w. \\ SMiV. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY L'C vt/.v>/ 'Iv**. 1 * Class Book VI Volume i^_ Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. A charge is made on all overdue books. U. of I. Library v^f 1 17625-S vr v FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM. PUBLICATION 71. ZOOLOGICAL SERIES. VOL. Ill, No. 8. A LIST OF A COLLECTION OF MEXICAN MAMMALS WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF SOME APPARENTLY NEW FORMS. BY D. G. ELLIOT, F.R.S.E., Curator of Department. CHICAGO, U. S. A. February, 1903. A LIST OF A COLLECTION OF MEXICAN MAMMALS WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF SOME APPARENTLY NEW FORMS. BY D. G. ELLIOT, F. R.S. E., ETC. This small collection of mammals was obtained by Mr. F. E. Lutz, who accompanied Dr. S. E. Meek in his visit to Mexico in 1901. The new forms have been compared with the types of Dr. Merriam's species and the examples in the large collection from Mexico belonging to the Biological Survey in Washington, and my thanks are due to Dr. Merriam and Mr. W. H. Osgood for their kind assistance during my visit to the National Museum, and for facilities given for examining their specimens. ORDER RODENTIA. FAM. SCIURID^E. GENUS SPERMOPHILUS. Spermophilus. F. Cuv. Mem. Mus., 1822, v. i, p. 293. Spermophilus variegatus. Erxl. Syst.Regn. Anirri., I, 1777, p. 421. Four specimens, Patzcuaro, State of Michoacan. These examples are very dark when compared with northern ones, the difference so great as almost to entitle them to sub- specific distinction. FAM. SUBFAM. MURING. GENUS MUS. Mus. Linn. Syst. Nat. 1766, p. 79. Mus musculus. Linn. Syst. Nat., 1766^.83. Thirty-three specimens: 16 from Patzcuaro, State of Micho- acan; 13 from Ocotlan, State of Jalisco; 2 from Puenta de Ixtla, State of Morelos; 2 from Venta Salada, State of Puebla. MI 142 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM -ZOOLOGY, VOL. III. GENUS PEROMYSCUS. Peromyscus. Glog. Handb. & Hilfsb. Natur. , 1842, p. 95. Peromyscus 1. sonoriensis. (Le Conte) Proc. Acad. Nat. Scien. Phila., 1853, p. 413. Twenty specimens: 19 from Ocotlan, State of Jalisco, and i from Patzcuaro, State of Michoacan. These specimens of this widely dispersed species are practi- cally identical with those from Woodford, Alpine County, Cali- fornia, obtained by W. W. Price in 1895. Peromyscus *sagax. Sp. nov. Five specimens from Patzcuaro, State of Michoacan: two adults, three young. Type locality. La Palma, State of Michoacan. Gen. cliar. Similar in color to P. difficilis, but cranial char- acters different. Ears large. Skull : brain case nearly square, broad; interorbital constriction considerable. As compared with skull of P. difficilis, that of the present species is shorter and nar- rower with shorter nasals but of about equal width; bullae smaller and closer together and molars much smaller. Color. Top of head and dorsal region mixed grayish black and buff, the former predominating; sides grayish brown and buff with an indistinct buff lateral line; orbital ring and spot behind nose black, with a buff spot between it and the eye; sides of head and shoulders buffy gray; sides like thighs; hands and feet white. Tail dusky above, white beneath; ears large, brown at base, blackish at tip with narrow white edges. Measurements. Total length, 192; tail vertebrae, 107: hind foot, 22. Skull: total length, 26; Hensel, 20; zygomatic width, 33: mastoid width, 12; length of nasals, 10; greatest width of rostrum, 4; palatal length, 4: interorbital constriction, 4; length of incise foramina, 4; length of upper molar series, 4; of lower molar series, 4. While resembling the type of P. difficilis in gene/al color without any rufous tinge, the present form has smaller ears and a shorter tail with marked cranial differences as given above. Peromyscus -ipavidus. Sp. nov. Three specimens from Patzcuaro, State of Michoacan. Type locality. Patzcuaro, State of Michoacan, Mexico. Gen. cliar. Tail long; ears large; colors pale. Skull with a very broad brain case; mastoid width the greatest; rostrum long *>acax. acute, slirewd. rpavidus, timid, fearful. FEB. 1903. MEXICAN MAMMALS ELLIOT. 