LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAICN 510.8^ ho. 6.I-&0 >3 CO Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS GRADUATE COLLEGE DIGITAL COhPUfER LABORATORY REPORT NO. 71 SPEED INDEPENDENT COUNTING CIRCUITS James C. Nelson July 1, 1956 This work has been supported in part by the Office of Naval Research under Contract NR 044 001 SPEED INDEPENDENT COUNTING CIRCUITS This paper is an extension of Report Number 66. It concerns itself with the design of speed-independent counting circuits. Definitions of speed- independent and totally-sequential circuits are taken as known and the reader is referred to the above-mentioned report for the original development of these con- cepts. Counting circuits were chosen for the initial attempt of speed- independent realization because of their basic importance in computer design, and because of their abstract simplicity. A speed-independent circuit is defined to be a counter with respect to two nodes, i and j, if, in continuous operation for every change at node j , n changes must occur at node i. Node j must again then change. The number n is called the scale of the counter with respect to these two nodes, n (i,j). Thus a counter is a speed-independent circuit with no inputs and no outputs, having a repetitious mode of operation with respect to two of its nodes, COUMTER •M COUWTER Q Figure 1. We must show that this circuit can be made to count. To this end we break the circuit at node i. Let i, be the line from node i to the counter and i n the line from the counter to node i. If we break the circuit at node i, retaining the value of node i on the line i, , then after some time M, line i„ must change value, since node i is constantly changing value. Furthermore, since the counter is assumed speed independent, i fi can change value at most once after node i has been broken. Thus, we may use i~ as an end signal to determine when the circuit has finished counting and when we may again step the counter. The counter is then properly stepped by making the value i, corre- spond to the value i n , when i, f i~. Let node j change value. If the counter is now stepped n times, node j will again change value. This information may be transmitted to other -1- circuitry by means of an output from node j . We therefore see that the counter defined above agrees operationally with the usual concept of scale n counter, except that in the speed-independent case, an end signal is available when the count is completed. We note specifically that if node j fails to change value, an end signal will not be received, and the stepping mechanism will be disabled. Let us now connect two speed-independent counters of scales m(k,- ) and n(i,j) in the manner shown in Figure 2. T\ Cc,j] j i r \ ko NOT ' Jo k, m(k, 1 ■/^N) T T Figure 3 • Both T and T* have sets of I-states, call them G and G*, Divide the set j into two subsets A and B. Again we let A contain those states in which D is excited (the value of m/ the value of n) , and B contain the states in which D is in equilibrium (the values at m and n are the same.) If we now let the single node (m^n*) be represented by two separate nodal components m* and n*, we see that the set G* is identical with the set B (if the assignment of nodal components is the same) and that for every state of set G* there corresponds a single state of B and vice-versa. Furthermore, if n*, n* does not change value, any transition in T* may also occur in T , and therefore cannot cause a violation of speed-independence, We must show that the transition in T* in which m* , n* change value cannot cause a violation. By Theorem I, we may now let D act, first. Place T and T* in corre- sponding states c of B and e* of G*. -5- Then by identical construction, if node m changes value in T, node m*, n* may change value in T*. Let T make the transition to a state "a" of A. By Theorem 1, the next transition must be to that unique state "b" of B where the values of node m and node n are the same. Meanwhile in T* the change in value at m* immediately changed the value of n*, since these nodes are identical. (See figure 4). Both circuits are now again in corresponding states. tie see that the transition of type c* — » b* can cause no violation, for the decision elements which are excited in state b~ ;; " are also excited in state b, since they are not perndtted to change until D has changed. The value at nodes m and n are the same in b and b~ ;; ~. Therefore, if a violation were to occur in T* at b*, it must also occur in T at b, which is impossible. Theorem XII . j^very decision element output may be written as a function of its inputs and its state, whether it is in equilibrium or non-equilibrium, i.e., an n input decision element ouout may be written as a Boolean function of n+1 variables, Let D be a general decision element as defined in Internal Report No. 66, Then a set of equilibrium states of D is given by its specifications. The list has the form x, x~ X f. where the values of the x. and f. are either zero or one i i i v and where the x. are the inputs of D and the f . the single output. J v There are precisely 2 possible combinations of the inputs of D. If any of these combinations does not appear in the table of equilibrium