LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 977.386 P956 mO\% HISTORICAI. SURVEY PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY, a.ST'S-T', COMPRISHNTG^ AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF CITIZENS, A CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY, LISTS OF CITY AND COUI^TY OFFICERS, CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, SOCIETIES, STREETS AND WARDS. rriiOE: $3.00. ^LTOIS^, ILL. PRYOR & CO . PUBLISHERS. 1876. I=25Br-^CE. In presenting to the public this work, as the revision of the City Directory of the City for 1876-7, its object and value in iis prepar- ation have been constantly held in view. Every effort was made in the canvass to procure the correct location of all citizens, while in connection with their business they become recognized in each and all branches conducted by them ; also containing much other matter of utility and interest to the citizens of Alton and to strangers, rendering it n fit representation of the business and enterprise of the City. The General Directory shows 3,571 names — an increase of 500 over 1878, and which multiplied by 3 J gives x\lton a population of 12,500. For any imperfections or omissions that may occur — notwith- standing the diligence used in gathering the promiscuous matter requisite to complete a work of this kind, especially the large number of names, which is believed to include all that would claim recognition within its pages — the publishers ask the indulgence of the public, trusting that the work will meet Avith that satisfaction and approval which it has been their earnest endeavor to achieve. PRYOR & CO. 1 7 J. :^c ^ ^ M C^E2^E2^-^L I:LT3DE2S. Alphabetical List of Names. 33-102 City Officers, - 25 Classified Business Directory, . . . . 103-117 County Officers, ------ 26 Fire Department, ------ 26 Ca Miscellaneous Lodges and Societies, - • - 26-8 * Street Directory, ------ 29 Ward Boundaries, ----._- 31 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. 5- Blair & Atwood. Fly leaf, Boals, M. H., ------- 24 w^Brunner & Duncan, - 24 "^ Hay den, G. D., - Paster. ^Holden & Norton, 32 Howe Machine Co., Fly leaf, Mei'el, J., - Pa.ster, Newman, J., ------- 24 iRohland, C. B., Flyleaf, Singer Machine Co., ------ Paster. I 103403 24 PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. ALTON 'planing MILLS. M. H. BOALS, Dealer in Lumber, Lath, Shingles, &e., and Manufacturer of Sash, Doors. Blinds, Frames, Mouldings, Bracl(ets, Etc. tfS^Slair Suildinff a Speciaity ."9^ SECOP STREET, BIT SPEISG AND Wil OFFICE COE. SECOND AM OAK. ALTOIST, ILLINOIS. MACHINISTS AND FOUNDRYMEN. ARK PKEPARKD TO FURNISH Engines, Flouriny Mills, Saw 3IiUs, Coal Mining Machinery, House Fronts, Grate Bars, Pulleys and Shafting, Lift and Force Pumjjs, Steam and Water Pipe, and BRASS WOliK AND FITTINGS of all kinds. Special attention given to Repairing Machinery; Removing and Setting up New or Old Machinery, Boilers, Etc. mm\ and SHOP (IPP. C. i \. I K. FREIIiHT HEPIIT. BET. PIASA and MARKET STS., ALTON, ILLINOIS. CASH PAID FOR SCRAP IRON, OLDCOPPER, BRASS, LEAD,&c. JAS, ITEVTMAIT, Prop'r, DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC BRANDIES, GmS, RUMS, WINES, CHOICE CIGARS, AND IMPORTED SCOTCH ALE AND DUBLIN PORTER. COR. FRONT AND MARKET, OPP. UNION DEPOT. PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. MISCELLANEOUS DEPAETMENT. CitjT- Officers. Mayor — Alexander W. Hope. Register — James McNulty. Treasurer — Chas. Holden, Jr. Assessor — James W. Templeton. Collector — John Fischbach. Attorney — John F. McGinnis. Marsijall — John Dawson. Harbur Master — Rescarrie A. Hoaglan. Street Commissioner — IJenjamin Allen. Clerk — Frank H. Ferguson. Engineer — Wm. D. Hodge. Auditor — Francis H. Ulricli. Gauger and Inspector — Julius H. Raible. Inspector of Salted Provisions — Geo. Quigley. " "• Petroleum Oils — Geo. Quigley. *' •• Weights and Measures — Chas. Holden, Sr. Counselor — Chiis. P. Wise. City Coiincil. First Ward — T. Biggins, J. Bannon, J. E. Coppinger. Second Ward— J. W. Ash, 15. Runzi, R. G. ]'crley. Third Ward— J. Whitehead, G. H. Weigler, F. W. Joesting. Fourth Ward— R. B. Smith, W. Claflin, N. (.'. Hathaway. 26 PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. Board of Ediacation. John L. Blaii, President, Frank H. Ferguson, Secretary, Ben- jamin F. Sargent, Treasurer, E. A. Haighi, Superintendent of Schools. Members — Louis Haagen, D. D. Ryrie, A. R. McKinney, Geo. Quigley. Fire Department. Chief Engineer — J. C. Bramhall. Ass'f " — C. Henick. Fire Warden — C. Ryan. Engine House Market, bet. Second and Third. Altona Engine Co. No. 1 — Geo. Carhart, President, J. B. Kerwin, foreman. Lafayette Hook and Ladder Co. — L. Stillwell, foreman. Hope Hose Co. No. 3 — J. Loer, President, J. Elble, Vice Presi- dent, Frank Schaub, Treasurer, Fred Hoppe, Secretary, cor. Fifth Ridge. Coianty OfRcers. Judge— M. G. Dale. Clerk— B. E. Hoffmann. Circuit Clerk — J. H. Heisel. Attorney — B. Glass. Treasurer — H. E. Bayle. Sheriff— J. T. Cooper. Supt. of Schools — A. D. Luppiger. Surveyor — W. Rutledge. Coronor— W. A. Miller. M!asorLic. Hall corner Second and Market. Piasa Lodge No. 27 — meets every Tuesday on or before full moon, F. H. Ferguson, W. M., Wm. Huskinson, S. W., Thos. Cannell, J. W., I. E. Hardy, S. D., Wm. Hyndman, J. D., A. Woodside, Treasurer, F. S. Dctrich, Secretary, A. Ash, Tyler, L'win Lodge No. 315 — meets every Thursday on or before full moon, N. Seibold, W. M., F. Rudershausen, S. W., W. Sontag, J, ^V., John Tonsor, Treasurer, F. Pfenninger, Secretary, W. Joesting, S. D , C. A. Herb, I. D. Alton Royal Arch Chapter No. 8 — meets every Friday on or before full moon, I. E. Hardy, H. P., F. H. Ferguson, K., H. E. PRYOR A CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. 27 Bayle, S., Wm. Huskinson, Trcnsurcr, Fred Detrich, Secretary, C. B. Rohland, C H., Thos. Cannell, P. S., C. A. Herb, R. A. C. Alton Council R. & S. M., No. 3, — meets First and Third Mon- days in each mohth, R. B. Smith, T. I. G. M., I. E. Hardy, D. I. G.'M., Geo. D. Ilayden, P. Cof, W., Geo Barry, 0. of G. S., F. Connor, Conductor, A. T. Bayle, SteAvard. Belvidere Commandery, No. 2, — (Knights Templars,) meets every Fourth Monday in each month, G. Barry, E. C, R. C, R. B. Smith, G.. F. II. Furguson, C. G., G. 1). Hnyden, P., C. B. Roh- land, S. W., W. Huskinson, J. W., I. E. Hardy, W., J. H. Koehne, Treasurer, Thos. Cannell, Recorder. Constantine Connclave. No. 10. — ^meets first Monday in each mouth. R. B. Smith, M. P. S., G. Barry, V., S. V. Connor, S. G., C. B. Rohland, J. G., M. M. Dutro, H. P., J. II. Koehne, Trea.«- urer, F. H. Ferguson, Recorder, G. D. Hayden, P., H. Watson. S. B., 1. E. Hardy, H., J. M. Pierson, S. I. O. of O. F. Hall south side of Third. Alton Lodge, No. 2, — meets every Wednesday, J. M. Bryant. N. G., J. Dow, V. G.. F. H. Gifford, Secretary, T. Hyndman. Treasurer. Germania Lodge. No. 299, — meets every Monday, J. Dietche, N. G., Wm. Schmoeller, V. G., J. H. Altman. Secretary, J. M. Tonsor, Treasurer. Pestalozzi Lodge, No. 367, — meets every Thursday, J. liile, N. tate. Market, 1st e of Piasa, n from Market to limits. Marshall, n av from junction Hamilton and 11th two blocks. Mill, 4th w of Piasa, n from river to Park. Monroe, running s from Jefferson parallel Avith State. NarroAv, 1st n of State, n av from Beacon to Spring. Ninth, 9th n of river, e from Main to Liberty. Nineteenth, 19th n of river, e from Belle to Easton. North, n from Walnut and 6th to Suspension. Oak, 1st w of Prospect, s one block from State. Oak, 8th e of INIarket, n from river to 6th. Park, 3d n of river, av from State to Mill. Pear, 15th e of iNfarket, n from river to 6th. Pearl, 1st n of L'nion, e from Liberty to State road. Piasa, 1st w of ^Market, n from river to 2()th. Plank Road, n from the junction of 11th and Belle to limits. Pleasant, 1st s of Suspension, e from Henry to Liberty. Pleasant, 1st e of Common, n from Tremont to limits. Plumb, 14th e of Market, n from river to (ith. Prospect, 5th av of Piasa, n from river to State. Putnam, 3d n of t^nion, e from Gaulen to Gold. Ridge, Tth e of Market, n from river to Union. Salu, 1st n of Washington, av from Pleasant three blocks. Second, 2d n of river, o from Piasa to limits. Seventh, Tth n ol river, e from Beacon to Liberty. Seventeenth, 17th n of river, e from Belle to Easton. Short, 1st n of river, av from 2d to County road. Silver, 1st e of Gold, n from Union to Bloomfield. Sixth, 6th n of river, e from Piasa to Liberty and city limits. Sixteenth. 16th n of river, e from Belle to Easton. PllYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. 81 Spring, from n end of BlufiF to Narrow Spring, 8tli e of Market, n from river to Gth. State, '2d. av of Piasa, n from river to Bond, thence n w to Wharf, thence n to Main, thence n w to limits. State Road, n e from Cherry and Gth to limits. Summit, 2d n of river, w from Mill two blocks. Suspension, e from eastern end of 14tli to Connnon. Tenth. 10th n of river, e from ^Nlain to Henry. Third, od n of river, e from State to Henry and limits. Thirteenth, 13th n of river, e from Piasa to Henry. Tremont, 4th n of Suspension, e from Common three blocks. Twelfth, 12th n of river, e from Piasa to Henry. Twentieth, 20th n of river, e from Belle to Easton. Union, s e from junction 11th and Henry to Plumb and Gth. Van Buren, 5th n of Union, n w from State road to Fletcher. Vine, 12th e of Market, n from river to Gth. Walnut, 10th e of Market, n from river to Gth. Washington, 1st e of Henry, n from Union to Suspension, Washington. IGth e from Market, n nr limits, then w to pub. square. Wesley, w end of Bloomfieid, n to Hamilton, Wharf, s end of Cliff, w one block and n to State. William, 3d w of Piasa, n from river to Bond. Ward IBo-andaries. First Ward — All that part of the city lying west of the center of Piasa street and between River and Northern boundary. Second Ward — All that part of the city lying between center of Piasa and the center of Langdon, and from the River to Northern boundary. Third Ward — All that part of the city lying east of Second Ward to the Eastern boundary of city, and North to a line in the center of Eleventh street and the center of Union street to where the same intersects the line between section thirteen and twelve, and from thence on said line to the eastern boundary of City. Fourth Ward — All that part of the city lying East of Second and North of the Third Ward. 32 PRYOR & go's ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. W. T. NORTON, EDITOR. C. EOLPKN, JR., BUSINESS MAXAGER. ALTON DAILY AND WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. The Weekly is only |l.oO a year, and is the largest, best and cheapest Weekly paper in the State, south of Chicago. Special attention paid to the local news of Macoupin, Jersey and Greene counties. The Daily is an evening paper and is offered at the low rate of $9.00 per year, and contains all the news of the day up to five o'clock in the afternoon. Local news a specialty. Give them a trial. Specimen copies free. Address, HOLDEN ct NORTON, Proprietors, Alton, Ills. Commercial and General Printing. IF YOU WAJST FOSTERS, IF YOU WANT CIRCULARS, IF YOU WANT HANDBILLS, IF \OU WANT ENVELOPES, IF YOU WANT PRICE LISTS, IF YOU WANT SALE BILLS, IF YOU WANT BILLHEADS, IF YOU W A NT S TA TE3IENTS, JF YOU WANT BUSINESS CARDS, IF YO U WANT LETTER H EA DS, IF YOU WANT PA31PHLETS. If you want any kind of General or Commercial Printing, leave your orders at the Telegraph Office, Alton, Ills., or send them by mail, and they will be promptly filled. Let it be remembered that we have the largest and most compU^e Steam Printing House in Southern Illinois. HOLDEN 80 NORTON. PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY, ISTS-T'. ABBREVIATONS. ab above. av avenue. bei between. bds boards. bldg. ... building. cor corner. elk. . clerk. lab laborer. carp carpenter. B s south side. e east of. manufg manufacturer. n north of. nr near. opp opposite. 8 south of w west of. n 8 .north side. w 8 west side. e 8 east side. ALPHABETICAL LIST OP NAMES. Ab. Planab, M., Tailor, res. n s. 3d, w Walnut. Achten John, lab., res. Alby, cor. 19th. Adams, Clinton, works Oil Factory, res. cor. Piasa and l7th. Adams, Phebe, teacher school, No. 2, res. I7th. Adams, Mrs., res. Belle, n 11th. Adams, Mrs. Sarah, res. cor. 17th and Piasa. Adams, Mrs., res. cor. George and 17th. Adams, Wm., lab. H. Basse, res. Ridge n. 6th. Adams, Wm., lab. T Corbit, res. 17th, nr Easton. Adams, W. J., salesman, A. H. Drury & Co., res. State, e Spring. Agne, Wm., polisher, res. Union, nr North. Agne, Wm., book-keeper, Daniels, Bayle & Co., res Union. Agard, Hiram, glass blower, res Cherry, s 4th. Ahrens, Theo., general store, n. s. 2d, w Henry, res. same. Aichelmann, Frank, carpenter, res. n. s. 3d, e Oak. Albon, Mrs. Sarah, res. e s Henry, s 8th. Allen, Benjamin, Street commissioner, res. cor. Madison and State. Allen, Geo., saAv mill, bds. A. K, Root. Allen, James, drayman, res. cor. State and Madison. 34 -PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. Allen, James, Jr., drayman, res cor State and Madison. Allen, Mrs. Lydia, res n s 5th, e Walnut. Alfred, Aaron, horse trader, res n s 2d, w Vine. Alfred, Mrs. L., res n s 3d, e Langdoii. Alogray, Benjamin, res Madison, cor. Monroe. Alt, A., machinist, Alton Agricultural Works, res s s 3d e Henry. ALT, CHARLES, Morse shoer and Blacksmith. Special attention glveu to horse shoeing and all kinds of general hi acksinithing , cor. 2d and Henry f res. 3d, e. Henry. Alt, George, works Alton Agl. Works, res s s 3d, e Henry. Alt, Paul, res s s 3d, e Henry. Altena, I. G., saw and knife maker, cor 2d and Easton, res same. AlthoflT, Mrs. L., dress maker, Bond, w William, res same. Althoff", Fred, works Alton Agl. Works, res n s 5th, e Liberty. ALTON NATIONAL BANK, and designated de- pository of United States, Capital $100,000, SurpJiis $67,000. E. 3Iarsh, President. S. Wade, Vice Bresideiit, C. A. Caldwell, Cashier, JC. I\ WadCf Assistant Cashier, cor. Belle and 3d. Aly — farmer, res. Cyrus, nr. Fletcher. A3IEBJCAN EXPRESS CO., State St,,opp. 3d St., Alton, 111., E, 11. Kilhourne, Agent. AM3IANN, Josejyh, 3Iannfacturer of tvagons, car- riages, etc. Rej^airing of tvood work proniptly attended to. Horse shoeing made a specialty, and genci^at blacksniitJiing done to order, n. s. 2d, e. Ridge, res. Spiking, fi. 2d. Amnion, Valentine, janitor, res w s Henry, s 14th. Anderson, Chas., shipping elk., Plow Works, res 2d, nr Spring, Anderson, P. J., carriage maker, res 9th, s Piasa. Anderson, P. J., works C. Phinney, bds same. Anderson, Tobias M., blacksmith, res Langdon, s 3d. Anderson, C A., carpenter, res w s Belle, n 6th. Andy, Mrs. Charlotte, res.n s Easton, s 10th. ' Angel, Joseph, cooper, T. H. Proccor, res 2d, e Henry. Anthony, Jonathan, Engineer, res cor Gth and Easton. PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY 35 Appel, Louis S, Ex Driver U S Ex Co, res Prospect. Archibald, Mrs Amanda, res s s 5 e Walnut. Arhuckle, Levi, lab, res w s Market ii 3d. Arias, Peter, lab, E Feldwisch, bds same. Arlinijton, Mrs Belle, res cor 10th and Easton. Amslrong, Rev Chester, Pastor, Pres't'n Church, res State n Park. Armstrong, ITenry, carp and builder, 4th e Piasa,res 3d e Alton. Armstrong. John, (Wm. tl" J. Armstrong.) res Henry, n 12th. Armstrong, Wm, (Wm k J Armstrong,) res Main nr State. Armstrong, Wm k, Bro, (Wm (S: .John Armstrong,) Prop'rs Bluff' Lime Kilns, Avarehouse H Short. Arrington, Louis, Glass Blower, res s s 3d e Walnut. Ash, A T, plasterer, bds cor 13th and Langdon. Ash, John W, Notary Public, office City Bldg, res cor 13tli and Langdon. Ash^ Wm M, bricklayiT, res s s oth, nr Oak. Aswegc. Eilert, saloon. State bet 2d and 3d, res same. Atkin, Chas E, tailor, M M Dutro, res cor 3d and Henry. Atkinson^ Geo B, elk, \V F Everts, bds same. x\tkinson & Patrick, (W Atkinson, J Patrick,) stone quarry, cor Main and 8th. Atkinson, W, (Atkinson & Patrick) res cor 9th and Belle. Atkinson, Marion, turner, M II Boals. res 2d nr Oak. Atwood, John, General Insurance, cor 2d and ^Market, res Liberty, n Suspension. Atwood, Roger W, (Blair & Atwood,) res B(dle opp 6th. Aute.n, Aaron 0, (Milnor, Auten k Co,) bds cor 3d and Market. Auten, Edgar .^i, elk, Auten & Holden, res Easton n Front. AUTEN & HOLnElS^, (John A, Auten, Rihard Holden,) denlei'sin IJry Goods, best goods at loiv- est prices, Atfency for Mine. IJeniorest's JieHuhle Patterns. Patterns sent by niail,.i)ost free, on reeevpt of price. Also, Mm e. JJemorest's Semi- annual Port-folio, 15 cts., What to Wear, 15 cts. Mammoth Colored Bulletin of Fashions, $1. Subscriptions received for Demorest's Monthly Maffa^ine. Yearly, $3,iintJi a splendid Chro- mo as a premium. lio. 2(>, s s 3d. Auten, Jolin A, (Auten & Holden,) res Easton, n Front. Austin, Wm, Avatchman, res e s Liberty, n .5th. Axthelm, Louis, barber, 2d e Henry, bds same. 36 PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. Bachman, Mrs. Anna, res cor Gold and Putnam. Badenestiel, Valentine, drayman, res n s 5th. w Vine. Bailey, Alfred, harness maker, res cor 7th and Langdon. Bailey, Geo. T, works Tobacco Factoiy, res cor 7th and Langdon. Baird, Mrs Mary, res s s 8th, e Alton. Baker, Chas., painter, res State road. Baker, D. W. (Beckley & Baker) res 16th, e Piasa. Baker, Henry S., City Judge, res Suspension, e Henry. Baker, R., bds Empire House. Baldwin, Stephen, carp., res n s 5th, e Market. Balster, E. H., painter, res Fletcher, cor Cyrus. Balster, John, tailor, res e s Ridge, s 5th. Balster, J. M., tinner, H Stanford, res Ridge, n 4th. Baltes, Rt. Rev. P J Bishop, Alton Diocese, (Catholic) res State w 7th. Bagley, M F, carp., res 9th, e Piasa. Banks, Benjamin, mason, res cor Garden and Greene- Bannan, James, Deputy Sheriff, res nr Marshall. Bantz, Wm., carp res Washington Barbour, Harvey, dentist, H H Roberts, res Upp-r Alton. . Bard, Frank, driver, res s s 3d, e Ridge. Bargman, Wm., cigar maker, C Behens, bds Empire House. Barnell, Mrs A., dress maker, res cor 9th and Alby. Barnes, Henry, lab, res Piasa, s 17th. Barnett, Chas., mason, res cor 10th and Alby. Barnett, Mrs E. A., res s s State, yy 7th. Barnett, John, basket maker, W Armstrong & Bro., res State, Barney, V., bds A L Daniels. Barrett, James, lab, res w end Russell. Barry, A. S., insurance, res cor State and Bluff. Barry, Geo, Commercial traveler, res cor State and Bluff. Bartlett, M. S., works transfer cor of St L., res cor 8th and Easton. Bartiett, Mrs. res e s Piasa, s 10th. Bartling, Henry, lab, E Feldwisch, bds same. Barton. Mrs Elvira, res Alton, n 6th. Basse & Gray, (H Basse, G Gray) wholesale liquors, e s State, s 3d. Basse, H., (Basse & Gray) res Mill, cor 4th. Bassett, Sylvester, farmer, res cor 14th and Langdon. Bassett, S Wesley, engineer, res 14th w Langdon. Bastam, Chas., weaver, res w s Belle, n 18th. Bates, Z., (Maupin & Bates) res State nr Spring. PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. 37 Bauer, Mrs Christina, res 7 th, w George. Bauer & Hofl'mann, (J Bauer, J Hoffmann) furniture and under- taking, 2d opp City Hall. Bauer, John, lab, E Feldwisch, bds same. Bauer, John, (Bauer & Hoffmann) res 3d, e Spring. Bauer, Wm., printer, Alton Banner, res 7th, nr cor Alton. Bayle, Geo A.. (Daniela, Bayle & Co) bds same. Bavle, Hugh E., res 7th, e iState. BAYLIES, MRS. S. T., manager W U Telegraph Co., res Easton cor 4th. Beach, J A, carpenter, res n s 7th, e Belle. Beall, C B., (Millen & Beall) res cor Union and Spring. Beall, Edward, pressman Alton Telegraph, res 13th, w Langdon. Beam, Miss Anna, teacher school JSo 2, res 3d. Beazley, Mrs Elizabeth, res Washington, e Pleasant. Beck, Leonard, lab, res cor Ridge and 6th. Becker, Christian, F., shoemaker, bds e s Ridge, s 5th. Beckley & Baker, (E S Becklev, D W Baker) oaanufacr's of inks, blueing and mucilage, n s 3d, e Piasa. Beckley, E S (Beckley & Baker) res 5th, e Market. Beckman, Frank, works Oousman & Drummond, bds Front, nr Alton- Beckman, George, carp, res North, n Pearl Beem, Andrew, res n s 3d, w Langdon. Beem, Nicholas, elk, S A Cotter, res 3d, nr George. Beese, Chas., tailor, res s s 2d, e Henry. Beese, H., elk, Joesting & fiachtleben, res 2d, e Henry. Behm, Louis, res Union, e Oak. Behrens, Chas., cigars and tobacco, Piasa, n 2d, res Union, w Ridge. Behrens, H A., dry goods, res Bozza, e Washington. Beil, Jos., saloon, s s 2d, e Spring, res same. Beiser, L., stone mason, res s s 6th, e Ridge. Bell. Chas, lab, res Easton, s 10th. Bell, J R., (J R Bell & Co) res Upper Alton. Bell, J R & Co ( J R Bell, G Sauerwein) butchers, n s 3d, e Belle. Bellas, T R., carp, res Common. Benedict, Alfred, Marble Works, s s 4th, w Belle, res cor Bond and William. Bennett, Alex., bds State, w Jefferson. Benton, Mrs Ursula, res Common. Berge, Henry, teamster, res s s 6th, w Walnut. Berge, Mrs Kate, res s s 6th, w Walnut. Berger, Henry, teamster, E Feldwisch, cor 6th, nr Walnut. 38 PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. Bernard. Peter, works Glass Works, bds Washington, e Pleasant- Berner & Gaiser, (Louis Berner, John Gaisci')boot and shoe makers, w s Belle, n 3d Berner, Louis, (Berner & Gaiser) res cor Gth and Easton. Berner, John, blacksmith, 1) Miller, res. 3d nr Spring. Berner, Mrs Theresa, res s s 3d, w Spring. Bernreider. John, cooper, Armstrong Bros., res s s 4th, e Plumb. Berry, C. ferryman, bds St Charles Hotel. Berry, John, ferryman, bds Union Depot Hotel- Berry, R C,. ferryman, bds St Charles Hotel- Best. W. (D R Sparks& Co) res Litchfield Betz, Augustus F.. salesman, Blair & AtAvood, res cor 6th and Liberty. Betz. Carl, confectionery and restaurant w s Belle, s 4th. res same. Betzler, Louis, baker, res*Av s Ridge, s otii- Bigwood, L G. clerk, R Flagg- res Lpper Alton. Biggens, Thomas, boarding I'iasa, n -li, res same. Bibb, Allen lab, res Washington, e Pleasant. Bibb, John, lab, res Washington, e Pleasant Bibb, Mrs C, res Washington, e Plea.'^ant. Bicker. Louis, ice dealer, res e s Liberty, n 5th. Bierbaum, R. (Paul & Bierbaum) res same. Biesor. August, carp, res n s 5th, w Ridge. Bilderbeck, B., carp, res n end Diamond. Bilderbeck, R . wood worker Alton Ag. Works, res Fletcher. Bilderbeck, Justus, elk. H W Jutting, res Walnut. Billings, 3Irs Elizabeth, res Liberty, s Suspension. Billings, Henry 0., lawyer, res Libei'ty, s Suspension. Billuc, Wm., elk, W R Parker, bds same. Bird, John C , elk, Quigley, Hopkins & Co., res cor 11th and Alby. Birdsall, Jas., dry goods, n s 8d, w Piasa, res cor 4th and George. Birdsall, John, elk, J Biid.sall, res same. Bishop, Andrew, grocer, bds cor George and Gth. Bishop, Wm., glass blower, res cor 11th and Easton. Bisinger, L., grocer, cor 3d and Cherry, res same. Biszer, J., scissors grinder, res s s Union, e Ridge. Black. Alex , lab, res Common. Blackburn," Wm., painter, res 9th, e Belle- BLAIR & ATWOOJD, (John L. Blair, Bof/er If. Atwood,) u'holesale (jrocevs, cor, 2d and Fiasa, Blair, John L-, (Blair & .\twood) res north end of Henry. PRYOli & CO 'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. 39 JiLAIR, 3IRS, W. C, Proprietor Child House, cor. 3d and 31arket,res. same, BlaisJell, E B , book-keeper, res cor Maple and Grove. Blake, Chas R., (AVi-sc, Blake et Johnston) res Quincj. Blake, Elias. lab, bJs John Whitbeck. Boals, C, ■wood worker, Alton Agricultural Works. Boals, J L., mill hand, M H Boals, res 6th, nr Langdon. BOALS* 31. H,f dealer in Lumber, Lath, Shingles, etc., and Manufacturer of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Frames, 3Louldiii{/f Brackets, etc., office cor. 2d and Oak, res. cor, 6th and Lant/don. Bock, Henry, shoe-maker, res s s 3d, e Henry. BOEHNIJfiG, W3I. F., Agent Sinf/er 3Iachine Co., Belle, l)ds. 71h, nr. George. Boercker, Wm., baker, 2d, w Ridge, res same. Bolduke, laborer, res Bloomfield, av Harrison. Bolden, Harry, (Steward & Bolden) res Henry, nr 3d Boog, John, res State road. Bookout, Benjamin, blacksmith, res s s.3d, e Oak. Boone, Thomas, pilot, res cor North and Pearl. Booth, John, jeweler, J W Gary, bds cor '3d and Market Borckman, Chas, furniture and undertaking, 2d, w Ridge, res same. Borckman, Chas, Jr, cigar maker, res 2d, nr Ridge. Bordeau, Edward, cooper, Armstrong Bros, res Upper Alton. Bork, Lorenz, res cor Gold and Putnam- Boschert, Edward, works Alton* Ag Works, res n s 5th, e Ridge. Boschert, Martin, works x\lton Ag Works, res nr Hampton. Boswell, Eugene A, pressman, Perrin & Smith, res 7th, w Alby. Boswell, R J, book-keeper, A H Drury & Co, res 7th, w Alby. Boswell, Mrs S, res 7th, w Alby. Bostwick, John, elk, R Flagg, res Upper Alton. Bow, John, lab, res e s George, s 7th. Bowman, E M, lawyer, res cor 12th and Langdon- Bowman, Geo, res 15th, av Alby- BoAvman^ H B, dry goods, n s 3d, w Piasa, res cor 12th and Lang- don Bowman, J W, barber, cor 3d and Piasa, res Easton, n 5th. Boyd, Mrs Alice, res s s 8th, e Henry. 40 PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. Boyd, Dennis, tinner, S. & W. Pitts. Boyd, Dennis, teamster, res Green. Boyd; Thos, splitter, Dougman & Drummond, res 8tli, nr Henry. Boyle, Cornelius, res cor 10th and Easton. Boyle, Mrs Julia,res s s 3d, e Henry. Boyle, Wm., lab, bds D Ryan. Bo'zza, James, Tea dealer, res n s 3d, e Pear. Bradbury, Mrs Mary, res Marshall, w Belle. Braddock. Alfred, butcher, res e s Belle, nr 6th. Bradley, Edward, lab, res State, w Main. Bradish, D carp, res Spring, n State. Brady, John, moulder, Alton Ag. Works, bds D tlyan. Bramhall, Edmund, Jr., brick-layer, res n s 6th, e Market. Bramhall, Jason, brick-layer, res n s 6th, e Market. Bramhall, John, driver, Am. Ex. Co., res 6th, e Market Brandewiede, Francis, saloon, n s 3d, e Belle, res same. Bratfisch, John, shoe-maker, res n s 3d, e Langdon, Bratfisch, Julius, elk, F E Hoffmann, res same. Braun, Mrs Agatha, res n s 3d, e Spring. Bray, Edward, lab, res Alby. n 16th. Bray, Jonas, (F K Nichols, Son & Co.) res Bluff, s State. Brayn, John, carp, res s s 5th, e Liberty. Braznell, Daniel, brick -layer, res 8th w Belle. iJreath, Abraham, Real Estate Agt., res cor 12th and xVlton. Breath, E H, Phot- grapher, e s 3d, e State, res cor 12th and Alton. Breckinridge, Mrs L., re-^ Franklin, w Common. Breckinridge, S. L., res Franklin, w Common. • Breedlove, Mrs Mary, res Liberty, s Union. Brenholt, John J., Atty. at Law, over 30, 3d, bds same. Brennan, Mrs C. L., grocer, cor 2d and Cherry, res same. Brennan, John, lab, res cor Spring- and 5th. Brennan, J J, (J J & J L Brennan) res cor 2d and Apple. Brennan, J. J. Bro., (J. J. & J. L. Brennan) Lime kiln, cor 2d and Apple. Brennan, Luke, lime burner, res n s 3d, w Vine. Brennan, Luke, res cor 2d and Cherry. Brennan, Martin, lab, res cor 17th and Alby. Brennan, Stephen, works Tobacco Works, res Alby, cor 17th Brenner, Geo., elk, T Lehne, res same. Brenner, John, mason, res State road. Brenner, Joseph, wagon maker, res cor 3d and Walnut. Brenner, Martin, mason, res State road. Brenner. Xaner, lab, s s 3d. w Walnut. PRTOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. 41 Brewer, Chas, wagon maker, res n s 9th, e Piasa. Bringaisey, C. Martin, fireman, D R Sparks k Co, res Monroe, e Madison. Bristol, C. S., tinner, res cor Gth and Alton. Brittingham. John, machine hand. M H Boals res n s 3d. w Cherry. Brock, James, works saAV mill, res south end Bluff. Broderick, Mrs Catharine, res n s 3d, e Henry. Broderick, Mrs Hannah, res w s Belle, n 9th. Broderick, Wm., saloon, cor 10th and Belle, res same. Bromleve, John, dyer woolen mills, res Gold. Bronson. E J, job printing, over 16, 3d. res Market, nr 17th. Brooks, George- fisherman, res Front, e Easton. Brooks, Geo., Avorks C B Rohland, res cor Gth and George. Brooks, Mrs Margaret, res w s Alby, s Gth Brophy, Pat., glass blower, Glass Works. BroAvn, Andrew, res "Washington, w Sq. Brown, Chas., engineer, res n s 3d, e Henry. Brown, Chas., painter, res cor Ridge and 5th. Brown, Geo, teamster, res 9th, w Alby. Brown, Geo T, res cor Alby and 3d. Brown, Rev Henry, pastor colored M E Church, res e s Easton, s Gth. BroAvn, Jacob, mate on Spread Eagle, res s s -d, e Alton. Brown, John, lab, res cor 16th and Alton. Brown, Joseph, bds at Mrs M W Carroll's. Brown, Julia, elk, H Burton, res same. Brown, Margaret, prop'r Fifth Av. Hotel, cor 5th and Piasa, res same. Brown, Robt, glass blower. Glass Works. Brown, Robert, lab, res Main, w Hamilton. Browning, lab, res on the Hill, w Cliff, nr River. Bruch, iNIrs A, res s s 3d, w Spring. Bruch, Frank, cooper, res s s 3d, w Spring. Bruch, Victor, bar-tender, res s s 3d, w Spring. Brudon, Mrs S, res n s 2d, e Easton. Brudon, Wm, undertaker, n s 2d, w Alby, res same. Brueggeman, A., merchant tailor, n s 3d, e Belle, res cor George and Gth. Brueggeman, A Jr, elk. A Brueggeman, res same. Brueggeman, Louis, cigar maker, res n s 3d, e Oak. Brueggeman, H, cigar maker, 3d, w Piasa, res 3d, cor Apple. Brueggeman, S H, cigars and tobacco, 2d, w Ridge, res same. Brueggeman, Wm, works J L Blair's, res same. Brunner, B, (Brunner & Duncan) res cor 13th and George. 