UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT ARTHUR WILLIAM PALMER MEMORIAL LIBRARY 1904 ^ . 3 r... u. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates A TEXT-BOOK OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY RICHTER Richter’S Chemistries AUTHORIZED TRANSLATIONS BY EDGAR F. SMITH, M.A., Rm.D., Sc.D. PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA; MEMIIER OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF BERLIN, AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, ETC., ETC. Professor Richter’s methods of arrangement and teaching have proved their superiority by the iarge sale of his books throughout Europe and America, trans- lations having been made in Russia, Holland, and Italy. The success attending tlieir publication in this country could only have been attained for good books that have been found useful, practical, and tlioroughly up to the times. The Chemistry of the Carbon Compounds, or Organic Chemistry Third American, translated from the Eighth German Edition by Prof. R. Anschutz, University of Bonn. Thoroughly Revised, Enlarged, and in many parts Rewritten. Illustrated. Two Volumes. Vol. I. Aliphatic Series. 625 pages. . Cloth, net, 1^3.00 Vol. II. Carbocyclic and Heterocyclic Series. 671 pages. Cloth, net, $3.00 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Fifth American from the Tenth German Edition by PROF. H. Klinger, University of Konigsberg. Thoroughly Revised and in many parts Rewritten. With many Illustrations and Colored Plate of Spectra. Cloth, net, J^i.75 *** Special Catalogues of Books on Chemistry, Hygiene, Pharmacy, Medicine, Dentistry, and Nursing sent free upon application. Correspondence solicited. P. BLAKISTON’S SON & CO., PUBLISHERS PHILADELPHIA f LIBRARY Of THE UNIVERSITY of ILLINOIS Lehman L BoltarrL,PhilcL, Philadelphia^ PBlahistorvs Son S. Co. VICTOR VON RICHTER’S TEXT-BOOK OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY EDITED BY PROF. H. KLINGER UNIVERSITY OF KOENIGSBERG AUTHORIZED TRANSLATION BY EDGAR F. SMITH PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, PHILADELPHIA (Assisted by WALTER T. TAGGART) INSTRUCTOR IN CHEMISTRY jfittb Hmerican trom tbe Uentb (Berman lEbition CAREFULLY REVISED AND CORRECTED WITH SIXTY-EIGHT ILLUSTRATIONS ON WOOD AND COLORED LITHOGRAPHIC PLATE OF SPECTRA PHILADELPHIA P. BLAKISTON’S SON & CO. 1012 WALNUT STREET 1900 Copyright, 1900, by P. Blakiston’s Son & Co. WM. F. FELL & CO., ELECTHOTVPEH 8 AND PHINTER8, 1320-24 8ANS0M 8THEET, PHILADELPHIA. PREFACE TO THE FIFTH AMERICAN EDITION. The student of the present edition will discover that it differs very materially from all preceding editions. This is largely due to the fact that the editor has endeavored to give due consideration to the more recent, well-established discoveries in chemical science ; hence additions will be found relating to the general properties and the measurement of gases, to the atmosphere and the interesting constituents lately observed in it, to the theory of dilute solutions and electrolytic dissociation, to the electrolysis of salts, to alloys, etc. Thus revised, it is hoped that the book will continue to occupy the position it has so long held among works devoted to the inorganic portion of chemical science. The translator would take this opportunity to acknowledge his great indebtedness and to return his sincere thanks to Mr. Walter T. Taggart, upon whom devolved the task of arranging the crude manuscript for the press and the revision of the proof-sheets. The John Harrison Laboratory of Che77iistry. V PREFACE TO THE FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. The success of Prof, von Richter’s work abroad would indicate its possession of more than ordinary merit. This we believe true, inasmuch as, in presenting his subject to the student, the author has made it a point to bring out prominently the relations existing between fact and theory. These, as well known, are, in most text-books upon inorganic chemistry, considered apart, as if having little in common. The results attained by the latter method are generally unsatisfactory. The first course — that adopted by our author — to most minds would be the more rational. To have experiments accurately described and carefully per- formed, with a view of drawing conclusions from the same and proving the intimate connection between their results and the theories based upon them, is obviously preferable to their separate study, especially when they are treated in widely removed sections or chapters of the same book. Judging from the great demand for von Richter’s work, occasioning the rapid appearance of three editions, the common verdict would seem to be unanimously in favor of its inductive methods. In the third edition, of which the present is a translation, the Periodic System of the Elements, as announced by Mendelejeff and Lothar Meyer, is somewhat different, in the manner of development and pre- sentation, from that appearing in the previous editions. This was done to give more prominence to and make more general the interesting rela- tions disclosed by it. Persons examining this system carefully will be surprised to discover what a valuable aid it really has been, and is yet, in chemical studies. Through it we are continually arriving at new rela- tions and facts, so that we cannot well hesitate any longer in adopting it into works of this character. It is, indeed, made the basis of the vii viii PREFACE TO THE FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. present volume. In accordance with it, some change in the treatment of the metals, ordinarily arbitrarily considered, has been made. A new feature of the work, and one essentially enlarging it, is the introduction of the thermo-chemical phenomena, briefly presented in the individual groups of the elements and in separate chapters, together with the chemical affinity relations and the law of ])eriodicity. “Hereby more importance is attributed to the ])rinciple of the greatest heat development than at present apjiears to belong to it, because it was desired, from didactic considerations, by the explanation of the few anomalies, to afford the student the incentive and o[)])ortunity of deduc- tively obtaining the majority of facts from the thermal numbers, on the basis of a simple principle, do facilitate matters, there is appended to the volume a table containing the heat of formation of the most im- portant. compounds of the metals.” Trusting that the teachings of this work will receive a hearty welcome in this country, and that they will meet a want felt and often expressed by students and teachers, we submit the following translation of the same. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION. Physics and Chemistry, 17. Physical and Chemical Phenomena, 1 8, 19. Chemical Elements, 19. Principle of Indestructibility of Matter, 20. Principle of Conserva- tion of Energy, 21. Forms and Equivalents of Energy, 22. Chemical Energy, 23. Constitution of Matter ; Atom and Molecule, 24. Chemical Symbols and For- mulas, 25. Atomic Weights, 26. Table of Atomic Weights, 26. Chemical Equa- tions, 27. Conditions of Chemical Action, 28. T hermo-chemical Phenomena, 28. Crystallography, 31. HYDROGEN AND THE NON-METALS. Classification of the Elements, 39. Hydrogen, 40. Purifying and Drying of Gases, 42. Apparatus for the Generation and Collection of Gases, 42. Physical Properties of Hydrogen, 43. Chemical Properties of Hydrogen, 45. Condensation of Gases, 47. Critical Condition, 47. Group of Halogens, 49. Chlorine, 49, Bromine, 53. Iodine, 54. Fluorine, 56. General Characteristics of the Halogens, 56. Compounds of the Halogens with Hydrogen, 57. Hydrogen Chloride, 57. Acids ; Bases ; Salts, 60. Hydrogen Bromide, 61. Hydrogen Iodide, 63. Hydrogen P'luoride, 64. General Characteristics of the Hydrogen-halogen Compounds, 65. Thermo-chemical Deportment of the Halogens, 66. Compounds of the Halogens with one another, 68. Weight Proportions in the Union of the Elements; Stoechiometric Laws; Atomic Hypothesis; Choice of Atomic Weights, 69. General Properties of Gases; Atomic- molecular Theory, 73. Avogadro’s Law, 75. Status nascens, 77. Principles of the Atomic-molecular Theory, 79. Determination of the Atomic Weights, 80, Oxygen Group, 80. Oxygen, 80. Oxyhydrogen, 83. Oxidation and Reduction, 84. Ozone, 84. Isomerism and Allotropy, 87. Compounds of Oxygen with Hydrogen, 88. Water, 88. Natural Waters ; Chemical Properties of Water, 91. Electrolysis of Water ; Thermo-chemical Deportment, 92. Dissociation, 93. Kinetic Theory of Gases, 94. Quantitative Composition of Water, 95. Molecular Formula of Water ; Atomic Weight of Hydrogen and of Oxygen, 97. Hydrogen Peroxide, 99. Catalysis; Thermo-chemical Dejiortment, 103. Sulphur, 104. Molecules of the Elements, 106. Hydrogen Sulphide, 107. Hydrogen Persulphide, 1 10. Compounds of Suljihur with the Halogens, no. Selenium, 112. Tellurium, 1 1 3. Summary of the Elements of the Oxygen Group, 113. Thermo-chemical Deportment, 114. IX X TAI’.LF, OF CONTENTS. Nitrogen Group, 114. Nitrogen, 115. Alinospliere, n6. luKlioinetry, 120. Measuring Gases, 121. Diffusion of (jases, 123. Gases Recently Discovered in the Atmosphere, 123. Argon, 124. 1 leliuin, 125. Goinpouiufs of Nitrogen with Hydrogen, 125. Atn- monia, 126, Amtnoniuin Salts, 129. Atoinie Weight of Nitrogen, 129. Ilydrox- ylainine, 130, Dianiide, 131. Ilydrazoie Aeid, 132. Compounds of Nitrogen with tlie Halogens, 133. IMiosphorus, 135. Compounds of J'hosphorus with Hydrogen, 138. I'hosphoniuin Salts, 140. Comi)ounds of IMiosphorus with the Halogens, 141. Arsenie, 143. Arsine, 144. Compounds of Arsenie with the Halogens, 145. Antimony, 146, Stihine, 147. Comj)ounds of Antimony with the Halogens, 147. Tabulation of the Elements of the Nitrogen Grouji, 148. Carbon Group, 149. Carbon, 149. Carbon Compounds of Hydrogen, 15 1. Methane, 152, Atomic Weight of Carbon, 152. Ethane; Ethylene, 153. Acetylene, 154. Nature of Elame, 155. Comixninds of Carbon with the Halogens, 159. Silicon, iCo. Hydrogen Silicide, 161. Compounds of Silicon with the Halogens, 161, 162. Hydrogen Silico-fluoride, 163. Silicon Carbide (Carborundum), 163. Valence of the Elements; Chemical Structure of the Molecules, 165. Oxygen Compounds of the Metalloids, 172. Oxygen Compounds of the Halogens, 173. Oxygen Compounds of Chlorine, 172. Ilypochlorous Oxide, 174. Hypochlorous Acid, 174. Chlorine Trioxide ; Chlorous Acid ; Chlorine Tetroxide, 176. Chloric Acid, 177. rerchloric Acid, 178. Oxygen Compounds of Eromine, 179. Oxygen Compounds of Iodine, 180. Hydrate* of the Acids, 181. Oxygen Compounds of the Elements of the Sulphur Group, 182. Oxygen Compounds of Sulphur, 183. Sulphur Dioxide, 183. Sulphurous Acid, 185. Hydrosulphurous Acid, 186. Sulphur Sesquioxide, 187. Sulphur Trioxide, 187. Thermo-chemical De])ortment, 187. .Sulphur Heptoxide ; Persulphuric Acid, 188. Sulphuric Acid, 189 Disulphuric Acid, 193. Sulphuric Acid Chloranhydrides, 195. Chlorsulphonic Acid; Sulphuryl Chloride, 195. Amido-derivatives, 196. Thiosulphuric Acid ; Polythionic Acids, 197. Oxygen Derivatives of Selenium and Tellurium, 199. Oxygen Compounds of the Elements of the Nitrogen Group, 200. Oxygen Derivatives of Nitrogen, 201. Nitric Acid; Nitrogen Pentoxide ; Nitryl Chloride; Nitrosyl Chloride; Nitramide, 204. Nitrogen Trioxide ; Nitrous Acid, 205. Nitrogen Tetroxide, 206. Nitrosyl-sulphuric Acid, 207. Nitric Oxide, 209. Nitrous Oxide, 21 1. Hyponitrous Acid, 212. Compounds of Nitrogen and Sul- phur, 213. Oxygen Compounds of Phosphorus, 213. Hypophosphorous Acid, 214. Phosphorous Acid, 215. Phosphoric Acid ; Pyrophosphoric Acid ; Hypophosphoric Acid, 216. Metaphosphoric Acid ; Phosphorus Pentoxide, 217. Chloranhydrides of the Acids of Phosphorus, 218. Phosphorus Compounds with Sulphur, 219. Oxygen Derivatives of Arsenic, 220. Arsenic Trioxide, 220. Arsenic Acid, 221. Compounds of Arsenic with Sulphur, 222. Sulpho-salts, 223. Oxygen Derivatives of Antimony, 223. Antimony Oxide ; Antimonic Acid, 224. Antimony Sulphides, 225. Vanadium ; Niobium ; Tantalum, 226. Oxygen Compounds of the Elements of the Carbon Group, 226. Oxygen Compounds of Carbon, 227. Carbon Dioxide, 227. Critical Pressure, 228. Physiological Importance of Carbon Dioxide ; Percarbonic Acid, 231. Carbon Mon- oxide, 231. Nickel Carbonyl, 233. Carbonyl Chloride, 234. Amido-derivatives of Carbonic Acid, 234. Compounds of Carbon with Sulphur, 234. Cyanogen Com- pounds, 235. 'rhermo-chemistry of the Carbon Compounds, 236. Oxygen Com- pounds of Silicon, 236. Dialysis, 237. Crystalloids and Colloids, 238. Silicates, 238. M'itanium ; Zirconium; M'horium, 238. lk)ron, 24I. Boron Hydride, 241. Honm (Chloride, 241. Boron Eluoride, 242. Boric Acid, 242. The Periodic System of the Elements, 243. I’criodicily of Chemical Valence, 2|8. Correction of Atomic Weights, 250. TABLE OF CONTENTS. XI THE METALS. Physical Properties of the Metals, 251. Atomic Volumes, 252. Light and Heavy Metals, 252. Melting Points of the Metals, 252. Electric Furnace, 253. Specific Heat; Atomic Heat, 253. Thermal Atomic Weights, 254. Isomorphism, 255. Chemical Properties of the Metals, 255. Alloys, 255. Amalgams, 257. Metallic Carbides, 257. Halogen Compounds, 257. Oxides and Hydroxides, 258. Per- oxides, 259. Salts, 259. Action of Metals on Salts and Acids, 261. Electrolysis of Salts, 262. Faraday’s Law, 263. Solutions, 265. Theory of Dilute Solutions, 267. Theory of Electrolytic Dissociation, 268. Transposition of Salts, 270. Group of the Alkali Metals, 272. d'hermo-chemistry of the Alkali Metals, 273. Potassium, 273. Potassium Hydride, 274. Dissociation, 274. Potassium Oxides, 275. Potassium Hydroxide, 275. Potassium Chloride, 276. Bromide, 276. Iodide, 276. Fluoride, 277. Cyanide, 277. Potassium Chlorate, 277. Potassium Hypochlorite, 278. Potassium Sulphate, 279. Potassium Sulphite, 279. Potassium Persulphate, 279. Potassium Nitrate, 279. Gunpowder, 280. Potassium Nitrite, 280. Potassium Phosphate, 280. Potas- sium Carbonate, 280. Potassium Silicate, 282. Potassium .Sulphides, 283. Potas- sium Amide, 283. Recognition of the Potassium Compounds, 283. Rubidium ; Caesium, 284. Sodium, 284. Sodium Oxides, 285. Sodium Hydroxide, 286. Sodium Chloride, 286. Sodium Bromide, 287. Sodium Iodide, 287. Sodium Chlorate, 287. Sodium lodate, 287. Sodium Sulphate, 287. Supersaturated Solutions, 287. Sodium Hyposulphite, 289. Sodium Carbonate, 289. Sodium Nitrate ; Sodium Phosphates, 293. Borax, 294. Sodium Silicate, 295. Sodium Nitride, 295. Recognition of Sodium Compounds, 295. Lithium, 295. Ammo- nium Compounds, 296. Ammonium Chloride, 297. Ammonium Carbonate, 298. Ammonium Phosphates, 298, Ammonium Nitride, 298. Ammonium Sulphide, 299. Ammonium Hydrosulphide, 299. Recognition of Ammonium Compounds, 299 - METALS OF GROUP II, 299. Group of the Alkaline Earths, 3C0. Calcium, 300. Calcium Oxide, 301. Cement, 302. Calcium Chloride, 302. Cal- cium Fluoride, 302. Chloride of Lime, 303. Calcium Sulphate, 304. Calcium Phosphates, 304. Calcium Carbonate, 305. Glass, 306. Calcium Sulphides, 307. Calcium Carbide, 307. Strontium, 307. Barium, 308. Barium Oxide, 308. Barium Peroxide, 309. Barium Sulphate, 309. Barium Persulphate, 309. Barium Car- bonate, 310. Recognition of the Compounds of the Alkaline Earths, 310. Diam- monium Compounds, 310. Hydrazine Hydrate, 31 1. Diammonium Chloride, 312. Diammonium Nitride, 312. Azides, 312. Magnesium Group, 312. Magnesium, 313. Magnesia, 314. Magnesium Chloride, 314. Magnesium Sul- phate, 315. Magnesium Phosphates, 315. Magnesium Carbonate, 316. Mag- nesium Nitride, 316. Recognition of Magnesium Compounds, 317. Beryllium, 317. Zinc, 318. Zinc Oxide, 318. Zinc Chloride, 319. Zinc Sulphate, 319. Zinc Sulphide, 319. Cadmium, 320. Comparison of Zinc, Cadmium, and Mercury, 321. Mercury, 322. Amalgams, 323. Mercurous Compounds, 323. Mercuric Compounds, 325. Heat of Formation of the Chlorides of Group II, 327. Copper, Silver, Gold, 328. General Characteristics, 329. Forms of Combination, 329. Copper, 330. Metallurgy of Copper, 331. Cuprous Compounds, 332. Cupric Com- pounds, 334. Alloys of Copj)er, 335. Silver, 336. Metallurgy, 337. Silver Oxides, 338. Molecular Formulas, 339. Silver Chloride, 339. Photography, 340. Nitrate of Silver, 341. Silver Nitride, 341, Silver Sulphide, 341. Silvering, 342. Gold, 342. Aurous Compounds, 343. Auric Compounds, 344. Xll TABLK OF CONl'ENTS. METALS OF GROUP III, 345. Group of Earth Metals, 346. Aluminium, 346, Aluminium Chloride, 348. Aluminium Oxide, 350. Aluminates, 350. Aluminium Sulphate, 352. Alum, 352. Aluminium Silicates, 353. Porcelain, 353. Ultramarine, 354. Rare Earth Metals, 354. Gallium Group, 357. Gallium, 358. Indium, 358. Thallium, 359. 'I'hallous Compounds, 360, Thallic Compounds, 360. METALS OF GROUP IV, 361. Germanium, 362. Germanous Compounds, 362. Germanic Compounds, 363. Tin, 363. Stannous Compounds, 364. Stannic Comi)ounds, 366. Stannates, 367. Sulpho-stannates, 367. Lead, 367. Lead Oxide, 369. Plumbic Acid, 370. Lead Chloride, 370. Lead Nitrate, 371. Lead Carbonate, 371. Lead Sulphide, 371. Bismuth, 372. Pismuthic Acid, 373. Pismuth Nitrate, 373. Chromium Group, 373. Chromium, 374. Chromous Compounds, 375. Chromic Compounds, 375. Chro- mium Alum, 377. Chromates, 377. Potassium Chromate, 379. Chromyl Chloride, 380. Molybdenum, 382. Tungsten, 384. Uranium, 384. Manganese, 386. Forms of Combination, 386. Manganous Compounds, 387. Manganic Compounds, 388. Manganese Peroxide, 389. The Acids of Manganese, 390. METALS OF GROUP VIII, 392. Iron Group, 392. Iron, 393. Cast Iron, 394. Wrought Iron, 394. Metallurgy of Iron, 395. Fer- rous Compounds, 397. Ferric Compounds, 399. Ferric Acid Compounds, 401. Cyanogen Compounds, 401. Metallic Ions, 401. Nickel, 404. Cobalt, 406. Platinum Metals, 408. Ruthenium and Osmium, 410. Rhodium and Iridium, 41 1. Palladium, 412, Platinum, 413. Spectrum Analysis, 415. INDEX, 421. A TEXT-BOOK OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. INTRODUCTION. The natural sciences are occupied with the investigation of the innu- merable substances and changes by which we are surrounded. Physics and chemistry differ in a sense from the other sciences, in that their domain of research is not restricted to any very definite province of nature; indeed, it is not confined to any one planet. This is due to the fact that all changes, so far as they are perceptible to our senses, are referable to chemical and physical causes. The best and mist satisfactory informa- tion relative to the ]3roperties and composition of a substance, no matter what its source, is afforded by jihysics and chemistry. For these reasons, therefore, these two sciences — chemistry and physics — are regarded as the general natural sciences in contradistinction to the other more special sciences. Physics deals with the doctrine of equilibrium and with that of motions. The latter are visible, as those of mass — in fall, projection, rotation, propagation in a plane, etc. ; or they are invisible, and are only perceptible by their results — sound, heat, light, electricity. Chemistry, on the other hand, reveals to us the composition of matter, and, in the formation of new compounds, acquaints us with the rules and laws by which its various forms act upon each other. The domain of chemistry and physics consequently extends throughout all the natural kingdoms, and each of the special natural sciences, even astronomy, avails itself of the aid given by physics and chemistry to attain its own particular goal. However, two sciences are mutually dependent upon one another for, so far as we know, there cannot be motion without matter, nor matter without motion. The influence exerted by chemi.stry and physic.s upon civilization corresponds to their exalted position in the group of natural sciences. By means of these sister sciences the y^roducts and forces of nature have been more completely utilized than ever before, hence there are but few fields of human activity which in the course of the pre.sent century have not been enriched by the accumulation of chemical and physical observations. If the conquests of chemical and physical investigation of even the last 2 17 cS INORCIANIC CHEMISTRY. five years were suddenly to disappear an almost unbearable retrogression would be fell in commerce, manufacture, the various industries and in agriculture, and every individual would find himself having recourse to innumerable advantages and facilities of wliic li at present he is scarcely conscious. The following figures give some idea of the importance of ( ierman chemical industries In 1895, 114,581 operators were engaged in 5974 factories devoted to chemical manu facture ; these represented in round numbers 100,000,000 M. or ^25,000,000 in wages, etc. The exports of chemical i)roducts for the same year were valued at 290,000,000 M. or $72,500,000. Compare : Wickelhaus, Wirthschaftliche Hedeutung chemischcr Arbeit, lierlin, 1893 ; Ferd, Fischer, Das Studium der technischen Chemie, Jlraunschweig, 1897. A closer scrutiny of natural olijects discloses the fact that they in time succumb to many more or less serious alterations or changes. Although no abrupt boundaries are [tresented in nature, but gradual transitions and intermediate steps throughout, two tolerably distinct classes of phenomena may be observed. Some changes in the condition of bodies are only superficial (external), and are not accompanied by material alteration in sid'stance. Thus heat converts water into steam, which upon subsequent cooling is again condensed to water, and at lower temperatures becomes ice. In these three conditions, the solid, li(|uid, and gaseous, the substance or the fuatter of water or ice is unchanged; only the sejja- ration and the motion of the smallest particles — their states of aggregation — are different. If we rub a glass rod with a piece of cloth, the glass acquires the property of attracting light objects, e. g., particles of paper. It becomes electrified. An iron rod allowed to remain suspended verti- cally for some time slowly acquires the power of attracting small pieces of iron. Through the earth’s magnetism it has become magnetic. In both instances the glass and iron receive new properties; in all other respects, in their external and internal form or condition, they have suffered no perceptible alteration; the glass is glass, and the iron remains iron. All such changes in the condition of bodies, unaccompanied by any real alter- ation in substance, are known as physical phenomena. Let us now turn our attention to the consideration of another class of phenomena. It is well known that ordinary iron undergoes a change, which we term rusting, i. e., it is transformed into a brown substance which is en- tirely different from iron. On mixing finely divided copper filings with flowers of suli)hur (pulverulent sulphur) there results an apparently uniform, grayish-green powder. If this be examined, however, under a magni- fying glass, we can very plainly distinguish the red metallic copper par- ticles in it from the yellow of the sulphur; by treating with water, the sjiecifically lighter sulphur particles can easily be separated from those of tlie cop])er. Carbon bisulphide will dissolve out the sulphur particles. Hence this powder represents nothing more than 2l mechanical mixture. If, however, this mixture be heated, e. g., in a glass test-tube, it will com- mence to glow, and on cooling, a black, fused mass remains, which differs in all res])ects from coj)per and sulphur, and even under the strongest microscojie does not reveal the slightest trace of the latter, and elutri- ation witli water or treating with carbon bisuli)hide will not affect a sepa- ration of the ingredients. By the mutual action of sulphur and copper in |)resence of heat, a new body with entirely different ])roi)erties has been INTRODUCTION. 19 produced, and is named copper sulphide. Mixtures of sulphur with iron or with other metals act in a similar manner ; the resulting bodies are known as sulphides. Such mutual action of different bodies occurs not only under the influ- ence of heat, but frequently at ordinary temperatures. If, e.g., mercury and sulphur are rubbed together in a mortar, there is produced a uniform, black compound, called mercury sulphide. The action of gaseous chlorine upon various metals is quite energetic. When finely divided antimony is shaken into a flask filled with yellow chlorine gas, flame is produced; each antimony particle burns in the chlorine with a bright white light. The product of this action of solid metallic antimony and gaseous yellow chlorine is a colorless, oily liquid, known as antimony chloride. Such occurrences, therefore, in which a complete and entire alteration takes ])lace in the bodies entering the reaction, are termed chemical phenomena. In the previously described experiments we observed the phenomena of chemical combination ; from two different bodies arose new homo- geneous ones. The opposite may occur : the deco77iposition of com- pound bodies into two or more dissi77iilar ones. If red mercuric oxide be heated in a test-tube, it will disappear; a gas (oxygen) is liberated, which will inflame a mere spark on wood ; in addition, we find deposited upon the upper, cooler portions of the tube, globules of mercury. From this we observe that on heating solid red mercuric oxide two different bodies arise: gaseous oxygen and liquid mercury. We conclude, then, that mercuric oxide holds in itself, or consists of, two constituents — oxygen and mercury. This conclusion, arrived at by decomposition, or analysis., may be readily verified by combination or synthesis. It is only necessary to heat mercury for some time, at a some- what lower temperature than in the preceding experiment, in an atmos- ])here of oxygen, to have it absorb the latter and yield the compound we first used — red mercuric oxide. The direct decomposition of a compound body into its constituents by mere heat does not often happen. Generally, the cooperation of a second substance is required, which will combine with one of the constituents and set the other free. In this manner we can, for example, effect the decomposition of the previously synthesized mercury sulphide, viz., by heating it with iron filings; the iron unites with the sulphur of the mercury sulphide, to form iron sulphide, while the mercury is set free. If, in a similar manner, natural objects be decomposed, bodies or sub- stances are finally reached which have withstood all attempts to bring about their division into further constituents, and which cannot be formed by the union of others. Such substances are che7nical ele77ienis ; they cannot be converted into one another, but constitute, as it were, the limit of chemical change. Their number, at present, is about 70 ; some have been only recently discovered. To them belong all the metals, of which iron, copper, lead, silver, and gold are examples. Other elements do not possess a metallic appearance, and are known as 7netalloids (from I resemble). It would be more correct to term them non-7netals. To these belong sulphur, carbon, phosphorus, oxygen, etc. The line between metals and non-metals is not very marked. Thus, mercury, despite the 20 INORGANIC CHEMIS’IRY. fad that it is liquid at tlie ordinary tcini)craturc, must 1)C included among the metals because of its chemical i)roj)ertics. All the substances known to us arc made up of these elements. Water is acomj)onnd of two gaseous elements — hydrogen and oxygen ; common salt consists of the metal sodium and the gas chlorine, 'bhe elements make up not only our own earth, but the heavenly bodies are comijosed of them ; at least as far as has been proved by spectrum analysis. THE PRINCIPLE OF THE INDESTRUCTIBILITY OF MATTER. If the total weight of substances, wliich are to act chemically upon one another, be determined, and the chemical action be then allowed to occur, it will be discovered upon ascertaining the weight of the resulting bodies, if due consideration be given for unavoidable errors of ex})eri- ment, that no loss or increase in weight has occurred— no change in mass, because mass and weight are strictly i)roj)ortional to each other for one and the same j)lace. Jt is in these cases immaterial whether a com- pound body be resolved into its elements, or whether elements unite to produce com])ound bodies; the })roducts ])resent after the chemical reaction will always weigh exactly what the bodies ])receding the reaction weighed (comi:)are the ex])eriments of Landolt, Ber. 26 (1893), 1820). Well-known, general phenomena apparently contradict this scientific conclusion. We observe plants springing from a small germ and con- stantly acquiring weight and volume. This spontaneous increase of sub- stance, however, is only seeming. Closer inspection proves conclusixely that the growth of plants occurs only in consequence of the alxsorjjtion of substance from the earth and atmosphere. The opi)osite phenomenon is seen in the burning of combustible substances, where an apparent annihilation of matter takes place. But even in this, careful observation will discover that the combustion phenomena consist purely in a trans formation of visible solid or liquid bodies into non-visible gases. Carbon and hydrogen, the usual constituents of combustible substances, e. g., petroleum or wood, combine in their combustion with the oxygen of the air and yield gaseous products — the so-called carbon dioxide and water — which diffuse into the atmosphere. If these products be col- lected, their weight will be found not less, but indeed greater, than that of the consumed body, and this is explained by the fact that in addition to the original weight they have had the oxygen of the air added. Such a combustion must, therefore, be regarded as a conversion of visible solid or liquid substances into invisible gaseous matter. d'he production (creation) or annihilation of matter has never been demonstrated as occurring in any change. A conq^ound body is com- prised of certain elements, and contains a very definite quantity by weight of each of them. If it decomixise it naturally breaks down into its con- stituents, which iierhaps reunite in some other manner to form new com- pounds, alwavs, however, pres'^rving their original nature, their original weight and their masses. This fundnmcntal truth is ihe law of the inde- stnictihilify of matter. 'The early (Irecian ])hilosophers arrived at this conclusion by a keen observation of the changes of daily life (compare INTRODUCTION. 21 Lucretius — ‘‘Nature”), and since that time it has always been viewed as an established fundamental principle of exact, scientific investigation. Consult Debus, Ueber einige Fundamental-Satze der Chemie, Kassel, 1894. THE PRINCIPLE OF THE CONSERVATION OF ENERGY. All imaginable, appreciable, natural phenomena have their causes, which escape simple observation, and are only realized by scientific research. We observe that iron rusts on exposure to the air. By chemical investi- gation we learn that rust is a compound of iron and oxygen. This latter, as we also learn from chemistry, is a constituent of the air. If it be re- moved from the latter, the iron will cease to rust. Hence the tendency of iron and oxygen to combine with one another is designated as the cause of the rusting. It is generally said that a force exists between them, which effects their union and this force is called chemical affinity. In changes of other kinds our ex[)lanation assumes the presence of some force. The falling of bodies is attributed to the force of gravitation — a universal attracting force, which even influences the course of the stars. The decomposition of a body by external efforts acts in opposition to its cohesive force. Two different bodies directly in contact with one another are held together by the adhesive force existing between them. By assump- tions similar to these it is possible to refer an almost infinite number of changes to but comparatively few causes. But, in doing this, it must be remembered that the nature of the force continues enigmatical, even if we know the laws, by which it acts, as well as we know those of gravity. At present the movements of the ])arts of matter are considered to be the cause of other phenomena which formerly were ascribed to the actions of special forces. It has long been known that a sounding body com- pletes certain vibrations, which are imparted to the surrounding air and arrive thereby to the tympana of our ears. The same is true of the phe- nomena of light and heat. It is supposed that the heat phenomena are due to an energetic oscillating motion of the smallest particles of a body. Upon grasping a warm substance, motion present in it is partially trans- ferred to us and we experience warmth. If, on the contrary, heat motion be passed from the hand to the object touched, the latter appears to us to be cold. At sufficiently elevated temperatures, and indeed even under other conditions (phosi)horescence, fluorescence) the heat motions of bodies produce in the surrounding aether (a hypothetical medium, enigmatical in its nature and capable of penetrating everything) motion extending in all directions in a wave-like manner and known as radiant heat. If these waves follow each other rapidly enough they become light waves and are perceived as such by the retina of the eye. The source of electric phenomena and of the x or Rontgen rays is also supposed to be due to motion, of an unexplained nature, present in the aether. H. Hertz in 1888 demonstrated by the radiation of a periodic electric force reversing its direction that these rays were subject to the same laws as those of light and radiant heat. They are not only propagated in direct lines with all the velocity of light but are similarlv reflected and refracted. Conse- quently, in the periodic change of direction we find the same motion 22 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. alterations of the aether to be at the basis of liglU and radiant heat, as they are the cause of electric phenomena. Numerous physical investigations have demonstrated that the various forms of motion can be transferred mjt only from one body to another but that they can be converted into one another. The bullet which in its flight is sustained by resistance becomes hot ; the visible motion of the entire mass ceases and is then converted into the invisible motion of the minutest particles perceptible to us as heat. Conversely, the motion of the smallest particles is changed to that of large masses, if by means of the steam engine we ])roduce driving force by heat, and the latter by combustion, a chemical change. It will be discovered upon attempting to measure these changes that the different forces or modes of motion bear a fixed ratio of trans- formation to one another. According to the proposition, causa cequat cffectum, they are subject to equivalent convertibility. At present the indestructible portion of all these changes is termed energy, which mani- fests itself as (i) jnechanical energy, (2) thermal energy, (3) electric and jna;netic energy, (4) chetnical and internal e 7 iergy and (5) radiant energy. The power of a body to do work is called energy. It is distinguished as potential and kinetic. Examples are as follows : The mass ?n, acted upon by the constant force p, traverses the distance J and acquires the speed v. This would be represented by the equation ps = As the force p has acted through the distance s, it has performed the work ps. If a hammer, weighing p, be raised to the height s, the work done, opposed to gravity, equals /s-. This work is present as potential energy in the raised hamirrer, so far as the presence of a force and its removal through space can possibly make a mechanical action present. If the hammer be allowed to fall it acquires kinetic energy -^^>2 (active force), which is equal to the work expended in raising the hammer, or the potential energy of the raised hammer. In the fall the potential is transformed into kinetic energy [Kiveu — to move ; kvepyeu — to act). A given mass-motion can be converted into a definite heat-quantity. By the application of the latter, work can be performed again equivalent to the mass-motion (first principle of the mechanical theory of heat). The quantity of heat sufficient to raise i kilogram of water at the ordinary temperature 1° C. is taken as the unit in the determination of heat and is called calorie (large). To produce this unit by mass-motion would require mechanical work (at the average geographical latitude) equal to 426 kilogram-meters. This quantity signifies that if under the condi- tions mentioned as to plate i kilogram falls through 426 meters, or 426 kilograms through i meter, and the resulting total kinetic energy be transformed into heat, the latter will raise i kilogram of water from 15° to 16° in temperature. In the conversion of heat into mass-motion, however, one calorie will disappear for every 426 kilogram-meters of work performed. This magnitude (or constant) is known as the tne- chanical equivalent of heat. Chemical energy can be measured by tlie heat or electricity developed in chemical changes. While all forms of energy can be converted without difficulty into heat, this particular form is only altered with limitations into the other forms. It is only when lieat passes from a warmer to a colder substance that a tlelinite portion of it can by proper INTRODUCTION. 23 appliances be changed into mechanical work. Could this so occur that the greatest possible portion of the heat could be utilized in the performance of mechanical work, then the process might be reversed. If, however, the greatest possible quantity of heat is not con- sumed in doing such work but is lost by conduction and radiation from a higher to lower temperature, then the change is not reversible. For a portion, at least, of the heat there is no possibility of change to mechanical work ; it is permanently lost {degradation of energy). The reversibility is made impossible by such changes (conduction, radiation, fric- tion, etc.), which take place under given conditions, of their own accord. As the op- posite conversions do not occur spontaneously (the passage of heat from a body of lower to one of higher temperature), in nature the changes of the first order must exceed those of the second order. The sum of all the conversion-values (calculated as proceeding positively in the sense of the first group) is termed entropy {rpoirri — conversion). The entropy of all nature is therefore in the act of constant increase (Clausius, Second Principle of the Mechanical Theory of Heat). The law of the conservation of energy, according to which the energy in nature is of a convertible character but unalterable in quantity, con- stitutes one of the most important foundations of the science of nature. It was first clearly explained and definitely enunciated by Julius Robert Mayer (1842), a physician of Heilbronn (Annalen, 42, 233 ; see also his “ Mechanik der Warme gesam- melte Schriften ”), Not knowing of Mayer’s work, or of the treatise of Colding (1843), a Dane, in which the principle of energy was also developed, Hermann v. Helmholtz (1847) announced the law as empirical, followed and developed it mathematically through all the domains of natural phenomena (Ueber die Erhaltung der Kraft, Berlin, 1847). Mayer was also the first to discover the mechanical equivalent of heat, which shortly afterwards James Prescott Joule definitely determined by accurate experiments. Heat almost invariably appears in chemical union ; even light and electricity can be produced by chemical processes, or work can be per- formed in opposition to external pressure by increase in volume. All these forms of energy owe their origin to the potential energy of the chemical forces, which in the process of chemical change do work. Hence, we may speak of chemical energy or of chemical tension. In the chemical decomposition of a compound body into its components, on the other hand, heat is usually absorbed and disappears as such and becomes chemical energy. Thus, in the union of approximately i kilogram of hydrogen with 8 kilograms of oxygen to produce 9 kilograms of water a quantity of heat, equivalent to 34,200 calories, is set free, and this corresponds to work equivalent to 34,200 X 426 = 14,569,200 kilogram- meters. In the decomposition, on the other hand, of 9 kilograms of water into hydrogen and oxygen, the same force or quantity of heat is neces- sary. Therefore, the same quantity of force or motion must be contained in the form of chemical energy in the liberated hydrogen and oxygen. Although all bodies, and the elements especially, possess chemical energy, they do not manifest it in the same way. Some of them react readily with one another and others with difficulty or not at all. The cause of this variation in behavior is entirely unknown to us. It is cus- tomary to express the fact by saying the bodies have a strong, a feeble, or no affinity for one another. Formerly, bodies which combined chem- ically, were supposed to be related to each other, and it was assumed that their affinity — their tendency toward one another — was satisfied by their union. This choice of terms was unfortunate. The nature of the chemical attraction, which produces and holds chemical compounds together is just 24 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. as enigmatical as that of gravity. Even the laws in accordance with which affinity acts are scarcely known to us. It is only in recent times that advances have been made in this direction, since the positions and the motions of atoms and of molecules have been regarded as affording hints as to the cause of a reaction. CONSTITUTION OF MATTER. ^ >- ATOM AND MOLECULE. If we seek to give expression to the constitution of the chemical ele- ments and the bodies composed of them we return, if guided by experience, to the ancient atomic hypothesis which alone is justified by the present condition of chemical and ])hysical investigation. It apjiears that the Indian and Grecian natural philosophers established this same hypothesis in a purely inductive manner [Kanada (founder of the Vaiseshika system), Lucippus, Democritus (500 b. c.) and Ei)icurus (400 b. c.)]. The foundation of this hypothesis is brilliantly set forth in the first book of Lucre- tius (died 55 B. c. ) “ Ueber die Natur der Dinge.” Numerous observations are re- corded. The following occurs there in substance : All bodies can be divided into in- finitely small parts, no longer recognizable by sight or taste. Invisible aqueous vapor separates from the air as water upon cold objects and again disappears on the ap])roach of heat. The ring that is constantly worn on the finger becomes thinner in the course of years. Dropping water wears away the stone. The smooth pavement is made rough by walking. All these things occur without our perceiving what at any one time departs from the ring, etc. Hence we conclude the bodies are composed of invisible, extremely small parts, which to us are without mass. These particles, the atoms (arofioQ — indivisible), are indestructible and cannot be created. There is nothing beyond them and the vacant space between. The difference in things is due to the difference in number, size, form, and arrangement of the atoms. There is no qualitative difference in the atoms, they act upon one another only by contact and pressure. Change is only a union and separation of atoms ; nothing occurs by chance but everything by reason and with necessity. Thus far Lucretius. In the first half of the 17th century the atomic idea, which until then had been driven into the background by the Aristotelian philosophy, was resuscitated by Daniel Sennert, a German physician, and a P'rench ecclesiastic named Pierre Gassendi. They adopted the Greek atomic doctrine ; and, from the point of view of the atomists, constitute the connecting link between the past and the present. Since, however, our modern atomic notions have developed step by step from the ideas of Sennert and Gassendi, their beginnings go back to and have their origin in Lucippus and Democritus. Atoms were introduced into chemistry by Robert Boyle, a contemporary and follower of Gassendi. Boyle was the first chemist to devote his experiments to the noble purpose of investi- gating nature. (Compare F. A. Lange, Geschichte des Materialismus, 3 Aufl. 1876 ; Grie.sbach physik.-chem. Propadeutik (1895), and the fasciculus of Debus referred to on page 2I.) 'The scientific foundations of our present atomic doctrine will be described later. Its fundamental ideas alone will be given now. We assume that an element consists of atoms perfectly similar to one another, but differing from those of other elements. We must grant that there are as many kinds of atoms as there are different elements. A compound body like iron sulphide, according to this view, is produced by the combination of sulj)hur atoms with iron atoms in a definite ratio. Those ])articles of a compound, representing the limit of divisibility so far as similarity . INTRODUCTION. 25 goes, are called molecules (j?iolecula, diminutive of moles — the mass), by further division they are resolved into dissimilar parts. Hence, iron sulphide is made up of molecules, which in turn consist of atoms of iron and of sulphur. We shall learn later that the elements — with few excep- tions— are composed, at ordinary temperature, not of a collection of free atoms, but of an aggregation of atom-groups — of molecules. A molecular structure is the rule. In the case of the elements the molecules are com- posed of like kinds of atoms, in compounds they consist of dissimilar atoms. The greatest advancement of the atomic theory is due to John Dalton. By assuming that the atoms combined with one another in definite pro- portions, he laid the basis for the determination of the relative atomic weights, and thereby became the founder of the chemical atomic theory based upon definite weight proportions (1804). If two elements form but a single compound by union with one another, it may be assumed with Dalton, as long as no other reason to the contrary exists, that their molecules consist of an atom of each of the two elements. Should two compounds of the elements A and B be known, then the molecule of the one compound would consist of an atom each of A and of B, consequently of two atoms, while the other compound might be composed of three atoms (2 A -f B or 2 B -f A), etc. With these premises clearly enunci- ated it is possible to determine the relative atomic weights of the elements. One hundred parts of the previously mentioned iron sulphide consist in round numbers of 63.6 parts of iron and 36.4 parts of sulphur. If, however, in accordance with the assumptions of Dalton, there is in this compound one atom of sulphur for one atom of iron, then the atomic weights of iron and sulphur must be to one another as 63.6 : 36.4. The ratios between the atomic weights of the elements may be determined in this manner. If for any element a number be taken for its atomic weight, it can readily be calculated in what ratio the atomic weights of all the other elements stand to this arbitrarily chosen standard, and we thus obtain the relative ato 77 iic weights. That element which combines with the majority of the other elements to form compounds capable of the most accurate analysis, is chosen as the standard of comparison. Finally, the number or value assigned this standard element as its atomic weight is a matter of consensus of opinion. Later we shall become acquainted with physico-chemical methods of testing the atomic numbers, derived in a chemical way, and especially for establishing whether it is not a fraction or a multiple of the true, relative atomic weight. CHEMICAL SYMBOLS AND FORMULAS. The chemical elements are simjfiy and conveniently represented by the initials of their Latin or Greek names in accordance with the suggestion of the great Swedish chemist, John Jacob Berzelius (1779-1848) to whom we are also indebted for the first accurate atomic weight determina- tions. Thus hydrogen is designated by the letter H, from the word hydrogenium ; nitrogen by N, from nitrogenium. Elements having the same initials are distinguished by adding a second letter; thus, Na indi- 3 26 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. cates natrium (sodium), Ni — nickel, Hg — mercury (from hydrargyrum), Pd — palladium, Pt — platinum, etc. The following table contains the names of 71 known chemical ele- ments, together with their symbols and their atomic weights, refer7'cd to oxygen equal to 16. It may be added : That as a rule the atomic weights are given with only as many decimals as are accu- rate to the last figure. In the case of bismuth, nickel and tin, indicated by *, this rule is not adhered to. Also in the of hydrogen the more accurate value 1. 008 is given as 1. 01 for ordinary use. The elements whose names have ? attached are in doubt either as to their simplicity, or as to entire units in their atomic weights. Elements. j Symbol. Atomic Wekjiit. Elements. Symbol. Atomic Weigh r. Aluminium, A 1 27. 1 Neodymium (?), . . . Nd 144 Antimony (Stibium), Sb 120 Nickel, Ni 58.7* Argon (?), A 40 Niobium, Nb 94 Ai’senic, As 75 Nitrogen, N 14.04 Barium, Ba 137-4 Osmium, Os 191 Beryllium, Be 9-1 Oxygen, 0 16.00 Bismuth, Bi 208.5* Palladium, Phosphorus, Pd 106 Boron, B II P 31.0 Bromine, Br 79.96 Platinum, Pt 194.8 Cadmium, Cd 1 12 Potassium (Kalium), K 39-15 Caesium, Cs 133 Praseodymium (?), . . Pr 140 Calcium, Ca 40 Rhodium, Rubidium, Rh 103.0 Carbon, C 12.00 Rb 854 Cerium, Ce .140 Ruthenium, Ru 101.7 Chlorine,' Cl 35-45 Samarium (?), . . . . Sm 150 Chromium, Cr 52.1 Scandium, 44-1 Cobalt, Co 59 Selenium, 79-1 Copper, Cu 63.6 Silicon, Si 28.4 Erbium (?), Er 166 Silver (Argentum), . . Ag 107.93 Fluorine, FI 19 Sodium (Natrium), . . Na 23-05 Gallium, Ga 70 Strontium, Sr 87.6 Germanium, Ge 72 Sulphur, S 32.06 Gold (Aurum), .... All 197.2 Tantalum, Ta 183 1 leliuin (?), He 4 Tellurium, ...... Te 127 Hydrogen, H 1. 01 Thallium, T 1 204. 1 Indium, In 1 14 Thorium, Th 232 Iodine, I 126.85 'bin (Stannum), .... Sn 1 118.5* Iridium, Ir 193 Titanium, Tungsten (Wolfram), • I'i 48. 1 Iron (Ferrum), .... Fe 56.0 W 184 Lanthanum, La 138 Uranium, Ur 239-5 Lead (Plumbum), . . . PI) 206.9 Vanadium, Yd 51.2 I.ithium, Li 7-03 Ytterbium, Yb 173 Magnesium, Mg 24.36 Yttrium, Y 89 Manganese, Mn 55-0 Zinc, Zn 65.4 Mercury, Molybdenum, .... Hg Mo 200. 3 96.0 Zirconium, Zr 90.6 In nddilioi) to the elements mentioned in the table the following are believed to have been observed in certain rare minerals: terbium {^niosandrium^ philippiitnt^ 7 m, INTRODUCTION. 27 gadolinium^ decipium^ holmhcm, thuliiun and dysprosium. They occur associated with cerium, lanthanum, scandium, ytterbium and yttrium. They are so much alike chemic- ally that it is difficult to separate them and obtain them pure ; they are probably mixtures of unknown elements. Consult the paragraphs under Air for an account of what seem to be elementary gases (metargon, neon, krypton, xenon) which have been isolated from the atmosphere. For the reasons leading to the adoption of oxygen as the element of comparison and estab- lishing its atomic weight as 16, see p. 73. Compounds produced by the union of the elements are represented by placing their corresponding symbols together and designating these chemical formulas. Common salt, a compound of sodium and chlorine, is represented by the formula NaCl ; mercuric oxide, a compound of mercury and oxygen, by HgO; iron sulphide by FeS ; hypochlorous acid, a compound of hydrogen, chlorine and oxygen, by HCIO. By these premises chemical formulas acquire a very precise and evident importance. The formula NaCl represents the union of i atom of sodium with I atom of chlorine, and indicates that in it 23.05 parts, by weight, of sodium are combined with 35.45 parts by weight of chlorine to yield 58.50 parts of sodium chloride (common salt). If several atoms of an element are present in a compound, this is denoted by numbers which are attached to the symbol of the atom : HCl H2O NHg CH^ Hydrochloric acid. Water. Ammonia. Methane. The formula of water (HgO) means that its molecule consists of 2 atoms of hydrogen (2.02 parts by w^eight) and i atom of oxygen (16 parts by weight). The formula of sulphuric acid (H2SOJ indicates it to be a compound consisting of i atom of sulphur (32.06 parts), 4 atoms of oxygen (4 X 16= 64 parts), and 2 atoms of hydrogen (2 X i-oi = 2.02 parts), from which the composition of the acid may be at once calculated into per cent., or into any desired quantity by weight. Atomic Composition. In Per Cent. Hydrogen, Hg = 2.02 2.06 Sulphur, . . S = 32.06 32.69 Oxygen, .. O4 = 64.00 65.25 H2SO4 = 98.08 100.00 A chemical change is represented by arranging these symbols in the form of an equation. The left side of the equation indicates the sub- stances present before the reaction occurs, while the right side shows the products. Thus the chemical equation : HgS -f Fe = FeS -f Hg means that mercury sulphide (232.3-6 \parts) and iron (56 parts) have combined to form iron sulphide (88.06 parts) and mercury (200.3 parts). The equation zH + O = HgO indicates that i molecule of water has been formed by the union of 2 atoms of hydrogen with i atom of oxygen. 28 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. It is true these equations give no idea of the conditions surrounding these transpositions, nor of the alterations in energy which accompany tliLMii. 'I'hey represent tlie i)urely material side of the change. 'I'hey indi cate tiie quantities by weight of the substances entering the reaction aiul also of the products: the weight of the bodies entering the reaction is equal to that of the resulting })roducts. Iwery chemical equation is there- fore an ex])ression of the law of the indestructibility of matter (p. 20). CONDITIONS OF CHEMICAL CHANGE. THERMO-CHEMICAL PHENOMENA. The first requisite for bodies to act chemically iq)on one another is that they be brought into most intimate contact because chemical action does not occur at great distances. In the case of solids this intimate contact, so essential for comi)lete chemical transformation, cannot ordi- narily be attained by mere mechanical mixing : the necessary condition is best reached by liquefying the bodies, or at least one of them, by fusion or solution in some solvent. Hence the old saying corpora non agiifit nisi fluida. In many instances, however, the chemical transposition does not take place even with the most intimate contact. An external physical im- pulse occasioned by light, by electricity, by change in pressure (Spring, van’t Hoff), but more especially by the temperature, is required for its occurrence. Thus, for example, hydrogen and oxygen at the ordinary temperature are wholly indifferent to one another despite the fact that as gases they may be mixed as completely as it is possible. It is only when they are heated that they combine — slowly at 200°, but with violent ex- plosion about 700° — to water. The same occurs upon passing the electric spark through the mixture. A mixture of hydrogen and chlorine will remain unchanged in the dark, while in diffused sunlight the gases will slowly unite to hydrochloric acid, but in direct sunlight, upon the appli- cation of heat, or by passing the electric spark they will unite at once with great violence. A mixture of iron and mercury sulphide requires the aid of heat to bring about the transposition to iron sulphide and mercury. At the ordinary temperature they appear to exercise no visible chemical action upon one another. By the application of external energy — heat, light, electricity, etc. — the atomic structure of the molecules of hydro- gen and oxygen, of chlorine and hydrogen, of mercury sulphide and iron, etc. — is first loosened or disintegrated and then the chemical action between the several com})onents takes place. However, the experiments of Raoul Pictet [1892; compare Ber. 26 ( 1893), iv, i and A. Welter, Die tiefen 'rem])eraturen, Crefeld 1895] show that chemic al reactions do not occur at temjicratures below — 125°. Substances which at the ordinary temperature react with the greatest readiness — 0. suljihuric acid and barium cliloride, hydrochloric acid and silver nitrate, sodium and alcohol — appear at — 80° to be as indifferent toward one another as mercury sul- phide and iron, and hydrogen and oxygen at the ordinary temperature. Even such delicate tests as those of blue litmus and sulphuric acid or hydro- INTRODUCTION. 29 chloric acid do not take place below — 1 10°. It is obvious, therefore, that the power of substances to act chemically upon one another is entirely de- pendent upon the external conditions, particularly the temperature, pre- vailing at the moment of their contact. This has been further demonstrated by the experiments which it has been possible to conduct at very high tem- peratures. It is well known that hydrogen and oxygen unite to form water above 200°, but at 2000° and above, water breaks down again into hydrogen and oxygen (compare Dissociation of Water). The higher the temperature the more complete will be the decomposition, and eventually a point will be reached at which the hydrogen and oxygen will exert as little chemical action upon one another as they would below 200°. . A chemical compound is, therefore, only wholly stable within a certain range of temperature. The latter may change, however, with the pres- sure and in the case of some substances we may not be able to obtain it with our present facilities. The compound will begin to separate into its constituents — its elements — just as soon as this limit is exceeded. The rapidity of the decomposition, the magnitude to which it may extend, is also dependent upon pressure and temperature. This is therefore due to the fact that a portion of the product of decomposition reunites to form the original body and in this way a state of chemical equilibrium is produced. The extent of the decomposition is always definite for given external relations. Similarly, the action of unlike bodies upon one an- other is frequently complete only within definite ranges of temperature, and the rapidity with which this action proceeds is in like manner influ- enced not only by temperature but also by pressure and by quantity- relations. Very often opposite reactions, union and decomposition, oc- cur simultaneously, and occasion a state of equilibrium. Every chemical change is invariably accompanied by a change of energy — by the disengagement or absorption of heat (electricity, etc.). The customary chemical equations, such as are employed upon page 27, represent merely the material side of a chemical reaction, the nature and quantities by weight of the reacting and resulting substances. But when, for example, 2.02 grams of hydrogen and 16.00 grams of oxygen unite to yield water, there is an accompanying dynamical change, a definite and considerable quantity of heat is disengaged — in this instance equaling 68.4 calories (p. 23). An equation showing the union of hydrogen with oxygen to form water — an equation which would include both weight xtdiC- tions and those of energy — would read as follows: 2H + O = HP -f 68.4 Cal. Similarly, in the union of i.oi grams of hydrogen with 35.45 grams of chlorine, forming 36.46 grams of hydrogen chloride, we have a liberation of 22 calories : H-f-Cl =HC1 T 22 Cal. ; while the formation of hydrogen iodide (127.86 grams) from hydrogen (i.oi grams) and iodine (126.85 grams) is accompanied by an absorption of energy — an absorption of 6 calories : H -y I + 6 Cal. = III. 30 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. But this e(|uati()n is in no manner to he understood as meaning that l)ydro^en and iodine reciuire the addition of l)ut 6 ealories in order that hydrogen iodide may result. The application of that amount of heat would only produee a warmed mixture of hydro- gen and iodine vapor. 'The (juantity of energy e(juivalent to 6 calories of heat can only be taken up by the mixture under certain delinite physical conditions in such a way that hydrogen iodide is the product. When we desire to decompose water into hydrogen or oxygen we mtist restore all the energy which has esca^ted. This energy is contained in the free elements as chemical (potential) energy. The decomposition of hydrogen iodide into its elements, on the contrary, occurs with a disen- gagement of heat. This heat is equivalent to the energy which the iodine and hydrogen took up in their i)assage into hydrogen iodide. Reactions are distinguished as exothermic and endothermic^ i. e., they have positive or negative the7'7?ial values depending upon whether heat (energy) is liberated or absorbed. The heat modulus, attending a chemical reaction, offers important con- clusions as to the concurrent alterations in energy, as well as to the nature of the substances entering the reaction. These relations are most evident in those reactions in which only two ele77ients participate. Compounds, formed from their elements with the liberation of heat, contain less energy than the elements themselves, are more stable than their mixture, and can be resolved into the original elements by the consumption of energy. The conditions requisite for their formation are equally present in the mixture of the parent sub- stances, because every system of bodies, as taught by mechanics, strives to attain that state of equilibrium, in which the content of energy, convert- ible into work, of tension or, as Helmholtz terms it, of free energy^ is as low as possible. It is for this reason, therefore, that reactions of this description occur almost immediately on bringing the respective bodies together. An example of this kind has already been given : antimony and chlorine unite instantaneously to antimony chloride (p. 19). As a rule, however, an external impulse from heat, electricity, or light is needed to start the reaction. Several examples illustrating this have been presented. This behavior must be regarded as a sort of liberation of the chemical tension. It is necessary that a portion of the molecules — the physical individuals — first be resolved into their atoms — the chemical ‘in- dividuals — the combination of the atoms in the molecules must be made less intimate at least. When once the reaction has been in this manner begun at one point of the mixture, it generally continues and proceeds of itself, according to the amount of heat developed, with greater or less intensity, which may even reach to explosion, as in the production of water or hydrochloric acid from their elements. Com])ounds which absorb heat when produced from their elements, e. g., hydrogen iodide and nitrogen chloride, contain more free energy, more tension, than the parent sul)stances, and are consequently less stable than their mixture, d’hey cannot be formed from their elements without the simultaneous addil ion of energy. In this instance to simply initiate the reaction is not sufficient, for energy must be continually added, otherwise the chemical action will cease. INTRODUCTION. 31 Viewed thermally, the decomposition of compounds into their elements proceeds oppositely to their formation. If the latter was accompanied by heat evolution then the decomposition would occur with heat (energy) absorption, would require the constant addition of energy, advance very gradually, never in an explosive manner, and would be circumscribed by the opposing combination-tendency of the products of the decomposition (compare Dissociation of Water). Just as every transition of a system from a condition of stability to one of less stability requires an expen- diture of work, so does the decomposition of such a body as indicated in the preceding lines. Compounds, however, which like hydrogen iodide and nitrogen chloride are produced with heat absorption, generally break down with ease and completely into their elements. In this way the system passes into a more stable condition. Frequently, an external im- pulse is all that is necessary to start such a decomposition. It then pro- ceeds of its own accord and may increase even to explosion. Many of the bodies belonging in this group are explosive ; indeed, some of them, e. g., chlorine monoxide and nitrogen iodide explode when touched or when warmed, others again require a more energetic concussion. Thus, nitric oxide, acetylene, and cyanogen explode if a slight amount of mercury fulminate be ignited in them. The heat modulus is not a measure of the affinity of the elements which combine with one another. Even the formation of water from hydrogen and oxygen, an apparently very simple process, is really the product of a number of chemical and physical changes, proceeding by grades, which in turn are accompanied partly by positive and partly by negative thermal values— breaking down of the molecules into atoms, union of the differ- ent atoms to molecules; diminution of the number of molecules, lique- faction of the aqueous vapor. The quantity of heat observed merely represents the algebraic sum of all these heat moduli (thermal values). If more than two elements, if several compound substances, take part in a chemical change the meaning of the thermal value accompanying it is more difficult to comprehend. The majority of reactions of this kind proceed in harmony with the principle of greatest heat development 3 .cc.or&- ing to which from a given system of bodies, without the introduction of external energy, that new compound will result, in whose formation there is the greatest heat development (Berthelot). This principle is not uni- versally acknowledged, neither do all the facts support it, nor is it justified from the standpoint of the mechanical theory of heat. The entropy- principle is a more acceptable substitute (p. 23). When the thermal relations of the various groups of elements and compounds are discussed this point will be more minutely considered. ^ ^ the PRINCIPLES OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. yv, ^ 'b t Solid, homogeneous bodies are composed of the smallest particles, mole- cules, which we imagine as being irregularly placed or arranged in a regular net-like manner. In the first instance they are amorphous, show- ing like physical properties in every direction, while in the second case they are crystallhed, manifesting a similar physical deyiortment in all parallel directions, but which in general varies in different directions. 32 inor(;anic chemistry. In crystallized bodies the molecules are so arranged in layers, that all the particles are similar. These layers form i)lanes, crystal faces, whose form depends on the nature of the molecules; in crystals differing from one another chemically, the form of the faces is also different. A combination of all the crystal faces (planes) circumscribing a crys- tallized body constitutes its crystal form, which is always definite for every crystalline chemical comiiound. I'heform and the extension of the individual faces may vary, but the angles produced by the faces remain unchanged. (Law of the constancy of angles formed by crystal faces.) A zone is produced by three or more iilanes cutting one another in paral- lel edges ; the zone axis is the direction with whi( h the edges run parallel. We can imagine most crystals so divided by planes that each crystal face upon the one side corres[)onds to a similar face on the ojjposite side, producing a like angle with the intersecting plane. Such a i)lane is desig- nated di symmetry-plane ; its i)erpendicular is known as the sy^nmetry axis. The symmetry ratios vary with the individual crystals. One may exhibit greater symmetry — more symmetry-planes — than another. All those crystalline forms in which there is a like number of symmetry- planes constitute a system of crystallization. There are two kinds of symmetry-planes. Thus crystals exhibit in part one or several symmetry-planes, with which several symmetry axes are parallel and which may be exchanged one for the other without altering the crystalline form. Symmetry axes of this description are said to be equivaleiit, and the symmetry-planes with which they are parallel are called the principal symmetry-pla?ies and their perpendiculars are the principal axes. Six systems of crystallization are distinguished on the basis of relations in symmetry. I. The regular or isometric system with three principal symmetry- planes and six secondary symmetry-planes. II. The hexagonal system with one principal symmetry-plane and six symmetry-planes. III. The quadratic or tetrag07ial systetn with one principal symmetry- plane and four secondary symmetry-planes. IV. The rhombic system with three secondary symmetry-planes. V. The mo7ioclinic system with one secondary symmetry-plane. VI. The triclinic system, in which there is no symmetry-plane. I. The Isometric System. — The forms of this system are referred to an axis system consisting of three axes of equal length (^principal sym?fietry axes) and at right angles to one another. Two of the axes lie in a ])rincii)al symmetry-})lane. The various fundamental forms are de- rived by imagining these axes a, a, a, cut by planes at equal or unequal distances from tlieir point of intersection. The axial section of a plane is termed its |)arameter. If the smallest of these be designated by a, and the other two by na and ma, then the values n and m (the coefficients of the parameters) become in accordance with experience rational numbers. 'I'here are seven fundamental forms: I. Octahedron {O) (h'ig. i). 'Fhe faces intersect the axes at equal distances a : a : a from the center. INTRODUCTION. 33 2. Cube (ood?oo) (Fig. 2). The faces intersect one axis and are parallel to the other two : a : : oo^r. 3. Dodecahedron ( 00 (Fig. 3). The faces intersect two axes at the same distance from the center, while they are parallel to the third axis : a \ a: ooa. 4. Trisoctahedron (mO) (Fig. 4). The faces intersect two of the axes at unity and the third at a greater distance : a : a : ma. 5. Trapezohedron or Jcositetrahedron {mOin) (Fig. 5). The faces intersect one axis at unit distance and the other two at equal but greater distances: a : nia : ma. 34 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 6. Tetrahexahedro 7 i ( o/^Oti) (Kig. 6). Tlic faces intersect two axes at different distances and the thiixl axis at infinity : a : 7 ux : cc/'/. 7. Ilexoctaliedron (xnOn) (h'ig. 7). The faces cut all three axes at different distances : a : ;ia : xna. These siixiple forms usually occur in combination; this is also true of the remaining systems. Thus Fig. 8 rej)resents the combination of dodecahedron ( 006?), cube ( oo(9co), and octahedron (6^). II. The Hexagonal System. — 'I'here are seven symmetry-j)lanes in this system, six of which are at right angles to the seventh — the iirinciiial symmetry jilane. The six planes referred to cut one another at an angle of 30°. The intersecting lines of three alternating ])lanes (cutting one another at 60°), together with the princii)al symmetry-j)lane, are regarded as the secondary axes (these are equal a : a : a). The fourth axis is the axis (c) at right angles to the principal symmetry-plane. The ratio : c is irrational and is very definite for every substance crystallizing in the hexagonal system. P Fig. 9. The forms of this system are either double consisting of twelve or six faces converging above and below at the terminals of the principal axis, or they are twelve- or six-sided prisms, the faces of which are parallel to the principal axis. To these must be added the pair of faces perpen- dicular to the principal axis — the basal planes. Fig. 9 represents the hexagonal pyra 7 nid (^P) and Fig. 10 the hexagonal pyra 77 iid (^P) with the pris 77 i ( ooP). The angle produced by the intersection of two prism faces ecpials 60°. III. Tetragonal or Quadratic System. — This system like the hexagonal is characterized by a single principal symmetry-plane to which four alternating similar symmetry-planes cutting one another at 45° are fierpendicular. d'here are three axes at right angles to one another. 'I'he ))rinci])al axis (c) is normal to the principal symmetry-plane, while the other two (a, a) correspond to the intersecting directions made by two ecpial symmetry-])]ancs with the principal symmetry-plane. 'The forms of this system, as in the hexagonal system, consist of pyra- mids, jirisms, and basal i)lane (})inacoid). The pyramids are made up of INTRODUCTION. 35 four or eight faces above and below. The i)risms also have four or eight laces; e. Fig. ii: tetragonal pyratnid (^P)\ Fig. 12: tetragonal prism ( 00^) with the pyramid {P"). The angle formed by two prism faces is 90°. IV. The Rhombic System. — In this system there are three dis- similar symmetry-planes at right angles to one another. Their directions of intersection are assumed to be the axes a, I?, c. The rhombic pyramid (P) (Fig. 13) is the fundamental form. It cuts the three axes (of unequal lengths) at their unit distances (^zis the brachy-axis, b the macro-axis, and c the vertical axis'). There are other pyramids in which the faces intersect Fig. 12. Fig. 13. Fig. 14. the axes at other than unit distances from the center. Prismatic forms re- sult when the faces are parallel to one axis. If they are parallel to c the rhombic prism ( ccP) (Fig. 14), and macro- or brachydomes if the faces run parallel to b or a, e. g., Fig. 15, the 7 nacrodome. The pair of faces perpendicular to the vertical axis constitutes the basal planes, while the other pairs of faces at right angles to the other two axes are termed the macro- and brachy-pinacoids. V. The Monoclinic System. — There is but one symmetry-plane in this system. It is directed toward the observer when he examines the 36 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. crystals. The axis system consists not (mly of tlie perpendicular (/^-axis) to the syminetry-])lane, but also (d' the intersecting lines und c), \vhi( li form two crystal faces with and at right angles to the symmetry-plane and are inclined to one another at any arbitrary angle (fi). The vertical axis is c, while a, directed toward the observer, is designated the clino-axis. The forms are like those of the rhombic system, l^iach ])yramid, Innvever, resolves itselt into two independent / these are distinguished as positive (-(- P) and negative ( — P) (Fig. i 6 ). d'here are positive and negative orthodomes, each arising from a jiair of faces, which correspond to the rhombic macrodomes. The prismatic form, i)arallel to the clino- axis, is termed the cli nodome. VI. Triclinic System. — Any three crystal planes are selected for the axis planes. Tneir intersecting lines constitute the axes zz (brachy- diagonal), b (macrodiagonal), c (vertical axis). All the axes intersect one another at oblicpie angles. The angle between b and c is designated a, that between a and c (3, and that between a and b y. There is no symmetry-plane present; each parallel pair of faces constitutes a crystal form, so that a pyramid intersecting the three axes at the distances a: b: c consists of four different crystal forms which are marked as in Fig. 17 with P', P^, 'P, ^P. All the other forms, as in the monoclinic system, are derived from these, with the difference that in this system the distinction between right and left must be observed. In nature, crystals rarely occur so regularly developed as represented in the preceding forms. Usually they are more or less elongated in one or more directions and this causes the faces of one and the same form to become, as regards their spacial extension, unequal and the whole crystal appears to be distorted. Such a distortion, however, never influences the position of the faces with reference to .the axes. The angles produced by the faces remain unchanged so long as the temperature is the same. (Law of the constancy of the angles formed by the faces.) The measure- ment of the angle formed by the faces by means of the goniometer is the only means we possess of unraveling complicated combinations, and even this aid is not in all cases satisfactory in determining definitely and surely that a form belongs to one or another system. For this purpose a careful investigation of the physical properties is frequently essential, because it occurs that crystals apparently develop a higher symmetry geometrically than belongs to them when their physical properties are considered (pseudo-symmetric crystals). Another irregularity in their development consists in the fact that the faces themselves are not even and smooth. They frequently occur bent, e. g., in the diamond and dolomite; drusy, due to the protuberance of numerous little solid angles, uj)on the faces, of other forms differently orientated, or striated by the frequent alternating appearance of two faces— g., the striation of the cube faces of pyrite due to the oscillatory a])))earancc of a ])cntagonal dodecahedron — rough, corroded, etc., etc. 