■> ems o" « b i 0. OF ILL UB. I i pt W K ! recognition of the kindly feeling so universally manifested towards us by those whose calling brings them daily iq contact with the traveling public, and who, iq the line of their duty, are so largely instrumental iq directing the tide of travel, this little book, our Fiftlq Annual Souvenir, is especially prepared for, and is gratefully dedicated to, our friends, the Ticket and Passenger Agents of the United States, witlq feelings of the sincerest appreciatioq, by the Passenger Department of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad. i u X? 3 a3> * f to +A Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/gemsofrockiesOOjack Lake San Christovai, LAKE CITY LINE DENVER &. RIO GRANDE RAILROAD. COLORADO. Land of the hills whose frontlets face the sun, Land of the rills whose crystal waters run With rippling laughter and with jocund glee To join the sunrise and the sunset sea ; Land of blue skies, bright sunshine, breezes bland, Land of weird wonders in a wonderland ; Who can behold thee and not bless the gra^e That turned his footsteps to this happy plac e ?5^ Second Tunnel, Canon of the Grand River, ASPEN LINE OENVER 4. RiO GRANDE RAILROAD. NATURE’S GEMS. Bedecked with, gems, proud beauties proudlier glow, More grand the mountains seem, encrowned with sno vj* Majestic ocean has a gentler mien, Zoned with pure pearls, and glowing with their sheen; ^ The vaulted heavens in splendor ’round us rise, Sparkling with stars, the diamonds of the skies ; Thus Nature ever lavishly displays Her gems of beauty to our wond’ring gaze River of Lost Souls, Animas Canon, SILVERTON LINE DENVER & RIO GRANDE RAILROAD. ENCHANTED LAND. Visions of beauty, infinitely grand, Enchant our eyes in this enchanted land. The spirit soars to an imperial height, Bathed in a glory of supernal light ; Yonder the mountains sinuously lie, A mighty silhouette against the sky, And earnest souls can rev’rently define The granite writing of a hand Divine. Eagle River Canon, GLENWOOD SPRINGS LINE DENVER & RIO GRANDE RAILROAD. \ % MOUNTAIN MOODS. Majestic heights now beckon from afar, Vague in their vastness, distant as a star, Grand in their gloom, alluring in their grace, For every mood a sympathetic face; Joy for the joyous, sorrow for the sad, With clouds made sombre, or with sunshine glad. Flee to the mountains, sympathy is there, Surcease of sorrow, sunderance from care. Mt. Sneffles and Uncompahgre River, OURAY LINE DENVER <5L RIO GRANDE RAILROAD. V; ( / BY MOUNTAIN LAKES. By mountain lakes calm Peace dotk gently rest, Here are the haunts of those supremely blest, “Far from the madding crowd,” no passions rude Of guilt or gain, unbid, can here intrude, The fevered brow is fanned by breezes cool, Health and contentment brood above the pool, Sweet mother Nature smiles into your face And clasps you fondly in a warm embrace. Co mpli merit's of tpe ])en\/er, 1>Pj o GranTiPP. Passenger )Xpartment. P 7 Cenersl Passenger /gent.