42 PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. BBTJNNEn & DUNCAN, (B. Brimner, G, Dun- can,) Machinists and Founders, 5th, e JPiasa, Bruner, John, steam-boat Capt., res State, n Jefferson. Bryant, John, lab, res on the Hill, n Cliff, nr the River. Buckleman, F F, stone cutter, res cor 19th and Belle. Buckmaster, J, res Liberty, n Pearl. Buckmaster, S. A, res Liberty, n Pearl. Budd, Jas. W., elk. U. S. Ex. Co, bds Knight's restaurant. Budde, John, grocer, cor Henry and 8th, res same. Budde, Wm, lab, res cor Pearl and Ridge. Buff, J, (Buff, Kuhl & Co.) res St Louis. BUFF, KUHL cC CO., (J, Buff, M, Kuhl, T. Knecht, P. Schniiedt,) Soda and Mineral Water Factory* Soda Water, Ginger Ale and Mineral Waters always kept in bottles. Fountains charged. Cor. 2d and Ridge. Bun, John, works Plow ^yorks, res e s Ridge, s 5th Bunson, Chas, physician, s s 2d, w Alby, res same. Burbridge. Geo., machinist G D Hayden, res cor Prospect and State. Burbridge, J Q, (S W Farber & Co.) res cor State and Prospect. Burgess, J W, Freight and Ticket Ag't, I. and St Louis, res Henry, cor 5th. Burgess, Wm, lab, res n s 7th, w Piasa. Burke, Edward, foreman Castor Oil Factory, res Hamilton, nr Belle. Burke, Jas, tinner, B Garde, res Hamilton. Burke, Mrs. res Belle, n 11th. Burlew, Henry, res s s 2d, e Alton. Burnett, John R, cooper, res n s 9th, e Piasa. Burns, James, lab, res n s 3d, e Ridge. Burns, Mrs Mary, res s s 9th, w Langdon. Burrie, John, works H Taylor, res same. Burroughs, Wm H., res cor 6th and Seminary. Burton, George, (J Burton & Son) res Alby, nr 16th. BURTON, HANNAH, successor to Mrs. J. Webb, dealer in staple and fancy Dry Goods, Millin" ery. Ladies' and Childrena' Shoes, n s 3d, e State, res, same. PRYOR & CO 'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. 43 Burton, John, (J Burton & Son,) res 7th, e Belle. Burton, J & Son, (J & G Burton,) grocers. Belle, n 7th. Bushnell, Thos, lab, res cor Easton and 14th. Bushnell, Robt, lab, res cor Easton and 14th. Busse, Richard, grinder, Plow Works, res cor 14th and Liberty. Busse, Richard, Avorks Bull', Kuhl & Co.'s. Busse, Wm, teamster, bds Farmers' Home. Butler, Chas, pastry cook, res n s 2d, w Cherry. Butler, John, ceamster, bds cor 5th and Piasa. Butler, J K, elk, bds cor 3d and Market. Butler, , lab, res Belle, s 19th. Butler, Mrs Maria, res w s Market, n 10th. Butler, S C, printer, Perrin & Smith, res oth, e Alby. Butterfield, D C, marble yard, res Common, s Grove. Butz, Henry, painter, res 6th, e Cherry. Byrnes, Patrick, lab res Common, nr Railroad. Byrnes, Peter, helper, res w s Belle, s 18th. o Cabrilliac, Alex, book-keeper, res State, cor Jefferson. Cabrilliac, Mrs Julia, res State, cor Jefferson. Cahill, James, saloon, w s Belle, s 8th, bds same. Cahill, Jas, lab, res Cliff, s Elm. Cahill, Wm, lab, F Shelly. Cain, Albert, U S Ganger, office cor 3d and Belle, bds St] Charles Hotel. Caldwell, C A, Cashier Alton Nat. Bank, res Henry, n 14th. Caldwell, C D, grocer, cor 4th and State, res Bond, w Beacon. Caldwell, Mrs Margaret, grocer, cor 9th and Belle, res same. Caldwell, M P, pork packer and provisions, 85, 4th, res Prospect, s State. Calvey, John, lab, W Armstrong & Co.'s. Calvey, James, lab, res n s 4th, w Ridge. Campbell, Thos^ logger, res s end Bluff. CANNJELL, THOS,, Agent United States Express Co,, State, Opp, 3d, res, Prospect, n. Bond, Carey, Joseph, lab, res Alley, bet 5th and 6th, e Ridge. Carhart, Mrs E, res William, n Park. Carhart, G W, elk, J. Crowe, res State, bet 3d and 4th. Carhart, Wm N, elk, res William, n Park. Carpenter, Mrs Annie, res w s Easton, s 6th. 44 PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. Carpenter, John W, lawyer, res Oak, s State. Carr, David, lab, res 10th, e Piasa. Carr, H M. (Flagg, Pierson & Carr) res cor Sth and Langdon. Carr, Mrs Martha, res s s 2d, e George. Carroll, John, lab, res Dry, nr INIain. Carroll, John, cooper, Armstrong Bros, res Dry, nr State. Carroll, John, lab, res 18th, e Alby. Carroll, Mrs., res cor Main and Hamilton. Carroll Mrs M W, res William, n Park- Carter, Chas, lab, res cor 9th and Piasa. Carter, Chas. works W C Quigley, bds same. Carter, David, pressman, Dausman & Drummond, res Sth. Carter, Edward, hostler, res w s Easton, n 5th Carter, Mrs Kate, res Sth, e Piasa. Carter, Richard, waiter, res n s 6th. e Alton. Cary, J W, watches, clocks and jewelry, s s 3d, e State, res 3d, bet Alton and Langdon. Cashen. Mrs M, res BluiF. s State. Casey. James, lab, res State nr Main. Cavenaugh, James, polisher, W Flynn, bds cor 5th and Piasa. Cavender, Robt S, res Liberty, opp Grove. Celtman, Louis, butcher, A Crasler. bds same. Chafter, Richard, grocer, cor State and Grand Av , res same. Chaffer, Wm, drayman, res Main, nr State. Challacombe, Aaron, policeman, res n s State, w Cliff. Chaliacombe, Geo E, book-keeper, M II Boals, res 7th. nr Henry. Challacombe, John, watchman, M H Boals, res 7th, nr Henry. Chalk, Henry, carp, bds cor 7th and Piasa. CHAMBEBLAIN, H. TT., Wholesale and Betail Druggist, Proi^rietor and Sole Manttfacturer of Pearline Tooth Powder, Waders Hair Be- storer, and Favorite Cologne, 18, 3d, res. State, n. 4t7i. Chamberlain, Thos, elk, H W Chamberlain, bds same. Champagne. Frank, hostler, res State n 4th. Chaney, John, furniture, 9, Belle, res Belle, s 9th. Chase, Rev March, Rector Episcopal Church, res s s 3d, e Alton. Chaum, Christian wood worker. Plow Works, res 2d. Cheney. H A, foreman Railroad Round House. C & A, res Market n 9th. Chouteau. A L. groceries, cor 7th and Belle, res opp cor. PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY 45 Chouteau, Gus, elk, A L Choutenu. res same. Claflin, Wm, carp, res Common, n Grove. Clampitt, James, lab, res n s 7th, w Piasa. Clampitt, Thos, brakeman, res n s 7th, w Piasa. Clark, ]Mrs Catharine, res Vine, n 2d. Clark, jNIatthew, lab, res s s 3d, nr Washington. Clark, N B, conductor, bds Main, w Hamilton. Clark, Jos, brakeman, bds cor 7th and Piasa. Clarkson, Mrs Elizabeth, res n s 2d, e Easton. Claybold, Frank, works Brewery res 15th, w Langdon. Clement. Everet, Traveling Agt, res cor 7th and Langdon. Clement, Laura, Principal School No. 3d, res cor George and 5th. GO WITH THE CROWD TO ANDREW CLIF- FORD, wholefiale and retail Grocer and dealer in Flour, Feed and Country Produce^ Belle,, bet, 5th and 6th, res, same. Established 1836, Clifford, Mrs C N, res cor 3d and Market. Coates, vVm, cook, res 7th, e George. Cobeck, John, tobacco, roller, res s s 7th, e Henry. Cole, Benjamin, lab, Bloomfield, cor Fletcher. Coley, , brick-layer, res s s 4th, e George. Collet L^ Ground, (J W Collet, B Ground) prop's Madison Mills, Upper Alton Station Collet, J W, (Collet & Ground) res Upper Alton. Collins, Edward, Mill hand, M H Boals, res 3d, nr Cherry. Collins, John, Agt Spread Eagle, res Dry, n State. Collins, John, lab, res av s Cherry, n 2d. Collins, Mrs ]Mary. res cor 10th and Belle. Collins, Wm, feather renovator, ics n s 6th, w Walnut. Colmon, E R. roller, Dausman &i Drummond, res Front, w Alton. Colmon, Mrs Jane, res Piasa, n 16th. Colmon, W^ J, roller, Dausman & Drummond, res Front, nr Alton. Comle, Augustus, lab, res Henry, n 3d. Commons, Dan, lab, bds T Biggins. Condin. James, lab, res cor W^ashington and Common. Condlin, Dennis, lab, res Union, nr W^alnut. Condon, John, lab, res cor "Washington and Common. Conlin, James, lab, res e s Liberty, n Union. Connolley, Robt, shoemaker, res s s 6th, e Liberty. Connor, S F, Travelling agent, res 3d, e Alton. 46 PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. Convery, Patrick, lab, res Liberty, n 8th. Conway, Mrs Margaret, res n s 3d, w Cherry. Cook, Chas, butcher, res n s 3d, e Henry. Cooley, Stephen, lab, res cor 4th and Pear. Cooper, J T, (Roper & Cooper) res 9th, w Langdon. Copley, John, engineer, H Basse. Coppinger & Biggins, (J E Coppinger, T Biggins) Lime kiln and building materials, office s s 3d. Coppinger, J E, (Coppinger & Biggins) res Main. Coppinger, John \V, Att. at Law, s s 3d, res Oak, w State. Coppinger, Thos H, student, bds J E Coppinger. Corbit, Thos, brick yarie Soajys, PerfHuierij, Faitrt/ and Toilet Arti- cles, etc., Prescriptions carefuU\j compounded, n. s, 3d, w. Piasa, res. State, n. 4th. Ewing, Mrs. Mary A., res Common, n Sq. Fahrig, B^ elk, Hartman & Co, res cor 6th and Ridge. Fahrig, lab, res s s 7th, w Ridge. Fahrig, Jacob, grocer, cor Union and Ridge, res same. Fahrig, Lorenz. res w s Ridge, n 6th. Failey. James, works Glass AVorks. Failey, Patrick, lab. res e s Alby, n 0th. Fairbanks, Jas, lab, bds T Biggins FairbaiTk, Theo, lab, F Shelly. Fairley, Peter S, works Tobacco Factory, res Union, e Liberty. Fallon, Wm, carp, res State road. Farber, S" W, (S W Farber & Co.) res cor 4th and Easton. FAhBER, S. W., & CO., ( S. W. Farher, John (J. Burhridf/e,) Propr's of Alton City 3Iilts, 2d, bft. State and Piasa. Farley, James, drayman, res s s 8th, e George- Faulstick, Plenry. plasterer, res cor Walnut and 3d. Fecht, Henry, carp, "res e s North, n 6th. Fecht, Herman, works Robt. S Cavender, bds same. Feger, Louis, carriage maker, D Miller, res 12th. Feizei, John, cooper, res s s 2d, e George. Feldwisch, Ernst, brick yard, cor Oak and 4th, res cor Cherry and 4th. Feldwisch. John. lab. E FeldAvisch, bds^ same. Feldwisch. Wm, res Washington. Fels, Fred, saloon, 2d, e Junction 3d, res same. Fenton, Robt. butcher, Murphy & Co, bds Jos. Murphy's. Ferch, Andrew, lab, F Shelly. Ferguson, Mrs. Eliza, res n s 2d, e Market. ■ Ferguson, Mrs. Elizabeth, grocer, cor Ridge and L'nion, res same. PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. 53 Ferguson, F-ank A, City Clerk, office City build'g, res 2d, e George. Ferguson, Helen, res cor Beacon and State. Ferguson, Jane, res cor Beacon and State. Ferguson, Wm J, carp, res w s Alby, s 9tli. Ferner, Mrs, res 2d. opp. City Hall. Ferrell, Mrs P, res Salu. Fesler, Henry, res cor 5th and Liberty. Fitchtel, Mrs B, res 4th, e Plmn. Field, i Sweetser & Priest res cor 6th and Oak. Grosheimer. , painter, Alton Ag. Works. Ground, B. (Collet & Ground) res Upper Alton. Gruhn. Chas. shoe-maker. re3 Ridge- n 4th. (xrundee, Mrs Lizzie, res e s Alby, s 9th. Guelich, Emil, physician- cor 3d and Henry, res same- Guertler- Peter, elk, Fish & Walter, res cor Alby and 16th. Gudell H. E.. grocer, cor 7th and Henry, res same. Guiler. John, engineer, C- & A., res cor 5th and Alby. Gundall, Adam, cooper, 2d. e Walnut res same. Guy, Mrs. E.. res s s 3d, w Ridge. H Haagen, Louis, general store, 30, 3d res cor State and Tth. Haagen, L J., elk. L- Haagen. res ?ame. Haagen, Paul, elk., L Haagan, res same l^aars- Conrad, lab, res n s 5th, e Ridge. Haas. Jacob, carp, res cor 5th and Cherry. l^abersberger. Frank, brush maker- res s s 5th, w Ridge. jjack, Fred, harness maker, n s, 2d, e Spring, res same. jjack, Peter, shoe maker, n s 2d, e Spring, res cor 3d and Oak. jjack- Wm. (Wilhelms & Co.) res cor 3d and Oak. f^ackett, Patrick, lab. res 2d, w Spring. Haff. John, carp, res cor Piasa and Tth. Hagan, John, brick-layer, res Plank road, cor 20th. Hagee, Wm P, elk, H W Chamberlain, bds St Charles Hotel. Haight, E A. Principal District School Ko. 2, res Langdon, cor 11th. PKYOR A CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY- 59 Haighi, Robt. Teacher School No. 2, res oth, e Alby. Hajek. Vincent, tailor, res n s '2d. e Vine. Hale, Anthony, sawyer, res n s State, w Main. Hale, John, sawyer, res Main, cor Jefferson. Hale, Leo. Avorks for Hayner, res n s State, e Madison. Haley, John, brick-layer, res s s 3d, e Walnut. Hall. Mrs Ann, res cor Easton and 4th. Hall, Mrs Hester A, res cor Spring and 5th. Hall, Theo, cooper, res s s 2d, e Henry. Hall, Thos, carp, res s s 6th, nr Alby. Halverson, John, lab. Plow Works, bds 4th, e George- Hamill, Joseph, works for Topping Bros, res Maple, n Grove. Hanahan, Mrs. Bridget, res Dry. Hancock, H, shipping elk, Daniels, Bayle & Co.. res 3d. Hancock, Leonard, lab, res w s George, s 2d. Hanemann. John, cigar maker, res cor 6th and Spring. Hanker. Henry, packer Cracker Factory, res n s 3d, w Langdon. Hanley, John res State, n 4th. Hanley, John, lab, res Godfrey, w Cliff. 1 1 anley, John J, elk, J Curdie, res State. Hanley, Mrs Mary, res State, n 4th. Hanolt, August, painter, res n s 3d, w Ridge. Hanson, Andrew, blacksmith, res 3d, w Market. Hanson, Mrs M E, res cor 3d and George. Hapgood, Chas. H, (Hapgood & Co.) res Prospect, s State. Hapgood & Co., Plow manufacturers. Front. Hapgood. Hutchins, foreman, Hapgood & Co, res 2d nr Langdon. Hardgrove, John, lab, bds T Biggins. Hardin, Morris, waiter, Thos. Knight, bds same. Hardin, Mrs. Rebecca, res s s Union, w Ridge. Harding, Robt H., plow maker, res s s 2d, w Langdon. Harding, James H., blacksmith, rea s s 2d, w Langdon. Harding, John H., blacksmith, Plow Works, res 2d, nr Langdon. Hardy, A. W., engineer, res Market, s 16th. Hardy, Mrs. E., Teacher School No. 2d, res 9th. Hardy, Miss Ida, Teacher School No. 3, res Alby. Hardy, Isham, constable, res Spring, n State. Hardy, I. E., physician, (Reg.) e s Belle, s 4th, res Alby, n 5th. Hardy. I. J., engineer, res cor Meenanie and 8th. Hardy, L., engineer, Daniels, Bayle & Co., res Market, n 14th. Hardy, Miss Laura, Teacher School No. 2, res Alby. Hardy, Wallace, confectioner, res cor 9th and Market. Harms, Fred, tailor, A Brueggeman, bds State, s 8d. 60 PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY, Harms, Henry, tailor, bds State, bet 2d and 3d. Harnatt. Morris, lab. res on the Hill s Elm. Harrington, Lewis, lab, bds n s 3d, w Market. Harris, Benjamin B, foreman. Bridge Repairs, res 11th, nr Langdon. Harris, B. W., engineer, res n s 5th, e Alby. Harris, Mrs. Helen, re? s s 5th, e Walnut. Harris, LeAvis, carp, res n s 10th, w Langdon. Harris, Jas. L.. book-keeper, Howe Machine Co., bds Gth, e Market Harris, Wm., lab. res n s 3d. w Lnngdon. Harrison, Miss Belle, Teacher School No. 5 J. res fpper Alton. Harrison. George, Insurance Agt., res Maple s Franklin. Hart, H. W., (Piatt & Hart) res 7th, nr State. Hart, H. W., Jr., Asst. book-keeper, A. H. Drury & Co., res cor 7th and State. Hart, John ^V., res n s 9th, w Market. Hart, Joseph, works Mrs. E. C. Billings, bds same. Hart, Saml., teamster, res n s 2d, e Vine. Hart, Martin, lab. res s s 5th, e Spring. Harting. , machinist, Alton Ag. Works. Hartinett, Morris, fireman. F. Shelly. Hartman, & Co., (Jacob Hartman, Conrad Kruse) groceries and feed, n s 2d, w Henry. Hartman, Jacob, (Hartman & Co.) res same. Hartman, Peter, Tobacco worker, res s s 3d, w Henry. Hartman. Mrs. Matilda, res s s 3d, w Henry. Hartmann, J. J., hardware, n s 2d, e Ridge, res same. Harville, Lewis, grocer, res n s otli. w Alby. Harville, Mrs. S." grocer, s s 5th, e Market, res n s 5th, e Market. Haskell A. S. & W. A., physicians, n s 2d, e Market. Haskell, A. S., (A. S. & W." A. Haskell) res Henrv, cor Pleasant. Haskell. W. A., (A. S. & W. A. Haskell) bds same. Hastings, Jas. TV., res Railroad, e Henry. Hasting, Joseph H., saloon, cor 2d and Apple, res 3d, nr Plum. Hastings, Thos., lab, res cor 8th and Alton. Hathaway, Noel, res cor Henry and 12th. Hauk, Fred, lab, res State. Haven. Lawrence, lab, res cor State and Main. Hawkins, Mrs., res 14th, w Langdon. Hawkins, Mrs. R. W., res State, w 7th. Hawkswell, Mary, res e s Market, s 2u. Hawley. Andrew, Ag. Agt., res Bluff, s State. Hawley, G. E., hardware, res cor 3d and Alton. Hawver, James E.. elk, res u s 2d, e Market. PRYOR & CO S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. 61 HATDEy, GliO. Z)., Machine Shop and Brass FoHiuJvy ,iv. s. lieUe, bet. 4:th and HtJij res, cor, Alhy anil oth. Havden, Wm.. res cor 10th and Alton. Haydcn, Thos.. lab. bds T Biggins. Hayes. James N., marble cutter, W. Flynn, bds Union Depot. Hayes. John B., mason, res cor Union and Liberty. Hayes. Samuel, butcher, res cor Union and Liberty. H^yke, W., tailor, A. Brueggcman, res 2d. JJayner, J. E., saw mill, County Road, res State. Haywood, Jesse watchman, res cor Pearl and Diamond. Ijaywood. Robt.. painter, rooms n s 2d, e Henry. iiazard, E. M., Traveling Agt., res cor 17th and Market. Hi^zard. E. M., machinist, res cor 17th and Market. Hecliler, Adam, boot and shoe maker, 2d, w Piasa. Heffernan, Jas., lab, res Wharf, s State. Hefner, Jos., painter, res w s Ridge, n 6th. Hellrung, Henry, brick yard, res e s Oak, s 6th. <• Held, Mrs. res s s 3d, w Ridge. Hellrung. Mrs. M., res s s 6th, w Cherry. Hellrung, Peter, peddler, res w s Ridge n 6th. Heide, Henrv, res n s 2d, e George. HE3IKBX, GF.BHARJ), Saloon, keeps the choicest brands of LH2Uors, Wines and Cif/ars, the best and coolest JLaf/er Beer, always on drauyht. Free lunch every niorning. Call in and seo him, cor, 2d and Lanydon, res, same. Henckell- Theo., dry house foreman, Dausman & Drummond, res 2d, nr George. Hendrich, John, lab, res Oak, n 2d. llendrich, Joseph, works F. Shelly, res n s 6th, e Oak. Hendrich, Mrs. Mary, res Oak, n 2d. Hendrick, Rev. John, Pastor Cumberland Presbyterian Churcli, res 14th, w Langdon. Heneck, Chas., printer, Alton Banner, res cor 6tli and Walnut. Hendy, James, policeman, res w s Ridge, n 6th. Henry, Chas., baker, G. Kaeser, bds Empire. Henry, James, mason, res Belle, n 20th. Henry. John, lab, F. Shelly. Henry, Jos., lab, F. Shelly. 62 PRYOR A CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. Henry, Mrs. S., res Washington, e Pleasant. Herb, — , Pastor Baptist Church, res Easton, n 6th. Herb, C. A., general store, cor Washington and 3(1, res same. Herb, Jacob, elk, C. A. Herb, res same. Herb & Meyers, (Wm. Herb, H Meyers) res same. Herb, Wm., (Herb & Meyers) res same. Herman, Joseph, saloon. Junction 2d and 3d, res 3d, nr Junction 2d. "ermann. G., blacksmith, res n s 4th, e George. Herring, Moses, teamster, M. H. Boals, res Alley, bet 2d and 3d. e Cherry. Herrmann, B., plasterer, res cor 7th and Henry. Herrmann, J. P., general store, cor Ridge and 2d, res 3d, w Ridge. Hesliti'ger, J., cooper, res n s 3d, e Henry. Hetzinger, John, lab, res Alley, bet 2d and 3d, e Cherry. Hcupel, Anthony, pressman, Perrin & Smith, res 3d, e State. Heupel A., bds Empire House. Hewett, H. L., with Hapgood & Co., res cor 5th and Henry. Hewit. E., Loan Broker, s s 3d, res Upper Alton. Hibbard, Geo. H., works J. Crowe, bds same. Hibbard, Mrs. M. E. res Prospect, n Summit. Hickey, Michael, lab, res Dry, nr Main. Hickey. John, lab, res e s Liberty, s oth. Hickey, Joseph, lab, res e s Liberty, s /Jth. Higgins Edward, lab, res s s 2d, e Langdon. Higgins, E. J., lab, saw mill, res Cliff", s Elm. Higgins, . moulder. Alton Ag. Works. High, Saml. Y., carp, M. H. Boals, res 2d, nr Oak. Highland, Mrs., res Alley, bet 2d and 3d, e Cherry. Highwardon, LeRoy, Avaiter, Thos., Knight, bds same. Hilary, Bro., Teacher Cathedral School, rooms same. Hilker Henry, shoemaker, 2d, w Piasa, res George, n 6th. Hill, Geo., cigar maker, C. Behrens. res 3d, nr Ridge. Hill, Henry, lab, res e s Ridge, n r)th. Hill, Wm.. fisherman, res 10th w Henry. Hill, W. H., salesman, A. H. Drury & Co., res State. Hilt, Louis, trimmer, D. Miller, res Main, nr State. Hinckell, Mrs, F., res s s 2d, w Langdon. Hinckell, Theo., works, tobacco works, res s s 2d, w Langdon. Hinderhahn, John, fireman, res ns 9th e Piasa. Hindle, Edward, painter, res n end of North. Hinterthir, August, carp, res Bloomfield, e Gold. Hitchcock, Mrs, Sarah, res e s Henry, s 8th. Hittj James, H., lab, res State Junction, Main. PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. 6'3 Hoaglan, D. S., clothing, s s 3d, res State. Hoaglan, James, engine wiper, I. & St L. res R. R., e Spring. Hoaglan, R. A., elk, St Charles Hotel, bds same. Hoban, James, lab, res R. R. \v Spring. Hobart, S. S., carp M. H. Boals, res 2d, nr Oak. Hobson, Wm., 2d, Miller, D. R. Sparks & Co., res Bluft" s State. Hodge, W. D., city engineer, res s s 3<1, e George. Hoefert, Fred, saloon, w s State, res same. Hoefert, Fred, jr. elk, F. Hoefert, res same Hoft", Michael, plasterer, res cor. Liberty and 6tb. Hoffman, Frank E., restaurant, Piasa s 'id, res Market. Hoffinan, Geo., blacksmith, res cor 7th, and Piasa. HotFmann, John, (Bauer & Hoffinann,) res 9th, e Henry. Hoff'meister, F. W., (Seeley & Hoff"meister,) res 8d, nr Easton. Hoff'meister, restaurant, res cor 3d, and Market. Hoff"meyer, Mrs. Elizabeth, res cor Spring and oth. Hogan, Daniel, -weigh master, res Belle, n 11th. Hohen, Ed, painter, bds cor 4th and William. Holden, Chas., jr., (Holden & Norton) res 4th. e George. Holden, Chas., weigh master, res n s 6th w Langdon. Hilden, Geo. printer, Alton Telegraph, res 6th nr Langdon. Holden, John, (Oldham & Holden) res n s 6th w Langdon. Holden, Maurice, lab, res Wharf, s State. HOLDER & NORTON, (Chas. Holden, Jr., W. T. Norton) puhli.sherSf Alton Daily & Weekli/ Tefer/raph 4th. Holden, Richard, (Auten & Holden) res cor 6th and Meenanie. Holecker, Conrad, lab. res 2d e .Junct. 3d. Holl, George, cooper, res s s 2d, w Oak. Holl, John, res s s 4th e Henry. Holland, John, cooper, T H Proctor, res 3d, nr Cherry. Holland, Wm. cooper, T. H. Proctor, res 3d. nr Cherry. HoUiday. C. W. , Ass't P. M. cor res 17th and Market. Hollster, E.,.(Hollister k Co.) res cor 12tli and Henry. HoUster, & Co., wholesale dealers in Fruits (fee, 4th e Bell. Holt, .John, engineer, Madison Mills, res 4th e Plum. Homann^ Nicholas, mason, res Hampton, w Harrison. Hope, Alex. W., lawyer, res cor 4th and Easton. Hope, Thos.. physician, bds St Charles hotel. Hope, Wm., brick-layer, res State, w Main. 64 PRYOR & CO/S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY Hopkins, Frank P., elk, Quigley, Hopkins & Co., res cor A.lby and 5th. Hopkins, Geo. K., (Quigley, Hopkins & Co.) cor 12th and Alby. Hopkins, J. "W., night operator, freight office C. t^ A. Railroad, res cor 7th aiid Piasa. Hoppe, F. W., elk. H. B. Bowman, res cor 2d and Oak. Hoppe, W. C, teamster, res cor 2d and Oak. Hoppe, Mrs. W., res s s 5th, e Spring. Hopson, Horace, works Wm. Smith, res same. Horat, C, (Horat & Miessner) res State, n 4th Horat, Clem, machinist. Plow Works, res State. Horat & Miessner, (C. Horat, P. ]Miessner,) saloon, cor 2d and Piasa. Horn, Patrick, lab, res 15th, w Alby. Horncyer, Albert, painter, D. Miller, res North Alton, llosford. Miles, lab, C & A. Round house. Houghton, L. E., painter, res w s Easton, n 10th. Houston, Adam, machinist, res 9th, e Belle. Howard, Mrs. Ann, res w s Belle, s IHth. Howard, A. F., engineer, res Main, nr State. Howard, jNlrs. Catharine, res n s 7th, e George. Howard, Frank, blacksmith, C. Rodemeyer, bds Empire house. Howard, ^Irs. Jane, res Washington, e Pleasant. Howard, John, lab, res Elm, w Cliff. Howard. ]\Irs. Julia Ann, res State, nr Main. Howard, Mrs. L., res e s Market, s 6th. Howard, Solomon, works Wm. Smith, bds same. Howard, Thos., sawyer, res Elm, w Cliff. Howard, Wm., gardner, res cor 9th and Alby. HOWE MACtllXE CO,, R. B. Shackelford, 3Iau- ager, 4th, bet. Piasa and Belle, Huddleston, Miss Alice, Teacher School No. 3, res Alby. Huddleston. John, engineer, S. W. Farber & Co., res cor Market and 11th. Hudgens, Jas. B., elk, res Bluff, w State. Hudo-ins, John, drayman, res cor Pleasant and Washington. Hudson. J. H., carp, res cor Pleasant and Wa.shington. Hudson, Miss Sarah. Teacher School No. 4. res Washington. Hufker, Wm.. elk. J. Wagner, bds same. Hughes, Mrs. Mira. res s s od, e Ridge. Hughes, Patrick, lab, res Market, n 19th. PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. (Jo Hugo, E. D., carp, and builder, w s Piasa, s 5th, res Henry, nr 3d. Hull, James, farmer, res s s 6th, e Ridge. Humphrey, Joseph, drayman, bds n s 2d, w Walnut. Humphrey, Thos., sash maker, M. H. Boals, res 2d, nr Cherry. Humpidge, W. H., elk, H. B. Bowman, bds cor 7th and Belle. Hunorerford, A. L., res cor 9th and Lano;don. Hunter, Henry, fireman, res cor Gold and Bloomfield. Hunter, John, fireman, res w s Langdon, n (3th. Hunter, Mrs. Rebecca, res Common. Hunter. Smith, lab. res cor Gold and Bloomfield. Hurtgen, Joliu. blacksmith, C. Rodemeyer, bds Empire House. Husemann, Gotlieb, upholsterer, res cor 4th and William. Huskinson, Wm., Director C. & A. Railroad, res cor 9th and Piasa. Hutchison, Mrs. Phebe, res Common. Hutchison, Robt , works Glass Works, bds cor 3d and Vine. Hutton, , lab, res cor Washington and Pleasant. Hyndman, Robt., engineer, Worlen Mill, res 7th, w Piasa. Hyndman, Thos., blacksmith, res Alby, n 16th. Hyndman, Wm., carp, res Belle, n 14th. I Ingham, Mrs. Sina, sewing, res n s 5th, w Vine. Inveen, A., carp, res w s Henry, s 8th. Inveen, Miss Emma, Teacher School No. 2, res Henry. Isach, E., wood worker, Alton Ag. Works. Issak, Joseph, works Hanson & Co., bds Spring St. House. Isenor, Chas., fireman, bds cor 7th and Piasa. Ivy, Mrs. Catharine, res w s Belle, s 18th. Jackel, George, elk. Wise, Blake & Johnston, res State Road. Jackel, Mrs., res State Road Jack.'^on, Albert, sawyer, res on the Hill, s Elm. Jackson, Wm., glass blower, res n s 5th, e Walnut. James, George, hostler, A. Mathers, bds T. Biggins. Janssen, Rev. J., Vicar General, Alton Diocese, res State, w 7th. Jarrett, Joseph, Livery and feed stable, cor Easton and Front, res. 2d, nr. George. Jenkins, Richard, grocei', res Belle, n 14th. Jerman. Wm , lab, res Piasa, n 16th. Jett, Frank, lab, Daniels, Bayle & Co., res Upper Alton. Job, Z. B., farmer, res cor 9th and Henrv. tJG PKYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. Joehl, Casper, diaryman, res n s 5th. w Oak. .Joehl, Jos., lab, F. Shelly. Joesting, Adolph, baker, Mrs. M. Joesting, res same. Joesting. Chas. L., works Tobacco Works, res cor Tth and Henry. Joesting, F. W., (Joesting .fc Sachtleben,) res cor 8th and Henry. Joesting, Mrs. Mary, confectionery, fruits, etc., 11, Belle, res same. Joesting & Sachtleben, (F. W. Joesting, Wm. Sachtleben,) clothing and dry goods, 16th, .3d. Joesting, Wm., res Washington. Joesting, Gustavus A., book-keeper, 1st Nat. Bank of Alton, res. 8th, nr Langdon. Johnisee, Mrs. Matilda, res -tth, e Langdon. Johnson, Andrew J., grocer, Washington, e Pleasant, res same. Johnson, Mrs. A., res cor Alby and 5th. Johnson, Mrs. A., millinery, s s 3d, e State, res same. Johnson, Chas., carp, bds cor Grand A v. and State. Johnson, C. B., elk, E. Pfeiffer, res Upper Alton. Johnson, Mrs. E., res w s State, s 4th. Johnson, Frank, works for Hanson & Co., bds cor 4th and George. Johnson. F. M., brick yard, res Salu, cor Holman. Johnson, G., lab, res Pearl, e North. Johnson, George A., Traveling Agt., res e s George, s 5th. Johnson, Rev. G. J., Agt. fehurtleft" College, res cor Union and Henry. Johnson, Harrison, oil manufacturer, res Main, nr State. Johnson, J., plumber, Alton Water Works, bds 3d, nr State. Johnson, John. lab. res cor Beacon and State. Johnson, John, flour packer, Collet & Ground, res Upper Alton. Johnson, Rev. J. P., Pastor Colored Baptist Church, bds I. II. Kelley. Johnson, John S., elk, res e s George, s 5th. Johnson, Loman, grinder. Plow Works, res cor 9th and Henry. Johnson, Lewis, lab, res s s Tth, av Ridge. Johnson, ^Irs. Mary, res 7th, w Belle. Johnson, Peter, wood worker, Plow Works, res cor 3d and Langdon. Johnson, , baker, Wm. H. Keith, bds 2d, e Market. Johnson, Reuben, miller. Collet & Ground, res Upper Alton. Johnson, Richard, works Woolen Mill, res Tth, w Belle. Johnson, Robt., Supt. Gas Works, res e s Belle, n Tth. Johnson, Thomas, res e s George, s 5th. Johnson, Wm., driver, Wm. H. Keith, res Henry, n Tth. Johnston, Geo. A., (Wise, Blake & Johnston,) res George, n 5th. Johnston, H. K., Sec. Alton Water Works Co., res 4th, nr George. PRYOR A CO 'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. ' 67 Johnston, Stephen, elk. Wise. Blake & Johnston, res George bet. 4th and 5th. Johnston, W. H., teamster, res cor 7th and Henry. Johnston, Wm., mason, res e s Liberty. Johnstone, John, lab. Sweetser & Priest, res State; Jones, Chas., works for Hayner, res n s M, w Market. Jones, George, teamster, res n s State, w Main. Jones, Miss Laura, Teacher School No. 2, res State. Jones, Mrs. Lucy, res State, w Main. JOIi^ES, WILLIAM, dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries f Provisions ^ Dried Fruits, Canned Goods f etc., e, s. Belle, n, 14th, res, same. Jones, R. C, Traveling Agt., res Bluff, s State. Jun, Jacob, (T. & J. Jun") res cor 8th and Liberty. Jun, Thos., (T. & J. Junj res Cherry, n 2d. Jun, T. & J. cooper, Bozza. e Washington. Jungeblut, Henry, general store, n s 2d, e George, res same. Justi, Andrew, res s s 2d, e Henry. Juste, Mrs. Anna, millinery, 2d, e Henry, res same. Jutting, H. W., general store, n s 2d, e Henry, bds Ridge s 5th. Kaber, Gotlieb, lab, F. Shelly. Kaeser, G., baker and confectioner, 2d, e Piasa, res same. Kaesharaer, Anton, works Plow Works, bds Farmers' Home. Kalm, Adam, barber, Piasa, n 2d, res Belle, cor 7th. Kane, James, lab, res cor 9th and Alby. Kane, Rev. M., Pastor St. Peter and Paul's Cathedral, res State, w 7th. Karer, John, trimmer, C. Rodemeyer, res 4th, nr Ridge. Kartchoff, John, teamster, res n s 5th, w Vine. Kasehamer, Anton, blacksmith, Plow Works, res cor 3d and Spring. Kaufel, E., teamster, res s s Union, e Ridge. Kaylor, Wm., Avorks Tobacco Works, res Langdon, s 3d. Kearney, John, teamster, bds P. Sullivan. Keber, Gottlieb, lab,. res cor Henry and 6th. Keefe, Martin, cooper, res A^ine, n 2d. Keefe, Mrs. S. E., dress maker, res e s Henry, n 3d. Keefe, Timothy, lab. res Union, e Oak. Keenan, Mrs. Ann, grocer, n s 2d, w Langdon. res same. Keenan, Wm., tailor, res n s 2d, w Langdon. 