states, then this input combination can never lead to an equilibrium state. We have agreed in the definition of decision element to then prevent such combinations from occurring,, Define the equilibrium function g, where f = g(x.,Xp ...x ). The range of the independent variables x. x» ... x is precisely those combinations which appear in the list of equilibrium states. The dependent variable f has the value (or values) associated with each combination in the list, g is a Boolean function where all variables may have only the values zero or one. One sees that g may be double valued. -6- If D is in equilibrium, then certainly the value of the output of D is given by the equilibrium function g. If, however, the decision element is excited, then f f g(x-. Xp ... x ) , indeed, since g has only two possible values f = g(x x x^ ... x K ). One notes that if for some combination of inputs, g was double valued, then D could not possiblv be excited when that combination of inputs occurred, for the element would have been in equilibrium whether the output was one or zero. Therefore, we now define the complete function r F = g(x, ,Xp,. . . ,x, ) if D is in equilibrium \ F = g^x, ,x ? , . . . ,x ) if D is excited where F represents the value of the output of D in every case. Une sees that F is really a Boolean function of k + 1 variables where the k + 1st variable V, may have the value of 1 if the element is excited, and zero if it is in equilibrium, life could then write it: F = h(x, x~ ... x, V) This process may of course be reversed. Given the complete or equili- brium function, one may write out all combinations for which the function is de- fined, and obtain a table of equilibrium states which correspond to the element' s specifications. Therefore, the specifications and the Boolean equilibrium function of a decision element are equivalent. Theorem IV . Let A be a speed-independent circuit. Let B be a copy of A, except that a single element of A has been replaced by two elements, X and Y, in B Then, if 3 is not a speed-independent circuit, a violation of speed-independent criteria will be observed at X or Y. une need only see that X and Y satisfy speed-independent criteria, rather than again checking all elements. Let a speed-independent circuits A with a decision element B, whose outout node is d, be given. Then if B 1 s inouts are the set I = (i n i„, ... i, ) 12' k one may write -7- /~d = f(l) if D is in equilibrium d = f(l) if D is excited. livery input i. has the value of the single node to which it is connected. Construct a circuit 13 which is identical to A except that D has been replaced by two decision elements a and Y with the following properties: 1. x, the output node of X feeds only Y 2. The inouts of A are a subset I of 1 and x x = g(I ) if a is in equilibrium 2 '■«V if X is excited identical, 3. The inouts of Y are a subset I of I and the line fed by the y output node x, y, tne output node of Y = h(l ,x) if Y is in equilibrium Y = h(I ,x) if Y is excited 7 4° The equilibrium functions: f(D = h(l. That is, the equilibrium functions of D and the complex (aY) are f(l) -h(l , g(l x )). A D Figure 5 -8- One may determine a set of immediate states for both circuits a and B. une further notes that for each such state of circuit B, there exists a unique corresponding state of ci.rc it a. Given the state a' = (a 1 ,b' ,c' ,y. . .n 1 ,x) of circuit B we produce the state^' = (a, b, c, d, .... n) of circuit A. Such a state must exist by the construction of 3 from A. When circuits a and B are in corresponding states, the values of all nodes of corresponding decision elements of A and B agree, and the value of y is equal to the value of d. There is, of course, no corresponding node in A for node x. We now prove that if B violates the condition of speed-independence, that this violation is detectable at the decision elements X and Y. We consider four cases. Case I and 11. Let A and B be in corresponding states. Let A and Y be in equilibrium Then d = y but y = h(l , x) for Y is in equilibrium and x = g(l ) for A is in equilibrium y = h(l , g(l )) = f(l) by property 4. y - x - d = f(l) and thus D is in equilibrium Now let X. be in equilibrium and Y be excited with A and & in corre- sponding states. Again d = y y = h(i y , x) x = g(l x ) y = h(i g (i x )) = firy d = f (i) or D is excited. In short, if X is in equilibrium, any change which occurs at node y may also occur at node d. Any changes occurring in an element other than Y in B will also occur in A since the inputs to all other elements are the same in both circuits and since the nodes feeding these inputs have the same value because the circuits are in corresponding states. Therefore, no violation can occur in B, or else a violation must also occur in the speed indeoendent circuit A. -9- Case III. Let A and B be in corresponding states. X is excited, Y is in equilibrium Assume a changes first. Then X is in equilibrium, and we are still in corresponding states, for the change in node x has no effect on the state correspondence. :!e again have Case I or 11. Assume some other element M of circuit B changes first. If the output of M is an input of X and if that input is critical (its change would place X in an equilibrium