977.3795 F661f N(AL 1854 1954 4tb - 10th CELEBRATI SOUVENIR PROGRAM 50c ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SLTRVEV: FliORR Have a Coke... it's part of the fun "Coke" \i a registered trade-morkr^^^^^^ »OnLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY Coca Cola Bottling Company of Oiney, Illinois + . — . . . . . ^ CELEBRATION JULY 4TH _ 10TH, 1954 — FEATURING — "FLORA THROUGH THE YEARS" NIGHTLY — 8:15 P. M. — FOOTBALL FIELD Monday thru Friday — July 5th to 9th ART LOWRY and His Columbia Recording Orchestra HIGH SCHOOL NEW GYM — 9:00 p. M. SATURDAY, JULY 10 PARADES — RIDES — FIREWORKS — ENTERTAINMENT 7 DAYS OF GALA EVENTS AND FUN 1 854 — 1 00 YEARS OF PROGRESS — 1 954 i PRINTED BY RECORD PRINTERY. FLOHA. ILLINOIS BEST WISHES FROM WILLIAM G. STRATTON Governor OF THE GREAT STATE OF ILLINOIS + t ■^' . . — . + ^ecCic^Ui<^(t This book is dedicated with a profound sense of grati- tude to those inspired men and women who founded this Community — To those who have unselfeshly, both individually and collectively, given their untiring efforts towards the contin- ued growth of our community, To those who served through the wars to maintain our American heritage, To all our past and present city officials and employees, To our gallant volunteer fire department, who have served our community so faithfully, To our churches and schools for their spiritual gui- dance and education, To all those persons who ever have, do now, or ever state with pride, 'Tlora is my home," we humbly dedicate this centennial program. •* (^eate^t^i^l ^Oin^ttee^ OFFICERS: President Leo R. Allen Vice Presidents Edgar Hancock. Harold Karlin Secretary Fred McCollum Treasurer Florence Douglas EXECUTIVE BOARD Leo R. Allen, Chairman, Edgar Hancock, Harold Karlin, Fred McCol- lum, Harold Wineland. Phil Mann and Florence Douglas. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mrs. Fred Chaney, Mrs. Donald Mattingly, B. V. Spalding, Harold Wineland. Norman Bryden, Phil Mann. Dr. Carl Webb, Ernest Jones, J K. Jones, Mrs. Ted Large, Jack Tolliver. Vic Weildt. Delbert Wolfe, Elmer Wood. FINANCE DIVISION Phil Mann, Chairman Underwriting Committee Phil Mann. Chair- man, Vern Hartung, Lindsey Etchiscn, Joe Wyman, Cecil Powless, Leiand Keith, Nor- man Bryden, Clarence Burnett Beard Contest Committee _ Robert Vosburgh, Leo Spitzner and Ralph Richey, co-chairmen; Bob Fry, Ernest Jones. Souvenir Program Committee - . Harold Karlin. chairman: Cora Valbert, Wendell Wells, L. R. Wells, R. S. Jones, Donald Richey. Vern Har- tung, Charles Dudley, Freeman Holland, Ralph Hill, Cecil Powless. C. R. Ruwe, Pauline Col- born, Lee Maggart, Delbert White, Frank Wood. Concessions Committee - - George Cooper and Pat Richey. co-chairmen; Doug Morgan, Jim Clark. SPECTACLE AND TICKET DIVISION Harold Wineland, Chairman. Queen Contest Committee Harold Wineland, and Vivian Large, co-chairmen; Mrs. H. E. Winter. Bill Mangis. Clyde Purdue. Jr. Gate and Ushers Committee Elmer Wood and Charles Rankin, co-chairmen; Ernest Jones. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE, Floyd Smith, chairman Press Committee Pauline Colborn and Floyd Smith, co-chairmen: Jim Wilkins, Juli- anna Uphoff. Radio Committee Floyd Smith, chairman, Julianna Uphoff. Jim Wilkins. SPECTACLE DIVISION, Norman Bryden. chairman Cast Committee Phyllis Wells and Regina Buckleh, co-chairmen; Ruth Stephens. Eva Hargraves. Mary Sparling. Esther Green- wood, Elsie Richey, Cordell Etchison. Scenario and Title Committee Opal Chaney, Chairman. Mrs. Ernest Taylor, Mrs. Rex Cun- ningham, Mary Ellis, Mrs. Herman Hardy. E. H. Wineland. Pauline Colborn. Nelle Bowman, Edith