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We always assume that the k grammar of the source language S is unambiguous and that the syntactical tree of each program seS can be found by some parsing method. The formal definition of the abstract machine A and of the translator x . enables us to define the semantics of the source language S. oA To every program seS we assign a corresponding object program a = x (s). This program, together with the input data deD, we consider as the initial state of the machine M.. The computational process, or simply the compu- tation beginning with this state, we define as the meaning of the object program a. Denoting the set of all possible computations of the machine M by C we can define the semantics Sem of A as the function Sem : AxD-C or C = Sem (a,d) which to every program a e A with input data d e D assigns its meaning c e C. Having in mind the function x :S -> A we can now define the semantics of the language S with input data D as Sem • SxD-»C or C = Sem Q (s,d) b b From the above relations we obtain C = Sem s (s,d) = Sem s (T gA (a) ,d) The computation c e C assigned to a program s e S and data d e D (that is c = Sem (s,d)) we call also the interpretation of the program s b with the data d by the machine M. . The scheme described above could serve as the basis for writing a translator. In general, however, it is convenient to insert between the source and the object language an additional intermediate language I. Now we have T SI : S - T > T IA : 1 - A and T SA : S * A where t = t o t (the circle denotes the composition of functions) OrV _Lr\ OX This result can be represented graphically as "SA Source Language Object Language Intermediary Language For our purposes the language I should be designed in such a way that the translator t is easy to code in EOL-^, and t in MOL. This o J. _LA. means also that all the sentences of the language I should have the form of the MOL macro-calls. 2.2. Example Let us assume that a sentence in a source language S is the following Y = A*(B*C + DX) (1) This sentence might be translated t to the following MOL macro-call. * ASSIGN Y = (A * ((B * C) + DX)) which may be represented graphically as the following nonlabelled syntax tree with the name (key) ASSIGN: ASSIGN The call of the macro-definition ASSIGN might lead to the following sequence of statements (instructions) of the machine M. . PUSH A PUSH B PUSH C MUL PUSH d: ADD MTTT flU-Li STORE Y If the machine M has a stack for computing arithmetic expressi- this sequence causes the computation of the expression A*(B*C + DX) and stores the result at the address Y. This sequence also defines the fragment of computation corresponding to the formula (l). 2.3. Translating the Concrete Machine Language Having to do with real machines M.,M p ,... instead of an abstract machine M , the corresponding MOL macro-definitions should be changed to generate instructions for the real machines instead of the abstract machine. We come, therefore, to the scheme Source Language Written in EOL: 1 Written in MOL: Abstract Machine Language R Machine Language R Machine Language where T-nJk = l,2,...,n) translates from the intermediary language I to the machine language R . In the above scheme the t translator (in the form of a sequence of macro-definitions) forms a model for the translators t , 1 , ... . In fact, it is not absolutely necessary to determine x , but in practice it is very useful to do so, not only for creating a model for subsequent translation for actual computers, but also for the source language definition. 2.^. Other Translation Schemes In some cases the above scheme can be simplified by assuming that the intermediary language I and the abstract machine language A are identical, Then the machine M. is simulated on machines M-.,M p ,... with languages R_,R_,... • We come, therefore, to the scheme: Written in EOL: Written in MOL: R J R Machine Language R p Machine Language where x , means the translator from the abstract machine language A to the interval form of the object machine language R, . This scheme is advantageous when the object program is performed by interpretation of an abstract machine language A. In other cases it may lead to nonefficient object code. A similar scheme is valid for translation of problem-oriented languages. Let us assume, that every program written in a problem-oriented 10 language S can be translated to the program written in a higher-level procedural language M, e.g., in PL/l. Then we have the following scheme Problem-oriented Language Written in EOL: _£H_ Higher -level Language The translator T otT can be completely written in EOL. on The above scheme may be extended by introducing an intermediate language I, built of sentences, which have