wo, B*7t (C ~ ss Copyright 1921 by C. F. Elrick 1 , St. l_ouis, M< This volume will be mailed to any address on receipt of $1.00 Address C. F. ELRICK, HICKS ALMANAC & PUBLISHING CO. 3401 Franklin Ave., St. Louis, Mo. £JLlb a tr": 4 In loving memory of my wife Julia, who was the only person that ever accorded ■^me the slightest encouragement in this work and whose untimely demise vividly ' impressed me of the utter worthlessness of so-called science when put to the abso- lute test, are these pages affectionately dedicated. \ Why fondle, cherish and revere a fabled thing paraded as science when it only holds bitter disappointment in dire requirements? “TERTIUM QUID” The descriptive explanation which covers what is commonly designated as both Cause and Nature. This description is rendered by comprehending what is insensible and connecting it to sensibility in place of merely describing what is sensible, which ever and always is the tangible result of Cause or what is insensible, and then attempt- ing by theory to set up by designation non-existent things to stand as Cause. The solution should be read with special attention being paid to the strict or literal define- ment of the several designations employed, in which it should be realized that unless a designation connects visability to invisability as Motion, Movement as material under Impellment by quantity or Volume pressure of material, such designation can- not hold any meaning other than as agreed upon. While the eye enables it does not supply comprehension. It will be realized that the ancients were close to solution as evidence by the Latin phrase used as the title of this work. Comprehensively worded it would read — The third something produced by the Union of two different formations (things) or by the collision of two opposing formations (forces) — Under continuous impellment of the volume pressure of the Whole or the entire quantity of material in atomic form. Note — The original wording is bracketed and the last sentence is added. PREFACE The following is a story that has never been written for the very good reason that the story has never been known. It is a story for the reason that man is limited to description of what is — i. e., the occurrences of Nature. The past and present understanding of man consists of the theories advanced or evolved to account for what he senses and under this system of theoretical computation he has ever been so unfortunate as to misconceive, and thereby miscompute, what is insensibly respon- sible for what he senses. The result of this is that he sets up theoretical designations which have no existence whatever and for that reason he is only able to simulate an understanding by blind belief. It is in this manner that he insults and belies his loudly-heralded intelligence for his science rests — not on proof — but on the challenge that the theories composing his science or understanding be disproven. As these theoretical designations are non-existent it is just as nearly possible to disprove them as it is to prove them. There is but one test for intelligence and that is the realiza- tion that no man can understand what he is unable to comprehend. Who can qualify? Man is and ever has been in the dilemma of being unable to become intelligent without understanding and he cannot evolve understanding without intelligence. Transposed, this means that the solution cannot be understood without understanding and under- standing is not to be had without understanding the solution. The exact meaning of this is that until man is in some manner impelled into the realization that his entire system of communication is only possible by designation, and our past and present system of designation is theory for the mere reason that in no manner does designation — 3 — bear connective comprehension to actuality or what is designated as — Cause — we will hold that our understanding is correct and inculcate this understanding as education — that higher education or enlightenment is possible by adding to . our “knowledge amassed” or the basis of understanding but the incontestable fact is that our science or understanding is composed, in entirety, of theories or that impossible of under- standing whereupon it follows that our education, or descriptive explanations of what does not exist, is likewise. Because of this it will be found that the description of the occurrences of Nature by comprehension is an entirely different matter than the description by sensing occurrences. We are beguiled by possibilities of description into the belief that those making them must be possessed of superior knowledge or they would not be able to make them but the fact is that silver-tongued orator and the gripping writer are but mere entertainers. The following from the pen of William Mathews, LL.D. is illus- tration that cannot be mistaken in this feature as also that of a vaunted superiority of one man over another by and from the skill acquired by training in which we accord the one a worshipful acquiesence of superiority and contrastingly hold the other in a species of contempt or disdain although it frequently occurs that the lesser light is of superior combination but is satisfied with the innate knowledge of the fact and makes no effort to dislodge the inferior. “In attending a concert in one of our large cities, did you ever observe the wide chasm that separates the first and second violins of the orchestra? One is all pomp, fire, bustle, enthusiasm, energy. Now waving his bow high in the air, he silently guides the harmony; now rapidly tapping on the rest-board, he hurries the movement; and 4 — again, bringing the violin to his shoulder, he takes the leading strain, and high above the crash of sound, above the shrill blast of the trumpet, the braying of horns, the ear-piercing notes of the fife, the sobbing oboes, the wailing of violincellos, and all the thunders of the orchestra, are heard, distinct and clear, the shrieking notefe of the first violin. Dressed in unimpeachable broadcloth, with kids and linen of im- maculate purity, stamping his feet, wagging his head, nodding earnestly to the right and to the left, and beating time with mad energy, he enters heart and soul into the music, oblivious of all things else and all because he is the leader, and plays the first violin. Standing by his side, but on a lower platform, and before a lower music-rest, is a careworn, patient man, who saws quietly on the strings, with the air rather of the hired laborer than of the enthusiast. His eye you never see in a fine frenzy rolling, glancing from heaven to earth; from earth to heaven, nor does his facile hand run off roulades of melody; he never wags his head, nor stamps his foot, nor labors to wreak his thoughts upon expression, but steadily and conscientiously he pours a rich undercurrent of harmony into the music, which few hear, fewer care for, but without which, losing the charm of contrast, it would be as dreary as the droning of a bagpipe, as monotonous as a picture which is all lights and no shadows. With his eye fixed on the notes, he scrapes away with diligence, not with enthusiasm; he is moved, not by the inspiration of a master, but by the reflection that he is exchanging his notes for dollars, and that, with each quaver, he earns so much bread and butter for his family. Yet this automaton — this musical machine, that plays its part so mechanically, with apparently as little interest in the result as a calculating machine in the solution of a mathematical problem — may have been endowed by — 5 — nature with as much genius and fire as that thundering Jupiter of the orchestra, the leader; but alas! he plays second fiddle.” This descriptive contrast of two men is full exposition of the manner in which our understanding is evolved and installed. The conclusion accepted by man is that the first violin has greater knowledge. There is no question as to where or how he got it but it is deemed a conclusive fact that he has it. Were you to inquire of this designated genius — what is music — he is unable to inform you beyond stating it is vibrations. It will thus be discerned that it is what man does — and not what he knows — that constitutes his understanding, but it is not a difficult matter to realize that this understanding is in any and all instances but skill acquired by training. We are lost in the sublime description of what the first violin does and marvel at the ability of the man making the description but outside of the entertainment afforded thereby it is an awful jumble of words in which actuality and theory are indiscriminately mixed but the feature is that we assume to understand the designations — soul, heaven, inspiration, etc., which we are unable to sense as well as the man, violin and the music which we do sense. The belief of the world is that understanding will be some day discovered by or through the medium of experiment hence the mass of endeavor is concentrated on experiment. This fact shatters man’s pet “law of averages” for among the millions of men who have sought solution in this manner — it appears that not one has held the realization that in order to be able to conduct an experiment at all — it was im- peratively necessary to use the very thing that the experiment Was expected to reveal. It is a dismal realization for man to make in the recognition of the fact that — 6 — the labors of the innumerable men of the successive generations have been in vain for the defined purpose of evolving an understanding that could be understood and that all the endeavors of all men correspond to what is described in Mechanics as “Lost Motion”. Because of this installed system the man working in Pure Science is utterly alone and is regarded, by even his close associates, as a harmless Nut — is the recipient of commiseration and is accorded ridicule and even hostility by those who understand theory so well that it exceedeth the understanding of man. It is for this reason that mankind will hesitate to accept the solution as understanding or that which renders — difference of opinion — impossible. The author is under full realization that it appears little short of brazen effrontery to flaunt the solution as understanding against the assumptive and assumptively accredited theories of the world’s proclaimed authorities which constitute the world’s science or understanding but the solution represents what the innumerable men of all ages have attempted to determine by experiment and have ignominiously failed. It is both comprehensible and comprehensively veri- fiable, hence no man can either challenge or deny it — nor