143 and rather slender, its greatest width being less than the least interorbital width; the palatine foramina broad, their posterior ends just reaching the anterior line of first premolar. Skulls of all the specimens badly broken. Somewhat similar to P. gratus in color, but larger in all its measurements. Color. Upper parts mixed buff and brownish black, palest on hind neck; orbital ring black; lateral line from lip to rump ochraceous buff; sides above it buff: under parts white tinged with buff on chest; arms buff; legs and ankles dusky; hands and feet white; tail above blackish or brownish black, beneath white; ears brown. Measurements. Total length, 238; tail vertebrae, 130: hind foot, 23; ears, 20. This large mouse in its rather light color, large ears and long tail does not resemble very closely any of the named forms that would naturally be arranged with it. It is a rather con- spicuous species and would readily attract attention in a collec- tion of these animals. Unfortunately the skuil is badly broken and exact measurements cannot be given. Peromyscus *labecula. Sp. nov. Six specimens from Ocotlan, State of Jalisco. Type locality. Ocotlan, State of Jalisco, Mexico. Gen. char. Similar to P. thurberi in general color, but cranial characters very different. Tail short. Skull as compared with that of P. thurberi has brain case more square shaped; outer edge of frontals more curved; interorbital constriction greater; nasals shorter and broader anteriorly; palatine foramina shorter and narrower; pterygoids shorter: maxillary branch of zygoma broader and heavier. Pelage soft, thick, white spot at base of ear. Color. Above dark grayish fulvous, top of nose grayish buff; conspicuous white spot at posterior base of ears; shoulders mixed buff and black; lateral line from upper lip to thigh tawny ochraceous: lips and under parts white; thighs like sides: arms, hands and feet white; tail hairy, above blackish brown, sides and beneath white; ears small, black edged with white. Measurements. Total length, 144; tail, 57; hind foot, 18. (Skin.) Skull: greatest length, 25; Hensel, 20; zygomatic width, 13; mastoid width, n; length of nasals, 10; greatest width of rostrum, 4; palatal length, 4; length of upper tooth row, 4. This little mouse resembles P. thurberi in its general hue, although somewhat darker above, but is distinguishable from Labecula a small spot. 144 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSKUM ZOOLOGY, VOL. III. North American mice by the rather conspicuous white spot behind the ears. Only six specimens were procured, all of which were unfortunately injured by cats. Peromyscus m. brunneus. Allen & Chapman, Hull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 1902, p. 203. One specimen from Patzcuaro, State of Michoacan. GENUS SIGMODON. Sigmodon. Say & Ord., Journ. Acad. Nat. Scien. Phil., 1825, p. 352. Sigmodon hispidus ""inexoratus. Subsp. nov. Sixteen specimens from Ocotlan, State of Jalisco, Mexico. Type locality. Ocotlan, State of Jalisco, Mexico. Gen. char. Size large. Similar to .S. hispidus, back grayer above and paler on sides. Infraorbital foramen oblong and nar- row. Skull broad in front. Color. Above creamy buff heavily lined with black: sides cream buff; arms, hands and thighs cream buff: hind feet gray; under parts grayish white; tail sparsely haired, blackish above, whitish beneath; ears dark brown. Measurements. Total length, 310: tail vertebra, 146; hind foot, 36; Skull: total length, 37; Hensel, 31; zygomatic width, 20; mastoid width, 15: median palatal length, 8: length of incisive foramen, 7; upper tooth row. 7: lower tooth row, 7. These specimens do not seem to agree with any described forms. In size they are about equal to the large major and tona/cnsis, but are otherwise quite different, and while approach- ing mascotcnsis in cranial characters, they are much larger and of a different color. Sigmodon mascotensis. Allen, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 1897, P-54- One specimen. This species of cotton rat has a coloring not unlike many forms of the Rice rat (Oryzomys), and is a rather small species. GENUS ORYZOMYS. Oryzomys. Baird, N. Am. Mamm., 1857, p. 458. Oryzomys albiventer. Merr. Proc. Wash. Acad. Nat. Scien., 1 90 1, p. 279. Four specimens, three from Puenta de Ixtla, State of More- los, and one from Balsas River, State of Michoacan. *Ine\oratns, unasked, not desired. FF.K. 1903. MEXICAN* MAMMALS ELLIOT. 