'I’wo or more crystals are often grown together; this growth being either regular or irregular. When regular the crystals are ]xarallel to one aiu>ther and are designated pa7’anel growths, or they are not ])arallel but yet limited by a very definite regularity. Such growths are called twins. INTRODUCTION. 37 Their regularity consists in the fact that the two crystals forming the twin are symmetrically developed with one another in relation to a crys- tallographically possible plane — the iw inning-plane. Fig. i8 represents an example of such a twin crystal. Two octahedra, or better, two half octahedra, are here symmetrical in reference to an octahedral face. Spinel and magnetite are examples of this class. The plane along which the two individuals have developed is the growth-plane. It is not neces- sary that this should at the same time be the twinning-plane, for two crystals can be symmetrical to one another in referenc e to one plane and yet be developed along another plane. This, for example, is often the case with what are termed the Carlsbad orthoclase twins. In them the clino pinacoid is the growth-plane and the orthopinacoid the twinning-plane. 'T'/ Fig. I 8. Fig. 19. oP Fig. 21. Fig. 20. Crystals may also grow on both sides beyond the growth-plane, tration-twins or crosses are the result. In addition to the simple forms appearing with all their faces, hence termed holohedral for7n^ others occur in which only half the possible faces are present — the heniihedral form. These result if we imagine a holohedral form to be divided by symmetry-planes into congruent parts, and then have one of every two parts, which are symmetrical in reference to these planes, fall away. In this manner every holohedral figure will yield two heniihedral forms which differ from one another in their position, and are either congruent or symmetrical. Thus, the octahedron of the isomeric system yields the teti'aliedron, Fig. 19, and the hexagonal pyramid, the rhombohedron (Fig. 20). A comparatively rare phenomenon has been observed in the crystals of 38 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. some substances — namely, a different development at the opposite ends of an axis. This is known as he77iimorphi5m. Struvite (magnesium ammo- nium phosphate Mg(NH 4 )r 04 + 6 HjO), Fig. 21 , is an exampleof this. On the upper end of the vertical axis occur the domes P 00 and P ^ , while below there is only the dome P^ and the basal plane oP. Tour- maline, calamine, cane sugar, etc., exhibit the same phenomenon. Substances crystallizing variously in the same, or in two or three different systems are said to be di77iorphous, tnTtiorphous, etc. Titanium dioxide (TiOa), for example, is found in nature in crystals of the quadratic system as the minerals anastase and rutile, and in those of the rhombic system as brookite (see also Sulphur). Various substances which crystallize in similar or in forms very much alike in the same system are called iso77io7phous {sqq also Isomorphism). SPECIAL PART. ■ - " CLASSIFICATION OF THE ELEMENTS. Ordinarily we are accustomed to divide the elements into two groups : metals and non-metals (seep. 19). The former possess metallic appear- ance, are good conductors of heat and electricity; the latter, the metal- loids or non-metals, do not have these properties, or at least in less degree. In chemical respects the metalloids have the tendency to combine with hydrogen, forming volatile, generally gaseous, compounds; their oxygen derivatives form acids with water. The metals, on the contrary, do not unite with hydrogen, or at least do not form volatile compounds with it, and their oxygen derivatives yield chiefly the so-called bases with water. Further, the compounds of metals with the non-metals are so decomposed by the electric current that the metal separates at the electro-negative, and the non-metal at the electro-positive pole. From this we observe the metals are more electro-positive — more basic; the metalloids more electro-negative — of an acid-forming nature. A sharp line of difference between metals and metalloids does not exist. There are elements, like antimony, which in their external appearance resemble metals, while in a chemical respect they deport themselves throughout as metalloids, and vice versa. Thus hydrogen, a gaseous element, is like the metals in its entire chemical character, while metallic antimony arranges itself with the metalloids. It is therefore better to divide the elements into separate natural groups, based upon their chemical analogies. The best and only correct classifi- cation of all the elements depends on the law of periodicity, according to which the properties of the elements and of their compounds present themselves as a periodic function of the atomic weights. Later we shall treat of the periodic system more at length ; it forms the basis of this text-book, and in accordance with this doctrine we consider the elements in single natural groups of similar chemical deportment. The first of these groups, comprising almost all the so-called non metals, are the following : Fluorine Oxygen Nitrogen Carbon Boron Chlorine Sulphur Phosphorus Silicon Bromine Iodine Selenium Tellurium Arsenic Antimony . Hydrogen does not belong to any of these groups; uniting the metal- lic and non-metallic characters in itself, it represents, as it were, the type of all elements, and therefore it will receive first attention. Boron 39 40 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. occupies an isolated position. It has been classed with the non-metals, but differs somewhat from them in chemical deportment. It forms the transition to the metallic elements, beryllium and aluminium. HYDROGEN. Atom: H = i.oi. Molecule: Hg = 2.02. Hydrogen (hydrogeniuin), a gaseous body, occurs rarely in a free con- dition upon the earth’s surface, — in the gases from volcanoes and in those issuing from the earth, — as an enclosure in minerals, a product of decay, and, from recent statements, it is found in very small amount in the atmosphere. It is, however, present in considerable quan- tity in the photosphere of the sun and fixed stars. In com- bination, it is found chiefly as water, and in substances of vegetable and animal origin. Paracelsus first observed this element in the sixteenth cen- tury, and called it inflamma- ble air; and in 1766 Cav- endish, recognizing it as a peculiar gas, named it inflam- mable air. In 1 783 Lavoisier proved that hydrogen was a constituent ot water — a chemical compound of the elements hydrogen and oxygen — by conducting steam over ignited metallic iron. Preparation . — It may be readily obtained from water. The decompo- sition of the same by the removal of oxygen can be effected by some metals, like sodium and potassium, at the ordinary temperature. Both metals act very energetically upon it, liberating gaseous hydrogen. To perform the experiment, take a piece of sodium, roll it up in a piece of wire gauze, and shove it, with nippers, under the mouth of a glass cylinder filled with and inverted over water (Fig. 22). Bubbles of hydrogen are at once disengaged, displace the water and collect in the upper part of the cylin- der. The reaction occurring between the sodium and water is expressed by the following chemical equation : 11,0 -f Na NaOH + H. Water. Sodium. Hydrogen, I he compound NaOH, known as sodium hydroxide, remains dissolved in the excess of water. Other metals decom))ose water in a similar manner, at an elevated temperature. To effect this with iron allow steam to pass through a tube CLASSIFICATION OF THE ELEMENTS. 41 filled with iron filings, exposed to a red heat in a combustion furnace, d'he iron withdraws oxygen from the water, combining with it, while the hydrogen set tree is collected. Magnesium powder reacts similarly, but at a much lower temperature, upon steam (Ber. 26 (1893), I, 59). For laboratory purposes, hydrogen is prepared by the action of zinc upon hydrochloric or sulphuric acid. The reaction with the latter acid is as follows : Zn + H^SO, ZnSO, + H.,. Sulphuric acid. Zinc sulphate. Place granulated zinc (obtained by dropping molten zinc into water) in a double-necked flask (Fig. 23), and introduce sulphuric acid (diluted with about 3 vols. of H2O) through the funnel tube, b. The liberation of gas begins immediately, and the hydrogen, escaping through the exit tube, f, is collected as previously described. Fig. 23. The hydrogen thus formed has a faint odor due to a slight admixture of foreign substances (the hydrides of sulphur, arsenic, phosphorus and carbon — if these elements are contained in the metal used in the gas evolution). It is therefore conducted through a solution of potassium permanganate to purify it. Many other metals, e. g., iron, behave like zinc with dilute acids. Some metals — zinc, iron, and aluminium — dissolve, when finely divided, in sodium or potassium hydroxide with the liberation of hydrogen : Zn -f 2NaOH = Zn(ONa )2 + Pure hydrogen may be obtained by heating potassium formate with potassium hydroxide: CHO^K -f- KOH =: K2CO3 -(- H2 ; for technical purposes by heating zinc or iron with calcium hydroxide (slaked lime) in a combustion tube : Zn -(- Ca02H2 = ZnO -j- CaO -f- Hj, or with coal (anthracite) : 2Ca02ll2 + c = CaCOg + CaO -f- 2H2. 4 42 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. A very important method for tlie i)rei)aration of hydrogen consists in decomposing certain arpieons solutions by means (jf tlie electric current. This decom])osition usually proceeds as if the water liroke down into its constituents : 2H./ ) — 2I I2 -|- 0 . 2 . The hydrogen ajipears at the negative pole. The electrolysis of such solutions will be discussed exhaustively later. Purifying atuf D)yjng of Gases. — To free gases of the substances mechanically carried along during their disengagement, it is best to conduct them through variously constructed wash-bottles, filled with water or liipiids, which will absorb the impurities. Ordinarily the so-called WoullT bottles are employed (compare Figs. 31 and 35). 'J’he open tube, placed in the middle tubulure, is called the safety tube. It serves to equalize the inner pressure with that of the external atmos- phere. Wash-bottles of various construction will be represented in the several sketches. Gases liberated from an aqueous liquid are always moist, as they contain aqueous vapor. To remove this conduct them through vessels or tubes filled with hygro- scopic substances (see Fig. 30). Calcium chloride, burnt lime, sulphuric acid, etc., are used for this purjjose. Apparatus for the Gene?-ation and Col- lection of Gases. — In the ap])aratus pictured in Fig. 23, the liberation of hydrogen con- tinues uninterruptedly as long as zinc and sulphuric acid are present. To control the generation of the gas we have recourse to different forms of apparatus. One of the most practicable of these is that of Kipp. It consists of two glass spheres, d and Fig. 24, in the upper opening of w'hich there is a third sphere, c, fitting air-tight and provided with an elongated tube. It serves as a funnel. Granulated zinc is placed in the middle sphere through the tubulure y this means Cailletei and Pictet ( 1 877) succeeded in condensing nearly all the ptr- manent gases. Pictet })ursued the method of Paraday, who had con- densed various gases in sealed tubes (see Condensation of Cddorine, p. 51). 'J'he gases were generated in a powerful iron retort (oxygen from potas- sium chlorate ; hydrogen from sodium formate) by the ai)plication of heat. They were then com])ressed under their own jjressure in a coi)per tube attached to the retort. Solid carbon dioxide surrounded the tube, and by its evaporation under the air i)ump its temperature was reduced to — 140°. On opening the stoi)-cock of the coi)per tube, the liquefied gas escaped in a stream which rajiidly evaporated. Cailletet employed a capillary glass tube, provided with a reservoir and a pressure ])ump. d’he strongly conqiressed gas was cooled by opening a stoj^-cock and [ler- mitting it to expand suddenly. In its exj^ansion and in overcoming the external pressure it i)erforms work and there follows an absorj)tion of an ai)})reciable quantity of heat, which is taken from the gas. This causes a partial liquefaction of the gas in the form of a dense cloud, or in small drops. With these facts as a basis Wroblewsky, Olszewsky, and more especially Dewar, Linde, and Ramsay have succeeded in condensing and retaining all gases in liquid form ; indeed most of them have been solidified. Usually Cailletet’s method has been pursued, care be taken to thoroughly cool the gas before the sudden decrease in pressure occurs (see Hydrogen and Air). Pictet’s suggestion to strongly chill a greatly condensed gas has proved satisfactory for the condensation of several permanent gases to liquid form. Carbon dioxide, liquid ethylene, liquid oxygen, and nitrogen, which vaporize at slight pressure, have also been employed to produce the reduction in temperature. With a pressure of 10 mm. the temperature of liquid ethylene is reduced to — 150°, liquid oxygen at 9 mm. to — 211°, and liquid nitrogen to — 225°. Lower temperatures than these, about — 250°, are only attainable by the evaporation of liquid hydrogen. Liquefied gases can be preserved quite well in Dewar bulbs : open, double-walled glass vessels, the intermediate space of which is a vacuum and the inner wall coated on its exterior with a thin layer of mercury. The conduction and radiation of heat are thus reduced to a minimum. The critical temperatures (T) and critical pressures in atmospheres (P) of the gases condensed with difficulty are as follows: Carl)on Dioxide, CO^, I'khylene, C.^lf,, . . . . Nitric Oxide, NO, . . . Marsh Oas, ClI^, . . . Oxygen, O.^, . . . C’arhon Monoxide, CO, . Nitrogen, N.„ Hydrogen, 11^, . . . . Air, T P + 31° 77 atmos. + 10° 51 “ - 93 ° 71 “ — 82° 55 “ — 118° 50 “ —140° 35 “ — 146° 35 “ — 220° 15 “ — 140° 39 “ Low temiieratiires are ascertained by means of a hydrogen or helium HALOGEN GROUP— CHLORINE. 49 thermometer, a thermo-electric element composed of copper and German silver, or a platinum resistance thermometer. The critical temperature, pressure and volume can be determined not only experiment- ally, but also may be deduced from the variations of the gases from the laws of Boyle and Gay-Lussac, by a theory developed by van der Waals (1873) (compare Air : measurement of gases). Students of chemistry desiring more detailed information on this subject are directed to the works of Ostwald : Grundriss der allgemeinen Chemie, 2 Aufl. 1890, and Lothar Meyer : Chemical Theories, 1893, and also Ostwald’ s Lehrbuch, vol. I, 289 (1891). ,, ■ ' ' ■ "’halogen group. Chlorine, bromine, iodine, and fluorine constitute this group. These elements show a similar chemical deportment. They are termed halogens or salt producers, because by their direct union with the metals salt-like derivatives result. Chlorine, bromine, and iodine will be discussed first because of their great importance. 1 . CHLORINE. Atom ; Cl = 35.45. Molecule : CL = 70.90. It does not occur free in nature. As it acts very energetically upon most bodies containing hydrogen, especially those of an organic nature, to form new derivatives with them or with their constituents, chlorine can only be obtained free in the transitional state. Its most important deriv- ative is sodium chloride, or rock salt, which is composed of chlorine and sodium. The Swedish chemist, Scheele, discovered chlorine in 1774. It was regarded as a compound body, until its elementary character was established by Gay-Lussac and Thenard in France (1809), and by Davy in England (1810). Preparation . — To obtain free chlorine, heat a mixture of black oxide of manganese (MnOa) and hydrochloric acid in a flask (Fig. 31), pro- vided with a so-called Welter safety-tube to equalize the gas pressure. The escaping gaseous chlorine is washed and freed from acid that is carried along mechanically by passing it through water in a three-necked Woulff bottle, and then collecting it over water. The reaction which occurs above is indicated in the following equation : MnO^ 4 - 4 HCI = MnCh + 21120 -f Clj. The manganous chloride formed dissolves in the water. At low temperatures the peroxide dissolves in the hydrochloric acid without the evolution of chlorine, the solution being brown in color : Mn02 + 4IICI = MnCq + 2II2O. Chlorine is expelled on the aj)plication of heat : MnCb = MnCl2 -f Cl^. 50 INOKflANFC CHEMISIRV. The evolution of tlie chlorine proceeds more regularly if a mixture of manganese oxide, sodium chloride, and suliduiric acid is employed. The hydrochloric acid is formed from the last two (together with sodium acid sul- phate) : NaCl f II, SO, zzzz IICl + NallSO,, and then acts upon the manganese peroxide. It is advisable to use 5 parts of manga- nese peroxide (90 j^er cent. ), ll parts of sodium chloride, atid 14 parts of concentrated sulphuric acid diluted with 7.5 parts of water [Klason, l>er. 23 (1890), 330]. 'File second method is more advantageous for laboratory jnirposes ; the first (action of hydrochloric acid upon manganese dioxide), however, is jireferred in jiractice, as it is cheaper. d'he resulting manganous chloride (MnCl,) is converted by the proctss of Weldon into manganese peroxide (see this). Other technical methods for the preparation of chlorine are based upon the liberation of chlorine from hydrochloric acid or metallic chlorides (particularly calcium chloride and magnesium chloride) by the oxygen of the air at elevated temperatures. Ily-products of Fig. 31. the soda industry, mother liquors of sea salt and tailings from the .Stassfurth mines, all of which contain chlorine, are utilized in this way. 1. Deacon- JIurte)' Process: Hydrochloric acid mixed with air is conducted over jiorous substances saturated with copper chloride or sulphate and heated to 370-400°. 2. Weldo)i- Pechiney Process : Magnesium chloride or oxychloride is heated to 1000° in an air current : MgCl, | O = MgO -|- Cl, ; the magnesia is reconverted into chlo- ride by solution in hydrochloric acid. 3. Solvay Process: Calcium chloride or magnesium chloride, mixed with silica or clay, is heated in an air current: CaCl, + SiO, I O =CaOSiO., 4- Cl.,. 4. Pcychlcr-de Wilde Mel hod : A mixture of magnesium chloride, manganous chlo- ride and sulphate is exposed to air heated to about 520° until tlie evolution of chlorine ceases, when it is restored by hydrochloric acid to its original condition and chlorine again liberated. t;. Mond Method : Ammonium chloride vapor is allowed to act upon magne.sium oxide or olliei' metallic oxides .and the ])roducts are ammonia and metallic chlorides, 'file latter aie heated to a high tempc'iatuie in air when chlorine and oxiiles result. CHLORINE. 51 The electrolytic decomposition of salt solutions is especially important ; indeed it is likely to supplant the other technical i)rocesses in the near future. The current decomi)oses sodium chloride (and other metallic chlorides) into its components, so that chlorine separates at the positive and sodium at the negative pole. The sodium at once acts upon water forming sodium hydroxide and hydrogen. This universally important process will be again referred to in connection with soda, potassium chlo- rate and bleaching lime.* An excellent laboratory method for the preparation of chlorine con- sists in allowing dilute hydrochloric acid to act upon bleaching lime (see this). The latter is previously mixed with burnt gypsum ()^ part), and a little water added, when the mass can be formed into cubes or stout sticks which are introduced into a Kipp generator (p. 42). Very pure chlorine may be obtained by digesting potassium bichro- mate with concentrated hydrochloric acid : KaCr^O^ + 14HCI = Cr2Cl6 + 2KCI -f 7H2O + 3CI2. As chlorine dissolves readily in cold water it is advisable to collect it over warm water. It cannot be collected over mercury, as it readily combines with the latter. When perfectly dry chlorine is sought, conduct the liberated gas through Woulff bottles containing con- centrated sulphuric acid, to absorb the moisture, then collect in an empty upright flask. As chlorine is so much heavier than air it will displace the latter. Physical Properties. — Chlorine is a yellowish-green gas- (hence its name irom yXwpoq), with a penetrating, suffocating odor. Its specific gravity compared with oxygen (02 = 32) is 70.9 ; with air (— i) it is 2.45. A liter of chlo- rine at 0° and 760 mm. pressure at the sea- level in the latitude of 45° weighs 3.167 grams. At 15° C., and a pressure of 57 at- mospheres (at — 40° C., under the ordinary pressure) it condenses to a yellow liquid, boiling at — 33 6°. By pressure and cold, liquid chlorine has been made applicable in technical operations (see Knietsch, Ann. Chem. 259 (1890), 100). The specific gravity of liquid chlorine at its boiling point is 1.5575. At very low tempera- tures it solidifies to a yellow crystalline mass, which remelts at — 102°. The critical temperature of chlorine is 146°, and its critical pressure 93.5 atmospheres. It may be condensed in the following manner as demon- strated by Faraday: Take a bent glass tube (Fig. 32), introduce into the leg closed at one end crystals of chlorine hydrate (-CI2 + SHjO, see p. 52), then seal the o])en end. The limb containing the comi)ound is Fig. 32. ■^‘Compare N. Caro, Dar.stellung von Cblor unci Salzsaure, Tlerlin, 1893; also L. Mond, flesdiichtliclier Ue])erblick der verscbiedenen Arten der Cldordarstelliing, Cliem- iker-Zeitung, 1896, 928, and R. Masenclever, Die Entwickelung der Sodafabrikation, Ber. 29 (1896), III, 2861. 52 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. placed in a water-bath; the other is cooled in snow. Uj)on heating the water a little above 30° the chlorine hydrate is decomposed into water and chlorine gas, which condenses to a liquid in the cooled limb. On reversing the position of the limbs and cooling the one previously warmed, the chlorine distils back and is reabsorbed by the water. Ohar- coal saturated with chlorine may be substituted for the chlorine hydrate. One volume of charcoal takes up 200 volumes of chlorine, which are disengaged again on heating. One volume of water, at 20° C., absorbs 2 volumes of chlorine; at 10° C., 2.5 volumes. The aqueous solution is known as chlorine water {aqua chlorata), and possesses almost all the ])roperties of the free gas; it is therefore frequently employed for laboratory uses as a substitute for chlorine. Recent investigations show that chlorine water, by virtue of the action of the chlorine upon water, contains hydrochloric and hypochlorous acids, which in turn react upon one another with the production of chlorine and water, so that in accordance with the strength of the chlorine water and external prevailing conditions equilibrium occurs among these four substances (p. 29). This may be expressed as follows : Cb + H-P HCl + HCIO. The yellow, scale-like crystals of chlorine hydrate (Cb -j- 8H2O) sepa- rate when water saturated with the gas is cooled below 0°. This com- pound is regarded as one of chlorine with water. At ordinary tempera- tures it decomposes into water and chlorine. Chemical Properties . — When thin sheet copper (false gold leaf), or, better, pulverized antimony or arsenic, is thrown into a vessel filled with dry chlorine, it will burn with a bright light; a piece of phosphorus will also inflame in an atmosphere of the gas. Perfectly dry chlorine does not manifest this energetic combination-tendency. Chlorine unites just as energetically with hydrogen. A mixture of equal volumes of the gases obtained by the electrolysis of hydrochloric acid combines in direct sunlight with violent explosion. In diffused sun- light the action is only gradual ; in the dark it does not occur if perfectly dry gases are employed (Baker). The course of this reaction and the laws of the chemical action of light have been ably discussed in a series of celebrated papers by Bunsen and Roscoe [Pogg. Ann. d. Physik, Bd. 100, lOi, 108 (1857-1859)]. Chlorine also manifests great affinity for hydrogen derivatives, most of them being so decomposed by the chlorine that hydrogen is removed from them, and hydrochloric acid is formed. Thus water is decomposed, especially in sunlight, by chlorine into hydro- chloric acid and oxygen : 11,0 + CI2 2HCI + O. If a glass cylinder be filled with and inverted over chlorine water and exj)osed to direct sunlight, a gas will be evolved, and will collect in the ui)i)er |)ortion of the vessel ; this isoxygen. In diffused light the decom- position will not be so rapid ; it is hastened by heat. Chlorine oxygen acids, IK'IO, IICK)., fsec above), are also jiroduced. Chlorine alters the hydrocarbons, in that it abstracts hydrogen. The BROMINE. 53 reaction is sometimes so violent that carbon is separated in a free condi- tion. A piece of tissue paper saturated with freshly distilled turpentine oil, and introduced into a dry chlorine atmosphere, is immediately car- bonized. An ignited wax taper immersed in chlorine burns with a smoky flame, with separation of carbon. The organic dyestuffs (containing carbon and hydrogen) are decolor- ized by moist chlorine gas. The same occurs with the dark-blue solutions of indigo and litmus ; colored flowers are rapidly bleached by it. On this princii)le depends the application of chlorine in bleaching, and the de- struction of decaying matter and miasmata in chlorine disinfection are dependent upon this reaction (see Bleaching Lime). The bleaching action of chlorine is mostly influenced by the presence of water. It probably depends on the oxidizing action of the oxygen liberated by the chlorine or upon the chlorine oxy-acids found when chlorine and water react (see p. 52). This property, free oxygen does not possess ; it does, however, very probably belong to that which is in the act of fonning, — of becoming free. We will learn, later, that many other elements, at the moment of their birth {in statu nascendi), act more energetically than when in the free condition. 2. BROMINE. Atom : Br = 79.96. Molecule : Br2 = 159.92. Bromine, the perfect analogue of chlorine, was discovered by Balard, in 1826. It is not found free in nature for the same reasons which were given under chlorine. It occurs in sea-water as sodium bromide, accompanied by sodium chloride, but in much smaller quantity than the latter (especially in the water of the Dead Sea), and in many salt springs, as at Kreuznach and in Hall. When sea-water or other salt water is evaporated, sodium chloride first separates; in the mother liquor, among other soluble salts, are found sodium and magnesium bromides. Bromine is found in greatest abundance in the upper layers of the rock-salt deposits of Stassfurth, near Magdeburg, where it exists in the form of bromides together with other salts. At present, large quantities of bromine are obtained in America. The method of its preparation is similar to that employed under chlorine. A mixture of manganese dioxide and sodium bromide is warmed with sulphuric acid : MnOg + 2NaBr -f 2H2SO^ = MnS04 -|- Na^SO^ -|- Br2 -f 2H2O. The bromine condenses in the well-cooled receivers. When free chlo- rine is conducted into an aqueous solution of sodium bromide, bromine separates. This is the method adopted at Stassfurth and in America in preparing bromine from the magnesium bromide saline liquors : MgBr2 -f CI 2 = MgCb -f Br2. Bromine is a heavy, reddish-brown liquid, with an exceedingly pene- trating, chlorine-like odor (hence the name Bromine, from [ipcbij.oc;, stench). When bromine is strongly cooled it solidifies to a dark-brown mass, of delicate needles with a slightly black metallic luster, which remelt at — 7.3°. Liquid bromine at 0° has the sjiecific gravity 3. 18 (water = i) ; it is very volatile, forming dark-brown vapors at the ordinary tempera- 54 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. lure, and boils at about 6o°, clianging at the same time into a dark brown-red va^xir. Its density eijiials 159.9 (oxygen 32), (jr 5.52 (air = 1). One part of bromine dissolves in about 35 ])arts of water of medium temjierature; it is therefore more soluble in water than chlorine. Cooled below 4° C., the hydrate ( I Ir.^ -f roll./)) crystallizes out: this is analogous to the chlorine hydrate. It is decomi)osed at 6.2°. J>romine dissolves with ease in alcohol, and esi)ecially in ether, chloroform and bisulphide. Chemically, bromine is extremely like chlorine, combining directly with most metals to form bromides; but it possesses a weaker affinity than chlorine, and is liberated by the latter from its compounds. With hydrogen it only combines on warming, not in sunlight. Ujion hydro- carbons it acts like chlorine, withdrawing hydrogen from them, llromine water gives starch-paste an orange color. Solid bromine is a mixture of licpiid bromine with silicious earth. It occurs in trade pressed into cubes or sticks and is used for disinfecting purposes. Bromine and its salts are api)lied in medicine, in photography and in the manufacture of aniline colors. 3. IODINE. . \ Atom : I = 126.85. Molecule : I2 = 253.70. Iodine, as well as bromine, occurs in combination with sodium, in sea- water and some mineral springs, especially at Hall, in Austria, and the Adelheit spring in Bavaria. In these springs the iodine can easily be de- tected ; in sea-water it is, however, only present in such minute quantity that its separation, practically, is disadvantageous. Sea algae absorb iodine compounds from the water, and these are then thrown by the tide on various coasts, where they are burned, yielding an ash (known as kelp in Scotland, as varec in Normandy) which is the jirincipal source for the manufacture of iodine. It was in this ash that the element was accidentally discovered l)y Courtois in 1811; in 1813, it was investigated by Davy and Gay- Lussac, and its elementary character established. To obtain the iodine, the ash is treated with water, the solution concentrated, and separated from the chlorides of sodium and potassium which have crystallized out, the final liquors, in which the readily soluble iodides have accumulated, being then distilled with manganese dioxide and sulphuric acid. Iodine, therefore, is set free from its compounds in the same manner as chlorine and bromine. It is more convenient, however, to pass chlorine (or better, nitrous acid) through a solution of the iodides, when all the iodine will separate : KI 4- Cl KCl 4- 1 , or the iodide solution is digested with ferric chloride, when the latter is reduced to ferrous chloride : Nal 1- FeCly =1 -- 1 + NaCl |- FeCl.,. The grayish-black jiowder thus liberated is collected on a filter, dried, and then sublimed. IODINE. 55 In recent years the greatest quantities of iodine have ])een obtained from the mother liquors of crude Chile saltpeter (NaNO;,). The iodine is present in this salt as sodium iodate (NalOa), from which it is set free by nitrous or sulphurous acid : aNalOg + SH.SOg = 2I -f 2NaHS04 + SH.SO^ + Hp. An interesting occurrence of iodine is that observed by Baumann in 1895 thyroid (thyroidea, from Oopeoq, shield, and e'ldof;, form) gland, the active constituent of which, containing 9 per cent, of iodine, is mixed with milk-sugar and sold in the markets under the name thyroidin. Iodine is a gray-black solid, subliming in large rhombic crystals, pos- sessing strong metallic luster. It has a peculiar odor, reminding one somewhat of that of chlorine; it stains the skin brown, and is corrosive, although not as strongly so as bromine. Its specific gravity is 4.95 at 15°. It fuses at 114° to a dark-brown liquid, and boils near 184.3°, passing at the same time into a dark-violet vapor (hence the name Iodine, suggested by Gay-Lussac, from loetdrjq, violet-like). The vapor density of iodine equals 8.7 up to 600° C. (air= i) or 254 (O2— 32), cor- responding to the molecular weight I2 = 253.7. Above 600° the vapor density gradually diminishes, and at about 1500° it is only half the original. This is explained by the gradual decomposition (see Dissociation of Water) of the normal diatomic molecule L into the free atoms I T I. In like manner the bromine molecules Br2 suffer a separation into the free atoms. The dissociation of bromine vapor (diluted with ii volumes of nitro- gen) commences at about 1000° and is complete at 1600°. The vapor density of chlorine is still normal at 1200°, and it is only at 1400° that it sustains a slight diminution. Oxy- gen and nitrogen on the contrary show no alteration in their vapor density even at 1690° (C. Danger and V. Meyer). Iodine is very slightly soluble in water (i : 3600), more readily in alcohol (^Tinctura iodi'), very easily in aqueous potassium iodide, in ether, in chloroform and in carbon bisulphide (10 c.c. of the latter will dissolve 1.85 grams of iodine at 18°), the last two assuming a deep red-violet color in consequence. It affords a particularly beautiful crystallization, consist- ing of forms of the rhombic system, when it separates from a solution of glacial acetic acid. In chemical deportment iodine closely resembles bromine and chlorine ; it possesses, however, weaker affinities and for this reason is liberated from its compounds by those elements. With the metals it usually combines only when warmed ; with hydrogen it does not combine directly, and it does not remove it from its carbon compounds. The deep-blue color it imparts to starch is characteristic of iodine. On adding starch-])aste to the solution of an iodide, and following this with a few drops of chlorine water, the paste will immediately be colored a dark blue by the separated iodine. This reaction serves to detect the smallest quantity of it. Iodine is largely employed in medicine, photography, and in the preparation of aniline colors. 56 INORGANIC CHKMIS'IKY. 4. FLUORINE. Atom ; r'l = 19. Molecule : l''l2 = 38. Fluorine has such great affinity for nearly all substances, that des])ite numerous efforts it has only recently been possible to obtain it in a free condition. It was Moissan (1886) who electrolyzed anhydrous, strongly chilled hydrofluoric acid to which some sodium lluoride had been added, and obtained fluorine as a slightly greenish-yellow colored gas. The de- composing vessel was a j)latinum tube with sto])pers of fluorspar. 'J'he ])ositive pole, at which the fluorine ai)peared, consisted of an alloy of platinum and iridium. Dewar and Moissan have very recently succeeded in liquefying fluorine at — 187° by the use of boiling oxygen as the refrig- erating substance. Under these conditions it loses its chemical activity almost completely, does not attack glass, iodine, sulphur, or metals. It is only the affinity for hydrogen which remains; at least benzene is entirely decomposed with production of flame by fluorine. Fluorspar (CaFla) is the most important fluorine derivative. It is most frequently employed in the preparation of other fluorine compounds. Fluorine combines with hydrogen, iodine, sulphur, silicon, boron, pow- dered arsenic and antimony, finely divided iron and manganese even in the dark ; organic substances, like oil of turpentine, alcohol and cork burn in the gas. The metals, with the exception of gold and platinum, are energetically attacked by fluorine. The latter decomposes water with the production of hydrofluoric acid and ozonized oxygen, and liberates chlorine, bromine and iodine from their metallic derivatives. The density of fluorine referred to hydrogen equals 1.32 (1.26 found). These four elements, fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine, exhibit gradual differences in their properties; and, what is remarkable, this gra- dation stands in direct relation to the specific gravity of the elements in the state of gas or vapor. FI Cl Br I Specific gravity, 19 35-45 79 - 9^ 126.85 A simultaneous condensation of matter occurs with the increase of spe- cific gravity. This expresses itself in the diminished volatility. Fluorine is a gas down to — 187° ; chlorine can readily be condensed to a liquid ; bromide is a liquid at ordinary temperatures, and iodine is a solid. Other ])hysical properties, as seen in the following table, are also in accord with the preceding: Fluorine. Chlorine. Bromine. Iodine. Fusing point, — 102° — 72° 4 114° Foiling ]X)inl, -187° (?) - 33° + 60° 4184° Specific gravity in licpiid .... 1. 14 1.47 3.18 or .solid condition, .... 4-95 Color, Green - yel- low Yellow- green Frown Flack- violet HYDROGEN CHLORIDE. 57 Just such a gradation, as we have seen, is observed in the chenaical affinities of these four elements for the metals and hydrogen ; fluorine is the most energetic, iodine the least. Iodine is therefore separated from its soluble metallic and hydrogen compounds by the other three, bromine by chlorine and fluorine, and chlorine by fluorine (p. 56). We shall dis- cover, later, that the halogens are displaced in exactly the reverse order of their oxygen compounds ; that iodine has the greatest and chlorine the feeblest affinity for oxygen. Oxygen derivatives of fluorine are not known. COMPOUNDS OF THE HALOGENS WITH HYDROGEN. The halogens form gaseous acids, readily soluble in water, with hydro- gen : the halogen hydrides or haloid acids. But one such compound is known for each halogen. 1. HYDROGEN CHLORIDE. HCl = 3646. The direct union of chlorine with hydrogen takes place through the agency of heat, and by the action of direct sunlight or other chemically active rays (magnesium light ) ; in diffused light the action is only gradual, and does not occur at all in the dark. When both gases are perfectly dry they do not react in direct sunlight. On introducing a flame of hydrogen ignited in the air into a cylinder filled with chlorine it will continue to burn in the latter with the production of hydrogen chloride. The opposite, the combustion of chlorine in an atmosphere of hydrogen, may be shown easily by the following experiment : An inverted cylinder is filled with hydrogen by displacement, the gas is ignited at the mouth, and a tube immediately introduced which will con- duct dry chlorine into the cylinder. The burning hydrogen will inflame the chlorine, which will continue to burn in the former. From these experiments, we perceive that combustion is a phenomenon which ac- companies a chemical change ; in this instance the union of hydrogen with chlorine; if hydrogen is combustible in chlorine (or air), so, inversely, is chlorine (or air) combustible in hydrogen for the same reason. By the term combustion, in chemistry, is understood every chemical union of a body with a gas, which is accompanied by the phe- nomenon of light. A mixture of ecjual volumes of chlorine and hydrogen is called chlor- detonating gas ; it explodes with very great violence under the conditions given above for the union of the gases. The product is gaseous hydrogen chloride. The formation of the latter compound succeeds best by allowing sul- 58 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. l)hiiric acid to act upon sodium chloride when solid sodium bisulphate and hydrogen chloride gas will result : NaCl + 1 1 , SO, -r NallSO, + IICl. Pour over 5 parts sodium cliloride, 9 })arts of concentrated sulphuric acid, diluted with water (2 parts), and gently warm the tlask on a sand-bath (Fig. 33). 'I'he escaping hydrogen chloride is conducted through a Woulff bottle containing .sulphuric acid or through the cylinder ll ((died with pumice-stone saturated with sul[)huric acid), intended to free it from all moisture, and atlerward collected over mercury in the cylinder C. At a red heat, the acid sodium sulphate reacts anew upon the sodium chloride with the formation of neutral sodium sulphate and hydrochloric acid: NallSO, -f NaCl = IICl -f Na,SO,. These are the reactions by which hydrochloric acid, in the preparation of sodium sulphate by the Le Blanc soda process, is technically made. As this method, however, is being Fig. 33. replaced by the electrolytic method, in which not hydrochloric acid, but chlorine is evolved, it seems very important that the latter should be converted by some convenient procedure into hydrochloric acid, always of the greatest importance technically. Lorenz contends that this may be accomplished by conducting the chlorine together with steam over ignited coke, when the chief products will be hydrochloric acid and carbon dioxide (CO.^) : 2CI, -f 2ll,0 -(- C == 4HCI -f CO.,. [Comj)are Per. 30 (1897), l, 347]. 'I’lu! suggestion of Davy to allow .sulphuric acid to act upon pieces of ammonium chloride will give a regular current of hydrogen chloride: Nil, Cl + II.,SO,, = (NII,)IISO, f IICl. A Norblad generator as modilied by Kreussler (Fig. 34) answers well for this purpose. HYDROGEN CHLORIDE. 59 Physical Properties . — Hydrogen chloride is a colorless gas, with a suffocating odor. In moist air it forms dense clouds as it combines with the aqueous vai)or to form hydrochloric acid. Its critical temperature is about -1-52.3°, and the critical pressure 86 atmospheres, /. e., for its con- densation at the tenqjerature just given it requires a pressure of 86 atmos- pheres. There is no i^ressure which will condense it above this temperature. Liquid hydrogen chloride is colorless, has a specific gravity at 15° of o 83, and freezes at — 115-7° to a white crystalline mass, which begins to melt at — 112.5°. boils at — 80.3° under the ordinary pressure. The specific gravity (density) of the gas is 36.46 (O2 = 32), or 1.26 (air= i). One liter of it weighs 1.6285 grams at 0°, 760 mm. pressure, in latitude 45° and at sea-level. Hydrogen chloride possesses an acid taste, and colors in the presence of water blue litmus-paper red ; it is, therefore, an acid, and has received the name hydro- chloric acid gas. It dissolves very readily in water, and on that account cannot be collected over it. One volume of water at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure dissolves 505 volumes, and at ordinary temperatures about 450 volumes of the gas. At higher pressure water dissolves more hydrochloric acid, and at low pressures less (compare Carbon Dioxide, and also Solutions). This great solu- bility is very nicely illustrated by filling a long glass cylinder with the gas and then just dipping its open end into water ; the latter rushes up into the vessel rapidly (as into a vacuum), as it quickly absorbs the gas. The aque- ous solution of hydrogen chloride is commonly known as muriatic or hydrochloric acid (^Acidiim hydrochIo 7 'icu 7 )i). For its prep- aration the gas is passed through a series of Woulff bottles (Fig. 35) con- taining water. The small bottle B, in which there is but little water, serves to wash the gas — free it of any mechanically admixed sulphuric acid. The same apparatus may be employed in the manufacture of chlor- ine water, and is generally used in the saturation of liquids with gases. A solution saturated at 15° C., contains about 42.9 per cent, hydrogen chloride, has a specific gravity of 1.212, and fumes in the air. On the a])plication of heat, the gas again escapes, and the temperature of the liquid rises to 110° C., when a liquid distils over, containing 20.24 ])ei- cent, of hydrogen chloride, having a specific gravity of 1. 104 and corre sponds a])proximately to the formula HCl -f- 8H.2O. The composition of the distillate varies somewhat with the pressure. A dilute acid, upon distillation, loses water, until finally that boiling at 110° C. ])asses over. On conducting hydrogen chloride into concentrated hydrochloric acid cooled to — 22°, crystals of the formula HCl -f 2H.2O separate; these fuse at — 18° and then decompose. Hydrochloric acid finds an extensive industrial application, and is obtained in large quantities, as a by-product, in the soda manufacture (Le Blanc process). Fig. 34. 6o INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. CJiemical Properiies of Jlydroi^cn Chloride. — Acids — Bases — Salts . — Hydrogen chloride is a very stable compound ; it is only l)eyond 1500'’ that it sustains a partial decomposition (see Dissociation of Water). Its com])Osition is readily established fpiantitatively in the following way : Pass hydrochloric acid gas over a piece of sodium or iiotassium heated in a glass tube, and hydrogen will escaiie from the latter: 2Na -f- 21101 — 2NaCl -f- Il'i- If, on the other hand, manganese ])eroxide be heated in it, chlorine will be disengaged : MnO.^ -[- 41101 = IVInOlj -f 2H2()-}-Ol2. If the electric current be allowed to act upon an a(pieous solution of hydrochloric acid the latter will be decomposed so that chlorine se])arates at the electro-positive and hydrogen at the electro-negative j)ole (j). 77). Hydrogen chloride, as well as its solution, possesses all the properties of acids, and can well figure as a prototype of these; it tastes intensely sour, reddens blue litmus-pa})er, and saturates the bases (oxides and hydrox- ides, i. e., which bodies impart a blue color to red litmus-paper) form- ing chlorides. There are some bases, the alkalies and alkaline earths, which are soluble in water. These solutions react basic, alkaline, i. e., red litmus is colored blue by them. If we add hydrochloric acid to a solution of a base, e. sodium hydroxide, until the reaction is neutral, we will obtain (besides water) a neutral compound — sodium chloride, which remains in a crystalline form when the solution is evaporated: NaOir I IICI NaCI 1 II 2 O. Sodium Sodium hydroxide. chloride. HYDROGEN BROMIDE. 6l Hydrogen bromide, iodide and fluoride deport themselves similarly to hydrogen chloride. These halogen compounds of hydrogen are termed haloid acids, to distinguish them from those which, in addition to hydrogen, contain oxygen, hence called oxygen acids. The latter conduct themselves like the former, and saturate bases, forming salts and water : KOH + IINO3 ^ + H^O. Potassium Nitric Potassium Water, hydroxide, acid. nitrate. In the same manner the acids act upon the basic oxides, to form salt; and water : ZnO + 2HCI == ZnCL 4 - H^O. Zinc Zinc oxide. chloride. ZnO + 2HNO3 = ZnfNOg)^ + H^O. Zinc Zinc oxide. nitrate. Usually when acids act upon metals, the hydrogen of the former is directly displaced ; salts and free hydrogen are produced. Thus, by the action of hydrochloric acid upon sodium, its chloride and hydrogen result : HCl + Na = NaCl + H ; and when zinc and hydrochloric acid react, zinc chloride and water (see p. 41) : 2HCI + Zn = ZnCb + H2. From the examples cited it is manifest that acids are hydrogen com- pounds which yield salts, by the replacement of their hydrogen by metals (by the action of metallic oxides, hydroxides, and by the free metals). The metallic oxides and hydroxides like* sodium hydroxide, capable of forming water and salts by the saturation of acids, are called bases. Finally, by the term salts, we understand such compounds as are analogous to sodium chloride, and are formed by the mutual action of bases and acids with the exit of water. Salts are distinguished as haloid salts a.nd oxygen salts. The first have no oxygen, and arise in the direct union of the halogens with the metals: Na+ Cl =NaCl. Zn -j- CI2 = ZnCI^. 2. HYDROGEN BROMIDE. HBr = 80.97. Hydrogen bromide is perfectly similar to the corresponding chlorine compound. As there is but slight affinity between bromine and hydrogen their direct union will only occur at a red heat or in the presence of ])latinum sponge (see p. 46). Like hydrogen chloride, hydrogen bro- mide can be obtained by the action of some acids, e. g , phosphoric acid, upon bromides; concentrated sulphuric acid would not answer as the re- 62 INORHANIC CHEMIS'I’RY. suiting hydrogen bromide is apin i)artly decomposed by it. Ordinarily it is prepared by the action of phosi)horus tribromide upon water ; Vlh, + 3II/) ll3P()3 -p 3iip,r. PIiosi)li()nis I’hospliorous tribroniide. acid. Place water (i part) in a flask (Fig. 36), gradually admit through the funnel, supplied with a stop-cock, the licjuid j)h()S[)horus tribromide (3 parts), and warm gently, 'bhe escaping gas is collected over mercury or conducted into water. To free it perfectly from accom])anying ])hos- ])horus bromide vapors it is passed through water (the U-shai)ed tube in Fig. 36 contains pieces of pumice-stone or glass beads, which are moist- ened with water). Instead of employing prepared phosidiorus bromide, we may let bromine vapors act u[)on (red) phosphorus, d'hismay be done by ])ouring water (2 parts) over the phos- phorus ])laced in a flask; bromine ( 10 parts) is added gradually while cooling and heat is then applied. To free the hydrogen bro- mide gas from the bromitie carried along mechanically, conduct it through a tube containing glass wool and moist red phos- phorus. Claseous hydrobromic acid can also be prepared by allowing bromine to act upon crude anthracene. The resulting hydro- bromic acid gas is freed from the accom- panying bromine by pa.ssing it through a tube filled with anthracene. To obtain an aqueous solution of the gas, pour 15 parts of water over i part of red phosphorus, and then add bromine (10 parts) drop by drop. Finally the .solution is heated, filtered, and distilled. Bromides (sodium bromide, potassium bromide) yield hydrogen bromide by distillation with dilute Fig. 36. sulphuric acid in the presence of phosphorus. Hydrogen bromide is a colorless gas, fuming strongly in the air. Under great pressure it is condensed to a liquid, solidifying at — 120°, melting at — 87°, and boiling at — 73°. Its density is 80.97 (O^ = 32) or 2.79 (air = i). In water the gas is very readily soluble, its solution saturated at 0° having a siiecific gravity of 1.78, and containing 82 ]ier cent, of hydro- gen bromide. Its composition closely approximates the formula HBr -|- 1 1/) ; at 15° it contains 49.8 per cent, of acid and has the specific gravity 1.5 15. At 125° a solution distils over, containing 48.2 per cent, of hy- drogen bromide; its composition corresponds very nearly to the formula 1 1 l>r 5 1 ; its specific gravity is 1.49 at 14° C. On conducting hydrogen bromide into a solution of the same cooled to — 20°, crystals of the formula Hllr -|- 2ll./) separate and melt at — i Chemically, hydrogen bromide is the jierfect analogue of hydro- gen chloride ; it is, however, less stable, and suffers a partial decomposi- tion at 800° C. HYDROGEN IODIDE. 63 3. HYDROGEN IODIDE. HI = 127.86. The attraction of iodine for hydrogen i.s very slight. The two elements combine at higher temperatures, between 400 and 500°, very incom- pletely with one another, because at this point hydrogen iodide is partly resolved into its elements (see below). Their union is more complete if both elements, in the form of vapor, are conducted over heated platinum sponge. It cannot be obtained by acting upon iodides with sulphuric acid, because the resulting hydrogen iodide decomposes more easily than the bromide. It is formed, however, similarly to the latter, by acting on phosphorus iodide with water : PI3 + 3H,0 = H3PO3 + 3 HI. A more convenient procedure consists in adding 15 parts of iodine (to which lo parts of water have been added) gradually and while cooling to a mixture of one part of red phosphorus and four parts of water, and then gently heat the same ; or allow an emul- sion of red phosphorus (5 parts) with water (10 parts) to flow gradually and at first very slowly upon iodine (100 parts) moistened with water (lo parts) (Lothar Meyer, Ber. 20 (1887), 3381). Hydrogen iodide prepared in this way is invariably contaminated with phosphorus compounds. The pure gas can only be made by the method mentioned above : by conducting iodine vapor and hydrogen over heated platinum sponge. Water is then saturated with the escaping gas and on heating this fuming hydriodic acid a steady current of hydrogen iodide is easily obtained. It is dried by passing it over phosphorus pentoxide. (See Bodenstein, Zeit. f. phys. Ch. 13 (1894), 59.) Another method of obtaining aqueous hydrogen iodide consists in passing hydrogen sulphide into water to which finely pulverized iodine is added, as long as decolorization occurs : H^S + 12 = 2HI + S. Filter off the separated sulphur and distil the liquid. Dry iodine and dry hydrogen sulphide do not react upon one another. Hydrogen iodide is a colorless gas; it fumes strongly in the air; its density is 128 (02 = 32) or 4.4 (air= i). Under a pressure of 4 atmos- pheres (at 0°) it is condensed to a liquid which boils at — 34°-* It solidifies at lower temperatures and remelts at — 51°. It is easily soluble in water, i volume of the latter dissolving 450 volumes of the gas at 10°. The solution saturated at 0° C., has a specific gravity of i 99, and fumes strongly in the air. If the solution be heated hydrogen iodide is ex- pelled, the temperature rises and at 126° a solution of 1.70 specific gravity, containing 57 ])er cent, of hydrogen iodide, distils over. Its composi- tion corresponds closely to the formula HI 5H2O. Hydrogen iodide is a rather unstable compound. Its decomposition takes place at all temperatures at which it exists as a gas ; the speed of its disintegration increases rajiidly with the temperature. While only the two-thousandth part of the hydrogen iodide separates into hydrogen and iodine in ninety days at a temperature of 100°, almost one-fourth of it * Consult Estreicber, Zeit. f. phys. Cli., 20 ('1896), 605, upon the behavior of hydrogen chloride, bromide and iodide at low temperatures. 64 INORGANIC CHKMISTRV. will be decomposed in fifteen minutes at 518°, and tlie maximum decom- position for tins temperature will then have been attained (see Ibssoci- ation of Water). At high temperatures oxygen decomposes into water and iodine : 2lII -t- O^IbO + Ij. On bringing a flame near the mouth of a vessel containing a mixture of hydrogen iodide and oxygen, violet iodine vapors will be liberated. The same will be noticed when fuming nitric acid is drojijied into a vessel containing the gas; in this reaction the oxygen of the acid oxidizes the hydrogen and liberates iodine. The nitric acid breaks down into com- pounds containing less oxygen. All oxidizing bodies behave in the same way; the hydrogen iodide abstracts their oxygen and reduces The same fact is noticed with concentrated suliihuric acid when theattemjit is made to apply it in liberating hydrogen iodide from an iodide. The oxygen of the air gradually decomposes aqueous hydrogen iodide at the ordinary temperature, and es])ecially in sunlight. The solution, at first colorless, becomes brown, owing to seiiaration of iodine, which in the beginning dissolves; subsequently, however, it separates in beautiful crystals. At ordinary temperatures mercury and silver decompose hydrogen iodide, with separation of hydrogen: 2lIl4-2Ag = 2Agl4-H2. Chlorine and bromine liberate iodine from hydrogen iodide (see P- 54 )- This compound is employed as a powerful reducing agent in laboratory work. 4. HYDROGEN FLUORIDE. HFl = 20.01. It is obtained, like hydrogen chloride, by decomposing fluorides with sulphuric acid. Finely pulverized fluors-par (CaFb) is mixed with con- centrated sulphuric acid and heated gently : CaFb -f H.,S04 = CaSO^ + 2HFI. Calcium Calcium fluoride. sulphate. The oiieration is executed in a lead or platinum retort, as the hydrogen fluoride attacks glass and most of the metals. The esca])ing gas is con- ducted into water. To get perfectly anhydrous hydrogen fluoride, heat hydrogen ])otassium fluoride, which then decomposes according to the following equatifin : IIKFI, = KFl + 1 1 FI. Anhydrous hydrogen fluoride is a colorless, very mobile liquid, fuming strongly in the air, and attracting moisture with avidity; it boils at -{-19.4° (’., and has a specific gravity of 0.98 at 12°. To recondense llie gas it must be cooled to — 20°. Hydrogen fluoride solidifies at — 102.5° and rcmells at — 92.5°. HYDROGEN FLUORIDE. 65 The gas density of hydrogen flouride equals 20.01 (O,^ — 32) at 100°, corresponding to the molecular formula HFl. At 30°, however, it is twice as large, equaling 40. It fol- lows, therefore, that the molecules of the gas at the latter temperature correspond to the formula H2Fl2» consist of two chemical molecules of HFl (compare Arsenic Tri- oxide), The concentrated aqueous solution fumes in the air ; when heated, hydrogen fluoride escapes; the boiling temperature increases regularly and becomes constant at 120°, when a solution distils over, the specific gravity of which is 1.15, and its percentage of hydrogen fluoride is 35.3. 'The vapors as well as the solution are poisonous, extremely corrosive, and produce painful wounds upon the skin. Hydrofluoric acid dissolves all the metals, excepting lead, gold and platinum, to form fluorides. It decomposes all oxides, even the anhy- drides of boric and silicic acids, which it dissolves to form boron and silicon fluorides. Glass, a silicate, is also acted upon; hence the use of the acid for etching this substance (compare Silicon Fluoride). To do this, coat the glass with a thin layer of wax or paraffin, draw any figure upon it with a pin, and then expose it to the action of the gaseous or liquid hydrogen fluoride. The exposed portions appear etched ; gaseous hydrogen fluoride furnishes a dim, and liquid hydrogen fluoride a smooth, transparent etching. Vessels of lead, platinum, or caoutchouc are employed for the preser- vation of hydrofluoric acid, as they are not affected by it. These halogen derivatives of hydrogen show great resemblance to one another. At ordinary temperatures they form strongly smelling and fuming gases, which can be easily condensed to liquids. Their fuming in moist air is due to the fact that they are dissolved by the water vapor and the resulting solutions appear as a cloud consisting of very minute drops. Being readily soluble in water, they are only partly ex- pelled from their saturated solutions by boiling; solutions of definite composition distil over, but these cannot be regarded as definite chemical combinations of the halogen hydrides with water, because their com- position depends upon the pressure at which they are boiled (Roscoe). As acids they neutralize the bases and form haloid salts, which also re- sult by the direct union of the halogens with metals. The densities of the halogen hydrides exhibit a gradation similar to that of the densities of the halogens (p. 56) : HFl HCl HBr HI Densities, 20.01 36.46 80.97 127.86 The difference in chemical deportment corresponds to this gradation. Hydrogen fluoride is the most stable, and acts most energetically ; fluo- rine unites in the dark with hydrogen ; chlorine combines with it in sun- light, while bromine and iodine require higher temperatures for their com- bination with it. On the other hand, hydrogen iodide is decomposed at a gentle heat (180°), into its constituents; the more stable hydrogen bro- mide at 800°, while hydrogen chloride remains unaltered up to 1500° C. 66 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Corresponding to this we liave the very energetic action of fluorine, and the tolerably ready action of chlorine iii)on water, oxygen sej)arating at the same time : n/) -p Cl, ^ 2IICI -f O. Iodine does not act upon water. The opjjosite reaction occurs : oxygen decomi)oses hydrogen iodide into water and iodine: 2lII -f O = II/) + I,. Bromine occupies an intermediate position between chlorine and iodine; in dilute acpieous solution it decomposes water into hydrogen bromide and oxygen, while a concentrated solution of hydrogen bromide, on the contrary, is partly decomposed by oxygen into water and free bromine. From all theabove it is evident that the affinity of fluorine for hydrogen is the greatest; then follow chlorine and bromine, and finally, as the least energetic element, we have iodine (see j). 57). Fluorine holds an exceptional position with the other halogens in that its hydride is a liquid at the ordinary temperature, and many of its metallic derivatives show a solubility directly oiiposite to that of the metallic chlorides, bro- mides, and iodides. This will be discussed later. THERMO-CHEMICAL DEPORTMENT OF THE HALOGENS. The quantities of heat, disengaged or absorbed in chemical reactions, afford the most satisfactory explanations of the deportment of the halogens with hydrogen, and indeed of all the chemical elements and compounds toward one another. These heat changes are also called positive and negative thermal values (Jieat fnodulus') (see p. 30). The quantities of heat are estimated in heat units or calories. The quantity of heat required to raise one gram of water 1° C. from 15° (measured with an air-thermometer), is taken as the heat unit (small calorie), or a thousand times this quantity can be taken ; then it would be the quantity of heat needed to raise i kilogram of water from 15° to 16° (large calorie. Cal.). Large calories will be used in the following pages. (See further, Nernst, Theoretische Chemie, 2 Aufl. (1898), 10.) To obtain data that may be easily compared, the quantities of heat are referred to qtiantities in grams corresponding to the atomic or molecular weights of the elements entering into combination. Thus, in the union of 19 grams of fltiorine (FI 19) with i.oi grams of hydrogen (H = i.oi) to form 20.01 grams of hydrogen fluoride (HFl = 20.01), 37.6 Cal. are set free, and in the formation of 36.46 grams of hydrogen chloride (HCl = 36.46) from its elements 22.0 Cal. When 79.96 grams of bromine ( Br = 79.96) combine with i.oi grams of hydrogen to form hydrogen bromide 8.4 Cal. are developed, while in the formation of 127.86 grams of hydrogen iodide from solid iodine and hydrogen 6.0 Cal. are ab- sorbed, but with iodine vajior and hydrogen only 1.5 Cal. (4.5 Cal. being required for the vaporization of the given amount of iodine). THERMO-CHEMICAL DEPORTMENT OF THE HALOGENS. 67 This may be expressed according to the method of J. Thomsen, as follows : (H,F1) = -f37.6 Cal. ; (H,C1) == -f 22.0 Cal. ; (H,Br) = +8.4 Cal. ; (H,I)=-i.5Cal. The first three reactions, in which heat is liberated, are exotherDiic^ while the heat- absorbing combination of iodine with hydrogen represents an endother 77 iic reaction (see p. 30). The energy-content of hydrogen fluoride, chloride and bromide is less, and that of hydrogen iodide greater than^ that of their components. The quantity of heat disengaged in a combination must not be regarded as a measure of the chemical affinity. As the elements with few exceptions ; see argon, helium, mer- cury, and cadmium — do not exist as free atoms, but as molecules these require a definite quantity of heat to decompose them into atoms before they can enter into chemical reac- tion. This necessitates a definite amount of work (addition of energy). The union of chlorine with hydrogen proceeds according to the molecular equation (p. 76) : HH-f C1C1 = 2HC1 o The heat here disengaged (2 X 22.0 =r 44.0 Cal.) is the algebraic sum of the follow- ing unknown thermal values : (i) — x Cal., required for the decomposition of the hydro- gen molecule into free atoms ; (2) — y Cal., consumed in the decomposition of the chlorine molecule; (3) -fz Cal., liberated in the formation of hydrogen chloride from the free chlorine and hydrogen atoms ; hence z — x — y = 44.0, i. e . , the thermal value is deduced from the three unknown values. It is very probable that the union of the free atoms always occurs with heat-disengage- ment, and the heat-absorption, observed in many chemical changes, is to be credited to the decompositions to which attention has been directed. In the formation of hydrogen iodide, for example, the sum of — x and — y is very probably greater than z. The greater the heat developed in a reaction, the more energetically and the more readily will it occur, and in general, the resulting com- pounds will be the more stable (compare p. 65, Behavior of the Halogen Hydrides). The energetic reactions, those which are accompa- nied by very appreciable evolution of heat, must be viewed as transitions of systems from a state of comparative instability to one of greater per- manency. The opposite occurs if the chemical change only takes place upon the addition of external energy. The compound then produced passes very readily into the original and more stable system. In this sense the principle of greatest heat-development is true (p. 31). In this way it can be understood from the thermal values of the halogen hydrides why it is that iodine is displaced by the other halogens, bromine by chlorine and fluorine and chlorine by fluorine from their hydrides and their metallic derivatives — corresponding to the following thermo-chem- ical equations : HI + Cl =r HCl + I . . . (+28 Cal.) ( — 6.0) (22.0) IIBr-|-Cl=:HCl + Br . . . (-f 13.6 Cal.) (8.4) (22.0) HCl -f Fl= IIFl + Cl . . .(+15.6 Cal.) (22.0) (37.6) The thermo-chemical sign of a reaction is obtained by deducting from the heat of formation of the jjroducts that of those reacting. The reactions do not proceed wholly in the sense indicated. They are limited by accurately opposing forces. When bromine acts upon hydrochloric acid the transposition takes place, if even in a very slight degree, according to the equation Br -f- HCl = 68 INORCIANIC CHEMISTRY. IIBr -(- Cl. And it must therefore be assumed from tliis equation that when chlorine acts upon liydrol)romic acid a portion of the tnomine liberated will trans])ose itself with the hydrogen chloride which has been formed : the reaction reverses itself, is retrogres- sive. To what extent this hai)pens, to what degree of divisions these reactions, occurring simultaneously but proceeding in opposite directions, will go, depends uj)on the nature of the reacting bodies, the ratios of their quantities in unit volume, the temperature, the time, the pressure ; and finally a state of ecpiilibrium will be developed. 'I'lie retrogres- sive reaction very frecjiiently advances so slowly, conse(|uently amounts to so little, that it may ajjpear as if it actually did not occur at all. These facts demonstrate that Terthelot’s principle of the greatest heat development is not universally correct although it often indicates the direction in which a transhnniatioji occurs easily and completely. As an argument favoring this we have the different decorn- ])osability of the gaseous halogen hydrides by oxygen, taking into consideration, of course, the heat of formation of water. For acjueous vapor this is 57.2 Cal., while for the liquid it is 68.3 Cal. The union of i gram of hydrogen with 8 grams of oxygen is attended with a thermal value of — 28.6 Cal., which is greater than that of hydrogen chloride, bromide or iodide but less than that of hydrogen fluoride. Consequently, oxygen should displace chlorine, bromine and iodine but not fluorine from their re.spective hydrides, and this takes place the more readily the greater the difference in the heat of formation. In fact, we observed (p. 64) that when a flame, or some glowing substance, was brought in contact with a mixture of hydrogen iodide and oxygen, all the iodine was separated in the form of vapor, in accordance with the following equation : 2111 + O = H.p (vapor) H 2I . . . ( + 69.2 Cal.) Oxygen also liberates bromine from hydrogen bromide at a temperature of about 500° (neither hydrogen bromide nor water suffer di.ssociation at this temperature). Aqueous vapor is also produced. Hydrogen chloride, however, is only partially decomposed by oxygen even at higher temperatures. Phirther, in accordance with this idea, in a mixture of chlorine, hydrogen and oxygen, the hydrogen will first unite with chlorine and if any remain then with oxygen, although the heat of formation of water (H2,0) = 57.2 Cal. is greater than that of hydrogen chloride (Cl2,H2') =44.0 Cal. For a more exhaustive study of thermo-chemical relations the student is referred to H. Jahn’s Grundsatze der Thermochemie (2 Aufl. Wien, 1892), and also to the works of Ostwald and of Nernst (see pp. 49, 66). COMPOUNDS OF THE HALOGENS WITH ONE ANOTHER. These compounds, formed by the union of the halogens with one another, are very unstable, and it may be remarked here, that this is also true of most derivatives obtained from elements which are chemically similar. When chlorine is conducted over dry iodine, the latter being in excess, iodine monochloride results, and when the chlorine is in excess, iodine trichloride is formed. Iodine Monochloride — ICl — is a red crystalline mass, fusing at 24.7°, and distilling a little above 100°. Water decomposes it easily, with formation of iodic acid, iodine, atid hydrogen chlorid(;. If fused iodine chloride be allowed to .solidify .slowly at a low temperature { — I(j°) a modification, melting at -| 14°, is produced. The latter, however, reverts very readily, with heat evolution, to the higlier melting body. WEIGHT PROPORTIONS. 69 Iodine Trichloride — 10)3 — is formed upon mixing iodic acid with concentrated hydrochloric acid, and by the action of jdiospliorus pentachloride upon iodic anhydride. It crystallizes in long, yellow needles, and, when heated, suffers decomposition into iodine chloride and chlorine (at ordinary pressure, the dissociation commences at 25°). It dis- solves in a little water without alteration ; but large quantities cause partial decomposi- tion, with formation of iodic and hydrochloric acids. Iodine Bromide — IBr — obtained by the direct union of the elements, consists of iodine-like crystals, fusing at about 36°. Iodine Pentafluoride — IFl^ — is produced by the action of iodine upon silver fluoride, and forms a colorless, strongly fuming liquid. WEIGHT PROPORTIONS IN THE UNION OF THE ELEMENTS. ATOMIC HYPOTHESIS. CHOICE OF ATOMIC WEIGHTS. In the preceding pages several different and independent methods have been described for the preparation of each of the halogen hydrides. But it is immaterial which of these may be selected in making any of these compounds, for if the product be carefully purified and then analyzed the hydrogen and the halogen will always be present in a definite, unalterable proportion by weight. The percentage composition of the pure halogen hydrides will be found under all circumstances to be the following : H 5.05 H 2.77 H 1.25 H 0.79 FI 94.95 Cl 97.23 Br 98.75 I 99.21 HFl 100.00 IICl 106.00 IIBr 100.00 HI 100.00 A regularity exists here, which prevails in all chemical compounds. For it is not alone in the halogen hydrides, but without exception m every chemical combination that the constituents occur in definite unalter- able proportions by weight. This observation ascertained by experiment and based u])on facts has been called the law of definite or constant pro- portions. From the period in which the French chemist Louis Proust victoriously defended it against the attack of his countryman Claude Louis Berthollet, the great theorist, in a remarkable controversy waged from 1799-1807, down to the present no fact has been observed which contradicts the law. It will be advisable for later considerations that the quantities of the halogens be calculated from the numbers given above for the percentage composition of the haloid acids, which combine with a definite quantity by weight of hydrogen, the constituent common to these four compounds. For reasons to be discussed later hydrogen is no longer taken as unit, as has been done in the past, and it will be better, therefore, to compare the quantities by weight of the elements with one another, which are capable of uniting with i.oi ])arts by weight of hydrogen. In this manner we arrive at the following numbers: II I.OI II I.OI II I.OI II I.OI FI 19. Cl 35.45 Br 79.96 I 126.85 IICl 36.46 IIBr 80.97 III 127.86 1 1 FI 20.01 70 INORGANIC CUKMISTRY. This simple recalciilalion arfords a dearer insiglit into the ratios by weight according to whicli the halogens unite with hydrogen. We thus discover that 19 parts of lluorine, 35.45 parts of chlorine, 79.96 jarts of bromine, and 126.85 P-'ii'ts of iodine, inasmuch as they are capable of uniting with i oi parts of hydrogen, are eipial or e(pii valent to one another. These numbers answer not only for the derivatives of the halo- gens with hydrogen, but we find them in the compounds of the halogens with one another, and in their derivatives with other elements, 'rims in iodine monochloride the chlorine and iodine are present in proportions by weight 35.45 : 1 26.85 iodine monobromide the ratio of bromine and iodine is 79.96: 126.85. grams of sodium be converted into fluoride, chloride, bromide, and iodide the (quantities of the halogens required for this purpose will again be in the ratio of 19 : 35.45 : 79.96: 126.85. same occurs if we substitute potassium, calcium, magne- sium, zinc, silver, etc., for sodium. Thus 19 q)arts by weight of fluorine combine with the following weights of the metals: 23.05 i)arts sodium, 39.15 quarts potassium, 32.7 quarts zinc, 31.8 quarts copper, 100. 