Lamp, Floyd Smith, Irene Clark, C. Hub- bell. Properties Committee _. _ Bill Mangis and Bill Middleton, co-chairmen, Paul McLaugh- lin, Clem Vaught, Odin Schroeder. Construction Committee Jack McGonagil and Maurice Mosele, co-chairmen. Carpenters Union Local No. 1404. Costume and Makeup Committee Mrs. Cleo Henninger, chairman. Mrs. Helen Snyder. Mrs. Crystal Rudy. Mrs. Wheatley, Edith Morray, Mrs. Merle Cahan, Mrs. Howard Pat- ton. Spectacle Music Committee Mrs. P. L Spalding, chairman, Carole Brooks, Beverly Carter. SPECIAL EVENTS DIVISION Edgar Hancock, chairman. Parade Committee Edgar Hancock, chair- man, Delbert Stanford, J. C. Borah. Eldon Chapman. H. W. Eaton, Bernard Dunnigan, Gordon Hoskins. Celebration Ball Committee Elmer Powless, chairman. Mrs. Paul Naney, Mrs. Helen Foss, Betty Kitten, Phil Morkin, Lou Gill, Esther Greenwood, Mrs. Lewis Umbenhower, Vickie Richeson. Historical Window Displays Committee Or- val Stine and Cecil Powless. co-chairmen, H .A. Wyatt, Rolla Gilliland. Fireworks Committee Elmer Wood and Homer Bute, co-chairmen, Delbert Wolfe, Charles Briscoe, Burl Luttrell, John Venable, Charles E. Briscoe. SPECIAL DAYS COMMITTEE Leo R. Allen, Harold Karlin, co-chairmen. FREEDOM OF RELIGION DAY Mrs. Donald Mattingly, chairman. Father Loepker, Edward W. Mann, James R. Wood, Donald Canedy and the Flora Ministers. Governors Day B. V. Spalding, chairman. Mrs. Arthur Holt, Paul Riggle, Mrs. Leo R. Allen. Industrial Day Jack Jones, chairman, E C Lawrence, Howell Tatum, William A Lindsey, Ray Britton. Earle Reynolds. Harold Karlin, Earl Labertew, Arthur Abner. Veterans Day Delbert Stanford and Leo Spitzner, co-chairmen, Harold Crackel, Clovis Hoskins. Homecoming Day Ralph Meyer, chairman. Youth and Future Farmers Day L. R. Wells, chairman, C. S. Zimmerman, Harland Brent- linger, Mike Sager. HOSPITALITY DIVISION B. V. Spalding, chairman. Homecoming Committee Ralph Meyer, chairman. Housing Committee N. J. Branson, chair- man, E. N. Withrow, H. W. Ballard, J. T. Bryant. Mrs Dora Naney. Traffic. Safety and Parking Committee Bernard Dunnigan. chairman. Flora Volunteer Fire Dept., William Given, Herbert McMillan. J. I, Hornbuckle, and Flora Police Department. ^ttte^nCcU ^(Muftittee S^cccitc(Ae (^w^mittce i Leo R. Allen Edgar Hancock Harold Karlin Florence Douglas Phil Mann ^1 Harold Wineland Fred McCollum +, . — .. .. — — ■ GREETINGS TO The Flora Centennial of Our City, in its 100th ANNIVERSARY And to the Unified Purpose of All Its Citizens for Its Future Expansion, Growth and Prosperity. May Harmony and Good Will Prevail to Make Its Second Century Symbolical of the Progress and Peace That Has Characterized Its Existence in the Past. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Flora, Illinois ■■+ I I + 7^acCenx4/L%ctcn^ <^ ^Ctna ^€Ktea*ti First Southern BJtfnSl CHURCH KiWCTH a HAl-L -Pallor FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH Kenneth G. Hall, Pastor Honoring my grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Cun- ningham, Mr. and Mrs. Francois Valbert, who settled here in 1 852. NELLA V. LEONARD FLORA YOUTH COUNCIL Virgil Neff — President Leslie R. Wells — Youth Commission H. S. CHIPMAN Manufacturer's Agent 1607 Aubudon Road, Phone 2263-W, Vincennes, Ind. | _.. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. H. W. Ballard, Pastor WESLEY METHODIST CHURCH W. E. Lamp, Pastor RAYMOND ELLIS Building Contractor Residential Building a Specialty Off. Phone 172L Res. Phone 1 90R Flora, Illinois Compliments of WARDS ELECTRIC SHOP I I i i Representing: Fedders & Brunner Air Conditioners — Hobart Food Machines — Dayton Scales — Sherer Com- mercial Refrigerators. Compliments of CHANEY REAL ESTATE Fred and Opal Flora, Illinois 214 West Second Street „_,+ *■ r FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Roy C. Blackmore, Minister FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Merlin Withrow Pastor H. & B. READY-MIX CONCRETE, Inc. If it is Concrete, Call Us. We "MIX AS WE HAUL' Plants Located I Flora i Phone 715 OIney Phone 7751 FIRST METHODIST CHURCH James T. Bryant, Minister ,' >•' ■ ii :Cfe '''^i^ CHURCH OF THE NAZARINE Rev J. H. Livingston, Pastor FLORA WHITE SHRINE NO. 88 Elective Officers 1954 Worthy High Priestess, Dorothy Pritchett — Watchman of the Shepherds, Loren Middleton — Noble Prophetess, tela Wells — Associate Watchman of Shepherds, Edward Wells — Worthy Chaplain, Sylvia Dawson — Worthy Shepherdess, Mabel Thompson — Worthy Guide, Olive Bullard — Worthy Scribe, Cecelia Monical — Worthy Treasurer, Katherine Carney. GENERAL FRUIT AND PRODUCE CO. Fruits and Vegetables 209 E. N. Ave. Phone 121 Flora, Illinois ST. STEPHEN CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Bernard Loepker, pastor OTHER CHURCHES IN FLORA CHURCH OF GOD Robert E. Baker. Minister KINGDOM HALL OF JEHOVAHS WITNESSES I. O. O. F. FLORA LODGE NO. 151 H. L. Price, Jr., Noble Grand Regenia Rebekah Lodge No. 184 Mrs. Dorothy Watts. Noble Grand Compliments FLORA WOMAN'S CLUB 1902 1954 'Thought, purpose and deed for mutual and municipal benefit" "Happiness Through Service" MISS FLORA THETA RHO NO. 12 Sponsored by Regenia Rebekah Lodge No. 184 of I. OOF. Mary Ann Smith, President; Diane Widdows, Vice-Presi- dent; Mrs. Mary Sparling, Advisor. Flora Assembly No. 28 OiRDER OF THE RAINBOW FOR GIRL'S Marilyn Bute, Worthy Advisor; Beverly Carter, Worthy Associate Advisor; Mrs. J. Walter Monical, Mother Ad- visor. Sponsored by the O.E.S. and Masonic Order. Compliments CARTER CLEANERS THE FLORA GARDEN CLUB Mrs. H. D. Fehrenbacher, Pres. "Flora Beauty Our Civic Duty" Organized March 1, 1932 Mrs. Leo Hettiger. Sr. President LUTTRELLS GARAGE & BODY SHOP I Phone 58 228 East North Avenue Flora, Illinois j Burl Luttrell, Prop. I 24 Hour Wrecker Service MOREFIELD'S GROCERY 408 South Locust Street Flora, Illinois Phone 606M We Give Eagle Stamps I Complete Lubrication Service — Car Washing j Class A Truck Testing Station j i UEBINGER WEST END TEXACO SERVICE I I + 4. EAST END CAFE Complete Dinners, Steaks, Chicken, Shortorders & Fountain Service Air Con'.'itioned — Open 7 Days a Week Compliments of MR & MRS S. E. BELT Compliments of NATHAN MARCUS, Inc. (Dixie Shop) 'Fashion in Juniors, Misses, and Women's Wear" TAYLOR'S Groceries — Meats — Vegetables Large Enough to Serve You — Small Enough to Know You 132 West Third Street — Rear Flora. Illinois Phone 144 ! Compliments of WILKINS RED GOOSE SHOE STORE Shoes for the Entire Family Flora. Illinois B. & Switch Engine No. 1 3 — September 1 0, 1 896 — From left to right : Mat Haga, Robert Taylor, Wm. Maxfield and W. V. Hettiger. + + Compliments of LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Lodge No. 1384 327 West North Avenue Phone 531 FLORA, ILLINOIS BYARS MONUMENT WORKS 206 East North Avenue Phone 185 Flora. Illinois ORNAMENTAL SUPPLIES 212 East North Avenue Flora, Illinois Compliments of RICH'S FURNITURE Your Home Should Come First SOUTHERN ILLINOIS LUMBER CO. Lumber and Building Materials Phone 43 Flora, Illinois Compliments of JONES MOTOR SALES S3 1 West North Ave. Flora. Illinois Phone 479-M "We Sell the Best and Junk the Rest" + POTVTIAC A GENERAL MOTORS MASTERPIECE .>^ i¥*^^.fc^=.