LINCOLN ROOM UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY MEMORIAL the Class of 1901 founded by HARLAN HOYT HORNER and HENRIETTA CALHOUN HORNER A3GI4C cop. Z Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign A Check List Of Broadsides And Pamphlets Associated With Abraham Lincoln by Harold W. Gammans A Check List Of Broadsides And Pamphlets Associated With Abraham Lincoln by Harold W. Gammans A check list of broadsides and pamphlets associated with Abraham Lincoln based mainly on the Rockefeller McLellan, the Harris and Caleb Fiske Harris collections. By Harold W. Gammans Author of "Spirit of Ann Rutledge", Lincoln — Names and Epithets" etc. LIMITED EDITION OF 500. Copy No. I b Privately printed by the Franklin Printing Company, Bristol, K. Copyright 1958 Harold W. Gammans CCrf), a. Genesis — L'Allegro A crude Sputnick elemental, Atom-powered, transcendental! I've worked seven long years — Rachel promised for the labor — Guess it will be Leah — And seven years more for Rachel's favor, Laban is a hard task-master — Just casually he said one day, "A bib of Lincoln poems is sorely needed" All I know is that heeded. Take a kindly look at me, World hitch-hiker of seventy-three Seven years ago due to retire From purgatory snow and fire — Thousands who gave me a lift will testify Two hundred thousand miles of faith is no lie. Seven years ago I figured out By keeping up my pace It could be done without doubt — Vd save enough that way ■^ As no foundation I appealed to would pay — Ford, Lilly, Guggenheim — For a Lincoln Sputnick — not a dime — Still when you re three score years and ten There looms an if, also, and when Ifpveryou make the full equator So here is only broadside data: — Over a thousand sheets so far found Covering Lincoln poetry ground— A broadside with a Lincoln line I freely take and call it mine, And go still farther you will see — Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Sherman, Stonewall Jackson, Grant, Douglas, Johnson, Little Mac, Sheridan and old John Brown, Men close to Lincoln wherever found, — The flag of the North, the flag of the South, The God of the North, the God of the South. — Lincoln's words, it Liberty and Union', For they lead to the altar of world communion. So forth, crude Sputnick, on world circling sea Of peace and brotherhood and liberty. -Harold Exodus — II Penseroso Hallelujah! brave librarian! Hope you'll be a centenarian! To everyone who carefully Handed a treasured leaf to me, Not a fig-leaf, but to uncover A jewel that I should discover - Brown, the prime repository Of blessed Lincoln's living story — McLellan, Harris, how they shine The sun of Lincoln song and rhyme! Providence Public Library — Harris ivotated industriously; Harry E. Pratt and Margaret Flint Supplied fine data without stint. The Library of Congress got someone On my data when I first begun But failed to give the checker' s name For this omission, take the blame. Chicago, Worcester, and Fort Wayne, Duke, New York — too few I name — Almost forgot my Alma Mater — / plunged into the Harvard crater — The Athaneum and Boston Pub Smiled on my work, — bless the Hub! Hardly know where I am at For microfilm and photostat — Moscow, too, has been so fine Checking Whitman Lincoln — line. Brother, sister, thanks again. Guess you*d like to say '*Amen" Bui hold! this is just the start, A bib of broadsides for the mart, A Lincoln Song Bib, thousands strong Is writhing in a wild confusion A list of poems full twice as long Cries out for aid, sighs for transfusion: A tin-cup in a beggar's hands Is held out for the world demands The soul of Lincoln known shall be, All souls to free, the world to free. - Harold Location Symbols CsMH Henry E. Huntington Library DCL Library of Congress FW Lincoln Life Library, Ft. Wayne, Ind. GEU Emory University Library IHi Illinois State Historical Library MB Boston Public Library MB at Boston Athaneuro MdBE Enoch Pratt Free Library MdBJ John Hopkins University Library MH Houghton Library, Harvard University MWA American Antiquarian Society NBPL New Bedford Public Library NcD Duke University Library NN New York Public Library PPR Ridgeway branch of the Library Company of Phila. RP Providence Public Library RPB John Hay Library V Virginia State Library VRC Confederate Museum SLC Carl Sandburg - Lincoln Collector G Harold W. Gammans, Newport, R.I. Bibliographies (BC) John Russell Bartlett, A catalogue of the books and pamphlets relating to the Civil War in the United States (1866). (B) Andrew Boyd, A memorial Lincoln bibliography, 1870. (S) Mary Louisa Sutliffe, A bibliography of poems re- lating to Abraham Lincoln (1893). (F) Daniel Fish, Lincoln bibliography (1906). (Bo) Mary Josephine Booth, a partial bibliography of poems relating to Lincoln (1909). (E) Esther Parker Ellinger, Southern war poetry of the Civil War (1918). (0) Joseph Benjamin Oakleaf, Lincoln Bibliography (1926). (S) John W. Starr, Jr., A bibliography of Lincolniana not contained in Fish and Oakleaf 1926. (CW) Thomas Franklin Currier, A bibliography of John Greenleaf Whittier, 1937. (M) Jay Monaghan, Lincoln bibliography 1943 and 1945. W E. L. Rudolph, Confederate broadsides 1950. (CH) Thomas Franklin Currier, ed. by Elizabeth M. Tilton, A bibliography of Oliver Wendell Holmes 1953. (CI) Marjory Lyle Crandall, Confederate imprints 1955. (MCI) Richard Harwell, More Confederate imprints 1957. (BB) Jacob Blank, Bibliography of American literature 1953 and 1955. dedicated to my father, Hon, George H. Gammans Civil War Volunteer and my son, 1st Lieut. George H. Gammans, II U.S. Army Air Corps, missing in action Jan. 11, 1943. Awarded Air Medal and Flying Cross Carrier's Addresses 1. Albany Daily Knickerbocker Carrier's address, Jan. 1, 1866 Albany, N.Y. 50x33 RPB 2. Albany Daily Knickerbocker Carrier's address, Jan. 1, 1862 Albany, N.Y. 50x32 MB 3. Chicago Evening Journal Carrier's address, Jan. 1, 1863 Chicago, 111. 39.7x25 MWA 4. The Chronicle Carrier's address, Jan. 1, 1869 Warren, R.T. 19x12 RPB 5. Daily Advertizer and Union New Year's address, Jan. 1, 1866 Auburn, Me. 39x29 RPB 6. Daily Evening Bulletin Carrier's address, Jan. 1, 1865 Providence, R.I. 37x21 RPB 7. Daily Evening Bulletin Carrier's address, Jan. 1. 1866 Providence, R.I. 31x21 RPB 8. Daily Evening Standard Carrier's Address, Jan. 1, 1863 New Bedford, Mass. 33x20 RPB 9. Daily Evening Standard Carrier's address, Jan. 1, 1864, (p.l, first column). New Bedford, Mass. NBPL 9a Daily Evening Standard Carrier's address, Jan. 1, 1866 New Bedford Mass. 40x28 MWA 10 10. Daily Illinois State Journal Carrier's address. Jan. 1, 1861 (Poem by John Hay) Springfield, 111. 34x28 IHi RPB 11. Daily Union Carrier's address, Jan. 1, 1863 St. Louis, Mo. 19x11 (4)p. RP 12. Deutchenin Ohio, Neujahrs addresse, Jan. 1, 1866 Canton, Ohio 41x31 RPB 13. General Advertizer, Carrier's address. Jan. 1, 1863 Providence, R.I. 46x33 RPB 14. General Advertizer, Carrier's address. Jan. 1, 1867. Providence, R.I. 49x30 RPB 15. Harris burg Daily Telegraph Carrier's address. Jan. 1, 1866. (Poem by Dr. Engle) Harrisburg, Pa. 42.7x25.6 MWA 16. Illinois Lyons Republican Carrier's address. Jan. 1, 1864. Lyons ill. 17. Lacrosse Weekly Mirror Carrier's address. Jan. 1, 1861. La Crosse, Mich. 35x24 IHi 18. Lowell Journal & Courier, Carrier's address. Jan. 1, 1861. Lowell, Mass. 47.7x26.9 MWA 19. Missouri Democrat, Poem by John Hay for the patrons. Jan. 1, 1861 St. Louis, Mo. 20x12 (Ap.) RPB 20. National Intelligencer, Carrier's address. Jan. 1, 1864. Washington, D.C. 35x20 DCL. RPB 21. New York Herald, Carrier's address. Jan. 1, 1862. New York 61x43 DCL, RPB 22. New York Herald, Carrier's address. Jan. 1, 1864. New York 60x46 RPB 11 23. New York Tribune, Carrier's address. Jan. 1, 1862. New York 25x23 RPB 24. New York Tribune, Carrier's address. Jan. 1, 1864. New York 25x23 RPB 25. Providence Daily Evening Post, Carrier's address. Jan. 1, 1865, Providence, R.I. 45x23 RPB 26. Providence Daily Post, Carrier's address. Jan. 1, 1864. Providence, R.I. 39x26 RPB 27. Providence Evening Journal, Carrier's address. Jan. 1, 1865. Providence, R.I. 47x33 RPB 28. Providence Evening Journal, Carrier's address. Jan. 1, 1866. Providence, R.I. 49x34 RPB 29. Providence Evening Journal, Carrier's address. Jan. 1, 1927. Providence, R.I. 57x45 RPB 30. Providence Evening Journal, Carrier's address. Jan. 1, 1928. Providence, R.I. 55.5x45 RPB 31. Rutland Daily Herald, Carrier's address. Jan. 1, 1863. Rutland, Vt. 49x34 RPB 32. Salem Observer, Carrier's address. Jan. 1, 1862. Salem, Mass. 47x31 RPB 33. Salem Register, Carrier's address. Jan. 1, 1862. Salem, Mass. 46.4x31.5 MWA 34. Salem Register, Carrier's address. Jan. 1, 1863. (Poem by Phoebe A. Hannaford) Salem, Mass. 55x33 RPB 35. Saturday Evening Post, Carrier's address. Jan. 1, 1866. Philadelphia 52x34 RPB 12 36. Springfield Republican Carrier's address. Jan. 1, 1866. Springfield, Mass. 21x13 RPB 37. The Sun, Carrier's address. Jan 1, 1865. New York 59x39 RPB 38. Thompson's Bank Note and Commercial Reporter Carrier's address. Jan 1, 1863. N. Y. John H. Russell, lith. 42x30 RPB 39. "The year is out", Carrier's address (unidentified) (Baltimore ? 1862 ?) 27x12.5 RP 13 BROADSIDES AND PAMPHLETS 1. A.D. 1862 or How they act in Baltimore, by A Volunteer Zouave, (Thomas Morris). Baltimore, Jas. S. Waters, 1862. 18.5x11.5 8 p. RP 2. A.D. 1862 or The Volunteer Zouave in Baltimore by Quien Sabe (Ridgely). Baltimore, J. Davis & Co. 1862 12x18.5 8 p. RP 3. A Lincoln, by Caroline Coronado. (English translation by Martha Perry Lowe and Harold Gammans laid in) Madrid, Dec. 3, 1860 22x27 (3)p RPB 4. A Lincoln. Per Omaggio l'Autore. n.p. (1865) 18x11 32p DCL 5. A morte de Lincoln. Felix Perriera. Brazil, 1865 34x20 10 p. CSmH 6. A morte de Lincoln, by Bom Successo. (in Perriera) Prefatory poem. 7. Abraam and Columbia, n.p. (1864) 30x11 RPB 8. Abe Lincoln's battle cry, by James D. Gay. Magnus cl864 27x18 RPB 9. Abe Lincoln's Union wagon, by James D. Gay. New York cl864 20x13 RPB 10. Abraham Lincoln, by C.B. Springfield, Mass. (1865) 23x15 RPB 11. Abraham Lincoln, by Berton Bellis. n.p. n.d. 15x8 RPB 12. Abraham Lincoln ou le Triomphe de l'Union Americaine par (F. Campadelli) Paris, 1865 22x13 3p. RPB 13. Abraham Lincoln by Aloys Conley. San Francisco (May 14, 1926) 26x12 RPB 14. Abraham Lincoln, by (Frank B. Cowgill). Spanish American Institute, 1949 24x15 RPB 15. Abraham Lincoln by Cephas W. Cunningham, n.p. (1948) 16x14 RPB 16. Abraham Lincoln, Les enfants du travail par Alexandre D'Engleheim Paris, Parguerre 1865 25x20 RPB 17. Abraham Lincoln, President. An acrostic by George A. Fairhead, n.p. n.d. 14x9 RPB 18. Abraham Lincoln by Thomas Patrick Henry, n.p. n.d. 28x18 RPB 19. Abraham Lincoln. Centennial hymn by Frederick A. Hosmer. Rochester (1909) 16x10 4p. RPB 20. Abraham Lincoln by Julia Ward Howe. Boston 1909 22x14 RPB 21. Abraham Lincoln, In memoriam, Good Friday, Passion week, by A. J. H. Duganne N.Y., Trent, Filmer & Co. 42.5x32.5 (R) 22. Abraham Lincoln. A threnody by (G. H. Howison). n.p. n.d. 19.5x15 26p. RPB 23. Abraham Lincoln, by J. W. Jackson, n.p. C1916 19x13 RPB 24. Abraham Lincoln by Delia E. Knapp in Memorial: To The Senate ^nd House. Buffalo 1877 23x14 4p. IHi 25. Abraham Lincoln by Albert Leighton (same as "Requiem") in Memorial Service. (Concord) N.H., June 1865 23x12 RPB 26. Abraham Lincoln by Robert Leighton. n.p. n.d. 18x11 RPB 27. Abraham Lincoln by George Lockwood n.p. n.d. 30x15 RPB 28. Abraham Lincoln by Agnes MacNamara in petition] to Senate and House of 50 persons that Feb. 12 be made a legal holiday. Buffalo, 1878 4p. RPB 29. Abraham Lincoln by Mary A. McCarthy, (in petition to Senate & House) Buffalo, 1878 4p. RPB 30. Abraham Lincoln by Edmund S. Meany. Ft. Wayne (1910) 21x20 RPB 31. Abraham Lincoln in "Osborn St. Grammar School bs. M n.p. May 1, 1865 23x22 RPB 32. Abraham Lincoln by William Kimberly Palmer, n.p. n.d. 15x9 RPB 33. Abraham Lincoln by Samuel Parker, n.p. n.d. 15x8 RPB 34. Abraham Lincoln by F. Ursula Payne. Brooklyn, Feb. 12, 1909 23x15 RPB 35. Abraham Lincoln, 1809 - Feb. 12 - 1874, by Mary A. Ripley. InPetitionlto Senate and House. Buffalo, 1874 22.5x13 4p. RPB 36. Abraham Lincoln (Loyal Legion hymn) by Robert B. Rogers. (Boston) n.d. 23x15 RPB 37. Abraham Lincoln by John Shedd. n.p. n.d. 17x14 RPB 38. Abraham Lincoln by Richard Henry Stoddard, n.p. n.d. 30x14 IHi Portland, Me. 20x14 4p. RPB 39. Abraham Lincoln. An Oration Ode by R. H. Stoddard. N.Y.Bruce & Huntington (1865) 23.5x15 12p. RPB 40. Abraham Lincoln by James S. Thome. (Bangkok, Siam, June 16, 1865) New York n.d. 16x9 8p. (M) 41. Poem, Abraham Lincoln by "Jack Thome" (David Bryant Pulton) (Brooklyn 1909) 23x12 (3)p. RPB 42. Abraham Lincoln by Louise S. Upham. Magnus 29x20 RPB 43. Abraham Lincoln by William C. Uphaff. Moline, 111. 