can he criticise it for all he has to criticise it from is belief or that impossible of understanding. NOTE — The author is fully aware of the apparent crudity of expression and only offers the solution as delineation of existing principle. Sooner or later it will be realized that our words of communicable designation or expression are evolved by theory to support theory from which it follows that the description of actuality by comprehension with the words of theory is an exceedingly difficult matter. The solution, however, will tax the fabled minds of those who are so fond of — 7 — accusing others of possessing the single-track mind for it reverses computation. Man has the obdurate habit of gleefully stating that “there is one born every minute” but in making such assertion it is implied that the orator is not of the great majority. The fact is, however, that this computation should be raised in ratio to “mark time” with the actual birth-rate for all men have always been under an understanding by beliefs hence from any other belief than the one ac- cepted the believer eminently completes the implied designation. Few will ever realize the labor involved and the difficulties encountered in per- fecting the solution and connecting it to adaptation. It was a wrecking proposition for assistance was not to he had. In any other human endeavor it is possible to secure aid, consultation or at least encouragement but if this was possible there would have been no necessity for the solution. With its completion the author announces — he is done — that the task of installing comprehension, made possible by the solution, devolves on someone else and that it will be anything but child’s play. The author expresses this in the words of an unknown writer to whom he offers apology for adapt- able mutilation. — 8 A TOAST Here is a toast that I want to drink to a fellow I’ll never know — To the fellow who’s going to take my place when it is time for me to go. I’ve wondered what kind of a chap he’ll be, and I wish I could take his hand, Just to whisper, “I wish you well, old man”, in a way he’d understand. I'd like to give him the cheering word that I’ve longed at times to hear; I’d like to give him the warm handclasp when never a friend seemed near. I’ve learned my knowledge by sheer hard work, and I wish I could pass it on To the fellow who’ll come to take my place some day when I am gone. Will he ever see the sad mistakes man has made, and note all the battles lost? Will he ever realize the tears they caused or the heartaches they cost? Will he gaze through the failures and fruitless toil to the underlying plan, And catch a glimpse of the real intent and the heart of vanquished man?* I dare to hope that he may pause, some day, as he toils at what I have wrought. And gain some strength for his weary task from the battles I have fought. But I’ve only the task itself to leave with the cares for him to face, And never a cheering word may speak to the fellow who’ll take my place,. — 9 — Then here’s to your health, old chap; I drink as a bridegroom to his bride; Tho I leave an unfinished task for you, you will never have to be so tried. I’ve dreamed my dreams as all men do, but this one came true, And my prayer today is that it may be realized by you. And I’d like to hover near you, while you labor to banish the misery of man, And when your dreams come true, you’d recognize my absent handclasp as true, E’en though wreck’d and tired and blue, you could not mistake it — Jan; So I’m drinking your health old chap, who’ll realize what I’ve gone through. *Man has ever been vanquished but it is himself — his science — alone that is responsible for it — hence his deliverance consists of his escape from himself — i. e., from the impositors of belief under the guise of the fabled-super-man. On the theory that he is a wonder his vaunted efficiency consists of rendering himself more wonder- ful by his descriptive intensification of theory with the inevitable oonsequence that the world of today seeks, not the man of knowledge, but the man who can destroy the world or any part of it, as it appertains to man, in an instant. — 10 TERTIUM QUID Or the solution of what is commonly designated as natural cause. Pure Science When man uttered the phrase — “By their works ye shall know them” — he revealed the entire theme and scheme of the erratic system by which he evolved and continues to evolve his understanding: For it is and ever has been — what he does — and not wiiat he knows — that constitutes his science, knowledge amassed or understanding. If man cannot realize that all that he has ever done, has been done without understanding — his case is indeed hopeless. Because of this fact, the significance of wTrich is that he applies theory to actuality, he ever has been and is the recipient of the result adverse to his intent, attempt and expectation. This is evidenced on every hand but is more vividly emphasized in the reputed historical record — that in 3000 years of history there have been but 60 years of peace. Man would hardly avow that the maintenance of war was his sole occu- pation but if this was his one definite purpose he could not have been more phenom- enally successful. He is and ever has been devoid of the realization that it is he, himself, who must furnish the victory, glory or stated success and that this is only possible at the expense of his form. Man’s ideals consist of the conceptive recognition of what is possible for him to have but true to his theoretical system of attainment, his sages of superlative wisdom inform him that his ideals are utopian and that it is what he has that is actual, unavoidable and inescapable, whereas it is the reverse that is true. In like manner man endows himself with a soul and in the hysterical — 11 attempt to save a supposed thing that has no existence whatever he sacrifices actuality for an absolute nothing. He, alone, it is who fashions and imposes his theoretical crosses, invents his mystic burdens and when the results of his applying theory to actuality becomes sensible — he prays for deliverance but as his deliverance consists of being delivered from his science he explains the failure as punishment — meaning that it is not intended that he ever be other than an unwitting victim of his science or imbecility. The Bible is accepted by the majority of mankind as their authority for their proclaimed understanding of actuality. For the purpose of Pure Science it is utterly worthless. It is the work of man and is evolved without understanding and evidences the crude imprint of his attempt to gain understanding by and from the description of results. This same evidence is present in any volume ever written or in any oration ever uttered by man for ever and always it is the description of result with a guess as to what it was that was responsible for the result or what man sensed — is and ever was insensible, therefore, it is impossible of computation by sensment. Man avers that he evolves his understanding by reasoning from cause to effect — but as he has never held the slightest conception of what it was that constituted cause, it is obviously certain that he could not employ it in any phase of reasoning. Again, if man held the understanding of cause he would be enlightened and there would be no necessity for either theory or the continuous search for the understanding that past and present knowledge, so-called, neither supplies nor enables. This he reveals in his statement that “It is not known what electricity is” — but just what is it that he knows any more about? This specific occurrence is, like all other occurrences, but a descriptive designation of what is sensed and as comprehension, or the only — 12 — thing possible to understanding^ connect the part to the whole, is absent — it the mere designation — is theory and evidenced as such by the explanation that it is phenomena. The designation (electricity) is the assumption of knowledge and the explanation (phenomena) is apology for the assumption. The fact is that everything man senses is phenomena for there is not anything that he does sense that he does understand. The apology for phenomena is mystery and is designation of what is sensed as being responsible for phenomena. This is the ludicrous feature of man’s understanding for in designating all he senses — and has every opportunity to determine — as phenomena he literally confessed he is unable to understand all or anything he is conscious of. In contrast to this confession of inability at determination he frant- ically and hysterically proclaims that he perfectly understands mystery by theory. In so many words the super-man or man of supposedly exalted wisdom would have us believe that he understands— that which is insensible and which he is unconscious of — perfectly by theory. He has not the slightest proof that the theoretical designation really exists yet he misconceptively renders it sensible by theoretical designation and understands it by belief. NOTE — To many it may appear that undue stress or emphasis is laid on this feature but it will be impossible to establish and install comprehension until such time as it shall be realized that understanding by belief is utterly impossible. The feature of the foregoing is that by and from his conceptions of visability and invisability he computes both, theoretically, and because he senses the one and cannot sense the other he concludes they are two separate things which he designates as 13 — material and force and as the latter is insensible it is only by theory that man believes he renders it tangible or sensible. It is in this manner that he dominates and enslaves himself — describing his formation as poor clay, and force as a supposed spirit and worships the theory at the expense of his formation. It is on this theory that he assumes to conquer Nature and exhibits the hallucination of individual superiority in all that he does. The law does not apply to the law-maker because he made it. It does not apply to the delegated authorities because they are clothed in it. The feature of responsive belief is in evidence when all laws break down and suffering humanity appeals to that super-man — the scientist under designation as — statesman — for relief. He calmly advises the populace to be patient informing them that matters will finally adjust themselves which exposes the fact that actuality must repair or replenish the results of the applying theory to actuality. Science may be described as utterly failing to enable man to secure what he should have and it also has failed to determine just what he should have. It seems it remained for Vance Thompson to clearly delineate what man strives to attain which he does in the following words. “It is a tragic law that if you would go far and fast you must haul after you — far and fast — the mass behind you. And it follows that your good is the good of all. Of course this a commonplace — as common as sunlight — an old universal truth. Your good is the good of all. This is a statement which contains all truth, moral, political, economical. Precisely as all geometric elements are contained in a circle, all truths are packed into that one true saying: Unless a thing be good for the hive it is not good for the bee. This is all very well, you say, but how am I to pay my debt to the hive and yet protect myself? Every philosophy the world has ever had was an — 14 — attempt to solve this riddle. Every experiment in government was another attempt. Man has never done anything but try to live in the hive, while preserving his own indomitable sense of individual bee-hood — of remaining a nobly isolated, self-respecting bee. The man inside you does not work for others except for the compelling reason that it is only by working for others that he can get his own work perfectly done.’’ This concisely describes what it is man strives to attain. The following as concisely describes the failures of the attempts. “Success is for the fluent talkers — the self-convinced dogmatists — everything is admitted on condition that it be noisily proclaimed. Let us throw off this sham and recognize that in reality we know nothing about anything if things were not proved to the bottom. Scientifically nature is a riddle without a definite solution to satisfy man’s curiosity. Hypothesis follows on hypothesis; the theoretical rubbish heap accumulates and truth ever eludes us. To know how not to know might well be the last word of wisdom.” — Henri Fabre. But, just what is it that has ever been proved to the bottom? No one has so aptly described man as the puppet of his understanding as has Pope in his Essay on Man in the following lines. “A being darkly wise and rudely great, Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all, Sole judge of truth, in endless error hurl’d. The glory, jest and riddle of the world.” — 15 — Byron chimes in with — There is no hope for Nations, They build on things which rot beneath them. These descriptions are criticisms of the failure of man to gain enlightenment by what he does, but criticism is of itself failure for it is unable to supply the in- formation that would render the failure of attempt impossible and it also shows that we cannot get anywhere by an understanding by belief. MAN’S CONCEPT OF NATURE Man has a false concept of Nature in that he is ever attempting to conquer or assist it when all that he can possibly do is to adapt himself to that quantity which forms, maintains and relieves him of form. He constantly prates about un-natural things. What are they? What un-natural act can man perform? None whatever for if he could he would and thereby disrupt nature. ‘From the standpoints of ideality and possibility he does this very thing for in getting the things he wants he eventually finds they are the opposite of what he concluded he wanted. The Medical scientist reveals this misconception when he asserts that he is assisting Nature and unconsciously he is correct for regardless of what he does it is impossible for him to do otherwise as so-called disease and death compose Nature — 16 — to the same extent as does health and life. Sooner or later realization will penetrate the ivory dome of man and he will recognize the fact that the so-called sin, crime, filth, slime and other numerous ravings of the reformer and the “Much good will come of it”-fiend— who delights in informing mankind — “That a new world is being born — and it will be a much better world” — compose Nature while his theories do not. Man cannot and therefore should not conclude that he can compute Nature from his stand- point or by his inductions of that of which he is a part. It may be a bold and perhaps unwarranted statement to declare that the understanding of man was evolved for the sole purpose of deception and enabling deception but in any event it is that — for in understanding by belief man must deceive himself whereupon it follows that it is an utter impossibility for him to engage in any other attempt. For this reason all his plans, principles and attempts consist of chance or gamble and his theoretical success, victory, fame and glory are only computable by and from the extent to which deception has been manipulated. As civilization can only be composed of men and as the scheme of civilization is gamble and as man only has had man to gamble on or with it follows that the attainment of his theoretical successes is only possible at the expense of mankind for it is only man who can supply the theoretical victory as well as achieve it. This is the same thing that composes science and is the thing for which man so fervently prays for deliverance from. For by this science or understanding of belief by belief he is under bondage to himself. Before it is possible for man to engage in comprehension it is imperative that he realize that he is imbecilic and why it has been impossible for him to gain the en- lightenment that would relieve him of imbecility. — 17 — NOTE — If man deems this imputed designation unwarranted or unjust all that he has to do is to comprehensively explain just one thing under his understanding that he does understand. This and this alone will remove the stigma. He will discover that he is unable to explain anything, in final explanation, as other than an in definable, inexplainable and incomprehensible “something”. You can stack all the supposed knowledge of the world in the vain effort to com- prehensively explain how you read these lines or how the other senses are operated with the same result. Now, if man is helplessly unable to comprehend how he became conscious why does he assume to understand that which he becomes conscious of? He has two basic theories or misconceptions of actuality that are fundamentally responsible for all his other beliefs. The first is his idiotic conclusion that he can determine material by designation, i. e., by merely calling things names — he can under- stand them. Thus he designates wood as wood — iron as iron — water as water — but what are they? The subsequent explanation that they are composed of elements is no more comprehensible. Neither is the atomic theory for the atom has never yet been com- prehensively defined, yet we have reputed authorities on the atom. The second mis- conception is that there must be something responsible for what is designatively sensed and as it is invisible and insensible it could only be theoretically computed or in plain words it could only be guessed at. It was designated as “Natural Forces” just as though it were possible for anything to be other than — natural. As this designation was alike incomprehensible and incomputable — science rushed to the rescue and defined — 18 — Force as a — Push or Pull. Now comprehension enables the realization that the Entire Universe is under continuous impellment hence if there were such a thing as — Force it could only be — Push. While the definement is apparently harmless it is not, for, it permits the belief that there is such a thing as voluntary. This is the feature re- sponsible for the misconception man has of himself — of his wonderful ability and what is possible for him to accomplish and renders him incapable of recognizing limitation. Nature being composed of Motion and Movement means that Motion is insensible and as man has been under the limitation of evolving his understanding by what he senses he fails to realize that the inductions of movement constitute his limitation. As the inductions of movement are only possible by the accentuation of Motion which ever and always are followed by reaction or a modification of motion with a consequent modification of movement which man erratically and misconceptively defines as exhaustion and figuratively expresses as the swinging back of the pendulum, the result always is the opposite of the intent and expectation*of man for the reason that these fluctuations are continuous in place of being final. Man’s attempt is always to get everything big — a thing that can only be accomplished by organization. But the sternest lesson man has yet to learn is that when any organization assumes the proportions of menace to the lesser organization — it succumbs to the lesser quantity which in turn increases combination until it assumes the counter proportions of the organization and becomes the menace it previously broke up. This in continuous performance constitutes the feature responsible for continuous Motion and Move- ment — Life — or all there is to actuality. The feature of this is that man in his non- sensical attempt to apply theory to actuality is only accentuating the direct impellment — 19 of the Whole and while it is assisting Nature it is the assist opposed to endeavors of men. The sub-conscious recognition of this is expressed in the statement that — “Man proposes but God disposes.” According to man’s own assertion — he loves problems and he loves them so well that in theoretically solving one he merely raises another hence he has never had anything else but problems. These solutions consist of explaining the discernably easy parts, advancing probabilities for insensible and unknown cause and leaving the “hard part” for posterity to determine. The scientific definement of — Force — as pull provides an excellent problem or puzzle, which is to locate when and where Nature ever employed such a thing and where it is possible for man to apply such a thing. If you are unable to do this the reputed — Force of Gravity — is wrecked for it is spe- cifically and scientifically defined as a force which draws or pulls all things to the centre of the earth. It follows that if there is no such thing as a pull there cannot be such a thing as the — Force of Gravity and as this is a carefully calculated and authorita- tively approved scientific conclusion upon which many other conclusions are based it can be realized what flimsy foundations man employs to base his science on. SOLUTION Computation — As man is utterly unable to determine material and as — Force — as he conceptively or theoretically conceives it does not exist and as the assumptive conclusions relative to what is thus sensed and erratically conceived constitute in full man’s understanding, it can readily be realized why he has no understanding