^ ^^ Long, Low, Luxurious . . . and Low-Priced! If you were desc-riliiiii; your iiloal rar vmi woiilil certainly say "long, low, luxurious". You might omit "low-priced" because you would scarcely expect to iind it in company with the foregoing words. And you wotdil be very nearly right. Until today's Poiiliac arrived, no car eomhined all four advantages. But now — well. I'onliac is one of America's biggest cars with all that signifies in magnified comfort, roadability, security and smart, sweeping lines. Its luxury can he coiii|)arei1 oidy wilh costly automobiles. Its smooth, quiet, big-car |ierlonnance is a constant joy in tradic or on highways. Yet Ponliac is priced near the lowest! Come in for a ride and our generous a()|iraisal — today. J. C. BORAH MOTOR SALES Phone 13 'What We Sell, We Service Well" 535 West North Avenue Flora, Illinois (^&€i%€ictex S&etc^e^ R. S. JONES was born in Xenia. June 20. 1871. During the earlier part of his life he traveled many years for International Harvester Company. Later, he served two terms in the Illinois State Legisla- ture, from 191 1 to 1915; is a former chief factory inspector of the State of Illinois; was employed as field secretary for the Illinois Chamber of Com- merce, and is a former executive secretary of the Flora Chamber of Commerce. C. O. LEWIS, (1869-1938), was born in Stanford Township, near Flora, and spent his entire life in Clay County. Mr. Lewis probably helped with the education of more Flora young people than any other one person, having served as county superin- tendent of schools 13 years, and, at the time of his death, was in his 20th year as superintendent of the Flora Grade Schools. WILLIAM F. CHANEY (1874-1940). was a na- tive-born resident of Flora, who spent his entire life here. F^e was owner and manager of a grocery store, as well as a butcher, but he was best known for his Cyclone Band — an outstanding and promin- ent musical aggregation during the turn of the cen- tury. A talented musician himself, Mr. Chaney's band was trained to perfection, and its weekly concerts were among the highlights of Flora dur- ing that era. FLORA MILLING COMPANY Seed Feed Flora. Illinois Grain LELAND L. KEITH Auto — Life — Fire Insurance Representing State Farm Insurance Companies Flora. Illinois GENERAL LEWIS B. PARSONS, (1818-1907) was one of Flora's most prominent and best-known perscns. He came from the East, having been born in Genesee County, New York, following the rail- road on its western expansion. During the Civil war, he was made a colonel by President Abraham Lincoln, because of his uncanny ability to speed up Ihe mcvem2nts of the troops and animals of the Union Army, by boat or by rail. Later, became an c-.ttcrney for the St. Louis banking firm of Page and Bacon, then engaged in building the O. and M. (now B. and O.) railroad. On one of his many business trips for that company, he saw a beautiful stretch of unbroken prairie near the hamlet of Flora, which immediately captured his fancy. This tract of land, containing 2,800 acres was purchas- ed by him and developed into a modern farm, which he named Elmwood. Except for short inter- ludes spent away from his home on business, he reared his family and spent the greater part of his life at this beautiful country estate near Flora. C. S. CUNNINGHAM (1870-1934), was a former Flora Mayor, was among the city's early and prom- inent businessmen. He succeeded his father, John M. Cunningham, in the jewelry business, in which he remained for several years. Later in life, he relinquished this business, to travel for a bank lock inspection company. DR. JOHN B. JAYCOX Optometrist Room 3. Tigo Building Flora, Illinois THURM'S GROCERY j 551 East Second Street \ Your Friendly Neighborhood Grocer 1 Welcome Flora Centennial FLORA ROTARY CLUB Flora, Illinois Phone 1 36R MEYER & MEYER Lawyers Stanford Building ! Flora, Illinois | MCLAUGHLIN'S HARDWARE Quality Service — Value Flora. Illinois I Phone 42 WILFONC ACCOUNTING SERVICE A Complete Accounting and Tax Service Room -t, Stanford Building Phone 530J Flora, III. Carl D. Wilfong, Accountant .._. . . .