68 PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. Kehoe, Daniel, lab, res Belle, n Oth. Kehoe, James, Sacristan, Cathedral, res State, w 7th. Reiser, I. H., carp, res s s 5th, e Walnut. KBITHf WM. H, , Baker and Confectioner, cor, 2d and 3InrUetf res. 8fh^ nr. Lauf/don. Fresh Bread, l*ies, Cakes and Crackers in all varie- ties. Kellenberger, x\. J., (Kellenberger Bros.) res Maple, nr Grove. Kellenberger Bros., (E. P. & A. J. Kellenberger) crocker>% 7, Belle. Kellenberger, E. P., (Kellenberger Bros.) res cor 4th and Langdon Kellenberger & Gaiilt, (E. P. Kellenberger, T. J. Gault) Union Depot Hotel. Kellenberger, H. G., elk, res Grove, w Common. Kellenberger, Lewis, Ins.Agt., res cor Grove and Maple. Kellenberger, Mrs. Louisa L.. res bet Fletcher and Hampton, s e part of the city. Keller, John, trimmer, res s s 2d, w Cherry. Kelley, Henry, barber, w s Belle, n 3d, res Easton, n oth. Kelley, James, lab, res Alby, n 18th. Kelley, John, F. engineer, Alton Telegraph, res Hamilton. Kelley, J. H., barber, res e s Easton, s 6th. Kellogg, James, elk, W, Armstrong & Bro., res William, cor Park. Kelleyr Isaac, H., barber, w s State, n 2d, res 6t.h bet George J: Alton. Kelly, James, lab, res Monroe, nr Madison. Kelley, Mrs. M., res Cliff, s Elm. Kelley, W. E., barber, I. H. Kelley, res same. Kemp, James, lab res s s 8th e Henry, Kendall. T. S., lab, res Bloomfield, w Harrison. Kendler, Jas., lab, F. Shelly. Kennedy, B., grocer, cor 2d, and Cherry, res same. Kerr, H. J., freight, Agt. C, & A. R. R., res cor Beacon, and Bond. Kertkemp, Wm., bar-tender, res s s 9th e Henry. Kervick, James, slate roofer, bds cor Pearl and Diamond. Kerwin, John, tinner, res e s George, s 7th. . Kerwin, Michael, lab, res Alby, cor 18th. Kerwin, Wm., lab, res w s Alby, n 16th. Kessler, Andrew, cigar maker, C. Behrens. bds Empire House. Kidwell, Daniel, carp res s s 3d, e Henry. Kidwell, James, bricklayer, res n s 5th w Vine. PKYOR & CO. '3 ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. 69 Kienler, Joseph, barber, H. Sien, res cor 6th and Spring. KILBOUJRJVE, E. W,, Agent, American Express Co, State, opp 3(1, res Prospect, n Summit. Kindler, Joseph, soloon, w s Belle, n 3d, res e s Belle, n 3d. King, James, foreman. Press Room, Dausman & Urummond, res Belle, n 7th. King, R. L., traveling agt Blair lan $2.50 per day. meals at all hours, first class sleeping rooms for Gufsts, Ales, Wines and cigars furnished on call. Good Sample Rooms,, 2d, opp New Post Offt.ce. 70 PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. Koch, C. (Fritch & Koch) res 2d, nr Henry. Koehne, Henry, wagon maker, J. H. Koehne, res same. Koehne, John, H. wagon maker, e s Belle, n 4th res Alby. Koehne. Louis, helper, J. H. Koehne, res same, Kolb, George, Plasterer, res s s 8th e Henry. Kook, tobacco presser, bds State, bet 2d, and 3d. Koop, Jacob, saloon, cor Ridge, and 5th res same. Kortkamp, Wm., elk, J. Lohr, res nr Henry. Krabbe, Fred, bds Empire House. Kramer, John, lab, E. Feldwisch, bds same. Kranz, Henry, cigar maker, bds Spring St House. Kreyling, Wm., baker, 2d, n Ridge, res same. Kruse, Conrad, (Hartman & Co.) res Union. Kuhl, Max, (Buff Kuhl & Co.) res St Louis. Kuehn, C. grocer, State, w Prospect, res same. Kuhn, Mrs. Caroline, res n s 3d, e Henry. Kuhn, E., (Kuhn & Fucbs) res cor 5th and Walnut. Kuhn, Jacob, res cor 5th and Walnut. Kuhn, John, porter, Dausman & Drummond, res cor Henry. Kuhn & Fuchs, (E. Kuhn, M. Fuchs)meat market, s s 2d, e Henry. Kunsch, Albert, porter, res s s 2d, e Alton. Laird, John, res w s Belle, s 7th. Laird, J. P., jr., elk, E. Marsh, jr, res Belle, n, 6th, Lake, Jonn, lab, res cor 7th ane Meenanie, Lampert, B., cigar maker, res 2d, e Spring, Lampert, John K. dry goods, res cor Washington, and Bozza. Lampert, Jos., I. elk, res 4th, bet George and Langdon. Lampert, Michael, carp res ws Cherry, 2d. Lanagan, R., lab, bds T. Biggins. Landergan, John, lab, res 4th e Langdon. Landre, Henry, lab, res s s 5th w Walnut. Lane, Gilbert, elk, bds Knights Restaurant. Lane, Henry, elk, Auten & Holden. res n s 2d, w Langdon. Lang, James K. Miller, res cor 3d, and Henry. Langten, J., boarding house, Front, w Alton, res same. Langton. Mrs. H. res Belle, s 19th. Lannarth, Henry, machinist. Plow Works, res 6th, e Cherry. Landt, J. P., carp res e s Belle, s 4th. Lapelle, Mrs. Louisa, res Market, n 19th. Lapelle, Zebidee, lab, res Market, n 19th. Largent, C. T., elk, R. T. Largent res same. PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. 71 Largent. Isaac, B, carp res cor 11th and Langdon. I-argent, Richard, res cor 11th and Langdon. Largent. R. T., agent Keokuk Northern line packet office, 5. Levee, res 4th n State. Larkin, Andrew, lab, res Wharf, s State. Lathy, J. B., supt Alton, Agricultural Works. Lau, Chas., "weaver, Woolen Mill. Laughlm, T. B., carp res William n Park. Laux, Henry cooper, res n s 3d, e Langdon. Lavenue, Arche, 2d, foreman, Dausman & Drummond, res 2d, e Alton. Lawless, John, mouldei', res s s 2d. e George. Lawless, Peter, lab, res Piasa, n 16th. Lea, Chas., sec Alton Ag. Works, res State w Bluff. Leahy, John, lab, res 5th e Langdon. Leary, Edward, yard maeter. C. & A. res w s Belle n 18th. Lee, M. I., (M. I. Lee <& Co.) res State, n 4th. Lee, M. L, & Co., books and stationery, 20 3d. Lee, Sol, cook, res e s Easton s 6th. Leech, Chas , S. elk, Auten & Holden, res 9th nr Langdon. Leffler, Chas., teamster, H. Neermann, res 3d, w Henry. Legg, D. B., glass blower, res s s 2d, w Oak. Legler, Fred, lab, F. Shelly. Legler, Mrs. Mary, res cor 6th and Ridge. Lehman, S., (B. Kunzi & Co.) res same. Lehmann. Valentine, blacksmith, J. Ammann, bds same. Lehne, Heinrich, elk, iVuten & Holden, res 2d, nr Langdon. Lehne, Theodore, grocer, 2d, e Piasa, res Bond, nr William. Lempke, Henry, machinist. Plow Works, res 2d, e Langdon. Lempke, Herman, plow maker, res n s 2d, e Langdon. Lempke, John, machinist, Plow Works, res 2d, e Langdon. Lempke, John, works Plow Works, bds Farmers' Home. Lenhard, Ernst, elk, F. Bandewiede, bds same. Lenhardt. Heniy, butcher. Herb & Meyer, bds 2d, c Henry. Lenna, August, machinist. Plow Works, res cor 3d and Langdon. Lennand, Patrick, glass blower. Glass AVorks. Leonard, Henry, machinist. Plow Works, res cor 6tb and (,'herry. Leresche, Louis, res n s 4th, e Henry. Levis, E., Supt. HI. Glass Co., res State, cor Spring. Levis, G. M., book keeper. 111. Glass Co., res cor Spring and State. Levis, J , shipping clerk. Glass Works. Lewis, C. W., scroll sawyer, M. H. Boals, res Upper Alton. Lewis, James, A. W., foreman. Tobacco Works, res n s 2d, e Alton. 72 PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. Leylie, Henry, Captain Spread Eagle, res n s 3d, e Alton. Leyser, Henry, (Leyser & Bro.) res same. Leyser, John, wholesale confectioner, n s 3d, w Belle, res same. Links, Jacob, elk. bds n s 2d, w Henry. Linsig, Geo., (H. G. A^asel & Co.) res cor 3d and Spring. Linsig, , wcrks for Hayner, res Alley, bet 2d and 3d, e Spring. Little, James, lab, res cor Oak and 3d. Ljumbing, August, wood worker, Plow Works, res cor 3d and Langdon. Loarts, George, grocer, 2d, w Ridge, res oth. Lock, John, glass blower, bds Spring St. House. Loer, Emil, Jab, F. Shelly. Loer, George, engineer, res State, nr Clift'. Loer, John, boot and shoe maker, w s Belle, n 3d, res Narrow. Logan, John, res n s 10th, w Langdon. Logan, W. C, printer, Perrin & vSmith, bjls Pleasant. Lohr, Joseph, saloon, e s Belle, n 4th, res oth, nr Cherry. Long. D. J., cooper, s s 4th, ^\ Henry, res Alley, bet 3d and 4th, w Henry. Long, Geo., works Planing Mill, res n s 3d, e Langdon. Long, ]Mrs. Jane, res n s State,, e ClitF. Long, Patrick, lab, res s s 7th, w Henry. Loos, Adolf, boot and shoe maker, s s 2d, e Henry, res same. Lorch, Jacob, messenger, Alton Bank, res s s 3d, e George. Lorge, George, grocer, res s s 5th, e Oak. Lotee, Saml.. carp, res s s 3d, w Oak. Lovejoy, Alph C, packer, D. R. Sparks & Co., bds Empire Lowe, H., painter, C. Obermueller, res Upper Alton. Lowe, J-ohn. carp, res cor 10th and Langdon. Lowe, Wai en. Ins. Agt., res cor 10th and Langdon. Lowe, Sylvester, carp, res cor Langdon and 10th. Lowry, D., lab, res Washington. •Lucas, Jacob, fireman, res e s Easton, s 6th. Luce, James, lab. res e s Alby, n 9th. Lucid, Mrs. Kate, res cor 10th and Belle. Luethner, Matthew, marble cutter, res n s 5th, w Vine. Luft, Geo., blacksmith, e s Belle, n 4th, res cor Ridge and 4th. Luft, Jacob, shoe maker, res w s Ridge, s 5th. Luly, Henry, harness maker, bds n s 7th, e George. Luly, John, elk, A. Cliiford, res n s 7th, e George. Lutz, Henry, stair builder. M. H. Boals, res 3d, nr Ridge. Lynch, Patrick, lab. res Dry, n State. Lyons, Cornelius, lab, res s s 4th, e Henry. , PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. 73 Lyons, Mrs. Mary, res s e cor 8th and Henry. Mc McArdle, James, tailor, res n s 3d, e Henry. McAvoy, Dnniel, lab, res s s 6tli, ^v Ridge. McAvoy, Mrs. Margaret, res cor 20th and Belle. McCarty, INIrs. Eliza, res w s Alby, nr 9th. McCarty, Mrs. Johanna, res Henry, n 3d. McCarty, .John, lab, res Dry, n State. McCarty, Mrs. Mary, res s s 2d, e Henry. McCarty, Michael, assorter, Dausman & Drummond. res Dry, nr Stace., McCarty, Michael- lab, res w s Alby, e 5th. McCarty, Michael, lab, res Washington, e Pleasant. McCarty, Thomas, lab. res w s Alby, s 5th. McCarty, Thos.. machinist. Plow Works, res Liberty. McClure, Thos., carp, res cor 8th and Langdon. McClure, Samuel elk, Perley& Woodman, res cor 8th and Langdon. McCorkle, Samuel, printer. Alton Telegraph, res 3d, nr Alby. McGinnis, John, res cor 3d and Market. McCorkle, Thos., printer, Alton Telegraph, res 3d, nr Alby. McCoUum, Mrs. Ellen, res s s 3d, e Oak. McCortor, Mrs. H. J., res 7th, w Belle. McDonaugh, J P., machinist, res cor 8th and Alty. McDonnell, G. L., mail contractor, res Spring, n State. McDonnell, Patrick, lab, res s e cor 8th and Henry. McEUigott, Roger, lab, res cor 19th and Alby. McElroy, Daniel, fireman, Gas Works, res Belle, n 7th. McElroy, Thos., tailor, H. C. G. Moritz,- bds T. Biggins. McFetridge, James, lab, res Hampton, w Harrison McGee, Cba«., merchant tailor, cor Belle and 8th, res Market, n 10th. McGee, John, fireman, res w s Market, n 10th. McGee, Luke, lab, res s s 6th, e Liberty. McGinnis, John. F., Att. at Law, cor 3d and Piasa, res State. McGinnis, Patrick, drayman, res cor 3d and Market. McGinnis, Wm., drayman, res cor Market and 3d. McGinty, John, lab, res cor 10th and Easton. McGovern, Patrick, lab, bds cor 5th and Piasa. McGowan. Hannah, res cor 7th and Piasa. McGrath, D., saloon, w s Belle, res same. Mclnerney, Austin- elk, T. McTnerney, res same. Mclnerney, Austin, lab res Common, n Sq. Mclnerney, Matthew, lab, res s s 6th. e Alby. 74 PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY, McTnerney, Thos.. grocer, e s Belle, nr 6th. res Common. Mclnerney, Timothy, (McTnerney & Weaver) res Middletown. Mclnerney & Weaver, (T. Mclnerney, J. H. Weaver) carpenters and builders, s s 4th. av Belle. McKee, John M.. cooper, res Union, e North. McKenna, James, moulder, res n s 3d, w Ridge. McKenna. , machinist, Alton Ag. Works. McKenna, Michael, engineer, res cor Wall and William. McKenna. Patrick, lab- res w s Easton, n 8ih. McKinney. A. R., (McKinney & Fischbach) res Grove, bet Common and Liberty. McKinney & Fischbach, (A. R. McKinney, J. Fischbach) Gen'l Insurance, s s 3d. McKissock, John, engineer, res cor 17th and Piasa. McLain. Lewis, black.smith, res State, nr Cliff. McLanghlin. Mrs. Ann, res Liberty, n 8th. McLaughlin, Mrs. M., res Railroad, w Spring. McLaughlin, Pat., wrapper, Dausman & Drummond, res Liberty, n §th. McLaughlin, Thos., lab, res Gold. McNeil? David, works Oil Factory, res w s Market, n 3d. McNeil, J., Avorks C. D. Caldwell, bds same. McNulty, James, Register, office City Hall, res Beacon. McPike, Henry C, ros cor 4th and Easton. McPike, H. G., Insurance and Real Estate, cor 2d and Market, res cor 20th and Alby. McPike, J. H., Agt. Wheeler & Wilson Sewing machine, cor 2d and Market, res cor 20th and Alby. McQuatters, Henry, lab, res Langdon, s 4th. M Machin, Jos., elk, C. M. Crandall, bds 3d, nr Market. Machin, J. B., fireman, C. & A., res n s 3d, w Alby. Mack, Edward, carp, bds cor 7th and Piasa. Mack, Jas., machine feeder, Dausman & Drummond, res 2d nr. Henry. Mack, James, glass blower. Glass Works. Mack, Walter, lab, res Alley, bet 2d and 3d, e Cherry. Mackey, Mrs. Jane, res s s 2d, e Langdon. Mackle, Wm., gardener, res Common, nr Railroad. Maerdian, Rudolph, barber, w s State, res Oak, nr State. Maguire Jacob, lab, res e s Market, n 5th. Maguire, Mrs. Jane, res e s Henry, n 3d. PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. 75 Maguire, , painter, Alton Ag, Works. Maguirc, Mrs., works Mrs. N. C. Blair, bds same. Maguire, Mrs. Margaret, res w s Belle, n" 9th. Maguire, Mrs. Virginia, res State, e Bond. Mahan, Peter, baggage master. C & A., res Henry. Malian, AVm. T., carp, bds n s 2d, av Alby. Mahon, Peter, boots and shoes, e s Henry, n 3d, res same. Mahoney, M., boots and shoes, e s Belle, n 5th, res same. Mahony, John, lab, res IMoiiroe, nr Madison. Miiloney, Thos., blacksmith, W. Richardson, bds Empire House. Mann, Jabez, works C. & A. Railroad, res Alby, n 16th. Mann, James, foreman of Water Stations, res cor 16th and Alby. Mann, , painter, res e s Easton, s 11th. Manning, , wood worker, Alton Ag. Wcrks. Marion, Edward, bds Empire House. Marmon, John L., tinner, res n s 5th, e Spring. Marnell, James, lab, res 10th e Belle, Marnell, John, lab, res 10th. e Belle. Marnell, ^lichael, porter Dausman & Drummond, res cor 10th and Belle. Maronev, Timothy, lab, bds T. Biggrins. Marosick, Frank, lab, F. Shelly. Marsh, E., Brest. Alton Nat. Bank, res Henry, n 14th. Marfh, E., Jr., druggi.«;t, cor 3d and Belle, res Upper Alton. Marshall, Thos., fireman, res south end Bluff. Martin. Mrs. Catharine, res Railroad, e Henry. Martin, Geo., Avorks Glass Works. Martin, John, peddler, res Oak, s 3d. Martin, Mrs. Mary, res Oak, s 3d. Martin, Wm., waiter, Thos. Knight, bds same. Martin, W. W., (Wheelock, Ginter & Martin) res cor 6th and Henry. Mason,' Edward, lab, res Bloomfield. w Harrison. Ma>sey, J. C. carp, res cor 4th and Piasa. Mather, Andrew, Livery, Piasa, n 3d, res i\Iarket, n 4th. Mather, Richard M., painter, res Marshall. Mathers, Dick, painter, Alton Ag. Works. Mather, J., wood worker, Alton Ag. Works. Mathews, H. S., hides, etc., res cor 11th and George. ]Martiar, , works Wheelock & Ginter, bds Ridge, s 5th. Matter, John, rooms 2d, opp. City Hall. Matter, Philip, res n s 3d, w Ridge. flatter, Rudulph, chair caner, bds cor 2d and Walnut. Matthews, A. J., printer, Democrat Office, bds Empire House. I 76 PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. Maul, Anton, -svatchmari, res s s 3d, e Ridge. Maul, Jacob, works 1. & St. L. Depot, res n s 3d, w Walnut. Maul, John, sawyer, M. H. Boals, res 3d, nr Oak. Maul, Jos., barber, H. Sien, res 3d, nr Spring. Maul, Paul, works for Hayner, res n s 3d, e Spring. Maupin & Bates, (J. H. Maupin, Jr., Z. Bates) fruits, etc., n s 3d, e Belle. Maupin, G. H., (.J. H. Maupin & Son) res cor 8th and Alton. Maupin, J. H., Jr., (Maupin & Bates) res Market, n 5th. Maupin, J. H., Sr., (J. H. Maupin <& Son) res cor Alton and 8th. Maupin, J. H., & Son. (J. H. Maupin, Sr., G. H. Maupin) grocers, cor 4th and Belle. Maurer, Philip, lab, res n s 3d. w Ridge. Maxfield, Oscar, painter, res cor 8th and Alton, ^[axfield, Ropt. H., works Woolen Mill, res cor 18th and Belle. ^Maxwell, Mrs., res s s 3d, e Oak. ^laxwell, Mrs. Mary, bds Market, s 3d. Mays, Henry, lab, res cor 10th and Market. Mectroth, John, drayman, res s s 6th, e Cherry. Meehan, Mrs. Catharine, res w s Belle, n 7th. Meehan, John, grocer, n s 3d, e State, res Belle. Meenach, Mitchell, res cor Plum and 3d. Meirs, H., machinist, Alton Ag. Works. Meisenheimer, John, lab, T. Corbit, bds same, ^lleisenheimer, Philip, lab, Alton Ag. Works, res n s 6th, e Liberty. ]kleisner, Adolph, harness maker, T. Mulligan, res Hunterstown. Melcher, Fred, mason, res s s 3d, w Ridge. Melcher, John, printer, Alton Banner, res 3d, nr Henry. Menard, Jos. L., cooper, Armstrong Bros., res Upper Alton. Menn, Felix, painter, C. Rodmeyer, res Easton, n 10th. Merkely, Joseph, gardener, res nr Cemetery, n s. Messerschraitt, Mrs. Elizabeth, grocer, res cor Cherry and 5th. Metzger, Mrs. R. res n s 3d, w Ridge. Meyer, Frank, works brewery, res cor 16th and Market. Meyer, Frederick, stone cutter, res cor 17th and Alby. Meyer, George works. Tobacco Factory, res Russell. Meyer. H., publisher Alton Banner, 4th e Belle, res cor 6th and " Walnut. Meyer, Henry, machinist res n s 5th e Oak. Meyer, John, works, A. S. & W. A. Haskell, bds Empire House. Meyer, John, A. carp res cor Vine and 5th. Meyers, Henry, works, A. S. Haskell, bds same. Meyers, Henry, (Herb & Meyer?) res s s 2d, e Henry. PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. 77 Meyers, Joseph, works, Ilolistei*, res 7th e State. Michael, Peter, brakeman, res n s 2d, w Vine Michael, Peter, brewer, B. Runzi & Co. res 16th nr Easton. Middleton, T. justice of the peace, Belle, n 3d, res 2d, e Alby. MIEJDEL, JOnJ\\ Proper Old Far trier's Home, cor 2d,fitul Spring, res >T/wie, Miessner, P., (Horat & Miessner) res cor Spring and 3d. Mihsel, Geo., saloon, n s 3d, e State res same. Millen k. Beall, (Jas. Millen, C. B. Beall) blacksmiths, e s Belle s 6th. Millen, A. C. elk, A. Rvrie, res 4th bet Langdon and George. Millen D., (J. & D. Millen) res Oak. Millen Jas., (]Millen & Beall) res Dry, nr State. Millen, -J. &'D., plow manufacturers, cor 4th and State. Millen, John, (J. & D., Millen) res s s 9th, w Langdon. Millen, J. C, grocer, and pork packer, 4th e Langdon, res 4th e George. Millen, Robt., plow maker, res n s 9th, e Belle, Miller, x\dam, works, Glass Works, res 19th, w Market. Miller, Andrew, lab, res Pearl, e Xorth. Miller, D., carriage manuf'g, cor 5th Belle, res 7th, nr Easton. jMiller, Fred, cooper, res ss 6th w Cherry. Miller, Gabriel, res cor 9th and Easton. Miller, George, bi'akeman, res cor Main and Hamilton. Miller, Henry, lab, T. Dietz, res Union, ^liller. Herman, I. conductor, res e s Market, s 5th. j^Iiller, James, blacksmith, res Dry, nr Main. Miller, Jesse, Glass Works, res 19th w Market. ^Miller, Jonathan, carp, res w s Alby, s 9th. Miller, Jos., foreman, F. Shelly, res n s 6th e Oak. Miller, Mrs. Margaret, res s s 8th e Alton. Miller, works, Wheelock & Ginter, bds e s Ridge, s 5th. IMillison. Thos., lab, res Ist, cor Cherry. Milnie, Mrs. Anna E. res Alby, n 18th. Milnie, Harry, elk, Seely, & Hoffmeister, res Alby, n 18th. Milnor, Auten & Co. (Geo. C. & C. W. Milnor, Aaron 0. Auten, Wm. A. Morrison) Hardware and Ag. Imp., 13 n s 3d. Milnor, C. W,, (Milnor, Auten & Co) bds Knights Restaurant. Milnor, Geo. C, (Milnor, Auten & Co) res Spring, n State. Milnor, — ■ — carp Wheelock, Ginter & Martin. Mischell, John, bds Empire House, 78 PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. Minick,E11es, works, Gla«s Works. Minick, Geo., works Glass Works. Mitchell, J. C., marble cutter, res Alby, nr 5tli. Mitchell, Leander, res cor Summit and Prospect. Mitchell, P., grocer, e s Belle, res 7th nr Belle. Mitchell, Mrs. res w s Belle, n Tth. Mitchell, W. H., Pres. 1st Nat., Bank of Alton, res Chicago. Mohr, Andrew, carp, res Green. Mobr, George, stone cutter, res Meenanie, s 8th. Mold, George, lab, res n s 3d, av Ridge. Moloy, Mrs. M., res State, s Tth. Molt. John, foreman, Alton Banner, res Sd, nr Henrj. Monahan, Jonn, section boss, res Alby, n 20th. Monks, Andrew, lab, res Belle, n IGth. Montgomery, Columbus, Avhite washer, res n s 3d, w Ridge. Montgomery, jNIrs. Eliza, res cor Tth and Easton. Montgomery, Jas. C, printer, Perrin & Smith, res cor Tth and Easton. Montgomery, John, book keeper, Woolen Mill, res cor Tth and Easton. Montgomery, Thos., elk, R. De Bow & Co. res cor Tth and Easton. Montross, C. A. res cor 9tb and Langdon. Montross, 0. W., machinist, G. D. Hayden res cor 0th and Lang- don. Mook, Philip, book keeper, Alton National Bank, res cor 3d, and Langdon. Mooney, Patrick, lab res cor 16th, and Alby. Mooney, Thos., helper, res cor ITth and Market. Moore, John, fireman. Glass Works. Moore, Wm., lab, T. Dietz, bds Spring St House. Moran, Bernard, lab, res s s Grh e Liberty. Moran, George, tinner, S. & W. Pitts, res Elm. Moran, Jas., tinner, S & W. Pitts, res Elm. Moran, John, lab, res Elm, w Clitt". Moian, Wm., silver plater, e s State, s 3d, res William. ■ Morgan, Jas.. res State, cor Oak. Morick, Adam, shoemaker, res cor Ridge and 5th. Morick, Chas., shoemaker, res cor Ridge and 5th. MOIiJTZ, H. C. G.. BlcrrJifOit Tailor, and dealer in Gents', Youths' and Boys' doHiinff and fur- nish huf (foods. Alt (foods sold by the yard ^ cut out frie of charne, cor 3d and State, res cor Madison and Monroe. PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. 79 Morrisey, Ed., lab, res Godfrey, w Cliff. Morrisey, James, drayman, res cor 14th and Belle. Morrison, Rev. A. P., Pastor 1st Methodist Church, res s s 6th; w Alby . Morrison, Mrs. P., res n s 5th, e Spring. Morrison, Wm. A.. (Milnor, Auten & Co.) res State. Moses, .John, works Plow Works, bds Spring St. House. Moses, Wm., mucliinist, Plow Works, res cor 2d and Spring. Motherway. Edward, teamster, res cor Main and Hamilton. Motley, Thos.. teamster, res cor 19th and Alby. Mozer, Chas., messenger, Am. Ex. Co., res cor Sth and Easton. Mraseck. Frank, stone mason, res n s 2d, e Spring. ^lueller, Jacob, cooper, res cor 2d and Oak. Mullen, Patrick, lab, res e s Liberty, s Union. Mullen, Patrick, teamster, res s s 8th, w Henry. Mulligan, T., harness and saddles, 2d, e State, res same. Mulshanock, Thos. cooper, res s e cor Seminary Sq. and 6th. Munger, Mrs. A. G., res State, e Beacon. Munson, M. D.. cooper. T. H. Proctor, res Upper Alton. Munson, James, brakeman, res s s od, e Ridge. Munson, T., res cor 4th and Langdon. Murphy, Mrs. Anna, res Bluff, s State. Murphy, U. S., res cor 14th and Henry. Murphy. W. A., reporter. Alton Telegraph, res cor 13th and Langdon. ^lurphy, ^Irs. Bridget, res s s 4th, e Henry. Murphy & Co. (Jos. Murphy. C. Schreiber) meat market es Belle,n4th. Murphy, Daniel, lab, res Russell. Murphy, Dennis, elk, bds cor 7th and Piasa. Murphy, D. J., elk. H. B. Bowman, res cor 7th and Piasa. Murphy, Jos., (Murphy k Co.) res od, e Washington, Murphy, Leonard, teamster, res Alby. s 18th. Murphy, M., glass blower. Glass Works. Murphy, Michael, lab, res 19th, e Alby. Murray, Chas., A., Real Estate, and Insurance, cor 2d and Market, res cor 2d and Easton. Muwnex, Mrs. Mary, res e s Alby, n 9th. Myers, Mrs, Mary, res w s Alby, s 6th. N Nagle, Adam, lab, res Jefferson, w State. Nagle, F., saloon, cor Bozza and Washington, res n s 3d, e Henry. Nagle, Richard, engineer, res 16th, cor Market. Nathan, Barnett, res e s George, nr 8th. Nautge, . lab, res s s 3d, w Ridge. Neary, Roger, prtssman, Dausman & Drummond, res Piasa. n 2d. th and Belle, res same. Parks, John, lab, res Gth, w Spring. Parks. Mrs. Margaret, res 7th, e State. Pates, Thos., foreman, Hapgood & Co., res 2d, nr Langdon. Patrick, J., (Atkinson & Patrick) res cor 5th and Seminary Sq. Pattison, W. E., book-keeper, Quigley, Hopkins & Co., res cor 11th and Langdon. Panl & Bierbaum, (C. Paul, R. Bierbaum,) general store, 2d, c Langdon. Paul, C, (Paul & Bierbaum) res 2d, av Henry. Paul, Philip, elk, Quigley, Hopkins & Co., res 2d, w Henry. Paul, Philip VV., fireman. Tobacco Works, res n s 3d, e Langdon. Peale, Chas., painter, res s s Gth, e Liberty. Peflfer, B., cooper, State road, res same. Pelott, C, wood worker, Alton Ag. Works. PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY 80 Pelott, F., wood Avooker, Alton Ag. Works. Fercival, Peter, blacksmith, C. & A., res State, cor Main. Percival^ Mrs. M., grocer, cor State and Main, res same. Perkins, Mrs. Clara, res Common. Perkins, James, lab, res s s 9tli, w Henry. Perks, Samuel, sexton, res s s r)tli, e Walnut. Perley, R. G., (Perley & Woodman,) lumber, cor Henry and lid, res cor 4th and Alton. Perley & Woodman, (R. G. Perley, D. Woodman) lumber yard, cor 2d, and Henry. Perrin, Mrs. Isabella, res s s Pleasant, e Henry. Perrin &, Smith, (T. H. Perrin, E. A. Smith) book and job printers. State, opp. 3d. Perrin, T. H., (Perrin & Smith) and publisher of " Our Faith," monthly, res Pleasant. Perrot. Abraham, mason, res cor 5th and Liberty. Perry, John, teamster, res Belle, s 19th. Peters, Mrs. Ellen, res cor 19th and Belle. Peters, Rev. P., Pastor St Mnry's Catholic Church, res cor 4th and Henry. Peterson. John, tailor, H. C. G. Moritz, res State. PfafF, John, carp, res n s 3d, e Oak. Pfaff, Aalentine, stoves and tin-ware, n s 2d, e Ridge- res same. PfeiFer, Benjamin, tailor, res Langdon, s 2d. Pfeffer, B., tailor, res 3d, Junction 2d. Pfeft'er, Adolph, tailor, H. C. G. Moritz, St. Charles Hotel. Pfeiffenberger, Lucas, Architect, n s 3d, w Piasa, res State. Pfeiffer, E., boots and shoes, 3d, w Piasa, res Belle, n 6th. Pfenninger, J., druggist, cor 2d and Henry, res 2d, w Henry. Phare, W. H., lieal Estate and Loan, res Oak, s State. Phelan, A. E., glass blower, res s s 2d, e Henry. Phelan, Geo., glass blower. Glass Works. Phelan, -John, works Glass Works, res e s Alby, n 9th. Phelan, Mrs. Phebe, res e s Alb}^ n 9th. Philan, Mrs. Mary, res cor 10th and ^Market. Philips, J. M., steam-boat mate, res William, n Park. Phinney, C. L., grocer, res cor 3d and Easton. Phinney, Chas , wholesale grocer. Short, res cor 12th and Langdun. Phinney. Henr}', wholesale grocer, res cor 12th and Alton. Phipps, Mrs. L., res 4th, e Langdon. Pickard, George, elk, res cor Mecnanie and 8th. Pickard, P. weigh master, res cor 4tli and Langdon. Pielot, Frank, carp, works Alton Ag. Works, res 3d, av Spring. 84 PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. Pierce, Thos., res e s Alby, n 6 th. Pierce, W. C, physician. (Reg.') cor 3d and Belle, res 2d, nr Albv. Pierce, Wm. B., (Daniels, Bayle & Co.) bds 2d. Pierson, Norton, works Sweetser & Priest, res n s 7th, e George. Pierson, N. R., elk, Sweetser & Priest, res 7th, nr George. Pierson, Wm M., (Flagg, Pierson &. Carr) res cor 5th and George. Pile, Chas., works W. Armstrong & Bro., res Main, nr Belle. Pile, Geo., harness maker, res State, nr Clit!". Pile, Jas., lab, res State, nr Cliff. Pile, Samuel, lab, res State, nr Cliff. Pilgrim, Fritz, lab, Sweetser & Priest, res 8d, e Spring. Pinckard, Wm. G., elk, Milnor, Auten & Co., res Henry. Pinkstone, Samuel, carp, res Alby, cor 17th. Pitts, George, works for Wm. Smith, res Washington. Pitts, Samuel, (S. & W. Pitts,) res State, cor 7th. Pitts, Samuel, Sr., elk, S. & W. Pitts, bds State, cor 7th. Pitts, S. & W., stoves and tin-ware, w s State. Piatt, Miss A., res State, w Oak. Piatt, Mrs. A. B., res n s State, w Bluff. Piatt, Chas., book-keeper, T. Knight, bds same. Piatt & Hart, livery and sale stable, w s State, n 3d. Piatt, Wm. H., brakeman, res cor Park and William. Poattgen, Mrs. Sophia, res 10th, w Langdon. Podgcn, Joseph, painter, res Bond, w Beacon. Poindexter, EdAvard. Avorks Glass Works, res cor Gth and Liberty. Pope, James, works Woolen Mill, res n s Belle. Pope, James, carder, res Prospect, nr Bond. Porter, F. A., collector, res cor 20th and Mby. Porter, Wm., lab, res Alby, n 19th. Powers, Wm., lab, bds D. Ryan. Price, Isaac, lab, res cor Walnut and 5th. Price, Manning F., cooper, res 8th, w Belle. Priest, H. C, (Sweetser & Priest) bds St. Charles Hotel. Proctor, Millard, cooper, T. H. Proctor, res same. Proctor, T. H., cooper. Front, w Henry, res cor Henry and 2d. Pump, Peter, lab. res 19th, w Market. Putze, Louis, baker, res n s 5th, e Ridge. Pyle, 0. Z., painter, Ch. Obermueller, res cor Gth and Easton. Pyle, Samuel, lab. Oil Factory, res State, n Cliff. Quarton, J., Feed, w s State, n 2d, res 7th, bet Belle and State. Quigley, C. E.. elk, Quigley, Hopkins & Co., res cor 12th and George. PRYOR & CO. ? ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. Quigley, Frank T., scroll, sawyer, M. H. Boals, res cor North and Union. Quigley, Geo., res cor Union and Nortli. QITGLET, HOPKINS & CO.,(W. C. Quif/Iey, Geo. K. HojjkUis,) Wholesale Dnifff/ists, 1 hncl3, 2d. Quigley, John, sawyer, M. H. Boals, res cor North and Union. Quigley, Jos. T. elk, Quigley, Hopkins & Co., res cor 12th and George. Quigley, W. C, (Quigley, Hopkins & Co.) res err 12tli and George. (Quigley. Thos., fireman, res Dry, s i\iain. Quirk, Mrs. Kate, res cor Market and 8th. R lladcliffe, T. W., Cash. Ex. Co., bds Prospect, n Bond. Rader, Chas., machinist, res 13th, e George. Raible, Julius, H., wholesale liquors, cor 4th and Belle, res same. Randall, Chas , book-keeper, Dausman & Drummond. res Mill, head of 4th. Raps, Mrs. Catharine, res south end Bluff. Rayburn, John, teamster, res s s 3d, e Oak. Reagan, Mrs. Kate, res n s 3d, nr Plum. Reagan, Robt.. skiff builder, res n s 2d, e George. Real, , lab, res Washington, e Pleasant, Reardon, Thos., lab, res cor 16th and Alby. Redmond, David, lab res Common, nr Railroad. Redmond, James, fireman, Glass Works. Redmond, James, lab, res cor 20th and Piasa. Redmond, John, Avorks Glass Worhs, res cor 20th and Piasa. Redmond, Martin, lab, res w s Belle, n 18th. Redmond, Mrs. Mary, res Marshall. Redmond, Patrick, lab, res cor 20th and Piasa. Redmond, Wm., lab, res cor 20th and Piasa. Redmond, Wm.. lab, res Common, nr Railroad. Reed, Andrew, blacksmith, res cor 6th and Easton. Rehm, Geo., cooper, Armstrong Bros., bds cor Spring and 2d. Reilly. Mrs. Catharine, res Belle, n 16th. Reilly, Bemard bar tender for T. Biggins, res w s Easton, .s 11th. Reinvvald, Christ, blacksmith, res Belle, n l4th. Reis, Mrs. Victoria, res n s 4th, w Ridge. Rempee, John, lab, res n s 4th, w Ridge. Reuter, Gus, works Woolen Mill, res s s 8th, e Henry. S^] PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. Renter, R., Aveaver, Woolen Mill. Revman, Andrew, carp, res cor 3d and "Walnut. Reynolds, Geo., Genl. Agt. McCormick's Reapers and Mowers, cor 2d and Short, bds cor 3d and Market. Rhoads, Chas. B., boots and shoes, n s od, w Piasa, bds St. Charles Hotel. Rice, Nichols, baker, bds n s Ttli, e George. Richardson, Wm., white-washer, res Bluff, s State. Richardson, Win., blacksmith, w s Belle, cor 5th, res cor Tth, nr. Lanffdon. B1CH3IOWD, ISAAC J., Post 3Iaster, office hours from 7 to 7, Sunday H fo 9 A, 31., res, cor. 17th and 31arket<, Richmond. Milnor, elk, res Tth, w Alby. Richter, Henry, lab, res cor (hh and Walnut. Rickgauer, Wm.. carp, res cor 3d and Apple. Rieg, Nicholas, baker, Wra. Boercker, bds Sth, nr Langdon. Rilea, Ira, Telegraph repairer, res 8th, e Alby. Riley. James, teamster, res e s Walnut, s 3d. Riley, James, lab, res cor Sth and Market. Riley, John, lab, res Market, s 17th. Riley, John, baker, Daniels, Bayle li Co., res 2d. Rilev, Philip, policeman, res cor 3d and Oak. Riley, Mrs. U.. res Bluff, s State. Riley, AVm. S., lab, res n s 3d, e Henry. Rippe, H. H., foreman C. Behrens, bds St. Charles Hotel. Rittel, Michael, glass blower, res Cherry, n 3d. Ritter, Mrs. Amelia, res cor Court and George. Ritter, Mrs. Catharine, res Bloomfield, w Harrison. Rittor, H., Photographer, over 14, 3d, res 9th, e Easton. Ritter. W. J.. Photographer. H. Ritter, res George, n 5th. Roach, Mrs., res Dry. Roberts. F. L.. res northern limits, w Plank road. Roberts. H. N.. Dentist, s s 3d. e State. Roberts, Wm. A., tanner, R A. Williams, bds same. Robertson, James, res w s Alby, s 9th. Robertson. Robt. H., glass packer, res n s 2d, av Cherry. Robidou Chas.. res 7th. w Belle, Robidou, Havid, works Tobacco Woiks, res w s Belle, n 7th. Robidou, Joseph, Dentist, w s Belle, n 7th, res same. Robidou, LaAvrence,.boot and shoe maker, w s Belle, n 7th, res same. PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. • 87 Robinson, Mrs. Mary, res s s 2d, e George. Robinsoii, Wm., machinist, Plow Works, res 2d, nr George. Rodemeyer, C. Jr., blacksmith, res Elm, w Cliff. Rodcmeyer, C carriage and Avagon manufac'g, cor Market and 3d, res Elm, w Cliff. Roe, John, teamster, res n s 3d, w Alby. Roenicke, G. F., painter. D. Miller, bds Belle. ROHLANn, C. B., JDefitist, 18, Sd, office hours, 8 to 12 A, 31. f and 1 to 5 t*, 31., res. State, at A. S. Barry's. Rogan, Patrick, grinder. Plow Works, res cor 2d and Langdon. Rogen, Frank, res Junction 2d and 3d. Rogert, Pat., works Plow Works, bds cor 2d and Langdon. Rogge, Dietrich, lab, res s s Union, w Ridge. Roller, Frank, lab, T. Dietz, res 2d, e Cherry. Roller, Christian, druggist, les cor 3d and Ridge. Rolvering, John, tailor, H. C. G. Moritz, bds Empire House. Ronshausen, John, boot and shoe maker, Piasa, n 2d, res 2d, e Piasa Root, A. K., hardware, res State, n Jefferson. Roper, & Cooper, (Geo. S. Roper and Jas. T. Cooper) Real Estate and Insurance, over 30 3d. Roper, Geo. S., (Roper k Cooper) res State. Roper, Geo. D., elk, Roper (fc Cooper, res State. Rose, W. B., roller, Dausman & Drummond, res 3d, nr Langdon. Rose, Wm., assorter, Dausman & Drummond, res 3d, nr George. Rosenberger, Andrew, farmer, res Washington, e Sq. Rosenberger, Andrew, Jr., farmer, res Washington, e Sq. Ross, Isaac, lab, res s s 9th, w Langdon. Rost, Peter, lab, res Hamilton, w Harrison. Routledge, Edward, lab, res w s Belle, n 9th. Rowan, Chas., elk, Ilollister, res State, n 4th. Rowan, Thos., furniture repairer, w s Piasa, s 5th, res cor 6th and xVlton. Rubsam, G., elk, J. Leyser, bds same. Rudd, James, peddler, res Salu. Rudershausen, Fred, res.s s 9th, w Langdon. Ruemer, , lab, res s s 3d, w Ridge. Runzi, B., (B. Runzi & Co.) res Alby, n 19th. Runzi, B., & Co., (B. Runzi, S. Lehman) brewers, cor 16th and Easton. Rupp, John, carder, res Bluff, s State. Russell, A. H., elk, res State, nr Cliff. 88 r PRYOR & CO 'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY- Russell, Mrs. C. A., res State, nr Cliff. Russell, C. W., elk,, res State, nr Cliff. Russell, Frank G., printer, Alton Telegraph, res State. Russell, Geo. S., operator, I. & St. L. Depot, res State. Rutherford, F., elk, res s s 9th, w Langdon. Rutherford, Mrs. L., res s s 0th, w Langdon. Rutledge, Wm., elk, H. C. G. Moritz, bds St. Charles Hotel. Rutledge, Wm., blacksmith, D. Miller, res Elm. Ryan, Corniel, res Prospect, n Bond. Ryan, David, saloon, cor 2d and George, res same. Ryan, James, lab, res Common, nr Sq. Ryan, John, lab, res Main, w Haaiilton. Ryan. John, res cor Market and 18th. Ryan, John, lab, res cor Cliff and Elm. Ryan, Michael, lab., bds cor 5th and Piasa. Ryan, Michael, teamster, bds cor 5th and Piasa. Ryan, Tnomas, lab, res Piasa, nr 9th. Ryan. Wm., lab, Woolen Mill. Ryder, S., res s s 2d, e Market. Rylei, Smith, lab, W. Armstrong & Bro., res 3d. Ryrie, D. D., Cashier, 1st Nat, Bank of Alton, res 4th, nr George. Ryrie', J. A., grocer, Short, w State, res 7th, nr Henry. Rvrie, John A., elk, 1st Nat. Bank of Alton, res 4th, nr Langdon. s Sachtleben, Wm., (Joesting & Sachtleben) res cor 7th and Langdon. Sampson, Mrs Helen, res Langdon, s 4th. Sargent, B. F., Ass't Cash. 1st Nat. Bank of Alton, res Market, n 2d. Sauerwein, G., (J. R. Bell & Co.,) res State. Savage, Anton, policeman, res s s 3d, w Langdon. Sawyer, B. S., farmer, res cor 9th and Alton. Sawyer, R. S.. (S. T. & R. S. Sawyer) res cor 9th and Alton. Sawyer, S. T., (S. T. & R. S. Sawyer) res cor 9th and Alton. Sawyer, S. T. & R. 3., Atts. at Law. over 16, 3d. Scannall, Lawrence, cooper, Armstrong Bros., bds P. Sullivan. Schaefer, Chas., porter, Blair & Atwood, res s s 5th, e Henry. Schattel, AndrcAv, Jr., lab, res Washington, e Pleasant. Schaub, Frank, cooper, A. Gundell, res 24I, e Ridge. Schanck , Teacher St. Mary's School, res Henry. Schaum, Augustus, glass blower, res s s 3d, e Walnut. Schellenberger, Chas. G., bds Empire House. Schenk, Henry, grocer, cor Gth and Walnut, res same. Schlageter, B.. turner and umbrella repairer, 2d, e Ridge, res same. PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. 89 Schlecht, Mrs, Henrietta, res n s 2d, e Spring. Schlotthauer, H., wood worker, Alton Ag. Works. Schmidt, Mrs. Caroline, res Langdon, s 'id. Schmidt. F., tailor, H. C. G. Moritz, bus Empire House. Schmidt, Mrs. Elizabeth, res n s 5th, e Spring. Schmidt, Eilert W., teacher, res n s 8th. w Henry. Schmidt. Otto, works C. Weisman, res 4th, bet Henry and Rid»e. Schmiedt, Philip, (Buff, Kuhl & Co.) res cor 2d and Oak. SCHMOELLBB, JOHN, TF., 3Ianiifacturer and Dealer in Boots and SJioes, We inake a s^^eci- alty of fine Goods, and sell at Loivest Prices, liepairinff neatly done, n, s. 2d, iv. Alhy, res, same. Schneider, Christ, works Woolen Mill, res cor 4th and George. Schneider. Mike, lab, res State road. Schnierle, Rev. M., Pastor German Methodist Church, res e s North, n 6th. Schock, Emanuel, painter, D. Miller, res 8th, nr George. Schoefler, John G. drayman, Quigley, Hopkins & Co., res 4th, w Ridge. Schoell, Wm., lab, res n s 4th, w Ridge. Schoppet, Mrs. Caroline, res s s 5th, e Liberty. Schott, A. H., physician, (Horn.) e s Market, n 2d, res same. Schreiber, Conrad, stone cutter, res cor 6th and Walnut. Schreiber, C, (Murphy k Co.) res 3d, e Washington. Schrempf, Ernest, works Plow Works, res 6th, e Cherry. Schubert, Frank, butcher, Kuhn & Fuchs, res cor Henry and 3d. Schubert, Wm., works Woolen Mill, res n s 3d, e Henry. Schue, Isidor, butcher, Fritch & Koch, bds same. Schuille, B., carp, res cor 3d and Cherry. Schulmeier, Joseph, lab, res Alley, bet 5th and 6th, e Ridge. Schulte, Herman, carp, res cor North and Union. Schupp, Mrs. C, res s s 3d, w Henry. Schurtz, Chas., machinist, Alton Ag. Works. Schwartz, Mrs. Sophia, res s s 9th, e Langdon. Schwartzbeck, Anton, baker, res cor Bloomfield and Harrison. Schwartzbeck, Ernest, lab, Plow W^orks, res cor State Road and Bloomfield. Schwarze, Wm., lab, res e s Henry, s 4th. Schweigert, W'^m., cooper, A. Gundell, res 3d, w Ridge. Schweppe, H., (J. W. & H. Schweppe) res Mill, n 4th. 90 PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. Schweppe, H. M., elk, J. W. & H. Schweppe, res 9th, nr Langdon. Schweppe, J. W., (J. W, & H. Schweppe) res 2d, e Alby. Schweppe, J. W. & H., clothing, etc., s s 3d. Schweppe, W. E., (R. DeBow & Co.) res Mill, n 4th. Scoell, Zirach, lab, res cor 6th and Liberty. Scott, Jacob, engineer. Oil Factory, res Piasa, nr 17th. Scovill, James F., teamster, res s s 4th, e Plum. Scullan, Mrs. Eliza, res s s 5th, e Spring. Scullon, Thos., lab, bds J. Dawson's. Scully, John, lab, res Wharf, s State. Scully, Mrs. Mary, res Russell. Seeger, George, lab, res south end Liberty. Seeley, Austin, blacksmith, G. D. Hayden, res cor 2d and Alton. Seely, F. R., (Seely k, Hoffmeister) res 2d, cor Easton. Seely & Hoffmeister, (F. R. Seely, F. W. Hoffmeister,) books and stationery, 10, 3d. Segart, Mrs. M., res e s Henry, n 3d. Seibert, Chas., cooper, res n s 2d, w Henry. • Seibold, Chas., teamster, Sweetser & Priest, res s a 7th. e Henry. Seibold, Nicholas, wagon maker, w s Belle, n 4th, res 7th, nr Henry. Seigel, Geo., glass blower, Glass Works. Sery, John, lab, res Green. Seubert, John, brick-layer, res s s 3d, e Walnut. SHACKELFORD, R. B.. Manaf/er Howe Machine Co., bds. cor, 0th, e. Market. Shafer, Chas , porter, Blair & Atwood, res 6ih, bet Henry and Liberty. Shanklin, P. G., elk, R. Flagg, res 6th, nr Henry. Sharkey, John, cooper, Armstrong Bros., res Dry. Sharps, Geo., machine hand, rooms n s 2d, e Henry. Shaum, J. J., engineer, res cor Alton and 7th. Shaw, Newton, works Glass Works. Shaw, Wm. A., elk. Railroad Office, res 7th, e State. Shay, Michael, peddler, res Main, nr State. Shay, Peter, lab, res cor State and Main. Shea, Thos., lab, res 7th, e Piasa. Sheean, John, lab, res n s 2d, w Cherry. Sheean, John, grocer, cor 2d and Langdon, res same. SHELLY, F., Lime Burner, ivholesale and retail dealer in Plaster, Cement, Hair, White Sand, &c.t office immediately above the National Mills, res. State, cor. Hry, PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. 01 Shelley, Fred, lab, F. Shelley. Shelly, Fred, lab, works in Brewery, res cor 6th and Vine. Shelley, Jas., splitter, Dausman & Drummond, res 2d, nr George. Shelly, ]\Iichael, lab, res s s 2d, e George. Sherwood, Edwin, drayman, res s s 6th, e Easton. Shields, Gus, baker, Daniels, Bayle & Co., bds Langten House. Shields, James, saloon, res Belle, n 16th. Shooler, John, policeman, res Meenanie, s 7th. Shields, Mrs., res Spring, n State. Shields, Mrs. M. C, res Belle, n 16th. Shipley, Mrs. Sarah, les n s 3d, w Alby. Shoemaker, J. N., publisher, Alton Democrat, bds St. Charles Hotel. Shope, Franklin, lab, res Belle, s 19th. Sidway, G. D., harness and saddles, 2d, e State, res Belle, s 7th. Siegel. Avorks Perley & Woodman, res south end Liberty. Siem, Wm., hardware, res w s Belle, nr 6th. Sien, Alex., elk, A. Neermann, res cor George and 3d. Sien, Henry, barber, Piasa, n 3d, res cor 3d and George. Sigman, J. S., watch maker, bds Knight's restaurant. Sikes, Frank, lab, res 4th, e Langdon. Sikes, Robt., pressman, Dausman & Drummond, res cor 6th and Liberty. Simms, Judson, works C. Phinney, res e s Market, s 6tb. Simms, Mrs. Ann, res Common. Simms, Mrs. Sarah, res e s Market, s 6th. Simon, Matthias, lab, res w s Alby, s 5th. Simpson, Mrs. J., res State, n Jefferson. Simpson, Mrs. P., res s s 3d, w Ridge. Sirler, Mrs. Francis, res Alley, bet 2d and 3d, e Cherry. Slater, John, mason, res cor 19th and Market. Sleavin, John, marble cutter, W. Flynn, res Cliff, s Elm. Slicker, Lewis, turner, res n s Park, e William. Sloman, Mark, elk, R. Flagg, res cor Easton and 10th. Sloss, Mrs. Mary, variety store, Alby, nr City Limits, res same. Slup, Stephen, teamster, res Union, e Oak. Smith, Mrs., res 9th, e Belle. Smich, Mrs., res cor 8th and Alton. Smith, , lab, res Alley, bet 5th and 6th, e Ridge. Smith, Albert, farmer, res cor 6th and Market. Smith, Alex., elk, Quigley, Hopkins eS: Co., res cor George and 5th. Smith, Boston W., book-keeper, Blair & Atwood, res cor 8th and Alton. Smith, C. M., physician, (Reg.) cor Belle and 4th. res same. 9^ PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. Smith, E. A., (Perrin & Smith) res Pleasant, e Henry. Smith, Geo. A., clothing, 31, 3cl, res Uruon, cor Washington. Smith, Henry, painter, res s s 7th, w Belle. Smith, Jas., elk, Seely & Hoffmeister, res Plenry. Smith. John W., lab, res Green. Smith, Robt., lab, res 9th, e Belle. Smith, R. B., Real Estate, res cor Suspension and Liberty. Smith, Mrs. Sarah, res n s 6th, e Henry. Smith, Samuel C, cooper, res Bloomfield, \v Harrison. Smith, Thos., drayman, res cor 8th and Alton. Smith. Wm., hostler, Piatt k Hart, bds Empire House. Smith, Wm. Elliot,- Prop'r Illinois Glass Co., nr Railroad, e Plum, res Washington. Smith, Wm Ellis, elk, Milnor, Auten & Co., res Spring, n State. Smiley Bros., (W. E. k Geo. H. Smiley,) City shoe store, 14, 3d. Smiley, Geo. H., (Smiley Bros.) bds 2d. Smiley, W. E., (Smiley Bros.), bds Belle, cor 7th. Sneeringer, Mrs. Mary, res n s State, e Spring. Sneeringer, S. N. grain dealer, res State, s 7th. Snyder, Mrs. Jane B., res State, e Bond. Somers, Jos., tailor, H. C. G. Moritz, res cor 4th and Easton. Somers, Peter, tailor, H. C. G. Moritz, res cor 4th and Easton. Sonntag. F. L., carpet weavei', res JJelle, s 17th. Sontag, Wm , boss Weaver '»VooU'n Mill. Sotier, C, saloon, n s 2d, e Henry, res same. Southworth, Mrs H., res Wharf, s State. Southworth, Samuel, lab., res Wharf, s State. Southworth, Sylvester, sawyer, res Wharf, s State. Southworth, Thos., lab Oil Mill, res Wharf, s State. Spaet, Joseph, saloon, res cor Oak and 3d. Spaet, Joseph, Jr., works M. H. Boals, res cor 3d and Oak. Spain, Mrs. Bridget, res R. R., n Spring. Spangenberger, Conrad, lab., res cor 8th and Liberty. Sparks, D. R. & Co., (D. R. Sparks, W. Best\ props. National Mill, Short, w William. Sparks. D. R., (D. R. Sparks & Co.), res Prospect, s State. Sparks H. B., assistant book-keeper D, R. Sparks & Co., res Pros- pect, s State. Sparks, W. D., book-keeper, D. R. Sparks & Co., res Prospect, s State. Spencer, Jas., blacksmith, Plow Works, res 1st, nr Langdon. Spinner, Frank, lab., res n s 2d, w Cherry. Spreen, George, machinist. Plow AVcrks, res cor Alby, s 12th. PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. 93 Spreen, Wni., carpenter, res w s Alby, s 12th. Spreen, Wm., dispatcher, C. & A. Round House, res Alby, n 11th. Squire, , res cor Pearl and North. Stafford, Henry E., wool sorter, res Piasa, s 9th. Stamps, Henry, engineer, res s s 5th, e Walnut. Stamps, John, traveling agent, res s s 5th, e Walnut. Stanford, Homer, stoves and tinware, n s 2d, w Langdon, res cor Alby and 3d. Stanford!! H.. bds St. Charles Hotel. Stanford, Mrs. M., res cor 3d and Alby. Stanton, C, painter. Plow Works, res 2(1, nr Langdon. Stanton, Mrs. Mary, res Washington, e Pleasant. Stanton, Thomas, railroad man, res Salu. Stanton, Wm. J., plumber, C. E. Turner & Co., res Godfrey. Starr, H. B., mate ferry boat, res Washington, e Square. Starr, Mrs. Thos., res 7th, w Belle. Stauff, Chas., saloon, n s 3d, w Washington, res same. Steele, David D., carpenter, M. H. Boals, bds with S. S. Hobart. Stein, August, grocer, 2d, junction 3d, res same. Steinberg, Eerd, tailor, H. C. G. Moritz, bds St. Charles Hotel. Steiner, Charles, teamster, D. R. Sparks & Co. Steiner, John, wheat buyer, D. R. Sparks & Co., res State. Steiner, M., saloon, n s 2d, e Langdon, res 8th, e Henry. Steinheimer, B., saloon, 2d, w Market, res cor Ridge and 6th. Steinmeiel, Wm., lab., res cor 7th and Belle. Stell, 0. B., traveling agent, res Summit, e Prosp^ect. Stell, Miss Sarah, teacher, school No. 2, res Upper Alton. Stenbrun, John, lab., res cor 3d and Cherry. Stephenson, Sanford E., glass blower, bds cor 3d and Vine. Stetson, Chas., clerk, res cor 8th and Alby. Stevens, Richard, clerk, res cor Court and George. Steward, , lab., res Piasa, s 17th. Steward & Bolden (E. Steward, H. Bolden), barbers, cor Belle and kh. Steward, Ed^Yard, (Steward & Bolden), res George, cor 6th. Steward, Stephen, barber, res cor 7th and George. SteAvard, Mrs. B. W., res cor 9th and Market. Stewart, Jas. J., printer. Democrat, res Alby, n 4th. Stewart, Mrs. S., res Alby, s 5th. Stierle, Daniel, lab., res s s 4th, e Henry. Still, J., boot and shoe maker, w s State. Stillwell, John, yard master, bds Union Depot Hotel. Stillwell, L. M., clerk, J. Chaney, res cor 12th and Alby. 94 PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. Stiltse, Conrad, plasterer, res n s 3d, e Spring. Stiner, Mrs. H., res. n s State, w Main. Stiritz, Andrew, clerk, C. D. Caldwell, res Mill. Stiritz, Mrs. C, res Summit, e Prospect. Stites, Thomas, works Tobacco Factory, res cor r)tli and Liberty. Stocker, A. S., cooper, Armstrong Bros., res Upper Alton. Stone, Mrs. Elizabeth, res cor 9th and Alby. Store, Lorenz, blacksmith, res cor Bond and Beacon. Storey, W., physician, (homopathic\ n s 2d, w Langdon, res s w cor George and 2d. Storms, George, re^^ s s 2d, e Henry. Stowell, 0. S., book-keeper, Woolen Mill, bds Piasa, s 9th. Straube, Herman, wagon maker, Henry, s 2d, res Upper Town. Strauber, Otto, clerk. J. Leyser, bds same. Strahle, Casper, brewer, B. Runzi on, res s s Union, w Ridge. Wagner, John, saloon, e s Belle, n 4th, res 5th, e Liberty. Wahl, Joseph, glass blower, res n s 2d, w Cherry. Walbridge, L. H., box maker, res Elm, av Cliff. Waldron, Geo. W., gardener, res west end Summit. Waldron, Henry, brakeman, res Summit, w Prospect. Waldron, Mrs. T., res Summit, w Prospect. Waligura, Frank, Aveaver, bds Empire House. Walker, Wm., lab, res Easton, s 10th. Wall, James, engineer, res n s 2d, w Walnut. Wallace, Mrs. P. D., res Market, s 8d. Walter, B., (Fish & Walter,) res North Alton. Walter, Geo., elk, res n s 7th, e Belle. Walter, L., carp, res s s 3d, e Henry. Walter, Otto, elk, V. Walter, res same. WALTEBf F., dealer in I*ianos. Orr/ans and Musi- cal Merchandise, Mathusick, Vose v Walnut. Wright, •Ohas. L., book-keeper, Alton Nat. Bank, res Belle. Wright, David, elk, P. Downes. Wright, James, painter, bds cor 5th and Ridge. Wright, Wm., cooper, T. H. Proctor, res Upper Alton. AYuerker, C, harness and saddles, 12 State, res Prospect. Wuerker, F., gunsmith, w s State, n od, res 2d, nr Langdon. Wunderle, Stephen, boilermaker, res cor 12th and Alby. Wunderlich, Ignotz, carp, res n s 3d, e Langdon. Wurtzler, Adolph, baker, H. Neermann. Wutzler, August, mason, res n s 4th, w Ridge. W utzler, Louis E., lab, res Belle, s 10th. VVyss, Saml., Spring St. House, cor 2d and Spring, res same. Wjss, Wm., elk, S. Wyss, res same. Y Yackel, Casper, cooper, res n s 3d, e Ridge. Yackel, George, works Perley & Woodman, res n s oth, e Ridge. Yaeger, Wm., lab., C. & A. Round House. Yager, John H., Att-at-Law, cor 3d and Piasa, res cor 9th and Langdon. Yale, Joseph, res Cyrus, nr Fletcher. Yerger, Mrs. C, res w s Ridge, n 6th. Yocum, Henry, hostler, A. Mather, res 4th and William. Yocum, Henry, glass blower, bds Spring St. House. Y'okum, Edward, lab, res cor 9th and Alby. Yokum, Elijah, machinist, res cor Alby and 7th. Yokum, George, bookbinder, res Spring, n State. Yokum, J., glass blower, Glass Works. Yokum, F. W., printer, Democrat, res cor 9th and Alby. Young, Julius, butcher, Fritch k Koch, bds same. Young, Wm., jailer, res Belle, nr 14th. lunk, John, saloon, cor Alby and Front, res same. Zelt, John, lab., bds e S Ridge, s 5th. Zeltmann, Fred, grocer, n s 3d, w Washington, res same. Ziegenfuss, Wm., peddler, res State Rd. PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIEEOTOEY. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEME:xT8. DRURY, A, H. i& CO., Short. Milrior, Auten & Co., 18, n s 3d. Reynolds, G., cor 2d and Short. Wendt, F., cor 2d and Short. AGRICULTURAL WORKS. Alton Agricultural Works, Front, 2d and George. ARCHITECT. Pfeiffenberger, L., n s 3d, w Piasa. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Brenholt, J. J., over 80 3d. Coppiiiger, J. W., s s 3d. Gambrill. A. H., w s Belle, n 3d. IJA VIS, L., s 8 3d, e Piasa. ^IcGiniiis, J. F., cor 3d and Piasa. Sawyer, S. T. & R. S., over 16 3d. Wise, C. P., cor 2d and State. Yager, J. H., cor 3d and Piasa. AUCTION AND COMMISSION. < 'rossman, W. V., cor 3d and Piasa. 104 PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. BAKERS. Boercker, W., 2d, w Ridge. Kaeser, G., 2d, e Piasa. KEITH f WM. H., cor 2d and Market » Kreyling, VV., 2d, w Ridge. LEYSER, J, ., Belle, bet 4th and 3th. FRUIT B\SKE']'S AND CRATE BOXES. Armstrong, W., & Bro., 6, Short. FURNITURE. BAUER & HOFFMAX, 2d, opp. Citij Hall. Borckman. C, 2d. w Ridge. Chanev. J., 9 Belle. SUTTER. J.. 2d b2. Doepke, F., 2d Junction, 3d. Hoaglin, D. S., s s 3d. MOBITZ, H. C. G., cor 3d and State. SCHWEPI*E, J. W, & H,, s s 3d, Smith, G. A., 31. 3d. HOTELS CHILD HOUSE, 3Irs. JV. C. B/air, cor 3d and Market. EMPIBE HOUSE, T. Fries, 3d, e State. Farmers' Home, A. Ehrliardt, cor Spring and 2d. Fifth Av. Hotel, M. Brown, Prop'r., cor oth and Piasa. OLD FAR3IEBS' HOME, J. Miedel, n e cor 2d and Spri}ig, Spring St. House. S. Wyss, cor 2d and Spring. ST. CHABLES HOTEL, B. Coudy , iv s State. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS Ensigner, W. F., e s Belle, n 4th. Houghton, L. E., 4th, w Piasa. Obermueller, Ch., cor 2d and Piasa. INKS, BLUEING AND MUCILAGE MANUFAC- TURERS. Beckley & Baker, n s 3d, e Piasa. INSURANCE. Atwood, J., cor 2d and Market. McKinney & Fischbach, s s 3d. McPike, H. G., cor Market and 2d. Murray, C A., cor 2d and Market. NOOJVAN^, E., n s 3d, tv Piasa. Roper & Cooper, over 30, 3cl. Whipple & Smiley, cor 3d and State. 112 PRYOll & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. IRON WORKS. Webb, W. W., 2d, e State. JOB PRINTERS. Alton Banner, H. Meyer, 4th, e Belle. Alton Telegraph, 4th, bet. Piasa and Belle. Bronson, E. J., over 16, 3d. Perrin & Smith, State, opp. 3d. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. MIDDLETOW, T, w s Belle, ft 3d ISOONAISj E., n s 3fl, w Piasa Quarton, J., w s State, n 2d. LEATHER. DJtURT, A. i?., <£' CO.^ Short, LIME KILNS ABMSTROJ^G, W,,& BBO.n ware-house, (i, ShoH. Brennan, J. L, k Bro., cor 2d and Apple. Coppinger k Biggins, Count}^ Road, office s s" 3d. Dietz, T., cor Railroad and 3d. SHELLY, P., County Road. LIVERY. Jarrett, J., cor Easton and Front. Mather, A., Piasa, n 8d. Piatt k Hart, w s State. LOAN BROKER. • Hewit, P., s s 3d. LUMBER YARDS. BOALS, M. H.y 2d, bet SprUfff and Ridf/e. PER LEY iC- UOOD3IAN, cor' 2d and Henry. SWEETSER tt- tRIEST, 2d, w Ridge, SWEETSER & PRIEST, 4th, e Piasa. MACHINE SHOP AND BRASS FOUNDRY. HAYnEN, G. n., IV s Belle, her 4th and Sth. MARBLE YARDS Benedict, A., s s 4th, bet. Belle and State. PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. 113 Flynn, Wm., cor 5th and Belle. Fuller, L. H., n s 4th, w Belle. MEAT MARKETS. Bell, J. R., & Co., n s 3d, e Belle. Crasher, A., n s 2d, e Ridge. FRITCH & KOCH, s s 2d, w Oak, Herb & Meyers, n s 2d, e Henry. Kuhn, (t Fuchs, 2d, e Henry. Murphy & Co., e s Belle, n 4th. meroha:^t tailors. Doepke, F., 2d, Junction 3d. Dutro, M. M., w s Belle, s 4th. BRZTEGGEMANN, B. A.,n s 3d, e Belle. McGee, C, Belle, cor 8th. MOBITZ, H. C. G., cor 3d and State. MILLINERY. BUBTOW, S., it s 3d, e State. Oilman, I. D., & Co., w s Belle, s 4th. •Tohnson, Mrs. A., s s 3d, e State. Justi, Mrs. A., 2d, w Ridge. L:indt, Mrs. J. P., e s Belle, s 4th. MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. WALTERS, v., cor 3d and JPiasa. NEWSPAPERS DAILY. Alton Daily Telegraph, Holden & Norton, 4th, bet. Piasa and Belle. Alton Democrat, J. N. Shoemaker, State, opp. 3d. Morning News, E. J. Bronson & Co., s s 3d. WEEKLY. Alton Banner, H. Meyer, 4th, e Belle. Alton Democrat, I. N. Shoemaker, Piop'r., over 16, 3d. Alton Telegraph, Holden & Norton, 4th, bet. Piasa and Belle. MONTHLY. Our Faith T. H. Perrin, State, opp. Capitol. NOTIONS. Mrasok. Mrs. L,,, n s 2d, e Spring. 114 PRYOR A CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY Phelan, A. E., s s 2d, e Henrj. ORGAN MANUFACTURER. Gratian, J., Easton, nr. Gtli. PLUG TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS. Dausman & Drummond, cor Alton and 2d. PLUMBERS. TURNER, CHAS. E., & CO,, w s State, ii 2d. PHOTOGRAPHERS. Breath, E. A., s s od, e State. Grossman, 0. L., 2d, e Piasa. Ritter, IL. over 14, od. PHYSICIANS. Bunsen, C, s s Market, av Alby. Davis, C., s s 8d. w Piasa. Garvin, J. P., c s Belle, s 4tli. Gibson, R., n s 2d, w George. Guelicb, E., cor 3d and Henry. Hardy, I. E., e s Belle, s 4tb. Haskell, A. S. & W. A., n s 2d, e Market. Pierce, W. C, cor 3d an'. Belle. Scliott, A. n., e s Market, n 2d. Smith, 0. M., cor 4th and Belle. Story. W., n s 2d, vv Langdon. PORK pa(;kers. • Caldwell, M. p., 85, 4th. Millen, J. C, 4th, e Langdon. PLANING MILLS. BOALS, M. H.j, cor 2d and Oak. Wheelock, Ginter lS: Martin, 1st, nr. Langdon. PLOW WORKS Hapgood & Co., Front. Millen & Bro., State. POTTERS. Wilhelms, & Co., n s 2d, \v Oak. PRYOR & CO.'S ALTON CITY DIRECTORY. 115 RAGS. OLD IRON, IKEOTOKV, 137 STEAM JDYEIA'GAND CLEANSING. DIBTZ, M. H., cG CO., State, bet 3d and 4th. STONE QUAUIUES. Atkins, iSc Patrick, cor Main and 8th. Watson, II., ., cor 4th and State. Pitts, 8. AV., & Co., Av s State. Ph^ft", v., n s -id, e Ridge. ^tantV■l•d. II., 2d, e Georo;e. TA?>[NERY. Williams, R A., Belle, n 12th. UMBRELLA REPAIRER. Schlageter. B., n s 2d, c Kidge. UNDERTAKING. BAUER & KOFFHANN, 2d, op[j. City Hall, Borckman, C, 2d. w Ridge. Brudon, Wm.. n s 2d, w Alby. KLUNK & WILLS, IV s State, opp, 3d. SUTTER, J.. 2d, het, Renvy mid Lamjdott. WALL TAPER. NEERMAWN, A., s s 3d, Seely & Hoffmeister, 8 and 10, yd. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. Cary, J. W., s s od, e State. Fisher, J., s s 2d, e Langdon. GLE^\ A. J , 3d, IV Piasa. (^OULDiyO, E. H., cor 3d and Piasa, WINES AND LIQUORS. FISH & WALTER, cor 2d and State, Raible, J., cor 4th and Belle. » Toni-or, J. M., 2d, <• Junction 8d. VASEL. H. G., CO., STEAM aOB PRtNTER$ :@©K BIlfllEi ^t) AND PUBLISHEK8 OF The Stillwater Lumberman. Office on Main Street, in Bernheimer Block, Second and Third Floors. ALL KINDTS OF Printing, Huling # Binding -A-T E^A-STEI^^T n^ICES. PRYOR&CO'S., 8T1LLWATER CITY DIRECFORY, 1876-7. MISCELLANEOUS DEPAETMENT. City Officers. Mayor — Wm. M. McCluer. Clerk — E. A. Hopkins. Treasurer— M. M. Clark. Attorney — Fayette Marsh. Surveyor and Engineer — Myron Shepard. Street Commissioner — John Conklin. Physcian — C. Carli. City Coiancil. First Ward — J. O'Shaughnessy, G. S. Brown, A. Tuor. Second Ward — P. H. Miiller. J. C. Gardner, T. Jassoy. Third Ward— G. W. Seymour, F, A. Haussner. J. AI Deragisch. 26 PaYOR & go's STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. Municipal Court. Judge — C. P. Gregory. Ex-Officio Cierk— E. A. Hopkins. Court Officer — F. L. McKu^ick. Chief of Polici — jM. Shortall. Policemen — Duncan Chisholm, John Shortall, John Booren, • Daniel Ileardon. Board of Education. Ex-Officio President— Wm. M. McCluer. Clerk— J. C. Rhodes. Treasurer — R. Leudiicke — A. K. Doe, Joseph Tanner. "Washington County Officers. Clerk of Court — Ilarvey Wilson. Auditor — Geo. Davis. Register of deeds — A. M. Dodd. Treasurer — Myron Shepard. Judge of Prohate — E. G. Butts. Sheriff — J. A. Johnson. Attorney — Fayette Marsh. Surveyor — James Stewart. Sup't of Schoojs — P. E. Walker. Coroner — J. C. Rhodes. Court Commissioner — C. E. Nordgord. JJ'ire Department. Chief Engineer — D. Bronson. First Assistant — King Doe. Second ^ — Wm. May. Stillwater, No. 1 (steamer) — F. E. Joy, Foreman, Johnson Lillies, Ass.t Foreman. Engine room Commercial Av. St. Croix Hook and Ladder Co., — Chas. McMillan, Foreman, P .B. Smith, Ass't Foreman. Commercial Av. IVtasonic. Hall Staples Block. Washington R. A. C. No. 17— W. G. Bronson H. P., E. A. Fol- son, K., Wm. M. May, S., J. A. Johnson, Sec, Jas. S. An- derson, treasurer, John W. Dinsmore, Capt. of H., Hugh Hall, P. S., Leonard Chuk, R. A. C, Jas. Mulvey, M. 1st V., Wm. Richardson, M. 2d V., Abe Hall, M. 3d V., John M. Nelson, Sentinel. PRYOR & CO S STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. St. John's Lodge No. 1 — Meets First and Third Mondays in each month. Hugh Hall, W. M.; R. Lehmicke, S. VV., L. Clark, J. W. E. Capron, Treasurer; Chase, Sec, F. E. Joy, S. D., J. Johnson, J. D.. J. M. Nelson, T. I. O. of O. F. Hall, Holcombes New Block. Stillwater Lodge, No 51, Meets every Wednesday evening, Geo. Low, P. G., L. Grant, N. G., R. Daw, V. G. Knights of !Pyth.ias. Hall cor Main and Chestnut. Stillwater Lodge, No 7, Meets every Tuesday evening. R. Lehmicke, P. C, 0. A. Rick- er, C. C, VV. W. Hall, V- C, J. Taenhauser, M. of E.. W. E. Easton, M. of F., T. H. Warren, K. of R. ^. S., C. A. Bennett, M. at. A., H. Wheeler, Prel., M. Gillespie, 0. G., J. Larrivie, J. G. {Sons of Herman. Hall cor Main and Chestnut. Germania Lodge, No 3, meets every Friday evening, Jos. Taenhauser, Pres't., Emil Wier, Vice Pres't., D. Jastrom, Sec, H. Steffens, Fin. Sec, F. N. Schwarz, Treas. Grrand A.rniy of Th.e Republic. Miller Post No. 14, C. B. Loomis, Com., J. A. Reed,S. V. C. Myron Shcjard, J. V , C. F. Siebold, Quartermaster, C. A. Bennet, Adj., Jos. Taenhauser, 0. of D., Adam Marty. 