son of the Rev. Edward Paske, West Creeting, Suffolk ; born 6th March, 1829. Day Boy. Patch, John Barne, son of Frederick Owen Patch, Esq., Tiverton, Devon ; born 5th March, 1834. Phillipps, Reginald, son of James Phillipps, Esq., Bryngwyn, Herefordshire, born 14th January, 1831. Pomeroy, Robert Henry, son of the Honourable Henry Pomeroy, born i8th May, 1832. Day Boy. Scholarship, Trinity College, Cambridge, 1854 ; B.A. (39th Wrangler and i6th in 2nd Class Classical Tripos), 1855. Entered the Bengal Civil Service 1856. Was Assistant Magistrate at Azimghur, and died at Ghazepore, ist August, 1857, of illness brought on by fatigue and exposure during the suppression of the Indian Mutiny. Probyn, Charles Edward, son of Captain Thomas Probyn, 29, Montpellier Villas, Cheltenham; born 19th July, 1829. Day Boy. August, 1843.] PRINCIPAL; REV. A. PIIILLIP.S, D.D. 77 Probyn, Henry Prouse, son of Captain Thomas Probyn, 29, Montpellier Villas, Cheltenham; born 7th May, 1831. Day Boy. Thornewill, Thomas Edward, son of Edward Thornewill, Esq., Park Hill, 15urton-on-Trent ; born 1 8th August, 1834. Turton, Zouch, son of Captain Z. H. Turton, Bengal Army ; born 5th March, 1831. Day Boy. Re-entered College, Michaelmas, 1847. Was a Stockbroker in London. Died at Brighton, 30th November, 1886. Vaughan, Herbert, son of — Vaughan, Esq. ; born 3rd March, 1831. Ensign, 68th Foot, 1851 ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; Cap- tain, 1855 ; Retired, 1859. Served in the Crimean War in 1854-55, and was present at the battle of Alma and siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with clasp, and 5th Class Medjidie). Walker, Edmund, son of — Walker, Esq. ; born loth March, 1829. Addiscombe Military College (prizes : First Mathe- matical, First Hindustani, First French). 2nd Lieu- tenant, Bengal Engineers, 1848 ; ist Lieutenant, 1854. Died at Delhi during the Indian Mutiny, 13th July, 1857. Ware, Thomas Webb, son of Nathaniel Webb, Ware, Esq., Woodfort, Mallow, Co. Cork ; born 15th December, 1828. Address : — Woodfort, near Mallow, Co. Cork. Whaley, Charles Saunders, son of William S. Whaley, Esq., Llangfoist, Abergavenny ; born April, 1831. Williamson, Robert Reddall, son of Captain Alfred Archibald Williamson, 25th Bengal Native Infantry ; born 3rd August, 1828. —3d/. Day Boy. Cricket XL, 184 — Lieut. -Colonel, late Royal Monmouthshire Militia. Address ; — 8, Lansdown Parade, Cheltenham. Wood, John, son of William J. Wood, Esq., The Thrupp, near Stroud ; born 28th April, 1833. Cunnmgham and Lamotte. Wyndowe, Samuel Jardine, son of Captain Samuel Wyndowe, ist Dragoons ; born 3rd April, 1830. Day Boy. M.D. (King's College, Aberdeen), 18 — ; Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1854; Surgeon, Madras Army, 1854; Deputy-Surgeon-General (Re- tired), 1881. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign of 1857-59 (Medal). Address; — ii, Ladbrooke Square, Notting Hill, London, W. ENTERED MICHAELMAS, 1843. Barnett, James Lewis, son of the Rev. S. W. Barnett, Cheltenham ; born 31st January, 1834. Day Boy. Barnett, Samuel Whitehorne, son of the Rev. S. W. Barnett, Cheltenham ; born 28th March, 1833. Day Boy. Bond, J oshua Walter, son of — Bond, Esq. ; born 30th September, 1833. Boy. Bruce, Eyre Jonathan, son of the Rev. Jonathan Bruce, Springfort, Charlesville, Ireland ; born 20th August, 1829. Corbet, Walter Robert, son of Sir Andrew Vincent Corbet, Bart., Acton Reynald Hall, near Shrewsbury ; born 25th March, 1832. Ensign, 49th Foot, 1850 ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; Captain, 1855. Served with the 49th Regiment in the Crimean War in 1855, and was mortally wounded at the battle of Inkerman. Died at Marseilles, on his way home, 19th March, 1855. Cunningham, William, son of — Cunningham, Esq. ; born ist January, 1831. Day Boy. Elliott, Henry V., son of the Rev. Edward Bishop Elliott ; born 20th June, 1831. Day Boy. Fuller, Henry, son of Lieut-Colonel Francis Fuller, C.B., Cheltenham ; born loth Novem- ber, 1829. Day Boy. Fuller, John, son of Lieut-Colonel Francis Fuller, C.B., Cheltenham ; born 7th January, 1828. Day Boy. Green, Henry Cleveland, son of John Cleveland Green, Esq., Cheltenham ; born i8th July, 1829. Day Boy. Hailes, Charles Metcalfe, son of Major John Hailes, H.E.I.C.S. ; born 17th November, 1827. Day Boy. Havell, Charles John, son of Charles Havell, Esq., Reading ; born loth April, 1831. Hayes, Edward Roger Cooper, son of — Hayes, Esq. ; born 27th December, 1830. Day Boy. Ives, William Henry, son of — Ives, Esq. ; born 6th April, 1831. McGachen, Archibald Henry Hamsworth, son of John McGachen, Esq., Cheltenham; born 5th December, 1829. Day Boy. Assistant Purveyor, Commissariat Department, i860 : Assistant-Paymaster, Army Pay Department, 1870 ; Paymaster, 1878 ; Staff Paymaster (Honorary Major), 1882 ; Honorary Lieut-Colonel 1889. Roe, Robert James, son of Henry Roe, Esq., Killiney Castle, Dublin; born 21st February, 1833- Sisson, William John, son of John Sisson, Esq. ; born 13th September, 1828. Smith, Benjamin Trafand Staples, son of — Smith, Esq. ; born ist August, 1827. Day Boy. Thomas, Thomas Parry, son of Thomas Parry Thomas, Esq., Newcastle Emlyn ; born 4th July, 1831. Day Boy. Traherne, George Montgomery, son of the Rev. George Traherne, St. Hilary, Glamorgan- shire ; born 30th July, 1826. Brasenose College, Oxford, 1845; B.A. 1849; M.A. 1852. J. P. for Glamorganshire. Address : — Coedriglan Park, Cardiff. Truell, George Vesey, son of Robert Holt Truell, Esq., Dublin ; born ist May, 1831. Day Boy. Ensign, 28th Foot, 1848. Died loth March, 1849. 78 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1844. ENTERED JANUARY, 1844. Corbett, Richard J ohn, son of — Corbett, Esq. ; born 20th September, 1830. Evans, Edward James, son of Richard Weaver Evans, Esq., Leominster, Herefordshire ; born loth May, 1833. Feilden, Randle William, son of the Rev. Randle Henry Feilden, Bonchurch, Isle of Wight ; born 20th January, 1832. Died at Bonchurch, Isle of Wight, 21st April, 1858. Fitzmaurice, Maurice Henry, son of Lieut- General John Fitzmaurice, i, Berkeley Street, Cheltenham ; born 8th June, 1833. Day Boy. Left 1848. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1848. Royal Mili- tary Academy, Woolwich. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1852 ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; 2nd Captain, i860 ; Adjutant, 1860-65. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign of 1857-58, including the relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde, battle of Cawnpore, siege and capture of Lucknow, and relief of Azimghur under Lord Clyde (mentioned in despatches. Medal with two clasps). Died at Landour, East Indies, 3rd August, 1865. Franklen, Charles Richard, son of Richard Franklen, Esq., Cleminstone, Bridgend, Gla- morganshire; born 17th May, 1836. Glencross, J ames Scobell, son of Josiah Glen- cross, Esq., Devonport ; born i6th Decem- ber, 1828. Hall, Robert Wright, son of Richard Hall, Esq., Cirencester ; born loth August, 1829. Hamilton, Hans Frederick, son of John Hamil- ton, Esq., of Grove, near Dublin ; born 14th October, 1829. Balliol College, Oxford, 1849 ; B. A., 1852; M.A., 1856. Ordained Deacon, 1853, and Priest, 1856 Curate of Holy Trinity, Eastbourne, 1853-56; Rector of Langton Herring, Dorset, 1856-57 ; Vicar of Sid- mouth, Devon, 1857-61; Vicar of Combe St. Nicholas, Somerset, 1861-85 i Rector of Woodmansterne, Surrey, 1885. Address : — Woodmansterne Rectory, Epsom. Hornidge, John Pryce, son of William Hornidge, Esq., 7, Chapel Terrace, Kilburn, London ; born 6th February, 1828. Hurrell, William Cavendish, son of — Hurrell, Esq. ; born 14th July, 1826. James, Henry Alfred, son of William Henry James, Esq., Cheltenham ; born loth Novem- ber, 1827. 4C — iC. Day Boy. Left October, 1847 - Silver (Classical) Medallist, 1847. Head of Classi- cal Department, Christmas 1846 to June 1847. Joint Editor of "Tirocinia, or the Cheltenham Collegian," 1847. Trinity College and Queen’s College, Cambridge; B.A. (12th in 2nd Class Classical Tripos), 1851. Government Lectureship in Physics, Normal College, Cheltenham. Army Tutor. Address : — Fallowfield, St. Stephen's, Chelten- ham. Lloyd, Richard George Davis, son of Richard John Lloyd, Esq., Edmonstone House, Chel- tenham ; born 13th May, 1832. Day Boy. Mackenzie, Charles A., son of — Mackenzie, Esq. ; born 12th April, 1835. Day Boy. Morris, Francis Freeman, son of Edward Morris, Esq., St. Owen’s Street, Hereford ; born September, 1830. Newport, Christopher Edward, son of Maj’or Newport, H.E.I.C.S., 18, Crescent, Plymouth; born 9th August, 1834. Addiscombe Military College. 2nd Lieutenant, Bombay Artillery, 1854; Lieutenant, 1858 ; Captain, Royal Artillery, 1863 ; Major, 1872 ; Lieut-Colonel, 1878 ; Brevet-Colonel, 18823 Colonel (Retired), 1882. Served in the Persian Expedition, 1856-57, including the surrender of Bushire, and battle of Kooshab (Medal with clasp). Took part in the pursuit of Tantia Topee during the Indian Mutiny in 1858. Richards, Robert Edward, son of John Goddard Richards, Esq., Ardamine, Gorey, Co. Wex- ford ; born 2ist January, 1832. 7C — iC. Baxter. Left September, 1850. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1846. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1850 ; B.A. (44th Senior Optime, and 14th in 2nd Class Classical Tripos), 1854; M.A., 1857. Ordained Deacon, 1856, and Priest, 1857. Curate of Corfe Castle, Dorset, 1856-61 ; of Tor- Mohun, 1861-69 ; Corfe Castle, 1869-71. Principal of Fishponds Training College, near Bristol, since 1871. Address ; — The Training College, Fishponds, near Bristol. Ruxton, Arthur U pton F ox, son of Arthur Ruxton, Esq., I, Merrion Square East, Dublin ; born 17th May, 1832. Ensign, 66th Bc.ngal Native Infantry, 1849 ; Lieu- tenant, 1856 ; Captain, Bengal Staft Corps, 1861. Commanded the 3rd Punjab Native Infantry during the expedition in the North-West Frontier of India, and was killed in action near Kohat, nth March, 1868. Sprot, John, son of Mark Sprot, Esq., Riddell, near Selkirk; born 12th March, 1830. Ensign, 83rd Foot, 1848 ; Lieutenant, 1849 ; Cap- tain, T858 ; Major, January, 1867 ; on Half-Pay, September, 1867 ; appointed to 91st Foot, 1869 ; Lieut-Colonel, 1870 ; on Half- Pay, 1876 ; appointed to 31st Regimental District, 1877 ; on Half-Pay, 1882 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1875 ; Major-General, 1885 ; Lieut-General (Retired) 1887. Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-General, North Britain, 1876-77. Served with the Force under General Woodburn in the affair at Aurungabad during the Indian Mutiny in 1857 (Medal) ; afterwards served as acting Execu- tive Engineer of the Rajpootana Field Force, and received the commendation of General Roberts com- manding, and of the Bombay Government, for his "great energy and ability” in the construction of barracks for tire European troops at Neemuch. Is a J.P. for Ro.xburghshire. Address: — Riddell, Lilliesleaf, N.B. , and Upper- ton House, Eastbourne, Sussex. Sprot, Mark George, son of Mark Sprot, Esq., Riddell, near Selkirk ; born 6th August, 1831. Ensign, 93rd Highlanders, 1850 ; Lieutenant, 1852 ; Captain, 1854. Died at Villeneuve, Lake of Geneva, i6th September, 1858. Trevor-Roper, George Edward, son of Charles Blaney Trevor-Roper, Esq., Bias Teg, Mold ; born i6th April, 1831. Day Boy. Trevor-Roper, Richard Henry, son of Charles Blaney Trevor-Roper, Esq., Bias Teg, Mold ; born 28th September, 1834. Boy Day. Walker, Christian Henry James, son of Charles Walker, Esq., Ashford Court, Ludlow ; born I ith August, 1831 . Webster, Henry, son of James Webster, Esq., Hatherly Court, Cheltenham ; born Day Boy. Williams, Edleston Richard, son of Richard January, 1844.] PRINCIPAL: REV. A. PHILLIPS, D.U. 79 Williams, Esq., Aberystwith ; born 27th August, 1832. Magdalen Hall, Oxford, 1852 ; B.A., 1857. Ordained Deacon, 1858, and Priest, 1859. Curate of Uffington and Battlefield, 1858-60 ; of Smallwood, Staffordshire, 1860-62 ; Perpetual Curate of Small- wood since 1862. Address : — Smallwood Parsonage, Scholar Green, Stoke-on-Trent. Williams, Horatio Lloyd, son of Richard Williams, Esq., M.D., Aberystwith ; born 25th January, 1833. Williams, Rowland Thomas, son of the Rev Thomas Williams, Abergavenny ; born 23rd February, 1833. Wyatt, Lawrence Alexander, son of J ames W yatt. Esq., Cheltenham; born 5th January, 1837. Day Boy. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1850 ; Silver (Classical) Medallist, 1855. Scholarship, Trinity College, Cambridge, 1857; B.A. (St. Catherine’s College), 1859- ENTERED EASTER, 1844. Ashley, John, son of the Rev. John Ashley, Shire- hampton ; born nth April, 1833. Borrowes, Erasmus Dixon, son of the Rev. Sir Erasmus Dixon Borrowes, Bart., Lauragh, Queen’s County, Ireland ; born 19th April, 1831. Pritchard. Succeeded his father as 9th Baronet in 1866. Ensign, 97th Foot, 1850 ; Lieutenant and Adjutant, 80th Foot, 1853; Captain, 1859; Major, 1866; Retired, 1867. Served in the Burmese War of 1853 (Medal with clasp for Pegu) ; also in the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1858, including the affair at Hurra with the ist Sikh Cavalry, in the action at Morar Mow, capture of Simree Fort (wounded), and affair at Bussingpore (Medal). J. P. and D. L. and High Sheriff of Co. Kildare, 1873; High Sheriff of Queen's County, 1880. Address : — Barretstown Castle, Naas, Co. Kildare, and Kildare Street Club, Dublin. Burn, Charles William Montague, son of Captain William Burn, Dragoon Guards ; born 26th October, 1827. Day Boy. Campbell, James Duncan, son of Major Robert Campbell (of Craignish) 46th Regiment, Pakefield, Lowestoft ; born 9th February, 1833. 9C— iC Baxter. Left October, 1850. Cricket XI. 184 — Travelled and studied abroad (Paris, Hidelberg University, &c. ), 1851-55. Served in Secretary's Department of General Post Office, Treasury and Audit Office (competitive Examina- tions), 1856-62. Was Lieutenant of the Audit Office Company and Musketry Instructor of the Civil Service Volunteers, 1860-62. Was appointed Chief Secretary at the Inspectorate-General of Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs, Peking, 1862 ; and was detached, as Commissioner of Customs, to organize and superintend the London office of the Inspectorate- General, 1874. Acted as a Commissioner on the Chinese Commission for the Paris International Exhibition, 1878 ; and as the Executive Commissioner on the Chinese Commission for the London Inter- national Exhibitions : Fisheries, 1883 ; Health, 1884 ; and Inventions, 1885. Conducted the Peace Negotia- tions in Paris between China and France, and signed, as the Representative of the Chinese Government ad hoc, the Protocol of Peace of 4th April, 1885, pre- liminary to the Treaty signed at Tientsin on 9th June, 1885. Conducted the negotiations in Lisbon for a Treaty to be made between China and Portugal, and signed, as the Representative of the Chinese Government ad hoc, the Protocol of 27th March, 1887, preliminary to the Treaty to be concluded and signed at Peking. Was granted by Imperial Decrees the Red Button of the Second of the Nine Chinese Civil Ranks, 1882, and the Chinese Order of the Double Dragon, Second Division, Second Class, 1885. Was appointed an Officer of the Legion of Honour, 1878, and a Commander, 1885; also a C.M.G., 1885. Is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, etc. Address : — 18, Clanricarde Gardens, Hyde Park, London, W. Clements, Henry Upton, son of Theophilus Clements, Esq., Rathkenny, Stradone, Ire- land ; born 29th October, 1831. Died loth July, 1872. Clements, Theophilus Henry, son of Theophilus Clements, Esq., Rathkenny, Stradone, Ire- land ; born 15th October, 1830. J.P. and D.L. , and High Sheriff of Co. Cavan, 1857. Address : — Rathkenny, near Cootehill, Co. Cavan. Douglas, Archibald Philip, son of the Rev. Philip William Douglas ; born loth September, 1831. Fowler, Edward Willoughby, son of the Rev. Luke Fowler, Wellbrook, Freshford, Ireland ; born 6th August, 1831. 9C — 2AI. Lamotte. Left December, 1848. Cricket, XXII., 184 — Civil Engineer ; Land Agent for the Earl of Clancarty ; J. P. for Co. Galway. Address : — Cleaghmore, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway. Ireland ; Sackville Street Club, Dublin, and National Conservative Club, London, S.W. Grilby, Bentinck Duncan, son of the Rev. F. Duncan Gilby, Cheltenham; born 21st January, 1832. Day Boy. Ensign, 77th Foot, 1848; Lieutenant, 1852; Cap- tain and Major, 1854. Served in the Crimean War in 1854-55, and died in camp before Sebastopol, 23rd July, 1855. Hamilton, Thomas Rice, son of — Hamilton, Esq. ; born 6th September, 1827. Hamilton, William Claude Cole, son of Arthur William Cole Hamilton, Esq., Bettrim, Omagh, Ireland ; born 8th August, 1833. Lamb, James Abner, son of Henry Lamb, Esq., Kettering, Northamptonshire ; born 30th July, 1833. Lanauze, Alexander Curtis, son of Henry Lanauze, Esq., Dublin ; born 28th May, 1830. Mackenzie, Alexander, son of — Mackenzie, Esq. ; born 15th April, 1831. Day Boy. Robeson, Hemming, son of William Henry Robeson, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 2nd June, 1833- 9^” — iG. Day Boy and Jelfs. Left June, 1851. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1847 ; Silver (Classical) Medallist, 1851 ; Head of Classical Department, 1850-51. Scholarship, Balliol College, Oxford, 1851 ; ist Class Classical Moderations, 1853 ; 2nd Class Classical Final Schools, 1854. Chancellor's Prize for Latin Essay, 1856 ; B.A. 1855, M.A. 1856. Ordained Deacon 1857, and Priest 1858. Curate of Bray, Berk- shire, 1857-62 ; Vicar of Forthampton, Gloucester- shire, 1863-74 ; Vicar of Mildenhall, Suffolk, 1874-77; Vicar of Tewkesbury Abbey, Gloucestershire, 1877. and Vicar of Walton, Cardiff, 1877. Rural Dean of North Winchcombe, 1878 ; Canon of Bristol Cathe- 8o CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [Easter, 1844. dral, 1884. Elected a Triennial Member of the Council of Cheltenham College, 1884. President of Cheltonian Society, 1885-86. Address ; — The Abbey House, Tewkesbury. Williams, Thomas, son of the Rev. Thomas Williams, Archdeacon of Llandaff ; born ist May, 1834. Wood, Joseph, son of Joseph Wood, Esq., Tet- bury ; born 29th January, 1835. ENTERED AUGUST, 1844. Abell, Joseph Frederick, son of Joseph Abell, Esq., Mitcheldean ; born 14th May, 1829. Acton, William Molesworth Cole, son of William Acton, Esq., Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow ; born 29th December, 1828. Ensign, 77th Foot, 1850 ; Lieutenant, 1852 ; Captain, 1854 ; on Half-Pay, 1858 ; Brevet-Major, 1869 ; Major, 1878 ; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1877 ; Colonel (Retired), 1881. Served in the Crimean War of 1854-55, with the 77th Regiment, including the battles of Alma and Inkerman, and siege of Sebasto- pol (Medal with three clasps, 5th Class Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Beckton, Joseph, son of Joseph Beckton, Esq., Manchester; born i8th February, 1835. Beresford, George Robert, son of the Rev. J ohn Isaac Beresford, Macbiehill, Noblehouse, N.B. ; born 18th October, 1830. Ensign, 88th Foot, 1851; Lieutenant, 1854; Cap- tain, 1855; transferred to 7th Foot, 1857; Retired 1857. Served with the 88th Foot in the Crimean War, 1854-55, including the battles of Alma and Inker- man, and siege and fall of Sebastopol, attack on the Quarries, and attack on the Redan on the r8th June and 8th September, severely wounded (Medal with thiee clasps, Knight of the Legion of Honour, and Turkish Medal.) Died 6th April, 1871. Browne, Edward Francis, son of the Rev. John Browne, Cheltenham ; born 3rd N ovember 1835. Day Boy. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1854 ; appointed to 15th Bengal Native Infantry, 1855; Lieutenant, 1856; Captain, 1862 ; transferred to 35th Foot, 1863 ; Major, 1876; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1881. Served throughout the Indian Mutiny Campaign, including the outbreak at Nusseerabad, in May, 1857, siege and capture of Lucknow, and subsequent operations in Oude (Medal with clasp). Bubb, Edward, son of John Bubb, Esq , Chel- tenham; born 22nd October, 1833. Day Boy. Challinor, Charles, son of — Challinor, Esq., Leek, Staffordshire ; born . Dunsterville, Lionel D’Arcy, son of Lieut.-. Colonel James H. Dunsterville, 12, Crescent, Plymouth ; born 30th July, 1830. Ensign, Indian Army, 1846 ; appointed to 28th Bombay Native Infantry, 1847; Lieutenant, 1850; Captain, 1857 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1861 ; Major, 1866; Lieut. -Colonel, 1872; Brevet-Colonel, 1877 ; Major-General, 1888. Elliot, William Claude, son of Robert Kerr Elliott, Esq., Harwood, Roxburgh, N.B. ; born 19th February, 1835. Day Boy. Ensign, 9th Foot, 1854 ; Leiutenant, 1854 ; re- signed, 1857. Served in the Crimean War from i6th February, 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and assault on the batteries on the i8th June (Medal with clasp). J.P. for Ro.xburghshire. Address ; Harwood, Bonchester Bridge, Hawick, N.B. Fripp, Ernest Theophilus, son of James Fripp, Esq., Bristol; born i8th June, 1830. Fyler, Henry I’Anson, son of James C. Fyler, Esq., Hefiflieton, near Wareham, Dorset ; born 24th June, 1830. Died 1844. Gray, Edward Benjamin, son of William Gray, Esq., Bryngwyn, Monmouthshire ; born ist January, 1832. Exeter College, O.xford ; B.A. (4th Class Classical Final Schools), 1853; M.A., 1856; M.B., 1858; M.D. , 1861. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1856 (St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, London). Consulting Physician, Radcliffe Infirmary and Warne- ford Asylum, Oxford. Litchfield Lecturer in Clini- cal Medicine and Examiner in Medicine, University of Oxford, 1883. Contributed numerous Cases and Papers to “ Medical Times and Gazette," “ Lancet," and " Practitioner.” Address: 19, Beaumont Street, O.xford. Griffith, Thomas R., son of George Woolgar Griffith, Esq., H.E.I.C.S., Pantgwyn, Cardi- gan; born 3rd February, 1829. Hewett, Edward Osborne, son of Colonel John Hewett, R.M., Newbridge, Cardiff ; born 25th September, 1835. Cunningham. Royal Militaiy Academy, Woolwich, 1851-54. and Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1854; ist Lieu- tenant, 1854; Captain, i860; Major, 1872; Lieut.- Colonel, 1877; Colonel, 1881. C.M.G., 1883; Assis- tant Instructor in Military Surveying at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1861-62 ; Comman- dant, Royal Military College, Kingston, Canada, 1875-86; Colonel on Staff (Commanding Royal Engineers), Western District, 1886. Howard, Robert Boleyn, son of the Hon. and Rev. Francis Howard, Swords Vicarge, Co. Dublin ; born 15th June, 1829. Lieutenant, 2nd Royal Cheshire Militia. Died at Belfast, ist April, 1856.' Johnson, William Trench, son of the Rev. Evans Johnson, D.D., Newlands, Ferns, Ireland; born 7th August, 1833. Boyce. Scholarship, Trinity College, Dublin, 1853; 1st Class Responsions, 1854; Berkeley Gold Medallist, 185 ; B.A. , 1855. Dead. Lindsay, Colin, son of Colin Lindsay, Esq., Bengal Civil Service ; born 9th October, 1835. Day Boy. Lyle, Edward, son of Hugh Lyle, Esq., Cole- raine, Ireland; born 27th April, 1830. Mackenzie, Henry George, son of — Mac- kenzie, Esq.; born 6th September, 1833. Day Boy. Martindale, Charles William, son of Charles William Martindale, Esq., Harston, Cam- bridgeshire ; born loth December, 1831. Murphy, Edward Cavanagh, son of W^illiam Murphy, Esq., M.D., 84, South Mall, Cork; born 1 1 th January, 1836. Mytton, Frederick Colvin, son of Richard Her- bert Mytton, Esq., Garth, Welshpool ; born 13th Novemlaer, 1835. Addiscombe Military College. 2nd Lieutenant, Bombay Engineers, 1854; ist Lieutenant, 1858; Captain, Royal Engineers, 1864 ; Retired, 1868. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1857- 58, and took part in the actions of Sindwaho and Kurai (Medal). Died 31st May, 1888. Phinn, Charles Percival, son of Thomas Phinn, Esq., Bath ; born 21st February, 1829. iC. Day Boy. August, 1844.] PRINCIPAL; REV. A. PHILLIPS, I). I). 81 Head of Classical Department, June, 1845; Exhi- bition, Balliol College, Oxford, 1846; B.A. (ist Class Classical Final Schools), 1850. Ordained Deacon, 1852, and Priest, 1853 ; Curate of St. Mary, Mel- combe Regis, 1852-53; of St. James, Bristol, 1853- 56; Perpetual Curate of Coxley, Somerset, 1856-57; Rector of All Saints, Chichester, 1861-62 ; of St. Pancras, Chichester, 1857-64 ; Rector of Long Crichel with Moor Crichel, Dorsetshire, 1864-85 ; Rural Dean of Pimperne Deanery, 2nd Portion, 1872-85. Author of “Sarum and Brechin," 1868; “ Salvation Past, Present, and Future,” 1883. Address : Care of National Provincial Bank of England, Baker Street, London, W. Place, Bosville, son of Thomas Hubert Place, Esq., Skelton Grange, near York ; born 19th September, 1834. Place, Edward Gordon, son of Thomas Herbert Place, Esq., Skelton Grange, near York ; born 2nd July, 1827. Pratt, Edward Haslope, son of George Isaac Pratt, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 25th Novem- ber, 1825. Day Boy. Pembroke College, Oxford, 1853; B.A., 1859. Pratt, Frederick Mantell. son of George T. Pratt, Esq. ; born 3rd August, 1837. ii C. — 5C'. Day Boy. Civil Engineer ; Associate Member of the Institu- tion of Civil Engineers, September, 1853. Address : ii, St. George's Street, Canterbury. Pullan, Ayrton, son of the Rev. W. B. Pullan; born 31st March, 1836. — i C. Day Boy. Left 1854. Cricket XXII., 185 . Ensign, 36th Bengal Native Infantry, 1856 ; Lieutenant, 1856 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1861; Captain, 18^68; Major, 1876; Lieut. -Colonel, 1882; Colonel, 1886. Served with the 4th Sikh Infantry in the Indian Mutiny Cam- paign in 1857-58, and was present at the siege of Delhi, the investment of Calpee, defence of Bansee, assault and capture of Paina, actions near Toolsee- pore, the Raptee and Bulrampore, twice wounded and horse wounded (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Has five times gained the Governor- General's Prize for "Water-Colour Painting, besides many other prizes at various Indian Exhibitions, and in 1882 had a picture in the Royal Scottish Academy. Ro'wley, "William, son of the Rev. John Rowley, LL.D., Lurgan Glebe, Virginia, Cavan, Ire- land ; born 19th May, 1832. Ruxton, George Rawdon, son of Arthur Ruxton, Esq., Merrion Square, Dublin ; born 25th August, 1835. Shattock, John East, son of — Shattock, Esq.; born 1 2th April, 1836. Day Boy. Stowe, Henry John Dayrell, son of William Stowe, Esq., Buckingham ; born 6th August, 1832. Townsend, Adam N., son of — Townsend, Esq. : born i8lh May, 1833. Day Boy. Townsend, Richard Newman, son of — Towns- end, Esq. ; born 4th August, 1835. Day Boy. Townsend, Thomas, son of — Townsend, Esq.; born 3rd September, 1831. Day Boy. Townshend, Charles William, son of Horatio Townshend, Esq., Woodville, Cork ; born 3rd August, 1833. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1851 ; ist Lieu- tenant, 1854. Died at Jersey, 9th April, 1858. Vaughan, Edward Percival, son of Lieut. - Colonel Herbert Vaughan, Llangoedmore Place, near Cardigan ; born loth July, 1832. Wilson, Sumner, son of the Rev. William Wil- son, D.D., Canon of Winchester ; born 23rd April, 1831. Christ Church, Oxford, 1849; B.A., 1853; M.A., i860. Ordained Deacon, 1855, and Priest, 1856. Curate of Nately-Scures, Hants, 185 ; of Durley, Hants, 185 ; Vicar of Preston-Candover with Nutley, Hants, since 1862. Address : Preston-Candover Vicarage, Basing- stoke. Wright, Edward, son of Edward Welchman Wright, Esq., M.D., Shipton-on-Stour ; born 24th December, 1829. Wright, John Abraham, son of Edward Welch- man Wright, Esq., M.D., Shipton-on-Stour; born, 7th June, 1828. Ensign, 39th Madras Native Infantry, 1847. Died at Coimbatore, East Indies, ist December, 1847. Young, William Henry, son of the Rev. James Young, Heathfield Vicarage, Hurst Green, Sussex; born 1 5th February, 1831. 4C’. — iC Pritchard and Boyce. Left September, 1849. Cricket XL, 1848-49. E.xhibition, Pembroke College, Oxford, 1850; B.A. (4th Class Classical Final Schools), 1853; M.A. , 1857. Ordained Deacon, 1858 ; and Priest, i860. Curate of Little Milton, Oxford, 1858-60 ; of Great Milton, Oxford, i860 ; of Benson, Oxford, 1860-63; Curate-in -Charge of Sun- ingwell, Berkshire, 1863-66 ; of Oving, Bucking- hamshire, 1866-72 ; Vicar of North Moreton, Oxford, 1873. Address; North Moreton Vicarage, Wallingford. ENTERED MICHAELMAS, 1844. Acton, Charles (afterwards Ball-Acton), son of Colonel William Acton, M.P., West Aston, Rathdrum, Ireland; born 17th December, 1830. Pritchard and Garrett. Left 1849. Previously at Rugby School (February, 1842—. Ensign, 51st Foot, 1851 ; Lieutenant, 1854; Captain, 1856 ; Major, 1865 ; Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, 1874 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1879 ; Lieut. -Colonel, South York- shire Regiment, 1880 ; on Half-Pay, 1885 ; Com- manding Regimental District, 1886 ; Retired, 1887. Passed Staff College, 1862. Served with the 51st Light Infantry in Burmah, from February, 1853 to the end of the war, and was present with Captain Irby's detachment of four companies with Brigadier- General Cheape's Force, during the whole of the successful operations in the Donabew District, end- ing in the assault and capture, on the 19th March, 1853, of the stronghold of the Burmese Chief Myat- toon (Medal with clasp for Pegu). Served with the 51st Light Infantry throughout the Afghan War of 1878-80, during the latter part of the war in com- mand of the regiment, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid (mentioned in despatches, C.D.. Medal with clasp). Address : Care of Messrs. Holt and Lawrie, 17, Whitehall Place, London, S.W. Acton, Thomas, son of Colonel William Acton, M.P., West Aston, Rathdrum, Ireland; born February, 1826. J. P. and High Sheriff of Co. Wicklow, 1857. Address ; Kilmacurragh, Rothdrum, Co. Wick- low. Bartleet, George Augustus, son of Charles Bart- leet. Esq., Redditch ; born 29th August, 1834. Geale, Henry, son of Piers Geale, Esq., Mount- M 82 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [Michaelmas, 1844. joy Square, Dublin ; born 7th December, 1829. Died 1845. Hooper, William Henry, son of Henry Hooper, Esq., M.D., Cheltenham ; born iith Novem- ber, 1831. Day Boy. Metge, William Frederick, son of — Metge, Esq. ; born 12th August, 1829. Stanford, Bedell Henry, son of Bedell Stan- ford, Esq., Rodney Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 27th March, 1832. Day Boy. Stanford, Walter F., son of Bedell Stanford, Esq., Rodney Lodge, Cheltenham; born 6th March, 1834. Vibart, George Forbes, son of John Vibart, Esq., H.E.I.C.S. ; born 30th May, 1829. Day Boy. Vyvyan, Thomas Grenfell, son of — Vyvyan, Esq. ; born 13th January, 1837. Previously at Shrewsbury School. Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge ; B.A. (9th Wrangler), 1859; M,A. , 1862; Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, i860. Ordained Deacon, i860, and Priest, 1861. Mathematical Master of Charterhouse School. Editor of ' ' Goodwin's Problems and Examples in Mathematics, with Solutions," 1863 ; Author of “ Elementary Analytical Geometry," 1867. Address : Charterhouse School, Godaiming, Surrey. White, Richard, son of Thomas White, Esq., H.E.I.C.S. ; born 8th October, 1829. Day Boy. Bombay Civil Service, 1849 ; Third Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Ahmednuggur, 1850 ; Assistant to Judge and Session Judge, Poona, and Agent for Sirdahs, Deccan, 1854 ; Senior Assistant Judge, and Session Judge, Surat, 1861. Judge, North Canara, 1862; Judge and Session Judge, Poona, 1869. Died in India, 15th May, 1872. ENTERED JANUARY, 1845. Aylmer, Justin John, son of the Rev. William Josiah Aylmer, Donadea, Ireland ; born I ith August, 1831. Aylmer, William Henry, son of the Rev. Wil- liam Josiah Aylmer, Donadea, Ireland; born 22nd August, 1833. Betty, J oshua F rederick, son of the Rev. William Betty, Rutland Square, Dublin ; born 19th August, 1833. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. 2nd Lieu- tenant, Royal Artillery, 1852; Lieutenant, 1854; Captain, i860; Major, 1872; Lieut.-Colonel, 1878; Colonel, 1882 ; Retired, 1888. Chief Instructor, School of Gunnery, 1880-85. Served in the New Zealand War in 1864-66, including the Waikato Campaign, and action at Orakau, in command of a battery (mentioned in despatches) ; also during the Wanganui Campaign, and commanded the field- guns in action on the Patea River, in March, 1865 ; and in other skirmishes on the Wanganui coast, and present at the attack and defeat of the natives at Kaitaki (Medal). Carthew, Morden (afterwards Carthew-Yors- toun), son of Major-General Morden Car- thew, H.E.I.C.S.; born 21st June, 1832. Day Boy. Ensign, Madras Army, 1848 ; appointed to 26th Madras Native Infantry, 1849; Lieutenant, 1851; Captain, Madras Staff Corps, 1861 ; Retired, 1862. Address : East Tinwald, Dumfrieshire, N. B. Christian, Samuel, son of Samuel Christian, Esq., Rose Hill, Knaresborough ; born . Day Boy. Cooper, Robert J., son of the Rev. Robert J. Cooper, Gloucester; born 12th April, 1830. Daubeny, Alfred Goodlad, son of the Rev. Andrew A. Daubeny, Redland Lodge, Bristol ; born 28th May, 1834. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Ensign, 90th Foot, 1852 ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; Adjutant, 1855 ; Captain, 1855 ; transferred to 7th Foot, 1857 ; Major, 1869; Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, 1877; Lieut.- Colonel, 1878. Served with the 90th Light Infantry in the Crimean War, from 21st November, 1854 to 23rd July, 1856, and was present at the siege of Sebastopol, including the capture of the Quarries on 7th June, 1855, and the assaults on the Redan on the i8th June and 8th September, on which latter occa- sion he formed one of the storming party (Medal with clasp and Turkish Medal). Served during the Afghan War of 1880 in command of the 2nd Battalion 7th Fusiliers ; commanded the force detailed for the burial of the dead on the field of Maiwand, and was in temporary command of the 2nd Infantry Brigade during the siege of Kandahar ; led the assaulting party in the sortie from Kandahar on the village of Deh Kojah on i6th August, and commanded a brigade at the battle of Kandahar on ist September. His gallant conduct was frequently brought to notice in de- spatches, and by his services he became entitled to the Afghan War Medal with clasp for Kandahar, and the Medal was issued to his widow. He died of small-pox, at Kandahar, on 21st November, 1880. Feilden, Oswald Barton, son of Joseph Feilden, Esq., Wilton House, near Blackburn ; born 30th May, 1832. Head of Modern, June, 1850. Ensign, 72nd Highlanders, 1850 ; Lieutenant, 1853 ; Captain, 1855 ; transferred to 78th Highlanders, 1858 ; Major, 1866; Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, 1876; Retired, 1877. Served with the 72nd Highlanders in the Crimean War, from the i6th July, 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol. (Medal with clasp, and Turkish Medal). Ford, St. Clair, son of Sir Francis Ford, Bart, Charlton Kings; born 6th January, 1830. Day Boy. Ensign, 14th Bombay Native Infantry, 1847 ; Lieutenant, 1849 ; Captain, Bombay Staff Corps, 1859 ; Retired, 1863. Graham, Charles Steuart, son of Lieut.-Colonel William Graham, Mossknow, Carlisle ; born 22nd March, 1835. Day Boy. Went to Queensland, Australia, in May, 1853, and died at Rockhampton, Queensland, 5th December, 1883. Graham, John Gordon, son of Lieut.-Colonel William Graham, Mossknow, Carlisle; born nth July, 1833. Day Boy and La 7 notte. Left 1848. Ensign, 88th Connaught Rangers, June, 1855 ; Cornet, ist Dragoons, July, 1855: Lieutenant, 1856; Captain, 1868; Major, 1872; Lieut.-Colonel, 1876 ; on Half-Pay, 1881 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1881 ; Major General (Retired), 1886. Was Aide-de-Camp to the Governor of Bombay, 1867-70. Address : Wyseby Hill, Ecclefechan, N. B. Graham, William Mair, son of Lieut.-Colonel William Graham, Mossknow, Carlisle ; born 2ist May, 1832. Day Boy. Address: Mossknow, near Ecclefechan, N. B. Griffith, Cliarles Matthew, son of Colonel Julius G. Griffith, Bombay, Artillery; born 19th October, 1834. January, 1845.] I'RINCirAL: REV. A. PHILLIPS, D.D. «3 Ensign, ist Bombay Native Infantry, 1854 ; Lieu- tenant, 1856 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1862 ; Captain, 1866 ; Brevet-Major, 1868 ; Major, 1874 ; Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, 1877; Lieut. -Colonel, 1880; Brevet Colonel, 1884; Major General (Retired), 1885. Organized and commanded the A Division Transport Train attached to the ist Brigade, ist Division, of the Abyssinian Expeditionary Force, in 1867 ; commanded the party furnished with stretch- ers for the removal of the wounded from the field of action, on the loth and 13th April, 1868, at Arogee and Magdala ; mentioned in despatches as having "distinguished himself by his zeal and activity," and as "deserving of special notice” (Brevet of Major, and Medal), Served in the Afghan War of 1879-80, and was present in the defence of Kandahar (mentioned in despatches), and at the battle of Kandahar (Medal with clasp). Griffith, Julius George Thomas, son of Colonel Julius G. Griffith, Bombay Artillery ; born 26th January, 1833. Addiscombe Military College. 2nd Lieutenant, Bombay Engineers, 1852 ; ist Lieutenant, 1854 ; 2nd Captain, 1858 ; Captain, Royal Engineers, 1864 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1871. Died at Bombay, 3rd April, 1874. Harrison, Richard, son of Benson Harrison, Esq., Ambleside, Westmoreland ; born 25th September, 1832. Day Boy. Died 3rd January, 1859. Hart, Wilkinson, son of Henry Francis Hart, Esq., Barbadoes ; born 8th November, 1829. Hill, Francis Charles, son of Colonel Hugh Hill ; born ist August, 1835. Ensign, 56th Foot, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; Captain, i860; Major, 1871; Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, 1877 ; Lieut. -Colonel, Essex Regiment, 1878 ; Colonel, 1881 ; Commandant, Royal Hibernian Military School, 1882. Landed with the 56th Regi- ment in the Crimea on the 25th August, 1855, served in the trenches at the siege of Sebastopol, and was present at the final assault (Medal with clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served also in India during the Mutiny, in 1858. Hill, Peter Edward, son of Colonel Hugh Hill, born 7th June, 1834. Second Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1853; ist Lieu- tenant, 1854 ; Captain, i860 ; Major, 1872 ; Lieut.- Colonel, 1879 ; Colonel, 1883. Retired, 1889. Com- manding Auxiliary Artillery, Western District, 1881-84. Colonel on Staff, and Commanding Royal Artillery in Canada, 1884. Served throughout the Crimean Campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Balaklava and Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebas- topol (Medal with three clasps, 5th Class Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served in North-West of India under Sir John Michel, during the Indian Mutiny, in 1858-59 (Medal). Served in the Afghan War of 1878-79 (mentioned in despatches. Medal.) Hurd, John A., son of the Rev. John Hurd, Stow-on-the-Wold ; born22nd January, 1832. Kirkland, Nugent, son of N. Kirkland, Esq., Bombay Civil Service ; born 4th March, 1 830. Day Boy. Meara, Edward Spencer, son of George Meara, Esq., May Park, Waterford, Ireland ; born 9th June, 1830. Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Navy, 1851 ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; Commander, 1863 ; Captain (Retired), 1873. Died 1886. Meara, George E. J., son of George Meara, Esq., May Park, Waterford, Ireland ; born I ith May, 1829. Money, William S., son of the Rev. Charles J. Money ; born 20th September, 1832. Plenderleath, William Charles, son of Lieut. - Colonel Charles Plenderleath, C.B., Clifton, Bristol; born 2nd June, 1831. 4C. — \C. Turnbjill and Day Boy. Left Easter, 1848. Wadham College, Oxford, 1849; B.A. (4th Class Mathematical Final Schools), 1852; M.A. , 1855; ad eundem gradum, M.A. , Cambridge, 1865. Or- dained Deacon, 1855, and Priest, 1856. Curate of Bedminster, Somerset, 1855-57 ; of Frodsham, Cheshire, 1857-60 ; Rector of Cherhill, Wiltshire, i860. Joint Editor of " Tirocinia, or the Cheltenham Collegian," 1847. Author of " The Parish Priest's Visiting List, with Remarks on Parochial Visitation," 1858; "Obstacles to Catholic Reunion," 1875; "Papers on the White Horses of Wiltshire”; " Curiosities of Parochial Registration," etc., in the Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine. Address ; Cherhill Rectory, Caine. Scott, Thomas Lucas, son of Major Thomas Scott, Willsborough, Londonderry, Ireland ; born 25 th August, 1834. Trinity College, Dublin ; B.A. (Junior Moderator, Mathematics, and Archbishop King’s Second Divi- nity Prize), 1857 ; Divinity Testamur, 1858; M.A. , 1862. Ordained Deacon, 1858, and Priest, 1859 ; Curate of Carbery, Co. Kildare, 1858-59 ; of Tam- laght Finlagan, Co. Derry, 1859-62; Perpetual Curate of Carrick, 1862-65; Templemore, 1865- 71 ; Incumbent of St. Augustine's, Derry, 1871-77 ; Lower Moville, Co. Donegal, 1877-83 ; Chaplain to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1881-86; Incum- bent of St. George, Dublin, since 1883 ; Select Preacher, University of Dublin, 1884-85; Pi'eben- dary of Tassagard, and Canon of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, 1888. Address : 64, Eccles Street, Dublin. Sewell, Augustus, son of John Sewell, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 29th April, 1829. Sewell, Henry, son of John Sewell, Esq., Chel- tenham ; born 12th April, 1828. Sewell, John, son of John Sewell, Esq., Chel- tenham; born 19th November, 1833. Smith, Edward B. P., son of the Rev. Robert Smith, Cheltenham; born 15th September, 1832. Day Boy. Vivian, Gerald Bentick, son of — Vivian, Esq. ; born 20th September, 1835. Day Boy. White, Benjamin N., son of Thomas S. White, Esq., Denmark Hill, near London; born 7th March, 1836. 523 Boys entered during Dr. Phillips’ Principalship. Principal ; REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. ENTERED EASTER, 1845. Green, James Matthew, son of Thomas Mur- dock Green, Esq., Ahadoe, Killeagh, Cork, Ireland; born 24th July, 1834. Mecham, Clifford Henry, son of Captain George Mecham, Baja House, St. Heliers, Jersey ; born 24th November, 1831. Day Boy. Shewell, Edward L., son of Edward W. Shewell, Esq., Royal Crescent, Cheltenham; born — . Day Boy. 84 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1845. ENTERED AUGUST, 1845. Babington, Thomas Francis, son of — Babing- ton. Esq. ; born December, 1837. Day Boy. Brandt, Alfred, son of the Rev. Alfred Brandt, Aldford Rectory, near Chester ; born 7th January, 1835. Brooke, Thomas, son of Thomas Brooke, Esq., Northgate House, Huddersfield ; born 31st May, 1830. 3C. — iC. SoutJnvood. Left 1847. J.P. for West Riding, Yorkshire; Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries ; and a Director, London and North Western Railway Company. Address : Armitage Bridge, Huddersfield. Cardew, Henry, son of Captain Cardew, R.E., born 1 2th October, 1833. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich ; 2nd Lieu- tenant, Royal Artillery, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; Captain, i860 ; Major, 1872 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1878 ; Colonel, 1882 ; Major-General (Retired), 1883. In- structor in Fortification,' Royal Military College, 1862-70; Garrison Instructor, Eastern District, 1870- 71 ; Commanding Auxiliary Artillery, Southern District, 1881-83. Served in the Crimean Campaign from September, 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol. (Medal with clasp and Turkish Medal). Address : 13, Leyland Road, Lee, Kent. Colledge, George Wellstead, son of Thomas Richardson Colledge, Esq., M.D., Lauriston House, Cheltenham; born ist February, 1834. Day Boy H. E.I. College, Haileybury. Bengal Civil Ser- jVice, 1853; Assistant Under-Commissioner of Re- venue, Meerut Division, 1855-58 ; Assistant to Magistrate and Collector, Seharumpore, 1858 ; Joint Magistrate and Deputy Collector, 2nd Grade, Goruckpore, 1859 ; and at Boolundshuhur, i860. Joint Magistrate and Deputy Collector, ist Grade, • , Boolundshuhur, 1863. Died in India, 7th October, 1863. Davis, John, son of John Dayis, Esq., The Park, Rathfarnham, Ireland; born 27th April, 1832. Ensign, 35th Foot, 1852; Lieutenant, 1854; Cap- tain, 1859 ; transferred to 37th Foot, i860 ; Major, 1866; Lieut. -Colonel, 1868; transferred to 20th Foot, 1873 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1873 ; on Half- Pay, 1880 ; Major-General, 1883. Colonel on Staff, South Eastern District, Shornclifte, 1881-83 ; Brigadier-General, Egypt, 1884-86 ; Major-General, Malta, 1886-87 I Major-General, Dublin District, 1888. Served with the 35th Regiment in the Shahabad district during the Indian Mutiny Campaign, in 1858-59 (Medal). Served in the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham, in 1884, in command of the 2nd Infantry Brigade, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (several times mentioned in des- patches, C.B., Medal with clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan Campaign in 1885 (clasp). Davis, William Horn, son of John Davis, Esq., The Park, Rathfarnham, Ireland ; born 20th January, 1831. Cornet, 4th Light Dragoons, 1856 ; Lieutenant, 1858 ; Captain, 4th Hussars, i860 ; Retired, 1864. Devere'UX, John Daly, son of the Rev. Nicholas Devereux, Ematris, Clogher, Ireland ; born 1 2th June, 1834. Trinity College, Dublin; B.A., 1856; called to the Irish Bar, i860. J.P. for Co. Wexford; late Captain, Wexford Militia. Address ; Ballyrankin House, Ferns, Co. Wex- ford. Fetherstonhaugh, Alfred William, son of Cuth- bert Fetherstonhaugh, Esq., Frankfort, Ger- many ; born 1 2th J anuary, 1 832. Gayer, Robert, son of the Rev. Charles Gayer, Dingle, Kerry, Ireland; born 2nd January, 1834. George, Walter de Wheelock, son of the Rev. William George, Cherrington, near Stroud ; born 27th August, 1834. JagO, John Darell, son of Captain Darell Jago, R.A., Plymouth; born 6th November, 1830. King, Edwin John, son of John King, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 28th October, 1832. Lewes, Charles Edward, son of Captain Charles James Lewes, Bengal Army, Tenby; born 1 8th October, 1831. 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Artillery, 1851 ; ist Lieutenant, 1857 ; Served in the Burmese War in 1852-53 (Medal) ; and in the Indian Mutiny Cam- paign in 1857, during which he died at Simla, 17th November, 1857. Monro, Hector F., son of — Monro, Esq. ; born 19th February, 1836. Day Boy. Murray, William George, son of — Murray, Esq. ; born loth March, 1835. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1855 ; Lieutenant, 1857 ; Captain, Bengal Staff Corps, 1867 ; Major, 1876 ; Retired, 1882. Newall, Thomas Prothero, son of Commander David Rae Newall, H.E.I.C.S., Glenlee Lodge, Cheltenham ; born — . Day Boy and Ttirnbull. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Marine Light Infantry, 1854 ; ist Lieutenant, 1855 ; Captain, 1864. Died at Ryde, Isle of Wight, 6th January, 1872. Newall, William Edward, son of Commander David Rae Newall, H.E.I.C.S., Glenlee Lodge, Cheltenham; born 19th July, 1834. Day Boy. Ensign, 92nd Highlanders, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1855; Captain, 1857; exchanged to 8th Foot, 1859 ; retired, 1861. Was Adjutant, 3rd West York Rifle Volunteers. Died 29th July, 1870. Roberts, Erasmus Coryton, son of John Cory- ton Roberts, Esq., Treval, Torpoint, Corn- wall ; born 9th May, 1832. Queen's College, Oxford, 1851 ; B.A., 1855 ; M.A., i860 ; J.P. and D.L. for Cornwall. Address : Carbeale, Cornwall. Rowan, James Hill, son of Hill Willson Rowan, Esq., Hillsborough, Down, Ireland ; born 13th April, 1831. Stacpoole, Andrew, son of Andrew Stacpoole, Esq., Ballyalla, Ireland ; born 17th Febru- ary, 1832. Died 1862. Stacpoole, William, son of Andrew Stacpoole, Esq., Ballyalla, Ireland ; born 9th October, 1830. Trinity College, Dublin. Captain, Clare Militia, 1855-65 ; M. P. for Ennis, 1860-79 I J.P. for Co, Clare. President of Cheltonian Society, 1873-74. Died at Chelsea, London, loth July, 1879. Stevenson, Roderick George Thomas, son of Lieut.-Colonel Stevenson, Bombay Horse Artillery ; born 6th April, 1835. Day Boy. Cornet, 2nd Bombay Light Cavalry (Poona Horse), 1855 ; Lieutenant, 1857 ; Captain, 3rd Bombay Light Cavalry, 1862 ; Major, 1873 ; Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, 1880. Served during the Indian Mutiny in 1858-59, and was present at the action of Nimbhaira, the siege of Neemuch, the capture of Kotah, and with the force under Sir John Michell, K.C. B. , in Central India (Medal August, 1845. PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 85 with clasp.) Served in the Afghan War in 1879- 80, and died of pleuro-pneumonia, at Quetta, on 25th April, i88o. Stevenson, Russell Alexander, son of Lieut.- Colonel Stevenson, Bombay Horse Artillery ; born 25th February, 1834. Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant, Bombay Artillery, 1852 ; ist Lieutenant, 1858; 2nd Captain, 1861; Captain, Royal Artillery, 1866; Major, 1872; Lieut. -Colonel, 1877 ; Retired, 1882. Served in the suppression of the Indian Mutiny in 1857-58 ; including pursuit of the rebels through Rajpootana, actions of Sagunear and Bunnass, and skirmish near Koosana, in com- mand of Camel Corps (Medal). Swan, Joseph, son of William Swan, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 19th December, 1830. Day Boy. Swan, Thomas Percival, son of William Swan, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 13th February, 1834. Day Boy. Died 1864. Swiney, John Downing, son of John Swiney, Esq., M.D., Westal House, Cheltenliam ; born 1 8th February, 1836. Day Boy. Addiscombe Military College. 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Engineers, 1855 ; Adjutant, Sappers and Miners, 1857; ist Lieutenant, 1858. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign, 1858, and was recom- mended for the VictoriaCross by Sir Hugh Rose. Died at Nagpore, East Indies, 25th September, 1864. Sykes, Henry R., son of Joseph Sykes, Esq., Raywell, near Hull; born 6th February, 1832. Day Boy. Taylor, Ransford, son of William Ransford Taylor, Esq., Cheltenham; born 28th August, 1830. Day Boy. Walker, William Spencer, son of the Hon. Henry Walker, The Castle, Durrow, Ireland ; born 22nd March, 1830. Wheeley, John Griffith, son of Robert Wheeley, Esq., Llanfoist House, Abergavenny ; born 17th June, 1833. ENTERED MICHAELMAS, 1845. Arnold, Henry Goodall, son of the Rev. Henry Hamilton Arnold, Cheltenham ; born 25th August, 1834. Day Boy. Burnes, Fitzjames Holmes, son of Dr. Burnes, Medical Staff, Bombay ; born 6th September, 1831. Day Boy. Hughes, Arthur, son of — Hughes, Esq. ; born 2nd September, 1830. Day Boy. Mason, George R., son of — Mason, Esq. ; born 1st December, 1829. Moore, Richard, son of — Moore, Esq. ; born 2 1 St October, 1831. Owen, John Maurice Dorset, son of George Dorset Owen, Esq., Oswestry ; born 23rd October, 1827. iC— iC Garrett. Left 1846. Silver (Classical) Medallist, 1846 ; Head of Classi- cal Department, 1846 ; Brasenose College, Oxford, 1846 ; B.A. (and Class Classical Final Schools), 1850; M.A. , 1853; Curate of Martham, Norfolk; Official of Archdeacon of Norwich ; Vicar of Hin- dringham, Norfolk, 1860-77; Vicar of Holy Trinity, Haberghan Eaves, 1877. Address ; Trinity Vicarage, Habergham Eaves, Burnley. PuUan, Edward Seaton, son of — Pullan, Esq. ; born 1 6th December, 1836. Day Boy. London University. Died in 1868 on his way home from Australia. Radcliffe, Arthur Reginald St. Clair, son of Sir Joseph Radcliffe, Bart., Rudding Park, Knaresborough ; born 9th November, 1830. — zM. Lamotte. Left 1849. Cricket, XXII. Address : Stackhouse, Settle, Yorkshire. Radcliffe, Charles John, son of Sir Joseph Rad- cliffe, Bart., Rudding Park, Knaresborough ; born 23rd September, 1829. Address: Stainley Hall, Ripon. Radcliffe, Godfrey Edward Allister, son of Sir Joseph Radcliffe, Bart., Ruuding Park, Knaresborough ; born 27th June, 1832. Address ; Dan-y-Graig, near Grosmont, Mon- mouthshire. Reed, Robert Baynes, son of B. Reed, Esq., M.D., Exeter ; born 23rd November, 1837. Day Boy. Subsequently at Marlborough College (February, 1851 — Easter, 1855). Ensign, 12th Foot, 1859; Lieut- tenant, 1862 ; Instructor of Musketry, 1867-72 ; Captain, 1872 ; Deputy-Assistant-General for Mus- ketry, Bengal, 1873-79. Whilst proceeding to join his regiment on active service in Afghanistan, died of cholera at Lundi Kotal, Khyber Pass, on 24th June, 1879. He became entitled to the Afghan War Medal, which was forwarded to his widow. Ripley, John William, son of the Rev. Thomas Hyde Ripley, Wootton Bassett; born 15th April, 1835. Robertson, Colin Alexander, son of Andrew Robertson, Esq., Madras Civil Service ; born — . Ensign, 29th Bengal Native Infantry, 1851 ; Lieutenant, 1852. Killed at Mohumdee, Oude, during the Indian Mutiny, on 10th June, 1857. ENTERED JANUARY, 1846. Anstey, George, son of the Rev. George R. Anstey, Cheltenham ; born 19th August, 1835. Day Boy. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1849. Aylmer, Fitzgerald George, son of the Rev. William Josiah Aylmer, Donadea, Ireland; born 15th September, 1835. Baker, Henry Fowler, son of the Rev. John Durand Baker, Bishop’s Tawton, Devon ; born 27th November, 1831. 5C — iC. Bayly. Left 1851. Cricket XL, 184 . Emmanuel College, Cam- bridge; B.A. , 1854. Ordained Deacon, 1856, and Priest, 1857. Curate of Presteigne, 1856-59 ; of Bishop's Tawton, 1859-61 ; Vicar of Yarnscombe, Devon, 1861-70; Vicar of Bishop's Tawton, 1870. Address ; Bishop's Tawton Vicarage, Barnstaple. 86 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1846. Baker, Thomas Durand, son of the Rev. John Durand Baker, Bishop’s Tawton, Devon ; born 24th March, 1837. Ensign, i8th Foot, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; Cap- tain, 1858; Brevet-Major, 1865; Major, 1873; Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, 1874; Brevet-Colonel, 1877; Lieut. - Colonel, Royal Irish Rifles, 1881 ; Major-General, 1886. Passed Staff College, 1862 ; Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General, New Zealand, 1864-66 ; Assistant Adjutant-General, New Zealand, 1866-67 > Deputy- Assistant-Adjutant-General, New Zealand and Aus- tralia, 1867-70 ; Aide-de-Camp to Major-General, Northern District, 1871-72 ; Assistant Adjutant and Quarter-Master-General, Ashanti Expedition, 1873- 74; Deputy -Assistant-Quartermaster-General, Head- quarters of Army, 1874-75; Assistant-Adjutant-General, Headquarters of Army, 1875-78 ; Aide-de-Camp to the Queen, 1877 ; Military Secretary to the Viceroy of India, 1878-79 ; Brigadier-General, Natal and Trans- vaal, 1881 ; Deputy-Quartermaster-General, Ireland, 1882; Deputy-Ajutant-General, Ireland, 1882-84; Adjutant-General (local Major-General), East Indies, 1884-87; Major-General, Bengal, 1887. Served with the i8th Royal Irish in the Crimean War, from 30th December, 1854, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol ; mentioned in despatches, and awarded the Sardinian Medal for “Gallantry dis- played at the attack of the Cemetery and subimbs of Sebastopol on the i8th June, 1855 ” (Medal with clasp, Sardinian and Turkish Medals). Served in India during the Mutiny, in 1857, with the Field Force under Colonel Beatson, in pursuit of Tantia Topee. Served in New Zealand during the Waikato and Wanganui Campaigns of 1864-66, first as Deputy- Assistant-Adjutant-General, and subsequently as Assistant-Adjutant-General ; was present at the action at Rangiawhia as Acting-Assistant Military Secretary to Lieutenant-General Sir Duncan Came- ron (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major) ; was Staff Officer to the Force under Major-General Carey at the attack and capture of Orakau (men- tioned in despatches for ' ‘ gallantry and untiring energy and zeal evinced” (Medal). Accompanied Sir Garnet Wolseley to the Gold Coast in Septem- ber, 1873, and served throughout the Ashanti War, 1873-74, as Assistant-Adjutant and Quartermaster- General, including the action at Essaman, relief of Abrakrampa, battle of Amoaful, battle of Ordahsu and capture of Coomassie ; also in addition per- formed the duties of Chief of the Staff from the 14th October to the 17th December ; was mentioned in despatches by Sir Garnet Wolseley, in the follow- ing terms ; — “ The duties of Chief of the Staff were ably carried out to my entire satisfaction by Major Baker, A.A.G. , to whose untiring energy I owe much of the success that has attended all our opera- tions. In my opinion he possesses every quality that is valuable in a Staff Officer” (several times mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lieut. -Colonel, C.B., Medal with clasp). Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80 in command of the 2nd Infantiy Brigade, from September 1879 to October 1880, and was in command of the troops in the engagement of Charasiab on the 6th October, 1879 (mentioned in despatches) ; in numerous operations around Kabul in December, 1879, including the engagement on the Asmai Heights (mentioned in despatches), and the repulse of the enemy at Sherpore, and the expedition into Maidan and Kohistan ; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march from Kabul to Kandahar in command of a Brigade, and was present at the Battle of Kandahar, on ist September, 1880 (men- tioned in despatches, W. C.A,_ Medal with three clasps, and Bronze Star). Served in the Boer War of 1881, with the local rank of Brigadier-General in command of the Base and Lines of Communication. Braithwaite, Francis John, son of Francis Braithwaite, Esq., Hereford ; born 27th January, 1835. Brydges, George, son of Lieutenant Thomas Brydges, R.N., VVinchcoinbe ; born i8th December, 1831. Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Marine Artillery, 1848 ist Lieutenant, 1832 ; Captain, i860 ; Brevet-Major, 1873; Lieut-Colonel, 1877; Colonel, 1881; Colonel Commandant, 1883 ; Major-General (Retired) 1886. Served with the Baltic Expedition in 1854-55, and commanded a mortar in the flotilla during the bom- bardment of Sveaborg (Medal). While serving in H.M.S. “Ocean” was landed in command of the Marines of the Fleet on several occasions during the revolution in Japan in 1868, including the pursuit and dispersion of the troops of Prince Bisen, and occupation of Kobe. Cooke, Cuthbert, son of Andrew Cooke, Esq. ; born 26th March, 1832. — iM. Southwood. Left 1849. Indigo planter. Copeland, Alexander L., son of — Copeland, Esq. ; born 23rd December, 1831. Delisser, Edmund Alexander, son of — Delisser, Esq. ; born 28th June, 1829. Elliott, Charles John, son of Robert Kerr Elliott, Esq., Harwood, near Hawick, N.B. ; born 7th September, 1836. Ensign, nth Madras Native Infantry, 1854; Lieu- tenant, 1858. Died at Clifton Park, Roxburghshire, N. B. , 24th July, 1863. Every, Henry Flower, son of Henry Every, Esq., Windsor ; born 23rd December, 1830. Succeeded his grandfather as loth Baronet in 1855. Cricket XL, 1851. Ensign, 90th Foot, 1848; Lieu- tenant, 1853; Resigned, 1854. D. L., and High Sheriff of Derbyshire, 1863. Address ; — Egginton Hall, near Burton-on-Trent. Ferguson, John Stephenson, son of Thomas F'erguson, Esq., Greenville, Belfast ; born 17th May, 1834. Cornet, 5th Dragoon Guards, 1852 ; Lieutenant, 1854; Captain, 1856; transferred to 2nd Life Guards, 1862 ; Brevet-Major, 1872 ; Major, 1878 ; Brevet- Lieut-Colonel, 1878 ; Lieut-Colonel, 1881 ; Colonel, 1882. Served with the 5th Dragoon Guards in the Crimean War from October, 1854, to December, 1855, and was present at the battles of Balaklava, Inkerman, and Tchernaya, and siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with three clasps, and Turkish Medal). Died in London, iith January, 1885. Fitzmaurice, John Gerald, son of Major-General John Fitzmaurice, K.H., Cheltenham ; born 2ist July, 1837. — iC. Romanis a.x\d Price. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1851. Cricket XXII. University College, Oxford, 1856 ; 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1858; B.A. (4th Class Classical Final Schools and 2nd Class Law and History) 1859. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1866. One of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools, 1874. Address; — United University Club, London, S.W. Foster, William John, son of the Rev. William H. Foster, Loughgilly, Market Hill, Ireland; born 13th January, 1831. Trinity College, Dublin. Geneste, Maximilian Hodgson, son of the Rev. Maximilian Geneste, West Cowes, Isle of Wight ; born loth October, 1836. Modern XX. , 1852. Hamilton, William W., son of the Rev. Joseph Richard Hamilton, Killeen Rectory, Meath ; born 29th January, 1831. Hepworth, William Henry Francklin, son of the Rev. Robert Hepworth, Tewkesbury ; born nth April, 1832. Jesus College, Cambridge, and Magdalen College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1855; M.A. , 1859. Ordained Deacon, 1855, and Priest, 1856. Curate of St. James, Dover ; Vicar of Egloskerry with Tremain, Cornwall, 1868-71 ; Curate of Cheltenham, 1871-72 ; Vicar of Fenton, Staffordshire, 1872-80; Vicar of Sheepshed, Leicestershire, 1880. Address : — Sheepshed Vicarage, Loughborough. January, 1846.] PRINCIPAL: REV. James, Charles D., son of the Rev. Charles J. Janies, Brentwood, Essex ; born 19th August, 1831. James, Edward, son of John Haddy James, Esq., Exeter ; born 2nd March, 1831. McDonnell, Thomas Munro, son of yEneas McDonnell, Esq., Madras Civil Service, Pittville House, Cheltenham ; born 23rd April, 1837. Cornet, 6th Madras Light Cavalry, 1855 ; Lieu- tenant, 1856 ; Captain, 1864; Resigned, 1872. Em- ployed in the suppression of the Bengal Mutiny; served in the Saugor and Nerbudda territories from November, 1857, to February, 1858 ; present at the affair near Sehora, 29th November, 1857, and at Roraghum, 29th December, 1857. .Served in Briga- dier Rowcroft’s Field Force, Goruckpore district, Bengal, from May, 1858, to December, 1858. Pre- sent at the action at Hurryah, i8th June, 1858 ; at the action at Amora, ist October, 1858 (charger wounded). Commanded a squadron of cavalry at the attack on Judgespore, 26th October, 1858, and was also present at the battle of Toolsepore, 23rd December, 1858 (Medal). Manning, John Edge, son of Edge Manning, Esq., London; born 19th November, 1831. Merry, William Walter, son of Walter Merry, Esq., Evesham ; born 6th September, 1835. Day Boy. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1849 ; Silver (Classical) Medallist, 1853 ; Head of Classical Department, June, 1853. Scholarship, Balliol College, Oxford, 1852 ; ist Class Classical Moderations, 1854 ; 2nd Class Classical Final Schools, 1856; 4th Class Natural Science, 1857; Latin Essay, 1858. B.A., 1857; M.A. (Lincoln College) 1859 ; B. D. and D. D. , 1886; Fellow of Lincoln College, 1859-84. Ordained Dea- con, i860, and Priest, 1861. Vicar of All Saints, O.xford, 1862-84. Classical Moderator at Oxford, 1863-64 ; 69-70-71 ; 74 ; 77 ; 82-83-84. Select Preacher, 1878-79. Preacher at the Chapel Royal, Whitehall, 1883-84. Public Orator of the University of Oxford, since 1880. Rector of Lincoln College, Oxford, since 1884. Life Member of the Council of Cheltenham College, 1884. President of the Cheltonian Society, 1889-90. Editor of Homer's “ Odyssey,” i-xii ; Ditto, i-xii (forschools), 7th edition, 1873 ; xiii-xxiv, 2nd edition, 1878; ‘‘Greek Dialects,” 1875; “Aristo- phanes, Clouds," 1879; “ Acharnians," 1880, etc. Address : — Lincoln College, Oxford. Mdller, Arthur M., son of Charles C. M oiler, Esq., Severn House, Shrewsbury; born 15th January, 1834. Newman, William Lambert, son of Edward Lambert Newman, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 2 1 St April, 1834. Day Boy. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1848 ; Silver (Classical) Medallist, 1852. Head of Classical Department, June, 1852. Scholarship, Balliol College, Oxford, 1851; Hertford (University) Scholarship, 1853; ist Class Classical Moderations, 1853; Ireland (Univer- sity) Scholarship, 1854 ; Fellow of Balliol, 1854 ; ist Class Classical Final Schools, 1855. B.A., 1857; M.A. , 1858. Classical Moderator at Oxford, 1862- 63; Classical Examiner, 1866-67; Reader of Ancient History at Oxford University, 1868-70. Called to the Bar, Lincoln's Inn, 1867. Address:— I, Pittville Lawn, Cheltenham. Pasley, Rodney Stewart Lyons Sabine, son of Admiral Sir Thomas Sabine Pasley, Bart., K. C.B., The Craig, Bowness, Kendal ; born 27th April, 1832. H.E. I.C. College, Haileybury. Went to Aus- tralia. Quin, Charles William, son of William Charles W. DOBSON, M.A. 87 Quin, Esq., Ecclesiastical Commissioner, Dublin; born 2nd July, 1830. Quin, Henry, son of William Charles Quin, Esq., Ecclesiastical Commissioner, Dublin ; born 1 6th April, 1832. Scott, William Edward, son of Major Thomas Scott, Willsboro’, co. Londonderry ; born I ith January, 1833. Trinity College, Dublin; B.A., 185-. J.P., and D. L. ; and High Sheriff of co. Londonderry, 1857. Major, Londonderry Militia. Address: — Willsboro', co. Londonderry, Ireland. Strong, Alfred Palamedes, son of Frederick K. Strong, Esq., Consul to the King of Hanover and Bavaria at Athens ; born 20th Septem- ber, 1834. Architect ; Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects ; Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. Address : — The Red House, Ealing, W. ; and 7, John Street, Adelphi, W. C. Swainson, Charles W., son of Charles Swainson, Esq., Frenchwood, Preston ; born 2nd June. 1832. Was in business in London. Swainson, Oswald Lister, son of Charles Swain- son, Esq., Frenchwood, Preston ; born 6th December, 1833. Brasenose College, Oxford, 1852. 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1855. B.A. (3rd Class Law and History), 1856; M.A. , 1859. Swann, Charles, son of Charles Swann, Esq., Cheltenham ; born loth August, 1836. Swiney, Alexander, son of Major-General George Swiney, H.E.I.C.S. ; born 19th November, 1 834. Day Boy. St. Peter's College, Cambridge. LL. B. , 1859; LL. D. , 1865. Ordained Deacon, i860, and Priest, 1863. Curate of Hundon, Suffolk, i860 ; of Great Welnetham, Suffolk, 1861-73 ! Rector of Bradfield St. Clare, Suffolk, 1873. Address : — Bradfield St. Clare Rectoiy, Bury St. Edmunds. Trye, Henry Norwood, son of the Rev. Charles Brandon Trye, Esq., Leckhampton ; born 4th February, 1835. 9^"‘*C — 3C Lamotte. Left 1851. Pembroke College, Oxford, 1852. B.A., 1856: M.A. , 1861. J.P. for Warwickshire. Address: — Leckhampton Court, near Cheltenham ; and Hartshill, near Atherstone, Warwickshire. Walker, Fountaine, son of Samuel Walker, Esq., Prospect Hill, Pendleton, Manchester; born 6th September, 1832. 6C — 3C. La- motte. Left 1 849. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A., 1855. D. L. for Invernesshire. Address: — Ness Castle, Inverness, N.B. Walker, John, son of Samuel Walker, Esq , Prospect Hill, Pendleton, Manchester; born 20th May, 1831. 5C — 2C. Lamotte. Left September, 1849. Trinity College, Cambridge; B.A. (42nd Senior Optime, and 3rd in ist Class Moral Science Tripos), 1854 ; M.A. 1856. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1856. Triennial Member of the Council of Chelten- ham College, 1869-89. Registrar of Cheltenham College, 1884-89. Died at Cheltenham, 8th March, 1889. Warner, William H., son of - - Warner, Esq. ; born 3rd August 1830. 88 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [Easter, 1846. ENTERED EASTER, 1846. Brandt, Herbert, son of Robert Brandt, Esq,, Pendleton, Manchester; born 4th May, 1836. ji3rd(y — Turnbull. Left June, 1852. Cricket XL, 185-. Salisbury Theological College, 1866. Ordained Deacon, 1868, and Priest, 1869. Curate of Powerstock, Dorset, 1868-72 ; of St. An- drew's, Deal, 1872-74; of Heavitree, Devon, 1874-75; Vicar of Holy Trinity, Barnstaple, 1875. Address: — Uplands, Exeter. Burnes, Holland W. H., son of James Burnes, Esq., Bombay; born 15th September, 1833. Cary, Walter Francis Paul, son of Walter Cary, Esq., Cheltenham ; born loth August, 1835. Day Boy. Dunlo, Viscount (Richard Somerset Le Poer Trench), son of the Earl of Clancarty, Gar- . bally, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway ; born 13th January, 1834. 6C — 2C. Day Boy and Baxter. Left 1852. Trinity College, Cambridge. Succeeded his father as 4th Earl of Clancarty, and Marquis of Hensden, in the Netherlands, in 1872. J.P. for Cos. Galway and Roscommon. Honorary Colonel, 4th Battalion Connaught Rangers (Militia). Address : — Garbally, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway ; Carlton Club, Pall Mall, London, S.W. ; and Kildare Street Club, Dublin. Finlay, Kirkman J ohn, son of John Finlay, Esq., Deanston House, Stirlingshire, N.B. ; born i6th August, 1830. Address : — Abergwynant, Dolgelly, North Wales. Greenstreet, Charles Hawkins, son of Major- General John Greenstreet, Cobourg House, Cheltenham ; born 24th May, 1836. Day Boy. Died in New Zealand, 1872. Greenstreet, Octavius Pechell, son of Major- General John Greenstreet, Cobourg House, Cheltenham ; born 9th April, 1832. 9C — 2C. Day Boy. Trinity College, Cambridge; B.A., 1856; M.A. , 1859. Also at Cuddesdon Theological College. Or- dained Deacon, 1857, and Priest, 1858. Curate of St. Marychurch, Devon; of Canon-Frome, Hereford- shire ; of Barmston, Yorkshire ; of Elford, Stafford- shire, 1873-78 ; of Upton Scudamore, Wilts, 1881-85. Address ; — Clevedon House, Great Berkhamsted. Holland, Edward Burnes, son of Captain James Holland, Bombay Army ; born 20th March, 1836. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1850. Addiscombe Military College, 1850-53 ; First Engineer, 1853 (Prizes : Pollock Medal and First Mathematical). 2nd Lieutenant, Bombay Engineers, 1853 ; Lieu- tenant, 1854; 2nd Captain, Royal Engineers, i860; ist Captain, 1868 ; Major, 1872 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1874. Died at Bombay, 12th March, 1874. Holland, Trevenen James, son of Captain Jas. Holland, Bombay Army ; born 31st May, 1834 - Ensign, Bombay Infantry, 1851 ; appointed to 13th Bombay Native Infantry, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1856 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, i86i ; Captain, 1863; Major, 1868; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1872. Deputy- Assistant-Quarter-Master-General , N orthern Division, 1858. Served as Assistant-Quarter-Master- General throughout the Persian Campaign of 1856- 57, including the storming and capture of Reshira, surrender of Bushire, forced march to Borazjoo, battle of Kooshab, bombardment and capture of Forts of Mohumra, and pursuit of the Persian Army (Medal with clasp, and three times mentioned in despatches). Served again in the Quartermaster- General's Department with the Central India Field Force under Sir Hugh Rose, and was present at the action of Kotah-Ke-Serai (horse wounded), storming of the various heights occupied by the enemy, and alt the succeeding operations up to and including the general of the 19th June, 1858, and the attack and capture of Lushgur and the town and fort of Gwalior (Medal with clasp). Served also as Assistant- Quartermaster-General of Sir John Michel's Division in Malwa, and was present at the action of Bioura (mentioned in despatches). Served as Assistant- Quartermaster-General in General's Department at Headquarters throughout the Abyssinian Campaign in 1867-68 ; present at the capture of Magdala (Brevet of Major, C.B.. and Medal. Lord Napier, in his despatches, mentions " that Captain Holland's exer- tions have been conspicuous, , and the exactness, promptitude, and ability with which they have been carried out deserve my warmest commendation"). Holland, Thomas George Dyson, son of — Holland, Esq. ; born 25th October, 1835. Newport, Charles Peter, son of Major Newport, Cheltenham ; born 5th December, 1838. Day Boy. Ensign, loth Bombay Native Infantry, 1857 ; Lieutenant, 1858; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1866; Captain, 1869 ; Major, 1877 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1883 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1887 ; Commandant, 24th Bombay Native Infantry, 1886. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1858-59, and was present at the siege and capture of Kotah ; with Brigadier Smith's Brigade during all its operations in Central India ; at the re- capture of Chandaree, battle of Kotah-Ke-Serai, battle and capture of Gwalior, siege and capture of Powree, and subsequent pm-suit of the rebels, action of Koondrye and at Boorda, and at the actions of Goonapoora and Goripooree (Medal with clasp). Served in the Abyssinian War of 1867-68 (Medal). Newport, William Henry, son of Major New- port, Cheltenham ; born 23rd February, 1 837. Day Boy. Addiscombe Military College. Ensign, i8th Bom- bay Native Infantry, 1855 ; transferred to 3rd Bom- bay European Regiment, 1856 ; Lieutenant, 1857 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1866; Captain, 1867; Brevet-Major, 1867; Major, 1875; Brevet-Lieut.- Colonel, 1876. Served in the Indian Mutiny Cam- paign in 1857, and was present at the siege and cap- ture of Ratghur, action at Barodea, relief of Saugor, capture of Garrakotar, forcing the Muddenpore Pass ; siege and storm of Jhansi, battle of the Betwa, storming of Lohari (severely wounded) ; actions at Koonch, Muttra, and Gallowlee ; capture of Calpee, battle and capture of Gwalior (Brevet-Major, Medal with clasp). Served in the Afghan War in 1880 (mentioned in despatches), and was killed whilst commanding the 28th Bombay Native Infantry in the sortie from Kandahar on the village of Deh Khojah, on the i6th August, 1880. Palmer, Charles Henry, son of Captain Charles McEvers Palmer ; born i6th October, 1835. 1 1 3rd — giBt_ Southwood. Left 1848. Was in the Mercantile Marine for thirty years. Subsequently in Chinese Imperial Revenue Service, and now in Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs. Paske, Henry Gresham, son of the Rev. Edward Paske, West Greeting, Suffolk ; born 6th December, 1835. Ensign, 95th Foot, March, 1855 ; Lieutenant, November, 1855 ; Captain, 1866 ; Major, 1878 ; Lieut. -Colonel, Derbyshire Regiment, 1881; Colonel (Retired), 1882. Served with the 95th Regiment in the Crimean Campaign from 25th August, 1855, in- Easter, 1846.] PRINCIPAL; REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 89 eluding the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with clasp and Turkish Medal). Served also in the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1858, including the siege and capture of Kotah (Medal with clasp for Central India). Sewell, Richard M., son of John Sewell, Esq., Chili ; born — August, 1836. Sewell, Thomas William, son of John Sewell, Esq., Chili ; born — August, 1835. Taylor, William E. S., son of Colonel Jeremiah Taylor, Prestbury Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 1 2th May, 1836. Trench, The Honourable Frederick Le Poer, son of the Earl of Clancarty, Garbally, Ballinasloe,Co. Galway; born 10th February, 1835. Day Boy. Ensign, 52nd Foot, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; Cap- tain, 9th Foot, 1859 ; transferred to 40th Foot, i860; Brevet-Major, 1864 ; Major, 1867 ; Retired, 1872. Served with the 52nd Light Infantry during the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1857-58, including the defeat of the Seakote mutineers on the banks of the Ravee in July, 1857, siege, assault, and occupation of ENTERED A Bell, Thomas Lynden, son of the Rev. Thomas Bell, M.A., Brook Hill House, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford ; born 21st March, 1832. Southwood. Left t 849. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1849-50. En- sign, 59th Foot, May, 1850 ; transferred to 28th Foot, June, 1850 ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; Captain, 1855 ; Adjutant of Depot Battalion, 1856 ; Major, Un- attached, 1862 ; appointed to 6th Foot, 1865; Brevet- Lieut. -Colonel, February, 1873 ; Lieut.-Colonel, April, 1873 ; on Half-Pay, April, 1878 ; appointed to Regimental District, May, 1878 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1878 ; Major-General, 1887. Assistant-Adjutant and Quartermaster-General, Netley, 1884-87 ; Brigadier- General, Aldershot, 1888. Served with the 28th Regiment in the Crimean Campaign of 1854-55, in- cluding the battles of Alma and Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol, and occupation of the Cemetery (Medal with three clasps, Sardinian and Turkish Medals). Served as Major of the 6th Regiment in the Hazarah Campaign of 1868, including the subse- quent operations in the Black Mountain (Medal with clasp). Commanded the Waterford Flying Column during Irish Fenian disturbances in 1867. Bogle, Archibald George, son of Archibald Bogle, Esq., Clarence House, Cheltenham ; born 20th April, 1832. Woolwich '^rdM — Woolwich istM. SouthwooA. Left 1847. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1847. Midship- man, Royal Navy, 1847 ; Sub-Lieutenant, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; Commander, 1865 ; Captain, 1872 ; Rear-Admiral (Retired), 1882. Was Mate of “ Amphion" in the Baltic Expedition, 1884 ; present at the operations against the Aland Islands, and the bombardment of Bomarsund ; in command of " Gleaner" took part in the attack on Sveaborg, 1855 (Baltic Medal) ; Lieutenant of " Sanspareil,” served in the blockade of the Canton River, and attack and capture of Canton, 1857 (Medal with clasp) ; was present at the final events of the war, and at the combined operations against the Taeping rebels ; was specially mentioned for the manner in which he handled his gunboat “ Hardy ” at the capture of Ningpo, loth May, 1862 ; for these latter services he received a Gold Medal from the Imperial Government of China. Honorary Knight-Commander of the Order of the Iron Crown of Austria, for services on the Danube, 1867. Address ; — United Service Club, London, S.W. Bogle, Michael James, son of Archibald Bogle, Delhi from 13th August to 22nd September, 1857 (Medal with clasp). Served with the 40th Regiment in the New Zealand War in 1863-65, and was present at Rangariri, Waiari, and Orakau (Medal). Address : — Lotherton Hall, Aberford, Yorkshire. Trench, The Honourable William Le Poer, son of the Earl of Clancarty, Garbally, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway ; born 17th June, 1837. Day Boy. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. 2nd Lieu- tenant, Royal Engineers, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; Captain, 1861 ; Major, 1872 ; Lieut.-Colonel, 1879 ; Colonel (Retired), 1879. Served in the China War in 1857-58, and was present at the operations prior to, and commanded a ladder-party at the capture of Canton ; also commanded a ladder-party at the assault and capture of Namtow (mentioned in des- patches, Medal with clasp). M.P. for Co. Galway, 1872-74. Address ; — 3, Hyde Park Gardens, London, W. Wheatley, Henry Miller Hewett, son of Hewett John Wheatley, Esq., Cheltenham ; born I oth August, 1830. Day Boy. UGUST, 1846. Esq., Gilmore Hill, Glasgow ; born 19th March, 1835. Price. Scholarship, Clare College, Cambridge, 1854. B.A. , i860. Bott, Richard, son of John Bott, Esq., Coton Hall, Burton-on-Trent ; born 12th July, 1834. Bryans, Richard, son of Richard Bryans, Esq., Birkenhead ; born 28th March 1833. Bryans, William James, son of Richard Bryans, Esq., Birkenhead; born 14th October, 1835. Was for some years in China. Died at Birkenhead, 27th January, 1872. Burnes, Hamilton F. H., son of James Burnes, Esq., Bombay ; born 27th November, 1836. Carpenter, George W., son of George Carpenter, Esq., Cumberland Place, HydePark, London ; born loth May, 1835. Caulfield, Henry, son of Lieut.-Colonel John Caulfield, Bloomfield, Mullingar, Ireland ; born 2 1 St August, 1831. Coddington, Henry Joshua, son of Henry Barry Coddington, Esq., Oldbridge, Drogheda, 1 Ireland ; born 13th August, 1836. Died September, 1866. Cripps, Augustus William, son of Charles Cripps, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 19th July, 1830. Day Boy. Re-entry, vide August, 1843. Egginton, John Lloyd, son of the Rev. John Clenson Egginton, Cheltenham ; born 22nd October, 1833. Day Boy. French, William Temple, son of Sampson Tow- good Wynne French, Esq., Cuskinny, Co. Cork ; born 26th June, 1831. Died 9th September, 1851. Fynes-Clinton, Charles Henry, son of the Rev. Charles John Fynes-Clinton, Cromwell Rec- tory, Newark, Notts ; born 5th June, 1835. 4C — 4C. Southwood. Left December, 1846. St. John's College, Cambridge. B.A. . 1871 ; M.A., 1873. Ordained Deacon, 1871, and Priest, 1872. Curate of Blandford, Dorset, 1872-73 ; Chap- lain of Blandford Union, 1873. Rector of Blandford- Forum, Dorset, 1876. Address ; — Blandford-Forum Rectory, Blandford. N 90 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Gayer, Charles, son of the Rev. Charles Gayer, Dingle, Kerry, Ireland ; born — Gordon, Robert William Thew, son of — Gordon, Esq. ; born 3rd December, 1838. Day Boy. Ensign, 93rd Highlanders, 1858 ; Lieutenant, 1861 ; Captain, 1873 ; Brevet-Major, 1874 ; Major, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, 1881 ; Brevet-Lieut.- Colonel, 1882. Passed Staff College, 1872. Brigade- Major, Malta, 1875-76 ; Brigade-Major, Aldershot, 1876-79 ; on duty with Boundary Commissioners, Turkey, 1878-79 ; Commandant at Nicosia, Cyprus, 1879-81. Served in the Eusofzie Campaign of 1863-64, and in the Umbala Pass under Sir John Garrock (Medal with clasp). Accompanied Sir Garnet Wolseley to the Gold Coast in September, 1873, on special service, and served throughout the first phase of the Ashanti War ; raised at Sierra Leone native contingents for Wood’s and Russell’s regiments ; was present at the repulse of the Ashanti Army at Abrakrampa during the 5th and 6th Novem- ber, and at the actions of Ainsa and Fairowa (men- tioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal). Served throughout the Egyptian War of 1882, first on the Staff of Sir Archibald Alison’s force at Alexandria, and on the formation of the Army, as Brigade-Major of the 3rd Brigade (the Highlanders), being present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lieut, -Colonel, Medal with clasp, 4th Class Osmanieh, and Khedive’s Star). Served with the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham, in 1884, as Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant and Quartermaster- General, and was present in the engagement at El- Teb (mentioned in despatches, two clasps). Died on board the “ Ganges " of fever contracted at Suakin, Egypt, 31st May, 1885. Gordon, Sir William, Bart., son of Sir John Gordon, Bart., of Earlston, Kirkcudbright ; born 20th October, 1830. Succeeded his father as 6th Baronet in 1843. Cornet, 17th Light Dragoons, 1870 ; Lieutenant, 1851 ; Captain, 1854 ; Brevet-Major, 1858 ; Major, 1859 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 17th Lancers, 1862 ; Retired, 1864. Served in the Crimean Campaign of 1854-55, including the battle of Balaklava (wounded and horse shot) and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with two clasps, Knight of the Legion of Honour, 5th Class Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served during the Indian Mutiny in Central India, and commanded a squadron at the affairs of Rajghur and Mongrowlee, Sindwaho, Kharee, and Zerapore (twice mentioned in despatches for gallant conduct at Rajghur and Mongrowlee, Brevet of Major, and Medal). J. P. and D. L. , and High Sheriff of Kirkcudbrightshire in i868. Claims the Viscountcy of Kenmure and Barony of Lochinvar. Address : — Earlston House, near Kirkcudbright, N.B. , and Army and Navy Club, Pall Mall, London, S.W. Gordon, William Fraser Forbes, son of — Gordon, Esq. ; born 30th June, 1837. Day Boy. Ensign, 20th Foot, May, 1855 ; Lieutenant, Sep- tember, 1855 ; Captain, 1858 ; Major, 63rd Foot, 1873 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1879. Served with the 20th Regiment in the Indian Mutiny Campaign of 1857-58, and was present with the selected marksmen of the Regiment at the actions of Chanda, Umeerpore and Sultanpore, Fort of Dowraha, siege and capture of Lucknow (mentioned in despatches) ; subsequent operations in Oude and affair of Meangunge, also at Churda and Fort of Musjeedia (Medal with clasp). Died 1880. GriflB.ths, Charles A., son of the Rev. Julius Griffiths, Aberystwith ; born 13th March, .1834- Griffiths, Cornelius, son of the Rev. Julius Griffiths, Aberystwith ; born 6th March, 1828. Guest, George Henry,son of the Rev. Benjamin Guest, Northampton ; born ist February, 1834. [August, 1846. Hawkins, Francis K., son of Lieut-Colonel Francis S. Hawkins, C.B. ; born 19th March, . 1833 - Hill, Frederick Jacob Ponsonby, son of Major Edward Eustace Hill, 96th Foot, Tinney Park, Carlow ; born 4th October, 1833. iiC — 5C Pritchard 2 o\A Bayly. Left Decem- ber, 1850. Ensign, 36th Foot, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; Cap- tain, ist Foot, 1859; Major, 1876; Lieut-Colonel (Retired), 1878. Hobbes, Richard B., son of Robert H. Hobbes, Esq., Stratford-on-Avon; born 13th January, 1832. Died December, 1846. Hornby, Henry Hugh, son of Joseph Hornby, Esq., Everton, Liverpool ; born 30th Novem- ber, 1831. Garrett. Left 1849. Founder of the Hornby Prizes at Cheltenham College. President of Ch'eltonian Society, 1871-72. Triennial Member of the Council of Cheltenham College, 1872. In business in Liverpool. Address : — Beech wood, Aigburth, Liverpool. Hurly, John, son of John Hurly, Esq., Tralee, Ireland ; born February, 1834. Lamotte. Trinity College, Dubhn. Kane, John Fielding Willis, son of John Joseph Kane, Esq., Hill House, Monmouth ; born 3rd November, 1833. Ensign, Ceylon Rifle Regiment, i860; Lieutenant, 78th Highlanders, 1865 ; transferred to 48th Foot, 1866 ; Captain, 1868. Died in India, 1st February, 1880. Kane, Richard Nathaniel, son of John Joseph Kane, Esq., Hill House, Monmouth ; born 24th August, 1835. Oriel College, Oxford, 1854; B.A. , 1859; M.A. , 1862. Ordained Deacon, i860, and Priest, 1861. Curate of St. Woolos, Newport, Monmouth, 1860- 62 ; of Pontypool, Monmouth, 1862-64 1 Mortlake with East Sheen, Surrey, 1864-68 ; Rector of Lower Sapey, Herefordshire, 1868-82; Rector of Suckley with Alfrick and Lulsley, Worcester, 1882. Address : — Suckley Rectory, Worcester. Kennedy,Thomas Gilbert, son of Major-General James Kennedy, Bengal Cavalry ; born 6th October, 1 832. Southwood. Left Easter, 1 849. Ensign, Indian Army, 1849 1 appointed to 62nd Bengal Native Infantry, 1850 ; Lieutenant, 1852 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, i86i ; Captain, 1861 ; Brevet-Major, 1864 ; Major, 1869 ; Brevet-Lieut- Colonel, 1870 ; Lieut-Colonel, 1875 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1875 ; Major-General, 1886. Commandant, Punjab Frontier Force, 1880-85. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1857, and was present at the siege of Delhi (wounded), and at the engagement at Naroul — slightly wounded (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with clasp). Served with the Sittana Expedition on the North-West Frontier of India in 1858 (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp) ; also served with the Kabul Kheyl Expedition in 1859, with the Mahsood Wuzzeeree Expedition in 1860, and with the Dour Valley Expedition in 1872. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80, including the engagements at Saif-u-Deen, Shahjui, Ahmed Kheyl, Urzoo near Ghuznee, and Padkao Shana (several times mentioned in despatches, C.B., and Medal with clasp). Commanded the expedition sent against the Mahsood Wuzeerees in 1881. (Men- tioned in despatches, and received the Thanks of the Government of India). Litchfield, Edmund F , son of Major William E. Litchfield, Madras Army ; born 28th June, 1835. Day Boy. Litchfield, Richard Fraser, son of Major William E. Litchfield, Cheltenham ; born 29th Decem- ber, 1836. Day Boy. August, 1846.I PRINCII'AL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. Ensign, 3rd Madras Native Infantry, 1855 ; Lieu- tenant, 1859 ; Captain, Madras Staff Corps, 1867 ; Major, 1875 ; Lieut-Colonel, 1881 ; Colonel (Re- tired), 1885. Luard, Charles George, son of Lieut-Colonel John Kynaston Luard ; born i6th February, 1835 - Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. 2nd Lieu- tenant, Royal Artillery, August, 1854; ist Lieutenant, December, 1854 ; 2nd Captain, ifei ; Retired, 1864. Died in London, 9th December, 1864. McPherson, William, son of Lieut-General Dun- can McPherson, Bengal Army ; born 6th October, 1836. Day Boy. Maclachlan, Donald George Campbell, son of Donald Maclachlan, Esq., M.D., Chelsea Hospital, London ; born 24th March, 1835 - Royal Military .Academy, Woolwich. 2nd Lieu- tenant, Royal Artillery, 1854. Died in camp before Sebastopol, during the Crimean War, 29th Novem- ber, 1854. Mansergh, John Loftus Otway, son of Charles Carden Mansergh, Esq.,Taghmow, Co. Wex- ford ; born i6th April, 1835. Ensign, 6th Foot, 1852 ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; Cap- tain, 1858; transferred to 44th Foot, i860; Major, 1863. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign, 1858, was Adjutant of the 6th Regiment in the attack on the rebels on the 14th May, and other operations in the Judgespore Jungle (Medal). Served with the 44th Regiment in the Campaign of i860 in North China, including the action of Sinho, assault and capture of the Taku Forts (Medal with clasp). Served as De- puty-Assistant-Adjutant-General to the force under Brigadier-General Staveley during the operations against the Taepings in the vicinity of Shanghai, in April and May, 1862. Died at sea, on passage from Hong Kong to Malta, 24th January, 1863. Nicholson, Robert Fairfax, son of John Nichol- son, Esq., M.D., Bawtry, Yorkshire ; born 1 6th May, 1834. Nott, Charles D. P., son of — Nott, Esq. ; born 4th May, 1834. Percival, Edward Hope, son of Samuel Per- cival. Esq., Northampton; born 8th Decem- ber, 1836. I — 2.C. Southwood. Left December, 1853. H.E.I.C. College, Haileybury. Bombay Civil Service, 1836. Assistant Collector and Magistrate, Ahmedabad, 1856-60 ; at Kaira, 1860-63 1 at Ahmed- nuggur, 1863-64 ; Assistant to Revenue Commis- sioner, North Division, 1864-65 ; Private Secretary to Governor of Bombay, 1865-66 ; On furlough, 1866- 74 ; Special Duty, Bhownaggur, 1874-77 ; Collector, and Magistrate, and Political .Agent, Dharwar, 1877- 78; retired, 1878. J.P. for Gloucestershire. Address ; — Kimsbury House, Gloucester. Percival, Horace, son of Samuel Percival, Esq., Northampton : born ist October, 1834. Sotithwood. Left March, 1849. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1849. Royal Mili- tary Academy, Woolwich (passed in ist in order of merit), 1849 ; passed out 3rd Engineer, but took Artillery, 1853. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1854 : Captain, i860 ; Major, 91 1872; Lieut-Colonel, 1879; Major-General (Retire'^), 1884. Pitt, Robert Hawkins, son of William Pitt, Esq.. Bays Hill Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 2nd January, 1835. Addiscombe Military College. 2nd Lieutenant, Beng.-il Engineers, 1854. Died at Lucknow, East Indies, 4th February, 1857. Pitt, William Wilberforce, son of William Pitt, Esej., Bays Hill Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 26th June, 1833. Day Boy. Re-entry, vide July, 1841. Richards, William Hamilton, son of John God- dard Richards, Esq., Ardamine, Co. Wexford ; born 31st December, 1833. Ensign, 55th Foot, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; Cap- tain, 1855; Major, 1870; flrevet Lieut-Colonel, 1877 ; Lieut-Colonel, Border Regiment, 1879 I Colonel, on Half-Pay, 1881 ; Retired, 1888. Aide-de-Camp to Brigadier-General, Crimea, 1855-56 ; Instructor of Drawing, &c. , Royal Military College, 1863-70 ; Gar- ri.son Instructor, Bengal, 1874 ; Chief Garrison In- structor, Bengal, 1874-78 ; Professor of Military Drawing, &c. Staff College, 1878-87. Served with the 55th Regiment throughout the Crimean Cam- paign of 1854-55, including the battles of Alma (carried the Colours) and Balaklava, siege and fall of Sebastopol, and assaults of the Redan on the i8th June and 8th September — wounded (mentioned in despatches. Medal with three clasps, sthClasss Med- jidie, and Turkish Medal). Roberts, Charles Dobree, son of John Coryton Roberts, Esq., Treval, Torpoint, Cornwall ; born 22nd September, 1834. Was in lawyer's office. Dead. Roberts, Richard Wightwick, son of John Cory- ton Roberts, Esq., Treval, Torpoint, Corn- wall ; born 21st November, 1835. Scholarship, Pembroke College, Oxford, 1854 ; 3rd Class Classical Moderations, 1857. B.A. , 1859. Robertson, Wheatley, son of Andrew Robertson, Esq., Madras Civil Service ; born 1834. Ensign, 5th Madras Native Infantry, 1852 ; Lieu- tenant, 1857 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1862 ; Cap- tain, 1864 ; Major, 1872 ; Lieut-Colonel, 1878 ; Colonel, (Retired), 1881. Served in the Burmese War of 1852- 53, and was present with the Martaban Column on its advance toTonghoo ; also at the attack on Kyonk Douay and other affairs during the march (Medal with clasp). Commanded a detachment during the disturbances in Kimedy in 1856. Served in Bengal with Madras Rifles during the Mutiny in 1857-59 (Medal). Turner, Henry, son of George Turner, Esq., Tudor Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 23d April, 1836. Day Boy. Ensign, 64th Foot, 1853; Lieutenant, 1856; Cap- tain, 70th Foot, 1859 ; exchanged to 58th Foot, 1862 ; retired, 1864. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign of 1857-58 (Medal). Umbers, William Crowther, son of Thomas Umbers, Esq., Stratford-on-Avon ; born 20th June, 1831. Valpy, William Henry, son of William Henry Valpy, Esq., Bengal Civil Service ; born 8th January, 1832. Day Boy. ENTERED MICHAELMAS, 1846. Buchanan, George J ohn, son of George Buchanan, Esq., Cheltenham ; born yth September, 1835. Day Boy. Buchanan, Herbert, son of George Buchanan, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 8th May 1831. Day Boy. Crozier, Gresham Paske Rawson, son of Francis Henry Crozier, Esq., Madras Civil Service, 92 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [Michaelmas, 1846. Delawarr, Lymington ; born 13th August, 1837. Day Boy. Died 1870. Davies, Edward Whitacre, son of the Rev. Edward Acton Davies, Martley Rectory, Worcester; born 26th November, 1834. Devereux, Frederick Flood, son of the Rev. Nicholas Devereux, Coote Hill, Ireland ; born 27th April, 1836. Ensign (from Militia), 87th Foot, 1856; Lieutenant, 1859 ; Retired, 1864. Findon, Frederick W., son of Frederick F. Findon, Esq. ; born 7th July, 1836. Killed near Cheltenham by his horse falling on him while hunting, 20th January, 1852. Griffin, Robert Durie, son of — Griffin, Esq. ; born 15 th August, 1831. Day Boy. Irwin, Graves Chamney, son of the Rev. J. Irwin, Raphoe, Ireland ; born 4th January, 1831. Massy, Richard Hugh Stephen, son of the Hon. John Massy, Monkstown, Ireland; born 28th August, 1832. Died 1851. Monro, William Agnew, son of — Monro, Esq. ; born 30th July, 1830. Day Boy. Pitt, William Bell, son of — Pitt, Esq. ; born 31st October, 1837. Day Boy. Robertson, James, son of the Rev. J. Robertson, M.A. ; born 13th April, 1836. Day Boy., Jelfs, and Romanis. Left October, 1854. Jesus College, Cambridge ; B.A. (2nd Classic, ist Class Classical Tripos), 1858 ; Fellow of Jesus Col- lege, 1859; M.A., 1862. Ordained Deacon, i860, and Priest, 1861. Assistant Master, Rugby School, 1862-71 ; Assistant Master, Harrow School, 1872-83. Head Master of Haileybury College, 1884. Select Preacher at Cambridge, 1884. Address : — Haileybury College, Hertford. Smith, William Robins, son of Thomas Furley Smith, Esq., Broadway ,Worcestershire ; born 24th December, 1830. 2C — iC. Baxter. Left 1850. Head of Classical Department, June, 1849. Silver (Classical) Medallist, 1849-50. Cricket X.I., 18 — . Scholarship, Pembroke College, Oxford, 1850. B.A. (4th Class Mathematical Final Schools), 1856 ; M.A., 1857. Ordained Deacon, 1858, and Priest, 1859. Vice- Principal of Bath Proprietary College, 1857-60, and Principal, 1860-74. Curate of Laura Chapel, Bath, 1858-60. Rector of Monnington-on-Wye, Hereford- shire, 1874-89. Died in London, 14th April, 1889. Wise, Frederick Ayshford Millbank, son of John Robert Wise, Esq., Consul-General in Sweden ; born 31st July, 1833. Head of Modem, June, 1851. Wise, Hurrell Champion, son of John Robert Wise, Esq., Consul-General in Sweden ; bom 4th January, 1836. Wood, Herbert William, son of Lieut-Colonel Herbert William Wood, Cheltenham ; born 15th July, 1837, Addiscombe Military College. 2nd Lieutenant, Madras Engineers, 1855 ; Lieutenant, 1858 ; Cap- tain, Royal Engineers, 1864 ; Major, 1873. Served as Assistant Field Engineer in the Saugor Field Division under General Sir G. Whitlock, K.C.B., during the Indian Mutiny in 1857-58, and was pre- sent at the affairs of Jheegung and Kubrai, battle of Banda, action in front of Chitrakote, forcing of the Punghatee Pass, and subsequent affair at Punghatee (Medal with clasp). Also served as Field Engineer with the Abyssinian Expeditionary Force in 1868, and was in charge of the works at Zoola (mentioned in despatches, Medal), Author of "Shores of Lake Aral.” Died at Madras, 8th October, 1879. ENTERED JANUARY, 1847. Agnew, William, son of James Agnew, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 2nd September, 1833. Baldock, Christopher G., son of Lieut-Colonel W. Baldock, Jersey; born 13th June, 1833- Baxter, James Fleming, son of James Fleming Baxter, Esq., Ludlow; born 20th June, 1835. Ensign, 56th Foot, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; Cap- tain, i860. Served in the Crimean War from 26th August, 1855, and took part in the siege of Sebastopol (Medal with clasp). Died at Ahmednuggur, East Indies, 20th August, i860. Brook, Albert, son of Thomas Brook, Esq., Pencraig Court, near Ross ; born 7th Sep- tember, 1834. Browne, Charles E. Gore, son of Colonel Thomas Gore Browne, R.A., Athlone, Ireland ; born 28th April, 1835. Camphell, William, son of Colin Campbell, Esq., Colgrain, Dumbartonshire; born i8th January, 1832. Ensign, 71st Foot, 1850 ; Lieutenant, 1853 ; Cap- tain, January, 1856 ; transferred to 2nd Foot, Sep- tember, 1856 ; Major, Unattached, 1861 ; appointed to looth Foot, 1862 ; Lieut-Colonel, 1865 ; Brevet Colonel, 1870; on Half-pay, 1871 ; Retired, 1874. Served in the Crimean War in 1854-55, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol and expedition to Kertch (Medal with clasp and Turkish Medal). Codrington, Edward Christopher, son of Cap- tain Christopher Codrington, H.E.I.C.S. ; born iith October, 1837. Ensign, 57th Bengal Native Infantry, 1855; Lieu- tenant, 1857 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1861 ; Cap- tain, 1868; Major, 1876; Lieut. -Colonel, 1882. Assistant-Adjutant-General, Punjab Frontier Force, 1881 ; Commandant, 2nd Punjab Infantry, 1883. Served during the Indian Mutiny Campaign of 1857-58, and was present during the occupation of the Alumbagh from the i6th January, to the loth March, 1858, including the repulse of three separate attacks on the i6th January, affair of the 15th Febru- ary, repulse of the night attacks on the 19th and 2ist, affair of the 25th, repuEe of the night attack on the 25th February, and affair of the 9th March ; also present at the siege and capture of Lucknow, including skirmishes on the 19th and 21st March, in the vicinity of the Moosa Bagh, subsequent opera- tions in Oude, including the actions of Baree and Sirsee (Medal with clasp). Served in the 4th Sikh Infantry with the Force under Brigadier-General Chamberlain against the Kabul Kheyl Wuzeerees in 1859-60, including the actions at Maidani (Medal with clasp). Served with the 5th Goorkhas through- out the operations in Umbeyla (mentioned in de- spatches, clasp) ; also with the same regiment during the Hazara Campaign of 1868, including operations in the Agrore Valley and expedition against the tribes in the Black Mountain. Served in the Afghan War in 1878-79, and was present at the capture of the Peiwar Kotal (iVledal with clasp). Served with the Mahsood PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A, 93 January, 1847.] Wuzeeree Expedition in i88i as Assistant-Adjutant- General. Died at Exmouth, Devon, ist July, 1888. Cooper, Richard Augustus, son of Richard W. Cooper, Esq., Kingstown, Ireland ; born 25th January, 1833. Ensign, 93rd Foot, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1854, Lieu- tenant and Captain, Scots Fusilier Guards, 1857 ; Re- tired, 1863. Servedwiththe93rdHighlandersthrough- out the Crimean Campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Alma and Balaklava, siege and fall of Sebas- topol (Medal with three clasps, 5th Class Mejidie, Sar- dinian and Turkish Medals). Served also in the Indian Mutiny Campaign from the 20th September, 1857 to the 20th August, 1858 ; present at the storm- ing of the Secunderabagh and severely wounded in the head in a hand-to-hand fight, being the first officer to enter the breach of that place ; was also en- gaged in all the subsequent operations which led to the relief of the Residency, subsequent relief of Cawn- pore and defeat of the Gwalior Contingent with pur- suit to Serai Ghat, action of Khala Nuddee, occupa- tion of Furruckabad, siege and capture ot Lucknow, including the storming of the Martiniere, Begum Cottee, and minor operations ; pursuit of the rebels through Rohilcund and Oude, actions before and fall of Bareilly from 5th to 9th May (Medal). de Vismes, Henry Auriol Douglas (afterwards Baron de Vismes), son of the Viscount Henry de Vismes, Buckish House, Bideford ; born 17th April, 1835. Succeeded his father as Baron de Vismes in 1874. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1854 ; ist Lieutenant, 1854 ; Cap- tain, 1861 ; Retired, 1871. Served in the Crimean Campaign from February to October, 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol ( Medal with clasp, and Turkish Medal.) England, Edward Hutchings, son of — Eng- land, Esq. ; born 31st January, 1835. Day Boy. Died at Acomb Park, York, 28th August, 1869. Ferguson, Thomas Benyon, son of Thomas Ferguson, Esq., Geenville, Belfast ; born 1 8th November, 1836. Day Boy. Brasenose College, Oxford, 1855. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1863. Joined the Bombay Bar in 1865. Died on board ss. ‘ ‘ Cathay, ” on his way to England, 24th November, 1874. Fisher, Frank Alexander, son of William Frank Fisher, Esq., Ivy House, Teignmouth, Devon ; born ist September, 1831. Foster, William Henry, son of John Frederick Foster, Esq., Sale Priory, near Manchester ; born 25th April, 1832. Is a Commissioner of Crown Lands, Warden of the Gold Fields, and Proctector of the Chinese, and a J.P. in the Colony of Victoria. Harington, William Henry, son of — Haring- ton, Esq. ; born 21st April, 1833. Day Boy. Re-entry, August, 1843. Hodgson, Charles C., son of — Hodgson, Esq. ; born 22nd September, 1834. Day Boy. Hodgson, Irton B., son of — Hodgson, Esq. ; born 27th June, 1833. Hughes, Gordon Stonhouse, son of General Samuel Hughes, C.B. ; born 22nd July, 1837. Southwood and Lamotte. Ensign, 35th Foot, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 92nd High- landers, 1855 ; Captain (Retired), 1861. Address ; Junior Army and Navy Club, St. James's, London, S.W. Johnson, Henry, son of the Rev. Evans John- son, D.D., Newlands, Ferns, Ireland; born 27th f'ebruary, 1836. X 2nd C — 2C'. Boyce. Left 1853. Cricket XXII., 18 — . Trinity College, Dublin. 2nd Class Classical Honours ; Downes Prize for reading Liturgy ; Napier Prize for Composition. College Historical Society; B.A. (Divinity Testimo- nium, 2nd Class), 1858 ; M.A. , 1876. Ordained Deacon, 1859, and Priest, i860. Curate of Bally- huskard, 1859-60 ; of Enniscorthy, 186062 ; of Adamstown, 1863-64; of Monkstown, 1864-68; Vicar of Carbery, Co. Kildare, i868. Address : Carbery Vicarage, Co. Kildare, Ireland. Knox, George Uchter, son of Thomas Percy Knox, Esq., Barrister-at-Law ; born ist October, 1837. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. 2nd Lieu- tenant, Royal Artillery, F'ebruary, 1855 ; ist Lieu- tenant, April, 1855 ; 2nd Captain, 1862 ; Captain, 1871; Major, 1872; Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, July, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel, September, 1881. Died at sea, onboard S.S. “Khiva," on his passage home from India, 4th December, 1881. Lang, Owen Charles Seymour, son of Charles Porcher Lang, Esq., Eton Place, London, S.W. ; born 17th January, 1833. 8C — 2C. Garret. Left 1852. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A., 1856 ; M.A., 1859. Ordained Deacon, 1856, and Priest, 1857. Curate of Farnham, Surrey, 1856-57 ; Rector of Pwllcrochon, Pembrokeshire, 1857-65 ; of Bradfield Combust, Suffolk, 1865-74 ; Vicar of Frensham, Surrey, 1874-85 ; Rector of Bentley, 1885. Address : Bentley Rectory, Farnham. McMullin, John, son of John McMullin, Esq., M.D., Cheltenham ; born nth August, 1834. Day Boy. Ensign, 59th Foot, 1855 ; Lieutenant, 13th Foot, 1861 ; transferred to 102nd Foot, 1865 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1867 ; Brevet-Captain, 1867 ; Captain, 1871 ; Major, 1875 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1881 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1885. Served with the 59th Foot in the China War, in 1857, and was present at the operations before Canton and at its capture (Medal with clasp). Penn, Richard L., son of Richard Penn, Esq., Quebec ; born 9th May, 1831. Day Boy. Persse, Robert, son of Robert H. Persse, Esq., Castle Boy, Loughrea, Ireland ; born 21st May, 1833. Ensign, Royal Canadian Rifle Regiment, 1855 ; Lieutenant, 1858 ; Captain, 1868 ; Retired, 1870. Price, Augustus William, son of John Price, Esq., Llanrhaiadr Hall, Denbigh ; born i8th July, 1836. Ensign, 89th Foot, 1858 ; Lieutenant, 1862 ; Cap- tain (Retired), 1869. Strong, Thomas Edmund, son of the Rev. Ed- mund Strong, St. Mary’s Clyst, Devon ; born 24th December, 1836. Ensign, 3rd Bombay Native Infantry, 1854 ; Lieu- tenant, 1858; Joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1864; Brevet-Captain, January, 1866 ; Captain, September, 1866; Major, 1874; Lieut. -Colonel, 1880 ; Brevet. - Colonel, 1884 ; Commandant, 14th Bombay Native Infantry, 1884. Stuart, Charles Joseph, son of — Stuart, Esq. ; born 1 2th January, 1834. Day Boy. Ensign, Madras Infantry, 1852 ; appointed to 51st Madras Native Infantry, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1856 ; Joined Madras Staff Corps, 1861 ; Captain 1864; Major, 1872; Lieut. -Colonel, 1878; Colonel, 1882. Thomson, J ohn Robert, son of William Gordon Thomson, Esq., Hyde Park, London ; born 30th July, 1832. Thomson, John Robert, son of John Robert i'homson. Esq., Cornhill, London ; born 17th February, 1833. Torriano, Charles Edward, son of Captain Charles S. Torriano, R.A. ; born 6th July, 1833. Day Boy. 94 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, and Lieu- tenant, Royal Artillery, 1851 ; ist Lieutenant, 1853 ; Captain, 1858; Major, 1872; Lieut. -Colonel, 1876; Colonel, 1881 ; Retired, 1884. Commanding Auxili- ary Artillery, Dublin District, 1880-82 ; Colonel on Staff (Commanding Royal Artillery), Chatham Dis- trict, 1882-84. Served in the Crimean Campaign in 1854-55, and was present at the Battle of Inkerman, [January, 1847. siege of Sebastopol, including the bombardments of 17th October, gth April, 6th and 17th June (men- tioned in despatches. Medal with two clasps, Knight of the Legion of Honour, and Turkish Medal). Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1858, in- cluding the action at Pandora, storm and capture of Meangunge, siege and capture of Lucknow, capture of Forts of Dehnia and Tirol (Medal with clasp). ENTERED EASTER, 1847. Campbell, Colin, son of — Campbell, Esq. ; born 2 1 St May, 1838. Da_y Boy. Copley, Arthur White, son of Edward Thomas Copley, Esq., Nether Hall, near Doncaster ; born 8th August, 1836. Dyson, John Charles, son of Captain John Dyson, Bengal Army; born loth June, 1837. Day Boy. Fitzroy, Francis, son of Captain George Fitz- roy, Grafton Regis, Stony Stratford ; born 28th October, 1832. Trinity Hall, Cambridge ; 20th Wrangler, 1855 ; Fellow of Trinity Hall, 1856. Lancey, Robert C., son of Captain William Lancey, R.E., Newtown, Limavady, Derry, Ireland ; born, loth October, 1836. Leigh, Francis Charles William, son of Francis Leigh, Esq., Coolcliffe, Taghmow, Co. Wex- ford ; born 2nd July, 1832. Lewis, Gwynne Orton, son of Leyson Orton Lewis, Esq., Llandilo, Carmarthenshire ; born 8th October, 1831. Ensign, 25th Foot, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; transferred to 7th Fusiliers, 1857 ; Adjutant, 1858- 60; Captain, 1864 ; Retired, 1867. Served with the Force under Brigadier-General Chamberlain, attached to the Corps of Guides, against the Mahsood Wuzee- rees, during April and May, i860 ; present at the night attack at the Camp at Paloozeen (mentioned in despatches), forcing the Burrana Pass, taking and destroing Makin, their chief town, with various minor affairs. Lloyd, Frederick, son of Captain Frederick Lloyd, Indian Navy ; born 20th August, 1831. Addiscombe Military College. 2nd Lieutenant, Bombay Artillery, 1850 ; ist Lieutenant, 1854 ; 2nd Captain, 1859 j Retired, 1861. Mason, Charles Welch, son of William Mason, Esq., Madras Civil Service ; born 12th February, 1831. Mulock, John Berry, son of Thomas Homan Mulock, Esq., Bellair, King’s County, Ire- land; born 28th April, 1832. Meath Hospital, and Royal College of Siugeons, Ireland; M. D. (St. Andrew’s), 1862; Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1862 ; Licenti- ate of the Apothecaries’ Society, 1863 ; Licentiate in Midwifery (Coombe Hospital, Dublin), 1862. Died 1885. Wright, Samuel, son of Edward Welchman Wright, Esq., M.D., Shipston-on-Stour ; born 4th August, 1833. 8C — iC. Romanis. Left 1853. Trinity College, Cambridge ; B.A., 1857; M.A., i860 ; Ordained Deacon, 1858, and Priest, i860. Curate of Bromsgrove, 1858-60 ; of Solihull, 1860- 78 ; of Stratford-on-Avon, 1878-79 ; of Crosby Ravensworth, Westmoreland, 1879-81 ; of Alveston, Warwickshire, 1881-86; of St. Mary, Higher Crump- sail, Lancashire, 1886. Address : Higher Crumpsall, Manchester. ENTERED AUGUST, 1847. Arbuthnot, Bingham Henry L., son of — Arbuthnot, Esq. ; born 9th April, 1837. Baillie, George Augustus Frederick, son of — Baillie, Esq. ; born 31st July, 1833. Battine, Charles, son of Major-General William Battine, C.B. ; born 27th December, 1832. Ensign, 14th Bengal Native Infantry, 1849 ; Lieu- tenant, 1856. Killed by Mutineers at Cawnpore, during the Indian Mutiny, 15th June, 1857. Bell, Thomas, son of Thomas Bell, Esq., 2, Montpellier Grove, Cheltenham; born 23rd October, 1836. — iC. Garrett. Left December, 1854. Exeter College, Oxford, 1856. B.A. (4th Class Classical Final Schools), i860; M.A., 1862. Private Secretary to the Chairman of the Metropolitan Board of Works, London. Brancker, John Sefton,son of William Brancker, Esq., Llwyn Onn, Wrexham ; born loth February, 1837. Brancker, William Godeffroy, son of William Brancker, Esq., Llwyn Onn, Wrexham; born 27th March, 1834. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1856 ; Captain, i866 ; Major, 1875 ; Brevet-Lieut.-Colonel, January, 1882; Lieut. -Colonel, October, 1882. Instructor in Artillery, Department of Artillery Studies, Woolwich, 1872-80 ; Assistant- Director, Department of Artillery Studies, Woolwich, 1880-81. Served in the China War of i860, and was present at the actions at Sinho and Tangku, and capture of the Taku Forts (Medal with clasp). Served in the Egyptian War of 1882 in command of a Battery of Royal Artillery (mentioned in despatches, C.B., Medal, 3rd Class Medjidie, and Khedive’s Star). Died at Ipswich, Suffolk, 22nd May, 1885. Brutton, Charles, son of Charles Brutton, Esq., Exeter ; born 23rd July, 1831. Carter, John Henry Stackmare, son of Admiral John Carter, R.N. ; born 30th March, 1834. Southwood. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. 2nd Lieu- tenant, Royal Engineers, 1852; ist Lieutenant, 1854. Served in the Crimean War, and was killed in the trenches before Sebastopol, 2nd May, 1855. Carter, William Henry, son of Admiral John Carter, R. N.; born 17th May, 1836. Day Boy. Left June, 1851. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1851-53. En- sign, i6th Foot, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; Adjutant, 1859-60 ; Captain, i860 ; Retired, 1868. Entered the Civil Service of Canada in 1871. Cary, Charles Sheddon, son of Walter Cary, Esq., Cheltenham ; born i8th February, 1837. Day Boy. August, 1847.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 95 Champain, John Underwood (afterwards Bate- man-Champain), son of Lieut. -Colonel Ag- new Champain), 9th Foot, Torquay ; born 22nd July, 1835. jM—\M. Pritcha?'d diXid Boyce. Left 1849. Addiscombe Military College (Passed out First Engineer; Prizes: — Pollock Medal, First Fortifica- tion, First Military Drawing, First Civil Drawing, P'irst Hindustani). 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Engineers, 1853 ; ist Lieutenant, 1857 ; Captain, 1863 ; Major, 1872; Lieut.-Colonel, 1878; Brevet-Colonel, 1882. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1857-59 as Adjutant of the Bengal Sappers at the actions on the Hindun, battle of Budleekserai, and throughout the siege and capture of Delhi (wounded) ; commanded Headquarters Detachment of Sappers at the taking of Futtehpore Sikree, and in the Agra district under Colonel Cotton ; served as Adjutant at the siege and capture of Lucknow ; was specially employed under Brigadier Douglas in the Gazeepore and Shahabad districts, present at the final capture of Judgespore, and at the pursuit of the rebels to the Kymore Hills (Medal with two clasps). Was for several years Director-in-Chief of the Indo-European Telegraph, and assisted at its first construction in Persia. In recognition of his eminent services the Shah of Persia presented to him a Sword of Honour in 1885 which the English Government gave him special permission to accept, and in 1886 he received the Order of K.C.M.G. President of the Cheltonian Society, 1884-85. Died at San Remo, Italy, ist February, 1887. Cronyn, George, son of — Cronyn, Esq. ; born 22nd October, 1835. Day Boy. Ensign, 54th Foot, 1855; Lieutenant, 1857. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign and was present at the taking of the Forts of Leehean and Tirhoe in Oude, in June, 1858. Died 2nd January, 1862. Curzon, James Gerald, son of the Hon. John Henry Roper Curzon, Keswick ; born toth July, 1837. Day Boy. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich ; left before obtaining his Commission and went to Australia. Died 27th January, 1881. Darrock, Duncan, son of Major Duncan Dar- rock, Cheltenham; born 15th March, 1836. Day Boy. J.P. and D. L. Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society. Address: Gourock, Renfrewshire, N. B. , and Torridon, Auchnasheen, Ross-shire, N.B. Daubeny, Redman B., son of the Rev. James Daubeny, Cheltenham; born 13th July, 1837. Day Boy. Davies, William John, son of Captain Alban Thomas Davies, Lampeter, Cardiganshire ; born 9th December, 1832. Delisser, Alfred, son of — Delisser, Esq.; born 25th January, 1833. Derry, Richard Foster, son of Samuel Derry, Esq., F.R.C.S., Plymouth ; born 21st Novem- ber, 1833. Doolan, Arthur, son of Frederick Doolan, Esq., London ; born 1832. Doran, Robert Henry Patrick, son of — Doran, Esq. ; born 21st October, 1835. Ensign, 50th Foot, 1854; Lieutenant, December, 1854 ; Captain, 1861 ; Brevet-Major, 1874 ; Major, 1879 ; Lieut.-Colonel, Royal West Kent Regiment, 1881; Colonel (Retired), 1884. Served with the 50th Regiment in the Crimean War from 22nd November, 1854 ; including the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with clasp and Turkish Medal. ) Served also in the several Campaigns in New Zealand from 15th November, 1863 to 1866, and was present at Waiari (mentioned in despatches), the storm and capture of Rangiawhia, repulse of the enemy's attack on the camp at Nukumaru, and the affair of Kakaramea (Medal). Served with the ist Battalion West Kent Regiment throughout the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present at the action at Kassassin on the 9th September (Medal and Khedive's Star). Elin, Frederick, son of John Bloxam Elin, Esq., Regent’s Park, London ; born June, 1834. London University. Elliot, Robert Henry, son of Robert Kerr Elliot, Esq., Harwood, near Hawick, N.B.'; born 6th December, 1837. J.P. for Roxburghshire. Address : Clifton Park, Kelso, N. B. , and Bally- britain. King's County, Ireland. Furnival, James, son of the Rev. James Furnival, Henbury, Bristol; born 22nd June, 1833. Brasenose College, Oxford, 1852 ; 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1854 ; Hulme Exhibitioner, 1855; B.A. (4th Class Law and History), 1856; M.A. , 1863. Ordained Deacon, 1857, and Priest, 1858. Curate of Wimborne Minster, Dorset, 1857- 60 ; Chaplain at Heidelberg, 1860-63 1 Rector of Hamworthy, 1863-70 ; of Tockenham-Wick, Wilt- shire, 1870-73; Rector of Muston, Notts, 1874. Address : Muston Rectory, Nottingham. Grant, Robert Joynt Gordon, son of Robert J. G. Grant, Esq., 9th Lancers ; born loth November, 1833. Ensign, 2nd West India Regiment, January, 1852 ; Lieutenant, December, 1852 ; transferred to 35th Foot, 1854 ; Captain, 1863 ; Brevet-Major, 1877 ; Major, Royal Sussex Regiment, 1881 ; Lieut.-Colonel (Retired), 1883. Garrison-Adjutant, Sierra Leone, 1853-54 ; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1880. Was present at the storm and destruction of the fortified native Madingo town of Sebajee, on the Gambia, on the ist June, 1853. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1857-58, with the 35th Regiment. Grindrod, Barton, son of John Grindrod, Esq., Liverpool; born 25th April, 1834. Grindrod, William, son of John Grindrod, Esq., Liverpool ; born 27th May, 1832. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. (39th Junior Optime), 1855; M.A., 1858. Ordained Deacon, 1856, and Priest, 1857. Curate of Standish, Lanca- shire, 1856-57 ; of Kirkby, Lancashire, 1857-59 ; of St. Mary, Shrewsbury, 1859-60 ; Minor Canon of Chester Cathedral, and Curate of St. Oswald, Chester, 1860-75 ; Chaplain of Chester Union, 1870- 75 ; Vicar of Alne with Aldwarke, Yorkshire, 1875. Address - Alne Vicarage, Easingwold. Hall, Savage, son of the Rev. Savage Hall, Lough Gall, Armagh, Ireland ; born loth February, 1834. Ensign, 89th Foot, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; Cap- tain, 1857 ; Retired, 1857. Served in the Crimean War from 5th January, 1855; including the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and attacks on the Redan on the i8th June and 8th September. (Medal with clasp.) Jeffreys, William, son of — Jeffreys, Esq. ; 28th February, 1835. Day Boy. Johnstone, Richard Walter, son of the Rev. J. Beresford Johnstone, Tullow, Ireland ; born 28th January, 1835. Jopp, Keith Alexander, son of Major John Jopp, Ottery St. Mary, Devon ; born 30th July, 1838. Head of Modern, June, 1855. Addiscombe Mili- tary College (Passed out First Engineer. Prizes : — Pollock Medal, Sword, First Mathematical, First Military Surveying). 2nd Lieutenant, Bombay Engineers, 1857 ; ist Lieutenant, 1858 ; Captain, (Royal Engineers), 1869; Major, 1874; Brevet- Lieiit. -Colonel, 1881; Lieut.-Colonel, 1886: Brevet- Colonel, 1885. Is Executive Engineer, ist Grade, Department of Public Works, and Deputy-Consulting Engineer for Guaranteed Railways, Madras. Served 96 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1847. throughout the Abyssinian Campaign in 1867-68 ; landed with the First Reconnoitring Party, served partly in surveying routes, subsequently served in the Pioneer Force as Engineer-in-Charge of working parties in the march on Magdala ; present at the action of Arogee and capture of Magdala (mentioned in des- patches, medal). Served in the Afghan War in 1878- 79 (Medal). Knox, James Henry, son of the Rev. Andrew Knox. Birkenhead; born 29th June, 1837. Lamb, Thompson, son of Henry Lamb, Esq., Kettering ; born 31st July, 1835. Lloyd-Philipps, William Richard R., son of John Philipps Allen Lloyd-Philipps, Esq., Dale Castle, Milford ; born 27th March, 1835- Lukin, Augustus, son of Stephen James William Lukin, Esq., Sandhill Lodge, Fordingbridge, Hants; born 12th August, 1834. Massy, Augustine William, son of the Hon. John Massy, Monkstown, Ireland ; born 26th July, 1836. Ensign, 56th Foot, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; Re- tired, 1862. Died 29th September, 1878. Morris, Ussher Lee, son of — Morris, Esq. ; born 2 1 St January, 1832. Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Marines, 1851 ; Lieutenant, 1854; Captain, 1862; Major, 1876; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1877. Gold Telegraph Medal, and passed Adjutant. Served with the Baltic Expeditions in 1854-55, including the action with a battery at the mouth of the Narva on i8th June, and at the bom- bardment of Sveaborg (Medal). Served as Adjutant in the China War of 1857-58, including the blockade of the Canton River, and the storming and capture of Canton ; was appointed Aide-de-Camp to Colonel Holloway in August, 1858 (Medal with clasp). Romayne, Osborne Savage, son of — Romayne, Esq.; born 22nd March, 1833. Scott, Michael Hugh, son of Michael Scott, Esq., Glasgow ; born September, 1831. Head of Modern, June, 1849. Was a merchant in Bombay. Died 1867. Stanford, William Bedell, son of Bedell Stan- ford, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 14th Decem- ber, 1837. Day Boy. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1851. Balliol College, O.xford, 1856. ist Class Classical Moderations, 1858; B.A. (2nd Class Classical Final Schools), i860; M.A. , 1863. Ordained Deacon, 1863, and Priest, 1864. Assistant Master, Sherborne Grammar School, 1861-68; Head Master of Beaumaris Grammar School, 1868-72 ; Head Master of Gloucester Collegi- ate School, 1872-75 ; Head Master of St. Chad’s School, Denstone, Staffordshire, 1875-78; Head Master of St. Peter's School, Adelaide, South Aus- tralia, 1878-82 ; Canon of Christ Church, and Warden of Theological College, Christ Church, New Zea- land, 1882. Address : Christ Church, New Zealand. Taylor, Joseph Stubbs, son of — Taylor, Esq. ; born 29th December, 1829. Day Boy. Timings, Henry, son of — Timings, Esq. ; born 17th April, 1835. Day Boy. Warren, Lionel Smith, son of Thomas B. Warren, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 8th Febru- ary, 1834. Day Boy. Ensign, 91st Foot, 1852 ; transferred to 65th Foot, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; Captain, 1863 ; Major, 1876 ; Lieut. -Colonel, York and Lancaster Regiment, 1878 ; Colonel, 1882; Major-General (Re- tired), 1887. Garrison Instructor, Auckland, New Zealand, 1861-62. Commanding Regimental Dis- trict, 188 . Served in the New Zealand War in 1860-61, including the operations in Taranaki, actions at Huirangi, Waikato and Gate Pah (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Warren, Thomas Russell, son of Richard Ben- son Warren, Esq., Dublin ; born i ith March, 1837- ENTERED MICHAELMAS, 1847. Bingham, Devereux, son of Henry Charles Bingham, Esq. ; born — . Butler, William Theobald, son of the Rev. Edward Butler, Cheltenham ; born 22nd September, 1838. Day Boy. Ensign, 72nd Foot, 1855 ; Lieutentant, 8th Foot, 1858; Captain, 1864 ; Brevet-Major, 1877 ; Lieut. - Colonel (Retired), 1879. De’wdney, James, son of the Rev. Edmund Dewdney, Cheltenham ; born 13th March, 1834. Day Boy. Was in a lawyer’s office. Ely, Henry Richmond Anthony, son of the Rev. Anthony Ely, Dursley ; born 9th Janu- ary, 1832. Feilden, Edward Arthur, son of the Rev. Randle Edward Feilden, Bonchurch, Isle of Wight; born 15 th April, 1836. Guinness, William Le Poer Trench, son of the Rev. William Newton Guinness, Ballysa- dore, Ireland; born November, 1836. Hornby, Charles Edward, son of Joseph Hornby, Esq., Everton, near Liverpool ; born 20th October, 1833. 4C— 2C Garrett. Left June, 1852. Cricket XXII., 18 — . Christ Church, Oxford, 1852. B.A., 1857; M.A., 1862. Ordained Deacon, 1864, and Priest, 1865. Curate of Mere, Wiltshire, 1864-65 ; Curate-in-Charge of Much Dewchurch, Herefordshire, 1865-67; Vicar of Ebrington, Gloucestershire, 1867. Address: Ebrington Vicarage, Chipping Campden. Richardson, John Mervyn Archdall Carleton, son of Henry Mervyn Richardson, Esq., Rossfad, Enniskillen, Ireland ; born 3rd January, 1836. Murgeaud. J.P. and D.L., and High Sheriff of Co. Fer- managh, 1868. Lieut. -Colonel, 3rd Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers (Fermanagh Militia). Address; Rossfad, Ballycassidy, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland. Rochfort, Charles Gustavus, son of Captain Charles Rochfort, of Rochfort Bridge, Co. Westmeath, Ireland; born 15th March, 1837. iiC — 2C. Left June, 1854. Cricket XL, 1854. Classical Football XX., 1852. Ensign, 20th Foot, 1855; Lieutenant, 1855; Cap- tain, 1858 ; Retired, 1869. Died at Dublin, ist May, 1882. Scott, Richard, son of Captain Richard Andrew Scott, Carmarthen; born loth August, 1834. Went to Australia. Trench, Charles Edward Le Poer, son of the Rev. John Le Poer Trench, Temple Michael, Longford, Ireland ; born 3rd September, 1838. Trench, Power Digby Le Poer, son of the Rev. John Le Poer Trench, Temple Michael, Longford, Ireland; born 6th December, 1834. MiCFfAicr.MAS, 1847.] TRINCirAL; REV. W. D 0 I 5 S 0 N, M.A. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. 2nd Lieu- tenant, Royal Artillery, 18154 ; ist Lieutenant, 1855. Served in the Crimean War in 1854-55, and was pre- sent at the siege of Sebastopol, and e.xpedition to Kertch (Medal with clasp.) Died at Gorruckpore, East Indies, 3rd July, i860. Trench, William Fitzjohn Le Poer, son of the Rev. John Le Poer Trench, Temple Michael, Longford, Ireland ; born 9th September, 1836. Ensign, 55th Foot, March, 1855 ; Lieutenant, October, 1855 ; Retired, 1863. Turton, Zouch, son of Captain Z. H. Turton, Bengal Army ; born 5th March, 1831. Day Boy. Re-entry, zz/r/t? August, 1843. Willis, Charles Whately, son of Sherlock Willis, 97 Esq., M.D., Swindon, near Cheltenham ; born 23rd October, 1837. Ensign, 33rd Foot, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1855; Cap- tain, i 860. Served in the Crimean War from 30th December, 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol and assaults of the Redan on the i8th June and 8th September, wounded (Medal with clasp, and Turkish Medal). Died at Hampton, Middlesex, 7th November, 1866. Willis, Sherlock Vignoles, son of Sherlock Willis, Esq., M.D., Swindon, near Chelten- ham ; born — . Ensign, ist Foot, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; Cap- tain, 1858 ; Retired, 1866. Served in the Crimean War, and was present at the siege and fall of Sebas- topol from the 9th December, 1854 (Medal with clasp, 5th Class Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). ENTERED JANUARY, 1848. Allardyce, Fletcher James, son of James Allar- dyce. Esq., M.D., Cheltenham; born 19th February, 1832. Day Boy. Re-entry, vide July, 1841. Barker, Francis Henry, son of Richard Barker, Esq., Christleton Bank, Chester ; born 8th June, 1834. Brooke, Joshua Ingham, son of Thomas Brooke, Esq., Huddersfield; born 14th February, 1836. 7C — iC. Southwood and Boultbee. Left December, 1853. Cricket XL, 1853. Classical Football XX., 1853. University College, Oxford, 1855; 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1857; B.A. (2nd Class Classical Final Schools) 1859; M.A., 1862 ; Ordained Deacon i860, and Priest, 1862. Curate of East Retford, 1860-63 1 Batheaston, 1863-66; Rector of Easthope, 1866-67; Rector of Thornhill, Yorkshire, 1867-88; Rural Dean of Dewsbury, 1871-88 ; Honorary Canon of Ripon Cathedral, 1883 ; Vicar of Halifax, ^Yorkshire, 1888 ; Archdeacon of Halifax and Canon of Wakefield Cathedral, 1888. Address : The Vicarage, Halifax, Yorkshire. Cary, Augustus Gordon, son of Walter Cary, Esq., Cheltenham; born 2nd July 1838. Day Boy. Cheatle, George, son of Thomas Cheatle, Esq., Burford, Oxford; born 21st September, '^ 33 - . . . Cosby, Thomas Prittie, son of the Rev. William Cosby, Abbeyleix, Queen’s County, Ireland ; born 27th August, 1832. Ensign, 14th Foot, 1852; Lieutenant, 1854; Cap- tain, 1857; Major, 1872; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1878 ; on Half-Pay, 1879 ; appointed to West York- shire Regiment, 1881 ; Colonel, 1882 ; Major-General (retired), 1887. Served in the Crimean War from loth January, 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol and assault of the i8th June (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp, and Turkish Medal.) Courtenay, John Irving, son of Edward Henry Courtenay, Esq., Dublin ; born i8th March, 1837. Day Boy. Left 1852. Trinity College, Oxford, 1853. B.A., 1857 ; M.A. , i860. Called to the Bar, Lincoln's Inn, 1861. Is Managing Director of the Electrical Power Storage Company. Address ; i, Essex Court, The Temple, London, E.C. Cox, Charles Percy, son of Captain Samuel Fortom Cox, Sandford Park, Woodstock; born 3rd January, 1835. — 7C. Boyce. Land Agent. J.P. for New Zealand. Cox, Felix Arthur Douglas, son of Captain Samuel Fortom Cox, Sandford Park, Wood- stock ; born 9th May, 1837. Subsequently at Rugby School, August, 1851 — . Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1857 ; appointed to 17th Bengal Native Infantry, 1858; Lieutenant, 1859; Resigned, 1865. Davidson, Edmund, son of Alexander David- son, Esq., H.E.I.C.S. ; born nth August, 1834. Day Boy. Eyre, Frederick Vincent, son of Major-General Sir Vincent Eyre, K.C.S.I., C.B., Royal Artillery; born 24th October, 1835. Addiscombe Military College. 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Artillery, 1855 ; ist Lieutenant, 1858 ; Cap- tain, Royal Artillery, 1865; Major, 1872; Lieut. - Colonel, 1879; Colonel (Retired), 1880. Served in the Saugor district during the Indian Mutiny in 1857-58 (Medal)r Godfrey, James Alfred, son of John Godfrey, Esq., Charlbury, Enstone, Oxford ; born 19th November, 1834. Guinness, Thomas Hosea, son of the Rev. J. Guinness, Kingstown, Ireland ; born loth September, 1831. Halkett, Sir Peter Arthur, Bart., son of Sir John Halkett, Bart., R.N., Pitfirrane, near Dunfermline, N.B. ; born ist May, 1834. Succeeded his father as 8th Baronet in 1847. Ensign, 8ist Foot, 1851 ; transferred to 42nd High- landers, 1853 ; Captain, 1855 ; transferred to 3rd Light Dragoons (Hussars), 1855 ; Retired, 1856. Late Lieut. -Colonel Commandant Fife Artillery Militia. Served in the Crimean Campaign of 1854- 55 with the 42nd Highlanders, including the battles of Alma (where he carried the Queen’s Colour of his regiment) and Balaklava, expedition to Kertch, siege and fall of Sebastopol, and assault on the out- works on the i8th June (Medal with three clasps, Sardinian and Turkish Medals). Is Commander of the Royal Order of “ Isabella la Catolica,” of Spain. J.P., and D.L. , for Fifeshire. Address ; Pitfirrane, near Dunfermline, N. B. ; Keavil House, Fifeshire ; Junior United Service Club, London, S.W. , and Junior Carlton Club, Pall Mall, London, S.W. Hamond, William Carr, son of Major Peter Hamond, H.E.I.C.S.; born 21st April, 1834. Addiscombe Military College (Prize; First Latin). 2nd Lieutenant, Madras Engineers, 1853; Lieutenant, 1858. Died at Secunderabad, East Indies, 25th May, 1859. O [January, 1848. 98 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Hewitson, George Shaw Butler, son of Major Charles Hewitson, H.E. I.C.S. ; born 12th March, 1833. Day Boy. Ensign, 34th Madras Native Infantry, 1854 ; Lieu- tenant, 185s ; attached to Madras Sappers and Miners, 1856; Captain, Madras Staff Corps, 1866; Major, 1874; Lieut. -Colonel, 1880; Colonel (Re- tired), 1883. Hudleston, Robert Horace, son of Robert Bur- land Hudleston, Esq., Cavendish Place, Bath ; born loth June, 1836. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1855 i appointed to 69th Bengal Native Infantry, 1856 ; Lieutenant, 1856 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1862 ; Captain, 1867 ; Major, 1875; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1880. Served as Adjutant of the 9th Punjab Native Infantry with the force under Sir Sidney Cotton to the Eusofzie Frontier in 1858, and was present at the affairs of Chingli and Siltana. Died 1882. Jackson, Richard Lendon, son of the Rev. Robert Jackson, Wonastow Rectory, Mon- mouth ; born 9th July, 1835. Jackson, Robert Lendon, son of the Rev. Robert Jackson, Wonastow Rectory, Monmouth ; born loth July, 1837. Jacob, John, son of Major William Jacob, H.E.I.C.S., Croydon, Surrey ; born 12th June, 1836. Ensign, 22nd Bombay Native Infantry, 1855 ; Lieutenant, 1857 ; Captain, Bombay Staff Corps, 1867 ; Major, 1875 i Lieut. -Colonel, 1881 ; Colonel, 1885 ; Major-General (Retired), 1886. Jacob, William, son of Major William Jacob, H,E,I.C.S., Croydon, Surrey ; born 14th December, 1838. Ensign, Bombay Infantry, January, 1855; appointed to 7th Bombay Native Infantry, March, 1855; trans- ferred to 19th Bombay Native Infantry, August, 1855; Lieutenant, 1858; joined Bombay Staff Corps 1861 ; Captain, 1867 ; Major, 1875 ; Lieut,-Coloriel, 1881 ; Brevet Colonel, 1885. Second in Command, 19th Bombay Native Infantry, 1878. Served as Interpreter to the 72nd Highlanders during the Indian Mutiny in 1858, and took part in the siege and capture of Kotah (Medal with clasp). Served in the Afghan War in 1880-81 (Medal). Laird, John, son of John Laird, Esq., Birken- head ; born i6th February, 1834. Formerly Mayor of Birkenhead. Address ; Oakhurst, Birkenhead. Lewis, Algernon Garnons Hughes, son of Ley- son Orton Lewis, Esq., Llandilo, Car- marthenshire ; born 2nd March, 1835. Lewis, Leyson Edwin, son of Leyson Orton Lewis, Esq., Llandilo, Carmarthenshire ; born 19th June, 1837. Ensign, 3rd Foot, May, 1855; Lieutenant, Novem- ber, 1855 ; Captain, 1863 ; retired, 1870. Livingston, John, son of Robert Livingston Esq., Liverpool ; born 25th December 1837- Monck, Herbert, son of John Monck,* Esq., Manchester ; born 22nd October, 1836. Moult, William, son of William Moult, Esq., Knowsley, Prescot, Lancashire ; born 13th February, 1834. Osborne-Gibbes, Henry James, son of Sir Samuel Osborne-Gibbes, Bart., Brunswick Buildings, Weymouth ; born 3rd December, 1834. Died 1861 Pasley, Hamilton Sabine, son of Admiral Sir Thomas Sabine Pasley, Bart. ,Bowness, Ken- dal; born 28th January, 1837. Newtek House, Chenery and Price. Left October, 1855. Head of Classical Department, June, 1855. Cricket XL, 1855 ; Classical Football XX., 1855. Scholarship, Trinity College, O.xford, 1855 ; 3rd Class Classical Moderations, 1857; B.A. , 1859. Ensign, Cape Mounted Riflemen, 1859 ; Adjutant, 1864-70; Lieutenant, 1867; Captain, 1870; Retired, 1870. Address : Kingswood, East Sheen, Surrey. Pasley, Russell Graves Sabine, son of Admiral Sir Thomas Sabine Pasley, Bart., Bowness, Kendal ; born 7th April, 1838. Naval Cadet, 1851 ; Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Navy, 1857 ; Lieutenant, 1859 ; Commander, 1864 ; Cap- tain, 1871. Died at Plymouth, 31st December, 1884. Bynd, Philip Crampton, son of Francis Rynd, Esq., Dublin ; born 23rd October, 1833. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, June, 1853; appointed to 73rd Bengal Native Infantry, September, 1873 ; Lieutenant, 1856 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1861 ; Captain, 1865; Major, 1873; Lieut. -Colonel, 1879; Brevet-Colonel, 1883. Served in the suppression of the Indian Mutiny in 1857-58, including the engage- ment at Dacca in November, 1857 (Medal). Served with the Eusofzie Field Force, in 1863, and was pre- sent at the engagements of the 15th and i6th December (Medal with clasp). Present at the en- gagement with the Bazotee Tribe near Kohat on the North-West Frontier, on the nth March, 1868 (received the Thanks of Government). Served in the Afghan War in 1878-79, including the attack on and defeat of Wuzeerees, and action of Jhandola (men- tioned in despatches. Medal). Served also in the Mahsood Wuzeree Expedition in 1881. Scott, James George Thomas, son of Michael Scott, Esq., Glasgow ; born 9th August, 1833. Was a Civil Engineer, and in Bombay for some years. Died 1881. Sheppard, Thomas Byard Winter, son of Thomas Byard Sheppard, Esq., Frome, Somerset; born 15th March, 1834. Shortt, Charles Tindall, son of Major John M. Shortt, Bombay Army, Beaufort House, Cheltenham; born 3rd June, 1837. Shortt, John, son of Major John M. Shortt, Bombay Army, Beaufort House, Chelten- ham ; born nth June, 1838. Stevenson, William James, son of Captain Thomas Stevenson, Cheltenham; born 21st January, 1838. Day Boy. Terry, Charles, son of Henry Terry, Esq., Northampton; born i8th February, 1833. Thomson, George Cadogan, son of William Gor- don Thomson, Esq., Hyde Park, London ; born 13th April, 1835. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1851 ; appointed to 51st Bengal Native Infantry, 1852 ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; Captain, Bengal Staff Corps, 1863 ; Major, 1871 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1877; Colonel (Retired), 1879. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign with the army before Delhi in 1857, from the 31st July to the final assault and capture of the city, and commanded a detachment of the Kumaon Battalion in the action of Ludlow Castle under the walls of the city, when four guns were captured (mentioned in despatches). Was afterwards engaged during the operations lead- ing to the final capture of Lucknow ; also through- out the Rohilcund Campaign, including the capture of Bareilly and several other engagements (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Traill, Charles, son of James Traill, Esq., Blackheath, Kent; born 22nd September, 1 836. Day Boy. Trevor, George Raymond, son of Captain Samuel Smith Trevor, Madras Army, Milver- ton, Somerset; born 25th December, 1832. January, 1848.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 99 Vivian, Aylmer, (afterwards Mclver-Campbell,) son of — Vivian, Esq. ; born 19th January, 1837 - Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1854 ; appointed to 24th Bengal Native Infantry, 1855 ; Lieutenant, 20th Bengal Native Infantry, 1857 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1861; Captain, 1866; Major, 1874; Lieut. - Colonel, 1880; Colonel (Retired), 1884. Com- manded a Ressala of Pathan Horse during the Indian Mutiny in 1857-59 : assisted in the suppression of the rebellion of the Jat tribes of the Ranee in the Gogaria district in 1857 ; accompanied Brigadier Frank's column in the advance on Lucknow, and present at the capture of the Fort of Dhowrara ; also during the operations before and capture of Lucknow by Lord Clyde ; stationed at Oonao, on the Lucknow and Cawnpore road, from April to Novem- ber, 1858, assisting to keep the road clear of the rebels, during which time he had frequent skir- mishes with the enemy ; served with Colonel Kelly's column in the operations on the Nepaul Frontier in 1859, and present at the attack on the rebel position in the hills near Bootwul (Medal with clasp). Served with the 3rd Punjab Cavalry in the Expedi- tion under Brigadier-General Chamberlain, against the Mahsood Wuzeerees in i860, including the repulse of the enemy's attack on them at Paloseen and the forcing of the Barrarah Pass (Medal with clasp). Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march from Kabul to Kandahar, and was present at the battle of Kandahar (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp, and Bronze Star). Also served with the Marti Expedition. Wilton, Edward Hays, son of Captain John Lucas Wilton, 50th Regiment, Ardross, New Ross, Ireland; born 9th February, 1835- Wynch, Henry St. Maur, son of Lieut. -Colonel John Wynch, Madras Artillery; born 23rd December, 1833. Ensign, Madras Infantry, June, 1852; appointed to 31st Madras Native Infantry, November, 1852; Lieutenant, 1856 ; Brevet-Captain, 1864; Captain, Madras .Staff Corps, i866 ; Major, I872 ; Lieut. - Colonel, 1878 ; Colonel, 1882. During the Indian Mutiny was employed in suppressing the insurrection in the Pariah Kimedy district in 1856 and 1857. Served against the Hill Tribes in the Rajahmundry district in September and October, 1857, and re- ceived a contusion from a matchlock ball. Em- ployed with the Sappers in 1859 in quelling the Rebellion in Bengal (Medal). Wynch, John William, son of Lieut. -Colonel John Wynch, Madras Artillery; born 5th July, 1835. X“"<'C — IVC. Day Boy. Left December, 1852. Cricket XXII. Sidney Sussex College, Cam- bridge. B.A., 1858; M.A., 1861. Ordained Deacon, 1858, and Priest, 1859. Curate of All Saints, Birmingham, 1858-60; Junior Chaplain, Madras Esta- blishment, 1861-71; at Vizagapatam, East Indies, 1861-65 ; Emmanuel Church, Madras, 1865-68 ; at Mercara, 1868-69 : Mysore, 1869-71 ; Vepery, 1871-72 ; Wellington, 1872-74 ; Vepery, 1874-76 ; Chaplain at Coimbatore, 1877-78 ; Trimulgherry, 1878-86 ; Vicar of All Saints, Cambridge, 1886-88. Address : 7, Rodney Place, Cheltenham. ENTERED EASTER, 1848. Calvert, George, son of John Calvert, Esq., Geliy wasted, Newbridge, Cardiff; born 30th December, 1837. Green, William Thomas, son of the Rev. Raw- don Griffith Green, Sandgate, Kent; born November, 1836. Day Boy. Died at Clifton, Bristol, ist June, 1854. Gunning, Charles George, son of — Gunning, Esq., born 27th February, 1834. Gunning, John Campell, son of — Gunning, Esq.; born 19th June, 1835. ENTERED . Anderson, Charles Joseph, son of Major Alex- ander Anderson, Montrave House, Mark- inch, N.B. ; born 21st February, 1835. Ensign, 8th Bengal Native Infantry, 1853 ; Lieu- tenant, 1857 ; transferred to 6th Bengal European Infantry, 1859 ; Retired, 1859. Armstrong, Archibald, son of — Armstrong, Esq. ; born — . Went to South America. Barry, Jacob Dirk, son of Joseph Barry, Esq., London ; born 14th July, 1832. VIC — iC. Baxter and Newtek House. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. (2nd in ist Class Moral Science Tripos), 1855. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1855. Advocate of the Supreme Court of Cape Colony, i860 ; Member of the Cape Legislative Assembly, 1864-69. Solicitor-General of Cape Colony, 1867-68. Recorder of the High Court of Griqualand, 1871-78, and was twice Admini- strator of the Government of the Province of Griqua- land. Appointed Judge of the Supreme Court of Ensign, Madras Infantry, June, 1854; appointed to 7th Madras Native Infantry, August, 1854; trans- ferred to 25th Madras Native Infantry, October, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1856 : joined Madras Staff Corps, 1861; Captain, 1866; Major, 1874; Lieut. -Colonel, 1880; Brevet-Colonel, 1884. Is Commissary General at Madras. Price, Lloyd, son of Walter Owen Price, Esq., Castle Pigyn, Camarthenshire ; born ist May, 1834. J.P. , and D.L. for Carmarthenshire. UGUST, 1848. Cape Colony, and created a Knight in 1878. Has been since 1880 a Member of the Court of .Appeal, and in 1881 was appointed Judge President of the Eastern District Courts, Cape of Good Hope. Address : Grahamstown, Cape Colony. Basevi, William Augustus, son of George Basevi, Esq., Eaton Place, London ; born 29th June, 1833. Bayley, Edward Robert Ward, son of John Bayley, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 7th Decem- ber, 1833. Brooke, William, son of Thomas Brooke, Esq., Huddersfield ; born 2nd December, 1834. 5 — I. Southwood Bayly. Left October, 1851. In business. Address : Northgate Mount, Honley, Hudders- field. Budd, Henry Francis Hastings, son of the Rev. Henry Budd, White Roothing, Ongar, Essex ; born 9th January, 1834. loo CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1848 Burke, — , son of George St. John Burke, Esq., Porchester Terrace, Bayswater, London ; born — . Left Christmas, 1852. Chichester, Hugh, son of Robert Chichester, Esq., Hall, Barnstaple ; born 22nd Septem- ber, 1836. Addiscombe Military College. 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Artillery, 1856 ; ist Lieutenant, 1858 ; Cap- tain, Royal Artillery, 1865; Major. 1872; Lieut. - Colonel, 1880 Colonel, 1884 ; Major-General (Re- tired), 1886. Served throughout the suppression of the Indian Mutiny, including the actions of the 30th and 31st May, 1857, on the Hindun, battle of Budleek- serai, siege of Delhi (mentioned in despatches, with ‘ ' especial approbation and thanks for zeal, ability, and coolness in situations of great danger,”) and battle of Bareilly (Medal with clasp). Coddington, Fitzherbert, son of Henry Barry Coddington, Esq., Oldbridge, Drogheda, Ire- land ; born 22nd May, 1838. — \M. Cun- ningham, Lamotte, Ellis, and Brook-Smith. Left June, 1855. Football XX., 1854; Cricket XI. , 1855. Addis- combe Military College, 1855-57 ; Winner of the Victors’ Trophy at Athletic Sports, Addiscombe, 1857. 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Artillery, 1857 ; Lieu- tenant, 1858 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1862 ; Cap- tain, 1869; Major, 1877; Lieut. -Colonel, 1883; Brevet Colonel, 1887. Served during the Indian Mutiny Campaign in the entrenched camp at the Alumbagh under Outram, from the 2nd January to the 5th March, 1858 ; also at the siege and capture of Lucknow (Medal with clasp). Accidentally drowned in the Old Canal, Winchester, on the 25th April, 1889. Cooke, Albert W., son of George Cooke, Esq., Clifton ; born 12th November, 1839. Croker, Edward, son of the Rev. Robert Croker, Ashlacca Glebe, Bruff, Ireland ; born — . Ensign, 47th Foot, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; Captain, 1858 ; Retired, 1861. Served in the Cri- mean War of 1855, and was present at the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with clasp). De Lapasture, Marquis (Gerard Gustavus Ducarel), son of the Marquis De Lapasture, late Lieutenant, i8th Hussars; born ist March, 1838. Day Boy. Succeeded his father as Count and Marquis De Lapasture in 1840. Address : Rowney Abbey, Hertfordshire. Dodd, John Prettyman, son of John B. Dodd, Esq., Walmer, Kent ; born 7th June, 1837. Downes, Charles Campbell, son of Thomas Downes, Esq., Bombay ; born i6th March, 1837- Was a Civil Engineer. Died at St. Thomas, West Indies, 22nd September, 1887. Falconnet, Grenville Pulteney de Palizieux, son of — Falconnet, Esq. ; born 23rd May, 1834. Addiscombe Military College. 2nd Lieutenant, Madras Engineers, 1852 ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; Cap- tain, 1861 ; Major, Royal Engineers, 1872; Lieut.- Colonel, 1877 ; Colonel, 1881 ; Major-General (Re- tired), 1886. Fitzmaurice, George, son of — Fitzmaurice, Esq. ; born 17th May, 1833. Day Boy. Fitzroy, Charles Vane, son of Captain George Fitzroy, Grafton Regis, Stony Stratford, Bucks ; born 3rd May, 1835. Ensign, 41st Foot, June, 1854 ; Lieutenant, No- vember, 1854; Captain, on Half-Pay, 1856; trans- ferred to the Rifle Brigade, 1858 ; Retired, 1870. Served with the 41st Regiment in the Crimean War, from the 15th November, 1854, and was present at the siege and fall of Sebastopol, including the storm- ing of the Quarries and the assault on the Redan on the 8th September (Medal with clasp, 5th Class Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Died ist May, 1871. Foster, Richard Belton C. P., son of Major Thomas Foster, Manchester ; born 7th January, 1837. Fullerton, Henry Monteith, son of John Fullerton, Esq., Edinburgh; born 15th March, 1835. Ensign, ist Bombay Native Infantry, 1855 ; Lieu- tenant, 1856 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1866. Died 1870. Girardot, Henry, son of the Rev. John Chan- court Girardot, Car Colston, Bingham, Notts ; born 6th March, 1837. Re-entered College, August, 1851. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1856 ; 2nd Cap- tain, 1865. Served in the Indian Mutiny Cam- paign in 1857-58. Died at Dublin, 28th July, 1871. GrifB.tlis, Edward St. John, son of John Rogers Griffiths, Esq., Barnstaple, Devon ; born 23rd June, 1835. Harvard, Edward Netherton, son of Thomas Netherton Harvard, Esq., Worcester ; born 13th August, 1838. Hopkinson, Arthur Nathaniel Benjamin, son of Benjamin Hopkinson, Esq., Ambleside ; born 23rd August, 1836. Johnston, Joseph Salkeld, son of — Johnston, Esq. ; born 17th March, 1831. Jones, William Thomas, son of the Rev. William Jones, Llandefailog, Brecon ; born 8th September, 1834. 2C — iC. Jelfs. Left June, 1852. Scholarship, Pembroke College, Oxford, 1852. ist Class Classical Moderations, 1854; B.A. , 1856 ; M.A. , 1858. Ordained Deacon 1857, and Priest, 1858. Curate of Farnham, Surrey, 1857-65 ; Vicar of Tilford, Surrey, 1865-79 ; Rector of St. Nicholas, Guildford, 1879-84 ; Rector of Prestwich, Lanca- shire, 1884. Rural Dean of Prestwich and Middleton. Address ; Prestwich Rectory, Manchester. Kerstiman, Harry, son of Harry G. Kerstiman, Esq., Exeter ; born 14th July, 1836. Lamb, Henry Wortley, son of Henry Lamb, Esq., Kettering; born 13th May, 1837. Leche, Hugh Richard Anthony Evergreen, son of John Hurleston Leche, Esq., Carden Park, Cheshire; born 5th April, 1832. Lyons, George Maughan, son of Major Hum- phrey Lyons, Bombay Army ; born 27th August, 1835. Modern Football XX., 1852. Ensign, 24th Bom- bay Native Infantry, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1856 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1863 ; Brevet-Captain, 1865 ; Captain, 1866 ; Major, 1873. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1857-58, and was pre- sent at the siege and capture of Ratghur, feint on Malthone Pass, battles of the Betwa, siege and cap- ture of Jhansi, and the taking of the villages of Mow and Mahoni (Medal). Died at Bombay, 13th October, 1878. Munro, Hector, son of William Munro, Esq., Druidstoke, Bristol; born i8th July, 1836. Addiscombe Military College. 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Artillery, 1855 ; ist Lieutenant, 1858 ; 2nd Captain, Royal Artillery, 1865 ; Lieutenant of Com- pany of Gentlemen Cadets, Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1862-65. Died at Kotree, Scinde, East Indies, 2nd January, 1870. Owen, William, son of Captain Robert Owen, 1 2th Regiment ; born 4th November, 1834. Day Boy. Trinity College, Dublin. B.A. , 1857. August, 1848.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. lOI Panton, Paul, son of Captain Paul Griffith Panton, Plas Fron, Wrexham ; born 17th February, 1836. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1851. Scholar- ship, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, 1855 ; B.A., 1858. Parkinson, Harry H. S., son of — Parkinson, Esq. ; born 8th January, 1836. Peebles, John Home Adam, son of John Home Peebles, Esq., Cheltenham ; born i ith Janu- ary, 1840. Day Boy. Peebles, William, son of John Home Peebles, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 13th July, 1838. Day Boy. Price, Joseph Thomas, son of Joseph Price, Esq., Ceylon Civil Service ; born 22nd November, 1837. Ramsay, Hugh Francis, son of Sir Alexander Ramsay, Bart., Beaminster, Dorset ; born 23rd September, 1838. Scott, Charles Edmund Southouse, son of Major-General Charles Rochfort Scott, Dublin ; born 20th December, 1836. Boyce. Left 1852. Cricket XXII., 1852. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1852-54. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Artil- lery, 1854; Lieutenant, 1855; Captain, 1862; Major, 1872; Lieut. -Colonel, 1881; Colonel, 1885. Aide-de-Camp to Major-General, ist Infantry Bri- gade, Gibraltar, 1857-58. Colonel on Staff (Com- manding Royal Artillery), Northern District, since 1887. Served in the Crimean Campaign from May, 1855, in the Trenches with the Siege Train at the siege and fall of Sebastopol (wounded), and bombard- ments of the 6th and 17th June, and 17th August (Medal with clasp, sth Class Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Selwyn, Congreve Ward, son of — Selwyn, Esq. ; born 25th April, 1839. Day Boy. Sleigh, William Stratford, son of Lieut. -General James Wallace Sleigh, Shirley House, Southampton ; born ist May, 1835. Modern Football XX., 1852. Cornet, 6th Dragoons, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; Captain, 1858 ; Retired, 1859. Served in the Crimean War in 1854-55, and took part in the battle of the Tchernaya and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with clasp). Smith, George L., son of George Henry Smith, Esq., Bengal Civil Service; born — . Stewart, William Richard, son of William Stewart, Esq., M.D., Killendarragh House, Lifford, Strabone, Ireland ; born 23rd June, ' 834 - Turner, Joseph Kirby, son of the Rev. Joseph Turner, The Vicarage, Lancaster ; born 28th June, 1834. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A. , 1857 ; Ordained Deacon, 1859, and Priest i860. Curate of Prestbury, Cheshire, 1859-60 ; of Lawton, i860 ; Assistant Civil Chaplain, Gibraltar, 1863-64 ; Vicar of Stal- mine, Lancashire, 1874. Address : Stalmine, Poulton-le-Fylde. White, Henry Ellis, son of Captain Francis Sellon White, H.E.I.C.S. ; born ist May, 1834- ENTERED MICHAELMAS, 1848. Armstrong, Thomas, son of Thomas Armstrong, Esq., M.D., Chili ; born 1834. Went to South America. De Lapasture, Charles Edward, son of the Marquis de Lapasture ; born 25th August, 1839. Day Boy. In Holy Orders of the Church of Rome. Garstin, John Ribton, son of William Garstin, Esq., Dublin; born 27th .September, 1836. XD^'^C — 9C. Murgeaud. Left June, 1850. Trinity College, Dublin ; B.A.,1857; M.A. , i860; LL.B., 1863. J. P. for Counties Dublin and Louth (High Sheriff, 1880) ; D.L. for Co. Louth, and a member of the Council, and late Treasurer of the Royal Irish Academy ; Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. Address : Braganstown, Castle Bellingham, Ire- land, and University Club, Dublin. MacDougall, Henry Robert Lawrence, son of Vice-Admiral Sir John MacDougall, K.C.B., R.N., Dunolly Castle, near Oban, Argyle- shire, N.B. ; born 24th August, 1835. Day Boy. Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edin- burgh, 1856; M.D. (Edinburgh), 1856; Assistant Surgeon, Bombay Medical Service, 1858 ; Surgeon, 1870 ; Surgeon-Major, 1873 ; Retired, 1886. MacDougall, John Timins, son of Vice-Admiral Sir John MacDougall, K.C.B., R.N., Dunolly Castle, near Oban, Argyleshire, N.B. ; born 3rd May, 1833. Day Boy. Mahony, Denis, son of the Rev. Denis Mahony, Dromore Castle, Kenmare, Co. Kerry ; born 20th May, 1833. Died July, 1851. Thomas, Francis Arthur, son of — Thomas, Esq. ; born 8th February, 18 — . Ensign, 85th Foot, 1855; Lieutenant, 1858 ; trans- ferred to 32nd Foot, 1861 ; Retired, 1868. ENTERED JANUARY, 1849. Basevi, James Palladio, son of George Basevi, Esq., 17 Savile Row, London ; born 23rd February, 1832. Day Boy. Previously at Rugby School (February, 1843 — ). Addiscombe Military College (Passed out First Engineer ; Prizes : Pollock Medal, Sword, First Mathematical, First Military Surveying, First Hindu- stani, First Latin). 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal En- gineers, 1851 ; ist Lieutenant, 1856 ; 2nd Captain, Royal Engineers, 1861 ; ist Captain, 1868 — . He was an officer of great scientific knowledge and ability. Was Deputy-Superintendent of the Great Trigono- metrical Survey of India. In i860 he assisted in a military reconnaisance of the Trans-Indus Frontier, under General Sir Nevill Chamberlain. In 1862 he completed valuable investigations in the wild forests of Jeypore. In 1864 he distinguished himself by making scientific observations by pendulums as to the force of gravity in the Himalayan Mountains, and when engaged on an astronomical expedition into Cashmere, he died on the 17th July, 1871, at Chang- Chen-mo Valley, north of Ladak, at an altitude of 16,000 feet, from the effects of the rarity of. the atmosphere, and from exposure to the inclement weather. 102 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1849. Bolton, Richard, son of Richard Bolton, Esq., Suffolk Square, Cheltenham ; born — . Brandt, Francis, son of Robert Brandt, Esq., Pendleton, near Manchester ; born 6th May, 1840. Cricket XL, 1856-57-58. Silver (Classical) Medal- list, 1858 ; Scholarship, Brasenose College, Oxford, 1858; ist Class Classical Moderations, i860; Uni- versity Cricket XI, 1859-60-61 ; Indian Civil Service (Madras) 1862 ; Assistant to Collector and Magis- trate, Kistna District, 1862-66 ; Head Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Bellary, 1866 ; and at Salem, 1866-67 I Under-Secretary to Government in Revenue Department, 1867-71 ; Sub-Collector and Joint Magistrate, TinneveUy, 1871-74; and at Chingle- put, 1874-77 ; Collector and Magistrate, South Kanara, 1877-78 ; District and Sessions Judge, Tri- chinopoly, 1878-83 ; Collector and Magistrate, and additional Sessions Judge, Nilgiris, 1883-84 ; Judge of the High Court of Judicature, Madras, 1884-88. Retired, 1888. Brooks, John Hammond, son of John Brooks, Esq., 4 Portland Street, Cheltenham ; born 9th August, 1834. Day Boy. Bryans, Francis Richard, son of the Rev. Francis Bryans, Backford Vicarage, Chester ; born 7th February, 1835. Brasenose College, Oxford, 1854; 3rd Class Classi- cal Moderations, 1857 ; B.A. , 1858; Ordained Deacon, 1859, and Priest, i860 ; Curate of Rode, Cheshire ; Vicar of Elworth, 1867-72 ; Vicar of Over Peover, Cheshire, 1884. Address : Over Peover Vicarage, Knutsford. Chamier, Francis Edward Archibald, son of Henry Chamier, Esq., H.E.I.C.S. ; born 13th May, 1833. Southwood. Left 1849. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1850 ; appointed to 26th Bengal Native Infantry, September, 1850 ; trans- ferred to 34th Bengal Native Infantry, 1854 ; Lieu- tenant, 1857 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1861 ; Captain, 1862 ; Brevet-Major, 1862 ; Major, 1870 ; Brevet- Lieut. -Colonel, 1870; Lieut.-Colonel, 1876; Brevet-Colonel, 1881. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1857-59 as Aide-de-Camp to General Outram with Havelock’s Force, and was present at the actions of Mungarwar and Alumbagh, relief of Lucknow, and subsequent defence of the Residency until the relief of its garrison by Lord Clyde, also present at the final capture of Lucknow (mentioned in despatches. Medal with two clasps. Brevet of Major, and a year's serviee). Cooke, George Isaac Foster, son of George Cooke, Esq., Clifton ; born 19th January, 1837 - Cricket XL, 1856. Elliott, William Charles, son of William Elliott, Esq., Madras Civil Service ; born 17th November, 1833. Gee, William, son of William Gee, Esq., Fresh- ford, Bath ; born 23rd April, 1836. Grant, Alexander Charles, son of Lieut.-Colonel Patrick Grant, Bengal Army ; born 28th February, 1833. Griffiths, Leonard, son of Captain Frederick A. Griffiths, R.A. ; born 28th June, 1835. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich ; 2nd Lieu- tenant, Royal Artillery, 1854; Captain, i860; Major. 1872; Lieut.-Colonel (Retired), 1878. Served in the Crimean Campaign from November 1854, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and in the Trenches with the Siege Train at the bombardments of 9th April and 6th and 17th June (Medal with clasp, 5th Class Medjidie and "Turkish Medal). Hamilton, Chichester, son of the Rev. M. Hamilton, The Rectory, Drumconrath, Ardee, Ireland ; born ist September, 1835. Handcock, The Honble. Henry, son of Lord Castlemaine, The Hare Island, Athlone, Ireland; born 5th August, 1834. Ensign, 44th Foot, 1851; Lieutenant, 1854; Cap- tain, 1855. Served in the Crimean War of 1854-55, including the battles of Alma and Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol, and attack and occupation of the Cemetery on the i8th June (Medal with three clasps). Elected M.P. for Athlone, 1856. Died on the ist December, 1858, from injuries inflicted by a tiger whilst out tiger shooting. At the time of his death he was attached to the staff of Lord Harris, Governor of Madras. Hay, Charles Selkrig, son of Charles Crossland Hay, Esq., Douro Villas, Cheltenham ; born 25th April, 1833. St. John’s College. Oxford, 1852. Went to Aus- tralia. Ho'well, Henry Williams Thomas, son of Henry Williams Howell, Esq., Glaspant, Newcastle Emlyn, Carmarthenshire ; born 12th August, 1833- J. P. for Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire. Howell, John Richard, son of Henry Williams Howell, Esq., Glaspant, Newcastle Emlyn, Carmarthenshire ; born 19th November, 1835. Ar/“"‘*6‘ — 2C. Garrett. Left Decem- ber, 1853. Classical Football XX., 1852-53; Cricket XXII., 1853. J.P. and D.L. for Cardiganshire and Pem- brokeshire ; Master of the Tvyyside Foxhounds, 1870. Honorary Lieut.-Colonel, 3rd Brigade Welsh Division, Royal Artillery (Royal Carmarthen Artillery Militia). Address : Noyadd Trefawr, Boncath, South Wales. Jordan, George Price, son of George B. Jordan, Esq., 7 Hatherley Place, Cheltenham ; bom 3rd April, 1835. Boy. Died May, 1850. Kane, Edward, son of Captain John Joseph Kane, Rockfield House, Monmouth ; born 1st May, 1837. Re-entered College, August, . 1853- Kinchant, John Charlton, son of Richard Kin- chant, Esq., Park Hall, Oswestry ; born 27th May, 1834. Accidently drowned May, 1859. Knipe, Leonard, son of Edward Knipe, Esq., Leamington; born 19th November, 1839. Ensign, 95th Foot, 1855; Lieutenant, i860; trans- ferred to 6ist Foot, i860 ; Resigned, 1867. Served during the Indian Mutiny at the siege and occupation of Arrah in 1858 (Medal). Died at Cheltenham, 28th November, 1871. Magrath, Archdale William Chalmers, son of Andrew N. Magrath, Esq., H.E.I.C.S., New Ross, Ireland ; born 3rd July, 1836. Magrath, Frederick Augustus, son of Andrew N. Magrath, Esq., New Ross, Ireland ; born 27th July, 1838. Martin, John Paton, son of James Martin, Esq., 71 Grosvenor Street, Grosvenor Square, London ; born 4th January, 1833. Ensign, ist Bengal Native Infantiy, 1849 ; Lieu- tenant, 1856 ; Captain, 1859 ; Major, Bengal Staff Corps, 1869 ; Lieut.-Colonel, 1875 ; Colonel, 1880 ; Major-General (Retired), 1880. Peel, Thomas Oswald Twistle, son of Joseph Peel, Esq., Singleton Brook, Broughton, Manchester ; born 19th August, 1834. Podmore, Henry Beresford, son of Lieut.-Gene- ral Richard Podmore, Madras Army, Osborne PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. January, 1849.] House, Cheltenham ; born 12th May, 1834. Day Boy. Re-entry, vide July, 1841. Power, Henry Prendergast, son of Major Henry- Power, Madras Army, 5 Painswick Lawn, Cheltenham ; born 5th January, 1833. Day Boy. Ensign, Madras Infantry, 1851 ; appointed to 35th Madras Native Infantry, 1852 ; Lieutenant, 1853. Was killed by a tiger near Sircy, East Indies, 19th February, 1858. Power, John Annesley, son of Major Henry Power, Madras Army, 5 Painswick Lawn, Cheltenham ; born 25th February, 1835. Day Boy. Drowned off the Coast of Ireland, 1853. Power, William Mackenzie, son of Major Henry Power, Madras Army, 5 Painswick Lawn, Cheltenham ; born 27th May, 1836. Day Boy. Salwey, Edward, son of the Rev. Thomas Salwey, The Vicarage, Oswestry ; born 22nd January, 1833. Previously at Shrewsbury School. Addiscombe Military College ; 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Artillery, 1852. Died at Simla, during the Indian Mutiny, 29th October, 1857. Scargill, Frederick Martin, son of Major James Scargill, Parkhurst Barracks, Isle of VVight; born 23rd October, 1836. Trinity College, Cambridge; B.A., i860; M.A., 1863. Smith, Gilbert John, son of Charles Smith, Esq., H.E.I.C.S., Odell Castle, near Bedford ; born 1 2th July, 1832. Soltau, John Thomas, son of George William Soltau, Esq., Chaddle Wood, Plympton, Devon ; born 4th May, 1834. Steel, Thomas B., son of John Steel, Esq., Jamaica ; born 13th February, 1835. Stockley, Henry, son of William Stockley, Esq., Rock Ferry, Cheshire ; born 19th January, 1839. Taylor, Frank, son of Samuel Taylor, Esq., Eccleston Hall, Prescot ; born 23rd June, 1836. Taylor, Henry, son of Samuel Taylor, Esq., 103 Eccleston Hall, Prescot; born 1 8th October, 1834 - Address : 8 John Dalton .Street, Manchester. Verschoyle, Richard Jephson, son of the Rev. Joseph Verschoyle, Ballina, Ireland; born 1 6th October, 1837. Day Boy. Willis, James Alexander C., son of Major Paul Wynch Willis, Lyme Regis; born 1st April, 1834 Wyllie, Francis Robert Shaw, son of General Sir William Wyllie, G.C.B., Bombay Army, 7 Gloucester Road, Hyde Park, London ; born 4th June, 1837. 9C — 2C. Lamotte and Bayly. Left December, 1854. Classical Football XX. , 1854. H.E. I.C. College, Haileybury, 1857 (ist Class, Highly Distinguished). Bombay Civil Service, 1857. Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Tanna, 1860-62 ; and at Khan- deish, 1862-64 : Assistant-Secretary to Chief Com- missioner, Central Provinces, 1864; Resigned, 1872. Fellow of Bombay University. Secretary, Army Purchase Commission, War Office. Address: East India United Service Club, St. James’s Square, London, S.W. Wyllie, John William Shaw, son of General Sir William Wyllie, G.C.B., Bombay Army, 7 Gloucester Road, Hyde Park, London ; born 6th October, 1835. 6C — iC. Lamotte and Bayly. Left December, 1853. Football XX., 185 — . Scholarship, Lincoln Col- lege, Oxford, 1853; Scholarship, Trinity College, Oxford, 1854 ; ist Class Classical Moderations, 1855; B.A., 1864; M.A. , 1868. India Civil Ser- vice, 1856 ; Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Sattara, 1858 ; Assistant to Political Agent at Katty- war, 1858-60 ; transferred to Government of India, i86o ; appointed Private Secretary to the Chief Commissioner of Oude, 1861 ; subsequently Under- secretary, and finally Chief Foreign Secretary under Sir John Lawrence (afterwards Lord Lawrence). Elected M. P. for Hereford in 1868, but unseated on petition. C.S.I., 1869. Died at Paris, i6th March, 1870. A Scholarship was founded to his memory to be held by Cheltenham boys proceeding to Trinity College, Oxford. A collection of his Essays, edited by Sir W. W. Hunter, was published by Smith, Elder, & Co., in 1875. Wynch, Alexander, son of Lieut.-Colonel John Wynch, H.E.I.C.S., Montpellier House, Cheltenham; born ist August, 1838. Day Boy. ENTERED EASTER, 1849. Begbie, Mars Hamilton, son of Major-General Peter James Begbie, Madras Artillery ; born 30th September, 1833. 3C — iC. Romanis. Left October, 1853. Cricket XL, 1852-53. Football XX. , 18 — . Gis- borne Scholarship, St. Peter’s College, Cambridge, 1854; B.A. (15th in 2nd Class Classical Tripos), 1857 ; Ordained Deacon, 1857, and Priest, 1858 ; Rector of Fornham St. Martin with St. Genevifeve, Suffolk, 1869-78 ; Vicar of St. Michael, Stockwell, Surrey, 1878 ; and Chaplain to British Home for Incurables, Clapham Rise, 1882. Address : St. Michael’s Vicarage, Stockwell, London, S.W. Browne, Andrew Smythe Montague, son of Captain Peter R. M. Browne, Janeville, Ardglass, Co. Down; born 12th June, 1836. Ensign, 56th Foot, i8th November, 1853 ; trans- ferred to 2nd Dragoons, 25th November, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; Captain, 1858 ; Major, 1869 ; Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, October, 1877 ; Lieut.- Colonel, 3rd Dragoon Guards, November, 1877 ; Colonel, 1881 ; on Half Pay, 1882 ; Commanding Regimental District, 1885. Served with the Scots Greys in the Crimean War from 30th July to ist September, and from October to December, 1855, including the battle of the Tchernaya, and siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with clasp, and Turkish Medal.) Browne, William Henry J. M., son of Captain Peter R. M. Browne, Janeville, Ardglass, Co. Down ; born 7th November, 1839. Dyer, Robert Coates, son of William Dyer, Esq., H.E. I.C. S., Wootton -under- Edge, Gloucestershire ; born 14th February, 1834. Heane, Henry William, son of Henry Heane, Esq., Newport, Salop ; born 23rd Januai-y, 1839. James, Theodore William, son of — James, Esq. ; born — . Day Boy. 104 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [Easter, 1849. Scholarship, Pembroke College, O.xford, 18153 ; 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1856; B. A. ,1857; M.A. , i860. Ordained Deacon, 1859, and Priest, i860. Curate of St. Mary Magdalene, Lincoln, 1859-61 ; Vice-Principal of Lansdowne Proprietary and University College, Bath, 1861-72 ; Vicar of Uxbridge, Middlesex, 1872, and Townsend Lecturer, U.xbridge, 1872. Joint Editor with Mr. C. S. Jerram of “ Flosculi Cheltonienses," 1868. Address : Uxbridge Vicarage, Middlesex. Liddle, Charles Rowland, son of William Liddle, Esq., Newport, Salop ; born ist Feb- ruary, 1839. Boyce. Left December, 1857. Cricket XL, 1857. Solicitor (admitted 1863); Registrar of County Court. Address : Newport, Salop. Marshall, Edward Prichard, son of — Mar- shall, Esq. ; born 23rd June, 1838. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1853. 2nd Lieu- tenant, Royal Artillery, 1854. Served in the Crimean War, and died in camp before Sebastopol, 29th November, 1855. Price, Frederick Richard, son of John Price, Esq., Llanrhaiadr Hall, Denbigh; born 2nd February, 1840. XIP'^^C. — i*>C. Turn- bull. Left June, 1859. Cricket XL, 1855; Captain, 1856, 57, 58, 59. Football XX., Captain, 1856, 57, 58. Racquet and Fives Champion, 1858. Queen's College, Oxford, 1859; B. A. ,1866; President of Cheltonian Society, 1875-76; President of Old Cheltonian Football Club, 1874-78. Farming in Iowa. Address : Merrill, Plymouth County, Iowa, United States. Reed, Baynes, son of — Reed, Esq. ; born 27th August, 1835. Riviere, Briton, son of William Riviere, Esq., Head Drawing Master of Cheltenham Col- lege ; born 14th August, 1840. C — M. Day Boy. Left 1858. St. Mary Hall, Oxford, 1863: B.A. , 1866; M.A., 1873. Celebrated animal painter. Elected Associate of the Royal Academy, 1878, and Royal Academician, 1881. Obtained Medals at the International Exhi- bitions at Vienna (18—), Paris (18 — ), and Phila- delphia (18 — ). The following works by Mr. Riviere have appeared at the Royal Academy Exhibitions: — 1859, “On the Road to Gloucester Fair"; 1864, “Iron Bars,” and “Romeo and Juliet”; 1865, “Bevis"; 1866, “The Poacher's Nurse"; 1867, “Strayed from the Flock," and “The Long Sleep”; 1868, “A Saint,” and “The Last of the Garrison"; 1869, “Prisoners"; 1870, “ A Midsummer Night's Dream,” and “ Charity " ; 1871. "Come back,” and "Circe and the Friends of Ulysses”; 1872, “Daniel”; 1873, “Argus," and “All that was left of the Homeward Bound” ; 1874, “Apollo,” and “ Genius loci ” ; 1875, “ War 'Time," “ C. Mansel Lewis, Esq. with favourite mare and dogs,” and "The Last of the Garrison”; 1876, “A Stern Chase is always a Long Chase,” and “ Pallas Athene and the Herdsman's Dogs ” ; 1877, “ A Legend of St. Patrick,” and “ Lazarus ” ; 1878, “They say the Lion and the Lizard keep, the Courts where Jamsheyd gloried and drank deep," “An Anxious Moment,” “Sympathy,” and “Victims”; 1879, “The Poacher's Widow,” “In manus tuas Domine,” and "A Winter’s Tale”; 1880, “The Night Watch,” “ Endymion,” and “The Last Spoonful”; i88r, "Envy, Hatred, and Malice,” " A Roman Holiday,” “ Let sleeping Dogs lie,” and “ Hope Deferred ” ; 1882, “The Magician’s Door- way,” “Cupboard Love,” “The King Drinks” (Diploma work), and “Una"; 1883, “And the unclean spirits went out and entered into the swine .... and they that fed the swine fled,” “ Old Play-fellows,” “ The Last of the Crew,” and “ Giants at Play ” ; 1884, “ The Eve of St. Bartholomew,” “The King and his Satellites,” “Actaeon," and ■‘The Enchanted Castle”; 1885, “The Sheep- stealer,” “After Naseby,” and “ Vas Victis” ; 1886, “The Exile, 1746,” “ Rizpah,” “ Union is Strength,” and “The Welcome”; 1887, "An Old World Wanderer,” “Portrait of a Lady,” and "Jilted”; 1888, “ A Cavatina,” “ Requiescat,” and “Anatomi- cal Lion " (sculpture) ; 1889, “ Of a Fool and his Folly there is no end,” and “ Pale Cynthia.” Address ; Flaxley, 82 Finchley Road, London, N.W. Smith, Kynaston W., son of Henry Smith, Esq., Annesbrook, Drogheda, Ireland ; born iith March, 1833. Tickell, Robert Proctor, son of Major-General Richard Tickell, H.E.I.C.S., Zeelught House, Cheltenham ; born 20th March, 1841. Day Boy. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1856. Addiscombe Military College (Prizes: Sword, First Mathemati- cal, First Military Surveying, Second Hindustani). Lieutenant, Bengal Engineers, 1859 ; Captain, Royal Engineers, 1871 ; Major, 1881. Served in the Afghan War of 1879-80, and took part in the march from Kabul to the relief of Kandahar, and battle of ist September, 1880 (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp, and Bronze Star). Died at Morar, East Indies, loth July, 1884. Trench, John Townsend, son of William Stewart Trench, Esq., Cardtown, Mountrath, Queen’s County, Ireland; born 17th February, 1834. Trench, Thomas Weldon, son of William Stewart Trench, Esq., Cardtown, Moun- trath, Queen’s County, Ireland; born iith February, 1833. Warren, Augustus Riversdale, son of Sir John Borlase Warren, Bart., Warren’s Court, Lisarda, Co. Cork ; born 23rd August, 1833- Succeeded his father as 5th Baronet in 1863. Ensign, 20th Foot, 1852 ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; Captain, 1855 ; Major (Retired), 1859. Lieut.-Colonel, 3rd Bat- talion Royal Munster Fusiliers (South Cork Militia). Served with the 20th Regiment in the Crimean Cam- paign from the 26th January, 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and capture of Kin- bourn (Medal with clasp, 5tli Class Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served in the Indian Mutiny Cam- paign of 1857-58, including the actions of Chanda, Umeerpore, and Sultanpore, siege and capture of Lucknow (wounded), subsequent operations inOude, and affairs of Pohan and Meangunge, also at Churda, and Fort of Musjecdia (Medal with clasp.) D.L., and High Sheriff of Co. Cork, 1867. Address : Warren's Court, Lisarda, Co. Cork, and Army and Navy Club, Pall Mall, London, S.W. ENTERED AUGUST, 1849. Babington, Charles Walter, son of — Babing- ton. Esq.; born 30th March, 1841. Day Boy. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, i860 ; Lieutenant, 1862 ; Captain, 1869 ; Major, 1880 ; Lieut.-Colonel, 1886. 2nd in Command, 3rd Bengal Native Infantry. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80 (Medal). Bagnall, George Frederick, son of George Bag- nall. Esq., Cheltenham ; born 4th November, 1 838. Day Boy. Oriel College, Oxford, 1854. Balfour, Charles John, son of — Balfour, Esq., born 3rd October, 1841. Day Boy. August, 1849.] 105 PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. Naval Cadet, 1854 ; Sub- Lieutenant, Royal Navy, i860; Lieutenant, i86t ; Commander, 1875; Cap- tain, 1882. Now Captain of H.M.S. “ Heroine," on the China station. Lieutenant of "Opossum," specially mentioned for services at attack on the the Peiho Forts, 25th June, 1859 (China Medal). Commander of the " Sultan " at the bombardment of Alexandria, nth July, 1882, during Egyptian War (promoted Captain, Medal with clasp, and Khe- dive’s Star). Battine, George, son of Major-General William Battine, C.B., H.E.l.C.S. ; born 23rd Febru- ary, 1835. Addiscombe Military College. Passed for Indian Engineers, 1854, but was drowned 15th December, 1855, before joining the Indian Army. Broughton, Bryan Sneyd Herbert, son of the Rev. Bryan Sneyd Broughton, Washington Rectory, Durham ; born loth January, 1838. loC — 3C. Day Boy. Left 1851. Prieviously at Rossal School, 1847-49. Re-entered College. Michaelmas, 1852. Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester (Diploma, and ist in order of merit, 1855). Went to New Zealand. Drowned in Queen Charlotte Sound, New Zealand, 2ist April, 1862. Broughton, Reginald, son of the Rev. Bryan Sneyd Broughton, Washington Rectory, Durham; born 28th May, 1836. zC — iC. Day Boy. Left December, 1854. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1850. Silver (Classi- cal) Medallist, 1854. Head of Classical Depart- ment, June, 1854. Cricket XXII., 1853. Classical Football XX., 1854. Scholarship, Balliol College, Oxford. 1854; Hertford University Scholarship, 1856 ; ist Class Classical Moderations, and 2nd Class Mathematical Moderations. 1856 ; Gaisford Prize (Greek Verse), 1858 ; 2nd Class Classical Final Schools, 1858 ; 2nd Class Mathematical Final Schools, 1859; Latin Essay, i860; B.A., 1859; M.A. , 1861. Ordained Deacon, 1867, and Priest, 1868. 2nd Principal of Nelson College, New Zea- land, 1862; Head Master of Christ’s College School, Canterbury, New Zealand, 1863-64 ; Curate of St. Clement, Oxford, 1867-68 ; Cla.ssical Lecturer at Exeter, Wadham, and University Colleges, Oxford, 1867- 68 ; Vicar of Long Benton, Northumberland, 1868- 71 ; Second Master of Royal Grammar School, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1871-73 ; Public Examiner at Oxford, 1873-74 ; Fellow, and Humanity Lecturer at Hertford College, Oxford, 1874; Rector of Motti- stone with Shorwell, Isle of Wight, 1877-87. Editor of “ Bishop Cotton’s Prayers for Public Schools," 1872 ; " Aristotle’s Politics, i. iii. iv., with Notes and Analysis," 1876. Browne, Frederick Haworth, son of Thomas Browne, Esq., Horton, Devizes ; born 23rd July, 1836. Bullen, Thomas, son of — Bullen, Esq. ; born 28th March, 1835. Byrcli, William P., son of William A. Byrch, Esq., Evesham ; born 19th June, 1839. Ghamier, Stephen Henry Edward, son of Henry Ghamier, Esq., Cheltenham; born 17th August, 1834. Southwood. Left IDecember, 1850. Addiscombe Military College. 2nd Lieutenant, Madras Artillery, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1858 ; Captain, 1864 ; Brevet-Major, 1864 ; Major, Royal Artillery, 1872; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1874; Lieut. -Colonel, 1876; Brevet-Colonel, 1879 ; Major-General, 1885 ; Lieut. -General (Retired), 1886. Bachelor of Music (Trinity College, Dublin), 1874. C.B., 1886. Com- manded Mounted Train Howitzers and Rockets, in the engagement with the Hill Kurreens in Pegu, on 22nd April, 1856. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign from 29th May, 1857, to 13th September, 1858, including the actions of Nusrutpore, Chanda, Ummeerpore, Badshagunge, Sultanpore, and Dhow- rara under General Franks ; siege and capture of Lucknow by Lord Clyde ; the relief of Azimghur, and actions of Munnihar, Tonse Bridge, Nughai, Munnuhar, Shropore Ghaut, Judgespore, Dulleepore, Metahi, and Chowbeypore under General Lugard. Commanded a Light Field Battery during the severe engagements at Cawnpore, under General Windham, on the 26th, 27th, and 28th November, 1857, when he was especially thanked for "the gallant manner in which he fought his guns." Served also under Lord Clyde in the attack and defeat of the Gwalior Contingent Mutineers on the 6th Decem- ber, 1857 (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with clasp). Address : Evesham Lawn, Pittville, Cheltenham. Every, Edward, son of Henry Every, Esq., Windsor ; born 21st January, 1834. Ensign, 41st Foot, 1852; Lieutenant, 1854; Cap- tain, 1855. Served in the Crimean War, and was killed in the attack on the Great Redan at Sebastopol, 8th September, 1855. Falcon, Anthony Benn, son of Robert Falcon, Esq., M.D., Cheltenham ; born 22nd July, 1834. Day Boy. Postmastership, Merton College, Oxford, 1853 ; 2nd Class Classical Moderations, and 2nd Class Mathematical Moderations, 1855. Indian Civil Ser- vice (Bengal), 1856; Assistant to Joint Magistrate and Deputy Collector at Noacolly, 1858-60 ; In charge of Sub-Division of Jenida, 1860-61 ; Superintendent of Survey, Northern Division, 1861-63; Joint Magis- trate and Deputy-Collector at Dacca, 1863-64, at Mymensing, 1864-67 ; Magistrate and Collector at Bograh, 1872. Died at sea, on board s.s. "Cathay," on his way home from Bengal, 5th May, 1876. Falcon, John Stewart, son of Robert Falcon, Esq., M.D., Cheltenham ; born 19th Sep- tember, 1839. Day Boy. Falcon, Richard, son of Robert Falcon, Esq., M.D., Cheltenham ; born 29th November, 1840. Day Boy. Farquharson, Charles Martin, son of Robert Nesham Farquharson, Esq., Bengal Civil Service; born 22nd November, 1836. Ensign, 48th Bengal Native Infantry, 1854 ; Lieu- tenant, 1857. Killed at Lucknow, during the Indian Mutiny, ist June, 1857. Gordon, Thomas Wilkie W., son of Colonel Gordon, Cheltenham ; born 27th September, 1841. Day Boy. Griffiths, Henry Harcourt, son of the Rev. Henry Griffiths, Elm Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 20th November, 1839. — zM. Day Boy. Left April, 1856. Football XX., 1855. Ensign, 59th F'oot, i860 ; Lieutenant, 1863 ; Captain, 1867 ; Brevet-Major, i88o ; Major, East Lancashire Regiment, i88i ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1885: Colonel, 1889. Passed Staff College, 1867, Garrison Instructor, Bombay, 1871-77. Served with the 59th Regiment in the Afghan War of 1878-80, with the Kandahar Column, under Sir Donald Stewart, including the advance on and occu- pation of Khelat-i-Ghilzie ; was present in the en- gagements at Ahmed Kheyl and Urzoo, nearGhuznee, and in the subsequent operations in the Logar Valley (Medal with clasp). Grimston, Rolland Vincent Sylvester, son of Oswald Grimston, Esq., Longford House, Cheltenham ; born 20th November, 1836. Price. Left 1852. Football XX., 18 — . Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1852-54. Ensign, 93rd Highlanders. 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; Captain, 1858 ; transferred to 9th Foot, 1859, and to 49th F'oot, i860. Served in the Crimean War from January, 1855, including the siege of Sebastopol, assault of the Redan on the i8th June, and expeditions to Kertch (Medal with clasp). Also served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign of P io6 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1849. 1857-53, and was present at the battle of Cawnpore, the relief and capture of Lucknow, and was wounded at the assault on the Begum's Palace, also present at the engagements at Bareilly (Medal with two clasps). Appointed Chief Constable of Leicester- shire, 1876. Died at Leicester, i8th June, 1889. Harman, Robert, son of James Harman, Esq., Glasgow; born 15th January, 1835. Hay, John Crosland, son of Charles Crosland Hay, Esq., Brandon House, Cheltenham ; born 23rd November, 1837. Day Boy. Ensign, 92nd Highlanders, May, 1855 ; Lieu- tenant, December, 1855 ; Adjutant, 1861-64 i Cap- tain, 1864 ; Major, 1876 ; Lieut. -Colonel, Gordon Highlanders, 1881 ; Colonel, 1885 ; Major-General (Retired), 1887. Aide-de-Camp to Brigadier-General, Dublin Division, 1866-68 ; Aide-de-Camp to Major- General, Bengal, 1870-73. C.B., 1887. Served with the 92nd Highlanders in the Afghan War of 1878-80, and was present in the engagement at Cha- rasiab on the 6th October, 1879, and subsequent pursuit, and final occupation of Kabul (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Served also in the Transvaal Campaign in 1881, and took part in the battle on Majuba Hill (mentioned in despatches). Hay, Robert David Dewar, son of Charles Cros- land Hay, Esq., Brandon House, Chelten- ham; born loth August, 1839. Day Boy. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1856; Resigned 1862. Hay, William Wemyss Frewen, son of Charles Crosland Hay, Esq., Brandon House, Chel- tenham ; born 2nd June, 1836. Day Boy. Ensign, 17th Bengal Native Infantry, 1855 ; Lieu- tenant, 1856 ; Retired, 1859. Herbert, George, son of the Rev. John Herbert, Goodrich, near Ross ; born 6th March, 1835. — 3C Turnbull and Boultbee. Left 1854. Cricket XXII., 1853-54. Wadham College, Ox- ford, 1854 ; B.A. 1858. Ordained Deacon, 1866, and Priest, 1867. Curate of Bidford, Worcestershire, 1866-76 ; Vicar of King’s Pyon with Birley, Here- fordshire, 1876-84 ; Curate in charge of Llanrothal and Welsh Newton, Herefordshire, 1888. Address : The Grove, Llangarven, Ross. Holmes, Ponsonby Ross, son of Colonel Stephen Holmes, K.H., Cheltenham ; born 14th April, 1838. — i,M. Day Boy. Left 1854. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Marines, 1854 ; ist Lieu- tenant, 1855 ; Adjutant, 1861-66 ; Captain, 1866 ; Major, 1878; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1882; Lieut.- Colonel, 1883; 2nd Commandant, 1886; Brevet- Colonel, 1886. Served with the Baltic Expedition in 1855, including the destruction of a fort and shelling an encampment on 23rd June, blowing up of Fort Svartholm and barracks on 4th July, destruction of the barracks at Lovisa on 5th July, shelling a Cossack encampment and landing at Kounda Bay on the iith July, destruction of Cossack barracks, &c., on 12th July, action with a Russian steamer, gunboats, and a battery near Wiborg on 13th July ; also with the batteries on Fredericksham on 21st July, capture of the Island of Kolka, and destruction of military stores on 26th July, and bombardment of Sveaborg (Medal). Served also with the expedition to the Baltic until the declaration of peace with Russia in 1856. JagO, Robert Stephens, son of Edward Jago, Esq., Plymouth; born iith June, 1836. — C — M. Southwood Price. Left 1853. Cricket XXII., 18 — . Modern Football XX., 1852. Ensign, Madras Infantry, September, 1855 ; appointed to 39th Madras Native Infantry, Novem- ber, 1855 ; Lieutenant, 1856 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1866 ; Captain, 1867 ; Major, 1875 ; Lieut.- Colonel, 1881 ; Colonel (Retired), 1885. Was Deputy Conservator of Forests. Address: United Service Club, Pall Mall, Lon- don, S.W. Jephson, Henry, son of William Jephson, Esq., Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts ; born 24th Feb- ruary, 1839. loC — 3C. Bayly. Left 1853. Trinity College, Oxford, 1857. B.A. , 1862. Or- dained Deacon 1867, and Priest 1868. Curate of Evesham, Worcestershire, 1867-72 ; Rector of Ayot, Hertfordshire, 1872. Address : Ayot Rectory, Welwyn. Jerram, Charles Stranger, son of the Rev. James Jerram, Cobham, Surrey ; born 17th Feb- ruary, 1838. 7C— iC. Murgeaud, Romanis, a.ndi Newick House. Left June, 1856. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1852. Scholarship, Trinity College, Oxford, 1857 ; ist Class Classical Moderations, 1858; B.A., 1861 ; M.A., 1864. Head Master of Woodcote House School, Windlesham, Surrey, 1866-87. Has edited several Classical School Books, and in 1867 was joint editor with the Rev. T. W. James of " Flosculi Cheltonienses." Address : 134 Walton Street, Oxford. Kempson, George Arthur Edwin, son of the Rev. Edwin Kempson, Castle Bromwich, near Birmingham ; born 15th March, 1840. Exhibition, Emmanuel College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1861 ; M. A., 1867. Ordained Deacon 1863, and Priest, 1866. Curate of St. Nicholas, Great Yarmouth, 1863-64 ; of Mere, Wiltshire, 1865-66 ; of Hopton, Suffolk, 1866 : of Bedworth, 1866-70 ; of Evesham, Worcestershire, 1870-71 ; Curate and Clerk in Orders of Wigan, 1871-77; Curate of Castle Bromwich, 1877-79 ; Vicar of St. James, Congleton, Cheshire, 1879-87; Rector of Rendcomb, Gloucestershire, 1887. Address ; Rendcomb Rectory, Cirencester. Kinchant, Job Henry, son of Richard Henry Kinchant, Esq., Park Hall, Oswestry ; bom 20th August, 1835. Was a D.L. for Shropshire. Died 1869. Kirby, F ranklin Knight, son of Colonel Thomas C. Kirby, Cheltenham ; born 9th October, 1835. Day Boy. Ensign, 93rd Highlanders, 1854; Lieutenant, 1854- Served in the Crimean Campaign, and died in camp before Sebastopol, i6th February, 1855. Lang, Arthur Moffatt, son of Arthur Lang, Esq., Bengal Civil Service ; born 15th November, 1832. Southwood. Left June, 1850. Cricket XXII. , 1850. Addiscombe Military College (passed out First Engineer ; Prizes ; Pollock Medal. First Mathematical, First Fortification, First Military Surveying). 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Engineers, 1852 ; Lieutenant, 1857 ; Captain 1862 ; Major, Royal Engineers, 1872 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1877 ; Colonel (Retired), 1881. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1857-58, including the battle of Bud- leekserai, and throughout the siege of Delhi — con- ducted the storming party to the escalade of the Cashmere Bastion ; with Greathed’s Column at the actions of Bolundshuhur, Alyghur, and Agra, relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde, battles of Cawnpore and Khodagunge, siege and capture of Lucknow (men- tioned in despatches. Medal with three clasps). Lloyd, Herbert John, son of John Lloyd, Esq., Ludlow ; born 19th January, 1835. McCausland, William Henry, son of — McCaus- land. Esq. ; born nth May, 1836. 2nd Lieutenant, Madras Artillery, 1854 ; Lieu- tenant, 1858; Captain, 1864; Major, 1872; Lieut. - Colonel, 1877; Colonel, 1881; Major-General, 1889. Served in the China War in i860, and was present at the capture of the Peiho Forts (Medal with clasp). Machell, Robert Scott, son of the Rev. Robert Machell, Elton Rectory, near Beverley, Yorkshire ; born 14th July, 1836. Modern Football XX., 1852. Ensign, 62nd Foot, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1855. Served in the Crimean Campaign, and was killed in the trenches before Se- bastopol, 7th June, 1855. August, 1849.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 107 Mackenzie, Charles, son of — Mackenzie, Esq. ; born 1 2th April, 1835. Day Boy. Moore, Charles W., son of Major John A. Moore, Portland Place, London ; born ist September, 1836. Nicholls, Frederick, L., son of the Rev. Henry Nicholls, Rockbeare, Exeter ; born 26th January, 1837. Pennycuick, John, son of Lieut.-Colonel J. Pennycuick, C.B. ; born 15th January, 1841. Day Boy. Re-entered College, January, 1856. Addiscombe Military College. Lieutenant, Madras Engineers, 1858 ; Captain, Royal Engineers, 1870 ; Major, 1876; Brevet- Lieut. -Colonel, 1883; Lieut.- Colonel, 1886 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1887. Served in the Abyssinian Expedition in 1868, in command of H Company, Madras Sappersjmentioned in despatches, Medal). Pickernell, Thomas, son of Thomas Pickernell, Esq., Hatherley Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 3rd September, 1834. Day Boy. Went to Tasmania in 1852, where he remained some years. Subsequently well known as a gentle- man jockey in England, and always rode as "Mr. Thomas." Has twice won the Grand National Steeplechase at Liverpool — in 1860011 "Acatis,” and in 1872 on " The Lamb.” Address : King’s Heath, near Birmingham. Pitt, Henry Dowdeswell, son of William Greg- son Pitt, Esq. ; born i8th April, 1838. Day Boy. Left 1851. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1852-55. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1855 ; Lieutenant, 1855; Captain, 1862 ; Major, 1872 ; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, July, 1881 ; Lieut.-Colonel, August, 1881 ; Colonel, 1885. Commanding, Royal Artillery, Lahore Division, East Indies, 1888. Aide-de-Camp to the Governor- General of New South Wales, 1858-61 ; Aide-de- Camp and Private Secretary to the Governor of Queensland, 1862-66 ; to the Governor of New Zea- land, 1869-73 ; to the Governor of Victoria, 1873-79, and to the Governor of Mauritius, 1879. Prickard, William Edward, son of Thomas Edward Prickard, Esq., Dderw, Rhayadr, Radnorshire; born 17th May, 1838. Robertson, Eliott L.,son of Andrew Robertson, Esq., Madras Civil Service, Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, London; born 15th November, 1835. Scott, Charles Stewart, son of Thomas Scott, Esq., Willsborough, Co. Londonderry ; born 17th March, 1831. Honorary Secretary of British Embassy, Berlin. Shewell, George Maunsell, son of Edward Warner Shewell, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 27th September, 1837. Day Boy. Stewart, Henry, son of James Robert Stewart, Esq., Leinster Street, Dublin; born loth August, 1836. 9C — 4C. Newick House. Left 1853. Trinity College, Dublin ; Honours in Logic and Metaphysics. B.A. , 1859; Divinity Testimonium, 1859 ; M.A. , 1867; B. D. and D.D. , i88o. Ordained Deacon i860, and Priest, 1861. Curate of Drum.a- chose, 1860-65 i Rector and Vicar of Kilmore, Co. Down, 1866-70 ; Rector of Seapatrick, Co. Down, 1870-87 ; Archdeacon of Dromore, 1879-85 ; Dean of Dromore, 1885-87, Member of .Senate, Trinity College, Dublin. Swiney, George Clayton, son of John Swiney, Esq., M.D., H.E.I.C.S., Westal House, Chel- tenham; born loth January, 1840. Day Boy and Boyne Hotcse. Re-entered College, January, 1853, and February, 1855. Cornet, Bengal Cavalry, 1857 ; Lieutenant, 5th Bengal European Cavalry, 1858 ; transferred to 6th Dragoon Guards, 1863 ; Captain, 1866 ; transferred to 32nd Foot, 1866 ; Brevet-Major, 1878 ; Major, 1881 ; Lieut.-Colonel, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, i88i ; Colonel, 1883 ; Commanding, Regi- mental District, 1888. Aide-de-Camp to the Gover- nor, Cape of Good Hope, 1870-73. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1857-58 with the 7th Hussars, and was present in an engagement near Allahabad in December, 1857. Trevor, William Gordon, son of Captain Samuel Smith Trevor, Madras Army ; born 2ist January, 1835. Ensign, 80th Foot, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1857 ; Brevet-Captain, 1866; Captain, Bombay Staff Corps, 1868; Brevet-Major, 1874; Major, 1876; Lieut.- Colonel, 1880. Served in the Indian Mutiny Cam- paign in 1858-59 (Medal). Died at Bombay, 8th October, 1884. Verschoyle, Robert Henry, son of the Rev. Joseph Verschoyle, Ballina, Ireland ; born 2ist August, 1835. 5 — 2. Mtirgeaud and Bayly. Left 1852. Trinity College, Dublin. B.A. , 18 — . Cornet, nth Hussars, i860 ; Lieutenant, i860 ; Captain, 1868 ; Retired, 1871. Warrington, Henry Hanmer Chalmers Gros- venor, son of Captain William Henry War- rington, Jersey ; born 2nd July, 1836. Ensign, Madras Infantry, 1856 ; appointed to 3rd Madras European Regiment, 1857; Lieutenant, 1858; Captain, 1867; Major, 1874 ; Lieut.-Colonel, Madras Infantry, 1874; Brevet-Colonel, i88i ; Colonel, 1886. Was employed on field service in the Saugor and Nerbudda Territories in the suppression of the Indian Mutiny from the 6th February, 1858 (Medal). ENTERED MICHAELMAS, 1849. Alston, Herbert, son of — Alston, Esq. ; born 1 6th July, 1838. Brown, David W. E., son of Thomas Brown, Esq. ; born 7th July, 1839. Jones, Frederick Havard, son of the Rev. Thomas Fowell Jones, Saul Parsonage, Stroud; born 14th April, 1833. 2C — iC Murgeaud Garrett. Left 1851. Emmanuel College, Cambridge ; Thorpe Scholar, 185 — ; B.A. (27th Wrangler), 1855 ; 3rd Class Theo- logical Examination, 1856; M.A. , 1858. Ordained Deacon, 1856, and Priest, 1857. Curate of South Collingham and Langford with Holme, Notts, 1856- 58 ; 2nd Master of Grantham Grammar School, 1858-70 ; 2nd Master of Ilminster Grammar School, 1871-72 ; Curate of Kingstone, 1871-72 ; of St. Andrew’s Chapel, Brighton, 1873-76 ; of Yockleton, Salop, 1877-78 ; Chaplain of Westminster Hospital, London, 1879-83 ; Rector of Knockholt, Kent, 1883. Address ; Knockholt Rectory, Sevenoaks. King-Harman, Wentworth Harman, son of the Hon. Harman King-Harman ; born 27th March, 1840. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1856; Captain, 1867; Major, 1875; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1882 ; Colonel, 1886. Passed Artillery College. Assistant-Superintendent, Small Arms Factory, at Enfield, 1875-80, and at Birming- ham, 1882-1887 ; Acting-Superintendent, Royal Small Arms Factory, Enfield, April to October, 1887; Chief Inspector of Warlike Stores, 1888. Kyffin, Thomas Lloyd, son of — Kyffin, Esq., io8 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [Michaelmas, 1849. Purlheli, North Wales ; born 28th October, 1834. Jesus College, Cambridge. B.A., 1857; M.A., 1866. Ordained Deacon, 1858, and Priest, 1859. Curate of Llanenghenedl, Anglesey, 1858-62 ; of Tremadoc, 1862-68 ; Vicar of Llanbadrig, Anglesey, 1868-89 ■> Vicar of Llanfaes cum Penmon, Anglesey, 1889. Address : Penmon Vicarage, Beaumaris. Lambert, John Campbell, son of Richard Lam- bert, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 20th October, 1838. Day Boy. Appointed a Temporary Clerk in the late office of the Secretary-at-War, July 1855 ; promoted to an Established Clerkship in theConsolidated War Office, after competitive examination, February, 1858. Re- tired April 1878, on re-organisation, on a pension with gratuity. Moore, John Hebblethwaite, son of William Moore, Esq., Kirkby Lonsdale; born 5th July, 1835- Addiscombe Military College (Prizes: First Forti- fication, First Civil Drawing). 2nd - Lieutenant, Madras Engineers, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1856. Drowned at Tanjore, East Indies, 27th December, 1858. Noble, Horatio Nelson, son of Major Horatio Nelson Noble, Madras Army ; born 8th April, 1834. Ensign, 44th Bengal Native Infantry, 1853; Lieu- tenant, 1856 ; Captain, Bengal Staff Corps, 1865 ; Major, 1873. Served with the Agra Force during the Indian Mutiny in 1857-58 ; and was present at the action of 5th July with the Neemuch Mutineers, and at the battle of Agra on loth October, 1857. Present at the storming of the fortified village of Dheepoora, led a small body of Sikhs at the night attack, charged and took the heights, and was present in several other skirmishes (Medal). Died 15th June, 1875. Powell, Thomas Prosser, son of the Rev. Thomas Powell, Dorstone, Herefordshire ; born 1 2th September, 1837. Day Boy. St. John's College, Oxford, 1856. B.A. , 1862. Or- dained Deacon, 1864, and Priest, 1865. Curate of Dorstone and Turnastone, Herefordshire, 1864-65 ; Assistant-Chaplain at Buenos Ayres, 1865-68 ; Vicar of Peterchurch, Herefordshire, 1875-87; Rector of Dorstone, Herefordshire, 1887. Address : Dorstone Rectory, Hereford. St. George, Henry Peaseley L’Estrange, son of Captain Stepney St. George St. George, 52nd Foot, Cheltenham ; born 3rd November, 1838. Ensign, 3rd West India Regiment, May, 1864 ; Lieutenant, October, 1864 ; Captain, 1869 ; on H^f Pay, 1870; transferred to 6th Foot, 1874; Major, Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 1881 ; Brevet-Lieut. - Colonel, 1887. Wormald, John Henry, son of John Wormald, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 1837. Went to South America. ENTERED JANUARY, 1850. Armstrong, Elliott, son of — Armstrong, Esq. ; born 4th, August, 1836. Basevi, Charles Edward, son of George Basevi, Esq., Eaton Place, London ; born 24th September, 1836. Addiscombe Military College, and Lieutenant, Bombay Artillery, 1855 ; ist Lieutenant, 1858 ; Cap- tain, Royal Artillery, 1864 ; Major, 1872 ; Lieut- Colonel, 1881 ; Colonel (Retired), 1881. Served in the Persian War from February to October, 1857, and received three sword cuts in the action of Amherpanee (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Bayly, Richard Uniacke, son of Richard Uniacke Bayly, Esq., Ballanaclogh, Nenagh, Ireland ; born 15th December, 1835. Broadrick, Edward, son of George Broadrick, Esq., Hamphall Stubbs, near Doncaster ; born 30th September, 1838. Woolwich Class — Woolwich Class. Southwood. Left Decem- ber, 1852. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1856 ; Captain, 1867 ; Major, 1875 ; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1882; Colonel (Retired), 1883. Bromby, Henry Bodley, son of the Right Rev. Charles Henry Bromby, D.D., Bishop of Tasmania ; born 21st October, 1840. Day Boy. Jesus College, Cambridge; Rustat Scholar, 186 — ; B.A. 1864. Ordained Deacon, 1864, and Priest, 1865. Curate of St. David’s Cathedral, Hobart, Tasmania, 1865-68; Incumbent of St. John, Hobart, 1868-73; Canon of St. David's Cathedral, Hobart, 1870-77 ; Incumbent of Cathedral Parish, Hobart, 1873-84 ; Dean of Hobart, 1877-84 ; Vicar of St. John the Evangelist, Bethnal Green, London, 1885. Address : St. John's Vicarage, Bethnal Green, London, E. Bubb, John, son of John Bubb, Esq., Chelten- ham ; born 19th October, 1838. X^°^C — 2C. Day Boy. Left 1853. Football XX., 185—. King's College Hospital, London ; Member, Royal College of Surgeons, Eng- land, i860 ; Licentiate of the Apothecaries’ Society, 1861. Associate of King’s College, London. Con- sulting Surgeon (late Senior Surgeon), Cheltenham General Hospital. Surgeon to Cheltenham College, and Female Orphan Asylum. Address : 6 Royal Crescent, Cheltenham. Bubb, Osborne, son of John Bubb, Esq., Chel- tenham ; born loth December, 1839. C — I C. Day Boy. Left 1859. Football XX., 185 — . Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1854. Corpus Christ! College, Oxford, 1858 ; Ex- hibitioner, i860 ; 1st Class Classical Moderations, i860 ; 3rd Class Classical Final Schools, 1862 ; B.A. 1863 ; M.A. 1867. Ordained Deacon, 1867, and Priest, 1868. Curate of Stroud, Gloucestershire, 1867-72; of St. Saviour, Croydon, 1873-74; of Bu- dock, Cornwall, 1874-80. Rector of Dunstbourne Rouse, Gloucestershire, 1881. Address : Dunstbourne Rouse Rectory, Ciren- cester. Caldecott, Charles Thomas, son of Major Henry Caldecott, Prospect, Whitehaven ; born 19th March, 18 — . Caldecott, Frederick James Philip, son of Major Henry Caldecott, Prospect, White- haven ; born 4th April, 1835. Pembroke College, Oxford, 1854. Carden, George, son of — Carden, Esq. ; born 3rd F ebruary, 1 838, Day Boy. Ensign, 77th Foot, August, 1854; Lieutenant, November, 1854 ; Captain, 1855 ; transferred to 5th Foot, 1856 ; Major, 1864 ; Lieut-Colonel, 1872 ; appointed to Regimental District, 1877 ; Brevet- Colonel, 1877 ; Major-General (Retired), 1887. Served with the 77th Regiment in the Crimean War from the 27th December, 1854, including the siege and fall of Sebastapool (Medal with clasp, and January, 1850.] PRINCIPAL : REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 109 Turkish Medal). Served with the 5th Fusiliers in the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1857-58, including the defence of the Alumbagh in October and Novem- ber, relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde, defence of the Alumbagh by Outram, capture of Lucknow, and campaign in Oude (Medal with two clasps, and grant of a year's service). Carrington, Samuel, son of Samuel Carrington, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 21st June, 1833. Edmondson, Thomas Grassyard, son of John Edmondson, Esq., Grassyard Hall, Lan- caster ; born 5th December, 1835. Cricket XL, 1853 ; Captain, 1854. Classical Foot- ball XX. . 1852. Brasenose College, Oxford, 1854; B.A. 1858 ; M.A. t86i. J.P. for Lancashire. Address : Gresgarth Hall, Lancashire. Filgate, Alexander Jerome, son of William Filgate, Esq., Lisrenny, Ardee, Co. Louth ; born 2Qth August, 1837. \oM — \M. Boyce. Left June, 1855. Cricket XXII., 185 — . Addiscombe Military College, 1855-57. 2nd Lieutenant, Madras En- gineers, 1857 ; Lieutenant, 1858 ; Captain, Royal Engineers, 1868 ; Major, 1875; Brevet- Lieut. -Colonel, 1882; Lieut. -Colonel, 1884; Brevet-Colonel, 1886. Accountant-General, and ex officio Under-Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of Public Works, Simla. Served as Assistant Field Engineer throughout the China War of i860, and was present at the action of Simho, captures of Tangku and the Taku Forts, and surrender of Pekin (Medal with two clasps). Address ; United Service Club, Pall Mall, Lon- don, S.W. Filgate, Rudolph Townley Richard, son of William Filgate, Esq., Lisrenny, Ardee, Co. Louth ; born i8th December, 1839. In Court of Probate, Ireland. Address : Lisrenny, Ardee, Co. Louth, Ireland. Filgate, William de Salis, son of William Filgate, Esq., Lisrenny, Ardee, Co. Louth ; born 2nd December, 1834. — 2M. Boyce. Left December, 1852. Cricket XL, 185 — . Modern Football XX., 185 — . Master of the Louth Hounds since i860. Late Captain Louth Rifles. J.P. and D. L., and High Sheriff of Co. Louth, 1879. Address '. Lisrenny, Ardee, Co. Louth. Fisher, Robert William, son of Robert Fisher, Esq., Wonnastow Court, Monmouth; born — . Fothergill, Henry, son of Richard Fothergill, Esq., Lowbridge House, Kendal ; born 8th July, 1836. Gleig, George Jonathan, son of J. D. Gleig, Esq., Madras Civil Service, Bays Hill Man- sion, Cheltenham ; born 24th June, 1838. Day Boy. Re-entered College August, 1854. Died at Cheltenham, 21st November, 1872. Gore, Edward Arthur, son of Joseph Gore, Esq., Derrymore, Co. Clare ; born ist August, 1 839. Day Boy. Subsequently at Eton College. Cornet, 3rd Light Dragoons, 1858 ; Lieutenant, i860 ; Captain, 1864 ; Major, 1869 ; transferred to 6th Dragoons, 1869 ; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1877; Lieut. -Colonel, 1878; Colonel, 1881. Assistant-Adjutant-General for Re- cruiting, Northern District, 1887 ; Assistant-Adju- tant-General, 1889. Commanded the Inniskilling Dragoons in the Transvaal Campaign in 1881. J.P. and D. L. for Co. Clare. Address : Derrymore, O'Callaghan's Mills, Co. Clare, Ireland. Grant, Aldourie Patrick, son of Lieut. -Colonel Grant, C.B. ; born 13th January, 1835. Ensign, 71st Bengal Native Infantry, 1853 ; Lieu- tenant, 1856. Killed in action at Lucknow during the Indian Mutiny, 31st May, 1857. Gumbleton, William Edward, son of the Rev. George Gumbleton, Belgrove, Queen’s County Ireland ; born 2nd March, 1840. J.P. for Queen’s County. Hesketh, Edward Fleetwood, son of the Rev. Charles Hesketh, North Meols Rectory, .Southport ; born 9th January, 1834. New College, Oxford, 1853. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1857. Hon. Colonel, Southport Rifle Volunteers, since 1881, and late Captain, 6th Royal Lancashire Militia. J.P. for Lancashire. Address : North Meols Hall, Southport. Hutchinson, William Henry, son of William Hutchinson, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 2nd November, 1836. loC — iC. Day Boy. Left 1857. Classical Football XX., 185 — . Pembroke College, Cambridge; B.A., 1859; M.A. , 1864. Ordained Deacon, i860, and Priest, 1862. Curate of Leck- hampton, 1860-63 ; of St. Mark, Gloucester, 1863-64 ; V'icar of St. Philip and St. James, Leckhampton, 1864 ; Rural Dean of South Winchcombe, and Surro- gate, Diocese of Gloucester and Bristol, 1884. Address ; Chalfont Lodge, The Park, Cheltenham. Lancey, James, son of Captain William Lancey, R.E. ; born — . Lletwellyn, Thomas William, son of William Llewellyn, Esq. ; born 2nd June, 1837. Makgill, John, son of George Makgill, Esq., Edinljurgh ; born 6th February, 1836. — \M. Turnbull. Left 1853. Football XX., 185 — . Addiscombe Military Col- lege, 1854-55. " Winners Prize " at Athletic Sports. 2nd Lieutenant, Madras Engineers, 1855 ; ist Lieu- tenant, 1858 ; Captain, Royal Engineers, 1864 ; Retired, 1868. Newman, Henry, son of Edmund Lambert Newman, Esq., Cheltenham; born 13th June, 1838. 8C — iC. Day Boy. Left 1857. Balliol College, Oxford, 1857. 2nd Class Classical Moderations, i860; B.A., 1861; M.A., 1864. Or- dained Deacon, 1864, and Priest, 1865. Curate of Eccleshall, 1864 ; of Chellaston, 1864-67 ; Perpetual Curate of Stanley, Derbyshire, 1867-70 ; Curate of Whittington, Gloucestershire, 1870-77 ; of St. James, Pokesdown, Hants, 1877-82. Address : Bournemouth. Ostler, John Mounteney (afterwards Lely), son of John Lely Ostler, Esq., Grantham ; born i2th August, 1839. — iC. Bayly. Left 1857 - Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1853. Demyship, Mag- dalen College, Oxford, 1857 ; ist Class Classical Moderations, 1859 ; 2nd Class Classical Final Schools, 1861 ; B.A. , 1862 ; M.A., 1864. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1869. Author of “ Law of Municipal Corporations,” and Editor of various legal works. Address : i King's Bench Walk, The Temple, London, E.C. Otler, William Grinfield (afterwards Lely), son of John Lely Ostler, Esq., Grantham ; born 22nd March, 1838. Day Boy. University College, Oxford, 1855 ; B.A., i860. Peel, Lawrence, son of the Rev. f'rederic Peel, Willingham, Gainsborough ; born i6th April, 1836. Buxton, Henry Style, son of Arthur Ruxton, Esq. ; born 17th April, 1837. Scott, Archibald Campbell, son of Michael Scott, Esq., Glasgow ; born 17th August, 1835. Was in business in Bombay. Died, 1880. Shewell, Alfred Lloyd, son of Edward Warner no CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1850. Shewell, Esq., Cheltenham ; born i6th May, 1842. Day Boy. Shewell, Arthur Mark, son of Edward Warner Shewell, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 20th De- cember, 1839. Day Boy. Ensign, 21st Bombay European Light Infantry, 1856 ; Lieutenant, 1857 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1863 ; Captain, 1868 ; Brevet-Major, 1868 ; Major, 1876; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1877. Served in the Abyssinian War in 1867-68 (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80, and was mortally wounded at Kandahar on i6th August, and died on the and September, 1880. Smyth, Charles Armstrong, son of William Dysart Smyth, Esq., Drumahore, London- derry, Ireland ; born 28th April, 1836. Stanford, Robert Loftus, son of Bedell Stan- ford, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 8th December, 1839. Day Boy. Exeter College, Oxford, 1859; B.A., 1862. Or- dained Deacon, 1863, and Priest, 1864. Curate of St. Michael, Coventry, 1863-66 ; Missionary at Tokomarairo, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1866-73 1 Incumbent of All Saints, Dunedin, 1872-83 ; Licensed Preacher, Diocese of Dunedin, 1882. Stewart, Joseph Atkinson, son of the Rev. Henry Stewart ; born 21st September, 1839. Stewart, Lewis Gower, son of Alexander Stewart, Esq., Cambridge Square, Hyde Park, Lon- don ; born 25th July, 1838. Addiscombe Military College. Lieutenant, Madras Engineers, 1857 ; Resigned (Royal Engineers), 1863. Thomas, Rowland Edward, son of — Thomas, Esq. ; born 7th September, 1838. Ticehurst, Arthur William, son of Frederick Ticehurst, Esq., Hastings ; born 24th June, 1838. Tinson, Gerald Edward, son of George Tinson, Esq., Cheltenham ; born nth December, 1838. Trevor, Francis Randolph, son of Captain Samuel Smith Trevor, Madras Artillery ; born 1 8th May, 1837. Ensign, Madras Infantry, March, 1857 ; appointed to 2nd Madras Native Infantry, June, 1857 ; Lieu- tenant, 1861 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1866 ; Captain, 1869; Major, 1877; Lieut. -Colonel, 1883; Colonel (Retired), 1885. Wallace, Henry Ritchie, son of Robert Wallace, Esq., Glasgow; born 15th December, 1835. Ensign, 92nd Highlanders, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; Captain, 1857 ; Retired, 1867. Webster, Edmund Forster, son of James Webster, Esq., Hatherley Court, Cheltenham ; born 1838. Day Boy. H.E. I.C College, Haileybury. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1864. Madras Civil Service, 1859 ; Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Tanjore, 1859 ; at Salen, 1863 ; and at Godavery, 1866. Judge of Court of Small Causes, Tellicherry, 1867 ; at Madura, 1868 ; and at Cuddelore, 1868. First Sessions Judge, Trichinopoly, 1873. Collector, Dis- trict Magistrate, and Agent, Tanjore, 1878, and Political Agent lor the French Settlement of Karikal. Secretary to Government, Revenue Department, Ootacamund, 1882, also Officiating Chief Secretary to Government, and Additional Member of Go- vernor's Council, 1883; Retired, 1887; C.I.E., 1888. Wetenhall, William Henry, son of — Weten- hall. Esq. ; born 30th June, 1837. Day Boy. Wilson, John Wilson, son of Edward Wilson, Esq., Newcastle-under-Lyne, Staffordshire ; born 1st November, 1837. ENTERED EASTER, 1850. Bird, George Garnons, son of Henry Bird, Esq., Cinderford, East Dean, Gloucestershire ; born 28th January, 1837. Classical Football XX., 1852. Oriel College, Oxford, 1856; B.A., i860; M.A., 1862. Ordained Deacon, 1861, and Priest, 1862. Curate of Great Chart, Kent, 1866-67 1 Vicar of Christow, Devon, 1868-82 ; Rector of Wattisfield, Norfolk, 1882-85 > Vicar of Hollinwood, Lancashire, 1885. Address : Hollinwood, Oldham. Chaplin, William, son of Frederick Chaplin, Esq., Tathwell Hall, Louth, Lincolnshire ; bom 1 2th Febraary, 1836. Magdalen College, Oxford, 1854; B.A. , 1858; M.A. , 1862. Captain, Royal North Lincoln Militia, and J. P. for Lincolnshire. Died at Cannes, France, 20th February, 1878. Gill, Arthur Daniel, son of Lieutenant George Gill, R.M. ; born 22nd July, 1834. Day Boy. Trinity College, Cambridge ; 13th in ist Classical Tripos, 1857. Hilton, Herbert, son of Charles James Hilton, Esq., Faversham, Kent ; born 1st December, 1837 - Lieutenant, Royal Navy, 1859. Died i8th May, 1865. Knox-Gore, Arthur William, son of Sir Francis Arthur Knox-Gore, Bart., Belleck Manor, Ballina, Co. Mayo ; born 28th October, 1838. XP’^^C — Queen’s, M. Murgeaud, Rotnanis, and Chenery. Left October, 1854. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1854. 2nd Lieutenant, 60th Rifles, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; Captain, 1859 ; transferred to 45th Foot, 1862 ; Retired, 1863. Late Lieut. -Colonel, 6th Battalion, Connaught Rangers (North Mayo Militia). J.P. for Co. Mayo. Served with the 6oth Rifles in the suppression of the Indian Mutiny in the Shahabad District of Bengal in 1858 (Medal). Address : Ballina House, Co. Mayo, Ireland. Lloyd, Erasmus Reginald William, son of the Rev. William Lloyd, Manor Divy Rectory, Carmarthenshire; born 12th July, 1839. Cricket XL, 1857. Mathew, Brownlow Hugh, son of George Ben- vinato Mathew, Esq., Civil Service ; bom 24th December, 1835. Addiscombe Military College, 1852-55. ist Lieu- tenant, Bombay Engineers, 1855 ; Lieutenant, 1858 ; Captain, 1864; Major, 1872; Lieut. -Colonel, 1878; Colonel, 1882 ; Major-General (Retired), 1886. August, 1850.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. Ill ENTERED AUGUST, 1850. Bagshawe, Francis Lloyd, son of Captain Francis Darling Bagshawe, Bombay Army ; born nth February, 1840. Day Boy. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1854. Scholarship, Trinity College, Cambridge, 1861 ; B. A, (19th Wrangler), 1862; M.A. , 1865. Ordained Deacon, 1864, and Priest, 1865. Curate of St. Mary-the- Less, Prince’s Road, Lambeth, London, 1864-74. Inspector for National Society Middle Class School Committee, 1870-74. Vicar of St. Barnabas, Pimlico, London, 1876-78. Died, 1878. Barnett, Charles James, son of Charles James Barnett, Esq., Cheltenham ; born nth June, 1840. Day Boy. Ensign, i6th Foot, 1858 ; Lieutenant, 1859 ; Captain, 1863. Died at Yokohama, Japan, 8th April, 1870. Barnett, William, son of Charles James Barnett, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 3rd December, 1841. Day Boy. Benn, Charles Edward, son of Edward Benn, Esq., Seaforth, near Liverpool; born nth September, 1841. Boyes, George Thomas Henry, son of James Boyes, Esq., 3 Paragon Buildings Chelten- ham ; born 4th August, 1841. Day Boy. Naval Cadet, 1854 ; Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Navy, i860 ; Lieutenant, 1862 ; Commander, 1877 ; Cap- tain, 1884. Is Captain of H.M.S. "Alexandra," Flagship of H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh. Cadet in the "Royal Albert" and "Agamemnon” in the Black Sea, 1855 ; was present at the siege of Sebas- topol, expedition to Kertch and Yenikale, and attack and capture of Kinburn (Medal with clasp and Turkish Medal). Commander of "Achilles” during the Egyptian War of 1882 (Medal, 3rd Class Medjidie, and Khedive’s Star). Bruce, William Thomas, son of William Bruce, Esq., Glasgow ; born ist September, 1836. Burton, Henry Videash, son of John Burton, Esq., Andover Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 27th January, 1841. Day Boy. Chambers, Richard, son of — Chambers, Esq. ; born 31st October, 1837. Day Boy. Captain, 9th Lancers (Retired). Corbyn, Henry Fisher, son of Frederick Corbyn, Esq., Bengal; born 21st July, 1833. Cunliffe, Frank, son of Major-General Sir Sir Robert Henry Cunliffe, Bart., C.B., Acton Park, Wrexham ; born 8th July, 1839. Ensign, 58th Foot, 1859; Lieutenant, 1862; Cap- tain, 1864 ; Retired, 1875. Died at Belize, British Honduras, 24th March, 1878. Dopping, Edward, son of — Dopping, Esq. ; born 1st April, 1837. Egginton, Charles William, son of the Rev. John Egginton, Wellington Villa, Cheltenham ; born 17th February, 1839. Day Boy. Fa'WCett, Rowland, son of Edward G. Fawcett, Esq., Bombay Civil Service ; born — . Ford, John, son of the Rev. Frederick Ford, Chester ; born 20th March, 1837. Addiscombe Military College. 2nd Lieutenant, Madras Artillery, 1856 ; ist Lieutenant, 1858 ; 2nd Captain, Royal Artillery, 1865 ; Major, 1872 ; Lieut.- Colonel (Retired), 1877. Green- Armytage, North, son of the Rev. Joseph North Green-Armytage, Walthamstow, Es- sex ; born 1 2th September, 1838. St. John’s College, Cambridge. B.A., 1862; M.A., 1874. Ordained Deacon, 1863, and Priest, 1864. Curate of Winlaton, 1863-65 ; St. George’s-in-the- East Mission, 1865-67; of St. Augustine, Stepney, 1868-70; of St. James the Less, Liverpool, 1870-72; of Frome-Selwood, 1872-76 ; of St. Vedast, Foster Lane, London, 1876-77 ; of St. Mary the Virgin, Primrose Hill, London, 1877-79 ; Chaplain at Nice, 1880-81 ; Chaplain of St. Andrew, Pau, 1883-84 ; Curate of Wanlip, Leicestershire, 1884-85; Chaplain of House of Mercy, Ditchingham, Norfolk, 1886. Perpetual Curate of Chapel of Ease, Boston, Lin- colnshire, 1888. Address ; Boston, Lincolnshire, and Grosvenor Club, New Bond Street, London, S.W. Hilton, Philip, son of Charles J. Hilton, Esq., Faversham; born loth March, 1840. Hudleston, Arthur Wheatley, son of Robert Borland Hudleston, Esq., North Aban Court, Cheltenham ; born 17th October, 1839. Day Boy. Johnson, Richard, son of the Rev. Evans John- son, D.D., Archdeacon of Ferns, Ross, Ire- land ; born 4th April, 1840. — C — Queen's M. Boyce. Left 1857. Cricket XL, 1857. Ensign, loth Foot, 1858; Lieutenant, 1859; Captain, 1864; Major, 1877; Lieut. -Colonel, Lincolnshire Regiment, 1881 ; Colonel (Retired), 1882. Jones, Edward, son of Edward Jones, Esq., Liverpool ; born 7th May, 1835. Head of Modern, June, 1852. Addiscombe Mili- tary College (Prizes : First Fortification, FirstMilitary Drawing, First Military Surveying). 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Engineers, 1854. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign, and was killed in action at Delhi, 24th July, 1857. Martin, Cunliffe, son of Sir James Ranald Martin, Bengal Army ; born 3rd February, 1834 - Cornet, Bengal Cavalry, 1851 ; appointed to ist Bengal Cavalry, 1852 ; Lieutenant, 1853 ; Captain, 1862; Brevet-Major, 1871 ; Major, 1877 ; Brevet- Lieut. -Colonel, 1877; Lieut. -Colonel, 1882; Brevet- Colonel, 1881. Commandant, Central India Horse, 1877. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign of 1857-58, and was present with the 14th Light Dra- goons with the Native Field Force at the capture of Dhar, and actions of Mundesore — severely wounded (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Served in the Abyssinian Campaign in 1868 as Aide-de- Camp to Brigadier D. M. Stewart, and with the 12th Bengal Cavalry at the capture of Magdala (Medal). Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, including the operations in the Kama district, and action at Besud ; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march from Kabul to the relief of Kandahar, and was present at the battle of Kandahar on ist September (mentioned in despatches, C.B., Medal with clasp, and Bronze Star). Mathew, Richard Byam, son of George Ben- vinato Mathew, Esq., H.E.I.C.S.; born 23rd April, 1839. Mauger, William James, son of John Marcus Mauger, Esq., Jersey ; born 17th March, 1838. Miller, John Robert Charlesworth, son of John Robert Miller, Esq., Acomb House, Charlton Kings ; born loth March, 1837. Scholarship, Corpus Christ! College, Oxford, 1855; 3rd Class Classical Moderations, and 2nd Class Mathematical Moderations, 1857 ; 2nd Class Mathe- matical Final Schools, 1859. Fellow of Corpus. 1865. B. A. ,1859; M.A. , 1861. Ordained Deacon i860, and Priest, 1861. Curate of Winkfield, Wilt- shire, 1860-62 ; of Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire. 1862-65 ; of Puddletown, Dorset, 1865-66 ; Rector of Goddington, Oxford, 1866-78 ; Vicar of Mottram- in-Longendale, Lancashire, 1878. Address : The Vicarage, Mottram-in-Longendale, Manchester. II2 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1850. Morgan, Arthur Edward, son of Colonel Edward Morgan, Golden Grove, Hol>nvell, Flintshire; born 1 6th August, 1838. Ensign, 71st Foot, 1858 ; Lieutenant, 1861 ; Cap- tain, 1868; Retired, 1869. Murray, Alexander William, son of the Rev. David Rodney Murray, Brampton Brian, Ludlow ; born 29th January, 1836. Ensign, 42nd Bengal Native Infantry, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1855. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign, and was killed in action at Delhi, 14th September, 1857. Pasley, Maitland Warren Bouverie Sabine, son of Admiral Sir Thomas Sabine Pasley, Bart., K.C.B., R.N. ; born 17th July, 1834. Addiscombe Military College. 2nd Lieutenant, Bombay Artillery, 1852 ; ist Lieutenant, 1858 ; Cap- tain, Royal Artilleiy, 1861 ; Retired, 1865. Died at Eastbourne, Sussex, 6th June, 1881. Pigott, Stainsby Henry, son of Francis Pigott, Esq., M.P., Heckfield, Hants; born ist May, 1840. Puley, Benjamin Scott, son of Benjamin Scott Puley, Esq., Warbeck House, Walton, Liver- pool ; born 5th May, 1835. Skinner, Courtland Alexander MacGregor, son of — Skinner, Esq. ; born 21st September, 1841. ist Lieutenant, Bombay Engineers, 1859 ; Cap- tain (Royal Engineers), '1871 ; Major (Retired) 1878. Smith, Stanley R. R., son of — Smith, Esq. ; born 5 th August, 1836. Steel, James Nisbet, son of James Steel, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 26th September, 1840. Day Boy. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, i860; Lieutenant, 1862; Captain, 1886 ; Major, 1880 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Re- tired), 1886. Served in the Abyssinian Campaign in 1867-68 (Medal). Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80, and took part in the advance on Khelat-i- Ghilzie, in the engagement of Saif-u-deen, and in the advance on Ghuznee (Medal). Address : 12 Queen Anne’s Gardens, Bedford Park, Chiswick, S.W. Stewart, Richard Warren, son of James R. Stewart, Esq., 6 Leinster Street, Dublin ; born 6th November, 1837. Newick House. Trinity College, Dublin, 1855. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1857; Captain, 1868; Major, 1877; Lieut. -Colonel, 1884 ; Colonel, 1888. Was employed on the survey of Palestine under the Palestine Exploration Society, in 1871. Trevor, John William, son of the Rev. John W. Trevor, Llanvaclog, Holyhead ; born 12th April, 1835. Ensign, 55th Foot, June, 1854 ; Lieutenant, Octo- ber, 1854 ; Captain, 1858 ; Transferred to 22nd Foot, 1859 ; Retired, 1868. Served with the 55th Regiment in the Crimean War, from 22nd November, 1854, to iith June, 1855, and was present at the siege of Se- bastopol, and attack and capture of the rifle pits, where he was dangerously wounded (Medal with clasp and Turkish Medal). Ward, Charles Herbert, son of William Ward, Esq., Hull ; born 6th July, 1839. Webster, Hamilton Bell, son of James Webster, Esq., Hatherley Court, Cheltenham ; born 1st July, 1830. Day Boy. Westbrook, Francis Stephen, son ot the Rev. Stephen Westbrook, ii Oriel Place, Chel- tenham ; born 26th May, 1834. 4C — 3C Jclfs. Left June, 1852. Worcester College, Oxford, 1852. B.A., 1859; M.A. , 1872. Ordained Deacon 1859, and Priest, 1861. 2nd Master of Huntingdon Grammar School, and Curate of St. Mary, Huntingdon; 2nd Master of St. Albans Grammar School ; Curate of St. Os- wald with St. Mary, Bingfield, Northumberland ; of St, Andrew, Bishopwearmouth ; Curate of All Saints with St. John, Huntingdon, 1865-70; Vicar of Lower Raveley, Hunts, 1867-84 ; Chaplain of Her Majesty’s Prison, Huntingdon, 1871-84; Master of St. John’s Hospital, Huntingdon, 1872-84; Chaplain of Her Majesty’s Prison, Canterbury, 1884 ; Chaplain of Her Majesty’s Prison, Nottingham, 1884; Chaplain of Her Majesty’s Prison, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1889. Address : Newcastle-on-Tyne. White, John, son of James Robert White, Esq., Bayswater, Dalkey, Ireland ; born 21st July, 1839. — \C. Newick House. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1853. Scholarship, Balliol College, Oxford, 1857. ist Class Classical Moderations, i860 ; Newdigate Prize Poem, 1861 ; 2nd Class Classical Final Schools, 1862. Fellow of Queen’s College, Oxford, 1863 ; English Sacred Prize Poem, 1869. B.A. , 1862; M.A. , 1864. Classical Lecturer and Tutor, Queen's College, 1863-64. Called to the Bar, Lincoln’s Inn, 1866. Address : 3 Paper Buildings, The Temple, Lon- don, E.C. White, Walter Richard S., son of — White, Esq.; born 13th June, 1839. Wood, Henry C., son of Lieut.-Colonel H. W. Wood, H.E.I.C.S. ; born 5th July, 1840. Day Boy. Wylde-Broivne, Harry, son of Thomas Whit- more Wylde-Browne, Esq., The Woodlands, Bridgnorth, Salop ; born 28th November, 1833. zL — zC. Boyce. Left 1852. Jesus College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1856; M.A., 1875. Entered the Civil Service of the Colony of Natal, 1861. Appointed Controller of Arms and Ammunition, and Justice of the Peace for the Colony, 1884. Young, Charles Frederick, son of Brigadier- General Frederick Young ; born 4th April, 1836. ENTERED MICHAELMAS, 1850. Ashton, Charles, son of Samuel Ashton, Esq., Prestwich, near Manchester ; born 18th April, 1838. Ashton, John Howarth, son of Thomas Ashton, Esq., Middleton, Manchester ; born 30th May, 1840. XIP^'^C — Civil M. Murgeaud, Romanis, Chetiery, •a.x\ 6 . Boultbee. Left 1857. Cricket XL, 1857. Football XX. , 1856-57. Had two pictures exhibited at the Royal Academy : 1867 "A Fisherman"; 1870, "A scene in the Bombay Cotton Market." Was J.P. for Lancashire and Herefordshire, and D.L. for Herefordshire, also Major, Duke of Lancashire’s Own YeomanryCavalry. President of Cheltonian Society, 1869-70. Died at Hatfield Court, Leominster, 9th May, 1888. Baker, Edward Thomas, son of the Rev. Thomas Baker, Hartlebury Rectory, Stour- port ; born 7th September, 1834. Baker, Henry Peel, son of the Rev. Thomas Baker, Hartlebury Rectory, Stourport ; born 7th February, 1837. Brown, Montague Cecil, son of Captain George Brown, R.N., Cheltenham ; born loth Sep- tember, 1839. Day Boy. Michaelmas, 1850.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. ”3 Dirom, Alexander, son of Captain Dirom, Cleughead, Annan, Dumfries, N.B. ; born 22nd July, 1837. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. 2nd Lieu- tenant, Royal Engineers, iSss ; ist Lieutenant, 1855; 2nd Captain, 1862; ist Captain, 1868. Served in the China War in 1857-58, and was present as a volun- teer at the boat action at Fatsham in Commodore Keppel's division ; also present at the operations prior to the capture, and subsequent occupation of Canton, 1858 (Medal). Died at Madeira, gth Novem- ber, 1865. Gordon, Hamilton Thomas, son of Captain Robert C. H. Gordon, Worcester; born 15th May, 1836. Day Boy. Addiscombe Military College (Prizes: First Mili- tary Drawing, First Civil Drawing). 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Engineers, 1855 ; Lieutenant, 1857. Died on the River Hooghly, off Calpee, 14th February, 1861. Hunt, Benjamin, son of — Hunt, Esq. ; born 1st March, 1838. Jones, William Bayly, son of William Jones, Esq., Gloucester ; born ist November, 1840. Laurie, Pulteney Malcolm, son of Lieut. -Colonel John Laurie, Madras Army; born 17th November, 1838. Mahony, Edward, son of the Rev. Denis Ma- hony, Dromore Castle, Kenmare, Co. Kerry; born — July, 1834. Died 1883. Molony, Frederick Beresford, son of James Molony, Esq., Kiltunon House, Tulla, Co. Limerick; born 15th June, 1833. Madras Civil Service, 1853. Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Rajahmundry, 1855-57 ; Head-As- sistant to Collector and Magistrate, Cuddapah, 1857 ; Sub-Collector and Joint Magistrate, Cuddapah, 1862. Diedin India, 13th November, 1868. Oliveira, Alexander, son of Benjamin Oliveira, Esq., F.R.S., London ; born loth February, 1842. Truell, Robert Holt, son of the Rev. William Truell, East Stoke, Yeovil ; born 30th Sep- tember, 1837. — \M. Turnbull. 'LqI\. September, 1855. Football XX., 1854; Cricket XL, 1855. Ensign, 53rd Foot, 1856 ; Lieutenant, 1857 ; Captain, 1863 ; Major, 1876 ; Lieut. -Colonel, Shropshire Light In- fantry, i88i ; Colonel, 1885 ; Major-General (Re- tired), 1886. Town Major, London, Canada West, 1867-68. Served with the 53rd Regiment in the Indian Mutiny Campaign of 1857-59, including the action of Khujwah, relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde, battle of Cawnpore on 6th December, and pursuit of the Gwalior Contingent to Serai Ghat, action of Khodagunge and entry into Futtehghur, affair of Shumshabad, storming and capture of Meangunge, siege and capture of Lucknow, affair of Koorsie, passage of theGoomtee and occupation of Sultan pore, passage of the Gogra at Fyzabad, on 25th November, action of Toolsepore, and minor affairs ; appointed Staff Officer to a column on the Nepaul Frontier (mentioned in despatches. Medal with two clasps). Served with the 1st Battalion Shropshire Light In- fantry in the Egyptian War of 1882, in command of it from the 19th December, and was present at the surrender of Kafr Dowar and Damietta (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served with the expedition to the Soudan in 1885, in command of the ist Battalion of the Shropshire Light Infantry (mentioned. Brevet of Colonel, C.B., and clasp). President of Cheltonian Society, 1887-88. Address : Onslow, Wimborne, Dorset. Walker, Andrew George, son of Andrew Wal- ker, Esq., Ceylon Civil Service ; born 24th November, 1839. Day Boy. Walker, Edward Noel, son of Sir James Wal- ker, K.C.M.G., C.B., Colonel Secretary of Barbados ; born 28th April, 1842. Day Boy. Glasgow University, 1859-60. Was in the office of the Governor-in-Chief of the Windward Islands, 1862, appointed Private Secretary to the Lieut. -Go- vernor of St. Vincent, 1864, and Private Secretary to the Governor-in-Chief of the Windward Islands, 1866 ; Assistant Government Secretary and Clerk of the Court of Policy and Combined Court, British Guiana, 1867 ; acted as Government Secretary in British Guiana on several occasions ; Assistant Colonial Secretary, Jamaica, 1874 ; Colonial Secre- tary of Jamaica, 1883; C.M.G., 1885: Colonial Se- cretary of Ceylon, 1887 ; A'. C.jI/. G. , i888. Address ; Ceylon ; and Ham House, Harrow, Middlesex. Wilson, Colin Dunlop, son of John Wilson, Esq., Dundyvan, Glasgow; born 15th Octo- ber, 1836. Was an Iron-Master. Died 18 — . Wilson, George James, son of John Wilson, Esq., Dundyvan, Glasgow ; born 29th May, 1839- ENTERED JANUARY, 1851. Adams, Sheldon Burrowes, son of Sheldon Burrowes Adams, Esq. ; born 31st October, 1838. Cricket XL, 1856. Classical Football XX., 1854. Died at Anglesey in 1867. Anderson, Freeman L., son of — Anderson, Esq. ; born 9th May, 1841. Day Boy. Ashton, Samuel Tudor, son of Samuel Ashton, Esq., Prestwich, Manchester; born 21st February, 1841. Cornet, 14th Hussars, 1864 ; Lieutenant, 1865 ; Captain, 1868 ; Retired, 1870. Blaine, Archibald Lowry, son of Archibald William Blaine, Esq., Upton Park, Slough ; born 4th August, 1839. Bolton, Edmund H., son of Henry Bolton, Esq. ; born 7th December, 1837. Boyes, Charles Crofton, son of — Boyes, Esq. ; born 8th October, 1838, Brandt, John, son of the Rev. Alfred Brandt, Aldford Rectory, Chester; born 23rd Jan- uary, 1838. Carter, Thomas Tapper, son of Captain John Carter, R.N., Portman Square, London ; born 8th February, 1838. Southwood. Left December, 1855. Addiscombe Military College, 1855-57. 2nd Lieu- tenant, Bengal Engineers, 1857: ist Lieutenant, 1858 ; Captain, Royal Engineers, 1870; Major, 1877; Lieut. -Colonel, 1886; Colonel (Retired), 1887. Served in the Sikkim Expedition, India, under Colonel Gaw- lor in 1861 (mentioned in despatches, and thanked by the Government of India). Served throughout the campaign in the North-West Frontier of India in 1863, against the Boneyrs and other Afghan tribes, including the storm and recapture of the Craig Piquet and U mbeyla, and destruction of Mulkah (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Served in the Abyssinian War in 1868 as Director of the Trigono- metrical Survey, and was mentioned in despatches Q 114 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1851. as having “by the most strenuous exertions (together with his Assistants Lieutenants Diimmuler and Hol- dich), and at a cost of great fatigue and privations, succeeded in surveying nearly 6,000 square miles, and carried their work from the coast to Magdala " (Medal). Address ; Care of Messrs. Henry S. King and Co., 45 Pall Mall, London, S.W. Cobham, Alexander William, son of Alexander Cobham Cobham, Esq., Shinfield Grange, Reading; born 25th October, 1834. Ensign, 44th Foot, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 1854 ; Cap- tain, 1857 ; transferred to 24th Foot, 1862 ; Retired, 1863. Served with the 44th Regiment in the Crimean Campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Alma and Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol, attack and occupation of the Cemetery on the i8th June (Medal with three clasps, 5th Class Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). J.P. and High Sheriff of Berkshire, 1868. Address : Shinfield Grange, near Reading. Coddington, Arthur Blaney, son of Henry Barry Coddington, Esq., Oldbridge, Drog- heda, Ireland ; born 20th February, 1840. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1857; Captain, 1871 ; Major, 1878; Lieut. -Colonel, 1885. Aide-de-Camp to Inspector General of Fortifications, War Office, 1868-69. Direc- tor of the Ordnance Survey in Ireland, 1886-88. Died at Mountjoy Barracks, Dublin, 15th December, 1888. Crawford, William John MaeKnight, son of William Crawford, Esq., Edinburgh ; born 1 2th December, 1833. Ensign, 79th Highlanders, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; Captain, i860 ; transferred to 24th Foot, 1861 ; Major, 1870 ; transferred to 6th Foot, 1875. Served with the 79th Highlanders in the Crimean Campaign from the 16th August, 1855, including the siege aud fall of Sebastopol (Medal with clasp and Turkish Medal). Also in the Indian Mutiny Campaign of 1858-59, including the siege and capture of Lucknow, attack on the fort at Rooyea, action of Allygunge, capture of Bareilly, relief of Shahjehanpore, capture of the fort of Bunnia, pursuit to the left bank of the Goomtee, destruction of Fort Mahomdee, taking of Rumpore Russia, occupation of Sultanpore, passages of the Goomtee and Gogra, and subsequent operations to the Raptee (Medal). Died at Bombay, 26th March, 1877. Davies, David Griffith, son of David Davies, Esq., Castle Green, Cardiganshire ; born 27th June, 1835. J.P. for Cardiganshire, and Lord of the Manor of the Parish of St. Dogmell’s. Address : The Castle, Cardigan. Dixon, William Peter, son of — Dixon, Esq. ; born 3rd August, 1840. Re-entered College, August, 1856. Evans, Charles Henry, son of Charles Henry Evans, Esq., Plas Gwynn, Anglesea ; born 1836. Ensign, 55th Foot, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1854. Served in the Crimean War, and was killed in the trenches before Sebastopol, 6th August, 1855. Fardell, John Wilson, son of the Rev. John George Fardell, Sprotbury, Doncaster ; born Solicitor (admitted 1861). Address : Ryde, Isle of Wight. Garnett, Albert Peel, son of Robert Garnett, Esq., Moor Hall, Sutton Coldfield ; born 7th April, 1837. Classical Football XX., 1854. Cornet, nth Hussars, 1857 ; Lieutenant, 1858 ; Captain, 1859 ; Brevet-Major, 1872; Major, 1876; Lieut. -Colonel, 1878 ; Retired, 1881. Garnett, Robert John, son of Robert Garnett, Esq., Moor Hall, Sutton Coldfield ; born 9th May, 1840. Cornet, 6th Dragoons, January, 1858 ; Lieutenant, August, 1858 ; Captain, 1861 ; Retired, 1869. Geddes, William Loraine, son of Lieut.-Colonel William Geddes, C.B., R.A. ; born 18 — . Gleig, Charles Fleming, son of Jonathan D. Gleig, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 9th Sep- tember, 1840. Day Boy. Modern Football XX., 1854. Ensign, Bombay Army, i860 ; Lieutenant, io6th Foot, 1862 ; In- structor of Musketry, 1870-73 ; Captain, 1873 ; transferred to 22nd Foot, 1873 ; Major, Cheshire Regiment, 1881. On Half-Pay, 1888; Lieut.-Colonel, 1888. Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant-General of Mus- ketry, Bengal, 1875-81. Gleig, James Henry, son of Jonathan D. Gleig, Esq., Cheltenham ; born loth August, 1839. Day Boy. Lieutenant, Royal (Madras) Artillery, 1858. Died at Cheltenham, i6th February, 1867. Gordon, George Grant, son of James Gordon, Esq., Ivy Bank, Nairn, N.B. ; born 6th April, 1835. Addiscombe Military College. 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Artillery, 1854 ; ist Lieutenant, 1857 ; Cap- tain, Royal Artillery, 1864 ; Resigned, 1865. Greig, Percy, son of William Rathbone Greig, Esq., The Craig, Windermere ; born 17th January, 1836. Day Boy. Gunning, Robert Henry, son of — Gunning, Esq. ; born 9th August, 1 839. Day Boy. Hargreaves, John Denison, son of John Har- greaves, Esq., Sea View House, Southport ; born 1 6th January, 1839. Cricket XL, 1855. Cornet, 15th Hussars, 1862: Lieutenant, 1866 ; Resigned, 1866. Died at Leek, Staffordshire, loth January, 1886. Hart, George Frederick, son of Henry Hart, Esq. ; born 5 th July, 1839. Day Boy. Harward, Gainsborough, son of Thomas N. Harward, Esq., Worcester ; born 24th De- cember, 1840. Helsham, Douglas, son of Richard Helsham, Esq., R.N., Cheltenham ; born 2nd March, 1839. Day Boy. Settled in Queensland, Australia. Heyland, Arthur Rowley, son of Major Rowley Heyland, Fahan House, Fahan, London- derry, Ireland ; born 19th January, 1841. Ensign, 56th Foot, 1858 ; Lieutenant, 1861 ; transferred to io8th Foot, 1865 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1865 ; Captain, 1870 ; Major, 1878 ; Lieut.-Colonel, 1884; Brevet-Colonel, 1887. Brigade- Major, Bombay, 1878-80 ; Deputy-Assistant-Adju- tant-General, Bombay, 1881-82 ; Military Secretary to Governor of Bombay, 1882. Is Commandant, ist Bombay Lancers. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80 as Brigade-Major and as Deputy-Assistant- Quartermaster-General, and took part in the march to Kandahar, with the force under Major-General Phayre (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Served with the Zhob Valley Ex-pedition in 1884. Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886, and was slightly wounded in an engagement on the 12th December (Medal with clasp). Hugall, Thomas John, son of John West Hugall, Esq., Minster House, Cheltenham ; born 24th July, 1836. Day Boy. Modern Football XX., 1852. Jacob, Henry P. C., son of — Jacob, Esq. ; born 28th December, 1 835. Jacob, William Vesey F., son of — Jacob, Esq. ; born 9th May, 1837. January, 1851.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 115 Jameson, John, son of John Jameson, Esq., Penrith, Cornwall; born 3rd October, 1834. Ensign, 19th Foot, 1862 ; Lieutenant, 1866 ; In- structor of Musketry, 1874-77 : Captain, 1877 ; Major, Yorkshire Regiment, 1881; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1882. Served in the Hazara Campaign in 1868, including the expedition against the tribes on the Black Mountain (Medal with clasp). Jessop, Thomas, son of George Jessop, Esq., Hoaley, near Huddersfield ; born 14th No- vember, 1835. Cornet, 2nd Dragoons, i860 ; Lieutenant, 1864 ; Captain, 1870 ; Retired, 1875. Kirkby, William Horseman, son of William Kirkby, Esq., Llyndir Park, Denbighshire ; born 25th June, 1840. Leith, John Macdonald, son of Sir Alexander Wellesley William Leith, Bart., Ross Priory, Dumbartonshire, N.B. ; born 26th Decem- ber, 1835. Ensign, 79th Highlanders, March, 1854 ; Lieu- tenant, October, 1854 ; Captain, 1857 ; Brevet-Major, 1872; Major, 1877; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1878; Lieut. -Colonel, Cameron Highlanders, 1881 ; Colonel, 1882 ; Retired, 1886. Served in the Crimean War of 1854-55, including the battle of Balaklava, siege and fall of Sebastopol, assaults of the Redan on the i8th June and 8th September, and expedition to Kertch and Yenikale (Medal with two clasps, 5th Class Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served in the sup- pression of the Indian Mutiny in 1858-59, including the siege and capture of Lucknow, attack on the fort of Rooyah, actions of Allygunge, Bareilly, and Shahjehanpore, capture of Forts Bunniar and Ma- homdee, passage of the Gogra at Fyzabad, capture of Rampore Russia, and subsequent operations in Oude, across the Gogra and Raptee rivers (Medal with clasp). Commanded the Cameron Highlanders throughout the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir {C.B., Medal with clasp, 3rd Class Medjidie, and Khedive’s Star). Also took part in the Nile and Suakin Expeditions in 1884-85 (two clasps). Died at Gibraltar, 22nd May, 1888. Livins, William Grinfield, son of the Rev. Henry Livins, Bristol ; born 20th Sep- tember, 1836. Architect. Lovell, Julius, son of the Rev. Edward Lovell, Coddington, Herefordshire; born i8th March, 1838. McLaughlin, Edward, son of the Rev. Hubert McLaughlin, Boraston Rectory, Tenbury ; born 1st February, 1838. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1855 ; Captain, 1862 ; Major, 1872 ; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, July, i88i ; Lieut. -Colonel, October, 1881 ; Colonel, 1885 ; Major-General (Re- tired), 1886. McNeile, John Magee, son of the Rev. Hugh McNeile, D.D., Liverpool ; born 4th March, 1837. 2M — iM. Southwood. Left June, 1854 - Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1852 ; Head of Modern, 1853-54. Addiscombe Military College, 1854-56 (Passed out First Engineer ; Prizes : Pollock Medal, Sword, First Mathematical, First Military Surveying). and Lieutenant, Bengal Engineers, 1856 ; Lieutenant, 1858 ; Captain, Royal Engineers, 1868; Major, 1874; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1884; Brevet-Colonel, 1885. Chief Engineer (and Class) ; and Joint Secretary to the Government of Bengal, Department of Public Works. Mellor, Richard Clough, son of Thomas Mellor, Esq., Liverpool ; born i6th February, 1839. Mellor, Russell, son of Thomas Mellor, Esq., Liverpool ; born 9th f'ebruary, 1841. Mitford, William, son of Captain William Vernon Mitford, Bengal Cavalry; born 9th December, 1837. Ensign, 73rd Foot, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1857 ; Cap- tain, 1862; Retired, 1867. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1858-59, and was present during the operations on the Gorruckpore Frontier, and in Nepaul (Medal). Nightingale, Allen Jackson, son of — Night- ingale, Esq. ; born, loth October, 1836. Osborne, Henry St. George, son of — Osborne, Esq. ; born June, 1839. Rudd, John Trohear, son of William Rudd, Esq. ; born 25th March, 1839. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Ensign, 59th Foot, 1858 ; Lieutenant, 1862 ; Captain, 1866 ; Re- tired, 1874. Seton, Alexander Reginald, son of Lieut. -Colonel Bruce Seton, Bombay Army; born 25th May, 1840. Day Boy. Addiscombe Military College, and Lieutenant, Bombay Engineers, 1857 ; ist Lieutenant, 1858 ; Captain, Royal Engineers, 1869; Major, 1877; Lieut. -Colonel, 1886. Died at Bombay, 12th No- vember, 1887. Seton, Bruce Outram, son of Lieut.-Colonel Bruce Seton, Bombay Army ; born 7th May, 1841. Day Boy. Addiscombe Military College (Prizes : First Fortifi- cation, Second Mathematical, Second Military Sur- veying, Second Good Conduct). Lieutenant, Bom- bay Engineers, 1859; Captain, Royal Engineers, 1870; Major, 1878; Lieut.-Colonel (Retired), 1886. Instructor in Fortification, Royal Military College, 1875-82. Stokes, Frederick Scott, son of Charles Stokes, Esq., Munels End, Ledbury ; born 3rd March, 1835. Tabuteau, Anthony Olivier, son of Bartholomew M. Tabuteau, Esq., Dublin ; born 23rd Feb- ruary, 1835. Ensign, 93rd Highlanders, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1855; Captain, 1862; Major, 1876; Lieut.-Colonel (Retired), 1879. Served with the 93rd Highlanders in the Crimean War from the 8th February, 1855 (Medal, and Turkish Medal). ■ Tabuteau, Thomas Rooke, son of Bartholomew M. Tabuteau, Esq., Dublin ; born 7th April, 1838. loC — 2M. Lamotte and Ellis. Left December, 1853. Cricket XL, 1853. Addiscombe Military College. Ensign, Madras infantry, 1857 ; appointed to 13th Madras Native Infantry, February, 1858 ; transferred to ist Madras European Regiment, September, 1858: Lieutenant, 1862 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, i866 ; Captain, 1869; Major, 1877; Lieut.-Colonel, 1883; Brevet-Colonel, 1887. Is Commandant, 28th Madras Native Infantry. Served with the ist Madras Fusiliers in the suppression of the Bengal Mutiny in 1858, including the Oude Campaign and an affair at the fort of Koli (Medal). Served with the 3rd Bombay Native Infantry in the Abyssinian Expedi- tion in 1868 (Medal). Tibbs, Percival William, son of Somerset Tibbs, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 28th December, 1837. Day Boy. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1852 ; Head of Clas- sical Department, June, 1856; Scholarship, Brasenose College, Oxford, 1857 ; 3rd Class Classical Modera- tions, 1859; B.A., i860. Indian Civil Service, i860. Waddingham, John, son of John Waddingham, Esq., Cotswold Grange, Cheltenham ; born 2 1 St December, 1838. Day Boy. ii6 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1851. Oriel College, Oxford, 1858; B.A., 1862; M.A., 1865. J. P. for Gloucestershire. Address ; Guyting Grange, Winchcombe ; Hafod, Aberystwith ; and New University Club, St. James’s Street, London, S.W. Webster, Arthur George, son of James Webster, Esq., Hatherley Court, Cheltenham ; bom 9th February, 1837. Day Boy. Cornet, 3rd Bengal Light Cavalry, 1856 ; Lieu- tenant, 1857 ; transferred to 19th Hussars, 1857 ; Captain, 1869; Major, 1881; Lieut. -Colonel, 1882; Colonel (Retired), 1884. Served with Lind’s Mool- tanee Horse during the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1857-58, and was present at the action at Kakraole, operations before and capture of Bareilly, Shahje- hanpore, and capture of Mohundee (Medal). Re- ceived a letter of thanks from Government for ser- vices with Meerut Light Horse in 1857. Served with the 19th Hussars throughout the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp, 4th Class Osmanieh, and Khedive’s Star). Served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 under Sir Gerald Graham with the 19th Hussars, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (mentioned in despatches, C.B., and two clasps). Whitehead, George Walter Horrocks, son of Walter Horrocks Whitehead, Esq., Liver- pool ; born 24th September, 1837. Re- entered College January, 1853. Wilmer, Hugh Francis, son of Bradford Wilmer, Esq., Paris ; born 7th March, 1838. Ensign, 90th Foot, 1855 ; Lieutenant, 1855. Served in the Crimean War, and was killed in the attack on the Great Redan at Sebastopol, 8th Sep- tember, 1855. Young, John, son of — Young, Esq. ; born 22nd May, 1834. ENTERED EASTER, 1851. Anson, Thomas Hamilton, son of — Anson, Esq. ; born 28th March, 1842. Day Boy. Grant, Hay McDouall, son of George Colquhoun Grant, Esq., St. Vincent Island ; born 3rd November, 1837. Green, Thomas H., son of Thomas M. Green, Esq., Ahadoe House, Killeagh, Cork ; born 13th March, 1837. Heaton, Arthur, son of John Heaton, Esq., Plas Heaton, Denbigh ; born iith January, 1839. iiC — Queen's M. Garret. Left 1856. Ensign, 15th Foot, 1857 ; Lieutenant, 1858 ; Cap- tain, 1865 ; Retired, 1871. Address : Army and Navy Club, Pall Mall, London, S.W. Hobson, George Thomas, son of Major Henry Heaton Hobson, Cheltenham ; born 12th November, 1839. Hobson, Henry Adolphus, son of Major Henry Heaton Hobson, Cheltenham ; born 24th May, 1841. Hudleston, Edward Robert, son of Josiah Andrew Hudleston, Esq., North Aban Court, Cheltenham; born 4th March, 1834. Day Boy. Litchfield, George Arnold, son of Lieut.-Colonel William E . Litchfield, Madras Cavalry ; born 24th July, 1841. Lock, Gelert May, son of — Lock, Esq. ; born 30th November, 1841. Day Boy. Molony, Marcus, son of James Molony, Esq., Kiltanon House, Tulla, Co. Limerick ; born 2 1 St February, 1838. J.P. Died, 1878. Murray, David Gordon, son of John Murray, Esq., Hornby Hall, Lancaster ; born 28th January, 1839. Murray, Francis Pearson, son of John Murray, Esq., Hornby Hall, Lancaster ; born 2nd December, 1836. Pitt, Francis Joseph, son of — Pitt, Esq. ; born — . Naval Cadet, 1853 ; Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Navy, 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1862 ; Commander, 1873. Served in the Baltic in 1854, at the outbreak of the Russian War ; was present at the bombardment of Hango, and served on shore at the capture of Bomarsund ; in the following year, 1855, served in the Baltic, and was present and had command of a rocket boat at the bombardment of Sveaborg (Baltic Medal). In 1858 joined H.M.S. " Lynx," and was employed for the suppression of the Slave Trade on the East and West Coasts of Africa ; in the relief of the Living- stone Expedition ; and in company with an armed force of the East India Company’s steam frigate “Assaye,” suppressed a rebellion in Zanzibar in 1859, for which he received the thanks of the Foreign Office and the approbation of the Lords of the Admiralty. In “Perseus," was wounded in that vessel in the action of Kagosima, Japan, in August, 1863, and was mentioned in despatches as having rendered gallant and valuable service in the action of Simonoseki, Japan, in September, 1864 ; and as Senior Lieutenant of “ Penelope’’ from 1870-73, was then promoted to the rank of Commander, for the high state of discipline and order of that ship. Member of the Naval Intelligence Department, 1887. Awarded the Royal Humane Society's Bronze Medal for the following act: “27th March, 1872. H. Linton fell into the water at Harwich, dislocating his arm in the fall ; Lieutenant Pitt jumped overboard, swam to, and assisted to save him.” Verstunne, Adolphus Halkett, son of Captain Robert James Versturme ; born i6th August, 1836. Ensign, 59th Foot, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 17th Foot, 1855 ; Captain, ist Foot, 1859 ; Retired, 1866. Served with the 17th Regiment in the Crimean War in 1855, at the siege and fall of Sebastopol, including the assaults on the Redan on the i8th June and 8th September, also present at the bombardment and surrender of Kimbourne (Medal with clasp). ENTERED AUGUST, 1851. Auchmuty, Samuel Forbes Frederick, son of the Rev. Samuel F. Auchmuty, Groundwell House, Swindon, Wilts ; born 12th April, 1841. loC — ^M. Turnbull. Left 1857. Ensign, 28th Foot, 1858; Lieutenant, 1863; Re- signed, 1866. King’s College, London, 1866-67 1 Associate (ist Class), 1867. Ordained Deacon, 1867, and Priest, 1868. Curate of Chipping Norton, 1867-69 ; of Oddington, Gloucestershire, 1869-71 ; of August, 1851.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 117 St. Mary, Redcliff, Bristol, 1871-74 ; Vicar of Ascot- under-Wychwood, Oxfordshire, 1874-76 ; Mission Chaplain at Pusellawa, Ceylon, 1876-77 ; Curate of Bisley, Gloucestershire, 1878-84 ; Vicar of Studley with Horton, Oxfordshire, 1884. Address : Studley Vicarage, Oxford. Baiinatyne, Andrew, son of Andrew Bannatyne, Glasgow; born 17th March, 1838. Benn, Anthony, son of Captain Thomas Benn, R.N.,Greenbank,near Whitehaven ; born 6th September, 1836. 8C — 3C. Boyce. Left 1855. Cricket XXII., 185 — . Emmanuel College, Cam- bridge. Rowed in Cambridge Eight v. Oxford, 1857. B.A., 1859; M.A., 1865. Ordained Deacon, i8fc, and Priest, 1861. Curate of Atcham, Salop, 1860-63 i Rector of Woolfardisworthy, Devon, 1866- 72. Address : Pudleston Court, Leominster. Benn, Robert, son of Captain Thomas Benn, R.N., Greenbank, near Whitehaven ; born 1st February, 1839. Birch, John E. O., son of George Birch, Esq., 16 Clarence Square, Cheltenham ; born 3rd October, 1839. ^°y- Classical Football XX., 1854. Bird, George Corrie, son of George Bird, Esq., Suffolk Square, Cheltenham ; born iithjune, 1848. Newick House. Left 1855. Modern Football XX., 1854. Ensign, Madras In- fantry, 1856 ; appointed to 35th Madras Native Infan- try. 1857; Lieutenant, 1857; joined Madras StaffCorps, 1861; Captain, 1868; Major, 1876 ; Brevet-Lieut.- Colonel, 1881; Lieut. -Colonel, 1882; Brevet-Colonel, 1885. Is Commandant, ist Punjaub Cavalry. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1857-58, and was Staff Officer to the movable column under Colonel Walpole in Kanara, and was present at various skir- mishes and pursuits (Medal). Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80 as Brigade-Major to the Cavalry Brigade Ghuznee Field Force, and was present in the engagements at Ahmed Kheyl (mentioned in de- spatches) and Padkao Shana (mentioned in de- spatches, Brevet of Lieut. -Colonel, Medal with clasp). C.B., 1889. Bowen, Philip Henry, son of George Bowen, Esq., I Oriel Place, Cheltenham ; born 19th May, 1841. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1861-63. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1864 ; Captain, 1877 ; Retired, 1878. Bright, James, son of John Henry Bright, Esq., M.D., 16 Cambridge Square, Hyde Park, London ; born 5th November, 1837. Caldecot, Cuthbert, son of Major Henry Calde- cot, Dessington, near Whitehaven ; born 4th August, 1838. Modern Football XX., 1854. Colville, Thomas, son of — Colville, Esq. ; born 3rd October, 1841. Ensign, 63rd Foot, i860; Lieutenant, 1864; trans- ferred to 74th Highlanders, 1864 ; Captain, 1871 ; Major, Highland Light Infantry, 1881. Served in the Egyptian War, and was killed at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir, 13th September, 1882. Oroker, Edward John, son of John Croker, Esq., Dublin; born 8th March, 1841. 12C — iC. Newick House and Day Boy. Left 1859. University College, Oxford, 1859 ; 3rd Class Clas- sical Moderations, 1861 ; B.A. , 1863. Croker, John, son of John Croker, Esq., Dublin ; born 29th April, 1842. De Brett, Harry, son of John Edward De Brett, Esq. ; born 21st August, 1834. India Direct M. Newick House. Left June, 1853. Previously at Rugby School (August, 1843 — ). Cricket XL, 185 — ; Football XX., 185—. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1853 ; appointed to 57th Bengal Native Infantry, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1856 ; Brevet- Captain, 1865 ; Captain, Bengal Staff Corps, 1866 ; Major, 1873 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1879 ; Colonel, 1883 ; Major-General (Retired), 1886. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1857, and was present at the siege of Delhi (Medal with clasp). Took part in the Naga Hills Expedition in 1880 (Medal with clasp). Served in the Afghan war in 1880 with the Khyber Line Force (Medal). Duesbury, Charles James T., son of William D. T. Duesbury, Esq., Skelton, near York ; born 22nd September, 1834. Elliott, H., son of — Elliott, Esq. ; born — . Every, Oswald William, son of Henry Every, Esq., Windsor ; born 26th June, 1835. Ensign. 6th Foot, 1853 ; Lieutenant, 90th Foot, 1855; Captain, 1857; transferred to 75th Foot, 1862; Retired, 1866. Served with the 90th Light Infantry in the Crimean War in 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1857-58, and was present at the defence of the Alum- bagh, under Outram, capture of Lucknow, and sub- sequent operations in Oude (Medal with clasp). Fison, William J., son of — Fison, Esq. ; born 23rd June, 1838. Day Boy. Fox, Francis William, son of Richard Maxwell Fox, Esq., Fox Hall, Rathowen, Co. Long- ford ; born 19th May, 1836. Modern Football XX., 1852. Lieutenant, Long- ford Rifle Corps. Drowned by the upsetting of a boat on Lough Gowna, Longford, 3rd April, 1855. Girardot, Henry, son of the Rev. John Chan- court Girardot, Car Colston, Bingham, Notts ; born 6th March, 1837. Previously entered College, August, 1848. Goodwill, Edward C. C., son of — Goodwin, Esq.; born 5th June, 1836. Gordon, Adam Lindsey, son of Captain Adam Durnford Gordon, Priory Street, Chelten- ham ; born 19th October, 1833. Day Boy. Previously entered College, July, 1841. Greg, Eustace, son of William R. Greg, Esq., The Craig, Windermere ; born — . Hand, George Molyneux, son of the Rev. Thomas Hand ; born loth September, 1838. Addiscombe Military College. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1857 ; Lieutenant, 9th Bengal Native In- fantry, 1858. Died at Bath, 13th December, 1859. Harden, John Edward, son of John William Harden, Esq., County Court Judge, Ross Cottage, Rock Ferry, Cheshire ; born 6th November, 1839. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1859 ; Lieutenant, loist Foot, 1862 ; Resigned, 1869. Served in the North- West Frontier India Expedition in 1863, and was present at the attack and capture of Craig Piquet, the Conical Hill, and Umbeyla (Medal with clasp). Herring, Edward, son of Charles Herring, Esq., 29 Clarence Square, Cheltenham ; born 29th May, 1838. Day Boy. Herring, Frederick C., son of Charles Herring, Esq., ,29 Clarence Square, Cheltenham ; bom 6th September, 1839. Day Boy. Higgins, Frederick, son of James Higgins, Esq., Adelphi Terrace, Salford, Manchester ; born 14th April, 1840. Hill, Herbert John, son of John Hill, Esq., Soli- citor, Worcester ; born 6th September, 1836. Hinchliffe, Edmund Henry, son of the Rev. Edward Hinchliffe, Mucklestone, Market ii8 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1851. Drayton, Salop ; born 19th September, 1839. II C — 3C. Price. Left June, 1857. Hatfield Hall, Durham ; Theological Associate, 1864. Ordained Deacon, 1864, and Priest 1865. Curate of Fenton, 1864-66 ; of Gotham with Rad- cliffe-on-Soar, 1866-68 ; of Cropwell with Tithby, Notts, 1868-74 ; Vicar of Nether Whitley, Cheshire, 1874-77 : Rector of Mucklestone, Salop, 1877. Address : Mucklestone Rectory, Market Drayton. Hughes, William Price, son of William S. P. Hughes, Esq., Solicitor, Worcester ; born 5th June, 1837. Hume, Arthur, son of John Hume, Esq., Beau Regard, Jersey ; born 21st June, 1840. Hutchinson, Arthur, son of William Hutchin- son, Esq., 6 Lansdowne Crescent, Chelten- ham ; born 7th December, 1840. Day Boy. Johnstone, William, son of William Johnstone, Esq., 10 Clarence Square, Cheltenham ; born loth February, 1839. Kendall, John Jennings, son of John Kendall, Esq., Blackfriars, Gloucester ; born loth March, 1837. Ensign, 44th Foot, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; Cap- tain, 1858 ; transferred to 6th Foot, i860 ; Retired, 1863. Served in the Crimean War in 1855, and was present at the siege and fall of Sebastopol, including the attack on the i8th of June (Medal with clasp). With a wing of the ist Battalion, 6th Regiment, throughout the operations against the hill tribes in Sikkim in 1861, and was in temporary command of that expedition during the absence of Lieut. -Colonel Gawler, the Brigadier. He also held command in the army of the Emperor Maximilian, in Mexico, from the year 1865 until the death of His Majesty in 1867, by whom lie was decorated with the Cross of Guadeloupe for distinguished service in the field at the battle of Las Cruces, on which occasion he had two horses shot under him. Captain KendaU was afterwards appointed Colonial Secretary of Sierra Leone, in September, 1868, a post which he filled till June, 1878, when he retired on a special pension in consequence of the abolition of the office ; Admin- istrator-in-Chief of the West African Settlements by a Commission dated 22nd April, 1869, and adminis- tered the Government in Chief from the 15th August to the 8th September, 1869. On several subsequent occasions he administered the Government of Sierra Leone during the temporary absence of the Governor. Died at Naples, Italy, 3rd March, 1886. Lang, Henry Hugh, son of — Lang, Esq. ; born 15th April, 1837. Day Boy. Lees, Edward John, son of John F. Lees, Esq., Werneth, near Oldham, Lancashire ; born 3rd May, I S3 5. Day Boy. Lloyd, Thomas Francis, son of Thomas Lloyd, Esq., Beechmount, Rathkeale, Ireland ; born 2 1 St April, 1839. (iM — Queen’s M. South- wood and Price. Left December, 1853. Ensign, 98th Foot, 1855 ; Lieutenant, 1857 ; Cap- tain, 1861 ; Major, 1868 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1873 i ap- pointed to Regimental District, 1878 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1878 ; Major-General, 1888. Assistant-Adjutant- General, Cork District, 1885-88. Served with the force under Brigadier-General Chamberlain attached to the 6th Punjaub Infantry against the Mahsood Wuzee- rees, during March, April, and May, i860, and was present at the action of Poluseen, forcing the Bur- rarrah Pass, taking and burning of their stronghold Makin, and various minor affairs (Medal with clasp). Longworth-Dames, Robert Staples, son of Francis Longworth-Dames, Esq., Greenhill, Edenderry, Ireland ; born 7th October, 1841. Bidia Direct M. Newtek House. Left June, 1853 - Foundation Scholarship, Trinity College, Dublin, 1861. First Senior Moderator and Classical Gold Medallist, 1862. Called to the Irish Bar, 1866. Address : 21 Herbert Street, Dublin. Mahony, Henry, son of Richard Mahony, Esq., Dromore, Kenmare, Co. Kerry ; born March, 1838. Martin, Robert Paton,son of Sir James Ranald Martin, Surgeon-General, Bengal Army, 71A Grosvenor Street, Grosvenor Square, Lon- don ; born 20th March, 1835. Hartley, Robert Henry, son of Henry Martley, Esq., Q.C., 15 Harcourt Street, Dublin ; bom 9th June, 1839. Maughan, John, son of John Maughan, Esq., Dudley; born 29th October, 1840. Mclver, Stuart Mclver, son of the Rev. William Mclver, Lymm Rectory, Warrington ; born i8th March, 1841. McLean, George Gavin, son of George McLean, Esq., Malcolm Ghur, Cheltenham ; born i6th September, 1836. 2C — 2C. Day Boy. Left 1853. Wadham College, Oxford, 1854 ; B.A. (4th Class Natural Science), 1858 ; M.A., 1861. Ordained Deacon 1862, and Priest 1862. Curate of Horsham, Sussex, 1862-72 ; Vicar of Nutley, Sussex, 1872-82 ; Vicar of Southrop, 1882. Address : Southrop Vicarage, Lechlade. Nisbet, Matthew Alexander, son of Matthew Nisbet, Esq., Surgeon, H.E.I.C.S. ; born 8th September, 1838. Left 1856. Scholarship, Jesus College, Cambridge, i860; B.A. (33rd Senior Optime), i860; M.A. , 1863. Ordained Deacon 1861, and Priest 1862. Curate of Loughborough, Gloucestershire, 1861-67 1 Chip- ping-Campden, ^Gloucestershire, 1867-72 ; Vicar of St. Luke, Gloucester, 1872-81 ; Rural Dean of Glou- cester, 1881 ; Rector of Ringwould, Kent, 1881. Address : Ringwould Rectory, Dover. Oldham, Riley Wolseley, son of the Rev. James Oldham ; born 16th Januarjq 1838. Day Boy. O’Malley, William, son of — O’Malley, Esq. ; born 3rd June, 1836. Ensign, 71st Foot, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1855; Cap- tain, 1859; Major, 1872; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1879 - Orange, Francis Xavier De Courcy, son of Lieut.- Colonel William N. Orange, Junior United Service Club, London ; born 28th April, 1837 - Ensign, 36th Foot, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; Cap- tain, 1858 ; Retired, 1862. Ormrod, James C., son of James Ormrod, Esq., Hallewell Lodge, Bolton-le-Moors ; born 4th January, 1837. Parker, Vincent Henry, son of Henry Parker Esq., Hull; born 1 6th August, 1838. Cricket XL, 1855 ; Classical Football XX., 1854. Pasley, Clinton Heywood Sabine, son of Ad- miral Sir Thomas Sabine Pasley, Bart., K.C.B., Her Majesty’s Dockyard, Pembroke; born 27th May, 1841. Day Boy. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar. 1855. Royal Mili- tary Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant Royal Artil- lery, 1857 ; Resigned, 1861. Died 20th November, 1870. Peel, Herbert, son of William Peel, Esq., Tali- aris Park, near Llandilo ; born i8th August, 1840. Christ's College, Cambridge; B.A., 1863. J.P. and D. L. for Carmarthenshire. Address : Taliaris, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire. Peel, Robert Lloyd, son of William Peel, Esq., August, 1851.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOHSON, M.A. 119 Taliaris Park, near Llandilo; born 19th October, 1841. Percival, Theodore H., son of — Perdval, Esq.; born 8th April, 1839. Ponsonby, Miles de Hale, son of Miles Pon- sonby. Esq., Hale Hall, Cumberland ; born 14th May, 1841. Day Boy. Raymond, Gerald VVilmot, son of the Rev. Samuel Raymond, Swindon Rectory, near Cheltenham ; born 30th April, 1836. Robertson, George F., son of — Robertson, Esq. ; born — September, 1836. Sidebottom, George Campbell, son of Charles Sidebottom, Esq., Elm Bank, Worcester ; born loth January, 1837. Smyth, George W., son of the Rev. George Watson Smyth, Newick House, Cheltenham ; born 6th September, 1833. Day Boy. Smyth, William Watson, son of the Rev. George Watson Smyth ; born 9th January, 1840. Day Boy. Lieutenant Royal Navy, i86i ; Commander (Retired), 1873. Served onboard H.M.S. “Ajax” in the Baltic during the Russian War in 1854 (Medal) ; also served in the New Zealand and China Wars (Medals). Was appointed a Naval Knight of Windsor in 1876. Died at Windsor Castle, 8th November, 1877. Squire, William Charles, son of Captain William T. Squire, Barton Place, Mildenhall, Suffolk ; born 1st December, 1841. Squire, Wright Thomas, son of Captain William T. Squire, Barton Place, Mildenhall, Suffolk ; born 9th May, 1840. Tapp, William Egerton,son of William D. Tapp, Esq., Surgeon, Dorchester; born 14th April, 1838. — 3C. Jelfs and Clarke. Worcester College, Oxford, i860; B.A. , 1863; M..\., 1867. Ordained Deacon, 1863, and Priest 1864. Curate of Yately, Hants, 1863-63 ; Curate in Charge of Highley, Salop, 1866 ; Vicar of Alderholt, Dorset, 1866-71 ; Rector of Maidford, Northampton- shire. 1871-87. Address: 85 Elm Park Gardens, South Kensing- ton, London, S.W. Townley, John Maxwell James, son of John Towniey, Esq., Dundalk, Co. Louth, Ireland ; born 28th October, 1839. XD’^'-C — 4C. Boyce. Left June, 1855. Solicitor. Trueman, Thomas, son of Thomas R. Trueman, Esq., Manchester ; born ist January, 1840. Cricket XL, 1856. Ensign, 3rd Bombay European Regiment, 1856 ; Lieutenant, 1858 ; Joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1853 ; Captain, i868 ; Major, 1876 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1882 ; Colonel (Retired), 1886. Served with the Central India Field Force in the Mutiny Campaign in 1857-58, and was present at the siege and capture of Ratghur, action at Barodea, capture of Garracota, action of Borda, battle at the Pass of Mudispore, siege and storming of Jhansi, battle of the Bet wa, storm and capture of Lohari , actions of Koonch and Muttra, battle of Galowlee (mentioned in de- spatches for “ steadiness and gallantry ’’), captures of Calpee and Gwalior, and several slight affairs in Bun- dlecund (Medal with clasp). Turnbull, William Abbott, son of the Rev. Joseph Corbett Turnbull, 8 Bays Hill Villas, Cheltenham; born 24th September, 1842. 1 2 C — 1 C. Day Boy. Football XX., 1859; Cricket XL, i860. China merchant. Address : Great Warley, Brentwood. Turner, George Henry, son of John James Turner, Esq., Pentreheylin, near Oswestry; born 1 6th August, 1837. Turner, Price L. H., son of John James Turner, Esq., Pentreheylin, near Oswestry ; born 2 1 St February, 1839. Warren, William A., son of Colonel Samuel R. Warren, Upton Park, Slough ; born 8th July, 1839- Watson, Henry, son of Francis M. Watson, Esq., Ballywan House, Rathfarnham, Dublin; born 13th September, 1836. Wilson, Francis Edward Edwards, son of Edward Wilson, Esq., M.D., Newcastle, Staffordshire; born 22nd October, 1839. Cricket XL, 1855. Ensign, 22nd Foot, 1857: Lieutenant, October, 1858 ; transferred to 84th Foot, December, 1858 ; Captain, 1865 ; Major, 1877 ; Lieut. -Colonel, York and Lancaster Regiment, 1879 ; Colonel, 1883 ; Major-General (Retired), 1883. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882 in command of the 2nd Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment, and was present at the action at Kassassin, on the 28th August (mentioned in despatches), and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir(mentioned in despatches, C.B., Medal with clasp, 3rd Class Medjidie, and Khedive’s Star). Wolley, Henry Francklyn, son of Henry Wolley, Esq., 4 Alfred Street, Bath ; born ist July, 1839. — iC. Jelfs. Left 1858. Emmanuel College, Cambridge; B.A. , 1861 ; M.A. , 1865. Ordained Deacon 1867, and Priest 1868. Curate of Beckenham, Kent, 1867-68 ; of St. Mary, Shortlands, Kent, 1868-70 ; Vicar of St. Mary, Short lands, 1870. Address ; The Vicarage, Shortlands, Kent. ENTERED MICHAELMAS, 1851. Evers, Reginald, son of — Evers, Esq. ; born loth September, 1843. Gidney, Richard S., son of Eleazer Gidney, Esq., Manchester ; born 15th October, 1838. Mclver, Iver, son of the Rev. William Mclver, Lymm Rectory, Warrington ; born 28th July, 1838. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1853. En- sign, 14th Foot, 185s; Captain, i860; Retired, 1863. Served in the New Zealand War of 1860-61 (Medal). Myers, Thomas, son of the Rev. Thomas Myers, Sheriff Hutton, near York ; born 8th Octo- ber, 1835. Left 1854. TrinityCollege, Cambridge: B.A. (2nd in ist Class Moral Science Tripos), 1858. Ordained Deacon 1858, and Priest i860. Curate of Auckland St. Andrew, Durham, i8 — ; Vicar of Westgate-in-Weardale, 1867-68 ; Rector of Twinstead, Suffolk, 1878. Address : — Twinstead Rectory, Sudbury, Suffolk. 120 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1852. ENTERED JANUARY, 1852. Barker, Walter, son of Walter R. H. Barker, Esq., Surgeon, Wantage ; born 27th April, 1840. Bell, William Lawrence, son of William David Bell, Esq., Bourn, Lincolnshire ; born 3rd August, 1839. Bennett, John Gladstone, son of Thomas F. Bennett, Esq., Liverpool ; born 8th August, 1841. Brittlebank, Andrew, son of --- Brittlebank, Esq. ; born 9th January, 1838. Campbell, Frederick A., son of — Campbell, Esq. ; born 15th March, 1839. Campbell, Robert Mitchell, son of Major-General Andrew Campbell, Auchmannoch, Mauch- line, Ayrshire, N.B. ; born i6th September, 1841. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1858 ; Resigned, 1867. Late Cap- tain, Ayr and Wigtown Militia. J.P. and D.L. for Ayrshire. Address: Auchmannoch, Mauchline, N.B. ; and Glaisnock, Old Cumnock, N. B. Cautley, Henry, son of the Rev. Joshua Cautley, Thorney, Cambridgeshire ; born29thJanuary, 1839. 5C — \M. Turnbull. Left December, 1857. Cricket XL, 1856; Football XX., 1857. Royal Military Academy, 1858-59. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1859 ; Captain, 1872 ; Major, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1886. Instructor in Fortification, Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1875-81. Is Commanding Royal Engineer, South Camp, Aider- shot. Cautley, Richard Kingsman, son of the Rev. Joshua Cautley, Thorney, Cambridgeshire ; born 19th February, 1858. Colquhoun, William Campbell, son of William Lawrence Colquhoun, Esq., Clathick, Perth- shire ; born 25th March, 1838. Day Boy. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1853. Ensign, 15th Foot, 1856; Lieutenant, 1858; Captain, 1864; Retired, 1867. Address : Clathic, Crieff, Perthshire, N.B. Donne, William Clench, son of William Bodham Donne, Esq., Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk ; born 6th November, 1834. Footner, Harry, son of Harry Footner, Esq., Solicitor, Andover; born 28th February, 1 840. Hamond, Robert Thomas, son of Lieut. -Colonel Peter Hamond, Madras Artillery ; born 1 2th September, 1839. 2nd Lieutenant, Madras Artillery, 1857 ; Lieu- tenant, 1858 ; Captain, Royal Artillery, 1866 ; Major, 1873 ; Brevet. -Lieut.-Colonel, 1881 ; Lieut.-Colonel, 1882 ; Colonel (Retired), 1884. Hewer, Herbert, son of Joseph Hewer, Esq., Surgeon, Chobham, Surrey ; born 17th Jan- uary, 1840. Hewer, Richard, son of Joseph Hewer, Esq., Surgeon, Chobham, Surrey ; born 3rd April, 1841. Jackson, George Charles, son of Captain George Jackson, Bengal Army ; born 7th February, 1841. Cornet, Bengal Cavalry, 1858 ; appointed to 2nd Bengal European Cavalry, 1859 ; Lieutenant, 1859 ; Captain, 1866; Brevet-Major, 1877; Major, 1883: Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1883; Lieut.-Colonel, 1884; Colonel, 1887. Is Commandant, 5th Bengal Cavalry. Served with the Eusufzai Field Force in the North- West Frontier of India Expedition in 1863, and was present at the reconnaissance and affair in the Chumla Valley, at the storming of the Conical Hill, destruction of Lalloo and burning of Umbeyla (men- tioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Served with the Abyssinian Expedition in 1868, and was present at the action of Arogee and capture of Magdala (mentioned in despatches, and received the approbation of Government, Medal). Jebb, John Beridge Gladwin, son of the Rev. John Beridge Jebb, Walton Lodge, Chester- field ; born 30th December, 1841. Ensign, 88th Foot, 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1863 ; Re- tired, 1864. Johnson, Clement Richard, son of the Vener- able Archdeacon Johnson, Ross, Co. Wex- ford ; born nth May, 1837. Ensign, 50th Foot, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; Cap- tain, 1862 ; Colonel (Retired), 1877. Kane, John Fielding Willis, son of Captain John Joseph Kane, Rockfield House, Mon- mouth ; born 3rd November, 1833. Captain, 48th Foot. Died in India, ist February, 1880. Kempson, Frederick Robertson, son of the Rev. William Brooke Kempson, Stoke Lacey Rectory, near Bromyard ; born i8th De- cember, 1837. Newtek House. Architect, and Diocesan Surveyor for Llandaff. Address : Birchyfield, Bromyard. Kerbey, William Holman, son of — Kerbey, Esq. ; born ist August, 1837. Lecky, William Edward Hartpole, son of John Hartpole Lecky, Esq., 9 Longford Terrace, Monkstown, Ireland ; born 26th March, 1838. 7C — 3 ''pC. Boy)ie House dLT\A Ellis. Trinity College, Dublin. Gold Medallist of the College Historical Society. B.A., 1859 ; M.A., 1863. Hon. LL.D. (Dublin and St. Andrews); Hon. D.C. L. (Oxford), 1888. Author of “The Leaders of Public Opinion in Ireland"; “History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe,” 2 vols. , 1865; “History of European Morals from Augustus to Charlemagne,” 2 vols., 1869 ; ‘ ‘ History of England in the Eighteenth Cen- tury," 1878, &c. , &c. Address : 38 Onslow Gardens, South Kensington, London, W. Macleod, James Gawler, son of — Macleod, Esq. ; born 8th January, 1840. Day Boy. Merewether, George Lane Cockburn, son of the Very Rev. John Merewether, D.D., Dean of Hereford ; born 12th August, 1836. — iM. Garrett zxidi Sotithwood. Left June, 1854. Previously at Marlborough College (February, 1848 — Christmas, 1861). Addiscombe Military Col- lege. 2nd Lieutenant, Bombay Engineers, 1856 ; Lieutenant, 1858 ; Captain, Royal Enginners, 1868 ; Major, 1873 ; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1881 ; Lieut.- Colonel, 1884 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1885. Chairman of the Bombay Harbour Port Trust, Bombay. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1858-59 as Assis- tant Field Engineer with the Okamundel Field Force at the siege and occupation of Dwarka. Also served in the Abyssinian Expedition in 1868, on detached duty at Koomeylee, in surveying and con- structing earthworks for the railway, also as Adjutant of Bombay Sappers and Miners (Medal). Moore, Bernard, son of Joseph Moore, Esq., Solicitor, Lincoln ; born nth January, 1840. Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Navy, i860 ; Lieutenant, 1866 ; Retired, 1870. Cadet of H.M.S. “ Monarch" January, 1852.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 121 during the Russian War in the Baltic, 1854-55 (Medal). Midshipman of “ Amethyst ” and " Race- horse " during the China War, 1858 ; present at the capture of Canton (Medal). After retirement com- manded the Courier Expedition to New Guinea, 1878. Is Secretary, National Services Help Agency, 50 Leicester Square, London, W.C. Osborne, Francis Charles, son of Francis Nicholas Osborne, Esq.,Smithstown, Julians- town, Ireland ; born, 29th February, 18 — . Palmer, Arthur Power, son of Nicholas Power Palmer, Esq. ; born 25th June, 1840. iiC — 2M. Day Boy. Left 1856. Cricket XXII. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, February, 1857 ; appointed to 5th Bengal Native Infantry, April, 1857 ; Lieutenant, 5th Bengal European Regiment, 1858 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1861 ; Captain, 1869 ; Major, 1877 ; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1879 ; Lieut. -Colonel, February, 1883 ; Colonel, November, 1883 ; Assistant-Adjutant-General, Ben- gal, 1880-85. L Commandant of 9th Bengal Cavalry. Served throughout the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1857-59 ; raised a regiment of Sikhs, 600 strong, for service in Oude in March, 1858. Joined Hodson's Horse at Lucknow in June, 1858, and present with it at the action of Nawabgunge, Barabunki (horse killed), and minor affairs in the Oude Campaign until its conclusion on the Nepaul Frontier (wounded). Detached for several months in command of a squadron, and frequently engaged with the enemy (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Served in the campaign on the North-West Frontier of India in 1863-64, and was present in the engage- ment at Shubkudder (Medal with clasp). Served as Adjutant of the loth Bengal Lancers in the Abys- sinian Expedition in 1868 (services brought to notice of Her Majesty’s Government by Lord Napier of Magdala, Medal). Served as Aide-de-Camp to Gene- ral Stafford in the Duffla Expedition of 1874-75 (men- tioned in despatches). Served in the Dutch War in Acheen in 1876-77, and was present at several actions (Dutch Cross with two clasps). Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80, and was present at the capture of the Peiwar Kotal (mentioned in des- patches), and with the expedition into the Khost Valley (Brevet of Lieut. -Colonel, Medal with clasp). Served in the Soudan Campaign in 1885 in command of the 9th Bengal Cavalry (mentioned in despatches, C.B., Medal with clasp, and Khedive's Star). Perrott, Samuel Willey, son of Samuel W. Perrott, Esq., Mallow, Co. Cork ; born 6th June, 1839. Baper, Allan Graeme, son of Lieut. -Colonel Timothy Raper, Hoe Court, Malvern ; born 23rd March, 1843. XD"'^C — iC. Newtek House, Garrett, and Green. Cricket XL, 1858-59 ; Captain, 1860-61. Football XX. , 1858-59-60-61. Ladies’ Prizeman (Athletic Sports), 1861. Ensign, 98th Foot, 1862; Lieutenant, 1865 ; Captain, 1870 ; Major, North Staffordshire Regiment, 1880; Lieut. -Colonel, 1885; Colonel, 1889. Aide-de-Camp to General Officer Commanding, West Indies, 1875-78. Served with the Zhob Valley Expedition in 1884. Baper, Robert William, son of Lieut.-Colonel Timothy Raper, Hoe Court, Malvern ; born 9th March, 1842. Newtek House. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1856. Classical Foot- - ball XX., 1858. Head of Classical Department, June, 1859. Balliol College, Oxford, 1861. Scholar- ship, Trinity College, Oxford, 1861 ; ist Class Classical Moderations, 1862 ; Latin Verse, 1862 ; Gaisford Greek Verse Prize, 1862 ; ist Class Clas- sical Final Schools, 1865; B.A., 1865; B.C.L., 1868; M.A., 1871. Fellow of Queen’s College, Oxford, 1865-71 ; Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford, 1871 ; Tutor, 1869-82 ; Lecturer, 1865-69 ; Dean, 1875 : Bursar, 1887. Classical Moderator, Oxford University, 1873. Address : "rrinity College. Oxford ; and Hoe Court, Malvern. Bee, James Hermann, son of Hermann Philipp Ree, Esq., Manchester ; born 6th September, 1839. Bice, Harry Chippendale Plunkett, son of Major J. G. A. Rice, Assistant Secretary to Govern- ment, Military Department, Calcutta; born 2nd November, 1837. Indta Dtreet—Indta Dtreet. Newtek House. Left December, 1852. Addiscombe Military College, 1853. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1853; appointed to 73rd Bengal Native Infantry, 1854; Lieutenant, 1856; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1861 ; Captain, 1865 ; Major, 1873 ; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, November, 1879 ; Lieut.-Colonel December, 1879; Colonel, 1883; Major-General (Retired), 1886. Served as Assistant Commissariat Officer with the Sikkim Field Force in 1861. Served in the Dour Valley Expedition in 1872 ; also with the Jowaki Afreedee Expedition in 1877-78, dangerously wounded (mentioned in des- patches, Brevet of Lieut. -Colonel, Medal with clasp). Served in the Afghan War in 1879, and took part in the Zaimusht Expedition (Medal), and in the Mah- sood Wurzeeree Expedition in 1881. Boberts, Walter Malcolm, son of Walter Roberts, Esq., Shrewsbury ; born 26th Octo- ber, 1838. Addiscombe Military College. 2nd Lieutenant, Madras Engineers, 1857; ist Lieutenant, 1858. Was drowned by the upsetting of a boat on the Godavery, Madras Presidency, 17th September, 1867. St. George, Stepney Avenel, son of Captain Stepney St. George, 52nd Regiment, 24 Lansdown Place, Cheltenham ; born 3rd February, 1841. Seagram, Leonard J., son of John Seagram, Esq., Warminster; born 17th April, 1836. Shirley, Gerald Menteath, son of — Shirley, Esq. ; born 27th October, 1839. Day Boy. Ensign, 25th Foot, 1862; Lieutenant, 1865; In- structor of Musketry, 1869-70 ; Captain, 1871 ; Major, King’s Own Borderers, 1881 ; Lieut.-Colonel (Retired), 1885. Shirley, Leicester Colville, son of — Shirley, Esq. ; born 26th February, 1838. Day Boy. Singleton, Francis Corbet, son of Henry Corbet Singleton, Esq , Aclare House, Ardee, Co. Meath ; born 8th June, 1841. Left Decem- ber, 1857. Previously at Radley College (1851). Ensign, Bombay Infantry, 1859; Lieutenant, 1862; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1867 ; Brevet-Captain, 1871 ; Captain, 1873 ; Major, 1879 ; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1881 ; Lieut.-Colonel, 1885 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1885. Commandant, 28th Bombay Native Infantry, 1884. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, covering the retreat from Mainwand, and defence of Kandahar (mentioned in despatches), and was present in the engagement at Kokeran (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lieut.-Colonel, and Medal). Served in the Soudan Campaign in 1885 (C.B., Medal with two clasps). Died at sea on board s.s. " Malwa " on his way home from India, i8th January, 1886. Singleton, Loftus Corbet, son of Henry Corbet Singleton, Esq., Aclare House, Ardee, Co. Meath ; born 2nd August, 1842. Ensign, i8th Foot, March, 1861 ; transferred to 92nd Highlanders, July, i86i ; Lieutenant, 1864 ; Instructor of Musketry, 1865-69 ; Captain, 1869 ; Brevet-Major, 1881. Adjutant of Auxiliary Forces, 1871-77. Served in the Afghan War in 1878-80, with 'the Khuram Valley Field Force ; was present at the battle of Charasia and subsequent occupation of Kabul, and various actions in neighbourhood. Took part in Sir Frederick Robert’s march from Kabul to the relief of Kandahar and battle on the ist Sep- tember, 1880 (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of R 122 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1852. Major, Medal with two clasps, and Bronze Star). On the outbreak of war with the Transvaal Boers pro- ceeded with the 92nd Highlanders to the Cape, and served under Sir Pomeroy Colley ; was severely wounded at the action on Majuba Hill on 27th February, and after having a limb amputated, died on the ist May, i88t, at the Field Hospital, Mount Prospect, Natal. Smith, Carleton, son of Henry Jeremiah Smith, Esq., Jun., Beabeg, Drogheda, Ireland ; born 4th April, 1839. Smith, Travers Blackley, son of - - Smith, Esq. ; born nth May, 1836. Smyth, Etwall Walter, son of the Rev. George Watson Smyth, Newick House, Cheltenham ; born 9th November, 1843. iiC — 4C. Day Boy. Left June, 1859. Addiscombe Military College, 1860-61. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1862 ; Captain, 1870 ; Major, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1887. Served with the Bhootan Expedition in 1865-66 (Medal with clasp) ; also served in the Afghan War in 1879 (Medal). Smyth, James, son of Robert Smyth, Esq., Gaybrook, Mullingar, Ireland ; born 6th October, 1839. Ensign, 20th Foot, 1858 ; Lieutenant, 1859 ; Cap- tain, 1869 ; Major, Lancashire Fusiliers, 1880 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1884; Colonel, 1888; Retired, 1889. Smyth, Robert Staples, son of Robert Smyth, Esq., Gaybrook, Mullingar, Ireland ; born 2 1 St December, 1837. Stapleton, Frederick George, son of Augustus Granville Stapleton, Esq., Warbrook, Hart- ford Bridge, Hants; born nth October, 1837- Taylor, Arthur Henry, son of the Rev. Montagu James Taylor, 24 Upper Harley Street, London ; born 12th December, 1841. Cornet, Bengal Cavalry, 1858 ; Lieutenant, 21st Hussars, 1859 ; Captain, 1870; Major, 1880; Lieut.- Colonel, 1881; Colonel, 1885; Major-General (Re- tired), 1887. Tickell, Arthur Lang, son of General Tickell, Ravensworth, Cheltenham ; born 4th April, 1844. Day Boy. Cricket XL, 1861-62. Modem Football XX., 1859-60. Ensign, 77th Foot, 1864 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; Captain, 1871 ; Major, Middlesex Regiment, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1885. Webb, Hanmer William (afterwards Webb- Peploe), son of the Rev. John Birch Webb, King’s Pyon House, near Hereford ; born 1st October, 1837. Ellis and Day Boy. Left 1856. Previously at Marlborough College (Febmary, 1848 — December, 1851). Pembroke College, Cam- bridge. Champion Jumper (High and Broad) and Swimmer and Diver of the University. B.A. , 1859 ; M.A., 1878. Ordained Deacon, 1863; and Priest, 1863. Curate of Weobley, 1863-68 ; Chaplain of Weobley Union, 1863-76; Vicar of King’s Pyon with Birley, Herefordshire, 1866-76 ; Vicar of St. Paul, Onslow Square, London, since 1876. Address ; 25 Onslow Gardens, South Kensington, London, S.W. White, Henry M., son of — White, Esq. ; born 24th June, 1842. Day Boy. Wiltdnson, Joseph William, son of Joseph Wilkinson, Esq., Surgeon, Madras Cavalry ; born 9th April, 1837. Williams, Thomas William, son of Thomas Playfair Williams, Esq., Wessington Court, Fownhope ; born 23rd August, 1837. ENTERED EASTER, 1852. Armstrong, John Arthur, son of the Rev. Charles Edward Armstrong, Hemsworth, near Wakefield ; born 14th November, 1840. Lieutenant, Bengal Engineers, i860 ; Captain, Royal Engineers, 1874 ; Major, 1881 ; Brevet-Lieut.- Colonel, 1882; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1887. Served with the Hazara Field Force as Assistant Field Engineer throughout the operations of 1868 ; had charge of the Field Telegraph, and was men- tioned in General Wilde’s despatch for having rapidly constructed and worked the Telegraph Line (Medal with clasp). Served in the Egyptian War of 1882 (Brevet of Lieut. -Colonel, Medal, and Khedive’s Star). Billings, Samuel Bruce, son of Thomas Billings, Esq., 36 Great George Street, Westminster ; born 27th February, 1841. BrO’wn, Lionel Edward, son of Henry Brown, Esq., Bombay Civil Service ; born 6th November, 1837. Corfield, William Booth, son of the Rev. William Corfield, Llanfoist, Abergavenny ; born 12th March, 1 840. — i C. Ellis and Boyne House. Left 1858. Football XX., 1857; Cricket XL, 1858. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A., 1861; M.A. , 1865. Ordained Deacon, 1863, and Priest, 1864. Curate of High Ercal, Salop, 1863-65 ; of Llangattock and Llantsantffraed, 1865-67 ; Rector of Longford, Salop, 1867-80 ; Rector of Llangattock -juxta-Usk, Mon- mouthshire, 1883. Address : Llangattock Rectory, Abergavenny. Currie, George Mainwaring, son of — Currie, Esq., Judge, H.E.I.C.S. ; born 4th Sep- tember, 1841. Classical Football XX., 1859. Indian Civil Ser- vice, i860 ; appointed to Bengal, 1862. Assistant Magistrate and Collector, Nuddea, 1863-65 ; at Pumea, 1865-66 ; at Pooree, 1866-69 ; at Cuttack, 1869-74 ; at Monghyr, 1874-77 I 3^1 Dacca, 1877-79 1 and at Champarun, 1879-82. Magistrate and Col- lector, Chittagong, 1882-83 ; and Bengal, 1883-88 ; at Cuttack, 1888. England, Edward Lutwyche, son of General Poole Vallancey England, R.A., Sheerness ; born 2ist March, 1839. loC — Queen's. M. Ellis and Sandilands. Left 1855. Ensign, 13th Foot, 1855 ; Lieutenant, 1858 ; Adju- tant, i860; Captain, 1864 ; Brevet-Major, 1877 ; Major, 1878; Brevet-Lieut.-Colonel, 1879; Lieut.- Colonel, Somersetshire Light Infantry, 1880; Colonel, 1883. Passed Staff College, 1872. Brigade-Major, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1876-78. Is Commanding Regi- mental District. Served in the Indian Mutiny Cam- paign in 1858, and was present at the actions at Amorahon the 17th and 25th April (Medal). Served in the operations against Sekukuni in the Transvaal in 1878, including the storming of Tolyana’s Stadt ; also throughout the Zula War of 1879, taking part in the engagements at Zungin Nek and Kambula Hill, and in command of the ist Battalion 13th Foot at the battle of Ulundi (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lieut. -Colonel, Medal with clasp). Garnett, Charles Arthur, son of Charles Gar- nett, Esq., Shenston Moss, near Lichfield ; born 15th January, 1840. Easter, 1852.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. Cricket XI., 1858. Trinity College Oxford, 1858. University Cricket XL, 1860-61-62. B.A., 1862. Garnett, Francis Henry, son of Charles Gar- nett, Esq., Shenston Moss, near Lichfield ; born 24th February, 1841. Ensign, 15th Foot, 1858 ; Lieutenant, i860 ; Cap- tain, 1867 ; Retired, 1874. Ness, John D. R., son of the Rev. John D. Ness, Morthoe, near Ilfracombe; born 8th Novem- ber, 1838. Rhodes, Edward Hawksley, son of the Rev. George Rhodes, Woking, Surrey ; born 9th July, 1836. 123 Clare College, Cambridge ; B.A. {34th Wrangler), 1859. Russell, Henry Eyre, son of Captain Henshaw Russell, Tettenhall, Staffordshire; born 21st February, 1840. Russell, John Charles M., son of Captain Hen- shaw Russell, Tettenhall, Staffordshire ; born 2nd November, 1841. Steere, Charles W., son of Lee Steere, Esq., Jayes, Dorking; born i8th June, 1838. Classical Football XX., 1854. Thompson, Charles Halford, son of — Thomp- son, Esq.; born i8th March, 1843. ENTERED AUGUST, 1852. Allen, Hunter Bird, son of John Roy Allen, Esq., Barrister, Longford House, Taunton ; born i8th February, 1837. Oriel College, Oxford, 1855. Ordained Deacon i860, and Priest 1862. Curate of Stanton Prior, Somerset. Rector of Colmworth, Huntingdonshire, 1868. Address : Colmworth Rectory, St. Neots. Allen, William F., son of the Rev. William Allen, Bosherton, Pembroke ; born 1 5th April, 1840. Armstrong, Arthur J., son of Major Thomas Armstrong; born 19th September, 1837. Arnott, Archibald James, son of George Arnott, Esq., M.D., Liverpool Place, Cheltenham ; born 1 8th March, 1838. Day Boy. Ensign, 55th Foot, 1855; Lieutenant, 1856; trans- ferred to 7th Fusiliers, 1859 ; Retired, 1861. Awdry, Henry Short, son of Henry Goddard Awdry, Esq., Notton Lodge, Chippenham ; born 17th July, 1836. Dead. Bacon, John G., son of William Bacon, Esq., 4 Osborne Villas, Cheltenham ; born 4th January, 1840. Day Boy. Bacon, William, son of William Bacon, Esq., 4 Osborne Villas, Cheltenham ; born i6th February, 1841. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1855. Scholarship, Clare College, Cambridge, i860. B.A. , 1863. Battine, James, son of Colonel Battine ; born 17th July, 1837. Day Boy. Behan, Richard J., son of — Behan, Esq.; born 15 th May, 1843. Day Boy. Bellairs, Henry Spencer Kenrick, son of the Rev. Henry Walford Bellairs, Priory Parade, Cheltenham ; born 27th September, 1840. Pembroke College, Oxford. B.A. (4th Class Law and History), 1863; M.A., 1866. Transferred to Balliol College, Oxford, 1886. Ordained Deacon 1874, and Priest 1875. Professor of English Litera- ture in, and Fellow and Examiner of, Bombay U niver- sity ; Curate of Wolvercot, Oxford, 1874-75 1 St. Giles, Oxford, 1875-79 1 Curate of St. Peter with Charge of St. Ambrose, Bournemouth, 1879-86; Marathi and Gujerati Reader at Balliol College, O.xford, 1883; Chaplain of Herbert Convalescent Horae, Bournemouth, 1886 ; Gujerati Lecturer in the University of Cambridge, 1887. Author of “A Marathi Grammar," and other Indian works. Address : Bournemouth. Billings, Alfred T., son of Thomas Billings, Esq., 36 Great George Street, Westminster, London; born 19th April, 1838. Bowen, William Rice, son of James Bowen, Esq., Kenilworth House, Cheltenham ; born July, 1838. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant Royal Artillery, 1857 ; Resigned, 1863. Died at Troedyraur, Cardiganshire, 3rd February, 1874. Brooke, Fitz Herbert, son of the Rev. Thomas R. Brooke, Avening, Gloucester ; born 3rd April, 1838. Day Boy. Broughton, Clement John Edmund, son of the Rev. Bryan Sneyd Broughton, Washington Rectory, Durham ; born 4th April, 1842. Day Boy. Left February, 1854. Re-entered College, August, 1855, and February, 1857. Subsequently at Rossall School (February, 1854 — August, 1855). Land Agent for the Earl of Wharncliffe. Address : Wortley, near Sheffield. Bulteel, Thomas, son of Thomas Hillersden Bulteel, Roborough, near Plymouth ; born 15th September, 1837. Banker in Plymouth. Address : Radford, near Plymouth. Burton, Langhorne, son of the Rev. L. B Burton, Somersby, near Horncastle ; born 2 1st August, 1842. Butler, Richard Pierce, son of Sir Richard Pierce Butler, Bart, Rutland Square East, Dublin ; born 30th April, 1839. Ensign, 78th Highlanders, 1856 ; Lieutenant, 1857 ; Adjutant, 1862-65 • Resigned, 1865. Butler, Thomas Pierce, son of Sir Richard Pierce Butler, Bart, Rutland Square East, Dublin; born 1 6th December, 1836. Queen's M — Queen’s M. Southwood. Left June, 1854. Succeeded his father as loth Baronet, 1862. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1854 ; Ensign, 24th Foot, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1858 ; Resigned, 1862. Served with the 56th Regiment in the Crimean War in 1855, and was present at the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with clasp, and Turkish Medal). J.P. and D.L., and High Sheriff of Co. Carlow, 1866. Address : Ballin Temple, Tullow, Co. Carlow ; Carlton Club, Pall Mall, London, S.W., and Kildare Street Club, Dublin. Butterworth, Reginald W., son of — Butter- worth, Esq. ; born 21st April, 1841. Campbell, William Maxwell, son of James Campbell, Esq., Donne Terrace, Edinburgh ; born 1 8th July, 1839. Addiscombe Military College (Passed out First Engineer ; Prizes : Pollock Medal, First Mathe- 124 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1852. matical, First Fortification, First Military Surveying), and Lieutenant Bombay Engineers, June, 1858 ; ist Lieutenant, August, 1858 ; Captain, Royal En- gineers, 1869 ; Major, 1877 ; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1879 ; Colonel, 1883; Major-General (Retired), 1884. Served in the Afghan War in 1879 (Brevet of Lieut. - Colonel, Medal). Oleather, William Barclay Gordon, son of Cap- tain Edward G. Cleather, Higher Hardwicke Lodge, Manchester ; born 19th August, 1837 - Ensign, 79th Foot, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; Cap- tain, 1861 ; transferred to 47th Foot, 1862 ; Brevet- Major, 1874; Major, 1878; Lieut. -Colonel, North Lancashire Regiment, 1881 ; Colonel (Retired), 1885. Deputy-Assistant - Adjutant and Quarter- Master- General (Assistant-Inspector of Gymnasia), Aider- shot, 1876-78 ; Assistant-Adjutant and Quarter- Master-General (Inspector of Gymnasia), Aldershot, 1880-85. Served with the 79th Highlanders in the Crimean War from the 8th July, 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and attack on the Redan on the 8th September (Medal with clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served also in the Indian Mutiny Cam- paign of 1858-59, including the siege and capture of Lucknow (Medal with clasp). Is Instructor of Gym- nastics at Harrow School. Address ; Harrow. Cohham, Robert Gray, son of Alexander Cob- ham Cobham, Esq., Shinfield Grange, near Reading ; born 8th October, 1836. Cooke, Bryan W. D., son of — Cooke, Esq.; born 1 8th December, 1837. Cooke, John M., son of George Cooke, Esq., Solicitor, Clifton ; born 8th February, 1841. Davies, Richard E., son of the Rev. Samuel Davies, Oystermouth, Swansea ; born 7th June, 1837. de Montmorency, The Hon. Albert Bou- chard, son of the Very Rev. the Viscount Mountmorres, Dean of Achonry, Co. Sligo ; born 1 8th March, 1840. 7C — 2C Day Roy. Left 1857. Addiscombe Military College. 2nd Lieutenant, Madras Artillery, June, 1858; ist Lieutenant, August, 1858 ; Captain, Royal Artillery, 1868 ; Major, 1876 ; Brevet -Lieut. -Colonel, February, 1883 ; Lieut.- Colonel, March, 1883 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1887. Served during the suppression of the Indian Mutiny with the Gorruckpore Field Force and the Saugor Field Division from 1858 till the end of 1859 (Medal). Elton, Charles Isaac, son of Frederick Bayard Elton, Esq., Madras Civil Service ; born 6th December, 1839. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1854. Balliol College, Oxford, 1857 ; 1st Class Classical Moderations, 1859 ; 2nd Class Classical Final Schools and ist Class Law and History, 1861 ; Vinerian Law Scholarship, 1862. Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford, 1862-64; B.A. , 1862. Called to the Bar, Lincoln's Inn, 1862 ; Q.C., 1885 ; Bencher of Lincoln's Inn, 1887. Occasional Assistant Endowed Schools Commissioner, 1873-76. M. P. for West Somerset, 1884-85, and for Somerset (Wellington Division) since 1886. J. P. for Somerset ; Lord of the Manor and Patron of Living of White- staunton. Fellow of the Royal Society of Antiquaries. Author of “ The Origin of English History " ; “ On the Laws of Copyholds " ; “On Common and Waste Lands " ; and other works. Address : Whitestaunton Manor, Chard ; 10 Cran- ley Place, London, S.W. ; 33 Chancery Lane, Lon- don, W.C. ; Union and Carlton Clubs, London, S.W. Fell, William, son of the Rev. Samuel J. Fell, Ambleside ; born 19th November, 1840. Fisher, Ewing E., son of — Fisher, Esq. ; born II th June, 1843. Day Boy. FitzGerald, Edward T., son of — FitzGerald, Esq.; bornzist August, 1837. Day Boy. Frith, Frederick George, son of Henry Frith, Esq., Ordnance Office, Dublin Castle ; born 30th May, 1839. 6C — Queen’s M. Beatifort House. Left December, 1855. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1856-57. En- sign, 19th Foot, 1857 ; Lieutenant, 1858 ; Captain, 65th Foot, 1866 ; Retired, 1867. Fulton, Lawrence O. W., son of — Fulton, Esq.; born 1 8th June, 1840. Day Boy. Graves, John Cheyne, son of the Rev. Charles Graves, D.D. (afterwards Bishop of Lime- rick), Trinity College, Dublin ; born i6th November, 1841. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1856. Indian Civil Ser- vice (Bengal), 1861 ; Assistant, Meerut Division, 1864- 65 ; Assistant Magistrate and Collector, Bareilly, 1865- 67 ; Assistant Settlement Officer, Bareilly, 1867- 68. Died in Ireland, 9th September, 1868. Griffiths, Charles J., son of the Rev. H. Grif- fiths, Elm Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 27th April, 1842. Hemans, Alfred George Willoughby, son of George Willoughby Hemans, Esq., C.E., Rutland Square, Dublin ; born 27th Novem- ber, 1841. loC — \M. Brice a.nd Blackader. Left 1858. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Cornet. Madras Cavalry, 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1862 ; Captain, 56th Foot, 1878 ; Paymaster, Army Pay Department, 1878 ; Honorary Major, 1883 ; Honorary Lieut. - Colonel (Retired), 1885. Hemans, Willoughby Bathurst, son of George Willoughby Hemans, Esq., C.E., Rutland Square, Dublin ; born 29th November, 1843. XIP^^C — BM. Price zx\.d Blackader. Left December, 1859. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1858. Football XX., 1859. Head of Modern, June, 1859. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1860-61 (passed into Royal Engineers, but took Artillery). Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1861 ; Captain, 1874 ; Brevet-Major, July, 1881; Major, November, 1881; Lieut. -Colonel, 1888. Passed Artillery College. Captain-Inspector Royal Gun Factory, Woolwich, 1881-85; Assistant- Superintendent, Royal Gun Factory, Woolwich, 1887- 88 . Hennell, James Bruce, son of Lieut.-Colonel Hennell, Charlton Kings ; born 6th Septem- ber, 1840. Re-entered College January, 1856. Herbert, Francis W., son of the Rev. John Her- bert, Goodrich, near Ross, Herelordshire ; born 2nd March, 1838. Horridge, Albert C., son of Edward S. Hor- ridge. Esq., Chester ; born 9th October, 1846. Horridge, Frank S., son of Edward S. Hor- ridge, Esq., Chester ; born 20th November, 1841. Hoskins, Louis, son of Thomas A. Hoskins, Esq.; born 15th November, 1835. Hoskins, Reginald, son of Thomas A. Hoskins, Esq.; born 20th October, 1837. Ensign, 77th Foot, 1855 ; Lieutenant, 1859 ; Cap- tain, 1868; Major, 1879; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1881. Cheltenham Veterans Ritie V., 1877. Hudleston, John, son of Robert Borland Hudles- ton. Esq., North Aban Court, Cheltenham ; born 1 6th January, 1842. Day Boy. Ensign, Madras Infantry, August. 1858; appointed to i8th Madras Native Infantry, November, 1858 ; August, 1852.] PRINCIPAL: REV. Lieutenant, 1859 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1866; Captain, 1870; Major, 1878; Lieut. -Colonel, 1884; Colonel, 1888. Jones, Llewellyn, son of Edward Jones, Esq., 66 Shaw Street, Liverpool ; born nth Octo- ber, 1840. Kempson, Alfred, son of the Rev. William B. Kempson, Stoke Lacy Rectory, near Brom- yard ; born 9th August, 1842. Kempson, Edward, son of the Rev. William B. Kempson, Stoke Lacy Rectory, near Brom- yard ; born 13th November, 1836. Ensign, 26th Foot, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1856 ; Cap- tain, 1864. Died at sea on board F. and O. steamer " Massilia," 14th October, 1868. Lawe, Henry, son of Lieut.-Colonel Alexander Lawe, H.E.I.C.S., Priory House, Chelten- ham ; born 28th February, 1838. Day Boy. Matthew, Charles M., son of the Rev. John Matthew ; born 3rd January, 1840. Merewether, Francis, son of the Rev. Francis Merewether, Woolhope, Herefordshire ; born 20th February, 1838. Miller, Joseph Priestley, son of — Miller, Esq.; born 24th December, 1836. Ensign, 13th Foot, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1855. Served in the Crimean War in 1855, and was present at the battle of the Tchernaya, and the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with clasp). Died i8th February, 1857. Moberly, Charles Morris, son of Lieut.-Colonel Henry Moberly ; born 6th July, 1837. 3J/ — \M. Southwood and Day Boy. Left December, 1854. Cricket XL, 1854. Modern Football XX., 1854. Ensign, Madras Infantry, March, 1855 ; appointed to 2nd Madras European Regiment, May, 1855 ; Lieutenant, 1857; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1861; Captain, 1867 ; Major, 1875 ; Lieut.-Colonel, 1881 ; Brevet. -Colonel, 1885. Examiner of Guaranteed Railway Accounts, Bombay. Mules, Charles Oliver, son of the Rev. John Hawkes Mules, llminster ; born 8th Septem- ber, 1837. 5C — iC. Bayly. Left 1856. Cricket XI. , 1855-56. Football XX. , 1856. Trinity College, Cambridge ; B.A. (38th Senior Optime), i860 ; M.A., 1863. Ordained Deacon, 1864, and Priest, 1865. Curate of Whorlton, Durham, 1864-66 ; of Stradbroke, Suffolk, i866-68 ; Incumbent ofWai- mea with Spring Grove, New Zealand, 1868, and Examining Chaplain to the Bishop of Nelson, 1869; Archdeacon of Waimea, 1880. Address : Brightwater, Nelson, New Zealand. Newbery, Francis Monro, son of Edward New- bery. Esq.; born 14th August, 1840. Day Boy. Left June, 1856. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1859 ; Lieutenant, 1859 ; Captain, 1867 ; Brevet-Major, 1877 ; Major, 1879 \ Brevet- Lieut. -Colonel, 1883; Lieut.-Colonel, 1885; Colonel, 1889. Is District Judge, and Grade, Luck- now, North-West Provinces. Served in the China War in i860, and was present at the action at Sinho, at the capture of Tangku and the Taku Forts, and at the occupation of Pekin (Medal with two clasps). Palmer, Thomas W. G., son of Thomas G. Palmer, Esq., i Royal Crescent, Chelten- ham ; born 1st May, 1841. Day Boy. Pickering, Charles W., son of Charles W. H. Pickering, Esq., Withenfield, Liscard ; born September 3rd, 1841. Plunkett, Robert Hastings Willoughby, son of the Rev. R. N. Plunkett ; born 29th March, W. DOBSON, M.A. 125 1842. Day Boy. XP'"^C — \M. Left June, 1861. Football XX., 18 — . Cricket XXII., 18 — . Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1861-63. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1864 ; Captain, 1877 ; Major, 1883. Served in the Afghan War of 1879-80 (Medal). Address : Care of Messrs. Cox and Co., 16 Charing Cross, London, S.W. Pottinger, Brabazon Henry, son of Major- Generaljohn Pottinger, C.B., Bombay Army ; born i8th September, 1840. 9J/ — \M. Boyne House. Left December, 1856. Cricket XXII., 1855-56. Addiscombe Military College, 1856-57. 2nd Lieutenant, Bombay Artil- lery, 1857 ; ist Lieutenant, 1858 ; Captain, Royal Artillery, 1865 ; Brevet-Major, 1868 ; Major, 1876 ; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1877 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1881 ; Lieut.-Colonel, 1883 ; Major-General, 1888. Deputy- Assistant-Quartermaster-General, Abyssinian Expe- dition, 1867-68 ; Deputy-Assistant-Quartermaster- General, Bombay, 1868-73 1 Assistant-Quartermaster- General, Bombay, 1875-79 : Deputy-Quartermaster- Gencral, Bombay, 1879-84 ; Secretary to Govern- ment, Military Department, Bombay, since 1887. Served throughout the Abyssinian Expedition, having landed at Zoulla with the Reconnoitring Party on 2nd October, 1867; present at the action of Arogee and fall of Magdala (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal). Pottinger, Eldred Thomas, son of Major-Gene- ral John Pottinger, C.B., Bombay Army ; born 1 8th September, 1840. — M — \M. Boyne House. Left December, 1856. Addiscombe Military College, 1856-57 ; 2nd Lieu- tenant, Bombay Artillery, 1857 ; ist Lieutenant, 1858 ; Captain, Royal Artillery, 1865; Retired, 1870. Served at the attack on the Burda Hills, 19th Decem- ber, 1859. Now Major, 4th Battalion, Royal Irish Rifles (Militia), and Magistrate for Co. Limerick and Co. Sligo. Prendergast, Charles Lewis, son of C. G. Pren- dergast, Esq., Bombay Civil Service ; born 15th October, 1843. I2C — M. Day Boy. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, i860 ; Lieutenant, January, 1862 ; Captain, 1869 ; Major, 1880 ; Lieut.- Colonel, 1886. Is Officiating 2nd in Command, 1st Bengal Native Infantry. Served in the Cossyah Hills Campaign in 1862-63 • Afghan War of 1880. Riall, Charles John Lewis, son of Phineas Riall, Esq., Old Connaught, Bray, Co. Wicklow ; born 15th January, 1838. Ensign, 56th Foot, 1856 ; Lieutenant 15th Foot, 1859 ; Captain, 1866 ; Retired, 1873. Roberts, Frederick Boyd, son of Colonel Henry Gee Roberts, Bombay Army ; born 17th July, 1841. Direct Commission, 2nd Lieutenant. Bombay Artillery, 1857 ; ist Lieutenant, 1858 ; 2nd Captain, Royal Artillery, 1866 ; Major, 1877. Died, 1882. Roberts, Henry, son of James Roberts, Esq., Burnley, Lancashire ; born 22nd September, 1837- Robertson, Farquhar F., son of — Robertson, Esq. ; born 19th June, 1838. Rutherford, George William, son of Lieut.- Colonel Rutherford, Bengal Army, 1 1 Pitt- ville Lawn, Cheltenham ; born 15th August, 1 837. Day Boy. Ensign, 28th Bengal Native Infantry, 1854 ; Lieu- tenant, 1857. Served in the Indian Mutiny Cam- paign, and was killed at Mahomdee, Oude, loth June, 1857. Rutherford, Walter E., son of Lieut.-Colonel Rutherford, Bengal Army, 1 1 Pittville Lawn, 126 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1852. Cheltenham ; born 21st November, 1841. Day Boy. Seagram, Henry F., son of William Seagram, Esq., Solicitor, Bishopstow ; born May, 1838. Shirley, Lionel H., son of — Shirley, Esq. ; born iith March, 1843. Day Boy. Tapp, Frederic, son of William D. Tapp, Esq., Surgeon, Dorchester ; born — . Townsend, Horace, son of — Townsend, Esq.; born 1st April, 1837. Trench, Frederick (afterwards Chenevix- Trench), son of the Rev. Richard Chenevix- Trench (afterwards Archbishop of Dublin), Itchenstoke ; born loth October, 1837. Previously at Radley College (1848), and at Marl- borough College (February to June, 1848). Comet, 7th Bengal Cavalry, 1857 ; Lieutenant, 20th Hussars, 1858; Captain, 1867; Major, 1879; Lieut. -Colonel, 1880 ; Colonel, 1884 ; Major-General (Retired), 1887. Professor of Hindustani, Staff College, 1879-80. Mili- tary Attache at St. Petersburgh, 1883-86. C.M.G., 1887. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign ini857- 58, and was present at the siege and capture of Delhi, and with Hodson's Horse in the engagements of Gungeree, Puttialee, and Mynpoorie, and at the siege and capture of Lucknow (Medal with two clasps). Whitaker, Benjamin Ingham, son of Joseph Whitaker, Esq., Palermo, Italy; born i6th August, 1838. 4C— 3d/. Boy lie House. Left 1853. Late Lieutenant ist West York Yeomanry Cavalry. J.P. for Nottinghamshire. Address : Hesley Hall, Tickhill, Rotherham, Yorkshire. Wilson, Charles William, son of Edward Wil- son, Esq., Tenby ; born 14th March, 1836. — i M. Boyce. Left June, 1854. Direct Commission, Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1855; Captain, 1864; Major, 1873; Brevet- Lieut. - Colonel, 1879; Lieut.-Colonel, 1881 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1883. Honorary D.C.L. Oxford, 1883, and LL.D. Edinburgh, 1886. Fellow of the Royal Society, and Fellow, Royal Geographical Society. Secretary to Commissioner (Colonel Hawkins), employed for marking out Land Boundary between Canada and United States, 1858-62. Conducted Survey of Jeru- salem, 1864-65, and the first exploring expedition to Palestine, 1865-66. Assistant-Commissioner, under Borough Boundary Act, 1867 ; on Ordnance Survey of Scotland, 1867-68. In command of Sinai Survey Expedition, 1868-69. Director of Topographical Department of War Office and Assistant-Quarter- Master-General, Intelligence Department, 1869-76. Employed on Ordnance Survey of Ireland, 1876-79. C.B. (Civil), 1877. Royal Commissioner for Regis- tration of Deeds in Ireland, 1878-79. Her Majesty's Commissioner to mark boundaries of Principality of Servia under the Treaty of Berlin, 1878. Consul- General in Anatolia, and on Special Mission to Eastern Roumelia and Macedonia (received thanks of Government), 1879-82. W. C.A/. G. , 1881. Direc- tor of Ordnance Survey in Ireland, 1884-86. Director- of Ordnance Survey of United Kingdom, since 1886. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882 on special service (Medal and Khedive's Star), appointed to watch the trial of the prisoners ; and attached to Lord Dufferin's Special Mission to Egypt (received thanks of Government). Served with the Nile Ex- pedition under Lord Wolseley in 1884-85 as Chief of the Intelligence Department, and was present at the action of Abu Klea ; comrnanded the troops at the battle of El Gubat on 19th Februaiy, 1885, when the Arabs were defeated with great slaughter ; proceeded with two steamers up the Nile with a detachment of the Royal Sussex Regiment, to open up communica- tions with General Gordon at Khartoum, but found that city already in the hands of the Arabs, who kept up a continuous fire on his steamer, killing one man and wounding several others, which obliged him to return. On the way back his steamers were wrecked in the cataracts, and the party entrenched themselves on an island, where after remaining some days, they were gallantly rescued by Lord Charles Beresford’s steamer, after an engagement with the enemy (men- tioned in despatches, thanks of Government, A". G..S., and two clasps). Author of " The Recovery of Jeru- salem," 1871; “Picturesque Palestine, Sinai, and Egypt," 1880 ; “ The Empire of the Hittites," 1886; “ From Korti to Khartum,” 1886; “Jerusalem, the Holy City,” 1889, &c. , &c. Address : Ordnance House, Southampton ; and Junior United Service Club, London, S.W. Wood, John, son of Jacob Wood, Esq., Havre, France ; born 28th October, 1836. Young, Henry Roberts, son of — Young, Esq. ; born 7th October, 1839. Ensign, 31st Bengal Native Infantry, 1859 ; Lieu- tenant, i860 ; transferred to io6th Foot, 1864 ; and to 8ist Foot, 1865 ; Captain, on Half-Pay, 1869 ; ap- pointed to 39th Foot, 1871 ; Major, Dorsetshire Regiment, 1881; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1887; Bri- gade-Major (officiating), Bengal, 1878-79 ; Brigade- Major, Bengal, 1879-84. Served on the North-West Frontier of the Punjab from June, i860, to February, 1865, with the ist Punjab Infantry, and was pre- sent during the blockade of Hindustani fanatics and Trans-Indus tribes, and covering of Umb in August and September 1863, and throughout the operations in the Umbeyla Pass, latterly as Adjutant of the Regiment (specially mentioned in despatches, and in the Punjab Government report. Medal with clasp). ENTERED MICHAELMAS, 1852. Beauclerk, Aubrey de Vere, son of Captain Aubrey William Beauclerk, I2 Suffolk Square, Cheltenham ; born 20th September, 1837 - Address : Ardglass Castle, Co. Down, Ireland. Blane, William A., son of Archibald W. Blane, Esq., Upton Park, Slough ; born 17th Jan- uary, 1842. Broughton, Bryan Sneyd Herbert, son of the Rev. Bryan Sneyd Broughton, Washington Rectory, Durham; born loth January, 1838. Day Boy. Re-entry vide August, 1 849. Left December, 1853. Butter, Henry Thomas, son of Archibald Butter, Esq., of h'askally, Sherborne Lodge, Chel- tenham ; born 17th August, 1840. Day Boy. Ensign, 93rd Highlanders, 1858 ; Lieutenant, 1862. Died at Murree, Punjab, India, 20th August, 1863. Corbyn, Edwin Colnett, son of Frederick Corbyn, Esq., Surgeon, H.E.I.C.S. ; born 15th April, 1837 - Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1857; appointed to 46th Bengal Native Infantry, 1858 ; Lieutenant, 1858 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1861 ; Captain, 1869 ; Major, 1877; Lieut.-Colonel, 1883. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1857-58, and was present at the actions of the 26th, 27th, 28th, and 29th No- vember, 1857, against the Gwalior Contingent at Cawnpore, re-occupation of Futtehghur, and pursuit of Tantia Topee (Medal). Died at Southsea, Hants, 20th January, 1887. Michaelmas, 1852.] PRINCIPAL : REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 127 Ewing, John, son of the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Argyll and the Isles, Bishopstown, Loch Gilp Head, N.B. ; born 13th March, 1836. Ensign, Madras Infantry, 1855 ; appointed to the 45th Madras Native Infantry, 1856 ; Lieutenant, 1857 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1861 ; Captain, 1867; Major, 1875; Lieut. -Colonel, 1881; Brevet- Colonel, 1885 ; Aide-de-Cainp to Major-General, Madras, 1861-65 1 Deputy-Assistant-Quarter-Master- General, Madras, 1868-73; Assistant-Quarter-Master- General, Madras, 1873-77 ; Deputy-Quarter-Master- General, Madras, 1878-83. Is Superintendent of the Reserve Remount Depot at Oossoor. Fowler-Butler, Robert Henry, son of Richard Fowler- Butler, Esq., Pendeford Hall, Wolver- hampton ; born nth May, 1838. 4C — iC. Price. Left 1857. Cricket XL, 1856-57. St. John's College, Oxford, 1857. Ensign, 7th Foot, 1858 ; Lieutenant, 1862 ; Captain, 1867; Major, 1880; Lieut. -Colonel, Royal Fusiliers, 1881; Colonel, 1885; on Half-Pay, 1887; Commanding, Regimental District, 1888. Served in the Afghan War of 1879-80 in Southern Afghanistan (Medal). Address: Pendeford I lall, Wolverhampton ; and Barton Hall, Burton-on-Trent. Furnival, Francis H., son of the Rev. James P'urnival, Henbury, near Bristol ; born 13th December, 1838. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1853. Henly, Alexander L., son of Robert Henly, Esq., 4 Dorset Place, Dorset Square, Lon- don ; born 29th June, 1838. ENTERED JANUARY 1853. Atkins, George, son of George Atkins, Esq., Suffolk Square, Cheltenham ; born 6th De- cember, 1839. loC — 2*iJ/. Day Boy. Left September, 1856. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1856 ; appointed to 21st Bengal Native Infantry, 1857; Lieutenant, 1858; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1866 ; Captain, 1868 ; Major, 1876; Lieut. -Colonel, 1882; Brevet-Colonel, 1886. Is Commandant of ist Bengal Native Infantry. Served at Peshawur during the Indian Mutiny Cam- paign, 1857-58. Served in the campaigns on the North-West Frontier of India in 1858 and 1863 (Medal with clasp). Served with the Zhob Valley Expedition in 1884, also in the Burmese War in 1886-87 (clasp). Atkins, Robert, son of George Atkins, Esq., Suffolk Square, Cheltenham ; born i6th June, 1841. — India Direct. M. Day Boy. Left November, 1857. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, February, 1858 ; ap- pointed to 48th Bengal Native Infantry, May, 1858; Lieutenant, June, 1858 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1866 ; Captain, 1870 ; Major, 1878 ; Lieut.- Colonel, 1884 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1888. Is 2nd in com- mand and Squadron Commander, 15th Bengal Cavalry. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign with the Suraon Field Force in 1858-59 ; and on the Nepaul Frontier in 1859-60, and was present at the capture of Forts Deolie and Amethee (Medal). Served in the Afghan War in 1879, with the Thull Chotiali and Vitakri Field Forces (Medal). Austen-Leigh, Arthur Henry, son of the Rev. James Edward Austen-Leigh, Bray, near Maidenhead; born 28th February, 1836. 2C — iC. Price. Left June, 1855. Cricket XL, 1854; Captain, 1855. Football XX., 1854-55. Balliol College, Oxford, 1855. Craven (University) Scholarship, 1857 ; 2nd Class Classical Final Schools, 1858 ; ist Class Law and History, 1859. Fellow of St. John’s, 1859-76. B.A. , 1859; M.A. , 1866; B. D. , 1872. Ordained Deacon 1864, and Priest, 1865. Curate of Christ Church, Maryle- borne, London, 1865-67 ; of Bray, Berkshire, 1867- 74 ; Rector of Winterbourn, Gloucestershire, 1875. President of Cheltonian Society, 1880-81. Triennial Member of Council of Cheltenham College, 1884. Address : Winterbourn Rectory, near Bristol. Baines, Lazarus Threlfall, son of the Right Hon. Matthew Talbot Baines, Q.C., M.P., Presi- dent of Poor Law Board, London ; born loth May, 1836. Price and Boidtbee. iC — iC. Left 1855. Classical Football XX., 1854. Trinity College, Cambridge, ist in ist Class Law Tripos, 1858 ; Chancellor’s Medal for Legal Studies, 1861. LL. B. , 1859; LL.M., 1863. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1864. J. P. for Lancashire, Nottingham- shire, and West Riding of Yorkshire. Address : The Hall, Bawtry, Yorkshire ; and Re- form Club, London, S.W. Bird, Henry Wilberforce, son of George Bird, Esq., Rosehaugh Villa, Cheltenham ; born 27th July, 1840. Boddeley, Henry Clinton, son of General Fre- derick Henry Boddeley, R.E. ; born 14th December, 1840. Southwood. Resident Magistrate and Sheriff of Auckland, New Zealand. Address : Auckland, New Zealand. Bonnor, Benjamin John, son of the Rev. Richard B. M. Bonnor, Ruabon, Denbigh ; born 14th August, 1839. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1857 ; 2nd Captain, 1868. Died at Bombay, 7th August, 1869. Borlase, James Skipp, son of James J. G. Borlase, Esq., Solicitor, Mitcheldean ; born 9th April, 1839- Bosanquet, Walter Henry, son of Samuel Richard Bosanquet, Esq., Barrister, Dinge- stow Court, near Monmouth ; born loth January, 1839. \C~2C. Jelfs. Left De- cember, 1856. Cricket XXII., 18 — . Solicitor (admitted 1862). Address : ii Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. Bowen, Arthur James, son of James Bowen, Esq., Kenilworth House, Cheltenham ; born 4th September, 1839. Day Boy. Left 1856. Modern Football XX. , — . Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. B.A. , i860. Ordained Deacon, 1862, and Priest, 1863. Curate of St. Mark, Peter- borough, 1862-64 1 of St. Thomas, Winchester, 1864-67 ; of Henstridge, Somerset, 1867-69 ; Asso- ciation Secretary, Church Pastoral Aid Society for South-West District, 1869 ; Curate of Hilton, Dorset, 1873-74; Rector of Spaxton, Somerset, 1874. Address: Spaxton Rectory, Bridgwater. Bowen, Henry Griffith, son of James Bowen, Esq., Kenilworth House, Cheltenham ; born 8th August, 1841. Day Boy. Ensign, 88th Connaught Rangers, 1859 ; Lieu- tenant, 1861; Captain, 1869; Major (Retired), 1880. Boyes, John Edward, son of John Boyes, Esq., 3 Paragon Buildings, Cheltenham ; born 3rd June, 1843. Day Boy. 128 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1853. Ensign, 75th Foot, i86i ; Lieutenant, 1867; Cap- tain, 1868 ; Major, Gordon Highlanders, 1880 ; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1882; Lieut. -Colonel, 1885; Colonel, 1886. Brigade-Major (Acting), Straits Settlements, 1869-70. Served throughout the Egyp- tian War of 1882 with the ist Battalion Gordon Highlanders, and was present at the battle of Tel-el- Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lieut. - Colonel, Medal with clasp, 4th Class Osmanieh, and Khedive’s Star) ; also served in the Soudan E.xpedi- tion in 1884, with the ist Battalion Gordon High- landers, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (two clasps). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the ist Battalion Gordon Highlanders, and with the River Column under Major-General Earle (clasp). Bradshaw, Oswald Mosley, son of Captain R. A. Bradshaw, R.N., 4 Paragon Buildings, Cheltenham ; born 17th January, 1842. Day Boy. Ensign, Madras Infantry, 1858 ; appointed to 46th Madras Native Infantry, February, 1859 ; trans- ferred to loth Madras Native Infantry, June, 1859 ; Lieutenant, 1859 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1866; Captain, 1870; Major, 1878; Lieut. -Colonel (Re- tired), 1884. Brereton, Willoughby Thomas, son of the Rev. Thomas Brereton, Steeple Morden, Cam- bridgeshire ; born 15th June, 1838. Ensign, Madras Infantry, October. 1857; ap- pointed to 49th Madras Native Infantry, Decem- ber, 1857 : Lieutenant, i860 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1866; Captain, 1869; Major, 1877; Lieut.- Colonel, 1883 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1887. Is 2nd in Com- mand and Wing Commander, 29th Madras Native Infantry. Bromby, Charles Hamilton, son of the Right Rev. Charles Henry Bromby, D.D., Bishop of Tasmania ; born 17th June, 1843. Day Boy. St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, 1862 ; afterwards at New Inn Hall. 3rd Class Law and History, 1866 ; B. A. , 1867. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1867; Attorney-General of Tasmania, 1876-78. Member ot the Bar of New South Wales, and Member of the Executive Council of Tasmania. Editor of “ Spille's Law of Master and Servant," 3rd edition. Address : 4 King’s Bench Walk, The Temple, London, E.C. Brown, Humphry Rory, son of Humphry Brown, Esq., M.P., Tewkesbury ; born 2nd Septem- ber, 1839. Bryden, William, son of William Bryden, Esq., 85 Eccleston Square, London ; born 23rd December, 1841. Direct Commission, 2nd Lieutenant, Madras Ar- tillery, June, 1858 ; ist Lieutenant, August, 1858 ; Resigned (Royal Artillery), 1867. Served during the Indian Mutiny Campaign with the Saugor Field Division under Brigadier Whitlock, from 14th Decem- ber, 1858 (Medal). Buchanan, John R., son of George Buchanan, Esq., 29 Promenade, Cheltenham ; born i ith June, 1841. Campbell, James Tunstall, son of James Robert Campbell, Esq., Tivoli Lawn, Cheltenham ; born 9th September, 1841. Day Boy. Chandler, William Frederic, son of William Lloyd Chandler, Esq., Tewkesbury ; born 3rd February, 1838. Chichester, Richard, son of Robert Chichester, Esq., Hall, near Barnstaple ; born 19th July, 1838. 3C — 2C. Turnbull and Boultbee. Left 1857. Football XX., 185 — . Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A., i860; M.A., 1864. Ordained Deacon, 1862, and Priest, 1863. Curate of St. John, Leicester. 1862-64 i of Prestwich, Manchester, 1864-69 ; of Drewsteignton, Devon, 1869; Rector of Drewsteign- ton, 1869. Address ; Drewsteignton Rectory, Newton Abbot, Devon. Christie, Benjamin, son of Charles Maitland Christie, Esq.,Durie, Leven, Fife, N.B. ; born 3rd December, 1836. Addiscombe Military College. 2nd Lieutenant. Bombay Artillery, 1856. Died at the camp, Sehore, East Indies, 4th March, i860. Christie, Henry Tolfrey, son of Major Thomas T. Christie, H.E.I.C.S. born 26th May, 1841. Clark, Edward Podmore, son of Edward Clark, Esq., Solicitor, Clifton Park House, Clifton ; born I Ith July, 1841. Ensign, 62nd Foot, 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1864 ; Re- tired, 1867 ; Captain, Hereford Militia, 1874, Ob- tained the Prize Medal at the Paris Exhibition in 1875 for his Model Apparatus for illustrating drill, and also the Prize Medal and Diploma at the Phila- delphia Exhibition in 1877. Coningham, Henry Evelyn, son ofLieut.-Colonel Henry Coningham, 25 Chesham Street, Lon- don ; born 23rd July, 1836. Ensign, Madras Infantry, February, 1855 ; ap- pointed to 45th Madras Native Infantry, April, 1855; Lieutenant, 1856; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1866 ; Captain, 1867; Major, 1875; Lieut. -Colonel, 1881; Colonel, 1885 ; Major-General (Retired), 1886. Coningham, Herbert, son of Lieut.-Colonel Henry Coningham, 25 Chesham Street, Lon- don ; born 15th August, 1838. Cricket XL, 1855. Ensign, Madras Infantry, 1856 ; appointed to 29th Madras Native Infantry, 1857 ; Lieutenant, 1858 ; Captain, 1867 ; Major. 1874; Lieut.-Colonel, Madras Infantry, 1874; Brevet- Colonel, 1881 ; Colonel, 1886. Coningham, William, son of Lieut.-Colonel Henry Coningham, 25 Chesham Street, Lon- don ; born 14th July, 1837. —iM. Left 1854. Addiscombe Militaty College, '1854-56. 2nd Lieu- tenant, Madras Engineers, 1856 ; ist Lieutenant, 1858; Captain, Royal Engineers, 1868. Died gth March, 1874. Craven, John Albert, son of — Craven, Esq. ; born I Ith February, 1841. Douglas, John, son of Lieut.-General Sir James Dawes Douglas, G.C.B., 25 York Crescent, Clifton ; born 5th December, 1836. Previously at Rugby School (August, 1851 — ). Football XX., 1854. University College, Oxford, 1854. 4th Class Mathematical Final Schools, 1857; B.A. , 1864. In Audit Office, Mauritius, 1859 ; Secretary, Railway Department, 1862; Auditor- General, Ceylon, 1870-76 ; Colonial Secretary, Straits Settlements, 1876-78. C.M.G., 1876. Lieutenant- Governor and Colonial Secretary of Ceylon, 1878. K.C.M.G., 1883. Died at Watford, Herts, 23rd August, 1885. Elliot, Chandos Frederick, son of Robert Kerr Elliot, Esq., Clifton Park, Kelso, N.B. ; born 27th March, 1842. Died 1862. Fletcher, Henry T., son of Philip H. Fletcher, Esq., Calver Mills, Bakewell ; born 19th July, 1842. FuUeiiion, William R. E., son of — Fullerton, Esq. ; born 14th October, 1840. Day Boy. Gahan, John B., son of — Gahan, Esq. ; born 30th March, 1842. January, 1853.] PRINCIPAL; REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 129 Garstin, Charles, son of Charles Garstin, Esq. ; born 14th June, 1837. Modern Football XX., 1854. Gethin, Alexander J. C., son of Richard Gethin, Esq., Earlsfield, Ballymote, Co. Sligo ; born 15th June, 1840. Gethin, Edward, son of Richard Gethin, Esq., Earlsfield, Ballymote, Co. Sligo ; born 20th June, 1843. Gethin, Richard P., son of Richard Gethin, Esq., Earlsfield, Ballymote, Co. Sligo ; born 23rd January, 1842. Gilley, Arthur Wheatley, son of — Gilley, Esq. ; born 24th April, 1839. Boy. Hewetson, William Forster, son of Lieut. - Colonel Charles Hewetson, H.E.I.C.S. ; born 1 2th August, 1842. Hewetson, Charles Campbell, son of Lieut.- Colonel Charles Hewetson, H.E.I.C.S. ; born 29th January, 1839. Hihhert, John, son of John Richardby Hibbert, Esq. ; born 24th September, 1842. India Direct. Southwood. Left December, 1858. Ensign, Bombay Infantry, 1859 ; Lieutenant, 1861 ; Captain, 1869 ; Major, 1879 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1885 ; Colonel, 1889. Is Assistant-Commissary-General, 2nd Class ; Storekeeper-General, Bombay. Served in the Afghan War in 1880 as Executive Commis- sariat Officer at Sibi, on the Line of Communication, also at Kandahar and Quetta (Medal). Served in the Burmese War in 1887 as Assistant Principal Commissariat Officer at Mandalay from the 22nd July to the 27th September (Medal with clasp). Hill, Arthur, son of John Hill, Esq., Solicitor, Worcester ; born 9th March, 1838. Hilton, William Henry, son of Charles J. Hilton, Esq., Faversham, Kent ; born 9th June, 1841. Hopper, Arthur, son of Captain Arthur Q. Hopper, Bengal Army ; born 4th October, 1839 - Hughes, Charles Frederick, son of William Samuel Price Hughes, Esq., Solicitor, Wor- cester ; born 19th March, 1844. Ensign, Bombay Infantry, 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1863 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1864 ; Captain, 1873 ; Brevet-Major, March, 1881 ; Major, June, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1887. Is Assistant-Commissary- General, 2nd Class. Served in an Expedition against Arabs in 1865-66 ; also served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, and took part in the action at Ahmed Kheyl (Brevet of Major, Medal with clasp). Hughes, Thomas Henry Cecil, son of William Samuel Price Hughes, Esq., Solicitor, Wor- cester ; born 2nd July, 1842. Brasenose College, Oxford, 1861. B.A. , 1865; M.A. , 1874. Ordained Deacon, 1866, and Priest, 1867. Curate of Powick, Worcestershire, 1866-67 ; Vicar of Powick, 1867. Address : Powick Vicarage, Worcester. Hurlock, Francis C.,son of Francis S. Hurlock, Esq., Ashton House, near Cirencester ; born 19th February, 1840. Jay, James A. B., son of James Jay, Esq., Solicitor; born nth August, 1838. Jay, William Taylor, son of James Jay, Esq., Solicitor ; born 5th May, 1841. Re-entered College August, 1857. Cornet, 5th Madras Light Cavalry, 1859. Served as a Volunteer with the ist King's Dragoon Guards during the China War of i860, and on his way home died at sea, from the effects of the campaign, 4th December, i860. Jones, John H. L., son of John Jones, Esq., Solicitor, Worcester; born i6th October, 1839. King-Harman, Montagu Jocelyn, son of the Hon. Lawrence Harman King-Harman, New- castle, Ballymahon, Co. Longford ; born 1st March, 1843. Addiscombe Military College. Lieutenant, Bengal Artillery, i860 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1871 ; Brevet-Captain, 1872; Captain, 1875; Major, 1880; Lieut. -Colonel, 1886. Deputy-Assistant-Quarter- niaster-General, Bengal, 1877-82. Assistant-Quarter- master-General, Indian Contingent, Expeditionary Force, Egypt, 1882. Is Commandant, 2nd Battalion 4th Goorkhas. Served in the Hazara Campaign in 1868, including the operations on the Black Moun- tain (Medal with clasp) ; also served with the Looshai Expedition in 1871-72 (mentioned in des- patches, clasp). Knight, Brodnax William, son of Edward Knight, Esq., Chawton House, Alton Hants ; born 3rd February, 1838. Ensign, 72nd Bengal Native Infantry, 1855 ; Lieutenant, 1857 ; Resigned, 1859. Lambert, Richard Blake, son of Captain Richard Lambert, 8 Park Place, Cheltenham ; born loth September, 1840. Day Boy. Naval Cadet, 1853 ; Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Navy, i860 ; Lieutenant, 1861 ; Commander (Retired), 1873. Naval Cadet of H.M.S. “ Euryalus ” during the Russian War in the Baltic, 1854-56 (Medal). Naval Knight of Windsor, 1878-87. Lambert, Walter Miller, son of Captain Richard Lambert, 8 Park Place, Cheltenham ; born 8th May, 1843. xiM — zM. Price., Chenery, and Day Boy. Left December, 1859. Cricket XXII., 1859. Modern Football XX., 1859. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Marine Artillery, i860; ist Lieutenant, 1865; Captain, 1875; Major, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1883. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1878. Served on the Guard of Honour of Royal Marines on board H.M.S. “Serapis" during the tour of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales to India in 1875-76. Commanded the Royal Marines attached to the Naval Brigade in the Bur- mese War of 1885-86 (mentioned in despatches, D.S.O., Medal with clasp). Lancey, Thomas, son of Captain William Lancey, R.E., Newtown, Limavady, Derry, Ireland; born 28th July, 1842. Lang, James Wolcott, son of Captain J. S. Lang, Herbert Cottage, Tivoli, Cheltenham ; born 7th September, 1844. Day Boy. Re- entered College August, 1855. Ensign, loth Foot, 1864 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; In- structor of Musketry, 1869-78 ; Captain, 1878 ; Major, Lincolnshire Regiment, 1884; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1887. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1882- 87. LaiYford, Alfred Chalmers, son of D. L. Law- ford, Esq., 4 Royal Well Terrace, Chelten- ham ; born 2nd November, 1836. Day Boy. Mainwaring, Charles, son of George Main- waring, Esq., 3 Imperial Square, Chelten- ham ; born 31st March, 1839. Day Boy. Cornet, 6th Bengal Cavalry, 1856. Killed by Mutineers at Cawnpore during the Indian Mutiny, 27th June, 1857. Mant, Charles, son of Lieut.-Colonel George Joseph Mant, Bombay Army, Oriental Club, London ; born i8th April, 1840. Addiscombe Military College (Prize : ist Military Drawing). 2nd Lieutenant, Bombay Engineers, 1857 : ist Lieutenant, 1858 ; Captain, Royal En- gineers, 1869; Major, 1874; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1881. Was famous as an Architectural Engineer in S 130 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1853. India, and was the designer of the following build- ings : — Mayo College at Ajmere ; the Durbhunga Palai}^,; the Northbrook Hall at Allahabad ; the Kolhapur Palace, the Kolhapur High School, and the Kolhapur Hospital ; the Rajah of Kolhapur's Tomb at Milau ; the Baroda City Entrance Gate ; the Baroda Library, Hospital, and Palace ; the Malabar Hill Church, besides other important works. Died in London, 17th September, 1881, from insanity caused by overwork and the effects of a fever contracted in India. Mclver, William, son of the Rev. William Mclver, Lynn Rectory, Warrington ; born 22nd May, 1842. Meade-King, Henry Herbert, son of Richard King Meade-King, Walford, near Taunton ; born 1 6th February, 1837. Merewether, Edward T. R., son of — Mere- wether, Esq. ; born 26th June, 1841. Moore, Stephen, son of Stephen Charles Moore, Esq., 91 Chaussd de Wavre, Brussels ; born 23rd August, 1836. Southwood. Left De- cember, 1853. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1854. Ensign, 63rd Foot, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; Captain, i860 ; Retired, 1867. Served in the Crimean War in 1855, and was present at the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and the bombardment and capture of Kimbourn (Medal with clasp, and Turkish Medal). M.P. for County Tipperary, 1875-80. J. P. and D.L. , and High Sheriff of Co. Tipperary, 1885. Address : Barne, near Clonmel, Ireland. Morris, Henry Budd, son of the Rev. Robert Morris, Friern Barnet, Middlesex ; born 5th September, 1839. 4C — iC. Ro 7 nanis and Turnbull. Left June, 1858. Scholarship, Gonville and Caius College, Cam- bridge, i860. B. A. (30th Wrangler), 1862; M. A., 1865. Ordained Deacon, 1864, and Priest, 1865. Curate of St. Andrew, Leeds, 1864-66 ; Chaplain at Arcachon, France, 1866-67 I Chaplain, Royal Navy, 1867-73 I Curate of Northwold, 1873-77 ; of Fyfield, Hants, 1884. Assistant Missionary at Andover and Bairds- ville, Canada, 1888. Address : Bairdsville, New Brunswick, Canada. Morris, Robert Leslie, son of the Rev. Robert Morris, Friern Barnet, Middlesex ; born 20th July, 1838. 4C — iC. Turtibicll. Left December, 1857. Previously at Brighton College (1851-52). Scho- larship, Pembroke College, Oxford, 1857 ; 2nd Class Mathematical Moderations, 1859 • 3rd Class Mathe- matical Final Schools, 1861. RA. , 1861; M.A. , 1863. Ordained Deacon, 1863, and Priest, 1864. Curate of St. James, Poole, Dorset, 1863-64 ; of Christ Church, Sandown, Isle of Wight, 1865-69 ; Assistant Master of Highgate School, London, 1869 ; Reader at Christ Church, Crouch End, Hornsey, 1873. Address : Fitzroy Lodge, Highgate, N. Nightingale, Thomas Archer, son of — N ight- ingale, Esq. ; born 26th May, 1839. Peebles, Thomas Robertson, son of Thomas H. Peebles, Esq., M.D., 8 Pittville Villas, Chel- tenham ; born nth October, 1841. Chichester Theological College, 1869. Ordained Deacon, 1871, and Priest, 1873. Curate of Woollav- ington with Graffham, Sussex, 1871-80 ; Vicar of Milland, Hants, 1880. Address ; Milland Vicarage, Liphook, Hants. Pemberton, George T., son of George Pem- berton, Esq., 17 Blandford Square, London ; born 27th April, 1838. Playne, Frederic Carl, son of William Playne, Esq., Longfords, Minchinhampton ; born 7th September, 1837. Ensign, Rifle Brigade, 1855 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; Captain, 1859. Served in the Crimean War, and was present at the siege of Sebastopol in 1855, and was wounded at the attack on the Redan on the 8th September (Medal with clasp, and Turkish Medal). Also with the 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade during the whole of its service in the suppression of the Indian Mutiny in 1857-58, including the actions of Cawn- pore and the capture of Lucknow, and numerous affairs during the Oude Campaign (Medal with clasp). Died at Hamilton, West Canada, i8th December, 1863. Prendergast, William Miles, son of Charles George Prendergast, Esq., 2 Ashling Villas, Cheltenham; born 28th April, 1845. 12C — 8C. Da_y Boy. Left 1857. Ensign, 29th Foot ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; Captain, Worcestershire Regiment, 1877; Major (Retired), 1885. Fort Adjutant, Trinidad, 1872-73. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1884-85. Awarded the Royal Hu- mane Society's Bronze Medal for saving a boy named Bloxam from drowning at Bognor on the 15th July, 1863. Eamsbottom, John Richard, son of John R. Ramsbottom, Esq., Reading ; born 13th May, 1837. Ensign, 63rd Foot, January, 1855 ; Lieutenant, July, 1855 ; Captain, 1861 ; transferred to 97th Foot, 1865 ; Retired, 1870. Served with the 63rd Foot in the Crimean War in 1855, and was present at the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and the bombard- ment and capture of Kimbourn (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Rowe, Octavius, son of Henry Francis Rowe, Esq., 27 Trinity Street, Cambridge ; born 1 8th February, 1839. Sherwood, Charles Harwood, son of — Sher- wood, Esq. ; born 21st October, 1840. Died at St. Helier’s, Jersey, nth May, 1873. Smith, Hugh, son of Peter Smith, Esq. ; born June, 1841. Smith, Thomas, son of Archibald Smith, Esq., Glasgow ; born 2nd February, 1839. Postmastership, Merton College, Oxford. 1857 ; 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1859 ; 4th Clas- sical Final Schools, i860. B.A. , 1861. Indian Civil Service, i860 ; appointed to Bengal, 1861. Assistant Magistrate and Collector, Nuddea, 1863-64 ; Assis- tant-Commissioner, Chota Nagpore, 1864-65 ; Assis- tant-Commissioner, Maumbhoom, 1865, and Western Dooars, 1865-70 ; Deputy-Commissioner, Western Dooars, 1870-72 ; at Cooch Behar, 1872-78 ; District and Sessions Judge, Tipperah, 1878-80 ; at Baccker- gunge, 1880-83 ; tn Bengal, 1883-87. Retired, 1887. Stewart, Edward Pakenham, son of James R. Stewart, Esq., 6 Leinster Street, Dublin ; born 27th February, 1841. Ensign, 78th Highlanders, 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1864 ; Captain, 1869 ; Retired, 1873. Swan, William, son of Robert Swan, Esq., Solicitor, Lincoln ; born 14th November, 1840. Swiney, George Clayton, son of John Swiney, Esq., M.D., Westal House, Cheltenham ; born 1 8th January, 1840. Boyne House. Re-entry, vide August, 1849, and February, 1855. Swinhoe, Thomas B., son of — Swinhoe, Esq. ; born 15th November, 1839. Tonge, William J., son of John Tonge, Esq., Starborough Castle, Edenbridge, Kent ; born 6th April, 1838. Cricket XL, 1857 ; Modern Football XX., 1854. Twyning, William Edward, son of the Rev. W. H. Twyning, Pont y Pandy, Cardiff; born 1st February, 1837. PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 13 » January, 1853.] Ensign, i8th Foot, 1858 ; Lieutenant, i860 ; Captain, 1872 ; Major (Retired), 1879.. Verner, Albert, son of William Verner, Esq., Loughview, Carrickfergus, Ireland ; born 8th January, 1841. Waddingham, Thomas James, son of John Waddingham, Esq., Cotswold Grange, Chel- tenham ; born 27th February, 1840. Day Boy. Scholarship, Oriel College, Oxford, 1857 ; 2nd Class Classical Moderations, i860. B.A. , 1862; M.A., 1865. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1866. Address : Hafod, Aberystwith. Wason, Rigby M., son of the Rev. John J. Wason, Shepscombe, near Stroud ; born 8th August, 1840. Ensign, 16th Foot, 1863; Lieutenant, 1866; transferred to ist Dragoon Guards, 1867 ; Captain, 1870. Died at Newbridge Barracks, Co. Kildare, 25th November, 1870. Watson, Robert K., son of James Kiero Watson, Esq., Hull ; born 39th August, 1841. Whitehead, George Walter Horrocks, son of Walter Horrocks Whitehead, Esq., 13 Rum- ford Street, Liverpool ; born 24th September, 1837. Re-entry, January, 1851. Whitworth, John Francis, son of — Whit- worth, Esq. ; born 26th April, 1839. Day Boy. Ensign, 3rd Foot, 1859 ; Lieutenant, 1862 ; In- structor of Musketry, 1865-69; Captain, i86g. Died at Dalhousie, 6th May, 1875. Williams, Edward Trevor, son of Edward Williams, Esq., Surgeon, Wrexham ; born 5th January, 1841. Williams, John Wood, son of John Williams, Esq., Minehead, Somerset ; born 5th July, 1838. Wilmer, Louis Worthington, son of Bradford Wilmer, Esq., Dieppe, France ; born 25th September, 1839. — 4C. Newick House. Was a Midshipman in the Merchant Service, and when at sea was gazetted to the 90th Regiment. Ensign, 90th Light Infantry, 1855 ; Lieutenant, 1857; Captain, 12th Foot, 1870; Major, 1880; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1881. Served with the 90th Light Infantry in the Indian Mutiny Campaign of 1857-58, including the defence of the Alumbagh, relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde, defence of the Alumbagh under Outram, siege and capture of Lucknow, and subsequent operations in Oude (Medal with two clasps, and a year’s service). Address: 12 Gunterstone Road, West Kensington, London, W. Wilson, John Gerald, son of Richard Bassett Wilson, Esq., Cliffe Hall, near Darlington ; born 29th December, 1841. Ensign, 84th Foot, 1858 ; Lieutenant, 1862 ; Captain, 1866; Retired, 1867. J.P. for West Riding of Yorkshire and Durham. Address : Cliffe Hall, near Darlington. Yelverton, William Henry Morgan, son of the Hon. William Henry Yelverton, Whitland Abbey, Carmarthenshire ; born 7th Feb- ruary, 1840. ENTERED EASTER, 1853. Beers, William, son of William Beers, Esq., Newcastle, Castlewellan, Ireland ; born 7th December, 1836. Ensign, 26th Foot, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; Captain, 1863; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1878. Bernard, David Edward, son of the Rev. Samuel Edward Bernard, 36 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 23rd December, 1841. Day Boy. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1866 ; Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 1867 ; Licentiate of Apothecaries' So- ciety. Address; iii Ashley Road, Bristol, Bernard, James Walker, son of the Rev. Samuel Edward Bernard, 36 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 24th July, 1840. Day Boy. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1858-60. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, i860; Captain, 1872; Major, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1887. Bri- gade-Major, Royal Artillery, Cork District, 1877-81. Boulderson, John, son of Major John Came Boulderson, Madras Army ; born 8th April, 1838. — Quee 7 t’s M. Newick House. Left December, 1855. Ensign, 71st Highlanders, 1856 ; Lieutenant, 1859 ; Captain, 1875 ; Major, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1882. Served with the 71st Highlanders in the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1858, and was present at the battle of Kotakeserai, recapture of Gwalior, and operations against Burgore and Dowlut Sing (Medal with clasp). Served also throughout the campaign against the Hill Tribes on the North-West Frontier of India in 1863 (Medal with clasp). Served with the 91st Highlanders in the Zulu War in 1879, and was present at the action of Gingindhlovu and relief of Ekowe (Medal with clasp). Broderip, Edmund, son of Edmund Greenhill Broderip, Esq., Lypiatt Terrace, Chelten- ham ; born 5th July, 1843. Ensign, 57th Foot, 1862 ; Lieutenant, 1866 ; Re- signed, 1870. Served with the 57th Regiment in the New Zealand War of 1863-65, including the action of Katikara, affair of Hurford’s Hill, Kaka- ramea, and various minor affairs (Medal). J.P. for Somersetshire. Address ; Cossington Manor, near Bridgwater. Dickinson, William Moore, son of Henry Dickinson, Esq., Bournemouth ; born 14th May, 1837. Ensign, Madras Infantry, March, 1855 ; appointed to 51st Madras Native Infantry, May, 1855 ; trans- ferred to 29th Madras Native Infantry, July, 1855 ; Lieutenant, 1858 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1866 ; Captain, 1867; Major, 1875; Lieut. -Colonel, 1881 ; Colonel, 1885; Major-General (Retired), 1887. Frankland, Colville, son of Sir Frederick William Frankland, Bart. ; born 26th No- vember, 1839. Ensign, Indian Army, 1856 ; appointed to 12th Bombay Native Infantry, 1856 ; Lieutenant, 103rd Foot, 1858; Captain, 1863; Major, 1875; Lieut. - Colonel, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 1879 ; Colonel, 1883 ; Retired, 1889. Passed Staff College, 1869. Brigade-Major, Malta, 1873-75. Commanding, Regimental District, 1884-89. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1857-58, including the siege and capture of Awah and of Kotah (Medal with clasp). Grafton, William Marshall, son of William Chandler Grafton, Esq., 7 Pittville Villas, 132 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [Easter, 1853. Cheltenham ; born 20th November, 1842. Day Boy. Hulton, Henry Edward, son of William Adam Hulton, Esq., County Court Judge, Hurst Grange, near Preston ; born 21st June, 1839. yC — iC. Price. Left 1858. Cricket XI., 1857-58. Trinity College, Oxford, 1858. B.A. (3rd Class Law and History), 1862 ; M.A. , 1864. Ordained Deacon, 1863, and Priest, 1865. Curate of Sonning, Berkshire, 1863-76 ; Vicar of Great Waltham, Essex, 1876 ; Rural Dean of Chelmsford, 1886. Address : Great Waltham Vicarage, Chelmsford. Jordan, Barrett Price, son of J. B. J. Jordan, Esq., 21 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 8th April, 1842. Day Boy. Died 28th November, 1878. Lefroy, Augustus Hugh, son of Thomas Lefroy, Esq., Jun., Barrister, Earlsfoot Terrace, Dublin ; born 22nd July, 1839. Ensign, 45th Foot, i860 ; Lieutenant, 1863; Cap- tain, 1869; transferred to 3rd Foot, 1875; s-t'd 41st Foot, 1878 ; Major, on Half-Pay, 1880 ; Lieut.- Colonel (Retired), 1880. Served with the 45th Regi- ment in the Abyssinian Expedition in 1868 (Medal). Palmer, George, son of — Palmer, Esq. ; born 8th April, 1843. Day Boy. Palmer, Herbert, son of — Palmer, Esq. ; born 5th November, 1844. Day Boy. Re-entered College February, 1857. Reynard, William, son of Charles Reynard, Esq., Norwood House, Beverley; born 17th August, 1840. Riall, Charles Phineas Roberts, son of Phineas Riall, Esq., Old Connaught, Bray, Co. Dub- lin ; born 17th January, 1840. Smallwood, William, son of — Smallwood, Esq.; born 24th May, 1841. Somerville, Reginald Hugh, son of the Rev. William Somerville, Barford, Warwick ; born i6th December, 1835. Previously at Westminster School. Ensign, 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1854. Served in the Crimean War, and was killed in the attack on the Great Redan at Sebastopol, 8th Sep- tember, 1855. Truell, William Henry Augustus, son of the Rev. William Truell, Wareham ; born 21st May, 1843. XIP'"^C — iC. Turnbull. Left June, 1862. Cricket XL, 1860-61, Captain, 1862. Football XX., 1861. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A., 1865. Wells Theological College, 1866. Ordained Deacon, 1867, and Priest, 1868. Curate of Pitton, Wilts, 1867-68 ; Rector of Chettle, Dorset, 1868-80 ; Diocesan Inspector of Schools, 1877-80 ; Vicar of Bramshaw, Wilts, 1880-81 ; Rector of Shroton with Farringdon, Dorset, 1881. Address : Shroton Rectory, Blandford. Wason, Edwin Sandys, son of the Rev. John Wason, Shepscombe, near .Stroud ; born 27th May, 1842. Ensign, 33rd Foot, i860; Lieutenant, 1864; Ad- jutant, 1866-67 I Captain, 1869. Adjutant, 6th West York Militia. Served in the Abyssinian Campaign in 1867-68 (Medal). Died in London, 5th January, 1880. Willis, Horace George, son of Sherlock Willis, Esq., M.D., Manor House, Swindon, near Cheltenham ; born — . ENTERED AUGUST, 1853. a’Beckett, Reginald Broadhurst, son of William a’Beckett, Esq., Chief Justice of the Colony of Victoria, 13 Victoria Road, Kensington, London ; born ist May, 1840. Alexander, Charles Dallas, son of W. S. Alex- ander, Esq., Bengal Civil Service, Harrow ; born 25th December, 1839. Cricket XL, 1856. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1863 ; M.A. , 1870. King’s College, London (English History and Literature Prizes). Private Tutor. Alexander, Nathaniel Stuart, son of W. S. Alexander, Esq., Bengal Civil Service, Har- row ; born 14th June, 1838. Armstrong, Henry Lionel, son of Henry Arm- strong, Esq., Bengal Civil Service, Auckland House, Clifton ; born 13th August, 1838. Direct Commission, 2nd Lieutenant, Madras Ar- tillery, 1857 ; ist Lieutenant, 1858 ; 2nd Captain, Royal Artillery, 1866; Major, 1873; Retired, 1876. Banatyne, William, son of Andrew Banatyne, Esq., Solicitor, Glasgow ; born 12th Octo- ber, 1839. Ensign, 8th Foot, 1858; Lieutenant, 1859; Cap- tain, 1866 ; Major, 1878 ; Lieut-Colonel (Retired), 1882 ; Major, London Scottish Rifle Volunteers, 1882. Served in the Afghan War in 1880 (Medal). Birkett, John L., son of — Birkett, Esq. ; born 31st January, 1838. Cricket XL, 1858. Modern Football XX., 1854. Blake, George Denis, son of Charles Henry Blake, Esq., 15 Devonshire Place, London ; born 15th July, 1839. Boodle, Edward Chilver, son of the Rev. Thomas Boodle, Virginia Water, Chertsey ; born 2nd February, 1843. Cricket XL , 1861. Civil Engineer. Died at sea on his way home from Madras, 17th March, 1876. Boulderson, William Patrick Oliphant, son of Major John Came Boulderson, 35th Madras Native Infantry; born 19th January, 1840. Ensign, 41st Foot, i860 ; transferred to 97th Foot, i860 ; Lieutenant, 1863 ; transferred to 2nd Foot, 1867 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1870 ; Brevet- Captain, 1872; Captain, 1874; Major, 1880; Lieut.- Colonel (Retired), 1885. Served in the Afghan War in 1880 (Medal). Brooke, Robert Howard, son of R. H. Brooke, Esq., Castle Howard, Co. Wicklow ; born 25th September, 1839. Busfield, William, son of the Rev. William Busfield, Keighley Rectory, Yorkshire ; born 20th January, 1837. 4C — Queen’s M. Price. Left April, 1855. Ensigpi, 22nd Foot, 1855 ; Lieutenant, 1858 ; Cap- tain, 1863; Major, 1877; Lieut-Colonel (Retired), 1878. J.P. for West Riding of Yorkshire. Address: Upwood, near Bingley, Yorkshire. Cargill, Thomas, son of William Cargill, Esq., 3 Framlington Place, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; born 24th May, 1840. Cayley, Arthur, son of Edward Cayley, Esq., Stamford ; born 16th April, 1840. August, 1853.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. »33 Chaplin, Richard Francis, son of Frederick Chaplin, Esq., Tathwell Hall, Louth, Lin- colnshire ; born 19th October, 1841. Bayly. Cornet, 5th Dragoon Guards, i860; Lieutenant, 1862; Resigned, 1864. Was a Magistrate for Lin- colnshire, and Lieut. -Colonel, 3rd Battalion York- shire Regiment (2nd West York Militia). Died in London, 23rd January, 1888. Clifton, Frederick Charles, son of the Rev. C. Clifton ; born 2 1 st J anuary, 1 840. Coddington, Charles William, son of Captain Joshua W. Coddington, R.E., Grey Friars, Chester; born 15th September, 1842. Comyn, William Horatio, son of Stephen E. Comyn, Esq., M.D., 4 Berkeley Place, Clif- ton ; born 31st January, 1843. Re-entered College March, 1859. Indian Civil Service, 1861 ; appointed to Madras, 1862. Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Tin- nerelly, 1863-66 ; Head Assistant to Collector and Magistrate at Madura, 1866-67; ^nd at Trichinopoly, 1867-74 ; Sub-Collector and Joint Magistrate, Tine- velly, 1874-78 ; Collector and Magistrate, Trichino- poly, 1878 ; and at South Canara, 1878. Died at Sydney, New South Wales, 9th May, 1881. Cooke, Henry, son of George Cooke, Esq., So- licitor, Clifton ; born 29th March, 1842. Cotton, Benjamin Temple, son of Benjamin Cotton, Esq., Afton House, Yarmouth, Isle of Wight; born 8th January, 1840. Postmastership, Merton College, Oxford, 1857 ; 3rd Class Classical Moderations, i860. B.A. , 1861; M.A., 1864. Crawley-Boevey, Walter Daubeny, son of Sir Martin Hyde Crawley-Boevey, Bart., Flaxley Abbey, near Newnham ; born 13th April, 1841. Cross, William, son of William Cross, Esq., Solicitor, Prescot, Lancashire; born i8th November, 1838. Cuppage, Hamlet Wade, son of Edmund F. Cuppage, Esq., Clare Grove, Coolock, Dub- lin ; born 17th August, 1841. Modern Football XX., 1858. Ensign, 43rd Foot, 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1864 ; Captain, 1870 ; Retired, 1872. Served in the New Zealand Campaigns of 1864-65, and took part in the action at Gate Pah and Te Ranga, and at the defeat of the Maories on the 2ist June, 1864 (Medal). Davie, George Christopher, son of Charles C. Davie, Esq., Bishop’s Tawton, near Barn- staple ; born 17th May, 1841. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1858-60 ; Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, i860 ; Resigned, 1872. Davis, Samuel Clement, son of the Rev. Samuel Davis, Burrington Vicarage, near South Molton, Devon ; born 21st July, 1837. 3C — iC. Boyce. Left 1856. Scholarship, Gonville and Caius College, Cam- bridge, 1858, B.A. (7th in 2nd Class Classical Tripos), 1861; M.A. , 1864. Ordained Deacon, 1866, and Priest, 1867. Curate of St. Paul, Balls-Pond, Isling- ton, London ; of Burrington, Devon ; Diocesan In- spector of Schools ; Curate of Horsington, Somerset, 1870-73; of Torwood, 1873-74; Vicar of Axmouth, Devon, 1874. Address : The Vicarage, Axmouth. Dayman, Arthur Edward, son of the Rev. John Dayman, Vicar’s Hill Cottage, Lymington, Hants ; born 30th August, 1839. Dunn, George Frederick, son of J. Dunn, Esq., Solicitor; born 19th April, 1841. Day Boy. Dunn, Jonathan Williamson, son of — Dunn, Esq. ; born 9th April, 1843. Day Boy. Elliot, William Lonsdale, son of John Elliot, Esq., Rochdale; born 3rd May, 1844. Feilden, Henry Wemyss, son of Sir William Henry Feilden, Bart., Feniscowles Hall, near Blackburn ; born 6th October, 1838. loC — Queen's M. Clarke. Left, 1855. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1855. Ensign, 42nd Highlanders, 1856 ; Lieutenant, 44th Foot, i860 ; Resigned, 1861 ; Paymaster, Army Pay De- partment, 1868 ; Staff Paymaster (Honorary Major), i88i ; Chief Paymaster (Honorary Colonel), 1887. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign of 1857-58, with the 42nd Highlanders, including the actions at Cawnpore (6th December, 1857), Seraighat, Kudy- gunge, and Shumsabad, siege and fall of Lucknow, and assault of the Martiniere and Banks' Bungalow (Medal with clasp). Served with the 8th Punjab Regiment in the campaign of i860 in China, in- cluding the action of Sinho, taking of Tangku, and capture of the Taku Forts (Medal with clasp). Re- tired by sale of commission in 1861, and joined the Army of the Confederate States of America. Served in 1862 to the close of the American War as Assistant- Adjutant-General on the Staff of General Beauregard in the campaigns in Virginia, Georgia, South Caro- lina, &c. , &c, , and surrendered along with the Army of General J. E. Johnson to General Sherman in North Carolina, April 1865, the termination of the War. Re-entered the English Service as Adjutant of Reserve Forces in 1866, and subsequently joined the Army Pay Department. Selected by the Royal Society and appointed Naturalist to the Polar Expe- dition of 1875-76 under Captain Sir George Nares, K.C. B. (mentioned in despatches, Arctic Medal). Served with the 6th Inniskilling Dragoons in the Transvaal War of 1881. Fellow of the Geological, Geographical, Zoological, and other Societies. Address; West House, Wells, Norfolk. Folliott, James, son of the Rev. James Folliott, Stapeley House, Nantwich ; born 17th April, 1836. Foulkes, William Bennion, son of John Foulkes, Esq., Ashfield, near Wrexham ; born 24th May, 1840. Cornet, 5th Dragoon Guards, 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1863 ; Captain, 1869 ; Retired, 1871, Died 20th Oc- tober, 1872. Fox, Charles Michael, son of Edward Vigor Fox, Esq., Locking, Weston-super-Mare ; born 14th April, 1840. Ensign, 34th Foot, 1858 ; Lieutenant, 1861 ; Cap- ton, 1869; Retired, 1871. Glan'ville, Arthur Bedford, son of Captain William Fanshawe Glanville, R.N., Lans- . down Parade, Cheltenham; born i6th April, 1842. Day Boy. Died 1861. Goldie, Barrd John, son of — Goldie, Esq. ; born 6th April, 1840. Senior (Mathematical), Scholar, 1855. Addiscombe Military College. Lieutenant, Bengal Engineers, 1858 ; Captain, Royal Engineers, 1871; Major, 1881; Lieut. -Colonel, 1886. Executive Engineer, ist Grade, Department of Public Works, Military Works Branch, Umballa Division, India. Address : Care of Messrs. Henry S. King and Co., 45 Pall Mall, London, S.W. Henn-Gennys, William Richard Hall, son of Edmund Bastard Henn-Gennys, Esq., Whit- leigh Hall, near Plymouth ; born i8th May, 1841. Heyland, Alexander Samuel, son of Alexander Charles Heyland, Esq., Bengal Civil Service, 49 Leeson Street, Dublin ; born nth Octo- ber, 1839. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1853. 134 Hickson, Robert Atkins, son of William Murray Hickson, Esq., Careystown, Whitegate, Co. Cork; born 4th April, 1840. Hill, Rowley Richard Conway, son of Colonel Hugh Hill ; born 25th March, 1841. Ensign, 31st Foot, 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; Cap- tain, 1874; Major, 1881; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1881. Hore, Walter Stuart, son of Captain William Hore ; born 8th November, 1843. — 2C. Garrett and Day Boy. Ensign, Bombay Infantry, 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1864 ; Captain, 1871 ; Brevet-Major, July, 1881 ; Major, September, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1887. Is Commandant, 20th Bombay Native Infantry. Bri- gade-Major, Bombay, 1880-82 ; Deputy-Assistant- Adjutant-General, Bombay, 1882-85. Served with the Commissariat Department in the Abyssinian Ex- pedition in 1867-68 (Medal). Humphrys, Arthur, son of George Humphrys, Esq., Lemore, Eardisley, near Hereford ; born 24th January, 1837. Humphrys, George Washington, son of George Humphrys, Esq., Lemore, Eardisley, near Hereford ; born 8th May, 1839. Iredell, Francis Shrubb, son of Lieut.-Colonel Francis Macartney Iredell, H.E.I.C.S. ; born 20th May, 1837. India Direct — I 7 idia Direct. Boyne House. Ensign, Bombay Infantry, 1854 ; appointed to i6th Bombay Native Infantry, 1855 ; Lieutenant, 1856 ; Adjutant, 1861-64 1 Captain, 1864 ; Major, 1872; Lieut.-Colonel, 1873; Brevet-Colonel, 1880; Colonel, 1885 ; Major-General(Retired),i889. Deputy- Assistant-Quartermaster-General, Bombay, 1867-69 ; Assistant Cantonment Magistrate, Poona, 1869-72; Commandant, 14th Bombay Native Infantry, 1881-84. Served against the Wagheers in Kat- tywur, 1860-61. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, took part in the march from Quetta to the relief of Kandahar, affair at the Kojak Pass, com- manded Chamon Garrison throughout the siege of Kandahar, and commanded a Field Force in the Argandab Valley ; subsequently acted Assistant- Adju- tant-General to General Phayre’s Division (mentioned in despatches. Medal). When commanding the 14th Bombay Native Infantry he received the commenda- tion of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief, Bombay, “for his promptitude and cool and cou- rageous behaviour ’’ at the scene of a tragedy that occurred in the Lines of a Company of Sappers and Miners at Aden on 9th July, 1881. Jackson, Halkett Francis, son of Captain Robert H. S. Jackson ; born 23rd October, 1842. Ensign, 2nd West Indian Regiment, 1870 ; Lieu- tenant, 1871 ; transferred to 67th Foot, 1872 ; Adjutant, 1873-80 ; Captain on Half-Pay, 1880 ; appointed to Manchester Regiment, 1881 ; Brevet- Major, 1881 ; Lieut.-Colonel (Retired), 1884. Adju- tant of Auxilitary Forces, 1882-84. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, and was present in the en- gagement at Charasiab on the 6th October, 1879, and in the operations round Kabul in December, 1879, including the investment of Sherpore (Brevet of Major, Medal with two clasps). Served in the Egyptian War of 1882 with the 1st Battalion, Man- chester Regiment (Medal and Khedive’s Star). Jones, John Henry, son of Lieut.-Colonel Na- thaniel Jones, Bengal Army, i Leonard Place, Regent’s Park, London ; born 19th December, 1841. Jones, Nathaniel James, son of Lieut.-Colonel Nathaniel Jones, Bengal Army, i Leonard Place, Regent’s Park, London ; born 17th July, 1840. Jones, Thomas Egerton, son of — Jones, Esq.; born 2 1st August, 1839. Cricket XI. , 1858. Kane, Edward, son of Captain John Joseph Kane, Monmouth ; born ist May, 1837. Re- entry, vide January, 1849. Kennedy, Richard Grove, son of Evory Ken- nedy, Esq., M.D. ; born 25th November, 1841. King, Arthur William, son of William Poole King, Esq., i Rodney Place, Clifton ; born 3rd January, 1843. Knowles, Jonathan Yalden, son of Edmund Yalden Knowles, Esq., Farnham, Surrey ; born 5th SeptemlDer, 1840. Cricket XL, 1858-59. Modern Football XX., 1858. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, i86o-6i. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1861 ; Resigned, 1865. Died at Farnham, 20th September, 1865. Lamb, George, son of George Henry Lamb, Esq., Calcutta; born 3rd April, 1839. Direct Commission, 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Ar- tillery, June, 1858 : 1st Lieutenant, August, 1858 ; Captain, Royal Artillery, 1872; Major, 1879; Lieut.- Colonel (Retired), 1886. Lees, Francis Gerald, son of George Lees, Esq., 17 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 15th February, 1843. Day Boy. Ensign, 25th Foot, i860 ; Lieutenant, 1862 ; Re- tired, 1867 ; subsequently Lieut.-Colonel, 3rd Bat- talion, West Yorkshire Regiment (2nd West York Militia). Leir, Charles Edward, son of the Rev. William Marriott Leir, Ditchet Rectory, Somerset ; born 2nd September, 1842. Oriel College, Oxford, i86i. B.A., 1864; M.A., 1870. Ordained Deacon, 1865, and Priest, 1866. Curate of March, Cambridgeshire, 1865-67 ; of Steeple, 1867-71 ; of Aston, Herts, 1871-76 ; Rector of Charlton-Musgrove, Somerset, 1876-86. Address ; 14 Widcombe Crescent, Bath. Leir, Richard Langford (afterwards Leir-Carle- ton), son of the Rev. William Marriott Leir, Ditchet Rectory, Somerset ; born 24th August, 1841. Ensign, 39th Foot, 1859 ; Lieutenant, 31st Foot, 1864 ; Captain, 1868; Major, East Surrey Regiment, 1881 ; Lieut.-Colonel, North Lancashire Regiment, 1882 ; Colonel, 1886 ; Major-General (Retired), 1887. Instructor in Surveying, Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1869-82. Lewis, Herbert Edward, son of — Lewis, Esq. ; born nth March, 1839. Lewis, Henry Francis Peterkin, son of — Lewis, Esq. ; born i8th January, 1841. Long, Francis John Wakeman P., son of J. W. Long, Esq., Solicitor, Cheltenham ; born loth September, 1840. Luby, John Henry, son of the Rev. Thomas Luby, 43 Leeson Street, Dublin ; born 8th August, 1843. Lyon, Thomas Porter, son of E. B. Lyon, Esq. ; born 5 th August, 1841. McCormick, John Macneill, son of William McCormick, Esq., Londonderry, Ireland ; born 5th October, 1842. XI 1 C — .V/'*‘C. Clarke. Left 1855. Subsequently at Brighton College (1858-62), and Trinity College, Cambridge. Civil Engineer in Tas- mania. McCormick, James Steele, son of William McCormick, Esq., Londonderry, Ireland ; PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. August, 1853.] born 9th August, 1841. XI C— Queen's M. Clarke. Left 1856. Cricket XXII., 1856. Civil Engineer and Railway Contractor in Tasmania. McDowall, Charles, son of Robert McDowall, Esq., M.D., I Oriel Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 14th February, 1837. iC — iC Day Boy. Scholarship, University College, Oxford, 1856 ; Mathematical Exhibition, University College, 1857 ; ist Class Classical Moderations, 1858 ; ist Class Classical Final Schools, 1859. B.A. , 1859; M.A. , 1865; B.D. and D.D., 1882. Ordained Deacon, 1864, and Priest. 1865. Assistant-Master at Rossall School, 1861-65 ; Senior Assistant-Master at Malvern College, 1865-74; Head Master of Highgate Gram- mar School, 1874 ; Prebendary of St. Paul's Cathe- dral. London, 1883. Address ; School House, Highgate. London, N. MacGregor, Edward O’H., son of Robert G. MacGregor, Esq., 9 Old Jewry Chambers, London ; born 27th October, 1838. Majendie, William Francis Henry, son of the Rev. Stuart Majendie, Longdon, near Lich- field ; born 3rd August, 1842. Mammatt, John Edward, son of John S. Mammatt, Esq., Brook House, Knutsford, Cheshire ; born nth December, 1839. Marshall, John William, son of John Marshall, Esq., Lincoln ; born 31st March, 1839. Middleton, William Gambier, son of Colonel William Middleton, H.E.I.C.S., 17 Pittville Villas, Cheltenham ; born 13th January, 1843. \\C—iyM. Day Boy. Left June, i860. District Probate Registrar, Divorce and Admiralty Division for the County of Nottingham, 1880. Address : 4 Castle Place, Nottingham. Moilliet, Charles E., son of Theodore Moilliet, Esq., Studley, Warwickshire ; born 28th January, 1844. Moysey, Charles John, son of the Rev. Frederick Luttrell Moysey, Coomb St. Nicholas, Chard ; born i2th June, 1840. ^M—\M. Clarke and Southwood. Left 1855. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1855-57. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1857; Captain, 1867; Major, 1877; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1879; Lieut.- Colonel, July, 1883 ; Brevet-Colonel, November, 1883. C.M.G., 1884. Assistant-Inspector-General of Fortifications, War Office, since 1884. Served in the Zulu War of 1879, and was present at the battle of Ulundi (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lieut. - Colonel, Medal with clasp). Newall, Fraser, son David Rae Newall, Esq., Indian Navy, Ventnor, Isle of Wight ; born 26th September, 1837. Cricket XL, 1855. Ensign, 21st Bombay Native Infantry, 1856 ; Lieutenant, 30th Bombay Native Infantry, 1858 ; Captain, 109th Foot, 1862 ; trans- ferred to 8th Foot, 1863 : Retired, 1866. Died at Glyn Neath, i6th June, 1876. Newall, Marius Charles, son of David Rae Newall, Esq., Indian Navy, Ventnor, Isle of Wight ; born 24th September, 1839. 2nd Lieutenant, Bombay Artillery, June, 1858 ; ist Lieutenant, August, 1858 ; Captain, Royal Ar- tillery, 1867 ; Major, 1877 ; Lieut. -Colonel, January, 1884 ; Colonel (Retired), November, 1884. Adju- tant, Auxiliary Forces, 1872-77. Purcell, Richard Llewellyn, son of the Rev. William Purcell, Holm Wood, Westbury- upon-Trym, Bristol ; born 17th September, 1840. 13s Saunders, Charles Edward, son of James Sedg- wick Saunders, Esq., 3 Brecknock Cottages, Camden Town, London ; born 8th Novem- ber, 1843. Savile, William, son of the Hon. Henry Alex- ander Savile, London ; born 8th October, 1841. 8A/ — 3C. Southwood Clarke. St. John's College, Oxford, i860. Cornet, 9th Lancers, 1863 ; Lieutenant, 1865; Captain, 1867; Re- tired, 1870. Secretary of the Windham Club, London. Address ; Windham Club, St. James's Square, S.W. Scofield, Charles, son of Andrew Scofield, Esq. ; born 20th January, 1839. Seton, William Bowman, son of Lieut.-Colonel Bruce Seton, H.E.I.C.S., 7 Oxford Parade, Cheltenham ; born ist September, 1843. — iM. Day Boy. Addiscombe Military College. Ensign, Bombay Infantry, 1862 ; Lieutenant, 1864 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1868 ; Brevet-Captain, March, 1874 ; Captain, July, 1874; Major, 1882; Lieut.-Colonel, 1885. Served in the Afghan War in 1878-79, in- cluding the occupation of Kandahar and in the advance to Khelat-i-Ghilzie under Sir Donald Stewart (Medal). Died in London, i8th August, 1886. Sheppard, George Edmund, son of Thomas Byard Sheppard, Esq., Selwood Cottage, Frome; born 7th May, 1841. Wadham College, Oxford, 1859. B.A. , 1862; M.A., 1865. Ordained Deacon, 1864, and Priest, 1865. Curate of Whittingham, 1864-68 ; of Wol- verhampton, and Chaplain to the South Staffordshire General Hospital, 1868-70 ; Curate of All Saints, Shrewsbury, 1870-75. He entered the Brotherhood at Cowley, near Oxford, in 1875. Was sent in 1879 to Boston, U.S. A. , to work at the Society's Church of the Advent in that city, and at St. Clement’s, Philadelphia, and then as Missioner among the navvies engaged on the Canadian Pacific Railway; and in 1884 he was sent to the Cape, to assist in the mission to the Malays. He died in St. George's Hospital at Cape- town, of typhoid fever, contracted in nursing the patients, on the 28th of April, 1886, and was buried in St. Saviour's Chiuchyard, Claremont, South Africa. “Memorials of a Cowley Father: a short account of the life and work of George Edmund Sheppard,” has been published by Messrs. Hayes, of London. Smith, St. George Alexander, son of — Smith, Esq. ; born 26th January, 1841. Ensign, i8th Foot, 1858 ; Lieutenant, 1861 ; Cap- tain, 1870 ; Lieut.-Colonel (Retired), 1881. Smith, Thomas Johnson, son of Thomas Smith, Esq., Portland House, Cheltenham ; born 1 2th February, 1839. Day Boy. Somerville, Augustus, son of the Hon. and Rev. W. Somerville, Barford Rectory, War- wick; born 8th August, 1839. Stokes, Henry John, son of Charles C. Stokes, Esq., Redmarley, Ledbury ; born 24th March, 183S. Taylor, Morris Graham, son of — Taylor, Esq. ; born 26th September, 1840. Day Boy. Temple, John Alexander, son of Richard Temple, Esq., The Nash, near Worcester ; born 4th April, 1842. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, i860; Lieutenant, 1862; joined Bengal Staff Corps, i866 ; Captain, 1872 ; Major, 1880; Lieut.-Colonel, 1886. Deputy-Com- missioner, 2nd Class, Central Provinces. To'wnshend, Chambrd Corker, son of the Rev. Chambrd Corker Townshend, Derry, Ross- carbery, Co. Cork ; born 23rd July, 1838. [August, 1853. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. 136 Townshend, George Bennet, son of — Towns- hend, Esq. ; born 24th December, 18 — . Died at Singleton, New South Wales, 2nd Sep- tember, 1875. Turnbull, Charles Corbett, son of the Rev. Joseph Corbett Turnbull, 8 Bay’s Hill Villas, Cheltenham ; born — . Cricket XI., 1859-60-61. Classical Football XX., i860. Merchant in London. Address ; Cotswold, Fitzjohn's Avenue, Hamp- stead, N.W. Tynte, Fortescue Joseph, son of Joseph Pratt Tynte, Esq., Tynte Park, Dunlavin, Co. Wicklow ; born i8th June, 1841. Honorary Lieut. -Colonel, 3rd Battalion, Royal Dublin Fusiliers (Kildare Militia). Van Homrigh, Henry George, son of — Van Homrigh, Esq. ; born loth July, 1838. Waller, Christian, son of — Waller, Esq. ; born 15th October, 1842. Day Boy. Waller, George Frederick, son of Waller, Esq. ; born 1 5th September, 1 840. Day Boy. Was Manager of the Jygoonda Estate in Ceylon. When out fishing by torch-light on the ist June, 1876, on the Kiggutanand River at Coorg, Ceylon, his boat upset and he and his servant were drowned. Waller, Peter Adrianus, son of — Waller, Esq. ; born — April, 1 839. Day Boy. Wapshare, Henry Charles F., son of — Wap- share, Esq. ; born loth August, 1838. Coffee Planter, Gayton Park, Ootacamund, Ma- dras. Ward, Edward Robertson, son of — Ward, Esq. ; born 7th October, 1841. Ward, Samuel Henry James Charles, son of — Ward, Esq. ; born 15th June, 1843. Whipple, Arthur Leroux, son of John Whipple, Esq., Surgeon, Plymouth ; born 23rd De- cember, 1838. Lieutenant, 19th Foot. Died at Nynee Tal, East Indies, 9th September,' 1865. White, James Logan, son of the Rev. James White ; born 25th October, 1840. Young, Charles Lawrence, son of Sir William Lawrence Young, Bart., M.P., North Dean, Bucks ; born 31st October, 1839. Succeeded his brother as 7th Baronet in 1854. New College, O.xford, 1858. 4th Class Classical Final Schools, i860; B.A. , 1862. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1865. J. P. for Buckinghamshire. Appointed a Commissioner for inquiring into Law of Copyright, 1876. Vice-President of the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. Was a well-known amateur actor, and author of several plays, of which perhaps the best known is “Jim the Penman." Died at The Priory, Hatfield Peverel, nth September, 1887. ENTERED MICHAELMAS, 18^3. Corbett, Edward, son of Edward Corbett, Esq., Longnor Hall, near Shrewsbury ; born 7th February, 1843. J. P. for Shropshire. Address : Longnor Hall, .Shrewsbury. Corbett, Richard, son of Edward Corbett, Esq., Longnor Hall, near Shrewsbury ; born 9th May, 1844. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1861-63. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1863; Captain, 1876; Brevet-Major, 1881 ; Major, 1883. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid, and in the engage- ment at Ahmed Kheyl — dangerously wounded (men- tioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with two clasps). Dashwood, Robert Lewes, son of the Rev. Samuel Vere Dashwood, Stamford Hall, Loughborough ; born 9th February, 1840, 6C — 2C. Bayly. Left 1858. Cricket XXII. , 1857. Christ’s College, Cambridge. B.A., 1861 ; M.A. , 1867. Ordained Deacon, 1863, and Priest, 1864 ; Cuiate of Shalfleet, Isle of Wight, 1863-65; of Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, 1866; Rector of Stanford-on-Soar, 1877-81 ; Curate in charge of Sherfield-English, Hants, 1866. Address ; Sherfield-English Rectory, Romsey. Dunlop, George, son of Colin Robert Dunlop, Esq., Fullerton House, by Toleross, Glasgow; born 19th May, 1842. XIP'"^C — 2C. Boult- bee. Left April, 1859. Merchant. Finucane, Daniel, son of — Finucane, Esq. ; born 1 8th December, 1838. Fox, Cecil St. Clair, son of Richard Fox, Esq., Awbawn, Killeshandra, Ireland ; born 12th September, 1839. Hanson, Edward Kington, son of the Rev. J ohn Acton Hanson, Btirghill Vicarage, Hereford; born 14th February, 1839. 6C — 2C. Day Boy. Left March, 1858. Pembroke College, Oxford, 1858. B.A. , 1861; M.A. , 1864. .Ordained Deacon, 1863, and Priest, 1864. Curate of Crewkerne, 1863-65 ; of Cromhall, 1865-67; of Stoke Orchard, 1867-70; Curate in charge of Alvington, 1870-71 ; Vicar of Chepstow, 1871-74; Vicar of Stoke Mandeville with Buckland, 1874-79 \ Curate of Nunton, Wilts, 1880-83 ! Vicar of Maiden Bradley, Wiltshire, 1883. Address ; Maiden Bradley Vicarage, Bath. Hogg, Adam, son of — Hogg, Esq. ; born 23rd October, 1839. Ensign, 27th Bombay Native Infantry, May, 1857; Lieutenant, December, 1857 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1862; Captain, 1869; Major, 1877; Lieut.- Colonel, 1883. Served in the China 'U'^ar in 1S62-65 ; also in the Afghan War of 1879-81 (Medal). Kennedy, George Marius, son of Lieut.-Colonel John P. Kennedy, 54 Torrington Square, London; born July, 1841. Cricket XL, 1859-60-61. Ladies’ Prize (Athletic Sports), i860. Racquet Champion, i860. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1861-63. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1864. Died at Secunderabad, East Indies, 6th March, 1869, from sunstroke and ex- posure while on a tiger-hunting expedition. Mulbolland, St. Clair Kelburn, son of St. Clair Kelburn Mulholland, Esq., Eglentine, Hills- borough, Belfast ; born June, 1840. Died at Sorrento, Italy, April, 1861. Mytton, Henry Whitehead, son of Richard Herbert Mytton, Esq., Bengal Civil Ser'vice, Garth, near Welshpool ; born i6th Septem- ber, 1840. Steele, George Baghot, son of — Steele, Esq. ; born loth December, 1836. Michaelmas, 1853.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. '37 Sumner, George, son of the Rev. James Sum- ner, Shrigley, Macclesfield ; born 22nd April, 1838. Scholarship, Lincoln College, Oxford, 1856 ; B. A., i860. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, i868. Address: 2 Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, Lon- don, W.C. Whinfield, Charles William, son of the Rev. Edward T. Whinfield, Woodleigh, near Brad- ford, Wilts ; born 23rd May, 1840. 8C — \M. Garrett. Left February, 1858. Passed into Royal Military College, Sandhurst, January, 1858, and into Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, July, 1858. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1859 ; Captain, 1872 ; Major, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1883. Address ; Wyeville, Ross, Herefordshire. Wilsby, Thomas Swift, son of William Wilsbv, Esq., Monmouth ; born 5th November, 1838. Worgan, John Berney, son of the Rev. John Hartland Worgan, Coltham House, Charlton Kings; born 26th December, 1836. Day Boy. Silver (Classical) Medallist, 1856. Indian Civil Service, 1856. Assistant to Magistrate and Collector, .Sarum, 1858-62. In charge of Sub-division of Bara- set, 1862. Joint Magistrate and Deputy Collector, 2nd Grade, 24 Pergunnahs, 1864-65 ; at Rungpore, 1866-68. Magistrate and Collector, 1866-68. Magis- trate and Collector, Purneah, 1868-74 1 Hooghly, 1874 ; at Rungpore, 1877. District and Sessions Judge, Dinagepore, 1877-78 ; at Sarum and Cham- poorum, 1878-79 : at Shahabad, 1879-83, in Bengal, 1883-88 ; at Cuttack, 1888. ENTERED JANUARY, 1854. Allaway, William Augustus Hamilton Kinnario, son of Stephen Allaway, Esq., Pencraig Court, Ross, Herefordshire ; born 24th August, 1844. Annesley, Charles Henry, son of the Rev. William Annesley, Elm Lodge, Charlton Kings ; born 23rd July, 1840. Day Boy. Wadham College, O.xford, 1859. B.A., 1863 ; M.A., 1866. Ordained Deacon, 1864, and Priest, 1865. Curate of Wonston, 1864 ; of Micheldever, Hants, 1865 I of St. Matthew, Bristol, 1866-69. Address : Clifton, Bristol. Annesley, Oliver Francis Theodore, son of the Rev. William Annesley, Elm Lodge, Charlton Kings ; born 2nd January, 1842. Day Boy. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1863 ; Captain, 1876; Major, 1883. Atkinson, Lionel Wentworth, son of the Rev. George James Atkinson, Kettlethorpe Rec- tory, Newark ; born 23rd March, 1842. Badeley, Edward, son of — Badeley, Esq. ; born 1st July, 1840. Badeley, John, son of John Carr Badeley, Esq.; Guy Hailings, Chelmsford ; born 12th August, 1839. 7C — iC. Day Boy. Left 1857. Previously at Eton College. Barrett-Lennard, Robert, son of Charles Bar- rett-Lennard, Esq., Surbiton, Surrey ; born 1 8th April, 1840. Borlase, Henry, son of — Borlase, Esq. ; born 15th March, 1840. Day Bey. Bushell, William Done, son of William Done Bushell, Esq., Cardiff; born loth Novem- ber, 1838. sC^ — iC. Price and Birkett. Left July, 1857. Winner of the Gold Medal for Classics given by the Local Committee of the British Association on their visit to Cheltenham in 1857. Scholarship, St. John’s College, Cambridge, 1857. Wood Exhibi- tioner, 1858-60. B.A. (7th Wrangler and 17th in 2nd Class Classical Tripos), 1861 ; M.A. , 1864. Fellow of St. John’s, 1862. Ordained Deacon, 1864, and Priest, 1866. Assistant Master at Harrow School, 1866. Address : Harrow School, Harrow-on-the-Hill. Campbell, John George, son of Major John Campbell, H.E.I.C.S., i8 Cambray, Chel- tenham; born 1 2th October, 1838. Day Boy. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, February, 1856 ; ap- pointed to 15th Bengal Native Infantry, May, 1856 ; Lieutenant, 1858 ; Captain, 1865 ; Major, 1871 ; Lieut. -Colonel, Bengal Infantry, 1882; Colonel, 1884. Served with the 3rd Bengal Europeans during the Indian Mutiny of 1857-58, including the opera- tions at Shereghur Ghat in May, 1858, and with the column from Agra towards Gwalior in June, 1858 (Medal). Served with the 30th Punjab Infantry in the Bhootan Campaign of 1864-65, and was present at the captures of Chamoorchi, Bala, and Nagoh (Medal with clasp). Close, John Douglas, son of Major J. M. Close, R.A., Wellington Square, Hastings ; born 4th October, 1841. Coxwell, William Charles Rogers, son of the Rev. William Rogers Coxwell, Charlton Kings ; born 20th March, 1842. Day Boy. Curtis, Ernest Henry, son of — Curtis, Esq. ; born 1 2th April, 1842. Curtis, Walter Charles, son of — Curtis, Esq. ; born 4th July, 1844. Day, Robert Fitzgerald, son of the Rev. John F. Day, Beaufort, Killarney, Ireland ; born 15th November, 1840. Delafosse, Charles Edward, son of — Delafosse, Esq. ; born 24th July, 1838. Addiscombe Military College. 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Artillery, 1857 ; ist Lieutenant, 1858 ; Cap- tain, Royal Artillery, 1866. Died at Weston-super- Mare, 24th May, 1868. De Wend, William Fenton, son of Captain James Douglas De Wend, Northampton ; born 7th August, 1840. Fagan, George Henry William, son of Lieut. - Colonel Christopher George Fagan, Bengal Cavalry; born nth September, 1841. XP’^'^C — 6C. Beaufort House. Left December, 1855- Addiscombe Military College. Ensign, 2nd Bombay Native Infantry, 1857; Lieutenant, i860; Captain, 1867 ; Major, 1871 ; Lieut. -Colonel, Bom- bay Infantry, 1872 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1878 ; Colonel, 1884; Major-General, 1887. Took part in the pursuit of Tantia Topee in the Indian Mutiny Campaign, 1858-59. Address : Lincoln House, Broad Green, Croydon, Surrey. Fitzherbert, Edward Herbert, son of Edward Herbert Fitzherbert, Esq., Barrister, 7 Mont- pellier Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 7th De- cember, 1845. Day Boy. Ensign, 4th Foot. 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1870; Adju- tant, 1876-78 ; Captain, 1878 ; Major, Royal Lan- caster Regiment, 1881. T 138 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1854. Fox, Samuel William Darwin, son of the Rev. William Darwin Fox, Delamere Rectory, Chester; born 4th July, 1841. Wadham College, Oxford, 1861. B.A., 1864; M.A. , 1869. Ordained Deacon, 1865, and Priest, 1866. Curate of St. Paul, Manningham, Bradford, 1865-67 ; Curate of St. Augustine, Halifax, 1867-74 ; Rector of St. Peter, Lymni (2nd Mediety), 1874-78 ; .Secretary, Church of England Parochial Mission Society, and of the Aitken Memorial Fund, 1878-87 ; Vicar of St. Paul, Maidstone, Kent, 1887. Address ; St. Paul’s Vicarage, Maidstone. Fursdon, Ellsworth, son of the Rev. Edward Fursdon, Dawlish ; born 22nd February, 1841. Ensign, 9th Foot, 1858 ; Lieutenant, i86i. Died at Hong Kong, i8th October, 1865. Gambier, James William, son of the Rev. Samuel James Gambier, Ashley House, Cheltenham ; born i6th June, 1841. 7C — 5C. Day Boy. Left April, 1855. Naval Cadet, 1855 ; Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Navy, 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1863 ; Commander (Retired), 1873. Served in the Flying Squadron in the Baltic during the Russian War in 1854-55 (Medal). Served in the Naval Brigade in New Zealand, present in several engagements, in command of field-piece, 1860-61 (Medal). Has been employed on several occasions as ' ' Times ” correspondent, and for the “ Illustrated London News." Gladstone, Robert Francis, son of Robert Gladstone, Esq., Highfield, Manchester. Address : Raleigh Club, Regent Street, London, S.W. Green, John Hugh, son of William Abbott Green, Esq., Surgeon, H.E.I.C.S., Bengal ; born 15th June, 1841. Ensign, 89th Foot, ist July, 1859 ; transferred to 6oth Foot, 29th July, 1859 ; Lieutenant, Bengal Staff Corps, 1866 ; Captain, 1871 ; Major, 1879 ; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1885 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1885. Commandant, 12th Bengal Cavalry. Served in the Abyssinian War in 1868 (Medal). Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80, and was present at the capture of the Pei war Kotal, the engagement at Charasiab on the 6th October, 1879, and in the operations round Kabul in December, 1879, including the investment of Sherpore and the engagement at Lataband (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lieut. -Colonel, Medal with three clasps). C.B., 1889. Green, William Robert, son of William Abbott Green, Esq., Surgeon, H.E.I.C.S., Bengal; born 8th October, 1842. Grimshaw, William Frederick Stanfield, son of William Grimshaw, Esq., Albany Terrace, Worcester ; born 5th June, 1838. Hare, Charles Bowles, son of Charles Bowles Hare, Esq., Clifton ; born 6th June, 1841. 8C — 3C. Turnhdl. Left December, 1858. High Sheriff, City of Bristol, 1878-79. J. P. for City of Bristol. Merchant in Bristol. Address : Clarence House, Clifton, Bristol. Heathcote, Charles Graham, son of Henry Spencer Heathcote, Esq.,Westerham, Seven- oaks, Kent ; born 28th November, 1836. India Direct — India Direct. Clarke. Modern Football XX., 1854. Ensign, 98th Foot, 1856 ; Lieutenant, i860 ; Captain, 1865 ; Brevet- Major, May, 1878 ; Major, September, 1878 ; Lieut.- Colonel, North Staffordshire Regiment, 1881 ; Colonel, 1885. Commanding, Regimental District, Lichfield, 1887. Served with the Zhob Valley Ex- pedition in 1884. Heneage, Frederick William, son of George Fieschi Heneage, Esq., Hainton, near Wragby, Lincolnshire; born 17th July, 1843 - Royal Military Academy. Woolwich, 1860-62. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1862 ; Captain. 1874. Commanded the detachment of Royal Engineers in the Red River Expedition of 1870 from Canada under Sir Garnet Wolseley. Served in the Zulu War in South Africa in 1879 (Medal with clasp). Died at New York, 31st October, 1881. Heneage, George Robert, son of George Fieschi Heneage, Esq., Hainton, near Wragby, Lincolnshire ; born 21st November, 1841. Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Navy, 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1862 ; Retired, 1875. Hills, George Scott, son of James Hills, Esq., 21 Finchley New Road, London; born 7th August, 1839. Price. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1857 ; appointed to 38th Bengal Native Infantry, 1858 ; Lieutenant, 1858 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1863 ; Captain, 1869 ; Major, 1877 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1883 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1887. Commandant, 28th Bengal Native Infantry. Took part in the Cossyah Hills Campaign in 1862- 63. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, and was present in the engagement at Mattoon, affair in Karatiga defile, occupation of Kabul, operations around Kabul in December, 1879, including the investment of Sherpore (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Howard, William Stuart, son of John Henry Howard, Esq., 7 Bays Hill Villas, Chelten- ham ; born i6th March, 1840. Day Boy. Hudleston, William Andrew, son of R. B. Hudleston, Esq., North Aban Court, Chel- tenham ; born 7th March, 1843. Day Boy. Inglis, Frederick Lister, son of Henry Inglis, Esq., 29 Great St. Helens, London; born 3rd September, 1839. James, Lionel Henry Septimus, son of C. B. James, Esq., Mount Pleasant, Torquay ; born 17th May, 1842. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1857. Direct Com- mission, Lieutenant, Bengal Artillery, 1858 ; Cap- tain, 1872 : Major, 1880 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1887. Served in the Afghan War in 1879 (Medal). James, William Parry, son of John Taubman William James, Esq., Claremont House, Cheltenham ; born 6th August, 1839. Day Boy. Ensign, loth Foot, 1858. Died at Swansea, 23rd December, 1858. McFarlan, John, son of David McFarlan, Esq., H.E. I.C.S., 6 Randolph Crescent, Edinburgh ; born 4th November, 1836. Mellish, Charles, son of — Mellish, Esq. ; born 13th March, 1839. Merewether, Robert, son of the Rev. Francis Merewether, Woolhope, Herefordshire ; born 9th June, 1843. Millett, Edward Waugh, son of Charles Millett, Esq., Maiden Erlegh, Reading; born 13th March, 1842. Murray, Francis Rodney, son of the Rev. David R. Murray, Brampton Brian, Ludlow ; born 29th March, 1838. Newman, Benjamin Harding, son of — New- man, Esq. ; born 26th May, 1842. Day Boy. Oliver, Edward Dudley, son of John Dudley Oliver, Esq., Cherry Mount, Rathdrum, Ireland ; born 25th June, 1837. Ensign, 51st Foot, 1856; Lieutenant, 1858: Cap- tain, 1865. Died at Nundkote, Punjab, India, ist .August, 1865. January, 1854.] 139 PRINCIPAL; REV. W. IJOB.SON, M.A. Oliver, Henry James, son of John Dudley Oliver, Esq., Cherry Mount, Rathdrum, Ireland ; born 5th July, 1838. Ensign, 22nd Foot, 1858; Lieutenant, i860; Captain, 1867 ; Retired, 1868. Died, 1879. Osborne-Gibbes, Robert, son of Sir Samuel Osborne-Gibbes, Bart. ; born 21st July, 1838. Died, 1864. Packman, Cyrus Hugh Darken, son of John D. V. Packman, Esq., M.D., Puckeridge, Herts; born 17th September, 1837. 2C — iC. Day Boy. Left 1856, Scholarship, Clare College, Cambridge, 1858 ; Johnson E.xhibitioner, 1859; B.A., i860; M.A., 1866. 2nd Master at Bath Grammar School, 1863- 65. Curate of Grassendale, Lancashire, and Assis- tant Master at Liverpool College, 1865-72 ; Rector of St. Bartholomew, Grahamstown, 1873. Address : St. Bartholomew's Rectory, Grahams- town, South Africa. Pierson, James Frederick, son of Charles Pier- son, Esq., 3 Blenheim Parade, Cheltenham ; born 6th November, 1840. Day Boy. Direct Commission, 2nd Lieutenant, Madras Ar- tillery, 1858 ; ist Lieutenant, 1858 ; Captain, Royal Artillery, 1868; Major, 1875; Lieut. -Colonel, 1882; Colonel (Retired), 1882. Address : 26 The Avenue, Eastbourne. Pierson, William Henry, son of Charles Pierson, Esq., 3 Blenheim Parade, Cheltenham ; born 23rd November, 1839. Day Boy. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1855. Winner of Gold Medal for Mathematics presented by the Local Committee of the British Association on their visit to Cheltenham in 1857. Head of Modern, 1856-57. Addiscombe Military College (Passed out First Engineer ; Prizes ; Pollock Medal, First Mathe- matical, First Military Drawing, First Military Sur- veying). Lieutenant, Bengal Engineers, 1858 ; Captain, Royal Engineers, 1871 ; Major, 1880. Took part in the Sikkim Expedition in 1861 (men- tioned in despatehes, and thanked by the Govern- ment of India). Commanded the Royal Engineers in the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition, and on returning with the Force died from the effects of exposure at Bunnoo, Punjab, on the 2nd June, 1881. Pipon, James Clement Collier, son of Colonel James Kennard Pipon, Noirmount, Jersey; born 28th March, 1842, 6C — iC. South- wood, Left June, i860. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1856. Cricket XXII., i860. Scholarship, Lincoln College, Oxford, i860. 3rd Class Classical Moderations and 3rd Class Mathematical Moderations, 1862; B.A. , 1864; M.A. , 1870. Ordained Deacon, 1868, and Priest, 1869. Curate of Brownsover, Warwickshire, 1869 ; of Braunston, Northamptonshire, 1870 ; Licensed Preacher, Diocese of Chester, 1872 ; Honorary Minor Canor of Chester Cathedral, 1878. Address : Arnold House, Llanddulas, Abergele, North Wales. Poynter, Charles, son of — Poynter, Esq. ; born 24th March, 1839. Day Boy. Poynter, George Furbrace Boyes, son of — Poynter, Esq.; born 25th December, 1840. Day Boy. Poynter, James Benj'amin, son of — Poynter, Esq. ; born 12th November, 1842. Ramsay, John, son of Sir Alexander Ramsay, Bart., 2 Montpellier Parade, Cheltenham ; born 30th June, 1843. — . Day Boy. Left June, i860. Head of Modem, June, i860. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1860-62. Lieutenant Royal Engineers, 1862 ; Captain, 1875 ; Retired, 1881. Address ; Fareham, Hampshire. Ribton, George William, son of Sir John Shcppey Ribton, Bart., Woodbrook, Bray, Co. Wicklow ; born i6th August, 1842. Cricket XL, 1859. Modern Football XX., 1858- 59. Succeeded his father as 4th Baronet in 1877. Address : Woodbrook, Bray, Co. Wicklow. Richards, George John, son of the Rev. John William Richards, The Close, Salisbury ; born 22nd December, 1837. Scholarship, Brasenose College, Oxford, 1856. 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1858; B.A., i860. Indian Civil Service, 1859 ; appointed to Bengal, 1861. Died at Calcutta, ist August, 1862. Roberts, Howland, son of John Roberts, Esq., Borzell, Hurst Green, Sussex; born 25th February, 1842. Royal Military Academy, Woohvich, 1860-62. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1863 ; Captain, 1876 ; Major, 1882 ; Retired, 1889. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80, and was present in the engagements at Ahmed Khey and Urzoo, near Ghuznee (Medal with clasp). Spence, James Knox, son of — Spence, Esq. ; born loth December, 1844. Passed into Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, in 1861, but did not proceed there. Indian Civil Service, 1864 ; appointed to Bombay, 1865. Assis- tant to Collector and Magistrate, Sattara, 1866-73 ; at Poonah, 1873-75 ; and at Surat, 1875-78. ist Assistant Collector and Magistrate, Tanna, 1878-82 ; at Sholapur, 1882-83 ! Bombay, 1883-85. Col- lector and Magistrate and Political Agent, Kolaba, since 1885, also District Registrar, 1887. Steele, Matthew, son of Matthew Steele, Esq., Demerara ; born 7th September, 1838. Day Boy. Stone, William Harry, son of Edward Gresley Stone, Esq., Chambers Court, near Tewkes- bury ; born 30th August, 1840. Ensign, 4th Foot, 1858 ; Lieutenant, 1862 ; Cap- tain (Resigned), 1865. Address : 42 Landsdown Crescent, Cheltenham. Straton, Richard George, son of John Straton, Esq., Seatown Place, Dundalk, Ireland ; born 9th July, 1841. Taylor, Domville Mascie, son of Robert Mascie Taylor, Esq., Christleton, Chester ; born 22nd September, 1843. Ensign, 27th Foot, 1863 ; Lieutenant, 1869 ; Cap- tain, 1871 ; Major, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, 1880; Lieut. -Colonel, 1884; Colonel (Retired), 1888. Address ; Tyn Llwyn, Corwen, Merionethshire. Verner, William Henry, son of William. Verner, Esq., Carrickfergus, Ireland ; born 19th July, 1842. Indian Civil Service, i86i ; appointed to Bengal, 1863. Assistant-Magistrate and Collector, Beer- bhoom, 1864-65 ; Assistant-Commissioner, Bootan Dooars, 1865-66; Assistant-Magistrate and Collector, Midnapore, 1866-67, and 24 Pergunnahs, 1867-69 ; at Rajshahye, 1869-73 ; 24 Pergunnahs, 1873-74. Joint Magistrate and Deputy-Collector, 24 Pergun- nahs, 1874-80. District and Sessions Judge, Bengal, since 1880. Wardroper, Henry Timins, son of the Rev. Charles Wardroper, 9 Cambray, Chelten- ham ; born 2nd January, 1842. Day Boy. Warren, Charles, son of Major-General Sir Charles Warren, K.C.B., Colonel of 96th Regiment ; born 7th February, 1840. i,M — a,M. Clarke. Left June, 1854. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1854, and Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1855-57. Lieu- tenant, Royal Engineers, 1857 ; Captain, 1869 ; Major, 1878; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1878; Lieut.- 140 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1854. Colonel, 1884 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1882 ; Colonel, 1889. Conducted explorations of Palestine and excavations at Jerusalem, 1867-70; Her Majesty’s Special Com- missioner to settle Boundary Line, Orange Free State, Griqualand West, 1876 (received the thanks of the Orange Free State Government's Legislative Council, Griqualand West, C.M.G.)', Special Com- missioner to settle Land Question of Griqualand West, 1877 ; Special Commissioner to investigate Native Questions in Bechuanaland, 1878 ; Adminis- trator of Griqualand West, 1879 ; Instructor of Sur- veying, School of Military Engineering, Chatham, 1880-82 ; Major-General (local rank) on the Staff in Egypt, 1886 ; Chief Commissioner of the Metro- politan Police, 1886-88 (IC.C.B .) ; Colonel command- ing the troops in the Straits Settlements (with local rank of Major-General), 1889. Served in South Africa during the suppression of the Kaffir outbreak in 1877-78 with local rank of Lieut. -Colonel, in command of the Diamond Fields Horse, and took part in several actions (Brevet of Lieut. -Colonel). Commanded part of the Griqualand West Field Force, and was Chief of the Staff in the Griqua War in 1878 ; raised and organized Volunteer Forces for assistance of the Transvaal and Natal, and was pre- sent at numerous engagements and skirmishes with the natives (several times mentioned in despatches ; commended in the Governor's despatches for " energy, ability, and resource displayed under most trying circumstances ” ; thanked by Her Majesty’s Government, the Provincial Legislature, and the Government of Cape Colony ; Medal with clasp). Specially employed under the Admiral Commander- in Chief in command of an Expedition into Arabia Petrsea, despatched during the Egyptian War of 1882 for the purpose of restoring the authority of the Khedive, and in bringing to justice the mur- derers of Professor Palmer and his party (thanked by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty ; W.C.Af.G., Medal, 3rd Class Medjidie, and Khedive’s Star). Commanded the forces in the Bechuanaland Expedition in 1884-85 (G.C.M.G.). President of the Cheltonian Society, 1886-87. Life Member of the Council of Cheltenham College, 1889. Author of “ Underground Jerusalem,” "The Temple and the Tomb,” " The Land Question of Griqualand West ” (Blue Book), and other works. Address: Junior United Service Club, London, S.W. Warren, William, son of Major-General Sir Charles Warren, K.C.B., Colonel of the 96th Regiment ; born 8th November, 1841. Watkins, Frederick William, son of the Rev. Frederick William Watkins, Thryberg, near Rotherham; born 5th September, 1841. Price. Left i860. Modern Football XX. , 1859. Royal Military Aca- demy, Woolwich, 1860-62. Lieutenant, Royal En- gineers, 1862. Died at Barrow Green House, Oxted, Surrey, of Gibraltar fever, 17th September, 1874. Whitworth, Charles James, son of — Whit- worth Esq, ; born 6th October, 1841. Day Boy. Wood, Albert Charles, son of Frederick Henry Wood, Esq., Hollin Hall, near Ripon ; born 23rd November, 1841. Ensign, 79th Foot, 1859 ; Lieutenant, 1861; trans- ferred to 8th Hussars, 1864 ; Captain, 1868 ; Re- tired, 1869. Address ; Hollin Hall, near Ripon. Wood, Edmund George, son of Captain Her- bert William Wood, H.E.I.C.S., Painswick Lawn House, Cheltenham ; horn 20th No- vember, 1 843. Day Boy. ENTERED EASTER, 1854. Borradaile, George William, son of Harry Borradaile, Esq., Bombay Civil Service, Hazel Bank, Great Malvern ; born 13th June, 1838. Direct M — ^M. Bayly. Left June, 1854. Addiscombe Military College, 1854-57. 2nd Lieu- tenant, Bombay Artillery, 1857 ; ist Lieutenant, 1858; Captain, Royal Artillery, 1865; Major, 1875: Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, July, 1882 ; Lieut. -Colonel, October, 1882 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1886. Assistant- Adjutant-General of Artillery, Bombay, 1884-89. Commanded N Battery, A Brigade, Royal Horse Artillery, in the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, C.B., Medal with clasp, 3rd Class Medjidie, and Khedive’s Star). Bridger, John Huntingford, son of John Bridger, Esq., Barrister, Halnaker, near Colchester ; born 13th August, 1839. Clarkson, Thomas Reeder, son of Ebenezer Thomas Clarkson, Esq., Solicitor, Caine, Wiltshire ; born 19th August, 1836. Ensign, 68th Foot, 1854 ; Lieutenant, 1855 ; Cap- tain, 7th Fusiliers, 1866 ; Retired, 1867. Served with the 68th Light Infantry in the Crimean War from 6th September, 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served in the New Zealand War of 1864-65 (Medal). Cripps, Edward Montague, son of George Hinde Cripps, Esq., Devonport Street, Hyde Park, London ; born 8th February, 1839. Croome, Frederick Henry, son of I homas C. Croome, Esq., Solicitor, Cainscross, near Stroud ; born 14th April, 1840. Da'vds, George Henry James, son of — Davis, Esq. ; born 3rd January, 1839. Was in War Office, London. Died 10th Novem- ber, i860. Edlin, Edwin Holberton, son of — Edlin, Esq. ; born 2nd November, 1839. Milne-Home, David, son of David Milne- Home, Esq.; born 25th September, 1838, 3C — iC. Boultbee. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1861. Edin- burgh University. J. P. and D. L. for Berwickshire. Cornet, Royal Horse Guards, 1862 ; Lieutenant, 1865; Captain, 1868; Major, 1881; Brevet-Lieut. - Colonel, April, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel, July, 1881 ; Colonel, 1885 ; on Half-Pay, 1887. Served with the Royal Horse Guards in the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present in the engagements at El Magfar and Mahsama, and in the action at Kassassin on the 28th August (Medal, 4th Class Osmanieh, and Khe- dive’s Star). President of Cheltonian Society, 1883- 84. Triennial Member of Council of Cheltenham College, 1884. Address : Milne Graden House, Coldstream, N.B. Pollock, John Graham, son of Matthew Baillie Pollock, Esq.; born 15th November, 1841. 6 C — zM. Day Boy. Left 1857. Addiscombe Military College, 1857-59. Lieu- tenant, Madras Artillery, 1859 ; Captain, Royal Ar- tillery, 1872 ; Major, 1878 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1885 ; Colonel, 1889. Staniland, James Meaburn, son of Meabum Staniland, Esq., Skirbeck, Boston, Lincoln- shire ; born 28th August, 1841. August, 1854.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 141 ENTERED AUGUST, 1854. Alleyne, James, son of — Alleyne, Esq. ; born 13th May, 1842. Day Boy. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1862 ; Captain, 1875; Adjutant, 1877-79 I Brevet-Major, 1879 ; Major, 1882; Brevet- Lieut. -Colonel, 1882; Colonel, 1885. Brigade-Major, Royal Artillery, Aldershot, 1882 ; Deputy-Assistant -Adjutant and Quarter -Master- General, Expeditionary Force, Egypt, 1882; Brigade- Major, Royal Artillery, Aldershot, 1882-84 i Deputy- Assistant-Adjutant and Quarter -Master-General, Egypt, August to October, 1884 ; Assistant-Adjutant and Quarter-Master-General, Egypt, 1884-85 ; Assis- tant-Adjutant-General, Woolwich District, 1886. Served in command of the Detachment of Royal Artillery and 7-pounder mountain guns, which ac- companied the Red River Expedition from Canada in 1870. Served in the Zulu War of 1879, and was present at the battle of Ulundi (mentioned in des- patches, Brevet of Major, Medal with clasp). Served in the Egyptian War of 1882 as Deputy-Assistant- Adjutant and Quarter-Master-General on the Lines of Communication and Base, and was present in the engagement at Tel-el-Mahuta and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lieut. -Colonel, Medal with clasp, 4th Class Os- manieh, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 as Director of River Trans- port and Assistant-Adjutant and Quarter-Master- General at Head-Quarters, and was present at the action of Kirbekan in command of a detached force (twice mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Colonel, two clasps). Bannatyne, Mark, son of Andrev/ Bannatyne, Esq., Solicitor, Glasgow ; born 24th Decem- ber, 1840. Barber, Charles Allen, son of Charles Barber, Esq., Waddon, Croydon ; born 2nd March, 1842. Bayly, Launcelot Peter, son of John Bayly, Esq., Debsborough, near Nenagh, Co. Tip- perary ; born 9th February, 1842. Day Boy. Died 17th August, 1855. Beauchamp, Clayton Scudamore, son of William Beauchamp, Esq., Surgeon, Madras Army, 38 Montpelier Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 24th April, 1 842. Day Boy. Head of Modern (equal with H. Trotter), June, 1858. Addiscombe Military College (Passed in ist in order of merit, i860, and passed out First En- gineer, 1861; Prizes: Pollock Medal, Fortification, Military Surveying, and Chemistry). Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1861 ; Captain, 1874 ; Major, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1886. Died at Hastings, 24th February, 1889. BengOUgh, Edward Stewart, son of George Ben- gough. Esq., The Ridge, near Wotton-under- Edge; born 24th July, 1839. Oriel College, Oxford, 1858. 3rd Class Mathe- matical Moderations, 18^ ; 4th Class Mathematical Final Schools, 1861 ; B.A., 1861 ; M.A., 1865, B.Mus. 1872. Ordained Deacon, 1863, and Priest, 1864. Curate of St. Mary, Kidderminster, 1863-66 ; of Weston-in-Gordano, 1866-68 ; of St. Thomas the Martyr, Oxford, 1868-73 > Chaplain and Precentor of King’s College, Cambridge, 1873-75 ! Rector of Hemingby, Lincolnshire, 1876. Address : Hemingby Rectory, Horncastle. Blackmore, Frederic Platt, son of Rev. John Blackmore, Ashford Vicarage, near Barns- taple ; born 23rd July, 1838. Blane, Robert Arthur, son of Archibald William Blane, Esq. ; born 23rd June, 1844. 12M — iM. Jelfs and Southwood. Left 1859. Ensign, 22nd Foot, 1863 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; Cap- tain, 1874 ; Major, Cheshire Regiment, February, 1883 ; transferred to The Royal Scots, April, 1883 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1887. Adjutant of Auxi- liary Forces, 1875-80. Brayne, Robert Thomas William, son of Henry Robert Brayne, Esq.,23 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born loth October, 1840. 4C’ — iC. Day Boy. Left 1858. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1855. Scholarship, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, 1864; B.A. (17th in 2nd Class Classical Tripos), 1866; M.A., 1874. Ordained Deacon, 1870, and Priest, 1873. Curate of Holy Trinity, Louth, 1870-71 ; of Chelten- ham, 1872-76 ; of St. Chad, Shrewsbury, 1876 ; of St. James, Edgbaston, 1876-79 ; of Shepton Mallet, 1879-84 ; of Norton-juxta-Kempsey, 1884. Address : Broomhall, Worcester. Bulley, Henry Ashburnham, son of — Bulley, Esq. ; born 15th March, 1841. Bullock, Edward Dennis, son of Thomas Henry Bullock, Esq., 2 York Place, Cheltenham ; born 3rd June, 1844. Day Boy. Re-entered College, February, 1857. Walker Theological Prize, 1863. Bullock, Robert, son of Thomas Henry Bul- lock, Esq., 2 York Place, Cheltenham ; born 14th June, 1842. ZM — Direct M. Day Boy. Left September, 1858. Ensign, Madras Infantry, 1858 ; appointed to 28th Madras Native Infantry, 1859; Lieutenant, 9th Madras Native Infantry, i860 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1862; Captain, 1870; Major, 1878; Lieut. - Colonel, 1884 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1888 ; Colonel, 1889. Deputy-Commissioner, 3rd Class, Oomrawuttee, Hy- derabad. Address: Care of Messrs. Praed and Co., 189 Fleet Street, London, E. C. Bullock, Stanley Henry, son of Thomas Henry Bullock, Esq., 2 York Place, Cheltenham ; born nth May, 1841. Day Boy. Carey, Charles de Jersey, son of John Carey, Esq., Ste. Heline, Guernsey ; born nth May, 1842. Cheatle, Henry Rowland, son of Thomas Cheatle, Esq., Surgeon, Burford, Oxford ; born 30th December, 1837. Clark, Gerard Collingwood, son of the Rev. George Clark, Cantley, near Doncaster ; born 6th November, 1845. Clarkson, Henry Marcy, son of Ebenezer T. Clarkson, Esq., Solicitor, Caine, Wiltshire ; born 1st December, 1840. Corrie, Edgar Ashton, son of William Byrom Corrie, Esq., 35 Lansdown Crescent, Chel- tenham ; born 4th January, 1843. Day Boy. Curtis-Hayward, John Frederick, son of John Curtis-Hayward, Esq., Quedgeley House, near Gloucester; bore 19th September, 1842. Ensign, 25th Foot, 1862 ; Lieutenant, 1865 ; Cap- tain, 1871 ; Major, King’s Own Borderers, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1883. Aide-de-Camp to Brigadier-General, Malta, 1868-69 I Brigadier- General, Aldershot, 1869-72 ; to General Officer Commanding Northern District, 1872-74; to General Officer Commanding Division, Aldershot, 1880-83. J. P. for Gloucestershire. Address : Quedgeley House, near Gloucester. Danyell, Arthur Charles Herbert Johnson, son of — Danyell, Esq. ; born 1st May, 1839. 142 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1854. Davies, William Henry, son of Henry Davies, Esq., Solicitor, Weston-super-Mare ; born i8th October, 1837. Eccles, Charles Vernon, son of — Eccles, Esq. ; born 20th August, 1843. Cricket XL, 1859-60. Ensign, Rifle Brigade, 1862 ; Lieutenant, 1866 ; Instructor of Musketry, 1872-73 ; Captain, 1873 ; Major, 1881. Aide-de- Camp to Governor and Commander-in-Chief, New Zealand, 1882-86. Edmonds, Arthur Jonathan, son of Orlando Edmonds, Esq., Stamford ; born 22nd Feb- ruary, 1 843. C — I C. Boyjie House. Scholarship, Clare College, Cambridge, 1863. B.A. (i6th in 3rd Class Classical Tripos), 1866 ; M.A. , 1869. Ordained Deacon, 1871, and Priest, 1872. Curate of Stroud, Gloucestershire, 1871-77 ; of Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, 1879-84 ; Vicar of Great Gransden, Huntingdonshire, 1884. Address : Great Gransden Vicarage, St. Neots. Edmonds, Robert, son of Orlando Edmonds, Esq., Stamford ; born 4th October, 1841. Elliott, Arthur Wilmot, son of the Rev. C. B. Elliott, F.R.S., Tattingstone, near Ipswich ; born 17th April, 1840. Addiscombe Military College (passed out First Engineer 1859 ; Prizes ; Pollock Medal, Sword, First Mathematical, First Hindustani, First Military Sur- veying). Resigned before joining the Indian Army. Elmhirst, Harry, son of William Elmhirst, Esq., Manor House, West Ashby, Horncastle ; born 22nd April, 1839. Cricket XL, 1857. Ensign, 9th Foot, 1858 ; Lieu- tenant, 53rd Foot, i860 ; Captain, 1865 ; Major, (Retired), 1877. Filgate, Leopold George Plantagenet, son of William Filgate, Esq., Lisrenny, Ardee, Ire- land ; born 20th August, 1843. — Civil M. Boyce. Left June, 1861. Cricket XXII., 1860-61. Address : Lisrenny, Ardee, Co. Louth, Ireland. Frith, Henry, son of Henry Frith, Esq., Ord- nance Office, Dublin Castle ; born 2nd May, 1840. Address : 29 Sisters Avenue, Clapham Common, Surrey. Garnett, Walter Emilius, son of Charles Gar- nett, Esq., Bonehill House, Fazeley; born 27th March, 1842. Gleig, George Jonathan, son of J. D. Gleig, Esq., Bay’s Hill Mansion, Cheltenham ; born 24th June, 1838. Day Boy. Re-entry, January, 1850. Glover, Herbert James, son of Thomas Glover, Esq., Smedley Hill, Manchester ; born 5th April, 1840. Gordon, William, son of Captain Charles Gor- don, 74th Bengal Native Infantry, 12 Rod- ney Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 6th Feb- ruary, 1843. Day Boy. Ensign, 73rd Highlanders, 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1863 ; Captain, 1867 ; Brevet-Major, Royal High- landers, 1880; Major, 1881; Lieut. -Colonel, 1886. Adjutant, Auxiliary P'orces, 1874-80. Hale, Joseph John Frost, son of Joseph Heaton Hale, Esq., Somerton Hall, Bury St. Ed- munds ; born 13th January, 1843. Day Boy. Hall, Charles Mackenzie, son of — Hall, Esq. ; born 1st September, 1843. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, i860; Lieutenant, 1862; Captain, 1870 ; Major, 1880; Lieut.-Colonel,’ 1887 ; Colonel (Retired), 1887. Served in the campaign on the North-West Frontier of India in 1863, including the capture of Umbeyla (Medal with clasp). Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80, and was present at the capture of the Peiwar Kotal, in the engagement at Charasiah on the 6th October, 1879 (mentioned in despatches), and in the operations around Kabul, 1879, including the investment of Sherpore (men- tioned in despatches. Medal with three clasps). Also served in the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in 1881 (mentioned in despatches). Harrison, William Lee Steere, son of — Har- rison, Esq. ; born 23rd January, 1840. Hay-Hill, Alsager, son of John David Hay-Hill, Esq., 31 Gloucester Place, Hyde Park, Lon- don ; born ist October, 1839. — iC. Price and Clarke. Left 1859. Previously at Brighton College, 1850-54. Scholar- ship, Trinity Hall, Cambridge, i860; Ll.B., 1862. President of Cheltonian Society, 1877-78. Author of " A Scholar’s Day Dream, Sonnets, and other Poems” ; “ Household Queen, and other Poems,” besides other works. Hodgson, Matthew, son of the Rev. John George Hodgson, The Vicarage, Croydon ; born i6th February, 1841. 6C — 7 .C. Newick House. Left J une, 1 859. Classical Football XX., 1858. Secretary of the Clergy Mutual Assurance Society. Address : Shirley Cottage, near Croydon. Hogg, Arthur Melville, son of Charles Hogg, Esq., 24 Landsdown Place, Cheltenham ; born 20th August, 1845. Boy. Re- entered College, February, 1857. Ensign, Bombay Infantry, 1861 ; transferred to 103rd Foot, 1862 ; Lieutenant, 1864 ; joined Bom- bay Staflf Corps, 1865; Captain, 1873; Major, 1881; Lieut. -Colonel, 1887. Is Commandant, 6th Bombay Cavalry. Brigade-Major, Bombay, 1879-81. Hogg, George Crawford, son of Charles Hogg, Esq., 24 Lansdown Place, Cheltenham ; born 1 3th September, 1 842. Day Boy. Re-entered College, February, 1857. Cornet, 2nd Bombay Cavalry, 1858 ; Lieutenant, i860; Brevet-Captain, 1870 ; Captain, 1873; Brevet- Major, 1878 ; Major, Bombay Cavalry, 1883 ; Lieut.- Colonel, 1884 ; Colonel, 1888. Commandant, 4th Bombay Cavalry. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, and was present in the engagement at Girishk, and in the defence of Kandahar, including the sortie on Deh Khojah (several times mentioned in despatches. Medal). Hogg, Theodore, son of Charles Hogg, Esq., 24 Lansdown Place, Cheltenham ; born 30th July, 1841. Day Boy. Howison, John, son of Major John Howison, Madras Army, 14 Pittville Villas, Chelten- ham ; born 27th December, 1838. Day Boy. Huddlestone, Thomas Creswick, son of Thomas C. Huddlestone, Esq., Newark-upon-Trent ; born loth March, 1845. Indian Civil Service, 1864 ; appointed to Bengal, 1865 ; Assistant-Commissioner, 3rd Class, Punjab, 1865-67. Died in India, 9th May, 1867. Hunt, John Lombard, son of — Hunt, Esq. ; born 5th January, 1841. Cornet, 7th Hussars, 1862 j Lieutenant, 1864 ; Captain, 1870 ; Major, 1881. Agent for Remounts, Bengal, since 1887. Jeffcock, Thomas William, son of Thomas Dunn Jeffcock, Esq., Mining Engineer, Woodside, Sheffield ; born i8th December, 1839. Jenkins, Richard Bowen, son of Richard David Jenkins, Esq., Solicitor, The Priory, Cardi- gan ; born 1st January, 1844. XIP'^^C — iC. Ga?-rett a.nd Green. Left June, 1862. College Football XX., 1861. Queen’s College, August, 1854.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. '43 Oxford, 1862. Rowed in the Trial Eights, 1864. B.A. , 1866; M.A. , 1869. Ordained Deacon, 1867, and Priest, 1868. Curate of St. Ishmael, 1867-69 ; of St. Peter, Carmarthen, 1869-71 ; Rector of Llysioran and Walton East, Pembrokeshire, 1871-72 ; Curate of St. John, Cardiff, 1872-73 ; Rector of Llanfry- nach, Breconshire, 1873-83 ; Vicar of Aberdare, Gla- morganshire, 1883. Address : The Vicarage, Aberdare. Johnston, Robert Russell, son of Andrew John- ston, Esq., 33 St. Vincent Place, Glasgow ; born 6th April, 1840. Johnstone, John Douglas, son of — Johnstone, Esq. ; born 4th August, 1839. Kendall, Edward, son of Henry Kendall, Esq., II New Broad Street, London; born 4th February, 1842. Kendall, Henry John Broughton, son of Henry Kendall, Esq., ii New Broad Street, Lon- don ; born 2nd July, 1840. Lockyer, Edmund Stoughton Braithwaite, son of the Rev. Edmund Leopold Lockyer, Barton Rectory, Woodstock ; born 29th April, 1842. 4A/ — lAf. Sout/mooci. Left December, 1859. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1860-61. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1861 ; Captain, 1875 ; Brevet-Major, 1881 ; Major, 1882 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1889. Makgill, Arthur, son of George Makgill, Esq., Kemback, Fifeshire, N.B. ; born 28th May, 1842. 3C— 2C. Tttrnbull. Left 1856. Scholarship, University College, Oxford, 1861. Rowed in the Trial Eights, 1862. 2nd Class Clas- sical Moderations and 3rd Class Mathematical Moderations, 1863 ; 3rd Class Classical Final Schools, 1865; B.A., 1865; M.A. , 1867. Called to the Scottish Bar (Advocate), 1867. Address : New Club, Edinburgh. Maples, William, son of William Maples, Esq., Elm House, Princes Park, Liverpool ; born 13th February, 1840. Marjoribanks, James Dineby, son of — Mar- joribanks. Esq. ; born ist August, 1842. Marjoribanks, Stewart Paxton, son of — Mar- joribanks, Esq. ; born 21st March, 1840. Martin, Norman Alexander, son of Sir James Ranald Martin, Surgeon, Bengal Army, 71A Grosvenor Street, London ; born 17th Octo- ber, 1838. Comet, 7th Bengal Light Cavalry, 1855 ; Lieu- tenant, 1855. Was killed at Lucknow, during the Indian Mutiny, loth June, 1857. Master, Harcourt, son of — Master, Esq. ; born 26th March, 1844. Master, William Edward, son of - - Master, Esq. ; born ist July, 1845. Mellersh, William Henry, son of the Rev. William Peachey Mellersh, Shipton Rectory, Andoversford ; born 27th January, 1844. Solicitor (admitted 1866). Address : The Gryphons, Pittville Circus Road, Cheltenham. Montgomery, Arthur Hill Sandys, son of Arthur Hill Montgomery, Esq., Tyrella House, Clough, Co. Down ; born 27th Octo- ber, 1841. Ensign, Rifle Brigade, 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1865 ; Adjutant, 1869-73 Captain, 1873 ; Major, i88i ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1889. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1876-81. Served in the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expe- dition of 1881. Nutt, Henry Lowther, son of — Nutt, Esq. ; born 22nd December, 1841. Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant, ist Bombay European Regiment, 1858 ; Lieutenant, 103rd loot, 1862 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1866: Captain, 1870; Major, 1878; Lieut. -Colonel, 1884; Brevet. -Colonel, 1888 ; Colonel 1889. 2nd Assistant Political Agent, Kattywar. Address : care of Messrs. Grindlay, Groom, and Co., Bombay. Percival, Francis William, son of Samuel Per- cival. Esq., Abington House, Northampton ; born 14th September, 1843. SoutJnvood Boultbce. Brasenosc College, Oxford, 1863. Hulnie Exhibi- tioner, 1867 : ist Class Classical Moderations, 1865 ; ist Class Classical Final Schools, 1867; B.A., 1867; M.A., 1871. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1878. P'ormerly one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools. Examiner in the Education Department, Whitehall, London. Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. Address : 28 Saville Row, London, W. Platt, Henry, son of John Platt, Esq., Werneth Park, Oldham ; born 26th December, 1842. \oAI— Civil i^'Af. Boyce. Cricket XXII., 185 — . Subsequently at Frederick William's Grammar School, Berlin, and St. John's College, Cambridge. J.P. and D.L. , and High Sheriff of Carnarvonshire, 1877 ; High Sheriff of Anglesea, 1879. Colonel, 4th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers (Carnarvon Militia). Address : Gorddinog, near Bangor, North Wales. Playne, Arthur Twisden, son of William Playne, Esq., Longfords, near Stroud ; born 7th August, 1843. J. P. for Gloucestershire. Address : Longfords, near Stroud. Pycroft, Henry, son of — Pycroft, Esq. ; born 14th May, 1842. Radcliffe, Joshua Walmsley, son of Josiah Radcliffe, Esq., Werneth Park, near Oldham ; born 17th May, 1843. Robertson, James Richard, son of the Rev. James C. Robertson, Bekesbourne Vicarage, near Canterbury ; born i8th June, 1844. Cricket XL, 1862 ; Captain, 1863. Was in New South Wales, Australia, for some years. Died at Folkestone, Kent, 6th August, 1877. Rolph, Thomas Lawford, son of George Rolph, Esq., Barrister, Dundas, Canada West born 13th February, 1840. Cricket XL, 1859; Racquet Champion, 1839 • Classical Football XX., 1858. Scholarship, Trinity Hall, Cambridge, i860 ; B.A. (15th in 3rd Class Classical Tripos), 1863. Was a Solicitor. Died at Gloucester, 5th September, 1876. Rolph, William Mogg, son of George Rolph Esq., Barrister, Dundas, Canada West ’ born nth July, 1842. ’ Modern Football XX., 1858-59. Ensign, 17th Foot, 1861 : Lieutenpt, 1864; Adjutant, 1866-74- Captain, 1874: Major, Leicestershire Regiment' 1881. Adjutant, Au.xiliary Forces, 1878. Russell, John William, son of William Russell, Esq., 3 Suffolk Square, Cheltenham ; born 8th April, 1838. Day Boy. Ensign, Rifle Brigade, 185:;; Lieutenant, i8q8 • Resigned, 1861. ’ Shakespear, George Robert James, son of Cap- tain Henry John Childe Shakespear, 25th Bengal Native Infantry ; born 14th October 1842. ’ Cornet, Bengal Cavalry, i860 ; transferred to 20th Hussars, 1862; Lieutenant, Bengal Staff Corps 1865 ; Captain, 1872 ; Major, 1880 ; Brevet-Lieut - Colonel, 1885; Lieut. -Colonel, 1886; Colonel 1880 Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant-General, Bengal, 1876-81.' Is Second in Command and Squadron Commander, 144 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. 3rd Punjab Cavalry. Served in the Soudan Cam- paign in 1885 as Chief Transport Officer with the Indian Contingent (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lieut. -Colonel, Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star). Shakespear, Henry Alexander, son of Captain Henry John Childe Shakespear, 25th Bengal Native Infantry ; born 2nd December, 1840. Garrett. Left 1856. Cornet, Bengal Cavalry, 1858 ; appointed to 5th Bengal European Cavalry, 1859 ; Lieutenant, 1859 ; Captain, Bengal Cavalry, 1865 ; Brevet-Major, 1879; Major, 1883; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1882; Lieut.- Colo.nel, 1884 ; Colonel, 1886. Served in the Bhootan Expedition in 1864-65 (Medal with clasp). Served in the Afghan War of 1879-80, including the operations in the Mazeena Valley (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Smith, James George, son of William Smith, Esq., Corbett Guthrie, near Glasgow ; born 26th September, 1839. Southcomb, Henry Granger, son of James Southcomb, Esq., Surgeon, Exeter ; born 19th April, 1838. — /'pC, Beaufort House. Left 1857. Pembroke College, Oxford, 1857. B.A., i860 ; M.A. , 1863. Wells Theological College, 1861. Ordained Deacon, 1861, and Priest, 1862. Curate of Kilmington, Devon, 1861-63 ; of Honiton, Devon, 1863-65 ; of Wolborough with Newton-Abbot, 1865- 71 ; Curate in charge of Brooking, Devon, 1871-72 ; Vicar of Bridgerule, Devon, 1872-81 ; Rector of Rose Ash, Devon, 1881. Address : Rose Ash Rectory, South Molton, Devon. Stirling, John Henry, son of — Stirling, Esq. ; born 7th October, 1841. Tabuteau, Richard, son of B. M. Tabuteau, Esq., Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin ; born 24th August, 1846. Taylor, Albert Fitz-William, son of the Rev. P. G. E. Taylor, East Ogwell, Devon ; born 14th November, 1842. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1859 ; Lieutenant, 1861 ; transferred to io8th Eoot, 1865 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1866: Captain, 1871: Major, 1879; Lieut.- Colonel (Retired), 1885. Served in the Afghan War of 1880 (Medal). Taylor, Pierce Thomas Henry, son of the Rev. P. G. E. Taylor, East Ogwell, Devon ; born 1 2th April, 1841. Direct Commission, 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Artillery, June, 1858 ; ist Lieutenant, August, 1858 ; Captain, 1869 ; Major, 1878 ; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1882 ; Colonel (Retired), 1885. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lieut.-Colonel, Medal with clasp, 3rd Class Medjidie, and Khedive’s Star). [August, 1854. Ticehurst, Rowland, son of Rowland James Ticehurst, Esq., Solicitor, Cheltenham ; born 27th February, 1844. iiC — 7 .M. Day Boy. Left 1861. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1858. Modem Football XX., 185 — . Solicitor (admitted 1867). Address : Essex Place, Cheltenham. Tod, Edward Pringle, son of George Tod, Esq., 3 Lansdowne Terrace, Cheltenham ; born loth April, 1840. Tomkyns, William, son of — Tomkyns, Esq. ; born 8th December, 1837. Webster, Hamilton, son of James Webster, Esq., Hatherley Court, Cheltenham ; born ist July, 1840. Day Boy. Wedgwood, Arthur, son of Henry Allen Wedg- wood, Esq., Barrister, Tenby ; born 2nd March, 1843. Balliol College, Oxford, 1862. ist Class Classical Moderations, 1863 ; 2nd Class Classical Final Schools, 1866; B.A., 1866; M.A., 1869. Ordained Deacon, 1867, and Priest, 1869. Curate of St. Mary Redcliffe, Bristol, 1867-72 ; Fellow of St. Augustine’s College, Canterbury, 1872-74. Welch, Frederick William, son of George Asset White Welch, Esq., Arle House, near Chel- tenham ; born 27th January, 1842. Ensign, 93rd Highlanders, i860 ; Lieutenant, 1863 ; Captain, 1874 ; Major, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (Retired), 1882. Welch, William Edward, son of — Welch, Esq. ; born 17th August, 1843. Williams, Charles Powell, son of Charles Cave Williams, Esq., Everley Lodge, East Barnet; born 18th June, 1843. Willis, Frederic William, son of Daniel Willis, Esq., Liverpool ; born 19th August, 1842. — C — iC Beaufort House. Left 1861. Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 1861. 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1863 ; 2nd Class Law and History, 1865; B.A., 1865; M.A., 1873. Ordained Deacon, 1867, and Priest, 1868. Curate of Alderley, 1867-68 ; of Wendover, 1868-70 ; of Rainhill, 1870 ; of Wellingborough, 1871-72 ; Vicar of All Saints, Wellingborough, 1872-88 ; Chaplain of Welling- borough Union, 1879-88 ; Rector of Warrington, 1888. Address : The Rectory, Warrington. Withers, George Henry, son of the Rev. George Undy Withers, D.D., Millbrook, Southamp- ton ; born 30th September, 1842. Exeter College, Oxford, 1861. 