—..—..—„—,.— ,^-. "For Cod and Country" DEVOTED TO THE SERVICE OF COMMUNITY STATE AND NATION Clay County Post 14 AMERICAN LEGION and AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY AUXILIARY OFFICERS: Pauline Wilkins, President Mildred Purdue, First Vice President Phyllis Wells, Second Vice President Mary Burcham, Secretary Esther Greenwood, Treasurer Lulu Powless, Sgt. at Arms AMERICAN LEGION POST OFFICERS; E. Harold Wineland, Commander M. J. Thibodeau, Sr. Vice Commander Ralph Richey. Jr. Vice Commander Charles Dulaney, Adjutant L. R. McLaughlin, Finance Officer Walter V. Cook, Sgt. at Arms I ^^^i/iacte/i S&etc^c^ JOHN H. THROCMORTON was bom in Carter- ville, Illinois Oct. I, 1885. In 1909, he moved to Flora, where he since has operated one of Southern Illinois' most popular drugstores. He generally is known as the "Father of Flora Tennis, " having en- couraged many local youngsters to take up that game, which he himself has played for more than 50 years. He is also an enthusiast and authority on all other typss of sports, to such an extent that his drugstore is known as Flora's unofficial sports- men's headquarters. To him goes much of the credit for the city's sports-minded. A number of younger people also have been helped on to careers in the professional world through his efforts and interests. GEORGE JEFFERSON PRICE, (1853-1932), was a former civic leader and mayor of Flora for 12 years, from 1915 to 1927. During his administration, the city light plant was remodeled, city waterworks ex- tended, considerable other improvements made, and, at the end of his term in office, the city had ,?ll bills D?id, and was considerable money ahead. He was the father of Clarence V, Price, now living in New York, who has never lost interest in his native city of Flora, and has been a 100 per cent booster of the Flora Centennial. HARLAND D. FRIEND, (1891-1946), was a na- tive of Flora, who spared no time or effort toward any civic project, or in any move designed to aid the growth and progress of Flora. At the time of his death, he was serving as secretary of the Flora Mutual B. L. & H. Association. He was also a mem- ber of the Flora Fire Department, and a past com- mander of the local American Legion Post, in addi- tion to his church and lodge work. He was the son of the late Mr and Mrs. T. J. Friend, early Flora residents. CHARLES H. GREENWOOD, (1871-19461, was a native of Flora, born near east city limits. For a number of years, he was engaged in the restaurant business, his cafe having been the popular eating- place of B. and O. Railroad employes. For several years, he served as city clerk, and later as Flora postmaster, holding that position at the time of his death. He was one of those who helped secure Charley Brown Memorial Park for the city of Flora. DR. NORTON W. BOWMAN, (1871-1948), was one of Flora's earlier doctors, whose interests and activities in a wide variety of civic, fraternal and charitable fields are a Flora tradition. He was a former American Legion Commander, having been a vet-ran of World War I. TIGO'S Happy Hour Food Store ! Clay County's First Complete Self Service Food Store Fully Air Conditioned Compliments of SIEGEL'S STYLE SHOP LYMAN L BOTTORFF Insurance Agency Phone 674R Flora, Illinois Compliments of HILL'S TASTEE FREEZ Compliments of STANFORD'S CLOTHING STORE Clothes for Men tj Boys Flora, Illinois + ..