145 Oryzomys *molestus. Sp. nov. One specimen from Ocotlan, State of Jalisco. Type locality. Ocotlan, State of Jalisco, Mexico. Gen. char. Size large: ears small: tail very long; color "beneath uniform. Skull about half as broad as long; supraor- bital beads diverging posteriorly from least interorbital width in almost straight lines; unlike those of O.fulgens; palatal arch with an azygos point; palatine foramina very long and broad. Color. Above dark fulvous; flanks pale buff; forehead darker than back; under parts grayish white: tail nearly naked, pale brown above, lighter beneath: ears pale brown. Measurements. Total length, 325; tail beneath, 170; hind foot, 38. Skull: greatest length, 35; Hensel, 28; zygomatic width, 18; mastoid width, 14; length of nasals, 14; width of rostrum, 6; interorbital constriction, 6; palatal length, 7; length of upper tooth row, 6. This is one of the largest species of the group and is nearest to O. fulgens, but differs from that form in its darker color on the upper parts, and in being grayish white below instead of washed with fawn. Unfortunately but a single example was procured, and as the type locality of O. fulgens is unknown the two animals may be widely separated in their habitats. I have compared the present specimen with the large series in the collection of the Biological Survey in the National Museum, Washington, and it did not agree with any of the examples. GENUS RHITHRODONTOMYS. Rhithrodontomys. Giglioli. Richer, interm. alia Distrib. Geog. Gen. Roma, 1873, p. 160. Rhithrodontomys tinexspectatus. Sp. nov. Type locality. Patzcuaro, State of Michoacan, Mexico. Gen. char. Similar to fi. levipes, but whitish on under parts instead of pale fulvous, and tip of tail white. Ears large; tail long. Color. Upper parts mixed black and tawny ochraceous; sides ochraceous buff; chin, upper part of throat, hands and feet white; under parts grayish white, slightly tinged with buff; limbs like sides. Tail above blackish brown, tip white, beneath whit- ish. Ears naked, dark brown with a slight edging of brown and a tuft of ochraceous hairs at base. Molestus, troublesome, irksome. Mnrxspectatus, a, urn, unexpected. 146 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM ZOOLOGY, VOL. III. Measurements. Total length, 180: tail vertebrae, 113; hind foot, 21. Skull much broken; lengjth from alveolus of incisors to posterior end of palate, 9; length of palate, 5; length of nasals, 9; least interorbital width, 3; length of upper tooth row, 4. I compared this specimen with Dr. Merriam's numerous types and the extensive series in the Biological Survey collection, but it differed from them all save one. This was an example from Patzcuaro, the type locality, which had probably been over- looked and had not been named. Rhithrodontomys g. helvolus. Merr. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash.. 1901, p. 554. One specimen from Ocotlan, State of Jalisco. GENUS HETEROMYS. Heteromys. Desm. Mamm. , 1822, p. 313. SUSGENUS LIOMYS. Liomys. Merr. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 1902, p. 44. Heteromys alleni. Coues. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 1881. viii, p. 187. One specimen from Patzcuaro. This specimen represents the typical style from Hacienda Angostura, State of San Luis Potosi. It is a dark animal with the central dorsal region slightly darker than the rest, but with- out any distinct saddle. Heteromys albo-limbatus. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. , 1868, p. 205. Two examples; one from Patzcuaro, State of Michoacan, and one from Puenta de Ixtla, State of Morelos. This species, while resembling /f. alleni \\\ its general appear- ance, is rather lighter in color and with a very distinct saddle. Heteromys *exiguus. Sp. nov. One specimen. Type locality. Puenta de Ixtla, State of Morelos. Gen. char. Size small; no lateral line: well marked saddle. Color. Above mixed buff, brownish black and dark gray forming a well marked dark saddle on middle of back; sides of head, neck and body, with rump and thighs, light gray: lips, under parts and hands white; arms, legs and feet yellowish white; no lateral line; tail above blackish brown, beneath white. *Exiguus, a. urn-, small in size. FEB. 1903. MEXICAN MAMMALS ELLIOT. 147 Measurements. Total length, 185; tail vertebrae, 106; hind foot, 24. The skull is badly broken and no measurements are possible. Dr. Merriam has raised the members of this group of the Heteromyidae to generic rank under the title of Liomys (1. c. ). It does not appear to me that the characters he gives are sufficiently distinctive and important for this, as adults of Liomys and Heteromys in a number of instances cannot be distinguished apart by their teeth and therefore Liomys is here employed as a subgenus. I sent the specimen of H. exiguus to Dr. Merriam to be compared with his large series, and he writes me that "it is different from any species known to me, although it is closely related to L. torridus