2nd Class Clas- sical Moderations, 1863 ; 3rd Class Classical Final Schools, 1865; B.A., 1865; M.A., 1874. Was in the Ceyion Civil Service, subsequently called to the Bar, Middle Temple, 1879. Address ; Colombo, Ceylon. ENTERED MICHAELMAS, 1854. Barber, Thomas Francis, son of Charles Barber, Esq., Waddon, Croydon ; born 22nd March, 1843 - Barker, Edward Smark, son of Joseph Barker, Esq., Solicitor, Clifton ; born 12th April, 1839- Barron, Edward William, son of the Rev. John A. Barron, 5 Portland Place, Bath ; born 6th June, 1838. Scholarship, Pembroke College, Oxford, 1857. Indian Civil Service, 1859 ; appointed to Bengal, 1861 : Assistant, Rohilcund Division, 1863-65 ; As- sistant-Magistrate and Collector, Bijnour, 1865-67. Died in India, 31st August, 1867. Black, William Connel, son of — Black, Esq. ; born 2 1 St October, 1840. Courtenay, Thomas, son of Thomas Courtenay, Esq., Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin ; born 28th November, 1844. Fariffell, James William George, son of the Rev. William Farwell, St. Martin’s Rec- tory, near Love, Cornwall ; born 5th June, 1841. Forbes, Gordon Willoughby, son of — Forbes, Esq. ; born 19th June, 1843. Day Boy. Francillon, Henry James, son of James Fran- cillon. Esq., County Court Judge, Ryeworth Michaki.mas, 1854.] rRINCITAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 145 House, Charlton Kings ; born 20th Novem- ber, 1842. Day Boy. Francillon, Robert Edward, son of James Fran- cillon. Esq., County Court Judge, Ryeworth House, Charlton Kings ; born 25th March, 1 84 r . Day Boy. Scholarship, Trinity Hall, Cambridge, i860, ist in ist Class Law Tripos, 1862: Law Studentship, Trinity Hall, 1862; LL.B., 1863; LL.M., 1866. Called to the Bar, Gray's Inn, 1864. Novelist : author of “ Earl's Dene," 3 vols. , 1870 ; " Olympia," 3vols. , 1874: “A Dog and His Shadow," 3 vols., 1876; "Strange Waters," 3 vols., 1878; "Queen Cophetua,” 3 vols., 1880 ; "Under Slieve Ban," i88i ; "Esther's Grove," 1882; "Quits at Last," 1883 ; " A Real Queen," 1884 ; " King or Knave," 1888, besides other works. Address : 21 Regent's Park Terrace, London, N.W. Heaton, Llewellyn Francis, son of John Heaton, Esq., Plas Heaton, Denbigh ; born 15th September, 1840. Hills, Archibald, son of James Hills, Esq., 21 Finchley New Road, London ; born 21st February, 1842. Hills, Thomas, son of James Hills, Esq., 21 Finchley New Road, London ; born 13th February, 1841. Hunt, William Stopford, son of — Hunt, Esq. ; born 2nd November, 1842. Irtring, John Beaufin, son of John Beaufin Irving, Esq., 24 Suffolk Square, Cheltenham; born 14th February, 1844. Day Boy. Assistant-Commissary, Commissariat and Trans- port Department, i860: Deputy-Commissary (Re- tired), 1878. Served with the 4th Foot throughout the Abyssinian Expedition in 1868, and was present at the action of Arogee and capture of Magdala (Medal). Tickell, John Larkins, son of Lieut.-General Tickell, C.B., Ravensworth Lodge, Chelten- ham ; born 7th November, 1845. Day Boy. Modern Football XX., 1863. Whitworth, Augustus William, son of William Whitworth, Esq. ; born 9th August, 1843. loC — Civil M. Left i860. Modern Football XX., 185 — . Ensign, looth Foot, 1863 ; transferred to 6th Foot, 1863 ; Lieu- tenant, 1867 ; Instructor of Musketry, 1871-78 ; Captain, Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 1878 ; Pay- master, Army Pay Department, 1883; Retired, 1888. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1880-83. Served with the 6th Foot in the Hozara Campaign of 1868, in- cluding the subsequent operations in the Black Mountain (Medal with clasp). Wilson, William Davys Duncan, son of — Wilson, Esq. ; born 25th May, 1840. Woodley, John Trobridge, son of Captain John T. Woodley, Indian Navy, Calcutta; born 27th October, 1842. ENTERED FEBRUARY, 1855. Alexander, James Edward, son of W. Stuart Alexander, Esq., 5 Upper Hyde Park Street, London ; born 30th June, 1841. Anderson, George Yuille, son of John Ander- son, Esq., Ryall Hill, Severn Stoke, Worces- tershire ; born 22nd November, 1840. Aylmer, Richard Reynell, son of Arthur P. Aylmer, Esq., Ferney, Blackrock, Cork, Ireland; born 24th December, 1840. Babington, William Marshall Sargent, son of Lieut.-General David Babington, Madras Army ; born 3rd March, 1840. India Direct — India Direct. Southwood. Left June, 1857 - Cricket XXII., 1856; Modern Football XX., 1856. Clare College, Cambridge. B.A. . 1862. Ordained Deacon. 1863, and Priest, 1864. Chaplain at Vizagapatam, Madras, 1866-68 ; at Poonamellee, 1868-69 ! Rajahmundry, 1869-70 ; at Cuddalore, 1870-71 : at Vizianagram, 1871-74 ; at Coconada, 1874-77 ; at North Black Town, 1877-80 ; at Wel- lington, 1880-82 ; at Vellore, 1882-85 i on Furlough, 1885-87 ; Chaplain at Vellore, 1887. Address : Vellore, Madras, India. Barker, Charles, son of Richard Barker, Esq., Solicitor, Chester ; born 14th June, 1842. Ensign, 13th Foot, 1862 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; Re- tired, 1874. Barker, John Daye, son of John Barker, Esq., Broughton Lodge, Cartmel, Lancashire ; born 31st March, 1841. Comet, i6th Lancers, 1863 ; Lieutenant, 1865 ; Captain, 7th Hussars, 1870 ; Retired, 1873. Bellairs, Clement Walford, son of the Rev. Henry Walford Bellairs, 3 Priory Parade, Cheltenham ; born 6th October, 1841. Classical Football XX. , 1858. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1858 ; Captain, 1871 ; Retired, 1874. Biscoe, Henry Germain, son of the Rev. Robert Biscoe, Whitbourne, Worcester ; born 21st May, 1840. Classical Football XX., 1858. Bridges, John Strachan, son of Henry T. Bridges, Esq., Clifton Wood, Bristol ; born 5th March, 1842. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1860-62. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1863 ; Captain, 1875 ; Retired, 1878. Browne, James, son of Robert Browne, 3 Pitt- ville Lawn, Cheltenham ; born i6th Sep- tember, 1839. \M — \M. Day Boy. Left 1856. Football XX. , 1855. Addiscombe. Military College, 1856-57 (Prizes : Mathematics, French, and Latin). 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Engineers, 1857 ; ist Lieu- tenant, 1858; Captain, Royal Engineers, 1870; Brevet-Major, 1870 ; Major, 1877 ; Brevet-Lieut.- Colonel, 1877; Lieut. -Colonel, 1886; Brevet-Colonel, 1881. Superintending Engineer, ist Class, Head- Quarters ; Inspector-General, Military Works Office, Quetta. Served with the expedition against the Mahsood Wuzeerees, on the North-West Frontier of India, in i860, and was present at the storming of the Burera Pass and capture of Kaneegurum and Mukeem (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Served throughout the Umbeyla Campaign in 1863 — wounded (three times mentioned in des- patches, Brevet of Major, clasp). Served in the Afghan War in 1878-79 as Political Officer to Sir Donald Stewart, and was present in the engagement at Takht-i-Pul and in the advance to Kandahar and Khelat-i-Ghilzie (several times mentioned in des- patches, C.S.I., and Medal). Served in the Egyptian War of 1882 in command of the Royal Engineers of the Indian Contingent, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, C.B., medal with clasp, 3rd Class Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star). K.C.S.t., 1888. Address : Care of Messrs. Maynard and Harris, 126 Leadenhall Street, London, E.C. U [February, 1855. 146 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Browne, Percival Altamont, son of John Dennis Browne, Esq., 3 St. Margaret’s Terrace, Cheltenham ; born ist August, 1841. Coates, George Alexander Augustus, son of Nathaniel Coates, Esq., Sirhowy, near Bed- welty, Monmouthshire ; born 2nd March, 1841. n C — 3 C. Marshall. Queen's College, Oxford, 1865. B.A. and S. C.L. , 1868; M.A. , 1871. Ordained Deacon, 1868, and Priest, 1870. Curate of Muchelney, 1868-70 ; of Tin- tern, 1870-72 ; Rector of Runnington, Somerset, 1872- 73 ; Rector of Earl’s Croome, Worcestershire, 1873 - Address : Earl's Croome Rectory, Worcester. Coningham, Walter, son of Colonel Henry Coningham, Madras Cavalry, 25 Chesham Street, London ; born 19th October, 1839. Cricket XL, 1856-57. Ensign, 26th Madras Na- tive Infantry, 1857 ; Lieutenant, 1859 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1866 ; Captain, 1869 ; Major, 1877 ; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1881; Colonel, 1885; Major- General (Retired), 1885. Brigade-Major, Madras, 1872-78 ; Assistant-Adjutant-General, Madras, 1881- 83. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign with a Column of Observation on the banks of the Wurdah River for the suppression of disturbances in the Nizam’s dominion, in conjunction with a Column under Sir Hugh Rose, from 1st to 30th March, 1859 (Medal). Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, and took part in the operations in the Mazeena Valley (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lieut. -Colonel, C.B., and Medal). Cunningham, Danson, son of James Cunning- ham, Esq., I Old Hall Street, Liverpool; born 8th April, 1841. de Coetlogon, Henry Watts Russell, son of the Rev. Charles F. J. de Coetlogon, British Chaplain, Aix-la-Chapelle ; born 20th August, r^39- QtieerlsM — Queen's M. Jelfs. Left 1857. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Ensign, 15th Foot, 1858 ; Lieutenant, 1859 ; Captain (Retired), 1872. Subsequently entered the Egyptian Service, and took part in the Expedition under Hicks Pasha to the Soudan against the False Prophet in 1883. He held Khartoum after the destruction of Hicks Pasha’s Forces, and was appointed Governor of the City, which he continued to hold until the arrival of General Charles George Gordon, C.B., who had been appointed Governor-General of the Soudan by the Khedive of Egypt ; received the thanks of General Gordon, 3rd Class Medjidie, and Khedive’s Star, and appointed to the Egyptian Police. Was Divisional Inspector of Egyptian Police, with rank of full Colonel in His Highness the Khedive’s Service. Resigned 1887 (3rd Class Osmanieh). Appointed British Consul for the Navigators’ Islands, 1888. Address : Samoa, Navigators’ Islands. Dickson, William Joseph, son of Joseph Briggs Dickson, Esq., Solicitor, Preston, Lancashire ; born 29th June, 1843. Ttcrnbull. Left June, 1857, Solicitor (admitted 1865). Registrar of County Court. Address ; Kirkham, Lancashire. Fallon, Henry Nash, son of James Fallon, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, 9 St. James’ Square, Chel- tenham ; born 24th January, 1841, Gabb, Richard Baker, son of Baker Gabb, Esq., Llwyn du House, near Abergavenny ; born 6th June, 1840. Garnett, Charles Henry, son of Henry Garnett, Esq., Wyreside, near Lancaster ; born 30th May, 1842. Ensign, 30th Foot, i860: Lieutenant, 1863: Cap- tain, 1870; Retired, 1873. J.P. for Lancashire. Address ; Wyreside, near Lancaster. Gratrex, Charles Harrison, son of Thomas Gratrex, Esq., Newport, Monmouth ; born 15th February, 1846. Green- Armytage, John William, son of the Rev. J. N. Green-Armytage, Kyrle Ville, Pittville Circus, Cheltenham ; born 5th December, 1842. Hall, Frederic Charles Northcote, son of the Rev. C. Ranken Hall, Brandon Villa, Chel- tenham ; born 23rd October, 1843. Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Navy, 1864 ; Lieutenant, 1866 ; Retired, 1872, Hunter, Thomas George, son of Major Charles Hunter, Langley Villa, Clifton Hill, Brighton ; born nth August, 1839. Hutchinson, Henry Stephen, son of — Hutchin- son, Esq. ; born 25th April, 1840. 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Artillery, 1859 ; Lieu- tenant, Bengal Staff Corps, 1867 ; Brevet-Captain, 1871 I Captain, 1873; Major, 1879 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1885. Deputy-Superintendent, Revenue Survey, 4th Grade, South Maratha, Poona. I’Anson, Edward, son of Edward I’Anson, Esq., Architect, Clapham Common, London ; born 28th June, 1843. Irvine, John Shakespear, son of — Irvine, Esq. ; born 19th December, 1840. Comet, Bengal Cavalry, 1857 ; appointed to 2nd Bengal European Cavalry, 1858 ; Lieutenant, 1858 ; Captain, Bengal Cavalry, 1864 ; Brevet-Major, 1876 ; Major, 1881; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1882; Colonel (Retired), 1886. Brigade-Major, Bengal, 1876-81. Served m the Indian Mutiny Campaign, and took part in the relief of Azimghur in April, 1858, and in the subsequent pursuit of Koer Sing (Medi ). Lake, Edward, son of Colonel Sir Henry Atwell Lake, K.C.B., Madras Engineers, 17 Pro- menade, Cheltenham ; born 6th February, 1 844. Blackader. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1862-64. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1864 ; Captain, 1877 ; Major, 1883. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80 (Medal). Lang, Henry Briggs, son of Oliver William Lang, Esq., Her Majesty’s Dockyard, Pem- broke ; born 23rd February, 1845. Naval Cadet, 1859 ; Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Navy, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1866 ; Commander, 1880. Com- mander of H.M.S. ” Reindeer," 1886. McNeile, Hector, son of the Rev. Dr. McNeile, Albury House, Liverpool ; born 26th No- vember, 1842. 8C — iC. Southwood and Butler. Left June, 1861. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1857. Gold Medallist, 1861. Junior Studentship, Christ Church, Oxford, i860 : 3rd Class Classical Moderations, and ist Class Mathematical Moderations, 1863 ; ist Class Mathe- matical Final Schools, 1864 ; Senior Mathematical (University) Scholarship, 1865. Fellow of St. John’s College, Oxford, 1865-71. B.A., 1865; M.A., 1869. Mathematical Moderator at Oxford University, 1872-73. Ordained Deacon, 1879, and Priest, 1880. Curate of Colvdch, Staffordshire, 1879-81 ; Vicar of Belvedere, Kent, 1881-86 ; Curate of St. Anne, Man- chester, and Diocesan Inspector of Schools for Dio- cese of Manchester, 1887. Address : Beech House, Cheetham, Manchester. Marsden, Frederick John, son of Colonel Fre- derick C. Marsden, Deputy Commissioner, Lahore, India ; born 31st December, 1844. Martin, Adam Rae, son of Adam Martin, Esq., M.D., Rochester ; born 9th January, 1839. Cricket XL, 1858. Guy’s Hospital, London. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, and PRINCIPAL: REV. \V. DOBSON, M.A. 147 February, 1855.] Licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries, 1862 ; Fellow, Medical Society, London ; late Surgeon, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, Chatham, Rochester and Chatham Dispensary, and Regimental Surgeon, Queen’s Own Yeomanry Cavalry. Address : i St. Margaret’s Bank, Rochester, Kent. Morant, James Law Lushington, son of the Rev. James Morant, Chaplain to the Honourable East India Company, Bellary, Madras ; born 17th November, 1839. 2nd Lieutenant, Madras Engineers, 1859 ; Lieu- tenant, 1862 ; Captain, Royal Engineers, 1871 ; Major, 1877 ; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1884. Died at Melbourne, Australia, 17th June, 1886. Morgan, Henry Courthope, son of Captain Edmund Morgan, Royal Bucks Militia, Tenby ; born 29th May, 1841. Morley, John, son of Jonathan Morley, Esq., 9 Princes Street, Blackburn ; born 24th De- cember, 1838. Scholarship, Lincoln College, O.xford, 1856 ; 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1858; B.A. , 1859; M. A., 1874; Hon. LL.D. (Glasgow), 1879. Called to the Bar, Lincoln’s Inn, 1873. Was for some years Editor of the " Literary Gazette," and from 1867 to 1880 was Editor of the "Fortnightly Review.’’ M.P. for Newcastle-on-Tyne since February, 1883. Chief Secretary for Ireland, February to July, 1886; Privy Councillor, 1886. Author of " Monographs on Rousseau, Voltaire, and Diderot"; "A Life of Cobden ’’ ; "Edmund Burke"; "A Historical Study"; two series of " Critieal Miscellanies,” and works on "Compromise” and "National Educa- tion." Address : Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall, London, S.W., and 95 Elm Park Gardens, London, S.W. Morris, Charles, son of the Rev. George Morris, Sarisbury Parsonage, near Southampton ; born nth February, 1844. Morris, George, son of the Rev. George Morris, Sarisbury Parsonage, near Southampton ; born 25th June, 1841. Address : 19 Aldford Street, Hyde Park, London, W. Nixon, Charles Jones, son of — Nixon, Esq. ; born 2nd November, 1839. Peake, James William Watling, son of Admiral Thomas Ladd Peake, R.N., Arundel House, Cheltenham ; born nth December, 1843. Cricket XL, 1861. Pickering, Thomas, son of Thomas Pickering, Esq., Axminster ; born 29th March, 1843. Pitt, Walter Lewes, son of William J. Pitt, Esq. ; born 27th October, 1842. 9C — iM. Turn- bull. Left 1856. Modem Football XX. , 185 — . Ensign, 55th Foot, 1863; Lieutenant, 1866; Adjutant, 1874-79; Captain, Border Regiment, 1879; Major (Retired), 1885. Ad- jutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1880-85. Served in the Bhootan Expedition in 1885 (Medal with clasp). Playne, Edward Henry, son of Henry Playne, Esq., Chalford, near Stroud ; born 24th August, 1843. Beed, Edwin Windsor Sandys, son of the Rev. Edward Reed, 3 Berkeley Street, Chelten- ham ; born 30th January, 1842. St. John’s College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1865 ; M.A. , 1868. Ordained Deacon, 1868, and Priest, 1869. Curate of Holy Trinity, Newtown, Herts, 1868-69 ! St. Michael, Bishop-Stortford, 1869-74 '• Rector of Cooling, Kent, 1875-81 ; Vicar of Irchester, Northamptonshire, 1881-83 1 Principal of Cowley College, New Barnet, 1883-87; Curate ofWesthorpe, Suffolk, 1887. Address ; Westhorpe, Stowmarket. Rice, Arthur, son of Edward Royd Rice, Esq., M.P., Dane Court, Sandwich; born I2th April, 1838. Re-entered College, February, 1857. Cricket XI., 1855. Ensign, 72nd Highlanders, 1858. Died 1861. Riddell, Robert Vansittart, son of Robert Rid- dell, Esq., Bury St. Edmunds; born 12th March, 1840. 2 A/ — id/. Souihwood. Addiscombe Military College (Prizes : First Civil Drawing, Second Military Drawing). Lieutenant, Bengal Engineers, 1859 ; Captain, Royal Engineers, 1871 ; Major, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1886. Was Mint- Master at Calcutta, and now in Bombay. Address : care of Messrs. Henry S. King and Co., 45 Pall Mall, London, S.W. Roberts, Charles, son of James Roberts, Esq., Burnley, Lancashire ; born 9th August, 1843. Sharp, Francis Rawdon Hastings, son of — Sharp, Esq. ; born 22nd May, 1842. Indian Civil Service, 1861 ; appointed to Madras, 1862. Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Tri- chinopoly, 1863-67 ; Head-Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Kurnool, 1867-69 ; and at Salem, 1869-73 ; Sub-Collector and Joint-Magistrate, South Arcot, 1873-78; District and Sessions Judge, Tranquebar, 1878, and at Tanjore (North), 1878-79. Retired, 1879. Smith, Albert Reginald, son of the Rev. W. G. Parks Smith, Incumbent of St. John’s, Tor- quay ; born 28th April, 1842. Smith, Charles Egerton D., son of the Rev. W. G. Parks Smith, Incumbent of St. John’s, Torquay ; born 5th February, 1841. Smith, John Thomas, son of — Smith, Esq. ; born 28th January, 1842. Steele, Thomas Murray, son of Matthew Steele, Esq., Seaforth, near Liverpool ; born 29th July, 1842. Swiney, George Clayton, son of John Swiney, Esq., M.D., Westall House, Cheltenham ; born 1 8th January', 1840. Re-entry, vide August, 1849, and January, 1853. Temple, Edward, son of Richard Temple, Esq., The Nash, near Worcester ; born 4th July, 1843 - Turner, Charles Abraham, son of Charles James Turner, Esq., Staplegrove, Taunton ; born i6th September, 1842. Turner, Henry Gribble, son of Charles James Turner, Esq., Staplegrove, Taunton ; born 29th September, 1843. Indian Civil Service (Madras), 1864. Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Vizagapatam, 1866-80, also Agent to the Governor of Fort St. George in Vizagapatam, 1866-80, and Acting Postmaster- General, Madras, 1876-77 ; Postmaster-General, Madras, 1880-84 ; District and Sessions Judge, North Arcot, 1884-86 ; Collector, Magistrate, and Agent to the Governor, Vizagapatam, 1886. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1874. Address : Vizagapatam, Madras. Van Homrigh, Bartholomew Alexander, son of — Van Homrigh, Esq. ; born 3rd May, 1844. Whidborne, George Ferris, son of the Rev. George Ferris Whidborne, Hanley Parsonage, Staffordshire ; born 6th August, 1845. Re- entered College, March, 1861. Scholarship, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 1865. B.A. (7th Senior Optime, and i6th in 3rd Class Classical Tripos), i868 ; M.A. , 1872. Fellow of the Geological Society. Ordained Deacon, 1881, and Priest, 1882. Curate of St. Pancras, London, 1881-86; of St. Paul, Onslow Gardens, London, 1886-88 ; Vicar of St. George, Battersea, London, 148 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [February, 1855. 1888. Author of "Papers in the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London." Address; St. George's Vicarage, Battersea Park Road, London, S.W. Whitla, William, son of William Whitla, Esq., Lisburn, Ireland; born 13th March, 1840. TM—^M. Jelfs. Ensign, loth Foot, 1858; Lieutenant, 1861 ; Ad- jutant, 1864-65 ; Captain, 1865 ; Brevet-Major, 1876; Major, Lincolnshire Regiment, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1882; Colonel (Retired), 1886. Commanded a de- tachment of the ist Battalion, loth Regiment, in the Perak River Expedition in 1875, and commanded the troops when a combined naval and military force attacked and captured two stockades and five guns (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with clasp). Williams, Sydney Herbert, son of Philip Williams, Esq., Monmouth ; bom 25th Au- gust, 1844. XP"*-C — Civil M. Boyce. Left 1861. Queen's College, Cambridge. LL.B. , 1865; LL.M., 1871. Ordained Deacon, 1868, and Priest, i86g. Curate of High Ercal, Salop, 1868-71 ; of Belchamp St. Paul, Essex, 1871-72 ; Curate of Great Linford, Bucks, 1872-76 ; Rector of Great Linford, 1876. Address : Great Linford Rectory, Newport Pagnel. ENTERED MARCH, 1855. Anson, Charles Vernon, son of Captain Anson, R.N., 6 Inverness Place, Bayswater, London ; born 4th F ebruary, 1 846. Naval Cadet, 1859 ; Midshipman, Royal Navy, i860 ; Sub-Lieutenant, February, 1865 ; Lieutenant, September, 1865 ; Commander, 1871. Awarded the Royal Humane Society's Bronze Medal for having ‘ ' on 2ist December, 1864, jumped overboard at sea, in latitude 19.23 S. , longtitude 36.32 W. , and assisted to save Mr. Johnson, Naval Instructor," also awarded the Silver Medal, for having, on 23rd January, i868, gone " in a boat and rescued part of passengers and crew of the s.s. ‘ Niphon,’ wrecked on a reef near Amoy" (received thanks of Peninsular and Oriental Steamship Company, and approbation of Admiralty and Board of Trade). Was Senior Lieutenant of "Serpent" when engaged in a deep sea sounding cruise in Java Seas in 1869. Received thanks of Ad- miralty, in conjunction with other officers, for ser- vices in connection with the Transit of Venus party of 1873, whilst commanding H.M.S. " Reindeer " on the Pacific Station. Received a very flattering testi- monial from the Governor and principal inhabitants of Jersey,' in recognition of his constant and active services in connection with the protection of the Channel Islands Fisheries, November, 1882. Winner of the first prize of £2^ for an Essay on Oyster Cul- ture, given by the Fishery Exhibition, 1883. Is a passed pilot for the Island of Jersey, its approaches and eoasts. Served in command of H.M.S. "Dra- gon," on the East Indian Station, from April, 1884, to August, 1886. Was aetively employed in the sup- pression of the slave trade in the Persian Gulf in 1884, and on the South-East Coast of Africa in 1885 ; cap- tured ten slave dhows and many slaves. Passed a colloquial examination in Arabic, at Calcutta, in February, 1885. Was Senior British Naval Officer during the complications between the Germans and the Sultan of Zanzibar, July to November, 1885, and with the Assistant-Resident of Aden obtained a Bri- tish Protectorate over the Island of Socotra in April, 1886. Anson, George Vernon, son of Captain Anson, R.N., 6 Inverness Place, Bayswater, Lon- don ; born 29th March, 1844. Barclay, William Malo de Rhune, son of David William Barclay, Esq., Mauritius; born 29th August, 1842. Cecil, Clarence Frederick, son of — Cecil, Esq. ; born 19th March, 1844. Dairie, Charles William, son of Captain Charles C. Davie, Bishop’s Taunton, near Barnsta- ple ; born 3rd October, 1842. Dickson, Frederick Cartwright, son of Thomas A. H. Dickson, Esq., 4 Prince’s Park Terrace, Liverpool; born 13th September, 1843. Football XX. ; Captain, 1862. Schreiber E;fhibi- tioner, 1863: Silver (Classical) Medallist, 1863; Head of Classical Department, June, 1863. Junior Scho- larship, Trinity College, Cambridge, 1863 ; Founda- tion Scholarship, Trinity College, 1865; B.A. (30th Wrangler and 19th in ist Class Classical Tripos), 1867 ; Wrangham Medallist, 1867. Died at Liver- pool, nth June, 1874. Gambier, George Roland, son of the Rev. Samuel James Gambier, Ashley House, Cheltenham; born 20th August, 1843. 5 A/ — iM. Left 1858. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Madras Artillery, i860 ; Captain, Royal Artillery, 1872; Major, 1880; Lieut. -Colonel, 1888. Served in the Afghan War in 1880 (Medal). Grey, Leopold John Herbert, son of Leopold James Henry Grey, Esq. ; born ist July 1840. 3C — 2M. Southwood. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1856 ; appointed to i6th Bengal Native Infantry, 1857 ; Lieutenant, 1857 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1861 ; Captain, 1868 ; Major, 1876; Lieut.-Colonel, 1882 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1886. Commissioner and Superintendent, Delhi Division, Punjab. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign of 1857-59, and was present in the actions of Boolundshuhur and Allyghur, skirmish of Ackera- bad, actions of Gungareeand Puttialee, attack of the forts of Koheia and Kololee, operations on the Gogra, final advance to the Nepaul Hills, action at Sitka Ghat and capture of the enemy’s guns, and various skirmishes in the Nepaul Hills (Medal). Also served in the Bhootan Expedition of 1865-66 (Medal with clasp). C.S.I., 1877. Hall, Herbert, son of the Rev. Charles Ranken Hall, Brandon Villa, Cheltenham ; born nth July, 1845. 9 ^ — 1 ^- Bernard and Bayly. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1859. Brasenose Col- lege, Oxford, 1865. B.A. and S.C.L., 18^ ; M.A., 1872. Ordained Deacon, 1869, and Priest, 1870. Curate of St. James, Bury St. Edmunds, 1869-76 ; Vicarof Linton, Cambridgeshire, 1876-87; Chaplain to Linton Union, 1879-87 ; Rector of Glemsford, Suffolk, 1887. Address ; The Rectory, Glemsford. Harvey, Spencer Philip, son of the Rev. Thomas Harvey, Cowden Rectory, E den- bridge, Kent; born loth October, 1840. Jupp, Charles, son of Henry Jupp, Esq., Cob- ham, Surrey ; born 23rd March, 1840. Bayly. Left December, 1857. Solicitor (admitted 1863). Address : 48 Lime Street, London, E.C, Knapp, Henry Leigh, son of Mathew Knapp, Esq., Little Linford Hall, Newport Pagnel ; born 26th June, 1839. Died 13th September, 1862. Middleton, Ale.xander George, son of — Mid- dleton, Esq.; born 4th September, 1840. March, 1855.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 149 Moir, George William Watts, son of Robert Moir, Esq., Yannon, Teignmouth, Devon ; born 20th September, 1841. Moule, Horace Frederick D’Oyley, son of the Rev. Horatio Moule, Calcutta ; born 4th November, 1843. 7C — iC. Butler. Left December, 1861. Indian Civil Service, 1862 ; appointed to Bengal, 1863. Assistant, Rohilcund Division, 1864-65 ; As- sistant-Magistrate and Collector, Budaon, 1865-67 ; at Bareilly, 1867-69 ; at Bijnour, 1869-70 ; at Allaha- bad, 1870-72; at Murzapore, 1872-78. Joint Magis- trate and Deputy-Collector, North-West Provinces, 1878-79: at Saharumpore, 1879-80; at Moradabad, 1880-82 ; in the North-West Provinces, 1882 ; at Moradabad, 1882-83 1 ''' North-West Provinces, 1883-85. Magistrate and Collector, North-West Provinces, since 1885. Prothero, Edward Marsh, son of the Rev. Thomas Prothero, Malpas Court, Newport, Monmouth ; born 20th February, 1841. Merton College, Oxford, i860. B.A. (St. Alban Hall), 1865. Ordained Deacon, 1865, and Priest, 1868. Curate of Anthony St. Jacob, Cornwall, 1865-68; of St. Sid well, Exeter, 1868-72; Perpetual Curate of Llanvihangel-Llantarnam since 1872. Address ; Malpas Court, Newport, Monmouth- shire. Reeve?, Frederick, son of the Rev. Frederick J. H. Reeves, East Sheen, Surrey ; born loth May, 1839. Ensign, 103rd Foot, 1857 ; Lieutenant, i860 ; Captain, 1867; Major, 1877; Lieut. -Colonel (Re- tired), 1879. Was engaged in suppressing the Mu- tiny of the 62nd and 69th Bengal Native Infantry Regiments and Horse Artillery at Mooltan, on 31st August, 1858 (Medal). Reeves, Henry Nicholas, son of Henry Wilson Reeves, Esq., Bombay Civil Service, Poonah ; born 4th April, 1 840. Boyne House. Ensign, 6th Bombay Native Infantry, 1857; Lieu- tenant, 1859 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1861 ; Captain, 1869 ; Major, 1877 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1883 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1887 ; Retired, 1889. Was Political Agent, Kolapore and Southern Mahratta Country. Served with the 17th Lancers in the suppression of the Indian Mutiny, in 1857-58, in the pursuit of Tantia Topee ; present at the action of Zerapore (mentioned in despatches), present at the siege and capture of Dwarka (mentioned in despatches), and was in com- mand of the detachment. Marine Battalion, which formed part of the night attack (Medal). Died in London, 19th March, 1889. Saumarez, John St. Vincent, son of Colonel John St. Vincent Saumarez (afterwards 3rd Baron de Saumarez), Guernsey ; born 6th March, 1845. Cornet, 14th Hussars, 1864; Lieutenant, 1866; Captain, 1869; Retired, 1873. Died at Am 61 ie les Bains Pyrenees Orientates, 12th January, 1877. Shewell, George Maunsell, son of Edward Warner Shewell, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 27th September, 1 837. Re-entry, vide August, 1849. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Marine Light Infantry, 1855 : 1st Lieutenant, 1859; Captain, 1867; Instruc- tor of Musketry, 1877-79; Paymaster (Hon. Major), Royal Marines, 1879. Shortland, Daniel Vincent, son of the Vener- able Archdeacon Vincent Shortland ; born 14th October, 1841. 8d/ — \M. Price and Southwood. Left June, 1858. Direct Commission, Lieutenant, Madras Artillery, 1858 ; Captain, Royal Artillery, 1871 ; Major, 1877 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1884; Brevet-Colonel, 1888. Webster, Horace, son of John Webster, Esq., Solicitor, 29 Corporation Street, Manchester; born 3rd June, 1842. Williams, Philip Downes, son of Penry Wil- liams, Esq., Penpont ; born 4th June, 1841. Ensign, 19th Foot, 1858 ; Lieutenant, 1859; Cap- tain, 1868. Died at Penpont, ist March, 1869. Woods, Percy, son of Charles John Woods, Esq., Solicitor, Godaiming, Surrey; born 5th July, 1842. ENTERED AUGUST, 1855. Aitchison, William Andrew, son of Captain Andrew Nepean Aitchison, 13th Bombay Native Infantry ; born 2nd August, 1843. iC. Butler. Left 1862. Football XX., 1861 ; Cricket XL, 1862. Pem- broke College, Oxford, 1862. Ensign, nth Foot, May, 1864 ; transferred to 69th Foot, June, 1864 ; Lieutenant, 1868 ; Captain, 1871 ; Major, Welsh Regiment, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1884. Served in the Red River Expedition in 1870, and was also present with the 69th Regiment during the re- pulse of an incursion of Fenians into Canada in May, 1870. Anderson, Alexander Dunlop, son of Alexander Dunlop Anderson, Esq., M.D., 159 St. Vin- cent Street, Glasgow ; born 3rd February, 1841. Price. Left June, 1858. Addiscombe Military College, 1858. Ensign, loth Foot, 1858 ; transferred to 19th Foot, 1859 ; Lieu- tenant, 1859; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1862; Cap- tain, 1870 ; Major, 1878. Served in the Abyssinian War in 1868, and was present at the action of Arogee on the loth April, and at the storming and capture of Magdala on the 13th April (mentioned in de- spatches, Medal). Served in the Afghan War in 1878 with the 23rd Punjab Pioneers, and was killed at the attack on the Pciwar Kotal, 2nd December, 1878. Anthony, Charles, son of Charles Anthony, Esq., Hereford ; born 19th March, 1841. Anthony, Edwin, son of Charles Anthony, Esq., Hereford ; born 23rd August, 1843. Amott, John Lovell, son of George Arnott, Esq., M.D., I Liverpool Place, Cheltenham ; born 29th November, 1840. Askwith, William Henry, son of Robert Ask- with. Esq., M.D., Huntly Lodge, Chelten- ham ; born 17th September, 1843. 9^' — ^C. Day Boy. Left June, 1863. Gold Medallist, 1862 ; Walker Prize, 1863. Trinity College, Cambridge ; Dealtry Prize, 1865 ; B.A. (i6th Senior Optime, and 28th in 3rd Class Classical Tripos), 1867; M.A. , 1875. Ordained Deacon, 1867, and Priest, 1868. Curate of Tidcome Portion, Tiverton, 1867-74 ; of New Radford, Notts, 1874-76 ; Vicar of Christ Church, Derby, 1876-87 ; Vicar of St. Mary Magdalene, Taunton, 1887. Address : The Vicarage, Taunton. Barker, Henry Theodosius, son of — Barker, Esq.; born 23rd April, 1841. Bentham, George Buchan, son of Lieut.-Colonel CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1855. 150 John Beritham, Beaulieu Villa, Torquay; born 9th December, 1843. Chenery and Green. Left J une, 1 860. Cricket XL, 1858-59-60 ; Football XX., 1859. Celebrated Operatic Singer. Blyth, Louis Gwyn, son of the Rev. — Blyth ; born 1 8th September, 1843. Bold, George Hamilton, son of Thomas Bold, Esq., Liverpool; born 8th May, 1841. • Died from the result of an accidental fall from a waggon at LeMars, Iowa, United States of America, 1st November, 1880. Boyd, Palmer, son of Lieut.-General Mossom Boyd, 12 Augusta Terrace, Ramsgate ; born 29th September, 1840. Direct Commission, 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Artil- lery, 1858 ; Resigned, 1864. Boyes, Francis Campbell, son of John Boyes, Esq., 3 Paragon Buildings, Cheltenham ; born 1 8th February, 1845. Broughton, Clement John Edmund, son of the Rev. Bryan Sneyd Broughton, Washington Rectory, Durham ; born 4th April, 1842. Day Boy. Left February, 1856. Re-entry, vide\xst, 1852, and February, 1857. Broughton, Thomas Henry, son of the Rev. Bryan Sneyd Broughton, Washington Rec- tory, Durham ; born 22nd January, 1845. 6C — 2C. Re-entered College, August, 1857. Passed in 1st in Order of Merit Entrance Exami- nation for Royal Navy, 1858. Appointed to H.M.S. " Edgar,” as Naval Cadet, 1859, and to H.M.S. “ Orpheus,” as Midshipman, 1863. Was drowned in the wreck of H.M.S. “Orpheus" on Manukau Bar, New Zealand, 7th February, 1863. Carter, Albert Michael, son of Rear-Admiral John Carter, 5 Orsett Place, Westbourne Terrace, London ; born i6th April, 1842. Blackader. Temporary Clerk, India Office, 1861 ; Junior Clerk, 1866 ; Senior Clerk, 1882. Is in Accountant- General’s Department, India Office. Cartwright, John Barrow Bascome, son of Henry E. Cartwright, Esq., Crown Commis- sioner, Massaruni, British Guiana ; born 22nd August, 1844. Chaytor, D’Arcy, son of Matthew H. Chaytor, Esq., The Hatch, Redhill, Reigate ; born 25th August, 1840. Address : 166 Piccadilly, London, W. Clarke, Edmund Leopold (afterwards Pelly- Clarke), son of Richard Henley Pelly Clarke, Esq., Bengal Civil Service, Cheltenham ; born loth September, 1843. Ensign, 103rd Foot, 1862; Lieutenant, 1867; Captain, 1873 ; Major, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 1881. Passed Staff College, 1876. Brigade-Major, Mauri- tius, 1878 ; Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant-General, and Deputy- Assistant-Quartermaster-General, Gibraltar, 1882. Served in the Zulu War in 1879, and was ap- pointed Chief Director of Transport to Colonel Pear- son’s Column : was shut up with the garrison in Fort Ekowe until relieved, and was present in the engagement at Inyerzane (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Died at Malaga, Spain, 14th December, 1882. Clarke, Henry Wilberforce, son of Richard Henley Pelly Clarke, Esq., Bengal Civil Ser- vice, Cheltenham ; born 5th November, 1840. 3Af — iC Boy 7 ie Hojtse. Addiscombe Military College, 1858-60 (Prizes ; First Mathematical, Second Military Surveying, Second Hindustani, Second Good Conduct). Lieu- tenant, Bengal Engineers, i86o ; Captain, Royal Engineers, 1872 ; Major, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1887. Served in the Abyssinian Expedition in 1868 in the Water Supply Department from Senaffi to Addigerut, and performed excellent service (mentioned in des- patches, Medal). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star). Coddington, Dixie Latham, son of Henry Barry Coddington, Esq., Oldbridge, Drog- heda, Ireland; born 23rd March, 1845. Cole, John, son of Charles N. Cole, Esq., Soli- citor, 3 Gloucester Crescent, Hyde Park, London ; born nth June, 1842. Court, Major Heniy, son of Major Henry Court, Esq., Bengal Civil Service, Allahabad, India ; born loth May, 1843. Cornet, Bengal Cavalry, i860 ; Lieutenant, 1862 ; Brevet-Captain, January, 1872 ; Captain, Decem- ber, 1872; Major, 1880; Lieut. -Colonel, 1886; Re- tired, 1888. Served in the Afghan War of 1879-80 (Medal). Crichton, Alexander William, son of — Crich- ton, Esq.; born 23rd May, 1842. Classical Football XX., 1858-59. Scholarship, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, i860. Croker, Walter Henry, son of John Croker, Esq., Dublin ; born 2nd January, 1845. Cricket XL, 1862-63-64; Classical Football XX., 1863. Trinity College, Oxford, 1865. Represented Oxford in Putting the Weight and Throwing Cricket Ball at the Inter-University Athletic Sports in 1865- 66. B.A., 1868. Da’Ties, John Smalman, son of the Rev. Samuel Davies, Oystermouth,. Swansea ; born 22nd November, 1840, de Montaigle, Henry de Madrid, son of Le Comptede M. de Montaigle; born iith Sep- tember, 1843. De Wend, Douglas Campbell, son of Major James De Wend, Northampton ; born loth December, 1843. Ensign, 76th Foot, i860; Lieutenant, 1864 ; Cap- tain, 1874 ; Major, West Riding Regiment, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1886. Dillon, Henry Philip Constantine, son of the Hon. Constantine Augustus Dillon, Malcolm Ghur, Cheltenham ; born and January, 1843. ]oM — 3iJ/. Day Boy. Left 1859. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1861-64. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1864 ; Captain, 1877 ; Major, 1884; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1887. Dunlop, Colin, son of Colin Robert Dunlop, Esq., Fullarton House, Glasgow ; born 2nd September, 1844. Evans, Charles Runneir, son of Theodore Evans, Esq., Tewkesbury; born 17th February, 1841. Evans, Edward, son of the Rev. Charles Evans, 2 Derby Villas, Cheltenham ; born 30th January, 1842. 8C — iC Day Boy. Left 1861. Previously at Brighton College (1852-53). Gon- ville and Caius College, Cambridge. B.A. (12th Junior Optime), 1865 ; M.A.,1869. Ordained Dea- con, 1865, and Priest, 1866. Curate of Belper, 1865- 69; of Doddington, Cambridgeshire, 1869-72; of Lydney with Aylburton, 1872-75; Vicar of All .Saints, Gloucester, 1875-84 ; Rector of Preston, Hereford- shire, 1884. Address : Preston Rectory, Ledbury. Evans, William, son of the Rev. Charles Evans, ■ 2 Derby Villas, Cheltenham ; born 7th February, 1845. Fitzgerald, Maurice, son of Sir Peter George August, 1855.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. Fitzgerald, Bart. (The Knight of Kerry), Valencia, Ireland; born 5th February, 1844. Previously at Harrow School. Succeeded his father as 2nd Baronet and 20th Knight of Kerry in 1880. Ensign, Rifle Brigade, 1863 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; Captain (Retired), 1875. Appointed Equerry to H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught, K.G. , in 1883. Served throughout the second phase of the Ashantee War from the 17th December, 1873, as Aide-de- Camp to Sir Archibald Alison, K.C.B., including the battle of Amoaful, attack and capture of Beequah, battle of Ordashu, and capture of Coomassie (several times mentioned in despatches, Medal with clasp). Address : Glanleam, Valencia, Ireland ; 8 Hert- ford Street, Mayfair, London, W. ; and Marlborough Club and Travellers' Club, London, S.W. Fortescue, George, son of — Fortescue, Esq.; born 8th June, 1838. Fox, Edward, son of Richard Fox, Esq., An- tarne, Killeshandra, Ireland ; born 12th June, 1844. Hare, Henry Grace, son of Charles Bowles Hare, Esq.; born i6th December, 1842. Hicks, William Arthur, son of — Hicks, Esq. ; born 19th June, 1840. Captain, Royal Lancashire Militia. Address : 6 Stanhope Terrace, Hyde Park, London, W. Hindson, Eldred Grave, son of William Hind- son, Esq., 6 Oriel Terrace, Cheltenham ; born nth December, 1843. Hindson, Lawrence, son of William Hindson, Esq., 6 Oriel Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 1 1 th November, 1845. 12C — Civil M. Day Boy. Left 1862. In Australia for many years. Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. Address : Evesham Lawn, Pittville, Cheltenham. Hoghton, Henry (afterwards de Hoghton), son of Sir Henry Bold Hoghton, Bart., Tor- quay ; born 12th August, 1842. Hull, Robert (afterwards Hull-Brown), son of the Rev. Robert P. Brown (afterwards Hull- Brown), Buxton ; born loth July, 1839. Kane, Charles George, son of Captain John Joseph Kane, The Grange, Monmouth ; born Sth March, 1839. Ensign, 9th Foot, 1858 ; Lieutenant, 1862 ; Cap- tain, 1872; Major, Norfolk Regiment, 1881 ; Lieut.- Colonel (Retired), 1881. Kane, Francis William, son of Captain John Joseph Kane, The Grange, Monmouth ; born 6th June, 1841. Ensign, 3rd Foot, 1862 ; Lieutenant, 1865 ; Adju- tant, 1865-71 ; Captain, 1871 ; Major, East Kent Regiment, 1881 ; Retired, 1884. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1880-84. Kinneir, Richard, son of Richard Kinneir, Esq., M.D., Wellington, Somerset ; born 25th November, 1841. Lang, James Wolcott, son of Captain J. S. Lang, H.E.I.C.S., 20 Park Place, Chelten- ham ; born 7th September, 1844. Re-entry, vide January, 1853. Lang, John Dashwood, son of Captain J. S. Lang, H.E.I.C.S., 20 Park Place, Chelten- ham ; born 13th September, 1847. Langton, Leyland, son of Samuel Z. Langton, Esq., Barrow House, Keswick, Cumberland; born 12th February, 1843. Lindsell, John Barber, son of John Lindsell, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln’s Inn, Lon- don ; born 1 2th July, 1844. Afterwards at Tonbridge School. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1862-64. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1864 ; Captain, 1878 ; Major, 1884, Lister, Mattliew William, son of John Samuel Lister, Esq., Saleby Grange, near Alford, Lincolnshire; born 20th January, 1845. Ensign, 32nd Foot, 1864; Lieutenant, 1866; Re- tired, 1869. Died 29th May, 1880. Louis, Elliot Grasett, son of Thomas Louis, Esq., Culloden, Barbadoes ; born 31st March, 1842. Mackay, Spencer Henry, son of — Mackay, Esq.; born 21st January, 1842. Mackey, Hugh Allen, son of John Alexander Mackey, Esq., Fair Hill, near Exeter ; born I St August. 1840. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1858. Lieu- tenant, Royal Artillery, 1859 ; 2nd Captain, 1871 ; Captain, 1872 ; Brigade Major at Jamaica. Died at Bermuda Mount, Jamaica, 21st October, 1877. Makgill, George Edward, son of George Mak- gill, Esq., Winchcombe ; born 23rd October, 1837. 2C — iC. Turnbidl. Left 1856. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1856-60. Scholar- ship, Trinity College, 1859 ; B.A. (31st Wrangler), i860. Indian Civil Service, 1859 ; appointed to Bengal, i860. Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Midnapore, 1862-63 I Chittagong, 1863-65 ; and 24 Pergunnahs, 1865-66. Joint-Magistrate and Deputy-Collector, 2nd Grade, 1866-69 > Howrah, 1869-70; at Midnapore, 1870-72; and 24 Pergunnahs, 1872-73. Retired, 1873. Died 3rd August, 1877. Messiter, Herbert, son of Henry Messiter, Esq., Solicitor, Wincanton, Somerset ; born 2 1 St September, 1841. Montgomerie, William Henry, son of William Montgomerie, Esq., Medical Service, H.E.I.C.S., Barrackpoor, Calcutta ; born 25th January, 1841. Direct Commission, 2nd Lieutenant, Madras Artillery, 1858 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1858 ; Captain, Royal Artillery, 1868 ; Adjutant, 1871-76 ; Major, 1876. Served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1858, and was present in the engagements at Dumooragunge, Toolsepore, and Baiswara (Medal). Died at sea on board H.M.S. “ Sirius,” 22nd April, 1878. Morgan, Charles Peter, son of Colonel Edward Morgan, Golden Grove, near Holywell, Flintshire; born 19th February, 1843. Murray, Anthony Hepburn, son of Alexander Murray, Esq., Woodstock, Upper Canada ; born 31st October, 1840. 3d/ — 2d/. Boyne Hotise. 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Artillery, 1857 ; 1st Lieu- tenant, 1858 : Captain, Royal Artillery, 1868 ; Major, 1878 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1885 ; Colonel, 1889. Newbery, Edward, son of Edward Newbery, Esq., Madras Civil Service ; born 17th April, 1842. 96' — , Day Boy. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1858 ; appointed to 6th Bengal European Regiment, 1859; Lieutenant, 1859: joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1863; Captain, 1870 ; Major, 1878. Joined the Punjab Police Force in 1863, and acted as Secretary to the Inspector- General of Police from 1864 to 1884. Having brought out a Commentary on the Oid Code of Criminal Procedure, was selected to assist Sir James Stephen in Act X. of 1872, and received the thanks of the Government of India in the Legislative De- partment. Died at Simla, East Indies, 2nd June, 1884. Nugent, Edmond Robert, son of Oliver Nugent, Esq., Mount Nugent, Co. Cavan, Ireland ; born Sth February, 1839. Died 1876. 152 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1855. Oldfield, George Biscoe, son of Henry Swann Oldfield, Esq., Beaurepaire Park, near Basingstoke; born 13th November, 1840. 6C— iC. Beaufort House. Left June, 1859. Exeter College, Oxford, 1859. B.A. , 1862 ; M.A. , 1866. Ordained Deacon, 1864, and Priest, 1865. Curate of Putney, Surrey, 1864-65 ; of Woolton Hill, Hants, 1865-67 ; of Motcombe, Dorset, 1867-71 ; of Lillington, Warwickshire, 1871-72. Rector of Ber- wick-in-Tisbury with Sedgehill-in-Mere, Dorset, since 1872 : Assistant-Diocesan Inspector of Schools ; Organizing Secretary, Society for Promoting the Gospel, 1880. Address : Sedgehill, Shaftesbury. Pine-CofiB.n, Edward, son of the Rev. John Thomas Pine-Coffin, Alwington Rectory, Bideford ; born 8th July, 1842. Died 1871. Reid, John Maitland, son of Eustace Maitland Reid, Esq. ; born yth July, 1845. Classical Football XX., 1863; Gold Medallist, 1863 ; Walker Prize, 1864. Scholarship, Exeter College, Oxford, 1864 : ist Class Classical Modera- tions, 1866 ; ist Class Classical Final Schools, 1869 ; B.A. , 1869; M.A. , 1872. Called to the Bar, Lin- coln's Inn, 1872. Went on the Stock Exchange, London. Riddell, Henry Vansittart, son of Robert Riddell, Esq., Bury St. Edmunds ; born 9th October, 1841. Southwood. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1858 ; appointed to 68th Bengal Native Infantry, 1859 ; Lieutenant, 1859 ; transferred to 2nd Bengal European Regiment, i860 ; Captain, Bengal Infantry, 1868 ; Major, 1875 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1876; Brevet-Colonel, 1881. Was Divisional and Sessions Judge at Mooltan. Died at Mooltan, East Indies, 14th January, 1888. Robertson, William Henry, son of William Henry Robertson, Esq., M.D., Buxton ; born 14th February, 1840. 5C — 2C. Chenery. Left June, 1858. Football XX., — . Christ Church, Oxford, 1858. B.A., 1863; M.A., 1866. Ordained Deacon, 1863, and Priest, 1864. Curate of Thorpe Mandeville, Northamptonshire, 1863-65 ; of Houghton-le-Spring, Durham, 1865-66 ; Minor Canon of Durham Cathe- dral, 1866 ; Sacrist, 1872 ; Sub-Librarian, 1874-85. Chaplain of Durham Union, 1872. Died 2nd August, 1885. Ross, John, son of — Ross, Esq. ; born 15th July, 1840. Rynd, Robert Fleetwood William, son of Chris- topher Rynd, Esq., Mount Armstrong, Co. Kildare ; born 13th December, 1842. Ensign, 22nd Foot, 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1863 ; Captain (Resigned), 1872. J. P. for Co. Kildare. Honorary Major, 3rd Battalion Royal Dublin Fusiliers (Kildare Rifles). Address : Blackball, Co. Kildare. Saunders, Harloven Morley, son of Robert Francis Saunders, Esq., Loretto, Chelten- ham; born loth December, 1842. Re- entered College August, 1858. Ensign, 58th Foot, 1863 ; Lieutenant, 1864 ; Cap- tain, 1874 ; Major, Northamptonshire Regiment, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1882. Served in the Zulu War, South Africa, in 1879, and was employed in Natal (Medal). Saunders, Robert Joseph Pratt, son of Robert Francis Saunders, Esq., Loretto, Chelten- ham ; born 5th March, 1841. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1859; Resigned, 1866. J.P. and D.L. for Co. Wicklow, and J.P. for Co. Kildare. High Sheriff of Co. Wicklow, 1878. Lieut. -Colonel, 6th Brigade, North Irish Division, Royal Artillery (Militia). Aide-de-Camp to His Grace the Duke of hlarlborough. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1876. Address : Saunders Grove, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. Slater, Frederick Leigh, son of William Slater, Esq., Solicitor, Princes Street, Manchester ; born 1st October, 1840. Swinhoe, Charles Arthur, son of — Swinhoe, Esq. ; born iith February, 1845. Symonds, Frederick Murray, son of Charles Symonds, Esq., Holywell Street, Oxford ; born 28th April, 1842. Queen’s College, Oxford, 1861. B.A. , 1864; M.A. , 1866. Ordained Deacon, 1865, and Priest, 1866. Curate of St. Mark, Kennington, Surrey, 1865-70 ; ofChetnole, Dorset, 1870-75 ; of Hillingdon, Middlesex, 1875-76 ; of Bleadon, Somerset, 1876-77 ; of Bletchingley, Surrey, 1877-80 ; Rector of Saxelbye, Leicestershire, 1880. Address : Saxelbye Rectory, Melton Mowbray. Taylor, Ernest Henry, son of the Rev. M. I. Taylor, 42 Craven Hill Gardens, Bayswater, London ; born 24th February, 1846. Tsirwhitt, Philip Nathaniel, son of the Rev. Thomas Tyrwhitt, Prebendary of Salisbury Cathedral ; born 20th July, 1843. Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Navy, 1863 ; Lieutenant, 1865 ; Commander (Retired), 1871. Tyrwhitt, Thomas Enright Percy, son of the Rev. Thomas Tyrwhitt, Prebendary of Salis- bury Cathedral ; born 26th August, 1840. Ensign, 36th Foot, 1859; Lieutenant, 1863. Died at Murree, Punjab, India, 20th August, 1868. Walker, Arthur Greenwood, son of — Walker, Esq. ; born loth January, 1843. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1862-64. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1865 ; Captain, 1877 ; Brevet-Major, 1883 ; Major, 1884. Passed Staff College, 1874 (Passed a very good examination in Geology as a voluntary subject, and in Landscape Drawing as an extra subject). Instructor in Mili- tary Drawing, Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1876-83. Serving with Local Forces, Victoria, Australia, with rank of Lieut. -Colonel (1883). Whinyates, Charles Elidor, son of Major- General Whinyates, R.E., 7 North Place, Cheltenham; born 24th June, 1845. Re- entered College August, 1861. Ensign, 76th Foot, 1864 ; transferred to 52nd Foot, 1864 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; Captain, 1870. Died at Mentone, France, 27th February, 1872. Williamson, William Edward, son of John Williamson, Esq., Barrister, The Hollins, near Ripley ; born 2nd October, 1840. Wilson, Henry Josiah, son of Edward Wilson, Esq., Hean Castle, near Tenby ; born ist March, 1844. loC — iC. Boyce. Left 1863. Cricket XXII., 1861-63. Farming in Buenos Ayres, South America, for many years. Subse- quently Secretary of ‘ ‘ Gardner's Trust for the Blind. " Address : 16 Edwardes Square, Kensington, London, W. Michaelmas, 1855.J PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 153 ENTERED MICHAELMAS, 1855. Beaumont, Charles Edward, son of Edward B. Beaumont, Esq., Woodhall, Barnsley, York- shire ; born 27th February, 1841. Black, James Scott, son of — Black, Esq. ; born 1st July, 1841. Carrington, Edmund, son of Edmund Carring- ton, Esq., Trowscoed Lodge, Leckhampton ; born iith September, 1842. Day Boy. Ensign, 29th Foot, 1862 ; Lieutenant, 1864 ; In- structor of Musketry, 1866-69 '< Captain, 1869 ; Major, Worcestershire Regiment, 1881 ; Lieut. - Colonel, 1886. Served with the Zhob Valley Ex- pedition in 1884. Address ; 4 College Lawn, Cheltenham. Cuthbert, Thomas, son of — Cuthbert, Esq. ; born 1 2th May, 1843. Duncan, Alexander Robert, son of John Duncan, Esq., Park Hill, by Arbroath, N.B. ; born 23rd September, 1844. XIP'^'^C — iC. Tttrn- bull. Football XX. , i86 — ; Cricket XXII., 1861-62. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1867. Called to the Scottish Bar (Advocate), 1869. Address: Parkhill, Arbroath, N.B. Glencross, William, son of the Rev. John Glencross, Helland Rectory, Bodmin ; born 2 1 St October, 1839. Queetis M — Queen's M. South-wood. Previously at Sherborne School. Football XX., — . Ensign, 20th Foot, 1858 ; Lieutenant, 1859 ; Adjutant, 1862-66 ; Captain, 1870 ; Major, Lan- cashire Fusiliers, 1881 ; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1887; Lieut. -Colonel, 1889. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1877-82. Inverarity, John Duncan, son of John Duncan Inverarity, Esq., H.E.I.C.S., i Lansdown Villas, Cheltenham ; born 7th January, 1847. Day Boy. Address : Byculla Club, Bombay. Jesson, Richard Henry, son of Richard Jesson, Esq., Solicitor, Walsall ; born 3rd January, 1842. McOlintock, George Perry, son of Samuel McClintock, Esq., Seskanore House, Co. Tyrone, Ireland ; born 6th November, 1839. 4C — Queetis M. Day Boy. Left 1857. Cricket XXII., 185 — . High Sheriff of Co. Tyrone, 1865. J.P. and D.L. for Co. Tyrone, and a Magistrate for Co. Londonderry. Honorary Colonel, 4th Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers (Royal Tyrone Militia). Was Aide-de-Camp to Viceroys of Ireland — Earl Spencer, and Duke of Abercorn. Address : Seskanore, Omagh, Co. Tyrone. Mackenzie, Harry Leith, son of Lieut. -Colonel Hugh Mackenzie, Bengal Army, St. Cathe- rine’s, by Cairndow, N.B. Addiscombe Military College. Lieutenant, Bengal Artillery, 1859; Captain, Royal Artillery, 1872; Major (Retired), 1880. Mackenzie, John Hugh, son of Lietit. -Colonel Hugh Mackenzie, Bengal Army, St. Cathe- rine’s, by Cairndow, N.B. ; born 30th August, 1842. Mackenzie, Thomas Duncan, son of Lieut.- Colonel Hugh Mackenzie, Bengal Army, St. Catherine’s, by Cairndow, N.B. ; born 22nd January, 1844. XI C — \C. Chenery and Day Boy. Left December, 1862. Football XX., 1862; Cricket XXII., 1862. In- dian Civil Service, 1864; appointed to Bombay, 1865. Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Ahmedabad, i866 ; at Surat, 1866-70; at Nassick, 1870-73 ; at Kutnagheny, 1873-74 ; at Nassick, 1874-76 ; ist Assistant-Collector and Magistrate, Poonah, 1876-78. Under-Secretary to Government in the Revenue, Financial, and General Departments, 1878-84. Collector and Magistrate at Broach, 1884- 86 ; Collector and Magistrate and Political Agent, Khandesh, 1886-87 ; at Broach since 1887. Palmer, James Howard, son of the Rev. John Palmer, The Vicarage, Bromyard ; born 7th August, 1841. 4C — iC. Beaufort House. Left June, 1859. Exeter College, Oxford, 1859. B.A., 1862 ; M.A. , 1866. Ordained Deacon, 1864, and Priest, 1865. Assistant-Master at Bradfield College, 1862-69. Address : Ashampstead, Eastbourne. Parker, Edward Waller, son of Samuel Parker, Esq., Dunstan Hill, Durham; born 15th November, 1840. Pope, William Alexander, son of the Rev. Thomas Pope, Christ Church, Newport, Monmouth; born 6th September, 1840. loC — 3C. Boyce. Left 1857. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A., 1863 ; M.A., 1867. Ordained Deacon, 1864, and Priest, 1866. Curate of St. Stephen, St. Albans, 1864-67; of Bishops Hatfield, Herts, 1867-69 ; of Hitchin, 1869- 83; of Redbourn, Herts, 1883-84; Vicar of Flamstead, Herts, 1884-87 ; Vicar of Redbourn, Herts, 1887. Address ; Redbourn, St. Albans. Wilkie, David, son of Thomas Wilkie, Esq., 86 Sloane Street, London ; born jth February, 1841. St. John’s College, Oxford, i860. B.A., 1863; M.A., 1866. Ordained Deacon, 1864, and Priest, 1865. Curate of Acton, Middlesex, 1864-66 ; of St. Stephen, Paddington, 1866-71 ; of Daglingworth, Gloucestershire, 1871-73 ; of Waldershare, Kent, 1873-75 ; of Tudeley, Kent, 1875-76 ; of Rusthall, Kent, 1876-79 ; of Coulsdon, Surrey, 1879-80 ; As- sistant Chaplain at the British Embassy, Paris, 1880- 83 ; Vicar of East Witton, Yorkshire, 1883. Address ; East Witton Vicarage, Bedale. Wood, Charles Clifton, son of — Wood, Esq. ; born 26th June, 1840. ENTERED JANUARY, 1856. Adams, Charles Caddick, son of C. H. Adams, Esq., Fillongley Lodge, near Coventry ; born 14th August, 1838. Adcock, Halford, son of the Rev. Henry H. Adcock, Humberston Vicar.ige, Leicester- shire ; born 2nd February, 1846. Baines, Harry Cuthbert, son of Henry R. Baines, Esq., Esher, Surrey ; born 19th October, 1843. Barlow, William Henry, son of William Henry Barlow, Esq., C.E., Derby ; born 26th November, 1843. X CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1856. 154 Bellairs, Kenneth ffarington, son of the Rev. Henry Walford Bellairs, 3 Priory Parade, Cheltenham; born 9th May, 1846. Stockbroker in London. Bentley, Robert John Hales, son of — Bentley, Esq. ; born i8th February, 1844. Bogue, Charles Barter, son of the Rev. John Richard Bogue, Denbury, Newton Abbott ; born 24th February, 1844. Ensign, 49th Foot, 1863 ; Lieutenant, 1865 ; Captain, Berkshire Regiment, 1875 ; Major, 1883. Died of dysentery at Cairo, Egypt, 5th June, 1885. Bone, Frederic James, son of Allan Belfield Bone, Esq., Solicitor, Belmont, Devonport ; born sth July, 1844. Scholarship, Trinity College, Cambridge, 1866. B.A. (22nd Wrangler), 1867 ; M.A., 1871. Ordained Deacon, 1870, and Priest, 1871. Curate of Stratton, Cornwall, 1870-73; Vicar of Stratton, 1873, and Chaplain of Stratton Union. Address : The Vicarage, Stratton, Cornwall. Boyle, Frederick, son of — Boyle, Esq. ; born 3rd October, 1841. Calrow, Richard, son of Richard Calrow, Esq., Walton Lodge, Preston, Lancashire; born 23rd August, 1843. 6M—1M. Blackader. Left 1861. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1861-63. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1864 ; Captain, 1877 ; Major, 1884. Adjutant of Auxiliary Forces, 1880- 82. Died in India, 6th October, 1884. Candy, Edward Townshend, son of Major Thomas Candy, Bombay Army, 2 Priory Buildings, Cheltenham ; born 15th April, 1845. Day Boy. Indian Civil Service, 1864 ; appointed to Bombay, 1865. Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Ahmed- nuggur, 1866-69 I at Poonah, 1869-70 ; at Ahmed- nuggur, 1870-72 ; Extra Assistant-Judge and Ses- sions Judge, Rutnagherry 1872-73; at Tanna, 1873. Judicial Assistant to Political Agent at Kattywar, 1873-74 ; Assistant-Collector and Magistrate, Ahmed- nuggur, 1874-75 ; Assistant-Judge and Sessions Judge, Rutnagherry, 1875-78 ; Judicial Assistant to Political Agent at Kattywar, 1878-83 ; Judge and Sessions Judge, Ahmedabad, 1883-85; at Surat, 1885 ; Collector and Magistrate, Ratnigiri, 1885 ; Judge and Sessions Judge, Belgaum, 1885-87; Judge and Sessions Judge, Poonah, and Agent for Sirdars m the Deccan since 1887. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1880. Candy, George Henry, son of Major Thomas Candy, Bombay Army, 2 Priory Buildings, Cheltenham ; born 23rd May, 1839. Day Boy. Addiscombe Military College. Lieutenant, Bom- bay ArtiUery, 1858; Captain, Royal Artillery, 1867; Major, 1877 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), i88i. Died at Brighton, 28th February, 1883. Colchester, William Parsons, son of William Colchester, Esq., Little Oakley, Harwich ; born 6th January, 1843. Collins-Splatt, Hawtrey, son of — Collins- Splatt, Esq. ; born 2nd December, 1843. Cooke, Crawford Boyd, son of Crawford Cooke, Esq., Madras ; born 17th March, 1844. Ensign, io8th Foot, 1864; Lieutenant, Madras Staff Corps, 1867 ; Captain, 1876 ; Major 1884 Deputy-Commissioner, 2nd Grade, Burniah, Man- dalay District. Crosbie, Lindsey Bertie (afterwards Talbot- CrosbieJ, son of William Talbot Crosbie Esq., Ardfert Abbey, Tralee, Co. Kerry ’• born nth August, 1844. ’ Lieutenant, Royal Navy, i866 ; Retired, 1871. Cmnming, George Peter, son of George V. Gumming, Esq., Surgeon, Madras Army ; born 2 1 St July, 1841. Day Boy. Dalglish, George, son of — Dalglish, Esq. ; born 1st May, 1842. Davidson, Barnard Henry, son of William Davidson, Esq., Blomefield House, Shooters Hill, Kent ; born i8th February, 1841. de Lautour, Edward J oseph, son of Edward de Lautour, Esq., Bengal Civil Service ; born loth March, 1842. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Bengal Artillery, i860 ; Captain, Royal Artillery, 1874; Brevet-Major, 1879; Major, 1882; Lieut.- Colonel, 1889. Served with the Expedition of 1863 against the tribes on the North-West Frontier of India, including the engagements in the Umbeyla Pass (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Also served with the Expedition against the tribes of the Black Mountain in the Hazara Campaign of i868 (clasp) ; also against the Duffla tribes on the Assam Frontier in 1874, and in the operations against the Jowaki Afreedees in 1877-78 (mentioned in des- patches, clasp). Served in the Afghan War in 1878- 79, with the Peshawur Valley Field Force, under Sir Samuel Browne, V.C. ; was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid, and with the expedition into the Lughman Valley, and commanded the Hazara Mountain Battery at the surprise of the Fort of Shergash (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with clasp). Dickson, Henry Granville, son of Joseph Briggs Dickson, Esq., Solicitor, West Cliffe, Pres- ton ; born i8th November, 1844. 9C — iC Turnbull. Left September, 1863. Classical Football XX. Trinity College, Cam- bridge. B.A. (6th in 3rd Class Classical Tripos), 1867; M.A., 1870. Ordained Deacon, 1868, and Priest, 1869. Curate of Cheam, Surrey, 1868-73 ; of St. Margaret, Lothbury, 1873-82 ; Assistant-Se- cretary, Church Defence Institution, 1873-83 ; Chap- lain of Royal Naval Female School, Cheam, since 1882 ; Clerical Secretary, Church Defence Institu- tion, and Secretary Tithe Redemption Trust, 1883 ; General Secretary, Church Defence Institution, 1885. Address : Cheam, Surrey. Drought, Richard Reynell, son of the Rev. John William Fairbrother Drought, Strad- broke, Black Rock, Ireland ; born 2nd July, 1840. 4C — 3C. Burr owes. Trinity College, Dublin. Ensign, 51st Foot, i860; Lieutenant, 1865 ; Retired, 1868. J. P. for Co. Wicklow, and Captain, Wicklow Rifles. Address : Glencarrig, Glenealy, Co. Wicklow. Edmunds, Richard John, son of John Edmunds, Esq., Edderton, Montgomeryshire ; born 9th January, 1845. Faber, William Cooke, son of the Rev. John C. Faber, Chicklade, near Hindon, Wiltshire ; born 15th September, 1842. Fitzherbert, Samuel Thomas, son of Edward H. Fitzherbert, Esq., Barrister-at-Law ; born nth February, 1847. Subsequently at Repton School. Ford, Hugh Ingram Everard, son of the Rev. Frederick Ford, British Chaplain, Heidel- berg, Germany ; born 22nd November, 1841. 3/J/ — 2/1/. Southwood. Left 1857. 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Artillery, 1857 ; ist Lieu- tenant, 1858; Captain, Royal Artillery, 1868 ; Major, 1878; Lieut. -Colonel, 1884; Brevet-Colonel, 1888. Passed Staff College, 1877 (passed a good examina- tion in French, and a very good examination in German, as voluntary subjects). Assistant-Adjutant- General, Bengal, i88o-86. Served throughout the operations in the North-West Frontier of India in January, 1856.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 1863 against the tribes in the Unibeyla Pass (Medal with clasp). Galloway, John Mawby Glossy, son ot Major Thomas Leech Lennox Galloway, lothh'oot; born 19th April, 1840. India Direct — India Direct. Day Boy. Left March, 1857. Cornet, Madras Cavalry, September, 1857 ; ap- pointed to 4th Madras Cavalry, December, 1857 ; Lieutenant, 1858; Captain, Madras Cavalry, 1864; Brevet-Major, 1874; Brevet- Lieut. -Colonel, 1880: Major, January, 1883; Lieut. -Colonel, September, 1883 ; Colonel, 1884. 2nd in Command and Squadron Commander, 2nd Madras Cavalry. Commandant, Governor's Body Guard, Madras, 1876. Employed during the Indian Mutiny in Shahabad, and was engaged at Kheree, 7th October ; Burhampoor, 14th October; Kheree Saugor, i6th October; Judgespore, i8th October ; and Seekreta and Koath Khaz, 20th October, 1858, and in Bundlecund during the whole of 1859 (Medal). Served with the Burmese Expedi- tion of 1886 (Medal with clasp). Garrow, Edward Schonswar, son of the Rev. George B. Garrow, Chiselborough, Ilminster, Somerset; born 24th October, 1841. Previously at Marlborough College (August, 1855 — Christmas, 1856). Gillespie, Alexander, son of David Gillespie, Esq., Mountquhanie, Cupar, Fife, N.B. ; born 1 8th August, 1844. Gillespie, James Carnegie, son of David Gilles- pie, Esq., Mountquhanie, Cupar, Fife, N.B. ; born loth November, 1845. — . Turn- bull. Left June, 1856. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1862-64. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1865 ; Captain, 1877 ; Adjutant, 1878-84 ; Major, 1884. Gore-Booth, James, son of Henry Gore-Booth, Esq., Hebersburgh ; born 22nd September, 1840. 5C — \M. Bayly. Left June, 1859. Football XX., 1858. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1859-60. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, i860; Captain, 1873; Major, 1881; Lieut. -Colonel, 1888. Instructor of Fortification, &c. , Royal Mili- tary Academy, Woolwich, 1873-80 ; Adjutant, Auxi- liary Forces, 1880-81. Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant- General, Aldershot, 1883-88. Is Commanding Royal Engineer, North Camp, Aldershot. Graves, The Hon. Clarence Edward, son of Lord Graves, Gravesend House, Devonport ; born 8th June, 1847. 12 C — Naval C. Boyne House and Green. Left 1861. Succeeded his father as 4th Baron Graves in 1870. Naval Cadet, 1861 ; Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Navy, 1868; Lieutenant, 1869; Retired, 1872. J.P. for Cornwall. Address : Thanckes House, near Devonport ; and Carlton Club, Pall Mall, London, S.W. Hamilton, George Rowan, son of Archibald Rowan Hamilton, Esq., Killyleagh Castle, Co. Down ; born loth April, 1845. XP^^C — 3C Newick House. Left 1861. Ensign, 8th Foot, 1864 ; Lieutenant, 1868 ; trans- ferred to looth Foot, 1874 ; Retired, 1875 ; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1871-75. J.P. for Co. Down. Honorary Major and Adjutant, 3rd Battalion Royal Irish Rifles (Royal North Down Militia). Address : Killyleagh Castle, Co. Down, Ireland. Hamilton, Gowen William Rowan, son of Ar- chibald Rowan Hamilton, Esq., Killyleagh Castle, Co. Down ; born 7th March, 1844. 8C — iC. Newick House. Left 1862. University College, Oxford, 1862. B.A. , 1866. Cornet, 7th Dragoon Guards, 1868 ; Lieutenant, 1869 ; Captain, 1871 ; Retired, 1872. Was one of the Esquires at the Installation of the Prince of Wales as Knight of St. Patrick, at St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, in 1868. J.P. and D. L. , and High Sheriff of Co. Down. 1875. Lieut. -Colonel, >55 3rd Battalion, Royal Irish Rifles (Royal North Down Militia). Address : Killyleagh Castle, Co. Down, Ireland. Hay-Hill, Hamilton, son of John David Hay- Hill, Esc(., 16 Waterloo Crescent, Dover; born 7th July, 1843. Was in the Exchequer and Audit Department, Civil Service, London. Died at St. Thomas's Hos- pital, London, 20th April, 1882, where a drinking fountain has been erected to his memory. Hay-Hill, Reginald, son of John David Hay- Hill, Esq., 16 Waterloo Crescent, Dover ; born 6th November, 1841. 9C — . Clarke. Trinity Hall, Cambridge. LL. B. , 1864. Ordained Deacon, 1865, and Priest, 1866. Curate of Holy Trinity, Maidstone, 1865 ; of Ryarsh, Kent, 1866- 67; of Luddenham, Kent, 1867; ofWalmer, Kent, 1868-70 ; of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, London, 1871- 73 ; Rector of St. Peter, Thetford, 1874-79 ; Rector of Parham, Sussex, 1879-89; Vicar of Wethersfield, Essex, 1889. Author of “Prayers for the Afflicted and Sorro\Hul.'' Address ; Wethersfield Vicarage, Essex. Hennell, James Bruce, son of Colonel Samuel Hennell, Springfield, Charlton Kings ; born 6th September, 1 840. Re-entry, vide August, 1852. Higgins, Charles, son of James Higgins, Esq., Stocks, Cheetham, Manchester ; born 20th April, 1843. Hill, Arthur Gibson, son of James Thomas Hill, Esq.,Anlaby, near Hull ; born 27th July, 1841. Holland, John William, son of — Holland, Esq. ; born 8th July, 1841. Holliday, Joseph Farbridge, son of John Holli- day, Esq., Hilton Park, near Manchester ; born 9th February, 1843. Modern Football XX. , 1858-59. Ho'well, William Mark, son of Abraham Howell, Esq., Solicitor, Welchpool ; born 26th Sep- tember, 1841. Hull, William Thomas Slater (afterwards Hull- Brown), son of the Rev. Robert P. Hull Brown, Buxton ; born 17th October, 1841. Jackson, George Henry, son of Edward James Jackson, Esq., 6 Coates Crescent, Edin- burgh ; born 14th July, 1842. Jackson, Henry’, son of Henry Jackson, Esq., St. James’ Row, Sheffield ; born 12th March, 1839. iC — iC. Bayly. Left June, 1858. Silver (Classical) Medallist, 1857 ; Head of Clas- sical Department, December. 1857 — June, 1858. Scholarship, Trinity College, Cambridge, i860. B.A. (3rd Classic, ist Class Classical Tripos), 1862; Fellow of Trinity, 1864; M.A. , 1865. Litt. D. 188 — . Assistant Tutor, Trinity College, 1866 ; Classical Ex- aminer, 1869-70 ; Praelector in Ancient Philosophy, since I87S- President of Cheltonian Society, 1881-82. Address ; Croft Cottage, Barton Road, Cam- bridge, and Trinity College, Cambridge. La Touche, Henry Christopher Digges, son of the Rev. Thomas Digges La Touche, Stoke- say Vicarage, Salop ; born 2nd September, 1839. Beaufo 7 't House. Left 1859. Civil Engineer, Department of Public Works, India. La'Wrence, Henry, son of John Lawrence, Esq., Newport, Monmouthshire; born nth May, 1841. Lloyd, John Henry, son of John Lloyd, Esq., H.E.I.C.S. Artillery, King’s Buildings, Ches- ter ; born 1 2th January, 1841. Direct Commission, 2nd Lieutenant, Bombay Ar- tillery, 1857 ; 2nd Captain, Royal Artillery, 1866 ; Major, 1876. Died 1881. 1S6 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1856. Lomas, William, son of — Lomas, Esq. ; born 1st July, 1843. Macdonald, Donald, son of William Bell Mac- donald, Esq., Rammerscales, Dumfries, N.B. ; born 30th August, 1846. 12C — 4C. Beaufort Hotcse. Left 1861. Civil Engineer. Address : Curran, Larne, Co. Antrim, Ireland. Macdonald, William Bell, son of William Bell Macdonald, Esq., Rammerscales, Dumfries, N.B. ; born 9th January, 1845. Ensign, ist Foot, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1869 ; Cap- tain, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 1876 ; Retired, 1882. Address : Rammerscales, Lockerbie', Dumfries- shire, N.B. Maclaverty, Archibald Iver, son of Alexander Maclaverty, Esq., M.D., Ross, Hereford- shire ; born 31st August, 1842. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Madras Artillery, i860 ; Captain, 1872 ; Major, 1880; Lieut. -Colonel, 1886. Marett, James Richard, son of Philip Marett, Esq.; born 15th June, 1841. Queen’s — India Direct. Jelfs. Left 1857. Previously at King’s College, London. Addis- combe Military College. Ensign, Bengal Infant^, February, 1858 ; appointed to 2nd Bengal Native Infantry, May, 1858 ; Lieutenant, December, 1858 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1866 ; Captain, 1870 ; Major, 1878 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1884; Brevet-Colonel, 1888. Is District Judge, 3rd Grade, Seetapore, Oude. Served with the 21st Punjab Native Infantry in the Cossyah Hills Campaign in 1862-63, and was present at the capture of several stockades, and the pursuit and capture of the Cossyah Chief Purbut (mentioned in despatches, and thanked by Government). Also served as Adjutant of the i8th Bengal Native Infantry in the Bhootan Campaign in 1865, including the assault and capture of the Chamochee Stockades (Medal with clasp). Maurice, Horatio Charles, son of the Rev. Thomas Maurice, Harnhill Rectory, near Cirencester; born 15th July, 1841. Exeter College, Oxford, i860. B.A. , 1865. Or- dained Deacon, 1866, and Priest, 1867. Curate of Hampnett-cum-Stowell, Gloucestershire, 1868-70. Drowned at Lowestoft, Norfolk, 17th September, 1870. Murray, Richard Paget, son of Lieut-Colonel Henry Murray, R. A., Thornton, Isle of Man ; born 26th December, 1842. 8C — 2C. South- wood and Turnbull. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. B.A. (ist in ist Class Natural Science Tripos), 1867; M.A. , 1871. Fellow of Linnean Society, 1882. Ordained Deacon, 1868, and Priest, 1869. Curate of Plym- stock, 1868-70 : of Beckenham, Kent, 1874-77 : Curate in charge of Baltonsborough, Somerset, 1877-82 ; Vicar of Shapwick, Dorset, 1883. Address : Shapwick Vicarage, Blandford. Norris, Albert, son of — Norris, Esq. ; born 6th February, 1847. Nugent, Arthur Vesey, son of Patrick John Nugent, Esq., Portaferry, Co. Down ; born 2nd March, 1841. Ensign, 17th Foot, i860 ; Lieutenant, 1863 ; Re- tired, 1864. Parry, George Edward, son of George Fre- derick Parry, Esq., 3 Douro Villas, Chelten- ham ; born 19th November, 1843. Peckitt, Reginald William, son of Henry Peckitt, Esq., Carlton Husthwaite, Thirsk, Yorkshire; born 21st September, 1842. — Sandhurst M. Beaufort House. Left J une, i860. Royal Militaiy College, Sandhurst. Ensign, 84th Foot, 1863; Lieutenant, 1865; Captain, York and Lancashire Regiment, 1868; Brevet-Major, 1882; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1884. Served with the 2nd Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment in the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present in the en- gagements at El Magfar and Tel-el-Mahuta, and at the action of Kassassin on the 28th August (men- tioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal and Khedive’s Star). Pennycuick, John, son of Lieut.-Colonel J. Pennycuick, C.B. ; born 15th January, 1841. Re-entry, vide August, 1849. Perry, Lionel Frederick, son of John Perry, Esq., Cotham, near Bristol ; born i8th Oc- tober, 1840. Special M — \M. Newick House. Left December, 1859. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1860-61. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1861 ; Captain, 1875 ; Brevet-Major, 1881 ; Major, 1882 ; Brevet- Lieut.- Colonel, 1882 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1886. Commanding Royal Artillery, at St. Helena. Served in the Egyp- tian War of 1882, and commanded a battery of Royal Artillery at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (men- tioned in despatches. Brevet of Lieut.-Colonel, Medal with clasp, 3rd Class Medjidie, and Khedive’s Star). Address : Care of Messrs. Cox and Co. , 16 Char- ing Cross, London, S.W. Pickard, Charles Edward, son of Henry William Pickard, Esq., Hooton Roberts, Rotherham ; born 5th August, 1846. Died at Southampton, 5th January, 1875. Ramsbottom, Algernon Felix, son of John R. T. Ramsbottom, Esq., Waterloo Crescent, Dover ; born 25th February, 1842. Rawlins, Arthur John Chambr6, son of the Rev. Francis George Rawlins, Leaden Roding Rectory, Essex ; born ist May, 1840. Addiscombe Military College. Lieutenant, Ben- gal Artillery, i860 ; Captain, Royal Artillery, 1874 ; Retired, 1880. Ripley, Edward, son of Sir Henry William Ripley, Bart., Lightcliffe, near Halifax ; born 1 6th May, 1840. Succeeded his father as 2nd Baronet in 1882. Classical Football XX., 1859. Christ Church, Ox- ford, 1859. B.A., 1864. Csdled to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1870. J. P. for West Riding of Yorkshire. Address : Acacia, Appleby, near Leeds ; Bowling Lodge, Bradford ; Bedstone House, Bucknell ; and Garrick Club, London, W.C. Rice, Lionel Knight, son of Edward Royd Rice, Esq., M.P., Dane Court, Sandwich ; born 17th April, 1843. Robertson, Gordon, son of William Henry Robertson, Esq., M.D., Buxton ; born 31st December, 1841. 4C — 2C Chenery. Left 1859. Classical Football XX., 185 — . University College, 0 .xford, 1859. B.A., 1865; M.A., 1867. Ordained Deacon, 1866, and Priest, 1867. Curate of Morpeth, 1866-68 : of Bakewell, 1868-69 • Sherfield, Hants, 1869-71 ; Vicar of East-Sterndale, Derbyshire, 1871. Address : East-Stemdale Vicarage, Buxton. Rohde, John, son of John Rohde, Esq., H.E.I.C.S., Madras ; born 12th June, 1844. Rohde, William Cotton, son of John Rohde, Esq., H.E.I.C.S., Madras; born 22nd May, 1841. Rothwell, Richard Ruxton (afterwards Fitz- Herbert), son of Thomas Rothwell, Esq. January, 1856.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 157 (afterwards Fitz-Herbert), Black Castle, Na- van, Ireland ; born 13th September, 1841. J. P. and n. L. , for Co. Meath, and High Sheriff of Co. Monaghan, i88o. Address : Black Castle, Navan ; and Shantonagh, Castle Blayncy. Rothwell, Sidney Arthur, (afterwards Fitz- Herbert), son of Thomas Rothwell, Esq. (afterwards Fitz-Herbert), Black Castle, Navan, Ireland ; born 12th August, 1843. Subsequently at Repton School. Stuart, William Cashel, son of the Hon. and Rev. Andrew Godfrey Stuart, Cottesmore Rectory, Oakham ; born 25th November, 1844. Merton College, O.xford, 1864. 2nd Class Classi- cal Moderations, 1866 ; 3rd Class Classical Final Schools, 1868; B.A., 1868; M.A., 1870. Ordained Deacon, 1869, and Priest, 1870. Chaplain at Clureus, Switzerland, 1874-75 1 Vicar of South Cave, York- shire, 1875-80. Temple, Christopher Edmund, son of Chris- topher Temple, Esq., Judge in the Supreme Court of Ceylon, Colombo ; born September, 1841. Cricket XI., 1859-60. Head of Classical Depart- ment, June, i860. Balliol College, O.xford, i860. 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1862 ; 2nd Class Law and History, 1863 ; B.A. , 1863. Died atGalle, Ceylon, 5th May, 1868. Thackwell, Edwin, son of General Joseph Edwin Thackwell, C.B. ; born 20th June, 1844. Tremenheere, George Henry Wynn, son of John Henry Tremenheere, Esq., Barrister, 12 Howley Place, Westbourne Terrace, Lon- don ; born 20th May, 1840. Trye, Reginald Edward, son of the Rev. Charles Brandon Tyre, Leckhampton ; born 5th June, 1853. University College, Oxford, 1862. 3rd Class Clas- sical Moderations, 1864 ; 3rd Class Law and History, 1866; B.A. , 1866; M.A. , 1871. Ordained Deacon. 1866, and Priest, 1868. Curate of Cam, Gloucester- shire, 1866-67 I of Leckhampton, 1867-70 ; Curate in charge of St. James, Calderbrook, Lancashire, 1870- 72 ; Curate of Tottington, Lancashire, 1872-73 ; of Westhoughton, Lancashire, 1873 ; of St. Philip, Sal- ford, 1873-74; Curate in charge of Bradninch, Devon, 1874-76; of Leathlcy, 1876-78; Curate of .South Pool, Devon, 1878-79; of Westwood, Warwickshire, 1879-80; of Cranliain, Gloucestershire, 1880-84; Rector of Leckhampton, 1884. Address : Leckhampton Rectory, Cheltenham. Voules Frank Herbert, son of the Rev. Frtincis F. Voules, Middle Chinnock Rectory, near llminster; born 27th December, 1840. Wells, Harry Morland, son of Frederick Octa- vius Wells, Esq., Bengal Civil Service; born i6th March, 1841. Garrett. Previously at Westminster School. Emmanue College, Cambridge. B. A., 1862. Ordained Deacon, 1864, and Priest, 1865. Curate of Alford, Somerset, 1864-66 ; of Hatfield, Herts, 1867-68 ; of Ayott St. Peter, 1868-69; °f Kimpton, 1870-71 ; Rector of Den- ton, Huntingdonshire, 1871-75; Vicar of Prestwood, Bucks, 1875. Address : Prestwood Vicarage, Great Missenden. Williams, Evan Thomas, son of Evan Wil- liams, Esq., Dyffryn Friod, Cardiff ; born loth March, 1842. Wilson, Robert James, son of William Wilson, Esq., Worthing, Sussex ; born 20th Septem- ber, 1840. iC—iC. Day Boy. Left De- cember, 1858. Previously at Bradfield College, 1853-55. Postmas- tership, Merton College, Oxford, 1858 ; 3rd Class Classical Moderations, i860; 2nd Class Classical Final Schools, 1862; B.A., 1862; M.A., 1865; Fellow ofMer- ton, 1867. Ordained Deacon, 1868, and Priest, 1871. Assistant-Master at Radley College, 1863-66 ; Assis- tant-Master at Marlborough College, 1866-70; Tutor of Merton College, Oxford, 1870-75 ; Vicar of Wol- vercot, Oxford, 1875-79 ; Warden of Radley College, 1879-80, and Vicar of Radley, 1880-88 ; Warden of Keble College, Oxford, 1889. Author of "The Catholic Church and the Church of Romo," &c. Address : Keble College, Oxford. Winterbotham, Francis Hesking, son of John B. Winterbotham, Esq., Solicitor, Chelten- ham ; born 19th November, 1838. Day Boy. Left 1857. London University, 1857. Ensign, 40th Madras Native Infantry, 1859 ; Lieutenant, 1861 ; Captain, 1871. Died at Peshawur, East Indies, 14th Feb- ruary, 1879, from cold and exposure while on the march to join Sir Samuel Brown's column in Afghan- istan. ENTERED MARCH, 1856. Clifford, William, son of Henry John Clifford, Esq., Frampton-on- Severn, Gloucestershire; born 1 2 th January, 1845. \oM — 3d/. Boyce. Trinity Hall, Cambridge. B.A., 1867. Head Master of Hooghly College, 1868-69. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1880. J.P. for Gloucestershire. Address ; Heath End House, Cromhall, Glouces- tershire; and United University Club, London, S.W. Conyers, James, son of Charles Conyers, Esq.; George Town, Demerara ; born 26th Feb- ruary, 1842. de Lautour, Cecil Albert, son of Edward de Lautour, Esq., Bengal Civil Service ; born 19th February, 1845. Southwood. M.P. for Mount Ida in New Zealand Parliament, 1875. Solicitor. Address : Gisborne, New Zealand. de Lautour, Gideon Colquhoun, son of Edward de Lautour, Esq., Bengal Civil Service ; born 26th February, 1843. Gale, John Hasker, son of Thomas A. Gale, Esq., Lambourn, Berkshire ; born 17th May, 1841. Griffiths, Richard Samuel Purnell, son of the Rev. Henry Griffiths, Elm Lodge, Chelten- ham ; born 7th March, 1844. St. Mary's Hospital, London. Member. Royal College of Surgeons, England, and Licentiate of the Apothecaries Society, 1865 ; Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians, London, 1866. Surgeon, Royal Navy, 1867 ; Staff-Surgeon, 1879 ; Fleet Surgeon, 1888. Was Staff-Surgeon of H.M.S. " Orontes " during the Egyptian War of 1882 (Medal and Khedive's Star). Hamilton, Sidney Augustus Rowan, son of Archibald Rowan Hamilton, Esq., Killyleagh Castle, Co. Down ; born ist July, 1846. Lieutenant Royal Navy, 1867. Died 19th April 1868. 158 Hinds, John Henry, son of the Rev. John Thomas Hinds, Fulham Rectory, Sherborne, Dorset ; born 26th June, 1843. Kolle, John Henry, son of John Henry Kolle, Esq., Avenue House, Tottenham, Middle- sex ; born i8th June, 1842. Monro, Theodore Russell, son of — Monro, Esq. ; born 14th March, 1843. Perry, William, son of the Rev. John Perry, Chiverton House, Truro ; born i ith January, 1840. Powell, Henry, son of Thomas Powell, Esq., The Gaer, Newport, Monmouth ; born 6th March, 1838. Turner, Edward, son of Edward Turner, Esq., [March, 1856. Manor House, Bishopstoke ; born 15th August, 1841. Walton, Frederick Robert Brooke, son of Wil- liam Henry Walton, Esq., Barrister, Sur- biton, Surrey ; born 22nd March, 1841. Withers, Joseph, son of Richard Withers, Esq., The Uplands, West Derby, Liverpool ; born 17th April, 1841. Ensign, 25th Bombay Native Infantry, 1858 ; Lieutenant, i860; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1862; Captain, 1870; Major, 1878; Lieut. -Colonel, 1884; Colonel (Retired), 1887. Brigade-Major, Bombay, 1880-82: Ueputy-Assistant-Adjutant-General, Ma- dras, 1882-87. Served in the Abyssinian Expedi- tion in 1867-68 (Medal). CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. ENTERED AUGUST, 1856. Allhusen, William Hutt, son of Christian All- husen. Esq., Newcastle-on-Tyne ; born i6th September, 1846. XIP^^C — 3^- Bayly. Left 1862. Magdalen College, Cambridge. Merchant. Address : 8 Windsor Terrace, Newcastle-on- Tyne. Babington, Stephen, son of — Babington, Esq. ; born 9th N ovember, 1 844. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, i860. Ensign, Bombay Infantry, 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1862 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1867 ; Captain, 1873 ; Major, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1887. Is District Superin- tendent of Police, Poona. Badeley, Henrv, son of John Carr Badeley, Esq., F.R.C.P., Guy Hailings, Chelmsford ; born 27th May, 1842. 8C — "jC. Day Boy. Left 1857. Previously at Marlborough College (August, 1853 —June, 1856). Royal Military College, Sandhurst, i860. Ensign, 19th Foot. 1864 ; Lieutenant, 1868 ; transferred to g8th Foot, 1869 ; Retired, 1871. Baker, Nathaniel, son of Anthony Kington Baker, Esq., Longford House, Cheltenham ; born 2 1 St May, 1844. Rifle Corps XL, Captain, 1863. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1867. Address ; Butt's Hill, Kingswear, near Dart- mouth. Barber, James Charles, son of John Barber, Esq., Solicitor, 17 King Street, Cheapside, London ; born 27th July, 1840. Barnard, Arthur, son of — Ilarnard, Esq. ; born 2 1st April, 1843. Barrett, Edward, son ot George Barrett, Esq., Winter’s Hall ; born nth June, 1846. Cricket XI. , 1861. Bennett, George, son of the Rev. George Ben- nett ; born 4th December, 1846. Bird, Alfred Wheler, son of George Bird, Esq., Madras Civil Service, Wolseley Villa, Chel- tenham ; born 20th October, 1842. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, i860; Lieutenant, 1862; Captain, 1869. Died at Benares, East Indies, 22nd September, 1873. Blyth, Henry Shipley, son ot Samuel Blyth, Esq., I Paragon Buildings, Cheltenham ; born 17th December, 1844. Previously at Leamington College. Bond, Charles Watson, son of William Bond, Esq., Alrewas, near Lichfield ; born 19th June, 1839. 3C — 2C. Clarke. Left June, 1858. Football XX. , 185 — Scholarship, Christ's Col- lege, Cambridge, i860; Porteus Gold Medallist, 1861; B.A. (i6th Senior Optime), 1862; M.A., 1866. Ordained Deacon, 1862, and Priest, 1863. Curate of Waltham Abbey, Essex, 1862-65 ; of St. John, Birkenhead, 1865-69 ; Perpetual Curate of Hanley, 1869-76 ; Vicar of Haddenham, Cam- bridgeshire, 1876-82 ; Vicar of All Souls, Brighton. 1882-88 : Vicar of St. Nicholas, Brighton, 1888. Address : St. Nicholas Vicarage, Brighton. Bonnor-Maurice, Richard, son of Robert Mau- rice Bonnor-Maurice, Esq., 43 Gloucester Street, Warwick Square, London ; born loth December, 1845. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1864-67 (Prize : First Hindustani). Lieutenant, Royal Artil- lery, 1867. Was thrown from his horse at a paper- chase at Cawnpore, India, on 8th March, 1873, and killed on the spot. Bradley, Francis Herbert, son of the Rev. Charles Bradley, 19 Royal Parade, Chelten- ham ; born 30th January, 1846. Subsequently at Marlborough College (October, 1861 — June, 1863). Scholarship University College, Oxford, 1865 ; ist Class Classical Moderations, 1867: 2nd Class Classical Final Schools, 1869 ; Fellow of Merton College, 1870; B.A., 1870; M.A., 1877. Author of " Ethical Studies." Bradshaw, Augustus Hill, son of Captain R. A. Bradshaw, R.N., Cheltenham ; born 15th December, 1843. Bridges, George Henry, son of Henry Thomas Bridges, Esq., 17 Caledonia Place, Clifton ; born 19th January, 1840. Ensign, ist Bombay European Regiment, 1857 ; Lieutenant, 103rd Foot, 1862; Captain, 1867 ; trans- ferred to 98th Foot, 1868 ; Retired, 1871. Engaged in suppressing the Mutiny of the 62nd and 69th Regiments of Bengal Native Infantry and Horse Artillery at Mooltan in 1858 (Medal). Busfeild, Currer Fothergill, son of Currer Bus- feild. Esq.; born 15th September, 1840. Ensign, i6th Foot, 1858 ; Lieutenant, i860 ; Re- tired, 1868. Caldecott, Francis James, son of Charles Mar- riott Caldecott, Esq., H.E.I.C.S., Holbrook Grange, near Rugby ; born 29th April, 1842. Modern Football XX. , 1858. Addiscombe Mili- tary College. Lieutenant, Bombay Artillery, i860 ; Captain, Royal Artillery, 1872; Major, 1880; Brevet- Lieut. -Colonel, 1881; Lieut. -Colonel, 1885; Brevet- Colonel, 1885. Is Superintendent of the Gunpowder August, 1856.] PRINCIPAL; REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 159 Factory at Bombay. Served throughout the Abys- sinian Expedition willi the Transjjort Train, from September, 1867, and commanded a Division of the Train during the latter half of the Campaign (men- tioned in despatches for “ ability, energy, and zeal," Medal). Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, and was present at the defence of Kandahar, including the sortie of Deh Khojah, and at the battle of Kan- dahar (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Liout.- Colonel, Medal with clasp). Carrington, Frederick, son of Edmund Car- rington, Esq., Trowscoed Lodge, Chelten- ham ; born 23rd August, 1844. — 2(7. Jelfs and Day Boy. Left 1863. Ensign, 24th Foot, 1864 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; In- structor of Musketry, 1870-78 ; Captain, 1878 ; Brevet-Major, 1878 ; Major, South Wales Borderers, 1882; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1879; Colonel, 1884. Organised and commanded Mounted Infantry in the Expedition to Griqualand West, South Africa, in 1875, and Carrington's Horse (mounted infantry) at the annexation of the Transvaal in 1877. Served in the Kaffir War in the Transkei, in 1877, and raised and commanded the “ Frontier Light Horse,” and was present in the engagement at Quintana (men- tioned in despatches) and subsequent operations in the Transkei and Perie Bush. Served in the operations against Sekukuni, in 1878-79, as Com- mandant of the Transvaal Volunteer Force, and commanded the Advance Guard and Left Attack at the storming and capture of the stronghold (men- tioned in despatches, Brevets of Major and Lieut. - Colonel, C.M.G., and Medal with clasp) ; com- manded the Cape Mounted Rifles at the siege of Mafeteng by the Basutos, and commanded the Colonial Forces in Basutoland during the operations against the Basutos, from November, 1880, to March, 1881 — severely wounded (mentioned in Colonial de- spatches). Served with the Bechuanaland Expedi- tion under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 in com- mand of the 2nd Mounted Rifles (mentioned in de- spatches). K.C.M.G., 1887. Now Commandant of the Bechuanaland Mounted Police. Address: United Service Club, and Naval and Military Club, London, S.W. Cary, Byron Plantagenet (afterwards Viscount Falkland), son of Captain the Hon. Byron Charles Ferdinand Plantagenet Cary, R.N., Sparkford, Castle Cary, Somerset ; born 3rd April, 1845. Succeeded his uncle as 12th Viscount Falkland in 1886. Ensign, 49th Foot, 1863 ; Lieutenant, August, 1867 ; transferred to 35th Foot, October, 1867 ; Cap- tain, 1877 ; Major, Royal Sussex Regiment, 1883 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1884; Aide-de-Camp to Major-General, Malta, 1879. Address : Sutterskelfe, Yarm, Yorkshire ; Carlton Club, Junior United Service Club, and Boodle's Club, London, S.W. Chaytor, Alfred, son of Matthew H. Chaytor, Esq., The Hatch, Redhill, Surrey ; born 7th August, 1843. Chaytor, Hugh, son of Matthew H. Chaytor, Esq., The Hatch, Redhill, Surrey ; born 4th April, 1842. Chisholm, Alexander Bain, son of Alexander Bain Chisholm, Esq., M.D., 2 Lansdown Place, Cheltenham; born 4th November, 1841. Clunes, John Randol Mackenzie, son of Major John Clunes, Woodfield, near Pembroke ; born 31st August. 1843. Re-entered College, January, 1859. Cooke, J ames Bradley, son of George Cooke, Esq. , Solicitor, Clifton ; born i8th December, 1843. Corlass, Frederick Sydney, son of William Cor- lass. Esq., Solicitor, Lansdown Terrace, Hull ; born 2nd April, 1842. Corser, Haden, son of Charles Corser, Esq., Oakfield, near Wolverhampton ; born 9th October, 1845. XP'^'^C — . Newtek House. Left April, 1862. Christ Church, Oxford, 1866. Rowed in the Tri.ul Eights, 1867. B.A. (3rd Class Law and History), 1869. Called to the Bar, Middle Temple, 1870. Appointed a Metropolitan Stipendiary Ma- gistrate, 1889. Address : Silkmore, near Stafford. Cox, Cecil Walker, son of the Rev. Thomas Cox, Kimeote Rectory, near Lutterworth ; born 13th October, 1844. Exhibition, Magdalen College, Oxford, 1863 ; 2nd Class Mathematical Moderations, 1865 ; 2nd Class Mathematical Final Schools, 1867; B.A., 1867. Ordained Deacon, 1868, and Priest, 1869. Curate of Coggeshall, Essex, 1868-71 ; Rector of Ather- stone-upon-Stour, Warwickshire, 1871. Address: Atherstone Rectory, Stratford-on-Avon. Cox, George Augustus, son of Captain Samuel Fortnom Cox, Sandford Park, Oxford ; born 9th June, 1840. 4(7 — 2(7. Day Boy. Left June, 1859. Previously at Rugby School (August, 1851 — ). Classical Football XX., 1856-57. Ensign, 17th Foot, i860; Lieutenant, 1863; Captain, 1872; Major, Leicestershire Regiment, 1881 ; Lieut. - Colonel (Retired), 1887. Cox, Robert Emilius, son of Captain Samuel Fortnom Cox, .Sandford Park, Oxford ; born 9th June, 1840. bM — 2M. Day Boy. Left June, 1859. Previously at Rugby School (August, 1851 — June, 1856). Cricket XXII., 1857-58 ; Modern P'ootball XX., 1858. Ensign, Madras Infantry, 1859 ; Lieutenant, 1862 ; Brevet-Captain, June, 1871 ; Captain, October, 1871; Major, 1879; Lieut.- Colonel, 1885 ; Colonel, 1889. Is Commandant, Coorg Rifle Volunteers. Croker, Arthur, son of John Croker, Esq., Dublin ; born 22nd March, 1846. Slade Exhibitioner, Christ Church, Oxford, 1865 ; migrated to Trinity College, 1866. 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1868; B.A., i86g. Cubitt, George John, son of — Cubitt, Esq. ; born 4th July, 1843. Dakin, Reginald, son of — Dakin, Esq.; born 3rd March, 1843. Dallas, Charles Henry, son of William Dallas, Esq., 38A Porchester Terrace, Bayswater, London ; born 20th January, 1842. Dixon, Henry Fletcher, son of — Dixon, Esq.; born 20th October, 1844. Dixon, William Peter, son of — Dixon, Esq.; born 3rd August, 1840. Re-entry, %>ide January, 1851. Elrin^on, Thomas Gerard, son of the Rev. William F. Elrington, Great Heywood, Staf- ford ; born 2nd November, 1840. Evans, Charles Tasker, son of — Evans, Esq.; born 3rd December, 1844. Evans, Morgan John, son of — Evans, Esq.; born 1 6th July, 1845. Frerichs, John Henry, son of Johann Andreas Frerichs, Esq., i Keynsham Bank, Chelten- ham ; born i6th June, 1841. Garrow, William George Baker, son of the Rev George B. Garrow, Chiselborough, Ilminster, Somerset; born 21st March, 1840. Gustard, Henry Strafford, son of Captain Henry F. Gustard, Madras Army, Stanley Street, Eccleston Squaie, London; born 21st November, 1843. i6o CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 185&. Harris, Victor Algernon, son of William Charles Harris, Esq., 17 Porchester Square, London ; born 28th July, 1843. Harrison, Alexander Seward, son of Charles M. Harrison, Esq., H.E.I.C.S., Poona, Bombay; born 27th May, 1841. Previously at Merchant Taylors’ School (June, 1854—)- Hills, James, son of James Hills, Esq., 21 Finchley New Road, London ; born 3rd March, 1845. Hull, Richard Arthur (afterwards Hull-Brown), son of the Rev. Robert Pennyman Hull Brown, Buxton. Balliol College, Oxford, i86i. B.A. , 1864; M.A. , 1868. Ordained Deacon, 1868, and Priest, 1869. Curate of Southam, Warwickshire, 1868-70 ; of Bishop’s Tachbrooke, Warwickshire, 1870-74. Humphreys, Arthur Edward Lloyd, son of — Humphreys, Esq. ; born 2nd February, 1845. Hunter, Woodburn, son of Lieut.-Colonel Charles Hunter, Bombay Army ; born 24th May, 1844. 8 M — iM. Southwood.. Left December, 1861. Previously at Brighton College, 1855-56. Modern Football XX., 1861 ; Head of Modern, December, 1861. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1862- 64. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1865; Captain, 1877; Major, 1884 ; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1885 ; Colonel, 1889. Passed Artilleiy College. Captain-Inspector of Royal Small Arms Factory, Enfield, 1878-84 ; As- sistant-Superintendent, Royal Small Arms Factory, Enfield, 1886-88 ; Inspector of Small Arms, Enfield, 1888. Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85, and was present in the engagement at Abu Klea on the i6th and 17th February, 1885 (mentioned in de- spatches, Brevet of Lieut.-Colonel, Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star). James, Robert Lloyd, son of John T. W. James, Esq., Claremont House, Cheltenham ; born 9th November, 1844. \oM — 2C. Jelfs. Left September, 1862. Solicitor and Notary Public. Registrar of the Diocese of Bangor, and Secretary to the Bishop ; Solicitor and Agent to the Bishop and Ecclesiastical Commissioners ; Chapter Clerk and Solicitor and Agent to the Dean and Chapter of Bangor. Died at Bangor, North Wales, 26th November, 1886. James, William Colville, son of Henry James, Esq., Bollingham, Kington, Herefordshire ; born 1 6th June, 1846. ()M — 2M. Day Boy. Left March, 1863. Re-entered College, March, 1858, and January, i860. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Marines, 1864; Lieutenant, 1867 ; Retired, 1869. Address : 3 Royal Crescent, Cheltenham. Knott, James Bayley, son of James Knott, Esq., Clarendon House, near Manchester ; born 2nd March, 1841. Landale, David Louis, son of — Landale, Esq.; born loth January, 1843. Classical Football XX., 1858. Called to the Bar, Middle Temple, 1866. Practised in Melbourne, Australia. Was lost in the bush near Mount Bis- choff, in Tasmania, in 1873, and never afterwards heard of. McNeile, Charles, son of the Rev. Dr. McNeile, Albury House, near Liverpool ; born 22nd August, 1841. Ensign Bengal Infantry, 1858 ; appointed to 6oth Bengal Native Infantry, 1859 ; Lieutenant, 1859; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1866; Captain, 1870; Major, 1878 ; Lieut.-Colonel (Retired), 1884. Martin, Angus Pulteney, son of Sir James Ranald Martin, Surgeon, Bengal Army, 71A Grosvenor Street, London ; born 20th May, 1841. Hartley, John, son of Henry Martley, Esq., Q.C., Harcourt Street, Dublin ; born 1 5th May, 1844. Maurice, James Blake, son of David Pierce Maurice, Esq., Surgeon, Marlborough ; born 22nd October, 1839. 4C — 2C. Clarke. St. Mary’s Hospital, London. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1861 ; Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1864. M.D. (St. Andrew’s University), 1862 ; Licentiate and Member of the Apothecaries’ Society, London, 1862. Is Sur- geon of the Savernake Cottage Hospital ; Surgeon, Wiltshire Yeomanry Cavalry ; Medical Officer, ist District and Workhouse, Marlborough Union ; Cer- tificated Factory Surgeon ; Medical Officer, Somerset Hospital, Froxfield ; Surgeon, Great Western Rail- way Provident Society ; Medical Referee, Railway Passengers Accident Assurance Company. J.P. for Wiltshire, and Mayor of Marlborough, 1888-89. Address : Lloran House, Marlborough. Myers, Ernest James, son of the Rev. Frederic Myers, Keswick, Cumberland; born 13th October, 1844. 4C—1C. Day Boy. Left 1862. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1858 ; Silver (Classical) Medallist, i860 ; Head of Classical, June, 1861. E.xhibition, Balliol College, Oxford, 1863 ; ist Class Classical Moderations, 1864 ; Gaisford Prize (Greek Verse), 1865 ; and Class Classical Final Schools, 1866; B.A., 1867; M.A., 1871. Fellow of Wadham College, 1868-83 ; Librarian, 1870. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1874. Author of “ The Puri- tans” (1869); "The Defence of Rome, and Other Poems,” 1880, &c. , &c. Address : 31 Inverness Terrace, Hyde Park, London, W. Myers, Frederic William Henry, son of the Rev. Frederic Myers, Keswick, Cumberland; born 6th February, 1843. 2C — iC, Day Boy. Left October, 1859. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1857 ; Silver (Classical) Medallist, 1859. Scholarship, Trinity College, Cam- bridge, i860; Bell (University) Scholarship, 1861; Chancellor’s Medallist for English Poems, 1861 and 1863 ; Camden Medallist for Latin Hexameters, 1862 ; Craven (University) Scholarship, 1863 ; ist Members’ Prize for Latin Essay, 1863 and 1865 ; ist College Declamation Prize, 1863 ; 2nd Classic in ist Class Classical Tripos, 1864 ; 2nd Members’ Prize for Latin Essay, 1864 ; 2nd in ist Class Moral Science Tripos, 1864 ; Fellow of Trinity College, 1865; B.A., 1864; M.A., 1867. One of Her Ma- jesty’s Inspectors of Schools. Author of " St Paul ” ; ‘‘The Renewal of Youth, and Other Poems”; “ Essays, Classical and Modern ” ; ‘‘ Life of Words- worth,” &c. , &c. Address : Leckhampton House, Cambridge. Neame, Frank, son of Frederick Neame, Esq., Macknade, Faversham ; born 7th May, 1844. 9C — 3C. Bayly. Left i860. Formerly Sugar Planter in Queensland, Australia. Address : Luton, Faversham. Norris, John, son of John S. Norris, Esq., Cheltenham ; born i6th September, 1843. Ogilvy, The Hon. Donald Bruce, son of the Earl of Airlie, Airlie Castle, Forfarshire, N.B. ; born i6th June, 1845. Ogilvy, The Hon. John Bruce, son of the Earl of Airlie, Airlie Castle, Forfarshire, N.B. ; born 1 6th June, 1845. Parker, Samuel, son of Samuel Parker, Esq., Dimstan Hill, near Gateshead; born 15th January, 1843. Cricket XL, i860. August, 1856.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 16 1 Partridge, Richard William, son of William Partridge, Esc]., Barrister-at-Law, Chelten- ham ; born 25th January, 1844. Re-entered College August, 1859. Warlhani College, Oxford, 1862. Called to the Bar, Middle Temple, 1873. Address : Wyelands, Bisho|t’s Wood, near Ross, Herefordshire ; 3 Essex Court, The Temple, London, E.C. ; and Oxford and Cambridge Club, Pall Mall, London, S.W. Peek, Harry Hazelwood, son of — Peek, Esq. ; born 31st August, 1846. Pine-Coffin, John Richard, son of the Rev. John Thomas Pine-Coffin, Alwington, near Bideford ; born 30th June, 1842. Bayly and Blackader. Left i860. Ensign, i6th Foot, i86o ; Resigned, 1864. J.P. for Devonshire. Address : Portledge, near Bideford. Platt, Samuel Radcliffe, son of John Platt, Esq., Werneth Park, Oldham ; born ist July, 1845. Pottinger, John Ctirwen, son of General John Pottinger, C.B., Ahmednugger, Bombay ; born 31st October, 1846. — C — iM. Boyne House and Porcher. Left June, 1863. Cricket XXII., 186 — ; Modern Football XX., 1863. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1862. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1864-66 (Prizes ; First Mathematical, Second Fortification). Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1866 ; Resigned, 1868. Subse- quently entered the Indian Public Works Depart- ment, into which he passed in 1st in Order of Merit, July, 1868. Pritchard, Nicholas Tyrconnel, son of Thomas Pritchard, Esq., Oakfield House, Streatham, Surrey ; born 3rd March, 1843. Rivett, Charles Napier, son of — Rivett, Esq. ; born 13th November, 1846. Price. Ensign, i6th Foot, 1864 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; Re- signed, 1869. Died iith February, 1870. Robertson, John Craigie, son of the Rev. Canon James Craigie Robertson, Bekesbourne, near Canterbury ; born 13th July, 1846. — DC. Newick House. Left June, 1864. Cricket XL, 1864. — Merchant. Rowley, George Charles Erskine, son of Major George Rowley, 2nd Bombay Cavalry ; born 26th September, 1844. Succeeded his uncle as 3rd Baronet in 1884. En- sign, 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers, 1863 ; Lieutenant, 1868 ; Adjutant, 1873-78 ; Captain, 1878 ; Major, 1884 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1885. Address : Skelton Hall, Yorkshire, and Army and Navy Club, Pall Mall, London, S.W. Saumarez, James St. Vincent, son of Colonel the Hon. John St. Vincent Saumarez (after- wards 3rd Baron de Saumarez), Guernsey ; born 17th July, 1843. Chenery. Leftjune, 1859. Previously at Eton College. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A., 1863; M.A., 1867. Ensign and Lieutenant, Grenadier Guards, 1863 ; Lieutenant and Captain, 1866 ; Resigned, 1867. Entered the Diplomatic Service, and was nominated an Attach^, December, 1866, and passed an E.\amination, April, 1867. Employed for some months in the Foreign Office, and was appointed Attach^ at Paris, 1868. Appointed a 3rd Secretary, 1871 ; transferred to Berlin, 1872 ; and to Athens, 1873. Promoted to a 2nd Secretary, 1874; transferred to Yedo (Japan), 1875 i to Paris and Rome, 1880 ; and to Brussels, 1881. Was unemployed from April, 1883, to April, 1885, when he resigned. Address : Shrubland Park, Needham Market, Suffolk. Simpson, George Bruce, son of — .Simpson, Esq. ; born i6th January, 1842. Ensign, 25th Bombay Native Infantry, March, 1858; l^ieutenant, August, 1858; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1862; Captain, 1870 ; Major, 1878; Lieut. -Colonel, 1884 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1888. Is District Superintendent of Police, Kurrachee. Skipwith, William, son of Captain William Skipwith, 47th Regiment, Upham; born 24th October, 1844. Lieutenant, Royal Navy, 1869. Died 8th July, 1873- Spragge, Charles Henry, son of Francis H. Spragge, Esq., Orton House, Torquay ; born 5th March, 1842. Addiscombe Military College, i860. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, i860 ; Captain, 1874 ; Adjutant, i88o; Brevet-Major, July, 1881; Major, October, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1888. Spragge, Francis Prickett, son of Francis H. Spragge, Esq., Orton House, Torquay ; born 5 th April, 1840. Addiscombe Military College. Lieutenant, Bengal Engineers, 1859 ; Resigned (Royal Engineers), 1866. Stanhouse, Alexander Kent, son of Alexander Stanhouse, Esq., Warrington; born 15th November, 1842. Stanton, Edward Wollaston, son of the Rev. Thomas Stanton, Burbage Vicarage, near Marlborough; born 14th June, 1841. Previously at Marlborough College (February, 1853— June, 1876). Stokes, William Evans, son of Henry Sewell Stokes, Esq., Strangway’s Terrace, Truro ; born 1 6th March, 1841. Cricket XL, 1859; Classical Football XX., 1858. Queen's College, Oxford, i860. Called to the Bar, Middle Temple, 1867. Is one of Her Majesty’s In- spectors of Factories. Address : Factory Department, Home Office, Whitehall, London, ,S.W. Trotter, Henry, son of Alexander Trotter, Esq., 5 Throgmorton Street, London ; born 30th August, 1841. ^M — \M. Boyne House. Left June, 1858. Head of Modern (equal with C. S. Beauchamp), June, 1858. Addiscombe Military College, 1858-60 (Prizes; First French and First Latin). Lieutenant, Bengal Engineers, i860 ; Captain, Royal Engineers, 1872 ; Brevet-Major, 1878 ; Major, 1881 ; Lieut.- Colonel, 1887. Accompanied Sir Douglas Forsyth’s Mission to Yarkand and Kashgar, 1873-74. Em- ployed on Special Service in China in 1876. Was awarded, in 1878, the Victoria Gold Medal of the Royal Geographical Society for Explorations in Turkestan, and other geographical work. Appointed additional Military Attach^ at Constantinople, 1877, and accom- panied the Turkish Armies throughout the campaign in Asia (during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78), and was present at the battles of Eshek-Tlias and Deveh Boyo, and the relief of Kars (Brevet of Major, and Turkish War Medal). Appointed Acting-Consul at Erzeroum, 1878, and Consul for Koordistan, 1879-82. Created a C.B. in 1880. Distributed Lady Strangford’s Fund during the famine in Asia Minor in 1880. Superintended International Relief Works in the Island of Scio after the great earthquake of 1881, and has been employed on several Special Missions. Military Attach6at Constantinople, 1882-89. Address : Care of Messrs. Richardson and Co. , 25 Suffolk Street, Pall Mall, London, S.W. Turner, Harcourt, son of Henry Scott Turner, Esq., Solicitor, The Lodge, Acton, Middle- sex ; born 20th July, 1842. 8C — 4C. Chenery. Left March, i860. Cricket XXII., 1859. Trinity Hall, Cambridge. B.A. , 1865; M.A. , 1873. President of Cheltpnian Society, 1879-80. .Solicitor (admitted 1872). Y CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1856. 162 Address : 22 Sackville Street, Piccadilly, London, W. Turner, Montagu, son of Henry Scott Turner, Esq., Solicitor, The Lodge, Acton, Middle- sex ; born 21st September, 1843. Left Sep- tember, i860. Cricket XL, i860. Played for Gentlemen v. Players, 1871 and 1872. President of Cheltonian Society, 1882-83. Solicitor (admitted 1865). Deputy- High Bailiff of Westminster. Address : 22 Sackville Street, Piccadilly, London, W. Tweddell, Marshall, son of Marshall Tweddell, Esq., South Shields ; born 5th October, 1846. 4C. Turnbull. Clare College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1869; M.A. , 1873. Ordained Deacon, 1869, and Priest, 1870. Curate of Uxbridge, Middlesex, 1869-72 ; Clerk Officiating of St. James's, Piccadilly, London, 1872- 75, and Priest and Assistant, 1875-78. Vicar of St. Luke, Berwick Street, London, 1878-82 ; Vicar of St. Saviour, Paddington, 1882. Address : 13 Warrington Crescent, London, W. Tweddell, Ralph Hart, son of Marshall Twed- dell, Esq., South Shields ; born 25th May, 1843. — ^M. Ttirnbull. Modern Football XX., 185 — . Civil Engineer ; Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers ; Mem- ber of the Ingenieurs Civil, France. During the Session of 1882-83 awarded the first Telford Medal, and also a Telford premium by the Institu- tion of Civil Engineers for his paper on “Machine Tools and other Labour-saving Appliances worked by Hydraulic Pressure.’’ Besides carrying off the first awards at the Centennial Exhibition at Phila- delphia, 1876, and also at many other places, he, with the exception of Sir Joseph Whitworth, was the only English Engineer who received the Grand Prix at the Parish Exhibition of 1878, in Class 55 — Machine Tools. Obtained a Gold Medal at the Inventions Exhibition, London, in 1885, and the Society of Arts also awarded him a Special Gold Medal under the Howard Trust for his “ System of Hydraulic Power applied to Machine Tools." Tyers, Thomas, son of Thomas Tyers Tyers, Esq., Copt Elm, Charlton Kings ; born 12th February, 1844. Previously at Tonbridge School. Classical Foot- ball XX., 1859-60. Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. B.A., 1866; M.A., 1869. Ordained Deacon, 1869, and Priest, 1870. Curate of Wid- combe, 1869-72 ; Chaplain of Bath Mineral Waters Hospital, 1872. Address : 26 Park Street, Bath. Vyvyan, Beville Granville, son of the Rev. Vyell Francis Vyvyan, Withiel Rectory, Cornwall ; born 13th May, 1842. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, i860 ; Lieutenant, 1862 ; Captain, 1869; Major, 1880; Lieut. -Colonel, 1886; Colonel (Retired), 1887. Vyvyan, Richard Octavius, son of the Rev. Vyell Francis Vyvyan, Withiel Rectory, Cornwall ; born 21st June, 1840. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, i860 ; Lieutenant, 1862 ; Captain, 1869 ; Major, 1880 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1886. Is Wing Commander, 40th Bengal Native Infantry. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882, and from the 29th August to the 24th September commanded a post on the line of communications between Ismailia and Suez (Medal, and Khedive’s Star). Walker, James Grant Duff, son of — Walker, Esq. ; born 5th September, 1842. Wedgwood, John Darwin, son of Henry Allen Wedgwood, Esq., Tenby ; born 25th Feb- ruary, 1840. Previously at Rugby School (August, 1852 — ). Drowned in the River Avon, near Bath, 3rd March, 1870. Williams, Edward Wilson Gresham, son of Major-General Williams, Madras Army ; born 15 th April, 1842. Woods, William George, son of John Anthony Woods, Esq., Newcastle-on-Tyne ; born 7th March, 1843. Civil M — Civil M. Bayly. Left December, 1858. Merchant. Address : Pigdon House, Morpeth. ENTERED MICHAELMAS, 1856. Channer, Bernard, son of Colonel George Gird- wood Channer, 4 Lansdown Crescent, Chel- tenham ; born 20th September, 1846. Ensign, 3rd West India Regiment, 1867 ; Lieu- tenant, 1868 ; transferred to 14th Foot, 1869 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1871 ; Captain, 1879 I Major, 1887. Is 2nd in Command and Wing Commander, 2nd Bengal Native Infantry. Served in the Afghan War of 1879-80 (Medal) ; also served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-87 (D.S.O., and Medal with clasp). Channer, George Nicholas, son of Colonel George Girdwood Channer, 4 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 7th January, 1843. 7 ^ — India Direct — M. Day Boy. Left 1859. Addiscombe Military College. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1859 ; Lieutenant, 1861 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1866 ; Captain, 1871 ; Brevet-Major, 1876; Major, 1879; Brevet- Lieut. -Colonel, 1879; Lieut. -Colonel, 1885 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1883. Served in the Umbeyla Campaign in the North-West Frontier of India in 1863, and was present at the actions of the 15th and i6th December (Medal with clasp). Afterwards served with General Wilde’s Column in the Expedition to the Jadoon Country in 1864. Took part in the Loostai E.xpedition in 1871- 72. Served with the ist Goorkhas in the Perak Expedition in 1875-76 with the Malacca Column in operations in Sunghie Ujong, Terrachee, and Sri- menanti ; led the advanced party at the surprise and capture of Malay stockades in Bukit Putus Pass (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Victoria Cross, and Medal with clasp) ; received the Victoria Cross "for having with the greatest gallantry been the first to jump in the enemy’s stockade, to which he had been despatched with a small party of the ist Goorkha Light Infantry, on the afternoon of the 20th December, 1875, by the officer commanding the Malacca Column to procure intelligence as to its strength, position, &c. Major Channer got com- pletely in rear of the enemy’s position, and finding himself so close that he could hear the voices of the men inside, who were cooking at the time, and keeping no look-out, he beckoned to his men, and the whole party stole quietly forward to within a few paces of the stockade. On jumping in, he shot the first man dead with his revolver, and his party then came up and entered the stockade, which was of a most formidable nature, surrounded by a bamboo palisade ; about seven yards within was a log-house, loop-holed, with two narrow entrances, and trees laid lati- tudinally, to the thickness of two feet. The officer commanding reports that if Major Channer, by his foresight, coolness, and intrepidity, had not taken this stockade, a great loss of life must have occurred, as from the fact of his being unable to bring guns to bear on it, from the steepness of the hill, and the density of the jungle, it must have been taken at the Michaelmas, 1856.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 163 point of the bayonet." Served with the e.xpcdition against the Jowaki Afreedees in 1877 (clasp). Served with the 29th Punjab Infantry in the Afghan War of 1878-80 with the Kooruni Field Force, and was pre- sent in command of the regiment at the attack and capture of the Peiwar Kotal (mentioned in des- patches, Brevet of Lieut. -Colonel, Medal with clasp). Commanded a Brigade in the operations at Hazara in 1888 {C.B.). Girardot, George Charles, son of the Rev. W. L. Girardot, Hinton Parsonage, Bath ; born 8th September, 1841. Previously at Marlborough College (October, 1853 — Easter, 1854). Ensign, Bombay Army, 1859; Lieutenant, io6th Foot, 1862 ; Captain, 1868 ; Major, 1877: Lieut. -Colonel, Durham Light In- fantry, 1880 : Colonel, 1884 ; Major-General (Re- tired), 1884. Handley, Augustus Mourant, son of the Rev. Augustus Bernard Handley, West Fording- ton, Dorchester ; born 28th November, 1830. 3d/ — 2M. Bernard and Wilmot. Left 1858. Ensign, 19th Foot, 1858 ; Lieutenant, 1861 ; Cap- tain, 1869 ; Major, Yorkshire Regiment, 1879 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1882; Colonel (Retired), 1886. Served in the Hazara Campaign in 1868, including the expedition against the tribes on the Black Moun- tain (Medal with clasp). Address : Care of Messrs. Holt, Laurie and Co., 17 Whitehall Place, S.W. Hare, John Strachey, son of John Hare, Esq., 7 Litfield Place, Clifton ; born i6th April, 1845- Henderson, William, son of Charles P. Hender- son, Esq., Withington Hall, near Man- chester; born 1 2th November, 1842. Le Cocq, William George, son of John Le Cocq, Esq., Guernsey ; born i8th September, 1842. bM — ^M. Turnbull. Left June, 1857. Naval Cadet, 1857 ; Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Navy, 1863 ; Lieutenant, 1865 ; Commander, 1879. Was awarded a Parchment Testimonial from the Royal Humane Society for having, on the 6th March, 1874, jumped overboard into Portsmouth Dockyard and rescued a seaman of H.M.S. “ Duke of Wellington " from drowning. Mitchell-Innes, William, son of George Mit- chell-Innes, Esq., Upper Hardres, near Can- terbury ; born 20th September, 1844. Ensign, 60th Foot, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1868 ; trans- ferred to 93rd Highlanders, 1871 ; Retired, 1874. Nash, Nigel Fowler, son of David William Nash, Esq., Royal Well Terrace, Chelten- ham ; born 22nd January, 1843. Pembroke College, Oxford, 1862. B.A. , 1863; M.A. , i868. Ordained Deacon, 1866, and Priest, 1867. Curate of Leckhampton, 1866-67; ofNewnham, Gloucestershire, 1867-69 ; of Kempsford, Gloucester- shire, 1869-72 ; of St. Columba, Haggerston, Lon- don, 1872-75; Vicar of Aston-Cantelow, Worcester- shire, 1876-85 ; Vicar of Cotterstock with Glapthorn, Northamptonshire, 1885-86; Vicar of Geddington, Northamptonshire, 1886. Address : .Geddington Vicarage, Kettering. Seton, Charles Compton, son of Colonel Bruce Seton, Bombay Army, 7 Oxford Parade, Cheltenham ; born 24th July, 1846. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1864-66 (Prizes : First Mathematical, and First Practical Geo- metry). Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1866 ; Re- signed, 1872. ENTERED FEBRUARY, 1857. Atkins, William, son of George Atkins, Esq., 18 Suffolk Square, Cheltenham ; born 4th November, 1842. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, i860; Lieutenant, 1862; Captain, 1869; Major, 1880; Lieut. -Colonel (Re- tired), 1884. Served in the Bhootan Campaign in 1865-66 (Medal with cla.sp) ; also in the Afghan War in 1878-79, including the capture of Ali Musjid, and expedition to the Bazar Valley (mentioned in des- patches, Medal with clasp). Baines, James Edgar, son of James J. Baines, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 28th August, 1840. Ensign, and Madras Light Infantry, 1857 ; Lieu- tenant, 105th Foot, 1861 ; Captain, 1870 ; transferred to 45th Foot, 1872 ; Major, on Half-Pay, 1882 ; ap- pointed to Welsh Regiment, 1885 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1886. Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant-General of Musketry, Bengal, 1881. Ball, Arthur William, son of Captain William S. Ball, 30 Upper Pembroke Street, Dublin ; born 14th October, 1841. Barstow, Thomas Adam Anderson, son of Colonel John Anderson Barstow, H.E.I.C.S. ; born 28th August, 1 843. 8Af — 2M. South- wood. Left 1 860. Modern Football XX., 185 — ■. Ensign, 72nd High- landers, 1864 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; Adjutant, 1871-77 ; Captain, 1877; Major, Seaforth Highlanders, 1881; Lieut. -Colonel, on Half- Pay, 1888. Adjutant, Auxi- liary Forces, 1879-85. Served as Orderly Officer to Brigadier-General Cobbe and Colonel Drew from the commencement of the Afghan War in 1878 till August, 1879, with the Koorum Field Force, includ- ing the passage of the Chappri defile, and expedition to Khost, part of the time as Superintendent of Army Signalling ; was present at the attack and capture of the Peiwar Kotal and in the engagement at Mattoon (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Biscoe, Henry Legge John, son of the Rev. Frederick Biscoe, Turkdean, near North- leach ; born 27th July, 1844. — Civil M. Boyce. Left December, 1861. Clerk in Her Majesty's Probate Registry, Somer- set House, London. Bolton, George Thomas, son of Richard Bolton, Esq., Cheltenham ; born iith May, 1845. Brander, Edward Richard Spieker, son of Cap- tain Thomas Coventry Brander, Somerford Grange, Christchurch, Hants; born 21st July, 1845 - Cricket XI. , 1862. Royal Military College, Sand- hurst. Ensign, 70th Foot, 1864 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; Captain, 1876; Major, East Surrey Regiment, 1881. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80 (Medal). Died at Southborne-on-Sea, 2nd May, 1883. Broughton, Clement John Edmund, son of the Rev. Bryan Sneyd Broughton, Washington Rectory, Durham ; born 4th April, 1842. Left December, 1858. Re-entry, vide Au- gust, 1852, and August, 1855. Broughton, Thomas Henry, son of the Rev. Bryan Sneyd Broughton, Washington Rec- tory, Durham ; born 22nd January, 1845. Re-entry, vide August, 1855. Bullock, Edward Dennis, son of Thomas Henry CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [February, 1857. 164 Bullock, Esq., Deputy Commissioner, Berar, India ; born 3rd June, 1844. Re-entry, vide August, 1854. Campbell, John Ronald, son of Brevet-Major John Campbell, Oosoor, near Bangalore, India; born 12th November, 1842. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, i860 ; Lieutenant, 1862; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1866 ; Captain, 1872 ; Major, 1880; Lieut. -Colonel, 1886; Retired, 1889. Was 2nd in Command and Squadron Commander, 2nd Punjab Cavalry. Served with the expedition against the Jowaki Afreedees in 1877 (Medal with clasp). Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80, and was present, under Sir Donald Stewart, at the occu- pation of Kandahar, Girishk and Khelat-i-Ghilzai, and in the engagements at Ahmed Kheyl and Urzoo, near Ghuznee (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Chaytor, Clervaux Darley, son of Christopher William Carter Chaytor, Esq., Spennithorne Hall, Yorkshire ; born 28th April, 1844. J. P. for Yorkshire. Address : Spennithorne Hall, near Bedale. Corbett, Frank Vincent, son of the Rev. Andrew Corbett, South Willingham Rectory, Wragby ; born 15th December, 1843. ‘^M — \M. Boyne House. Left June, 1861. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1859 ; Head of Modern, June, 1861. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich (Passed in ist), 1861-63. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1864 ; Captain, 1877 ; Major, 1884. Superintending Engineer, 3rd Class, Department of Public Works, India ; Superintendent of Works, Agra. Crawley, Thomas Gorges, son of Lieut.-Colonel Crawley, Cheltenham ; born 12th February, 1843 - Ensign, 8th Foot, i860 ; Lieutenant, 1863 ; Cap- tain, 1867 ; Brevet-Major, 1880 ; Major, Liverpool Regiment, 1881; Lieut.-Colonel, 1884: Colonel, 1888. Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant-General for Mus- ketry, Bombay, 1870-75 ; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1878-83. Served in the Burmese War in 1885-87, with the 2nd Battalion, Liverpool Regiment (Medal with clasp). David, Edward Robert Llewellyn, son of the Rev. Edward David, Bridgend ; born 2nd February, 1847. Newick House. Dead. Davies, John Augustus Seymour Morse, son of — Davies, Esq. ; born 12th March, 1843. Eastwood, Octavius Anselmo, son of Thomas Eastwood, Esq., Brindle Lodge, Preston ; born 26th April, 1843. Erskine, Charles, son of Lieut.-Colonel George Pott Erskine, Paymaster, 3rd Dragoon Guards ; born 31st August, 1844. 6Af — Sandhurst M. Southwood. Left May, 1861. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Ensign, 24th - Foot, 1863: Lieutenant, 1866; Captain (&tired), 1876. Address : Friarshall, Melrose, N. B. Ferguson, George Bagot, son of William Bruce Ferguson, Esq., i Wellesley Villa, Chelten- ham ; born 13th January, 1843. 7 ^ — iC. Day Boy. Left 1861. Classical Football XX., 185 — . Magdalen Hall, O.xford, 1861. B.A. (First Class Natural Science), 1865; M.A., 1868; M.B., 1871; M.D. (Hertford College), 1875. Examiner in Honour School of Natural Science at Oxford University, 1881-83. St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London ; Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1873 I Member of the British Medical Association ; Surgeon, Cheltenham General Hospital, Cheltenham College, and Female Training College ; Consulting Surgeon, Home for Sick Children, and to Normal Training College, Cheltenham. .Author of ' ‘ The Bacteria and their Allies,” 1884; “ History, Nature, and Prevention of Cholera," 1885 ; besides several papers contributed to medical journals. Address : Altidore Villa, Pittville, Cheltenham. Fisher, Charles Edward Gregg (afterwards Philipps), son of Edward Fisher, Esq., Spring Dale, Huddersfield ; born 6th October, 1840. Called to the Bar, Middle Temple, 1868. Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of Haverfordwest. High Sheriff of Pembrokeshire, 1882. Captain, Pem- broke Yeomanry Cavalry. Created ajiaronet in 1887. Address : Picton Castle, Haverfordwest, Pem- brokeshire ; and Carlton Club, London, S.W. Girardot, Frederick George, son of the Rev. John C. Girardot, Car Colston, Bingham, Notts ; born iith September, 1844. Glencross, Ernest Henry, son of the Rev. John Glencross, Holland Rectory, near Bodmin ; born 17th August, 1844. 9C — iC. Turnbull. Left 1863. Football XX., 1862-63. Christ’s College, Cam- bridge. B.A. , 1866 ; M. A., 1883. Ordained Deacon, 1868, and Priest, 1870. Curate of Morval, Cornwall, 1869-70 ; of Lanreath, 1870-73 ; Vicar of St. Veep, 1873-76 ; Vicar of Morval, 1876. Address : Morval Vicarage, Sandplace, Cornwall. Goldie, Alexander Robert, son of Major Barre W. Goldie, Bengal Engineers ; born 5th June, 1844 - Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1866; M.A. , 1870. Ordained Deacon, 1868, and Priest, 1869. Curate of Elvaston, Derby, 1868-74 ; Vicar of Elvas- ton, 1874. Address : Elvaston Vicarage, Derby. Gordon, Richard Goodall, son of Captain Robert Cumming Hamilton Gordon, Wor- cester ; born 25th February, 1843. 3C— iC. Boyce. Left September, i860. Scholarship, Exeter College, Oxford, 1861. 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1864 ; 3rd Class Classical Final Schools, 1866; B.A. , 1866; M.A. , 1868. Assistant-Master, King's School, Canterbury, 1867. Address : The King’s School, Canterbury. Greenham, Charles John, son of Charles Green- ham, Esq., Lydney; born 13th September, 1842. Left June, 1861. Previously at Christ’s Hospital, London. Ensign, 99th Foot, 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1864; Adjutant, 1868- 73; Captain, 1873; Major, Wiltshire Regiment, 1881. Died at Lahore, East Indies, 21st February, 1886. Gregson, James Dalton, son of John Gregson, Esq., Barrister, Staindrop Hall, Darlington ; born 2nd September, 1845. Ensign, 40th Foot, 1864 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; In- structor of Musketry, 1873-74; Captain, 1874: trans- ferred to 105th Foot, 1875 ; hlajor. South Yorkshire Regiment, 1881 ; Lieut, -Colonel, 1883 ; Colonel, (Retired), 1884; Adjutant, Au.\iliary Forces, 1876-81. Hamer, John Parry, son of John Hamer, Esq., Glanyrafon Hall, Salop ; born i6th April, 1847- Ensign, 8th Foot, 1866 ; Lieutenant, 1870 ; Re- signed, 1874. Hammond, Vavasor Fitz Hammond, son of John Hammond, Esq., Solicitor-General for Jersey, 2 Douro Terrace, St. Heliers, Jersey; born 6th June, 1842. 4C — 7 .C. Boyce. Left i860. Football XX., 1859. Scholarship, Magdalen Hall, Oxford, i860; B.A., 1864; M.A. , 1868. Ordained Deacon, 1866, and Priest, 1867. Classical Tutor of Queen’s College, and Chaplain of Queen’s Hospital, February, 1857.] PRINXIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 165 Rirmingliani, 1866-67; Curate of Dewsbury, 1867-69; Vicar of Drighlington, Yorkshire, 1869. Address : Drighlingtoii Vicarage, Bradford. Hamond, Peter Francis, son of General Peter Hamond, Madras Artillery ; born 3rd Fe- bruary, 1845. St. John's College, Cambridge. B.A., 1867; M.A., 1870. Ordained Deacon, 1868, and Priest, 1869. Curate of Ludlow, 1868-70; Vicar of South Minims, Middlesex, 1870-89. Died at Newton Abbott, Devon, i2th October, 1889. Harison, Orby, son of William T. Harison, Esc|., 3 Western Terrace, Brighton ; born 24th March, 1844. Hedges, John Thomas Launcelot, son of John Kirby Hedges, Esq., Solicitor, The Castle, near Wallingford ; born 25th January, 1843. Hickson, Walter Samuel, son of William M. Hickson, Esq., Kilbracken House, Killes- handra, Ireland ; born 2ist August, 1841. Hogg, Arthur Melvill, son of Charles Hogg, Esq., 24 Lansdovvn Place, Cheltenham ; born 20th August, 1845. Re-entry, vide August, 1854. Hogg, George Crawford, son of Charles Hogg, Esq., 24 Lansdown Place, Cheltenham ; born 13th September, 1842. Re-entry, vide Au- gust, 1854. Hookey, George John, son of George R. Hookey, Esq., Risca House, Monmouth ; born 8th March, 1843. Hulton, Frederick Campbell, son of William A. Hulton, Esq., County Court Judge, Hurst Grange, near Preston ; born 24th June, 1841. Hutchinson, Ernest James, son of William Hutchinson, Esq., 6 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 23rd May, 1846. Johnson, Evans Charles, son of the Venerable Archdeacon John Evans Johnson, Adams- town Glebe, Enniscorthy, Ireland; born 30th April, 1845. XI C — I C. Boyce. Left June, 1862. Indian Civil Service, 1865 ; appointed to Madras, 1867. Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Viza- gapatam, 1868, also Agent to Governor of Fort St. George, in Vizagapatam, 1870-72 ; Assistant to Col- lector and Magistrate, Kistna District, 1872-73 ; As- sistant to Collector and Magistrate and Agent to Governor of Fort St. George, in Vizagapatam, 1873- 78 ; Head Assistant to Colleetor and Magistrate, Salem, 1878-83 ; Sub-Collector and Joint-Magistrate, South Arcot, 1883-86 ; Collector and Magistrate, Kurnool, i886; District and Sessions Judge, Ganjam, 1886-87 ; Secretary to Commissioner of Land Re- venue, 1887 ; Collector and Magistrate, Tinnevelly, since 1887. Keary, William Plumer, son of William Keary, Esq., Solicitor, Stoke-upon-Trent ; born 14th July, 1842. Lang, William Francis Dashwood, son of the Rev. Dashwood Lang, Westleigh Vicarage, Bideford ; born 26th April, 1842. Day Boy. Wadham College, Oxford, 1861. B.A. , 1866; M.A., 1871. Ordained Deacon, 1866, and Priest, 1867. Curate of St. George, Campden Hill, London, 1866-68 ; Rector of Instow, Devon, 1869. Address : The Rectory, Instow, North Devon. Macdowall, John Miller, son of — Macdowall, Esq. ; born 3rd November, 1843. Marshall, Stephen Albert, son of Henry C. Marshall, Esq., Leeds ; born 26:h January, 1843. Maynard, Alfred Martin, son of the Rev. Forster Maynard, Kirk Bramwith Rectory, York- shire; born 25th December, 1842. 8C— 2C Day Boy. Left December, 1859. Classical Footl)all XX., 1859. Scholarship, Clare College, Cambridge, 1862 ; Foundation Scholarship, 1863; B.A., i866. Ordained De.acon, 1871, and Priest, 1872. Curate of West Hendred, Berks, '871-73; of All .Saints, Nottingham, 1873-75; Sandown, Isle of Wight, 1875-76 ; of St. Paul, Dorking, 1876-80 ; of St. Matthew, Brixton, 1880-82 ; Vicar of Wembley, Middlesex, 1883. Address: Wembley Vicarage, Harrow-on-thc-Hill. Nash, Francis William, son of David W. Nash, Esq., Barrister, i Royal Well Terrace, Chel- tenham ; born 17th June, 1844. Palmer, Herbert, son of — Palmer, Esq. ; born 5th November, 1844. Re-entry, vide Easter, 1853- Pesterre, William Arthur, son of Thomas Arthur Pesterre, 47 Gloucester Place, Hyde Park, London ; born 12th June, 1842. Silver (Classical) Medallist, 1861. Postmastership, Merton College, Oxford, 1861 ; ist Class Classical Moderations, 1863 ; 2nd Class Classical Final Schools, 1865; B.A., 1866; M.A.,i87i. Died loth March, 1886. Pratt, Joseph, son of Mervyn Pratt, Esq., Ennis- coe, Crossmolina, Ireland; born ist January, 1843 - Ensign, ist Foot, 1863 ; Lieutenant, 1866 ; In- structor of Musketry, 1869-70; Retired, 1871. High Sheriff of Co. Mayo, 1874. Address : Enniscoe, Crossmolina, Ireland. Rice, Arthur, son of Edward Royd Rice, Esq., M.P., Dane Court, Sandwich ; born 12th April, 1838. Re-entry, vide February, 1855. Ripley, George, son of Sir Henry William Rip- ley, Bart., Lightcliffe, Halifax; born 31st March, 1845. Rowe, Valentine Francis, son of Rev. James John Rowe, Heavitree, Exeter ; born 2nd August, 1842. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich 1861-62 (Passed out First Engineer ; Prizes : Pollock Medal, Military Surveying, Fortification, and Natural Philo- sophy). Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1862 ; Cap- tain, 1876; Major, 1882; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1884. Instructor in Military Drawing at Royal Mili- tary Academy, Woolwich, 1877-84. Sams, George Frederick, son of the Rev. Bar- wick John Sams, Grafton Regis, Stoney Stratford ; born 29th January, 1842. Classical Football XX., 1858. St. Peter’s College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1868; M.A. , 1874. Ordained Deacon, 1874, and Priest, 1874. Chaplain of Peter- house, 1874-78 ; Rector of Emberton, Bucks, 1878. Address : Emberton Rectory, Newport Pagnell. Stockley, Thomas, son of William Stockley, Esq., Solicitor, Rock Ferry, Cheshire ; born 4th April, 1844. Venning, Ralph Parson, son of James M. Venning, Esq., Stoke Damarel, Devonport ; born 22nd February, 1842. Vevers, William Winnall, son of William Waddy Vevers, Esq., Bartestree Court, Hereford- shire ; born 14th February, 1842. University College, Durham. B.A. , 1871. Or- dained Deacon, 1872, and Priest, 1873. Curate of Hanbury, 1872-76 ; of Martin-Hussingtree, Worces- tershire, 1876-77 ; of All Souls, Bromsgrove, 1877 ; Chaplain of St. Oswald’s Hospital, Worcester, 1877, also Chaplain of Worcester General Infirmary, 1885. Address : Worcester. i66 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [February, 1857. Ward, Samuel Francis, son of Samuel Neville Ward, Esq., Madras Civil Service, India; born 6th May, 1843. Previously at Rossall School. Warden, William Francis Montagu, son of Captain Francis Frederick Warden, 2nd European Madras Infantry ; born 20th August, 1845. Webster, James Gray, son of George Webster, Esq., Barrister, Edinburgh ; born 12th Jan- uary, 1846. Left 1862. Address: Sponish, Lochmaddy, N.B. Wise, Lewis Lovatt Ayshford, son of John Ayshford Wise, Esq., M.P., Clayton Hall, Newcastle-under-Lyne, Staffordshire ; born 2ist March, 1844. Ensign, 8th Foot, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1869 ; Re- signed, 1871. J.P. for Staffordshire, and Captain Queen's Own Staffordshire Yeomanry. Address : Clayton Hall, Newcastle-under-Lyne. ENTERED MARCH, 1857. Ainsworth, John Pickup, son of William Ains- worth Esq., Solicitor, The Bank, Preston New Road, Blackburn ; born 24th February, 1843. Alleyne, Henry Nelson, son of — Alleyne, Esq. ; born 17th May, 1844. Naval Cadet, 1858 ; Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Navy, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; Commander, 1881. Is Commander of H.M.S. " Castor.” Apthorp, Frederick East, son of Colonel East Apthorp, Madras Army, 3 Rodney Place, Cheltenham ; born i6th April, 1844. Re- entered College August, 1859. Ensign, io8th Foot, 1863 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; Instructor of Musketry, 1872-75 ; Captain, 1875 ; Major, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, 1881 ; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1880-85. Browne, Samuel, son of Samuel Browne, Esq., Barbadoes ; born loth January, 1844. Cooke, Thomas Arthur, son of Uriah Ralph Cooke, Esq., Manchester; born 20th January, 1842. Ensign, 5th Foot, 1862 ; Lieutenant, 1865 ; trans- ferred to 17th Lancers, 1866: Captain, 1870; Major, 1881; Lieut. -Colonel, 1882: Colonel, 1886. District Staff Officer, Bengal, 1888. Served with the 17th Lancers throughout the Zulu War in 1879, and was present in the engagement on the Zuinguin Moun- tain and battle of Ulundi (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Gumming, William Gordon, son of — Gumming, Esq.; born 17th December, 1842. Addiscombe Military College. Lieutenant, Ma- dras Engineers, i860 ; Captain, Royal Engineers, 1872 ; Major, 1878 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1886. Is Chief Engineer, 3rd Class, Department of Public Works, India, and Secretary to Chief Commissioner, Burmah. Douglas, Charles, son of Waddell C. Douglas, Esq., Bellevue, Rostrevor, Ireland ; born 23rd March, 1846. Douglas, James Cunningham, son of Waddell C. Douglas, Esq., Bellevue, Rostrevor, Ireland ; born 24th January, 1844. Evans, Frederic Rawlins, son of Isaac Pearson Evans, Esq., Griff, near Nuneaton; born ist June, 1842. 6C — 3C. Beaufort House. Left March, 1859. Cricket XXII., 185 — ; Classical Football XX., 185 — . Subsequently at Rugby School (1859-61): Exeter College, 0 .xford, 1861 ; University Cricket XL, 1863-64-65; 3rd Class Classical Moderations 1863 ; B.A., 1864 ; M.A. , 1868. Ordained Deacon, 1866, and Priest, 1867. Curate of Hagley, Worces- tershire, 1866-68 ; of St. George, Kidderminster, 1868-72 ; Vicar of St. George, Kidderminster, 1872- 76; Rector ofBedworth, Warwickshire, 1876. Address : Bedworth Rectory, Nuneaton. Filgate, Townley Charles Fane, son of William Filgate, Esq., Lisrenny, Ardee, Ireland; born 26th January, 1846. Secretary to the Grand Jury, Co. Louth. Address : Court House, Dundalk, Co. Louth, Ireland. Howkins, Augustus Frederick, son of Theophilus Howkins, Esq., Manor House, Dorchester ; born 7th September, 1843. Levinge, Richard Reginald Augustus, son of Richard Hastings Levinge, Esq.; born 3rd January, 1843. Modern Football XX., i860. Meade-King, Walter, son of Richard King Meade-King, Esq., Walford, near Taunton ; born I St April, 1842. Ribton, John Browne, son of Sir John Sheppey Ribton, Bart., Woodbrook, Bray, Co. Wick- low, Ireland ; born i8th November, 1845. Ensign, 89th Foot, 1866 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; Re- tired, 1872. Rigby, William, son of Brevet-Major Henry Rigby, Bengal Engineers, Lahore, India ; born 8th July, 1844. Sadler, Samuel Campbell Hulton, son of the Rev. S. F. Sadler, Sutton Rectory, Shipston- on-Stour ; born 14th November, 1842. Stewart, William, son of Robert Stewart, Esq., Carfin, Lanarkshire, N.B.; born 22nd May, 1842. Cricket XL, i860 ; Classical Football XX., 1859. ENTERED AUGUST, 1857. Abbott, Robert James, son of Colonel Augustus Abbott, Bengal Artillery, Calcutta ; born 2nd January, 1838. Previously at Brighton College (1850-53). 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Artillery, 1857 ; ist Lieutenant, 1858; Captain, Royal Artillery, 1867; Major (Re- tired), 1879. Served, in April and May, i86o,against the Wuzeerces; was present with General Chamber- lain’s Force, and assisted in forcing the Burrara Pass, and in all the other affairs of the Expedition. Also served throughout the operations of the Expedition of August, 1857.] 167 PRINCIPAL : REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 1863 against the tribes of the Nortli-West Frontier of India, and was present at the storming of Laloo and Umbeyla (Medal, with two clasps). Almon, Edward, son of Mather B. Alinon, Esq., Halifax, Nova Scotia ; born 2nd Sep- tember, 1841. Modern Footb.all XX., 1858-59. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1860-62 ; Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1862. Died at Bermuda, i8th December, 1869. Apthorp, William, son of Colonel East Apthorp, Madras Army, 3 Rodney Place, Cheltenham ; born 4th December, 1848. Archibald, Edward Stanley Fitzgerald, son of Charles Dickson Archibald, Esq., F.R.S., Cheltenham ; born 5th December, 1846. Modern Football XX., 1865. Died at Chelten- ham, i6th December, 1859. Arnott, Francis Short, son of George Arnott, Esq., M.D., Liverpool Place, Cheltenham ; born 22nd August, 1842. Arundell, William Henry, son of the Rev. William Harris Arundell, Cheriton-Fitz- paine Rectory, Crediton ; born 4th May, 1842. 6 C — 2C. Newick House. Football XX., i86o. Cricket XL, 1861. Exeter College, Oxford, 1861. B. A., 1864; M.A., 1867. Or- dained Deacon, 1865, and Priest, 1866. Curate of Huntspill, Somerset, 1865-72 ; of Chelford, Cheshire, 1872-73 ; Rector of Cheriton-Fitzpaine, Devon, 1873. Address : Cheriton-Fitzpaine Rectory, Crediton. Bagenal, Beauchamp Frederick, son of Philip Bagenal, Esq., Benekerry, Co. Carlow ; born loth September, 1846. Ensign, 45th Foot, 1866; Lieutenant, 1869; Re- tired, 1870. Served with the 33rd Foot in the Abys- sinian War in 1868, and was present at the storming and capture of Magdala (Medal). J.P. and High Sheriff of Co. Carlow, 1871. Address : Benekerry, Co. Carlow, Ireland. Baines, Cuthbert Johnson, son of H. R. Baines, Esq., Taxing Master, Court of Chancery ; born 4th June, 1846. Baylay, Attwell Mervyn Yates, son of the Rev. Charles Frederick Rogers Baylay, Kirkby- on-Bain, Horncastle ; born 30th November, 1842. Scholarship, Trinity College, Cambridge, 1865 ; B. A. (26th Wrangler), 1866 ; M. A., 1872. Ordained Deacon, 1866, and Priest, 1867. Curate of St. Andrew the Less, Cambridge, 1866-68 ; Mathemati- cal Master in Elizabeth College, and Perpetual Curate of All Saints, Guernsey, 1868-70 ; Secretary of Curates' Augmentation Fund for North of Eng- land, 1871-72 ; Vicar of Thurgarton-with-Hovering- ham, Notts, 1872. Address : Thurgarton Vicarage, Southwell. Beamish, Alten Augustus William, son of Richard Beamish, Esq., 2 Suffolk Square, Cheltenham ; born 24th September, 1841. — \M. Day Boy. Left December, i860. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1861-62; Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1862 ; Captain, 1877 ; Major, 1883. On Special Duty, under Prison De- partment, Whitehall. Address: 28 Grosvenor Road, London, S.W. Bogle, Albert, son of — Bogle, Esq. ; born 3rd September, 1842. Bolton, Henry Richard Stewart, son of Chichester Francis Bolton, Esq., Barrister, I Upper Merrion Street, Dublin ; born 25th February, 1843. Address: Tullydonnell, Co. Louth; and Castle Rheban, Co. Kildare. Bone, Edward William, son of Allan B. Bone, Esq., Solicitor, Belmont, Devonport ; born 26tli March, 1846. Campbell, John Robert, son of James Camp- bell, Esq., 8 Clarendon Crescent, Edinburgh ; born 2nd June, 1845. Cargill, Alfred, son of — Cargill, Esq. ; born 7th December, 1843. Cargill, John Charles, son of — Cargill, Esq. ; born 2nd January, 1842. Carr, Frederick Schomberg, son of Andrew Morton Carr, Esq. ; born 8th April, 1845. — C — India Direct M . Turnbull. Left April, 1861. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1862 ; Captain, 1870 ; Brevet-Major, 1879 ; Major, 1881 ; Lieut.-Colonel, 1887. Is Squadron Commander, 5th Punjab Cavalry. Served in the Jowaki Afreedee Expedition of 1877-78 ; and was present at the affair at Jummoo (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80, and was present at the storm and capture of the Peiwar Kotal, and in the engagements at Mattoon and at Charasiah, on 6th October, 1879, and took part in the operations around Kabul in December, 1879 (twice mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with three clasps). Served in the Zhob Valley Expedition in 1884. Carrington, William Thomas Henry, son of Edmund Carrington, Esq., T rowscoed Lodge, Leckhampton, near Cheltenham ; born 26th September, 1846. Cumming, Charles Lennox Bruce, son of George Vanburgh Cumming, Esq., Surgeon, Madras; born 23rd June, 1844. Day Boy. Left 1859. Indian Civil Service (Madras), 1867. Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Godavery District, 1867- 69; Kistna District, 1869-72; at Kurnool, 1872; at Malabar, 1873 ; at North Ascot, 1874 ; and at Nel- lore, 1878. Special Assistant to Collector and Magistrate at Vizagapatam, 1880, also Agent to the Governor at Vizagapatam, 1883-84. Principal As- tant to Collector and Magistrate, and Agent to the Governor, Ganjam, 1884. Retired, 1888. Davidson, Christopher Middlemass, son of Henry M. Davidson, Esq., Holme House, Haddington, N.B. ; born 6th May, 1843. Ensign, 4th Foot, 1862 ; Lieutenant, 1866 ; Instructor of Musketry, 1869-75 ; Captain, 104th Foot, 1875 ; Major, Royal Munster Fusiliers, 1881 ; Lieut.-Colonel (Retired), 1882. Adjutant of Auxi- liary Forces, 1875-81. Davies, Rowland Charles, son of — Davies, Esq.; born 29th April, 1846. Davis, Charles James, son of Henry John Davis, Esq., Solicitor, Tivoli,Newport, Monmouth ; born nth July, 1843. Devereux, Nicholas Jessop, son of the Rev. Prebendary Nicholas Devereux, D.D., Bally- rankin House, Ferus, Co. Wexford; born 13th September, 1841. Classical Football XX., 1858. Trinity College, Dublin. B.A. , and Divinity Testimonium, 1863. Ordained Deacon, 1865, and Priest, 1866. Curate of St. Silas, Liverpool, 1865-68; of Portsmouth, 1868- 73 ; of Bickley, Kent, 1873-77 i of Saltwood, Kent, 1877-79; of St. Peter, South Kensington, 1879-81; Chaplain to the Duke of Portland, 1880, and Vicar of St. Mary, Hoxton, London, 1881. Address : St. Mary’s, Hoxton, London, N. Dick, John Campbell, son of John Campbell, Dick, Esq., H.E.I.C.S. ; born 13th August, 1845. Dickinson, Edward Harriman, son of Joseph i68 [August, 1857. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Dickinson, Esq., M.D., Great George Square, Liverpool; born i ith March, 1843. 4C — iC. Sotcthwood Z-Tid Green. Left Easter, 1862. Cricket XXII., i860. Trinity College, Oxford, 1862. B.A. , 1867; M.A. , 1870. Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 1869 ; Licentiate, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, 1869 ; M.B. (Edinburgh University) and Master in Surgery, 1870 ; M.D. (with University Gold Medal), 1876 ; Member Royal College of Physicians, London, 1871, and Fellow, 1880. Resident Physician, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, 1869-70, and at St. George's Hospital, London, 1870-71. Honorary Physician, Liverpool Northern Hospital, 1872. Address : 162 Bedford Street, Liverpool ; and New University Club, London, S.W. Elphinston, Alexander, son of Alexander Elphinston, Esq., Bombay Civil Service, Chewton Glen, Christchurch, Hants ; born 23rd November, 1841. Feilden, Haughton Montague James, son of Sir William Henry Feilden, Bart., Feniscovvles Hall, Lancashire ; born 20th April, 1842. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1860-62 ; Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1863 ; Captain, 1875 ; Major, 1882; Lieut. -Colonel, 1889. Passed Artillery College. Brigade-Major, Royal Artillery, Gibraltar, 1877-81 ; Inspector of Warlike Stores, Portsmouth, 1881-86 ; Captain-Inspector, Royal Laboratory, Woolwich, 1887. Instructor at Artillery College. Address : Artillery College, Woolwich, S. E. Forsyth, James Strong Campbell, son of William Forsyth, Esq., 9 Longford Terrace, Salt Hill, Monkstown, Dublin ; born 12th November, 1842. Fraser, George Samuel, son of George Robins, Fraser, Esq., Barrister, Broughton Villa, Ramsgate; born 14th February, 1842. Fullerton, John Young, son of John Young Fullerton, Esq., Barrister, Carstairs House, Madras ; born 2nd October, 1846. In Madras Constabulary. Garnett, Reginald, son of Charles Garnett, Esq., Bonehill House, Tamworth ; born 4th April, 1844. Cricket XI. , 1861-62 ; Racquet Champion, 1861. Ensign, 45th Foot, 1863 ; Lieutenant, 1865 ; trans- ferred to 72nd Foot, 1865 ; Captain, 1874 ; Brevet- Major, Seaforth Plighlanders, March, 1881 ; Major, July, 1881. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80 ; with the Kurrum Field Force at the reconnaisance and assault and capture of the Peiwar Kotal, pas- sage of the Chappri defile, and minor affairs ; with the Kabul Field Force, including night attack on rear- guard at Zahidabad, action of Charasiah and subse- quent occupation of Kabul, assault and capture of the Asmai Heights, and final repulse of the enemy. Accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march from Kabul to the relief of Kandahar, and took part in the battle of Kandahar, on ist September, 1880 (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with four clasps and Bronze Star). Served with the ist Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders, in the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present in the en- gagement at Chalouf (mentioned in despatches), and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with clasp, and Khedive's Star). Garnett, Richard Lawrence, son of Henry Gar- nett, Esq., Wyreside, near Lancaster ; born 1 2th June, 1 846. Re-entered College August, i860. Hamer, Charles Herbert Athelstan, son of John Hamer, Esq., Glanyrafon Hall, near Os- westry ; born 25th July, 1848. Harrison, Alfred, son of George Hairison, Esq., 65 Grosvenor Street, Grosvenor Square, London; born 24th April, 1845. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1859. Harvey, Frederic Roseingrave, son of the Rev. G. G. Harvey, Hailsham Vicarage, Sussex ; born 5th May, 1845. Hay, Edward Adolphe Massey, son of Charles Crosland Hay, Esq., 7 Lansdown Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 24th February, 1845. Helyar, Charles Welman Hawker, son of Charles John Helyar, Esq., Poundisford Lodge, Taunton ; born 13th August, 1843. Ensign, 29th Foot, 1864 ; Lieutenant, 1865 ; Cap- tain, 1871 ; transferred to 3rd Hussars, 1879 ; Major, i88i ; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1881-86. Hubback, Edward Thomas, son of John Hub- back, Esq., Barrister ; born 28th February, 1846. Inglis, Lionel Arthur Lister, son of Henry Inglis, Esq., Cherra Poorj'ee, East Indies ; born 26th December, 1845. Jay, William Taylor, son of James Jay, Esq., Solicitor, Litley Court, Hereford ; born 5th May, 1841. Re-entry, 7/zdfe January, 1853. Johnson, William Henry Grazebrook, son of William Johnson, Esq., Twickenhan Villa, Cheltenham; born 3rd February, 1845. Jones, Charles Rainier; son of Lieut.-Colonel E. Jones, Knolton Hall, Overton, Flintshire ; born 8th April, 1846. Jones, Rhys Rainier, son of Lieut.-Colonel E. Jones, Knolton Hall, Overton, Flintshire ; born 15th December, 1844. Jones, Samuel, son of William Jones, Esq., The Spa, Gloucester ; born 25th August, 1844. Scholarship, St. Catherine's College, Cambridge, 1864; B.A., 1867; M.A., 1872. King, William, son of Samuel King, Esq., Mount Pleasant, Waterford, Ireland ; born 3rd December, 1841. Kinsey, William Edward, son of R. B. Kinsey, Esq., Surgeon, Bengal Army, 5 EaiTs Ter- race, Kensington, London ; born 7th N ovem- ber, 1843. Laurie, James William Borthwick, son of Major-General John Laurie, 4 Douro Villas, Cheltenham; born 20th January, 1845. loC — iC. Day Boy. Left October, 1864. Cricket XL, 1863 ; Rifle Corps XL, 1863; Clas- sical Football XX., 1863 : Racquet Champion, 1864. Jesus College, Cambridge. Ley Scholarship, 1865; B.A., 1867; M.A. , 1871. Ordained Deacon, 1869, and Priest, 1870. Curate of St. Peter, Swin- ton, Manchester, 1869-75 ; of Highgate, London, 1875-77 ; of Witham, Essex, 1877-81 ; Vicar of Holme, Northamptonshire, 1881. Address : Holme Vicarage, Peterborough. Laycock, William, son of James C. Laycock, Esq., Solicitor, Huddersfield; born 13th July, 1845. Newtek House. Solicitor (admitted 1866). Address : Huddersfield, Yorkshire. McCulloch, David, son of — McCulloch, Esq. ; born 2 1 St March, 1843. Marsh, William Edward, son of Richard Marsh, Esq., Solicitor, Westleigh Hall, Leigh, near Manchester; born 2nd July, 1842. Money, George Edward, son of Alonzo Money, Esq , Bengal Civil .Service, Gya, East Indies ; born 12th September, 1847. August, 1857.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. Cornet, i6th Lancers, 1869 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; joinctl Bengal Staff Corps, 1875 ; Captain, 1881 ; Major, i88g. Is Squadron Commander, ist Central India Morse. Served in the Afghan War in 1878-79 with the Khurum Field Force, and took part with the expedition to the Khost Valley (Medal). Moreton, Francis, son of Captain the Hon. Percy Moreton, loth Hussars, Old Court, Tortworth, Wotton-under-Edge ; born 27th February, 1847. Morgan, George James, son of the Rev. S. F. Morgan, Chepstow; born 8th July, 1843. Moss, Fletcher, son of John Moss, Esq., Man- chester ; born 29th July, 1843. Modern Football XX., 1859. Murphy, Edward, son of J. R. Murphy, Esq., Ryde, Isle of Wight ; born 17th September, 1844. Murphy, James, son of J. R. Murphy, Esq., Ryde, Isle of Wight ; born 14th January, 1843. Neame, Arthur, son of Frederick Neame, Esq., Macknade, Faversham ; born 26th May, 1845 - Address : Luton, Faversham. Osborne, Edward John Burrows, son of the Rev. Edward Osborne, Osborne Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 27th October, 1845. Osborne, Samuel Lane, son of the Rev. Edward Osborne, Osborne Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 1 6th November, 1844. Pascoe, Charles Eyre, son of Major Richard Pascoe, 62 Killigrew Street, Falmouth ; born 22nd June, 1842. Passy, Frederic Thynne Wilton, son of the Rev. F. C. G. Passy, Wilstead Vicarage, Bedford ; born 1st October, 1845. Lieutenant, Royal Navy, 1870. Died 14th July, 1872. Patch, Robert, son of Major Henry Patch, Bengal Army, Exeter ; born 25th July, 1842. Ensign, 99th Foot, June, 1863 ; transferred to 55th Foot, November, 1863 ; Lieutenant, 1866 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1866 ; Captain, 1875 ; Major, 1883 ; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1889. Is Assistant- Commissary-General, 2nd Class, Rawul Pindee. Served with the 55th Regiment in the Bhootan Expe- dition of 1865 (Medal with clasp). Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80 with the Peshawur Valley Field Force (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Served in the Hazara Campaign in 1888 (Brevet- Lieut. -Colonel). Peel, Andrew, son of William Peel, Esq., Swin- ton Park, Manchester ; born 12th February, 1845 - Peel, George Henry, son of William Peel, Esq., Swinton Park, Manchester ; born 19th De- cember, 1841. Porter, George Edward, son of Robert Tindal Porter, Esq., 3 Suffolk Square, Cheltenham; born nth January, 1843. 2C — iC. Day Boy. Left 1861. Indian Civil Service, 1861 ; appointed to Bengal, 1862. Assistant-Magistrate and Collector, Ranee- gunge, 1865; and at Bancoorah, 1865-66. Inspector of Schools, 3rd Grade, North-Eastern Circle, 1866- 69. Assistant-Magistrate and Collector at Rung- pore, 1869-73 ! 24 Purgunnahs, 1873-74. Joint Magistrate and Deputy-Collector, Patna, 1874-77 i at Shahabad, 1877-78 ; at Patna, 1878-79. District Sessions Judge, Noakholly, 1879 ; at Nugurensingh, 1879-80 ; at Gya, 1880-83, ^ud Bengal, 1883-86 ; Judicial Commissioner, Chota Nagpore, 1886-87. Retired, 1887. 1 69 Price, James Nugent Blackwood, son of James Charles Price, Esc|., Saintfield House, Co. Down, Ireland; Ijorn 15th October, 1844. Newtek House. Ensign, 60th Foot, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1869 ; Captain, 1877 ; Brevet-Major, King's Royal Rifle Corps, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1884. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80 ; took part in the advance on, and occupation of, Kandahar and Khelat-i-Ghilzie, and was present in the engage- ments at Ahmed Kheyl and Urzoo, near Ghuznee ; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march from Kabul to the relief of Khandahar, and was present at the battle of Khandahar on ist September, 1880 (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with two clasps, and Bronze Star). Served in the Mari Expedition under Brigadier-General Maegregor. Served with the Natal Field Force during the Transvaal Campaign in 1881. Reid, John (afterwards John James Reid), son of Sir James John Reid, Chief Justice of Corfu, Corfu ; born 9th August, 1844. 4C — iC. Boultbee and Day Boy. Left June, 1864. Racquet Champion, 1863 ; Rifle Corps XI. , Cap- tain, 1864: Cricket XXII., 18 — ; Classical Football XX., 18—. Schreiber Exhibition, 1864. Trinity College, Cambridge. 3rd in 3rd Class Natural Science Tripos, 1867 ; B.A., 1868. Edinburgh University, Civil Law Prize, 1868. Called to the Scottish Bar (Advocate), 1870. Appointed Advocate Depute, 1880, and Queen's and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer for Scotland, 1881. Was Fellow of the Scottish Antiquarian Society, and a Curator of the Museum of Antiquities, Edinburgh. Died at Edinburgh loth November, 1889. Reuss, Leonard James, son of Ernest Reuss, Esq., Manchester ; born 13th January, 1843. Riall, William Augustus, son of Phineas Riall, Esq., Old Conna Hill, Bray, Co. Wicklow ; born 25th August, 1844. 5 AT — 3Af. Chenery. Left 1859. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1862-64. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1864 ; Captain, 1877 ; Major, 1884 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1885; Adju- tant, Auxiliary Forces, 1880-85. Roger, Charles, son of James D. Roger, Esq., St. Kitts, West Indies ; born 20th March, 1841. Price. Ensign, 70th Foot, 1858 ; Lieutenant, 1859 ; Captain, 1865 ; Retired, 1875. Served in the New Zealand War of 1864-65 (Medal). Address: Castlebank, Ecclefechan, N. B. Royds, Hugh Mortimer, son of James Royds, Esq., Woodlands, Northwich, Cheshire ; born yth September, 1842. Died 23rd February, 1876. Salmon, William, son of — Salmon, Esq. ; born 15th November, 1841. Savile, Albany Robert, son of Colonel Henry Bouchier Osborne Savile, R.A., Ashdale, Haverfordwest ; born 12th March, 1844. Newtek House. Left December, 1861. Ensign, 18th Foot, 1863 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; Captain, 1875 ; Major, Royal Irish Rifles, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1886; Passed Staff College, 1870. Garrison Instructor, Malta, 1872-75 ; Garri- son Instructor, South-Eastern District, 1875-77 ; employed in Intelligence Branch, War Office, 1877- 79; Instructor in Tactics, &c.. Royal Military Col- lege, Sandhurst, 1879-86. Serle, Edward Gambier, son of William Am- brose Serle, Esq , Registrar of Supreme Court, Madras ; born 24th August, 1844. Simpson, William Harness, son of James z CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1857. 170 Alexander Simpson, Esq., Solicitor, 5 Mon- tague Place, Russell Square, London ; born nth December, 1841. Smith, Alexander, son of — Smith, Esq. ; born 6th May, 1842. Smith, Charles L., son of Colonel Lucius H. Smith, Umballa, India; born 5th January, 1842. Stoton, Albert George, son of William Stoton, Esq., 125 Lansdowne Place, Brighton ; born 28th July, 1842. Tharp, Theodore Augustus, son of the Rev. Augustus James Tharp, Chippenham Rec- tory, Cambridgeshire; born 27th January, 1844. Soicthwood. Addiscombe Military College. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, i86i ; transferred to 104th Foot, 1862 ; Lieutenant, 1866 ; Resigned, 1872. Address : Denston Park, Newmarket, Cambridge- shire. Thorhurn, David Arno Smet, son of David J. S. Thorburn, Esq., Montpellier House, Chel- tenham ; born 8th January, 1843. Edinburgh University, M.D. , 1864. Licentiate, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, 1864. As- sistant-Surgeon, Army Medical Department, 1864 ; Surgeon, 1873 ; Surgeon-Major, 1876 ; Retired, 1884. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, in- cluding the operations in the Mazina Valley (men- tioned in despatches. Medal). Address : loi Drury Lane, London, W.C. ; and layi Waterloo Road, London, S.E. Thorburn, Septimus Smet, son of David J. S. Thorburn, Esq., Montpellier House, Chel- tenham ; born 1 2th August, 1844. — iC. Day Boy. Left May, 1863. Football XX., 1861-62-63; Cricket XXII., 1862- 63. Indian Civil Service (Bengal), 1864. Assistant- Commissioner, 3rd Class, Punjab, 1865-68 ; Assis- tant-Commissioner, Punjab, 1868-77 ; of Bunnoo Settlement, 1877-79 ; of Punjab, 1879-83 ; Judicial Assistant-Commissioner, Punjab, 1883 ; Deputy- Commissioner, Punjab, since 1883. Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. Author of ' ' Bannu, or our Afghan Frontier " ; “ David Leslie," &c. Trefusis, Robert Edward, son of Captain the Hon. George Rolle Walpole Trefusis, R.N. ; born 24th January, 1843. — 2C. Ward- roper, Ellis, and Boyne House. Football XX., 18 — . Exeter College, Oxford, 1861. B.A., 1865 ; M.A., 1868. Ordained Deacon, 1866, and Priest, 1867. Curate of Buckingham, 1866-67 ; Vicar of Chittlehampton, Devon, 1867 ; Prebendary of Exeter Cathedral, 1888 ; Canon of Exeter, 1889. Address : Chittlehampton Vicarage, South Molton. Vipan, Edwin Joseph, son of Benjamin Vipan, Esq., The Grove, Sutton, near Ely ; born 7th June, 1841. 7C — iC. Wawn. Left 1861. Cricket XI., 1861. Pembroke College, Oxford, 1861. Was a Private Tutor. Died 28th July, 1888. Wallace, Robert Hugh, son of Robert Wallace, Esq. ; born 21st March, 1843. 7^ — 2M. Price. Left December, 1858. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1861-64 ; Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1864 ; Captain, 1876 ; Major, 1883. Webster, Alfred William, son of James Webster, Esq., Hatherley Court, Cheltenham ; born i6th May, 1845. White, Stephen Ernest, son of Stephen White, Esq., Liverpool ; born 9th June, 1841. Woods, Bernard, son of Charles John Woods, Esq., Solicitor, Godaiming ; born 3rd Janu- ary, 1846. Woods, John Frederick, son of John Anthony Woods, Esq., Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; born 2 1 St NovemW, 1845. ENTERED MICHAELMAS, 1857. Allhusen, Wilton Christian, son of Christian Allhusen, Esq., Elswick Hall, near New- castle-on-Tyne ; born 24th December, 1840. Cotton, William James, son of William Cotton, Esq., Humfrystown, Co. Wicklow ; born 8th April, 1842. Dobson, Alfred Edmund, son of the Rev. Wil- liam Dobson, Principal of Cheltenham Col- lege ; born 14th July, 1849. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1862 ; Hornby Prize, 1866. Cricket XI. , 1865. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1867-69 (Prizes : ist Mathematical, ist Chemistry, ist Natural Philosophy, and Fortifica- tion). Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1869. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80 ; took part in the expedition to Barikot, and in January, 1880, in the expedition to the Lughman Valley ; also commanded his company in an expedition on the right bank of the Kabul River. Died of fever at Safed Sung, Afghanistan, 21st July, 1880. Dunn, Charles Acland Leigh, son of Captain Richard D. Dunn, Seething Wells, Kingston- on-Thames ; born 1 6th November, 1844. In Business, Shanghai, China. Fraser, Samuel Gordon, son of George R. Fraser, Esq., Barrister, Cheltenham; born 1st February, 1844. Gamble, John Henry, son of Clarke Gamble, Esq., Barrister, Toronto, Canada ; born 12th July, 1844. Left July, i860. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1861-62. En- sign, 17th Foot, 1862 ; Lieutenant, 1865 ; Captain, 1877. Served in the Afghan War in 1878-79, and was present at the capture of Ali Musjid, the affairs at Chenar, the first and second Bazar Valley Expedi- tions, and the affairs at Maindanah. Died of dysen- tery at Lundi Khotal, Afghanistan, 14th July, 1879. Hamilton, John Angus Lushington, son of Henry Charles Lushington Hamilton, Esq., H.E.I.C.S., Ghazeepoor, Bengal ; born loth May, 1846. Cricket XL, 1862. Ensign, 2nd West India Regiment, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1866 ; Captain, 1868 ; Retired, 1869. Received the thanks of the Adminis- trator of the Gold Coast for the manner in which he performed the ' ' arduous and dangerous duty of conducting King Amarkie to his country in February and March, 1867," and for his " courage and deter- mination in capturing the rebel chiefs," on which occasion, his party being attacked, he saved the life of Mr. Blenkinson, his Interpreter, who was wounded. Loam, Michael, son of Matthew Loam, Esq., 7 Terrace, Liskeard, Cornwall ; born ist November, 1840. Mortimore, Ihomas Heard, son of Richard Mortimore, Esq., Chippenham ; born 4th May, 1842. Finney, George Frederick, son of John A. Finney, Esq., Black Down House ; born 30th December, 1840. Michaelmas, 1857.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. Quayle, James Wills, son of — Quayle, Esq. ; born 6th August, 1841. Previously at King William’s College, Isle ot Man. Selfe, James Alfred, son of Henry Selfe Selte, Esq., 15 Torrington Square, London ; born 20th August, 1841. Taylor, Colin McKenzie, son of Colonel Phill- potts W. Taylor, 14 Imperial Square, Chel- tenham ; born 29th January, 1844. Vipan, Frederic Maylin, son of Benjamin 171 Vipan, Esq., The Grove, Sutton, near Ely ; born iith September, 1847. X/P"<^C — iC. Day Boy and Chetiery. Left Easter, 1866. St. John’s College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1871 ; M.A., 1874. Ordained Deacon, 1872, and Priest, 1873. Curate of St. Michael, liuslingthorpe, York- shire, 1872-75 ; of Christchurch, Hants, 1875-77. Address: Christchurch, Hants. Vipan, Henry Cory, son of Benjamin Vipan, Esq., The Grove, Sutton, near Ely ; born 3rd February, 1844. ENTERED FEBRUARY, 1858. Adams, Robert, son of Robert Adams, Esq., M.D., 22 Stephens Green, Dublin ; born 28th September, 1843. Adams, Samuel, son of Robert Adams, Esq., M.D., 22 Stephens Green, Dublin ; born 23rd August, 1844. Annand, Alexander Walter, son of the Rev. Alexander Annand ; born 1st August, 1841. \C — iC. Wawn. Left June, i860. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. (i6th Junior Optime), 1864; M.A., 1873. Ordained Deacon, 1864, and Priest, 1865. Vicar of Roade, Northamp- tonshire, 1866-78 ; Curate of St. Michael, Shrews- bury, 1878-80 ; of Holy Cross, Shrewsbury, 1880-81 ; Perpetual Curate of Betton-Strange, Salop, 1883. Address : 22 St. John’s Hill, Shrewsbury. Armstrong, Hugh Clayton, son of Hugh C. Armstrong, Esq., Northumberland Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; born 13th April, 1844. Atkins, Arthur, son of George Atkins, Esq., 18 Suffolk Square, Cheltenham ; born 30th September, 1845. Ladies’ Prizeman (Athletic Sports), 1863 ; Modern Football XX., 1864. Died at Hurda, East Indies, tgth October, 1879. Bailey, Henry James, son of — Bailey, Esq. ; born 1 2th June, 1844. Ballantine, William Henry Walter, son of William Ballantine, Esq., SerJeant-at-Law, London; born loth February, 1847. Trinity Hall, Cambridge. LL. B. , 1870. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1871. M.P. for Coventry, 1887. Address : 2 Grosvenor Mansions, Victoria Street, London, S.W. ; Union Club, Trafalgar Square, S.W. ; and National Liberal Club, S.W. Beatson, Alexander Davidson, son of Davidson Beatson, Esq., 13 A la 'Tranchde, Tours, France ; born 2nd July, 1845. Bea’Yer, Philip Keith Lonsdale, son of — Beaver, Esq. ; born 28th June, 1843. Cricket XL. 1861 ; Modern Football XX., 1859- 60. Royal Military Academy, Wooiwich, 1862-64. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1865 ; Captain, 1877 ; Major, 1883. Served in the Afghan War in 1878-79 (Medal). Bisset, William, son of Major William Bisset, 15th Madras Native Infantry, Burmah ; born 2nd May, 1841. 2nd Lieutenant, Madras Artillery, June, 1858 ; Lieutenant, August, 1858 ; Captain, Royal Artillery, 1868; Major, 1876; Lieut. -Colonel, 1883; Colonel, 1887. Boyes, Duncan Gordon, son of John Boyes, Esq., 3 Paragon Buildings, Cheltenham ; born 5th November, 1846. Midshipman, Royal Navy, x86— ; Retired, 1867. As Midshipman of H.M.S. “Euryalus” served in the suppression of the rebellion in Japan in 1864 (Victoria Cross)', was awarded the Victoria Cross ■' For conspicuous gallantry on the 6th September, 1864, which, according to the testimony of Captain Alexander, C. B. , at that time Flag Captain to Vice- Admiral Sir Augustus Kuper, K.C. B. , Mr. Boyes displayed on the occasion of the capture of the enemy’s stockade. He carried a colour with the leading company, kept it in advance of all in the face of the thickest fire, his colour-serjeants having fallen, one mortally, the other dangerously wounded, and he was only detained from proceeding yet further by the orders of his superior officer. The colour he carried was six times pierced by musket- balls. ” Died about 1869. Bullock, Frederick Shore, son of Thomas Henry Bullock, Esq., 2 York Place, Cheltenham ; born 3rd October, 1847. loC — iC. Day Boy. Left March, 1865. Football XX., i86 — Cricket XXII., 186 — . India Civil Service, 1868 ; appointed to Bengal, 1870. Assistant-Magistrate and Collector, Shahje- hanpore, 1871-74 ; at Bareilly, 1874-78 ; Assistant- Superintendent and Judge, Dehra Doon, 1878-79 ; Assistant-Magistrate and Collector, Meerut, 1879 : at Shanjehanpore, 1879-83. Joint Magistrate, North- West Provinces, since 1883. Carthe’W, Charles Alfred, son of Colonel Morden Carthew, Madras Army, Madras ; born 3rd September, 1841. Ensign, 33rd Foot, 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1865 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1866 ; Captain, 1873. Served in the Hazara Campaign in 1868 (Medal with clasp). Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, and took part in the Lughman Valley Expedition (wounded). Died of fever at Lundi Kotal, Afghan- istan, I2th October, 1880. Chamberlain, George Kennaway, son of the Rev. George William Chamberlain, Powis- land Villa, Cheltenham ; born 21st October, 1844. Indian Civil Service, 1863 ; appointed to Madras 1864. Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Mala- bar, 1866-70 ; in Madras District, 1870 ; and at North Arcot, 1870-74. Retired, 1876. Chamberlain, Hall Michael, son of T. W. Chamberlain, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, 8 Spa Buildings, Cheltenham ; born 8th October, 1845 - Chamberlain, Tankerville James, son of T. W. Chamberlain, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, 8 Spa Buildings, Cheltenham ; born loth January, 1844 - Ensign, Ceylon Rifle Regiment, 1868 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; transferred to 80th Foot, 1873 ; Captain, South Staffordshire Regiment, 1881 ; Major, 1884 ; Retired, 1889. Fort Adjutant, Hong Kong, 1875, 77. Aide-de-Camp to Governor and Commander- in-Chief, Natal, 1882-84. Served in the Transvaal 172 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [February, 1858. in charge of two 6-pounder guns in November and December, 1878 ; was with the 80th Regiment in the column under Colonel Rowlands on the Swazi border in 1879, and during the invasion of Zululand and at the battle of Ulundi (Medal with clasp). Chamberlain, William Hart, son of — Cham- berlain, Esq. ; born 17th October, 1844. Coningham, Frederick, son of Major-General Henry Coningham, 25 Chesham Street, London ; born 27th September, 1843. Ensign, ist Foot, 1864 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; In- structor of Musketry, 1872-75 ; Captain, 1875 ; Major, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 1881. Served with the ist Battalion of the Royal Scots in the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85. Conolly, Arthur, son of — Conolly, Esq. ; born 29th November, 1842. 2nd Lieutenant, Bengal Artillery, i860 ; Lieu- tenant, Bengal Staff Corps, 1870 ; Brevet-Captain, 1872; Captain, 1875; Major, 1880; Brevet-Lieut. - Colonel, 1881 ; Colonel (Retired), 1885. Com- mandant, Meywar Bheel Corps, 1882. Served in the campaign on the North-West Frontier of India in 1863, and was present at the storming of Laloo and the capfure of Umbeyla (Medal with clasp). Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80, including the action of Ali Kheyl and assault of Zawa (twice men- tioned in despatches. Brevet of Lieut. -Colonel, Medal). Deacon, Joseph Barrington, son of the Rev. George Edward Deacon, Sidmouth ; born 13th January, 1841. Devereux, Hyacinth Daly, son of the Rev. Nicholas Devereux, Ballyrankin House, Ferns, Co. Wexford; born 3rd January, 1846. Ensign, 87th Foot, 1864 ; Lieutenant, 1865 ; Re- signed, 1872. Now residing in Texas, United States of America. Eccles, Edward, son of — Eccles, Esq. ; born 13th May, 1846. Enright, Andrew, son of John Enright, Esq., Ennis, Co. Clare ; born 7th September, 1843. Feilden, George Robert, son of the Rev. Randle Henry Feilden, Bonchurch, Isle of Wight ; born i6th September, 1843. Died 1874. Groube, Thomas, son of Major George Bromley Boulderson Groube, • 5th Madras Light Cavalry, Bellary, East Indies ; born ist October, 1843. — India Direct. Boyce. Left i860. Modern Football XX., 185 — . Ensign, 7th Fusiliers, 1862 ; Lieutenant, 1865 ; Captain, 1877 ; Major, Royal Fusiliers, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Re- tired), 1882. Served with the 7th Fusiliers in the North-West Frontier of India Expedition in 1863 with the Eusofzie Field Force ; present at the de- fence of the Sunghas at the Umbeyla Pass and at the attack on and storming of the Conical Hill and destruction of Laloo on the 15th December, also in the action at Umbeyla and destmction of the village at the foot of the Bonair Pass on i6th December, which ended in the complete rout of the enemy and the submission of the hill tribes on the 17th December (Medal with clasp). Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, and took part in the defence of Kandahar (Medal). Hepworth, Frederick John Platt, son of the Rev. Robert Hepworth, 2 St. James’ Square, Cheltenham ; born ist January, 1842. Hill, Ernest George, son of James Thomas Hill, Esq., Anlaby, Hull; born 3rd October, 1846. Hughes, Edward Eden, son of John Hughes, Esq., Downend, near Bristol; born 26th July, 1844. Jackson, George D’Aguilar, son of Welby Jack- son, Esq., 2 Brock Street, Bath ; born 20th July, 1843. Comet, Bengal Cavalry, 1859 ; Lieutenant, 1862 ; Brevet-Captain, 1871 ; Captain, 1872; Major, 1879; Lieut. -Colonel, 1885. Is Executive Engineer, 2nd Grade, Department of Public Works, Barrackpore Division. Jamieson, Robert Jarvie, son of James Jamie- son, Esq., 6 Park Gardens, Glasgow ; born 15th September, 1844. Address : 8 Buckingham Terrace, Edinburgh. Johnson, Edward Armstrong, son of the Vene- rable Archdeacon John Evans Johnson, Adamstown Glebe, Enniscorthy, Ireland ; born 15th August, 1846. XI C — \M. Boyce. Left June, 1865. Cricket XL, 1865. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1865-67 (Prize : First Landscape Drawing). Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1868 ; Captain, 1879 ! Retired, 1883. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, with the Force under Major-General Phayre in Southern Afghanistan, and took part in the march from Quetta to the relief of Kandahar (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Now a Resident Magistrate in Ireland. Jones, William, son of — Jones, Esq. ; born 2nd April, 1843. Lawrence, Frederick, son of John Lawrence, Esq. ; born 22nd June, 1843. Leaver, Armine Francis Morris, son of the Rev T. C. H. Leaver, Rockhampton Rectory, Gloucestershire ; born 19th January, 1848. Lloyd, James Edward, son of Thomas Lloyd, Esq., Spark Hill ; born 12th July, 1846. Magnay, Frederick William, son of Frederick A. Magnay, Esq., Drayton, Norfolk, born 28th October, 1843. Maling, Jack Henry, son of Lieut.-Colonel Ghristopher Simpson Maling, Bengal Army, 5 Oxford Parade, Cheltenham ; born 8th February, 1842. Maude, Robert Henry, son of the Hon. and Very Rev. Robert William Henry Maude, Dean of Clogher, Co. Tyrone, Ireland ; born 24th June, 1842. 3J/ — Sandhurst M. South- wood. Ensign, 7th Fusiliers, i860 ; Lieutenant, 1863 ; Adjutant, 1870-73 ; Captain, 1873 ; Major, Royal Fusiliers, 1881 ; Lieut.-Colonel (Retired), 1884. Melvill, Teignmouth, son of Philip Melvill, Esq., 4 Clarendon Place, Hyde Park, Lon- don ; born nth September, 1842. Previously at Harrow School (January, 1856 — February, 1858). Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1865. Ensign, 24th Foot, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1868 ; Adjutant, 1873-79. Took part in the Zulu War in South Africa in 1879, and was killed in the action at Isandwhalana on 22nd January, 1879, while endea- vouring to save the Queen's Colour of his regiment. He was mentioned in th ■ despatch published in the "London Gazette” of 15th March, 1879, and the following extract appeared in the supplement to the " London Gazette ” of 2nd May, 1879: "Lieutenant Melvill, of the ist Battalion 24th Foot, on account of the gallant efforts made by him to save the Queen's Colour of his regiment after the disaster at Isand- whalana, and also Lieutenant Coghill, ist Battalion 24th Foot, on account of his heroic conduct in en- deavouring to save his brother officer's life, would have been recommended to Her Majesty for the Victoria Cross had they survived. " February, 1858.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 173 Mills, Charles Moffat, son of — Mills, Esq. ; born 3rd September, 1845. Molyneux, William Charles Francis, son of Captain John Molyneux, 'I'he Glenfall, Charlton Kings; born ist July, 1845. — \M. Southwood and Day Boy. Left De- cember, 1863. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1863-64. En- sign, 22nd Foot, 1864 ; Lieutenant, 1869 ; Captain, 1878 ; Brevet-Major, Cheshire Regiment, 1879 ; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1882; Colonel, March, 1887 ; Major-General (Retired), December, 1887. Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. Passed Staff College, 1873. Assistant, Intelligence Branch, Head- Quarters of Army, 1875-77 ; Aide-de-Camp to Brigadier-General, Aldershot, 1877-78 ; Aide-de- Camp to General Officer Commanding, Cape of Good Hope, 1878-79 ; Brigade-Major, Aldershot, 1880-82; Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant and Quarter- Master-General, Expeditionary Force, Egypt, August to October, 1882 ; Brigade-Major, Aldershot, 1882-84; Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant and Quarter -Master- General, South Africa, 1885. Served as Aide-de- Camp to Lord Chelmsford in the Kaffir War of 1878, and was present at the operations against the Gaikas in the Buffalo Mountains, and clearing of the Perie and Intala ka Udodo bush ; also in the Zulu War of 1879, including the actions at Gingindhlovu (horse shot), the relief of Ekowe, and the battle of Ulundi (several times mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with clasp). Served in the Egyptian War of 1882 as Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant and Quarter-Master-General, ist Division, and was pre- sent in the engagements at El Magfar, Tel-el-Mahuta, and Kassassin (9th September), and in the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lieut. -Colonel, Medal with clasp, 4th Class Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85, as Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant and Quarter-Mastcr- General, Base and Lines of Communication. Morris, Edmund Leigh, son of the Rev. Robert Morris, Friern Barnet, Middlesex ; born 2$th June, 1845. — loC. Turtibull. Left 1859. King's College, London, 1861-63. Member of Institution of Mechanical Engineers, and Associate Member of Institution of Civil Engineers. Mortimore, Peter Frederick, son of Richard Mortimore, Esq., Chippenham ; born 28th April, 1844. Newton, Thomas William Cottle, son of — Newton, Esq. ; born 24th July, 1842. Palmer, Arthur, son of the Rev. Arthur Palmer, 24 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 14th September, 1841. Scholarship, Trinity College, Dublin, 1861 ; B.A., 1867 ; Fellow of Trinity, 1867. Peet, Henry, son of the Rev. Joseph Peet, Tra- vancore, India ; born August, 1842. Pennycuick, Charles Edward Ducat, son of — Pennycuick, Esq. ; born 24th October, 1844. Passed for Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, in 1862, but did not proceed there. Is in the Ceylon Civil Service. Penrose-Fitzgerald, James Henry Brabazon, son of Robert Uniacke Penrose-Fitzgerald, Esq., Corkbeg, Co. Cork ; born ist July, 1843. Perry, Samuel Edgar, son of John Perry, Esq., Cotham Hill, near Bristol ; born 28th Feb- ruary, 1842. — 4C. Bayly. Left i860. Cricket XXII. , 18 — . Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A., 1865. Ordained Deacon, 1865, and Priest, 1866. Curate of St. Andrew the Less, Cambridge, 1865-74 ; Vicar of Chesterton, Cambridgeshire, 1874, and Chaplain of the Chesterton Union, 1874. Address ; Chesterton Vicarage, Cambridge. Piggott, John, son of Francis Pigott, Esq., Walsall ; born 8th November, 1845. Richardson, James, son of Thomas Richardson, Esq., 89 Wilson Street, Glasgow ; born 27th May, 1842. Roberts, Walter, son of Lieut. -Colonel How- land Roberts, qlh Madras Native Infantry, SamulcoUah ; born 9th May, 1846. Re- entered College Michaelmas, i860. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Ensign, 3rd West India Regiment, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1865 ; transferred to 66th Foot, 1871 ; Adjutant, 1877-79 ; Captain, 1879. Served on the West Coast of Africa till 1866, and in the West Indies till 1870, when his regiment was disbanded. Served in the Afghan War of 1879-80, and was killed at the disastrous battle at Mainwand, on 27th July, 1880, while making a des- perate stand with his men against overwhelming numbers. Rynd, William Wolfe, son of Christopher Rynd, Esq., Mount Armstrong, Co. Kildare ; born 7th May, 1844. Ensign, 7th Fusiliers, 1864; Lieutenant, 1868; Captain (Retired), 1869. Died i8th May, 1886. Ryves, Edmund Warren Lewis, son of William H. Ryves, Esq., Rosehaugh Villas, Chelten- ham ; born i8th May, 1843. Saunders, Harloven Morley, son of Robert Francis Saunders, Esq., Loretto, Chelten- ham ; born loth January, 1844. Re-entry, vide August, 1855. Saunders, John Erasmus, son of Francis D. Saunders, Esq., Tymaur, Lampeter ; born 14th March, 1848. Seaton, Preston, son of Preston Seaton, Esq., Went Bridge, Prontefract ; born 9th March, 1843- Simpson, John, son of the Rev. James D. Simp- son, Stoulton Parsonage, near Worcester ; born 14th Apiil, 1846. Smith, Thomas Sidney St. Clair (afterwards St. Clair), son of Captain T. Johnnes Smith, Hoole Lodge, Chester ; born 8th Decem- ber, 1843. Ensign, 49th Foot, 1862 ; Lieutenant, 1865 ; Ad- jutant, 1874-75 1 Captain, 1875 ; Major, Royal Berkshire Regiment, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1887. Passed Staff College, 1872. Brigade-Major, Perak, January to February, 1876 ; Brigade-Major, Hong Kong, 1876-81 ; Garrison Instructor, Egypt, 1883-84, and at Portsmouth, 1884-87. Served as Brigade- Major under Major-General Colborne in the Perak Expedition in 1876 (Medal with clasp). Served with the ist Battalion Berkshire Regiment throughout the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present at the sur- render of Kafr Dowar (Medal and Khedive's Star). Smyth, Charles Edward, son of the Rev. George Watson Smyth, Newick House, Cheltenham; born loth February, 1845. Cricket XL, 1863. Address : Care of Messrs. Turner, Morrison and Co. , 6 Lyons Range, Calcutta. Taylor, Mascie Henry, son of Robert Mascie Taylor, Esq., Adjutant, Royal Merioneth Militia, Corwen, North Wales ; born 14th April, 1845. Trench, Richard John Le Poer, son of the Rev. T. Le Poer Trench, Temple Michael, Long- ford, Ireland ; born 14th February, 1843. ' Previously at King William's College, Ise of Man. Ensign, 24th Bombay Native Infantry, 1859 ; Lieu- tenant 19th Bombay Native Infantry, 1862 ; Captain, 1869 ; Major, 1879. Served in the Afghan War in 174 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [February, 1858. 1880, and was killed in the sortie from Kandahar to capture the village of Deh Kojah, i6th August, 1880. Tristram, Samuel Barrington, son of Barring- ton Tristram, Esq., Park House, Clifton ; both 29th January, 1844. Silver (Classical) Medallist, 1862 ; Head of Clas- sical, June, 1862. Postmastership, Merton College, 1863; B.A. , 1867; M.A., 1873. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1872. Assistant Local Government Board Inspector, 1874-75 s^nd 1878 ; Assistant Private Secretary to President of Local Government Board, 1875-76. Address : Local Government Board, Whitehall, London, S. W. Watson, Robert Samuel, son of John Robert Watson, Esq., 6 Montpelier Street, Chelten- ham ; born 9th January, 1846. loC — \M. Day Boy. Left December, 1863. Cricket XXII., 1862. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1864-66. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1866; Captain, 1878; Major, 1884. Passed Artillery College. Instructor in Artillery, Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1880-88. Wood, Charles Edward, son of Lieut.-Colonel H. W. Wood, Cheltenham; born i8th No- vember, 1845. ENTERED MARCH, 1858. Awdry, Ambrose, son of Sir John Wither Awdry, Knt., Notton, near Chippenham ; born 28th April, 1844. Left 1862. Modern Football XX., 1861. Royal Military Academy Woolwich, 1862-64. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers. 1864 ; Captain, 1878 ; Major, 1884. Was Private Secretary to the Governor of Madras. Killed by a fall from his horse at Ootacamund, East Indies, on the 18th May, 1885. Bishop, William Henry, son of Frederic Bishop, Esq., Solicitor, The Mount, Stoke-on Trent ; born 4th November, 1843. Darton, William Henry, son of — Darton, Esq. ; born 15th September, 1842. Gambler, Alfred Ernie, son of the Rev. S. J. Gambler, Ashley Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 26th November, 1846. Football XX., 18 — ; Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1861. Indian Civil Service, 1866 ; subsequently Cornet, 4th Hussars, 1869. Died at Meerut, East Indies, nth November, 1869. Girardot, Lewis William, son of the Rev. William Lewis Girardot, Hinton Charter- house, Somersetshire ; born loth September, 1844. 5C — iC. Newtek House. Left De- cember, 1862. Exeter College, Oxford, 1863; B.A. , 1868. Or- dained Deacon, 1870, and Priest, 1872. Curate of Banbury, 1870-71 ; of Great Berkhamstead, 1870-73 ; of Holy Trinity, Ryde, Isle of Wight, 1873-76 ; of Romsey, 1876-77 ; of Minstead with Lyndhurst, Hants, 1877-78. Address : Rose Cottage, Ryde, Ise of Wight. James, William Colville, son of Henry James, Esq., 3 Royal Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 1 6th June, 1846. Re-entry, vide August, 1856, and January, i860. MiU, Lawrence, son of Francis Mill, Esq., South Hill Road, Toxteth Park, Liverpool ; born 25th October, 1843. Moysey, Frederick Abel, son of the Rev. Fre- derick Luttrell Moysey, Combe St. Nicholas, near Chard, Somerset ; born 17th July, 1845. Naval Cadet, 1859 ; Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Navy, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1867. Parr, Henry Bingham, son of Thomas Parr, Esq., Grappenhall Heyes, near Warrington ; born 6th June, 1845. Cricket XL , 1863-64. In business in Liverpool. Prole, Ronald Le Fever Dickson, son of William W. Prole, Esq., 6, Craven Terrace, Ealing, Middlesex ; born 5th November, 1840. Ryves, Windham Henry Robert, son of William H. Ryves, Esq., Rosehaugh Villa, Chelten- ham ; born nth October, 1844. Saunders, Allan, son of Allan Saunders, Esq. ; born 1st May, 1843. 6Af — 3JV. Boyce. Left June, 1861. Ensign, 80th Foot 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; In- structor of Musketry, 1871-72 ; Adjutant, 1872-77 ; Captain, 1877 ; Major, South Staffordshire Regi- ment, 1881; Lieut.-Colonel, 1888. Served with the 80th Regiment with the left attack during the Bhoo- tan Expedition of 1865 (Medal with clasp). Served as Superintendent of the Transvaal Volunteer Force during the operations against Sekukuni in 1878-80 (Medal with clasp). Strong, Justinian Henry, son of the Rev. William Strong, Thorpe Hall, Peterborough ; born 1st March, 1842. Watton, Timothy George, son of Timothy Watton, Esq., Penryhn House, Edgbaston, Birmingham ; born 3rd July, 1842. Emmanuel College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1863; M.A. , 1867. Ordained Deacon, 1865, and Priest, 1866. Curate of Christ Church, Birmingham, 1865- 70 ; Vicar of St. Anne, Duddeston, Birmingham, 1870-73 ; Vicar of St. Jude, Birmingham, 1873. Address : 10 Islington Row, Edgbaston, Birming- ham. White, Edward, son of — White, Esq. ; born 17th March, 1843. Williams, Monier Faithfull, son of Monier Williams, Esq. (afterwards Sir Monier Monier-Williams, K.C.I.E.), 3 Montpelier Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 15th April, 1849. ENTERED AUGUST, 1858. Bagnold, Alexander Burnes, son of Lieut.-Gen- eral Michael Edward Bagnold, H.E.I.C.S., 14 Upper Hamilton Terrace, St. John’s Wood, London ; born 8th March, 1846. 6C — iC. Garrett and Cheiiery. Left July, 1864. Senior (Classical) Scholar, i860 ; Gold Medallist, 1864 ; Head of Classical July, 1864. Balliol College, Oxford, 1864. 2nd Class Classical Moderations 1866 ; 2nd Class Ckissical Final Schools, 1869 ; B.A. , 1869; M.A. , 1872. Called to the Bar, Lincoln’s Inn, 1870. Beatty, Edward, son of David Beatty, Esq., Heathfield, Killurin, Enniscorthy, Ireland ; born 27th February, 1842. Turnbull and Price. Left 1859. Ensign, 77th Foot, 1864; Resigned, 1862. In Local Government Board Office, Whitehall, London. August, 1858.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOHSON, M.A. 175 Bramwell, Byrom, son of John Byiom Bram- well, Esq., Surgeon, North Shields; born i8th December, 1847. 12C — iC. Boytie House. Left 1865. Cricket XL, 1863-64-65; Footljall XX., 1864-65. Edinburgh University; (Honours), 1869; M.l 3 . (Gold Medallist), 1877. Fellow of the Royal College of Fhysieiaiis, Edmburgh, 1880 ; Fellow of the Royal .Society of Edinburgh ; Member of various Medical Societies in London, Edinburgh, Durham, < 5 rc. Assistant Physician, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary ; Lecturer on Principle and Practice of Medicine, Edinburgh. Late Additional Examiner in Clinical Medicine, Edinburgh University ; Physician and Pathologist, Newcastlc-on-Tyne Infirmary ; Joint Lecturer on Clinical Medicine, Pathology, and Medi- cal Jurisprudence, College of Medicine, Durham University; Resident Physician and Resident Sur- geon, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary ; Medical Officer, Health, I'ynemouth Uoro' ; Medical Officer, Tyne Floating Hospital ; Physician, North Shields and Tynemouth Dispensary ; Surgeon, Tynemouth Boro' Police, and Honorary Surgeon, Prudhoe Memorial Convalescent Home. Joint Editor of “ International Medical Journal” ; Author of ” Diseases of the Spinal Cord " ; ‘ ' Diseases of the Heart and Thoracic Aorta": "Practical Medicine and Medical Diag- nosis”; " Intra-Cranial Tumours"; "Note Book for Post Mortem Examinations," besides numerous contributions to various medical papers. Address ; 23 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh. Brancker, Caesar Richard, son of William Brancker, Esq., Erbistock Hall, Ruabon ; born 31st July, 1845 Brett, Henry Lockner, son of General James Templeton Brett, Cheltenham ; born 1 5th January, 1846. Left 1862. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1863-64. En- sign, nth Foot, July, 1864; transferred to 76th Foot, September, 1864 ; Lieutenant, 1868 ; Adjutant, 1876- 77 ; Captain, 1877 ; Major, West Riding Regiment, 1883 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1886. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1878-85. Briggs, William Rawdon, son of William Briggs, Esq., Halifax, Yorkshire; born 12th April, 1844. Bryden, Arthur, son of William Bryden, Esq., 85 Eccleston Square, London ; born 7th December, 1847. Burnett, Joseph John, son of Major-General Francis Claud Burnett, Bengal Artillery, Gadgirth, Ayrshire, N.B. ; born 27th March, 1845. Enlisted in the 24th Foot in 1869, and received a Commission as 2nd Lieutenant, 1879 ; Lieutenant, South Wales Borderers, 1881 ; Captain, 1886 ; Pay- master, Army Pay Department, 1886. Served in the Zulu War of 1879 with the 99th Foot, and Was pre- sent in the engagements at Inyezane and Gingindh- lovu, and at the relief of Ekowe (Medal with clasp). Cameron, Hector Lovett, son of William Lochiel Cameron, Esq., Surgeon, H.E.I.C.S., Ahmed- nuggur, Bombay; born 26th October, 1847. Cricket XL, 1863-64; Modern Football XX., 1863. He was badly wounded by a panther, when in India, from the injuries of which he never fully recovered. Died at Cheltenham, 2nd December, 1877. Corbett, James Andrew, son of John Stuart Corbett, Esq., Cogan Pill, Cardiff ; born 24th August, 1846. Bayly. Left 1865. Solicitor (admitted 1869). Address : Castle Street, Cardiff. Cornwall, William Wolfran Gardner, son of Captain John Cornwall, R.N., Elstead, near Godaiming; born 28th May, 1840. Indian Civil Service, i860 ; appointed to Bengal, i86i. Assistant at Benares, 1863-65 ; Assistant- Magistrate and Collector, Mirzapore, 1865-67 ; at, 1867-69 ; at Dehra Doon, 1869-72 ; As- sistant .Settlement Officer at Dehra Doon, 1872-77; Joint-Magistrate and Deputy-Collector, Budaun, 1877-78 ; Joint-Magistrate and Deputy-Collector, Cawnpore, 1878-82; Magistrate and Collector, North- West Provinces, since 1882. Cotton, Richard Godman Temple, son of Ben- jamin Cotton, Esq., Afton House, Fresh- water, Isle of Wight ; born 13th April, 1844. bM — \M. Clienery. Left 1862. Modern Football XX., 18 — Military College, Sandhurst. Ensign, 53rd Foot, 1864 ; Lieutenant, 1866 ; Captain, 1878 ; Major, Shropshire Light Infantry, 1884. Served in the occupation of Suakin, Egypt, by British troops in 1885-86. Cumming, John James Fullarton, son of — Cumming, Esq. ; born 25th July, 1846. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1865-67. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1868. Died in London, 27th April, 1875. Cummins, James Turner, son of Nicholas Cummins, Esq., Ashley House, Cork ; born 1 2th October, 1843. Ensign, Madras Infantry, 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1863 ; Brevet-Captain, 1873 ; Captain, 1874 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1875 ; Brevet-Major, 1881 ; Major, 1883 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1887. Is 2nd in Command, and Squadron-Commander, 4th Cavalry, Hyderabad Contingent. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80, and was present in the operations in the Bazar Valley, and acted as Staff Officer, Kooruin Valley Transport (Brevet of'Major, Medal). Served during the Egyp- tian War in 1882 as 2nd in Command of the Punjab Mule Corps for British Forces ; also served in the Soudan Campaign in 1885, and was present in the advance to and destruction of Temai (Medal with clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Bur- mese Expedition in 1886-87 (mentioned in despatches, D.S.O., and Medal with clasp). Cuninghame, Charles Arthur (afterwards Fairlie-Cuninghame), son of Sir Arthur Percy Cuninghame, Bart., London ; born 2nd January, 1846. Succeeded his father as nth Baronet in 1881. Trinity College, Cambridge. Lieutenant, Ayrshire Yeomanry Cavalry, 1865-75. J.P. for Ayrshire. Address : Carlton Club, Pall Mall, London, S. W. Dalglish, John, son of — Dalglish, Esq. ; born 13th January, 1845. Da'S'ies, Clarence, son of Henry Davies, Esq., Solicitor, Weston-super-Mare ; born 28th February, 1844. Dumergue, Charles, son of the Rev. Walter Scott Dumergue, Fareham; born 4th Jan- uary, 1845. Elliot, John Mitchell, son of William Elliot, Esq., Madras Civil Service, Cuddapah, Ma- dras ; born 5th November, 1843. England, James Henry, son of Major England; born 6th December, 1845. Faber, Thomas Stanley, son of the Rev. John Cooke Faber, Chicklade, near Hindon, Wilts ; born 31st August, 1845. Fisher, Forrest, son of the Rev. Charles F. Fisher, Chatworthy, Wiveliscombe, Somer- set ; born i6th November, 1846. Fox, Richard Edward, son of Richard Maxwell Fox, Esq., M.P., Fox Hall, Lenamore, Co. Longford, Ireland ; born 28th November, 1846. Boyce. Left June, 1865. Rifle Corps XL, 1864; Iredell Prize, 1865. J.P. and High .Sheriff of Co. Longford, 1872, Died at Fox Hall, Co. Longford, 21st December, 1885. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1858. 176 Frend, Benjamin, son of Benjamin Frencl, Esq., Boskell, Cahirconlish, Co. Limerick, Ireland; born 22nd October, 1844. Ensign, 105th Foot, February, 1864 ; transferred to 60th Rifles, April, 1864 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; Cap- tain, 1875 ; Major, King’s Royal Rifle Corps, 1881. Died in India, 1883. Green-Armytage, Charles Antony, son of the Rev. J. N. Green-Armytage, Kyrle Villa, Cheltenham ; born 17th December, 1843. Greer, George Thomas, son of Alfred Greer, Esq., Dripsey House, Co. Cork ; born 5th April, 1843. Greer, MacGregor, son of Alfred Greer, Esq., Dripsey House, Co. Cork ; born i6th July, 1844. Head of Modern, June, 1862. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1862-64. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1865 ; Captain, 1878 ; Retired, 1881. Harris, Samuel Joseph, son of Samuel Harris, Esq., Advocate, Douglas, Isle of Man ; born 23rd March, 1844. Hughes, Edward, son of Major Michael Hughes, Boneyman House, near Swansea ; born 6th January, 1850. Humphrys, Walter, son of George Humphrys, Esq., Suffolk House, Cheltenham ; born 3rd March, 1847. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1861 ; Cricket XL, 1866 ; Racquet Champion, 1866 ; Classical Foot- ball XX., 1866. New College, O.xford, 1867. 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1868 ; 3rd Class Clas- sical Final Schools, 1871 ; B.A. , 1871 ; M.A. , 1873. Ordained Deacon, 1872, and Priest, 1873. Curate of Walsall, 1872-74 ; of Cheddleton, Staffordshire, 1874-76 ; Rector of Bucknall with Bagnall, Stafford- shire, 1876-78 ; Assistant Master at Oswestry Gram- mar School, 1878-82 ; Lecturer of Ludlow, Here- fordshire, 1882-85 I Rector of Alton-Berners, Wilt- shire, 1885. Address : Alton-Berners Rectory, Marlborough. Inglis, George, son of William A. D. Inglis, Esq., I Lansdown Villas, Cheltenham ; born 25th August, 1843. Iredell, Charles Lesingham Maynard, son of Captain James Shrubb Iredell, Cobourg House, Cheltenham ; born 12th January, 1849. Subsequently at Rugby School (Febniary, 1864 — ). Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, and Licentiate in Midwifery, 1871 ; Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1871 ; Licentiate of the Apothecaiies' Society, 1871. Address : 20 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Jackson, Arthur, son of Henry Jackson, Esq., St. James’ Row, Sheffield ; born 21st Feb- ruary, 1844. 3C — 2C. Bayly. Left June, i860. St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, London. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1866 ; was House Surgeon at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, Lon- don ; Secretary, 'Vorkshire Branch British Medical Association ; Mcmberof Abernethy Society ; Surgeon, Sheffield General Infirmary ; Lecturer on .Surgery, Sheffield School of Medicine. Is one of the twelve Capital Ruigcsses of .Sheffield, and a Trustee of tlie Royal Grammar Scliool, Sheffield. Author of several articles in medical papers. Address : 17 Wilkinson Street, Sheffield. Jackson, Collingwood Forster, son of Colling- wood Forster Jackson, Esq., .South Jesmond House, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; born 16th June, 1844. — Civil M. Bayly. Left Decem- ber, 1861. Modern Football XX. , i86i. Steamship Owner. Jenkins, Robert Rice, son of Henry Jenkins, Esq., Liverpool ; born 8th February, 1846. Johnston, James Dalziel, son of Andrew John- ston, Esq., 33 St. Vincent Place, Glasgow ; born 2 1 St January, 1843. Kempe, George Henry, son of Rev. George Henry Kempe, Bickton Rectory, Budleigh Salterton ; born 4th July, 1844. Exeter College, Oxford, 1863. B.A. , 1868 ; M.A. , 1870. Ordained Deacon, 1869, and Priest, 1870. Curate of Aylesbury, 1869-72 ; of St. Luke, Maiden- head, 1872-76 I of Ringwood, 1876-77 ; Rector of Farmborough, Somerset, 1877-82 ; Vicar of St. Saviour, Croydon, 1882. Address : St. Saviour’s Vicarage, Croydon. Lane, Charles, son of Charles Lane, Esq., Ryde, Isle of Wight ; born 12th January, 1846. Langtry, Edmund, son of — Langtry, Esq. ; born loth May, 1845. Langtry, f'rederick, son of — Langtry, Esq. ; born 1 2th August, 1843. Laye, Henry Airey, son of Francis F. Laye, Esq., Cavalry Depot, Manchester; born 25th June, 1843. Leaver, Thomas Disney, son of Rev. Thomas C. Leaver, Apperley Green, near Tewkes- bury ; born 13th September, 1845. Previously at Marlborough College (February, 1856 — June, 1858). Le'wes, George Alban, son of Captain Valentine L. Lewes, Glanbrane Park, Llandovery ; born 2 1 St February, 1845. Ensign, i6th Foot, 1864 ; transferred to 48th Foot, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1868 ; Adjutant, 1876-80 ; Captain, Northamptonshire Regiment, 1880 ; Major, 1882. Deputy-Assistant-Commissary-General, Com- missariat and Transport Staff, 1881-86. Instructor, Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1886. Lewes, John Meredith Douglas, son of Colonel Charles Eustace Lewes, 3 Upper Brunswick Place, Brighton ; born 5th February, 1846. pd/ — iM . Day Boy. Left 1862. Cricket XXII., 18 — ; Modern Football XX., 18 — . Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1865 Ensign, 3rd Foot, 1866; Lieutenant, 1869; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1869 ; Captain, 1878 ; Major, January, 1886 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), November, 1886. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-79, and was present at the capture of the Peiwar Kotal (Medal with clasp). Also served in the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in 1881. Lindesay, Henry Richard Ponsonby, son of the Rev. Thomas Lindesay, Alla, Clady, Lon- donderry, Ireland; born 27th July, 1843. Previously at Rossall School. Ensign, 6oth Rifles, 1863; Lieutenant, 1866; Captain, 1874; transferred to 20th Foot, 1876 ; Major, Lancashire Fusiliers, 1881 ; Lieut.-Colonel (Retired), 1883. Aide-de-Camp to Brigadier-General, Chatham District, 1876-78. Lloyd, Nesham Yeeden, son of Major Lloyd, New Zealand ; born 13th September, 1845. BeaHfo 7 -t House. Modern Football XX., 1863. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1865. Ensign, 82nd Foot, 1865; Lieutenant, 1867 ; Captain, 1877. Passed Staff College, 1874 (special mention in Military Drawing and Surveying ; passed a good examination in Landscape Drawing as an extra subject). Brigade- Major, Jamaica, 1878. With Major East, compiled for Lord Be.aconsfield's Government " A Treatise on the Armed Strength o'" France.” Died at Kingston, Jamaica, i ith September, 1879. August, 1858.] PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 177 Lyons, Robert Colvill James, son of William Thomas Bristowe Lyons, Esq., Old Park, Belfast ; born 26th October, 1844. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1864. Ensign, 43rd Koot, 1864 ; Lieutenant, 1868 ; Resigned, 1869. Served in the New Zealand War in 1865, including expeditions in the province of Taranaki, destroying many pahs and fortified villages. McCallum, George Kellie, son of George Kellie McCallum, Esq., Braco Castle, Perthshire, N.B. ; born iith May, 1842. — Direct M. Boyce. Left 1859. Ensign, 92nd Foot, i860 ; Lieutenant, 1862 ; Captain, 1867 ; Major, Gordon Highlanders, i88o_; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1885. Served with the 92nd Highlanders in the Afghan War in 1879-80, and was present in the affair at Karatiga, in the engagement at Charasiah on 6th October, 1879, and subsequent pursuit of the enemy, the final occupa- tion of Kabul and the expedition to Maidan under General Baker, affairs around Kabul and Sherpur, and action of 23rd December, 1879 (mentioned in despatches. Medal with two clasps). Also served in the Transvaal Campaign in 1881. Appointed to H.M. Royal Body Guard, 1889. Address : 35 Oakley Street, Chelsea, London, S.W. McCally, Alexander, son of Colonel Arthur McCally, Madras ; born 22nd November, 1843 - Ensign, 102nd Foot, 1863 : joined Madras Staff Corps, 1867; Captain, 1875; Major, 1883; Lieut.- Colonel, 1889. Is Cantonment Magistrate, St. Thomas’s Mount, Madras, and Palaveram. Maltby, Edward Pennycuick, son of Edward Maltby, Esq., Madras Civil Service, Madras ; born 13th August, 1844. Ensign, Madras Infantry, 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1863 ; Brevet-Captain, 1873 ; Captain, 1874 ; Major, 1881; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1887. Merkel, Andrew Deblois, son of James William Merkel, Esq., Halifax, Nova Scotia; born 7th April, 1842. More-Molyneux, William, son of Major Arthur More-Molyneux, 2nd European Madras In- fantry, Rangoon, Burmah ; born 28th July, 1843. Owen, Richard Cliffe, son of Rear-Admiral R. Owen, Knockmullen Gorey, Ireland ; born 19th April, 1846. Powlett, Norton, son of the Rev. Percy William Powlett, Frankton, near Rugby ; born 8th February, 1844. 2d/ — \M. Boyne House. Left June, 1862. Football XX., 1861-62: Cricket XXII., 1862. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1862-64. Lieu- tenant, Royal Artillery, 1863 ; Captain, 1877 ; Major, 1884. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1883-89. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80 (Medal). Awarded Gold Medals by the Government of India for knowledge of Arabic and Persian. Was the first Editor of a Cheltenham College Magazine entitled " The Triad," published in 1861. Reay, Edward Robert, son of John Reay, Esq., 20 Gloucester Gardens, Hyde Park, London ; born 17th December, 1842. Previously at Marlborough College (April, 1856 — June, 1858). Ensign, Bombay Infantry, i860 ; Lieu- tenant, 1862; Captain, 1870; Major, 1880; Lieut.- Colonel, 1886. (Colonel Reay's name disappears from the Army List after March, 1887, and it is not certain whether he is alive or not.) Roberts, Stanley Napier, son of Major-General Henry Gee Roberts, Bombay Army, Hazel- dine House, Redmarley ; born 28th Decem- ber, 1 844. Day Boy. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Ensign, 104th Foot, 1863 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; Instructor of Mus- ketry, 1873-75 ; Captain, 1875 ; transferred to 8th Foot, 1875 ; Major, Liverpool Regiment, 1882. Served throughout the Afghan War of 1878-80 with the 2nd Battalion Liverpool Regiment, and was pre- sent at the capture of the Peiwar Kotal (Medal with clasp). Served in the Burmese War of 1885-87 with the 2nd Battalion Liverpool Regiment (Medal with clasp). Rumsey, Robert Frederick, son of Henry Wyld- bore Rumsey, Esq., Surgeon, Gloucester Lodge, Cheltenham; born 3rd June, 1843. 4C — iC. Day Boy. Left June, 1862. Classical Footb.all XX., i860. Mathematical Scholarship. Brasenose College, Oxford, 1862 ; Hulmeian Exhibition, 1867 ; ist Class Mathematical Moderations, 1864; 4th Class Classical Final Schools, 1865 ; ist Class Mathematical Final Schools, 1866 ; B.A., 1866; M.A., 1869. Ordained Deacon, 1870, and Priest, 1872. Fellow and Chaplain of Radley College, 1870-73 ; Assistant-Master at Eton College, 1873-77 > Vicar of Burnham with Boveney, 1878. Address ; Burnham Vicarage, Maidenhead. Simonds, William Turner, son of John C. Simonds, Esq., Fishtoft, Boston, Lincoln- shire ; born 28th November, 1847. Stevens, Arthur James, son of — Stevens, Esq. ; born 1 2th September, 1842. Thompson, Joseph, son of John Thompson, Esq., Anlaby, near Hull; born 13th Feb- ruary, 1844. Wallace, John T., son of R. Wallace, Esq., Solicitor, Glasgow ; born 26th March, 1846, Welch, Septimus Charles, son of George Asser White Welch, Esq., Arle House, near Chel- tenham ; born 28th June, 1845. Ensign, 9th Foot, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Re- signed, 1872. Whinfield, Pennington, son of the Rev. E. T, Whinfield, Woodleigh, Bradford-on-Avon ; born 4th July, 1843. Ensign, 22nd Foot, 1862 ; Lieutenant, 1864. Died at Bradford-on-Avon, i6th September, 1864, Wilkinson, Henry Fazakerley, son of the Rev. John Wilkinson, Broughton Gifford, Wilt- shire ; born 20th April, 1845. Re-entered College, August, 1862. Author of “ Modern Athletics," &c. Wilkinson, Leonard James, son of — Wilkin- son, Esq. ; born 15th October, 1843. Wilson, Rathmell George, son of Edward Wilson, Esq., Hean Castle, near Tenby ; born 26th May, 1846. loC — 2C. Boyce. Left June, 1864. Football XX., 1863. Was in business in Buenos Ayres, South America, for several years ; now Organizing Secretary of the Salisbury Diocesan Branch of the Church of England Temperance Society. Address : Cotswold, Elm Grove, Salisbury. A A 178 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [Michaelmas, 1858. ENTERED MICHAELMAS, 1858. Carnie, Adolphe, son of Charles Carnie, Esq., Jun., Edinburgh ; born ist November, 1842. Carnie, Alfred George, son of Charles Carnie, Esq., Jun., Edinburgh ; born 17th Septem- ber, 1844. Oookson, Osmond, son of — Cookson, Esq. ; born 24th November, 1840. Jesus College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1862; M.A. , 1866. Ordained Deacon, 1864, and Priest, 1865. Assistant-Master at St. Saviour’s School, New Shore- ham, 1862-69. Curate of Hangleton, 1865-68 ; Curate in Charge of St. Andrew, Portslade, 1868-72 ; Chaplain of Leeds Borough Gaol, 1872-78 ; Chap- lain of Her Majesty's Prison, Leeds, 1878-79 ; Per- petual Curate of Holbeck, Yorkshire, 1879, and Chaplain of Holbeck Cemetery ; of the West Riding Female Industrial Home, Wakefield ; and Surrogate, Diocese of Ripon, 1879. Address : Holbeck Parsonage, Leeds. Douglas, Charles Campbell, son of John Camp- bell Douglas, Esq., Mains, Milngavie, N.B. ; born 2 1 St May, 1844. Knowles, John Mhlliam, son of John Knowles, Esq., Trafford Bank House, near Man- chester ; born 19th May, 1844. Langley, William Savage, son of Charles Langley, Esq., Solicitor, Chudleigh, Devon ; born 7th October, 1842. Modern Football XX., 1859. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1860-62. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1863; Captain, 1875; Major, 1882; Bri- gade-Major, Royal Artillery, Dublin District, 1879- 84. Served throughout the Abyssinian Campaign from the 13th December, 1867, as Adjutant to Lieut.-Colonel Wallace, and was present at the advance on and capture of Magdala (Medal). He served as Staff Officer of a column under Colonel Wallace at various periods during the advance on Magdala ; as Acting-Brigade-Major of the Brigade under Brigadier Wilby, after the capture of Magdala, during the illness of the Brigade-Major; was ap- pointed Staff Officer of the 3rd Column on the com- mencement of the march down country, and served as such, and as Assistant-Quartermaster-General, till it was broken up previous to embarkation. Lindesay, Thomas, son of the Rev. Thomas Lindesay, Alla, Clady, Londonderry, Ireland ; born 4th February, 1845. Previously at Rossall School. Nankivell, George Benjamin, son of Charles Benjamin Nankivell, Esq., M.D., Layton House, Torquay ; born 2nd P'ebruary, 1842. Neill, Andrew Henry Spencer, son of Brigadier- General James George Smith Neill, Barne- weill, Ayrshire, N.B. ; born 30th August, 1844. Ensign, Madras Infantry, 1861 ; transferred to 103rd Foot, 1863 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1868 ; Captain, 1873 ! Brevet-Major, March, 1881 ; Major, August, 1881. Served in the Afghan War of 1879-80, and was present with the Zaimusht Expedition, including the assault and capture of Zawa (Brevet of Major, Medal). Was assassinated on parade at Augur, Central India, by a trooper of his regiment, 2nd Central India Horse, on the 14th March, 1887. Neill, Harrison Francis Spencer, son of Briga- dier-General James George Smith Neill, Barneweill, Ayrshire, N.B. ; born 19th April, 1846. Ormsby, Henry Leigh, son of Commander Henry Alexander Ormsby, Indian Navy ; born 20th August, 1846. Plunkett, George, son of — Plunkett, Esq. ; born 8th October, 1842. Previously at Charterhouse (1853-58). Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1863 ; Resigned, 1870. Pocklington, Evelyn Bloomfield, son of Lieut.- General Evelyn Henry Frederick Pockling- ton, Malta ; born 13th June, 1848. Ensign, 52nd Foot, 1867 ; Lieutenant, 1869 ; Instructor of Musketry, 1871-78 ; Captain, 1878 ; Major, Oxfordshire Light Infantry, 1885. Pocklington, Frederic Charles, son of Lieut.- General Evelyn Henry Frederick Pockling- ton, Malta ; born i8th July, 1849. Ensign, 71st Foot, 1868 ; Lieutenant, 1870 ; transferred to 4th Hussars, 1873 ; Retired, 1876. Died loth August, 1879. Sbaw, Ponsonby, son of Lieut.-Colonel P. Shaw, Madras Army, Cheltenham ; born 1 6th August, 1846. Ensign, 95th Foot, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1866 ; Cap- tain, 1876 ; Major, Derbyshire Regiment, 1881 ; Retired, 1881. Address : Constitutional Club, London, S.W. Stuart, Richard Wingfield, son of the Hon. and Rev. Andrew Godfrey Stuart, Cottes- more Rectory, Oakham ; born 17th January, 1843. Tupper, Jasper Selwyn, son of Carre William Tupper, Esq., Hauteville House, Guernsey ; born 19th February, 1843. Ensign, 2nd Foot, 1862 ; Lieutenant, 1864 ; In- structor of Musketry, 1867-70 ; Captain, 1874 ; Major, Royal West Surrey Regiment, 1882. Watson, William, son of Solomon Watson, Esq., Brookville, Rahenny, Co. Dublin ; born i6th December, 1844. 8C — Sandhurst M. Bayly. Left June, 1862. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Ensign, 34th Foot, 1863 ; Lieutenant, 1869 ; Instructor of Mus- ketry, 1874-76 ; Captain, 1878 ; on Half-Pay, 1880 ; Major (Retired), 1884. ENTERED JANUARY, 1859. BeU, Charles, son of — Bell, Esq. ; born loth May, 1843. Head of Modern, June, 1863. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1863-65. Lieutenant, Royal Ar- tillery, 1866. Died at Cashmere, 20th September, 1871. Benson, Edward Cambria, son of — Benson, Esq. ; born 27th October, 1845. Benson, Ernest William, son of — Benson, Esq. ; born 7th February, 1847. Bishop, James Watson, son of Frederic Bishop, Esq., The Mount, Stoke-on-Trent ; born ist February, 1847. XP"^C — 4C Bayly. Left June, 1862. In Business. Blyth, Arthur John Dalzel, son of Samuel Blyth, Esq., i Paragon Buildings, Chelten- ham ; born 17th May, 1847. January, 1859.] PRINCIPAL; REV. W. DOBSON, M.A. 179 Blyth, Augustus Frederick, son of Samuel Blyth, Esq., i Paragon Buildings, Chelten- ham ; born 27th January, 1845. Brock, Matthew William, son of William Brock, Esq., Her Majesty’s Receiver-General, Bel- mont, Guernsey ; born 9th August, 1844. loC — Sandhurst M. Chenery. Left 1861. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Ensign, 17th Foot, 1863 ; Lieutenant, 1869 ; Captain, Leicester- shire Regiment, 1878 ; Major, 1884 ; Paymaster, Army Pay Department, 1884. Served in the Afghan War in 1879. Brook-Smith, Edward, son of — Brook-Smith, Esq. ; born 22nd March, 1844. St. John's College, Cambridge. B.A. (ist Senior Optime), i868 ; M.A., 1875. Head Mathematical Master, King's College School, London. Caldecott, Randolph, son of Charles Marriott Caldecott, Esq., H.E.I.C.S., Holbrook Grange, near Rugby; born 29th July, 1847. Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians, Edin- burgh, 1869 ; Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1869 ; Assistant-Surgeon, Indian Medical Service (Bombay), 1869 ; Surgeon, 1873 ; Surgeon- Major, 1881. Is Medical Officer of ist Central India Horse. Campbell, Patrick, son of Colonel John Camp- bell, 38th Madras Native Infantry, Oosoor, near Bangalore, India ; born 6th April, 1844. Price and Blackader. Football XX., 1860-61. Owner of racehorses; won the New Zealand “ Derby” in 1874 and 1875. Landed Proprietor, New Zealand. Carey, Clement de Beauvoir, son of de Vic Carey, Esq., Le Vallon, Guernsey ; born 27th March, 1843. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1861-62. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1862 ; Captain, 1876 ; Brevet-Major, November, 1882 ; Major, December, 1882. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present in the action at Kassassin on the 9th Sep- tember (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal and Khedive's Star). Cautley, Richard Hutton, son of Lieut. -Colonel Richard Cautley, Ryhall, near Stamford ; born 28th April, 1845. — 3d/. Turnbull. Left June, 1862. Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. B. A. ( 17th Senior Optime), 1871 : M. A., 1889. Ordained Deacon, 1872, and Priest, 1875. Curate of Petworth, 1872- 75 ; of Patrixbourne with Bridge, Kent, 1875-77 ; Curate of St. Matthew's Mission Church, Ipswich, 1877-86 ; Clerical Organizing Secretary of Church of England Sunday School Institute, 1887. Address : 13 Serjeant’s Inn, Fleet Street, London, E.C. Chichester, Arthur Chamberlayne, son of Cap- tain A. C. Chichester, Kerswell, Devon ; born 8th March, 1847. Clunes, John Randoll Mackenzie, son of Lieut.- Colonel John Clunes, Woodfield, Pembroke ; born 31st August, 1843. Re-entry vide August, 1856. Collier, Ernest, son of — Collier, Esq., R.N., 2 Pittville Parade, Cheltenham ; born 20th January, 1847. Collins, Joseph, son of William Collins, Esq., Kirkman Bank, Knaresborough ; born 31st July, 1843. %M. — Sandhurst M. Beaitfort House. Left December, i860. Football XX.. i860. Ensign, 22nd Foot, 1863; Lieutenant, 1866 ; Captain, 1873 ; Major, Cheshire Regiment, 1881 ; Retired, 1887. Corbett, John Stuart, son of John Stuart Corbett, Esq., Cogan Pill, Cardiff ; born i6th May, 1845. Bayly. Left 1865. Solicitor (admitted 1867). Address : Cardiff. Dalton, Owen, son of William Dalton, Esq., 13 Imperial Square, Cheltenham ; born 25th August, 1845. Previously at Epsom College. Deacon, Francis Sidney, son of the Rev. George Edward Deacon, Sidmouth ; born 14th April, 1845. Deacon, Henry Frederick, son of the Rev. George Edward Deacon, Sidmouth ; born 1 6th September, 1842. Dresser, Frederick, son of Henry Dresser, Esq., 107 Westbourne Terrace, London ; born 4th June, 1843. Previously at Merchant Taylors' School (1855 — ). Drummond, George, son of George Drummond, Esq., Surgeon, Brighton ; born ist May, 1845. Drummond, Patrick, son of George Drum- mond, Esq., Surgeon, Brighton ; born 17th April, 1844. Faber, Edward Augustus, son of the Rev. John C. Faber, Chicklade, near Hindon, Wilt- shire ; born 13th May, 1847. Corpus Christ! College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1870 ; M. A. , 1874. Ordained Deacon, 1871, and Priest, 1872. Curate of Southwold, 1871-73 ; of Ripley, Yorkshire, 1873-74 ; Domestic Chaplain and Private Secretary to Archbishop of York, 1874-76 ; Vicar of Kirkleavington, Yorkshire, 1876-82 ; Rector of Kettlethorpe, Notts, 1882. Address : Kettlethorpe Rectory, Newark. Fotheringham, James, son of Robert Fother- ingham. Esq., Devonside, Dollar, by Stirling, N. B. ; born nth April, 1843. Gall, Herbert Reay, son of Lieut.-Colonel R. H. Gall, 14th Light Dragoons ; born 26th November, 1847. Ensign, 5th Fusiliers, 1866 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Instructor of Musketry, 1878-79 ; Captain, on half- pay, 1879 ; appointed to io6th Foot, 1880 ; trans- ferred to Manchester Regiment, 1881 ; Retired, 1884. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1881-84. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80, and was present with the first expedition into the Bazar Valley, and in the engagement at Kam Dakka (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Gilchrist, Dugald, son of Daniel Gilchrist, Esq., Ospisdale, Dornoch, Sutherlandshire, N.B. ; born 23rd December, 1843. J.P. and D.L. for Sutherlandshire. Died 23rd May, 1887. Gilchrist, John Reoch, son of Daniel Gilchrist, Esq., Ospisdale, Dornoch, Sutherlandshire, N.B. ; born 23rd August, 1845. Address ; Ospisdale, Dornoch, Sutherlandshire, N.B. Gordon, Alexander Evans, son of Major- General Charles Evans Gordon, Chatham ; born 30th July, 1845. Ensign, 12th Foot, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1869; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1869 ; Captain, 1877 ; Major, 1885. Is Deputy Commissioner, 3rd Grade, Bengal ; Cooch Behar. Gordon, George Evans, son of Major-General Charles Evans Gordon, Chatham ; born 12th March, 1847. loC — zM. Jelfs and Butler. Passed into Royal Military College, Sandhurst, in 1864, but did not proceed there. Partner in firm of Messrs. Gladstone, Wyllie, and Co. , Calcutta. i8o CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1859. Grace, Nathaniel, son of Edward N. Grace, Esq., Broomfield, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; born 17th December, 1843. Harrison, Henry Drinkrow, son of George P. Harrison, Esq., Wharram-le-Street, Malton ; born 30th October, 1842. — Sand- hurst M. Southwood. Left i860. Ensign, 3rd Foot, i860 ; Lieutenant, 1864 ; Cap- tain, 1870 ; Major, East Kent Regiment, i88t ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1888. Served in the Zulu War m 1879, and was present in the engagement at Inyezane and Ekowe during its investment (mentioned in despatches, Medal with clasp). Hewetson, Edward, son of Lieut.-Colonel Charles Hewetson, Madras Native Infantry, Madras ; born I2th May, 1847. Higgins, Henry, son of James Higgins, Esq., Stocks, Cheetham, Manchester; born 13th December, 1844. Irving, Paulus .lEmilius, son of John Beaufin Irving, Esq., 24 Suffolk Square, Cheltenham ; born 8th November, 1846. Isaac, Charles Whitmore, son of the Rev. William L. Isaac, Pirton Rectory, near Wor- cester ; born 24th October, 1846. Newtek House. College Boat, 1865. Classical Football XX., 1863. Ensign, 38th Foot, 1867 ; Lieutenant, 1868 ; Captain, 1876. Died from concussion of the brain caused by a fall from his horse at the Curragh Camp, Ireland, 3rd May, 1879. James, George, son of Thomas James, Esq., Park Place, Clifton ; born 28th January, 1844. Johnson, John William, son of the Rev. John Johnson, Congleton, Cheshire; born 21st May, 1844. — 3A/. Southwood. Left June, 1861. Civil Engineer ; Department of Public Works, India. Kane, Robert, son of Captain John Joseph Kane, Monmouth ; born 26th August, 1 843. Ensign, i6th Foot, 1867 ; Resigned, 1869. Lindesay, Frederick, son of the Rev. Thomas Lindesay, Alla, Clada, Londonderry, Ireland; born 1 8th January, 1848. 12C — \M. Turn- bull. Left 1864. Merchant. Lindsay, Charles Antony, son of — Lindsay, Esq. ; born loth September, 1846. Lousada, Harry Burningham, son of John B. Lousada, Esq., Peak House, Sidmouth ; born 19th February, 1844. McMurdo, Charles Napier, son of General Sir William Montagu Scott McMurdo, K.C.B., Goldney House, Clifton ; born 8th July, 1845. McMurdo, Montagu, son of General Sir William Montagu Scott McMurdo, K.C.B., Goldney House, Clifton ; born nth October, 1846. Macleod, Donald Grant, son of Donald Macleod, Esq., Advocate, Rangoon, Burmah ; born 28th August, 1842. Malet, Alexander George William, son of Lieut.-Colonel Charles St. Lo Malet, Font- mell Parva, Blandford ; born 25th October, 1845. Cricket XL, 1862. Modern Football XX. , 1862. Ensign, 9th Foot, 1864 ; transferred to 39th Foot, 1864 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; Captain, 1878 ; Major, Dorsetshire Regiment (Retired), 1884. Marke, George Badeley, son of — Marke, Esq. ; born 14th May, 1849. Marke, Lidley Henry Simcoe, son of — Marke, Esq. ; born 25th April, 1848. Nicolay, Frederick William, son of Lieut.- Colonel F. L. Nicolay, Madras Army ; born 1st April, 1843. Ensign, Madras Infantry, 1861 ; transferred to 107th Foot, 1863 ; Lieutenant, Bengal Staff Corps, 1866; Captain, 1873; Major, 1881 ; Lieut.-Colonel, 1887. Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant-General (Musket- ry), Bengal, 1879-83. Is Commandant, 2nd Bat- talion 2nd Goorkha Regiment. Passy, George Henry Dallas, son of Colonel Edward W. W. Passy, 2 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 23rd March, 1848. Passy, Wilton Robert Charles, son of Colonel Edward W. W. Passy, 2 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 21st February, 1847. Randall, Windham, son of John Randall, Esq., Slade Cottage, Bridgend; born 21st May, 1847. Richardson, Robert Young, son of Thomas Richardson, Esq., Glasgow ; born 19th April, . ^^ 45 - Ripley, Frederic, son of Sir Henry William Ripley, Bart., Lightcliffe, Halifax ; born 28th November, 1846. Robertson, Alexander ^Eneas, son of Andrew Robertson, Esq., 28 Norfolk Square, Lon- don ; born 4th February, 1844. Robinson, Bentley, son of Edward Robinson, Esq., Surgeon, Rotherham ; born 14th Au- gust, 1846. Spence, Michael Ramsay, son of Major James Knox Spence, Deputy-Commissioner, Nag- pore, Bengal ; born loth February, 1850. Re-entered College, August, 1861. Ensign, 3rd Foot, 1869 ; Lieutenant, Bengal Staff Corps, 1861 ; Captain, 1881. Died in London, 17th July, 1883. Stewart, William Thomas, son of James Robert Stewart, Esq., 6 Leinster Street, Dublin ; born loth February, 1844. Cricket XI. , i860. Thomson, George, son of George Thomson, Esq., 3 Keynsham Bank, Cheltenham ; born 2nd March, 1848. Thomson, William, son of George Thomson, Esq., 3 Keynsham Bank, Cheltenham ; born 30th May, 1849. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1864. Scholarship, St. Catherine's College, Cambridge, 1868. B.A., 1872. Walker, John Thomas William, son of — Walker, Esq. ; born i6th March, 1844. Watts, John Briscoe, son of Captain John Ponsonby Watts, 27th Madras Native In- fantry, Benares, India ; born 12th August, 1845 - Ensign, 37th Foot, October, 1863 ; transferred to ist Foot, November, 1863 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1869 ; Captain, 1875 ; ISIajor, 1883 ; Lieut.-Colonel, 1889. Is Squadron Com- mander, 3rd Punjab Cavalry. Served in the Jowaki Afreedee Expedition in 1877-78, and was present at the affair at Jummoo (Medal with clasp). Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, and was present in the engagement at Charasiah on 6th October, 1879, and at the subsequent occupation of Kabul (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Wharton, Henry, son of — Wharton, Esq. ; born 28th July, 1845. January, 1859.! PRINCIPAL: REV. W. DOHSON, M.A. 181 Williams, Arthur Chauncy, son of George Park, Liverpool ; born 4th January, 1847. Williams, Esq., 2 Devonshire Road, Princes Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1866. ENTERED MARCH, 1859. Allies, William Jabez, son of William H. Allies, Esq., Tivoli House, Cheltenham ; born 27th August, 1847. Bellairs, Walter Gray, son of the Rev. Henry Walford Bellairs, 3 Priory Parade, Chelten- ham ; born 25th August, 1847. Re-entered College, August, 1862. Brettell, Richard, son of Richard Brettell, Esq., Finstall Park, Bromsgrove ; born 14th May, 1 846. XI C — 3 C. Boyne House. Cricket XXII., i8— ; Classical Football XX., i 3 — . Solicitor (admitted 1869). Address : Chertsey, Surrey. Comyn, George Edward, son of Stephen Comyn, Esq., M.D., Wolseley Villa, Cheltenham ; born 25th March, 1844. Comyn, William Horatio, son of Stephen Comyn, Esq., M.D., Wolseley Villa, Chel- tenham; born 31st January, 1843. Re-entry vide August, 1853. Faber, Ernest Benbow, son of the Rev. John C. Faber, Chicklade, near Hindon, Wiltshire ; born 31st August, 1849. Gordon, Francis John William, son of Captain F. W. Lockhart Gordon, 29 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born loth March, 1844. Was in the Oriental Bank Corporation. Died at sea, off Cape St. Vincent, on board the s.s. " Eldo- rado" on hisway home from Ceylon, November, 1879. Gordon, William Henry, son of Captain F. W. Lockhart Gordon, 29 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 30th March, 1845. Greenfield, Joseph Bailey, son of James Green- field, Esq., 13 Spa Buildings, Cheltenham; born 26th July, 1847. Greenfield, William Ormerod, son of James Greenfield, Esq., 13 Spa Buildings, Chelten- ham ; born nth June, 1843. Hayward, Robert Erskine, son of James Hay- ward, Esq., Loudwater House, Rickmans- worth ; born 23rd February, 1845. Jacomb, Ernest, son of William Jacomb, Esq., Solicitor, Mirfield, near Huddersfield; born 7th April, 1844. Mitchell-Innes, Edwin Sandys, son of George Mitchell-Innes, Esq., Blanerne, Ayton, Ber- wickshire ; N.B. ; born 4th July, 1846. Ommaney, Montagu Francis, son of Francis Ommaney, Esq., Solicitor, Basinghall Street, London ; born 4th April, 1842. Previously at Repton School. Royal Military Aca- demy, Woolwich, 1861-63. Lieutenant, Royal En- gineers, 1864: Captain (Retired), 1877. Private Secretary to the Earl of Carnarvon, Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1874-77; Crown Agent for the Colonies since 1877 ; C.M.G., 1882. Address : Manaton, East Sheen, Surrey. Smith, Percy Wyndham, son of Wyndham Smith, Esq., 22 Lowndes Street, Belgrave Square, London ; born 27th July, 1844. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1862 ; Captain, 1870 ; Major, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1887. Is 2nd in Command and Squadron Commander, Erinpoorah Irregular Force. Served in the cam- paign on the North-West Frontier of India in 1863, and was present at the storming of Lalloo, and at the capture of Umbeyla (Medal with clasp). Served in the Afghan War in 1880 (Medal). Williams, Arthur Malkin, son of the Rev. John Williams, Wigginton Rectory, near Banbury ; born nth July, 1846. Wortham, Charles, son of Biscoe Hill Wort- ham, Esq., Knees worth Hall, near Royston ; born loth July, 1847. Classical Football XX., 1865. Ensign, 64th Foot, 1867 ; Lieutenant, 1869 ; Captain, 1877 : transferred to King’s Royal Rifle Corps, 1880 ; Major, 1884 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1888. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1882-87. 2,094 Boys entered during Mr. Dobson’s Principalship. Principal: REV. H. HIGHTON, M.A. ENTERED AUGUST, 1859. Apthorp, Frederick East, son of Colonel East Apthorp, Secunderabad, India ; born i6th April, 1844. Re-entry vide March, 1857. Bacon-Grey, Frank, son of Charles Bacon- Grey, Esq., Styford, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; born 13th September, 1846. Bazeley, William, son of William Bazeley, Esq., St. Ives, Cornwall ; born 17th January, 1843. 4C — iC. Ellis. Left October, 1861. Christ’s College, Cambridge. University Rifle VIII., 1863. In Queen’s Sixty, Wimbledon, 1863. B.A,, 1865; M.A., 1870. Ordained Deacon, 1867, and Priest, 1868. Curate of Charlton-Kings, Glou- cestershire, 1867-70; of Hornsey, Middlesex, 1870- 75; Rector of Matson, 1875. Author of "Some Records of Matson and the Selwyns,” 1878 ; "The Earls of Gloucester,’’ 1879; " History of Prinknash Park," 1883, &c. Address : Matson Rectory, Gloucester. Beamish, William Adolph, son of Lieut.-Colonel N. L. Beamish, Lota Park, Cork, Ireland ; born 15th June, 1844. Bownes, James, son of James Bownes, Esq., Cots wold House, near Cirencester ; born 28th October, 1845. 9C— iC Dynham. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. (3rd Senior Optime), 1869; M.A., 1872. Ordained Deacon, 1869, and Priest, 1871. Curate of St. Paul, Con- gleton, 1869-72; of Holy Apostles, Charlton-Kings, . 1872 ; Vicar of Creech St. Michael, Somerset, 1872. Address : Creech St. Michael Vicarage, Taunton. \ 182 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1859. Bradley, John Herbert, son of the Rev. Charles Bradley, 19 Royal Parade, Cheltenham ; born 29th November, 1847. Subsequently at Marlborough College (August, 1862 — June, 1863), but returned to Cheltenham, September, 1863. Scholarship, New College, Ox- ford, 1866, Was drowned in the Isis at O.xford by the upsetting of his boat, 24th October, 1866. Braithwaite, Robert, son of the Rev. Robert Braithwaite, Keynsham Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 23rd December, 1845. Wadham College, Oxford, 1864. 3rd Class Law and History, 1868 ; B. A. , 1869. Called to the Bar, Lincoln's Inn, 1871. Brown, Robert, son of Robert Brown, Esq., Solicitor, Barton-upon-Humber ; born 6th July, 1844. Browne, George, son of Samuel Browne, Esq., Carlton Villa, Cheltenham ; born September, 1846. Modern Football XX., 1863. Budd, William, son of William Budd, Esq., Lambrook, Wingfield, Windsor ; bom 17th April, 1843. Burrell, Charles Harry, son of William Burrell, Esq., I Paragon Buildings, Cheltenham ; born 20th October, 1849. Burrell, Edward, son of William Burrell, Esq., I Paragon Buildings, Cheltenham ; born 14th December, 1847. Ensign, 84th Foot, 1866 ; transferred to 85th Foot, 1867 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Captain, Shropshire Light Infantry, 1882 ; Major (Retired), 1886. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80 as Deputy-Assistant- Quarter-Master-General with the Koorum Division, including the Zaimusht Expedition and the assault of Zawa (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Also served in the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with clasp, and Khedive's Star). Burstall, John Henry, son of Henry Burstall, Esq., Quebec; born 24th December, 1845. Garrick, George, son of Joseph Carrick, Esq., Solicitor, Wigton, Cumberland ; born 20th July, 1847. Turnbull. Left 1865. Cricket XXII., 1865. Captain, ist Cambridge- shire Rifle Volunteers. Solicitor (admitted, 1870). Clerk to Board of Guardians, Wisbech. Address : Lenerington Hall, Wisbech, Cambridge- shire. Cary, George Drinkwater Lucius, son of Cap- tain C. H. Cary, Beach House, Castletown, Isle of Man ; born 2nd June, 1845. Previously at King William's College, Isle of Man. College Boat, 1864- Walker Prize, 1863. Em- manuel College, Cambridge ; ist in ist Class Moral Science Tripos, 1867 ; B.A. , 1868 ; M.A., 1872. Address : Beach House, Castletown, Isle of Man. Cary, William Leese Drinkwater, son of Cap- tain C. H. Cary, Beach House, Castletown, Isle of Man ; born 14th August, 1846. Previously at King William's College, Isle of Man. Colchester, Valentine Desborough, son of W illiam Colchester, Esq., Dovercourt, Essex ; born 3rd August, 1847. Cooke, Samuel Winter, son of Cecil Pybus Cooke, Esq., Lake Condon, Australia ; born 13th March, 1847. 8C— iC. Day Boy. Left September, 1866. Football XX., 186—: Cricket XXII., 186—. Schreiber Exhibition, 1866. Trinity College, Cam- bridge. B.A. (ist in 3rd Class Classical Tripos), 1870. Called to the Bar, Lincoln's Inn, 1872. Sheep farming in Australia. Address : Murndal, Tahara, Branxholme, Vic- toria, Australia. Corbett, Nicholas William, son of the Rev. Andrew Corbett, South Willingham, Wragby; born iith April, 1847. Died 1875. Cotton, Robert Oakman, son of Benjamin Cotton, Esq., Yarmouth, Isle of Wight ; born 4th June, 1846. Cricket XI. , 1863-64. Captain, 1865. Rifle Corps XI., 1864. Ladies' Prize (Athletic Sports), 1865. Racquet Champion, 1865. Modem Football XX., 1863. Ensign, 95th Foot, 1866 ; Lieutenant, 1868 ; Retired, 1876. Died at Hill House, Cosheton, near Pembroke, 8th September, 1882. Coxon, Alfred, son of James Coxon, Esq., Bur- don Place, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; born 21st May, 1845. Crewe, Harry, son of Captain Willoughby Crewe, Madopolliem, Madras ; born i8th December, 1843. Crofton, Addison, son of General John ffolliott Crofton, 29 Sussex Gardens, Hyde Park, London ; born 13th July, 1846. XD"*C — iC. Newick House. Left 1865. Walker Prize, 1865. Trinity College, Oxford, 1865. 3rd Class Classical Moderations, 1867. B.A. , 1869; M.A. , 1873. Ordained Deacon, 1870, and Priest, 1871. Curate of St. John, Higher Broughton, 1870-71 : of Christ Church, Walmersley, 1871-73 ; of Reddish Green, 1873-83 ; VicarofReddishGreen, 1883. Address : Reddish Green, Manchester. Crofton, Henry Thomas, son of General John ffolliott Crofton, 29 Sussex Gardens, Hyde Park, London ; bom 23rd July, 1848. XD"^C—zC. Newick House. Left Easter, 1865. Solicitor (admitted 1870). Clerk to various public bodies. Address ; 36 Brazenose Street, Manchester. Darton, Thomas Harwood, son of — Darton, Esq. ; born 5th December, 1847. Modern Football XX., 1865. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1866-68. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1868 ; Retired, 1876. Dick, William Allan Tritton, son of Lieut. - General Alexander Dick, Mussoorie, India ; bom 2nd April, 1844. Dumergue, Charles Walter, son of John T. Dumergue, Esq., Bengal Civil Service, Allyghur, India; born 9th October, 1844. Dyce, Cecil Coles, son of Thomas Leopold Dyce, Esq., Agra, India ; born 30th Sep- tember, 1843. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1862-64. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1864 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1871 ; Brevet-Captain, 1876 ; Retired, 1884. Dyce, George Hugh Coles, son of Thomas Leopold Dyce, Esq., Agra, India ; born 19th February, 1846. ZM — 2M. Day Boy. Left June, 1863. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1863-64. En- sign, 15th Foot, 1864 : transferred to 77th Foot, 1865 ; Lieutenant, Bengal Staff Corps, 1868 ; Cap- tain, 1876 ; Major, 1884. Is District Staff Officer, Oude. Served in the Hazara Campaign in 1868, including the occupation of the Black Mountain, and action of Machai Peak (Medal with clasp). Sen-ed in the Afghan War of 1878-80, and was present in the engagement at Mattoon, forcing of the Shuturgardan Pass, and action at Surkai Khotal (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Also took part in the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in 1881, PRINCIPAL: REV. H. HIGHTON, M.A. •83 August, 1859.] Eccles, Cecil Henry, son of — Eccles, Esq. ; born 2nd November, 1847. Cricket XL, 1865 ; Modern Football XX., 1863. Faulconer, Robert Charles, son of Thomas h'aulconer. Esq., Brent Lodge, Finchley, Middlesex; born 8th November, 1845. Ford, Campbell, son of Horace Alfred Ford, Esq., 25 Promenade, Cheltenham ; born 3rd April, 1848. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1863. Freeman, Henry Charles John, son of John Freeman, Esq., La Bergerie, Canton de Vaud, Switzerland ; born 3rd February, 1843. French, Francis Horace, son of Arthur French, Esq., Naas, Ireland; born 15th April, 1845. Boyne House. Left 1861. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1866 ; Captain, 1878 ; Major, 1884. Hall, Henry Ernest, son of — Hall, Esq. ; born 28th May, 1845. Haynes, Richard, son of — Haynes, Esq. ; born 4th January, 1850. Hedges, Edward Francis, son of Charles Hedges, Esq., Newnham Murren, Oxford ; born 15th March, 1847. College Boat, 1865. Highton, Edward Claude Goulburn, son of the Rev. Henry Highton, Principal of Chelten- ham College ; born i8th April, 1850. Served with Baker’s Horse, in the Zulu Campaign in South Africa in 1879. Was accidentally shot by a trooper on parade at Qumba, South Africa, 17th January, 1882. Highton, Henry James, son of the Rev. Henry Highton, Principal of Cheltenham College ; born 7th February, 1847. Hoghton, William (afterwards de Hoghton), son of Sir Henry Bold Hoghton, Bart., 27 Prince’s Gate, Hyde Park, London ; born 4th October, 1848. Ensign, 83rd Foot, 1868. Died at San Remo, Italy, 29th April, 1870. Holland, Philip, son of Loton Holland, Esq., 3 Lansdown Place, Cheltenham ; born 3rd October, 1842. Holliday, Charles James, son of John Holliday, Esq., Hilton Park, Prestwich, near Man- chester; born 5 th August, 1847. Holliday, John McLellan, son of John Holliday, Esq., Hilton Park, Prestwich, near Man- chester ; born 26th June, 1846. Hudleston, William Victor, son of Josiah Andrew Hudleston, Esq., Merton Lodge, Killiney, Dublin ; born 5th December, 1845. XI C — 3C. Butler and Boyce. Left De- cember, 1863. Coffee Planter in India. Hutchinson, Thomason Sherer, son of Lieut.- Colonel George Hutchinson, Bengal En- gineers, Cheltenham ; born 27th December, 1845. 3 -^ — Day Boy. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1861. Scholar- ship, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, 1865. B.A. (9th Senior Optime), 1869 ; M.A., 1872. Or- dained Deacon, 1870, and Priest, 1871. Curate of Nonington, Kent, 1870-73 ; of Bridge, Kent, 1873- 74 ; of Collingwood, New Zealand, 1874-77 ; of Christ Church, High Harrogate, 1877-80 ; Lock Chaplain, 1880-81 ; Secretary of London City Mission, 1881. Address ; 13 Aldridge Road Villsis, Westbourne Park, London, W. Impey, Hastings Broughton, son of Captain Hastings Broughton Impey, 70th Bengal Native Infantry, 12 Lansdown Place, Bath; born 7th March, 1845. Kemmis, Charles, son of Thomas Kemmis, Esq., Barrister, Kildare Street, Dublin ; born 1 8th October, 1844. Died 31st October, 1861. Lamport, Aymer, son of Charles Lamport, Esq., Worthington ; born 29th December, 1846. Leeds, George Lewis, son of Joseph Edward Leeds, Esq., 24 Promenade Villas, Chelten- ham ; born i6th November, 1846. Ensign, 37th Foot, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1868 ; Re- signed, 1876. Leishman, Timothy, son of James Leishman, Esq., Dollar, by Stirling, N.B. ; born i6th June, 1845. Modern Football XX., 1863. Lingwood, Alfred Sole, son of Robert Sole Lingwood, Solicitor, Redesdale House, Chel- tenham ; born 15th May, 1845. Ensign, 16th Foot, 1864; Resigned, 1867. Was drowned off Teneriffe on his way out to Buenos Ayres, May, 1870. Longworth-Dames, Alfred, son of William Longworth-Dames, Esq,, 26 Lansdown Cres- cent, Cheltenham ; born 19th May, 1848. MacCausland, Alexander, son of — MacCaus- land. Esq. ; born 27th March, 1844. Rifle Corps XL, 1863. MacGregor, Alexander Murray, son of Captain John Murray MacGregor, 6th Madras Light Cavalry; born loth June, 1845. Protector of Immigrants, Penang, since 1880. Mackworth, Rowland, son of Sir Digby Francis Mackworth, Bart., Glen Uske, Monmouth- shire; born 20th March, 1848. Re-entered College January, 1863. Modern Football XX., 1865. Mackworth, William, son of Sir Digby Francis Mackworth, Bart., Glen Uske, Monmouth- shire ; born loth January, 1847. Modern Football XX., 1865-66. Macky, Francis Coffin, son of James T. Macky, Esq., Belmont, Londonderry, Ireland ; born 22nd August, 1847. XI C — 2C. Newtek House. Left 1 864. Trinity College, Dublin, 1864. Cornet, 3rd Dra- goon Guards, 1866; Lieutenant, 1867; Captain, 1872 ; Retired, 1875. Macky, William, son of James T. Macky, Esq., Belmont, Londonderry, Ireland ; born 26th June, 1844. Newtek Hottse. In North-West Canada. MacLeod, George, son of Captain William Ed- monstone MacLeod, 20th Bombay Native Infantry ; born 12th April, 1846. MaePherson, John Archibald Ian, son of Duncan MaePherson, Esq., M.D., Madras, India; born 14th July, 1847. Magnay, Henry Alexander, son of Captain Alexander Magnay ; born 13th March, 1844. Maude, Ludlow Eustace, son of the Hon. and Very Rev. Robert William Henry Maude, Dean of Clogher, Co. Tyrone, Ireland ; born loth October, 1844. Nesfleld, George Smart, son of — Nesfield, Esq. ; born 27th May, 1846. Oldham, Abel John, son of the Rev. James O. Oldham, Norland House, Edgbaston, Bir- mingham ; born 5th June, 1844. [August, 1859. 184 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Oldham, Robert Augustus, son of the Rev. James O. Oldham, Norland House, Edgbas- ton, Birmingham; born 13th August, 1842. Falling, Henry Verney, son of William Palling, Esq., Cainscross, near Stroud ; born 5th December, 1846. Parsons, Charles Samuel, son of Thomas James Parsons, Esq. ; born 12th September, 1842. Partridge, Richard William, son of William Partridge, Esq., 14 Pittville Villas, Chelten- ham ; born 25th January, 1844. Re-entry vide Angusi, 1856. Passy, Charles Blucher, son of Brevet-Colonel Edward W. W. Passy, 2 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born loth October, 1850. Peters, Charles, son of Thomas Peters, Esq., Knighton, Radnorshire ; born 13th June, 1848. Pride, Henry Wynn, son of Henry Pride, Esq., The Cwm, near Monmouth ; born 5th Au- gust, 1845. Prinsep, Henry Charles, son of Charles Robert Prinsep, Esq., Manor House, Walton, Ryde, Isle of Wight ; born — September, 1844. Badcliffe, Charles Duncroft, son of Samuel Radcliffe, Esq., Werneth Park, Oldham ; born 15th June, 1847. Bamsden, William Charles, son of the Rev. T. L. Ramsden, North End, East Ham, Essex ; born loth February, 1844. Ensign, Bengal Infantry, i86i; Lieutenant, 1862; Captain, 1870 ; Major, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1887. Is 2nd in Command, and Wing Commander, 2nd Punjab Infantry, Served with the 30th Bengal Native Infantry in the Bhootan Campaign in 1864- 65, and was present at the capture of Dalim Kot, and re-capture of Bala (Medal with clasp). Served with the 3rd Sikh Infantry in the Jowaki Expedition of 1877-78 (clasp). Served with the 3rd Goorkhas in the latter part of the Afghan War of 1879-80 (Medal). Beid, Robert Threshie, son of Sir James John Reid, Knt., Tivoli Lawn, Cheltenham ; born 3rd April, 1846. 2(7 — iC. Boultbee, Newick House, and Brown. Left June, 1864. Senior (Classical) Scholar, i860 ; Silver (Classical) Medallist, 1864; Senior Prefect, 1863-64. Cricket XL, 1862-63 ; Captain, 1864. Football XX., 1862 ; Captain, 1863. Racquet Champion, 1862 ; Fives Champion, 186 — ; Ladies’ Prize (Athletic Sports), 1864. Demyship, Magdalen College, Oxford, 1864. Scholarship, Balliol College, Oxford, 1864. Uni- versity Cricket XL, 1866-67-68. Winner of Gold Racquet at Oxford, and represented Oxford v. Cam- bridge at Racquets, 1865 and 1867. 1st Class Classi- cal Moderations, 1866 ; ist Class Classical Final Schools, 1868. Ireland (University) Scholarship, 1868. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1871 ; Q.C., 1882. M.P. for Hereford, 1880-85, and for Dum- fries Boroughs since 1886. President of Cheltonian Society, 1874-75 ! President of Old Cheltonian Football Club, 1882-85. Address : 43 Elvaston Place, Queen’s Gate, Lon- don, S.W. ; I Temple Gardens, The Temple, E.C. ; and Devonshire, Garrick, and National Liberal Clubs, S.W. Benny-Tailyour, Henry Waugh, son of Colonel Thomas Renny-Tailyour, Indian Engineers, Newman’s Walls, Montrose, N.B. ; born 9th October, 1849. Beatifort House and Boyne House. Left December, 1867. Cricket XL, 1867. Modern Football XX., 1866- 67. Played Football for Scotland v. England (Rugby Rules), 1870-71, (Association Rules) 1871-73. Is the only instance of a player having taken part in the International Football Matches according to both codes of rules. Kent Cricket XI. for several years. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1868-70, Lieu- tenant, Royal Engineers, 1870 ; Captain, 1882 ; Major, 1888. Aide de-Camp to the Duke of Marl- borough, Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, 1876. In- structor in Fortification, Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1881-84 ; Assistant-Instructor, School of Military Engineering, Chatham, 1884-88. Bicketts, St, Vincent Fitzhardinge Lennox, son of Colonel St. Vincent William Ricketts, German Cottage, Cheltenham ; born 24th March, 1843. 5 ( 7 — 2^(7. Day Boy. Left June, 1862. St. John’s College, Oxford, 1862. B.A., 1865; M.A. , 1869. Ordained Deacon, 1866, and Priest, 1867. Curate ofHartpury, Gloucestershire, 1866-68 ; of Caldicot, Monmouth, 1868-69 ; Curate in charge of St. Saviour, Coalpit Heath, Gloucestershire, 1869-70. Address : Fairholm, Bournemouth. Bobertson, Donald Ogilvie Morgan, son of Lieut.-Ciolonel W. Robertson, Lochmaben, Dumfriesshire, N.B. ; born 21st June, 1847. Bobertson, Frederick Alfred, son of the Rev. Canon James Craigie Robertson, Precincts, Canterbury ; born 28th March, 1849. Re- entered College, Michaelmas, 1863. Bowe, John Henry Raymond, son of John Rowe, Esq., Ballycross, Bridgetown, Ireland ; born 29th October, 1844. Shairp, Charles Norman, son of Stephen F. Shairp, Esq., The Rectory, Totnes ; born 19th June, 1848. Smith, William Sharpe, son of the Rev. W. C. H. Smith, Bath ; born nth April, 1848. Streatheld, Ernest Cecil, son of Major Sidney Robert Streatfield, 52nd Regiment ; born 29th April, 1847. Winner of the Middle-Weight Boxing Champion- ship, at the Amateur Athletic Meeting, London, in 1871. Struve, William Peddie, son of William Price Struv^, Esq., Swansea; born i8th Septem- ber, 1847. Swiney, Henry Stephen, son of John Swiney, Esq., M.D., Westall House, Cheltenham ; born — June, 1845. 9C — Direct M. Day Boy. Left 1864. Ensign, 69th Foot, 1866 ; Lieutenant, 1869 ; Captain, 1871 ; Retired, 1876. Address : The Lymes, Hawkhurst. Tyers, Sydney, son of Thomas Tyers Tyers, Esq., Glenmore Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 17th December, 1845. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Marines, 1863 ; ist Lieu- tenant, 1867 ; Captain, 1879 ; Brevet-Major, 1884 ; Major, 1887. Tynte, Mervyn Chaloner Stephen, son of Joseph Pratt Tynte, Esq., Tynte Park, Dun- lavin, Ireland ; born 4th September, 1847. Cornet, 4th Dragoon Guards, 1866 ; Lieutenant, 1870; Captain, 1875; Major, 1882; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1887. Adjutant, AuxiliaryForces, 1879-84. Wickham, Edmund Whalley Hill, son of Francis D. Wickham, Esq., 5 Westbourne Park, London ; born 7 th April, 1846. Boym House. Left 1862. Ensign, i6th Foot, 1867 ; Lieutenant, 1870 ; In- structor of Musketry, 1875-76; Captain, 1876; Major, Bedfordshire Regiment, 1883 ; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1888. Williams, John Evans, son of William Williams, Esq., Westfield, near Neath ; born 9th Sep- tember, 1844. Worthington, Walter Moore, son of Andrew J. Worthington, Esq., Leek, Staffordshire ; born 19th September, 1845. Michafxmas, 1859.] PRINCIPAL : REV. H. HIGHTON, M.A. 185 ENTERED MICHAELMAS, 1859. Birch, Edmond, son of George William Birch, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 28th April, 1846. Rifle Corps XI., 1863; Cheltenham Veterans Rifle V., 1876-78-79; Captain, 7th West York Rifle Volunteers. Birch, George Robert William, son of George William Birch, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 20th January, 1842. Birch, John Edward, son of George William Birch, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 14th March, 1847. Birch, Robert, son of George William Birch, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 12th July, 1843. Crum, James, son of John Crum, Esq., Glas- gow ; born ist January, 1844. Dorward, James Ford, son of James Dorward, Esq., Surgeon, H.E.I.C.S., Trichinopoly, Madras ; born 14th November, 1843. i^M — 3*’Af. Southwood. Left i860. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1861-63. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1864 ; Captain, 1877 ; Major, 1884; Brevet- Lieut. -Colonel, 1885. Served throughout the Egyptian War of 1882, and was pre- sent at the two actions at Kassassin and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884, and was present in the engage- ments at El Teb and Temai (mentioned in des- patches, 4th Class Medjidie, and two clasps). Com- manded the Royal Engineers who ascended the river from Haifa to Korti, pioneers of the Nile Expedition in 1884 ; commanded the Royal Engineers of Sir Herbert Stewart's Desert Column, and was present in the action at Abu Klea, in the engagement at Gubat, in the reconnaissance to Metemmeh (men- tioned in despatches), and in the engagement at Abu Klea Wells on the 16th and 17th February (men- tioned in despatches. Brevet of Lieut. -Colonel, two clasps). Dynham, Edward, son of — Dynham, Esq. ; born 9th March, 1843. Hoggan, Carl, son of — Hoggan, Esq. ; born 26th March, 1845. Leaver, Edward Colt, son of the Rev. Thomas C. H. Leaver, Porturet House, Charlton Kings ; born 27th September, 1849. Marklove, Maurice William Carrington, son of John Marklove, Esq. ; born 13th April, 1847. 6C — iC. Day Boy. Left 1866. Iredell Prize, 1865 ; Head of Classical, 1865. Exhibition, St. John's College, Cambridge, 1866 ; Foundation Scholarship, St. John's College, 1868 ; B.A. (13th in ist Class Classical Tripos), 1870 ; M.A., 1873. Assistant-Master at Westminster School since 1872, and Bursar of Westminster School since 1883. Address : r Little Dean's Yard, Westminster, London, S.W. Ness, Francis Henry Derby, son of the Rev. John Derby Ness, Morthoe, Devon ; born 17th September, 1843. Exeter College, Oxford, 1862. B.A. , 1868 ; M.A., 1870. Ordained Deacon, 1869, and Priest, 1870. Curate of Arlington, Gloucestershire, 1869-70 ; of Clutton, Somerset, 1870-71 ; of Motley, Derbyshire, 1871-73 ; of Broughton, Lincolnshire, 1873-76 ; of New Hythe in part of East Mailing, Kent, 1876-80 ; of Peterstow, Herefordshire, 1880-81 ; of Claines, Worcestershire, 1881-83; of Minety, Gloucestershire, 1885-86. Address : Malmesbury, Wiltshire. Fridham, Edmund, son of George Pridham, Esq., Solicitor, Plymouth ; born 6th July, 1844. Stubber, Robert Hamilton (afterwards Hamilton Stubber), son of Robert Hamilton Stubber, Esq., Moyne, Durrow, Queen’s County, Ireland ; born i8th June, 1844. Cornet, ist Dragoons, 1864 ; Lieutenant, 1869 ; Resigned, 1872. J.P. and D. L. , and High Sheriff of Queen's County, 1873. Address ; Moyne, Durrow, Queen's County, Ire- land. Tattam, William Henry, son of John James Tattam, Esq., Edmonton, Middlesex ; born 1st November, 1846. Thornton, Edward Zohrab, son of William Thomas Thornton, Esq., C.B., 84 Cadogan Place, London ; born 6th February, 1844. 3*’d/ — Addiscombe M. Southwood. Left June, i860. Modern Football XX., 1859. Addiscombe Mili- tary College, 1860-61. Ensign, 104th Foot, 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1862 ; Captain, 1874 ; transferred to 4th Foot, 1875 ; Major, Royal Lancaster Regiment, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1882. Was Aide- de-Camp to Major-General Cameron, C. B. , at Aldershot, Manchester, and York. Whilst at Gib- raltar in 1877-78 instructed Moorish soldiers, men- tioned in despatch of Lord Napier of Magdala, and received Sword of Honour from the Emperor of Morocco. Address : Army and Navy Club, Pall Mall, London, S.W. Vaughan, Henry Louis, son of the Rev. Charles Vaughan, Llandefalley Rectory, Hay, South Wales ; born 6th September, 1842. White, Frank Armstrong, son of Charles White, Esq., Barrister, Nice ; born i6th March, 1850. — 2C. Boyce, Left June, 1868. Cricket XXII., 186 — . Trinity College, Cam- bridge. B.A. , 1875. J.P. for Liberty of Peter- borough, and Captain, 3rd Battalion Northampton- shire Regiment (Militia). Address : Castor House, near Peterborough. Whitlock, John Eden Northmore, son of — Whitlock, Esq. ; born 24th March, 1843. ENTERED JANUARY, i860. Abbott, Augustus Keith, son of Colonel Augustus Abbott, Bengal Artillery, Derby Castle, Douglas, Isle of Man ; born i6th July, 1844. Ensign, 9th Foot, 1864 ; transferred to 98th Foot, 1865, and to 107th Foot, 1867 ; Lieutenant, Bengal Staff Corps, 1868; Captain, 1876; Major, 1884; Retired, 1889. Served as Adjutant of the 42nd Assam Light Infantry in the following expeditions ; against the Looshai hill tribes in 1871-72 with the force under General Bouchier (Medal with clasp) ; against the Duffla hill tribes. Northern Assam, in 1874-75 with the force under General Stafford ; against the Naga hill tribes in 1875 with the force i86 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [JANUARY, i860. under Colonel Nuttall (mentioned in despatches) ; in the Afghan War in 1879 with the force under Sir Frederick Roberts ; and with the Punjab Chiefs' Contingent under Brigadier-General Watson (men- tioned in despatches, Medal). Also served against the Angami Naga hill tribes in 1879-80, and com- manded the expedition into the Kacha Naga Hill, and at the occupation of Paplongmai (clasp). Abbott, William Henry, son of Colonel Augustus Abbott, Bengal Artillery, Derby Castle, Douglas, Isle of Man ; born i8th October, 1845 - Ensign, loist Foot, 1863 ; Lieutenant, 1866 ; Captain, 1874 ; Major, Royal Munster Fusiliers, 1880; Lieut. -Colonel, 1881; Colonel, 1885; Major- General (Retired), 1887. Apperly, William John, son of James Apperly, Esq., Dudbridge House, near Stroud ; born 20th December, 1845. Barrie, Andrew David, son of Andrew Barrie, Esq., George Street, Dumfries ; born 13th August, 1843. Batten, Henry Butler, son of John Batten, Esq., Aldon, Yeovil ; born 13th October, 1845 - Rifle Corps XL , 1865-66. Beal, Edward, son of Henry Ridley Beal, Esq., Solicitor, 19 Bedford Row, London ; born 3rd May, 1845. — iM. Newick House and Birkett. Football XX., 1862-63 ; Rifle Corps XL, 1863. Scholarship, Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1865 ; B.A. (20th Senior Optime), 1868. Called to the Bar, Middle Temple. 1869. Address : 2 Plowden Buildings, The Temple, London, E.C. Bristed, John Jacob Astor, son of Charles Astor Bristed, Esq., Baden Baden, Germany ; born 20th December, 1847. Brooks, Thomas Beedle Harvey, son of the Rev. Harvey William Brooks, St. Stephen’s Vicarage, Paddington, London ; born 5th June, 1849. XI C — 9C. Boy 7 ie House. Left June, 1862. University College, Oxford, 1868. B.A. (4th Class Theology), 1872 ; M.A., 1875. Ordained Deacon, 1873, and Priest, 1874. Curate of St. Pancras, London, 1873-76 ; of St. John, Paddington, 1876-80 ; Curate in charge of St. Stephen’s Mission District, Battersea, London, 1880-83 ! Vicar of St. Stephen, Paddington, 1883. Address ; St. Stephen's Vicarage, Westbourne Park, London, W. Broun, James, son of Sir William Broun, Bart., of Colstoun, 3 Irving Street, Dumfries ; born 22nd June, 1844. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1862-64. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1865. Died on board H.M.S. “ Jumna," 31st January, 1872. Bryan, George Barlow, son of William Bryan, Esq., Lane Villa, Cheetham Hill, near Man- chester ; born 6th August, 1844. Brydon, William, son of William Brydon, Esq., Surgeon, H.E.l.C.S. ; born 29th May, 1845. Ensign, 102nd Foot, August, 1863 ; transferred to loist Foot, October, 1863 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1871 ; Captain, 1875 ; Major (Retired), 1883. Served in the Looshai Expedition in 1871-72 (Medal with clasp), and in the operations against the Naga hill tribes in 1878 (mentioned in despatches). Bulteel, Christopher Harris, son of Thomas Hillersden Bulteel, Esq., Plymouth ; born 25th July, 1845. Carter, Butler Julius Septimus Octavius, son of Vice-Admiral John Carter, 72 Rue de Trone, Brussels; born 5th October, 1846. South- wood. Naval Cadet, i860 ; Midshipman, Royal Navy, 1862 ; Sub-Lieutenant, 1867 ; Lieutenant, 1870 ; Retired, 1873. At Royal Naval College, Ports- mouth, 1867. Placed on the retired list of Lieu- tenants on account of a wound to the left arm received whilst on active service in the West Indies. Now a Land Agent and Surveyor. Address : Junior Constitutional Club, London, S.W. Carthew, Ewart, son of Major-General Morden Carthew, Kamptee, India ; born January, 1846. Rifle Corps XL, 1863. Chapman, Lionel James Archer, son of George Chapman, Esq., British Vice-Consul, Dieppe, France ; born 13th July, 1848. 12C — 2C. Newick House. Left Easter, 1865. Classical Football XX., 1864. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1867-68 (Prize : ist French). Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1869 ; Captain, 1879 ; Major, 1885. Aide-de-Camp to Lieutenant-Governor, North-West Provinces, India, 1877-79 ; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1881-86. Address : Care of London and Westminster Bank, I St. James’s Square, London, S.W. CollingS, Alfred Henry, son of Alfred Smith Codings, Esq., Clifton, Guernsey ; born 30th January, 1847. Court, Frederick Walter, son of Major Henry Court, Esq., Bengal Civil Service, Allahabad, Bengal ; born 19th September, 1847. 8C — iC. Bayly. Left June, 1865. Cricket XXII., 1864-65; Classical Football XX., 1864 ; Fives Champion, 1864. Assistant-District Superintendent of Police, North-West Provinces, India. Crane, Edwin Samuel, son of — Crane, Esq. ; born 31st July, 1845. Scholarship, Jesus College, Cambridge, 1864 ; B.A. , 1867: M.A., 1871. Ordained Deacon, 1868, and Priest, 1869. Curate of Bampton, Oxford, 1868-69 ; of Shilton, Oxford, 1869-70 ; of Smeth- wick, Staffordshire, 1870-73 ; Curate in charge of the Whitwick Mission, 1873-76 ; Vicar of St. Andrew, Whitwick, Leicestershire, 1876. Address : Thringstone Vicarage, Leicester. Dansey, Richard Ingram, son of Richard Ingram Dansey, Esq., Darmstadt, Germany ; born 2 1st March, 1845. Dashwood, Edward Vere, son of the Rev. Samuel Vere Dashwood, Stanford Hall, Loughborough ; born 25th June, 1846. Deane, Frederick, son of — Deane, Esq. ; born 14th May, 1849. Dickinson, Alfred, son of Christopher Dickin- son, Esq., The Manor House, Stoke-upon- Trent ; born 20th March, 1845. Farquharson, John George, son of Colonel George Farquharson, Bengal Army, Mooltan, India; born nth September, 1848. Modern Football XX. , 1865. Fisher, Sharpies, son of Edward Fisher, Esq., Spring Dale, Huddersfield ; born 1 3th March, 1845. Freeman, Robert, son of John Freeman, Esq., Lausanne, Switzerland ; born 7th January, 1847. January, i860.] PRINCIPAL: REV. H. HIGHTON, M.A. Freeman, Wiliam Lays, son of John Freeman, Esq., Lausanne, Switzerland ; born 7th October, 1845. Rifle Corps XI., 1863-64; College Boat, 1864; Classical Football XX., 1863. Merton College, Oxford, 1865. Rowed in the Oxford Eight v. Cam- bridge, i866. Winner of the Oxford University Qiallenge Sculls, 1866. Address ; l.allsarrah Factory, Sejowba, Chum- puruni, India; and Villa Freeman, Nice, France. Gladstone, William Stuart, son of Robert Glad- stone, Esq., Highfield, Cheetham Hill, Man- chester ; born 25th January, 1848. Glascott, James Jocelyn, son of William Mad- den Glascott, Esq., Alderton, New Ross, Ireland ; born 17th April, 1845. Ensign, 32nd Foot, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1868 ; Adjutant, 1868-70 ; Captain, 1879 ; Major, Man- chester Regiment (Retired), 1886. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1881-86. Grave, William, son of John Grave, Esq., Mount House, Cheetham Hill, Manchester ; born 4th April, 1848. Modern Football XX., 1863-64-65. Grey, John George, son of George Annett Grey, Esq., Milfield, Northumberland ; born 31st March, 1844. Cricket XI., 1862; Ladies’ Prize, Athletic Sports, 1862. J. P. for Northumberland. Died at Biarritz, France, 30th March, 1879. Groube, Edward Montagu, son of Major George Bromley Boulderson Groube, 5th Madras Light Cavalry, Secunderabad; born 13th July, 1846. Henderson, John Baton, son of Charles P. Henderson, Esq., Withington Hall, near Manchester ; born 19th November, 1846. Hewer, Edward, son of Joseph Hewer, Esq., Surgeon, Chobham ; born 5th November, 1845. St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, London. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1866 ; Licen- tiate of the Apothecaries’ Society, 1867 ; late House •Surgeon, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, and General Lying-In Hospital, Westminster, and Sur- geon, Cunard Service. Now Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator, 5th District, Ormskirk Union ; Medical Officer, Liverpool Truant School, High- town. Address : Sissinghurst, Formby, Lancashire. Holroyd, Richard Ellis, son of Richard Hol- royd. Esq., Kirkmanshulme House, West Gorton, near Manchester ; born 28th August, 1847. James, William Colville, son of Henry James, Hisq., 3 Royal Crescent, Cheltenham ; born i6th June, 1846. Re-entry vide August, 1856, and March, 1858. Jennings, Edward William, son of Richard Jennings, Esq., 21 Portland Place, London ; born 14th October, 1846. Jones, Oliver Henry, son of Robert Oliver Jones, Esq., Fonmon Castle, Cowbridge ; born 7th January, 1846. 7C — iC. Bernai'd, Boultbee, and Butler. E.xeter College, Oxford,T865. B. A. (2nd Class Law and History), 1868; Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1870. J.P. for Glamorganshire; Member of the County Council for Glamorgan, and Member of the House of Laymen representing the Diocese of Llandaff. Address : Fonmon Castle, Cowbridge, Glamor- ganshire ; and New University Club, London, S.W. 187 Kennedy, Langford de Grey, son of Langford Kennedy, Esq., 13 Devonshire Place, Lon- don ; born ist July, 1847. Knowles, Francis Samuel, son of John Knowles, Esq., Trafford Bank House, near Manches- ter ; born 5th January, 1848. Naval Cadet, 1862 ; Midshipman, Royal Navy, 1869 ; Sub-Lieutenant, 1870 ; Lieutenant, 1874 ; Retired, 1884. Lang, Francis Charles, son of Oliver William Lang, Esq., Royal Dockyard, Chatham ; born loth December, 1842. Queen’s College, Oxford, 1862. B.A. , 1867; M.A., 1869. Ordained Deacon, 1868, and Priest, 1869. Curate of Charlton, Kent, 1868-72 ; Chaplain, Royal Navy, 1872. Served in H.M.S. “Valorous" on particular service, 1872, on active service. West Coast of Africa, 1873-77; H.M.S. “Duke of Wellington,’’ 1877; in H.M.S. “Hector," Reserve Squadron, 1877-80; in H.M.S. “ Orontes,” Troop Service, 1881-83; H.M.S. “Hercules,” Portland, 1883-85 ; Royal Dock Yard, Cape of Good Hope, 1885. Was Chaplain of H.M.S. “Active" during the Ashantee War in 1873-74 (Medal) ; served in the expedition up the River Congo in 1875, and in the expedition up the River Niger, 1876 — wounded ; Chaplain of H.M.S. “Orontes" during the Egyptian War of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive’s Star). Leadam, Isaac Saunders, son of Thomas R. Leadam, Esq., Surgeon, 12 Wyndham Place, Bryanston Square, London ; born 9th No- vember, 1848. Lowe, Arthur Hill, son of Colonel Arthur C. Lowe, Court of Hill, Tenbury, Worcester- shire ; born i8th December, 1847. McMahon, Bernard, son of Major McMahon, Bombay Army ; born i8th April, 1845. Mackinnon, Matthie Charles, son of Charles Mackinnon, Esq., 5 Keynsham Parade, Chel- tenham ; born 25th April, 1845. Molyneux, Thomas Edward Graves, son of Captain John Molyneux, The Glenfall, near Cheltenham ; born 28th February, 1847. Ensign, 22nd Foot, 1865; Lieutenant, 1870; Cap- tain, Cheshire Regiment, 1878. Aide-de-Camp to Brigadier-General, Aldershot, 1876-78; Aide-de- Camp to Major-General, Malta, 1878-81. Died of dysentery at the Citadel Hospital, Cairo, Egypt, on the 4th July, 1884. Morrison, Reginald James, son of James Mor- rison, Esq., Park Road, Sunderland ; born 7th September, 1 847. Boy tie House. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1865-67. En- sign, 14th Foot, 1867 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; transferred to 105th Foot, 1872 ; Captain, 1879 ; Major, South Yorkshire Regiment (Retired), 1884. Is Honorary Lieut. -Colonel, 4th Battalion Royal Dublin Fusiliers (Royal Dublin City Militia). Newman, Henry Ashburnham Toll, son of Lieut.-Colonel Henry Wenman Newman, Royal South Gloucestershire Militia, Hill- side, Cheltenham ; born 27th September, 1847 - Ensign, 40th Foot, 1867'; Retired, 1869. Address : 5 Malvern Place, Cheltenham ; and Thornbury Park, near Bristol. Ormerod, Charles Edward, son of the Rev. O. Ormerod, Presteign, Radnorshire ; born 2nd March, 1847. Ormerod, Thomas Reginald, son of the Rev. O. Ormerod, Presteign, Radnorshire ; born 24th April, 1848. Orr, George Frederick, son of John Henry Orr, i88 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, i860. Esq., C.B., Surgeon, Bengal Army ; born 22nd August, 1850. Orr, William John, son of John Henry Orr, Esq., C.B., Surgeon, Bengal Army ; bom 19th March, 1849. XII C — 5^/. Soyne House. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Ensign, io8th Foot, 1869 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1873; Captain, 1881; Major,i889. IsAssistant- Commissary-General, Deesa. Palmer, Alexander Douglas Greenlaw, son of Thomas G. Palmer, Esq., i Royal Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 12th April, 1848. Palmer, Gerald Edward, son of Thomas G. Palmer, Esq., i Royal Crescent, Chelten- ham ; born 1st November, 1845. Papillon, Charles, son of Major Alexander Frederick William Papillon, R.A., 8 South- ampton Street, Reading ; born 30th May, .1843. Phillips, William Reginald, son of William Phillips, Esq., Salisbury Lodge, Clifton ; born 2 1 St August, 1849. Pierson, John Clarence Hay, son of Charles Pierson, Esq., 3 Blenheim Parade, Chelten- ham ; born 3rd March, 1847. Plunket, Arthur Cecil Crampton, son of the Hon. John Plunket, Q.C. (afterwards 3rd Baron Plunket), 30 Upper Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin ; born nth May, 1845. Ensign, 8th Foot, 1865 ; Resigned, 1869. Subse- quently Agent for the Irish Society. Died at Government House, Londonderry, 21st October, 1884. Plunket, Patrick Henry Coghill, son of the Hon. John Plunket, Q.C. (afterwards 3rd Baron Plunket), 30 Upper Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin; bom nth May, 1845. Modern Football XX., 1862. Ensign, 70th Foot, 1866 ; Resigned, 1869. Susequently Superintendent of Police, Straits Settlements, 1873-80. Address : Lisnamandra, Cavan, Ireland. Popham, William Vyvyan, son of Christopher W. Popham, Esq., Trevarno, Helston, Corn- wall ; born 17th October, 1846. Radcliffe, John Edward, son of Josiah Rad- cliffe. Esq., Werneth Park, Oldham ; born 15th September, 1847. Riddell, Walter, son of Robert Riddell, Esq., 9 Calverley Park Crescent, Tunbridge Wells ; born 27th April, 1845. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1864-66. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1867 ; Captain, 1878 ; Major, 1884. Served with the Royal Horse Artillery in the Afghan War in 1878-79, and was present at the attack and capture of the Peiwar Kotal (Medal with clasp). Sclater, James Robert Charles, son of James Henry Sclater, Esq., Newick Park, Uckfield, Sussex ; born 15th February, 1848. Rifle Corps XI., 1863-64; Captain, 1865-66. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1866-68. Lieu- tenant, Royal Artillery, 1868 ; Captain, 1879 ; Re- tired, 1881. Address : Newick Park, Lewes. Secretan, William Woodhouse, son of William W. S. J. Woodhouse Secretan, Esq., Solici- tor, Abergavenny ; born ist June, 1845. Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Ordained Deacon, 1870, and Priest, 1871. Curate of St. Mark, Gloucester, 1870-71 ; of St. Mary Church, Torquay, 1871-77 ; of St. David, Exeter, 1877-78 ; Curate in charge of Paignton, Devon, 1878-80 ; Curate of Paignton with Maldon, 1881-82 ; of St. Peter, Plymouth, 1883 ; Chaplain of House of Mercy, Plymouth, 1884; Rector of St. Mary, Exeter, 1885-86 ; Rector of St. Edmund, Exeter, 1886. Address : 26A East Southernhay, E.xeter. Sewell, George Segundo (afterwards Sewell- Gana), son of John Sewell, Esq., 9 Cam- bridge Square, London ; born loth October, 1843 - Ensign, 101st Foot, 1861 ; Lieutenant, 1865 ; Captain, 1872 ; Major (Retired), 1881. Stewart, Henry Edward Hamill, son of John Thomas Hamill Stewart, Esq., Fullwood Park, Cheltenham ; born 8th June, 1848. Stewart, John Donald Hamill, son of John Thomas Hamill Stewart, Esq., Fullwood Park, Cheltenham ; born 25th November, 1845. Day Boy. Ensign, 12th Foot, September, 1865 ; Cornet, nth Hussars, October, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1869 ; Captain, 1876 ; Major, May, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel, July, 1881. Appointed Vice-Consul in Asia Minor in 1879. C.M.G., 1881. In 1882 was engaged in Egypt under Colonel Sir Charles Wilson in reporting on the prisons in Tanta and elsewhere, and in October of that year was recommended by Sir Charles Wilson to report upon the state of the Soudan, whence he proceeded to Berber and Khar- toum. In January, 1883, he reported on the attitude of the population and chief causes of the rebellion, and on 23rd April, 1883, when his temporary mission in the Soudan terminated. Lord Dufferin expressed ‘ ‘ his high appreciation of the energy and industry with which you have discharged the duties imposed upon you, in spite of innumerable difficulties.'’ In February, 1884, in consideration of these services. Colonel Stewart was selected by General Charles George Gordon, C.B., R.E. , to accompany him to Khartoum for the purpose of relieving the Egyptian Garrisons in the Soudan. Whilst proceeding from Khartoum to open up communications with the Mudir of Dongola, his steamer was wrecked on the Nile near Merow6 in Nubia, and he and his party were treacherously massacred by the natives on the i8th September, 1884. Thomson, William Wright, son of the Rev. William Yalden Thomson, 3 Park Place, Cheltenham ; born 23rd February, 1846. 8C — 4C. Day Boy. Subsequently at Blackheath School, 1861-65. Jesus College, Oxford, 1865. Passed for the Indian Civil Service in 1866, but went into business in London instead, of which he is now a Director. Address: Mitcham, Surrey. Thornton, Edward Brooke, son of Captain Edward Thornton, Cauldwell Priory, Bed- ford ; born i6th March, 1846. Rifle Corps XI., 1863-64. Winner of the Spencer Cup at Wimbledon, 1864. Ensign, 49th Foot, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1869 ; Captain, 1876 ; Retired, 1880. Treffry, Reginald Heber, son of the Rev. Ed- ward John Treffry, Place, Fowey, Cornwall; born 30th March, 1846. 8C — iC. Boyce. Left December, 1864. Football XX., 1862-63-64: Cricket XXII., 1862- 63-64. Lincoln College, Oxford, 1865. B.A., 1870; M.A. , 1872. Ordained Deacon, 1870, and Priest, 1872. Curate of Lydford, 1870-72 ; of Lansalloes, 1872-73; Chaplain, Royal Navy, 1873-79. Served in the Ashantee War in 1873-74 (Medal). Rector of St. Endellion, Cornwall, 1879. Address : St. Endellion Rectory, Wadebridge, Cornwall. January, i860.] PRINCIPAL: REV. H. HIGHTON, M.A. Turner, Arthur Harrow, son of Edward Turner, Esq., 24 Upper Brunswick Place, Brighton ; born 3rd March, 1848. Watkins, Bernard Edward, son of the Rev. Bernard Edward Watkins, Treeton Rectory, Rotherham ; born 8th January, 1848. loC — \M. Graves and P archer. Rifle Corps XI., 1864-65-66. Corpus Christ! College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1871. Ordained Dea- 189 con, 1872, and Priest, 1873. Curate of Preston- Bagot, Worcestershire, 1872-73; of Mildenhall, Suffolk, 1874-77 ; Rector of Treeton, Yorkshire, 1877. Wood, Reginald Walter Heysham, son of Lieut. -Colonel H. W. Wood, Lansdown Terrace, Cheltenham ; born — July, 1847. Young, Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, son of — Young, Esq. ; born 26th December, 1848. ENTERED MARCH, i860. Bradbury, Rowland Keats, son of Charles Brad- bury, Esq., Civil Service, Tasmania ; born 27th May, 1846. Bubb, Charles Spencer, son of Benjamin Bubb, Esq., Solicitor, Cheltenham ; born 30th August, 1845. Ordained Deacon, 1868, and Priest, 1873. Mis- sionary Curate of Bloemfontein Cathedral, South Africa, 1868-70; Missionary at Sarawak, 1870-76; Curate of Holy Trinity, Little Queen Street, London, 1878-80. Address : Southfield Villas, Cheltenham. Crawshay, William, son of Henry Crawshay, Esq., Oaklands Park, Newnham ; born 14th September, 1845. Forbes, James Edmund, son of Charles Hay Forbes, Esq. ; born 14th November, 1851. Forbes, John Stuart, son of Charles Hay Forbes, Esq. ; born 28th May, 1849. Graham, Frederick, son of Colonel Stuart Frederick Graham, Peshawur, East Indies ; born 5th December, 1849. loC — iM. Beau- fort House, Day Boy, and Boyne House. Left 1866. Cricket XXII., 1865-66. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1866-67. Ensign, 77th Foot, 1868 ; Lieu- tenant, 1871 ; Captain, 1879 ; Major, Middlesex Regiment, 1885 ; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1882- 87. Howell, Charles Edward, son of Abraham Howell, Esq., Solicitor, Welshpool ; born 27th July, 1846. Landon, Harry Whittington Liddiard, son of the Rev. W. H. Landon, Slebech, Haverford- west ; born 15th November, 1845. Lees, James Lillyman Martel, son of Sir John Lees, Bart., Wenman House, Ryde, Isle of Wight ; born nth June, 1845. Died at Ryde, Isle of Wight, nth December, 1870. Money, Ernest Montagu, son of Rowland Money, Esq., Bengal Civil Service, Agra, India ; born 28th December, 1848. 8C — iC. Day Boy, Bayly, and Gantitton. Left June, 1867. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1863; Football XX., 1866; College Boat, 1867; Cricket XXII., 1865-67. Indian Civil Service, 1870; appointed to Bengal. Assistant-Magistrate and Collector, Burdwan, 1872, and at Monghyr, 1872-78 ; Retired on invalid pen- sion, 1878. Called to the Bar, Middle Temple, 1871. Was at Clare College, Cambridge, 1878, and subsequently at Downing College, Cambridge, 1886- 87. Received Presentation Cap from Old Cheltonian Football Club (season 1884-85). Address : East India U nited Service Club, Lon- don, S.W. Finney, Albert Hastings, son of J. A. Pinney, Esq., Black Down, Crewkerne ; born 5th January, 1844. Roberts, George Blakemore Bayfield John, son of the Rev. George Roberts, 2 Berkeley Street, Cheltenham ; born 19th November, 1847. loC — PC. Day Boy. Left 1866. Oriel College, Oxford, 1866. B.A., 1872. Or- dained Deacon, 1874, and' Priest, 1875. Curate of Lower Brixham, Devon, 1874-77 1 of Folkestone, 1877-78 ; Chaplain of St. Michael's School, Slough, 1878; Vicar of Elmstone, Gloucestershire, 1879. In 1878 he was presented with a handsome Bible by the Emperor of Germany, with the following inscription : ■■ William, Emperor of Germany, to the Rev. George Bayfield Roberts, in recognition of his services on the occasion of the loss of H.M.S. "Grosser Kur- furst. " The "Grosser Kurfurst ’’ was a German man-of-war, which came into collision with the " Konig Wilhelm’’ off Folkestone, and went down with 252 souls in May, 1878. Author of " The Mother Church of England ; Anglican Orders, &c. ; A Reply to Monsignor Capel,” 1879; "Law and Lawful Authority," 1881; "The Historical and Constitutional Position of the Bishops in the House of Lords,” 1882. Address : Elmstone Vicarage, Uckington, Chel- tenham. St. Quintin, Henry William, son of Thomas St. Quintin, Esq., Hatley Park, Potton ; born 1 2th April, 1846. Modern Football XX., 1863. Singleton, Mark, son of Major-General John Singleton, 6 Sandford Place, Cheltenham ; born 24th December, 1849. Smith, Francis Whitmore, son of — Smith, Esq. ; born 1 6th June, 1844. Walker, Archibald Dunbar, son of Alexander Walker, Esq. ; born i6th June, 1847. — ■f-M. Day Boy. Left June, 1863. Edinburgh University; Medallist in Chemistry and Midwifery. M.B. and C.M., 1868; M.D., 1871. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, Eng- land, 1870. Member of Harveian Society ; Honorary Medical Officer, North Kensington and Kensal Town Dispensary. Author of "Egypt as a Health Resort ” ; " The Parent’s Medical Note Book ” ; be sides contributions to various medical journals. Address : 56 Ladbroke Grove Road, Bayswater, London, W. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, i860. 190 ENTERED AUGUST, i860. Apthorp, East, son of Colonel East Apthorp ; born 23rd July, 1848. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, r885 ; Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians, London, 1886 ; Surgeon, Royal Navy, 1886. Sur- geon of H.M.S. " Cambridge.” Arundell, Frederick William Arundell, son of the Rev. William Harris Arundell, Cheriton Fitzpaine, Devon ; born 22nd September, 1848. Classical Football XX., 1866-67. Beachey, Henry George, son of John Beachey, Esq., Beech Park, Newton Bushell, Devon ; born 29th July, 1841. Begbie, Francis Richard, son of Major-General Peter James' Begbie, Madras Artillery, 15 Rodney Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 2nd April, 1847. Day Boy. Left 1863. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1864-65. En- sign, 37th Foot, 1866; Lieutenant, Bengal Staff Corps, 1869 : Captain, 1878 ; Major, 1886. Is 2nd in Command and Wing Commander, 2nd Battalion 2nd Ghoorkas. Served in the campaign against the Jowaki Afreedees in 1877 (Medal with clasp). Served in the Afghan War in 1878-79, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid (Medal with clasp). Also served in the Mahsood Wurzeeree Expedition in 1881 (mentioned in despatches for gallantry and forwardness in action). Bell, James Archibald Robert, son of James Hamilton Bell, Esq. ; born 9th November, 1848. — 2^M. Newick House 2 LX\diChene 7 y. Re-entered College August, 1864. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Ensign, 4th West India Regiment, 1867 ; transferred to 83rd Foot, 1869 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Instructor of Mus- ketry, 1871-79 ; Captain, 1879 ; Paymaster, Army Pay Department, 1881 ; Hon. Major, 1886. Bibby, Herbert Kirkman, son of the Rev. Thomas Bibby, 33 Church Street, Leaming- ton ; born 8th July, 1844. Bradbury, Miles Coverdale, son of Charles Bradbury, Esq., Civil Service, Tasmania; born 26th March, 1844. Melbourne University, Australia, 1865. Brice, Edward Archibald (afterwards Bruce), son of Colonel Edward Brice, Madras Horse Artillery, Bangalore, India ; born ist Sep- tember, 1849. Cricket XI., 1866-67; Captain, 1868, Football XX., 1868. Played Cricket for Gentlemen z>. Players, 1872. Ensign, 19th Foot, 1869 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Adjutant, 1873-78 ; Captain, 1879 ; Major, York- shire Regiment, 1882 ; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1884. Brice, Hugh Mumbee, son of Colonel Edward Brice, Madras Horse Artillery, Bangalore, India ; born 23rd May, 1861. Ensign, io6th Foot, 1870 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; transferred to 54th Foot, 1873 ; Resigned, 1878. Clifford, Edward Arthur, son of Henry John Clifford, Esq., Frampton-on-Severn ; born 1 2th April, 1850. Conolly, Edward, son of Henry Valentine Conolly, Esq., Indian Civil Service, Calcutta, India ; born 27th September, 1844. Exhibition, Merton College, O.xford, 1864. S.C.L. and B.A. (Charsley’s Hall), 1870; M.A. , 1871. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1871. Cooke, Edward Annesley, son of George Cooke, Esq., Solicitor, Clifton ; born 29th Decem- ber, 1847. Currie, Edward Reid, son of Edward Currie, Esq., Bengal Civil Service, Lansdown Lodge, Cheltenham ; born i6th February, 1844. 6C — 2C. Day Boy. Left 1862. Football XX., 186 — . Wadham College, Oxford, 1863. B.A., 1868; M.A., 1872. B.D. and D.D., 1888. Ordained Deacon, 1868, and Priest, 1869. Curate of Christ Church, Eastbourne, 1868; of Battle, 1869-74; Vicar of St. Bartholomew Chichester, 1874- 82 ; Acting Chaplain to the Forces, 1878-82 ; Dean of Battle, 1882. Address ; The Deanery, Battle, Sussex. Diggle, Charles John Wadham, son of — Diggle, Esq. ; born 4th September, 1848. Dorward, Charles Glendower, son of James Dorward, Esq., Surgeon, Trichinopoly, Madras ; born 5th October, 1845. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1864-66. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1866. Died at Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 2nd February, 1868. Doune, William, son of the Rev. Stephen Doune, Oswestry ; born 29th October, 1845. Previously at Wellington College. Dunn, Edward Julyan, son of Edward Dunn, Esq., Surgeon, Ulverston ; born 8th Sep- tember, 1844. Dunsterville, James Henry Conrad, son of Captain J. B. Dunsterville, Bombay ; born 20th October, 1848. Classical Football XX., 1865. Ethelston, Charles George, son of the Rev. Hart Ethelston, St. Mark’s, Cheetham Hill, near Manchester ; born 13th November, 1844. Fenwick, Henry Collingwood, son of Henry William Fenwick, Esq., Solicitor, 2 Ellison Place, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; born 13th Feb- ruary, 1849. Address : Ringwood, Launceston, Tasmania. Filgate, Charles Roden, son of William Filgate, Esq., Lisrenny, Ardee, Ireland ; born i6th October, 1849. XP'"^C — iC. Boyce. Left June, 1868. Cricket XL, 1865-66-67-68. Football XX., 186 — . Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1872. Address : Lisrenny, ’Ardee, Co. Louth, Ireland. Friell, Ernest Woodward, son of — Friell, Esq. ; born i8th April, 1846. Gahell, Arthur Charles, son of Arthur Richard Gabell, Esq., 3 Berkeley Place, Cheltenham ; born 14th September, 1848. Lincoln College, Oxford, 1868 ; St. Bees Theolo- gical College, 1871. Ordained Deacon, 1873, and Priest, 1875. Curate of Brede, Sussex, 1873-75 ; of Mitchel Troy with Cwmcarvon, 1875-76 ; of Tiden- ham, 1876-79 ; of St. Mark, Cheltenham, 1879-81 ; of The Leigh, Cheltenham, 1881-82 ; of Tirley, Glou- cestershire, 1882-83 ; Vicar of Leigh, Gloucester- shire, 1883. Address : Leigh Vicarage, Cheltenham, Garnett, Richard Lawrence, son of Henry Garnett, Esq., Wyreside, near Lancaster ; born 1 2th June, 1846. Re-entry vide Au- gust, 1857. PRINCIPAL: REV. H. HIGHTON, M.A. 191 August, i860.] Garnett, Robert, son of Henry Garnett, Esq., Wyresieie, near Lancaster ; born 17th f'eb- ruary, 1845. Line Direct — Line Direct. Chc 7 iery. Left June, 1862. Cricket XI., 1861-62. Football XX., 1861. En- sign, 8th Foot, 1864 1 Lieutenant, 1867; Resigned, 1868. J. 1 ’. for Lancashire. Address : liowerham, Lancashire. Gregson, Charles, son of John Gregson, Esq., Barrister, Bramham House, Tadcaster ; born 9th August, 1848. Xr~'"^C — Turn- bull. Left 1 866. Scholarship, University College, Durham, 1867. B.A. {2nd Class Classics and General Literature), 1870 I M.A., 1873. Ordained Deacon, 1871, and Priest, 1873. Curate of St. Cuthbert, Durham, 1871-74 ; of St. John-in-liedwardine, Worcester, 1874-76 ; Chaplain to the Forces — served at Dublin, 1877-79; at Bermuda, 1879-81; at Dover, 1881-83; at Aldershot, 1883-85 ; at Warley, 1885. Address: Junior Army and Navy Club, King Street, London, S.W. Hare, Francis Cheyne, son of Charles Bowles Hare, Esq., Scantone House, Clifton ; born 23rd February, 1848. 8 C — Sandhurst M. Turnbull. Left 1865. Cricket XXII., 186 — . Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Ensign, 53rd Foot, 1866 ; Lieutenant, 1870; Retired, 1876. Harrison, Thomas, son of — Harrison, Esq. ; born 1 6th November, 1847. Hay, Loraine Geddes, son of Colonel Thomas Pasley Hay, 2nd European Madras Infantry ; born 28th June, 1847. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Enisgn, 105th Foot, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1868 ; Resigned, 1873. Appointed Assistant-Inspector, Gold Coast Constab- ulary, 1876 ; Adjutant and Musketry Instructor, 1877 ; acted on several occasions as Inspector- General of that Force, and as Sheriff of the Gold Coast Colony. Acted for a short time as Colonial Secretary, and Auditor of Lagos. Appointed Trea- surer of Tobago, October, 1879. Is a Member of the Executive and Legislative Councils of that Island, and Comptroller of Customs and Navigation Laws, and Shipping Master. Represented Tobago at the Telegraphic Conference held at Barbados, May, 1882 ; administered the Government of that Island temporarily in 1885; Sub-Receiver, Trinidad, Janu- ary, 1886; is a J.P. ; administered the Government of Tobago, June to September, 1885, and April to December, 1888 ; Commissioner, Tobago, 1889. Hayne, Alfred Oswald, son of Major Hayne, 36th Madras Native Infantry; born 6th November, 1845. Helyar, Frederick Welman, son of Charles John Helyar, Esq., Poundisford Lodge, Somerset ; born 6th April, 1844. Hemans, Arthur J. W., son of George Wil- loughby Hemans, Esq., C.E., 26 Duke Street, Westminster, London ; born 15th October, 1847. Hemans, Charles Willoughby, son of George Willoughby Hemans, Esq., 26 Duke Street, Westminster, S.W. ; born loth September, 1849. \oM — Sandhurst M. Southwood Inchbald. Left December, 1865. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Cornet, 20th Hussars, 1867 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Captain, 1878 ; Major, i8th Hussars, 1883. Instructor of Musketry, Cavalry Depot, 1871-72. Superintendent of Military Gymnasia, Canterbury and Maidstone. Hewson, Robert William, son of John Dale Hewson, Esq., M.D., Coton Hill, Stafford ; born 1st March, 1850. loC — 3C. Price a.nd. P archer. Left June, 1868. Edinburgh University. Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, and Licentiate in Mid- wifery, 1876 ; Licentiate, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, 1877. Late Assistant Medical Officer, Royal Lunatic Asylum, Choadle. Member of Me- dical Psychological, and British Medical Associa- tions. Medical Superintendent, Institute for the Insane, Coton Hill, Stafford. Address : Coton Hill, Stafford. Higgins, Alfred Herbert, son of James Higgins, Esq., Stocks House, Cheetham, Manchester; born 9th July, 1846. Cricket XL, 1863-64-65. Modern Football XX., 1863. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A., 1872. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1884. Address : 78 King Street, Manchester. Hobson, Percival Reginald, son of Robert Hobson, Esq., 20 York Terrace, Leaming- ton ; born 27th November, 1848. Hope, Erskine James, son of General Sir James A. Hope. Balgowan House, Cheltenham ; born 19th May, 1847. Hutchinson, James Bird, son of Colonel George Hutchinson, Ross House, Cheltenham; born 22nd March, 1844. 3C — 2C Day Boy. Left June, 1862. Ensign, 82nd Foot, 1863 ; Lieutenant, Bengal Staff Corps, 1866 ; Captain, 1875; Major, 1883; Lieut. - Colonel, 1889. Is Deputy Commissioner, 2nd Class, Mooltan, Punjab. Inglis, John Gillanders, son of W. A. D. Inglis, Esq., I Lansdown Villas, Cheltenham ; born 27th July, 1847. Inglis, William Hugh, son of W. A. D. Inglis, Esq., I Lansdown Villas, Cheltenham; born 8th October, 1849. Died at Budnagherry, East Indies, 29th May, 1877. Inverarity, Arthur James Methven, son of Jonathan Duncan Inverarity, Esq., Bombay Civil Service, Kurrachee, India; born 4th February, 1849. Isaac, Frederic Vernon, son of the Rev. William L. Isaac, Pirton Rectory, Worcester ; born 9th June, 1848. Naval Cadet, 1861 ; Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Navy, 1867 ; Lieutenant, 1871. Jackson, Percival, son of Henry Jackson, Esq., St. James’ Row, Sheffield ; born 28th Sep- tember, 1845. 2C — iC. Bayly. Left Sep- tember, 1864. Scholarship, Jesus College, Cambridge, 1864 ; Foundation Scholarship, 1865; B.A. (33rd Wrangler, and i2th in 3rd Class Classical Tripos), 1868 ; M.A., 1871. Ordained Deacon, 1869, and Priest, 1870. Curate of Willingale-Doe, Esse.x, 1869-71 ; Vicar of Leusden, Devon, 1871-78; Vicar of Teignton-Regis, Devon, 1878. Address : King’s Teignton Vicarage, Newton Abbot. McCausland, Edward Oliver, son of Sir Richard McCausland, Singapore, East Indies ; born 19th June, 1850. Cornet, i6th Lancers, 1869 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Captain, 1878 ; Retired, 1880. Martin, Martin, son of Sir James Ranald Mar- tin, Surgeon, Bengal Army, 71 A Grosvenor Street, London ; born i6th April, 1849. 8C — -^M. Newtek House. Left December, 1864. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1867-69. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1869 ; Captain, 1882 ; 1 92 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Major, 1888. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80, and was present at the battle of Ahmed Kheyl (Medal with clasp). Moffat, Eustace William Douglas, sin of Lieut. - Colonel B. Moffat, 7 Cambray, Cheltenham ; born 28th May, 1845. Previously at Brighton College, 1859-60 . Morant, John Hemphill, son of George Morant, Esq., Jun., Shirley House, Carrickmacross, Ireland ; born 29th April, 1847. •Morris, William George, son of Lieut. -Colonel W. J. Morris, Heppington House, Canter- bury ; born 1 2th February, 1847. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1865-67 (Prizes : First Practical Geometry ; First Chemistry ; First Fortification). Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1867 ; Captain, 1879 ; Major, 1886. Passed Staff College (Honours : Special Mention in Military Drawing and Reconnaissance. Passed a very good examination in Geology as a voluntary subject, and a very good examination in Experimental Sciences as an extra subject). Assistant Instructor in Surveying, School of Military Engineering, Chatham, 1877-82. Neame, Frederick, son of Frederick Neame, Esq., Macknade, Faversham ; born 29th May, 1847. Nugent, Frank Frederic Foulke, son of Walter Nugent, Esq. ; born 13th March, 1845. Pinwill, Edmund, son of the Rev. William James Pinwill, Horley Vicarage, Banbury ; born 1 2th June, 1841. Pembroke College, Oxford, i860. B.A., 1863 ; M.A., 1875. Ordained Deacon, 1864, and Priest, 1865. Curate of Colnbrook, Bucks, 1864-66 ; Chap- lain at Sorrento, 1867 ; Curate of Wootton, North- amptonshire, 1868-70 ; of Harrow-on-the-Hill, 1870 ; of Horsemonden, Kent, 1870-73 ; of Moulton, Lin- colnshire, 1873-77 1 of St. John the Baptist, Peter- borough, 1877-79 I Curate in charge of Chalvey, Bucks, 1879-80 ; Vicar of Ermington with Kingston, Devon, 1880. Address : Ermington Vicarage, Ivybridge, Devon. Porter, Forescue Willoughby, son of Robert Tindal Porter, Esq., 3 Suffolk Square, Chel- tenham ; born nth January, 1846. Indian Civil Service, 1863 ; appointed to Bengal, 1865. Assistant-Magistrate and Collector, Rohil- cund, 1866-69 I Assistant Settlement Officer, Bareilly, 1869-72, and at Allahabad, 1872-78 ; Joint-Magis- trate and Deputy-Collector, Allahabad, 1878-83 ; in North-West Provinces, 1883-85 ; Deputy-Commis- sioner, North-West Provinces, 1885-87 ; Magistrate and Collector, North-West Provinces, 1887. Purchas, William Robert, son of Robert N. Purchas, Esq., 35 Clarence Square, Chelten- ham ; born 24th January, 1844. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1863-65. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1865 : Captain, 1878 ; Major, 1885. Ricketts, Frederick Augustus Dashwood, son of Colonel Ricketts, German Cottage, Chel- tenham ; born 3rd January, 1846. Rivett, Wilmot Warden Howard, son of — Rivett, Esq. ; born 26th August, 1850. Price. Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Navy, 1873 ; Retired, 1877. Now farming in California. [August, i860. Roberts, Frank, son of — Roberts, Esq. ; born loth March, 1844. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Marine Artillery, i86i ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; Captain, 1876 ; Brevet-Major, 1882; Major, 1886; Lieut. -Colonel, 1889. Robinson, Arthur Randolph, son of Charles Robinson, Esq., 8 Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, London ; born 7th January, 1845. Singleton, James Sydenham Fowke, son of Major-General John Henry Singleton, 6 Sandford Place, Cheltenham ; born 28th December, 1852. 12C — iC. Day Boy. Left 1869. King’s College, London ; Theological Associate, 1876. Ordained Deacon, 1876, and Priest, 1877. Curate of Leigh-on-Mendip and Vobster, Somerset, 1876-78 ; Vicar of Theale, Somerset, 1878. Address : Theale Vicarage, Weston-super-Mare. Skynner, Augustus Charles Gustavus, son of Major A. C. Skynner, Bradworthy, Devon ; born 4th July, 1844. Skynner, William Price, son of Major A. C. Skynner, Bradworthy, Devon ; born 25th December, 1845. Smith, Alfred Harrison, son of William Smith, Esq., Solicitor, Barnes Hall, near Sheffield ; born 17th June, 1845. Address ; The Horbury, Grenoside, Sheffield. Smith, Fulton McKerrill, son of — Smith, Esq. ; born 20th February, 1847. Smyly, John George, son of Major-General Philip Austin Smyly, 32 Imperial Square, Cheltenham ; born 15th April, 1850. Toye, William Hay, son of William Edward Toye, Esq., Solicitor, Chepstow ; born 2nd October, 1848. Was a Solicitor (admitted 1872), at Chepstow. Died at Chepstow, ist May, 1885. Viret, Edward Sydney, son of the Rev. Francis C. Viret, Nowshera, India ; born 15th July, 1847. Watson, Charles Sinclair, son of Stephen Wat- son, Esq., Rock Ferry, Cheshire; born 15th October, 1847. Williams, Edward, son of William Williams, Esq., Snatchwood House, Pontypool ; born 7th January, 1847. Gymnasium Champion, June 1864. Woods, Charles Henry, son of John A. Woods, Esq., Newcastle-on-Tyne ; born 30th January, 1849. Woods, Edward Hamilton, son of Hans Hamilton Woods, Esq., Whitestown House, Balbriggan, Ireland ; born 7th April, 1847. 9C — iC. Boyne House. Left 1866. Christ’s College, Cambridge. B.A., 1869. Late Lieutenant, Royal Meath Militia. J.P. and D. L. and High Sheriff of Co. Dublin, 1883. Address : Milverton Hall, Skerries, Co. Dublin ; Sackville Street Club, Dublin ; and Junior Carlton Club, London, S.W. Young, William Stewart, son of — Young, Esq. ; born 27th March, 1848. Michaki.mas, i860.] PRINCIPAL: REV. H. HIGHTON, M.A. 193 ENTERED MICHAELMAS, i860. Barrow, Frank, son of Colonel Lousada Barrow, C.B., Lucknow, India ; born 7th August, 1844. — 2W. Boyne House. Left June, 1862. Modern Football XX., 186 — . Cornet, 2nd Dra- goon Guards, 1863 ; Lieutenant, Bengal Staff Corps, 1867; Captain, 1875; Major, 1883; Lieut. -Colonel, i8go. Is Assistant-Commissioner, ist Grade, Bara BAnki, Oude. Barrow, Percy Harry Stanley, son of Colonel Lousada Barrow, C.B., Lucknow, India ; born 15th October, 1848. Boyne House. Cricket XL, 1866-67. Cornet, 19th Hussars, 1868 ; Lieutenant, 1870 ; Captain, 1875 ! Brevet- Major, 1879 ; Major, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1883 ; Colonel, 1885. Commandant, School of Instruction for Auxiliary Cavalry, Aldershot, 1874-77 : Brigade- Major, Curragh District, 1877-78 ; on Special Service, South Africa, 1878-79 ; Aide-de-Camp to General Officer Commanding Division, Aldershot, 1881 ; Brigade-Major, Cavalry Brigade, Aldershot, 1882-84. Served in the Zulu Campaign, South Africa, in 1879, in command of a Squadron of Mounted Infantry, and some Irregular Mounted Troops, and was pre- sent at the engagements at Inyezane and Ginghilovo — wounded (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, C.M.G., and Medal with clasp). Served under Sir Evelyn Wood in the Boer War of 1881, in command of Mounted Infantry. Served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 under Sir Gerald Graham with the 19th Hussars, and was present in the engagement at El Teb — dangerously wounded (men- tioned in despatches, C.B., Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star). Accompanied Sir Herbert Stewart in the autumn of 1884 in the Desert March from Korti for the relief of General Gordon at Khartoum, and was present at the battles of Abu-Klea and Abu- Kru (mentioned in despatches). On his return to Cairo, while tent-pegging, he re-opened the wound he had previously received at El-Teb, from the effects of which he died on the 13th January, 1886. His remains were at first interred at Cairo, but sub- sequently exhumed and brought to England, where they were laid to rest with full military honours in Saltwood Churchyard, near Hythe, Kent. Buckingham, James, son of the Rev. James Buckingham, Doddiscombleigh Rectory, near Chudleigh, Devon ; born 23rd March, 1843. 3C — 2C. Boyce. Left 1863. Classical Football XX., 1861-62. Major-Com- mandant, Sibsagar Mounted Rifles, 1884. Burland, Harry Harris, son of John B. H. Borland, Esq., New Court, Newent, Glouces- tershire ; born 4th April, 1846. Ensign, 85th Foot, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; Cap- tain, 1874. Died 1876. Collier, Thomas, son of William Collier, Esq., Eden Cottage, Dundee ; born 30th May, 1845. 4df — Civil M. Beaufort House. Left December, 1863. Football XX. , 1862-63. Is a Merchant in Dundee. Dickson, James Hector, son of Joseph Dickson, Esq., Drummally House, Co. Cavan, Ire- land ; born 28th December, 1848. Re- entered College Michaelmas, 1863. Francis, William, son of William Francis, Esq., Pershore, Worcestershire ; born 19th March, 1850. Exeter College, Oxford, 1873. B.A. , 1876; M.A., 1879. Ordained Deacon, 1877, and Priest, 1878. Curate of Bramfield, 1877-79 ; Rector of Athcrington, Devon, 1879-81 ; Chaplain of St. George's Hospital, London, 1881. Address : St. George’s Hospital, Hyde Park, London, W. Goldney, Frederick Charles Napier, son of Colonel Philip Goldney, Bengal Army ; born 9th September, 1849. Ensign, 26th Foot, 1869 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1874 ; Captain, 1881. Is Wing Commander, 43rd Bengal Native Infantry. Served in the Duffla Expedition, 1874-75; also in the Afghan War, 1879 (Medal). Goldney, Thomas Holbrow, son of Colonel Philip Goldney, Bengal Army; born loth October, 1847. Ensign, 96th Foot, June, 1867 ; transferred to nth Foot, October, 1867; Lieutenant, Bengal Staff Corps, 1869 : Captain, 1879 ; Major, 1887. Deputy- Assistant-Adjutant-General (Musketry), Bengal, 1883- 86. Is 2nd in Command and Wing Commander, 35th Bengal Native Infantry. Harle, James Heron, son of William L. Harle, Esq., Solicitor, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; born 24th November, 1847. Harle, John Robert, son of William L. Harle, Esq., Solicitor, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; born 24th April, 1846. Harrison, Henry Cheape, son of Thomas D. Harrison, Esq., Surgeon, H.E.I.C.S., 6 Paragon Parade, Cheltenham ; born 20th June, 1845. St. John’s College, Cambridge. B.A., 1874. Ordained Deacon, 1874, and Priest, 1875. Curate of Bramley, Yorkshire, 1871-77 ; of Ackworth, York- shire, 1877-79. Address : 9 Pitt Street, Portobello, N. B. Hedges, William Toovey, son of Charles Hedges, Esq., Newnham Murren, Oxford ; born 26th August, 1844. Highton, Alfred Charles, son of the Rev. Henry Highton, Principal of Cheltenham College ; born 22nd June, 1851. Queen’s College, Oxford, 1871. B.A. (4th Class Jurisprudence), 1875. Amateur Champion Heavy- Weight Bo.xer at Lillie Bridge in 1875. Subsequently took Holy Orders and was Ordained Deacon, 1881, and Priest, 1882. Curate of Goudhurst, Kent, 1881-83 ; of St. Jude, Upper Chelsea, 1883-84 ; of Christ Church, Westminster, 1884-86 ; of St. James, Ratcliffe, Middlesex, 1886-87; Universities Mission Curate at Tubweni, 1887. Address : Universities Mission, Zanzibar. Kilgour, Francis Stewart, son of John Stewart Kilgour, Esq., M.D., i Wolseley Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 15th September, 1849. Classical Football XX., 1867. Levert, Arthur, son of Joseph Adolphe Levert, Esq., Paris ; born 26th May, 1844. Monck, George Gustavus Frederick William, son of George Gustavus Monck, Esq., Guest- ling, near Hastings ; born 1 5th December, 1847 - Pass, John, son of — Pass, Esq. ; born 14th July, 1847. Rainy, George Haygarth, son of George Rainy, Esq., 9 Gloucester Crescent, Hyde Park, London ; born i8th March, 1845. Died on board his yacht "Gleam” at Corfu, 22nd March, 1872. C C CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [Michaelmas, i860. 194 Roberts, Henry Prescott, son of Josiah Roberts, Esq., Bays Hill Villa, Cheltenham ; born 20th September, 1846. M.B. (Edinburgh), 1868 ; M.D. , 1877. Licen- tiate, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, 1868. Late Resident Physician, Edinburgh Royal Infir- mary. Subsequently Surgeon, 9th Bombay Native Infantry. Served with the Malta-Cyprus Expedi- tionary Force, and in the Afghan War, 1880. Mem- ber of the British Medical Association. Has con- tributed papers to "The Lancet" and "Prac- titioner." Address ; 6 Eaton Gardens, Ealing, Middlesex. Roberts, Herbert Shenstone, son of Josiah Roberts, Esq., Bays Hill Villa, Cheltenham ; born 22nd July, 1845. Roberts, Walter, son of Colonel Howland Roberts, 9th Madras Native Infantry, Jan- luah, India ; born 9th May, 1846. Re-entry vide February, 1858. Rogers, George, son of — Rogers, Esq. ; born 8th February, 1845. Steuart, Charles Edward, son of Robert Steuart, Esq., of Carfin, 46 Moray Place, Edinburgh ; born 5th September, 1 846. Was in business for several years in Edinburgh. Died at Jedburgh, N.B. , 12th April, 1884. Taylor, Theodore Chapman, son of the Rev. John William Augustus Taylor, Headington Rectory, Oxford; born 26th August, 1845. Thomas, Charles Herbert, son of — Thomas, Esq. ; born loth March, 1846. Turton, Zouch Horace, son of Joseph Turton, Esq., London; born loth December, 1849. Magdalen Hall, O.xford, 1869. Chichester Theo- logical College, 1876. Ordained Deacon, 1877, and Priest, 1878. Curate of Christ Church, St. Leonards- on-Sea, 1877-79 ; Curate in charge of Long Stratton, Norfolk, 1879-80; of Roach Point, Ontario, Canada, 1880-82 ; Missionary at Lahaina, Hawaiian Islands, 1882-83 ; Curate of Hacldeton with Piddington, Northamptonshire, 1886. Address : Hackleton Vicarage, Northampton. ENTERED JANUARY, 1861. Armitage, Edward, son of the Rev. Edward H. Armitage, Farnley Lodge, Cheltenham ; born yth January, 1848. Atkins, Charles Smith, son of George Atkins, Esq., 18 Suffolk Square, Cheltenham; born 3rd March, 1850. Atkinson, Charles James, son of — Atkinson, Esq. ; born 3rd January, 1850. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1865. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A., 1872, M.A., 1878. Atkinson, Frederick, son of — Atkinson, Esq. ; born 15th January, 1848. Aubertin, Peter, son of the Rev. Peter Aubertin, Froyle, Alton ; born 2nd July, 1846. Rifle Corps XL , 1863. College Boat, 1864. Mo- dern Football XX., 1863. Ensign, 22nd Foot, 1865 ; Lieutenant, July, 1870 ; transferred to 2nd Dragoon Guards, August, 1870 ; Captain, 1871 ; Major, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1885. Bibby, Arthur Wilson, son of the Rev. Thomas Bibby, 33 Church Street, Leamington ; born loth February, 1846. Bontein, Courthope Sims, son of Major John Bontein, 6 Grosvenor Place, Cheltenham ; born 9th October, 1847. Bullock, George Mackworth, son of Thomas Henry Bullock, Esq., Indian Civil Service, Bombay ; born 15th August, 1851. — iC. Day Boy. Left Easter, 1870. Football XX., 1869. University College, Oxford, 1870-72. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1872. Sub-Lieutenant, nth Foot, 1872 ; Lieutenant, 1872 ; Captain, Devonshire Regiment, 1882. Passed Staff College, 1880 (passed a good examination in Geology as a voluntary subject). Brigade-Major, South-Eastern District, 1882-87. Burke, Francis Eustace, son of James St. George Burke, Esq., Q.C., The Auberies, near Sudbury, Suffolk ; born — . Chaplin, Charles Edward Pulteney, son of Frederick Chaplin, Esq., Tathwell Hall, Louth, Lincolnshire ; born 30th March, 1846. Died i8th May, 1869. Clarke, John Sheridan, son of Daniel Ames Clarke, Esq., Bowdon, Cheshire; born 22nd May, 1846. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1864-66. Lieutenant, Royal Artilleiy, 1866 ; Captain, 1878 ; Major, 1885 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1887. Clifford, Walter John, son of Henry John Clifford, Esq. ; born 7th March, 1842. Ensign, 68th Foot, April, 1861 ; Resigned, 1867. Served in the New Zealand War in 1864-65, and was present at attack on Gate Pah (Medal). Died 7th October, 1878. Collister, John George Henry, son of John Collister, Esq., 20 Parliament Street, West- minster, London ; born i6th Septenxber, 1844. Considine, William Napier, son of — Consi- dine. Esq. ; born 6th April, 1845. Dalton, James Cecil, son of Lieut.-General Charles James Dalton, R.A., Staindrop Hall, near Darlington ; born 31st August, 1848. — \M. Boyce. Left December, 1866. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1867-68. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1869 ; Captain, 1879 ; Major, 1885. Passed Staff College, 1882 (qualified in German as a voluntary subject, and in Russian, Spanish, and Landscape Drawing, as extra subjects). Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant and Quartermaster-Gene- ral, Gibraltar, 1883-87, and Cork District, March to August, 1887. Staff Captain (Intelligence), War Office, 1887-88 ; Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant-General, Intelligence Department, War Office, 1888. Served in the Afghan War in 1880 with the Force under Major-General Phayre in Southern Afghanistan (Medal). Is an Esquire of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Address : 50 Longridge Road, Earls Court, London, S.W. ; and Army and Navy Club, Pall Mall, London, S.W. de Lautour, Harry Archibald, son of Edward de Lautour, Esq., Indian Civil Service ; born 27th September, 1849. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1874. Dillon, Philip Gerald, son of the Hon. Constan- tine Augustus Dillon ; born 23rd January, 1848. January, i86i.] PRINCIPAL: REV. H. HICzHTON, M.A. 195 Eardley-Wilmot, Frederick Henry, son of Sir John Eardley Eardley-Wilmot, Bart., Wes- ton-super-Mare ; born 3rd March, 1846. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1865-67. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1867. Served in the Ashantcc War in 1873, was killed at the battle of Dunqtiah, 3rd November, 1873. Gabb, James Edward, son of Alfred William Gabb, Esq., Surgeon, Cheltenham ; born 3rd September, 1848. loC — 4C. Day Boy. Left June, 1864. St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, London. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1873. Licen- tiate, Royal College of Physieians, Edinburgh, and Licentiate in Midwifery, 1885. Late Medical Officer of Health, Charlton Kings Union District, and Assistant-Medical Officer, Sandywell Park Lunatic Asylum. Member of Society of Medical Officers of Health ; Bristol Medical Society, and British Medical Association ; Surgeon, Odd Fellows, Sick and Burial and other clubs. Address : The Willows, Darlaston. Gowan, George Clotworthy, son of George M. Gowan, Esq., 20 Beauchamp Square, Lea- mington ; born 27th May, 1850. Graham, Robert George, son of the Rev. John Graham, Hinxton Vicarage, near Saffron Walden ; born ist January, 1845. Granet, Augustus Charles, son of — Granet, Esq. ; born 26th May, 1847. Gray, John Casson, son of Thomas Gray, Esq. ; Spean Lodge, Inverness-shire ; born 8th August, 1845. Greenfield, Charles Bailey, son of James Green- field, Esq., 4 Paragon Buildings, Chelten- ham ; born i8th January, 1843. Hamilton, Archibald Henry, son of the Rev. James Hamilton, Swindon Lodge, near Cheltenham; born 22nd December, 1847. 7C — i“C. Birkett. Left June, 1867. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1862 ; Gold Medallist, 1866 ; Walker Prize, 1867. Football XX., 1864-66 ; Cricket XI. , 1866-67. Ladies’ Prize, Athletic Sports, 1867. Scholarship, Christ's College, Cambridge, 1867; B.A. (i6th in 3rd Class Classical Tripos, and 4th in and Class Law and History Tripos), 1871. Whewell Scholarship for International Law, 1872. LL.B., 1872 ; M.A., 1874. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1876. Appointed Puisne Judge of the Gold Coast Colony in 1873, but resigned same year on medical advice. J. P. for Co. Meath. Address: 8 St. James' Square, Manchester, and Ballymacoll, Dunboyne, Co. Meath, Ireland. Hampton, Wilfred Edward, son of Edward Charles Hampton, Esq., 38 Hans Place, Chelsea, London ; born 9th July, 1848. Hare, Richard Henry, son of the Hon. Henry Hare ; born 2nd October, 1845. Ensign, 13th Foot, 1865; Resigned, 1867. Died 22nd June, 1878. Herbert, Harry, son of Captain Henry Blizard Herbert, 7th Madras Native Infantry; born 5th August, 1846. Hobson, Edwin Alick, son of Robert Hobson, Esq., Leamington ; born 24th December, 1850. Hornidge, Montray, son of Robert Hornidge, Esq., Fardross, Clogher, Ireland ; born i8th April, 1845. Hubback, Charles Austen, son of — Hubback, Esq. ; bom 8th October, 1847. Innes, Reginald Gipps Long, son of J. Long Innes, Esq., 20 Gloucester Crescent, Hyde Park, London ; born 5th March, 1844. Emmanuel College, Cambridge. B.A., 1866. Ordained Deacon, 1868, and Priest, 1869. Curate of Christ Church, Blackfriars, London, 1868-72; of All Saints, Paddington, London, 1872-75 ; of Husband's Bosworth, Leicestershire, 1875-76 ; of Teddington, Middlesex, 1877-80; Vicar of Whitton, Middlesex, 1880. Address : Whitton Vicarage, Hounslow. Insole, George Frederick, son of J. H. Insole, Esq., Ely Court, Llandaff ; born i8th No- vember, 1847. Newick House. Is a Colliery Proprietor. Insole, James Walter, son of J. H. Insole, Esq., Ely Court, Llandaff ; born 6th January, 1845. Newick House. Is a Colliery Proprietor. James, Charles Leigh, son of — James, Esq. ; born 23rd October, 1846. Johnston, Currell Halliday, son of Captain Walter Johnston, Dumfries Militia, 5 Paragon Buildings, Cheltenham ; born 7th February, 1849 - Gymnasium Champion, 1866. Iredell Prize, 1866- 67. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1867-69 (Prize ; The Sword). Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1870. Died at San Remo, Italy, 30th March, 1879. Johnston, William Anderson, son of Captain Walter Johnston, Dumfries Militia, 5 Para- gon Buildings, Cheltenham ; born 14th Sep- tember, 1847. Ensign, 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers, 1866 ; Lieu- tenant, 1871. Served in the Ashantee War in 1873- 74, and died on board the transport " Victor Em- manuel,” 28th February, 1874. Lamotte, Henry John Lagier, son of John L. Lamotte, Esq., Solicitor, Oakley Place, near Windsor ; born loth October, 1847. Low, Alexander, son of James Low, Esq., Ding- wall, Dunse, N.B. ; born 23rd October, 1845. Called to the Scottish Bar (Advocate), 1870. Address : 8 Alva Street, Edinburgh. McDonell, .(Eneas Ranald, son of zEneas Ranald McDonell, Esq., Pittville House, Cheltenham ; born 5th December, 1847. Mackinnon, John, son of John Mackinnon, Esq., 97 Plymouth Grove, Manchester ; born 6th August, 1846. Moore, R. Campbell, son of R. W. Moore, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, i New Square, Lin- coln’s Inn, London ; born 3rd July, 1846. Perrott, Edmund Thomas Wigley, son of — Perrott, Esq. ; born 29th July, 1846. Preston, Henry Edward, son of Thomas Edward Preston, Esq., Coltishall, Norfolk ; born 15th May, 1847. 3JV — \M. CJmiery. Left June, 1865. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1865-67. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1868; Captain, 1879; Adjutant, 1883-84 ; Major, 1885. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1884. Pnien, George Griffiths, son of Septimus Co- nant Pruen, Esq., Solicitor, 30 Cambray, Cheltenham; born 7th September, 1851. — DC. Day Boy. Left October, 1870. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1864 ; Gold Medallist, 1869 and 1870; Silver Medallist, 1870; Walker Prize, 1869 and 1870. Head of Classical, December, 1870, and Senior Prefect. Classical Football XX. , 1869. Junior Studentship, Christ Church, Oxford, 1870 ; 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1872 ; 3rd Class Classical Final Schools, 1874. B.A., 1874; M.A., 1877. Assistant Master, Classical Department, Chel- 196 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, i86i. tenham College, 1875 ; Boarding House (Park House), 1879. Gloucestershire Football XV., 187 — . Is Honorary Local Secretary of the Cheltonian Society. Address ; Park House, Cheltenham. Purchas, Hugh Whittlesey, son of Robert N. Purchas, Esq., 35 Clarence Square, Chelten- ham ; born i8th March, 1847. Rees-Philipps, Herbert, son of James Rees- Philipps, Esq., Solicitor, 14 Cambray, Chel- tenham ; born i8th May, 1846. Gymnasium Champion, December, 1864. Schrei- ber Exhibition, 1865. Cambridge University (Non- Collegiate Student) ; Porson Prize, 1871 and 1872. B.A., 1874; M.A. , 1877. Address ; 9 Materson Road, West Kensington, London. Rees-Philipps, Sutherland, son of James Rees- Philipps, Esq., Solicitor, 14 Cambray, Chel- tenham; born nth October, 1847. 8 C — i'’C. I?aj/ Boy. Left December, 1865. Queen’s College,' Belfast, 1869-70, and Westmin- ster Hospital, London, 1870-71. M.D. (Queen's University, Ireland), and C.M. , 1871. Fellow, Medical Society of London ; and Member of various Medical Societies. Late Senior Assistant Medical Officer, Three Counties Asylum, Arlesey ; Assistant Medical Officer, Devon County Asylum ; Physician of Cheltenham Dispensary ; House Surgeon, Bel- grave Hospital for Children ; Assistant House Sur- geon, &c., Westminster Hospital; Medical Super- intendent, Wonford House Hospital for Insane, Exeter. Now Medical Superintendent, Hospital for Insane (Holloway Sanatorium), St. Ann’s Heath. Address : St. Ann’s Heath, Virginia Water, Surrey. Rees-Philipps, William, son of James Rees- Philipps, Esq., Solicitor, 14 Cambray, Chel- tenham ; born 30th June, 1849. Walker Prize, 1867. Riddle, Arthur Esmond, son of Major Joseph Esmond Riddle; born 12th November, 1852. XIP^^C — i*’C. Day Boy. Left Septem- ber, 1871. Football XX., 1870. Cricket XXII., 1870-71. Worcester College, Oxford, 1872. B.A. (3rd Class Theology), 1875 ; M.A., 1885. Ordained Deacon, 1875, and Priest, 1876. Curate of Madley, Here- fordshire, 1875-77; of All Saints, Clapton Park, Middlesex, 1878-79 ; of St. Anne, Soho, London, 1880 ; Perpetual Curate of Rydal, Westmoreland, 1880-86; Rector of Tadmarton, Oxford, 1886. Address : Tadmarton Rectory, Banbury. Rodbard, Reginald Henry, son of John Rod- bard, Esq., Aldwick Court, Wrington, near Bristol ; born 23rd October, 1847. Rodick, Robert Preston Birkett, son of — Rodick, Esq., born 6th May, 1850. Rifle Corps XL, 1867-68. Cheltenham Veterans Rifle V., 1876-77-85-86-89. Ensign, 7th Fusiliers, 1870; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Instructor of Musketry, January to September, 1880; Captain, Royal Fusiliers, 1880; Major, 1886. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1885. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, and was pre- sent in the engagement at Kokeran (mentioned in despatches), in the defence of Kandahar, and at the battle of Kandahar on ist September, 1880 (Medal with clasp). St. Quintin, William Astell, son of William St. Quintin, Esq., 21 Royal Parade, Chelten- ham ; born 2nd December, 1847. Sharp, William Frederick Ballance, son of the Rev. William Sharp, Ventnor, Isle of Wight ; born 8th December, 1845. Sharwood, Lindsay, son of — Sharwood, Esq. ; born 9th September, 1848. Smith, Charles Dunlop, son of the Rev. James Allan Smith, Shotley Rectory, Suffolk ; born 7th May, 1844. 3C — 2*C. Day Boy. Left 1863. Wadham College, Oxford, 1863. B.A., 1866; M.A. , 1870. Ordained Deacon, 1867, and Priest, 1868. Curate of Cheltenham, 1867-71 ; of Leo- minster, Sussex, 1871-73 ; of St. Mark, Brighton, 1873-75 ; Vicar of South Mailing, Sussex, 1875-81 ; Rector of Didsbury, Manchester, 1881. Address ; Didsbury Rectory, Manchester. Smith, Charles William, son of Captain Thomas Johnes Smith, Hoole Lodge, Chester ; born 1 6th April, 1845. Smith, Colin Mackenzie, son of William Smith, Esq., Solicitor, Barnes Hall, near Sheffield ; born 26th July, 1847. \oM — Line M. Bayly. Football XX., 186 — . Solicitor (admitted 1870). Address : Barnes Hall, near Sheffield. Still, John Nathaniel, son of Captain John Still, Axminster, Devon ; born 5th June, 1847. Swiny, William Molyneux Shapland, son of Captain Shapland Swiny, Sandford Lodge, Cheltenham; born 9th August, 1848. loC — Sandhurst M. Price. Left December, 1866. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1866-68. En- sign, 73rd Highlanders, 1868 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Instructor of Musketry, 1877-78 ; Captain, 1878 ; Retired, 1889. Was awarded a Testimonial on Vellum by the Royal Humane Society for ' ' having at personal risk rescued Mrs. Neville from drowning in the Basingstoke Canal, near Aldershot, on the 20th May, 1884.” Thornton, Armine Littledale, son of Edward Thornton, Esq., Cauldwell Priory, Bedford ; born 17th January, 1849. Treflfry, Harry, son of the Rev. Edward John Treffry, Place, Fowey, Cornwall ; born 8th March, 1848. Waller, Frederick William, son of Frederick S. Waller, Esq., Sandywell Park, near Chelten- ham ; born 25th July, 1847. Waller, Samuel Edmund, son of Frederick S. Waller, Esq., Sandywell Park, near Chel- tenham ; born i6th June, 1850. A celebrated Artist, and painter of the following well-known pictures, which have been exhibited at the Royal Academy : 1871, " A Winter’s Tale,” and ” The Illustrious Stranger"; 1872, ” Chacun A son gofit ” ; 1873, " Sunday in Iceland : Off to Church ’’ ; 1874, "Soldiers of Fortune,” and "The Valley of Thorsmark, Iceland"; 1873, "Jealous"; 1876, "The Way of the World”; 1877, "Home? There was no sign of home from parapet to basement ’’ ; 1878, "The King’s Banner"; 1879, "The Empty Saddle,” and " Portraits ; Golden-lion Monkeys, River Amazon, South America ” ; 1881, " Success ! ’’ ; 1882, "Sweethearts and Wives ’’ ; 1883, " The Day of Reckoning”; 1884, "The Orphans”; 1885, "Outward Bound”; 1886, "The Lady of the Lake," and "Peril”; 1887, "The Challenge"; 1888, "The Morning of Agincourt ” ; 1889, "In His Father’s Footsteps.” Williams, Edward, son of Edward Williams, Esq., Honeycombe, Tavistock ; born ist January, 1847. March, i86i.] PRINCIPAL : REV. H. HIGHTON, M.A. 197 ENTERED MARCH, i86r. Anstruther, Philip Morrison, son of Philip Anstriither, Esq., Coates, Petvvorth, Sussex ; born 23rd September, 1846. Jones, William Thomas, son of — Jones, Esq. ; born 1 8th November, 1847. Long, Edward Maitland, son of the Rev. Charles M. Long, Sethington, Malton ; born 19th February, 1848. Previously at Wellington College. Nepean, Molyneux Henry Dickenson, son of the Rev. Evan Nepean, Canon of Westmin- ster, 21 Bolton Street, London ; born 19th April, 1846. Modern Football XX., 1863. Ensign, 66th Foot, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; Resigned, i86g. Powell, Thomas Pery, son of Colonel Thomas S. Powell ; born 5th February, 1849. Summers, John Sutton, son of James Summers, Esq., Solicitor, Haverfordwest ; born 8th January, 1848. Trower, Francis Edward, son of Captain Fre- deric Courtney Trower, 25 Park Place, Chel- tenham ; born 3rd February, 1852. Left 1865. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1869-71 ; Lieu- tenant, 95th Foot, 1871 ; Instructor of Musketry, 1878-80 ; Captain, Derbyshire Regiment, 1880 ; Major, 1885. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1883-88. Trower, Manley Spottiswoode, son of Captain Frederic Courtney Trower, 25 Park Place, Cheltenham; born 6th November, 1844. Trower, Mark Richard, son of Captain Frederic Courtney Trower, 25 Park Place, Chelten- ham ; born nth June, 1848. Whidborne, George Ferris, son of the Rev. George Ferris Whidborne, The Parsonage, Hanley, Staffordshire ; born 6th August, 1845. Re-entry vide February, 1855. Williams, Charles Owen, son of Edward Williams, Esq., M.D., Wrexham ; born 4th October, 1845. ENTERED AUGUST, i86r. Abercrombie, Alexander, son of John Aber- crombie, Esq., M.D., 13 Suffolk Square, Cheltenham; born loth December, 1849. Merchant in Bombay. Address : Care of Messrs. Latham, Abercrombie, and Co. , Bombay. Anderson, James Drummond, son of Dr. James Anderson, Deputy-Inspector-General of Hos- pitals, Indian Army ; born iith November, 1852. Archer, Frank Brittin, son of Thomas G. Archer, Esq., Solicitor, King’s Lynn ; born 30th April, 1846. Bacon, Robert Charles Joseph, son of William Bacon, Esq., 4 Osborne Villas, Chelten- ham ; born 2nd December, 1850. Bamber, Arthur Lloyd Cochrane, son of — Bamber, Esq. ; born 22nd September, 1847. Basevi, George Walter, son of — Basevi, Esq. ; born 7th August, 1845. Previously at Radley College. Boyce, Arthur Courtney Woollcombe, son of the Rev. William Boyce, The Priory, Chelten- ham ; born 19th April, 1852. Re-entered College August, 1866, and August, 1869. Sub-Lieutenant, 49th Foot, 1873 ; Lieutenant, 1873 ; Resigned, 1876. Brancker, John Houghton, son of John Hough- ton Brancker, Esq., 9 Bays Hill Terrace, Cheltenham; born loth August, 1848. Previously at Rossall School, 1855-61. Bridge, Herbert de Bohun, son of Captain Cyprian Bridge, 10 Promenade Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 30th July, 1849. Bromley, Thomas, son of Thomas Bromley, Esq., Bombay ; born i6th August, 1848. Bromley, William, son of Thomas Bromley, Esq., Bombay ; born 13th October, 1850. Buckworth, Thomas Holford, son of the Rev. Thomas Everard Buckworth, Norbury Rec- tory, Salop ; born 31st January, 1851. 12 C — iiC. Bayly. Left 1863. Lichfield Theological College, 1872. Ordained Deacon, 1874, and Priest, 1875. Curate of Leigh with Bransford, Worcestershire, 1874-75 ; Rector of Evenlode, Worcestershire, 1875-77; Curate of Nether- bury with Solway Ash, Dorset, 1877 ; of Lustleigh, Devon, i878-8r ; of Belstone, Devon, 1881-83; Rec- tor of Belstone, 1883-86; Rector of East Worlington, Devon, 1886. Address : East Worlington Rectory, West Mor- chard, Devon. Burland, Kenelm Harris, son of John B. H. Borland, Esq., New Court, Newent, Glou- cestershire. Cautley, Proby Littler, son of Colonel George Cautley, 5th Bengal Cavalry, Mean Meer, India; born 25th December, 1845. Scholarship, Gonville and Caius College, Cam- bridge, 1868; B.A. (34th Wrangler), 1871; M.A., 1880. Ordained Deacon, 1871, and Priest, 1872. Curate of Dennington, Suffolk, 1871-73 ; Vicar of Cratfield, Suffolk, 1873-77 1 Vicar of Southwold, Suffolk, 1877. Address; Southwold Vicarage, W.angford, Suffolk. Cobham, Edward, son of Alexander Cobham, Esq., Shinfield Grange, near Reading ; born 17th October, 1847. Rifle Corps XL , 1864. Cole, Charles Christopher, son of Thomas Christopher Cole, Esq., Woodview, Innis- hannon, Co. Cork, Ireland; born 15th May, 1844. Ensign, 80th Foot, 1864 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Cap- tain, 1879 ; Retired, 1882. Served with a detatch- ment of the 80th Regiment in the Perak Expedition in 1875-76 (Medal with clasp). Served with the 8oth Regiment during the latter part of the Zulu War in 1879 (Medal with clasp). Crompton, Charles Arthur, son of Colonel William J. Crompton, The Manor House, Swindon, near Cheltenham ; born 21st Oc- tober, 1848. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1864 ; Silver (Ma- thematical) Medallist, 1866 ; Walker Prize, 1866. Head of Modern, June, 1866. Modern Football XX., 1865. English Football XI. (Association), 1871. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1866-68. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1869. Died in Bengal, East Indies, 6th July, 1875. [August, i86i. 198 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Crookenden, Henry Humphreys, son of Henry Crookenden, Esq., Cannes ; born 7th Sep- tember, 1844. 7 .M — 2M. Southwood. Left 1862. Modern Football XX., 1861. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1863-65. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1866 ; Captain, 1878 ; Major, 1884. Su- perintendent of Gymnasia at Woolwich, 1875-77. Pasted Staff College, 1880 (passed a very good e.xa- mination in German as a voluntary subject). Instruc- tor of Military Drawing and Reconnaissance, Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1883-86. Appointed Secretary to the Royal Artillery Institution, Wool- wich, 1886. Served in the Zulu War in 1879, and was present at the battle of Ulundi (Medal with clasp). Address ; Care of Messrs. Cox and Co., 16 Char- ing Cross, London, S.W. Deane, Christopher Page, son of — Deane, Esq. ; bom 25th April, 1851. Dicken, George Perry, son of W. S. Dicken, Esq., Bengal Medical Service, Sealkote, Punjab ; born 5th January, 1848. Previously at the Charterhouse, 1860-61. Went to Queensland, Australia. Dickson, Francis John, son of Joseph B. Dick- son, Esq., Solicitor, Preston ; born 15th November, 1847. 8C — i“C. Turnbull. Left June, 1866. Rifle Corps XL, 1865. Football XX., 1865. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. (24th in 3rd Class Classical Tripos), 1870; M.A., 1873. Or- dained Deacon, 1871, and Priest, 1872. Tutor at St. Columba College, Dublin, 1871-72 ; Curate of Christ Church, Preston, 1872-76; Rector of Bisp- ham, Lancashire, 1876-85 ; Rector of Ribchester with Stydd, Lancashire, 1885. Address ; Ribchester Rectory, Preston. Dixon, Reginald Bainbridge, son of William Dixon, Esq., Southport, Lancashire ; born 23rd June, 1848. Du Pre, Cornelius Samuel Walter Hodgson, son of the Rev. Samuel Du Prd, Highley Vicarage, Bridgnorth ; born ist December, 1850. Ellis, William Francis Rosslewin, son of the Rev. Fitzhenry William Ellis, Umballa, India; born 2nd February, 1851. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A., 1875; M.A. , 1878. Called to the Bar, Middle Temple, 1877. Assistant-Master, King's College School, London, 1878. Address : 35 Palace Gardens Terrace, Lon- don, W. Fairclough, Alfred Anderson, son of Thomas C. Fairclough, Esq., 3 Montague Place, Cheltenham ; born 22nd March, 1851. Fairclough, Drummond Anderson, son of Thomas C. Fairclough, Esq., 3 Montague Place, Cheltenham; born 17th May, 1849. Fairclough, Thomas Charles, son of Thomas C. Fairclough, Esq., 3 Montague Place, Cheltenham; born 15th June, 1846. Fife, Aubone George, son of William Henry Fife, Esq., Wykeham Abbey, York ; born 1st February, 1847. Ensign, 53rd Foot, 1866 ; Lieutenant, 1869 ; In- structor of Musketry, 1874-75 : transferred to 5th Lancers, 1875 ; Captain, 6th Dragoon Guards, 1878 ; Major, 1883 ; Lieut.-Colonel (Retired), 1884. Adju- tant, Auxiliary Forces, 1872-84. Is Colonel, Mont- gomeryshire Yeomanry Cavalry. Appointed to Her Majesty’s Royal Body Guard, 1887, Served with the Carabineers in the Afghan War in 1879-80, with the Khyber Division of the Kabul Field Force, and took part in the expeditions against Armatulla Khan in the Lughman 'Valley, and against the Wuzeeree Khugianis ; was also present at the attack and de- struction of the villages of Nargozi, Arab Kheyl, and Jokan, and in the engagement at Nargashai (Medal). Granted a step of honorary rank for Field Service. Fife, William Henry, son of William Henry Fife, Esq., Wykeham Abbey, York ; born 1 8th September, 1845. Flemyng, William Westropp, son 'of the Rev. Robert Flemyng, 5 Conyngham Road, Dub- lin ; born 13th May, 1849. 12C — 4C. Chenery. Left 1865, Trinity College, Dublin. B.A. (First Honours in Classics and Honours in Logic), 1871 ; M.A., 1874. Called to the Irish Bar (King’s Inns, Dublin), 1873, and to the English Bar (Middle Temple), 1875. Sub- sequently took Holy Orders, and was Ordained Deacon, 1880, and Priest, 1881. Curate of Clove- gam, Co. Waterford, 1880-83 ! Rector of Clonegam since 1883. Address : Coolfin House, Portlavv, Co. Water- ford, Ireland. Foster, James John, son of James Thomas Foster, Esq., Mount Bernard, Glantune, Co. Tipperary, Ireland ; born 15th Novem- ber, 1846. Fowke, Theodore William Hanbury, son of Thomas H. Fowke, Esq., Surgeon, Wolver- hampton ; born 9th F ebruary, 1 848. Freeman, Gadefroi, son of J. Freeman, Esq., Glenlee Lodge, Cheltenham ; born — May, 1850. Fuller, Charles Fearon, son of Colonel Charles Boulder Fuller, Bombay Army, Kirkee, Bombay ; born 4th July, 1848. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1866-68. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1868 ; Captain, 1881 ; Retired, 1882. Fuller, George Charles, son of Colonel Charles Boulder Fuller, Bombay Army, Kirkee, Bombay ; born 19th September, 1852. Sub-Lieutenant, 41st Foot, 1872 ; transferred to 3rd Hussars, 1873 ; Lieutenant, 1873 ; Captain, 1881 ; Paymaster, Army Pay Department, 1882. Fuller, Henry Snelson Ahmuty, son of Colonel Charles Boulder Fuller, Kirkee, Bombay ; born 27th March, 1851. Ensign, 8th Foot, 1870; Lieutenant, 1871; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1874; Captain, 1882. Is As- sistant-Commisaiy-General, 4th Class, Aden. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, and accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march from Kabul to the relief of Kandahar (Medal and Bronze Star). Gabb, Cecil Rutherford Hondley, son of David Hondley Gabb, Esq., Surgeon, 18 Welling- ton Square, Hastings; born nth June, 1848. Gaskell, Peter, son of — Gaskell, Esq.; born 14th January, 1846. Gosset, Philip Henry, son of Major Arthur Gosset, R.A., Eltham, Kent; born 5th April, 1845. 4C — Direct M. Boyne House. Left December, 1863. Was a Planter in Virginia, United States of America, 1873-78, and afterwards returned to Eng- land. Greenfield, William Crawshay, son of James Greenfield, Esq., 4 Paragon Buildings, Chel- tenham ; born 8th January, 1851. Guthrie, Alexander, son of James Guthrie, Esq., 8 Upper Wimpole Street, London ; born loth May, 1850. Football XX.. 1868 : Cricket XL, 1869. Trinity August, 1861.] PRINCIPAL: REV. H. HIGHTON, M.A. 199 College, Cambridge. Went out to Singapore. Straits Settlements. Died in London, 9th January, 1879. Guthrie, John, son of David Guthrie, Esq., Brechin ; born 4th October, 1845. Harries, George Augustus, son of George Augustus Harries, Esq., Hilton, Haverford- west ; born 14th April, 1847. Hennell, Arthur Reginald, son of Colonel Samuel Hennell, Springfield, Charlton Kings ; born 27th March, 1849. Ensign, 37th Foot, 1868 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; In- structor of Musketry, 1880-81 ; Captain, Hampshire Regiment, 1881. Adjutant, Au.\iliary Forces, 1885. Hennell, William Frederick, son of Colonel Samuel Hennell, Springfield, Charlton Kings; born 27th October, 1850. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Ensign, 36th Foot, 1870; Lieutenant, 1871; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1874, and was appointed Officiating Wing Subaltern, 23rd Pioneers, in 1874, and Officiating Squadron Subaltern, ist Punjab Cavalry, 1875. Served in the Afghan War, in 1879 ; took part in the March to Kandahar, and was present at the action of Takht-i-pul. Died of cholera at Kandahar, 22nd July. 1879. Hippisley, Frederic Thomas, son of John Hip- pisley. Esq., Ston Easton, near Bath ; born 28th April, 1847. Hoggan, Edward, son of — Hoggan, Esq.; born I ith Jannary, 1851. Jenkins, Thomas Morris, son of Major T. A. Jenkins, 6 Oxford Parade, Cheltenham; born 6th September, 1846. Ensign, 99th Foot, March, 1866 ; transferred to 19th Foot, April, 1866 ; Lieutenant, Madras Staff Corps, 1869 ; Captain, 1878 ; Major, 1886. Is Deputy-Commissioner, 4th Grade, Burmah. Knowles, William Pitcairn, son of William Pitcairn Knowles, Esq., Rotterdam ; born i8th September, 1845. Civil M — Civil M. Newick House and Butler. Left 1 863. Football XX., 186—. Lewes, Clifton, son of Captain V. L, Lewes, Glanbrane Park, Llandovery ; born 28th March, 1849. Lloyd, Graham Moore, son of — Lloyd, Esq. ; born 28th January, 1846. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1864-66 ; Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1867 ; Captain, 1880 ; Retired, 1880. Macdonald, Grant William, son of Major- General William Pitt Macdonald, Paymaster General, Madras ; born 24th October, 1846. Sandhurst M — M. Cooke. St. Mary Hall, 0 .xford, 1865. B.A. , 1872. Or- dained Deacon, 1871, and Priest, 1872. Curate of Holbeach, Lincolnshire, 1871-79; Vicar of St. Mark, Holbeach, 1879. Author of “ Historical Notes re- lating to the Parishes of Batcombe and Spargrove with Upton-Noble," 1865 ; "A Brief Account of the Parish of Holbeach and its Church of All Saints,” 1878 ; &c. Address : St. Mark's Vicarage, Holbeach. Middleton, John Henry, son of John Middle- ton, Esq., 13 York Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 5th October, 1846. Exeter College, 0 .xford, 1865. B.A. ,18 — ; M.A., 18 — . Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. Ap- pointed Slade Professor of Fine Art at Cambridge University, 1886, re-elected, 1889. Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge, 1888. Partner in the firm of Messrs. Middleton, Prothero, and Phillott, Archi- tects, Cheltenham. Address : King’s College, Cambridge ; and 13 Promenade, Cheltenham. Money, Rowland Ernie Gambler, son of Row- land Money, Esq., Bengal Civil Service, Allahabad, India ; born i6th September, 1850. Demyship, Magdalen College, Oxford, 1868. Montresor, Edward Henry Hopton, son of Edward Montresor, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 8th May, 1851. Sub-Lieutenant, 38th Foot, 1872 ; transferred to 8th Foot, 1873 ; Lieutenant, 1873 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1876; Captain 1885. Is Squadron Com- mander, 4th Bengal Cavalry. Moysey, Henry Luttrell, son of the Rev. Frede- rick Luttrell Moysey, Vicarage House, Sid- mouth ; born loth December, 1849. In Ceylon Civil Service. Palmer, Charles Pett, son of Charles Palmer, Esq., M.D., Calcutta, East Indies ; born 14th September, 1848. Pope, William, son of William Pope, Esq., Spencecoombe, Coplestone, Devon ; born 23rd April, 1851. Power, George Kendal, son of Sir J ohn Power, Bart., Kilfane, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland ; born 24th December, 1846. Preston, Arthur Thomas, son of Thomas Ed- ward Preston, Esq., Coltishall, Norfolk ; born 1 8th December, 1848. Chenery. Left December, 1865. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1866-68. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1868 ; Captain, 1881 ; Major, 1887. Instructor in Submarine Mining, School of Military Engineering, Chatham, since 1886. Rae, George Bentham, son of George Rae, Esq., Hereford; born 5th February, 1846. Richards, Charles Frederick, son of — Richards, Esq. ; born 5th April, 1846. Salmond, Richard Arthur, son of James Sal- mond. Esq., Laughton Hall, Alfreton ; born 1 6th June, 1847. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1866-68. Lieutenant. Royal Artillery, 1868 ; Resigned, 1873. Sandys, Reginald Melvill, son of the Rev. Claudius Sandys, India ; born 23rd May, 1846. Singleton, Reginald Corbet, son of Henry Cor- bet Singleton, Esq., Aclare House, Ardee, Ireland ; born 19th March, 1847. Ensign, 71st Foot, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1868 ; In- structor of Musketry, July to November, 1875 ; Cap- tain, 1875 ; Major, Highland Light Infantry, 1881. Smith, Albert James, son of James Smith, Esq., Barton Cottage, Malton ; born 15th Decem- ber, 1844. Smith, Charles John Moncrieff, son of Robert Maidstone Smith, Esq., M.D., 2 Adelaide Terrace, Exmouth ; born 8th September, 1846. Smith, John Thornton, son of James Smith, Esq., Barton Cottage, Malton ; born 25th December, 1845. Worcester College, Oxford, 1864. Was killed while out hunting with the York and Ainsty Hounds, i8th March, 1871. Spence, Michael Ramsay, son of Major James Knox Spence, Seetabuldee, Nagpore, India ; born loth February, 1850. Re-entry vide January, 1859. Stawell, George Dodsworth, son of Jonas Stawell, Esq., George Street, Devonport ; 200 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, i86i. born 14th July, 1849. XI'°C — 4® A/. Turn- bull. Left October, 1865. Ensign, 15th Foot, May, 1868 ; transferred to nth Foot, July, 1868 ; Lieutenant, 1870 ; Captain, De- vonshire Regiment, 1880 ; Adjutant, 1882-85 ; Major, 1885. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1885-87. Passed Staff College, 1889. Strachan, George, son of Henry S. Strachan, Esq., 3 Grosvenor Villas, Upper Holloway, London ; born 21st November, 1850. Chris- towe. Left 1 870. Football XX., 1867, Captain, 1868-69. Cricket XL, 1868-69, Captain, 1870. Ladies' Prize (Athletic Sports), 1870. Racquet Pair, 1870. Played for Gen- tlemen V. Players at Cricket, 187 — , and was captain of the Surrey XL , 1 87 — . Isa Stockbroker in London. Struve, Arthur Llewellyn, son of William P. Struvd, Esq., Coed Park, Taibach, Glamor- ganshire ; born 28th October, 1849. Was killed during the great earthquake at the Island of Ischia, off Naples, in September, 1883. Summers, William Thomas, son of James Sum- mers, Esq., Solicitor, Haverfordwest ; born 29th July, 1849. XII M — Civil M. Chenery. Left December, 1867. Ensign, 13th Foot, 1869 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Re- signed, 1874. Taylor, George Robert, son of George Taylor, Esq., 10 Royal Parade, Cheltenham ; born 14th December, 1844. Throsby, Herbert Nicholas, son of Charles Throsby, Esq., Throsby Park, Berrima, New South Wales, Australia ; born 20th October, 1845. Cricket XL , 1863-64. Trevithick, Richard Francis, son of Francis Trevithick, Esq., Penzance; born iith De- cember, 1845. Turner, Arthur Whichcote, son of the Rev. Charles Michael Turner, Tong, near Leeds ; born loth October, 1848. Unsworth, William, son of John Unsworth, Esq., The Thorne, near Penrith ; born 14th October, 1846. Vowell, Christopher Henry, son of Christopher M. Vowell, Esq., Surgeon, Minster House, Cheltenham ; born 23rd January, 1846. Indian Civil Service, 1865 ; appointed to Bengal, 1867. Assistant-Magistrate and Collector, Jessore, 1868-69; at Chumparum, 1869: at Tirhoot, 1869-70: at Patna, 1870 ; at Moorshedabad, 1870-71 ; and at Shahabad, 1871-78. Joint-Magistrate and Collector, Rajshahye, 1878 ; Joint-Magistrate and Deputy-Col- lector, Mozufferpore, 1878-83, and in Bengal, 1883-84; Magistrate and Collector, Bengal, 1884. Warren, Alfred, son of — Warren, Esq.; born 29th December, 1845. Warren, Charles Harris, son of Robert Warren, Esq.; born 27th March, 1847. 9^ — Beaufort House. Left 1865. Football XX., 186—. Solicitor (admitted 1871). Address : 45 Bloomsbury Square, London, W.C. Watts, Edmund Harry, son of Edmund T. Watts, Esq. ; born loth January, 1849. Football XX., 1868. Webb, Thomas Bulkeley Knight, son of Lieut.- Colonel Thomas Webb, The Barrow, Led- bury ; born 21st July, 1848. Whinyates, Charles Elidor, son of Major-Gene- ral Whinyates, R.E., 4 Blenheim Parade, Cheltenham ; born 24th June, 1845. entry vide August, 1855. Wood, Andrew Goldie, son of the Rev. Thomas Wood, Andover Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 4th January, 1850. ENTERED MICHAELMAS, 1861. Behan, George Barrington, son of — Behan, Esq.; born 15th November, 1847. Ensign, 19th Foot, 1867 ; Lieutenant, 1870 ; Re- signed, 1873. Budgen, George, son of Major-General Thomas Budgen ; born 23rd November, 1848. Burningham, Bernard Thomas, son of Henry Burningham, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Froyle House, near Alton, Hampshire ; born 7th June, 1846. de Lautour, Bertrand Edgar, son of Edward de Lautour, Esq., Bengal Civil Service, Calcutta ; born i8th May, 1851. Fisher, Charles Armstrong, son of Major Good- ricke Armstrong Fisher, ist Bengal Native Infantry ; born 14th July, 1847. Hanson, James Moore, son of Richard Charles Hanson, Esq., i Burlington Buildings, Red- land, Bristol ; born iith November, 1846. Ensign, 99th Foot, 1866 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Cap- tain, 1877 ; Major, Wiltshire Regiment, 1888. Served with the 99th Regiment throughout the Zulu War of 1879, and was present in the engagement at Gin- ghilovo (Medal with clasp). James, Christopher, son of John William James, Esq., Russell Place, Swansea ; born 3rd October, 1846. fM — i®A/. Newick House. Left June, 1864. Cricket XXII, 186 — ; Modern Football XX., t 186 — . Head of Modern, June, 1861, Passed ist in Order of Merit into the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1864, but did not proceed there. Scholarship, Gonville and Caius College, Cam- bridge, 1865: B.A. (nth Wrangler), 1868; M.A., 1871. Fellow of Gonville and Caius, 1868. Called to the Bar, Lincoln’s Inn, 1870 ; Secretary to Lord Justice James, 1873-81 ; Secretary in Lunacy to the Lords Justices of Appeal, 1883. Address : ii New Square, Lincoln’s Inn, W.C. Jones, Charles Rainier, son of Lieut.-Colonel E. Jones, Knolton Hall, Overton, Flintshire ; born 8th April, 1 846. Re-entry vide August, 1857. Lindesay, Henry George, son of — Lindesay, Esq. ; born 3rd December, 1843. Martin, Gerald Ward, son of — Martin, Esq. ; born 29th May, 1847. Ensign, 88th Connaught Rangers, 1867 ; Lieu- tenant, Bengal Staff Corps, 1871 ; Captain, 1879 ; Major, 1887. Is Assay Master, Bombay Mint. Served in the Afghan War of 1879-80 with the Kurum and Kabul Field Forces, and was present in the actions of Killi-Kazi, Ali Kheyl, Karej-i-Mir, and in the Chardeh Valley ; attack on the Asmai Heights and defence of Sherpur (mentioned in des- patches, Medal with clasp). Served in the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in 1881. Meire, Thomas Lockley, son of Thomas Lockley Meire, Esq., Cound Arbour; born iith March, 1846. College Boat, 1864. 201 MtcitAEiAfAS, i86r.] PRINCIPAL: REV. H. IIICxHTON, M.A. Onslow, Gerald Charles Penrice, son of Colonel Arthur Walton Onslow, Bengal Army, Wel- lington Lawn, Cheltenham ; born yth Feb- ruary, 1853. 12C — \^M. Day Boy. Left 1871. Football XX., 1870: Ladies’ Prize (Athletic .Sports), 1871 ; Head of Modern, June, 1871. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1872-73. Winner of Silver Bugle (Athletic Sports), and Prize for Chem- istry and Physics. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1873 ; Captain, 1885. Assistant-Principal of the Thomason College, Roorkee, 18 — . Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, and was present in the engagement at Charasiah on the 6th October, 1879, and in the operations round Kabul in December, 1879, including the storming of the Asmai Heights (mentioned in despatches, Medal with two clasps). Onslow, Herbert Arthur Walton, son of Colonel Arthur Walton Onslow, Bengal Army, Wel- lington Lawn, Cheltenham ; born 8th Octo- ber, 1851. Naval Cadet, 1864 ; Midshipman, Royal Navy, 1867 ; Sub-Lieutenant, 1871 ; Lieutenant, 1875 ; Commander, 1888. Is Commander on H.M.S. “ Britannia,” Dartmouth. Ramsay, Bertin, son of Sir Alexander Ramsay, Bart., 2 Montpellier Parade, Cheltenham ; born 13th October, 1850. In business. Address: Appleton, Wisconsin, United States of America. Sandilands, Edward Vincent, son of Major- General P. Sandilands, R.A., Hythe, Kent ; born 5 th April, 1847. Drowned in the P'iji Islands, 24th January, 1871. Sherwill, Markham Eeles Teynham, son of Colonel Markham E. Sherwill, Cleeve House, Yatton, near Bristol ; born i6th May, 1847. Ensign, 104th Foot, 1866; Lieutenant, 1869: Captain, 1879; Retired, 1881. Singer, George Hamilton, son of George Singer, Esep, Sandley, Gillingham, Bath ; born 13th April, 1845. 4*’Af — \'°M. Southwood and Leighton. Left 1864. Ensign, loth Foot, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1869 ; In- structor of Musketry, 1871-78; Captain, 1878; Pay- master, Army Pay Department, 1880; Hon. Major, 1885. Served with the 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment, throughout the Egyptian War of 1882 (Medal and Khedive’s Star). Smedley, Walter, son of George Smedley, Esq., Woodlands, St. Aryans, Chepstow ; born i6th June, 1847. Jelfs AXiA. Inchbald. Address : Gaer Hill, Chepstow. ENTERED JANUARY, 1862. Allsopp, Ranulph, son of Henry Allsopp, Esq. (afterwards ist Lord Hindlip), Hindlip Hall, Worcester ; born 27th July, 1848. Modern Football XX., 1865-66. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1867-69. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1869; Captain, 1880; Major, 1885; Retired, 1889. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with clasp, 4th Class Medjidie, and Khedive’s Star). Address : Hindlip Hall, Worcester. Aspinall, William Wareing, son of Joseph Aspinall, Esq., Clifton House, Birkenhead ; born 7th August, 1847. Biggs, Thomas Hesketh, son of Lieut.-Colonel Thomas Biggs, Belgaum, Bombay ; born 4th June, 1848. Borrowes, Kildare, son of Major Sir Erasmus Dixon Borrowes, Bart, Templemore, Ire- land; born 2ist September, 1852. 12C — Sandhurst M. Christowe. Left December, 1871. Cricket XL, 1870 ; Captain, 1871. Football XX., 1870 ; Captain, 1871. Lieutenant (from Militia), iith Hussars, 1874; Captain, 1880; Major, 1886. Aide-de-Camp to the Duke of Marlborough, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1879-80. In Middlesex Cricket XL, 1882. Brett, Cleveland Augustus, son of Major-General J. T. Brett, Alba Villa, Cheltenham ; born 8th December, 1848. Ensign, 75th Foot, July, i868 ; transferred to 76th Foot, August, 1868 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Captain, West Riding Regiment, 1879 ; Major, 1883. Bridge, Cyprian Wynyard, son of Colonel Cyprian Bridge, 10 Promenade Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 17th January, 1846. Carnegie, Claud Cathcart Strachan, son of John Rennie Strachan Carnegie, Esq., Seaton House, Arbroath ; born oth December, 1849 - Lord of Barony of Tarrie. Late Major, 5th Brigade, Scottish Division, Royal Artillery (Militia). J.P. for Forfarshire. Address: Seaton House, Arbroath, N.B. Chambers, Charles Campbell, son of William Chambers, Esq., Hafod, Cardiganshire; born 15th August, 1850. Cochrane, William George, son of Rupert J. Cochrane, Esq. ; born 12th January, 1846. Copland, Charles, son of — Copland, Esq. ; born 27th September, 1851. Corbett, Edward Wortley Montagu, son of John Stuart Corbett, Esq., Cogan Pill, near Cardiff; born 20th July, 1849. Bayly. Left 1865. Civil Engineer. Corbett, Matthew Ridley, son of the Rev. Andrew Corbett, South Willingham, Wragby; born 20th May, 1850. loM — . Boyne House. Left 1869. Football XX., 1868 ; Cricket XXII., 1868 ; Senior Prefect, 1868. A well-known Artist. Has had the following pictures exhibited at the Royal Academy : 1875, “Lady Slade” and “A Portrait”; 1877, “Mrs. Heneage Wynne-Finch” ; 1879, “Lady Clay”; 1882, “A Nubian Girl”; 1883, “In the Sacred Grove”; 1885, “Handel Cossham, Esq.”; 1887, “ A Stormy Evening : Redesdale.” Address : 33 Tite Street, Chelsea, London, S.W. Dashwood, Frederick, son of the Rev. Samuel Vere Dashwood, Stanford Hall, Lough- borough ; born loth October, 1849. Denny, Cecil Edward, son of the Rev. Robert Denny, 4 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 14th December, 1850. Drummond, Arthur William Berney, son of — Drummond, Esq. ; born 4th October, 1848. Edgeworth, Roger, son of Thomas Edgeworth, Esq., Solicitor, Wrexham ; born 13th May, May, 1849. D D 202 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1862. Ordained Deacon, 1881, and Priest, 1883. Curate of Castle Combe, Wiltshire, 1881-83 ; of Hartpury, Gloucestershire, 1883-86 ; of St. Mary, Bury St. Edmunds, 1886-88 ; Rector of Hooke, Dorset, 1886. Address : Hooke Rectory, Beaminster. Edgeworth, Thomas John, son of Thomas Edgeworth, Esq., Solicitor, Wrexham ; born 8th December, 1850. Bayly. Solicitor (admitted 1874). Address : Eastbourne, Sussex. Evans, Hamilton Archibald, son of Nicholas Evans, Esq., Newtown, Doneraile, Ireland ; born 7th December, 1847. Evans, James Fothergill, son of James Evans, Esq., Solicitor, Larkfield, Chepstow ; born 7th November, 1851. Cricket XI., 1868 ; Football XX., 1868. Fountaine, Thomas St. George, son of Thomas Fountaine, Esq. ; born 7th May, 1846. Fowke, Frank Rede, son of Captain Francis Fowke, R.E., Park House, South Kensington, London ; born 17th March, 1847. Previously at Eton College. Francis, Robert, son of William Francis, Esq., Surgeon ; born ist April, 1851. Gastrell, Henry Eardley, son of Lieutenant- General James Eardley Gastrell ; born 22nd February, 1849. Goodlake, Thomas Surman, son of the Rev. Thomas William Goodlake, Swindon Rec- tory, near Cheltenham ; born 20th June, 1847. Previously at Marlborough College (October, 1858 — December, 1861). Silver (Classical) Medallist, 1865 ; Head of Classical, June, 1865. Scholarship, Balliol College, Oxford, 1865 ; 1st Class Classical Moderations, 1867 ; 2nd Class Classical Final Schools, 1870. Called to the Bar, Lincoln's Inn, 1878. Address ; Swindon Hall, near Cheltenham ; and Lay Court, Westbury-upon-Severn. Goodlake, William Henry Garrard, son of the Rev. Thomas William Goodlake, Swindon Rectory, near Cheltenham ; born 25th Octo- ber, 1848. Previously at Marlborough College (August, i860 — December, 1861). Lieutenant, Royal Navy, 1872 (Medal). Died on board H.M.S. “Shannon” at Hong Kong, 27th June, 1878. Gray, Charles Forsyth, son of Thomas Forsyth Gray, Esq., Bombay ; born 8th July, 1848. Gray, Roderick McKenzie, son of Thomas Forsyth Gray, Esq., Bombay; born 21st May, 1849. Grubbe, Walter John, son of John Eustace Grubbe, Esq., 23 Queen’s Square, Blooms- bury, London ; born 25th October, 1848. Hart, Arthur Fitzroy, son of Lieut.-General Henry George Hart, Surbiton, Surrey ; born 4th May, 1844. 2 ^M—iM. Green. Football XX., 1862. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1864. Ensign, 31st Foot, 1864 ; Lieu- tenant, 1867 ; Captain, 1874 ; Brevet-Major, 1879 ; Major, East Surrey Regiment, 1881 ; Brevet-Lieut.- Colonel, 1882 ; Colonel, 1886. Passed Staff College, 1872 (passed a very good examination in Geology as a voluntary subject). On special service, Ashantee Expedition, 1873-74 ; Brigade-Major, Aldershot, 1876-78 ; on special service, South Africa, 1878-79, and 1881-82 ; on special employment, Egypt, July to November, 1882. Accompanied Sir Garnet Wolseley to the Gold Coast in September, 1873, on special service. Trained the Sierra Leone Company of Russell's Regiment, and commanded it throughout the Ashantee War of 1873-74, taking part in the repulse of the Ashantee army at Abrakrampa during the sth and 6th November, 1873, the attack and capture of Adubiassie, battle of Amoaful, attack and capture of Becquah, advance guard engagement of Jarbinbah (wounded), ambuscade affairs between Adwabin and river Ordah, battle of Ordahsu, and capture of Coomassie. Attached to the Quarter- master-General's Department, surveyed Gold Coast, accompanied the scouting party north of the Prah and made the surveys of the road and scenes of action from the Prah to Coomassie (twice mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Went on special service to South Africa in November, 1878, and served throughout the Zulu War of 1879 ; first as Staff Officer of the 2nd Regiment Natal Native Con- tingent (two battalions), taking part with Pearson's column in the engagement of Inyerzane ; then as Staff Officer on the Ekowe relieving column, being present at the action of Gingindhlovu ; afterwards as Brigade-Major of the 2nd Brigade ist Division ; and, finally, as Principal Staff Officer of Clarke's column (several times mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with clasp). Went to South Africa on special service in January, 1881, and served under Sir Evelyn Wood in the Boer War as Deputy-Assis- tant-Adjutant and Quartermaster-General. Went to Egypt on special service in July, 1882, and served throughout the Egyptian War as Deputy-Assistant- Adjutant and Quartermaster-General in the Intelli- gence Department, being present at the reconnais- sance in force from Alexandria, 5th August, the engagements of El Magfar, Tel-el-Mahuta, and Kassassin, 9th September (wounded), and in the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lieut. -Colonel, Medal with clasp, 4th Class Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star). C.B., 1889. Hart, Horatio Holt, son of Lieut.-General Henry George Hart, Surbiton, Surrey ; bom 9th August, 1850. loM — i^M. Hazelwell. Left December, 1867. Football XX., 1867. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1868-70. Winner of Silver Bugle (Ath- letic Sports), 1869. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1870 ; Captain, 1882 ; Major, 1889. Assistant Garrison Instructor, Bengal, 1874-78 ; Garrison In- structor, India, 1878-84. Hart, Reginald Clare, son of Lieut.-General Henry George Hart, Surbiton, Surrey ; born nth June, 1848. \o^M — i“Af. Green. Left June, 1866. Previously at Marlborough College (February, i860 — December, 1861). Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1866-68. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1869 ; Captain, 1881 ; Brevet-Major, 1882 ; Major, 1887; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1882; Colonel, 1886. Passed Staff College, 1880 (passed the final examina- tion without having gone through a course of instruc- tion at the College ; passed a good examination in French, and a very good examination in geology as voluntary subjects). Assistant Garrison Instructor, Bengal, 1874-78 ; on special service. West Coast of Africa, February to June, 1881 ; Aide-de-Camp to Major-General, Expeditionary Force, Egypt, August to November, 1882 ; Garrison Instructor, Bengal, 1885-89. Director of Military Education in India, 1889. Was awarded the Royal Humane Society's Silver Medal for saving the life of a Frenchman from drowning in the harbour of Boulogne-sur-Mer on the 27th July, 1869, he himself having received on this occasion several severe wounds of the head and face from striking, in a leap from the pier, some sunken piles or rocks ; he also received for the same service a Medallion from the Mayor, in the name of the city of Boulogne, and a Medal of Honour of the First Class from the President of the French Republic. Colonel Hart has also been awarded by the Royal Humane Society a Silver Clasp for having, on the 15th December, 1884, gone to the rescue of a gunner who was in imminent danger of drowning in the Ganges Canal at Roorkee, January, 1862.] I'KINX'll’AL; REV. H. HIGHTON, M.A. 203 and life he assisted in saving. Was present at the siege of Paris during the Commune War of 1871. Served with the Khyber Column in the Afghan War from January to June, 1879, first with the 2nd Division attached as a Regimental Officer to the 24th Punjab Native Infantry during the 2nd Bazaar E.xpedition against the Zukha Kheel Afridis, and afterwards with the ist Division. Was several times employed by the Quartermaster-General’s Department in making reconnaissances (mentioned in despatches, Victoria Cross, and Medal) ; was awarded the Victoria Cross " for his gallant conduct in risking his own life in endeavouring to save the life of a private soldier. The Lieutenant-General commanding the 2nd Division Peshawur Field Force reports that when on convoy duty with that force on 31st January, 1879, Lieutenant Hart, of the Royal Engineers, took the initiative in running some 1,200 yards to the rescue of a wounded Sowar of the 13th Bengal Lancers in a river bed exposed to the fire of the enemy, of unknown strength, from both flanks, and also from a party in the river bed. Lieutenant Hart reached the wounded Sowar, drove off the enemy, and brought him under cover with the aid of some soldiers who accompanied him on the way.” Served throughout the Egyptian War of 1882 as Aide-de-Camp to Major-General Graham, command- ing the 2nd Brigade, and was present in the recon- naissance in force from Alexandria, 5th August, the engagements of El Magfar and Tel-el-Mahuta, the two actions at Kassassin (as Acting-Assistant-Quarter- master-General to Graham's force in the second action), and the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (twice men- tioned in despatches. Brevet of Lieut. -Colonel, Medal with clasp, 4th Class Osmanieh, and Khedive’s Star). Hindson, John Hutchinson, son of Richard Grave Hindson, Esq., Solicitor, St. Andrew’s Place, Penrith ; born 8th June, 1846. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1869; M.A. , 1872. Ordained Deacon, 1869, and Priest, 1871. Curate of Thornhill, Yorkshire, 1869-7T ; of Old Windsor, 1871-80; Vicar of Wraysbury, 1880. Address : Wraysbury Vicarage, Staines. Hobson, Robert Morrison, son of Benjamin Hobson, Esq., M.D., 9 Cambray, Chelten- ham ; born 13th December, 1848. Hone, George Kinahan, son of Joseph Hone, Esq., Solicitor, 5 Foster Place, Dublin ; born 1 2th November, 1847. Just, James Adamson, son of William Just, Esq., Bankfields, Eastham, Cheshire ; born 17th November, 1847. Just, Leslie Mitchell, son of William Just, Esq., Bankfields, Eastham, Cheshire; born 17th November, 1847. Lanyon, Louis Mortimer, son of Sir Charles Lanyon, Knt., The Abbey, Belfast ; born 29th September, 1846. 6C — iC. Newick House and Thorn. Classical Football XX., 1865-66. Pembroke College, Oxford, 1867-68. Is District Inspector, Royal Irish Constabulary. McGachen, Francis Nicolas Styleman L’Es- trange, son of the Rev. John Drummond McGachen, St. Bartholomew’s Vicarage, Cambridge Road, London ; born loth May, 1854. Macky, Thompson John, son of Samuel T. Macky, Esq., Belmont, Londonderry, Ire- land ; born 7th April, 1849. Maddocks, Thomas, son of — Maddocks, Esq. ; born 17th March, 1846. Morgan, Benjamin Ellis, son of the Rev. Benjamin Morgan, 24 Imperial Square, Chel- tenham ; born 7th June, 1847. Morgan, William Edwin Llewellyn, son of Lieut.-Colonel Evan Morgan, St. Helen’s, Swansea ; born 15th December, 1846. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1866 ; Captain, 1879 ; Major, 1886 ; Lieut.-Colonel (Retired), 1887. Morris, Charles Augustus Mayne, son of Lieut.- Colonel William J. Morris, Heppington, Canterbury; born 17th February, 1850. Nelson, William, son of William Nelson, Esq., Cheetham Hill, Manchester ; born 14th December, 1848. Owen, Octavius, son of the Rev. John Owen, Llaniestyn, Pwllheli ; born 16th May, 1848. Preston, Francis William, son of Thomas Edward Preston, Esq., Coltishall, Norwich ; born 30th August, 1851. loC — vC. Chenery and Beaufort House. Left June, 1870. Football XX. , 1869. Walker Prize, 1870. Foun- dation Scholarship, Trinity College, Cambridge, 1873 ; B.A. (8th in 2nd Class Classical Tripos), 1874; M.A. , 1877. Called to the Bar, Lincoln’s Inn, 1877. Subsequently became a Solicitor (admitted 1883). Address : Oxford and Cambridge Club, Pall Mall, London, S.W. Price, Francis William Blackwood, son ot James Charles Price, Esq., Saintfield, Co. Down, Ireland ; born 27th December, 1847. Purnell, Robert Hughes Wilkinson, son of the Rev. Thomas Purnell, Staverton Vicarage, near Cheltenham; born 30th May, 1848. Exeter College, Oxford, 1867. B.A., 1871. Or- dained Deacon, 1871, and Priest, 1873. Curate of Mitchell-Troy, Monmouth, 1873 ; of Neweastle, Glamorganshire, 1873-76 ; of Hopwas, Staffordshire, 1876-79; Incumbent of Bunbury, Western Australia, 1879 ; Honorary Canon of St. George’s Cathedral, Perth, Western Australia, 1888. Address ; Bunbury, Western Australia. Rait, William, son of James Rait, Esq., Annis- ton House, Arbroath, N.B. ; born 23rd July, 1847. Richards, Sydney, son of — Richards, Esq. ; born 1 6th May, 1849. Robinson, John Edward, son of Edward Ro- binson, Esq., Surgeon, Rotherham ; born 17th September, 1848. Rothwell, Arthur Vesey (afterwards f'itz- Herbert), son of Thomas Rothwell, Esq., Black Castle, Navan, Ireland; born loth June, 1845. Rothwell, Henry Corry (afterwards Fitz-Her- bert), son of 'Thomas Rothwell, Esq., Black Castle, Navan, Ireland ; born ist May, 1847. Russell, Whitworth, son of Henry Russell, Esq. ; born 26th September, 1849. \oM — \''M. Day Boy. Was first in business in Liverpool, then on the Stock Exchange, London, and finally went out to New Zealand, where he is a Land and Estate Agent. Smith, Cornelius Preston, son of Richard Smith, Esq., 9 Cleeve Place, Clapham, Lon- don ; born 14th July, 1846. — 5C. Price. Left June, 1863. Stock and Share Broker, and Mining Agent. Address : 22 Exchange Buildings, Pitt Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Smith, Sidney, son of Thomas McKenzie Smith, Esq. ; born 31st December, 1847. 8J/ — V^[. Boyce. Left December, 1866. Hornby Prize, 1866. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1866-68 (Prizes ; First Natural Philo- 204 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1862. Sophy ; First Topographical Drawing ; Second Landscape Drawing). Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1869 ; Captain, i88i ; Brevet-Major, 1882 ; Major, 1887. Is Deputy-Consulting Engineer, Railway Branch, Madras. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star). Address : The Club, Madras, India. Stevens, Arthur Reginald, son of Major Henry Borlase Stevens, Delhi, India; born nth January, 1851. Studd, Edward John Charles, son of Edward Studd, Esq., Hallaton Hall, Leicestershire ; born 13th February, 1849. gC — 2^C South- wood, Turnbull, and Brown. Cricket XL, 1866. Classical Football XX., 186 — . Address : Hatherley Lawn, Cheltenham. Temple, Robert Edward, son of Robert Temple, Esq., Newra, Ellia, Ceylon; born 28th February, 1846. Thomas, Griffith, son of John Thomas, Esq., Court Herbert, Swansea ; born 24th No- vember, 1847. Ticehurst, Frederic, son of Rowland James Ticehurst, Esq., Solicitor, Cheltenham ; born 28th December, 1848. Tomkinson, George Hubert, son of Richard Tomkinson, Esq., Cheadle, Staffordshire ; born 13th May, 1848. Webber, Robert Tankerville, son of Charles Tankerville Webber, Esq. ; born 27th Sep- tember, 1845. — Line M. Newtek House. Left June, 1864. Ensign, 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers, 1865 ; Lieu- tenant, 1869 ; Captain, 1879 ; Major, 1885 ; Retired, 1887. Is Chief Constable of Flintshire. Wight, Thomas Holyoake, son of Thomas Wight, Esq., Solicitor, Chaddesley Corbett, near Stourbridge ; born 28th July, 1847. Wilson, Henry Anderson, son of Charles Thomas Wilson, Esq., Solicitor, Oundle ; born 7th August, 1847. Wilson, William Thomas, son of William Savory Wilson, Esq., New Haven, United States ; born 2ist December, 1847. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1867-68. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1869 ; Resigned, 1872. Wolley, William Edward, son of William John Wolley, Esq., Solicitor, Loughborough ; born nth April, 1849. ENTERED MARCH, 1862. Abbott, Leonard Charles, son of General Ab- bott, C.B., Aurungabad, near Bombay ; born Sth January, 1848. 3®Af — hidian Civil Class. Boyne House. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1863. Senior Prefect, 1865-66-67. Cricket XL, 1864-65 ; Captain, 1866-67. Football XX., 1864-65 ; Captain, 1866. Gloucestershire Cricket XL, 1867. Passed into the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, in 1865, but did not proceed there. Passed into the Indian Civil Service, 1868 ; appointed to Bengal, 1870. Assistant-Magistrate and Collector, Nuddea, 1871- 74 ; Additional Under-Secretary to Government of Bengal, 1874 ; Assistant-Magistrate and Collector, Nuddea, 1874-75 ! Tirhoot, 1875-77 ; at Mozuffer- pore, 1877-78 ; at Patna, 1878-79 ; at Darjeeling, 1879-83, and Bengal, 1883-84. Retired, 1885. Address ; Care of Messrs. Maynard and Harris, 126 Leadenhall Street, London, E.C. Baskervyle-Glegg, William, son of Captain John Baskervyle-Glegg, Gayton Hall, Nes- ton, Cheshire ; born loth August, 1845. Bean, William Henry Rodbard, son of Henry Lucas Bean, Esq., Martock House, Clifton ; born 9th September, 1851. Bishop, Frederic Sillery, son of — Bishop, Esq., born — . Silver (Mathematical) Medallist, 1867 ; Hornby Prize, 1867. Passed for Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, in 1867, but did not proceed there. Ob- tained Scholarship, St. John’s College, Cambridge, 1870; B.A. (21st Wrangler), 1871 ; M.A.. 1874. Blakeney, William Henry, son of Edward H. Blakeney, Esq., M.D., Deputy-Inspector General of Hospitals, Grafton Lawn, Chel- tenham ; born loth May, 1847. Bowen, William Campbell, son of John Bowen, Esq., Southampton ; born 8th June, 1850. Fulton, Frederick, son of Captain George William Wright Fulton, Bengal Engineers ; born 1st June, 1850. 10 C — 2*C. Day Boy. Left June, 1868. Cricket XL, 1868. In business. Hare, Spencer Vere, son of Charles Bowles Hare, Esq., Scantone House, Clifton ; born iith November, 1849. 8C — i*’C Turnbull and Boyce. Left 1 868. Cricket XXII. , 186 — . Trinity College, Cam- bridge. B.A. ,1875. Address ; Scantone House, Clifton Park, Bristol. Mayne, Charles Hardinge Hawtrey, son of Brigadier William Mayne, Aide-de-Camp to the Queen ; born 5 th August, 1848, Rifle Corps XL , 1865 ; Modem Football XX. , 1865. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1867-69. Lieu- tenant, Royal Artillery, 1869; Captain, 1880; Major (Retired), 1886. Served in the Afghan War of 1878- 79, and was present in the cavaliy engagement near Kandahar, and action of Saif-u-deen (mentioned in despatches, Medal). Ricketts, Henry Wyndham, son of Colonel St. Vincent William Ricketts, German Cottage, Cheltenham; born 25th June, 1849. Stonhouse, Reginald Charles Dowdeswell, son of Sir Henry Vansittart Stonhouse, Bart., Bath ; born 9th July, 1853. Day Boy. Died 6th May, 1882. Tickell, Eustace Ashburner, son of General Tickell, Ravensworth Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 8th March, 1851. Ensign, 68th Foot, 1870; Lieutenant, 1871; Cap- tain, 1877. Died at Sunderland, 2nd July, 1877. Wood, John Montgomery Charles, son of James Grove Wood, Esq., Castle Grove, Bally- maleel, Strabane, Ireland ; born 14th June 1847. 551 boys entered during Mr. Highton’s Principalship. August, 1862.] PRINCIPAL: REV. A. BARRY, D.D. 205 Principal : REV. A. BARRY, D.D. ENTERED AUGUST, 1862. Ackroyd, William, son of Thomas Ackroyd, Esq., Upper House, Birkenshaw, near Leeds ; born 27th September, 1849. Chenery. Left 1 866. Isa Mining Engineer. Address ; The Wheatleys, Birkenshaw, near Leeds. Allfrey, Henry, son of Henry Wells Allfrey, Esq., Hemingford House, Stratford-on-Avon ; born 6th September, 1850. Ensign, doth Rifles, 1869 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Captain, King’s Royal Rifle Corps, 1880 ; Retired, 1889. Served with the 3rd Battalion doth Rifles in the Zulu War of 1879, and was present at the action of Gingindhlovu, and relief of Ekowe (Medal with clasp). Atkinson, Richard Norton, son of the Rev. Richard Atkinson, Cockerham Vicarage, near Garstang ; born 17th February, 1847. Auchmuty, Stannus James, son of the Rev. S. F. Auchmuty, Groundwell House, near Swin- don, Wiltshire; born ist December, 1847. Previously at Marlborough College (February to December, i8di). Beaver, Frederick Tyssen Mackinlay, son of — Beaver, Esq. ; born i6th March, 1852. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, i8d7. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, iSdp-yi. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1871 ; Captain, 1881 ; Major, 1887. Address : 32 Bloomfield Road, Paddington, Lon- don, W. Beazley, James Henry, son of James Beazley, Esq., Liverpool ; born 2nd September, 1 847. Beazley, Richard Clover, son of J ames Beazley, Esq., Liverpool ; born i8th January, 1850. Bell, Herbert Maude, son of Major-General James Bell, Abberton House, Cheltenham ; born 7th April, 1849. Bellairs, Alban Ennis, son of the Rev. Henry Walford Bellairs, Leckhampton ; born 29th December, 1848. Bellairs, Walter Gray, son of the Rev. Henry Walford Bellairs, Leckhampton ; born 25th August, 1847. Re-entry vide March, 1859. Candy, Charles Harrison, son of Major Thomas Candy, Poona, Bombay; born 7th March, 1851. loC — u*C. Boyce, Day Boy, Boyce, and Gantillon. Left June, 1870. Classical Football XX., i8d9. Cricket XXII., i8d9-7o. Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. Cox. of Cambridge Boat, 1873 and 1874. B.A. (and in 3rd Class Lawand History Tripos), 1873. LL.M., 1877. Appointed Principal of Rajaram College, Kolhapur, Bombay, i88o. Fellow of Bombay Uni- versity, 1886. Address : Rajaram College, Kolhapur, Bombay. Carey, John Savery, son of John Carey, Esq., St. Heline, Guernsey ; born 9th November, 1846. Carrick, William John, son of Joseph Carrick, Esq., Solicitor, Floshfield, Wigton ; born 24th April, 1850. Was a Solicitor at Wigton, Cumberland. Died at Hawkhurst, Kent, 3rd March, 1888. Chaplin, Thomas Hamby, son of Frederick Chaplin, Esq., Tathwell Hall, Louth, Lin- colnshire ; born 15th March, 1851. Subsequently at Rugby School (September, 1866 — ). Magdalen College, Oxford, 1869. B.A., 1873. Died 9th December, 1876. Chester, Henry Copleston, son of Lieut.-Colonel R. Chester, Painswick, Gloucestershire ; born 15th September, 1848. Clarke, Dodd Smith, son of Daniel Ames Clarke, Esq., High Leigh, Alderley Edge, near Manchester ; born 9th September, 1848. 4}>M—yM. Editor of a Daily Newspaper in Queensland, Aus- tralia. Address : Townsville, Queensland, Australia. Collum, Rupert Francis, son of John Collum, Esq., Solicitor, 9 Rutland Square, Dublin ; born 3rd September, 1849. Comyn, Henry Penrice, son of Stephen Comyn, Esq., M.D., Hawke House, Sunbury-on- Thames ; born 10th April, 1848. Cooper, Paul Newcomen, son of Edmund Cooper, Esq., Failand House, Failand, Somerset ; born 14th October, 1846. Crofton, Richard ffolliott, son of Major-General John ffolliott Crofton, 27 Sussex Gardens, Hyde Park, London ; born 29th September, 1849. Re-entered College, January, 1868. College Boat, 1868. Address : 19 Cooper Street, Manchester. Cuninghame, David Stanley, son of — Cun- inghame, Esq. ; born 25th June, 1847. Ensign, 25th Foot, 1865 ; Lieutenant, Bengal Staff Corps, 1869; Captain, 1877; Brevet-Major, 1881 ; Major, 1885. Is Squadron Commander, ist Punjab Cavalry. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80, and was present in the engagements at Takht-i-Pul, Ahmed Kheyl (mentioned in des- patches), Urzoo near Ghuznee, and Padkao Shana (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with clasp). Served with the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in 1881. Cuppage, Edmund Francis Floyd, son of Ed- mund F. Cuppage, Esq., Clare Grove, Ra- heny, near Dublin ; born 12th February, 1850. Cricket XL, 1865-67. Modern Football XX., 1865-66-67. Ensign, 38th Foot, 1869. Was drowned in the wreck of the " Carnatic” in the Red Sea, on the 13th September, 1869, on his way out to join his regiment in India. Cutfield, Alfred Kennett, son of Alfred Baker Cutfield, Esq., M.D., Deal, Kent ; born 4th April, 1846. Previously at Epsom College. Dent, Herbert Fullarton, son of William Dent, Esq., Chesnut Lodge, Surbiton ; born 2nd December, 1848. Clas.sical Football XX., 1865. Address : Chesnut Lodge, Adelaide Road, Sur- biton. Dickson, John, son of David Dickson, Esq., of Clocksbriggs, Forfar, N.B. ; born 8th Oc- tober, 1845. Douglas, Charles Campbell, son of the Rev. Charles Douglas, Vicarage, Pembroke ; born loth April, 1849. Re-entered College January, 1866. 2o6 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1862. Dowding, Charles Kelk, son of the Rev. Charles Dowding, Priston Rectory, Bath ; born 23rd March, 1851. Dowding, Frederick Charles, son of the Rev. Charles Dowding, Priston Rectory, Bath ; born 31st December, 1849. Drayton, Philip Henry, son of Henry Drayton, Esq., Barbadoes ; born 27th September, 1846. Ensign, Royal Canadian Rifle Regiment, 1867; transferred to 26th Foot, 1870; Resigned, 1871. Dupuis, Charles Seymour, son of the Rev. Charles S. S. Dupuis, Binton Rectory, Strat- ford-on-Avon ; born 31st January, 1849. Boyce. Left 1866. Lincoln College, Oxford, 1868. B.A. (4th Class, Law and History), 1872; M.A., 1874. Ordained Deacon, 1872, and Priest, 1873. Curate of Yardley, Worcestershire, 1872-75 ; Rector of Binton, War- wickshire, 1875-79 ; Curate of Sunninghill, Berk- shire, 1880-83 1 Rector of Crowcombe, Somerset, 1889. Address : Crowcombe Rectory, Somerset. Evans, Francis Nicholas, son of Nicholas Evans, Esq., Newtown, Doneraile, Ireland ; born 14th January, 1846. Evans, James Randell, son of the Rev. Edwin Evans, Chaplain to the Consulate, Amoy, China ; bom nth March, 1851. Fabling, Frederick, son of — Fabling, Esq. ; born 8th May, 1847. Fardell, Cecil Henry, son of Charles Fardell, Esq., Oakfield, Aston-on-Clun, Salop ; born 5th October, 1848. Gloucester Theological College, 1869. Ordained Deacon, 1871, and Priest, 1874. Curate of Pains- wick, Gloucestershire, 1871-72 ; of Kempsford, 1872-75 ; of Stanway, Essex, 1875-76 ; of Stone, Kent, 1876-77 ; of Hornchurch, Essex, 1877-79 1 Chaplain of Jesus Hospital, Bray, Berkshire, 1879. Address : Jesus Hospital, Bray, Maidenhead. Galletly, Archibald Campbell, son of F. A. Galletly, Esq., Corfu ; born 29th January, 1849. Gardiner, Joseph Jones, son of — Gardiner, Esq. ; born 17th June, 1849. Gardner, Gilbert John, son of Colonel R. H. Gardner, 5 Royal Parade, Cheltenham ; bom 17th March, 1849. Gibson, James Whitaker, son of the Hon. Wil- liam Charles Gibson, Colombo, Ceylon ; born loth February, 1845. Ceylon Civil Service. Gibson, Thomas Maitland, son of the Hon. William Charles Gibson, Colombo, Ceylon ; born 2 1st August, 1848. Ceylon Civil Service. Glennie, Arthur Herbert, son of John Irving Glennie, Esq., Doctors’ Commons, London ; born 27th May, 1851. College Boat, 1869. In business in London. Gore-Booth, Edmund Henry, son of Henry Gore-Booth, Esq. ; born 3rd April, 1846. 4d/ — 3“^/. Green. Left J une, 1 864. Previously at Rugby Shool (February, i860 — ). Modern Football XX., 1863. Cricket XXII., 1864. In business in Shanghai, China, Green, Hilton Charles, son of the Rev. Henry Green, 14 Priory Street, Cheltenham ; born 28th April, 1849. Greenstreet, Arthur, son of the Rev. William George Greenstreet, Pattingham Vicarage, Wolverhampton ; born i8th August, 1846. Rifle Corps XL, 1863-64. Modern Football XX., 1863. Hawkins, George, son of Clement James Haw- kins, Esq., Surgeon, 24 Cambray Place, Chel- tenham ; iDorn 5th May, 1851. Hedges, Thomas Toovey,son of Charles Hedges, Esq., Newnham, Oxford ; born 5th June, 1 848. Price. Lichfield Theological College, 1871. Ordained Deacon, 1873, and Priest, 1876. Curate of Ockbrook, 1873-74 ! Ridding ivith Sowercotes, 1874-76 ; of Cloon, near Mohill, Ireland, 1876-77 ; Vicar of Alfriston, Sussex, 1877-82 ; Rector of Pilham, Lin- colnshire, 1882, and Chaplain of Gainsborough Union, 1885. Address : Pilham Rectory, Gainsborough. Henry, Francis Alexander, son of — Henry, Esq.; born 5th January, 1849. Hiron, Samuel, son of John Franklin Hiron, Esq., Campden; born 25th December, 1847. Hone, Joseph, son of Joseph Hone, Esq., Soli- citor, Ashton Park, Monkstown Avenue, near Dublin ; born i8th September, 1850. Horne, George, son of Captain George Horne, Bishop Auckland, Durham ; born 8th Feb- ruary, 1850. Horne, William Francis Lovell, son of Captain George Horne, Bishop Auckland, Durham ; born I St January, 1847. Hornidge, Montray Vance, son of Robert Hornidge, Esq., Twickenham, Ballycumber, Moate, Ireland ; bom 28th April, 1845. Hughes, Frank, son of Henry Hughes, Esq., Abbey Tintern Works, near Chepstow ; born 3rd June, 1852. Sub-Lieutenant, 103rd Foot, 1872 ; Lieutenant, 1872 ; Captain, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 1882. Is Superintendent of Gymnasia at Gibraltar. Hutton, Arthur Wollaston, son of the Rev. Henry Frederick Hutton, Spridlington Rec- tory, Lincoln ; born 5th September, 1848. 4C — iC. Turnbull and Green. Left De- cember, 1866. Scholarship, Exeter College, Oxford, 1866 ; 2nd Class Classic^ Moderations, 1869 ; ist Class Theo- logy, 1871; B.A., 1871; M.A., 1873. Ordained Deacon, 1871, and Priest, 1872. Curate of St. Bar- nabas, Oxford, 1871-73 ; Rector of .Spridlington, Lin- colnshire, 1873-76. Joined the Roman Catholic Church, and was a Priest at the Oratory, Birming- ham, 1876-83. Appointed Gladstonian Librarian at the National Liberal Club, London, in 1887. .Author of ‘ ‘ Our Position as Catholics in the Church of England,” 1872; "The Anglican Ministry,” with preface by Cardinal Newman, 1879 ; " Sir Thomas More and his Utopia," 1885. Address : Warden Lodge, Gunnersbuiy, W. ; and National Liberal Club, London, S.W. Inchbald, William Elliot, son of the Rev. William Inchbald, 24 Priory Street, Chelten- ham ; born 13th December, 1852. 12'’C — GC Day Boy. Left 1872. Walker Prize, 1872. Scholarship, Clare College, Cambridge, 1873 '• (sth in 2nd Class Classical Tripos), 1876; hi. A., 1879. Ordained Deacon, 1878, and Priest, 1880. Second Master of the Surrey County School, 1878-83 ; Head Master of Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Kingston-on-Thames, 1883. Address : School House, Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey. August, 1862.] PRINCIPAL: REV. A. P.ARRY, D.I). 207 Johnstone, Montague George, son of (leneral M. C. Johnstone, Mauritius ; born 21st March, 1848. Cornet, 2nd Dragoons, 1870 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Captain, 1878 ; Major, 1888. Aide-de-C,'anip to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, January to May, i88o. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1887. Served with the Bcchuanalaud Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85, on the Mead Quarters Staff, and raised upwards of 100 men for the 2nd Mounted Rifles (Canington’s Horse). Kennedy, James Frederick Shaw, son of John Shaw Kennedy, Esq., Kirkmichael House, Maybole, Ayrshire, N.B. ; born 7th January, 1849. Kennedy, Henry John Shaw, son of John Shaw Kennedy, Esq., Kirkmichael House, May- bole, Ayrshire, N.B. ; born 13th October, 1850. King-Harman, George Douglas, son of the Hon. Lawrence King-Harman, New Castle, Ballymahon, Ireland ; born ist September, 1845 - Ensign, 2nd Foot, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1870 ; In- structor of Musketry, 1872-79 ; Captain, Royal West Surrey Regiment, 1879 ; Major (retired), 1884. Aide- de-Camp to Lieut. -Governor, North West Provinces, India, 1879-82. Lacon, Henry Sidney Hammett, son of Sir Edmund Henry Knowles Lacon, Bart., Ormesby House, Great Yarmouth ; Iforn 5th December, 1847. Classical Football XX., 1863. Was Captain in the East Norfolk Militia. Lamb, David Sinlah, son of George Henry Lamb, Esq., St. Andrews, N.B. ; born 24th January, 1847. Address : The Hirsel, St. Andrews, N. B. Leishman, Septimus, son of James Leishman, Esq., Dollar, by Stirling, N.B. ; born 20th June, 1848. Littledale, Harold Dawson, son of W. Dawson Littledale, Esq., Park Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 14th June, 1849. Lockyer, Walter Nevill, son of the Rev. Ed- mund Leopold Lockyer, Westcote Barton, Oxford ; born 4th April, 1849. Rifle Corps XI., 1864-65-66-67. Cheltenham Ve- terans Rifle V., 1884-85-86-87-88-89. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1868-69. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1869; Captain, 1880 ; Major, 1885. Passed Artillery College. Captain Inspector, Royal Small Arms Factory, Enfield, 1884-88 ; ist Class Assistant- Inspector of Warlike Stores, 1888 ; Inspector of Warlike Stores, 1889. Maclaren, Henry, son of W. P. Maclaren, Esq., Hamilton, Canada West ; born 4th June, 1847 - Marshall, Edward Petritin, son of Joseph Marshall, Esq., Corfu ; born 27th April, 1846. Matteson, John William, son of Christopher G. Matteson, Esq., Bishop Wearmouth ; born 6th January, 1850. Modern Football XX. , 1867. Mercer, William, son of the Rev. William Mercer, St. George’s, Sheffield ; born 5th May, 1844. Scholarship, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 1864; B.A. (2nd in ist Class Theological Examina- tion), 1867; M.A. , 1874. Ordained Deacon, 1867, and Priest, 1868. Curate of St. Pancras, 1867-68 ; of All Saints, Paddington, London, 1869-71 ; of Norton-Woodseats, 1872-74 ; Vicar of Norton- Woodscats, 1874. Address : Norton-Woodseats, Sheffield. Neave, Richard Irvine, son of George Peters Neave, Esq., Budleigh .Salterton, Devon ; born 2 1 St September, 1849. Newman, George William, son of Lieut. -Colonel Henry W. Newman, Hillside, Cheltenham ; born ist March, 1850. Scholarship, Pembroke College, Oxford, 1869 ; ist Class Classical Moderations, 1871 ; 2nd Class Clas- sical Final Schools, 1873 ; B.A., 1874 ; M.A., 1876. Peel, Walter Hayward, son of Maj'or Lawrence H. Peel, Ashley Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 20th August, 1847. Prothero, Henry Allen, son of the Rev. Thomas Prothero, Chaplain to the Queen, Malpas Court, Newport, Monmouth ; born 4th November, 1848. — i“C. Turnbull and Green. Left June, 1867. Silver (Classical) Medallist, 1867 ; Head of Clas- sical, June, 1867. Balliol College, Oxford, 1867; and Class Classical Moderations, 1869; 2nd Class Clas- sical Final Schools, 1871; B.A. , 1872. Architect, and partner in the firm of Messrs. Middleton, Prothero, and Phillott, Architects, Cheltenham. Address : 13 Promenade, Cheltenham. Radclilfe, Henry Miles, son of Samuel Rad- cliffe. Esq., Werneth Park, Oldham ; born nth April, 1851. Ripley, Henry, son of Sir Henry William Ripley, Bart., Lightcliffe, near Halifax ; born 12th May, 1849. Sandeman, William Wellington, son of Captain T. F. Sandeman, 2 Spring Grove Villas, Cheltenham ; born 1 8th June, 1849. Ensign, 48th Foot, March, 1868 ; transferred to 78th Highlanders, April, 1868 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Captain, Seaforth Highlanders, 1880; Retired, 1887. Aide-de-Camp to General Officer Commanding, North Britain, 1878-79 ; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1884-87, Served with the 78th Highlanders in the Afghan War in 1880 (Medal). Sharp, John Emilius Ernest Steigenberger, son of the Rev. William Sharp, Woodlands, Ventnor, Isle of Wight ; born nth August, 1847. Skipton, Charles Stewart, son of Henry Stacy Skipton, Esq., M.D., 4 York Terrace, Chel- tenham ; born 24th January, 185 1. — i“d/. Day Boy. Left December, 1869. Cricket XXII., 1868-69. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1870-72 (Prize : Gymnastics). Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1872 ; Captain, 1881 ; Major, 1888. Skipton, George Alexander Kennedy, son of Henry Stacy Skipton, Esq., M.D., 4 York Terrace, Cheltenham ; born i6th August, 1849- Ensign, 22nd Foot, 1868 ; transferred to 19th Foot, 1869 I Lieutenant, 1869 ; Resigned, 1875. Smith, Arthur Rigley, son of Thomas Smith, Esq., M.D., Portland House, Cheltenham ; born 19th January, 1848. Smith, Frederick Augustus Alfred, son of Thomas Smith, Esq., M.D., Portland House, Cheltenham; born 4th February, 1846. London Hospital ; Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital ; Hospital for Diseases of the Throat ; Glasgow University ; and Jefferson College, Phila- delphia. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, Eng- 2o8 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1862. land, 1867 ; Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, and Licentiate in Midwifery, 1868; M.D. (Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia), 1873 ; M.D. (Glasgow University), and Master in Surgery, 1882. Formerly Surgeon on Brazil Mail Packets ; late Surgeon, Cheltenham General Hospital and Dispensary, and House Surgeon, London Hospital. Member of various Medical Societies. Served as Surgeon in the Zulu War in 1879 (Medal with clasp). Author of several contributions to medical papers. Address : Portland House, Cheltenham. Studd, Henry Malden, son of Edward Studd, Esq., Hallaton Hall, Leicestershire ; born 1st March, 1851. Summers, James Bowen, son of James Summers, Esq., Solicitor, Haverfordwest ; born 8th January, 1848. Taylor, George Edward Moore, son of Edward Moore Taylor, Esq., Solicitor, Stone, Staf- fordshire ; born 31st December, 1846. Cox. of College Boat, 1864. Taylor, James Matthew, son of James William Taylor, Esq., Corfu; born 9th, July, 1847. Thew, Benjamin Thew, son of — Thew, Esq. ; born 28th February, 1852. Tothill, Thomas Henry Frederick, son of Thomas Charles Tothill, Esq., Surgeon, Topsham ; bom ist July, 1848. Warwick, Richard Wilford, son of William A. Warwick, Esq., Wyddrington House, Chel- tenham ; born 15th December, 1849. Webster, James Alexander, son of — Webster, Esq.; born 30th October, 1847. Wilkinson, Henry Fazakerly, son of the Rev. John Wilkinson, Broughton Gifford, Melks- ham ; bom 20th April, 1 845. Re-entry vide August, 1858. Wise, Thomas, son of Thomas Wise, Esq., Boston, Lincolnshire ; bom 15th June, 1850. Cricket XI. , 1868. Captain, i86g. In business in London. Woods, James Edward, son of John Anthony Woods, Esq., Benton Hall, Newcastle-on- Tyne ; bom 19th April, 1850. — Bayly. Trinity Hall, Cambridge. B.A., 1873 ; M.A., 1877 - Young, Cecil Beadon, son of Archibald Roberts Young, Esq., 12 Pittville Parade, Chelten- ham ; bom i6th May, 1848. Exeter College, Oxford, 1867. B.A., 1872 ; M.A. 1874. Ordained Deacon, 1873. and Priest, 1875. Curate of Burghclere, Hants, 1873-77 ; of Monk- Sherborne, Hants, 1877-79 1 °f Cobham, Surrey, 1879-84 ; Vicar of Cobham, 1884. Died at Cobham, Surrey, 27th May, 1889. Young, William Hope, son of Archibald Roberts Young, Esq., 12 Pittville Parade, Chelten- ham ; born 29th July, 1851. Sub-Lieutenant, 67th Loot, 1872 ; Lieutenant, 1873 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1873 ; Captain, 1885. Is Military Accountant, 3rd Class, Madras. Served in the Afghan War of 1879-80, and was pre- sent at the engagements at Mattoon and Surkai Kotal, and at the forcing of the Shuturgardan Pass (Medal). Also took part in the Mahsood Wuzuree Expedition in 1881. ENTERED MICHAELMAS, 1862. Benton, Edward, son of F. W. Benton, Esq., Clonelly, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland; born 17 th August, 1848. Brettingham, Herbert Richard, son of Major Richard Brettingham, Colchester ; born 13th July, 1849. Corbett, John Edmund, son of Robert Corbett, Esq., Newstead House, Leamington ; born 8th November, 1848. Curtis-Hayward, Arthur Cecil, son of John Curtis- Hay ward. Esq., The Lypiatts, Chel- tenham ; born 8th March, 1846. Cricket XL, 1865. Mathematical Exhibition, Merton College, Oxford, 1865 ; B.A. (1st Class Law and History), 1869. Denny, Edward, son of — Denny, Esq. ; born 4th August, 1853. Re-entered College August, 1866. Garnett, John, son of Charles Garnett, Esq., Bonehill House, Tamworth ; born 30th November, 1848. Cricket XL, 1864-65. Garnett, Louis Osmond, son of Charles Garnett, Esq., Bonehill House, Tamworth ; born 20th February, 1850. Cricket XI. , 1866. Holyday, Charles William, son of — Holyday, Esq. ; born ist July, 1846. James, David, son of Henry James, Esq., 3 Royal Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 26th September, 1851. St. John's College, Cambridge. Lediard, Henry Ambrose, son of Samuel Lediard, Esq. ; born 12th November, 1847. 12C — 3C. Day Boy. Left 1865. Edinburgh University. M.B. , 1870; M.D, 1875. Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1876. Eellow of the Royal Medical Society, Edinburgh ; Member of the General Council, Edinburgh Uni- versity ; Surgeon, Cumberland Infirmary, and Her Majesty’s Prison, Carlisle ; Medical Officer, Carlisle Post Office. Late Medical Superintendent, Central London Sick Asylum, Cleveland Street ; Assistant- Medical Officer, Central London Sick Asylum, High- gate ; House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary ; and House Surgeon and House Physician, Edin- burgh Royal Infirmary. Author of several medical works and contributions to medical papers. Address : 41 Lowther Street, Carlisle. Mocatta, Maurice Sherbotoff, son of Maurice Mocatta, Esq., Claughton, Birkenhead ; bom 5 th April, 1848. Steele, Arthur Huddleston, son of Major- General Arthur Loftus Steele, Madras Staff Corps ; born 25th August, 1850. Died 1877. Stonhouse, Edward Huntingford, son of the Rev. Arthur Stonhouse, Walford, near Ross, Herefordshire; born 31st March, 1851. Tinson, Charles J., son of George Tinson, Esq., Cleevelands, near Cheltenham ; bom 19th February, 1850. Turner, William Hatton, son of Edward Turner, Esq., Upper Brunswick Place, Brighton ; born 9th May, 1845. January, 1863.] rRINCIPAL: REV. A. BARRY, D.D 209 ENTERED JANUARY, 1863. Addison, George William, son of George Addi- son, Esq., Bradford, Yorkshire ; born i8th September, 1849. bM — YM. Boyce. Left December, 1866. Football XX., 1866. Head of Modern, Decem- ber, 1866. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1867-69 (Prizes : Second Mathematical, Second Mili- tary Drawing). Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1869 ; Captain, 1881 ; Major, i888. Aide-de-Camp to Inspector-General of Fortifications, War Office, 1880-82. Secretary, Royal Engineer Commission, 1882-84. Assistant Private Secretary to Secretary of State for War, 1885-86. Address : Junior United Service Club, Charles Street, London, S.W. Aitken, William, son of Alexander Muirhead Aitken, Esq., Braehead House, Nemphlar, Lanark ; born 4th May, 1849. loC — jM. Beaufort House. Drowned at sea, October, 1874. Annesley, Arthur Francis Biscoe, son of Arthur Annesley, Esq., 37 Clarence Square, Chel- tenham ; born 14th November, 1849. Annesley, William Oliver Tyndale, son of Arthur Annesley, Esq., 37 Clarence Square, Cheltenham ; born loth November, 1849. Re-entered College, January, 1865. Anson, Archibald John George, son of Major- General Sir Archibald Edward Harbord Anson, K.C.M.G., Mauritius ; born 4th November, 1851. Apthorp, Edmond Paley, son of Major-General Apthorp, 3 Paragon Buildings, Cheltenham ; born I2th January, 1852. Sub-Lieutenant, 1st West India Regiment, 1875 ; Lieutenant, 1876 ; Captain. 1886. Garrison Adju- tant, Sierra Leone, 1886-87. Aylmer, Arthur Fitzgerald Harrison, son of John Harrison Aylmer, Esq., Walworth Castle, Darlington ; born 26th January, 1850. Killed in the railway accident at Abergele, North Wales, 20th August, 1868. Bird, George Emilius, son of Charles James Bird, Esq., Little Hatherley, Cheltenham ; born 23rd February, 1850. Bower, John William Nott, son of John Bower, Esq., D.C.L., Barrister, Beddgelert, Carnar- von ; born 20th March, 1849. SC — /f‘M. Ellis and Porcher. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1866-67. En- sign, 33rd Foot, 1867 ; transferred to 8th Foot, 1868. Joined Royal Irish Constabulary, 1873. Ap- pointed Chief Constable of Leeds in 1878, and Chief Constable of Liverpool in 1881. Address : 40 Huskisson Street, Liverpool. Bramwell, John William, son of John Byrom Bramwell, Esq., Surgeon, North Shields; born 13th January, 1852. 3 j~zC. Boyne House. Left 1869. Cricket XXII., 1868. Edinburgh University. M.B., 1873 ; M.D. , 1877. Licentiate, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1873. Formerly House Sur- geon, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary ; Medical Officer, Cheltenham General Hospital. Now Surgeon, Chel- tenham General Hospital. Member of British Medical Association. Author of pamphlet on “Vivisection.” Address : 6 Bays Hill Villas, Cheltenham. Bramwell, Thomas Young, son of John Byrom Bramwell, Esq., Surgeon, North Shields ; born 15th October, 1850. \J — i*’C. Boyne House. Left 1868. Cricket XL, 1866-67-68 ; Football XX., 1866-67- 68. Solicitor (admitted 1874). Address : North Shields, Northumberland. Butler, George Grey, son of the Rev. George Butler, Priory House, Cheltenham ; born 15th November, 1852. Left December, 1865. Foundation Scholarship, Trinity College, Cam- bridge, 1873. Bell (University) Scholarship, 1873. B.A. (28th Wrangler, and 9th in 2nd Class Classical Tripos), 1876; M.A., 1879. Permanent Examiner, Civil Service Commission, since 1876. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1883. Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. Address ; Civil Service Commission, Cannon Row, Westminster, London, S.W. Butler, James, son of Colonel John Butler, Empshott, near Petersfield, Hants ; born 14th March, 1846. Ensign, 19th Foot, 1866 ; Lieutenant, Bengal .Staff Corps, 1868 ; Captain, 1878 ; Major, 1886. Is Deputy-Commissioner, 2nd Grade, Burmah. Cargill, Henry Edward, son of — Cargill, Esq. ; born 7th February, 1850. Carter, Frederic Asgill, son of Maurice Fred- eric Carter, Esq., Solicitor, Newnham, Glou- cestershire; born 8th January, 1853. Left 1870. Cricket XL, 1869-70; Football XX., 1869. Charlesworth, Charles Ernest, son of Joseph Charlesworth, Esq. ; born 6th May, 1849. Collier, William Henry, son of William Collier, Esq., Dundee ; born 26th April, 1848. — Civil M. Beaufort House. Left 1 865. College Boat, 1865. Cattle Ranching in Arizona, U nited States of America. Crawshay, Alfred, son of Alfred Crawshay, Esq., Dany Park, Glamorganshire ; bom loth August, 1850. Crofton, Morgan Samuel, son of the Rev. Morgan Crofton, 2 Park Place, Cheltenham ; born 2nd January, 1850. 8C — M. Day Boy. Left 1868. Football XX., 1867. Ensign, 38th Foot, 1868; Lieutenant, 1870 ; Adjutant, 1875-77 ; Captain, 1877 ; Major, South Staffordshire Regiment, 1883 ; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1885 ; Colonel, 1889. On special service. South Africa, 1879-80 ; Aide-de- Camp to Major-General, North British District, 1881-85 ! Brigade-Major, Eg;ypt, 1885-86. Pro- ceeded on special service to South Africa in June, 1879, and was employed as Staff Officer and Deputy- Assistant-Quartermaster-General at Durban during the Zulu Campaign, from October, 1879, till April, 1880 (Medal with clasp). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lieut. -Colonel, Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star). Also served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 as Brigade-Major on Intelligence Duty, and was present in the engage- ment at Giniss (mentioned in despatches, D.S.O.). Da Costa, Edmund, son of Isaac G. Da Costa, Esq., Hardelot House, Weston-super-Mare ; born 29th May, 1848. Day, Charles Edward, son of the Rev. Edward Fitzgerald Day, 15 Lypiatt Terrace, Chel- tenham; born 1 6th September, 1851. if — i’’C. Day Boy Left 1870. Classical Football XX. , 1868-69-70. Royal Indian E E 210 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1863. Engineering College, Cooper’s Hill, 1872-75. In Public Works Department, India. Day, Francis Robert Maunsell, son of the Rev. Edward Fitzgerald Day, 15 Lypiatt Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 27th April, 1850. Ensign, 33rd Foot, 1869; Lieutenant, 1870: Re- signed, 1871. Dickinson, John, son of Joseph Dickinson, Esq., M.D., Liverpool; born 17th Novem- ber, 1848. Green. Left June, 1866. Trinity College, Cambridge. LL. B. , 1870 ; LL.M., 1874. Called to the Bar, Middle Temple, 1871. Address : 6 Crown Office Row, The Temple, London, E.C. Dickson, George Herbert, son of Joseph Briggs Dickson, Esq., Solicitor, Preston; born 25th December, 1850. 7C — i^C. Turnbull and Green. Left December, 1867. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1865. Solicitor (ad- mitted 1873). Registrar, Garstang County Court. Address : Garstang, Lancashire. Dorward, Arthur Robert Ford, son of James Dorward, Esq., Surgeon, Bellary, Madras ; born 13th July, 1848. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1866-68. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1868 ; Captain, 1881 ; Brevet-Major, July, 1887 ; Major, October, 1887. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, and was pre- sent in the engagement at Kam Dakka, and in the operations in the Kama District (Medal). Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-86 in command of the Queen’s Own Sappers and Miners (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, D.S.O., and Medal with clasp). Downes, James Johnson, son of Commander Thomas H. Downes, R.N., 3 Anglesey Crescent, Gosport ; born 22nd May, 1851. Worcester College, 0 .xford, 1869. Migrated to St. Alban Hall. B.A., 1874. Ordained Deacon, 1877, and Priest, 1878. Curate of St. Thomas, Brampton, Derbyshire, 1877-82 ; Chaplain of Somer- set County Asylum, 1882. Address : Somerset County Asylum, near Wells. Durham, Hubert Rowland Pasley, son of Cap- tain Patrick F. Durham, Glanymawr House, Aberystwith ; born loth December, 1854. Fletcher, Charles Melbourne, son of William Fletcher, Esq., 21 Suffolk Square, Chelten- ham ; born 26th April, 1850. Jesus College, Cambridge. B.A., 1872. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1875. Address : Commerce Court, Harrington Street, Liverpool. Gahh, Charles, son of Alfred William Gabb, Esq., Surgeon, Cheltenham ; born 21st De- cember, 1850. Garnett, Frank Nasmyth, son of Henry Gar- nett, Esq., Wyreside, near Lancaster ; born 8th November, 1848. Garnett, Stewart, son of Henry Garnett, Esq., Wyreside, near Lancaster ; born 29th March, 1850, — J — yM. Chenery. Left June, 1866. Cricket XXII. Address : The Rookery, Pendleton, near Man- chester. Gastrell, George Davidson Campbell, son of Major Thomas Eardley Gastrell, Calcutta ; born 5th December, 1850. Ensign, 25th Foot, 1870 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1874 ; Captain, 1882. Is Wing Commander, 8th Bengal Native Infantiy. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, and took part in the expedition into the Hissarik Valley (Medal). Ghrace, Edward Nathaniel, son of Edward Nathaniel Grace, Esq., Broomfield, New- castle-on-Tyne ; iDorn i6th October, 1847. Henson, Gerald Francis, son of the Rev. Francis Henson, Rickmansworth ; born 30th Sep- tember, 1848. Hewson, John Francis, son of the Rev. Francis Hewson, Carbery Vicarage, Co. Kildare, Ireland ; born 17th March, 1847. Silver (Mathematical) Medallist, 1865. Head of Modem, June, 1865. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1865-67. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1868. Whilst in command of a patty of workmen at the Quetta Fort, Bolan Pass, India, he was treacher- ously assassinated by three of the natives under his charge, on 26th July, 1877. Hogg, Harding Cornwallis, son of Charles Hogg, Esq., 10 Lansdown Terrace, Chelten- ham ; born 5th December, 1 848. Ensign, 89th Foot, 1867 ; transferred to ist Foot, 1868 ; Lieutenant, Bombay Staff Corps, 1870 ; Cap- tain, 1879 ; Major, 1887. Is Squadron Commander, 3rd Bombay Cavalry. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, and was present in the engagement at Khusk-i-Nakhud (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Hooper, Albert Harry George, son of William Henry Hooper, Esq., M.D., Elkstone House, Cheltenham ; bom i6th December, 1849. Hughes, William, son of Henry Hughes, Esq., Abbey Tintern Works, Chepstow ; born 14th June, 1848. Irwin, William John, son of General William Irwin, Templemore, Ireland ; born 22nd September, 1848. ejM — ^^M. Bayly. Left June, 1867. Football XX., 1866 ; Cricket XXII., 186 — . Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Ensign, 104th Foot, January, 1869 ; Cornet, 20th Hussars, March, 1869 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Adjutant, 1877-79 ; Captain, 1879 ; Major, 1885 ; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 1888. Served in the operations near Suakin in December, 1888, including the engagement at Gemaizah (men- tioned in despatches. Brevet of Lieut. -Colonel, Medal with clasp, and 3rd Class Medjidie). James, Willoughby, son of Henry James, Esq., 3 Royal Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 24th April, 1853. Re-entered College J anuary, 1 866. John, Edwin William, son of William John, Esq., Solicitor, Haverfordwest ; born i8th April, 1847. Knox, Fitzroy, son of Lieut.-Colonel William Knox, Brittas Castle, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, Ireland ; born 22nd April, 1847. Langley, Lionel, son of General Sir George Colt Langley, K.C.B., 7 New Street, Spring Gardens, London ; born 9th May, 1850. \M — i*Af. Bayly. Left June, 1867. Cricket XXII., 1867. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1868-70. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1870 ; Captain, 1882 ; Major, 1889. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, including the operations in the Kama District (mentioned in despatches. Medal). La Trohe, Charles, son of Charles J. La Trobe, Esq., Whitbourne Court, Worcester ; born 25th December, 1845. Lawton, Jesse, son of Benjamin C. Lawton, Esq., PrioFs Terrace, Tynemouth ; born 12th May, 1846. Mackworth, Rowland, son of Sir Digby Francis Mackworth, Bart., Glenusk, Monmouth ; born 20th March, 1848. Re-entry vide August, 1859. Maclean, Alexander Duncan, son of William Campbell Maclean, Esq., Deputy-Inspector- January, 1863.] PRINCIPAL: REV. A. BARRY, D.D. 21 1 General, Army Medical Staff; born 21st October, 1850. Mallam, Thomas William, son of Thomas Mallam, Esq., Solicitor, Oxford ; born 8th January, 1853. Cricket XL, 1870-71 ; Football XX., 1870. Exeter College, Oxford, 1872. B.A., 1879; M.A., 1879. Address ; The Shrubbery, Oxford. Martin, Rowland Hill, son of Lieut.-Colonel Anthony P. Martin, Kew ; born 30th Octo- ber, 1848. Cornet, 21st Hussars, 1869 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Adjutant, May to December, 1878 ; Captain, 1878 ; Major, 1884. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1882-84. Served in the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85, during the latter part of the time in command of a regiment of Mounted Rifles. Moreton, Robert, son of Captain the Hon. Percy Moreton, Ireton House, Cheltenham ; born 8th June, 1850. Address : Lichfield, Cambridge, Auckland, New Zealand. Moyle, George, son of the Rev. George Moyle ; born 24th September, 1854. Mulligan, Baldwin, son of M. Baldwin Mulli- gan, Esq., 8 Royal Terrace, Belfast ; born 27th December, 1849. Mulligan, Joseph Wallace Bryson, son of M. Baldwin Mulligan, Esq., 8 Royal Terrace, Belfast ; born 8th February, 1848. Myers, Arthur Thomas, son of the Rev. F rederic Myers ; born i6th April, 1851. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1865 ; Gold Medallist, 1868-69 1 Silver (Classical) Medallist, 1868-69 1 Walker Prize, 1868-69 ; Dobson Scholar, 1869 ; Head of Classical, December, 1868. Cricket XL, 1869. Racquet Pair, 1868-69 1 Racquet Champion, 1869. Trinity College, Cambridge. Represented Cam- bridge in the Inter-University Single and Double Tennis Matches in 1873. Foundation Scholarship, Trinity College, 1872 ; Winchester Reading Prize, 1872. B.A. (12th in ist Class Classical Tripos), 1873; M.A., 1876; M.D., 1881. Addenbrooke Hospital, Cambridge, and St. George’s Hospital, London. Member, Royal College of Physicians, London, 1882. House Physician and Medical Regis- trar, St. George’s Hospital, London, 1879-84. Fellow of the Royal Medical Society of London, besides other medical societies. Physician, Belgrave Hos- pital for Children, London. Author of several con- tributions to medical journals. Address : 9 Lower Berkeley Street, Portman Square, London, W. Ommanney, H enry T ravers, sonofMajor- General Edward Lancon Ommanney, R.E., 10 Cam- den Crescent, Bath ; born 25th December, 1 849. Classical Football XX., 1866-67. Indian Civil Service, 1868 ; appointed to Bombay, 1870. Assis- tant to Collector and Magistrate, Dharvvar, 1872-73 ; at Canara, 1873-74 ; at Dharwar, 1874-75 I Nas- sick, 1875 ; at Khandeish, 1875-84 ; also Forest Set- tlement Officer, Khandeish, 1882-83 > Assistant- Magistrate and Collector, Bombay, 1884-86 ; at Dharwar, 1886. Partridge, John Blakemore, son of William Partridge, Esq., Barrister, Tettenhall, near Wolverhampton; born 15th December, 1848. In Business. Phipps, Henry Barr^, son of Captain Henry Barr^ Phipps, Llwyndu, Abergavenny ; born 22nd September, 1850. Walker Prize, 1868. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1869-71. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1871 ; Resigned, i88o. Porter, Atwell Robert, son of Robert Tindal Porter, Esq., 3 Suffolk Square, Cheltenham ; born 25th August, 1849. — 2C. Day Hoy. Left December, 1866. Gymnasium Champion, 1866. Ensign, looth Foot, August, 1869 ; transferred to 38th Foot, Oc- tober, 1869, and to ist Foot, 1871 ; Lieutenant, 1871 I joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1873 I Captain, i88i. Is Wing Commander, 28th Bengal Native Infantry. Served in the Afghan War in 1879, with the Kuram Valley Field Force (Medal). Pride, Charles George, son of Henry Pride, Esq., The Cwm, near Monmouth ; born i6th November, 1849. Eamsay, William Alexander, son of Captain F rancis Ramsay, R.A., 5 Montpellier Parade, Cheltenham ; born 5th December, 1848. 6A/ — Civil M. Day Boy. Left December, 1864. Cornet 4th Hussars, 1869 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Captain, 1879 ; Major, 1884. Richmond, Duncan Andrew, son of — Rich- mond, Esq. ; born 24th October, 1849. Naval Cadet, 1867 ; Midshipman, Royal Navy, 1869 ; Sub-Lieutenant, 1871 ; Lieutenant, 1878 ; Retired, 1879. Rigg, Hugh Carthew, son of Lieut.-Colonel Hugh Rigg, Scorton, Catterick, Yorkshire ; born 25th February, 1849. Rodwell, Christopher, son of the Rev. Chris- topher Brown Rodwell, Freshford House, near Bath ; born 12th June, 1849. 8C — iC. Bayly. Classical Football XX., 1866. Trinity College, Oxford, 1868. B.A. , 1872. Ordained Deacon, 1872, and Priest, 1873. Curate of Kenilworth, Warwick- shire, 1872-74 I of Misterton, Leicestershire, 1874-80; Vicar of Shelford, with Newton and Saxondale, Notts, 1880-82 ; Vicar of Sproxton with Saltby, Leicestershire, 1882-84; Rector of Kimeote, Leices- tershire, 1884. Address : Kimeote Rectory, Lutterworth. Shawe, George Augustus Grant, son of Major Robert Shawe, 10 Oriel Place, Cheltenham ; born 27th June, 1851. Singleton, John, son of Major-General John Singleton, 6 Sandford Place, Cheltenham ; born 14th October, 1854. Smith, James Adolphus, son of Richard Smith, Esq., Surgeon, Clapham, London ; born 21st December, 1847. — Civil M. Price. Left December, 1864. St. Mary's Hospital, London. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1869 ; Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 1873. Sur- geon, Army Medical Department, 1874 ; Surgeon- Major, Medical Staff, 1886. Served in the Campaign in the North-West Frontier of India in 1876, and was present at the affair at Aimul Chabootra (slightly wounded). Also served in the Egyptian War in 1882 (Medal and Khedive’s Star), and in the Nile Expedi- tion of 1884-85 (Clasp). Thomas, Arthur William, son of John Thomas, Esq., Court Herbert, near Neath ; born nth September, 1853. Re-entered College Au- gust, 1868. Thomas, David Smith, son of John Thomas, Esq., Court Herbert, near Neath ; born 5th October, 1851. Thomson, Henry, son of George Thomson, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 17th July, 1852. Tickell, Charles, son of Lieut.-General Richard Tickell, C.B., Ravensworth Lodge, Chelten- ham ; born 21st February, 1853. zj — i*Af. Day Boy. Left June, 1872. 212 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1863. Gymnasium Champion, 1869-70-72. Gymnasium VIII., 1872. Football XX., 1871. Cricket XXII., 187 — . Royal Indian Engineering College, Cooper's Hill, 1872. Civil Engineer ; Public Works Depart- ment, India. Address : Care of Messrs. Grindlay, Groom, and Co., Parliament Street, Westminster, S.W. Tweedie, Alexander Leslie, son of — Tweedie, Esq. ; born 25th October, 1849. Tweedie, George Straton, son of — Tweedie, Esq. ; born 21st March, 1851. . Wade, John Matthew, son of John Wade, Esq., Kilkenny, Ireland ; born 29th September, 1848. Cricket XL, 1868. Wilkinson, John Frome, son of the Rev. Pre- bendary John Wilkinson, Broughton Gifford, Melksham ; born 28th December, 1849. Wadham College, Oxford, 1869. B.A. (2nd Class Theology), 1873 ; M.A., 1878. Ordained Deacon, 1873, and Priest, 1876. Curate of Symondsbury, Dorset, 1873-74 ; of Bexhill, Sussex, 1874-76 ; of St. Margaret-at-Cliffe with West Cliffe, Dover, 1876-82 ; of Long Melford, Suffolk, 1882-86 ; of Strelley, Notts, 1886-87 ; Rector of Kilvington, Notts, 1887. Address : Kilvington Rectory, Nottingham. Williams, Henry Hugh, son of John Williams, Esq., Dursley ; born loth October, 1849. Exeter College, Oxford, 1868. B.A., 1871; M.A., 1875. Lichfield Theological College, 1873. Or- dained Deacon, 1873, and Priest, 1874. Curate of Lower Mitton, Worcestershire, 1873-75 ; of Bath- wick, 1875-78 ; of Lower Mitton, 1878-87 ; Vicar of Brilley with Michaelchurch, HereforcLhire, 1887. Address ; Brilley Vicarage, Whitney, Hereford- shire. Wodehouse, Albert Philip, son of — Wode- house, Esq. ; born 9th November, 1846. Ensign, 69th Foot, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1869 ; Cap- tain, 1875; transferred to Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, 1879; Major, 1885. Was present with the 69th Foot during the repulse of an incursion of Fenians into Canada in May, 1870. Wotherspoon, George, son of David Wother- spoon. Esq., De Crespigny Park, Camber- well, London ; born 26th November, 1853. Scholarship, Trinity College, Oxford, 1872 ; 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1874 ; 2nd Class Clas- sical Final Schools, 1876 ; B.A., 1876; M.A. , 1879. Assistant-Master at King’s College School, London, 1878. Address : King’s College School, Strand, London, W.C. Wright, William Pemberton, son of George Augustus Wright, Esq., Allyghur, Bengal ; born February, 1847. Young, Frederick Maxwell, son of Archibald Roberts Young, Esq., 22 Lansdown Place, Cheltenham ; born 30th November, 1852. Re-entered College January, 1865. ENTERED APRIL, 1863. Aspinall, Henry Edward, son of Henry Kelsall Aspinall, Esq., Birkenhead ; born 13th Au- gust, 1846. Enamel Manufacturer. Address : Peckham, London, S.E. Aspinall, John Evans, son of Henry Kelsall Aspinall, Birkenhead ; born 14th March, 1848. Birkmyre, Nevile Young, son of Adam Birk- myre. Esq., Thames Street, Windsor ; born 3rd April, 1851. Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 1869. B.A. (2nd Class Theology, 1873) ; M. A., 1877. Ordained Dea- con, 1874, and Priest, 1875. Curate of St. Jude, Bristol, 1874-75 ; of Dorchester, Oxford, 1875-77 ; of Maindee, Monmouth, 1878-82 ; Vicar of St. Simon, Bristol, 1882. Address : St. Simon’s, Vicarage, Bristol. Bromby, William Mattison, son of the Rev. Charles Henry Bromby (afterwards Bishop of Tasmania), Normal College, Cheltenham ; born 19th June, 1847. Butler, Arthur Stanley, son of the Rev. George Butler, Priory House, Cheltenham ; born 19th May, 1854. Exeter College, Oxford, 1874; ist Class Mathe- matical Moderations, 1875 ; ist Class Mathematical Final Schools, 1877. B.A., 1877; M.A., i88o. Callender, Thomas, son of — Callender, Esq. ; born 28th June, 1846. Cumberland, Frederic Barlow, son of Frederic William Cumberland, Esq., C.E., Toronto, Canada West ; born 5th August, 1846. Francis, Edward Augustus, son of Major John Thomas Francis ; born 12th September, 1848. Previously at Merchant Taylors’ School (June, 1861 — ). Griffith, Henry Charlton Wynn, son of — Griffith, Esq. ; born 28th October, 1847. Ensign, i6th Foot, 1866 ; Lieutenant, 1869 ; Re- tired, 1874. Griffith, Lloyd Walter, son of the Rev. Thomas C. Griffith, Whittington Rectory, near Chel- tenham ; born loth April, 1849. Hard’wick, Charles, son of — Hardwick, Esq. ; born 24th April, 1851. Hasrwood, James Henry Wightwick, son of James Haywood, Esq., Dosthill House, near Tamworth ; born 28th January, 1848. Hippisley, Richard Lionel, son of John Hippis- ley. Esq., Ston Easton House, near Bath ; born 2nd July, 1853. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1867 and 1868. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1870-72. Lieu- tenant, Royal Engineers, 1872 ; Captain, 1884. Is Instructor in Electricity, School of Military En- gineering, Chatham. Hopkinson, Archibald Montgomerie, son of Major Henry Hopkinson ; born i8th Jan- uary, 1851. Football XX., 1868. Ensign, 97th Foot, Septem- ber, 1871 ; Lieutenant, November, 1871 ; Adjutant, 1872. Died at Kingston, Jamaica, 22nd July, 1874, from the effects of a fall while bathing. James, Francis, son of John Williams James, Esq., Russell Place, Swansea ; bom 5th February, 1849. McNair, Harry Bingham, son of Captain John Christie McNair, 55 Parlitiment Street, Lon- don ; born 28th September, 1845. 4C — 3C Green. Left June, 1864. Emmanuel College, Cambridge. B.A., 1867 ; M.A., 1875. Ordained Deacon, 1868, and Priest, 1871. Curate of Stoke Courcy, 1868-69 ; of Hamp- ton- Lucy, 1870-75: of Abingdon, 1875: Reader of April, 1863.] PRINCIPAL: REV. A. BARRY, D.D. 213 St. Nicholas, Abingdon, 1876-84 ; Vicar of Earley, Berkshire, 1884-89 ; Vicar of Aylesbury, 1889. Address : The Vicarage, Aylesbury. Mellor, Philip Henry, son of the Hon. Sir John Mellor, Knt., 16 Sussex Square, Lon- don ; born 28th October, 1847. Boyne House. Cricket XL, 1865-66. Football XX., 186 — . Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A, 1870. Was to have rowed in the Cambridge Eight against Oxford in 1869, but was taken ill during the training a few days previous to the race. Was a partner with his brother Horace in the Stourton Cotton Mills at Pres- ton. Died at Lytham, Lancashire, 26th February, 1879. Metcalfe, Henry Hulbert, son of Henry Gel- dart Metcalfe, Esq., 3 Montpellier Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 30th October, 1851. Parry, Graham, son of George Frederick Parry, Esq., 3 Douro Villas, Cheltenham ; born 1 8th October, 1848. Storey, Joseph, son of Sandford Joseph Storey, Esq., Clifton Park, Birkenhead ; born i6th July, 1847. Storey, Sandford William, son of Sandford Joseph Storey, Esq., Clifton Park, Birken- head ; born iith April, 1849. Western, Charles Maximilian, son of Lieut. - Colonel William Charles Western, 10 Brook Street, Bath ; born 13th June, 1848. — Leiy;htoit and Graves. Left June, 1867. Football XX., 1866-67. Hornby Prize, 1867. Head of Modern, June, 1867. Royal Military Aca- demy, Woolwich, 1867-69. Lieutenant, Royal Ar- tillery, 1869 ; Captain, 1880 ; Major, 1885. Served in the Afghan War in 1878-79 (Medal), also in the Transvaal Campaign in 1881. ENTERED AUGUST, 1863. Abercrombie, John, son of John Abercrombie, Esq., M.D., 13 Suffolk Square, Cheltenham; born 13th September, 1851. 8C — 2*C. Left December, 1868. Previously at Eton College (1861). Rifle Corps XL, 1868. Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. Cambridge University Rifle VIII., 1873-74. Winner of Inter-University National Rifle Association Bronze Medal, 1874. Cheltenham Veterans Rifle V. , 1874. B.A., 1874; M.B., 1877; M.D., 1880. Adden- brooke Hospital, Cambridge, and St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. Fellow, Royal College of Phy- sicians, London, 1886, and Fellow of various Medical Societies. Senior Assistant Physician, Charing Cross Hospital ; Assistant Physician, Hospital for Children, Great Ormond Street, London. Author of “ Student's Guide to Medical Jurisprudence " ; “On Tetany in Young Children”; "Diphtheritic Paralysis,” and contributions to medical journals. Address : 23 Upper Wimpole Street, London, W. Anindell, William John, son of the Rev. William Harris Arundell, Cheriton Fitzpaine, Devon ; born 14th February, 1850. loC — 2*’C. Newtek House. Football XX., 186 — . Worcester College, Oxford, 1868. Auld, Robert, son of Thomas R. Auld, Esq., Real del Monte, Mexico ; born ist October, 1848. Rifle Corps XL, 1865. Ensign, 5th Foot, 1869; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Captain, Northumberland Fusi- liers, i88i ; Major, 1886; Lieut. -Colonel, on Half- Pay, 1889. Passed Staff College, 1877 (passed a good examination in Photography as a voluntary subject, and a very good examination in Spanish as an extra subject). Aide-de-Camp to Governor, Malta, 1878-81. Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant and Quartermaster-General, Southern District, 1882-87. Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant-General, Irish Head- Quarters, 1889. Bacon, Arthur Henry, son of William Bacon, Esq., 4 Osborne Villas, Cheltenham ; born 27th September, 1853. Bacon, Richard Thomas, son of William Bacon, Esq., 4 Osborne Villas, Cheltenham ; born 9th December, 1851. Bell, Alexander William Croker, son of Lieut. - General Harry Wainwright Bax Bell, R.E., Surat, Bombay ; born 26th March, 1849. 9C — Sandhurst M. Ellis, Graves, and Leighton. Left 1 867. Rifle Corps XL, 1867. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1867-69. Ensign, 58th Foot, 1869; Lieu- tenant, 1871 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1872 ; Captain, 1881 ; Major, 1889. Is Wing Commander, 26th Bombay Native Infantry. Bell, Frederick, son of Major-General James Bell, Abberton House, Cheltenham ; born 6th September, 1850. Bellingham, Sydney Edwin, son of Captain William J. Bellingham, Dundalk, Ireland ; born 5th April, 1853. Lieutenant (from Militia), 57th Foot, 1874 ; Cap- tain, Middlesex Regiment, 1882. Adjutant, Hyder- abad Volunteer Rifle Corps, 1887. Served with the 57th Regiment in the Zulu War of 1879, and was present at the action of Gingindhlovu and relief of Ekowe, and throughout the operations of Clarke's Column (Medal with clasp). Served in the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in 1881. Bond, John Edward Gordon, son of Lieut. - Colonel Edward Bond, 30 Clarence Square, Cheltenham ; born ist January, 1852 \oM — 9C Day Boy. Left 1864. Naval Cadet, 1865 ; Midshipman, Royal Navy, 1867 : Sub-Lieutenant, 1872 ; Retired, 1873. At Chichester Theological College, 1874. Ordained Deacon, 1875, and Priest, 1877. Curate of Mid- hurst, 1875-78 ; of Burbage, Wiltshire, 1878-79 ; Vicar of Savernake, Wiltshire, 1879. Address : Savernake Vicarage, Marlborough. Boyd, Charles Augustus Rochfort (afterwards Rochfort-Boyd), son of George Augustus Boyd, Esq. (afterwards Rochfort-Boyd), Middleton Park, Westmeath, Ireland ; born 4th October, 1850. ~]M — \^M. Boyne House. Left June, 1868. Previously at Eton College. Royal Military Aca- demy, Woolwich, 1868-70. Lieutenant, Royal En- gineers, 1870; Captain, July, 1882; Brevet-Major, November, 1882 ; Major, 1889. Commanded the Field Park, Royal Engineers, during the Egyptian War of 1882 (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major. Medal, and Khedive's Star). Brancker, Peter Whitfield, son of John Hough- ton Brancker, Esq., 9 Bays Hill Terrace, Cheltenham ; born nth April, 1853. Subsequently at Radley College and Jesus College, Cambridge. Rowed "bow” in Cambridge Eight v. 214 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1863. Oxford, 1876; President of Cambridge University Boat Club, 1876. B.A., 1877. At Wells Theolo- gical College, 1876-77. Ordained Deacon, 1877, and Priest, 1878. Curate of St. John the Baptist, Kid- derminster, 1877-80 ; of Walmersley, Lancashire, 1880-85 i St. John, Bishop’s Hull, Somerset, 1885-87 ; of Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, 1887. Address : The Abbey Lodge, Tewkesbury. Brodie, George Gordon, son of the Rev. Peter Bellinger Brodie, Rowington Vicarage, War- wick ; born 19th August, 1848. bM — Civil M. Beaufort House. Left 1867. Cricket XXIL, 1866-67. Modern Football XX., 1867. In business. Address; 21 Trinity Road, Birchfield, Birming- ham. Brook-Smith, Eldred John, son of John Brook- Smith, Esq., Boyne House, Cheltenham ; born 3rd March, 1856. 3^ — I'^C. Boyne House. Left June, 1873. St. John’s College, Cambridge. London Univer- sity, Honour Division, Matriculation, 1873. E.xhi- bition, St. John’s College, Cambridge, 1875 ; Founda- tion Scholarship, St. John’s College, 1878 ; B.A. (20th Wrangler), 1879; LL.M., 1882. MacMahon Law Studentship, 1880. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1879. Assistant-Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1887-88 ; Head Mathematical Master, Derby School, 1888-89. Pro- fessor of Mathematics, Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1889. Address : Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Brown, Luscomb Edmund, son of John John- son Brown, Esq., 16 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham; born 15th November, 1854. Re-entered College February, 1869. Bryans, Edward de Villars, son of the Rev. Francis Bryans, Backford, Chester; born 17th September, 1846. 4C — i’’C. Boyce. Left June, 1865. Christ’s College, Cambridge. B.A. ,1868; M.A., 1872. Ordained Deacon, 1870, and Priest, 1871. Curate of St. Mary, Shrewsbury, 1870-75 ; Curate in charge of Matlock Bank, 1876-77 ; Curate of St. Mary, Shrewsbury, 1877-82 ; Chaplain to the Bishop of Lichfield, 1881 ; Vicar of The Abbey Church, Shrewsbury, 1882-89 ; Vicar of Abbots Bromley, Staf- fordshire, 1889. Address : Abbots Bromley Vicarage, Rugeley. Bubb, Benjamin, son of Benjamin Bubb, Esq., Solicitor, Cheltenham ; born 31st May, 1851. Bubb, William Neale, son of Benjamin Bubb, Esq., Solicitor, Cheltenham ; born 23rd May, 1849. Burke, Harold Arthur, son of James St. George Burke, Esq., Q.C., The Auberies, Sudbury; born 28th January, 1852. Burnett, William Augustus, son of General William Augustus Burnett ; born 8th Feb- ruary, 1848. Ensign, 19th Foot, i866 ; Lieutenant, 1869 ; Cap- tain, 1878 ; Paymaster, Army Pay Department, 1883. Served in the Hazara Campaign in 1868, in- cluding the expedition against the tribes on the Black Mountain (Medal with clasp). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with clasp and Khedive’s Star). Butler, Charles, son of Colonel John Butler, Empshott, near Petersfield, Hants ; born 2 1 St April, 1849. Campbell, Charles Dugald Henry, son of Cap- tain D. J. P. Campbell, 3 Albion Terrace, Stoke Newington, London ; born 12th June, 1853- Carbonell, Leicester Patrick, son of — Car- bonell. Esq.; born 17th March, 1853. Carrington, Harold Tartt, son of Edmund Car- rington, Esq., Trowscoed Lodge, Leckhamp- ton ; born 22nd May, 1852. 9C — i*’C. Left June, 1872. University College, Oxford, 1872. B.A. , 1878; M.A. , 1879. At Cuddesdon Theological College, 1878-79. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1883. Address : 4 College Lawn, Cheltenham. Charter, William Boileau, son of Major Ellis James Charter. ij — ij. Boyce. Naval Cadet, 1864 ; Midshipman, Royal Navy, 1867 ; Sub-Lieutenant, 1872 ; Lieutenant, 1876 ; Sub-Lieutenant in command of ‘ ' Barracoota’s " Company of Seamen in the action with the natives of Samoa at Mulineau, on 13th March, 1876. Lieu- tenant in “ Thalia ” during Egyptian War of 1882, employed in Transport Service (Medal, and Khedive’s Star). Was appointed to the command of H.M.S. “ Grappler ” in 1886. Died at Gibraltar, 14th De- cember, 1887. Cockburn, George Alexander, son of the Rev, George Alexander Cockburn, Pickering, Yorkshire; born 15th February, 1848. Walker Prize, 1865. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1866-68 (Prize: First Mathematical). Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1868 ; Captain, 1880 ; Major, 1887. Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star). Cooper, George, son of John Cooper, Esq., The Oaks, Preston ; born 23rd July, 1851. Corbett, Richard Cecil, sonof Uvedale Corbett, Esq., Jun., Barrister-at-Law, 102 Marine Parade, Brighton ; born 4th June, 1851. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1868-70 ; Lieutenant, Roy^ Artillery, 1870: Resigned, 1877. Corbett, Uvedale Bennett, son of Uvedale Cor- bett, Esq., Jun., Barrister-at-Law, 102 Marine Parade, Brighton ; born 17th May, 1853. D’Aguilar, Francis Burton Grant, son of the Rev. John D’Aguilar, Landour, Bengal ; born iith December, 1849. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1868-70 (Prize : Hindustani). Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1870 ; Captain, 1882 ; Major, 1889. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80 (Medal). de Winton, Ernest Hayward, son of Thomas de Winton, Esq., Wallsworth Hall, near Glou- cester ; born 23rd May, 1853. Address : Wallsworth Hall, near Gloucester. de Winton, John Parry, son of Thomas de Winton, Esq., Wallsworth Hall, near Glou- cester; born 19th May, 1854. De Wolf, Robert Bibby, son of James Ratch- ford De Wolf, Esq., Oxton, Cheshire ; born nth January, 1851. iJ — 4^. Newick House. Wadham College, Oxford, 1870. B.A. (3rd Class Theology), 1873; M.A,, 1876. Ordained Deacon, 1874, and Priest, 1876. Curate of Ilfracombe, Devon, 1874-77; of Christ Church, Surbiton, Surrey, 1877 ; of Sheffield, 1878-80 ; Rector of Georgeham, Devon, 1880-82 ; Curate of Sheffield, 1882-84; of Brid- lington, Yorkshire, 1884-85; also Perpetual Curate of Bessingby, Yorkshire, 1884-85 ; Association Secre- tary, Church Pastoral Aid .Society for Metropolitan District, 1885-86 ; Curate of St. Mary, Islington, London, 1887-88. Vicar of St. Mary, Sheffield, 1888. Address : St. Mary’s Vicarage, Sheffield. Dcwling, Thurlow Laing Weir, son of Thurlow Dowling, Esq., 10 Lower Belgrave Street, Eaton Square, London ; born 22nd Novem- ber, 1850. Ensign, 34th Foot, 1869 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Cap August, 1863.] PRINCIPAL: REV. A. HARRY, U.D. 215 tain. Border Regiment, 1880 ; Major, 1886. Adju- tant, Auxiliary Forces, 1883-88. Errington, Roland, son of General Arnold Charles Errington, Mooltan, India ; born 14th June, 1846. 3C — 2C. Whittard. Left 1864. Exeter College, Oxford, 1866. B.A., 1870 ; M.A., 1875. Ordained Deacon, 1870, and Priest, 1871. Curate of Stoke Poges, 1870-75 ; of Ringwood, 1875-76 ; Conduct of Eton College, 1876-80 ; Rector of Clewer, 1880. Address ; Clewer Rectory, Windsor. Firth, Frederic William, son of Frederic Hand Firth, Esq., Northwich ; born 7th April, 1849 - Corpus Christ! College, Cambridge, 1871. Fisher, Joseph Timbrell, son of Joseph Tim- brell Fisher, Esq., Field Place, Stroud ; born 6th December, 1851. George, Seymour Thorne, son of Lieut.