f LIBRARY OF THE SPECIAL BOOK LIST NO. 1 MAY, 1902 A SELECTED LIST ON SPORTS AND OCCUPATIONS FOR BOYS A tentative list of books on sports and occupations for boys was pre¬ pared in December, 1899, and is now issued in more permanent form with recent additions. The volumes have been examined by officers of the Commission and those found most helpful have been marked with asterisks. Experience proves that a certain class of energetic boys can be interested in books on out-of-door sports, and in volumes that teach them how to make and do things, when they have little or no interest in the other books of the library. The book which the boy uses to help him do something independ¬ ently often gives him a better training for the problems of daily life than the lessons studied under direction in the school. When a lad makes a kite from the instructions of a printed page his mistakes stare him in the face and teach him the necessity of accuracy. SPORTS—GENERAL Athletic sports. 1897. (Out of door library.) Scribner, $1.50. *Beard, D. C. Outdoor handy book. 1900. Scribner, $2. New edition of liis American boy’s book of sport . Bingham, N. W., jr. ed. Book of athletics. 1895. Lothrop, $1.50. *Camp, Walter. Book of college sports. New ed. 1900. Century, $1.75. Champlin, J. D., jr. and Bostwick, A. E., ed. Young folks’ cyclopedia of games and sports. 1890. Holt, $2.50. Griffith, Robert. Boys? useful pastimes. 1885. Burt, $1. Hewitt, G. M. A. The open air boy. 1901. Longmans, $2. Lee, Albert. Track athletics in detail. 1896. Harper, $1.25. Issued anonymously. Lucas, E. V. and Elizabeth. What shall we do now? 1901. Stokes, net, $2.15. Pasco, W. W. (Seneca, pseud.) comp. Hints and points for sportsmen. 1895. Forest & Stream, $1.50. Thompson, Maurice, ed. Boys? book of sports. 1886. Century, $2. PHYSICAL EXERCISE *Blaikie, William. How to get strong and how to stay so. 1902. Harper, net, $1. Dalton, Davis. Plow to swim. 1899. Putnam, $1. Greene, R. H. Healthy exercise. 1900. Harper, net, $1. Miller, F. E. Indian club swinging. 1900. Saalfield, $1. CAMPING Frazer, P. D. Canoe cruising and camping. 1897. Forest & Stream, $1. Grohman, W. A. Baillie-. Camps in the Rockies. 1882. Scribner, $1.25. Sears, G. V/. (Nessmuk, pseud.) Woodcraft. 1884. Forest & Stream, $ 1 . Shields, G. O. (Coquina, pseud.) Camping and camp outfits. 1890. Rand, $1.25. Fields, P. B. Canvas canoes and how to build them. 1887. Forest & Stream, 50c. Knight, E. F. Small boat sailing. 1901. Dutton, net, $1.50. * Stephens, W. P. Canoe and boat-building. Enl. ed. 1898. Forest & Stream, $2. *Vaux, C. B. (Dot, pseud.) Canoe handling and sailing. New ed. 1888. Forest & Stream, $1. FISHING Angling. 1896. (Out of door library.) Scribner, $1.50. McCarthy, Eugene. Familiar fish: their habits and capture. 1900. Appleton, $1.50. Shields, G. O. (Coquina, pseud.) ed. American game fishes. 1892. Rand, $1.50. HUNTING AND TRAPPING Gibson, W. H. Camp life in the woods and the tricks of trapping and trap making. 1881. Harper, $1. Hunting. 1896. (Out of door library.) Scribner, $1.50. *Roosevelt, Theodore. Wilderness hunter. 1893. Putnam, $3. - and Grinnell, G. B. ed. American big-game hunting. 1893. Forest & Stream, $2.50. -Hunting in many lands. 1895. Forest & Stream, $2.50. Whitney, Caspar. On snow shoes to the barren grounds. 1896. Har¬ per, $3.50. HOME PETS Felch, I. K. Poultry culture. 1886. Judd, $1.50. Hammond, S. T. Practical dog training. Enl. ed. 1898. Forest & Stream, $1. Miller. Mrs. Harriet M. (Olive Thorne Miller.) Our home pets: how to keep them well and happy. 1S94. Harper, $1.25. Wright, Lewis. Practical pig jon keeper. 1884. Judd, $1.50. New e«. FOOTBALL Camp, Walter and Deland, L. F. Football. 