15 q^iarts mer- cury, — and 35.45 parts chlorine, 79.96 q)arts bromine, and 126.85 iodine combine with exactly the same quantities by weight of these metals. Let us take another example. On bringing copper into a solution of a mercuric salt the former dissolves, while mercury seq)arates out; indeed, 31.8 parts of copq^er displace 100. 15 q:)arts of mercury. If zinc be brought into the copper solution thus obtained, it will dissolve, while coqjper seq^arates — and 32.7 quarts of zinc seq^arate 31.8 quarts of copper. Further- more, zinc disqdaces the hydrogen in acids; from all of them 32.7 parts of zinc seq^arate i.oi quarts of hydrogen. In all these reactions we ob- serve the elements apq^earing in the same quantities by weight. There is a net of q^erfectly definite proportions, by weight, connecting all these bodies with one another, and also the reactions which occur between them, i.oi parts of hydrogen combine with 35.45 qiarts of chlorine, and this quantity of the latter with 23.05 parts of sodium, 31.8 parts of copper, 32.7 parts of zinc. 32.7 qiarts of the latter rnetal precipi- tate 31.8 parts of copper and 100.15 parts of mercury, from their salt solu- tions, and these quantities of the two metals are caqiable of uniting with the quantities of fluorine, bromine, and iodine which, like the 35.45 parts of chlorine, combine with 23.05 qiartsof sodium or i.oi parts of hydrogen, etc. Proceeding in this way with i.oi qiarts by weight of hydrogen we obtain a number for each element which may be called its co 7 ?ibinin!:!; 7 ueight. It will be discovered that the atomic weight of oxygen (O = 16) is the basis of all these number ratios. What has been written may be summarized thus: The elements combine with one anothe)' in the ratio of their combining weights. A series of very im])ortant facts, however, compels us to accord this law a broader meaning. It often transq)ircs that two elements combine with one another not only in one pro|)ortion by weight, as in the case of the halogens and hydrogen, but in several ratios, 'rims, there are two com- I)ounds of chlorine with iodine — the monochloride and the trichloride. The first of these always contains 35.45 qxarts by weight of chlorine to WEIGHT PROPORTIONS. 71 126.85 parts by weight of iodine, and the second 3 X 35-45 = 106.35 parts of chlorine to the same quantity of iodine. Two compounds of hydrogen and oxygen are known : water and hydrogen peroxide. In water there are always 8.00 parts by weight of oxygen to i.oi parts by weight of hydrogen, while in the peroxide to i.oi parts of hydrogen there are 8.00 X 2 = 16 parts of oxygen. 35.45 parts of chlorine com- bine not only with 31.8 parts of copper and 100.15 parts of mercury, but also with 63.6 parts of copper and 200.3 parts of mercury. Oxygen forms five distinct compounds with nitrogen with the following propor- tions by weight, in which 8, the combining weight of oxygen (see above), is made the basis of comparison : Nitrogen. Oxygen. Nitrous Oxide, 14.04 parts 8 parts Nitric Oxide, 14.04 “ 16 “ =2X8.00 Nitrous Anhydride, 14.04 “ 24 “ =3X8.00 Nitrogen Dioxide, 14.04 “ 32 “ =4X8.00 Nitric Anhydride, 14.04 “ 40 “ = 5 X 8.00 Proust observed that two elements could combine with each other in different proportions by weight and that in so doing the composition changed by definite increments. The underlying law, however, was first recognized and propounded (evidently as the result of atomic considera- tions) by John Dalton, and definitely established on a scientific basis through the labors of J. J. Berzelius. It is the law of multiple propor- tions : When two elements unite in several p 7 'oportio 7 is, the quantities of the seco 7 td ele 77 te 7 it co 77 ibined with definite a 77 iounts of the first bear a si 77 iple ratio 7 ial ratio to each other. The law of definite combination by weight can be so expanded that it will at the same time include the law of con- stant and also that of multiple proportions. Then it would read: The ele 77 ients 07 ily unite m the ratio of their co 77 ibming weights or simple ratio 7 ial 77 iultiples of the sa 77 ie. Compounds, therefore, contain their constituents either in the ratio of their combining weights, or some simple rational multiple of these com- bining weights — a simple, self-evident, analytical view of the law. The elements of the doctrine of weight-combinations may be observed and gathered from the investigations of the German chemists — Karl Friedrich Wenzel and Jeremias Benjamin Richter upon the neutralization of bases and acids, and the alternating transposition of salts. Following the example of Richter this division of our science is even yet designated stoichiometry (r« ffror/sJa, the constituents; [xirpov, measure), and the laws just deduced are the stoichio 77 ietric laws. It was in this particular direction that Berzelius, from 1808 forward, achieved so much by many hundred accurate analyses which aided very materially in establishing a foundation of irreproachable facts for the jireceding doctrine. [Wenzel: Die T.elire von der Verwandtschaft, Dre.sden, 1777 ; Richter: Ueber die neueren (jegen.stande der Cheniie ; lie.sonder.s iin 7, 8, and 9 Stuck, 1796-1798. Com- pare also: Rerzeliii.s’ Lehrbiich der (Jhemie, 5 Aufl., Bd. iii, 1147; and Versuch, die bestimmten und einfachen Verhaltnisse aufzufinden, etc., in Ostwald’s: Klassiker der exakten Wi.ssenschaften, Nr. 35.] 72 INORGANIC CIIRMIS’l'kV. The statements tlnis far made liave l)een free from assumption and liave been i)roved l)y exi)eiiment and analysis; they find malhemalieal ex- pression in tlie law of chemical pro])orti(ms. JUit now speculation enters. To ex[)lain the remarkable regulariiies in the ratios John Dalton took refuge in the atomic hypothesis — “one of the greatest steps of which chemistry availed itself in advancing to jierfection ” — berzelius. As previously indicated in the introduction ([i. 25) Dalton assumed that the elementary atoms iireferred uniting in the ratio of 1:1; and whenever but one compound of two elements ajipeared Dalton re- garded it as comiiosed of an atom of each of the two elements. If several com])oiinds existed he viewed the first as consisting of A -f- T, the second of A -|- 2B, the third of 2 A -J- B, and the fourth of A -j- 3B (New Sys- tem of Chemical Philosophy, vol. 1(1808)). By this assumption the facts, expressed in the stoichiometric laws, meet with an astonishingly simple explanation. If hydrogen chloride contains one atom of hydrogen to one atom of chlorine its composition must always be the same: law of constant proportions. If an atom each of hydrogen, sodium, potassium, silver, etc., unite with an atom of fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine to form the corres[)onding fluoride, chloride, bromide, and iodide, then in all these compounds the fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine must appear in the same constant combination ratios, i. e., the quantities of fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine, which unite with a definite quan- tity of another element, must always be to one another as their atomic weights: law of combining weights. If iodine at one time unites with one atom and again wdth three atoms of chlorine, the quantities of the latter which iodine in one instance requires to yield the monochloride and at another time the trichloride stand in the projiortion of i : 3 (Cl : 3CI): law of 7 ?iultiple proportions. If two elements combine in but one proportion by weight then the re- sulting compound, on the assumption of Dalton, contains one atom of each element. This at once makes it possible to determine the ratio of the atomic weights of these elements. Thus, in hydrogen chloride there are 97.23 percent, of chlorine to 2.77 per cent, of hydrogen, and on the as- sumption of Dalton the compound consists of one atom of hydrogen and one atom of chlorine, then these numbers possess a deejier meaning, for in that case the atomic weights of the two elements will be as 2.77 : 97.23. Similarly, the ratios of the atomic weights of the other elements may be determined and the relative ato 7 fiic weights would re.sult just as soon as some number is selected as the atomic weight for any one element and the ])roportion numbers are referred to this number. The comparison element should be one which forms analyzable derivatives with most of the other elements. The number selected for its atomic weight is a matter of ])racticability and of general agreement. These are the reasons which were potent in the choice of oxygen as the standard. Its atomic weight has been ])laced at t6. Our relative atomic weights, therefore, refer — Compare Bericht der Kommission fiir die Festsetzung der Atomgewichte (Landolt, Ostwald, Seul)ert), Ber. 31 (1898), 2761. Hydrogen, the spocificnlly liglilcst cleiiuMif, was chosen by Dalton as the standard ; its atomic weij^ht was taken as unit. 'I'lie disadvantage in this instance is tliat hydrogen GENERAL PROPERTIES OF GASES. 73 forms comparable derivatives, allowing of accurate analysis, with few elements. Conse- quently the ratio of its atomic weight to that of other elements is usually determined with the aid of oxygen. Since, however, the ratio of oxygen to hydrogen cannot be as sharply determined as that of oxygen to the atomic weights of many other elements, errors which are not justihable creep into the atomic weights by virtue of this recalculation. These reasons led Berzelius, to whom we aie indebted for the first accurate atomic weight deter- minations, to reject the Dalton unit. He chose, with analytical acuteness, oxygen as the standard, setting its atomic weight at lOO (O = looj. About the middle of the present century a return to the Dalton hydrogen unit occurred. The movement was inaugurated mainly by the French, in order to distinguish new theo- retical views at first sight from the older notions held by Berzelius and his students. The standard has met with almost universal adoption from that period down to the present time. In a recalculation of the atomic weights, conducted by L. Meyer and Carl Seubert (1893) with all previous determinations as basis, the atomic ratio O : H =: 15.96 : i was assumed as the most probable. Hitherto it has been regarded as the most sati.sfactory by the majority of chemists and has been adopted in this and other text-books. Since, how- ever, J. Thomsen (1895) and particularly E. W. Morley by a series of most admirable and painstaking experiments have redetermined this ratio, the unsatisfactoriness of the hydro- gen unit has become more apparent. All atomic weights determined in ratio to oxygen are affected by the change in this proportion O : H. To avoid similar difficulties in the future — for the ratio O : H cannot be regarded as definitely decided — chemists have taken oxygen as the element of comparison, and in order that the new atomic numbers may be as similar as possible to those previously used, the suggestion of Ostwald that the atomic weight of oxygen be placed at 16 has been followed. The atomic weight of hydrogen will then be H = 1.008, or for all practical purposes H — i.oi. Compare the historical data in the Zeit. f. anorg. Chem. 14 (1897), 250, 256, and also the report of the Atomic Weight Commission to which reference has already been made. The relative atomic weights, determined in the manner indicated, are, of course, only correct if our assumption as to the number of atoms in union with one another is correct. The chemical analysis of water shows it to consist in one hundred parts of 11.2 parts of hydrogen, and 88.8 parts of oxygen, hence 2.02 parts of hydrogen correspond to 16 parts of oxygen. If, then, water contains one atom of oxygen in union with one atom of hydrogen the atomic weight of hydrogen would be 2.02 (O = 16). It may be possible, however, that water consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen or of one atom of hydrogen and two atoms of oxygen, etc. In the first case the atomic weight of hydrogen would be I.OI and in the second 4.04, etc., etc. Analytical results afford nothing positive for the solution of this diffi- culty. This was the condition in which the question relating to the magnitude of the atomic weights existed fifty years ago. To establish these correctly, various views were allowed to prevail, none, however, with positive foundation. The question can only be solved upon a basis of special views of the gaseous condition and new facts lying chiefly in the domain of organic chemistry. Nothing definite is known as to the actual magnitude of the atomic weights. This has thus far been an unimportant matter for purely chemical consideration. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF GASES. ATOMIC-MOLECULAR THEORY. Gases, i. , p', the law can be algebraically expressed in the equation or p : p' = \ V p : V = p' : v'' = Constant. That is, the product of the pressure and volume of a given quantity of gas, with constant temperature, is unalterable. The second law was discovered in 1802, almost simultaneously, by Gay- Lussac and by Dalton. It reads: the volume of any gas increases or 0.003665 of its volume at 0°, for every degree centigrade which its temperature rises under the same pressure. This number, the coefficient of expansion of gases, is ordinarily represented by the letter a. If the volume Vo of the gas at 0° was equal to i, then at 1° it is equal to 1.003665, at 273° equal to 2, and universally at t" Vt = Vo Vo . 0.003665 . t = Vo (l + at). By combining the two laws there results the important equation P V = po Vo (i + at), indicating the relations between the volume v, which a gas under pressure p occupies at t“and the volume v^ at 0° under the pressure p^. We shall return to this law when the measurement of gases and their variation from the Boyle-Gay-Lussac law are considered. A third law relates to the volume ratios according to which gases combine chemically with one another. These were first investigated by Gay-Lussac, partly in conjunction with A. v. Humboldt. Gay-Lussac announced his observations as follows: The gases combine according to simple volume ratios; the volume of a compound gas bears a simple ratio to the volume of its constituents. In the union of hydrogen and a halo- gen to form a halogen hydride it was found that one volume of hydrogen and one volume of halogen combine to two volumes of the halogen hydride. Hence, in this instance, the union took place without change of volume; the halogen hydride occupied the space previously occupied by its constituents: an important fact for the chemical atomic theory. It is concluded from this and the previously mentioned facts, according to which liydrogen and halogen unite with one another in the ratio of their combining weights, that the ratio between the weights of eipial volumes GENERAL PROPERTIES OF GASES. 75 of these gases, i. e., of their densities, must be the same as that between the combining weights. Each halogen has but one derivative with hydro- gen. Hence, according to Dalton, it may be assumed that in the case of the halogens the combining weight and atomic weight are the same. Then their gas density would be proportional to their atomic weights. Here, again, and also in similar deportments of the simple as well as the compound gases, expressed in the law relating to gases, we are forced to the assumption that in equal volumes of different gases there is an equal number of atoms — smallest particles. Dalton and Berzelius both assumed this conception, but soon abandoned it because it did not lead to a defi- nite, well-defined distinction, justified by facts, between elementary and compound gases. Equal volumes of hydrogen and of chlorine unite without any change in volume to hydrogen chloride. If looo atoms are present in a given volume of hydrogen, looo atoms of chlorine would be required in an equal volume, and by their union there would result looo particles of hydrogen chloride, which would occupy, as demonstrated by experiment, the same volume as the chlorine and hydrogen together : : looo H -f- looo Cl = looo HCl. I vol. I vol. 2 vols. A volume of hydrogen chloride, therefore, would contain only half as many particles as a like volume of the elementary gases — a conclusion which contradicts everything known relative to the constant, physical deportment of the gases (being independent of chemical constitution) with reference to the laws of Boyle and Gay-Lussac. To solve this contradiction has required almost a half century of chem- ical investigation. It was especially the advances in the domain of organic chemistry which led to the assumption that the elementary sub- stances as well as the compound did not consist of a mass of free atoms but of an aggregation of atom-groups — of molecules (p. 24). This had been advocated (enunciated) by Avogadro (1811), then by Ampere (1814), and subsequently by Dumas (1829), but it was only at the close of the ’50’s that the theory, after being supported by the Parisian chem- ist Gerhardt on a purely chemical basis, received general acceptance and favor [Gerhardt, Lehrbuch der organ. Chemie, deutsche Ausgabe, 4 ('1857), 598, 627, etc.]. It is, consequently, necessary to distinguish between atom and molecule {jjiolecula, mass-particles). It is not the atoms but the molecules which, as a rule, exist in the gases as the smallest constituent particles (exceptions will be discovered later; see also p. 55 on the Dissociation of the Halogens). It is obvious that the smallest par- ticles of a compound body consist of several atoms. By further subdivi- sion such a molecule breaks down into dissimilar constituents: a molecule of hydrogen chloride is resolved into hydrogen and chlorine. Even the elements, when free, consist, as a rule, of molecules, and the latter of sev- eral, generally of two, atoms. Hence, the previously deduced rule that in equal volumes of the elementary gases there is contained an equal num- ber of atoms must be changed and amplified somewhat as follows: The number of molecules in a unit volume of all gases is the same — like pressure and like temperature being presupposed. Whde not entirely correct, this law is very frequently designated as the law of Avogadro. 76 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The contradiction between the conclusions deduced from cliemistry and from physics now vanishes. 'The [)rocess of tlie combination of hydrogen with chlorine (and the other halogens) must be conceived, therefore, to be somewhat like the following: one molecule of hydrogen, containing at least two atoms of hydrogen, acts ui)on one molecule of chlorine, also composed of at least two atoms of chlorine, and there result two molecules of hydrogen chloride : II2 ( Cl, — 2IICI. i. e., hydrogen chloride contains just as many molecules in an equal vol- ume as hydrogen and chlorine. This is apparent from the folh)wing representation, which attaches itself to the example given on j). 75 : 500 H, I volume. + 500 Cl, I volume. 500 IICl 500 IICl 2 volumes. In a similar manner two volumes of hydrogen (containing 2n molecules) give with one volume of oxygen (containing n molecules) two volumes of aqueous va])or ; consequently, 2fi molecules of water. In 2>^ molecules of the latter (H^O) there are contained at least 271 atoms of oxygen ; therefore, in 71 molecules of oxygen, 271 atoms of oxygen — or one oxygen molecule co 7 isists of at least two ato 77 is (compare pp. 73, 80). 2 volumes. nO, yield nH ,0 nH20 I volume. 2 volumes. Let us take another analytical example. Two volumes (^2n mol.) of ammonia gas break down, under the influence of the electric spark, into one volume ft mol.) of nitrogen and three volumes of hydrogen (each 7 t mol.). From this it is evident, as in the preceding example, that the nitrogen molecule also is composed of at least two atoms : nN.. 1 vulumu. 3 volumes. 2 volumes. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF GASES. 77 In the same way it may be shown that the phosphorus molecule consists of at least four atoms of phosphorus (P4), etc., etc. Many other facts corroborate the assumption that the molecules of the elements consist of several atoms, for example, the existence of the allo- tropic modifications of the elements (compare Ozone), the chemical reac- tions (compare Hydrogen Peroxide), and the remarkable action of the elements in the moment of their liberation. We saw (p. 53) that the oxygen separated from water by chlorine acted much more energetically than free oxygen. Other elements, espe- cially hydrogen, behave similarly in the moment of fomnation — in statu nascendi. As viewed by the atomic molecular theory, this may be very Fig. 38. Fig. 37. Fig. 39. easily explained. The free elements (their molecules) are compounds of similar atoms whose chemical affinity has already been partly satisfied. In the moment of their separation from compounds free atoms appear, which, before they combine to molecules, must act more energetically. The experiments illustrating and confirming what has been said upon the volume relations of the gases will now be considered : I. The concentrated acjueous solution of hydrochloric acid is decomposed by the action of the galvanic current, and the chlorine and hydrogen collected ; these gases separate at ojjjxjsite poles. The electrolysis may be made in an ordinary voltameter (Fig. 37). Hofmann’s apj)aratus is better adapted to this }>urpose (Fig. 38 *). Two glass cylinders, * I'ijf. 38 represents Uie volume relations the g-ases liberated in the electrolysis of water; compare p. 92. 78 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. provi(loafor yield /zoo zwlumes of hydrogen bromide, and one zwlume of hydrogen and one volume of iodine vapor tzvo volumes of hydrogen iodide. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF GASES. 79 All that has been j^-eviously stated may be summarized as follows: 1. A// bodies ewe coinposcd of atoms. 2 . The atoms unite to foriji the 7noiccuies of the simpte and compound bodies. 3. Equai votiwies of gases contain, at tike teniperatu7'e and under tike pressure, an equat number of motecutes. 4. The gas densities, therefore, bear the sanie ratio to one another as the motecuiar weights. The gases argon and heiiuin, recentiy discovered in the atmosphere, are exceptions. They co?isist of singie atoms at the ordinary temperature. This is aiso true of the haiogens at etevated temperatures, and, so far as we know, of metai vapors {inercury, cad 7 nium, zi 7 ic'). Heretofore gas density has been referred to the hydrogen atom (H = i), while the molecular weight was referred to the molecule H2 = 2, so that the density (the specific gravity of the gas) was one-half of the molec- ular weight. At present, the atomic weight of oxygen (16) being taken as the standard in determining the atomic numbers of the other elements, it appears proper to refer the density to the molecular weight of oxygen, Og = 32, whe 7 i the vatues for density and 7 noiecuiar weight wiil coincide. The following table contains the atomic and molecular weights of cer- tain metalloids as well as the molecular weights of their hydrogen deriva- tives. The molecular weights (gas densities) show how much a volume of the respective gas weighs, if an equally large volume of oxygen, under similar external conditions, be placed at 32 (p. 73) : Atomic Weights. Molecular Weights or Gas Densities. H = 1. 01 U , — 2.02 ci= 35.45 Cb 70.9 Br 79.96 Br^ = 159.92 Br 79.96 above 1000° I = 126.85 I2 = 253.70 I = 126.85 above 1500° HCl = 36.46 HBr 80.97 HI 127.86 0 =r 16 O2 32 II H ,0 N, 18.02 28.08 NH3 = 17.07 P = 31.0 = 124.00 PH3 34.03 As one liter of oxygen, under normal conditions (p. 44), weighs 1. 4291 grams, the weight of one liter (L) of a gas of molecular weight M can be calculated from the equation I, = = 0.04466 M. 32 The density D of the gas, referred to air as unit, follows from the equation 1 ) = -^- 28.95 because the density of air is 4291^^ ~ 28.95, referred to Oj = 32. So INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The numbers deduced from tlicse equations vary somcwliat from tliose obtained by direct observation, d'liis is due to the fact tliat wluit has been said is a simple but at the same time not an absolutely correct expression of the dej)ortment of gases. W'e shall return to this point when the measurement of gases is discussed. by determining the gas density it is only possible to fix the molecular weight of an element which exists in the gaseous condition, d'he magnitude of the atomic weight remains uncertain. 'I'he chlorine molecule weighs from its gas density and the standard selected 70.9 units, and consists of two atoms (Cl.^), if we suppose that the atomic weight = 35-45- Its atomic weight could, however, be only the half (or another submultiple) of 35.45 ; then its molecule would consist of four chlorine atoms (Cl^ — 70.90 when Cl is made equal to 17.725), and the formula of hydrogen chloride would be IICl.^. As anal- ysis and the vapor density determination of many, especially organic, derivatives show that the smallest quantity of chlorine in a molecule of a gasifiable body must always be expressed by 35.45, we can well accept this number as the atomic weight. 'I'hat the maximum values thus derived have not been found too high, but correspond to the actual relative atomic weights, follows from the agreement of these numbers with the atomic numbers obtained from the specific heat of the elements. The complete certainty of their correctness we reach by the law of periodicity, which is deduced from these numbers. These convincing suppositions and conclusions drawn from actual re- lations, form the atomic molecular doctrine, which is the foundation of the chemistry of to-day. As this doctrine comjtletely explains the quan- titative phenomena arising in the action of the chemical elements upon one another, and as it has been repeatedly confirmed by phenomena of a purely physical nature, and has thereby acquired a high degree of proba- bility, it is only proper and correct that it be designated a theory. ■ OXYGEN GROUP. In this group are included the elements oxygen, sulphur, selenium, and tellurium. They are perfectly analogous in their chemical deportment. One atom of each of these elements is capable of uniting with two atoms of hydrogen. 1. OXYGEN. Atom : O = 16. Molecule : O2 = 32. Oxygen (oxygenium) is the most widely distributed element in nature. It is found free in the air; in combination it exists in water. It is an iin])ortant constituent of most of the mineral and organic substances. It was discovered, almost simultaneously, by Priestley, in England, i77. 47). Idtiuid oxygen under a pressure of i atmosphere boils at — 184°, and under 9 mm. j)ressure at — 225°. Its specific gravity at — 118° equals 0.65, at — 139*^ it is 0.87, and 1. 124 at — 184° (the boiling point at the ordinary pressure). Liquid oxygen has a bright-blue color (Olszewski). Oxygen combines with all the elements excepting fluorine, helium, and Fig. 42. argon. With most of them it unites directly, accompanied by the evolu- tion of light and heat (p. 57). The burning of combustible bodies in the air depends on their union with oxygen, which is present in the same to the amount of 23 per cent. The phenomena of the respiration of ani- mals are also influenced by the contact of the oxygen of the air — hence the earlier designations of oxygen as inflammable air, and vital air. In j)ure oxygen the phenomena of combustion proceed more energetically than in air. Ignited charcoal or an ignited sliver inflames immediately in the gas, and burns with a bright light. This test serves for the recog- nition of pure oxygen. Sulphur and phosphorus ignited in the air burn in it with an intense light. Even iron burns in the gas. To execute this experiment, take a steel watch spring, previously ignited, attach a match to the end, ignite the same, and then introduce the spring into a vessel filled with oxygen gas. At once the match inflames and ignites the iron, OXYGEN. 83 which burns with an exceedingly intense light and emits sparks. (To protect the vessel from the fusing globules of iron oxide, cover the bottom with a layer of sand.) Iron will burn in any flame if a current of oxygen be conducted into the same. Oxygen combines with hydrogen to form water. The union occurs at a red heat, by the electric spark or by the action of platinum sponge (p. 46). Palladium asbestos acts similarly. Of all the combustible gases only hydrogen combines by its influence with oxygen at the ordinary temperature. Hydrogen burns in oxygen with a flame; vice versa, oxy- gen must also burn in hydrogen; this may be demonstrated in the same manner as indicated under Hydrogen Chloride (p. 57). A mixture of hydrogen and oxygen detonates violently ; most strongly if the propor- tions are i volume of oxygen and 2 volumes of hydrogen ; such a mix- ture is known as oxyhydrogen gas. The explosibility may be shown in a harmless way by the following experiment: Fill a narrow-necked flask of 150-250 c.c. capacity, over water, yi with hydrogen, and ^ with oxygen; close the opening with a cork, then wrap the flask in a towel, remove the cork and bring a flame near the opening. A violent explo- sion ensues, generally with complete breaking of the flask. The tempera- ture of ignition of oxyhydrogen gas is about 650° (V. Meyer and A. Miinch, Ber. 26 (1893), 2421) (see p. 28). Fig. 43. The oxyhydrogen flame is only faintly luminous ; it possesses, how- ever, a very high temperature, answering, therefore, for the melting of substances which fuse with great difficulty, e. g., platinum. To get a continuous oxyhydrogen flame, efflux tubes of peculiar construction are employed (Fig. 43) ; through the outer tube, W, hydrogen is brought from a gasometer; oxygen is conveyed through the inner, S, and the mixture ignited at a. Such a flame impinging on a piece of burnt lime or zircon makes the latter glow and emit an extremely bright light — Dru 77 ii 7 iond' s Iwie light, Zirco 7 tiu 77 i light. The union of oxygen with other substances is termed oxidatio 7 t. This term, as well as the name Oxygenium (from and yewaM)), or acid producer, suggested by Lavoisier, arises from the fact that acids are some- times formed in oxidation. This the combustion experiments prove. If the vessels, for instance, in which carbon, sulphur, and phosphorus were burned, be shaken wu'th water, the latter will give an acid taste, and redden blue litmus-paper. It was formerly thought that the formation 84 inorc;anic chemisirv. of acids is always conditioned by oxygen. We liave, however, already noticed that the haloid acids — hydrochloric, hydrobronhc, and hydriodic — contain no oxygen. Some of the elements yield acids by their union with oxygen, or more correctly oxides, which form acids with water. Most of these are the metalloids. Tims the following corresi)onding acids are derived from the acid-forming oxides of suli)hur and phosphorus: SO3 + II/) = II,S(),. Sulphur Sulpliuric trioxide. acid. r,/)^ -f 1 1^0 = 2iiro3. Phosphorus Mctaphosptioric pentoxide. acid. With oxygen the metals usually yield oxides, which form hydroxides (hydrates) or bases with water : K ,0 -f lIjO = 2KOII. Potassium Potassium oxide. hydroxide. CaO -f II2O = Ca (011)2. Calcium Calcium oxide. hydroxide. The salts are produced by the alternating action of acids and bases (see p. 61). Thirdly, there exist the so-called iiidiffereJit oxides, which yield neither acids nor bases, with water, e. g. : N2O NO Pb 02 . Nitrous Nitric Lead oxide. oxide. peroxide. Oxidation is not only induced by free oxygen or bodies rich in it, but frequently, also, by the halogens; in the latter case the halogens first decompose the water with the elimination of oxygen, which then oxidizes further (compare p. 53). The opposite of oxidation, the removal of oxygen, is called reduction (p. 64). Hydrogen {i?i statu nascendi'), and substances giving it off easily (as hydriodic acid), have a reducing action. Most of the metallic oxides are reduced at a red heat by hydrogen, with the formation of water, e. g. : CuO + H2 = Cu + II2O. Copper oxide. Copper. OZONE. O3. Ozone, discovered in 1840, by Schonbein, is, as will be shown later, a peculiar modification of oxygen, characterized by a remarkable odor and great reactivity, therefore it is called active oxygen. It is obtained from oxygen in various ways; it is almost always ])roduced when oxygen is liberated, or when it takes ])art in a reaction ; thus, in the decomposi- tion of peroxides by concentrated sulphuric acid, or when thevare heated in a current of oxygen to their decomposition-temperature [Brunk, Z. f. anorg. (diem. 10 (i^^95), 222] ; in the electrolysis of water (at the positive OZONE. 85 pole), in the slow oxidation of moist phosphorus, in the combustion of hydrocarbons, and in the action of the so called silent discharge in an atmosphere of oxygen or air. In none of these instances is all of the oxygen ever converted into ozone ; only a small portion — under most favorable conditions 5-6 per cent. — suffers this change. The following methods serve for the preparation of ozone : 1. Put several pieces of stick phosphorus into a spacious flask, cover them about half with water, and allow them to stand for some hours. Or conduct oxygen over pieces of phosphorus placed in a glass tube and moistened with water. Ozone is also formed abundantly when a potassium bichromate solution is substituted for water. [Leeds, Ann. Chem. ig8 (1879), 38.] 2. Pass the silent discharge through air or oxygen. For this purpose we may employ a Siemen’s ozone tube (Fig. 44, Geissler form), which consists of two glass tubes a and b fitting into one another. Each is coated on the inner side with tin foil or gold leaf. The one coating is connected with the positive and the other with the negative pole of an induction apparatus. Oxygen or air circulates between the two tubes in the direction indicated by the arrows. 3. Gradually add barium peroxide in small portions (or potassium permanganate) to cold sulphuric acid : Ba02 + H2SO, = BaSO, + H2O + O. The escaping oxygen is tolerably rich in ozone, and is collected over water. Ozone possesses a highly penetrating, peculiar odor (hence its name from to smell), which by prolonged respiration produces bad results. In a thick layer, ozone shows a bluish color. If ozonized air be subjected to powerful pressure (150 atmospheres) at a very low tempera- ture, or if ozonized oxygen be conducted through a small tube cooled to — 184° by boiling oxygen, the ozone will condense to a liquid with an indigo-blue color. Liquid ozone, if preserved in a sealed tube, passes into a blue gas, that can be again liquefied by chilling it with boiling ethylene. Ozone is rather stable at the ordinary temperature ; and at more elevated temperatures does not revert to ordinary oxygen as rapidly as it was supposed. This was gathered from the experiments of Brunk, according to whom ordinary oxygen is ozonized when it is conducted over manganese peroxide heated to 400°. According to Mailfert’s experi- ments ozone is fifteen times more soluble in water than oxygen. At the ordinary temperature it takes up half its volume of the gas. In solution the ozone gradually reverts to oxygen without formation of hydrogen peroxide. Unlike ordinary oxygen, ozone, especially in a moist state, oxidizes strongly at ordinary temperatures. Phosphorus, sulphur, and arsenic are converted into phosphoric, sulphuric, and arsenic acids; ammonia is changed to nitrous and nitric acids ; silver and lead are con- verted into the corresponding peroxides; therefore paper moistened with a lead salt is colored brown. Iodine is separated at once from potassium iodide by it : 2KI -f II.2O -f O3 =: 2K0n + I2 + O2. It also oxidizes all organic substances ; therefore the apparatus used in its preparation must not be constructed of caoutchouc. Solutions of dyestuffs, like indigo and litmus, are decolorized. Its ability to turn an alcoholic solution of guaiacum tincture blue is very characteristic of ozone. 86 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. For the detection of ozone the ordinary potassium iodide starch-paper (Schdnhein) may be used. This is pre])ared by immersing wliite tissue-paper in a starch solution mixed with j)otassium iodide. Tlie iodine which the ozone liberates from the potassium iodide blues the starch-paper. I'he (piantity of ozone may be approximately determined from the rapidity and the intensity of the coloration, 'rhallous hydroxide is a more reliable reagent for ozone than the ])otassium iodide starch-paj)er. (iuaiacum tincture and paper saturated with a lead acetate .solution may also l)e used to detect ozone ; the hrst ac(|uire.s a blue color, the second becomes brown. Other substances blue potassium iodide starch-paper and guaiacum, e. g., chlorine, bromine, nitrogen dioxide, etc., etc. d'o distinguish ozone from, proceed as follows (Ilouzeau) : 'I'ake two strips of violet litmus-i)aper, one of which is saturated with jjotassium iodide, and exj)ose it to the action of the gas ; when ozone is present potassium hydroxide will be formed from the iodide, atid color the violet litmus blue. 'Fhe second paper serves to show the ab.sence of ammonia. 'rhe preceding reactions of ozone are all produced by hydrogen peroxide, although less ra])idly. The only test answering for the distitiction of very slight (piantities of ozone from hydrogen peroxide is the blackening of a bright strip of silver by ozone. Fig. 44. Ozone is a variety of oxygen its molecules consist of three atoms: 3O2 yield 2O3. 3 vols. oxygen. 2 vols. ozone. This is })roved by the following experiments : In ozonizing oxygen its volume dimin- ishes ; upon heating (when ozone is again changed to oxygen), the original volume is repro- duced ; when ozonized oxygen is brought in contact with oil of turpentine or oil of cinna- mon, all the ozone is absorbed and the volume of the gas is diminished. Comj)ari!ig this diminution, corresponding (o the ozone volume, with the expansion which an equal vol- ume of ozonized oxygen suffers after the application of heat, we will find that the first is twice as large as the latter ; this indicates that I volume of ozone yields i ^ volumes of oxygen (.Sorc't). h'rom this it follows that the s|)ecific gravity of ozone must be I times grcaU*r than that of ordinary oxygen, and that if the molecule of oxygen consists of two atoms, the molecule of ozone must contain three atoms. 'I his conclusion is confirmed by the specific gravity of ozone derived experimentally from the velocity of diffusion, and has OZONE. 87 been found to be approximately 48 (O2 = 32), corresponding to the molecular formula O3 (Graham). A diminution in the volume of the gas does not occur in the action of ozone upon oxidizable bodies like potassium iodide and mercury, although all the ozone disappears. It would appear from this that, in oxidizing, ozone only acts with one atom of oxygen, while the other two atoms form free oxygen, which occupies the same volume as the ozone : O3 -|- 2K.I = O2 ”b K2O -j- l2« I vol. I vol. As a consequence of this behavior ozone is also called oxidized oxy- gen; i. e., free oxygen (O2), which has combined with an additional oxygen atom. Thermo -cheviical Deportment . — Compared with ordinary oxygen, ozone is an endo- thermic compound. Heat is absorbed in its formation from oxygen : (02,0) -f 36.2 Cal. = O3. This explains why ozone is produced with so much difficulty, and why the addition of considerable energy is necessary. This may be applied directly in the form of heat or electricity (electric sparks, silent electric discharge), or it may be withdrawn from the heat of formation of other exothermic compounds which are produced at the same time, e. g., the formation of ozone by the oxidation of phosphorus to phosphorous acid. Being an endothermic derivative, we readily perceive why ozone is so unstable, and why it changes so readily to ordinary oxygen. When this occurs the oxygen acts as if in the moment of formation (O3 = O2 + O ; see p. 53), and this explains why ozone acts more powerfully than ordinary oxygen. And to this must be added that in oxida- tions performed by ozone there are 36.2 Cal. more set free than in oxidations with ordi- nary oxygen. We observe, therefore, that the elementary substance oxygen occurs in free condition in two different forms — allotropic modifications — ordinary oxygen (Og) and ozone (O3). We shall learn later that very frequently substances of the same elementary composition possess different physical and chemical properties; such bodies are called isomerides and the phe- nomenon isomerism (lVohuric acid, calcium chloride, or phosphorus pentoxide (desic- cators). WATER. 9 Natural Wafers. — As water dissolves many solid, liquid, and gaseous compounds, all naturally occurring waters contain foreign admixtures. The purest natural water is rain- or snow-water; it contains about 3 per cent, by volume of gases (oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and carbon dioxide), and traces of solids (the ammonium salts of nitrous and nitric acids). If water that has been standing exposed to the air be heated, the dis- solved gases escape in bubbles. River and spring waters contain solid constituents in widely varying amounts. Water having much lime and gypsum present in it is ordinarily known as hard, in distinction from soft water, which contains less lime (see Calcium Carbonate). On boiling lime-waters, most of the impurity deposits out. Spring water generally contains in addition larger quan- tities of carbon dioxide, which impart a refreshing and enlivening taste to it. Spring waters holding considerable quantities of solid constitu- ents, or exhibiting special healing properties, are called mineral waters. These are distinguished as saline waters (containing sodium chloride), magnesian waters, sulphur waters (hydrogen sulphide), acidulated waters (saturated with carbon dioxide), chalybeate waters (containing iron), and others. Sea-water contains 3.5 per cent, of salts, chiefly sodium chloride (2.7 per cent.). To purify the natural waters they are filtered (for the removal of mechanical admixtures) and, for chemical and pharmaceutical purposes, distilled {distilled water) in apparatus of varying form. Chemical Properties of Water. — Water is a neutral substance, i. e., it possesses neither acid nor basic properties. As we have already observed (p. 61), it forms bases with basic oxides and acids with acid- forming oxides. Despite the fact that the affinity of hydrogen for oxygen is may great, water may be decomposed by many substances. At ordinary tempera- tures, metals like potassium, sodium and calcium decompose it, with liberation of hydrogen : 2H2O -f Kj = 2KOH -f H2. Other metals do not decompose it, except at elevated temperatures. Steam conducted over ignited iron gives its oxygen to the latter, form- ing ferroso-ferric oxide, while hydrogen is set free (pp. 40, 94) : 3 Fe + 4H2O = FcgCh -f 4H2. This is a reversible reaction. Many of these oxides (even sodium oxide, according to Beketoff ) are again reduced by hydrogen at more elevated temperatures : 1^^304 + 411.! = Fe3 + 4H2O. (See pp. 52, 68, 95.) Chlorine decomposes water in the sunlight; the decomposition is more rapid when the vapors are conducted through heated tubes (j). 52) : 2IT./) f 2CI2 = 4TTCI + O2. Many chemical reactions are only comj)leted in the presence of moisture. Thus, the metals are only oxidi/.cd at the ordinary temperature when both oxygen and moisture are 92 INOKHANIC CHKMISTRY. l)resent. Iron docs not rust in jicrfeclly dry air. Absolutely dry oxyjfcn docs not act upon tlie sul)stanccs which it ordinarily attacks with great energy. I’liosplionis, carbon and carbon monoxide do not burn, or at least but feebly, in perfccily dry oxygen. I try liydrogen chloride does not turn blue litmus red, etc. [Dixon, l>er. 19 (1886), Kef. 157 ; Baker, ibid. 18 (1885), Ref. 426; Lothar Meyer, I 5 er. 19 (1886), 1099; K. Otto, l>er. 26 (1893), II, 2050; Hughes, ibid, iv, 863; Veley, Her. 29 (1896), i, 577; also Out- mann, Ann. Chem. 299 (1898), 267 ; see also p. loi.] Electrolysis of Water. — The electric current, acting upon water acidu- lated with sulpliuric acid, decomposes it ajiparently directly into its ele- ments. Hydrogen collects at the negative pole — the kathode, while oxygen ajtpears at the positive jtole — the anode. The volume of the hydrogen is nearly twice that of the oxygen (pp. 76, 98). The electrolytic decomposition of water is more complex than is ordinarily supposed, as perfectly pure water is not ca{)able of conducting the current, and is conseciuently not decomposed by it. It is rather the added sulphuric acid which suffers the decomposition and by means of the water is always reformed (compare the Fdectrolysis of Salts). Hydrogen and oxygen are merely the end-products of this change. In addition to oxygen, about one per cent, of ozone is produced ; further, sulphur hejjtoxide (persid- phuric acid) and liydrogen jieroxide are formed at the anode. Some hydrogen peroxide is produced at the negative pole (the kathode) as the result of the union of nascent hydrogen with the dissolved oxygen (p. loi). Therfno-chemical Deportme 7 it. — Water is formed from its elements with the liberation of much heat. 57.2 Cal. are disengaged in the union of 2 grams of hydrogen with 16 grams of oxygen to produce aqueous vajior of 100° (H.^, O — vapor). In the condensation of the steam to water of 100° 9.63 Cal. are liberated (— 18 X o-SS^); this is the latent heat of evaporation (see p. 89). And again, in the cooling of the water through every 1° C., Cal. more escape; consequently in cooling from 100° to 16° there would be a liberation of 84. ^ = 1.5 Cal. (see p 66). So that in the production of the molecular weight (18 grams) of water of 16° temperature from its elements there is a total disengagement of 68.3 large calories : (Hj, O — vapor) = 57.2 Cal. (Hg, O — liquid) = 68.3 Cal. The decomposition of water at the ordinary temperature by a metal only takes place if the heat of formation of the oxide is greater than that of the water. Sixteen grams of oxygen in their union with hydrogen liberate 68.3 Cal., with sodium 100 Cal., and with cop])er but 38 Cal. The decomposition of water by sodium is an exothermic reaction, while that by copper is endothermic (see p. 94). * Faraday introduced the following terms, which have been universally adopted : The metal wires or j)lates by which the current enters and from electrolytes are called the electrodes {bbbr, way) ; the electrode by which the current enters is the and the other through which the ])ositive electricity has its exit and by which the negative elec- tricity enters is the kathode. That part of the electrolyte jjassing to the anode where it is se])aratcd or deposited is the anion ( that which migrates upward — opposite to the current of positive electricity) while the ])ortion going to tlie kathode and separating there is the kation (migrnling downwards — with the current of positive electricity). Both are called ions (/bora, wandering, migrating). As a rule the kations in a compound are replaceable by hydrogen ; tlx.* anions are simple or compound halogenides (Cl, SO^) (compare the F.Iectrolysis of Salts and b'.lect roly tic I )is.sociation). WATER. 93 Dissociation of Water — Water, like otlier clieiiiical compounds, is broken down into its elements by heat. This was first observed upon pouring molten platinum into water, when bubbles of oxyhydrogen gas appeared (Grove). This decomposition of water was first ascribed to a catalytic action of the platinum. Sainte-Claire Deville was the first to carefully investigate and explain the decomjiosition phenomena induced by heat, thus disclosing one of the most important chajiters of theoretical chemistry. He proved that a decomi)osition (dissociation) like the preceding did not take place suddenly, l)ut gradually; that it advanced regularly with increasing temperature, and was limited by an opposing combination-tendency on the part of the components. The temperature at which the decomposition is half finished is usually designated as the temperature of decomposition. Deville illustrated the decomposition of water by the following experi- ment: Pass aqueous vapor through a porous clay tube, a, cemented into a wider non-permeable porcelain tube heated to a white heat in an oven (Fig. 45 ).* The water suffers partial decomposition, the lighter hydrogen, which passes through the inner tube into the porcelain tube more rapidly than the oxygen, escapes through the gas tube b. The oxygen escapes mainly through the inner tube at a. A part of the same diffuses simul- taneously with the hydrogen and reunites with the latter. To avoid this, conduct a stream of carbon dioxide through the wider porcelain tube; this will carry out the hydrogen with it. The carbon dioxide will be absorbed by the alkali solution in the collecting vessel, and oxyhydrogen gas be found in the cylinder. The decomposition of the water commences at about 1000°, and is half finished at about 2500°. The quantity of gas liberated in equal periods rises successively with the temperature. Many other compounds, as carbon dioxide, hydrogen chloride, iodine (P- 55)) ammonium chloride, ])hosphorus pentachloride, etc., are simi- * A tube of platinum may be well substitutecl for the porous clay tube ; at a red heat it permits the passage of hydrogen, but not that of oxygen (p. 45), 94 INORGANIC CHKMIS'IRY. larly dissociaLcd by heal. These are all exothermic compounds, absorb- ing energy in their decomposition, and are therefore decomposed but gradually, dej)ending upon the amount of energy imparted to them. In these instances heat ojiposes the affinity of the various components, so that if the temperature be lowered there will occur a jiartial reunion of the same. The siilitting up of the endothermic comjioiinds is entirely different, e. g., that of ])otassium chlorate, KC 1 (),„ into potassium chloride and oxygen, of ammonium nitrite, NH^NO^, into water and nitrogen, of nitrogen chloride into chlorine and nitrogen, etc. Heat is set free in the decomposition of these compounds. Any added or external heat only incites or brings on the decomjiosition and overcomes the chemical affinity. Under some conditions there are accompanying explosions; there is no reunion of the components on lowering the temperature. The ex])lanation of the dissociation plienoinena is found in tlie kinetic tlieory of gases {Kivt/aii', motion). According to it the heat-motion of the molecules of a gas is motiem in direct lines, jjrogressive and with uniform velocity. As the temperature rises the velocity of this motion increases. Its energy for the molecules of different gases at any given temperature is the same. Heavy molecules move corres[)ondingly slower than the light molecules. The atoms, too, forming the molecule, have their own peculiar motions, which become more energetic with the rise in temperature. By the peculiar motions of the atoms — in which the center of gravity of the molecule is not concerned — the internal arrangement of the molecule is affected ; it akso opposes the action of affinity. Therefore, just as soon as, by augmented temperature, the centrifugally active energy of atomic motion equals or exceeds the affinity, the breaking down of the molecule takes place. Further, as a consequence of irregular collision, the molecules do not all possess the .same velocity at a given temperature ; some move more rapidly, others .slower, than the main portion ; the former are warmer than the latter. Only the sum of the existing forces of ail the molecules is a constant quantity at every temperature. The molecules first decomposed are those moving more rapidly and having a temperature beyond the average temperature. Their number increases with the temperature. Hence, it follows that dissociation also increases with rise of temperature. Compare in this connection W. Nernst and A. Schonflies, Einfiihrung in die math. Behandlung der Naturwissenschaften, 2 Aufl. (1898). The dissociation of solids, which when heated develop gaseous ingre- dients, is very instructive and remarkable — for example, the decomposi- tion of calcium carbonate, CaCOg, into calcium oxide and carbon dioxide, of sodium and potassium hydrides (K^H2) into their elements, etc. These indicate that the dissociation is not only dependent upon the temperature but also upon external pressure, and that for every tempera- ture there is a corresponding definite tension of dissociation — a pressure below which the decomposition will not occur. For further particulars on this point see Potassium Hydride and Calcium Carbonate. Dissociation, i. e., the partial decomposition increasing with the tem- ])erature, ex])lains many chemical processes and jffienomena. Thus it accounts for the abnormal vapor densities, which apparently contradicted the law of tlie efjnal number of molecules being ])resent in equal volumes of gases (j). 79) ; all variations from it are always due to the breaking down of more complex molecules (see Sulphur, p. 106). The observed vapor density affords a cine to the magnitude of the dissociation. The mass action in reversible (inverse) chemical reactions is afforded a simple ex- })lanation by dissociation. We have already said that iron raised to a red THE QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION OF WATER. 95 lieat decomposed water with the separation of hydrogen and the produc- tion of ferrous-ferric oxide : 3Fe + 4H2O = Fe30^ + 4H,. On conducting hydrogen over ignited iron oxides the opposite process occurs; the oxygen compound of the iron is reduced and water and iron are formed : Fep^ + 4H2 = 3 Fe + 4H2O. In the first instance the excess of water acts. Some of its molecules are dissociated ; oxygen combines with iron, while the liberated hydrogen is carried away by the excess of steam. In the second case, we can suppose that some of the hydrogen molecules are dissociated, the free hydrogen atoms withdraw oxygen from the iron oxide and form water with it, which is removed by the excess of hydrogen, and thus prevented from acting on the reduced iron. If, however, iron and steam be heated in an enclosed space for every temperature above 150°, where action begins, there will occur a state of equilibrium : ferrous- ferric oxide, iron, water, and hydrogen will be present together in a ratio which does not alter for any definite temperature, i. e., in a definite period of time as much iron will be pro- duced from the ferrous-ferric oxide by the hydrogen as is oxidized by the water to ferrous- ferric oxide. This may be expressed thus : FegO, + 4H2 3 Fe -f 4H2O. (See pp. 52, 68, 91.) Similarly, hydrogen chloride is decomposed at a red heat by oxygen with the formation of steam and chlorine gas, while in turn steam and chlorine gas are transposed into hydrogen chloride and oxygen. As hydrogen chloride is more stable than water and only dissociated at high temperatures, its formation is the predominating process at a red heat. Here, however, in the course of time, a state of equilibrium appears for every given temperature and pressure. The investigation of the dependence of this state of equilibrium upon temperature, pressure, duration of action, the quantities, concentration, and solubility-proportions of the reacting substances, has become of the greatest importance for theoretical chemistry, for the reason that here for the first time chemical phenomena are capable of a mathematical treatment. The fundamental investigations, both theoretical and experimental, made upon the law of mass-action, which will not be entered upon here, are due to the Nor- wegians C. M. Guldberg and P. Waage [Etudes sur les affinites chimiques, Progr. de I’Universite Christiania, 1867. See also Jr. prakt. Ch. [2] 19 (1879), 69]. For study use the works, referred to on p. 49, by Lothar Meyer ; also the Theoretical Chemistry by W. Nernst, 2 Aufl., 1898. THE QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION OF WATER. The weight and volume relations by which hydrogen and oxygen com- bine to form water constitute the most important basis for the determina- tion of the ratio of the atomic weights of these two elements to each other. To determine this ratio with such accuracy that no question can longer exist has been the purpose of innumerable investigations since the time of Dalton. Numerous difficulties had to be surmounted. They were found particularly when seeking to obtain the gases perfectly dry, in weighing 96 INORGANIC CIlEMIS'l'kV. ihcni, in measuring them, and in endeavoring to combine them, d’he judgment, care, and untiring j)atience reviuisite for tlie solution of tin’s aj)- parently simple problem may be gathered from the magnificent researches, already referred to, of the American Edward W. Morley (pj). 44, 73). d'he composition of water has been chiefly determined by its synthesis which can be followed quantitatively in its details, as both oxygen and hydrogen, as well as the water jiroduced from them, are weighed. 'J’he hydrogen is liberated either by the electrolysis of dilute suliihuric acid or sodium hydroxide (Thomsen, ]>. 42), and according to Reiser, is best weighed as jialladium hydride (p. 46). 'I'he oxygen is obtained by heat- ing potassium chlorate. Chemists have frefiuently been satisfied, instead of weighing the three bodies, hydrogen, oxygen, and water, to merely weigh two of them. This was true of Terzelius and Diilong (1819), Erd- Fig. 46. mann and Marchand (1842), and Dumas (1843), who proceeded according to a method which has become classic: hydrogen was conducted over ignited copper oxide, which was reduced to metallic copper, with the formation of water: CuO + H 2 = Cu -f H,0. Cupric oxide. Copper. Heat a weighed portion of cupric oxide (containing a definite amount of oxygen) in a stream of ])ure, dry hydrogen, and weigh the quantity of water obtained. The operation can be executed in the apparatus repre- sented in Fig. 46. It was em[)loyed by Dumas. The hydrogen gener- ated in the flask A is washed in B, and then dried in the tubes C, D, and /f, which contain substances that will absorb water. The bulb tube F, of difficultly fusible glass, contains a weighed amount of cupric oxide, and is heated with a lamp. The water which forms collects in the bulb G, and is com])letely absorbed in the tube H. Hydrogen is led over the cupric oxide until it is reduced to red metallic copper, then allowed to THE MOLECULAR FORMULA OF WATER. 97 cool, when 7 ^ is weighed alone and G and iT" together. The loss in weight of expresses the quantity of oxygen which has combined with hydrogen to produce water. The increase in weight of and ZTgives the quantity of water that was formed. The difference shows the amount of hydrogen in water. Cooke and Richards modified this method in that they conducted a weighed amount of hydrogen, by means of a dry air current, over the ignited copper oxide, and then determined the weight of the water which resulted. The composition of water by weight can also be ascertained from the ratio of the specific gravities of the two gases and the volume ratio according to which they combine. The most recent researches (Scott, Leduc, Morley) indicate that 2.0027 volumes of hydrogen unite with i volume of oxygen to form water. As one liter of oxygen weighs 1.4291 gram and one liter of hydrogen 0.08988 gram, their weight ratio in water would be I.4291 : 2.0027 • 0.08988 = 16 : 2.0153. Thus we ascertain that in 100 parts of water, by weight, there are 1 1. 2 parts Hydrogen 88.8 “ Oxygen 100.0 “ Water. Ostwald in his Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Chemie, 2 Aufl. (1891), i, 43, gives a review of the history of these important investigations. See also the researches of Morley and of Thomsen (p. 44). THE MOLECULAR FORMULA OF WATER. ATOMIC WEIGHTS OF HYDROGEN AND OXYGEN. The molecular weight of water according to Avogadro’s law is 18.02 and that of hydrogen is 2.02 if the molecular weight of oxygen be placed at 32. As to the number of atoms combined to a molecule we can con- clude from what has been previously said that the molecules of hydro- gen, oxygen, chlorine and hydrogen chloride contain at least two atoms each (p. 75). The facts about to be presented make it probable that these molecules do not consist of more than two atoms and that the molecular formula H^O represents water (p. 73). One volume of acpieous vapor contains only one-half as much oxygen as an equal volume of oxygen gas, and in an equal volume of any gaseous oxygen compound less oxygen has never been observed. Hence it may fairly be concluded that there is only one atom of oxygen present in the molecule of water, and that the oxygen molecule itself consists of two atoms. Again, one volume of aqueous vapor contains just as much hydrogen as an equal volume of hydrogen gas, and twice as much as hydrogen chlo- ride gas. Since, therefore, in equal volumes of other gaseous bodies less hydrogen and less chlorine, than in hydrogen chloride, have never been observed, it maybe assumed that the molecule of hydrogen chloride con- tains one atom each of hydrogen and chlorine, and further that the 9 98 INORGANIC CHKMISTKY. hydrogen molecule consists of two atoms of hydrogen, the water molecule of one atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen. In this manner we arrive at the molecular and atomic weights given on p. 79; whereby the atomic weight of hydrogen 1.008 is reduced to i.oi. It seems practicable, for considerations like those given, to introduce several new terms. As the sj)ecific volume Vs of a gas we have (iesignated that volume which 1 gram of the gas would occupy under normal conditions (p. 45). d'he quantity of a sub- stance expressed by the molecular weight in grams slnndd he termed the g?'aiii-i?iolecule or the mol. One mol of oxygen would then under normal conditions he 32 grams. 'I’he volume Vm, which would he occupied by i mol of a gas of the molecular weight M under normal conditions — the violectdar volmne — would he the sj)ecific volume multiplied by the molecular weight : Vm = Vs . M = 22.4 liters. The mol-volume is the same for all gases : a new expression for the so-called Avo- gadro law. It equals 22.4 liters ; i. e., 2.02 grams of hydrogen 70.9 grams of chlorine (Cl.^), 36.46 grams of hydrogen chloride (IlCl), 32 grams of oxygen (02)> i^-02 grams of acjueous vapor occupy under normal conditions a volume of 22.4 liters. This is only approximately correct because of the deviations of gases from the re(|uirements of their laws. What has been said in the preceding lines may he expressed thus : .Since in 22.4 liters of a homogeneous gaseous compound never less than i.oi grams of hydrogen, 35.45 grams of chlorine, 16 grams of oxygen, etc., have been discovered, it may be con- cluded that these express their atomic values. After having thus derived the molecular formula of water, and the atomic weights of oxygen and of hydrogen, we deduce the following conclusions; I. Sixteen ytarts by weight of oxygen occupy the same volume as i.oi parts by weight of hydrogen; since 16 partsof the former unite with 2.02 parts of the lat- ter in the production of water, one volume of oxygen must combine with two volumes of hydrogen. 2. In equal volumes we have an equal number of molecules ; n molecules of oxygen (Oj) unite therefore with 2n molecules of hydrogen (H^) ; the same yield 2n mole- cules of water; consequently two volumes of aqueous vapor : 2nH2 -p n02 = 2nH20. 2 vols. I vol. 2 vols. According to the above, two 7 'o/umes of hy- drogen and one vohi 77 ie of oxygen co 7 iden 5 e i 7 i their u 7 iio 7 i to tivo vohwies of aqueous vapor. 'These conclusions are confirmed by the following exiteriments : I. Wlien water is decomposed by the electric current in a voltameter, or, more suitably, in Hof- mann’s apparatus (Fig. 38, j). 77b it will be fouiul that the volume of the separated hydrogen is double that of the oxygen. This can also be proved syn- thetically. Introduce I volume of oxygen and 2 volumes of hydrogen into a eudiometer lube fdlcd with mercury (see Air), and let the HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. 99 electric spark pass through the mixture. This will unite the two gases, a small quantity of water forming at the same time ; all the gas has disappeared, and the tube is com- pletely filled with mercury. In place of the eudiometer, the apparatus (devised by Hof- mann) pictured in P'lg. 47 may be advantageously employed in this experiment (and also in many others). It consists of a U-shaped glass tube, one limb of which, open above, is provided below with an exit tube. The other limb really represents a eudi- ometer ; it is divided into cubic centimeters. It has two platinum wires fused into the upper end, and provided with a stop-cock to admit and let out the gases and thus test them. P'ill the tube to the stop-coek with mercury, and run into the eudiometer limb i volume of oxygen and 2 volumes of hydrogen. The side exit tube serves to run out the mercury to the same level in both tubes, so that the gases are always measured under the same atmospheric pressure, and thus their volumes are easily compared. 2. To determine the volume of the resulting water existing as aqueous vapor it is only necessary, after the explosion, to convert it by heat into steam. The apparatus (Fig. 48) will answer for this purpose. This is essentially the same as that pictured in Fig. 47, with the eudiometer limb closed above and surrounded by a wider tube. Through the latter conduct the vapors of some liquid boiling above 100° C. (toluene, xylene or aniline). These, then, pass through the envelope B, and are again condensed Fig. 48. in the spiral tube C. The quantities of hydrogen and oxygen used are heated to the same temperature, their volume noted, the explosion produced, and the volume of the result- ing aqueous vapor determined. From this it is Wnd that the volume of hydrogen is ^ of the volume of the gas mixture ; and 3 volumes of oxyhydrogen gas yield 2 volumes of aqueous vapor. 2. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. H 2 O 2 = 34-02. In addition to water, oxygen forms another compound with hydrogen, known as hydrogen peroxide. It was discovered by Thenard in 1818. It is produced by the action of dilute acids upon certain peroxides, such as those of sodium, calcium and barium. It is usually obtained by the action of hydrochloric acid upon barium peroxide : BaOj -j- 2IICI = RaCh + HjOj. Barium Barium peroxide. chloride. lOO INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Barium peroxide made to a paste with a little water (better, the hydrate — see Barium) is introduced gradually, in small (juantities, into cold hydrcK'hloric acid, diluted with 3 volumes of water. Hydrogen peroxide and barium chloride result ; both are soluble in water. To remove the second from the solution, add to the latter a .solution of silver sul- phate as long as a precipitate is formed. Two insoluble compounds, barium sulphate and silver chloride, are produced by this reagent : BaCl, f Ag2SO, = BaSO, -f 2AgCl. Remove the precipitate by filtration and concentrate the aqueous .solution. It now con- tains only hydrogen peroxide. In making the peroxide, carbon dioxide may be allowed to act on barium peroxide susitendcd in water ; Ba02 CO 2 + II 2 O BaCOg -f The insoluble barium carbonate is filtered off and the filtrate concen- trated. Hydrogen jieroxide is most practically obtained by adding moist barium hydrated peroxide (see llarium) to cold dilute sulphuric acid, d'he reaction occurs according to the following equation : BaOj + 112^^4 = BaSO^ -|- II 2 O 2 . When the acid is almost neutralized, filter the solution, and from the filtrate carefully precipitate the slight quantity of free sulphuric acid with a dilute barium hydroxide solution, then concentrate the liquid. Dry commercial peroxide of barium is not applicable for the above. A dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide is very readily prepared, if sodium peroxide (obtainable by fusing sodium in the air) is added to dilute tartaric acid. A 45 per cent, solution can be readily made by evaporating the dilute aqueous hydrogen peroxide solutions on a water-bath at a temperature not exceeding 70°. The loss will be very slight. By extracting such a solution with ether and allowing the latter to evaporate a more concentrated product can be obtained and finally an almost anhydrous peroxide will remain. The simplest means of preparing very pure hydrogen peroxide (99.7 per cent.) consists in distilling the aqueous solution (for example, the commer- cial 3 per cent, solutions) under reduced pressure. At 84-85°, under 68 mm. pressure, or at 69.2° and 26 mm. pressure, almost perfectly anhy- drous hydrogen peroxide distils over [Wolffenstein, Ber. 27 (1894), ii, 3307; Spring, Zeit. f. anorg. Chem. 8 (1895), 424; Briihl, Ber. 28 (1895), 2847-] Besides these decompositions of metallic peroxides, other methods exist for preparing hydrogen peroxide (in small quantity). Thus, it frequently in slow oxidations, when ozone is also ])roduced. If phosphorus, covered with water, be allowed to oxidize in the air, hydrogen peroxide will be found in the water, and the surrounding air will contain ozone fp. 85). Or, if a flask filled with air be shaken with zinc and water or dilute sulphuric acid, hydrogen peroxide will be ])rodiiccd. It is destroyed again by the prolonged action of the zinc. If zinc amalgam, in (he presence of milk of lime, be .shaken with caustic potash, calcium ])eroxidc, OaO,^, will be at once ])recii)itated. Copper, lead, iron, and other heavy metals do the same when agitated with more or less dilute sulphuric acid, and we find the HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. lOI same result by the oxidation of many organic substances, e. g. , pyrogallic acid and tannin on exposure to the air. In combustions, if the flame be cooled suddenly, we have formed, very often, slight quantities of hydrogen peroxide (and ozone), e. g., in bringing a hydrogen or carbon monoxide flame in contact with water (Traube, Her. 26 (1893), ii, 1471, 14761. The explanation offered for this formation of hydrogen peroxide (and ozone) is, that in the oxidations, the oxygen molecules are torn asunder, and the nascent oxygen atoms oxidize the water to a slight degree to hydrogen peroxide, and oxygen to ozone. The rare occurrence of ozone is due either to its difficult formation, or to the fact that it is readily decomposed by the reacting bodies (zinc, etc.). This is also the case wilh hydro- gen peroxide. The appearance of hydrogen peroxide in the oxidation of plu)Sj)horus seems to prove that it can be formed by the oxidation of wate 7 \ This seems to be con- firmed by its production on shaking turpentine oil with water and air, or if ozone be con- ducted into ether, and the ozonized product shaken with water. It appears probable, however, that in some oxidation reactions, the formation of the hydrogen peroxide is a consequence of the reduction of oxygen (Hoppe-Seyler and Traube). It may, for ex- ample, be assumed that when zinc (lead, iron) is shaken with air and water (or dilute sulphuric acid), the latter is decomposed in such a manner that the hydroxyl group com- bines with the zinc to hydroxide, and the liberated hydrogen then yields hydrogen peroxide with oxygen : Zn + 2OHH + 02 = Zn(0H)2 + H2O2. Zn + H2O2 = Zn (011)2. A confirmation of this supposition is found in the electrolysis of water, where we discover hydrogen peroxide appearing at the negative pole (where hydrogen is found) if air or oxygen be conducted through the solution, 2H + 02= H2O2. It is verified, too, in the production of hydrogen peroxide upon shaking palladium hydride with water and air (Traube) : Pd4H2 + 02 = 4Pd + H 2 O 2 . The excess of palladium hydride further decomposes the peroxide which was formed : Pd,H 2 + H2O2 = 4 Pd + 2H2O. In all these examples we can explain the formation of the peroxide by the action of nascent hydrogen upon oxygen. It is, however, not true that hydrogen peroxide is formed only by the reduction of molecular oxygen (see above). An evidence of this is the fact that hydrogen peroxide is produced at the anode in the electrolysis of sulphuric acid ; its appearance here is due to the decomposition of the persulphuric acid (H2S20g) (Richarz). The production of hydrogen peroxide in oxidations has led to the assumption that all oxidations are conditioned by the transitory formation of hydrogen peroxide — Traube’ s oxi- dation theory. It was supposed that the proof of this could be found in the circumstance that various oxidations, e. g., the union of carbon monoxide with oxygen to form carbon dioxide, could only occur with ease in the presence of aqueous vapor (Dixon) : CO + 2OIIH -p O2 = CO2 + II2O + 112^^2- More careful investigations have, however, demonstrated that the presence of moisture is not absolutely e.ssential in oxidations. Carbon monoxide and oxygen also combine to carbon dioxide when perfectly dry if the temperature be suf- ficiently high. Their union in the presence of moisture is due solely to the fact that the following transpositions, CO + H2O = CO2 + Ikj and 2II2 + O2 = 2H2O, take place more readily and at a lower temperature than the direct union of carbon monoxide with oxygen : 2CO + 02 = 2CO2 (Lothar Meyer ; see p. 92). Hydrogen peroxide, concentrated as much as possible under diminished pressure, is a colorless, syrupy liquid which is blue in color in a thick layer. It does not congeal as readily as water. Its specific gravity at 15°, referred to water at the same temperature, is 1.49. It vaporizes on exposure to the air. It produces a burning sensation and white spots when applied to the 102 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. skin, ll sometimes cx])lo(ies spontaneously with great violence. Its aqueous, rather concentrated solutions react acid and have a bitter, astringent taste. Hydrogen peroxide is not nearly so sensitive to heat as was tormerly siq)posed, provided that all alkaline-reacting compounds and chemically active solids are absent. It is miscible in all proportions with water. Mixtures of the conqiosition H./).^ -f H/) and -j- 2 H 2 O solidify below — 20°. Upon warming solutions containing more than 40 per cent, of hydrogen j)eroxide, the latter volatilizes in large amounts with the aqueous vapor and for the most part without decomposition (Wolffenstein, p. 100). In concentrated solutions, it is very unstable, and easily decomposed with liberation of oxygen ; in more dilute acidulated solutions it may be preserved longer. According to Spring, substances such as ether and alcohol, which reduce the surface tension of the liipiid, tend to make its solution more durable, whereas bodies like caustic potash, etc., which increase the surface tension, hasten the breaking down of the hydrogen peroxide. In consequence of its ready decomposition, hydrogen peroxide oxidizes powerfully, since oxygen appears statu nascendi {\). 