other than an agreed under- — 20 — standing of and by belief and why on his system of computation understanding is impossible. The fact that all men have always fooled themselves does not necessarily imply that all men are fools as the continuously impelled efforts at determination evidence. Once the wedge of comprehension is driven between actuality and theory there are men who will reduce our understanding by belief to history and man will come into the enlightenment he is fully competent to attain and enjoy. This comprehension can only be had by realizing that it only by computing ac- tuality or the principle whereby the’ continuous transmutations or changes of the diversified forms of formations are continuously impelled. It must be realized that it is just as much of an impossibility for man to invent principle as it is to invent material and for this reason he must compute it as it is and not as he believes it is. The Bible, man’s chief authority for his conclusional understanding, is miscon- ceptive of actuality and therefore misleading. Its very first words — “In the begin- ning — ” impose theory for the reason that, in so far as the understanding of man is concerned there is no such thing as a beginning. This, of itself, is full exposition of the fact that man has ever attempted to evolve understanding by and from what is sensed. The quantity, loosely defined as Nature, is 100% material and is 100% mechanical hence it is as hopelessly dependent on material for manifestations or occurrences as man has been on the sense for consciousness. NOTE — There is neither intent nor delight in disrupting the revered beliefs of man but no sane excuse can be interposed to allow them to stand in the way of or block — 21 — comprehension. The world ever had and still has its materialists and its immater- ialists. These two beliefs are the fundamentals of all other consequent beliefs and as they are all man has ever had and as it has, in the absence of comprehension, been impossible to get beyond or away from the conclusion or mere belief, man has been under the necessity of accepting one or the other, hence the rejection of either was only the acceptance of the other belief as understanding. Man has ever had the obdurate habit of concluding from these two conceptions of actuality and theory or material and force that actuality was dominated by something not actual. This presents the disagreeable feature of Pure Science for the inculcated belief of the world is held in the attempt to separate Nature from itself. As Pure Science dis- sipates this belief the immediate howl is that the man is an atheist. Deity as has been and still is conceived is strictly theoretical, i. e., it is absolutely incompre- hensible and therefore impossible of understanding but while this is true there is no call for misconception. In reality what is sensibly realized as Deity is bound up in atomic material — is indestructible and therefore immortal as material only. It is in computing form only that man becomes hopelessly bewildered — flounders in seemingly inextricable belief and renders him hostile to anything other than belief. As far as man is concerned there never was a beginning and there never will be an end to Nature and as he can neither produce nor destroy material he never will be able to determine it. For this reason it is idle, useless and disastrous to attempt it for it does not concern man in the least. This is comprehensively apparent as the features of the solution become familiar. — 22 — SYNECDOCHE As it is principle alone that man may compute and understand it follows that he must compute it in entirety. This is contradistinctive to our present system and while it is true that parts compose the whole it is not possible for what are described as sub-principles to compose or complete the one only principle of the Universe. This word — Synecdoche — is here defined to mean that the Universe is the Whole — that it is one quantity of atomic material by and from which all formations are produced. This being comprehensively true it follows that no part can ever be other than a part of the Whole; but each and all parts of the Whole embody the principle of the Whole as a Whole. The Principle Of The Whole Can be comprehended as Motion (here defined as chemical action) and Movement (here defined as circulation) with volume pressure as continuous impellment. The further comprehension is that it is only material than can compose motion, evidence movement and furnish impellment. In atomic or invisible form this is all there is to the Universe or the WTiole. Understanding Since motion, movement and impellment (material) is all there is to the Universe or Whole, as far as man is actually concerned, and since man is utterly unable to determine material — it follows that understanding can only consist of comprehending the one principle of transmutation or change of form which, by the constant pressure of volume quantity as impellment, is rendered continuous. — 23 — There is no specific form of literal design by the whole for the inception of for- mation is always simple combination the complexity of which is only possible by further combination. It is from the inception of formation that comprehensive com- putation is possible and what is sensible is only evidence of actual comprehension which would be described by our designation as — Truth. Because of the fact that our com- putation has been based on result or that which man sensed and which was — 'Move- ment — it follows that he will be much confused by having to compute Motion and Movement under continuous impellment as material, or one and the same thing, for they are absolutely inseparable. Understanding is not the complicated, indeterminal, never-ending thing that it is popularly supposed to be. There is but one understanding possible and that is the comprehension of the principle of the Whole. This is in continuous repetition and as one repetition is the duplication of the former it cannot be other than the same thing. The solution, therefore, is not a new understanding for the reason we never ever had an old one but it completes the circle of repetition. There is nothing new and the man of today senses the same occurrences that all his ancestors did and failed to comprehend, hence he could not understand what he sensed or what is insensible. He has simply relied on his eyes stating that he could believe what he saw but he has merely fooled himself by and in his conclusional beliefs along with those who believed what he believed. All his conclusions are on a par with the conclusion that “Large bodies move slowly.” — 24 — And then he repudiates this by conflictingly or contradictingly stating that the planets move with such terrific velocities that they exceed in movement all other for- mations and he shows that the larger they become the faster the movement. In the same manner the learned judge informs that “ignorance of the law excuses no one” but it frequently occurs that it requires several years for him to find it and when he is unable to find it his conclusion takes the place of what did not exist. This is an instance where the crime produces the law and there are instances of where the law produces the crime. The Whole Is composed of two volumes of atomic material each holding the opposed quality of Movement requisite to compose Motion. Impellment or that misconceptively sensed as Cause or Force is the volume pressure of the whole. As the Whole is composed of what is now described or designated as Nitrogen and Oxygen and further described as air, ether or gas and as these two materials in varied combinations compose all there is — in computing the Whole it becomes necessary to designate each quantity distinctively so that the preponderant proportion as well as the lesser proportion may be recognized in any and all formations. For this purpose the Nitrogen or active volume of the Whole is here defined as the — Acid — volume of the atomic material quantity or Whole, while the Oxygen is here defined as the — Alkali — volume of the atomic material quantity or Whole — the former active or penetrative under constant pressure and the other formative and resistant to penetration. From and by these two volumes of atomic materials under constant pressure there are but two occur- rences possible, viz., the forming of further formations and atomization or the breaking — 25 — up and diffusing of formation. These occurrences correspond as result to Union and Collision or Combination and Mixture. Now Motion is only possible at the expense of the resistance of the form of formation, meaning that as Motion is continuous it can only be rendered so by the loss of form or the losing of combination, hence the requisite is that formation must be as constantly formed as it is broken up. For this reason the process is and must be dually simultaneous, i. e., Motion must support Movement and Movement must support Motion, continuously. As each part of the Whole embodies the principle of the Whole As A Whole each and all formations compose this process or principle. Medical science in a way recognized this better than any of the other sciences and designate the process as — Metabolism — meaning th'at both occurrences of formation and atomization are continuously present. Undue speculation is rife over the demonstrations of — Radium — and unwarranted and impossible prophecies are made relative to the tremendous “Forces” stored up in the atom but the fact is that Lim- burger cheese, the Polecat and many more formations exhibit the same feature, but as the same occurrence is differently sensed they do not receive even “honorable mention.” While there are two occurrences possible by, from and of the whole and as there is but one quantity of atomic material and one impellment it follows that both occurrences must be produced from, of and by the same material and the one im- pellment, hence there can be but one formula which is — The Confinement, Compression and some form of release of the atomic materials so confined and compressed. Ap- parently as the occurrences are opposed the formula would be reversed but in place of this it is the proportions of the atomic materials that are reversed. The confinement of atomic materials always constitutes a dead-centre whereby — 26 — the Movement of the atomic material quantity is modified and Motion accentuated for the occurrence — Union. In the opposed occurrence — Atomization — this is reversed and it is Motion that is modified while Movement is accentuated. It must be clearly comprehended that the opposed occurrences are produced