minor. Our collection does not contain anything like it." GENUS LEPUS. Lepus. Linn. Syst. Nat., 1758, p. 57. SUBGENUS SILVILAGUS. Lepus floridanus subcinctus. Miller, Proc. Acad. Nat. Scien. Phil., 1899, p. 386. Two specimens from Ocotlan, State of Jalisco. Lepus floridanus *persultator. Subsp. nov. Type locality. Puebla, State of Puebla. Gen. char. In color closely resembling L. f. subcinctus, but smaller in all its measurements. Skull is distinguished for the straightness of its anterior superior outline, the nasals being flat and on a line with the frontals; posterior portion of skull from behind orbits curving sharply downward. Nasals broad, abruptly compressed near anterior termination; palatal arch with azygos process in center. Ears short. Color. Top of head cinnamon rufous and black; rest of upper parts except rump mixed black and ochraceous buff; sides gray; rump mixed gray and black; nape and outer surface of limbs yellowish rufous; stripe of ochraceous buff on body in front of thighs; pectoral band pale yellowish rufous; under parts white; eye stripe buff; orbital ring cream buff; cheeks mixed gray, buff and black; fore feet buff, hind feet white. Tail above ochraceous buff, beneath white. Ears dark brown sprinkled with buff, dark- est at tip, anterior border for three-fourths its length from base, white. Persultator, oris. One that (risks or leaps about. 148 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM ZOOLOGY, VOL. III. Measurements. Hind foot, 72;' ears from notch, 54; from head, 62. (Skin.) Skull: occipito-nasal length, 66, median length of nasals, 19; lateral length of nasals, 27; posterior width of nasals, n; anterior width, 8: distance from anterior premolar to alveolus of incisor, 19; length of palatine foramina, 16; least interorbital width anterior to postorbital process, n; length of palate, 5; width of palate, K One specimen only. SUBGENUS MAC ROTOLAGUS. Lepus callotis. Wagl. Syst. Amph., 1820, p. 35. One specimen from Puebla, State of Puebla. ORDER CARNIVORA. FAM. PROCYONID^E. GENUS PROCYON. Procyon. Storr. Prod. Meth. Mamtn., 1780, p. 35. Procyon lotor hernandezi. Wagl. Isis, 1831, p. 514. Two specimens from Puenta de Ixtla, State of Morelos. FAM. MUSTELID.E. GENUS *MEPHITIS. Mephitis. Cuv. Lee. Anat. Comp., 1800, p. i. Mephitis macroura. Licht. Darst. Saugeth., 1832, pi. 46 and text. Two specimens from Ocotlan, State of Jalisco. One example is entirely black save a short narrow white stripe on sides near the thighs; the other has nape and hind neck and middle of back nearly to thigh, and a narrow stripe from shoulder to thigh, white. ORDER IXSECTIVORA. GENUS SOREX. Sorex. Linn. Syst. Nat., 1755, p. 53. Sorex ventralis. Merr. N. Am. Faun., No. 10, 1895, p. 75. One specimen from Patzcuaro, State of Michoacan. *For retention of this name instead of Chincha, Less., see Dr. J. A. Allen's unanswerable arguments in Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 1901, p. 325, and Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 1902, p. 59. FKB. 1903. MEXICAN MAMMALS ELLIOT. 149 GENUS BLARINA. Blarina. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1837, p. 124. Blarina ' :: pergracilis. Sp. nov. Type locality. Ocotlan, State of Jalisco, Mexico. Gen. char. Smallest of the genus, allied to B. b. berlandieri, but with a more slender skull; narrower rostrum, smaller molars, and of a very different color. Color. Above blackish olive brown, beneath pale grayish brown. Measurements. Total length, 81; tail vertebrae, 20; hind foot, I 10. Skull: total length, 16; Hensel, 13; mastoid breadth, 7; length of palate, 6. ORDER CHIROPTERA. FAM. VESPERTILIONID^. GENUS MYOTIS. Myotis. Kaup, Skizzirte Entw. Gesch. u. Naturl. Syst. d. Europ. Thierw., 1829, i, p. 106. Myotis velifer. (J. A.Allen) Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 1800, p. 177. Ninety-five specimens, 5 from Patzcuaro, and 90 from La Palma, State of Michoacan. FAM. NOCTILIONID/E. GENUS BALANTIOPTERYX. Balantiopteryx. Peters M. B. Akad. Berl., 1867, p. 476. Balantiopteryx plicata. Peters M. B. Akad. Berl., 1867, p. 476. One specimen from Puenta de Ixtla, State of Morelos. GENUS NYCTINOMUS. Nyctinomus. Geoff. Desc. de 1'Egypt, 1812, n, p. 114. Nyctinomus mexicanus. Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1860, p. 283. Eighty-eight specimens from La Palma, State of Michoacan. *Pergraciiis, is. e, very slender. ^ < > UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 590. 5FI C001 FIELOIANA. ZOOLOGYSCHGO 31900-04 30112009379600 . ' >c . : * A