the form of MOL macro-calls. Depending on the macro-definitions used we can obtain translators t f^on? ' • ' for the higher-level languages H_,HL, . . ., according to the following scheme: Written in EOL: Written in MOL: \ Higher -Level Languages As the languages M ,M ', . . . one choose FORTRAN IV, ALGOL 60, PL/1, etc. 11 . . Using EOL and MOL for the Translation Schemes Using EOL and MOL in the preceding translation schemes provides us with many advantages. EOL and MOL reduce coding effort considerably in comparison with machine-language programming. Moreover, the translator just written in EOL-^- is independent of any concrete computer and needs to be written only once. In the case when an abstract machine serves as a model of concrete machines (see Section 2.3) > "the macro-definitions which define the translator x (from intermediary language to the abstract machine one) serve as models for the macro-definitions which define t J~rL (for concrete machines). Implementing a new language requires an initial effort for its formal definition and for writing the EOL and MOL part of the translator. This effort, however, has to be performed only once. Having done this, the additional effort needed to write the translator for a concrete machine is comparatively small. This is, of course, valid with the assumption that EOL-4 and MOL are already implemented on the object computer. However, as we will see in Section 5, using EOL-^ and MOL to help implement themselves and using same additional tools, this task also may be considerably simplified. 3- EOL-^ LANGUAGE EOL-4 is a language for symbol manipulation. In particular, most of the techniques for lexical and syntax analysis may be coded in E - . The EOL-^ language can be described as the programming language of the hypothetical EOL-^ computer shown in Figure 1. The EOL-4 computer is intended to be simulated on a conventional computer and is therefore a pure software system. Specifically, most fixed length word binary computers are well suited for simulation of the EOL-4 computer. The particular parts of EOL-^ computer have the following objectives. Input Counters IK ±. Stacks JL Shelves Output > Files > To MOL Figure 1. Block Diagram of EOL-^4- Computer 12 13 . . ^ unters Counters contain integers on which four arithmetical operations can be performed. Counters serve also to count and store such integers as the current level of block nesting, or the current number of a sentence being analyzed, etc. . . Input and Output In EOL-4 input and output data are represented in the form of strings of arbitrary characters. In EOL-^ programs, the input is identified by the variable INPUT, the output by the variable OUTPUT. To illustrate values of strings denoted by these variables we write, for example, INPUT: ABCD OUTPUT: RESULT = 1; The above notation is intended exclusively for illustrative purposes and is neither a part of a program nor does it serve to determine the data. We shall make use of a similar auxiliary notation to illustrate values of lists and files. The input data are read character by character so that each time the first character of the indicated string is read it is simultaneously deleted from the string. The output data are written by adding new characters at the end of the indicated output string. Assembling the input characters into symbols or detecting a specified character problem is done by a program. Due to this, input and output data may have any form, the most convenient to the given program. Ik 3.3. Stacks The input data are used to build expressions which may be stored in stacks or in files. In order to illustrate the content of stacks we write, for example, EX: ~XA°3^PH WX1: Y = Al *{ B *{ ALFA + 3)) where the identifiers EX and WX1 are names of stacks. The content of stacks are linear lists composed of constituents, each one preceded by one of the Q /\ marks or or , or enclosed in curled bracksts { and ) . The marks determine the type of constituent inside the computer. The mark indicates a character string of arbitrary length. The mark indicates an integer. The mark indicates an address of a record in a file or a block in a shelf. The brackets { and } assemble several constituents into one constituent. As the brackets may be nested, any list may be expressed as a single constituent. In EOL-^ there are many instructions to facilitate flexible processing of stack contents, for example: (a) Moving a determined number of constituents from the top of one stack to the top or to the end of another stack, the original order of constituents being kept or reversed. (b) Concatenating several strings starting at the top of a stack into one string. (c) Splitting one string at the top of a stack into separate characters, and putting them at the beginning of a stack. 