53). It converts selenium, chromium, and arsenic into their corresponding acids; sulphides are changed to sulphates (PbS to PbSOi) ; from lead acetate solutions the peroxide is precipitated, but is again decolorized by the excess of hydrogen peroxide. Organic dyestuffs are decolorized and decomposed. From hydrogen sulphide, sulphur, from hydrogen chloride and iodide, chlorine and iodine are set free : H2O2 + 2HI = 2H2O + Ij. Sulphurous acid is oxidized to sulphuric acid : H 2 SO 3 + 11 , 0 , = H^SO, + H^O. Thus hydrogen peroxide acts in a manner analogous to ozone ; in both there exists a loosely combined atom of oxygen, which can readily be transferred to other bodies. Hydrogen peroxide acts very slowly upon a neutral potassium iodide solution, while ozone separates iodine at once ; but if platinum-black, fer- rous sulphate, or blood-corpuscles (see p. 88), be added to the solution, iodine immediately separates, and colors added starch-paste a deep blue. In all these cases the action of hydrogen peroxide is oxidizing. Some substances, on the other hand, are reduced by it, oxygen separating at the same time ; this is true of certain unstable oxides, peroxides, and the highest oxidations of some metals, like MuaO;, and CrO.,. Thus, argen- tic, mercuric, and gold oxides are reduced to a metallic state with an energetic evolution of oxygen : Ag.p 4 II.A = 2Ag + II2O -f O2. Lead peroxide is changed to lead oxide : PhO^ -I- U,0, = PbO -f 1^0 -p O,. In the jiresence of acids, the solution of potassium permanganate is REACTIONS FOR THE DETECTION OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. IO3 decolorized and changed to a manganous salt (see below). In the same way chromic acid and its salts are altered to chromic oxide : 2Cr03 -f- 3H2O2 = Cr203 + 3H2O + 3O2. Ozone and hydrogen peroxide gradually decompose into water and oxygen : O3 + 11.^02 = 02 + H2O Oj. Chlorine in aqueous solution is oxidized to hypochlorous acid by hydrogen peroxide, CI2 -f- H2O2 = 2HOCI, but is again reduced by an excess of the latter : HCIO + H2O2 = HCl + H ,0 -f O2. Finally, hydrogen peroxide may be decomposed into water and oxygen by many bodies, especially when the latter exist in a divided condition ; they are not in the least altered. Gold, platinum, silver, manganese per- oxide, and carbon act in this way. Such reactions, in which fhe reacting substances undergo no perceptible changes, are designated cata- lytic (xaraXooj, I open) (compare p. 102). In many cases these may be explained by the previous formation of intermediate products, which subsequently react upon one another. Thus, we can suppose that in the action of silver and gold upon hydrogen peroxide oxides first result, but these are afterward reduced by it in the manner mentioned above (see p. 87). REACTIONS FOR THE DETECTION OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. Hydrogen peroxide decomposes potassium iodide very slowly ; in the presence of ferrous sulphate, however, iodine separates at once, and is recognized by the blue color it yields with starch-paste. In the same way guaiacum tincture, in the presence of ferrous sul- phate, is immediately colored blue, and an indigo solution is decolorized. The most characteristic test for the peroxide is the following : introduce hydrogen peroxide into a chromic acid solution, add a little ether and shake thoroughly ; ths supernatant ethereal layer will be colored blue (compare Chromic Acid). A solution of titanic acid in sulphuric acid (diluted strongly with water), is also a deli- cate reagent ; it gives an orange-yellow color with traces of hydrogen peroxide. This reaction can also be applied in the presence of persulphuric acid. Hydrogen peroxide is determined quantitatively by oxidation with potassium perman- ganate (see Manganese). The latter is added to the solution, acidified with sulphuric acid, until a permanent coloration occurs. The reaction proceeds according to the equation : 2KMn04 -|- 3H2SO4 -j- 5H2O2 = 2MnS04 -f- K2SO4 -f- SH^O -(- 5O2. Or the liquid to be examined (rain-water) for hydrogen peroxide is shaken in a stop- pered glass with a 5 per cent, solution of pota.ssium iodide and some starch-paste, allowed to stand several hours, and the iodine which separates is then determined color- irnetrically (Schone). Thermo-chemical Deportment. — The great reactivity ef hydrogen per- oxide, its various modes of formation and its transpositions are fully exi)lained by its thermal relations. Compared with water, it, like ozone, is an endothermic compound, i. e., it contains more energy than water : (H2G,0) = — 23 Cal. Therefore, its formation from the latter requires the addition of energy. Its ])roduction by the oxidation of 104 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. water is excei)lional, and occurs with (lifficulty. It loses energy (heat) and readily changes to more stal)le water. Ij'ke ozone, its oxidations proceed more energetically than those with free oxygen, because 23 Cal. more are disengaged. The production of hydrogen peroxide by the transposition of barium peroxide and hydrochloric acid proceeds with the liberation of heat: BaO^ 4 - 2lICl,Aq = P>aCl2,Aq 4 H2O2 . . . 4-22.0 Cal. Hydrogen peroxide is similarly formed from other peroxides, e. g., potassium, calcium, and zinc i)eroxides. The superoxides or dioxides of manganese and lead (Midland 1*1)02) not yield h\drogen i)erox- ide with acids. This is due to the fact that they are differently con- stituted chemically from the other j)eroxides. Hydrogen peroxide occurs in slight (juantity in the air and is detected in almost all rain-water and in snow — but not in natural dew and frost. Its quantity varies from 0.5 to i milligram in a liter of rain. Its forma- tion in the air is probably induced by the action of ozone upon ammonia, whereby ammonium nitrite, hydrogen peroxide, and oxygen result (Carius). Analysis shows that hydrogen |)eroxide consists of i.oi parts of hydrogen and 16 parts of oxygen; its simj)lest formula would therefore be HO. The difficult volatility of the comj)ound, and the reactions already described, cause us to believe that the molecule of hydrogen ])eroxide is more complicated, and is expressed by H2O2. It is supposed that the peroxide is composed of two groups of OH, called hydroxyl ; these are combined with each other : HO — OH. 2. SULPHUR. Atom : S = 32.06. Molecule : S2 == 64.12 (above 1000° C.). Sulphur is distributed throughout nature, both free and in a combined state. In volcanic regions, like Sicily, it occurs free, and there it forms vast deposits, mixed with gy])sum, calcite and marl. Its compounds with the metals are known as blendes or glances. In combination with oxygen and calcium it forms calcium sulphate, the widely distributed gyp- sum. It is also ])resent in many substances of the vegetable and animal kingdoms — e. g., in the albuminoid bodies. It is interesting to note that many bacteriae and algae contain as much as one-fourth of their weight of sul})hur. d'o obtain sulphur, the natural product in Sicily is arranged in heaps, covered with earth, and then melted, or it is distilled from earthen retorts. To further ])urify this crude coanmercial product it is redistilled from cast-iron retorts, and when in a molten condition is run into cylin- drical forms — stick sulphur. If the suli)hur vapors are rapidly cooled during distillation (which occurs by conducting them into a stone chaml)er through which cold air circulates), they condense to a fine yellow jiowder, known as jlowers of sulphur (Flores sulphuris). SULPHUR. 105 Sulphur may be obtained by heating the well-known pyrites (FeS^) away from air contact. Appreciable quantities of sulphur are obtained from the material used in purifying gas — Laming’ s substance (ferric hydrate, lime and sawdust ; which finally contains iron sulphide and sulphur), as well as in the LeBlanc soda process (see Soda). Free sulphur exists in several allotropic modifications (see p. 87). 1. Ordinary octahedral or rhombic sulphur in nature in beauti- ful, well-crystallized rhombic octahedra (p. 35). It is pale yellow, hard and very brittle; on rubbing, it becomes negatively electrified. The specific gravity of this variety equals 2.07. It dissolves with difficulty in alcohol and ether; but is more readily soluble in hydrocarbons and ethereal oils. The best solvents are sulphur monochloride (S2CI2) and carbon bisulphide (CS2) ; 100 parts of the latter at 22° dissolve 46 parts of sulphur. By slow evaporation of the solutions sulphur crystallizes in transparent, lus- trous, rhombic octahedra, like those occurring in nature. It fuses at 114.5° C. to a yellow, mobile liquid, which upon further heating be- comes dark and thick, and at 250° is so viscid that it cannot be poured from the vessel containing it. Above 300° it again becomes a thin liquid, boils at 448°, and is converted into an orange-yellow vapor. 2. The prismatic or 77 ionoclinic sulphur is obtained from the rhombic when the latter is heated to its point of fusion ; on cooling, it generally assumes the monoclinic form (rhombic crystals separate at 90° from sulphur which has been heated beyond the point of fusion). The mono- clinic crystals are best obtained as follows: Fuse sulphur in a clay cruci- ble, allow it to cool slowly until a crust appears on the surface ; break this open near the side and pour out the liquid- portion. The walls of the crucible will be covered with long, somewhat curved, transparent, brownish-yellow needles, or prisms of the monoclinic system. The same are obtained when a solution of sulphur in carbon bisulphide is heated to 100°, in a sealed tube, and then gradually allowed to cool; mono- clinic crystals at first separate, and later, at lower temperatures, rhombic octahedra. The monoclinic crystals separated from the solution are almost colorless and perfectly transi)arent. Prismatic or octahedral crystals may be obtained from a supersaturated benzene solution of sulphur, by adding small fragments of the corresponding crystals to the solution. This form of sulphur has a lower specific gravity (=1.96) and fuses above 1 20°. It is soluble in the same solvents as the rhombic variety. It is very unstable; the transparent prisms and needles become opaque and pale yellow at ordinary temperatures, and specifically heavier, and pass over into an aggregate of rhombic octahedra retaining the external pris- matic form. Stick sulphur deports itself similarly; the freshly moulded sticks are comjiosed of monoclinic prisms, but in time their specific gravity changes and they are converted into the rhombic modification. 3. So/t, plastic sulphur appesivs to consist of two modifications. It is obtained when sulphur heated above 230° is poured in a thin stream into water ; it then forms a soft, fusible mass, of a yellowish-brown color. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. lOG and its specific gravity ccpials 1.92. In a few days it hardens, and is converted into the rhombic variety. At 95° the conversion is instan- taneous and accoini)anied by the evolution of considerable heat. It is only partly soluble in carbon bisulphide, leaving an amorphous powder undissolved — amorphous insoluble sulphur. As it reverts to the rhombic at 100° molten suljdiur must be quickly chilled in order to obtain much of it. It is also ])roduced when light acts upon dissolved or fused sul- phur, and in the decomposition of the halogen-suljjhur compounds by water. Flowers of sulphur, obtained by cooling sulphur vai)or quickly, are for the most j)art insoluble in carbon bisulphide. On adding hydrochloric acid to polysulphide solutions of potassium or calcium, suli)hur sei)arates as a fine, white powder, known as 7 fiilk of sulphur (Lac sulphuris) : K2S5 + 2IICI 2KCI -f II^S -f 4S. This is amorphous, soluble in carbon bisulphide, and gradually passes into the rhombic form. The existence of these various modifications of sulphur, like that of ordi- nary oxygen and ozone, may be attributed to the fact that the sulphur molecules do not, under all circumstances, consist of the same number of atoms. This supposition is confirmed by the deportment of sulphur vapor. The density of the latter at 500° has been found to equal 192 (O2 = 32). The vapor density steadily diminishes with increase of temperature and becomes constant at 1000°, and equals 64. Since the atomic weight of sulphur equals 32, it follows that at 1000° its molecules consist of two atoms (S2 = 64 = 32 X 2). At lower temperatures the sulphur vapors appear to contain molecules consisting of more than two atoms; thus at 500°, where the vapor density equals 192, the molecule consists of six atoms. According to this the hexatomic sulphur molecules dissociate, on further heating, and break down into normal diatomic mole- cules ; the dissociation begins at 700° and is complete at 1000° (see p. 93). Since, therefore, the sulphur molecules in vapor form consist of two atoms at very high temperatures and of more atoms at lower, we may assume that the molecules in the liquid and solid condition are more complicated, and that the various allotropic modifications are influenced by the number of atoms contained in the molecules. Other solid metal- loids — e. g., selenium, phosphorus, arsenic, carbon, and silicon — occur in different modifications. As yet we have no means of ascertaining the molecular size of the elements in liquid and solid conditions; there is much, however, favoring the idea that when free they consist of complex atomic groups. Another explanation of allotropy will be given in con- nection with the different varieties of ])hosphorus. Chemical J^roperlies . — In its chemical behavior sulphur is very similar to oxygen. It unites directly with most of the elements. It ignites and burns with a pale bluish flame, forming sulphur dioxide (SO.^) when heated to 260° in the air. This union with oxygen occurs gradually HYDROGEN SULPHIDE. 107 even at lower temperatures (about 180°); in the dark it is accompanied by a white phosphorescent flame. Nearly all the metals combine with it to form sulphides. By rubbing mercury, flowers of sulphur and water together, we obtain black mercury sulphide. A moist mixture of iron filings and sulphur glows after a time. Copper and iron burn in sulphur vapor. The sulphides are analogous to the oxides, exhibit similar reactions, and in the main possess a similar composition, as may be seen from the following formulas: H.^O, Water. KOH, Potassium hydrate. BaO, Barium oxide. COj, Carbon dioxide. K.^COj, Potassium carbonate. HgS, Hydrogen sulphide. KSH, Potassium sulphydrate. BaS, Barium sulphide. CS.^, Carbon bisulphide. KjCSg, Potassium sulphocarbonate. COMPOUNDS OF SULPHUR WITH HYDROGEN. 1. HYDROGEN SULPHIDE. H2S = 34.08. In nature hydrogen sulphide occurs principally in volcanic gases and in the so-called sulphur waters (p. 91). It is always produced in the decomposition of organic substances containing sulphur, particularly the albuminoids by which the sulphates, e. g., gypsum, are reduced with the formation of hydrogen sulphide. Hence the occurrence of the gas in eggs, sewers, etc. It may be formed directly from its constituents, although in small quantity, if hydrogen gas be conducted through boil- ing sulphur, or if sulphur vapors, together with hydrogen, be conducted over porous substances (pumice-stone, bricks) heated to 500°. Many sulphides are reduced upon ignition in a stream of hydrogen, with sepa- ration of hydrogen sulphide : Ag^S + H, = 2Ag + H,S. For its production acids are allowed to act upon sulphides. Ordi- narily iron sulphide and diluted sulphuric acid are employed ; the action occurs at ordinary temperatures : FeS + H.SO^ = FeSO, -f H^S. Iron Sulphuric Ferrous sulphide. acid. sulphate. The operation is performed either in a Kipp apparatus (p. 42) or in the one pictured on p. 43. Hydrogen sulphide thus obtained contains ad- mixed hydrogen, in consequence of metallic iron existing in the sulphide. The pure gas is obtained by heating antimony sulphide with concentrated hydrochloric acid : Sb.Sj -f 6IIC1 = 2SbCl3 -P 3lI.,S. io8 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Properties . — Hydrogen sulphide is a colorless gas, having an odor sim- ilar to that of rotten eggs; inhaled in large (juantities it has a stupefying effect, and is very ])(hsonoiis. At medium temperatures it eondenses under a i)ressure of ry atmospheres (under ordinary pressure at — 74°) to a colorless licpiid of specific gravity 0.9, which boils at — 63.5° under 760 mm. pressure, and at — 91° solidifies to a white crystalline mass. It is 1,18 times heavier than air. One volume of water dissolves 3 or 4 times its volume of the gas ; the solution jiossesses all the jiroperties of gaseous hydrogen suli)hide and is therefore called hydrogen sulphide water. Ignited in the air the gas burns with a blue flame, water and suliihur dioxide resulting : II,S -f 3O = 11,0 + SO,. With insufficient air access, or when the flame is cooled by the intro- duction of a cold body, only hydrogen burns and sulphur sejiarates out in a free condition. This behavior is utilized in the technical preparation of sulphur from soda residues. In acpieous solution hydrogen sulphide is similarly decomposed by the oxygen of the air at ordinary temperatures, sulphur sejiarating as a fine powder : II,S + O =r H,0 + S. The halogens behave like oxygen ; the hydrides of the halogens are formed with separation of sulphur : H,S + I2 = 2HI 4- S. This reaction, which occurs only in the presence of water, serves for the production of hydrogen iodide (p. 63). As hydrogen sulphide has a great affinity for oxygen, it withdraws the latter from many of its compounds, and it therefore acts as a reducing agent. Thus chromic, manganic, and nitric acids are reduced to lower stages of oxidation. On pouring fuming nitric acid into a vessel filled with the dry gas, the mixture will unite with a slight explosion. Hydrogen sulphide possesses weak acid properties, reddens blue litmus- ])aper, forms salt-like compounds with bases, and is, therefore, termed hydrosulphuric acid. Nearly all the metals liberate hydrogen from it, yielding metallic sulphides: Pb -f 11,5 = PbS + II,. Wi h the oxides and hydroxides of the metals hydrogen sulphide yields sulphides and suli)hydrates : KOI I + II,S = KSH -p 11,0. Potassium hydrosulphide. PbO + II,S = PbS -f 11,0. Lead sulphide. Sulphides, therefore, like the compounds of the halogens with the metals, may be viewed as the salts of liydrosuliihuric acid. The sulphides of almost all the heavy metals are insoluble in water and dilute acids; MOLECULAR FORMULA OF HYDROGEN SULPHIDE. I09 therefore, they are precipitated by hydrogen sulphide from solutions of metallic salts: CuSO, + H^S = CuS 4- H^SO,. Copper Copper Sulphuric sulphate. sulphide. acid. The precipitates thus obtained are variously colored (copper sulphide, black; cadmium sulphide, yellow; antimony sulphide, orange), and answer for the characterization and recognition of the corresponding metals. Pai)er saturated with a lead salt solution is at once blackened by hydrogen sulphide, lead sulphide being formed— a delicate test for the gas. Thermo-chemical Deportment . — Hydrogen sulphide is a feebly exother- mic compound. When hydrogen gas unites with amorphous sulphur to form hydrogen sulphide 4.7 Cal. are developed. When the gas dissolves in much water its heat of solution equals -{-4.6 Cal., so that the total heat of formation of hydrogen sulphide in dilute aqueous solution is 9.3 Cal. : (H2,S — gas) = 4.7 ; (H,S,Aq) == 4.6 ; (H,,S,Aq) = 9.3. It is because of this low heat of formation that the gas is produced with such difficulty from its elements, and it is for this reason that it is so readily dissociated by heat into its elements. Its entire chemical deportment is also accounted for by its heat of formation (p. 114). MOLECULAR FORMULA OF HYDROGEN SULPHIDE. ATOMIC WEIGHT OF SULPHUR. Considerations similar to those which led us to adopt the molecular formula H2O for water impel us to accept the formula H.^S for hydrogen sulphide. Its gas density, its analysis, and the fact that in an equal volume of any sulphur-containing gaseous com- pound there has never been observed less sulphur than is contained in hydrogen sulphide speak in favor of the assumption. The atomic value of sulphur is therefore ^2.06 (com- pare p. 97). From the molecular formula H^S we further conclude that the hydrogen contained in one volume of hydrogen sulphide would occupy in a free condition the same volume as the latter : nll.^S contains nH2. I vol. I vol. This conclusion is verified experimentally as follows : In a bent glass tube filled with mer- cury (p. 78, Fig. 41), introduce dry hydrogen sulphide gas ; then in the bent portion place a piece of tin, which is heated by a lamp. The sulphur of the hydrogen sulphide combines with the metal to form solid tin sulphide, while hydrogen is set free ; its volume is exactly equal to the volume of the employed hydrogen sulphide. The quantity of sul- phur, 32 parts, in vapor form, at 1000°, when the density is 64 (p. 106) combined with hydrogen (2 parts) would equal exactly half the volume of the hydrogen ; at 500°, however, when the vapor density is three times as great, it will equal one-sixth of the volume of the hydrogen. Written molecularly, we have : At 500° : Sg + 6112 = 6II2S. I vol. 6 vols. 6 vols. At 1000°, however : S2 2II2 = 2II2S. I vol. 2 vols. 2 vols. I TO INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. HYDROGEN PERSULPHIDE. Just as hydrogen ijeroxide, is formed by the action of acids upon some peroxide, so may hydrogen persul])hide lie obtained from metallic persulphides or polysulphides. Sodium and potassium each form four iiolysulphides which are available for this jiurpose. With sodium for exam])le there are, in addition to the ordinary suljjhide Na^S, also the compounds Na,^S^, Na^S.,, Na,^S^, Na^S^. J'\;r (piite a while it was thought that these polysulphides were decomposed by dilute acids simi- larly to the decomposition of barium jieroxide by dilute sulphuric acid : V,vi(\ + 1 1 , SO, = P,aSO, -f that therefore each polysuljihide had a corresponding hydrogen polysul- phide. This idea was enforced by the fact that the alkaloid strychnine formed a crystalline product with H^S.,, and brucine one with Rebs, however, demonstrated that when the different polysulphides are decomposed it is probably always hydrogen pentasulphide, H^S^, which is produced. It is a light-yellow colored, transjiarent mobile oil with a peculiar odor. Its sjiecinc gravity equals 1.7 1 at 15°. When dry and away from air contact it decomposes slowly. Water resolves it quickly into hydrogen sulphide and sulphur, which separates. Heat induces the same decomposition : H2S5 = S, + H,S. Rebs (see Ann. Chem. (1888) 246, 354) explains the formation of hydrogen penta- sulphide from the alkaline bi-, tri-, and tetrasulphides in the following equations: 4Na2S, + 8 HC 1 8NaCl + 4H2S, ; 4H2S, = + H2S. 4Na2S3 + 8 HC 1 = 8NaCl + 4H2S3 ; 4H2S3 = 2II2S5 -f 2H2S. 4Na2S2 + 8 HC 1 = 8NaCl + 4H2S2 ; 4H3S2 = H2S5 + 3H2S. COMPOUNDS OF SULPHUR WITH THE HALOGENS. Sulphur and chlorine unite to form three compounds: SCI2, SC 1 „ and S2CI2. It is only the last which meets with any practical application. Sulphur Dichloride — SC^ — is produced when sulphur monochloride, S2CI2, is satu- rated with chlorine at 6° to 10° : S2CI2 + CI2 = 2SCI2. The excess of chlorine is removed by conducting a stream of dry carbon dioxide through it. It is a dark-red colored lifpiid, with a specific gravity of 1.62; boils at 64°, with j)artial decomposition into S2CI2 and ; the dissociation commences at ordinary tem- peratures. Sulphur Tetrachloride — SCI, — only exists at temperatures below 0° C. It is formed by saturating S2CI2 with Cl at — 20° to — 22°. Tlie dissociation commences at — 20°, and is comjdete at -[ 6°. It yields crystalline compounds with some chlo- ridc.s — e, g.^ SnCl,, AsCIj, .SbCb. SULPHUR MONOCHLORIDE. Ill The most stable of the sulphur chlorides is Sulphur Monochloride — S2CI2 — which is formed when chlorine is conducted over molten sulphur contained in the flask C (Fig. 49). It distils over and condenses in the receiver D ; the product is redistilled, to obtain it pure. [Fig. 49, A: chlorine generator; .• wash-bottle ; E : entrance for water intended to chill the vapors.] Sulphur monochloride is a reddish-yellow liquid with a sharp odor, provoking tears, having a specific gravity of 1.68, and boiling at 138°. Its vapor density equals 135 (03 = 32), corresponding to the molecular formula S2CI2. It fumes strongly in the air, and is decomposed by water into sulphur dioxide, sulphur and hydrochloric acid : 2S2CI2 -f 2H2O == SO2 -f 4HCI + 3S. Sulphur monochloride dissolves sulphur readily and serves in the vulcan- ization of caoutchouc. Bromine forms analogous compounds with sulphur. S.^Brj is a red liquid, boiling at 190-200°. Compounds of iodine and sulphur are not definitely known. II2 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 1 3. SELENIUM. Atom : Sc = 79.1. Molecule: Scj 158.2 (at 1400°), Tliis element is not very abundant in nalure, and is only found in small (luantities, jirincijially in certain iron i>yritcs (in Sweden and Jjohemia). Upon roasting this ore of iron, for the prejiaration of sul- l)huric acid, selenium settles out in the chimney dust or in the deposit of the lead chambers (comiiare Sulphuric Acid), and was found there by Berzelius in the year 1817. It was called selenium (frskrjurj, moon) to indicate its relation to the already known tellurium {Jcllus, earth). Like sul{)hur, selenium forms different allotropic modifications. Avior- phoiis selenium, obtained by the reduction of selenium dioxide (SeOJ by means of suli)hur dioxide (SOp, is a reddish-brown powder, soluble in carl)on bisulphide, and has a specific gravity of 4. 26. Selenium crystallizes from carbon bisiiljihide in brownish-red crystals of specific gravity 4.5. The solution of potassium selenide is brown-red, and when it is ex])osed to the air, black leaf-like crystals of selenium (with si)ecific gravity 4.8) sepa- rate. These are isomorphous with suljdmr and insoluble in carbon bisul- ])hide. Upon suddenly cooling fused selenium it solidifies to an amorphous, glassy, black mass, which is soluble in carbon bisulphide and hasa sjiecific gravity of 4.28. When selenium (amorphous) is heated to 90-100°, its temperature suddenly rises above 200° ; it is converted into a crystal- line, dark-gray mass with a specific gravity of 4.8. It possesses metallic luster, conducts electricity, and is insoluble in carbon bisulphide. The crystalline, insoluble modification is obtained by slowly cooling the molten selenium. Selenium melts at 217°, and boils at about 660°, passing into a dark- yellow vapor. The vapor density diminishes regularly with increasing temperature (similar to sulphur), and becomes constant at 1400°. It then equals 158; the molecule of selenium at 1400° consists of two atoms (2 X 79- 1 = 158-2). Selenium resembles sulphur very closely in its chemical behavior. It burns in the air with a reddish-blue flame, forming selenium dioxide, and emits a peculiar odor resembling rotten horse-radish. It dissolves with a green color in concentrated sulphuric acid, and forms selenious and sul- phurous acids : Se -f- 2 H 2 S 0 ^ = SeOj T 2SO2 + 2H2O. Hydrogen Selenide — H2Se — produced, like hydrogen sulphide, from iron selenide and hydrochloric acid — is a colorless, disagreeably smelling gas with poisonous action. In the air the aqueous solution I ecomes turbid and free selenium separates. Willi chlorine selenium forms SeCl, and Se2Cl2, perfectly analogous in general to the sulphur cornjiounds hut differing fnim them in that selenium tetrachloride is a solid which sublimes and does not begin to decompose until at about 200°. TETXURIUM. II3 4. TELLURIUM. Atom: Te = i27. Molecule: Te2 = 254 (at 1700°).* Tellurium is of rare occurrence, either native or in combination with metals. It is associated with gold and silver in sylvanite, with silver and lead in altaite, and with bismuth in tetradymite. It is found principally in Transylvania, Hungary, California, Virginia, Bolivia, Brazil, and in the volcanic formations of the Liparian Islands. The tellurium precipitated by sulphurous acid from a solution of tel- lurous acid is a black ])ovvder of specific gravity 5.9. It is silver-white when fused, of a perfect metallic luster, and conducts electricity and heat. It crystallizes in rhombohedra, having a specific gravity 6.4. It fuses at 452° and boils at 1390°. When heated in the air it burns, with a bluish-gray flame, to tellurium dioxide (Te02). The vapor density of tellurium at 1400-1700° has been discovered to be about 254, corresponding to the molecular formula Te2. Hydrogen Telluride — H2Te — formed by the action of hydrochloric acid upon zinc telluride, is a colorless, very poisonous gas, with disagree- able odor. Two chlorides — TeC]2 and TeCfi, and two bromides, TeBr2 and TeBr^ — have been formed. The tetrachloride boils at 380°. As its vapor density corresponds to the formula TeCb the tellurium is quadrivalent. SUMMARY OF THE ELEMENTS OF THE OXYGEN GROUP. The elements oxygen, sulphur, selenium and tellurium form a natural grouj) of chemically similar bodies. The similarity of the last three is especially marked, while oxygen, ])ossessing the lowest atomic weight, stands somewhat apart. Among the halogens, fluorine exhibits a similar deportment; it departs somewhat from its analogues, chlorine, bromine and iodine. Like the halogens the elements of the oxygen group present a gradation in their properties corresponding to their atomic weights : os Se Te Atomic weights, 16 32.06 79.1 127. With the increase in the atomic weight there occurs a simultaneous condensation of substance, the volatility diminishes, while the specific gravity and the points of fusion and boiling increase, as may be seen in the following table. *The atomic weight of tellurium was first made 128 and subsequently 125. But the later development of the periodic system made it more probable that it was even lower than the atomic weight of iodine (126.8), which view has since been confirmed exjieri- mentally by Brauner. More recently results have been obtained which argue for the higher atomic weight, d'e -- 127. (See Staudenmaier, Zeit. f. anorg. Chem, 10 (1895), 189.) 10 in()R(;ani(: cukmistry. 114 Oxy(;kn. Sui.i’inm. SlU.KNIUM. IT'.I.I.UKIUM, Specific gravity, . . 1. 124 (at — 181°) 1.95-2.07 4. 2-4. 8 r,.4 Melting point, . . . 114-5° 217° 452° Boiling j)oint, . . — 181° 440° 600° 1 390° Gas density, .... 32.00 64. 12 158.2 254 Oxygen is a difYicultly c()ercil)le gas, while the others are solids at ordinary tem})eratures. We must, however, bear in mind that sulphur, selenium and tellurium in a free state are probably composed of larger complex atomic groiii)S (see j). 106). Further, with rising atomic weight the metalloidal i)asses into a more metallic character. Tellurium exhibits the physical properties of a metal; even selenium possesses metallic properties in its crystalline modification. In chemical deportment, however, the metalloidal char- acter shows scarcely any alteration. All four elements unite directly, at elevated temperatures, with hydrogen, to com- pounds the composition of which is expressed by the general formula MH.^. At still higher temperatures these derivatives are again resolved into their elements. The simi- larity of water and the hydrides of sulphur, selenium and tellurium is restricted to their formulas. They are entirely different in their chemical nature. Water is absolutely necessary to life, while hydrogen sulphide, selenide and telluride are dangerous poisons. It must also occasion surprise that oxygen, the only gaseous member of the group, forms a derivative with hydrogen which is liquid at the ordinary temperature and a solid at 0°, whereas the hydrides of the elements sulphur, selenium and tellurium, volatile with diffi- culty, are also gaseous and are, comparatively speaking, condensed with more difficulty. It was indeed observed with the halogens that the hydride of fluorine, the most difficult to condense, possessed the highest boiling point, and we learned that the explanation for this was that, in accordance with its vapor density, hydrogen fluoride did not have the formula HP", but H^F2. Water also differs very much the7-mo-che77ncally from the hydrides of the other elements of the group. It is a strongly exothermic body, while hydrogen sulphide, on the other hand, formed from hydrogen and solid sulphur with the evolu- tion of very little heat (H2,S = about 4 Cal.), and selenium and tellurium hydrides are indeed endothermic bodies. This is a gradation similar to that observed in the halogen hydrides (p. 65). In accord with this we find that oxygen will displace these elements from hydrogen sulphide, hydrogen selenide, and hydrogen telluride when in aqueous solution with the formation of water. At higher temperatures and with an excess of oxygen the dioxides (SO2, Se02) result. The halogens decompose them more readily than oxygen. NITROGEN GROUP. This group consists of nitrogen, ])hosphorus, arsenic, antimony, and bismuth, d'lie last ])ossesses a decidedly metallic character. It does not, like the other four elements, form gaseous derivatives with hydrogen, d'he gases argon, helium, metargon, kry])ton, xenon, and neon, occurring in the air, will l)e described in connection with nitrogen. NITROGEN. 1 . NITROGEN. Atom : N = 14.04, Molecule : N2 = 28.08. Nitrogen exists free in the air, four-fifths by volume are nitrogen and one-fifth oxygen. In combination, it is chiefly found in the ammonium and nitric acid compounds, as well as in many organic substances of the animal and vegetable kingdoms. Until 1894 it was thought possible to isolate nitrogen from the air by depriving the latter of its second constituent — oxygen. This is effected by bodies capable of ab- sorbing oxygen without acting upon the nitrogen, e. g , phos- phorus, hepar, alkaline solutions of pyrogallol and heated copper. The experiment can be most easily and simply performed in the following manner: Several pieces of phosphorus are placed in a dish swimming on water, ignited, and a glass bell-jar placed over them (Fig. 50). In a short time, when all the oxy- gen is absorbed from the air, the phosphorus will cease burning ; the phosphorus pentoxide pro- duced dissolves in the water, and the residual gas consists of almost pure nitrogen : its volume will equal four-fifths of the air taken. Another procedure consists in conducting air through a red-hot tube filled with copper turnings; the copper unites with the oxygen and pure nitrogen escapes. The portion of air remaining after these experiments was con- sidered to be nitrogen until 1894 when Lord Rayleigh and W. Ramsay proved to the universal surprise that so-called “ atmospheric nitrogen ” was a mixture of nitrogen and argon. Lately, other very probably elementary gases have also been discovered in it. Pure nitrogefi can only be obtained from nitrogenous chemical com- pounds. The following is a simple method to this end: Heat ammonium nitrite in a small glass retort; this decomposes the salt directly into water and nitrogen : NH^N 02 = N2 T 2H2O. In place of ammonium nitrite a mixture of potassium nitrite fKNO.^) and ammonium chloride (NIbCl) may be u.sed ; upon warming, salts yield, by double decomposi- tion, potassium chloride and ammonium nitrite (KNO.^ + NH^Cl = NH^NOg + KCl), which latter decomposes further. As potassium nitrite usually contains free alkali, some potassium bichromate is added to neutralize the same. Practically, the .solution consists of I part of potassium nitrite, i part of ammonium chloride, and i part of potassium bichromate in 5 parts of water, and is then boiled ; to free the liberated nitrogen from every trace of oxygen the gas is conducted over ignited copper. The action of chlorine upon aqueous ammonia produces pure nitrogen. Ammonia is a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen. While the chlorine Fig, 50. INORGANIC CHFMISTRY. I l6 conihinc's vvitli the hydrogen of tlie ammonia to liydroclilorie acid, nitro- gen is lilierated. d'he hydrochloric acid unites witli the excess ol ammonia to ammonium chloride (NH^Clj. 'I'he following e. 50 will serve to carryout the experiment. 'The disengaged chlorine is conducted through a Woulff wash-bottle c(m- taining ammonia water, the free nitrogen being collected over water. In thi.s expernnent the care should he tluit an excess of chlorinw is not conducted into the solution, because its action ui)on the aminoniuin chl(;ride will cause the formation of an exceedingly explosive body, nitrogen chloride, NCI3 (p. 133;, which separates in oily drops. Pt'operiies - — Nitrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas. One liter of it weighs I *2507 grams at 0° and 760 mm. pressure. It is therefore 0.97 times as heavy as air. Its critical temjierature lies near — 146^^, and its critical pressure equals 35 almosjdieres (p. 487. Liquid nitrogen is color- less, boils under a jtressure of one atmosphere at — 194°, at — 225° under a pressure of 4 mm., and has a specific gravity of 0.885 — ^94°)- solidifies at — 214°. In its chemical de])ortment it is extremely inert, combining directly with but few elements, e. g., with oxygen and hydrogen under the in- fluence of the electric S})ark ; with magnesium and other metals at more elevated temperatures, and with lithium at the ordinary temperature. It does not support combustion or respiration ; a burning candle is extin- guished and animals are suffocated by it. This is not due to the activity of the nitrogen, but to the absence of oxygen — a substance which cannot be dispensed with in combustion and respiration. The presence of nitro- gen in the air moderates the strong oxidizing property of the pure oxygen. THE ATMOSPHERE. The air, or the envelo])e encircling the earth, the atmosphere (ar/ioc — vapor; frepaTpa — ball, sphere), consists principally of a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen; it always contains, in addition, slight and variable quanti- ties of aqueous vapor, carbon dioxide, and traces of other substances, as accidental constituents (p. 123). Recently the gases argon, helium, met- argo 7 i, neon, krypton, and xenon have been discovered in it. They occur in small amounts, but are constant constituents. The pressure exerted by the air is measured by a column of mercury which holds it in a state of ecpiilibrium ; the height of the barometric column at the sea- level and 0° C. e(]uals, upon an average, 760 millimeters. As i c.c. of mercury weighs 13.6 grams, 76 c.c. will equal 1033.6 grams, and the last THE ATMOSPHERE. IT7 number would indicate the pressure which the column of air exerts upon one square centimeter of the earth’s surface. One cubic centimeter of air weighs, according to recent experiments, under normal conditions, 0.00129276 gram ; 1000 c.c., therefore, or one liter, would weigh 1.29276 grams. As one liter of water weighs 1000 grams, air is consequently 773 times lighter than it. Airis 14.4 times heavier than hydrogen. Its density is 28.95 referred to O2 — 32. Its specific volume is 773.4, i. e., I gram of air at 0° and 760 mm. pressure occupies 773.4 c.c. (pp. 45, 79). The liquefactio 7 i of air — or at least a portion of it — can be accomplished by the methods described on p. 48. Dewar and also Olszewsky chilled air, by means of boiling ethylene, almost to its critical temperature ( — 140°), and then liquefied it by a simultaneous, corresponding increase of pressure (75 atmospheres). Another less expensive method, hence well adapted for technical purposes, utilizes the great reduction in temperature sustained by strongly compressed gases when suddenly released Dom pressure. In the apparatus constructed almost simultaneously by Linde (Munich), Tripler (New York) and Hampson (London) the gas under slight pressure and cooled by sudden expansion is directed around a cur- rent of gas passing in an opposite direction under high pressure, whereby the temperature is eventually lowered below the critical temperature. Liquid air is colorless. It is turbid, owing to the solid carbon dioxide from which it can be freed by filtration. Its boiling point (according to Dewar) is — 190°, at which temperature almost pure nitrogen is evolved. The specific gravity of freshly prepared liquid air is 0.9951 referred to water at 4°. It contains much more oxygen than the gas. Recently prepared it holds as much as 54 percent, of oxygen by weight, while the gas form has only 23 per cent, of oxygen by weight. Hence the name liquid air is not an entirely correct designation. The oxygen-content of liquid air increases by preservation. This may be accomplished by means of Dewar bulbs or double-walled tin or wooden boxes the air space of which is filled out with silk, etc. It will finally contain as much as 94 per cent, by weight of oxygen. This gradual accumulation of the gas in the liquid air is attributable to the fact that under the ordinary pressure nitrogen boils at — 194°; oxygen, however, at — 184°. There is here the greatest technical possibility, that by boiling out nitrogen from liquid air, almost pure oxygen can be prepared on a large scale. The effect of low temperatures upon the physical properties of bodies and upon the course of chemical reactions can be well shown by means of liquid air. Carbon dioxide and acetylene solidify in it. The solid acetylene may be ignited; it then burns away like paraffin. Liquid air immediately solidifies mercury and renders it malleable. Alcohol at once forms drops in liquid air and soon becomes hard and crystalline. The hand may be plunged for a short period into the liquid of — 190° without experiencing any ill effects, because it is at once surrounded by a protecting film. Dewar claims that the color of many bodies is changed if they are immersed in liquid air. Red mercuric oxide, iodide and sulphide (cinnabar) appear yellow in color, while the yellow-green nitrate of uranium appears white. Mention has already been made that chemical ii8 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. transpositions do not occur, or at least very slowly, at the temperature of lifpiid air (p. 28). History. — It is well known that the air was formerly regarded as an element — a simple substance. However, observations were made very early which argue for the very opposite. As early as the ninth century certain chemists knew that the metals, when heated in air — i.e., by calcination — increased in weight, and some of them correctly attributed this to the absor[)tion of certain air particles l)y the hot metal. Because niter, like air, accelerates combustion, 1 looke (seventeenth century) suspected that both contained an ingredient .serving for combustion. It was especially the English chemists of the .seven- teenth century who busied themselves with researches in this direction. Mayow in particular deserves mention. lie contended that the glowing metal united with the “ spiritus nitro- aerus” of the air. He demonstrated that by respiration as well as by combustion the volume of air standing over water was diminished, and that the residuum — the destroyed air — was no longer available for respiration or combustion. However, germs of the correet idea of combustion phenomena could not develop and grow under the predominance of the peculiar views then extant. Becher, a German chemist, began about 1700 to teach that the phenomenon of combustion originated in a peculiar volatile and escaping earth or kind of sulphur. His pupil Stahl, about 1720, developed this thought into a theory or doctrine, which held almost exelusive sway until near the closing third of the century. Stahl called the substance, which escaped in combustion, (combustible). He failed to note that which became the main subject of investigation with the English chemists — that the burnt metal had increased in weight, and he explained that all combustible bodies consisted of phlogiston and a non-combu.stible sub- stance. Thus, sulphur consisted of phlogi.ston and sulphuric acid, iron of ferric oxide and phlogiston, etc., etc. In the process of combustion the phlogiston escapes as flame and the non-combustible portion remains. The reduction of a metallic oxide by another metal or by a combustible body {e.g., carbon) depends, therefore, upon the passage of phlogiston from l^ie reducing to the reduced body ; hence the terms — phlogisticated and dephlogisticated. The first corresponds to reduction and the second to oxidation. In this manner, because of the absence of more accurate experiments, the phenomena of combustion could be explained with some probability and apparent certainty. And Stahl became the founder of a chemical theory which lasted for more than a half century, and in its decadence found its most ardent advocates among the best and most celebrated English chemists of that period. Bayen (1774) showed that mercuric oxide was reduced without the addition of phlogiston (i. e.^ by heating without the addition of carbon), and this led Lavoisier to his experiments upon the absorption of air in the calcination of the metals. He melted tin in a large, closed, air-tight flask. He had previously determined its weight as well as that of the tin. When the latter had become coated with a thick layer of oxide the apparatus was allowed to cool and was again weighed. Its weight was the same as at first, but when the flask was opened, air rushed in and the weight increased. Hence the tin, by calcination, had abstracted something from the air and had not, as required by the phlogiston theory, given anything to it. About this same period Scheele and Priestley discovered oxygen (p. 80), Rutherford (1742) had again described destroyed air, i. e., nitrogen, and Scheele, by a series of excellent experiments, demonstrated the composition of air and the difference between nitrogen (aer mephiticus, aer vitalis) and carbon dioxide (aer aereum). But he believed in the phlogiston theory. It was Lavoisier, during the .same period, who clearly indicated and showed experimentally the role of oxygen in combustions and oxidations, and, shortly after, proved the elementary nature of nitrogen. Lavoisier named nitrogen azote (from life, and a, privative), from which we get the .symbol Az u.sed in France for nitrogen. Chaptal was the first to give nitrogen the name nitrogenium (whence the symbol N), because it is a constituent of niter (nitrum). How chemists have again extended our knowledge of the constituents of the air to a most unexpected degree may be gathered from pp. I15-123. Coirn)are Berzelius’ Lehrbuch der Chemie, 5 Auil. (1843), I, 140. Quantitative Cottiposition of Air . — Its composition is expressed by the quantity of oxygen, argon and nitrogen contained in it, as its remaining admixtures are more or less accidental and variable. THE ATMOSPHERE. II9 Boussingault and Dumas (181 1) determined the accurate weight com- position of the air (nitrogen and argon were of course calculated as ‘‘at- mospheric nitrogen ”) by the following experiment : A large balloon, V, with a capacity of about 20 liters (Fig. 51), is connected with a porcelain tube, a, b, filled with metallic copper. Balloon and tubes, closed by stop-cocks, are previously emjitied and weighed apart. The bent tubes, A, B, and C, contain caustic potash and sulphuric acid, and serve to free the air undergoing analysis from aqueous vapor, carbon dioxide, and other impurities. The porcelain tube, filled with copper, is heated to a red heat, and by carefully opening the stop-cocks ?/, r, and r a slow current of air is allowed to enter the empty balloon V. The impurities are given up in the bent tubes, and all the oxygen absorbed by the ignited copper, forming cupric oxide, so that only pure nitrogen enters V. Now close the cocks and weigh the balloon and porcelain tube, a, b. The increase in weight of the latter represents the quantity of oxygen in the air; the increase in V the quantity of nitrogen. In this manner Dumas and Boussingault found that in 100 parts by weight of air there are con- tained : Nitrogen, 7^-995 parts by weight. Oxygen, 23.CX35 “ “ “ Air, 100,000 “ “ “ Asa liter of oxygen weighs 1.4291 grams and a liter of atmospheric nitrogen 1.25 71 grams the volume composition of air would be: Oxygen, 20.8 parts by volume. Nitrogen, 79.2 “ “ “ Air, loo.o “ “ “ The density of air is 28.95 (P- 45 ) referred to oxygen etpial to 32. I 20 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. olf^ Fig. 52. the original 'Fhc voliiinc coiii])osition of air may 1)C directly fcjiind l)y means of the al)sori)tiometer. 'I'he latter is a tube carefully graduated, and sealed at one end. This is filled with mercury, and air allowed to enter; the volume of the latter is determined by reading off ^ the divisions on the tube. Now introduce into jijl the tube, through the mercury, a i)latinum wire i | having a ball of i)hos])horus attached to the end (Fig. 52), or a ball of coke saturated with an alkaline solution of jiyrogallic acid. The phos- phorus absorbs the oxygen of the air, and only nitrogen remains, the volume of which is read off by the graduation. The eudiometric affords greater accuracy. It is dependent ii])on the combustion of the oxy- gen with hydrogen in a eudiometer. Air and hydrogen are introduced into the eudiometer, and the electric sjiark then ])assed through the wires. All the oxygen in the air combines with a ])ortion of the hydrogen to form water. On cooling, the aqueous vapor condenses and a contraction in volume occurs. Assuming that we had taken 100 volumes of air and 50 volumes of hydrogen, and that the residual volume of gas, after allowing for all corrections (p. 121), equaled 87.15; then of 150 volumes of mixed gas, 62.85 volumes disap- peared in the formation of water. As the latter results from the union of i volume of oxygen and 2 volumes of hydrogen, the TOO volumes of air employed in the analysis therefore contained 6 2^8^ = 20.95 volumes of oxygen. Hence air consists (accord- ing to the determination of Regnault and Bunsen) of 79.05 volumes Nitrogen. 20.95 “ Oxygen. 100.00 “ Air. A eudiometer {evbui, fair weather, and iiirpov, measure — for- merly it was thought that there was some connection between the quantity of oxygen in the air and the weather) is an absorp- piQ. 53. tiometer, with two })latinum wires fused into its closed end. 'The i)assage of the electric spark from wire to wire causes the explosion 53 )-* Numerous analyses show that the composition of the air everywhere on the earth’s surface is constant. The most recent and exhaustive researches of Kreusler, Hempel, Morley, Rayleigh, and Leduc indicate it to be generally as follows: * For furtlier .sliidy of gasometric methods consult Rob. Bunsen, (lasometrische Meth- oden, 2 Aull., 1877; Wallher irem])el, Clasanalytische Melhoden, 2 Aufk, 1890; Clemens Winkler, Lehrhuch der Ic^clinischen (lasanalyse, 2 Aull., 1892. THE ATMOSPHERE. I 21 Nitrogen, 78.06 parts by volume ; Oxygen, 21.00 “ “ “ Argon, 0.94 “ “ “ 75.5 parts by weight. 23.2 “ “ “ 1.3 “ “ “ 100.00 100.0 “ “ Measuring Gases . — The volume of gases is influenced by pressure, temperature, the moisture contained in them, and to a slight degree by their chemical nature. To com- pare statements of gas volumes, they must be recalculated to normal conditions, i. e., it must be indicated what volume is occupied by the gas at 0° and 760 mm. barometric pressure. The pressure exerted by the mercury column of a barometer at a definite tem- perature depends not only on its height but also upon the intensity of gravity, which in turn varies with the latitude and sea-level. Hence it has been agreed to refer the “nor- mal conditions” to 45° geographical latitude and the sea-level. The normal volume Vo (at 760 mm. and 0°) is calculated, according to Boyle-Gay-Lussac’s laws, from the volume V, which a gas occupies at pressure p and t° by the equation : pv = po Vo (l + at) to be V . p 760 (l -f at)‘ This answers only for dry gases. Any quantity of gas occupies less space when it is dry than when it is moist, because the tension of the aqueous vapor counteracts the atmos- pheric pressure. The moisture may be removed by introducing into the gas a ball of coke saturated with sulphuric acid, which dries it. It is more convenient, however, to make the cor- rection of the gas volume in the following manner : Water is brought in contact with the gas to be measured, in order to perfectly saturate it with aqueous vapor ; the gas is then measured and its normal volume calculated by the above formula, after deducting from the observed pres.sure p the number of millimeters corresponding to the tension of the aqueous vapor for the given temperature (p. 90). If the aqueous tension at t® be repre- sented by s (mm. mercury) we finally reach the equation : V == V • (P — s) ° 760 (i + 0.003665 . t)‘ Another form may be given the expression of the two laws relating to gases : pv = Po Vo (i -f Ot), if the temperature be counted not from the melting of ice forward but from the absolute zero point of temperature, which can be developed from the following considerations. According to Gay-Lussac the volume of a gas increases, for every degree of rise in tem- perature, the 0.00367 or ^ of the volume it occupied at 0°. If the temperature be lowered from 0° downward, and the law of Gay-Lussac continues to hold force, then the volume of the gas at — 273° equals zero. This degree of temperature, which has been approached to within 30°, answers for the zero point of ab.solute temperature. It is indi- cated by the letter T. The relation between the degrees of ab.solute temperature and those of ordinary centigrade degrees is expres.sed by t = T — 273. If this be introduced into the preceding erjuation we obtain pv ^ Pn Vo 273 T, or, if be made equal to R, then we have ’273 i ’ pv = R . T. The value of R does not depend upon (he chemical composition of the gas, but .solely upon the units of measure chosen ff)r p and v. d'be law of Avogadro can also be given cxpres.sion through tliis ef|uation if, following Horstmann’s suggestion, consideration be given to the volumes which molecular quantities of the gases occupy, — /. e. the volume II 22 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. occu})ic(l by one molecule or 2.02 f^rams of hydrogen, 32 grams of oxygen, 70.9 grams of chlorine, 36.46 grams of hydrogen chloride. 'I'his volume is, Cf), 22.4 liters (p. 98). In this case R is the .same for all gases. If the volume be measured in cubic centimeters, and the j)res.sure in grams j)cr .sfiuare centimeter, then, as v = 224(X), p would ecpial 1033.6 (p. 116), T - 273, and R 84800. 'I'he entire expre.ssion for the three laws would then read pv = 84800 T. We shall see that this equation also posse.sses great value for solutions. The I^oyle-Ciay-Lussac law is not an ab.solutely correct expre.ssion for the behavior of gases. At very great pre.ssures they can be less compres.sed than wovdd correspond to the letpiirements of the law. At low pre.ssures, on the other hand, gases, hydrogen excepted, can be more strongly compressed than the law re(|uire.s. 'J' variations justify the theory propounded by the Hollander, van der Waals ( 1873). As the density of the gas increases the attraction between its molecules becomes greater and the outward ))ressure grows less; indeed, the diminution is inversely proj)nrtional to the .scjuare of the volume of the gas-mass. Accordingly, the observed luessure, when com])ared with that demanded l)y the law, is reduced about the value , in which a is a constant corresponding to the attraction between the molecules — the cohesion of the gases. On the other hand, the space remaining, with the greater density, for the motions of the molecules is than the observed volume, we must deduct from the latter the .s{)ace actually occupied by the molecules themselves. In calculation the ob.served pressure must therefore be increased and the ob.served volume must be diminished. This is indicated in the equa- tion of van der Waals, mentioned on p. 49 : (P 4 - “0 (v-b) = RT. or (P + ■ vV) ('■ - b) = (I -b a) (I - b) ,* which not only answers for gases but also for liquids. The critical data of a gas may also be calculated from it. From the great constancy of its composition air was supposed to be a chemical compound, consisting of nitrogen and oxygen. This supposi- tion is, however, opposed by the following circumstances: All chemical compounds contain their constituents in atomic quantities, which is not the case with air. In the mixing of nitrogen and oxygen to form air there is neither disengagement nor absorption of heat, which is always observed in chemical compounds. Further, the air absorbed by water or other solvents jiossesses a composition different from the atmospheric; this is due to the unequal solubilities of nitrogen and oxygen in water. 'The air expelled from water iqion application of heat consists of 34.9 volumes of oxygen and 65.1 volumes of nitrogen (Bunsen). These facts indicate that air is not a chemical compound, but a mechanical mixture of its two constituents (see Liquid Air). I'he great con.staucy iu the comj^osition of our atmo.sjdicre is due chiefly to the fact that there is a constantly renewed mixture produced by the unceasing air currents, by wind.s and storms, rising of the warmer layers and the sinking of those which have become cooler. The mutual diffusion of gases comes, therefore, into consideration. The -x-As K " ' , a.Hl v= I. 273 ‘ GASES RECENTLY DISCOVERED IN THE ATMOSPHERE. 123 gas molecules possess, as is now generally acknowledged, a direct, progressive, energetic movement, and can therefore diffuse without limitation into space if by contact with other molecules they are not deflected from or arrested in their course. This is the reason that two gases (or liquids) in immediate contact mix generally with one another. Another kind of diffusion need not be considered so far as concerns the constant composition of the atmosphere, but may be given as a conclusion to what has already been said. If two gases are separated by a permeable diaphragm or membrane, that one possessing the lower density will traverse the septum the more rapidly. The following experiment very clearly illustrates this : In the open end of an unglazed clay cylinder (as used in galvanic elements) there is fixed a glass tube about one meter long, its open end terminating in a dish containing water ; the cylinder and tube are filled with air. Over the porous cylinder is placed a wider vessel filled with hydrogen. The latter presses faster into the cylinder than the air escapes from it ; the air in the tube and cylinder is displaced and rises in the water in bubbles. \\'hen the separation of gas ceases, tube and cylinder are almost filled with pure hydrogen. On removing the larger hydrogen vessel the gas will escape much more rapidly into the external air than the latter can enter the cylinder ; the internal pressure will therefore be less than the external, and water ascends in the glass tube. In addition to nitrogen and oxygen, air constantly contains aqueous vapor and carbon dioxide (CO2) in very small quantities. The presence of the former can readily be recognized by the fact that cold bodies are covered with dew in moist air. Its quantity depends on the temiterature and corresponds to the vapor tension of water (see p. 90). One cubic meter of air perfectly saturated with aqueous vapor contains 22.5 grams of water at 25° C. ; on cooling to 0° 17.1 grams separate as rain. Gen- erally the air contains only 50-70 per cent, of the quantity of vapor necessary for complete saturation. The amount of moisture in it is either determined according to physical methods (hygrometer), or directly by weighing. To this end a definite quantity of air is conducted through a tube filled with calcium chloride or sulphuric acid, and its increase in weight determined. To detect the carbon dioxide in the air, conduct a portion of the latter through solutions of barium or calcium hydroxides, and a turbidity will ensue. To determine its quantity, pass a definite and previously dried amount of air through a weighed potassium hydrate tube, and ascer- tain the increase in weight of the latter. Ten thousand parts by volume of atmospheric air contain, ordinarily, from 3.0. to 4 parts by volume of carbon dioxide. (See Ber. 30 (1897), 1450.) Besides the four ingredients just mentioned, air usually contains small quantities of ozone, hydrogen peroxide, ammonium salts (ammonium nitrite), the newly discovered gases argon and heliiu?i, and probably hydrogen. Finally, air contains microscopic germs of lower organisms ; they are generally found in the lower air strata, and their presence influ- ences the processes of decay and fermentation of organic substances. GASES RECENTLY DISCOVERED IN THE ATMOSPHERE. Lord Rayleigh in 1892, while engaged in an exhaustive research upon the density of the elementary gases, incidentally observed that a liter of nitrogen isolated from the air weighed 1.2571 grams under normal conditions, whereas a liter of the same gas pre- pared from ammonia or nitric acid weighed 1.2507 grams. The determined purpose of ascertaining the reason for this difference in the third decimal led Lord Rayleigh and 124 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. W, Ramsay in 1894 to the brilliant and snr])risinfi; discovery of argon — a new conslitnont of tlie air, the composition of wliich, after the masterly investigations of emiiK-nt chemists, ai)peared to conceal from us no furtlier enigmas. Vet, in Marclj of 1895, as W. Ramsay sought ft)r additional .sources of argon, lie found heliiim, a second ajiparently elementary gas, which, through a jiortion of its spectrum, had been known as a constituent of the sun. Prior to this it had not been certaiidy known to be nt on the earth. It is a very subordinate constituent of the air, where it was first ob.served by Kayser. Ramsay obtained it by heating minerals containing uranium. The two gases to which reference has just been made differ from all other gases known to us by the total absence of chemical activity. 'Phus far no other substance has been made to react with them. Hence the name Argon, from iiv ipyov, without action. 'They differ from other gases in their real atomic structure ; their atoms have not com- bined to molecules— a condition which heretofore has been ob.served oidy with other substances at very high temperatures (ji. 79). 'Phis is evident from the relation of the specific heat at constant jiressure to tliat at constant volume, which in the case of mon- atomic gases eijuals 1.67, whereas with polyatomic gase.s — built uj) molecularly — the value lies between i and 5 . Compare (). IT Meyer, 'Phe Kinetic Theory of (2d ed., 1895-1899). Recently, Ramsay availed himself of the remarkably developed refrigatory apparatus and found four apparently elementary monatomic in air, while seeking for the one between argon and helium. He permitted large quantities of licjuid argon and liquid air to boil away gradually, and then examined the more volatile portions and those portions not so readily volatile and more difficultly condensed. Thus he di.scoverecl in the residue, by the evaporation of 750 c.c. of liquid air to Jo c.c., the gas krypton {Kpv-iTTor, con- cealed), which volatilizes with difficulty, has a density or atomic weight of 45 (O2 — 32), and is characterized in its spectrum by a brilliant red, a yellow, and a green line, the last lying close to that of the northern light ; similarly metargon and xenon [^evoq, foreign), both of which are present in the heavier portions of the air ; and lastly the non- condensible, light neon [veo^, new), rich in lines, with the density 20, and probably the sought-for gas lying between argon and helium. No one of these four has been obtained in the pure state ; therefore only argon and helium will be more fully discussed. (See Ramsay, Ber. 31 (1898), 31 ii.) ARGON. Atom : A = 40. The air contains about 0.935 cent, by volume of argon, while “atmospheric nitro- gen ” contains 1.183 per cent, by volume. We inhale daily about 20 liters of this enig- matical gas which has remained concealed for so long a time. It is pre-sent in many mineral waters and gases from springs, e.g., those of Bath, Cauteret, Voslau and Wild- bad. It is liberated in small quantities, however, together with helium, upon heating certain minerals (especially those containing uranium) — cleveite, broggerite, uraninite, and has been obtained in the same manner from one meteorite. Frequently the gases occluded in rock-salt contain argon. 'Pwo methods may be pursued in separating argon from the air : 1. Air — freed from oxygen, aqueous vapor and other admixtures — “atmospheric nitrogen” — (p. 119) is conducted over red-hot magnesium filings, which ab.sorb the nitro- gen, forming magnesium nitride : N2 -j- Mg.^ := Mg3N2 (p. ii6), while the argon is scarcely acted upon. The nitrogen can be more quickly absorbed by lithium or by a heated mix- ture of magnesium and calcium oxide or finely divided calcium : Mg CaO = MgO -f Ca. Ram.say employed this method. 2. Lord Rayleigh mixed “atmospheric nitrogen,” the mixture of nitrogen and argon, with oxygen and allowed the induction spark to pass continuously through this mixture in the presence of caustic ]) Alkaline nitrite is formed in this way from the nitro- gen, oxygen and alkali (sec Nitrous Acid, ])]X 205, 207), while the residue of argon and oxygen is conducted over ignited co]q)er to remove the latter., as early as 1785, observed that there remained .some “ atmo.s])heric nitrogen ” which was not con- verted into alkaline nitrile ; he did not, however, pursue this observation further. COMPOUNDS OF NITROGEN WITH HYDROGEN. 125 The argon tlius prepared contains helium and neon as the lighter and inetargon, krypton and xenon as tlie heavier admixtures. It is then liquefied by means of licpiid air and purified by fractional distillation. Its density referred to C)^ 32 is 39.914 or in round numbers 40 ; it is identical with its atomic weight. Under normal conditions a liter of argon weighs 1.780 grams. At very low temperatures it congeals to an ice-like mass, which melts at — 189.5° ^o a colorless liquid. It boils at — 185° ; its critical temperature is — 121° and its critical pressure 50.6 atmospheres. Argon is approxi- mately times as soluble in water as nitrogen : 100 volumes of water dissolve 4 volumes of argon at 12°. Hence argon accumulates in the gases of rain-water. The spectrum distinguishes argon very certainly from nitrogen and other substances [com- pare : Z. f. phys. Ch. 1895, 16, 344; Z. f. anorg. Ch. 18 (1898), 222 ; Chem. Central- blatt 70 (1899), I, 469; also Mugdan : Argon and Helium, two new gaseous ele- ments, Stuttgart, 1896]. HELIUM. Atom : He = 4. Helium is as inactive chemically as argon. While the latter is widely distributed on the earth, helium is one of the rarest of terrestial substances. It occurs, however, with hydrogen in immense masses in the photosphere of the sun and other brilliant fixed stars. Norman Lockyer detected it as early as 1868 by means of the spectroscope in the chromosphere of the sun, and in 1869 he and Frankland named it Helium. In 1892 Palmieri observed its terrestial occurrence for the first time while studying spectroscopically a substance which had been thrown out by Vesuvius. But it was first in March, 1895, that W. Ramsay found helium while he was engaged in seeking for sources of argon. Hitherto only a portion of the helium spectrum (line Dg) had been known. The gas helium (together with hydrogen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and probably also argon) is evolved when certain rare minerals, usually consisting of salts of uranium, yttrium and thorium (^. g., cleveite, uraninite, broggerite, monazite) are heated alone with dilute sul- phuric acid (i : 8) or with sodium bisulphate. It was similarly obtained from a meteorite. Kayser found it, in small quantities it is true, in the air and the later investigations of Ramsay and Travers have confirmed this observation. Helium, like argon, occurs in the gases from springs, e. g., in those from Wildbad, in that of Adano near Padua, as well as in the gaseous exhalations of Tuscany. Helium is monatomic (see above). Its atomic weight (its density) equals about 4. Dewar has shown that it can be liquefied by means of liquid, vaporizing hydrogen, so that at present all gases, with the exception of neon, can be liquefied. It is less soluble in water than any other gas : loo volumes of water at 18° take up but 0.73 volume of helium. It is as inactive as argon. Travers asserts that when a powerful electric dis- charge is sent through a Pliicker tube (see Spectrum Analysis) filled with helium the latter is absorbed by the platinum electrodes and is again liberated from the same on the appli- cation of heat. This recalls the behavior of hydrogen and palladium ; it may be useful in separating helium and argon. Five brilliant lines are prominent in the spectrum of helium : one each in the red, the yellow, the green, the blue and the violet. The yellow line Dg lies close to the two sodium lines, Dj and D^, toward the violet end of the .spectrum. COMPOUNDS OF NITROGEN WITH HYDROGEN. Ammonia is the most important compound of nitrogen and hydrogen. It has l^een known for tlie longest time. Since 1889 Th. Curtins has added four otlier derivatives of these two elements to it : hydrazine, N^H^, and hydrazoic acid, N.Jl, as well as the ammonium and hydrazine salts of the latter: NJI, (= NHg + NgM)and NHI, (=N.^H, + NgH). See Per. 29 ( 1896), 759. Oxvaminonia or hydroxylaminc, NHgO, discovered by W. J.ossen in 1865, will be discussed after ammonia. 26 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 1. AMMONIA. Mulcculc : NUa :^ 17.07. Ammonia occurs in tlie air in combination with some acids, in natural waters and in the eartli, but always in small (juantities, Ihiestley first studied it carefully and called it alkaline air. berthollet determined its composition in 17CS5. d'lie formation of ammonia by the direct union of nitrogen and hydrogen occurs under the inlluence of thesilent electric discharge. Its comiiounds — ammonium salts — are freciuently ])roduced under the most varying conditions. Thus ammonium nitrate is formed by the action of the electric spark iijion moist air: K, + O + 2ll,0 NII^NOg. Aminoiiium nitrate. Ammonium nitrite, NH^NOj, is said to be formed in every combus- tion in the air; and in the electrolysis of water. Further, ammonium salts are ])roduced in the solution of many metals in nitric acid, in con- setpience of a reduction of the acid by the liberated hydrogen : HNO3 + 81 1 311,0 + NIIj. The following conversion of nitrogen into ammonia deserves considera- tion : Nitrogen unites with magnesium at a red heat to magnesium nitride, MggN,, and the latter is energetically decomposed by water with the evolution of ammonia: MggN, + 311,0 = 3MgO + 2NII3 (p. 124). Nitric acid in the form of salts, in alkaline solution, is reduced by nascent hydrogen to ammonia (see Nitric Acid). Ammonia is produced in large quantities in the decomposition and dry distillation of nitrogenous organic substances. Even as late as the last century the bulk of the ammonium chloride (the most important salt technically), was obtained from camel’s dung or decayed urine. Its orig- inal name Sa/ armoniacimi — Armenian salt — was confounded later with the designation for Egyptian rock-salt — Sal ammoniacum. In the prepa- ration of illuminating gas by the distillation of coal, ammonia appears as a by-i)roduct and may be obtained by combining it with sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. This method is used almost exclusively at present for its production. To ])re[)are ammonia heat a mixture of ammonium chloride and slaked lime in a glass or iron flask : 2NIFCI f Ca(On), == CaCl, + 2 ll ,0 + 2NH3. Aininoiiium Calcium chloride. hydroxide. d'he disengaged ammonia gas is collected over mercury, as it is readily soluble in water (see ]>. 58, Fig. 33). For ])erfect drying conduct it through a vessel filled with burnt lime (CaO). ('alcium chloride is not applicable for this ])urpose, as it combines with the gas. In consequence of its levity, ammonia, like hydrogen, may be collected by disi)lacing the air in inverted ves.sels. AMMONIA. 127 Physical Propc 7 'ties . — Ammonia is a colorless gas with a suffocating, characteristic odor. Its density is 0.59 (air = i). Under a pressure of 6.5 atmospheres (at 10° C.), or by cooling to — 40° C., under ordinary pressure it condenses to a colorless mobile liquid with a specific gravity of 0.623 at 0°, solidifies at — 85°, and melts again at — 75°. Liquid ammonia has recently been introduced into commerce. Ammonia gas may be condensed, just like chlorine. Take ammonium silver chloride (AgCl . 2NH3), obtained by conducting ammonia over silver chloride, and enclose it in a tube with a knee-shaped bend (p. 51, Fig. 32). 'I'he limb containing the compound is now heated in a water-bath, while the other limb is cooled. The compound is decom posed into silver chloride and ammonia, which condenses in the cooled limb (h'aradayj. Ammonia gas dissolves very readily in water, with the liberation of heat. One part of water at 0° and 760 mm. pressure absorbs 1146 volumes (= 0.875 parts by weight); at 20°, 739 volumes (= 0.526 parts by weight) of ammonia. At 16° and 760 mm. pressure 100 parts by volume of water absorb 60 parts by weight of ammonia. The specific gravity of a 34.95 per cent, solution at 15° is 0.882; henc e a liter of it contains 308.3 grams of ammonia. When a long glass tube, closed at one end and filled with ammonia, has its open end placed in water, the latter rushes up into the tube as it would into a vacuum ; a ])iece of ice melts rapidly in the gas. The aqueous solution possesses all the properties of the free gas, and is called Liquor ammonii caustici. d'he greater the ammonia content the less will be the specific gravity of the solution. All the gas escapes on the application of heat. When the condensed liquid ammonia evaporates it absorbs a great amount of heat, and answers, therefore, for the production arti- ficially of cold and ice in Carre’s apparatus. The simplest form of the latter is represented in P'ig. 54. The iron cylinder A is filled about half with a concentrated aqueous ammonia solu- tion, and is connected, by means of the tubes from b, with the conical vessel Aj in the middle of which is the empty cylindrical space E. The entire internal s])ace of A and A is hermetically shut off. A is heated upon a charcoal fire until the thermometer a, in it, indicates 130° C., while A' is cooled with water. In this way the gaseous ammonia is expelled from the aqueous ^ solution in A^ passes through b, in which most of the water runs back, and condenses to a liquid in B, of the receiver F. The cylinder A is removed from the fire, cooled with water and the vessel A>, constructed of thin .sheet-metal and filled with water, placed in the cavity A, FiG. 54. which is surrounded with a poor conductor, e. g., felt. The ammonia condensed in B evaporates, and is reab.sorbed by the water in A. Ily this evaporation a large fjuantity of heat, withdrawn from A’ and its surroundings, becomes latent ; the water in 1 ) freezes. 