by themselves by shifting the preponderance of proportions of the Acid and Alkali. In order to clearly explain this it becomes necessary to — Define The Atom As the particle of Alkali entirely out of formation or combination. As long as the particles of Alkali are in combination or formation it constitutes a dead-centre because it resists penetration and as long as resistance or penetration is possible — Atomization or Motion is breaking up formation and reducing the formation or com- bination to — Atoms. When the atom is out of formation or combination it no longer offers sufficient body for penetration, hence no resistance and the limit of preponderant proportion is established and reaction begins. It is at this instant that the apparent reverse of the formula occurs or the transmutation of destruction to construction is actual for if the Acid material cannot penetrate it will envelope. It will thus be comprehended that the Alkali combination in the one instance composes the dead- centre by resistance and in the other by non-resistance. Comprehensively the actual inception of formation never occurs at or near the globe because of the fact that the atomic materials composing and surrounding the globe are of Alkali preponderance, therefore of combination but as the principle of the Whole is embodied in combination the inception of combination may be comprehensively and accurately computed. The true concept of the Whole is that it is a dead-centre composed of dead-centres and — 27 — therefore supported by dead-centres. Motion and Movement might be described as Union and Collision but while collision is continuously imperatively necessary for Union it does not follow that union always occurs and the fact is evidenced by and as atomization. NOTE — The foregoing is described by the language of theory which must be ultimately changed if true or actual expression is afforded or conveyed. This is not now pos- sible hence it must be realized that an actual preponderance of the atomic material quantity is a literal impossibility for the actual proportions are set and fixed with the Acid in huge preponderance. For this reason the literal meaning of preponder- ance means a modification of preponderance only. This feature is also present in describing the Acid volume of material as atomic for the reduction of the Acid material to the actual atom exceeds comprehension. This presents the utter in- ability of man to determine material and renders his standing inquiry of “What is this or that formation” or “what is it?” — inexplainable and unanswerable, there- fore the attempt is both nonsensical and futile for the ultimate explanation can never be other than — “It is something” which does not mean anything. As there are but two occurrences with one only possible by the other, all must be computed as occurrence but as has been stated there must be a distinct comprehension be- tween an occurrence by Union and one of Collision. The several repetitions of description noted in the solution are to merely emphasize the salient points. — 28 — THE BALANCE OR EQUILIBRIUM OF THE UNIVERSE Is the resistance of the fibre of formation offers to the penetrative pressure of the Whole. It is broken both above and below formation tension. The Universe or Whole is composed of liquid, and not of liquids, solids and gasses which was the ancient conclusion. It is by such proportions being set and maintained that Motion and Move- ment are rendered continuous and sensible formations temporarily formed. THE TWO MOVEMENTS OF THE GLOBE There is much conjecture as to how the globe gets through what is generally defined as space. Two beliefs are extant— the one that it rushes through the ether and the other that it carries the ether with it or to more clearly express it, the belief is that the globe carries its air with its movement and as space is conceived to be an inter-stellar vacuum there is no resistance to such movement of the globe and its air. This is grand exposition of the theme of man’s attempt at computation by and from movement alone for computation is impossible as actuality until man comprehends what is responsible for and how movement is produced. As Motion and Movement are inseparable, i. e., one produces the other in which movement — or that which we sense — is only evidence of motion, the comprehensive fact is that it is the Motion (Atomiza- tion) of the atomic material quantity that produce the movements (currents) of that quantity and that it is these movements or currents that turn the globe in axial move- ment and that the velocity of this movement is responsible for the orbital movement. The second movement is due to the fact that the reverse currents of the whole, being — 29 — of different tensions, throw the globe off an actual dead-centre much as a billiard- ball is Englished. The ellipse of the orbit evidences the two preponderances of atomic material proportions and represent the limit to which both atomization and formation may go and be reversed so that both are continuous. Unless this were so formation would accumulate and movement would ultimately be stilled or if formation was not produced as rapidly as it is reduced — ultimately there would only be liquid and no sensible solid. The ellipse shows that twice a year movement is accentuated and that twice a year it is modified which fact evidences the reverse of the accentuation and modification of motion. In turn this only evidences the extreme limitations of the proportionated preponderance of the atomic material quantity — the preponderance being expressed as Alkali-Acid and the reverse as Acid-Alkali. This is to say that when the Alkali-Acid is in proportionate preponderance — motion is accentuated by resistant formation and movement is correspondingly accentuated and vice versa with both extremes meaning exhaustion as we would express it. If such a thing as actual ex- haustion were possible continuous motion and movement would be impossible. Actual exhaustion or the utter depletion of form is rendered impossible by the fact that when either proportionate preponderance assumes menacing proportions and threatens to annihilate the lesser proportionate quantity it succumbs to the lesser quantity until the lesser quantity in turn assumes the aspect of menace whereupon it succumbs in proportion to the quantity which previously constituted the menace. This is what is described as the swinging back of the pendulum which virtually means the recognition of the results attending the shift or reverse of atomic material proportions. It must be realized that as Motion and Movement are under constant impeliment both forma- — 30 — tion and atomization are continuous and that the extremes only represent a modifica- tion of one or the other in continuous repetition. This is rendered possible by the fact, well known by Physicists, that water shows expansion at both extremes of pro- portion, i. e., the boiling point and at 4°C. The designations — expansion and contrac- tion — only mean and evidence the response of visible formation to the then present proportions of the Whole. THE IDEA OF SEPARATION Is all wrong for formation is only sensible by combination hence if it were possible for man to make an actual separation he would not have anything sensible nor could he hold it by any manner of means for as Motion and Movement are continuous and as they produce sensible formations which are in continuous response as evidenced by continuous expansion and contraction it is an utter impossibility for there to be such a thing as an absolutely non-porous formation, hence all formations are literal sieves which strain atomic material combinations under impellment or pressure. Chem- ists frequently speak of driving off the water but the fact is that this is merely ac- centuating the pressure of the opposed material proportion. Thus in melting metals the Alkali is accentuated in proportion and the imperative and undeniable result is that atomic material proportion be maintained by the Whole, hence the Acid material is pushed into equilibrium proportion with the result of liquidation. Dry farming is evi- dence of the impossibilty of this feature as is the impossibiilty to secure a vacuum. From this it may be comprehended that in the getting of a preponderant proportion the opposed tension is raised. This is all that is possible for man to perform and only amounts to the induction of movement by shifting the varied sensible formations into collisions that — 31 — respond to atomic material combination by impellment. Because he neither recog- nizes or comprehends this, every thing with him is experiment and his efforts really consist of changing or disturbing formation proportion which is maintained by the Acid material as evidenced by liquifaction in one instance and by solidity in the other. This same feature is present in man’s attempt to determine whether or not a visible formation increased its Weight with expansion. As this is collision in which union did not occur there is, of course, no addition to the combination and it is merely accentuation of tension hence the futility of the experiment for determination, for without union there could not be an increase of weight. Had this experiment been conducted with w T ood and water there would be an increase of weight by collision in which union did not occur but man concludes he knows this hence it is not deemed mysterious. It is in this manner that the atomic materials penetrate the supposedly hermetically sealed glass tube of the theremometer and by collision increase the bulk of the mercury but in place of the instrument registering temperature it is evidencing the then present atomic material proportions or the rapidity of motion. The barom- eter is doing exactly the same thing and thereby illustrates that it is the shift of atomic material proportions that accentuate or modify tension or the rapidity of motion. It must be comprehended that the designations — motion and movement always imply — * material and that the fluctuations of motion evidence a shift of the formation propor- tions of the whole — that such shift is only possible by movement and that movement is only possible by motion and that the inseparable two are only possible by the con- tinuous impellment of volume pressure. The inception of formation is always in some form of round — for it is in this manner only that the existing pressure is raised to — 32 — formation tension. The inception of formation is also only possible by a modification of movement while actual atomization is only possible by the accentuation of movement. While the actual inception