15 (d) Testing whether the constituent at the top of a stack equals a given string or integer or whether it belongs to a specified class of constituents, for instance, it is a letter. (e) Enclosing the content of a stack into brackets, or removing the brackets from the constituent of the block of a stack. Inside a computer stacks are held in store in the form of lists, composed of pairs of computer words. One word of such a pair comprises a part of the constituent; the other word comprises the address which points to the next pair of words. A separate "free storage list" is the list from which new pairs are automatically taken and the disused pair are automatically added. In EOL-4 the majority of operations for handling a small amount of information are performed on stack contents. 3.4. Files Files are used to keep expressions in compact form and file records. Each record is stored in consecutive storage locations of core memory. The top constituent of a record constitutes its key which enables one to look for a record with this key. In order to illustrate the value of a file, we write, for example, NEW FILE: rrrcrrtrcxr jre r represents a record, a represents end of a section mark and the symbol t denotes a scanner which serves to distinguish one particular place in a file. Reading from a file always involves the record which follows directly after the scanner. Writing into a file is done by inserting a record directly before or after the scanner. 16 In EOL-^t- there are many instructions which permit one to pr- files, for example: (a) Writing the content of a stack as a record into a file. (b) Reading a record from a file to generate stack content. (c) Shifting the scanner forward until it comes across an end of section symbol or a record with the given key. (d) Storing the address of record, placed directly after the scanner, as the top constituent of an indicated stack. (e) Placing the scanner in front of the record whose address is the top constituent of an indicated stack. The two last operations permit one to manipulate the addresses of records in stacks. This enables one to determine freely the file structure, for instance, in a way which allows an effective searching of information written in this file. The files are designed to store medium or large amounts of information; for example, the symbol tables of a compiler. 3- 5- Shelves Shelves are intended to reside on secondary storage, such as discs, drums or magnetic tapes. Each shelf contains a sequence of variable length blocks; each block is formed from a file content. To illustrate the content of a shelf we write, for example SHX: bbbcibbtbab where SHX is the shelf name, b is a variable length block, cr is the end- of- sect ion symbol and t is the scanner which plays the similar role as the file scanner. 17 In EOL-Jj- there are several instructions which permit one to process shelves, for example (a) Writing a file content as a new block into a shelf at the place indicated by its scanner. All blocks which previously followed the scanner are no longer accessible by a program. (b) Reading a block content and putting it as a new file content. (c) Instructions which preserve and restore the scanner address. Shelves are designed to store large amounts of information, for instance, to store the output of consecutive passes in a multi-pass translator . 3.6. Declarations There are four kinds of declarations in EOL-4. The first kind of declarations serve to introduce and to name counters, stacks, files or shelves, for example: CCUNTER LA, LB, LC(5) STACK SZX, Q(10) FILE SYMB-TABLE SHELF SHI, SH2 We can declare one -dimensional arrays of counters, stacks, files or shelves. The second kind of declarations serves to introduce and to name ;ches, for example SW: SWITCH LA, LB, LC where LA, LB and LC are names of labels. Switches are used with conjunction 18 of GOTO instruction, which determine the index of a label in the label-list appearing in the switch-declaration. If, for example, the by constituent of the stack XI is the number 3 then the instruction GOTO SW BY XI is equivalent to the instruction GOTO LC The third kind of declarations serves to introduce and to name tables, for example: TA: TABLE 'BEGIN', 'END', 'FOR' TT: TABLE (0,0,3), (1,2,3), (1,1,2) The table TA contains three strings. By a suitable instruction SEARCH, for example SEARCH INDEX SAX IN TA the index of the top constituent in the stack SAX in the table is found and pushes onto the stack SAX. For instance, if the top constituent in the stack SAX was 'END' then the entry found is equal to 2. Having read a string to the top of the stack, we can find its index in a table and then jump by a switch using this index. In this way we can specify an action corresponding