'I'he method of Carre for the artificial production of ice has acquired great apjdication in the arts; recently, however, ice machines have been introduced, 'i'hese are driven by liquid ammonia (Lindel, or by licjuid sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide (Pictet) (compare pp. 48, 117). The method of Windhausen, depending upon the expansion of compressed air, is much used. 128 INORGANIC CIIEMISIRY. Chemical Properties . — A red heat or the continued action of the elec- tric spark decomposes ammonia into nitrogen and liydrogen. On con- ducting ammonia gas over heated sodium or potassium, tlie nitrogen combines with these metals and hydrogen escapes : NII3 -f- 3K NK3 -p 3li. Magnesium unites, when heated in an atmosphere of ammonia, with the nitrogen of the latter, giving a bright light: 3Mg -I- 2NII3 _ Mg3N3 }- 3II3. Ammonia will not burn in the air; in oxygen, however, it burns with a yellow flame : 2NIl3 + 3().= N3 + 3ll30; ammonium nitrite and nitrogen dioxide are formed simultaneously. When a mixture of ammonia and oxygen is ignited it burns with explo- sion. To show the combustion of ammonia in oxygen, proceed as follows: A glass tube, through which ammonia is conducted, is brought with oxygen into a vessel, bringing the opening of the latter near a flame at the moment of the introduction of the glass tube. In contact with oxygen, the am- monia gas ignites and continues to burn in it. The following experiment (of Kraut) shows the combustion of ammonia very conveniently. Place a somewhat concentrated ammonia solution in a beaker glass; heat over a lamp, until there is an abundant disen- gagement of gas, and then run in oxygen, by means of a tube dipped into the liquid. Upon approaching the mixture with a flame, it ignites with a slight explosion. The ignition may be induced without a flame, by sinking a glowing platinum spiral into the mixture ; we then have a number of slight explosions. The glass is filled at the same time with white vapors of ammonium nitrite (NH^N02) ; later, when oxygen pre- dominates, red vapors of nitrogen dioxide (NO^) and nitrous acid appear. If chlorine gas be conducted into the vessel with ammonia, it immedi- ately ignites and continues to burn in the latter, with the production of white fumes of ammonium chloride (NH^Cl). The chlorine combines with the hydrogen of the ammonia, with separation of nitrogen, and yields hydrochloric acid, which unites, with the excess of ammonia, to form ammonium chloride : NII3 -f 3CI = 3riCl + N and 3NII3 ~p 3IICI 3 NII,C 1 . Chlorine reacts similarly u] 3 on acpieous ammonia (p. ti6). In gaseous form, as well as in solution, ammonia possesses strong basic ])roj)erties ; it bines red litmus jiaper and neutralizes acids, forming salt- like comj)onnds with them, which are very similar to the salts of the alkalies — sodium and potassium. 'The following illustrates the similarity. QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION OF AMMONIA. I 29 NII3 + IICl = NII^Cl Ammonium chloride. KCl. Potassium chloride. 2NH3 + H2SO4 = (Nil,)., SO, Ammonium sulphate. K3SO,. Potassium sulphate. NHj + H3S = NII,SH Ammonium sulphydrate. KSH. Potassium sulphydrate. In these ammonia derivatives NH^ plays the role of a metal. Hence, to show its similarity to sodium, potassium and other metals, the group (NH^) has been designated ammonium and its compounds, ammonium salts. The latter, when acted on by strong bases, yield ammonia gas : 2NH,C1 + CaO = 2NH3 + CaCb + The metallic character of the ammonium group is also confirmed by the existence of the ammonium amalgam. Therefore, the ammonium deriva- tives will be considered with the metals. Thermo-chemical Deportjnent. — The heat of formation of ammonia from hydrogen and nitrogen equals 12 Cal. When ammonia gas is dissolved in much water 8.4 Cal. are set free, so that the heat of formation of ammonia from its elements in dilute aqueous solution equals 20.4 Cal. : (N,H3 - gas) = 12. (NH3,Aq) = 8.4. (N,H3,Aq) = 20.4. The great heat of solution of gaseous ammonia explains why ice will melt in the same {p. 127). The explosibility of a mixture of ammonia and oxygen is accounted for by the follow- ing great heat disengagement : 2NH3 + 30 = 3H3O + N, . . (+ 147.6 Cal.) (24 Cal.) (3 X 57-2 Cal.) The action of chlorine upon gaseous or aqueous ammonia is also very energetic : NH3 gas + 3CI = 3HCI gas + N . . . (+ 54 Cal.) (12 Cal.) (66 Cal.) NIl3-dissolved + 3CI = 3TICl-dis.solved + N . . . (+ 97.5 Cal.) (20.4 Cal.) (3X39-3 Cal.) When there is an excess of ammonia the hydrochloric acid combines with it to form ammonium chloride (NII3 -f- HCl = NII^Cl), and the heat disengagement is thereby further increased. QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION OF AMMONIA. ATOMIC WEIGHT OF NITROGEN. The quantitative analysis of ammonia shows that it consists of i.oi parts of hydrogen and 4.68 parts of nitrogen; hence we conclude that the atomic weight of nitrogen is 4.68 or a multiple of it (see p. 69) : II = I N = 4.68 2II = 2.02 N = 9.34 NII2 - 11.36 3II = 3.03 N = 14.04 Nil 5.68 Nil, 17.07 T30 INORGANIC CHKMISTRV. As tlic density of ammonia ccjiials i 7.07 (O.^ — 32), its molecular weight would e(}ual 17.07. In 17.07 parts of ammonia there are 3.03 parts, and, therefore, three atoms of hydrogen. 'That the 14.04 partsol nitrogen united with tliem corres])ond to one atom of nitrogen is a consc-(|uence, as never less than 1^.04 parts of that element are present in the niotecnlar weije;ht of any nitrogen derivative. The density of nitrogen ecjuals 28.08 ( Oj = 32 ) ; therefore, the molecule of nitrogen consists of two atoms (N^). 'This is also concluded from the volume ratios, as we shall soon see, occurring in the decomposition of ammonia (comi)are p. 76). From the molecular formulas NH., and N2 it follows, further, that i volume of nitrogen and 3 volumes of hydrogen form 2 volumes of am- monia gas, or that 2 volumes of ammonia decompose into 3 volumes of hydrogen and i volume of nitrogen, corresponding to the molecular equation : N2 + 3H2 = 2NII3. I vol. 3 vols. 2 vols. The following exiieriments jirove these conclusions: 1. Decompose an acpieous ammonia solution, mixed with salt (NaCl) to increase its power of conductivity, in a Hofmann’s apparatus (j). 77), by the galvanic current. Hydrogen will sei)arate at the negative and nitrogen at the positive ])ole; the former will have three times the volume of the latter as soon as the solution is saturated with gases. 2. Pass electric (induction) sparks through dry ammonia gas contained in a eudiometer, or the apj^aratus represented in Fig. 47 (p. 98). In this way the ammonia is decomposed into nitrogen and hydrogen, the volume of which is twice as large as that of the ammonia employed. That 3 volumes of hydrogen are present in the mixture for every volume of nitro- gen is easily shown by the eudiometric method, by burning the hydrogen with oxygen (p. 99). 2. HYDROXYLAMINE (OXYAMMONIA). NH3O = NHoOH. This compound was discovered (by Lossen in 1865), in the reduction of ethyl nitrate by tin and hydrochloric acid, in the form of its salts and in aqueous solution. Lobry de Bruyn first obtained it anhydrous and in a solid form in 1891. It is produced, too, by the action of tin upon dilute nitric acid, and by tin and hydrochloric acid upon all the oxygen compounds of nitrogen. In all these reactions it is the hydrogen elimi- nated by the tin which, in statu 7 iaseendi, reduces the nitric acid : IINO3 -f 311.2 =3 NH3O -f 2H2O. To prepare hydroxylamine treat ethyl nitrate f 120 grams) with granulated tin (400 grains) and hydrocddoric acid (800-1000 c.c. of specific gravity 1.19, mixed with three times its volume of water). 'I'he metal should he completely di.s.solved. The .solution diluted to twice its volume is treated with hydrogen .suli)hide to precipitate the tin. The filtrate from llie tin sul|)hide is evaporated and the hydroxylamine hydrochloride, NII3O . IICl, extracted from the residue with hot alcohol. I lydroxylamiiie hydrochloride is most easily formed by the interaction of hydrochloric acid and fulminating mercury (see Organic Chemistry). HYDROXYl. AMINE. I3I Ilydroxyhmiine suli)liate is technically prepared by healing potassium hydroxylamine- disulphonate with water to 100-130°, when hydroxylainine sulphate and potassium sul- phate are produced [see Raschig, Ann. Chem. 241 (1887), 161] : NII 0 (S 03 K )2 H 2II2O = NIT3O. II^SO^ -f K^SCV Potassium hydroxylamine-disulphonate is formed by the interaction of potassium nitrite and acid potassium sulphite in the cold : KNO.2 + 2KHSO3 = NH0(S03K)2 -f KOH. To obtain solid hydroxylainine decompose the hydrochloride in methyl alcohol solution by a corresponding quantity of sodium methylate ; hlter from the sodium chloride which separates and distil the filtrate under greatly reduced pressure [Briihl, Ber. 26 (1893), III, 2508; also Lobry de Bruyn, ibid. 27 (1894), i, 967]. Hydroxylamine crystallizes in colorless, odorless needles. It melts at 33° and under 22 mm. pressure boils at 58°. Its specific gravity equals 1.235. rather stable at temperatures below 15°, but above that it rapidly breaks down into nitrogen, nitrous oxide, nitrous acid and ammonia. At about 130° and often at much lower temperatures the decomposition is accompanied with explosion. It absorbs moisture rapidly on exposure to the air. Hydroxylamine is very similar to ammonia, and like it unites directi}- with the acids to form salts : NH3O + HCl = NH3O. HCl = NH3(0H)C1. Hydroxylamine hydrochloride in distinction to ammonium chloride is soluble in ale 'hoi. It passes into ammonium chloride when allowed to stand exposed to the air. On adding to the aqueous solution of the sulphate of hydroxylamine sufficient barium hydroxide to remove all the sulphuric acid, an aqueous solution of hydroxylamine is obtained, which, like the ammonia solution, possesses strong basic properties, and colors red litmus-paper blue. The solution is, however, very unstable, and readily decomposes into water, ammonia, and nitrogen : 3NH3O NH3 + 3H2O + N2. Upon the application of heat a portion of the hydroxylamine will be carried over undecomposed along with the steam, but most of it is decomposed. The hydroxylamine solution manifests a strong reducing action ; it preci])itates metallic silver from silver nitrate, white mercurous chloride, Hg2Cl2, from mercuric chloride, HgCl2, and cuprous oxide from cupric salts. Owing to its great similarity to ammonia and its various reactions, it is supposed that hydroxylamine represents ammonia in which an hydrogen atom is rejilaced by the hydroxyl grouji OH; it is therefore a compound of the latter group with the amido grou]) : NII3O = NII2. OH. 3. Diamide, or Hydrazine, N2TI4 ^ H2N . Nir2, a compound of two amido-groups (NII2), was until 1889 only known in its numerous organic derivatives. Since then Cur- tius and Ids co-workers have exhaustively investigated a large number of its inorganic compounds, and in 1895 Bobry de Bruyn succeeded in getting the free diamide or hydra- 132 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. ziiie unknown until then [Her, 28 (1895), 30 ^ 5 J- salts were first ma«le hy an indirect method from certain orjranic ‘ nitrogen derivatives: hy the decomposition of dia/.o- or triazo-acetic acid uj)on digesting them with water or mineral acids [Curtins and Jay, J. f. prakt. Ch. [2] 39 (1889), 27J ; by heating amidoguanidine with sodium hy. 144). I he usual course is to heat yellow jihosphorus with concentrated potassium or sodium hydroxide, when si)ontaneously inflammable i)hosi)hine escai)es and a salt of hypo})hosj)horous acid remains in solution. The lil)erate(l jras mixed with air in a closed ve.ssel explodes violently ; hence, to make it, proceed as follows : hill a small glass flask almost full of a(jueous pota.ssium hydroxide, Fig. 55. add a few pieces of phosphorus, and heat over a lamp (Fig. 55). When the liberation of gas commences, and the air in the neck of the flask has been expelled, close the .same with the cork of the delivery tube, the other end of which dips under warm water, to prevent any obstruction arising in it from phosphorus that may be carried over and solidify by cooling. Kach bubble rising from the liquid inflames in the air, and forms white cloud- rings which ascend. I he gas tints ])roduced consists of gaseous plios|)hine (PH.j) and hydro- gen, with whicli is mixed a small (piantity of a licpiid substance whose presence imparts the s|)ontaneous inflammability to the gas. On ctmducting the latter through a cooled tube the P^H^ is condensed to a lifluid, and the escaping gas no longer inflames sitontaneously. The COMPOUNDS OF PHOSPHORUS WITH HYDROOFN. 139 licpiid compound may be isolated in a similar manner if tlie gas is con- ducted through alcohol or ether, which will absorb the cum})ound Liquid Phosphine, P2H4> separated from the gas by cooling, is a colorless, strongly refracting liquid of specific gravity 1.012, insoluble in water, and boiling at 57° [Gat- termann and llausknecht, Ber. 23 (1890), 1174]. It inflames spontaneously in the air, and burns with great brilliancy to phosphorus pentoxide and water. Its jjresence in com- bustible gases, such as hydrogen, marsh gas, and gaseous phosj)hine, gives them their spontaneous inflammability. In contact with .some compounds, like carbon and sulphur, and by the action of sunlight and of strong hydrochloric acid, it decomposes into gaseous and solid phosphine f 5P,H, = 6PH3-f lyi,. Solid Phosphine, P4II2 (?) is a yellow powder, which inflames at 160° or by a blow. It is produced in the decomposition of calcium phosphide by hydrochloric acid. Gaseous Phosphine, PH3, may be formed, together with the liquid and solid variety, in addition to the manner previously described, by the action of water or hydrochloric acid upon the calcium phosphides, Ca3P2 and Ca2P2 : Ca3P2 -f 6 HC 1 = 3CaCl2 -j- 2PH3 ; Ca2P2 + 4IICI = 2CaCl2 + P2H4 ; 5 P 2 ll 4 = 6 PH 3 -fP 4 ll 2 . Further, by the ignition of phosphorous and hypophosphorous acids : 4H3PO3 = PH3 + 3H3PO, Phosphorous Phosphoric acid. acid. and by decomposing phosphonium iodide with caustic potash (p. 140), It is a colorless gas, with a disagreeable, garlic-like odor, and is slightly soluble in alcohol. Its density is 34 03 referred to O2 = 32, or 1.176 (air= i). It solidifies at — 133- 5° and boils at about — 85°. When i)ure (free from P2HJ it ignites at 100°. Oxidizing agents con- vert it again into the spontaneously inflammable variety, owing to the production of PgH^. It is extremely poisonous. Phosphine is decom- posed into phosiihorus and hydrogen when it is heated, or if it is exposed to the action of the electric spark. When ignited in the air it burns with a brightly luminous flame, disseminating at the same time a white cloud of phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) : 2PII3 + 4O2 = 3H2O -f P2O5. When mixed with chlorine it explodes violently, with production of phosphorus trichloride and hydrogen chloride: PH3 4- 3CI2 - PCI3 + 3HCI. Like ammonia, phosphine jiossesses faint alkaline properties, and com- bines with hydrogen iodide and bromide to yield compounds similar to ammonium chloride : PII3 -f HI == PHJ. It combines with hydrogen chloride at from — 30*^ to — 35°, or, at ordi- 140 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. nary tem])eratiires, under a jiressure of 20 atmosplicrcs. 'Die groiiji PII^, figuring in the role of a metal in tliese compounds, is analogous to ammonium (p. 129), and is termed pJiosphoniuin. Phosphonium Iodide, PHJ. Jt is best prepared by the decomposi- tion of phosphorus di-iodide (ly^, p. 142), by a slight (quantity of water, or by adding yellow jihosphonis (10 jiarts), and, after some hours, iodine (2 jiarts), to a saturated solution of hydriodic acid (22 jiarts). The bhpiid becomes a solid mass, consisting of ])hosphonium iodide and phosjihoroiis acid. Phosphonium iodide sublimes in colorless, shining, cube-like rhombohedra and by this means may be obtained jiiire. It fumes in the air, and, with water, decomposes into phosphine and hydrogen iodide. When decomposed by potassium hydroxide it yields pure hydrogen phosjihide, which is not spontaneously inflammable : PI 1,1 + icon =3 KI + PH3 4- II/). Phosphine is a feebly exothermic compound : P yellow + 311 = PII3 + 1 1.6 Cal. MOLECULAR FORMULA OF PHOSPHINE. ATOMIC WEIGHT OF PHOSPHORUS. The analysis of phosphine shows that it consists of i.oi parts of hydrogen and 10.33 parts of phosphorus. Were its molecular formula PH, the atomic weight of phosphorus would be 10.33. The great analogy of phosphine to ammonia, and that of all the phosphorus compounds to those of nitrogen, argues, however, for the formula PII3. The atomic weight of phosphorus, therefore, is 31.00 (= 3 X ^0.33), and the molecu- lar weight of the phosphine is 34.03 : 113= 3.03 P =31.00 PH3 = 34.03 This view is confirmed by the density. Direct experiment confirms this. Further, from the formula PH3 it follows that 3 volumes of hydrogen are present in 2 volumes of the gas : 2PH3 contain 3H2, 2 vols. 3 vols. or in I volume there are volumes of hydrogen. On decomposing the gas in a eudiometer, by means of electric sparks, it will be found that the volume increases one-J half ; the gas consists, then, of pure hydrogen, while phosphorus .separates in a solid condition. As the phosphorus molecule in the gaseous condition is composed of four atoms (p. 137), the jdiosphorus (62.00 parts) sej)arated from 2 volumes of phosphine will fill X volume when in the form of vapor; hence in 2 volumes of phosphine there are present 3 volumes of hydrogen and X volume of phosphorus vapor. Or, written molecularly : 4Pll3 = P4 -f 611.2. 1 vol, I vol. 6 vols. COMPOUNDS OF PHOSPHORUS WITH THE HALOGENS. I4I COMPOUNDS OF PHOSPHORUS WITH THE HALOGENS. Phosphorus combines directly with the halogens to yield compounds of the types PX3 and PX^, in which X indicates an halogen atom. Phosphorus Trichloride — Phosphorous Chloride — PCI3. Conduct dry chlorine gas over phosphorus gently heated in the retort C (Fig. 49, p. in). The phosphorus ignites in the stream of gas, and distils over as trichloride, which is collected in the receiver Z>, and condensed. The product is purified by a second distillation. It is a colorless liquid, con- gealing at — 112°, boiling at 76°, and has a sharp, penetrating odor. Its specific gravity equals 1.613 at 0°. It fumes strongly in the air, and is decomposed by moisture into phosphorous and hydrochloric acids : PCI3 + 3H2O = H3PO3 + 3HCI. The vapor density of the trichloride is 137.35, corresponding to the molecular formula PCI3. Phosphorus Pentachloride — Phosphoric Chloride — PCI5. This is produced by the action of an excess of chlorine upon the liquid trichlo- ride. It is a solid, crystalline, yellowish-white compound. It fumes strongly in the air and sublimes without melting when heated. It at the same time sustains a partial decomposition into trichloride and chlorine. Under increased pressure it melts at 148°. In an atmosphere of phosphorus trichloride the vapor density of the pentachloride has been found to be 208.25, corresponding to the molecular formula PCI5 = 208.25. At increased temperatures the vapor density steadily diminishes, and a gradual de- composition occurs — dissociation of the molecules of the pentachloride (PCI5) into the molecules of the trichloride (PCI3), and chlorine (Cb). The decomposition temper- ature, /.r^, formeil by the gradual acUlition of 2Br to PBr-j, is a yellow, crystalline substance, which melts when heated, and breaks down into the tribromide and bromine. Water decomposes both compounds, as it does the corresponding chlorides. Phosphorus Chlorbromide, PCbIjrj, is ])roduced by the union of PCI, with Br^ in the cold. It is a yellowish-red mass, which decomjKises at 35° into PCI., and Br.^. Phosphorus Tri-iodide, PI,, forms red crystals, melting at 55° and distils, with par- tial decom|)osition, at a higher temperature. 'I'he so-called phosphorus iodide, P.^b (corresiK)nding to P.^H,), crystallizes in beautiful orange-red needles or prisms, ami fuses at 110°. Its vapor density at 265° and 90.7 mm. })ressure ecpials 569, correspond- ing to the molecular weight P^b- A little water decomposes it into phosjihorous acid, phosi)hine, and hydriodic acid. The last two bodies then form phosphoniiini iodide, PIbl (p. 140). The recently di.scovered Phosphorus Pentafluoride, PFl^, is interesting (Thorpe). It results upon heating phosphorus trichloride or pentachloride with arsenic trifluoride, AsFl, : 3PCb + 5ASFI3 = 3PFb 4 SAsCl,. It is a colorless gas which fumes in moist air and is decomposed by water into phos- phoric acid and hydrogen fluoride. Its density corresponds to the molecular formula PFl^ =: 125.9. It may be liquefied at 16° under a pressure of 46 atmospheres, and solidifies when the pressure is removed. It is rather remarkable that although phosphorus pentiodide could not be obtained, the stability of the compounds, PBr,, PCl^, PFl-, gradually increases with the diminution of the atomic weight of the combined halogens. Phosphorus pentafluoride can be gasi- fied without decomposition. Thermo-chemical Deportfueiit. — While the halogen derivatives of nitrogen (like of oxygen) are strongly endothermic, are produced wdth the absorption of much heat, and are, in consequence, readily exploded (p. 134), those of phosphorus are exothermic. The heat disengaged in the union of yellow phosphorus and chlorine (p. 137) corresponds to the following symbols : (P,Cl 3 ) = 75.5; (P,Cb) = io5. In this we observe a transition to the halogen derivatives of the metals, all of whicli are exothermic. In accordance with this we find that the heat of formation of the bro- mides and iodides diniini.shes in regular succession : (DCb) = 75-5 ; (DB‘3) = 45 ; (PJ 3 ) = io-9- 'riie great reactivity of all derivatives with water is fully ex]>lained by the large amount of heat .set free at the .same time — the decomposition of phosphorus tri- chloride with .so much water that upon diluting the resulting .solution, no further heat evolution takes place : PCd, -f A(i — IbPOsAq 4- 3lIClAq . . . 4-65 Cal. ARSENIC. 143 3. ARSENIC. Atom : As = 75. Molecule : As^ = 300, Arsenic is a perfect analogue of phosphorus, but possesses a somewhat metallic character. In its free state it is similar to metals. Arsenic is found free in nature, although it occurs more frequently in combination with sulphur (realgar, As.^S.^, orpiment, As^Sg), with oxygen (arsenolite, As.^03), and with metals (mispickel, FeAsS, cobaltite, CoAsS). To prepare it, heat mispickel with iron, and free arsenic will sublime, while iron sulphide remains. Or, in the customary way of isolating metals from their oxides, heat the trioxide (arsenolite) with charcoal : 2AS2O3 6 C = As^ -[- 6CO. Arsenic appears in two modifications. Crystallized (hexagonal) arsenic is obtained by the sublimation of ordinary arsenic. It forms a gray- white, more or less metallic, crystalline mass, but may be changed into acute rhombic octahedra. Its specific gravity equals 5.73. It is brittle, and may be pulverized without difficulty. The amorphous is microcrystalline (according to Retgers) and probably isometric. It is formed along with the first variety when arsenic is sublimed in a glass tube in a current of hydrogen (Bettendorff ) and also upon heating arsine. It is black, with little luster, and possesses the specific gravity 4.71. When heated to 360° it sets heat free and reverts to the crystalline variety. Away from air contact, and at the ordinary pressure, arsenic vapor- izes at a dark-red heat (about 450°) without previously melting ; it will, however, melt if heated under great pressure in a sealed tube. Its vapor possesses a lemon-yellow color. The vapor density corresponds to the molecular weight. As its atomic weight equals 75, it follows that the molecule in the gaseous state consists, like that of phosphorus, of four atoms. At a white heat (about 1700°) the density falls to one-half, which is due to the fact that then the arsenic vapor consists largely of diatomic molecules (Asj = 150). Arsenic does not change in dry air. When heated in the air it inflames at 180° and burns with a blue-colored flame, disseminating the garlic-like odor of arsenic trioxide (As^Og). It combines directly with most ele- ments. Powdered arsenic will inflame when thrown into chlorine gas. It yields arsenides with the metals. It is remarkable that arsenic, belonging to the nitrogen group and generally forming compounds which in constitution are quite different from those of sulphur, should be analogous to the latter in its metallic combinations. Thus the sulphides and arsenides have similar formulas, are isomorphous, and in them sulphur and arsenic can mutually replace each other in atomic ratios, e. g. : FeS^, FeAs.^ and Fe(SAs). 144 INORGANIC CUKMISTRY. COMPOUNDS OF ARSENIC WITH HYDROGEN. Arsine, AsH., = 78.03. Like nitrogen and i)h()sj)liorus, arsenic fiir- nishes a gaseous compound containing three atoms of hydrogen. It is ol)- tained i)ure by the action of dilute sulphuric acid or hydrochloric acid upon an alloy of zinc and arsenic: As 2 Zn 3 -f 6I1C1 3ZnC1.3 -f- 2 ASII 3 . It also results in the action of nascent hydrogen (zinc and suliihuric acid), upon many arsenic compounds, as, c. g.^ the trioxide : AS3O3 ^-6U, = As,U,-\ 3II./). Arsine, discovered by Scheele in 1755, is a colorless gas, of strong, garlicky odor, and extremely poisonous action ; it may be condensed to a liquid and even to a solid by cold. It melts at — ii3-5° and boils at — 55°. Its density equals 78.03 (O2 = 32) or 2. 69 (air = i). It burns with a bluish-white flame when ignited, and evolves white fumes of arsenic trioxide : 2ASII3 + 3O2 = AS2O3 -f 3H.p. It is decomj)osed at a dull-red heat or by the electric spark into arsenic and hydrogen. On conducting the gas through a heated tube the arsenic de|)osits behind the heated part as a metallic coating (arse/iic mirror). On holding a cold object, e. g., a i)iece of porcelain, in the ll.'ime of the gas, the arsenic forms a black deposit (arsenic sj)ots). In its rhemical behavior arsine is very similar to phosi)hine; its basic proper- ties are very slight, and it does not furnish any derivatives with the halogens. COMPOUNDS OF ARSENIC WITH THE HALOGENS. 145 According to analysis, arsine consists of 1. 01 parts by weight of hydrogen and 25 parts of arsenic. If, because of its analogy to phosphine, we ascribe it the formula AsH^, then the atomic weight of arsenic would be 75 (= 3 X 25) and the molecular weight of AsHg would equal 78.03. A determination of the density confirms this. The formula, too, shows that 3 volumes of hydrogen are present in 2 volumes of ASH3 : 2ASH3 contain 3H2. 2 vols. 3 vols. We can satisfy ourselves of this by decomposing the gas by electricity in a eudiometer (see p. 120). Marsh’s Method for the Detection of Arsenic . — The method described for the preparation of arsine and the ease with which it is recognized make it possible to detect arsenic in its compounds with great certainty. This is a very important task because of the ready accessibility and fre- quent use of poisonous arsenic derivatives. Hydrogen is generated in a flask (Fig. 56, a) by the interaction of dilute sulphuric acid and zinc, when the material presumed to contain arsenic is introduced through the funnel tube b. The gas evolved, a mixture of hydrogen and arsine, is then conducted through a calcium chloride drying tube (c) and escapes through the tube of hard glass contracted at several points (d). Upon igniting the escaping hydrogen (after all the air has been previously expelled from the vessel, as otherwise oxyhydrogen gas will be present) it will burn with a bluish-white flame, if arsenic be present, and at the same time disseminate a white vapor. The dark arsenic spots are obtained by hold- ing a cold porcelain dish in the flame. If the tubed be heated (as shown in Fig. 56), an arsenic mirror will be formed upon the adjacent contrac- tion. The slightest traces of arsenic may be detected by this method. Besides the ordinary arsine, AsHg, we might expect the existence of As-^H^ and AS4H2, corresponding to the liquid and solid phosphines (P2fl4 and The first is not known ; its derivatives exist, and contain hydrocarbon groups instead of hydrogen. An example of this class is cacodyl, As2(CH3)^ = (CH3)2As-As(CH3)2. Nitrogen affords similar compounds — fCH3)2N-NH2 and (CH3)NH-NH2, derived from diamide or hydrazine, N2H^ = H2N-NH2 (p. 131). The solid arsine, As^H2, is obtained by the action of nascent hydrogen upon arsenic compounds in the presence of nitric acid. It forms a reddish-browm powder, which decomposes when heated. Retgers considers that the brown color of the arsenic spots and mirror is due to solid arsine, soluble in caustic potash. COMPOUNDS OF ARSENIC WITH THE HALOGENS. These are perfectly analogous to the corresponding phosphorus com- pounds, and are the result of the direct union of their constituents. The fluoride, in union with potassium fluoride, is the only known representa- tive of the compounds corresponding to the formula AsX^ (see p. 141). The metallic character of arsenic is shown by the fact that arsenic chloride, like other metallic chlorides, may be obtained by the action of hydro- chloric acid upon the oxide : AS2O3 -f 6 HC 1 = 2ASCI3 -f 3H2O. 3 146 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Arstnic chloride is evolved when a solution of the trioxide is boiled with concentrated hydrochloric acid. Arsenic Trichloride, AsCl,, is a colorless, oily licjuid, fuming in the air, and having a S|)ecific gravity of 2.2. Jt solidifies at lower tem- peratures, melts at — 18° and boils at 130°. Its vapor density corresponds to the molecular formula AsCl, = 181.35. dissolves in a small quan- tity of water without change, while much water converts it into the oxide and hydrochloric acid 2ASCI3 + 3II2O = As/J, -f 6 IIC 1 . Arsenic Tribromide, AsBr,, is a white crystalline mass, melting at 20°, and boilingat 220°. The Tri-iodide, Asl^, forms red crystals, which melt at 146”. The Trifluoride, ASFI3, is a licpiid, fuming strongly in the air; it boils at 63°. It results in the distillation of the trichloride or tri- oxide with calcium fluoride and sulphuric acid. 4. ANTIMONY. Atom : Sb = 120. The metallic character exhibited by arsenic becomes more distinct with antimony, which at the same time retains its complete analogy to the metalloidal elements, arsenic and phosphorus. Antimony is a perfect metal so far as its physical properties are concerned. It (stibium) occurs in nature chiefly in union with sulphur, as stibnite, ^^>283 (Japan, Hungary), and with sulphur and metals in many ores. It is almost always accompanied by arsenic. To prepare antimony, stibnite is roasted in a furnace, i. e., heated with air access, whereby the sulphur burns, and antimony trioxide remains: 28^83 -f 9O2 = 28b203 -f- 68O2. The residual oxide is ignited with carbon, which reduces it to metal (general procedure for the separation of metals). Antimony may also be obtained by heating its sulphide with iron, which combines with the sulphur : SbaSa + 3re = 28b + 3FeS. The resulting commercial crude antimony is further purified in the laboratory by fusing it with niter, whereby the admixed arsenic, sulphur, and lead are removed. Chemically pure antimony is obtained by reduc- ing the pure oxide. It is a silver-white and very brilliant metal, of leafy crystalline struc- ture ; specific gravity 6.71. Like arsenic it crystallizes in rhombohedra, is very brittle, and may be easily broken. It fuses at 430^^, and vaporizes between 1500 to 1700°. The density of its vapor shows that the anti- mony molecule, unlike that of phosphorus, consists not of four atoms, but rather, like arsenic at the same temperature, of two atoms [Riltz, Z. f. ]fliys. Chem. ig (1896), 385]. It is not altered in the air at ordinary temperatures, but when heated it burns with a blue flame, yielding white COMPOUNDS OF ANTIMONY WITH THE HALOGENS. 147 vapors of antimony oxide, SbjO,. Like phosphorus and arsenic it com- bines directly with the halogens; powdered antimony inflames in chlo- rine gas. It is insoluble in hydrochloric acid ; nitric acid oxidizes it (depending upon its strength and the temperature) to antimony oxide or antimonic acid. Hydrogen Antimonide — SHbine — SbHg, is produced like arsine, and is very similar to the latter. It has thus far only been obtained mixed with hydrogen. It is a colorless gas of peculiar odor, and when ignited burns with a greenish-white flame, disseminating white vapors of antimony oxide, SbgOg. A red heat decomposes it into antimony and hydrogen. In Marsh’s apparatus (Fig. 56, p. 144) it forms an antimony mirror and spots. The mirror is distinguished from that of arsenic by its black color, lack of luster, its insolubility in a solution of sodium hypochlorite (NaClO), and by its slight volatility in a current of hydrogen. Arsine is also liberated from alkaline solutions in which hydrogen is being generated, e. g., caustic potash and zinc. This is not the case with stibine. COMPOUNDS OF ANTIMONY WITH THE HALOGENS. Antimonous Chloride — Antimony Trichloride — SbClg, results from the action of chlorine upon the metal or its sulphide (SbgSg) ; better by the solution of the oxide or sulphide in strong hydrochloric acid : SbgSj -f 6HC1 = 2SbCl3 -f 3H2S. This solution is evaporated to dryness and the residue distilled. It is a colorless, crystalline, soft mass {^Butyruni antimonii), melting at 73° and boiling at 223°. Its vapor density corresponds to the molecular formula, SbClg — 226.35. the air it attracts water and deliquesces. It dissolves unchanged in water acidified with hydrochloric acid. Much water decomposes it; the solution becomes turbid and a white powder — powder of Algaroth (so named in honor of an Italian physician, Victor Algarotus, who used it as a medicine) — separates : SbClg + H2O = SbOCl 4- 2HCI. The composition of this powder varies with the conditions under which it is formed, but generally corresponds to the formula 2(SbOCl) . SbgOg. Pure Antimony Oxychloride, SbOCl, obtained by heating antimony trichloride with alcohol, occurs in colorless crystals and is further decom- posed by water into basic oxychlorides. While the metallic chlorides are not decomposed by water at ordinary temperatures, the ready decomposition of the halogen derivatives of antimony shows that this element still possesses a partial metalloidal character. 148 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Antimonic Chloride — Antimoiiy Pentachloride — SbCl^, results from the action of an excess of chlorine ui)on antimony or the trichloride. It is a yellowish licjuid which fumes in the air, becomes crystalline when cold and melts at — 6°. Heat partly decomjioses it, like jihosphorus pentachloride, into antimonous chloride and chlorine : SbCl^ = SbCf, 4- Clj. I vol. I vol. I vol. It may be gasified without decomposition at 218° and 58 mm. pressure. Its density corresponds to the formula SbCl^. Water converts it into pyroantimonic acid (H^SbjO^), and hydrochloric acid. It combines with one molecule of water, forming the crystallizable hydrate SbCl^ . 11 ./^, melting at about 90°, and with four molecules to a hard, crystalline mass, SbCl5.4H20 [Anschutz and Evans, Ann. Chem. 239 (1887), 285]. The metallic nature of antimony shows itself in the formation of these hydrates. Neither of the two chlorides of non-metallic phosphorus forms a hydrate ; both are immediately decomposed by a little water with the production of hydrochloric acid. Antimony Tribromide, SbBrg, is a white, crystalline substance, melting at 93° and distilling at 275°. The Tri-iodide, Sb^,, is a red compound, crystallizing in three dis- tinct forms. It melts at 166° and boils at 400°. The Pentiodide, Sblj, is dark brown in color and melts at about 78°. Antimony Trifluoride, SbFlg, obtained by the solution of antimony oxide in hydro- fluoric acid, crystallizes in colorless rhombic pyramids. It deliquesces on exposure to the air. It is not decomposed by cold water. Its compound with ammonium sulphate is used as a mordant in dyeing. Antimony Pentafluoride, SbFlg, is a gummy mass. It forms well-crystallizing double salts with the salts of organic bases. We must also include Bismuth, Bi = 208.5, the group of nitro- gen, phosphorus, arsenic, and antimony. Its halogen derivatives resem- ble those of arsenic and antimony in many respects, e. g., BiClg, Bilj, BiOCl. Its metallic character, however, considerably exceeds its metal- loidal. Thus, it does not unite with hydrogen, and bismuth oxide (Bi203), similar in constitution to the acid-forming arsenious oxide, AS2O3, possesses only basic properties. We will, therefore, consider bismuth and its derivatives with the metals. TABULATION OF THE ELEMENTS OF THE NITROGEN GROUP. The elements belonging here — nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, anti- mony — present similar graded differences in their physical and chemical |)r()j)crtics, just like the elements of the chlorine and oxygen groups, and this gradation is intimately connected with the atomic weights. As the latter increase the substance condenses, the fusibility and vola- tility decrease, and the similarity to the real metals becomes more prom- inent. CARBON GROUP. 149 N P As Sb Atomic weight, 14.04 31.0 75 120 Specitic gravity, 0.9 (solid) 1.8-2. 1 4 - 7 - 5-7 66.7 Melting point, — 214° (60 44 " red-white heat mm. ) Vapor density (O^ = 32), . . 28.08 124.0 150 240 These elements do not resemble one another in chemical properties as the halogens resemble one another, or as sulphur, selenium and tellurium. Arsenic and antimony alone show chemical kinship. What is exceed- ingly striking is the difference between the remarkable activity of phos- phorus in its yellow variety and the sluggish nitrogen with which red phosphorus may be compared. This difference manifests itself in many of their derivatives as has been observed with their halides (NCI3, NI3 — PCI3, PI3), and will again be seen in their oxygen compounds. Excepting bismuth, which is perfectly metallic in its nature, the ele- ments of this group form gaseous compounds with three atoms of hydrogen. Ammonia (NH3) possesses strongly basic properties, and combines with all acids to yield ammonium salts; phosphine (PH3) combines at the ordinary temperature only with hydrogen bromide and hydrogen iodide to form salt-like compounds. Arsine and stibine no longer show basic properties. Arsenic and antimony, as well as the two preceding elements, combine with the hydrocarbons CH3 and C2H3) and form com- pounds which are analogous in constitution and similar in character to the hydrides. These compounds [As(CH3)3 and Sb(CH3)3] will be de- scribed in Organic Chemistry ; they possess basic properties and yield salts corresponding to the ammonium salts. Compounds of arsenic and anti- mony corresponding to hydroxylamine and hydrazoic acid are not known. The oxygen derivatives of these elements exhibit a gradation similar to that of the hydrogen compounds. With increase of atomic weight, cor- responding to the addition of metallic character, the oxides which form strong acids in the lower series acquire a more basic nature in the higher series. CARBON GROUP. The two non-metals, carbon and silicon, and the metals, tin and ger- manium, comprise this group. They unite with four atoms of hydrogen or with four atoms of the halogens. 1. CARBON. Atom : C = 12.00. Carbon occurs free in nature as the diamond and graphite. It consti- tutes the most important ingredient of all the so-called organic substances originating from the animal and vegetable kingdoms, and is especially INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 150 contained in the fossilized jiroducts arising from the slow decomposition of vegetable matter — in i)eat, in lignite, in bituminous coal, and in an- thracite. In combination with hydrogen it forms the so-called mineral oils — petroleum and asjihaltum. It occurs, further, as carbon dioxide (CO^) in the air and in many waters; and in the form of carbonates (marble, calcite, dolomite) comprises many minerals and entire rock formations. It is found in different allotropic modifications when free ; these may be referred to the three })rincii)al varieties — diamond, grajihite and amor- phous carbon. In all these forms it is a solid, even at the highest tem- peratures; non-fusible and only volatile at about 3500° in the electric arc. This deportment can only be explained by the supi^osition that its molecules are composed of a large number of carbon atoms (see j). 106). All the modifications of carbon are quite stable, but not very reactive. When burned all yield carbon dioxide. 1. The diamond occurs in alluvial soils in certain districts (in India, Brazil, and South Africa) ; less frequently in itacoluniite, micaceous schist, and xanthophyllite. It was ob- served recently in meteoric iron from Canon Diablo. It has great luster, strong power of refraction, and the greatest hardness of all substances. It crystallizes in forms of the regular system, which are mostly rhombic dodecahedra, rarely octahedra. Ordinarily, it is perfectly colorless and transparent ; sometimes, however, it is colored by impurities. Its specific gravity equals 3.5. It does not soften unless exposed to the most intense heat — between the poles of a powerful galvanic battery. It is then converted into a graphitic mass. When heated in oxygen gas to 700-800° it burns to carbon dioxide [see Ber. 23 (1890), 2409]. It is scarcely attacked at all when acted upon by a mixture of nitric acid and potassium chlorate. The diamond has been made artificially. Molten iron dissolves carbon, which sepa- rates on cooling, mostly in the form of graphite. If iron, at high temperature, be saturated with carbon and then be quickly cooled so that its inner portions are subjected to great pressure because of the contraction of the exterior, upon sudden chilling, the carbon then crystallizes in the form of the diamond (Moissan). Molten olivine (mag- nesium silicate) also dissolves carbon, which again separates on cooling in the form of little diamond crystals. 2. Graphite {ypder. 26 ( I ^93), III, 9). 'riie unsaliirated compound, ethylene, unites directly with two atoms of chlorine and of bromine: Cdb b Cl, C,TI,C1,. The resulting compounds, and C,l l^Ilr.^, are oily liciuids; hence the name olefiant ^as for ethylene. The first member of the second unsaturated series is acetylene, Acetylene is juoduccd in the dry distillation of many carbon com- pounds, and is present in coal gas, to it imparls a ])eculiar ]>ene- trating odor. It is also formed in the incom])lete combustion of coal gas — e. when the fiame of a Bunsen burner strikes back. Berthelot syn- thesized acetylene by causing the electric spark to strike across from car- bon points in an atmosphere of hydrogen : C, + II, = C,H,. No other hydrocarbon has as yet been directly built up from its ele- ments. The production of acetylene by the action of water or dilute acids upon metallic carbides is very interesting, e. g., from calcium carbide: CaC, + 211,0 = CjII, + Ca(OH),. Pure acetylene is a colorless gas with a peculiar odor. It can be readily condensed. Its critical temperature is 37°; its critical pressure equals 68 atmospheres. At 0° it may be liquefied by a pressure of 21.5 atmos- pheres. Liquid acetylene boils at — 83°. When it is poured it changes in part to a snow-like, combustible mass. At 19.5°, i kilogram of liquid acet- ylene will yield 896 liters of gas under the ordinary atmospheric pressure. At medium temperatures it dissolves in an equal volume of water; there- fore, it must be collected over strong salt solutions. It is very soluble in acetone, i volume of the latter dissolving 25 volumes of acetylene at the ordinary temperature and pressure. Being an unsaturated hydrocarbon it combines with chlorine; with two or four atoms of the same : C2H2CI2, C 2 H 2 Ch. It is chemically very much like hydrazoic acid (p. 132). It possesses acid l)roperties but these are not so pronounced as in the case of hydrazoic acid ; acetylene and many of its metallic derivatives are explosive (p. 31). As a result of o])servations made by Willson, an American, when attempting to ])repare the alkaline earth metals by the reduction of their oxides with carbon in the electric furnace, calcium carbide has been made since 1894 on a large scale, for the purpose of producing acetylene by the method employed by Moissan. As acetylene is now so readily accessible it plays an imj)ortant role as an illuminant. It burns, on issuing from a small aperture under a definite i)ressure, with a blinding white flame, almost free from soot. As it is readily condensed it is especially adapted for the illumination of vessels, trains, etc. THE NATURE OF FLAME. 155 Mixtures of acetylene with from 1.25 to 20 volumes of air are explosive; a most powerful explosion will occur when the j^roportion is i volume of acetylene and 12 volumes of air. The acetylene prejjared from commer- cial calcium carbide usually contains hydrogen sulphide and phosphide. Compare: Fr. Liebetanz, Calciumkarbid und Acetylentechnik, 2. Aufl., Leipzig, 1899; F. Dommer, Calciumkarbid und Acetylen ; deutsch von Landgraf, Miinchen und Leipzig, 1898. The three hydrocarbons considered above, methane (CHJ, ethylene (C2HJ, and in slight amount acetylene (C2H2), constitute, together with hydrogen and carbon monoxide (CO), ordinary ilhwiinating gas, which is produced in the dry distillation of bituminous coal, lignite, or wood. The illuminating power is influenced by its quantity of ethylene and acet- ylene (and their homologues). Late investigations indicate that all hydrocarbons are broken down by the heat of the flame into acetylene and carbon, which then burn and become luminous (see Z. f. anorg. Ch. 9 (1895), 233). THE NATURE OF FLAME. We are aware that every chemical union which occurs in a gaseous medium, and is accompanied by the evolution of light is designated com- bustion. Some bodies, like sulphur and phosphorus, yield a flame when burned in the air or in other gas; such sub- stances are converted into gases or vapors at the temperature of combustion. Pure carbon burns without a flame, becomes incandescent, because it is non-volatile. The carbon compounds, wood, bituminous coal, and tallow, are, indeed, not volatile, but burn with a flame because under the influence of heat they develop com- bustible gases. Flame is, therefore, nothing more than a combustible gas heated to incan- descence. We know, too, that hydrogen burns in oxygen and chlorine, conversely, oxygen and chlorine will burn in hydrogen (p. 57), and that illuminating gas burns in the air, therefore air (its oxygen) burns in the former. This may be demonstrated in the same manner as in the case of chlorine and hydrogen. The relative combustibility and the so-called return of the flame may V)e very plainly illustrated by means of the following contrivance : An ordinary lamp chimney (Fig. 57) is closed at its lower end with a cork, through which FlG. 57. two tubes enter ; the narrow lube, a, somewhat con- tracted at its end, is connected with a gas stop-cock ; the other tube, h (best a cork-borcr \ is about 5 mrn. wide, and communicates with the air. The gas issuing from the tube a is ignited, and the chimney is then drojiped over the not too large flame ; it contituies to burn along (|uietly, as sufficient air enters through the wide tube b. Upon increasing the supply of gas, the flame becomes larger, the globe fills with illuminating gas, while the 156 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. air is displaced. The p;as flame is extin^uislied, and an air flame appears upon the wider tube, h, as the enlerinjj; air continues to burn, in the atmosphere of illuminatinfr f^as. 'I'he of tlie latter e-scapinj^ from the upper ])ortion of the ^lobe may be if^nited, and we then have a gas flame above, while within the globe we have an air llame. On again lessening the gas How the air flame will distribute itself, extend to the exit of the tube and then the gas flame will appear upon the latter, while the flame above the globe is extinguished. In this manner, we may repeat the return ])roeess of flames at will. That the air actually burns in the air flame may be plainly proved if we introduce a small gas flame from c, through the wide metallic tube the little flame will con- tinue to burn in the air flame, but will be extingui.shed if it be introduced higher up into the atmosphere of illuminating gas. We say ordinarily that only those bodies are combustible which burn in an atmosphere of oxygen or in air. If we imagine, however, an at- mos])here of hydrogen, or illuminating gas, then bodies rich in oxygen Fig. 58. must be combustible in these. In fact, nitrates, chlorates, etc., burn in an atmosphere of illuminating gas with the production of an oxygen flame. This may be demonstrated as follows: An Argand lamp chimney (Fig. 58) is closed at its lower end with a cork, bearing a gas-conducting tube, d'he gas which escapes through the opening of the metal cover, a, is ignited. Then the substance (potassium or barium chlorate, etc.) is introduced into the flame on an iron spoon provided with a long handle, heated to the temperature of decomposition (disengagement ot oxygen), and the sjioon then jilunged through the opening into the gas atmosjihere. d'he substance burns with a brilliant light, and gives a cliaracteristic flame reaction. THE DENSITY OF THE GAS OF FLAMES. 157 The brilliancy or luminosity of a flame is influenced by the nature of the substances contained in it, also by their temperature and density. In- candescent gases shine very faintly per se ; this is especially true when they are diluted. Thus hydrogen, ammonia and methane burn with a pale flame. Even sulphur burns in the air with a slightly luminous flame. If, on the contrary, sulphur or phosphine be permitted to burn in pure oxygen, or arsenic and antimony in chlorine gas, an intense display of light fol- lows. This depends on the fact that the flame is not diluted by the nitro- gen of the air, and therefore develops a higher temperature. That the density of the gas of flames exercises a great influence upon the lumi- nosity is proved by the fact that hydrogen, compressed into a smaller space with oxygen, burns with intense light. A slightly luminous flame may be rendered intense by introducing solid particles into it. For example, if hydrogen be passed through liquid chromium oxychloride (Cr02Cl2) it burns with a bright, lumi- nous flame, because the chromium oxychloride is changed by the high temperature, with the absorption of hydrogen, into water, hydrochloric acid, and solid, non-volatile chromium oxide, whose particles are heated to incandescence by the hydrogen flame. The illuminating power of the various hydrocarbons and carbon compounds is similarly explained. Marsh gas, CH^, and ethane, C2Hg, give a pale flame, be- cause they burn directly to aqueous vapor and carbon dioxide ; ethylene, on the contrary, burns with a bright, luminous flame, because, by the temperature of combustion, it decom- poses first into methane and carbon, whose particles glow in the flame (see p. 153). Let us consider the flame of an ordinary stearin candle : On approaching the wick with a flame the stearin melts, is drawn up by the fibers and converted into gaseous hydrocarbons, which ignite, and by their chemical union with the oxygen of the air produce the flame. Three zones are distinguish- able in this flame. The unaltered gases exist in the inner non-volatile zone a (Fig, 59); they cannot burn because of lack of air. If the lower end of a thin glass tube be inserted here the gases will rise in it, and may be ignited at the upper end. There is a partial combustion of the gases in the middle, luminous part, y, g; ethylene, C2H4, breaks down here into methane, CH^, and carbon, C ; the first burns completely, while the carbon is heated to a white heat, because there is not sufficient oxygen ])resent for its combustion. The presence of carbon particles in the luminous part may be easily proved by placing a cold glass rod or a wire in it ; it will at once be covered with soot. In the outer, very feebly luminous and almost invisible mantle, bj c, d, of the flame, which is completely surrounded by air, occurs the perfect combustion of all the carbon to carbon dioxide. A perfectly identical structure is possessed by the ordinary illuminating gas flame. By bringing as much air or oxygen into it as is necessary for the complete combustion of all the carbon, none of the latter separates (see p. 158), and there is produced a faintly luminous but very hot flame. Fig. 59. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 158 Upon this ])rincii)le is based tlie construction of the Bunsen burner, the flame of which is employed in laboratories for heating and ignition. Fig. 60 represents a form of the same. The upi)er tube, c, is screwed into the lower portion, and in the figure is separated merely for the sake of exi)lanation. The gas enters through the narrow ojiening, a, from the side gas tube, and mixes with air in the tube c, which enters through the openings of the ring, b. In this way we obtain a flame which is but faintly luminous, although affording an intense heat. On closing the openings in b the air is cut off, and the gas burns at the uiiper end of the lube c with a bright, strongly smoking flame. The non-luminous flame contains an excess of oxygen, and hence oxidizes — oxidizing It is employed to effect oxidation reactions. Its temperature is about i 200°. 'I'he luminous flame, on the other hand, is reducing in its action (tem- ])erature 1000° C.), and is designated the 7 'educing flame, because the glowing carbon in it abstracts oxygen from many substances. The non-lurninosity of tlie Bunsen burner flame, clue to addition of air, depends on a more complete combustion of the separated carbon or of the yet undecomposed hydro- carbons. Another variety of non-luminosity of hydrocarbon flames is induced by the ad- mixture of inactive gases, like nitrogen and carbon dioxide. By this means the flame is enlarged and the combustion, as in the luminous flame, takes place only in the outer cone ; further, the temperature is lowered, and probably does not acquire the decomposition temperature of methane and ethylene. The simple extension of an illuminating flame upon a plate, will render it non-luminous, because then the air comes in contact with a larger flame surface. On heating a gas made non-luminous by the admixture of nitrogen, and then letting it burn, its flame becomes lumi- nous because the increased temperature can induce the decomposition of methane. rh-. : irisfai Fig. 60. Fig. 61. In rendering flame non-luminous by carbon dioxide, we must also consider that the same is converted, by the particles of carbon, into carbon monoxide : CO2 -f C = 2CO. Indeed, but a few per cent, of carbon dioxide in a gas flame suffices to considerably diminish its luminosity : (',H, I ro., _ C’ll, + 2C(), 1 vul. I vul. I vul. 2 vols. while the presence of nitrogen is far less detrimental. COMPOUNDS OF CARBON WITH THE HALOGENS. 1 59 Every substance requires a definite temperature for its ignition — tem- perature of igjiition. When a substance is once ignited it generally burns further, because additional particles are raised to the temperature of ignition by the heat of combustion. By rapid cooling (0 + 00 - ci02->^- The decomposition of its aqueous solution by alkalies is an argument in favor of this view, as is also its analogy with nitrogen dioxide, NOj, or nitrogen tetroxide, N2O4 (see this), the existence of both of which molecules has been proved. Chloric Acid, HCIO3 or CIO2.OH, is obtained by decomposing an aqueous solution of barium chlorate with sulphuric acid : Ba(C103)2 + H2SO, = BaSO, + 2HCIO3. Barium chlorate. Barium sulphate. The barium sulphate separates as a white, insoluble powder, and can then be filtered off from the aqueous solution of the acid. This is con- centrated without decomposition, under diminished pressure, until the spe- cific gravity becomes 1.28, and it then contains about 40 per cent, of chloric acid ; it is oily and, when heated to 40°, decomposes into chlorine, oxygen, and perchloric acid, HCIO^. The concentrated aqueous solu- tion oxidizes strongly; sulphur, phosphorus, alcohol, and paper are inflamed by it. Hydrochloric acid eliminates chlorine from the acid and its salts: HCIO3 + SHCI = 3II2O + 3CI2. The chlorates are slowly formed when aqueous hypochlorite solutions are heated ; the latter partly break down into oxygen and chlorides. To 178 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. obtain the chlorate the liypochlorite solution should be slightly super- saturated with chlorine; then the chlorate will form even in the cold but much more rapidly if the solution be heated to 130°. This may be thus explained. The excessive chlorine liberates hy^jochlorous acid from the hypochlorite : 2KCIO + 2CI2 f 211,0 = 2KCI + 4IICIO, which in turn is rapidly and completely trans])osed by the hypochlorite into chlorate when chlorine or hydrochloric acid is again liberated : or 2KCIO T 2IICIO = KCIO3 + KCl + 11,0 + Cl,, KCIO + 2IICIO = KCIO3 + 2IICI ; and hypochlorous acid is evolved by the liberated chlorine or hydro- chloric acid, etc. The statement previously made that chlorine acting upon cold lyes produces hypochlorites, and chlorates when the solutions are hot, does not harmonize with the facts. The chlorate formation is rapid and complete only when chlorine is in excess (compare Foerster and Jorre). The electrolytic production of chlorates from chlorides will be described in connection with potassium chlorate. Perchloric Acid, HCIO^ or CIO3 . OH. This is the most stable of all the oxygen derivatives of chlorine. Its sodium salt is present in Chile saltpeter. As previously stated, it is produced by the decomposi- tion of chloric acid, but is more easily obtained from its salts. Upon heating potassium chlorate to fusion, oxygen escapes and potassium per- chlorate results : 2KCIO3 = KCIO4 -f KCl -f O,. When this decomposition approaches completion, the fused mass becomes a thick liquid and finally a solid. As potassium perchlorate dissolves with difficulty in water it can be readily separated from the chloride formed simultaneously. A solution of perchloric acid containing a little sodium chloride, but applicable for all analytical purposes, may be prepared as follows : Commercial sodium chlorate is con- verted by heat into perchlorate and chloride. Concentrated hydrochloric acid is poured upon the powdered mixture and dissolves almost nothing but perchloric acid : NaClO, + HCl = NaCl + HCIO^. The solution is filtered and evaporated until dense white fumes of perchloric acid com- mence to escape ; by distillation under greatly reduced pressure the dihydrate may be obtained [Z. f. anorg. Ch. 9 (1895), 342; 13 (1897), 166]. Roscoe obtained a monohydrate of perchloric acid by distilling potas- sium perchlorate with four times its quantity of concentrated sulphuric acid until the drops, passing over, no longer solidified. The mass was then heated to 110° until crystals a])peared in the neck of the small retort. From this point on anhydrous perchloric acid distilled over. The pure acid is a mobile, colorless liquid, fuming strongly in the air; its specific gravity is 1.78 at 15°. It cannot be preserved even in the dark, since after a few days it decomposes with violent explosion. Heat jiroduces the same result. It also explodes in contact with phosphorus, BROMIC ACID. 179 paper, carbon, and other organic substances. It produces painful wounds when brought in contact with the skin. It absorbs water with avidity, and with one molecule of the same forms the crystalline hydrate HClO^-f H2O, melting at 50° and passing at 110° into the anhydrous acid and the dihydrate, HCIO^ + 2H2O : 2 C 10 ,H . H2O = HCIO, + HCIO^ 2H2O. The dihydrate may also be obtained by evaporating the aqueous solutions of perchloric and chloric acids. It is a colorless, oily liquid of com- paratively great stability. It boils unchanged at 203°. Its specific gravity equals 1.82. Perchloric acid is also formed at the positive pole by the electrolysis of aqueous solutions of inorganic chlorine compounds; this is due to the liberation of oxygen at the kathode. Bromine yields the following compounds with oxygen and hydrogen : HBrO, Hypobromous acid. HBrOg, Bromic acid. HBrO^, Perbromic acid. The corresponding anhydrides are not known. The acids are perfectly analogous to the corresponding chlorine compounds. Hypobromous Acid, HBrO, is formed when bromine water acts upon mercuric oxide ; the aqueous solution can be distilled in vacuo, and possesses properties very similar to those of hypochlorous acid. Bromic Acid, HBrOg. Bromates are like the chlorates. An aqueous solution of the acid can be obtained from the barium salt by decomposing the latter with sulphuric acid. A more practical method of getting the free acid is to let bromine act upon silver bromate : SAgBrOg -f 6Br -f 3H2O = SAgBr -f fiHBrOs, or to oxidize bromine with hypochlorous acid : 5CI2O + Br2 -f H2O 2HBr03 + loCl. The aqueous solution may be concentrated in vacuo until its content reaches 50.6 per cent. HBrOg, and then closely corresponds to the formula HBrO, -f- yH^O. When heated it decomposes into bromine, oxygen and water. Heat breaks down the alkali bromates into bromide and oxygen without the production of a perbromate. Perbromic Acid, HBrO^, is said to be formed in the action of bromine vapor upon perchloric acid : IICIO, + Br = HBrO, -f Cl, and is perfectly similar to the latter. i8o INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Iodine forms llie following anhydrides and acids; I-A IIIO3 11104.211/) loclitie pentoxide, Iodic acid. Periodic acid (dihydrate). Iodic anhydride. Iodic Acid, HIO3. The potassium and sodium salts of this acid occur in Chile saltpeter and are at present the best sources for iodine (see p. 55). The iodates are formed in the same manner as the chlorates and bromates, by dissolving iodine in a hot solution of j)otassium or sodium hydroxide : 6KOII-|-3l, = 5KI 4- KI()3 + 311.0. Upon adding barium chloride to this solution sparingly soluble barium iodate separates; it may be transposed by sulphuric acid into insoluble barium sul})hate and free iodic acid. When iodine acts upon cold .sodium or potassium hydrate hypoiodites are formed. Schonbein suspected this, but Lonnes proved it : 2NaOII + 2l = NalO + Nal + Iip. These salts, however, quickly pass into iodates : 3XaIO = NalOa + ^Nal. Therefore iodine acts upon hydroxides just like chlorine and bromine, but with iodine the second step of the reaction, the formation of iodate, proceeds very rapidly at the ordinary temperature. The experiments of Binz and also those of Lonnes, however, show that iodine can remain uncombined for quite a time when dissolved in alkaline liquors if potassium iodide be present. Willgerodt and V. Meyer have prepared organic derivatives of the yet unknown III H — I O. Indeed, Meyer has made organic, strongly basic compounds which may be III derived from iodoniiim hydroxide, H2 = I — OH, also unknown. The chemical struc- ture of these derivatives forbids the assumption that iodine is invariably univalent (see Ber. 27 (1894), 426, 1592, and also Richter’s Organic Chemistry). The free acid can be obtained by the oxidation of iodine with strong nitric acid, or by means of chlorine : 3I2 + loHNOj = 6HIO3 + loNO + 2H2O. Iodates are also produced by the action of iodine upon chlorates or bro- mates in aqueous solution, whereby the iodine directly eliminates the chlorine and bromine: KCIO3 + I = KIO3 + Cl. Upon evaporating the aqueous solution the free iodic acid crystallizes in colorless rhombic jirisins of sj)ecific gravity 4.63. When iodic acid is heated to 170° it decomposes into water and iodic anhydride : 211103 = 1203 + 1130. It is decomposed, like chloric acid, by hydrochloric acid : 2IIIO3 + loIICl = I2 + 5CI2 + 6II2O. PERIODIC ACID. l8l Reagents, like hydrogen sulphide, H2S, sulphur dioxide, SOj, and hydri- odic acid, HI, reduce it to iodine : HIO3 + 5HI - 3H3O + 3lr Iodic Anhydride, IjO^, is a white erystalline powder, which dis- solves in water to form iodic acid. It decomposes at 300° into iodine and oxygen. It can be obtained directly from ozone and iodine. Periodic Acid, HIO^. Normal periodic acid is not known. The hydrate, HIO^ . 2H2O, is produced by the action of iodine upon per- chloric acid : 2HC10^ -f I2 + 4H2O = 2 [HIO^. 2H2O] + Cb- Upon the evaporation of the aqueous solution, the acid crystallizes in colorless forms, which deliquesce, melt at 130°, and at about 140° decom- pose into water, oxygen and periodic anhydride : 2 (HI 0 ,. 2H2O) = 1 , 0 , + O2 + 5H2O. Periodates result on conducting chlorine into hot alkaline solutions of iodides or iodates. A sodium periodate has been found in Chile salt- peter. The existence of the hydrates of periodic and perchloric acids as well as of many others (see Sulphuric and Nitric Acids), which were once regarded as molecular compounds, is interpreted at present by the acceptance of hydroxyl groups, directly combined with the element of higher valence : VII CIO^H -|- H2O = €102(011)3, Trihydrate or trihydric acid. VII CIO4H 2H2O = CIO (OH)^, Pentahydrate or pentahydric acid. VII CIO^H 3H2O = C1(0H)7, Heptahydrate or heptahydric acid. The maximum hydrates, ClfOH).^ and I(OH).j, in which all seven affinities of the halogen atom are attached to hydroxyl groups, are not known, but probably exist in aqueous solution. As they give up water, and one atom of oxygen becomes simultaneously united with two bonds to the halogen, they yield the lower hydrates — even to the mono- hydrate CIO3 . OH. Perchloric acid continues monobasic in the polyhydrates, since but on^ hydrogen atom is replaced by metals : C\ 0 ,U, -b KOH =: CIO4K + 3H2O. On the other hand, periodic acid (IO3 . OH) is not only monobasic, but as a pentahydrate, I0(0H)5 = HIO4 . 2H2O, can, like the polybasic acids, furnish also polymetallic salts, as : VII / (011)3 VII f ( 0 H )3 VII VII 10 \ (0Na)2 10 \ (0Ag)2 I0(0.Na)5 I0(0Ag)3. Salts also exist which are derived from condensed polyiodic acids, as : ^O , Diperiodic acid, etc. io<(on)/ (Compare Uisulphuric Acid, Dichromic Acid, Pyrophosphoric Acid, etc.) i 82 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The existence of such salts plainly indicates that the hydrates of acids must be looked upon as hydroxyl compounds, and that iodine and the halogens are, in fact, heptads in their highest combinations. The oxygen compounds of the halogens in some respects display a charac- ter exactly opposite to that of the hydrogen derivatives. While the affinity of the halogens for hydrogen diminishes with increasingatomic weight from fluorine to iodine (see p. 65), the affinity for oxygen is the exact reverse. Fluorine is not capable of combining with oxygen; the chlorine and bromine compounds are very unstable, and are generally not known in free condition ; the iodine derivatives, on the contrary, are the most stable. In accord with this is the fact that in the higher oxygen compounds chlorine and bromine are set free by iodine, while in the hydrogen and metallic compounds of the halogens the direct reverse is the case, viz., that iodine and bromine are replaced by chlorine. Further, the oxygen compounds exhibit the remarkable peculiarity that their stability increases with the addition of oxygen. The lowest acids, HCIO, HBrO, are very unstable, even in their salts; they possess a very slight acid character, and are separated from their salts by carbon dioxide. The most energetic and most stable are the highest acids, HCIO4, HBrOg, HIO^, in which the higher valence of the halogens appears. In the sulphur and nitrogen groups those oxides, in which the elements manifest their maximum valence, are the most stable (compare p. 169). 2. OXYGEN COMPOUNDS OF THE ELEMENTS OF THE SULPHUR GROUP. The elements sulphur, selenium, and tellurium combine with oxygen in several proportions. Sulphur and oxygen form the following derivatives : S,03 Sulphur sesquioxide. SO3 Sulphur trioxide, Sulphuric anhydride. SO2 Sulphur dioxide, Sulphurous anhydride. S2O,. Sulphur heptoxide, Persulphuric anhydride. The oxygen derivatives of selenium and tellurium correspond to sulphur di- and trioxides : Se02 wSeOj Selenium dioxide, Selenic Selenious anhydride. anhydride. TeOj Tellurous anhydride. TeOg. Telluric anhydride. Each of these oxides, sulphur sesquioxide excepted, combines with one OXYGEN COMPOUNDS OF SULPHUR. 1 83 molecule of water to form a dibasic acid (p. 172), of which the respective oxide is the anhydride. The acids of sulphur are : H2SO3 HjSO^ H2S20g. Sulphurous Sulphuric Persulphuric acid. acid. acid. By the replacement of one atom of hydrogen by one atom of metal the so-called acid or primary salts result, while the neutral or secondary salts are obtained by the replacement of both hydrogen atoms : KHSO^ K2SO,. Acid potassium sulphate, Neutral potassium sulphate, Monopotassium sulphate. Dipotassium sulphate. 1. OXYGEN COMPOUNDS OF SULPHUR. Sulphur eombines in four proportions with oxygen. There are in addi- tion nine compounds which contain hydrogen besides these two elements ; they are dibasic acids. The only one which can be readily prepared is sulphuric acid. The others are stable only in aqueous solution or in the form of salts. In the table which follows the anhydrides are arranged opposite to the acids into which they pass by the addition of water. Oxides— Anhydrides. Sulphur sesquioxide, SjOg Sulphur dioxide, SOj Sulphur trioxide, SO, Sulphur heptoxide, SgO^ Polythionic acids Both sulphur dioxide and trioxide di-acid ox pyro-acid : 2502 + H2O = H2S2O5, Disulphurous acid. 2503 -j- HjO = H2S2O7, Disulphuric acid. The latter alone is known in a free state. Sulphur Dioxide, SO2, or sulphurous anhydride, is formed by burn- ing sulphur or sulphides in the air : S -I O2 = SO2. I vol. I vol. A little trioxide is always produced. It may also be obtained by heating sulphur with the oxides of copper, manganese and lead : 2CuO -f 2S = CujS + SOj. Cuprous sulphide. Acids. Thiosulphuric acid, HjSjOj Hyposulphurous acid, HjSOg Sulphurous acid, HjSO, Sulphuric acid, HjSO^ Persulphuric acid, H2S2O8 Dithionic acid, HgSjOg (Hyposulphuric acid) Trithionic acid, HjSgOg Tetrathionic acid, H2S4O5 Pentathionic acid, H,ScOc. yield a so-called anhydro-acid^ i84 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. It is most conveniently prepared for laboratories by heating concentrated sulphuric acid (i part) with coi)per jiart) : 2H2SO4 + Cu = CuSO^ -h SO2 4 - 2H2O. Copper sulphate. Usually a little cuprous sulphide separates : 5Cu + 411280, = CU2S + 3CUSO, -f 41130. This is due to a far-reaching reduction. Sulphuric acid is similarly decomposed (reduced) by heating it with carbon : 2lbSO, -f C = 2SO2 4 - CO2 + 2II2O. By this method we get a mixture of carbon and sulphur dioxides, which are separated with difficulty. A more convenient method for prepar- ing sulphur dioxide consists in allowing ordinary sulphuric acid to act upon calcium sulphite, CaSOg. The latter is mixed with burnt gypsum {yz part) and water, then moulded into cubes, which can be introduced into a Kipp generator, as in the preparation of oxygen (p. 81). Owing to its solubility in water, sulphur dioxide must be col- lected over mercury. Sulphur dioxide is a colorless gas, with a suffocating odor. One liter of it weighs 2.8615 grams under normal conditions. Its specific gravity equals 2.21 (air= i) or 64.06 (O2 = 32), corresponding to the molecular formula SOj. It condenses at — 15°, or at ordinary temperatures under a pressure of three atmospheres, to a colorless liquid, of specific gravity 1.43 at 0°, which crystallizes at — 76° and boils at — 8°. Its critical temperature is 157°; its critical pressure 79 atmospheres. Upon evapo- ration the liquid sulphur dioxide absorbs much heat ] being easily accessible it is used in ice machines. If some of the liquid is poured upon mercury in a clay crucible, and the evaporation accelerated by blowing air upon it, the metal will solidify. Water dissolves 50 volumes of sulphur dioxide gas with liberation of heat. The gas is again set free upon application of heat. The solution shows all the chemical properties of the free gas. Sulphur dioxide has great affinity for oxygen. The gases combine when dry, if their mixture be conducted over feebly heated platinum sponge ; * sulphur trioxide results : 2SO2 + O., = 2SO3. 2VOls. IVOl. Winkler’s method for producing sulphuric acid technically is based on this reaction (compare p. 193). In a(pieous solution the dioxide slowly absorbs oxygen from the air, and becomes sulphuric acid : S()2 + H20-f 0=11.280,. * Instead of platinum s])onge, platinized asbestos may be applied ; this is obtained by immersin}:^ asbestos in a platinic chloride solution, then in ammonium chloride, and after- ward drying and igniting. SULPHUROUS ACID. 185 Aqueous sulphur dioxide is converted more rapidly into sulphuric acid by the action of the halogens chlorine, bromine and iodine: H,S03 + H^O -f Cl, = H,SO, + 2HCI. Here the decomposition of a molecule of water is effected in conse- quence of the affinity of the halogen for hydrogen and of sul})hurous acid for oxygen. On adding sulphurous acid to a dark-colored iodine solution the latter is decolorized. Similarly, sulphurous anhydride and its solution withdraw oxygen from many compounds rich in that element ; hence it deoxidizes strongly and passes over into sulphuric acid. Thus chromic acid is reduced to oxide, and the red solution of permanganic acid is decolorized with formation of manganous salts. Many organic coloring substances, like those of flowers, are decolorized by it.