1948 18x14 IHi, RPB 44. Abraham Lincoln by Charles R. Wakeley. n.p. cl936 24x10 RPB 45. Abraham Lincoln by W(andering) P (oet) (G.G.P. DeWolfe) n.p. 1865 20x11 RPB 46. Abraham Lincoln by Mrs. M. A. Wilson, n.p. (1900) 15x9 (4)p. RPB 47. Abraham Lincoln. Liberty's great martyr. April 14, 1865. Scripture quotations. (B) 48. Abraham Lincoln and Adam's ale by Mrs. William H. Maurice. Phila., Oct. 19, 1875 18x10 6p. RPB 49. Abraham Lincoln. Born July 12, 1809; died April 15, 1865. Three passages from Shakespeare applied to Lincoln. B. Russell & Co. (1865) 35x28 RPB 50. Abraham Lincoln murdered April 14 (4 lines with the preceding title printed on top of a "Hymn on the death of an infant, four years of age, etc., etc. as it should be sung by 30,000,000" etc, (B) 51. Abraham Lincoln on le Triomphe de l'Union Americanie. Dedie a l'Honorable Monsieur Bigelow, Ministre des Etats-Unis. n.p. n.d. 20x13 3p. IHi 52. Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, assassinated April 14, 1865. A funeral hymn by (Lasher). n.p. (1865) 20x11 RPB 53. Abraham Lincoln, president of the United States, foully assassinated April 14, 1865, by Tom Taylor. n.p. (1870) 30x23 RPB Washington, D.C. cl910 51x37 RPB 54. Abraham Lincoln; a tribute, 1809-1909, by E. S. Dwinnell. n.p. (1909) 22x12 (4)p. RPB 55. Abraham Lincoln's reply by Malvina Wilson. New York (1918) 26x15 RPB 56. Abraham's daughter, arranged by Oldfield, P.H.H. 1st line: Of soldiers here, both far and near. n.p. C1868 24x12 RPB 57. Abraham's daughter 1st line: Some years ago, I 'spose you know De Marsan 23x15 RPB 58. Abraham's daughter, No. 2, by (Tony Emmett). 1st line: How are you and all my friends De Marsan 25x17 RPB 59. Abraham's daughter. No.3 by (Tony Emmett) 1st line: Oh! kind folks, listen to my song, it is no idle story Auner. 1861 25x15 RPB 60. Across the Jasper Sea, by Edward Austin. Providence, R.I. July 23, 1885 24x12 RPB 61. Ad Abramo Lincoln Presidente degli Stati Uniti d 'America. Pinerolo 1862 22x14 16p DLC (M) 62. Advance to Richmond by the way of the junction, (same as — The battle of Bull's Run Old Virginia, never die Remember Bull's Run Virginia races from Bull's Run) n.p. (1861) 18x12 MH 63. Ain't I glad to get out of the wilderness. Andrews 24x15 Auner 22x15; De Marsan 25x16; Partridge 20x12 n.p. n.d. 20x12 -RPB 64. All our land is draped in mourning, by L.M. Dawes. De Marsan (1865) 26x16 RPB 65. All Spice, by Cola (Ridgely). (Our opinion; or A hit at the times has 5 more verses) (Baltimore 1861) 22x6 RP All's for the best. Magnus 20x12 RPB 66. America — To an Ohio Regiment (1864) by Abraham Lincoln, n.p. n.d. 86x64 RPB 67. American Anthems, on the triumph of liberty and union over slavery and treason. N.Y. n.d. 25x15 3p. (B) 68. The American Boy. Auner 22x12; De Marsan 25.5x16; Johnson 19.5x12; Magnus 20.5x13 RPB 69. The American rebels. Incipit "Song" by John Esten Cooke, n.p. n.d. 22x11 RP 70. The American Flag. Auner 22.5x14 RPB De Marsan 25.5 x 16.5 RPB Johnson 25x14.5 RPB Edwin J. Gibson 24x15 RPB 71. The American Flag, by Saugertes Bard (Henry Bachus). Wrigley 25x16.5 RPB 72. The American volunteer. De Marsan 25x16 RPB 73. Answer to a young conscript by his lady, by A. Anderson. (Phila.) Oct. 1863 23.5x15 RPB 74. The American Star. Bonsai 21x12.5 RP De Marsan 26x17 RPB 75. Antietam, by Col. Max Langenschwartz. De Marsan c. 1864 20x13 RPB 76. Apostrophe to Abraham Lincoln, by (R. L. Johnson). Newark c. 1895 35x18 RPB 77. An appeal for Maryland, by B. Baltimore, Jan. 20, 1862 9x8 RP 78. Approaching the last ditch, by J. L. Burley. n.p. (1864) 16x8 RPB 79. Are we free? By J (ames R. Brewer). Same as "Maryland in chains' Annapolis, Oct. 22, 1861 29x11 RP 80. Army hymn, by Oliver Wendell Holmes. Boston, Balch 1861 16x13 De Marsan 25x17 Wrigley 25x16 RPB 81. The army of liberty. Magnus 21x13 RPB 82. Arouse, ye sons of freedom! Phila., William Hunt (1861) RPB 83. As lonely as our Lincoln, by William Leroy Stidger. (Boston) 1929 23x15 RPB 84. As we knew him, by R. L. Converse, n.p. n.d. 20x15 RPB 85. Assassination of President Lincoln, by J. T. Breeze. Belleville, Ontario. J. T. Bell 1865 23x12 8p. RPB 86. Attention, by B. (Ridgely). Baltimore, Oct. 16, 1861 16x12 RP, RPB 87. At Lincoln's tomb, by Edward L. Schewe. Los Angeles, 1942 19x10 RPB 88. Babylon, by N. Vachel Lindsay. Memphis, Tenn., 1928 23x29 RPB 88a. Babylon is fallen. De Marsan 24x15 Johnson 22.5x15.5 RPB 89. Ballad No. 1. When the boys come marching home. By A. Anderson. Philadelphia, Jan. 1864 24x16 RPB 90. Ballad No. 2. Their trophies, by A. Anderson. (Phila) Jan. 1864 23.5x15 RPB 91. The ballad of Abraham Lincoln, by Bayard Taylor. Boston 1870 8p. RPB 92. Ballad of the great fight between the Union Eagle and the old rooster, Jeff Davis. n.p. 1847 (1862) 35.5x8 RPB 93. Baltimore boys 'own. (Baltimore 1861) 19x11 MB 94. Baltimore girls. (Baltimore 1861) 22.5x11.5 RP 95. Baltimore Union song, by F. H. S (herwin.) (Baltimore 1861) 18x9 RPB 96. Baltimore would not be shoved outbf the Union by Kane's police. (Bait.) (1861) 25x11 RP 97. The banner of the free, by Eugene Johnston. De Marsan (1864) 24x16 Magnus 20x13 RPB 98. The Battle at Manassas, by (Mary Devereux Clarke) same as "Beauregard at Manassas" and "The battle of Manassas", n.d. n.p. 16x11 NN 99. The battle near the river Po, by Wandering Poet (G.G.B. DeWolfe). Partridge 23x16 RPB 100 Battle of Belmont n.p. n.d. 22x7 DCL 101 The battle of Bull Run De Marsan 25x17.5 Auner 22x15 RPB 102 The battle of Gettysburg Magnus 21x13 RPB 103 The battle of Gettysburg, by George P. Hardwick Washington, D.C., c. 1863 26x13 RPB 104 The battle cry of freedom, by George Fred Root. Auner 25x14 De Marsan26xl7 RPB Johnson 24x15 Magnus 21x13 Wehman 24x15.5 105 The battle hymn of the Republic, by Julia Ward Howe. Publ. by Supervisory commission for recruiting colored troops, n.d. 25x15 RPB 106 Battle Hymn of the Virginia soldier, n.p. n.d. 21x9 RP, RPB 107 The battle is still for the right, by Richard Malcolm Johnson, (inscribed: Will Hon. A. Lincoln please accept) West Chester, Aug. 10, 1860 MS 108 Battle of Leesburg, same as "Bull Run". (Baltimore 1861) 21x10 RP 109 The battle of Manassas, by (Mary Devereux Clarke) same as "The battle at Manassas" and "Beauregard at Manassas", n.p. n.d. 11x8 RP, RPB 110 Battle of Manassas, by Susan Archer Talley. Richmond, Va., Aug. 3, 1861 RP, RPB 111 The battle of St. Paul's, by A Louisiana soldier, n.p. (1862) 21x11 MH 112 The battle of the stove-pipes, n.p. n.d. 24x18.5 RP 113 The battle of the wilderness, by James D. Gay. (Philadelphia) c.1864 25x15.5 RPB 114 The battle of Williamsburg. De Marsan 26x17 RPB 115 Battle song of the "Black Horsemen", by C (Ridgely). Winchester, Va., Oct. 1, 1861 RP, RPB 116 The battle song of the Maryland line (on double broadside with "The Flag") (Baltimore 1861) 28x9 RP 117 Be true to tne flag. n.p. n.d. 19.5x11 RP 118 Be true to our flag, by Gen. W. H. Hayward. Baltimore, n.d. 22.5x14.5 RP 119 The bear hunt, by Abraham Lincoln (excerpt from long poem written about 1844). Hancock, N.Y., 1925 14x9 RPB 120 Beauregard (5th verse by Nims Howard, 6th, 7th and 8th verses by Nicholas Greensberry Ridgely) (Baltimore 1861) 22x16 RP 121 Beauregard at Manassus, by (Mary Devereux Clarke) same as "The battle at Manassas" and "The battle of Masassas" n.p. n.d. 16x11 RP 122 Beauregard watchword (same as "South and the North") n.p. n.d. 18x7 RP, RPB 123 Ben McCullough, by B. (Ridgely); Incipit "Song". (Baltimore 1861) 23x11 RP, RPB 124 Benny Haven's, O. Mc Clellan campaign song and chorus. Louisville, Ky., D. P. Foulds c. 1864 RPB 125 Berdan's sharp-shooters, by S. G. Elder. De Marsan 24x17 RPB 10 126 The bill poster's dream or "Cross Readings" by Eugene T. Johnston. Magnus 11 copies, each with a different illustration RPB 127 Billy Barlow, No 2, by Ed Clifford. De Marsan 26x16.5 RPB 128 The Birthday of Abraham Lincoln, by C. W. Pairhead. n.p. n.d. 14x9 RPB 129 Bob Anderson Auner 23x15 RPB 130 The bold engineer, by O. H. S. (Ridgely) Baltimore, Oct. 14, 1861 24x8 RP 131 Bone ornaments n.p. n.d. clipping mounted 4x7 RP 132 Bonnie blue flag, by (Harry McCarthy) De Marsan 26x17 RPB Johnson 24x15 133 The bonnie blue flag. Another version by Harry McCarthy. S. T. Gordon 25x15 RP Magnus 20x13 RPB 134 Born without a chance. By Edmond Vance Cooke. Gardena, Calif., 1940 25x17 RPB 135 The Boston British in Baltimore. (Baltimore 1861) 19x12 RP 136 A boy's wish (See 111. State Hist, library. Circular from Supt, of Public Instruction's office. 1908 p. 35-6) (BO) 137 Boys of Uncle Samu'l. By H (arry) Angelo. Magnus 21x13 RPB 138 Brave boys are they! By Henry Clay Work. De Marsan (1862) 25.5x17 RPB Johnson 20x13 Magnus 25.5x16 Partridge 21x15 11 139 Brave boys are they ! By Henry Clay Work. De Marsan 25x17 Johnson 25x16 Magnus 21x13 RPB Partridge 21x15 140 Brave little Mac. By J. H. Taylor. De Marsan (1864) 26x17 Magnus (1864) 21x13 RPB 141 Breckenridge and Lane campaign song, n.p. (1860) 23.5x14 IHi 142 The broker's "Stamp Act" lament, by (Miss Thomesen) n.p. (July, 1862) 18x9 RP 143 The building of Springfield,, by N. Vachel Lindsay, (in "The future of Springfield") Springfield, 111., 1908 15x12 (4) p. RPB 144 Bull Run, same as "The battle of Leesburg". (Baltimore 1861) 21x10 RP 145 Bully for all, by H(arry) Angelo. Phila., W.H. Coulston, 1861 21x13 RP, RPB 145a Bummers, come and meet us. De Marsan 25x17 RPB 146 Burn the cotton, by Martha Frazer Brown. Memphis, Tenn., May 15, 1862 25x17.5 RP 147 The call. By(Ridgely). Baltimore, Oct. 1862 20x10.5 RP 148 Call the boys of '76 De Marsan 26x17 RPB 149 Camp song of the Maryland line, by Frank Key Howard. (Baltimore, 1861) 23.5x15 RP, RPB 150 Campaign song 1st line — Come, independents, rally to the fight. Johnson 23x15 RPB 12 151 Campaign song by B. H. Grierson. Meredosia, 111., 28x18 IHi, RPB 152 A campaign song dedicated to J. H. Bross, leader of the Wide-awake glee club by Henrietta. n.p. (1860) 24x15 RPB 153 Campaign song. Blaine & Logan, n.p. n.d. 25x17 RPB 154 A campaign song. McClellan and Liberty. Phila., Mason & Co. (1864) 24x16 RPB 155 Campaign song by E. F. Schure. n.p. n.d. 23x16 RPB 156 Campaign song. Tune Du da. n.p. n.d. 23x15 IHi, RPB 157 Campaign song — Air — Camptown races, by C. C. T. n.p. (1860) 24x10 RPB 158 The captain of the Provost, by George R. Edeson. Magnus (21 copies each having a different illustration) 21.5x13 RPB 159 The capture of Jeff Davis, by John Forbes. Auner 24x15 Johnson 27x16 RPB 160 The capture of Jeff Davis, by (George G. B.) DeWolfe. De Marsan (1865) 25x17 RPB 161 The capture of Jeff Davis, by Eugene T. Johnston. DeMarsan 26x17 RPB 162 The capture of Richmond and Petersburg, by George