state without a change on the output node x violating condition k) a violation occurs. . is is the only possible violation, for Y in this case is in equi- librium, and since A and B are in corresponding states, a violation at any other element in B implies a violation at the corresponding element in A. Case IV. Let A and B be in corresponding states. X and Y are both excited. One of three possibilities exists. A. X changes first. Then if the input from node x to Y is critical, a violation occurs at Y. If this input at node x does not affect the state correspondence, we have Case II. B. Y changes first. We will assume the input to Y from node x is non-critical, for were it critical it could be detected at IV A above. Therefore, before the change, y = h(l , x) and since the input from x to Y is non-critical, the value of x has no affect upon the function. That is y = h(l y , x) = h(I y , x) and x = g(l ) that is X is excited. It follows that y = h(l y , g(I x )) = KJJ and since the circuits are in corresponding states d = fU7 Therefore D is excited. -10- One sees as y changes value in circuit B, d changes value in circuit a, and the circuits therefore are again in corre- sponding states. X is still excited, and we have a^ain Case III. G. X and Y change simultaneously. We may again assume that the input from node x to Y is non-critical. Then by the argument of IV 3 if Y changes D must also change. Since the change of node x has no effect upon the state correspondence, both circuits are again in corresponding states, and we have Case I. It is clear that in any case a violation in B nay be detected as a violation at the decision element X or Y. EXAMPLES OF SPEED-INDEPENDENT COUNTERS Scale of One Counter: As seen from the definition, a scale of one counter is a trivial cir- cuit, for any circuit having two nodes which alternately change value falls into tnis classification. For the sake of completeness, an example of a totally- sequential scale of one counter is given below. The cumulative states, shown below the diagram, are vectors, each component representing one node of the cir- cuit, whose elements are the positive integers which denote the number of changes in signal occurring at the given node, since the circuit began operation in the initial state. NOT Cumulative a b 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 / * '\ Figure 6. Immediate a b 1 1 1 1 MDIIAY Initial a b -11- Scale of Two Counter: The scale of "two" counter is not so simply constructed as the trivial scale of "one". One first notes that certain constraints are placed upon the cumulative states by the definition of the counter. We know that the counter cir- cuit must contain two nodes, say a and b, such that a changes value twice, for every one change at b. Let us assume that these are the only nodes in the circuit. Then we may write the following table of cumulative states. If we choose (0,0) as the initial state of the circuit, the imme- diate state diagram nay be obtained from the cumulative states taken (mod 2) . Cumulative Immediate Initial a b a b a b 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 4 2 One sees, by referring to the immediate state diagram, that there is not a sufficient number of decision elements (we recall that every component of the state diagram represents a node, and that each node is connected to a decision element) to realize the assumed circuit. For one sees that if the circuit is in state (0,0), first node a, and only then node b must change. This implies that both elements must be excited in this state, but then either element may change first. To differentiate one change from the other, we must add another decision element, hence another node. Call the new node c and add it in the manner indicated, Cumulative Immediate Initial a c b a c b a c b 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 4 2 2 -12- From the new immediate states we may now derive equilibrium equations for the decision elements A, B, C* associated with nodes a, b, c. The equations are a' = (b0c) b' = ac v b(a v c) c' =abvc(avb) The totally sequential circuit appears in the figure below where the decision elements are defined by the corresponding truth-tables. c j~*- ® i% c» b\° 1 1 1 a\ C 1 1 a\ b 1 1 b b II 1 Figure 7» One sees that the elements B and C* are dependent upon their last output, that is, they contain a certain amount of "memory". This suggests that one replace them by either 'C or F elements in the sense of theorem 4. This can, in fact, be done. One obtains the following C-element realization of a scale 2(a, b) counter Figure 8. -13- where the I elements are inhibit elements previously defined. The above circuit is speed-independent. The element B has been replaced by the "inhibit", "or", and "c-element" which has the same "combined" equilibrium equation, while a similar substitution has been trade for the element C. The element A may be replaced by the usual half -adder combination, inverted. Now consider the single-ended, single-moving-point F-flipflop. If we replace the elements B and C of the totally-sequential circuit by combinations including these elements we obtain a simpler circuit. Figure 9. The above circuit we see is a scale of 2(a,b) counter, but is no