-Colonel G. Thorne George, 3 Spring Grove Villas, Cheltenham; born 20th February, 1851. \oM — 'Z^M. Porcher. Left 1867. Mining and Commission Agent. Captain, Volun- teer Garrison Artillery, Auckland, New Zealand. Elected three times as Member of the New Zealand House of Representatives. Address ; Northern Club, Auckland, New Zea- land. Gilchrist, William Gilchrist, son of Walter Gilchrist, Esq., M.D., The Priory, Bath ; born loth March, 1849. (^M — \^M. Whit- tard. Left April, 1867. College Boat, 1866. Civil Engineer ; Public Works Department, India. Gordon. John, son of Lieut.-General John Gordon, C.B., Dursley, Gloucestershire ; born 5th November, 1850. Price. Left Easter, 1867. Football XX., 1866. Ensign, 9th Foot, January, 1869 ; transferred to 89th Foot, February, 1869 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Captain, Royal Irish Fusiliers, 1880; Brevet-Major, 1884 ; Major, 1885; Aide-de- Camp to the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, Governor of Madras, 1875-80, and to his successor the Right Hon. W. P. Adam, January to May, 1881 ; Deputy - Assistant - Quartermaster- General, Bengal, 1886-87. Served with the and Battalion, Royal Irish Fusiliers, in the Soudan Expedition, in 1884, and was present in the engagement at El-Teb and Temai, relief of Tokar, and commanded the and Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers at the engagement at Tama- nieh (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star). Died of fever at Cherat, Peshawur, East Indies, 14th June, 1887. Gray, Hugh Francis Rickman, son of Russell Gray, Esq., 3 Oriel Place, Cheltenham ; born 19th June, 1850. Griffith, Edward Fyfe Griffith, son of the Rev. Thomas Charles Griffith, Withington Rec- tory, near Cheltenham ; born 27th July, 1850. Griffith, Percy Wynn, son of — Griffith, Esq. ; born 29th March, 1855. Griffith, Reginald Hugh Wynn, son of — Grif- fith, Esq. ; born iith March, 1852. Hare, George Edward, son of Charles Bowles Hare, Esq., Scantone House, Clifton; born 22nd January, 1851. Turnbull and Chris- towe. Left 1 869. Cricket XL, 1869. Died in London, loth June, 1888. Hoghton, Edward (afterwards de Hoghton), son of Sir Henry Bold Hoghton, Bart., Hoghton Tower, Lancashire ; born 24th October, 1849. Died 24th August, 1868. Hoghton, James (afterwards de Hoghton), son of Sir Henry Bold Hoghton, Bart, Hoghton Tower, Lancashire ; born 2nd February, 1851. Boyne Hoiise. Left 1867. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1869-70. En- sign, loth Foot, September, 1871 ; Lieutenant, Octo- ber, 1871 ; Instructor of Musketry, 1878-81 ; Cap- tain, Lincolnshire Regiment, 1881. On Special Service, Ashantee Expedition, 1873-74. Served in the Ashantee War from the 17th December, 1873, in- cluding the battle of Amoaful, attack and capture of Becquah, and advanced guard engagement at Jar- binbah (Medal with clasp). Was awarded the Royal Humane Society's Silver Medal and Stanhope Gold Medal for the following act : — “ On the loth Septem- ber, 1874, at half-past 9 p.m., at Lowestoft, James Dorling fell overboard from the yacht ‘ Dart, ' whilst she was making for the inner harbour in a strong half-flood tideway, the night very dark, blowing and raining hard, and going about five-and-a-half knots. Lieutenant J. de Hoghton, loth Foot, jumped over- board, swam to Dorling, and supported him in the water for about a quarter of an hour in the tideway between narrow high pile-work, without cross-beams or side-chains to lay hold of, and the head of the pile- work twelve or fifteen feet above the water — the yacht being carried away into the inner harbour, and no other vessel or boat in the gateway to lend assist- ance ; the darkness prevented any immediate help being obtained from the shore. The length of the gateway, about 350 yards, width 15 to 20 yards, depth 10 to 15 feet. Lieutenant de Hoghton and Dorling were ultimately drawn up the pile-work by ropes from the shore.” Howe, Charles John, son of John Howe, Esq., Cavendish Mount, Stanwix, Carlisle ; born 1 6th December, 1847. Rifle Corps XL, 1865. Isaac, Gerald Moore, son of the Rev. William Lister Isaac, Pirton Rectory, Worcester ; born 22nd January, 1852. loC — I'^C. Newick House. Left 1 869. Cox. College Boat, 1866-67-68. Pembroke Col- lege, Oxford, 1870. B.A. (and Class Theology), 1873. Ordained Deacon, 1875, and Priest, 1876. Curate of Foleshill, Warwickshire, 1875-82; of Kid- derminster, 1882-87 I Vicar of St. George, Claines, Worcester, 1887. Address : St. George’s Vicarage, Worcester. Jenkins, John Henry, son of Major T. A. Jenkins, 3 Wolseley Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 5th November, 1851. Jenkins, William Richard, son of George Henry Jenkins, Esq., Hatherley Lodge, near Chel- tenham ; born 17th October, 1848. loC — 3C. Day Boy. Left 1867. Jesus College, Oxford. B.A. , 1872 ; M.A. , 1875. Ordained Deacon, 1873, and Priest, 1874. Curate of Whitchurch, Glamorganshire, 1873-75; Llan- dow with Monknash, 1875 ; of All Saints, Hereford, 1875-77; Vicar of Storridge, Herefordshire, 1877-80; Curate of Cowbridge, 1880-83 : °f Sellack, Here- fordshire, 1883 ; Vicar of Ballingham with Bolstone, Herefordshire, 1883. Address : Ballingham Vicarage, Ross, Hereford. Johnstone, Frank Fawkes, son of General M. C. Johnstone, Mauritius ; born 19th August, 1849. Ensign, 16th Foot, 1868 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Ad- jutant, 1873-77 ; Captain, 1877 ; Major, Bedford- shire Regiment, 1888. Adjutant, Madras Railway Volunteers, 1887. Kenrick, Edward, son of John B. Kenrick, 2i6 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Esq., Eastry, Sandwich, Kent ; born 20th May, 1850. Classical Football XX., 1867. Kinloch, J ohn George Smyth, son of Sir George Kinloch, Bart., of Kinloch, Meigle, Perth- shire, N.B.; born 8th January, 1849. — 2C. Price. Rifle Corps XL, 1864-65-66; Captain, 1867. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1873. Succeeded his father as 2nd Baronet in 1881. j.P. for Perth- shire and Forfarshire. Elected M. P. for East Perth- shire, 1889. Address ; Kinloch, Meigle, N.B. Lawrence, Arthur, son of George Lawrence, Esq., 3 Priory Parade, Cheltenham; born 17th February, 1849. Lawrence, Wyndham, son of George Lawrence, Esq., 3 Priory Parade, Cheltenham ; born iith January, 1851. Football XX., 1868. Was a Solicitor. Died at Swansea, 3rd October, 1886. Layard, Charles Peter, son of Sir Charles Peter Layard, K.C.M.G., Colombo, Ceylon ; born 15th December, 1849. 6C — Day Boy. Left June, 1868. St. John’s College, Cambridge. B.A. (nth Junior Optime), 1872; M.A. , 1877. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1873. Government Agent, West Provinces, Ceylon, 18 — ; Member of the Legislative Council, Ceylon, 18 — . Captain, Ceylon Light In- fantry Volunteers. Address : Colombo, Ceylon. Levett, Ernest Lawrence, son of Benjamin Levett, Esq., Hull; bom 24th August, 1846. Walker Prize, 1864. Passed for Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1865, but did not proceed there. Scholarship, St. John's College, Cambridge, 1868. B.A. (3rd Wrangler), 1870; M.A. , 1873. Fellow of St. John’s. 1870. Lloyd, Francis Montagu, son of Francis Lloyd, Esq., Bombay ; born 26th October, 1853. Christ Church, Oxford, 1872. B.A. , 1876. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1878. Lowson, Andrew, son of Andrew Lowson, Esq., Arbroath, N.B. ; born 9th May, 1851. Lowson, John Alexander, son of Andrew Low- son, Esq., Arbroath, N.B.; born 5th August, 1849. Lungley, Arthur Robert, son of Robert Lungley, Esq., Lewes ; born 20th November, 1848. Lyall, George John, son of the Rev. Alfred Lyall, Harbledown Rectory, Canterbury ; born 24th August, 1848. McLeod, Henry Alexander Duncan, son of Captain Donald McLeod, 7 Berkeley Gar- dens, Bayswater, London ; born 25th July, 1850. McMurdo, Robert, son of General Sir William Montagu Scott McMurdo, K.C.B., Rose Bank, Fulham, London; born 14th March, 1849- Maitland, Pelham James, son of Gilbert George W. Maitland, Esq.; born 27th June, 1847 - Ensign, 38th Foot, May, 1866; transferred to 95th Foot, June, 1866 ; Lieutenant, Bombay Staff Corps, 1870 ; Captain, 1878 ; Major, 1886 ; Brevet-Lieut.- Colonel, 1887. Deputy - Assistant - Quartermaster- General (Intelligence Branch), Bengal, 1880-85 ; employed with Afghan Boundary Commission, 1884-86 : Assistant-Quartermaster - General (Intelli- gence Branch), Bengal, 1885-87. Is Squadron Com- mander, 4th Bombay Cavalry. Served in the Afghan War in 1878-79, and was present in the engagement [August, 1863. at Khushk-i-Nakhud (mentioned in despatches, Medal). Marsden, Osgood George Turner, son of Colo- nel Frederick Carleton Marsden, C.B., Tyrol Villa, Cheltenham ; bom 8th September, 1848. Marshall, William Cecil, son of Henry C. Marshall, Esq., Weetwood Hall, Leeds ; born 29th April, 1849. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A., 1872; M.A., 1875- Middlemas, William Hume, son of William Middlemas, Esq., Marchmount, Cheltenham ; born 5th J uly, 1 850. Lieutenant (from Militia) 91st Foot, 1874 ; Cap- tain, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, 1884 ; Retired, 1886. Miller, Charles David, son of J. R. H. A. Miller, Esq., Surgeon, Mhow, Bombay ; born 23rd April, 1852. Mocatta, Charles John, son of Maurice Mo- catta. Esq., Claughton, Birkenhead ; born 2ist June, 1851. Morris, Charles Alexander, son of the Rev. George Eddison Morris, Octamund, Madras ; born I oth November, 1848. Previously at Rugby School (February, 1862 — ). Ensign, 14th Foot, 1867; Lieutenant, 1871; Cap- tain, 1878 ; Major, West Yorkshire Regiment, 1882 ; Aide-de-Camp to Major-General, Bengal, 1870-71. Served in the Afghan War in 1880, and was present » in the affair at Mazeena, and with the Kama Expe- dition (Medal). Norcott, Charles Hawtrey Bruce, son of Gen- eral Sir William Sherbrooke Ramsay Nor- cott, K.C.B., Bell Vue, La Tranchde, Pau, France ; born 25th April, 1849. Ensign, Rifle Brigade, 1867 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Adjutant, 1873-75 and 1878-79 ; Captain, 1879 ; Major, 1884. Aide-de-Camp to Major-Generi, Bengal, 1884-88. Norcott, Walter Gordon, son of General Sir William Sherbrooke Ramsay Norcott, K.C.B., Belle Vue, La Tranch^e, Pau, France ; bom 1 2th October, 1850. Ensign, loist Foot, February, 1869 ; Lieutenant, October, 1869 ; Captain, 1876 ; Major, Royal Mun- ster Fusiliers, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel (retired), 1888. Paine, Francis Trevor, son of Henry James Paine, Esq., M.D.,Crockherbertown, Cardiff ; bom 25th Febmary, 1852. Newtek House. Dead. Parkinson, Thomas, son of — Parkinson, Esq.; bom 22nd November, 1851. Corpus Christ! College, Cambridge. B.A., 1875. Peel, William de Winton, son of Major Law- rence H. Peel, Ashley Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 22nd October, 1850. Football XX. , 1869. Royal Indian Engineering College, Cooper’s Hill, 1871. Was Executive Engi- neer, Public Works Department, and Under-Secre- tary to Government of Bengal, Railway Branch. Died of typhoid fever at Darjeeling, East Indies, 4th May, 1884. Phillips, Richard Fabian, son of John Phillips^ Esq., Charlton House, near Cheltenham ; born 1 2th February, 1849. Renny-Tailyour, Edward Ramsay, son of Lieut.- Colonel Thomas Renny-Tailyour, Newmans- well, near Montrose, N.B. ; bom 8th March, 1851. Eeyner, J ohn Buckley, son of Thomas Buckley August, 1863.] PRINCIPAL: REV. A. BARRY, D.D. 217 Reyner, Esq., Gresford, near Wrexham ; born loth October, 1849. Russell, Arthur Willoughby, son of — Russell, Esq. ; born 24th May, 1851. Licentiate Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, 1873 ; Licentiate of the King and Queen's College of Physicians, Ireland, and Licentiate in Midwifery, 1874. Surgeon, Royal Navy, 1874 ; Staff Surgeon, 1886. Is Staff Surgeon on H.M.S. “Volage." Russell, John Frederick, son of William Howard Russell, Esq., Barrister, 18 Sumner Place, Onslow Square, London ; born 13th De- cember, 1851. Russell, William Burrowes, son of William Howard Russell, Esq., Barrister, 18 Sumner Place, Onslow Square, London ; born 14th March, 1849. Sanderson, Robert Clark, son of James Sander- son, Esq., 17 Claremont Crescent, Edin- burgh ; born 17th September, 1848. Savary, Ualzell Tauzia, son of Lieut. -Colonel William Tauzia Savary ; born 3rd January, 1851. Rifle Corps XL, 1868. Trinity College, Cam- bridge. B.A., 1873; M.A., 1876. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1878. Settle, Henry Hamilton, son of Captain Henry Thomas Settle, Lewes ; born 27th January, 1847 - Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1865-67 (Prize: First German). Lieutenant, Royal En- gineers, 1867 ; Captain, 1879 ; Brevet-Major, 1885 ; Major, 1886; Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel. 1888. Passed Staff College, 1883 (qualified in French as a volun- tary subject, obtained special mention in Italian, and qualified in Russian as extra subjects). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 as Staff Officer at Germai and on the Lines of Communication (men- tioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star). Served in the Soudan in 1888, and was present at the action at Gamaizah (Brevet of Lieut. -Colonel, Clasp, and 2nd Class Medjidie). Showers, Arthur Christie, son of Major-General St. George Daniel Showers, Fort William, Calcutta ; born 31st March, 1854. Showers, Charles James, son of Major-General St. George Daniel Showers, Fort William, Calcutta ; born 1 2th January, 1848. Showers, Edward Melian, son of Major-General St. George Daniel Showers, Fort William, Calcutta; born 26th October, 1849. Bengal Constabulary. Showers, St. George Atkinson, son of Major- General St. George Daniel Showers, Fort William, Calcutta; born 31st March, 1854. Skinner, James, son of Major Hercules Skinner, Oriental Club, London ; born 5th May, 1848. Sleigh, Hugh Richard, son of Hugh Sleigh, Esq., Leek ; born 9th September, 1850. Smirke, Alfred, son of Sydney Smirke, Esq., 79 Grosvenor Street, London ; born 5th May, 1848. Smith, Arnold Kirke, son of William Smith, Esq., Barnes Hall, near Sheffield ; born 23rd April, 1850. loC — 2C. Bayly. Football XX., 1867-68; Cricket XXII., 186—. University College, Oxford, 1869. B.A., 1873; M.A., 1876. Ordained Deacon, 1875, and Priest, 1876. Curate of Biggleswade, 1875-77 ; of Eaton- Socon, Bedfordshire, 1877-81 ; Curate in charge of Somersham, Huntingdon, 1881-82 ; Vicar of Somer- sham with Pidley, Fenton and Colne, 1883. Address : Somersham Vicarage, St. Ives. Smith, Richard Heaton, son of William Smith, Esq., Surgeon, 98 Moseley Street, Man- chester; born 7th December, 1849. Smithson, John Edward, son of Joshua Smith- son, Esq., St. John’s, Wakefield ; born 21st January, 1848. Hatfield Hall, Durham. Licentiate in Theology, 1882; B.A., 1883. Ordained Deacon, 1882, and Priest, 1883. Curate of St. John, Manchester. 1882- 83 ; of St. Barnabas, Kingston-on-HuIl, Yorkshire, 1883-85 ; of St. John, Leicester, 1885-86 ; Vicar of Lowesby, Leicester, 1887. Address ; Lowesby Vicarage, Leicester. Snodgrass, Kenneth John Mackenzie, son of Peter Snodgrass, Esq., Blairgowrie, Mel- bourne, Victoria, Australia ; born 12th July, 1847. Steele, Lawrence Litchfield, son of Major- General Arthur Loftus Steele, Bellary, Madras ; born 29th May, 1854. 4/— 2/I/. Bayly. Left 1872. Cricket XI. , 1871-72 ; Modern Football XX. , 1871. Lieutenant (from Militia), 15th Foot, 1874 ; Adjutant, 1877-84 ; Captain, East Yorkshire Regi- ment, 1884. Aide-de-Camp to Governor, Bombay. 1885-86. Brigade-Major, Bombay, 1887-88. Is Dis- trict Staff Officer at Wagpore. Served as Adju- tant of the 2nd Battalion 15th Foot, in the Afghan War in 1880 with the Kandahar Field Force under Major-General Phayre (Medal). Stewart, Hans Mark Hamill, son of John Thomas Hamill Stewart, Esq., Fulwood Park, Cheltenham ; born 23rd July, 1852. Trinity College, Dublin. B.A. , 18 — . Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1880. Address : 2 Middle Temple Lane, The Temple, London, E.C. Studdy, Robert Wright, son of Henry Studdy, Esq., Waddeton Court, near Torquay ; born 1st October, 1847. '^M — i^M. Leighton. Left 1865. Modern Football XX. , 1864-65. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1866-67. Ensign, 63rd Foot, 1867 ; Lieutenant, 1869 ; Captain, 1878 ; Major, Manchester Regiment, 1881 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 1886. Was employed in the Transport Department with the Northern Afghanistan Field Force during the Afghan War in 1878-79 (Medal). Served with the 1st Battalion Manchester Regiment in the Egyptian War of 1882 (Medal and Khedive’s Star). Tovey, Richard Noss, son of Richard Tovey, Esq., 16 Great Norwood Street, Chelten- ham ; born 5th April, 1854. Trevithick, Robert Lothian, son of Francis Trevithick, Esq., Penzance ; born 31st August, 1848. Tyers, James Tyers, son of Thomas Tyers Tyers, Esq., Glenmore Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 27th May, 1851. Football XX. . 1869. Warren, Warren Fitz, son of Joseph Loxdale Warren, Esq., The Towers, Market Drayton ; born 1 2th March, 1849. Gymnasium Champion, 1867. Worthington, Herbert, son of John Worthing- ton, Esq., Fishguard, Pembrokeshire ; born 30th July, 1850. \oM — 2 M. Green and Porcher. Modern Football XX., 186 — . J. P. for Pem- brokeshire. F F 2i8 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1863. Young, Archibald Pringle, son of Henry Young, Esq., 19 Palmeira Square, Brighton ; born 20th J uly, 1 849. Classical Football XX., 1867. Young, Edward Archibald, son of Henry Young, Esq., 19 Palmeira Square, Brighton ; born 6th June, 1848. 4C — iC. Boyce. Left 1868. Comet, nth Hussars, 1869 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1874 ; Captain. 1881. Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant-General, Bengal, 1885. District Staff Officer, Bengal. 1886. Is Squadron Commander. 19th Bengal Cavalry. Served as Adju- tant of the 19th Bengal Lancers throughout the Afghan War of 1878-80. including the occupation of Kandahar. Khelat-i-Ghilzai. advance on Ghuznee. and battle of Ahmed Kheyl. where he received eleven sabre cuts and a bullet wound, and had his horse shot under him (Medal with clasp). ENTERED MICHAELMAS, 1863. Barrow, Arthur Frederick, son of Major-General De Synons Barrow, Lucknow, India ; born 1 8th October, 1850. i J — Sandhurst M. Boyne House. Left 1867. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Ensign, loist Foot, 1869; transferred to 105th Foot, 1869: Lieutenant, 1871 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1872 ; Captain, 1881 ; Brevet-Major, 1887. Is Wing Com- mander, i2th Bengal Native Infantry. Passed Staff College, 1883 (qu^ified in Russian as an e.xtra sub- ject). Accompanied General Sir Peter Lumsden in his mission for the delimitation of the North-West Boundary of Afghanistan, 1884-85, and for his ser- vices received the order of C.M.G. in 1887. Staff Captain (Intelligence Branch), War Office, 1887. Batten, Herbert Cary George, son of John Batten, Esq., Solicitor, Aldon, Yeovil ; bom 3rd March, 1849. Trinity Hall, Cambridge. B. A., 1870. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1874. Address : 5 King’s Bench Walk, The Temple, London, E.C. Bradley, John Herbert, son of the Rev. Charles Bradley, 19 Royal Parade, Cheltenham ; born 29th November, 1847. Re-entry vide August, 1859. Brown, James Kay, son of James Kay Brown, Esq., 16 St. Vincent Place, Glasgow ; born 31st August, 1847. 4C — Civil M. Wawn and Twe 7 ityma 7 i. Left 1865. Football XX., 1864-65. College Boat, 1865. Cope, Arthur Henry, son of William Cope, Esq., Barrister, Albrighton Hall, Shrewsbury ; born 4th April, 1847. Previously at Rossall School, 1860-63. Ensign, 8th Foot, 1866 ; Lieutenant, 1869 ; Captain, Liver- pool Regiment, 1878 ; Retired, 1884. Served in the Afghan War in 1878-79 (Medal). Cunningham, James William Brodie, son of — Cunningham, Esq. ; bom 9th October, 1846. Address: Abbotsrule, Hawick, N.B. Dickson, James Hector, son of Joseph Dickson, Esq., Drummally House, Co. Cavan, Ire- land ; bom 28th December, 1848. Re-entry vide October, i860. Draffen, Frederick James, son of Captain Wil- liam Draffen, Orton Park, Carlisle ; born 6th March, 1850. Fergusson, Robert Henry Duncan, son of Henry Duncan Fergusson, Esq., Register House, Edinburgh ; born 17th December, 1849. Gibbons, Herbert Henry, son of Thomas B. Gibbons, Esq., Fulwood Park, Liverpool ; born 4th May, 1852. Guest, Francis Richard, son of Thomas Guest, Esq., Bread Street, Manchester; bom 15th August, 1849. Hammond, William Whitmore, son of the Rev. Egerton Douglas Hammond, Sundridge Rectory, Sevenoaks ; born 5th .May, 1848. Ensign, Rifle Brigade, 1868 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Instructor of Musketry, 1878-79 ; Captain, 1879 ; Major, 1884. Served with the 4th Battalion Rifle Brigade in the Jowaki Campaign in 1877 (Medal with clasp). Served with the 4th Battalion Rifle Brigade in the Afghan War in 1878-79, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid (Medal with clasp). Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1887-88 (clasp). Howie, Thomas Stickney, son of Thomas Howie, Esq., St. Helen’s, Lee Road, Black- heath, Kent ; born 28th October, 1852. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1870-72. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery. 1872 ; Captain, 1881 ; Retired, 1884. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces. 1881-84. Johnson, Frederick Francis, son of the Vener- able Archdeacon Johnson, D.D., Adams- town, Enniscorthy, Ireland ; born ist May, 1852. 2/ — I'C. Boyce. Left December, 1870. Cricket XL, 1870. Trinity College, Dublin, 1872-73. Sub-Lieutenant, 69th Foot, 1874 ; Lieu- tenant, 50th Foot, 1875 : Adjutant, 1878-81 ; Cap- tain, Royal West Kent Regiment, 1883. Is attached to the Army Service Corps. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel- el-Kebir (Medal with clasp, 4th Class Medjidie, and Khedive's Star). Kirwan, George, son of John Sligo Kirwan, Esq., Wellington, New Zealand ; born loth Febraary, 1848. Lauyon, Herbert Owen, son of Sir Charles Lanyon, The Abbey, White Abbey, Co. Antrim, Ireland; bom 4th August, 1850. 8C — 4C. Newick House. Previously at Leamington College. Lewin, David James, son of Stephen Lewin, Esq., Custom House Quay, Boston ; born loth August, 1850. Murison, John McGregor, son of John B. Murison, Esq., New Orleans ; born 24th January, 1855. Murison, William Alexander, son of John B Murison, Esq., New Orleans ; born loth October, 1849. No'will, William Henry Huddlestone, son of John Huddlestone Nowill, Esq., Hyderabad, Deccan, India; born 24th June, 1853. Robertson, Frederick Alfred, son of the Rev. James Craigie Robertson, Canterbury ; born 28th March, 1849. Re-entry vide August 1859. Turner, Baldwin Kennaway, son of George Turner, Esq., Beacon Downes, near Exeter; bom 22nd May, 1848. Classical Football XX. , 1866-67. Whitefoord, Aubrey Edgar Athelstane, son of Lieut.-Colonel James Whitefoord ; born ist February, 1849. January, 1864.] PRINCIPAL : REV. A. BARRY, D.D. 219 ENTERED JANUARY, 1864. Baines, John, son of — Baines, Esq. ; born 10th December, 1847. Modern Football XX., 1866. Ball, William James, son of Frederick Henry Ball, Esq., Church Hill Villa, Cotham, Bristol ; born 27th October, 1850. Jesus College, Cambridge. B.A., 1872; M.A., 1875. Barnett, Henry, son of Charles James Barnett, Esq., Bays Hill Lawn, Cheltenham; born 30th August, 1851. Barrow, Frank Hunter, son of Samuel Barrow, Esq. ; born 17th March, 1847. 2'*C — India Civil. Graves. Left 1867. College Boat, 1866 ; Football XX., 1866 ; Cricket XXII., 186 — . Iredell Prize, 1866. Indian Civil Service, 1867 ; appointed to Bengal, 1869. Assistant Magistrate and Collector, Nuddea, 1870; at Patna, 1870-74 : at Bhangulpore, 1874-78 ; at Shahabad, 1878-83 ; and Bengal, 1883-84 ; Joint Magistrate ' and Deputy-Collector, Bengal, 1884-87 ; Magistrate and Collector, Bengal, 1887. Bernard, William Henry, son of William Hawker Bernard, Esq., Morebath House, Tiverton ; born 2 1 St May, 1849. Modern Football XX., 1866-67. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1868-69. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1869. Died 1872. Brodie, Wyndham, son of the Rev. Peter Brodie, Rowington Vicarage, Warwick ; born 13th February, 1853. Address ; Jagelsfontein, Orange Free State, South Africa. Bullock, William Kirk, son of William John Bullock, Esq., 13 Edwardes Square, Ken- sington, London ; born i6th March, 1850. Rifle Corps XL, 1869 ; Classical Football XX., 1868. Address : Cayton House, Bedford Hill, Balham, S.W. Coles, Charles Andrew, son of Charles Robert Coles, Esq., Nagode, India ; born 27th March, 1849. Corbett, Alfred George, son of the Rev. Andrew Corbett, South Willingham, near Wragby ; born i6th April, 1852. loM — 4J/. Boyne House. Left September, 1866. Died from inflammation of the lungs at Umzim- kulu. East Griqualand, South Africa, 5th March, 1887. de Hoghton, Cecil, son of Sir Henry de Hoghton, Bart., Travellers’ Club, Pall Mall, London ; born 5 th February, 1849. Died at Brussels, 24th July, 1874. Downing, Charles Palmer, son of Major-General David Downing, 36 Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park, London ; born 7th October, 1847 - Artist. Edwards, Henry, son of — Edwards, Esq. ; born 13th March, 1852. Previously at Clifton College. Fletcher, Edward Sydney, son of William Fletcher, Esq., 21 Suffolk Square, Chelten- ham ; born 4th March, 1853. Ford, William Vernon, son of Charles Ford, Esq. ; born 2nd October, 1847. Gabell, Henry Claypon, son of Arthur Richard Gabell, Esq., i Keynsham Bank, Chelten- ham ; born 23rd May, 1852. Gael, John Delabere, son of Samuel Higgs Gael, Esq., Barrister, Charlton Kings ; born 8th November, 1853. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1866 ; Walker Prize, 1869. Green, Richard Hall, son of Major-General Thomas Littleton Green, Dunley Hall, Stourport ; born i6th September, 1849. Green. Football XX., 186 — . Ensign, 4th Foot, 1869; Lieutenant, 1871; Instructor of Musketry, 1875-79 ; Adjutant, 1879-80 ; Captain, Royal Lancaster Regi- ment, 1880 ; Major, 1886. Captain-Instructor, School of Musketry, Hythe, 1889. Address : Care of Cox and Co. , 16 Charing Cross, London, S.W. Halliday, Maurice Macgregor, son of Sir Frederick Halliday, K.C.B., 28 Cleveland Square, London ; born 27th November, 1851. Hamilton, Henry Claude, son of Colonel Henry Hamilton, C.B., Deputy-Adjutant-General, Ceylon ; born 23rd January, 1850. Hare, Sholto Henry, son of John Hare, Esq., 7 Litfield Place, Clifton ; born 30th June, 1851. Hartley, William Harry, son of Henry W. Hartley, Esq., Solicitor, Colne, Lancashire ; born 29th July, 1851. Hemsley, William Henry Flower, son of Henry Hemsley, Esq., Harloxton Lodge, Lincoln- shire ; born 1st October, 1849. Hilton, Edwin, son of Charles Hilton, Esq., 6 Spring Gardens, Manchester ; born 27th July, 1851. Hoblyn, Frederick .Smythies, son of the Rev. Richard D. Hoblyn, 2 Sussex Place, Re- gent’s Park, London ; born 2nd February, 1851. Hook, Albert Theodore, son of — Hook, Esq. ; born 26th June, 1851. Hooper, Clarence Marcus Tufnell, son of William Henry Hooper, Esq., M.D., Elk- stone House, Cheltenham ; born loth June, 1852. Jervis, George William, son of George Mat- thewman Jervis, Esq. ; born 31st March, 1847 - Gold Medallist, 1865 ; Silver (Classical) Medallist, 1866 ; Walker Prize, 1866 ; Head of Classical, June, 1866. Exhibition, Lincoln College, O.xford, 1865; Junior Studentship, Christ Church, Oxford, 1866 ; ist Class Classical Moderations, 1868 ; 2nd Class Classical Final Schools, 1870. B.A. , 1871; M.A. , 1877. Ordained Deacon, 1871. Curate of St. Peter- in-the-East, Oxford, 1871-72 ; Vice-Principal of Sheffield Collegiate School, 1872 ; Curate of Kirk- stall, Yorkshire, 1875-79. Judge, Andrew John, son of Joseph Spencer Judge, Esq., Solicitor, i Stanley Gardens, London ; born nth November, 1853. Keown, Robert Alexander, son of William Keown, Esq., Ballydugan House, Newry, Ireland ; born 7th January, 1853. 220 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1864. Leigh, John, son of Adam Leigh, Esq., 10 Ribblesdale Place, Preston ; born 21st Oc- tober, 1851. 4_/ — 5C Butler and Price. Left 1869. Lewes, Edward Llanfair, son of Captain V. L. Lewes, Glanbrane Park, Llandovery ; born 14th March, 1851. Little, James Berkeley, son of William Little, Esq., 21 Park Square, London; born 12th May, 1851. Lousada, Howel Arthur, son of John B. Lou- sada, Esq., Peak House, Sidmouth ; born 29th December, 1848. 8C — Civil M. Bayly. Left 1865. Landed proprietor, and J.P. for Victoria, Australia. McCallum, Charles Campbell, son of Lieut.- General Charles Campbell McCallum, ii Hatherley Place, Cheltenham ; born 4th June, 1851. Ensign, 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers, 1871 ; Lieu- tenant, 1871 ; Resigned, 1873. Died at Cairo, Egypt, in October, 1883, on his way home from Australia. McCheane, Charles Edward, son of John McCheane, Esq., i Queen’s Place, Southsea ; born 8th March, 1850. yM—^C. Price. Left 1867. Rifle Corps XL, 1867. Cricket XXII., 186 — . Was American Consular Agent, and Vice-Consul for the Brazils and Uruguay, at Portsmouth. One of the founders of the Royal Portsmouth Corinthian Yacht Club, of which he was for some years the Honorary Secretary. Died at Portsmouth, 2nd No- vember, 1888. McCheane, William Henry, son of John Me Cheane, Esq., i Queen’s Place, Southsea ; born 2 1 St March, 1847. 3’* AT — 2M. Price. Left June, 1865. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Marines, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1867 ; Captain, 1880 ; Gunnery Instructor, 1885 ; Brevet-Major, June, 1886 ; Major, July, i886. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882, and was pre- sent in the engagements at El Magfar and Tel-el- Mahuta (Medal and Khedive's Star). Meek, Richard Sturges, son of Sturges Meek, Esq., C.E., Manchester ; born 12th Septem- ber, 1849. Was a Civil Engineer. Died at Beech Hill, near Manchester, 7th June, 1873. Meire, George Haughton, son of Thomas Lock- ley Meire, Esq., Cound Arbour, Shrewsbury ; born 20th November, 1849. Meire, Samuel Corfield, son of Thomas Lockley Meire, Esq., Cound Arbour, Shrewsbury ; born 1 6th February, 1851, Football XX., 1869-70. College Boat, 1870. Morgan, Thomas Edward, son of John R. Morgan, Esq., Poona, Bombay ; born 17th March, 1854. Newington, Walker James, son of Samuel Newington, Esq., M.D., 'Ticehurst, Sussex ; born I2th October, 1847. Norcott, William Burges, son of Colonel William Norcott, i Belgrave Place, Cork; born 2nd August, 1853. Ottley, Walter, son of Drewry Ottley, Esq., M.D., Pau, France ; born 7th January, 1850. London University. M.B., 1872. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1872 ; Fellow, 1877. Bachelor in Surgery, 1876. Died in London, 14th January, 1883. Perrott, Edward Simcox, son of Robert Simcox Perrott, Esq., Bronhyddon, Oswestry ; bom 1 6th September, 1852. 3^ — Civil M. Boyce. Left 1871. Football XX., 1869; Captain, 1870. Cricket XXII., 1870. Received Presentation Cap from Old Cheltonian Football Club (season, 1873-74). Captain of Old Cheltonian Football Club, 1874-79. English Football XV., 1875. In business in China. Address : Care of Messrs. Reid, Evans, and Co., Shanghai, China, Perrott, Robert Owen, son of Robert Simcox Perrott, Esq., Bronhyddon, Oswestry ; born 1 2th July, 1850. 8C — \C. Boyce. Left June 1869. Football XX,, 1868. Potter, Addison Molineux, son of Addison Potter, Esq., Newcastle-on-Tyne ; born 20th Sep- tember, 1851. Potter, Charles John, son of Addison Potter, Esq., Newcastle-on-Tyne ; bom 3rd No- vember, 1852. Randall, John Morgan, son of — Randall, Esq.; born 13th January, 1852. Re-entered College August, 1867. Rickford, Charles Wyndham Heathcote, son of Captain Thomas P. Rickford, Freemantle, Southampton ; bom 13th July, 1850. Ensign, 7th Fusiliers, 1869 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Resigned, 1873. Ripley, Alfred, son of Sir Henry William Ripley, Bart., Montpellier Lawn, Cheltenham ; born 8th November, 1852. Left 1866. Midshipman, Royal Navy. Was Midshipman on H.M.S. “ Royal Oak," and on 6th September, 1870, exchanged to H.M.S. " Captain." Was drowned in the Bay of Biscay when the latter ill-fated vessel foundered off Cape Finisterre on the 7th September, 1870. Ripley, Hugh, son of Sir Henry William Rip- ley, Bart., Montpellier Lawn, Cheltenham ; born 4th March, 1851. Smith, Robert Harrington, son of Samuel Smith, Esq., Field House, Bradford; born 19th April, 1848. Spafford, Edward James, son of George Spaf- ford. Esq., Manchester ; born 8th August, 1850. Spafford, George Oswald, son of George Spaf- ford, Esq., Manchester; born 20th Novem- ber, 1848. Sparrow, Llewellyn Wynne Bodychan, son of John Bodychan Sparrow, Esq., i Melville Place, Lee Road, Blackheath ; bom 17th February, 1849. Lieutenant, 14th Hussars, 1871 ; transferred to Ceylon Rifles, 1872 ; and to 48th Foot, 1873. Died at Dalkey, 2nd September, 1877. Taylor, Alexander, son of George Taylor, Esq., 10 Royal Parade, Cheltenham ; born 3rd December, 1851. loC — 6C. Day Boy. Left December, 1867. J. P. for Co. Wicklow. Address : Lamberton, Arklow, Co. Wicklow. Taylor, William Stewart, son of George Taylor, Esq., 10 Royal Parade, Cheltenham ; born 9th August, 1850. Price. Civil Engineer. Thackwell, Arthur Joseph, son of John Cam Thackwell, Esq., Wilton Place, Dymock, Gloucestershire ; born 22nd December, 1851. January, 1864.] PRINCIPAL: REV. A. BARRY, D.D. 221 Tibbs, John Arthur Somerset, son of Somer- set Tibbs, Esq., Tor Villa, St. John’s Road, Brixton, London ; born 19th July, 1852. Tonge, Frank Woodhouse, son of Percival Tonge, Esq., i Rumford Place, Liverpool ; born 25th December, 1850. Ward, Samuel Neville, son of the Rev. Charles Ward, Farleigh Castle, near Bath ; born 1 2th January, 1850. Wardroper, Edwin, son of Lieut. -Colonel Edward Wardroper ; born 28th January, 1847. Previously at Wellington College. Ensign, 107th Foot, 1866; Lieutenant, 1867; Captain, 1876; Major, Royal Sussex Regiment, 1881 ; Lieut.-Colonel, 1886. Passed Staff College, 1875. Deputy- Assistant- Adju- tant and Quartermaster-General, Cork District, 1879-81. Wawn, Arnold Dykes, son of the Rev. Edward Bickersteth Wawn, 5 Oriel Terrace, Chel- tenham ; born 27th January, 1856. — DC. Day Boy. Left 1865. Re-entered College January, 1866. Cricket XXII., 187 — . Fives Champion, 187 — . Walker Prize, 1873 and 1874. Gold Medallist, 1874. Rustat Scholarship, Jesus College, Cambridge, 1875, and Dykes Scholarship, 1875. B.A. (27th in 2nd Class Classical Tripos), 1879 ; M.A., 1882. Ordained Deacon, 1881, and Priest, 1882. Curate of Jarrow- on-Tyne, Northumberland, 1881-84. Died i8th August, 1884. Worthin^on, Philip Jukes, son of Andrew J. Worthington, Esq., Leek; born 4th January, 1851. ENTERED APRIL, 1864. Apperley, John Marling, son of James Apper- ley, Esq., Dudbridge House, Stroud ; born 17th March, 1848. Barber, George Little, son of Samuel Barber, Esq., 155 Fenchurch Street, London; born 23rd May, 1851. Bower, Arthur Burrow, son of John Bower, Esq., D.C.L., Barrister, Anglesey ; born 4th July, 1851. Brown, Ellis Henry, son of the Rev. Meredith Brown, Nonsuch, near Chippenham ; born 1 6th February, 1851. Collins, George Atkins, son of John Charles Collins, Esq., M.D., 14 Priory Street, Chel- tenham ; born 15th June, 1855. Sub-Lieutenant, 5th Fusiliers, 1874 ; Lieutenant, 1874 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1876 ; Captain, 1885. Is 2nd in Command and Wing Commander, Mhairwarra Battalion. Served in the Afghan War in 1879, and was present with the Zaimusht Expedi- tion (Medal). Collins, John Gowen, son of John Charles Collins, Esq., M.D., 14 Priory Street, Chel- tenham ; born 22nd March, 1851. Day Boy. Classical Football XX., 1869. Scholarship, Uni- versity College, Oxford, 1870 ; 3rd Class Classical Moderations, 1873 ; 3rd Class Classical Final Schools, 187s : B.A., 1875. Called to the Bar, Lin- coln’s Inn, 1877. Collins, William Edward, son of John Charles Collins, Esq., M.D., 14 Priory Street, Chel- tenham ; born 14th October, 1853. Cricket XL, 1870-71. Football XX., 1870. Re- ceived Presentation Cap from Old Cheltonian Foot- ball Club (season 1873-74). In the English Football XX., 1874-75. St. George's Hospital, London. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1876. M. B., 1887. Address ; Wellington, New Zealand. Davis, Arthur Hill, son of Major William Davis, Bengal Staff Corps, 27 Montpellier Villas, Cheltenham ; born loth December, 1850. Re-entered College April, 1868. Denniss, George Lake Talbot, son of Lieut.- Colonel George Gladwin Denniss ; born 17th October, 1850. — -J — Sandhurst M. Day Boy. Left 1868. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Ensign, 62nd Foot, 1870 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Captain, Wiltshire Regiment, 1880; Major, 1886. Served in the Afghan War of 1879, first in the 2nd, and afterwards in the ist Division of the Peshawur Valley Field Force (Medal). Fardell, Godfrey Werge, son of Charles Fardell, Esq., 9 Royal Well Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 22nd December, 1852. Godfrey, Thurlow Hovel, son of Lieut.-Colonel William H. Godfrey, 9 Lansdown Parade, Cheltenham ; born 9th June, 1851. Goodlake, John Price, son of Rev. Thomas William Goodlake, Swindon, near Chelten- ham ; born 12th February, 1854. Graves, James William, son of Lieut.-Colonel James William Graves, Lansdowne Park, Cork, Ireland; born 4th January, 1850. Previously at Wellington College. Ensign, i8th Foot, i868 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Captain, Royal Irish Regiment, 1880. Accompanied Sir Garnet Wolseley to the Gold Coast in September, 1873, on special service, and served throughout the Ashanti War of 1873-74. Commanded a portion of the Houssars at the action of Essaman, and taking of the villages along the coast ; present at Quarman, 31st January, having been attacked while escorting ammunition to the front ; also present at the capture and destruction of Becquah, battle of Ordahsu and capture of Coomassie (twice mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Served with the i8th Royal Irish in the Afghan War in 1880 with the Khyber Field Force (Medal). Died 1885. Greenslade, William Andrew, son of — Greens- lade, Esq. ; born 15th April, 1849. Griffiths, Cecil Niel, son of the Rev. Henry Griffiths, Elm Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 5th February, 1853. Football XX., 1869. King’s College Hospital, London. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, Eng- land, 1874 : Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 1875. Member, British Medical Asso- ciation. Late Clinical Assistant, Hospital for Diseases of the Throat, Golden Square, London. Now House Surgeon and Medical Officer (late Clini- cal Assistant), London Throat Hospital. Address ; 204 Great Portland Street, London, W. Hare, Charles Edward, son of John Hare, Esq., 7 Litfield Place, Clifton ; born 15th Septem- ber, 1849. Hastings, Francis Theophilus Henry, son of — Hastings, Esq. ; born 9th January, 1850. 222 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [April, 1864. Herford, Arthur Fenton, son of Edward Her- ford. Esq., Alderley Edge, Cheshire ; born 4th May, 1850. Loraine, Charles Harcourt, son of Edward Loraine, Esq., Mount Prospect, near Wel- lington, Somerset ; born 22nd June, 1848. Mackenzie, Dixon Stuart Beresford, son of Captain James G. Mackenzie, R.N., Gover- nor and Commander-in-Chief, Falkland Islands ; born 9th February, 1850. Metaxa, Count Richard Bethell Parkyns War- mingham, son of Count Baptiste Metaxh, Corinthian House, Cheltenham ; born loth October, 1852. Lieutenant, 74th Foot, 1874 ; transferred to 5th Lancers, 1876 ; Resigned, 1877. Died at Whit- church, Salop, 5th July, 1888. Morison, Alexander Theodore, son of John Morison, Esq., 12 1 Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park, London ; born 2nd February, 1849 - Ensign, and Foot, 1869 ; Lieutenant, 1871. Died at Dublin, i6th October, 1875. Parr, Cecil Francis, son of Thomas Parr, Esq., Grappenhall Heys, Warrington ; born 2nd August, 1847. College Boat, 1865. Parsons, George Fosbery, son of — Parsons, Esq. ; born 12th February, 1848. Russell, John Edward, son of — Russell, Esq.; born 30th October, 1849. Seton, Henry Carden, son of Major William ENTERED A Annesley, Francis Charles William, son of Francis Charles Annesley, Esq., 2 Colling- wood Villas, Stoke, Devonport ; born 8th May, 1850. Archibald, Clarence Holford, son of Charles Dickson Archibald, Esq., F.R.S., Rusland Hall, Newton-in-Cartmel; born 12th No- vember, 1847. Atkins, Francis Henry, son of George Atkins, Esq., 18 Suffolk Square, Cheltenham ; born 1 2th May, 1852. Aylmer, Herbert Willoughby Coghill, son of John Harrison Aylmer, Esq., Walworth Castle, Darlington ; born 31st January, 1851. Died 24th January, 1866. Baker, Edward, son of Edward Baker, Esq., i Argyle Place, Cheltenham ; born 30th July, 1854. Royal Indian Engineering College, Cooper’s Hill, 1873. Civil Engineer ; Public Works Department, India. Baker, Francis, son of William Baker, Esq., Wroughton, near Swindon, Wiltshire ; born Sth December, 1847. Iredell Prize, 1866 and 1867. Cricket XI. , 1866- 67. Classical Football XX., i866. Indian Civil Service, 1867 ; appointed to Bengal, 1869. Assistant- Magistrate and Collector, Agra Division, 1870-73, and at Allahabad, 1873 ; ist Assistant-Secretary to Government, North-West Provinces, 1873-74 ; Private Secretary to Lieutenant-Governor, North- W’est Provinces, 1874-78 ; Assistant-Magistrate and Collector, North-West Provinces, 1878 ; Junior Secre- tary to Board of Revenue, North-West Provinces, Carden Seton, 18 Park Place, Cheltenham ; born 20th January, 1850. Seton, Robert Eglington, son of Major William Carden Seton, 18 Park Place, Cheltenham ; born 28th November, 1852. Spragge, Basil Edward, son of Francis Howe Spragge, Esq., Chelston Manor, Torquay ; born 9th October, 1851. Butler. Trinity College, Cambridge, and Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Lieutenant, 51st Foot, 1872 ; Adjutant, 1879 ; Captain, South Yorkshire Regi- ment (now Yorkshire Light Infantry), 1881 ; Brevet- Major, i88g. Served as Orderly Officer to Briga- dier General J. Doran in the Jowaki Campaign, in 1877 (Medal with clasp). Served with the 51st Light Infantry, and as Superintendent of Army Signalling in the Afghan War of 1878-80, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid, and operations in the Shiliman Valley and Bazar Valley (three times mentioned in des- patches, Medal with clasp). Served with the Bur- mese Expedition in 1886-87 a-S Deputy-Assistant- Adjutant and Quartermaster-General (mentioned in despatches, D.S.O., and clasp). Threlfall, Charles, son of Richard Threlfall, Esq., Preston; born 23rd April, 1852. Threlfall, John Henry, son of Richard Threl- fall, Esq., Preston ; born 9th June, 1849. Wight, Charles Field, son of Robert Wight, Esq., M.D., Grazeley Lodge, near Reading ; born 7th April, 1851. Williams, John P. Foote, son of Edward Williams, Esq., Cotswold House, Chelten- ham ; born 17th September, 1853. UGUST, 1864. 1878-79 ; Assistant-Magistrate and Collector, North- West Provinces, 1879-80 ; First Assistant-Secretary to Government, North-West Provinces, 1880-83 • Under-Secretary to Government, North-West Pro- vinces, 1883-84 ; Superintendent at Dehra Doon, 1884-86 ; Joint-Magistrate, North-West Provinces, 1886-87 I Deputy-Commissioner, Oude, 1887. Barker, Alfred, son of Richard Barker, Esq., So- licitor, Christleton Bank, near Chester ; born 6th September, 1850. Bell, Harry Charles Purvis, son of Colonel Harry Wainwright Bax Bell, Poona, Bom- bay ; bornzrst September, 1850. Rifle Corps XL, 1869-70. In Ceylon Civil Ser- vice. Address : K6galla, Ceylon. Bell, James Archibald Robert, son of James Hamilton Bell, Esq. ; born 9th November, 1848. Left May, 1865. Re-entry vide Au- gust, i860. Beresford, Hamilton De la Poer, son of John Gorges Beresford, Esq., Dundee ; born 20th September, 1849. Lieutenant, Royal Marine Artillery, 1867 ; Cap- tain, 1877 ; Major, 1886. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882 (MedH, and Khedive’s Star). Bertie, The Hon. George Aubrey Vere, son of the Earl of Abingdon, Wytham Abbey, Ox- ford ; born ist May, 1850. Ensign and Lieutenant, Coldstream Guards, 1868 ; Lieutenant and Captain, 1871 ; Captain and Lieut. -Colonel, 1881 ; Major and Lieut. -Colonel, 1885 ; Retired, 1885. Aide-de-Camp to Major- General, Bengal, 1875-76. On Special Service, South August, 1864.] PRINCIPAL: REV. A. BARRY, D.D. 223 Africa, March to September, 1879. Served with the 24thFoot in the Zulu War of 1879 (Medal with clasp). Bingham, Richard John, son of John Bingham, Esq., 28 Pembridge Crescent, London ; born 28th Atigust, 1850. Ensign, 64th Foot, 1869 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Cap- tain, 1878 ; transferred to 2nd West India Regiment, i88o ; Major, 1883. Aide-de-Camp to Governor and Commandcr-in-Chief, Trinidad, 1881-84. Bor, Humphry, son of Edward John Bor, Esq., Ballindolon, Edenderry, Ireland ; born 4th July, 1848. Bbttinger, Henry Theodore, son of Henry Bot- tinger, Esq., Hornington Street, Burton-on- Trent ; born loth July, 1848. Bradley, Andrew Cecil, son of the Rev. Charles Bradley, 10 Royal Parade, Cheltenham ; born 26th March, 1851. Cricket XL, 1869. Head of Classical, June, 1868, and June, 1869. Exhibition, Balliol College, 0 .\ford, 1869. and Class Classical Moderations, 1871 ; ist Class Classical Final Schools, 1873. Fellow of Balliol, 1874 ; Chancellor's Prize for English Essay, 1875. B.A., 1874; M.A., 1876. Professor of English Language and Literature, University of Glasgow, 1889. Address ; Glasgow U niversity. Bryans, Edward Lonsdale, son of the Rev. William Bryans, Tarvin Vicarage, Chester ; born 6th March, 1849. 3 ^ — • Tur 7 ibull. Exhibition, Queen’s College, Oxford, 1869 ; 3rd Class Mathematical Moderations, 1871 ; 4th Class Mathematical Final Schools, 1873. B.A. , 1873 ; M.A. , 1876. Ordained Deacon, 1878, and Priest, 1880. Assistant-Master at Malvern College, 1875- 1889. Rector of Quedgeley, 1889. Address : Quedgeley Rectory, Gloucestershire. Burstal, Edward Kynaston, son of Commander Edward Burstal, R.N., 9 Park Villas, Lower Norwood; born 28th February, 1851. Callendar, James Montague, son of the Rev. William Callendar, Blackmore Vicarage, Ingatestone ; born 31st January, 1847. Exhibition, Oriel College, Oxford, 1867 ; 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1869 ; 1st Class Clas- sical Final Schools, 1872; B.A,, 1872. Candy, James Molesworth, son of Major Thomas Candy, Poona, Bombay ; born i6th March, 1852. 10 C — Direct M. Boyce. Left June, 1870. Sub-Lieutenant, 49th Foot, 1872 ; Lieutenant, 1873 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1874 ; Captain, 1885. Is Wing Officer, 14th Bombay Native In- fantry. Carlyon, Thomas Tristrem Spry, son of Major Thomas T. S. Carlyon, Tregrehan, Par Station, Cornwall ; born 8th August, 1853. Sub-Lieutenant, 107th Foot, 1873; Lieutenant, 187s ; Resigned, 1879. Chambers, Robert Sharp Borquis Hammond, son of — Chambers, Esq. ; born 3rd Feb- ruary, 1855. Chevers, George Victor, son of Norman Che- vers. Esq., Surgeon, Medical College, Cal- cutta ; born loth October, 1850. Chevers, Norman Bedford, son of Norman Chevers, Esq., Surgeon, Medical College, Calcutta; born 27th January, 1852. Collier, Francis, son of William Collier, Esq., Dundee ; born 21st August, 1850. iqM — Civil M. Hazelwell. Left June, 1868. Rifle Corps XL, 1866-67-68. Winner of the Spencer Cup at Wimbledon, 1867. Football XX. , 1867. Is a Merchant. Address : Dundee. Crespigny, Constantine Trent Champion, son of Philip Champion Crespigny, Esq., Talbot, Victoria ; born 5th May, 1851. Crompton, Edward Sherlock, son of Colonel WiUiam Joshua Crompton, Swindon Manor, near Cheltenham ; born 8th February, 1854. Re-entered College January, 1868. Daly, Edward Owen, son of Owen Daly, Esq., M.D., 23 Albion Street, Hull; born 15th April, 1853. 4/ — i*>C. Christowe. Left 1872. Football XX., 1870-71. Cricket XXII., 1870-71- 72. Walker Prize, 1872. University College, Ox- ford, 1872. 2nd Class Natural Science, 1875. B.A. , 1876; M.B., 1882; M.A., 1882; M.D., 1885. St. George's Hospital, London. Licentiate, Society of Apothecaries, London, 1880 ; Member, Royal Col- lege of Physicians, London, 1884. Late House Physician and Assistant Medical Registrar, St. George's Hospital, London. Now Physician of Hull Royal Infirmary. Author of several contribu- tions to medical papers. Address : 26 Albion Street, Hull. Dennis, Robert, son of — Dennis, Esq. ; born 5th January, 1849. Ensign, 20th Foot, 1869 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Re- signed, 1875. Address : St. Edmonds, Tivoli, Cheltenham. Dickinson, William, son of Joseph Dickinson, Esq., M.D., F.R.S., Liverpool ; born 9th April, 1851. Dickson, Alfred Edward Noel, son of David Dickson, Esq., Clocksbriggs, Forfarshire ; born 1 2th January, 1852. Dobson, Arthur Venables, son of the Rev. William Dobson, Lansdown Lodge, Chelten- ham ; born 13th October, 1851. sC — i'’C. Left 1868. Trinity College, Oxford, 1870. 2nd Class Clas- sical Moderations, 1872. B.A., 1874; M.A., 1876. Ordained Deacon, 1876, and Priest, 1881. Curate of Stoke Poges, Bucks, 1883. Died at Southsea, Hants, 27th August, 1883. Durham, Philip Francis, son of Philip F. Dur- ham, Esq., I Cambridge Villas, Cheltenham ; born 2nd August, 1852. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1871. Lieutenant (from Militia), loth Hussars, 1875 ; Captain, 1884. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1886. Served in the Afghan War in 1878-79, and was present at the action at Futtehabad, assault of the Peiwar Kotal, the engagement at Matun, and the operations in the Khost Valley (Medal). Served in the Soudan Ex- pedition in 1884, and took part in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (Medal with clasp, and Khe- dive's Star). Dyson, Herbert, son of Law Dyson, Esq., Hud- dersfield ; born 12th July 1850. Ellershatv, Arthur, son of Robert John Eller- shaw. Esq., Headingley, near Leeds ; born 6th April, 1850. Football XX., 1868. Captain of Rifle Corps, 1869. Errington, Francis Henry Launcelot, son of General Arnold Charles Errington, Delhi, India ; born 9th March, 1854. 2J — \^M. Hazelwell. Left June, 1871. Hertford College, Oxford, 1876. B.A. (2nd Class History), 1879; M.A. , 1883. Called to the Bar, Lincoln's Inn, 1882. Address : 23 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. 224 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1864. Farquharson, William, son of Major-General G. Farquharson, Mooltan, India ; born 20th July, 1854. Flrbank, Joseph Thomas, son of Joseph Fir- bank, Esq., 4 Clarence Place, Newport, Monmouth ; born 15th May, 1850. Firbank, William, son of Joseph Firbank, Esq., 4 Clarence Place, Newport, Monmouth ; born 29th April, 1852. Gardiner, Frederic Evelyn, son of the Rev. George Gregory Gardiner, 10’’*® Avenue, Mar- boeuf, Paris; born i ith February, 1850. Trinity College, Dublin. B.A, 1872 ; Divinity Testimonium, 1874; M.A. , 1879. Ordained Deacon, 1874, and Priest, 1875. Curate of St. Matthew, Westminster, 1874-79 ; Vicar of St. Paul, Truro, 1879-88 ; Rector of St. John, Hackney, London, 1888. Address : Hackney Rectory, London, E. Garnett, Gerald, son of Henry Garnett, Esq., Wyreside, near Lancaster ; born 22nd De- cember, 1854. 3_/ — 2C. Christowe. Left December, 1871. Cricket XL, 1871. Football XX. , 1871. Garstin, William Edmund, son of Charles Gar- stin. Esq., Edinburgh ; born 29th January, 1849. (f-M — Turnbull and Day Boy. Left December, 1866. Subsequently at King’s College, London (January, 1867 — December, 1868). Civil Engineer ; Public Works Department, India. Gibson, John Archibald, son of Archibald Gib- son, Esq., 302 Buchanan Street, Glasgow ; born 25th May, 1848. Goldie, Mark Henry George, son of Captain Mark W. Goldie, Douglas, Isle of Man ; born 8th September, 1848. Previously at Rossall School (1858-63). Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1866-68. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1868 ; Captain, 1880; Major, 1887. Is Instructor in Army Signalling, Bombay Sappers and Miners, Kirkee. Griffiths, Lewis Edward, son of Edward G. S. Griffiths, Esq., Barrister, Marie Hill, Chel- tenham ; born 6th June, 1852. Grundy, Eustace Beardoe, son of Frederick Grundy, Esq., Solicitor, Mottram-in-Lon- gendale, Cheshire; born 30th December, 1849. Guthrie, David, son of David Guthrie, Esq., Brechin, N.B. ; born 3rd January, 1851. Harris, Walter Stanley, son of William S. Harris, Esq., Highfield, Rock Ferry, Che- shire; born loth June, 1849. Harrison, John Henry Chenevix, son of John Harrison, Esq., Surgeon, 18 Promenade, Cheltenham; born 22nd March, 1851. Subsequently at Wellington College. Royal Mili- tary Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Engi- neers, 1871 ; Captain, 1883. Is Assistant Principal of Thomason College, Roorkee, India. Served in the Afghan War in 1880 (Medal). Harvey, Alexander John McRae, son of George C. Harvey, Esq., Halifax ; born 24th March, 1849. Hepworth, Reginald Alfred Platt, son of the Rev. Robert Hepworth, 2 St. James’ Square, Cheltenham ; born ist August, 1850. Hiron, James Franklin, son of John Franklin Hiron, Esq., Campden ; born 23rd October, 1850. Hodges, Oliver Thomas, son of John Oliver Hodges, Esq., Thicket Road, Anerley ; born 1st January, 1849. Rifle Corps XL , 1868. Address : St. Olave’s Rectory, Hart Street, Mark Lane, London, E.C. Hopkinson, Henry L., son of Lieut.-Colonel Henry Hopkinson, Assam ; born 22nd Oc- tober, 1855. Huish, Francis Darwin, son of Marcus Huish, Esq., Castle Donington, Leicestershire ; born 19th June, 1850. 9W — 4W. Newick House. Left 1 866. Solicitor (admitted 1872). Address : Derby. Hutton, George, son of Major William Forbes Hutton, South Cleeve, Cheltenham ; born 5th May, 1850. Re-entered College January, 1868. Jackson, Bernard, son of Henry Jackson, Esq., Surgeon, St. James’ Row, Sheffield ; born nth January, 1848. Downing College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1872. Jobling, Arthur William, son of John Jobling, Esq., Newcastle-on-Tyne ; born 5th Novem- ber, 1848. CiviDM — CiviDM. Bayly. Left 1866. Address : Brookfield, Gosforth, Newcastle-on- Tyne. Johnson, George Charles John, son of William Johnson, Esq., Vosterburg, Cork, Ireland ; born 8th April 1850. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Lieutenant, 97th Foot, 1872 ; transferred to 99th Foot, 1873. Served in the Zulu War, South Africa, in 1879, and was present at the battle of Inyezane, and subse- quent occupation of Ekowe. Was killed at the battle of Ginghilovo, 2nd April, 1879. Julian, James Edward John, son of Samuel Julian, Esq., Jersey Villa, Cheltenham ; born 22nd September, 1854. \J. i“C. Day Boy. Left December, 1873. College Boat, 1872. Gynmasium VIII., 1872-73- 74. Ladies’ Prize (Athletic Sports), 1873. Football XX., 1873. Wyllie Scholarship, 1873. Trinity College, Oxford, 1874 ; 3rd Class Classical Modera- tions, 1875 ; 4th Class Classical Final Schools, 1877; B.A. , 1878. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1879. Cheltenham Veterans Rifle V. , 1883-84. Kennedy, Charles Napier, son of Lieut.-Colonel John P. Kennedy, 20 Torrington Square, London ; born 27th February, 1852. Boyne House. Cricket XXII. , 187 — . A well-known Artist. Has had the following pictures exhibited at the Royal Academy: — 1872. " Lost " ; 1874, " Found 1875, “ A Light Repast": 1877. " }■ Brook Smith, Esq., of Cheltenham College”; 1878, “The New Toy," and “The Blacksmith’s Wife ’’ ; 1879, “ A Disputed Point"; “The Private View," and “Lieutenant- General Sir George Lawrence;’’ 1880, “Lady Young,” and “ The Bohemians ’’ ; 1881, " The Rev. Sir Emilius Bayley, Bart.,” and “Mrs. Co.xhead" ; 1882, “Sir Arthur Clay” ; 1883, “A Strange Story” ; 1884, “Mrs. Willett,” “Mrs. Price,” and “Mrs. Monckton”; 1885. “Mrs. C. N. Kennedy,” and “A Portrait of a Lady” ; 1886, “ Mrs. J. Hunger- ford Pollen,” “Mrs. Collins,” and “ Evory Ken- nedy, Esq.,M.D.”: 1887, “ Mrs. Anderson Timms,” and “J. H. Tuke, Esq.” Address : 38 Ave.nue Road, London, N.W. Leader, Hugh, son of Henry Leader, Esq., Reaseheath Hall, Nantwich ; born 7th Oc- tober, 1848. Modern Football XX., 1867. Died at Buxton, Derbyshire, February, 1877. August, 1864.] PRINCIPAL: REV. A. HARRY, D.D. 225 Llewellyn, William Hely, son of William Llewellyn, Esq., Court Colman, Brigend ; born 20th November, 1849. Died 13th April, 1877. Macpherson, Duncan Alexander Allan, son of Duncan Macpherson, Esq., Inspector-Gene- ral of Army Hospitals, Madras ; born i8th February, 1850. \oM M. Price. Left June, 1867. Football XX., 186 — . Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1868-69 '• Lnsign, 4th Foot, 1869 ; trans- ferred to 85th Foot, 1869 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1875; Captain, 1881; Major, 1889. Is Military Accountant, 2nd Class, ist Grade; Pay Examiner, Madras. Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-86 as Field Paymaster (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Macpherson, Thomas Robert Matheson, son of Duncan Macpherson, Esq., Inspector-Gene- ral of Army Hospitals, Madras ; born ist November, 1851. loM — Price. Left June, 1867. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1868. Ensign, loist Foot, 1869 ; tnansferred to 109th Foot, 1869 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1872; Captain. i88i ; Major, 1889. Is District Superinten- dent of Police, Khandeish. Macready, Jonathan Forster Christian, son of William Charles Macready, Esq., 3 Welling- ton Square, Cheltenham ; born 24th March, 1850. St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, London. Kirkes Gold Medallist, 1874. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1874 ; Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1876. Fellow, Royal Medical Society of London, and other Medical Societies. Surgeon, City of London Hospital for Diseases of Chest, and Great Northern Central Hospital ; Assis- tant-Surgeon, Cheyne Hospital, Chelsea, and City of London Truss Society ; Surgeon, Merchant Taylors’ Company’s Convalescent Homes, Bognor. Address: 51 Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square, London, W. Marten, Ellison Thomas Charles Newton, son of Major Thomas Wright Marten, Feroze- pore, India ; born 15th January, 1853. Re- entered College January, 1866. Lieutenant, 94th Foot, 1872 ; transferred to 43rd Foot, 1873 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1880 ; Cap- tain, 1882 ; Retired, 1885. Was Squadron Com- mander, 3rd Madras Cavalry. Marten, William Henry Russell Elliott, son of Major Thomas Wright Marten, Ferozepore, India ; born 14th September, 1851. Mellor, Francis Hamilton, son of the Hon. Sir John Mellor, Knt., 16 Sussex Square, Lon- don ; born 13th May, 1854. Boyne House. Football XX., 1870-71 ; Captain, 1872. Cricket XL, 1871-72-73. Trinity College, Cambridge. In Cambridge XL, 1877. B.A. , 1877. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1880. Address : 3 Dr. Johnson’s Buildings, The Temple, London, E.C. Mellor, Horace, son of the Hon. Sir John Mellor, Knt., 16 Sussex Square, London ; born 2 1 St February, 1851. 9C — -^M. Boyne House. Cricket XL. 1869; Football XX., 186 — . Trinity Hall, Cambridge. In Lancashire Cricket XL, 187 — . Is in business. Address ; Stourton Mills, Preston, Lancashire. Moir, George Wareing, son of John Forbes Moir, Esq., Oriental Bank Corporation, Madras ; born 26th October, 1849. Moore, Charles Henry, son of .Stephen Charles Moore, Esq., Barne, near Clonmel, Ireland ; born 8th August, 1850. Napier, James Pearse, son of Major-General Sir Robert Cornelis Napier, K.C.B. (after- wards 1st Lord Napier of Magdala), Cal- cutta ; born 20th December, 1849. Jesus College, Cambridge. B. A., 1873. Lieu- tenant, loth Hussars, 1872 ; Captain, 1879 ; Major, 1884. Passed Staff College, 1885. Is Brigade- Major at Shorncliffe. Served with the loth Hussars in the Afghan War in 1878-79 (Medal). Neville, Louis, son of R. Neville-Granville, Esq., Butleigh Court, Glastonbury ; born 29th July, 1852. Rifle Corps XL, 1868-69 ; Captain, 1870-71. Football XX., 1870. Niblett, Arthur Edward, son of the Rev. Ed- ward Henry Niblett, Redmarley Rectory, near Newent ; born 24th March, 1852. Subsequently at Clifton College (May, i868 — July, 1871). Niblett, Henry Morton, son of the Rev. Ed- ward Henry Niblett, Redmarley Rectory, Newent; born nth July, 1854. Subsequently at Clifton College (May, 1868 — April, 1873). Pembroke College, Oxford, 1873. B.A. , 1878; M.A., 1881. Ordained Deacon, 1878, and Priest, 1880. Curate of Prickwillow, Cam- bridgeshire, 1878-80 ; of Clapham, Surrey, 1881-82 ; Rector of Redmarley D’Abitot, Gloucestershire, 1882. Address : Redmarley Rectory, .Gloucester. Nightingale, Charles Alexander Malcolm, son of Major Manners Randolph Nightingale, Braeside, Broadstairs ; born 12th May, 1853. Peter, Apsley Petre, son of Richard Peter, Esq., Solicitor, Launceston ; born 1st October, 1849. Playfair, George James, son ot the Right Hon. Sir Lyon Playfair, K.C.B., LL.D., F.R.S., M.P., 14 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh ; born 31st March, 1849. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1867-69. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1870 ; Captain, 1880 ; Major, 1885. Power, William Le Poer, son of .Sir John Power, Bart, Kilfane, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland ; born 28th May, 1854. Sub-Lieutenant, 7th Fusiliers, 1872 ; Lieutenant, 1873 ; transferred to 58th Foot, 1875 ; Captain, Northamptonshire Regiment, 1880 ; Retired, 1887. Served in the Zulu War in 1879, and was employed at Natal (Medal). Served in the Transvaal Cam- paign in 1881, and took part in the defence of Wak- kerstroom. Rees-Philipps, Henry, son of James Rees- Philipps, Esq., Solicitor, Cheltenham ; born 29th April, 1854. Reid, James John, son of Sir James John Reid, Knt., Mouswold Place, Dumfries; born 15th January, 1851. Racquet Champion, 1867-68; Racquet Pair, 1869; Cricket XL, 1868. Died 1869. Rivis, Thomas Edward, son of Thomas William Rivis, Esq., Newstead House, Malton ; born 3rd April, 1846. Cornet, 13th Hussars, 1865 ; Lieutenant, 1869 ; Resigned, 1871. Address : Newstead House, Malton. G G 226 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1864. Robinson, George Wharton, son of Jonathan Robinson, Esq., Liverpool ; born 20th De- cember, 1850. Queen's College, O.xford, 1869. B.A (3rd Class History), 1873 M.A. , 1876. Ordained Deacon, 1874. Curate of St. Anne, Soho, London, 1874-76. Bodick, Edward Askew, son of Thomas Rodick, Esq., The Dell, Rock Ferry, Cheshire ; born 23rd August, 1851. Bodick, Thomas, son of Thomas Rodick, Esq., The Dell, Rock Ferry, Cheshire ; born 3rd November, 1849. Shairp, Davie Bassett, son of Stephen Francis Shairp, Esq., St. Maur, Cheltenham ; born loth July, 1851. Shairp, Stuart Courtenay, son of Stephen Francis Shairp, Esq., St. Maur, Chelten- ham ; born 1st May, 1854. Sharpe, Charles George, son of the Rev. James Falconer Sharpe, Subathoo, East Indies ; born 1 8th January, 1849. Previously at Rossall School (1862-64). Slingsby, William Cecil, son of William Slingsby, Esq., Beech Hill, Carleton, near Skipton ; born 25th May, 1849. Spencer-Stanhope, Frederick Walter, son ot the Rev. Charles Spencer-Stanhope, Weaver- ham, Northwich, Cheshire ; born 8th Feb- ruary, 1848. Ensign, 13th Foot, 1868 ; Lieutenant, 1870 ; Captain, Somersetshire Light Infantry, 1878 ; Re- tired, 1883. Strachan, James Arthur, son of J. G. Strachan, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 6th June, 1850. St. John's College, Cambridge. Ensign, 43rd Foot, February, 1871 ; Lieutenant, October, 1871 ; Captain, Oxfordshire Light Infantry, 1879 i Major, 1886. Aide-de-Camp to Major-General, Madras, 1886. Templeton, Clement, son of James Templeton, Esq., Mansion House, Exeter ; born 3rd September, 1847. Scholarship, Trinity College, Cambridge, 1870 ; B.A. (37th Wrangler), 1870; M.A. , 1873. Thompson, Thomas Raikes, son of Vice-Admiral Sir Thomas Raikes Trigge Thompson, Bart., R.N., Court House, Thorn, Taunton ; born 1st January, 1852. Succeeded his father as 3rd Baronet in 1865. Address : Junior Carlton Club, Pall Mall, Lon- don, S.W. Thompson, Walter Henry, son of — Thomp- son, Esq. ; born 5th October, 1851. Torrens, John, son of James Torrens, Esq., Solicitor, Edenmore, White Abbey, Ireland ; born 20th October, 1849. 7C — i'=C'. Neivick House- Left December, 1869. Cricket XXII., 1868-69; Classical Football XX., 1868-69-70. Worcester College, Oxford, 1870. B.A., 1874. Called to the Irish Bar, 1874. Now practising as a Solicitor (admitted 1884). Address : White Abbey, Belfast, Ireland. Trevor, Arthur Frederic Cecil, son of Lieut.- Colonel William C. Trevor, 48 Queen’s Gardens, Hyde Park, London ; born 20th August, 1854. Christowe. Was in business in London. Died at Boulogne, France, November, 1877. Tulloch, Conrad W. A., son of Captain Charles Tulloch ; born 12th January, 1852. Modern Football XX., 1868. Vowell, Charles Martin, son of Christopher M. Vowell, Esq., Surgeon, Cheltenham ; born i8th June, 1851. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England 1872 ; Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 1873 ; Licentiate, Society of Apothe- caries, London, 1873. Address : Care of Messrs. Grindlay and Co. , 55 Parliament Street, London, S.W. Vo'well, Edward Walter, son of Christopher M. Vowell, Esq., Surgeon, Cheltenham ; born 25th November, 1852. Walker, James Edward, son of the Rev. Ed- ward Walker, The Rectory, Cheltenham ; born 17th June, 1850. Gold Medallist, 1867. Corpus Christ! College, Oxford, i86g. Junior Greek Testament (University) Prize, 1871 ; Junior Septuagint Prize, 1872 ; ist Class Theology, 1872 ; Denyer and Johnson Scho- larship, 1873 ; Senior Septuagint Prize, 1875 ; Senior Greek Testament Prize, 1876; B.A., 1872; M.A., 1878. Watson, John Arnold, son of the Rev. John Watson, Malvern; born — September, 1849. Wheatley, Henry John, son of Captain John Wheatley, R.N., Cheltenham ; born 9th October, 1850. Williams, William Ivor, son of William Wil- liams, Esq., Palmyra House, Newport, Mon- mouth ; born 27th February, 1852. Woods, Hans Charles Maunsell, son of Hans Hamilton Woods, Esq., Whitestown House, Balbriggan, Ireland ; born 29th December, 1850. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1869-71. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1871 ; Captain, 1881 ; Major, 1886. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with clasp, and Khedive's Star). Wyatt, George Nevile, son of George Nevile Wyatt, Esq., Lake House, Cheltenham ; born 25th August, 1850. 5C — Sandhurst M. Newtek Hotise. Left June, 1869. FootballXX., 1867-68; Cricket XL, 1869; Racquet Pair, 1869. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1869-71. Ensign, 5th Fusiliers, 1871 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Resigned, 1875. In Gloucestershire Cricket XL, 1871-75; Surrey Cricket XL, 1877-79; ®nd Sussex Cricket XL, 1883-84. Address : Cotswold, Cheltenham. ENTERED MICHAELMAS, 1864. Baines, Arthur, son of — Baines, Esq. ; bom 20th February, 1850. Rifle Corps XL , 1865-66-67-68 ; Captain, 1869. Football XX., 1868. Bazeley, Frederick Parkin, son of — Bazeley, Esq. ; born 13th August, 1849. Blizard, George, son of George Blizard, Esq., Tewkesbury ; born 23rd September, 1855. Chevers, Charles Victor, son of Forbes McBean Chevers, Esq., M.D., Cedar Grove, Mande- ville, Manchester, Jamaica ; born 20th Sep- tember, 1851. Michaelmas, 1864.] PRINCIPAL: REV. A. BARRY, D.D. 227 Crewe, Gerald Stewart, son of the Rev. Henry Randolph Crewe, Breadsell Rectory, Derby- shire ; born 20th August, 1849. Previously at Rossall School (1862-64). Died 1865. Garstin, Alfred Allan, son of Charles Garstin, Esq., Edinburgh ; born 30th August, 1850. Ensign, 57th Foot, September, 1871 ; Lieutenant, October, 1871; Adjutant, 1878-80; Captain, Mid- dlesex Regiment, 1880; Major, 1883. Served as Adjutant of the 57th Regiment in the Zulu War of 1879, including the action of Ginginhlovu and relief of Ekowe, and the operations of " Clarke's Column," (Medal with clasp). Served in the Soudan Cam- paign of 1885 as Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant-General on the lines of communication and base (Medal with clasp, and Khedive's Star). Hamilton, James Lennox, son of Matthew Hamilton, Esq., i Queen’s Parade, Chelten- ham ; born 25th November, 1852. 7C — i^’C. Day Boy. Re-entered College August, 1867. University College, Oxford, 1872. 3rd Class Classical Moderations, 1874 ; 2nd Class Jurispru- dence, 1876; B.A., 1876. Called to the Bar, Lin- coln's Inn, 1879. Address : 7 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. Hawtrey, John Purvis, son of the Rev. John William Hawtrey, Eton College, near Wind- sor ; born 19th July, 1850. Previously at Eton College. Humble, Robert Nugent, son of Sir John Nugent Humble, Bart., Cloncoskoran, Dungarvan, Ireland; born 13th December, 1849. Cornet, 17th Lancers, 1868 ; Lieutenant, 1870 ; Resigned, 1874. Master of the Limerick Foxhounds. Died at Cloncoskoran, Co. Waterford, 25th January, 1890. Lane, John Lilly, son of John Benn Lane, Esq., Bombay, India; born 19th February, 1852. Leeman, William Luther, son of George Lee- man, Esq., Solicitor, York ; born 2nd Feb- ruary, 1849. St. Edmund Hall, O.xford, 1870, afterwards at Uni- versity College, Durham. B.A. , 1876; M.A. , 1879. Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. Ordained Deacon, 1872, and Priest, 1873. Curate of Hartshead with Clifton, 1872-74 ; Rector of Middleton St. George, 1874-76; Curate of Holy Trinity with charge of St. Mary's Mission, Windsor, 1876-77 ; Vicar of Rosedale, Yorkshire, 1877-79 ! Vicar of Seaforth, Lancashire, 1879-82 ; Chaplain to Viscount Halifax, 1874; Rector of Welton-le-Wold, Lincolnshire, 1882. Address ; Welton-le-Wold Rectory, Louth. Montresor, Charles Courtenay, son of Edward Montresor, Esq., 2 Ashford Villas, Chelten- ham ; born 12th July, 1852. Previously at Clifton College (.September, 1862 — July, 1864). Died at Barrackpore, East Indies, 24th November, 1877. Richardson, Edmund Robert Stewart, son of Sir John Stewart Richardson, Bart., Pitfour Castle, Perthshire; born 13th July, 1848. Direct M — Direct M. Brown. Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Ensign, 64th Foot, 1867; Lieutenant, 1870; Adjutant, 1871-78; Cap- tain, North Staffordshire Regiment, 1878 ; Major, 1883 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1887. Is Colonel, 4th Battalion Derbyshire Regiment (Militia). Adju- tant, Auxiliary Forces, 1880-84 1 Adjutant, Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1884-87. Russell, Edward Bachelor, son of John Russell, Esq. ; born 30th June, 1852. Sankey, Herbert Richard Octavius, son of William Henry Octavius Sankey, Esq., M.D., Sandy well Park, near Cheltenham ; born 6th April, 1850. Day Boy. University College, London. Gold Medal for Practical Chemistry; M.B. , 1877. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1876 ; Member of British Medieal Association and of other Medical Societies. Late Senior Assistant Medical Officer, Lancashire County Asylum, Prestwich ; Assistant Medical Officer, Warwick County Asylum ; and Resident Medical Officer and Registrar, National Hospital for Paralysis and Epilepsy, London. Now Superintendent of County Asylum, Hatton, Warwick- shire. Author of several contributions to medical papers. Address: County Asylum, Hatton, near Warwick. Sankey, William Arthur Clarke Octavius, son of William Henry Octavius Sankey, Esq., M.D., Sandywell Park, near Cheltenham ; born 13th July, 1852. University College, London, and Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 1878 ; Licentiate, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, and Licentiate in Midwifery, 1878^. Was Resident Physician, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, and subsequently Medical Officer and Co- Licensee of Boreatton Park Asylum for the Insane. Died loth November, 1886. Tee, Alfred Ernest, son of Samuel Laycock Tee, Esq., Ferncliffe, Calverley, near Leeds ; born 1 2th February, 1852. Football XX., 1869. Whittard, Brooke de Ferrand Middlemore (afterwards Middlemore-Whithard), son of the Rev. Thomas Middlemore Whittard (afterwards Middlemore-Whithard), Thirle- staine Villa, Cheltenham ; born 23rd Octo- ber, 1853. ENTERED JANUARY, 1865. Adair, William Thompson, son of General Sir Charles William Adair, K.C.B., i Theobald Square, Rochester ; born 21st June, 1850. ■JM — i^M. Bayly. Left December, 1866. Lieutenant, Royal Marines, 1867 ; Adjutant, 1878-83 ; Captain, i88i ; Major, 1888. Passed Staff College, 1885. Is Instructor in Fortification, Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Adderley, Edmund William (afterwards Cra- dock), son of Edmund James Adderley, Esq., Woodbine Villa, Ryde, Isle of Wight ; born 1 8th September, 1849. Ensign, 64th Foot, 1867 ; Lieutenant, 1870 ; In- structor of Musketry, 1874-78 ; Captain, 1878 ; transferred to Royal Fusihers, 1879 ; Brevet-Major, 1881 ; Major, 1883 ; Lieut. -Colonel (Retired), 1887. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1882-87. Is Captain in Hampshire Yeomanry Cavalry. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, and was present in the affair at Kokeran (mentioned in despatches), and took part in the defence of Kandahar, including the sortie on the village of Deh-Khojah, and was also present at the battle of Kandahar on ist September (Brevet of Major, Medal with clasp). Aitken, Alexander Muirhead, son of Alexander Muirhead Aitken, Esq., Holmfoot, Lanark, N.B. ; born 3rd October, 1850. 5C — 2'’C. Turnbull and Green. Left May, 1867. Is a Merchant at the Straits Settlements. 228 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1865. Allen, Thomas, son of Thomas Allen, Esq., 'I hurmaston, near Leicester ; born 7th Sep- tember, 1849. Turnbull. Left 1868. Schreiber Exhibition, 1868. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. (24th in and Class Classical Tripos), 1872; M.A. , 1875. Is Head Master of Uttoxeter Grammar School. Address : Uttoxeter. Allfrey, Sidney Reginald, son of Robert All- frey. Esq., Wokefield Park, Reading ; born 26th November, 1852. Annesley, William Oliver Tyndale, son of Arthur Annesley, Esq., 37 Clarence Square, Cheltenham ; born loth November, 1849. Re-entry vide January, 1863. Armstrong, Francis William Henry, son of Captain Robert Dalzell Armstrong j born 29th May, 1851. Atkinson, Edward, son of Charles Atkinson, Esq., Bradley Mills, Huddersfield ; born 20th September, 1852. Badgley, James Montagu Taylor, son of William Badgley, Esq., Barrister, Montreal, Canada ; born 1 6th December, 1849. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1868-70. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1871 ; Captain, 1883; Major, 1889. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80 (Medal). Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-86, and was severely wounded in an engagement on the 6th May, 1886 (Medal with clasp). Bath, Edward Henry, son of Edward Bath, Esq., I Brunswick Villas, Swansea ; born 3rd February, 1851. Modern Football XX., 1867. Beresford, John Claudius Montgomery, son of John Barrd Beresford, Esq., Learmount, Londonderry, Ireland ; born 3rd February, 1850. Modern Football XX., 1867. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1868-70. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1870 ; Captain, 1872 ; Major, 1889. Aide-de-Camp to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1874-80. Black, Edward Wallace, son of William Forsyth Black, Esq., 43 The Elms, Toxteth Park, Liverpool; born 8th October, 1850. Brown, Stafford, son of the Rev. Meredith Brown, Nonsuch, near Chippenham; born 27th January, 1854. Cameron, Donald, son of Major Donald Came- ron ; born 9th July, 1852. Chapman, Colvin Augustus, son of Charles Chapman, Esq. ; born i6th September, 1852. Chase, Charles Henry, son of the Rev. Henry John Neale Chase, 15 Sydenham Villas, Cheltenham; born 3rd May, 1850. 8C — 7C. Day Boy. Left 1868. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. B.A., 1872 ; M.A., 1884. Ordained Deacon, 1873, Priest, 1874. Curate of Wootton-Bassett, 1873-75 ; of Christ Church, Weston-super-Mare, 1875-80 ; Vicar of Bishops Lydeard, Somerset, 1880-82 ; Vicar of Ambleside, Westmoreland, 1882. Address : The Vicarage, Ambleside. Dickson, Alan Chambre, son of Joseph Biggs Dickson, Esq., Solicitor, Preston ; born 5th September, 1852. 7C — i'’C. Turnbtell z.nd Green. Left December, 1868. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1866. Solicitor (ad- mitted 1875). Address: Preston, Lancashire. Evans, Frederick William, son of Thomas Evans, Esq., Surgeon, Cardiff; born 30th April, 1851. Newtek House. St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, and Aber- deen University. M.B. and C. M., 1877; M.D. , 1879. Licentiate, Society of Apothecaries, London, 1875 ; Member, Royal College of Surgeons, Eng- land, 1876. Bentley Prizeman, St. Bartholomew’s, 1875. Member of General Council, Aberdeen Uni- versity ; Member, British Medical Association, and Cardiff Medical Society ; Surgeon, Melingriffith Tin Works ; Medical Officer, Howell’s School, Llandaff, and Cardiff Provincial Dispensary ; Out-patient Medical Officer, Glamorgan and Monmouth Infir- mary ; Acting Surgeon, 3rd Volunteer Battalion Welsh Regiment ; Certificated Factory Surgeon ; Surgeon, Odd Fellows ; and Medical Referee to several Assurance Companies. Address : 21 Charles Street, Cardiff. Evans, Robert Young, son of Thomas Evans, Esq., Surgeon, Cardiff ; born 30th April, 1851. Newtek House. Solicitor (admitted 1875). Address ; Cardiff. Gambler, Claude Frederic, son of the Rev. Samuel James Gambier, Dieppe, France ; born 3rd May, 1852. 8C — Sa?idhurst M. Bayly. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1869-70. Lieu- tenant, 2ist Foot, 1871 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1875 ; Captain, 1883. Is Squadron Officer, 5th Punjab Cavalry. Served in the Jowaki Expedition of 1877-78 (Medal with clasp). Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80, and was present at the affair at Mattoon, in the engagement at Charasiah on 6th October, 1879, and in the operations around and capture of Kabul in December, 1879, including the investment of Sherpur — severely wounded (Medal with two clasps). Gardner, George Lawrence Harter, son of Wil- liam Gardner, Esq., Prestwich Lodge, Chel- tenham ; born 1st December, 1850. — 7 .M. Day Boy. Left 1866. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. B.A., 1873: B.Mus. (Christ Church, O.xford), 1875 ; M.A., 1876. Ordained Deacon, 1875, and Priest, 1876. Curate of St. Mary, Nottingham, 1875-84 ; Curate of All Saints, Cheltenham, 1884-86 ; Vicar of All Saints, Cheltenham, 1886. Address : All Saint’s Vicarage, Cheltenham. Gibbons, P'rank Grenville, son of Thomas Ben- jamin Gibbons, Esq., Fulvvood Park, Liver- pool ; born 15th August, 1850. Grey, Harry George, son of — Grey, Esq. ; born 25th May, 1852. Naval Cadet, 1865 ; Midshipman, Royal Navy, 1867 ; Sub-Lieutenant, 1872 ; Lieutenant, 1875. Is Lieutenant on H.M.S. "Comus." Landed in charge of a party from the “ Rifleman," for the protection of the telegraph station at Gwadin, Beloochistan, for which service he received the thanks of the Indian Government, July, 1873. Was in charge of a party from the “ Rifleman ’’ sent to work the guns of the Bombay marine ship Hugh Rose,” at the reduction of Fort Masnaah, Gulf of Oman, March, 1874 ; in charge of "Rifleman’s" cutter, with rockets, at reduction of Fort Mombaya, and was promoted for services in suppression of the slave trade on the East Coast of Africa. Lieutenant of " Northumberland ’’ during the Egyptian War of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive’s Star). Awarded the Royal Humane Society's Bronze Medal for the following act on 24th October, 1874: " P. Marlia was capsized from a boat at Mumbini, East Coast of Africa; Mr. Grey helped the man to the boat, and swam through the surf for two barricoes to keep him up ; sharks were known to be in the vicinity.” (Promoted to Lieu- tenant for this act.) January, 1865.] PRINCIPAL: REV. A. PARRY, D.D. 229 Hamilton, Philip James (afterwards Hamilton- Grierson), son of John Hamilton, Esq., Edinburgh; born 9th March, 1851. loC — 3C D 7 -own. Left June, 1867. Merton College, Oxford, 1872. 4th Class Classical Final Schools, 1876; B.A. , 1877. Called to the Scottish Bar, 1880. Hind, John Alfred, son of John Hind, Esq., The Lodge, Belfast ; born ist March, 1850. 7C— 2“C Price. Left 1868. Trinity College, Cambridge; B.A. , 1875. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1875. Captain, Antrim Rifles Militia, 1872-76; Captain, London Irish Rifle Volunteers, 1880. Address : 3 Harcourt Buildings, The Temple, London, E. C. Hoghton, Daniel (afterwards de Hoghton), son of Sir Henry de Hoghton, Bart. ; born 13th August, 1853. Lieutenant (from Militia), 47th Foot, 1874 ; Cap- tain, North Lancashire Regiment, 1881. Inglis, George, son of Colonel Hugh Inglis, Kingsmills, Inverness ; born 24th April, 1851. King-Harman, Charles Anthony, son of the Hon. Laurence Harman King-Harman, New- castle, Ballymahon, Ireland ; born 26th April, 1851. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A.,1873; M.A., 1879. Private Secretary to the Governor of the Bahama Islands, November, 1874, to November, 1879 ; Private Secretary to High Commissioner, Cyprus, December, 1879 ; Assistant-Commissioner, Cyprus, December, 1879 ; Assistant to the Chief Secretary, Cyprus, March, 1881 ; Acting Chief Secretary and Member of E.xecutive and Legislative Councils, June to September, 1882; Auditor-General, Barbadoes, 1883 ; Acting Colonial Secretary and Member of Executive Council and Committee, January, 1884, to June, 1885, and June to October, 1886. Elected Member of House of Assembly, Octo- ber, 1884, to September, 1885. King-Harman, Gerald Lycidas, son of the Hon. Laurence Harman King-Harman, Newcastle, Ballymahon, Ireland ; born 26th June, 1853. Naval Cadet, 1866 ; Midshipman, Royal Navy, 1868 ; Sub- Lieutenant, 1874 ; Lieutenant, 1878 ; Commander, 1889. Was Lieutenant on the Royal Yacht “Victoria and Albert." Served during the Ashantee War of 1873-74 (Medal). Lieutenant of H.M.S. “Orion ” during the Egyptian War of 1882, including the bombardment of Alexandria on the nth July ; was in command of two Gatling guns at El Magfar, and served with the Naval Brigade at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp, 4th Class Medjidie, and Khedive's Star). Awarded the Royal Humane Society's Bronze Medal for having on the 15th June, 1878, while serving on H.M.S. “Mosquito" in the Woosung River, China, jumped overboard to the rescue of a man, but without success. Died at Scarborough, 24th November, 1889. Lamb, John Henry, son of the Rev. Matthias Mawson Lamb, Saperton, Cirencester ; born 26th August, 1851. Laming, Henry, son of — Laming, Esq. ; born loth December, 1849. Queen's College, Oxford, 1869. 3rd Class History, 1872; B.A., 1873; M.A., 1877. Layton, Thomas, son of Thomas Edward Layton, Esq., Bickley Park, Kent ; born 13th August, 1849. Lucas, William Stanley, son of — Lucas, Esq. ; born 22nd December, 1848. Previously at U ppingham School. MacDougall, William Brewster, son of William MacDougall, Esq., Drumleck House, Howth, Ireland ; born 25th May, 1849. Ensign, 72nd Highlanders, 1869 ; Lieutenant, 78th Highlanders, 1871 ; Instructor of Musketry, 1879-81 ; Captain, Seaforth Highlanders, 1881. Served in the Afghan War of 1880 (Medal). Manning, William, son of Robert Manning, Esq., C.E., Hillsborough, Ireland ; born 31st January, 1849. Matthe'ws, Henry Charles Leonard, son of — Matthews, Esq. ; born 6th November, 1848. Matthe'ws, John Leonard, son of — Matthews, Esq. ; born 2nd August, 1847. College Boat, 1866. Milward, Arthur Prendergast, son of George Milward, Esq., Barrister, Lechlade Manor, Gloucestershire ; born 26th September, 1852. Died 3rd June, 1879. Moore, Richard Albert, son of Stephen Charles Moore, Esq., Barne, Ireland ; born 19th May, 1848. Naylor, Charles Topham, son of Charles Naylor, Esq., Solicitor, Leeds ; born 14th March, 1848. 3C — iC'. Beaufort House and HazelwelL Left June, 1867. Ladies’ Prize (Athletic Sports), 1866; Football XX., 1866. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1871 ; LL. B. , 1871. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1874. Parkinson, George William, son of James Parkinson, Esq., i King Street, St. James’s Square, London ; born 27th November, 1850. Pigott, John Charles Matthew, son of Lieut. - Colonel Arthur Pigott, 6 Regent’s Park, Heavitree, near Exeter; born 14th January, 1850. Ensign, 12th Foot, January, 1869 ; transferred to 66th Foot, February, 1869 ; Lieutenant, August, 1869 ; Captain, Berkshire Regiment, 1879 ; Major, 1883 ; Retired, 1889. Passed Staff College, 1881 (Special Mention in Staff Duties and Administration. Qualified in Landscape Drawing as an extra sub- ject). Brigade-Major at Aldershot, August to No- vember, 1882. Porter, Henry Blane, son of Robert Tindal Porter, Esq., 3 Suffolk Square, Cheltenham ; born 29th May, 1851. Racquet Champion, 1870 ; Racquet Pair, 1870. Exeter College, Oxford, 1870. B.A. (4th Class His- tory), 1873; M.A. , 1877. Ordained Deacon, 1886, and Priest, 1887. Curate of Bridstow, Hereford- shire, 1886. Address : Bridstow, Ross, Herefordshire. Ramsay, George Robinson, son of John Taylor Ramsay, Esq., Walbottle Hall, Newcastle- on-Tyne ; born 29th December, 1851. \oM — Civil M. Turnbull., Bayly, and Beaifort House. Left December, 1869. College Boat, 1869 ; Football XX., 1869. In Business. Riall, William Arthur, son of Samuel Riall, Esq., Annerville, Clonmel, Ireland ; born 20th April, 1850. J. P. and D. L. for County Tipperary. Address : Annerville, near Clonmel. Rigg, Morden, son of Lieut.-Colonel Hugh Rigg, Scorton, Catterick, Yorkshire ; born 29th March, 1852. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1865. 230 Riggi Robert Addison, son of Lieut.-Colonel Hugh Rigg, Scorton, Catterick, Yorkshire ; born nth July, 1853. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1873 ; Captain, 1882. Passed Ar- tillery College. Is Professor at Royal Military College, Kingston, Canada. Schuyler, Edward Ellison Sutton, son of — Schuyler, Esq. ; born 8th November, 1854. St. John’s College, Cambridge, 1871. Lieutenant (from Militia), 14th Foot, 1875 ; Adjutant, March to May, 1880 ; Captain, West Yorkshire Regiment, 1882 ; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1883-88. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80 as Assistant-Superin- tendent of Transport with the Kuram Valley Field Force (Medal). Shepherd, Thomas Percy, son of Thomas Shep- herd, Esq., Solicitor, Newbegin, Beverley ; born 20th February, 1855. Smith, Francis Fenton Villeneuve, son of William Villeneuve Smith, Esq., Barrister- at-Law, Temple Court, Melbourne ; born 4th July, 1850. Smith, John Henry, son of Samuel Smith, Esq., Field House, Bradford ; born 3rd November, 1852. Smith, Kenneth Mackenzie, son of William Smith, Esq., Barnes Hall, near Sheffield ; born 28th April, 1852. Stevens, Henry John Wellesley, son of Surgeon- Major John Borlase Stevens, 4 St. Philip’s Terrace, Kensington, London; born i6th April, 1853. Strachan, Frederick, son of Henry Sansom Strachan, Esq., Elm Lodge, Upper Hollo- way, London ; born loth November, 1853. Cricket XL , 1870 ; Football XX. , 1870. Died 27th December, 1874. Surtees, Richard Villiers, son of the Rev. Richard Surtees, Holtby Rectory, York ; born 8th April, 1853. University College, Oxford, 1872. Represented Oxford for the Long Jump at the Inter-University Sports, 1875. Taylor, Herbert, son of Samuel Taylor, Esq., Clarence Iron Works, Leeds ; born i6th January, 1850. Rifle Corps XI. , 1865-66. Tee, Arthur William, son of Samuel Laycock Tee, Esq., Ferncliffe, Calverley, near Leeds ; born loth April, 1850. Temple, Henry, son of Robert Temple, Esq., Ceylon ; born 27th January, 1854. Tomes, Edward, son of the Rev. Robert Tomes, Coughton Vicarage, Bromsgrove ; born loth April, 1849. Torkington, James, son of the Rev. Charles Torkington, Spetisbury, Blandford, Dorset ; born 23rd November, 1851. Classical Football XX., 1868-69. Torrens, Thomas Hughes, son of James Torrens, Esq., Solicitor, Belfast ; born 4th September, 1851. loC — 2*’C. Newick House. Left December, 1870. Cricket XXII., 1870: Classical Football XX., 1870. Solicitor (admitted 1875) in Dublin. Trevithick, Francis Henry, son of Francis Trevithick, Esq., C.E., Penzance ; born 23rd July, 1850. 6 M — 2'°M. Leconfield. Left June, 1868. Civil Engineer. Locomotive Superintendent, Im- perial Government Railways, Tokyo, Japan. Trollope, Edgar, son of Arthur Trollope, Esq., Lincoln; born 29th April, 1849. T3rtler, Frederick John Lucas, son of Lieut.- Colonel Robert C. Tytler, Umballa, Bengal ; born I St February, 1849. Van Gelder, Richard Paul Apcar, son of Joseph Van Gelder, Esq., 28 Tank Square, Calcutta ; born 2nd November, 1849. Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1876. Practised at Cal- cutta. Died at Bankipore, East Indies, 20th Feb- ruary, 1884. Vyvyan, Edward Reid, son of Edward Walter Vyvyan, Esq., Chandos Cottage, Chelten- ham ; born 4th September, 1854. Re-en- tered College October, 1869. Died ill London, 20th March, 1888. White, George Fairfax Moresby, son of Robert Azlack White, Esq., Solicitor, Grantham ; born 22nd August, 1851. Woods, Arthur Lionel Anthony, son of John Anthony Woods, Esq., Benton Hall, New- castle-on-Tyne ; born 13th October, 1851. Woods, Warren St. Leger, son of Hans Hamil- ton Woods, Esq., Whitestown House, Bal- briggan, Ireland ; born 4th February, 1849. Wright, Henry Brooke, son of the Rev. Harry Wright, Hatherley Lawn, Cheltenham ; born 1 2th November, 1850. Wright, John Sapte, son of George Augustus Wright, Esq., Bellah Factory, Upper India ; born January, 1852. Young, Frederick Maxwell, son of Archibald Roberts Young, Esq., 22 Lansdown Place, Cheltenham; born 30th November, 1852. Re-entry z/fdfe January, 1863. ENTERED APRIL, 1865. Bourke, Gerald, son of Richard Bourke, Esq., Thornfields, Lisnagry, Ireland; born 19th March, 1850. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1868-70. Lieutenant, Royal Artilleiy, 1871 ; Captain, 1881 ; Retired, 1884. Aide-de-Camp to Major-General at Madras, 1879-81. Brigstocke, Augustus, son of William Owen Brigstocke, Esq., Barrister, Geliy Dywyll, Newcastle Emlyn ; born 20th February, 1854. Jesus College, Cambridge. Burney, Ernie Kerr Amyatt (afterwards Amyatt- Burney), son of the Rev. Edward Burney, Gosport ; born i8th July, 1850. Cornet, 3rd Dragoon Guards, 1868 ; Lieutenant, 1869 ; Captain, 1874 ; Major, 1882 ; Lieut.-Colonel, 1888. April, 1865.] PRINCIPAL: REV. A. HARRY, D.D. 231 Campion, Heathcote Francis George, son of the Rev. Charles Heathcote Campion, West- meston Rectory, Suffolk ; born 12th Septem- ber, 1852. Sub-Lieutenant, 94th Foot, 1872 ; Lieutenant, 1873 ; Captain, Connaught Rangers, 1880 ; Major, 1885. Served in the Zulu Campaign, South Africa, in 1879, and was present at the l)attle of Ulundi, and subsequent operations against Manyanyoba and other hostile chiefs ; also storming of Sekukuni’s stronghold (Medal with clasps). Served in the Trans- vaal Campaign in 1881, and took part in the defence of Standerton (mentioned in despatches). Chambers, Harry Polhill, son of George Wilton Chambers, Esq., Clough House, Rotherham ; born 20th October, 1852. Dawson, Richard Barnett, son of — Dawson, Esq. ; born 27th June, 1849. Died at Rosario, South America, 24th September, 1872. Even, George Eusebe, son of — Even, Esq. ; born i2th August, 1855. Sub-Lieutenant, 65th Foot, 1874 ; Lieutenant, 187s ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1878 ; Captain, 1886. Is Wing Commander, 21st Bombay Native Infantry. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80 on Transport duty (Medal). Fowke, Charles Henry Folliot, son of Thomas H. Fowke, Esq., Surgeon, Wolverhampton ; born 15th December, 1852. Godfray, John William, son of John William ENTERED . Allen, Francis Allsop, son of Thomas Allen, Esq., Thurmaston, near Leicester; born 21st May, 1851. ZM — 3'd/. Turnbull z.xidiBayly. Left December, 1867. Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, 1874-75. Farming. Allen, Henry William, son of — Allen, Esq. ; born 24th August, 1849. Almond, James Wellington Russell, son of the Rev. William Russell Almond, Stapleford, Nottingham ; born 7th November, 1848. Rifle Corps XL, 1866. Arnott, David Taylor, son of Sir John Arnott, Knt., Woodlands, Cork, Ireland ; born 27th April, 1855. Cheltondale. Football XX., 1872. Arnott, John, son of Sir John Arnott, Knt., Woodlands, Cork ; born i6th November, 1854. Cheltondale. Bird, Arthur, son of George Bird, Esq., Bays Hill Mansion, Cheltenham ; born 2nd Sep- tember, 1853. Birks, Charles Lynn, son of — Birks, Esq. ; born 26th October, 1850. Biscoe, Frederick William, son of the Rev. Frederick Biscoe, Turkdean, Northleach ; born 4th July, 1851. 8C — Civil M. Boyce. Left December, 1868. Solicitor (admitted 1874). Address : 22 Surrey Street, Victoria Embankment, London, W.C. Bishop, John Watson Gordon, son of Frederic Bishop, Esq., The Mount, Stoke-upon- Trent ; born 25th December, 1849. St. John’s College, Cambridge. Ordained Deacon, Godfray, Esq., Solicitor, .St. Heliers, Jersey; born 20th October, 1840. 9 A/ — ^M. Boy 7 ie House. Rifle Corps XL, 1866-67 1 Captain, 1868. Ladies' Prize (Athletic Sports), 1868. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1869-70. Ensign, 25th Foot, September, 1871 ; Lieutenant, October, 1871 ; Captain, King's Own Scottish Borderers, 1879 ; Major, 1888. Passed Staff College, 1880. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1881-82. Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant and Quarter- master-General, Jersey, 1882-87. Pryce, Edward Stisted Mostyn, son of Lieut. - Colonel John Edward Harryman Price, 8 Dover Street, London ; born 8th April, 1851. Balliol College, Oxford, 1871. 2nd Class Mathe- matical Moderations, 1872 ; 3rd Class Mathematical Final Schools, 1874. B.A., 1874; M.A., 1877. Address : Gunley Hall, Chirbury, Montgomery- shire. Scott, Dugald, son of William Scott, Esq., The Moorlands, Kersal, Manchester ; born 8th September, 1852. Ward, George Rolls, son of William Lakin Ward, Esq., Solicitor, Great Marlow, Bucks ; born 13th September, 185 — . Woodgate, Arthur Henry Aird, son of Captain Thomas Woodgate, R.N., Ardgay, Box, Chippenham ; born 28th April, 1850. Wrixon, Gerald Bentley Grevis, son of — Wrixon, Esq. ; born 25th December, 1852. UGUST, 1865. 1877, and Priest, 1879. Curate of St. Mary, Thet- ford, 1877 ; of Holy Trinity, Cambridge, 1878-79 ; of Thorpe next Norwich, 1879-83 ; Chaplain at Grasse, 1883-86. Bryden, Charles Cowper, son of William A. Bryden, Esq., Clapham Common, Surrey ; born i6th June, 1852. loC — Civil M. New- ick House. Left December, 1869. Football XX. , 1869. Cricket XXII. , 1868-69. lo English Football XX., 1876. Is in Business in London. Address : Sorrento, Ditton Hill, Surbiton, Surrey. Bryden, Henry A., son of William A. Bryden, Esq., Clapham Common, London ; born 3rd May, 1854. In English Football XX., 1874. Bryden, William R., son of William A. Bryden, Esq., Clapham Common, London ; born 26th March, 1851. Buchanan, Charles Griffiths, son of Captain Neil Griffiths Buchanan ; born 9th May, 1852. Address : West House, Axminster. Buchanan, Nigel Griffiths, son of Captain Neil Griffiths Buchanan ; born i6th June, 1853. 2 J — Civil M. Price. Left 1 870. Farming in Queensland. Address : Zin-Zin, Queensland, Australia. Carde'w, Cornelius Edward, son of the Rev. John Hayden Cardew, 36 Clarence Square, Cheltenham; born i8th July, 1851. Coffin, Edward Seabright, son of Lieut.-Colonel Seabright Sheaffe Coffin, Rodney Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 20th March, 1852. Coles, Frederick Armstrong, son of Charles 232 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1865. Robert Coles, Esq., Nagode, Central India ; born 29th April, 1852. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1869. Ensign, 3rd Foot, 1870 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Resigned, 1875. Corbett, Waties, son of Lieut.-Colonel Edward Corbett, Aberamffra House, Dolgelly ; bom 5th December, 1852. Naval Cadet, 1866 ; Midshipman, Royal Navy, 1867 ; Sub-Lieutenant, 1872 ; Lieutenant, 1876. Is Lieutenant on H.M.S. “Tamar." Was Lieutenant of H.M.S. “Agincourt” during the Egyptian War of 1882 (Medal and Khedive's Star). D’Aguilar, John Swainson, son of the Rev. John Burton D’Aguilar, Umritsur, Punjab, India; born i6th March, 1851. Cheltondale. Football XX., 1868-69. Ensign, 96th Foot, 1870; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Captain, 1878 ; Paymaster, Army Pay Department, 1879 ; Hon. Major, 1884 ; Staff Paymaster, 1888. Served in the Transvaal Campaign in 1881 as Paymaster with the Advance Force. Also served in the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85. Day, Alfred Edward, son of George Day, Esq., Solicitor, St. Neots ; born 27th June, 1850. De La Poer, Arnold Eustace, son of John William Power, Esq., M.P., Gurteen Le Poer, Co. Waterford, Ireland; born 17th October, 1849. Ensign, 20th Foot, 1869 ; Resigned, 1871. Died 17th October, 1883. Dickson, Edward Thompson, son of Major Edward John Dickson, Castletown, Isle of Man ; born i6th July, 1850. — Sand- hurst M. Hazelwell. Left June, 1867. Previouslyat King William’s College, Isle of Man. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1867-68. En- sign, 2oth Foot, January, 1869 ; transferred to 49th Foot, March, 1869 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Adjutant, 1875-78 ; Captain, 1878 ; Major, Royal Berkshire Regiment, 1884. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1881- 84. Served throughout the Campaign in the Eastern Soudan in 1885, with the ist Battalion of the Berk- shire Regiment, and was present in the reconnais- sance to Hasheen on the ist February, in the engage- ments at Hasheen and the Tofrek Zareba, and the subsequent advance to and burning of Temai (men- tioned in despatches. Medal with three clasps, and Khedive's Star). Dixon, William Beckwith, son of Thomas Griffies Dixon, Esq., Nant Hall, Rhyl ; born 14th February, 1851. Dunuwille, James Alexander, son .of James Alexander Dunuwille, Esq., Advocate, Candy, Ceylon ; born 24th March, 1850. Freeman, Henry Francis John, son of John Freeman, Esq., Villa Freeman, Nice, France; born 1st August, 1854. Chenery. Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester. Out in America for six years, raising horses and cattle in Colorado, afterwards a Tea Planter in India. Gabb, Pierrepoint Greaves, son of David Hoad- ley Gabb, Esq., Surgeon, 18 Wellington Square, Hastings ; born 3rd November, 1851. Gordon, John Huntly, son of Huntly George Gordon, Esq., M.D., 69th Regiment, Aider- shot ; born 22nd June, 1850. Ensign, 41st Foot, 1869 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Ad- jutant, 1877 ; Captain, 1879: Major, Welsh Regiment, 1882. Died at St. Andrew’s, N.B., 17th February, 1884. Graham, William Douglas, son of Colonel William Dashwood Graham, R.E., York House, Bognor ; born 3rd August, 1849. 3d/ — Sandhterst M. Hazelwell. Left De- cember, 1866. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Ensign, 105th Foot, 1868 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Paymaster (Captain), Army Pay Department, 1878 ; Hon. Major, 1883 ; Staff Paymaster, 1885. Was Adjutant, and subse- quently Instructor of Musketry in the 105th Foot. Grant, Suene,. son of Lieut.-Colonel John M. Grant, R.E. ; born 23rd March, 1851. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1869-71. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1871 ; Captain, 1883 ; Major, 1889. Served in the Afghan War of 1878- 80, and was present at the capture of the Peiwar Kotal (mentioned in despatches), and in the engage- ment at Charasiah on 25th April, 1880 (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Served in the Hazara Campaign in 1888 (Brevet-Major). Graves, Robert Vernon Ottley, son of the Rev. Robert Graves, Training College, Battersea ; born 6th June, 1855. St. John’s College, Oxford, 1873 ; Casberd Scho- larship, 1875 ; Andrew’s Exhibitioner, 1878 ; 3rd Class Classical Moderations, 1875 ; 3rd Class Classi- cal Final Schools, 1877. B.A. , 1877; M.A. , 1884. Ordained Deacon, 1878, and Priest, 1879. Curate of Hounslow, Middlesex, 1878-80 ; Vicar of ToUes- hunt D’Arcy, Essex, 1880. Address : Tolleshunt D’Arcy Vicarage, Kelvedon. Griffith, Charles Wynn, son of — Griffith, Esq. ; born 5th August, 1853. Grimsha'W, James Robert, son of — Grimshaw, Esq. ; born i6th July, 1850. Harrison, William Stewart, son of Henry Har- rison, Esq., Mersey Road, Aigburth, near Liverpool; born loth June, 1851. Haynes, Alfred Montagu, son of Joseph Haines, Esq., Solicitor, Palace Chambers, St. James’s Street, London; born ist March, 1851. Heberden, William Henry, son of — Heberden, Esq. ; born 22nd March, 1854. Heron, Francis Adens, son of James Heron, Esq., Ulster Bank, Belfast ; born 26th April, 1849 - Hunter, Charles Edward, son of William Hunter, Esq., Moor Lodge, Newcastle-on- Tyne ; born i6th January, 1852. Inchbald, Charles Chantry, son of the Rev. William Inchbald, 24 Priory Street, Chelten- ham ; born 6th January, 1856. 3V — i^C. Day Boy. Left October, 1874. Football XX., 1873. Manager of the Comptoir d’Escompte de Paris at Hong Kong. Julian, Francis Lewis, son of Samuel Julian, Esq., Jersey Villa, Cheltenham ; born 23rd November, 1855. Classical Football XX., 1874. Jesus College, Cambridge, 1875. At Gloucester Theological College, 1885. Ordained Deacon, 1887, and Priest, 1888. Curate of Holy Trinity, Forest of Dean, Gloucester- shire, 1887-88 ; of All Saints, Hereford, 1888. Address : Hereford. Kay, Robert Phillips, son of Robert Henry Kay, Esq., West Bank, Pendleton, Man- chester ; born 28th June, 1848. Kemble, Frederick, son of Henry John Kemble, Esq., Solicitor, Kingston, Jamaica ; born 30th October, 1855. 4_/ — Civil ^M. Day Boy. Left 1872. Cricket XL, 1872. Racquet Pair, 1871-72. Rac- quet Champion, 1872. Civil Engineer ; Public Works Department, Jamaica. Address : Kingston, Jamaica. August, 1865.] PRINCIPAL: REV. A. BARRY, D.D. 233 Kemble, Henry, son of Henry John Kemble, Esq., Solicitor, Kingston, Jamaica ; born 5th September, 1854. Kennedy, James Stewart, son of Robert Alex- ander Kennedy, Esq., Norwood, Alderley Edge, near Manchester ; born 9th December, 1850. Lousada, Reginald Robert, son of John B. Lousada, Esq., Peak House, Sidmouth ; born 30th January, 1850. ^ — Sandhurst M. Lecoi^eld. Left 1867. Motlern Football XX., i86 — . Ensign, 97th Foot, 1869; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Captain, Royal West Kent Regiment, 1879 ; Retired, 1884. Served with the Natal Field Force in the Transvaal Campaign in 1881. Low, Alexander Graham, son of Alexander Fairweather Low, Esq., 84 Westbourne Terrace, London ; born 3rd May, 1853. 3y — I*'/!/. Price. Left December, 1870, Fives Champion, 1870. Address ; 84 Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, London, W. Low, James Chabot, son of Alexander Fair- weather Low, Esq., 84 Westbourne Terrace, London ; born 6th September, 1854. Luby, James Rathborne, son of the Rev. Thomas Luby, D.D., Trinity College, Dublin ; born loth October, 1850. McGachen, Frederick William Dobson, son of the Rev. John Drummond McGachen, St. Bartholomew’s Parsonage, London ; born 30th March, 1856. \J — . M. Day Boy. Left 1872. London Hospital. Licentiate, Society of Apothe- caries, London, 1877 ; Licentiate, Faculty of Physi- cians and Surgeons, Glasgow, and Licentiate in Midwifery, 1879. Late Assistant-Dentist, London Hospital, and Surgeon on board the "True Briton ” and ss. "Northumberland” during 1872-78. Is Member of British Medical Association ; Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator, 5th District, Newport Pagnell Union; District Surgeon, London and North Western Railway ; Surgeon, Odd Fellows and Foresters ; Medical Referee, Prudential Assurance Company. Address : The Gables, Fenny Stratford, Bletchley Station, Bucks. MacDougall, Henry, son of William MacDou- gall. Esq., Dnimleck House, Howth, Dublin ; born 9th March, 1851. \oM — i^M. Boyne House. Left February, 1868. Trinity College, Dublin. B.A. , 1872. Is a Land Agent. Address : Drumleck House, Howth, Co. Dublin. MacDougall, John, son of William MacDougall, Esq., Drumleck House, Howth, Dublin ; born 9th March, 1852. MacMahon, George Francis William, son of Colonel Patrick William MacMahon, C.B., 44th Regiment, Belgaum, Bombay ; born 22nd February, 1852. Ensign, 55th Foot, 1870 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1875 ; Captain, 1882. Deputy-Assistant-Quartermaster-General, and Dis- trict Staff Officer at Bombay since 1887. Mathias, Herbert, son of Lewis Mathias, Esq., Lamphey Court, Pembroke; born 19th De- cember, 1854. Died 9th November, 1865. Mathias, Lewis, son of Lewis Mathias, Esq., Lamphey Court, Pembroke ; born 20th Jan- uary, 1851. Monck, Edward Francis Berkeley, son of George Gustavus Monck, Esq., 10 Clarence Square, Cheltenham ; born 24th September, 1851. 5 C — I C. Newtek House. Left June, 1870. Pembroke College, Oxford, 1870. B.A. (4th Class Theology), 1873. Ordained Deacon, 1874, and Priest, 1875. Curate of Bromsgrove, 1874-76 ; of Battle, Sussex, 1876-88 ; Vicar of Netherfield, .Sussex, 1888. Address : Netherfield Vicarage, Battle, Sussex. Moravia, Leonard Woodham, son of Charles Woodham Moravia, Esq., C.E. ; born 15th December, 1854. Was a Midshipman in the Merchant Service Died on board the "St. Lawrence,” on her home- ward voyage, from an accident in the discharge of his duty, 13th February, 1872. Neame, Douglas John, son of Frederick Neame, Esq., Macknade, Faversham; born 27th April, 1853. Bayly. loM — iW. Left 1871. On the Stock Exchange, London. Address : Luton, Faversham, Kent ; and Pall Mall Club, Waterloo Place, London, S.W. Nedham, Charles Frederick, son of Major Charles Nedham, Saugor, Bengal, India ; born 1 6th July, 1854. Nedham, Edward Montgomery, son of Major Charles Nedham, Saugor, Bengal, India ; born 8th October, 1855. Schacht Prize, 1873. Sub- Lieutenant, 59th Foot, 1873 ; transferred to 62nd Foot, 1873 ; Lieutenant, 1873 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1876 ; Captain, 1885. Is Wing Officer, 33rd Bengal Native In- fantry. Served in the Afghan War in 1878-79, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid, and with the second expedition to the Bazaar Valley (Medal with clasp). Obhard, Robert, son of Major Henry Smith Obbard, East Indies ; born 28th June, 1851. Iredell Prize, 1870. Exhibition, Balliol College, Oxford, 1870; B.A. , 1886. Indian Civil Service, 1871 ; appointed to Bengal, 1873. Assistant-Com- missioner at Chanda, 1874 ; at Bhandara, 1874-77 I at Hinganghat, Central Provinces, 1877-78 ; Assis- tant-Commissioner, Central Provinces, 1878-87 ; Assistant Special Commissioner, Burmah, 1887-88 ; Special Assistant-Commissioner, Hyderabad, 1888. Onslow, Richard Cranley, son of Colonel Arthur Walter Onslow, Cranley Lodge, Chelten- ham ; born 26th July, 1857. 4}’/ — DC. Day Boy. Left Easter, 1876. Lieutenant, 12th Foot, 1876 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1879 ; Captain, 1887. Adjutant, Governor- General's Body, i88i-86, and appointed Com- mandant, 1889. Served in the Afghan War of 1878- 80, and was present in the engagement at Jugdal- luck (Medal). Pariss, Peter Alexander Kettle Young, son of — Pariss, Esq. ; born ist June, 1850. Rifle Corps XL, 1866-67-68. Pattenson, Charles James, son of Colonel Charles Pattenson, Delhi ; born ist April, 1851. Peter, Charles Hurst, son of Richard Peter, Esq., Solicitor, Launceston ; born 1 5th March, 1852. College Boat, 1869. Porter, Reginald Da Costa, son of Major Whit- worth Porter, R.E., 16 Royal Military Col- H H 234 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1865. lege Terrace, Famborough, Hants ; born 19th September, 1850. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1868-70 (Prize : Fortification). Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1871. Served in the Zulu War, South Africa, in 1878-79, and was present at the battle of Ulundi (Medal with clasp). Passed Staff College, 1882. Received the Gold Medal of the Royal Engineers .Institution for his essay on “Savage Warfare” in 1882. Died at Malta, 26th August, 1882, from an accidental injury received on board the transport “ Oxenholme,” en route for the Egyptian campaign. Quentin, Cecil, son of Major George Augustus Frederick Quentin, Old Court, Waterford, Ireland ; born 31st December, 1853. Reed, Charles Archibald Percival, son of Charles John Reed, Esq., Newbriggen House, near Newcastle-on-Tyne ; born 19th August, 1851. Late Lieutenant, Northumberland Hussars. Address : Aydon House, Corbridge-on-Tyne. Rice, James Thomas, son of Colonel James George Allerton Rice, Lawn Villa, Bognor, Sussex; born 7th March, 1852. Left June, 1869. Silver (Mathematical) Medallist, 1869. Head of Modern, June, 1869. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1869-71 (Prize : Military History). Lieu- tenant, Royal Engineers, 1871. Served in the Afghan War in 1879 as Assistant Field Engineer to the Khyber Line Force, and died of typhoid fever at Kohat, 23rd December, 1879. Rowe, John James, son of John James Rowe, Esq., Dinglefield, Toxteth Park, Liverpool ; born 22nd October, 1848. St. George, Howard Cecil, son of Major Howard John St. George, Kilrush House, Freshford, Kilkenny, Ireland ; born 26th May, 1852. Football XX., 1869-70. Shawe, Robert Frederic Whittingham, son of Major Robert Shawe, 17 Lansdowne Terrace, Cheltenham; born 21st October, 1853. 4C — i®C. Day Boy. Left October, 1872. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1866-67. Iredell Prize, 1870 ; Walker Prize, 1870-71 ; Gold Medallist, 1870- 71-72 ; Silver Medallist, 1872. Senior Prefect, 1871- 72. Head of Classical, December, 1871, to June, 1872. Scholarship, University College, Oxford, 1872. ist Class Classical Moderations, 1874 ; 2nd Class Classical Final Schools, and 3rd Class Theo- logy, 1876. B.A. , 1877; M.A. , 1879. Ordained Deacon, 1879, and Priest, 1880. Curate of St. Mary, Brighton, 1879-83. Died at Tussey, near Geneva, 21st September, 1886. Smith, William Haworth Glynn, son of Thomas McKenzie Smith, Esq., Bideford, Devon ; born 2 1 St March, 1851. 5C — 2“C. Boyce and Day Boy. Left Easter, 1 868. Solicitor (admitted 1873). Captain, London Scot- tish Rifle Volunteers. Address : 46 Parliament Street, London, S.W. Soote, George Gibson, son of James Soote, Esq., Revers House, Broughton Ferry, Forfar, N.B. ; born 13th March, 1849. Address ; 23 Queen Street, Edinburgh. Spafford, Howsin, son of George Spafford, Esq., 53A Brown Street, Manchester ; born 14th February, 1852. Stevens, Arthur Cotton, son of Major Arthur .Stevens, Madras Army, Ootacamund, Neil- gherry Hills, India; born nth May, 1849. Stevens, Edward, son of Lieut.-Colonel Henry Borlase Stevens, Bengal Army, Calcutta ; born 27th June, 1855. Taunton, William Penny, son of Thomas Taunton, Esq., St. Catherine’s, Guildford ; born 13th March, 1852. Taylor, Henry Beto, son of Henry Charles Taylor, Esq., Barrister, 28 Imperial Square, Cheltenham ; born 17th September, 1851. Taylor, Smith Muchall, son of Henry Charles Taylor, Esq., Barrister, 28 Imperial Square, Cheltenham; bom 30th August, 1857. Thomas, Robert Edward Neilson, son of Major John Neilson Thomas ; born 12th June, 1851. Tickell, James Robert, son of Lieut.-Colonel Janies Tickell, 39 Park Place, Cheltenham ; born 28th November, 1855. 4_/ — 7 .M. Day Boy. Re-entered College October, 1871. Gymnasium VIII., 1872-73. Royal Indian En- gineering College, Cooper’s Hill, 1875. Civil En- gineer ; Public Works Department, India. Address; Care of Grindlay, Groom, and Co., Bombay. Twyne, Lawrence Joseph, son of the Rev. William Twyne, Rayleigh, Essex ; born 12th January, 1850. Unsworth, Philip Henry, son of John Uns- worth. Esq., The Thorne, near Penrith ; born 3rd March, 1853. Waterfield, John Swinton, son of — Waterfield, Esq. ; born 7th July, 1850. Wi ll i ams , Pierson Locke (afterwards Williams- Foote), son of Edward Williams, Esq., Cots- wold House, Cheltenham ; born i6th No- vember, 1855. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1873-75. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1875 ; Captain, 1884. Served in the Afghan War in 1878-79 (Medal). Died at Maidenhead, 20th August, 1889. Woodgate, Arthur Seymour, son of the Rev. Henry Arthur Woodgate, Belbroughton, Stourbridge ; born 21st January, 1851. Wright, George Fulton Campbell, son of George Augustus Wright, Esq., Bellah India Fac- tory, Bengal, India ; born loth December, 1855. ENTERED OCTOBER, 1865. Baldock, Frederick Agnew, son of William Baldock, Esq., Fernlea, Chilworth, near Romsey, Hants ; born 17th February, 1856. Baldock, Thomas Stanford, son of William Baldock, Esq., Fernlea, Chilworth, near Romsey, Hants ; born 12th January, 1854. Rifle Corps XI. 1870-71 ; Modern Football XX., 1871. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1872-73 (Passed into Engineers, but took Artillery). Lieu- tenant, Royal Artillery, 1873 ; Captain, 1882 ; Major, 1890. Passed Staff College, 1889. Barrow, Charles Lousada Thesiger, son of Major-General Lousada Barrow, Lucknow, Oude, India ; born ist July, 1852. gM — I'^M. Boyne House. Left 1870. October, 1865.] PRINCIPAL: REV. A. BARRY, D.D. 235 Lieutenant, 26th Foot, 1872 ; Adjutant, 1876-78 ; Ca[)tain, Scottish Rifles, 1881 ; Major, 1883 ; Brevct- Licut. -Colonel, 1885 ; Brevet-Colonel, 1888. Aide- de-Camp to Lieutenant-General, Bombay, 1878-81. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882 in command of Au.xiliary Transport (Medal and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the Mounted Infantry, and was present at the action of Abu Klea (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lieut.- Colonel, two clasps). Served with the Soudan Fron- tier Field Force in 1885-86 in command of Mounted Infantry, and was present in the engagement at Giniss on the Upper Nile, on 30th December, 1885 (mentioned in despatches, D.S.O.). Chandler, Allen, son of Allen Chandler, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Haselmere, Surrey ; born 5 th December, 1849. Cricket XL, 1867-68 ; Classical Eootball XX., 1867. Cra'wford, David Russell, son of David Russell Crawford, Esq., 4 Imperial Square, Chelten- ham ; born iilh July, 1853. Crossley, Clement, son of Joseph Crossley, Esq., Halifax; born 20th December, 1848. Dynham, John, son of the Rev. William Burton Dynham, St. Swithin’s, Winchester ; born 22nd August, 1849. Gymnasium Champion, 1865. Gillespie, Hugh James, son of — Gillespie, Esq.; born 20th February, 1853. Haines, John Pleydell Wilton, son of John Poole Haines, Esq., Duntsbourne House, near Cirencester ; born 23rd March, 1850. Boyce and Day Boy. Left October, 1867. Classical Football XX., 1866. Solicitor (admitted 1874). Address : Gloucester. Hardcastle, Charles Leopold, son of John Hardcastle, Esq., 34 Throgmorton Street, London ; born 3rd April, 1852. Harding, Marwood, son of George Harding, Esq., Padnoller House, Nether Stowey, Bridgwater; born 6th December, 1848. Previously at Rugby School (August, 1864 — ). Harding, Richard, son of John May Harding, Esq., Strand, Swansea ; born 28th Septem- ber, 1851. Inglis, Stanhope Beresford Little Lister, son of — Inglis, Esc). ; born 14th April, 1854. Ivens, Arthur Somers, son of John Ivens, Esq., Eydon, Banbury; born 5th June, 1850. Johnson, Edward Philip, son of Thomas Henry Johnson, Esq., Ballymeneech, Lisburn, Co. Antrim, Ireland ; born 26th April, 1851. T'rinity College, Cambridge. B. A. (38th Wrangler), 1874. Lloyd, Charles Banastre, son of Major Banastre Pryce Lloyd, 3 Priory Parade, Cheltenham ; born 20th May, 1856. Maberley, Charles Evan, son of Lieut. -Colonel Evan Maberley, R.A., Plumstead Common, Woolwich ; born 5th April, 1854. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1874 ; Captain, 1883. Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 on transport duty (Medal with clasp and Khedive’s Star). Macfadyen, John, son of Archibald Macfadyen, Esq., 2 Derby Terrace, Glasgow ; born — November, 1849. Mardall, Frank, son of Major Francis Mardall, Madras Army ; born 24th October, 1851. Platt, Arthur Pigott, son of Thomas Platt, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Brockley Lodge, New Barnet, Herts ; born 21st June, 1853. Rhys, Charles Cureton, son of Captain Charles Horton Rhys, Hampton Court Palace, near London ; born i8th February, 1852. 4 ’pC — 2*C. Turnbull and Bayly. Left June, 1867. Balliol College, Oxford, 1870. Journalist. Author of “ Minora Carmina,” a volume of poems. Address : 22 Keppel Street, London, W.C. Rushbrooke, William Henry, son of Captain William Henry Rushbrooke, R.N., Bury St. Edmunds; born 21st November, 1849. Cheltenham Veterans Rifle V., 1876-78. Ensign, 15th Foot, 1870 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Instructor of Musketry, 1877-78 ; Captain, East Yorkshire Regi- ment, 1879 ; Retired, 1887. Lieutenant-Instructor, School of Musketry, Hythe, 1878-79. Served with the 2nd Battalion 15th Foot in the Afghan War in 1880, with the Kandahar Field Force under Major- General Phayre (Medal). Taylor, George Alexander, son of George Tay- lor, Esq., Deputy-Inspector-General of Army Hospitals, Summerfield House, Sandgate, Kent ; born 20th June, 1851. Vansittart, Harry, son of Henry Vansittart, Esq., Bareilly, Rohilcund, India; born 4th August, 1849. Hornby Prize, 1868. ENTERED JANUARY, 1866. Adamson, William Shaw, son of John Adam- son, Esq., Ericht Side House, Blairgowrie, N.B. ; born 20th November, 1851. loM — . Green. Edinburgh University. Address : Careston Castle, Brechin, N. B. Addison, John Copley, son of John Addison, Esq., C.E., Maryport ; born 19th August, 1852. 6 M — YM. Left December, 1869. Head of Modern. December, 1869. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1870-72 (passed out First En- gineer ; Prizes ; Pollock Medal, Fortification, Che- mistry and Physics, Military Drawing, Military History). Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1872 ; Cap- tain, 1884. Served in the Afghan War in 1878-80 (Medal). Died in India, 23rd June, 1887. Arbuthnott, John Pelly, son of the Hon. David Arbuthnott, Madras Civil Service, Salem, East Indies ; born ist April, 1851. 3PC — . Price. Ashton, William Herbert, son of William Ashton, Esq., Coleshill, Warwickshire ; born 2nd August, 1851. 8C — . Newtek House. Baker, Caspar Lewis Vashon, son of Vashon Baker, Esq., R.N., Ludlow born 4th March, 1853. 7PC— . Wells Theological College, 1874. Ordained Deacon, 1876, and Priest, 1877. Curate of Ludlow, Salop, 1876-82 ; Rector of East Leake, Notts, 1882- 87 ; Rector of Stamford-on-Soar, 1887. Address ; Stamford Rectory, Loughborough. Bathe, Anthony Wroughton, son of William Potts Bathe, Esq., 25 Sussex Place, Regents Park, London ; born 30th January, 1852. 8C — . Boyce. [January, 1866. 236 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Burrows, Ernest James, son of James Burrows, Esq., Douglas Bank, Wigan ; born 13th September, 1854. 4“y — . Whittard. Re- entered College August, 1870. Bushby, George, son of George Bushby, Esq., Lewes, Sussex ; born 6th May, 1850. \oM — . Boyce. Cameron, Allan William, son of Donald Cameron, Esq., Clunes, Inverness ; born 5th August, 1849. Ensign, 78th Highlanders, 1868 ; Lieutenant, 1870 ; Captain, 1878 ; Major, Seaforth Highlanders, 1885. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1879-84. Campbell, William Frederick, son of Major Patrick S. Campbell, R.A., 3 Wolseley Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 7th November, 1852. 3*y' — . Day Boy. Coles, Frank Ellis, son of Charles Robert Coles, Esq., Nagode, Central India ; born 6th Au- gust, 1855. 3y— •. Day Boy. Cumine, Charles Alexander George, son of Captain George Cumine, 6 Pittville Crescent, Cheltenham; born 5th July, 1851. S’pC — . Day Boy. Lieutenant, 31st Foot, 1872 ; Captain, East Surrey Regiment, 1882. Died at Naini Tal, East Indies, r4th August, 1884. Douglas, Charles Campbell, son of the Rev Charles Douglas, Vicarage, Pembroke ; born loth April, 1849. 4PC — . Day Boy. Re- entry vide August, 1862. Elliot, Mark Pringle, son of Robert Kerr Elliot, Esq., Clifton Park, Kelso, N.B. ; born 1st June, 1851. 'jM — . Chenery. Evans, Arthur George, son of Edward Evans, Esq. ; born 7th March, 1853. i^J—. Whit- tard. Lieutenant, 40th Lancashire Rifle Volunteers. Cheltenham Veterans Rifle V., 1874. Filgate, Townley Richard, son of Townley Filgate, Esq., Barrister, Castle Bellingham, Ireland ; born ist September, 1854. 4/ — 7C. Boyce. Left June, 1869. Indigo Planter. Fox, Herbert, son of Edward Fox, Esq., Glen- nageragh Hall, Co. Dublin ; born ist Jan- uary, 1850. 5PC — . Cricket XL, 1867-68. Graham, George Dashwood, son of William Dashwood Graham, Esq. ; born 27th April, 1852. G^'een. Left 1869. Modern Football XX. , 186 — . Is in Bengal Con- stabulary. Received the thanks of the Indian Govern- ment for services during the Madras famine. Grey, Robert Elton, son of Charles Samuel Grey, Esq., Paymaster of Civil Services in Ireland ; born 17th March, 1848. Day Boy. Previously at Haileybury College (1863-65). Clas- sical Football XX. , 1866. Lieutenant, 3rd Hussars, 1871 ; Captain, 1879 ; Retired, 1884. Haines, Edward Robert, son of John Poole Haines, Esq., Boteler House, Cheltenham ; born 2nd January, 1854. loM — . Day Boy. Haines, Horace Poole, son of John Poole Haines, Esq., Boteler House, Cheltenham ; born 19th October, 1855. eyj — . Day Boy. Harris, Richard Handcock William Henry, son of the Rev. Robert Harris, Clare Parsonage, Clare Castle, Ireland; born 17th July, 1851, (>M — . Graves. Ensign, 4th Foot, 1870 ; transferred to 70th Foot, 1870 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Captain, East Surrey Regiment, 1880 ; Major, 1886. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1884-89. Served with the 70th Regiment in the Afghan War in t878-79 with theTull Chotiali Field Force under Major-General Biddulph (Medal). Also served in the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in 1881 as Superintendent of Army Signalling to Brigadier- General Gordon’s Column (mentioned in despatches). James, Willoughby, son of Henry James, Esq., 3 Royal Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 24th April, 1853. b^PC — . Day Boy. Re-entry w'rfif January, 1863. Llewellin, David Morgan, son of David Llewellin, Esq., Pontypool ; born 25th Jan- uary, 1851. Sandhurst M — . Price. Lloyd, Llewellyn Henry, son of Lieut.-Colonel Banastre Pryce Lloyd, 3 Priory Parade, Cheltenham ; born 22nd May, 1851. i^M — . Day Boy. Loudon, Arthur John, son of Major John Loudon, Assistant Commissary General, Madras ; born 15th July, 1851. (^Classical — . Boyce. Football XX., 1868. Cricket XL, 1869. Lieu- tenant, 109th Foot, 1872 ; Resigned, 1874. Lowe, Frederick James, son of — Lowe, Esq.; born 8th March, 1852. \oM — . Chenery. St. John’s College, Cambridge. B.A. (28th Junior Optime), 1874; LL.M. , 1878. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1876. Address : 4 Temple Gardens, The Temple, Lon- don, E.C. Lowther, William Gorges, son of the Rev. Bra- bazon Lowther, Shrigley Park, Macclesfield ; born nth February, 1850. 3^Af — PM. Newick House. College Boat, 1867-68. Football XX., 1867-68. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1869-70. Lieu- tenant, Royal Artillery, 1871 ; Captain, 1881 ; Major, 1886. Instructor in Gunnery, Shoeburyness, 1885. Served on the Gold Coast from December, 1873, to the end of the Ashanti Campaign (Medal). Lyon, Arthur Wentworth, son of Arthur Went- worth Lyon, Esq., Oak House, Altrincham ; born I2th December, 1852. loC — . Bayly. Lyon, William Walter, son of Arthur Went- worth Lyon, Esq., Oak House, Altrincham ; born 22nd January, 185 1. \oM — . Bayly. MacDougall, Donald, son of William MacDou- gall. Esq., Drumleck House, Howth, Co. Dublin ; born 23rd April, 1854. — . Boyne House. Lieutenant (from Militia), 6th Dragoon Guards, September, 1876 ; transferred to 13th Hussars, Oc- tober, 1876 ; Captain, 1885 ; transferred to 7th Dragoon Guards, 1886. Marten, Ellison Thomas Charles Newton, son of Lieut.-Colonel Thomas Wright Marten, 8 Rodney Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 15th January, 1853. ZM — . Day Boy. Re-entry vide August, 1864. Matthews, Arnold Harris, son of Captain Arnold H. O. Matthews, 14 Grosvenor Place, Cheltenham ; born 7th August, 1852. \oM — . Day Boy. Metcalfe, John Greetham, son of Henry Gel- dart Metcalfe, Esq., 3 Montpellier Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 8th January, 1855. 3V— • Day Boy. Mulock, George Phillips, son of Thomas Homan Mulock, Esq., Bellair, King’s County, Ireland ; born i6th June, 1851. loC — . Bayly. Civil Engineer. January, 1866.] PRINCIPAL: REV. A. BARRY, D.D. 237 Newington, Campbell, son of Samuel Newing- ton, Esq., M.D., Ridgeway, Ticehurst, Sussex; born 19th March, 1851. 7>’C — . Chcnery. Newington, Theodore, son of Samuel Newing- ton, Esq., M.U., Ridgeway, Ticehurst, Sussex; born 19th March, 1851. — . Chetiery. Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1875. Paddock, William Webb, son of George Pad- dock, Esq., Hartwell Hall, Barlaston, Staf- fordshire ; born i6th September, 1850. 6'’'’C — . Price. Parsons, Lawrence Worthington, son of Law- rence Parsons, Esq., Parsonstown, Ireland ; born 23rd March, 1850. — 4C. Boyce. Left December, 1866. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1868-70. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1870; Captain, 1880; Major, 1886. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1881-86. Preston, John, son of Sir John Preston, Knt., Dunmore, Belfast ; born i6th July, 1850. 6 ’pC — 5C. Price. Trinity College, Dublin. Lieutenant, Antrim Militia, 1876 ; Captain, 1878 ; appointed to Reserve of Officers, 1880. .Served with the 94th Regiment throughout the Sekukuni Campaign ; was present at the storming and capture of the Chief s Stronghold (South African Medal with clasp). Received the thanks of the General Commanding in South Africa for capture of three deserters at Spitzkop Gold Fields. Was appointed to the personal Staff of His Excel- lency Sir Samuel Rowe, K.C.M.G., and proceeded with him to the Gold Coast, West Africa, in Jan- uary, i88i, when hostilities with Ashanti were im- minent, remaining with Sir Samuel until peace was re-established, and the services of his Staff no longer required. Received the thanks of His Excellency for services performed. Priest, Henry Halsted, son of Captain Benj'amin P. Priest, R.N., i Waresly Villas, Chelten- ham ; born 4th December, 1856. — . Day Boy. Priest, Robert Burnett, son of Captain Ben- jamin P. Priest, R.N., i Waresly Villas, Cheltenham ; born 14th November, 1853. \oM — . Day Boy. Reilly, Edmund George, son of Colonel Brad- shaw Yorke Reilly ; born ist February, 1851. 4PC — . Newick House. Ensign, 105th Foot, 1870 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; transferred to 7th Fusiliers, 1873 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1876 ; Captain, 1882. Died at Deolali, East Indies, i8th July, 1887. Reilly, Rawdon Edward Dennys, son of Colonel Bradshaw Yorke Reilly ; born 15th Novem- ber, 1852. 6 pC — 4C Netuick House. Left 1868. Lieutenant, 63rd Foot, 1872 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1876; Captain, 1884; Brevet-Major, 1885. Deputy-Assistant-Quartermaster-General, Bombay, 1885-86 ; Assistant-Quartermaster-General, Bombay, 1886. Served in the Afghan War in 1880, and wM — . Boyne House. Rowe, Herbert William, son of John James Rowe, Esq., Dinglefield, Toxteth Park, Liverpool; born 20th September, 1851. \oM — . Boy?ie House. Sclater, Henry Crichton, son of James Henry Sclater, Esq., Newick Park, Uckfield, Sussex; born 5th November, 1855. 3V — I’^M. Boyce. Head of Modern, Easter, 1873. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1873-75. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1875 ; Captain, 1883 ; Brevet-Major, 1885. Deputy -Assistant- Adjutant and Quartermaster- General, Egypt, February and July, 1885 ; Deputy- Assistant-Adjutant-General, Egypt, August, 1885. Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85, as Staft Officer at Gemal, and afterwards as Deputy-Assis- tant-Adjutant-General at Head Quarters (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star). Also served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86, as Deputy-Assistant- Adjutant and Quartermaster-General, and was pre- sent in the engagement at Giniss. Shittler, John Robert, son of — Shiftier, Esq. ; born loth September, 1851. bM — . Day Boy. Sim, James Duncan Stuart, son of James Dun- can Sim, Esq., C.S.I., Madras Civil Service; born 3rd November, 1849. 2'’C — DC. Day Boy and Cooke. Left Easter, 1869. Trinity Hall, Cambridge. B.A. (30th Junior Op- time), 1874. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1875. Address : 8 Palace Gardens Terrace, London, W. ; and ii King’s Bench Walk, The Temple, London, E.C. Sim, William Hastings, son of James Duncan Sim, Esq., C.S.I., Madras Civil Service; born 13th July, 1851. Rifle Corps XL, 1867-68-69. Winner of Spencer Cup at Wimbledon, 1869. Ensign, 10th Foot, March, 1871 ; Lieutenant, 43rd Foot, October, 1871. Died at Cannanore, 26th October, 1875. Smith, Horatio Shaw Rand, son of Horatio Austen Smith, Esq., 8 Lypiatt Terrace, Chel- tenham ; born 27th October, 1851. 6i’C — . Turnbull. Steuart, Frederick Jeffray, son of Robert Steuart, Esq., of Carfin, 46 Moray Place, Edinburgh ; born 22nd January, 1849. Civil — . Walker. Strachan, Charles, son of Richard Ellison Strachan, Esq., Wellington Square, Chel- tenham ; born 5th November, 1854. '^J — . Boyce. Football XX., 1870-71. Strick, Thomas Noon Talfourd, son of Edward Strick, Esq., Solicitor, Swansea ; born 23rd May, 1851. 4C — . Price. Summers, George Richard, son of James Sum- mers, Esq., Solicitor, Haverfordwest ; born 14th September, 185 1. 8''i’C — . Chenery. Swiney, George Walter Brandon, son of Major General George Swiney, 2 Bays Hill Ter- race, Cheltenham ; born loth November, 1855. 2“_/ — 2*C. Day Boy. Left June, 1873. Lieutenant (from Militia). 35th Foot, August, 1876 ; transferred to 72nd Highlanders, October, 1876 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1881 ; Captain, 1887. Is Wing Officer, 2nd Sikh Infantry. Served with the 72nd Highlanders in the Afghan War of 238 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1866. 1878-80 with the Kurum and Kabul Field Forces. Was present at the action of Charasiah, and subse- quent occupation of Kabul, assault and capture of the Asmai Heights and final repulse of the enemy (Medal with two clasps). Tatlow, Tissington William Garnett, son of John Garnett Tatlow, Esq., Lodge, Cross- dony, Co. Cavan, Ireland ; born 20th August, 1852. \oM — Direct M. Boyne House and Christowe. Left 1 869. Land Agent. Wawn, Arnold Dykes, son of the Rev. Edward Bickersteth Wawn, 9 Montpellier Villas, Cheltenham; born 27th January, 1856. Left 1875. Re-entry vide January, 1864. Whitla, Valentine Herbert, son of — Whitla, Esq. ; born 2nd July, 1853. 3V- — . Whit- hard. Williams, George Thurston, son of George Williams, Esq., 2 Devonshire Road, Prince’s Park, Liverpool; born 15th August, 1852. — . Newtek House. College Boat, 1870-71. Wilson, William Grey, son of Andrew Wilson, Esq., Inspector-General of Hospitals, St. ENTERED Archdale, Mervyn Henry, son of Captain Mervyn Edward Archdale, M.P., Castle Archdale, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland ; born 2ist February, 1852. loM — . Walker. Lieutenant, 12th Lancers, 1872 ; Captain, 1880 ; Major, 1885. Adjutant, Au-xiliary Forces, 1881-86. Beauclerk, William Nelthorpe, son of Lord Frederick Charles Peter Beauclerk, R.N. ; born 7th April, 1849. India Civil C — iC. Day Boy. Left 1868. Previously at Eton College. College Boat, 1866- 67-68. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. (loth in 2nd Class Law Tripos), 1871 ; LL.M.,i87s; LL.D. , 1888. Nominated an Attach^ in the Foreign Office, October, 1873 > passed an e.xamination, December, 1873 ; appointed to Copenhagen, 1874 ; promoted to be a 3rd Secretary, 1875 ; passed an examination in Public Law, 1876 ; transferred to Athens, 1876, and, temporarily, to Berne, 1877 ; Acting Charg6 d’Affaires at Berne in 1878 ; transferred to St. Peters- burg, 1879 : promoted to be a 2nd Secretary, 1879. Received an allowance for knowledge of Russian. Transferred to Rome, 1880. Appointed a Secretary to the Sanitary Conference at Rome, 1885 ; and was one of the Secretaries to the Industrial Property Con- ference at Rome in 1886. Transferred to Washing- ton, 1887, and to Berlin, 1888, where he acted as Charge d’Affaires for a short while the same year. Is a J.P. and D.L. for Lincolnshire. Address : Little Grimsby Hall, Lincolnshire. Blest, Daniel Alexander, son of Alexander Melville Blest, Esq., Sibertswold, Dover ; born 27th October, 1849. yAf — . Green. Ensign, 36th Foot, 1869 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; In- structor of Musketry, 1876-79 ; Captain, 1879 ; Major, Essex Regiment, 1882 ; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1883-88. Branson, Charles M., son of — Branson, Esq.; born 3rd August, 1848. Direct M — . Bayly. Modern Football XX., 1867. Browne, Arthur Hamilton, son of Major George Browne, Comber House, Londonderry, Ire- land ; born 9th November, 1852. \oM — . Price. Browne, George Hamilton, son of Major George Anne’s, Cheltenham ; born 7th April, 1852. 8 ''pG — iM. Day Boy. Left 1 868. Appointed Private Secretary to Sir William Grey, Governor of Jamaica, 1874 ; to Lieut. -Governor Edward E. Rushworth, March, 1877 ; to Adminis- trator Major-General James Robert Mann, R.E. , August, 1877; to Lieut. -Governor F. P. Barlee, British Honduras, September, 1877 ; and Clerk of the Executive and Legislative Councils, June, 1878. Acting-Magistrate, Orange Walk, in charge of Fron- tier Scouts, December, 1879, to April, 1880 ; and June, 1880, to March, 1881. Assistant Colonial Secretary and Treasurer, Sierra Leone, 1883. Special Commissioner, Sulymah, December, 1883, to June, 1884. 4th Assistant Colonial Secretary, Gold Coast Colony, 1884. Colonial Secretary, St. Helena, July, 1886 ; Acting-Governor and Chief Justice, St. Helena, 1887. Address : St. Helena. Wise, John Stanton, son of Robert Stanton Wise, Esq., M.D., Beech Lawn, Banbury ; born 15th October, 1851. 8 ''pC — . Newtek House. Passed into Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1869, but did not proceed there. St. John's College, Cambridge. B.A., 1875 ; M.A. , 1878. Assistant Master at Dover College, 1876. APRIL, 1866. Browne, Comber House, Londonderry, Ire- land ; born 9th January, 1851. Sandhurst M — . Price. Rifle Corps XL, 1867. Football XX., 1868. Day, John George, son of the Rev. Edward F. Day, 15 Lypiatt Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 29th July, 1853. 8 pC — i“Af. Day Boy. Left 1872. Royal Military Academy Woolwich, 1872-73. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1873 ; Captain, 1885. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80 with the Bengal Sappers and Miners (Medal). Dent, Edward John, son of Captain William Dent Dent, R.N., Shortflatt Tower, North- umberland ; born 8th June, 1855. — . Whittard. Eliot, Geffery Laurence, son of Lieut.-Colonel John Eliot, R. A., Greeting, Needham Market, Sutfolk; born 4th October, 1848. Sand- hurst M — . Walker. Elliott, John, son of John Elliott, Esq. ; born 2 1 St April, 1850. 5 PC — . Ford, Gerard John, son of Colonel Barnett Ford, Andaman Islands; born 7th July, 1852. loC — C. Ttimbicll and Newtek House. Left December, 1870. Previously at King William’s College, Isle of Man. Classical Football XX. , 1870. Christ’s College, Cambridge. B.A., 1877; M.A., 1881. Ordained Deacon, 1877, and Priest, 1878. Curate of War- mington, Warwickshire, 1877-78 ; of Chilton Can- telo, Somerset, 1878-84 ; of Old Cleeve, Somerset, 1884-86 : Rector of Ideford, Devon, 1886. Address : Ideford Rectory, Chudleigh, South Devon. Glynn, Ernest Eyre, son of William Gough Glynn, Esq., Deputy-Commissionerof Oonao, Oude, India; born nth September, 1855. 4/ — . Boyne House. Hutton, William Edward Chapman, son of the - Rev. Robert Rosseter Hutton, Warminster ; born 1st May, 1852. \oM — . Chenery. Kuper, Charles Victor Bremer, son of Admiral Sir Augustus Leopold Kuper, G.C.B., The April, 1866.] PRINCIPAL: REV. A. BARRY, D.D. 239 Rock, South Brent, Devon ; born 24th May, 1855. i^J — x'^M. IVhittard and Chelt 07 idalc. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1872-74. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1874 ; Captain, 1883 ; Aide-de-Camp to Major-General, Bengal, 1887. Served in the Afghan War in 1878-79 (Medal). Lyall, Roger Campbell, son of — Lyall, Esq.; born 29th March, 1851. 2'’C — . Day Boy. Mercer, Cecil, son of the Rev. William Mercer, Leavy Greave, Sheffield ; born 3rd October, 1851. 9C — . Hazelwell. Ottley, Edward John, son of — Ottley, Esq.; born 8th March, 1854. x^J — M. Day Boy. Passed into Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1872, but did not proceed there. Address : Hilton, Malvern Link, Worcestershire. Ottley, Warner, son of — Ottley, Esq.; born 23rd November, 1852. rj/ — . Day Boy. Palmer, John, son of William Palmer, Esq., Elmstead, near Chislehurst, Kent ; born 2nd October, 1852. 3*^ — . Price. Palmer, William White, son of William Palmer, Esq., Elmstead, near Chislehurst, Kent ; born 2nd August, 1851. 9C — . Price. Address : 9 Tfcree Crown Square, Southwark, London, S.E. Rodger, John Graham, son of Alexander Rodger, Esq., Liverpool ; born 13th October, 1852. 10.^ — . Leighton. St. Auburn, William Toone, son of — St. Auburn, Esq. ; born 25th March, 1852. I oM — . Hazelwell. Siddons, William Earle Thornhill, son of — Siddons, Esq. ; born 4th January, 1849. Day Boy. Previously at Winchester College. Spottiswoode, Hugh Stack, son of Lieut.- Colonel Molyneux Capel Spottiswoode, 16 Park Street, Bath ; born i6th April, 1852. 3 ''pC — . Graves. Classical Football XX. , 1868-69. Tucker, Frederick St. George de Lautour, son of William Thornhill Tucker, Esq. ; born 2ist March, 1853. 2“/ — i*C Teigh 7 nore and Christowe. Football XX., 1872. Cricket XXIL, 187-. Indian Civil Service, 1874 ; appointed to Bengal, 1876. Assistant-Commissioner at Umritsur, 1877- 78 ; at Gujrat, 1878-79 ; at Kassauli, 1879 ; at Kangra, 1879-81 ; Resigned, 1881. Commands the " Salvation Army ’’ in India. Tytler, Francis William, son of Colonel Robert C. Tytler, Umballa, India ; born 5th Sep- tember, 1852. loM — . Porcher. Williamson, James William, son of J. E. V. Williamson, Esq. ; born 20th December, 1851. 8Af — . Day Boy. ENTERED AUGUST, 1866. Adams, John W., son of John Adams, Esq., Silver Spring, Cork ; born 5th May, 1850. 5C — . Graves. Bagnold, Arthur Henry, son of — Bagnold, Esq.; born i8th March, 1854. e^M — I’Af. Leconfield. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1867 and 1869. Royal Military Academy Woolwich, 1871-72 (Prize : Chemistry). Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1872 ; Captain, 1884 ; Brevet-Major, 1885. Served in the Transvaal Campaign in 1881. Served with the Nile Expedition, in 1884-85, in the Telegraph Depart- ment (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with clasp). Barrow, William Brett, son of Colonel Joseph Lyon Barrow, R.A., Madras ; born 13th May, 1853. 9C — . Boyne House. Berkley, George, son of George Berkley, Esq., C.E., 32 Upper Hamilton Terrace, London ; born i8th September, 1852. <^M — . Leco 7 i- field. Bird, Gerald Thornton, son of George Bird, Esq., Bays Hill Mansion, Cheltenham ; born lotlx August, 1857. 4/ — . Day Boy. Boyce, Arthur Courtenay Woolcombe, son of the Rev. William Boyce, Christowe, Chel- tenham ; born 19th April, 1852. Re-entry August, 1861, and August, 1869. Brancker, Benjamin Godeffray, son of William Brancker, Esq., Erbistock Hall, Ruabon ; born 30th December, 1849. 4 ^ — • Lecon- field. Buchanan, John Griffiths, son of Captain Neil Griffiths Buchanan ; born 14th June 1856. ■TgJ — 2“C. Price. Left 1873. Solicitor (admitted 1879). Address ; Clun, Shropshire. Buller, Spencer Richard Arthur, son of Cap- tain Spencer Buller, 9 Berkeley Place, Chel- tenham ; born 7th August, 1852. 4C — I'C. Day Boy. Left December, 1871. Football XX., 1871. Cheltonian Society Prize, 1871. Queen’s College, Oxford, 1872. B.A. (3rd Class Theology), 1875 ; M.A., 1878. Ordained Deacon, 1875, and Priest, 1876. Curate of St. Mary, Bury St. Edmunds, 1875-77 I Holy Trinity, Twickenham, Middlesex, 1877-84 ; Curate in charge of Twickenham, 1884-88. Vicar of Bushey Heath, Herts, 1889. Address : Bushey, Herts. Burn, Charles Rosedew, son of Major-General Robert Burn, R.A., 5 Pittville Crescent, Chel- tenham ; born 20th February, 1859. 4/ — UM. Day Boy. Left June, 1872. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1877-78. 2nd Lieutenant, 8th Hussars, 1878 ; Lieutenant, 1881 ; Captain, ist Dragoons, 1885; Aide-de-Camp to the Earl of Dufferin, Viceroy of India, 1884-85, and 1887-88. Burn, Herbert Vallance, son of Major-General Robert Burn, R.A., 5 Pittville Crescent, Chel- tenham ; born 27th November, 1856. \J — ‘Z^M. Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), ist Foot, Septem- ber, 1878 ; transferred to 21st Hussars, October, 1878 ; Lieutenant, 1879 ; Captain, 1883. Died at Bangalore, East Indies, 12th October, 1889. Calvert, Leonard Murray, son of John Calvert, Esq., Dartmouth ; bom i6th February, 1852. loC — . Day Boy. Classical Football XX. , 1868. Calvert, Lewis Gordon, son of John Calvert, Esq., Dartmouth ; born 5th May, 1854. SV — • Boy. Cameron, William Lochiel Sapte Lovett, son of William Lochiel Cameron, Esq.; born 29th December, 1854. 2V — x^M. Day Boy. Left July, 1874. 240 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1866. Football XX., 1873. Gynasium VIII., 1873-74; Gymnasium Champion, 1874. Cricket XXII. , 1874. Ladies’ Prize (Athletic Sports), 1874. Royal Indian Engineering College, Cooper's Hill, 1874-77. Civil Engineer ; Public Works Department, India. Cardew, John Haydon, son of the Rev. John Haydon Cardew, 36 Clarence Square, Chel- tenham ; born 5th August, 1852. — . Day Boy. Cockburn, Alexander William, son of the Rev. George Alexander Cockburn ; born i8th August, 1851. — v^M. Day Boy. Walker Prize, 1867. Silver (Mathematical) Me- dallist, 1868 ; Head of Modern, 1868. Royal Mili- tary Academy, Woolwich, 1869-71 (Prizes : Fortifi- cation, Chemistry, and Military History). Lieu- tenant, Royal Engineers, 1871 ; Captain, 1883. Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Corbett, Eustace Kynaston, son of — Corbett, Esq. ; born 22nd June, 1854. 6C — i“C. Boyne House. Classical Football XX., 1871. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1868 ; Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1869. Jex-Blake (English Literature) Prize, 1871 and 1872. Head of Classical, December, 1872. Exhibition, Balliol College, Oxford, 1871 ; 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1874 ; 3rd Class Jurisprudence, 1876. B.A., 1877; M.A., 1881. Daly, Henry Percy, son of Owen Daly, Esq., M.D., 23 Albion Street, Hull; born 15th August, 1854. 3'y — . Teighmore. Davies, Charles Douglas Percy, son of the Rev. Canon Charles Greenall Davies, Tewkes- bury ; born I2th September, 1856. \J — i^C. Day Boy. Left June, 1876. Scholarship, Pembroke College, Oxford, 1876 ; 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1878 ; 4th Class Natural Science, 1880. B.A., i88o; M.A., 1883. Ordained Deacon, 1880, and Priest, 1881. Curate of Whitchurch, Salop, 1880-82; of Chaceley, Wor- cestershire, 1883-85 ; of Redmarley d'Abitot, Wor- cestershire, 1885-87 ; of Ringnier, Sussex, 1888. Address : Ringmer, Lewes. Denny, Edward, son of — Denny, Esq. ; born 4th August, 1853. Day Boy. Re-entry vide Michaelmas, 1862. Dodds, Joseph Richardson, son of Joseph Dodds, Esq., Solicitor, Stockton-upon-Tees ; born 1 2th April, 1852. 6iJf — . Boyce. Left De- cember, 1869. Jesus College, Cambridge. B.A., 1875. Ot' dained Deacon, 1875. Curate of Sunderland, Dur- ham, 1875-77. Died at Stockton-on-Tees, loth January, 1879. Dodson, Charles Naylor, son of — Dodson, Esq.; born 27th October, 1855. Duff, Alexander Charles, son of Alexander Duff, Esq., 14 Mincing Lane, London ; born September, 1849. Civil — . Hazelwell. Evans, Henry George, son of Thomas Evans, Esq., Surgeon, Cardiff; bom 4th August, 1852. 3'y — . Teighmore. Fenwick, George Capel Ralph Curzon, son of the Rev. John Edward Addison Fenwick, Needwood Parsonage, Burton-on-Trent ; born 26th July, 1853. loC — . Hazelwell. Lieutenant (from Militia), 23rd Welsh Fusiliers, 1874 ; Captain, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, 1883 ; Adju- tant, Auxiliary Forces, 1885. Forbes, Arthur, son of — Forbes, Esq. ; born 15th October, 1851. 6C — . Day Boy. Friend, Charles Arthur, son of Frederick Friend, Esq., Woollet Hall, North Cray, Kent ; born 9th November, 1856. iM — . Porcher. Civil Engineer. Address : San Vicente 17, Seville, Spain. Fullerton, John Davidson, son of Lieutenant James Fullerton, i6th Bengal Native In- fantry ; born 13th July, 1853. 9C — . Chris- towe. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1873 ; Captain, 1885. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80 as Acting-Adjutant of the Bombay Sappers and Miners (Medal). Served in the Burmese Expedition in 1885-87 as Company Commander, No. 2 Company Bombay Sappers and Miners (three times mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Fulton, Robert, son of — Fulton, Esq. ; born 1 2th July, 1852. %M — . Day Boy. Previously at Wellington College. Gay, George Niels Faleck, son of Williain Gay, Esq., Surveyor-General, Post Office, South Wales District, 5 Lansdown Crescent, Chel- tenham ; born 2nd July, 1852. \oM — . Day Boy. Gething, Herbert, son of Edward Lyttleton Gething, Esq., Nether Stowey, near Bridg- water ; born 8th March, 1856. \J — \^M. Christowe. Left June, 1874. Cricket XXII., 1873. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1880. B.A., 1884. Gosset, Edward Frankland, son of Major Arthur Gosset, R.A., West Park, Mortlake, Surrey ; born loth October, 1857. 4_/ — Line M. Boyne House. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1875-76. Lieu- tenant, 15th Foot, 1876 ; Adjutant, 1879-82 ; Captain, East Yorkshire Regiment, 1885. Address : 43 Courtfield Road, South Kensington, London, S.W. Haines, Frederick William, son of Lieut.-Colo- nel Edward Eldridge Haines, Lausanne ; born 1 2th September, 1850. sC — 2>’C. Day Boy. Left 1868. Classical Football XX., 1867. St. John’s College, Cambridge. B.A., 1873; M.A., 1876. Ordained Deacon, 1874, and Priest, 1875. Curate of the Lye, Worcestershire, 1874-79 ! Vicar of the Lye, 1879-82 ; Vicar of Holy Trinity, Bromley Common, 1882. Address ; The Vicarage, Bromley Common, Kent. Harley, Alexander, son of Alexander Harley, Esq., 9 Foxgrove Road, Beckenham, Kent ; born 25th October, 1856. 4/—. Teiglunore. Harrison, Brian, son of Edward Robert Harri- son, Esq., Ferriby House, Brough, York- shire; born 14th August, 1856. \J — . Teighmore. Cricket XL, 1873. Harrison, Edward Walter, son of Edward Robert Harrison, Esq., Ferriby House, Brough, Yorkshire; born 21st November, 1852. loM—. Football XX., 1868-69. Cricket XL, 1870. Harrison, Gilbert, son of Edward Robert Harri- son, Esq., Ferriby House, Brough, York- shire ; born 13th June, 1858. 4/—. Teigh- more. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1871. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1874. Football XX. , 1874 ; Captain, 1875. Cricket XL, 1876. In English Football XV., 1879 and 1880 ; Captain of Yorkshire Football XV. for several years. August, 1866.] PRINCIPAL : REV. A. BARRY, D.D. 241 Hill, Clement, son of the Rev. Melsup Hill, Shelsley Rectory, Worcester ; born 22nd February, 1857. 2*|/ — . Tcighmore. Hind, William, son of the Rev. Charles Hind, 8 Park Hill, Bolton-le-Moors ; born 21st August, 1852. 3C — \-'C Classical Football XX., 1869-70. Senior (Clas- sical) Scholar, 1867 ; Uobson Scholar, 1871 ; Gold Medallist, 1871 ; Silver (Classical) Medallist, 1871 ; Walker Prize, 1871 ; Head of Classical, June, 1870, and June, 1871. Scholarship, Balliol College, Ox- ford, 1870 ; 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1873 ; Chancellor’s Prize for Latin Verse, 1874 ; 3rd Class Classical Final Schools, 1875. B.A. , 1876 ; M.A., 1879. Ordained Deacon, 1879, and Priest, i88o. Curate of St. John the Evangelist, Kilburn, London, 1879-82; Curate in Charge of Christ Church, Mel- combe Regis, 1882-84 1 Vicar of St. Matthew, Luton, Bedfordshire, 1884-85; Association Secretary, Church Pastoral Aid Society for South-Western District, 1885-86; Rector of St. Peter, Dorchester, 1886-88. Address : 36 Burlington Road, London, W. Hughes, Arthur Henry, son of Henry Hughes, Esq., I Wolseley Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 27th June, 1856. 4_/ — . Day Boy. Hugonin, Louis, son of Captain Francis James Hugonin, Trentham, Torquay ; born 9th February, 1852. (iM — . Leconfield. Cricket XXII., 187 — -. Hutton, Charles, son of Charles Hutton, Esq., 13 Cavendish Place, Bath ; born i6th August, 1854. \oM — . Hutton, Thomas, son of Charles Hutton, Esq., 13 Cavendish Place, Bath ; born 28th June, 1852. \oM — . Janion, Richard Williams, son of Robert C. Janion, Esq., Woolton Grove, near Liver- pool; born 30th April, 1852. \oM — . Graves. Langford, Robert Pool, son of Joseph Langford, Esq., Timsbury, near Bath ; born 30th May, 1850. 6C — . Price. Classical Football XX. , 1868. Langley, William Charles, son of William H. Langley, Esq., 17 Cavendish Place, Caven- dish Square, London ; born 23rd January, 1851. CiviDM — . Leeds, Augustus Rowley Brooke, son of Augustus Frederick Leeds, Esq., Barfield, Ryde, Isle of Wight; born 15th May, 1852. qAf — . Teighmore. Leslie, Robert Henry, son of James Edward Leslie, Esq., 5 South Mall, Cork ; born 6th May, 1852. 5C — . Teighmore. Lushin^on, Herbert Gurney, son of Frederick A. Lushington, Esq., Rosiere, Lyndhurst, Hants ; born nth January, 1849. Ga7itillon. Previously at Rugby School (February, 1862 — ). Classical Football XX., 1866. Ensign, 31st Foot, 1869. Died at Malta, 19th February, 1871. Macaire, George Francis, son of John Francis Macaire, Esq., Woodhurst, South Norwood, Surrey ; born 4th March, 1851. Leconfield. MacCarthy, Richard Hawes, son of Charles Justin MacCarthy, Esq., Governor of Ceylon; born 25th March, 1849. Walker. Ensign, 4th Foot, 1869 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Cap- tain, Royal Lancaster Regiment, 1880 ; Major, 1886. Aide-de-Camp to the Governor of Queens- land, January to November, 1875. Served in the second phase of the Ashanti War in 1874, in the Transport Service, and was in charge of the Post at Accroful (Medal). Served in the Zulu War of 1879, and was present in the engagements at Zlobane Mountain and Kambula (Medal with clasp). Matteson, Thomas Goulton, son of C. Goulton Matteson, Esq., Bishop Wcarmouth, Sun- derland ; born loth April, 1853. \oM — . Boyne House. Matthews, Wilfred Arthur, son of William Anthony Matthews, Esq., Western House, Sheffield ; born i ith December, 1852. \oM — . Meek, Sidney Hownam, son of Sturges Meek, Esq., C.E., Manchester ; born 23rd May, 1854. 9^1/ — . Chenery Beaufort House. Cricket XXII., 187 — . Milvain, Charles Edward, son of Henry Milvain, Esq., North Elswick Hall, Newcastle-on- Tyne ; born 28th July, 1858. — i''C. Teigluno}'e and Baxter. Left March, 1877. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1870. Football XX., 1874-75; XV., 1876. Cricket XL, 1875-76. Ladies’ Prize (Athletic Sports), 1877. Moss, Arthur, son of John Moss, Esq., Dids- bury, Manchester ; born 25th September, 1852. I Oil/ — . Christowe. Moysey, Edward Bangor, son of the Rev. Frederick Luttrell Moysey, 6 Fauconberg Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 12th August, 1853. — \M. Day Boy and Boy tie House. Left May, 1871. In Business. Nankivell, Frederick Murray, son of Thomas James Nankivell, Esq., Pencallnick, Truro, Cornwall; born 24th May, 1853. \oM — . Day Boy. Nesham, Charles Courtenay, son of Lieut. - Colonel Thomas Williams Nesham, 3 Alfred Place, Plymouth ; born 2nd September, 1852. loC — 2“C. Christowe. Left June, 1871. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1871. B.A., 1875; M.A., 1883. Address : 6 Matlock Terrace, Torquay. Neve, William West, son of William Tanner Neve, Esq., Solicitor, Cranbrook, Kent ; born 7th June, 1852. 9C — . Leconfield. Address ; 4 Hyde Park Mansions, Marylebone Road, London, W. Newall, Samuel Birkbeck, son of William Newall, Esq., South Hill, Liverpool ; born 15th September, 1852. \oM — \^M. Boyne House and Day Boy. Left Easter, 1 870. Mining Engineer. Was in Mexico for several years. Address : Weir Courtenay, East Grinstead. Newall, William James, son of William Newall, Esq., South Hill, Liverpool ; born 20th February, 1851. — PM. Boyne House and Day Boy. Left December, 1869. Rifle Corps XL, 1869; Football XX., 1869. At School of Mines, London, 1870. Went to Mexico in 1871, where he now is. Olivier, Henry D acres, son of the Rev. Henry Arnold Olivier, Chateau de Bethusy, Lau- sanne ; born 22nd October, 1850. f’M — . Cheltondale. Hornby Prize, 1869. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1869-71. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1871 ; Captain, 1883. Served in the Afghan War in 1880 (Medal). Pilgrim, Alfred Paxton, son of Henry Pilgrim, Esq., The Garden, Barbados, West Indies ; born loth June, 1851. — . Hazetwell. Pilgrim, Foster John, son of Henry Pilgrim, Esq., The Garden, Barbados, West Indies ; born 23rd February, 1850. 4C — . Hazetwell. Pinching, William Wyatt, son of Charles John 242 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1866. Pinching, Esq., Surgeon, The Terrace, Gravesend ; born 24th March, 1851. n}‘M — . Price. Captain of Old Cheltonian Football Club, 1872-73. St. George’s Hospital, London. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 187 — ; Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians, 187 — ■. Lost overboard from the steamer “ El Dorado,” one day’s sail from Colombo, Ceylon, i6th August, 1878. Porter, Henry, son of Henry Aylmer Porter, Esq., Staplake, Starcross, Devon ; born 12th August, 1853. ZM — . Hazelwell, Lieutenant (from Militia), 7th Fusiliers, 1875 ; Captain, Royal Fusiliers, 1884 ; Retired, 1886. Served in the Afghan War in 1880, and was present during the investment of Kandahar, the storming of the village of Deh Khojah, and the battle of Kanda- har (Medal with clasp). Porter, Reginald Whitworth, son of Henry Aylmer Porter, Esq., Piermont House, Daw- lish; born 1 8th May, 1856. \J~. Teighinore. Lieutenant (from Militia), 43rd Foot, 1876 ; Cap- tain, Oxfordshire Light Infantry, 1886. Postlethivaite, Alfred Perry, son of John Postlethwaite, Esq., Solicitor, Park House, Whitehaven ; born 23rd July, 1852. ^jM — . Hazelwell. Preston, Frederick George, son of Thomas Edward Preston, Esq., Barton Hall, Nor- wich ; born i8th November, 1855. P-J — 2'*C. Teighmore and Beaufort House. Left March, 1873. Football XX., 1872. Lieutenant, 98th Foot, 1874 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1879 ; Captain, 1885. Is Wing Officer, 28th Madras Native In- fantry. Served in the Burmese Expedition in 1885- 87 (Medal with clasp). Radcliffe, Samuel, son of Samuel Radcliffe, Esq., Werneth Park, Oldham ; born ist November, 1854. 2‘y — . Price. Ramsay, Francis Farquharson, son of Captain Francis Ramsay, R.A., 5 Montpellier Parade, Cheltenham ; born 28th July, 1855. — . Day Boy. Left 1872. Lieutenant (from Militia), 28th Foot, January, 1876 ; transferred to 92nd Highlanders, March, 1876 ; Instructor of Musketry, Gordon Highlanders, 1882-83 ; Captain, 1885 ; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1885. Served with the 92nd Highlanders in the Afghan War in 1879-80, and was present in the engagement at Charasiah on 6th October, 1879, with the Maidan Expedition, in the operations around Kabul in December, 1879, and in the engagement at Charasiah on 25th April, 1880 (mentioned in des- patches) ; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march from Kabul to the relief of Kandahar, and was present at the reconnaissance of 31st August, and at the battle of Kandahar on ist September (Medal with three clasps and Bronze Star). Served with the expedition to the Soudan under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884, and was present in the engage- ments at El Teb and Tamai (Medal with clasp and Khedive’s Star). Reade, Lewin Compton, son of Lewin Reade, Esq.. Farnham Royal; born 15th August, 1857. 4/—. Day Boy. Ritson, Robert, son of Robert Ritson, Esq., Ellenbank, Maryport, Cumberland ; born 19th October, 1853. -fj — . Teighmore and Hazelwell. College Boat, 1871 ; Classical Football XX., 1871. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1873. B.A. , 1877. Address : Ellenbank, Maryport, Cumberland. Ritson, Thomas Smith, son of Robert Ritson, Esq., Ellenbank, Maryport, Cumberland ; born 31st October, 1849. 4 *’-^ — • Ritson, William, son of Robert Ritson, Esq., Ellenbank, Maryport, Cumberland ; bom 13th August, 1851. 10 M — . Skipton, Henry Stacy, son of Henry Stacy Skipton, Esq., Beech Hill, Co. Derry, Ire- land ; born 29th January, 1853. 4C — i»C. Day Boy and Price. Left October, 1872. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1867 ; Senior (Clas- sical) Scholar, 1868. Exhibition, Wadham College, Oxford, 1871 ; Scholarship, Exeter College, O.xford, 1872. 3rd Class Classical Moderations, 1874 ; Gold- smith University Exhibitioner, 1875; 3rd Class Classical Final Schools, 1876 ; 3rd Class History, 1877. B.A., 1876. Author of a ” History of the Reign of George HI.” Slight, Edward Victor, son of the Rev. Henry Spencer Slight, Ruan Rectory, Grampound, Cornwall ; born 1 8th F ebruary, 1852, ■fM — . Leconfield. Steuart, Robert St. Clair, son of Robert Steuart, Esq., of Westwood, 46 Moray Place, Edin- burgh ; born 14th October, 1850. 5C — . Walker. Football XX., 1868. Stonhouse, Ernest Hay, son of Sir Henry Van- sittart Stonhouse, Bart. ; born 27th July, 1855- 3 V— • Day Boy. Succeeded his father as i6th Baronet in 1885. Stonhouse, Reginald Charles Dowdeswell, son of Sir Henry Vansittart Stonhouse, Bart. ; born 9th July, 1853. Day Boy. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1875. Died 6th May, 1882. Strachan, Richard Ellison, son of Richard E. Strachan, Esq., Wellington Square, Chel- tenham ; born 15 th February, 1852. \oM — . Christowe. Taylor, Charles, son of Edmund Taylor, Esq., Clarence Iron Works, Leeds; born 15th November, 1851. CiviDM — . Wallace Brown. Tucker, Edward Charlton, son of William Thornhill Tucker, Esq. ; born 22nd April, 1854. 2>^J — . Teighmore. White, Charles Lionel Prescott, son of Charles White, Esq., Brancolar, Nice, France ; born 30th June, 1856. 4y — . Christowe. Re- entered College April, 1871. Wildig, George Lloyd Blair, son of Henry Park Wildig, Esq. ; born 15th August, 1850. iC — ■. Day Boy. Iredell Prize, 1868-69. Exhibition, New College, Oxford, 1869 ; 3rd Class Classical Moderations, 1871; ist Class History, 1873. B.A., 1873; M.A., 1878. Ordained Deacon, 1875, and Priest, 1876. Curate of Worthen, Salop, 1875-77 ; of Keswick, 1877- 78 ; Vicar of St. John, Bradford, Yorkshire, 1878- 81 ; Perpetual Curate of St. Luke, Liverpool, 1881-83. Died at Malta, 27th September, 1883. Williams, Arthur John Ormsby, son of Major- General John Daniel Williams, 3 York Ter- race, Cheltenham ; born 19th March, 1855. 4y — 4*rl/. Day Boy and Hazelwell. Left August, 1871. Was a Tea Planter. Died at Holta Palampur, East Indies, 20th March, 1888. Williams, Sydney Edward, son of John Heath Williams, Esq., Leicester ; born 15th May, 1850. 5C — . Willock, Harry Borlase, son of William Borlase Willock, Esq., Llanbedr House, near Crick- howell ; born 5th March, 1854. ZAI — V'^M. August, 1866.] PRINCIPAL: REV. A. BARRY, D.D. 243 Che 7 iery and Beaufort House. Left Decem- ber, 1870. Junior (Mathematical) Scholarship, 1868 ; Senior (Mathematical) Scholarsliip, 1869. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1871-72 (Prize : Artillery). Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1872 ; Captain, 1884. Served in the Zulu War, South Africa, in 1879, with Colonel Pearson’s Column, and was present in the engagement at Inyezane, and during the investment at Elcowe (mentioned in despatches, medrd with clasp). Served in the Egyptian War of 1882 with the Railway Staff (Medal and Khedive’s Star). Died at Tenby, South Wales, 7th February, 1889. Wright, Hamilton Mercer, son of Hamilton Mercer Wright, Esq., Orleans ; born 26th October, 1852. 9C — . ENTERED OCTOBER, 1866. Bromley, William Dallon, son of the Rev. Thomas Bromley, Shirdon House, Leaming- ton ; born 29th September, 1852. yC — . Previously at Leamington College. Brown, William Wordsworth, son of the Rev. Meredith Brown, Nonsuch, Chippenham ; born 20th January, 1857. 4_/ — . Teighmore. Carter, George Markham Strange, son of Lieut.- Colonel George M. Carter, Bellary, Madras, India; born nth February, 1852. 6C — . Day Boy. Darling, Charles Henry, son of Sir Charles Henry Darling, K.C.B., 7 Lansdown Place, Cheltenham ; born 19th September, 1852. yM — v^M. Day Boy. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1871-72. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1872 ; Captain, 1884. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80 in command of a company of the Queen’s Own Sappers and Miners, and as Assistant Field Engineer, including the opera- tions of the Moveable Column under Brigadier- General Arbuthnot (Medal). Served in the Egyptian War of 1882 in command of a company of the Queen’s Own Sappers and Miners, and was present at the battle of 'Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with clasp, 5th Class Medjidie, and Khedive’s Star) ; also served in the Soudan Campaign of 1885 (clasp). Darling, William James, son of Sir Charles Henry Darling, K.C.B., 7 Lansdown Place, Cheltenham; born 19th July, 1855. y^J — . Day Boy. Gael, George William, son of Samuel Higgs Gael, Esq., Barrister, Charlton Kings, near Cheltenham ; born 2nd March, 1856. \J — . Day Boy. Gawne, Edward Haywood, son of Edward Moore Gawne, Esq., Kentraugh, Isle of Man ; born 9th June, 1852. e)M — . Hazelwell. Griffiths, Thomas H., son of Edward G. Grif- fiths, Esq., Barrister, Marie Hill, Chelten- ham ; born 14th November, 1855. 4_/ — . Day Boy. Grogan, Edward George, son of — Grogan, Esq. ; born 2 1 St June, 1851. yM — . Bdytie House. Ensign, 42nd Highlanders, 1869 ; Lieutenant, October, 1871 ; Instructor of Musketry, 1877-79 Captain, Royal Highlanders, 1879 ; Major, 1885 ; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1880-85. Served through- out the second phase of the Ashanti War in 1874, and was present at the battle of Amoaful, capture and destruction of Becquah, battle of Ordahsu (wounded), and capture of Coomassie (Medal with clasp). Money, Rowland Fearnley Kyrle, son of Major- General Ernie Kyrle Money, R.A., 6 Lans- down Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 22nd July, 1851. 3C — 2’^C. Day Boy. Left De- cember, 1868. Previously at Clifton College, 1863-66. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1868-70. Ensign, ist Foot, February, 1871 ; Lieutenant, October, 1871 ; Captain, Royal Scots, 1880 ; Major, 1889. Adjutant, Au.xiliary Forces, 1883-88. Nicholls, George Thomas, son of John W. Nicholls, Esq., R.N., 10 Gloucester Place, Gravesend, Kent ; born i8th March, 1852. — V-M. Price. Modern Football XX., 1868-69. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1870-72. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1872 ; Captain, 1884 ; Retired, 1887. Phillips, George Dominic Horatio, son of Lieut.- Colonel Phillips, Madras Army ; born 25th July, 1852. 5C — . Day Boy. Phillips, Henry Arthur Deuteros, son of Lieut. - Colonel Phillips, Madras Army ; born 9th October, 1853. 5C — i^C. Day Boy. Classical Football XX., 1871. Gold Medallist, 1872 ; Cheltonian Society Prize, 1872. Scholarship, Brasenose College, 0 .\ford, 1872. Indian Civil Ser- vice, 1872 ; appointed to Bengal, 1874 ; Assistant- Collector and Magistrate, Orissa, 1875 ; at Cuttack, 1875-78 ; at Khonda, 1878-79 ; at Pooree, 1879 ; at Khonda, 1879-80 ; at Burdwar, 1880-83 ; and Bengal, 1883-86 ; Joint-Magistrate and Deputy-Collector, Bengal, 1886 ; Under Secretary to Government, Bengal, 1886. Taite, Henry Maurice, son of Joseph Taite, Esq., Culleen, Mullingar, Ireland ; born 15th October, 1856. 4_/ — . Hazelwell. Yerhury, Walter Chilian, son of — Yerbury, Esq.; born 13th January, 1852. ZM — . Boytie House. FootbaU XX., 1870. ENTERED JANUARY, 1867. Abercrombie, Francis, son of John Abercrom- bie, Esq., M.D., 13 Suffolk Square, Chelten- ham ; born 4th April, 1854. 2 ^ 1 — ClM. Day Boy. Left June, 1872. Rifle Corps XL, 1871-72. Civil Engineer. Mem- ber of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Address : 23 Upper Wimpole Street, Cavendish Square, London, W. Abercrombie, George Kennedy, son of John Abercrombie, Esq., M.D., 13 Suffolk Square, Cheltenham ; born 28th July, 1857. yJJ—. Day Boy. Solicitor (admitted 1881). Address: ro Austin Friars, London, E.C. Aitken, James Arthur, son of James Aitken, Esq., Whitehouse, Belfast ; born 14th Jan- uary, 1853. loC — . Archer, Cecil Radcliffe, son of the Rev. Samue 244 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1867. Harward Archer, Throwleigh Rectory, Oke- hampton ; born 17th July, 1851. 6C — . Price. Atkins, John Augustus, son of George Atkins, Esq., 19 Suffolk Square, Cheltenham ; born 17th May, 1854. Ci^J — . Day Boy. Bell, Alexander, son of John Bell, Esq., Enter- kine House, Tarbolton, Ayrshire, N.R.; born 29th May, 1851. Sandhurst M — Sajidhurst M. Inchbald. Left June, 1868. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Ensign, 48th Foot, 1870 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Instructor of Mus- ketry, Northamptonshire Regiment, 1882 ; Captain, 1882; Adjutant, 1883-35 ; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1885. Boyce, William Frederick Reynolds, son of the Rev. William Boyce, Christowe, Chelten- ham; born 20th December, 1857. 3V — I'C. Day Boy. Re-entered College August, 1869. Brasenose College, Oxford, 1876. B.A., 1880. Is Principal of West London College. Brand, Rodman George, son of William Brand, Esq., Mylnefield House, by Dundee ; born Sth July, 1854. 2*>_/ — M. Hazelwell. Rifle Corps XL, 1871. Brocklehurst, William Brocklehurst, son of William Coare Brocklehurst, Esq., Butley Hall, Prestbury, near Macclesfield ; born i8th May, 1851. 5C — Day Boy and Newick House. Left June, 1870. Rifle Corps XL, 1870. Magdalen College, 0 .xford, 1871. B.A. , 1874. Lieutenant, Cheshire Yeomanry Cavalry. J. P. for Cheshire. Browne, Ernest de Sylly Hamilton, son of Maj or George Browne, Comber House,Clandy, Londonderry, Ireland ; born nth July, 1855. 3*'y — Price. Left June, 1874. Cricket XI. , 1870-71 ; Captain, 1872-73-74. Foot- ball XX. , 1871-72 ; Captain, 1873. Fives Cham- pion, 1872-73-74. Racquet Champion, 1873-74. Senior Prefect, 1874. A well-known Lawn-Tennis Player, and winner of numerous prizes. Is a Land Agent. Address : Brookfield, Tullamore, King's County, Ireland. Cameron, John Angus, son of — Cameron, Esq.; born 26th April, 1850. CiviPM — . College Boat, 1867-68. Modern Football XX., 1867. Campbell, Frederick Gordon Bluett, son of William Wilson Campbell, Esq., St. Heliers, Jersey; born 21st August, 1851. 6C — I'^C. Hazelwell. Scholarship, Exeter College, Oxford, 1870 ; 3rd Class Classical Moderations, 1873 ; 4th Class Juris- prudence, 1875; B.A., 1875; M.A., 1877. LL.M. (Trinity College, Cambridge), 1879. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1881. Author of " Compendium of Roman Law”; an analysis of "Austin’s Jurispru- dence, or the Philosophy of Positive Law.” Address : 4 Temple Gardens, The Temple, Lon- don, E.C. Chamney, Paul Martin, son of the Rev. Robert Mascall Chamney, Training College, Chel- tenham ; born 4th March, 1852. 6C — . Day Boy. Previously at Haileybury College. Queen's Col- lege, Oxford, 1871. B.A. (4th Class Theology), 1875; M.A., 1878. Ordained Deacon, 1876, and Priest, 1877. Curate of St. John the Baptist, Buck- hurst Hill, Essex, 1876-78 ; of St. Paul, Old Charl- ton, Kent, 1879-83 ; Curate in charge of St. Luke's District, Sandycombe Road, Richmond, Surrey, 1883. Address ; 16 The Avenue, Kew Gardens, Surrey. Cramer, Charles Arthur, son of Charles Cramer, Esq., Eastmount, Ryde, Isle of Wight ; born 30th November, 1853. c)M — . Newick House. Civil Engineer. Was Assistant Engineer to the Electrical and Cable Staff on board the steamer " La Plata,” and was lost when that vessel foundered in the Bay of Biscay on the 29th November, 1874. Dacres, Richard Edmund Lyons, son of Vice- Admiral Sir Sydney Colpoys Dacres, G.C.B., 13 New Street, Spring Gardens, London; born 1 8th February, 1856. &yj — PM. Teigh- 7 )iore and Hazelwell. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1873-75. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1875. Served in the Afghan War in 1878-79, and took part in the Bazar Valley Expedition in January and February, 1879 ; in the affair at Deh Sarak on 25th March, and in the operations against Mohmunds at Kam Dakka on 22nd and 23rd April. On the return of the expedi- tion against the Mohmunds he was taken ill with fever, and died at Lundi Kotal, 13th May, 1879. Dalzell, Arthur Edward, son of Colonel the Hon. Robert Alexander George Dalzell, C. B., Welswood Park, Torquay ; born 25th December, 1851. %M — . Price. Ensign, 12th Foot, 1870 ; transferred to 52nd Foot, 1871 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Captain, O.xford- shire Light Infantry, 1882. Deane, Horace Drummond, son of George Onslow Deane, Esq., Spa, Belgium ; born 14th December, 1854. — . Newick House. Cheltenham Veterans Rifle V., 1875. Duke, Philip Henry Muntz, son of — Duke, Esq.; born 19th April, 1852. 8C— . Lecon- field. Dunn, George Owen William, son of Captain William James Dunn, 35 Maryon Road, Charlton, Kent ; born 25th October, 1854. Newick House. Forsyth, John Henry Parsons, son of Major- General Alexander Gregor Forsyth, Bengal Staff Corps ; born i8th October, 1852. 7C — . Day Boy. Royal Indian Engineering College, Cooper’s Hill. Woods and Forests Department, India. Fryer, Ernest, son of Lieut. -Colonel Frederick D. Fryer, Moulton Paddocks, near New- market ; born i8th September, 1852. \oM — . Hazelwell. Football XX. , 1870-71. Cricket XL, 1871. Com- missariat and Transport Department, 1872 ; Deputy- Assistant-Commissary-General (Captain), 1880; Hon. Major, 1887. Served in the Transvaal Campaign in 1881 ; also in the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with clasp, 4th Class Medjidie, and Khedive’s Star). Died at Bournemouth, 12th December, 1887. Gantillon, Francis Edmund, son of the Rev. Peter John Francis Gantillon, Courtrai House, Cheltenham; born 4th December, 1853. 5C — PC. Day Boy. Left August, 1873. Gymnasium VIII., 1872-73 ; Gymnasium Cham- pion, 1873. Senior Prefect, 1873. St. John's Col- lege, Cambridge. B.A. , 1877. Ordained Deacon, 1879, and Priest, 1880. Curate of Monk Bretton, Yorkshire, 1879-84. Died at Monk Bretton, 23rd February, 1884. Gardiner, Thomas Gage, son of Stephen Gage Gardiner, Esq.; born nth December, 1851. 5 C — dC. Leighton. Cheltonian Society Prize, 1870. Balliol College, Oxford, 1871. 3rd Class Classical Moderations, 1872 ; 4th Class Classical Final Schools, 1875. B.A. and M.A., 1878. Gawne, James Moore, son of Edward Moore PRINCIPAL; REV. A. BARRY, D.D. 245 January, 1867.] Gawne, Esq., Kentraugh, Isle of Man j born 23rd July, 1854. 1/ — . Christowc. Sub-Lieutenant 4th Foot, 1874; Lieutenant, 1875; Instnietor of Musketry, Royal Lancaster Regiment, 1880-83 1 Captain, 1884. Is at the Staff College. Served in the Zulu War of 1879 (Medal witli clasp). Served with the Beehuanaland E.\peditiou under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85. Godfrey, Henry Polwhele, son of Henry Godfrey, Esq., Karenza, Cheltenham ; born 17th May, 1854. Day Boy. Grey, George, son of George A. Grey, Esq., Millfield,Wooler, Northumberland ; born 6th April, 1851. Civil^M — . Boyne House. Hort, Charles Josiah, son of the Rev. Charles Josiah Hort, Cork ; born 16th October, 1854. 2a/-. Teighmore. St. Aidan's Theological College, 1876. Ordained Deacon, 1878, and Priest, 1879. Curate of Saltley, Warwickshire, 1878-81; of Park Chapel, ' Chelsea, i88o-8i ; appointed Military Chaplain, 1881 ; served at Chatham, 1881-83 ; at Malta, 1883-85 ; in Egypt, 1885-87 ; in London, 1887-88 ; and l 3 ublin, 1888. James, Arthur Gwynne, son of John Gwynne James, Esq., Solicitor, Hereford ; born loth April, 1855. 3V — 2aC. Leighton and Boyne House. Left July, 1874. Rifle Corps XL, 1872-73-74. Classical Football XX. , 1873. Trinity College, Cambridge. 8th in 2nd Class Law Tripos, 1877 ; LL. B. , 1878. Studentship, Middle Temple, 1879. Called to the Bar, Middle Temple, i88i. Is Honorary Secretary of the Chel- tonian Society. Address : 2 Temple Gardens, The Temple, Lon- don, E.C.; and Devonshire Club, St. James’s Street, London, S.W. James, Francis Reginald Gwynne, son of John Gwynne James, Esq., Solicitor, Hereford ; born 27th May, 1856. Classical Football XX., 1872. Solicitor (admitted 1879). Address ; Hereford. Johnson, Henry Allen William, son of Colonel Sir Henry Franks Frederick Johnson, Bart., Jamaica ; born 9th October, 1855. 2'y — 2'’C. Teighmore z.xidi Hazelwell. Left June, 1871. Succeeded his father as 4th Baronet in 1883. Previously at Victoria College, Jersey (1865-66). Lieutenant, 51st Foot, 1874 ; Captain, South York- shire Regiment (now Yorkshire Light Infantry), 1882; Adjutant, 1885. Served with the 51st Light Infantry in the Jowaki Campaign in 1877 (Medal with clasp), and with the same regiment in the Afghan War of 1878-80, including tlie attack and capture of Ali Musjid, and in the operations in the Bazar, Lughman, and Hissarik Valleys (Medal with clasp). Served in the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 s-s Adjutant of the ist Battalion of the Yorkshire Light Infantry (clasp). Jones, John Woodville, son of John Joshua Jones, Esq., Fontenay, Prince’s Park, Liver- pool ; born 28th September, 1831. loM — . Newick House. Previously at Leamington College. Sub-Lieu- tenant, nth Foot, 1873; transferred to 50th Foot, 1874; Lieutenant, 1874; Captain, Royal West Kent Regiment, 1882 ; Major, 1886 ; Retired, 1887. Served with the rst Battalion Royal West Kent Regiment throughout the Egyptian War of 1882 (Medal and Khedive’s Star). Ker, Walter Charles Alan, son of Alan Ker, Esq., Puisne Judge, Jamaica; born loth May, 1853. 46' — V'C. Day Boy and Chris- towe. Left September, 1872. Cricket XXII., 1871. Foundation Scholarship, Trinity College, Cambridge, 1874. B.A. (23rd in ist Class Classical Tripos), 1876 ; M.A. , 1879. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1879. Address ; 4 Harcourt Buildings, The Temple, London, E.C. Laming, Robert, son of — Laming, Esq. ; born 2nd June, 1855. d^'J — . Teighmore. Lawrence, Walter Roper, son of George Law- rence, Esq., 12 Suffolk Square, Cheltenham ; born 9th February, 1857. 4*y — C. Day Boy. Classical Football XX., 1875. Iredell Prize, 1875. Indian Civil Service (Passed in ist in Order of Merit), 1877 ; proceeded to Balliol College, Oxford, 1877. Appointed Assistant-Commissioner, Punjab, 1879 ; at Peshawur, 1880-84 1 And Punjab, 1884-85; Under- secretary to Government, Punjab, 1885-86 ; Assist- ant-Commissioner, Punjab, 1886 ; Under-Secretary to Government of India, Revenue and Agricultural Department, 1886. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1883. Leigh, Thomas, son of Adam Leigh, Esq., Westleigh, Lea, near Preston ; born 2nd January, 1854. loC — . Price. Leir, Charles Paul, son of — Leir, Esq.; born 2 1 St February, 1853. yC — . Nash. Lowry, Martin Harper, son of John Lowry, Esq., Whiteabbey House, Belfast ; born 31st May, 1851. CiviDM — Civil M. Died at Belfast, 15th January, 1876. Lowry, William Buchanan, son of John Lowry, Esq., Whiteabbey House, Belfast ; born 6th November, 1853. k>M — 3'*fff. Newick House and Va?i Laun. Left December, 1868. Tea Planter. Address : Fenoa, Chittagong, Bengal, India. Manning, Edgar Babington, son of William W. Manning, Esq., Barrister, Hardwick Lodge, Chepstow ; born i8th February, 1855. 2^y — . Leconjicld. Manning, William Edward, son of William W. Manning, Esq., Barrister, Hardwick Lodge, Chepstow ; born 31st December, 1853. — . Leconfield. Matthews, George Leonard, son of — Mat- thews, Esq.; born I2th October, 1852. loC — . Newick House. Meade, Malcolm John, son of Lieut.-General Sir Richard Meade, K.C.S.I., Residency, Indore, India ; born 4th February, 1854. 7C — 4 At. Christowe. Left 1871. Cricket XXII., 1870-71. Lieutenant, 89th Foot, 1873 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1876 ; Captain, 1885. Is Political Assistant, ist Class. Mockler, Augustus Ferryman (afterwards Mock- ler-Ferryman), son of Edward Mockler, Esq., Deputy-Inspector-General of Hospitals, Mili- tary Prison, Southwark, London ; born 25th December, 1856. 4'y — . Day Boy. Sub-Lieutenant, Unattached, 1876 ; appointed to 43rd Foot, 1877 ; Lieutenant, 1878; Captain, Oxford- shire Light Infantry, 1886. Morgan, Charles Augustus, son of — Morgan, Esq. ; born 14th January, 1851. y-M — . Graves. Nicholls, William Charles, son of John Ward Nicholls, Esq., R.N., 10 Gloucester Place, Greenwich, Kent; born 25th February, 1854. Lieutenant, Royal Marine Artillery, 1872 ; Cap- tain, 1884 ; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1885. Oakes, Reginald, son of the Rev. Orbell Plam- pin Oakes, Hawkedon Rectory, Bury St. Edmunds ; born 30th March, 1853. 8A/ — V'NI. Price. Left December, 1870. 346 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1867 Rifle Corps XI., 1869-70. Royal Military Aca- demy, Woolwich, 1871-72. Lieutenant, Royal Ar- tillery, 1872 ; Captain, 1881 ; Major, 1889. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1884. Ommaney, Charles Henry, son of Francis Om- maney, Esq., Solicitor, Platt House, Putney; born 19th August, 1852. 7C — . Football XX., 1869. Solicitor (admitted 1878). Address : a Great Winchester Street, London, E.C. Pakenham, Thomas Robert, son of Captain George Dent Pakenham, 2 Wellington Square East, Cheltenham; born 27th No- vember, 1854. I'y — Day Boy. Left May, 1873. Modern Football XX. , 1872 ; Cricket XXII. , 1873 ; Racquet Pair, 1872-73. Gloucestershire Football XV., 1878-79-80. Was for some time in business in Lon- don, but subsequently appointed Chief Clerk, Colonial Secretary’s Office, British Honduras, 1880; Acting- Clerk of Executive and Legislative Councils, June, 1880, to March, 1881 ; also from September, 1881, to October, 1882. Private Secretary to Lieutenant- Governor F. P. Barlee, C.M.G. , September, 1881, to August, 1882 ; also to Administrator Colonel Robert William Harley, C.B. , C.M.G. , August to October, 1882. Acting-Magistrate and Collector, Toledo District, British Honduras, August, 1883, to March, 1884. Assistant Colonial Secretary and Treasurer, Sierra Leone, 1884-85. Died at sea, off Cape Verde, on his way home, 5th September, 1885. Pinching, Archibald Edward, son of Charles John Pinching, Esq., Surgeon, 5 The Terrace, Gravesend; born i6th May, 1853. loC — . Price. Powell, James Leslie Grove, son of James Powell, Esq., Solicitor, North Street House, Colchester ; born 26th April, 1853. 4C — 3C. Boyne House. Left 1868. Solicitor (admitted 1874). Address ; 17 Essex Street, Strand, London, W.C. Robertson, Thomas Chaplin S outer (afterwards Chaplin), son of Daniel Souter Robertson, Esq., of Lawhead, 10 Great Stuart Street, Edinburgh ; born 25th July, 1853. loC — . Newick House. Rooke, Frederick John Littledale, son of the Rev. Willoughby John Edward Rooke, Tunstal Vicarage, Westmoreland ; born 28th June, 1852. qM — . Boyne House. Bose, Robert de Ross, son of — Rose, Esq., born 9th October, 1851. 6C — . Day Boy. Emmanuel College, Cambridge. . Rowe, Alfred, son of John James Rowe, Esq., Dinglefield, Toxteth Park, Liverpool ; born 24th February, 1853. qdf — . Boy tie House. Rush, George Acland Gordon, son of Alfred Rush, Esq., Farthinghoe Lodge, Brackley, Northamptonshire ; born 12th July, 1852. ijM — . Birkett. Samuells, Henry Allen, son of — Samuells, Esq. ; born 30th September, 1853. 4C — . Christowe. Died at Edinburgh, September, 1870. Sclater, Francis Sanderson, son of James Henry Sclater, Esq., Newick Park, Uckfield, Sussex ; born i8th August, 1853. 9C — . Christowe. Christ Church, Oxford, 1872. B.A., 1877. Or- dained Deacon, 1878, and Priest, 1880. Curate of Little Walsingham, Norfolk, 1878-81 ; Vicar of Dropmore, Bucks, 1881. Address ; Dropmore Vicarage, Maidenhead. Shubrick, Richard Ladbroke, son of Brigadier- General Richard Shubrick, Nagpore, Kamp- tee, India ; born 24th January, 1855. 6C — i“C. Day Boy. Left May, 1873. Cinchona Planter. Sparke, Gerald Maitland, son of Major John Guyse Sparke, Umballa, India; born nth September, 1854. r^J—. Hazelwell. Sparke, John Guyse, son of Major John Guyse Sparke, Umballa, India ; born 3rd May, 1850. 3*’J/ — SandJmrst M. Hazelwell. Left December, 1868. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Ensign, 82nd Foot, 1870 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; transferred to 51st Foot, 1872 : Captain, South Yorkshire Regiment (now Yorkshire Light Infant^), 1881 ; Major, 1885. Served in the Jowaki Campaign in 1877 (Medal with clasp). Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid (Medal with clasp). Served in the Burmese Expe- dition in 1886-87 with the ist Battalion Yorkshire Light Infantry (clasp). Steers, Thomas Mackay, son of Thomas Steers, Esq., 9 Colville Gardens, London ; born 24th April, 1856. 3“/ — . Teighniore. Swinton, George Herbert Taylor, son of Archi- bald Adam Swinton, Esq., Brynderwen, Brecon ; born 25th December, 1852. 5C — 2''C. Christowe. Left April, 1870. Classical Football XX., 1869. Lieutenant (from Militia), i6th Foot, 1874 ; Instructor of Musketry, 1879 ; Captain, Bedfordshire Regiment, 1884. Ad- jutant, AuxiUary Forces, 1885. Thomas, George Traherne, son of John Daniel Thomas, Esq., Swansea ; born 14th Sep- tember, 1853. 9C — . Hazelwell. Thompson, Arnold Hill, son of Major George Hunter Thompson, 4 Rodney Place, Chel- tenham ; born 17th October, 1852. 7C — . Day Boy. Thursby, Neville, son of the Rev. Matthew William Frederick Thursby, Abingdon Rec- tory, Northampton ; born 6th May, 1852. c)M — , Price. Previously at Marlborough College (February, 1863 — Easter, 1865).' Football XX., 1870. Cricket XL, 1871. Received Presentation Cap from Old Cheltonian Football Club (season 1874-75). Middle- sex Football XV. , 187 — . Is a Stock Broker. Address : 16 Queen Street, Mayfair, London, W. Trivithick, Frederick Harvey, son of Francis Trevithick, Esq., C.E., Penzance, Cornwall ; born 2 1 St February, 1852. — \^M. Football XX., 1869. Cricket XL, 1870. Civil Engineer. Is Chief Engineer, Locomotive, Carriage, and Waggon Department, Egyptian Government Railways. Vance, Eustace John, son of Thomas Vance, Esq., Blackrock House, Co. Dublin ; born 31st July, 1852. \oM — . Boyne House. Left 1869. Lieutenant, 13th Hussars, 1873 ; transferred to i2th Foot, 1877 ; Captain, Leinster Regiment, 1883. Is attached to the Army Service Corps. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882 (Medal and Khedive’s Star). Also served in the Soudan Campaign in 1885 (clasp). Wells, Walter Fox Williamson, son of Warwick Walter Wells, Esq., 2 Oxford Terrace, Chel- tenham ; born 3rd July, 1854. 4C — DC. Day Boy. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1867 ; Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1869. Indian Civil Service, 1873 ; appointed to Bengal, 1875. Assistant-Commissioner at Hardoi, PRINCIPAL: REV. A. CARRY, U.D. 247 January, 1867.] 1877-78 ; at Lucknow, 1878 ; at Oudc, 1878-79 ; at Sultanpore, 1879-83 ; at Oude, 1883-86 ; City Magis- trate, Lucknow, 1886-87 ; Joint-Magistrate, North- West Provinces, 1887 ; City Magistrate, Lucknow, 1888. Williams, Augustus Lewis Wintle, son of — Williams, Esq. ; born 30th November, 1853. 4‘y — . Day Boy. Williams, William Milton, son of — Williams, Esq. ; born 8th November, 1855. 4“_/ — . Day Boy. ENTERED APRIL, 1867. Bond, Henry Pomeroy, son of the Rev. Henry Bond, South Petherton, Somerset ; born ist March, 1855. 2'y — . Day Boy. Collins, Arthur Herbert, son of John Charles Collins, Esq., M.D., 14 Priory Street, Chel- tenham ; born 3rd October, 1858. 4*_/ — . Day Boy. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1870-71 ; Senior (Classi- cal) Scholar, 1872-73-74. Iredell Prize, 1875 ; Schacht Prize, 1875-76; Jex- Blake (English Literature) Prize, 1876. Indian Civil Service, 1876 ; proceeded to Balliol College, Oxford, 1876 ; appointed to Bengal, 1878. Magistrate and Colleetor, Bankoorah, 1879 ; at Rajshahye, 1879-83 ; and Bengal, 1883. Address : Care of Messrs. King, Hamilton, and Co., Calcutta. Crofton, William d’Abzac, son of Major-General John ffolliott Crofton, 29 Sussex Gardens, London; born 3rd June, 1854. \J — 6C. Newtek House. Left May, 1871. Cox. of College Boat, 1869. Worcester College, Oxford, 1874. B.A., 1878; M.A., 1881. Ordained Deacon, 1879, and Priest, 1880. Curate of Braint- field, Herts, 1879-82 ; of Welwyn, Herts, 1882. Address : Hillside, Welwyn, Herts. Davison-Bland, Francis, son of the Rev. Philip Davison-Bland, Warsop Rectory, near Mans- field ; born 24th May, 1853. 5C— . Porcher. Fox, Francis William, son of Francis Fox, Esq., C.E., I Upper Byron Place, Bristol ; born 17th February, 1851. — . Newtek House. Indian Civil Service, 1871 ; appointed to Bengal, 1873. Assistant-Commissioner, Nimar, 1874 ; at Hoshungabad, 1874-77 ; at Moulmein (Burmah), 1877-84 ; North-West Provinces, 1884-85 ; at Jhansi, 1885-87 ; and Oude, 1887. Francis, Frederick William, son of Lieut.- Colonel John Thomas Francis, Poona, Bom- bay ; born 1 2th August, 1852. 5C — . Day Boy and Leeonfield. Cricket XL, 1870-71. Griffith, John Harnage King, son of the Rev. John Griffith, Merthyr Tydvil ; born 9th Sep- tember, 1853. 8C — DC. Hazelwell. Left June, 1873. Cricket XXII., 1872-73. Trinity College, Cam- bridge, 1874. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1874-75. Lieutenant, 23rd Fusiliers, 1875 ; Adjutant, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, 1880-85 ; Captain, 1885. Hadow, Reginald Campbell, son of Patrick Douglas Hadow, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Sudbury, Middlesex ; born 6th July, 1851. Ensign, 55th Foot, 1870 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1876; Captain, 1882. Is Wing Commander, 15th Bengal Native Infantry. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80, and was present in the engagements at Ahmed Kheyl and Urzoo, near Ghuznee ; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march from Kabul to the relief of Kandahar, and was present at the battle of Kandahar on 1st Sep- tember, 1880 (Medal with two clasps and Bronze Star). Served in the Soudan Campaign in 1885, and was present in the engagement at the Tofrek Zareba, and at the destruction of Temai (Medal with two clasps and Khedive's Star). Humble, Charles Nugent, son of Sir John Nugent Humble, Bart., Cloncoskoran, Dun- garvan, Ireland ; born ist February, 1854. loAf — . Letghton. Macaire, Arthur, son of John Francis Macaire, Esq., Woodhurst, South Norwood; born 8th November, 1852. qAf — . Leeonfield. Mackintosh, Alfred Donald (afterwards The Mackintosh), son of Alexander Mackintosh, Esq. (The Mackintosh), of Mackintosh, N.B. ; born 24th June, 1851. Boyne House. Ensign, 71st Highland Light Infantry, 1870: Lieutenant, 1871 ; Resigned, 1877. Is Chief of the Clan Chattan. J.P. and D.L. for Inverness-shire. Address : Moy Hall, Dunachton, Inverness-shire, N.B. ; and Cottrell, Cardiff, South Wales. Maconchy, John Arthur, son of George Ma- conchy. Esq., Corrinagh, Torquay ; born 19th June, 1852. 5C — . Chrtstowe. Classical Football XX., 1869-70. Address : Corrinagh. Torquay, Devon ; and Rath- more, Aughacliffe, Co. Longford. Ireland. Neve, Thomas, son of George Neve, Esq., Sissinghurst, Kent ; born 6th July, 1853. \oM — . Hazelwell. Parkinson, Charles William, son of Captain C. A. Parkinson, Sunny Bank, near Crick- howell ; born 26th August, 1854. \J — . Read, Hastings, son of Hastings Read, Esq., Deputy-Commissioner, Central Provinces, India ; born 19th August, 1852. loC — Sandhurst M. Day Boy. Left June, 1870. Lieutenant, 107th Foot, 1873 ; transferred to 83rd Foot, January, 1876 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, August, 1876 ; Captain, 1885. Is Wing Comman- der, sth Bengal Native Infantry. Served in the Afghan War of 1879-80 (Medal). Address: Care of Messrs. Grindlay and Co., Calcutta. Read, James Wyatt, son of Hastings Read, Esq., Deputy-Commissioner, Central Pro- vinces, India ; born 19th February, 1854. \oM — . Day Boy. Smyth-Pigott, George Herbert, son of the Rev. George Octavius Smyth-Pigott, Kingston Seymour, Somerset ; born 28th February, 1856. 4'y — . Day Boy. Stvaffield, Alfred Owen, son of Robert Hassall Swaffield, Esq., Westdown Lodge, near Weymouth; born iith March, 1852. — . Leighton. Scholarship, Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1871 ; B.A. (15th Senior Optime), 1875. Trench, Arthur, son of Francis A. Trench, Esq., Newlands House, Clondalkin, Co. Dublin; born 6th March, 1851. -^M — . Leeonfield. Williams, Rowland, son of William Williams, Esq., Boyd Villa, Clifton ; born 30th March, 1851. 4C — . Chrtstowe. Rifle Corps XL, 1869. 248 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1867. ENTERED AUGUST, 1867. Addison, Henry, son of George Addison, Esq., I Catherine Place, Bath; born nth June, 1854. gAf— . Died at Weston-super-Mare. 6th January, 1874. Addison, Percy Leonard, son of John Addison, Esq., C.E., Maryport ; born 25th October, 1855. \oM. Arnott, Mungerton, son of Sir John Arnott, Knt., Woodlands, Cork, Ireland ; born 20th August, 1856. 4'[/ — . Teighmore and Chel- tondale. Atkinson, George Thomas Andrew, son of Major George Atkinson, 8 Royal Parade, Cheltenham ; born 25th July, 1855. 2'’/ — . Day Boy. University College, London ; Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh ; Prague University, and Vienna University. M.B. (Edinburgh), and C.M. , 1878. Late Resident Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh ; Resident Medical Officer, Royal Ma- ternity and Simpson Memorial Hospital, Edinburgh, and Clinical Tutor, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Now Member of Council, Edinburgh University ; Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator, Harrogate District, Knaresborough Union ; Cer- tificated Factory Surgeon ; and Surgeon to several Friendly Societies. Address : North Park Road, Harrogate, York- shire. Beadon, Dacres Carroll, son of the Rev. Fre- derick Fleming Beadon, Basset, near South- ampton; born 19th July, 1857. — . Teigh- more and Leconfield. Gymnasium VIII., 1873-74-75 ; College Boat, 1875 I Modern Football XX., 1874. Beauclerk, Frederick Amelius, son of The Right Hon. Lord Frederick Charles Peter Beau- clerk, R.N. ; born 8th October, 1851. — . Day Boy. Ensign, 60th Rifles, 1869; Lieutenant, 1871 ; Re- signed, 1877. Died at Paris, 22nd May, 1887. Bellingham, Alan Hele, son of Captain William J. Bellingham, Dundalk, Co. Louth, Ireland; born 13th May, 1857. 4*(/ — . Teighmore. Was Captain in the Louth Militia. Bickers, Jocelyn Urmston, son of Edward Bickers, Esq., ii Berkeley Gardens, Ken- sington, London; born 3rd May, 1853. 9C — . Price. Bird, Herbert Olive, son of William Olive Bird, Esq., 4 Royal Well Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 13th September, 1853. 6C — . Day Boy. Bishop, William Usborne Douglas, son of the Rev. Alfred Caesar Bishop, Bramdean House, Alresford, Hants ; born 15th December, 1852. loM — . Blandy, James Edward Jenkins Augustus, son of William Blandy, Esq.; born 5th July, 1853. ■g>M — \M. Day Boy and Boyne House. Rifle Corps XL, 1869: Modern Football XX., 1870. Hornby Prize, 1870. Royal Indian Engineer- ing College, Cooper’s Hill, 1871. Civil Engineer. Bremner, Alfred, son of George William Brem- ner. Esq., Denton Court, Gravesend ; born 20th July, 1852. CiviDM — . Price. Brocklehurst, Thomas, son of Isaac Brockle- hurst. Esq., High Lane, near Stockport ; born 26th December, 1852. CiviPM — . Price. Brown, Frederick John, son of John Brown, Esq., Kinwarton House, Alcester ; born i6th May, 1857. 4^y — 2*d/. Teighmore, Chel- tondale, and Day Boy. Lieutenant, 56th Foot, 1875 ; Adjutant, Essex Regiment, 1880-82 ; Captain, 1882. Ser\'ed in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the 2nd Battalion Essex Regiment (Medal with clasp, and Khedive's Star). Brown, George Frederick Sparrow, son of George G. Brown, Esq., Milton Grange, Stourport; born 21st September, 1853. gAf — . Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1871. B.A. , 1875. Brown, Lawrence Morton, son of the Rev. Andrew Morton Brown, LL.D., 3 St. Mar- garet’s Terrace, Cheltenham ; born i8th March, 1854. 6C — . Day Boy. St. John’s College, Cambridge. B.A., 1875 ; LL.M., 1879. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1877. Appointed Recorder of Tewkesbury, 1885. Address : i Temple Gardens, The Temple, Lon- don, E.C. Buston, Philip Thomas, son of the Rev. Roger Buston, TwyfoPd Vicarage, Winchester ; born i6th February, 1853. 3‘=AA — \^M. Newick Hojcse. Left December, 1870. Dobson Scholar, 1870 ; Silver (Mathematical) Medallist, 1870 ; Head of Modern, 1870. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1871-72. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1872 ; Captain, 1884 ; Brevet- Major, 1889. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80, and was present in the engagement at Charasiah on the 6th October, 1879, and in the operations round Kabul in December, 1879, including the storming of the Asmai Heights (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Served in the Hazara Campaign in 1888 (Brevet-Major). Address ; Care of Cox and Co. , 16 Charing Cross, London, S.W. Callwell, Albert Henry, son of George Callwell, Esq., Torquay ; born 3rd July, 1852. 4“Af — PM. Hazelwell. Left June, 1870. College Boat, 1870. Cheltonian Society Prize, 1870. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1870-72. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1872 ; Captain, 1881 ; Major, 1888. Lieutenant of Company of Gentlemen Cadets, Woolwich, 1879-81. Claridge, James Proby Fitzjames, son of James Claridge, Esq., 35 Wellington Place, Upper Leeson Street, Dublin ; born 23rd January, 1853. CiviTM — 3*Af. Hazelwell. Left June, 1869. Wine Merchant. Address : 24 Rood Lane, Fenchurch Street, London, E.C. Cooke, John Temple Ashwell, son of William Major Cooke, Esq., 31 Wimpole Street, London ; born 14th November, 1851. 6A/ — Civil M. Boyne House. Modern Football XX.. 1870; Cricket XXII., 1871. Called to the Bar, Middle Temple, 1874. Counsel to Admiralty at Portsmouth. Address : 6 Eccleston Square, London, S.W. ; and Reform Club, Pall Mall, London, S.W. Cresswell, John Estcourt, son of the Rev. William Francis Cresswell, St. Arvans, Chepstow ; born i6th October, 1851. — . Day Boy. Dalton, Charles, son of Lieut. -Colonel Charles James Dalton, R.A., Staindrop Hall, near Darlington ; born 25th September, 1850. Sandhurst M — Sandlnirst M. Christowe. August, 1867.] PRINCIPAL: REV. A. BARRY, D.D. 249 Left June, 1868. Pellow of the Royal Geographical Society, and Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. Author of "The Wrays of Glentworth," 2 vols ; "Life and Times of General Sir Edward Cecil, Viscount Wim- bledon," 2 vols ; " Memoirs of Captain Dalton, Defender of Trichinopoly, I752-S3-” Address : Union Club, Trafalgar Square, London. Daniell, Lindsay Janies Arbuthnott, son of Lindsay Donelly Daniell, Esq. ; born 8th March, 1855. 9C — 2'‘C. Christowe, Left December, 1871. Football XX., 1871 ; Cricket XXII., 1871. Is a Tea Planter. Day, Henry Robert, son of Charles Arthur Day, Esq., C.E., Terrace House, Southamp- ton ; born 25th November, 1854. iV — . Teighmore. Sub-Lieutenant, 47th Foot, 1874 ; Lieutenant, 1876: Captain, North Lancashire Regiment, 1882; transferred to the Royal Scots, 1883 ; Adjutant, Auxi- liary Forces, 1888. Dennys, Charles John, son of Major-General Julius Bentall Dennys, Bengal Staff Corps ; born 28th May, 1852. Sandhurst M — . Leconfield. Sub-Lieutenant, 65th Foot, 1873 ; Lieutenant, 1874 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1876 ; Captain, 1885. Is Cantonment Magistrate, 2nd Class, Punjab, Served in the Afghan War in 1878-80, and was present in the engagements at Mattoon and at Charasiah on 6th October, 1879, and in the opera- tions around Kabul in December, 1879 (Medal with two clasps). Dickinson, James Conway, son of James Ed- ward Dickinson, Esq., Surgeon, 2 Rodney Place, Cheltenham ; born 24th May, 1852. 3C — . Day Boy. Dowleans, Albert Mirabeau, son of Albert Mirabeau Dowleans, Esq., Calcutta ; born 2nd May, 1853. loC — . Newtek House. Drinkwater, John (afterwards Drinkwater- Lawe), son of Sir William Leece Drinkwater, Knt., Kirby, Isle of Man ; born 7th October, 1855. 21/ — z’^C. Christowe. Left April, 1873. Rifle Corps XL, 1871-72; Football XX., 1872; Cheltenham Veterans Rifle V., 1874-75. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1880. President of Cambridge University Swimming Club, 1882. B.A. , 1883. Died at Kirby, Isle of Man, loth November, 1888. Dumbleton, Charles Douglas, son of Henry Dumbleton, Esq., Treholford, Crickhowell ; born 13th May, 1854. 2^/— . Porcher. Dunn, Jonathan, son of William Dunn, Esq., 22 Suffolk Square, Cheltenham ; born 6th July, 1853. Oxford University (Unattached Student), 1873 ; 3rd Class Jurisprudence, 1877. B.A. (Exeter Col- lege), 1877; M.A. , 1880. Called to the Bar, Lin- coln's Inn, 1878. Died at Blackheath, Kent, 12th May, 1883. Elcum, Donald, son of Charles Frederick Elcum, Esq., Surgeon, Warwick House, Chelten- ham ; born 28th May, 1853. 4C — . Day Boy. Licentiate, Society of Apothecaries, London, 187s ; Member, Royal College of Surgeons, Eng- land, 1876 ; Surgeon, Indian (Madras) Medical Service, 1877. Is Zillah Surgeon and Superintendent of Jail, Berhampore. Fallon, William Skillicorne, son of James Fallon, Esq., St. James’ Square, Chelten- ham ; born 2 1 St July, 1853. %C — . Day Boy. Gymnasium VIII., 1873. St. John’s College, Oxford, 1873. B.A. ,1878; M. A., 1880. Gloucester Theological College, 1878-79. Ordained Deacon, 1879, and Priest, 1880. Curate of the Temple Church, Bristol, 1879-81; of St. John, Cheltenham, 1881. Address : 2 Carlton Place, Cheltenham. Finlay, Alexander, son of John Finlay, Esq., Mount Lodge, St. Leonards-on-Sea ; born 17th July, 1850. CiviDM— Civil "M. Gan- tilloit. Left 1 868. Address: 9 AngleseaTerrace, St. Leonards-on-Sea. Fletcher, Walter Blunt, son of James Fletcher, Esq., 10 King’s Arms Yard, Moorgate Street, London ; born 22nd March, 1853. bM — VM. Left June, 1871. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1871-73. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1873 ; Captain, 1882 ; Major, 1889. Passed Staff College, 1886 (Qualified in German and Russian as voluntary subjects). Francis, John Cyril, son of Major-General John Thomas Francis, 4 Imperial Square, Chel- tenham ; born 20th March, 1856. 2*(/ — z^C. Day Boy and Leconfield. Left J une, 1 874. Cricket XXII., 1873-74. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1876. Lieutenant, Unattached, 1876; appointed to 62nd Foot, January, 1877 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, August, 1877 ; Captain, 1887. Is Wing Officer, 5th Bombay Native Infantry. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80 (Medal). Served in the Soudan Campaign in 1885, and was present in the engagements at Hasheen and the Tofrek Zereba, and at the destruction of Temai (Medal with two clasps, and Khedive’s Star). Hamilton, Francis Edmund, son of the Rev. James Hamilton, Ballymacoll, Dunboyne, Ireland ; born 22nd February, 1856. Teighmore. Hamilton, J. A. Durbin, son of the Rev. James Hamilton, Ballymacoll, Dunboyne, Ireland ; born 1 8th June, 1854. DJ — . Teighmore. Hamilton, James Lennox, son of Matthew Hamilton, Esq., Cheltenham. 7C — i*’C Day Boy. Left June, 1872. Re-entry vide Michaelmas, 1864. Hamilton, Robert Ewen, son of General Robert Gorges Hamilton, R.E., Graham’s Town, Cape of Good Hope ; born 17th February, 1852. 3'Af — \^M. Day Boy. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1870-72. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1872 ; Captain, 1884. Served in the Afghan War in 1878-79, and was present in the engagement at Futtehabad (Medal). Died at Madras, 3rd January, 1885. Hammond, Frederick Arthur, son of the Rev. A. Hammond, 2 Berkeley Street, Cheltenham; born 22nd September, 1853. i1/ — . Day Boy. Hart, William Hume, son of Sir Andrew Searle Hart, Knt., LL.D., Trinity College, Dublin ; born 19th September, 1852. 7C — . Heneage, Windsor Richard, son of Edward Heneage, Esq., Stag’s End, Great Gaddes- den, Hemel Hempstead ; born 19th March, 1855. \oM — . Leconfield. Heneage, Hugh Edward Fiesche, son of Ed- ward Heneage, Esq., Stag’s End, Great Gaddesden, Hemel Hempstead ; born 4th December, 1856. \oM — Leco 7 tfield. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1874-77. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1877. Died at Cawn- pore. East Indies, 28th August, 1878. Holderness, Thomas William, son of John William Holderness, Esq., Haddon Villas, Bentley Road, Liverpool; born iith June, 1849. 2“C — VC Gantillon. Classical Football XX., 1868. Iredell Prize, 1868-69. Indian Civil Service, 1869. Mathematical K K CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1867. 250 Scholarship, University College, Oxford, 1869. 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1871 ; 2nd Class Law and History, 1872 ; B.A. , 1872. Passed into Indian Civil Service a second time, 1870 ; appointed to Bengal, 1872. Assistant Magistrate and Collector, Bijnour, 1873-74 ; at Futtehpore, 1874-77 I Alla- habad, 1877-78 ; 2nd Assistant Secretary to Gov'ern- ment, North-West Provinces, 1878 ; Junior Secre- tary, Board of Revenue, North-West Provinces, 1878-83 : Assistant Magistrate, North-West Pro- vinces, 1883-84 ; Under Secretary to Government of India, Revenue and Agricultural Department, 1884 ; Assistant Magistrate, North-West Provinces, 1885 ; Joint Magistrate, North-West Provinces, 1885-87; Under Secretary to Government, North-West Pro- vinces, 1887-88 : Joint Magistrate, North-West Pro- vinces, 1888. James, George Perton, son of Frank James, Esq., Portland House, Aldridge, near Wal- sall ; born 14th November, 1853. 8C — . Jennings, George William, son of Daniel Jen- nings, Esq., Meadow Bank, Thursby, Carlisle; born 19th April, 1852. 6C — . Hazelwell. Kane, William Colin, son of — Kane, Esq. ; born 2nd February, 1853. loC — . Price. Kay, Henry George, son of — Kay, Esq. ; born 3rd October, 1851. — . Newick House. Klnch, Arthur Edoe, son of Thomas Edoe Kinch, Esq., Solicitor, Deddington, Oxford ; born 5th July, 1849. 2“C — . Newick House. Brasenose College, Oxford, 1868. B.A. (2nd Class Law and History), 1872; M.A., 1876. Or- dained Deacon, 1872, and Priest, 1874 Curate of Brington, Northamptonshire, 1872-78 ; of St. Law- rence, Northampton, 1878-80 ; Vicar of Beaujaiet with Strixton, Northamptonshire, 1880-82 ; Rector of Farnborough, Hants, 1882. Address : The Rectory, Farnborough, Hants. Lincoln, Frederick John Docker, son of Frede- rick Lincoln, Esq., Judge of Small Cause Court, Lucknow, India ; born 12th June, 1855. 3 V — C. Price. College Boat, 1872-73 ; Football XX., 1872. Littledale, Henry Arthur, son of Arthur Little- dale, Esq., The Hayes, Prestbury, near Chel- tenham ; born i8th October, 1853. \oM — . Day Boy. Lieutenant, 43rd Foot, 1873 ; transferred to 45th Foot, 1876 : Captain, 1883. Is attached to the Army Service Corps. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star). Lovett, Hubert Richard, son of Colonel Thomas Heaton Lovett, Belmont, Chirk, Salop ; born 30th March, 1854. 7M—. Sub-Lieutenant, 60th Rifles, 1873 ; Lieutenant, 1874 ; Instructor of Musketry, King’s Royal Rifle Corps, 1880-82 ; Captain, 1883. Served with the and Battalion 60th Rifles in the Afghan War from February, 1879, to November, 1880, including the occupation of Kandahar and the engagements at Ahmed Kheyl and Urzoo, near Ghuznee ; accom- panied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march from Kabul to the relief of Kandahar, and was present at the battle of Kandahar on ist September, 1880 (Medal with clasp, and Bronze Star). Took part in the Marri Expedition under Brigadier-General Mac- Gregor. Served with the Natal Field Force in the Transvaal Campaign, South Africa, in 1881. Served with the 3rd Battalion King’s Royal Rifle Corps in the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present at the action at Kassassin (gth September), and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with clasp, and Khe- dive’s Star). Lowry, James, son of James Lowry, Esq., Monte Video, South America ; born 23rd November, 1852. SM — . Lowson, Alexander Dickson, son of Andrew Lowson, Esq., Arbroath, N.B. ; born 15th March, 1855. 4 V — • Mackenzie, James, son of James Mackenzie, Esq., 4 Fauconberg Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 31st August, 1853. loM — . Day Boy. Maltby, Arthur, son of Edward Maltby, Esq., Wolseley House, Cheltenham ; born 2nd May, 1854. 8C— . Day Boy. Mansfield, Robert William, son of the Rev. Joseph Mansfield, Blandford St. Mary, Dorset; born i6th September, 1850. Civil — 2^M. Hazelwell. Left 1869. Hornby Prize, 1868. Passed 3rd in competitive examination before the Civil Service Commissioners, and was appointed a Student Interpreter at Pekin, China, March, 1870. Appointed an Acting 3rd Assistant, May, 1873, and a 3rd Class Assistant, June, 1875. Was Acting-Consul at Foo-chow-Foo in March and April, 1875 ; and Acting-Interpreter, 1875-77. Was promoted to be a 2nd Class Assistant, April, 1878, and a ist Class Assistant, June, 1881. Was Acting-Vice-Consul at Pagoda Island from May, 1879, to March, 1882, and from October, 1883, to February, 1884. Was Acting-Consul at Swatow, April, 1886, to September, 1887, and from October, 1887, to March, 1888. Has been Acting-Consul at Wahu since April, 1888. Masefield, John Richard Beech, son of William Masefield, Esq., Stone, Staffordshire ; born 7th March, 1850. 4C — . Thorne. Jesus College, Cambridge. B.A., 1873; M.A., 1879. Metcalfe, Arthur Henry, son of Henry G. Metcalfe, Esq., 3 Montpellier Terrace, Chel- tenham ; born 31st March, 1859. 4V — . Day Boy. Metcalfe, Henry Hulbert, son of Henry Geldart Metcalfe, Esq., 3 Montpellier Terrace, Chel- tenham ; bom 30th October, 1851. 6Af — . Re-entry vide April, 1863. Mills, Alfred Harker, son of John Mills, Esq., Newnham Grange, near Stockton-on-Tees ; born 5th July, 1856. 4*(/ — . Christowe. Mills, Charles Ellison, son of John Mills, Esq., Newnham Grange, near Stockton-on-Tees ; born 3rd June, 1854. — . Christowe. Monro, George Alexander Ross, son of David Monro, Esq., of Allan, Ross-shire, N.B. ; born 13th November, 1852. tM — . Newick House. College Boat, 1869-70 ; Football XX., 1869. Sub- Lieutenant, 4th Foot, 1872. Died at Fort Monckton, Gosport, 8th May, 1874. Morrell, Charles Francis, son of Thomas Samuel Morrell, Esq., The Grove, Bayons Park, Market Raysen, Lincolnshire : born 1 2th March, 1853. 7C — I'^C. Beaufort House. Left December, 1871. Lincoln College, Oxford, 1872. B.A. (2nd Class Jurisprudence), 1875. Called to the Bar, Middle Temple, 1877. Author of " A Popular Statement of the Law of Wills, Probate and Administration ” ; " A Popular Statement of the Law of Insurance ” ; ‘ ■ A Concise Statement of the Bankruptcy Act, 1883 " : ■' Reports of Cases Decided under Bank- ruptcy Act, 1883 ” ; Editor of " Lane’s Exchequer Reports, 1605-12.” Address ; 4 Essex Court, The Temple, London, E.C. Neave, George Howard, son of George Peters Neave, Esq., Budleigh Salterton ; born 21st Januaiy, 1851. Sandhurst M — . Newick House. Civil Service ; Probate Registry, Somerset House, London. Oswald, Arthur Drummond, son of — Oswald, Esq.; born 4th November, 1852. loC — . Price. August, 1867.] PRINCIPAL: REV. A. BARRY, D.I). 251 Oxley, Edward Hayes, son of Thomas Oxley, Esq., Brandon Villa, Cheltenham ; born 19th February, 1851. 2'’C — . Day Boy. Oxley, Thomas Henry, son of Thomas Oxley, Esq., Brandon Villa, Cheltenham ; born 17th September, 1849. 2''C — . Day Boy. Pakenham, Gustavus Conolly, son of Captain George Dent Pakenham, 2 Wellington Square East, Cheltenham ; born 27th Octo- ber, 1856. zj — Line M. Day Boy. Left December, 1875. Cricket XI., 1874-75; Racquet Pair, 1874; Racquet Champion, 1875: Modern Football XX., 1873. Winner of Manilla Lawn Tennis Challenge Cup, 1881. Peter, Otho Bathurst, son of Richard Peter, Esq., Solicitor, The Cottage, Launceston ; born nth February, 1854. loC — . Newtek House. Playfair, George MacDonald Home, son of George Ranken Playfair, Esq., Civil Surgeon of Agra, Agra, Bengal ; born 22nd August, 1850. 6C — I'C. Price. Left June, 1869. Trinity College, Dublin. B.A. , 1880. Passed ist in order of merit at competitive examination for Student Interpreterships in China, 1872 ; ist Prize (,^100) in Chinese at end of two years’ residence in Pekin. Appointed a Student Interpreter in China, July, 1872. Was Acting-Assistant Chinese Secre- tary at Pekin, April, 1875. Was appointed an Act- ing 3rd Assistant, October, 1875 ; a 3rd Class Assistant, November, 1876 ; a 2nd Class Assistant, April, 1878. Was Acting-Consul at Taiwan, Feb- ruary to April, 1877, and at Pakhoi, December, 1881, to April, 1883. Promoted to be a ist Class Assistant, July, 1886. Was Acting-Vice-Consul at Shanghai, November, 1885, to December, 1886 ; and has been Acting-Consul at Tainan since 1888. Author of “ The Cities and Towns of China.” Playfair, Lyon MacDonald, son of George Ranken Playfair, Esq., Civil Surgeon of Agra, Agra, Bengal ; born 19th January, 1853. CiviPM — "PM. Graves. Share Broker. Pollock, Douglas William, son of Captain F. T. Pollock, R.E., Assam, India ; born 4th November, 1859. 4''/— Teighmore. Powditch, Charles, son of Thomas Powditch, Esq., Copiapo, Chili, South America ; born 7th October, 1858. e^J—. Day Boy. Powditch, John Thomas Gray, son of Thomas Powditch, Esq., Copiapo, Chili, South Ame- rica ; born 4th February, 1855. Day Boy and Christowe. Left June, 1872. In Business. Presgrave, Duncan Charles Henry, son of — Presgrave, Esq. ; born 21st October, 1856. 3 V — • Teighmore. Pringle, Arthur Torrens, son of Mark Pringle, Esq., I Hatherley Place, Cheltenham ; born i6th November, 1852. 6 C—VC. Day Boy. Left May, 1872. In Madras Uncovenanted Civil Service. Is First Assistant-Secretary to Government, Political, Public, and Financial Department. Randall, John Morgan, son of — Randall, Esq. ; born 13th January, 1852. 5 A/ — . Hazelwell. Re-entry January, 1864. Roberts, Richard Torrens, son of Norcott D’Esterre Roberts, Esq., Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin ; born 27th September, 1850. Sand- hurst M-. Porcher. Died April, i868. Rotherham, George Augustus Edward, son of George Augustus Rotherham, Esq., Kilbride, Trim, Ireland ; born 29th October, 1851. CiviPM — . Chenery diXid Beaufort House. Rush, William Beaumaurice, son of Alfred Rush, Esq., Montpellier Mansion, Cheltenham; born 9th October, 1854. loC — . Day Boy. Schuyler, Adoniah Graham, son of — Schuyler, Esq.; born 6th June, 1852. Sandhurst M — . Leconjield. Lieutenant (from Militia), 77th Foot, 1873 ; In- structor of Musketry, 1877-79 1 Adjutant, 1879-81 ; Captain, Middlesex Regiment, 1881 ; Adjutant, 1881-82. Is Adjutant, Burmah State Railway Volun- teers. Scott, Walter Henry, son of Walter Henry H. Scott, Esq., Purfleet, Essex ; born 21st No- vember, 1853. \oM — pM. Hazelwell. Left April, 1869. Lieutenant (from Militia), 30th Foot, 1875; Cap- tain, East Lancashire Regiment, 1884. Studdy, Ernest Holdsworth, son of Henry Studdy, Esq., Waddeton Court, near Tor- quay ; born 1 6th November, 1851. — . Boyne House. Lieutenant, 4th Foot, January, 1872; transferred to 32nd Foot, November, 1872 ; Captain, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, 1883 ; Retired, 1883. Was Aide-de-Camp to the Lieutenant-Governor, Cape of Good Hope, 1875-76. Taylor, Arnold Dawes, son of James Taylor, Esq., Culverlands, near Reading ; born 13th November, 1852. 