to the string just read. Reading an integer from the table TT with the index (2,3) may be executed as follows. We put the list {2 31 on the top of a stack so 19 that, for example: ST = [°2°y and then we execute the instruction: FETCH TO ST FROM TT After this instruction is executed the top values of the stack ST is the following st = M°2°3}. . • Mult i- dimensional tables are very useful in many syntax -analyzing techniques, for instance in passing an operator-precedence language. The fourth kind of declarations introduces procedures. Procedures may be needed so that one procedure may be an internal procedure of another one. £0L-^ permits one to compile external procedures which form one program independently. An example of a procedure is presented in Section 3-9- 3. 7- Instructions Instructions written in the EOL-^ language cause the execution of some simple operations, such as changing a list of values or interrupting a normal sequence of program execution. Each instruction consists of a key word followed by not more than three instruction arguments, for example MOVE SAX = REVERSED XI UNTIL '7' SCAN F2 TIMES 3 COMPUTE X = X + 1 More examples of instructions can be found in the following program. 20 3-8. Programs Programs -written in the EOL-^ language consist of external declarations external calls An external declaration may be a procedure, a variable, a switch as a table declaration. The scope of use for a declaration is the entire program . The body of external procedures consists of declarations and instructions. Declarations inside of procedures have a local scope. The names of variables, switches and tables have to be declared prior to their usage. 3 >9' Example of EOL-^ Program Let us consider a program which reads and deletes the next element of an arithmetic expression, and then add this element as a separate constituent at the end of the stack FORM- LIKE. The formula is written on the input in the form of a string of characters, and either an arithmetic operator or an arbitrary string composed of letters and digits constitutes an element of the expression. Blanks preceding an arbitrary element should be removed. For example, let INPUT: A + 3 + BETA F-LINE: ~X1~ = VJhen the procedure to be described has been executed four times, one obtains INPUT : BETA F-LINE: ~X1~ = ~A~ + " + 21 Let us denote this procedure by the identifier READ-ELEM. Then the whole program has the following form: (1) STACK F-LINE; (2) READ-ELEM: PROCEDURE (X) ; (3) STACK X; (k) CLEAR INPUT UNTIL NOT BLANK; (5) IF INPUT = LETTER OR DIGIT THEN (6) MOVE X = INPUT UNTIL BLANK OR REST; (7) ELSE MOVE X = INPUT TIMES 1; (8) RETURN; (9) END; meaning : (10) CALL READ-ELEM (F-LINE ) The particular lines of the above program have the following (1) External declaration of the stack F-LINE. (2) Heading of the procedure READ-ELEM with the formal parameter X. (3) Local declaration of X as a stack. (k) Clearing all initial blanks. (5) Testing if the current input character is alphanumeric. (6) If yes, then read into the stack X a character sequence up to the nearest character BLANK or character of the class REST. (All the characters are divided into four classes: DIGIT, LETTER, BLANK and REST.) (7) If not then read into X a single (TIMES l) character from the INPUT. (8) Return to the calling program. 22 (9) End of the procedure. (10) Call of the procedure with the actual parameters F-LINE. EOL-4 Language Extension EOL-^f is a relatively concise language, implemented with a basic set of instructions for symbol manipulation. More complex operations can be defined as procedures. However, in many applications such procedures can be fairly complex and their execution time rather long. In order to make them more efficient, E0L-4- procedures can also be written in machine language. As a rule they are based on the data structure accepted in EOL-4, and use the Interpreter subroutines. Thus, these procedures may be created as EOL-4 language extensions defining specialized operations, adapted to a given problem. The EOL-^- procedures written in machine language are often first written and debugged in EOL-^ language and then translated into machine language by a programmer who is familiar with the Interpreter and the EOL-4 data structure. This system permits one to obtain a full program documenta- tion in EOL-^ language and possibly to perform it in another computer, equipped with the EOL-^ Interpreter. h. MOL LANGUAGE MOL is a macro-language, which in particular can serve for code generation in the way discussed in Section 2. The MOL notation is modelled after PL I; in fact, MOL was based on a small subset of PL/l, comprising variables of the type FIXED, POINTER and CHARACTER (fixed and varying). A more significant difference is the introduction