1896. Houghton, $2. Stagg, A. A. and Williams, H. L. Scientific and practical treatise on American football. 1894. Appleton, $1.25. GOLF Wiiigham, H. G. How to play golf. New ed. 1902. Stone, $1.50. SPORTS—FICTION Barbour, R. H. Captain of the crew. 1901. Appleton, net , $1.20. -For the honor of the school. 1900. Appleton, $1.50. -Half-back. 1899. Appleton, $1.50. Brooks, Noah. Boys of Fairport. 1898. Scribner, $1.25. New and enlarged edition of The Fairport nine . French, Allen. Junior cup. 1901. Century, net , $1.20. *Hornibrook, Isabel. Camp and trail. 1897. Lothrop, $1.50. Hughes, Rupert. Dozen from Lakerim. 1899. Century, $1.50. *- Lakerim athletic club. 1898. Century, $1.50. Sears, J. H. Fur and feather tales. 1899. Harper, $1.75. *Wells, H. P. City boys in the woods. 1899. Harper, $2.50. Williams, E. L. Substitute quarter-back. 1900. Estes, $1.25. OCCUPATIONS *Beard, D. C. American boy’s handy book. New ed. 1901. Scrib¬ ner, $2. *-Jack of all trades. 1900. Scribner, $2. *Black, Alexander. Photography indoors and out. New ed. 1897. (Riverside library for young people.) Houghton, 75c. Bower, J. A. How to make common things. 1892. Young, $1.25. Goss, W. F. M. Bench work in wood. 1888. Ginn, 70c. Waite, H. R, ed . A boy’s workshop. 1884. Lothrop, $1. *Wheeler, C. G. Wood-working for beginners. 1900. Putnam, $3.50. White, Mary. How to make baskets. 1901. Doubleday, net , $1. Woodbury, W. E. Photographic amusements. 1895. Scovill, $1.50. MECHANICS AND INVENTIONS *Baker, R. S. Boy’s book of inventions. 1899. Doubleday, $2. Byrn, E. W. Progress of invention in the 19th century. 1900. Munn, $3. Cochrane, C. H. Wonders of modern mechanism. Enl. ed. 1900. Lippincott, $1.50. Mowry, W. A. and A. M. American inventions and inventors. 1900. Silver, 65c. Williams, H. S. Story of 19th century science. 1900. Harper, $2.50. ELECTRICITY < ♦Atkinson, Philip. Electricity for everybody. 1895. Century, $1.&0. ♦Bottone, S. R. Wireless telegraphy. New ed. 1900. Whittaker, $Y Hopkins, W. J. Telephone. 1898. Longmans, $1. \ Meadowcroft, W. H. ABC of electricity. 1896. Amer. Tech. Bk.^ Co., 50c. -A B C of X rays. 1896. Amer. Tech. Bk. Co., 50c. Norrie, H. S. Induction coils and coil making. 1902. Spon, $1. EXPERIMENTS AND MAGIC ♦Hopkins, A. A., comp. Magic: stage illusions and scientific diver¬ sions, including trick photography. 1897. Munn, $2.50. ♦Hopkins, G. M. Experimental science. Rev. ed. 1898. Munn, $4. ♦Lewis, A. J. (Prof. Hoffman, pseud.) Modern magic. 1881. Rout- ledge, $1.50. PUZZLES Lewis, A. J. (Prof. Hoffman, pseud.) Puzzles old and new. 1894. Warne, $1.50. MISCELLANEOUS Burr, S. D. V. Bicycle repairing. Rev. ed. 1898. Williams, $1. Hornaday, W. T. Taxidermy and zoological collecting. Ed. 6. 1897. Scribner, net, $2.50. Kuniiardt, C. P. Ropes: their knots and splices. 1893. Forest & Stream, 50c. ♦Leland, C. G. (Hans Breitmann, pseud.) Mending and repairing. 1896. Dodd, $1.50. ♦Scientific American cyclopaedia of receipts, notes and queries. New ed. 1901. Munn, $5. Spon^s mechancs own book. Ed 6. 1901. Spon, $2.50. PERIODICALS The Scientific American, published by Munn & Co., of New York, at $3 a year, and the Scientific American supplement, published by the same company at $5 a year (both subscriptions $7), are sources of never ending pleasure to many boys of from twelve to sixteen years of age. The bound volumes of these periodicals are invaluable for ref¬ erence. The publishers have prepared an index to the Supplement. The Outing, published by the Outing Co., New York, at $3 a year, is the delight of all boys who love out-of-door sports. Forest and Stream, published by the Forest and Stream Publishing Co., New York, at $4 a year, is an illustrated weekly that is of interest to all who love out door life for its own sake.