8C — 2^C. Leconjield. Left October, 1871. Gonville and Caius, College. Cambridge. B.A. , 1875. Ordained Deacon, 1876, and Priest, 1878. Curate of Chalton with Idsworth and Clanfleld, Herts, 1876-81. Rector of Churchstanton, Devon, 1881. Address ; Churchstanton Rectory, Honiton. Taylor, Herbert Coupland, son of James Tay- lor, Esq., Culverlands, near Reading ; born iith August, 1855. 2'y — 3C. Leconjield. Left December, 1872. King's College Hospital, London, and Edinburgh University. M.B. and C.M. (Edinburgh), 1878; M. D. , 1882. Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society. J.P. for Lancashire and West Riding of Yorkshire. Member, Royal Medical Society, Edin- burgh, and British Medical Association. Late House Surgeon, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. Now Medical Referee Prudential, Refuge, and General Assurance Companies. Author of several contributions to medical papers. Address : Todmorden Hall, Lancashire. Tyler, John Charles, son of Captain Sir Henry Whatley Tyler, Knt., R.E., High Elms, Hampton Court, Middlesex; born nth June, 1854. — \*M. Leconjield. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1871-72; Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1872 ; Captain, 1884. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present at the action at Kassassin on the 9th September (Medal and Khedive’s Star). Warden, Frederick Alexander, son of John Warden, Esq. ; born 6th February, 1856. iV — Naval J. Inchbald. Left June, 1869. Naval Cadet, 1869 ; Midshipman, Royal Navy, 1871 ; Sub-Lieutenant, 1875 ; Lieutenant, 1881. Is Navigating Lieutenant and in Command of H.M.S. " Racoon.” Watson, John Guthrie, son of James Watson, Esq., Grove House, Bowden, Cheshire ; born 13th April, 1853. CiviPM — . Hazelwell. 252 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1867. Wheelwright, John Bolland, son of John G. Wheelwright, Esq., Perth Villas, Lightcliffe, near Halifax ; born 19th March, 1856. 3 V~- Teighmore. Williams, Ambrose Cox, son of Edward Wil- liams, Esq., Cotswold House, Cheltenham; born loth December, 1857. 4'’/ — . Day Boy. Willis, Arthur Clevedon, son of — Willis, Esq. ; born loth June, 1851. 3C — . Young, Lamont Henry Greeme, son of Major- General Charles Becher Young, R.E., Ab- berton House, Cheltenham ; born 3rd Sep- tember, 1851. Day Boy. Left 1869. Previously at Marlborough College (October, 1866- June, 1867). Gymnasium Champion, 1869. Associate of the Royal School of Mines, 1875. Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, 1875. Proceeded to New South Wales, Australia, in May, 1877. Appointed to the Government Department of Mines at Sydney, and became Geological Surveyor. In October, 1880, he was sent to Bermagm, twenty miles below Sydney, on the coast, to report on a new Gold Field. Two days after arrival, he and his party mysteriously dis- appeared, and have never since been heard of. ENTERED OCTOBER, 1867. Abercrombie, Edward, son of Alexander Aber- crombie, Esq., Dana, Bengal ; born 31st December, 1856. i V — . Day Boy. Was Manager of the Sulong Tea Estate. Died of fever at Sulong, North Cachar, East Indies, 2nd August, 1886. Bowhill, James Henry Montgomery, son of J. Bowhill, Esq., Sirsa House, Cheltenham ; born 31st December, 1851. — . Day Boy. Lieutenant, 62nd Foot, 1872 ; Adjutant, 1875-80 ; Captain, Wiltshire Regiment, 1880 ; Major, 1890. Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85, and was present in the engagement at Kirbekan (Medal with two clasps, and Khedive’s Star). Address : Care of Cox and Co. , 16 Charing Cross, London, S.W. Brett, Arthur Henry Wilford, son of Richard Rich Wilford Brett, Esq., and Bombay Light Cavalry ; born 13th November, 1853. ZM — I'Af. Day Boy. Left June, 1872. Football XX. , 1870-71. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1872-73. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1873 ; Captain, 1883. Brett, Cecil Michael Wilford, son of Richard Rich Wilford Brett, Esq., 2nd Bombay Light Cavalry; born 3rd August, 1852. 3C — \^C. Day Boy. Left Easter, 1871. Classical Football XX. , 1870. Iredell Prize, 1871. Indian Civil Service, 1872 ; appointed to Bengal, 1874. Assistant-Magistrate and Collector, Dinage- pore, 1875-76 ; at Serajgunge, Pubna, 1876-78 ; at Hazareebagh, 1878-79; at Hooghly, 1879-80; at Jessore, 1880-83 ; in Bengal, 1883-85 ; Joint-Magis- trate and Deputy-Collector, Bengal, 1885 ; Registrar, High Court, Calcutta, Appellate Side, 1886. Called to the Bar, Middle Temple, 1884. Brown, William Davie, son of James Kay Brown, Esq., 2 Park Terrace East, Glasgow ; born 29th May, 1852. CiviDM — . In Scottish Football XX., 1873 ; Captain, 1874. Brunker, James Milford Sutherland, son of Major-General James Robert Brunker, Hong Kong; born 30th May, 1854. \oM — \^M. Graves and Day Boy. Left June, 1872. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1872-73 ; Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1873 ; Captain, 1882. Served in the Afghan War of 1880 (Medal), Caldecott, Sidney Arthur, son of Charles Marriott Caldecott, Esq., H.E.I.C.S., Hol- brook Grange, near Rugby ; born 4th April, 1852. 2>>C — . Price. Previously at Rugby School (January, 1866 — ). Classical Football XX., 1869. Accidentally shot while loading a revolver at La Marced, Canada de Gomez Rosario, South America, 19th April, 1872. Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, son of Captain W. C. Chamberlain, R.N., Steam Reserve Office, Portsmouth ; born 9th September, 1855. — . Teighitiore. Dumergue, John Willoughby Francis, son of John S. Dumergue, Esq., Battledown Lawn, Cheltenham ; born i8th September, 1854. 5C — . Day Boy. Classical Football XX,, 1873. Indian Civil Ser- vice, 1875 1 a.ppointed to Madras, 1877. Assistant to Magistrate and Collector at South Arcot, 1878-80 ; Assistant to Resident at Travancore and Cochin, 1880-85 ; Head Assistant to Collector and Magis- trate, Nilgiris, and Malaiyalam Translator to Govern- ment, 1885. Egremont, Frederick William Llewellyn, son of John Egremont, Esq., The Friars, Tickhill, Rotherham ; born 8th November, 1853. qAf — . Day Boy. Previously at Rossall School (1866-67). Egremont, Herbert Edward, son of John Egre- mont, Esq., The Friars, Tickhill, Rother- ham ; born 8th July, 1852. 7C — . Day Boy. Previously at Rossall School (1866-67). University College, Durham. B.A. , 1873. Ordained Deacon, 1876, and Priest, 1877. Curate of Bilton, Yorkshire, 1876-78 ; of St. Werburgh, Derby, 1878-79 ; of St. Matthew, New Kent Road, London, 1879-80 ; Per- petual Curate of All Saints, Clapton Park, London, 1880-85 I Vicar of Dixton-Newton, Monmouth, 1885- 86 ; Chaplain at Rummelsberg, Pomerania, 1887. Address : Rummelsberg, Pomerania. Gunton, George Arthur, son of George Gunton, Esq., 254 Oxford Street, Manchester ; born i8th November, 1852. CiviTM — . Chenery. Haines, Reginald George, son of John Poole Haines, Esq., Boteler House, Cheltenham ; born 19th November, 1856. — V'-Latin C. Day Boy. Left June, 1874. Classical Football XX. , 1873. Is in Business. , Address : 92 Cheapside, London, E.C. Howell, Isaac Beak, son of Henry Howell, Esq., Coates, near Cirencester ; born 9th Novem- ber, 1853. 4“_/ — . Christowe. Maltby, Alexander Pennycuick, son of Edward Maltby, Esq., Wolseley House, Cheltenham ; born 15th November, 1852. — . Day Boy. Parkinson, Richard James, son of — Parkinson, Esq.; born 14th August, 1856. i^J — . Teigh- 7 )iore. Lieutenant, Royal Marine Light Infantry, 1876. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882, and died of fever at Kassassin, 1st September, 1882. Penny, Edward, son of Alfred Penny, Esq., C.E., Wenlock Iron Works, City Road, London ; born 23rd April, 1852. 5C — 3AT. Price. Previously at Repton School (1864-67). Cricket XL, 1869. Royal Indian Engineering College, October, 1867.] PRINCIl’AL: REV. A. BARRY, D.D. 253 Cooper's Hill. Civil Engineer ; Public Works De- partment, India. Address: Care of Messrs. King, King, and Co. , Bombay. Rigg, Arthur, son of Jonathan Rigg, Esq., 4 Chester Place, Hyde Park Square, London ; born 6th November, 1850. 6C — . Birkett. Timms, Charles Anderson, son of — Timms, Esq. ; born 19th September, 1854. loC — C. Boyne House, Cricket XL, 1872; Ladies’ Prize (Athletic Sports), 1872; Classical Football XX. , 1870-71. Cheltenham Veterans Rifle V., 1881. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1873. B.A. , 1880. Lieutenant, ist Denbigh Rifle Volunteers. Tudor, Langley Frederick Vernon, son of Colonel W. L. Tudor, Cheltenham ; born 4th April, 1854. 6Af — . Leconfield. Hornby Prize, 1871. Passed into Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1872, but did not proceed there. Sub-Lieutenant, 34th Foot, 1873 ; Resigned, 1876. Died in London, 21st September, 1889. Watson, George Wentworth, son of Major George Edward Watson, R.E., Andover Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 3rd October, >857. 3V— • Day Boy. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1869-70 ; Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1872. Wood, Charles Knight, son of Miles Astman Wood, Esq., Surgeon, Orchardleigh, Led- bury ; born ist July, 1851. — \'M. P7'ice. Left December, 1869. Cricket XL, 1869; Football XX., 1869; Ladies' Prize (Athletic Sports), 1869. Royal Military Aca- demy, Woolwich, 1870-72 ; while there won many prizes at the Athletic Sports, including the Despatch Box in 1871-72, and the Silver Bugle (for the highest number of marks) in 1872. Lieutenant, Royal En- gineers, 1872 ; Captain, 1884. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1889. Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 on Telegraph duty (Medal with clasp, and Khedive's Star). Young, Charles Wilson, son of Major-General Charles Becher Young, Abberton House, Cheltenham ; born 26th August, 1854. — 2'’C Day Boy. Lieutenant, 8ist Foot, 1874 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1878 ; Captain, 1885. Served in the Afghan War in 1878-79 in the Kurum Valley, Khybcr Pass, and Southern Afghanistan (Medal). Young, Julian Henry, son of Major-General Charles Becher Young, Abberton House, Cheltenham ; born 24th December, 1857. 4b/_ib C. Boyne House. Left 1874. Cricket XL, 1874. Royal Military College, Sand- hurst, 1877-78. 2nd Lieutenant, 69th Foot, 1878 ; transferred to 8ist Foot, 1878 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1880. Served in the Afghan War in 1878-79 on the Khyber Line of Communications, and in the Kurum Valley (Medal). ENTERED JANUARY, 1868. Abernethy, George Neill, son of James Aber- nethy. Esq., C.E., 2 Delahay Street, West- minster ; born 3rd October, 1854. \oM — . Price. Rifle Corps XL, 1871. Allen, Anthony Swainson, son of Thomas Allen, Esq., Thurmaston, near Leicester ; born 31st August, 1853. \C — I'C. Lecon- Jield. Left December, 1871. Football XX. , 1870-71. Solicitor (admitted 1877). Address : Bromyard, Herefordshire. Anderson, Thomas William, son of James Anderson, Esq., Waterford, Ireland ; born 26th June, 1852. 8C — . Leconfield. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1871. B.A. , 1875. J. P. for Co. Waterford. Address : Grace Dieu Lodge, Waterford, Ireland. Archer, Henry Harvey, son of Thomas Good- wyn Archer, Esq., Solicitor, King’s Lynn, Norfolk; born 30th January, 1854. 8C — \^M. Left June, 1872. Died at King's Lynn, 25th November, 1879. Barnes, Ernest Frederick (afterwards Barnes- Lawrence), son of the Rev. Henry Frederick Barnes, The Parsonage, Burlington, York- shire ; born 7th September, 1857. \J — t.^C. Boyne House. Left 1876. In Business, London. Barrow, Tarleton Louis, son of Samuel Barrow, Esq. ; born 8th January, 1852. 4C — . Boyne House. Assistant-Commissioner, Salt Revenue, Bombay. Died at Malabar, East Indies, 21st January, J882. Bevan, Edward, son of George Edward Bevan, Esq.,Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born i8th March, 1854. 8Af — 2"Af. Day Boy. Left 1870. Licensed Surveyor, Colony of Queensland, Aus- tralia. Birch, Thomas Henry, son of William Single- ton Birch, Esq., Clairville, Kersall Edge, near Manchester; born i6th January, 1854. 6M — \^'M. Hazelwell. Left June, 1870. Mineral Merchant. Address : 23 John Dalton Street, Manchester. Borrett, James Hughes Monk, son of James Borrett, Esq., M.D., Castleton Lodge, Sher- borne, Dorset ; born 26th September, 1852. 4C — . Newick House. Previously at Sherborne School. Modern Football XX., 1870. Was for some years in business at Cachar, East Indies. Died at Blackheath, Kent, 3rd March, 1886. Bower, Edmund Ernest Nott, son of James Bower, Esq., D.C.L., Barrister-at-Law, 34 Montpellier Villas, Cheltenham ; born 15th August, 1853. JM — . Day Boy. Bramwell, Charles Byrom, son of John Byrom Bramwell, Esq., M.D., North Shields ; born 23rd October, 1857. \J — . Boyne House. Brereton, Walter Ebenezer (afterwards Walter Brereton only), son of Ebenezer William Brereton, Esq., M.A. (afterwards Edward William Brereton), St. Paul’s College, Chel- tenham ; born 5th December, 1855. — . Day Boy. Football XX., 1872. Royal Military .‘\cademy, Woolwich, 1873-75. Lieutenant, Royal Artilleiy, 1875 ; Resigned, 1883. Brice, Wyndham Dallas, son of BrDadier- General E. Brice, C.B., Kamptee, ^dia ; born 25th August, 1855. JJ — . Day Boy. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1868. 254 Browne, Leonard Gilbert, son of William James Browne, Esq., South Bank House, Central Hill, Norwood ; born 12th May, 1851. Direct — . Day Boy. Bruce, Michael, son of Sir William Cunning- ham Bruce, Bart., Stenhouse, Falkirk, N.B. ; born 19th November, 1853. loM — . Boyne House. Lieutenant, Highland Borderers Militia. Address: Stenhouse, Falkirk, N. B. ; and Scots- down, near Aberdeen, N.B. Bruce, William Waller, son of Sir William Cunningham Bruce, Bart., Stenhouse, Fal- kirk, N.B. ; born 27th September, 1856. 4 J — . Boyne House. Burt, Alfred Bradshaw, son of Henry Burt, Esq., 6 St. Mark’s Square, Regents Park, London ; born 2nd April, 1854. — . Hazel- well. Cox. College Boat, 1870. Chenery, Vernon St. Clair, son of Charles Ballinger Chenery, Esq., Northwick Villa, Cheltenham; born 6th July, 1859. \J — . Day Boy. Died at Wilby, Suffolk, from a gun-shot wound, 28th February, 1873. Goghill, Archibald Fuller, son of Harry Coghill, Esq., Newcastle-under-Lyne ; born 30th May, 1853. CiviD M — . Thor7i. Ooker, John Aubrey Lawrence, son of — Coker, Esq.; born 16th December, 1855. Thorn, Left June, 1871. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1875. Died at Singapore, Straits Settlements, 14th September, 1880. Cooper, John Watts, son of Charles Cooper, Esq., Norbiton Lodge, Norbiton, Surrey; born 20th October, 1854. \oM — 3d/. Price. Tea Broker in London. Corbett, Francis, son of Edward Corbett, Esq., Caerdon, Dolgelly ; born 21st November, 1854. \oM — . Lecotijield. Lieutenant (from Militia), 51st Foot, 1874 ; In- structor of Musketry, 1879 ; Captain, South Yorkshire Regiment (afterwards Yorkshire Light Infantry), 1883 ; Retired, 1887. Served with the 51st Light Infantry in the Afghan War in 1879-80, including the action at Nargashai (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Crofton, Richard ffolliott, son of Major-General John ffolliott Crofton, 29 Sussex Gardens, Hyde Park, London ; born 29th September, 1849. i*’C — . Newick House. Re-entry vide August, 1862. Crompton, Edward Sherlock, son of Colonel William Joshua Crompton, 7 Lansdown Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 8th February, 1854. 8C — . Day Boy. Re-entry vide August, 1864. Dawson, Harry Leonard, son of Major-General John Dawson, Bengal Staff Corps ; born 5th December, 1854. Sandhurst '’M — yM. Day Boy and Price. Left June, 1872. Lieutenant, 2nd Foot, 1873 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1880 ; Captain, 1885. Is Squadron Com- mander, 9th Bengal Cavalry. Served in the Soudan Campaign in 1885 (Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star). Deane-Drake, Cosby Francis, son of John Deane-Drake, Esq., Stokestown, New Ross, Co. Wexford, Ireland ; born 28th October, 1854. loC — . Leconfield. Denison, James Edward, son of Colonel Sir William Thomas Denison, K.C.B., Observa- tory, East Sheen, Surrey ; born 22nd July, 1853. 5 C — . Christowe. Christ Church, Oxford, 1871. ist Class Theology, 1875 ! Ellerton Theological Prize Essay, 1877; Den- yer and Johnson (University) Theological Scholar- ship, 1877. B.A., 1876; M.A., 1878. Ordained Deacon, 1877, and Priest, 1880. Curate of St. John the Divine, Kennington, Surrey, 1877-84 ; Vice- Principal of Cuddesdon Theological College, 1884-86 ; Curate of St. John the Divine, Kennington, London, 1886. Address : 125 Vassall Road, London, S.E. Dickson, Edmund, son of Joseph Briggs Dick- son, Esq., Solicitor, West Cliff, Preston ; born 13 th June, 1854. 4C — i*’C. Hazelwell. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1868 ; Je.x-Blake (Geo- graphical) Prize, 1872. Dobson, F rancis Ernest Clarke, son of Thomas H. Dobson, Esq., Linthorpe, Middlesborough; born 26th May, 1853. \oM — . Christowe. Dunn, John Henry, son of Nicholas J. Dunn, Esq., Elm Grove, St. Florence, Pembroke- shire ; born i6th September, 1857. \J . — Teighmore. Elliot, Edmund Halbert, son of Colonel E. J. Elliot; born 7th November, 1854. \oM — 3*’ AT. Thorne and Boytte House. Left De- cember, 1870. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1872-74. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1874; Captain, 1883; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1885. Served in the Zulu War, South Africa, in 1879, and was present at the battle of Ulundi (mentioned in despatches, Medal with clasp). Forder, Thomas, son of Thomas Forder, Esq., 13 Bugle Street, Southampton; born nth September, 1851. CiviDM — . Lecotijield. Francis, George Frankland, son of Major-Gen- eral John Thomas Francis, Poona, Bombay ; born 6th March, 1851. Direct M — . Walker. Ensign, 39th Foot, 1870 ; Lieutenant, 1871 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1876 ; Captain, 1882. Is Squadron Commander, 5th Bombay Cavalry. Served in the Afghan War in 1878-79 (Medal). Served with the Zhob Valley Expedition in 1884. Served in the Soudan Campaign in 1885, and was present in the engagements at Hasheen and the Tofrek Zareba, at various attacks on convoys, and at the destruction of Temai (Medal with two clasps and Khedive’s Star). Gibson, Edward, son of — Gibson, Esq. ; born 1 8th July, 1856. \J — . Day Boy. Gibson, John Boydell, son of — Gibson, Esq. ; born 22nd January, 1852. e^M — Sandhurst M. Boy7ie House. Left 1 870. Rifle Corps XL, 1868-69-70. Cricket XXII., 1870. Resided at Buenos Ayres, South America, 1870-77. Cheltenham Veterans Rifle V., 1878-79-80- 81-83-84. Goodrich, Walter Douglas, son of James Good- rich, Esq., Haresfield Court, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire ; born 23rd August, 1854. loM. Hazelwell. Grey, Arthur Elphinstone, son of William Grey, Esq., Calcutta; born 4th February, 1854. 4C — . Christowe. Griffiths, Owen Brockerel, son of Edward Pryce Griffiths, Esq., 9 Upper George Street, Bryanstone Square, London ; born 23rd March, 1854. 3VI/ — i^M. Leco7iJield. Tea Broker. Gurner, Henry Edward, son of Henry Field January, 1868.] PRINCIPAL: REV. A. BARRY, D.D. 2SS Gurner, Esq., Crown Solicitor, 119 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia ; born 29th July, 1853. \oM~-. Price. Left October, 1868. Jesus College, Cambridge. B.A. (20th in 2nd Class Law Tripos), 1876 ; M.A., 1879. Called to the Bar, Middle Temple, 1877. Address : i Paper Buildings, The Temple, Lon- don, E.C. Hadden, Charles Frederic, son of Charles Stanton Hadden, Esq., Rossway, Berkham- stead, Herts ; born 2nd June, 1854. %M — \'M. Newtek House. Left December, 1871. Silver (Mathematical) Medallist, 1871. Chelto- nian Society Prize, 1871. Modern Football XX., 1871 ; Head of Modern, December, 1871. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1872-74 (Passed out 1st Engineer, but chose Artillery. Prizes : Pollock Medal, Sword, Mathematics and Mechanics, Military Drawing, Chemistry and Physics, Fortification, Geo- metrical Drawing, IJrills and Exercises). Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1873 ; Captain, 1882. Is Inspector of Warlike Stores. Hammill, Bertram Edward Alexander, son of — Hammill, Esq. ; born 2nd November, 1853. ZM — . Boy?ie House. Harrison, Thomas, son of — Harrison, Esq.; born 14th December, 1854. SC — . Hepworth, Ernest Harold Burton, son of the Rev. Robert Hepworth, 2 St. James’ Square, Cheltenham; born 22nd November, 1853. 5C — . Haj Boy. Died at Mustapha, Algeria, 2nd April, 1880. Hutton, George, son of Major William Forbes Hutton, Ootacamund, Madras ; born 5th May, 1850. ■^M — . Day Boy. Re-entry vide August, 1864. James, Charles George Stewart, son of — James, Esq. ; born 29th November, 1854. c)M — . Day Boy. Jolmston, Robert Alexander, son of Lieut.- Colonel Thomas H. Johnston, 43 Cambridge Road, Brighton ; born 25th May, 1852. 7C — . Newtek House. Kent, George William Rudgard Chaplin, son of the Rev. George Davies Kent, Stratford Tony, near Salisbury ; born 19th January, 1851. 2*C — . Price. Queen's College. Oxford, 1870. B.A., 1874 ; M.A. , 1877. Ordained Deacon, 1874, and Priest, 1876. Curate of Wilton with Netherhampton, Wilts, 1874-79 : of Christ Church, Albany Street, London, 1879-82 ; of St. Martin, Salisbury, 1882- 86 ; of Kinson, Dorset, i886. Address ; Kinson, Newtown, Parkstone, Dorset. Lecky, John Rupert Robert, son of John Fred- erick Lecky, Esq., Lenham, Milford, Co. Carlow, Ireland ; born i8th February, 1855. ()M—. Porcher. Sub-Lieutenant, 8th Hussars, 1874 ; Lieutenant, 1876 ; Resigned, 1881. Address : Ballykealy, Ballon, Co. Carlow ; and Lenham, Milford, Co. Carlow. MacLeod, Norman, son of Donald A. Mac- Leod, Esq., Dalvey Cottage, Forres, N.B.; born 9th March, 1857. e^J—M. Teighmore and Hazelwell. Lieutenant, 42nd Highlanders, 1875 ; Captain, Royal Highlanders, 1886 ; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1887. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882 (Medal and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan Expedi- tion in 1884 with the ist Battalion Black Watch, and was present in the engagements at El Teb (slightly wounded) and Temai (mentioned in de- spatches, two clasps. ) MacMahon, Percy Alexander, son of Colonel Patrick W. MacMahon, Peshawur, Bengal, India; born 26th September, 1854. 2>^M— Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1868. Royal Mili- tary Academy, Woolwich, 1871-72. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1872; Captain, 1881. Passed Artil- lery College. Instructor in Mathematics, Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1882. Malet, Thomas St. Lo, son of Lieut.-Colonel Charles St. Lo Malet, 5 Lansdown Crescent, Bath ; born 22nd April, 1855. 3'y — M. Cheltondale. Cricket XXII., 1872. Modern Football XX., 187a. Was Captain in the Dorset Militia. Volunteered for service in South Africa, and was attached to the 24th Foot, with which regiment he served in the Zulu Campaign in 1879 (Medal with clasp). Author of " Extracts from a Diary in Zululand. " Died at Cape Town, South Africa, 6th February, 1887. Mansfield, Edward, son of the Rev. Edward Mansfield, Highnam Parsonage, near Glou- cester ; born 24th August, 1849. — • Day Boy. Previously at Marlborough College (August, 1862 — December, 1867). Middlemas, John Crawford, son of William Middlemas, Esq., Marchmount, Cheltenham ; born 23rd June, 1855. 5C — Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1871. Royal Mili- tary Academy, Woolwich. 1872-74. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1874 ; Captain, 1885. Morton, Henry James, son of — Morton, Esq.; born 9th May, 1854. 4C — . Leconfield. Trinity Hall, Cambridge. B.A. and LL.B. (nth in 2nd Class Law Tripos). 1876 ; M.A. , 1880. Or- dained Deacon, 1877, and Priest, 1878. Curate of Coggeshall, Essex, 1877-79 i Priest Vicar of Salis- bury Cathedral, 1879-88 ; Curate of East Harnham, Wilts, 1882-87 ; Vicar of Cricklade, Gloucestershire, 1887. Address ; The Vicarage, Cricklade. Morton, William Arthur, son of — Morton, Esq.; born 1st May, 1852. ^M~. Leconfield. Mytton, Richard, son ef Richard Herbert Mytton, Esq., Garth, Welshpool ; born 13th March, 1856. '2k J — fiM. Christowe. Left December, 1871. Managing Proprietor of the Lopehoo Tea Estate, Darjeeling. Fain, Alfred, son of Thomas Pain, Esq., Bar- rister-at-Law, Chapel Stairs, Lincoln’s Inn, London; born 22nd January, 1859. \J — I'C Teighmore and Hazelwell. Left December, 1876. Cheltenham Veterans Rifle V., i88o. London University, 1877. Called to the Bar, Lincoln's Inn, 1881 ; admitted to the Queensland Bar, 1884. Is also Captain 1st Queensland Regiment. Address : Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Poole, Hewitt Richard, son of Hewitt Poole, Esq., I Oxford Buildings, Cheltenham ; born 1 8th January, 1853. Direct — . Day Boy. Address : Mayfield, near Bandon, Co. Cork, Ireland. Radcliffe, Arthur Wilbraham Twining, son of Captain Charles Radcliffe; born nth Feb- ruary, 1854. 8C — 2C Day Boy. Left 1871. Lieutenant 12th Foot, 1873 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1876; Captain, 1885. Aide-de-Camp to the Governor, Bombay, 1879-80. Is Wing Officer. 14th Bengal Native Infantiy. Served with the 14th Sikhs throughout the Jowaki Campaign in 1877-78 (Medal with clasp). [January, 1868. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. 256 Reynolds, Herbert William Ward, son of Wil- liam Brooks Reynolds, Esq., Solicitor, 32 Promenade, Cheltenham; born i8th April, 1854. 4C — I'C. Day Boy. Left March, 1874 - Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1868 ; Iredell Prize, 1873 : Jex-Blake (English Literature) Prize, 1874 ; Senior Prefect, 1874. Indian Civil Service, 1875 ; appointed to Bengal, 1877; Assistant-Magistrate and Collector, Jawnpur, 1878-84. and North-West Pro- vinces, 1884 ; Deputy-Superintendent of Family Domains of the Maharajah of Benares, 1884-85 ; As- sistant-Magistrate, North-West Provinces, 1885-87 ; Assistant-Commissioner, Oude, 1887. Robertson, George Souter (afterwards Chaplin), son of David Souter Robertson, Esq., of Law- head, 10 Great Stewart Street, Edinburgh ; born 23rd January, 1857. i,J — . Newick House. Smytbe, Francis Henry, son of William Smythe, Esq., Methven Castle, Perth ; born 8th De- cember, 1853. 6C — . Newick House. Stevenson, John Forsyth Liddell, son of John Stevenson, Esq., Livorno Lodge, Chelten- ham ; born 29th January, 1854. 9C— . Day Boy. Studdy, Thomas Edward, son of Henry Studdy, Esq., Waddeton Court, Torquay ; born 15th April, 1854. 7C — M. Boyne House. Cricket XXII. , 1873. Land Agent. Tippinge, Vernon Gartside, son of the Rev. Francis Gartside Tippinge, Llwyn Onn Hall, Wrexham ; born 23rd December, 1852. Boyjie House. Left June, 1869. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Sub-Lieu- tenant, 17th Foot, July, 1872 ; transferred to ist Foot, November, 1872 ; Lieutenant, 1874 ; Instructor of Musketry, 1878-83 ; Captain, Royal Scots, 1884 ; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1887. Walker, William, son of — Walker, Esq. ; born I2th April, 1855. 3 V~- Teighmore. Watson, John Henry, son of Robert Gray Watson, Esq., Evergreen, Fenagh, Bagnals- town, Ireland ; born 25th October, 1852. Direct M — . Lieutenant (from Militia), 65th Foot, 1874 ; trans- ferred to 13th Hussars, 1875; Resigned, 1883. Wells, William Henry Bayford, son of the Rev. John T. Wells, Albury, Surrey ; born 20th November, 1853. 4' — . Newick House. Wigan, Michael Charles, son of Edward Lewis Wigan, Esq., 22 Lord Street, Liverpool ; born 30th June, 1853. loM — . Hazelwell. Rifle Corps XL, 1870. Willock, Robert Peel, son of Robert Peel Willock, Esq., Jun., Green Keys, Man- chester ; born i6th January, 1857. — i^C. Chenery and' Beaufort House. Left June, 1875. Brasenose College, Oxford, 1875, Hulmeian Ex- hibitioner, 1879; B.A., 1879; M.A., 1882. Or- dained Deacon, 1880, and Priest, i88r. Curate of St. Margaret, Lee, Kent, 1880-82 ; of St. Mary, Hulme, 1882-84 1 Rector of St. Matthew, Man- chester, 1884. Address ; St. Matthew’s Rectory, Ardwick, Man- chester. Wilson, Thomas William, son of John Wilson Wilson, Esq., Springfield Cottage, Broad- way, Worcestershire; born nth February, 1857. 4_/ — C. Beaufort House. ENTERED APRIL, 1868. Bernard, Gerard Hawker, son of William Hawker Bernard, Esq., Morebath Devon ; born 7th June, 1856. ff—. Breckon, Thomas William, son of John Robert Breckon, Esq., Park Place, Sunderland ; born 17th December, 1854. Pf — . Hazel- well. Brereton, John Westropp, son of William Westropp Brereton, Esq., Q.C., 65 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin ; born 4th October, 1855. 4 f — . Day Boy. Subsequently at Rugby School (April, 1872—). Christian, Alfred James, son of Alfred Chris- tian, Esq., Malta ; born 13th May, 1858. 4y — , Teighmore and Boyne House. Was in business in London for several years ; now in Malta. Christian, Edward William, son of Alfred Christian, Esq., Malta ; born 31st May, 1857 - Da vis, Arthur Hill, son of Major William Davis, Allahabad, India ; born loth December, 1850. CiviPM — . Re-entry April, 1864. Elmhirst, Charles Gilbert Hardwicke, son of the Rev. Edward Elmhirst, Shawell Rec- tory, near Rugby ; born 8th January, 1854. 8C — . Price. Died of yellow fever at Pernambuco, South America, 27th February, 1871. Galton, Arthur Howard, son of Captain Her- maux Ernest Galton, 60th Rifles, Redcross Lodge, Leamington ; born 14th December, 1852. 8Af — . Is in Holy Orders of the Roman Catholic Church. Matriculated at New College, Oxford, 1886. Address : Oscott College, near Birmingham. Griffiths, Henry Birtwhistle, son of Henry Cheape Griffiths, Esq., 28 Clarence Square, Cheltenham ; born 21st June, 1856. \f — . Day Boy. Died 1883. Hamhrough, Arthur Henry Kerr, son of Albert John Hambrough, Esq., Steephill Castle, Isle of Wight; born 14th January, 1856. i^f — . Teighmore. Hambrough, Windsor de Burgh, son of Albert John Hambrough, Esq., Steephill Castle, Isle of Wight ; born ist October, 1854. 2^f — . Teighmore. Harvey, John Frederick, son of Commander Frederick Harvey, R.N., 13 Oxford Place, Cheltenham ; born 5th March, 1857. 4_/ — . Day Boy. Hobbs, Charles Frederick, son of James George Hobbs, Esq., Solicitor, Hampton Lodge, Durdham Down, Bristol; born nth January, 1853. loM — . Keane, Frederick Henry, son of Colonel Leopold George Frederick Keane, C.B., Lismore, Co. Waterford, Ireland; born 13th March, 1857. April, 1868.] PRINCIPAL: REV. A. BARRY, D.D. 257 4V — Boyne House, Left December, 1874. Cricket XXII., 1874. Mechanical Engineer. Logan, George Connel Horne, son of Lieut. - Colonel Robert Abraham Logan, C.B., 57th Regiment, Aldershot ; born ist April, 1854. I - . Teighmore. Logan, Robert Patrick Tredennick, sonofLieut.- Colonel Robert Abraham Logan, C.B., 57th Regiment, Aldershot ; born 24th November, 1852. tM—. Leconfield. Money, Hubert Ernie Kyrle, son of Colonel Ernie Kyrle Money, R.H.A., 6 Lansdovvn Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 12th Septem- ber, 1854. 9C — . Day Boy. Morris, Maurice Ivor Edward, son of Edward S. Morris, Esq., The Graig, Briton Ferry ; born 25th September, 1857. Cricket XL, 1875-76; Captain, 1877. Classical Football XX., 1874; XV., 1876. Murray, Jack George, son of Captain Jack H. Murray, East Haugh, Pitlochrie, Perthshire, N.B. ; born 27th June, 1853. \oM — . Hazel- well. Porter, Thomas Cole, son of the Rev. Erisey John Porter, The Parsonage, Metfield, Suf- folk ; born 3rd August, 1853. 3'y — . Lecon- field. Sub-Lieutenant, 6th Dragoon Guards, 1872 ; Lieutenant, 1873 ; Captain, 1878 ; Major, 1886. Served with the Carabineers in the Afghan War in 1879-80 with the Khyber Division Kabul Field Force, and took part in the affair at Ali Boghan, ex- peditions against Asmatoola Khan in the Lughman Valley, against the Wuzeeree Khugianis and the Hissaracs, also the attack on and the destruction of the villages of Nargozi, Arab Kheyl, and Jokan (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Ravenhill, Edward John, son of John R. Raven- hill, Esq., Glass House Fields, Rntcliffe, London ; born 2nd February, 1854. 6C — . Newick House. Rose, Overend George, son of William Rose, Esq., Barrister; born 13th May, 1856. 8C--. Day Boy. Passed into Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1874, but did not proceed there. Sandeman, Robert Preston, son of Captain Thomas F. Sandeman, Stodham, Petersfield ; born 3rd August, 1852. Sandhurst M — . Incltbald. Sub-Lieutenant 6th Dragoon Guards, 1872 ; Lieu- tenant, 1874 ; Captain, 1882 ; transferred to loth Hussars, 1883 ; Resigned, 1884. Tanner, John Arthur, son of John Tanner, Esq., Tidcombe, Marlborough; born 27th Feb- ruary, 1858. 4*1/ — Hazelwell. Left July, 1875. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1870-71 ; Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1873 ; Dobson Scholar, 1874 ; Cheltonian Society Prize, 1874 ; Silver (Mathe- matical) Medallist, 1874-75 ; Jex-Blake Scholar, 1875. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1875-77 (Prizes: Fortification, Geometrical Drawing, Drills and Exer- cises). Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1877 ; Captain, i888. Served in the Waziri Expedition in 1881 ; also in the Soudan Campaign in 1885 (Medal with clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Bur- mese Expedition in i885-86(mentioned in despatches, D.S.O., Medal with clasp). Vivian, John William Harold, son of the Rev. John Vivian Vivian, Cardynham Rectory, Bodmin; born 8th November, 1851. 3 'lI/ — . Leconfield. Previously at Harrow School. ENTERED AUGUST, 1868. Allaway, Thomas William, son of Thomas Allaway, Esq., Highbury House, Lydney, Gloucestershire; born 7th May, 1854. Civil — . Leconfield. Auld, William, son of Thomas R. Auld, Esq., 36 Portland Place, London ; born 31st March, 1856. \qM — . Price. Cricket XL, 1873. Bailward, Arthur Churchill, son of John Bail- ward, Esq. ; born 20th January, 1855. ZM — PM. Boyne House. Left 1872. Cricket XXII., 1872. Hornby Prize, 1872. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1872-74. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1874; Captain, 1883. Served in the Afghan War in 1878-79, and was present in the operations round Kabul in December, 1879, in- cluding the investment of Sherpore (Medal with clasp). Baker, Ernest Edward, son of Samuel Edward Baker, Esq., Solicitor, Sutton House, Weston- super-Mare ; born 8th July, 1854. 9C — 4C Teighniore and Cheltondale. Left June, 1871. Solicitor (admitted 1876). Address : Weston-super-Mare, Somersetshire. Barnett, Arthur Nelson, son of — Barnett, Esq.; born 7th March, 1855. loC — . Day Boy. Barr, William Willoughby, son of Colonel John T. Barr, The Residency, Baroda, Bombay ; born 13th September, 1853. "jM — . Boyne House. Browne, William Byron, son of William James Browne, Esq., Anlaby House, Cheltenham ; born 24th January, 1858. e^J—. Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), ist Dragoon Guards, March, 1879 ; transferred to i6th Lancers, October, 1879 ; Lieutenant, 1880. Died, 1885. Burlton, Christopher Beaumont, son of the Rev. Henry Beaumont Burlton, Farway Rectory, Honiton, Devon; born 17th October, 1851. 4C — . Beaufort Hotcse. Classical Football XX. , 1869. Royal Indian En- gineering College, Cooper's Hill. Civil Engineer; Public Works Department, India. Burr, George Cautley, son of Kingsford Burr, Esq., M.D. ; born 4th January, 1854. 8C-. Day Boy. Cartwright, Edward Aubrey Chetwynd, son of Henry Cartwright, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Barbican, Gloucester ; born 26th August, 1852. I'C — . Day Boy. Cotter, Ludlow, son of Sir James Lawrence Cotter, Bart., Hawthorns, Mallow, Ireland ; born I ith June, 1853. loC — . Christowe. Lieutenant, 3rd Battalion Royal Munster Fusiliers (Militia). Was created a K?iight by the Queen at Windsor Castle on the 12th December, 1874. Died at Rockforest, Co. Cork, 23rd November, 1882. L L 258 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Dacres, Charles Eden, son of Admiral Sir Sydney Colpoys Dacres, K.C.B., Admiralty, Whitehall, London ; born 19th July, 1857. 4 V — • Teighmore. Davies, Pringle Douglas Robert, son of the Rev. Canon Charles Greenall Davies, Tewkes- bury; born 3rd September, 1858. 4'y — . Day Boy. Dobson, Tom Clarke, son of Thomas H. Dobson, Esq. Linthorpe, Middlesborough ; born 6th April, 1854. loM — . Christowe. Dunsford, William George, son of Major- General Henry Frederick Dunsford, C.B., Bengal Staff Corps ; born 4th April, 1852. Sandhurst — . Walker. Previously at Winchester College. Lieutenant, 108th Foot, 1871 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1876 ; Captain, 1883. While serving in the Burmese War he was killed by dacoits at Salen, on the 12th June, 1886. Ede, James Woolley, son of John P. Ede, Esq., Wood Bank, Bury, Lancashire ; born Jan- uary, 1855. loC — . Beaufort House. Died at Cheltenham, June, 1870. Fenn, Joseph Cyprian, son of the Rev. Joseph Finch Fenn, Christchurch Lodge, Chelten- ham ; born 2nd October, 1854. 4C — . Day Boy. Trinity College, Cambridge. Winner of the Col- quhoun University Sculls. Rowed in the Cambridge Eight V. Oxford, in 1877, the race resulting in a dead heat. Franklin, Herbert Arthur, son of Lieut.-Colonel Charles Trigance Franklin, C.B., Freshwater, Isle of Wight ; bom 23rd May, 1854. — . Newick House. Civil Service ; Probate Registry, Somerset House, London. Friend, Lovick Bransby, son of Frederick Friend, Esq., Woollet Hall, North Cray, Kent ; born 25th April, 1856. %M — \'^M. Porcher. Left June, 1872. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1869 ; Senior (Ma- thematical) Scholar, 1870 ; Dobson Scholar, 1872 ; Cheltonian Society Prize, 1872. Head of Modern, June, 1872. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1872-74 (passed out 2nd Engineer, C. F. Hadden, O.C., being first; Prize: Artillery). Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1874 ; Captain, 1885. Instructor in Fortifications, Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1883-84. Secretary of Royal Engineer Committee, Chatham, since 1884. Qall, Charles David Myers, son of Lieut.-Colonel Richard H. Gall, 20 Rue des Pipols, Bou- logne-sur-Mer ; born 4th August, 1853. — . Boyne House. Passed for Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, in 1872, but did not proceed there. Lieutenant, ist Foot, August, 1873 : transferred to 7th Fusiliers, Sep- tember, 1873; Adjutant, 1878-85; Captain, Royal Fusi- liers, 1882 ; Major, 1886. Is District Staff Officer, Madras. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80 ; took part in the defence of Kandahar, including the sortie on the village of Deh Khojah, and was present at the battle of Kandahar (Medal with clasp). Served in the Soudan Campaign in 1885 (Medal with clasp, and Khedive's Star). Godfrey, Clarence Polwhele, son of Henry God- frey, Esq., Karenza, Cheltenham ; born 14th September, 1855. 8C — . Day Boy. Rifle Corps XL, 1871. Oxford University (Non- Collegiate), 1875. B. A. (Christ Church), 1878 ; M.A., 1882. Ordained Deacon, 1878, and Priest, 1883. [August, 1868. Curate of St. Ebbe, Oxford, 1878-82 ; of St. Paul, Leamington, 1882-83. Address ; Leamington. Hallett, John Hothersall, son of William T. Hallett, Esq., Stedcombe House, Axminster, Devon ; born 23rd January, 1852. Sand- hurst '°M. Walker. Harrison, Edward Devereux, son of Edward Thompson David Harrison, Esq., Surgeon, Welshpool; born 13th April, 1857. f'J — fM. Teiglmiore and Christowe. Left De- cember, 1874. Football XX., 1874. Cricket XXII., 1874. Tea Planter. Address : Arapola Kand^, Neboade, Ceylon. Henderson, Percy Edward, son of Major- General R. Henderson, C.B., R.E. ; born 2 1 St December, 1852. Sandhurst^M — . Price. Lieutenant, 108th Foot, 1871 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 187s ; Captain, 1883. Is Assistant-Com- missioner, 2nd Grade, Assam. Served in the Jowaki Expedition in 1877-78 (Medal), also in the Afghan War in 1878-79 (Medal), and in the expedition against the Naga Hill tribes in 1879-80 (Clasp). James, Reginald, son of General Charles B. James, 8 Osborne Place, Plymouth ; born 22nd October, 1852. Sandhurst — . Kennard, Robert Bruce, son of the Rev. Robert Bruce Kennard, Marnhull Rectory, Bland- ford, Dorset ; born 3rd June, 1854. loC — . Boyne House. Cricket XL, 1872. Modern Football XX., 1871. In Business in London. Address : Junior Carlton Club, Pall Mall, Lon- don, S.W. Kinloch, George Washington Andrew, son of Sir George Kinloch, Bart., Kinloch, Meigle, Perthshire, N.B. ; born 30th November, 1853. 9C — . Porcher. Rifle Corps XL, 1870-71 ; Captain, 1872. Lamb, Frederick, son of George Warren Lamb, Esq., Solicitor, Kettering; born 21st March, 1857. 2'^J — . Hazelwell. Lamb, Henry William, son of George Warren Lamb, Esq., Solicitor, Kettering; born 15th March, 1855. 8C — . Hazelwell. Christ Church, Oxford, 1874. B.A., 1878 ; M.A., 1883. Ordained Deacon, 1879, and Priest, 1880. Curate of Thirsk, Yorkshire, 1879-84 ; of Pleasley, Derbyshire, 1884. Address : Pleasley Hill House, Mansfield. Little, Henry Butler, son of John Carruthers Little, Esq., Pitchcomb House, near Stroud ; born 13th February, 1854. — . Died 29th January, 1872. McMicking, Thomas George Torrance, son of Gilbert McMicking, Esq., Elmhirst, Liver- pool ; born 4th December, 1853. qd/ — , Wallace Brow 71. Rifle Corps XL, 1870. Racquet Champion 1871. Mayne, Charles Blair, son of Colonel Jasper Otway Mayne, R.E., 2 Lypiatt Terrace, Chel- tenham ; born 15th October, 1855. c)M — \^M. Day Boy and Boyne House. Left 1873- Cheltonian Society Prize, 1873. Football XX., 1873. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1873- 75 (Prizes: First Mathematical and Fencing). Lieu- tenant, Royal Engineers, 1875 ; Captain, 1886. As- sistant-Instructor in Surveying, School of Military Engineering, Chatham, 1882-86. Professor (with August, 1868.] PRINCIPAL: REV. A. BARRY, D.D. local rank of Major) al the Royal Military College, Kingston, Canada, since 1886. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80 (Medal). Moir, William, son of John Forbes Moir, Esq., 58 Chepstow Villas, Bayswater, London ; born 25th February, 1855. \oM — . Chris- towe. Football XX., 1872. Was in the Oriental Bank Corporation, London, for some years, afterwards in Ceylon. MoncriefF, Fitzroy Dundas, son of Lieut.-Gen- eral G. Moncrieff, The Priory, St. Andrews, N.B.; born 2nd March, 1853. 4C — . Boyne House. Moysey, Francis Gorges, son of the Rev. Fred- erick Luttrell Moysey, 6 Fauconberg Ter- race, Cheltenham ; born 7th December, 1854. 8d/ — . Day Boy. .Address : 91 Kensington Gardens Square, Bays- water, London, W. Murray, Thomas Andrew Lumsden, son of Major-General Thomas Andrew Lumsden Murray, R.E., 6 Pelham Crescent, London ; born 1 2th October, 1853. 6d/ — . Naime, Thomas Graham, son of John Mellis Nairne, Esq., Dunsinane, Perthshire, N.B. ; born 23rd December, 1853. loM—. Day Boy. Nash, William Peel, son of the Rev. Robert Seymour Nash, Old Sodbury Vicarage, Gloucestershire ; born 4th August, 1853. 5/1/ — 2M. Porcher. Left December, 1872. Rifle Corps XL, 1871. Modern Football XX., 1871. Lieutenant (from Militia), 96th Foot, 1875 ; Captain, Manchester Regiment, i88i. Served with the 2nd Battalion, Manchester Regiment, through- out the Egyptian War of 1882 (Medal and Khedive’s Star). Neame, Stuart, son of Frederick Neame, Esq., Macknade, near Faversham, Kent ; born 15th June, 1856. — ’^M. Leconfield. Left December, 1872. Received Presentation Cap from Old Cheltonian Football Club (Season 1878-79) ; Captain of Old Cheltonian Football Club, 1879-81, and President since 1885. In English Football XV., 1879-80. Is a Hop Factor. Address : 33 Borough High Street, London, S.E. ; and Pall Mall Club, Waterloo Place, London, S.W.' Parkinson, James Robert, son of — Parkinson, Esq.; born 1 5th March, 1858. e^J — . Teigh- inore. Passy, De Lacy Dayrell, son of the Rev. Fred- eric C. G. Passy,Wilstead Vicarage, Bedford ; born 6th June, 1852. Sandhurst — . Newtek House. Lieutenant, 67th Foot, 1872 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1876 ; Captain, 1884. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, including the action at Kam Dakka, and operations in the Kama District (Medal). Died of fever in the Huruai Pass, Beloochistan, 3rd Feb- ruary, 1886. Peel, Lawrence Robert, son of Major Lawrence Henry Peel ; born 25th December, 1854. e)M — . Boyne House. Porter, Geoffrey Morehead, son of Robert Tindal Porter, Esq., Covals, Cheltenham ; born loth October, 1854. 4C — . Day Boy. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1872-73. Lieutenant Royal Engineers, 1873 ; Captain, 1885. Served in the Afghan War in 1878-79 (Medal). Ravenhill, Philip John Carter, son of Major- 259 General Philip Ravenhill, C.B., R.E., 4 Kid- broke Terrace, Blackheath, Kent ; born 6th January, 1854. <)M — . Roberts, William Stewart Weeding, son of William Roberts, Esq., Judge of the High Court, Agra, India ; born 7th February, 1853. 6C— 4'-C Leconfield. Gymnasium Champion, 1870. Classical F'ootball XX. King’s College, London. House .Surgeon, King’s College Hospital. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1876. Resident .Surgeon, Dune- din Hospital, New Zealand. Lecturer in Pathology at Otago University, New Zealand. Rodwell, James Hunter, son of Benjamin Bridges Hunter Rodwell, Esq.,Q.C., Ampton Hall, Bur> St. Edmunds; born 15th July 1853. 8/1/ — . Hazelwell. Rush, Joseph Arthur, son of Alfred Rush, Esq., Montpellier Mansion, Cheltenham ; born 6th May, 1858. — . Day Boy. Russell, Andrew Ernest, son of Andrew Russell, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 12th March, 1856. 2 J — \M. Teighmore and Day Boy. Left 1872. Cox. College Boat, 1871. Royal Military Aca- demy, Woolwich, 1873-75 ; Lieutenant, Royal Artil- lery, 1875; Captain, 1884; Adjutant, 1885-86. Aide- de-Camp to the Commander-in-Chief, Bombay, F'eb- ruary to November, 1886 ; Aide-de-Camp to the Commander-in-Chief, Madras, 1886-8. Died in India, 14th June, 1889. Russell, Alexander Sherwood, son of — Russell Esq.; born 5th March, 1853. 5C — . Day Boy. Previously at Haileybury College. Russell, Arthur Lindsay Edmund, son of — Russell, Esq. ; born i6th October, 1855. Day Boy and Cliristowe. Cricket XL, 1873. Football XX., 1873. H on the Stock Exchange, London. Russell, Henry Patrick, son of — Russell, Esq.; born 30th September, 1851. 4C — . Day Boy. Previously at Haileybury College. Ordained Deacon, 1876, and Priest, 1879. Curate of .Ml Saints, Plymouth, 1876-81 ; Rector of St. Mary Tavy, Devon, i88i. Address : St. Mary Tavy Rectory, Tavistock. Russell, William Melbourne, son of Andrew Russell, Esq., Cheltenham ; born 12th March, 1858. 3V — I */!/. Teighmore and Day Boy. Left July, 1875. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1871. Royal Mili- tary Academy, Woolwich, 1875-77 (Tombs Memorial Scholarship, and Riding Prize). Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1877 ; Captain, 1885. Scovell, John, son of John Scovell, Esq., Bats- ford, Moreton-in-Marsh ; born 3rd Septem- ber, 1854. 10M—6M. Christowe. Fellow of the Surveyor’s Institute, 1882. Land Agent. Address: Oulton Park, Tarporley, Cheshire. Smallcombe, William Philip Edward, son 01 William Smallcombe, Esq., The Cottage, Langley Burrell, near Chippenham ; born 27th May, 1853. 7C — . Gantillon. Spankie, John Patrick Walter, son of the Hon. Robert Spankie, Judge of the High Court, Agra, India ; born 17th July, 1854. 6C — 2M. Boyne House. Left December, 1871. Sub-Lieutenant, 37th Foot, 1873 ; Lieutenant, 1874 ; transferred to 22nd Foot, 1876 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1877 ; Captain, 1885. Is Cantonment 26o CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1868. Magistrate at Chuckrata. Served in the Afghan War in 1878-80, and was present with the expedition against the Khugianis, and with that into the His- sarik Valley (Medal). Sparrow, Frederick Henry, son of Frederick Turton Sparrow, Esq., Toysull,near Wolver- hampton ; born 6th January, 1853. \oM — , Price. Address : Habberley Hall, Shropshire. Spence, Edward King Elliot, son of Lieut.- General James Knox Spence, Jubbulpore, India ; born 30th June, 1855. 6C — . Beau- fort House and Day Boy. Schacht Prize, 1874. Lieutenant, 40th Foot, 1874; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1879 ; Captain, 1885. Is Deputy -Assistant -Commissary-General, 1st Class, Transport Branch, Meerut. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80 (Medal), also in the suppression of the Sonthal rebellion in 1881. Served in the Egyp- tian War of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star). Stevenson, George Frederick, son of George Stevenson, Esq., Solicitor, 10 De Montfort Square, Leicester ; born i6th September, 1852. 5C — . Hazelwell. Swann, John Christopher, son of the Rev. Robert Swann, Rector of Christ Church, Nassau, Bahamas ; born 22nd April, 1856, 6 C — i^C. Day Boy. Left 1874. Lieutenant, 45th Foot, 1875; joined BombayStaff Corps, i88o ; Captain, 1886. Is Wing Commander, rst Bombay Native Infantry. Served in the Afghan War in 1880 (Medal), also in the Soudan Campaign in 1885 (Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star), and in the Burmese Expedition in 1885-87 (Medal with clasp). Thomas, Arthur William, son of John Thomas, Esq., Court Herbert, near Neath ; born nth September, 1853. Civil — . Re-entry vide January, 1863. Previously at Westminster School. Thompson, Quintin Hamilton, son of the Rev. William Hamilton Thompson, Stoke Dry Rectory, Uppingham ; born 30th January, 1854. — . Previously at Uppingham School. Trevithick, Alfred Ewart, son of Francis Trevi- thick, Esq., Penzance ; born 8th September, 1853. — . Leco 7 ifield. Modern Football XX., 1871. Tyler, Henry Edward, son of Captain Sir Henry Whatley Tyler, R.E., Board of Trade, London ; born 23rd July, 1855. 8Af — \^M. Leconfield. Left December, 1872. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar), 1869. Royal Mili- tary Academy, Woolwich, 1873-75. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1875; Captain, 1885. Van Laun, Henry Theodore, son of Henri Van Laun, Esq., Rockville, Cheltenham ; born 18th April, 1858. /pj — . Day Boy. Van Laun, Thomas Alfred, son of Henri Van Laun, Esq., Rockville, Cheltenham ; born 1st June, 1859. c^M—, Day Boy. Watkin, Alfred, son of Alfred Watkin, Esq., Holly Bank, Sale, Cheshire ; bom loth May, 1858. — . Teighmore. Wood, Llewellyn, son of John Wood, Esq., Cheadle,. Cheshire ; born 5th March, 1856. sy— . Trinity College, O.xford, 1876. 3rd Class Clas- sical Moderations, 1877 ; 3rd Class History, 1879. B.A., 1879; M.A., 1882. Ordained Deacon, 1882, and Priest, 1883. Curate of Sutton Coldfield, near Birmingham, 1882-88 ; of Holy Trinity, Coventry, 1888. Address : Coventry. Woodgate, Hardinge Brisco, son of — Wood- gate, Esq.; born 17th March, 1855. 8C — . Leconfield. Young, James Nowell Erskine, son of Major- General James Nowell Young, i South Bank, Notting Hill, London ; born 26th January, 1855. 10 M — . Day Boy and Hazelwell. Cricket XL , 1871. 1319 boys entered during Dr. Barry’s Principalship. Principal: REV. T. W. JEX-BLAKE, D.D. ENTERED OCTOBER, 1868. Barnes, Richard Lea, son of Richard Barnes, Esq., 6 Paragon Buildings, Cheltenham ; born 31st July, 1857. 3V— Bromfield, Archibald Worthington, son of James Bromfield, Esq., Llanbadoc, Monmouth ; born 15th August, 1854. 5C — . Christowe. Bromfield, Francis William, son of James Brom- field, Esq., Llambadoc, Monmouth ; born 8th December, 1852. Sandhurst M — Sand- JmrsPM. Christowe. Left 1870. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1872. Lieu- tenant, 22nd Foot, 1872 ; Captain, Cheshire Regi- ment, 1883. Passed Staff College, 1882 ; Instructor in Military Topography, Royal Military College, Sandhurst, since 1883. Chalcraft, John Arthur, son of William Chal- craft. Esq., Bramshott House, Liphook, H ants ; born 2 1 st J anuary , 1853. Civil — . Thorn. Churchill, Reginald, son of the Rev. William Churchill, Stickland Rectory, Dorset ; born 13th September, 1853. 66’ — . Newick House. Previously at Sherborne School. Ordained Dea- con, 1881, and Priest, 1882. Domestic Chaplain to the Bishop of Sodor and Man, 1881-82 ; Curate of Peel, Isle of Man, 1882-83 1 Christ Church, Mel- combe Regis, Dorset, 1883-84; Rector of Berry Nar- bor, Devon, 1884. Address; Berry Narbor Rectory, Ilfracombe. Dunbar, Cuthbert Walter, son of James Alex- ander Dunbar, Esq., M.D., Cheltenham ; born 3rd October, 1857. fij — . Day Boy. October, 1868.] PRINCIPAL: REV. T. W. JEX-BLAKE, D.D. Dunbar, Edward George Blomefield, son of James Alexander Dunbar, Esq., M.U., Cheltenham ; born I ith July, 1855. \oM—. Day Boy. Dunbar, James John Macwhirter, son of James Alexander Dunbar, Esq., M.D. ; born 9th August, 1853. 8C — . Day Boy. Field, Charles Leopold, son of Frederick Field, Esq., F.R.S., 9 Belmont Park, Lee, Kent ; born 23rd December, 1854. 7C — 3C Lecon- Jield. Left June, 1870. London University, 1875. Junior Chemist, War Department, Woolwich Arsenal. Fellow, Chemical Society, 1876. Assistant Telegraph Engineer, 1878. Science Lecturer at Queenwood College, 1878. Fel- low, Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1886. Cantor Lec- turer, Society of Arts, 1883 ; Lecturer, Health Exhi- bition, London, 1884. Fletcher, Charles Henry Ernest, son of the Rev. Joseph Fletcher, Dowles Rectory, Bewdley ; born 30th July, 1857. 2'’/ — i*’C. Day Boy. Left December, 1874. London University. LL. B. (3rd Class Jurispru- dence), 1877. Hill, Augustus West, son of Captain Henry Worsley Hill, R.N. ; born 4th May, 1853. /\yM — \'°M. IVood, Walker., and Ittchbald. 261 Rifle Corps XL, 1869-70; Captain, 1871 ; Lieu- tenant, 57th Foot, 1873 ; Captain, Middlesex Regi- ment, 1880 ; Major, 1885. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1882-87. Served in the Zulu War, South Africa, in 1879, and was present at the battle of Ginghilovo, anel at the relief of Ekowe, and through- out the operations of Clarke’s Column (Medal with clasp). McCrea, Charles Broke Pottenger, son of — McCrea, Esq.; born 22nd April, 1855. 7C — . Day Boy. Perrott, Thomas Francis, son of — Perrott, Esq. ; born 4th December, 1852. 9C — . Inchbald. Scott, Edward, son of Binny Scott, Esq., Northlands, Cheltenham ; born 9th June, 1858. Day Boy. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1871. Williams, George Mawdsley, son of Lieut.- General James E. Williams, Glentworth, Cheltenham ; born i6th January, 1856. iV-. Football XX., 1873. Iredell Prize, 1873. Je.x- Blake (Geographical) Prize, 1873-74. Indian Civil Service, 1876; appointed to Madras, 1878 ; Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Nellore, 1878-79 ; Re signed, 1881. ENTERED FEBRUARY, 1869. Alla way, James Robert Hamilton, son of Thomas Allaway, Esq., Lydney, Gloucester- shire ; born 17th September, 1855. 3''/ — . Leconfield. Allsopp, Henry Tongue, son of Henry AIlsopp, Esq. (afterwards ist Lord Hindlip), Hindlip Hall, Worcester ; born 5th December, 1855. 8C— C. Wood. Cricket XL, 1872-73 ; Football XX., 1873. Trinity College, Cambridge. University Cricket XL, 1876. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), loth Hussars, 1877 ; Lieutenant, 1881 ; Captain, 1887 ; Retired, 1890. Served with the loth Hussars in the Afghan War of 1878-80, and was present at the attaek and eap- ture of Ali Musjid, and in the engagement at Fut- tehabad as Orderly Officer to Brigadier-General C. Gough (Medal with clasp). Served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the loth Hussars, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star). Alston, George Douglas, son of John Patrick Alston, Esq., Muirburn, Hamilton, Lanark- shire, N.B. ; born 8th February, 1855. <^M — ■^-M. Leconfield. Left December, 1872. Football XX. , 1872. Received Presentation Cap from Old Cheltonian Football Club (season 1876-77). Was in business in London for some years ; subse- quently a Coffee Planter in Ceylon. Died at sea on his way home from Ceylon, 19th August, 1883. Anderson, Arthur Ellis, son of Robert A. Anderson, Esq., St. Petersburg, Russia ; born 14th July, 1856. \^J — . Anderson, Frederick, son of Robert A. Ander- son, Esq., St. Petersburg, Russia ; born 2nd August, 1855. 8C — . Archdale, Hugh James, son of Captain Mervyn Edward Archdale, M.P., Castle Archdale, Irvinestown, Ireland ; born 15th January, 1854. 6*>Af — . Walker. Lieutenant (from Militia), 23rd Fusiliers, 1875 ; Captain, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, 1885. Served in the Soudan Campaign in 1885 (Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star). Served in the Burmese Ex- pedition in 1886-87 with the ist Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers (Medal with clasp). Barlow, George Newton Halifax, son of William Henry Barlow, Esq., C.E., High Combe, Old Charlton, Kent ; born 1st February, 1855. UM — . Leco 7 ifield. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1873-75. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1875 ; Captain, 1884 ; Adjutant, 1887. Bent, John, son of John Bent, Esq., Deputy- Inspector-General, Army Medical Depart- ment ; born nth May, 1854. UM — M. Price. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1872-74 (Prize : Military History). Lieutenant, Royal Artil- lery, 1874. Was Assistant-Superintendent of the Gun Carriage Factory, Fategarh. Died at Main- puri. East Indies, 21st September, 1878. Berkley, Francis, son of George Berkley, Esq., C.E., 32 Upper Hamilton Terrace, London ; born 9th February, 1853. 8'’iJ/ — . Lccon- field. Blandy, Arthur Robert, son of William Blandy, Esq. ; born 14th March, 1855. 7C — C. Boyne House. Received Presentation Cap from Old Cheltonian Football Club (season 1874-75). Was in business in London for some years, afterwards in China and Ceylon. Brigstocke, Richard Owen, son of William Owen Brigstocke, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, 2 Lansdown Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 12th December, 1856. 4 V~ • Roy. Brock, Charles De Lisle, son of the Rev. Thomas Brock, St. John’s Parsonage, Guern- sey ; born 20th June, 1852. CiviDM — . Day Boy. Brooke, Alfred William, son of Alfred Newton 262 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [February, 1869. Brooke, Esq., 6 Montpellier Villas, Chelten- ham ; born 2 1 St December, i860. 4*y — , Day Boy. Brown, Henry Crewe, son of John Brown, Esq., Kinwarton House, Alcester ; born 9th June, 1858. 4“_/ — . Teighmore. Brown, Luscombe Edmund, son of John John- son Brown, Esq., 16 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 15th November, 1854. 9C — . Day Boy. Re-entry vide August, 1863. Cave, Charles Donovan, son of J. S. Cave, Esq., Branclifife Grange, Yorkshire ; born 29th March, 1852. z^M — . Price. Christie, Robert Arthur Crawfurd, son of Robert Christie, Esq., Jun., Fullwood Park, Liver- pool ; born 3rd February, 1859. — . Teighmore. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), 12th Lancers, 1880 ; Lieutenant, 1881 ; Captain, 1887. Crawford, Dirom Grey, son of James Alexander Crawford, Esq., Calcutta ; born 2ist July, 1857. I’y — i.C Day Boy and Christowe. Left April, 1875. Classical Football XX., 1874. Je.x-Blake (Eng- lish Literature) Prize, 1875. Edinburgh University Football XV., 1877-81. M.B. and C.M., 1881. Honorary Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons, Ire- land, 1883. Surgeon, Indian (Bengal) Medical Service, 1881. Address; Care of W. S. Bell, Esq., The Woll, Ashkirk, Hawick, N.B. Day, George Cameron, son of Charles Arthur Day, Esq., C.E., Terrace House, Southamp- ton ; born 13th December, 1857. 4'y — . Teighmore. De Wolf, Charles Edward, son of James R. De Wolf, Esq., Oxton, Cheshire ; born 14th February, 1854. 5C — . Newick House. Dickson, Henry Frederick, son of Spencer Naylor Dickson, Esq., Abbots Reading, Ulverston ; born 21st April, 1855. 9C — . Dowse, Edward Cecil, son of Richard Robert Dowse, Esq., Surgeon, 70th Regiment ; born 2 1 St June, 1854. — Sandhurst M. Price. Left June, 1870. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1871. Lieu- tenant, 45th Foot, 1871 : Captain, Derbyshire Regi- ment, 1881 ; Major, 1885 ; Adjutant, Au.xiliary Forces, 1883-88. Address : Care of Messrs. Cox and Co. , 16 Charing Cross, London, S.W. Drayton, Henry Philip Ernest, son of the Rev. Philip Thomas Drayton, Sirsa House, Chel- tenham ; born 24th July, 1856. z''J—. Day Boy. Dunlop, James William, son of Colin Robert Dunlop, Esq., 191 West George Street, Glasgow; born 16th October, 1854. 7'>d/ — r'Af. Nash and Hazelwell. Left 1872. Football XX., 1871. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1872-75. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1875 ; Captain, 1884. Is Station Staff Officer, Madras. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, and took part in the Zaimusht Expedition (Medal). Elrington, Maurice (afterwards Elrington- Bisset), son of Joseph Favi^re Elrington, Esq., Q.C., 24 Upper Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin ; born 12th December, 1854. — I “A/. Cheltondale. Left December, 1871. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1872-74. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1874 ; Captain, 1885 ; Retired, 1889. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882 (Medal and Khedive’s Star). Forde, Thomas Arthur Head, son of Henry Charles Forde, Esq., C.E., i Ridgway Place, Wimbledon ; born loth January, 1858. 3'y — I'Af. Teighmore and Beaufort House. Left March, 1875. King's College, London, 1875-76. Telegraph Engineer. Assisted in laying cables in various parts of the world. Address : St. Brendan's, Wimbledon, Surrey. Giles, Arthur, son of George Giles, Esq., C.E., Westfield, Bonchurch, Isle of 'Wight ; born 2 1 St June, 1855. jC — . Cheltondale. Giles, George Edward, son of Captain Edward Giles, Indian Navy, Manora, Keemaree, Kurrachee, India ; born ist January, 1855. 5C — M. Christowe. Left June, 1871. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1873-75. Winner of Silver Challenge Bugle at Athletic Sports, Woolwich, 1873-74. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1875 ; Captain, 1884 ; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, i88k Served in the Kaffir War in 1877-78 in com- mand of two mountain guns, and was present at the attack on the Intala Ka Udoda Bush (mentioned in despatches). Was Garrison Adjutant and Re-mount Officer at Cape Town at the commencement of the Zulu War in 1879. Was afterwards appointed to the command of the Artillery Troop of the Cape Mounted Riflemen ; served in the operations against Moirosi, and commanded the Artillery at the final assault and capture of his stronghold (twice men- tioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Served in the Basuto 'War in 1880-81. Giles, Godfrey Douglas, son of Captain Edward Giles, Indian Navy, Manora, Keemaree, Kurrachee, India ; born 9th November, 1857. cg-J — . Teighmore and Christowe. Lieutenant, unattached, 1875 ; appointed to 7th Fusiliers, 1876 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1877 ; Resigned, 1883. Served in the -Afghan War in 1879- 80, including the Expedition against the Maoris at Mai (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Now an Artist, and has had the following pictures at the Royal -Academy Exhibitions : 1884, " A Study of Palms, Cairo”; 1885, “The 65th Regiment at the Battle of Tamaai, Soudan Campaign, 1884”; 1886, “ Charge of the 19th (Princess of Wales’) Hussars at El Teb, Soudan, 1884 ” ; 1887, “ An Incident at the Battle of Tamaai, Eastern Soudan, March 13th, 1884”; 1888, "The ’Feed’ in a Horse Artillery Troop Stable.” Godfrey, Ernest William, son of Henry Godfrey, Esq., Karenza, Cheltenham ; born 28th De- cember, 1856. — . Day Boy. Magdalen College, Oxford, 1875. B.A. (2nd Class Jurisprudence), 1878; M..A. , 1882. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1879 ; subsequently took Holy Orders. Ordained Deacon, 1883. Curate of Church Langton, Leicestershire, 1883-84. -Address : Tur Langton, Kibworth. Gordon, Allan, son of — Gordon, Esq. ; born 27th May, 1854. Civil — . Price. Gordon, Frederick Francis, son of Charles Alexander Gordon, Esq., C.B., Deputy-In- spector-General of Hospitals, Portsmouth ; born 14th March, 1857. zhj — i“C. Teigh- mo 7 -e and Newick House. ' Left December, 1875 - In Business in London. -Address : Care of Messrs. Coutts and Co. , 59 Strand, London, W.C. Grant, Edward James, son of Colonel Alexander Grant, i Osborne Villas, Stoke, Devonport ; born 31st August, 1854. M — M. Beau- fort House. Fkbruary, 1869.] PRINCIPAL: REV. T. W. JEX-RLAKE, D.D. 263 Lieuten.'int (from Militia), i8tli P'oot, 1876 ; In- structor of Musketry, 1878-81 ; Adjutant, Royal Irish Regiment, 1881-83 • Captain, 1883 ; Retired, 1884. Now Captain in the 3rd Battalion Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment) Militia. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star). Address : Glencorse, N. B. Grey, George Henry, son of — Grey, Esq. ; born 29th May, 1857. 2''/—. Teighmore. Hickman, Francis, son of Alfred Hickman, Esq., Gold Thorn Hill, near Wolverhampton ; born 15th July, 1855. (g-M — \'^M. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1870-71 ; Silver Medallist, 1872 ; Head of Modern, December, 1872, and July, 1873. Higgins, Arthur, son of James Higgins, Esq., Stocks House, Cheetham, Manchester ; born 25th September, 1852. — . Chelto 7 idale. Modern Football XX., 1870. Hull, Richard Edward, son of — Hull, Esq. ; born 9th March, 1853. 7M/ — . Day Boy. Hutton, Arthur William, son of Major William F. Hutton, Hill House, Leckhampton ; born 14th July, 1857. — . Day Boy. Re- entered College, February, 1872. Jefferson, Frederick Leslie, son of — Jefferson, Esq.; born 29th April, 1854. 7C — . Leigh- ton and Christowe. Cricket XXII., 187 — . Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1872. B.A. , 1876. Is on the Stock Exchange, London. Jenkins, Lawrence Hugh, son of Richard David Jenkins, Esq., The Priory, Cardigan ; born 22nd December, 1858. — i^C. Hazel- well. Left July, 1877. College Boat, Cox., 1872; Stroke, 1876. Football XX., 1876. University College, O.xford, 1877. 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1879 ; ist Class Juris- prudence, 1881. B.A. , 1881. Real Property Scho- larship, Inns of Court, 188 — . Called to the Bar, Lincoln’s Inn, 1883. Address: ii Stone Buildings, Lincoln’s Inn, London, W.C. Jones, Arthur Wood, son of James Fisher Jones, Esq., 34 Derwent Road, West Derby, Liver- pool; born 29th December, 1853. Civil^M — . Newtek House. Knox, Horace Chaloner, son of Colonel Richard Knox, Secundrabad, India ; born 17th May, 1854. 7"'J/ — 3*J/. Beatifort House. Royal Indian Engineering College, Cooper’s Hill, 1872-75. Civil Engineer ; Public Works Depart- ment, India. Longfield, William Mountifort, son of Captain William Henry Longfield, Ashgrove, Co. Cork, Ireland ; born 27th February, 1854. — . Beaufort House. Loudon, Robert Dunn, son of Major Robert Alexander Loudon, Madely House, Ryde, Isle of Wight ; born 21st March, 1855. — . Day Boy. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1872-74. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1874 ; Captain, 1883. Lo'W, Charles Watson, son of Alexander Fair- weather Low, Esq., 84 Westbourne Terrace, London ; born 8th October 1856. f’J — . Price. Marples, Francis, son of George Marples, Esq., Endcliffe Vale, Sheffield ; born 6th March, 1853. CiviDM. Price. Martindale, Arthur Henry Temple, son of Lieut. -Colonel Ben Hay Martindale, C.B., R.E., Aldershot ; born 13th March, 1854. 4C — i'‘C. Beaufort House. Left March, •873- Classical Football XX., 1872. Jex-Blake (Eng- lish Literature) Prize, 1873. Indian Civil Service, 1873 ; appointed to Madras, 1875 '< Assistant to Col- lector and Magistrate, Coimbatore, 1875-78 ; Junior Attache, Foreign Department, Government of India, 1878-79 ; Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Tanjore, 1879-80 ; Special Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Godavery, i88o-8i ; in employ of Go- vernment of India, Political Department, 1881-83 ; Special Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, God- avery, 1883-86, also Agent to the Governor, 1886 ; Political Agent, 3rd Class, employed under the Go- vernment of India, 1886. Matteson, William Ord, son of C. G. Matteson, Esq., Brookfield, Bishop Wearmouth ; born 17th December, 1854. Z^M — . Boytie House. Cricket XL, 1871 ; Modern Football XX., 1871. Cheltenham Veterans Rifle V., 1874. Lieutenant, 40th Lancashire Rifle Volunteers. Mills, Henry Hamilton, son of Daniel Yarnton Mills, Esq., 36 Lansdown Crescent, Chel- tenham ; born 4th October, 1854. 7C — . Day Boy and Beaufort House. Solicitor (admitted 1877). Address: Stroud, Gloucestershire. Morton, Cecil, son of - - Morton, Esq. ; born 29th April, 1857. iff — . Day Boy. Morton, Henry (afterwards Morton- York), son of — Morton, Esq. ; born nth June, 1854. 'f-f — . Day Boy. Solicitor (admitted 1876). Address : Gloucester. Newcomen, Charles Edward, son of Charles Edward Newcomen, Esq., 34 Ovington Square, London ; born 22nd June, 1854. 6C — . Price. Palmer, Francis Oastler, son of William Palmer, Esq., Elmstead, near Chislehurst, Kent ; born 7th October, 1856. f‘f — . Price. Pigott, Edward Caledon, son of Lieut.-Colonel Arthur Pigott, 6 Regent’s Park, Heavitree, near Exeter ; born 6th January, 1855. 8C — . Boytie House. Trinity College, Cambridge. Ordained Deacon, 1880, and Priest, 1881. Curate of St. Barnabas, Liverpool, 1880-81 ; of All Saints, Hindley, Lanca- shire, 1881-82 ; of Heavitree, Devon, 1882-83 • St. Matthew, Exeter, 1883-88 ; Vicar of St. Paul, Truro, 1888. Address : St. Paul’s Vicarage, Truro. Prior, Edward Thurlow, son of Major-General Henry Prior, Cottishall, Norwich ; born 6th November, 1855. g'‘M — . Hazelwell. Rathhone, William Cuthbert, son of Samuel G. Rathbone, Esq., 21 Water Street, Liverpool ; born 26th February, 1856. egf — . Wood. Rawlins, James Parke, son of Major James Sebastian Rawlins, Durhumsala, Bengal ; born 26th December, 1854. Is in the Bengal Constabulary. Richards, William Carter, son of William Joseph Richards, Esq., ii Higher Summer- lands, Exeter; born 30th May, 1855. g^M — . Newick House. Modern Football XX., 1874. Robinson, Kay, son of Captain Julian Robin- son, Allahabad, India ; born 12th Decem- ber, 1854. "]C — . Day Boy. Classical Football XX., 1873. [February, 1869. 264 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Rucker, Martin Diederick, son of Martin Diederick Riicker, Esq., Woodside, Syden- ham Hill, Kent ; born 27th March, 1855. — . Leconfield. Rifle Corps XL, 1871. Is in Business in London. Shelmerdine, George, son of Thomas Shelmer- dine. Esq., Pendleton, near Manchester ; born 1st April, 1854. Civil W — Civil Newick Hotise. Left December, 1871. Modern Football XX., 1871. Is a Merchant and British Vice-Consul at Iloilo, Phillipine Islands. Smith, William Adolphus Frederick Thomas, son of Thomas Smith, Esq., M.D., Portland House, Cheltenham ; born 9th August, 1855. 3V — • Day Boy. Squire, William Walcot, son of Captain William Squire, 8 Lansdown Villas, Cheltenham ; born 15th May, 1857. 4®/ — . Day Boy. Stott, Charles Holland, son of William Stott, Esq., Solicitor, Rochdale ; born 13th De- cember, 1856. 4V — \^M. Price. Left Easter, 1874. Solicitor (admitted 1879). Address : i Whitehall Street, Rochdale. Talbot, George Lionel, son of Pemberton Talbot, Esq., The Limes, Kidderminster ; born 27th March, 1857. 4V — 1“ Latin C, Beaufort House. Left June, 1873. Rifle Corps XI. , 1873. Winner of Bronze Medal of National Rifle Association for Worcestershire, 1882, and of the Worcestershire Volunteer Officers' Shield, 1882. Cheltenham Veterans Rifle V., 1883. Was Lieutenant, ist Volunteer Battalion Worcester- shire Regiment. In Business at Kidderminster. Talbot, Pemberton Ernest John, son of Pem- berton Talbot, Esq., The Limes, Kidder- minster ; bom 26th March, 1854. z^J—C. Beaufort House. Tapp, Henry Augustus, son of — Tapp, Esq. ; born I ith September, 1853. Sandhurst — . Newtek House. Temple, John, son of Lieut.-Colonel John Temple ; born 20th April, 1852. ■f‘M — . Porcher. Previously at Rugby School (April, 1864 — ). Modern Football XX., 1869. Royal Military Aca- demy, Woolwich, 1870-72. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1872 ; Captain, 1881 ; Major, 1888. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, and was present at the action at Charasiah (Medal). Thomas, Philip Langdon, son of Lewis Thomas, Esq., Cae Hir, Oystermouth, Swansea ; born 25th March, 1855. (fM—. Vincent, Charles Orlando, son of Charles Vincent, Esq., 52 Parliament Street, West- minster, London ; born 26th February, 1855. Newtek House. Left March, 1870. Royal Indian Engineering College, Cooper's Hill, 1871. Is Manager of the Clocolan "Trading Station of Messrs. Maynard Brothers and Co. , London. Address : Clocolan, Orange Free State, South Africa. Vincent, Claude, son of the Rev. Sir Frederick Vincent, Bart., Rock Bank, Tunbridge Wells ; born loth October, 1853. i^M — . Hazelwell. Public Works Department. India. Under Secre- tary to the Madras Government. Williams, Henry, son of Maurice Williams, Esq., 6 Gambier Terrace, Hope Street, Liverpool; born loth September, 1853. 6 C — . Lieutenant, 5th Battalion Leinster Regiment (Militia). J.P. for Co. Meath. Woods, Richard Taylor, son of Hans Hamilton Woods, Esq., Whitestown House, Balbriggan, Ireland; bom 4th July, 1855. 9C— . Boyne House. ENTERED APRIL, 1869. Abbott, Charles Augustus, son of Keith Edward Abbott, Esq., 18 Southgate Street, Win- chester ; born 5th March, 1856. ff — . Newtek House. Football XX., 1872 ; Cricket XL, 1873. Attree, Frederick William Town, son of the Rev. Francis Town Attree, Middleton-by- Works worth, Derbyshire ; born 6th April, 1853. efM — \^M. Cheltottdale. Left July, 1871. Previously at Rugby School (August, 1865 — ). Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1871-73. Lieu- tenant, Royal Engineers, 1873 ; Captain, 1885. Served in the Afghan War in 1878-79 with the Queen's Own Sappers and Miners, and as Assistant Field Engineer (Medal). Received the thanks of the Port Commissioners, Rangoon, for his services in superintending the blowing up of wrecks in the harbour, 1884. Served as Commanding Royal En- gineer, Suakin, from November, 1885, to March, 1886, and thanked in Brigade Orders. Address ; Springfield House, Worthing. Barton, Arthur Scurr, son of John Scurr Barton, Esq., Eton ; born 22nd February, 1856. f f — . Newtek House. Served with the Dordrecht Volunteers in the Zulu War, South Africa, in 1879. Bowen, George Bevan, son of James Bevan Bowen, Esq., Barrister, Llwyngwair, Haver- fordwest ; born 28th December, 1858. i^f — 5C. Teighmore, Hazelwell, and Brown. Left June, 1875. Rifle Corps XL, 1875. Magdalen College, Ox- ford, 1879. Late Lieutenant, Pembroke Yeomanry Cavalry. J.P. for Pembrokeshire. BrO"wn, Robert Hamilton, son of Washington H. Brown, Esq., Solicitor, Swansea ; born 1 8th April, 1857. 4'’/ — . Brown. Brown-Constable, Henry Alexander, son of Lieut.-Colonel Charles Brown-Constable, i Lansdown Place, Cheltenham ; born loth March, 1854. 4C — . Day Boy. Brown-Constable, Kenneth Francis, son of Lieut.-Colonel Charles Brown- Constable, i Lansdown Place, Cheltenham ; born 28th July, 1855. (fM — . Day Boy. Burn, Alexander Edward Pelham, son of Alex- ander Burn, Esq., M.D., 17 Gilston Road, Brompton, London ; born i8th January, 1855. 9C — . Newtek House. Cricket XL, 1873 ; Classical Football XX., 1872. Sub-Lieutenant, 97th Foot, 1874 ; transferred to 68th Foot, August, 1875 ; Lieutenant. September, 1875 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1878 ; Captain, 1886. Is Wing Commander, 27th Bengal Native Infantry. Cave, Arthur Oriel Singer, son of J. T. Cave, April, 1869.] PRINCIPAL: REV. T. W. JEX-BLAKE, D.D. 265 Esq., Rosebin Manor, Audley Estate, Co. Cork ; born 28th October, 1853. 6^M—. Walker. Childers, Edmund Spencer Eardley, son of the Right Hon. Hugh Culling Eardley Childers, M.P., First Lord of the Admiralty, London ; born I ith January, 1854. Hazel- well. Left December, 1871. Previously at Eton College (1867-69). Football XX., 1871; Cricket XXII., 1871. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1872-73. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1873 ; Captain, 1885 ; Brevet-Major, 1885. Assistant Private Secretary to Secretary of State for War, 1881-82. Aide-de-Camp to Sir Garnet Wolseley, Commander-in-Chief of the Ex- peditionary Force in Egypt, 1882 ; Aide-de-Canip to the Inspector-General of Fortifications, War Office, 1882-84 ; Aide-de-Camp to Lord Wolseley, Com- manding Nile Expedition, 1884-85. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80, and was present in the engagement at Takht-i-Pul and at Charasiah on the 6th October, 1879 ; also at the capture of, and in the operations around, Kabul in December, 1879 ; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march from Kabul to the relief of Kandahar, and was present at the battle of Khandahar on the 1st Sep- tember, 1880 (mentioned in despatches. Medal with three clasps and Bronze Star). Served in the Egyp- tian War of 1882 as Aide-de-Camp to Sir Garnet Wolseley, Commander-in-Chief, and was present in the engagements at El Magfar, Tel-el-Mahuta, Kas- sassin (9th September), and at the battle of Tel-el- Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with clasp, 5th Class Medjidie, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Expedition of 1884-85 as Aide-de-Camp to Lord Wolseley, Commander-in- Chief (mentioned in despatches. Clasp). Court, James Skerratt, son of William Roylance Court, Esq., Newton Manor, Middlewich, Cheshire ; born 19th June, 1854. Civil — . Cheltondale. Edmondson, Frank, son of James Edmondson, Esq., Plymouth Grove, Manchester ; born 25th April, 1854. 6C — . Wood. Elliot, Edmund Colvile, son of Augustus John Elliot, Esq., 29 Cadogan Place, London ; born 15th May, 1857. 3^ — . Day Boy. Elliot, Guy Patton, son of Augustus John Elliot, Esq., 29 Cadogan Place, London ; born 5th November, 1855. 9W — . Day Boy. Fisher, William Henry, son of Joseph Timbrell Fisher, Esq., Solicitor, Stroud ; born 25th April, 1855. 9C — . Hazelwell. Graham, Malcolm, son of Colonel James John Graham, 3 Devonshire Terrace, Hyde Park, London; born 9th December, 1853. — . Price. Deputy-Assistant-Commissary-General, 1872 ; Cap- tain, Commissariat and Transport Staff, 1880 ; Major, Army Service Corps, 1888. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present in the en- gagement at El Magfar, second action at Kassassin, and battle of Tel-el-Kebir ; also accompanied the Caval^ Brigade into Cairo (Medal with clasp and Khedive’s Star). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (mentioned in despatches, clasp). He'wson, James George, son of Major John M. Hewson, Shahjehanpore, India ; born 19th June, 1855. — . Cheltondale. Jenkins, Charles James Douglas, son of Colonel C. Vernon Jenkins, 4 Promenade, Chelten- ham ; born 281I1 May, 1856. 7 * 71 / — I'/J/. Day Boy and Boyne House. Left July, 1873. Was a Tea Planter. Died of fever at Ord Terai Tea Estate, Darjeeling, East Indies, 27th November, 1887. Jenkins, Robert Palmer, son of Colonel C. Vernon Jenkins, 4 Promenade, Cheltenham ; born 22nd November, 1853. (A'M — . Day Boy. Mackintosh, ./Eneas Norman, son of Alexander Mackintosh, Esq., of Mackintosh, Dunach- ton, Inverness, N.B. ; born i8th May, 1854. 8C — . Nash. Rickards, Cyril Henry, son of Colonel William Henry Rickards, Southfield House, Rugby ; born I Ith January, 1854. — i^M. Nash. Previously at Rugby School (October, 1865-69). Football XX., 1870-71 ; in English Football XX., 1873. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1872-73. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1873 ; Captain, 1882. Roberts, Charles Hamilton, son of William Roberts, Esq., Agra, East Indies ; born 6th October, 1854. 9 * 71 / — . Cheltondale. Deputy-Collector and Extra Assistant-Commis- sioner, 5th Grade, Oudh Commission, India. Rochfort-Boyd, George Warren Woods, son of George Augustus Rochfort-Boyd, Esq., Mid- dleton Park, Westmeath, Ireland ; born 13th December, 1854. 'iAM — 3*Af. Boy?te House. Lieutenant (from Militia), 96th Foot, 1874 ; Adju- tant, 1879-86; Captain, Manchester Regiment, 1881 ; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1889. Served as Adju- tant with the 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment throughout the Egyptian War of 1882 (Medal and Khedive's Star). Sisson, Robert Frederick, son of Robert James Sisson, Esq., St. Asaph, Flintshire ; born 24th November, 1854. 8C — . Newtek House. Tremenheere, James Henry Apperley, son of Major-General Tremenheere, R.E., Shakes- peare House, Brighton ; born 30th October, 1853. 2*C — i“C. Newtek House. Previously at Lancing College. Football XX., 1870-71-72 ; Cricket XL, 1871. Indian Civil Service, 1873 ; appointed to Madras, 1878. Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, North Arcot, 1875-79 ; at 'Vizagapatam, 1879-82 ; in Nilgiri District, 1882-84. Head Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Kur- nool, 1884-88 : Sub-Collector and Joint Magistrate, Madura, 1888. Watson-Taylor, Arthur Wellesley, son of Simon Watson-Taylor, Esq., Erlestoke Park, near Devizes ; born 17th February, 1853. — . Besant. Previously at Eton College. Watts, George Kempthorne, son of — Watts, Esq.; born 13th February, 1852. y-M — . Day Boy and Newtek House. Left 1872. Cricket XI., 1871-72 ; Football XX., 1871. Iredell Prize, 1872. Royal Indian Engineering College, Cooper’s Hill, 1872. Civil Engineer ; Public Works Department, India. Watts, William Byng, son of Lieut.-Colonel William Henry Watts, 39th Madras Native Infantry ; born 4th August, 1855. 4 V — • Day Boy. M W 266 Cheltenham college register. [August, 1869. ENTERED AUGUST, 1869. Allen, Harry, son of William D. Allen, Esq., Endcliffe, Sheffield ; born 14th September, 1853. 4^Af — . Amber, Felton, son of John Felton Amber, Esq., Gortmore, Borrisokane, Tipperary, Ireland ; born 5th March, 1859. 4*’_/ — . Teighmore and Hazelwell. Gymnasium VIII., 1874-75-76; Football XX., 1875. 2nd Lieutenant. 20th Foot, 1880 ; Lieutenant, Lancashire Fusiliers, 1881 ; Captain, 1889. Is Superintendent of Gymnasia at Cork. BelEeld, Arthur, son of John P. Belfield, Esq., Belle Vue House, St. David’s, Exeter ; born 29th January, 1857. — . Boyne House. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1869. Boulderson, Henry Allan Balfour, son of Colonel John Came Boulderson, Cheltenham ; born 17th December, 1854. Day Boy. Left 1872. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1874-75. Sub- Lieutenant, 14th Foot, 1874 ; Lieutenant, 59th Foot, 1875 : joined Madras Staff Corps, 1880 ; Captain, 1886. Is Wing Officer, 3rd Madras Native Infantry. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80 with the 59th Regiment, took part in the advance to and occupa- tion of Khelat-i-Ghilzie under Sir Donald Stewart, and was present in the engagements at Ahmed Kheyl and Urzoo, near Ghuznee, and in the subse- quent operations in the Logar Valley ; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts with the 25th Punjab Native Infantry in the march from Kabul to the relief of Kandahar, and was present at the reconnaissance on the 31st August, and at the battle of Kandahar on the ist September, 1880 (Medal with two clasps, and Bronze Star). Served in the Burmese Expedi- tion in 1885-87 (Medal with clasp). Bowhill, John Oliver, son of — Bowhill, Esq. ; born 1 8th September, 1855. Z'°M — . Day Boy. Rifle Corps XL, 1872. Boyce, Arthur Courtenay Woollcombe, son ot the Rev. William Boyce, Christowe, Chel- tenham ; born 19th April, 1852. — . Day Boy. Re-entry vide August, 1861, and August, 1866. Boyce, William Frederick Reynolds, son of the Rev. William Boyce, Christowe, Chelten- ham ; born 20th December, 1857. i^J — . Day Boy. Left June, 1876. Re-entry^ January, 1867. Brigstocke, Owen Tudor, son of William Owen Brigstocke, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Lans- down Crescent, Cheltenham ; born i6th May, 1859. 4*’y — . Teighmore. Oade, Francis Joseph, son of Thomas Charles Cade, Esq., Surgeon, Spondon, Derbyshire ; born 27th August, 1854. — i“C. Hazel- well. Left July, 1873. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1869 ; Iredell Prize, 1871 ; Senior Prefect, 1873 ; Head of Classical, Easter, 1873. Classical Football XX., 1872. Ex- hibition, Christ Church, Oxford, 1873. 1st Class Classical Moderations, 1875 ; 3rd Class Classical Final Schools, 1877. B.A., 1877; M.A. , 1880. Classical Master, Honiton Grammar School, 1878- 79 ; Assistant Master, Classical Department, Chel- tenham College, since 1880. Boarding House (Thirlestaine Villa), 1889. Address : Thirlestaine Villa, Cheltenham. Campbell, Arthur Lyons Cleghorn, son of Wil- liam Hunter Campbell, Esq , Solicitor, The Kilty House, Demerara ; bom 19th June, 1854. 6C — . Beaufort House. Rifle Corps XL, 1872. Coghill, Douglas Harry, son of Harry Coghill, Esq., Newcastle-under- Lyne ; born 6th Au- gust, 1855. ^C—i^C. Thorn Christowe. Left July, 1874. Football XX., 1872-73 ; Cricket XXII., 1872-73- 74. Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 1874. 3rd Class Classical Moderations, 1876. B.A. , 1877; M.A. , 1881. Called to the Bar. Inner Temple, 1879. M. P. for Newcastle-under- Lyne since 1886. Address : i Dr. Johnson’s Buildings, The Temple, London, E.C. Orabbe, David, son of George Crabbe, Esq., 52 Gracechurch Street, London ; born 20th September, 1854. 8*Af — . Price. Went to Ceylon. Crofton, Caldwell Henry, son of Major-General Richard Henry Crofton, 34 Beaumont Street, Oxford ; born 8th October, 1856. — . Newick House. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1875 ; Captain, 1884 ; Retired, 1886. Crofton, Richard Martin, son of Major-General Richard Henry Crofton, 34 Beaumont Street, Oxford ; born 8th November, 1854. e^M — . Newick House. Royal Military Academy. Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1875 ; Captain, 1884. Denison, Alfred John, son of Major-General Sir William Thomas Denison, K.C.B., R.E., Observatory, East Sheen, Surrey ; born 8th April, 1857. 6‘C — 2*’C. Christowe. Left July, 1874. Cricket XXII. . 1874. Dennys, Edward Augustus, son of Lieut.-Colonel Julius Bentall Dennys, 19 Carlton Crescent, Southampton; born 29th September, 1854. — . Leconfield. Donald, William Stirling, son of William Donald, Esq., Lisle House, Cheltenham ; born 7th May, 1856. Z^M—1'M. Day Boy and Boyne House. Left June, 1872. Dunman, William, son of Thomas Dunman, Esq., Commissioner of Police, Singapore, Straits Settlements; born nth February, 1855. SC — . Price. Egerton, Francis William, son of Colonel Cale- don R. Egerton, 31 Victoria Road, Kensing- ton, London ; born 28th December, 1854. — I'^M. Boyne House. Left Easter, 1873. Sub-Lieutenant, 46th Foot, 1873 ; Lieutenant, 9th Foot, 1874 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1877 ; Captain, 1885. Is Assistant Commissioner, 3rd Class, Punjab. Evans, Frederick William Byrne, son of the Rev. Frederick John Morgan Evans, The Manor House, Great Berkhamstead, Herts ; born 22nd November, 1857. — . Teigh- more. Fenton, Wilfrid David Bradley, son of the Rev. George Livingstone Fenton, British Chap- August, 1869.] PRINCIPAL; REV. T. W. JEX-RLAKE, D.D. 267 lain, Kissengen, Bavaria ; born 26th Sep- tember, 1854. 7 *j1/ — \'^M. Christowe. Left December, 1871. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1872-73. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1873; Captain, 1882. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80 (Medal). Foster, Frank, son of — Foster, Esq. ; born 22nd May, 1855. 4W — . Wallace Brown. Fowler, George Merrick, son of Commander George C. Fowler, R.N., Crookham End, Newbury; born 21st September, 1852. 3C — DC Price. Left 1872. Football XX., 1871. Ceylon Civil Service, 1874. Is Assistant Government Agent at Kalutova, Western Province, Ceylon. Francklin, Charles Edward, son of — Franck- lin. Esq. ; born 21st February, 1857. 2“_/ — . Boyne House. Gabbett, Joseph Edward, son of Matthew R. Gabbett, Esq., Solicitor, Eversham, Co. Dublin; born 27th June, 1855. pM — . Leighton. Royal Indian Engineering College, Cooper’s Hill, 1874. Civil Engineer ; Public Works Dpartment, India. Gray, Evelyn, son of Alexander Gray, Esq., Bombay Civil Service, Cheltenham ; born 26th June, 1855. 3C — iC. Day Boy. Left April, 1874. Junior (Classical) Scholar, i86g; Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1870 ; Walker Prize, 1873. Indian Civil Service, 1876 ; appointed to Bombay, 1878. Assis- tant Collector and Magistrate, Poonah, 1878-81 ; at Khandesh, 1881 ; at Nasik, 1881-85 i ^Iso Forest Settlement Officer, Nasik, 1884-85 ; Assistant Magis- trate and Collector, Thana, 1885. Called to the Bar, Middle Temple, 1888. Gurner, John Augustus, son of Henry Field Gurner, Esq., Crown Solicitor, Melbourne, Australia; born 3rd November, 1854. 8 C — . Price. Jesus College, Cambridge. 20th in 2nd Class Law Tripos, 1876; LL.B., 1877; LL.M., 1880. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1877. Address ; 32 Temple Court, Melbourne, Australia. Hall, Lindsay Bernard, son of Lindsay Hall, Esq., Ullett Road, Liverpool ; born 28th December, 1859. — . Teighmore. Hamilton, Durbin, son of the Rev. James Hamilton, Ballymacoll, Dunboyne, Co. Meath, Ireland ; born i8th June, 1854. 8W— . Harrison, Albert Crowther, son of John C. M. Harrison, Esq., Cottingham, near Hull ; born 26th September, 1858. 4V~- Teigh- more. Haviland, Charles James, son of Henry James Haviland, Esq., M.D., Northwold Villa, Cheltenham ; born ist March, 1858. 3*/ — , Day Boy. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1881. Haviland, Henry Alfred, son of Henry James Haviland, Esq., M.D., Northwold Villa, Cheltenham ; born 24th March, 1857. — . Day Boy. Gymnasium VIII., 1876. Pembroke College, Cambridge. B.A.. 1880; M.B., 1887. St. Bar- tholomew's Hospital, London. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1885 ; Member of British Medical Association. Late House Surgeon, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, and Junior Assistant, Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital. Now Ophthalmic House Surgeon, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, London. Heenan, George Charles, son of Robert Heenan, Esq., C.E. ; born 13th September, 1855. 8 ^M — . Hazelwell. Henderson, James Henderson Dunsterville, son of Lieut. -Colonel James Henderson, R.A., Fort Monkton, Gosport ; born loth June, 1858. i'‘J — . Teighmore. Wyllie Scholarship, 1876. Trinity College, Ox- ford, 1877. Hickman, Hugh Palliser, son of Hugh Palliser Hickman, Esq., Fenloe, Newmarket-on- Fergus, Co. Clare, Ireland; born 7th July, 1856. — . Hazelwell. Hornby Prize, 1873 ; Schacht Prize, 1873. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1873-75 (Prizes ; Military History, Drills and Exercises). Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1875 ; Captain, 1884. Is Instructor of Gunnery, Shoeburyness. Hickman, Stopford Cosby, son of Hugh Palliser Hickman, Esq., Fenloe, Newmarket-on- Fergus, Co. Clare, Ireland ; born loth Au- gust, 1854. e^M — i^M. Hazelwell. Left June, 1872. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1872-73. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1873 ; Captain, 1883 ; Brevet-Major, 1883. Winner of many prizes at Mounted Competitions at Army Athletic Meetings. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882, and was pre- set at the action of Tel-el-Mahuta and battle of Tel- el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with clasp, 5th Class Medjidie, and Khedive’s Star). Hunter, Andrew Alexander, son of Major- General Andrew Hunter, Bengal Staff Corps; born 7th August, 1855. — ~^M. Beau- fort House. Left July, 1873. Received Presentation Cap from Old Cheltonian Football Club (season 1879-80). Middlesex Football XV., 1880. Cheltenham Veterans Rifle V., 1880. Editor of " The Cheltonian Army List " ; “ Records of the Cheltenham College Cricket, Boating, Rifle and Racquet Matches against Public Schools, 1856- 1883 ” : “ The Cheltonian Honours List " ; and the "Cheltenham College Register, 1841-89.” Regis- trar and Secretary of Cheltenham College, since 1889. Address : The College, Cheltenham ; New Club, Cheltenham ; and Junior Constitutional Club, Lon- don, S.W. Iremonger, Edwyn Pryce Grant, son of Captain Pennant Athelwold Lloyd Iremonger, Lime Grove, Bangor ; born 19th September, 1855. — . Newtek House. Irwin, William Stuart, son of Lieut. -Colonel William Boyd Irwin, Jocelyn Street, Dun- dalk, Ireland; born 21st January, 1856. 8'iJ/ — . Newtek House. Justice, William Napier, son of Captain Henry Annesley Justice, Ashmeade Lodge, Leck- hampton ; born 6th January, 1858. — . Teighmore and Bea^ifort House. Re-entered College August, 1871, and January, 1874. Lieutenant, 17th Foot, 1876. Served in the Afghan War in 1879 with the 30th Bombay Native Infantry (Jacob’s Rifles), and was killed at the disas- trous battle of Mainwand, near Kandahar, on the 27th July, 1880. Keele, Edward John, son of — Keele, Esq. ; born 4th March, 1855. 8 ^M — . Day Boy. Football XX.. 1871. 268 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. (August, 1869. King, Percy Liston, son of William Poole King, Esq., Avonside, Clifton, Bristol; born 17th July, 1856. 3^ — . Hazelwell. Rifle Corps XL, 1875-74; Cheltenham Veterans Rifle V. , 1875. Lambert, Guy Lenox (afterwards Bence-Lam- bert), son of Alexander Clendining Lambert, Esq., Brookhill, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ire- land ; born 30th December, 1856. 2*(/ — . J.P. for Suffolk. Lawrie, Herbert, son of Robert Lawrie, Esq., The Limes, Didsbury, Manchester ; born 2ist August, 1856. 3*y — . Hazelwell. Lawrie, William Chatteris, son of Robert Lawrie, Esq., The Limes, Didsbury, Man- chester ; born 19th February, 1855. 9C — . Hazelwell. Le Hardy, Clement Thomas, son of Lieut.- Colonel C. F. Le Hardy, Bedford Villa, Richmond Hill, Clifton, Bristol; born 6th April, 1854. 3C — DC. Beaufort House. Left December, 1872. Previously at Clifton College (September, 1862 — July, 1865). Indian Civil Service, 1874 ; appointed to Bengal, 1877. Assistant Magistrate and Collec- tor, Bengal, 1878 ; Resigned, 1879. Leighton, John Francis, son of the Rev. John Leighton, 5 Queen’s Parade, Cheltenham ; born 4th August, i860, iff — . Day Boy. Wyllie Scholarship, 1879. Exhibition, Trinity College, Oxford, 1879. 3rd Class Classical Modera- tions, 1880 ; 2nd Class Natural Science, 1881. At Cuddesdon Theological College, 1881. Ordained Deacon, 1873, and Priest, 1884. Curate of Wor- field, Salop, 1883-85 ; of Cuddesdon, Oxford, 1885- 86 ; Incumbent of Esk, and Missionary Chaplain on Upper Brisbane River, 1886. Address : Esk, Queensland, Australia. Longworth-Dames, Francis Talbot, son of Captain Thomas Longworth-Dames, Green- hill, Edenderry, Ireland ; born i6th June, 1 860. 4*(/ — . Teighmore. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant. Royal Artillery, 1880 ; Captain, 1888. Was killed by the accidental discharge of his gun while out shooting at Gibraltar, 30th January, 1888. Mathews, Thomas, son of Thomas Mathews, Esq., East Ham, Essex ; born 3rd Septem- ber, 1857. 4y — . Leco 7 tfield. Oliver, Thomas William Neve, son of Thomas Oliver, Esq., C.E., Horsham, Sussex ; born 23rd December, 1855. — . Newtek House. Cricket XL, 1872-73-74; Captain, 1875. Football XX., 1873-74. Pegler, Edgar, son of William Pegler, Esq., Georgina Villa, Cheltenham ; born ist De- cember, 1859. 4 V— • Day Boy. Pegler, William, son of William Pegler, Esq., Georgina Villa, Cheltenham; born 12th September, 1856. J — . Day Boy. Pruen, John Ashmead, son of Septimus Conant Pruen, Esq., Solicitor, Cheltenham ; born 31st December, 1859. Day Boy. Left Easter, 1879. Gold Medallist, 1876. Classical Football XV., 1878. Elected to a Beaufort Exhibition, Oriel Col- lege, Oxford, 1879; did not, however, take it, but went to Brazenose College, Oxford. 3rd Class Clas- sical Moderations, 1880; 4th Class History, 1882. B.A. , 1883; M.A. , 1887. Address ; Park House, Cheltenham. Rathhome, Henry Humphry, son of — Rath- bome. Esq.; born 30th January, 1855. 9C — . Day Boy. Richardson, Horace, son of Timothy Richard- son, Esq., Wentworth House, Mill Hill, Hendon; born 7th December, 1857. f‘J — . Teighynore. Savage, Henry Charles, son of Colonel Henry Savage, 13 Boley Hill, Rochester ; born 29th July, 1854. D>M — "fM. Price. Left June, 1871. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1874. Lieu- tenant, 80th Foot, 1874 ; Instructor of Musketry, South Staffordshire Regiment, 1880-82 ; Captain, 1882 ; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1883-88. Served in the Kaffir War in 1878, including the operations against Sekukuni (Medal with clasp). Sealy, William Sandilands Wilson, son of Wil- liam Henry Sealy, Esq., Chester House, Cirencester ; bom i8th October, 1858. — . Thorn. Sladen, Douglas Brooke Wheelton, son of Douglas Brooke Sladen, Esq., Solicitor, Philliinore Lodge, Kensington, London ; born 5th February, 1856. J,C — DC. Beau- fort House and Gantillon. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1869; Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1870-71-72 ; Jex-Blake (Geographical) Prize, 1875. Senior Prefect. Rifle Corps XL , 1872-73-74 ; Captain, 1875. Winner of Spencer Cup at Wimble- don, 1874. Football XX., 1874. Scholarship, Trinity College, 0 .xford, 1875 ; 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1877; ist Class, History, 1879; B.A. , 1879. Oxford University Rifle XL, 1876-79; Chel- tenham Veterans Rifle V., 1876-79. Melbourne University, Australia. B.A., 188 — ; LL.B., 188 — . Professor of Modern History at Sydney University, Australia, 1883-84. Author of "Dick Stalwart, an Oxonian”; " Frithjof and Ingebjorb, and other Poems,” 1882; "Australian Lyrics," 1882; "A Poetry of Exiles," 1883; "A Summer Christmas,” 1884; "In Cornwall and Across the Sea,” 1885; " Seized by a Shadow,” 1886 ; " Edward the Black Prince,”. 1887; "Australian Poets, 1788-1888”; " The Spanish Armada,” 1888, etc. Address : Phillimore Lodge, Kensington, Lon- don, W. Smith, Arthur Cecil, son of Captain Thomas Johnes Smith, Hoole Lodge, Chester ; bom 7th February, i860, e^f — . Teighmore. Stewart, William Hall Mackintosh, son of Lieut. - Colonel John Stewart, Belle Vue, Tunbridge Wells ; born 2nd November, 1856. 2“_/ — . Newtek House. 2nd Lieutenant, 35th Foot, May, 1878 ; trans- ferred to 43rd Foot, June, 1878 ; Lieutenant, Oxford- shire Light Infantry, 1881 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1883. Is Squadron Officer, ist Punjab Ca- valry. Strachan, James Donaldson, son of William Strachan, Esq., 32 Bedford Gardens, Ken- sington, London ; born 15th September, 1854. 9C — . Hazelwell. Vivian, Charles Henry Gerald, son of the Rev. John Vivian Vivian, Cardynham Rectory, Bodmin, Cornwall; born 7th May, 1853. 4W— . Pembroke College, Oxford, 1874. B.A. , 1877. Ordained Deacon, 1878, and Priest, 1879. Curate of St. Mary, Bishophill Senior, Yorkshire, 1878-80 ; of Ladock, Cornwall, 1883. Rector of Grade with Ruan Minor, Cornwall, 1883-88 ; Rector of Creed, Cornwall, 1888. Address : Creed Rectory, Grampound, Cornwall. August, 1869.] PRINCIPAL: REV. T. W. JEX-BLAKE, U.D. 269 Ward, Gerald Edward, son of — Ward, Esq. ; born 15th March, 1855. 4C — . Beaufort House. Went to the States in America. Winsloe, Cecil, son of Richard Winsloe, Esq., Shrewsbury Park, Oxton, Cheshire ; born 19th July, 1856. 3**/ — . Boyne House. Winsloe, Louis Slade, son of Richard Winsloe, Esq., Shrewsbury Park, Oxton, Cheshire ; born 3rd April, i860. 4V— Boyne House. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1873. Young, Herbert Hamerton, son of — Young, Esq.; born 31st January, 1854. eyM — . Day Boy. ENTERED OCTOBER, 1869. Allen, Walter Harding, son of Philip Allen, Esq. ; born loth April, 1858. — . Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant, 22nd Foot, 1878 ; Lieutenant, 1879 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1880. Is Deputy- Assistant-Commissary-General, 2nd Class. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, including the engage- ment at Mazeena (Medal) ; also served with the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in 1881. Allsopp, Frederick Ernest, son of Henry All- sopp. Esq. (afterwards ist Lord Hindlip), Hindlip Hall, Worcester; born 21st Sep- tember, 1857. 2’y — . Porcher. Cricket XL , 1874-75. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1875-77. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1877 ; Captain, 1885 ; Retired, 1889. Served in the Afghan War in 1879, and was present in the engage- ment at Charasiah on the 6th October, and in the operations round Kabul in December, 1879, including the investment of Sherpore (mentioned in despatches. Medal with two clasps). Served in the Soudan Cam- paign in 1885, and was present in the engagement at Hasheen, and at the destruction of Temai (Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star). Served in the Bur- mese expedition in 1886-87 (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Chichele-Plowden, Richard, son of George Chichele-Plowden, Esq., Barrister, Calcutta ; born 19th March, 1857. — . Teiy;hmore. Cooke, William Russell, son of William Major Cooke, Esq., 31 Wimpole Street, London ; born I2tli August, 1854. 6''C — CC. Boyne House. Left July, 1873. Solicitor (admitted 1879). Address : 3 New Inn, London, W.C. Haines, William George, son of — Haines, Esq.; born 28th August, 1855. 8C — . Day Boy. Holderness, William Charles, son of John William Holderness, Esq., 24 Bentley Road, Liverpool; born 14th January, 1855. 9C — . Leconfield. Mackinlay, James Murray, son of David Mack- inlay, Esq., Surgeon, 13 Lypiatt Terrace, Cheltenham ; born i8th June, 1853. 2*’C — . Day Boy. MacTier, Alexander Stewart, son of Robert Ferguson MacTier, Esq., Satara, Bombay ; born 31st August, 1855. — • Cheltondale. Rifle Corps XI. , 1873. Mare, Robert Langrishe, son of William Henry Mare, Esq., St. John’s, Newfoundland ; born 4th December, 1854. — . Price. Newton, William, son of Thomas Newton, Esq. ; born 4th February, 1855. — f'M. Chris- towe. Left December, 1870. Died at Sydney, New South Wales, 3rd March, 1888. Palmer, Walter Edward, son of the Rev. Edward Palmer, Calcutta ; born 27th May, 1856. — . Hazelwell. Porteous, James, son of — Porteous, Esq.; born 6th January, 1856. y^M—. Day Boy. Powell, Atherton ffolliott, son of Captain Thomas ffolliott Powell, St. Mary’s Vale, Chatham ; born 6th January, 1858. z''J — . Teighmore and Boyne House. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1876-78. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1878 ; Captain, 1886. Served in the Soudan Campaign in 1885-86 (Medal and Khedive’s Star). Robinson, Charles Taylor, son of Major-General D. G. Robinson, R.E., Calcutta ; born 14th July, 1857. 2**_/ — \^M. Boyne House. Left July, 1875. Modern Football XX., 1874. Cheltonian Society Prize, 1875. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1875-77 (won Gymnasium Prize three times). Lieu- tenant, Royal Artillery, 1877; Captain, 1886. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80 (Medal). Shubrick, Henry Thomas, son of Charles John Shubrick, Esq., 19 Weiner Strasse, Dresden ; born 5th February, 1858. 4 V~ • Teigh- more. 2nd Lieutenant, 13th Foot, 1878 ; Lieutenant, 1879 ; Instructor of Musketty, Somersetshire Light Infantry, 1880, Was killed in action at Thayamone during the Burmese War, 26th June, 1886. Squire, Alfred Bennett, son of Charles J. F. Squire, Esq., Solicitor, Bodmin, Cornwall ; born 17th August, 1853. (PM — . Price. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1873. Vyvyan, Edward Reid, son of Edward Walter Vyvyan, Esq., Chandos Villa, Cheltenham ; born 4th September, 1854. 5C — . Day Boy. Re-entry vide January, 1865. Wilson, William Henry, son of William Wilson, Esq., Bray, Co. Wicklow, Ireland ; born 25th November, 1852. (PM — . Besant. Left 1871. Trinity College, Dublin. B.A. (Second Senior Moderator and Gold Medallist). Dublin University Football XV. In Irish Football XV., 1877. Is a Stock Broker in Dublin. Address : Carrickmines House, Carrickmines, Co. Dublin. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [February, 1870. J70 ENTERED FEBRUARY, 1870. Agnew, Patrick McNeil, son of Lieut. -Colonel William Agnew, Gowhatty, Assam, India ; born 6th May, 1855. 9C — . Christozve. Arnold, Theodore Percy, son of Thomas Arnold, Esq., Laleham, The Parks, Oxford ; born 1 2th April, 1855. — . Boyne House. Barker, Thomas William, son of — Barker, Esq. ; born 24th February, 1856. 9C — . Leconfield. Received Presentation Cap from Old Cheltonian Football Club (Season 1879-80). Boyce, Hugh Woollcombe, son of the Rev. William Boyce, Christowe, Cheltenham ; born 26th March, 1861. n^J — . Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant, 19th Foot, 1880 ; Lieutenant, Yorkshire Regiment, 1881 ; transferred to 19th Hussars, 1884 ; Captain, 5th Lancers, 1888 ; trans- ferred to 6th Dr.agoon Guards, 1889. Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the 19th Hussars, and was present in the action at Kirbekan (Medal with two clasps, and Khedive's Star). Died in London, ist March, 1890, from injuries received the previous day while riding in a steeplechase at San- down Park. Bradish, William, son of William Bradish, Esq., 41 Clarendon Square, Leamington ; born 25th February, 1855. 8’’Af — . Cheltondale. Brown, Charles Allen, son of Thomas Allen Brown, Esq., India ; born 23rd September, 1858. 4“/ — . Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), 28th Foot, Feb- ruary, 1881 ; transferred to Northumberland Fusi- liers, March, 1881 ; Lieutenant, July, 1881 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1883. Is Wing Officer, 8th Bombay Native Infantry. Brown, Rodney Edward William, son of Colonel Edward Brown, 14 Sydenham Villas, Chel- tenham ; born 31st March, 1856. 8“Af — . Day Boy. Brunker, Capel Molyneux, son of James Robert Brunker, Esq. ; born 15th October, 1858. 2*(/ — iV- Day Boy. Left June, 1872. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), 43rd Foot, Octo- ber, 1880 ; transferred to 8ist Foot, December, 1880 ; Lieutenant, North Lancashire Regiment, 1881 ; Ad- jutant, 1884 ; Captain, 1888. Cattley, James Edward, son of James Richard Cattley, Esq., St. Petersburg, Russia ; born 25 th September, 1857. 3V— Teighmore. Chamney, William, son of William G. Chamney, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Dublin ; born 6th October, 1855. 9C-— . Day Boy. Clements, John Marcus, son of John Marcus Clements, Esq., Belgrave Lodge, Monks- town, Dublin ; born 9th December, 1856. 7 *’ 71 / — . Newtek House. Sub-Lieutenant, Unattached, 1876; appointed to 14th Foot, 1877 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1877 ; Lieutenant, 1878. Served in the Afghan War in 1879 with the Dera Ghazi column of the Thul Cho- tiali Field Force (Medal). Died in Burmah 29th June, 1884. Clissold, Edward Mortimer, son of the Rev. Edward Mortimer Clissold, Yeatton House, Lymington, Hants; born 8th March, 1859. — . Teighmore. Courtenay, John Alfred, son of James Courte- nay, Esq., 9 Finchley New Road, London ; born 28th April, 1856. 8*’C — 2C. Chris- towe. Left 1874. Classical Football XX., 1873; Received Presenta- tion Cap from Old Cheltonian Football Club (season 1877-78). Solicitor (admitted 1879). Address : 46 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, W.C. ; and 12 Kensington Gate, London, W. Crane, Edward Derman, son of Charles H. Crane, Esq., Wolverhampton ; born 24th January, 1856. 8*C — . Hazelwell. Cricket XI. , 1874. Cripps, John Harding, son of Edward Cripps, Esq., Surgeon, Dollar House, Cirencester ; born 28th June, 1858. 3'’/ — . Teighmore and Newtek House. Died at Cirencester, 23rd May, 1883. Dickson, Thomas Arthur, son of Joseph Briggs Dickson, Esq., Solicitor, West Cliff, Preston ; born 9th January, 1857. 6*’C — . Elton, Alfred Edmund Gresley, son of Frederick Elton, Esq., 4 Osborne Villas, Cheltenham ; born 9th April, 1855. 7*’C — . Day Boy. St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, 1874. B.A. (2nd Class History), 1877. At Gloucester Theological College, 1877- 78. Ordained Deacon, 1878, and Priest, 1879. Curate of Broughton with North Newington, Oxford, 1878- 80. Evans, Arthur Charles, son of — Evans, Esq . ; born 8th September, 1854. 3*’A/— . Died at Cheltenham, 23rd May, 1870. Fitz Herbert, Edward George Corry, son 01 Thomas Fitz Herbert, Esq., Black Castle, Navan, Ireland ; born 27th June, 1856. 8’A/ — . Christowe. Died at Black Castle, Navan, July, 1870. Fryer, Herbert Daniel, son of Lieut.-Colonel Frederick D. Fryer, Moulton Paddocks, Newmarket ; born 29th June, 1857. 4*’_/ — . Hazelwell. Rifle Corps XL, 1875. Gardiner, Edmund John Milne, son of John Gardiner, Esq., 33 Sandgate Road, Folke- stone ; born 29th January, 1854. Cricket XL , 1872. Garnett, Sturges Alan, son of Henry Garnett, Esq., Wyreside, near Lancaster ; born 4th April, 1857. — . Wallaee Browtt. Garnett, Sydney, son of Henry Garnett, Esq., Wyreside, near Lancaster ; born 4th Sep- tember, 1855. 8*’C — . Wallaee Brown. Died at Wyreside, 7th August, 1874. Gordon, Allan David, son of David A. Gordon, Esq., Greenlaw House, Castle Douglas ; born 6th September, 1857. — . Teigh- more. Gordon, William Ainslie, son of David A. Gor- don, Esq., Greenlaw House, Castle Douglas; born 26th November, 1855. — . Griffith, Arthur Gerald, son of Griffith Griffith, Esq., Taltreuddyn, Llanbeddr ; born 6th May, 1857. 47 —. February, 1870.] PRINCIPAL: REV. T. Hamilton, George Montague, son of John T. Hamilton, Esq., Monasteroris House, Eden- derry. King’s County, Ireland ; born 23rd December, 1856. i'’_/ — . Boyne House. Hamilton, John Montague, son of John T. Hamilton, Esq., Monasteroris House, Eden- derry. King’s County, Ireland ; born 4th February, 1855. %^'M — . Boyne House. Gymnasium VIII. , 1872. Football XX., 1872. Hamilton, Robert Montague, son of John T. Hamilton, Esq., Monasteroris House, Eden- derry. King’s County, Ireland ; born 23rd December, 1857. 3’’_/ — . Teighmore. Hinxman, Lionel Wordsworth, son of the Rev. Charles Hinxman, Barford St. Martin, Salis- bury ; born 2ist March, 1855. (i^M — I'Af. Boyne House. Left June, 1872. Previously at Marlborough College (October, 1868 — December, 1869). Christ’s College, Cambridge. B.A. (20th Junior Optime), 1877. Bursar and Sub- Warden of St. Edmund's College, 1879-82. Homfray, Samuel George, son of Samuel George Homfray, Esq., Pontardulais, near Llanelly ; born 4th July, 1855. 3*’_/ — ■. Boyne House. Hore, Henry Reid, son of Captain Edward George Hore, R.N., British Embassy, Paris ; born 25th January, 1856. 8’’Af — . Kemeys, Jasper Henry, son of Henry Kemeys, Esq., 4 Paragon Buildings, Cheltenham ; born 31st August, 1855. — . Lambert, Frank Fitzroy, son of Joseph Lam- bert, Esq., 3 Wellington Terrace, Hull ; born 3rd December, 1854. — . Langley, Alfred Francis Claringbould Chi- chester ; son of Robert Francis Langley, Esq., Solicitor, i St. Andrew’s Place, Cardiff; born 2ist June, 1857. 2^J — . Teighmore. Lawson, Edward Arthur, son of George Law- son, Esq., Newland Grove, near Hull ; born 1 2th February, 1856. — . Cheltondale. Lawson, Henry Meyrick, son of the Hon. Mr. Justice Lawson, 27 Upper Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin; born 30th January, 1859. 3'y — Teightnore and Hazelwell. Left July, 1875. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1871-72; Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1873-74. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1875-77 (Prizes : Mathematics and Mechanics, Military History). Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1877 ; Captain, 1888 ; Brevet- Major, 1888. Passed Staff College, 1887. Served in the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884, and was in the engagement at El Teb (Medal with clasp, 5th Class Medjidie, and Khedive’s Star) ; also served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85, and was present at the action of Abu Klea, and in the engagements at El Gubat, Metammeh, and at Abu Klea Wells on the i6th and 17th February (men- tioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, two clasps). Lawson, Walter George, son of George Lawson, Esq., Newland Grove, near Hull; born ist April, 1857. 3*’_/ — . Cheltondale. Layard, Arthur Griffith, son of Lieut.-General William Twisleton Layard, 3 Exmouth Place, Cheltenham ; born ist September, 1855. — . Day Boy. Rifle Corps XL, 1873. Tea Planter in Ceylon. Littlewood, Benjamin Campbell, son of Benja- min Littlewood, Esq., Clent House, near Stourbridge ; born 14th February, 1854. 5*C — I'C Gafitillon. Left June, 1872. Walker Prize, 1872. Exhibitioner, Brazenose W. JEX-BLAKE, D.D. 271 College, Oxford, 1875. B.A. (4th Class Theology). 1876 1 M.A., 1879. Ordained Deacon, 1877, and Priest, 1878. Curate of Codsall, Staffordshire, 1877- 79 ; of Kecle, Staffordshire, 1879-80 ; Licensed Preacher, Gloucester Diocese, i88o-88 ; Vicar of Warfield, Berks, 1888. Address : Warfield Vicarage, Bracknell. Lloyd, William, son of — Lloyd, Esq. ; born 8th July, 1858. 4'’_/ — . Day Boy. Lowry, James, son of Thomas Henry Lowry, Esq., M.D., West Mailing Place, Kent ; born 19th February, 1856. 8'’ A/ — . Thorn. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), 84th Foot, 1877 ; Lieutenant, York and Lancaster Regiment, 1879 ; Captain, 1886. Served with the 2nd Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment throughout the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present in the engagements at El Magfar and Tel-el-Mahuta, in the two actions at Kassassin, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star). Marshall, William Kennedy, son of the Rev. J. Marshall, Baronnacojurt, Parsonstown, Ire- land ; born 1 2th March, 1859. 3'y — . Day Boy. Miller, James Martin, son of — Miller, Esq. ; born 22nd July, 1855. — . Cheltondale. Moody, Richard Stanley Hawks, son of Major- General Richard Clement Moody, R.E., Caynham House, near Ludlow ; born 23rd October, 1854. — i°M. Hazelwell. Left December, 1872. Lieutenant, 3rd Foot, 1873 ; Adjutant, 1877-78 ; Captain, East Kent Regiment, 1880 ; Major, 1886. Passed Staff College, 1884. Brigade Major, Malta, 1885. Served in the Zulu War, South Africa, in 1879 (Medal). Address : Naval and Military Club, Piccadilly, London, W. Moore, Alexander Stuart, son of the Rev. Cor- bett Metcalfe Moore, 8 Berkeley Place, Chel- tenham ; born loth April, 1858. i^J — . Day Boy. Moore, Cecil Sangster, son of the Rev. Corbett Metcalfe Moore, 8 Berkeley Place, Chelten- ham ; born 22nd September, 1859. 2y — . Day Boy. Nunn, Edward Daniel, son of Edward C. Nunn, Esq., Collector of Customs, India; born 24th January, 1854. Civil^M — . Day Boy. Pemberton, George Taylor, son of John Pem- berton, Esq., Solicitor, 21 Deane Road, Fairfield, Liverpool ; born 4th February, 1856. yM — . Hazelwell. Phayre, Arthur, son of Lieut.-General Sir Robert Phayre, K.C.B., Bombay Staff Corps; born 23rd P'ebruary, 1856. 8'’C — . Day Boy. Classical Football XX., 1873. 2nd Lieutenant, nth Foot, 1878 ; Lieutenant, Devonshire Regiment, 1880 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1881. Aide-de- Camp to the Governor of Bombay, 1885. Preston, John Hulton, son of Thomas Edward Preston, Esq., Barton Hall, Norwich ; born 7th February, 1857. 8“-C — uC. Beaufort House. Left June, 1874. Classical Football XX., 1873. Went to America. Randolph, James Cossley, son of Colonel John Weech Randolph, 16 Pembridge Road, Clifton, Bristol; born 23rd June, 1854. fM — . Hazelwell. Richards, John Berwick, son of John H 272 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [February, 1870. Richards, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Rathangan House, Co. Kildare, Ireland ; born 22nd May, 1855. 9C — . Boyne House. Football XX., 1872. Richardson, Wilfred Topham, son of Timothy Richardson, Esq., Mill Hill, Hendon ; born I2th March, i860. i^J — i’’C. Teighmore and Hazelwell. Left July, 1878. Cricket XXII., 1878. Trinity Hall, Cambridge. B. A. (i2th in 3rd Class Law Tripos), 1884. Solicitor (admitted 1888). Address ; 76 Finsbury Pavement, London, E.C. Sandys, Henry Molyneux, son of — Sandys, Esq. ; born 30th April, 1856. (y^M — . Boyne House. Sebright, Guy Thomas Saunders, son of Sir Thomas Gage Saunders Sebright, Bart. ; born 19th August, 1856. — . Leconfield. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), io6th Foot, 1877 ; transferred to Coldstream Guards, 1878 ; Lieutenant, 1881 ; Resigned, 1886. Sim, Charles John, son of James Duncan Sim, Esq., C.S.I., Madras, India ; born 20th December, 1854. (g-C — . Chj'istowe. Gymnasium VIII. , 1872-73; Football XX., 1872. Sim, Henry Alexander, son of James Duncan Sim, Esq., C.S.L, Madras, India ; born i6th February, 1856. — \^C. Christowe. Left 1874 - Rifle Corps XI., 1872; Captain, 1873-74. Gym- nasium VIII. , 1873-74; Football XX., 1873. Chel- tenham Veterans Rifle V. , 1875-76-77. Indian Civil Service, 1876 ; appointed to Madras, 1878. Assis- tant to Collector and Magistrate at Coimbatore, 1878-81 ; at Cuddepah, 1881 ; at Kurnool, 1881-82 ; at Bellary, 1882-83. Deputy Conservator of Forests, 1st Grade, Kurnool, 1883-86 ; also Forest Settlement Officer, Kurnool, 1884-86. Special Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Malabar, 1886. Stewart, William, son of Colonel John Stewart, R-A., Cawnpore, India ; born 8th October, 1859. 4'y — \J. Teighmore. Left 1871. Subsequently at Sherborne School (1873-76). 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), 65th Foot, 1879 ; Lieu- tenant, York and Lancaster Regiment, 1881 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1883. Is Squadron Officer, loth Bengal Cavalry. Strachan, Horace Ward, son of James Greet- head Strachan, Esq., 106 High Street, Chel- tenham ; born 21st September, 1855. ’]'°C — . Day Boy. Tuckey, Charles, son of — Tucky, Esq. ; born 2nd January, 1855. 6^C — . Hazelwell. Lieutenant, 21st Foot, 1876 ; Captain, Royal Scots Fusiliers, 1884 ; attached to Ordnance Store Depart- ment, 1885. Tyers, Alfred, son of Thomas Tyers Tyers, Esq., Darlington Court, Bath ; born 3rd April, 1854. Civil^M — . Leconfield. Vivian, Edward Arthur Everard, son of the Rev. John Vivian Vivian, Cardynham Rec- tory, Bodmin ; born 27th May, 1855. ?gM — . White, William Henry, son of George White, Esq., Shrubs, Artane, Dublin ; born 31st January, 1855. — . Wilkieson, Hampden Francis, son of Major- General Charles Vaughan Wilkieson, R.E., Bangalore, Madras, India ; born 20th Octo- ber, 1855. — . Cheltondale. Left De- cember, 1872. Somersetshire Football XX., 1876-77. Is Assis- tant Superintendent of Police, Madras Constabulary. Address : Madras Club, Madras, India. Wright, Algernon Arthur, son of Arthur James Wright, Esq., 4 Collins Street East, Mel- bourne, Australia ; born 2nd November, 1855. i^C—. ENTERED APRIL, 1870. Acklom, Alfred Edward, son of the Rev. George Acklom ; born 19th April, 1856. 8“Af — . Newick House. Bloomfield, Fitzmaurice Edmund, son of Fitz- maurice Gustavus Bloomfield, Esq., New Park, Waterford, Ireland ; born 29th March, 1859. — . Teigh 7 nore. Died 1871. Bourne, Robert Valentine, son of Robert Bourne, Esq., Grafton Manor, Bromsgrove ; born 4th February, 1858. i^J—. Teighmore. Campbell, Walter Frederick, son of William Hunter Campbell, Esq., Solicitor, Demerara ; born 22nd May, 1855. fiC — . Beatifori House. Chesney, Alexander George, son of General Francis Rawdon Chesney, R.A., Packolet, Ballyardle, Newry, Ireland; born 30th April, 1858. — Line M. Teighmore and Lecon- field. Left September, 1876. College Boat, 1876. Royal Military College, Sand- hurst, 1876. Sub-Lieutenant, 38th Foot, 1876; Lieu- tenant, 1878 ; Adjutant, South Staffordshire Regiment, 1881-85 ; Captain, 1883. Aide-de-Camp to Governor and Commander-in-Chief, Malta, 1885-88. Served as Adjutant with the ist Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment in the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present in the reconnaissance in force from Alexan- dria on the 5th August (mentioned in despatches. Medal, 5th Class Medjidie, and Khedive’s Star). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (clasp). Chesney, Edward Shuldham, son of General Francis Rawdon Chesney, R.A., Packolet, Ballyardle, Newry, Ireland ; born 8th April, 1856. 8*^C — Latifi C. Leconfield. Left 1873. Coffee Planter in India for some years, afterwards Land Agent in Ireland. Gael, Frederick Gratian, son of Samuel Higgs Gael, Esq., Barrister, Lincoln’s Inn, London ; born 22nd March, 1861. 4')/ — . Day Boy. Goulburn, Cuthbert Edward, son of Colonel Edward Goulburn, Betchworth House, Surrey ; born 6th February, i860. — . Teighmore. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1873. Royal Mili- tary Academy, Woolwich, 1877-79. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1879 ; Captain, 1887. Green-Price, Francis Richard, son of Sir Richard Green-Price, Bart., New Court, Cheltenham ; born 19th October, 1856. — . Day Boy and Christowe. Football XX., 1873. Died at Brecon, South Wales, from the effects of an accident, 25th April, 1885. April, 1870.] PRINCIPAL: REV. T. W. JEX-BLAKE, D.D. 273 Hawker, John Frederick, son of George Hawker, Esq., Heidelberg, Germany ; born lyth April, 1854. 7M/ — . Nash. Inchbald, Henry Douglas, son of the Rev. Robert Inchbald, Essex House, Barnes ; born 4th May, 1854. — . Levey, Charles Ernest, son of Charles E. Levy, Esq., Cataraqui, Quebec, Canada ; born i itb June, 1855. Leighto?i. McEuen, Charles Henry, son of David Painter McEuen, Esq., 24 Pembridge Square, Lon- don ; born 21st August, 1858. 3*’_/ — ^^M. Christowe. Left December, 1874. In business in London. Perrott, Grifith Henry, son of Robert S. Perrott, Esq., Bronhyddon, Oswestry ; born 3rd January, 1855. 8 '^M — 2*A/. Ch 7 'istowe. Rifle Corps XL, 1873. Football XX., 1873. Cheltenham Veterans Rifle V., 1875. Ruck-Keene, Ralph John, son of the Rev. Ben- jamin Ruck- Keene, Newent Vicarage, Glou- cestershire ; born 25th August, 1859. 2"J — ij. Teighmore. Left June, 1872. Naval Cadet, 1872 ; Midshipman, Royal Navy, 1875 ; Sub-Lieutenant, 1879 ; Lieutenant, 1883. Shelmerdine, Thomas Percy, son of Thomas P. Shelmerdine, Esq., Pendleton, near Man- chester; born 20th April, 1856. 9C — I'C. Newick Hottse. Left 1 874. Cricket XL, 1874. Is in business. Address : Moreton House, Kersal Edge, near Manchester. ENTERED AUGUST, 1870. Agar, Edward, son of Major Edward Walter Agar, Ellesmere Lodge, Leckhampton ; born 30th May, 1859. 3V — I'M. Day Boy. Left December, 1875. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1872 ; Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1874. Hornby Prize, 1874 ; Schacht Prize, 1875-76. Head of Modern, Decem- ber, 1875. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich (Passed in ist in order of merit), 1876-78 (Passed out First Engineer ; Prizes : Pollock Medal, Mathe- matics and Mechanics, German, Spanish, Italian). Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1877 ; Captain, 1888. Passed Staff College, 1886 (Qualified in German as a voluntary subject, and in Russian as an extra sub- ject). Address : Care of Messrs. Cox and Co. , 16 Charing Cross, London, S.W. Baugh, Nasmyth William Churchill, son of Lieut.-Colonel Charles Richard Baugh, 3 Montague Place, Cheltenham ; born loth August, 1857. 8'W — . Day Boy. Subsequently at Clifton College (September to December, 1873). Bennett, Frederick James, son of Frederick W. Bennett, Esq., County Club, Weymouth ; born 2 1st May, 1856. 8’’d/ — . Price. Blackwell, Colin Alexander Robinson, son ot Surgeon-Major James Hay Blackwell, 3 Gillespie Terrace, St. Andrews, N.B. ; born 2nd June, 1859. 2'y — . Teighnore. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1872. Sub-Lieutenant, 8th Foot, 1880 1 Lieutenant, Liverpool Regiment, 1881. Died at Kasauli, East Indies, 17th August, 1882. Blackwell, James Hay, son of Surgeon-Major James Hay Blackwell, 3 Gillespie Terrace, St. Andrews, N.B. ; iDorn 19th December, 1857. 2'y — . Teighmore. Blandy, Richard Newdigate, son of William Blandy, Esq., 3 Montpellier Place, Chelten- ham ; born 12th March, 1857. 3’C — i*C. Newick House. Left July, 1876. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1870 ; Senior (Clas- sical) Scholar, 1871-72-73. Iredell Prize, 1873 ; Cheltonian Society Prize, 1875 ; Silver (Classical) Medallist, 1876 ; Jex-Blake Scholar, 1876 ; Head of Classical, December, 1875, and July, 1876. Senior Prefect, 1875-76. Classical Football XX., 1874-75- 76. Scholarship, Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 1876. ist Class Classical Moderations, 1878 ; 2nd Class Final Schools, 1880. Oxford University Foot- ball XV., 1880-81. B.A., 1880; M.A., 1883. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1883. Practised at the Australian Bar, but subsequently returned to Eng- land. Now a Private Tutor. Address : Alvescot House, Faringdon, Berkshire ; and New University Club, St. James’s Street, Lon- don, S.W. Bolton, Henry Hargreaves, son of H. H. Bolton, Esq., Newchurch, near Manchester; born 2 1 St June, 1856. 8’'df — . Newick House. Bond, Richard Pratt, son of Richard Downer Webb Bond, Esq. ; born 19th May, 1856. — 3C. Day Boy. Left December, 1872. London University, 1874; King’s College, Lon- don, 1874. Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 1880 ; Member, Royal College of Sur- geons, England, 1881. House Surgeon, King’s College Hospital, London, 1881 ; Senior Resident Medical Officer, Royal Free Hospital, London, 1881. Passed into Netley Military Hospital, 1882. Sur- geon, Army Medical Staff, 1883. Served in the Nile Expedition of 1884-85 (Medal with clasp), and with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86. Boucher, Arthur Sackville, son of the Rev. Alfred Francis Boucher, Heath House, Ched- dleton, near Leek; 'born 5th December, 1857. 2’>_/ — . Boyne House. Bowie, Martinus, son of Martinus Bowie, Esq., 30 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born i6th December, 1856. — . Day Boy. Brereton, Clement Henry, son of Ebenezer William Brereton, Esq., M.A. (afterwards Edward William Brereton, Esq.), Training College, Cheltenham ; born 9th October, 1857. s’’C — . Day Boy. Deputy-Commissary-General of Ordnance, 1876. Died at Trincomalie, Ceylon, i8th December, 1884. Brodhurst, Henry William Frederick Cotting- ham, son of William Henry Brodhurst, Esq., Eltham Lawn, Cheltenham ; born 26th August, 1856. 4’’6’’ — . Day Boy. College Boat, 1874: Gymnasium VIII. , 1874-75; Classical Football XX. , 1874. In Ceylon Civil Ser- vice. Browne, Thomas Lansdowne, son of John Harris Browne, Esq., M.D., Montpellier N N 2?4 Cheltenham college register. [August, 1870. Lawn, Cheltenham; born 23rd June, i860. if'J — 2C. Day Boy. Rifle Corps VIII., 1878. Worcester College, Oxford, 1879. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1885. Buchan, John Adye, son of John Hitchcock Buchan, Esq., The Grove, Hanwell, Mid- dlesex ; bom 14th December, 1856. 6W — 7 ^M. Price. Left July, 1873. Civil Engineer. Bullock, Francis Benjamin, son of Benjamin Bullock, Esq., St. Leonard’s, Spital Hill, near Morpeth ; born 26th January, 1854. Sandhurst — . Price. Burrows, Ernest James, son of James Burrows, Esq., Douglas Bank, Wigan ; born 13th September, 1854. — . Cheltondale. Re- entry vide January, 1866. Carthew-Yorstoun, Archibald Morden, son of Captain Morden Carthew-Yorstoun, Elshie- shields, Lockerby, N.B. ; born 27th July, 1855. — SfM. Leconjield. Left 1872. Modem Football XX., 1872. Lieutenant (from Militia), 42nd Highlanders, 1875 ; Captain, Royal Highlanders, 1882. Carthew-Yorstoun, Morden Ewart, son of Cap- tain Morden Carthew-Yorstoun, Elshie- shields, Lockerby, N.B. ; born 8th October, 1858. — . Teighmore. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), 24th Foot, 1879 ; transferred to 67th Foot, January, 1880 ; Lieutenant, Hampshire Regiment, October, 1880 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1882. Is Squadron Officer, 4th Bombay Cavalry. Served in the Zulu War, South Africa, in 1879 (Medal with clasp). Chancellor, John Brandon, son of John Chan- cellor, Esq., Reading; bom iith March, 1856. i^C — Baxter. Left July, 1875. Cricket XXII., 1874-75; Classical Football XX., 1874. Mathematical Exhibition, Balliol College, Oxford, 1874 ; 3rd Class Classical Moderations, 1876; 2nd Class Jurisprudence, 1878. B.A. , 1879. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, i88r. Address : 2 Elm Court, The Temple, London, E.C. Close, John Forbes, son of the Rev. John Forbes Close, Morne Rectory, Kilkeel, Co, Down, Ireland ; born 27th February, 1857. 8’’C — . Leconjield. College Boat, 1874-75; Football XX., 1874-75; Gymnasium VIII., 1875-76. Civil Engineer. Cowan, James Henry, son of William Cowan, Esq., LL.D., Linburn House, Midcalder, N.B. ; born 28th September, 1856. 'J'M— VM. Hazelwell. Left February, 1874. Rifle Corps XI. , 1872-73 ; won Spencer Cup at Wimbledon, 1872. Football XX., 1873. Schacht Prize, 1874. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1874-76 (Passed out First Engineer ; Prizes : Pollock Medffi, Sword, Mathematics and Mechanics, Fortifi- cation, Artillery, Military History, Military Drawing, Chemistry and Physics). Lieutenant, Royal En- gineers, 1876 ; Captain, 1887. Awarded the "Fowke Medal " at Chatham, 1877, for proficiency in Archi- tectural and Construction Course. Instructor in Fortification at Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1885. Received Presentation Cap from Old Chel- tonian Football Club (season 1877-78). Cheltenham Veterans Rifle V., 1885-86-87-88-89. Address: War Office, Whitehall, London, S.W. Cowan, John Robert, son of William Cowan, Esq., LL.D., Linburn House, Midcalder, N.B. ; born i8th April, 1858. !*_/ — I'C. Newick House. Left 1877. Rifle Corps XL, 1874-75; Captain, 1876-77. Football XX., 1874-75; Captain XV., 1876. Fives Champion, 1875. Received Presentation Cap from Old Cheltonian Football Club (season 1878-79). Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1880-81. Lieu- tenant, ist West India Regiment, 1882 ; Resigned, 1887. Was Private Secretary and Aide-de-Camp to the Governor of British Honduras, 1885 ; and Aide- de-Camp to the Governor, West Coast of Africa, 1886. Cowhurn, George Herbert, son of George Cow- burn, Esq., 26 St. Stephen’s Road, Bays- water, London, W. ; born 27th April, 1854. 4^C — . Newick Hotise. College Boat, 1871 ; Football XX., 1872. St. George’s, Hospital, London. Member, Royal Col- lege of Surgeons, England ; Licentiate, Royal Col- lege of Physicians, London. Died of consumption at Exeter, 20th December, 1881. Crane, Charles Arnold, son of Charles Henry Crane, Esq., Wolverhampton ; bom 6th February, 1857. 6'>C — i’’C'. Hazelwell. Gymnasium VIII. , 1875-76 ; Gymnasium Cham- pion, 1876. Creighton, Robert FitzGerald, son of Robert Creighton, Esq. ; born 6th October, 1854. 7'*J/ — . Price. College Boat, 1873; Football XX., 1873. Lieu- tenant, loist Foot, 1874 ; Instructor of Musketry, 1877-81 ; Captain, Royal Munster Fusiliers, 1881 ; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1886. Address : Care of Messrs. Cox and Co. , 16 Charing Cross, London, S.W. Cusack, Ralph Smith, son of Sir Ralph Smith Cusack, Knt., Barrister-at-Law, 24 Rutland Square, Dublin; born 4th July, 1856. 8’’6' — . Christowe. Davies, William Huskisson, son of John Bevan Davies, Esq., Prestwich Park, Manchester ; born 28th October, 1857. (PM — . Hazel- well. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1870. Day, Frederick Cornwallis, son of Charles Arthur Day, Esq., C.E., Terrace House, Southampton ; born 27th April, 1859. eJJ — . Teighmore. Donald, Colin George, son of Colin Dunlop Donald, Esq., Solicitor, 44 West George Street, Glasgow ; born 1 8th September, 1854. — V^M. Leco 7 iJield. Left December, 1872. College Boat, 1871 ; Football XX., 1872. Lieu- tenant, 7th Fusiliers, 1874 ; Captain, Royal Fusiliers, 1883. Aide-de-Camp to Major-General, Madras, 1883-86. Served in the Afghan War in 1878-79 in the Transport Department on the Kandahar Line (Medal). Address : Naval and Military Club, Piccadilly, London, W. Gardner, Francis Farington, son of Captain Alan H. Gardner ; born 30th December, 1856. 4W — . Price. Qell, Herbert George, son of Colonel John Sher- brooke Gell, Bombay ; born 22nd October, 1856. Naval J — \^M. Leconjield. Left 1874 - Cricket XL, 1873; Modern Football XX., 1873. Is Deputy Commissioner of Police, Bombay Con- stabulary. August, 1870.] PRINCIPAL: REV. T. W. JEX-BLAKE, D.D. 275 Gilliland, Edwin John, son of — Gilliland, Esq.; born 22nd April, 1858. 4V — . Day Boy. Grif 5 .tli, Mervyn ap Griffith, son of Griffith Griffith, Esq., M.D., Taltreuddyn, Llanbedr, Merionethshire ; born December, i860. 4“/ — . Teighmore. Haig, Arthur, son of Major-General Felix Thackeray Haig, R.E., Central Provinces, India ; born loth March, 1858. i*_/ — i*’C. Day Boy. Left July, 1874. Pembroke College, Cambridge. B.A. {24th in 3rd Class Classical Tripos), 1881. Ordained Deacon, 1881, and Priest, 1882. Curate of Grey Friars, Reading, 1881-83. Cambridge University Missionary at Delhi, India, 1883. Address : Delhi, Punjab, India. Haig, Francis Murray, son of Major-General Felix Thackeray Haig, R.E., Central Pro- vinces, India; born 26th September, 1855. (yM — . Day Boy. Previously at Repton School. Heneage, Alfred Rene, son of Edward Heneage, Esq., Stag’s End, Hemel Hempstead ; born loth June, 1858. — . Lecotifield. Sub-Lieutenant, 74th Foot, 1876 ; Lieutenant, 1877 ; Captain, 5th Dragoon Guards, 1888. Served with the and Battalion Highland Light Infantry in the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir — wounded (Medal with clasp, and Khedive's Star). Hornby, William Henry, son of — Hornby, Esq. ; born 30th March, 1855. CiviP^M — . Price. Hume, Arthur Robert, son of Arthur Hume, Esq., 63 Dawson Street, Dublin ; born 21st November, 1856. — . Boyne House. Sub-Lieutenant, 76th Foot, 1876 ; Lieutenant, 1878 ; Captain, West Riding Regiment, 1884 ; Adju- tant, ist Punjab Rifle Volunteers, 1888. Hunter, Frederick Ernest Arundel, son of Cap- tain Frederick E. Hunter, 18 Somerset Place, Bath ; born 30th January, 1854. 3'’C — . Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1874 ; Captain, 1883. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with clasp, and Khedive's Star). Jones, Francis Stuart, son of Richard F. Jones, Esq., 66 Park Road South, Claughton, Birkenhead ; born 20th October, 1858. — . Teighmore. Kemble, Edward Arthur, son of Edward Kemble, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Cheltenham ; born 7th August, 1859. 4'y — . Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant, 12th Foot, 1879 ; Lieutenant, Suffolk Regiment, 1880 ; Captain, 1885. Served with the ist Battalion 12th Foot in the Afghan War of 1880 (Medal). Kent, Frederic Davies, son of the Rev. George Davies Kent, Stratford Tony, Salisbury ; born 25th August, 1855. 5'‘C — . Price. Ker, Leighton Buchanan, son of Claudius Buchanan Ker, Esq., M.D., Hadley House, Cheltenham; born 12th June, 1857. pM — . Day Boy. La Touche, William Robert Digues, son of the Rev. J. G. D. La Touche, Duleek, Co. Meath, Ireland ; born ist August, 1856. 8 *’C — . Day Boy. Leahy, Richard, son of Richard Leahy, Esq., Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland ; born 13th De- cember, 1854. CiviHM — . Price. Lunn, John Reuben, son of Joseph William Lunn, Esq., M.D., 7 Charlotte Street, Hull ; born 13th September, 1854. CiviPM — i^A/. Price. Left 1872. St. Thomas's Hospital, London. Honourable Certificate in Midwifery, 1877. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1878. Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians, London, 1879 ; Licen- tiate, Society of Apothecaries, 1879 ; Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, 1884. Member of the British Medical Association, besides other Medi- cal Societies. Late House Surgeon, Resident Ac- coucheur, Junior Assistant House Surgeon, and Senior Assistant House Physician, St. Thomas's Hos- pital, London ; Resident Assistant Medical Officer, East London Hospital for Children, and Resident Clinical Assistant, City of London Hospital for Diseases of the Chest. Now Resident Medical Superintendent, St. Marylebone Infirmary. Has contributed numerous articles to various Medical Papers. Address : St. Marylebone Infirmary, Notting Hill, London, W. MacLeod, Alexander Edward, son of Donald A. MacLeod, Esq., Dalvey Cottage, Forres, N.B. ; born loth December, 1858. 3'y — . Teighmore. MacMahon, Ernest Edward, son of Brigadier- General MacMahon, Sealcote, Punjab, India; born 4th January, 1857. — . Day Boy. Lieutenant, 67th Foot, 1874 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1878 ; Captain, 1885. Maguire, James Rochfort, son of the Rev. John Mulock Maguire, Vermont, Limerick, Ire- land; born 8th October, 1853. 2*’C — . Price. Postmastership, Merton College, Oxford, 1874 ; ist Class Mathematical Moderations, 1875 ; ist Class Mathematical Final Schools, 1877 ; ist Class Juris- prudence, 1878. B.A., 1877: M. A., 1881. Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, 1879-86. ist Class Studentship, Inner Temple, 1879 ; called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1883. Address : Belmont, Kilbeggan, Co. Westmeath, Ireland. Manning, Edward Frederick Collins, son of William Woodward Manning, Esq., Bar- rister, Stoneleigh, Cheltenham ; born 15th March, 1859. 3’y — . Day Boy. Maurice, William James, son of the Rev. Thomas Maurice, Harnhill Rectory, near Cirencester; born 5th September, 1857. 5’’C — . Hazelwell. Keble College, Oxford, 1876. B.A., 1879. Moore, Edward Francis William, son of Richard Moore, Esq., Killashee, Naas, Co. Kildare, Ireland ; born 9th July, 1857. 3’y — . Boyne House. Morse, Arthur Templeman, son of Arthur Charles Morse, Esq., Surgeon, Crewkerne ; born 2nd September, 1855. 5*J/ — 3’’^/. Hazelwell. Left December, 1872. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1875. Sub- Lieutenant, 50th Foot, 18;^ ; Lieutenant, 1877 ; Captain, Royal West Kent Regiment, 1884. Served with the ist Battalion Royal West Kent Regiment throughout the Egyptian War of 1882, and was pre- sent at the action at Kassassin on the 9th September (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the Mounted Infantry, and was present at the action of Abu Klea and in the reconnaissance to Metammeh — wounded (two Clasps). [August, 1870. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. 276 Morse, Richard Edward Ricketts, son of Richard Morse, Esq.; born 23rd October, 1856. — \M. Price and Day Boy. Left 1874. Guy’s Hospital, London, 1875-80. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1879 ; Licen- tiate, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 1880. Army Medical School, Netley, 1880-81. Surgeon, Army Medical Staff, 1881. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive’s Star), also in the Soudan Campaign in 1888, including the action at Toski (3rd Class Medjidie). Neame, Alan, son of Frederick Neame, Esq., Macknade, near Faversham ; born 17th March, 1858. -£°J — . Leconjield. Brewer at Stroud, Gloucestershire. Nunn, Edward, son of Edward Westby Nunn, Esq., 20 Lansdown Place, Cheltenham ; born i8th February, 1856. — . Day Boy. Classical Football XV., 1876. Nunn, James William, son of Edward C. Nunn, Esq., Collector of Customs, India ; born 27th September, 1859. — . Day Boy. Nunn, Richard, son of Edward Westby Nunn, Esq., 20 Lansdown Place, Cheltenham ; born 1 6th February, 1859. — . Day Boy. Trinity College, Dublin. B.A., 1881; M.B. and B. C. , 1883. Assistant Surgeon, Western Ophthalmic Hospital. Address : London Rowing Club, Putney, Surrey ; St. Margaret’s, Broadway, Co. Wexford ; and Hill Castle, "Tagoat, Co. Wexford, Ireland. O’Brien, Percy Denny Porter, son of Jonathan P. O’Brien, Esq., Rock Ferry, Cheshire ; born loth March, 1857. 8^C — . Newtek House. In Business. Address : The Temple, Dale Street, Liverpool. Porter, Tindal Pearson, son of Robert Tindal Porter, Esq., Covals, The Park, Chelten- ham; born 30th May, 1856. 4 ^C — i^C. Day Boy. Left Easter, 1875. Gymnasium VIII. , 1872-74-75 ; Gymnasium Cham- pion, 1875. Is a Land Surveyor. Rees, John David, son of Ludowick William Rees, Esq., 4 Blenheim Terrace, Chelten- ham ; born i6th December, 1854. 2*’C — I’^C. Day Boy. Left 1873. Classical Football XX., 1872. Indian Civil Ser- vice, 1873 ; appointed to Madras, 1875. Assistant to Collector and Magistrate, Vizagapatam, 1875-78 ; at Chingleput, 1878-79 ; at Tinnevelly, 1879-80 ; at Chingleput, 1880, and at Madras, 1880-83. Assistant- Secretary to Government, Judicial and Legislative Departments, 1883-84. Under-Secretary to Govern- ment, Revenue Department, 1884-86; also Inter- preter to the Madras Government in Tamil, Telegu, Persian, and Hindustani. Private Secretary to His Excellency the Governor of Madras, 1886. Is Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, Member of the Royal Arabic Society, and Fellow of Madras Uni- versity. Renny, Alexander MaeWhirter, son of Major- General George Alexander Renny, V.C., Meerut, India; born 27th October, 1854. 3AJ/ — P-M. Day Boy. Left June, 1872. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1872-74. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1873 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1878 ; Captain, 1885. Is Squadron Commander, 7th Bengal Cavalry. Served with the ist Bengal Cavalry in the Afghan War in 1879-80 in the Kumm Valley, including the Zaimusht Ex- pedition (Medal). Ricardo, Percy Ralph, son of — Ricardo, Esq. ; born 28th August, 1855. 5^C — . Beaufort House. Roberts, William Arthur Ormsby,son of Watkin Williams Roberts, Esq., Surgeon, Uxbridge Place, Carnarvon ; born 14th September, 1854. (PC—. Robinson, John Graham, son of Major-General D. G. Robinson, R.E., Catsfield Rectory, near Battle, Sussex ; born 22nd January, 1861. iff — 3C Boyne House. Left De- cember, 1877. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1879. 2nd Lieutenant, ist Foot, 1880 ; transferred to Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 1881 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1882. Is Wing Officer, ist Battalion 2nd Ghoorkhas. Ruck-Keene, Edmund Ralph, son of the Rev. Benjamin Ruck-Keene, Newent Vicarage, Gloucestershire ; born 31st July, 1857. Exeter College, Oxford, 1877. B.A. , 1882 ; M.A. , 1884. At Cuddesdon Theological College, 1882. Ordained Deacon, 1882, and Priest, 1883. Curate of All Saints, Wigan, Lancashire, 1882-85 ; of St. Andrew, Halstead, Essex, 1886-87. Address : Clyde Cottage, East Grinstead. Saltmarshe, Arthur Harry, son of Philip Salt- marshe. Esq., Saltmarshe, Howden, York- shire ; born 22nd March, 1855. Sand- hurst — . Draper. Lieutenant, 90th Light Infantry, 1874. Served in the Kaffir War in 1878, and was killed in action near Tabiudoda, South Africa, on the 30th April, 1878. Seton, Henry James, son of Colonel Bruce Seton, 7 Oxford Parade, Cheltenham ; born 27th August, 1854. — f‘M. Day Boy. Lieutenant (from Militia), 86th Foot, 1874 ; Cap- tain, Royal Irish Rifles, 1882 ; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1888. Sha'W, Duncan Alfred Michael Legh,, son of John Ralph Shaw, Esq., Arrowe Park, Bir- kenhead ; born 2nd July, 1857. 8'’C — . Leighton. Rifle Corps XL, 1875. Shepherd, John Philip, son of John Shepherd, Esq., Hull ; born 22nd January, 1859. 3V — . Teigh 77 iore and Beaufort House. Went to Australia. Sorby, Thomas Heathcote, son of Thomas Austin Sorby, Esq., Park Grange, Sheffield ; born i6th February, 1856. — CM. Hazelwell. Left December, 1872. In English Football (Association) XL, 1875-80. Is in Business. Taylor, Reynell Hamilton Baylay, son of Major- General Reynell George Taylor, C.B., C.S.I., Punjab, India; born 24th November, 1858. Beaufort Ho 7 ise. Left 1877. Cricket XL, 1876 ; Classical Football XX., 1875. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1878-79. 2nd Lieutenant, 82nd Foot, August, 1879 ; transferred to 25th Foot September, 1879 ; Lieutenant, King’s Own Scottish Borderers, 1881 ; Captain, 1888. Is attached to the Ordnance Store Department. Served with the 25th King’s Own Borderers in the Afghan War in 1879-80 with the Khyber Line Force under Lieut. -General Bright (Medal). Thomas, Trevor Falconer, son of John Daniel Thomas, Esq., Oatlands, Neath ; born i8th November, 1855. iff — . August, 1870.] PRINCIPAL; REV. T. W. JEX-BLAKE, D.D. 277 Tippinge, Ernest Alfred Gartside, son of the Rev. Francis Gartside Trippinge, Llwyn Onn Hall, Wrexham ; born i6th December, i860. 4“/ — \’’M. Boyne House. Left 1878. Gymnasium VIII., 1877; Cricket XXII., 187 — . Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1878-80 (Prize: Gymnastics). Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1880 ; Captain, 1889. Instructor, Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1886. Torkington, Edward, son of the Rev. Charles Torkington, Spetisbury, Blandford, Dorset ; born 1 6th January, 1856. 8‘‘C — . Leco 7 iJield. Vansittart, Eden, son of Henry Vansittart, Esq., Bareilly, India ; born 19th April, 1856. (y-M — . Boyne House. Sub-Lieutenant, Unattached, 1875 ; appointed to 63rd Foot, 1876 ; Lieutenant, Madras Staff Corps, 1877 ; Captain, 1888. Is Wing Officer, 2nd Batta- lion 5th Goorkhas. Varley, Henry Ernest, son of Samuel Varley, Esq., Stanningley, near Leeds ; born 19th April, 1854. 4'‘C — . Porcher. Football XX., 1871. Walker, Frederick George Arthur, son of Ad- miral Sir Baldwin Wake Walker, Bart., The Depperhaugh, Scole, Norfolk ; born 2nd October, 1857. Naval J — . Newtek House. Solicitor (admitted 1882). Address : Watford, Hertfordshire. Waring, George Llewelyn, son of Thomas Waring, Esq., C.E., 4 Park Place, Cardiff; born 29th July, 1856. — . Price. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1872. Modern Football XX., 1874. Wright, Thomas Lawrence, son of Thomas Wright, Esq., M.D., 4 St. Margaret’s Ter- race, Cheltenham ; born 7th November, 1856. — . Day Boy. ENTERED OCTOBER, 1870. Alexander, William Robert Edward, son of Archibald Alexander, Esq., Deputy-Inspec- tor-General (Army) of Boydstone, Ann’s Lodge, Ardrossan, N.B. ; born 7th August, 1856. 8’’C — . Newtek House. Rifle Corps XL. 1876. Charrington, Mowbray Vernon, son of Edward Charrington, Esq., 28 Queen’s Gate Gardens, South Kensington, London; born 14th No- vember, 1855. — . Porcher. Clark, Henry Lewis, son of William H. Clark, Esq., Merton Abbey, Surrey; born — July, 1857. Z'°M — . Cheltondale. Is in business in London. Fletcher, Assheton, son of Alfred P. Fletcher, Esq., Beaucliffe, Eccles, Manchester ; born 7th May, 1856. — . Newick House. Fletcher, Herbert Charles, son of Alfred P. Fletcher, Esq., Beaucliffe, Eccles, Man- chester ; born nth May, 1855. CiviHM — . Newick House. Gordon, Charles Evans, son of Lieut. -Colonel Charles Evans Gordon, Netley Cliff, South- ampton ; born 28th June, 1855. Band- hursDM — . Cheltondale. Sub-Lieutenant, 4th Foot, 1874 ; transferred to 49th Foot, 1875 ; Lieutenant, 1875 ; Captain, Royal Berkshire Regiment, 1881 ; Major, 1889. Is attached to the Army Pay Department. Served with the ist Battalion Berkshire Regiment throughout the Egyp- tian War of 1882, and was present at the surrender of Kafr Dowar (Medal, and Khedive’s Star). Served with the Nile Expedition of 1884-85 as Deputy-Assis- tant-Commissary-General for Transport, and in the campaign in the Eastern Soudan in 1885 with the ist Battalion of the Berkshire Regiment, and was present in the advance to and burning of Temai (two clasps) ; also served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86, and was present in the engagement at Giniss. Gordon, William E. Evans, son of Lieut.-Colonel Charles Evans Gordon, Netley Cliff, South- ampton ; born 8th August, 1857. 8*’C — . Cheltondale. Guthrie, Charles Seton Sinclair, son of — Guthrie, Esq. ; born i6th July, 1855. Sand- hurst M — . Baxter. Horner, Charles Edward, son of Edward Hor- ner, Esq., May Place, Crayford, Kent ; born 9th April, 1857. y'^C — i'’C. Beaufort House. Left September, 1876. Cricket XL, 1876. Brasenose College, Oxford, 1876. B. A., 1880. In Surrey Cricket XL, 1881-86 : played for Gentlemen v. Players in 1885, and for the Gentlemen of England v. Australians, 1886. Admitted a Solicitor in 1885, but subsequently went into Business. Address : May Place, Crayford, Kent. Jones, Edward Courselles, son of Edward Cour- selles J ones. Esq., Barrister, T oronto, Canada ; born 22nd July, 1854. CivitM — . Newick House. College Boat, 1873. Jones, James Gordon, son of Edward Courselles Jones, Esq., Barrister, Toronto, Canada ; born 15th November, 1857. 8‘‘C — . Trinity College, Cambridge. LL.B. (12th in 2nd Class Law Tripos), 1879. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1880. Kinneir, Henry, son of Henry Kinneir, Esq., Solicitor, Redville, Swindon, Wiltshire ; born 23rd January, 1856. — . Christowe, Drowned while bathing in the Coate Reservoir at Swindon, Wilts, 6th June, 1881. Lambert, Joseph Malet, son of Joseph Lam- bert, Esq., Wellington Square, Hull ; born 4th April, 1853. 2’’C — . Gantillon. Trinity College, Dublin. B.A., 1879; M.A., 1883; LL.B., 1884; LL.D. , 1885. Ordained Dea- con, 1879, and Priest, 1880. Curate of Tadcaster, Yorkshire, 1879-81. Vicar of Newland, Yorkshire, 1881. Address : Newland Vicarage, Hull. Lewis, Ernest Arthur, son of Edward Arthur Lewis, Esq., Preswylfa, Mold, Flintshire ; born 24th April, i860, iff — . Beaufort House. 278 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [October, 1870. Subsequently at Marlborough College (April, 1873 — Easter, 1877). Exeter College, Oxford, 1878. B.A., 1885. Mockler, Gerald Francis, son of Edward Mockler, Esq., M.D., Park Lodge, Chelten- ham ; born 4th July, 1858. 3*[/ — . Day Boy. Ladies’ Prize, Athletic Sports (equal with H. C. Wilson), 1878. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), 62nd Foot, September, 1878 ; transferred to 43rd Foot, November, 1878 ; Lieutenant, Oxfordshire Light Infantry, 1881 ; Captain, 1888. Cheltenham Vet- erans Rifle V. , 1888-89. Paterson, Walter George, son of the Rev. David James Paterson, 3 Columbia Place, Cheltenham; born i6th December, 1855. 8*C — . Day Boy. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1877. Or- dained Deacon, 1878, and Priest, 1879. Curate of St. Mary, Wakefield, 1878-80 ; of Kewstoke, Somer- set, 1880-83; of Uphill, Somersetshire, 1883-87; of Hutton, Somersetshire, 1887. Address : Hutton, Weston-super-Mare. Perkins, Edwin King, son of G. P. Perkins, Esq., Ampthill, Shirley, Southampton ; born 28th February, 1855. 4‘^C — . Newtek House. Pym, Charles Archibald, son of — Pym, Esq. ; born 18th October, 1853. — . Day Boy. Shaw, Alfred Wilkinson, son of Lieut.- Colonel Ponsonby Shaw, Monkstown, Dublin ; born 3rd October, 1858. e^J — . Teighinore. Smith, Clement Edward, son of Lieut.-Colonel Charles Smith, Thyetmoo, Burmah ; born 13th August, 1857. &M — . Hazelwell. Taylor, Arthur Boddam, son of Brigadier- General James M. Taylor ; born 30th De- cember, 1858. — . Day Boy. Tee, Harry, son of Samuel Laycock Tee, Esq., Ferncliffe, Apperley, near Leeds ; born i6th July, 1855. CiviBM — . Hazelwell. Wilson, Charles Horace, son of James Wilson, Esq., C.E., Felpham House, near Bognor, Sussex ; born 19th September, 1854. Sattd- htirsl^M — . Baxter and Boyne House. Rifle Corps XL, 1871-72. Cheltenham Veterans Rifle V., 1874. Is a Civil Engineer. Address : 2 Royal Exchange Buildings, London, E.C. Yate, Frederick Herbert, son of the Rev. Charles Yate, Holme Vicarage, Yorkshire ; born 2nd May, 1858. 3’y — . Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant, 35th Foot, 1879 ; Lieutenant, Royal Sussex Regiment, 1880 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1880, Captain, 1890. Is Squadron Officer, Sth Punjab Cavalry. Yate, William Gordon, son of the Rev. Charles Yate, Holme Vicarage, Yorkshire ; born ist October, 1854. &M — . Day Boy. Sub-Lieutenant, 49th Foot, November, 1873 ; transferred to 68th Foot, December, 1873 ; Lieu- tenant, 1873 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1877 ; Cap- tain, 1885. Is Squadron Commander, 4th Bengal Cavalry. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80, took part in the march on Khelat-i-Ghilzie and Ghuznee under Sir Donald Stewart, and was present in the engagements at Ahmed Kheyl and Urzoo, near Ghuznee ; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march from Kabul to the relief of Kandahar, and was present at the battle of Kandahar on the 1st September, 1880 (Medal with two clasps, and Bronze Star). Young, Frederic Mortimer, son of — Young, Esq. ; born 14th March, i860. 4'y — , Day Boy, Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1872. ENTERED FEBRUARY, 1871. Alexander, Alexander Charles Archibald, son of Deputy-Inspector-General Archibald Alex- ander, Ann’s Lodge, Ardrossan, N.B. ; born loth June, 1854. 5'>C — . Newtek House. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1877. St. George’s Hospital, London. Member, Royal Col- lege of Surgeons, England, and Licentiate, Society of Apothecaries, 1881. Surgeon, Army Medical Department, 1882 ; Surgeon-Major, 1889. Is Sur- geon-Major, Coldstream Guards. Served in the Expedition to the Soudan in 1885 with the 1st Bat- talion Coldstream Guards, and was present in the engagement at Hasheen, at that near Tofrek on the 24th March, and at the destruction of Temai (Medal with clasp, and Khedive's Star). Baillie, William Gordon, son of Surgeon-Major Herbert Baillie, Fern Lodge, Cheltenham ; born Sth January, i860. 3’i/ — \J. Day Boy. Left 1872. Subsequently at Harrow School (1874-77). Oriel College, Oxford, 1879 ; 2nd Class Theology, 1882. B.A., 1883; M.A., 1883. Ordained Deacon, 1884, and Priest, 1885. Curate of St. Stephen’s, Chelten- ham, 1884-87 ; of St. Mary-the-Virgin, Tyndall’s Park, Clifton, 1887. Address : 8 Aberdeen Terrace, Clifton, Bristol. Ball, Henry Rawlins, son of Edwin Ball, Esq., Solicitor; born 10th April, 1858. Y-J — . Barton, Augustine Frederick Palliser, son of Thomas Henry Barton, Esq., LL.D., Bar- rister, 22 Longford Terrace, Monkstown, Ireland ; born 29th December, 1854. eyM — 2’’C — . Beaufort House. Left June, 1872. Trinity College, Dublin. B.A. (First Honourman and First Junior Moderator and Silver Medallist in Modern Literature), 1877. Passed an open com- petitive examination for the Home Civil Service (Class I.) in 1876, and appointed to a Clerkship. Subsequently transferred to the Board of Trade. Appointed Private Secretary to the First Commis- sioner of Works, 1885'; Re-appointed, 1886. Awarded the Royal Humane Society's Vellum Tetimonial for rescuing a boy named Mahony from drowning in Kingstown Harbour, Co. Dublin, on the 12th Sep- tember, 1873. Address : 12 Mandeville Place, Manchester Square, London, W. Beresford, James Hugh Brownlow, son of the Rev. William Montgomery Beresford ; born 30th March, 1862. fj — Day Boy. Left December, 1873. Lieutenant (from Militia), Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, 1885. Brook-Smith, Wilfred Lionel, son of John Brook-Smith, Esq., Boyne House, Chelten- ham ; born 7th August, i860. \J — \M. Re-entered College, September, 1873. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1878-80. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1880 ; Captain, 1888. Bum, Henry Cecil Rudolph, son of Alexander February, 1871.] PRINCIPAL: REV. T. W. JEX-BLAKE, D.D. 279 Burn, Esq., M.U., 17 Gilston Road, The Boltons, London ; born 26th November, 1856. 8*Af — . Newtek House. Commeline, Charles Ernest, son of Thomas Commeline, Esq., Cirencester ; born 24th January, 1856. 5'‘A/ — i^M. Day Boy. Left December, 1873. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1873-75. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1875; Captain, 1886. Served in the Zulu War, South Africa, in 1879, and took part in the defence of Pretoria (Medal with clasp) ; also served in the Transvaal Campaign in 1881. Dickson, Donald Alexander, son of George Dickson, Esq., Banker, Calcutta ; born i8th September, 1856. — . Leconfield. Died at Calcutta, 17th December, 1889. Eardley-Wilmot, Arthur, son of Major-General Frederick Marow Eardley-Wilmot, R.A., 9A Victoria Road, Clapham Common, Lon- don ; born 6th June, 1856. 'iyM — . Hazel- well. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1874-76. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1876 ; Captain, 1885. Earle, Thomas, son of Charles Earle, Esq., Hull; born 17th December, 1858. 4V — • Teigh 7 nore. Racquet Champion, 1876 ; Racquet Pair, 1876. Emery, Charles Nigel, son of — Emery, Esq. ; born 6th October, 1856. 'f'M — . Porcher. Fleming, Thomas Radcliffe, son of William Fleming, Esq., M.D., Rowton Grange, Chester ; born loth April, 1855. Sand- hurst^M — . Gatitillon. Previously at Repton School. Fowler, Richard Henry, son of Robert Fowler, Esq., Rahinston, Enfield, Ireland ; born 28th June, 1857. 8C — . Christowe. Cricket XL, 1874-75. Cheltenham Veterans Rifle V., 1885-87-88. 2nd Lieutenant, 69th Foot, January, 1878; transferred to 85th Foot, March, 1878 ; Lieu- tenant, Shropshire Light Infantry, 1880 ; Captain, 1886. Aide-de-Camp to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, June to August, 1886, and since March, 1887. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80 with the Koorum Division, including the Zaimusht Expe- dition and the assault of Zawa (Medal). Address ; Rahinston, Enfield, Co. Meath, Ireland. Francis, Edward, son of Richard Gay Francis, Esq., Solicitor, Stow-on-the-Wold ; born 7th October, 1858. 3^ — . Teighmore. Re- entered College September, 1873. Rifle Corps VIII., 1877. Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. B.A., 1881 ; LL.M., 1884. Solicitor (admitted 1884). Address ; Broadwell, Stow-on-the-Wold, Glouces- tershire. Francis, Guy, son of Richard Gay Francis, Esq., Solicitor, Stow-on-the-Wold ; born 16th August, i860. Cricket XL, 1878-79; Football XV., 1878. Gabb, Baker Powell, son of the Rev. Baker Gabb, I York Villas, Cheltenham ; born i2th November, 1857. 3’y — . Day Boy. Gardiner, Thory Gage, son of Stephen Gage Gardiner, Esq. ; born 26th June, 1857. 5*C — 1**^ Leighton and Boyne House. Football XX., 1875; XV., 1876. College Boat, 1876. Brasenoso College, Oxford, 1877. Rowed 111 the University Trial Eights, 1878-79. B.A., 1881 ; M.A. , 1887. Ordained Deacon, i88r, and Priest, 1885. Curate of St. Jude, Whitechapel, London, 1881. Address : 28 Commercial Street, Whitechapel, London, E. Goulburn, Henry, son of Colonel Edward Goul- burn, Betchworth House, Surrey ; born 6th July, 1858. Special J — . Teighmore. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), 99th Foot, May, 1878 ; transferred to Grenadier Guards, September, 1878 ; Lieutenant, 1881 ; Captain, 1889. Aide-de- Camp to Brigadier-General, Aldershot, 1887-89, and to Major-General, Home District, since 1889. Griffiths, George Stafford Lloyd, son of Edward Lloyd Griffiths, Esq., The Granleys, Chel- tenham ; born 24th September, 1858. — . Teightnore. Griffiths, Lewis Jernyman Julian, son of G. D. Griffiths, Esq., 13 Imperial Square, Chelten- ham ; born 6th July, 1854. CiviHM — . Day Boy. Grylls, Charles Reginald Gerveys, son of — Grylls, Esq. ; born 8th April, i860. 4'y — . Day Boy. Halsey, Arnold Tom, son of Thomas Halsey, Esq., The Hyde, Prestbury, near Chelten- ham; born 29th January, i860. 3'y — . Day Boy. Halsey, William Arnold, son of Thomas Halsey, Esq., The Hyde, Prestbury, near Chelten- ham ; born 4th June, 1858. Special J — . Day Boy. Harrison, William, son of — Harrison, Esq. ; born 7th March, 1856. — . Hazelwell. Henderson, George Brettell, son of — Hender- son, Esq. ; born 26th March, 1857. 8C — . Hepper, Frederick Henry, son of — Hepper, Esq. ; born i6th July, 1855. Latin I. C — . Newtek House. Was in business in the Phillipine Islands. Died at Cebu, Phillipine Islands, 3rd May, 1884. Hingston, Richard, son of — Hingston, Esq. ; born 14th February, 1855. Latin I. C — . Hazelwell. Hobson, Algernon, son of — Hobson, Esq. ; born 13th August, 1855. CiviPM — . Beau- fort House. Honywood, Philip Courtenay, son of Sir Courte- nay Honywood, Bart., Evington Place, Ash- ford, Kent ; born i6th July, 1858. iPJ — . Newtek House. Late Lieutenant, Essex Rifles. Honywood, Wyndham, son of Sir Courtenay Honywood, Bart., Evington Place, Ashford, Kent. ; born i6th July, 1858. 2*y — . New- tek House. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), South Wales Bor- derers, February, 1881 ; Lieutenant, July, 1881 ; Resigned, 1886. Hoste, Dixon Arthur, son of Major-General Dixon Edward Hoste, C.B., R.A., Jersey ; born 25th December, 1854. 6'^C — . Beatifort House. Hoste, Sir Wiliam Henry Charles, Bart., son of Rear-Admiral Sir William Legge Hoste, Bart., R.N., Aide-de-Camp to the Queen ; 28 o CHELTlENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [February, 1871. born 19th November, i860. /^J — . Teigh- more. Succeeded his father as 3rd Baronet in 1868. Late Lieutenant, Suffolk Militia. Address : Marlborough Club, Pall Mall, London, S.W. King, William Frederick, son of Frederick King, Esq., Fryern, Storrington, Sussex ; born 31st March, 1855. — . Previously at Repton School. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1875 ; Captain, 1884. Kirkwood, Walter Guy Coffin, son of John Townsend Kirkwood, Esq., Yeo Vale, Bide- ford, Devon ; born 20th September, 1856. 5‘‘C — . Nash. Lambert, Edgar, son of Joseph Lambert, Esq., Wellington Terrace, Hull; born 22nd No- vember, 1858. V-J — i^C’. Leconfield. Left July, 1878. Football XV., 1877. College Boat, 1878. Exhi- bition, Wadham College, Oxford, 1878 ; Scholar- ship, Pembroke College, Cambridge, 1879. Rowed in the Cambridge Eight v. Oxford, 1881-82. Presi- dent of Cambridge University Boat Club, 1882. B.A. (24th in 3rd Class Classical Tripos), 1882. Ordained Deacon, 1883, and Priest, 1884. Chaplain of Mission to Seamen at Sunderland, 1883. Address : 17 Murton Street, Sunderland. Legh, Piers Richard, son of Piers Frederick Legh, Esq., i Paragon Buildings, Chelten- ham ; born i8th April, 1858. I'y' — . Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant, 4th Foot, January, 1879 ; trans- ferred to 32nd Foot, April, 1879 ; Lieutenant, Bom- bay Staff Corps, 1880, Captain, 1890. Is Wing Officer, 26th Bombay Native Infantry. Longe, Francis Bacon, son of Captain Robert Bacon Longe, Avranches, France ; born 31st October, 1856. — \^M. Left Decem- ber, 1873. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1874-76. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1876 ; Captain, 1887. Is Deputy-Superintendent, 4th Grade, Topographical Survey of India, Poonah. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80, and was present during the opera- tions round Kabul in December, 1879, including the storming of the Asmai Heights (mentioned in des- patches) : accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march from Kabul to the relief of Kandahar, and was present at the battle of Kandahar on the ist September, 1880 (Medal with two clasps, and Bronze Star). Served in the Soudan Campaign in 1885 in charge of the Indian Survey Party, and was present at the destruction of Temai (Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star). Mockler, Percy Rice, son of Edward Mockler, Esq., M.D., Park Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 28th September, i860. — iC. Day Boy. Left April, 1878. Classical Football XV., 1877. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1878. 2nd Lieutenant, 6th Foot, 1879; Lieutenant, Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 1881 ; Captain, 1888. Served in the Burmese Ex- pedition in 1885-86 as Transport Officer (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). . Moore, Frank Myles, son of the Rev. Corbett Metcalfe Moore, Carlton Lodge, Chelten- ham ; born 22nd August, i860. — . Day Boy. Morris, Percy Harold, son of David Morris, Esq., Danygraig, Risca, Newport, Mon- mouth ; born 31st March, 1856. — . Morrison, Arthur, son of Lieut. -Colonel William Lawtie Morrison, R.E., 2 Victoria Villas, New Brompton, Kent ; born 29th November, 1858. 2’y — , Teighmore. 2nd Lieutenant, 46th Foot, 1878 ; Lieutenant, Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry, 1881. Died at Alexandria, Egypt, 14th June, 1883. Murray, Archibald James, son of Charles Mur- ray, Esq., Wood House, Brimpton, Reading; born 2 1 St April, i860. i^J — . Teighmore. 2nd Lieutenant, 27th Foot, 1879 ; Lieutenant, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, j88i ; Adjutant, 1886 ; Captain, 1887. Newcomen, Beverley, son of Charles Edward Newcomen, Esq., 34 Ovington Square, Lon- don; born loth November, 1858. 3 V-. Price. Oakes, Beilly Porteus, son of the Rev. Orbell Plampin Oakes, Hawkedon Rectory, near Bury St. Edmunds ; born 19th August, 1858. Rifle Corps XL , 1875-76-77. Emmanuel College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1881. Ordained Deacon, 1883, and Priest, 1884. Curate of Ellesmere, Salop, 1883- 85 ; Rector of Hawkedon, Suffolk, 1885. Address : Hawkedon Rectory, Bury St. Edmunds. Ormsby, Anthony, son of John Yeadon Ormsby, Esq., Castlenenoe, Collooney, Co. Sligo, Ire- land ; born 7th April, 1855. CiviPM — . Christowe. Ormsby, Charles Croasdale, son of John Yeadon Ormsby, Esq., Castlenenoe, Collooney, Co. Sligo, Ireland ; born 13th May, 1856. Civil *‘M — Civil'°M. Christowe. Left December, 1871. Royal College of Science of Ireland. Civil En- gineer (Inspector, Board of Public Works), Ireland. Polak, John, son of Lewis Polak, Esq., 6 Jermyn Street, St. James’s, London ; born 27th May, 1859. 4'’_/ — . Teighmore. Presgrave, D. Charles Renny, son of — Pres- grave, Esq. ; born 31st October, 1855. — . Day Boy . t Purvis, Edward William, son of Robert R. Purvis, Esq., 7 Clarence Lawn, Dover ; born 4th July, 1857. 8’’Af. Cheltondale. Modern Football XX., 1874. Purvis, Robert William Theodore, son of Ro- bert R. Purvis, Esq., 7 Clarence Lawn, Dover; born nth February, 1856. — . Cheltondale. Biichardson, Arthur Henry, son of Clarke Richardson, Esq., Derwen Fawr, near Swan- sea ; bom 31st December, 1854. — . Christowe. Rogers, Claude Rainier, son of Captain Daniel Alexander Rogers, 16 Priory Street, Chel- tenham ; born 31st January, 1858. 8^M — C’M. Day Boy. Left December, 1874. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1875. Sub- Lieutenant, 96th Foot, 1876 ; Lieutenant, 89th Foot, 1877 ; Adjutant, Royal Irish Fusiliers, 1881-86 ; Cap- tain, 1883 ; Major, 1888 ; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1888. Served as Adjutant with the 2nd Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers in the Soudan Campaign in 1884, and was present at the occupation of Fort Baker, in the engagements at El Teb and Temai, relief of Tokar, and affairs at Tamanieb (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp, 4th Class Medjidie, and Khedive’s Star). February, 1871.] PRINCIPAL: REV. T. W. JEX-BLAKE, D.D. 281 Ruxton, Charles Franklin, son of — Ruxton, Esq. ; born 3rd March, 1854. Civil ’^M — . Newick Hotise. Sclater, Arthur William Bassett, son of James Henry Sclater, Esq., Newick Park, Lewes, Sussex ; born 27th July, 1859. 2*’_/ — . Christowe. Died 1882. Sidebottom, James, son of — Sidebottom, Esq.; born 16th March, 1857. — . Newick House. Smith, Harry Charles, son of Captain Hasket Smith, Hyde, Weston, near Bath; born i8th January, 1857. Z’^M — . Nash. Sorby, Percy, son of Thomas Austin Sorby, Esq., Park Grange, Sheffield ; born 20th June, 1857. 5*’C — i'’C. Haselwell. Left June, 1875. Gymnasium VIII., 1874-75. Was a Solicitor. Died ist November, 1886. Stanton, William Lawrence, son of the Rev. William Henry Stanton, Hasleton Rectory, Andoversford ; born 23rd December, 1854. 6^4/ — . Newick House. Modern Football XX., 1872. Swindells, Francis Edward, son of George Swindells, Esq., Shrigley, Bollington, near Macclesfield ; born 22nd January, 1854. Sandhurst — . Inchbald. Swinhoe, Henry George Bruce, son of Henry Swinhoe, Esq., Garden Reach, Cheltenham ; born 1 8th February, 1858. Special J — . Day Boy. Syme, Charles Mulock, son of Captain Peter Macfarlane Syme, R.A., 3 York Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 19th March, 1859. \^J — . Day Boy. Taylor, Henry Graham, son of Skipwith H. C. Taylor, Esq., Gya, East Indies ; born 9th November, 1855. — . Christowe. Football XX., 1873. Assistant District Superin- tendent of Police, Bengal Constabulary. Thompson, Claude Edward, son of Captain Edward Thompson, 12 Lansdown Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 9th August, 1855. 5’W — . Day Boy. Lieutenant, 95th Foot, 1874 ; Captain, Derbyshire Regiment, 1881 ; Major, 1886. Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1887. Served with the 2nd Battalion Derby- shire Regiment in the Egyptian War of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). ENTERED Aston, William Gerald, son of the Rev. John Astbury Aston, 15 Lansdown Crescent, Chel- tenham ; born 7th April, i860. 3V — jpM. Day Boy. Left 1875. Previously at Westminster School (1869-71), and subsequently at Rossall School (1875-79). St. Cathe- rine’s College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1879. Ordained Deacon, 1886. Curate of St. John, Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada, 1886-87. Address : Fermor Lodge, Southport. Birch, Herbert Todd, son of — Birch, Esq. ; born 2oth January, 1857. — . Hazel- well. Walker, George Ferdinand, son of Sir George Ferdinand Radzivill Walker, Bart., Castle- ton, near Cardiff ; born 7th July, 1855. "j'^M — . Beaufort House. Sub-Lieutenant, 23rd Fusiliers, 1875 i Lieutenant, 1877; Captain, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, 1885. Walker, Radzivill Frederick, son of Sir George Ferdinand Radzivill Walker, Bart., Castle- ton, near Cardiff ; born 13th July, 1856. %'°M — . Beaufort House. Wawn, Edward Russell, son of the Rev. Ed- ward Bickersteth Wawn ; born 3rd April, 1861. iff — . Day Boy. Licentiate of the King and Queen’s College of Physicians, Ireland, 1885 ; Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1887. Address : South View Terrace, Bramley, Leeds. Western, John Sutton Edward, son of Lieut.- Colonel William Charles Western, 20 Ken- sington Crescent, London ; born 26th March, 1857. f'M — . Hazelwell. Sub- Lieutenant, Unattached, 1876 ; appointed to 85th Foot, January, 1877 ; Lieutenant, Madras Staff Corps, November, 1877; Captain, 1889. Is Squad- ron Officer, ist Punjab Cavalry. Served with the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in 1881. Williams, Frederick Monier, son of George Williams, Esq., 70 Devonshire Road, Prince’s Park, Liverpool ; born loth May, 1855. — . Leconfield. Wortham, Alfred, son of Biscoe Hill Wortham, Esq., Kneesworth Hall, Royston ; born loth January, 1855. CiviHM — . Porcher. Wright, Henry Cecil, son of the Rev. William Henry Wright, i Bath Buildings, Chelten- ham ; born 25th December, 1855. 4 ^C — i*C. Day Boy. Left 1875. Exhibition, Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1875 ; Scho- larship, Trinity Hall, 1876. B.A. (2nd in 3rd Class Classical Tripos), 1879. Ordained Deacon, 1879. Curate of All Saints, Knightsbridge, London, 1879- 80. Died in London, ist November, 1880. Wright, John William Thorp, son of the Rev. William Henry Wright, i Bath Buildings, Cheltenham ; born i6thjuly, 1857. 7^C — i^C. Day Boy. Left July, 1877. Scholarship, Pembroke College, Cambridge, 1877. B.A. (20th in 2nd Class Classical Tripos), 1881. Ordained Deacon, 1881, and Priest, 1882. Curate of Kensington, London, 1881-83. Cambridge Uni- ver.sity Missionary at Delhi, India, 1883. Address : Delhi, Punjab, India. APRIL, 1871. Collett, James Francis Herbert, son of James Collett, Esq., C.E., Mooltan, India ; born 29th December, 1856. Z^M — . Baxter. College Boat, 1875. Modern Football XX. , 1874. Royal Indian Engineering College, Cooper’s Hill, 1876. Civil Engineer ; Public Works Department, India. Dauncey, Philip Livingstone Mitchell, son of Captain Philip T. Dauncey, i Queen’s Parade, Cheltenham ; born 15th October, i860. iff — . Day Boy. Dauncey, Thursby Henry Ernest, son of Cap- O O 282 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [April, 1871. tain Philip T. Dauncey, i Queen’s Parade, Cheltenham ; born 8th September, 1861. 4V- 2^C. Day Boy and Chelto 7 tdale. Gymnasium VIII., 1877. Enlisted in the 2nd Dragoon Guards in 1879 ; appointed Lieutenant, 2ist Hussars, 1884. Volunteered for Egypt in 1882, and served throughout the campaign with the 7th Dragoon Guards (as a Corporal), and was present in the engagements at El Magfar and Mahsama, at the two actions at Kassassin, at the battle of Tel-el- Kebir, and the capture of Cairo (Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star). Was awarded the Royal Humane Society's Bronze Medal for having, in the overflow of the Nile at the Pyramids of Gizeh, near Cairo, on the nth October, 1882, swum out in full uniform (boots and spurs), to the assistance of two soldiers of the 7th Dragoon Guards. He gained the shore with one of them, and swam on again for the other, who, however, sank before he could reach him, and was drowned. Draper, John Christopher Robert, son of Henry Draper, Esq., Bebington, Cheshire ; born 28th July, 1859. 3V — . Draper. Drayner, William John, son of Lieut.-Colonel C. W. Drayner; born 21st February, 1858. — . Chi'istowe. Evans, George Alfred Penrhys, son of Colonel William Henry Evans, Hermitage House, Hadlow, Kent ; born 30th April, 1856. Dazelwell. Left November, 1873- Previously at Tonbridge School. Lieutenant, 9th Lancers, 1874; Captain, 1880; transferred to 7th Hussars, 1886. Is Station Staff Officer at Bellary, Madras. Served in the Afghan War in 1879 with the 9th Lancers (Medal). Harrison, Arthur Herbert, son of Arthur Harri- son, Esq., Northgate House, Cottingham, Yorkshire ; born 3rd July, 1856. — . Hazelwell. Hopkins, Beatson McNeill, son of Captain F. W. Hopkins, i Pittville Parade, Cheltenham ; born 28th December, 1855. Civil'^M — . Day Boy. Hughes, John Williams Gwynne, son of John Williams Morgan Gwynne Hughes, Esq., Tregib, Llandilo ; born 22nd November, 1858. 4 V~- Wolseley-Lewis. Football XX., 1876. J. P. for Carmarthenshire. Address ; Tregib, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire. Hughes, William Morgan Garnons Gwynne, son of John William Morgan Gwynne Hughes, Esq., Tregib, Llandilo ; born 30th April, i860. ip'J — 3“C. Left December, 1876. Cattle Farming in the United States. Kent, Charles Hodson, son of the Rev. George Davies Kent, Stratford Tony, near Salis- bury ; born 30th October, 1857. (y^C — . Price. Solicitor (admitted 1883). Address : Shaftesbury, Dorset. Lambert, Alexander Charles, son of — Lambert, Esq. ; born i8th November, 1857. 'S^M — . Cheltofidale. Leese, Ernest, son of Joseph Leese, Esq., Altrin- cham, near Manchester ; born 30th Novem- ber, 1854. — P-M. Draper. Left July, 1873- Cricket XI. , 1873. Lancashire Cricket XI. Is in Business. Lovett, Henry Wilson, son of Lieut.-Colonel Thomas Heaton Lovett, Belmont, near Chirk, Salop ; born 31st July, 1858. — . Boyne House. Rifle Corps XI., 1873-74. Football XX., 1874, 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), 13th Foot, 1878 ; Lieutenant, Somersetshire Light Infantry, 1881 ; Captain, 1887. Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant-General, South Australian Forces, with local rank of Major, since 1888. Served throughout the Zulu War, South Africa, in 1879, and was present in the engagements at Zungin Nek and Kambula Hill (Medal with clasp). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 in the Egyptian Army (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp, 4th Class Medjidie, and Khedive’s Star). Served in the Burmese War in 1886-87 with the 2nd Battalion Somersetshire Light Infantry (Medal with clasp). Lutwyche, Hudson Latham, son of Hudson Lutwyche, Esq., Mynde Park, Hereford ; bom I oth July, 1856. 8C — . Draper. Late Captain, Royal Lancashire Militia. Master of the South Herefordshire Fox Hounds, 1888. J. P. and D.L. for Herefordshire, and Member of the County Council for Herefordshire. Address : Kynaston Court, Ross, Herefordshire. McMicking, Alexander, son of Gilbert McMick- ing. Esq., Elmhurst, Wavertree, near Liver- pool ; born 17th January, 1857. 8*’A/ — . Porcher. Trinity College, Cambridge. B. A., 1879. Called to the Bar, Middle Temple, 1880. Molyneux, Capel Forbes, son of the Rev. John William Henry Molyneux, Sudbury, Suffolk ; born 25th April, 1856. — . Chelloti- dale. Classical Football XX., 1874. Died 1875. Moore, Thomas, son of Edward Moore, Esq. ; born 26th November, 1856. 'j^M — P'M. Leco 7 ifield. Left July, 1876. Cricket XL, 1874-75; Captain, 1876. Jesus College, Cambridge. B.A. , 1880. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1882. Northcote, Edward Lewis, son of the Right Hon. Sir Stafford Henry Northcote, Bart, (afterwards ist Earl of Iddesleigh), Pynes, Exeter; born 25th August, 1857. "S^M — (i^M. Boyne House. Died at Cheltenham, 3rd October, 1872. Peabody, Endicott, son of Samuel Endicott Peabody, Esq ,22 Old Broad Street, London ; born 31st May, 1857. 8C — I’C. Newtek Hoiise. Left June, 1876. Football XX., 1874-75. Fives Champion, 187 — . Trinity College, Cambridge. Rowed in the Univer- sity Trial Eights. 13th in 2nd Class Law Tripos, 1879. LL. B. , 1880; LL. M., 1884. On leaving England went into business at Boston, United States, for some months, then entered Theological College at Cambridge, Massachusetts. Ordained, 188 — . Missionary at Tombstone, Arizona, 188 — . Head Master of Groton School, Massachusetts, 1884. Address : Groton, Massachusetts, United States of America. Peabody, Francis, son of Samuel Endicott Peabody, Esq., 22 Old Broad Street, Lon- don ; born 1st September, 1854. 4*^6' — i C. Newtek House. Left July, 1873. College Boat, 1872-73. Football XX., 1872. April, 1871.J PRINCIPAL: REV. T. W, JEX-BLAKE, D.D. Trijiity College, Cambridge. 21st in 2nd Class JLaw Tripos. 1876. I.L. B. , 1877, Called to the American Bar, 187 — . Address : Salem, Massachusetts, United States of America. Powell, Harry Clements, son of Major George Augustus Powell, 28 Broomfield Crescent, Sheffield ; born 4th May, 1857. — . Day Boy. Lieutenant, Royal Marine Light Infantry, 1876 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1880 ; Resigned, 1883. Quentin, Walter, son of Major George Augustus Frederick Quentin, Woodleigh, Cheltenham ; born 30th August, 1857. 8’’il/ — . Day Boy. Lieutenant, Royal Marines, 1876 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1880 ; Captain, 1887. Is Wing Com- mander, ist Battalion 4th Bombay Native Infantry. Samuel, John Hughes, son of the Rev. John Samuel, Heythrop, Chipping Norton ; born 24th June, 1856. 6“C — . Newick House. Selby, Thomas Strangeways Donaldson, son of — Selby, Esq. ; born 13th February, 1856. CiviDM — . Price. Football XX., 1873. Stokes, Charles Berners, son of John Stokes, Esq. ; born 4th May, 1858. — . Teigh- more. Thomson, Edward Alexander, son of Donald Thomson, Esq., Castle Mount, Sandal, Wake- field ; born 12th October, 1857. ?>^M — . Hazelwell. Tizard, John Arthur Frederick, son of John Tizard, Esq., Solicitor, 14 Victoria Terrace, Weymouth ; born 29th October, 1857. — . Cheltondale. Westcott, Arthur, son of the Rev. Canon Brooke Foss Westcott, D.D. (afterwards Bishop of Durham), Trinity College, Cambridge; born 283 15 th August, 1859. iV — i*C. Teigit more and Newick House. Walker Prize, 1879 ; Senior Prefect, 1879. Scho- larship, Pembroke College, Cambridge, 1880. 2nd Class, Part I., Classical Tripos, 1882; ist Class Theological Tripos, 1884 ; Evans Theological Prize, 1884 ; Scholefield Theological Prize, 1884 ; Carus (University) Greek Testament Prize, 1885. B.A., 1884; M.A. , 1886. Ordained Deacon, 1884, and Priest. 1885. Fellow of St. Augustine's College, Canterbury, 1884-87. Principal of Theological Col- lege, Madras, 1887, and Incumbent of Great Thomd, Madras, 1887. Address : Society for Promoting the Gospel Col- lege, Sullivan’s Gardens, Madras. Westcott, Frederick Brooke, son of the Rev. Canon Brooke Foss Westcott, D.D. (after- wards Bishop of Durham), Trinity College, Cambridge; born i6th December, 1857. 4*'C — I’C. Newick House. Left July, 1877. Gold Medallist, 1875-76 ; Walker Prize, 1876 ; Schacht Prize, 1877 ; Dobson Scholar, 1877 ; Silver Medallist, 1877. Head of Classical, Easter, 1876, and December, 1876, to July, 1877. Senior Prefect, 1877. Scholarship, Trinity College, Cambridge, 1876 and 1877. Bell University Scholarship, 1878 ; Foundation Scholarship, Trinity College, 1879 ; Members' Prize for Latin Essay, 1881. B.A. (Senior Classic, ist Class Classical Tripos), 1881 ; Fellow of Trinity College, 1882; M.A., 1883. Ordained Dea- con, 1884, and Priest, 1885. Assistant Master at Rugby School, 1884. Address : Rugby School, Rugby. White, Charles Lionel Prescott, son of Charles White, Esq.; born 30th June, 1856. Re- entry vide August, 1866. Wilson, James Frederick, son of James Wilson, Esq., C.E., Felpham House, near Bognor, Sussex; born 22nd August, 1856. 8 *tI/ — . Barter and Boyne House. Civil Engineer. ENTERED AUGUST, 1871. Ashton, John William Devereux, son of Major John T. Ashton, Lansdown Terrace, Chel- tenham ; born ist October, i860. — . Teighmore. Baker, Alfred, son of Edward Baker, Esq., 4 Cotteswold Villas, Cheltenham ; born i6th February, i860. 4’y — . Day Boy. Baker, John Bubb, son of F. H. Baker, Esq., Foxley, Malmesbury ; born 28th December, 1856. yC — . Price. Classical Football XX., 1873. Was a Solicitor at Swindon, Wilts. Dead. Bowyer-Smijth, William Baird, son of Sir William Bowyer-Smijth, Bart., Athol, The Park, Cheltenham ; born 9th August, 1859. 4V — . Day Boy. Buller, Mowbray, son of Captain Spencer Buller, 9 Berkeley Place, Cheltenham ; born 19th May, 1858. 3C — . Newick House. Bunbury, William St. Pierre, son of Colonel H. W. St. Pierre Bunbury, Abergwynant, Dolgelly ; born 17th January, 1859. iV“- Hazelwell. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1878 ; Captain, 1886. Employed with Local Forces, New South Wales, 1885-88. Ad- jutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1889. Bushe, Thomas Francis, son of the Rev. Thomas P'rancis Bushe, Rathaspee, Co. Westmeath, Ireland ; born 25th July, 1858. opM — •. Leconjield. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1876-78. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1878 ; Captain, 1886. Butler, Frederick, son of Colonel John Butler, Empshott Terrace, Empshott, Hants ; born 20th, November, 1858. d*)/— . Teigh 7 nore. Cannon, Walter Alfred Roquier, son of — Cannon, Esq.; born 12th November, 1856. <^M — . Day Boy . Carden, Arnold Philip, son of Andrew Carden, Esq., Barnane, Templemore, Ireland ; born 9th February, 1859. i'(/ — . Boyne House. Royal Irish Constabulary. Christie, Archibald, son of William L. Christie, Esq., Glyndebourne, near Lewes ; born 31st October, 1859. 'P-J — . Christowe. Coape, Arthur Percy Franklin, son of Arthur 284 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [August, 1871. William Coape, Esq.; born 22nd October, 1855. Civil^M—. Leconfield. Collins, Lewis Pratt, son of — Collins, Esq.; born 6th October, 1857. 'jC — . Leighton. Cripps, Francis Henry, son of Edward Cripps, Esq., Dollar Street, Cirencester ; born 29th June, 1856. Latin II C — . Leconfield. Stock Broker. Address : lo Throgmorton Avenue, London, E.C. Dawkins, Clinton Edward, son of Clinton George Dawkins, Esq., 20 Upper Grosvenor Street, London ; born 2nd November, 1859. !*_/— i^C. Teighjnore, Hazelwell, Fry, and Haslam. Left December, 1877. Football XV., 1876-77. Balliol College, Oxford, 1879. Oxford University Football XV., 1880-81. 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1880 ; 2nd Class Classical Final Schools, 1882. B.A. , 1883. Junior Clerk, Revenue, Statistics, and Commerce Depart- ment, India Office, 1884 ; Political Department, 1885. Address : India Office, London, S.W. Donkin, Arthur, son of Thomas Donkin, Esq., C.E., Upper Lawn, Tulse Hill, London ; born 29th May, 1856. 4C — . Price. Jesus College, Cambridge. B.A., 1879 ; M.A., 1884. Ordained Deacon, 1881, and Priest, 1882. Curate of St. Mark, South Norwood, Surrey, 1881-82 ; of St. Peter, Hammersmith, 1883-85 ; of Kernel Hempstead, Herts, 1885-87 ; of Merrow, Surrey, 1888. Address : Merrow, Guildford. Donkin, Harry Julyan, son of Thomas Donkin, Esq., C.E., Upper Lawn, Tulse Hill, London; born 2nd October, 1857. 8C — . Price. Doubleday, Charles Norcott, son of Charles Doubleday, Esq., 7 Lansdown Villas, Chel- tenham ; born 2nd February, 1859. •^J — , Day Boy. Douglas, James Paton, son of John M. Douglas, Esq., Solicitor, Cupar, Fife, N.B.; born 2nd July, 1856. eyM — . Leconfield. Draper, William Henry, son of Henry Draper, Esq., Bebington, Cheshire ; born 19th De- cember, 1856. 4C — . Drciper. Exhibition, Keble College, Oxford, 1875 ; 3rd Class Classical Moderations, 1877 ; 3rd Class Clas- sical Final Schools, 1879 ; 3rd Class Theology, 1880. B.A., 1879; M.A., 1882. Ordained Deacon, 1880, and Priest, 1881. Curate of St. Mary, Shrewsbury, 1880-83 ; Vicar of Alfreton, Derbyshire, 1883-89 ; Vicar of Holy Cross, Shrewsbury, 1889. Address : Shrewsbury. Dunlop, Robert, son of Colin R. Dunlop, Esq., 191 West George Street, Glasgow ; born 15th January, 1856. cpM—. Classical Football XX., 1872. Elliot, Thomas Barrow, son of Robert Elliot, Esq., M.D., 35 Lowther Street, Carlisle ; born 30th December, 1856. cfiM — . Chris- towe. Erskine, Charles Henry Stuart, son of the Hon. James Augustus Erskine, 22 Lansdown Cres- cent, Cheltenham ; born 19th September, 1858. 2y — . Day Boy. Erskine, William Alexander Ernest, son of the Hon. James Augustus Erskine, 22 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 24th March, 1857. Af — . Leconfield. Left July, 1875. Football XX., 1874. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1875-77 ; Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1877 : Captain, 1885. Served in the Afghan War, in 1880 (Medal). Served with the No. 7 Screw Gun Mountain Battery in the Egyptian War of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star). While serving in the Burmese War of 1885-86 he died of heart disease at Thayetmayo, on the 8th January, 1886. Spafford, Charles Henry, son of George Spaf- ford. Esq., Manchester ; born 30th Septem- ber, 1856. ']C — . Newtek House. Spence, Lumley Holland, son of Colonel James Knox Spence, 4 Fauconberg Terrace, Chel- tenham ; born 20th April, 1858. (PC — . Day Boy. Spragge, Herbert William, son of Francis H. Spragge, Esq., Torquay; born 29th July, 1859. 2*y — . Christowe. Talbot, Robert Henry, son of Henry Blaguire Talbot, Esq., Indian Revenue Survey, India ; born 7th April, i860. 4V — • Price. Tisdall, George Archibald, son of William Tis- dall. Esq., Balbray, Navan, Ireland ; born 1 2th March, i860, ■fij — . Teighmore. Varley, Alfred, son of Samuel Varley, Esq., Stanningley, near Leeds ; born 12th April, 1855. 3‘^Af — . Porcher. Rifle Corps XL, 1872-73 ; Captain, 1874. Foot- ball XX., 1872-73. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. (24th Junior Optime), 1878 ; M.A. , 1881. Died at Stanningley, near Leeds, i6th August, 1884. Walter, George Egbert, son of Charles Walter, Esq. ; born 7th September, 1856. — \^M. Newick House. Left December, 1873- FootballXX., 1873; Cricket XXII., 1873. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. .Sub-Lieutenant, 45th Foot, April, 1874 ; transferred to 66th Foot, May, 1874 ; Lieutenant, April, 1876 ; Joined Bombay Staff Corps, September, 1876 ; Captain, 1887. Is Wing Commander, 19th Bombay Native Infantry. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80 (mentioned in des- patches, Medal). Weyman, William, son of Thomas Weyman, Esq., Tewkesbury; born 22nd November, 1857. (fiM — . Cheltondale. Wbately, William, son of — Whately, Esq. ; born 1st June, 1858. — . Beaufiort House. Sub-Lieutenant, 33rd Foot, 1876 ; Lieutenant, 76th Foot, 1876 ; Resigned, 1881. White, Douglas Leland, son of Douglas Leland White, Esq., Albany, United States ; born 26th September, 1858. 2*y — . Cheltondale. August, 1871.] PRINCIPAL : RP 2 V. T. W. JEX-BLAKP:, D.D. 287 White, Walter Gillespie, son of Doiigl is Leland White, Esq., Albany, United States; born 2nd December, 1856. 8 ^A/ — . Cheltondale. Wickham, Edward David Provis, son of Lieut. - Colonel Thomas Wickham, Llangibly Castle, Newport, Monmouth ; born 3rd March, 1857. — . Besant. Wilson, John, son of John Wilson, PLsq., Fair- field, Lorton, Cockermouth ; born 24th July, 1856. Civil^M — . Wilson, Ralph Francis, son of James Wilson, Esq., C.E., Felpham House, near Bognor, Sussex ; born ist March, 1858. (jM — Line M. Boyrie House. Left 1876. Football XX., 1875. Rifle Corps XL, 1876. Racquet Pair, 1876. Late Lieutenant, Royal Sussex Militia. Now farming in Wyoming, United States of America. Wood, John Gordon, son of James Wood, Esq., Banff, N.B. ; born 2nd July, 1857. yC — . Baxter. Wright, William Herbert Thomas, son of the Rev. Harry Wright, 43 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 7th April, 1858. S^C — . Day Boy. Football XV., 1876. Wadham College, Oxford, 1877. B.A., 1882; M.A., 1884. Ordained Deacon, 1882, and Priest, 1883. Curate of Eastleach-Martin with Eastleach Turville, 1882. Address: Eastleach-Martin, Lechlade, Gloucester- shire. ENTERED OCTOBER, 1871. Aylesbury, Henry, son of — Aylesbury, Esq. ; born 4th November, 1856. 8C — . Day Boy. Baily, Harry Augustus, son of Joseph Baily, Esq., Great Linford, Newport Pagnel ; born 31st May, 1859. — . Day Boy. Calland, Arthur Henry, son of John Forbes Calland, Esq., Shirley House, Cheltenham ; born 14th December, 1856. 6'’C — . Day Boy. Calland, Theodore Hatton, son of John Forbes Calland, Esq., Shirley House, Cheltenham ; born 25th May, 1863. ^J—. Day Boy. Carter, Edward James, son of Lieut.-Colonel John William Carter, Victoria Villa, Chel- tenham ; born 9th November, 1858. — • Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant, 65th Foot, 1879 ; Lieutenant, York and Lancaster Regiment, 1881 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1883. Is Wing Officer, 14th Bombay Native Infantry. Carter, William Graydon, son of Lieut.-Colonel John William Carter, Victoria Villa, Chel- tenham ; born 23rd July, 1857. <^M — . Day Boy. Lieutenant, 44th Foot, 1875 ; Captain, Essex Regiment, 1883 ; Brevet-Major, 1885 ; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1888. Served in the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in 1881. Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the 2nd Battalion Essex Regiment (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with clasp, and Khedive's Star). Elrington, Mordaunt (afterwards Elrington- Bisset), son of Joseph Faviere Elrington, Esq., 24 Upper Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin ; born 8th December, 1859. 2’(/ — . Chelto 7 i- dale. Pembroke College, Cambridge. B.A., 1881 ; M.A. , 1886. Ordained Deacon, 1884, and Priest, 1885. Curate of St. Mark, Cheltenham, 1884-86 ; of St. Michael, Chester Square, London, 1887. Address : 117 Ebury Street, London, S.W. Farquharson, Richard, son of — Farquharson, Esq. ; born 20th April, 1859. Special J — , Day Boy. Finnimore, Arthur, son of Thomas A. Finni- more. Esq., Surgeon, Mahebourg, Mauritius ; born 14th April, 1859. z^J — . Fowle, Edmund Henry, son of — Fowle, Esq.; born 29th May, 1859. i V~- Boy. Franklin, Reginald William, son of Colonel Charles Trigance Franklin, C.B., R.A., Sillins, Redditch, Worcestershire ; born 23rd October, 1859. 3*)/ — . Teighmore. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1878. Lieu- tenant, 24th Foot, 1878. Served in the Zulu War in 1879, and was present at the storming of Sirayo’s Stronghold in the Bashee Valley ; on the day of the disaster at Isandwhalana (22nd January) he was absent with the main body of the column under Lord Chelmsford, but subsequently caught fever from the dead bodies lying on that battlefield, and died at Helpmakaar on the 20th February, 1879. Jenkins, Thomas Griffith Morris, son of Lieut.- Colonel Alexander Jenkins ; born 2 1 St Jan- uary, 1858. — . Wolseley- Lewis and Beaufort House. Dead. Jesson, John Charles, son of Thomas Jesson, Esq., I Clarendon Terrace, Brighton ; born 28th May, 1856. — . Price. Jones, Arthur Lewis William, son of Thomas Jones, Esq., Solicitor, Sackville Cottage, Llandovery; born 6th June, i860, iff — . Teighmore. Jones, Elystan Charles, son of Thomas Jones, Esq., Solicitor, Sackville Cottage, Llando- very ; born 17th August, 1861. 4 V“~* Teighmore. Lambert, J ohn Speare, son of William Lambert, Esq., Solicitor, 6 St. Leonard’s Crescent, Exeter ; born 4th February, 1855. fM — . Leco 7 ifield. St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, and Licentiate, Society of Apothecaries, 1878. Surgeon, Royal Navy, 1878. Oakes, George Augustus Henry, son of — Oakes, Esq. ; born 21st June, 1856. CiviPM — . Price. Robertson, Charles Jasper, son of Jasper Lyon Robertson, Esq., Calcutta ; born 19th Feb- ruary, 1856. f'M — . Price. Ross, John Lambden, son of William H. Ross, Esq., Tilford House, Cambridge Park, Twickenham ; born 8th June, 1858. — . Newick House. Rudd, George Patrick Ferris, son of — Rudd, Esq. ; born 24th February, 1861. f'J — . Day Boy. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1874. 288 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [OCTOBER, 1871. Rudd, John William, son of — Rudd, Esq. ; born 28th May, 1859. \^J — . Day Boy. Tickell, James Robert, son of Lieut. -Colonel James Tickell, St. Philip’s Lodge, Chelten- ham ; born 28th November, 1855. — . Day Boy. Re-entry August, 1865. Vassall, William, son of the Rev. William Vassall, Hardington, Yeovil ; born 12th May, 1858. 7C — I'C. Beaufort House. Left July, 1876. Football XX., 1874. In Bank of England, 1876- Si. Assistant House Master at Christowe, Chelten- ham, 1882-83. At Gloucester Theological College, 1882-83. Ordained Deacon, 1883, and Priest, 1885. Curate of St. Catherine, Gloucester, 1883-85 ; Curate of Bideford and Head Master of St. Mary's School, Bideford, 1886 ; Rector of Wear Gifford, Devon, 1886. Address : The Rectory, Wear Gifford, Bideford. ENTERED FEBRUARY, 1872. Ashby, Francis Henry, son of Francis Stedman Ashby, Esq., Eling, near Southampton ; born 8th December, 1857. efM—. Lecon- field. Baker, Edward Lowther, son of Thomas Henry Baker, Esq., Owletts, Cobham, Gravesend ; born 2 1 St September, 1857. f-M — . Lecofi- field. Baker, Francis James, son of Thomas Henry Baker, Esq., Owletts, Cobham, Gravesend ; born 13th September, i860, -fj — . Lecon- field. Burnett, George John Muncaster, son of George Hopper Burnett, Esq. ; born 3rd April, 1858. — YM. Hazelwell. Left December, 1876. Football XV., 1876; Cricket XXII., 187 — . St. John’s College, Cambridge. B.A., 1880; M.A., 1883. Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, i88r. Bury, John, son of John Bury, Esq., Ayton Lodge, Ayton, near York; born 3rd Feb- ruary, 1858. (fiM — YM. Hazelwell. Modern Football XX., 1875. Solicitor (admitted 1881). Honorary Secretary of the Manchester In- corporated Law Society. Address : Manchester. Butler, Arthur, son of Colonel John Butler, Empshott Terrace, Empshott, near Peters- field, Hants; born 4th July, 1863. iff — . Teighmore. Lieutenant, Shropshire Light Infantry, 1882 ; transferred to Norfolk Regiment, 1883. Died at Morar, East Indies, 29th August, 1884. Campbell, Alexander Augustus Elphinstone, son of Lieut.-Colonel Alexander Henry Ed- ward Campbell, The Residency, Hyderabad, India ; born 14th May, 1861. YJ — YC. Teighmore and Boyne House. Left July, 1879. Iredell Prize, 1877-79. Classical Football XV., 1878. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1880. Lieutenant, Derbyshire Regiment, 1882 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1884. Is Wing Officer, 25th Bengal Native Infantry. Corbyn, Hector, son of Deputy-Surgeon-General Joseph C. Corbyn, Bengal Army, Ravens- worth, Cheltenham ; born i8th March, 1864. — \^M. Day Boy. Left May, 1881. Gymnasium VIII., 1879-80. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1881-83 (Prize : Drills and Exercises). Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1883. Address : Lypiatt Lawn, Cheltenham. Coxwell-Rogers, Augustus Mead, son of the Rev. William Rogers Coxwell-Rogers, Dowdes- well Rectory, near Cheltenham ; born 26th June, 1857. 7C— . St. John's College, O.xford, 1877. B.A. , 1882; M.A. , 1886. Ordained Deacon, 1883, and Priest, 1884. Curate of Castle Combe, Gloucestershire, 1883-85 ; of St. Peter, Ipswich, 1885-87 ; of St. Mark, Peckham, London, 1887. Address: St. Mark's, Peckham, London, S. E. Denny, Henry Cuthbert, son of Arthur M. Denny, Esq., Killora, Glounthaun, near Cork ; born 9th January, 1858. — . Cheltondale. Ensign, 48th Foot, 1877 ; Lieutenant, 58th Foot, 1879 ; Captain, Northamptonshire Regiment, 1883. Donald, Archibald Hamilton, son of Colin Dunlop Donald, Esq., Solicitor, 136 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow ; born 17th April, 1858. 8LJf — YM. Lecotifield. Left June, 1876. Cricket XXII. , 1875-76. Glasgow University. First Class Honours in Scots Law, 1880-81 ; Honours in Conveyancing, 1881-82. Edinburgh University. 1882-83 i Second Class Honours in Conveyancing. Solicitor (admitted 1885). Captain, ist Lanark Rifle Volunteers. Address ; 172 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow ; and Western Club, Glasgow. Duff, Charles Edward, son of George S. Duff, Esq., Lontran House, Inverness ; born 25th April, 1858. efiM — 'Y‘M, Day Boy. Left December, 1874. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. 2nd Lieu- tenant, 8th Hussars, 1878 ; Lieutenant, 1881 ; Cap- tain, 1885. Served in the Afghan War in 1879-80 (Medal). Ellis-Viner, Montague, son of the Rev. Alfred William Ellis-Viner, Badgeworth, near Chel- tenham ; born 2nd April, 1855. 3C — . Previously at Winchester College. Keble College. O.xford, 1874. B.A. , 1878. At Ely Theological College. Ordained Deacon, 1886, and Priest, 1887. Curate of Kensworth, Herts, 1886-87 I Missionary, Universities Mission, Central Africa, 1887. Address: Universities Mission, Zanzibar. Foote, Charles Stewart, son of Rear-Admiral Henry Foote, R.N., Newport, Monmouth; born 1 6th March, 1857. Z^M — . Price. Football XX., 1873. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), 40th Foot, 1878 ; Lieutenant, South Lanca- shire Regiment, 1879 ; Captain, 1887. Died at Hor- field Barracks, near Bristol, 7th October, 1887. Fo'wler, Frank Dashwood, son of Commander George C. Fowler, R.N., Crookham End, February, 1872 . 1 PRINCIPAL: REV. T. W. JEX-BLAKE, D.D. 289 near Newbury; born 16th April, 1855. jb/j/ — . Price. Football XX., 1873; Captain, 1874. Royal In- dian Engineering College, Cooper's Hill, 1875. In English Football XV., 1878-79. Civil Engineer; Public Works Department, India, Fownes-Luttrell, Hugh Courtenay, son of George Fownes-Luttrell, Esq., Dunster Castle, Dunster, Somerset ; born loth P'eb- ruary, 1857. Football XX., 1874. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), 96th Foot, 1877; transferred to Rifle Bri- gade, 1878; Lieutenant, 1879; Captain, 1885; Re- tired, 1887. Aide-de-Camp to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1881-85, ■tnti to the Governor and Com- mander-in-Chief, Gibraltar, 1885-86. Freeling, Clayton Pennington, son of Sanford Freeling, Esq., Government House, Grenada, West Indies; born 25th November, 1857. — . Newick House. Gallwey, Henry Lionel, son of Lieut.-General Thomas Lionel John Gallwey, R.E., Bromp- ton Barracks, Chatham ; born 25th Sep- tember, 1859. — Line M. Boyne House. Left February, 1878. Racquet Champion, 1877. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1878. 2nd Lieutenant, 58th Foot, May, 1878 ; transferred to 30th Foot, October, 1878 ; Lieutenant, East Lancashire Regiment, 1881 ; Cap- tain, 1887. Aide-de-Camp to Governor and Com- mander-in-Chief, Bermuda, 1882-89. Gosset- Jackson, Montague Bertie, son of John Gosset-Jackson, Esq., Charnwood, Torquay; born 17th January, 1858. — . Fry. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1876-77. Lieutenant. Royal Artillery, 1877 ; Captain, 1886. Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star). Gray, Cyril Metcalfe, son of Alexander Gray, Esq., Bombay Civil Service; born 7th Jan- uary, 1858. &M-. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1876. Sub- Lieutenant, 96th Foot, 1876 ; Lieutenant, Bombay Staff Corps, 1878 ; Captain, 1887. Is Wing Officer, 30th Bombay Native Infantry. Hall, Herrmann, son of Lindsay Hall, Esq., Cullet Lodge, Prince’s Park, Liverpool ; born 22nd November, 1857. 6*’C — . Hammond, Dayrell Talbot, son of Joseph Hutchinson Hammond, Esq., M.D., Preston, Lancashire ; born 24th December, 1856. — . Haz dwell. Previously at Rossall School (1866—). Sub-Lieu- tenant, 88th Foot, 1875; Lieutenant, 1876; Adjutant, 1879-86 ; Captain, Connaught Rangers, 1883 ; Adju- tant, Auxiliary Forces, 1887. Served with the 88th Regiment throughout the Kaffir War of 1877-78, and as Adjutant of the Regiment throughout the Zulu War of 1879 (Medal with clasp). Hatherell, Charles Edward Grey, son of Lieut. - Colonel Janaes Hatherell, Radford House, near Leamington ; born 26th December, 1858. 8C— . Boyne House. Coffee Planter in Ceylon. Address ; Radford House, near Leamington ; and Ritnagerie, Talawakelle, Ceylon. Hayes, Clarence Henry, son of Admiral Courte- nay Osborne Hayes, R.N. ; born 3rd Octo- ber, 1855. 3W— . Christowe. Cricket XI., 1874; Modern P’ootball XX., 1873. Royal Naval College, Greenwich, 1873-74. Lieu- tenant, Royal Marines, 1874 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1880 ; Captain, 1885. Is Squadron Com- mander, ist Bengal Cavalry. Hignett, Arthur Holland, son of Thomas Hig- nett. Esq., Cholmondeley, near Nantwich ; born 7th March, 1857. ’, 1880 ; Captain, 1888. Served in the Boer War of 1881 with the Natal Field Force. Served as Deputy- Assistant-Adjutant and Quartermaster-General in the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 (mentioned in despatches). Strachan, Edward Aubrey, son of James G. Strachan, Esq., Cheltenham ; born i6th Au- gust, 1858. 8C — . Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), 108th Foot, 1878 ; Lieutenant, 1879; Captain, Royal Inniskilling Fusi- liers, 1885. Wells, Frederick Burd, son of Warwick Walter Wells, Esq., Surgeon, 7 Berkeley Place, Cheltenham; born 20th March, i860. 4C — . Day Boy. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1872 ; Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1875. Balliol College, Oxford, 1880. Died at Oxford, 3rd June, 1881. Whately, Reginald Pepys, son of — Whately, Esq. ; born i8th December, i860, qy — . Fry. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), 35th Foot, 1880 ; Lieutenant, Royal Sussex Regiment, 1881 ; Adjutant, 1888; Captain, 1889. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive’s Star). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the ist Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment, and took part in the operations of the Desert Column under Sir Herbert Stewart (Clasp). Wilkinson, Francis Allix, son of Lieut.- Colonel George Allix Wilkinson, R.A., 24 Palmeira Square, Brighton ; born 15th July, 1859. — . Newick House. 2nd Lieutenant, 7th Foot, 1880; Lieutenant, Royal Fusiliers, 1881 ; Captain, 1887. Served in the Bur- mese War in 1886-87 as Brigade Transport Officer (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Witherby, Herbert, son of Arthur Witherby, Esq., Dacre House, Lee, Kent ; born 28th July, 1857. 6“C — . Hazelwell. ENTERED OCTOBER, 1872. Alamayu, Prince, son of Theodore, King of Abyssinia ; born 23rd April, 1861. — 2y. Teighmore. Left July, 1874. He was brought over to England after the capture of Magdala by the British Troops in 1868. On leav- ing Cheltenham he proceeded to Rugby with Dr. Jex-Blake, where the latter was appointed to the Head Mastership, and from there went to the Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Died at Leeds on the 14th November, 1879, and was buried at St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, where a monument was erected to his memory by Her Majesty Queen Vic- toria. Baker, Samuel Howard, son of Robert Large Baker, Esq., M.D., Barham House, Leam- ington ; born 24th October, 1859. 7C — . New College, Oxford, 1878. 3rd Class Classical Moderations, 1880 ; 3rd Class Jurisprudence, 1882. B.A. , 1883; M.A. , 1885. At Cuddesdon Theolo- gical College, 1883. Ordained Deacon, 1884, and Priest, 1885. Curate of St. Lawrence, Northampton, 1884-85 ; of Wing and of Grove, Bucks, 1885-87 ; of Holy Trinity, Reading, 1883. Address ; 123 Castle Hill, Reading. Barry, Frederick William, son of Frederick Barry, Esq., C.E., 34 Great George Street, Westminster; born 21st March, 1856. bM — . Price. Died of heart disease at Cheltenham when train- ing for the Athletic Sports, 21st April, 1875. Chamberlain, Geoffrey Phayre, son of Robert Deane Chamberlain, Esq., Phayrecot, Chel- tenham ; born loth January, 1859. 4C — DC. Iredell Prize, 1876 ; Cheltonian Society Prize, 1876. Silver Medallist, 1878. Senior Prefect, 1878. Junior Studentship, Christ Church, Oxford, 1878 ; ist Class Classical Moderations, 1880 ; 3rd Class Classical Final Schools, 1882. B.A. , 1882. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1884. Address : Union Club, Trafalgar Square, London, S.W. Cowburn, John Percy, son of George Cowburn, Esq., 26 St. Stephen’s Road, Bayswaier, London ; born 20th April, 1858. 4C — . Newick House. Football XX. , 1875. Griffiths, Edward Thomas, son of Griffith H. Griffiths, Esq., M.D., Apsley Villa, Chelten- ham ; born 24th January, 1856. DC — i“C. Day Boy. Left July, 1875. Dobson Scholar. 1873-75 '< Cheltonian Society Prize, 1873-74 ; Gold Medallist, 1873-74-75 1 Jsx- Blake Scholar, 1874 • Silver Medallist, 1874-75 ’> Iredell Prize, 1874 ; Walker Prize, 1874-75. Head of Classical, July. 1873, to July, 1875. Exhibition, October, 1872.] PRINCIPAL: REV. T. W. JEX-BLAKE, D.D. 297 Balliol College, Oxford, 1874 ; Hertford (University) Scholarship, 1877 1 Ireland (University) Scholarship, 1877. ist Class Classical Moderations, 1877 ; 4th Class Classical Schools, 1879. B.A., 1881 ; M.A. , 1882. Ordained Deacon, 1884, and Priest, 1885. Curate of St. Mark, Cheltenham, 1884. Address : Longmead, Cheltenham. Humphrys, John Mervyn, son of John Winter Humphrys, Esq., Berkeley Villa, Chelten- ham; born loth July, 1858. <^M — . Day Boy. Died 26th November, 1874. Jones, Herbert Charles Walter, son of William Jones, Esq., 2 Essex Villas, Cheltenham ; born 25th June, i860. 3_/ — . Day Boy. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1875. Jones, Wilfred Aubrey, son of William Jones, Esq., 2 Essex Villas, Cheltenham ; born 27th March, 1863. 4/ — . Day Boy. Gymnasium VIII., 1879. L’Estrange, Francis Napoleon, son of Major Edward Napoleon L’Estrange; born iith January, i86r. 4/ — . Teighmore. Lorimer, Edward Scott, son of Robert Scott Lorimer, Esq., Georgetown, Demerara ; born loth September, 1864. i,J — . Teighmore. Mitchell, George, son of George Mitchell, Esq., Rathgar, Co. Dublin ; born 23rd July, 1857. Civil M — . Cheltondale. Palmer-Morewood, Alfred, son of Charles Row- land Palmer-Morewood, Esq., Alfreton Hall, Derbyshire ; born 19th April, 1859. Civil M — . Draper. Pilgrim, Henry, son of Henry Pilgrim, Esq., The Garden, Barbados ; born loth Octo- ber, 1859. 7C — . Christowe. Prendergast, Theodore John Warrender, son of Major-General Hew Lindsay Prendergast, R.E., I Belgrave Terrace, Brighton ; born 3rd February, 1858. — . Fry. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1876-77 (Prize : Military Drawing). Lieutenant, Royal En- gineers, 1877; Captain, 1888. Roberts, John Dobree Anderson, son of Eras- mus C. Roberts, Esq., St. John’s, Torpoint, Cornwall ; born 31st May, i860. J — \^M. Boyne House. Left December, 1877. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1877-79. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1879 i Captain, 1887. Vialls, Charles Edward, son of Major Henry Thomas Vialls, i Park Promenade, Chel- tenham; born 6th December, 1861. \J — . Day Boy. Vialls, Harry George, son of Major Henry Thomas Vialls, i Park Promenade, Chel- tenham ; born 7th November, 1859. ij — Line M. Day Boy. Left 1877. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. 2nd Lieu- tenant, 14th Foot, 1879 ; Lieutenant, West York- shire Regiment, 1881 ; Captain, 1887. Served in the Afghan War in 1880, and was present at the affair at Mazeena and with the Kama Expedition (Medal). Wildman-Lushington, Percy, son of James LushingtonWildman-Lushington, Esq., Nor- ton Court, Faversham ; born 24th December, 1858. %M — . Leconjield. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), 25th Foot, 1880; Lieutenant, King's Own Scottish Borderers, 1881 ; Captain, 1890. Is at the Staff College. Williams, John Douglas Montague, son of Major-General John Daniel Williams, Bom- bay Staff Corps ; born 26th August, 1858. 8C — . Day Boy. 2nd, Lieutenant, ist West India Regiment, 1878 ; Lieutenant, 1880 ; Resigned, 1882. Worgan, Henry, son of Colonel John Worgan, Poona, Bombay ; born 24th December, 1859. 4/—. Christowe. ENTERED JANUARY, 1873. Allen, James Graham, son of — Allen, Esq.; born 8th February, 1858. JM — . Newtek House. Football XX., 1875. College Boat, 1876. Allen, John, son of George Allen, Esq., Unicar- ville. Comber, Co. Down, Ireland ; born 15th October, 1856. Civil M — . Newtek House. Bailey, Henry Vincent, son of Captain Vincent Bailey, 4 Roland Gardens, South Kensing- ton, London ; born 9th November, 1862. apj — . Teighmore. Lieutenant (from Militia), Bedfordshire Regiment, 1884 ; transferred to Seaforth Highlanders, 1884 ; and to 5th Lancers, 1888. Baird, William Robert Cornwallis, son of Cap- tain Thomas Carpendale Baird, Comber- bach House, Northwich, Cheshire ; born I2th August, 1858. ^^M — DAf. Priee. Left July, 1876. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1877. 2nd Lieutenant, 14th Foot, January, 1878 ; Lieutenant, August, 1878 ; Captain, West Yorkshire Regiment, 1883. Served in the Afghan War in 1880, and took part in the Kama Expedition (Medal). Beach, Thomas, son of Richard Beach, Esq. ; born 30th October, 1857. Civil M — . Beever, Henry Holt, son of the Rev. William Holt Beever, Pencraig Court, Ross, Here- fordshire ; born 9th November, 1859. sC — . Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1877-78 (Prize: Riding). Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1878 ; Captain, 1887; Adjutant, Auxiliary Forces, 1887. Beever, Vincent Morshead Holt, son of the Rev. William Holt Beever, Pencraig Court, Ross, Herefordshire ; born 27th November, i860. ly-- Bell-Martin, Edward Herbert de Torre Gonne, son of Lieut. -Colonel Arthur Alexander Gonne Bell-Martin, Army and Navy Club, London ; born 9th March, 1859. 6C — . Chel- tondale. 2nd Lieutenant, 9th Lancers, 1878 ; Lieutenant, 1880. Served in the Afghan War of 1878-80, includ- ing the operations in the neighbourhood of Kabul (Medal with clasp). Died of typhoid fever at U mballa. East Indies, 5th October, 1882. Bum, Ernest Douglas Maitland, son of Alex- ander Burn, Esq., M.D., 3 Wharfedale Street, South Kensington, London ; born 1st December, 1861. epj — . Newtek House. Bury, Herbert Taylor, son of John Carleton Q Q 298 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1873. Bury, Esq., M.U., York Row, Wisbech ; born 2 1 St August, 1861. — . Teighmore. University College, London. Member, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1884; Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians, London, 1885 ; late Resident Clinical Assistant, East London Hospital for Chil- dren ; Resident Medical Officer, Pendlebury Hos- pital for Children ; and Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy, University College, London. Address : 5 York Row, Wisbech, Cambridge- shire. Conran, George Hay Montgomerie, son of General George Conran, R.A. ; born 23rd November, 1858. — '^M. Day Boy. Left 1875. Lieutenant, 15th Foot, 1876 ; Captain, East York- shire Regiment, 1884. Served with the and Batta- lion, 15th Foot, in the Afghan War in 1880, with the Kandahar Field Force under Major-General Phayre (Medal). Coxwell-Rogers, Godfrey Hugh Wheeler, son of Richard Rogers Coxwell-Rogers, Esq., Dowdeswell Court, near Cheltenham ; born 30th August, 1857. 