* This property is what leads to its appli- cation in the bleaching of wools and silks, which are strongly attacked by the ordinary chlorine bleaching agents (p. 53). Again, the dioxide may be deoxidized by stronger reducing agents (it acts with them as an oxidant); thus in the presence of water, sulphur is separated from it by hydrogen sulphide : SO2 + 2H2S = 2H2O + 3S. If, however, both gases are perfectly dry or strongly diluted by other neutral gases, the action is very slow. (See Hydrosulphurous and Penta- thionic Acids.) A mixture of equal volumes of sulphur dioxide and chlorine unites in direct sunlight to sulphuryl chloride SO^Ch (p. 195). When sulphur dioxide acts upon warmed phosphoric chloride, the products are phosphorus oxychloride, and the compound SOC’b : SO2 + PCI5 = POCI3 -f SOCI2. Chlorthionyl, SOC^, may be viewed as the chloride of sulphurous acid or as sul- phur dioxide in which one atom of oxygen is replaced by two atoms of chlorine (p. 186). Thionyl chloride may be made by the interaction of sulphur dichloride and sulphur tri- oxide : SO3 + SCI2 = SOCI2 + SO2 [see Michaelis, Ann. Chem. 274 (1894), 184]. It is a colorless liquid with a sharp odor, and boils at 78°. Its specific gravity equals 1.67. Water decomposes it into hydrogen chloride and sulphurous acid : SOCI2 + H2O = SO2 + 2PICI. Sulphurous Acid, H2SO3, is not known in free condition, but is probably present in the aqueous solution of sulj^hur dioxide. On cool- ing the concentrated solution to 0°, colorless cubical crystals separate, containing probably six molecules of water (Geuther). If the aqueous solution is allowed to stand for some time, especially in sunlight, sulphur separates with the formation of sulphuric acid : 3SO2 -p 2ii20 = ri22SO^ -j- s. *The acid forms colorless compounds with dyestuffs of the flowers. Dilute sulphuric acid or heat breaks down these derivatives, i. e., the original colors reappear. i86 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Sulphurous acid is dibasic and forms two series of salts; the jirimary (KHSO3) and secondary (KjSOg). The sulphites, with the exception of those of the alkalies, are insolu- ble or dissolve with difficulty in water [see Seubert and Elten, Z, f. anorg. Ch. 4 (1893), 44]. When sulphurous acid is separated out from its salts by stronger acids it decomposes into its anhydride and water : Na^SOg -f 2IICI = 2NaCl -f SO, + II^O. The following is all that is known regarding the chemical structure of sulphurous acid and its derivatives. Its anhydride and chloride have the formulas : IV IV O = S = O and O = By water absorption or by decomposition with water the hydrate IV O = S< OH OH results. This formula indicates that the hydrogen atoms or the metals which may replace them are not directly combined with the sulphur, but are linked through oxygen. Or- ganic compounds, esters of sulphurous acid, are known which undoubtedly are derived from this symmetrical formula. The inorganic salts of the acid, however, very probably contain one metal atom in direct union with sulphur, hence their basal acid must have the formula IV O = S< O-OH H O^vi OH, accordingly as sulphur is regarded as quadrivalent or sexivalent. Organic derivatives are also known of this unsymmetrical acid. From this it would appear that the anhydride readily yields compounds which may be derived either from a symmetrical or an un- symmetrical hydrate, SOgHj. See Sodium Sulphite and also Richter’s Organic Chemistry. The 7 ’ino-che 7 nical Depo 7 -t 77 ie 7 it . — Sulphur dioxide is a very powerful exothermic com- pound. 71. 1 Cal. are set free in its formation from rhombic sulphur and oxygen. When it dissolves in much water there is an additional disengagement of 7.7 Cal., so that the heat of formation of the hypothetical sulphurous acid in dilute aqueous solution (from sulphur, oxygen and water) equals 78.8 Cal. : (S,02) gas = 7 I-I ; (S02,Aq) = 7.7 ; (S,02,Aq) = 78.8. In consequence of this great loss of energy the dioxide is a very stable compound ; it is only at high temperatures that it sustains a partial separation into sulphur and oxygen. For its behavior toward oxygen, see p. 187. Hydrosulphurous Acid, H.2SO2 or H2S2O4. On adding zinc, iron, and some other metals to the aqueous solution of sulphurous acid they dissolve without liberation of hydrogen to yellow-colored liquids. Schonbein (1852) observed that such solutions pos- sessed, when ajjplied to indigo, strong bleaching properties, and assumed that there was in them a jjeculiar acid, the composition of which was first determined by Schiitzenberger in 1869. The hydrosulphurous acid is formed there by the action of the hydrogen set free by the zinc upon a second molecule of sulphurous acid : H2SO3 + Zn = ZnSOg + H2 and H2SO3 + H2 = H2SO2 + FI2O. The aqueous solution of the acid has an orange-yellow color, reduces powerfully, bleaches and soon decomposes with separation of sulphur and the formation of sulphurous acid. 'I'lie salts are more stable than the acid. The sodium salt is obtained by the action of zinc filings upon a concentrated solution of primary sodium sulphite. It is used in dye- SULPHUR TRIOXIDE. 187 ing and cotton printing to bleach indigo. Its composition is not established with cer- tainty ; it corresponds to either the formula NaHSOg or NujSjO^. The salt solutions absorb oxygen very rapidly from the air and change to sulphites. Sulphur Sesquioxide, SjOg, is obtained by the solution of flowers of sulphur in liquid sulphuric anhydride ; it separates out in blue drops, which solidify to a mass resem- bling malachite. It decomposes gradually, more rapidly on warming, into sulphur dioxide and sulphur. It is very violently broken down by water, with formation of sulphur, sulphurous, sulphuric, and polythionic acids. It dissolves with a blue color in fuming sulphuric acid. Sulphur Trioxide, SO3, or sulphuric anhydride, is produced, as pre- viously described, by the union of sulphur dioxide and oxygen, aided by heated platinum sponge. Platinized balls of white clay are used in tech- nical operations. It is also formed when sulphur dioxide and air are con- ducted over ignited oxide of iron, chromic oxide, or manganese oxide. These oxides act like the platinum sponge, platinized asbestos or clay. They are merely contact substances. It can also be made by heating sodium or potassium pyrosulphate (p. 194) and anhydrous sulphates, e. g., ferric sulphate : FcjlSOJa = Fe^Oa + 3SO3 ; and is most conveniently obtained by heating fuming (Nordhausen) sul- phuric acid (p. 193); the escaping white fumes are condensed in a chilled receiver. It may be obtained pure by repeated distillation, by fusion at moderate temperature (20-30°), and then pouring it off from the re- maining solid portions. It crystallizes in long, broad, transparent needles, which melt at 14.8° to a very mobile liquid. At 16° its specific gravity is 1.940. It distils at 46°. The vapor density agrees with the formula SO3. The perfectly pure anhydride does not change on preser- vation. If, however, by absorption of water it contains traces of sulphuric acid, it soon becomes an asbestos-like mass, which does not melt until at about 50°. This was formerly regarded as a peculiar form of sulphuric anhydride. The pure anhydride can be readily obtained from it by distillation [R. Weber; see also Rebs, Ann. Chem. 246 (1888), 379]. Sulphuric oxide fumes strongly in the air, and attracts moisture with avidity. When thrown on water it dissolves with hissing to form sul- phuric acid (SO3 -f- H2O = H2SOJ. When the vapors are led through heated tubes they are decomposed into sulphur dioxide and oxygen. Thermo- chemical Deportment . — When sulphur dioxide and oxygen combine to form liquid sulphur trioxide 32. 1 Cal. are disengaged, so that its heat of formation from the elements is 103.2 Cal. : (S 0 ^, 0 ) liquid = 32.1, (8,03) liquid = 103.2, inasmuch as the heat of formation of the dioxide 71. i Cal. (p. 186). This is another contradiction of Berthelot’s princi{)le of the greatest evolution of heat. According to it when sulphur burns in the air or in oxygen it should form not the dioxide but the trioxide, because in the latter case there would occur the greater heat evolution. The fact is that i88 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. from 91. 1-95.5 percent, of the sulphur is converted into dioxide, and only 2. 9-2. 5 per cent, into trioxide. In the presence of porous bodies (ferric oxide, etc.) the <)uantity of trioxide reaches as much as 13 per cent. On dissolving .sulphur trioxide in much water to form afjueous sulphuric acid, 39.2 Cal. are disengaged. The j)roduction, therefore, of the aqueous acid from sulphur, oxygen, and water equals (including the heat of formation of SO3) 142.4 Cal. : (S03,Aq) = 39.2 ; (S,03,Aq) = 142.4. If we add to this the heat of formation of water (liquid), 68.3 Cal., the heat of f«^r mation of sulphuric acid (II2SO4 — SO3 -(- HjO) from the elements in dilute aqueous solution will be : (Il2,S,04,Aq) = 210.7. The heat of .solution of anhydrous sulphuric acid, in much water, equals 17.8 Cal. ; hence the heat of formation of anhydrous sulphuric acid from its elements is 210.7 — 17.8 = 192.9 : (Il2S04,Aq) = 17.8 ; (Il2,S,04) = 192.9. Sulphur Heptoxide, was obtained by Berthelot on conducting a silent elec- tric discharge of considerable intensity through a mixture of equal volumes of dry .sulphur dioxide and oxygen. It separates in oily drops which .solidify at 0° to a crystalline mass. This compound must be regarded as the anhydride of persulphuric acid. It decomposes upon standing, immediately when heated, into oxygen and sulphur trioxide : S2O7 = 2SO3 + O. It fumes strongly in the air and with water, as with heat, decomposes into sulphuric acid and oxygen : ^2^7 "f" 2H2O 2H2SO4 -J- O. Persulphuric Acid, H2S20g, corresponding to sulphuric heptoxide, has not been obtained in a pure condition. A solution of it may be formed at the anode when sul- phuric acid (cooled, 40 per cent.) is electrolyzed. Richarz thinks that it is produced in this instance by the sulphuric acid breaking down into the ions H and HSO4 (p. 92), the latter then combining to 1^28203. Inactive oxygen and ozone are formed simulta- neously. A solution of the acid can be obtained by dissolving sulphur heptoxide in dilute sulphuric acid, also by the addition of aqueous hydrogen peroxide to cooled, concentrated sulphuric acid, when ozone is also produced. The solution of persulphuric acid in sulphuric acid exhibits oxidation reactions similar to those of hydrogen peroxide. It oxidizes ferrous to ferric sulphate, gradually liberates iodiive from potassium iodide and decolorizes the blue solution of indigo-sulphuric acid ; however, it is not capable of decolorizing a permanganate solution, neither does it oxi- dize chromic to perchromic acid or affect titanic acid solutions (p. 103). Hydrogen peroxide is produced if the electrolyzed sulphuric acid contains more than 60 per cent, of sulphuric acid ; this is caused by the breaking down of the persulphuric acid which has been formed (p. loi). d'he persulphates result in the action of strong bases upon the heptoxide, or, as shown by Hugh Marshall and Berthelot, by the electrolysis of sulphate solutions [Elbs, Jr. j)rakt. Ch. 48 (1893), 185, and Chem. Zeit. 1895, 1120]. They will be described under the respective metals. Their dilute solutions show the following properties, character- istic for persulphuric acid : when heated they give out ozone, and in the presence of hydrochloric acid chlorine ; they precipitate the hydrated dioxide of manganese upon the addition of a manganous salt ; in the presence of sulphuric acid they oxidize aniline to aniline black. See p. 198 for the probable structure of persulphuric acid. SULPHURIC ACID. 189 SULPHURIC ACID. H2SO4. it is certain that this acid was known in the fifteenth century, probably long before that time. It is the most important of all the acids; nearly all of them can be prepared directly or indirectly by means of it. In technical chemistry and in the arts it meets with an unusually exten- sive and varied application, but it is especially valuable, in the Le Blanc soda process, in the refining of petroleum and tar-oils, for the production of aluminium sulphate, blasting material, dyes, artificial manures, etc., etc. Besides the reactions already mentioned, it is formed in the oxidation of sulphur by nitric acid. It was obtained formerly by heating ferrous sul- phate (FeSOJ, which breaks down into ferric oxide, sulphurous acid and sulphuric anhydride : 2FeSO^ = FejOj SOj + SO3. At present, however, it is almost exclusively manufactured in large quan- tities, after the so-called English lead-chamber process. This method is based upon the conversion of sulphur dioxide into sulphuric acid by means of nitric acid. Sulphur, pyrite (FeSj), or other blendes are roasted in ovens, and the disengaged sulphur dioxide immediately conducted, to- gether with air, into a series of large leaden chambers in which it is fre- quently brought in contact with nitric acid and steam. The nitric acid gives up a portion of its oxygen to the sulphur dioxide and thereby oxidizes it in the presence of water to sulphuric acid, which collects on the floors of the lead chambers. The nitrogen oxides, NO, NOj, and N2O3, arising simultaneously from the nitric acid, are capable of transferring, in various ways, the oxygen of the air, which enters the chambers, in the presence of water, to the sulphurous acid so that it passes over into sulphuric acid. As the nitrogen oxides are being con- stantly regenerated, a given quantity of nitric acid should, according to theory, be capable of converting unlimited amounts of sulphur dioxide into sulphuric acid if the water and oxygen are present in sufficient quantity. Facts show that this is really not true, because a portion of the nitric acid (1-2 parts by weight for 100 parts of sulphurous acid) is reduced to nitrous oxide, nitrogen, and probably ammonia, — compounds which do not participate in the oxidation of the sulphurous acid. Hence, in the lead chambers the nitrogen oxides, particularly nitric oxide, play the role of oxygen carriers. The chemical changes occurring side by side in the lead chambers are influenced by the quantities of the reacting substances and by the temperature ; consequently, they are not the same for all chambers, indeed not the same for different parts of the same cham- ber. The chemical and physical conditions are being constantly altered by the violent mixing together of the gases, and it seems almost a fruitless task to attempt to establish a definite theory for the sul])huric acid manufacture. The most important of these changes appear to be the following : In the presence of water, the nitric acid oxidizes the sulphur dioxide to sulphuric acid, and the former is reduced to nitric oxide (NO) or nitrogen dioxide (NOj) : 3SO2 -f 2IINO3 -f 2II2O = 3 H.,S 0 , 1 2NO. 190 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The nitric oxide unites with the oxygen of the air (which entered the chambers simul- taneously with the sulphur dioxide) to form nitrogen dioxide, which, in the presence of water, converts a fresh portion of sulphur dioxide into sulphuric acid : SO2 + 11,0 + NO, = HjSO* + NO. Tlie regenerated nitric oxide is again subjected to the same transformations. Tn Tunge’s ojunion the lead-chamber process is not an alternating reduction and oxidation of the oxides of nitrogen, but rather a condensation of nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide with sulphur dioxide, oxygen, and water to nitrosylsulphuric acid, (P- 207) : 2SO, + 2NO O3 -t- 11,0 = 2S0,<0-,N0 The excess of water in the lead chamber immediately converts this product into sulphuric acid and nitrogen trioxide or a mixture of nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide : 2 SO,< 2 i- ■+ N, 0 .. N,03 = NO + NO, ; N,03 II ,0 ^ 2IINO,. In the anterior portion of the chamber system the nitrosylsulphuric acid breaks down with the assistance of the sulphurous acid and with the formation of nitric oxide : 2S0,<0jj^° + so, + 211,0 = 3S0,(0H), + 2NO. The regenerated nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide act together with air and steam upon new quantities of sulphur dioxide in the manner already indicated. According to Lunge, nitrosylsulphuric acid is formed upon the very first action of the nitric acid introduced into the lead chamber : SO, NO, . OH = and it then reacts in the manner indicated. [See Lunge, Z. f. anorg. Ch. 7 (1894), 212 ; R. Hasenclever, Ber. 29 (1896), iii, 2861 ; H. Ost, Lehrbuch des technischen Chemie, 3 Aufl. (1898), and especially Jurisch, in Dammer’s Handbuch der chemischen Technologic (1895) I, 163.] In the lead-chamber process the active nitrogen oxides (NO and NO,) are carried along and withdrawn from the action by means of the escaping nitrogen and excess of air. To avoid any further loss of nitric acid by this means, the escaping brown gases are conducted through the so-called Gay-Lussac tower. This is constructed of lead sheets, and filled with pieces of coke, or, as these are apt to become coated with a mud of lead sulphate which stops them up, with fire-brick or cylinders over which concentrated sulphuric acid constantly trickles. The acid completely absorbs the nitrogen oxides K^O,, NO, and NO, with formation of nitrosylsulphuric acid (see p. 208). The nitrogen oxides can be regained from the acid — the so-called nitroso-acids — collected at the bottom of the tower, and made useful in the production of sulphuric acid in the chambers. This is effected at present in the so-called Glove)' to^veVy which is constructed of lead plates and fire-proof bricks, and inserted between the sulphur ovens and lead chambers. In this the nitroso- acid (diluted with the previously obtained chamber acid) is allowed to run over fire-brick, while the hot gases of combustion from the sulphur ovens stream against it. This cools the hot gases to the required temperature (70-80°), water evaporates from the chamber acid, and, at the same time, the nitrogen oxides are set free (see above), and carried into the lead chambers. Hence, the (Hover tower serves not only for complete utiliza- tion of the nitrogen oxides, but also for the concentration of the chamber acid (to 82 j)er cent. I I,SOJ. 'I'he chamber j)rocess may be illustrated by the following experiment : A large glass flask A (Fig. 64) replaces the lead chamber; in its neck are introduced, by means of a cork, several glass tubes, which serve to introduce the various gases. In rr, sulphur di- SULPHURIC ACID. I9I oxide is generated by heating a mixture of sulplmric acid and mercury or copper turn- ings. The flask b contains some dilute nitric acid and copper turnings, from wliich nitric oxide (NO) is evolved. Water is boiled in c to get steam. Air enters through d while the excess of gases escapes through e. By the meeting of nitric oxide (NO) with the air, red fumes of nitrogen dioxide (NO2') arise, and these in presence of water change the sulphur dioxide to sulphuric acid. The regenerated nitric oxide yields nitrogen di- oxide with the oxygen of the air, and converts another portion of sulphur dioxide into sulphuric acid. In time aqueous sulphuric acid collects upon the bottom of the vessel. If, at first, only sulphur dioxide, nitric oxide and air enter without the steam, we get (by aid of the moisture of the air) the compound SO2 { O.NO OH (the so-called ni Iphuric acid) which covers the walls of the vessel with a white crystalline sublimate. These crystals, known as lead-chamber crystahy are also formed in the technical manufacture Fig. 64. of sulphuric acid, when an insufficient quantity of steam is conducted into the chambers. Water decomposes them into sulphuric acid and nitrogen oxides. The acid collecting in the chambers (chamber acid) possesses, when the operation has been properly conducted, the specific gravity of 1.5 (50^ according to Beaiime) ; it contains about 60 per cent, of sulphuric acid and 40 ])er cent, of water.* For concentration the chamber acid is first heated in lead jians until the specific gravity reaches 1.71 (60° Beaume ; *The Beaum6 araeometer {apuLoq, thin) — hydrometer — used so much in technical work has an empirical scale. For liquids heavier than water an instrument is used the zero j)oint of which is obtained by placing it in pure water. This will give the highest point of the scale. A second fixed point is obtained by dipping the instrument into a solution of 15 parts of salt in 85 parts of water. The distance between the two points is divided into fifteen equal parts or degrees. This division is also continued further downward. 192 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 78 per cent. H^SOJ. The lead pans are strongly attacked by further evaporation. However, in vessels of cast iron, an acid of specific gravity 1.8 (64.2° Beaume ; 86.9 per cent. HjSOj may be olitained. d'hese are the crude sulphuric acids (^Acidum sulphuriciwi crudutn) of commerce. They still contain arsenic, .selenium, iron and lead, d'he jiurified acid obtained in various ways and diluted is again reduced in lead vessels to 60° Beaume; further concentration to 65.5-66° Beaume (92-94 per cent. HjSO^; specific gravity 1.83-1.837) is conducted in vessels of glass, porcelain or platinum. Tlie most concentrated acid (98-98.5 percent. always made in vessels of platinum, which in recent years have been lined within with gold, because they are then less attacked. By the distillation of the crude bhiglish acid an acpieous solution at first distils over (one-third of the distillate), but at 338° we obtain almost pure sulphuric acid {Acidum sulphuricufu purum or destillatuvi). This has the specific gravity 1.854 at 0° or 1.842 at 12°, and contains about 1.5 per cent, of water. On cooling this to — 35° white crystals separate, which after repeated recrystallization melt at 10.5° ; this is the anhydrous acid, HjSO^; also called suljihuric acid nionohydrate. The crystalline acid is more readily obtained by cooling the 96-98 i)er cent, sulphuric acid to 0° or — 10°, and then adding already formed crystals. This is the manner in which the anhydrous acid is produced technically ; the crys- tals are separated from the liquid hydrous acid by a centrifugal machine. Pure anhydrous sulphuric acid, H2SO^ (called monohydrate), has the specific gravity 1.8384 at 15° (water of 4° = i), and is, therefore, lighter than slightly hydrous acid. When the anhydrous acid is heated, white fumes of sulphur trioxide escape at 40° ; the liquid begins to boil at 200°, and at 338° the acid, with 1.5 per cent, of water, again distils over. From these data it is obvious that sulphuric acid, even at a gentle heat, sustains a par- tial decomposition (dissociation) into sulphur trioxide and -water. The vapor density of sulphuric acid has been found to be 72.0 (O.^ = 32) at 332° (near its boiling point). It diminishes at higher temperatures, and is 49 at 416°, where it is constant. This behavior is explained by the dissociation of the acid molecules, according to the equation : H2SO, = SO, + H2O. I vol. I vol. I vol. Hence the dissociation of the acid is complete at 416°, while it is only about 34 per cent, at 332° (p. 94). Concentrated sulphuric acid is a thick, oily liquid. On cooling a sul- phuric acid, containing about 15 per cent, of water, to 0°, large six-sided prisms of the hydrate H2SO^-|-H20 (called sulphuric acid dihydrate) separate; these melt at H-8°, and at 205° break down into the anhydrous acid and water. The second hydrate, H2SO4 2H2O, has the specific gravity 1.63, and yields water at 195°. The concentrated acid possesses an extremely great affinity for water, and absorbs aqueous vajior energet- ically, hence is applied in the drying of gases and in desiccators. It mixes with water with the evolution of considerable heat, and, for this reason, it is especially directed, in diluting the acid, to pour the latter in a thin stream into the water, and not the reverse, as explosive phenomena occur. In mixing suljihuric acid with water, a contraction of the mixture takes SULPHURIC ACID. 193 place; its maximum corresponds to the hydrate H2SO^-j-2H20 (/. e., 98 parts : 36 parts). The existence of the hydrates of sulphuric acid is explained, as in the case of periodic acid, by the assumption of hydroxyl groups. Later investigations confirm this idea : H2S0^ + = S(OH)g, Hexahydroxyl sulphuric acid. 11280^ -(- 11.2^ — SO(OH)^, Tetrahydroxyl sulphuric acid. 11280^ . . = S02(0H)2, Normal sulphuric acid. The tetrahydroxyl and the hexahydroxyl sulphuric acids yield only salts of the normal dibasic acid, when they are acted upon by bases. 8alts corresponding to the hydrates are not known, as was the case with periodic acid. The affinity of sulphuric acid for water is so great that the former with- draws the hydrogen and oxygen from many substances, with the produc- tion of water. In addition to carbon, many organic compounds contain hydrogen and oxygen in the proportion in which these elements yield water. The withdrawal of hydrogen and oxygen from such substances leaves the carbon. This explains the charring action of the acid upon wood, sugar, and paper. When sulphuric acid acts upon alcohol (C2HgO), ethylene, C2H^, results (p. 153). By conducting sulphuric acid vapors over red-hot porous bodies, it is decomposed into sulphur dioxide, water, and oxgen (p. 194) : H28O, SOj + lIjO + O. When heated with sulphur, phosphorus, carbon, and some metals (mer- cury, copper), the acid is reduced to sulphur dioxide (p. 183). Nearly all the metals are dissolved by it, forming salts; only lead, platinum, and a few others are scarcely attacked at all. It is a very strong acid, and, when heated, expels most other acids from their salts; upon this depends its application in the manufacture of hydrochloric, nitric, and many other acids, especially the organic acids. The barium salt (BaSOJ is character- ized by its insolubility in water, acids, and alkalies; therefore, sulphuric acid added to solutions of barium compounds produces a white pulveru- lent precipitate, which serves to detect small quantities of the acid. The structure of sulphuric acid and its anhydride can, assuming sul- phur to be sexivalent, be expressed by the following formulas: VI 8 O. Pyrosulphuric or Disulphuric Acid, H2S20^. On withdrawing one molecule of water from two molecules of the acid there results the compound 1^2820^, whose formation and structure may be represented by the following formula : SO SO - H20 S02< S02< OH O OH. As this acid contains two hydroxyl groui)s it is dibasic; yet its manner of formation shows that it j)ossesses an anhydride character. Later, we 17 94 INORGANIC CHKMISTRY. will observe that almost all polybasic acids, like i)hosphoric acid, PC)(0H)3, silicic acid, Si()(OII)2, and chromic acid, Cr()2(()n)2, arc capable, by the condensation of several molecules and the elimination of water, of forming like derivatives, which bear the name Poly- or Pyro- acids. The pyro-acid, corresponding to sulphurous acid, is also known in salts. The disulphuric acid is contained in the so-called fuming:; or Nordhau- sen sulphuric acid (Acidum sulphuricum fumans, oil of vitriol), which was formerly obtained by heating dehydrated ferrous sulphate — green vitriol (FeSO^). It is a thick, oily, strongly fuming li([uid, of specific gravity 1.86-1.9. When it is cooled, large colorless crystals of disulphuric acid (H2S2O2) separate ; these melt at 35°. Heat breaks it down into sulphuric acid and suli)hur trioxide, which volatilizes: II2S2O7 = up(\ -f SO3. Conversely, disulphuric acid may be obtained by dissolving sulphur trioxide in sul})huric acid : II2SO, + SO3 = II2S2O7. The production of fuming sulphuric acid also depends on this, as it may be regarded as a solution of sulphur trioxide or pyrosuli)huric acid in an excess of sulphuric acid. Technically, fuming sulphuric acid is obtained from pyrites (FeS2) — (at present only in Bohemia). The decomposition of the pyrites in the air yields ferrous sulphate and ferric sulphate, which can be dissolved out with water. The solution is evaporated, and the residue roasted in a reverberatory furnace, whereby the ferrous salt is changed to ferric salt. The latter is then distilled from earthen retorts, when sulphuric acid and sul- phur trioxide pass over and are collected in the receivers : Fe,(SO.)3 = Fe^O, + 3SO3. The residue, consisting of red ferric oxide, finds application as colcothar {caput 7 nor- tuum) in polishing and as a paint. Solid, crystalline pyrosulphuric acid has been recently introduced into the market as a substitute for the fuming liquid sulphuric acid. It is made by conducting the theoretical amount of sulphur trioxide into concen- trated sulphuric-acid (see above). Sulphur trioxide is prepared by two distinct methods at present. In Winkler’s method sulphuric acid of 66° Baume is first allowed to run into retorts raised to a red heat. The mixed gases, sulphur dioxide, oxygen and water (p. 193 b resulting from this action, are freed from steam by passing through a coke tower through which trickles concentrated sulphuric acid. The dry mixture is then conducted over heated jdatinized balls of white clay and the resulting sulphur trioxide is collected in concentrated suljfiniric acid. 'I'lie more recent method of Wolters consists in ]>roducing sodium pyrosulphate by heat- ing sodium sulphate with concentrated sulphuric acid : Na2SC), -j- ILSOi -f II./X Sodium Sodiiiin sulphate. pyrosulphate. SULPHURIC ACID. 95 An intermediate product in this reaction is primary sodium sulphate — NallSO^ — which upon the application of heat gives up water and passes into the pyrosulphate. By the action of concentrated sulphuric acid upon the latter the anhydride is liberated and distilled off in a vacuum : Na^S.O, + H^SO^ = 2NaHS04 + SO3. The residual sodium sulphate can again be converted into pyrosulphate. Sodium pyro- sulphate decomposes at about 600° into sodium sulphate and sulphur trioxide, thus : Na2S207 = Na2S04 -j- SO3. Sulphuric Acid Chloranhydrides. — Under the name of halogen anhydrides we understand the derivatives resulting from the replacement of hydroxyl in acids by chlorine. Conversely, the chloranhydrides, by the action of water, pass into the corre- sponding acids ; so,<^} + 2H,0 = + 2HCI. The ordinary method for the preparation of the chloranhydrides consists in permitting phosphorus pentachloride to act on the acids. Sulphuric acid has two hydroxyl groups ; therefore it can furnish two chloranhydrides. Cl The first, S02<^j^q, Sulphuryl Hydroxy-chloride, or Chlorstdphonic Acid, results when one molecule of phosphorus pentachloride acts upon one molecule of sulphuric acid : + PCI5 = SO, •, it is also present in organic sulpho- acids, and corresponds to the acid-forming carbon group, COOII, called carboxyl. From this group are derived the acids just mentioned : H.SOj.OH HO.SOg.OII ^<80 011 IIS.SOg.OH. Sulphurous acid. Sulphuric acid. Pyrosulphuric acid. Thiosulphuric acid. The formulas of the polythionic acids may also be derived from the formulas of the hydrogen sulphides, HjS, IlgSg, and HgSg, if the hydrogen atoms in be replaced by the sulpho-group. If in the case of the ordinary hydrogen sulphide this replacement extends merely to one hydrogen atom, thiosulphuric acid results ; the acids corresponding to it are not known in the other two series : c/H e .SO3 . OH CJ .SOg. OH ^^SOg. OH s HNO2 Nitrous acid. N,0 ^ Nitrous oxide. > (HNO).,. Hyponitrous acid. The following formulas express the structure of these compounds: III III N=N V o Nitrous oxide. Ill III 0 -=N N^O V o Nitrogen trioxide. Ill III III TIO-N=N-OTI OrrN-OII Hyponitrous acid. Nitrous acid. Ill V 0 =N V o Nitric-nitrous anhydride (tetroxide). V V V o Nitrogen pentoxide. O-N-OU. Nitric acid. 202 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Tlie salts of nitric acid arc called ^titrates ; those of nitrous acid, nitrites. NITRIC ACID. IINO3. This acid occurs in nature only in the form of salts, — potassium, sodium, and calcium nitrates (comj)are these), — which have resulted from the decay of nitrogenous organic substances in the j^resence of strong bases (the alkalies) and Bacillus nitrificans. It is sometimes present in the air as ammonium salt. The free acid is formed in very slight quan- tity by conducting electric sparks through moist air; most readily with a mixture of 5 volumes of air and 6 volumes of oxygen, which may obtain technical value if the electricity and oxygen can be prepared cheaply enough. At present Chile saltpeter is the j)rincii)al source of nitric acid. To prepare nitric acid heat potassium or sodium nitrate in a retort with sulphuric acid, when the nitric acid will distil over and acid sodium or potassium sulphate remain : NaNOa -f HjSO^ = IINaSO^ + IINO3. If one molecule of sulphuric acid be used with two molecules of the nitrate, the resulting acid sulphate will at higher temperatures act upon the second molecule of nitrate in the sense of the equation : NallSO, + NaNOa = HNO3 -f Na^SO,. The temperature requisite to complete the reaction is, however, so high that a portion of the nitric acid will be decomposed. Perfectly anhydrous nitric acid has not yet been obtained. The most concentrated acid (99.8 per cent. HNO3) is a colorless liquid of specific gravity 1.56 at 0° ; it fumes in the air, and at — 47° solidifies to a crys- talline mass. At ordinary temperatures it undergoes a partial decomposi- tion (similar to sulphuric acid) into water, oxygen, and nitrogen dioxide, NO2, which dissolves in the acid, with a yellowish-brown color; the color- less acid therefore becomes colored upon standing, and in sunlight soon turns yellow. At 86° the acid commences boiling and sustains a partial decomposition ; the first portions are colored yellow by the dissolved nitrogen dioxide, but subsequently, aqueous acid distils over. Nitric acid is completely decomposed into nitrogen dioxide, oxygen, and water, when its vapors are heated to about 2IINO3 = 2NO2 + H3O -f O. The acid mixes in all proportions with water. Upon distilling the dilute aqueous solution, only pure water passes over at first ; the boiling temperature gradually rises, and between 120° and 121° a solution goes over, which contains 68 ])er cent, of HNO3, and has a s])ecific gravity of 1. 414 at 15°. Tliis is the ordinary concentrated nitric acid of trade. When this is distilled with 5 parts of sul})huric acid, an almost anhydrous acid is obtained, which may be freed from nitrogen dioxide, contained in it, by conducting a stream of air through it. NITRIC ACID. . 203 The liquid boiling at 121°, however, can be regarded as a mixture of the trihydrate, N0(0H)3, and pentahydrate, N(OH)5 (pp. 193, 201). Nitric acid is a very powerful acid, oxidizing or dissolving almost all metals (gold and platinum excepted). Nearly all the metalloids, like iodine sulphur, phosphorus, and carbon, are converted by it into their corresponding acids. It acts as a very strong oxidizing agent, destroy- ing organic coloring substances, and decolorizes a solution of indigo very readily. In so doing the nitric acid itself is deoxidized to the lower oxidation products of nitrogen (NO and NOj). Some substances even reduce the acid to ammonia. Thus, for example, if zinc be brought into dilute nitric acid (5-6 per cent.) the metal will be dissolved without the liberation of hydrogen. The latter, in stain nascendiy acts at once upon the excess of acid and reduces it to ammonia, which forms an ammonium salt with the acid ; hence, in solution, we have ammonium nitrate in addition to the zinc nitrate : 2HNO3 + Zn = Zn(N03)2 + H, and 2HNO3 + 4H2= NH^N03 + 3H2O. If the aqueous nitric acid be less dilute (containing more than 10 per cent, of HNO3) it will be reduced by zinc and other metals, not to am- monia, but to the nitrogen oxides, N2O, NjOg, and N20^. The more concentrated the acid, the higher will the oxides be. The reduction of nitric acid to ammonia by nascent hydrogen occurs more easily in alkaline solution. If a solution of nitrates, made alkaline with sodium or potassium hydroxide, be heated with zinc or aluminium filings or iron powder, then all the nitrogen of the nitric acid will be converted into ammonia : HNO3 + 4H2 = NH3 + 3H2O. Hydroxylamine (p. 130) and ammonia are produced when nitric acid acts on tin. Nitric acid usually forms salts of the form MeNOg, with one equivalent of the metals; these are called nitrates, and are all readily soluble in water. Red Fuming Nitric Acid {Acidum nitricuni fumans') is the name given a nitric acid containing much nitrogen dioxide in solution. It is obtained by the distillation of two molecules of saltpeter with one mole- cule of sulphuric acid (p. 202), or better, by the distillation of com- mercial concentrated nitric acid with concentrated sulphuric acid. It generally has the specific gravity of i. 5-1. 54, and possesses greater oxidizing power than the colorless nitric acid. A mixture of i volume of nitric acid and 3 volumes of concentrated hydrochloric acid is known as Aqua regia, as it is able to dissolve gold and platinum, which neither of the acids alone is capable of doing. The powerful oxidizing action of ihe mixture is due to the presence of free chlorine and the chlorine derivative NOCl, which may be considered the chloranhydride of nitrous acid : 3IICI + IINO3 = 2II2O + NOCl -f- CI3. 204 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Nitrogen Pentoxide, N.^( >5, nitric anliydi ide, is produced hy carefully heating phos- phoric anhydride with nitric acid : 211NO3 -f I’A - N/), -I 2 iiro 3 ; further, together with oxygen, on conducting chlorine over silver nitrate : 2Ago. NO, + 2CI = + o. It forms colorless, rhombic prisms, melting at 30° and boiling with partial decomposi- tion at 47°. It is very unstable, decomposing readily into nitrogen tetroxide and oxygen, and sometimes exploding spontaneously. It yields nitric acid with water and evolves much heat by the union : j;5g>>o + ii,o = 2NO,.on. Nitroxyl Chloride, NO.2CI, the chloranhydride of nitric acid, results from the union of nitrogen dioxide with chlorine, and according to the ordinary method of forming chlor- anhydrides (see p. 195), by the action of phosphorus pentachloride or oxychloride upon nitric acid, or better, its silver salt : 3NO, . OAg + POCI3 = 3NO3CI + P0(0Ag)3. Silver nitrate. Silver phosphate. It is said to be a heavy, yellow liquid, boiling at -1-5°. Water immediately decomposes it into hydrochloric and nitric acids. However, Geuther’s experiments make the exist- ence of this acid rather doubtful [Ann. Chem. 245 (1888), 98]. Nitrosyl Chloride, NOCl, is produced by the union of nitric oxide (2 volumes) with chlorine (l volume): 2NO CI2 = 2NOCI ; when phosphoric chloride, PCI5, is allowed to act upon liquid nitrogen tetroxide, N2O4, and by heating lead-chamber crystals (p. 208) wdth sodium chloride to 80-90° : + NaCl = + NOCl. The reddish -yellow vapors that escape, if cooled to — 20°, condense to a red liquid of specific gravity 1. 416 at — 12°, and boils at -|-2°. It forms nitrous and hydrochloric acids with water : NOCl -f H2O = HNO2 + HCl. It may, therefore be regarded as the chloranhydride of nitrous acid — NO . OH. O. O. Nitranaide, NO2 . NH2 = '^N - NHj or ^N = NH, the amide of nitric acid, O^ HO^ was di.scovered by Thiele and Lachmannon decomposing pota.ssium nitrocarbaminate (see Organic Cliemistry) with sulphuric acid. It is also produced upon adding nitric acid to a .solution of potassium imidosulphonate (p. 196) in concentrated sulphuric acid : NH(S03H)2 + NO2. OH NO2. NH2 + H2S2O,. Nitramide crystallizes from ligroine, in which it dissolves with difficulty, in brilliant white plates. 1 1 dissolves readily in ether, alcohol and water. It melts at about 73° 'vith imme- diate decomposition into nitrous oxide and water : NO2. NH2 = N2O 4 IP/). It volatilizes partly at the ordinary temperature. It is especially sensitive to alkalies; in NITROGEN TRIOXIDE. 205 contact with sodium hydroxide it explodes with fire phenomena. Its aqueous solution reacts strongly acid. It also yields a readily decomposable mercury salt : NO^NHg. When nitramide is reduced hydrazine results : NO2NH2 + 3H2 = NHj . NHj + 2 H, 0 . Nitramide is isomeric with hyponitrous acid : HO-N=N-OH. [See Ann. Chem. 288 (1895), 267; 296 (1897), 95. J Nitrogen Trioxide, NjOg, nitrous anhydride, is formed by the direct union of nitrogic oxide (4 volumes) with oxygen (i volume) at —18°: 4NO + 02 = 2N2O3 ; 4 vols. I vol. 2 vols. by mixing liquid nitrogen tetroxide, N20^, with a little cold water : 2 JJgqo +hp = noj.o + 2N0,.0H; by the introduction of nitric oxide into liquid nitrogen tetroxide below — 21° : N2O4 + 2NO = 2N2O3 ; and by conducting nitric oxide into cold anhydrous nitric acid : 2HNO3 + 4NO = 3N2O3 + HgO. It is most easily obtained by the action of nitric acid upon arsenious oxide, AS2O3. Nitrogen tetroxide is simultaneously produced, from which it is readily separated by fractional distillation and condensation. Nitrogen trioxide condenses at — 21° to a dark-blue liquid of specific gravity 1.449 begins to boil at 3.5°. It decomposes when distilled ; its vapors consist of a mixture of the tetroxide and nitric oxide (N2O4 2NO) and at more elevated temperatures of nitrogen di- oxide and nitric oxide (2NO2 -f- 2NO). Upon cooling they reunite to the liquid nitrous anhydride. The latter is therefore only known in the liquid condition. Its dissociation begins at — 21° [Geuther, Ann. Chem. 245 (1888), 96; see also Lunge and Porschnew, Z. f. anorg. Chem. 7 (1894), 209]. The trioxide mixed with a little cold water probably forms nitrous acid (N2O3 -f- H2O = 2HNO2) ; more water, aided by heat, decomposes it into nitric acid and nitric oxide gas : 3HNO2 = HNO3 + 2NO + H2O. Nitrous Acid, HNO2, is not known in a free state. Its salts (the 7 iitrites) are obtained by igniting the nitrates: KNO^ = KNOj + O. 2o6 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The withdrawal of oxygen is rendered easier if oxidizalile metals, lead, be added to the fusion (see Potassium and Sodium Nitrite). Traces of nitrites are found in the air and in many waters. On adding sulphuric acid to the nitrites, brown vapors are disengaged ; these consist of nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide. It may be that the nitrous acid, at first liberated, is broken down into water and the trioxide, which, as we have seen above, gradually decomposes into nitrogen dioxide, NO2, and nitric oxide, NO. Similar reddish-brown vapors are obtained if nitric acid be permitted to act upon starch or arsenious oxide (As.^O.,). According to lAinge, if we einjdoy nitric acid of specific gravity 1.30- 1.35, nitrogen trioxide is produced almost exclusively, whereas in using the concentrated acid (1.4-1. 5) we get a mixture rich in dioxide, and if the acid be dilute the chief product is nitric oxide, NO, with a little nitrogen dioxide, NOj. The nitrous acid which has separated out in the solution and its decom- position products — N()2 and NO — are strong oxidizers, setting iodine free from the soluble iodides. In other cases, however, they exhibit a reducing action ; thus, e. g., the acidified red solution of jiotassium jier- manganate is decolorized by the addition of nitrites, and nitrous becomes nitric acid. In very dilute aqueous solution, the action proceeds ac- cording to the following equation : 5HNO2 + 2KMnO^ + 311280^ == 5HNO3 4- K2S0^ + 2MnS(\ 3H2O. This reaction serves for the quantitative determination of free nitrous acid, as well as for its salts (p. 208). Nitrogen Tetroxide, N20^, or nitrogen dioxide^ NO 2 (formerly called hyponitric acid'), only exists at low temperatures; when heated, it suffers a gradual decomposition into the simpler molecules NO2 which recom- bine to N20^ upon cooling. We here meet the interesting case of disso- ciation, occurring even at the ordinary temperature. The tetroxide, N20^, is colorless, while the dioxide, NO2, is colored red-brown ; it appears, therefore, that the color gradually becomes darker as the temperature rises, and that it corresponds to the increasing dissociation of the com- plex molecules N20^. The same was observed with sulphur tetrachloride (p. no) and nitrogen trioxide (p. 205). At ordinary temperatures, nitrogen tetroxide is a liquid of specific gravity 1.49. When cooled to — 20° it solidifies to a colorless crystal- line mass, melting at — 12°. In consequence of the dissociation which begins at 0°, the liquid, at first colorless, becomes yellow, and the in- tensity in color grows with rising tem])erature. The liquid begins to boil at about 22°, and is converted into a yellowish-brown vapor which becomes dark as the temiierature is increased. 'flic theoretical vapor density of nitrogen tetroxide, N20^ ecjuals 92.08, while that of the dioxide, N()2, ecpials 46.04. 'i'lie exj)erimental vaj)or density has been found to equal 76 at the point at which the licpiid compound boils (26°) ; it may l)e calculated from this that, at this t(nn])cniture, 34.4 per cent, of the tetroxide molecules are decomposed into dioxide molecules. IJeiice we conclude that the dissociation of the compound com- NITROGEN TETROXIDE. 207 mences even in the liquid state ; this is confirmed by the yellow coloration appearing at 0°. With rising temperature the density of the vapor steadily diminishes, becomes constant finally at 150° and equals 46. Then all the molecules (N2O4) are decomposed into the simpler molecules NO2 ; and the dark coloration of the vapors attains its maximum. Nitrogen tetroxide is produced by conducting electric sparks through a mixture of dry nitrogen and oxygen ; it is also formed by the union of two volumes of nitric oxide with one volume of oxygen : 2NO + O2 = N2O,. 2 vols. I vol. I vol. We can get it more conveniently by heating dry lead nitrate, which decomposes according to the following equation : Pb(N 03)2 = PbO + O + 2NO2. The escaping dioxide condenses in the cooled receiver to liquid tetroxide, N20^. Nitrogen tetroxide varies in its behavior with water, according to the temperature of the latter. We saw that by the action of a little cold water, it was decomposed into nitrogen trioxide and nitric acid (p. 205). With an excess of cold water, and also with an aqueous solution of alkalies, it yields nitric and nitrous acids, that is, their salts: + ^2^ = NO2 . OH -L NO . OH. Both reactions plainly indicate that the liquid tetroxide represents the mixed anhydride of nitric and nitrous acids (p. 201) ; similarly, the com- pound Cl20^ constitutes the mixed anhydride of chloric and chlorous acids (p. 1 1 7). AVarm water converts the tetroxide into nitric acid and nitric oxide — because under these conditions the nitrous acid decom- poses into nitric acid and nitric oxide (see p. 205). The dioxide behaves similarly : 3NO2 -f H2O = 2HNO3 + NO. The tetroxide and dioxide possess strong oxidizing properties; many substances burn in their vapors; iodine is set free from the soluble metallic iodides by them. Many metals, just after the reduction of their oxides in hydrogen, absorb large quanti- ties of nitrogen dioxide at lower temperatures, e. g., copper takes up 1000 times its volume. “ Nitro-metals ” are produced in this way. “ Nitro-copper,” CiqNOg, is an amorphous substance, which is decomposed by water into nitric oxide, copper, copper nitrite and nitrate [Ber. 26 (1893), iv, 361]. Nitrosylsulphuric Acid, SO^NH — S02repared from the elements without addition of energy. Proceeding from nitric oxide (Nt)), we see from the above numbers that the formation of the liigher oxides from it occurs with heat disen- gagetnent : (2NO, i)) ■= 20.1 (NO, O) = 13.4 (2NO,, (),) = 40.5, OXYGEN COMPOUNDS OF PHOSPHORUS. 213 whereas lieat is absorbed in the conversion of nitrous into nitric oxide : (N2O, O) = — 25.4. (See J. 'I'homsen’s Thermocheniische Untersuchungen, iv, 314.) lieat disengagement, on the contrary, occurs in the production of nitric acid from its elements : (N,03,H-liquid) =41.6 (N,03,H,Aq) = 49.1. This explains the relative stability of that acid. Compounds of Nitrogen with Sulphur. — Two such bodies are known : nitrogen sulphide, N^.S^, corresponding in composition to a quadrupled nitric oxide, and nitrogen pentasulpJnde, corresponding to nitric anhydride, NgO^. Nitrogen sulphide, N4S4, is produced when dry ammonia, in benzene solution, acts upon sulphur dichloride : 4NH3 + 6SCI2 =: N4S4 + I2HCI + 83. It consists of orange-red needles, melting at 178°. It detonates at higher temperatures or when struck. Its molecular weight has been determined by methods which will be described under Solutions. Nitrogen pentasidphide, N4S5, is formed by a complicated reaction occurring on heat- ing nitrogen sulphide with carbon bisulphide to 100° in a sealed tube. It is a deep-red liquid, transparent in thin layers with a blood-red color. It is very mobile, not moisten- ing glass and its specific gravity at 18° equals 1.90. It solidifies by cold to a mass resem- bling iodine and melts at 10°. Its odor is like that of iodine and is at the same time sw'eet. Nitrogen pentasulphide is not soluble in water, but in organic solvents. Its solu- tions are more stable than the pure pentasulphide, w Inch easily decomposes into its ele- ments. Boiling water, alkalies and hydrogen sulphide decompose the pentasulphide very readily with the production of ammonia and the separation of sulphur. [See Z. f. anorg. Chem. 13 (1897), 200.] 2. OXYGEN COMPOUNDS OF PHOSPHORUS. P4O6 Phosphorus trioxide. P2O5 Phosphorus pentoxide. Hypophosp acid. horous H3PO3 Phosphorous acid. Orthophosphoric acid. Oxides containing less oxygen, e. g., the tetroxide and the oxide P./j, are not definitely known. The following anhydride acids are derived from orthophosphoric acid : HPO3, Metapho.sphoric acid. H4P2O7, Pyrophosphoric acid. Orthophosphoric acid also yields an anhydride acid with phosphorous acid : hypophosphoric acid, H4P20g. The structure of these compounds is expressed by the following formulas : V HI V OH V II3PO-OII p ^OII iikxCh Hypophosphorous Phosphorous Phosphoric acid. acid. acid. 214 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. In hypophos])horoiis acid two atoms of liydrogcn are in direct union with quinquivalent phospliorus, while the third hydrogen atom forms an hydroxyl group with oxygen. It is only this last atom of hydrogen which is readily replaced by the action of bases ; hence hypophosphorous acid is a 7 nonobasic acid. Phosphorous acid (like sulphurous and arsenious acids) appears in two forms in its derivatives (pp. i86, 221). It is very probable that in its salts it has one atom of hydrogen and two hydroxyl groups joined to ])hosphorus; consecjuently it is a dibasic acid. [See Michaelis and Pecker, Per. 30 ( 1897), 1003.] Finally, three series of salts and three hydroxyls are assumed to be present in phosphoric acid. Py the elimination of one molecule of water from ])hosi)horic acid, meta- ])hosphoric acid results — an anhydride which, at the same time, is a monobasic acid, as it contains one hydroxyl group : V POj-OII, Metaphosphoric acid. On removing one molecule of water from two molecules of jihosphoric acid, pyro- or diphosphoric acid is formed (see }). 193) : V /OH PO^OH ^OH V /OH PO^OH \OH — H,0 2 molecules Phosphoric acid. /OH PO^OH PO— OH ^OH. I molecule Pyrophosphoric acid. Pyrophosphoric acid contains four hydroxyl groups, hence is tetra- basic. Similarly, hypophosphoric acid results from one molecule each of ])hosphoric acid and phosphorous acid, P(OH)3. Finally, if from two molecules of phosphoric acid all the hydrogen atoms be removed, in the form of water, an anhydride remains : V V O2P-O-PO2. Phosphoric anhydride. The salts of phosphoric acid are termed phosphates ; those of phos- phorous acid, phosphites^ and of hypophosphorous acid, hypophosphites. Hypophosphorous Acid, H3PO2. Hydrogen phosphide e.scapes when a concentrated solution of sodium or barium hydroxide is warmed with yellow phosphorus, leaving behind in solution a salt of hypophos- phorous acid : 4? 4- 3NaOII -p 3II.P = 3TT.TO.ONa + PH, 8P -f 3l5a(OHh + 3II2O = 3(Il2l'0. 0)Ta+ 2Pli3. d'he free acid may be separated from the barium salt by means of sul- ])huric acid ; the insoluble barium suljihate being filtered off from the acpieous solution of the acid, and the latter concentrated under the air- PHOSPHOROUS ACID. 215 pump. Hypophosphorous acid is a colorless, thick liquid, with a strong acid reaction. Below 0° it sometimes solidifies to large, white leaflets, which melt at Heat converts it, with much foaming, into hydrogen phosphide and phosphoric acid : 2H3P0,^PH3 + II3PO,. It absorbs oxygen readily, becoming phosphoric acid, hence acts as a powerful reducing agent. It reduces sulphuric acid to sulphur dioxide, and even to sulphur. It precipitates many of the metals from their solu- tions ; from copper sulphate it separates the hydride CiqH^. The acid is monobasic, H2PO.OH (see p. 214). Its salts dissolve readily in water, and absorb oxygen from the air, thus becoming phos- phates. When heated in a dry condition, they set free phosphine and hydrogen and are converted into pyro- and metaphosphates; some also yield metallic phosphides. Nascent hydrogen reduces hypophosphorous acid to phosphine. Phosphorous Acid, H3PO3, is formed at the same time with phos- phoric acid and hypophosphoric acid in the slow oxidation of phosphorus in moist air. The decomposition of phosphorus trichloride by water gives it more conveniently : PCI3 + 3H2O = H3PO3 + 3HCI. By evaporating this solution under the air-pump the phosphorous acid becomes crystalline. The crystals are readily soluble in water, and deliquesce in the air. It melts at 70°, and decomposes on further heating into phosphine and phosphoric acid : 4H3PO3 = PH3 + 3H3PO,. In the air the acid absorbs oxygen, and changes to phosphoric acid. Hence, it is a strong reducing agent, and precipitates the free metals from many of their solutions. In the presence of water the halogens oxidize it to phosphoric acid. It is a dibasic acid, forming two series of salts, in which one or two atoms* of hydrogen are replaced by metals. The phosphites do not oxi- dize in the air, except under the influence of strong oxidizing agents When heated, they generally decompose into hydrogen, pyrophosphates and phosj)hide. Nascent hydrogen also reduces phosphorous acid to phos- phine — a circumstance of importance in the detection of phosphorus- poisoning. Phosphorous Anhydride, or phosphorus trioxide according to the old formula P2O3, has been shown by 4 'horpe and Tutten (1892) to be correctly expressed by 1 ^) 6 - B is * Therefore, the structural formula, TIPO(OII)2 is assigned to this acid. There appears to exist another phosphorous acid, at least in compounds, to which the formula P(OII)3 belongs (pp. 213, 216). 2i6 INORGANIC CUKMISTRV. produced on conducting dry air over gently lieated jdiospliorus, or by carefully beating phosphorous acid with i)hosphorus trichloride : 2II3PO3 + 2PCI3 =: P,Og + 6 IIC 1 . It is a white, flocculent mass or it consists of colorless needles. It melts at 22.5°, sub- limes readily and boils in an atmosphere of nitrogen at 173°. I ts vapor density corre- sponds to the formula I^Og. At 400° it breaks down into phosphorus and phosphorus tetroxide, PjO^, which crystallizes. It is decomposed by water in a very complicated manner. Phosphoric Acid, H3P0^, or Orthophosphoric acid, is produced when the peiitoxide is dissolved in hot water, and by the decomposition of phosphorus pentachloride or phosphorus oxychloride (POCl,) by water (see p. 219). It may be obtained by decomposing bone ash, Ca3(PO^)2, with sulphuric acid, or better, by oxidizing yellow phosithorus with nitric acid. The aqueous solution is evaporated to dryness in a platinum dish. The anhydrous acid consists of colorless, hard, prismatic crystals, which in the air deliquesce to a thick, acid liquid. Phosphoric acid is tribasic, forming three series of salts, q. 2\\^(\ primary (KH2P0^), secondary (K^HPO^), and tertiary (K3POJ. I'hey may be spoken of according to the number of hydrogen atoms rei)laced by metals, as, e. g., monopotassium phosphate (KH2POJ, di])otassium phosphate (K2HPO4), and tripotassiiim phosphate (K3POJ. The salts of the first two series contain hydrogen, replaceable by metals, hence may be termed acid, while the salts of the third series are neutral. Their behavior with litmus does not harmonize with this view (see Sodium Phosphate). The tertiary phosphates, excepting the salts of the alkalies, are insolu- ble in water. With a silver nitrate (AgNOg) solution, soluble phosphates give diyellow precipitate of silver phosphate, AggPO^. Pyrophosphoric Acid, PI^P207 (structure, p. 214), is formed by the continuous heating of orthophosphoric acid to 260°, until a portion of it dissolved in ammonium hydroxide does not yield a yellow but a pure white preci])itate with silver nitrate. The sodium salt is easily obtained by heating disodium phosphate: 2Na2HPO^ = NaTjO; + H 2 O. Other salts are similarly formed by heating the corresponding ortho- phosphates. 'Fhe acid presents a white crystalline appearance, and is readily soluble in water. When in solution, it slowly takes up water at ordinary tem- ])eratures, more rapidly when heated, and, like all true anhydrides, passes into the corresponding acid — orthophosi)horic acid. Pyrophosphoric acid is tetrabasic. Its salts are very stable, and are not altered by boiling with water ; warmed with dilute acids, they become salts of the ortho-acid, 'bhe soluble salts yield a 7 vhife ])recipitate of silver ])yro]jhosphate, AgJ^O^, with silver nitrate. Hypophosphoric Acid, II,P20^^. While i^yrophosphoric acid is an anliydride acid of |)hoH])lioric acid, the so-called hy|)ophosplu)ric may he viewed as a mixed anhydride of pliosj)lioric and symmelrical phosj)horoiis acids. METAPHOSPHORIC ACID. 217 PO(OH), It is produced, as demonstrated by Salzer in 1877, together with phosphorous and phos- phoric acids, by the slow oxidation of moist phosphorus in the air. It is separated from these acids by means of its difficultly soluble sodium salt, NajH.^P.^Og -(- 6H.^O ; by pre- cipitating the solution of the latter with a soluble lead salt we get insoluble lead hypo- phosphate, PbjP.^Og. Its silver salt is more easily obtained by oxidizing phosphorus in the presence of silver nitrate. The free acid separated from the lead or silver salt by hydrogen sulphide is rather stable in a dilute solution, and below 30° may be concen- trated to a syrup. At higher temperatures, more readily in the presence of hydrochloric or sulphuric acid, the acid decomposes into phosphoric and phosphorous acids. It does not reduce metallic salts, but is oxidized by potassium permanganate to phosphoric acid. [Salzer, Ann. Chem. 211 (1892), i. See Z. f. anorg. Chem. 6 (1894), 132, for a con- venient method for its production.] Metaphosphoric Acid, HPO3 or PO2 . OH, results upon heating the ortho- or pyro-acid to 300°. It can be more conveniently obtained by dissolving phosphorus pentoxide in cold water : P2O5 -f HjO = 2HPO3. It is a vitreous, transparent mass (^Acidum pJwsphoricum glaciale), which generally contains less hydrogen than is required by the formula HPO3. This probably is because some anhydride is present in it. It melts when heated and volatilizes at higher temperatures, without suffering any change. It deliquesces in the air, and dissolves with ease in water. (Commercial glacial phosphoric acid contains sodium and magnesium phosphate, and dissolves with difficulty in water.) The solution coagu- lates albumin ; this is a characteristic method of distinguishing meta- from ortho- and pyrophosphoric acid. In aqueous solution, metaphos- phoric acid changes, gradually at ordinary temperature, rapidly by boil- ing, into orthophosphoric acid : HPO3 + H2O = H3PO,. It is a monobasic acid. Its salts, the metaphosphates, are readily obtained by the ignition of the primary salts of the ortho-acid : Nall^PO, = NaP03 -f- H^O. When the aqueoussolutions of these salts are boiled, they are converted into the primary salts of ortho})hosphoric acid. With silver nitrate the soluble metaphosphaies give a white precipitate of silver metaphosphate. In addition to the ordinary salts of metaphosphoric acid, various modifications of the same exist ; these are derived from the polymeric meta-acids, ri2P.20g, H3P3O,,, H^P^O,2, etc. They are all changed to primary ortho-phosphates by boiling their solutions. [See Tammann, Jr. prakt. Ch. 45 (1892), 417.] Phosphorus Pentoxide, PaO^, or Phosphoric anhydricte, is obtained by burning phosphorus in a current of dry oxygen or dry air. 19 2i8 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The following procedure serves for the jjrcparation of it (Fig. 65) : A piece of phos- phorus, placed in an iron dish attached to the glass tube a b, is burned in the glass balloon A. The necessary amount of air is drawn through the vessel by means of an aspirator. The air is lirst ])assed through the bent tube containing pieces of pumice- stone, moistened with sulphuric acid, in order to dry it perfectly. After the j)hosphorus has been consumed, fresh pieces of it are introduced into the little through a /f>, and the upper end of the tube closed with a cork. The phosphorus pentoxide formed collects partly in A and partly in the receiver (//). Phosphorus pentoxide is a wliite, voluminous, flocculent mass. It attracts moisture energetically and delitpiesces in the air. It dissolves in cold water with hissing and yields inetajihosphoric acid. Owing to its great affinity for water it serves as an agent for drying gases, and also for the withdrawal of water in chemical reactions, e. g., in the formation of acid anhydrides from acids (p. 204). Tt generally contains oxides of lower oxygen content. It can be freed from these by subliming it over ignited platinum sponge in a current of oxygen. Fig. 65. Chloranhydrides of the Acids of Phosphorus. — The halogen derivatives of phos- phorus, considered on p. 141, may be viewed as the halogen anhydrides of phos- phorous and phosphoric acids (p. 195). The compounds PCI3, PBrg, and PI3 are derived from phos})horous acid, because they yield the latter acid with water : PCI, h 311,0 = II3PO3 + 3IICI. The compounds, jdiosphorus pentachloride, PCI5, and phosphorus pentabromide, Plhj, correspond to the normal orthophosphoric acid, P(01I)5, which has not been obtained in a free condition (.see Calcium Phosphate). Phosphorus Oxychloride, POCI3, can be viewed as the chloride of the known’ orthophosjihoric acid, PC)(()H)3. It is a colorless liquid, fuming strongly in the air; its siiecific gravity equals 1.68 at 15°. It COMPOUNDS OF PHOSPHORUS WITH SULPHUR. 219 congeals on cooling and then melts at — 1-5°. It boils without, decom- position at 107°; its vapor density corresponds to the formula — POCI3 = 153.0. Water decomposes it intometa- or orthophosphoric acid and hydrochloric acid : rocij + 2H2O = H PO3 + 3HCI POCI3 + 31102 = HgPO^ + 311 Cl. It may be obtained by decomposing the pentaehloride with a little water (see above), or by allowing it to deliquesce gradually in moist air. A more practical method consists in distilling the pentaehloride with phos- phorus pentoxide : 3PCl3 + P203 = 5POCl3; or with crystallized boric acid (6 parts to i part) : 3PCI5 -f 2H3BO3 = 3POCI3 + B2O3 + 6 HC 1 . A noteworthy formation of the oxychloride is the union of phosphorus trichloride with oxygen on passing ozonized air through it : PCI3 + 03 = POCI3 + O2. Potassium chlorate acts in a corresponding manner very energetically upon the trichloride with the production of oxychloride: 3PCI3 + KCIO3 = 3POCI3 4 KCl. The compound PSCI3 is analogous to the oxychloride POCI3. It is obtained by heat- ing the trichloride and sulphur to 130° ; also by the action of phosphorus pentaehloride upon hydrogen sulphide or some metallic sulphides : PCI5 + H2S = PSCI3 -f 2HCI. Phosphorus sulphochloride, PSCI3, is a colorless liquid of specific gravity 1.6, fuming in the air and boiling at 124-125°. Water decomposes it into phosphoric and hydrochloric acids and hydrogen sulphide : PSCI3 -f 4H2O = H3PO4 p 3HCI + H2S. The chlorides PO2CI and P203C1^, corresponding to meta- and pyro- phosphoric acids, have also been prepared. (See Chem. Centralblatt, 1897, II, I4-) COMPOUNDS OF PHOSPHORUS WITH SULPHUR. With sulphur, phosphorus affords a number of compounds which are obtained by direct fusion of phosphorus with sulphur. As the union of ordinary phosphorus and sulphur usually occurs with violent explo- sion, red phosphorus should be employed in preparing these compounds. The compounds PjS, and PjS^, analogous in constitution to P^O^ and PjOj, are solid crystalline substances, melting at higher temperatures and 220 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. subliming without decomposition; phosphorus pentasulphide boils at 520° and the trisulphide at 540° (cor.). Water changes them to hydro- gen sulphide and the corresponding acids, i)hosphorous and phosphoric. They combine with the alkaline suli)hides to form compounds (e. g., K3PSJ which possess a constitution analogous to that of the salts of phos- phoric and phosphorous acids [see Suli)ho-salts of Arsenic, j). 223; also Glatzel, Z. f. anorg. Chem. 4 (1893), 187]. Well-crystallized sulphur phosphides, the composition of which corre- sponds to the formulas P^Sg and PgS^, have been i)repared. The supposed compounds P^S and P^S are licpiids which inflame readily in contact with air, but have been proved to be mixtures containing free phosphorus. Besides the preceding, we have other phosphorus derivatives which contain nitrogen. These have been little studied, and at present are unimportant. Such compounds are PNjfl (phospham), PNO, PNCI.^. The so-called amid-derivatives, P()Cl2.Nll2, P0C1(NH2)2 and PO(NH2 )s» are produced by allowing ammonia to act upon phosphorus oxychloride, POCI3. In these chlorine is replaced by the amido-group Nlf^. Recently, amidophosphoric acid, P0(NIl2) (011)2, corresponding to sulphamic acid, S02(NH2)0H, and imidophosphoric acid, the counterpart of imido- sulphuric acid, as well as its derivatives, have been more exhaustively studied [Stokes, Jahrb. d. Chem. vi (1896), 89]. 3. OXYGEN DERIVATIVES OF ARSENIC. AS2O3 .... Arsenic trioxide. AS2O5 HjAsO^. Arenic pentoxide. Arsenic acid. Arsenic Trioxide, or Arsenioiis anhydride (^Acidum arseni- osum), occurs in nature as arsenic “bloom.” It is produced by the burning of arsenic in oxygen or in the air, and by the oxidation of the metal with dilute nitric acid. It is obtained metallurgically on a large scale as a by-product in the roasting of ores containing arsenic. The trioxide thus formed volatilizes and is collected in walled chambers, in which it condenses in the form of a white powder {white arsenic, poison flour). To render it pure, it is again sublimed in iron cylinders, and obtained in the form of a transparent, amorphous, glassy mass {arsenic glass), the specific gravity of which equals 3.74. Upon preservation this variety gradually becomes opaque and porcelaneoiis, acquires a crystalline structure, and its specific gravity decreases to 3.69. Upon dissolving this oxide in hot hydrochloric acid, it crystallizes, on cooling, in shin- ing, regular octahedra. At the same time, this interesting phenomenon is observed : that when the solution of the glass variety crystallizes it phos- phoresces strongly in the dark, while the porcelaneoiis does not exhibit this jiroperty. Arsenic trioxide crystallizes in similar forms of the regu- lar system when its vapors are rajiidly cooled, but upon cooling slowly, it assumes the shape of monoclinic jirisms of sjiecific gravity 4.0 ; therefore it is dimorphous. When heated in the air, it sublimes above OXYGEN DERIVATIVES OF ARSENIC. 221 218°, without melting; under higher pressure, however (in sealed tubes), it melts to a liquid which solidifies to a glassy mass. The molecular magnitude of the solid arsenic trioxide, like that of all solids, is not known. When converted into vapor it behaves like sulphur and other solid liquid bodies ; in vapor form at lower temperatures the molecules contain more atoms than at higher temperatures. According to Biltz (Z. f. phys. Ch. 20 (1896), 68), at temperatures rang- ing from 500° to 700° the molecules of As^Og predominate, while between 700° and 1800° the molecules of AsjOg increase in number. Above 1800° the density corresponds to the old formula AsjO,, and for this reason and simplicity’s sake it is retained in the text. It is interesting to observe that at lower temperatures the same group As^ is present in the molecule of arsenious oxide as was observed in the molecule of arsenic (p. 143). The trioxide dissolves with difficulty in water ; the solution possesses a sweetish, unpleasant metallic taste, exhibits but feeble acid reaction, and is extremely poisonous. The oxide is very soluble in acids, and probably forms salts with them; at least, on boiling, a solution of the trioxide volatilizes in strong hydrochloric acid, arsenious chloride, AsClg. From this and its feeble acid nature we perceive an indication of the basic char- acter of the trioxide corresponding to the already partly metallic nature of arsenic (see p. 148). Nascent hydrogen converts the trioxide into arsine (AsHg) ; but when heated with charcoal it is reduced to the metallic state (pp. 143, 144). Upon heating arsenic trioxide in a narrow glass tube with carbon, the reduced arsenic deposits as a metallic mirror on the sides. Oxidizing agents convert arsenic trioxide into arsenic acid. Arsenious Acid, HgAsOg, corresponding to the anhydride, is not known in a free condition. It probably exists in the aqueous solution of arsenic trioxide, but the anhydride separates out upon evaporation. In its salts {arsenites) it is tribasic and usually affords tertiary derivatives : AgsAsOg, Mg3(AsOg).^. The alkali salts, soluble in water, absorb oxygen from the air and serve as powerful reducing agents, they themselyes becoming arseniates. Silver nitrate forms a yellow-colored precipitate, AggAsOg, with the soluble salts. [See Stavenhagen, Jr. f. prakt. Chem. 51 (1894), i]. Other salts exist which are derived from the meta-arsenious acid, HASO2 (p. 201). According to Klinger, arsenious acid, like sulphurous and phosphorous acids, is pres- yOW ent in its derivatives in two forms : (i) the symmetrical As^OH, from which the silver ^OH OH salt, the chloride and the esters are derived, and (2) the unsymmetrical H-As AsgOg 5112^ — AS2S5 -|- 5 ll 2 f^* Arsenic Trisulphide, AS2S3, occurs in nature as auripigment in bril- liant yellow, leafy, crystalline masses of specific gravity 3.4. It is pre- cipitated from acidulated solutions of arsenious acid or its salts by hydrogen sulphide, as a lemon-yellow amorphous powder. It is insoluble in water, but dissolves readily in ammonium hydroxide, the alkalies and alkaline sulphides. It is worthy of note that it dissolves upon prolonged heating in concentrated hydrochloric acid : AS2S3 -|- 6IIC1 = 2ASCI3 -f 3H2S ; the arsenious chloride then volatilizes with the hydrochloric acid vapors. Arsenic Pentasulphide, AS2S5, separates as a bright yellow powder from the solution of sodium sulpharseniate, Na3AsS4 (see below), upon the addition of acids. Also if a rapid current of hydrogen sulphide be conducted through a slightly acidulated arsenic acid or arseniate solution, heated to 80° ; the arsenic acid is then, according to R. Bunsen, slowly but completely converted into ])entasuli)hide : 2II3ASO, -f 51128 = AS2S3 -I 8II2O OXYGEN COMPOUNDS OF ANTIMONY. 223 [Ann. Chem. 192 (1878), 305]. Under other conditions arsenic acid can be reduced by hydrogen sulphide entirely or in part to arseniousacid with the separation of sulphur : HaAsO^ -f HjS = HgAsOa + IiP -f S, which is then either precipitated as trisulphide in the heat or in the presence of much hydrochloric acid it may be volatilized. Consult Brauner and Tomicek, Monatshefte f. Chem. viii (1887), 607; McCay, Z. f. analyt. Chem. 27 (1888), 632, and Piloty and Stock, Ber. 30 (1897), 1649, upon the complex and as yet unexplained relations. Arsenic Disulphide, As^Sg, also exists. It occurs in nature as realgar y forming the beautiful, ruby-red crystals, of specific gravity 3.5. It is applied as a pigment. It is prepared artificially by fusing arsenic with sulphur in the proportion by weight expressed by its formula. Arsenic Sulpho-salts. — Just as the oxygen compounds of arsenic combine with basic oxides and hydroxides to form salts, so the sulpho-salts are formed by combination of the arsenic sulphides with alkaline sulphides : 'AsjSg -j- 3K2S = 2 K,AsS 3 Tripotassium sulpharseuite. As.^Sj -f- 3K2S = 2K3 AsS^. Tripotassium sulpharseniate. For the preparation of these sulpho-salts, arsenic sulphide is dissolved in the aqueous solution of the alkaline sulphides or hydrogen sulphide is conducted through the alkaline solution of the oxygen salts : KgAsO^ -P 4H2S = K3ASS4 + 4H2O. The sulpho-salts of the alkalies and ammonium are easily soluble in water, and when the solution is evaporated they generally separate in crystals. Acids decompose them, arsenic sulphide separating out and hydrogen sulphide becoming free : 2K3ASS4 -f 6 HC 1 == AS2S5 -f 6 KC 1 4- 3H2S. The silver salt, Ag3AsS3, silver sulpharsenite, is the mineral frmistite. Antimony, carbon, tin, gold, platinum and some other metals form sulpho-salts similar to those of arsenic (and of phosphorus). 