of formation is invisible and therefore insensible in some instances the inception of atomic combination is sensible. If a pot of water be placed on a slow fire, the bubbles which can be seen at the bottom of the pot can be comprehended as the inception of atomic combination formation. Fire being the release of the atomic combinations held in formation penetrate through the metal and the thus released atomic combinations are enveloped by the Acid material com- binations. As these bubbles complete combination they are pushed to the surface by the denser combinations and as the rapidity of these formations are increased move- ment is established. This is full exposition of the motion and movement of the Whole or the atomic material quantity and as it is full exemplification of the principle of the whole, the dual process of formation by motion at the expense of the forms of other formations, may be comprehended. THE FORM OF FORMATION Is determined by the tension of pressure which is regulated by the particular combination and the thereby porosity of the container or dead-centre. This is evi- denced in the cast of a birth-mark where from the same combination of materials an entirely different formation is formed by the accentuation of tension. Grafting, bud- ding, cross-breeding, etc., also evidence this feature. It can be noted that the same four formations are produced under water which exemplifies the fact that it is material and pressure of material that produces the — 33 — diversified parts of the whole. This also shows that the water formation is only the reverse proportions of the whole. It is hardly possible to establish comprehension without taking up the chief theo- retical designations and connecting them to — cause or the whole for it is only in this manner that belief can be dissipated. It is easily sensed how the two beliefs of the materialists and immaterials were evolved and imposed: For the materialists only sensed union or rather the results of union while the immaterialists only sensed collision as the whole. Both beliefs are really sensed by deductions of movement in diversification but as the results of collision were not perceptibly sensed the misconception w'as and is that visability or sensibility was produced, dominated and controlled by something immaterial. And on the mere challenge to disprove this theory the majority of mankind accept the belief but the easily comprehended fact is that it is only two or more formations that can compose or complete— collision — or in actuality the reverse of the theory. LIFE As sensed is merely the movement of atomic material held as concentrations of atomic material in defined forms. From this it will be comprehended that in reality there is no such actual or literal thing as life for it is only descriptive explanation of Motion and Movement and Impellment by volume pressure. For the same reason there are no such actual or literal things as death, rest, stationary or permanent, etc. Man has neither excuse or foundation for his misconceptions of a future existence as a form or soul. The only rest man will ever secure is to get loose from his beliefs of — 34 — the applying of theory to actuality. Man is only a concentration of atomic materials the same as all other formations and upon losing form the materials composing his formation are released and eventually return to original quantity, hence all he can either gain or expect is a pleasurable existence while in form and this he would have were it not for his so-called science. Man has long since regarded life as an enigma impossible of solution and impossible of explanation even by theory. Sooner or later comprehension will penetrate the ivory dome of man and he will realize that there !S not anything other than Motion, Movement (material) and Impellment and that understanding is impossible by mere designation of diversified description of result or what he senses. Because of the impossibility of solution on his system of com- h aS for 1 me ^ obdurate habit of leaving solution to posterity on the behef that he has evolved the fundamentals but the fact is that he has only succeeded m l Sleadm ! those wh0 a6ce P t this belief as their heritage. The beliefs weight WlU ClmCh man t0 the last are those of —time— space— direction— force and Time or 0t the r6Petiti0nS ° £ m ° Vement rend6red POSSible Space Is the misconception of the atomic material quantity. If it is sensed as the wate” water ^is* 1 onlv^th greatly facilitate comprehension. This should not be difficult for Second formation P r °P° rtl ° ns of the atomic material quantity and is the second formation. The third formation produced by the union of these two forma- — 35 — tions is the mineral. The fourth formation or the third production of the two visible formations by and with the material and impellment of the first formation or whole is the vegetable. The fifth formation is the female of the animal formation and the sixth formation is the male of the animal formation. They are the third somethings produced by the union of the mineral and vegetable formations with and by the impellment of the first two formations. By noting the formula it will be compre- hended that it would be an utter impossibility for the male formation to be first in form or the female either, hence the Adam story could not be other than a fable by misconceptive belief. The female of all formations merely means that it corresponds in formation or combination proportion to the first formation and the male to the reverse of preponderating proportion or the second formation. Di rection \ - Is a most confusing proposition on man’s present system of determination and when free of the maze of bewilderment it will be recognized as a mere dabble in visability by which conclusional or fixed computation is rendered both on moving material and on what does not exist. As the whole is composed of motion and move- ment it is only by the repetitions of movement that direction is fixed, hence it can never be other than temporary. Man’s tenure of form is exceedingly brief as compared to some other formations as the average is only slightly over 12000 days or repetitions hence it is folly to attempt computation of what always existed by his period of visability. — 36 There are no such things as up and down or high and low or close and far save from temporary and descriptive standpoints, which while conveniently necessary, is only dabbling with visability or parts of the whole in place of computing the whole. In like manner man fashions his signs and symbols by making the position of one line support the relative position of another in which he can change his relative position to the line and the conclusion remain the same. Thus he describes a perpendicular or verticle as an exact upright and a horizontal as a line at right angles with a per- pendicular. In standing a man would compose a parallel to a perpendicular but should he lie down he would compose a parallel to a horizontal and though he had transposed position he would still maintain that the ‘perpendicular was such. It is in this manner that man evolves foolish conclusions and then defines them as natural laws for while these methods serve the purpose of convenience they do not confer the comprehension of actuality. Thus while man does not declaim it as a law he nevertheless recognizes it as a law that water seeks its level but if a man at sea-level ran a horizontal — the water at a point midway where the line entered the water and emerged would be much higher but from the centre of the globe there would be no difference. In like manner man asserts that the equatorial zone is higher than the other zones and then inquires how and why it is that the Mississippi river flows up hill, but from the centre of the globe there is no hill. Weight This is also a confusing proposition to comprehend for the same reason hereto- fore mentioned. It is merely a comparison of densities in response to the push of the atomic material pressure. The globe itself does not weigh anything for the pressure — 37 — being concentrated at or upon a common or dead-centre nullifies itself. It is com- puted that this atomic material pressure upon the average human adult is something like 35000 lbs. Were this pressure applied only to the exterior of the formation it would be crushed but by the penetration it is nullified and is imperceptible. At this point it may be realized that the theory of gravitation is shattered for man is and ever will be unable to either sense or comprehend such a thing as pull and as the specific explanation of — Gravitation — is a force which draws (the equivalent of pull or voluntary) all things toward the centre of the earth and as there is no such thing as force or pull it is readily discernible that there is something radically wrong with the theory and that we all must go to school again. Nature or the Whole Is not the perfect quantity it is popularly computed to be from our sensible and insensible or theoretical standpoints. Our computation assumes that because we have been unable to understand that which is sensible it can only be understood by de- scriptive explanations equally impossible of understanding. By noting the formula it will be sensed that movement is only possible in the manner therein indicated. This applies to the operating of the sense and the feature described as satisfaction represents the release by which tension is reduced to formation or what would be termed normal tension. We recognize that extremes meet which in understanding means that uncertainty is balanced by uncertainty. This is sometimes expressed in the words — “The anticipation is better than the realization” which reveals that the illusioned or tensioned anticipation was not balanced by the experience, hence dis appointment. — 38 — While man has ever and readily enough attributed all to two he has always misconceived one of the two as all-powerful and his misunderstanding or lack of com- prehension was and is the impellment for his conclusions of possibility as pitted against impossibility. The meaning of this is that he concluded that the one thing designated as immaterial or Force could do anything and for that reason man has always barred knowledge with fear. "What man has always sensed has been move- ment in and of diversified forms, hence diversified descriptive designation and the abortion of comprehension has been and is the attempt to understand the designation. This means that his attempt has always been to understand material in place of movement and as this was impossible he has never been able to even