6C — . Fry. Creighton, William Maurice, son of Lieutenant Robert Creighton, Bengal Army ; born 30th September, 1857. — . Price. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1875. Sub- Lieutenant, 107th Foot, 1876 ; Lieutenant, 1876 ; Adjutant, 1879-80 ; Captain, Royal Sussex Regi- ment, 1880 ; Paymaster, Army Pay Department, 1881 ; Honorary Major, 1886. Is attached to the 7th Hussars. Served with the 1st Battalion, Royal Irish Fusiliers, in the Egyptian War of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Cromwell, Henry, son of the Rev. Canon John Gabriel Cromwell, St. Mark’s College, Chel- sea, London ; born 4th September, 1858. pM — . Leconjield. Cutler, Selwyn Alfred, son of William Henry Cutler, Esq., C.E., Salthill House, Slough, Bucks ; born 2nd May, 1859. cf-M — PM. Leconfield. Left 1878. Modern Football XV., 1877. Civil Engineering in England for some years, subsequently in Australia. Appointed Private Secretary to His Excellency the Governor of South Australia in 1888. Address : Adelaide Club, Adelaide, South Aus- tralia. Docker, Edward, son of William Docker, Esq., Sellywick, Sellyoak, Worcestershire ; born 28th October, 1858. Latin 3C — . Leconfield. Donague, Alfred Wadley, son of John Donague, Esq., Solicitor, East Moor Park, Black Pill, Swansea; born 5th June, 1857. Latm 3C — . Price. Duff, Frederick William, son of George S. Duff, Esq., 34 Brunswick Square, Brighton ; born 19th October, i860. 4“/ — Line M. Day Boy. Left December, 1877. Modern Football XV., 1877. and Lieutenant (from Militia), 9th Lancers, February, 1881 ; Lieu- tenant, July, 1881 ; Captain, 1889. English, Joseph Oxley, son of Joseph Thomas English, Esq., Stamford Hill, Stratton, Corn- wall ; born 27th February, 1857. o?-M — . HazelivelL Previously at Shrewsbury School. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1874-76. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1876 ; Captain, 1884. Forrest, Arthur James, son of William F. Forrest, Esq., 26 Waterloo Road, Dublin ; born 13th October, 1859. (fiM — . Christowe. Football XX., 187s: XV., 1876-77: Captain, 1878. Cricket XL, 1877; Captain, 1878-79. Irish Football XV. Farming in Cambridgeshire. Address : Hilton Hall, Haddenham, Cambs. Fraser, David Macdowall, son of Lieut. -General the Hon. David Macdowall Fraser, C.B., R.A., Ferozepore, Punjab, India; born 12th October, 1857. 6W — . Leconfield. Lieutenant, Cape Mounted Rifles. Green, James Ernest, son of William Green, Esq., The Copse, Kidderminster ; born 7th September, i860. '^J — i*’C Price. Left July, 1879. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1879-82. B.A. and LL.B. , 1883. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1884. Address : Farrar's Buildings, The Temple, Lon- don, E.C. Griffin, Charles, son of — Griffin, Esq.; born 27th June, 1859. cfiM — . Hazelwell. Gubbins, Philip Charles, son of John P. Gubbins, Esq., The Oaks, Leamington; born nth March, 1859. — . Cheltondale. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1876-78- Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1878 ; Captain, 1888. Hanson, Edward Beversham, son of the Rev. Stephen Hanson, Weeting Rectory, Brandon, Norfolk; born 25th March, 1858. '^M — . Newick House. Royal Indian Engineering College, Cooper’s Hill, 1876. Haviside, Percy Hugh, son of Thomas S. Haviside, Esq., 14 Clarendon Road, Ken- sington, London ; born ist January, 1857. Civil M — . Newick House. Holmes, Charles Edward Molloy, son of the Rev. Edward Molloy Holmes, Marsh Gibbon Rectory, Bicester ; born 7th July, 1858. Z'^M — Price. Left Easter, 1 876. Previously at Westminster School. Ranching. Jackson, John, son of George Mavir Jackson, Esq., 10 Sydenham Villas, Cheltenham ; born 8th November, 1861. e^J — Line M. Day Boy. Left July, 1879. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1879-80. 2nd Lieutenant, 44th Foot, 1880 ; Lieutenant, Essex Regiment, 1881 ; joined Madras Staff Corps. 1882. Is Wing Officer, 9th Madras Native Infantry. Address : Care of Messrs. Arbuthnot and Co., Madras. Jefifree, Charles Howard, son of John Jeffree, Esq., Surgeon, Howard Lodge, Atkins Road, Clapham Park, Surrey ; born 14th June, 1859. fiM — . Christowe. Kerr, Mark Ancrum, son of William W. R. Kerr, Esq., 6 Kensington Place, Bath ; bom 2nd May, 1859. 4*’C — . Re-entered Col- lege January, 1876. 2nd Lieutenant, 80th Foot, August, 1879 ; trans- ferred to 17th- Foot, November, 1879 ; Lieutenant, Leicestershire Regiment, 1881 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1884. Is Wing Officer, ist Battalion, ist Goorkhas. King, Algernon D’Aquilar, son of Colonel Augustus Henry King, R.A., Christchurch, Hants ; born 28th May, 1862. — . Chel- tondale. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1879-82. Lieutenant, Royffi Artillery, 1882. Knowles, William, son of Major William January, 1873.] PRINCIPAL: REV. T. W. JEX-BLAKE, D.D. 299 Knowles, Oaklands, Plymstock, near Ply- mouth ; born 12th March, 1861, 27 -. Teighmorc. Royal Indian Engineering College, Cooper’s Hill. Civil Engineer; Public Works Department, India. Lingard-Guthrie, Charles Monk, son of the Rev. Roger Rowson Lingard-Guthrie, Tay- bank House, near Dundee ; born loth June, 1859. Little, William Rutherfurd, son of William Little, Esq., 21 Park Square, London ; born 1 2th September, 1859. — . Hasel- well, 2nd Lieutenant, 88th Foot, 1880 ; Lieutenant, Connaught Rangers, 1881 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1884. Is Wing Officer, 21st Bengal Native Infantry. Littleton, John, son of — Littleton, Esq.; born 25th March, 1859. — . Boyne House. Logan, Alexander Cochrane, son of Alexander Cochrane Logan, Esq., Great Valley, Man- chester, Jamaica; born 24th May, 1861. 47 — Day Boy. Left 1879. Iredell Prize, 1876 ; Jex-Blake (English Litera- ture) Prize, 1876-78-79 ; Gold Medallist, 1877 ; Chel- tonian Society Prize, 1878-79. Indian Civil Service, 1879 ; proceeded to Balliol College, Oxford, 1879 ; appointed to Bombay, 1881 ; Assistant Collector and Magistrate, Satara, 1882-83 I Ratnagiri, 1883-88 ; also Forest Settlement Officer, Ratnagiri, 1884-88. Assistant Collector and Magistrate, Sholapore, 1888. Lombe, Charles Spencer Maurice, son of Charles Lombe, Esq., Rue Feydan, St. Malo, France ; born 29th May, 1861. 47 — • Teighniore. Longe, Robert Douglas, son of Captain Robert Bacon Longe, Avranches, Manche, France ; born 2ist December, 1857. 8*’Af — i^M. Hazelwell. Left July, 1876. Cricket XXII., 1875-76. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1876. Lieutenant, 57th Foot, 1876 ; Captain, Middlesex Regiment, 1885. Superintendent of Gymnasium, Home District. Served in the Zulu War, South Africa, in 1879, and was present at the battle of Ginghilovo and relief of Ekowe, and throughout the operations of Clarke’s column (Medal with clasp). Mackenzie, Ashley Edmund, son of Lieut.- Colonel John Kenneth Mackenzie, 17 Corn- wall Terrace, Regent’s Park, London ; born 28th November, 1858. %^‘M — I'^M. Chel- tondale. Left July, 1875. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1877-78. 2nd Lieutenant, 15th Foot, 1878 ; Lieutenant, East Yorkshire Regiment, 1881 ; Captain, 1886. Milward, Clement Henry, son of Colonel T. W. Milward, R.A., Royal Arsenal, Woolwich ; born 8th October, i860. 27 — . Teigh- inore. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1880. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882 with the siege train under Lieut. -Colonel Minto Elliot (Medal and Khedive’s Star). Owen, Thomas Henry, son of Thomas Rule Owen, Esq., Haverfordwest ; born 8th May, 1859. 9'd/ — . Cheltondale. Palmer, Lucius, son of William Palmer, Esq., Elmstead, Chislehurst, Kent ; born 29th April, 1859. 9^'^ — • Price. Parker, Charles Thorndike, son of Richard Tucker Parker, Esq., 115 Avenue des Champ Elysdes, Paris ; born 2nd January, 1858. LatUiIIIC — . Pickard-Cambridge, Edward Duroure, son of the Rev. Edward I’ickard-Cambridge, Warm- well Rectory, Dorchester ; born 22nd July, 1858. 8“d/ — . Boyne House. Previously at Marlborough College (February, 1871 — December, ,1872). Racquet Pair, 1877. 2nd Lieutenant, i6th Foot, January, 1879 ; Lieutenant, June, 1879 ; Captain, 1887. Served in the Burmese War in 1886-87 (mentioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Pierce, Harry Stamford, son of Peter Pierce, Esq., 135 Smithdown Lane, Liverpool ; born 25th January, i860. 2'C — . Teigh- more. Plurabe, Henry Shepherd, sonof Henry Plumbe, Esq., Solicitor, Winchcombe ; born 5th June, 1860. 37 — • Teighniore. Died 13th May, 1879. Porter, George Adrian, son of Henry A. Porter, Esq., 41 Southernhay, Exeter ; born 27th April, 1859. — . Hazelwell. 2nd Lieutenant, 3rd Foot, 1878 ; Lieutenant, 1879 ; Captain, East Kent Regiment, 1885. Poynder, Frederick Cecil, son of the Rev. Frederick Poynder, 16, Lypiatt Terrace, Cheltenham; born 1 8th April, 1862. 47 — • Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1875 ; Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1878. Scholarship, St. John’s College, Oxford, 1880 ; ist Class (Classical) Moderations, 1882 ; 2nd Class (Classical) Final Schools, 1884. B.A., 1884; M.A., 1887. Simpson, Walter Henry, son of Charles Turner Simpson, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, 7 Old Buildings, Lincoln’s Inn, London ; born 1 2th June, i860. 17 — • Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1873. 2nd Lieutenant, 39th Foot, 1880 ; Lieutenant, Dorsetshire Regiment, 1881 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1883. Is Wing Officer, 43rd Bengal Native Infantry. Served with the Akha Expedition in 1883-84. Smith-Barry, Robert Courtenay, son of Cap- tain Richard Hugh Smith-Barry, Bally Ed- mond, Midleton, Co. Cork, Ireland ; born 19th February, 1858. 7C — . Fry. J.P. Stewart, James, son of James Stewart, Esq., Williamwood, Cathcart, Glasgow ; born i 8 th February, 1861. 47 — PM. Teighniore, Johnson, and Boyne House. Left July, 1878. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1876 ; Head of Modern, July, 1878. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich (Passed in ist in Order of Merit), 1878-80. Winner of several prizes at the Athletic Sports at Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1880. Is an Instructor at Royal Indian Engineering Col- lege, Cooper’s Hill. Served in the Burmese War in 1885-86 (Medal with clasp). Stott, Frederick William, son of William Stott, Esq., Solicitor, Rochdale ; born 26th N ovem- ber, 1857. Latin HI C — . Price. Strachan, Conrad, son of Henry S. Strachan, Esq., Pitville House, New Park Road, Brixton, London ; born 19th February, 1861. 47 — • Stuart-Wortley, Edward James (afterwards Montagu-Stuart-Wortley), son of the Hon. 300 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1873. Francis Dudley Stuart- Wortley, Wortley Hall, Sheffield; born 31st July, 1857. 6*’Af — . Leconfield. Previously at Eton College. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia) 60th Rifles, 1877 ; Lieutenant, King's Royal Rifle Corps, 1880 ; Captain, 1886 ; Brevet-Major, 1886. Served in the Afghan War of 1879 with the Koorum Force as Transport Officer and Assistant Superintendent of Army Signalling, and was present at the assault of Zawa (Medal). Served in the Boer War of 1881 with the Natal Field Force. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882 as Orderly Officer to Sir W. O. Lanyon and to Sir Baker Russell, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85, and was present at the action of Abu Klea, and in the reconnaissance to Metam- meh (mentioned in despatches, two clasps, 4th Class Medjidie, and C.M.G. in recognition of his services in Egypt) ; also served in the operations of the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 as Deputy-Assis- tant-Adjutant and Quartermaster-General (Brevet- Major). Taylor, William Haddersich, son of — Taylor, Esq.; born 6th December, i860. — . Died at Sydney, New South Wales, i8th May, 1884. Thomas, Arthur Havilland, son of Henry Sullivan Thomas, Esq., Mangalore, India ; born 31st July, i860. Day Boy. Fiy, Haslam, and Leco?^eld. Left Easter, 1878. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1879-80. 2nd Lieutenant, 31st Foot, 1880 ; Lieutenant, East Surrey Regiment, 1881 ; Captain, 1887. Is attached to the Army Service Corps. Thomas, Richard Macaulay, son of John D. Thomas, Esq., Oatlands, Neath; born 6th October, 1857. qi'C— . Hazelwell. Cricket XI., 1875. Balliol College, Oxford, 1876; and Class Classical Moderations, 1877 ; 3rd Class Jurisprudence, 1878; B.A., 1878. Solicitor (ad- mitted 1882). Clerk to Borough Justices, and Deputy Coroner for West Carmarthenshire. Address : Carmarthen. Tickell, George Templer, son of Colonel S. R. Tickell, 33 Montpellier Villas, Cheltenham ; born 28th August, 1858. "]M — Civil M. Day Boy. Left Easter, 1875. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Employed in South Australian Geometrical Survey Department, 1876-77 ; Imperial Chinese Revenue Department, 1881-82 ; Lieutenant in Command of Shan Horse Artillery, 1882. Appointed Recorder of Lands, British North Borneo Company, 1883. Exploring in New Guinea and Malaysian Seas, 1884. Trevithick, Arthur Reginald, son of Francis Trevithick, Esq., Penzance ; bom 6th Au- gust, 1858. — -^M. Leconfield. Left July, 1876. Cricket XL, 1876. Mechanical Engineer. Walters, William Howell, son of — Walters, Esq. ; born — March, 1857. Latm III C — . Cheltondale. Rifle Corps XI. , 1874 ; Football XX. , 1874. Waring, Herbert Francis, son of Thomas War- ing, Esq., C.E., Park Place, Cardiff ; born 8th October, 1858. — . Price. Watts, Montague Graves, son of — Watts, Esq.; born 27th July, 1859. (fiM — . Newick House. Wilson, William Robert, son of William Wilson, Esq., 6 Osborne Terrace, Newcastle-on- Tyne ; born i8th May, 1857. Latin II C — . Win^eld-Stratford, Howard, son of John Wingfield-Stratford, Esq., Addington Park, near West Mailing, Kent; born 13th No- vember, 1859. — . Cheltondale. Rifle Corps XL, 1875-76. Jex- Blake (Geographi- cal) Prize, 1876. Woodley, John Lewis, son of Captain Augustus J. Woodley, R.N., Didworthy, near Ivy- bridge, Devon ; born 31st December, 1857. 7 C — . Cheltondale. Worsley, Henry Arthur Mant, son of Maj'or Henry Worsley, Julunder, North-West Pro- vinces, India ; born 9th October, i860. Teighmore. ENTERED MA Y, 1873. Alexander, Gerald D’Aragon, son of Maj'or- General Sir James Edward Alexander, C.B., Westerton, Bridge of Allan, N.B. ; born 2nd May, 1859. g^M — M. Boyne House. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1877-78 (Prize : Military Drawing). Lieutenant, Royal Ar- tillery, 1878; Captain, 1886. Allen, John Roscoe, son of J. Roscoe Allen, Esq., Lentworth Hall, Lancaster ; born 9th May, 1858. g'^M — . Newick House. Arnold, Edwin Lester Lindon, son of Edwin Arnold, Esq., 69 Harcourt Terrace, Rad- cliffe Square, London ; born 14th May, 1857. Latin II C — . Cheltondale. Brereton, Reginald Hugh, son of Ebenezer William Brereton, Esq., M.A. (afterwards Edward William Brereton, Esq.), 5 Blenheim Parade, Cheltenham ; born 12th November, 1861. Y-J — i^C. Day Boy. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1873-74. Iredell Prize, 1880. Football XV., 1879. Indian Civil Service, 1880 ; proceeded to Balliol College, Oxford, 1880 ; appointed to Bengal, 1882. Assistant Magistrate and Collector, North-West Provinces, 1883-87 ; As- sistant Magistrate, North-West Provinces, 1887. Brown, Henry George, son of Washington H. Brown, Esq., Solicitor, Swansea ; born 25th November, 1859. g^M — . Wallace Brown. Brown-Constable, Lawrence David, son of Lieut. -Colonel Brown-Constable, i Lans- down Place, Cheltenham ; born 4th Octo- ber, 1859. g^M — . Day Boy. Cairnes, Alan Thomas, son of Thomas P. Cairnes, Esq., Stameen, Drogheda, Ireland ; born 10th March, i860. ZM — . Christowe. Carden, Louis Peile, son of Captain Andrew Carden, Barnane, Templemore, Ireland ; born 14th September, i860. Y’J — . Boyne House. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1877-80 (Prize : Gymnastics). Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1880; Captain, 1888. Dawson, Charles Herbert, son of Colonel John Dawson, Oude, Bengal ; born ist December, 1863. 4V'—- Denison, George Charles, son of Major-General May, 1873.] PRINCIPAL ; REV. T. W. JEX-BLAKE, D.D. Sir William Thomas Denison, K.C.B., R.E.; born 5th January, i86i. i^J — . Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1873. Douglas, James Stewart, son of Lieut. -General Sir Robert Percy Douglas, Bart., Henlade House, near Taunton ; born 25th March, 1859. i\M. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1876-78. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1878 ; Captain, 1886. Served in the Zulu War, South Africa, in 1879. Druitt, Edward, son of William Druitt, Esq., Surgeon, Wimborne Minster, Dorset ; born igth April, 1859. — V^M. Boyne House. Left July, 1876. Cricket XL, 1875-76. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1876-78 (Prize; The Sword). Lieu- tenant, Royal Engineers, 1878 ; Captain, 1888. On Special Service, West Coast of Africa, February to June, 1881. Employed (with local rank of Major) with Local Forces in Queensland, 1889. Durham, William Edward, son of — Durham, Esq.; born 15th August, 1857. — . Fry. Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. (5th Junior Optime), 1879. Ordained Deacon, i88i, and Priest, 1882. Curate of Tavistock, Devon, 1881-82 ; of Eastdown, Devon, 1882-85 ; Rector of Eastdown, 1885-88 ; Vicar of St. Matthew, Burnley, Lancashire, 1888. Address : St. Matthew’s Vicarage, Burnley. Ebden, Alfred, son of Alfred Ebden, Esq., 7 East India Avenue, Leadenhall Street, Lon- don; born 6th April, i860. eyM — . Johnson. Served in the Zulu War, South Africa, in 1879, as a Captain in Carrington’s Horse. English, Frederick Paul, son of Joseph Thomas English, Esq., Stamford Hill, Stratton, Corn- wall ; born 25th October, 1859. efM — Lute M. Hazelwell and Bennett. Left Decem- ber, 1877. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1878. 2nd Lieutenant, 103rd Foot, 1879 ; Lieutenant, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 1881 ; Captain, 1887. Aide-de- Camp to Major-General, Egypt, 1885-87 ; and to Major-General, Ceylon, 1887-88. Erskine, Edmond Waterton Coningsby, son of the Hon. James Augustus Erskine, 22 Lans- down Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 9th No- vember, i860. 2*y — . Gilbome, Edward Charles William, son of Deputy- Surgeon-General Edward Gilborne, South Camp, Aldershot ; born 30th October, 1856. Civil M — . Leconfield. Sub-Lieutenant, 5th Lancers, 1876 ; Lieutenant, 1877 ; Captain, 1882 ; Brevet-Major, 1885 ; Resigned, 1887. Hill, Hugh Arundel, son of the Rev. Holden Donald Hill, Shustoke Vicarage, near Bir- mingham ; born 22nd April, 1 860. 4‘^C — . Subsequently at Rossall School (1878-79). Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1873 ; Senior (Mathemati- cal) Scholar, 1875. Keble College, Oxford, 1879. B.A. , 1883. Ordained Deacon, 1883, and Priest, 1885. Curate of .Alfreton, Derbyshire, 1883-88 ; of Tamvvorth, Staffordshire, 1888. Address : Tamworth. Hoare, Edward Wallis O’Bryen, son of O’Bryen Hoare, Esq., Sydney, near Southampton ; born 22nd February, 1859. C — . Newick House. Cockburn, Robert, son of Sir Edward Cludde Cockburn, Bart., Pennoxstone, Ross, Here- fordshire; born 7th December, 1861. "JJ — . Teightnore. Captain, 4th Battalion, Shropshire Regiment (Militia). Address : Pennoxstone, Ross, Herefordshire. Coghill, Charles Edward, son of Harry Coghill, Esq., Newcastle-under-Lyne ; born 28th September, 1861. 2*(/ — VM. Christowe wtxd Maier. Left March, 1879. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1879-81. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1881 ; Captain, 1889. Coghill, Ernest Arthur, son of Harry Coghill, 3o6 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1874. Esq., Newcastle-under-Lyne ; born 23rd December, 1859. 8C — . Johnson. Trinity Hall, Cambridge. B.A., 1882 ; M. A., 1886. Ordained Deacon, 1883, and Priest, 1884. Curate of All Saints, Pontefract, 1883-84 ; of Halesowen, War- wickshire, 1884-87. Address : Halesowen, Birmingham. Oooke, Charles Edward, son of the Rev. Charles John Rashleigh Cooke, Chesterton Rectory, near Peterborough ; born 28th November, i860. 9C — . Day Boy. Merton College, Oxford, 1879. B.A. , 1884. Or- dained Deacon, 1884, and Priest, 1885. Curate of Boughton-Monchelsea, Kent, 1884-86; of St. Barna- bas, Hove, Brighton, 1887-88. Incumbent of St. James, Cupar, Fife, N.B. , 1888. Address : Cupar, Fife, N.B. Cooke, Edmund Rashleigh, son of the Rev. Charles John Rashleigh Cooke, Chesterton Rectory, near Peterborough ; born 7th May, 1 862. 4 J — . Day Boy. Corbett, Robert Edwin, son of Henry Corbett, Esq., Aston Hall, Newport, Salop ; born 24th February, i860. — . Hazelwell. Football XV., 1876. 2nd Lieutenant, 13th Foot, 1879 ; Lieutenant, Somersetshire Light Infantry, 1881 ; Captain, 1887. Corser, John Lyon, son of the Rev. George James Corser, Burrington Rectory, near Ludlow, born 5th March, i860. 9C — . Newick House. Oxford University (Non-Collegiate), 1880. B.A., 1886. Dawson, Reginald Harry, son of Major-Gene- ral Alexander Harry Dawson, Esq., R.A., Bombay, India ; born 21st January, 1862. 2y— . Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1875. Gymnasium VIII., 1877. 2nd Lieutenant, 63rd Regiment, Janu- ary, 1881 ; Lieutenant, July, 1881 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1883. Is Wing Officer, 3rd Sikh In- fantry. Served with the ist Battalion, Manchester Regiment, in the Egyptian War of 1882 (Medal with clasp, and Khedive's Star). Douglas, George Prescott, son of Mellis Camp- bell Douglas, Esq. ; born 3rd November, i860. (JM — B^M. Christowe. Left 1876. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), 2nd Dragoon Guards, February, 1881 ; Lieutenant, July, 1881 ; Captain, 1887. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882 with the 7th Dragoon Guards as a Volunteer, and was present in the engagements at El Magfar and Mahsama, at the two actions at Kassassin, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir, and capture of Cairo (Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star). Address ; Care of Messrs. Cox and Co., 16 Charing Cross, London, S.W. Duder, Arthur, son of Edwin Duder, Esq., St. John’s, Newfoundland ; born 24th October, 1859. J/ — . Boyne House. Kichols, John Lawrence Darval, son of John Nichols, Esq., 23 Lansdown Terrace, Chel- tenham ; born 22nd November, 1862. 4/ — . Day Boy. Noble, Charles Crawford, son of Charles Noble, Esq., Northampton House, Swansea ; bom 28th October, i860. — . Christowe. Football XX., 1876. Oldfield, Edward Edwin Bullen, son of Major Edwin John Oldfield ; born 30th October, 1861. 9‘>J/ — . PHce. Modern Football XX. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), 19th Foot, 1880 ; transferred to 5th Fusi- liers, i88i. Oliver, Francis Gibbon, son of Thomas Oliver, Esq., C.E., H orsham, Sussex ; born 23rd June, 1861. 9'Af — . Newtek House. Cricket XI. , 1877-78-79 ; Captain, 1880. Porter, Robert Ibbetson, son of Robert Tindal Septemher, 1874.] PRINCIPAL: REV. II. KYNASTON, D.D. 3>3 Porter, Esq., Covals, Cheltenham ; born 28th March, 1861. 2*C — i"C. Day Boy. .Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1876-77. Exhibition, Worcester College, Oxford, 1879 ; Scholarship, Pembroke College, Oxford, 1879 ; ist Class Classical Moderations, i88r ; 2nd Class Classical Final Schools, 1883. B. A., 1883; M.A., 1886. Assistant Master, Military and Civil Department, Cheltenham College, 1885-87. Now a Medical Student at St. Bartholo- mew's Hospital, London. Renny, Henry Thomas, son of Major-General Henry Renny ; born 26th August, 1859. 9*il/ — . Price. Football XV., 1877. Enlisted in the Seaforth Highlanders, and obtained his Commission as 2nd Lieutenant, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, in 1887. Rich, Charles Lionel Mainwaring, son of Major- General William Charles Rich, Dorunda Chota, Nagpore, Bengal ; born 8th August, 1861. cfM — . Price. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), 12th Foot, April, i88i ; transferred to 30th Foot, June, 1881 ; Lieu- tenant, East Lancashire Regiment, July, 1881 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1884. Is Wing Officer, Corps of Guides. Robinson, Godfrey Walker, son of Major-Gen- eral D. G. Robinson, R.E., Calcutta ; born 28th October, 1863. \J — P'M. Teighmore and Boyne House. Left April, 1881. Was a Civil Engineer for some years, and subse- quently at Military College, Sandhurst, 1886- 87. 2nd Lieutenant, ist West India Regiment, 1887 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1889. Rooke, Ernest Morley, son of Thomas Morley Rooke, Esq., M.D., Bays Hill Villas, Chel- tenham ; born nth June, 1866. 4/ — . Day Boy. Steele, Frederick Augustus Shafto, son of Cap- tain Frederick S. Steele, Worcester Park House, Worcester Park, Surrey ; born 22nd August, 1861. 8C — . Price. Brasenose College, Oxford, 1880. B.A. , 1885. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1886. Stephens, William Richard, son of William Stephens, Esq., 20 Clarence Parade, South- sea ; born 28th January, i860. — . Price. Tuke, Martin Litchfield, son of Henry George Tuke, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Shelburne House, Cheltenham ; born 26th July, i860. 4'’C — . Day Boy. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1877-79. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1879 ; Captain, 1889. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882, and was pre- sent at the action at Kassassin on the 9th September (Medal and Khedive's Star). Served in the Expedi- tion to the Soudan under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884, and was present in the engagement at Temai (two clasps); also served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (clasp). Wallace, Hugh Robert, son of — Wallace, Esq. ; born 31st August, 1861. 9“^ 3 / — . Chelton- dale. Walter, John McNeill, son of Major-General John McNeill Walter, i York Terrace, Chel- tenham; born loth June, 1861. 6*d/ — i*.J/. Leconfield and Day Boy. Left December, 1878. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1874 ; Senior (Ma- thematical) Scholar, 1877 ; Schacht Prize, 1879. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1878-79. 2nd Lieutenant, 12th Foot, January, 1880 ; Lieutenant, Suffolk Regiment, November, 1880 ; transferred to Devonshire Regiment, 1885 ; Captain, 1886. Wildman-Lushin^on, Grattan, son of James Wildman-Lushington, Esq., Norton Court, Faversham ; born 7th September, i860. (^M — . Leconfield. 2nd Lieutenant, 2nd Foot, January, 1881 ; Lieu- tenant, Royal West Surrey Regiment, July, 1881 ; Resigned, 1887. Wilkinson, Sydney Herbert, son of William Wilkinson, Esq., Skipton, Yorkshire ; born 27th June, 1862. Chrisiowe. Left 1878. Wilkinson, William Musgrave, son of William Wilkinson, Esq., Skipton, Yorkshire ; born 13th June, 1859. Latin 2C — Latin \C. Chris- towe. Left April, 1876. Solicitor (admitted 1882). Address : Leeds. Wyatt, Arthur Norris, son of Arthur Wyatt, Esq., Tan-y-Bryn, Bangor ; born i6th October, i860. SM/ — 3^/. Mattersley Smith. Left Easter, 1878. Wyatt, Henry Harford, son of Arthur Wyatt, Esq., Tan-y-Bryn, Bangor ; born 19th April, 1864. 4/—. Teighfuore. ENTERED JANUARY, 1875. Balguy, Francis Noel, son of Francis St. John Balguy, Esq.; born i6th July, i860. cJM — . Hazelwell. Bassano, Alfred Ernest, son of Major-General Alfred Bassano, C.B., Hong Kong ; born loth October, i860. cJM — LineiM. Newtek House. Left July, 1878. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1880. 2nd Lieutenant, 32nd Foot, January, i88i ; Lieutenant, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, July, 1881. Accidentally killed by falling over the ramparts at Malta, 6th December, 1887. Boyd, Adam Brack, son of — Boyd, Esq.; born l8th March, 1859. — . Beaufort House, Brown, Charles Herbert, son of John Brown, Esq., Netherleigh, Cheltenham; born 14th June, 1863. 3'/—. Teighmore. Chapman, John George, son of John George Chapman, Esq., Tower Hill, Middleton St. George, Darlington; born 31st May, i860. (JM—. Christowe. Chichester, Arlington Augustus, son of Major- General John Octavius Chichester; born 2nd July, 1863. q'y — Line M. Teighmore Baxter. Left April, 1882. Jex-Blake (Geographical) Prize, 1882. Royal Mili- tary College, Sandhurst, 1883-84. Lieutenant, Dor- setshire Regiment, 1884. S S 314 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1875. Day, Edward Albert Frederick Henr)% son of the Rev. Edward Fitzgerald Day ; born 15th January, 1862. b’^M — i^M. Day Boy. Left July, 1879. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1879-81. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, i88r. Died of typhoid fever at Khyragully, Punjab, India, loth June, 1884. Dickinson, Evelyn Palmer, son of Thomas William Carr Dickinson, Esq., Bays Hill Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 7 th February, 1864. Day Boy. Left December, 1879 - Lieutenant, 3rd Regiment, Royal Guernsey Light Infantry Militia. Dickinson, Neville Hope Campbell, son of Thomas William Carr Dickinson, Esq., Bays Hill Lodge, Cheltenham; born nth No- vember, 1862. 2^J—2^M. Day Boy. Left December, 1879. Lieutenant (from Militia), Leinster Regiment, 1885. Dickinson, Thomas Vardy, son of Thomas William Carr Dickinson, Esq., Bays Hill Lodge, Cheltenham; born 27th May, 1866. 4V" — . Day Boy. Left December, 1879. Subsequently at Victoria College, Jersey. Dockrell, Benjamin Morgan, son of Thomas Dockrell, Esq., i Eaton Square, Monks- town, Dublin ; born 3rd February, i860, 9\J/ — . Hazelwell. Duberly, Herbert, son of the Rev. Charles Duberly, Wolsingham Rectory, Darlington ; born 31st May, 1861. — . Newick House. Egerton, Graham, son of Philip Henry Egerton, Esq., Brighton Lawn, Cheltenham ; born 6th May, 1861. 5C' — . Day Boy. Finnemor, John, son of — Finnemor, Esq.; born 27th October, 1861. 86—. Day Boy. Firbank, Albert Bromley, son of Joseph Fir- bank, Esq., St. Julians, Newport, Monmouth ; born 14th February, 1862. <^M — . Boyne House. Firbank, Charles Herbert, son of Joseph Fir- bank, Esq., St. Julians, Newport, Monmouth ; born 13 th April, 1864. S')/—. Boyne House. Foord, Arthur Willoughby, son of Lieut.-Gene- ral Edward Archibald Foord, R.E., Madras ; born 20th December, 1859. — . Chel- tondale. Dobson Scholar, 1878 ; Silver (Mathematical) Medallist, 1878 ; Cheltonian Society Prize, 1878. Gaitskell, Herbert Naylor, son of Colonel James G. Gaitskell, Waldon House, Cheltenham ; born 7th November, i860. 6’‘M — . Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant, loth Foot, 1879 ; Lieutenant, Lincolnshire Regiment, 1881. Died of dysentery at Benares, East Indies, 20th January, 1883. Gordon, William Fabian, son of John Hyslop Gordon, Esq.; born 17th December, i860. — 3“d/. Newick House. Left July, 1877. Graham, Vivian Waldegrave Hall, son of Wil- liam Hall Graham, Esq., 4 Mall Buildings, Clifton ; born 22nd September, 1861. — Christowe. Football XV., 1878. 2nd Lieutenant, 12th Foot, 1880 ; Lieutenant, Suffolk Regiment, 1881 ; Captain, 1886. Harrhy, Edgar Alfred, son of George Harrhy, Esq., Tredegar, Monmouth ; born loth June, 1859. Latin 2C — Hazelwell. Harrhy, Ernest Walby, son of George Harrhy, Esq., Tredegar, Monmouth ; born 25th Sep- tember, 1861. i^J — . Hazelwell. Harrington, Thomas Patrickson, son of Frede- rick William H. Harrington, Esq., 23 Clan- ricarde Gardens, Bayswater, London ; born 26th May, 1861. cy-M — . Price. Hastie, James Archibald St. Auburn, son of Major James St. Auburn Hastie, 39 Queens- borough Terrace, Hyde Park, London ; born 22nd December, 1859. pM — . Hazel- well. Gymnasium VIII., 1877. Modern Football XV., 1876. Hawks, George William Shafto, son of — Hawks, Esq. ; born 25th October, i860. yM — . Hazelwell. Football XV., 1879. 2nd Lieutenant (from Mili- tia), 69th Foot, April, 1881 ; transferred to 20th Foot, June, 1881 ; Lieutenant, Lancashire Fusiliers, July, 1881 : joined Madras Staff Corps, 1883. Is Wing Officer, 32nd Madras Native Infantry. Hichens, John Ley, son of — Hichens, Esq.; born nth January, 1862. ■^J — . Day Boy. Hichens, William Jones, son of — Hichens, Esq.; born ist January, 1859. Civil M-. Day Boy. Horlick, Oliver Cromwell, son of Joseph A. Horlick, Esq., Coleman Villa, Cheltenham ; born 26th February, 1861. q')/ — . Day Boy. Humphrys, Charles Vesey, son of John W. Humphrys, Esq., Berkeley Villa, Chelten- ham; born 1st October, 1862. 2')/ — . Day Boy. Lieutenant, West Riding Regiment, 1882 ; Cap- tain, 1888. Ingledew, John Charles, son of Thomas Ingle- dew, Esq., Apsley Villa, Coatham, Redcar ; born 4th April, 1859. Civil M-. Chris- towe. Lambert, Arthur Wilson, son of Joseph Lam- bert, Esq., Cottingham, near Hull ; born — September, 1863. 3 V — 2®C. Leconjield. Left 1880. Is in Business. McMaster, Acheson Archibald, son of John Walsh McMaster, Esq., Dumbarton House, Gilford, Co. Down, Ireland ; born i6th Feb- ruary, 1859. 4’‘6’ — PC. Christowe. Left September, 1877. Cricket XXII., 1877. Was at first in business at Gilford, Co. Down. Subsequently proceeded to Pembroke College, Cambridge. B.A. (33rd Junior Optime), 1881 ; M.A., 1884. Ordained Deacon, 1885, and Priest, 1887. Curate of Stranton, Durham, 1885. Address : West Hartlepool. Manera, Arthur Christie Eskleigh, son of — January, 1875.] PRINCIPAL: REV. H. KYNASTON, D.D. Manera, Esq.; born 12th July, i860. 7C — . Day Boy. Mann, Arthur Frederick, son of Major-General Mann, R.E., Kingston, Jamaica ; born 24th December, 1859. (yM — . Day Boy. Modern Football XV., 1878. and Lieutenant (from Militia), 104th Foot, February, 1881 ; Lieu- tenant, Royal Munster Fusiliers, July, 1881. Served in the Burmese War in 1886-88 with the and Batta- lion, Royal Munster Fusiliers (Medal with clasp). Mardall, George Stratford, son of Captain George S. Mardall, 15 Clarence Square, Cheltenham ; born 19th December, i860. <^'M — . Day Boy. Maxwell, John Grenfell, son of — Maxwell, Esq.; born 12th July, 1859. 6*J/ — . Hazel- well. Rifle Corps XI., 1876. Modern Football XV., 1876. and Lieutenant, 4and Highlanders, 1879 ; Lieutenant, Royal Highlanders, 1881 ; Captain, 1887. Served in the Egyptian War of i88a with the ist Battalion of the Black Watch, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 as Staff Captain (mentioned in despatches, clasp). Served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 as Aide-de-Camp to Major-General Grenfell, and was present in the engagement at Giniss (j 9 . 5 . C>.) ; also took part in the engagement at Gamaizah in 1888 (Brevet-Major, 3rd Class Med- jidie). Mellor, John Paget, son of John William Mellor, Esq., Barrister-at-Law,68 St. George’s Square, London ; born 13th March, 1862. — . Boyne House. Merewether, George William Edward, son of Lieut. -Colonel George Lane Cockburn Mere- wether, R.E., Bombay ; born i6th October, 1861. Hazelwell. Milne, Leonard, son of the Rev. John Haworth Milne, Maison de la Ville, Dinan, France ; born 1 6th April, 1859. — i^M. Chris- towe. Trinity College, Dublin (3rd Senior Moderator in Experimental Science), 1880. Bachelor in Civil En- gineering, i88i. Stearne Exhibitioner, 1881. Pocock, Charles Guy Coventry, son of Captain Alfred George Drake Pocock, 17 Lypiatt Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 2nd November, 1 863. 4 V — . Teighmore. Reid, Douglas Paynter Stewart, son of Douglas A. Reid, Esq., M.D., Melville House, Pem- broke ; born 12th February, 1859. Civil M — . Price. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), 20th Foot, 1880 ; Lieutenant, Lancashire Fusiliers, 1881. Sanders, William, son of — Sanders, Esq.; born 23rd August, 1858. Civil M — . Day Boy. Shaw, Harry Turner, son of Matthew T. Shaw, Esq., Park House, Wimbledon, Surrey ; born 26th June, 1859. 6C — . Fry. College Boat, 1877. Football XV., 1877. Is in Business. Address : 89 Shooter's Hill Road, Blackheath, Kent. Shelmerdine, Herbert, son of Thomas Shelmer- dine. Esq., Salford, Manchester ; born 22nd July, i860. 3>'C — . Newick House, Football XV., 1878. Skillicome, William Nash, son of William Nash, Skillicome, Esq., 9 Queen's Parade, 3'S Cheltenham ; born loth January, 1861. 8C — . Day Boy . Smith, Frederick St. George, son of Frederick St. George Smith, Esq., The Grove, Dro- gheda, Ireland ; born 9th May, 1863. — 7'’d/. Teighmore and Boyne House. Left 1880. Civil Engineer. Stansfeld, Alfred W’olryche, son of Thomas W. Stansfeld, Esq., Weetwood Grove, Leeds ; born 7th June, 1861. — . Newick House. College Boat, 1878. Football XV., 1879. Stott, Leonard, son of William Stott, Esq., Rochdale; born 26th March, 1861. (^M — . Price. Struve, George Frederick, son of — Struv6, Esq. ; born 23rd January, 1861. 8C — . Christowe. Taylor, Haydon d’Aubrey Potenger, son of the Rev, Haydon Aldersey Taylor, Newport, Isle of Wight; born 9th July, i860. — . Leconjield. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), 28th Foot, April, 1880 ; Lieutenant, Gloucestershire Regiment, Sep- tember, 1880 ; Adjutant, 1885 ; Captain, 1885. Tuthill, George Langley, son of — Tuthill, Esq. ; born 3rd August, 1858. Civil M — . Christowe. "Wallace, Henry Charles, son of — Wallace, Esq.; born loth September, 1863. — . Cheltondale. Re-entered College, April, 1877- Address ; 3 Belgrave Place, Edinburgh. Walter, Frank William Macnamara, son of Charles Walter, Esq., 7 Lansdowne Villas, Cheltenham ; born 19th June, 1862. i*/ — i''C — . Day Boy and Cheltondale. Previously at Sherborne School. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1875. Football XV., 1879. Ranching at Capulin, New Mexico. Watts, Charles Newcomen, son of Colonel Ponsonby Watts, Madras ; born 9th Febru- ary, i860. Latin iC — . Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant, 45th Foot, 1879 ; Lieutenant, Derbyshire Regiment, 1881 ; Captain, 1885. Passed Staff College, 1888. Wetherall, Ernest Victor Albert, son of Major- General Sir Edward Robert Wetherall, K.C.S.I., C.B., Phoenix Park, Dublin ; born 26th April, i860. 9M/ — . Newick House. White, George William Richard, son of Major M. J. White ; born 4th January, 1861. "]'°M — . Cheltondale. Williams, George Dering Remington, son of Dering Williams, Esq., Madras Civil Ser- vice; born 16th August, i860. — Line M. Beaufort House. Left 1878. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1879-80. 2nd Lieutenant, 66th Foot, 1880 ; Lieutenant, Royal Berkshire Regiment, 1881 ; Captain, 1887. Williams, Henry Venables, son of Thomas Williams, Esq., Plastirion, Wrexham ; born 29th May, 1861. 9W — . Christowe. Yeo, Frank Cory, son of Frank Ash Yeo, Esq., Swansea;born ist January, 1859. LatmiC — . Wallace Brown. Address : Callen Croft, Newton, near Swansea. [April, 1875. 316 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. ENTERED APRIL, 1875. Adamthwaite, Charles, son of — Adamthwaite, Esq.; born 4th July, 1861. <^M — . Chelton- dale. Babington, Charles William, son of Major- General Richard Clarke Babington, Madras ; born 22nd April, 1863. 4“_/ — . Day Boy. Babington, David Melville, son of Major-Gene- ral Richard Clarke Babington, Madras ; born 22nd April, 1863. 4^ — i*Af. Day Boy. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1876. Dobson Scholar, 1880. Silver (Mathematical) Medallist, 1880. Head of Modern, Easter and July, 1880. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1880-82 ; Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1882. Baker, Sydney, son of William Baker, Esq., Sneyd Park, Stoke Bishop, near Bristol ; born 27th September, i860. — . Hazel- well. Barnes, Arthur Kemble, son of Richard Barnes, Esq., Barbados, West Indies ; born i6th June, 1863. — . Cheltondale. Besant, Walter Hervey, son of the Rev. William Besant, Buglawton Vicarage, near Congle- ton ; born 9th March, 1861. <^M — . Chris- to we. College Boat, 1878. Football XV., 1878. 2nd Lieutenant, 9th Foot, 1880 ; Lieutenant, Norfolk Regiment, 1881 ; Captain, 1887. Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star). Served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86, and was present in the en- gagement at Giniss (4th Class Osmanieh for his ser- vices with the Egyptian Army) ; also took part in the action at Gamaizah in 1888 (3rd Class Medjidie). Bligh, Frederick Arthur, son of Major Frederick Cherburgh Bligh, Abberton House, Chel- tenham ; born 3rd July, 1861. — i^M. Day Boy and Boy 7 ie House. Left Easter, 1879- Cricket XXII., 1878. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1879-81. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1881 ; Captain, 1889. Briscoe, Algernon Thomas Fetherstonhagh, son of John Fetherstonhagh Briscoe, Esq, Grangemore, Killucan, Co. Westmeath ; born 7th March, 1862. d^J — . Price. Left De- cember, 1877. Landed Proprietor and Agent. Carew, Robert Thomas, son of Robert Thomas Carew, Esq., Ballinamona Park, Waterford ; born 22nd May, i860. 8C — . Chelton- dale. Address : Ballinamona Park, Waterford, Ire- land. Chesney, Robert, son of Robert Chesney, Esq., Ballymena; born 1857. Latin 2C — . Leigh- ton. Ctmingham, Charles Rawdon, son of Hastings Cuningham, Esq., Melbourne, Victoria ; born 7th August, i860. — . Hazel- well. Eastwood, Thomas Carline, son of Reuben Eastwood, Esq., Litchurch, Derby ; born loth November, 1864. 4*_/ — • Teighmore and Garth Garnwn. Erck, John Caillard, son of the Rev. John Cail- lard Erck. Merton, Surrey ; born 6th May, 1862. 8C — Line M. Hazelwell. Left Easter, 1881. Head of Modern, December, 1880, and Easter, 1881. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1881-82. Lieutenant, Royal Scots Fusiliers, 1882 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1884. Is Wing Officer, 23rd Madras Native Infantry. Evans, Marten Llewellyn, son of John Llewellyn Evans, Esq.; born 21st June, 1864. 3'y — . Day Boy. Trinity College, Oxford, 1883. 3rd Class Classical Moderations, 1885. B.A., 1886. Fenwick, Cecil Owen Meynell, son of the Rev. John Edward Addison Fenwick, Thirlestaine House, Cheltenham ; born 24th July, 1863. ilj — . Day Boy. Brasenose College, Oxford, 1882. B.A., 1885 ; M.A. , 1889. Ordained Deacon, 1886, and Priest, 1887. Curate of Buckland Newton-with-Plush, Dor- set, 1886-87. Address ; Thirlestaine House, Cheltenham. Grant, Alexander, son of Major Thomas John Grant, Moorend Grove Villa, Leckhampton ; born 20th August, i86i. — . Day Boy. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1877. Head of Modern, December, 1877. Schacht Prize, 1878. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1877-79. Lieu- tenant, Royal Engineers, 1879 ; Captain, 1889. Grant, Sydney Gordon, son of Major Thomas John Grant, Moorend Grove Villa, Leck- hampton ; born 4th September, 1859. ts^M — . Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant, 4th Foot, 1878 ; transferred to 26th Foot, 1878 ; Lieutenant, Scottish Rifles, 1880 ; Captain, 1885. Is attached to Army Service Corps. Served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85. Hayward, Edward, son of Edward Hayward, Esq., The Beeches, Wokingham, Berks ; born 19th October, 1861. — . Chtis- towe. Humphrys, Mervyn Archdall, son of John W. Humphrys, Esq., Berkeley Villa, Chelten- ham ; born 25th February, 1864. — . Day Boy. Rifle Corps VIII., 1880. Lieutenant, North Lancashire Regiment, 1884. * Jones, Arthur Sladen, son of Captain A. C. Jones, R.A. ; born 29th March, 1861. 2'_/ — . Day Boy. Kirkwood, Alister, son of William S. Kirkwood, Esq., Port Elizabeth, Cape of Good Hope ; born iith March, 1861. — . Baxter. Le Feuvre, George William Henry, son of — Le Feuvre, Esq. ; born 8th February, i860. 6*d/ — . Leconjield. 2nd Lieutenant, 47th Foot, 1879 ; Lieutenant, North Lancashire Regiment, 1881 ; Captain, 1888. Leishman, James Archibald, son of Major April, 1875.] PRINCIPAL: REV. H. KYNASTON, D.D. 317 John Leishman, R.A., Stanley House, Sand- gate, Kent ; born 3rd August, 1862. 2'y — . Teighmore. Napier, Robert John, son of William Napier, Esq., Kingates Villa, Southsea ; born 5th January, i860. — . Hazelwell. Ransom, William Bramwell, son of William Henry Ransom, Esq., M.D., Nottingham ; born sth September, 1861. yC — I'C. Boy tie House. Left 1878. Foundation Scholarship, Trinity College, Cam- bridge, i88i ; Natural Science E.xhibition, Trinity College, 1881 ; Foundation Scholarship (Natural Science), Trinity College, Cambridge, 1882 ; ist Class (Part i) Natural Science Tripos, 1882 ; B.Sc. (ist Class Physiology), London University, 1882; Science Tripos, 1883 ; Scholarship (Physiological), London University, 1882 ; ist Class (Part 2) Na- tural Science Tripos (Cambridge), 1883 ; B.A. , 1884; Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1885. Reeve, Charles Giffard, son of Charles Reeve, Esq., Sandhill Lodge, Fordingbridge ; born 14th October, i860. — . Baxter. St. Clair-Ford, Anson, son of Captain St. Clair- Ford, Zeelught House, Cheltenham; born 7th October, 1864. ■^J — . Day Boy. Savery, Charles Evelyn, son of Almericus B. Savery, Esq., Upper Parade House, Mon- mouth ; born 8th August, 1861. — . Cheltondale. Smith, William Thomas Arundel, son of William Smith, Esq., Solicitor, 23 Ellen- borough Park, Weston-super-Mare ; born 1st September, i860. 9UV/ — . Newtek House. Stotherd, Sydney Boyle, son of Major-General Richard Hugh Stotherd, C.B., R.E., 58 Leinster Square, Bayswater, London ; born 7th May, 1862. Lieutenant, Suffolk Regiment, 1884. Taylor, Philip Beauchamp, son of Colonel Markham Le Fer Taylor, R.A., 40 Woolwich Common, Kent; born 13th November, i860. Z'-M — . Cheltondale. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1877-78. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1878 ; Captain, 1886. Williams, Herbert Alexander, son of Major- General John U. Williams, i Delabere Villas, Cheltenham ; born 20th July, 1862. 2“y— Boy. Was drowned while bathing in the Murrumbidgee River, Wagga-Wagga, New South Wales, 17th January, 1882. Williams, Howel John Llewellin Powell Price, son of John Williams, Esq., M.D., Abercly- dach House, Brecon ; born 26th March, i860. Day Boy. Left Decem- ber, 1877. Williams, Nelson, son of Edward Williams, Esq., Honeycoombe, Calstock, Devon ; born 6th February, 1862. 2^ — . Price. Williams, Roderic Lloyd, son of R. Lloyd Williams, Esq., Bod Gwilyur, Denbigh ; born 13th January, 1861. — . Price. Williams, Victor (afterwards Ferguson), son of Rev. Richard Williams, Llandogo, Mon- mouth ; born 24th June, 1866. — i*’C. Teighmore and Boyne House. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1879. Cricket XL, 1883-84. Football XV., 1883. Trinity College, Oxford, 1884. 2nd Lieutenant, South Wales Bor- derers, 1887. Williams, William Retlaw Jefferson, son of John Williams, Esq., M.D., Aberclydach House, Brecon ; born 4th February, 1863. eyj — . Day Boy. ENTERED SEPTEMBER, 1875. Andrews, Frederick Graham, son of Thornton Andrews, Esq., C.E., Cefn Eithin, Swansea; born 15th September, 1864. -^J — . Teigh- more and Beaufort House. Football XV., 1881 ; Captain, 1882. Cricket XL, 1882. Andrews, Samuel George Thornton, son of Thornton Andrews, Esq., C E., Cefn Eithin, Swansea; born 20th March, 1863. y-J — . Teighmore. Babin^on, George John, son of Major-General Richard Clarke Babington, Madras ; born 17th December, 1858. 6“d/ — . Day Boy. Carr, Arthur Nisbet, son of Surgeon-Major Jones King Carr, Cheltenham; born 23rd April, 1859. cfM — . Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant, looth Foot, 1878 ; Lieutenant, Leinster Regiment, 1880; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1880 ; Captain, 1889. Is Squadron Officer, 3rd Bengal Cavalry. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive’s Star). Carr, Charles Ernest, son of Surgeon-Major Jonas King Carr, 10 Hatherley Place, Chel- tenham ; born 1st May, 1861. I®_/ — . Day Boy. Carr, Frederick Gifford, son of Surgeon-Major Jones King Carr, 10 Hatherley Place, Chel- tenham ; born 26th August, 1862. 2'y — . Day Boy. Carr, George Percival, son of Surgeon-Major Jones King Carr, 10 Hatherley Place, Chel- tenham ; born loth March, 1864. 4*y — . Day Boy. Cleghorn, George Harry Lumsden, son of Cap- tain George Cleghorn, Ross House, Chelten- ham ; born 22nd May, 1863. 3'y — . Day Boy. Cotes, Everard Digby, son of the Rev. Digby Henry Cotes; born 15th April, 1862, 3*'C — i^C. Day Boy. Left July, 1881. Junior Studentship, Christ Church, Oxford, i88i ; 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1883. Cope, Lawrence, son of C. A. Cope, Esq., 19 Hyde Park Gate South, London ; born 6th June, 1862. 4'C — . Cheltondale. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1875. Cotesworth, William Howell, son of William Cotesworth, Esq., Cowdenknows, Earlston, N.B. ; born 8th September, 1861. cfM — . Beaufort House. Davies, Ernest Richard, son of Edward 3i8 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [September, 1875. Davies, Esq., Surgeon, Merthyr Tydfil ; born 5th January, 1861. 7C — iC. Cheltondale. Left 1878. Donald, William Nanson, son of John Donald, Esq., 8 Victoria Place, Carlisle ; born 22nd June, 1859. — . Leconfield. Lieutenant, ist Cumberland Rifle Volunteers. Is in business. Fairtlough, Frederick Howard, son of Charles E. Fairtlough, Esq. ; born 27th November, 1 860. — . Leconfield. Gosset, Percy Stuart Moncrieff, son of Major- General William Driscoll Gosset, R.E., 9 Mornington Villas, Sydenham, near London ; born 5th February, 1861. 'fiC — i*’C. Lecon- field. Left October, 1880. Rifle Corps VIII., 1880. Keble College, Oxford, 1880. B.A., 1883; M.A., 1887. Was anAssistant- Master at Bradfield College. Perished in the burning of the New Theatre, Exeter, 5th September, 1887. Hamilton, Roger Baynes, son of Major-General Thomas de Courcy Hamilton, 3 Beaufort Villas, Cheltenham ; born 26th May, 1863. 2^y — . Day Boy. Handcock, George Fraser, son of the Rev. Richard George Handcock, St. Nicholas Rectory, Droitwich ; born 27th September, 1857. z^M—. Day Boy. Harding, Frank William, son ofV/illiam Hard- ing, Esq., 50 Russell Terrace, Leamington ; born 1st September, 1862. — i^M. Teigh- tnore and Cheltondale. Left July, 1880. Football XV., 1879. College Boat, 1880. Harrison, Francis Neville, son of Edward R. Harrison, Esq., North Ferriby ; born 24th September, 1865. 3*y — . Teighmore. Harvey, Charles Mackenzie, son of Cockburn Harvey, Esq., Halifax, Nova Scotia ; born 22nd September, 1861. cfiM — . Day Boy. Heath, Ernest, son of Thomas Edward Heath, Esq., Northlands, near Cardiff ; born i8th July, i860. 7>>A/ — . Newtek House. Hill, Felix Frederick, son of the Rev. Joseph Hill, 8 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 1 5th J uly, 1 860. 8*’ A/ — . Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant, 89th Foot, 1880 ; Lieutenant, Royal Irish Fusiliers, 1881 ; Captain, 1888. Served with the Second Battalion, Royal Irish Fusiliers, in the Soudan Expedition in 1884, and was present in the engagement at El Teb and Temai (Medal with clasp, and Khedive's Star). Hudson, Charles Henry Bickerton, son of Charles Smith Hudson, Esq., Upper Wick House, Pershore, Worcestershire ; born 5th August, 1861. 7C — . Hazelwell. Johnson, Thomas Shaw, son of Lieut.-Colonel Wh R. Johnson, Bangalore, India ; born 7th April, 1864. 2*1/ — . Hazelwell. Gymnasium VIII., i88r. Lieutenant, Bedford- shire Regiment, 1884 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1886. Is Wing Officer, 31st Madras Native Infantry. Served in the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 (Medal with clasp). Johnson, William Hotham, son of Lieut.- Colonel William Robert Johnson, Bangalore, India ; born 4th November, 1861. C — U6‘. Boyne Hotise. Left December, 1879. Junior (Classical) Scholarship, 1875. Royal Mili- tary College, Sandhurst, 1879. and Lieutenant, 25th Foot, 1881 ; Lieutenant, King's Own Scottish Bor- derers, July, 1881. Rawlins, Henry Walter King, son of Thomas Rawlins, Esq., Wimborne Minster, Dorset ; born 23rd March, 1861. 4*>C — . Boyne House. Address ; Eastbrook, Wimborne, Dorset. Reeve, Joshua Arthur Wells, son of Charles Reeve, Esq., Sandhill Lodge, Fordingbridge ; born 6th March, 1862. 8W — . Boyne House. Renny, Sidney Mercer, son of Major-General George Alexander Renny, V.C., R.A., Mhow, Bengal; born 3rd June, 1861. — i»d/. Boyne House. Left December, 1878. Head of Modern, December, 1878. Royal Mili- tary Academy, Woolwich, 1878-80. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1880 ; Captain, 1889. Served in the Burmese War in 1885-87, and was present in the en- gagement at Nyonngoo-Mingyan, at the surrender of Mandalay, in the expeditions to Bhanoo and Mo- goung, and against the Kachins on the Chinese frontier, and in the engagements at Choung-Pang and Paung-Yong (Medal with clasp). Roberts, Charles Watkin Griffiths, son of Wat- kin William Roberts, Esq., Surgeon, Uxbridge Place, Carnarvon ; born 7th March, 1864. — . Garth Garmoft. Rynd, Frederick Cecil, son of Lieut.-Colonel McKay Rynd; born 24th September, 1861. (f-M — . Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant, 41st Foot, January, 1881 ; Lieu- tenant, Welsh Regiment, June, 1881; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1883. Served in the Burmese Expedi- tion in 1885-86, and was wounded in an engagement at Thyetfone on the i6th August, 1886 (Medal with clasp). Sarsfield, James de la Cour, son of Dominick Ronayne Patrick Sarsfield, Esq., Dough- cloyne, Co. Cork, Ireland; born 20th Sep- tember, 1864. eyj—icc, Teighmore and Hazelwell. Left July, 1884. Football XV.. 1883. Exeter College, O.xford 1885. B.A., 1888. Sarsfield, Thomas Ronayne, son of Dominick Ronayne Patrick Sarsfield, Esq., Dough- cloyne, Co. Cork, Ireland ; born 13th Ap^il 1862. 8C — . Hazelwell. ’ Rifle Corps VIII., 1881. Exeter College, 0 .xford 1882. ’ Address : Doughcloyne, Co. Cork, Ireland. Schank, Arthur Lionel Vansittart, son of Alex- ander Schank, Esq., of Castlerig, 42 Wilton 320 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [September, 1875. Crescent, London ; born 9U1 December, 1861. 8C — Cheltondale. Left July, 1879. Address : Pall Mall Club, Waterloo Place, Lon- don, S.W. Scott, Arthur Binny, son of — Scott, Esq.; born 3rd January, 1862. — . Boyne House. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1875 ; 'Head of Modern, Easter, 1879. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1879-81. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1881; Captain, 1889. Sheard, Frederic Arthur, son of Benjamin Sheard, Esq., Elmwood House, Upper Bat- ley, Yorkshire; born 17th October, i860. — . Cheltondale. Sim, Arthur Fraser, son of James Duncan Sim, Esq., C.S.I., Sheen Elms, East Sheen, Sur- rey ; born 2nd November, 1861. 8C — i^C. Christowe. Left July, 1881. College Boat, 1878-79-80-81. Football XV., 1879- 80. Senior Prefect, 1881. Pembroke College, Cam- bridge. Rowed in the University ‘‘ Trial Eights." B.A. , 1884. Ordained Deacon, 1885, and Priest, 1887. Curate of St. John, Sunderland, 1885. Awarded the Royal Humane Society's Bronze Medal for saving the life of a boy from drowning who fell into the Wear, at Ettrick's Quay, Sunderland, on the i6th March, 1889. Address : 31 Norfolk Street, Sunderland. Smelt, Charles Allen Casterton, son of the Rev. Henry Smelt, Wilcott Vicarage, M arlborough ; born 13th August, 1863. 3^_/ — . Day Boy. Smelt, Maurice William Casterton, son of the Rev. Henry Smelt, Wilcott Vicarage, Marl- borough ; born 23rd June, 1861. sC — . Day Boy. Smithett, Henry Cecil East, son of Captain Marcus Edmiston Smithett, R.N., Raymond Hall, Jamaica ; born 25th October, i860. — Line M. Hazelwell. Left July, 1878. Rifle Corps VIII. , 1877-78. Modem Football XV. , 1877. Lieutenant, 4th Battalion, Royal Fusiliers (London Militia), 1881; Resigned, 1883; Enlisted in the Seaforth Highlanders, 1883 ; Gazetted Lieu- tenant, York and Lancaster Regiment, 1886 ; Adju- tant, 1888. Stephenson, James Harold, son of John Stephen- son, Esq., The Bar House, Beverley ; born 25th April, 1864. — . Leconjield, Died at Beverley, Yorkshire, 24th September, 1880. Stephenson, John Bernard, son of John Stephen- son, Esq., The Bar House, Beverley ; born 4th August, 1862. 3'*y — . Lecotijield. Stott, William Edward, son of James Stott, Esq., Westhoughton, Bolton ; born loth November, 1861. — . Price. Taylor, Charles Carlisle, son of Captain Ralph N. Taylor, 42 Cleveland Square, Hyde Park, London ; born loth February, 1863. \*^J — . Cheltondale. Gymnasium VIII. , 1879. Terry, William Gordon, son of William Terry, Esq., Millards Hill House, Frome, Somerset ; born 25th June, 1861. ()^M — . Baxter. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1879-81. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1881. Adjutant, Auxil- iary Forces, 1889. Served in the Egyptian War of i882'(Medal and Khedive's Star). Thacker, John, son of Lieut.-Colonel John Thacker, Malabar Hill, Bombay ; born 8th July, i860. — . Beaufort House. Tonge, William Corrie, son of Captain William John Tonge, Morants Court, Sevenoaks, Kent ; born 14th April, 1862. — . Newtek House. Cricket XL, 1878-79-80. Racquet Champion, 1878-79-80. Gymnasium VIII., 1878-80. Lieu- tenant, Norfolk Regiment, 1882 ; Captain, 1889. Vanrenen, Arthur Sanders, son of Major-Gene- ral Donald Campbell Vanrenen, Springfield, Cheltenham ; born 14th December, 1862. 'B-J — 2^C Day Boy. Left April, 1881. Football XV., 1879. Cricket XXII., 1878-81. Lieutenant, Lincolnshire Regiment, 1883. Voyle, Henry Elliot, son of Major-General FrancisElliotVoyle, Norton Cottage, Tenby; born 4th July, 1862. Re-entry vide May, 1873- Vyvyan, James Donnithorne, son of the Rev. Herbert Francis Vyvyan, 2 Lansdown Villas, Cheltenham; born 30th September, 1861. 5C — . Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), 76th Foot, April, 1881 ; transferred to 32nd Foot, June, 1881 ; Lieu- tenant, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, July, 1881 ; transferred to Royal Welsh Fusiliers, 1884 Served in the Burmese Expedition in 1885-86 with the ist Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers (Medal with clasp). Will'ams, Freke Henry Drummond, sen of — Williams, Esq.; born 13th July, i860. fM — , Beaufort House. Wingfield-Stratford, son of John Wingfield- Stratford, Esq., Addington Park, near West Mailing, Kent ; born 8th June, 1861. f-M — . Hazelwell. ENTERED JANUARY, 1876. Alban, William Gore, son of Major S. E. Alban ; born 8th May, i860. 2C — . Chel- tondale. Previously at Brighton College. 2nd Lieutenant, 83rd Foot, 1879 ; Lieutenant, Royal Irish Rifles, 1881 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1883. Is Wing Officer, 13th Bombay Native Infantry. Served in the Soudan Campaign in 1885 (Medal with clasp, and Khedive's Star). Armstrong, Richard Carruthers, son of Charles Armstrong, Esq., Gretna Hall, N.B.; born 1 2th December, i860. Latin 2C — . Newtek House. Cattle, Frederick William, son of — Cattle, Esq.; born 25th November, 1861. eJM — . Day Boy. St. Thomas's Hospital, London. Clark, Frederick Stuart, son of William Henry Clark, Esq., Merton Abbey, Surrey ; bom 1 6th October, i860. — . Cheltondale. January, 1876.] PRINCIPAL: REV. H. KYNASTON, D.D. 321 College Boat, 1877-78-79. Gymnasium VIII., 1878. Football XV., 1878-79. Ladies' Prize (Ath- letic Sports), 1879. Received Presentation Cap from Old Cheltonian Football Club (season 1880-81). Cap- tain of Old Cheltonian Football Club, 1881-83. P' business in London. Coles, Harry Erskine, son of Charles Robert Coles, Esq.; born ist August, 1862. 9'bl/ — . Day Boy. Coles, John Alexander, son of Charles Robert Coles, Esq.; born ist August, 1862. — . Day Boy. Crane, Clifford Henry, son of Charles Henry Crane, Esq., Tettenhall, Wolverhampton ; born loth January, 1864. 2'^J — , Hazel- well. Modern Football XV., 1882. David, William Ontario, son of the Rev. William David, St. Fagan’s Rectory, Cardiff; born 1 2th October, 1862. 8C — . Hazelwell. Dietz, Philip Fraser, son of Bernard Dietz, Esq., 3 Dorset Square, London ; born 6th April, 1861. 7M/ — . Hattersley S?nifh. Dove, Edgar Reginald Decimus, son of the Rev. John Thomas Dove, Cowbitt Vicarage, Spalding ; born 14th July, 1865. 4V'-* Day Boy. Ellaby, Christopher George, son of the Rev. George Watts Ellaby ; born 13th May, 1859. — DC. Christowe. Left July, 1879. Iredell Prize, 1878-79. Exhibition, Wadham Col- lege, Oxford, 1878. B.A. (1st Class Classical Final Schools), 1883. Elton, Walsingham Edmund Bourke, son of Frederick Elton, Esq., 4 Osborne Villas, Cheltenham; born 19th January, 1862. 6C-— . Day Boy. Queen’s College, Oxford, 1882. B.A., 1886. Fenton, James, son of James Fenton, Esq., Hazlehurst, Rochdale ; born 2nd November, 1861. 7C — . Boyne House. Fenton, John, son of James Fenton, Esq., Hazlehurst, Rochdale ; born 2nd March, 1 863. 2'_/ — Boyne House. Foley, Reginald Edward, son of Admiral the Hon. FitzGerald Algernon Charles Foley, R.N., Royal Dockyard, Sheerness ; born 5th September, 1864. 2'_/ — . Teighmore, Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1877. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Lieutenant, Shrop- shire Light Infantry, 1885 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1887. Is Wing Officer, 45th Bengal Native Infantry. Served in the Soudan and took part in the occupation of Suakin by British troops in 1885-86. Franks, Harry Clifford, son of Colonel William Astell Franks, Charlton Kings, near Chel- tenham ; born 13th June, 1861. — . Day Boy. Lieutenant, 3rd Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment (Militia), 1881 ; enlisted in the Line in 1883 ; gazetted Lieutenant, ist West India Regiment, 1886 ; trans- ferred to Bedfordshire Regiment, 1888. Served in the expedition against the Yonnies, West Coast of Africa, 1887-88 (mentioned in despatches). Garbutt, William Redhead, son of — Garbutt, Esq. ; born loth December, 1861. 8C — . Chellondale, Haines, Frederick Cecil, son of John Poole Haines, Esq., Boteler House, Cheltenham ; born 7th March, 1862. 6C — DC. Day Boy. Left July, 1881. Walker Prize, 1880. Pembroke College, Cam- bridge. B.A., 1884; M.A., 1888. At Ely Theological College, 1884. Ordained Deacon, 1885, and Priest, 1886. Curate of Downham, Cambridgeshire, 1885-87 ; of St. Paul, Brighton, 1887. Address ; 21 West Street, Brighton. Hamilton, Archibald Douglas Schomberg, son of Frederic Hamilton, Esq., Quito, Ecuador; born 1st October, 1861. 8“71/ — . Leco7i- deld. Cricket XI. , 1878. Handcock, William Fraser, son of the Rev. Richard George Handcock, St. Nicholas Rectory, Droitwich ; born 20th September, 1858. — . Day Boy. Royal Indian Engineering College, Cooper's Hill, 1877. Hickley, Harry North, son of Vice-Admiral Victor Grant Hickley, R.N., Ashcott ; born 17th February, 1861. (f-M — . Price. levers, Oliver Goldsmith, son of Henry Rogers levers, Esq.; born 9th June, 1863. 2 ’^— dC. Day Boy. Left 1880. Cricket’XL, 1880. Classical Football XV. , 1879. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1880-81. Lieu- tenant, Royal Sussex Regiment, 1881 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1885. Is Squadron Officer, 3rd Madras Cavalry. Served in the Egyptian War of 1882 (Medal and Khedive’s Star). Served in the Burmese Expedition in 1887 (Medal with clasp). Kerr, Mark Ancrum, son of William W. R. Kerr, Esq., 6 Kensington Place, Bath ; born 2nd May, 1859. 2^C — . Chellondale. Re- entry vide January, 1873. King, Sigismund Horatio, son of Charles King, Esq., North Lodge, Enfield, Middlesex ; born 7th February, 1864. — '^M. Hazel- well. Football XV., 1881. Gymnasium VIII., 1881. Cricket XXII., 1881. In business. Address : 7 Royal Exchange, London, E.C. Lambert, Francis John, son of Captain Edward Henry Gage Lambert, R.N.; born 23rd November, 1866. 4V~* Teighmore and Christowe. Pembroke College, Oxford, 1885. Lambert, Thomas Wilson, son of Joseph Lam- bert, Esq., Cottingham, near Hull ; born i6th October, 1863. 2^J — . Leconfield. Football XV., 1880-81. College Boat, 1882. Pem- broke College, Cambridge, 1882. Rowed in the University “Trial Eights," 1884. Medical Student, St. Thomas’s Hospital, London. Lavie, Tudor Germain, son of Major-General Robert Comyn Lavie, Madras Staff Corps ; born icth October, 1861. 8C — . Hazel- well. Cox. College Boat, 1876. Lewer, Robert Welsford, son of Surgeon-Major Robert Lewer, Sealkote, India ; born 24th September, 1862. 8C — . Lecotifield. Died at Wargrave, Berkshire, nth October, 1880. T T 322 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1876. Ley, Edwin Archibald, son of — Ley, Esq. ; born 20th August, i860. — . Newick House. Marras, Lionel Mowbray, son of Gracinto Marras, Esq., 4 Oriel Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 8th June, 1861. 6C — . Day Boy. Peake, John Robert, son of Surgeon-Major George William Peake, M.D., Colchester ; born 3rd May, 1863. 2'_/ — Teigh- 7 nore. Left 1 879. Clare College, Cambridge. Lieutenant, ist Not- tinghamshire Rifle Volunteers. Pope, Cuthbert Alexander, son of — Pope, Esq.; born 26th November, 1862. 9M/ — . Lecon- Jield. Prance, Bernard Gwyn, son of Courtenay C. Prance, Esq., Hatherley Court, Cheltenham ; born 9th March, 1862. 9“^^/ — . Day Boy. Left December, 1880. Lieutenant, 2nd West India Regiment, 1882. Died of cholera at Toungoo, Burmah, 22nd Septem- ber, 1885. Price, Hugh Wynne, son of the Rev. Henry Tilley Price, 2 Bath Villas, Cheltenham ; born 25th February, 1862. 6C — . Day Boy. Quin, Thomas, son of Major T. Quin, Bengal Staff Corps ; born i6th November, 1861. 7*A/ — Line M. Day Boy. Left 1 879. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. 2nd Lieu- tenant, 41st Foot, 1880 ; transferred to 63rd Foot, j88o; Lieutenant, Manchester Regiment, 1881 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1883. Is Wing Officer, 3rd Sikh Infantry. Served with the ist Battalion, Man- chester Regiment, in the Egyptian War of 1882 (Medal and Khedive’s Star). Searle, Alfred, son of Richard Searle, Esq., Glenrise, Battledown, Cheltenham ; born 28th March, 1861. 6C — . Day Boy. Shaw, Arthur Trevor Ambrose, son of Lieut.- Colonel Clement Robert Shaw, Lucknow, India ; born 13th August, 1862. 4’^C — i’'C. Lecotifield. Left July, 1881. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1878 ; Iredell Prize, 1881. Classical Football XV., 1880. Indian Civil. Service, 1881. Proceeded to Balliol College, Oxford, 1882. Appointed to Bengal, 1883 ; Assist- ant Magistrate and Collector, Bengal, 1884-86 ; As- sistant Commissioner, Burmah, 1886. Simons, George, son of George Simons, Esq., The Park, Nottingham; born 6th June, 1861. — . Leconfield. Left December, 1878. Rifle Corps VIII., 1878. Sneath, Donald Aikin, son of the Rev. Thomas Aikin Sneath, Bledlow Vicarage, Princes Risborough, Bucks ; born 13th November, 1868. 4'y — . Day Boy. Sneath, Francis William Aikin, son of the Rev. Thomas Aikin Sneath, Bledlow Vicarage, Princes Risborough, Bucks ; born 21st November, 1865. — . Day Boy and Hazelwell. Left July, 1882. Stirling, William George Hay, son of William Stirling, Esq., Tarduff, Linlithgow, N.B. ; born 2 1st April, 1861. — . Baxter. Previously at Wellington College. Football XV. , 1878. Lieutenant (from Militia). 5th Dragoon Guards, 1882 ; transferred to 6th Dragoon Guards, 1883 : joined Madras Staff Corps, 1884. Is Squad- ron Officer, 2nd Madras Cavalry. Served in the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 (Medal with clasp). Taylor, Mowbray, son of John Robert Taylor, Esq., Inspector-General of Military Hos- pitals, Elton Villa, Cheltenham ; born 3rd August, 1862. — . Cheltondale. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1879-82. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1882. Served in the operations of the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 (Medal and Khedive's Star). Walker, Harold Herbert, son of John Walker, Esq., Eirianfa, Llangollen ; born 17th May, 1863. 2V — . Teighfnore. Waring, Henry, son of Captain Holt Waring, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, Ireland ; born 6th March, 1863. 2'/ — . Teighmore. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1880-82. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1882. Warren, Richard Pennefather, son of Richard L. Warren, Esq., 2 The Crescent, Queens- town, Ireland ; born 5th December, 1861. — . Bennett. Che.ltonian Society Prize, 1880. Lieutenant, Lein- ster Regiment, 1881 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1884. Is Wing Officer, 9th Bengal Native In- fantry. Wetmore, Francis William, son of William Cox Wetmore, Esq., 12 Oxford Place, Chelten- ham; born 31st December, 1863. ^J—. Day Boy. Willi ams , Benjamin Bacon (afterwards Dering- Williams), son of — Williams, Esq.; born 3rd October, 1861. 8C — . Bennett. Cox. College Boat, 1878. Lieutenant, 7th Dra- goon Guards, 1882. Died 9th July, 1885. Williams, William Lawrence, son of Major S. H. Williams, Berhampore, India ; born 9th Oc- tober, 1 860. — . Newick Hotise. Willmott, Henry Mardell, son of Henry Will- mott. Esq., Hatherley Lawn, Cheltenham ; born 26th December, i860. 7C — . Day Boy. ENTERED MAY, 1876. Alban, Arthur David, son of Major Thomas Clifton Alban, Bombay Staff Corps ; born 1 2th March, 1862. 3'>C — i»C DayBoy?iny — . Day Boy. Clay, Walter Gorst, son of the Rev. Walter Lowe Clay; born 30th January, 1866. i^J — i“C. Day Boy. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1878 ; Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1880 ; Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1881 ; Cheltonian Society Prize, 1883 ; Gold Medallist, 1883-84 ; Silver (Classical) Medallist, 1884. Classical Football XV., 1883. Head of Classical, July, 1884. Mathematical Exhibition, King’s College, Cam- bridge, 1882 ; Scholarship, Trinity College, Cam- bridge, 1883; Bell University Scholarship, 1883; Major Scholarship, Trinity College, 1885 ; 9th Wrangler, 1887 ; ist Class, Division 2, Mathematical Tripos, Part 2, 1887. Daunt, Robert St. Maur, son of William Hughes Daunt, Esq., The Manor House, Bexley, Kent ; born 2nd April, 1864. ij — 5 3 /. Christowe. Died at Cheltenham, 2nd August, 1878. Da’V’ies, Ernest Wilson, son of William John Davies, Esq., Tyglyn, Cilian Aeron, Cardi- ganshire ; born 23rd December, 1866. -^J — . Teighmore. Gymnasium VIII., 1883. Royal Military Aca- demy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1886. Davies, Frank Gadsden, son of William John Davies, Esq., Tyglyn, Cilian Aeron, Cardi- ganshire ; born I2th May, 1865. Teighmore and Garth Garmon. Left July, 1883. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1878. King's College, London, 1883-85. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), Suffolk Regiment, 1887. Davis, Somerville Boulerois, son of William Davis, Esq., Well Close, near Gloucester ; born 17th January, 1867. 4*)/ — . Teigh- 7 >wre. Elwes, Lincoln Edmund Cary, son of Richard James Cary Elwes, Esq., Dummer House, Basingstoke; born loth June, 1865. 3“y — . Baxter. Modern Football XV., 1881. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1884. Lieutenant, Durham Light Infantry, 1885. Fyler, Henry Fairfax, son of Captain John William Townsend Fyler, late 31st Foot, Heffleton, near Wareham ; born i8th Sep- tember, 1862. 8AJ/ — . Price. Gale, Edmund Hinxman, son of the Rev. John Henry Gale, Milton Lilbourne Vicarage, Wilts ; born 4th June, 1862. 7C — . Chelton- dale. Graham, Walter ap Samuel James, son of Cap- tain Samuel James Graham, Royal Marines, 4 St. George’s Terrace, Rochester ; born 3rd January, 1863. 8 “ 3 / — . Price. Gratton, Herbert Sterland, son of Richard Thomas Gratton, Esq., Solicitor, The Firs, Chesterfield; born 12th October, 1865. 3’y — I’^C. Teighmore and Garth Garmoti. Left April, 1882. Address ; The Firs, Chesterfield. Gratton, Richard Rooth, son of Richard Thomas Gratton, Esq., Solicitor, The Firs, Chesterfield ; born 7th August, 1864. 2*)/ — CC. Teighmore and Garth Garmon. Left December, 1880. Died 30th April, 1886. Hayes, Reginald Alder, son of Admiral Cour- tenay Osborne Hayes, Brooklands, Havant; born 24th October, 1861. d^M — . Chris- towe. Humphreys, Charles Martin Strick, son of — Humphreys, Esq. ; born 12th August, 1862. Latm iC — . Garth Gar?non. Jackson, George Dunlop, son of William Jack- son, Esq., 65 Old Broad Street, London ; born 28th March, 1865. 3 V~- Day Boy Jackson, William Lewis, son of William Jack- son, Esq., 65 Old Broad Street, London ; born I2th December, 1861. (PM — . Day Boy. Lieutenant, 2nd West India Regiment, 1883. Janion, Robert Mellor, son of Robert Cheshyre Janion, Esq., Woolton Grove, near Liver- pool ; born 2nd January, 1863. ij — . Chel- totidale. Jervis, Edward de Rosen, son of George Fred- erick R. Jervis, Esq., Eccleshall Castle, Staffordshire ; born 5th February, 1862. 4'>C — . Christowe. Jervis, Lionel de Rosen, son of George Fred- erick R. Jervis, Esq., Eccleshall Castle, Staffordshire; born 5 th April, 1864. — i^’C. Christowe. Royal Military College, Sandhurst Lieutenant, Lancashire Fusiliers, August, 1884 ; transferred to Royal Welsh Fusiliers, September, 1884 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1888. Is Wing Officer, 2nd Bengal Native Infantry. Served with the ist Bat- talion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, in the Burmese Expe- dition in 1885-86 (Medal with clasp). Johnstone, Charles Edward, son of Colonel George Nassau Johnstone, Waltau, Madras; born 27th November, 1864. ij — . Day Boy. Lomnitz, Edward Joseph, son of Edward James Lomnitz, Esq., 23 Park Street, Hyde Park, London ; born 8th February, 1863. — . Leconjield. Maynard, William Fleming, son of Charles Henry Maynard, Esq., 29 Orsett Terrace, Hyde Park, London ; born 28th May, 1864. •2^J — i''C. Hazelwell. Left July, 1882. Football XV., 1881. Received Presentation Cap from Old Cheltonian Football Club (season 1882-83). Captain of Old Cheltonian Football Club, 1886-87. In business in London. Address ; Junior Constitutional Club, London, S.W. Menzies, George Feilden, son of Lieut.-General William Collier Menzies, R.E., i Castle Aprii,, 1877.] PRINCIPAL: REV. II, KYNASTON U.D. 33 ' Terrace, Edinburgh ; born ist .September, i86r. Latin 2C — . Hattersley Smith. Lieutenant {from Militia), South Lancashire Regi- ment, 1883. Newill, Henry Howard, son of — NewilI,Esq.; born 1st October, 1864. 2J — . Teighmorc. Osborne, Herbert, son of John Henry Osborne, Esq., Southwell, Notts ; born 13th October, 1863. 7C’ — . Chris tome. Football XV., i88o-8i. Cricket XL, 1881. Pelly, Cecil Octavius, son of Lieut.-General Henry Joseph Pelly, 23 Imperial Square, Cheltenham ; born 28th October, 1863. 7C — . Day Boy. Pratt, James Robert, son of Major-General Robert Pratt, Belvedere, St. Lawrence, Isle of Wight; born loth October, 1863. 7C — . Hazelwell. Gynmasium VIII., t88o-8i. Gynmasium Cham- pion, 1881. Rainey, Francis Edward, son of Major-General Arthur Jacob Macan Rainey, Trowscoed Lodge, Leckhampton ; born 27th May, 1863. 9'>A/ — . Cheltondale. Rainey, Robert Maximilian, son of Major- General Arthur Jacob Macan Rainey, Trows- coed Lodge, Leckhampton; born 28th April, 1861. 6 C — . Day Boy. Previously at Charterhouse (1873). 2nd Lieu- tenant, 24th Foot, January, 1881 ; Lieutenant, South Wales Borderers, July, i88i ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1884. Is Wing Officer, ist Madras Native Infantry. Served in the Zhob Valley Expedition in 1884. Served in the Burmese War in 1885-87 (men- tioned in despatches. Medal with clasp). Richards, Edward Daubeny Griffith, son of Edward Griffith Richards, Esq.; born 17th October, 1863. 6C — . Day Boy. Charsley’s Hall, Oxford, 1883. Lieutenant, South Staffordshire Regiment, 1886. Roberts, Richard Archibald, son of Major Richard Samuel Roberts, Kamptee, India; born 31st December, 1867. — . Teigh- more. Ryder, Charles Henry Dudley, son of Lieut.- Colonel Spencer Ryder; born 28th June, 1868. 4V — Dd/. Day Boy. Left Decem- ber, 1884. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1880-81 ; Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1883. Head of Modern, December, 1884. Royal Military Academy, Wool- wich, 1884-86 (Prizes; Mathematics and Mechanics). Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1886. Ryder, Wilfred Ironside, son of Lieut. -Colonel Spencer Ryder ; born 24th June, 1866. 4'y — Line'M. Day Boy. Left July, 1883. Jex-Blake (Geographical) Prize, 1882-83. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Lieutenant, Royal West Surrey Regiment, August, 1884 ; transferred to Suffolk Regiment, September, 1884 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1886. Is Wing Officer, ist Battalion, ist Goorkhas. Searle, Edgar Haydon, son of Richard Searle, Esq., Glenrise, Cheltenham ; born 22nd October, 1864. 2J — . Day Boy. Sewell, Henry Fane Dalrymple, son of Major Henry Fane Haylett Sewell, 74 Porchester Terrace, London; born 17th May, 1862. Price and Garth Garmon. Left October, 1877. In business. Shewell, Percy Garratt, son ot Major-General Henry Shewell, Ash Priors, Cheltenham ; born 14th May, 1864. 2J — . Day Boy. Lieutenant (from Militia), Hampshire Regiment, 1885 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1889. Stuart, Godfrey Richard Conyngham, son ot Major Burleigh Stuart, Dergmony, Omagh, Co. Tyrone, Ireland ; born 28th January, 1866. d^J — . Hazelwell. Left February, 1885. Gymnasium VIII. . 1881-82-83 ! Gymnasium Cham- pion, 1883. Football XV., 1882-83 1 Captain, 1884. College Boat, 1883. Received Presentation Cap from Old Cheltonian Football Club (season 1885-86). Lieutenant (from Militia), East Lancashire Regiment, 1886. Thomas, Francis Herbert Sullivan, son of Henry Sullivan Thomas, Esq., Tanjore, Madras; born 2nd October, 1862. 4^C — . Haslam. Lieutenant, North Staffordshire Regiment, May, 1882 ; transferred to Royal Warwickshire Regiment, November, 1882 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1885. Served in the Burmese Expedition in 1886 (Medal with clasp). Wallace, Henry Charles, son of — Wallace, Esq.; born loth September, 1863. Special] — . Re-entry vide January, 1875. ENTERED SEPTEMBER, 1877. Adamson, Rushton Webber, son of William Rushton Adamson, Esq., Rushton Park, Battle, Sussex; born 15th March, 1863. <]M — . Gantillon. Aldworth, St. Leger Boyle, son of Colonel Robert Aldworth, Douglas Villa, Chelten- ham ; born i8th May, 1863. o'M/ — . Day Boy. Left 1881. Assistant District Superintendent of Police, Bur- mah. Baker, George Ponsford, son of Henry Coles Baker, Esq., Grove House, Cheltenham ; born 29th January, 1867. A*'/—- Teigh- more. Baldwin, Frederic E., son of — Baldwin, Esq.; born nth May, i860. Latin iC — . Beatifort House. Baldwin, Herbert M., son of — Baldwin, Esq.; born 3rd February, 1862. Latin \C — Beaufoi't Hottse. Blair, Walter Creighton, son of Colonel Gus- tavus Frederick Blair, R.A., I Park Pro- 332 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [September, 1877. menade, Cheltenham ; born 25th July, 1867. 3'y — . Day Boy and Hazelwell. Cricket XL, 1885. 2nd Lieutenant, Suffolk Regi- ment, 1887. Died at Sialkote, East Indies, 27th August, 1889. Blake, Arthur Roddam F rederick, son of F rancis Blake, Esq. ; born 21st December, i860. Latin i C — . Day Boy. Brasenose College, Oxford, 1881 ; B.A. , 1885. Blake, Lyndon Henry Edward, son of Francis Blake, Esq.; born loth May, 1867. — . Day Boy. Blake, St. John Robert Bowen, son of Francis Blake, Esq.; born loth May, 1867. — . Day Boy. Bloxam, Thomas William, son of Thomas Bloxam, Esq., Wellesley Villa, Cheltenham; born 2nd March, 1869. 4 V~- Day Boy. Stewart Prize, 1886. Gymnasium VIII., 1888. Bond, Gerald Gordon, son of the Rev. Alfred Bond, Freston Rectory, Ipswich; born 13th September, 1862. 6C — . Christowe. Booth, William Henry, son of David Henry Booth, Esq., Pembridge House, Ipswich ; born loth December, 1861. 4"C — . Newtek House. Briscoe, John Dixon, son of William Bolland Briscoe, Esq., Field Lodge, Cheltenham ; born2ist February, 1862. Latin iC — . Day Boy. Briscoe, Robert Dixon, son of William Bolland Briscoe, Esq., Field Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 29th August, 1866. — . Day Boy. Brydges, George, son of Edward Thomas Brydges, Esq., Solicitor, Burghill, Charlton Kings ; born 5th March, 1864. jC — . Day Boy. Buchanan, Robert, son of Robert Dunlop Buchanan, Esq., 16 Porchester Terrace, Lon- don ; born 31st December, 1861. 8L>/ — 3 A/. Cheltondale. Left 1 879. Gymnasium VIII. , 1879. Tea Planter. Address : Siddra Bunnoo Estate, Koppa, Mysore, India. Bury, Charles Frederic, son of — Bury, Esq.; born 23rd May, 1863. 4^C — . Hazelwell. Cattle, Ernest, son of — Cattle, Esq.; born 12th N ovember, 1 863. -DJ — . Day Boy. Previously at Epsom College. Chamberlain, George Wilson Brewster, son of Sir Henry Orlando Robert Chamberlain, Bart.; born 29th May, 1863. 9W — . Maicr. Chamberlain, Neville Colin Bowie, son of Sir Henry Orlando Robert Chamberlain, Bart.; born 29th May, 1863. 9'’ A/ — Line‘s M. Maier and Ga 7 -th Garmon. Left July, 1882. Cricket XL, 1882. Racquet Champion, 1882. Captain, 3rd Battalion, Staffordshire Regiment (Militia). Cheesman, Edmund George, son of George Cheesman, Esq., St. Florence, near Tenby; born 28th September, i860. — . Beau- fort House. Clark, Edgar Paget, son of William Henry Clark, Esq., Merton Abbey, Surrey ; born 1 1 th March, 1862. — . Cheltondale. College Boat, 1879, Modern Football XV. , 1879. Clowes, Francis John, son of St. John Legh Clowes, Esq., Charlton Park, near Chelten- ham ; born 1 8th January, 1868. 4V — . Day Boy. Clowes, St. John Henry, son of St. John Legh Clowes, Esq., Charlton Park, near Chelten- ham ; born 29th May, 1862. — . Day Boy. Cricket XL , 1878-79-80. Racquet Pair, 1880. Craig, Graham, son of the Rev. Stewart Baillie Craig, St. Mark’s Vicarage, Hull ; born 21st July, 1864. 2'y — . Newtek Llouse. Cruickshank, George Farquharson, son of George M. Cruickshank, Esq., Ahmedabad, Bombay; born nth June, 1866. I’y — . Day Boy. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1879. Curtis, Reginald Salmond, son of General Reginald Curtis, R.A., 98 St. George’s Square, London ; born 21st November, 1863. Newiek House. Left July, 1881. Jex- Blake Scholar, 1881. Head of Modern, Easter and July, 1881. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1881-83. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1883. Dawkins, Arthur Frederick, son of Clinton George Dawkins, Esq.; born 31st December, 1865. 2')/ — . Haslam. Lieutenant, East Yorkshire Regiment, August, 1886 ; transferred to Northumberland Fusiliers, Oc- tober, 1886. De Butts, Frederick Robert McCrea, son of Major-General John Cromie De Butts, R.E., Brompton Barracks, Chatham ; born 8th June, 1863. 6 ^AL — i^.l/. Hazelwell. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1882. Donald, Herbert Maxwell, son of William Donald, Esq., Lisle House, Cheltenham ; born 20th October, 1863. f'M — . Lecon- field. Ekins, Robert Charles Warre, son of — Ekins, Esq.; born 24th July, 1862. 6C — . Day Boy. Everard, Ambrose William Edward, son of Ambrose Everard, Esq., Rudge House, Wes- ton, Ross, Herefordshire ; born 13th June, 1864. 3V — 3"C. Day Boy. Left July, 1881. Tea Planter in India. Everard, Edmund Brinckley, son of Everard, Esq., Rudge House, Weston, Ross, Herefordshire ; born 24th September, 1866. 4V — . Day Boy. Foord, Herbert Taynton, son of General Edward Archibald Foord, R.E., Woodbridge, Guild- ford ; born 30th November, 1864. — I'^C. Cheltondale. Foote, Henry Bruce, son of Robert Bruce Foote, Esq., Madras; born 22nd April, 1863. f-M — 3W. Beaufort House. Left July, 1879. Royal Military Academy Woolwich, 1880-82. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1882. Skpticmhkr, 1877.] PRINCIPAL: RP:V. II. KYNA.STON, D.I). 333 Forbes, Listock Reid, son of Listock Reid Forbes, Esq., Assistant-Commissioner, Pala- mow, Chota Nagpore, Bengal ; born 25th November, 1866. s^J — . Teighviore. Friend, Astley Paston, son of Frederick Friend, Esq., Woollett Hall, North Cray, Kent ; born 27th November, 1863. 'j’^M — . Leconfield. Cricket XL, 1881. Civil Engineer. Gale, Walter Tyers, son of Charles Francis Gale, Esq., Solicitor, Cheltenham ; born loth October, 1864. 7C — . Day Boy. Rifle Corps VIII., 1879-80-81. Gilford, James John, son of George Gifford, Esq., Corvisel, Newton Stewart, N.B. ; born 31st December, 1861. Garth Gar- mon. Godfrey, Charles Montagu Bell, son of Henry Godfrey, Esq., Karenza, Cheltenham ; born 29th April, 1865. Day Boy 2 l.x\A Boyne House. Left December, 1881. Hadley, Henry, son of Henry Hadley, Esq., M.D., Deputy Inspector-General of Military Hospitals ; born 27th March, 1863. 'j'^M — \'"M. Boytte House. Left July, i88o. Jex-BIake (English Literature) Prize, 1879. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1880 ; left in 1881 on account of ill health. Appointed 2nd Lieutenant, 1st West India Regiment, 1887 ; Lieutenant, West India Regiment, 1889 ; Resigned, 1890. Haines, Percy Noel, son of John Poole Haines, Esq., Cheltenham ; born loth June, 1863. ~]C — . Day Boy. Brasenose College, Oxford, 1884. Ordained Dea- con, 1890 ; Curate of Pewsey, Wilts, 1890. Hasted, John Edward Heigham, son of Major JohnOrd Hasted, R.E.,Masulipatam, Madras; born i6th July, 1863. <^M — . Day Boy. Heathcote-Hacker, Rowland Hugh, son of R. Heathcote- Hacker, Esq., Junior, C.E., Bar- ton-under-Needwood, Burton-on-Trent ; born 27th January, 1863. 7C — . Leconfield. Hichens, Baron Henry Pauli, son of — Hichens, Esq. ; born 3rd August, 1863. jC — . Day Boy. Exeter College, Oxford, 1885. B.A., 1890. Higgens, Jamieson, son of William James J. Higgens, Esq., Fairfield, Hambleton, Horn- dean, Hants ; born i6th January, 1864. 7C — . Cheltondale. Hill, Arthur Joseph, son of the Rev. Joseph Hill, Wimblington Rectory, March, Cam- bridgeshire ; born 22nd July, 1863. 8A'l/ — . Beaufort House. Lieutenant (from Militia), East Surrey Regiment, 1884. Hurly, John Charles Denis, son of John Hurly, Esq., Fenit House, Co. Kerry, Ireland; born 25th July, 1862. Latin iC — . Christowe. Jessop, Walter, son of Charles Hale Jessop, Esq., Solicitor, Cheltenham ; born 13th Jan- uary, 1864. 2 j — . Day V>oy. Kynaston, Herbert, son of the Rev. Herbert Kynaston, D.D., Principal of Cheltenham College; born 19th July, 1868. 3 V~- Boy. Subsequently at Eton College. Lane, Lancelot Hannibal, son of William Han- nibal Lane, Esq., i Seagrave Villas, The Park, Cheltenham ; born 6th April, 1862. 6C — 2'’C. Day Boy. Left i88r. College Boat, 1880. Football XV. , 1880. Ladies’ Prize (Athletic Sports), 1881. Sheep-farming in New Zealand. Longfield, Mountiford, son of — Longfield, Esq.; born 12 th February, 1866. 2J — . Day Boy. Low, John, son of John Low, Esq., Golborne, Lancashire; born 4th April, 1862. Latin \C — . Christowe. Lumley, Richard Frederick Lyulph, son of Colonel Frederick Douglas Lumley, Nether- clay, Taunton ; born 16th October, 1864. f'J — . Teighmore and Garth Garmon. McLaughlin, Hubert William Charles, son of Frederick Hubert McLaughlin, Esq., Chitta- gong, Bengal ; born 1st September, 1865. I V — Teighmore and Boyne House. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1877-78; Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1880-81. Scholarship.Christ's College, Cambridge, 1882. B.A. (33rd Wrangler), 1886. Master, George Streynsham Hoskins, son of Charles Hoskins Master, Esq., Barrow Green House, Godstone, Surrey ; born 19th Janu- ary, 1865. — i'>C. Teigh 7 nore and New- tek House. Left July, 1884. Maunsell, Frederick Guy, son of Major-General Frederick Richard Maunsell, C.B., R.E. ; born 14th February, 1864. fM — \^M. Hazelwell. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1881-83. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1883. Nicholson, Louis St. Clair, son of Colonel Albert Locke Nicholson, The Grove, Passage West, Co. Cork, Ireland ; born 2nd March, 1862. 8 n 1 / — . Christowe. Lieutenant, Liverpool Regiment, 1881 ; Captain, 1889. Served with the 2nd Battalion, Liverpool Regiment, in the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 (Medal with clasp). Oliver, Frederick Lenn, son of Thomas Oliver, Esq., C.E., Horsham ; born 4th July, 1866. 4'y — 3C. Newtek House. Cricket XL, 1E85. Jesus College, Cambridge, 1887. Peebles, Allan Laing, son of Colonel Thomas Peebles, Sunnyside, Cheltenham ; born 30th July, 1863. Af — . Cheltondale. Simmons, Charles, son of the Rev. Jonathan Deane Simmons, Jaffna, Ceylon ; born 4th October, 1865. 8C — . Day Boy. Smith, Charles Arthur, son of Charles Sebas- tian Smith, Esq., Solicitor, 64 London Road, Leicester ; born 7th June, 1867. — . Teighmore and Gantillon. Rifle Corps VIII., 1882-83. Stert, Claude, son of the Rev. — Stert ; born 1st July, 1868. 3*’_/ — . Day Boy. Strahan, George Aubrey, son of Major George Strahan, R.E., Poona, India; born i8th March, 1866. O'M — . Christowe. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1879. Sweny, Augustus Eugene, son of Eugene Sweny, Esq., C.E., 48 Wood Street, Wool- wich ; born 13th August, 1866. OJ — . Leconfield. Swiney, Alexander John Henry, son of Major- General George Swiney, 38 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 26th April, 1866. — V-M. Day Boy. Left Decem- ber, 1883. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1879. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1883-85. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1885. Tensh-Hecker, Henry Charles Baynham, son of — Tensh-Hecker, Esq. ; born 30th May, 1 866. 7 C — . Cheltondale. Tyler, Arthur Malcolm, son of Captain Sir Henry Whatley Tyler, Knt., R.E., M.P., Pymmes Park, Edmonton, Middlesex ; born 22nd April, 1866. (fiM- — i^M. Boyne House. Left December, 1883. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1883-85. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1885. Uniacke, John Mainwaring, son of Captain Henry Turner Uniacke, Lay well, Wrexham ; born 30th September, 1863. — . Chel- tondale. Gymnasium VIII., 1881. Urquhart, Edward William Llewhellin, son ol Edward Dunbar Urquhart, Esq., Chelten- SKI’TIiMliKK, 1879.] PRINCIPAL: RKV. II. KYNASTON, I). I). .349 ham ; born 17th March, 1867. t}'J — i”C Day Boy. Left March, 1885. Football XV., 1883-84. Royal Military College, .Sandhurst, 1886-87. 2nd Lieutenant, 2nd Dragoon Guards, 1887. Vyvyan, Percy Edmund, son of the Rev. Herbert Francis Vyvyan, 5 Lansdown Cres- cent, Cheltenham ; born 19th December, 1865. 5C — . Day Boy. Lieutenant, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, 1886. Whish, Henry Edward, son of Major-General Henry Edward Whish, Lucknow, India ; born 2nd January, 1866. — . Boyne House. Passed for Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, in 1883, but did not proceed there. Wingfield, William, son of Kenelm D. Wing- field, Esq., 5 Bloomfield Crescent, Hyde Park, London ; born 7th February, 1866. 4''C — . Christowe. Wright, Philip Bandinel, son of William Du- maresq Wright, Esq., Colombo, Ceylon ; born 31st May, 1865. Q'M — Linc’^M. llazel- ■wcll. Left 1883. Football XV., 1882-83. College Boat, 1883. Was appointed 2nd Clerk Colonial Secretary's Office, British Honduras, March, 1885. Acted as Private Sceretary to Governor Goldsworthy, C.M.G. , and Clerk of Councils, April to July, 1886. Acted as Chief Clerk, Colonial Secretary's Office, August, 1886, to January, 1887. Appointed Chief Clerk, Colonial Secretary's Office, February, 1887, and Aeting Clerk of Legislative and Executive Councils in conjunction with his duties as Chief Clerk from March, 1887. ENTERED JANUARY, 1880. Baker, Arthur Streatfield, son of Henry Streat- field Baker, Esq.; born 20th August, 1864, 6C — 3’'C. Newtek House. Football XV., 1881. Baker, Francis Poynder, son of the Rev. Slade Baker, 2 Berkeley Villas, Cheltenham ; born 25th April, 1866. — . Day Boy. Bateman-Champain, Arthur Patrick, son of Colonel Sir John Underwood Bateman- Champain, K.C.M.G., R.E., 55 Parliament Street, London; born 17th October, 1866. — Line M. Boyne House. Left Decem- ber, 1885. Cricket XL, 1883-84. Football XV. , 1883. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Lieutenant, Norfolk Regiment, 1886 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1889. Broughton, Thomas Herbert, son of the Rev. Reginald Broughton, Shorwell Vicarage, Newport, Isle of Wight ; born 20th May, 1865. — . Day Boy. Oxford University (Non-Collegiate), 1885. Bullivant, Percy John, son of William M. Bullivant, Esq., 72 Mark Lane, London ; born 7th December, 1866. J’J — . Newtek House. Bulli'vant, Thomas Pelham, son of William M. Bullivant, Esq., 72 Mark Lane, London ; born 30th May, 1864. 3‘‘C — DC. Newtek House. Left July, 1883. Cheltonian Society Prize, 1882. Balliol College, Oxford, 1884. 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1885. Address : Homewood, Eden Park, Beckenham. Carden, Richard George, son of Lieut.-Colonel Henry Robert Carden, Fishmoyne, Borris o’Leigh, Co. Tipperary, Ireland ; born 8th June, 1866. eJM — . Boyne House. Carey, Wallace Lancelot Traquhair Brenton, son of the Rev. Adolphus Frederick Carey, Brixham Vicarage, Devon ; born 19th Sep- tember, 1866. Leeo 7 iJield. Carnegy, Richard Lloyd, son of Major James Ogilvy Carnegy, The Friars, Cheltenham; born 1 2th July, 1867. 2'*_/ — . Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), Border Regiment, 1889. Clowes, Henry, son of Captain Henry Clowes, Quartermaster, 7th Royal Fusiliers ; born 1st July, 1863. (y'M — . Cheltondale. Lieutenant, East Yorkshire Regiment, 1884 ; joined Bombay Staff Corps, 1886. Is Deputy-Assist- ant-Commissary-General, 2nd Class. Coates, Victor Henry, son of Victor Coates, Esq., Rathmore, Dunmurry, Co. Antrim, Ireland; born 21st December, 1865. 8 LM—. Leeonfield. Modern Football XV., 1883. Coles, Colin Hennessey Read, son of — Coles, Esq. ; born 6th January, 1866. 5C — . Day Boy. Lieutenant, East Surrey Regiment, 1885 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1886. Is Wing Officer, 37th Bengal Native Infantry. Collis, George Corser, son of William B. Collis, Esq., Swinford House, Stourbridge; born i6th October, 1866. 2'’/ — . Beaufort House. Crawhall, Walter John, son of John Bownas Crawhall, Esq.; born 1 8th July, 1865. 4^C — i'’C. Newtek House. Left July, 1884. Magdalen College, Oxford, 1884. Cruickshank, Hugh Alexander, son of Captain George M. Cruickshank, R.E., Sattara, Bombay; born 20th June, 1871. eJ'J — . Day Boy. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1888. Dairies, Clement, son of the Rev. Matthew Watkin Davies, Edgeott Rectory, Aylesbury ; born 15th September, 1865. 6G— . Garth Garmon. Dunlop, Hamilton Maxwell, son of Hamilton G. Dunlop, Esq., Norfolk House, South- 35° CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1880. ampton ; born 20th October, 1865. — . Ckristowe. Durham, Arthur, son of the Rev. Canon Thomas Charles Durham, St. Philip's Lodge, Chelten- ham ; born 22nd March, 1867. i'’_/ — . Day Boy. Gale, Francis Sydney, son of Charles Francis Gale, Esq., Solicitor, Cheltenham ; born 25th October, 1866. 7C — . Day Boy. Solicitor (admitted 1888). Address : Cheltenham. Grimley, Walter Macdonell, son of W. H. Grimley, Esq., 1 1 Royal Parade, Chelten- ham ; born 3rd November, 1868. 2*(/— Day Boy. Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, 1887. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1889. 2nd Lieu- tenant, West Riding Regiment, 1890. Heaven, Robert Edward, son of Joseph Robert Heaven, Esq., Altrincham, Cheshire ; born 4th March, 1865. 8C — . Tillard. Cricket XL, 1883. Lieutenant, 4th Battalion, Cheshire Regiment (Militia), 1884. Homer, John Leonard, son of John Thomas Homer, Esq., Hemsworth, Wimborne, Dor- set ; born 9th October, 1865. 7®Af — \^M. Boyne House. Left July, 1883. Lieutenant, Royal Marine Artillery, 1883. At Royal Naval College, Greenwich, 1883-85. Hunt, George Henry, son of Lieut.-Colonel William Shapter Hunt, Fort St. George, Madras; born 29th January, 1866. — . Day Boy. Ings, Albert Ernest, son of John Ings, Esq., Prince Edward Island, Canada ; born nth May, 1866. i^J — . Newtek House. Classical Football XV., 1883. Jones-Byrom, William Richard, son of — Jones- Byrom, Esq.; born 13th July, 1864. &M — . Cheltondale. Lieutenant (from Militia), 3rd Hussars, 1886. Kenrick, George Harrie Blair, son of George Kenrick, Esq., Solicitor; born 30th Novem- ber, 1869. 4y — . Day Boy. Knight, Edgar Howard, son of Edwin Knight, Esq., Clifford House, Weston-super-Mare ; born i6th October, 1864. 6C — i®C. Chris- towe. Left Easter, 1883. Journalist. Le Gros, Frederick Maximilian, son of John Le Gros, Esq., M.D., Clare House, St. Heliers, Jersey ; born 29th August, 1866. ■DJ — . Christowe. St. Thomas’s Hospital, London. Leslie, Charles Henry Falkiner, son of the Rev. Richard John Uniacke Leslie, 19 Lansdown Place, Cheltenham; born 25th March, 1866. ybj/ — _ Boy. Lieutenant, Suffolk Regiment, 1886. Logan, Cornelius John De Witt, son of Alex- ander Cochrane Logan, Esq., Pomfret House, Cheltenham ; born 29th August, 1 868. 'DJ—. Day Boy. Leveson-Gower, Charles Cameron, son of Cap- tain Hugh Broke Boscawen Leveson-Gower, Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames ; born 30th June, 1866. efM — . Boyne House. Lieutenant, 3rd Battalion, Royal Berkshire Regi- ment (Militia). McLaughlin, Donal, son of Frederick Hubert McLaughlin, Esq., Bengal ; born 3rd Janu- ary, 1867. 6C — . Garth Garmon. Died of rheumatic fever at Chatfield, Minnesota, United States of America, 29th January, 1884. Marples, Edward Albert, son of Edwin Henry Marples, Esq., Western Bank, Sheffield ; born 1 8th June, 1864. 7C — . Christowe. Marshall, Charles Dew, son of C. B. Marshall, Esq., Alveston Hall, near Tamworth ; born loth September, 1864. 6C — . Cheltondale. Previously at Leamington College. Maxwell, James Graham, son of Archibald Max- well, Esq., Guelph House, Clevedon ; born 26th August, 1866. 7'>Af — . Hazelwell. Football XV., 1884. Pembroke College, Cam- bridge. In business in London. Moore, Henry Cullen, son of William Henry Moore, Esq., 166 Mount Road, Madras ; born 4th May, 1865. 9’’ AT — . Christowe. Oliver, Norman Saunders Morley, son of John O. H. N. Oliver, Esq., Sirsa House, Chelten- ham ; born ist February, 1869. 4’’/ — . Day Boy. Paton, John Archibald, son of Major James Paton, Ferinehurst, Jedburgh, N.B.; bom 31st January, 1867. \'°J — . Christowe. Lieutenant, Royal Munster Fusiliers, Aug^ist, 1886 ; transferred to Royal Lancaster Regiment, September, 1886. Piers, Samuel Octavius, son of Colonel Thomas Tristram Piers ; born 23rd February, 1869. 4®y — . Day Boy. Rifle Corps VIII., 1886-87-88. Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, 1888. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1889. Porterfield, William Dundas, son of James Alexander Porterfield, Esq., 28 Montpellier Terrace, Cheltenham; born 17th April, 1867. 4'y — V^M. Day Boy. Left July, 1886. Price, James Arthur King, son of James Ben Price, Esq., 10 Oriel Place, Cheltenham ; born 9th October, 1866. 8C— . Newtek House. Benny, George Henry, son of William John Renny, Esq., Danevale Park, Castle Douglas, N.B.; born 22nd August, 1865. 8M/ — 2^M. Cheltondale. Left July, 1882. Rifle Corps VIII., 1881-82. Is in business. Bicketts, Thomas Frank, son of James Ricketts, Esq., Westbury-on-Trim, Gloucestershire ; born 29th January, 1864. 6C — . Day Boy. Sanders, Evelyn Francis, son of Thomas San- ders, Esq., Sanders Park, Charleville, Co. Cork, Ireland ; born 12th July, 1864. 4'>C’ — . Cheltondale. Scot-Skirving, Edward, son of Robert Scot- Skirving, Esq., 29 Drummond Place, Edin- January, 1880.] PRINCIPAL : REV. II. KYNASTON D.D. burgh ; born 7th May, 1864. 4'>C— . Chel- iondale. College Boat, 1882-83. Pootball XV. , 1882. ; Cap- tain, 1883. Pembroke College, Cambridge. Scholar- ship, Pembroke College, 1886. ist Class (Division 3) Classical Tripos, Part I., i888. Stevenson, Edgar, son of Louis R. Stevenson, Esq., 41 Beresford Road, Oxton, Cheshire ; born 15th March, 1867. I'y — . Teighmore and Boyne House. Trevithick, Charles Stewart, son of Charles Trevithick, Esq., Stockton-on-Tees ; born 17th March, 1868. — 4*^C. Teighmore. Left July, 1884. Uniacke, Frederick Fitzgerald, son of Captain Henry Turner Uniacke, Laywell, near Brix- ham, Devon ; born 20th June, 1866. — . Cheltondale. Gymnasium VIII., 1883. Walker, Charles Edward Fitzgerald, son of the Rev. Joseph Walker, Averham Rectory, 3SI Newark-on-Trent ; born 8th Oftober, 1867. 2'y — . Teighmore and Boyne House. 2nd|Licutcnant (from Militia), South Wales Bor- derers, 1887 ; Lieutenant, 1889. Ward, William Percy Burnell, son of .Surgeon- Ccneral William Pearson Ward, Woolwich Common, Kent ; born 23rd October, 18C6. 2'y — . Newick House. Weldon, George Anthony, son of Colonel Thomas Weldon, Madras ; born ist February, 1866. %'^M — . Boyne House. Lieutenant (from Militia), Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 1886. Winn, Charles St. George, son of Edward John Winn, Esq., Kettlethorpe Hall, Wakefield ; born 5th June, 1865. (^'■M — . Ler. 07 tfield. Young, Thomas Simpson, son of James Simp- son Young, Esq., Abbot Hill Grange, Lanca- shire ; born 23rd August, 1862. Lieutenant (from Militia), South Lancashire Regi- ment, 1885 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1886. Is Wing Officer, 6th Madras Native Infantry. ENTERED APRIL, 1880. Barclay, George Nevil, son of Lieut.- Colonel H anbury Barclay, Cross Oak, Great Berk- hamstead; born 2nd January, 1867. yAf — . Christowe. Rifle Corps VIII., 1884. Baxter, John Alexander, son of the Rev. John Henry Churchill Baxter, Cheltondale, Chel- tenham ; born 26th May, 1869. 3*y — . Day Boy. Berington, John Rowland, son of Major T. Berington ; born 27th July, 1865. pM — . Leconfield. Binny, William Murray, son of Major-General William Henry Binny, 68 Chippenham Road, St. Peter’s Park, London ; born 13th No- vember, 1867. 2'y — . Teighmore, Bostock, William Masefield, son of — Bostock, Esq.; born 7th January, 1865. 6C — . Day Boy. Cadogan, Edward Mordaunt, son of the Rev. Edward Cadogan, Wicken Rectory, Stony Stratford; born 7 th July, 1864. 6C — . Garth Gartnon. Charley, John George Stewart, son of William Charley, Esq., Seymour Hill, Dunmurry, Co. Antrim, Ireland ; born 19th December, 1863. 6C — 4'’C Prowde Smith. Left December, 1882. Died at Dunmurry, Co. Antrim, 23rd May, 1886. Cooke, John James Dunne, son of John Dunne Cooice, Esq. ; born 26th October, 1866. 2y — . Day Boy. St. John’s College, Oxford, 1885. Crawford, Henry Newbould, son of Henry Crawford, Esq., Dalcoolin, Birkenhead ; born 6th May, 1866. 2'y — . Chelto 7 idale. Cunningham, Frederick Alexander, son of — Cunningham, Esq.; born 26th July, 1864. 6C — . Cheltondale. Davies, Henry, son of Henry Davies, Esq., 8 Lypiatt Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 13th July, 1867. py — . Day Boy. Classical Football XV., 1885. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1886 ; 2nd Lieutenant, South Lancashire Regiment, 1887 ; Lieutenant, 1888. Dawson,ArthurTemple Westropp, son of W. M. Westropp Dawson, Esq., 14 Bays Hill Ter- race, Cheltenham ; born 4th September, 1865. 8C — . Day Boy. Dunn, James Grace, son of James Alfred Dunn, Esq., 21 Sumner Place, Onslow Square, London; born i8th December, 1865. 5C — . Garth Garmon. Edwards, Richard Fielding, son of General Clement Alexander Edwards, C.B., 2 Gren- ville Place, South Kensington, London ; born loth January, 1886. — P'M. Garth Gannoji and Day Boy. Left December, 1882. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1883-85. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1885. Evans, Alfred Henry, son of — Evans, Esq.; born 8th February, 1869. 3y — . Day Boy. Ewart, Walter Douglas, son of Lieut.-General John Alexander Ewart, C.B., Tattenhill,near Burton-on-Trent ; born 20th April, 1865. (gM — . Cheltondale. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Lieutenant, Cameron Highlanders, 1885. Served throughout the operations of the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 with the Cameron Highlanders, and was present at Koshah during its investment, and in the engagement at Giniss (Medal and Khedive’s Star). Firbank, Christopher George, son of Joseph Firbank, Esq., St. Julians, Newport, Mon- mouth ; born 13th February, 1866. <^M — . Boytie House. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [April, 1880. 352 Firbank, Walter, son of Joseph Firbank, Esq., St. Julians, Newport, Monmouth ; born 13th February, 1866. 8C — . Boyne House. Fowler, George Hurst, son of Richard Fowler, Esq., Rahinston, Enfield, Ireland; born 6th April, 1866. 8C — 2^C. Boyne House. Left December, 1883. Cricket XXII. Classical Football XV., 1882. Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, 1884-86 ; obtained Diploma, 1886 ; gained the Silver Medal at the Royal Agricultural College Athletic Sports, 1886. Frost, James John, son of Alfred John Frost, Esq., Snaresbrook, Essex; born 4th May, 1865. (fM — . Christowe. Glanville, Arthur George, son of Major-General Francis Robert Glanville, R.A., 4 Bays Hill Villas, Cheltenham ; born 13th April, 1866. ']'°M — . Beaufort House. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1883-85. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1885. Gray, William, son of William Gray, Esq., Bar- ton-on- Humber ; born 2 1 St April, 1863. — . Cheltondale. Haines, Theodore Wilton, son of John Poole Haines, Esq., Moor Wood, Cirencester ; born 20th March, 1866. — fM. Day Boy. Left July, 1881. In business in London. Holmes, George Gooch, son of the Rev. Ed- ward Molloy Holmes, Marsh Gibbon Rec- tory, Bicester; born iith January, 1865. &M — f'M. Christowe. Left Easter, 1883. At South Kensington Normal School of Science, and Royal School of Mines, 1883-86 ; Chemistry, and Class, 1884 ; Physics, Astronomical Physics, Geology and Mineralogy, ist Class, 1885 ; Mining, ist Class, 1886 ; Associateship, Royal School of Mines, 1886. Hunt, Charles Adair, son of Major Henry Leslie Hunt, 14 Imperial Square, Chelten- ham ; born 5th June, 1868. 3_/ — . Day Boy. Hunt, Edward Leslie, son of Major Henry Leslie Hunt, 14 Imperial Square, Chelten- ham ; born nth January, 1867. Z'°M — C'M. Newtek House. Left December, 1885. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1884-86. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1886. Knox, Walter Frederic, son of Major-General Richard Knox, Strathdurn, Cheltenham ; born 29th October, 1866. — , Day Boy. Lane, Horace Powys, son of Lieut.- Colonel Horatio Powys Lane, R.A., Jubbulpore, India; born i8th September, 1865, fM — . Cheltondale. Lee, Douglas Cameron, son of Herbert Grove Lee, Esq., M.D., Thame, Oxfordshire ; born 1 1 th May, 1865. yVlV — I'^M. HaHelwell. Cricket XL, 1883. Football XV., 1883. Re- ceived Presentation Cap from Old Cheltonian Foot- ball Club {season 1887-88), Solicitor (admitted 1888). Address: ii Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C, ; and The Moat, Thame, Oxford, Lowe, Dudley Francis, son of Francis Lowe, Esq., Solicitor, Hull; born 2ist May, 1866. 8C — . Christowe. Macdonald, Walter Douglas, son of Major- General John C. Macdonald, i Crescent Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 8th December, 1866. 8C — . Day Boy. Maunsell, Ernest Owen Henry, son of the Rev. Canon Robert Augustus Maunsell, Coolbanagher, Queen’s County, Ireland ; born nth April, 1866. 7C — . Hazel- well. Medd, Francis John Goldsmith, son of John Medd, Esq., M.D., 28 Belmont Street, Southport; born 28th February, 1864. — . Cheltondale. Moore, George Howard, son of Major Charles Alfred Moore, Poona, Bombay; born 14th April, 1866. fM — . Leconfield. Palmer, Henry Manley, son of Manley M. Palmer, Esq., Shrifif, Dromohair, Co. Leitrim, Ireland; born 9th February, 1864. 6C — . Christowe. Pratt, Robert de la Cour, son of General Robert Pratt, Belvedere, St. Lawrence, Isle of Wight ; born 14th February, 1867. (fM — . Hazel- well. Price, Richard Llewellyn, son of the Rev. Richard Edward Price, Llanymynech Rec- tory, Salop ; born 5th September, 1868. f-J — . Day Boy. Ramsay, Herbert, son of Sir Alexander Ent- wistle Ramsay, Bart, 2 Montpellier Parade, Cheltenham ; born 5th February, 1868. dkj — . Teighmore. Lieutenant, 3rd Battalion, Gloucestershire Regi- ment (Militia). Sheard, Thomas Clifton, son of Benjamin Sheard, Esq., Elmwood House, Upper Batley, York- shire; born 28th December, 1866. — . Cheltondale. Sim, Roderick, son of James Duncan Sim, Esq., C.S.I., Eversheds, Abinger, Dorking ; born 27th December, 1867. fj — f-C. Chris- towe. Left July, 1886. Rifle Cadet Pair, 1883. Classical Football XV., 1885. Royal AgriculturS College, Cirencester. Thomas, Walter Meredyth, son of James Lewis Thomas, Esq., 26 Gloucester Street, War- wick Square, London ; born 15th July, 1865. Af — . Garth Gannon. Lieutenant, Border Regiment, 1886. Lillingston, William Edward Gordon, son of Major Edward Gordon Lillingston, Hazari- baugh, Bengal, India ; born 15th June, 1867. 2*’_/ — . Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), West Riding Regiment, 1888. McLachlan, Alfred Francis, son of James McLachlan, Esq., Holland House, Chelten- ham ; born 20th May, 1864. (LM — . Chel- tondale. Hornby Prize, 1881-82. Football XV., 1882. Miller, George Cospatrick Muirhead, son of Peter M. Miller, Esq., Budleigh Salterton, Devon; born 4th January, 1867. yC — . Christowe. Mugliston, Francis Udall, son of the Rev. John Mugliston, Newick House, Chelten- ham ; born 23rd August, 1870. 3/ — . Day Boy. Football XV., 1888. Orr, John Lock, son of John Henry Orr, Esq., M.D., late Inspector-General of Hospitals, Bangalore, India ; born 4th May, 1866. — . Day Boy. Lieutenant (from Militia), 7th Hussars, 1888. Phillips, Percy, son of Richard Phillips, Esq., 24 Hogarth Road, South Kensington, Lon- don ; born i8th February, 1866. 8C — . Christowe. Pierce, John Hamilton, son of Peter Pierce, Esq., 135 Botanic View, Liverpool; born 27th August, 1864. 5C — . Newick House. Ramsay, Arthur, son of Sir Alexander Ent- wistle Ramsay, Bart., 2 Montpellier Parade, Cheltenham; born 9th January, 1871. 3/ — . Day Boy. Ransom, Herbert Byrom, son of William Henry Ransom, Esq., M.D., Nottingham ; born 22nd April, 1867. — . Boyne House. Rich, John Arthur, son of Colonel Frederick Henry Rich, R.E., 17 Queen’s Gate Terrace, London ; born 29th August, 1867. Z^M — . Teighmore. Schacht Prize, 1884. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1883-85. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1885. Robertson, Andrew John, son of Andrew John Robertson, Esq., C.E.; born 17th June, 1865. 7“J/ — . Day Boy Rugge-Price, Charles Frederick, son of Charles Rugge-Price, Esq., Spring Grove, Rich- mond, Surrey; born 5th February, 1868. — . Teighmore. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1885-88. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1888. Skptemher, 1880.] PRINCH'AL; RP:V. II. KYNASTON, D.D. 355 Sharp, P'rcderick Leonard, son of the Rev. Jolin Price Sharp, Edenham Vicarage, Bourne, Lincolnshire ; born i8th May, t867. 7M/ — iM/. Newtek House. Left July, 1884. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1880. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1884-86. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1886. Shaw, Herbert Stuart, son of Colonel Clements Robert Shaw, Bengal Staff Corps, Lucknow, India; born 2nd January, 1867. 1'" J — . Day Boy. \ Shaw, Hugh Morton, son of Colonel Clements Robert Shaw, Bengal Staff Corps, Lucknow, India ; born 17th September, 1870. ij — . Day Boy. Stanhope, Percy Seymour, son of — Stanhope, Esq.; born 22nd July, 1865. ef-M — . Leco 7 i- Jield. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), O.xfordshire Light Infantry, 1887. Stansfeld, James Rawdon,son of Major-General Thomas Wolrych Stansfeld, Thyetmyo, Bur- mah ; born iith August, 1866. — . Newtek House. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1883-85. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1885. Swettenham, George Kilner, son of George Fletcher Swettenham, Esq., Felling Villa, Cheltenham ; born 7th June, 1866. — Ltne^M. Day Boy. Left Easter, 1884. Lieutenant (from Militia), Royal Irish Fusiliers, 1886. Tapp, James Hanson William, son of Colonel James Henry Tapp, i Naunton Park Villa, Cheltenham ; born 19th October, 1867. — . Day Boy. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1885-87 (Prize: Riding). Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1887. Address : Naunton Park Villa, Cheltenham. Trapmann, Arthur Gordon Rose, son of William Hume Trapmann, Esq., 8 Roland Gardens, London; born 28th May, 1866. 8'W — . Leco}ifield. Troughton, Cecil Clude Walter, son of Med- hurst A. Troughton, Esq., Chilton House* Northfleet, Kent; born 3rd January, 1869- 3y — \^M. Tetghmore and Boy 7 ie House- Left July, 1886. Rifle Corps Vlll., 1884-85; Captain, 1886. Mo- dern Football XV., 1885. 2nd Lieutenant, 4th Battalion, North Staffordshire Regiment (Militia). Trye, Charles Brandon, son of Henry Norwood Trye, Esq., Hartshill, Warwickshire ; born 2nd April, 1867. 8C — . Newtek House. Tyler, Edward Ernest, son of Captain Sir Henry Whatley Tyler, Knt., R.E., M.P., Pymmes Park, Edmonton, Middlesex ; born 20th December, 1864. "j^M — . Leconfield. Vale, Alfred Conduct, son of the Rev. William Scarlett Vale ; born 19th June, 1867. c^'M — . Day Boy. Westcott, Bernard, son of the Rev. Canon Brooke Foss Westcott, 6 Scrope Terrace, Cambridge ; born 28th December, 1866. 4'’C — . Newtek House. Westlake, Sidney St. John, son of John West- lake, Esq., Bombay ; born 8th June, 1865. 2“^^— i®C. Chrtstowe. Left July, 1883. Classical Football XV., 1882. Schacht Prize, 1881-82 ; Iredell Prize, 1882 ; Jex-Blake (English Literature) Prize, 1883. Indian Civil Service, 1883 ; proceeded to Balliol College, Oxford, 1884 ; ap- pointed to Bombay, 1885. Under the Collector of Bombay, 1885-86. Assistant Collector and Magis- trate, Sind, 1886-87 I Shikapore, 1887. Wilkins, Henry St. Clair, son of General Henry St. Clair Wilkins, R.E., 7 Nevern Square, South Kensington, London ; born 24th June, 1867. 3®C — i“C. Chelto 7 idale. Left De- cember, 1884. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1880; Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1882. Iredell Prize, 1884. Classical Foot- ball XV. , 1884. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1887. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal West Surrey Regi- ment, 1888. Wilson, Alfred Hugh, son of James Wilson, Esq., C.E., 2 Royal Exchange Buildings, London ; born 24th May, 1866. 8C — . Chel- tondale. Is on the Stock Exchange, London. ENTERED JANUARY, 1881. Armstrong, William McGee, son of Deputy- Surgeon-General William Armstrong, Hill- side, Cheltenham ; born 22nd January, 1867. M — . Day Boy. Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Everard, Breedon Newland, son of W. T. Everard, Esq., Bardon Hall, Leicestershire; born 2 1st September, 1866. fM — . Lecon- field. Fitzgerald, Harry George, son of Captain Ormonde Fitzgerald, Byjnatte, Kangra Val- ley, Punjab, India ; born 13th December, 1866. sC — . Newick House. Fltzmaurice, Edmond Walter (afterwards Earl of Orkney), son of the Hon. Henry Warren- der Fitzmaurice ; born 24th May, 1867. &M — . Christowe. Succeeded his uncle as 7th Earl of Orkney in 1889. Lieutenant, 3rd Battalion, Oxfordshire Light Infan- try (Militia). Gordon, William Neville, son of Major-General Samuel Enderby Gordon, C.B., R.A., Brooks Lodge, Cheltenham; born 1 8th August, 1867. RINCII>AL: REV. H, KYNASTON, D.I). 357 Pearce, Francis Barrow, son of Stephen Bearce, Esq., 54 Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Scpiare, London; born 17th September, 1 866. — . Cheltondale. Lieutenant, West Yorkshire Regiment, 1886. Richardson, Alexander, son of Charles Richard- son, Esq., Springfield, Co. Down, Ireland ; born 26th November, 1866. 9’’/!/ — . Day Boy. Gymnasium VIII., 1884. Rowlandson, Alfred Turner, son of Colonel Walter Rowlandson, Madras ; born 5th Jan- uary, 1867. 6C — . Newtek House. Previously at Dulwich College. Rifle Corps VIII. , 1882-83. Lieutenant. Royal Lancaster Regiment, 1886. Short, Robert Frederick Withy, son of Robert John Short, Esq., Dighton Lodge, Highbury New Park, London ; born 28th April, 1868. T)J — . Teighmorc. Soltau, George William, son of John T. Soltau, Esq., The Brake, Horrabridge, Devon ; born ist May, 1865. Chelton- ciale. Left July, 1884. Modern Football XV., 1883. Souter, Hector Lovett, son of Sir Frank Henry Souter, C.S.I., C.I.E., Malabar Hill, Bom- bay ; born 7th October, 1866. 86’ — . Day Boy. Died at Enmore, Somerset, 9th November, 1886. Stewart, Duncan Grant Mackenzie, son of Duncan Stewart, Esq., Portlands, Knock- holt, Sevenoaks, Kent; born i8th April, 1 866. 6M/ — . Haselwell. Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Swain, William Paul, son of William Paul Swain, Esq., Surgeon, 20 Ker Street, Devon- port ; born 1st November, 1865. D'M — . Bennett. Previously at Uppingham School. Thomas, William Morgan, son of John Morgan Thomas, Esq., Brecon ; born 5th May, 1866. 9'blf — . Garth Garmon. Thoroton, Francis Guy Delaval, son of — Thoroton, Esq. ; born 26th July, 1870. iiJ — • Day Boy. Tlioroton, Levett Edward Wanley, son of — Thoroton, Esq.; born 26th December, 1868. 3/—. Day Boy. Thoroton, Robert Ogilvie Bowes, son of — Thoroton, Esq.; born 31st May, 1867. 2_/ — . Day Boy. Previously at Malvern College. Tuke, Francis flenry, son of Henry George Tiike, Esq., Shelburne House, Cheltenham ; born 13th May, 1867. 6C — . Day Boy. Gymnasium VIII., 1885-86. Trinity College, Cam- bridge. B.A., 1889. Tyler, James Arbuthnot, son of Captain Sir Henry Whatley Tyler, R.E., M.P., Pymmes Park, Edmonton, Middlesex ; born 15th Oc- tober, 1867. ey^M — iM/. Boyne House. Left December, 1884. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1884-86. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1886. Waldy, Edward Feilding de Garmundesway, son of the Rev. John Edward Waldy, Claver- ton Rectory, Bath ; born i6th December, 1 867. 9'M/ — . Boy 7 ie House. ■Wei Wah On, son of Wah Kwong Wei, Hong Kong, China ; born 13th September, 1868. 3/ — CC. Day Boy. Left July, 1887, Gymnasium Champion, 1885-86. Gymnasium VIII., 1885-86-87. Won the Gold Medal in 1885, the Bronze Medal in 1886, and the Silver Medal in 1887 at the Public Schools Gymnastic Competitions. Christchurch, Oxford, 1887. Wei Wah Pin, son of Wah Kwong Wei, Hong Kong, China; born 14th November, 1864. 8C — 2’’C. Day Boy. Left December, 1884. Gymnasium VIII., 1883. Whitling, Tom Townsend, son of the Rev. Robert Charles Storrs Whitling, Tunstal Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 21st October, 1869. 3y — . Day Boy. Wilton, Henry Pleydell, son of — Wilton, Esq. ; born 15th November, 1869. 76" — . Day Boy. ENTERED MAY, 1881. Adamson, Walter Bland, son of William Rush- ton Adamson, Esq., Rushton Park, Battle, Sussex ; born loth February, 1867. 9’M/ — . Leconfield. Allfrey, Philip Shedden, son of Henry W. Allfrey, Esq., Hemingford House, Stratford- on-Avon ; born i6th August, 1865. y’’/!/ — . Leco 7 ifield. Atcherley, Richard Topping Beverley, son of Lieut. -Colonel Francis Topping Atcherley, 30th Foot, Bryn Estyn, Rhyl; born 15th October, 1866. 7C — 1'^6’. Ch/dstowe. Left July, 1885. Classical Football XV., 1884. Student of Law. Address : Constitutional Club, Northumberland Avenue, London, S.W. Barlow, Walter Hilaro, son of the Rev. Robert Hilaro Barlow, Childswyckham Vicarage, Broadway; born 9th June, 1872. 3y — . Teigh 77 iore. Bath, Henry James, son of Edward Bath, Esq., Brynymor, Swansea; born 24th May, 1867. 9L)/ — . Boy 7 ic Hoicse. Bond, Reginald Francis George, son of Francis Thomas Bond, Esq., Barton Lawn, Glou- cester ; born 13th March, 1868. ef-M — . Day Boy. Royal Military Academy Woolwich, 1885-87 (Passed out First Engineer. Prizes ; Pollock Medal, Mathematics, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Physics). Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1887. Bull, William Simms, son of William Simms 358 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [May, 1 88 1. Bull, Esq., Northlands, Cheltenham ; born 6th J uly, 1 866. — . Day Boy. Cameron, Ewan Duncan, son of Captain John Duncan Cameron, Henhurst, Woodchurch, Ashford, Kent; born 27th April, 1868. "]'°M — . Boyne House. Football XV. , 1885. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1885-86. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1886. Cartwright, William Claude Loraine, son of John Augustus Tatam Cartwright, Esq., Surgeon, Leintwardine, Herefordshire ; born 7th June, 1870. 3y — . Teighmore. Chamberlain, Charles Frederick, son of — Chamberlain, Esq.; born 8th January, 1868. 7C — . Garth Garmon. Chamberlain, Ernest Frank, son of — Cham- berlain, Esq.; born 25th November, 1866. 7C — . Garth Garmon. Colnaghi, Dominic Henry, son of Dominic Ellis Colnaghi, Esq., 113 Via S. Gallo, Flo- rence, Italy; born 15th March, 1 866. — I’Af. Christowe. Left March, 1884. College Boat, 1882. Gymnasium VIII., 1882. Modern Football XV., 1883. Flead of Modern, Easter and December, 1883. Royal Military Aca- demy, Woolwich, 1883-83. Lieutenant, Royal Engi- neers, 1885. Coningham, Herbert John, son of Lieut.-Colonel Herbert Coningham, 29 St. Michael’s Place, Brighton; born 30th March, 1867. — Lecotifield. Left July 1884. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), Leinster Regiment, 1888. Cottingham, Edward Roden, son of Lieut.- Colonel Henry Roden Cottingham, R.A., Highfield, Upper Eglinton Road, Woolwich; born 6th September, 1866. — , Chris- towe, Lieutenant, Royal Marine Artillery, 1884. Elgee, John William Lindredge, son of Major- General John Lindredge Elgee, 5 Bays Hill Villas, Cheltenham ; born 7th October, 1867. ()^M — . Day Boy. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1887. 2nd Lieutenant, West India Regiment, 1888. Evelyn, Edward Shee, son of Colonel George Palmer Evelyn, Hartley Manor, Hartford ; born 30th December, 1866. 8C — . Hazel- well. Fitz Gerald, Frederick Richard, son of Fred- erick Richard Fitz Gerald, Esq., i East- bourne Villas, Cheltenham ; born 17th July, 1869. 3/—. Day Boy. Glass, Alfred Absolom, son of Francis Glass, Esq., Ellicombe House, Dunster, Somerset ; born 2 1 St August, 1867. — i^M. Hazel- well. Left July, 1 886. Football XV., 1883-84; Captain, 1885. Cricket XI., 1884; Captain, 1885-86. Ladies’ Prize (Ath- letic Sports), 1886. Received Presentation Cap from Old Cheltonian Football Club (season 1886-87). Captain of Old Cheltonian Football Club, 1887-89. Was in business in London ; in 1889 went to India. Gray, Herbert, son of William Gray, Esq., Bar- ton-on-Humber; born 23rd July, 1 866. 9VI/ — . Cheltondale. Hewett, Bernard, son of the Rev. John Hewett, Babbacombe, Torquay ; born loth April, 1867. 7VI/ — . Newick House. Jones, Walter Howel, son of Colonel Howel Locke Jones, R.A., 66 Kensington Park Road, London, W.; born 1 6th April, 1868. (f-M — ivlV. Christowe. Left Easter, 1885. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1885-87. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1887. Lambert, Robert Percy, son of George N. R. Lambert, Esq., C.E., Haidarabad, Sind, India ; born 5th June, 1867. <^M — . Day Boy. Lowther, The Hon. Launcelot Edward, son of the Right Hon. the Earl of Lonsdale, Low- ther Castle, Penrith; born 25th June, 1867. — . Christowe. Lieutenant, 3rd Battalion, Border Regiment (Militia). Lyne, Charles Virgil Nunez, son of the Rev. Charles Richard Nunez Lyne, 5 Paragon Buildings, Cheltenham ; born 13th March, 1867. jC — . Day Boy. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1886. 2nd Lieutenant, Liverpool Regiment, 1888; Lieutenant, 1889. Macnab, Archibald Conran, son of Robert Mac- nab, Esq., M.D., Bury St. Edmunds ; born 10th March, 1868. 8C — . Christowe. Martin, Charles Rudinge, son of Lieut.-Colonel Charles Nassau Martin, R.E., Mountjoy Barracks, Phoenix Park, Dublin; born 15th July, 1866. 7*Af — . Boyne House. Rifle Corps VIII., 1883. St. George’s Hospital, London. Maynard, Robert Walsham, son of Charles Henry Maynard, Esq., 29 Orsett Terrace, Hyde Park, London ; born 16th April, 1867. — 3*’Af. Hazelwell. Left Easter, 1884. In the Queensland National Bank in London for some years. Went to Brisbane, Queensland, in 1888. Died at Brisbane, 19th March, 1890, from the effects of a carriage accident on the previous Christ- mas Eve. Middlemore-Whithard, Charles Rowland Mid- dlemore, son of the Rev. Thomas Middlemore Middlemore-Whithard, Teighmore, Chelten- ham ; born 1 8th July, 1871. 3y — . Teigh- more. Moore, Lewis Grenville, son of Lewis Moore, Esq., I Minsterworth Villas, Cheltenham ; born 24th November, 1871. 3_/ — Upper tC. Day Boy. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1884-85 ; Gold Medal- list, 1888 ; Walker Prize, 1888 ; Jex-Blake (English Literature) Prize, 1888 ; Iredell Prize, 1889. Scholar- ship, Worcester College, O.xford, 1890. Morgan, Stuart Williams, son of Major John Williams Morgan, Bolgoed, Brecon ; born 6th June, 1867. 9’M/ — . Cheltondale. Neve, Ernest, son of Richard Neve, Esq., Benenden, Staplehurst, Kent ; born 22nd March, 1868. Jf — . Day Boy. Longe, Edward Norman, son of Captain Robert Bacon Longe, Spigworth Park, near Nor- wich ; born 7th April, 1868. — . Garth Garmon. Lysons, Arthur Charles Fothringham, son of Major Lorenzo George Lysons, Blenheim Parade, Cheltenham ; born 23rd May, 1867. — . Day Boy. Mackenzie, James Wilson Alexander, son of Major-General John Robert Mackenzie, Port- more Lodge, Cheltenham; born 17th May, 1867. 9*J/ — . Day Boy. Manley, Robert George Clayton, son of Henry Francis Manley, Esq., Upcott Hall, Taun- ton ; born 8th September, 1866. cf-M — . Leconfield. Lieutenant, 3rd Battalion, Somersetshire Light Infantry (Militia). Massy-Westropp, Francis Stainer, son of Lieut.- Colonel Massy-Westropp, Attyflin, Lime- rick, Ireland ; born loth February, 1867. 8 C — . Garth Garmon. Mellor, William Moseley Fenton, son of William Moseley Mellor, Esq., Lingdale, Claughton, Birkenhead ; born 4th February, 1868. 8 ^M — i*J/. Leconfield. Left July, 1886. Dobson Scholar, 1886, Silver (Mathematical) Medallist, 1886. Head of Modern, July, 1886. In business in Liverpool. Milne-Eedhead, George Bertram, son of Richard Milne- Redhead, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Hol- den Clough, Clitheroe ; born 3rd October, 1866. — \^M. Pruen. Left July, 1885. Jex-Blake Scholar, 1885. Silver (Mathematical) Medallist, 1885. Head of Modern, July, 1885. Trinity College, Cambridge. 27th Junior Optime, 1888. Address : 3 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, W.C. 36' O’Neal, Thomas Woolcombe Barton, son of — O’Neal, Esq. ; born 7th October, 1866. 7C — . Garth Garmon. Orr, Sutherland Alexander Mackie, son of Sur- geon-General John Henry Orr, M.U., C.B., Cheltenham ; born 4th May, 1869. 3“/ — . Day Boy. Pimbury, George Cam Wellington, son of George Cam Pimbury, Esq., Florence Grove, Cheltenham ; born 22nd May, 1867. 76' — . Day Boy. Pirrie, Francis William, son of Captain George Pirrie, 1 1 Oriel Place, Cheltenham ; born 23rd August, 1867. (fiM — . Day Boy. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1886. 2nd Lieutenant, Lincolnshire Regiment, 1887. Pitts, Charles Hugh Harris, son of Thomas Harris Pitts, Esq., South Allington House, Kingsbridge, Devon ; born 4th October, 1868. 2“/ — . Leconfield. Cricket XL, 1886. Racquet Champion, 1886. Football XV., 1886. 2nd Lieutenant, 3rd Battalion, Devonshire Regiment (Militia). Raby, George Watson, son of George Raby, Esq., Valparaiso ; born 21st July, 1870. 3'y — . Beaufort House. Radcliffe, Jasper Fitzgerald, son of — Radcliffe, Esq. ; born 13th August, 1867. 9’M/ — . Leconfield. Richardson, Thomas William, son of Thomas William Richardson, Esq., Swatow, China ; born i6th January, 1865. i''C — . Newtek Hottse. Previously at Brighton College. Gold Medallist, 1882. Indian Civil Service, 1883. Proceeded to New College, Oxford, 1883 ; appointed to Bengal, 1886. Assistant-Magistrate and Collector, Bengal, 1887. Rose, Herbert Watkin, son of the Rev. Hyla Holden Rose, Erdington Vicarage, near Birmingham ; born 23rd October, 1866. 3“C — DC. Garth Garmon. Left July, 1884. Ross-Johnson, Cyril Maxwell, son of — Ross- Tohnson, Esq. ; born 31st January, 1868. 6“^/— . Day Boy. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1884-86 (Prize : French). Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1886. Ross-Johnson Rupert, son of — Ross-Johnson, Esq. ; born 2nd December, 1866. (PM — . Day Boy. Hornby Prize, 1883-84. St. Clair-Ford, Beauchamp St. Clair, son of Captain St. Clair St. Clair-Ford, Zeelught, Cheltenham; born 7th April, 1867. 3'>C — . Day Boy. Classical Football XV., 1884. Royal Military Col- lege, Sandhurst, 1886. 2nd Lieutenant, East Yorkshire Regiment, 1887. Salter, Herbert Derby, son of — Salter, Esq.; born 14th September, 1867. 2**/ — . Teigh- more. Saltwell, Arthur Henry, son of William Henry Saltwell, Esq., Solicitor, i Stone Buildings, Lincoln’s Inn, London ; born 17th August, 1865. 6C — . Garth Garmon. 3 A 362 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [September, iSSi. Savile, Latimer, son of the Hon. and Rev. Arthur Savile, F ontmire Rectory, Cambridge- shire ; born 9th September, 1868. 2'^C — . Christowe. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1881. Smith, Thomas Parkyns Carington, son of Colonel Thomas Parkyns Smith, R.A., Fleurville, Cheltenham ; born — October, 1 870. 3V—. Day Boy. Soltau, Henry Vincent, son of John T. Soltau, Esq., The Brake, Horrabridge, Devon; born 1 8th August, 1868. 9*’d/ — . Cheltondale. Soppitt, Henry Arthur Pole, son of — Soppitt, Esq.; born 28th March, 1871. 3‘y — . Teigh- 7 nore. Stansfeld, Herbert Arthur, son of Thomas Woolryche Stansfeld, Esq.,Weetwood Grove, near Leeds ; born 29th February, 1868. — . Newtek House. Football XV., 1885-86. Received Presentation Cap from Old Cheltonian Football Club (season 1888-89). 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), Yorkshire Regiment, 1889. Stewart, Percy Lee, son of Robert Stewart, Esq., Seafield, Beckenham, Kent ; born 26th July, 1866. 6C — . Garth Gartnon. Left De- cember, 1883. Previously at Dulwich College (September, 1876— July, 1881). In the Standard Bank of South Africa, Cape Town. Stone, Henry Ernest Thorley, son of Captain William Harry Stone, 42 Lansdown Cres- cent, Cheltenham ; born 27th September, 1867. 7C — . Day Boy. Synge, Henry Richard, son of Richard Synge, Esq.; born 30th November, 1869. 3*)/ — . Day Boy. Went to Australia. Tanner, William Anthony, son of — Tanner, Esq.; born 20th September, 1866. (^M — . Leconfield. Trethewy, Walter Hugh, son of Henry Tre- thewy, Esq., Silsoe, Ampthill; born 17th November, 1865. I'^C — i“C. Newtek House. Left December, 1884. Previously at Brighton College. Football XV., 1884. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1884-85. Lieutenant, Hampshire Regiment, 1885. Served in the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 (mentioned in des- patches, Medal with clasp). Turner, William Derington, son of Sir W. W. Turner, K.C.S.I., C.B.; born 4th September, 1867. 6C — . Newtek House. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Fusiliers, 1887. Urquhart, Horace, son of Edward Urquhart, Esq., Trelawne, Cheltenham; born ist Octo- ber, 1 869. 2^J — . Day Boy. Warren, Falkland Fitzmaurice, son of Lieut. - Colonel Falkland Warren, R.A., Nicosia, Cyprus ; born 19th July, 1867. — . Day Boy. Watson, John Capron, son of Colonel William Henry Watson, R.A., Capron House, Mid- hurst, Sussex ; born 2nd August, 1867. — . Leeonjteld. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1885-86. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1886. Waud, Christopher Hatton Motley, son of George Motley Waud, Esq., Bradford, York- shire ; born 3rd April, 1867. — . Leeon- Jield. Wayne, Robert Hamilton, son of Robert Se- wallis Wayne, Esq., Alberastro, Llanbedr, Merioneth ; born 9th April, 1868. — . Cheltondale. Webster, Arthur Templer, son of Henry Binny Webster, Esq.; born 27th December, 1865. C°M — . Beaufort House. • Wicks, Roland, son of Spencer Wicks, Esq., Streatham Hall, Surrey ; born 21st De- cember, 1866. 8C — 2^C. Christowe. Left December, 1884. Previously at Dulwich College. Wicks, Spencer, son of Spencer Wicks, Esq., Streatham Hall, Surrey; born 21st July, 1869. — . Tetghtnore. Previously at Dulwich College. Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, 1887. Willson, St. John Basil Wynne, son of the Rev. William Wynne Wilson, The Rectory, Cod- ford St. Mary, Bath ; born 28th August, 1868. I')/ — DC. Christowe. Left July, 1887. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1881 ; Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1883 ; Walker Prize, 1884-85-86 ; Silver (Classical) Medallist, 1886 ; Dobson Scholar, 1887 ; Head of Classical, December, 1885, to July, 1887. Scholarship, St. John’s College, Cambridge, 1887 ; Browne’s Medallist (Latin Epigram), 1889. ENTERED JANUARY, 1882. Aston, Fitzmaurice Thomas Drake, son of the Rev. John Astbury Aston, 2 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born i8th September, 1871. 3V — . Day Boy. Aston, Randolph Littleton, son of the Rev. John Astbury Aston, 2 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 6th September, 1869. \°J — \^J. Day Boy. Left 1883. Subsequently at Westminster School (1883-84 ; Exhibitioner, 1883) ; at Berkhamstead School (1884- 85) ; and at Tonbridge School (1885-88 ; Smith Ex- hibitioner), In Tonbridge School Cricket XL, 1886- 87-88; and Football XV., 1885-86; Captain, 1887. Cambridge University Football XV., 1889; English Football XV., 1890. Beresford, Marcus John Barr^, son of John Barr6 Beresford, Esq., Ashbrook, Co. Lon- donderry, Ireland ; born loth April, 1868. ffM — , Newtek House. Rifle Corps VIII. , 1886. Modern Football XV., 1886. and Lieutenant (from Militia), South Wales Borderers, 1889. Bigg, Charles Sale, son of the Rev. Charles Bigg, January, 1882.] PRINCIPAL: REV. H. KYNASTON, D.D. 363 D.D., 28 Norham Road, Oxford ; born 30th December, 1867. 2*C — . Chrisiowe. Exhibition, Worcester College, Oxford, 1886; 2nd Class Classical Moderations. 1888. Bleackley, Horace William, son of — Bleack- lev. Esq.; born 19th January, 1868. 8C — . Boyne House. Bloomfield, Herbert, son of Charles Bloomfield, Esq., Queen’s Parade, Harrogate ; born 31st May, 1867. 5C — . Beaufort House. Blyth, Henry Montague, son of Henry David Blyth, Esq., 28 Cleveland Gardens, London ; born 5th December, 1867. 7C — 2"C. Chris- towe. Left July, 1886. Cricket XL, 1885-86. Classical Football XV.. 1885. In business in Mauritius. Bowstead, Thomas George, son of Thomas Bowstead, Esq., Edenhall, near Penrith ; born 7th July, 1867. 8C — . Beaufort House. Brown-Constable, Bedford, son of Lieut.-Colo- nel Charles Brown-Constable, i Lansdown Place, Cheltenham; born 22nd January, 1869. 'f'f — . Day Boy. Buck, Walter Keats, son of Major-General Lewis Buck, Cannanore, East Indies; born 25th March, 1870. -ff — . Teighmore. Classical Football XV., 1887. Caird, Charles Douglas, son of T. Wilson Caird, Esq., 40 Southernhay, Exeter; born 17th July, 1867. — . Cheltondale. Lieutenant, 4th Battalion, Devonshire Regiment (Militia). Cleland, John Warnock, son of — Cleland, Esq.; born 5th May, 1866. 5C — . Chris- towe. Cockerill, George Kynaston, son of Deputy- Surgeon-General Robert William Cockerill, Indian Medical Department, India; born 13 th August, 1867. 2’‘C — I'^C. Cheltondale. Left July, 1885. Football XV., 1884. Passed for Royal Milit.ary Academy, Woolwich, July, 1885, but did not proceed there. At Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1887. and Lieutenant, Royal West Surrey Regiment, 1888. Coghill, Frank Howard, son of Henry Coghill, Esq., Newcastle, Staffordshire ; born 5th June, 1868. Boyne House. Left April, 1885. Rifle Corps VIII., 1884. Connal, Kenneth Hugh Munro, son of William Connal, Esq., 19 Park Circus, Glasgow ; born 28th February, 1870. f^f — . Teigh- more. In business in Glasgow. Address : 19 Park Circus, Glasgow. Donaldson, Thomas Reginald Kirwan, son of Captain Thomas Donaldson ; born 17th August, 1867. (fM — . Hazelwell. Dykes, Freckeville Joseph Ballantine, son of the Rev. Joseph Ballantine Dykes, Headley Rectory, Hunts ; born 7th September, 1868. 7C — . Leconfield. Fowler, Ernest Mortimer, son of Captain George Campbell Fowler, R.N., Crookham End, Brimpton, Reading ; born 23rd November, 1867. 7C — . Garth Garmoti. 2nd Lieutenant, 3rd Battalion, Royal Berkshire Regiment (Militia). Garrard, Robert Sebastian, son of Benjamin W. Garrard, Esq., 56 Onslow Gardens, South Kensington, London ; born ist May, 1867. 8C — . Hazelwell. Hodges, Alfred, son of William Henry Hodges, Esq., Ash Tree House, Osmaston Road, Derby ; born 23rd August, 1866. efM — . Hazelwell. Jones, Cuthbert William, son of William Jones, Esq., 2 Essex Villas, Cheltenham ; born 3rd July, 1867. (fM — . Day Boy. Kerr, George Charman, son of William James Kerr, Esq., Hythe House, Hythe, South- ampton ; born 20th December, 1870. 'f'f — Tei^lunore a.nd Hazelwell. Left July, 1886. King-Hall, Baldwin Walker, son of Admiral Sir William King-Hall, K.C.B., The Elms, Sutton Bonnington, Loughborough ; born nth August, 1868. 8M/ — . Garth Gar- mon. Pembroke College, Cambridge, 1887. Kitching, Willie Lorimer Walton, son of the Rev. Walton Kitching, 17 Lansdown Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 26th July, 1869. — . Day Boy. ' Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1882. Walker Prize, 1884-87. Ladies' Prize (Athletic Sports), i888. College Boat, 1888. Lambert, Fitz Gerald Gage, son of — Lambert, Esq. ; born 5th February, 1868. (fM — . Christowe. Langwortby, John Drake, son of James William Langworthy, Esq., Barrister, 28 Porchester Square, Hyde Park, London ; born 26th June, 1867. 6C — . Garth Garmon. Previously at Marlborough College. Trinity Col- lege, Cambridge, 1887. Leahy, Henry Gordon, son of Colonel Arthur Leahy, R.E. ; born 21st January, 1868. d/ — . Boyne House. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1881. Royal Mili- tary Academy, Woolwich, 1885-87. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1887, Reeves, Herbert Kempson, son of Herbert Wil- liam Reeves, Esq., Fernbank, East Sheen, Surrey ; born i6th November, 1865. 4'’C — i'‘C. Griffin and Hazelwell. Left July, 1883. Oriel College, Oxford, 1883. B.A. (3rd Class Jurisprudence), 1886. Rocke, William Charles, son of the Rev. Thomas Owen Rocke, 10 Royal Crescent, Cheltenham; born 6th December, 1867. 7C — . Leconjield. Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Rudge, Arthur William, son of Captain Walter Reginald Rudge, R.A., Bellevue House, Ayr, N.B.; born 18th May, 1868. 9M/ — . Newtek House. Sharpe, Percival, son of Sutton Sharpe, Esq., 12 Devonshire Place, Portland Place, Lon- don ; born 13th January, 1867. 5C — . Garth Garmon. Sheppard, Richard, son of — Sheppard, Esq.; born 27th December, 1866. 8C — . Newick House. Shewell, Arthur Poole, son of Major-General Henry Shewell, Ash Priors, Cheltenham ; born 15th November, 1867. ef-M — . Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant, Somersetshire Light Infantry, 1887. ENTERED Allcock, George, son of George Allcock, Esq.; born 26th March, 1866. 6C — . Pruen. Allcock, Sydney, son of George Allcock, Esq.; born 2 1 St May, 1867. 8C — . Pruen. Barwell, Bertram Philip Paris, son of Frede- rick Bacon Barwell, Esq., Holland House, Ealing, Middlesex; born i8th May, 1869. — . Teighmore. Barwell, Roland Clint, son of Frederick Bacon Barwell, Esq., Holland House, Ealing, Mid- dlesex ; born iith October, 1870. yj—. Teighmore. Bateman-Champain, Hugh Frederick, son of Colonel Sir John Underwood Bateman- Champain, K.C.M.G., R.E., 50 Parliament Street, London ; born 6th April, 1869. SC — PC. Boyne House. Left July, 1888. Cricket XL, 1885-86-87; Captain, 1888. Football XV., 1885-86-87. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1888. Bateman-Hanbury, The Hon. Geoffrey, son of Smyth, Hugh Lyle Waring, son of — Smyth, Esq.; born 20th June, 1867. pM — . Newick House. Rifle Corps, VIII. , 1883-84-85. Stevenson, Malcolm, son of Louis R. Steven- son, Esq., 41 Beresford Road, Oxton, Che- shire ; born 30th April, 1869. DJ- — . Teigh- more. Thompson, Herbert, son of John Thompson, Esq., 7 Aldersgate Street, London ; born loth October, 1868. 3'y — . Garth Gar- mon. Thompson, William Arthur Murray, son of John Walker Thompson, Esq.; born 21st April, 1866. (PM — yM. Newick House. Left April, 1883. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1883-85. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1885. Vinall, Edward William, son of Arthur John Vinall, Esq., 7 Promenade, Cheltenham; born 1 8th January, 1871. 3 V~- Boy. Re-entered College vide September, 1883. Webb, Ernest Richard, son of — Webb, Esq.; born 14th February, 1867. 8’d/ — . Hazel- well. Wheeler, William Herbert, son of William Henry Wheeler, Esq., C.E., 47 High Street, Boston, Lincolnshire ; born nth May, 1867. yM — . Christowe. Wright, Ernest Granville, son of — Wright, Esq. ; born 21st June, 1865. Lme'°M—. Day Boy. Young, Stanley Ale.xander, son of John Young, Esq., Conduit Lodge, Blackheath Park, Kent ; born 13th July, 1867. 8 C — . Newick House. Football XV., 1884. College Boat, 1885, APRIL, 1882. the Right Hon. the Lord Bateman, Shobdon Court, Herefordshire ; born 9th October, 1868. — . Hazelwell. Died atBroome Hall, Suffolk, 4th December, 1888. Bell, Henry Urmston, son of the Rev. Canon Charles Dent Bell, The Rectory, Chelten- ham ; born 30th March, 1867. 7C — . Day Boy. Bernard, Edward John, son of Henry Fitz- Gerald Bernard, Esq., Weymouth Lodge, Ealing, Middlesex ; born 14th July, 1866. 6C — . Garth Garmon. Blair, Arthur, son of — Blair, Esq. ; born 2nd September, 1869. 'Pj—. Day Boy. Browne, Edgar Thornburgh, son of Lieut.- Colonel Edward Browne, Pembroke Lodge, Cheltenham; born 22nd March, 1869. c)M — . Day Boy. Stewart Prize, 1887. Buckle, Edward Harold, son of Surgeon-Major April, 1882.] PRINCIPAL; REV. IT. KYNASTON, I). I). 365 Robert Thomas Buckle, Glenmore Lodge, Pittville, Cheltenham ; born 15th December, 1867. 6C — . Day Boy. Cadell, Harry Ernest, son of Lieut. -General Alexander Tod Cadell, R.A.,Welbeck House, West Hill, Sydenham, Surrey ; born 24th July, 1867. (y'M — . Cheltondcile. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1885-86. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1886. Campbell, Leslie Warner Yule, son of Lieut.- Colonel Alexander Henry Campbell, Madras Cavalry, India ; born 24th August, 1867. y'M — Line^M. Boyne House. Left 1885. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1885. Lieu- tenant, King's Own Borderers, January, 1886 ; trans- ferred to Derbyshire Regiment, July, i886 ; joined Madras Staff Corps, 1889. Christie, Hugh Ralph, son of — Christie, Esq.; born 13th November, 1867. 5C — . Chris- towe. Gymnasium VIII. , 1885. Cricket XL, 1887. Clarke, Willoughby William Stanley, son of — Clarke, Esq. ; born 3rd October, 1867. c)M — . Beaufort House. Clayton, George Stewart, son of Sands Clayton, Esq., 34 Kensington Gardens Square, Lon- don ; born 2nd January, 1869. 5C — . Newtek House. University College, Oxford, 1887. Cobbold, Alan Ralph, son of Alan Brooksby Cobbold, Esq., Aldershot House, Sutton, Surrey; born 12th June, 1867. <)M — . Chel- tondale. Football XV., 1885-86. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), King's Own Scottish Borderers, 1888. Darell-Brown, Montague Lionel, son of the Rev. Lionel Edward Darell-Brown ; born 13th December, 1868. — . Day Boy. Evans, Henry St. Clair Bowie, son of J. Bowie Evans, Esq., 6 Douro Villas, Cheltenham ; born 26th December, 1869. %^M — iM/. Day Boy. Left J uly, 1 886. Gymnasium VIII., 1886. Planter in Ceylon. Eyre, Sydney Frederick, son of Edward John Eyre, Esq., The Grange, Steeple Aston, Oxford; born 30th October, 1871. yj — . Teighmore. Farmer, Langford Llanwarne, son of Deputy- Surgeon-General William Langford Farmer, 3 Pittville Lawn, Cheltenham ; born i8th March, 1868. 5C — . Day Boy. Previously at Leamington College. FitzHerbert, Richard Ruxton Walter, son of Richard Ruxton FitzHerbert, Esq., Black Castle, Navan, Ireland; born 9th .September, 1866. 6C — . Leconfield. Rifle Corps VIII., 1885. Freeling, Francis Lennard, son of Francis Henry Freeling, Esq., i Paragon Buiidings, Cheltenham ; born 4th January, 1869. i"J — . Day Boy. Gilbert, Henry Porter, son of — Gilbert, Esq. ; born 26th March, 1868. y'M — . Day Boy. Glass, Edward Canning, son of P'rancis Glass, Esq., Ellicombe House, Dunster, Somerset ; born 4th October, 1868. 7C — . Hazelwell. Football XV., 1884-85; Captain, 1886. Cricket XL, 1885-86; Captain, 1887. Ladies' Prize (Ath- letic Sports), 1887. Gough, George Bloomfield, son of Major- General George Thomas Gough, Winchester ; born 28th September, 1867. gd/ — . , Day Boy. Greenwood, John Charles, son of Captain John James Greenwood, Millgrove House, Mill- houses, Sheffield; born 7th January, 1871. yj — . Day Boy. Royal Military College, .Sandhurst, 1889. Griffiths, Walter Hepworth, son of Frederick Griffiths, Esq., Solicitor, 33 Promenade, Cheltenham; born 22nd March, 1868. 7C — , Day Boy. Hamilton, Edward Montague, son of John Thomas Hamilton, Esq., South Testwood, Totton, near Southampton ; born 14th Jan- uary, 1867. 8*’d/ — . Beaufort House. Cricket XL, 1884, Healing, Leonard Joseph, son of W. G. Heal- ing, Esq., Tewkesbury ; born 20th March, 1867. 7C — . Beaufort House. Previously at Malvern College. Jenkins, Charles Edward, son of Edward Jenkins, Esq., Green Lawn, Pen-y-lan, Car- diff; born 31st May, 1868. 2^ — . Beaufort House. Football XV., i886. Jessop, Hylton, son of Charles Hale Jessop, Esq., Solicitor, Cheltenham ; born 12th February, 1868. 8C — . Day Boy. Kershaw, Alfred, son of John J. Kershaw, Esq., Bedford House, Luton ; born 24th January, 1867. 4’’C — 2'’C. Newtek House. Left July, 1884. Kyle, Henry Greville, son of the Rev. Robert Kyle, Vittoria House, Cheltenham ; born 1 8th April, 1869. yf — . Day Boy. Merton College, O.xford, 1888. Laffere, Richard Lawson, son of Richard Laff^re, Esq., Edenballymore, Londonderry, Ireland ; born 25th January, 1867. 6M/ — . Garth Garmon. Lewis, Percy, son of Joseph Lewis, Esq., 29 Noble Street, London ; born 24th August, 1867. (d'M — . Prowde Smtth. Lithgow, Hugh Lancaster, son of — Lithgow, Esq.; born 15th May, 1868. 7“d/— . Boyne House. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1885-88. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1888. Lockhart, Robert Wallace, son of David Wal- lace Lockhart, Esq. ; born 15th July, 1886. 8C — 4'’C. Leeonfield. Left July, 1886. Corpus Christ! College, Cambridge, 1887. 366 Lord, Charles Silvester, son of — Lord, Esq. ; born 19th July, 1868. 8*’7l/— . Garth Gar- mon. Trinity College, Cambridge. Maclaverty, Percy Allen East, son of — Maclaverty, Esq. ; born 29th April, 1867. — . Day Boy. Macmillan, John Angus Sauer, son of Angus Macmillan, Esq., M.D., Dunallan House, Anlaby Road, Hull; born 28th August, 1870. 2*/ — . Teighmore. Manley, William Pole, son of Henry Francis Manley, Esq., Upcott Hall, Taunton ; born nth November, 1867. ()M — . Leconjield. Died at Cheltenham, 12th March, 1884. Michelmore, Herbert, son of Jeffery Michel- more, Esq., Berry House, Totnes, Devon ; born 13th November, 1867. qM — . Beaufort House. Moline, Arthur Louis, son of Frank Moline, Esq., I Berkeley Square, Bristol ; born 14th May, 1865. 2^C — . Cheltondale. Previously at Clifton College (January, 1879, to April, 1882). Died August, 1887. Mond, Robert Ludwig, son of Ludwig Mond, Esq., Winnington Hall, Northwich ; born 9th September, 1867. 7C — . Chelto 7 idale. Hornby Prize, 1884. St. Peter's College, Cam- bridge, 1887. Mostyn-Owen, Harry, son of Major Edward Henry Mostyn-Owen, Yeaton Lodge, Shrews- bury ; born 1st August, 1868. 2=*C — . Chris- towe. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1884. Lieutenant, 4th Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment (Militia). Newman, William Klein, son of William Turner Newman, Esq., 7 Painswick Lawn, Chelten- ham ; born 24th March, 1871. fj — . Day Boy. Palmer, Claude Bowes, son of Sir Charles Mark Palmer, Bart., M.P., 45 Grosvenor Square, London ; born 29th March, 1868. 9/I/ — iM. Prowde Sjnith. Left December, 1886. Football XV., 1886. Civil Engineer. Address : Crinkle Park, Loftus-in-Cleveland, Yorkshire. Perkins, Harry Stratton, son of Sir Frederick Perkins, Knt., 27 Hamilton Terrace, Maida Vale, London ; born i8th April, 1865. 3’’C — . Newtek House. Perkins, Julian Tolmd, son of Sir Frederick Perkins, 27 Hamilton Terrace, Maida Vale, [April, 1882. London ; born 23rd November, 1867. 8C — . Newtek House. Prior, Richard Henry, son of Charles Butler Prior, Esq. ; born 15th September, 1870. fj — . Day Boy. Rogers, Arthur Raleigh, son of Captain Henry Gordon Rogers, 6 Prospect Row, Old Bromp- ton, Kent ; born 7th December, 1867. 8C — . Newtek House. Seymour, George, son of Alfred Seymour, Esq., Hollybrook, Southampton ; born loth May, 1871. fj — . Tetgh 7 )iore. Sherrard, Eustace, son of George Clifton Sher- rard, Esq., Solicitor, Kingston-on-Thames ; born nth May, 1871. fj—- Tetgh/nore. Clare College, Cambridge. 1889. Sherrard, George Clifton, son of George Clifton Sherrard, Esq., Solicitor ; Kingston-on- Thames ; born 4th March, 1870. — . Tetgh 77 iore. Classical Football XV., 1887. Clare College, Cambridge, 1888. Shuter, Alfred Dever, son of William Shuter, Esq., 66 Belsize Park Gardens, London ; born 15th September, 1868. 6C — . Boy 7 ie House. Jesus College, Cambridge, 1887. Soppitt, George Russell Carew, son of — Soppitt, Esq.; born 31st July, 1873. — . Tetgtwiore. Swinhoe, Dawes, son of William Swinhoe, Esq., Solicitor, 37 Chowringhee, Calcutta ; born 19th February, 1866. 4^C — . Newtek Hottse. Wilkinson, Arthur Norman, son of Colonel Berdoe A. Wilkinson, Heinrickstrasse no, Darmstadt, Germany ; born 25th February, 1868. (jM — . Hazelwell. Wilson, George Herbert, son of Joseph George Wilson, Esq., Solicitor, The Firs, Alfreton ; born 13th May, 1870. 'DJ — . Tetgh/ziore. Wolseley-Cox, Reginald Garnet, son of Lieut.- Colonel Clement Wolseley-Cox, 7 Royal Parade, Cheltenham ; born 19th June, 1873. fj — . Day Boy. Wolseley-Lewis, Herbert, son of the Rev. Thomas Wolseley-Lewis, Garth Garmon, Cheltenham; born 29th November, 1868. 7C — . Day Boy. Medical Student, Westminster Hospital. Woodward, Alfred Edward, son of — Wood- ward, Esq.; born 5th June, 1868. fj — . Day Boy. Woodward, Tom Cecil, son of — Woodward, Esq. ; born 5th June. 1868. 3“/ — . Day Boy. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. ENTERED SEPTEMBER, 18S2. Alexander, William Patrick, son of John Alex- ander, Esq., 7 Raymond Terrace, Charlton Kings, near Cheltenham ; born 1 5th Decem- ber, 1866. 4'’/!/ — . Day Boy. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1884-86. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1886. Baghot-De La Bere, Basil Baghott De La Bere, son of the Rev. John Baghot-De La Bere, Prestbury, near Cheltenham; born 2 1 St January, 1868. (gC — . Day Boy. Bailey, Reginald Herbert, son of Captain Vin- cent Bailey, The Wergs, near Wolverhamp- September, 1882,] PRINCIPAL: REV. H. KYNASTON, D.I). 367 ton ; born i6th March, 1867. 8 ’’ 3 /— . Garth Gannon. Re-entry May, 1876. Baker, Edward Hugli Broome, son of the Rev. Slade Baker, 2 Berkeley Villas, Cheltenham ; born 6th September, 1868. — . Day Boy. Roy.T.1 Military College, Sandhurst, 1887. and Lieutenant, Yorkshire Regiment, 1889. Bam, Johannes Andries, son of Johannes An- dries Bam, Esq., Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope ; born i6th March, 1868. 8C — , Christowe. Bam, Pieter Canzius V. Blommemtein, son of Johannes Canzius Bam, Esq., Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope ; born 29th July, 1869. 3*’_/ — 6'>C. Christowe. Left 1884. Address : Sea Point, Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope. Blyth, Bertie Hotham, son of Henry David Blyth, Esq., 28 Cleveland Gardens, London ; born 9th April, 1869. 8C — . Christowe. Re-entered College September, 1885. Boileau, Frank Ridley Farrer, son of Colonel Francis William Boileau, Whitley Villa, Leckhampton, near Cheltenham ; born 29th November, 1867. 8»Af — . Day Boy. Schacht Prize, 1885. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1885-87. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1887. Boyle, George Grattan, son of Major-General Robert Boyle, C.B., North Rock House, Kingsand, Devonport ; born 9th February, 1869. 8’^M — \^M. Hazelwell. Left July, 1886. Cricket XXII., i885. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1886-89. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1889. Bradshawe-Isherwood, Francis Edward, son of John Henry Bradshawe-Isherwood, Esq., The Manor House, Welford, near Rugby ; born 1st July, 1869. C^C — . Christowe. Clare College, Cambridge, 1888. Bradshawe-Isherwood, Henry, son of John Henry Bradshawe-Isherwood, Esq., The Manor House, Welford, near Rugby ; born 1st July, 1869. 6^C — . Christowe. Clare College, Cambridge, 1888. Carter, Arthur Campbell, son of Major Thomas Tupper Carter, R.E., Poonah, Bombay; born 17th September, 1867. <^M — . Newtek House. Coates, Gerald Arthur, son of Victor Coates, Esq., Rathmore, Dunmurry, Co, Antrim, Ireland ; born loth November, 1867. 6’’C — . Leconfield. Cooke, Archibald Hugh, son of Robert Thomas Cooke, Esq., Gransden, Cheltenham ; born nth April, 1874. Day Boy. Cooke, Reginald, son of James Samuel Cooke, Esq., Springfield, Gomersal, near Leeds ; born 6th March, 1868. 8C — . Garth Gar- mon. Cooke, Reginald Walter, son of Robert Thomas Cooke, Esq., Gransden, Cheltenham ; born nth October, 1867. 5'^C — . Day Boy. Previously at Rugby School. Cooke, Stuart Blashfield Rea, son of — Cooke, Esq. ; born 17th October, 1871. 3’y — . Day Boy. Cottingham, Charles Scarborough, son of Lieut. - Colonel Edward Roden Cottingham, R.A., Highfield, Upper Eglington Road, Wool- wich ; born 3rd July, 1868. 8“Af — . Hazel- well. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1887. 2nd Lieutenant, Manchester Regiment, 1889. Crowdy, James William, son of William Singer Crowdy, Esq. ; born 17th November, 1870. 2'y — . Teigh7nore. Denne, Charles Reginald Trevor, son of Henry Denne, Esq., Butleigh Court, Brimscombe, Stroud ; born loth September, 1865. 5*'C — . Leconfield. Rifle Corps VIII., 1884. Downing, William Fuller, son of Joseph Down- ing, Esq., Llancayo, Downs Road, Epsom ; born 3rd January, 1866. 6^C — . Cheltoti- dale. Elliott, Arthur Campbell, son of Thomas Elliott, Esq., Solicitor-General of Mauritius, Port Louis, Mauritius ; born i8th June, 1866. — . Newtek Hoitse. Re-entry vide September, 1878. Enderby, Charles Lewis, son of Captain William Enderby, Munderfield Harold, Bromyard ; born 26th December, 1868. qA/ — . Chel- tondale. Football XV., 1887. Enderby, Samuel Herbert, son of Captain William Enderby, Munderfield Harold, Bromyard ; born 26th December, 1867. “S°M — . Cheltondale. Football XV., 1885. Gymnasium VIII., 1885-86- 87. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), Northumberland Fusiliers, 1889. Flowers, Marcus Edwin, son of Marcus Octa- vius Flowers, Esq., New Club, Cheltenham ; born 29th October, 1870. zLj — • Day Boy. Pembroke College, Cambridge, 1889. Foster, Edwin Aubrey, son of John Edwin Foster, Esq., Surgeon, 45 New North Road, Huddersfield ; born 4th January, 1869. 2“/ — . Chrisiozve. Gaitskell, Arthur, son of Lieut. -Colonel James Gandy Gaitskell, Waldon House, Chelten- ham ; born 20th August, 1869. 3“C — . Day Boy. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1882 ; Senior (Clas- sical) Scholar, 1885. Schacht Prize, 1887. Indian Civil Service, 1887. Hall, Douglas Keith Elphinstone, son of Colonel Angus William Hall, Claremont, Millbrook, Southampton ; born 7th April, 1869. — . Hazelwell. Harington, Herbert Henry, son of Emanuel Thomas Harington, Esq., ii Inverness Ter- race, London ; born 14th August, 1868. — . Leconfield. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), Lincolnshire Regi- ment, 1887, [September, 1882. 368 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Hartmans, George Edward, son ofWilhelmn L. Hartmans, Esq., lA Bays Hill Villas, Chel- tenham ; born 5th February, 1867. 8*’Af — . Day Boy. Heycock, Francis Wheaton, son of Captain Charles Hensman Heycock, Ashley Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 28th July, 1868. 6‘‘C — . Day Boy. New College, Oxford, 1887. Home, Robert Elton, son of Lieut.-Colonel Robert Home, R.E., Lahore, Punjab, India ; born 29th May, 1869. 'j'^M — . Day Boy. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1886-88. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1888. Johnson, Francis Shand Byam, son of William Johnson, Esq., Fortfield, Cheltenham ; born 23rd February, 1869. 8C — . Christowe. 2nd Lieutenant, 3rd Battalion, Royal Lancashire Regiment (Militia). Johnson, Harold Albert, son of Major-General Alured Clarke Johnson, C.B., R.A., Mhow, India; born 22nd February, 1868. 6^C — . Day Boy. Football XV., 1885. Lieutenant, 3rd Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers (Militia). Johnson, William Gillilan, son of William Johnson, Esq., Fortfield, Cheltenham ; born 2nd J uly, 1 870. i^J — . Christowe. Jordan, Henry, son of Colonel Joseph Jordan, C.B.,Gwynfa, Cheltenham; born iith April, 1868. 6*’C — , Day Boy. Iredell Prize, 1886-87. History Exhibition, Keble College, Oxford, 1887, Address ; Upper Cross, Whittley, near Reading. Kempson, Benjamin May, son of Simon Mat- thews Edwin Kempson, Esq., Coombe Grange, Ascot ; born 26th February, 1868. 5'’C — . Christowe. Lieutenant, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 1886 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1890. Leigh, Cecil Ainslie Walker, son of Major Wil- liam Walker Leigh, 18 Lansdown Terrace, Cheltenham; born 14th August, 1867. 3’’C' — . Day Boy. Previously at Clifton College (January to July, 1882). 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), Gordon High- landers, 1888. Leslie, Richard Fitzgerald, son of the Rev. Richard John Uniacke Leslie, 19 Lansdown Place, Cheltenham ; born 27th November, 1868. 6“C — . Day Boy. Lyon, Francis William Claude, son of the Rev. Gilbert Lyon, Blagdon Rectory, Somerset ; born 27th December, 1866. — . Garth Garmon. Football XV. , 1885. 2ndLieutenant (from Militia), Somersetshire Light Infantry, 1888 ; Lieutenant, 1889. Died at Weston-super-Mare on the 5th Jan- uary, 1890, from injuries received at a football match a few days previously. * Marsh, Francis Charles, son of Major Jeremy Taylor Marsh, R.E., i Pembroke Road, Kensington, London ; born 20th September, 1866. 6 ^C — . I.econfield. Lieutenant, Royal West Kent Regiment, i886. Marsh, James Reynolds Maxwell, son of Major Jeremy Taylor Marsh, R.E., i Pembroke Road, Kensington, London ; born 5th March, 1 868. 8’’Af — . Boy 7 ie House. Massy, Edward Charles, son of Surgeon-General Hampden Hugh Massy, 68 Shooter’s Hill Road, Blackheath, Kent ; born 5th October, 1 868. — . Hazelwell. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1886-88. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1888. McLachlan, James Douglas, son of James McLachlan, Esq., Holland House, Chelten- ham ; born 14th February, 1869. 2’‘C — . Hazelwell. Junior (Clas.sical) Scholar, 1882; Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1883. Football XV. , 1887. Mesham, Capel Hanbury, son of Charles Me- sham. Esq., Western Lodge, Cheltenham ; born 17th January, 1872. 3V — . Day Boy. Mond, Alfred Moritz, son of Ludwig Mond, Esq., Winnington Hall, Northwich ; born 23rd October, 1868. — . Cheltondale. Hornby Prize, 1885. St. John’s College, Cam- bridge. Morgan, Francis George Courthope, son of Francis Frederick Richard M. Morgan, Esq., Llanfair, Anglesey ; born 27th March, 1868. 8C — . Christowe, 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Anglesey Engineer Militia. Morley, Richard, son of James Morley, Esq.; born 1 8th May, 1867. $^C — . Lecotijield. Cricket XXII., 1884-85. Jex-Blake (English Lite- rature Prize), 1884. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery (Direct Commission), 1886. Mugliston, William Lowe, son of the Rev. John Mugliston, Newick House, Chelten- ham; born 4th January, 1872. -^J — . Day Boy. Left Easter, 1890. Murray, The Hon. Alexander William Charles Oliphant (Master of Elibank), son of the Right Hon. the Lord Elibank, Darn Hall, Edleston, N.B. ; born 12th April, 1870. 2*y — . Teighmore. Classical Football XV., 1887. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1889. Oakden, John, son of Thomas Oakden, Esq., Derby Terrace, Rochdale; born 15th August, 1 868. — . Leconfield. Ogilvie, Alexander Grant, son of Lieut.-Colonel Alexander John Ogilvie, R.A., Cora Linn, St. Mark’s, Cheltenham ; born 20th May, 1869. 7‘*iJ/ — . Day Boy. Osborne, Pat Hamilton, son of Pat Hill Osborne, Esq., Karenza, Cheltenham ; born 4th June, 1 869. 3*y — . Day Boy, Patterson, Julius Sheridan, son of the Rev. Henry Sheridan Patterson, Deane Vicarage, Bolton-le-Moors ; born 6th January, 1868. 6'^C — . Garth Garmon. Corpus Christ! College, Cambridge, 1887. Peile, Alfred James,sonof James Kenyon Peile, Esq., 174 Adelaide Road, South Hampstead, September, 1882.] PRINCIPAL: REV. London ; born 5th August, 1868. 6 n 1/— . Newtek House. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1885-88 (Prize: Drills and E.xercises). Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1888. Plomer, Alfred Durham, son of Colonel Alfred George Plomer, 7 Chesterfield Street, May- fair, London ; born 2nd February, 1868. 'j&M — Litie M. Hazelwell. Left July, 1885. Cricket XL, 1885. Royal Military College, Sand- hurst, 1888 ; and Lieutenant, Liverpool Regiment, 1889. Poole, Francis Oswald, son of — Poole, Esq.; born 17th December, 1870. 3'y — . Day Boy. Football XV. , 1888-89. College Boat, 1888-89. Poore, Henry Wright, son of Edward Chapman Poore, Esq., Heyes House, Rainhill, Prescot, Lancashire ; born 29th July, 1867. 5'’C — . Newtek House. Classical Football XV., 1883. Pottinger, Robert Southey, son of Colonel Brabazon Henry Pottihger, Poona, Bombay ; born 31st January, 1870. T.'^J — . Teigh- more. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1882-83 1 Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1886. Royal Military Aca- demy, Woolwich, 1887. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1889. Prain, John Leay, son of John Prain, Esq., Valparaiso, Chili; born 26th October, 1869. 3'y — . Beaufort House. Football XV., 1887. Gymnasium VIII., 1887; Gymnasium Champion, 1888. Medical Student, St. Thomas's Hospital, London. Prain, Robert Pattison Farquhar, son of John Prain, Esq., Valparaiso, Chili ; born 31st December, 1871. f’J — . Beaiifort House. Football XV., 1888. Quicke, Sidney, son of Major Sidney Quicke; born 5th August, 1869. 6*C — . Newtek House. Reeves, Hugh William, son of Herbert William Reeves, Esq., Fernbank, East Sheen, Surrey ; born 2 1 St December, 1866. Hazel- well. Left December, 1884. Previously at Merchant Taylors’ School and East- bourne College. Classical Football XV., 1884. Received Presentation Cap from Old Cheltonian Football Club (season 1887-88). Captain of Old Cheltonian Football Club, 1890. In Solicitor's Office, London. Address : Fern Bank, East Sheen, Surrey. Richardson, Ernest Winterton, son of Robert John Richardson, Esq., Battledown View, Cheltenham; born 22nd March, 1867. 6^C — . Day Boy. Cricket XI,. 1885. Died of typhoid fever at Mozufferpore, East Indies, 2nd May, 1889. Richardson, John Walter, son of Thomas Wil- liam Richardson, Esq., 26 Sussex Square, Brighton ; born 6th April, 1867. 2^C — . Newtek House. Previously at Brighton College. New College, Oxford, 1884. Richardson, Maurice, son of Wigham Richard- son, Esq., Wingrove House, near Newcastle- H. KYNASTON, D.D. 369 on-Tyne ; born ist February, 1869. 9T/ — . Leeonfield. Rind, George Malcolm McNeile, son of Lieut. - Colonel Malcolm McNeile Rind, West Heath, Abbey Wood, Kent ; born 3rd February, 1 868. 8'’rJf — . Leeonfield. Was in the Burma Police. Shot in an affray with dacoits in Burma, nth December, 1887. Rogers, Arthur Strangways, son of Judge Arundel Rogers, 21 Lansdown Place, Chel- tenham ; born 24th January, 1873. f'J—. Tetghmore. o Rogers, Arundel Gwynne, son of Judge Arundel Rogers, 21 Lansdown Place, Cheltenham; born 2nd May, 1871. ff — . Tetghmore. Rolt, Neville Caswall, son of Thomas Francis Rolt, Esq., Oakhurst, Cheltenham ; born 25th June, 1867. 6'’C — . Day Boy. Stuart, Burleigh Francis Brownlow, son of Major Burleigh Stuart, Dergmony, Omagh, Co. Tyrone, Ireland ; born ist November, 1868. — . Hazelwell. Gymnasium VIII., 1887-88. Classical Football XV., 1886-87. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), Wor- cestershire Regiment, 1889. Vanrenen, Frank Adrian, son of Lieut.- General Donald Campbell Vanrenen, R.A., Spring- field, Cheltenham ; born 24th N ovember, 1 868. 2*’C — . Day Boy. P.assed for Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, in 1886, but did not proceed there. Pembroke Col- lege, Cambridge, 1887. Vanrenen, George Rainier, son of Lieut.-General Donald Campbell Vanrenen, R.A., Spring- field, Cheltenham ; born 24th November, 1868. 2*’C — . Day Boy. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1886. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 1888 ; Lieutenant, 1889. Vassar-Smith, John George Lawley, son of Richard Vassar-Smith, Esq., Ashfield, Great Malvern ; born loth December, 1868. 8C— Boyne House. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1888. Vaughan, Edward, son of Captain Herbert Vaughan, 26 Cambray, Cheltenham ; born 20th October, 1866. c)M — . Garth Garmon. Re-entry vide September, 1878. Warren-S'wettenham, Albert Willis, son of Robert Warren-Swettenham, Esq., 12 Lans- down Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 13th Sep- tember, 1869. Warren-Swettenham,Thomas Robert Wybault, son of Robert Warren-Swettenham, Esq., 12 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born loth October, 1867. 8C — . Day Boy. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1887. 2nd Lieutenant, West India Regiment, 1889. Webb, John Curtis, son of Commander Augustus Henry Webb, R.N., Chadnor Villa, Chelten- ham ; born 29th October, 1868. 4®C — . Day Boy. Clare College, Cambridge, 1887. Weldon, Francis Henry, son of Lieut.-Colonel Thomas Weldon, Madras Staff Corps, India ; born 24th April, 1 869. 7C — . Boyne House. 2nd Lieutenant, 5th Battalion, Derbyshire Regi- ment (Militia). 3 B 370 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1883. ENTERED JANUARY, 1883. Bell, Arnold Septimus, son of the Rev. Canon Charles Dent Bell, The Rectory, Chelten- ham ; born 24th March, 1868. 7C — . Day Boy. Bentham, John Arthur, son of George Ben- tham. Esq., 17 Sloane Street, London j born 24th March, 1873. 3/ — Teighmore. Birley, William Arthur Hutton, son of Hutton Birley, Esq., Kirkham, Lancashire ; born 27th March, 1870, 2V — . Hazelwell. Modern Football XV., 1887. Byas, Cecil Frederic, son of William Higley Byas, Esq., Lloyd’s, London ; born 13th September, 1 870. 2'y — . Teighmore and Christowe. Byas, Harry Louis, son of William Higley Byas, Esq., Lloyd’s, London ; born 31st July, 1869. 2*’y— . Christowe. Cricket XXII., 1885. Classical Football XV., 1885-86. Byas, Lancelot Arthur William, son of William Higley Byas, Esq., Lloyd’s, London ; born 1st February, 1868. 8C — YM. Christowe. Left December, 1885. Castleman, Henry Charles Fuidge, son of Edward A. H. Castleman, Esq.; born 31st March, 1873. 3^ — . Day Boy. Curling, Edward Spencer, son of William Curl- ing, Esq., 137 Portsdown Road, Maida Vale, London; born 7th June, 1869. — . Hazelwell. Dawson, Herbert Gerald, son of Major-General Alexander Harry Dawson, R.A., Bombay ; born 4th March, 1871. 2^J—. Day Boy. Clare College, Cambridge, 1889. Dayrell, Elphinstone, son of Commander Ed- mund Marmaduke Dayrell, R.N., Lillingstone Dayrell, Buckingham ; born 14th December, 1869. 2'y— -. Garth Garmon. Dayrell, Gerald Marmaduke de Langport, son of Commander Edmund Marmaduke Day- rell, R.N., Lillingstone Dayrell, Buckingham; born 1 6th December, 1868. (EM — . Garth Garmon. Subsequently at Victoria College, Jersey. Donald, Henry Cecil, son of William Donald, Esq., Lisle House, Cheltenham ; born 26th March, 1869. Z’^M — . Hazelwell. Ellis, Charles Conway, son of Major Robert Conway Dobbs Ellis, Gortmore House, Omagh, Co. Tyrone, Ireland ; born 20th November, 1869. EJ — . Boyne House. Fortescue-Harrison, James, son of James For- tescue-Harrison, Esq., Calcutta ; born 28th January, 1871. 3/ — . Day Boy. Fryer, John, son of Colonel John Fryer, C.B., Army and Navy Club, Pall Mall, London ; born 28th January, 1871. EJ — . Teiglwiore. Geddes, Ernest David Eckford, son of Lieut. - Colonel Andrew David Geddes, Belfast, Ireland ; born 15th November, 1869. Z^M — . Beaufort House. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Marine Artillery, 1887. Goldie-Taubman, Ernest Harcourt,son of Major John Senhouse Goldie-Taubman, The Nun- nery, Douglas, Isle of Man ; born 26th December, 1868. 8C — . Pruen. 2nd Lieutenant, 5th Battalion, Royal Irish Regi- ment (Militia). Jackson, Nicholas Goddard, son of William Goddard Jackson, Esq., Junior, Duddington, Stamford; born 1 6th February, 1868. ZC — . Newtek House. James, Arthur Frederick Brodie, son of Ken- neth H. James, Esq., 7 Warrington Crescent, London; born 22nd November, 1870. 2^J — . Cheltondale. James, Basil Humphefy, son of the Rev. Richard Lee James, The Vicarage, Watford; born nth October, 1868. Z'^M — . Chelto 7 idale. James, Ronald Walter Haweis, son of Kenneth H. James, Esq., 7 Warrington Crescent, London ; born 8th April, 1869. Zi'^M — . Cheltondale. Lillingston, Patrick Steuart Gordon, son of Major Edward Gordon Lillingston, Hazira- bagh, Bengal; born loth April, 1868. ZC — . Boyne Hoiise. Rifle Corps VIII. , 1886. Mills, Clarence Michael de Vernine, son of the Rev. Michael Edward Mills, 3 Oxford Parade, Cheltenham; born 30th April, 1873. Zj — • Day Boy. Mills, Ernest Gray, son of the Rev. Michael Edward Mills, 3 Oxford Parade, Chelten- * ham ; born 13th November, 1868. (EC — . Day Boy. Nugent, Charles Hugh Hodges, son of Colonel Sir Charles Butler Peter Nugent Hodges Nugent, K.C.B., R.E., 7 Lansdown Place, Cheltenham; born iith December, 1868. 7'^yJ/ — YM. Hazelwell. Left July, 1886. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1886-88. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1888. Awarded the “ Fowke Medal" for distinguished proficiency. School of Military Engineering, Chatham, in 1890. Perkins, Alfred Thrale, son of Major Alfred Thrale Perkins, Eastcott, Wells, Somerset ; born loth May, 1869. Z^M — . Boyne House. 2nd Lieutenant, 3rd Battalion, Welsh Regiment (Militia). Peter, William, son of William Peter, Esq.; born 25th July, 1866. Z^-M — . Christowe. Plews, Harold Richard Cunningham, son of Richard Plews, Esq., 2 Randolph Crescent, Clifton Gardens, London ; born 12th De- cember, 1868. 7C — . Boyne House. Rae, Hugh Maples, son of — Rae, Esq. ; born 16th October, 1868. 8C — . Day Boy. Ross, Andrew, son of — Ross, Esq. ; born August, 1865. 5*C — . Leconjield. January, 1883.] PRINCIPAL: Rp:V. H. KYNASTON, D.I). 37 r Ross, Andrew Munro, son of — Ross, Esq.; born 20th November, 1866. 7M/ — . Lecon- Jicld. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Highlanders, 1887 ; Lieu- tenant, 1889. Sanders, Edmond Duckworth, son of Thomas Sanders, Esq., Sanders Park, Charleville, Co. Cork, Ireland; born 20th September, 1868. 7 C — . Chelt 07 idale. Sarsfield, William Stopford, son of Dominick Ronayne Patrick Sarsfield, Esq., Dough- cloyne, Cork, Ireland ; born 23rd February, 1868. 5“7l/ — . Hazclwell. Football XV., 1885-86. College Boat, 1886. Schaeht Prize, 1887. Royal Military College, Sand- hurst, 1887. Lieutenant, Connaught Rangers, 1888. Satterthwaite, Clement Henry, son of Clement Satterthwaite, Esq., Spring Hill, Bromley, Kent; born ist February, 1868. — . Pruen. Sheppard, Edward, son of — Sheppard, Esq.; born 29th October, 1869. 8C — . Newtek House. Shewell, Edward Warner, son of Major-Gen- eral Henry Shewell, Ash Priors, Cheltenham ; born i6th December, 1869. ~jC — . Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), Bedfordshire Regi- ment, 1889. Smith, Charles Turley, son of John Smith, Esq., Sedgeberrow Hall, Evesham ; born 21st January, 1868. 5’’C — . Garth Garmon. Cricket XL, 1887. Football XV., 1887. Exeter College, Oxford. Thompson, Robert, son of Samuel Thompson, Esq., 6 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 1 1 th January, 1869. S'Ll/ — . Day Boy. Previously at King William’s College, Isle of Man. Football XV., 1887. Cricket XI., 1888. Pembroke College, Cambridge, 1888. Tyler, Ralph Edward, son of Colonel Charles James Tyler, R.A., Holgate Hill, York ; born 27th July, 1868. 7NI/ — . Leco 7 ifield. Gymnasium VIII., 1885. Royal Military Aca- demy, Woolwich, 1886-88. Lieutenant, Royal Ar- tillery, 1 888. Waddell, James Douglas, son of James Wad- dell, Esq., Shenley House, Stony Strat- ford ; born 3rd July, 1872. 3_/ — . Teigh- vior£ and Cheltondale. Wilson, George Douglas, son of George Richard Wilson, Esq., The Hermitage, Oxton, Che- shire ; born 20th January, 1870. — . Teighmore. Gymnasium VIII., 1888. ENTERED APRIL, 1883. Allfrey, Frank Edward, son of Francis Allfrey, Esq., Newport Pagnel ; born i ith July, 1869. . 7C — . Leconfield. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1888. 2nd Lieutenant, Dorsetshire Regiment, 1890. Anderson, William Cuthbert, son of Colonel Harry Cortlandt Anderson, Fairfield, Bovey Tracey, Devon ; born 22nd September, 1869. — . Boyne House. Modern Football XV., 1887. Bertwistle, Arthur, son of James Bertwistle, Esq., Woodlynn, Wilpshire, Blackburn ; born 29th October, 1869. Z^M — . Leconfield. Address ; St. George's Place, Blackburn. Bulteel, Hillersden, son of Thomas Bulteel, Esq., Radford, near Plymouth ; born 31st J uly, 1 866. Preliminary M — . Leconfield. Carden, Charles George, son of Captain John Carden, Haford, Llandudno ; born 30th January, 1869. ZM — . Leconfield. Carey, Charles St. George, son of Major-Gen- eral Thomas Priaulx Carey, R.A., Be Beau- voir, Ivy Gates, Guernsey ; born 9th No- vember, 1868. 6^C — . Garth Garmon. Collins, Percy Carpendale, son of — Collins, Esq. ; born 5th September, 1866. ■^M — . Hazelwell. Cuppage, Edward Vernon, son of George W. Cuppage, Esq., Riverston, Trim, Co. Meath, Ireland ; born 4th May, 1866. 6Mf — \M. Leconfield. Left December, 1885. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), South Stafford- shire Regiment, 1889. Curtis, Edward George, son of Major-General Reginald Curtis, 98 St. George’s Square, London ; born 26th November, 1868. fiM — , Newtek House. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1887. 2nd Lieutenant, Bedfordshire Regiment, i888. Downing, Reginald Bearcroft, son of Joseph Downing, Esq., Downs Road, Epsom ; born 7th March, 1869. 2 ^J—. Cheltotidale. College Boat, 1886. Evans, Henry James Eaton, son of Edward Eaton Evans, Esq.,Willesden House, Haver- fordwest ; born 7th F ebruary, 1 869. pM—, Newtek House. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1886-89. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1889. Hallett, Cecil Walter Charles, son of Captain Hallett; born 5th November, 1 868. 3'*’C — . Day Boy. Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1884 ; Silver (Classi- cal) Medallist, 1887 ; Demyship, Magdalen College, Oxford, 1887; 2nd Class Classical Moderations, 1889. Harley, D’Arcy Conington, son of Colonel Sir Robert William Harley, K.C.M.G., C.B., Lieutenant-Governor of British Honduras ; born 4th January, 1870, Z^M — . Lecon- field. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [April, 1883. 372 Heaven, Eustace Theodore, son of Joseph Robert Heaven, Esq., Withington House, Withington, near Manchester ; born ist April, 1869. Cricket XL, 1886-87. Racquet Pair, 1887. Holdship, Alfred Richardson, son of George Holdship, Esq., Auckland, New Zealand ; born 15th October, 1867. 4’^C — . Garth Garmon, Cricket XI. , 1886. Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. Hutchison, Robert Schlesinger, son of Colonel Frederick Joe Hutchison, Leeson Villa, Cheltenham ; born ist June, 1869. "f'M — . Day Boy. Ibhsrson, William, son of Joseph Ibberson, Esq., Solicitor, Dewsbury ; born ist March, 1871. Teighmore. Jowitt, Thomas Lawrence, son of Albert A. Jowitt, Esq., Hawthorn Lodge, Sheffield ; born 19th March, 1869. — . Lecon- field. Lampen, Robert Charles Horace, son of Captain Robert Lampen, Lanesborough Lodge, Chel- tenham ; born 12th October, 1871. — . Day Boy. Leeds, Edward Adderley Oglander, son of Henry Leeds, Esq., Lahore, Punjab, India ; born 24th November, 1869. 2®/ — . Day Boy. Levinge, Edward Vere, son of Harry Corbyse Levinge, Esq., Calcutta, India ; born 24th May, 1867. 2®C — , Newtek House. Jex-Blake (English Literature) Prize, 1884-85. Indian Civil Service, 1885 ; proceeded to Balliol College, Oxford, 1885 ; appointed to Bengal, 1887. Lockyer, William James Stewart, son of Joseph Norman Lockyer, Esq., 16 Penywern Road, London; born 3rd January, 1868. y^M — I'Af, HazelwelL Left July, 1885. Cricket XXII., 1885. Royal School of Mines, South Kensington. Lysaght, Gerald Stuart, son of John Lysaght, Esq., C.E., Stoke Bishop, Bristol ; born 2nd October, 1869. 2®_/ — . Leconfield. Football XV., 1886. Lysaght, Hastings Geoffrey, son of John Ly- saght, Esq., ,C.E., Stoke Bishop, Bristol ; born 1 6th April, 1868. y^M — . Leconfield. Rifle Corps VIII., 1885-86. Football XV., 1886. Died at Stoke Bishop, near Bristol, 25th July, 1887. Madden, Andrew Charles, son of Surgeon- General Charles Dodson Madden, Madras, India: born 12th July, 1869. 8^M — , Prowde Smith. St. John's College, Cambridge. Manley, Reginald Harwood, son of Deputy- Surgeon-General William George Nicholas Manley, 3 Lansdown Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 9th December, 1870. — . Day Boy. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1883. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1888. Manley, William George Henry, son of Deputy- Surgeon-General William George Nicholas Manley, 3 Lansdown Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 23rd December, 1869. 8® A/ — . Day Boy. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1887. Lieu- tenant, Royal Artillery, 1890. Marshall, Alban Luxmoore, son of the Rev. Stirling Frederic Marshall, Farnham-Royal Rectory, Slough ; born 22nd May, 1868. 6’’C — . Garth Garmon. Money, Charles Lethbridge, son of the Rev. Canon Charles Forbes Septimus Money, 2 Lansdown Crescent, Cheltenham ; born 26th September, 1869. 2’y — . Day Boy. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 1888. Napoleon, H.I.H. Prince Louis Joseph Jerome Paul, son of H.I.H. Joseph Charles Paul, Prince Napoleon, 17 Avenue d’Autin, Paris; born 17th July, 1864. 2®C — 2®C. Teighmore. Left July, 1883. Was an Officer in the Italian Cavalry ; subse- quently appointed Lieut. -Colonel of Dragoons in the Russian Army. Noble, Charles John, son of John Noble, Esq., LittleoVer, Derby ; born 30th October, 1866. y'^M — . Garth Garmon. Previously at Rossall School. Noyes, Tom George Ronald Elliot, son of Major George Augustus Noyes, Valetta, Malta ; born 1 2th March, 1870. 8M/ — . Boyne House. Osborne, Henry, son of Pat Hill Osborne, Esq., Karenza, Cheltenham ; born 4th April, 1866. 8®Af — . Leconfield. Owen, Arthur Synge, son of the Rev. James Albert Owen, 22 Suffolk Square, Chelten- ham ; born 22nd August, 1871. 2®_/ — Up- per bC. Day Boy. Left July, 1890. Jex-Blake (Geographical) Prize, 1886 ; Jex-BIake (English Literature) Prize, 1886-87-89. Silver (Clas- sical) Medallist, 1888 ; Iredell Prize, 1888 ; Senior Prefect, 1889-90. Head of Classical, December, 1887 — July, 1890. Scholarship, New College, Ox- ford, 1890. Prickett, Francis Fenton, son of the Rev. Thomas William Prickett, 4 Sandford Place, Cheltenham; born 14th August, 1869. yC — . Day Boy. Pringle, William, son of Robert Keith Pringle, Esq., Thorncliffe, Cheltenham; born 21st October, 1868. yC — . Day Boy. Robertson, Charles Chetwode, son of the Rev. Charles Hope Robertson, Smeeth Rectory, Ashford; born 24th April, 1871. 2®_/ — . Teighmore. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1883. Schacht Prize, 1888. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1888. Scott, George Bedell, son of the Rev. James Bedell Scott, Benagher Rectory, London- derry, Ireland; born 20th June, 1868. 8C — . Boyne House. Soames, Harold, son of the Rev. Charles Soames, Mildenhall Rectory, Marlborough ; born i6th September, 1868. 8C — . Christowe. Previously at Rugby School. April, 1883.] PRINCIPAL: REV. H. KYNASTON, D.D. 373 Squire, Charles, son of Captain Cecil Squire, Exmouth, Devon ; born 9th July, 1869. 4’’C — . Garth Garmon. Stopford, James Wiliam, son of Captain Thomas Stopford, Eglantine, Mallow, Co. Cork, Ireland ; born ist January, 1871. 3_/ — . Teighmore. Address: ii The Crescent, Queenstown, Co. Cork. Swinhoe, Edmund Arthur, son of William Swin- hoe. Esq., Solicitor, 3 Old Post Office Street, Calcutta ; born 3rd July, 1870. 8C’ — . Newtek House. Swinhoe, Edwin Percy, son of William Swin- hoe, Esq., Solicitor, 3 Old Post Office Street, Calcutta ; born nth February, 1872. 3/—. Day Boy. Swinton, Ernest Dunlop, son of Robert Rlair Swinton, Esq., 25 Randolph Crescent, Maida Hill, London ; born 21st October, 1868. 7’’yl/ — . Leconfield. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1886-88. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, i888. Tuke, Arthur William, son of Henry George Tuke, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Shelburne House, Cheltenham ; born 20th March, 1871. 3/—. Day Boy. Turner, Percy Alexander, son of Edward Gold- win, Esq., Solicitor, Morwenstow, Udney Park, Teddington, Middlesex ; born 31st October, 1868. — . Hazelwell. Cricket XL, 1885-86-87. P'ootball XV., 1885-86- 87. Received Presentation Cap from Old Cheltonian Football Club (season 1888-89). 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), West Riding Regiment, 1889. Watson, Frederick Vincent, son of Colonel George Vincent Watson, 13 Imperial Square, Cheltenham; born 9th May, 1869. 8C — . Day Boy. Pembroke College, Cambridge. Watson, George Vincent, son of Colonel George Vincent Watson, 13 Imperial Square, Chel- tenham ; born i8th May, 1871. 2'y — . Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant, 3rd Battalion, North Lancashire Regiment (Militia). ENTERED SEPTEMBER, 1883. Allen, Percy Undershill, son of Joseph Allen, Esq., Moreland House, Shepton Mallet ; born 22nd March, 1867. i“C — DC. Chelton- dale. Left July, 1885. Jex-Blake (Geographical) Prize, 1884. Dobson Scholar, 1885. Iredell Prize, 1885. Head of Clas- sical, December, 1884, to July, 1885. Indian Civil Service, 1885 ; proceeded to Magdalen College, Oxford, 1885 ; 2nd Class Oriental Studies, 1888 ; appointed to Bengal, 1887. Assistant Magistrate and Collector, North West Provinces, 1888. Annesley, Arthur James Patrick, son of Major- General William Richard Annesley, Shirley House, Cheltenham ; born ist August, 1869. 8C — . Day Boy. Baillie, Hubert, son of Colonel James Cadogan Parkinson Baillie; born 14th March, 1872. 2^y — . Teigh 7 nore. Baker, John ffolliott, son of the Rev. Slade Baker, 2 Berkeley Villas, Cheltenham ; born I oth February, 1870. 4*’C — . Day Boy. Jex-Blake Scholar, 1888. Keble College, Oxford, 1888. Barker, Hildebrand Samuel, son of Alfred J. F. Barker, Esq., Constantinople, Turkey ; born 1 8th June, 1869. 3V — (EC. Day Boy. Left July, 1887. Address : Societe Ottomane, Galata, Constanti- nople. Bennett, James Charles, son of James Law Bennett, Esq., Valparaiso, Chili ; born 24th July, 1868. Z^M—. Cheltondale. Benwell, Charles, son of Lieut.-Colonel Frede- rick William Benwell, Leckhampton Hall, Cheltenham; born 3rd January, 1867. 4"‘C — . Day Boy. Beresford, Henry Lowry Lambert, son of Major Henry Marcus Beresford, Drumlease, Dromohair, Co. Leitrim, Ireland; born 31st May, 1869. pM — . Boy 7 te House, Bluck, Montague Thomas Nelmes, son of — Bluck, Esq.; born 8th August, 1868. — . Day Boy. Boileau, Etienne Ronald Parbridge, son of Colonel Francis William Boileau, Whitly Villa, Leckhampton, Cheltenham ; born 8th April, 1870. 2*y — . Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant, 3rd Battalion, Middlesex Regiment (Militia). Bonnin, Alfred, son of Alfred Bonnin, Esq., Solicitor, Adelaide, South Australia ; born 1 6th June, 1867. 5®C — . Garth Garmon. Address : 14 Waymouth Street, Adelaide, South Australia. Boyle, John Charters, son of Hugh Boyle, Esq., Armagh, Ireland ; born 5th August, 1869. Z^M — . Lecotijield. Boyle, William MacCormac, son of Hugh Boyle, Esq., Armagh, Ireland ; born 2nd September, 1870. 3 V— Leconfield. Brayne, Henry Francis Robert, son of the Rev. Robert Thomas William Brayne, Woodburn House, Shepton Mallet ; born 23rd October, 1 868. 7 C — . Day Boy. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1887. Brooke, Edward Newton, son of Alfred Newton Brooke, Esq., i Painswick Lawn, Chelten- ham ; born 6th March, 1874. 3'y — . Day Boy. Bubb, William, son of — Bubb, Esq., Solicitor, Cheltenham; born i8th December, 1869. fiM — . Day Boy. Challinor,' Herbert, son of Charles Challinor, Esq., Basford Hall, Stoke-on-Trent ; born 2 1st April, 1868. Z^M — . Boyne House, Clark, Percy Guy Graham, son of A. E. Clark, Esq., Panda’s Villa, Burlington Gardens, Chiswick, near London ; born 2nd Septem- „ ber, 1871. 3V— . Teighmore. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [September, 1883. 374 . Clayton, Herbert, son of Charles Hoghton Clayton, Esq., Hill Side, Long Ditton, Sur- rey; born 30th March, 1870. 3'’C — . Newtek House. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1883. College Boat, 1888-89. Pembroke College, Cambridge, 1889. Clifford, Alfred Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel Alfred Clifford, Esq., The Grange, Twicken- ham, Middlesex; born 24th December, 1867. Garth Garmon, Coates, Douglas Richardson, son of Victor Coates, Esq., Rathmore, Dunmurry, Co. Antrim, Ireland; born 4th November, 1869. 7 ’’4/ — . Leconfield. Modern Football XV., 1886. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1886-88. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1888. Coldridge, Henry Wilton, son of the Rev. Samuel Powning Coldridge, Ide, near Exe- ter ; born 23rd June, 1873. f'J — . Teigh- 7 nore. Dickinson, Edgar Gustav, son of Aspden P. Dickinson, Esq., Fairelms, Blackburn; born 26th June, 1871. 3V~"- Teighmore. Dixon, Wastel George Brisco, son of George Hodgson Dixon, Esq., 7 Chatsworth Square, Carlisle; born 22nd October, 1868. — . Hazelwell. Drake-Cutcliffe, Bernard Mervyn, son of — Drake-Cutcliffe, Esq. ; born 17th July, 1869. 8"-Af — . Leconfield. Duncan, Francis James, son of Thomas Duncan, Esq., 14 Marloes Road, Kensington, Lon- don ; born 4th December, 1867. yC — . Hazelwell. Died at Bournemouth, 28th February, 1887. Eccles, George Edward, son of Captain William H. Eccles, 63 Eccleston Square, London ; born 31st August, 1870. — . Newtek House. Elliott, Thomas Gosselin, son of Nicholas G. Elliott, Esq., 16 Lansdown Terrace, Chel- tenham ; born 6th February, 1870. 6'’C — . Day Boy. Godfrey, Joseph James, son of George Brown Godfrey, Esq., C.E., Clifton Villa, Beverley Road, Hull ; born 31st January, 1870. y^M — . Leconfield. Greer, George William, son of William Greer, Esq., The Wilderness, Lurgan, Ireland; born 1st January, 1868. — lAJf. Cheltondale. Left July, 1885. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1885-87. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1887. Guild, William Auld, son of James Wyllie Guild, Esq., 17 Park Terrace, Glasgow ; born 15th October, 1867. 4*^^ — . Garth Garmon. Classical Football XV. , 1884. Hamilton, John George Harry, son of George Hamilton, Esq., Skene House, Aberdeen ; born 6th August, 1869. yC — . Newtek House. Rifle Corps VIII., 1888. Harvey, John William Graham, son of — Har- vey, Esq.; born 25th March, 1868. yC — . Cheltondale. Hichens, Walter Richard Howel, son of — Hichens, Esq. ; born 21st August, 1873. 3 V — . Day Boy. Hillier, Herbert Lacy, son of Montague Law Hillier, Esq., 1 1 Kidbrook Park Road, Black- heath, Kent ; born 23rd August, 1869. Z^M—. Day Boy. Hobkirk, Clarence John, son of John Hobkirk, Esq., 37 Great King Street, Edinburgh ; born 1 6th July, 1869. Z’^M — . Day Boy. Hornby Prize, 1888. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1888. Hobkirk, Stuart William Tatton, son of John Hobkirk, Esq., 37 Great King Street, Edin- burgh ; born 17th February, 1868. Z>°M — C'M. Day Boy. Left Easter, 1886. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1887. Lieu- tenant, Manchester Regiment, 1889 ; Resigned, 1890. Hogg, John Mackenzie Trower, son of Major Theodore William Hogg, Courtrai House, Cheltenham ; born 20th May, 1869. yC — . Day Boy. Left December, 1888. Football XV., 1887; Captain, 1888. Royal Mili- tary College, Sandhurst, 1888. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Berkshire Regiment, 1890. Hogg, Theodore Charles Mackenzie Trower, son of Major Theodore William Hogg, Courtrai House, Cheltenham ; born 13th May, 1867. Lt 7 ie — . Day Boy. Lieutenant, Connaught Rangers, 1886 ; joined Bengal Staff Corps, 1889. Hunter, James Walter Henry, son of Major F. M. Hunter, Dunarnon, Granada Road, South- sea; born 2 1st January, 1871. 3“/ — . Tetgh- more. Ingles, JohnDarnley, son of Deputy-Inspector- General John Chamberlayne Ingles, R.N. ; born 1 8th December, 1872. 3V^- Boy. Ingles, Philip Henry Bligh, son of Deputy- Inspector General John Chamberlayne In- gles, R.N.; born 19th April, 1875. -fij — . Day Boy. Jackson, Christopher Goddard, son of W. God- dard Jackson, Esq., Junior, Duddington, Stamford; born 23rd February, 1872. '^J — . Newtek House. Johnston, George Birch, son of George B. John- ston. Esq., Glynn, Belfast, Co. Antrim, Ire- land ; born 28th September, 1866. 4*’C — . Cheltondale. Lane, Percy Robertson Powys, son of Colonel Horatio Powys Lane, R.A., Secunderabad, Deccan, India ; born 27th November, 1872. 3'y — . Tetghmore. Longden, Arthur Berridge, son of Sir James Robert Longden, G.C.M.G., late Governor of Ceylon, Colnehurst, Watford, Herts; born loth March, 1868. 5M/ — . Newtek House . Stewart Prize, 1886. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1886. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Warwick- shire Regiment, 1888 ; Lieutenant, 1889. Lorimer, George, son of — Lorimer, Esq. ; born 9th September, 1870. 3"'C — . Day Boy. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1883. September, 1883.] Lowry-Corry, Noel Armar, son of Armar Henry Lowry-Corry, Esq., 8 Eaton Square, Lon- don ; born 25th December, 1867. ’]'^M — . Hazelivell. Previously at Harrow School (1881-83). Modern Football XV., 1885. Royal Military College, Sand- hurst, 1886-87. and Lieutenant, Grenadier Guards, 1888. McAlester, Charles Godfrey Somerville, son of Colonel Charles Somerville McAlester, Dtmsking House, Ayr, N.B. ; born 21st January, 1868. 3'’C — . Newtek House. Rifle Corps VIII., 1885-86; Captain, 1887. Balliol College, O.xford, 1887 ; 3rd Class Classical Modera- tions, 1889. Macdonald, Ranald Hume, son of John H. A. Macdonald, Esq., Q.C., 15 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh ; born 22nd February, 1 869. — . Griffi. 71 . Royal Indian Engineering College, Cooper's Hill, and Lieutenant (Direct Commission), Royal En- gineers, 1890. Manlove, Claude Septimus, son of Edward Manlove, Esq., Bramcote, Nottingham ; born 14th January, 1868. — . Leeon- Jield. Manners, John Edward, son of — Manners, Esq.; born 23rd August, 1869. 8C — . Day Boy, Manning, Thomas Sackville, son of Augustus George S. Manning, Esq., C.E., 7 Inverness Terrace, London ; born 30th June, 1870. _ Cheltondale. Markham, Francis Dobbs, son of Alexander M. Markham, Esq.; born 26th January, 1869. 4*’C — . Haselwell. Classical Football XV., 1886. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1888. and Lieutenant, Shrop- shire Light Infantry, 1890. Martyn, Henry Flower, son of the Rev. Charles John Martyn, Long Melford Rectory, Suffolk ; born 2 1 St April, 1868. 6 ^C—. Boyne House. Molesworth, The Hon. Charles Richard, son of The Right Hon. and Rev. the Viscount Molesworth, St. Petrock Rectory, St. Issey, Cornwall ; born 3rd January, 1869. 7“il/ — . Hazelwell. Morris, Walter Frederick, son of Henry Morris, Esq.; Mount Trafford, Eccles, Manchester ; born 13th August, 1868. — . Newtek House . . . Pakenham, Frederick Edward, son of Captain George Dent Pakenham, Wellington Villa, Cheltenham; born 26th October, 1869. 7'’ff/ — . Boyne House. Football XV., 1888. Paynter, Henry Ernest, son of Henry Augustus Paynter, Esq., Solicitor, Freelands, Alnwick ; born 15th June, 1869. 76' — . Boyne House. Pearce, Charles Ross, son of Stephen Pearce, Esq., 54 Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square, London; born 28th June, 1868. — . Cheltondale. Pipe-Wolferstan, Charles Almeric, son of Francis Stafford Pipe-Wolferstan, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Statfold, Tamworth ; born 29th August, 1869. 4'‘C — . Chrtstowe. 375 Poore, Arthur Wright, son of Edward C. Poore, Esq., Rainhill, near Prescot, Lancashire ; born 6th October, 1869. 2'y — . Newtek House. Robertson, Andrew, son of Lawrence B. Robert- son, Esq., 68 Union Street, Greenock ; born 1 8th September, 1866. 2"ff/ — . Beaufort House. Robinson, Harold Arthur, son of Major-General D. G. Robinson, R.E. ; born nth October, 1870. I'y — . Boyne House. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1889. Rolland, Charles Stewart, son of Captain Stew- art E. Rolland, Cheltenham; born 15th April, 1871. 2'y — . Day Boy. Gymnasium VIII. , 1888. Sanders, Alexander, son of — .Sanders, Esq. ; born 17th October, 1868. 5“C — . Day Boy. Sheppard, George Sidney, son of Colonel Thomas Dawson Sheppard, Lansdown Court East, Cheltenham ; born ist November, 1867. 5''C— . Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), 4th Dragodn Guards, 1888. Sheppard, Herbert Cecil, son of Colonel Thomas Dawson Sheppard, Lansdown Court East, Cheltenham ; born 23rd July, 1869. y^M — . Day Boy. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), Royal Artillery, 1889. Short, Percy, son of Robert John Short, Esq., Dighton Lodge, Highbury New Park, Lon- don ; born 26th September, 1870. dkj — . Tetghmore. Slacke, William Henry Owen, son of Lieut.- Colonel William Randall Slacke, R.E., Waltham Abbey, Essex ; born 9th October, 1867. 8'M/ — . Hazelwell. Smith, Frederick Wardle, son of Alfred Harri- son Smith, Esq., The Horbury, near Shef- field ; born nth January, 1869. 21 '^ M — . Hazelwell. Smith, Lewis Astley, son of — Smith, Esq. ; born 30th October, 1868. yC — . Garth Garmon. Address : Rosway, St. Leonards-on-Sea. Stanbridge, George, son of Thomas Stanbridge, Esq., Solicitor, Aston Flamville, Hinckley; born i2th November, 1869. ifJ— yC. Chel- tondale. Left December, 1885. Stanbridge, Marshall, son of Thomas Stan- bridge, Esq., Solicitor, Aston Flamville, Hinckley ; born 31st July, 1868. 8T/ — 5C Cheltondale. Left December, 1885. Late Lieutenant, 3rd Battalion, Leicestershire Regiment (Militia). Stephens, Hubert Harry, son of John Stephens, Esq., Barn wood, near Gloucester; born i6th September, 1868. CC — . Day Boy. Address : Barnwood, near Gloucester. Swire, Geoffry Cecil, son of — Swire, Esq. ; born 22nd November, 1869. 8®ff/ — . Hazel- well. Football XV., 1887. Cricket XL, i888. PRINCIPAL: REV. H. KYNASTON, D.D. [September, 1883. 376 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Thornton, Charles, son of Thomas Thornton, Esq., Cavenham House, Wereham, Stoke Ferry, Norfolk ; born 15th February, 1870. 3‘‘C— CC. Hazelwell. Left July, 1889. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1883. College Boat, 1887-89. Football XV. , 1887-88. Pembroke College, Cambridge, 1889. Turner, Braithwaite Hamilton, son of — Turner, Esq. ; born 25th September, 1869. 8“iJ/ — . Cheltondale. Vesey, Charles Edward Gore, son of Major- General George Henry Vesey, Mickleham, Dorking; born 27th May, 1871. 2^J—. Teighmore. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1888. Vinall, Edward William, son of Arthur J. Vinall,Esq.,7 Promenade, Cheltenham; born 1 8th January, 1871. 2'^J — . Day Boy. Re- entered College vide January, 1882. Wales, Ernest, son of Thomas Errington Wales, Esq., Cao Bailey, Swansea ; born 24th April, 1867. — . Garth Gar 7 no 7 t. Whiteford, Sidney Lovell, son of Sidney Tre- fusis Whiteford, Esq., 7 St. Leonard’s Road, Mount Radford, Exeter ; born 14th June, 1869. 4’’C — . Leco 7 iJield. Wilkins, William Henry, son of Arthur F. Wilkins, Esq., Parade, Trowbridge ; born 23rd May, 1870. 4^‘C — , Christowe. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1883. Wilson, Bernard Edward, son of Edward Thomas Wilson, Esq., M.D., Westal, Chel- tenham ; born 15th October, 1868. 8C — . Day Boy. Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester; awarded Diploma, 1889. Wordsworth, Henry, son of Henry Words- worth, Esq., Willow Lodge, St. James’s Road, Croydon; born iith August, 1870. 8'bJ/ — . Hazelwell. Wyley, Henry Charles, son of Henry James Wyiey, Esq., Cliffdale, Bridgnorth ; born 5th June, 1869. 5*C — . Christowe. Iredell Prize, 1888. ENTERED JANUARY, 1884. Atkinson, Francis Salisbury, son of Charles Robert Atkinson, Esq., Windsor, Belfast ; born 7th March, 1869. — . Newtek House. Rifle Corps VIII., 1884-85-86. Barrett, Algernon Hurley, son of William Pa- rish Barrett, Esq., Bunwell House, Chelten- ham ; born 27th July, 1869. 8C — . Day Boy. Brounlie, Alexander, son of Charles De Bels Brounlie, Esq., 26 Via Maria Vittoria, Turin ; born 2nd February, 1869. 8C — . Newtek House. Oameron, Hugh Alan, son of Captain John Duncan Cameron, Low Wood, Bethersden, Ashford, Kent; born 17th January, 1871. egM — ViJ/. Boy 7 ie House. Left July, 1887. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1884 ; Senior (Ma- thematical) Scholar, 1885; Jex-Blake Scholar, 1887; Silver (Mathematical) Medallist, 1887. Head of Mo- dern, Easter, 1886 ; and December, 1886, to July, 1887. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1887-89. Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1889. Clayhills, Charles Dunbar, son of Thomas Clayhills, Esq., Solicitor, Eastmount, near Darlington ; born 7th December, 1868. — . LecoTiJield. Cordeauz, Harold Edward Spiller, son of — Cordeaux, Esq.; born i6th November, 1870. 3®C — . Day Boy. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1884; Senior (Classical) Scholar, 1886 ; Dobson Scholar, 1889. Rifle Corps VIII., 1889. Classical Football XV., 1888. Scholar- ship, St. John's College, Cambridge, 1888. Craske, John, son of Christopher Beadnell Craske, Esq., Llwyncelyn, Llandovery ; born 7th November, 1869. 8C — . Garth Gar/ 7 i 07 i. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1888. 2nd Lieutenant, Leinster Regiment, 1890. Davy, Charles Vinicombe Butler, son of William Vinicombe Davy, Esq., Mysore, Madras ; born 24th October, 1869. 5*C — . Boyne House. Cricket XL, 1888. Davy, George Humphry Danvers, son of William Vinicombe Davy, Esq., Mysore, Madras ; born 17th December, 1870. 8'‘zJ/ — . Boy 7 ie House. Davy, John Richard Elliott Freese, son of William Vinicombe Davy, Esq., Mysore, Madras ; born 5th April, 1872. 3/ — . Teigh 77 iore. de Barreto, Henry Edward Ernest Victor D’AlreyJo, son of the Baron de Barreto, Berkeley House, Cambridge Street, Hyde Park, London ; born l6th February, 1869. 8*’Af — . Chelto 7 idale. Firbaiik, Godfrey, son of Joseph Firbank, Esq., St. Julian’s, Newport, Monmouth ; born 16th January, 1870. 8 C — . Boy 7 ie House. Fletcher, Thomas, son of — Fletcher, Esq. ; born 1 6th October, 1869. 8C — . Newtek House. Fowler, Willoughby Jones, son of Edward Willoughby Fowler, Esq., C.E., Cleaghmore, Ballinasloe, Ireland; born 25th February, "hJ — Upper tM. Teighf/iorezead Boyne House. Junior! (Mathematical) Scholar, 1886 ; Mathema- tical Scholar, 1887. Schacht Prize, 1889. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1889, Garland, Henry, son of George Garland, Esq., Valparaiso, Chili ; born 23rd January, 1868. 8 ^M — . Beaufo 7 ’t House. Glanville, Henry Estcourt,son of Major-General Francis Robert Glanville, R.A., 4 Bays Hill Villas, Cheltenham ; born 5th October, 1869. — . Day Boy. January, 1884.] PRINCITAL: REV. H. KYNASTON, D.I). Glanville, Reginald, son of Major-(]eneral Francis Robert Glanville, R.A., 4 Hays Hill Villas, Cheltenham ; born 5th October, 1869. 8“ A/ — . Day Boy. Glenlield, Frank, son of Francis Glenfield, Esq., Waterloo, near Liverpool ; born 27th January, 1869. 8M/ — . Garth Gannon. Gordon, Hamilton Charles, son of Hamilton Winkup Gordon, Esq., Bengal Civil .Service, Bengal ; born 25th February, 1870. 6''C — . Boyne House. Johnson, William Pierce, son of Major-General Alured Clarke Johnson, C.B., R.A., Umballa, India ; born 14th July, 1869. 8C — . Beau- fort House. Jones, Hope, son of David Jones, Esq., 19 Wel- beck Street, Cavendish Square, London ; born 25th June, 1870. — . Garth Gar- 7>ion. Leader, Henry Williamson, son of Captain Henry Eustace Leader, i6th Lancers ; born 1 8th July, 1869. 8^'M — . Cheltondale. Address: Mount Leader, Millstreet, Co. Cork, Ireland. Matthews, John Williains, son of John Williams Matthews, Esq., Solicitor, 9 West Hoe Terrace, Plymouth; born 21st June, 1867. I Cl/ — . Beaufort House, Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1884-86. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1886. Murat, John Henry Queriol, son of Henry T. Murat, Esq., Oporto, Portugal; born 17th July, 1868. Z'°M — . Pruen. Newman, Edward Lister, son of Frederick Newman, Esq., Oak House, Barnsley; born 22nd June, 1873. t)f — . Teigtunore. Nix, John Stanley, son of John Nix, Esq., Hol- well House, Somersham, near St. Ives; born 28th December, 1868. 3'’C — . Leconfield. Iredell Prize, 1886-87. Wyllie Scholarship, 1887. Trinity College, Oxford, 1887. Nix, Percival Kent, son of John Nix, Esq., Holwell House, Somersham, near St. Ives ; born 28th December, 1869. 5’’C — . Lecon- field. Pembroke College, Cambridge, 1888. Prentice, Francis, son of George Prentice, Esq., Coxhorne House, near Cheltenham ; born 7th April, 1872. 2)f — . Day Boy. Ramsay, Hugh Entwisle, son of Hugh Francis Ramsay, Esq., Hankow, China ; born 13th January, 1871. 6'‘C — . Beaufort Hojise. Rice, William, son of Francis John Rice, Esq., Solicitor; born 26th May, 1869. 3*>C — . Hazelivell. Sadler, Hasting Victor, son of George W. Sadler, Esq., Keynsham Villa, Cheltenham ; born i6th May, 1872. 3/ — . Day Boy. Saunders, Arthur Harold Ward, son of Major- General William Boyd Saunders, Ardmore, 377 Torquay; born 5th December, 1870. 8"A/ — . Boy7ie House. Schwabe, Maurice .Salis, son of Lieut. -Colonel George Salis Schwabe, 15 Montague .Street, Portman Square, London ; born 14th Oc- tober, 1871. 2“y — . Teighniore. Schwabe, Walter George Salis, son of Lieut. - Colonel George .Salis Schwabe, 15 Montague Street, Portman Square, London ; born 3rd March, 1873. 2“/ — . Teighmore. Simpson, Alexander, son of Alexander Simpson, Esq., 53 Cambridge Terrace, Hyde Park, London ; born 7th October, 1869. 6’'C — . Boy?ie Hoicse. Smith, Clarence Gorton Ross, son of Surgeon- General George Smith, Weygate, St. Cathe- rine’s, Guildford ; born i6th October, 1869. G"M — . Cheltondale. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1888. Staples, John Molesworth, son of Major-General Thomas Staples, Minsterworth Villas, Chel- tenham ; born 2nd May, 1869. 5’‘C— . Day Boy. Staples, Thomas, son of Major-General Thomas Staples, Minsterworth Villas, Cheltenham ; born 29th July, 1870. 8’’ A/ — . Day Boy. Steward, Arthur Gordon, son of the Rev. Charles Holden Steward, Northway House, near Tewkesbury ; born 4th May, 1869. 5*’C — . Hazelwell. Travers, Frank William, son of Captain Frank Travers, Cathedine Hill, Bwlch, Breconshire ; born 9th June, 1869. 8“Af — . Boyne House. Tyler, Alfred Herbert, son of Captain Sir Henry Whatley Tyler, R.E., M.P., Pymmes Park, Edmonton, Middlesex ; born 27th December, 1870. G'M — C-M. Boyne House. Left July, 1888. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1886 ; Dobson Scholar, 1888 ; Silver (Mathematical) Medallist, 1888 ; Southwood Exhibitioner, 1888 ; Head of Modern, December, 1887, to July, 1888. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1888. Vincent, Edward, son of Edward Vincent, Esq., Swatow, China; born 31st August, 1 867. — . Hazelwell. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), Wiltshire Regi- ment, 1888. Weir, John Garland, son of Thomas Kynaston Weir, Esq., 5 Warrington Crescent, Lon- don ; born 14th March, 1870. GM — . Chel- to7idale. Rifle Corps VIII., 1885-86-87. Wilson, Joseph Hutchinson, son of John Wil- son, Esq., Fairfield, Lorton, Cockermouth ; born 30th November, 1868. GM — . Day Boy. Wilton, Robert Cecil, son of — Wilton, Esq. ; born 20th August, 1869. 8C — . Day Boy. Withycombe, Arthur Gill, son of — Withy- combe, Esq.; born 23rd June, 1870. 8C — , Day Boy. 378 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [May, 1884. ENTERED MAY, 1884. Barlow, Edward Burleigh Hovenden, son of William Hovenden Barlow, Esq., Cleveland Villa, Bath; born 15th March, 1870. 4*‘C — . Leconjield. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1889. Beachcroft, Francis Steward, son of Francis P. Beachcroft, Dharmsala, Punjab, India; born 30th January, 1868. YC — . Garth Gar- mon. Previously at Haileybury College. King’s College, Cambridge, 1886. Middlesex Hospital, London. Besant, Robert Eddy William, son of the Rev. William Besant, Buglawton Vicarage, Con- gleton; born 22nd November, 1869, — . Boyne House. Blgnell, William Welborne Cecil D’Oyley, son of William D’Oyley Bignell, Esq., Umballa, Punjab, India; born 30th November, 1870. — Y-M. Garth Gannon. Left Decem- ber, 1887. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1884. Cricket XI., 1887. RoyalMilitary Academy, Woolwich, 1887-89. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1889. Boggs, Arthur Addison, son of Major Arthur Ansell Boggs, 4 Promenade Terrace, Chel- tenham ; born 21st February, 1870. G'M — . Day Boy. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1887-89. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1889. Address : Oaklands, Wetheral, Carlisle. Brownrigg-Jay, Harvey, son of — Brownrigg- Jay, Esq.; born 13th March, 1868. 4'‘C — . Christowe. Previously at Wellington College. 2nd Lieutenant, (from Militia), Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, 1887, Cabrera, Gustavus, son of Gustavus Cabrera, Esq., loi Philbeach Gardens, Earl’s Court, London ; born ist July, 1871. G°J — C. Teighmore. Left 1 888. Classical Football XV., 1888. In business in London. Calvert, Alexander Cotton, son of Major Re- ginald Calvert, Owlestone Croft, Newnham, Cambridge; born 12th July, 1869. G°M — . Christowe. Campbell, Arthur Crawford Julian, son of — Campbell, Esq.; born 5th September, 1870. 3*’C — . Day Boy. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1887-89. 2nd Lieutenant, Middlesex Regiment, 1889. Cooke, Stanley, son of James Samuel Cooke, Esq., Springfield, Gomersal, near Leeds ; born 26th November, 1871. ij—. Teigh- more. Coryndon, Robert Thorne, son of Selby Coryn- don. Esq., Solicitor, Kimberley, Cape Colony; born 2nd April, 1870. — . Beaufort House. Crawley, Francis Howard, son of — Crawley, Esq.; born 22nd January, 1869. — . Boyne House. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1887, Curtis, Arthur Evelyn Scott, son of Major- General Reginald Curtis, 98 St. George’s Square, London; born 21st January, 1870. TM — . Newtek House. Dowling, Arthur Stanley, son of Edmund Dowling, Esq., 75 King Henry’s Road, London; born 12th June, 1870. 4"’C — . Garth Garmon. Frankland, Sir Frederick William Francis George, Baronet, son of Lieut.-Colonel Sir William Adolphus Frankland, Bart., R.E. ; born 2nd September, 1868. G-M — . Boyne House. Succeeded his father as 10th Baronet in 1883. Late Lieutenant, 5th Battalion, Royal Dublin Fusiliers (Militia). Address : Thirkleby House, Ascot ; and White’s Club, St. James’s Street, London, S.W. Gibbon, Edward Robert Allenberg, son of Edward Gibbon, Esq., Farmsmith, Orange Free State, South Africa; born 17th Octo- ber, 1869. 8LJ/ — i^M. Christowe. Left July, 1886. Cricket XXII., 1886. Cape University, South African College, 1886-87. Grant, Alexander Chicheley, son of Trevor John Chicheley Grant Esq., Bengal ; born 15th June, 1869. 4*C — . Day Boy. Hainsworth, William, son of James Hainsworth, Esq., 34 Phillimore Gardens, Kensington, London; born nth May, 1870. 6“C — grJ/. Hazelwell. Harding, Walter Ambrose Heath, son of Thomas Walter Harding, Esq., St. Ives, Headingley, Leeds ; born ist April, 1870. 7C — . Chris- towe. Jordan, Richard Price, son of — Jordan, Esq. ; born 2nd November, 1869. — . Garth Garmon. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), Gloucestershire Regiment, 1889. Lyall, Charles George, son of David Lyall, Esq., M.D., I Priory Parade, Cheltenham ; born 28th February, 1871. 8C — . Day Boy. Metcalfe, Wilfred Cecil, son of Michael Met- calfe, Esq., 9 Bridge Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia ; born loth May, 1870. 8C — . Cheltondale. FootbaU XV., 1887. Milvain, Frederick, son of Henry Milvain, Esq., North Elswick Hall, Newcastle-on- Tyne ; born 22nd December, 1869. 8C — . Cheltondale. Milvain, Herbert Forsyth, son of Henry Mil- vain, Esq., North Elswick Hall, Newcastle- on-Tyne ; horn 6th January, 1872. Zj~- Cheltondale. Morris, Price David Hughes, son of — Morris, Esq.; born 19th August, 1869. jC — . Day Boy. Oldham, Leslie William Searles, son of Sur- geon-Major Charles Frederick Oldham, Hampton Villa, Shurdington Road, Cheltem May, 1884.] PRINCIPAL: REV. H. KYNA.SfON, D.D. 379 ham ; born 3rd February, 1870. 5 ^* 37 — . Day Boy. Cork, Ireland ; born 31st March, 1870. 8C — . Chcltondale. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1887. Lieu- tenant, Royal Engineers, 1889. Osmaston, Bertram Beresford, son of John Osmaston, Esq., Hawkhurst Court, Billings- hurst, Sussex ; born 3rd January, 1868. 2*C — . Chcltondale. Osmaston, Lionel Sherbrooke, son of John Osmaston, Esq., Hawkhurst Court, Billings- hurst, Sussex; born 20th October, 1870. 6 ^ 1 / — . Chcltondale. Price, Robert James Stafford, son of Major Ralph Anstruther Price, 30 Aldridge Road Villas, Bayswater, London ; born i8th Feb- ruary, 1870. — . Boyne House. Rea, William Orlando, son of William Rea, Esq., Barnwood, Gloucester; born 23rd No- vember, 1871. 3y — . Teighmore. Rhodes, Edward Seymour Bristowe, son of Arthur Charles Rhodes, Esq., Solicitor, 208 Denmark Hill, London; born 20th October, 1869. 8C — . Leconfield. Rugge-Price, Arthur Rugge, son of Charles Rugge-Price, Esq., Spring Grove, Richmond, Surrey ; born loth February, 1873. Zj — • Teighmore. Sanders, Alvin Augustus, son of Thomas San- ders, Esq., Sanders Park, Charleville, Co. Rifle Corps VIII., 1887-88-89. Football XV. 1889. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1889. Sherer, James Donelly, son of John Walter Sherer, Esq., 22 Clanricarde Gardens, Bays- water, London ; born i8th January, 1870. (gM — . Boyne House. Van Bergen, Charles, son of A. Van Bergen, Esq., 1 18 Champs Elys^es, Paris ; born 28th July, 1869. y**.!/ — . Hazelwell. West, Ernest Edward, son of the Rev. John Otho West, St. Pinnock Rectory, Liskeard, Cornwall ; born 23rd May, 1868. — . Garth Garmon. 2nd Lieutenant (from Militia), 5th Lancers, 1888. Wetherell, Robert May, son of Lieut.-Colonel Robert William May Wetherell, Thayetmyo, Burmah ; born 19th January, 1874. })J — . Teighmore. Wetherell, William Edward May, son of Lieut.-Colonel Robert William May Wethe- rell, Thayetmyo, Burmah ; born ist July, 1872. 3_/ — . Teighmore. Whitefield, Frederic Butt, son of — Whitefield, Esq., M.D.; born 30th July, 1870. i^J — . Leconjield. ENTERED SEPTEMBER, 1884. Armit, Louis Napier, son of William Armit, Esq., 66 Lexham Gardens, Cromwell Road, London ; born 13th July, 1868. 6'^M — . Leconjield. Atkinson, Francis William, son of — Atkinson, Esq.; born 1st December, 1868. ejM — . Beaufort House. Baldwin, Columbus Calvert, son of Christopher Columbus Baldwin, Esq., i Promenade Ter- race, Cheltenham ; born 6th January, 1872. — . Day Boy. Baldwin, James Dixon Roman, son of Chris- topher Columbus Baldwin, Esq., i Promenade Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 16th March, 1869. 6'^C — . Day Boy. Barnes, Fletcher William, son of Robert Barnes, Esq., Cedar House, Clapham Common, Surrey ; born i6th August, 1869. — . Hazelwell. Beresford, Henry de la Poer, son of Major- General George de la Poer Beresford, Eamont, Cheltenham ; born 25th October, 1874. J'J — . Day Boy. Birkett, Thomas William, son of James Birkett, Esq., Grassendale, Liverpool; born nth March, 1871. 