-+ ^^^a/i^cten. S&etc6.€4. E. D. (Uncle Fay) YECK (1857-1948), served for 27 years as chief of the Flora Volunteer Fire De- partment. When he died, he was still active in this capacity, and was nationally known as the oldest fire chief in the United States. He was be- loved, respected by every resident of Flora, as well as all the firemen. For many years he followed his trade as a barber, having been a partner with his brother, W. VV. Yeck, in opening one of the city's first barber shops. EDWARD MANN is a life-long resident of Flora, who was born here Oct. 24, 1882. For a half-a- century, he actively managed the Dale Mann and Co., drygoods store, which was founded by his father. Dale Mann, and is now operated by his sons, P. E. and E. W. Mann. He is a former city commissioner, and has served for many years as a director of the Flora Mutual B. L and H. Ass'n., a position he still holds. CHARLES E. HEMPHILL was born Julv 23, 1877 in Sparta, Illinois, but for many years has been a resident of Flora. He is the president of First Na- tional Bank, and has gained wide recognition for his speaking ability. For many years, he has taught the Men's Class of the Methodist Church, among the largest Sunday school classes in the city. DR. DELYTE W. MORRIS is a native of Xenia, Clay County, Illinois, and was graduated from high school in Flora. He is currently serving as presi- dent of Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, having previously been director of the Speech and Hearing Clinic at Ohio State Universitiy. MRS, RECINA BUCKLEH, is a comparative new- comer to Flora, but has given unstintedly of her time to civic enterprises. Owner and operator of the Four Sisters Manufacturing Co., she is chair- man of the industrial committee of Flora C. of C. JERRY BOWMAN, (1877-1951), was born in DesMoines, la., but came to Flora as a child. In later life, he owned and operated a hardware store, during which time his devotion to civic duty is a legend in the annals of history. J. C. SCUDAMORE (1872-1948) is a native of Wayne County, who moved, at an early age to Flora, where most of his life was spent. He owned and operated one of the city's earliest and largest department stores, which is still in existence under the management of his son, R. H. Scudamore. He was also active in civic circles, and in C. of C. af- fairs. ^UACC ,JU ._,_.+ Welcome to Flora's only SWEENEY'S ! GULF SERVICE STATION Cars completely serviced with the world's finest motor oil. Try a tankful of No Nox 619 W. North Avenue RENDEZVOUS DRIVE-IN THEATRE Between Flora and Louisville 'Movies are better than ever" Phone 634-L Routes 45 & 50 BORDERS RADIO & T V. SERVICE Arvin — Hallicrafter — Sylvania Television West Y Phone 308L Flora. Illinois WEST Y CAFE Fine Foods Our Specialty Open 24 Hours a Day B. L. Jenkins, Manager Phone 528 — Flora Compliments of CLAY COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY I I I ■4 FLORA COUNTRY CLUB — Picture taken on South side of new pro shop, June 9, 1954. Left to right: Jack McGonasi!. Ed McDonald, Harold Crackel and Regina Buckleh, Directors; Billy Mangis, President. E. Harold Wineland, Secretary, P. E. Mann, Vice President, Other Directors not present: Ted Large, Leo Kut- lich W. E. Wood and M. Mosele. Compliments of I DELUXE CAFE and BILLARD PARLOR I AMERICA'S FODEMMT MOD RETAIIER ... SINCE ttSf foftd^ores IHE eUAT ATIANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY THE NEW CITY MOTEL "A quiet place to sleep or rest'' North Olive Street Phone 730 Flora, Illinois Herb Henson, Proprietor Courtesy of I Al Newcome Store Manager i I DAIRY DREAM j Malts — Shakes — Sodas — Sundaes ] Cones — Pints — Quarts j Coke — Root Beer | West Y Flora, Illinois j I Carl W. Shehorn Asst. Store Mgr. j Carl Williams Meat Market Mgr. . _.. — 4- Compliments of DOWELL, Inc. + — ONE OF THE FIRST TESTS DRILLED IN CLAY COUNTY — 1937 ^Icxa 0^ ^e— . — .