get started in understanding. Thus if you ask the Professor — “What is water?” he will con- descendingly inform you, implying that he pities your ignorance that it is H2 O. He will further explain that the H is the chemical symbol for the element designated as Hydrogen — that O is the chemical symbol for the element designated as Oxygen and that one measure of oxygen invariably unites with exactly two measures of hydrogen to produce the formation designated as water. If you should venture to inquire “What are the elements?” you are declared to be profane or crazy for wanting to know what is not known to — Science. The supposition of Science is that the elements were co-existent with the accepted creation of the globe. The feature is that these elements are only descriptive designations of formations that are sensible; man’s sole effort is restricted to movement in moving these elements into combination so that they evidence or support movement in the one instance or temporarily resist it in another. The same feature is present in the Bible — for man was in form before the Bible — — 39 — the globe was in form before man and the Universe or Whole was in form before the globe and as the globe and consequent formations were formed from, of and by the Whole it is evident that man cannot possibly date his comprehensive understanding from and by a fabled description of a presumed and impossible — Creation. It is only by comprehending Nature or the Whole as one quantity of atomic or invisible material under the continuous Impellment of and by volume pressure re- sulting in continuous Motion and Movement or Union and Collision by which the two occurrences we sense as construction and destruction, that understanding may be established as actuality. There are no such things as Forces and specific designs of forms. Force is Motion and Movement by and of itself. Form is the evolution of Movement in the manner described in and by the — Formula. It might be described as fate. This may be comprehended by realizing that marriage is not union but a collision resulting in union — that the collision of the particular formations composing the collision was a mere matter of chance, hence while the third formation would still have held the same relative form if either of the two formations had completed collision with another formation the third formation would have been of entirely different combination. This dispels all idea of pre-ordination, pre-destination or reincarnation. As all visible formations are evolved in form by, from and of the two first formations and as the designated female of the animal formation is exemplification of the pre- ponderant proportion of the first formation and as the male of the animal formation exemplifies the preponderant proportion of the second formation in which the forma- tions evidence the reverse proportions of the atomic materials, computation is facil- itated by this realization. The sex determination only evidences that the formation — 40 — of greater preponderance yields to the lesser for it is in this manner only that existing or fixed proportion is maintained, i. e., fixed proportion maintains itself in such. On his theories of the Whole man has ever and is still striving under and by his theoretical impellment to attain perfection. There is no such thing for Nature is only perfect in continuous Motion and Movement under the continuous Impellment of Volume Pressure of the Whole. As man can neither produce nor disturb this Motion, Movement and Impellment it follows that he can neither conquer or improve on it, hence the only thing possible of attainment is the comprehension of the manner- in which — he — a part, relates to the Whole or defined purpose. Man unconsciously exhibits the impellment of the Whole by endeavoring to become a Whole and because of the failure of this attempt it has been recognized and stated that every one is crazy. How could it be otherwise when man in his wondrous wisdom transposes actuality or Motion, Movement and Impellment by supposition or theory into millions of de- scriptive designations which do not exist and only understands them by believing that they do exist? This means that as long as man does not recognize Impellment as cause he can neither comprehend nor apply it for it stands as uncertainty. For this reason everything with man is a game which can only be played by gamble, hence can only be theoretically beaten by the theoretical designations of victory, succes and glory, i. e., man can only beat it by believing he beats it. The meaning of this is that Motion is only possible by temporary resistance to movement. If the resistance was equal or superior to the pressure there could be no movement and as formation is the superior it is only by the accentuation of pressure that it is overcome. This is only possible by raising tension and this is only possible by shifting — 41 — the proportions of the atomic materials the result of which we describe as expansion, but if this was stationary there would be no motion, hence no movement, or in other words there would be no response, reaction or fluctuation of expansion or shift of proportion. Expansion is the raising of tension, the evidence and response of which in and of man is described as intoxication. It will therefore be comprehended that if the existing pressure is not accentuated man does not respond in movement. This is why religion is a failure. Every one agrees that the Golden Rule is the acme of perfection in so far as man is concerned, hence it is really the basis of religion as well as the endeavor, but the attainment .is rendered impossible by the counter impellment of the imposed necessities of the system of science, hence it is only the combinations particularly susceptible or duly responsive to the impellment of fear that respond to religion, but even they are unable to put the Golden Rule into application. Man is scared of anything that moves unless he concludes he understands the so-called motive power and if he is unable to understand it but can shoot, club, stab or jail it, so that he can conclude he has stopped or controls movement — why he is scientific. If it is invisible and only evi dences movement by result — he prays for it to stop and that is deemed scientific, too, because man does it and what other than man can be scientific? He trains the seal to perform what he is unable to perform. Who then is scientific — the seal or the man? As no one got killed, no one got. robbed, clubbed or crippled, no woman debauched or rescued, no hero or heroine evovled or villian developed, no uncle died leaving a fortune to be dissipated, and no one decorated— the existing tension has not been raised, the consequent thrill is not present and for this reason, this, is dull reading. — 42 — Prismatic Determination Only illustrates that man is unable to understand anything by sensing it. It also serves to show to what extent he can delude himself by understanding it anyhow by guess (theory). He confesses he is unable to understand what light is, but after looking through a three-cornered piece of glass he forthwith returns the information that light is' composed of either three or seven colors and then explains — color — as vibration. The feature of this, as in all other conclusions, is that after extended ex- planation he is just where he started, which means that he has never got started in understanding. The real or actual evidence presented by the prism is the graduation of tension or the resistance, the several thicknesses of formation, offer to the penetration of the atomic material quantity or the Whole. Chemical Action As now designated is a vague term and is mere subterfuge to designate the sensible result of what is insensible and therefore incomputable. It is incorrect for it covers in explanation or description both occurrences of formation and atomization. While these occurrences are inseparable they are nevertheless opposed in appreciable result for one is Union, while the other is Collision. From this it will be discerned that one designation could not comprehensively describe both occurrences. — 43 — The Reputed Fourth Dimension Is the most beautiful illustration of man’s imbecilic search for a theoretical or non-existent thing that we have. It also illustrates the ease with which belief is imposed on a credulous world of men for the designation is used with the same assur- ance as if it was sensible. As there is not anything but formation and as formation is only possible by in- ception and as inception is only possible by composing a dead-centre and as a formation dead-centre is only possible as some form of round and as the three sensible or stated dimensions fully describe the bulk of all formations it follows that what man really seeks is the first dimension or the enablement of the other three dimensions. This is and can never be other than the sphere. Therapeutics As there are but two occurrences possible it follows that Medical or any other science, for that matter, cannot invent any others. We hold the same misconception relative to disease that we do of life, fire, wind, love, hate, joy, etc., or any other occurrence of or by collision. The Whole being a dead-centre composed of dead- centres means that there is not anything other than formation. That is to state that the whole consists of simple formation or combination and that the various forms of visible formations are evolved into complex formations by and through the medium of successive dead-centres; the principle of which is Motion, Movement under con- tinuous impellment or volume pressure which means the continuous repetitions of the formula. The Human or last possible complex combination of this evolution of atomic — 44 — materials being a duplication of the Whole as well as the complete or last result of atomic combination in eVolution comprehension is greatly facilitated by computing this formation. The blood corresponds to the atomic material quantity or the Whole and from and by this quantity formation, under formation tension or pressure, all forms of the formation are formed. The transmutation of the blood into the various form is only possible by the system of dead-centres designated as glands. These dead- centres are of varied tensions and therefore are responsible for the form of the forma- tion they produce. This is again evidence that tension produces the form of forma- tion. It must be realized that the dual process designated as metabolism is simul- taneous, i. e., the process of formation is only possible by or at the expense of the form of formation, hence computation