P. Hardwick. Washington, 1865 33x21 RPB 163 Capture of Sally Davis, by John P. Larkin. De Marsan 25x17 RPB 13 164 Centennial anniversary of Abranam Lincoln contains a poem, "Lincoln" by a Veteran's daughter. New Haven, 1909 4p. RPB 165 A centennial hymn: Abraham Lincoln, by Frederick L. Hosmer, In Westminster church calendar, Jan. 31, 1909 RPB 166 The chosen, by Eugene Rowell. Barron Co., c. 1915 26x18 RPB 167 Christmas Eve n.p. n.d. 17x9 RP 168 Climbing up the Presidential stairs. (Blaine & Logan campaign song.) n.p. n.d. 25x17 RPB 169 Cling to the Union De Marsan 26x17.5 RPB 170 The colored volunteer, by Tom Craig. Johnson 24x12 Auner 24x16 RPB 171 Columbia, the hope of the world. Magnus 20.5x13 Wrigley 25x15.5 RPB 172 Columbia mourns for Ellsworth. By A. Harmon, n.p. n.d. 31x18 RPB 173 Columbia mourns for Lincoln. By A. Harmon, n.p. n.d. 23x16 RPB 174 Columbia, our country forever. By M. L. Hofford. Johnson 25x15 Wrigley 24x15.5 RPB 175 Columbia shall be free. De Marsan 25x17 RPB 176 Columbia shall be free. By Henry Nelson Hanna. Wrigley 24x15.5 RPB 14 177 Columbia's centennial greeting. By Samuel G. Upham. n.p. n.d. 20.5x13 4p. RPB 178 Columbia's centennial greeting. By E Pluribus Unum. Bonsai 20x11 RP De Marsan 25.xl4 Johnson 22.5x14.5 RPB 179 The combination song (same as "Song of many songs") By A. Anderson. n.p. n.d. 24x15 RPB 180 Come all ye gallant citizens. By Old Abe Merrill. (H. H. Merrill) Wright & Potter 26x15 RPB 181 Come, friends ol good government, n.p. n.d. 25x27 RPB 182 Come in out of the draft. By Ednor Rossitor. (Phila.) n.d. 25x16.5 RPB 183 Come, Jeff, come or Fort Donaldson is taken. By Hunky Boy. Boston n.d. 23x16 RP, RPB 184 Come Union men of every stripe, n.p. n.d. 37x25 RPB 185 The coming man. Dedicated to the Republican club of Ipswich, n.p. (1860) 22x14 RPB 186 Composed for the funeral of the President, Abraham Lincoln. By A. Deming. n.p. (1865) 13x10.5 RPB 187 The Confederate flag. By Susan Blanchard Elder, n.p. (Nov. 1862) 15x13.5 RP 188 The Confederate flag; Red, white and blue. By J. S. Prevette. Baltimore, Jan. 4, 1863 24x11.5 RP 189 The Confederate States (same as "Jeff Davis forever" and "Gen. Johnson's battlecry") n.p. n.d. 19x12 MB 15 190 Congratulatory lines to Brother Jonathan on the dictatorship of Abraham Lincoln. By J. I. R. of Richmond. Baltimore, June 1863 16x12 RP 191 The conscript's lay. By George P. Holt. Magnus 21x13 RPB 192 The Constitution. National anthem wr itten, composed and respect- fully dedicated to the President and People of the United States. By P. Widdows. De Marsan 26x17 RPB 193 The Constitution, our platform, McClellan, our candidate. By (John C. Cross). De Marsan 25x17 RPB 194 The contraband's adventures. Magnus 20x13 RPB 195 Contraband's song of freedom. By Eastburn (Septimus Winner). Auner (c. 1865) 24x10 De Marsan 26x16 RPB 196 The Copperheads. By the author of "The natural history of secession." N.Y. American News Co., Oct. 21, 1864 30x23 RPB 197 Cotton is king. By N. G. R. (Ridgely), same as "King Cotton". Baltimore, 1862 28x10 RP 198 Country, home and liberty. (Baltimore, 1861) 23x12 RP, RPB 199 Creed of Abraham Lincoln in his own words. Indianapolis, c. 1925 30x20 RPB 200 The Cross beside the star. (On receipt of the news of the assassination of Lincoln the British and American flags were hoisted together) By Isabel A. Saxon. (1865) mounted clipping 10x5 G 201 Cross's combination song. By John G. Cross. De Marsan (1860) 25x17 RPB 16 202 Davis _ by Quien Sabe (Ridgely). Baltimore, Feb. 10, 1862 25x9 RP 203 Das zweite Louisiana regiment. By George Henry Boker. n.p. 20x13 March, 1863 RPB 204 The darkey conscript. By Charles Hull. De Marsan 26x17 RPB 205 Dear liberty or Maryland will be free. (Richmond ?) n.d. 22.5x11.5 RP, RPB 206 Dear old flag. By William B. Bradbury. De Marsan 25x16 Johnson 21.5x11.5 RPB 207 Death and burial of Abraham Lincoln. By Humanitas (Thayer, C. R. ?) (Boston) C. R. Thayer (1865) 20x12 RPB 208 Death knell, The. To the Hon. Ulysses S. Grant, President of the United States. n.p. n.d. 40x25 RPB 209 The death of Abraham Lincoln. 1st line — Grief fills our land for sorrows time... (3) p. ms 20x15 RPB 210 Death of Col. Elmer E. Ellsworth. By James D. Gay. Gay, c. 1861 20x13 RPB Johnson 25x15 RPB J. Magee 24.5x16 RPB 211 The death of President Lincoln. By James D. Gay. J. D. Gay 1865 32x20 RPB 212 The death of President Lincoln. By Mrs. J. T. Robinson. North Adams (Mass.) (1865) 18x11 RPB 213 Decoration day by Henry W. Longfellow, n.p. c. 1935 20x17 RPB 214 Dedicated to the She Rebels of Baltimore, n.p. n.d. 48x12 RPB 17 215 Dedicated to the memory of Abraham Lincoln. By James Logan, n.p. 1865 24x19 IHi, RPB 216 Dedication poem (1874). By James Judson Lord. Danville, N.Y., 1907 24x20 2p. RPB 217 Demise of President Lincoln. By Mrs. Sarah A. Wakeman. Rochester, N.Y., 1865 24x21 RPB 218 The Despot's song! By Ole Secesh (Ridgely). Baltimore, March 15, 1862 26.5x11 RP, RPB 219 The devil's visit to "Old Abe". By Rev. E. P. Birch of LaGrange, Ga. (Atlanta? 1861?) 62x14 WR (MCI; 220 Devotion n.p. Jan. 1, 1863 18x11 RP 221 Died near the South-side railroad on Sunday, April 9, 1865, The Southern Confederacy, Abraham Lincoln, attending physician. James P. Rogers, printer (1865) 22x18 RPB 222 Disgrace and shame. (Baltimore 1861) 22x14 RPB 223 Dis— Union Dixie Land. Johnson (1861) 20.5x12 RPB 224 Dixey's conundrum. n.p. n.d. 21x12.5 RPB 225 Dixey's land. By D. D. Emmett. N.Y., H.J. Wehman 24x15 RPB 226 Dixey's land. No. 2. By Dan D. Emmett. De Marsan 25x16 Partridge 23x15 RPB 227 Dixey's land. Wide— awake version, n.p. (1860) RPB 228 Dixie, by (Albert Pike of Arkansas), n.p. n.d. 17x15 RPB 18 229 Dixie Doodle, by William H. Stevens. Wrigley 24x15 RPB 230 Dixie for the Union (as sung in public schools) by Fanny Crosby. Wrigley (1861) 24.5x16.5 RPB 231 The Dixie of our Union. De Marsan 25x15 RPB Wrigley 25x16.5 RPB 232 Dixie, where is Dixie, by Ned Buntline. Auner 23x14 RPB Baltimore, n.d. 13x10 RP 233 Dixie's land. No. 3. By Walter H. Peters. De Marsan 26x16 RPB 234 Dixie's land. No. 4. Anonymous. 1st line: Oh, come my lub and go wid me... De Marsan 25x17 RPB 235 Dixie's land. No. 5. By Walter H. Peters. De Marsan 25.5x16.5 Partridge 23x15 Wrigley 25.5x16.5 RPB 236 Dixie's Land. No. 6. By William P. Ferris. De Marsan 25x16 RPB 237 Dixie's nurse. By Eastburn (Septimus Winner). Johnson 24x15 RPB 238 Don't be choaked off. By John P. Cross. De Marsan 26x17 RPB 239 The downfall of Burnside, by William J. Shelton. Lynchburg, Va. 25.5x9 RPB 240 Down— trodden Maryland, by B. (Ridgely). n.p. n.d. 20x12 RP 241 Down-trodden Maryland. Third edition by N. G. R. (Ridgely). (verses 2,4, and 5 added to 1st edition) n.p. n.d. 24.5x19.5 RP 19 242 The draft is a coming. By B. A. De Marsan 25x17 Wrigley 24x15.5 RPB 243 1809 - Lincoln - 1909. By Leigh Mitchell Hodges, n.p. c. 1909 25x20 RPB 244 "Ellsworth!" Zouave battle cry. Rainsford Island, Boston Harbor. 1861. By B. B. Brown. n.p. n.d. 19x12 RPB 245 Ellsworth's avengers. By A. L. Hudson. Auner 23x14 De Marsan 25x16.5 Johnson 21x13 Magnus 20x13 Partridge 23x15 Wrigley 25x15 RPB 246 Ellsworth's body - (as sung by the Philadelphia fire— zouaves). Auner 22.5x14 De Marsan 25x16 Johnson 25x15.5 RPB 247 Emancipation day or Slavery days. By G. L. M. Stout. Johnson (1863) 25x15 RPB 248 Emancipation hymn. A parody. Boston, George B. Watson, n.d. 25x15 RPB 249 Emancipation proclamation song. Partridge (1863) 24x12 RPB 250 Emancipation Ode (in General Emancipation ballad), n.p. (1865) 24x20 RPB 251 Equalize the nations. By Frankfort Bard. (See 111. Hist, collections, Vol. 3, 1908, p. 570) (BO) 252 Federal vendue. By (Ridgely). Baltimore, 1861 23x9 RP 253 Fighting for the Union. By Walter Bray. San Francisco Boyd n.d. 20x12 RPB 20 254 Fiat Justitia. By H. Rebel, A lady of Baltimore (Helen Summer). Same as "God will repay" and "Right must prevail". (Baltimore, 1862) 24x8 RPB 255 The Flag (on double broadside with 'The battle song of the Mary- land line') (Baltimore) n.d. 28x9 RP 256 The flag of our Union 1st line — The North and South, they can't agree. De Marsan 26x15 Johnson 33x15.5 Magnus 21x13 RPB 257 The flag of our Union, by (George P. Morris). Johnson 23x16 Magnus 20x13 RPB 258 The flag of secession, by (Frederick Pinckney) (Baltimore) n.d. 21x14 RP, RPB 259 The flag with thirty-four stars. Auner 23x15 Magnus 21x13 RPB 260 Flip flap (sung by Frank Lun). De Marsan 26x17 RPB 261 The forgotten man, by Clarence B. Kelland. n.p. c. 1936 RPB 262 Fourth of July in Baltimore - 1776 versus 1861. n.p. n.d. 19.5x12 RP 263 Fourth of July song. Truncated version of 'Great Cry and little wool' by a Virginian. (Baltimore 1861) 20.5x12 RP 263a Fourth of July song. De Marsan 25x16 RPB 264 Fourth of July Union song. Bonsai n.d. 21x12 RP 21 265 For the Union we'll die, by W. S. Harlocke. Phila., William H. Coulston c. 1860 23x15 RPB 266 Port Sumter n.p. n.d. 30x12 RP 267 A fragment (same as 'Maryland, A fragment'), n.p. n.d. 25x15 RP 268 Free Maryland, by A. B. J (ustice). n.p. 1864 26x12 RPB 269 Fredericksburg, by W. F. W. n.p. Dec. 20, 1863 37x20 RPB 270 Free and easy of our Union. De Marsan 25.5x16.5 Partridge 23.5x15 RPB 271 Freedom's altar, by a lady of Philadelphia. Auner 23x14 RPB 272 Freedom's banner n.p. n.d. 20x13 RPB 273 Freedom's battle, by Richard Coe. n.p. n.d. 25x16 RPB 274 Freedom's call, by Z. (Sam Doucher) same as 'Southrons to Arms'. Baltimore, June 1, 1862 18x6 RP 275 Freedom's coming home. Funeral procession of President Lincoln. Boston, H. Partridge (1865) 24x15 cm RPB 276 Freedom's gathering (on song sheet), n.p. n.d. 46x33 RPB 277 Freedom's guide De Marsan 25x17 RPB 278 Freemen, rally De Marsan 25x16 RPB 22 279 Fremont campaign song, by "Our Ned". n.p. n.d. 24x15 RP 280 Friends we leave behind us. J. Magee c. 1862 21x12.5 RPB 281 Friendship, by Jno G. Nicolai. Pittsfield, 111., Jan. 25, 1853 SLC p.6 282 Free and easy of our Union. De Marsan 25.5x16.5 Partridge 23.5x15 RPB 283 Funeral hymn — 1st line - America's noblest sons are weeping, n.p. (1865) 20x12 IHi, RPB 284 Funeral ode, by William Cullen Bryant, n.p. (1865) 30x25 RPB 284a Funeral procession of President Lincoln as it started from the depot in Philadelphia, April 22, 1865. Phila., Johnson, July 4, 1865 24x15 RPB 285 Gay and happy Incipit "song". n.D. n.d. 23x13 RPB 286 Gay and happy, by Annie Rush, Cincinnati, Jas. Scott c. 1860. De Marsan 25.5x16 Johnson 24x13 Magnus 21x12.5 RPB 287 Gen. Beauregard. Incipit "song". Baltimore, n.d. 20x16 RP, RPB 288 General Davis (same as 'Gen. Jeff Davis* and 'Song of the South, Gen. Jeff Davis'). n.p. n.d. 26x16 RP, RPB 289 General emancipation ballad. Air — Ortonville. n.p. (1863) 24x20 RPB 290 Gen. Grant's boys, by James D. Gay. Philadelphia, 1864 24x15 RPB 23 291 Gen. Jeff Davis, same as "General Davis" and "Song of the South, Gen. Jeff Davis." n.p. (1861) 24x10 RP 292 Gen. Johnston's battle cry. (same as 'The Confederate States' and 'Jeff Davis forever') n.p. n.d. 19x10 DEL, NN 293 General Lee n.p. (1861) 19x12 RP 294 General Lee, by J. Cross Casten. Wrigley 24x15 RPB 295 Gen. Lee "Is pretty good looking, But he cant (sic) come into Maryland" , by Horner, n.d. n.p. 26x9 RP 296 Gen. McClellan is chasing the rebels to Richmond, with their breeches hanging down. n.p. (Nov. 1862) 26x8 RP 297 Gen. McClellan is the choice of the Nation, n.p. n.d. 21x8.5 RP 298 Gen. McClellan's farewell address to his army, by A. Anderson. (Philadelphia) c. 1862 24x15 RPB 299 General M'Lellan (sic) on the battle-field of Antietam, by J.R. n.p. n.d. 25x13.5 RPB 300 Gen. Scott asleep. n.p. (1861) 19x11 RP 301 Gen. Siegel's celebrated camp song, by G. P. Morris. Auner 23x15 Johnson 23x14 Magnus 21x13 Partridge 24x15 RPB 302 Gen. Scott and Corp. Johnson, by (Bayard Taylor). Auner 23x14 Magnus 21x13 RPB 24 303 George B. McClellan. Acrostic by Max Langenschwartz. Magnus, (1864) 12.5x20.5 RPB 304 The Georgia volunteer. Savannah (1861) 22x15 RP 305 Get-to-gether song, by (H. W. Charles). St. Louis, 1914 18x12 RPB 306 Gettysburg, by Robert Morris. Johnson 24x14 Magnus 21x13 307 The ghost's serenade, by Walter Montgomery, (same as Serenade of 300,000 Federal ghosts ) Providence, R.I. Feb. 3, 1863 18x6 RPB 308 Give our flag to the breeze, by John H. Hewitt of Richmond. (Richmond, 1861) 8y 2 xl6 GEU 309 Give us back our old Commander, by (Septimus winner). De Marsan 25x15 Magnus 20x13 RPB 310 The glorious flag of liberty, by John Tully. Wrigley 24x15.5 RPB 311 The glorious old flag. A reply to "The bonnie blue flag". Auner c. 1862 23x14 RPB 312 Glorious Southern victories, by W. F. W. (Charles E. Caylat). Petersburg, Va., Dec. 20, 1863 31.5x17 RPB 313 The glorious stars and stripes, by F. Collins. Wrigley 24x15 RPB 314 Glory hallelujah! No. 1, same as "Ellsworth's body". Auner 23x14 RPB 315 Glory hallelujah. No. 2, by Fred Percy. A. H. Horace Waters (1862) 20x13 RPB 316 Glory hallelujah. No. 3 or New John Brown song. De Marsan 25x17 RPB 25 317 Glory hally, hallelujah! or John Brown song. Hip, hip, hip, hurrah- De Marsan 26x17 RPB Partridge 22x16 RPB 318 God and liberty. n.p. n.d. 30x11.5 RP 319 God bless the free, by George Steves, n.p. n.d. 25x16 RPB 320 God help Kentucky. An Anthem, n.p. (May 1863) 22x12 RP 321 God save our country's flag, by E. Turney. N.Y., E. Turney c. 1862 20x30 RPB 322 God save the Union, by John C. Cross. De Marsan 25x16 RPB Wrigley 24.5x16.5 RPB 323 God save our President. Partridge 23x12 RPB 324 God save the Union, by Rev. CD. Brewerton. G. Andre 25x17 RPB 325 God will repay, by(Helen Summer) same as (same as ''Fiat justitia" and "Right must prevail") Baltimore, 1862 8x24 RPB 326 God's promised land, by Harold Gammans. Newport, R.I. 25x23.5 (1955) RPB 327 Good morning, Master Lincoln, by Max Langenschwartz. Magnus (1864) 21x13 RPB 332 Grand army song, by F. Webster Canterbury, n.p. n.d. 26x17 RPB 333 Grant's on to Richmond, by F. Webster Canterbury, n.p. n.d. 26x17 RPB 334 Graves for the invaders. A fragment. Savannah, Ga., 1863 26x9.5 RP, RPB 26 335 Great cry and little wool or The leader of the black republicans described in verse, (truncated version: Fourth of July song) By Barnstable (Ridgely). (Baltimore) July 2, 1861 25x2 RPB 336 Had Lincoln lived in Rotary's time, by Hazey. n.p. 1925 6x8 RPB 337 Hail to the Union. Auner 23x12 Johnson 24x16 RPB 338 Hark! o'er the iSouthern hills, by a Southern lady, (altered by Ridgely) Norfolk, Va., Jan. 24, 1862 (Nov. 1862) 25x15 RP, RPB 339 Hark! the summons, by B (Ridgely). Baltimore, Oct. 9, 1861 15x8 RP, RPB 340 Have faith in God's care, by Henry E. Luhrs. Shiffensburg, Pa., 1951 24x10 RPB 341 Have you seen "Uncle Sam" boys, by T. Squires. De Marsan 25x16 RPB 342 He was everybody grown a little tall. Boston, John Hancock Mut. Ins. Co. (1951) 15x9 2p. RPB 343 Hear us, O Heavente eternal king, by Mrs. H. A. Bradford. Polder — Hymns used at Lincoln memorial services, Congregational Church. Hancock, N.Y., April 16, 1865, p. 2 RPB 344 Help us save the union. 1st line: Bright banner of freedom, with pride, i unfold thee. Doyle (Nov. 1862) 21x12 RP 345 Help us save the union. 1st line: Come, all ye who love this mighty nation. (Doyle) 20x11 RP 346 The hero of Lexington. De Marsan (1864) 26x15 RPB 347 The heroes of time, by (M) Vachel Lindsay. Springfield, 111. 1910 RPB 27 348 Heroes of the Union, (in "Soldier's offering") Porter & Smith c. 1864 RPB 349 He's gone to the arms of Abraham, by (Septimus Winner) Auner (c. 1864 by Winner) 23x15 Johnson 24x15 RPB 350 Hoist up the flag, by Young Sport. Wrigley 24x16 RPB 351 Hoist up the flag, long may it wave, by Billy Holmes. Auner 22x11 De Marsan 24x16 RPB 352 Hold on, Abraham. A Philadelphia wide-awake song by William B. Bradbury. Johnson 24x16 W.A. pond & Co. (1860) 22x14 RPB 353 Honest Abe and Hamlin true, n.p. n.d. 19x12 IHi, RPB 354 Honest Abe of the West, by (Edmund C. Stedman). Johnson 24x16 RPB 355 The hopes of the Union are growing more bright, by S. S. n.p. n.d. 11x16 RPB 356 The house where Lincoln died, by Robert G. Mackay. n.p. (1902) 28x18 RPB 357 How are you, conscript? The Conscript's lay, by George P. Holt. Magnus 21x12 RPB 358 How are you hold Hingland, by Tony Pastor. De Marsan 25x19 RPB 359 How do you feel, Mr. Davis, by Charley Rhodes. T.C. Boyd (1864) 22x15 RPB 360 How Lee was whipped at Gettysburg, by George P. Hardwick. Washington, D.C. c. 1863 20x13 RPB 361 How McClellan took Manassas, by Old Napoleon (G.H. Boker). n.p. (1864) 28x22 RPB 362 How the veterans broke up Jeff Davis's ball. By Mrs. George P. Hardwick. Prov., R.I., Mitchell & Hawkins c. 1863 25x15 De Marsan 26x16 Magnus 21x13 RPB 363 A hundred years hence, by Tony Pastor. De Marsan 25x17 Johnson 24x14 RPB 364 Hunky boy is Yankee Doodle or Whack row de dow by (William Cosgrove). Johnson 25x14 RPB 365 Hurra for Lincoln, by R. B. Nicol. Washington, D.C., 1864 Boyd p. 126 366 Hurrah for Abe Lincoln, n.p. n.d. 21x8.5 IHi 367 Hurrah for Dixie (verses by Alfred Pike, chorus by D.D. Emmett) (Doyle?) 29x11 RP 368 Hurrah for the flag of the free. Baltimore, Louis Bonsil 25x14 RP 369 Hurrah for Jeff Davis, by a lady rebel. Baltimore, Jan. 1863 23x12 RP 370 Hurrah for the man we love (McClellan). n.p. n.d. 43x18 RPB 371 Hurrah for our Union. A national song, by M. A. Sarles. T. G. Boyd 22x12 RPB 372 Hurrah for the South! Hurrah! By G. W. Hopkins. N.D. John Hopkins (1861) 24x11.5 DCL 373 Hurrah for the Union flag, by Thomas Williams, n.p. n.d. 25x16 RPB 374 Hurry up, conscript, to fight for Uncle Sam, by M. J. Wetmore. N.Y., S. T. Gordon 1862 25x15 RPB 37 5 Hymn for the funeral services of the President, by J. B. Miller, n.p. n.d. 17x8 RPB 29 376 Hymn for the national funeral, by Rev. T. H. Stockton. Auner (1865) 23x14 RPB 377 A hymn on the death of President Lincoln, by James Nicholson, n.p. (1865) 20x12 RPB 378 Hymn — written expressly for the grand central fair. By Oliver Wendell Holmes. n.p. c. 1864 31x17 RPB (CH) 379 Hymns sung at Rockton, 111., 1865. (Rockton, 111., 1865) 21x17 IHi 380 I am the United states, by Benjamin de Casseres. Washington, D.C. 1950 RPB 381 I am not bound to win, by Abraham Lincoln. A buzza motto, n.p. c. 1925 25x18 RPB 382 I feel I could, by Abraham Lincoln. Boston, M.T. Sheehan, c. 1908 25x17.5 RPB 383 I was a glorious Wide-awake, by Prof. Moras (Charity Grimes), n.p. (1864) 12x22 RPB 384 An idyl of Union Square, by R. H. Stoddard. N.Y. n.d. 30x20 7p. RPB 385 Isaac N(ewton) Arnold. A satire in two cantos. By Daniel Griswold. Chicago 1843 25x20 RPB 386 Illinois - 1st line "Come, all yon jolly farmers bold". De Marsan 25x17 RPB 387 Illinois (At top: Lincoln centennial banquet, Feb. 12, 1909). n.p. 1909 22x10 RPB 388 Illinois, by (William A. Meese). Moline, 111. 19x11 4p. RPB 389 Illinois and Lincoln, by William Barton, n.p. n.d. 24x14 RPB 390 Illinois songs. n.d. n.p. 20x15 RPB 30 391 I'm fighting for the nigger, by (William Kiernan). De Marsan 26x17 RPB Wrigley 24x16 RPB 392 I'm going to fight mit Siegel, by John F. Poole. Auner 23x14 RPB De Marsan 25x15 RPB Johnson 24x15 RPB 393 The immortal Lincoln, by Claude Baird. n.p. n.d. 16x15 2p. RPB 394 An impromptu, by Barnstable B.D.H.G. (Ridgely). (Baltimore, May 1861) 24x17 RP, RPB 395 In die schlacht. Ein Union lied. By John Singer, Jr. De Marsan 16x25 RPB 396 In memoriam (Five verses and date of birth and death). 6x4 Boyd p. 104 397 In memoriam. By A. B. Street. Albany, A. Boyd, 1870 24.5x15 lip. RPB 398 In memoriam. Gettysburg, July 4, 1863 William Oland Bourne. New York 25x15 (1863) 399 In memoriam Abraham Lincoln, by Mrs. M. H. Witson. Springfield, 111., 1881 35x21 8 (p) (F) 400 Is Lincoln dead, by J. G. Davenport, n.p. n.d. (1917) 19x14 (8) p. RPB 401 In memoriam, by W.W. Broom (English and German versions). (Brooklyn, 1865) 23x15 4p. RPB 402 In memoriam. 16th President of the United States. (Buffalo 1865) 16x11 RPB 403 In memoriam, 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. (Brooklyn 1865) 16x11 RPB 404 In memory of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, n.p. n.d. 45x38 RPB 31 405 In perpetuam memoriam, by Humanitas (C. R. Thayer?) Boston, Porter & Smith (1865) 25x20 RPB 406 In the year of sixty-one. Auner 20x12 RPB 407 In the temple as in the Hearts of the People for whom he saved the Union the memory of Abraham Lincoln is enshrined forever. By (Royal Cortissoz) Washington, D.C. May 30, 1922, 32x40 Harris and Ewing, May 30, 1922 RPB 408 The inauguration, assassination, and termination of our President Abraham Lincoln. By Mrs. B. Capron. Boston, Dakin & Metcalf 30x18 RPB 409 Inauguration Ode (at Gettysburg Orphan's Home). By Mrs. Isabella James. Gettysburg, 1866 22x11 RPB 410 Independent ranger's sing, by Whitaker. n.p. n.d. 27x23 RPB 411 The Irish Wide-awake, by Harry M. Palmer. De Marsan (c. 1860) 20x16 RPB 412 It is I. n.p. (July 1862) 21x11 RP, RPB 413 It reminds him of a story. De Marsan 25x17 RP, RPB 414 Jedidiah's trip to Washington. By H. Webster Canterbury, n.p. n.d. 25x15 RPB 415 Jeff Davis & Co. once were citizens of credit and repute, n.p. n.d. 25x15 RP 416 Jeff Davis and his uncle, by Isadore Leopold. DeMarsan 25x17 RPB 417 Jeff Davis or The King of the Southern dominion. De Marsan 25x17 RPB Wrigley 25x17 RPB 32 418 Jeff Davis forever (same as "The Confederate States" and "Gen. Johnston's battle-cry") n.p. n.d. 23x11 NN 419 Jeff Davis in his wife's clothes. Auner (1865) 23x15 RPB 420 Jeff Davis in the White House. By A lady, daughter of one of the Old Defenders. n.p. n.d. 24x12 RP, RPB 421 Jeff Davis's confession. By Wesley Bradshaw. n.p. n.d. 35x26 RPB 422 Jeff Davis's dream. De Marsan 25x15 Auner 22x15 Johnson 24x10 RPB 423 Jeff Davis's last proclamation to his council. By (Mrs. James) n.p. n.d. 39x10 RPB 424 Jeff Davis's opinion of women. (Baltimore) n.d. 30.5x8.5 RPB 425 Jeff Davis wants to get away. By A Lady. Endres & Compton 24x12 RPB 426 Jefferson "D", by William B. Justice. Auner c. 1862 24x15 RPB Marsh 1861 30x12.5 RP Albert Monroe & Co. 24x16 RPB 427 Jefferson Davis n.p. n.d. 21x14 RW? (R) 428 John Bell of Tennessee. n.p. n.d. 21x12 RP, RPB 429 John Brown and Jeff Davis. Walter Warren 24x12 RPB 430 John Brown's entrace into hell. By (Ridgely) C(harles) T. A(bell) Baltimore, March, 1863 23.5x18 RP, RPB 33 431 John C. Fremont, my Jo (as sung by the soldiers of Gen. McClellan's Army). n.p. n.d. 12x21 RP 432 John Hay, late secretary of state. By Henry Allen Haycox. Newbury, N.H. (1895) RPB 433 John Merryman n.p. n.d. 22x11.5 RP 434 Johnny, fill up the bowl. By Saul Sertrew. De Marsan 26x16 RPB Magnus 20x13 RPB Johnson 23x15 RPB 435 Johnny's prayer, by James B. Spenser. (Same as "Soldier's prayer") n.d. n.p. 24x14 RPB 436 Jordan, by William C. Morris. De Marsan (1860) 25x17 RPB 437 Jordan is a hard road to travel. No. 3. De Marsan 25x17 RPB Providence, A. Crawford Greene 14x22 RPB 438 Jordan is a hard road to travel. No. 4. De Marsan 17x25 RPB 439 Jordan is a hard road to travel. No. 5. By Phil Rice, De Marsan 25x17 RPB 440 Jordan is a hard road to travel. No. 6. By Phil Rice. De Marsan (1860) 24x15 RPB 441 Josiah Lamborn, by Henry Polk Lowenstein. n.d. n.p. 20x15 RPB 442 July 4th 1861. Spirit of '61. n.p. (1861) 25x15 RPB 443 Just before the battle, mother. By George Fred Root. Richmond, Va., J. W.Davies & Son c. 1865 Magnus 21x13 34 De Marsan 25xlb Wehman 24x14 Partridge 25x15 RPB 444 Kentuckians, to arms!!! Louisville, 1861 23x12.5 RPB 445 Kentucky! Oh Kentucky. New Bedford Evening Standard, June 17, 1864 NBPL 446 King Cotton, by N. G. R. (Ridgely). Same as "Cotton is King' Baltimore, Jan. 1, 1862 18x10 RP, RPB 447 (Work, Henry C.) Kingdom Coming, Auner 22x14 De Marsan 26x16 Johnson & Co. 19x10 Lowell, Edgar and Kins, pr. 22x14 Magnus 21x18 partridge 23x16 Wehman 24x15 RPB 448 La morte du President Lincoln, par Louvet. Paris, 1867 18x12 22p. RPB 449 La morte du President Lincoln, by Ernest Prarond. Paris, 1867 24x14 28p. RPB 450 La mort du President Lincoln, par M. Villers. Paris, 1867 25.5x15 45p. RPB 451 La mort du President Lincoln, par Edouard Grenier. n.d. (1868) 28 (7p) RPB 452 The land, the earth, God gave to man, by Abraham Lincoln, n.p. 8x13 RPB 453 Land of the South, by Dr. Thomas Brady, n.p. n.d. 12x28 RP 454 The last call before you are drafted, n.p. n.d. 13x18 RP 456 The last race of the rail-splitter, by (Jarvis Spenser), n.p. n.d. 15x25 RP 35 457 The last speech in the 1858 campaign by Abraham Lincoln, n.p. c. 1928 20x40 RPB 458 The last words of John Brown, by B. B. French. Washington City, 1863 28x15 RPB 459 Lay me down and save the flag. T. C. Boyd 21x15 Partridge 21x13 RPB 460 The lay of the disgusted Yankee, by S. R. E. n.p. n.d. (E) 461 Lay of the last rebel, by (Innes Randolph), n.p. (1870) 21x11 RPB 462 Lays of the corn exchange. No. 1. 