longer speed- independent. If the not element is slow to act: 1. both gates may operate at the same time, and 2. if both F elements are sufficiently fast, the element A may go from an excited to an equilibrium state due to only an input change violating the condition of speed-independence. However, by adding the circuitry indicated below, the speed-independent property is preserved. -14- a <> Figure 10. Scale of Three Counter: One proceeds in the same manner as in the construction of the scale of two counter, noting that the c-state values of two of the nodes, a and b, are already determined. We again see that there are not sufficient elements to determine these states. In fact, two more elements must be arbitrarily added. C-State I-State a b a b 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 U 1 1 5 1 1 1 6 1 1 6 2 We determine their operation (nodal values) as follows. -15- J ,,: .. , -.i.v-- tate -. . ^" - bate Initial State acdb acdb acdb 0000 0000 0000 1000 1000 1100 1100 2100 0100 2110 0110 3110 1110 3111 1111 4111 0111 4211 0011 5211 1011 5221 1001 6221 0001 6222 0000 Choosing the initial state as (0 0) we are again in a position to derive circuit equations. They are: a' = (b® c ©d) b' = acd v b(a v c v d) c 1 = abd v c(a v b v d) d' = abc v d(a v b v c) If one now considers each of the four equations as equilibrium equations of four decision elements, one determines a totally sequential circuit of four de- cision elements, the output of each connected as an input to the other three. The circuit is a scale 3(a,b) counter. Two c-element realizations are possible for this circuit. The first is obtained by splitting up the lower elements in the sense of theorem 4. This may be done in the manner shown on Page 17. The circuit on Page 17 retains the speed-in- dependent property, however, multiply inhibited decision elements are necessary for its realization and one would hope for a simpler circuit. Such a circuit is given on Page 18. The initial state of the circuit is (abed) = (0101), and its cumulative states correspond exactly with those given above. -16- Figure 11. Circuit equations, written directly from the circuit of Figure 12, are: a 1 = be v bd v cd b' = ad v b(a v d) c 1 = ab v c(a v b) d 1 = ac v d(a v c) -17- */e note that this counter is totally-sequential. Figure 12, The Scale of "N" Counter (odd N) It is always possible to construct a totally sequential scale of N counter by suitably choosing the n-1 nodes not already defined. As in the scale of tnree counter a circuit of n + 1 nodes may be constructed which runs through 2n ♦ 2 immediate states. If one agrees to an initial state with all nodes set to zero, one may derive circuit equations for each decision element of the following form: F.=F 2 ^F 3 0...0F n+1 F! = G.F^F n ... F. i 2*3 P. - ... F v F.(G, v F_ v F_ v ... v F. . v F. . v l-l l+l n+1 li 2 3 1-1 i + l where i ^ 1 and G. = i 'F, if i is even F~ if i is odd F n*l> In the example for Figure 11 we may equate corresponding symbols as: a - F ± , b = F 4 , c = F 2 , d = F 3 One may now, just as in the scale of 3 design, break these decision elements into less complex types, obtaining the circuit on Page 19. ./here the -18- I elements shown are multiple inhibit elements. The number of decision elements is Un * C, where C. may be realized either as n-1 exclusive or circuits or the analogue to the majority element with n-inputs. The latter inay be constructed from C + 1 "and" and "or" elements. 2 . ftire 13. (Connections not shown depend upon value of scale n.) -19- Again, the totally sequential scale of 3 counter may also be eralized to the scale of odd n(i,j) counter. The circuit appears below. Figure 14. The M element is again the n-input analogue of the iiiajority element and nay be realized with C , + 1 "and" and "or" elements. The number of decision elements n+1 2 in the entire circuit is therefore 2n+ C ,+ 1. n-t-1 2 ..ith the scale of odd n-counter (Page 19) and the F-element scale of two counter, speed-independent counting circuits from any scale n(i,j) may be realized, ■ -.-1 of the speed-independent counting circuits so far derived have the following properties. I. An end signal occurs after each count which may be used to initiate the new count. II. If any element of the circuit fails to function, the entire circuit as a whole will stop . It r. ay be noted that in a check of counting circuits actually in operation, none with speed-independent properties were found. In these circuits if a decision element failed to act, at least a portion of the circuit continued to count. Such is the case for the Illiac counter shown below. -20- DOWN DOWN Figure 15 ,1) ~everal stages of this form are connected together in order to obtain a scale 2 counter. If the "and" element designated by the asterisrc were slow to act when this element became excited, its inputs might change placing the element in equilibrium before the element acted, tnus violating the condition of speed- independence and causing an error in the correct count „ If the element failed to act, this would not affect any stages which preceded that stage to which the element belonged . one sees that this difficulty is completely avoided if speed-inde- pendent equipment is used, -21-