0. of G., B. G. Merry, Chap. JVtiscellaneons Societies. Stillwater Mannerchor, Meets Wednesdays and Sundays, cor Main and Chestnut. Emil Krueger, Pres't., Wm. Schermully, Sec, F. Siebold, Treas., Wm. P. Schilling, Leader. Stillwater Schutzen Verein, Meets cor Main and Chestnut, F* Bertchey, Pres't., E. Graff, Sec, E. Krueger, Treas. Ch.ii.rcli Directory. Episcopal Church, Rev. S. J. Brooks pastor, services 10:30 A. M. 7:30 P. M. Sunday School 12 M. 3d. German Lutheran Church, Rev. JaCob Segrist Pastor; services 10 A. M., Sunday School 2 P. M. 3d n Oak. 28 PRYOR & COS STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. First Presbyterian Church, Rev. I. N. Otis Pastor, services 10:30 A. M. 7:30 P. M. Sunday School 12 M. Cor 3d and Myi^ tie. Methodist Episcopal Church. :^>d, n Myrtle. Rev. J. II. Macomb Pastor; services 10:30 A. M. 7:30* P. M. Sunday School 11: 30 A. M. Second Presbyterian Church, s s Pine, w Pine. St. Mary's German Catholic Church, 3d, n Chestnut. Rev. Mon. Sigesbert Pastor; services 10 A. M. Vespers 2 P. M. 3d, n Chestnut. St. Michael's Catholic Church, Rev. M. E. Murphy Pastor; servi- ces 8 and 10:30 A. M. Vespers 7:30 P. M. Cor Walnut and 3d. Swedish Lutheran, Pastor, cor 4th and Oak; services 10:J0 A. M. Universalist Church, Rev. J. Marvin Pastor; services every other Sunday 10:30. Sunday School 12 M. 3d. STREET DIRECTORY. Abbott, from Holcombe w to Western Row, Ist s Willard. Alder, from Lake w to 4th, 18th n Chestnut. Almond, from N. Broadway w to 4th, 10th n Chestnut. Anderson, from Holcombe w to Western Row, 3d, s Willard. Aspen, from N. Broadway to Marine, 7th n Churchill. Balsam, from N. Broadway w to 4th, 14th n Chestnut. Becher, from Willard s to Hancock, 11 th w Lake. Borup, from St. Cyer to St. Paul Av, 15th w Lake, Brick, from John n to St. Paul Av, 13th w Lake. Broadway, from Main s to Goodwood, and from Aspen to Alder 1st w Main. Burlington, from 2d to 6th, H. and S. add. Cedar, from (Jherry n 1| blocks. Center, from Lilly Lake n to Ramsey, 11th w Lake. Cherry, from Main w to 5th, n Chestnut. Chestnut, from Lake w to 5th. Chu» chill, from 1st to Holcombe, 7th s Chestnut. Clarke, from 4th w to Marine, 4th n Elm. Commercial Av, from Main to 2d, n Chestnut. Cooper, from 4th w to Main, 3d n Elm. Cornelian, from South Av, to Moore 7th w Lake. Division, from Sherburne w to limits. I PRYOR & CO !- 8TILL WATER CITY DIRECTORY. 29 Dubuque, from 3d to 6th H. and S. Add. Elm. from Lake w to Marine (ith n Chestnut. Evert, from Ramsey n to Mulberry 9th w Lake. Fifth, from Hancock n to Wilkin, and from Hudson to Orleans 5th w Lake. Forward, from South Av. n to Moore, 9th w Lake. Fourth, from Hancock, n to Alder and from Hudson to Orleans, 4th w Lake. Goodwood, from Rock, w to Holcombe, 8th n Chestnut. Greely, from Willard, n to Mulberry, 8th w Lake. Grove, from Lilly Lake, n to St. Paul Av. 12th w Lake. Hancock, from 1st, to Holcombe. 8th s Chestnut. Harriet, from Ramsey, n to Mulberry, 7th av Lake. Hazel, from Lake w to 4th, 17th, n Chestnut. Hickory, from 4th, w to Marine, 1st Elm. Holcombe, from Willard, s to Hancock, 8th n Lake. Hudson, from 4th, to 6th, H. & L. Add. •Jeannie, from Willard, n to Mulberry, 8th w Lake. •John, from Center, w to Limits. Juniper, from N. Broadway, w to 4th 12th n Chestnut. Lake, is the northern extension of Main. Laurel, from Lake, w to 5th n Chestnut. Linden, from Lake, w to 5th, 3d n Chestnut Locust, from Main to Sth. 5th, s Main. Main, run.* north and South, first from Lake. Magnolia, from IS. Broadway, w to 4th, Sth n Chestnut. Maple, from, 4th, w 2d, s Elm. Marine, from Maple, n to Moore, 8th w Lake. Martha, from Ramsey, n to Moore Sth w I^ake. Mary, from Maple, n to Wilkin, 7th av Lake. Minnesota, from South Av. n to Moore Sth av Lake. Moore, from 4th w Marine, 6th n Elm. Mulberry, from Lake av, to City limits, 2d n Chestnut. Myrtle, from Lake w to Harriet, 1st n Chestnut. Nelson, from 2d e to Lake, 1st s Chestnut. Oak, from 3d av, to Sherburne, 2d s Chestnut. Oakes, from Stlyer n to St Paul Av. 16th av Lake. Olive, from 2d av, to OAvens, 1st s Main. Orange, from N. Broadway, w to 4th, Sth n Chestnut. Orleans, from Main, to 6th, at southern City limits. Owens, from Willard n, to Mulberry 9th av Lake. Pennock, from w end of Churchill, to Western Row, 2d s Willard. Pine, from Broadway av, to Sherburne, 3d s Chestnut. 30 PRYOR ft go's STILr.WATER CITY DIRECTORY. Poplar, from Lake w, to 4th, 15 n Chestnut. Putz, from Willartl s, to Hancock 10th, w Lake. Ramsey, from western City limits, e 4th n Willard. Rice, from Jeannie, w to limits. Rock, from Locust, to Goodwood, 1st w Main. School, from 2d w, to 4th, 1st n Laurel. Second, from Hancock n, to Alder 1st w Main. Seeley, from Stiver n. to St. l*aul Av. 14th w Lake. Seventh, from Hancock to (loodwood, and from Prairie to City Limits, 7th w Lake. Sherburne, from Lilly Lake n, to Mulberry, 10th w Lake. Sixth, from Hancock n, to Chestnut, and from Goodwood to Or- leans, 6th w Lake. Smith, from Oak s, to Hancock, 9th w Lake. SprinfT, from w end of Myrtle, to Limits. Spruce, from N. P>road\vay, w to 4ti), LUh n Chestnut. Stlyer, from Lily Lak«', to limits. Stimson, from Myrtle, s to Levee bet Main and Lake shore. St Paul Av. from Owens, w to limits. St Louis, from Main to Hth, H. .V S. Add. Sycamore, from Lake, w to 4th, llth, n Chestnut. Third, from Hancock, n -M and from Dubuque to Orleans 3d, from Lake. Tnion, froiu Myrtle to Chestnut, bet Main and 2d. Walnut, from Broadway to 5th, s Chestnut. West, from Stlyer, n to St Paul Av. ITth, w Lake. Western Row. from Willard, s to Hancock. l'2th w Lake. Wilkin, from 4th, w to Marine, 8d, e Elm. Willard, from west end of Goodwood, w to Sherburne. William, from Ramsey, n to ^hllberry, 10th w Lake. Willow, from Lake, w to 4th, 10th, n Chestnut. Wisconsin, from 4th, w to Marine, 5th n Elm. WAED BOUNDARIES. First \\'ard — Comprises all that portion of the city lying s of a line west from the Lake through Nelson to 2d, s to Pine.w to Sherburne and s of John. Second Ward — All that portion of the city lying n of a line drawn through Northern l>ouiidry of 1st, and a line drawn through Linden to 4th, s to Mulberry, w to Limits. Third Ward — All that portion of the city lying north boundry of 2d. PaYOR & CO S STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. 31 THE ST. CROIX POST. Th3 Only German Newspaper of the St. Croix Valley. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. "W. P. SCHILLING, Editor. CORNER MAIN AND CHESTNUT. -^XjXj I^IiTIDS OI^ ■•^. ' Irimx IIP^ ■nl ?^ ii^r EmUZE and GEHHAir. BONU IN A FIRST-CLASS STYLE, AT THE VERY LOWEST FIGURES. 32 PRYOR & CO'S STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. a A. BUOMLEY'S .1 XI> SALE STABLE, With or Without Drivers, at any time of the DAY OR NIGHT. As Good Turnouts* as imm lie t'ouiid in ihe Northwest, Horses ItoiijOilit, Stabled and Sold. PKICS MOBEKiiTS. stable on Chestnut, between Main and Second. J. DISOH, Prop'r. Tn the Neic Disch Block, Main /Street, iStillwater, Minnesota. BOARD BY THE DAY OR WEEK. Pleasant and Woll Furni.slied Knuuis. Go d 'l\.blc«. Try it unce and You will Coiuo Ajrain. Good Stabling in Connection With the House. MAXUFACXrREK OF SPRING WAGONS, SLEIGHS, &,C. FIRST CLASS WORK ONLY. West Side Second, Near SAWYER HOUSE. PRYOR & CO.'S STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY, 1876-7. ABBREVIATIONS. .above. ab av avenue. bet be t ween . bds boards. bldg .building. cor corner. elk ...clerk. lab.. laborer. carp. , carpenter. ss.. .south side. e east of. manufg manufacturer. n north of. nr near. opp opposite. s south of w west of n s north side. w s west side. es east side. ALPHABETICAL LIST OP NAMES. Asliton, Joseph, carp, bds Mansion House, Ahl, Mrs. Lucy, boarding, res cor William and Mulberry. Ahn, Nicholas, lab, res cor Smith and Willard. Akholm, Cbas. painter, bds Wexio Hotel iVlbenberg, A. (Albenberg & Conhaim;) res Broadway, cor Walnut. Albenberg k Conhaim, (A. Albenberg, M. .Conhaim,) dealers in cigars and tobacco, Union Blk, Main. Albenberg, Emanuel, peddler, bds A. Mellin. Albenberg, Louis, cigar peddler, bds cor Broadway and Walnut. Alcorn, John, lab, res cor 2d, and Olive. Allen, Geo. lab, res 7th s Goodwood. Allen, H. H., real estate & insurance, e s Main, s Myrtle, bds Sawyer House. Allen, John, teamster, res Main, s Mulberry. Allen, M. T., sawyer, H. B. & B. Allen, S. J., lab, H. B. D. & F., res Main. AUenson, Andrew, carp, bds 2d n Linden. 81 PRYOR & go's STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. Allenson, John, patternmaker, D. M. Swain, bds 2d. Alloyed, Henry, mill hand, H. B. & B. Alloyed, Joseph, mill hand, H. B. & B. Almquist, John, mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co., bds at Mill. Almquist, M., lab, bds St. Croix Hotel. Altwein, Fred, butcher, res Stimson's Alley. Ambuhl, Tobias, mill hand, H. B. c^ B., res 5th, n Churchill. Anderson, Andrew, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Anderson, Anton, tailor, J. A. Ryding, bds Williams House. Anderson, Christ, lab, bds St. Croix Hotel. Anderson, Frank, lab. bds Scandinavijin House. Anderson, Frank, res Mulberry, w Main. Anderson, Godfrey, lab, res Martha, nr Maple. Anderson, Jacob, mason, res Elm, w Main. Anderson, James, saw mill, res n s Chestnut, w 4th. Anderson, John, machinist, res w s 3d, s Mulberry. Anderson, John, lumberman, bds Mulberry, w Main. Anderson, Niles, machinist, D. M. Swain, res 2d. Anderson, Oscar, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Anderson, Ole, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Anez, Winn, mill hand, H. B. k B. Armstrong, Alex, wall guard at Prison, res 2d, n Chestnut. Armstrong, C. L., photographer, J. Sinclair, bds same. AB3ISTRONG, D. W., Agf, American Express Co,, 2d, n Chestnut, res cor Smith and Willard, Arnd, August, slioeinaker, res e s Holcombe, opp Oak. Arndt, August, shoemaker, res Gth, s Churchill. Arndt, Joseph, lab, res 7th, s Churchill. Arthur, Wm., mill hand, H. B. & B. Arvieu, Frank, lumberman, bds Keystone House. Aschbach, Gerhard, foreman, brewer, H. Tepass, bds AsU'son, Ole, mill hand, Seymour. Sabin & Co. Atterdelil, Alex, carp, res Elm w ^NTain. Austin, Chas., harness maker, bds Union House. Austin, E., filer, I. Staples. Agott, Louis, lumberman, bds Keystone House. Babcock, Adelbert, mill-hand, bds John Morgans. Babcock, Alonzo, mill hand, H. B. k B. Babcock, Fmnk, mill hand, H. B. k B. bds at Mill. same PRYOR & go's STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. 35 Badke, August, lab, res 7th, s Cliurchill. Bahnholt, Fred, lab, res 7th, n Hancock. Bakeman, A. F., res w s 2d, n Chestnut. Baker, bds D, Harrigan. Baker, Fred, teamster, res Stimsons Alley. Baker, James, lab, res cor Churchill and 6th. ' Bank, Fred, watchman, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co. Bansen, Chas., lumberman, res Myrtle, w 3d. Barclay, Kobt., works on lake, bds cor 6th and Churchill. Barrett, E., moulder, D. M. Swain, res Myrtle. Barrett, John, engineer, bds P. Barrett. Barrett, John, lumberman, bds P. Barrett. Barrett, Patrick, lumberman, res n s Myrtle, w 3d. Barrett, Thos., lumberman, bds P. Barrett. Barron, James, lab, res cor Becher and Pennock. Barron, Patrick, lab, res 4th, n Churchill. Barron, Richard, lab, res cor "Western, Row and Anderson. Barrens, Michael, mason, bds Pacific House. Barry, James, lab, res 4th, n Churchill. Bassett, Alex, lumberman, bds Keystone House. Bates, Mrs. A., res w s 3d, s Olive. Battles, G. W., res cor 3d and Pine. Baumann, Christ, bartender, J. Gieriet, bds same. Baumann, Fred, lab, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co. " Bayer, Anton, shoemaker, N. F. Schwarz, bds Liberty House. Bean, Chas., (Hersey & Bean) res 3d, s Mulberry. Bean, Fred C, time keeper, H. B. & B., res 3d. Bean, Jacob, (Hersey & Bean") res 3d, nr St. Louis. Beck, John, lab, bds Libert}? house. Bcckert, Ernst, lab. res w s 2d, n Olive. Beedy, Wm., mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Beer, John, res 4th, n Goodwood. Begirig, Ed, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Belisle, Moses, mill hand, H. B. & B. Belkie, Aug., mill hand, H. B. & B. Bell, Dan W., mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Bell, Joseph, teiimster, H. B. & B. bds at Mill. Bell, Joseph, teamster, res e s Broadway, s Walnut. BELL & LAUBIVIE, (Wm. Bell, Jos. Larrivie,) tnannfaettivevs of pure Candies , also Fancy Hakers, Fruits of all kinds in their season. Chest t nit ^ w Main, 36 PRTOR & go's STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. Bell, Wm., (Bell & Larrivie) res 2nd, s Chestnut. Bender, Fred, shoemaker, bds Pacific House. Benedict, David, mill hand, H. B. & B. bds at Mill. Bengston, M., carp., Seymour Sabin & Co. Bennett, C. A., Deputy Surveyor Gen'!., res cor Chestnut and 3d. Benning, Wenzel, rafter, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co. •Bensen, J. M., carp., res Main, s Mulberry. Bensinger, Fred, farmer, res Main, s Chestnut. Benson, Gilbert, lab., res Holcombe; s Churchill. Bergen, Ed., mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Bergen, John, lab., res cor Putz and Pine. Bergin, John, lumlDerman, bds T. Carroll. Bergin, John, lab., res 6th, s Goodwood. Bergeron, John, mill hand, S. S. & Co., res Lake. Bergeron, Louis, contractor, Schulenburg, Boeckeler cV Co., res Lake- Bergin, Patrick, lumberman, bds Greeley, n Spring. Berglin, Mrs. A., res 2d, s Linden. Berglund, Elias, lab., bds, Wexio Hotel. Berglund, Frank, lab., bds Scandinavian House. Berglund, Wm., elk., Wexio Hotel, bds same. Bergmeister, H.. mill hand, H. B. & B. Berkle, Joseph, lab.. Wolf's Brewery, res Olive, w 2d. Berkley, Joseph, mill hand, H. B. & B. Bernhard, Fred, mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Berow, Frank, mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co., bds at Mill. Bertchy, Jacob, carp., Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co. Besnet, Louis, Avatchmann, H. B. & B. Bickford-, Marquis L., mill hand,-res cor Becher and Abbott. Biedermann, Fred, lab., res 7th, s Churchill. Biele, Mrs. Catherine, res Lake. Bieging, \\m., carp., res Oak, w Martha. Billig, Moses, lab., H. B. & B., bds 3d, s Churchill. Billido, Daniel, mill hand, H. B. & B. Billido, Ed., mill hand, H. B. & B. Billido, Louis, mill wright, res 3d, nr Dubuque. Billivou Joseph, carp., res 3d s Churchill. Billivou, Joseph, mill hand, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Binker, Henry, mill hand, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Birmingham, John, butcher, bds J. McNall. Birmingham, bricklayer, bds Pine, e 3d. PRYOR & go's STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. 37 Blackbird, Peter, lab, res Laurel, e 2d. Blackbird, Peter, millinery, and American Sewing Machine Agt., cor 2d and Chestnut, res 2d. Blake, John, lab, res 2d, s Churchill. Blanchard, R. G., carp, res Owens, s Spring. Blomberg, Andrew, lab, bds St Croix Hotel. Blum, Wendelin, harness maker, B. F. Rice, bds Pacific House. Bodeen, Jolin, works S. S , & Co., res back of Prison. Bodeen, Jos., mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Bodeen, P. P., elk, W. E. Thorne, bds 4th, n Pine. Boeckeler, A., (Schulenburg, Boeckeler A: Co.) res St. Louis. Boettcher, Rev. Chas., Pastor German M. E. Church, res cor Han- cock and Holcombe. Boles, Wm., printer, Scillwater Lumberman, res Main. Boo, Chas., lab, res w s 2d, s ^Mulberry. Boo, Peter, lab, bds Chas. Boo. BOO REN, AUG., JPropr. St. Croix Hotel, pleasant and ivell furnished rooms, good tables, try it once and you will come again . Good stahUng in connec- tion ivitJi t1iehouse,w s Main s Chestnut, res same. f Booren, John, policeman, res 2d, n Linden. Borchordt, Henry, mill hand, res Oak, e Martha, Bordean. Emmerd, mill hand, H. B. & B. bds at Mill. Bordwell, Chas. C, shop guard, at Prison, bds same. Boreen, Andrew, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Born, Albert, machinist, D. M. Swain, bds Pacific House. ornet, Aug., mill hand, H. ii. <& B. orscht, Ernst, guard at prison, res 3d, n Olive. Boss, Joseph, carp, bds Mansion House . Bessette, Joseph, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill, Bostrom, Chas., A., lab, res Myrtle, w 6th. Bostrom, Gus, mill hand, Seymour, Sabin k Co. Botting, A., shop guard at prison, res same. Boyle, Dennis, lab, bds J^evi Morgan. Bradley, A. B., teamster, res 6th, n Churchill. Brady, Hugh, blacksmith, res w s 2u, n Hancock, Bross, Jos , painter, bds Centennial Restaurant, Brennan, James, mill hand, H, B. & B. Brennan, John, lumberman, bds P, Barrett. Brennan, John, lab, res s part of city. Brenner, C, (Zurrich k Brenner,) res Oak. 38 PRTOR & CO'S STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. BBOMLET, C. A., Livery & Sale Stable, s s CJiest- nut w Main, res Broadway n Pine. Bromley, M. H., foreman C. A. Bromley, res Chestnut w 2d. Bronson, D. (Hersev Bronson, Doe & Folsom,) res cor 6th and Oak. Bronson, Frank, elk, res 3d s Linden. Bronson, \\ . G.. (Stombs ^ Bronson,) res 2d, cor Laurel. Bronson, "Mrs. S., res 3d. s Linden. Brooks, Rev. T. J., rector Episcopal Church, res s s Cherry, w 3d, Brown, Ed. S., (Hersey, Bean & Brown,) res cor 3d and Burling- ton. Brown, Elisha, carp, res cor Martha and Spring. Brown, Geo. S.. correspondent, Hersey, Bean & Brown, res cor 4th and Burlington. Brown, Henry, mill hand, res Broadway s Walnut. Brown, Jacob, cook, res 2d, s Chestnut. Brown, John, elk, H. B. D. & F.. res 4th, n Pine. Brown. J. C. bookkeeper, H. B. & B. Brown, Wm. H., lab, res w s 4th. n Pine. Bruett, Chas., lumberman, bds P. Barrett. Bruno, David, teamster, H. B. <^: B., bds at Mill. Brunswick, Mrs. M., res Chestnut, w 2d. Brush, Geo. M., station agent. AV. Wis. & St. P. S. & T. F. Rys, lower Main, res Chestnut, w 3d. Buckingham. Miss H., manufg hair goods, res cor 2d .Sc Chestnut. Buenger, John, lab, res Schulenburg Add. Burtzlaflf, Albert, sexton, res in Fair View cemetery. Bulov, F., (Bulov & Thon,) res 2d, cor Mulberry. ^ Bulov & Thon, (F. Bulov, M. Thon,) merchant tailors, w s 2d, Mulberry. Buman. John, lab, bds 2d, n Linden. Buman, Martin, lumberman, bds Mulberry, w Main. Burlingham, D. L., painter, res cor 3d, e Churchill. Burman. Alex., lab, bds Spring, w Jeannie. Burns, B. F., gate keeper at Prison, res Laurel, e 2d. Burns, Chas., teamster, res cor Greeley and Spring. Burns, Hugh, mill hand. Sevmour. Sabin & Co. Burns, Luke, lab., res w s 2nd, s Chestnut. Burns, Peter, mill hand, H. B. & B. Bursch, Chas., mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill, Bursch, Fred, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Bursch, Chr., sawyer, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co. PRYOR & COV STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY'. 39 Bursch, John, saw filer, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co. Bursch, Jul., rafter, Schulenburg. Boeckeler & Co- Burth, Theo., car repairer, res Lower Main. ■ Buscb, Herman, lab, bds Liberty House. Buske, Win., mill hand, I. Stanles, bds at Mill. Buth, August, boots and shoes, e s Main, s Chestnut, res Pine cor 4th. Butterhausen, Ole, mill hand, H. B, & B., bds at Mill. BUTLBB <£ McKUSlCK, (C. J, Butler, I, E, Mc Kusickf) Coitiitiissioii, Lower Main, Butler, C. J., Butler k McKusick, res 3rd, cor Olive. Butler, Robt., elk, Butler & McKusick, res 3rd. Butts, E. G., Attorney at Law, and Judge of Probate, cor 2nd and Chestnut, res 2nd, cor Laurel. c Cadonau, Mrs., res w s Main, n Nelson. Cain, Mrs., res w s 2d, n Olive. Calkins, Hiram, farmer, res nr Fair Grounds. Calhin, Patrick, yardman, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Campbell, Jos., lumberman, bds J. Donovan. CANNON, H. W., Cashier Lumberman's National Bank, bds Sawyer House. Caplazi, Albert, carp, res 4th, s Goodwood. Caplazi Joseph, lab, res 4th, n Oak. Capron, Alonzo, tinner, E. Capron, bds same. Capron, A. A., book keeoer, res 6th, n Pine. " CABBON, ED WABD, Dealer in and Manufactw rer of Stoves^ Tin, Copper Ware, Chestnut w Main, res 5th, n Bine, Capron, W. M., elk, E. Capron, res cor 3d, and Churchill. Capron, Thos., wheat buyer, bds Pacific House. Cardinal, Albert, mill hand, Hersey, Bean cV: Brown. Carey, Richard, yardman, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Carlin, J. H., fireman, bds D. Harrigan. CABLEY& LILLIS, (J, Carley, J. C. LUlis,) deal- ers in dry (foods, ff roceries, provisions &c . Union Block, Main. 40 PRYOR * CO'S STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. Carley, Ed., teamster, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Carley, J., (Carley & Lillis,) res cor 6th and Goodwood. Carlgren, Gust., mason, res Spring, w Jeannie. Carli, C, physician, (Reg.) cor 2d and Mulberry, res same. CARLl, C. ff. e//\. Photographer, Old pictures re- produced and enlarged. Porcelain pictures a specialty, cor 2d, and Mulberry, res same. Carli, J. R. lab, res Lake, s Sycamore. Carlson, Chas, lab, bds Wexio Hotel. Carlson, John, lab, bds Scandinavian House. Carlson, Nels., boarding, res Mulberry, w Main. Carr, Frank, rafter, bds Mansion House. Carroll, Michael, carp, res 4th. s Churchill. Carroll, Thos, carp, res Greeley, n Spring. Carrol, Wm., carp, res back of Prison. Carson, Wm., painter, bds Mrs. S. Bronson. Casey, Wm., fumberman, res St Paul Ave, w Sherburne. Casey, Wm., lab, res cor 3d and Mulberry. Casey, Thos., teamster, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Casey, Thos., teamster, res St. Paul Av., w Sherburne. Castello, ^Jichael J., lab, res Lower Main. Castle, J. W., student. Castle & Lehinicke, bds Pine, e 3d. Castle, J. N.. (Castle & Lehmicke) bds Pine, e 3d. Castle & Lehmicke. (J. N. Castle, Rudolph Lehmicke,) Attys. at law, cor Main and Chestnut. Gates, T. L., teamster, I. Staples, res 6th, n Hancock. Gates, Wm., teamster, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. ' Cattenbercf, Henry, res cor Western Row and Anderson. Cavou, Benjamin, wall guard at Prison, res 4th. cor Elm. Cedarorren, John, lab, bds Wexio Hotel. Cedarstrand, John, mill hand, I. Staples bds at Mill. Cedarstrand, mill hand, res Hickory, w Marth:H. Celine, Otto, lab, res Myrtle, w 4th. Chambers, Miis Clara, teacher, bds H. J. Chambers. Chambers, H. J., cashier, Seymour, Sabin «t Co., res Aspen e od. Chase, Frank, elk. Wardens office, res Cedar. ' , Chase, Z. W., Surveyor General, logs and lumber, Myrtle, e Main res Chestnut, e 3d. Chenne, Julian, A., elk, res Pennock, e Smith. Chicle, Chas., shoemaker, res Holcombe, opp Oak. Chisolm, Duncan, policeman, res Linden, w 2d. I'KYltR A CO'.S STILLWATER CITV DIUECTORY. 41 Cholar, Chas., mill hand, res cor St. Paul Av. and Sherburne.. Christiansen, Andrew, lab, res 2d, n Myrtle. Clark, Geo. E., mill hand, res Owen, n Pine. Clark. Leonard, book keeper, 1. Staples, res 4th, cor Cooper. Clark, M. M.. supt, I. Staples, Saw Mill, res cor od, and Walnut. Clark, Nicholas, machinest. bds Pacific House. Clark, S. M., bds J. H. Illingworth. Clark, Wm., res cor Willard and OAvens. Clay, W. A., log scaler, res 4th, s Goodwood. Clegg, Ch;is.. cook, res Anderson, w Putz. Clewell, 0. L., reporter for Pioneer Press and Tribune office, w s Main, res Lindon, w 8d. Clewell, S. A., (Taylor & Co) res 2d. Clymer, Joseph, ass't book keeper, H. B. & B. res 2d, s Goodwood. Cograff, John, engineer, res 4th, n Burlington. Coleen, Chas., lab, bds Leveen & Stone. Collins, Mrs. P., res Chestnut, w Main. Collins, Patrick, mason, res oth, s Goodwood. Collopy, Mary, res 7th, n Churchill. Colman, L., blacksmith, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Colman, Seth, R., blacksmith, res w s 2d, n Walnut. Coltson, Richard, lumberman, bds P. Barrett, Comfort, 0. H., att. at law, es Main, s Chestnut, res cor ^^d, and . School. Comfort, F. V., student, H. R., Murdock, bds same. Condell, John, lab, res Broadway opp Walnut. Cohhaim, M.. (Albenberg, & Conhaim) res 3d, n Myrtle. Conhaim, M. — No 2, book keeper, Albenberg & Conhaim. bds 3d. Conhaim, D., travelling agt. bds Sawyer House. Conklin, John, F., street com, res s s 3d, s Goodwood. Conners, James, blacksmith, I. Staples, res Laurel, e 2d. Connors, Hugh, mil hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Connick, James, teamster, L Staples, bds at Mill. Conrad," & Hospes, (W. S. Conrad, A. C Hospes) wholsale deal- ers in cigars and tobacco, w s Main n Myrtle. Conrad, W. S., (Conrad & Hospes) res 4th, n Linden. Corm, Aug., shoemaker, Drews & Kern, res 2d. Cormichael, Dan, filer, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Corteau, Eugene, mill hand, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Cota, Chas., mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Cotreau, A. L., teamster, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Covell, John, foreman S. S. & Co., res cor 4th and Aspen. 12 PRYOR & CO'S STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. Cowan Wm., photographer, bds D. Harrigan. C- Hening.) Phafniacuetists, and dealers in, Drugs^ Paints and Oils Staples Block, w s Main Orandall, H. M., (Crandall & Hening ) res Myrtle, e 3rd. Crimmins, Dennis, teamster, H. B. ct B. Crimmins, John, lab, res 4th, s Goodwood. Cromwell, W, V., teamster, H. B. & B., bd;, at Mill. Oonick, James, teamster, bds Keystone House. Cronin, James, lab, res cor Becher >ind xlnderson. Cross. J. C, scaler, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Crossman, 0. E., elk, S. Sellcck, bds Sd. Crotty, James, lab, res Burlington, w 4th. Crotty, John, lab, res cor 4th and Burlington, ('rowiey, Patrick, mill hand H. B. cS: B. Crowley, Timothy, lab. res 4th, s Churchill. Crowley, Tim. '2d engineer, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Crune, S. A., lab, bds Leveen cV: Stone. Cummings, E., lab, bds Liberty House. Carrie, lab, res lower Main. Currie, Miss Emnui. teacher, bds H. J. Chambers. Curtis, G. T., mill hand, H. B. & B. Curtiss, John, bricklayer, res n s Pennock, w Smith. Curtiss, Mrs. Mary A., res lower Miiin. Cutler, Miss E. 0., res cor 3d and Chestnut. Cutler, F. C, (Hospes, Cutler & Co.,) res 6th, s Pine. CUTLER, H. I).. Post Master, office 2d, open 7 a. m. to 7:oO p. m., res cor 3rd and Chestnut. Dahl, Jacob, lab, bds Wexio Hotel. Dahlberg, G. A., wagon maker, W. Muller, res Main n Mulberry. Dahm, John, elk, J. Dahm, res same. Dahm, Joseph, grocer, S. Main, s Nelson, res same. Dailey, L. VV., planer, res cor 2d and Goodwood. Daimont, Geo., fireman, L. S. & M. R. R., res Upper Main. Dake. Jas., mill hand, Hersey, Bean & Brown. Dale, John, drayman, res oth, n Maple. Daley, P. J., blacksmith, I. Staples. Damas, Bacil, mill hand, H. B. & B.. bds at Mill. Danforth, W. M.. filer, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. VKVOR & CO'S STILLWATER CITY DIRKCTORY. 43 Danforth, Stepheru foreman, yard, H. B. & B., res e s Broadway, s Churchill. Daniels, Peter, filer, I. S:aples. res Elm, w Main. Danielson, Chas., lab, bds Wexio Hotel. Danielson, Christ, lab, bds St. Croix Hotel. Darcy, John, drayman, res Main, Schulenburgs Add. Dare, Julius, mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Darms, John, X.. General store, e s Main, s Chestnut, res 2d. n Pine. Darrah, John, loojsrer, res Pine, s 3d. Darrah, John, Jr., logger, res Pine, e 3d. Davidson, James, enorineer, res cor 4tb and Hickory. Davis. Ben. C, farmer, res cor Center, and St. Paul, Rd. Davivs, Edward, lab, bds cor oth and Churchill. DAVIS, CxEO.. county auditor, office C'ourt House, res cor Olive and 5th. Davis, H. W., elk, I. Staples. Davis, J. B., works for Staples, res cor 6th and Churchill. Davis. J. P.. lab, res 6th, n Churchill. Davis, J. S.. scaler, H. B & B., res cor 3d and Hudson, l-'avis, Robt.. book keeper, res cor 4th and Hudson. Davis, R. R., agt, C. B., Newcomb & Co.. res Main, n Myrtle. Davis, R. S., elk, bds Broadway. TJAW, RlCnARD, matiufacturer of carriages, hiiffffies, spring ivagonSf sfeigJiSf &r., tv s 2d, nr Saivger House, res 3d, s Malherru. Day, D. F., lab, res 4th, s Churchill. Day, John, bds D. F., Day. Day, blacksmith, res e s Main, n Chestnut. Deegan, John, lumberman, bds J. Donovan. Deegan,- John, mill hand, I Staples, bds at Mill. Decertins, Joseph, A., carp, res Nelson, e 2d. Deckeler, Adolph, tinner, bds Centennial Restaurant. Decker, Peter J., works I. Staples, res Chestnut, nr Bridge. Degeler, F. A., elk, 0. A.. Ricker, bds Centennial Restaurant. L>eleware, Henry, drayman, res 2d. s Chestnut. Densmore. John, travellins; ao;t, res Oak. w 5th. Densmore, J. D., lumberman, res cor Holcombe and Pine. Denton, S. S., livery and sale stable, 2d. s Mulberry, res 3d. Deragisch. Anton, saloon, bds Mansion House. 44 PRYOR & go's STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. Deragiscli, J. A., elk, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co., res cor Laurel and Main. Deragisch, Jos., saw filer, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co. Deragisch, John, res Lake, n Elm. Deragisch, Julius J., filer, Schulenburg, res Lake. Deragisch, J. J., elk, Torinus »& Wilkinson. Deragisch, L. A., saloon, w s Main, s Chestnut, bds Mansion House. Deragisch, P. S., saloon and billiard hall, w s Main, n Myrtle, res 4th s Walnut.