1st line - Secession triumphant! then each Rebel Imp (Baltimore, 1862) 17.5x9 RP 463 Lays of the corn exchange. No. 2. 1st line - The Union men have left the floor (on the same broadside as No. 462) RP 464 Let his monument arise, by S.G.W. Benjamin. Boston, 1865 RPB 465 Let me kiss man and brother. Auner 24x15 RPB De Marsan 25x16 RPB Magnus 21x13 RPB 466 Let the President sleep, by James H. Stewart. Providence, R.I. J. R. Cory 1865 467 Liberty or death. (same as "The Southern song of Liberty") (Baltimore, 1861) 19x12 RP, RPB 468 The liberty pole, by Issac E. Ferguson. De Marsan 18x25 RPB 469 Lincoln. By James Phillip Bailey. N.Y. Fifth Ave. Presbeterian church leaflet. 1927 (4)p RPB 36 470 Lincoln, a poem. By Madison Cawein. Louisville, Ky., 1909 4p. RPB 471 Lincoln. By Frances Seymour Donaldson, n.p. n.d. 19x14 RPB 472 Lincoln, by Paul Lawrence Dunbar. Lend-a-hand leaflet. Feb. 1929 RPB 473 Lincoln by W. H. New York, 1865 RPB 474 Lincoln, 1809-1909. By Julia Ward Howe. Toledo, Ohio, Feb. 13, 1916 20x14 RPB 475 Lincoln, by Humanitas (G. R. Thayer?) Boston 25x20 RPB 480 Lincoln, by Mary E. Irwin. In memorial: To the senate and House. (Buffalo, 1877) 23x14 (4)p IHi 481 Lincoln. By Walter Malone in Service of remembrance at Hodgenville, Ky., Feb. 11, 1917 (Chicago 1917) (4)p SBL 482 Lincoln. By F. H. Pilch. ms typed, dated Jan. #29, 1889 RPB 483 Lincoln, by Cordelia Ray (at the unveiling of the freemen's monument, April 14, 1876). N.Y., J. J. Little & Co., 1893 19.5x11 lip. RPB 484 Lincoln, by Garnet Riley. n.p. (1929) 24x12 (4)p RPB 485 Lincoln, by James Whitcomb Riley. Ft. Wayne, Ind., c. 1905 26x17 RPB 486 Lincoln, by Fred W. Rust. n.p. Feb. 12, 1936 13x9 RPB 487 Lincoln, by W. H. Smith, n.p. n.d. 23x15 RPB 488 Lincoln, by R. H. Stoddard. Portland, Me., n.d. 20x14 RPB 37 489 Lincoln, by Edith S. Tillotson. IHi 490 Lincoln, by Charles W. Woods. Type-script 27x18 RPB 491 Lincoln and Hamlin, by William Withington. Portland, Me. (1860) 28x26 RPB 492 Lincoln and Hamlin. Same as "Campaign song. No. 2" and "The war drums are beating' 1 De Marsan 26x16 RPB 493 Lincoln and Hamlin! Campaign song. 1st line - Doubtless you have all heard (if you have not you are blest) printed for Albert R. Young 24x18 RPB 494 Lincoln and his veterans. By H. C. McCook. n.p. (1909) 18x10 (4)p RPB 495 Lincoln & Johnson. The laboring man's candidates. On Bs heading "Our country's flag" with two other songs, n.p. n.d. 37x25 RPB 496 Lincoln and labor, by Robert Whitaker. n.d. n.p. 20x12 (6)p RPB 497 Lincoln and liberty written on hearing California had voted for Lincoln. By David Newport. RPB 498 Lincoln and liberty, by P. A. Simkins. IHi 499 Lincoln and the stars. By Theron Brown, n.p. n.d. 23x14 RPB 500 Lincoln and victory, by Isaac Pratt. For the 4th of March 1861. n.p. (1861) 25x17 RPB 501 Lincoln and Washington, dedicated to the veterans of the Grand Army of the Republic, by Paul Selby. n.p. n.d. 21x14 RPB 502 Lincoln and world peace. By P. B. Cowgill. Gardena, Cal. 23x15 IHi 38 503 "Lincoln, a monument to thee we raise". By Edwin Evans (at dedication of the Lincoln memorial monument). n.p. n.d. 17x9 RPB 504 Lincoln at Gettysburg. By P. B. Cowgill. (Gardena, Cal.) 1938 23x15 IHi 505 Lincoln at rest. By Marion Owen, n.p. n.d. 22x14 RPB 506 The Lincoln cabin. By K. Gusling. Louisville 26x13 RPB 507 The Lincoln cent. By p. D. Blakeslee. n.p. n.d. 10x10 RPB 508 Lincoln centennial ode. By Hamilton Schuyler. (Trenton, N.J. 1909) 23x15 8 p. RPB 509 Lincoln centenary. By H. S. A. S. San Jose, Cal., 1909 20x15 RPB 510 The Lincoln child. By L. P. Reinhardt. Logansport, Ind c. 1930 21x12 (14)p. RPB 511 Lincoln the Christian. By P. B. Cowgill. Gardena, California, 1947 21x17 RPB 512 Lincoln day in Lincoln's land, by Capt. J. G. Waters. Topeka, Kansas 1909 16x23 IHi, RPB 513 "Lincoln dead, why no" By Billy Shelper Bloomington, 111. n.d. 20x9 IHi, RPB 514 Lincoln, died April 15th, A.D. 1865. By Henry H. Cornwell. Quarto page Boyd p. 97 515 Lincoln fellowship. By P. B. Cowgill. Gardena, Calif. 1937 15x23 RPB 516 Lincoln going to Canaan, by George (P.) Hardwick. Partridge 24x16 RPB 517 Lincoln lies sleeping. By Nathan Upham. 39 De Marsan 25x13 Johnson 23x15 Stagner (Prov.) 23x15 Wrigley 24x15 RPB 518 Lincoln, the man. By Navdy (John Vanderbilt). n.p. March 27, 1910 21x14 RPB 519 Lincoln, man of destiny, by Harry O. Knerr. Boston, Wright & Potter, 1860 22x31 RPB 520 Lincoln, man of the people. By Edwin Markham. n.p. 1928 (c. 1919) 36x22 n.p. (c. 1924) 35x22 RPB 521 Lincoln memorial dedication. By Margaret Shanks. Washington, D.C., 1922 19x14 RPB 522 Lincoln— miller of New Salem. By Loyal M. Thompson, (in Church program reprinted from Christian Advocate, July 9, 1942) Signed type- script G 523 Lincoln monument dedication poem delivered at Oak Ridge cemetery. 111., Oct 15, 1874, By Judson J. Lord. (Danville 1907) 24x20 121 RPB 524 Lincoln on a rail. Incipit "Song", n.p. (1861) 28x12 MB 525 The Lincoln pew. By Lyman W. Allen, n.p. n.d. 13x9 RPB 526 Lincoln's eyes by Franklin K. Lane, n.p. n.d. 40x46 RPB 527 Lincoln's Gettysburg address adapted as to-day's tribute to him, By Henry C. Luhrs. n.p. 1938 24x10 RPB 528 Lincoln's grave translated from the Welsh of Rev. J. P. Harris, by William B. Jones. Welsh & English (B) (2>p. 103 529 Lincoln's old log cabin. By Charles F. Gerritson. Reading, Mass. Lincoln memorial association. (4) p RPB 40 530 The Lincoln penny, by Robert G. Mackay. n.p. (1920) 12x9 RPB 531 The Lincoln ranger, by Harry O. Knerr. Boston, Wright & Potter, 1860 31x22 RPB 532 Lincoln reading by the flickering light, n.p. n.d. advertising leaflet RPB 533 Lincoln regnant. By P. B. Cowgill. Institute Press c. 1942 15x23 IHi, RPB 534 The Lincoln statue. An ode., By Thomas Buchanan Reed, n.p. n.d. 40x28 RPB 535 Lincoln walks again. By Thomas Curtis Clark. Gardena, Cal., 23x15 4p. RPB 536 Lincoln's birthday by Ida V. Woodbury, n.d. n.p. 18x13 RPB 537 Lincoln's birthday by Anna M. Zier. n.p. n.d. 14x9 RPB 538 Lincoln's cabin by John Clem Bradshaw. Ms in Olyroyd collection RPB 539 Lincoln's faith, by F. B. Cowgill. Gardena, Cal., 1912 23x15 RPB 540 Lincoln's logic by P. B. Cowgill. Gardena, cal., 1945 RPB 541 Lincoln's patience, by P. B. Cowgill. Gardena, Cal., 1941 23x15 RPB 542 Lincoln's picture, by John Quod, Jr. n.p. n.d. 25x17 RPB 543 Lincoln's second inaugural, by N. Vachel Lindsay. Brooklyn, 1920 30x20 RPB 544 Lincoln songs sung by pupils of the Bannaker school, Washington,D.C (1) O'er the land to-day is ringing (2) 'Twas in a cabin rude, in the wilderness afar (3) When Lincoln was our President, he was both great and good. (4)p 32x10 41 545 Lines on the death of Abraham Lincoln by O.E.C.H. n.p. n.d. 21x12 RPB 546 Lines on the death of Maj. Gen. E. Van Dorn, C.S.A. By (Dr. Thomas Brady.) n.p. (May 1863) 22.5x13 RP 547 Lines on the murder of President Abraham Lincoln. By J. McQd. n.p. n.d. 21x12 RPB 548 Lines on the Proclamation issued by the Tyrant Lincoln April 1, 1863, by a Rebel (James R. Brewer) same as "On L 's proclamation of April 1, 1863" n.p. (1863) 25.5x15 RP, RPB 549 Lines to Brother Jonathan on the dictatorship of Abe Lincoln. By J. E. R. of Richmond. n.p. (1863) 27x10 RP 550 "Little Mac" J. K. Peeks c. 1864 22x13 RPB 551 Long live MacClellan, by P. J. C. DeMarsan 27x17 RPB 552 Longstreet's retreat from Suffolk, Va. By W. E. L. Dated 1865, Suffolk RPB 553 Look out! The Rebels are coming. By Lewis Stoehr. n.p. n.d. 25x16 RPB 554 Lord Lovell. No. 2 Partridge 23x16 RPB 555 "Lord, the Nation's heart is broken", by Ebenezer F. Wheelock. Hancock, N.Y., April 16, 1865 20x13 2p. IHi, RPB 556 The lost ambassadors. A ballad after "Johnny Gilpin". At end - Boston, Nov. 25. 1863 RP 557 Louisiana. A patriotic ode. (New Orleans, 1863) 22.5x12.5 RP, RPB 558 Loyal legion hymn, by Henry Monroe Rogers. (On the installation of St. Gauden's bronze statue.) n.p. 1918 4p. RPB 42 559 McClellan and liberty. N.Y., Prank McElroy (1864) 43x18 RPB 560 McClellan and the people. (Chicago) 1864 30x48 RPB 561 M'Clellan & Victory!! or "The battle of S — mountain & the uprising of the Keystone State". n.p. c. 1862 25x19 RPB 562 McClellan campaign song, by "Our Ned". Mason & Co. 25x14 RPB 563 McLellan (sic) for President, by J. Lovelock. De Marsan (1864) 26x17 RPB 564 McClellan for President. Partridge 21x14 RPB 565 McClellan is our man, by John C. Cross, n.p. n.d. 25x20 RPB 566 McClellan for President, by John C. Cross, n.p. n.d. 25x20 RPB 567 McClellan, pride of the "Jersey Blues". Mason & Co. 23x16 RPB 568 McClellan song, n.p. 29x10 n.d. 569 McClellan will be President. By M. J. Million. De Marsan (1864) 25x17 Magnus 20x13 RPB 570 McClellan's address to the army. De Marsan 24x15 RPB 571 McClellan's band, by "Our Ned". Mason & Co. 24x14 RPB 572 McClellan's battle and victory at Antietam. A. Anderson. Phila., Oct. 24, 1862 15x23 573 McClellan's farewell to the army of the Potomac. De Marsan 27x17 RPB Magnus 21x13 RPB 43 574 A Man for the Ages. Grand Rapids, Mich. n.d. 32x25 rpb 575 March away merrily, by George S. Russell. De Marsan 26x17 RPB 576 March on for the Union, by Thomas Leslie. De Marsan 26x16 RPB Wrigley 25x16 RPB 577 Marching along. By (William B. Bradbury). (Baltimore) Doyle n.d. 20.5x13 RP 578 Marching along. No. 2. By James Welden. De Marsan 17x26 RPB Magnus 13x20 RPB Partridge 15x24 RPB 579 Marching through Georgia, by Henry Clay Work. 24x15 E. Mason & Co. 24x16 Partridge 23x16 Wehman 24x15 RPB 23x14 580 The martyr President. By (Newell, Robert Henry). N.Y., Carleton 19x10 43p. RPB 581 The martyr's return. Washington, D. C, May 3, 1865 24x15 RPB 582 Maryland. A fragment, (same as "A fragment") n.p. n.d. 25x15 MB 583 Maryland (James R. Randall of Baltimore), n.p. 10x32.5 n.p. RP n.p. 10x37 n.d. RP Larger Bs. has an additional stanza. Savannah (1862?) 32x11 RP 584 The Maryland boys will fight for the beautiful flag, n.p. n.d. 10.8x20.6 RP 585 Maryland, dear Maryland. By N. G. R. (Ridgely) same as "The old line's appeal" and "A voice from the old Maryland line". Baltimore, Oct. 27, 1861 RPB 44 586 Maryland in chains. By Mrs. D. K. Whitaker of South Carolina. Richmond Examiner, May 14, 1861 22.5x8.5 RP, RPB 587 Maryland in fetters. Incipit "Song", n.p. n.d. 25x12 RP 588 The Maryland martyrs. Baltimore, Nov. 1862 29x13 RP, RPB 589 Maryland, my home sweet home, thy groves are green. Auner 23x15 Bonsai, Baltimore 13.5x22 RP, RPB 590 Maryland, my Maryland. Air - My Normandy. Come! thy shield is bright & shining And says to Jef£ you cannot come. Magnus 20x13 RPB 591 Maryland, my Maryland. No. 5. By Stonewall Jackson, n.p. 33.5x7 n.d. RP De Marsan 26x15 RP 592 Song. tt tp The Mary lander's Good Bye. Incipit "song . Air: The White Rose. Adie (sic)! Adieu! dear Maryland. Lincoln line: But Abe's oppressing hands now pour n.p. n.d. broadside 13x23 MB 593 Massa, Massa, Hallelujah the Flag's come back to Tennessee, n.p. n.d. 20x12.5 RP 594 Mayor Brown (Baltimore 1861) 20x11 RP 595 Meditation at Arlington. Carl Sandburg. G. E. Madza lamp 31x23 Feb. 7, 1943 Mr. Longfellow & his boy in Marianne Lorraine: Carl Sandburg. 