must embrace both occurrences of Union and Colli- sion for neither is possible without the other nor are they possible without the volume pressure of the Whole as well as the formation pressure and tension in response to the Whole. It must also be realized that the Whole enters into and becomes an actual part of the formation. Undoubtedly the belief of mankind is that vegetation grows out of or is formed by and from the earth. This is not so for the earth is merely the container which confines the dead-centre known as the seed but the formation is produced by and composed of the atomic material commonly designated as the air. Fertilizers merely accentuate and evidence the response of atomic combinations to the Whole and the impellment or pressure of the Whole. NOTE — Under our system of sciences this would seem a rather awkward place to interject this statement but the fact is that all formations are produced or formed in the same manner, hence they must be computed alike. — 45 — As there are but two occurrences of and by the Whole it follows that there cannot, be such things as different diseases. In all instances the so-called diseases are either the breaking up of formation or the forming of formation below formation tension In both occurrences the tension is out of the range of formation tension. Medical science recognizes this in a way and designates the combination response to the Whole as auto-intoxication when the tension exceeds the formation tension; but this is only one occurrence — that of collision or the breaking up of formation the results of which are designated as tuberculosis, nephritis, cancer, blood-poison, the various fevers, etc. A contrastive recognition would be auto-formation to designate the forming of for- mation below the formation tension which would cover such specifications as designated by leprosy, arterio sclerosis, cirrhosis of the liver, diabetes, asthma, gall-stones, etc. Of course neither of the occurrences evidenced by these designations is auto — but is the response of the combination to the combination impellment of the Whole In like manner these specific designations while in evidence as sensible results of what is insensible are given as cause of death. Medical science exhibits the same defect that is present in all the attempts of man in that the conclusion is that solution consists of fighting. The real intent in the administering of the mixtures designated as med- icines is to destroy what is termed as adverse germ life but in reality all that can ever be done is to shift or change the proportionate combination so that Motion is either accentuated or modified or the tension raised or lowered. — 46 — Contagion and Infection Are both collisions, the former being returned by the Whole and the latter only by the collision of two visible formations. It is a sensible fact that contagion is only possible by the occurrence of collision resulting ip. atomization which would mean that the atomic combinations released by corrosion or oxidization, the first steps of atomization are not sufficiently reduced out of combination, hence by further collision they set up a corrosive tension. It must also be realized that the foregoing covers the two occurrences of the Whole as recognized by metabolism, i. e., in which Union and Collision or Motion and Movement are simultaneously concerned: But the same objective, that of death, may be produced by collision alone. It is designated as embolism, apoplexy, paralysis, influenza, etc., and is the sudden or immediate block- ing of Movement which reduces Motion below the rapidity requisite to maintain for- mation tension. Tension May be comprehended in the gut violin string. When drawn taut it is tension by movement and as such, tension, is sensible, but when the proportions of the atomic material are such as to be designated as, excessive moisture, the tension is increased by the penetration of the acid material in preponderant proportion and the consequent expansion breaks the string — or particular formation. Dead-Centre and Vibration May also be comprehended by the taut string, for when taut it composes a dead- centre (or the equivalent of fixed atomic material proportion, i. e., as there is not — 47 — anything other than formation and under volume pressure with the fibre of formation constituting the equilibrium or balance of combination, just so much of the acid com- bination will hold in envelopment or in the composing of a dead-centre). The moving of the string any way from this tensioned position is met with resistance and a con- sequent rebound which carries the string past the dead-centre. The continuous rep- etitions of these opposed movements until the dead-centre is recomposed, constitute vibration. If these fluctuations of movement can be comprehended to correspond to the shift- ing of atomic material proportions by pressure or impellment with the shift being rendered possible by motion — atomization or chemical action will be understood. Sound and Sight It has been authoritatively stated that sight travels faster than sound. This is misconception and therefore not literally true. In reality there is vefy little traveling done as is ordinarily expressed by the word. It must be realized that there is an actual quantity of material between any and all formations, hence there is always a defined or existent tension and sensment is the response to the accentuations or modifications of this tension. Sight is immediate, because the sight tension is im- mediately accentuated. It is authoritatively stated that it requires the light of the sun several minutes to reach the earth. If this were true we would have to pose the same interval before we could sight the sun, but it is verifiable that we can sight it immediately. Again just when was it that the so-called sunlight was ever off the earth so that the traveling could be timed and if it could not be sensed until it (the — 48 — so-called light ray) reached the earth, how could it be sensed when it started? This shows the futility of attempting computation by sensing movement. Sight tension is direct movement or direct accentuation. Sound tension is only possible by three dis tinct movements of the atomic material quantity or the Whole before the sound tension is accentuated. Thus if a gun is fired the sight tension is instantaneous and the response is immediate. By the release of the atomic materials held in confine- ment and released by compression the pressure of the release was greater than the existing or volume pressure with the result that the atomic material quantity or Whole was pushed apart from all angles and a dead-centre established until the thus accent- uated pressure met an elastic balance or equal resistance with a consequent rebound or push to regain equilibrium with the result that volume pressure was directed upon a dead or given center which re-composed an opposed dead-centre of pressure hugely superior to the original and it is this or the second rebound that composes the sound tension. The illustration just given is entirely different to that of thunder in that the one is quantity movement while the other is quantity movement through quantity and while both are collisions the latter is followed by Motion or chemical action. In the one the collision was produced by Movement which shows the impossibility of one without the other. From this it may be realized that Nature or the Whole is entirely material and entirely mechanical, hence neither the Whole nor any part thereof performs otherwise. Electricity Exemplifies both occurrences or formation and atomization. Frictional electricity or that inducted by man consists of confining, compressing and releasing the atomic — 49 — materials so confined and compressed. By such confining and compressing the exist- ing proportions of the atomic materials are pushed out of normal or existing proportion with the consequent result that two separate formations are thus formed, the one above normal tension and the other below normal tension. In collision (contact) the one formation ^atomizes the other — or in other words the two formations being pushed out of normal proportion by pressure merely regain normal proportion in release. This production is Motion produced by Movement. In Galvanic or Voltaic electricity it is the atomization of formation or the release of the atomic materials held in formation and is Movement produced by Motion. This is grand exemplification of the fact that Motion and consequent Movement are only possible at the expense of the form of formation. Both are sensible in and as occur- rences of the Whole designated as lightning. There are no such actual things as attraction and repulsion for they signify voluntary movements. They with the desig- nation — affinity — merely signify the attempt of two formations of opposed preponderant proportions under impellment, to regain or complete normal or existing proportions. You Can Wreck the Solution When you can sense anything other than Movement and comprehend anything other than Motion and Impellment as volume pressure — when you can comprehensively, i. e., tangibly prove that there is anything other than atomic material as composing Motion, and Impellment and evidencing Movement as visability — when you can show or conceive that there are any occurrences other than those of Union or Collision or formation or atomization — when you can show or prove that either occurrence is pos- — 50 — sible in any other manner than that indicated by the formula or where you can induct either occurrence down to the slightest Movement without complying in full with the formula — when you can show where there is such a thing as voluntary Movement — When you can raise an inquiry, other than the determination of material, that cannot \>e comprehensively explained and tangibly understood — when you can produce a man yho can understand what he is unable to comprehend, i. e., bring forward an intel- ligent man — when you can show anything that is other than continuous repetitions of the formula — when you can show any formation that is permanent, i. e., cannot be atomized — then and then only can you wreck and riddle the solution. ADAPTATION It has been comprehensively shown and is veriflably sensible that the Whole is composed in entirety of Motion, Movement and Impellment by the volume pressure of the atomic materials. This trinity we recognize and describe as chemical action, circulation and pressure and it is further comprehensible that it is only material that voiild either evidence or compose the trinity. The evidence of this trinity of materials