- De Rosa, Geo., mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Dewey, Phil, printer, Stillwater Messenger, bds cor ;>d and Pine. Desautels, IL, farmer, res Anderson, w Putz. Desautels, Henry, lab, res Anderson, w Putz, Desautels, John, former, res s s Anderson, w Putz. DestaiFney. Aug., mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Desteffany, Mrs. Dominica, res 4th, s Goodwood. Dcstaffany, Henry A., elk, Schupp A: Tozer, res 4th. s Goodwood. Desteffany, \Vm., lab, res Greeley, s St. Paul Av. Dietbert, John, rafter, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co., res Schulen- burg's Add. Dietz, Jacob, Propr. Pacific House, cor Nelson and Main, res same. Dinenn, John, lumbermanii, Ixls Keystone House. DlSCHfJ., Prop'r. Mansion House, Main, s Chest- nut, res same. Doe, A. K., (Hersey, Bronson, Doe & Folso[n,)res cor 3d and Lin- den. Doehr, Steph, rafter. Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co., res Schulen- burji's Add. Dolquist, Chas., lab, res Greeley s Pine. Dolson, John W., teamster. Seymour, Sabin & Co., bds at Mill. DODD, A. M., Register of Deeds, office Court House, res cor 6th and Goodwood. Doine, James, lab, res cor ILancock and Holcombe. Dompke, Aug., mill hand, Hersey, Bean k Brown. Donahue, John, lab, res w s 2d, n Olive. Donahue, Peter, lab, bds Pacific House. Donahue, Peter, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Donaldson, John, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Donaldson, C. L., mill hand, L Staples, bds at Mill. Donke, Frank, mill hand, Hersey, Bean & Brown. Donohoe, Henry, moulder, bds P. Barrett. ■PRYOR i C0't5 STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. 45 Doiioliue, Dan, quarryman, res lower Main. Donoliue, Timothy, confectioner &c., res cor 4tli and Clmrchill. Donavan, Tim., mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Donovaen, Michael, lab, res cor Putz and Anderson. Donovan, Ed., lumberm'an, bds Myrtle, w 3d. Donovan, Jeremiah, lab, res Myrtle w 3d. Doody, Janies, lab, res s part of City. Dorr, W. A., mill hand, res lower Main. Douo-herty, Michael, lab, res Anderson, w Putz. Downes, Archibald, S lab, res cor Becher and Abbott. Downes, A. S., elk, B. H. Pleckner, res Pine. Downes, Arthur, lab, res cor Pennock and Becher. Downes, Daniel, lab, res s s Oak, w ^Martha. Downes, John, lab, res cor Becher and Abbott. Downes, Henry, lab, res cor Becher and Abbott. Downes, Stephen, elk, bds J. McNall. DoAvnes, Wm., lab, res cor Becher and Abbott. Doyle, Patrick J., lab, res Anderson w Becher. Doyle, Stephen, lab, res w s Broadway, s Goodwood. Drager, Fred, rafter, Schulenburg Boeekeler ifc Co., res Schulen- burg's Add. Drake, Addison A., barber, bds Samuel Hadley. Drake, Geo. F., machinist, bds 2d n Linden. Draver, Henry, mill hand, Seymour, Sabm & Co. Drechsler, Conrad, lab, res back of Prison Drechsler, Conrad, saloon, cor Union and Chestnut, res same. Drechsler, Christ, saloon. Main, s Chestnut, res same. Drechsler, Wm., saloon, Lake, res across the Lake. Drewer, H. C, foreman, Schulenburg, Boeekeler & Co. Drewke, Alex, mill hand. I. Staples, bds at Mill. Drewke, Anthony, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Drews, Albert, miller, Townshend & Proctor, res cor -tth and Mul- berry. Drews, Hermann, miller, Townshend k Proctor, res cor 4th and Mulberry. Drews, Julius, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Drews & Kern, (Albert Drews, F. W. Kern) boots and shoes, Chestnut, w Main. Driscoll, John, lumberman, bds P. Barrett. Duby, Geo. mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Dudy, Mrs. Martha, res back of Prison, Dumas, Edward, coo*k, res 2d. n Olive. Dumpke, August, mill hand, res Tth. n Churchill. 46 PRYOR .t CO^R STILLWATER CITY niRECTORr. Dumpke, Frank, lab, res Tth, n Churchill. Duncan. John, res William, nr Rice- Duncan. M. barn boss, I. Staples, bds at Mill, Duncan, Malcolm, mill hand, res William, nr Rice. Duncan. Neil, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Duncan, W. H., mill hand. I Staples, bds at Mill. Dunn. Thos., raftsman, bds cor 3d and Churchill.- Dunn. Thos., J., confectioner}'. S. Main, res Lower Main. Dunn, Wm., lab, res lower Main. nURAXT, WHEELER & CO. (E. W. IHirant, R, J. Wheeiev, A. T. Jenks) logs and Inmhet' botff/hf and sold on Co7n mission ^ raffs delivered at a.iif point on the Mississipi River^ office in Stap'es Block. Durant, E. W., (Durant, Wheeler & Co.) res cor Pine and 2d. Duras, James, res cor 8d and Laurel. Durochei'. Alexander, carp, res 8d. s Churchill. Duro8e, James, shoemaker, A. Buth. res -id. Durrell, Geo., W., sawyer, bds Pacific house. Dyson, Chas., mill hand, H. B. & B. bds at Mill. E Easton, A. B.. (A. B. Easton & Son.) res e s 3d, s Pine. Easton, A. B. & Son, {A. B.. & Wm. Easton) publishers. Stillwa- ter Gazette, cor Main and Chestnut. Easton, Wm.. (A. B. Easton ^' Son) res e s 8d, .s Pine. Esran. Mrs. Ellen, res w s Broadway, s Goodwood. Eggert, George, mill hand. L Staples, bds at Mill. Eggert, Carl, foreman, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co.. res Schulen- burgs Add. ' Eivi.son. Peter, .supt cars. H. B. .S: B. bds at Mill. Elder. Henry, lab. res Lake. Eldridge, A., books, stationery and wall paper, w s Main, n Chest- nut res same. Elfstrom, Chas., mill hand, I Staples, bds at Mill. Elg. John, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Eltengen, J. P., mill hand. H. B. ct B., bds at Mill. Ellis, Wm., machinist, bds Pacific House. Elliott, Edward, lab, res 4th, s Churchill. Elliott. Daniel, cook, res cor Anderson and Smith. Elliott, James, machinist. Stombs i^ Bronson. PRYOU ii C0\s STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. 47 Ellspermaii, Ohas., painter^ bds A. Mellin. Elmquist. Chas., shoemaker, bds Wexio ilotel. ElvrunK Peter, carp, res cor Mulberry and Main. Emered, Napoleon', mill band, II. B. & B., bds at Mill. Engquest, Gustaf, lab, bds St. Croix Hotel. Engqueit, Jos., lab, bds St: Croix Hotel. Engstroin, Gus., mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Erickson, A., lab, bds Wexio Ilotel. • Eriekson, Mrs. C. res cor 2d and Olive. Erickson, lab, res w s 2d, n Clive. Erickson, Peter, lab, bds Scandinavian House. Erkstrom, Daniel, mill haml, Se^'mour, Sabiu & Co., bds ut Mill. Estabrook, Dan, mill hand, Hersey, i^ean & Brown. Estabror 4th and Cherry. Folsom, E. H., (Taylor & (Jo.) res Union Block, Main. Foran, Michael, lumberman, res Rice, e Martha. Foran, James, lumberman, res cor 4th and Laurel. Foram, Wm., raftsman, res cor 3d and Churchill. Force, Nelson, mill hand, bds John Morgan. Forcia, Adolph Sr.. mill hand, H. B. & B. Forcia, Adolphus Jr., teamster, H. B. & B. bds at Mill. Forcia, James, mill hand, II. B. & B. bds at Mill. Forcia, Thos., mill hand, H. B. & B. bds at Mill. Fortune, Michael, res w end St. Paul Av. Fosman, Lewis, butcher, H. B. D. & F. Foss, Herman, mill hand, bds Oak, e Martha. Foss, Z. H., blacksmith, res Cherry, e 3d. Foster, Chas. W., elk, P. 0. bds cor 3d, and Chestnut. Fox, Mrs., res 6th, n Hancock. Fox, Tim, mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Foyle, R. A., foreman, Seymour, Sabin & Co., res School e 3d. Francis, Thos., confectionery &c., w s Main, s Myrtle, res '2d. s Chestnut. Franke, John, lab, bds, St, Louis House. PRYOR & go's STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. 49 Franz, Adam, shoemaker, N. F. Scbwarz, bds Liberty House. Frazier, Angus, lab, bds R. Sutton. Frazier, James, sawyer, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Frederick. A., (Frederick & Jackson,) res Goodwood, w 4th. Frederick A: Jackson. (A. Frederick, Oscar A. Jackson,) music dealers, w s Main, s Chestnut. Frederickson, C, carp, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Fredrickson, Edward, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Freeman, Benjamin, lab, bds John Freeman. Freeman, John, lumberman, res s s Oak, w Holcombe. Freiberg, Ben. F., elk, res Myrtle, w 2d. Freiheit, Wm., sawyer, bds C. Drechsler. French, Chas W., (Prince & French,) res Olive, opp Jeannie. Frid, J., lab, bds St. Croix Hotel. Fritchie, Rudolph, log scaler, res St. Paul av, w Center. Fry, Daniel, confectionery, &c., cor Myrtle and Main, res 5th, cor Laurel. Furbisch, .Joseph, carp, bds Pacific House. G Gabbart, Henry, lab, res Goodwood, e 7th. Gabbart, Henry Jr., mill hand, Hersey, Bean & Brown. Gabbart, Robt., mill hand, H. B. & B. Gahagan, Vincent, blacksmith, bds Williams House. Gallagher, Wm., mill hand, Hersey, Bean & Brown. Garbe, Albert, lab, res Holcombe, n Hancock. Gard, S., confectionery, &c.. Chestnut, w 2d, res same. Gardner, Fred, elk, bds Mrs. S. Bronson. Gardner, J. C, guard at Prison, res cor Everett and Spring. Gamer, Wm., works D. H. Hersey, res same. Garrity, Patrick, lab bds Olive, e 3d. Gartzke, Carl, setter, Schulenburg, Boeckler & Co., res Schulen- burg's Add. Gasolin, David, lumberman, res cor 3d and School. GASSMAN, H. Z7., manufacturer' of Carriages, Bug qies. >Sprinf/ Wagons, Sleighs, &c., BlacUsmith- ing and Horseshoeing a specialtu, w s 2d, nr Sdivyer House, res 2d n Olive. Gatchell, Robt., teamster, res cor 2d and Pine. . Gatske, Wm., blacksmith, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Gearien, Wm., butcher, bds J. McNall. 50 PRYOR & go's STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. Genero, Louis, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Genet, Julius, works Staples' Mill, res Nelson, s 2d. Gerard, Damas, mill hand, Ilersey, Bean & Brown. Gerard, Desire, carp, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Gerard, Geo., mill hand. H. B. & B. bds at Mill. Gerant, Joseph, cook bds Keystone House. Gesse, Jos., edger, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co. res Schulenburg Add. Gieriet, A. J., watch maker. W. J. Stein, res 3d. Greriet, John, saloon and billiards, cor Main and Chestnut, res 3d, s Churchill. Gilbertson, Nels, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Gillespie, A. L. log dealer, e s Main, s Myrtle, res cor Holcombe and Pine. Gillespie, John, lab, res 4th, s Churchill. Gillespie, M., baggage master, Depot, res 86 South Main. Gillis, James, lumberman, bds P. Barrett. Gilman, Edward, teamster, 0. Mower, bds same. Gilmore, Mrs. Louisa, dress maker, 2d, n Chestnut, res same. Giossi, Joseph, carp, res cor 4th and Oak. Giossi, Wm., workman; Staples Mill, res 5th, s Goodwood. Girard, Geo., mill hand res e s Broadway, s Walnut. Girard, Pere, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Glade, John, rafter, Schulenburg, Bceckeler, & Co. Glarner, John, butcher, res Chestnnt, nr Bridge. Glasberner, Geo., brewer, res Lower Main. Glaspie, John, lab, res Lower Main. Glass, Peter, lab, res cor 6th and Goodwood. Glaser, Christ, foreman, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co. res Schulen- burgs Add. Godfrey, Chas., raftsman, bds A. Wilmet. GoflF, E. N., lab. res 6th, s Goodwood. Goff, John, lab, res 6th, s Goodwood. Goff, Rufus, E., lab, res, 5th, s Churchill. Gohagan, Vincent, blacksmith, Seymour, Sabin & Co. • Goodman, Philip, lab, res 4th n Churchill. Goodrich, Chas, tallyman, res cor 4th and Cherry. Goodrich, John, deputy Surveyor Gen'l, res cor Cherry and 4th. Goodrich, Frank, butcher, H. B. D. & F. bds Chestnut w Main. Goodwin, R. F. physician,(Hom.) Union Block, Main, res same. Goodsell, J. engineer, S. S. & Co. res upper Main. Goodsell, Joseph, mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co. bds at Mill. Goodsell, Merritt, mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co. bds at Mill. PRYOR & CO'S STILLAVATER CITY DIRKCTORY. 51 Gorrie, Wm.,supt, pub schools, res cor 4th and Linden. Gordan, Adam, luinberinan, bds P. Barrett. Gorham, Philip, mill hand, T. Staples, bds at Mill. Gowan, Wm., lab. bds John Glaspie. Grady, Con., mill hand, llersey Bean & Brown. Graham, Wm., machinist, Stombs & Bronson, res co Olive and (ith. Granstrom, Oscar, machinist, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Grant, Byron, lumberman, bds P. Barrett. Grant, rafter, bds A. Mellin. Grant, Geo., lumberman, bds P. Barrett. Grant, Lewis, steward, SaAvyer House, bds same. Grant, Peter, blacksmith, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Grant, Ratchison, lumberman, bds P. Barrett. Graves, Wm. foreman, I. Staples, res cor Walnut and 6th. Gray, A. R., machinist, res Chestnut, e 2d. Gray, Isaac, Steamboat Capt., res 3d, n Olive. Greader, ]\L-s. Barbara, res cor Becher and Pennock. Greeley. Elam, lumberman, res cor Spring and Greeley. Greeley, Judson, lumberman, res cor Greeley and Spring. Gregory, C. P., Municipal Judge, office w s Main, n Chestnut, res cor 2d and Laurel. Green, Henry, stone cutter, bds Pacific House. Green, John, contractor and builder, res cor Stimson Alle}' and Chestnut. Green, R. E., traveling agt, Conrad & Hospes. Grevinghause, Adolph, mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co., res back of Prison. Griffin, James J., works Seymour, Snbin & Co., res Schulenburgs Add. Griffin, James H., carp, res e s 2d s Goodwood. Griswold, Miss M. F., artist, res cor 2d and Chestnut. Gruber, H., lab, bds St Croix Hotel. GRUENHAGEN, JOHN A,, Maunfacturer and dealer in all Jcinds of Boots and Shoes. We make a specialty of fine ivork, and sell at lowest pfuces. 7'epairiug neatly done. Chestnut, nr Bridge, res Stinisou's Alley. Grunke, Herman, tailor, res 5th, n Churchill. Grusemann, Jacob, cook, res cor Holcombe and Churchill. Guerest, Wm., butcher, C. Lacomb. Gueslander, Oscar, mill hand, Hersey, Bean k Brown. 52 PRYOR & go's STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. Guilford, John, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Guise, Fred, teamster, Hersey, Bean & Brown. Guse, Christ, saw filer, Schulenburg, Boeckeler k Co., res Schulen- burg's Add. Guskie, Albert, mill hand, Hersey, Bean & Brown. Guskie, Goclieb, mill hand, Hersey, Bean & Brown. H Haack, Aug., lab. Schulenburo;, Boeckeler & Co., res Schulenburor's Add. Hadley & Jackson, (S. Hadley, C. Jackson,) barbers, e s Main, n Chestnut. Hadley, Reuben, res cor Western Row and Willard. Hadley, Samuel, (Hadley «.t Jackson,) res cor Willard and Western Row. Hag, August, lab, bds 2d, n Linden. Ilaggerty, Thos., lab, res cor 4th and Burlington. Haggerty, Tom, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Haines, D. H., elk, P. Potts, bds D. Harrigan. Halen, John, carp, res Martha, nr Hickory. Hall. Mrs. A., matron Penitentiary, res same. HALL, ABE, Deputy Warden, Penitentiary, res same. Hall, Watson, painter, res cor 2d and Churchill. Hall, AVm., guard at Prison, res Wilkinson, w 4th. Hamilton, James, lab, res Elm, w Main. Hamm, H. J., mill hand, res lower Main. Hampson, Frank, baggage master, res cor Nelson and Main. Hand, works L. S. A: M. R. R., res Laurel, e 2d. Hanitsch, W., boot and shoemaker. Main, s Chestnut, res 6th, n Olive. Hanley, Michael, lab, res cor Anderson and Smith. Hannon, Michael, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Hansen, Chas., lab, bds Leveen & Stone. Hanson, & Co., (Nels Hanson, L. Torinus, A. Skow,) meat mar- ket. Union Block, Main. Hansen, Hans, lab, res cor 5th, and Churchill. Hansen, Hans, lab, res w s 2d, s Mulberry. Hanson, Hogan, mill hand, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Hanson. Nels, (Hanson & Co.,) res 5th, cor Churchill". Hanson, W. E., watchman, I. Staples. Happner, EdAvard, saloon, w s Main, s Chestnut, res same. Hardiman, Bernard, lab, res 5th, s Goodwood. ^ Hardwick. Leo, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. PRYOll & CO'is STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. 53 Hardyman, John, teamster, H. B & B., bds at Mill. Harkins, Mrs. S., res lower Main. Harner, Joseph, foreman Wolf's Brewery, res same. Harper, A. A., bookkeeper, Schupp k Tozer, res cor 3d, and Good- wood. Harper, W. J., elk, J. N. Darras, bds same. Harrigan, Con., lab, res cor Becher, and Pennock. Harrigan, Dennis, boarding. Main, n Nelson, res sa-me. Harrigan, John, lab, res 4th, s Mulberry. Harris^ Geo., mill hand, res Commercial av, e 2d. Harris, Leonard, lab, bds M. Gillespie. Harison, Edward, lab, res Everett n Spring. Hart, Alfred, lab, res 2d, s Mulberry. Haskell, Geo., 0., foreman, Hersey Bronson, Doe, & Folsom, res 2d, cor LaureK Hausner, August, carp, res Wilkin, w 4th. HausnerF. A., carp, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Hausner, Wm., mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Hausner, Wm., elk Conrad & Hospes. Hatch, Wm., lab, res cor 3d and Pine. HATHAWAY, C. M. blacksinith and waff on iinahev, 3d, s Myrtle, res 2d, Hawkensoii, August, (Hawkenson & Johnson) bds Wexio Hotel. Hawkenson & Johnson, (A. Hawkenson, 0. Johnson) boot and shoe makers, 2d, n Myrtle. Hayes, Dennis, mill hand, I. Staples. Hebenstreit, John, elk, I. Staples, res Holcombe, bet Pine and Willard. Hebenstreit, Mrs. M. res cor Holcombe and Willard. Heifernan, James, carp, res Linden e 4th, Heifernan, Wm., tinner, Torinus & Wilkinson. Hefty, David, lab, res 4th s Goodwood. Hefty, Fred, mill hand, res 2d and olive. Hefty, Henry, butcher, res 4th, n Walnut. Helly, Daniel lab bds Pacific House. Hemphill, H. G., engineer, bds Pacific House. Hemquist, John, carp, bds Scandinavian House. Hempstead, Henry, res Myrtle, n Main. Hendrickson, Hans, tailor, bds Williams House. Hening, J. C. (Crandall, & Hening.) bds H. M. Caandall. Hennegan, W. D., night guard, at Prison res same. 54 PRYOR & go's STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. Henry, Joseph, lab, bds Liberty House. Herald, James, teamster, bds Keystone House. Herald, W. S., blacksmith. M. Moffatt, bds 2d n Chestnut. Hern, Wm., driver H. C. Farmer, bds same. Herron, Ben, lab, res Western Row, n x\nderson. HERS JET & BEAJ^, {Roscoe F, Dudley H, Eugene, 31. & Edward L. Hersey^ Chas. & Jacob Bean) logs and 2>i'i^ laiidSy Hersey & Staples Block, HEBSET BEAN& BROWN/B, F. & D. HHetsey, C, &J. Bean, Ed, S. Brown) norffi western saw and j:>laning mills, office cor Main and Myrtle. Hersey, Bronson, Doe & Folsom, (D. IT. Hersey, H. Bronson, A. K. Doe, E. A. Folsom) general merchandise cor Main and Myrtle. Hersey, Dudley, H., (Hersey & Bean) res 3d, cor Burlington, Hersey Edward, L. (Hersey & Bean) res Bangor Main, Hersey, Eugene, M., (Hersey & Bean) res Bangor Main. Hersey, Roscoe, F., (Hersey & Bean) res Pine, cor 6th, Hessler, butcher, H. B. D. & F. res 2d, s Chestnut. Highwardcn, Mrs. Mary, res 0th, s Olive. Hildebrandt, J. T., merchant tailor, cor Stimson alley, and Chest- nut, res Stimson Alley. Hillmer, Christ, merchant tailor, Chestnut, w Main, res Tth. Hills, Goe., lab, res w s Main, s Chestnut. Hinchey, James, lab, bds D. O'Neill. Hines, John, lab, res w s 5th, s Chestnut. Hines Martin, lab, res lower Main. Hines, Patrick, mill hand, H. B. & B. Hoesli, John, butcher, res 2d, i? Chestnut. Hoge, merchant tailor, res Linden, w 2d. Holberg, Peter, mill hand, I. Staples, res Elm, w Main. Holcomb, Chas., Dept. Sheriff, res cor 2d and Churchill. Holcombe, Edwin W., res Main, s Chestnut. Hoicombe, Gustavo, shop guard at Pris'>n, res 4th cor Hickory. Holcombe, W. W., res Main, s Chestnut. Holm, Andrew, mill liand, I. Staples, res Elm, w Main. Holmes, Dan, mill hand, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Holmes, Ed., lab, res cor 3d and Pine. Holmquest, C. M., mill hand, I. Staples. Holmquest, Peter, lab, bds Wexio Hotel. PRYOR & CO S STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. 55 Holt, Christ, lab, res Churchill, w 7th. Holtquest, Frank, lab, res 4th s Olive. Holtmann, Wm., lab, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co., res Schulen- burg's Add. Hopkins, E. A. Jr., City Clerk, and Ex. Officio elk. Municipal Court, office w s Main, n Chestnut, res 4th, s Goodwood. Hopper, A. A,, elk, bds F. E. Joy. Hospes, A. C, (Conrad & Hospes,) res Mulberry, w 8d. Hospes, Cutler & Co., (L. Hospes, F. C. Cutler, 0. G. Hospes) Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, cor Chestnut and Main. Hospes, Ernest L., with Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co. Hospes, E. L., (E. L. Hospes & Co.) Hospes, E. L. & Co., (E. L. HosDes, W. W. McPherson, W. K. Wurdeman) hardware, Hospes blk. Hospes, Louis, (Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co.,) res cor 1st and Sycamore. Hospes, 0. G., (Hospes, Cutler & Co.) Howard, Henry, lumberman, bds P. Barrett. Howard, John, lab, bds C. Drechsler. Hubbard, F., wagon maker, C. M. Hathaway, bds G. Law. Huber, Carl, printer, St. Croix Post, bds Lake. Huffer, Scott, mill hand, 1. Staples bds at Mill. Hughes, Neison, J., lab, res w s 4th, n Laurel. Huhnke, Michael, carp, res Schulenburg's Add. Hultquist, Chas., mill hand, res Myrtle, w 6th. Hultquist, John, lab, res Myrtle, av 4th. Hultquist, Otto, lab, res Myrtle, w 4th. Hummel, John, watchman, Hersey, Bean & Brown. Hurley, John, lab, bds R. Stutton. Huser, Wm., teamster, res Holcombe, n Hancock. Huzzey, Arthur W., works H. B. & B. res cor 3d and St. Louis. Huzzey. Wilmot, works H. B. & B. res cor 3d and St. Louis. i Illingsworth, F., mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. lUingsworth, J. H., butcher, res 2d, n Linden. Illingsworth, Walter, teamster, res 2d, n Linden. Isermann, Aug., carp, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co. res Schulen- burg's Add. Isermann, Henry, mill hand, Seymour Sabin & Co. Irish, John, mill hand, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. 56 PRYOR & go's STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY Jackins, John, res Chestnut, w 3d. Jacobs, Mrs. A. C, millinery. Chestnut, w Main, bds 2d. Jackson, A., mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Jackson, August, carp, res 3d, n Churchill. Jackson, Chas., (Hadley & Jackson"^ res cor Smith and Abbott. Jackson, Chas., lab, res Myrtle, e 3d. Jacobi, Jacob, lab, bds Liberty House. Jackson, Hans, watchman, Hersey, Bean & Brown. Jackman, Mrs. Mary, res cor ()th and Churchill. Jackson, Oscar A., (Frederick & Jackson) bds Pine, e 3d. Jackson, Peter, mill hand, res 5th, s Churchill. Jaker, August, carp, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Janitz, Aug., lab, Schulenburg, Boeckcler it Co. res Schulenburgs Add. Janitz, August, mill hand, I. Staples. Janitz, Wm., sawyer, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co., res Schulen- burg's Add. Jann, Ferd, lab, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co. res Schulenburg's Add. Jannett, Julins, mill hand, I. Staples. Jannke, Charles, hil), res cor Tth and Goodwood. Jannke, John, ratter, Schulenbrrg, Boeckeler k Co. Jansen, Hans, bar tender, St. Croix Hotel, bds same. Jarchow, Detlof, boarding house keeper, Schulenburg, Boeckeler &Co. Jarvis, Alex, sawyer, H. B. &. B., bds at Mill. Jasolin, Geo., mill hand, res e s 3d, n Churchill. Jassoy, A., elk, II. Kauffman,^bds same. Jassoy, Theo, bookkeeper, Hersey & Bean, res Ciiestnut, w 2d. Jastram, D., saloon, upper Main, res upper Main. Jellison, Chas. 0., lumberman, res e s 3d, n Linden. Jenks, A. T., (Durant, Wheeler & Co.,) res Albany, III. Jenks, Geo., cook, res Main, s Mulberry. Jenerau, Louis, lab, bds A. Wilmet. Jesperson, Hans, works D. M, Sabin, bds same. Joargo, Anton, mill hand, Hersey, Bean & Brown. Johnson, Albert, lumberman, bds Mulberry, w Main. Johnson, Alex., lumber nan, res Myrtle w 3d. Johnson, Alfred, lumberman, bds 2d, n Linden. Johnson, Alfred, lab, bds 2d, n Linden. Johnson, Alfred, river police, res cor Tth, and Churchill. PRYOR & CO S STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. Oi Johnson, Andrew, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Johnson, Aug., carp, Hevsey. Bean & Brown. Johnson, A. F., carp, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Johnson, Chas., lab, bds Leveen and Stone. Johnson, Chas., lab, bds 2d, n Linden. Johnson, Chas., mill hand, H. B. & B , bds at Mill. Johnson, C. C, engineer, res s s Mulberry, e 3d. Johnson, C. H., mill hand. I. Staples, bds at Mill. Johnson, Ed., mill hand, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Johnson, Frank, lab, res Main, s Mulberry. Johnson, Frank, lab, bds 2d, n Linden. Johnson, Frank, lab, bds St. Croix Hotel. Johnson, F. 0., mill hand, L Staples, bds at Mill. Johnson, Goodman, mill hand, H. B. & II., bds at Mill. Johnson, Gus., carp, res Myrtle, w 6th. Johnson, Gus., lab, gas works, bds Nels .Johnson. Johnson, Gust, mill hand, bds Spring, w Jeannie. Johnson, Harry, blacksmith, I. Staples. •Johnson, John, mill hand, res w s 4th, n Pine. Johnson, J. H., mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co., bds at Mill. JOHJSSONf J, O., JProprietOT Stillwater Marhle Works, tnanufactiirer of and dealer in Ameri- can and ForeUfu Marhle and Granite Monii- ments, Grave Stones, and all kinds of Cemetery work executed in the latest styles, loiver Main, res same, Johnson, J. S. F., carp, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Johnson, .John ^Y., engineer, res w s 2d, s Mulberry. Johnson, Michael, bookkeeper, H. B. D. & F., res Wis. Johnson, Mrs. Mary, res Myrtle, w 3rd. Johnson, Nels., lab, bds Leveen & Stone. Johnson, Nels., blacksmith, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Johnson, Nelson, foreman Gas Works, res 3d, s Olive. Johnson, Olauf, lab, bds Wexio Hotel. Johnson, Ole, (Hawkenson & Johnson,) res same. Johnson, Peter, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Johnson, Samuel, lab, bds St. Croix Hotel. Johnson, Wm., lab, bds Wexio Hotel. Johnson, Andrew, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Jones, C. R., mill hand, res lower Main. Jones, Lyman, music teacher, res e s .3rd, s Pine. Jordan, A. E., (Low, Jordan & Co.,) res cor 3d, and Olive. 58 PRYOR & go's STILLWATER CITY BIRECTOKY. Joy, Frank E., Agt., United States Express Co., Myrtle, w Main, res 3d, cor Churchill. Joy, John M., elk, 11. B. D. & F., res 3d, n Myrtle. Jourdain, Olive, teamster, res cor Smith and Pennock. Jourdain, Peter, raftsman, res Smith, n Pennock. June, P. P., mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Kab, Chas., sewing machine agt., res Chestnut, w 2d. Kadel, Fred, wagon maker, res cor Holcombe and Churchill. Kain, John, lumberman, res cor Martha and Spring. Kaiser, Aug., malster, II. Tepass, bds same. Kaiser, Henry, engineer, bds St. Louis House. Kaiser, Mathew, elk, T. Francis, bds same. Kajcobe, Joseph A., carp, res Lake. Kalbe, John, mill hand, res Schulenburg's Add. Kane, James, carriage and ornamental painter, •2d, n Myrtle, res 2d, s Chestnut. Kariit, John, tinner, SaAvyer it Co., bds II. Sawyer. Kartel, Fred, carp, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Kaster, Henry, carp, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Kattetiberg, Fred, mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co., bds at Mill. Katzeler, Wm., butcher. I. Staples, bds cor Myrtle and Main. Kauffman, II., druggist. Main, s Chestnut, res 3d, cor Chestnut. Keefe, James, house and sign painter, w s Main, s Myrtle, res cor Pennock and Holcombe. Keefe, John, cook, res Broadway, s Churchill. Keeley, S. W., Agent !•. S. & M. R. R., bds e s 3d, s Pine. Keep, Frank, bookkeeper, bds Liberty House. Kelley, Edward, teamster. I. Staples, bds at Mill. Kelley, John, teamster, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Kelley, John, lumberman, res Greeley, n Spring. Kellogg, L. T., hides and furs, res Broadway, opp Pine. Kelly, James, mason, res cor 4th and Churchill. Kelly, James, hostler, R. A., Wait, bds same. Kelly, James, lab, res cor 2d and Locust. Kelly, James, No 3, driver, H. B. D. & F., res Schulenburg's Add. Kelly, John, carp, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Kelly, John, lab, bds back of Prison. Kelly, John, watchman at Prison, res Schulenburg's Add. Kelly, Jos, hostler, A. J. Orff. Kelly, Mrs. Margaret, res lower Main. PRYOR & CO'S STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. 59 Kelly, Thos., lab, res cor 2d and Locust. Kelso, Joseph, gas fitter, Torinus & Wilkinson, bds 3d. Kemp, Geo., lab, res s s Myrtle, e 3d. Kendall, H. C, station agt, L. S. & M. R. R. bds Sawyer House. Kennedy, Thos., moulder, Stombs & Bronson, bds at works. Kennemenn, Wm., Tinner, 0. A. Ricker, res Owens, s Spring. Kenny, John, fireman, Hersey, Bean ley & Li) lis,) res cor 4th and Pine. Linjengreen. Pefer, carp, res 5th, s Hickory. Limber, John, lab, res Myrtle, w 6th. Limberg, John, mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Linden, August, lab, bds St. Louis House. Linder, E., carp, res 4th n Laurel. Lindow, E., carp, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Lingren, J. W., carp, res Spring, w Jeannie. Lingsted, Cris., mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. PKYOIl & C0'f5 STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. 