8C — . Beaufort House. Bland, Robert Wyndham Humphry Maciel, son of John Humphry Bland, Esq., Willington House, Maidstone ; born 27th January, 1872. JJ — . Teighmore. Boyd, Alexander Charles, son of Major-General Mossom Boyd, 4 Wolseley Terrace, Chelten- ham ; born nth April, 1871. 8C — . Day Boy. Challinor, Victor, son of Charles Challinor, Esq., Basford Hall, Stoke-on-Trent ; born 5 th February, 1870. — . Boyne House. Charley, Arthur Frederick, son of William Charley, Esq., Seymour Hill, Dunmurry, Co. Antrim, Ireland; born 25th September, 1870. — . Prowde Stnith. Chute, Richard Aremburg Blennerhassett, son of Francis Blennerhassett Chute, Esq., Chute Hall, Tralee, Ireland ; born 24th June, 1870. — . Boyne House. Clay, John, son of — Clay, Esq.; born loth September, 1869. C^C — . Christowe. Gymnasium VIII., 1886. Cooper, Rothwell Howard, son of Thomas Cooper, Esq., 40 Balmoral Road, Elm Park, Liverpool ; born 29th May, 1870. — . Garth Garmon. Cresswell, Richard Henry, son of Richard Cress- well, Esq., Surgeon, Mickleton, Campden, Gloucestershire ; born 22nd July, 1870. 8C — . Prowde Smith. Dyas, Richard Seymour Vivian, son of — Dyas, Esq.; born 13th April, 1875. f'J — . Teigh- more. Earnshaw, Bertram Briggs, son of — Earnshaw, Esq.; born 31st May, 1873. 3*y — . Day Boy. Earnshaw, Harry Popplewell, son of — Earn- shaw, Esq.; born 12th October, 1870. 2’>_/ — . Day Boy. Easton, Frederick Arthur, son of Captain F. Easton, Moorhurst, Bournemouth ; born 2nd May, 1871. — . Beaufort House. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1884. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1888. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [September, 1884. 380 Elliott, Charles Allen, son of Nicholas G. Elliott, Esq., 16 Lansdown Terrace, Chelten- ham ; born 17th March, 1871. — . Day Boy. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar. 1884. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1888. Fry, George Augustus, son of George Fry, Esq., The Warren, Chobham ; born 23rd January, 1 869. 7^d/ — . Beaufort House. Gale, Arthur Charles, son of Charles Francis Gale, Esq., Solicitor, Cheltenham ; born i8th April, 1871. 7C — . Day Boy. Gibbins, Cecil, son of Henry B. Gibbins, Esq., Bryntirion, Cheltenham; born 6th July, 1868. (y^M — . Day Boy. Gordon, Henry William, son of General Samuel Enderby Gordon, G.B., R.A. ; born 5th Feb- ruary, 1871. 2’y — . Day Boy. Hornby Prize, 1887. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1887. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, i8go. Grant, Henry William Townsend, son of Henry Grant, Esq., Sydney Hyrst, Croydon ; born 19th October, 1870. — . Haselwell. Grierson, George James, son of Joseph Grierson, Esq., Coquimbo, Chili ; born 30th March, 1873. 3 *!/ — • Beaufort House s.nA Chelton- dale. Left December, 1889. Gymnasium VIII., 1889. Grundy, Julius William, son of William Grundy, Esq., La Paz, Bolivia, South America ; born 2 1 St May, 1870. 8*'Af — . Garth Garmon. Hanson, Harry Ernest, son of Henry H. Han- son, Esq., Cherry Garth, Cottingham, York- shire ; born 2nd March, 1873. Vj — • Teigh- mo 7 'e. Hibbert-Ware, George, son of — Hibbert- Ware, Esq. ; born 4th November, 1872. — Upper 6 C. Day Boy. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1884 ; Junior Mathe- matical Scholar, 1885 ; Classical Scholar, 1887 ; Jex- Blake (English Literature) Prize, 1888 ; Walker Prize, 1889. Hill, William Leonard Bertram, son of Major William Alexander Hill, Hazel Lea, Chel- tenham ; born 2nd December, 1871. Z'°M — . Cheltondale. Kenny, Courtney, son of Stanhope W. F. Kenny, Esq., Ballinrobe, Co. Mayo, Ireland ; born 22nd February, 1869. f'M — . Leconfield. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1886-88. Lieu- tenant, Royal Artillery, 1888. Kidd, Francis, son of Francis Kidd, Esq., Free- lands, Didsbury, Manchester; born 15th December, 1869. — . Hazelwell. Levick, Lionel Tudway, son of James Levick, Esq. ; born 7th December, 1872. — Upper 6 C. Day Boy. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1886 ; Classical Scho- lar, 1887. Lloyd, Eyre Evans, son of Eyre Lloyd, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Little Heverswood, Bras- ted, Kent ; born 28th May, 1870. Z^M — . Leconfield. Mackenzie, George Douglas, son of Lieut.- Colonel George Mackenzie, Bangalore, My- sore, Bombay ; born 22nd May, 1870. — . Day Boy. Maling, Arthur Irwin, son of the Hon. Captain Irwin Charles Maling, Grenada, West Indies ; born loth May, 1870. — . Hazelwell. Gymnasium VIII. , 1887-88. Football XV. , 1888. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1888. Mathews, John, son of John Mathews, Esq., Dacre House, Rock Ferry, Cheshire ; born 6th September, 1869. 8’^Af — . Newtek Hotese. Died at Cheltenham, 14th March, 1886. Paterson, Robert Stewart, son of Robert Ste- wart Paterson, Esq., C.E., Munstone House, Hereford ; born 21st September, 1868. UM — . Newick House. Perreau, Arthur Montague, son of Colonel Montague Charles Perreau, Calcutta ; bom 4th September, 1870. 3®C — . Hazelwell. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1888. Platt, Francis James, son of James Platt, Esq., Gloucester ; born 25 th February, 1869. 7'>Af — . Day Boy. Porter, Herbert Alfred, son of Fortescue Wil- loughby Porter, Esq., Benares, India ; born 1 6th January, 1872. — . Day Boy. Price, Arthur Denton, son of John Price. Esq., C.E., Rose Villa, Jarrow ; born 17th De- cember, 1872. 'f‘f — . Teighmore. Raby, Charles Francis, son of George Raby, Esq., Valparaiso, Ghili ; born 19th April, 1873. 3V — • Beatifort House z.xiA Chelton- dale. Sanford, George Batthyany, son of Lieut.- Colonel George Edward Langham Somerset Sanford, C.B., R.E., Simla, Punjab, India: born 19th July, 1871. 7C — . Garth Gar- mon. Scot-Skirving, Archibald Scot, son of R. Scot- Skirving, Esq., 29 Drummond Place, Edin- burgh ; born 28th June, 1868. f-C — . Chel- tondale. College Boat, 1886. Football XV., 1887. Tapling, Alfred John, son of Alfred John Tap- ling, Esq., Wrawby, near Brigg, Lincoln- shire ; born 20th April, 1869. UM — . Le- confield. Taylor, Domville Mascie, son of Mascie Henry Taylor, Esq., Besselsleigh House, Chelten- ham ; born 17th September, 1871. 3*^ — . Day Boy. Thesiger, The Hon. Wilfred Gilbert, son of Lieut.-General the Right Hon. the Lord Chelmsford, 5 Knaresboro’ Place, London ; born 25th March, 1871. Z^M — Special 6 C. Leconfield. Cricket XL, 1888-89; Captain, 1890. Racquet Champion, 1889 ; Racquet Pair, 1889-90. Hornby Prize, 1889. Toller, Hamlet Bush, son of Captain Toller, R.E. ; born 20th December, 1871. 2'°f—. Day Boy. Vans-Best, Thomas Ale.xander, son of — Vans- Best, Esq.; born 8th October, 1870. 2*_/ — Upper 6 C. Day Boy. Awarded Gold Medal in 1887, offered by the Septf.mhkr, 1884.] PRINCIPAL: REV. H. KYNASTON, 1 ).D. French Minister of Public Instruction for the best French Scholar of the year in England. Jex-Hlake (English Literature) Prize, 1889. Vaughan- Arbuckle, Charles Lionel, son of Major-General Charles Vaughan-Arbuckle, R.A. ; born 28th November, 1869. 6 L 1 / — . Prowde Smith. Waldy, Archibald Francis de Garmundesway, son of the Rev. John Edward Waldy, Cla- verton Rectory, Bath ; born 13th October, 1870. 8C — . Boyne House. Walker, Edward William May, son of Major Thomas Walker, R.A., 4 Priory Parade, Cheltenham; born ist May, 1871. — . Day Boy. 381 Stewart Prize, 1887. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, i888. Walker, Thomas Malcolm, son of Major 'I'homas Walker, R.A., 4 Priory Parade, Cheltenham ; born 9th July, 1872. 2'>_/ — . Day Boy. Whitman, George Ashley, son of — Whitman, Esq.; born i6th September, 1869. 4''C — . Prue7i. Young, Edward Maule, son of Major Thomas Young, Les Combournaises, Dinan, Cotes du Nord, France; born nth July, 1870. "jM — . Hazelwell. Cricket XL, 1888-89. Football XV. , 1889. Hornby Prize, 1889. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1889. ENTERED JANUARY, 1885. Beadnell, Charles Marsh, son of Major Charles Edward Beadnell, R.A., Limerick, Ireland ; born 17th February, 1872. 7,’^J — . Teighmo7-e. Burkill, Harold John, son of Isaac Henry Bur- kill, Esq., 4 Royal Well Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 27th December, 1872. JJ — . Day Boy. Carter, Arthur St. John, son of George William Lee Plumptree Carter, Esq., Barrister-at- Law, 43 Gloucester Street, Pimlico, London ; born 13th November, 1869. 8C — . Newtek House. Cockburn, John Brydges, son of Sir Edward Cludde Cockburn, Bart., Pennoxstone Court, Ross, Herefordshire ; born 23rd December, 1870. yM — . Boyne House. Cricket XL, 1889. Cross, Harold Montague, son of Samuel Cross, Esq., Rock Lane, Rock Ferry, Cheshire ; born 5th November, 1870. ZM — . Cheltoii- dale. Cross, Herbert Samuel, son of Samuel Cross, Esq., Rock Lane, Rock Ferry, Cheshire ; born 10th August, 1869. — . Chelton- dale. Cullen, Thomas Johnstone, son of Deputy- Surgeon-General David Cullen, Halsey House, Cheltenham ; born 15th January, 1873. — . Day Boy. Evans, Robert Cecil Harwood, son of Hugh Roljson Evans, Esq., Brisbane, Australia ; born i6th March, 1869. 6Af — . Day Boy. Francis, Alan Ogilvie, son of James Goodall Francis, Esq., late Premier of Victoria, Australia ; born 6th July, 1868. (PC — . Boyne House. Francis, Owen Lyall, son of James Goodall Francis, Esq., late Premier of Victoria, Australia ; born 6th July, 1868. 6M — . Boyne House. Football XV. , 1886-87. George, Claude Seymour, son of Francis Sey- mour George, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, 168 Cromwell Road, London ; born 19th Sep- tember, 1870. 8C — . Hazelwell. Glanville, Ernest Wilfred, son of Major-General Francis Robert Glanville, R.A., 4 Bays Hill Villas, Cheltenham ; born 28th November, 1870. <^M — . Day Boy. Hebden, George Cecil, son of William Hebden, Esq., Scarborough ; born 5th January, 1873. 2“/ — . Newtek House. Hebden, Henry William, son of William Heb- den, Esq., Scarborough ; born 5th September, 1870. 86’ — . Newiek House. Hodgson, Philip Egerton, son of Captain George Egerton Hodgson, 6 Montpellier Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 26th September, 1874. — . Day Boy. Mathematical Scholar, 1889. Hodson, Herbert, son of William Hodson, Esq., Holly Grange, West Derby, Liverpool ; born 26th May, 1 869. yM—. Newiek House. James, Arthur I'rederick, son of Stephen Har- vey James, Esq., Bengal Civil Service, Alla- habad, India ; born 17th May, 1875. SV — • Teighniore. Cox. College Boat, 1885-86. James, William Stephen Harvey, son of Stephen Harvey James, Esq., Bengal Civil Service, Allahabad, India ; born i6th September, 1872. 2’y — . Teighmore. Jennings, Richard Edward William, son of — Jennings, Esq.; born 9th October, 1870. e)M — . Garth Garmon. John, Rochfort, son of Peter Sophocles John, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Bankipore, Bengal ; born loth November, 1869. (PC — . Leeonjield. Knox-Browne, Thomas Arthur Hervey, son of Major J. H. Knox-Browne, Aughentaine, Five-Mile-Town, Co. Tyrone, Ireland ; born 29th May, 1870. 9T/— . Hazelwell. Langtry, Henry Vivian Montague, son of Lieut.- Colonel Henry Langtry, 8th Hussars, Meerut, Bengal ; born 12th November, 1869. (PC—. Beaufort Hotise. McAlester, William Henry Somerville, son of Colonel Charles Somerville McAlester, Dunsking House, Ayr, N.B.; born 5th May, 1871. ije — . Newiek House. Rifle Corps VIII., 1888-89; Captain, i8qo. Foot- ball XV. , 1889. McFarlane, Evan, son of Daniel McFarlane, Esq., Delvine, Dunkeld, N.B. ; born 12th January, 1869. — . Day Boy. McFarlane, Kenneth, son of Daniel McFarlane, Esq., Delvine, Dunkeld, N.B. ; born 20th January, 1871. yM—. Day Boy. Pembroke College, Cambridge, 1889. [January, 1885. 382 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Martin, George Henry Ffulke, son of the Rev. George Henry Martin, 23 St. Mary’s Road, Dublin ; born i8th October, 1868. 6^C — . Boyne Hojise. Died at Dublin, 6th March, 1888. Massy-Dawson, Charles Godfrey, son of Francis S. Massy-Dawson, Esq., 17 Landsdown Place, Cheltenham ; born 29th September, 1873- 3 V— • Day Boy. Cox. College Boat, 1888.' Massy-Dawson, Robert Henry, son of Francis S. Massy-Dawson, Esq., 17 Lansdown Place, Cheltenham ; born 13th October, 1874. 3 V— • Day Boy. Montagu, Drogo, son of General Horace William Montagu, C.B., R.E., Lexden Road, Colchester; born i6th August, 1870. qAf — . Christowe. Muntz, Edward Algernon Ernest, son of Fre- derick Ernest Muntz, Esq., 3 Gloucester Place, Hyde Park, London ; born 7th De- cember, 1871. 9/I/ — . Leconfield. Rifle Corps VIII., 1889. Penrose, Edward Samuel, son of William Henry Penrase, Esq., Lower Park, Derham ; born 13th March, 1868. Line M — . Hazelwell. Football XV., 1886. College Boat, 1887. 2nd Lieutenant, 3rd Battalion, Essex Regiment (Militia). Persse, Henry Seymour, son of Henry Sadleir Persse, Esq., Glenarde, Galway, Ireland ; born 17th June, 1869. Christowe. Rifle Corps VIII. , 1887. Modern Football XV., 1887. Porcher, Frederick Milnes, son of William Read Porcher, Esq., Leconfield, Cheltenham ; born 15th April, 1871. 7M — . Leconfield. Prendergast, Harry Young Dalrymple, son of Major-General H. W. Prendergast, Secun- derabad, India; born 8th December, 1871. jM — . Boyne House. Smith, Arthur Henry Alexander, son of Arthur Heavens Smith, Esq., Solictor, Cheltenham ; born 2nd June, 1869. yAf — . Day Boy. Smith, Gerard Kirke, son of Alfred Harrison Smith, Esq., The Horbury, Sheffield ; born 15th October, 1870. 9A/ — . Hazelwell. Taylor, Hugo Mascie, son of Mascie Henry Taylor, Esq., Besselsleigh, Cheltenham ; born 15th July, 1870. qAf — . Day Boy. Cox. College Boat, 1887. Townsend, Thomas Crofton Croker, son of William Uniacke Townsend, Esq., 15 Earls- fort Terrace, Dublin; born 21st January', 1 870. 9A/ — . Cheltondale. Vaughan, Frederick Lloyd, son of Captain Herbert Vaughan, 26 Cambray, Cheltenham ; born 25th March, 1871. -fij — . Day Boy. Walker, Ralph, son of R. C. Walker, Esq., Owton Fence House, West Hartlepool; born nth December, 1870. 7C — . Hazelwell. Rifle Corps VIII., 1887-88. Football XV., 1889. Williams, Augustus Gwatkin, son of Edward Gwatkin Williams, Esq., Purneah, Bengal ; born 2nd February, 1872. 2^/—. Teighviore. Woodiwiss, Isaac Newton, son of — Woodi- wiss. Esq.; born 17th August, 1869. 8Af — . Davis. Gymnasium VIII., 1888-89. Address : The Pastures, Derby. ENTERED APRIL, 1885. Abell, Charles Henry, son of — Abell, Esq. ; born 30th September, 1869. gM — . Hazel- well. Alderson, George Alexander, son of George Alderson, Esq., Alexandria, Egypt ; born 26th June, 1870. gM — . Lecorfield. Ashburner, Charles Edward, son of Captain Charles Ashburner ; born 9th May, 1870. e^M — . Leconfield. Brooking, Herbert Arthur Courtenay, son of Arthur Brooking, Esq., Caprera, Sandown, Isle of Wight; born 15th May, 1871. gM — . Christowe. Brown, William Lanyon, son of William Luke Brown, Esq., Craven Bank, Keighley ; born 19th March, 1871. gM—. Boyne House. Address : Craven Bank, Keighley. Brunner, Harold Roscoe, son of John Tomlin- son Brunner, Esq., Winnington Old Hall, Northwich ; born 22nd January, 1871. 7C — . Cheltondale. College Boat, 1887-88. St. Peter's College, Cam- bridge, 1888. Bull, George Parker, son of — Bull, Esq. ; born 1 6th January, 1870. gM — . Day Boy. Bury, Herbert, son of — Bury, Esq. ; born 28th January, 1871. 6“C — . Hazelwell. Campbell, Charles Edward, son of — Camp- bell, Esq.; born 17th March, 1871. gM—. Hazelwell. Chambers, Andrew Bennet, son of George Nicholson Chambers, Esq., Northumberland Lodge, Ealing, Middlesex; born 12th Sep- tember, 1871. C'J — . Teighmore. Clark, Frederick Walter Fell, son of Robert Ingham Clark, Esq., 2 Park Prospect, Queen Anne’s Gate, London ; born i6th August, 1870. gM — 2IM. Leconfield. Left July, 1888. Cricket XXII., i888. Is studying at Hanover. Address ; 2 Park Prospect, Queen Anne’s Gate, London, S.W. Clayton, Ernest Sands, son of Sands Clayton, Esq., 34 Kensington Gardens Square, Lon- don ; born 21st October, 1871. 3*C — . Newtek House. Crawford, Henry Arthur, son of Robert Craw- ford, Esq., Stonewold, Ballyshannon, Ireland ; born iith May, 1870. gM — . Newton. de Moleyns, The Hon. Edward Dayrolles, son of The Right Hon. the Lord Ventry, Burn- April, 1885.] PRINCIPAL: REV. H. KYNASTON, D.D. 383 ham Dingle, Co. Kerry, Ireland; born 31st May, 1871. 8C — . Leconfield. Hills, Henry, son of Charles Henry Hills, Esq., West House, Tynemouth ; born 20th Sep- tember, 1872. 2'’_/ — . Teighmore. Classical Football XV., i888. Hirst, Edward Andus, son of James Andus Hirst, Esq., Adel Towers, near Leeds; born 4th September, 1871. gd/ — . Christowe. Holmes, Ernest Nigel, son of the Rev. Edward Molloy Holmes, Marsh Gibbon Rectory, Bicester; born 6th August, 1870. ZM — . Leconfield. Hunt, Charles De Vere, son of Colonel William Shapter Hunt, 4 Park Place, Cheltenham ; born 22nd August, 1874. 3^ — . Day Boy. Hurman, Frank Haynes, son of James Hurman, Esq., 144 Charles Street, Cardiff; born 6th January, 1871. gd/ — . Chelto 7 idale. Gymnasium VIII. , i88g. Address : Wyndcliffe, Cardiff. Inglis, John Alexander, son of Alexander Ing- lis. Esq., M.D., Montpellier Lawn, Chelten- ham ; born 3rd February, 1873. 2'y — . Day Boy. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1886. Classical Scholar, 1887. Greek Testament Prizeman, 1889. Leahy, Kenyon Arthur, son of Colonel Arthur Leahy, R.E.; born 6th March, 1871. ZM — . Hazelwell. Lee, Henry Kenneth, son of Henry William Lee, Esq., Aylesford, Torquay ; born gth July, 1871. 7C — . Day Boy. Mayers, Lionel Gordon, son of — Mayers, Esq.; born 31st July, 1870. ZM — . Boyne House. Cricket XL, i888 ; Football XV., 1888. Oswald, Philip Stanley, son of Thomas Ridley Oswald, Esq., New Place House, Southamp- ton ; born 26th February, 1871. 5'’C — . ChristoTve. Left December, i88g. Football XV. , 1889; Cricket XL, 1889. Platt, Edward, son of James Platt, Esq., Glou- cester ; born 22nd April, 1872. ZM — . Day Boy. Polwhele, John Archibald, son of Thomas Rox- burgh Polwhele, Esq., Polwhele, Truro ; born loth January, 1871. 6*’C — . Cheltondale. Price-Dent, Phillip Hampton, son of Major- General Robert Howard Price-Dent, The Manor House, Hallaton, Leicestershire ; born 4th May, 1870. 8d/ — . Newick House. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1889. Holt, Wilfrid Francis Caswall, son of Thomas Francis Rolt, Esq., Oakhurst, Cheltenham ; born 26th September, i86g. 8C — . Day Boy. Shewell, Herbert Wills Bayley, son of Major- General Henry Shewell, Ash Priors, Chelten- ham ; born 23rd February, 1872. 76' — . Day Boy. Stone, William Cecil, son of Captain William Henry Stone, 42 Lansdown Crescent, Chel- tenham ; born 2rst October, 1870. 8d/ — . Day Boy. Thacker, Charles John, son of Captain John Thacker, Kilkenny, Ireland; born nth Au- gust, 1870. gd/ — . Garth Garmon. Turvey, Claude Ernest, son of — Turvey, Esq.; born. 8th February, 1871. gd/ — . Hazel- well. Warren, Frank, son of Colonel Sir Charles Warren, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., R.E. ; born loth January, 1872. fiC — Dd/. Boyne House. Left December, 1888. Stewart Prize, 1888. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1888. White, Francis Edward, son of Francis W. White, Esq.; born ist June, 1870. ZM — id/. Hazelwell. Left December, 1888. Previously at Brighton College. Football XV., 1888. ENTERED SEPTEMBER, 1885. Adams, Francis, son of Francis Adams, Esq., Clarence Villa, Cheltenham ; born 17th April, 1874. 2*y — . Teighmore. Algar, Alick Hamilton, son of Major-General James Sturgeon Hamilton Algar, Feroze- pore, India ; born 31st August, 1872. 'fi-J — . Teighmore. Allhusen, Frederic Henry, son of — Allhusen, Esq.; born 24th January, 1872. 6d/ — . Garth Gar 7 non. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1885. Anley, Herbert Lempriere, son of James Lem- priere Anley, Esq., Oakley, Cheltenham ; born 6th October', 1870. — . Newick House. Armit, Harry William, son of William Armit, Esq., 66 Lexham Gardens, Cromwell Road, London ; born gth July, 1870. 6’C — . Lecon- field. Austin, Charles Bruce Lefroy, son of the Rev. Christopher Edward Lefroy Austin, Teigh- more, Cheltenham ; born gth September, 1870. 5^C — . Day Boy. Austin, Edward Neville, son of the Rev. Chris- topher Edward Lefroy Austin, Teighmore, Cheltenham ; born loth November, 1873. 2®/ — . Day Boy. Austin, Robert Gordon Lefroy, son of the Rev. Christopher Edward Lefroy Austin, Teigh- more, Cheltenham ; born 28th December, 1871. 5'>C — . Day Boy. Cricket XL, 1889. Classical Football XV., 1889. Austin, William Stanton, son of Ware Plumptre Austin, Esq., Kylassa, Guildford ; born 22nd March, 1872. \'°J — . Teigh 7 nore. Baillie, George, son of — Baillie, Esq.; born 23rd November, 1870. ^M — . Prowde Smith. Royal Military Academy Woolwich, 1888. 384 Bain, Arthur Richard, son of William Levett Bain, Esq., Cotsvvold Villa, Cheltenham ; born 4th September, 1871. — . Day Boy. Barrett, Douglas Graham, son of William Parish Barrett, Esq., Bunwell House, Cheltenham ; born 27th September, 1870. 8C — . Day Boy. Bennett, Harry Charles, son of Charles John Bennett, Esq., Surgeon, 8 Bays Hill Villas, Cheltenham ; bom 28th October, 1872. i^_/ — . Day Boy. Bigg, Lionel Thursfield, son of the Rev. Charles Bigg, D.D., 28 Norham Road, Oxford ; bom 19th June, 1870. 2'=C — . Christowe. Cricket XI., 1888. Racquet Champion, 1888. Blyth, Bertie Hotham, son of Henry David Blyth, Esq., 28 Cleveland Gardens, London ; bom 9th April, 1869. — . Christowe. Re-entry vide September, 1882. Boileau, Bertrand Henry Carter, son of Colonel Francis William Boileau, Bengal Staff Corps, India; bom 21st April, 1875. 4*/ — . Day Boy. Bremner, Henry, son of — Bremner, Esq.; born 13th August, 1870. — ■. Boyne House. College Boat, 1888. Football XV., 1888. Brooke, Herbert Otto Wildman Goodwyn, son of Lieut.-Colonel William John Brooke, i Cotswold Lawn, Cheltenham ; born 30th April, 1871. 2*’C — Upper 6C. Day Boy. Left December, 1889. Re-entered College, Easter, 1890. Demyship, Magdalen College, O.xford, 1890. Bruce, Alan C., son of Alan Cameron Bmce- Pryce, Esq., Abbeyholme, Cheltenham ; born 19th January, 1873. i^J — . Teighynore. Bruce, Thomas, son of Alan Cameron Bmce- Pryce, Esq., Abbeyholme, Cheltenham ; born 1 2th August, 1871. 8Af — \^M. Day Boy. Left December, 1888. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1888. Chichele-Plowden, Trevor, son of Major Trevor John Chichele-Plowden ; born 20th August, 1 869. ZM — . Hazelwell. Modem Football XV., 1887. Royal Military Col- lege, Sandhurst, 1887. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal West Surrey Regiment, 1889. Clark, Henry Douglas Gee, son of H. W. Clark, Esq., Moultondale, Cheltenham ; born loth August, 1871. I’y — . Day Boy. Cullen, Ernest Henry Scott, son of Surgeon- Major Peter Cullen, 15 Imperial Square, Cheltenham ; born i6th November, 1869. 3'’C — . Day Boy. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1888. Cousins, William James, son of — Cousins, Esq. ; bom 3rd December, 1872. 4/ — . Teigkmore. Cuppage, Louis Robert Verner, son of George W. Cuppage, Esq., Riverston, Trim, Co. Meath, Ireland; born 23rd March, 1871. <)M — . Leconjield. Dart, Richard, son of George Jackson Dart, Esq., Casino, New South Wales, Austra- lia ; born 6th March, 1876. — . Teigk- more, [September, 1885. de Montmorency, Reymond Hervey. son of Major de Montmorency, Bengal Staff Corps, Woodfield Lodge, Streatham ; bom 6th Oc- tober, 1871. 3®C — . Christowe. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1885. Dickinson, John Harold, son of William How- ship Dickinson, Esq., M.D., 9 Chesterfield Street, IMay Fair, London ; bom loth May, 1869. 4’’C — . Newtek House. Gonrille and Caius College, Cambridge, 1888. Earl, William Rupert, son of the Rev. Henry Samuel Earl, Burlington Lawn, Chelten- ham ; born 21st August, 1870. \oM — . Day Boy. Earl, Ernest Theodore, son of the Rev. Henry Samuel Earl, Burlington Lawn, Chelten- ham ; bom loth June, 1872. loM — . Day Boy. Evans, Montagu Bowie, son of John Bowie Evans, Esq., 6 Douro Villas, Cheltenham ; born 6th August, 1 870. ZM — . Day Boy. Preriously at Malvern College. Foster, Henry Coles, son of Thomas Nelson Foster, Esq., Allt Dinas, Cheltenham ; born 6th October, 1871. 5*>C — . Day Boy. Fry, Ernest Edward, son of George Fry, Esq., The Warren, Chobham ; born 14th Decem- ber, 1 870. qAf — . Beatefort House. Gosselin, Corbet De Marchant, son of Major Frederick William Gosselin, 6 Sussex Place, Southsea ; bom 14th April, 1876. 4_/ — . TeigJunore. Granville, Court, son of the Rev. Roger Gran- ville, Bideford Rectory, Devon ; born 6th March, 1872. ZM — . Christoue. Hall, Arthur Henry, son of Thomas Hall, Esq., Blythe Hill House, Knowle ; bom 27th August, 1869. ZM — . Newton. Hewett, George Edward, son of Lieut.-Colonel Henry Hewett, 3 Priory Parade, Chelten- ham ; born 22nd August, 1872. 7C — . Day Boy. Hodges, Walter, son of William Henry Hodges, Esq., Ashtree House, Derby ; born 30th September, 1871. 6*’C — . Hazelwell. Cricket XI., 1887-88 ; Captain, 1889. Football XV., 1888. Ilbery, Markland, son of James William Henry Ilbery, Esq., 88 Oxford Gardens, London ; bom 22nd June, 1871. qM — . Leco7iJield. Jermyn, William Mayberry, son of — Jermyn, Esq. ; born 24th November, 1874. ep’J — . Teiglunore. Kettlewell, Arthur Bradley, son of Colonel Thomas Kettlewell, Scarborough Lawn, Cheltenham ; born 30th September, 1871. — . Day Boy. Lambert, Henr}" Gerald, son of Joseph Lam- bert, Esq., Cottingham, Hull ; born 9th October, 1871. 8C — . Leconjield. Lane, Jonathan Bruce, son of James Lane, Esq., Solicitor, 26 South Mall, Cork ; born 14th April, 1873. 3*y — • Teiglunore. Lawrence, Frederic John, son of Frederic Law- rence, Esq., Wellesley Villa, Chelten- ham ; bom 13th Februar)3 1870. ZM — . Day Boy, CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. SEPTiiMHER, 1885.] PRINCIPAL; REV. H. KYNA.STON, D.D. Lawson, George Pliilip, son of George Lawson, Esq., Newland Grove, Hull ; born 13th May, 1873. 4 ''/ — . Teighmore. Lochhead, Thomas Maclean, son of the Rev. John Lochhead, Carrick House, Chelten- ham; born 1 6th May, iSyt. qM — . Day Boy. McCammon. Thomas Valentine Plaistcd, son of CaptainThomas Andrew McCammon, Heech- croft, Holy wood, Co. Down, Ireland ; born 27th October, 1874. 4''J—. Teighmorez.r\d Frnen. Rifle Corps VIII., 1889. McLaren, Gordon, son of — McLaren, Esep; born 27th January, 1872. 3'y — . Day Boy. Macky, Francis Charles, son of Captain F. Macky, Belmont, Londonderry, I reland ; born 26th August, 1874. 4^J — . Teighmore. Makins, Paul Augustin, son of Colonel William Thomas Makins, M.P., i Lowther Gardens, London ; born 8th June, 1871. \oM — . Boyne Hotise. Previously at Eton College. Mellersh, William Lock, son of William Henry Mellersh, Esq., Solicitor, Cheltenham ; born 2ist July, 1872. \^J — . Day Boy. Moore, Pierce Longriste, son of Lewis Moore, Esq., Judge, India; born 29th June, 1873. \^J — . Teighmore. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1885-86. Clas- sical Scholar, 1887. Mulliken, Charles Francis Larkin, son of John Larkin Mulliken, Esq., 20 Montpellier Ter- race, Cheltenham ; born 30th January, 1874. — . Teighmore. Nalder, John Fielding, son of Fielding Nalder, Esq., Barrister, 94 St. George’s Square, London ; born 15th December, 1869. 7C — . Newtek House. Magdalen College, Cambridge, 1888. Nalder, Noel Francis, son of Fielding Nalder, Esq., Barrister, 94 St. George’s Square, London; born 25th December, 1870. igC — . Newtek House. Newall, Fraser George, son of — Newall, Esq.; born 1st June, 1872. -F-J — . Teighmore. Paterson, Edward Stanley, son of — Paterson, Esq.; born 4th October, 1869. 6 / 1 / — . Garth Garmon. Address : Springhall, Rutherglen, N. B. Peirce, Edward Gordon, son of — Peirce, Esq.; born 26th November, 1873. 1“/ — . Day Boy. Peirce, Harry Boyd, son of — Peirce, Esq.; born 26th March, 1875. 3'y — . Day Boy. Perkins, Bertram Falls, son of Major Alfred Thrale Perkins, Eastcourt, Wells, Somerset ; born 30th December, 1872. 3“/ — . Teigh- more. Phibbs, William Griffith, son of Lieut.-Colonel George Phibbs, Ardaghowen, Sligo, Ireland; born i2th January, 1872. SM—. Garth Garmon. Porcher, Alec Francis, son of William Read Porcher, Esq., Leconfield, Cheltenham; born 385 30th SeptemV/er, 1872. i*/ — Upper 6 M. Leeonjield. Left Easter, 1890. Mathematical Scholar, 1887. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1889. Powers, Alexander Charles, son of George Powers, Esq., Caldecote Grange, Biggles- wade; born 12th June, 1871. 7C — . Chel- tondale. Richmond, Robert Francis Crowe, son of Robert Richmond, Esq., Solicitor, Norton Hard- wick, near Stockton-on-Tees ; born 3rd July, 1872. 8C — . Day Boy. Robinson, Archibald Tyrrell, son of — Robin- son, Esq. ; born 9th June, 1872. tod/ — . Boyne House. Rodger, Peter Robertson, son of George Rodger, Esq., Solicitor, Raebank, Selkirk, N.B.; born 31st March, 1872. 8C — . Newtek House. Row, Herbert Raleigh, son of Major-General William Skene Row, Bengal Staff Corps ; born 8th February, 1874. 4^J — . Teigh- more. Russell, Charles Frederick, son of Charles Martin Russell, Esq., M.D., Chupra, India ; born 24th January, 1871. qd/ — . Newtek House. Saunders-Davies, Edwin Lewis Vaughan, son of — Saunders-Davies, Esq.; born 19th August, 1871. I oM — . Hazelwell. Saunders-Davies, Herbert John, son of — Saunders-Davies, Esq. ; born loth June, 1 870. 9iJ/ — . Hazelwell. Scott, Percy Alexander, son of Binny Scott, Esq., Eildon, Cheltenham ; born 23rd Jan- uary, 1872. 8d/ — . Boyne House. Smith, Norman McCall, son of — Smith, Esq.; born i8th February, 1875. '^J — . Day Boy. Smith, Thomas Clifford, son of Clifford Smith, Esq., Beccles ; born 25th February, 1872. 3*C — . Cheltondale. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1885. Silver (Classical) Medallist, 1889. ' Stacpoole, George William Robert, son of Richard Stacpoole, Esq., Eden Hall, Ennis, Ireland ; born 27th May, 1872. \oM — . Davis. Rifle Corps VIII., 1888. Stacpoole, Richard John, son of Richard Stacpoole, Esq., Eden Hall, Ennis, Ireland ; born 7th May, 1870. qd/ — . Davis. Rifle Corps VIII., 1887-88. Steinman, Bernhard Buckle, son of Colonel Matravers Harcourt Collier Bernhard Stein- man, R.A.; born 3rd August, 1874. 4V — • Teighmore. Stopford, Ronayne William Eyre, son of Lieut.- Colonel William Henry James Stopford, ist Sind Horse, India ; born 22nd May, 1873. 3'y — . Teighmore. Thornton, Hugh Aylmer, son of Thomas Thorn- ton, Esq., Cavenham House,Wereham, Stoke Ferry, Norfolk ; born loth May, 1872. yC—. Hazelwell. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1885. Cheltonian So- ciety Scholar, 1885. Walker Prize, 1889. Trethewy, Vivian, son of Alfred Hugh Tre- 3i> CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [September, 1885. 386 thewy, Esq., Llanwrst, North Wales ; born 1 2th November, 1871. 4^C — . Garth Gar- mon. Turton, Hugh Mitchell, son of Lieut.-Colonel Turton ; born 29th December, 1870. — . Christowe. Rifle Corps VIII. , 1887. 2nd Lieutenant, 3rd Battalion, Liverpool Regiment (Militia). Tweedie, Lawrence William, son of James Tweedie, Esq., Raehan House, Biggar, N.B.; born 17th August, 1870. qAf — . Newton. Vigue, Herbert William, son of Thomas Ais- labie Vigne, Esq., Pembridge House, Chel- tenham ; born 25th April, 1874. 4'y — . Teighmore. Waters, John William, son of — Waters, Esq.; born 9th October, 1871. 6^C — . Boyne House. Watson, Arthur William, son of James Watson, Esq., M.D., 70 Palmerston Road, Southsea; born i6th November, 1874. i^J — . Teigh- more. White, Robert Orr, son of — White, Esq.; born 4th November, 1871. 83/ — . Prowde Smith. Willes, Frederick William, son of Captain Harry C. Willes, 27 Lansdown Place, Chel- tenham ; born 7th April, 1872. 83/ — . Day Boy. Wilson, Richard Bryanton, son of Mark Wilson, Esq., Carnlough, Belfast, Ireland ; born i8th November, 1872. 3'y — . Teighnore. ENTERED JANUARY, 18.S6. Carden, John .St. Leger Taylor, son of Lieut.- Colonel Henry Robert Carden, Fishmoyne, Borrisoleigh, Ireland ; born 31st March, 1872. 93/ — . Boyne House. Carey, Lawrence Charles St. George, son of Lawrence St. George Carey, Esq.; born 30th July, 1871. loM — . Boyne House. Rifle Corps VIII., 1888. Carr, Francis Oxenham,son of Jonas King Carr, Esq., M.D., 10 Hatherley Place, Chelten- ham; born 17th April, 1872. (sM~Upper 63/. Day Boy. Left December, 1889. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1889. Chalmers, J ohn Gerald, son of Gerit Alexander Chalmers, Esq., Oaklands, Fountain Road, Upper Norwood, Surrey ; born 31st August, 1 874. JJ — . Teighmore. Previously at Dulwich College. Chalmers, William, son of Gerit Alexander Chalmers, Esq., Oaklands, Fountain Road, Upper Norwood, Surrey ; born 9th June, 1876. epj — . TeigJunore. Chute, Arthur Torrens, son of Francis Blen- nerhassett Chute, Esq., Chute Hall, Tralee, Ireland ; born 5th October, 1871. 93/ — . Boyne House. Cobbold, Charles Augustus, son of Allan Brooksby Cobbold, Esq., Aldershot House, Sutton, Sur- rey ; born 20th June, 1871. loM — . Chel- tondale. Football XV. , 1889. Coke, D’Ewes Leventhorpe, son of William Sacheverel Coke, Esq., Brookhill Hall, Alfre- ton ; born 27th February, 1874. epj — . Teighmore. Cox, Robert Frederic, son of William Sidney Cox, Esq., C.E., 66 George Street, Limerick; born 1st November, 1871. JM — . Beau- fort House. Edmondson, Arthur Wickham, son of Edward Edmondson, Esq., Fern Lea, Moseley Hill’, near Liverpool ; born 15 th February, 1871. J-C — . Hazelwell. Fisher, William Rowland, son of William Fisher, Esq., Chieveley, Bournemouth ; born nth January, 1874. 4*/-— Teighmore. Forbes-Sempill, The Hon, Robert Abercromby, son of The Right Hon. the Lord Sempill, Villa Martha, St. Jean de Luz, Basses Pyr6- n6es ; born 21st March, 1870. 5^3/ — . Hazelwell. Gordon, Alfred Ernest, son of Hamilton Winkup Gordon, Esq., Bengal Civil Service, Chupra, India ; born 25th November, 1871. \oM — . Boyne Hotise. Royal Military Academy, Woolvtich, 1889. Greatwood, Frederick Edward, son of Lieut.- Colonel Henry Frederick Greatwood, Tiver- ton, Devon ; born 21st September, 1870. 73/ — . Garth Garmon. Football XV., 1888. Griesbach, Walter Singleton, son of C. L. Griesbach, Esq., Deputy-Superintendent, Geological Survey of India, Calcutta ; born 19th May, 1873. J-J — . Teighmore. Grimes, Henry Gordon, son of James Watts Grimes, Esq.; born 7th April, 1874. ^J—- Teightnore. Jones, Herbert Wynn, son of William Halse Gatty Jones, Esq., Glandwr, Dolgelly ; born 24th February, 1873. 4J — . Teighmore. Jopp, Charles, son of John Gale Jopp, Esq., Hazamachi, Satara District, Bombay ; born 2ist October, 1875. 4V — • Teighmore. Levick, Guy Hamilton Tudway, son of James Levick, Esq. ; born ist January, 1876. /Y'J — . Day Boy. Lucas, Saxon, son of — Lucas, Esq. ; born 22nd September, 1872. 7C — . Beaufort Hotise. McLaren, Ronald, son of — Me Laren, Esq. ; born 26th September, 1867. UC — . Day Boy. Middleton, Basil Charles, son of Charles Ed- ward Middleton, Esq., The Newlands; born 3rd January, 1876. e^J — . Teighmore and Boyne Hotise. Noel, Conrad Le Despenser Roden, son of The Hon. Roden Berkeley Wriothesley Noel, 57 Anerley Park, Anerley, Surrey ; born 1 2th July, 1869. 4*’C — . Newick House. Previously at Wellington College. Noyes, Ralph, son of Major Noyes, Valetta, Malta ; born 12th November, 1873. efj — . Day Boy. Palmer, Lionel Hugo, son of Sir Charles Mark January, 1886.] 387 l>RiNCIPAL: REV. H. KYNASTON, D.I). I’iilmcr, B.'irt,, M.l’., 45 Grosvenor Square, London ; born 22nd October, 1870. 8.J/— . Newton. Cricket XL, 1888. Prendergast, George William Yelverton, son of General Sir Harry North Dalrymple Pren- dergast, V.C., K.C.H., R.E., Burmah ; born 17th July, 1872. 2“C — . Boyne House. Classical Scholar, 1887. Saunderson, Armar Dayrolles, son of Colonel Edward James Saunderson, M.P., Castle Saunderson, Belturbet, Ireland ; born ist May, 1872. gM — . Leconfield. Racquet Pair, 1889-go. Racquet Champion, 1890. Schreiber, Charles Brymer, son of — Schreiber, Esq.; born loth May, 1872. 8.1/ — . Beaufort House and Cheltondale. Teck, H.S.H. Prince Francis Joseph Leopold Frederick of, son of H.S.H. the Duke of Teck, Richmond Park, .Surrey ; born 9th January, 1870. — . Day Boy (resided with the Principal, Dr. Kynaston). Previously at Wellington College. Hornby Prize, 1886. 2nrl Lieutenant, gth Lancers, 1889 ; trans- ferred to King's Royal RiHe Corps, April, 1889. Tweedie, Francis James, son of James Tweedie, Esq., I Argyll Villas, Cheltenham ; born 2 1 St February, 1872. 6C — . Day Boy. Tweedie, Gerald Scott, son of James Tweedie, Esq., I Argyll Villas, Cheltenham ; born 24th November, 1874. 4V — • Day Boy. West, Alfred Thomas, son of Alfred Thomas West, Esq., Wyfold, Ilkley ; born 24th July, 1870. \^M — . Garth Garmon. Woodward, Herbert Niel, son of Daniel Toye Woodward, Esq., Belmont, Cheltenham ; born 1 8th May, 1873. 'fj — . Day Boy. Young, John Charles, son of John Pratt Young, Esq., Solicitor, King’s Heath, Worcester- shire ; born 2nd December, 1871. 8C — . Hazelwell. ENTERED MAY^ 1886. Bagnall, Osbert Randolph, son of William Henry Bagnall, Esq., Bafibrd House, Charl- ton Kings ; born loth June, 1874. 4'>y — . Day Boy. Berry, Archer John, son of The Hon. Sir Graham Berry, K.C.M.G., Agent-General for Victoria, 17 Victoria Road, Clapham Common, Surrey; bornqth November, 1873. 4'y — . Teighmore. Bois, Frederick Gordon, son of Henry Bois, Esq., Glinaster, Addiscombe, Surrey ; born 14th March, 1872. 3'>C — . Boyne House. Bois, Herbert Gordon, son of Henry Bois, Esq., Glinaster, Addiscombe, Surrey; born 22nd April, 1873. — Special 6 C. Boyne House. Left Easter, 1890. Junior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1886. Mathema- Scholar, 1887. Schacht Prize, 1889. Stewart Prize, 1889. Silver (Mathematical) Medallist, 1889. Gymnasium VIII., 1889-90. Head of Modern, De- cember, 1888 — July, 1889. Bramwell, Edwin, son of Byrom Bramwell, Esq., M.D., 23 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edin- burgh ; born nth January, 1873. 8C — . Boyne House. Brebner, Bertie Reginald Menteith, son of Captain James Brebner, Indian Marine, Suez, Egypt; born 26th March, 1872. \oM — . Teighmore. Brown, Edward Arthur, son of William Luke Brown, Esq., Craven Bank, Keighley ; born 26th August, 1873. — • Teighmore. Chichester, Arthur Elliot Chamberlayne, son of Arthur Chamberlayne Chichester, Esq., Douro Villas, Cheltenham ; born 2nd May, 1870. — . Day Boy. Chichester, Charles Ackerley, son of Arthur Chamberlayne Chichester, Esq., Douro Villas, Cheltenham ; born i8th August, 1871. (>M — . Day Boy. Clark, Robert Fell, son of Robert Ingham Clark, Esq., 2 Park Prospect, Queen Anne’s Gate, London ; born 29th March, 1872. 8C — 4C. Leconfield. Left Easter, 1890. Clayhills, Beckett, son of Thomas Clayhills, Esq., Eastmount, Darlington ; born 13th October, 1872. gM — . Leconfield. Clerke, Augustus Basil Holt, son of Colonel Shadwell Henry Clerke, Royal Body Guard, Clifton Lodge, Upper Norwood, Surrey; born 1 3th March, 1871. efM — . Boyne House. Previously at Marlborough College. Royal Mili- tary Academy, Woolwich, 1887. Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1889. Climo, William Hill, son of Surgeon-Maj'or William Hill Climo, Kasauli, Punjab, India; born 13th April, 1870. f‘M — . Christowe. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1890. Crombie, Kenneth, son of — Crombie, Esq. ; born 2nd April, 1872. \oM — . Hazelwell. E'vans, Richard William Picton, son of William Picton Evans, Esq., Solicitor, 3 Belmont, Cardigan ; born 3rd October, 1872. 8C — . Newick House. Fry, Cecil, son of George Fry, Esq., The War- ren, Chobham, Surrey; born 8th January, 1873. \oM — . Cheltondale. Gosselin, Bertrand, son of Nicholas Gosselin, Esq., Stipendiary Magistrate, Lancaster ; born I2th November, 1870. fM — Y-M. Leconfield. Football XV., 1887. Hornby Prize, 1887. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1887. and Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1890. Gramrille, Frank Brydges, son of Captain Robert Creighton Granville, Grand-pr^, Biarritz, France ; born 25th July, 1871. \oM — . Hazelwell. Hall, Alfred Joseph, son of Thomas Hall, Esq, Springfield, Knowle, near Birmingham ; born 27th August, 1871. 8C — . Hazelwell. Hall, Charles Albert, son of Thomas Hall, Esq., Springfield, Knowle, near Birmingham ; born 23rd February, 1873. \oM — . Hazelwell. Holdship, Arthur Herbert, son of George Hold- ship, Esq., Auckland, New Zealand ; born 26th June, 1873. 4®/ — . Garth Garnton. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [May, i8S6. 388 Holdship, William Ernest Johnstone, son of George Holdship, Esq., Auckland, New Zealand; born 15th February, 1872. 8C — . Garth Garmon. Jenner, Arthur Herbert, son of Montagu Herbert Jenner, Esq., Beechwood Lodge, Chelten- ham; born 20th December, 1871. 6'>C — . Day Boy. Lambert, Alfred Percy, son of Joseph Lambert, Esq., Cottingham, Hull ; born 7th February, 1874. 3*y — . Leconjield. Leahy, Charles John, son of Colonel Arthur Leahy, R.E. ; born 22nd May, 1872. 6 M — . Day Boy. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, i88g. Lepper, Charles, son of — Lepper, Esq. ; born 29th April, 1870. 6“C — . Christowe. McDonnell, James Riversdale, son of Alexander McDonnell, Esq., C.E., Saltwell Hall, Gates- head-on-Tyne ; born loth June, 1872. 7C — , Hazelwell. Moore, Cecil Henry, son of William Henry Moore, Esq., The Shrubbery, Kidderminster ; born 6th March, 1871. \oM — . Christowe. Nicholson, Frederick William, son of — Nichol- son, Esq. ; born i8th August, 1876. e^J — . Day Boy. Parker, Philip a Morley, son of Commander Philip Reginald Hastings Parker, R.N., 3 Waresley Villas, Cheltenham ; born 31st May, 1872. %M — . Day Boy. Jex-Blake Scholar, i88g. Passed into Royal Mili- tary Academy, Woolwich, 1889, but did not proceed there. Pitcher, Henry Henderson, son of Lieut. -Colonel Duncan George Pitcher, Bengal Staff Corps, Lucknow, India ; born 6th December, 1870. — . Day Boy. Richardson, William Henry, son of William Milward Richardson, Esq., Hill Brow, Quarndon, near Derby ; born 29th June, 1871. 8 C — . Newtek House. Smyth, Charles Montgomerie, son of George C. Smyth, Esq., Rath, Termonfeckin, Drogheda, Ireland ; born ist August, 1874. 4V — . Teigh 7 tiore and Leconjield. Smyth, George Herbert, son of George C. Smyth, Esq., Rath, Termonfeckin, Drogheda, Ireland ; born 2nd October, 1875. eJJ — . Teighmorc and Leconjield. Smyth, Ralph, son of George C. Smyth, Esq., Rath, Termonfeckin, Drogheda, Ireland ; born 2 1 St June, 1873. — • Lecorijield. Stewart, Sydney Douglas, son of Lieut.-Colonel J. D. Stewart, Castlerea, Co. Roscommon, Ireland; born 13th June, 1870. — . Hazelwell. Previously at Rossall School. Warner, William Horatio, son of William John Warner, Esq., South Shields ; born 19th May, 1870. 4'>C — . Hazelwell. St. John’s College, Cambridge, 1889. Whitle, Cecil Wilfrid, son of Colonel Robert Whitle, Ashleigh, Cheltenham ; born 7th May, 1870. \oM — . Garth Garmon. ENTERED SEPTEMBER, 1886. Alexander, Robert William Wiseman, son of Admiral Henry McClintock Alexander, 3 Queen’s Parade, Cheltenham ; born nth January, 1872. (gC — . Day Boy. Previously at Repton School. Anderson, Athol Lancelot, son of William Cur- ling Anderson, Esq., 35 Queen’s Mansions, Westminster, London; born 17th January, 1875. 3 V — . Teiglunore. Ashlin, Clarence John, son of Spencer Ashlin, Esq., 2 Promenade Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 1st April, 1872. loM — . Day Boy. Atkinson, Francis Darner, son of Edwin Felix Thomas Atkinson, Esq., Indian Civil Ser- vice, Calcutta ; born 17th June, 1876. ig-J — . Day Boy. Atlay, Hugh Wordsworth, son of the Right Rev. James Atlay, D.D., Lord Bishop of Hereford, The Palace, Hereford ; born 3rd January, 1873. — . Newtek House. Football XV., 1889. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1886 I Cheltonian Society Scholar, 1886. Barlow, Wilfrid Ellis, son of the Rev. Robert Hilaro Barlow, Childswyckham Vicarage, Broadway ; born 23rd June, 1876. 4'’/ — . Teiglwiore. Bath, Kenneth Lambert, son of — Bath, Esq. ; born 22nd December, 1871. c)M — . Dyer. Beavan, James Riley, son of the Rev. Thomas Meredith Beavan, Woolhope Vicarage, Here- ford; born 4th April, 1872. 6»C — . Day Boy. Beevor, Henry, son of John Grosvenor Beevor, Esq., Solicitor, Wigthorpe Hill, Worksop ; born 19th October, 1873. loM — . Hazelwell. Behrend, Henry Robert Stuart Eddleston, son of S. H. Behrend, Esq., 35 Bucklesbury, London; born 4th September, 1872. 4*’C — . Leconjield. Junior (Classical) Scholar, 1886. Berry, Ernest John, son of John William Berry, Esq., Heather Lea, Heywood, near Man- chester ; born 9th October, 1871. c)M — . Christowe. Birkett, Henry, son of James Birkett, Esq., Grassendale, Liverpool ; born 22nd March, 1873. t^C — . Beatijort House and Chelton- dale. Classical Football XV., 1889. Campbell, James Baillie, son of James Duncan Campbell, Esq., C.M.G., 18 Clanricarde Gardens, London ; born 25th March, 1872. 8Af — . Boyne House and Newton. Cricket XI., 1889-90. Canith, Alexander, son of Alexander Caruth, Esq., Solicitor, Drumard, Ballymena, Ire- land; born 24th August, 1870. 5“C — . Prueft. Crombie, Charles Harley, son of — Crombie, Esq.; born 27th August, 1874. /gj — . Hazelwell. Currie, Henry Wilford, son of James Pattison Currie, Esq., Governor of the Bank of Eng- land, Sandown, Esher ; born 9th October, 1870. 5'^C' — . Newtek House. September, 1886.] PRINCIPAL : REV. II. KYNASTON, D.D. 389 Despard, Wilfred Holmes Croasclaile, son of Captain Frederic William Despard, Donore, Cheltenham; born 13th March, 1876. 3*_/ — . Day Boy. Dyer, Arthur James Leslie, son of Arthur Edwin Dyer, Esq., Mus.D., Malcolm Ghur, Cheltenham ; born 21st April, 1875. 4*_/ — . Day Boy. Dyer, Francis Gilbert, son of Arthur Edwin Dyer, Esq., Mus.D., Malcolm Ghur, Chel- tenham ; born 9th October, 1876. 4®_/ — . Day Boy. Estcourt, Ernest Alfred, son of Albert Estcourt, Esq., Hampden House, Gloucester ; born 30th September, 1870. 2*J/ — . Hazelwell. Senior (Mathematical) Scholar, 1886. E.xhibition, Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 1888. Gore-Booth, Douglas Bloomfield, son of Major James Gore-Booth, R.E., South Camp, Aider- shot ; bom 15th November, 1875. — . Teighmore and Boyne House. Hall. Bertram Alexander, son of — Hall, Esq.; born loth November, 1871. 7 - 1 / — . Hazel- well. Hall, Francis Theodore Bulkeley, son of — Hall, Esq. ; born 7th July, 1872. 6®C — . Hazelwell. Harington. Charles Harington, son of Emanuel Thomas Harington, Esq., ii Inverness Terrace, Hyde Park, London ; born ist May, 1872. 2*’C — . Leconjield. Heaven, William Raymond, son of Joseph Robert Heaven, Esq., Withington House, Withington, near Manchester ; born 2nd May, 1873. loJ/ — . Newton. Hodgson, Slatthew Charles, son of Matthew Hodgson, Esq., Shirley Cottage, near Croy- don ; bom 30th May, 1872. 5**C — . Day Boy. Pre%nously at Clifton College. Howitt, Charles Vivian, son of Charles Sidney Howitt, Esq., The Firs, Norton, near Wor- cester ; bom 2nd November, 1871. 6'’C — . leconjield. Inglis. Charles Edward, son of Ale.xander Inglis, Esq., M.D., Montpellier Lawn, Cheltenham ; bom 31st July, 1875. 3^ — • Day Boy. Jones, Percy V^incent, son of G. Vincent Jones, Esq., Berhampore, Bengal, India ; bom 14th November, 1872. loM — . Boyne House. Knox. George Stuart, son of Major James Knox, Governor of Her Majesty’s Prison, Gloucester ; bom 4th .September, 1871. 5'-!/—. Day Boy. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1889. Leahy, Philip Fraser Arthur, son of — Leahy, Esq.; bom 9th October, 1 874. — . Day Boy. Lee, Charles Andrew, son of Henry William Lee, Esq., Aylesford, Torquay; bom 17th January, 1873. 6*’C — . Beaufort House and Cheltondale. Lee, Herbert William, son of Henry William Lee, Esq., Aylesford, Torquay ; born 23rd July, 1874. i^f — . Teighmore and South- wood House. Mathematical Scholar, 1889. Longden, Cyril Chapman, son of Sir James Robert Longden, G.C.M.G., Longhope, Wat- ford ; bom 1st November, 1873. 4*’C — . Newtek House. Classical Scholar, 1887-88. Lyne, Richard Fernandez, son of the Rev. Charles Richard Nunez Lyne, 5 Paragon Buildings, Cheltenham ; born 9th I^ecember, 1872. — . Day Boy. Marriott, Harcourt Ernest Jenner, son of Charles Haynes Marriott, Esq., M.D., Lei- cester; born 1 8th March, 1873. — . Beau- fort House. Died at Kibworth, Leicestershire, 9th January, 1889. Mather, John, son of — Mather, Esq.; born 17th March, 1871. <)M—. Prowde Smith. Maxwell, Denis Wellesley, son of William Edward Maxwell, Esq., C.M.G., Member of Legislative Council, Singapore, Straits Set- tlements ; born 24th March, 1875. 2®_/ — . Day Boy. Maxwell, Eric Frank O’Hara, son of William Edward Maxwell, Esq., C.M.G., Member of Legislative Council, Singapore, Straits Set- tlements ; born 5th September, 1873. 6*C — . Day Boy. Maxwell, Gerald Verner, son of William Edward Maxwell, Esq., C.M.G., Member of Legisla- tive Council, Singapore, Straits Settlements ; bom 23rd June, 1877. f‘f — . Day Boy. Nelson, Harold Campbell, son of — Nelson, Esq. ; born 31st August, 1871. \oM—. Cheltondale. Preriously at Wellington College. Cricket XL, 1889. Parker, Anthony Scott, son of John James Par- ker, Esq., Writer to the Signet, The Or- chards, Charlton Kings ; born 4th June, 1874. 2^y — . Day Boy. Parker, Aubrey Hastings, son of Commander Philip Reginald Hastings Parker, R.N., 3 Waresley Villas, Cheltenham ; born ist Oc- tober, 1 873. ZM — . Day Boy. Mathematical Scholar, 1887-88. Parker, John Scott, son of the Rev. Charles Joseph Parker, Cathedral House, Gloucester; bom 15th December, 1872. 6*’C — . Day Boy. Peebles, Arthur Stansfield, son of Colonel Thomas Peebles, Sunnyside, Cheltenham ; bom 1 6th November, 1872. ZM — . Day Boy. Price. Arthur Glyn, son of the Rev. Richard Edward Price, Llanymynech Rectory, Shrop- shire ; bom 3rd June, 1871. 5*’C — . Garth Garmon. Riddell, Robert Buchanan, son of Major Robert Vansittart Riddell, R.E., Master of the Mint, Calcutta ; bom ist April, 1872. 4M/ — . Christowe. Sagar-Mnsgrave, Robert Malcolm, son of John Musgrave Sagar-Musgrave, Esq., Red Hall, ShadweU, Leeds ; bom 30th December, 1871. 10.1/ — . Davis. Sagar-Musgrave, William Noel, son of John Musgrave Sagar-Musgrave, Esq., Red Hall, ShadweU, Leeds; born i8th January, 1876. ejf — . Teighmore. Shirley-Ball. Cecil Herbert Shirley, son of Arthur W. Shirley-Ball, Esq., Lieutenant, 8th Hussars; bom i8th March, 1872. 5'>C — . Pruen. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [September, 1886. 39 ^> Shirley-Ball, Shirley Arthur William Hum- phrys, son of Arthur W. Shirley-Ball, Esq., Lieutenant, 8th Hussars ; born 21st August, 1870. 6^C — . Pruen. Ladies’ Prize (Athletic Sports), i88g. Simson, Richard Arbuthnot, son of Herman Simson, Esq., Turnhill, Eltham, Kent; born nth December, 1871. qAf — . Bovne House. Previously at Marlborough College. Cricket XI. , 1889. Address : Turnhill, Eltham, Kent. Smith, Alexander Finlay, son of — Smith, Esq.; born 27th July, 1872. 3’’C — . Boyne House. Smith, J ames, son of James Smith, Esq., Wood- house, Rodborough, near Stroud ; born 28th July, 1870. — . Hazelwell. Football XV., 1888. Scholarship, Jesus College, Cambridge, 1888. Stoney, Ralph Durrant Sadlier, son of Lieut.- Colonel Francis Sadlier Stoney, The Downs, Delgany, Ireland ; born 8th April, 1873. 8d/ — . Boyne House. Stott, Alfred, son of William Henry Stott, Esq., The Gables, Egerton Park, Rock Ferry, Cheshire ; bom 9th September, 1871. qAf — . Gaj'th Gar 7 uon. Stott, Richard Henry, son of William Stott, Esq., Solicitor, Rochdale ; born 26th Feb- ruary, 1873. 6'’C — . Leco 7 tfield. Thomson, Arthur Cleghorn, son of Henry Torrance Thomson, Esq., 25 Belgrave Cres- cent, Edinburgh; born 14th December, 1870. — . Leco 7 ifield. Football XV., 1888 ; Captain, 1889. Cricket XL, 1889. T'so Seen Wan, son of T’so Wei Chun, Macao, China ; born 26th September, 1872. 6*’C — . Day Boy. Wilson, Edward Adrian, son of Edward Thomas Wilson, Esq., M.B., Westal, Cheltenham; born 23rd July, 1872. eyC — . Day Boy. Wilson, Robert Henry, son of — Wilson, Esq. ; born 2nd May, 1870. 2*'C — . Christowe. Gymnasium VIII., 1889. ENTERED JANUARY, 1887. Ashburner, Harley Wentworth, son of Major Francis James Ashburner, Army Pay De- partment; born 13th December, 1875. JJ — . Teig]unore. Babin^on, Arthur Basil, son of the Rev. M. M. Babington, Warfield, Berks ; born 29th October, 1872. 5'’C — . Day Boy. Bailer, Thomas James (afterwards Longworth), son of — Bailer, Esq.; born 14th September, 1875. ejj — . Day Boy. Barlow, Trevor Wilberforce, son of the Rev. Robert Hilaro Barlow, Childswyckham Vicarage, Broadway ; born 8th November, 1877. eyj — . Teig 1 i 77 iore. Boyd, Alfred Ernest, son of Samuel Boyd, Esq., Shanganagh Park, Shankill, Co. Dublin ; born 25th July, 1872. 6'^C — . Hazelwell. Browne, Charles James, son of Lieut.-Colonel Edward Browne, Pembroke Lodge, Chelten- ham ; born 3rd January, 1872. qd/ — . Day Boy. Caruth, James Davis, son of Alexander Caruth, Esq., Solicitor, Drumard, Ballymena, Ire- land; born 22nd August, 1873. \oM — . Prue 7 t. Chester, Charles John, son of John Chester, Esq., M.D., Real del Monte, Mexico ; born 19th March, 1873. 1’’/ — . Leco 7 iJield. Gymnasium Champion, 1890. Crump, William Horace Charles, son of William John Crump, Esq., Solicitor, Treverbyn, Hornsey Lane, London ; born 17th Decem- ber, 1872. — . Boy 7 ie Hotise. Doveton, Douglas Frederick, son of Frederick Bazett Doveton, Esq., Grange Lodge, East- bourne ; born 28th July, 1872. qdf — . Garth Gar/ 7 ion. Elliott, Thomas Campbell, son of The Hon. Thomas Elliott, Acting Receiver-General, Port Louis, Mauritius ; born 20th May, 1873. 6*'C — . Newtek House. Francis, Cyril Grazebrook, son of Thomas Francis, Esq., Abbotsford, Sparkbrook, Bir- mingham; born 4th September, 1871. — . Leco 7 iJield. Geach, Robert Neville, son of Robert Gulchard Geach, Esq., ii Wood Street, London; born 14th February, 1873. — . Davis. Glanville, Gerald Walter, son of Major-General Francis Glanville, R.A., 4 Bays Hill Villas, Cheltenham; born 2nd November, 1872. qd/ — . Day Boy. Harvey, William Orlebar, son of William Har- vey, Esq., Surgeon, Powderham, Newton Abbot; born ist December, 1871. 4'>C — . Garth Gar 77 i 07 i. Hoste, Charles Dixon, son of Major-General Dixon Edward Hoste, C.B., R.A., Havelock Lodge, Brighton; born 7th Februar)q 1872. 6 M — . Leco 7 tJield. Previously at Brighton College. Lees, Cecil George, son of Lieut.-Colonel Francis Gerald Lees, Acomb Park, York ; born 3rd October, 1873. — • Hazelwell. Leon, Wilfred Montefiore, son of — Leon, Esq.; born iith January, 1874. "jM — . Boy 7 ie House. Louis, Arthur Grace, son of Alfred Louis, Esq., Buxton ; born 29th June, 1874, e^J — . Teigh- 77 iore. Lowe, Edward Aubrey Courtauld, son of Colonel Arthur Swann Howard Lowe, Gosfield Hall, Halstead, Essex ; born i6th August, 1871. \oM — . Christowe. McComhe, William John Browne, son of William McCombe, Esq., Solicitor, Holywood; born 23rd November, 1871. 6'^C — . Pr 7 ie 7 i. McNeile, Donald Hugh, son of Colonel John Magee McNeile, Rossmore, Melrose Road, Southfields, Wandsworth, Surrey ; born 6th February, 1871. eyM — . Leco 7 iJield. Previously at Repton School. January, 1887.] PRINCIPAL: REV. II. KYNASTON, D.D. Manley, Edward Norman, son of Surgeon- General William George Nicholas Manley, 3 Lansdown Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 27th July, 1 874. 6d/ — . Day Boy. Mathematical Scholar, 1888 and 1889. Mitchell, William Charles, son of William Charles Mitchell, Esq., Marmont, Strand- town, Belfast; born 15th February, 1873. \oM — . Pruen. Molesworth, The Hon. Samuel Percy, son of The Right Hon. and Rev. the Viscount Molesworth, St. Petrock Rectory, St. Issey, Cornwall ; born 29th July, 1873. bM — . Hazehuell. Morin, John Francis Scott, son of John Anthony Morin, Esq., Percy House, Cheltenham ; born 23rd October, 1873. \oM — . Day Boy. Mugliston, Rowland Charles, son of the Rev. John Mugliston, Newick House, Cheltenham ; born loth December, 1876. Day Boy. Junior Scholar, 1889. Parsons, Henry Francis Crane, son of Henry James Parsons, Esq., Indian Civil Service, 39 ' Bombay ; born 17th June, 1873. 5'’C — . Day Boy and Leconjield. Pearce Reginald Bernard, son of — Pearce, Esq. ; born 22nd August, 1872. M — . Christ owe. Pickard-Camhridge, Herbert Cyril, son of the Rev. Edward Pickard-Cambridge, The Rec- tory, Warmwcll ; born 13th July, 1873. 4‘*C' — . Boyne House. Smith, Noel Pearson, son of Thomas Abbott Smith, P2sq., Fryern Barnet, Middlesex ; born 17th January, 1873. 5*^ — • Leconjield. Whitehead, Ernest Threlfall, son of G. White- head, Esq., Deighton Grove, York ; born 14th January, 1873. bM — . Christowe. Winterhotham, Lauriston Leonard, son of Lauriston Winterbotham, Esq., Surgeon, Cheltenham; born 12th April, 1877. e^J — . Teiyhmore. Wolseley-Lewis, Frank Thomas, son of the Rev. Thomas Wolseley-Lewis, Garth Gar- mon, Cheltenham ; born 4th December, 1872. 6'’C — . Day Boy. Wood-Martin, James Isidore, son of Lieut.- Colonel Wood-Martin, Cleveragh, Sligo, Ireland ; born 3rd September, 1874. ejj — . Teighmore. ENTERED APRIL, 1887. Armitage, Charles de Warren, son of Samuel Harris Armitage, Esq., M.D., 23 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, London ; born 6th May, 1874. iJ — . Boyne House. Bailer, Richard Comyns, son of — Bailer, Esq.; born 1 2th December, 1876. \J — . Day Boy. Bateman-Champain, Claude Edward, son of Colonel Sir John Underwood Bateman- Champain, K.C.M.G., R.E. ; born 30th March, 1875. hJ — • Day Boy. Bateman-Champain, Francis Henry, son of Colonel Sir John Underwood Bateman- Champain, K.C.M.G., R.E.; born 17th June, '877. 3/ — . Day Boy. Burt, Charles, son of Frederick James Burt, Esq., Woodstock Crescent, Crouch End ; born 24th July, 1872. bC — . Caruth, Norman Cordukes, son of Alexander Caruth, Esq., Drumard, Ballymena, Ireland ; born 24th September, 1871. — . Pruen. Chalmers, Alexander, son of Gerit Alexander Chalmers, Esq.; born 20th December, 1872. 6C — . Newick Hoicse. Previously at Dulwich College. Chamier, Arthur Tyrrell, son of Lieut. -General Stephen Henry Edward Chamier, C.B., R.A., Teano, Charlton Kings ; born 28th Novem- ber, 1871. 4C — i“C. Day Boy. Left July, 1889. Walker Prize, 1889. Iredell Prize, 1889. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1889. Cheeke, William Alexander, son of George Ashwin Cheeke, Esq., New Court, Chelten- ham ; born 31st March, 1873. loM — . Day Boy. Chichele-Plowden, Cyril Arthur, son of Lieut. - Colonel Trevor John Chichele-Plowden, C.I.E., 8 Clyde Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea ; born 6th February, 1873. 3^ — • Coddington, Arthur Francis, son of Lieut.- Colonel John Nicholas Coddington, Old Bridge, Drogheda, Ireland; born 8th No- vember, 1873. \oM — . Boyne House. Crawford, Anthony Brabazon Charles Godsell, son of Captain Charles Robert Crawford, Naval and Military Club, Piccadilly, Lon- don ; born 4th November, 1871. bM — . Christowe. Geddes, Malcolm Henry Burdett, son of Colonel Augustus David Geddes, Antrim House, Belfast; born 20th February, 1874. \oM — . Cheltondale. Hart, John Denton, son of the Rev. James William Tasker Hart, 4 Argyle Place, Chel- tenham ; born 8th November, 1875. Zj — • Day Boy. Harvey, Crosbie Charles, son of Crosbie William Harvey, Esq., Bromley, Kyle, Wexford, Ireland ; born 26th October, 1872. "jM — . Chelt 07 idale. Hills, Charles Harold, son of Charles Henry Hills, Esq., Sunnybank, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; born 9th March, 1875. 3/—. Boyne House. Houghton, Henry Charlton, son of Major- General Richmond Houghton, Gay ton, Leck- hampton ; born 31st July, 1874. i J—. Day Boy. Howard, Edward Bertie, son of Edward John Howard, Esq., 30 Richmond Road, Cardiff; born 4th September, 1 872. bM — . Christowe. Hutchinson, Hugh Moore, son of the Rev. Samuel Hutchinson, Christ Church Vicarage, Penge, Surrey ; born i8th June, 1874. 3/ — . Leconjield. Jones, John Henry Hill, son of John Henry Locke Jones, Esq., 18 Suffolk Square, Chel- 392 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. tenham ; born 14th April, 1876. 3/ — . Day Boy. Leland, Francis Thomas William, son of Francis William Leland, Esq., Lillee Grange, Drog- heda, Ireland; born 13th December, 1872. 8A/— . Lightbody, William, son of — Lightbody, Esq. ; born 17th August, 1872. \oM — . Christowe. Lintott, Harold John, son of William Lintott, Esq., Horsham ; born 31st July, 1872. 6C — . Newick House. Left Easter, 1 890. Macpherson, Arthur George Holdsworth, son of William Macpherson, Esq., Judge of the High Court, Calcutta ; born 2nd April, 1873. qM — . Day Boy. Previously at Charterhouse. Maxwell, Charleton Neville, son of William Edward Maxwell, Esq., C.M.G., Member of the Legislative Council, Singapore, Straits Settlements; born 22nd June, 1872. 3C' — . Day Boy. [April, 1887. MontagTion, Louis Langlois, son of Louis William Montagnon, Esq., Marlborough House, Cheltenham ; born loth March, 1873. 3C— . Day Boy. Newman, Edward Harding, son of Benjamin Harding Newman, Esq., 19 Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, London ; born 30th July, 1872. -]M—. Cheltondale. Powers, Philip Edmund, son of George Powers, Esq., Caldecote Grange, Biggleswade; born 2nd February, 1873. \oM — . Purdey, Major Sefton, son of James Purdey, Esq., 28 Devonshire Place, London ; born 17th March, 1876. 4/—. Teighmore. Spanton, Alfred Temple, son of William Dun- nett Spanton, Esq., Surgeon, Hanley ; born 19th January, 1876. i J — . Teighmore 2 lV\A Boyne House. Talbot, John Arthur William, son of George C. Talbot, Esq., Prescott, Winchcombe ; born 26th July, 1877. 4/—. Teighmore. ENTERED SEPTEMBER, 1887. Bainbridge, William Frank, son of Colonel Frederick Thomas Bainbridge, i Salopian Villas, Cheltenham; born 15th January, 1873. \M — . Day Boy. Mathematical Scholar, 1887 ; Cheltonian Society Scholar, 1887. Baines, Lancelot Oswald Talbot, son of Lazarus Threlfall Baines, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, The Hall, Bawtry, Yorkshire ; born 25th July, 1877. I J — . Teighmore. Baker, Arthur Hamilton, son of Captain A. W. Baker, Colonial Service, Port of Spain, Trinidad ; born nth October, 1872. qAf — , Hazelwell. Barker, Frank Hume, son of Henry James Bar- ker, Esq., i6a Pembridge Square, Bayswater, London ; born 6th October, 1873. ()M — . Boyne House. Barrows, William Murdock, son of Thomas Welch Barrows, Esq., Banbury, Oxford ; born 19th September, 1871. 2C — . Boy 7 ie House. Rifle Corps VIII., 1889. Bullivant, Bernard Stanley, son of William Munton Bullivant, Esq., Homewood, Bec- kenham ; born i6th April, 1872. \oM — . Newick Ho 7 tse. Carey, Spencer Tupper St. George, son of Law- rence St. George Carey, Esq. ; born 28th December, 1872. 6C — . Boyne House. Charley, Harold Richard, son of William Char- ley, Esq., Seymour Hill, Dunmurry, Co. Antrim, Ireland ; born 4th April, 1875. e,J—. Prowde S?nith. Coates, Maurice Airth, son of Victor Coates, Esq., Rathmore, Dunmurry, Co. Antrim, Ire- land ; born nth July, 1873. 5 ^ — • Lecoji- ficld. Couper, William Lempriere, son of Major- General James Kemp Couper, Combe, Dul- verton ; born 17th February, 1874. 5C — . Newick Hotcse. Crane, George Percy, son of Charles Henry Crane, Esq., Tettenhall, Wolverhampton ; born 1 1 th November, 1872. 4C — . Hazelwell. de Candamo, Carlos Gonzalez, son of C. G. de Candamo, Esq., Peruvian Minister, 26 Rue Branjon, Paris ; born 15th February, 1871. 5 C — . Christowe. de Candamo, Gonzalo Gonzalez, son of C. G. de Candamo, Esq., Peruvian Minister, 26 Rue Branjon, Paris ; born 8th November, 1873. 56— . Christowe. Dickson, Francis Herbert, son of - Dickson, Esq.; born 26th May, 1874. I J—. South- wood House. Elliott, Reginald Leslie, son of George Robin- son Elliott, Esq., Surgeon, Pendennis, Beu- lah Hill, Upper Norwood, Surrey; born 28th August, 1874. ZM — . Christowe. Mathematical Scholar, 1889. Elliott, Reginald William Sidney, son of Nicho- las G. Elliott, Esq., 16 Lansdown Terrace, Gheltenham ; born 19th April, 1874. 2C — . Day Boy. Classical Scholar, 1888. Foster, Ralph Howard, son of Thomas Nelson Foster, Esq., Allt Dinas, Cheltenham ; born 1 1 th June, 1873. c)M — . Day Boy. Healing, Robert Kingsbury, son of — Healing, Esq. ; born 31st October, 1873. 9.I/ — . Day Boy. Hopcraft, Alfred Norman, son of — Hopcraft, Esq.; born 5th March, 1873. 5C — . Chris- towe. Johnson, William Edward Armstrong, son of Major-General Edward Armstrong Johnson (Pasha), Ottoman Service, Cairo, Egypt ; born 30th July, 1873. 6Af — . Leconjield. Johnson, William Edward Clifford, son of John William Johnson, Esq., C.E., Public Works Department, India ; born 9th November, 1872. 4C — . Boyjie House. Jones, Martin, son of Lieut.-Colonel Alfred Stowell Jones, Abenbury Cottage, Wrexham; Septkmukr, 1887.1 1>RINCI1>AL: REV. H. KYNA.STON, D.I). 393 born 25th August, 1872. — Upper 6 M. Haselwell. Left Easter, 1890. Mathelllatic.^l Scholar. 1887. Kettlewell, Archibald Middleton, son of Colonel rhomas Kettlewell, Bombay Staff Corps, 9 Pittville Lawn, Cheltenham ; born 7th Oc- tober, 1873. bM—. Day Boy. Kyle, Robert Wood, son of the Rev. Robert Kyle, Vittoria House, Cheltenham ; born 4th March, 1875. 3/ — . Day Boy. Leeds, Charles George Stretton, son of H. Leeds, Esq., Endcliffe, Cheltenham ; born 23rd July, 1875. — • Day Boy. Longden, Horace Walker, son of .Sir James Robert Longden, G.C.M.G., Longhope, Wat- ford ; born 12th January, 1877. '}>J — Upper 4 J. Teighmore. Lyle, Hugh, son of Colonel Hugh Chetham Lyle, R.A.,Cairn-a-Garriff, Moville, London- derry, Ireland ; born 28th July, 1875. 4/ — . Christowe. MacNeill-Hamilton, Henry Montgomery, son of William Henry MacNeill- Hamilton, Esq., of Raplock and Broomhill, Lanarkshire ; born 25th August, 1872. \oM — . Hazelwell. Address : Broomhill, Larkhall, Lanarkshire, N. B. , and Raploch, Hamilton, N.B. Me^icke, Edward Geliy, son of Edward Mey- ricke. Esq., Nubie House, Cheltenham ; born 3rd July, 1874. 2 _/— . Day Boy. Meyricke, Robert Evelyn, son of Edward Mey- ricke. Esq., Nubie House, Cheltenham ; born 3rd J uly, 1 874. 2 J — . Day Boy. Meyricke, Rupert John Chabbert, son of Ed- ward Meyricke, Esq., Nubie House, Chelten- ham ; born 19th June, 1877. 4/ — . Day Boy. Moores, Clarence Mann, son of Lieut.-Colonel Samuel Moores, 8 Piermont Road, East Dulwich, near London ; born 19th Septem- ber, 1871. — . Paynter, George Frederick, son of Henry Au- gustus Paynter, Esq., Solicitor, Freelands, Alnwick; born 31st January, 1872. 6C — . Phillips, Hugh Richard, son of George R. Turner Phillips, Esq., 24 Leinster Square, Bayswater, London ; born 2ist December, 1873. 3C — . Hazelwell. Classical Scholar, 1888. Pritchard-Rayner, John Henry, son of Captain (jeorge Pritchard-Rayner, Loddington, Rug- by; born 22nd June, 1873. \oM — Upper 2.M. Christowe. Left Decendjer, 1889. Quinton, James Maurice, son of The lion. James Wallace Quinton, C..S.L, The Observatory, Simla, India; born 12th May, 1874. 3C’ — . Hazelwell. Classical Scholar, 1888. Reid, Edward Osborn, son of — Reid, Esq. ; born 22nd May, 1871. 2C — . Chelto 7 uiale. Reid, George Arthur, son of — Reid, Esq.; born 8th May, 1874. 3C — . Cheltondale. Riddell, Edward Vansittart Dick, son of Lieut.- Colonel Robert Vansittart Riddell, R.E., Master of the Mint, Calcutta ; born 30th March, 1873. \M — . Christowe. Rowe, Valentine Edward Stanley, son of Lieut.- Colonel Valentine Francis Rowe, R.E., 21 Montpellier Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 2nd May, 1874. \oM — . Day Boy. Smith, Edward Oliver Fryer, son of Richard Fryer Smith, Esq., The Beeches, Cheadle, Staffordshire; born loth July, 1877. 4/ — . Teighmore. Smith, St. George, son of F. St. George Smith, Esq., The Grove, Drogheda, Ireland ; born 8th March, 1874. \oM — . Boyne House. Smyth, Robert Middleton, son of George Wat- son .Smyth, Esq., 4 Lee Park, Lee, Kent ; born 7th October, 1872. 3C — . Leconfield. Spencer, Charles Ernest Waters, son of Sur- geon- MajorThomas Charles Howell Spencer, Alexandra Villa, Cheltenham ; born 6th October, 1875. 3/ — . Day Boy. Swiney, Gilbert Mars Reginald Alexander, son of Colonel John Swiney, Madras Staff Corps, Sandford Lawn, Cheltenham ; born 27th December, 1872. %M — . Day Boy. Talbot, Victor Adelbert William Gerald, son of Major Gerald F. Talbot, Faulkbourne Hall, Witham, Essex; born 23rd July, 1872. 6C — . Christowe. Townsend, Robert Edward Lawrence, son ot Robert Lawrence Townsend, Esq., Terhill, Cheltenham; born 31st January, 1874. 2 J — . Day Boy. Wheeler, Malcolm, son of — Wheeler, Esq. ; born 2nd November, 1872. 5C — . Day Boy. ENTERED JANUARY, 1888. Beevor, Herbert Ashley, son of John Grosvenor Beevor, Esq., Solicitor, Wigthorpe Hill, Worksop, Nottinghamshire ; born i8th De- cember, 1876. 4®/ — . Teighmore. Beevor, John Ingram, son of John Grosvenor Beevor, Esq., Solicitor, Wigthorpe Hill, Worksop, Nottinghamshire ; born i8th De- cember, 1876. 4®_/ — . Teighmore. Braddell, Lionel, son of Henry Edward Charles Braddell, Esq., Ben Venue, Cheltenham ; born 4th May, 1877. 4®/—. Day Boy. Braddell, Norman Edward, son of Henry Ed- ward Charles Braddell, Esq., Ben Venue, Cheltenham; born 26th May, 1880. 4'’/ — . Day Boy. Christian, Ewan, son of Vice-Admiral Henry Christian, Heighthorne, The Park, Chelten- ham ; born 25th November, 1873. yd/ — . Day Boy. Coldham, James Henry Hamilton, son of — Coldham, Esq., Aumer Hall, King’s Lynn ; born 2nd October, 1873. 2®C — . Chelton- dale. Cuming, Robert John, son of Colonel Edward William Cuming, Carrick Lodge, Ayr, N.B.; born 28th August, 1872. 83/ — . Newtek House. Ellett, Edward James, son of Robert Ellett, Esq., Solicitor, Cirencester; born ist March, 1 874. 3®C — . Christowe. 3 E [January, 1888. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. 394 Glenny, Henry Quinn, son of William Henry Glenny, Esq., Madras Civil Service, Sirsa House, Cheltenham ; born nth August, 1879. 4 'y— Day Boy. Gouldesbrough, Colin Garside Blake, son of Thomas Gouldesbrough, Esq., Highfield, Worksop, Notts ; born 27th March, 1874. 6C — . Hazelwell. Hadow, Douglas Scott, son of Colonel Frederick Edward Hadow, R.A., Bengal, India ; born loth December, 1875. — • Teighmore and Boyne House. Hesketh, Walter, son of Colonel Robert Walter Hesketh, Madras Staff Corps, Rangoon, Burmah ; born ist November, 1872. 4'>C — . Day Boy. Hollebone, Reginald Alfred Stewart, son of Alfred Richard Hollebone, Esq., Lynton Croft, Caterham, Surrey ; born 24th March, 1873. ZM — . Boy?te House. Homer, George James Wood, son of John Thomas Homer, Esq., Hemsworth, Wim- borne, Dorset ; born 7th June, 1872. jM — . Boy 7 ie House. Jamieson, Gerald Alister, son of Major Alister William Jamieson, Bengal Staff Corps, 44 Montpellier Terrace, Cheltenham; born 3rd November, 1876. 3’y — . Day Boy. Keyes, Alfred John Hudleston, son of — Keyes, Esq.; born 22nd November, 1873. — . Day Boy. Kyle,' Francis Carus, son of the Rev. Robert Kyle, Vittoria House, Cheltenham ; born 5th September, 1873. loJ/ — . Day Boy. Previously at Brighton College. Lewis, Joseph Henry, son of Joseph Lewis, Esq., Crouch Hill House, Hornsey, Middle- sex ; born 19th April, 1873. — . Boyne Hotise. McLachlan, Albert Charles, son of James Mc- Lachlan, Esq., Holland House, Cheltenham ; born 6th November, 1873. jM — . Hasel- well. McNeill-Hamilton, Claude Gawin, son of Cap- tain W. H. McNeill-Hamilton, of Raploch and Broomhill, N.B. ; born 20th October, 1873. loM — . Hazelwell. Skinner, Thomas Hewitt, son of Thomas Skin- ner, Esq., Avenue House, Avenue Road, Crouch End, near London ; born 12th June, 1875. 3V — • Teighmore. Streeter, Cecil Foljambe, son of Edwin William Streeter, The Mount, Primrose Hill, London ; born i6th August, 1872. 9J/ — . Hazel- well. Varley, Frank, son of Harold Percival Varley, Esq., Witehampton, Wimborne, Dorset ; born 30th September, 1876. — . Teigh- more. Yorke, Bernard Eliot, son of Captain the Hon. John Manners Yorke, R.N., 52 Rutland Gate, London, S.W. ; born 5th June, 1874. — . Chrikowe. ENTERED EASTER, 1888. Barnard, Arthur Alison, son of Samuel Bar- nard, Esq., St. Lucia; born 22nd May, 1872. 6C — . Cheltondale. Bayly, Gerald Eastfield, son of the Rev. Henry Eastfield Bayly, Fiddington Rectory, Som- erset ; born 7th February, 1873. — . Cheltotidale. Benwell, George Llewellyn, son of — Benwell, Esq.; born 3rd March, 1872. — . Chel- tondale. Bethell, Alfred Bryan, son of Alfred Bethell, Esq., Surgeon, Bridgnorth, Salop ; born 25th April, 1875. 9 -^ — • Hazelwell. Burne, Knightley Arthur Lloyd, son of Knight- ley Grey Burne, Esq., Deputy Commissioner, Rangoon, Burmah ; born 26th October, 1873. 5C — . Hazelwell. Bnrton, Francis Hely, son of Clerke Burton, Esq., Oakfield Street, Cardiff ; born 31st August, 1872. 3^C — . Leconfield. Coulson, George, son of Henry Walker Coulson, Esq., Stock Exchange, London ; born 21st February, 1878. 4 V — . Teighmore. Crampton, Reginald Thomas I remonger, son of Harry Crampton, Esq., Eynsford, St. An- drew’s Road, Southsea ; born 17th July, 1 874. yM — . Christowe. Crooke, George Frederick, son of Frederick James Crooke, Esq., 3 Castle Bank, South- sea, Hants ; born 27th April, 1877. 3'y — . Teighmore and Cheltondale. Davidson, Norman, son of — Davidson, Esq. ; born 3rd October, 1872. 5M/ — . Christowe. Ferguson, Victor Bruce, son of George Bagot Ferguson, Esq., M.D., Altidore Villa, Pitt- ville, Cheltenham ; born 8th April, 1875. — . Christowe and Day Boy. Foster, Augustus Vere, son of John Frederick Foster, Esq., Clyde Court, Ardee, Ireland ; born 31st March, 1873. 6C — . Leconfield. Previously at Shrewsbury School. Frith, George Marcus, son of Captain Frederick George Irvine Frith, Dorchester, Dorset; born 30th N ovember, 1 874. 6C — . Newtek House. Gantillon, Frederick Nepean, son of the Rev. Peter John Francis Gantillon, 5 Fauconberg Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 24th January, 1 876. 3'[/ — . Day Boy. Hall, Frank George, son of Thomas Hall, Esq., Springfield, Knowle, Warwickshire ; born 25 th October, 1875. — . Teigh 7 nore. Hollebone, Clifford Frederick, son of Henry Hollebone, Esq., Gidea Hall, Romford ; born 1 8th April, 1875. 9J/ — . Boyne House. Landsberg, Oscar, son of Edward Landsberg, Esq., Stony Cliff, Lumbolle Road, Belsize Square, London ; born i8th May, 1876. 3'y' — . Dyer and Cade. Lewis, Ralph Joseph, son of Joseph Lewis, Esq., Crouch Hill House, Hornsey, Middlesex ; born 28th March, 1877. 3V — • Teigln/tore. Little, Alfred Stuart, son of Alfred James Little, Esq., Stuart House, Cambridge Park, 395 PRINCIPAL: REV. II. KYNA.STON, DA). Easter, 1888.] Twickenham ; born 24th February, 1874. 9/!/ — . Christ owe. Lowry-Corry, Reginald Charles, son of Armar Henry Lowry-Corry, Esq., 8 Eaton Square, London; born 15th June, 1875. 8Af — . Hazelwell. Previously at Clifton College (January, 1885 — December, 1886). Manners, Charles Walter, son of Edward Man- ners, Esq. ; born 19th September, 1873. 6C— . Day Boy. Mellor, Abel, son of Charles Warren Mellor, Esq., late Bengal Civil Service, Burwell Lodge, Tivoli, Cheltenham ; born i8th Jan- uary, 1880. ^J—. Day Boy. Mellor, Clive, son of Charles Warren Mellor, Esq., late Bengal Civil Service, Burwell Lodge, Tivoli, Cheltenham ; born 8th No- vember, 1876. \"J — . Day Boy. Junior Scholarship, 1889. Mellor, Jocelyn, son of Charles Warren Mellor, Esq., late Bengal Civil Service, Burwell Lodge, Tivoli, Cheltenham ; born i6th Feb- ruary, 1878. 3'y — . Day Boy. Montgomery, Arthur Samuel, son of Thomas Bedford Montgomery, Esq., Government House, Londonderry, Ireland ; born 5th April, 1877. — . Teighmore. Morrison, Ralph Percy, son of — Morrison, Esq.; born ist December, 1871. ig-M — . Day Boy. Mugliston, Hugh, son of the Rev. John Mug- liston, Newick House, Cheltenham ; born 1 8th October, 1878. Boy. Muscroft, William St. Clair, son of Henry Muscroft, Esq., M.D. ; born 14th June, 1873. 8d/ — . Day Boy. Osborne, George, son of George Osborne, Esq. ; born 24th May, 1872. qd/ — . Hazelwell. Osborne, Henry Stuart, son of George Osborne, Esq. ; born 23rd January, 1874. <)M — . Hazelwell. Palmer, Edward Orpen Herbert, son of the Rev. Abraham Henry Herbert Palmer, .St. Peter’s Vicarage, Cheltenham ; born 8th November, 1873. 4 “^' — • Day Boy. Parsons, Arthur Ruscombe Crane, son of Henry James Parsons, Esq., Indian Civil Service, Malabar Hill, Bombay ; born 30th October, 1874. sC — . Leconjield. Patey, Charles, son of Charles Henry Bennett Patey, Esq., C.B., South Lawn, Bickley, Kent ; born 20th September, 1873. ZM — . Newick House. Pearson, John Douglas, son of John Pearson, Esq., Prestbury Green, near Cheltenham ; born loth December, 1877. — . Day Boy. Rose, Hamilton Francis, son of — Rose, Esq.; born 27th May, 1875. 3'y — . Day Boy. Rose, Robert Morehead, son of — Rose, Esq. ; born 2 1 St April, 1879. — . Day Boy. Shaw, Jocelyn Frederick de Fonblanque, son of Lieut.-Colonel Wilkinson Jocelyn Shaw, The Warren, Heath End, Farnham, Surrey ; born 28th February, 1874. "] M — . Newick House. Shuter, Arthur Elliot, son of William Shuter, Esq., 22 Belsize Grove, London ; born 9th August, 1873. ZM — . Boyne House. Skinner, Ale.xander Baird, son of Lieut.-Colonel George John Skinner, Bengal Staff Corps, 36 Montpellier Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 13th October, 1879. 4’’/ — . Day Boy. Tickell, Claude Arthur Powlett, son of Lieut.- Colonel Arthur Tickell, Middlesex Regiment, 8 Imperial Square, Cheltenham ; born 24th June, 1875. qd/ — . Hazelwell. Webb, Daniel Cecil, son of — Webb, Esq.; born loth March, 1874. 4*’C — . Day Boy. White, Ion Hamilton George, son of Lieut.- General Robert White, Aghavoe, Ballacolla, Ireland ; born 29th September, 1874. I'^J — . Teighmore. Wood-Martin, Henry Rogers Bromhead, son of Lieut.-Colonel William Gregory Wood- Martin, Cleveragh, Co. Sligo, Ireland ; born 3rd October, 1875. — . Teighmore. ENTERED SEPTEMBER, 1888. Adami, Leonard Christian, son of Mrs. Adami, Ashton House, Ashton-upon-Mersey, Che- shire ; born 15th March, 1874. 2‘‘C — . Hazelwell. Classical Scholar, 1888 ; Cheltonian Society Scho- lar, 1888. Allport, Edward Aston, son of Howard Aston Allport, Esq., C.E., Dodworth, near Barns- ley; born 2nd January, 1874. 4»d/ — . South- wood House. Mathematical Scholar, 1888. Beadnell, Hugh John Llewellyn, son of Major Charles Edward Beadnell, R.A., Bodtalog, Towyn, Merioneth ; born 14th October, 1 874. ZM — . Hazelwell. Beevor, Charles Perfect, son of John Grosvenor Beevor, Esq., Solicitor, Barnby Moor, Ret- ford ; born 2ist May, 1875. qd/— . Hazel- well. Bell, Henry Lewin Gillison, son of Major- General Henry James Bell, 4 Bays Hill Lawn, Cheltenham; born i6th August, 1874. 6d/ — . Day Boy. Benwell, Sidney Annesley, son of Lieut.-Colonel Frederick William Benwell, Iseultdene, Chel- tenham ; born 24th July, 1873. ZM — . Day Boy. Previously at Marlborough College. Brereton, Walter Reginald, son of Walter Brereton, Esq., St. Paul’s, Minnesota ; born 15th July, 1879. 4V— . Day Boy. Brough, John, son of Colonel William Richard Charles Brough, R.A., Westend House, Mar- tinstown, Dorchester ; born 24th March, 1 874. i^M — , Hazelwell. Mathematical Scholar, 1888. Bruce, Archibald Gordon, son of Major Edward Archibald Bruce, Yorkshire Regiment, West- wood, Scarborough ; born 7th May, 1875. qd/ — . Boyne House and Prowde Smith. [September, 1888. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. 396 Buckle, Henry William, son of Lieut.-Colonel John William Buckle, R.A., i Clarendon Terrace, Stoke, Devonport ; born 21st July, 1875. . Cheltondale. Mathematical Scholar, 1888. Buckle, William Frederick, son of Lieut.-Colonel John William Buckle, R.A., i Clarendon Terrace, Stoke, Devonport ; born 13th Feb- ruary, 1877. — . Teighuiore. Crawford. Henry Rowland, son of Mrs. Craw- ford, Maperath House, Kells, County Meath, Ireland; born 10th May, 1873. — . Chel- tondale. Ferguson, John Henry, son of John Ferguson, Esq.; born 22nd June, 1873. 6C — . Chris- to we. Gabb, Alfred John Trew, son of Alfred William Gabb, Esq., Surgeon, 4 Spring Grove Villas, Cheltenham; born 19th March, 1875. 4 ^^ — • Daj/ Boy. Garrard, Ernest Mortimer, son of B. W. Gar- rard, Esq., 56 Onslow Gardens, South Ken- sington, London ; born 31st January, 1873. ()M — . Hazehvell. Gilroy, Dudley Colvin, son of R. H. Gilroy, Esq., Temple Langherne, Worcester ; born 5th July, 1879. 4'!/ — • Teighmore. Harris, Theodore Meryon, son of Alfred Harris, Esq., Lunefield, Kirkby Lonsdale ; born 28th June, 1873. Newick Hoicse Jackson, Thomas, son of Thomas Jackson, Esq., 3 Ettrick Road, Edinburgh ; born 25th March, 1879. /gj — . Teighmore. Johnson, Frederic Evans, son of Major-General Edward Armstrong Johnson, Pacha, Egyptian Gendarmerie, Egypt; born nth October, 1874. gM—. Lcconfield. Jones, Richard Percy, son of John Henry Locke Jones, Esq, 18 Suffolk Square, Cheltenham ; born 24th March, 1878. 3’y — . Day Boy. Kennard, Vivian George, son of Adam Stein- metz Kennard, Esq., Crawley Court, Win- chester ; born 4th April, 1874. 84/ — . Lcconfield. Previously a Naval Cadet on H.M.S. ‘‘Britannia.” Rifle Corps VIII., 1889. King, Edwin James, son of Edwin King, Esq., Inglehome, Bishopswood Road, Highgate, Middlesex; born 29th April, 1877. Teighmore. King, Leonard Reginald, son of Edwin King, Esq., Inglehome, Bishopswood Road, High- gate, Middlesex ; born 2nd June, 1878. 4V — . Teighmore. Langley, Harry Gustave, son of Henry Martin Langley, Esq., Wilmslow, Cheshire ; born loth May, 1873. 64/ — . Newick House. Hornby Prize, 1889. Lefroy, Cecil Willoughby, son of Captain Robert Lefroy, Aubrey, Shankill, Co. Dublin; born 15th June, 1874. 4“-C— . Hazelwell. Lowe, Percival Edward Hurst, son of Mrs. Lawson Lowe, Thirenewton Hall, Chep- stow ; born 28th July, 1873. 64/ — . Chel- tondale. Lowsley, Horace Adiel, son of L. Lowsley, Esq., Manor House, Hampstead Norris, Berks ; born 6th June, 1870. 2’'C — . Ncwick House. Lyall, William Hooker, son of David Lyall, Esq., M.D., Deputy-Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets, i Priory Parade, Chel- tenham ; born 14th April, 1875. 6C — . Le- confield. Maguire, Henry Francis, son of Mrs. Maguire, 3 Atherstone Terrace, London ; born 23rd June, 1873. 94/ — . Lecoixfield. Manley, George Errington Drummond, son of Surgeon-General William George Nicholas Manley, 3 Lansdown Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 9th January, 1876. "jM — . Day Boy. Mansel, Jestyn Llewellyn, son of Major Robert Henry Mansel, 27 Promenade, Cheltenham; born 15th May, 1880. 4*’_/ — . Day Boy. Mansel, Robert Trevor Llewellyn, son of Major Robert Henry Mansel, 27 Promenade, Chel- tenham ; born 5th January, 1878. 4V — . Day Boy. Newman, John Cartwright Harding, son of B. Harding Newman, Esq., 19 Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, London, W.; born 27th May, 1874. 84/ — . Cheltojidale. Rifle Corps VIII., 1889. Noyes, Leslie Blundell Bristow, son of Donald Edmund Haighton Noyes, Esq., Thruxton, Cheltenham; born 8th June, 1876. — . Day Boy. Patrick, Patrick Rodger, son of David Patrick, Esq., Solicitor, Hamilton, N.B. ; born 21st December, 1875. 3V~- Newick House. Purton, Theodore William, son of the Rev. William Purton, 2 Spring Grove Villas, Chel- tenham ; born 28th May, 1874. 2*’C — . Day Boy. Classical Scholar, 1888. Rees, William John Dan, son of William John Rees, Esq., Bryn-y-Mor, Swansea ; born 1 2th June, 1874. 6C — . Newick House. Roberts, Charles Albert, son of Edward Arthur Roberts, Esq., Greenhithe, Kent ; born 19th September, 1875. iV — . Teighmore. Roberts, James Arthur, son of Edward Arthur Roberts, Esq., Greenhithe, Kent ; born 9th June, 1874. 94/ — . Boyne House. Rolt, Vivian Caswall, son of Thomas Francis Rolt, Esq., late Coldstream Guards, Oak- hurst, Cheltenham ; born 25th January, 1874. gM — . Day Boy. Seidel, Sydney Bartlet, son of Herman Seidel, Esq.,Oromocto, Broadlands Road, Highgate, Middlesex ; born 17th March, 1875. gM — . Boyne House. Sherrard, Stanley Cecil, son of George Clifton Sherrard, Esq., Solicitor, Kingston-on- Thames ; born loth June, 1876. 2'y— Christ owe. Smith, Alfred Aquilla, son of Vincent Arthur Smith, Esq., Bengal Civil Service ; born 2nd January, 1877. 3'’/— • Teighmore. Smith, Douglas Cyril, son of Colonel Percy Wyndham Smith, Bengal Infantry, Rajpu- tana, India; born 14th November, 1875. 2’’ J — . Teighmore. Smith, Sidney Howard, son of James Smith, Esq., Woodhouse, near Stroud, Gloucester- shire ; born 3rd February, 1872. 74/—. Hazelwell. Swiney, Hesketh George Henry, son of Colonel Septkmukr, 1888.] PRINCIPAL; REV. II. KYNA.STON, D.l). 397 John .Swiney, Saiiciforcl Lawn, Cheltenham ; born 15th February, 1874. ()M—. Day Boy. Thomson, Cliristopher liirdwood, son of Major- General David Thomson, R.E., Underwood, Cheltenham; born 13th April, 1875. 7 ^^ — • Day Boy. Thomson, Roger Gordon, son of Major-General David Thomson, R.E., Underwood, Chelten- ham ; born 4th April, 1878. 3’’_/ — . Day Boy. Waite, David, son of Peter Waite, Esq., Urr- brae, Adelaide, South Australia ; born 7th January, 1875. 9 ^^ — • Walker, Charles Evelyn, son of Sir George Ferdinand Radzivill Walker, Bart., Castleton, Cardiff; born 14th April, 1875. 9 ^ — • Hazelwell. West, Reginald Joseph, son of Alfred Thomas West, Esq., Wyfold, llkley, Yorkshire; born 3rd December, 1873. — • Christowe. Wilkinson, Horace King, son of William King Wilkinson, Esq., Solicitor, Middlewood, Clitheroe ; born 19th November, 1873. 5^ — • Cheltondale. Willes, Arthur Shippen, son of Captain Henry Charles Willes, 27 Lansdown Place, Chel- tenham ; born 18th October, 1873. 8;!/ — 4’’yJ/. Day Boy. Left December, 1889. Wilson, P'rank Forbes, son of George Richard Wilson, Esq., The Hermitage, Oxton, Che- shire ; born 18th July, 1875. 6C — . Boyne House. Yeo, John Arthur Ash, son of Mrs. Yeo, Ketley Hall, Glamorganshire ; born 6th October, 1875. 4“/— Day Boy. 2,400 Boys entered during Dr. Kynaston’s Principalship. Principal : REV. H. A. JAMES, B.D. ENTERED JANUARY, 1889. Alderson, Charles Albert Haselden, son of George Beeton Alderson, Esq., Norland House, Ramleh, Egypt ; born i6th August, 1874. 64/ — . Leconjield. Alderson, Donald Fossick, son of Mrs. Aider- son, Park House, Worksop ; born 28th No- vember, 1874. 5C — . Hazehvell. Annesley, James Harry Sydney, son of Major- General William Richard Annesley, Shirley House, Cheltenham ; born 29th November, 1875. 84/ — . Day Boy. Anton, Alic Stewart, son of J. Ross Anton, Esq., Hong Kong ; born 9th September, 1873. 4’’4/ — . Hazelwell. Apperly, Charles Alfred, son of Alfred Apperly, Esq, Rodborough Court, Stroud ; born 21st November, 1872. — •. Boy?ie House. Babington, Reginald William, son of the Rev. William Marshall Babington, 2 Malvern Place, Cheltenham ; born 4th September, 1874. 5C — . Day Boy. Balmer, Arthur, son of John Percival Balmer, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, 5 Pittville Lawn, Cheltenham ; born 12th October, 1874. 4“C — . Day Boy. Balmer, Cyril, son of John Percival Balmer, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, 5 Pittville Lawn, Cheltenham ; born 27th December, 1875. 4’‘C — . Day Boy. Burton, Edward Lingen, son of Robert Lingen Burton, Esq., Longner Hall, Shrewsbury ; born 15th May, 1874. I'y — . Teighmorc. Carr, Harrie Gardiner, son of Jonas King Carr, Esq., M.D., Deputy-Surgeon-General, 1 1 Hatherley Place, Cheltenham ; born 12th February, 1877. 2“/ — . Day Boy. Cavalier, Herbert Ramsden, son of the Rev. Anthony Ramsden Cavalier, 20 Clarence Square, Cheltenham ; born loth April, 1877. YJ — Upper \J. Day Boy. Left Easter, 1890. Junior Scholarship, 1889. Subsequently at St. Paul's School, London. Croker-King, Charles Harold, son of Lieut. - Colonel Charles Edgar Croker-King, Cam- bridge House, Bays Hill, Cheltenham ; born 30th April, 1874. 4'^C— . Day Boy. Cuppage, George Edward Vernon, son of George W. Cuppage, Esq., Riverston, Trim, Co. Meath, Ireland ; born 17th January, 1871;. 84/—. Leconjield. Dickson, Charles Frederick, son of William Joseph Dickson, Esq., Solicitor, Oakfield, Kirkham, Lancashire ; born 24th June, 1875. SC — . Boy tie House. Dixon, Charles Stewart, son of Stewart Charles Dixon, Esq., 30 Imperial Square, Chelten- ham ; born 17th September, 1876. 2V—. Day Boy. Dyer, Herbert Arthur, son of ArthurEdwin Dyer, Esq., Mus.D., Malcolm Ghur, Cheltenham ; born 3rd April, 1878. 4V—. Day Boy. Bustace, Cecil Robert, son of James Eustace, Esq., Newstown,Tullow, Co. Carlow, Ireland ; born 28th June, 1876. J'J—. Day Boy. Firraro, Raffaelle Farina, son of Baron L. Farina Firraro, 9 Spa Buildings, Chelten- ham; born 24th May, 1877. 2'y— . Day Boy. Foord, George Bromley, son of Edward Bromley Foord, Esq., Madras Civil Service, i Ash- ford Villas, Cheltenham ; born i6th October, 1874. 84/- Upper iM. Day Boy. Left Easter, 1890. Gilchrist, William Fellowes Cowan, son of Wil- liam Gilchrist Gilchrist, Esq.,C.E., 17 Claren- don Place, Plymouth ; born ist April, 1879. 4®_/ — . Teighmore. Harford, Charles Lloyd, son of Edmund Har- ford, Esq., 14 Priory Street, Cheltenham ; born 30th June, 1875. 84/—. Day Boy. Hughes, Arthur James, son of Arthur D. Hughes, Esq., 35 C2ueen Victoria Street, London; born 31st December, 1874. 84/—. Boyne House. Kopsch, Henry Humfrey, son of Henry Charles Joseph Kopsch, Esq., 8 Cullingham Road, London ; born 15th December, 1873. 4''4/— . Boyne House. Football XV'. , 1890. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [January, 1889. 398 Lane, William Honburgh, son of Colonel Clay- ton Turner Lane, Bengal Staff Corps, Am- raoti, Berar, India ; born 2nd August, 1874. TM — . Christowe. Lockwood, William, son of William Lockwood, Esq., The Grange, Ranmoor, Sheffield; born 8th June, 1874. 6A/— . Hazelwell. Manners, Ernest Calvert, son of Mrs. Manners, 2 Eastbourne Villas, Cheltenham ; born ist February, 1876. 2^ — . Day Boy. Manners, Herbert Cecil, son of Mrs. Manners, 2 Eastbourne Villas, Cheltenham; born i6th April, 1877. 3 V~ Day Boy. Middleton, Percival Edward, son of Charles Edward Middleton, Esq., The Newlands, Adlington, near Chorley, Lancashire ; born 8th July, 1877. 3’y — . Teighmore. Milton, John Penn, son of John Penn Milton, Esq., Solicitor, Lannoweth, Penzance ; born 13th April, 1873. — • Cheltondale. Moore, Cecil, son of Lewis Moore, Esq., Judge, Calicut, Madras; born 24th September, 1878. i^J — . Day Boy. Junior Scholarship, 1889. Newton, Alfred Launcelot John, son of Charles John Newton, Esq., Surgeon, Oriel Lodge, Cheltenham; born 28th September, 1876. DJ — . Day Boy. Paulet, Sydney Herbert, son of Francis Robert Paulet, Esq., The Cleevelands, Prestbury, near Cheltenham ; born 3rd September, 1874. %M — . Day Boy. Richardson, Norman Hadden, son of W. M. Richardson, Esq., Quarndon, near Derby ; born 28th Novemljer, 1872. ']M — . Newick House. Ridding, Charles Henry, son of the Rev. Charles Henry Ridding, Slymbridge Rec- tory, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire ; born 15th May, 1873. — . Boyne House. Russell, Henry Thompson, son of Edmund M. Russell, Esq., Milford, Limerick ; born 6th March, 1875. — . Hazelwell Smith, Arthur Geoffrey, son of Alfred Harri- son Smith, Esq., The Horbury, near Shef- field ; born ist June, 1874. 8 .^ 1 / — . Hazel- well. Tancred, Richard Fairfax, son of Captain George Tancred, late Scots Greys, Arden Hall, Helmsley, Yorkshire ; born 31st March, 1875. — • Leconfield. Thackwell, John Henry Cam, son of John Thackwell, Esq., Alderley Villa, Queen’s Road, Cheltenham ; born 19th April, 1876. — . Day Boy. Theobald, Henry Charles Webb, son of Colonel Charles Percy Theobald, Bournside, Chel- tenham ; born 26th J une, 1 876. — . Day Boy. Theobald, Stanley Rea, son of Colonel Charles Percy Theobald, Bournside, Cheltenham ; born 9th September, 1877. 3*_/ — . Day Boy. Thomson, Henry George Allen, son of Henry Thomson, Esq., Fiji ; born 23rd November, 1877- 3 V— • Day Boy. Trench, Henry William Bloomfield, son of Henry Bloomfield Trench, Esq., Congort Park, Roscrea, King’s County, Ireland ; born 17th May, 1873. 4*>Af — . Boyne Hotise. Wakefield, Ernest Charles, son of Charles Colin Wakefield, Esq., 20 Princess Street, Manchester ; born 17th February, 1876. q'y — . Teighmore. Walker, Charles Westinghausen, son of Lieut.- Colonel Thomas Walker, R.A., Bombay, India ; born 9th May, 1877. 'T'J — . Day Boy. Watt, Sydney, son of James Byres Watt, Esq., Blythewood, Sutton, Surrey ; born 27th November, 1873. 6M — . Boyne House. Willcox, Edwy Lewis, son of Robert Lewis Willcox, Esq., Warminster ; born 25th March, 1875. — . Newick House. Willcox, Herbert Liston, son of Robert Lewis Willcox, Esq., Wai-minster ; born 29th De- cember, 1876. 3®/ — . Newick House. Woodville, Anthony Caton, son of Richard Caton Woodville, Esq., Tower House, Tite Street, Chelsea, London ; born 23rd Octo- ber, 1878. 4V — . Teighmore. ENTERED EASTER, 1889. Bruce, Alan George Cameron, son of Alan Cameron Bruce-Pryce, Esq., Abbeyholme, Cheltenham ; born 29th September, 1874. 4‘^C — . Day Boy. Bruce, Edward Maunsell, son of Alan Cameron Bruce-Pryce, Esq., Abbeyholme, Chelten- ham; born 29th September, 1874. 4*C — . Day Boy. Burnet, George Harry Malcolm, son of Rodber William Staplyton Burnet, Esq.; born 19th June, 1875. 8 / 1 / — . Hazelwell. Campbell, Charles Lionel Kirwan, son of Lieut.- Colonel Archibald Hamilton Campbell, late Bengal Staff Corps, Cunnoquhie, Cupar, Fife, N.B. ; born 1st November, 1873. 5 -^ — • Prowde Smith. Previously at Eton College. Chadwick, Spencer Dyson, son of Spencer Chadwick, Esq., Highfield, Shoreham, Seven- oaks ; born 9th April, 1874. — . Boyne House. Comber, Herbert Charles Fenton, son of Thomas Comber, Esq., Pernambuco, Brazil ; born 25th April, 1880. 4’’_/ — . Teighmore. Comber, Thomas Edward Andrew, son of Thomas Comber, Esq., Pernambuco, Bra- zil ; born 28th July, 1876. ef'J — . Teigh- more. Cooke-Collis, Maurice Talbot, son of Major William Cooke-Collis, Royal Irish Rifles, 6 Montpellier Grove, Cheltenham ; born 5th July, 1879. 4‘V — . Day Boy. Cooke-Collis, William James Norman, son of Major William Cooke-Collis, Royal Irish Rifles, 6 Montpellier Grove, Cheltenham ; born 7th May, 1876. ZM — . Day Boy. Cox, George Lindsay, son of James Cox, Esq., Easter, 1889.] PRINCIPAL: REV. H. A. JAMES, B.D. 399 Thirlestaine Hall, Cheltenham ; born 30th April, 1876. 3'y — . Day Boy. Crosse, Whitworth Charles, son of Major Charles Robert Crosse, The Limes, Wool- wich ; born 23rd June, 1879. 4*^ — . Teigh- more. De Pledge, Gaspard Frederic, son of Frederic De Pledge, Esep, Aban Court North, Chel- tenham ; born i6th April, 1876. 3“_/ — . Day Boy. Dufif, William Stewart Bruton, son of Mrs. Duff, Beaconsfield, Cheltenham ; born 6th November, 1877. 3'’_/ — . Day Boy. Edmondson, Reginald Elliot, son of Edward Edmondson, Esej., Mossley Hill, Liverpool ; born 24th March, 1874. 4'‘C — . Hazel- well. Green, Henry, son of the Rev. John Fowler Green, Whiteshill Vicarage, Stroud ; born 2ist June, 1873. 5 ^ — • SotUhwood House. Lawson, Herbert Octavius, son of George Law- son, Esq., Newland Grove, Hull ; born 7th June, 1877. 4 “/ — Upper i J. Teighmore. Left December, 1889. Lowsley, Montagu Marmion, son of L. Lowsley, Esq., Manor House, Hampstead Norris, Berks ; born 24th September, 1872. epM — . Newick House. Loye, Reginald Philip, son of James Loye, Esq., Solicitor, 50 Torrington Place, Ply- moth ; born 28th June, 1876. ZM — . Chel- iondale. Morrison, John Wheatley, son of Samuel Allen Morrison, Esq., Percy Park, Tynemouth ; born 6th December, 1877. — . Teigh- more. Musgrave, Philip Richard, son of Sir Richard Courtenay Musgrave, Bart., M.P., Edenhall, Penrith ; born 26th November, 1873. jM—. Chris towe. Previously at Eton College. Osborne, Edwin Francis Fitzroy, son of P. H. Osborne, Esq., Karenza, Cheltenham ; born 1st May, 1873. 4’’d/ — . Hazelwell. Previously at Haileybury College. Pollard, Alan Faraday Campbell, son of Major Benjamin Horatio Pollard, Madras Staff Corps, Hafod, Cheltenham ; born 30th No- vember, 1877. 4'’y — . Day Boy. Powell, (ieorge Henry, son of the Rev. Thomas Prosser Powell, Dorstone Rectory, Hereford ; born 1 2th January, 1877. e^'-J — . Teigh- more. Powers, Harold Octavius, son of George Powers, Esq., Caldecote (Grange, Biggleswade ; born 17th August, 1874. 6Af — . Cheltondale. Salter, Dane Wilding, son of James Colam Salter, Esq., Pembroke House, Bath Road, Cheltenham ; born 26th June, 1880. — . Day Boy. Sanders, Alfred Douglas, son of Surgeon-Major Edwin Sanders, Berhampore, Bengal, India ; born loth January, 1874. "jM — . Day Boy. Sanders, Edward Arthur, son of Surgeon-Major Edwin Sanders, Berhampore, Bengal, India ; born 28th November, 1875. 3 V — ■ Boy. Satterthwaite, Benjamin Hughes, son of Thomas Edmondson Steadman Satter- thwaite, Esq., Clifton, Ashbourne, Derby- shire ; born 23rd February, 1877. 4“_/ — . Teighmore. Shinkwin, Ion Richard Staveley, son of Lieut.- Colonel Richard Staveley Shinkwin, Altcar Range, Hightown, near Liverpool ; born 29th September, 1875. — • Hazelwell. Stevenson, Kenlis Langley, son of Colonel Kenlis Fergus Stevenson, Madras Staff Corps, Cross Park House, Ilfracombe ; born 4th February, 1875. e^M — . Boy tie House. Theobald, John Percy, son of Colonel Charles Percy Theobald, Bournside, Cheltenham ; born 29th November, 1873. 5 ^ — • Salter. Previously at Malvern College. Thomson, Harry Tagert, son of Major-General David Thomson, R.E., Underwood, Chel- tenham ; born 17th August, 1880. 4'y — . Day Boy. Walter, John McQueen, son of John Walter, Esq., Shanghai, China ; born 26th Novem- ber, 1874. bM — . Day Boy. Wood-Martin, Gregory Gonville Cuff, son of Lieut. -Colonel William Gregory Wood- Martin, Cleveragh, Sligo, Ireland ; born 2nd April, 1878. 3'y — . Teighmore. ENTERED SEPTEMBER, 1889. Addle, Charles Gavin, son of James Addie, Esq., Orbiston, Bellshill, N.B. ; born 23rd May, 1877. Lower \J — . Teighmore. Apperly, Ernest Pain, son of Alfred Apperly, Esq., Rodborough Court, Stroud ; born 2nd December, 1874. 3*^/ — . Boyne House. Ashburner, Lionel Forbes, son of Lionel Robert Ashburner, Esq., C.S.I., Bombay Civil Ser- vice, East India United Service Club, London, S.W. ; born i8th September, 1874. 3'^d/ — . Prowde Smith. Bazley, Francis Howarth, son of Charles H. Eazley, Esq., Mayfield Road, Kersal, near Manchester ; born 28th January, 1876. Lower 3y — . Teighmore. Bazley, Harold Doming, son of Charles H. Bazley, Esq., Mayfield Road, Kersal, near Manchester ; born 29th April, 1877. Upper I y — . Teighmore. Beaty-Pownail, John Trent, son of Captain Beaty-Pownall, Cortes 347, Barcelona, Spain ; born 30th July, 1874. I^ower ^C— . Chel- tondale. Classical Scholar, 1889. Becke, Jack, son of Captain J. Becke, Bombay Army ; born 22nd March, 1878. Upper 7 .J-. Day Boy. Bird, Percy John, son of James Binfield Bird, Esq., Busigny House, West Cowes, Isle of 400 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. [September, 1889. Wight ; born 27th May, 1877. Upper — . Newtek House. Bird, Robert Collier, son of James Binfield Bird, Esq., Busigny House, West Cowes, Isle of Wight ; born 17th March, 1874. Lower 5C — . Newtek Hojise. Brooke, Eldred Gordon Coldeall, son of Lieut.- Colonel William John Brooke, 6 Queen’s Villas, Cheltenham ; born 25th June, 1873. Lower 2M — . Day Boy. Broughton, William Edward Delves, son of Colonel William Edward Delves Broughton, Bengal Infantry, Ellesmere House, Cam- bray, Cheltenham; born 13th August, 1879. Upper 2 J — . Day Boy. Bryant, Kenneth Musgrave Beadon, son of the Rev. William Frederick Bryant, Ladymeade, Tyndall’s Park, Clifton, Bristol ; born 28th November, 1873. 3C — . Cheltondale. Bullock, Guy Livingstone Farnell, son of Henry Bullock, Esq., F.R.C.S., Spring Grove, Isleworth ; born 2nd March, 1874. Lower 2 M — . Hazelwell. Burton, Geoffrey, son of Lieut.-General Ed- mond Francis Burton, Hambrook House, Charlton Kings ; born 13th December, 1874. 3W— . Day Boy. Chadborn, Albert Clement, son of — Chadborn, Esq., Barton House, Gloucester ; born 13th February, 1876. Upper 5C — . Ckelto?idale. Classical Scholar, 1889. Clarkson, Ronald Edwin Hope, son of William Clarkson, Esq., Ewlyn, Leckhampton Road, Cheltenham ; born i8th December, 1876. Lower 2 >J — • Boy. Scholar, 1889. Davies, Kenneth Russell, son of William John Davies, Esq., 59 Gunterstone Road, West Kensington, London, W. ; born 21st Sep- tember, 1877. Upper I J — . Tetghinore. Dawson, George Leopold Adolphus, son of Captain George Adderley Dawson, Gover- nor’s House, Portland, Dorset ; born 7th January, 1876. Lower 2M — . Cheltondale. Duckett, William Steuart, son of Charles Duc- kett, Esq., Rutland, County Carlow, Ireland ; born 27th June, 1873. Upper iM — . Chrts- towe. Dyas, John Samuel, son of — Dyas, Esq.; born 30th January, 1879. Lower i J — . Teigh- more. Elgee, Percy Edmond Lindredge, son of Major- General John Lindredge Elgee, R.A., i Delabere Villas, Cheltenham ; born 25th December, 1874. Lower iM — . Day Boy. Erskine, George William, son of Captain Charles Erskine, Friarshall, Melrose, N.B. ; born 8th May, 1875. Lower iM — . Newtek House. Fowler, Edwin Godfrey, son of Edwin Fowler, Esq., Hill Grove, Pontypool ; born 9th July, 1874. — . Chrtstowe. Frankland, Robert Cecil Colville, son of Colonel Colville Frankland, late Royal Dublin Fusi- liers, 14 Christ Church Road, Folkestone ; born 7th July, 1877. Upper 2 J — . Tetgh- more. Frankland, Thomas Hugh Colville, son of Colonel Colville Frankland, late Royal Dub- lin Fusiliers, 14 Christ Church Road, Folke- stone; born 17th October, 1879. Upper \J — . Tetghmore. Galley, Robert Cooke, son of John Gailey, Esq., J.P., Hazel Lea, Lansdown Road, Chelten- ham ; born 15th January, 1877. Lower },J — . Day Boy. Garstang, Walter, son of Dr. Thomas Walter Harropp Garstang, Headingley House, Knutsford ; born 26th June, 1876. 2C — . Cheltondale. Gemmell, William Alexander Stewart, son of William Ross Robertson Gemmell, Esq., Meadow Brow, Alderley Edge ; born 23rd September, 1874. — . Boy tie House. Mathematical Scholar, 1889. Goldingham, Robert Elphinstone Dalrymple, son of John Dalrymple Goldingham, Esq., Indian Civil Service, The Club, Ootacamund, Madras ; born 2nd September, 1874. — . Chrtstowe. Mathematical Scholar, 1889. Grant, Allan John, son of Alexander Allan Grant, Esq., Preswylfa, Penmaenmavvr, North Wales ; born 8th September, 1875. — . Boyne House. Haines, John Wilton, son of John Pleydell Wilton Haines, Esq., Solicitor, The Lodge, Gloucester; born 4th December, 1875. 4 ^ — • Day Boy. Cheltonian Society Scholar, 1889. Hallifax, Gerald Aubrey Hays, son of Captain Albert Praed Hallifax, late 3rd Hussars, Hallwell House, Kingsbridge, Devon ; born 17th October, 1874. Lower iM — . Prowde Smtth. Hamilton, John Angus Lushington Moore, son of Captain John Angus Lushington Hamil- ton ; born 19th February, 1874. 3C — . Cheltondale. Harvey, Walter Rowe, son of Deputy-Surgeon- General Charles Hamilton Harvey, Broad- way, Sandown, Isle of Wight ; born 2nd March, 1875. Lower iM — . Cheltondale. Hawks, George Augustus, son of Major-General Thomas Spence Hawks, Madras Staff Corps, Grove House, Montpellier Grove, Chelten- ham ; born 27th May, 1874. Lower 2 M — . Day Boy. Hicks, William Philip Noel, son of the late Hicks Pasha, Egyptian Army ; born i8th December, 1874. Upper iM — . Boyne House. Hyatt, George Obie, son of the Rev. George Roach Hyatt, The Rectory, Stratton-on-the- Fosse, Bath ; born 13th July, 1874. Upper 2M — . Chrtstowe. Jackson, Thomas Dare, son of Thomas Jack- son, Esq., Oakbank, Chislehurst, Kent ; born 14th June, 1876. Lower \M — . Hazel- well. James, Julian Henry, son of Henry Alfred James, Esq., Fallowfield, St. Stephen’s, Chel- tenham ; born 24th March, 1873. 4 ^ — • Day Boy. Jones, Lewis Austen, son of Mrs. Jones, Fron- SEPTEMBER, 1889.J PRINCIPAL: RP:V. H. A. JAMES, lU). gog, near Aberyswith ; born 24th May, 1877. Loiuer i J — . Day Boy. Kavanagh, Hubert Victor, son of Patrick Kavanagh, Esq., M.D., Rupert House, Lew- isham, Kent ; born 3rd March, 1878. Upper I J — . Teighmore. Lambert, Joseph Peyton, son of John Peyton Lambert, Esq., The Grange, Battledow'n, Cheltenham; born 27th September, 1877. Louver 3 J — . Day Boy. Lanyon, Charles James, son of Herbert Owen Lanyon, Esq., 3 Castleton Terrace, Belfast ; born 6th March, 1875. Upper iM — . Lecon- Jield. Leech, Ernest Bosdin, son of Bosdin Thomas Leech, Esq., Oak Mount, Timperley ; born 9th April, 1875. Lower 5C — . Hazelwell. Classical Scholar, 1889. Leitch, Robert McKechnie, son of John Muir Leitch, Esq., The Manor House, Kensal Green, London ; born 20th October, 1875. ■pM — . Day Boy. Lister, Arthur Leonard, son of Allen Lindsay Lister, Esq., Madras Civil Service, 54 Pen-y- Wern Road, London, S.W.; born 1st January, 1875. 3C — . Southwood House. McCulloch, Alexander, son of the Rev. William McCulloch, D.D. ; born 25th April, 1875. Lower 2M — . Boyne House. McKechnie, George, son of Peter George McKechnie, Esq., Bevis Marks, London ; born 30th March, 1874. Lower 2M — . Christowe. McMorris, James Ninian George William, son of Fleet-Surgeon Robert James McMorris, R.N., 24 Marlborough Street, Londonderry, Ireland; born 28th February, 1874. Lower 2M — . Hazelwell. Martinez de las Rivas y Tracy, Santiago, son of J. Martinez de las Rivas, Esq., Bilbao, Spain ; born 6th January, 1877. Upper i J — . Prowde Smith, Meggitt, Arthur Cecil, son of Henry William Meggitt, Esq., Kingston Lodge, Hessle, Yorkshire; born 27th June, 1878. Lower 2 J — . Teighmore. Mellor, Robert Owston Fenton, son of William Moseley Mellor, Esq., 16 Devonshire Place, Claughton, Birkenhead ; born 17th Septem- ber, 1875. Lower iM — . Leconjield. Moore, Henry O’Hara, son of — Moore, Esq. ; born 14th December, 1875. epM — . Cliel- tondale. Classical Scholar, 1889. Moore, Roger Clotworthy, son of William Moore, Esq., M.D., 67 Fitzwilliam Square North, Dublin ; born 12th February, 1875. Upper 5 C — . Hazelwell. Classical Scholar, 1889. Morant, Arthur Franklyn, son of Lieut. -Colonel Charles May Allen Morant, Madras Army, Hillside, Hatherley Road, Cheltenham ; born 5th October, 1876. Lower 2 J — . Day Boy. Morant, Charles Ansell Lushington, son of Lieut.-Colonel Charles May Allen Morant, Madras Army, Hillside, Hatherley Road, Cheltenham; born 21st April, 1875. — . Day Boy. 40 r Patey, lamest, son of Charles Henry Bennett Patey, Esq.,C.B.; born 20th November, 1875. 3'’yl/ — . Newtek House. Persse, De Burgh, son of De Burgh Persse, Esq., Moyode Castle, Athenry, Co. Galway, Ireland ; born 8th February, 1874. Upper \M — . Christowe. Pooley, Charles Archibald, son of Walter Moritz Pooley, Esq., 16 Montpellier Terrace, Cheltenham ; born 31st October, 1879. Lower i J — . Day Boy. Pooley, Walter Robert, son of Walter Moritz Pooley, Esq., 16 Montpellier Terrace, Chel- tenham ; born 26th September, 1880. Lower I J — . Day Boy. Purton, Gilbert Anthony, son of the Rev. William Purton, Shurdington Vicarage, near Cheltenham; born 21st May, 1876. Upper — . Day Boy. Classical Scholar, 1889. Remsbery, William George, son of George Remsbery, Esq., Twyford, Winchester; born i8th August, 1873. 3C — . Newtek House. Sharpe, Bertram, son of George Sharpe, Esq., Callao, Peru, South America ; born 5th May, 1 878. Lower 2 J — . Teighmore. Smith, Walter Pardie, son of F. St. George Smith, Esq., The Grove, Drogheda, Ireland ; born 14th December, 1875. Lower iM~. Boyne House. Stanley, Edmund Hamilton Blake, son of — Stanley, Esq.; born 17th March, 1875. Upper 5C — . Newtek House. Classical Scholar, 1889. Stevens, Harry Whitehill, son of Colonel Harry Cavage Stevens, Madras Cavalry ; born 19th October, 1874. — . Cheltondale. Stratton, John William, son of John Locke Stratton, Esq., Turweston House, Brackley ; born 31st August, 1875. 4C — . Hazel- well. Tatam, Victor Norman, son of William Tatam, Esq., Rio de Janeiro, South America ; born nth March, 1879. Lower \J—. Teigh- more. Taylor, Leonard Campbell, son of James Tay- lor, Esq., Threlfall, Oxford; born 12th De- cember, 1874. Upper ^C—. Boyne House. Classical Scholar, 1889. Ward, Harry Guy, son of Henry Brocks Ward, Esq., Stock Exchange, London ; born 5th November, 1876. Lower \M — . Boyne House. Ward, John Brocks, son of Henry Brocks Ward, Esq., Stock Exchange, London ; born 20th August, 1875. Lower 2M—. Boytie Hotese. Wernicke, Bernard Charles, son of James Andrew Wernicke, Esq., Willow Dale, Dar- jeeling, Bengal ; born 24th November, 1875. Upper iM — . Southwood House. Left December, 1889. Westbury, Hanbury, son of George Henry Westbury, Esq., The Knoll, Andover ; born 1 2th October, 1877. Upper i/— . Teigh- fnore. Wheeler, Edgar Lockyer, son of the Rev. Thomas Littleton Wheeler, Bromwich House. 3 F 4o2 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. Worcester; bom 1 2th April, 1875. — ■ Boy?ie House. Mathematical Scholar, 1889. Williams, Augustus Scott, son of Major-General Henry Ernest Thesiger Williams, 2 College Lawn, Cheltenham ; born 17th December, 1878. Upper \ J — . Day Boy. Williams, Francis Evelyn, son of Major- General Henry Ernest Thesiger Williams, 2 College Lawn, Cheltenham; born 3rd March, 1880. Lower i J — . Day Boy. Williams, Frederick Thesiger, son of Major- General Henry Ernest Thesiger Williams, 2 College Lawn, Cheltenham ; born 8th Oc- tober, 1877. Lower 2 J — , Day Boy. Willis, Sherlock George Ramsay, son of Captain Horace George Willis, The Glenfall, near Cheltenham ; born 24th August, 1877. Lower i\J — . Teiglwiore. [September, 1889. Winter, Ernest Charles, son of George Kift Winter, Esq., Arkonam, Madras ; born 1 5th January, 1879. Lower \J — . Teighmore. Winter, Ormond de FEpie, son of William Henry Winter, Esq., Melrose Villa, South Norwood, .Surrey ; born 15th January, 1875. Lower 6Af — . Leconfield. Mathematical Scholar, 1889. Woodham, Charles Burnett, son of the Rev. William Henry Woodham, Oakfield, Farley, near Romsey, Hants ; born 14th December, 1 874. Lower 2M — . Newtek House. Young, Robert Ernest, son of the Rev. Frede- rick William Young, Cherbourg, Great Mal- vern ; born 12th .September, 1875. Upper 5 C — . Newtek House. Classical Scholar, 1889. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS, EXHIBITIONS, AND PRIZES. CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SCHOLARS. Every year in the Midsummer Term there will be an election to, at least, Ten Scholar- ships, varying in value from £ 8 o or ,^85 to £20. Half of these will be given for proficiency mainly in Classics ; and half for proficiency mainly in Mathematics. In each case, how- ever, papers in other subjects will be set. Four, at least, of these Scholarships will be given to boys under 15, and four, at least, to boys under 14, on the 1st day of the month in which the Election is held. One or two Scholar- ships, tenable at first in the Junior School, for boys under 13, may occasionally be offered. Classical. 1844 C. J. R. Cooke 184s R. B. Litchfield E. W. Hamilton 1846 R. E. Richards C. Bubb 1847 H. Robeson F. T. Longworth-Dames 1848 J. C. Browne W. L. Newman 1849 W. W. Merry G. Anstey 1850 R. Broughton L. A. Wyatt 1851 W. B. Stanford J. G. Fitzmaurice 1852 C. S. Jerram P. W. Tibbs tn 00 F. H. Furnival J. M. Ostler J. White 1854 C. I. Elton F. L. Bagshavve 0. Bubb 1855 R. T. W. Brayne W. Bacon 1856 J. C. C. Pipon R. W. Raper J. C. Graves 00 F. W. H. Myers H. McNeile i8s8 E. J. Myers R. Ticehurst 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 H. A. R. A. A. W. A. A. C. E. W. G. A. G. R. A. R. W. H. W H. H. E. E. E. W. F. D. E. U. E. A. R. C. D. R. A. G. T. R. D. A. F. D. E. C. R. A. N. R. Hall Harrison T. Reid B. Bagnold E. Gambier Humphrys H. Hamilton E. Dobson Ford \ M. Money j 1 ' Thomson G. Pruen T. Myers H. Dickson F. W. Shawe C. Dickson F. W. Shawe Hind S. Skipton . F. W Wells S. Skipton W. W. Reynolds K. Corbett \ [junior Dickson J K, Corbett . F. W. Wells J. Cade B. W. Sladen Gray B. W. Sladen Gray H. Collins "j N. Blandy [junior E. Mil vain J W. B. Sladen N. Blandy H. Collins f Harrison [junior W. Gould J N. Blandy B. W. Sladen H. Collins B. Wells J W. Fenn | , S. B. Fletcher rJun'or A. R. Blackwell j N. Blandy H. Collins D. Macdonald 1 t H.Urereton F""‘" 1 874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS, W. H. Simpson G. C. Denison A. H. Collins G. Harrison E. E. H. Brydges C. N. E. Eliot R. H. Brereton A. J. H. Luard J D. W. Fenn F. B. Wells C. N. E. Eliot F. C. Poynder H. V. Page F. W. M. Walter) J.B.T. Pratt J C N. E. Eliot R. I. Porter R. C. J. Swinhoe ) M. S. C. Campbell W. C. Knight J. U. Powell E. E. H. Brydges R. I. Porter J. U. Powell ) L. R. Stert W. K. Porter W. S. Crawford I C. R. Carter F. C. Poynder I. U. Powell ) W. G. Clay | D. A. W. Willson ' G. Cripps J J. U. Powell W. K. Porter A. J. Saltren-Willett G. F. Cruickshank V. Ferguson A. D. Geddes W. G. Clay L. R. Stert H. W. Heffernan ) A. H. Lee | H. St. C. Wilkins i L. N. Leeds J R. H. Campbell L. R. Stert St. J. B. W. Willson L. Savile F. B. Baker N. D. Haines H. St. C. Wilkins A. D. Geddes J. D. Me Lachlan ) E. E. Henderson H. C. Beadon A. Gaitskell I St. J. B. W. Willson J. D. McLachlan H. Clayton ) G. Lorimer C. Woodhouse C. Thornton j C. W. C. Hallett H. Mostyn-Owen H. E. S. Cordeaux .-Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior .-Junior .-Junior rjunior G. Hibbert-Ware W. S. Henderson. L. G. Moore A. Gaitskell N. S. Coghill -Junior 1886 1887 1888 1889 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 L. G. Moore H. A. Thornton | , R. H. de Montmorency T. C. Smith H. E. S. Cordeaux C. Woodhouse H. W. Atlay H. R. S. E. Behrend J. A. Inglis L. T. Levick (3. Hibbert-Ware P. L. Moore G. W. Y. Prendergast L. T. Levick C. C. Longden J. A. Inglis J. M. Quinton C. C. Longden R. W. S. Elliott H. R. Phillips L. C. Adami T. W. Purton G. A. Purton A. C. Chadborn R. E. Young R. C. Moore H. O’H. Moore L. C. Taylor E. H. B. Stanley J. T. Beaty-Pownall E. B. Leech C. Moore ) C. Mellor H. R. Cavalier 1 -Junior R. C. Mugliston / I R. E. H. Clarkson I .-Junior Mathematical. A. G. Bogle M. H. Fitzmaurice H. Percival E. B. Holland P. Panlon J. M. McNeile E. P. Marshall W. H. Pierson B. J. Goldie C. H. S. Pasley R. P. Tickell L. H. S. James W. B. Hemans F. V. Corbett S. Babington T. S. Hutchinson J. C. Pottinger L. C. Abbott C. A. Crompton C. J. Atkinson J. D. Gael R. L. Hippisley A. H. Bagnold F. T. M. Beaver R. L. Hippisley P. A. MaciMahon 1 , H. B.Willock A. H. Bagnold H. B. Willock A. Belfield ) L. B. Friend H. E. Tyler G. W. Watson .-Junior 1870 1871 1872 i873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 EXHIBITIONS, AND PRIZES. 405 1 Junic L. B. Friend F. Hickman G. W. Watson W. H. Davies J. A. Tanner F. Hickman J. C. Middlemass H. M. Lawson 'j E. Scott I W. M. Russell ) I J. A. Tanner / j G. W. Watson G. L. Waring H. Johnson E. Agar J H. M. Lawson A. J. J. Ross F. M. Young J. A. Tanner H. M. Lawson H. A. Hill L. S. Winsloe Junior Junior W. H. B. Morris C rn j Junior I aeq. asq. j C. E. Goulbourn H. M. Lawson E. Agar E. T. Young (;. P. F. Rudd J. McN. Walter H. C. Barnard A. M. Mantell H. C. W. Jones ' H. A. Hill A. B. Scott L. Cope G. R. U. Cookes J. E. F. Sclaterl R. H. Dawson J J. Stewart W. H. B. Morris T. F. B. Renny-Tailyour W. F. Walter D. M. Babington G. A. de G. Waldy A. Grant J. McN. Walter H. W. C. McLaughlin G. L. Hibbert W. H. A. St. J. Leeds R, E. Foley F. C. Gates A. T. A. Shaw H. W. C. McLaughlin J. W. S. McC. Callwell F. G. Davies C. A. W. Francis j C. R. Carter T. F. B. Renny-Tailyour H. B. Jones A. T. Duka A. J. H. Swiney G. A. Strahan j H. W. C. McLaughlin C. G. Dodgson C. H. D. Ryder J F. L. Sharp | H. P. P. Rees f W. H. Druce j W. G. Clay H.W. C. McLaughlin Junior £cq. Junior Junior u -Junior Junior 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 C. F. T. E. H. A. F. R W C. C. R. W. C. R. T. A. H. W. C. F. H. F. G. F. P. A. R. E. H. II. I). Ryder \ ing I 'Junior W. Watli Jones J C. Pottinger j B. Jones J. Saltren-Willett W. Watling "j S. Pottinger I Junior . L. W. Kitching J H. D. Ryder H. Heycock S. Pottinger J . H. Wilkins I , C. Robertson H. Manley j Jones H. Lee A. Cameron J W. C. D’O. Bignell A. Elliott A. Easton A. Cameron W. Watling Hibbert-Ware J H. Allhusen L. Moore H. Tyler S. Pottinger A. Estcourt G. Bois -Junior Junior W. J. Fowler > Junior P. L. Moore J H. G. Bois A. F. Porcher W. J. Fowler W. F. Bainbridge A. H. Parker M. Jones A. H. Parker E. N. Manley H. W. Buckle J. Brough E. A. Allport H. W. Buckle E. L. Wheeler P. E. Hodgson H. W. Lee E. N. Manley O. de I’E. Winter W. A. S. Gemmell R. L. Elliott R. E. D. Goldingham WYLLIE SCHOLARS. Scholarship founded in memory of Mr. John William Shaw Wyllie, C.S.I., one of the first Cheltenham boys who entered the Indian Civil Service by open Competition, in 1855. Value ^60, tenable for three years at Trinity College, Oxford. 1873 J. E. J. Julian 1876 J. H. D. Henderson 1879 J. F. Leighton 1882 C. R. H. Martin 1884 D. A. W. Willson 1887 J. S. Nix 1890 SCHREIBER EXHIBITIONERS. This Exhibition was founded by the Lady 4o6 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS Charlotte Schreiber, and was of the annual value of ^35, tenable for three years, for pupils proceeding direct to Trinity College, Cambridge. The Exhibition being adjudged after an examin- ation in Classics only, held before each Mid- summer Vacation. 1863 F. C. Dickson 1864 J. Reid 1865 H. Rees-Philipps 1866 S, W. Cooke 1868 T. Allen DOBSON SCHOLARS. Scholarship founded in memory of the Rev. William Dobson, M.A., Principal of Chelten- ham College from 1844 to 1859. Value .£60, tenable for one year, open to the Classical and Military Departments alternately. Classical. 1869 A. T. Myers 1871 W. Hind 1873 E. T. Griffiths 1875 E. T. Griffiths 1877 IL B. Westcott 1879 C. N. E. Eliot 1881 C. R. Carter 1883 J. U. Powell 1885 P. U. Allen 1887 St. J. B. W. Willson. 1889 H. E. S. Cordeaux Modern. 1870 P. T. Buston 1872 L. B. Friend 1874 J. A. Tanner 1876 A. M. Mantell 1878 A. W. Foord 1880 D. M. Babington 1882 N. Kirby 1884 A. Robinson 1886 W. M. F. Mellor 1888 A. H. Tyler i8go JEX-BLAKE SCHOLARS. Scholarship founded by the “ Je.x-Blake Me- morial Committee,” at the request of the Rev. Thomas William Jex-Blake, D.D., Principal of Cheltenham College from 1868 to 1874. Value ;^36, tenable for one year, open to the Classical and Military Departments alternately. Classical. 1874 E. T. Griffiths 1876 R. N. Blandy 1878 D. W. Fenn 1880 C. N. E. Eliot 1882 J. U. Powell 1884 M. A. Prickett 1886 A. A. Pargiter 1888 J. ff. Baker Modern. 1875 J- A. Tanner 1877 C. A. Smith 1879 C. C. S. Clark 1881 R. S. Curtis 1883 A. Robinson 1885 G. B. Milne- Redhead 1887 H. A. Cameron 1889 P. a M. Parker sourmvooD exhibitioners. E.xhibition founded in memory of the Rev. Thomas Allen Southwood, M.A., Head Master of the Military and Civil Department of Chel- tenham College from 1843 fo 1879. Value not less than £10, tenable for one year, and awarded at Christmas to the pupil of the College who has taken during the year the highest place in the Examination for Admission into Woolwich or Sandhurst, in alternate years, passing direct from the College, provided that the place of Admission be within the first ten. 1888 A. H. Tyler 1889 (Not awarded) CHELTONIAN SOCIETA SCHOLARS. Scholarship founded by the Cheltonian Society in lieu of the Prizes previously presented by them. Annual value ^25, tenable for three years. After 1890 open only to sons of Old Cheltonians ; the same to be eligible for elec- tion whether at the time of the examination they be already members of the College or not. Com- petitors to be under 15. Classical. 1885 H. A. Thornton 1886 H. W. Atlay 1888 L. C. Adami 1889 L. W. Haines Modern. 1887 W. F. Bainbridge BRITISH ASSOCIATION GOLD MEDALLISTS. Gold Medals were presented by the Local Committee of the British Association, in 1857, to the Classical and Military Departments. Classical. W. D. Bushell Modern. W. H. Pierson GOLD MEDALLISTS. A special Prize given by the College Council at the close of each half-year, to the boy who passes the best examination in some portion of the Greek Testament to be selected by the Prin- cipal. 1861 H. McNeile 1862 W. H. Askwith 1863 J, M. Reid 1864 A. B. Bagnold KXlIiHItlON.*^, AND I’RIZES. 407 1865 G. W. Jervis 1 863 1866 A. 11. Hamilton 1864 1867 J. E. Walker 1865 1868 A. T. Myers 1866 1869 A. T. Myers 1 867 G. G. Pruen 1868 1870 Cl. (}. Pruen 1869 R. F. W. Shawe 1870 1871 W. Hind 1871 R. F. W. Shawe 1872 1872 R. F. W. Shawe 1^573 H. A. I). IMiillips 1874 1873 E. T. Griffiths 1875 11. Johnson 1876 1874 E. T. (Griffiths 1877 A. D. Wawn 1878 CO E. T. Griffiths 1879 P'. B. Westcott 1880 1876 J. A. Pruen 1881 P'. B. Westcott 1882 1877 A. C. Logan 1883 1878 D. W. P'enn 1884 1879 13. W. Fenn 1885 C. N. E. Eliot 1886 F. C. Gates 1887 1880 C. N. E. Eliot 1888 J. U. Powell 1889 1881 C. R. Carter 1882 T. W. Richardson 1883 W. G. Clay 1865 1884 W. G. Clay 1866 1885 St. J. B. W. Willson \ 1867 A. A. Pargiter / ‘ 1868 1886 A. A. Pargiter 1869 1887 St. J. B. W. Willson J 1870 F. B. Baker 1 , 1871 C. W. C. Hallett f 1872 A. S. Owen J 1873 1888 A. S. Owen 1 1874 L. G. Moore J 1875 1889 J. A. Inglis 1876 SILVER MEDALLISTS. SiU’er Medals are given annually by the Col- lege Council — in the Classical Department for excellence in Classical Knowledge ; and in the Military Department for excellence in Mathe- matical Knowledge, to be determined by the Midsummer Examination. Classical. 1845 W. C. Plunket 1846 J. M. D. Owen 1847 H. A. James 1848 E. W. Hamilton 1849 W. R. Smith 1 850 W. R. Smith 1851 H. Robeson 1852 W. L. Newman >853 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 E. C. Dickson R. T. Reid 'r. S. Ooodlake O. W. Jervis II. A. I'rotlicro A. T. Myers A. T. Myers O. Cl. I’rucn W. Hind R. F. W. Shawe H . Johnson F3. 'I'. Griffitlis E. T. Griffiths R. N. Blandy F. 15. Westcott G. P. Chamberlain D. W. Fenn C. R. Carter J. U. Powell L. R. .Stert R. H. Campbell W. G. Clay A. D. Geddes St. J. B. VV. Willson C. W. C. Hallett A. S. Owen T. C. Smith Mathematical. J. F. Hewson C. A. Crompton P'. S. Bishop A. W. Cockburn J. T. Rice P. T. Buston C. F. Hadden F'. Hickman H. Johnson J. A. Tanner J. A. Tanner A. M. Mantell C. A. Smith A. W. Foord C. C. S. Clark D. M. Babington C. C. J. Pery N. Kirby A. Robinson C. H. Heycock G. B. Milne-Redhead W. M. F. Mellor H. A. Cameron A. H. Tyler H. G. Bois MA THEM A TICAL MEDALLISTS. Silver Medal annually given by the College Council to the best Mathematician in the Clas- sical Department. 1854 R. Broughton 1881 C. R. Carter 1855 L. A. Wyatt 1882 H. W. C. McLaughlin 1856 J. B. Worgan 1883 W. G. Clay 1857 PI. Jackson 1884 L. MacBrayne 1858 F. Brandt 1885 P. U. Allen 1859 F. W. H. Myers 1886 J. D. McLachlan i860 E. J. Myers 1887 R. S. Pottinger 1861 W. A. Pesterre 1888 P. K. Nix 1862 S. B. Tristram 1889 E. A. Estcourt 4o8 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS, WALKER PRIZEMEN. Three prizes (value ^5, ^3, and £1), founded by John Walker, Esq. (O.C.), for proficiency in the knowledge of Holy Scripture and of the Prayer Book. Open to both sides of the College. 1863 W. H. Askwith 1 [■£Eq. E. D. Bullock J *G D. L. Cary 1864 J. M. Reid *E. L. Levett 1865 A. Crofton =i'G. A. Cockburn 1866 G. W. Jervis *C. A. Crompton 1867 A. H. Hamilton W. Rees-Phillips (extra prize) *A. W. Cockburn 1868 A. T. Myers *H. B. Phipps 1869 A. T. Myers G. G. Pruen *J. D. Gael 1870 G. G. Pruen R. F. W. Shawe F. W. Preston 1871 W. Hind R. F. W. Shawe 1872 W. E. Inchbald E. 0 . Daly B. C. Littlewood 1873 A. D. Wawn E. Gray 1874 E. T. Griffiths A. D. Wawn 187s E. T. Griffiths F. C. Liesching 1876 F. B. Westcott 1877 D. W. Fenn F. C. Liesching 1878 D. W. Fenn J ■£eq. F. C. Liesching J 1879 D. W. Fenn A. Westcott 1880 F. C. Haines 1881 L Lf. Powell D. A. W. Willson 1882 D. A. W. Willson J. U. Powell 1883 D. A. W. Willson B. McCulloch 1884 St. J. B. W. Willson W. L. W. Kitching 00 00 Cn H. W. Watson St. J. B. W. Willson 1886 St. J. B. W. Willson 1887 W. L. W. Kitching 1888 L. G. Moore C. Woodhouse 1889 *A. T. Chamier G. Hibbert-Ware H. A. Thornton IREDELL PRIZEMEN. Two prizes (value £\ and £1) founded by Captain James Shrubb Iredell, and determined by an Examination in some portion of Modern • Those marked with a * were in the .Military Depart- ment. History to be selected by the Principal, to both Departments of the College. 1865 M. W. C. Marklove R. E. Fox 1866 F. H. Barrow F. Baker ■W. H. Johnston 1867 F. Baker 'i'C. H. Johnston 1868 T. W. Holderness G. L. B. Wildig 1869 G. L. B. Wildig T. W. Holderness R. Obbard 1870 1871 R. F. W. Shawe J F. J. Cade C. M. W. Brett 1872 *G. K. Watts 1873 G. M. Williams H. W. W. Reynolds R. N. Blandy 1874 E. T. Griffiths -J. H. Hallam 1875 R- Lawrence A. H. Collins 1876 G. P Chamberlain T. W. Gould A. C. Logan 1877 T. W. Gould A. A. E. Campbell \ G. S. Clark J 1878 C. G. Ellaby 1879 C. G. Ellaby A. A. E. Campbell 1880 F. C. Gates \ R. H. Brereton j 1881 H. V. Page G. E. L. Campbell A. T. A. Shaw aeq. a?q. 1882 H. V. Page S. St. J. Westlake 1883 R. H. Campbell 1884 H. St. C. Wilkins -‘-A. Robinson 1885 A. A. Pargiter P. U. Allen 1886 H. Jordan J. S. Nix 1887 H. Jordon J. S. Nix 1888 A. S. Owen H. C. Wyley 1889 L. G. Moore =i'A. T. Chamier Open IIORNB V PRIZEMEN. Annual Prizes, value £^ each, founded by Henry Hugh Hornby, Esq. (O.C.), for boys of the Military Department. Subjects, French and German. 1866 S. Smith A. E. Dobson 1867 C. M. Western F. S. Bishop 1868 H. Vansittart R. W. Mansfield 1869 11 . D. Olivier 1870 J. E. J. A. Blandy 1871 L. F. V. Tudor EXHIBITIONS, AND PROVES. 400 1872 A. C. Bailward 1873 II. P. Hickman 1 874 1 -:. Agar 1875 E. L. O. Roper 1876 P. L. O. Roper 1877 L. A. Isaacs 1878 I,. A. Isaacs 1879 R. P. Maxwell 1 880 C. W. Tyler 1881 H. G. Beaumont A. F. McLachlan 1882 A. F. McLachlan 1883 R. Ross-Johnson P. A. Boileau 1884 R. Ross-Johnson R. L. Monel 1885 E. A. Kingston A. M. Mond 1886 Prince Francis of Teck L. A. Kingston 1887 B. Gosselin H. W. Gordon 1888 C. J. Hobkirk 1889 Hon. W. G. Thesiger E. M. Young H. G. Langley CHELTONIAN SOCIETY PRIZEMEN. Annual Prizes (value ^9 each), founded by the Cheltonian Society. One given to the Classical and one to the Military Department. The subject for the former being an English Essay, and that for the latter Mathematical Problems in Pure and Mixed Mathematics, Chemistry, and Heat. These Prizes were dis- continued in 1884, and in the following year the Cheltonian Society founded a .Scholarship to take their place. Classical. 1870 T. G. Gardiner 1871 S. R. A. Buller 1872 H. A. D. Phillips 1873 E. T. Griffiths 1874 E. T. Griffiths 1875 R. N. Blandy 1876 G. P. Chamberlain 1877 T. W. Gould 1878 A. C. Logan 1879 A. C. Logan 1880 F. C. Gates 1881 C. R. Carter 1882 T. P. Bullivant 1883 W. G. Clay Modern. 1870 A. H. Callwell 1871 C. F. Hadden 1872 L. B. Friend 1873 C. B. Mayne 1874 J. A. Tanner 1875 C. T. Robinson 1876 A. M. Mantell 1877 A. V. Heath 1878 A. W. Foord 1879 C. C. S. Clark 1880 R. P. Warren 1881 C. C. J. Pery 1882 N. Kirby 1883 A. Robinson JEX-HLAKE {ENGLISH LITER A TURE) PRIZEMEN. Two Annual Prizes (value ^4 and ;^2), founded by the Rev. Thomas William Jex- Blake, D.U., Principal of Cheltenham College from 1868 to 1874. Subjects set in December, including always at least one Play of Shake- speare. Open to both departments of the College. The prize open only to boys below the Sixth Form at close of the previous term. 1871 E. K. Corbett 1872 E. K. Corbett 1873 A. H. T. Martindale 1874 H. W. W. Reynolds 1875 D. G. Crawford 1876 A. H. Collins A. C. Logan 1877 F. C. Liesching 1878 A. C. Logan 1879 C. Logan H. Hadley 1880 P'. C. Gates 1881 H. V. Page 1882 H. V. Page W. H. A. St. J. Leeds 1883 A. Robinson S. St. J. Westlake 1884 E. V. Levinge R. Morley 1885 E. V. Levinge A. D. Geddes 1886 A. A. Pargiter A. S. Owen 1887 A. A. Pargiter A. S. Owen 1888 G. Hibbert-Ware \ L. G. Moore j ‘ 1889 A. S. Owen T. A. Vans Best JEX-BLAKE {GEOGRAPHICAL) PRIZEMEN. Two Annual Prizes (value and £z), founded by the Rev. Thomas William Jex- Blake, D.D., Principal of Cheltenham College from 1868 to 1874. Subjects set in December. Open to both departments of the College. The £z prize open only to boys below the Sixth P'orm at close of the previous term. 1872 E. Dickson 1873 G. M. Williams 1874 G. M. Williams 1875 D. B. W. Sladen 1876 G. S. Clark (Physical) H. Wingfield-Stratford (Political) 1877 F. R. Maunsell (Physical) 1882 A. A. Chichester (Physical) W. I. Ryder (Political) 1883 W. I. Ryder 1884 P. U. Allen 1886 A. S. Owen SCHACHT PRIZEMEN. Two Annual Prizes (value ^3 each), founded in memory of Mr. A. C. F. Schacht, who died in 1871, and who was for many years German 3 G 410 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS, ETC. Master at Cheltenham College. Given to the best German Scholar in both Classical and Military Departments. Classical. 1873 E. M. Nedham 1874 E. K. E. Spence 1875 A. H. Collins 1876 A. H. Collins 1877 F. B. Westcott 1878 U. W. Fenn 1879 H. Kynaston 1880 W. H. Kynaston 1881 S. St. J. Westlake 1882 S. St. J. Westlake 1883 C. S. Uodgson 1884 H. W. Heffernan 1885 H. W. Heffernan ' 1886 H. W. Heffernan 1887 A. Gaitskell 1888 Not awarded 1889 H. O. W. G. Brooke Modern. 1873 H. P. Hickman 1874 J. H. Cowan 1875 L. Agar 1876 E. Agar 1877 P. L. O. Roper 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 A. Grant J. McN. Walter C. W. Tyler C. E. Baynes H. G. Beaumont E. C. Cameron J. A. Rich F. R. F. Boileau H. F. R. Despard W. S. Sarsfield C. C. Robertson H. G. Bois 1 W. J. Fowler J STEWART PRIZEMEN. Annual Prize for Science (value founded by Old Cheltonians in memory of Lieut.-Colonel John Donald Hamill Stewart, C.M.G., nth Hussars. Open to boys in the hlilitary Depart- ment, to be determined by an Examination held at Midsummer. 1886 T. W. Bloxam 1 A. B. Longden j 1887 E. W. M. Walker 1 E. T. Browne / 1888 F. Warren 1889 H. G. Bois HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS. The College Class Lists were published only annually, in June, down to the year 1867, from 1868-72 twice a year, June and December, and from 1873 at Easter, July, and December, when the three terms’ system came into force. Classical. 1841 (Dec.) 1842 (June) C. Schreiber (Dec.) 1843 (June) C. Schreiber (Dec.) 1844 (June) W. H. Bubb (Dec.) 184s Qune) C. P. Phinn (Dec.) 1846 (June) J. M. D. Owen (Dec.) H. A. James 1847 (June) H. A. James (Dec.) 1848 (June) — Hamilton (Dec) 1849 (June) W. R. Smith (Dec.) 1850 (June) H. Robeson (Dec.) 1851 (June) H. Robeson (Dec.) 1852 (June) W. L. Newman (Dec.) 1853 (June) W. W. Merry (Dec.) 1854 (June) R. Broughton (Dec.) 1855 (June) H. S. Pasley (Dec.) 1856 (June) P. W. Tibbs (Dec.) 1857 (June) — White (Dec.) H. Jackson 1858 (June) H. Jackson (Dec.) 1859 (June) R. W. Raper (Dec.) i860 (June) C. E. Temple (Dec.) 1861 (June) E. J. Myers (Dec.) 1862 (June) S. B. Tristram (Dec.) 1863 (June) F. C. Dickson (Dec.) 1864 (June) A. B. Bagnold (Dec.) 1865 (June) T. S. Goodlake (Dec.) M. W. C. Marklove 1866 (June) G. W. Jervis (Dec.) 1867 (June) H. A. Prothero (Dec.) 1868 (June) A. C. Bradley (Dec.) A. T. Myers 1869 (June) A. C. Bradley (Dec.) G. G. Pruen 1870 (June) W. Hind (Dec.) W. Hind 1871 (June) W. Hind (Dec.) R. F. W. Shawe 1872 (June) R. F. W. Shawe (Dec.) E. K. Corbett 1873 (Easter) F. J. Cade (July) E. T. Griffiths HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS. 41 (Dec.) E. T. (jriffitlis (Dec.) 1874 (ICaster) E. T. r.riffitlis 1851 (June) F. A. M. Wise (July) E. T. Griffitlis (Dec.) (Dec.) E. T. Griffiths 1852 Oune) E. Jones 1875 (Easter) E. T. Griffiths (Dec.) (July) E. T. Griffiths 1853 (June) J. M. McNeile (Dec.) R. N. Blandy (Dec.) 1876 (Easter) F. B. VVestcott 1854 (June) J. M. McNeile (July) R. N. Blandy (Dec.) (Dec.) F. B. Westcott 1855 (June) K. A. Jopp 1877 (Easter) F. B. Westcott (Dec.) (July) B. Westcott 1856 (June) W. H. Pierson (Dec.) (7. B. Chamberlain (Dec.) 1878 (Easter) D. W. h'enii 1857 (June) W. 11 . Pierson (July) D. W. Fenn (Dec.) (Dec.) D. W. Fenn 1858 (June) / C. S. Beauchamp ) 1879 (Easter) D. W. Fenn \ H. Trotter j (July) C. N. E. Eliot (Dec.) (Dec.) C. N. E. Eliot 1859 (June) W. B. Hemans 1880 (Easter) C. N. E. Eliot (Dec.) (July) C. N. E. Eliot i860 (June) J. Ramsay (Dec.) C. R. Carter (Dec.) 1881 (Easter) C. R. Carter 1861 (June) F. V. Corbett (July) C. R. Carter (Dec.) W. Hunter (Dec.) C. R. Carter 1862 (June) MacG. Greer 1882 (Easter) J. U. Powell (Dec.) (July) J. U. Powell 1863 (June) C. Bell (Dec.) J. U. Powell (Dec.) 1883 (Easter) J. U. Powell 1864 (June) C. James (July) J. U. Powell (Dec.) (Dec.) J. U. Powell 1865 (June) J. F. Hewson 1884 (Easter) J. U. Powell (Dec.) (July) W. G. Clay 1866 (June) C. A. Crompton (Dec.) P. U. Allen (Dec.) G. W. Addison 1885 (Easter) P. U. Allen 1867 (June) C. M. Western (July) P. U. Allen (Dec.) (Dec.) St. J. B. W. Willson 1868 (June) A. W. Cockburn 1886 (Easter) St. J. B. W. Willson (Dec.) A. W. Cockburn (July) St. J. B. W. Willson 1869 (June) J. T. Rice (Dec.) St. J. B. W. Willson (Dec.) J. C. Addison 1887 (Easter) St. J. B. W. Willson 1870 (June) P. T. Buston (July) St. J. B. W. Willson (Dec.) P. T. Buston (Dec.) A. S. Owen 1871 (June) G. C. P. Onslow 1888 (Easter) A. S. Owen (Dec.) C. F. Hadden (July) A. S. Owen 1872 (June) L. B. Friend (Dec.) A. S. Owen (Dec.) F. Hickman 1889 (Easter) A. S. Owen 1873 (Easter) H. C. Sclater (July) A. S. Owen (July) F. Hickman (Dec.) A. S. Owen (Dec.) G. W. Watson 1890 (Easter) A. S. Owen 1874 (Easter) J. A. Tanner (July) J. A. Tanner Military and Civil {Modern). (Dec.) 1875 (Easter) J. A. Tanner J. A. Tanner 1841 (Dec.) (July) J. A. Tanner 1842 (June) S. Mersey (Dec.) E. Agar (Dec.) 1876 (Easter) A. M. Mantell 1843 (June) J. B. G. Close (July) A. M. Mantell (Dec.) (Dec.) P. L. 0 . Roper 1844 (June) J. B. G. Close 1877 (Easter) Cecil A. Smith (Dec.) (July) Cecil A, Smith 1845 Qune) A. Davidson (Dec.) A. Grant (Dec.) 1878 (Easter) E. Moul 1846 (June) A. Davidson (July) J. Stewart (Dec.) (Dec.) f S. M. Renny 1847 (June) A. C. Bogle \ C. de C. Hamilton (Dec.) 1879 (Easter) A. B. Scott 1848 (June) M. G. Geneste (July) C. C. S. Clark (Dec.) (Dec.) G. R. U. Cookes 1849 (June) (Dec.) M. H. Scott 1880 (Easter) f D. M. Babington \ \ C. E. Baynes J 1850 (June) 0 . B. Feilden (July) D. M. Babington aeq. 32 q. 412 HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS. i88i 1882 1883 1884 (Dec.) { (Easter) | (July) (Dec.) (Easter) (July) (Dec.) (Easter) | (July) (Dec.) (Easter) (July) C. E. Baynes \ CO CO Gri (Easter) E. C. Ogilvie J. C. Erck j (July) G. B. Milne-Redhead J. C. Erck 1 (Dec.) A. H. Lee R. S. Curtis / T 1886 (Easter) H. A. Cameron R. S. Curtis (July) W. M. F. Mel lor C. C. J. Pery (Dec.) H. A. Cameron N. Kirby CO 00 (Easter) H. A, Cameron N. Kirby (July) H. A. Cameron A. Robinson (Dec.) A. H. Tyler D. H. ColnaghiJ 1888 (Easter) A. H. Tyler A. Robinson / (July) A. H. Tyler A. Robinson (Dec.) H. G. Bois D. H. Colnaghi 1889 (Easter) H. G. Bois A. Robinson (July) H. G. Bois A. Robinson (Dec.) W. J. Fowler E. C. Ogilvie \ C. H. D. Ryder I 1890 (Easter) A. F. Porcher LIST OF THE COLLEGE CRICKET ELEVENS, BOAT CREWS, FOOTBALL AND RIFLE CORPS TEAMS, RACQUET PAIRS, AND GYMNASIUM EIGHTS. CRICKET ELEVENS. 1855—1889. The names recorded in the XI. room commenced only from 1855. 1855. A. H. Austen-Leigh (Captain) F. Coddington H. Coningham J. D. Hargreaves F. Newall V. H. Parker H. S. Pasley F. R. Price A. Rice R. H.Truell F, E. E. Wilson 1856. F. R. Price (Captain) S. B. Adams C. D. Alexander F. Brandt H. Cautley W. Coningham G. I. F. Cooke R. H. Fowler-Butler C. O. Mules W. J. Tonge T. Trueman Cheltenhan beat Marlbo- rough by 77 ru 7 is. 1857. F. R. Price (Captain) J. H. Ashton F. Brandt W. Coningham H. Elmhirst R. H. Fowler-Butler E. H. Hinchcliffe H. E. Hulton R. Johnson C. R. Liddle E. R. W. Lloyd Cheltenham beat Marlbo- rough by 4 wickets. 1858. F. R. Price (Captain) G. B. Bentham J. L. Birkett F. Brandt W, B. Corfield C. A. Garnett H. E. Hulton T. E. Jones J. Y. Knowles A. R. Martin A. G. Raper Cheltenham beat Marlbo- rough by 6 wickets. 1859. F. R. Price (Captain) G. B. Bentham C. V. Eccles G. M. Kennedy J. Y. Knowles A. G. Raper G. W. Ribton T. L. Rolph W. E. Stokes C. E. Temple C. C. Turnbull Marlborough beat Chelten- ham by yz runs. 1860. A. G. Raper (Captain) G. B. Bentham C. V. Eccles G. M. Kennedy S. Parker W. T. Stewart C. E. Temple W. H. A. Truell C. C. Turnbull W. A. Turnbull M. Turner Cheltetiham v. Marlborough., drawn match. 1861. A. G. Raper (Captain) W. H. Arundell E. Barrett P. K. Beaver E. C. Boodle R. Garnett G. M. Kennedy J. W. W. Peake A. L. Tickell W. H. A. Truell C. C. Turnbull Cheltenhatn beat Marlbo- rough by 7 wickets. 1862. W. H. A. Truell (Captain) W. A. Aitchison E. R. S. Brander W. H. Croker R. Garnett J. G. Grey J. A. L. Hamilton A. G. W. Malet R. T. Reid J. R. Robertson A. L. Tickell Cheltenham v. Marlborough, drawn match. 1863. J. R. Robertson (Captain) B. Bramwell H. L. Cameron R. O. Cotton W. H. Croker A. H. Higgins LIST OF THE COLLEGE CRICKET ELEVENS. 4'3 J. W. B. Laurie H. B. Barr R. T. Reid C. E. Smyth H. N. Throsby Cheltenham beat Marlbo- rough by 36 runs. 1864. R. T, Reid (Captain) L. C. Abbott B. Brainwell H. L. Cameron R. O. Cotton W. II. Croker J. Garnett A. H. Higgins H. B. Parr J. C. Robertson H. N. Throsby Cheltenham v. Marlborough, drawn match. 1865. R. O. Cotton (Captain) L. C. Abbott B. Bramwell E. F. F. Cuppage C. H. Eccles C. R. Filgate J. Garnett A. C. Curtis-Hayward A. H. Higgins E. A. Johnson P. H. Mellor Cheltenham beat Rossall by 5 wickets. Marlborough beat Chel- tenham by 10 wickets. 1866. L. C. Abbott (Captain) F. Baker P. H. S. Barrow T. Y. Bramwell E. A. Brice C. R. Filgate L. O. Garnett A. H. Hamilton W. Humphrys P. H. Mellor E. J. C. Studd Cheltenham v. Marlborough, drawn match. 1867. L. C. Abbott (Captain) F. Baker P. H. S. Barrow T. Y. Bramwell E. A. Brice A. Chandler E. F. F. Cuppage C. R. Filgate H. Fox A. H. Hamilton H. W. Renny-Tailyour Cheltenham v. Marlborough, drawn match. 1868. E. A. Brice (Captain) T. Y. Bramwell A. Chandler J. F. Evans C. R. Filgate H. Fox h’. Fulton J. J. Reid G. Strachan J. M. Wade T. Wise Cheltenham beat Marlbo- rough by 10 wickets. 1869. T. Wise (Captain) A. C. Bradley F. A. Carter A. Guthrie G. E. Hare A. J. Loudon H. Mellor A. T. Myers ' G. Strachan C. K. Wood G. N. Wyatt Marlborough beat Chelten- ham by an innings and 1 2 runs. 1870. G. Strachan (Captain) K. Borrowes E. de S. H. Browne F. A. Carter W. E. Collins F. W. P'rancis E. W. Harrison F. F. Johnson T. W. Mallam F. Strachan F. H. Trevithick Cheltenham beat Marlbo- rough by 6 wickets. 1871. K. Borrowes (Captain) E. de S. H. Browne W. E. Collins F. W. Francis T. W. Mallam W. O. Matteson F. H. Mellor L. L. Steele J. H. A. Tremenheere G. K. Watts J. N. E. Young Cheltenham beat Marlbo- rough by 7 wickets. 1872. E. de S. H. Browne (Captain) H. T. Allsopp E. Fryer E. J. M. Gardiner F. Kemble R. B. Kennard F. H. Mellor T. W. N. Oliver L. L. Steele C. A. Timms G. K. Watts Marlborough beat Chelten- ham by 7 wickets. Clifton beat Cheltenham by 6 wickets. 1873- E. de S. 11 . Browne (Captain) C. A. Abbott H. T. Allsopp W. Auld A. E. P. Burn H. G. Cell B. Harrison E. Leese F. H. Mellor T. W. N. Oliver A. L. E. Russell M arlborough beat Chelten- ham by 84 runs. Clifton beat Cheltenham by an innings and 44 }'uns. 1874. E. de S. H. Browne (Captain) F. E. Allsopp E. D. Crane R. H. k'owler C. H. Hayes T. Moore T. W. N. Oliver G. C. Pakenham T. P. Shelmerdine C. D. S. Stanhope J. H. Young Cheltenham beat Afarlbo- 7 'ough by 233 runs. Clifton mcitch drawn. 1875. T. W. N. Oliver (Captain) F. E. Allsopp E. Druitt R. H. Fowler A. M. Hayes C. E. Milvain T. Moore M. I. E. Morris G. C. Pakenham R .W. J. Rushbrooke R. M. Thomas Marlborough match drawn. Clifton beat Cheltc 7 iham by an i finings and 107 runs. 1876. T. Moore (Captain) E. U. David E. Druitt G. Harrison A. M. Hayes C. E. Horner C. E. Milvain M. I. E. Morris R. W. J. Rushbrooke R. H. B, Taylor A. R. Trevithick Marlborough beat Chelten- ham by 6 wickets. Clifton match drawn. 414 LIST OF THE COLLEGE CRICKET ELEVENS. M. I. E. Morris (Captain) W. N. Fletcher A. J. Forrest A. S. Jackson F. J. Kendrick A. j. E. Newton G. R. Nicholson F. G. Oliver A. Stokes E. A. D’A. Thomas H. C. Wilson Marlborough beat Chelten- ham by an innings atid 170 runs. Clifton beat Chelten- ham by an innings and 209 runs. 1878. A. J. Forrest (Captain) H. B. Brownlow H. Calley St. J. H. Clowes G. Francis R. A. Glass A. D. S. Hamilton A. S. Jackson A. J. E. Newton F. G. Oliver W. C. Tonge Marlborough beat Chelten- ham by 6 wickets. Cliftott beat Cheltenham by 9 wickets. 1879. A. J. Forrest (Captain) C. R. Brown St. J. H. Clowes H. P. Cooke G. Francis R. A. Glass U. M. Jenkins A. W. Kemble T. J. Llewellin F. G. Oliver W. C. Tonge Cheltenham beat Clifton by 19 runs. Marlborough beat Cheltenham by lif runs. 1880. F. G. Oliver (Captain) M. Boyd C. R. Brown St. J. H. Clowes H. P. Cooke O. G. levers T. J. Llewellin R. B. Muir G. P. L. Pemberton W. C. Tonge F. W. H. Walker The matches against Marl- borough and Clifton were both left drawn. 1881. C. R. Brown (Captain) M. Boyd A. P. Friend A. B. E. Gibson C. E. Greenway D. T. M. Jones H. Osborne G. S. Page H. V. Page W. Parish G. P. L. Pemberton Cheltenham beat Marlbo- rough by 4 wickets. Chelten- ham beat Clifton by 8 wickets. 1882. C. E. Greenway (Captain) F. G. Andrews N. C. B. Chamberlain G. A. Clowes F. M. S. Grant A. B. Heath H. L. Humphreys D. T. M. Jones H. V. Page L. H. E. Taylor F. Westcott Cheltenham heat Clifton by 99 runs. Marlborough beat Cheltenham by 70 runs. 1883. L. H. E. Taylor (Captain) A. P. Bateman-Champain E. M. Blair G. Cripps E. W. Edmondson V. Ferguson A. B. Heath R. E. Heaven H. A. Hornby U. C. Lee A. Robinson Marlborough beat Chelten- ham by an innings and to2 ricns. Clifton beat Cheltenham by 4 wickets. 1884. A. B. Heath (Captain) A. P. Bateman-Champain E. M. Blair V. Ferguson A. A. Glass E. M. Hamilton A. L. S. Jackson A. A. Lutyens C. E. Pierson J. B. Rennie A. Robinson The matches against Marl- borough and Clifton were both left drawn. 1885. A. A. Glass (Captain) H. W. Banks-Wright H. F. Bateman-Champain W. C. Blair H. M. Blyth E. C. Glass F. L. Oliver A. D. Plomer E. W. Richardson P. A. Turner E. I. Ward Marlborough match drawn. Clifton beat Cheltenham by 5 wickets. 1886. A. A. Glass (Captain) H. F. Bateman-Champain H. M. Blyth W. M. Brown E. C. Glass E. T. Heaven A. R. Holdship P. D. Hornby C. H. H. Pitts P. A. Turner E. I. Ward Cheltenham beat Marlbo- rough by 5 wickets. Clifton beat Cheltenham by 10 wickets. 1887. E. C. Glass (Captain) H. F. Bateman-Champain W. W. D’O. Bignell W. M. Brown H. R. Christie P. C. Clowes C. A. R. Gordon E. T. Heaven W. Hodges C. T. Smith P. A. Turner Cheltenham beat Marlbo- rough by 7 wickets. Chelten- ham beat Clifton by 9 wickets. 1888. H. T. Bateman-Champain (Captain) W. A. Baker L. T. Bigg C. V. B. Davy W. Hodges L. G. Mayers L. H. Palmer G. C. Swire Hon. W. G. Thesiger R. Thompson E. M. Young Cheltenham beat Marlbo- rough by an uinings and 71 runs. Cheltenham beat Clifton by 10 wickets. 1889. W. Hodges (Captain) R. G. L. Austin W^ A. Baker J. B. Campbell J. B. Cockburn H. C. Nelson P. S. Oswald R. A. Simson. Hon. W. G. Thesiger A. C. Thomson E. M. Young Marlborough beat Chelten- ham by 9 wickets. Clifton match drawn. UST OK THE COLLEGE BOAT CREWS. 415 /> 0^1 T CRE I VS. 1 864 - 1 889. The Boat Club was founded in 1859, but there was no regular College Boat until 1864. 1864. (bow) G. 1). L. Cary 2 B. Aubertin 3 T. L. Meire (stroke) W. L. Freeman (cox.) CL E. M. Taylor Cheltenhivn beat Shrewsbury by 3 seconds. 1865. (bow) C. W. Isaac 2 E. F. Hedges 3 J. K. Brown (stroke) W. H. Collier (cox.) C. F. Parr Shrewsbury beat Cheltenham by 1 feet. 1866. (bow) J. L. Matthews 2 W. G. Gilchrist 3 F. H. Barrow (stroke) W. N. Beauclerk (cox.) G. M. Isaac Shrewsbury beat Cheltenham by 5 lengths. 1867. (bow) W. G. Lowther 2 E. M. Money 3 J. A. Cameron (stroke) W. N. Beauclerk (cox) G. M. Isaac Cheltenham beat Shrewsbury by 8 lengths. 1868. (bow) R. fif. Crofton 2 W. G. Lowther 3 J. A. Cameron (stroke) W. N. Beauclerk (cox.) G. M. Isaac Cheltenham beat Shrewsbury by 10 lengths. 1869. (bow) A. H. Glennie 2 C. H. Peter 3 G. R. Ramsay (stroke) G. A. R. Monro (cox.) W. U’A. Crofton Shrewsbury beat Cheltenham by i\ lengths. 1870. (bow) G. T. Williams 2 G. A. R. Monro 3 A. H. Callwell (stroke) S. C. Meire (cox.) A. B. Burt Cheltenham beat Shrewsbury by lengths. (bow) R. Ritson 2 C. G. Donald 3 G. H. Cowburn (stroke) G. T. Williams (cox.) A. E. Russell Cheltenham beat Shrewsbury by 6 lengths. 1872. (bow) A. C. MacDonell 2 F. Peabody 3 J.E.J. Julian (stroke) F. J. D. Lincoln (cox.) L. H. Jenkins Cheltenham beat Shrewsbury by 5 lengths. 1873- (bow) E. C. Jones 2 R. F. Creighton 3 F. J. D. Lincoln (stroke) F. Peabody (cox.) C. L. Lawrence Cheltenhani beat Shrewsbury by a quarter of a length. 1874. (bow) H. W. F. C. Brodhurst 2 W. V. Dickinson 3 H. G. More-Gordon (stroke) J. F. Close (cox.) E. H. F. Heneage Cheltenham beat Shrewsbjtry by a length. 1875. (bow) LL C. Beadon 2 J. F. H. Collett 3 W. R. Coleridge (stroke) J. F. Close (cox.) E. H. F. Heneage Shrewsbury beat Cheltenham by lengths. 1876. (bow) A. G. Chesney 2 T. G. Gardiner 3 J. G. Allen (stroke) L. H. Jenkins (cox.) T. G. Lavie Cheltenham beat Shrewsbury by 2\ lengths. 1877. (bow) H. Nunn 2 H. T. Shaw 3 F. S. Clark 4 M. S. Fowler 5 A. G. Clark 6 E. Moul 7 N. A. Pitts (stroke) G. W. Maunsell (cox.) E. H. F. Heneage Radley beat Cheltenham easi- ly, and Eton beat Cheltenham for the Ladies’ Plate at Henley. 1878. (bow) S. Hanna 2 C. B. Close 3 J. I). Broadfoot 4 A. W. .Stansfeld 5 1C. Lambert 6 F. S. Clark 7 W. H. Besant (stroke) A. F. Sim (cox.) B. B. Williams Eton beat Cheltenham by 5 lengths at Henley. Derby beat Cheltenham at Tewkesbury. 1879. (bow) C. B. Close 2 E. P. Clark 3 F, S. Clark (stroke) A. F. .Sim (cox.) G. S. F. Gunnis Cheltenham won the Public Schools Challenge Cup at Hen- ley Regatta, and the Public Schools Challenge Cup at Tew- kesbury Regatta. 1880. (bow) C. B. Close 2 F. W. Harding 3 L. H. Lane (stroke) A. F. Sim (cox.) G. S. F. Gunnis Bedford and Radley beat Cheltenham in the \st heat of the Public Schools Race at Hen- ley Regatta. 1881. (bow) R. C. Boyle 2 J. Phillipps 3 C. R. Carter (stroke) A. F. Sim (cox.) A. D. Geddes Westminster beat Cheltenham by a yard m the \st heat of the Public Schools Race at Heidey Regatta. 1882. (bow) E. Scot-Skirring 2 R. C. Boyle 3 T. W. Lambert (stroke) D. H. Colnaghi (cox.) A, D. Geddes Cheltenham beat .Shrewsbury by half a length. 1883. (bow) G. R. C. Stuart 2 P. B. Wright 3 E. Scot-Skirring (stroke) S. H. Brunner (cox.) A. D. Geddes Shrewsbury beat Cheltenham by 3j lengths. 1884. No “Colours” were given this year, as there was no race against Shrewsbury School. 4i6 LIST OF THE COLLEGE BOAT CREWS. 1885. (bow) H. E. M. Studdy 2 L. MacBrayne 3 S. A. Young (stroke) S. H. Brunner (cox.) A. F. James Shrewsbury beat Cheltenha 7 n by half a length. 1886. (bow) A. A. Scot-Skirring 2 R. B. Downing 3 W. S. Sarsfield (stroke) H. E. M. Studdy (cox.) A. F. James Shrewsbtiry beat Cheltenham by 3 lengths. 1887. (bow) H. R. Brunner 2 E. S. Penrose 3 C. Thornton (stroke) H. E. M. Studdy (cox.) H. M. Taylor Shrewsbtay beat Chelte 7 iham by I second. 1888. (bow) H. Clayton 2 H. Bremner 3 W. L. W. Kitching (stroke) H. R. Brunner (cox.) C. G. Massy- Dawson Shrewsbury beat Cheltenham by three-quarters of a length. 1889. (bow) H. Clayton 2 F. O. Poole 3 C. Thornton (stroke) C. W. H. Fowler (cox.) C. G. Massy- Dawson Shrewsbury beat Cheltetiham by 9 seconds. FOOTBALL TEAMS. 1868 — 1889 . There is no record of the College Twenties previous to 1868. 1868. E. Fryer F. Peabody G. Strachan (Captain) T. W. Mallam F. G. Preston A. Baines S. C. Meire J. B. Richards H. M. Brice F. H. Mellor C. J. Sim G. H. Browne L. Neville J. H. A. Tremenheere M. R. Corbett G. C. P. Onslow F. St. G. de L. Tucker J. S. D’Aguilar C. H. Rickards A. Varley A. Ellershaw A. E. Riddle — J. F. Evans H. C. St. George J. E. J. Julian (Easter, 1873) A. Guthrie C. Strachan C. B. Mayne „ E. W. Harrison F. Strachan A. M. Hopkinson N. Thursby 1873 W. Lawrence J. H. A. Tremenheere E. de S. H. Browne (Captain A. J. Loudon W. C. Yerbury H. T. Allsopp W. G. Lowther - W. L. S. L. Cameron E. H. Oxley 1871. D. H. Coghill R. 0 . Perrott K. Borrowes (Captain) J. H. Cowan A. K. Smith A. S. Allen R. F. Creighton R. St. C. Steuart A. H. W. Brett C. S. Foote E. H. Watts E. de S. H, Browne F. D. Fowler G. N. Wyatt S. R. A. Buller F. R. Green-Price E. S. E. Childers C. C. Inchbald 1869. E. 0 . Daly J. E. J. Julian G. Strachan (Captain) L.J. A. Daniell T. W. N. Oliver C. C. Bryden J. W. Dunlop G. H. Perrott G. M. Bullock G. M. Fowler A. L. E. Russell F. A. Carter E. Fryer H. A. Sim J. S. D’Aguilar G. Garnett T. S. D. Selby C. N. Griffiths E. J. Keele H. G. Taylor E. W. Harrison F. H. Mellor A. Varley S. C. Meire C. H. Rickards G. E. Walter G. A. R. Monro C. Strachan G. M. Williams W. J. Newall C. Tickell C. H. Ommaney J. H. A. Tremenheere 1874 W. de W. Peel H. E. Varley F. D. Fowler (Captain) E. S. Perrott G. K. Watts F. D. Blake F. W. Preston W. P. Cairnes G. R. Ramsay 1872. J. F. Close H. C. St. George F. H. Mellor (Captain) J. R. Cowan A. E. Tee C. A. Abbott W. V. Dickinson F. H. Trevithick G. D. Alston M. S. Fowler J. T. Tyers D. T. Arnott H. C. Fownes-Luttrell C. K. Wood W. E. Brereton E. D. Harrison E. de S. H. Browne G. Harrison 1870. D. H. Coghill A. M. Hayes E. S. Perrott (Captain) G. H. Cowburn P. B. Kennard A. S. Allen C. G. Donald H. W. Lovett K. Borrowes J. Drink water C. E. Milvain A. H. W. Brett J. M. Hamilton ']•. W. N. Oliver W. E. Collins F. J. D. Lincoln E. Peabody E. 0. Daly W, Moir R. T. Roberts LIST OF THE COLLEGE FOOTBALL TEAMS. 417 I). B. W. Sladen VV. II. M. Stewart W. H. Walters W. Vassall (ist Sub.) 187s G. Harrison (Captain) G. A. Allen J. G. Allen F. Amber W. P. Cairnes J. F. Close J. R. Cowan J. P. Cowburn W. V. Dickinson A. J. Forrest M. S. Fowler T. G. Gardiner J. C. Grant A. M. Hayes P. B. Kennard A. C. McKewan C. E. Milvain E. Peabody E. A. D’A. Thomas R. F. Wilson N. A. Pitts (ist Sub.) 1876 J. R. Cowan (Captain) G. J. M. Burnett C. E. Dawkins A. J. Forrest M. S. Fowler T. G. Gardiner J. C. Grant J. W. G. Hughes A. C. McKewan C. E. Milvain W. C. Neville N. A. Pitts R. S. P. Robinson E. A. D’A. Thomas W. H. T. Wright R. B. Barker J. B. Blacker L. H. Jenkins E. J. Lamb C. C. Noble Fifteens first started this year, but these received their “ Colours ” to make up the Col- lege Twenty. 1877 M. S. Fowler (Captain) H. B. Brownlow R. D. Buck G. S. Clark R. E. Corbett C. E. Dawkins A. J. Forrest E. J. Lamb E. Lambert A. C. McKewan J. G. Mayne E. Moul H. T. Renny H. T. Shaw E. A. D’A. Thomas J. I). Broadfoot (Sub.) M. B. Johnson-Smyth (.Sidj.) 1878 A. J. Forrest (Captain) W. H. Besant J. D. Broadfoot H. B. Brownlow F. S. Clark A. Crawford D. W. Fenn V. W. H. Graham L. E. Haines S. Hanna E. S. McEuen A. J. E. Newton H. Shelmerdine W. G. H. -Stirling C. R. Torkington G. Francis (ist Sub.) G. W. S. Hawks (Easter, 1879) A. W. Stansfeld ,, 1879 L. E. Haines (Captain) R. H. Brereton H. C. Buck J. D. Campbell C. H. P. Carter F. S. Clark C. B. Close R. A. Glass F. W. Harding C. M. Harvey L. H. Lane A. E. Saunders A. F. Sim R. H. B. Summers F. W. M. Walter J. Cunningham (Sub.) H. Forrest (Sub.) 1880 L. E. Haines (Captain) R. C. Boyle C. R. Brown W. T. Buck C. R. Carter J. Cunningham B. L. Lane L. H. Lane C. F. Martin H. Osborne VV. Parish A. F. Sim C. F. Sullivan E. G. Trevithick A. Vickerman T. W. Lambert (ist Sub.) M. Boyd (Easter, 1881) G. P. L. Pemberton „ 1881 R. C. Boyle (Captain) F. G. Andrews A. S. Baker C. R. Brown C. 11 . S. Burt C. R. Carter C. 1 C Greenway .S. H. King N. Kirby T. W. Lambert J. E. Molson H. Osborne G. P. L. Pemberton J. F. .Soltau A. Vickerman W. F. Maynard (ist Sub.) H. F. T. Chambers (East., 1882) G. H. Geddes H. Plews „ W. J. Plews „ 1882 F. G. Andrews (C.aptain) II . C. Baker G. E. Barnes J. A. M. Bonar H. F. T. Chambers U. F. Fitz Gerald H. J. Fletcher A. J. L. Grimes H. A. Hornby W. H. A. St. J. Leeds A. F. Me Lachlan H. Plews (left at half-term) W. J. Plews E. Scot-Skirving W. H. Stansfeld (left at hf.-tm.) G. R. C. Stuart P. B. Wright J. F. Brunner (Easter, 1883) S. H. Brunner „ D. C. Lee „ E. W. L. Urquhart „ 1883 E. Scot-Skirving (Captain) A. P. Bateman-Champain S. H. Brunner V. Ferguson J. C. Fitz Gerald A. A. Glass J. D. Hay A. B. Heath S. L. Hornby W. G. Moore A. Robinson J. de la C. Sarsfield G. R. C. Stuart E. W. L. Urquhart P. B. Wright 1884 G. R. C. Stuart (Captain) S. H. Brunner G. Christian V. Christian G. K. Cockerill J. L. A. de Laski A. A. Glass E. C. Glass T. Jones L. MacBrayne J. G. Maxwell 4i8 LIST OF THE COLLEGE FOOTBALL TEAMS. W. H. Prendergast \V. H. Trethewy E. W. L. Urquhart S. A. Young E. D. Cameron (Easter, 1885) A. R. Cobbold „ E. I. Ward „ 1885 A. A. Glass (Captain) H. F. Bateman-Champain V. Christian A. R. Cobbold E. R. Foord E. C. Glass P. D. Hornby G. W. A. Johnson H. A. Johnson F. W. C. Lyon C. G. Porcher W. S. Sarsfield H. A. Stansfeld P. A. Turner E. I. Ward S. H. Enderby (ist Sub.) 1886 E. C. Glass (Captain) W. Banks-Wright H. F. Bateman-Champain O. L. Francis C. A. R. Gordon A. A. Lutyens H. G. Lysaght C. B. Palmer E. S. Penrose C. H. H. Pitts C. G. Porcher W. S. Sarsfield H. A. Stansfeld H. E. M. Studdy P. A. Turner G. S. Lysaght (Sub.) C. E. Jenkins „ C. T. Smith (Easter, 1887) W. M. Brown „ 1887 C. G. Porcher (Captain) H. F. Bateman-Champain W. M. Brown C. L. Enderby O. L. Francis B. Gosselin J. M. T. Hogg J. D. McLachlan J. H. Mugliston J. L. Prain A. A. Scot-Skirving G. C. Swire R. Thompson C. Thornton P. A. Turner C. T. Smith W. C. Metcalfe (Easter, 1888) A. C. Thomson „ 1888 J. M. T. Hogg (Captain) H. Bremner F. E. Great wood W. Hodges A. I. Maling L. G. Mayers F. U. Mugliston J. H. Mugliston F. O. Poole R. P. F. Prain J. Smith A. C. Thomson F. E. White F. E. Pakenham (ist Sub.) C. A. Cobbold (Easter, 1889) P. C. Clowes „ C. W. H. Fowler „ P. S. Oswald „ R. Walker E. M. Young „ 1889 A. C. Thomson (Captain) H. W. Atlay G. L. Benwell J. D. Caruth J. B. Cockburn F. E. Greatwood W. H. S. McAlester F. U. Mugliston G. Osborne P. S. Oswald F. O. Poole R. P. F. Prain E. O. Reid A. A. Sanders V. A. W. G. Talbot E. Harding-Newman (ist Sub.) A. J. Hall (Easter, 1890) H. H. Kopsch „ RIFLE CORPS TEAMS. 1863 — 1889 . The Rifle Corps was enrolled in 1862, but it was not until the following year that Cheltenham made their first appearance at the Wimbledon Meeting. 1863. Captain N. Baker Ensign E. Beal Sergeant P. Aubertin „ W. L. Freeman „ J. W. B. Laurie Corporal A. Greenstreet Private E. Birch „ E. Carthew „ A. MacCausland ,, J. R. C. Slater „ E. B. Thornton 1864. Captain J. Reid Ensign R. O. Cotton Sergeant W. L. Freeman ,, A. Greenstreet „ J. R. C. Slater Corporal E. B. Thornton Private E. Cobham „ R. E. Fox „ J. G. S. Kinloch „ W. N. Lockyer „ B. E. Watkins Cheltenham (E. B. Thorntoti) won the Spencer Cup at Wim- bledon. 1865. Captain J. R. C. Sclater Sergeant J. G. S. Kinloch „ B. E. Watkins Corporal H. B. Batten „ W. N. Lockyer Private R. Auld „ A. Baines „ F. J. Dickson „ C. J. Howe „ C. H. H. Mayne „ H. Taylor 1866. Captain J. R. C. Sclater Lieutenant B. E. Watkins Ensign J. G. S. Kinloch Sergeant A. Baines „ W. N. Lockyer „ H. Taylor Corporal H. B. Batten „ J. W. Godfray Private J. W. R. Almond „ F. Collier Private P. A. K. Y. Pariss Cheltenham beat Marl- borough at Cirencester by 23 points. 1867. Captain J. G. S. Kinloch Lieutenant W. N. Lockyer Ensign A. Baines Sergeant F. Collier „ J. W. Godfray „ C. E. McCheane Private A. W. C. Bell „ G. H. Browne „ P. A. K. Y. Pariss „ R. P. B. Rodick „ W. H. Sim Cheltenham {F. Collier') won the Spencer Cup at Wimbledon. Cheltenham beat Marlborough at Cirencester by 5 1 points. 1868. Captain J. W. Godfray Lieutenant A. Baines Ensign O. T. Hodges Sergeant F. Collier LIST OF THE COLLEOE RIFLE CORPS TEAMS. 4'9 Sergeant P. A. K. Y. Pariss „ R. P. B. Rodick Corporal W. H. Sim „ D. T. Savary Private J. Abercrombie „ J. B. Gibson ,, L. Neville Marlborough beat Chelten- ham m a simultaneous match hy 53 points. 1869. Captain A. Baines Ensign W. H. Sim Sergeant J. B. Gibson ,, L. Neville Corporal W. K. Bullock „ W. J. Newall ,, R. Oakes Private H. C. P. Bell „ J. E. J. A. Blandy „ A. W. Hill „ R. Williams Cheltenham ( IV. H. Sim) wo ft the Spe7icer Cup at Wim- bledon. Marlborough beat Chel- tenham at Cirencester by 13 poitits. 1870. Captain L. Neville Lieutenant J. B. Gibson Ensign R. Oakes Sergeant H. C. P. Bell „ W. B. Brocklehurst Corporal A. W. Hill „ G. W. A. Kinloch Lance-Corporal T, G. T. Me Micking Private F. Abercrombie „ T. S. Baldock „ M. C. Wigan Cheltenham beat Marl- borough at Cireticester by 8 points. 1871. Captain A. W. Hill Ex-Captain L. Neville Lieutenant G. W. A. Kinloch Sergeant F. Abercrombie „ T. S. Baldock „ W. P. Nash Corporal G. N. Abernethy Private J. Drinkwater ,, C. P. Godfrey „ M. D. Rucker ,, C. H. Wilson Cheltenhain beat Marl- borough at Cirencester by 19 points. 1872. Captain G. W. A. Kinloch Ensign F. Abercrombie Sergeant J. Drinkwater „ C. H. Wilson „ H. A. Sim Corporal J. O. Bowhill Private A. L. C. Campbell „ J. H. Cowan Pi ivatc A. G. James „ I). B. W. Sladen ,, A. Varley Cheltenham {/. II. Cowan) won the Spencer Cup at Wim- bledon. Cheltenham beat Eton at Reading by 79 points, and Marlborough at Cirencester by 1 8 points. •873- Captain H. A. Sim I'lnsign A. S. MacTier Sergeant P. L. King „ D. B. W. Sladen „ A. Varley Corporal J. H. Cowan „ A. G. James ,, A. G. Layard Private H. W. Lovett „ G. H. Perrott „ G. L. Talbot Cheltenham beat Marl- borough at Cirencester by 26 points, and Rugby at Seven Springs by \o points. •874- Captain A. Varley Ex-Captain H. A. Sim Lieutenant D. B. W. Sladen Sub-Lieutenant P. L. King Colour-Sergeant A. G. James Sergeant G. A. Allen „ D. Cameron „ J. R. Cowan „ H. W. Lovett Lance-Corporal W. P. Cairnes Private W. H. Walters Cheltenham{D. B. W. Sladen) won the Spe7icer Ctip at Wi7n- bledo7i. Chelte7iha77i beat Alarl- borough at Cire7icester by 5 1 points, a7td Rugby at Rugby by 1 1 poults. 1875- Captain D. B. W. Sladen Lieutenant J. R. Cowan Colour-Sergeant W. P. Cairnes Sergeant D. Cameron ,, H. D. Fryer „ B. P. Oakes Corporal G. A. Allen „ D. A. M. L. Shaw Lance-Corporal H. Wingfield- Stratford Private G. B. Bowen „ T. Lamb Cheltc7iha77i beat Rugby at S eve 71 Springs by loi pomts. Marlborough beat Chelte7iha77i at Cirencester by \i pomts. 1876. Captain J. R. Cowan Lieutenant B. P. Oakes Sub-Lieutenant R. F. Wilson Sergeant H. Wingfield-Strat- ford Sergeant C. R. Williams Corporal A. V. Heath „ W. R. E. Alexander Private E. J. Lamb „ C. G. Matson ,, J. G. Maxwell „ H. Neve Cheltenha77i {E. J. La77ib) won the Spc7icer Cup at HYw- bledo7i. Chcltenha77i beat Marl- borough at Cire7icestcr by 38 poi7its, a7id Rugby at Rugby by 8 pomts. •877- Captain J. R. Cowan Lieutenant B. P. Oakes Sergeant FL J. Lamb „ H. Neve „ J. E. F. Sclater Lance-Corporal E. Francis Private G. E. Brewis ,, H. C. E. Smithett Cheltenha77i wo7i the Ash- burton Shield a7id also the Spe7icer Cup {E. J. La77ib) at Wi77ibledo7i. Cheltenlumi beat Rugby at Seven Spri7igs by 43 pomts. Marlborough beat Che l- tenha77i at Cirencester by 35 pomts. 1878. Captain E. J. Lamb Lieutenant J. E. F. Sclater Sub-Lieutenant C. W. Bellairs Colour-Sergt. H. C. E. Smithett Sergeant G. Simons Corporal T. L. Browne Private J. Henry „ C. F. N. Macready AI arlborough beat Chelte7i- ha7H at Cire7icester by 1 4 points. Rugby beat Chelte7iham at Rugby by 1 7 points. •879- Captain J. E. F. Sclater Lieutenant C. F. N. Macready Lance-Corporal W. Fl. Meire Private W. T. Gale „ F. G. Gunnis ,, H. P. M. Margesson „ H. T. Selby „ F. de B. Young Cheltenha77i beat Alarl- bo rough at Marlborough by 1 3 pomts. Rugby beat Chclte7i- ha77i at Gloucester by 8 pomts. 1880. Captain C. F. N. Macready Sub-Lieutenant H. P. M. Mar- gesson Sergeant E. G. Trevithick Corporal W. T. Gale „ P. S. M. Gosset „ M. A. Humphrys „ W. H. Meire Private J. S. Fowler Chelte7iha77i beat Rugby at Rugby by 1 5 points, and Clift07i at Gloucester by 1 1 pomts. Marlborough beat Chelte7iha77i at Gloucester by 1 7 pomts. 420 LIST OF THE COLLEGE RIFLE CORPS TEAMS. i88i. Captain E. G. Trevithick Sub-Lieutenant W. H. Meire Sergeant W. T. Gale „ F. de B. Young Corporal J. S. Fowler „ T. R. Sarsfield „ W. H. Stansfeld Lance-Corporal G. H. Renny Cheltenham woti the Ashbur- ton Shield at Wimbledon. Chel- tenham beat Rugby at Glouces- ter by 39 pomts. Marlborough beat Cheltenham at Marl- borough by 42 points. Clifton beat Cheltenham at Clifto 7 i by 1 7 pohits. 1882. Captain W. H. Stansfeld Lieutenant G. H. Renny Sergeant T. A. Bros Corporal M. Loam „ A. T. Rowlandson „ C. A. Smith Private E. Neve „ J. B. Pratt Marlborough beat Chelte 7 i- ha 77 i at Gloucester by 38 pomts. R 7 igby beat Chelte 7 iha 77 i at Rugby by 7.1 pomts. 1883. Captain M. Loam Lieutenant A. T. Rowlandson „ C. A. Smith Colour-Sergeant C. R. Martin Sergeant E. Neve Lance-Corpl. C. E. Challinor „ R. W. A. Denne Private H. L. W. Smyth Chelte 7 iha 77 i beat Rugby at Gloucester by (3 points, xi 7 id Clif- t 07 i at Clifto 7 i by q pomts 1884. Lieutenant E. Neve Sergeant G. N. Barclay „ C. R. T. Denne Corporal R. Challinor Lance-Corporal F. H. Coghill „ H.L.W. Smyth Private F. S. Atkinson ,, C. C. W. Troughton Chelte 7 iha 77 i beat Clift 07 i at Gloucester by 8 pomts. Ritgby beat Cheltc 7 iha 77 i at Riigby by 7 points. 1885. Lieutenant H. L. W. Smyth Sergt. R. R. W. Fitz Herbert „ C. C. W. Troughton Corporal F. S. Atkinson „ H. G. Lysaght „ R. H. Powers Private C. G. S. McAlester „ J. G. Weir Rugby beat Chelte 7 iha 77 i at Gloucester by 49 points. Clifto 7 i beat Chelte 7 tha 77 i at Bed 77 tinster by pomts. 1886. Captain C. C. W. Troughton Lieutenant H. G. Lysaght Sergeant F. S. Atkinson' „ M. J. B. Beresford „ J. G. Weir Corporal P. S. G. Lillingston „ C. G. S. McAlester „ S. O. Piers Chelte 7 iha 77 i beat Malver 7 i at Gloucester by 38 povits. Rugby beat Chelte 7 iha 77 i at Rugby by 38 poi 7 ds. Clifto 7 i beat Cheltenha 77 i at Gloucester by 1 2 points. 1887. Captain C. G. S. McAlester Lieutenant J. G. Weir Sergeant S. O. Piers „ H. S. Persse Lance-Corporal A. A. Sanders „ H. M. Turton Private R. J. Stacpoole „ R. Walker Chelte 7 iha 77 i beat Rugby at Gloucester by 25 points, and Malver 7 i at Gloucester by 62 pomts. Clifton beat Chelte 7 i- ha 77 i at Bedmmster by 2 pomts. 1888. Lieutenant A. A. Sanders Colour-Sergeant S. O. Piers Sergeant J. G. H. Hamilton „ R. Walker Corporal W. H. S. McAlester „ R. J. Stacpoole Lance-Corpl. L. C. St. G. Carey Private G. W. R. Stacpoole Chelte 7 iha 77 i beat Rugby at Rugby by q pomts, and Clifto 7 i at Gloucester by 24 pomts. 1889. Lieutenant A. A. Sanders Sergeant W. H. S. McAlester „ E. A. E. Muntz Corporal H. E. S. Cordeaux Private}. C. Harding-Newman „ W. M. Barrows „ V. G. Kennard „ T. V. P. McCammon Chelte 7 iha 77 i beat Rugby at Gloucester by pomts. CHELTENHAM VETERANS RTFLE TEAMS. 1874 — 1889 . The Public Schools Veterans Match was instituted in 1874 at the Wimbledon Meeting. 1874. J. Abercrombie, Cambridge University R.V. J. Drinkwater, 2nd Cheshire R.V. A. G. Evans, Lieutenant, 40th Lancashire R.V. W. O. Matteson, Lieutenant, 40th Lancashire R.V. C. H. Wilson 1875. H. D Deane, London Scottish R.V. J. Drinkwater, 2nd Cheshire R.V. P. L. King G. H. Perrot H. A. Sim 1876. E. Birch, 7th West York R.V. R. P. B. Rodick, Lieutenant, 7th Foot W. H. Rushbrooke, Lieutenant, icth Foot H. A. Sim D. B. W. Sladen, Lieutenant, Oxford Univer- sity R.V. 1877. J. H. Cowan, Lieutenant, Royal Engineers R. Hoskins, Captain, 77th Foot R. P. B. Rodick, Lieutenant, 7th Foot H. A. Sim, 1st Middlesex R.V. D. B. W. Sladen, Captain, Oxford University R.V. 1878. E. Birch, Captain, 7th West York R.V. J. B. Gibson T. Lamb, Lieutenant, 40th F oot W. H. Rushbrooke, Lieutenant, 15th Foot D. B. W. Sladen, Captain, Oxford University R.V. Chelte 7 iha 77 i wo 7 i the Public Schools Veterans T 7 'ophy at Wi 77 ibledon. 1879. E. Birch, Captain, 7th West York R.V. J. B. Chancellor, Oxford University R.V. J. B. Gibson, ist Middlesex R.V. H. Neve, Lieutenant, 5th Kent R.V. D. B. W. Sladen, Captain, Oxford University R.V. LIST OF CHELTENHAM VETERANS RIFLE TEAMS. 421 1880. J. B. Gibson, ist Middlesex R.V. A. A. Hunter, London Scottish R.V. E. J. Lamb, Lieutenant, 22nd Foot H. Neve, Lieutenant, 5th Kent R.V. A. Pain, Inns of Court R.V. 1881. J. B. Gibson, ist Middlesex R.V. E. J. Lamb, Lieutenant, 22nd P'oot F". A. Lamb H. Neve, Lieutenant, 5th Kent R.V. C. A. Timms, Lieutenant, ist Denbigh R.V. In 1882 the Cheltenham Veterans did not compete. 1883. J. B. Gibson, ist Middlesex R.V. J. E. J. Julian, Lieutenant, loth Middlesex R.V. E. J. Lamb, Lieutenant, Cheshire Regiment H. Neve, Lieutenant, 2nd East Kent R.V. G. L. Talbot, Lieutenant, ist Worcestershire R.V. Cheltenham won the Picblic Schools Veterans Trophy at Wimbledon. 1884. J. B. Gibson, ist Middlesex R.V. J. E. J. Julian, Lieutenant, ist V.B. Royal Fusiliers E. J. Lamb, Lieutenant, Cheshire Regiment W. N. Lockyer, Captain, Royal Artillery H. Neve, Lieutenant, 2nd V.B. East Kent Regiment 1885. J. H. Cowan, Lieutenant, Royal Engineers R. H. Fowler, Lieutenant, Shropshire Regiment W. N. Lockyer, Captain, Royal Artillery H. Neve, Lieutenant, 2nd V.B. East Kent Regiment R. P. B. Rodick, Captain, Royal Fusiliers Cheltenham won the Public Schools Veterans Trophy at Wimbledon. 1886. J. H. Cowan, Lieutenant, Royal Engineers r. Lamb, Captain, South Lancashire Regiment W. N. Lockyer, Major, Royal Artillery H. Neve, Lieutenant, 2nd V.B. East Kent Regiment R. P. B. Rodick, Captain, Royal Fusiliers Cheltettham won the Public Schools Veterans Trophy at Wimbledon. 1887. J. H. Cowan, Captain, Royal Engineers R. H. Fowler, Captain, Shropshire Regiment T. Lamb, Captain, South Lancashire Regiment W. N. Lockyer, Major, Royal Artillery H. Neve, Lieutenant, 2nd V.B. East Kent Regiment 1888. J. H. Cowan, Captain, Royal Engineers R. H. Fowler, Captain, Shropshire Regiment T. Lamb, Captain, South Lancashire Regiment W. N. Lockyer, Major, Royal Artillery G. F. Mockler, Captain, Oxfordshire Light In- fantry Cheltenham won the Ptcblic Schools Veterans Trophy at Wimbledon. 1889. J. H. Cowan, Captain, Royal Engineers T. Lamb, Captain, South Lancashire Regiment W. N. Lockyer, Major, Royal Artillery G. F. Mockler, Captain, Oxfordshire Light In- fantry R. P. B. Rodick, Major, Royal Fusiliers Cheltenham won the Public Schools Veterans Trophy at Wimbledon. RACQUET FAIRS. 1868 — 1889 , The Public Schools Racquet Matches at Prince’s were instituted in 1868. In 1887 the matches were played at Lord’s, owing to the old racquet courts at Prince’s having been demolished, and in 1888 they were first played at the ( 2 ueen’s Club, West Kensington. 1868. A. T. Myers J. J. Reid Cheltenham beat Harrow by 4 games to o, but were defeated by Eton by 4 games to 3. 1869. A. T. Myers G. N. Wyatt Eto7t beat Cheltenham by 4 games to o. 1870. H. B. Porter G. Strachan Etofi beat Cheltenham by 4 games to o. 1871. F. Kemble T. G. T. McMicking Etoji beat Cheltenham by 4 games to o. 1872. F. Kemble T. R. Pakenham Harrow beat Cheltenham by 4 games to o. 1873- E. de S. H. Browne T. R. Pakenham Rugby beat Cheltenham by 4 games to o. 1874. E. de S. H. Browne G. C. Pakenham Han-ow beat Cheltenham by 4 games to i . 1875. Cheltenham were not repre- sented this year at the Public School Matches. 1876. T. Earle R. F. Wilson Marlborough beat Chelten- ham by 4 games to 2. 1877. E. D. Pickard- Cambridge H. C. Wilson Harrow beat Cheltenham by 4 games to i . 1878. W. C. Tonge F. R. C. Wilson Rugby beat Cheltenham by 4 games to o. 1879. R. B. Muir 422 LIST OF THE COLLEGE RACQUET PAIRS. W. C. Tonge Harrow beat Cheltenham by 4 games to o. 1880. St. J. H. Clowes W. C. Tonge Rugby beat Cheltenham by 4 garnes to i. 1881. Cheltenham were not repre- sented at Prince’s this year. 1882. N. C. B. Chamberlain G. A. Clowes Eton beat Cheltenham by 4 games to o. 1883. E. M. Blair L. H. E. Taylor 1872. C. Tickell (Champion) F. E. Gantillon F. Godfrey J. M. Hamilton J. E. J. Julian T. P. Porter C. J. Sim J. R. Tickell 1873- F. E. Gantillon (Champion) D. C. Beadon W. L. S. L. Cameron W. S. Fallon J. E. J. Julian C. J. Sim H. A. Sim J. R. Tickell 1874. W. L. S. L. Cameron (Champ.) F. Amber D. C. Beadon H. W. F. C. Brodhurst J. E. J. Julian T. P. Porter H. A Sim P. Sorby 1875. T. P. Porter (Champion) F. Amber E. D. Atkins D. C. Beadon H. W. F. C. Brodhurst J. F. Close C. A. Crane P. Sorby 1876. C. A. Crane (Champion) F. Amber J. F. Close Eton beat Cheltenham by 4 games to 2. 1884. E. M. Blair A. L. S. Jackson Cheltenham beat Charter- house by 4 games to o, but were defeated by Eton by 4 games to o. 1885. E. G. G. T. Baines A. L. S. Jackson Cheltenham beat Rugby by 4 gajnes to 2, but were defeated by Harrow by 4 games to o. 1886. W. Banks-Wright C. H. H. Pitts Haileybury beat Cheltenham by 4 games to o. J. R. Fraser H. A. Haviland R. MacTier H. E. Porter H. B. S. Salomonson 1877. T. G. Blackmore (Champion) H. C. Buck R. D. Buck T. H. E. Dauncey -R. H. Dawson J. A. St. A. Hastie A. S. Jackson E. A. G. Tippinge 1878. T. G. Blackmore (Champion) H. C. Buck R. U. Buck F. S. Clark R. G. C. Flower A. S. Jackson A. W. Kemble W. C. Tonge 1879. H. C. Buck 1 (Equal A. W. Kemble/ Champions) R. Buchanan H. Corbyn R. A. Glass W. A. Jones R. P. Maxwell C. C. Taylor 1880. H. C. Buck (Champion) R. C. Boyle H. Corbyn E. C. Crawford D. F. L. Fitzgerald R. P. Maxwell J. R. Pratt 1887. W. Banks-Wright E. ,T. Heaven Charterhouse beat Chelten- ham by 4 games to i . 1888. Cheltenham were not repre- sented this year at the Public School Matches. 1889. Hon. W. G. Thesiger A. D. Saunderson Eton beat Cheltenham by 4 games to 2. 1890. A. D. Saunderson Hon. W. G. Thesiger Charterhouse beat Chelten- ham by 4 games to o. 1889. W. C. Tonge 1881. J. R. Pratt (Champion) R. C. Boyle T. S. Johnson S. H. King W. Parish J. B. Pratt G. R. C. Stuart J. M. Uniacke 1882. W. R. N. Annesley (Champion) R. C. Boyle S. H. Brunner D. H. Colnaghi J. D. Hay R. W. Logan J. B. Pratt G. R. C. Stuart 1883. G. R. C. Stuart (Champion) E. M. Blair S. H. Brunner E. W. Davies H. T. H. Hay J. D. Hay F. F. Uniacke Wei Wah Piu 1884. J. D. Hay (Champion) J. J. R. O. Aldworth C. W. C. Baxter E. M. Blair A. L. .S. Jackson A. Richardson H. E. M. Studdy E. I. Ward 1885. Wei Wah On (Champion) GYMNASIUM EIGHTS. 1872— LIST OF THE COLLEGE GYMNASIUM EIGHTS. 423 H. R. Christie S. H. Enderby C. G. Porcher C. G. Smith F. H, Take R. E. Tyler E. I. Ward Cheltenham {IVei JVah On and E.I. Ward) won the Public Schools Gymnastic Cltallettge Shield at Chelsea Barracks. Wei Wall On also won the First Gold Medal for the high- est individual marks. W. Banks Wright {Cheltenham) won the Boxing Competition. 1886. Wei Wah On (Champion) W. A. Baker J. Clay S. H. Enderby H. St. C. B. Evans C. G. Porcher I. F. R. Thompson F. H. Tuke E. I. Ward Cheltenham ( Wei Wah On and S. IT. Enderby) won the Public Schools Gymnastic Chal- lenge Shield at Aldershot. Wei Wah On also won the Bronze Medal. 1887. C. W. H. Fowler (Champion) S. H. Enderby C. A. R. Gordon A. I. Maling J. L. Prain B. F. B. Stuart H. E. M. Studdy Wei Wah On Cheltenham {Wei Wah On and C. W. H. Fowler) won the Public Schools Gymnastic Chal- lenge Shield at Aldershot for the third consecutive year, and thus became absolute possessor of the Shield. Wei Wah On also won the First Silver Medal for the highest mdividual marks, and C. W. H. Fowler the Brotize Medal for second. 1888, J. L. Prain (Champion) T. W. Bloxam C. W. H. Fowler A. I. Maling C. S. Rolland B. F. B. Stuart (L D. Wilson 1. N. Woodiwiss 1889. C. W. H. Fowler (Champion) H. G. Bois G. J. Grierson W. S. Henderson F. H. Hurman H. M. McNeill-Hamilton R. H. Wilson I. N. Woodiwiss 1890. C. J. Chester (Champion) F. H. Barker H. G. Bois J. B. Cockburn N. Davidson H. C. Nelson R. P. F. Prain R. H. Stott WINNERS OF HOUSE CHALLENGE CUPS. CRICKET. \stXI\ 1863 Boyne House 1864 Boyne House 1865 Boyne House 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 Christowe 1871 Christowe 1872 Newick House 1873 Newick House 1874 Bath Villas 1875 Newick House 1876 Boyne House 1877 Leconfield 1878 Leconfield 1879 Leconfield 1880 Christowe 1881 Hazelwell 1882 Garth Garmon 1883 Boyne House 1884 Boyne House 1885 Hazelwell 1886 Hazelwell 1887 Boyne House 1888 Boyne House 1889 Hazelwell 1890 CRICKET. 2ndXP. 1864 1865 1866 1867 Leconfield 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 Leconfield 1876 Hazelwell 1877 1878 Leconfield 1879 1880 Christowe 1881 Leconfield 1882 Hazelwell 1883 1884 1885 1886 Hazelwell 1887 Boyne House 1888 1889 Boyne House 1890 FOOTBALL, ist XX^ and Xl f 1866 Boyne House 1867 Christowe 1868 A. Day Boys 1869 Christowe 1870 Christowe 1871 Newick House 1872 Newick House 1873 Bath Villas 1874 Newick House 1875 Leconfield 1876 Private Boarding Houses 1877 Hazelwell 187S Christowe 1879 Cheltondale 1880 Hazelwell 1881 Hazelwell 1882 Hazelwell 1883 Hazelwell 1884 Hazelwell 1885 Hazelwell 1886 Hazelwell 1887 Hazelwell 1888 Hazelwell 1889 Cheltondale 1890 FOOTBALL. 2nd XX^ and XV\ 1874 Hazelwell 1875 A. Day Boys 1876 Leconfield 1877 Newick House 1878 Hazelwell 1879 B. Day Boys 1880 Newick House 1881 Hazelwell 1882 Hazelwell 1883 Boyne House 1884 Day Boys 1885 Hazelwell 1886 Boyne House 1887 Hazelwell 1888 Boyne House 1889 Boyne House 1890 West Day Boys BAYONET DRILL. 1883 Leconfield 1884 Leconfield 424 WINNERS OF HOUSE CHALLENGE CUPS. 1885 Boyne House 1886 Leconfield 1887 Boyne House 1888 Boyne House 1889 Newick House (Abolished in 1890.) DRILL. 1890 Boyne House RACQUETS. 1875 B. Day Boys 1876 Boyne House 1877 Boyne House 1878 Day Boys 1879 L)ay Boys 1880 Day Boys 1881 Garth Garmon 1882 Garth Garmon 1883 Garth Garmon 1884 Christowe 1885 Classical Day Boys 1886 Classical Day Boys 1887 Christowe 1888 Leconfield 1889 Leconfield 1890 Leconfield BOATING-FOURS. 1867 Hazel well 1868 Newick House 1869 Newick House 1870 Hazelwell 1871 Newick House 1872 B. Day Boys 1873 Newick House 1874 Leconfield 1875 Leconfield 1876 Boyne House 1877 Hazelwell 1878 Cheltondale 1879 Cheltondale 1880 Cheltondale 1881 Christowe 1882 Hazelwell 1883 Cheltondale 1884 Cheltondale 1885 Cheltondale 1886 Cheltondale 1887 Cheltondale 1888 Cheltondale 1889 Cheltondale 1890 BOA TING-PAIRS. 1868 Newick House 1869 Hazelwell 1870 Hazelwell 1871 Beaufort House 1872 Newick House 1873 Newick House 1874 Leconfield 1875 Leconfield 1876 Boyne House 1877 Leconfield 1878 Cheltondale 1879 Cheltondale 1 880 Leconfield 1881 Christowe 1882 Hazelwell 1883 PrivateBoarding Houses 1884 Cheltondale 1885 Cheltondale 1886 Classical Day Boys 1887 Cheltondale 1888 Day Boys 1889 Day Boys 1890 RIFLE CORPS PAIRS. 1873 Private Boarding H ouses 1874 Private Boarding Houses 1875 Private Boarding Houses 1876 Leconfield 1877 Newick House 1878 Day Boys 1879 Newick House 1880 Hazelwell 1881 Boyne House 1882 Newick House 1883 Boyne House 1884 Newick House 1885 Cheltondale 1886 Boyne House 1887 Newick House 1888 Southwood House 1889 1890 Cheltondale SINGING. 1877 Leconfield 1878 Leconfield 1879 Christowe 1880 Boyne House 1881 Leconfield 1882 Boyne House 1883 Boyne House 1884 Boyne House 1885 Boyne House 1886 Christowe 1887 Boyne House 1888 Boyne House 1889 Classical Day Boys 1890 East Day Boys GYMNASIUM. 1866 B. Day Boys 1867 Hazelwell 1868 B. Day Boys 1869 Leconfield 1870 Leconfield 1871 Christowe 1872 A. Day Boys 1873 A. Day Boys 1874 Leconfield 187s Leconfield 1876 Hazelwell 1877 Hazelwell 1878 Hazelwell 1879 Cheltondale 1880 Hazelwell 1881 Hazelwell 1882 Hazelwell 1883 Day Boys 1884 Cheltondale 1885 Cheltondale 1886 Hazelwell 1887 Cheltondale 1888 Cheltondale 1889 Cheltondale 1890 Leconfield FIVES [Rugby). 1876 Newick House 1877 Newick House 1878 Christowe 1879 Christowe 1880 Newick House 1881 Christowe 1882 Christowe 1883 Garth Garmon 1884 Christowe 1885 Garth Garmon 1886 Christowe 1887 Garth Garmon 1888 Hazelwell 1889 1890 Newick House FIVES [Eton). 1877 Hazelwell 1878 Day Boys 1879 1880 Boyne House 1881 Christowe 1882 Christowe 1883 Boyne House 1884 Christowe 1885 Garth Garmon 1886 Garth Garmon 1887 Garth Garmon 1888 Modern Day Boys 1889 Boyne House 1890 Boyne House JUNIOR FIVES. 1879 Leconfield 1880 Newick House 1881 Garth Garmon 1882 Boyne House 1883 Newick House 1884 Leconfield 1885 Christowe 1886 Garth Garmon 1887 Garth Garmon 1888 Boyne House 1889 1890 Newick House SHURDINGTON RUN. 1890 Leconfield CH ELTON IAN SOCIETY. LIST 01^ PRESIDENTS. 1 868 — 69. Charles Schreiber, Esq., M.P. 1869 — 70. John Howarth Ashton, Esq., J.P., D.L. 1870 — 71. The Right Hon. Sir Henry James, Q.C., M.P. 1871— 72. Henry Hugh Hornby, Esq. 1872 — 73. The Right Hon. and Most Rev. the Lord Plunket, D.D. 1873— 74 - Captain William Stacpoole, M.P. 1874— 75- Robert Threshie Reid, Esq., Q.C., M.P. 1875— 76. Frederick Richard Price, Esq., B.A. 1876 — 77. The Rev. John Drummond McGachen, M.A. 1877— 78. Alsager Hay Hill, Esq., LL.B. 1878— 79. Simon Matthews Edwin Kempson, Esq., M.A. 1879 — 80. Harcourt Turner, Esq., M.A. 1880 — 81. The Rev. Arthur Henry Austen-Leigh, B.U. 1881 — 82. Henry Jackson, Esq., M.A. 1882— 83. Montagu Turner, Esq. 1883 — 84. Colonel David Milne-Home, M.P., J.P., D.L. 1884— 85. Colonel Sir J. U. Bateman-Champain, K.C.M.G., R.E. 1885— 86. The Rev. Canon Hemming Robeson, M.A. 1886— 87. Colonel Sir Charles Warren, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., R.E. 1887— 88. Major-General Robert Holt Truell, C.B. 1888 — 89. Admiral Francis Arden Close, R.N. 1889— 90. The Rev. William Walter Merry, D.D. At a large meeting of Old Cheltonians, held in London on the 30th June, 1868, the Chel- tonian Society was founded, and is composed exclusively of past members of Cheltenham Col- lege. The objects for which this Society was founded may be briefly stated to be : — To aid and encou- rage the interests of Cheltenham College, both scholastic and athletic, and to form a bond of union between past and present Cheltonians. It tends to preserve a good feeling and a connec- tion between the past and present members of Cheltenham College, and endeavours materially to further the interests of the School. The funds of the Society are spent in giving prizes for school work, and in contributing to defray the expenses and promote the prosperity of legitimate games for the boys, according to the discretion of the Committee. Every Old Cheltonian, upon paying a donation or entrance fee of the minimum sum of one guinea, becomes a member of the Society, without being liable at any future time to any further expense or con- tribution. The officers of the Society consist of a Pre- sident, two London Secretaries,a Local Secretary at Cheltenham, and a Treasurer, besides a Com- mittee of forty members, all of whom are elected annually. An Annual Scholarship of ;^25, tenable for three years, is given by the Society, open to the sons of Old Cheltonians only, besides sub- 3 I 426 CHELTONIAN SOCIETY. scriptions to the various athletic interests of the College. The General Meeting of the Society is held every year, in London, during the last fortnight in June, excepting every third year, when it is held at Cheltenham, and after which the mem- bers dine together. All Old Cheltonians are earnestly requested to join the Society, as the more members there are the greater benefit does the College derive. Up to the present upwards of 1,200 Old Cheltonians have Joined. Every information will be gladly afforded by the Hon. Secretaries : — A. Gwynne James, Esq., 2 Temple Gardens, The Temple, London, E.C. ; D. C. Lee, Esq., 46 Queen Victoria Street, Lon- don, E.C. ; or of the Hon. Local Secretary, G. G. Pruen, Esq., Park House, Cheltenham. CHELTONIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY. SCHOOL MAGAZINES. Tirocinia, or The Cheltenham Collegian. Two numbers only were published — Feb- ruary and April, 1847. The Triad. Two numbers only were published — No- vember and December, 1861. The Cheltonian. May, 1866, to October, 1869. The Cheltenham College Magazine. November, 1869, to August, 1874. The Cheltonian. (Second Series.) Started in October, 1874, and continued up to the present time, appearing monthly, price 6d. SCHOOL LIFE. “ Old Cheltonian, An.” Reminiscences of Chel- tenham College. 8vo. Bemrose and Sons (London), 1868. “ Old Collegian, An ” (Ed.). Cheltenham College Cricket Scores. u. John Darter (Cheltenham), 1868. Vassall, W. (Ed.). History of the Cheltenham College Athletic Sports. ij. 8vo. John Darter (Cheltenham), 1882 Hunter, A. A. (Ed.). Records of the Cheltenham College Cricket, Boating, Rifle, and Racquet Matches against Public Schools, 1856 — 83. u. 8vo. Cricket Press (London), 1884. SERMONS. Butler, Rev. G. Chelte 7 iham College Sermons, qs. 6 d. 8vo. Macmillan and Co. (London), 1862. Barry, Dr. A. Cheltefiham College Sermons, qs. 6 d. 8vo. Bell and Daldy (London), 1865. Barry, Dr. A. Sermo>ts for Boys. (Memorials of Cheltenham Sundays.) 3J. 63 Simpson, A. 377 Simpson, A. C. 327 Simpson, A. E. 290 Simpson, E. 72 Simpson, G. A. G. 327 Simpson, G. B. 161 Simpson, J. 173 Simpson, VV. IL 169 Simpson, W. H. 299 Simson, R. A. 390 Sinclair, F. C. H. 359 Singer, G. H. 201 Singleton, F. C. 12 1 Singleton,). 211 Singleton,]. S. F. 192 Singleton, L. C. 121 Singleton, M. 189 Singleton, R. C. 199 Sisson, R. F. 265 Sisson, W. J. 77 Skillicorne, W. N. 315 Skinner, A. B. 395 Skinner, C. A. M. 112 Skinner,]. 217 Skinner, T. H. 394 Skipton, C. S. 207 Skipton, G. A. K. 207 vSkipton, H. S. 242 Skipton, T. T. 292 Skipwith, W. 161 Skynner, A. C. G. 192 Skynner, W. P. 192 Slacke, \V. H. O. 375 Sladen, D. B. W. 268 Slater, F. L. 152 Sleigh, H. R. 217 Sleigh, W. S. loi Slight, E. V. 242 Slingsby, W. C. 226 Smallcombe, W. P. E. 259 Smallwood, W. 132 Smalpage, F. E. 69 Smalpage, M. 74 S medley, W. 201 Smelt, C. A. C. 320 Smelt, M. W. C. 320 Smirke, A. 217 Smith, A. 170 Smith, A. A. 396 Smith, A. C. 268 Smith, A. F. 390 Smith, A. G. 398 Smith, A. H. 192 Smith, A. H. A. 382 Smith, A. ]. 199 Smith, A. K. 217 Smith, A. Le F. 359 Smith, Albert R. 147 Smith, Arthur R. 207 Smith, B. T. S. 77 Smith, C. 122 Smith, Cecil A. 309 Smith, Charles A. 348 Smith, C. U. 196 Smith, C. E. 278 Smith, C. E. D. 147 Smith, C. G. 359 Smith, C. G. R. 377 Smith, C. ]. M. 199 Smith, C. L. 170 Smith, C. M. 196 Smith, C. P. 203 Smith, C. T. 371 Smith, C. VV. 196 Smith, D. C. 396 Smith, E. B. P. 83 Smith, E. O. F. 393 Smith, E. P. 346 Smith, P'. A. A. 207 Smith, F. h'. V. 230 Smith, F. McK. 192 Smith, F. .St. G. 315 Smith, Francis W. 189 Smith, Frederick W. 375 Smith, G. ]. 103 Smith, G. K. 382 Smith, G. L. loi Smith, H. 130 Smith, H. C. 281 Smith, H. S. R. 237 Smith, ]. 390 Smith, ]. A. 21 1 Smith, J. G. 144 Smith, ]. H. 230 Smith, J. H. M. 324 Smith, ]. McL. S. 344 Smith, J. Thomas. 147 Smith, ]. Thornton. 199 Smith, K. M. 230 Smith, K. W. 104 Smith, L. A. 375 Smith, N. McN. 385 Smith, N. P. 391 Smith, P. W. 1 81 Smith, R. G. 290 Smith, Richard H. 217 Smith, Robert H. 220 Smith, R. K. 359 Smith, R. P. 359 Smith, S. 203 Smith, St. G. 393 Smith, St. G. A. 135 Smith, S. H. 396 Smith, S. R. R. 1 12 Smith, T. 130 Smith, T. B. 122 Smith, T. C. 385 Smith, T. ]. 135 Smith, T. P. C. 362 Smith, T. S. St. C. 173 Smith, W. A. F. T. 264 Smith, W. H. G. 234 Smith, W. P. 401 Smith, W. R. 92 Smith, W. S. 184 Smith, VV. T. A. 317 Smith-Barry, R. C. 299 Smithett, H. C. E. 320 Smithson, ]. E. 217 S my ley, ]. G. 192 Smyth, C. A. 1 10 Smyth, C. E. 173 Smyth, C. M. 388 Smyth, E. S. R. 74 Smyth, E. W. 122 Smyth, G. H. 388 Smyth, G. W. 119 Smyth, H. L. VV. 364 Smyth, ]. 122 Smyth, R. 388 Smyth, R. M. 393 Smyth, R. S. 122 Smyth, W. W. 1 19 Smyth-Pigott, G. 11 . 247 Smythe, F. II. 256 Smythe, 11 . H. 296 Sneath, I). A. 322 Sneath, F. W. A. 322 Snodgrass, K. ]. M. 217 Soames, II. 372 Soltau, Cj. VV. 357 Soltau, H. V. 362 Soltau, ]. F". 342 Soltau, ]. T. 103 Somerset, Hon. R. F. 342 Somervell, L. 290 Somerville, A. 135 Somerville, R. H. 132 Soote, G. G. 234 Soppitt, G. R. C. 366 Soppitt, H. A. P. 362 Sorby, P. 281 Sorby, T. H. 276 Soulsby, B. H. 334 Souter, F. T. E. 337 Souter, H. L. 357 ■Souter, W. L. B. 346 Southcomb, H. G. 144 Spafford, C. H. 286 Spafford, E. ]. 220 Spafford, G. O. 220 Spafford, H. 234 Spalding, Charles A. 66 Spalding, Colin A. 66 Spankie, ]. P. W. 259 Spanton, A. T. 392 Spark, G. M. 246 Sparke, ]. G. 246 Sparrow, F. H. 260 Sparrow, L. VV. B. 220 Sparrow, W. 327 Speight, H. H. 324 Spence, E. K. E. 260 Spence, H. T. 329 Spence, ]. K. 139 Spence, L. H. 286 Spence, M. R. 180, 199 Spencer, C. E. W. 393 Spencer, ]. E. H. 339 Spencer, P. Y. 304 Spencer, R. C. 304 Spencer-Stanhope, F. VV. 226 Spoor, H. H. S. 290 Spottiswoode, H. S. 239 Spragge, B. E. 222 Spragge, C. H. 161 Spragge, F. P. 161 Spragge, H. W. 286 Sprot, ]. 78 Sprot, M. G. 78 Squire, A. B. 269 Squire, C. 373 Squire, W. C. 119 Squire, W. T. 119 Squire, W. W. 264 Stack, ]. W. 72 Stacpoole, A. 84 Stacpoole, G. VV. R. 385 Stacpoole, R. ]. 385 Stacpoole, W. 84 Stanbridge, G. 375 Stanbridge, M. 375 464 Stanford, B. H. 82 Stanford, R. L. no Stanford, W. B. 96 Stanford, W. F. 82 Stanhope, C. D. S. 290 Stanhope, P. S. 355 Stanhouse, A. K. 161 Staniland, J. M. 140 Stanley, E. H. B. 401 Stansfeld, A. W. 315 Stansfeld, H. A. 362 Stansfeld, H. S. 350 Stansfeld, J. R. 355 Stansfeld, W. H. 342 Stanton, E. W. 161 Stanton, W. L. 281 Staples, J. M. 377 Staples, T. 377 Stapleton, F. G. 122 Stawell, G. D. 199 Stayner, C. A. 337 Steel, J. N. 1 12 Steel, T. B. 103 Steele, A. H. 208 Steele, F. A. S. 313 Steele, G. B. 136 Steele, L. L. 217 Steele, M. 139 Steele, T. M. 147 Steere, C. W. 123 Steers, T. M. 246 Steevens, N. 70 Steinman, B. B. 385 Stephens, H. H. 375 Stephens, W. R. 313 Stephenson, J. B. 320 Stephenson, J. H. 320 Stert, C. 348 Stert, L. R. 329 Steuart, C. E. 194 Steuart, F. J. 237 Steuart, R. St. C. 242 Stevens, A. C. 234 Stevens, A. J. 177 Stevens, A. R. 204 Stevens, E. 234 Stevens, H. J. W. 230 Stevens, H. W. 401 Stevenson, E. 351 Stevenson, G. F. 260 Stevenson, J. F. L. 256 Stevenson, K. L. 399 Stevenson, M. 364 Stevenson, R. A. 85 Stevenson, R. G. T. 84 Stevenson, W. J. 98 Stevenson, W. J. H. 72 Steward, A. G. 377 Stewart, A. B. 302 Stewart, C. W. A. 307 Stewart, D. G. M. 357 Stewart, E. C. 309 Stewart, E. P. 130 Stewart, H. 107 Stewart, H. E. H. 188 Stewart, H. M. H. 217 Stewart, J. 299 Stewart, J. A. 1 10 Stewart, J. D. H. 188 Stewart, L. G. no Stewart, P. L. 362 INDEX OF COLLEGIANS. Stewart, R. W. 112 Stewart, S. D. 388 Stewart, W. 166 Stewart, W. 272 Stewart, W. H. M. 268 Stewart, W. R. loi Stewart, W. T. 180 Still, J. N. 197 Stirling, J. H. 144 Stirling, W. G. H. 322 Stockley, H. 103 Stockley, T. 165 Stokes, A. 296 Stokes, C. B. 283 Stokes, F. S. 1 15 Stokes, H. J. 135 Stokes, W. E. 1 61 Stone, H. E. T. 362 Stone, W. C. 383 Stone, W. H. 139 Stoney, R. D. S. 390 Stonhouse, Edward H. 208 Stonhouse, Ernest H. 242 Stonhouse, R. C. D. 204, 242 Stopford, J. W. 373 Stopford, R. W. E. 385 Storey, J. 213 Storey, S. W. 213 Stotherd, S. B. 317 Stoton, A. G. 170 Stott, A. 390 Stott, C. H. 264 Stott, F. W. 299 Stott, J. H. 337 Stott, L. 315 Stott, R. H. 390 Stott, W. E. 320 Stowe, H. J. D. 81 Strachan, Charles. 237 Strachan, Conrad. 299 Strachan, E. A. 296 Strachan, F. 230 Strachan, G. 200 Strachan, H. W. 272 Strachan, J. A. 226 Strachan, J. D. 268 Strachan, R. E. 242 Strahan, G. A. 348 Straton, R. G. 139 Stratton, J. W. 401 Streatfield, E. C. 184 Streeter, C. F. 394 Strick, T. N. T. 237 Strong, A. P. 87 Strong, J. H. 174 Strong, T. E. 93 Struvd, A. L. 200 Struvd, G. F. 315 Struvd', W. P. 184 Stuart, B. F. B. 375 Stuart, C. J. 93 Stuart, E. W. 334 Stuart, G. R. C. 331 Stuart, R. W. 178 Stuart, W. C. 1 57 Stuart-Wortley, E. J. 299 Stubber, R. H. 185 Stubber-Hamilton, R. H. {see Stubber). Studd, E. J. C. 204 Studd, H. M. 208 Studdy, E. H. 251 Studdy, H. E. M. 359 Studdy, R. W. 217 Studdy, T. E. 256 Sullivan, C. F. 334 Summers, F. T. B. 346 Summers, G. R. 237 Summers, J. B. 208 Summers, J. S. 197 Summers, R. H. B. 346 Summers, W. T. 200 Sumner, F. H. 337 Sumner, G. 137 Surtees, R. V. 230 Sutton, H. J. D. R. 66 Swaffield, A. O. 247 Swain, W. P. 357 Swainson, C. W. 87 Swainson, O. L. 87 Swan, J. 85 Swan, T. P. 85 Swan, W. 130 Swann, C. 87 Swann, J. C. 260 Sweney, A. E. 348 Swettenham, G. K. 355 Swindells, F. E. 281 Swiney, A. 87 Swiney, A. J. H. 348 Swiney, E. R. R. 344 Swiney, G. C. 107, 130, 147 Swiney, G. M. R. A. 393 Swiney, G. W. B. 237 Swiney, H. G. H. 396 Swiney, H. S. 184 Swiney, J. 66 Swiney, J. D. 85 Swinhoe, C. A. 152 Swinhoe, D. 366 Swinhoe, E. A. 373 Swinhoe, E. P. 373 Swinhoe, H. G. B. 281 Swinhoe, R. C. J. 290 Swinhoe, T. B. 130 Swinton, E. D. 373 Swinton, G. H. T. 246 Svviny, W. M. S. 196 Swire, G. C. 375 Sykes, C. 72 Sykes, H. R. 85 Syme, C. M. 281 Symes, J. S. P. 37 Symonds, F. M. 152 Synge, H. R. 362 Tabuteau, A. O. 1 1 5 Tabuteau, R. 144 Tabuteau, T. R. 115 Tait, E. M. C. 334 Tail, M. M. 334 Taite, H. M. 243 Talbot, G. L. 264 Talbot, J. A. W. 392 Talbot, P. E. J. 264 Talbot, R. H. 286 Talbot, V. A. W. G. 393 Talbot-Crosbie, L. B. {see Crosbie). Tancred, R. F. 398 Tanner, J. A. 257 Tanner, W. A. 362 INDEX OF COLLEGIANS. 465 Tapling, A. J. -580 Tapp, F. 126 Tapp, II. A. 264 Tapp, j. II. W. 355 Tapp, W. E. 1 19 Tatain, V. N. 401 Tate, G. I’. 74 Tallow, T. W. G. 238 Tattain, W. II. 185 Taunton, W. I*. 234 Taylor, A. 22c Taylor, A. B. 278 Taylor, A. D. 251 Taylor, A. F. 144 Taylor, A. H. 122 Taylor, C. 242 Taylor, C. C. 320 Taylor, C. McK. 171 Taylor, D. M. 139 Taylor, D. M. 380 Taylor, E. H. 152 Taylor, I*'. 103 Taylor, G. A. 235 Taylor, G. E. M. 208 Taylor, G. R. 200 Taylor, Henry. 103 Taylor, Herbert. 230 Taylor, H. A. W. 309 Taylor, H. B. 234 Taylor, H. C. 251 Taylor, H. d’A. P. 315 Taylor, H. G. 281 Taylor, H. Mackenzie. 346 Taylor, H. Mascie. 382 Taylor, J. 72 Taylor, J. B. 72 Taylor, J. E. 334 Taylor, James M. 208 Taylor, Joshua M. 334 Taylor, J. S. 96 Taylor, L. C. 401 Taylor, L. H. E. 342 Taylor, M. 322 Taylor, M. G. 135 Taylor, M. H. 173 Taylor, P. B. 317 Taylor, P. T. H. 144 Taylor, R. 85 Taylor, R. H. B. 276 Taylor, P. T. H. 144 Taylor, S. M. 234 Taylor, T. C 194 Taylor, W. E. S. 89 Taylor, W. H. 300 Taylor, W. S. 220 Teck, Prince F. J. L. F. of. 387 Tee, A. E. 227 Tee, A. W. 230 Tee, H. 278 Telfair, A. E. 324 Temple, C. E. 157 Temple, E. 147 Temple, H. 230 Temple, J. 264 Temple, j. A. 135 Temple, R. E. 204 Templeton, C. 226 Tenison, W. 67 Tensh-Hecker, H. C. B. 348 Terry, A. H. 342 Terry, C. 98 Terry, W. G. 320 Thacker, C. J. 383 Thacker, J. 320 Thackwell, A. J. 220 Thackwcll, E. 1 57 'Lhackwcll, J. II. C. 398 Thackwcll, M. J. 74 Thaip, T. A. 170 Theobald, II. C. W. 398 Theobald, J. P. 399 Theobald, S. R. 398 Thesiger, Hon. W. G. 380 Thew, B. T. 208 Thomas, A. H. 300 Thomas, A. W. 21 1, 260 Thomas, C. FL 339 Thomas, C. H. 194 Thomas, D. S. 21 1 Thomas, E. A. D’A. 292 Thomas, F. A. 101 Thomas, F. H. S. 331 Thomas, G. 204 Thomas, G. T. 246 Thomas, H. I. 337 Thomas, H. W. 290 Thomas, J. E. R. 346 Thomas, L. H. 70 Thomas, P. L. 264 Thomas, R. E. 1 10 Thomas, R. E. N. 234 Thomas, R. M. 300 Thomas, T. F. 276 Thomas, T. P. 77 Thomas, V. W. 342 Thomas, W. Meredyth. 352 Thomas, W. Morgan. 357 Thomas, W. Morlais. 327 Thompson, A. H. 246 Thompson, C. E. 281 Thompson, C. H. 123 Thompson, H. 364 Thompson, I. F'. R. 359 Thompson, J. 177 Thompson, Q. H. 260 Thompson, R. 371 Thompson, T. R. 226 Thompson, W. A. M. 364 Thompson, W. H. 226 Thomson, A. C. 390 Thomson, B. T. 359 Thomson, C. B. 397 Thomson, E. A. 283 Thomson, G. 180 Thomson, G. C. 98 Thomson, H. 21 1 Thomson, H. G. A. 398 Thomson, H. T. 399 Thomson, J. R. 93 Thomson, J. R. 93 Thomson, R. G. 397 Thomson, S. 329 Thomson, W. 180 Thomson, W. W. 188 Thorburn, D. A. S. 170 Thorburn, S. S. 170 Thornewill, T. E. 77 Thornton, A. L. 196 Thornton, C. 376 Thornton, E. B. 188 Thornton, E. Z. 185 Thornton, H. A. 385 Thoroton, F'. G. D. 357 Thoroton, L. E. W. 357 Thoroton, R. O. B. 357 Thoroton, T. R. 327 Threlfall, C. 222 Threlfall, J. H. 222 Throsby, II. N. 200 Thursby, N. 246 Tibbs, J. A. .S. 221 Tibbs, P. W. 1 15 Ticehurst, A. W. no Ticehurst, F. 204 Ticehurst, R. 144 Tickell, A. L. 122 Tickell, C. 21 1 Tickell, C. A. P. 395 Tickell, E. A. 204 Tickell, G. T. 300 Tickell, J. L. 145 Tickell, J.R. 234,288 Tickell, R. P. 104 Timings, H. 96 Timms, C. A. 253 Tindall, E. 334 Tinson, C. J. 208 Tinson, G. E. 1 10 Tipping, C. W. G. 290 Tipping, E. A. G. 277 Tippinge, V. G. 256 Tisdall, G. A. 286 Tizard, J. A. F. 283 Tod, D. 329 Tod, E. P. 144 Todd-Thornton, F. G. 324 Toller, H. B. 380 Tollner, F. U. 346 Tollner, W. M. 346 Tomes, E. 230 Tomkinson, G. H. 204 Tomkyns, W. 144 Tompson, W. D. 70 Toms, F. B. R. 290 Tonge, F. W. 221 Tonge, J. N. 339 Tonge, W. C. 320 Tonge, W. J. 130 Torkington, C. R. 304 Torkington, E. 277 Torkington, J. 230 Torrens, J. 226 Torrens, T. H. 230 Torriano, C. E. 93 Tothill, T. H. F. 208 Tovey, R. N. 217 Townend, R. 337 Townley, J. M. J. 1 19 Townsend, A. N. 81 Townsend, C. C. 302 Townsend, H. 126 Townsend, R. E. L. 393 Townsend, R. N. 81 Townsend, T. 81 Townsend, T. C. C. 382 Townshend, C. C. 135 Townshend, C. W. 81 Townshend, G. B. 136 Toye, W. H. 192 Traherne, G. M. 77 Traill, C. 98 Trapmann, A. G R. 355 Travers, F. W. 377 3 O 466 Treffry, H. 196 Treffry, R. H. 188 Trefusius, R. E. 170 Tremenheere, G. H. W. 157 Tremenheere, J. H. A. 265 Trench, A. 247 Trench, C. E. Le P. 96 Trench, F. 126 Trench, Hon. F. Le P. 89 Trench, H. W. B. 398 Trench, J. T. 104 Trench, P. D. Le P. 96 Trench, R. J. Le P. 173 Trench, T. W. 104 Trench, Hon. W. Le P. 89 Trench, W. F. Le P. 97 Trethewy, V. 385 Trethewy, W. H. 362 Trevelyan, C. E. H. 292 Trevithick, A. E. 260 Trevithick, A. R. 300 Trevithick, C. S. 351 Trevithick, E. G. 324 Trevithick, Francis H. 230 Trevithick, Frederick H. 246 Trevithick, R. F. 200 Trevithick, R. L. 217 Trevor, A. F. C. 226 Trevor, F. R. no Trevor, G. R. 98 Trevor, J. W. 112 Trevor, W. G. 107 Trevor-Roper, C. J. 67 Trevor-Roper, G. E. 78 Trevor-Roper, R. H. 78 Trevor-Roper, W. 67 Tristram, S. B. 174 Trollope, E. 230 Trotter, H. 161 Troughton, C. C. W. 355 Trower, F. E. 197 Trower, M. R. 197 Trower, M. S. 197 Truell, G. V. 77 Truell, R. H. 113 Truell, W. H. A. 132 Trueman, T. 119 Trye, C. B. 355 Trye, H. N. 87 Trye, R. E. 1 57 T’so Seen Wan. 390 Tucker, F. St. G. de L. 239 Tucker, E. C. 242 Tuckerman, A. L. 309 Tuckerman, F. {vide Addi- tions). Tuckey, C. 272 Tudor, L. F. V. 253 Tuke, A. W. 373 Tuke, F. H. 357 Tuke, M. L. 313 Tulloch, A. C. 352 Tulloch, C. W. A. 226 Tunnicliffe, C. K. 70 Tupper, J. S. 178 Turnbull, C. C. 136 Turnbull, W. A. 119 Turner, A. B 189 Turner, A. W. 200 Turner, B. H. 376 Turner, B. K. 218 INDEX OF COLLEGIANS. Turner, C. A. 147 Turner, E. 158 Turner, E. R. 329 Turner, G. H. 1 19 Turner, Harcourt. 161 Turner, Henry. 91 Turner, H. G. 147 Turner, J. K. loi Turner, M. 162 Turner, P. A. 373 Turner, P. L. H. 119 Turner, W. 67 Turner, W. D. 362 Turner, W. H. 208 Turton, H. M. 386 Turton, Z. 77, 97 Turton, Z. H. 194 Turvey, C. E. 383 Tuthill, G. L. 315 Tv.^eddell, M. 162 Tweddell, R. H. 162 Tweedie, A. L. 212 Tweedie, F. J. 387 Tweedie, George S. 212 Tweedie, Gerald S. 387 Tweedie, L. W. 386 Twyne, L. J. 234 Twyning, W. E. 130 Tyers, A. 272 Tyers, J. T. 217 Tyers, S. 184 Tyers, T. 162 Tyler, A. H. 377 Tyler, A. M. 348 Tyler, C. W. 324 Tyler, E. E. 355 Tyler, H. E. 260 Tyler, J. A. 357 Tyler, J. C. 251 Tyler, R. E. 371 Tyler, W. H. 339 Tynte, F. J. 136 Tynte, M. C. S. 184 Tyrwhitt, P. N. 152 Tyrwhitt, T. E. P. 152 Tytler, F'. J. L. 230 Tytler, F. W. 239 Umbers, W. C. 91 Unett, W. S. L. 70 Uniacke, F. F. 351 Uniacke, J. M. 348 Unsworth, P. H. 234 Unsworth, W. 200 Upton, R. L. J. 339 Urquhart, E. W. L. 348 Urquhart, H. 362 Vale, A. C. 355 Valpy, W. H. 91 Vance, E. J. 246 Van Bergen, C. 379 Van Gelder, R. P. A. 230 Van Homrigh, B. A. 147 Van Homrigh, H. G. 136 Van Laun, H. T. 260 Van Laun, T. A. 260 Vanrenen, A. S. 320 Vanrenen, F. A. 369 Vanrenen, G. R. 369 Vans Best, T. A. 380 Vansittart, E. 277 Vansittart, H. 235 Varley, A. 286 Varley, F. 394 Varley, H. E. 277 Vassall, W. 288 Vasser-.Smith, J. G. L. 369 Vaughan, E. 342, 369 Vaughan, E. P. 81 Vaughan, F. L. 382 Vaughan, H. 77 Vaughan, H. L. 185 Vaughan, J. 74 Vaughan, J. L. 324 Vaughan-Arbuckle, C. L. 381 Venning, R. P. 165 Verily, H. W. S. 307 Verner, A. 131 Verner, W. H. 139 Verschoyle, R. H. 107 Verschoyle, R. J. 103 Versturme, A. H. 116 Vesey, C. E. G. 376 Vevers, W. W. 165 Vialls, C. E. 297 Vialls, H. G. 297 Vibart, G. Y . 82 Vicars, H. G. 72 Vickerman, A. 324 Vicq, J. H. 67 Vigne, H. W. 386 Vinall, E. W. 364, 376 Vincent, C. 264 Vincent, C. O. 264 Vincent, E. 377 Vipan, E. J. 170 Vipan, F. M. 17 1 Vipan, H. C. 171 Viret, E. S. 192 Vivian, A. 99 Vivian, C. H. G. 268 Vivian, D. 329 Vivian, E. A. E. 272 Vivian, G. B. 83 Vivian, J. W. H. 257 Voules, F. H. 157 Vowell, C. H. 200 Vowell, C. M. 226 Vowell, E. W. 226 Voyle, H. E. 302, 320 Vyvyan, B. G. 162 Vyvyan, E. R. 230, 269 Vyvyan, J. D. 320 Vyvyan, P. E. 349 Vyvyan, R. O. 162 Vyvyan, T. G. 82 Waddell,]. D. 371 Waddingham, J . 1 1 5 Waddingham, T. J. 131 Wade, J. M. 212 Waite, D. 397 Wakefield, E. C. 398 Waldy, A. F. de G. 38 1 Waldy, E. F. de G. 357 Waldy, G. A. de G. 327 Waldy, J. B. de G. 339 Wales, E. 376 Walker, A. U. 1S9 Walker, Andrew G. 1 13 Walker, Arthur G. 152 INDEX OF COI.LEGIANS. 467 Walker, C. E. 397 Walker, C. E. F. 351 Walker, C. F. 290 Walker, C. 11 . J. 78 Walker, C. W. 398 Walker, E. 77 Walker, E. N. 1 13 Walker, E. S. F. 304 Walker, E. W. M. 381 Walker, F. 87 Walker, F. A. 290 Walker, F. (k A. 277 Walker, F. W. 307 Walker, F. W. H. 339 Walker, G. F. 281 Walker, H. A. 344 Walker, H. H. 322 Walker, 1 . A. 307 Walker, J. 87 Walker, J. B. 352 Walker, J. E. 226 Walker, J. G. D. 162 Walker, J. T. W. 180 Walker, R. 382 Walker, R. F. 281 Walker, T.M. 381 Walker, W. 256 Walker, W. S. 85 Wallace, H. C. 315, 33 • Wallace, Henry R. 1 10 Wallace, Hugh R. 313 Wallace, J. T. 177 Wallace, R. H. 170 Waller, C. 136 Waller, F. W. 196 W'aller, G. F. 136 Waller, R. A. 136 Waller, S. E. 196 Walter, F. W. M. 315 Walter, G. E. 286 Walter, J. McN. 313 Walter, J. McQ. 399 Walter, W. F. 327 Walters, W. 67 Walters, W. H. 300 Walton, F. R. B. 158 Walton, W. 302 Wapshare, H. C. F. 136 Ward, C. H. 1 12 Ward, C. J. 344 Ward, E. 1 . 334 Ward, E. R. 136 Ward, G. E. 269 Ward, G. R. 231 Ward, H. G. 401 Ward, J. B. 401 Ward, S. F. 166 Ward, S. J. H. C. 136 Ward, S. N. 221 Ward, W. P. B. 351 Warden, F. A. 251 Warden, W. F. M. 166 Wardroper, E. 221 Wardroper, H. T. 139 Ware, T. W. 77 Waring, C. E. 324 Waring, G. L. 277 Waring, H. 322 Waring, H. F. 300 Warneford, H. L. 307 Warner, W. H . 87 Warner, W. 11 . 388 Warraiul, W. E. 67 Warren, A. 200 Warren, A. R. 104 Warren, C. 139 Warren, C. II. 200 Warren, D. 339 Warren, E. G. S. 307 Warren, F. 383 Warren, F. F. 362 Warren, L. S. 96 Warren, R. P. 322 Warren, T. R. 96 Warren, W. 140 Warren, W. A. i ig Warren, W. F. 217 Warren-Swettenham, A. W. 369 Warren-Swettenham, T. R. W. 369 Warrington, H. H. C. G. 107 Warwick, R. W. 208 Wason, E. S. 132 Wason, R. M. 131 Waterfield, J. S. 234 Waters, J. W. 386 Watkin, A. 260 Watkins, B. E. 189 Watkins, F. W. 140 Watling, F. W. 334 Watson, A. W. 386 Watson, C. S 192 Watson, E. Y. 307 Watson, F. V. 373 Watson, G. E. 70 Watson, G. V. 373 Watson, G. W. 253 Watson, H. i ig Watson, H. W. 324 Watson, J. A. 226 Watson, J. C. 362 Watson, J. E, 359 Watson, J. G. 251 Watson, J. H. 256 Watson, R. K. 131 Watson, R. S. 174 Watson, W. 178 Watson-Taylor, A. W. 265 Watt, S. 398 Watton, T. G. 174 Watts, C. N. 315 Watts, E. H. 200 Watts, G. K. 265 Watts, J. B. 180 Watts, M. G. 300 Watts, W. B. 265 Waud, C. H. M. 362 Wawn, A. D. 221, 238 Wawn, E. R. 281 Way, L. A. 72 Way, T. H. 67 Wayne, R. H. 362 Webb, D. C. 395 Webb, E. R. 364 Webb, H. W. 122 Webb, J. C. 369 Webb, T. B. K. 200 Webb-Peplowe, H. W. (see Webb). Webber, R. T. 204 Webster, A. G. 116 Webster, A. T. 362 Webster, A. W. 170 Webster, E. F. no Webster, Hamilton. 144 Webster, Henry. 78 Webster, Horace. 149 Webster, H. B. 112 Webster, J. A. 208 Webster, J. F. 67 Webster, J. G. 166 Wedgwood, A. 144 Wedgwood, J. D. 162 Wei Wall On. 357 Wei Wall Pin. 357 Weir, J. G. 377 Welch, F. W. 144 Welch, S. C. 177 Welch, W. E. 144 Weldon, F. H. 369 Weldon, G. A. 351 Wells, F. B. 296 Wells, F. H. 334 Wells, H. M. 157 Wells, W. F. W. 246 Wells, W H. B. 256 Welsh, (k S. 305 Welstead, F. A. .S. 339 Welstead, H. M. 290 Wernicke, B. C. 401 West, A. T. 387 West, A. W. 346 West, E. E. 379 West, R. J. 397 Westbrook, F. S. 112 Westbnry, H. 401 Westcott, A. 283 Westcott, B. 355 Westcott, F. 334 Westcott, F. B. 283 Western, C. M. 213 Western, J. .S. E. 281 Western, R. W. 352 Westlake, S. St. J. 355 Wetenhall, W. H. no Wetherall, E. V. A. 315 Wetherell, R. M. 379 Wetherell, W. E. M. 379 Wetmore, F. W. 322 Weyman, W. 286 Whaley, C. S. 77 Wharton, H. 180 Whately, R. P. 296 Whately, W. 286 Wheatley, H. J. 226 Wheatley, H. M. H. 89 Wheeler, E. L. 401 Wheeler, M. 393 Wheeler, W. H. 364 Wheeley, J. G. 85 Wheelwright, J. B. 252 Whetstone, H. B. 337 Whidborne, G. F. 147, 197 Whinfield, C. W. 137 Whinfield, P. 177 Whinyates, C. E. 1 52 Whipple, A. L. 136 Whish, C. B. 74 Whish, H. E. 74 Whish, H. E. 349 Whitaker, B. I. 126 Whitcombe, G. 73 468 White, B. N. 83 White, C. L. P. 242, 283 White, D. L. 286 White, E. 174 White, E. L. 290 White, F. A. 185 White, F. E. 383 White, G. F. M. 230 White, G. W. R. 315 White, H. E. loi White, H. M. 122 White, I. H. G. 395 White, J. 1 12 White, J. G. 72 White, J. L. 136 White, R. 82 White, R. O. 386 White, S. E. 170 White, W. G. 287 White, W. H. 67 White, W. H. 272 White, W. R. S 1 12 Whitefield, F. B. 379 VVhitefoord, A. E. A. 218 Whiteford, S. L. 376 Whitehead, E. T. 391 Whitehead, G. W. H. 116, 131 Whitla, V. H. 238 Whitia, W. 148 Whitle, C. W. 388 Whitling, T. T. 357 Whitlock, J. E. N. 185 Whitman, G. A. 381 Whittard, B. de F. M. 227 Whitworth, A. W. 145 Whitworth, C. J. 140 Whitworth, J. F. 131 Whyatt, H. 337 Wickham, E. D. P. 287 Wickham, E. W. H. 184 Wicks, R. 362 Wicks, S. 362 Wigan, M. C. 256 Wiggin, F. H. 307 Wight, C. F. 222 Wight, T. H. 204 Wildig, G. L. B. 242 Wildman-Lushington, G. 313 Wildman-Lushington, P. 297 Wilkie, D. 153 Wilkieson, H. F. 272 Wilkins, E. U. H. 302 Wilkins, H. St. C. 355 Wilkins, W. H. 376 Wilkinson, A. N. 366 Wilkinson, F. A. 296 Wilkinson, H. F. 177, 208 Wilkinson, H. J. 344 Wilkinson, H. K. 397 Wilkinson, J. F. 212 Wilkinson, J. W. 122 Wilkinson, L. J. 177 Wilkinson, S. H. 313 Wilkinson, S. W. 334 Wilkinson, W. M. 313 Willcox, E. L. 398 Willcox, H. L. 398 Willes, F. W. 386 Williams, Ambrose C. 252 Williams, Arthur C. 181 INDEX OF COLLEGIANS. Williams, A. G. 382 Williams, A. J. O. 242 Williams, A. L. 74 Williams, A. L. W. 247 Williams, A. M. 18 1 Williams, A. S. 402 Williams, A. W. 324 Williams, B. B. 322 Williams, B. T. 290 Williams, C. A. 327 Williams, C. O. 197 Williams, C. P. 144 Williams, C. R. 305 Williams, E. 192 Williams, E. 196 Williams, E. R. 78 Williams, Edward T. 131 Williams, Evan T. 157 Williams, E. W. G. 162 Williams, F. E. 402 Williams, F. H. U. 320 Williams, F. M. 281 Williams, F. T. 402 Williams, G. D. R. 315 Williams, G. M. 261 Williams, G. T. 238 Williams, H. 264 Williams, H. A. 317 Williams, H. H. 212 Williams, H. J. L. P. P. 317 Williams, H. L. 79 Williams, H. V. 315 Williams, J. A. A. 324 Williams, J. U. .M, 297 Williams, J. E. 184 Williams, J. J. L. 74 Williams,]. P. F. 222 Williams, J. W. 1 31 Williams, M. B. 310 Williams, M. h'. 174 Williams, N. 317 Williams, N. C. H. 305 Williams, P. D. 149 Williams,- P. L. 234 Williams, R. 247 Williams, Richard L. 72 Williams, Roderic L. 317 Williams, R. T. 79 Williams, S. E. 242 Williams, S. H. 148 Williams, T. 80 Williams, T. B. 305 Williams, T. W. 122 Williams, V. 317 Williams, W. 1. 226 Williams, W. L. 322 Williams, W. M. 247 Williams, W. R. J. 317 Williams, W. W. 310 Williams- Foote, P. L. (see Williams). Williamson, J. W. 239 Williamson, R. R, 77 Williamson, W. 74 Williamson, W. E. 152 Willis, A. C. 252 Willis, C. W. 97 Willis, F. W. 144 Willis, G. H. 346 Willis, H. G. 132 Willis, J. A. C. 103 Willis, S. G. K. 402 Willis, S. V. 97 Willmott, H. M. 322 Willock, H. B. 242 Willock, R. P. 256 Willoughby, M. W. 67 Willson, U. A. W. 324 Willson, St. J. B. W. 362 Wilmer, H. F. 1 16 Wilmer, L. W. 131 Wilsby, T. S. 137 Wilson, A. H. 355 Wilson, B. E. 376 Wilson, C. D. 113 Wilson, C. Henry. 327 Wilson, C. Horace. 278 Wilson, C. W. 126 Wilson, C. W. 302 Wilson, E. A. 390 Wilson, E. C. 342 Wilson, F. E. E. 119 Wilson, F. F. 397 Wilson, F. R. C. 302 Wilson, G. D. 371 Wilson, G. H. 366 Wilson, G. J. 1 13 Wilson, H. A. 204 Wilson, H. C. 308 Wilson, H. J. 152 Wilson, J. 287 Wilson, J. F. 283 Wilson, J.G. 131 Wilson, J. H. 377 Wilson, J. W. 1 10 Wilson, R. B. 386 Wilson, R. F. 287 Wilson, R. G. 177 Wilson, R. H. 390 Wilson, R. J. 157 Wilson, S. 81 Wilson, T. W. 256 Wilson, W. A. 329 Wilson, W. D. D. 145 Wilson, W. E. C. 342 Wilson, W. G. 238 Wilson, W. H. 269 Wilson, W. H. M. 302 Wilson, W. M. 327 Wilson, W. R. 300 Wilson, W. 1. 204 Wilton, C. T. 70 Wilton, E. H. 99 Wilton, H. P. 357 Wilton, R. C. 377 Wingtield, W. 349 Wmgneld-Btratlord, F. M. 334 Wingheld-Stratlord, H. 300 Wingheld-btrattord, R. N. 320 Winn, C. St. G. 351 Winsloe, C. 269 Winsloe, L. S. 269 Winter, E. C. 402 Winter, O. de I’E. 402 Winterbotham, F. H. 157 Winterbotham, L. L. 391 Wise, F. A. M. 92 Wise, H. C. 92 Wise, J. S. 238 Wise, L. L. A. 166 Wise, T. 208 Witherby, H. 296 INDEX OF COU.EfllANS, 4^)9 Withers, G. II. 144 Withers,]. 158 Withycombe, A. G. 377 Wodehoiise, A. I*. 212 Wollcy, H. F. ric; Wolley, W. E. 204 Wolseley-Cox, R. G. 366 Wolseley-Lewis, A. U. 352 Wolseley- Lewis, F. T. 391 Wolseley- Lewis, H. 366 Wood, A. C. 140 Wood, A. G. 200 Wood, C C. 153 Wood, C. E. 174 Wood, C. K. 253 Wood, E. G. 140 Wood, H. C. 1 12 Wood, H. W. 92 Wood, J. 77 Wood, J. 126 Wood, Joseph. 80 Wood, J. G. 287 Wood, J. M. C. 204 Wood, L. 260 Woo.l, R. W. H. 189 Wood-M:irtin, G. G. C. 399 Wood-M irtin, H. R. H. 395 Wood-Martin, J. I. 391 Woodgate, A. H. A, 231 Woodgate, A. S. 234 Woodgate, II. B. 260 Woodham, C. B. 402 Wood house, C. 346 Woodhouse, R. R. 72 Woodifield, A. H. 359 Woodifield, M. H. 337 Woodiwiss, I. N. 382 Woodley, J. L. 300 Woodley, J. T. 145 Woodroofe, J. A. 74 Woods, A. L. A. 230 Woods, B. 170 Woods, C. H. 192 Woods, E. H. 192 Woods, H. C. M. 226 Woods, J. E. 208 Woods, J. F. 170 Woods, P. 149 Woods, R. T. 264 Woods, W. G. 162 Woods, W. St. L. 230 Woodvilic, A C. 398 Woodward, A. 1 C. 366 Woodward, 11 . N. 387 Woodward, T. C. 366 Woodyatt, E. 70 Wordsworth, II. 376 Worgan, H. 297 Worgan, J. B. 137 Workman, A. .S. 337 Wormald, J. H. 108 Worsley, H. A. M. 300 Wortham, A. 281 Wortham, C. 181 Worthington, H. 217 Worthington, P. J. 221 Worthington, W. M. 184 Wotherspoon, G. 212 Wright, A. A. 272 Wright, E. 81 Wright, E. G. 364 Wright, E. L. 291 Wright, G. F. C. 234 Wright, (L H. L. 291, 327 Wright, H. B. 230 Wright, II. C. 281 Wright, H. M. 243 Wright,]. A. 81 Wright, ]. .S. 230 Wright, ]. W. T. 281 Wright, P. B. 349 Wright, S. 94 Wright, T. L. 277 Wright, W. H. T. 287 Wright, W.P. 212 Wright-Anderson, h'. H. 359 Wrigley, G. 305 Wrigley, H. 334 Wrixon, G. B G. 231 Wyatt, A. H. 353 Wyatt, A. N. 313 Wyatt, G. N. 226 Wyatt, W. H. 313 Wyatt, L. A. 79 Wylde-Browne, H. 112 Wyley, H. C. 376 Wylie, I). ]. 308 Wyllie, F. R. .S. 103 Wyllie, ]. W. -S. 103 Wynch, A. 103 Wyncli, F. ]. 1 1 . 324 Wynch, H. St. M. 99 Wynch, ]. W. 99 Wyndowe, S. ]. 77 Wynyard, M. M. 67 Yate, F. H. 278 Yate, W. G. 278 Yelvcrton, W. H. M. 131 Yeo, F. C. 315 Yeo, ]. A. A. 397 Yerbury, W. C. 243 Yorke, ]. 73 Yorke, R. E. 394 Yorke, W. L. 73 Young, A. P. 218 Young, C. B. 208 Young, C. F. 1 12 Young, C. K. S. 189 Young, C. L. 136 Young, C. W. 253 Young, E. A. 218 Young, E. M. 381 Young, E. T. 310 Young, F. dc B. 342 Young, F. Maxwell. 212, 230 Young, F. Mortimer. 278 Young, H. H. 269 Young, H. R. 126 Young, ]. 1 16 Young, ]. C. 387 Young, J.H. 253 Young,]. N. E. 260 Young, L. D. 291 Young, L. H. G. 252 Young, R. E. 402 Young, .S. A. 364 Young, T. S. 351 Young, W. Henry. 81 Young, W. Hope. 208 Young, W. S. 192 Zachary, U. H. 334 CHISWICK PRESS: — C. WHTTTINGHAM AND CO., TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE. APPENDIX. The following names were found to have been inadverte^itly omitted from the body of the work : — ENTERED EASTER, 1845. Hallewell, Charles J., son of — Hallewell, Esq. ; born — . ENTERED AUGUST, 1847. Green, ]., son of — Green, Esq. ; bom — . Macgregor, — , son of — Macgregor, Esq. ; born — . ENTERED AUGUST, 1848. Thomas, F., son of — Thomas, Esq. ; born — . ENTERED AUGUST, 1849. Taylor, E., son of — Taylor, Esq. ; born — . ENTERED MICHAELMAS, 1849. Burton, C., son of — Burton, Esq. ; born — . ENTERED JANUARY, 1850. Thomas, W., son of — Thomas, Esq. ; born — . ENTERED EASTER, 1851. Barry, M., son of — Barry, Esq. ; born — . ENTERED AUGUST, 1851. Fisher, H., son of — Fisher, Esq. ; born — . Jago, D., son of — Jago, Esq. ; born — . Hay, J., son of — Hay, Esq. ; bom — . Tapp, T., son of — Tapp, Esq. ; born — . ENTERED MICHAELMAS, 1851. Hilton, G., son of — Hilton, Esq.; born — . CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. APPENDIX. ENTERED JANUARY, 1852. Dumaresq, W., son of — Dumaresq, Esq. ; Mitford, A., son of — Mitford, Esq. ; bom — . born — . Moore, T., son of — Moore, Esq. ; bom — . ENTERED JANUARY, 1853. Bagnall, — , son of — Bagnall, Esq. ; bom — . Powell, — , son of — Powell, Esq. ; bom — . Clark,^, son of — Clark, Esq. ; born : — . Swiney, F., son of — Swiney, Esq. ; bom — . ENTERED AUGUST, i8s'3. Bass, H. A., son of — Bass, Esq. ; bom — . Boys, Henry, son of — Boys, Esq.; bom — . Left December, 1853. Cockburn, George, son of — Cockburn, Esq.; born — . 6C — . Oottam, W. J., son of — Cottam, Esq. ; bom iM-. Hearne, Arthur, son of — Hearne, Esq. ; born 7C-. Jackson, Robert, son of — Jackson, Esq. ; born — . 6,C~. Kane, — , son of — Kane, Esq. ; bom — . Odell, John, son of — Odell, Esq. ; born — . Palmer, T., son of — Palmer, Esq. ; bom — . Swanson, R., son of — Swanson, Esq. ; born — . Swiney, H. B., son of — Swiney, Esq. ; bom — . Thomas, H. de B., son of — Thomas, Esq. ; bom — . ENTERED MICHAELMAS, 1853. Batty, Edward, son of — Batty, Esq. ; bom — . Bayley, Vincent, son of — Bayley, Esq, ; bom — . 7M—. D’Arcy, F. H., son of — D’Arcy, Esq. ; bom — . \oM—. D’Arcy, J. W., son of — D’Arcy, Esq. ; born — . Munby, F. J., son of — Munby, Esq. ; bom — . . 3C-. Pigou, Clement, son of — Pigou, Esq. ; bom 30th August, 1840. ()M — . Lieut, -Colonel 104th Foot; Retired, 1880. Died, 1885. Short, H. A., son of — Short, Esq. ; bom — . Sturt, C. S., son of — Sturt, Esq. ; bom — . gAf— . Sturt, E. G., son of — Sturt, Esq. ; bom — . XI M-. Wayne, — , son of — Wayne, Esq. ; bom — . ENTERED JANUARY, 1854. Drake, Charles M., son of — Drake, Esq. ; born — . Left December, 1855. Fawcett, — , son of — Fawcett, Esq. ; bom — . Left June, 1854. Gilbertson, H., son of — Gilbertson, Esq. ; born — . Heyland, E. O., son of — Heyland, Esq. ; bom — . Eudleston, Broderick, son of — Hudleston, Esq. ; bom — . Left December, 1855. McDonell, — , son of — McDonell, Esq. ; born — . Wilberforce, R. G., son of — Wilberforce, Esq. ; bom — . ENTERED EASTER, 1854. Butler, R. M., son of — Butler, Esq.; born — . Left June, 1854. ENTERED AUGUST, 1854. Birkett, William, son of — Birkett, Esq. ; Russell, G. B., son of — Russell, Esq. ; born — . born — . Left June, 1855. ENTERED AUGUST, 1855. Kane, W. F., son of — Kane, Esq. ; bom — . ENTERED JANUARY, 1856. Baines, Francis Alfred, son of Henry Ramsay Baines, Esq., Staple Inn, London; born 19th December, 1844. Left June, 1859. Elliott, E. C., son of — Elliott, Esq. ; born — . Left December, 1857. Parker, Ernest, son of Henry Parker, Esq., North Ferriby, near Hull ; born — . Left June, 1858. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE REGISTER. APPENDIX. ENTERED FEBRUARY, 1858. Hoare, W. L. O., son of — Hoare, Esq. ; born Percival, — , son of — Percival, Esq. ; born — . — . Day Boy. Left June, 1858. 3 ''pC — . Left December, 1859. ENTERED AUGUST, i860. Carstairs, Charles, son of Peter Carstairs, Esq., i Portland Terrace, Richmond, Surrey ; born 6th August, 1844. Sandhurst M — . Left December, i860. Major, South Lancashire Regiment. ENTERED MICHAELMAS, i860. Wood, — , son of — Wood, Esq. ; born — . i,M — . Left December, i860. ENTERED JANUARY, 1861. Ferguson, George Gordon, son of David Ferguson, Esq., 12 Oakfield Terrace, Glasgow ; born 7th September, 1843. Left December, 1861. ENTERED AUGUST, 1861. Apthorp, Shirley, son of General East Apthorp, Madras Army, 3 Paragon Buildings, Chel- tenham ; born nth February, 1849. Day Boy. Captain (retired), Border Regiment. Battersby, William Arthur, son of Mrs. Eliza A. Battersby, Imperial Square, Cheltenham ; bom 22nd June, 1850. i2^C — . Day Boy. Left June, 1862. ENTERED SEPTEMBER, 1862. Hawkes, Robert Tomkyns, son of Lieut.-Colonel Robert Hawkes, 80th Foot, Saugor, India ; born 1st February, 1846. ^M — . Left December, 1863. Major, Bengal Staff Corps. ENTERED OCTOBER, 1862. Weir, Oswald, son of — Weir, Esq. ; bom 24th July, 1843. Civil M — . Day Boy. Left December, 1862. ENTERED AUGUST, 1863. McLean, Roderick Norman, son of — McLean, Esq. ; born — . Miller, John Patrick, son of J. R. F. A. Miller, Esq., Army Surgeon, Mhow, Bombay ; born 13th February, 1850. SM — . Left June, 1864. ENTERED AUGUST, 1865. Scott, Walter, son of William Scott, Esq., The Moorlands, Kersal, Manchester ; born 26th April, 1854. t,' . r-' , • ■ ' ' - V' •. ’ , ; W.I 1 “i- i