into MOL of lists which can be declared in a LIST declaration or used as the actual parameters in macro- call. All the MOL procedures, named macro-definitions, may be called recursively. In most other aspects, however, they are similar to PL/l procedures. The recursiveness of MOL procedures is necessary to analyze lists of any depth. Programs written in MOL consist of a set of external macro- definitions followed by a sequence of external macro-call. Both external macro-definitions and external calls can be assembled independently of the rest of a program. In particular, the internal structure of external calls is exactly the same as the structure of these EOL-^- records, which are equipped with a key, that is which have a character string as their first constituent. This constituent serves as the key in a record or as a macro-call name. Records of this type can be interpreted directly by MOL as external macro-calls. The MOL ability to analyze lists makes it well suited to generate a code on the basis of syntactic units in list form as generated by EOL-4. The application of the MOL language will be presented by the following two examples. 23 2k Macro-Definition SUM Remarks Let the following external macro-definition be given (1) SUM : MACRO S, X; (2) /* S = X(l) +...+ X(N) */ (3) DECLARE I FIXED; (k) + LOAD -X(l); (5) DO I = 2 TO DEGREE (X); (6) + ADD -X(l); (7) END; (8) + STORE .S; (9) END; This macro-definition may be called by (10) * SUM P, (A,B,C); with the result: (11) LOAD A (12) ADD B (13) ADD C (1*0 STORE P (1) Macro-definition heading. The macro-name SUM has an external scope. (2) A comment. (3) Declaration of a variable I as an integar. The variable I has the local scope, confined to the macro-definition SUM. To have external scope, the attribute EXTERNAL should be added to the declaration. In MOL, all variables must be declared before their usage. 25 (k) An instruction which begins with the character "+" is a print instruction. The string between the beginning "+" and the nearest ";" represents the "picture" of in- formation which is to be printed. The point before an identifier indicates a variable; the subscript "l" of the variable (in our example "X") indicates the first con- stituent of the actual list substituted for the formal parameter X. If the actual value is not a list, the null- string is substituted in place of -X(l) (5-7) DO loop (same meaning as if it were written in PL/l) . (8) DEGREE(X) is a built-in MOL function whose value equals the degree (number of immediate constituents) of the list which is substituted as an actual parameter in the place of X. (9) End of the macro-definition. (10) Macro-call of the macro-definition SUM. The actual parameters of the call are the single-character string P and the list (A,B,C). The commas serving as the delimiters in macro-calls or lists may be replaced by a space, so that the call (10) may be written as * SUM P (A B C); The asterisk in front of macro-name is equivalent to "CALL". (ll-l^-) Result of performing the macro-call (10) of the macro- definition (1-9). Macro-Definition EXPR Let the following external macro-definitions EXPR and ASSIGN be given: (1) EXPR : MACRO E; (2) DECLARE OP LIST (+ *), (3) CODE LIST (ADD MUL) ; (h) IF TYPE (E) WE 'LIST' THEN DO; (5) + PUSH .E; (6) RETURN; (7) END; ? 26 (8) * EXPR .E(l); (9) * EXPR ,B(3); (10) + .C0DE(ELEM(E(2),0P)); (11) RETURN; (12) END; (13) ASSIGN:MACR0 Y EQ X; (Ik) * EXPR .X; (15) + STORE .Y; (16) END; The macro-definition EXPR may be called, for instance, by the following macro- call: (17) * ASSIGN Z = (P + (Q * R)); with the result (18) PUSH Q (19) PUSH R (20) MUL (21) LOAD P (22) ADD (23) STORE Z This result may be considered as a machine code for a computer with the stack for performing arithmetic operations. 27 Remarks (2-3) Declaration of the list variable OP with the initial value (+ *) and the list variable CODE with the initial value (ADD MUL) . In any list-variable declaration its initial value must be given. (h) Testing if the type of an actual value substituted for the formal parameter E is a list. (8) Call for the procedure EXPR with the variable E(l) as the actual parameter. The point before E(l) indicates a variable; the subscript 1 indicates the first constituent of the value substituted for E. Note that this call is recursive, i.e., the macro EXPR is called again before reaching the RETURN statement. (9) Call similar to the previous one, this time only with the variable E(3). (10) The function ELEM(E(2) ,0P) has as its value the index of value of E(2) within the list OP. If, for instance, the value of E(2) is "+", its index in the list OP is 1; if this value is "*", its index is 2. If E(2) is not at all found in the list OP, its index is zero. The value of the