63 Linhoff, Wm., boot and shoe maker, w s Main, s Chestnut, res same. Linneer, John, lab, bds Wexio Hotel. Linorooth, John, mill hand, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Linguist, Andrew, mill hand, I, Staples, bds at Mill. Litfin, Joseph, rafter, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co., res Schulen- burg's Add. Littfield, Frank, fireman, 1. Staples, bds at Mill. Lloyd, George, carp, res cor Hancock and 6th. Loeber. A., elk, J. N. Darms, res 7th. Logan, H. C, hostler, C. A. Bromley, bds M. H. Bromley. Long, Andrew, lab, res e s 3d, s Cherry. Long, Mrs. Ellen, res e s 3d s Cherry. Long, Jacob, mason, res 6th n Churchill. Long, Wm. lumberman, res Spring, av Martha. Loomis, Capt., D. B., book keeper Durant, Wheeler Sc Co. bds W". H. Richardson. Lord Chas., lab, bds St. Louis House. Loser, John, barber, bds Pacific House. Lough, Wm., L., lumberman, res Mulbei'ry, cor William. Low, Geo., (Low, Jordan & Co.) res 4th, n Churchill. Low, John. B. porter, Sawyer House, bds same. Low, Jordan & Co. (Geo., Low, A. E. Jordan) manufg. wood and iron fence, cor 4th and Olive. Low, Joseph, lab, res od, s Churchill. Lowe, Stephen, C. machinist, Seymour, Sabin & Co. bds A. Mel- lin. iO WJELL, A,, Propr, Sawyer House, cor 2cl and 31yrtle, res satne, Lowell, Albert, watchman, I staples bds at Mill. Lowell, Mrs. C. res 2d, n Linden. Lowell, Mrs. Elizabeth, res cor Cherry and 3d. Lowell, Elmore, elk. Sawyer House, bds same. Lowell, J. general merchandise, cor Myrtle and 2d, res 4th n Lin- den. Lowell, Wm., driver, L Staples, res cor 3d and Cherry. Lueber, August, teamster, res Holcombe, s Churchill. Luecken, Thos., harness maker, bds C. Drechsler. Lull, A. C, book stationery and Avail paper, e s Main, n Chestnut, res cor 2d and Chestnut. Luke, Wm. lab, bds Schulenburg's Add. Lumberg, D. M. lab, res Sj^ring, w Jeannie. 64 PRYOR t go's STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY Lumphrey. Jos., mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co. res cor 5th and Hick or Y LVJIBEBMAXS ^^ATIOXAL BAyK, l. Staples, JPrest. B. F. Hersey Vice Pres, H. W. Cannon, Cashiei%capitaJ. $150,000, surplus, $17,000, cor Maina^id Myrtle. Lund. John, carp, bds 2d. n Linden. Lundahl. J. P.. tailor. C. Hillmer. res 5th, s Hickory. Lundeen. Chas., lab. bds "Wexio Hotel. Lundeen, Frank, lumberman, bds Mulberry, w Main. Lundgren, Frank, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Lundgren, Louis, cook, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Lundgren, Louis, lab. bds V/exio Hotel. Lup. Sam, cigar peddler, bds cor Broadway and "Wilnut. Lustig. John, lab, Schulenbure, Boeckeler tt Co. res Schulenburg's Add. Lynch, Henry, teamster, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Lynch, James, fireman, Hersey. Bean & Brown. Lynch. Michael, mill hand, Hersey. Bean & Brown. Lynch. Patrick, fireman, res Lower Main. Lyons. John, saloon, w s Main, s Chestnut, res Lower Main. Mc McAdams. A., carp, res lower Main. McAleer, Michael, butcher, I. Staples, res 5th. McAleer, John, lab, res 5th. n Laurel. McAlpin. John, lab, bds M. Gillespie. McAndrew, James, carpet weaver, res 5th, cor Elm. McAndrew. James, lab. cor 4th and Hickory, McAndrew. Robt.. lab. res cor 5th and Hickory. McAuley. Angus, carp, res lower Main. McAulay, Daniel, school teacher, res 2d, n Linden. McCallan, Thos., tailor, res w s Main, n Myrtle. McLean, Alex., mill hand, L Staples, bds at Mill. McCarthy. Daniel, teamster. Hersey. Bean ct Brown. McCarthy. Patrick, lab, res e s 2d.'s Churchill. McCarty, John, lab, res 3d, s Goodwood. McClane, Ann. res s s Myrtle, w 2d. McClellan. A. J., confectionery, &c., cor Chestnut and Main, bds same. PUYOR & CO'S STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. 65 McCLJJBR & MAItSIT,,(iW77i. M, McCluer, Fayette Mat\shf) Attorneys at Laiv^ iv s 3Iain, s Myrtle. McCluer, Wm. M., (McCluer & Marsh,) res 3d, bet Linden and Mulberry. McClure, E. W., surveyor, res cor 4th and Churchill. McComb, J. D., Dept., Suiveyor Gen'l., res Greeley, s Spring. McComb, J. H., elk, E. L. Hospes, & Co., bds 3d. McComb, Harry, elk, bds Mrs. S. Bronson. McCombs, Robt., printer, bds Key Stone House. McCrea, Niel, lab. res 3d, n Oak. McDermott, Michael, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. McDermott, Philip, lab, res cor 7th and Churchill. McDonald, Ah'X, mill hand, 1. Staples, bds at Mill. McDonald, Alex, lab, bds Liberty House. Mc Donald, Ed., lab, bds St. Croix Hotel. McDonald, John, lab, bds A. McAdams. McDonald, John R., teamster, res cor 4th and Olive. McDonald, Michael, lab, res cor Martha and Oak. McDonough, Peter, lab, res cor Goodwood and 2d. McDougal, A. J., mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. McGarry, Richard, lab, res w s Broadway, s Goodwood. McGee, Edwa^'d, lab, res s s Anderson, w Smith. McGee, Henry, lab, res Owens, n Pine. McGee, James, lab, bds s s Anderson, w Smith. McGinnis. Duncan, lumberman, bds J. Donovan. McGoldrick, Patrick, lab, res cor 2d and Churchill. McGowan, John, lumberman, bds J. Donovan. McGrath, Andrew, lab, bds R. Sutton. McGrath, John, lumberman, bds W. W. Wyle. McGrath, John, lumberman, bds Myrtle, w 3d. McGrath, John, lab, res cor 7th and Churchill. McHale, Thos., lab, bds Henry Brown. McHale, Henry, mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co. McHale, Michael, mason, res Cedar, s Laurel. Mcllree, John, hostler, A. J. OrflF, bds same. Mclntyre, Mrs. Maria, res Lake, s Sycamore. McLityre, Wm., mason, res cor Mary and Hickory. McKay, Neal A., guard at Prison, res Greeley s Spring. McKeen, Chas, lumberman, bds P. Barrett. McKeen, Emmerson, lumberman, bds P. Barrett. McKeen, Geo., teamster, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. McKeen, Geo., lumberman, bds P. Barrett. 66 PRYOR & go's STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. McKeen, James, lumberman, bds P. Sarrett. McKeen, James, mill hand, H. B. & B.. bds at Mill. McKeen, Louis, lumberman, bds P. Barrett. McKeller, Alex, blacksmith, H. U. Gassman, bds same. McKennan, John, lab, bds 4th, n Churchill. McKenzie, Chas., lab. res cor 3d and Locust. McKenzie, Daniel, mill hand, res e s 3d, s GoodAvood. McKinney, Frank, engine wiper, bds Mansion House. McKinnoii, Wm., lumberman, bds P. Barrett. McKisick, hostler, bds Centennial Restaurant. McKisick, Dan., mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. 31cKUSlCK, D. W.f Bonrdiuf/, Sale, and Livery Stable^ and Pvopr. Hay Scales for weif/hlng all /kinds of Hay, Grain and Cattle^ Main, nr Lalce Superior Depot, res same. McKusick, Mrs. Eliza, res Cherry, w 2d. McKut-ick, F. L., Officer in Municipal Court, res 3d n Chestnut. McKusick, H. J., bookkeeper, res Union, s Myrtle. MeKusick, Herbert N., cashier, H. B. 1). iV F., res cor Cherry and 2d. McKusick, L E., (Butler & McKusick,) res cor 2d and Cherry. McKusick, John, Real Estate, res cor 2d and Myrtle. McKusick, J. \V., Deputy Surveyor Gen' 1., res Cherry, w 2d. McKusick, Wm., lumberman, res Union, s Myrtle. Mcl^aggan, Kenneth, lab, res cor Greely and St. Paul Av. McLain, Michael, lal), res 7th, s GoodAvood. Mcljane, Henry, lab, res cor Jiecher and Anderson. McLaren, John, carp, bds Myrtle, w 3d. McLaughlin, P., shoemaker, J. O'Shaughnessy, bds same. McLeod, Archibald, lab, bds D. Harrigan. McMahan, Dennis, lab, bds w s oth, s Churchill. McMahan, John, fireman, Hersey, Bean \- lirown. MclNIanemy, Bernard, lab, res cor Oak and Sherburne. McManemy, James, lab, res cor Oak and Sherburne. McMillan, Chas., lumberman, res cor 3d and Cherry. MciSall, John, agt, Eldorado restaurant. Main, n Nelson, res same. McNally, Geo., lab. res 7th, s Goodwood. McNiilty. Jos., cook 1. Staples bds at Mill. McPherson, W. W. (E. L. Hospes & Co.) res 2d, s Goodwood. McPhetres. Joseph, lumberman, res 2d, and Mulberry. McPhotres, M. W. lumberman, res cor 2d and Mulberry. PRYOR & CO S STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. 67 McQuillan, Daniel, saloon and billiards, e s Main, n Chestnut, res 6tli, s Goodwood. McSweenej, B. (McSweeney & Rogentine) res Olive, nr 6th, McSweeney & Rogentine, (B. McSweeney, Gr. Rogentine) barbers, w s Main, s Chestnut. M Mack Mrs. Amanda, res e s Main, n Chestnut. Mackay, James, raftsman, bds A. Wilmet. Mackenhausen, Mathew, janitor, high school, res 3d, s Goodwood. Mackey, Chas., mill hand, I. Staples. Mackey, James, lumberman, res e s 3d, s Cherry. Mackey, John. lab. res Lake. Mackey, Thos., lumberman, res cor 4th and Laurel. Mackin, Chas., lab, res Spring, w Martha. Macomber, Rev. J. H, Pastor M. E. Church, res e s 3d, n Myrtle. Magnuson, Andrew, carp, res Elm, w Main. Magnuson, August, works I. Staples, res Elm, w Main. Magnuson, Gus, mill hand, I. Staples. Magnuson, Frank, lab, bds \Yexio Hotel. Maguire, James, lab, res 5th, nr Maple. Mahon, John, fireman, res, e s Broadway, s Churchill. Mahony, James, plasterer, res Owens, cor Oak. MAISCH, F. W., Propr, St. Lmiis House, S Main, s kelson, res same, Pleasant and iv ell furnished 7^ooniSf ijtood tables^ try it once and you will come again. Good stahling in connection ivitJi the Mouse. Malcolm. Margaret, dress maker, res cor jSTelson and Main. Malone, Henry, cook, res 6th n Hancock. Malloy, Bernard, lab, res Holcombe n Hancock. Maloy, Geo., mill hand, res 2d, n Linden. Mallon, Patrick, lab, res Nelson Av., w Main. Malloy, Robt., lumberman, res 2d, n Linden. Malory, Geo. M., mill hand, H. B. cV B., bds at Mill. Mal'iy, Mrs. Ann, Boarding, res 3d n Olive. Maloy, Geo., mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Maloy, James, lab, res es 2d, s Goodwood. Maloy, Michael, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Manley, Pat., teamster, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Marcelle, Fred, bar tender, D. McQuillan, bds Centennial Restau- rant. 68 PRYOR & go's STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. Marcel, Gagnon, florist, res 5tli, cor Hancock. Marcotte, M., lumberman, bds Keystone House. Marsh, Fayette, (McCluer & Marsh,) res Broadway, cor Walnut, Martell, Charles, brakeman, bds Olive, e 3d. Martens, Henrv, watchmaker, W. J. Stein, bds Chestnut, w Main. Martin, Lyman^ machinist, S. S. & Co., bds R. A. Foyle. Martin, Nels., teamster, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Marty, Adam, painter, W. Muller, bds Eldorado Restaurant. Mason, Thos., works for Staples, bds cor 6th and Churchill. Mastermaii, J. N , scaler, res Myrtle, w 2d. .Mathews. James, lumberman, w s 2d, n Pine. Mathews, Samuel, lumberman, res cor Olive and Jeannie. Mathew, Wm., farmer, bds Sam., Mathews. Mathews, Wm.. lightning rod agt., bds Pacific House. Mathson, Alfred, lab, bds Wexio Hotel. May, John, lab, res St. Paul av. w Center. May, Joseph, conductor, S. & T. F. R. R., bds Sawyer House. May. Wm. M., contractor and builder, res n e cor 6th and Pine. Mead, Mrs. David, res 2d, s Linden. Mead, Mrs. Grace, res 2d, s Linden. Mealey, John, lab, res 4th, s Goodwood. Meads, Chas. H., steamboat captain, res cor 2d and Walnut. Meisner. Aug. C, tailor, res s s Penhock, w Smith. Meister, Wm, mill hand, Hersey, Bean & Brown. Mellin.S. G. mill hand, L Staples, bds at Mill. Mellin, J, A., mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Mellen, L. A., time keeper I. Staples, bds at Mill. Mellie, Geo., stable foreman, 11. B. & J5. bds at Hill. Mellin, A., confectionery and restaurant, w s Main, s Chestnut, res same. Merritt, John, mill hand, Schulenburg, res Broadway, s Sycamoi'e. MERBT, DB. B. G,. dentist, Hospes Block, e s Main, s Myrtle, res 8d, cor Locust. Messer, E. P., lumberman, res cor Martha, and Hickory. Meyer, Conrad, lab, bds St. Louis House. Meyer, I'Ved., lab, res Myrtle, w -Sd. Meyer, Geo., cook, res 2d, n Linden. Meyer, John, lab, bds St. Louis House. Meyers, Fred., shoemaker, A. Buth, bds same. Miiller, Bros., ((ieo. & John, Miiller) boats and furniture, foot of Xelson. PRY(»R & CO'S STILLWATER CITY DFRKCTORY. 69 Miiller, Geo., (Miiller Bros) res Chestnut.. Miiller, John, [Miiller Bros.] res Chestnut. Miiller, Philip, furniture and undertaking, Chestnut, e Main, res same. Millard, P. H., physician. (Reg) w s Main, s Myrtle, res 3d, cor Olive. Millbrook, John, mason, res 3d, n Churchill. Miller, Henry, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at ]\Iill. Miller, Henry, painter Seymour, Sabin & Co. Miller, John, lab, bds Liberty House. Miller, John. H., shoemaker, N. F. Schwarz, bds Pacific House. Miles. Judge, lab. bds R. Sutton. Millet, John, cook, H.B. & B. bds at Mill. Millett, J. A., book keeper, res 6th. n Hancock. Mimnaugb, John, hostler, res Center, s Oak. Minka, Louis, lab, res Western Row, s Anderson. Minogu, I. C, Uacksmith, Seymour, Sabin i*c Co. Mitchell, J. B. H., scaler, I. Staples bds at Mill. Mittelstadr, Frank, lab, res 6th, s Olive. Mittner, Mrs. Ursula, midwife, res w s Main.n Myrtle. Moeser, F. elk, W. J., Stein, res 3d, cor Mulberry, MofFatt, M., blacksmith and wagon maker, w s 2d, s Myrtle, res 6th, n Pine. Mohr, John, lab, res cor 5th and Olive. Molander, Bengt., lab, res cor Hickory and 4th. Mondoux, Geo., Saloon, Chestnut, e Main, bds Keystone House. Monthy, Martin, lab, res Schulenburg's Add. Monti. A., (Monti Bros.,) res Myrtle, av 3d. Monti, Bros., (A. k M Monti,) Soda Water Factory, Myrtle, w 3d. Monti, Michael, (Monti Bros.,) res same. Monroe, James, mill hand, L Staples, bds at Mill. Moore, Chas., elk, bds D. Harrigan. Moore, James, works H, B. &; B., res cor 4th and Dubuque. Moore, James, lab, res e s Broadway, s Churchill. Moore, Vin, lab, res Holcombe, s Churchill. Moreun, Joseph, carp, Hersey, Bean ct Brown.. Morgan, E. G., teamster, H. B. cV S., bds at Mill. Morgan, Miss Georgie, dress maker, res cor 2d and Chestnut. Morgan, Mrs. Johanna, res 5th, n Churchill. Morgan, John, mill hand, res cor Abbott and Putz. Morgan, John, tinner, E. Capron, res 5th, s Goodwood. Morgan, Levi, lab, res Putz, s Pine. Morgan, Silas, tinner, E. Capron, res 5th, s Goodwood. 70 PBYOR & go's STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. Moriarity, Michael, mill hand, Hersey, Bean & B rown. dlOBINj A., dealer in Drtj Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Mats Ca2)S & Motions, w s Main^ s Chestnut, res 2d, s Pine. Morton, Randall, lumberman, bds S^ S. Randall. Morton, S'. S., lumberman, res cor 4th and Cherry. Mosier, B. J., (Smith Wright & Mosier,) res Olive, w Jeannie. Mower, Orrin, ice dealer, res Oak, w Martha. Mowers, Geo., lumberman, bds cor St. Paul Av. and Sherburne. Mugii, Jas. A., works Wolf's Brewery, res Lake. Mugli, John, mill hand, I. Staples, res Elm, n Main. Mukle, Anton, elk, Wolfs Brewery, res N. Main. Mukenhausen, John, res s s St. Paul Av., w Center. JiJULLER, W., Carriage & Wagon .^naker, all kinds of light and heavy spring ivagons made to order. Special attention given to repairing and jyainting. Upper Main. Mulvey, James, lumberman, res Pennock, w Holcombe. MJJRDOCK, H, R., Atfy, at Law, and Real Estate Agt., cor Main and Myrtle, res Laurel, e 2d. Murphy, Bartholemew, lab, res Elm, w Main. Murphy, John, lab, res Elm, w Main. Murphy, Rev. M. E., Pastor St. Michaels Catholic Church, res e s 3d, s Walnut. Murray, Chas., works Surveyor Genl's. office, res Oak, s Martha. Murray, John, carp, res cor Locust and 3d. MTJRTAUGH, THOS., Saloon, ear Stinison Alley and Chestnut, res cor Oak and 3Iartha. Musgrave, Mrs. Mary, res back of Prison. Musgraves, Henry, lab, res back of Prison. N Nagel, Casper, teamster, Schulenburg, Boeckeler_& Co. res Schul- burg's Add. Navqwest, John, lab, cor 6th, Goodwood. PRYOa & rO S STILLWATER CITY DIRKCTOUY. Nay, Fred, shipping elk, Sevmour, Sabin & Co. Neider, John, butcher, H B. D. & F. Neimann, Aug., mill hand, S. S. & Co. res Schulenburg's Add. Nelson, Aug., mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Nelson, Chas., mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill Nelson, Cundert, mill hand, II. B. & B. bds at Mill. Nelson, Chas, N. Vice Prest. First Nat. Bank, res Greeley. Nelson, mill hand, Hersey, Bean & Brown. Nelson, Edward, tailor, res 2d, s Mulberry. Nelson, Frank, teamster, II. B. & B. bds at Mill. Nelson, Frank, works Jacob Bean, res same. Nelson, Hans, lab, Townsbend & Proctor, bds Williams House. Nelson, James, mill hand, I. Staples. Nelson, John, res cor 4th, and Laurel. Nelson, John, M. works I. Staples, res Churchill, w 7th. Nelson, Nels, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Nelson, N. P. teamster, S. S. ricn, Patrick, lab, res s s Oak, w Martha. O'Brien, Wm., lumberman, res n s Oak, w Holcomb. O'Donnell, Michael, lab, res cor Md and Mulberry. 0" Grady, Cornelius, lyb, res s part of City. 0' Grady, Pat, fireman I. Staples, bds at Mill. Olin. John A., carp, res Martha, nr Maple. Oliphent, Peter, explorer, bds J. McNall. Oliver, Eugene, lab, res Lake. Olsen, Christ, lab, res w s 2d, n Olive. Olsen, Oscar, tailor, bds Pacific House. Olsen, Andrew, elk, res Laurel, e 3d. Olsen, Erick, lab, res Myrtle, w 5th. Olsen, Frank, mill hand, res Everett, n Spring. Olsen, Johti, dairyman, res Myrtle, w 5th. Olsen, John, mill hand, L Staples, bds at Mill. Olsen, John, mill hand, res 4th, s Olive. Olsen, Joseph, lab, res cor 5th and Churchill. Olson, Martin, machinist, D. M., Swain, bds Nels Johnson. Olson, Ole E., hostler, R. A. Wait, bds same. Olson, P., lab, bds St. Croix Olson, Sam, mill hand, IL B. & B. bds at Mill. , O'Neil, Chas., lumberman, bds J. Donovan. O'Neil, James, lab, res cor Anderson and Putz. O'Neil, John, lab, res cor Pennock and Putz. O'Neil, Daniel, res 3d, s Churchill. Ordway, Meltire, mill hand, H. B. & B. bds at Mill. Organ, Garret, res -4th, sPine Orff, A. J. livery, e s Main, n Myrtle,res 2d, s Mulberry. O'Shaughnessy, James, teamster, H. B. ct B. bds at Mill. O'SHAUG HJVESST, JOHN, manufactm^er of and dealer in hoots and shoes^agent for the Sinyer Serving JlacJiine,the Cascade Clothes Washer and tJie Cutiard Mail JLine, Steamship Co. e s Main, s Chestnut , res cor 3d and Goodivood, O'Shaughnessy, Murtah, mill hand, bds H. B. & B. bds at Mill. I'HYOU & CO\s STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. 73 OSTEJSnORF, HENRY, F}'opr. Liberty Housed X>leasant and ivell furnished rooms, qood tables, try it once and yoa will come ay aiu, good stabling in connection with the house, Lower Main, res same, Otis, Rev. I. N., Pastor 1st Presbyterian Church, res cor Pine and Broadway. Ottordahl, E. carp, Seymour Sabin & Co. Packard, Howard, prison guard, res cor Churchill and 5th. Pajarolla, Gion, mill hand. I. Staples bds at Mill. Pailace. Au^r., mill hand, H. B. & B. l*alles, Jap., printer, Stillwater Gazette, bds cor 3d and Pine. Palmer, John, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Palmersten, Louis, book keeper, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co. Pankonin, Ferd, mill hand, S. S. & Co. res w s 5th s Churchill. Pankonin, Louis, drayman, res ss Oak, w Martha. Papin, John, lumberman, bds w s 3d, n Linden. Papin, John, fisherman, res Laurel, w Main. Paradis, Ed., printer, Stillwater Lumberman, bds cor 3d and Pine. Parol, James, lab, res 3d s Linden. Parish, M., bartender, P. S. Deragisch, res same. Passmore, J. VV., watches, clocks and jewelry, w s Main, s Chest- nut, res iiroadway, cor (ioodwood. Pattee, A. W., elk, J. Lawell, elk, res cor 2d, Commercial Av. Patwell, Aug., mill hand, bds Mrs. M.Kelly. Patwell, Petro, confectionery, lower Main, res lower Main. Patwell, Napoleon, confectionery, cor Oak and 3d, res 4th, s Churchill. Pauli, Jacob, mill hand, I. Staples. Payne, Alexander, uiill hand, res cor Broadway and Sycamore. Payne, Moses, lab, res Elm w Main. Peach ea, Mrs. Mary, res Laurel, w Main. Peachea, Joseph, works 1. Staples, res Laurel, w Main. Pearn, Thos. H., operator C. B. Newcomb, res 2d. Pease, E. C, res cor Pine and 2d. Pennington, Fred, lab, res e s 2d, s Churchill. Pennington, Jame^', lumberman, res Cherry, e 4th. Pennington, James, res 2d, s Mulberry. Pennington, Stephen, mill hand, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Peon, Dan, lab, res 4th n Hickory. 74 PRYOR & go's STIFiLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. Peon, Loui?, elk, bds J. McNall. Per Lee, J. H., res Holcombe, n Pine. Per Lee, W. T., salesman, W. E. Thoriie, res Holcombe, n Pine. Perro, Thos., carp, Hersey, Bean & Brown. Peterman, Frank, mill hand, Hersey, Bean & Brown. Peterson, Andrew, mill hand, L Staplss, bds at Mill. Peterson, Andrew, lab, res Elm, w Main. Peterson, Andrew W., painter, res Myrtle, w 4th. Peterson, Carl, lab, res Everett, n Spring. Peterson, Chas., lab, bds 2d, n Linden. Peterson, Frank, carp, res IMyrtle, w 6th. Peterson, Hans, teamster, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Peterson, Herman, mill hand, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Peterson, Jacob, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Peterson, John, lab, bds St. Croix Hotel. Peterson, Nels., lab, bds St. Croix Hotel. Peterson, N. W., night watch, Sawyer House, bds same. Peterson, Otto, lab, bds Wexio Hotel. Peterson, Peter, lab, res William, n Spring. Peterson, Sam, lab, bds St. Croix Hotel. Peterson, Wm., lab, bds St. Croix Hotel, Pettenaude, Bclanie, res e s 2d, s Goodwood. Pevey, Hank, pilot, res cor 4th and Olive. Phalan, Edward, mill hand, H. B. <& B., bds at Mill. Phene, Arthur, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Pickering, S , mai hinist, Seymour, Sabin iN: Co. Piete, 0., lumberman, bds Keystone House. Piette, Octave, mill hand, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Pierce, Henry C, wall guard at Prison, res 4th. Pitman, Geo., lab, res cor Cooper and 4th. Plaster, August, lab, res Oak, w Holcombe. Plaster, Theo., blacksmith, res cor 7th and Goodwood. Plaster, "Wm., harness maker, L. N. Rothman. Plechner, B. H., Clothing and Furnishing Goods, w s Main, s Chestnut, res St. Paul. Plummer, Peter, lab, res Pine, w 6th. Poirier, Gideon, elk, G. Mondoux, bds Chestnut. Polee, Jacob, mill hand, I. Staples. Ponath, A. C, rafter, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co., res Schulen- burg's Add. Ponath, Chas. E., works S. S. & Co., res Schulenburg's Add. Ponant, John, mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Poolman, Fred, mill hand, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. PRYOR & go's STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. 75 Pop, Frank, cook, bds St. Louis House. Porter, Peter, carriage maker, res 5th, cor Elm. Portis, James, mill hand, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Potts, Philip, Wholesale Liquors, Main, n Nelson, res same. Powell, Mrs. Anna, res Myrtle, w 3d. Powers, John, carp, res n s Olive, w Jeannie. Power, Patrick, lumberman, bds P. Barrett. Pratt, W. H. physician, (Reg.) Myrtle, w Main, res same. Precourt, Octave, sawyer, I. Staples. Preisan, Joseph, mill hand, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Prescott, David, teamster, res w s Broadway, s Walnut. Pricure, Abram, lab, bds 6th n Churchill. Pricure, Octave, sawyer for Staples, res 6th, n Churchill. Prince, Frank M., bookkeeper First National Bank, res 3d, cor Locust. Prince, Henry B., (Prince & French,) res 3d, cor Locust. PRINCE & F BENCH, {Henry B. Prince, Chas, W, FrencJif) General Merchandise^ e s Main, s My rile. Proctor, Baron, (Townshend & Proctor,) res 2d, s Pine. PROCTOR JOHN S., Sec. St. Croix Boom Corporation, Myrtle e. Main, res cor 6th and Goodwood. Proctor, L. C, elk Registers Office, res cor 6th and Goodwood. Qui n Ian, John, gas fitter, Torinus & Wilkinson, res 2d. Quinlan, Morris, gardener, res w s 2d n Olive. Quinlan, M., mill hand, I. Staples. R Rafka, Gus., mill hand, Seymour, Sabin k Co. Raiter, Frank, Prop., W^exio Hotel, w s 2d s Mulberry, res same. Ramberg, J. N., lab, res Myrtle, w 3d. Randall, 0. D., conducter, res cor 2d and Myrtle. Raske, Herman, lab, S. S. & Co., bds Schulenburg's Add. Raske, William, rafter, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co., res Schul- enburg's Add. Rasmuson, Geo., blacksmith, I. Staples. Rasmuson, John, mill hand, I. Staples. Rasmuson, Robt., mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Rathlisbergcr, Mrs. Maria, res W^ilkin, w 4th. 76 PRYOR & go's STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY Ratican, Thos., lab, res cor 6th and Hancock. Rattigan, Geo., lab, bds R. Sutton. Rauch, Aug., bds cor Pennock and Holcorabe. Rauska, John, lab, bds Liberty House. Reanan, Henry, watchman, res 7th, s Goodwood. Reardon, Daniel, policeman, res cor Oak and Martha. Recker, Henry, lumberman, bds Keystone House. Rees, Julius, agt. R. Rees, bds Chestnut, w Main. Rees, Ralph, clothing and gents furnishing goods, w h Main, s Myrtle, res Minneapolis. Reed, Chas., base ballist, bds Pine, e 3d. Reed, J. A., warden State Penitentiary, res at Prison. Reed, W. C, wall guard at Prison, bds cor Main and Laurel. Raffke, Gustaf, lab, Schulenburg, Boeckeler ct Co., res Schulen- burg's Add. Register, Isaac, lab, res Cherry, w 3d. Register, Mrs. Minerva, res cor 3d and Linden. Reier, John, Rafter, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co., res Schulen- burg's Add. Reier, Ludwig, rafter, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co., res Schulen- burg' s Add. Renan, Henry, Watchman, I. Staples Rengstorfif, Geo., mill hand, I. Staples. Rengstorff Henry, Edger, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co., res Schu- lenburg's Add. Ren-^storff, John D., lab, res Schul(nburg,s Add. Rensch, Joseph, farmer, res oth, n Goodwood. Rensch, Jos., mill hand, I. Staples. Revor, Francis, lab, res e s 3d, s Churchill. Reynolds, Theo., works Jacob Bean, bds same. Rhener, Ellis, ice dealer, cor Chestnut and Bridge, res Stimson Alley. Rhoads, Chas. H., pilot, res Cherry, e 4th. Rhodes, James C, physician, (reg.,) ss Chestnut, w 2d, res same. Rhodes, James, C. Jr.* cashier, H^ B. D. & F. res s s Chestnut w 2d. Rhone, Wm., lab, res Mulbt-rry, e 2d. BICE, B. F,,mcniitfactiu'er of and dealer in har- mless, saddles, collars, bridles, tvliij^s, halters, combs &c. repariuit done neatlij and cheaply, all work warranted, 3d, n Cotn^nercial Av. bds 2d, Rice. Frank, engineer, res es Broadway, s Churchill. PKYOK & CO's STILLWATER CITY DIRKCTOHY. ii Rich, machinist, bds D. Harigan. Itiehardson, VV. H., book keeper, I. Staples, rt's Oak, w Martha. Richardson, S. P., book keeper. Hersey, Bean k Brown, res 3d. n Churchill. BICKER, O. A. stoves, tinivare, and hardware. e s Main, n Chestnut, res 3d, bet Olive and Oak. Riley, Geo., hostler, Q. A. Bromley, bds M. H. Bromley. Riley, James, mill hand, H. B. & B. bd^ at Mil. Riley, Mrs. Mary, res Laurel, w 3d. Riley, Patrick, lab, I. Staples, res back of prison. Rippmann, Geo., lab, Townshend & Proctor, res cor Goodwood and 5th. Robinson, Dan, mill hand, Hersey, Bean & Brown. Roberts, Thos., teamster, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Robertson, J. .J. lumber dealer, res cor Walnut and oth. Robinson. David, teamster, res Rice, s Martha. Roces, John, lab, bds Pacific House. Roeppke, Caftd, saw filer, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co. res Schul- enburg's Add. Roeppke, Fred., mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Roettger, Wm., mill hand, res Wilkin, w Martha. Rogentine, Geo. A., (McSweeney & Rogentine,) res Olive, cor tJth. Rohn, John, hostler, S. S. Denton, bds cor Mulbery and 2d. RoUis, L. hostler, C. A. Bromley, bds M. H. Bromley. Roney, James, lumberman, res cor 3d and Cherry. Roney, John, F., carp, res Everett, s Mulberry. Roney, Thos., carp, res cor Olive and Martha. Rooney, G. A., teamster, res 3d, S Goodwood. Rooney, John, carp, res cor Goodwood and 2d. Roosen, G. C, book keeper, Seymour Sabin & Co. bds at Mill. Root, James, engineer, res Cedar, s Laurel. Ross, Daniel, mill hand, H. B. & B. bds at Mill. Ross, Geo., teamster, b-is Pacific House. Ross, William, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Rothman, L. N., harness and saddles, Union, s Myrtle, res Chest- nut. Rottger, Henry, carp, res 5th, s Churchill. Rudd. Anson, machinist, Se3nnour, Sabin & Co. Rudd, Richard, lumberman, bds P. Barrett. Rude, Anton, blacksmith, bds Williams House. Rudemann, R., sawyer, Schulenburg. Boeckeler ^t Co., res Schu- lenburg's Add. PRYOK & go's STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. Ruoble, Leonard, lab, bds cor Peiinock and Ilolcombe. Rudlend, Cba.s., blacksmitb, D. W, Swain, res Front. Rumpf, Jno., trimmer, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co., res Scbulen. burg's Add. Rupinger, G., sawyer, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co., res Schulen- burg' s Add. Rush, Robert, trimmer, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co., res Schu- lenburg's Add. Russell, Mrs. Emma., dressmaking, res Main, s Mulberry. Rutland, Chas., blacksmith, bds John Glaspie. Ryan c^' Farrall, M. C. Ryan, E. K. Farrall,) blacksmiths. Main, n Mulberry. Kyan, John, lab, res lower Main. Ryan, J. C, (Ryan & Farrall,) re? 2d, s Chestnut. llyding, J. A., merchant tailor, Myrtle, w Main, res Myrtle, vv 8d. Rydlun, John, lab, bds Wexio Hotel. Srtbin, D. M., (Seymour, Sabin lower Main. Siebold, F., cashier, First Nat. Bank, res cor 3d and Cherry. Siegrist, Rev. Jacob, Pastor German Lutheran Church, res 4th, n Oak. PRYOR & CO'S STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. 81 Sigesbert, Rev. Mon, Pastor St. Marys Church, res cor 3d, and Chestnut Simmons, H. (York & Simmons) res w s 2d, s Olive. Simmons, J. W., grocer, w s Main, s Chestnut, res Chestnut e 3d. Simonet, S., furniture and undertaking, cor Nelson and Main, res same. Simpson, Alex, carp, bds P. Barrett. Simpson, Robt., bds Sawyer House. Sinclair, Mrs. Elmira, res cor Laurel and 3d Sinclair, James, photographer, e s Main, n Chestnut, res Olive, e 3d. Sinclair, Richard, butcher, res Olive e 3d. Singleton, John, cook, res cor 4th and Locust. Sinnott, John, mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Sinnott, Nicholas, lab, res Anderson, w Becher. Sinter, Jacob, lab, bds St. Louis House. Sjergreen, Chas., lab, bds 2d, n Linden. Skow, A., (Hanson & Co.) res Main. Slanzer, John, carp, res 5th, s Goodwood. Smith, Alex, lab. res Elm, w Main. Smith, Chas.. mill hand, Hersey, Bean & Brown. Smith, Eugene, bookkeeper, I. Staples, res 4th, n Linden. Smith, H. W., (Smith. Wright & Mosier,) bds cor Mulberry and William. Smith, John, raftsman, bds Pacific House. Smith, John G., mill hand, L Staples, bds at Mill. Smith, John V., lather, res cor Martha and Hickory. Smith, Merritt, cook, res w s 2d, n Hancock.