1941 (4)p RPB 596 Meet me by moonlight, Willie There is a fine ship on the ocean Its name is Abraham Lincoln. Auner 23x12 Johnson 20x12 RPB 45 597 Memory by Abraham Lincoln. (4 stanzas set to music by Harold Gammans) Newport, R.I. c. 1956 27.5x17.5 RPB 598 A memory of 1865. A tribute to Abraham Lincoln. Wauseon, O. Kenyon & Weir, 1914 26x15 RPB 599 Men of color, to arms. By Frederick Douglass. Rochester, March 2, 1863 RPB 600 The merry little soldier. (New Orleans 1861) 23x10 M Bat, RPB 601 The mother of all songs, By Eugene T. Johnston. Wrigley 25x16 RPB 602 A mother's prayer by Mrs. Margaret Piggot. Baltimore, John D. Toy, pr. April 19, 1861 RPB 603 Munson's hill, by (Dr. Thomas Brady) Incipit "Song", n.p. n.d. 30x16 RP 604 My God! what is all this for? (dying words of a Federal soldier on the battlefield of Manassas 1861) (Baltimore 1861) 23x13.5 RP, RPB 605 My hero, by Lucy Weaver. Washington, D.C. , 1914 20x13 RPB 606 My Maryland. Air: My Normandy. 1st line - The traitor's foot is on thy shore n.p. (Baltimore?) n.d. 21x12.5 RP 607 My Old Kentucky home, by (Stephen Collins Foster). Bonsal.(Baltimore) 10x19 (186-) RP 608 My old Kentucky home where Lincoln was born. Charles F. Gerritson. Reading, Mass. Lincoln memorial association, n.d. RPB 609 The nation is weeping, by Louis Upham. De Marsan (1865) 15x23 Magnus (1865) 12x21 RPB 46 610 The nation mourns. 1st line - From all the churches Magnus (1865) 20x13 RPB 611 A nation mourns her chief, by H. S. Thompson. District of Missouri, the author 1865 MB 612 Nation mourns a martyred father. Anonymous. Toll the bell mournfully. Phila., Lee & Walket 46x66 RPB 613 A nation mourns her martyred son. By Alice Hawthorne (Septimus Winner) Auner (1865) 23x15 RPB Winner c. 1865 24x17 RPB 614 The nation's dead. n.p. (1865) 18xl2-(2)p. RPB 615 The nation's exaltation turned into mourning. By Henry C. Webber. (Boston, 1865) 30x16 RPB 616 The Nation's honored dead. Partridge (1865) 21x14 RPB 617 The Nation's loss by Rev. Peter W. Brister. n.p. (1865) (B) p.94 idem by Jacob Rhodes Neward, N.J., 1866 18p. (B) p. 71 618 National anthem for the obsequies of the late President, Abraham Lincoln. By William R. Wallace. n.p. (1865) 25x15 RPB 619 National memorial songs by Gerritson. Reading, Mass. n.d. 38x14 RPB 620 The National prayer (differs slightly from "A prayer for Maryland" Baltimore, Sept. 26, 1861 25x12.5 RP 621 National song. 1st line - Clime beneath whose genial sun Idem De Marsan 26x17 RPB 47 622 National vicissitudes by Humanitas (C. R. T.) Boston, Smith & Porter (1865) 25x20 RPB 623 The new C. S. A. , (same as "Chivalrous C. S. A.) n.p. n.d. 21x12.5 RP 624 New Northern Union song. Same as "Is there nobody hurt" and "Somebody hurt", n.d. n.p. 20x11 RP.RPB 625 New Salem, Illinois, by Arthur G. Smith. Tryon, N.C. 1945 17x26 RPB 626 The new red, white and blue. De Marsan 25x17 RPB 627 New skedaddle song. De Marsan 26x17 RPB 628 New star-spangled banner by H. Webster Canterbury, n.p. (1864) 27x37 RPB 629 New song - by Mrs. R. D. Sibley. In Memorial to the Senate & House, petition of 50 persons asking that Feb. 12th be made a national holiday. (1874) RPB 630 New Yankee Doodle. (Baltimore) n.d. 21x12.5 RP 631 Newly discovered Lincoln poem - by J. T. Goodman. 40x16 RPB 632 De nigger on de fence. De Marsan 26x17 RPB 633 Niggers in convention - by (Miss Thompson), n.p. (July 1862) 18x9 RP 634 North Carolina. A call to arms!!! By (Luola, i.e. Mrs. Luola W. Rogers) Raleigh, N.C. Thompson & Co. n.p. August 1862 23.5x12 RP, RPB 635 Northern girl's song. Magnus 13x21 RPB 48 636 Northern Marseillaise hymn - by W. Webster Canterbury. n.p. (1864) 27x37 RPB 637 O captain! My captain - by Walt Whitman Enoch Pratt free public library 1934 54x43 RPB (Norristown, N.J. 1909) 24x17 (3) p from ms (1890) in Morgan library RPB 638 O, dear it made dis darkey laugh - by Miss Virginia T. N.Y., S. T. Gordon 1864 25x15 RPB 639 O, Lord of hosts, his country called. By William Ross Wallace. Magnus 13x21 RPB 640 O lovely Dixie's land, by M. V. (Thomas B. Brady). (Baltimore, April 1861) 8.5x21 RP, RPB 641 O, starry flag - by Edward C. Collier. Kindernook, N.Y. 1906 (4) p. RPB 642 o, what's the matter. Mason & Co (1864) 23x15 RPB 643 O, wrap the flag around me, boys - by R. S. Taylor, n.p. n.d. 25x15 RPB 644 Obkfuskated Kopperheads like komkon knoukns konnected. By O. K. sung by Koons. n.p. n.d. 23x9 MB 645 Ode on Lincoln - by G. W. Nims in "Abraham Lincoln souvenir" (Boston 1903) 24x15 4p RPB 646 Ode on Lincoln by (Issac P. Noyes). (Washington, D. C. 1907) (7)p RPB 647 Ode on Lincoln's log cabin - by P. Ray Risdon. Los Angeles 1916 11x24 IHi, RPB 648 Ode recited at the commemoration of the living and dead soldiers of Harvard University, July 12, 1865 - by James Russell Lowell. Cambridge, Mass. 1865 25x15 25p. RPB 49 649 Oft i n the stilly night (song often requested by Lincoln) De Marsan 26x16 RPB 650 Oh! Abraham, resign - by a new contributor (Ridgely). (Baltimore 1861) 21x11.5 RP, RPB 651 Oh, Jeff, how are you - by Henry Schroeder. n.d. n.p. 24x14 RPB 653 Oh! 'tis Abraham Lincoln, by J. A. Shedd. Five Points Young Men's Lincoln club. c. 1908 13x20 IHi, RPB 654 The old log cabin, by Lucian B. Watkins. H. D. A. Russell, Wy. c. 1910 13.5x9 (4)p RPB 652 Oh Jeff! why don't you come? By (Miss Powell) n.p. (1862) 25x15 RP 655 The old union wagon, by Robert M. Hart. Auner 23x12 De Marsan 25x17 James B. Gay 20x18 Magnus 21x13 RPB 656 Old Abe Lincoln and his abolition war! Columbia! Liberty! Justice! Peace - by Julien. n.p. (N.Y. or Baltimore?) 1861 53.5x38 RP, RPB 657 Old Abe's lament. n.p. (1861) 21x16 RP, RPB 658 Old comic Abe, by Nunes. C.P.M. Crawson (186-) 20x14 RPB 659 The Old Line's appeal, by N. G. R. (Ridgely) same as "Maryland, dear Maryland" and "A voice from the Maryland line". Baltimore, Oct. 27, 1861 42x10.5 RP, RPB 660 Old Mr. Lincoln - by Ernest Clifton. Same as "The retreat of the Grand Army from Rull Run" (Baltimore 1861) 26x9 DCL, RP 50 661 Old traitor Jeff - by Franklin C. May. n.p. n.d. 23x14 RPB 662 Old Virginia, never die - same as "Advance to Richmond by the way of the Junction", "The battle of Bull Run", "Remember Bull's Run", and "Virginia races from Bull's Run." n.p. n.d. 22x11.5 MdRJ 663 On the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. By E. G. Cooper. Milwaukee, Wis. n.d. 24x12 RPB 664 On the death of Abraham Lincoln - by Rebecca H. Amenia, N.Y., April 19, 1869 32x20 ms RPB 665 On the flag of the Union, the red, white and blue - by Benj. T. pindle n.p. n.d. 23x13 RP 666 On L n's proclamation of April 1, 1863. By (James R. Brewer of Newport) (Baltimore) 1863 27x22 RP, RPB 667 On the occasion of the dedication - by Edwin Evans. Post-card 14x9 RPB 668 One of his good deeds - by Anna Bache. n.p. n.d. 18x11 RPB 669 One year ago to-day. By O.A.S.B. Portland, Me., April 14, 1866 RPB 670 Original hymn same as Requiem by Albert Leighton. n.p. n.d. 17x10 RPB 671 The other side of Dixie, n.p. n.d. 20x14 RP 672 O'Toole & McPinnegan on the war. De Marsan 25x17 RPB 673 Our Abe - by Caroline A. Mason, n.p. n.d. 15x9 4p. RPB 674 Our battle flag, by Edward Willett. Magnus 21x13 Johnson 23x12 RPB. 51 675 Our beautiful flag. Johnson 23x12 RPB 676 Our country - by O. Wheelock. Phila., Leader print job. 24x14 RPB 677 Our country and flag. Auner (c. 1862) 23x15 RPB 678 Our country's flag. 1st line - "Our flag and our Union in the North is the cry" De Marsan 26x16 RPB 679 Our country's flag. 1st line - Beneath the stars and stripes there stood. Johnson 23x12 RPB 680 Our country's flag - by Charles Smith. Central park Police Station. (New York 186-) 37x25 RPB 681 Our country right or wrong - by Thomas A' Becket. Harris burg, pa., Weaver & Royal, printer n.d. 23x14 RPB 682 Our country's heroes on Mount Rushmore. n.p.c 1937 24x16 RPB 683 our flag (Feb. 22, 1861 Lincoln raised the new flag of 34 stars over Independence Hall, Philadelphia.) Zieber, John L. Johnson 23x14 RPB 684 Our flag is marching on, by M. W. Leman . T. C. Boyd 22x12 RPB 685 Our flag triumphant - by R. N. Caldwell. A. Anderson 24x12 RPB 686 Our flag come back to Tennessee - by D. A. Warden. Johnson 21x12 RPB 687 Our freedom-lit banner - by K. Moncrieff dedicated to Master "Tad" Philadelphia, June 7, 1865 (B) 52 688 Our gallant Yankee boys - by Charles Gantz. (Baltimore) n.d. 19x11 RP 689 Our German volunteers. De Marsan 26x17 RPB 690 Our grandfather's days - by ( John P. Poole). Magnus 21x3 De Marsan 26x16 Johnson 20x12 San Francisco 22x12 n.p. 19x12 RPB 691 Our hero's reign dedicated to Gen. McClellan. By Miss Anna W. Spenser of R.I. n.p. n.d. 25x15 RPB 692 Our hope - by Le Diable Boiteux (Ridgely). (Baltimore 1861) 18x6 RP 693 Our late victories - by Humanitas (C. R. Thayer?) n.p. (1865) 25x17 RPB 694 Our leader - by Charles H. Butler. Washington, D. C, B. S. Adams 27x15 1909 RPB 695 Our Lincoln - by Benoni-Benjamin. n.p. n.d. 29x18 RPB 696 Our Lincoln is slain - by H. M. n.p. n.d. 20x12 RPB 697 Our Maryland 1st line - The rebel thieves were sure of thee De Marsan 25x16 RPB 698 Our nation mourns - by Asa Pyatt of New Brunswick, N.J. n.p. (May 4, 1865) RPB 699 Our opinion (same as "A Southern scene") by E. Spenser, n.p. (1862) 42x10.5 RPB 700 Our opinion or A hit at the times - by Le Diable Boiteux (Ridgely) (4 verses added to "All Spice") Baltimore, April 1, 1862 42x6 RP, RPB 53 701 Our own Abe Lincoln. By James A. Murray, n.p. (1930) 15x9 (4)p RPB 702 Our own starry banner Air: Bonny Eloise At the call of Columbia, I sprang into the ranks 20x12 Bs n.p. n.d. RP 703 Our rights. n.p. n.d. 25x11 MB 704 Our ship of state. Johnson 23x12 RPB 705 Our Southern flag - by a Baltimore rebel, n.p. n.d. 24x11 RPB 706 Our Union flag - by a lady of Baltimore dedicated to Hon. J. Morrison Harris n.p. n.d. 17.5x10.5 RP 707 Our Yankee boys are marching on - by H. W. Canterbury, n.p. n.d. 22x10 RPB 708 Our Yankee generals. De Marsan 25x15 RPB 709 Over the hills and far away, by Walter Bray. C. Boyd 20x12 RPB (New York) De Marsan 25x16 RPB 710 Over the left. n.p. n.d. 20x12.5 RP 711 Paddy Murphy's auction - by Tony Pastor. De Marsan 25x17 712 A panegric - by Ignatius Donnelly. (Washington 1864) 23x15 RPB 713 The past and the present - by Robert M. Hart. Partridge 24x12 RPB 714 The patriot flag. n.p. n.d. 19x12 RP 54 715 The patriot's reverie - by Wendell P. Hood, n.p. c. 1893 RPB 716 Patriotic song - by Rev. B. Danforth. n.p. n.d. 20x15 RPB 717 Peace - by A Fool, n.p. n.d. 19x11 MB 718 Peace and Constitution. National hymn. God bless the free. Deferentially dedicated to the Governors of State and State legislators, to the President, etc. By George Stevens. n.p. n.d. 25x19 RPB 719 The people are a-coming. n.p. n.d. 14.5x10 IHi 720 The people to the President - by A lady Washington City. Magnus 21x13 RPB 721 Physic for traitors. Phila. c. 1847 (sic) (c. 1863) 23x8 RPB 722 The pig is greased behind. Auner 22x14 De Marsan 25x16 RPB 723 A poem delivered at Gt. Barrington, Mass. July 4th, 1865 by Col. S. B. Sumner. RPB 724 Poems for Lincoln's birthday by E. P. Moon, n.p. c.1906 37x15 RPB 725 Poor old Lincoln. Incipit "Song", n.p. n.d. 29x12 RP, RPB 726 Pop goes the weasel, n.p. n.d. 25x17 RPB 727 Portrait of the great emancipator. Americana gloriosa, Marseillaise