subscripted variable C0DE(ELEM(E(2) ,0P)) is therefore equal to "ADD" or "MUL" when the value E(2) is equal to "+" or "*", respectively. (13) The second formal parameter "EQ," is never used in the macro-definition body (lines 1^ and 15)- Therefore, in macro call like (17) any value for the second actual parameter may be used. This enables us to use the symbol "=" in the line 17 as a comment, which can be exchanged for any other non-empty string. (18-23) This result is supposed to be a program written in an assembly language for a computer with a stack. From the above discussion it is easy to see that MOL can be used independently from EOL as a macro-processor. In this case MOL enables one to build one's own language with all its statements in the form of macro-calls and with the meaning defined by the corresponding macro-definitions. 5- THE TWT IMPLEMENTATION The EOL-^ and MOL implementation is based on the bootstraping principle. As the base of bootstraping the very simple macro-processor SIMCMP [10] is used, which can be implemented with about 100 FORTRAN IV statements or the equivalent number of instructions of assembler code. With the aid of SIMCMP a simple symbol manipulation language FLUB /TWT (First Language Under Bootstraping /TWT) is implemented [11]. FLUB /TWT is the language in which both EOL-^ and MOL interpreters are written. The EOL-^ and MOL translators are written in EOL-^. The first introduction of these translators into a machine requires again the use of SIMCMP. Once the system TWT is implemented and debugged on a computer, the effort to transfer the implementation to another computer is not high and can be done in a few weeks by a person which is familiar both with the TWT and the object computer. The implementation obtained in this way is fully useful but slow in action. By investing a few additional man-months for the optimization of the EOL and MOL interpreters we can easily come to the point in which programs written in these languages run fast. 28 6. THE TWT APPLICATION The TWT system can be used for teaching students many compiler- writing techniques and allows them to write term projects consisting of the design of a new language, the definition of its semantics, a syntax analyzer and code generator for an object computer. When applied to the implementation of actual languages, TWT allows writing comparatively quickly a translator which runs slow but generates fairly good object code; in fact, in this respect TWT poses no special limits. Using TWT we can, therefore, deliver to the user a translator in a comparatively short time. Simultaneously, the semantic of the language can be thoroughly checked out and the appropriate changes to the language can be made. Once the language is frozen we can start to optimize the translator to obtain a shorter translation time. As we have experienced so far, the translation speed depends mostly on two factors: on manipulation of symbol tables and on a dozen or so operations which, however simple, are repeated frequently during translation time. Therefore, by replacing a few parts of the translater by patches written in machine language we can achieve a considerable reduction of the translation time. Changes in the MOL part usually are not necessary. The changes in the E0L-4- part are not difficult, because, as a rule, we do not need to change the data structure. The multiplicity of data forms in E0L-4- is therefore a con- siderable advantage from the point of view of program optimalization. In the future we intend to create a standard subroutine library, written in EOL-^, which contains many techniques of syntax analysis and 29 30 other methods used in the recognition part of translators. In thir; language designer will he able to choose some of these subroutines best suited to his problem, thus lowering the effort of writing his translator considerably. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Lukaszewicz, Leon, "EOL--A Symbol Manipulation Language," The Computer Journal , Vol. 10, No. 1, (May 1967) pp. 53-59- 2. Lukaszewicz, Leon and Nievergelt, Jurg. "EOL Report," University of Illinois, Department of Computer Science Report No. 2^1, Sept. 1, I967, 82 pp. 3- Lukaszewicz, Leon and Nievergelt, Jurg, "EOL Programming Examples—a Primer," University of Illinois, Department of Computer Science Report No. 242, Sept. 1, 1967, 33 pp. k-. Nievergelt, J., Fisher, F, Ireland, M. I. and Sidlo, J. R., "NUCLE0L--A Minimal List Processor," University of Illinois, Department of Computer Science Report No. 32^, April 1969, 13 pp. 5. Nievergelt, J. and Lukaszewicz, L., "NUCLE0L--A Tree Processing Language," (To appear in Proc. Polyt. Inst, of Brooklyn Symposium on Computers and Automata, 1971) 6. 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