- Smith, Percy B., sawyer, res cor Olive and 3d. Smith, Wm., pilot, res cor Pennock and Holcombe. S3JITH,WBIGHT<&3IOSIEIi, {H. W. Smith, A, Wright, B. J. Mosier,) General Painters. Grain- ing and Frescoing. Sign painting a specialty, Paper Hanging and Calcimining and all other irork x>erft,rnied in the most satisfactory nanner, 2d, cor Olive. Smithson, Wm., cook at Prison, res 4th, cor Elm. Sommerfeld, Christ, cook, bds Liberty House. Sommerfield, John, lab. res Tth, s Churchill. Sommerfield, Wm., mill hand, Hersey, Bean tV: Brown. Sonde II, Peter, farmer, res nr Fair Ground. Sonstrom, Chas., lab, bds Wexio Hotel. 82 PRYOR & Co'f STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. Sorgenfrei, Chas., mill hand, Hersey, Bean & Browu. Sowden, Geo. J., bookkeeper, Lumberman's National Bank, bds J. Anderson. Spangenberg, Chas., peddler, "es Myrtle, w 3d. Spaulding, Jeremiah, lab, bds R. Sutton. Spencer, James, Shingle Mill, res cor 2d and Walnut. Spindle, Dan., teamster, res cor Smith and Pennock. Spindle. E.. plasterer, res Pennock, w Holcombe. Spindle, E. D., elk, C. P. Shepard. Springer, Martin, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Sproat, M. L., Travelling Agt., Hersey, Bean & Brown, bds Saw- yer House. Stack, Ed., lumberman, bds P. Barrett. Stadler, Fred, bar keeper, res Main, s Chestnut. Staerkel. Joseph, bakery and groceries, ^lain, res same. Staetelin, Louis, machinist, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Stahn, Rudolph, shingle packer, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co., res Schulenburg's Add. St Andres, Louis, filer, I. Staples. Staples, Chas., res 2d, n Linden. Staples, C. A., lumberman, res e s 3d, n Myrtle. Staples, Ed, (Staples & Keaarey) res lower Main. STAPLES, ISAAC, Propr, St. Croix Gang Saw Mills, tipper Main, res cor Cherry and 2d. Staples, I, Edwin, manager, I. Staples general store, res same. Staples, Josiah, lumb.erman, res cor 4th and Linden. STAPLES & KEABWEY,(Ed Staples, Andrew Kearney) blacksmiths and horse shoers, all tvork executed in the best inanner by experienced^ workman, repa ring promptly attended to. Lower 31(1 in, nr Depot. Staples, Otis, lumberman, bds Sawyer House. Staples. S Jr. lumberman, res Cherry, w 4th. Staples, Samuel. Lumberman, res cor 4th and Cherry. Staples, Silas, scaler, I. Staples, bds Eldorado Restaurant. Staples, Win, explorer, res cor 4th and Laurel. Starbird, Meltire, cook, H. !). & B. bds at Mill. Starbird, Melvin, lab, res 5th. n Hancock. St ( lair, John, lab, res 4th, n Churchill. Stebling, Henry, shoemaker, res Myrtle w 3d. PKYOR & go's STILIAVATEll CITY DlllKCTOUY. H'.) Steckmann, Peter, lab, res w Myrtle, w 4th. Steffens, Henry, bar tender, C. Drcchsler, bds same. Stein, W. J., dru;z;gist and dealer in watches, clocks and jewlery, w s Main, s Myrtle, res Pine, Steinhorst. Herman, carp, res 5th, s Goodwood. Steinkanip, William, fireman Schulenburg, Boeckeler, & Co. res Schulenburcr's Add. Stenstroni, Peter J., cijjars and tabacco, and boot and shoe dealer 2d, s Mulberry res same. Stephens, Arthur, bricklayer, res cor Abbott and Hancock. Stephens, Jacob, teamster, Hersey & Bean, res Pine w 2d. Stewart, Edward, res 8d, s Churchill. Stewart, Mrs. J., res Lake. Stewart, James, surveyor and explorer, Hersey, Bean & Brown. res Pine, w 4th. Stewart, Joseph, works at mill, res cor Hancock and 7th. Stewart, Wm., works Sawyer House, 2d, s Linden. Stickney, Dan, brakenian, bds M. Gillespi. Stickney, Wm., shop guard at Prison, res School, cor 4th. Stock, Wm., mason, res 7th, n Churchill. Stoddard, Albert, lumberman, res cor St Paul Av. and Sherburne. Stoddard, I., lumberman, res St. Paul Av. cor Sherburne. Stokum, Frank, plasterer, res cor i^'th and Olive. Stombs & Bronson, (D. S. Stombs, W. G. Bronson,) St. Croix iron works, nr southern city limits. Stombs, D. S,, (Stombs & Bronson,) res 4th, nr Burlington. Stombs, S. B,, machinist, Stombs ct Bronson, res 4th, nr Burling- ton. Stone, F. M., printer, bds cor 8d and Churchill. Stone, John, (Leveen & Stone,) res same. St. Peter, Jas., blacksmith, res Elm, w Main. Stridborg, J. A., photographer, cor Main and Commercial, bds Main. Strong, C. D., lab, res cor Martha and Oak. Stroutze, Fred, mill hand, Hersey, Bean & Brown. Strutz, Fred, mill hand, res St. Paul av, w Center. Sture, John, mill hand, L Staples, bds at Mill. Sullivan, August, rattsman, bds Pacific House. Suilivan, C, cutler, Ho.spes, Cutler & Co., bds Sawyer House. Sullivan, James, lumberman, bds W. W. Wyle. Sullivan, John, lab, res cor 2d and Churchill. Sullivan, Patrick, lumberman, res Everett, s Mulberry. Sullivan, Kobt., lab, res 3d, s Burlington. 84 PRYOR \ CO'S STILLWATER CITY DIRECTOKY. Sullivan, S., lab, bds Liberty House. Sundstrom, Chas., lab, bds Leveen and Stone. Sutherland, Thos., carp, res 4th, s Churchill. Sutton, Geo., lab, res lower Main. Sutton. James lab, bds R. Sutton. Sutton, Richard, lab, res lower Main. Sutton, Thos.. lumberman, res cor "Willard and Smith. Sweeney, B. M , barber, res Olive, w 6th. Swain, D. M., foundry and machine shop, 3d, s Myrtle, res same. Swain. G. W., foundry, 3d. s Myrtle, bds Keystone House. Swanberg, John. lab. res Spring, w Jeannie. Swanborg, John, lab, bds Leveen cS: Stone. Swanman, Andrew, lab, res Martha, nr Maple. Swanson, Aug., mill hand, L Staples, bds at Mill. Swanson, John, mill hand, Seymour, Sabin iS: Co., bds at Mill. Swanson, John, lab, res Spring, w Jeannie. Swanson, John. lab. bds St. Croix Hotel. Swanson, Peter, lab, res n w part City. Swanson, P. D., engineer, res cor 4th and Aspen. Swanson, Sam, lab, bds Scandinavian House. Swanstrom, M., lab. St. Croix Hotel. Swaxtrnm. Louis, mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co. TAEXHATJSEJR, JOS., Pi-artiral Watehmaker, all kinds of engraving done on short notice, repair- inff neatif/ executed, Chestnut, ojyp.. Concert Hall, res same. Tanner. H. F.. teamster. H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Tanner, Joseph. Bridge Police, res Nelson, s 2d. Tap, Jacob, rafter, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co.. res Schulen- burg's Add. Tassel, W., sawyer, bds A. Mellin. Taylor & Co., (H. A. Taylor, S. A. Clewell, E. H. Folsom,) pub- lishers of the Stillwater Lumberman, e s Main, s Chestnut. Tavlor, H. A.. (Taylor & Co.) Taylor. R. J., teanister, H. B. «: B., bds at Mill. Taylor, S. S., (Seward & Taylor,) res St. Paul. Tebold, M., mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. TEPASS, HERMAX, Breuer, oldest Establish- ment in the City. Lower Main, res same. PRYOR & go's STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY 85 Tergan, Talasfor, mill hand, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Tesstner, Aug., sawyer, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co., res Schul- enburg's Add. Thelan, B., Metropolitan Saloon and Billiard Hall, w s Main, n Chestnut, res same. ^ Thelander, Chas.. elk, res cor 5th and Aspen. Thelander, John, elk, res cor 5th and Aspen. Thiel, Henry, lab, bds Liberty House. Thiele, Jul, sawyer, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co., res Schulen- burg's Add. Thomas, Eugene, driver, R. A. Wait, bds same. Thomas, John, blacksmith, res e s Main, nr L. S. & M. Depot. Thomas, John, engineer, res n s Myrtle, w 3d. Thomas, Sam, lumberman, bds P. Barrett. Thompson, Andrew, mill hand, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Thompson, Chas., lumberman, bds P. Barrett. Thompson, Harry, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Thompson, Levi, lab, res cor 6th and Churchill. THOMPSOl^f JL. E., Atty, at Law, Main, s 31y7^tle, res Mulberry f w 2d, Thon, Martin, tailor, Bulov & Thon, bds same. Thon, Michael, (Bulov & Thon,^ res 2d, n Myrtle. Thorman, Henry, lab, bds Liberty House. Thorne, W. E., Dry Goods and Carpets, cor Chestnut, and Main, res Chestnut, w 4th. Tierdmann, William, lab, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co., res Schul- enburg's Add. Timmerman, Martin, lab, bds Liberty House. Todd, Herbert, mill hand, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Toenskemper, Bern, plasterer, res cor Locust and 4th. ToUas, Gustave, mill hand, res 7th, n Hancock. Torgeson, Ole, lab, bds Williams House. Torinus, L. E., (Torinus & Wilkinson,) res cor 3d and Linden. Torinus & Wilkinson, (L. E. Torinus, Jos. Wilkinson,) Hardware, e s Main, s Chestnut. Townshend, J. H., (Townshend & Proctor,) bds Sawyer House. TOWNSHEXD & PhOCTOli, (_J. H. ToivnsJiend, Baron Proctor^) Florence Flouring Mill, 2d, n Myrtle. Tozer, Albert, lab, res s s Oak, w Martha. 86 PRYOll & C0'i5 STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. Tozer, David, (Schupp & Tozer,) res 3d, s Locust. Tozer, Edward, lab, res s s Oak, w Martha. Trask, B. W., printer, Stillwater Messenger, res cor Holcombe and Anderson. Trask, S., raftsman, res cor Anderson and Holcombe. Tracey, Asa, sawyer, res s part City. Trudson, Swan, lab, bds 2d, n linden. Tuehs, Louis, mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Tufe, Nels, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mdl. Tuldke, Fred, mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Tuor, Anton, vinegar works. Nelson, e 2d, res same. Tuor, Jacob, carp, res cor Putz and Pennock. Turich it Brenner, (Wm. Turich, C. Brenner,) saloon, cor Chest- nut and Main. Turich, Wm., (Turich & Brenner, res n w part City. Turner, Robt., lumberman, bds W. W. Wyle. Turpin, Cyrus B., painter, bds Mansion Hoese. Turtelotte, Marcel, mill hand, bds M. Gillespie. Tuttle, Moses, lumberman, res cor Abbott and Holcombe. Tuttle, Thos. B., lumberman, bds cor Abbott and Holcombe. u Ulen, Andrew, elk, Williams House, bds same. Ulen, Ole, lab, res Myrtle, w 3d. Underwood, Alex., lumberman, res cor Greeley and Spring. Upstill, Chas. E., lab, res Olive, e 3d, Upstill, Cornelius, Gas fitter, res Olive, e 3d. Upstill, John, mill hand, res Olive, e 3d. Van Buskirk, James, (Van Buskirk k Webster,) res Pine, e 3d. VAIf^ BUSKIRK & WJEIiSTEB, (Jas. Van Bus- kirk, Jas. E. Webster,) f/eneral Painters* Grain- ing, and Frescoinf/. Sign Pa intinff a specialty , Pajyer Hamfifiij au(l (\iU'iinining and all other work performed in llie most satisfactory inan- ner, shop cor 3d and Myrtle. Van Eraon, Mrs. E. J., res w s Western Row, n Anderson. Van Vuren, Wm , lab, res 2d, n Olive. Van Voorhes, Abraham, gunsmith, res 2d n Olive. Van Vorhees, Henry C, book keeper, res cor Pine and Broad- way. PRYOR k CO'S STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. 87 Van Tassel, Theo., student, McCluer & Marsh, bds 2d. Van Vleck, Issac, att, at law, w s Main, s Myrtle, bds Sawyer House. Veis, Aug., mill hand, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Vernon, John, mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Vilander, Peter, carp, bds 2d, n Linden. Vingreen, N., mill hand, II. B. k B., bds at Mill. Vogoli, Paul, foreman yard, Hersey, Bean ct Brown. VOLIGXY, HORACE, Bropr. Keystone House, pleasant and well furnished rooms , ijood tables, trtj it once and you will cotne af/ain, good stab- ling in connection ivith the house, Myrtle, w 3d, res same, Vorman, A., mill hand, I. Staples. w Wagner, A., shoemaker, J. H., Gruenhagen, bds same. Wagner, Gabriel, lab, res s s Pine,' w Smith. Wagner, Henry, lab, res 7th, n Churchill. WAIT, jB. a., livery and city hach line, cor Myrtle and 2d, res same, Wakefield, Warren, mill hand, res e s 3d, n Churchill Walker, Frank, lab, res Lower Main. Wallace, Fred., mill hand, Hersey, Bean & Brown. Wallace, John, teamster, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Wallace, Thos., tinsmith, Torinus & Wilkinson, bds 3d. Wallace, Wm., mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co. W^alter, Thos., teamster, res Olive, w Jeannie. Walters, James, foreman. S. S. & Co., bds R. A Foyle. Ward, Leonard, raftsman, bds cor 6th and Churchill. Ward, James, lab, res 4th, s Churchill. Ward, Thos., lab, res 4th, s Churchill. Warmann, John, works for I. Staples, res 7th, s Churchill. Warner, Mrs. Elizabeth, res cor Pennock and Putz. Warner, John, night watchman, res 4th, n Laurel. Warner, Mrs. Margaret, res 7th, s Churchill. Warren, T. IL, book keeper, I. Staples, res Oak Park. Waters, James, machinist, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Watson, Frank R., barber, Hadley k Jackson, bds C. Jackson. Watson, Geo., carp, bds J. McNall. PRYOR & COS STILLWATER CITY DIRKCTOBY. Webb. Joseph, engineer, res cor 6th, and Olive. Webb, Wm., mill hand H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Webster, James E., (Van Buskirk & Webster) res 0th n Han- cock. Webster, J. H,, book keeper, Hersey, Bean & Brown, res 3d, n Churchill. Webster, Martin, painter, res e s Broadway, n Pine. Webster. Sydney, painter, res s s Pine. Weed, Reuben, agt., bds cor 3d and St. Louis. Weidemann, Gus., mill hand, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Weiderman, Aug., mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Weiderman, Fred, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Weinschenk, Mrs. L., res Gth, n Olive. Welandor, Peter, carp, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Welch, Mrs. Catherine, res cor Becher and Pennock. Welch, Edward, lab, res cor Anderson and Putz. Welch, Geo., bds Tth. n Churchill. ^ Welch, Geo., mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Welch, James, lab, res cor 4th and Churchill. Welch, James, lab, bds Tth n Churchill. Welch, John, lab, res Oak, w 3d. Welch, John, teamster, bds Pacific House. Welch, Joseph, cook, res 2d, s Mulberry. Welch. Martin, lab, res Tth, n Churchill. Welch, Martin, carp, res cor Becher and Pennock. Welch, Michael, lab, res Lower Main. Welch, Richard, lab, res n s Oak, w Holcombe. Weldon, Ed., harness maker. Chestnut, nr Bridge, res Main s Chestnut. Wellington, Wm., lab, bds 6th, s Churchill. Wenzel, Chas., lumberman, res 3d, n Laurel. Werman, Albert, lab, res Tth, s Churchill. Werme, John, mill hand, res William, nr Rice. Werner, John, carp, Seymour, Sabin & Co. West, H. P., scaler, H. B. & B., at Mill. West, T. H., carp, Seymour, Sabin & Co., bds A. Mellin. West, Wm., carp, bds Pacific House Westgaard, Hans, tailor, J, A. Ryding, res 2d. Whalen, jNIartin, lab, bds R. Sutton. Whalen, Pat., lab, bds R. Sutton. WHEELER BROS., (J. L. & Harry Wheeler,) Dry Goods atid Groceries, e s Main, s Chestnut, PKYOR & CO'S STILLWATER CITY DIKKCTORY. 8!> Wheeler, Harry, (Wheeler Bros.,) res cor Broadway and Walnut. Wheeler, J. L., [Wheeler Bros..] res Pine, nr 2d. WTieeler, R. J., [Durant, Wheeler & Co.] res Linden, cor 2d. White. Henry C, lab, res 4th, s Churchill. White, ^lichael, Propr. Stillwater House, Mulberry, w ^lain, res same. White, Patrick, bar tender, M. White, res same. Whiteside, John, plasterer, res cor Pine and 5th. Whitmoic, Jacob, mill hand, Hersey, J^ean it lirown. Widmer, Mrs. Annie, res Wilkin, w 4t]i. Wier, Emil. harness maker, Main, s Chestnut, res cor Oak and Holcombe. Wiese, Joseph, shoem iker, bd"s Pacific House. Wilberg, Xelson, mill hand, H. B. & B., bds at Mill. Wiley, Wm. W., lumberman, res Myrtle, w 8d. Wilker, Herman, mill hand. Hersey, Bean & Brown. Wilkinson, xllbert, bookkeeper, bds C. W. French. VYilkinson, Jos., (Torinus & Wilkinson,) WILIjARD, M. S., Fiwuiture and Undertaking , 48 South NaiUf res Willard, cor Stnith. Willcox, Adelbert, blacksmith. Staples & Kearney, res n part of City. Willet, Larry, cook, H. B. & B.. bds at Mill. Williams, John C, barber, McS & R., bds Pacific House. Williams, Mrs. Martha, propr. Williams House, cor 2d and Mul- berry, res same. Williams, travelling agt. S. S. & Co., res cor Laurel and Main. Williams, Patrick, mill hand, H. B. k B., bds at Mill. Williams, W. M., bib, bds St. Croix Hotel. Williamson, John, bds cor Mulberry and Williams. Willim, Wm.. contractor, res w s 2d, s Olive. Williston, John, watchman, res 2d, n Mulberry. Wilmet, Alfred, saloon, w s Main, s Chestnut, res same. Wilson, Geo. W., mill hand, Mersey, Bean ^ Brown. Wil.-on, Harvev, (Jlerk of Court, office Court House, res Chestnut, w 3d. Wilson, J. F., machinist, Seymour, Sabin & Co. Wilson, Robt., carp, bds Pacific House. Wilson, Thos., mill hand. I. Staples, bds at Mill. Winkleman, Fred., mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Winter, John, lab, bds St. Louis House. 90 I'RYOa & CO'S STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY Wise, Joseph, shoemaker, A. Buth, bds Pacific Hotel. Wahlers, Frerl., drayman, res cor Putz and Abbott. Wolber, Otto, hib, H. Tepass, bds same. Wolen, John, mill hand, I. Staples. Wolf, Adam, sawyer, bds Liberty House. Wolf, Carl, teamster, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co. res Schulen- burg's Add. Wolf & Fetz, [Joseph Wolf, Loienz Fetz] liquor store, cor Main and Nelson. Wolf, Hans, lab, Schulenburg, Boeckeler & Co. res Schulenburg's Add. Wolf, Jacob, mason, res Elm, w Main. Wolf, Joseph, [Wolf ct Fetz] res Main. Wolf, Jose[)h, lab, res back of Prison. Wolf, Martin, res Broadway, s Junction, Main. Wollin, John, mill hand, res Everett, n Spring. Woodruff. Wm., teamster, bds Kt-ystone House. Wooth, Wm., rafter, bds Pacific House. Wormorer, John, mill hand, I. Staples. Worner, August, works in Mill, res 6th, n Hancock. Wright, W. A., (Smith, Wright & Mosier) res Olive, w Jeannie. Wurdemann, W. K., (E. L. llospes (fe Co.) Yarnall, T. 11. bill elk, L. S. & M. 11. 11. res 8d, opp Court House. Yates, Fred, B., machinist, res Lower Main. Yoerss, Aug., mill hand, H. B. & B bds at Mill. Y'ork, Edward, lab, res 5th n Churchill. York, John, hostler, A. J. Crff, bds same. Y^ork, J. C, (Y^'ork & Simmons) res n 2d, w s Olive. Y'ork & Simmons, [J. C. York, II. Simmons] horse shoers, w s 2d, 8 Olive. Yorks, Ed, mill hand, Seymour Sabin & Co. bds at Mill. Yorks, Frank, mill hand, I. Staples, bds at Mill. Y'orks, Thos. J., book keeper, res cor Putz and Willard. Young, Augustis, lumberman, res 4th, s Chestnut. Young, Herbert, engineer, res cor Locust and 2d. Young, J. T., engineer, res e s 2d, n Goodwood. Young, Samuel D., mill hand, I. Staples bds at Mill. Youngbauer, Joseph, finisher, M. S. Willard, bds Pacific Hotel. Y^ouno-quest, John, blacksmith, Myrtle w 4th. Youngquist, Frank, res Mulberry, e 2d. PRYOR .t CO S STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. 91 z Zearman, Wm., works Schulenburg, res 1st, nr Sycamore. Zimmerman, H., mill hand, H. B. & B. bds at Mill. Zopfi, Fred., mill hand, res Olive. Zopfi, John, mill hand, Hersey, Bean & Brown. Zohn, B., dry goods, cor Goodwood and 4th, res same. Zorn, Herman, mill hand, Hersey, Bean & Brown. Zorn, Michael, mill hand, H. B. & B, res 7th, n Hancock. Zorn, Robt, mill hand, Hersey, Bean & Brown. Zorn, Wm., mill hand, Hersey, Bean & Brown. ZUBRCHER, ALFRED, German Physician, Sur- geon and ObstetriCfO^ce and res in F, Schutze's building f specialty diseases of children., French spohen. Zybarth, Francis, lab, res 7th, n Churchill. PRYOR&CO'S., STILLWATER CITY DIRECFOM, 1876-7. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Butts, E. G., cor 2d and Chestnut. Castle & Lehmicke, cor Main and Chestnut, Comfort, 0. H., Main, s Chestnut, LECKY. T.,cor Main ft ad 3Ii/rfle. 3IcCLUEh' & 31AhSH, w s 31ain, s Myrtle. Norgord, Chas., w s Main, s Myrtle, 31URDOCK, H. li.,cnr Main and 3Iyrtle. THOMPSON, L, E., w s Main, s 31uitle. Van Vleck, I., w s Main, s Myrtle. BAKERIES. Bell & Larrivie, Chestnut, w Main. Staerkel, J., Main. BANKS. First National Bank, e s Main, s Chestnut. LU31BEIlMA^>S NATIONAL BANK, cor Main and 3Iyrtle, BARBERS. TIadley & Jackson, e s Main, n Chestnut. Komenska, J., Chestnut, e Main. McSweeney & Rogentine, w s Main, s Chestnut. PaVOR Si cos STILLWATER CITV DIRECTORY. 93 BILLIARDS. Deragisch, P. S., w s Main, n Myrtle. Gieriet, J., cor Main and Chestnut. McQuillan, D., e s Main, n Chestnut. Thelan, B., w s Main, n Chestnut. BLACKSMITHS. GASSMAN, H. 17., 2d, n Mt/rtle. HATHA WAY, C. 3/., 3d. s Mijrtle. Moffatt, M., w s 2d, s Myrtle. Ryan k Farall, Main, n Mulberry. STAPLES <& KEARNEY, Lower Main. York & Simmons, w s 2d, s Olive. BOOKS & STATIONERY. Eldridge, A., w s Main, n Chestnut. Lull, A. C, 8 s Main, n Chestnut. BOOTS & SHOES. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS. Ruth, A., e s Main, s Chestnut. Drews, & Kern, Chestnut, w Main. GBUEWELAGENj J, H, Chestnut, nr Bridge. Hanitsch, W., e s Main, s Chestnut. Hawkenson, & Johnson, 2d, n Myrtle. Hersey, JJronson, Doe & Folsom, cor Main and Myrtle. Linlioff, W., w s Main, s Chestnut. 0'SHAUGHNESSY,J., e s Main s Chestnut. SCHVVARZ, N. F., South 3Iain. Sheela. C. Main, s Chestnut. Stenstrom, P. J., 2d s Mulberry. BREWERIES. Knipps. G., upper Main. TEPASS, H., Lotver Main. AVolf & Co. cor Main and Nelson. COMMISSION- BUTLER & MCKUSIR, Lotver Main. CONFECTIOiNERY BELL & LARRiriE, Chestnut, w Main. Dunn, T. J.. S. Main. 94 PRYOR & go's STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. Depew, J. J. McNall, agt. Main, n Nelson. Francis, T., w s Main, s Myrtle. Fry, D., cor Main and Myrtle. Gard, S., Chesnut, w 2d. Kinney, J., cor Main and Nelson. McClellan, A. J., cov Main and Chestnut. Mellin, A., w s Main, s Chestnut. Patwell, N., cor 3d, aud Oak. Patwell, P., Lower Main. Raiter, F., w s 2d, s Mulberry. VOLIGNY, H„ Myrtle, w 3d, CARRIAGE PAINTER. Kane, J., 2d, n Myrtle. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKERS. DAW, RJCHARD, 2d, n Mtp^tle. MULLER, W3I.. Main n 3Inlherry. HATHA WAY, C. 31., 3d, s Myrtle. Torinus & Wilkinson, e s Main, s Chestnut. — dealers. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Albenberg'& Conhaim, Union Block, Main. Conrad, & Hospes, w s Main, n Myrtle. Stenstrom, P. J., 2d, s Mulberry. CLOTHING. Hersey. Bronson, Doe & Folsom, c-'r Main and Myrtle. Hospes, Cutler & Co. cor Main and Chestnut. 3I(>RIN, A.f w s Main, s Chestnut, Plechner, B. H., w s Main s Chestnut. Rees, R., w s Main, n Chestnut. Selleck, S., e s Main, n Chestnut. DENTIST. MERRY, B.G.,e s Main, s Myrtle, DRUGGISTS. CRANDALL & HBNING, Staples Block, w s 3Iain, Kauffman, H., Main s Chestnut. , Stein, W. J., w s Main, s Myrtle. PRYOR & go's STILLWATER CITF DIRECTORY. 95 DRY GOODS. CABLET d' LILLIS, Union Block, Main, Darms, J. N., e s Main, s Cliestuut. Hersey, Bronson, Doe & Folsom, cor Main and Myrtle. Lowell, J., cor 2(1, and Myrtle. MO BIN, A., w s Main s Chestnut PBINCE &FBENCH, es Xlain n Chestnut. Shepard, C. P., w s Main n Myrtle. SCUULEXBUBG, BOECKELEB ,& CO. Lake. Sehiitze. F., e s Main. Schupp & Tozer, w s Main, s Chestnut. STAPLES, I., cor 3Iyrtle ait d Main, Thorne, W. E., cor Chestnut and Main. WHEELEB, BBOS, e s 3Iain,s Chestnut, Zohn, B., cor 4th and Goodwood. EXPRESS COMPANIES. American Express Co., 2d, n Chestnut. United States Express Co., Myrtle, w Main. FLOURING MILL FLOBET^CE FLOUBING MfLL, TOWNSUEND & PBOCTOB, 2d, n 3Iyrtle. FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOPS. Swain, D. M. & D. W., 3d, s Myrtle. Stombs, & Bronson, s part of City. FURNITURE. Miiller, P., Chestnut, e Main. WILLABI), 31, S., 4S, s Main, Simonet, S., cor Main and Nelson. GROCERS. CABLET i& LILLIS, Union Block, 31ain. Dahm, J., S. Main, s Nelson. Darms, J. N., e s Main, s Chestnut. Hersey, Bronson, Doe k, Folsom, cor Main and Mvrtle. Kinsella, S., GoodAvood, e 5th. Lowell, J., cor Myrtle and 2d. PBINCE*& tBEN( H,es3Iain,n Chestnut. SCHULENliUBG, BOECKELEB, & CO,, Lake. Schultze, F., e s Main. 96 PRYOR & CO'fS STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. Schupp & Tozer, w s Main, n Chestnut. Shepard, C. P., w s Main, n Myrtle. Simmons, J. W., w s Main, s Chestnut. STAPLES^ I., cor Myvtle ond Main. Staevkel, J.. Main. WHEELER BItOS.,e s 3Iain, s Chesttiiit, Hi^CK LINES. Farmer, H. C, 2d n Chestnut. WAIT, JR. A., cor Myrtle and 2d. HARDWARE. CAP RON, E., Chestnut y w Main. Hospes. E. L. k Co., liospes IMock, Main. BICKER, O.A., es Main, n Chestnut, Torinus & Wilkinson, e s Main, s Chestnut. HARNESS AND SADDLES. BICE B. F., es2d. n Commercial av. Rothman, !<. N., Union, s Myrtle. Weldon, E., Chestnut, nr Bridge. Wier, E., e s Main, s Chestnut. HEARSES. BBOMLEY, C. A., s s Chestnut, w Main. WAIT, B, A., cor 2d and Myrtle. HOTELS KEYSTONE HOUSE, H. Volu/ni/, 3lyrtfe, iv 3d. lABEBTY HOUSE, H.OSTEN l>iPBF lower Main. MANSION HOUSE, J. Disch, e s Chestnut. Pacific House, J. Dietz, cor Main and Nelson. SAWYEB HOUSE, A. Lowell, cor 3d and 3lyrtle. ST. CBOIX HOTEL, A. Boor en, w s Main s Chest- nut, Stillwater House, M. White, Mulberry, av Main, ST, LOUIS HOUSE, F. W. 3Iaisch, S. Main,'^ ^^l' son. Wexio Hotel, F. Raiter, w s 2(1, s Mulberry. Williams House, Mrs. M. Williams, cor 2d and Mulberry. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS. Keefe, J., w s Main, s Myrtle. SMITH, WBIGHT AND 3IOSIEL', 2dn Olive. VAN HUSKIBK & WEBSTEB, cor 3d and Myrtle. Webster, , Chestnut, w Main. PRYOR & go's STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. 97 INSURANCE. Allen, H. 11. , e s IMain, s Myrtle. Frederick & Jackson, w s Main, s Jackson. Lelimicke. R., cor Main and Chestnut. MURDOCK, H^.R.ffor Main and Myrtle, LIVERY. BROMLEY, C. A.^ss Chestnut, w Main, Denton, S. S., 2d, s Mulberry. Farmer, H. C, 2d, n Chestnut. McKTJSICK, D W,. es Main, n Commercial av. OrfF, A. J., e s Main, n Myrtle. WAIT, R. A., cor Myrtle and 2d. L0(4S ^ LUMBER DURA NT WHEELER & CO., iv s Main, s 3Iyrtle, Gillespie, A. L., e s ^SFain, s Myrtle. STAPLES, I.y Office cor 3Iain and Myrtle, LOUScfe PINE LANDS. BERSEY & BEAJV, cor Main anil 3Iyrtle. LU\lBER. MERSEY, BEAN i&BROWJS^, office cor Main and Myrtle. SCHUL ENB URG, B O ECKEL ER & CO., Lake, Seymour, Sabin k, Co., Upper Main. STAPL ES L, Upper iMain. MARBLE YARD. JOHNSON, J. O. Main s Nelson. MEAT MARKET. Hanson, & Co., Union BIk.. Main. Hersey, Bronson, Doe & Folsom, av s ]\Iain, n Chestnut. STAPLES, ISAAC, cor Myrtle and Main. Lacomb, C, Chestnut, w Main. MERCHANT TAILORfe. Bulov & Thon, 2d, s Mulberry. llildebrandt, J. T., cor Stimson Alley, and Chestnut. Hillmer, C, Chestnut, w Main. Hospes, Cutler & Co., cor ^lain and Chestnut. Ryding, J. A., Myrtle, w Main. Selleck, S., c s Main, n Chestnut. 98 PRYOR & CO'S STILLWATER CITY DIRKCTORT. MILLINERY. Blackbird, P., cor 2d and Chestnut. Goodwin, Mr». J. B., Union Blk., ^Nlain. Jacobs, Mrs. A. C, Chestnut, w Main. MUSIC & MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Frederick & Jackson, w s Main, s Chestnut. NEWSPAPERS. St. Croix Post, W. P. Schilling, cor Main and Chestnut. Stillwater Gazette, A. B. Eastoii & Son, cor Main and Chestnut. Stillwater Lumberman, Taylor & Co., e s Main, s Chestnut. Stillwater Messenger, Seward & Taylor, cor Main and Chestnut PAPER HANGING. SMITH, WTtirrHT 4& 3IOSIER, 2d, n Olive. VAN BUSKIRK& WEBSTER, cor 3rd and Myr- tle, PHOTOGRAPHERS. CARLTf C. H. JR., cor 2d and Mulberry, Sinclair, J., e s Main, n Chestnut. Stridborg, J. A., w s Main n Myrtle. PHYSICIAN'S. Carli, C, cor 2d and Mulberry. Goodwin, R. F., Union Block, Main. Millard, P. H., w s Main, s Myrtle. Pratt, W. H., Myrtle, w Main. Rhodes, J. C Chestnut, w 2d. ZUERCHER, A., F. ScJiultzes Bldy. PLANLNG MILLS. MERSEY, BEAN4& BROWN, eor Main and Myr tie. Seymour, Sabin & Co. upper Main. STAPLES, J., Upper Main. REAL ESTATE. Allen. H., e s Main s. Myrtle. HERSEY & BE A V^ cor Main and Myrtle. PRYOR & go's STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. 99 RESTAURANT. Depew, J., J. McNall, agt, Main, n Nelson. Mellin. A., w s Main s Chestnut. TAENHAUSER, J., Chestnut, w Main, SALOO^S. BOORBN, A,,ivs Main, s Chestnut. Deragisch, L. A., w s Main, s Chestnut. Deragisch, P. S., w s Main, n Myrtle. Drechsler, C, Main, s Chestnut. Drechsler, Wm., Lake. Gieriet, J., cor Main and Chestnut. Happner, E., w s Main, s Chestnut. Jastram, D., upper Main. Komenska, J., Chestnut, e Main. Leveen k Stone, 2(1, s Mulberry. Lowell, A., cor Myrtle and 21. Lyons, J., w s Main, s Che.-tnut. MAISCH, F, W., S. Main, s Nelson. McQuillan, i)., e s Main, s Chestnut. Mondoux, G. Chestnut e Main. MiiHau'fh, r., cor Stunson Alley and Chestnut. 0'i->rien, Ed. S. Main, s Nelson. OSTENDORF, H. Lower 31ain. Schermuly, W., Main. Thelan, B., w s ^Nlain, n Chestnut. Turich k Brenner, cor Chestnut and Main. White, M., Mulberry, w Main. Wihnet, Alfred, w s Main, s Chestnut. SASH DOCKS AND BLINDS. HERSEY, BEAN& BRO IFiV, lotver Main. Seymour, Sabin & Co., upper Main. ^ STAPLES. I,, upx)er Main. SAW MILLS. HERHEY, BEAN & BRO WN, lotver Main. SCHULENBVRG, BOECKELER & CO,, Lake. Seymour, Sabin ct Co., upper Main. STABLES, L, ujrper 31ain. SEWING xMACHINE AGENTS. Blackbird, P., cor 2d and Chestnut. Goodwin, Mrs. J. B. Union Block, Main. O'SRAUGHNESSY, J., esMain, s Chestnut. 100 PRYOR & go's STILLWATER CITY DIRECTORY. SODA WATER MANUFACTURERS. Monti Bros., Myrtle, av 3d. Scbillino;. AVm.. Scluilenburg's Add. STEAM BOAT AGENTS. BUTLER & 3IcKUSlCK, loiver Main. STOVES AND TINWARE. CAPROX, E,. Chestnut, w Main. BICKER, O. A., e s Main, n Chestnut. SA IVY/JRS LESALE LIQUORS. Potts, p.. !Main, n Nelson. Wolf, cS: Fetz, cor Main and Nelson. WOOD AND IRON FENCES. Low, Jordan ^ Co., cor -ith and Olive.