Americana by John Franklin Blunt. RPB 728 A poem for the times by Emeline Sherman Smith, n.p. May 1861 34.5x10 RP 55 729 Prayer dedicated to the President by John Pilgrim Brooklyn D.S. Holmes RPB 730 Prayer during battle. Johnson (1863) 15x11 RPB 731 A prayer for Maryland (differs slightly from "Prom Lincoln & Hicks'') (Baltimore 1861) 12x8 MH 732 Prayer of the Southern chivalry, n.p. n.d. 20x11 RP 733 Prayer to be said by All Good Citizens on the day of Pasting and Prayer ordered by Abraham Lincoln, Sept. 26, 1861. Jefferson Davis acrostic Baltimore, Virtue 20x12 RP 734 President Lincoln, an angel of mercy in the emancipation of one million slaves, Jan. 1, 1863. By Mrs. Russell Botsford. n.p. (1863) 28x14 RPB 735 The President's ball - by A. Anderson. De Marsan 26x16 RPB 736 The President's chair. Partridge 23x15 RPB 737 President Lincoln's remains at the capitol - by Prof. J. H. Raybill. RPB 738 The President's assassination, April 19, 1865. By George G. B. DeWolfe 25x14 RPB 739 The President's hymn - by Dr. William Augustus Muhlenberg on the Proclamation of the President of the United States recommending a General Thanksgiving Nov. 26, 1863. Randolph, N.Y. 25x17 3p. RPB 740 Promised land. Eisenhower campaign song by Harold Gammans. Newport, R.I. c. 1955 741 Quandiu Tandem Abutere patientiae (sic) nostra? Ad quern finem sese jactabit audacia? by B (Ridgely) (adds 24 lines to "Bull's Run") Baltimore, June 26, 1861 20x12 RP 56 742 The Quakers are out - by John Greenleaf Whittier. Boston, Wright & Potter 14x10 (CW) 743 The Quakers are out! By (John Greenleaf Whittier) sung at a Republican meeting at Newburyport, Oct. 11, 1860. (Salisbury 1860) 20x14 (CW) 744 The rail that Old Abe split. A Republican broadside - Campaign of 1860. SLC p. 162 745 The Rail-splitter's philosophy by (Abraham Lincoln). Boston A. G. Getchel n.d. 18x13 RPB 746 The rally cry of Freedom. James Magee (1864) 20x13 RPB 747 Rally for Breckridge and Lane. De Marsan 26x16 RPB 747a Rally round the cause, boys - by "Our Ned", n.p. n.d. IHi, RPB 748 Rally round the flag - by E. N. Butler, n.p. n.d. 29.5x16.5 RPB 749 "Rally round the flag" n.p. (1863) 23.5x11 NcD 750 Rally round the flag, boys - by (J. T. Fields), n.p. n.d. 20x13 RPB 751 Rally round the standard, boys - by Robert Lamb (same as "The Baltimore rebels" and "Fourth of July in Baltimore") Frederick, Md., Oct. 1862 18x11 RP, RPB 752 Rally round your country's Flag, ye freemen of the South. By Robert Lamb. n.p. n.d. 23x12 RP, RPB 753 Rallying song (same as "Lincoln and Hamlin" "Republican glee for Lincoln and Hamlin, and "Republican campaign song: Lincoln and Hamlin") De Marsan (1860) 25x16 RPB 57 754 Un rameau d'immortelles par J. C. Lusine (in Les enfants du travail par A. d'Engleheim p. 3) Paris (1865) 17x12 4p. RPB 755 The Rat, Stonewall Jackson, n.p. n.d. 20x11 RP 756 Ready for the fight. De Marsan 25x16 RPB 757 The Rebel army burnt their fingers pulling chestnuts out of the fire ey (sic) to please the rebels of Baltimore. n.p. n.d. 32x8 RP 758 Rebel blowing is played out in Maryland, n.p. (1862) 34.5x8.5 RP 759 Rebel poetry. The stars and bars - by (Yellott). n.p. n.d. 21x12 RP 760 Rebel raid in Maryland my Maryland No. 3. n.p. n.d. 28x9.5 RP 761 Rebel, spare that flag. De Marsan 26x17 RPB 761 The rebel's retort - by (Ridgely) Incipit "Song" (8 verses of which 1, 2, 5, and 7 are the same in "A voice from a rebel") (Baltimore 1861) 22x11 RP 763 Recognition of the Southern Confederacy - Incipit "Song" n.p. n.d. 24x11 RP 764 Remember Baltimore - by (Arthur) McCann. n.p. d n.p. n.d. 20x9 RPB 765 Remember Bull's Run - same as "Advance to Richmond by the way of the junction", "The battle at Bull's Run", "Old Virginia, never die", and "Virginia races from Bull's Run". (Baltimore 1861) 21x11 Gen 766 Reply to "How they act in Baltimore". By A Baltimore lady (Nannie Lemmon) n.p. n.d. Pamphet 7p. 25x21 RP 58 767 Reply to the "Volunteer zouave" by (Fannie A. Harwood) (Richmond?) n.d. 25x20 RPB (MCI) 768 Republican campaign song by "Our Ned" n.p. n.d. 20x12 RPB 769 Republican campaign song. Lincoln and Hamlin (same as "Rallying song", "Lincoln and Hamlin" and "Republican campaign song, Lincoln and Hamlin") RPB 770 Republican glee for Lincoln and Hamlin (same as "Rallying song", "Lincoln and Hamlin", and "Republican campaign song, Lincoln and Hamlin") n.p. n.d. 25x17 RPB n.p. n.d. 25x17 RPB 771 The Republican wagon, n.p. n.d. 21x10 IHi 772 Requiem for President Abraham Lincoln by Richard S. Willis. Detroit, Mich., April 25, 1865 21x13 RPB 773 The retreat of the Grand Army from Bull Run by Ernest Clifton, (differs slightly from Baltimore, Nov. 1862 26x9 RP, RPB 774 The retreat of sixty thousand Lincoln troops. (Baltimore 1861) 29x11 MB 780 The Satterlee boys - by Serg't Don Pitzsquizzle. Auner (1856) 24x16 RPB 781 Save the Union - To the Young American club, No. 1, Phila. Aug. 28, 1856 - By J. W. Burns RPB 782 Scott and the Veteran by Bayard Taylor. Doyle (Baltimore) n.d. 30x18 RPB 783 The sculptor's master man - by (James A. Murray), n.p. (1930) 20x9 (2)p RPB 784 Secessia land. n.p. n.d. 20x13 RPB 785 The secession wagon, n.p. n.d. 27x10 RP 59 786 The secessionist. n.p. n.d. 21x13 RPB 787 The second Louisiana. The black regiment, by George P. Baker. For P. S. Hoffner, May 27, 1863 22x14 RPB 788 The serenade of 300,000 Federal ghosts, by Walter C. Montgomery; same as "The ghost's serenade." Providence, R.I., May 1863 16x6 RPB (Baltimore?) n.d. 20x13 RP 789 Seven days before Richmond, by (James Smith). Auner 24x16 De Marsan 26x17 Johnson 23x12 Wrigley 23x15 RPB 790 1776-1861 n.p. (August, 1862) 13x20.5 RP 791 Shakespeare applied to Lincoln. See "Abraham Lincoln born 1809" n.p. (1865) 38x27 RPB G - (Collection of 70 pages of N.Y. window Shakespeare quotes.) 792 Sherman's address, by P. Kelly. De Marsan 25x17 Wrigley 23x15 RPB 793 The ship of state, by Henry W. Longfellow. N.Y. The rebellion record (1863) 25x17 RPB 794 The ship of state, by E. W. Locke, n.p. (1860) 24x16 RPB 795 Shoddy on the brain, by D. A. Warden. Johnson 23x12 RPB 796 Sic semper - by a Virginian (Ridgely) ("Fourth of July song" is a truncated version) (Baltimore, July 4, 1862) 22x15 RP 797 Since I've been in the army. De Marsan 26x17 RPB 60 798 Six hundred thousand more, by J. (sic) Cullen Bryant (William Sloan Gibbons). Auner n.d. 24x16 RPB 798a The slain at Baltimore. n.p. n.d. 25x16 RPB 799 So keep going to the sun, by Vachel Lindsay. Memphis, Tenn., 1922 RPB 800 So long as there is a thorn, by Abraham Lincoln. (Chicago 1927) 15x9 RPB 801 The soldier's call - Tune: Russia. Partridge 23x15 RPB 802 Soldier's daily prayer, n.p. n.d. 12x9 RPB 803 The soldier's prayer. n.p. n.d. 23x10 VRC (MCI) 804 A soldier's prayer. Same as "Johnny's prayer", n.p. n.d. 34x14 RP 805 Soldier's prayer - by James B. Spenser, n.p. n.d. 34x14 RP, RPB 806 Soldiers' welcome. (New Hampshire, July 19, 1865) RPB 807 Soldier's welcome home. De Marsan 17x25 RPB 808 Somebody hurt - same as "Is there nobody hurt" and "New Northern Union song". n.p. n.d. 21x12.5 MB 809 Song - Dixie's land. n.p. n.d. 20.5x7.5 IHi 810 Song - Air: Pine old English gentleman, n.d. n.p. 23.5x10 IHi 811 Song - Tune: Happy land of Canaan, by Master Joseph Borronich (sic) (Ridgely). 61 Baltimore, Nov. 4, 1862 23x10 RPB (other eds. dated by Caleb Piske Harris, July 1863) 812 Song dedicated to the G.A.R. A. J. Shovelton, 1898 24x14 RPB 813 Song dedicated to the G. A. R. by James Rooney. (Troy, N.Y., 1893) RPB 814 Song by Sara E. Persch. 1st line - Nation of Freedom, awake! awake! (1874) folder 4 RPB 815 A song for a hundred years, n.p. n.d. RPB 816 Song for the people. N.Y., Adrews, printer 24x15 RPB N.Y., Andrews, printer 24x15 RPB 817 Song for the times. n.p. n.d. 19x8 RPB 818 A song for the times or John Brown, No. 5. De Marsan 25x17 RPB 819 Song of all songs, No. 2, by H. Byron. De Marsan 26x17 RPB 820 Song of all songs, No. 2, by John T. Poole. Magnus (7 copies; different illustrations) 20x13 RPB 821 The song of all songs, No. 3, by John T. Poole. Magnus 21x13 RPB 822 Song of the Baltimore rebels, n.p. n.d. 21x15 RP, RPB 823 The song of the exile by B (Ridgely). Martinsburg, Va., Dec. 16, 1861 25x12 RP, RPB 823a Song of the Irish brigade. De Marsan 25x17 RPB 824 Song of liberty. Johnson n.d. 23x14 RPB 62 825 Song of many songs, by A. Anderson, same as "Combination song". Auner c. 1863 24x16 RPB 826 Song of "The Maryland line at Richmond" by Big Sergeant, n.p. 19x11 RPB 827 Song of the negro boatmen, by John G. Whittier. Supervisory committee for recruiting colored troops (1863) (CW) 828 Song of the privateer by Quien Sabe (Ridgely). Baltimore, Oct. 10, 1861 23x9 RP, RPB 829 The song of the rebel, "Jackson's up", Camp talk by (John Esten Cooke). Richmond, Ayres & Wade 1863 35.5x26 VRC 830 The song of the Sangemon, by Carrie Douglas Wright. Chicago, Edwards & Deutch c.1926 47x30 RPB 831 Song of the South; same as Gen. Jeff Davis and General Davis, n.p. n.d. 26x16 RPB 832 Song of a thousand years. Auner n.d. 15x25 RPB 833 The song of the Union prisoners. Prom Dixie's sunny land. Johnson n.d. 15x23 RPB 834 Song of victory, by M. J. M. n.p. n.d. 12.5x10 IHi 835 Song of the volunteers, n.p. (1862) 20x30 RPB 835a Idem (4)p. 13x20 RPB 836 Song on the death of president Lincoln, by Silas S. Steele. J. Magee c. 1865 13x21 RPB 837 Song written for the Republican Campaign club of Providence, Sung at Lincoln ratification 1860 & the Lincoln centenary Feb. 12, 1909. Providence (R.I.) 28x18 1909 (Blodge H. William) 63 838 Songs for the times, by H. Webster Canterbury. (N.Y.? 1863?) 48x33 RPB 839 A sonnet (Pit emblem of our honored Chief) Boston, Smith & Porter (1865) 25x20 RPB 840 The sour apple tree or, Jeff Davis's last ditch. Prov., R.I., N. Bangs Williams 22,5x15 RPB 841 The South n.p. n.d. 19x9 RP, RPB 842 The South and North, same as "Beauregard watchword" n.p. n.d. 21.5x8.5 RP, RPB 843 The south Carolina rebellion by William Withington. (Portland, Me., 1860) 30.5x20 RPB 844 Southern battle cry, by C. Bait., QCt. 1862 22x10 RP 845 The Southern cross, by Ellen Key Blunt, same as "God and Liberty" n.p. n.d. 29x13.5 RP, RPB 846 The Southern cross by Henry St. John Tucker. (Richmond 186-) 30.5x12 Selma, Ala., (1861) 21x12 RP De Marsan 25x16 RPB 847 The Southern cross, by Mrs. Susan Archer Tally of Charleston, S.C. n.p. n.d. 21x14.5 RP 848 Southern national song, n.p. n.d. 26x16 RPB 849 Southern song of liberty. (Richmond? 186-) 40x21.5 (MCI) 850 The southern war cry. n.p. n.d. 23x12 DCL 851 Southern Yankee Doodle, n.p. n.d. 35x14 RPB 852 Southrons to arms (same as "Freedom's call" by Z.