— ..— .+ + . . ^ ! i Congrofulofions Flora From Flora Lodge No. 1659 B. P. O. E. \j^ I20A North Main All Visiting Elks Welcome! A QUEEN WAS CROWNED IN 1925 — Shown from left to right, at a coronation ceremony almost 30 years ago are the former Esther Lewis, Marjorie Golden, Martha Bowman, Celia Tibbs, Cora Stanford. Ruey Stanford and Dorothy Wood; seated, Virginia Mann, the queen. A-r^ .^ri/cl ,■■/ - i./f d • rj> A. R. SMITH Ford Dealership •Selling Fords since 1917" Flora, Illinois Feel Right Drive Right Be Right VAUGHT OIL COMPANY RINEHART'S GROCERY 807 North Main Quality Groceries & Meats at Reasonable Prices Flora. Illinois Phone 628L VALBERT FEED STORE Feeds — Farm Supplies Flora. Illinois Phone 82 Standard Service Company MAXWELL and OCLESBY Service is Our Business We like to do business with you. HOBBS GROCERY 847 E. North Avenue Phone 523J Flora, Illinois Prop. Robert Hobbs FLORA GARDEN CLUB HAS FINE RECORD Organized in 1932 with one unit, and growing steadily until now it has thirteen, the Flora Garden Club has a long record of successes, including out- standing flower shows, civic work, and special planting projects. The club has received a special award for a memor- ial planting in Brown Memorial Park, is just com- pleting landscaping the Clay County Hospital gounds, and has planted scotch pines for future Christmas trees at the McEndree School. Its first flower show was held in 1933, with 107 entries and 457 varieties, and the event has grown steadily in favor. Presidents have been Mrs. N. B. Hettiger, Mrs. Wilna Reaugh, Mrs. Roy Charlton, A. 1. Belt, Mrs. Clark Akers, Mrs. C. R. Webb, Mrs. G. Earl Wood, Rev. H. Q. Morton, Lester Carver, Mrs. Ira Theo- bald, and Mrs H. D. Fehrenbacher. TERRY'S BAKERY Try your Home Bakery for the best in pastries and cakes. j Cakes made to order. I 214 East North Avenue Phone 1 29L s PHILLIPS 66 SERVICE STATION | Marion Levitt, Operator I 210 East North Ave Flora, Illinois j E. D. GIVEN Texaco Products U. S. Tires Compliments CARL C. WEBB Optometrist Town Theatre Building Flora, Illinois LARCE'S AUTO SUPPLY "Every part for your car" I I 204 E. North Ave. Flora, Illinois j 0. 0. FILES Shell Products Cor. E. North Ave. and Olive St. Flora, Illinois Phone I94M HENSON'S NORTH END MARKET 1 19 East Sixth Street Groceries — Phone 1 64L — Meats Flora, Illinois C. A. RUSH Maytag — Kelvinator 807-809 E. North Avenue Flora, Illinois Phone 656 + — ■ ., — + 7<^^^<^ ^^^ To each and everyone, our most humble and deepest gratitude for the wonderful effort and cooperation that has made the growth of our beloved community possible. This centennial will be one of the most remembered events in our history of progress and may the future years continue the growth and prosperity of all our undertakings towards mak- ing our community a "bigger and better place to live." With the same token of appreciation, we gratefully say, "thank you" to the different organizations, newspaper, business people, city officials and employees, churches, schools, and individuals who have given their time and en- ergies in making such a gigantic success of the commemora- tion depicting the 100 years of progress in Flora. CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE /i '^ecmtt^ 7Vdc