4. OXYGEN COMPOUNDS OF ANTIMONY. The oxygen derivatives of antimony are analogous in constitution to those of arsenic: antimony trioxide, Sb203, and antimony pentoxide, 81^205. The similarity of the two metals is indicated here just as in their chlorides. The trioxide does not possess acid but basic ])roperties almost solely; it is true that a few salt-like compounds with such power- ful bases as caustic soda and potash are known, but they are immediately decomposed by water with the sejiaration of antimony trioxide oxide. Its salts with strong acids, in which it ai)])ears as a base, are also easily decomposed by water. The normal hydrate, HgSbOg, corresponding to 224 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. arsenioiis acid, IIjAsOg, may be obtained from ])otassinm antimonyl tar- trate (see Organic Chemistry). Other hydrates are not definitely known. The higher oxidation product, the i)entoxide, Sl)/)^, on the contrary, has an acid nature and yields salts with the bases. The hydrate, IljSbtJ^, or ortho-antimonic acid, ])asses at 175° into vieta-antimonic acid, HSbOg, and at 275° into the anhydride, Sb./)^. Most of the antimoniates are derived from pyro-antimonic acid, H^Sb^O,, which is produced on decom- posing antimony pentachloride with water and drying the precii)itate at 100° (p. 148). Antimony Oxide (antimony trioxide), SbjOj or Sb^Og, is obtained by burning the metal in the air, or by oxidizing it with dilute nitric acid. By sublimation it may be obtained in two different crystal systems, in regular octahedra and in rhombic prisms. In these forms it occurs also in nature as the isometric senarniontite and rhombic valentinite. It is not isodimorphous with arsenic trioxide, which was long considered to be the case. Its vapor density at 1560° corresponds to the formula Sb^Og, and at higher temperatures it is very probable that it will be like arsenic trioxide, the simpler molecule Sb203. d'he hydrate, Sb(OII)3, is thrown out as a white precipitate on adding dilute sulphuric acid to a solution of tartar emetic. It parts with water quite readily and changes to antimony trioxide also called antimonious acid. The latter and the hydrate dissolve in sodium and potassium hydroxide, and, very probably, form salts (NaSb02) which decompose upon evaporating the solution. In this beliQvior the acid nature of antimony hydrate is also seen ; therefore it has received the name of antimonious acid. The oxide forms salts with acids, which are derived either from the normal hydrate, HjSbO^, or from the hydrate, HSbOj = SbO.OII {ineia-antinionions acid). In the salts of the first kind we have three hydrogen atoms of the hydrate replaced by acid radicals, or, what is the same, a trivalent antimony atom displacing three hydrogen atoms of the acids : Sb03fN02)3 or Sb(N03)3. Antimony nitrate. In the second variety of antimony salts derived from the hydrate, SbO . OH, hydrogen is replaced by a univalent acid residue, or the hydrogen of the acid is substituted by the univalent group, SbO, known as antimonyl : SbO.O.NO^ or N03(Sb0). Antimonyl nitrate. Of these salts may be mentioned the following : Antimony Sulphate, Sb2(S04)3, which separates when a solution of the oxide in concentrated sulphuric acid is cooled. Antimonyl Sulphate, (Sb0)2S04, is formed when antimony oxide is dissolved in somewhat dilute .sulphuric acid, and crystallizes in fine needles on cooling. Water decom- poses both, formii>g basic salts ; hence the basic nature of antimony oxide is slight. Antimonic Acid, H3SbO^, is obtained upon warming antimony with concentrated nitric acid or by adding antimcrny pentachloride to cold water : 2SbCl5 -f 8II2O = 2ll3SbO, + loHCl. It is most conveniently prej)ared by decomposing its potassium salt with nitric acid. It forms, when dried over concentrated .sulphuric acid, a white powder of the composition indicated by the formula. When air-dried it has the formula — 2n3SbO^ T II 2 O. It is almost insoluble in water and in nitric acid, but reddens blue litmus-paper. It is a weak monobasic acid, the .salts oi' which are mostly insoluble in water. [See Beilstein COMPOUNDS OF ANTIMONY WITH SULPHUR. 225 See also and V. Blaese, Cheni. Centralblatt, 1889, i, 803; Ebel, Ber. 22 (1889), 3044. p. 225.] At 4(X)° antimonic acid yields antimony pentoxide, Sb.^Oj, a yellow, amorphous mass, soluble in hydrochloric acid. At 800° the pentoxide breaks down into oxygen and the oxide, Sb204, which can be viewed as antimonyl meta-antimoniate (SbOj. SbO), or as a mixed anhydride, | O. It is a white powder, becoming yellow when heated and at the melting point of silver is decomposed into oxygen and the trioxide. COMPOUNDS OF ANTIMONY WITH SULPHUR. These are perfectly analogous to the sulphur compounds of arsenic, and form sulpho salts with alkaline sulphides, corresponding to the oxygen salts. Acids precipitate antimony sulphide and liberate hydrogen sul- phide from the sulpho-salts. Antimony Trisulphide, Sb 2 S 3 , is found in nature as stibnite {Stibium sulphuratu77i nigriwi) in radiating crystalline masses of dark-gray color and metallic luster; its specific gravity is 4 . 7 . When heated it melts and distils. The artificial sulphide obtained by precipitating a solution of the oxide with hydrogen sulphide, is an amorphous red powder. When it is digested with aqueous hydrochloric acid or when carefully heated alone in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide it passes into the black, crys- talline variety. Upon warming, the sulphide dissolves in concentrated hydrochloric acid to form antimony trichloride. The compound, Sb 2 S 20 , occurring in nature as red stibnite, can be artificially prepared, and serves as a beautiful red pigment, under the name of a77timony ciTiTiabar. Ke7 77ies 77imerale, employed in medicine, is obtained by boiling antimony sulphide with a sodium carbonate solution, and is a mixture of antimony trisulphide and antimony trioxide. Antimony Pentasulphide, S^S^, or gold sulphur (Stibiu77t sulphur- atu77i aurantiacuni), is precipitated by hydrogen sulphide from acid solu- tions of antimonic acid ; it is more conveniently obtained by the precipi- tation of sodium sulphantimoniate, Na^SbS^, with hydrochloric acid: 2Na3SbS, -f 6 IIC 1 = Sb2S5 + 6NaCl + 3H2S. It is an orange-red powder, like the trisulphide; it decomposes on being heated into antimony trisulphide and sulphur. It dissolves to antimony trichloride in strong hydrochloric acid, with separation of sul- phur and liberation of hydrogen sulphide. Sodiu77i sulpha7tti77io7iiatey NajSbS^ (Schlippe’s salt), results from boiling pulverized antimony trisulphide with sulphur and sodium hydroxide (p. 223 ). Upon concentrating thesolution it crystallizes in large yellow tetrahedra containing nine molecules of water (SbS^Naj -(- pHjO) ; ex- posed to the air it becomes covered with a brown layer of antimony pentasulphide. It serves principally for the preparation of the officinal gold sulphur. 226 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. VANADIUM. NIOBIUM. TANTALUM. V = 5i.2. Nb = 94. Ta = 183. The three rare elements, vanadium, niobium and tantalum, are closely related to the phosphorus grou^). They yield derivatives very much like those of the phosphorus group, but possess a more metallic character. 'I'hey exhibit many characteristics similar to those of chromium, iron and tungsten, with which they are fref[uently associated in their naturally occurring compounds (compare the Periodic System of the Elements). Vanadium, observed in 1801 by Del Rio and considered to be chromium until Sefstrotn in 1830 proved it to be a new element, occurs in nature principally in the form of salts of vanadic acid (vanadium lead ore). Creuzot has recently worked the 'I'homas slags for vanadic acid, which originally was present in the iron ores. Vanadium may be obtained free by igniting its chlorides in a current of hydrogen. It is a grayish- white, metallic, lustrous powder, of specific gravity 5.5. It is difficultly fusible, and changes in the air very slowly at ordinary temperature. When heated, it burns to vanadium pentoxide, VjOj. It unites readily with nitrogen to form vanadium mononitride, VN. Vanadium trichloride, VCI3, forms red plates, which readily deliquesce in the air; it is not volatile. Vanadium oxychloride, VOCI3, results on heating a mixture of vanadium trioxide, V,^03, and carbon in chlorine gas. It is a lemon-yellow liquid, of specific gravity 1.84, and boils at 126°. It fumes strongly in the air and decomposes with water (analogous to phosphorus oxychloride) into vanadic acid and hydrochloric acid. Its vapor density corresponds to the formula VOCI3. Vanadium trioxide, V.2O3, is a black powder obtained by heating vanadium pentoxide, V2O5, in hydrogen. It combines with oxygen, to form vanadium pentoxide, VgO^. The corresponding sulphate, V2(SO^)3, combines, like the similarly constituted sulphates of aluminium, iron and chromium, with the sulphates of the alkalies to form alums ( see these ). Vanadium pentoxide, V or vanadic anhydride, is a brown mass obtained by fusing the naturally occurring vanadates with niter, etc. It exists in three varieties. It is solu- ble in the alkalies, and forms with the metals salts of vaiiadic, Il3V()4, and metavanadic acids, HVO3. All these compounds are similar in constitution to those of the elements of the phosphorus group. In addition to these, vanadium forms other compounds, con- stituted like those of sulphur and chromium. In this class belong VCI2 (dichloride), the tetrachloride, VCl^, vanadious oxide, VO, vanadium dioxide, VO2, and the oxychlo- ride, VOClg. The tetrachloride, V.C1^, is a red-brown liquid, boiling at 154° ; its vapor density corresponds to its formula. Niobium, Nb, and tantalum, Ta, are not well known in the free state. They occur together as niobates and tantalates in a few rare minerals — the columbites and tantalites. The chlorides, NbClg and TaCl^, are volatile and are decomposed by water. Niobium and tantalum unite with potassium fluoride, forming double salts, e.g., 2KFl.NbFl5 and 2KFl.TaFl5; also 2KFI . NbOFlg and 2KFI . TaOFlg. When potassium niobium fluor- ide, 2KFI. NTFI5, is heated with sodium, niobium hydride, NbH, is formed. This is a grayish-black powder, which when heated burns to niobic anhydride, Nb205, and water. The oxides, Nb205 and form salts of niobic (HgNbO^) and tantalic (HgTaO^) acids with bases. 4. OXYGEN DERIVATIVES OF THE ELEMENTS OF THE CARBON GROUP. 'File following normal hydroxides correspond to the halogen deriva- tives, CCl^, SiCl^, GeCl^, and SnCl^, of the quadrivalent elements car- bon, silicon, germanium, and tin (see p. 164): IV IV C(()II)^ Si(OlI)^ Normal Normal carbonic acid. silicic acid. TV Oe(OII), Normal germanic acid. IV Sn(OH)4. Normal stannic acid. OXYGEN COMPOUNDS OF CARBON. 227 These normal hydrates or acids being true ortho-acids have but little stability, and exist chiefly in their derivatives. By the separation of one molecule of water, they pass into — CO3H2 SiOgH^ GeOgHj SnOgllg, Or C0(0H)2 SiO(OH), GeO(OH)2 SnO(OH)2. Carbonic acid. Silicic acid. Germanic acid. Stannic acid. These hydroxyl derivatives deport themselves toward the normal just as the meta acids of the elements of the nitrogen group do to the ortho- acids (see p. 201). They constitute the ordinary acids of the quadriv- alent elements carbon, silicon, germanium, and tin, and, as they contain two hydroxyl groujDS, are dibasic. Carbon is the lowest member of this group, with the least atomic weight. Among the elements of the other three groups corresponding to it are nitrogen, oxygen, and fluorine : C = 12 N = 14.04 O = 16 FI = 19. Fluorine and oxygen do not afford any oxygen acids. The normal acids of nitrogen, N(OH)5 and N(OH)3, are very unstable, and pass readily into the meta-acids, NO2 . OH and NO . OH. The normal carbonic acid, C(OH)^, corresponds to this, but is not capable of existing. Indeed, the meta- or ordinary carbonic acid, H2CO3, is also very unstable and at once decomposes, when separated from its salts, into water and carbon dioxide, CO2. Even silicic, germanic, and stannic acids break down readily into water and their anhydrides: COg SiOg GeOg SnOg. Carbon dioxide. Silicon dioxide. Germanium dioxide. Tin dioxide. 1. OXYGEN COMPOUNDS OF CARBON. Carbon Dioxide, CO2, or carbonic anhydride (generally called car- bonic acid), is produced when carbon or its compounds are burned in air or oxygen. It is found free in the air (in 100 volumes, on an average, 0.035 volumes CO2), in many mineral springs (acid springs), and escapes in large quantities from the earth in many volcanic districts. It occurs in the liquid form, enclosed in the cavities of many crystalline minerals (quartz, topaz). It is prepared on a large scale by burning coke or by the ignition of limestone; in the laboratory it may be most conveniently obtained by the decomposition of calcium carbonate (marble or chalk) with dilute hydrochloric acid : CaCOg + 2IICI = CaCl.2 + COg + ITgO. Calcium Calcium carbonate. chloride. Carbon dioxide is a colorless gas, with a slightly acid taste. Owing to its weight, the gas may be collected by air disj)lacement, and may be 228 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. l)oured from one vessel into another filled vvitli air. A liter of carbon dioxide weighs i 965 grams at 0°, 760 mm. pressure, and in 45° latitude at sea-level. By a pressure of 50-60 atmospheres at the ordinary tem- jierature carbon dioxide can be licpiefied, as was first shown by h'araday. 'I'he apparatus of Thilorier and Natterer were emjjloyed to this end. At l)resent licpiid carbon dioxide is brought into market enclosed in wrought- iron cylinders, and is used (piite regularly in technical operations. Carbon dioxide can only be licpicfied below -1-30.9°; this is its criti- cal temperature (p. 47). Its tension (critical pressure) at this point ecpials 77 atmosi)heres. If licpiid carbon dioxide, enclosed in some suit- able vessel, be allowed to escajie into the air by opening a stop-cock (ordinary pressure), it immediately solidifies (see below) to a white, snowy mass. This is because in the eva[)oration of a jiart of the licpiid .so much heat is withdrawn that the remainder becomes solid. vSolid carbon dioxide is a very poor conductor of heat and vajiorizes very slowly. Not- withstanding its low tem])erature it can be handled without serious result, because it is always surrounded by a gaseous layer, and is, consecpiently, not in immediate contact with the skin. If, however, it be jiressed between the fingers, it will produce painful burns. The temperature of the solid carbon dioxide vaporizing in the air under ordinary pressure is about — 78° (its boiling point). When the solid dioxide is mixed with a little ether it forms a paste, and then conducts heat better, and is, therefore, well adapted as a cooling agent. In vacuo its temperature diminishes to — 140°. Liquid carbon dioxide is a colorless, very mobile liquid. Its specific gravity is 0.91 at — 1.6°, 0.84 at -|-i5°, and 0.726 at -[-22.2°. Its coeffi- cient of expansion is, consequently, greater than that of the gases ; other gases behave similarly, but only such as are condensed under great pressure. If liquid carbon dioxide, contained in a glass tube, be heated, it expands rapicily and suddenly passes, at the critical temperature, -{-30-9°) ii^to gas. This behavior enables us to determine without difficulty whether the liquids contained (see above) in minerals are liquid carbon dioxide. If liquid carbon dioxide, confined in a glass tube, be cooled by a mix- ture of solid, snowy dioxide and ether (see above), it will solidify to a transparent ice-like mass, which will melt at — 65°, according to another authority at — 57°. The tension of the solid or liquid dioxide, which at the same time indicates the pres- sure necessary for condensation at various temperatures, is given in the following table : Temperaturk. Tension. Temperature. Tension. 4 30.9° 77 atmos. — 20° 19.9 atmos. 20° 58.0 “ 0 0 1 10.2 “ 10° 46.0 “ —60° 3-9 “ 0° 35-4 “ — 70° 2.1 “ —80° I.O “ CARBON DIOXIDE. 229 At the temperature of fusion of the solid dioxide ( — 65°) the tension equals about 3.5 atmospheres ; the resulting liquid has this tension at this temperature. If the external pressure exerted upon it be less, it cannot exist as a liquid, but must immediately pass into the gaseous state. Herein we observe why the solid dioxide (under ordinary pres- sure) does not melt in the air, but vaporizes at once ; and further, it explains why the liquid dioxide, subjected to the ordinary atmospheric pressure, cannot continue in this state — why it is either gasified at once or changed to the solid form. Many other fusible solids behave like the dioxide. If the tension of their vapors at the fusion temperature exceeds that of the external atmospheric pressure they do not melt in the air, because the resulting liquid is immediately transformed into vapor ; they vaporize (sublime) directly, without previous fusion. Such bodies are, e. g., arsenic, arsenic trioxide, AsjOg, camphor, mercurous chloride, HgCl, etc. They can be fused only under increased pressure (in sealed tubes). Again, all solids fusible in the air (under ordinary pressure) may be converted directly into gases by removing the external pres- sure. Thus iodine fuses at 114°, but sublimes in a vacuum without previous fusion. Mercuric chloride, HgClj, fuses at 265°, but not if the external pressure be less than 420 mm. Water melts at 0°, its tension at this temperature is 4. 6 mm. If the external pres- sure be less {in vacuo), it will no longer melt, but vaporize at once. The pressure below which solids no longer melt has been called Xhexx critical pressure (Carnelley). It is, of course, understood that this is nothing more than the tension of the substance at its point of fusion. Water dissolves an equal volume of the gas at 1 4° ; at 0° it takes up i . 79 volumes. This proportion remains constant for every pressure, i. e., at every pressure the same volume of gas is absorbed. As gases are con- densed in proportion to the pressure, the quantity of absorbed gas is also proportional to the former (law of Henry and Dalton). Hence i volume of water absorbs, at 14° and 2 atmospheres pressure, 2 volumes, at 3 atmos- pheres 3 volumes, etc., of carbon dioxide — measured at ordinary pressure. The gas absorbed at higher pressure escapes with effervescence of the liquid when the pressure is diminished; upon this depends the sparkling of soda water and champagne, which are saturated with carbon dioxide under high pressure. Every naturally occurring water, especially spring water, holds carbon dioxide in solution, which imparts to it a refreshing taste. As the product of a complete combustion carbon dioxide is not com- bustible, and is unable to support the combustion of most bodies; a glim- mering chip is immediately extinguished in it. In a similar manner it is irrespirable. Although it is not poisonous, in the true sense of the word, yet the admixture of a few per cent, of carbon dioxide to the air makes it suffocating, as it retards the elimination of the same gas from the lungs. It is decomposed by the continued action of the electric spark into car- bon monoxide (CO) and oxygen ; upon heating to 1300° it suffers a par- tial decomposition into carbon monoxide and oxygen. It is also decom- posed when conducted over heated potassium or sodium, with separation of carbon ; the potassium combines with oxygen to form potassium oxide : CO2 -f- 2K2 C -j- 2K2O, which forms potassium carbonate (K.^C03), with the excess of carbon di- oxide. Glowing carbon reduces the dioxide to the monoxide (p. 231). Carbon monoxide is analogously formed on conducting a mixture of the di- oxide and hydrogen (equal volumes) through a tube heated to redness, but 230 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. between 250° and 300° the opposite reaction takes place, although only to a slight degree : CO, + n, ^ CO + 11 , 0 . The composition of carbon dioxide is readily determined by burning a weighed quantity of pure carbon (diamond or graphite) in a current of oxygen, and ascertaining the weight of the resulting gas. From the formula COj it follows that in one volume of carbon dioxide there is contained an equal volume of oxygen. We may satisfy ourselves of this by burning carbon in a definite volume of oxygen; after cooling, there is obtained an equal volume of carbon dioxide : C + O2 = COj. I vol. I vol. The experiment is most i)ractically executed by aid of the apparatus of Hofmann pictured in Fig. 66. The sphere-sha})ed expansion of the eudiometer limb of the U-tube is closed by means of a glass stopper, through which two copper wires pass. The one wire bears a combustion spoon at its end, upon which lies the carbon to be burned, while the other terminates in a thin piece of platinum, which is in contact with the carbon. For the performance of the experiment, the [J-tube is filled, to near the bulb, with mercury and the air is expelled from the bulb limb by means of a rapid current of oxygen, the stapj)er made air-tight, the mercury level noted, and then pass the in- duction spark between the platinum wire and the copper Fig. 66. spoon; this induces the burning of the carbon. As the volume of the enclosed gas is greatly expanded by the heat developed, it is advisable, in order to avoid the jumping out of the stopper, to previously reduce the pressure of the gas about two-thirds, by running out mercury. When the combustion is finished the mercury which was drawn off is returned and it rapidly assumes its original position. The same apparatus can also be employed for the illustration of the volume relations observed in the combustion of sulphur and other bodies. In dry condition, carbon dioxide, like all anhydrides, exhibits neither basic nor acid reaction. In aqueous solution it colors blue litmus-paper a faint red ; upon drying the paper the red disappears, in consequence of the evaporation of the carbon dioxide. We may then regard it as probable that free carbonic acid, H^COj, is contained in the aqueous solution, but this readily decomposes into the dioxide, COj, and water. The salts of carbonic acid are produced by the action of carbon dioxide upon the bases : 2KOII + CO2 = K2CO3 -f HjO. Potassium carbonate. Carbon dioxide is, therefore, easily absorbed by potassium and sodium hydroxide. On conducting it through a solution of calcium or barium CARBON MONOXIDE. 23 1 hydroxide, a white precipitate of barium or calcium carbonate, BaCO^ or CaCOg, is produced. Carbonic acid is dibasic, forming primary (acid) and secondary (neu- tral) salts, KHCO3 and K2CO3, called carbonates. As the acidity of car- bonic acid is only slight, the secondary salts, obtained from strong bases, exhibit a basic reaction. Most acids expel the weak carbonic acid from its salts, with decomposition into carbon dioxide and water. In the reduction of carbon dioxide we meet an interesting transi- tion or transformation of substances of mineral origin into those of ani- mate nature. According to Lieben nascent hydrogen readily reduces carbon dioxide in the form of dissolved bicarbonates to formic acid (for- mates) : HO . COONa + = H . COONa + H^O. Sodium Sodium bicarbonate. formate. And the latest researches show that water and hydrogen, under the influ- ence of the silent electric discharge, reduce carbon dioxide to formic acid : CO.2 + H2 = H . COOH and CO2 + H2O = H . COOH + O. The reduction of carbon dioxide by the chlorophyl granules of plants in the sunlight is ])articularly important. It is by them that the almost endless number of organic bodies ” contained in plants is built up. In the animal organism, on the other hand, carbon dioxide and water are the chief decomposition products of organic compounds ; consequently the exhaled air is rich in this acid. Percarbonic acid, H2C.20g, has been obtained by the electrolysis of acid carbonates just as persuiphuric acid was formed from sulphuric acid. It is due to the union of the ions — O-CO-OH O-CO-Me (Me = metal). The free acid would have the formula ) O-CO-OH’ and may be said to be derived from hydrogen peroxide (p. 198 ). Its salts will be described later. Carbon Monoxide, CO. Carbon dioxide is the first product in the combustion of coal. But just as soon as the combustion reaches a certain temperature — maximum — the excess of carbon reduces the dioxide and carbon monoxide is formed : CO2 -f C = 2CO. 1 vol. 2 vols. This is demonstrated by the following experiment : When dry air is con- ducted over heated coal, carbon dioxide is formed almost exclusively from 400° to about 700°. P'rom this point forward carbon monoxide appears in increasing amount and from 1000° upwards it is almost the sole product. Hence glowing coals at moderate temperature burn with- out flame, but at more elevated temperatures (from 1000° upwards) flame is present (p. 155 ). Zinc-dust reacts like carbon : COj + Zn = ZnO -f CO. 232 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. When carbon dioxide is conducted through a glass tube, containing zinc-dust heated to a faint red heat, almost pure carbon monoxide escapes. A more convenient procedure consists in heating pulverized magnesium carbonate and zinc-dust in a retort, when CO, containing COj, is eliminated ; .subsequently the former alone e.scapes. Pure mon- oxide is formed upon heating zinc-dust with chalk (in Cfjui valent quantities) : Zn + CaCOj = ZnO -f CaO -j- CO, a very convenient method for its preparation. The monoxide is prodticed, further, by igniting carbon with different metallic oxides, e. g., zinc oxide : ZnO -P c = Zn -f CO. Water is similarly decomposed. On conducting aqueous vapor over burning carbon there is produced a mixture of carbon dioxide and hydrogen : C -f 2 lbO = COj + 2 ll.,. By further action of the heated carbon the carbon dioxide in this equa- tion is reduced to carbon monoxide. This gas mixture is known as water gas and is applied technically. [See A. Naumann, Ber. 25 (1892), i, 556; also p. 229.] A mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide is also produced when the electric arc passes between carbon points under water : HjO + C = CO -f Hj. For the preparation of carbon monoxide, oxalic acid is warmed with sulphuric acid ; the latter withdraws water from the former, and the residue breaks down into carbon dioxide and monoxide : H2C2O, = CO2 + CO + H2O. The disengaged mixture of gases is conducted through an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide, by which the carbon dioxide is absorbed, the monoxide passing through unaltered. Pure carbon monoxide may be prepared by heating yellow prussiate of potassium (see Iron) with 9 parts of concentrated sulphuric acid. The resulting gas is conducted through sodium hydroxide to remove from it traces of carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide. Pure monoxide is also produced when concentrated formic acid or lead formate is heated with concentrated sulphuric acid: CO2H2 = CO + H2O. A liter of the gas weighs 1.25078 grams under normal conditions; it is therefore 0.9672 as heavy as air. It is one of the gases which are condensed with difficulty. Its critical temperature is — 141° and its critical pressure is 35 atmospheres. Liquid carbon monoxide solidifies under 100 mm. ])ressure at — 207° and under 4 mm. pressure at — 220° (Olszewsky). It boils at — 190° under 760 mm. j)ressure. It is almost insoluble in water, but is readily dissolved by an ammoniacal solution of cui)rous chloride (CU2CI2) with which it forms a crystalline compound, but this decomposes when its solution is heated and carbon monoxide is CARBON MONOXIDE. 233 again liberated. When ignited, it burns in the air, with a faintly lumi- nous, beautiful blue flame, which distinguishes it from other combustible gases. With air or oxygen, it affords (similar to hydrogen) a very ex- plosive mixture : 2CO + 02 = 2CO2. 2 vols. I vol. 2 vols. The union of carbon monoxide and oxygen takes place at very high temperatures; hence the burning flame of the gas is extinguished upon cooling. A flame or a spark from a powerful induction coil is necessary to ignite a dry mixture of carbon monoxide and oxygen. When the two gases are moist they are more easily ignited and combustible. This is explained by the fact that carbon monoxide unites with the aqueous vapor and yields the dioxide and hydrogen (CO -|- H2O = CO2 -j- H2), which then combines with oxygen and forms water (pp. loi, 230). In consequence of its ready oxidation, it is capable of reducing most metallic oxides at a red heat : CuO - 4 - CO = Cu -h CO2 . . . + (31.3 Cal.) (37.1 Cal.) (28.5 Cal.) (96.9 Cal.) Some noble metals are precipitated from solutions of their salts by car- bon monoxide even in the cold. Thus, palladium and gold are thrown out from their chloride solutions by it. A piece of paper moistened with palladious chloride (PdClg) is blackened by it (delicate test for CO). When carbon monoxide is conducted into a platinic chloride solution platinous chloride separates. Carbon monoxide is reduced to carbon with difficulty. Burning bodies are extinguished by it. When heated with potassium it is decomposed with separation of carbon. Under the influence of the silent electric discharge hydrogen reduces it to formic aldehyde: CO + H2 = H . COH. This is the simplest organic compound, consisting of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. Water under like conditions changes carbon monoxide to formic acid : CO + II2O = H.COOH (see p. 231). When inhaled, even in slight quantity, it acts very poisonously. Blood containing carbon monoxide is characterized by very distinct spectrum reactions. In 1890 L. Mond, in conjunction with other chemists, discovered an exceedingly remarkable property of carbon monoxide, viz., that it com- bined with very finely divided nickel at 25-30° to form a liquid, which volatilized readily — nickel carbonyl, Ni(CO)^. Since then it has been observed that carbon monoxide also combines with other metals of the iron group, forming metal carbonyls. Nickel Carbonyl, Ni(CO)4, is a colorless, strongly refracting liquid, which boils at 43° (751 mm. pressure) and becomes crystalline at — 25°. 20 234 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Its vaj)C)rs decom))ose witli ex])losi()n at 6o° ; in the air they burn with a very smoky flame [see Z. f. ])hys. (ill. 8 (1891), 150]. Carbon monoxide, being an unsaturated compound, combines like ethylene (]). 154) with two atoms of chlorine to Carbonyl Chloride or Phosgene Gas, COClj, the chloride corresponding to carbonic acid : CO 4- Cb = COCl,. I vol. I vol. I vol. It is obtained by bringing together equal volumes of carbon monoxide and chlorine in direct sunlight (hence the name from light, and yevvdio, I produce) ; also when the gases are conducted over ignited plati- num sponge or animal charcoal. It can also be made by conducting monoxide into antimony pentachloride, SbCl^. This compound is important in the color industry, and other con- venient methods for its jireiiaration may be found by consulting Erd- mann, Ber. 26 (1893), II, 1990. It is a colorless, suffocating gas, the density of which agrees with the molecular formula COCb- Phosgene can easily be liquefied by chilling ; it boils at -|-8° and has the specific gravity 1.43. Water decomposes it into hydrogen chloride and carbon dioxide : COCI2 -f HjO = COj + 2HCI. Amido-derivatives. — The following are amido-derivatives of carbonic acid which are fully treated in Organic Chemistry and will receive but mere mention here : Carbamic Nil NH acid, (^0 1 : p^ 0 " 'Pa Ov VT) Ya Rh 103 1 - }m 0 Pa MD vr> 0 Ph Ru 102 Os 191 \TI Group. On E Cl 35-4 0 CO vri ^ 0 ^ r 1 1 0 \r% C^ 1 1 \T Group. e’o” IS VO 0 N ro m vr> Mo 96 (?)Te 127 1 1 T CO 1 Ov rn cs Li V ’ Group. ro pH t/) p 0 (S 'i- CV^Q ^ C/2 Y 00 _ r E w 1 IV Group. ^6 PP u 00 M ’(h r) 00 H Zr 90 Sn 1 18 ~"n 1 0 0 E ^ OJ 1 U 1 cs rn cs H 1 II III Group. Group. CO pq < 0 -tO 0 m Y 89 In 1 14 1 La 138 Yb 173 T 1 204 - '-1 li Ov o pq '+ rt b/) S i Ca 40 1 Zn 65 Sr 87 Cd 112 Ba 137 Hg 200 - '-i I Group. iS* E ro N vO OVr^ ro^ E Rb 85 Ag 108 Cs 133 Au 197 1 1 H-Compounds. Highest salt-forming oxides. t/i ^ "5 -5 'B 'B'B'B .U „ N tovO 00 0 P ions, as we shall .soon .see, are termed, following Ostwald, colligative proper- ties [co/ligare, to link together). The f|uantities of two substances, which in dilute .solu- tion or in the gas form manifest colligative properties of ecjual value, will be to one an- other as the ratio of their molecular weights if the exce])tions indicated be not considered. It would then follow : that if at one time n-gram-molecules of a substance A be di.ssolved in a definite volume of a solvent, and then n-gram-molecules of the substance P>, in both cases certain properties of the original .solvent would be similarly altered. The freezing point will fall and the boiling point will rise regularly in both instances ; the tension of the two solutions will be the same ; they pos.sess eipial osmotic jiressure, ?. e., they are isotonic {^Igoc, equal ; Tovn^, tension). It is in this manner possible, upon comparing solu- tions of a substance of unknown molecular weight with those of one of known molecular weight, to determine the unknown molecular weight: (l) by isotony (Pfeffer, de Vries) ; (2) by lowering of tension (Raoult) ; (3) by the rise in boiling point ( Reckmann-Arrhe- nius) ; (4) by lowering of the freezing point (van’t IIoff-Raoult-Eykmann). methods are described in Richter’s Organic Chemistry. To show how their properties change in proportion to concentration, mention may be made of the following : A .solution of I part of common salt in 100 parts of water begins to freeze at — 0.6°, one of 2 : 100 at — 1.2°, of 4 : 100 at — 2.4°, of 14 ; too at — 8.4°, i. e., at — 0.6 X Relow the last-named temperature the proportionality does not hold for anhydrous sodium chloride, but for the hydrate NaCl 2 H.pj. In the case of other .salts the hydrates play this role at higher temperatures: thus, Nal 4H2O, MgSO^ 7H2O, etc. [Rudoidf and de Coppet]. THEORY OF ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION. The laws just mentioned serve only for very dilute solutions, just as the laws for gases correspond with greater accuracy in the behavior of those gases which are far removed from the vapor condition (p. 122). And even very dilute solutions show deviations from van’t Hoff’s theory when the solvent is water and the dissolved .substance is an electrolyte — a conductor of the second class (p. 262). The salts, acids and bases are electrolytes in aqueous .solution, while the non-electrolytes are the organic compounds, with the ex- cei)tion of the pronounced acids, bases and salts ; also the solutions of all substances in benzene, carbon bisulphide, ether, chloroform, etc. The alcoholic solutions constitute a transition to the electrolytes. An example will illustrate important relations. While the aqueous solutions of ether, glycol, sugar, urea and similar non-conducting organic compounds, which contain the molecular weight of the respective sub.stances expressed in grams per liter, freeze at — 1.8°, the freezing point of the corresponding solutions of potassium iodide, sodium chloride and silver nitrate falls to — 3-6°, double the first ; and that of .such a solution of sodium sulphate to — 5.4°, treble the first. The values of other colligative properties of these solutions manifest similar variations from the van’t Hoff theory : rise in the boiling * If the |)rcssiire be given in atmospheres and the volume in liters, then R naturally acquires another value. As the molecular volume (p. 98), at l atmosphere and 0°, equals 22.4 liters, then R would e(|ual 0.082 (because p ::= l, v = 22.4, T = 273) ; lienee in general [> . v 0.082 'f (liter-atmosphere). SOLUTIONS. 269 point, decrease in the vapor tension, and the osmotic pressure is also double or treble that required by the theory. Dilute solutions of electrolytes consequently behave as if they contained more molecules of the dissolved substance than the corresponding solu- tions of non-electrolytes. Svante Arrhenius’ theory of electrolytic dissociation [Z. f. phys. Ch. i (1887) 631 ; see also Planck, ibid. 576] offers an interpretation for this abnormal deportment. According to it the electrolytes — which Hittorf designates salt-like bodies inasmuch as the acids are salts of hydrogen and the bases of hydroxyl — do not exist as such in aqueous solution but have broken down entirely or in part into their ions (p. 265) — NaCl into + — + — + — + — Na and Cl, AgNOg into Ag and NO.^, Na2S04 into 2Na and SO4, and KOH into K and OH. The anions are charged with negative and the kations with positive electricities which, in accord with the law of Faraday, are equally large for equivalent quantities of different ions, e. g., the ion SO4 contains twice the quantity of electricity of the ion Cl. The ions regarded as independent mass-particles for comparison’s sake play the part of molecules and accordingly influence the values of the colligative properties. This would explain the exceptions, cited above, to the theory of solutions; the molecule NaCl, + — _ -f resolved into the ions Na and Cl, acts like two molecules; Na^vSO^ separated into 2Na and SO4 behaves like three molecules of a non-electrolyte. The determination of the lowering of the freezing point, etc., can therefore serve in determining the degree of dis- sociation. Dissociation and electric conductivity run parallel because the conduction of the current is influenced only by the presence of free ions and their quantity, whereas molecules which are not dissociated do not participate in conducting the current. Accordingly the conductivity actually increases, if molecular quantities be considered, with growing dilution and attains its maximum when all the molecules of the electrolyte are dissociated. The neutral salts are most strongly dissociated and particularly those with univalent ions, e. g.^ NaCl, AgNOg, KI, NH4Br. Usually more than half of the salt is present in the form of free ions in aqueous solutions at medium concentrations. Salts with poly- valent ions are less completely dissociated, and in the case of the mercury haloids the dissociation is extremely slight. The degree of dissociation with acids and bases corre- sponds to what is commonly called their ‘‘strength” ; the strongest bases and acids are most completely dissociated. A gradual dissociation occurs with the polybasic acids : + — thus sulphuric first breaks down into the ions H and HSO4 ; the univalent anion HSO4 — -I- in turn dissociates into SO4 and H. The strong acids would then be : Hydrochloric, hydrobromic, hydriodic, nitric, chloric, perchloric and sulphuric, as well as the polythionic acids. Strong bases : Alka- lies, alkaline earths and the oxide of thallium. In solutions of medium concentration these compounds are dissociated more than half. Moderately strong acids: Phosphoric, suljDhurous and acetic. Moderately strong bases : Ammonia, magnesia and silver oxide (dissociation does not exceed 10 per cent.). Weak acids and bases, the dissociation of which is in part scarcely measurable : Car- bonic acid, hydrogen sulphide, hydrogen cyanide, silicic acid, boric acid — the hydroxides of the other bivalent and trivalent metals. The formation of a salt from a base and an acid proceeds, according to this theory, in aqueous solution as follows : The base breaks down into the metallic kation and the anion OH, the acid into th« kation H and the anion — the acid residue j)reviously com- bined with it. Because water j)ossesses an extremely slight degree of dissociation, being a non-conductor (a gram equivalent of its ions is contained in about 10,000,000 liters), it will be produced whenever the ions H and OH meet, so that in the present case, if we have started with equivalent quantities, only the ions of the salt will remain in solution : Na + OH -f Cl + H = Na + Cl + H^O + 13-7 Cal. K + OH + N^ +^H = K -f NO3 -f H2O -f 13.7 Cal. Ca 4- 2OH j 2CI -f 211 = Ca -f 2CI 4 - 2H2O 4- 27.4 Cal. 270 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 'I'he common and essential thing in these changes is the prodnctioti of water from the ions 11 and (Jll ; the other ions remain unchanged as long as the concentration of tile solution is not altered. A fact in liarmony with this is that upon fieufraiizin^ equivalent quantities of strong bases with strong acids an equal heat modulus (thermal value) is obtained ; hence, (II acp, OH aq.) = 13.7. This fact, for which no reason could be previously observed, now seems in a similar man- ner to be demanded by and also to conhrm the theory just discussed. d'he salt-like bodies according to the theory of electrolytic dissociation appear to be binary in their constitution. Berzelius’ old electro chemical theory also made them con- sist of electro-positive and electro negative parts — they were dualistically constituted. The salts of the oxygen acids consisted of the acid anhydride and the metallic oxide, e.g., — potassium sulphate of SO.,. — whereby they were brought in opposition to the haloid salts, which facts did not justify, d'he electro-chemical theory of Arrhenius proceeding from positive and negative constituents has a dualistic character, attaches itself thereby to the idea of Daniell and of Liebig (p. 260), and corresponds to the views to which Wil- liamson and Clausius were led, the former for chemical and the latter for electrolytic reasons (p. 265). d'his theory at first appeared strange and met great oj^position, but it is now almost universally accepted and it is generally admitted that we are indebted to it for many great and surprising discoveries in the domain of chemistry and physics which had gone unobserved. It appears almost absolutely necessary for young chemists to make themselves conversant with this theory and to that end the publications cited on pp. 49, 66 will be found helpful. The following will also prove especially valuable : ( Istwald, Foundations of Analytical Chemistry ; Liipke, Elements of Electro chemistry ; Le Blanc, Electro-chemistry ; Lob, The Elements of Electro chemistry ; Windisch, Determination of the Molecular Weights. TRANSPOSITION OF SALTS. When two salts in solution or fusion come together, a chemical action will frequently occur. Claude Louis Berthollet (Es.sai de statique chimique, 1803) endeavored to ex- plain the resulting phenomena by referring them to purely physical causes, and excluded chemical affinity. In the opinion of Berthollet, four salts always arise in the solution of two. For example, on mixing solutions of copper sulphate and sodium chloride, there exist in solu- tion copper sulphate, sodium sulphate, copper chloride, and sodium chloride : nCuSO^ -j- mNaCl yield (n — x)CuSO„ (m — 2x)NaCl -)- xNa2SO„ -j- xCuCl2. That copper chloride is really present in the solution together with the sulphate, follows, from the fact that the blue color of the latter acquires a greenish color, peculiar to the copper chloride, by the addition of sodium chloride ; other phenomena are not noticeable at first. Suppose one of the four salts formed in the solution is insoluble or volatile, the reaction will occur somewhat differently. Upon adding barium chloride to the copper sulphate solution four salts will be formed at the beginning just as in the first case. The barium sulphate produced separates, however, in consequence of its insolu- bility, the ecjuilibrium of the four salts will be disturbed, and new quantities of copper sulphate and barium chloride act upon each other until the transposition is complete : CuSO, -f BaCl2 = BaSO^ -f CuCl.,. 'I'he chemical transposition may, therefore, be explained by the insolubility of the barium sulphate. On adding hydrochloric acid, or soluble chlorides, to the solution of a silver salt all the silver is precipitated as chloride, the latter is in.soluble. 'I'ake another example. On adding sulphuric acid to a solution of potassium nitrate there is apparently no pcrce])tible alteration ; yet four compounds, KNO3, KIISO4, H2SO4 and UNO,,, are [)re.sent in tlie .solution. This was proved by the thermo-chemical invest!- TRANSPOSITION OF SALTS. 271 gationsof Julius Thomsen, and from determinations made by W. Ostwald on the changes in volume and density which are connected with transpositions. The two acids distribute themselves upon the base. The proportion or degree to which this occurs is dependent upon the quantity of potassium nitrate and sulphuric acid in a volume unit, from external circumstances, such as the temperature, and upon the nature of reacting substances. The more sulphuric acid there is in proportion to the nitric, the more sulphate will there be formed. This is a case of mass-action^ the theory of which was developed by Guldberg and Waage (p. 95). On heating or evaporating the nitrate solution containing sulphuric acid a new condition arises : the volatility of nitric acid. Hence it follows that on evaporation the transposition proceeds to completion in the sense of the equation : 2KNO3 -f 2H2SO4 = KHSO^ + 2HNO3. These relations are thus explained by the theory of electrolytic disso- ciation. Neutral salts in dilute solutions do not as a rule act upon one another because, like the salts which can arise from them by transposition, they are equally dissociated. Thus a dilute solution of potassium chloride contains the ions K and Cl, that of sodium nitrate, the ions of Na and NO,. If these solutions are mixed no change occurs. A solu- tion of exactly the same properties would be obtained on mixing corre- sponding amounts of potassium nitrate and sodium chloride. If a substance, less soluble and less dissociated under the prevailing conditions, can be formed from the ions, then a transposition, apparently an exchange, will occur. It is in this fashion that the transpositions described above are to be explained. The neutral- ization of bases by acids is to be accounted for in this way : water, which is but slightly dissociated, is formed from the ions H and OH, whereas the ions which belong to the salt remain (p. 269). The expulsion of a weak acid from its salts by a stronger acid is similarly completed. While the neutral salts are approximately equally dissociated, feeble acids on the other hand are changed but little. If therefore a strong acid be added to the solution of such a salt its hydrogen atoms will come together with the anions of the salt and will combine more or less completely with them to an acid which is not dissociated ; there will remain the kation of the salt and the anion of the added acid, e. g.^ hydrochloric acid and sodium borate: — + — + -l- — Cl + H + BO2 + Na = HBO2 + Na -f Cl. Salts of weak acids or of feeble bases are also hydrolytically decomposed by the action of water, i, e., they break down into base and acid, of which the weak portion exists undissociated in the solution. The base or acid dissociated to a greater extent may be recognized by the fact that its solution reacts acid (with feeble base) or alkaline (with feeble acid). The reactions employed to detect substances depend, according to the theory of elec- trolytic dissociation, chiefly upon reactions of ions. All compounds, for example, which in aqueous solution yield the anion Cl, show the reaction of hydrochloric acid, so far as they produce a precipitate of silver chloride with silver nitrate. When chlorine does not appear alone as an ion, but as a part of .such, this reaction does not take place. The compound Na.2PtClg, the .sodium salt of hydrochlorplatinic acid, rich in chlorine, does not yield a precipitate of silver chloride with silver nitrate, because in arpieous solution it dis.sociates into the anion PtClg and the kations 2Na. The color of the solution is materially affected by the ions. The following therefore is accordingly explained : When ferric chloride and potassium fluoride meet in solution in equivalent amounts a whole series of characteristics belonging to ferric chloride solutions disappear : the solu- tion is colorless ; iodine is not set free from potassium iodide even after the addition of an acid ; potassium .sulphocyanide, salicylic acid and substances which otherwise detect ferric chloride with great accuracy, fail to show anything. Formerly there was no ex- planation for the deep-seated transposition which had evidently occurred in the liquid, but it may be found according to the theory of electrolytic dissociation in the fact that 272 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. ferric chloride and iwlassiuin fluoride arc coinj)lelely transposed to ferric fluoride anfl potassium chloride : FeCl., I 3KKI 3KC:1 1 Feld,, and ferric fluoride is not dissociated. 'I'he trivalent iron ions, u|)on which the reactions recorded above are dependent, are no lonj^er present in the solution ; therefore, the reac- tion cannot occur. This transposition completes itself .so fully that it can be applied in the quantitative determination of fluorides by working with ati excess of ferric chloride and then determining the portion, not converted into fluoride, with potassium iodide, upon which ferric fluoride does not act (Knobloch). Similar relations will be cited in the following pages. I. GROUP OF THE ALKALI METALS. Potassium, 39-15 Rubidium, 85.4 CcTesium, 133 Lithium, 7-03 Sodium, 23.05 (Ammonium, NH^ = 18.07) The metals of this grotij^ are decidedly the most pronounced in metallo- basic character, and this constitutes a visible contrast with the elements of the chlorine group, the most energetic among the acid-forming metal- loids. The alkali metals in physical and chemical proj)erties exhibit great similarity. They oxidize readily in the air, decompose water violently, even in the cold, with the formation of strong basic hydroxides, which dissolve readily in water and are called alkalies (caustic potash, caustic soda) ; hence the name alkali metal {al kaljiin, Arabic, meaning the ash of sea and beach plants, and the extract from the same). They are not decomposed by ignition. Their chemical energy increases with increas- ing atomic weight (more correctly atomic volume), sodium is more ener- getic than lithium, potassium more than sodium, and rubidium more than potassium. Caesium has not been studied in the free condition, but, judg- ing from its compounds, it possesses a more basic character than rubidium. We saw in other analogous groups (of chlorine, oxygen, phosphorus, car- bon, and similar elements), that the metalloidal, electro-negative character diminishes, and the basic increases with the increasing atomic weight. The specific gravities increase simultaneously with the atomic weights; but as the increase of the latter is greater than that of the former, the atomic volumes (the quotients p. 252), are always greater. The in- creasing fusibility and volatility correspond to the increase of the atomic volumes ; rubidium distils at a red heat, while lithium volatilizes only with difficulty : Li Na K Rb Cs Atomic weight, Specific gravity (15°), - - Atomic volume, .... J^'usion teitiperature, . . . boiling temperature, . . . 7-03 0.59 1 1.9 180° 23-05 0.97 23-7 96° 742° 39-15 0.87 45 62.5° 667° ^ 5-4 1-52 56.1 3 ^- 5 ° 133 1.88 70.7 26.5° 270° POTASSIUM. 273 Although the alkali metals exhibit a great similarity in their chemical deportment, we discover more marked relations between potassium, rubid- ium and caesium upon the one hand, and lithium and sodium on the other, which accords with their position in the periodic system of the elements (p. 246). Especially is this noticed in the salts. The first three metals form difficultly soluble tartrates and chlorplatinates (see Platinum). Their carbonates deliquesce in the air, while those of sodium and lithium are stable under similar circumstances ; the last is, indeed, rather insoluble in water. The phosphates deport themselves similarly; lithium phosphate is very difficultly soluble. It must be remarked that the normal carbonates and phosphates of all other metals are insoluble in water. In lithium, then, which possesses the lowest atomic weight, it would seem the alkaline character has not reached its full expression, and it in many respects approaches the elements of the second group, espe- cially magnesium, just as beryllium approaches aluminium. The elements of the two small periods (lithium and sodium) are, indeed, similar, but not completely analogous, while the homology of the three great periods finds expression in potassium, rubidium and caesium. Of the thermo-chemical relations of the alkali metals only the heat of formation of some hydrates will be given here : (Li, O, H, Aq) = 117.4 (Na, O, H, Aq) ^ 111.8 (K, O, H, Aq) = 116.4. On comparing these values with the heat of formation of water ( Hg, O) = 68.36 Cal., we immediately perceive why it is so readily decomposed by the alkali metals. All metals, disengaging more than 68.3 Cal. in the formation of their oxides, Me^O, or their hydroxides, MeOH, decompose water, and the energy will be greater, the greater the difference of heat. The insolubility of the oxides constitutes an obstacle to the action ; this, however, may be removed (see Aluminium) by addition of neutral solvents. Con- versely, all oxides, affording less heat in their formation, are easily reduced by hydrogen (pp. 92, 95). 1. POTASSIUM. K = 39-15- In nature, potassium is found principally in silicates, viz. : feldspar and mica. By the disintegration of these frequently occurring minerals, potassium passes into the soil, and is absorbed by plants ; the ashes of the latter consist chiefly of different potassium salts. The chloride and sul- phate are also found in sea-water, and in large deposits in Stassfurt, at Magdeburg, and in Brunswick and in Galicia, where they were left by the evaporation of the water of inclosed seas. Metallic potassium was first obtained by Davy, in the year 1807, by the decomposition of the hydroxide, by means of a strong galvanic current. At present it is prepared by igniting an intimate mixture of carbon and potassium carbonate : K.COj T 2C = 2K + 3CO. 274 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Such a mixture may be made l)y the carl)Ouizatiou of organic potassium salts, eculiar construc- tion, filled with rock oil, 'I'he latter, a mixture of hydrocarbon, serves as the best means of preserving potassium, which would otherwise oxidize in the air, and dccom[)ose other licpiids. Potassium carbon monoxide (KC())p is a by-product in the preparation of the metal ; see Richter’s Organic Chemistry. In a fresh section, potassium shows a silver-white color and brilliant metallic luster. At ordinary temperatures it is soft, like wax, and may be easily cut. It crystallizes in octahedra, and has a specific gravity of 0.87 at 15°. It melts at 62° and boils at about 667°, and when raised to a red heat, is converted into a greenish vapor. It oxidizes in the air, and becomes dull in color ; heated, it burns with a violet flame. It decom- poses water energetically, with formation of iiotassium hydroxide and the liberation of hydrogen. If a piece of the metal be thrown upon water, it will swim on the surface with a rotary motion ; so much heat is dis- engaged by the reaction that the generated hydrogen and the potassium inflame. Finally, a slight explosion usually results, whereby pieces of potassium are tossed here and there; it is advisable, therefore, to execute the experiment in a tall beaker glass, covered with a glass plate. Potas- sium combines directly and very energetically with the halogens. On conducting hydrogen over metallic potassium heated to 300-400°, potassium hydride, K2H (or K^H2), results. This is a metallic, shining, brittle compound, which, upon stronger heating (above 410°), more readily in vacno, is again decomposed. The sodium hydride, Na^H2, obtained in the same way, does not ignite spontaneously, but in other respects is very much like potassium hydride. The influence of heat and pressure in the formation and decomposition of these com- pounds is very noteworthy. If, for example, potassium hydride be heated it melts, but otherwise remains unchanged. Above 2DO° (in a vacuum) it sustains a partial decom- position (dissociation), which gradually increases as the temperature rises. If the heating should take place in a closed vessel provided with a manometer, it will be observed that the decomposition at a given temperature will continue until the liberated hydrogen has acquired a definite tension — until it exerts a definite pressure. For potassium hydride, this tension, at 330°, equals 45 mm. The decomposition will then cease, but will pro- ceed further at the same temperature if the hydrogen gas be removed, until the pressure of 45 mm. is again reached. This pressure is therefore called the dissociation tension. In this manner a complete decomposition of the hydride may be effected at the tempera- ture given above. If, however, the di.sengaged hydrogen is not removed, but be added to the completely or jrartially decomjrosed hydride, and the pressure be raised to 45 mm. (at the tem])erature 330°), the jiotassium hydride will be re-formed. Consequently, both the decomposition and the formation of a body can follow, dejrending uj)on whether the external partial ])ressure be lowered or increased. Similar phenomena occur at higher temperatures, tlie corres|)ondiiig pressure, of course, increasing by regular steps. 'I'he tension of dissociation is independent of the relative (juantity of the dissociated body and of the s[)ace which the di.sengaged gas can occupy, whereas in solutions and absori)li()ns (ammonia by charcoal) the pressure at one and the same temperature increases with (he (|uantity of the absorbed gas. All exothermic compounds behave like potassium and .sodium hydrides when they are decomposed into their eoin|)()nents ; if the pressure be raised above the tension of disso- ciation the components reunite — the compounds are re-formed. The decomposition of POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE. 275 the endothermic compounds (potassium chlorate into chloride and oxygen) is quite dif- ferent (pp. 30, 94). It proceeds with heat disengagement (KCljO.^ = — '9.8 Cal.), corresponding to the chemical affinities, and is only induced by application of external heat. It is independent of external pressure, and there is no reunion of the decomposi- tion products upon increasing the external pressure or upon lowering the temperature. We must not omit mentioning the great analogy between the phenomena of dis- sociation and the vaporizing of liquids. Like dissociated bodies, liquids exhibit at all temperatures a definite vapor tension. If the pressure above the liquid be diminished the evaporation will continue until the vapor tension is regained, but if the pressure be increased then a corresponding portion of the vapor will be condensed. Oxygen compounds of potassium are not known in a pure state. The metal is not attacked by pure, dry oxygen below 60-80°. Above this temperature it burns in the gas, if its surface be renewed, to a yellow mass which, according to Erdmann and Kothner, consists of the sesqui- oxide, K2O3, and superoxide, KO2. The oxide K2O, from which the potassium salts are derived, is not definitely known. Potassium Hydroxide, o,r Caustic potash {^Kalium causticuni), KOH, is obtained by the action of potassium or its oxide upon water. For its preparation, potassium carbonate is decomposed by calcium hydroxide (slaked lime) ; K2CO3 + Ca(OH)2 = CaC03 + 2KOH. The solution of i part of potassium carbonate in 10-12 parts of water is boiled with i part of slaked lime in an iron pot until a filtered portion does not effervesce, when hydro- chloric acid is added ; i. e., until there is no longer any carbonic acid present. On standing awhile, the insoluble calcium carbonate subsides, and the liquid becomes clear. The solution of potassium hydroxide is then poured off, evaporated, the residue melted in a silver dish (which it does not attack), until the hydroxide begins to volatilize in clouds, when it is poured into moulds [K. causticuni ficsum). The caustic potash, prepared in this way, is not entirely pure, but contains potassium chloride and other salts. To obtain a product that is chemically pure, fuse potassium nitrate with copper filings, and evaporate the aqueous extract of the fusion in silver vessels. One of the most brilliant achievements of modern chemical industry is the electrolytic decomposition of the chlorides of the alkali metals into free chlorine and 7 uetal ; the latter at the moment of its liberation is converted by water into its hydroxide. The practical solu- tion of this problem has made this operation a technical process since 1890. The Stass- furt potassium chloride has been thus made to yield pure caustic in solution and in solid form ; also chlorine, bleaching lime and hydrogen (pp. 51, 278 ; also under Soda). Potassium hydroxide forms a white, crystalline mass which fuses rather easily, and volatilizes undecomposed at a very high temperature. Ex- posed to the air it deliquesces, as it absorbs water and carbon dioxide. It is very soluble in alcohol, and esjiecially in water. The solution {Liquor kalii caustici) possesses a strong alkaline reaction, saponifies the fats, and has a corrosive action upon the skin and organic tissues. At low temperatures the hydrate KOH -f- 2H2O crystallizes out from con- centrated solutions. The haloid salts of potassium are obtained by the direct union of the halogens with potassium, and by the saturation of the hydroxide or car- 276 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. bonatc witli lialoid acids, d'hey arc readily solulile in water, have a salty taste, and crystallize in cul)es. When heated tliey melt, and are somewhat volatile. Potassium Chloride (A". chloratuj?i), K.C 1 , occurs in Stassfurt in large deposits, as sylvite, and c(;mbined with magnesium chloride exists di?, carnaili^e {iAgC\^, KCl -f 6H,/)). The opening up and the practical yields of the Stassfurt salt beds containing carnal- lite ; kieserite, MgS( )^ . 1 1 .^( ) ; tachhydrite, CaCl.^ . 2MgCl2 + 12II./); kainite, MgSO^.- K.^SO^. MgCl.^ hll.^O; boracite, 2Mg3H^r)|. j b? ^ii^l ^ 1 ''^’ brotnides (p. 53) have been of great coinniercial importance to the (ierinan 1 ‘hnpire. 'These arc the largest salt- beds in the world. before they were worked very considerable (|uantities of salt were imported into Germany but now that country stands at the head of all the salt producing portions of the earth. In 1897 .Stassfurt yielded 273,364 tons of rock-salt ($277,026) and 1,946,188 tons of crude jwtash salts ($6,513,553) ; in the same year the production of potassium chloride in the German Empire amounted to 108,000 tons ($5,764,423). Carnallite serves as the chief source for the pre|)aration of potassium chloride; water decomposes it into the more sparingly soluble jxjtassium chloride and the readily soluble magnesium chloride. It is interesting to note that three-fourths of the ])Otassium* chloride sejtarate in solid form when carnallite is heated to 176°. The licpiid separated from this yields carnallite again on cooling to 115°, while magnesium chloride remains dissolved. The chloride crystallizes in vitreous cubes, of sj^ecific gravity 1.98. It melts at about 800°, and volatilizes at a strong red heat [see Jahrbuch der Chemie v (1895), 66, 67]. 100 parts of water dissolve 29 parts of the salt at 0°, and 56 parts at 100°. Potassium chloride is used in making nearly all the other potassium salts, hence it is largely ap- plied technically (see Potassium Carbonate, Potassium Nitrate, Potassium Chlorate). Potassium Bromide (^K. bromatuni), KBr, is generally obtained by warming a solution of potassium hydroxide with bromine, when the bromate is also produced : 6KOH 3Br.2 = 5KBr -|- KBrOg y 3H2O. The solution is evaporated to dryness, mixed with charcoal, and ignited, which reduces the bromate to bromide : KBrOg -)- 3C = KBr -|- 3CO. It is readily soluble in water and slightly in alcohol ; forms cubes of spe- cific gravity 2.4, and melts at about 740°. Potassium Iodide (A', iodatuni), KI, may be prepared like the })receding. The iodate produced along with the iodide upon adding iodine to caustic potash may be reduced by hydrogen peroxide : KlOg + 3IIA = d 3II2O + 3O, (p. 180). It is usually obtained according to the following method : Iodine (3 parts) and iron filings (i part) are rubbed together under water ; an equal (|uantity of iodine (i part) is again added to the solution of this ferrous iodide, b'el^, in order to form ferrous-ferric iodide, Fe.Jg, which is then boiled with the recpiired (juantity of pota.ssium carbonate; this will pre- POTASSIUM CHLORATE. 277 cipitate ferrous-ferric oxide ; carbon dioxide escapes, and potassium iodide will be found in the solution ; Fcglg -f 4K2CO3 = FegO^ + SKI + 4CO2. It forms large white crystals, fuses at about 720°, and is tolerably volatile. Its specific gravity equals 3.0. At medium temperatures it dissolves in 0.7 part of water and 2.5 parts of absolute alcohol. The aqueous solution dissolves iodine in large quantity. Many metallic, insoluble iodides dis- solve in it without difficulty, forming double iodides, e. g., Hgl2.2KI. The iodide is employed in medicine and in photography. Potassium Fluoride, KFl, is obtained by dissolving the carbonate in aqu^us hydro- fluoric acid. It crystallizes in cubes at ordinary temperatures, with two molecules of water, but above 35° does not contain water of crystallization. It is very .soluble in water. The aqueous solution attacks glass. It is greatly inclined to combine with other fluorides: KFl.HFl; BFI3.KFI. The commercial salt is frequently rich in arsenic. On adding hydrofluosilicic acid to the solution of potassium .salts, a gelatinous precipitate of potassium silico-fluoride, K2SiFlg, is thrown down, wdiich dissolves with difficulty in water. Potassium Cyanide, KCN. This salt can be produced by saturating potassium hydroxide with hydrocyanic acid, and by heating yellow prussiate of potash (see Iron). It forms a white, easily fu.sible mass, which deliquesces in the air. The solution may be easily decomposed. The salt crystallizes in cubes, has an alkaline reaction, and smells like prussic acid. As the result of hydrolysis free prussic acid — which is very slightly dissociated — is pre.sent with free alkali. The introduction of carbon dioxide completes the decomposition. By fusion potassium cyanide reduces many metallic oxides, and hence is employed in reduction It is just as poisonous as prussic acid. It is applied in many ways, especially in photography and for galvanic silvering and gilding. Lately it has met with extended application in the extraction of gold from low-grade ores and from sand. Generally it is a mixture of potassium and sodium cyanides which is used for this purpose ; this can be obtained by fusing potassium ferrocyanide with sodium : K,Fe(CN)6 -f 2Na = 2NaCN + 4KCN -f Fe. Potassium Chlorate (A", chloricuni) KCIO3, is produced when a slight excess of chlorine is introduced into caustic potash, and the hypo- chlorite, formed at first, oxidized thereby to chlorate. This change pro- ceeds most rapidly at 80-90° (see p. 178). The sparingly soluble chlorate separates when the solution cools. Technically, a solution of calcium chlorate, produced by slightly super- saturating lime-water with chlorine at 40°, is mixed with a sufficient quan- tity of ])otassium chloride, when potassium chlorate and calcium chloride result : Ca(C103)2 + 2KCI = CaCb + 2KCIO3. Magnesia can be advantageously substituted for lime-water. At present this old method of Liebig is being more and more supplanted by the electrolytic method, particularly since Oettel found that potassium chlorate is formed electrolytically in alkaline solutions of ])otassium chlo- ride without the use of a diaphragm, which se])arated the anode from the kathode liquor. Since the electrolysis of potassium chloride yields caustic (together with hydrogen) at the kathode and chlorine at the anode, the conditions for the production of chlorate are evident. See also Elbs, Chem. Zeit. 1897, 996. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 278 A French company in Switzerland first made cldorate electrolytically, while the caustic alkalies were first produced in this way in (Jermany; England followed later. 'I’he ledi nical manufacture of electrolytic chlorate has been in operation since 1891 in Switzerland. The chemical factory at (Iriesheiin began to make caustic potash and soda electrolytically in 1890, Since 1894 the electric factory at Hitterfeld has jmxluced chiefly caustic and bleaching li(juors in the electrolytic way. Other companies have followed those men- tioned, and by some of them soda is now being prepared from electrolytic caustic soda. Potassium chlorate crystallizes from the hot solution in shinitig tables of the monoclinic system, which dissolve with difficulty in cold water(Too parts at the ordinary temperature dissolve 6 ])arts of the salt). Its taste is cooling and astringent. When heated it melts at 360° and at higher temperatures gives up a ])ortion of its oxygen, and changes to the chloride and Perchlorate, KCK)^, which on further heating decomposes into oxygen and potassium chloride (see \). 178). With hydrochloric acid it liberates chlorine : KCIO3 + 6 IIC 1 = KCl + 3H2O + 3CI2. Mixed with sulphur, or certain sulphides, it explodes on heating and when struck a sharp blow. The igniting material upon the so-called Swedish (parlor) matches consists of antimony sulphide and potassium chlorate; when this is rubbed upon the friction surface coated with red phosphorus it ignites. Potassium Hypochlorite, KCIO, is formed when chlorine is con- ducted into a solution of potassium hydroxide : 2KOH + CI2 = KCl + KCIO -f H2O. It only exists in aqueous solution; when the latter is evaporated the salt is decomposed into chloride and chlorate : 3KCIO = 2KCI 4- KCIO3. In the presence of an excess of chlorine chlorate is rapidly produced. The solution has an odor resembling that of chlorine, and bleaches strongly, especially upon the addition of acids (p. 175). The bleaching solutions occurring in trade (Eau de Javelle) are prepared by the action of chlorine upon solutions of sodium (Eau de Labarraque) and potassium (Eau de Javelle) carbonates; but recently they have been made by the electrolysis of the corresponding chlorides. They also contain free' hypo- chlorous acid. The oxy-salts of bromine and iodine are perfectly analogous to those of chlorine. Potassium hromnte, KBrO,, and Potassium iodate, KIO3, are ])repared by the action of bromine or iodine u])on hot potassium hydroxide ; the second is also produced by the action of iodine upon ])otassium chlorate, when the chlorine is directly replaced (p. iSol. 'The exj)erimcnts of Klinger and of Bassett apparently prove that a direct replacement of chlorine by iodine does not take place here ; it is rather the oxidation of the latter by the anion (.'Kqof the chlorate. I^)tassiuln iodate can also be made by oxidizing potassium iodide (i |)art) with ])otassium ])ennanganate (2 parts) in aqueous solution. If chlorine be passed through a hot solution of jiotassium iodate or iodide in jK)tassium hydroxide, the p(;rioda((‘ of potassium, KIO,, arises; it is difficultly soluble and when heated de- composes into oxygen and potassium iodate, which then breaks down into potassium iodide and oxygen. POTASSIUM NITRATE. 279 Besides the normal periodates, KIO^, NalO^, other salts exist which are derived from the highest hydroxyl compound, and its anhydro- derivatives (p. 18 1). These salts are very numerous, and are in part monoperiodates, 10(011)5 and 102(011)3, and partly polyperiodates, produced by the condensation of several molecules of the highest hydroxides with the exit of water, e. g.^ l203(0H)g, 1205(011 )4, and l20g(0Il)2. Potassium Sulphate, K2SO4, is formed in the action of concentrated sulphuric acid upon potassium chloride, and as a by-product in many technical operations. It is also obtained by transposing schonite, MgSO^. K2SO4 -f 6H2O, and other Stassfurt salts containing sulphates with potassium chloride: MgSO,.K2SO, -f 2KCI = 2K2SO, -f MgCb- It crystallizes without water, in small rhombic prisms, having a bitter, salty taste, and dissolves in 10 parts of water at the ordinary temperature. It melts at about 1070°. It is employed principally for the preparation of potassium carbonate, according to the method of Le Blanc (p. 281). The acid or primary salt, KHSO^, crystallizes in large rhombic tables, and is very readily soluble in water. It fuses at about 200°, loses water, and is converted into potassium pyrosulphate, K2S20^, which at 600° yields K2SO4 and SO3 (p. 194). Potassium Sulphite. — The salts of sulphurous acid— the primary^ KHSO3, and the secondary sulphites, K2SO3 — are produced when sulphuric dioxide comes in contact with a potassium carbonate solution ; they are very soluble and crystallize with difficulty. The first salt shows an acid, the second an alkaline reaction. If sulphur dioxide be passed into a solution of potassium carbonate until effervescence ceases and then cooled, the pyrosulphite, K2S.2O5, corresponding to the pyrosulphate, will crystallize out. Potassium Persulphate, K2S20g, results on electrolyzing a saturated solution of acid potassium sulphate, when it separates at the anode as a white crystalline precipitate. It can be crystallized from hot water ; on rapid cooling it separates in small prisms. Its solution oxidizes, has a cooling, salt-like taste and does not yield a precipitate with solu- tions of other metals (the salts of silver, manganese and cobalt excepted). The dry salt commences to decompose at 100° into oxygen and pyrosulphate (see p. 188). Potassium Nitrate, Saltpeter {K. nitrictmi), KNO3, occurs in the largest amounts in East India, especially in Ceylon, at Bengal and at Gutscharat (Bombay) in distinct layers; in cavities (in Ceylon) once the lairs of animals and of men’s dwelling-places, which are even now inhabited by hosts of field mice. It is found in abundance in other torrid regions in the soil, upon which it effloresces during the dry sea- son (hence sal, salt; iz^rpa, rock), e. g., in Peru, in Bolivia, in South Africa, also in Egypt, etc. It is produced wherever nitrogenous organic substances decay in the presence of potassium carbonate (aided by micro- organisms), conditions which are present in almost every soil. The intentional introduction of these is the basis of the artificial niter pro- duction in the so-called saltpeter plantations, which were formerly cul- tivated actively in Spain, Hungary, Sweden and Switzerland. Manures and various animal offals are mixed with wood ashes (i)otassium car- bonate) and lime, arranged in porous layers, and submitted to the action of the air (protected from rain) for two or three years, when nitrates are produced from the slow oxidation of the nitrogen. The heaps are then 28 o INORGANIC CUKMISTRY. treated with water and potassium carbonate added to the solution, which contains potassium, calcium and magnesium nitrates, to convert the last two salts into potassium nitrate : Ca(N03)2 + 1^2^03 = CaCOa + 2KNO3. The precipitate of calcium and magnesium carbonates is filtered off and the solution evaporated. 'Fhe soils of J^^ast India containing niter are similarly worked. Until the Crimean War (1852-1855) the demand for poiassium nitrate in manufacturing gunjiowder was met almost exclu- sively by h^ast India. The numerous and constant inquiries for the salt led (jerman chemists to transiiose the Chili saljieter by means of Stass- furt potassium chloride into the j)>;tassium salt (conversion saltpeter): NaN()3 + KCl = NaCl | KNf)3. Warm saturated solutions of e(iui valent quantities of sodium nitrate and potassium chloride are mixed and boiled, when sodium chloride, being less soluble in hot water, will sejiarate. On cooling the solution potassium nitrate, being less soluble in cold water, crystallizes out; sodium chloride is about equally soluble in hot and cold water, for which reason the portion not separated by boiling remains in solution (i). 