(Sam Doucher). n.p. Jan. 1, 1863 18x6 RP 64 853 The spirit of Lincoln speaks, by Jackson B. Corbet, Jr. Seattle 22x11 RPB 854 Star spangled banner - by Francis Scott Key. Baltimore, John J. Toy, pr. (186-) 19x11.5 RP 855 Stars of my country's sky, by Lydia Huntley Sigourney. (1861) clipping mounted G 856 State's rights song. (Baltimore 1861) 21x13 RP 857 Stephen A. Douglas and H. V. Johnson, n.p. n.d. 20x12 RPB 858 "Stonewall" n.p. 20x16.5 (June, 1863) RP 859 The story of the 91st. Ohio regiment. De Marsan 26x17 RPB 860 Strike for the right, by E. W. Locke, n.d. n.p. 29.5x23 IHi 861 The sublime parallel, by Edward S. Shewe. n.p. n.d. 25.5x18 RPB 862 Success to the rail-splitters, Lincoln and Hamlin, by William Withington. Portland, Me., Oct. 4, 1860 30.5x20 RPB 863 Sunny South! by B. n.p. n.d. 23.5x13.5 RP, RPB 864 Sur une gravure - Stances a Abraham Lincoln par J. H. Serment. Paris (1865) 25x15 32p. IHi (M) 865 The sword of the red, white and blue. De Marsan 25.5x13 RPB 866 The sylvan cabin - by E. S. Jones. San Francisco c. 1915 20.5x12 17p. RPB 867 The tax-bill, by Eugene T. Johnston. De Marsan 25x16 RPB 65 868 Te Abraham laudamus. n.p. n.d. 20x11 RPB 869 The templar's cross and martyr's crown by Eliza A. Pittsinger. San Francisco 1883 29x16 RPB 870 Tennesse(sic)! fire awav n.p. d.n. n.p. n.d. 19x9.5 RP 871 That Southern wagon. De Marsan 25x17 RPB 872 That's what's the matter, No. 2, by (Stephen Collins Foster, altered by G. W. Bungay) De Marsan 26x16 RPB 873 That'swhat'sthe matter, No. 3. Tune: Bow. wow. wow. De Marsan 26x16 RPB 874 Them saucy masked batteries. (Baltimore 1861) 28x11 RPB 875 There once was a copperhead vile - A Republican broadside. Campaign of 1864 SLC p. 209 876 There's a good time coming. De Marsan 26x17 RPB 877 There's life in the land that gave Carroll birth, by J. Brady. Baltimore, March 25, 1862 23.5x9.5 RP, RPB 878 There is life in the old land yet, by Cola (Ridgely). Baltimore, March 25, 1862 29x9 RP, RPB 879 There is life in the old land yet, by (Frances Key Howard), n.d. n.p. 24x11 RP 879a There's life in the old land yet, by Jas. R. Randall of Baltimore, author of "Maryland, my Maryland", n.p. n.d. 24x9 RP 880 There's "Nobody" hurt!! (Baltimore 1861) 20x12 RP 881 There's a sound among the forest trees. Auner 23x15 RPB 66 882 Thou, too, sail on, O ship of State, by Henry W. Longfellow, n.p. n.d. 14x8 RPB 883 Timely reflections, by Alonzo Benn. n.p. 1936 13x9 RPB 884 'Tis finished or Sing Hallelujah! By Henry C. Work. Johnson 20x12 RPB 885 A toast to Virginia. n.p. n.d. 14x8 RP, RPB 886 To Abraham Lincoln, President of the United states, Jan. 1, 1863. A sonnet by (John T. Piatt). n.p. (1863) 17x12 RPB 887 To the Baltimore poet, Thomas H. M-rr-s, author of "How they act in Baltimore, by Mephistophiles, K. G. S. (Ridgely). Baltimore, Jan. 10, 1862 19x11 RP 888 To a brother fighting for the Union, by Mary J. Higgins. De Marsan 26x17 RPB 889 To Lilly by Abraham Lincoln ("To Linnie" slightly altered) Newport, R.I. c. 1956 32x24 Broadsheet RPB 889a To Linnie by Abraham Lincoln, slightly changed by Harold, music by "Schubert" Newport, R.I. c. 1956 32x24 Broad-sheet RPB 890 To the memory of the martyred President, Abraham Lincoln, a tribute of admiration, and affection in verse by J. L. Eldridge. Topeka, 1909 21x7 (4)p. RPB 891 To Mr. Linkhorn. (Richmond, 1861 ?) 21x10 (MCI) 892 To Rosa by Abraham Lincoln (music by Harold Gammans) Newport, R.I. c.1956 32x21 RPB 893 To Sauerwein by a member of the corn Exchange. Baltimore, June 1862 16x9 RPB 894 To the second city Council, n.p. n.d. 20x9 RP 67 895 To whom it may concern, by John Ross Dix. n.p. n.d. 20x13 RPB 896 Traitor, spare that flag, by Rev. J. P. Lundy. De Marsan 26x17 Johnson 22x14 Magnus 21x13 Partridge 24x16 RPB 897 The traitor's land, by J. Lovelock. De Marsan c. 1860 25x17 RPB 898 Traitor's march to the White House. De Marsan 25x16 RPB 899 Tramp! tramp! tramp! The prisoner's hope, by George Fred Root. Auner 23x12 Wehman 24x14 RPB 900 Treason's masterpiece, by George Vanderhoff. N.Y., April 17, 1865 18x12 (B) p. 138 901 A tribute to Abraham Lincoln by Mrs. Mary P. Allen. Hanover, Mass., 1877 20x12 RPB 902 A tribute to Abraham Lincoln by (P. J. Cormicam, S.J.) Washington, D.C., Feb. 12, 1923 4p. RPB (S) 903 Tribute to Abraham Lincoln by J. L. Gray. Easton, Pa. ms 2p. RPB 904 Tribute to Lincoln by Leo N. Tolstoi, graf. n.p. n.d. 16x11 RPB 905 Tribute to the memory of Abraham Lincoln by G. W. Churchwell. N.Y., S. H. Moore c. 1909 23x12 2p. RPB 906 Tribute to the memory of Abraham Lincoln by Talbot I. Vesta. n.p. n.d. 28x18 RPB 907 Triumph of the old flag by (Septimus) Winner. (Philadelphia 1866) 25x15 RPB 908 True Union - Union ladies of Maryland. (Baltimore) (Sept. 1861) 38x9 RP 68 909 The two epistles. The angel's address, or The glorious message commanded to be sent to Abraham Lincoln, by James James. Albany, N.Y., J. Nixon 1864, 7p. 23x12 RPB 910 The two Kentuckians, by S. C. Mercer. Louisville, Ky., 23x15 (8)p. RPB 911 The two pickets, by D. A. Warden. Silently , watchfully, weary of day. Auner 23x15 RPB 912 Two years ago - A drafted wide-awake (Dr. Moras) n.p. Nov. 1862 23x13 RP 913 Uncle Abe or A hit at the times, n.d. n.p. 16.5x20 RP 914 Uncle Abe. A Republican Kampane song, by Nicholas Squibobs. (R. H. Derby) San Francisco n.d. 22x12 RPB 915 Uncle Abe's contract, by Sam Sillsbee. RPB 916 Uncle Sam and Betsy by Walter W. Warren, n.d. n.p. 25x17 RPB 917 Uncle Sam's boys by H. Angelo (written for the Scottish Legion), n.p. n.d. 23x12 RPB 918 Uncle Snow. n.p. n.d. 19x11 RP 919 The unfathomed Lincoln, by Carl Sandburg. Contains poem "Mr. Longfellow and his boy" n.p. (1943) 21x12 23p. RPB 920 Union and liberty, by Oliver Wendell Holmes. San Francisco, Samuel Levinson, n.d. 14x9 RP 921 The Union at the present crisis, B. T. P. n.p. n.d. 30.5x10 RP 922 The Union Dixie Doyle 20x12 RP 923 The Union flag triumphant waves, by C. H. Raedel. Johnson (1865) 23x12 RPB 69 924 The Union forever. n.p. n.d. 18.5x15.5 RPB 925 The Union must and shall be preserved, by Henry Hack, Jr. De Marsan 26x17 Wrigley 24x15 RPB 926 The Union root, hog, or die, by Michael Ryan. De Marsan 25x16 RPB 927 Union soldier's address to the flag by John Y. Wren. Camden, N.J., Dec. 2, 1865 24x16 RPB 928 The Union soldier's prayer by H. V. McCully. Johnson 22x12 RPB 929 Union soldier's song, by James B. Gay. n.p. n.d. 25x19 RPB 930 Union song. Bell & Everett campaign song by Prank. De Marsan c.1860 25x17 RPB 931 Union version of Maryland, my Maryland, No. 1, by (Horner). (Baltimore, Sept 1862) 28x9 RP 932 Union version of Maryland, my Maryland, No. 2, by (Horner). (Baltimore 1862) 22.5x10 RP 933 The Union volunteers, by E. C. Saffrey. De Marsan 25x13 RPB 934 The united brothers by W. C. Marion. De Marsan 26x16 RPB 935 Unto the least, by Elisabeth C. Spicer. Providence, R.I., 1943 ms RPB 936 Up with the banner - by Oliver Wendell Holmes. Auner 24x16 RPB 937 "Up with the flag, long may it wave" by J. R. Thomas. De Marsan 26x17 Magnus 21x13 RPB 938 A version of My Maryland. (Baltimore, Sept. 1862) 25x9.5 RP 70 939 Virginia n.p. (1862) 21x13 RP, RPB 940 Virginia! A battle song!! By Mrs. Jordan. Lynchburg, March 1862 29x22 (MCI) 941 Virginia's jewels, by (Rebecca Powell) n.p. n.d. 21x13 RP, RPB 942 Virginia races from Bull Run, same as "Advance to Richmond by the way of the junction", "The battle at Bull's Run", "Old Virginia, never die", and "Remember Bull's Run", n.p. n.d. 19x12 RP, DCL 943 Virginia to Columbia n.p. n.d. 54x37 RP 944 Virginian Marseillaise by P. W. Rosier. Richmond 945 The Virginia's knocking around - by M. Baltimore, March 26, 1862 37x11 RP, RPB 946 A voice from the Army. Acrostic - We vote for Lincoln and Johnson, by R. B. Nicol. Washington, D.C., 1864 letter-sheet RPB 947 Voice from John G. Whittier. The Quakers are out. By (John C. Whittier). Salem, Mass. (1860) 21x13 MH (CW) 948 A voice from the old Maryland line. Baltimore, Oct. 27, 1861 38x8 RP 949 A voice from a rebel, by B (verses 1, 2, 5, and 7 of "The rebel's retort). n.p. n.d. 15x12 MB 950 The voice of Lincoln - by Elisabeth P. Gould, n.d. n.p. 25x17 RPB 951 Volunteers on Uncle Sam's farm. J. S. & R. Brunton, c. 1861 21x12 RPB 952 Vote for Abraham by Rip Winkle, n.p. n.d. 35c27 IHi 71 953 Walt Whitman's hymn on the death of Lincoln. London, Edwin Arnold 1900 (P) 954 War of '61, by B. Danforth. Providence, R.I. n.d. 31x23 RPB 955 War in New York, A parody by J. L. Hatch. De Marsan 26x16 RPB 956 The war is over now, by Eugene T. Johnson. De Marsan 17x26 RPB 957 Washington and Lincoln - by C. M. Gallup. Providence, 1925-6 16x18 (3)p. RPB 958 Washington and Lincoln by Schewe. Los Angeles 1943 22x12 3p. RPB 959 We are coming, Father Abraham, 300,000 more. By (William Sloan Gibbons). Auner 24x15 De Marsan 27x15 Partridge 23x15 RPB 961 We are for the Union. Magnus 21x13 RPB 962 We are going on to Richmond, n.p. c. 1862 25x16 RPB 963 We have the right man now, by J. Fred Smith. Orange, N.J., c. 1952 22x28 RPB 964 "We pray Thee, O God, send us a Moses or a Lincoln in this time of need" By R. D. Wood. (McKeesport, Pa.) 28x21 c. 1910 RPB 965 We who seek peace, by Henry E. Luhrs. Shippensberg, Pa. 1915 9x15 RPB 966 We'll be free in Maryland, by Robert E. Holtz. Baltimore, Jan. 30, 1862 27x11 RP 967 We'll follow the flag, by (Septimus Winner) differs slightly from "We will follow the flag") (Philadelphia) n.d. 24x15 RPB 72 968 We'll keep Washington, by John L. Zieber. Johnson (1861) 25x19 RPB 969 We'll never give up Dixie, by M. A. Sarles. T. C. Boyd 24x12 RPB 970 We will follow the flag by (Septimus Winner). (Philadelphia) n.d. 23x12 RP 971 We will have the Union still, by (Robert Smith). De Marsan 25x15 RPB 972 We will vote for old Abe Lincoln, by M. Sewall. n.p. (1860) 30x23 IHi 973 Welcome! Douglas! to Rhode Island, by S. M. P. Providence, R.I. , Aug. 1, 1860 27x11 RPB 974 Welcome, Jeff to Baltimore, by (Byrne). (Baltimore, Jan. 1863) 19x12 RP, RPB 975 We're marching down to Dixie's land. Johnson 23x15 RPB 978 Whack row de dow, No. 3. De Marsan 25x15 RPB 979 When Abe comes marching home again. Fremont campaign song by "Our Ned". n.p. (1864) 28x16 IHi, RPB 980 When Lincoln died, by JamesA. Edgerton. Upper Montclair, N.J., W. J. Ladd c. 1910 20x12 RPB 982 When little Mac takes the helm, n.p. n.d. 23x15 RPB 983 Where liberty dwells there my country is. Auner 23x16 Johnson 22x12 RPB 984 Where Lincoln sleeps, by W.K. Palmer, n.p. n.d. 14x11 RPB 985 Who will care for Old Abe now? A parody, by J. N. De Marsan (1864) 25x16 RP, RPB 73 986 Who will care for niggers now? A parody. De Marsan 26x16 RPB 987 The White House, by George B. Emerson, n.p. n.d. 21x13 RPB 988 Wide-awake. Tune: OH Susannah, n.p. n.d. 21x14 IHi, RPB 989 A "Wide-Awake'' poem by Almon H. Benedict. Cortland Village, N.Y., 1860 22x14 IHi 990 Wide Awake Yankee Doodle. Philadelphia, Harris 19x12.5 RP 991 The Wide-Awakes by O.P.Q. n.p. (1860) 15x7 RPB 991a With malice toward none, Abraham Lincoln. Madison, N.J. 22x15 1908 RPB 992 Won't we be a happy people when this cruel war is over. By A. W. Livingston. Johnson 11x26 RPB 993 A wounded soldier to his comrades. Auner 25x15 RPB 994 Written at Gettysburg, by B. R. Brown, n.p. 1863 16x10 RPB 995 Written on Lincoln's proclamation of a day for prayer and fasting. By E. P. Birch. LaGrange, Ga. (1863) 15x10 MH 996 Yankee boys so handy, O! By Stoopofero. Auner 23x15 RPB 997 Yankee Doodle Uncle Sam. Johnson 23x12 RPB 998 Yankee Doodle No. 3. De Marsan 26x17 RPB 999 The Yankee girl, by John C. Whittier (on songsheet). n.p. n.d. 46x33 RPB 74 1000 The Yankee invicible. n.p. n.d. 23x12 RPB 1001 Yankee' man-of-war. A companion to "The Bold privateer". Johnson 22x12 RPB 1002 Yankee man-of-war. No. 2. by M. Hogan. De Marsan 25x16 RPB 1003 Yankee serenade to Jeff Davis. R.B.Nicol c. 1865 23x15 RPB 1004 Yankee stampede, by J.S. Prevatt. (Richmond, 1862?) 23x12.5 VRC 1005 Yankee Vandals n.p. n.d. 35x9 MB 1006 Yankee volunteer Auner 23x15 Magnus 21x13 RPB 1007 Yankee volunteers n.p. n.d. 36x9 RPB 1008 Yankees are coming, n.p. n.d. 19x12.5 RP 1009 Ye pathetic lament of Jeff Davis. Detroit, J. A. Whittemore c.1865 24x15 RPB 1010 Year of sixty-one. Johnson 26x12 RPB 1011 Yes! I would the war were over, by Alice Hawthorne (Septimus Winner) M. Gray c. 1863 21x15 RPB 1012 You can't fool all the people all the time. Chorus by Abraham Lincoln, verses by Harold. Newport, R.I. 1957 Broad. sheet 32x21 G 1013 Young Abe Lincoln by Martha Poote Crow. N.Y., Unbound anthology, n.d. 21x18 2p. RPB 1014 Young America and Auld Ireland. De Marsan 26x17 RPB 75 1015 Young Eph's lament. De Marsan 17x25 Magnus 13x20 RPB 1016 The Young Invincible, by A member of the Minute-Men's glee club. Johnson 23x12 RPB 1017 Young Union's song by Smallbones. De Marsan 26x16 RPB 1018 Your mission (as sung by Mr. Phillips at the request of Pres. Lincoln) Chicago, n.d. 25x15 RPB 76 MMffi Jft&ft ramuH RMBttP 1 ''