266). Potassium saltpeter crystallizes without water of crystallization in large, six-sided rhombic prisms. It is far more soluble in hot than in cold water; 100 parts of w'ater dissolve 247 parts at 100°, but at 0° only 13 ])arts. It possesses a cooling taste, fuses at 340°, and decomposes, when further heated, into oxygen and potassium nitrite, KNO2. Heated with carbon it yields potassium carbonate : 4KNO3 -|- 5C = 2K2CO3 -(- 3CO2 T 2N2. Its'principal use is in the manufacture of gunpowder. This is a granular mixture of potassium nitrate, sulphur, and charcoal. The relative quantities of these constituents are somewhat different in the various kinds of powder (sporting, blasting, and powder free from sulphur). The first consists of 4KNO3 -|- 2C -f- 2S = 2 K^S 0 ^ -[- 2CO2 + 2N2 ; the second : 4KNO3 6C -)- 4S — 2K2S2 -f- 6CO2 -( 2N2» ^he third : 4KNO3 -j- 5C = 2K2CO3 -f- 3Ct)2 + 2N2. These three varieties, mixed in different but simple propor- tions, constitute the powders in general use. Each variety possesses peculiarities as to ignition, combustibility, energy content, heat and gas content. The mixing is made in accordance with the demand for any one or more of these properties. The effectiveness of the powder, therefore, depends upon the disengagement of carbon dioxide and nitrogen gas, the volume of which is almost 1000 times as great as that of the decomposed powder. Potassium Nitrite (A". nUrosuvi), KNO2, is obtained by fusing saltpeter with lead (2 parts) which withdraws one atom of oxygen from the former (p. 205). It forms a white, crystalline, fusible mass, which deliquesces in the air. Potassium Phosphates. — The potassium salts of phosphoric acid : K^PO^, K2lIP()^, and KH2P(),j, meet with no ju'actical ai)plication, they are readily soluble in water and crystallize ])oorly ; therefore, the sodium salts are generally used. The borates, KIIO2 and K2B^O. -|- 5H2O (see borax), crystallize with difficulty. Potassium Carbonate, K2(X).,, ordinarily known as potashes, is the principal ingredient of the ashes of land plants. POTASSIUM CARBONATE. 281 As 1000 parts of wood yield 3.5-28 parts of ashes and the potassium carbonate in the latter is 0.45-4 parts it is obvious that only countries like Russia, Canada, the United States, Hungary and Galicia where there is an abundance of woodland can produce potashes in large amounts from the wood ashes. The latter are extracted with water, the clear filtrate is then evaporated until it solidifies on cooling, when the residue is dehydrated and decolorized by calcination in ovens. The prod- uct is crude potashes. By repeating the preceding treatment purified potashes or pearl ash is obtained. In countries like Belgium, Germany, France and Switzerland where sugar beets are cultivated large quantities of potassium carbonate are separated from the ash of the beets. Beets withdraw large quantities of potash salts from tl.e soil which if the latter is to remain fertile must be returned to it by potash fertilizers. In this direction the Stassfurt potash salts are most valuable. The alkali salts of the beet are in its juice and they remain, when the sugar is extracted from the latter, in the molasses. When the latter is allowed to ferment, then evaporated and subjected to dry distillation, alcohol, ammonia, trimethylamine and other valuable substances are obtained ; furthermore, the residual coke is rich in potash. Its aqueous extract is worked for potassium carbonate. Sheep’s suint contains potassium salts of organic acids which on incineration yield potassium carbonate. The same salt is obtained as a by-product in the manufacture of iodine and bromine from sea-algse and sea-weeds. In Germany all these methods for the preparation of potassium carbon- ate give place to those in which the Stassfurt potassium chloride is util- ized, from which potassium carbonate is prepared by two methods : 1. Method of Le Blanc. — This will be discussed in connection with soda. H. Griineberg was the first to employ it in making potashes. 2. Method of Ch. R. Engel in Montpellier. — Brecht introduced this method into German industries. Magnesium carbonate is mixed with a solution of potassium chloride, and the liquid, while being stirred, is saturated with carbon dioxide. A double salt of magnesium carbonate and acid potassium carbonate separates while the solution contains mag- nesium chloride : SMgCOj + 2KCI + CO2 + 9H2O = 2[MgC03 . KHCO3. 4H2O] + MgCh- The double salt is freed from any adherent liquor by washing it with a solution of magnesium bicarbonate, after which it is decomposed under pressure with water at 140°. Basic magnesium carbonate separates in a compact form ; carbon dioxide escapes, and the liquid containing pure potashes is evai)orated and the residue calcined. Potassium carbonate free from sodium salts can be obtained in this way, because sodium chlo- ride does not act upon magnesium carbonate. The commercial carbonate is a white, granular, deliquescent powder, melting at 890°, and vaporizing at a red heat. It crystallizes from con- centrated aqueous solutions with molecules of water, in monoclinic prisms; at 100° it loses ^ molecule of water. The solution has a caustic taste and shows an alkaline reaction. When carbon dioxide is con- 24 282 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. ducted through the liquid it is absorl)cd and primary potassium carbonate is produced : KjCO, -f 1 1 /) I CO, = 2KIICO,. This salt, ordinarily called bi-carbonate, crystallizes in inonoclinic l)risms, free from water. It dissolves in 3-4 ])arts of water and exhibits a neutral reaction. When heated, it decomi)oses into i)otassiuin carbonate, carbon dioxide, and water, 'bhe decornj)osition of the dry salt does not begin until at about 110°, while the aqueous solution decomposes even on evaporation. Potassium carbonate is used almost entirely in the produc- tion of Bohemian or crystal glass. Constam and v. Hansen electrolyzed solutions of potassium carbonate, cooled to — 15°, and obtained at the anode Potassium Percarbonate, K2C20g, — a slightly blue- colored, deliquescent powder. Jt is formed, like the persulpliates, by the union of the ions KCO.J, into which (together with potassium ions) the carbonate is decomposed by the current. It resembles the persuljdiates in properties, in so far that when heated to 200-300° it rapidly decomposes into carbonate and oxygen. Oxygen escapes from its aqueous solution at 45°. It is a powerful oxidant ; many dyes are bleached by it. Dilute acids evolve hydrogen peroxide from it: K2C2f)fi 4 2iICl 2CO2 + 2KCI -|- H2O2 ; this also occurs with caustic potash : K2C20g | 2KOII = 2K2CO^ -j- H/),. Its solution rapidly reduces manganese peroxide, lead peroxide and silver oxide with energetic liberation of oxygen : Ag20 f K2C20g = Ag, -f- K2CO3 4 - CO, -(- O,. See p. 102. Its chemical structure is very likely analogous to that of the persulphates (pp. i88, 189, 279) : O — SO3K O — CO3K 6 — SO3K 6 — CO3K. Potassium Silicate, water-glass, does not possess a constant com- position and cannot be obtained crystallized. It is produced by solution of silicic acid or amorphous silicon dioxide in potassium hydroxide, or by the fusion of silica with potassium hydroxide or carbonate. The concen- trated solution dries in the air to a glassy, afterward opaque, mass, which, when reduced to a powder, will dissolve in boiling water. Potas- sium (and also sodium) water-glass has an extended application, especially in cotton printing, for the fixing of colors (stereochromy), in rendering combustible material fireproof, in soap boiling, etc. SULPHUR COMPOUNDS OF POTASSIUM. Potassium Hydrosulphide, KSH, is obtained when potassium hydroxide is saturated with hydrogen sulphide : KOH + II,S = KSH -b H2O. Evaporated in vacuo it crystallizes in colorless rhombohedra, of the for- mula 2KSri -j- H, 0 , which deliquesce in the air. At 200°, it loses its water of crystallization, and at a higher temperature fuses to a yellowish li(]uid, which solidifies to a reddish mass. Like the hydroxide, it has an alkaline reaction. On adding an ecpiivalent quantity of potassium hydrox- ide to the sulphydrate solution, we get potassium sulphide: KSH + KOH = K,S -f H,, 0 . SULPHUR COMPOUNDS OF POTASSIUM. 283 Potassium Sulphide, KgS, is usually obtained as a porous mass by gently heating a mixture of potassium sulphate and carbon in well-closed crucibles : KjSO^ + 2 C = KjS + 2CO2. When fused, it solidifies to a red crystalline mass. It crystallizes from concentrated aqueous solutions with five molecules of water, in colorless prisms, which deliquesce in the air. The solution absorbs oxygen from the air, and is decomposed into potassium hyposulphite and caustic potash : 2KjS -h HjO + 2O2 = K2S2O3 + 2KOH. Potassium hydrosulphide and sulphide precipitate insoluble sulphides from the solutions of many metallic salts. They are decomposed by acids with liberation of hydrogen sulphide. When the aqueous solution of the sulphide is boiled with sulphur the poly sulphides, K2S3, K^S^, and K2S-, are formed. The aqueous solutions of the polysulphides are decomposed by acids, with disengagement of hydrogen sulphide and separation of sulphur (milk of sulphur). The so- called liver of sulphur (^Hepar sulphiiris, K. sulphuratumf a liver-brown mass, used in medicine, is obtained by the fusion of potassium carbonate with sulphur, and consists of a mixture of potassium trisulphide with potassium sulphate and hyposulphite. The aqueous .solution of the potassium, as well as that of the sodium sulphide, dissolves some metallic sulphides, and forms sulpho-salts with them (pp. 223, 225). When dry ammonia is conducted over heated potassium, potassamide (NHjK) results. This is a dark-blue liquid which solidifies to a white, crystalline mass. It sublimes at about 400°, and above that temperature breaks down into its elements. Water decomposes it into potassium hydroxide and ammonia. Recognition of the Potassium Compounds. — In all of its com- pounds potassium is present as a positive univalent element. Almost all of the potassium compounds are easily soluble in water. The few exceptions serve for the characterization and separation of potassium. Tartaric acid added to the solution of a potassium salt gives a crystalline precipitate of acid potassium tartrate. Platinic chloride (PtClJ produces in potas- sium solutions a yellow, crystalline precipitate of PtCl^. 2KCI (p. 271). Potassium silicofluoride,K2vSiFlp, is also sparingly soluble and can be used in detecting and estimating potassium. Potassium compounds introduced into the flame of an alcohol or a gas lamp impart to the same a violet col- oration. The spectrum of the flame is characterized by two bright lines, one red and one violet (see Spectrum Analysis). 284 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 2. RUBIDIUM AND Ci^:SIUM. Rl) 85.4. Cs 133. Rubidium and caesium are tlie ])erfcct analo^rues of potassium (p. 273). d'hey were discovered by means of the spectroscope, by lUmsen and Kircldioff, in i860. Although only occurring in small quantities, they are yet very widely distributed, and fre(juently accompany potassium in mineral sj^rings, salt, and plant ashes. 'I'he mineral lepidolite contains 0.5 percent, of rubidium; upward of 30 i)er cent, of caesium oxide is present in the very rare pollucite, a silicate of aluminium and cnesium. Stassfurt carnallite also contains rubiilium. The spectrum of rubidium is marked by two red and two violet lines; caesium by two distinct blue lines; hence the names of elements {riibiilns, dark red ; itcsiiis, sky-blue). Rubidium and caesium form double chlorides (PtCl^. 2RbCl, PtCl^.CsCl) with plati- num chloride, and they are more insoluble than the double platinum salt of potassium, hence may answer for the separation of these elements from potassium, d'his is also true of the comi)ounds 2RbCl.SnCl^, 2CsCl.SnCl^ and 2SbCl3. 3CSCI, which are rather sparingly .soluble. Rubidium and caesium may be obtained free by decomposing the fused chloride with the electric current. Erdmann and Kothner [Ann. Ch. 294 (1897), 58] obtained large yields of rubidium by heating its hydroxide with magnesium in a seamless, knee-shaped iron tube : 2RbOII -(- 2jMg = 2Rb 2MgO II.^. Dry hydrogen is conducted through the tube while heating. The rubidium, which dis- tils over, is collected under liquid paraffin. Metallic rubidium has a silver-white color, with a .somewhat yellowish tinge ; its vapor is Its .specific gravity equals 1.52; its melting point is 38.5°. Oxygen at the ordinary temperature converts it into rubidium dioxide, Rb02, consisting of dark-brown crystals, which are transposed by water at a gentle heat into oxygen and rubidium hydroxide : 2 Rb 02 + 2H2 = 2RbOII -f H2O + O. The dioxide dissolves in water with hissing and the tumultuous evolution of oxygen ; hydrogen peroxide is produced at the same time. The oxide RbO is not known. The iodide at present is quite frequently substituted in medicine for potassium iodide. Ccesium like rubidium is isolated by heating coesium hydroxide with magnesium powder in an atmosphere of hydrogen or by the electrolysis of a mixture of caesium and barium cyanides. Electrodes of aluminium are employed for this purpose. Caesium is a silver- white metal, of specific gravity 1.85. It oxidizes quite readily and inflames in the air. It melts at 26.5° and boils at 270°. Since 1892 Wells and Wheeler, and also Erdmann, have prepared an interesting series of caesium and rubidium halides. The metals in these appear to be trivalent and also quinquivalent, e. g., RbClBr.^, RbBi^, RbCl^I, CsBrg, CsBr3l2, Cslj. Rubidium iodine tetrachloride, RblCl^, results in conducting chlorine into a rubidium iodide solu- tion. It crystallizes in monoclinic yellow leaflets. It dissolves with difficulty in water. Its solution acts as a powerful oxidant ; it dissolves gold and platinum. It is still undeter- mined whether these are atomic or only double compounds {e.g., RbCl.IClg). The rubidium and caesium compounds are distingui.shed from those of potassium by entering into union more readily and in greater proportion with other halides to form double salts, e. g., with A5CI3, AsBr3 and ASI3, with which potassium double halides have not been prepared. 3. SODIUM. Na = 23.05. Sodium is widely distributed in nature, especially as chloride in sea- water and as rock-salt; and isalso found in silicates. Its nitrate is Cliili saltjteter, and its fluoride in union with aluminium fluoride constitutes SODIUM. 285 the cryolite of Greenland. The metal was obtained in 1807, by Davy, by the action of a strong electric current upon fused sodium hydroxide. It was formerly (1855), like potassium, obtained upon a large scale by igniting a mixture of sodium carbonate, finely divided anthracite and limestone in an iron retort : Na^COj -{-20 = 2Na -[- 3CO. A great advance was made in its mansfacture when Castner (1866), at Oldbury, Bir- mingham, reduced the hydrate instead of the carbonate with carbon impregnated with finely divided, spongy iron. Gay-Lussac and Thenard (1808) had reduced the hydroxide with metallic iron at a white heat : 2NaOH -j- 2Fe = 2Na -j- 2FeO -)- H2. Netto (1898, Wallsend, Newcastle-on-Tyne) invented a most satisfactory process, abandoning it, however, later. It consisted in allowing molten caustic soda to run over wood charcoal placed in vertical iron retorts. Sodium vapors escaped constantly from an exit tube at the top, while fused carbonate ran out from a tube at the bottom : 3NaOH + C Na2C03 + Na The sodium vapors were condensed in flat iron receivers and the liquid metal was collected under rock oil. Castner and Kellner electrolyzed a salt solution, using mercury as anode ; the amalgam was then distilled when mercury was expelled and sodium remained. Grabau electrolyzed fused .salt after reducing its melting point by adding potassium and strontium chlorides. The sodium then escaped in vapor form. Sodium can be made on a small scale by heating the peroxide with freshly ignited wood charcoal : 3Na20.2 -f 2C = Na.2 + 2Na2C03. Calcium carbide may be substituted for the charcoal : 7Na202 + 2CaC2 = 2CaO -f 4Na2C03 -|- 3Na2. The action in both cases is very energetic. Sodium in external properties is very similar to potassium. It melts at 95.6°, boils at 742°, and is converted into a colorless vapor, which burns with a bright yellow flame in the air. It oxidizes readily on ex- posure, and decomposes water even in the cold, although less energet- ically than potassium. A piece of sodium thrown upon water swims about upon the surface with a rotary movement, the disengaged hydrogen, however, not igniting. If we prevent the motion, by confining the metal to one place, the heat liberated by the reaction attains the ignition temperature of hydrogen, and a flame follows, as was also observed with p jtassium (p. 40). Sodium Oxide, NajO, is not definitely known. Sodium Peroxide, Na202, has recently been introduced into commerce as a bleaching agent. It is made by heating sodium in a stream of dry air, using vessels of aluminium and a temj)erature below 300°. It is a yellow-white ]X)wder. It melts with greater difficulty than caustic .soda, and at elevated temperatures gives off oxygen. Water decomposes it with caustic soda and oxygen which escapes uj)()n boiling. With ice-water it forms a solution containing both caustic .soda and hydrogen j)eroxide. On careful evapora- tion such solutions yield crystalline hydrates of .sodium superoxide. Anhydrous acids and alcohol appear to decompose it with the formation of a peculiar hydrate : NajO, i IlCl = NaCl + Na02H, 286 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. wliich probably lias the formula Na-()-0-H. Sodium superoxide acts on many organic compounds with the production of flame and the separation of carbon. At a red heat it is superior to all other oxidants in its powerful action (i jiart of the material, 2 parts of soda and 4 parts of .sodium superoxide). Sodium Hydroxide, sodium hydrate, or caustic soda, NaOH, like ])Otassium hydroxide, is formed by boiling a solution of soditim car- bonate with calcium hydroxide: Na.^COg + Ca(OII)2 = CaCOj + 2NaOII. At present it is directly protluced in the soda manufacture by adding a little more carbon to the fusion (see Soda); or by the electrolysis of sodium chloride (jtp. 290, 291). 'bhe sodium hydroxide which solidifies after fusion is a white, radiating, crystalline mass, and re.sembles caustic ]iotash very much. It attracts water from the air, becomes moist, and coats itself by carbon dioxide absorption with a white layer of sodium carbonate (caustic potash del- i(piesces perfectly, because the resulting carbonate is deliquescent), d'he aqueous solution, called sodium hydroxide, resembles that of potas- sium. Crystals of NaOH -j- separate at 0° from the concentrated solution ; they melt at 6°. Sodium Chloride, NaCl, is abundant in nature. It is found almost everywhere in the earth and in natural waters; in sea-water it averages 2. 7-3. 2 per cent. As rock-salt it forms large deposits in many districts, especially at Stassfurt and Wieliczka in Galicia (p. 276). In warm climates, on the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea, sodium chloride is gotten from the sea according to the following procedure : At high tide sea- water is allowed to flow into wide, flat basins (salt gardens), in which it evaporates under the sun’s heat ; the working is limited, therefore, to summer time. After sufficient concentration, pure sodium chloride first separates, and this is collected by itself. Later, there crystallizes a mixture of sodium chloride and magnesium sulphate ; finally potassium chloride, magne- sium chloride and some other salts appear (among them potassium iodide and bromide), the .separation of which constitutes a special industrial branch in some regions. In cold climates, as in Norway and at the White Sea, the cold of winter is employed for the production of salt. In the freezing of sea-water, as well as of other solutions, almost pure ice separates at first ; the enriched sodium chloride solution is then concentrated in the usual way. Rock-salt is either mined in shafts, or, where the strata are not so large and are admixed with other varieties of rock, alixiviation process is employed. Borings are made in the earth and wmter runs into them, or into any openings already formed. When the water has saturated itself with sodium chloride, it is pumped to the surface and the brine then further worked. In many regions, especially in Reichenhall, in Bavaria, more or less saturated natural salt or brine springs flow from the earth. The concentration of the non-saturated brine occurs at first in the so-called “graduation” houses. These are long wooden frames filled with fagots, and on letting the salt water run upon them it will be distributed and evaporated by the fall ; the concentrated brine collects in the basin below, and is then evaporated over a free fire. Sodium chloride crystallizes from water in transparent cubes, of specific gravity 2.13, which arrange themselves by slow cooling into hollow, four- sided pyramids. It melts at 8 15° and volatilizes at a white heat. It is not much more soluble in hot than in cold water ; 100 parts at 0° dissolve 36 l)arts of salt ; at 100”, 39 ])arts. The saturated solution, therefore, contains SODIUM SULPHATE. 287 about 26 per cent, of sodium chloride. If the saturated solution be cooled below — 10, large monoclinic tables (NaCl -f- 2 H,^ 0 ) separate ; these lose water at 0° and become cubes. The ordinary sodium chloride usually contains a slight admixture of magnesium salts, in consequence of which it gradually deliquesces in the air ; the perfectly pure salt is not hygroscopic. When heated the crystals crackle, because of the escape of the mechanically enclosed water. Sodium Bromide and Iodide crystallize at ordinary temperatures with two molecules of water, which they lose again at 30° ; above 30° they separate in anhydrous cubes. Sodium bromide fuses at 760° and the iodide at 690° ; the former is difficultly soluble in alcohol and the latter is very soluble. Sodium Chlorate (NaC103) and Perchlorate (NaClO^) are considerably more solu- ble in water than the corresponding potassium salts. Sodium lodate, NalCXj, is obtained in the same manner as the potassium salt, and at ordinary temperatures crystallizes with three molecules of water in silky needles. It is pre.sent in Chili saltpeter. If chlorine gas be conducted through the warmed solution of sodium iodate in sodium hydroxide, the periodate 10 (^Chefiopodium, Salsola, Atriplex, Salicornia, etc.); these assimilate the sodium salts of the earth, while the land plants absorb the potassium salts, and for this reason contain potashes in their ash. In Southern France and in Spain beach ])lants were and are yet specially cultivated for this purpose. The Spanish soda was particularly rich in 25 290 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. carbonate and controlled the markets for a long period. At present soda from the ashes of plants possesses only a local interest, 3. In the chemical way soda is pre[)ared almost exclusively from salt (NaCl). Tlie following methods are in use: (i) That discovered in 1 794 by Le Blanc; (2) the ammonia-soda i)rocess introduced in 1866, and (3) the electrolytic method of recent date. To these may be added the (4) cryolite soda process, I. In the Le Blanc method the sodium chloride is converted into sodium sulphate by warming with sulphuric acid (pj). 58, 287). When the latter is dry, it is mixed with charcoal and chalk (calcium carbonate) and ignited in a reverberatory furnace, d'wo principal ])hases may be distinguished in this reaction. First, the carbon reduces the sodium sulphate to sodium sulphide: Na,SO, + 2C Na,S f- 2 CO,. The sodium sulphide then acts upon the calcium carbonate to form calcium sulphide and sodium carbonate: Na.^S -f- CaCOj = CaS -(- Na^COg. At the same time the high temperature converts a portion of the cal- cium carbonate into calcium oxide and carbon dioxide, which is reduced by the ignited carbon to the monoxide: CaC 03 = CaO + CO, ; CO, + C = 2 CO. The appearance of the latter, which burns with a bluish flame, indicates the end of the action. The chief products in the soda fusion are, then, sodium carbonate and calcium sulphide, mixed with varying amounts of calcium carbonate, calcium oxide, and foreign substances. This fused mass is called C7'iide soda. It is lixiviated in specially constructed appa- ratus with cold water; the sodium carbonate dissolves, and there remain behind calcium sulphide, calcium carbonate, and a portion of the foreign substance — the soda residue. During the lixiviation the caustic lime present in the crude soda acts upon the sodium carbonate with the assistance of water, and there result calcium carbonate and sodium hydrate. The latter passes into solution with the soda : CaO T + Na 2 C 03 = CaCOg + 2NaOH. It is possible by the Le Blanc process to obtain a preponderance of scKlium hydroxide if the soda fusion be mixed at the beginning with more carbon, heated intensely and the crude soda be then extracted with hot water. When the solution is evaporated the soda will separate from the hot lirpiid as a crystalline ])owder, Na^COg -j- H.^O. It is removed from the li(|uid, and new licpiors are introduced, etc. The mother liquor, the so-called red liipior, contains finally caustic soda and sodium suli)hide almost exclusively. The soda flour is freed from the mother licpior by a centrifugal, dried and calcined-— soda. For further purification SODIUM CARBONATE. 291 it is recrystallized from water, when it separates in large, transparent crystals of the formula Na.^COg -j- 10H2O — crystallized soda. The by-products and the refuse in the manufacture of soda — hydrochloric acid and soda residues — must be utilized as fully as possible, because of the enormous competition encountered by the manufacturers. To this end the hydrochloric acid is converted by the process described on page 50, into chlorine and bleaching lime and the soda residues are worked in various ways to get their sulphur content into an available form. Of late years the Chance-Claus method has been adopted. It consists in decomposing the residues with carbonic acid: CaS -(- H.^O -f- CO.^ = CaCO.^ I l.,S, and burning the liberated hydrogen sulphide either with an insufficiency of air, when sulphur will sepa- rate : H.^S -|- O = H.^O + S, or with an excess of air when sulphur dioxide is formed : H^S -r 3O = 11.2^^ + SO.^. The last product is then conducted into lead chambers (p. 189). About 70,000 tons of sulphur are recovered annually (regenerated sulphur). 2. The ammonia-soda process is based upon the transposition of sodium chloride with })rimary ammonium carbonate to ammonium chloride and primary sodium carbonate : NaCl ^ NHdICOg ^NallCOg T NH^Cl. This change takes place at the ordinary temperature. The acid sodium carbonate being sparingly soluble in cold water, is converted into sodium carbonate upon ignition : 2 NaHC 03 ^ Na^COg + CO, + H, 0 . The ammonium chloride remains in solution. Ammonia is recovered from it by means of lime. In actual practice carbon dioxide is con- ducted under pressure into a concentrated salt solution saturated with ammonia : NaCl -f NHg + CO, -f H^O = NH^Cl -f NaHCO^. The temperature must not exceed 40°. The carbonic acid is obtained by burning lime, and when the bicarbonate is heated half of it is recovered. The lime from the calcite is used to generate ammonia from ammonium chloride. The raw material in this process consists therefore of salt and limestone which, with the assistance of ammonium salts, are converted into soda and calcium chloride (p. 50).* This process is exceedingly simple from the chemical standpoint. Difficulties arose in building the neces.sary ajiparatus on a technical scale and they militated against the general adoption of the method. Fortu- nately they have lieen completely overcome, and this is due in a large measure to E. Solvay, so that at present the ])roduction of soda by the Le Blanc yirocess is becoming less frequent. It is only in England that the old method holds sway. 3. The Le Blanc method with it.s improvement.s was in operation for a century before it was displaced by the ammonia-soda process, and now the latter is being .seriously threatened by a dangerous rival — the electrolytic production of caustic alkalies, alkaline car- bonates, chlorine and potassium chlorate ( p. 275). When an af|ueous salt solution is elec- trolyzed chlorine .separates at the anode and sodium at the kathode. 'I'he latter acts * Magnesite and magnesia can be substituted for limestone, and lime. 292 INORGANIC CMKMISTRY. immediately on tlie water, producing hydrogen and sodium hydroxide, d'lie free chlorine would produce sodium chloride and hypochlorite or chlorate (pp. 175, 176) if the katluxle and anode licpiors were not separated by a porous diaj)hragm. 1 tifficulties, in the construct- ing of the diaidiragms, confronted the technical utilization of the process. 'There is nosul)- stance which does not gradually disintegrate when used as anode. However, all these objectionable features have been, in a measure, overcome. 'The sodium hydroxide is obtained as such or it is separated in the form of the sparingly soluble bicarbonate ui)on conducting carbonic acid through its solution. 'The chlorine is brought into trade in the liquid form or it is changed to bleaching lime. 4. Considerable cjuantities of soda are obtained at present from cryolite, a compound of aluminium fluoride and sodium fluoride (AlT'l.,. 3NaFl), which occurs in great deposits in Greenland. The pulverized mineral is ignited with burned lime or chalk ; insoluble calcium fluoride and a very soluble compound of aluminium oxide with sodium oxide, called sodium aluminate (see Aluminium), are produced: 2(A1F13. 3NaFl) -f 6CaO =r bCaFl^ -f Al.Og. 3Na20. The mass is treated with water and carbon dioxide, obtained by burning lime, con- ducted into the solution, which causes the precipitation of aluminium oxide, and sodium carbonate dissolves : A\, 0 , . 3 Na ,0 + 3H2O + 3CO, = Al, ( 011)6 + 3 Na,C 03 . This method is no longer in use in Europe. It continues of value in North America and in Denmark, because countries confrol large deposits of cryolite. Calcium fluoride is largely employed by them in the manufacture of glass and porcelain ; the aluminium oxide is used for making alum, aluminium sulphate or metal. At ordinary temperatures sodium carbonate crystallizes with ten mole- cules of water (Na2C03 -f- 10H2O) in large monoclinic prisms, which crumble upon exposure and become a white powder. It melts at 50° in its water of crystallization, and upon heating a pulverulent hydrate, Na2C03 -j- 2H2O, separates, which in dry air has one molecule of water, and at 100° loses all of this. At 30-50° rhombic prisms of the compo- sition Na2C03 7H2O, crystallize from the aqueous solution. The anhy- drous salt absorbs water from the air but does not deliquesce. It melts at 850° and volatilizes somewhat at a very high temperature. 100 parts of water dissolve 7 parts at 0°, and at 38°, 52 parts of the anhydrous salt. At more elevated temperatures the solubility is less, as in the case of the sulphate. Sodium carbonate has a strong alkaline reaction ; acids liberate carbon dioxide from it. Primary Sodium Carbonate, ordinary bicarbonate of soda (Nn- triimi bicarbonicuni), NaHC03, produced by the action of carbon dioxide upon the hydrous secondary carbonate : Na2C03 + CO3 + II2O 2NaIlC03. It crystallizes without water, in small monoclinic tables; it dissolves, however, at ordinary temperatures in lo-ii parts of water, and possesses feeble alkaline reaction. By heating and by boiling the solution it ])asses into the secondary carbonate with disengagement of carbon dioxide, 'i'he dry salt decomposes rafiidly even below 100°. By raj)id evaporation small moiioclinic prisms of the so-called sodium sesquicarbonate, Na2(J03 2NallC03 -j- 2II2O, separate. The salt which deposits in the SODIUM PHOSPHATES. 293 sodium seas of Hungary and E'^vpt, has the composition Na.,CO,. -1- NaHCO, + 2Hfi (p. 289). Sodium Nitrate, NaNOg, Chili saltpeter, is found in immense deposits in Peru. The saltpeter earth contains of sodium nitrate from 15 to 65 parts out of 100 jiarts, the rest being sodium chloride, a little potas- sium nitrate, potassium perchlorate and sodium iodate (pp. 55, i 78). The soil is extracted with boiling water ; on cooling, crude saltpeter sejiarates ; it is purified by recrystallization. It crystallizes in rhombohedra very similar to cubes, hence designated cubic saltpeter, to distinguish it from the prismatic" potassium saltpeter. It fuses at about 318°. In water it is somewhat more easily soluble than potassium saltpeter. In the air it attracts moisture, hence it is not adapted for the manufacture of gun- powder. In other respects it is perfectly similar to potassium nitrate. It is largely used in the manufacture of nitric acid, and especially in pre- paring potassium saltpeter (p. 279). Sodium Nitrite, NaNOg, is prepared like potassium nitrite (p. 280), by heating sodium nitrate with lead, iron, or graphite. It crystallizes more readily than potassium nitrite, and does not deliquesce in the air. It occurs in trade in small colorless crystals, containing from 93 to 98 per cent, of the pure salt. It is largely used in the dye industry for the preparation of the azo- compounds. Sodium Phosphates.— The sodium salts of phosphoric acid are less soluble and crystallize better than those of potassium. The trisodiwji phosphate, NagPO^, is made by saturating one molecule of phosphoric acid with three molecules of sodium hydroxide, and crystallizes in six-sided prisms with twelve molecules of water. It has a strong alkaline reaction, absorbs carbon dioxide from the air, and is converted into the secondary salt. Disodium phosphate, Na2HPO^, is the most stable of the sodium phos- phates, and hence is generally employed in laboratories (JSfatriuin phos- phoricwti). It may be obtained by saturating phosphoric acid with sodium hydroxide to feeble alkaline reaction, or may be prepared on a large scale by decomposing bone ashes (tri calcium phosphate) with an equivalent amount of sulphuric acid and precipitating the calcium as dicalcium phos])hate with soda. It crystallizes at ordinary temperatures v/ith twelve molecules of water in large monoclinic prisms which effloresce rapidly in the air. It separates from solutions with a temperature above 30° in non-efflorescing crystals containing seven molecules of water. It is soluble in 4-5 parts of water, and shows a feeble alkaline reaction. Wlien heated the salt loses water, melts at about 300° and becomes sodium pyrophosphate, Na^P20.j, which crystallizes with ten molecules of water, and upon boiling with nitric acid passes into primary sodium phosphate. The primary or ?nonosodium phosphate, NaH2P04, crystallizes with one molecule of water, and exhibits a faintly acid reaction. At 100° it loses its water of crystallization, and at 200° becomes disodium pyn'ophosphate, Na2H2P.^O^, which at 240° forms sodium metaphosphate, NaPOg : Na2lbP,0- = 2NaP()g 4 IlgC). 294 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. \Vc get various modifications of the inelapliospliate, according to the conditions of fusing and cooling; they are probably polymerides, cor- res})onding to the torinulas Na.^P./)^^, NaJ’.,()y, etc. Uiion heating sodium metaphosphate with metallic oxides the latter dissolve, and salts of ortho- phosphoric acid are formed, c. .* NaP03 -f CuO = CuNaPO,. In this manner, characteristic colored glasses (phosyihorus beads) are obtained with various metals. In blowi)ii)e analysis this behavior serves for the detection of the respective metals. The salts of arsenic acid i)erfectly analogous to those of phosphoric acid. Of the antiinoniates may be mentioncHl the disodium pyroautimoniate, Na.dl^Sb./)^ -j hi 1^0, Avhich is insoluble in cold water, and is therefore precipitated from the soluble sodium salts on the addition of dipotassium- pyroautimoniate. The phosphates show more plainly than the sulphates that the hydrogen atoms of a polyhydric acid, replaceable by metals, are not of equal importance for the “strength ” of the acid, 'fhe hydrogen first replaced acts like the hydrogen of a strong acid, while the second and third follow it successively. This is also seen in the reactions of the aqueous solutions and may be ex|)lained by the theory of electrolytic dissociation as follows: 'Phe dissociation of phosphoric acid into the ions and 11' is that of an acid of medium strength (p. 269). 'Phe second hydrogen atom is dissociated like a feeble acid and the third is not at all dissociated in aqueous solution. Consefjuently the solution of sodium triphosphate does not contain the trivalent anion PO^'" together with the sodium ions. As the third hydrogen atom of the acid shows less tendency to ciate than water the followdng transposition immediately takes place : PO^'" -j- H' HO' P()^H" -|- HO', so that the solution contains the ions PO^H" — 2Na' and Na' — OH', which are the cause of its alkaline reaction. Sodium Borate. — The normal salts of boric acid, B(0H)3, and metaboric acid, BO . OH (see p. 242), are not very stable. The ordi- nary alkaline borates are derived from tetraboric acid (HgB^O^), which results from the condensation of four molecules of the normal boric acid : 4B(0H)3-5H,0 = H,BA. The most important of the salts is borax, which crystallizes at ordinary temperatures with ten molecules of water in large monoclinic prisms, Na^B^O^ -f- 10H2O. Borax occurs naturally in some lakes of Thibet, whence it was formerly imported under the name of tinkaL At present, it is prepared artificially by boiling or fusing boric acid with sodium car- bonate. At ordinary temj)eratures, the crystals dissolve in 14 parts of water, at 100° in one-half ])art; the solution has a feeble alkaline reac- tion. When heated to 70° rhombohedra crystallize from.tbe concen- trated solution, and have the composition NaJl^O^ -|- sH^O, formerly known as octahedral borax. Both salts puff up when heated, lose water, and yield a white, porous mass {burned borax^, which fuses at 880° to a transparent vitreous mass (Na.^B^O^). In fusion this dissolves many metal- lic oxides, forming transjiarent glasses {borax beads), which frequently jjossess characteristic colors; thus co])per salts give a blue and chromic oxide gives a green glass. Therefore, borax may be em])loyed in blow- lu'jje tests for the detection of certain metals. Upon this property of LITHIUM. 295 dissolving metallic oxides depends the apidication of borax for the fusion and soldering of metals. Sodium Silicate (sodium water-glass) is analogous to the i)otassium salt, and is most readily obtained by fusing quartz with sodium sulphate and charcoal. The sulphur compounds of sodium are also analogous to those of potas- sium. Sodium Nitride, NaNg (sodium azoimide), is the sodium salt of hydrazoic acid, Ngil. It results from derivatives of azoimide, by neutralizing the free acid or by decom- posing the ammonium salt with caustic soda. W. Wislicenus prepared it by heating sodamide (p. 283) to 150-250° in a current of nitrous oxide : NaNIIg + N2O = NaNg -f H,0. The water produced here decomposes a portion of sodamide into sodium hydroxide and ammonia : NaNHg + H 2 O = NaOH -f NHg [Ber. 25 (1892), 2084; see also Z. f. anorg. Ch. 6 (1894), 38]. It can be recrystallized from water or may be precipitated by alcohol from water. Its solution reacts alkaline and has a very salty taste. It is not exploded by a blow, but this occurs when it is heated. [Curtius, Ber. 24 (1891), 3346; see also p. 133.] Recognition of Sodium Compounds. — Almost all the sodium salts are easily soluble in water, sodium pyroantimoniate, Na2H2Sb20y, excepted; this is precipitated from solutions of sodium salts by potassium pyroantimoniate, and can serve for the detection of sodium. Sodium compounds, exposed in a colorless flame, impart to the latter an intense yellow. The spectrum of the sodium flame is characterized by a very bright yellow line, which, when more strongly magnified, splits into two lines. (See Spectrum Analysis.) 4. LITHIUM. Li = 7.03. Lithium occurs in nature only in small quantities, but is tolerably widely disseminated, and is found in some mineral springs and in the ashes of many plants, notably in that of tobacco and the beet. As a com- pound silicate, it occurs in lepidolite or lithia mica; as phosphate (with iron and manganese) in triphylite, and (with aluminium, sodium, and fluorine) in amblygonite. The metal is separated from the chloride, or, better, from the more easily fusible mixture of equal ])arts of lithium chloride and potassium chloride, by means of the electric current, and is silver-white in color, decomposing water at ordinary temperatures. Its specific gravity is 0.59. It is the lightest of all the metals, and swims upon naphtha. It melts at 180°, and burns with an intense light. It burns energetically in hydro- gen at a red heat to lithium hydride, Lill, which is a comparatively stable 296 INORGANIC CHEMISI'RY. wliile powder. The lilhiuiii salts arc at present j)re|)ared almost entirely from amblygonite ; they are very similar to the salts of sodium, but closely approach those of magnesium. Lithium Chloride, LiCd, crystallizes, at ordinary temperatures, in anhydrous, regular octahedra ; below 10°, however, it has two molecules of water, and delicpiesces in the air. Lithium Phosphate, and Lithium Carbonate, Li^C(),j, are difficultly soluble in water; therefore they are precipitated from solutions of lithium salts by sodium j)hosi)hate or carbonate. l>y strong ignition the carbonate loses carbon dioxide. So far as two salts and also lithium fluoride, which is soluble in very little water, are concerned, lithium aiijiroaches the metals of the second group (|). 273). Its compounds color the flame a beautiful red; the spectrum shows an intense red line together with a faint yellow line. AMMONIUM COMPOUNDS. Upon p. 128 we observed that ammonia combines directly with the acids to form salt-like compounds, which are analogous to the metallic salts, especially those of potassium with which they are isomorphous. The univalent group, NH^, playing the role of metal in these derivatives, is called ammofiium, and the derivatives of ammonia, ammonium coin- pounds. The metallic character of the group NH^ is confirmed by the existence of ammonium amalgam, which, as regards its external appear- ance, is very similar to the sodium and potassium amalgams. Ammonium amalgam may be prepared by letting the electric current act upon ammo- nium chloride, NH^Cl, viz., by immersing the negative platinum elec- trode into a depression in the ammonium chloride, which is filled with mercury and stands upon the positive electrode. Then, as in the case of the decomposition of potassium or sodium chloride, the metallic ion — ammonium — separates on the negative pole, and combines to an amalgam with mercury. The amalgam may also be obtained if sodium amalgam be covered with a concentrated solution of ammonium chloride: (Hg 4- Na) and NH.d yield (Hg + NH,) and NaCl. Sodium amalgam. Ammotiium amalgam. Ammonium amalgam forms a very voluminous mass with a metallic appearance. It is very unstable, and decomposes rapidly into mercury, ammonia and hydrogen. The ac|ueous solution of ammonia reacts strongly alkaline, and from its entire behavior we must assume the existence of ammonium hydroxide (NH/>M) in the solution. This is justified because there are many organic derivatives of ammonium hydroxide, in which the hydrogen of the ammonium is re|)laced bv hvdrocarbon residues; e. g., tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide, N(CIi,,), OH. 'These are thick liquids, of strong basic reaction and, in all respects, are very similar to potassium and sodium hydroxides. AMMONIUM COMPOUNDS. 297 Ammonium Chloride, NH^Cl {Sal ammoniac wyi), is sometimes found in volcanic districts, and was formerly obtained by the dry distillation of camel’s dung (p. 1 26). At present it is prepared almost exclusively from the ammonia water of gas works. This water contains ammonium sesquicar- bonate in addition to theotherammonium salts. It is distilled with lime and the escaping ammonia caught in hydrochloric or sulphuric acid. The ammonium chloride is carefully heated and recrystallized or sublimed. By sublimation it is obtained as a compact, fibrous mass. It dissolves in 2.7 parts of cold and in one part of boiling water, and crystallizes from the solution in small, feather-like, grouped octahedra or cubes, of sharp, salty taste. When heated, ammonium chloride sublimes without melting; at the same time a dissociation into ammonia and hydrochloric acid is sustained, but these products recombine to ammonium chloride on cool- ing. The dissociation begins at 280° and is complete at 350°, and the vapor density corresponds to that of a mixture of similar molecules, of NHjand HCl, i. €., J 7-07 f 3646 _ _ 26.76 (02 = 32). A like decomposition is sus- tained by the ammonium chloride when its solution is boiled ; ammonia esca])es and the solution contains some free hydrochloric acid. Ammonium Sulphate, (NHO2SO4, crystallizes without water in rhombic prisms, and is soluble in two i)arts of cold and one part of hot water. It fuses at 140°, and by further heating decomj^ioses. Most of it is used as a fertilizer. Ammonium Persulphate (pp. 188, 279), (NH4)2S20,^, obtained by the electrolysis of ammonium sulphate, is at present made on a large scale and is used as an oxidant. It consists of very soluble monoclinic crystals. It decomposes when its aqueous solution is evaporated, yielding ammonium sulphate, free sulphuric acid and oxygen. This salt is applied in making the other persulphates. Ammonium Nitrate, NH^NOg, is isomorphous with potassium nitrate and deliquesces in the air. It melts at 159° ; at 170° decomposi- tion into nitrous oxide and water commences and is tumultuous at 240° (p. 211). It has been recently applied in the manufacture of blasting material. Ammonium Nitrite, NH^N02, is present in minute quantities in the air, and results from the action of the electric spark upon the latter when moist. It may be obtained by the saturation of aqueous ammonia with nitrous acid [Z. f. anorg. Ch. 7 (1894), 34], and in a perfectly pure condition by the decomposition of silver or lead nitrite by ammonium chloride. Heat decomposes it, especially when in concentrated solution, into nitrogen and water (p. 115). The decomposition of ammonium nitrite into water and nitrogen and ammonium nitrate into nitrous oxide and water are both exothermic reactions, occurring with the disengagement of heat and are independent of the j^ressure of the disengaged gas ; the components do not reunite to form their original compounds. This is not a case of dis- sociation fp. 274). Ammonium Hyponitrite, NIl4-0-N=N-0-NIl4, has been pre]:)ared recently by conducting ammonia into an ethereal solution of hy])onitrous acid. It forms white crystals. It melts at 64° with violent decomposition. It gradually breaks down at the ordinary temperature into ammonia, water and nitrous oxide [see p. 212 and Hantzsch and Kaufmann, Ann. Chem. 292 (1896), 317]. 298 INORGANIC CHF.MISTKY. Ammonium Carbonate.— 'riu; ncufralnx secoiUaty (MI, )./;(),„ separates as a crystalline powder, when aininonia gas is condncied ihrcnigli a concentrated solution of commercial ammonium carbonate. It ])arts with ammonia in the air and becomes the primary or acid salt, NI I,HC( >>3, which, when heated to 58°, dissociates into carbon dioxide, ammonia, and water. d'he common commercial, so-called sesquicarbonate of ammonium, is generally a mixture of ])rimary ammonium carbonate with ammonium carbamate (NHjIiCC)., NH.^CCA^. NH,. d'he latter may be obtained by the direct union of carbon dioxide with ammonia; water immedi- ately converts it into the neutral salt (p. 234). lOxjjerience has demon- strated that the commercial salt rpiite often contains carbon dioxide and ammonia in the same proportion as the acid salt, (Nlt jHCO,. It arises in the decay of many nitrogenous carbon comi)Oiinds, e. g., the urine, and was formerly prepared by the dry distillation of bones, horn, and other animal substances. At ])resent it is obtained by heating a mixture of ammonium chloride, or sulphate, with calcium carbonate. It then sublimes as a white, tr;ins])arent, hard mass. Primary Ammonium Carbonate, NH^HCO.,, is obtained by satu- rating ammonium hydroxide with carbon dioxide. It is a white, odor- less powder, rather insoluble in water. In aqueous solution it gradually loses carbon dioxide and is changed to the secondary carbonate. Ammonium Phosphates. — 'Fhe most important of these is the secondary ammo 7 iium-sodium phosphate, NH^NaHFO^ -f- qll^O, ordi- narily termed salt of phosphorus (Sal ?nicrocosmicum'). It is found in guano and in decaying urine. It can be obtained by the crystallization of a mixture of disodium phosphate and ammonium chloride : Na,HPO, -f NH,C 1 = NI^NallPO, + NaCl. It consists of large, transparent, monoclinic crystals. When heated it fuses, giving up water and ammonia and forms a transparent glass of sodium metaphosphate, NaPOg (p. 294). It serves in blowpipe tests for the detection of various metals. The tertiary ammonium phosphate, (NHJ3P0^, separates, in crystalline form, upon mixing concentrated solutions of phosphoric acid and ammo- nia. Upon drying, it loses ammonia and passes into the secondary salt, (NHJ.^HPO^, which changes to the prhnary salt, (NH^)H2PO^, when its solution is boiled. This is in harmony with what was said on p. 294 rela- tive to the behavior of j)hosi)horic acid. Ammonium Nitride, N./NIip, the ammonium salt of hydrazoic acid, obtained from an organic body, diazohi])])uramide, or by saturating hydrazoic acid vvitli ammonia, is pre- ci])itated from its alcoliolic solution byetlier in the form of a snow-white, crystalline pow- der. It separates from alcoliol in com|)act, colorless leaflets, consisting of step-like groups of crystals. It resembles ammonium chloride in this res])ect. It crystallizes from water in large, (rans|\arent ])risms, which soon become opaque. It has a slight alkaline reaction ; it is not hygroscopic ; it dissolves readily in water and in alcohol. It is exceedingly volatile ; it graduallv disappears in the air and it is also carried off by af)ueous and alcoholic vapors. It sublimes, when gently heated, in small, shining prisms; on rapid healing it explodes (Clurtius, [). 132). METALS OF THE SECOND GROUP. 299 Ammonium Sulphide, (NHJ,^S, results ii[)on mixing i volume of hydrogen sulphide with 2 volumes of ammonia at — 18°. It is a white crystalline mass, dissociating, at ordinary temperatures, into NH^SH and NHg. In aqueous solution it also seems to dissociate into its constituents. At 45° it completely dissociates into ammonia and hydrogen sulphide ; (NHJ2S = 2NII3 + H^S. 2 vols. I vol. Ammonium Hydrosulphide, NH^SH, is produced upon conduct- ing hydrogen sulphide into an alcoholic ammonia solution. It is com- pletely dissociated at 45° : NH^SH = NHg -f HgS. I vol. 1 vol. It is obtained in aqueous solution by saturating aqueous ammonia with hydrogen sulphide. At first the solution is colorless, but on standing in contact with the air becomes yellow, owing to the formation of ammonium polysulphides, (NH^}2Sn. The so-called yellow ammonium sulphide is more easily obtained by the solution of sulphur in the colorless hydrosul- phide. Both solutions are often employed in laboratories for analytical purposes. Recognition of Ammonium Compounds. — All ammonium salts are volatile or decompose upon heating. The alkalies and other bases liberate ammonia from them, which is recognized by its odor and the blue color it imparts to red litmus-paper. Platinum chloride produces a yellow crystalline precipitate of ainmonio-platinum chloride, PtCl^.- 2NH^C1, in solutions of ammonium chloride. An excess of tartaric acid precipitates primary ammonium tartrate. METALS OF THE SECOND GROUP. Be 9. 1 Mg 24.36 Ca 40 Sr 87.6 Ba 137.4 Zn 65.4 Cd 112 Ilg 200.3. The second group of the periodic system (see Table, p 246) comprises chiefly the bivalent metals, which form compounds of the type MeXg, and in their entire deportment exhibit many analogies. Their special rela- tions and analogies are more closely regulated by their position in the periodic system. Beryllium and magnesium belong to the two small periods whose members are similar but do not show complete analogy. Beryllium exhibits many variations from magnesium, and in manv prop- erties approaches aluminium; just as lithium attaches itself to magnesium (P; 273)- The metals calcium, strontium, and barium constitute the second members of the three great periods, are very similar to one another (p 244), and in accord with their strong basic character, attach themselves to the alkali metals — potassium, rubidium and ctesium. Zinc, cadmium. 300 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. and mercury, wliicli correspond to them and constitute the second sub- group, really belong to the right, negative sides of the three great jjeriods. 'They fall in with the heavy metals, are much less basic, and resemble the alkaline earth metals only in their combination types. In conseipience of the double periodicity of the three great periods both sub-groui)S (Ca, Sr, Ba and Zn, Cd, Hg) exhibit many analogies to magnesium and beryllium. I. GROUP OF THE ALKALINE EARTHS. Calcium, . . Ca = 40 Strontium, . . Sr = 87.6 IJarium, , . P>a = 137.4. The metals of this group are termed alkaline earth metals, because their oxides attach themselves in their i)roperties, on the one side to the oxides of the alkalies, upon the other to the real earths (alumina, etc.). 'I'heir atomic weights bear almost the same ratio to one another as those of the alkali metals, hence the alkaline earth metals show the same grada- tion in properties as the elements of the ])otassium group. With in- crease in atomic weight and atomic volume, their chemical energy and basicity become greater. Barium decomposes water energetically, and oxidizes more readily than strontium and calcium. In accord with this, we find barium hydroxide a stronger l)ase ; it dissolves rather readily in water, does not decompose upon ignition, and absorbs carbon dioxide rapidly from the air. Barium carbonate is also very stable, fuses at a white heat, and only disengages a little carbon dioxide. Calcium hy- droxide, on the other hand, dissolves with more difficulty in water, and when ignited, breaks down into water and calcium oxide; the carbonate also yields carbon dioxide when similarly treated. In its entire charac- ter, strontium stands between barium and calcium. All these affinity re- lations find full expression in the heat of formation of the corresponding compounds (p. 327). While the alkaline earth metals are similar to the alkalies in their free condition and in their hydroxides, they differ essentially from them by the insolubility of their carbonates and phosphates, and still more of their sulphates. Barium sulphate is only soluble to the slightest degree in water and acids, while strontium sulphate is about 40 times and cal- cium sulphate about 800 times as soluble (p. 309). The atomic weights of metals have been determined in part from their specific lieats, but mainly from their isomorphism with the metals of the magnesium group (pp. 253, 255). 1. CALCIUM. Ca = 40. Calcium belongs to the class of elements most widely distributed upon the earth’s surface. As calcium carbonate (limestone, marble, chalk) and the sulphate (gyi)sum, alabaster), it represents immense deposits in CALCIUM. 301 all stratified formations. As phosphate, it constitutes phosphorite, as fluorite, both of which are abundant. As silicate, it is found in most of the oldest crystalline rocks. The metal is obtained, according to Moissan, by heating calcium iodide with an excess of sodium to a dark-red heat. The liberated metal dissolves in the sodium, and when cold the latter is removed by anhydrous alcohol. It dissolves with the evolution of hydrogen to sodium alcoholate. The calcium remains as a brilliant white crystalline powder. It can also be prepared by the electrolysis of the fused chloride or iodide. Although the affinity of calcium for oxygen is less than that of the alkalies, yet the oxide (also barium oxide and strontium oxide) cannot be reduced to metal by ignition with carbon, iron, or sodium — due, probably to the non-fusibility of the oxide. These oxides, how- ever, are reduced in the electric furnace; the liberated metals com- bine at once with carbon to yield metallic carbides (pp. 253, 307). Calcium is a yellow, shining metal, of specific gravity 1.55-1.6. In dry air it is tolerably stable, in moist it is covered with a layer of hydroxide. It decomposes water with considerable energy. It fuses at a red heat, and in the air burns with a brilliant yellow light. If the metal be heated in nitrogen to a red heat calcium nitride, Ca3N2, results. This is a brown mass which water decomposes with the formation of calcium hydrate and ammonia. Lithium, strontium, barium and mag- nesium behave similarly (p. 316). Calcium slowly unites with hydrogen at the ordinary temperature, but rapidly at a red heat, forming calcium hydride, CaHj, an earthy, gray powder, which decomposes water more energetically than calcium itself. Calcium Oxide, CaO (lime), may be obtained ])ure by igniting the nitrate or carbonate. It is prepared on a large scale by burning the ordinary limestone or marble (CaCOg) in lime-kilns. It is a grayish- white amorphous mass, which becomes crystalline at 2500° and liquid like water at 3000°. It vaporizes at higher temperatures (Moissan). The oxyhydrogen flame thrown upon a piece of lime causes it to emit an extremely intense white light (Drummond’s lime light). In the air lime attracts moisture and carbon dioxide, becoming calcium carbonate ; burned lime unites with water with evolution of much heat, breaking down into a white voluminous powder of calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2 — slaked Ihjie. When limestone contains large quantities of alumina, magnesium carbonate, or other constituents, the lime from it slakes with difficulty, and is known as poor lime, to dis- tinguish it from pure fat or rich lime, which is readily converted into a powder of hydroxide with water. Calcium Hydroxide, Ca(OH)2 (slaked lime), is a white, porous powder which dissolves with difficulty in cold water (i part in 760 parts), but with still more difficulty in warm water; the solution saturated in the cold (lime-water) becomes cloudy uj)on warming. It has a strong alkaline reaction. Milk of Imie is slaked lime mixed with water. In the air it attracts carbon dioxide and forms calcium carbonate. At a red heat it decomposes into oxide and water. 302 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Slaked lime is employed in the j)re}jaration of ordinary mortar, a mix- ture of calcium hydroxide, water and sand. The liardening of the mor- tar in the air depends mainly upon the fact that the calcium hydroxide combines with the carbon dioxide of the air to form the carbonate, and at the same time acts upon the silicic acid of the sand forming a calcium silicate, which, in time, imi)aits durability to the mortar. Hydraulic mortar, or cement, is produced by gently igniting a mixture of limestone or chalk with aluminium silicate (clay) and (piartz powder. On stirring the jiowdered, burnt mass with water it soon hardens, and is then not affected by water. Some naturally occurring limestones, con- taining upwards of 20 jier cent, of clay, yield hydraulic cements, without any admixtures after burning. Their comi)Osition varies, and also the ])rocess of their hardening ; the latter, however, depends princij)al]y upon the formation of calcium and aluminium silicates. Calcium Peroxide, Ca02, is precipitated as a hydrate in crystalline leaflets, if lime-water be added to a solution of hydrogen jjeroxide. It contains eight molecules of water, which it gradually loses in dry air. The halogen derivatives of calcium, like those of other metals, are })repared by the solution of the oxide or carbonate in the aqueous haloid acids. They are formed also by the direct union of calcium with the halogens; this occurs with evolution of flame. Technically, calcium chloride is often obtained as a by-product, e. g., in the preparation of ammonia (see Soda). Calcium Chloride, CaCl2, crystallizes from aqueous solution with six molecules of water, in large, transparent, six-sided prisms, which deli- quesce in the air. In vacuo it loses four molecules of water. When heated, it melts in its water of crystallization, loses water, but it is only after it has been exposed above 200° that it becomes anhydrous; then it is a white, porous mass. The dry salt melts at 806°, and solidifies on cooling to a crystalline mass, which attracts water energetically, and may be employed in the drying of gases and liquids. The dry calcium chlo- ride also absorbs ammonia, forming the compound CaCl2 . 8NH3. The crystallized hydrous salt dissolves in water with reduction of temperature; by mixing with snow or ice the temperature is lowered to ^ — ^_48°. Upon fusing the dry chloride in moist air it will partly decompose into the oxide and hydrogen chloride. Calcium bromide and iodide are very similar to the chloride. Calcium Fluoride, CaFl.^, occurs in nature as fluorite, in large cubes or octahedra, or even in compact masses. It is often discolored by im- ])urities. It is found, in sparing quantities, in the ashes of idants, bones, and the enamel of the teeth. A soluble fluoride added to the solution of calcium chloride throws down insoluble calcium fluoride as a white vol- uminous ])recii)itate. If, however, the calcium cldoride solution be poured into a boiling dilute solution of potassium fluoride, the calcium fluoride is obtained in little transparent crystals. 'I'he fluoride is jierfectly insoluble in water, and is only decomposed by CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE. 303 Strong acids. It fuses easily at a red heat, serving, therefore, as a flux in the smelting of ores. When heated it phosphoresces. Calcium Hypochlorite, Ca(C10)2, is not known in a pure condi- tion. The so-called bleaching lime or chloride of lime, obtained by con- ducting chlorine, at ordinary temperatures, over slaked lime, contains calcium hypochlorite as the active principle. According to analogy to the action of chlorine upon potassium or sodium hydroxide (p. 278), the reaction in the case of calcium hydroxide may be expressed by the following equation : 2 Ca(OH )2 + 2 CI 2 = Ca(C10)2 -f- CaCq -f 2 H 2 O. This would incline us to regard chloride of lime as a mixture of cal- cium hypochlorite, calcium chloride, and water. In accordance with the equation, the completely chlorinated chloride of lime must contain 48.9 per cent, of chlorine, which is never the case, because a portion of the calcium hydroxide invariably remains unaltered. Calcium chloride does not exist free in bleaching lime, because it is not withdrawn from the latter by alcohol, and nearly all the chlorine of the bleaching lime can be expelled by carbon dioxide. It is therefore probable that the Cl compound, Cahate with carbon. It dissolves in water, with decomjiosition into hydroxide and hydrosulphide. RECOGNITION OF THE COMPOUNDS OF THE ALKALINE EARTHS. The carbonates and phosphates of this group are insoluble in water; hence are precipitated from the aqueous solutions of their salts upon the addition of soluble carbonates and phosphates (of the alkalies). The sulphates are also sparingly soluble in acids; for this reason they are thrown down from acid solutions l^y soluble sulphates or free sulf)huric acid; the precipitation is complete, even with calcium, if alcohol be added to the solution, d'he hydroxides of the alkaline earths, which are more or less soluble in water, are only precipitated by sodium or potas- sium hydroxide from concentrated solutions. In solutions of barium salts hydrofluosilicic acid produces a crystalline y^reciju'tate of barium silicofluoride, BaSiFlg, and potassium chromate one of barium chromate, BaCrO,. Koblrausch and Rose determined, by means of the electric conductivity of solutions, the solubility of many of the salts which have been mentioned — the so-called insoluble salts. They found that a liter of water at 15° dissolved o. i mg. of silver iodide ; 0.4 mg. of silver bromide ; 0.5 mg. of mercuric iodide ; 1.7 mg. of silver chloride ; 3.1 mg. of mer- curous chloride ; 2.6 mg. of barium sulphate ; 107 mg. of strontium sulphate ; 2070 mg. of calcium sulphate ; 13 mg. of calcium carbonate ; 24 mg. of barium carbonate ; 3.8 mg. of barfum chromate; 0.2 mg. of lead chromate; 9 mg. of magnesium hydroxide. See Z. f. anorg. Ch. 5 (1894), 237. The flame colorations produced by the volatile compounds are very characteristic; calcium salts impart a reddish-yellow color; strontium, an intense crimson ; barium, a yellowish-green. The spectrum of calcium exhibits several yellow and orange lines, and in addition, a green and a violet line (see the Spectrum Table); that of strontium contains, besides several red lines, an orange and a blue, which are less distinct but very characteristic. Finally, the barium spectrum consists of several orange, yellow, and green lines, of which a bright green is particular! \ prominent. DIAMMONIUM COMPOUNDS. Tlie .same relation which ammonia sustains to the univalent alkali metals (p. 296), hvtirazine or dianiide, N^II^ (pp. 125, 131 ), discovered by Curtins, bears to the bivalent alkaline earth metals. Diamide, however, does not always act as a di-acid base, which might be inferred from what has been said, for in its most stable derivatives it is as mon- acid as ammonia. It may be assumed that the di-acid compounds contain the bivalent II radical diainnioniiiin, 1^2* counterpart of the radical ammonium, and that they DIAMMONIUM COMPOUNDS. 3II accordingly arrange themselves with the salts of barium, strontium and calcium. The similarity of diammonium to the alkaline earth metals is shown also in the difficult solu- bility of the sulphate and by its inability to form alums. Again, diamide manifests properties allying it with the alkali metals. Its hydrate, N.^H^ . 11.^0 = N.^IIgOIl, generally behaves like a mon-acid base. Its chloride, N2HgCl,^, breaks down below 100° into hydrochloric acid and the chloride N.^HgCl, which does not yield any more hydrochloric acid unless destroyed by heating. The hydrate N2H4 . - 2H2O = N2Hg(OH)2 is only stable in aqueous solution and upon evaporation changes to N2ll4. H2O = N2II5OM, boiling without decomposition. It forms but one nitrate of the composition N2H4.HN0.4, but one sulphocyanide N2II4.HCNS, and but one diam- monium nitride, N2H4 . N3H. It would therefore appear that both the bivalent radical N2Hg and the univalent radical NjHg are present in the compounds of diamide, and further that those containing the radical N2H5 are the more stable derivatives. f OH Dihydrate. N2H5OH Mono-hydrate. Unstable Diammonium Compounds. Dichloride. Di-iodide. Stable Diammonium Compounds. N2H5CI N2H5I Mono-chloride. Mono-iodide. N.HgNOg. Nitrate. N 2 HgS 04 . Sulphate. (N 2 Hg) 2 S 04 Semi-sulphate. The hydrazine .salts generally crystallize well. Their great reducing power is one of their characteristics. They precipitate metallic silver from ammoniacal silver solutions ; cuprous oxide and metallic copper from alkaline copper solutions (Fehling’s solution), and gold from acid solutions of gold chloride (distinction from hydroxylamine). The hydra- zine salts are very poisonous. With care nitrous acid will liberate hydrazoic acid from them : N2H4 + HNO2 = N3H -f 2H2O, otherwise nitrogen. The addition of copper sulphate to the solutions of hydrazine salts causes the separation of a sparingly soluble double salt CUSO4 . (N2H-).2S04 ; this can be used to separate hydrazine from its solutions and from mixtures. The corresponding double salt.s, with the salts of nickel, cobalt, iron, manganese, cadmium and zinc, are also soluble with difficulty and are anhydrous. P'or the detection by means of benzaldehyde (benzalazine, m. p. 93°) see Organic Chemistry. Consult Curtius and Schrader, Jr. prakt. Ch. 50 (1894), 31 1. II Diammonium Sulphate, N2II4.II2SO4 = (N2Hg)S04, can be made by treating solutions of all the other hydrazine salts with sulphuric acid. It consist of vitreous plates, which are soluble in about 33 parts of water at 20°. They deflagrate when quickly heated. II Diammonium Chloride, N2II4. 2IICI = (N2Hg)Cl2, obtained by transposing the sulphate with barium chloride, forms large, vitreous octahedra. It is very soluble in water. It melts with decomposition at about 200°. At 100° it passes gradually into monohydrate. I Hydrazine Hydrate, (diammonium monohydrate), N2II4. = (N2ll5)OII, can be obtained by distilling hydrazine sulphate with caustic potash. It is a strongly refract- ing, not very mobile liquid, which fumes in the air and boils at 118.5° under 739.5 mm. pres.sure. It has a faint odor, not reminding one of ammonia, has a caustic taste, is hygro-scojjic and attracts carbon dioxide from the air. Below — 40° it solidifies to a leafy crystalline mass. Its specific gravity equals 1.03 at 21°. It sinks in water and only mixes with it after some time. It can be preserved in a pure condition and in con- centrated solution. Dilute aqueous .solutions decompose completely in (he course of time. Its .solution and its vapors color red litmus blue. It breaks dowm (from its vapor density) at 171° and 760 mm. jire.ssure into hydrazine and water, but on the other hand it vaporizes in a vacuum at 100° without decomposition. It has a powerful reducing 312 INORGANIC CHKMISTKY. action upon many oxides ; with cliromic acid and mercuric oxide it causes explosion. Nothing delinite is known as to its chemical constitution. [See Curtins and .Schul/, Jr. j)rakt. Ch. 42 (1890), 521 ; Curtins and Schrader, ibid. 50 (1894), 318J. Upon distill- ing the hydrate with barium oxide under reduced pressure the diamide boiling only at lower, is set free. It fumes strongly in the air and is combustible. I Diammonium Monochloride, NjH^. HCl _ (N.^Il5)Cl, results when the dichloride is heated. It crystallizes in long white needles, melting at 89°. It is very soluble in water. I Diammonium Semisulphate, ( N^I I^).^ . I I.^SD^ — (N^n.),^SO,, is formed ui)on neutralizing hydrazine hydrate with sulphuric acid. It crystallizes in large, delicjuesccnt plates, melting at 85°. Another reTnarkable body is the Diammonium Nitride, N5II5 — N,^lI^.N3ll = (N2ll5)N.j, prepared by Curtins from ammonium nitride and hydrazine hydrate. It is the II ammonium salt of hydrazoic acid. 'I'he other salt, Ngl 1^, = K^If^ . fN^II).^ = (N^I I,.)(N.j)2, corresponding to the dichloride described above, could not be obtained. Diaminonium nitride (diaminonium monazide, if the salts of hydrazoic acid are designated azides) con- sists of large, vitreous prisms, melting at about 50°, deliijuescing in the air and volatiliz- ing at the ordinary temperature, but more readily with acpieous and alcoholic vapors, d'he salt dissolves with difficulty in alcohol. When ignited it burns cpiietly with a yellow flame, without smoke and without residue. If heated rapidly in the air, by contact with a wire raised to a white heat by ignition with detonating metallic azides or fulminating mercury, a powerful explosion will take place even if the salt has deliquesced [Ber. 24 (1891), 3348 ; see also Ammonium Nitride, p. 298.] 2. METALS OF THE MAGNESIUM GROUP. Id' this group are usually included beryllium, magnesium, zinc, and cadmium. However, these metals do not exhibit complete analogy, as is clearly seen from their position in the periodic system (p. 300). Beryl- lium shows the greatest variations. It approaches aluminium, while mag- nesium resembles not only zinc and cadmium, but also the alkaline earth metals, calcium, strontium, and barium. Its similarity to the latter is expressed by the basic nature of its oxide, whereas it resembles zinc and cadmium mainly in isomorphism of compounds. Beryllium and magnesium bear the same relations to calcium, stron- tium, and barium, as lithium and sodium bear to the metals of the potas- sium grou]:). The alkaline character of the alkaline earth metals gradually diminishes from barium to calcium, and becomes almost nothing in magnesium and beryllium, which possess the lowest atomic weights (see p. 300). Mag- nesium and beryllium are scarcely capable of decomposing water, even at l)oiling temperatures. Their oxides and hydroxides are almost insoluble in it ; the hydroxides decompose, on gentle ignition, into oxides and water. 'I'lieir carbonates are very unstable; their chlorides, too, suffer a partial decom])osition into oxide and liN’drogen chloride, even on drying, d'lie solubility of the sulphates of magnesium and beryllium further dis- tinguishes them from the metals of the alkaline earth group. MAGNESIUM. 3^3 The specific properties of beryllium and magnesium are maintained in zinc and cadmium, which constitute a natural group with the former. Zinc and cadmium do not decompose water at a boiling heat; their hydroxides are insoluble in it, and are not very stable; their carbonates and chlorides easily undergo decomposition; their sulphates are readily soluble in water. The similarity is further expressed by the isomorphism of most of their compounds. 'I'hus, magnesium and zinc sulphates'crys- tallize with seven molecules of water, in perfectly similar forms. If the solution of a mixture of both salts be allowed to crystallize, we get crystals with variable quantities of zinc and magnesium : the formation of such tsomorphous mixtures in ad libitu 7 n proportions is a characteristic indica- tion of the isomorphism of compounds chemically similar (p. 255). The difference between beryllium and magnesium upon the one side, and zinc and cadmium on the other, is shown distinctly in their specific gravities. While the first two elements possess a low specific gravity (Be 1.8, Mg 1.74), zinc and cadmium (with specific gravities of 7.1 and 8.6) belong to the so-called heavy metals (see p. 252). The difference in specific gravity determines, also, many differences in chemical character. The light metals (especially the alkalies and alkaline earths) form rather unstable sulphides, readily soluble in water, while the sulphides of zinc and cadmium, like those of all heavy metals, are insolu- ble in water, and usually in dilute acids; hence magnesium and beryl- lium are not, while zinc and cadmium are, precipitated by hydrogen sul- phide or alkaline sulphides as sulphides from solutions of their salts. Further, the oxides of the light metals are very stable, and are only reduced by ignition with carbon if they are readily fusible (like potassium and sodium oxides); the heavy metals, on the other hand, are easily separ- ated from their oxides by carbon. Zinc and cadmium oxides are reduced by carbon, while those of magnesium and beryllium are not altered. 1. MAGNESIUM. Mg = 24.36. Magnesium is very abundant in nature, and almost always accompanies calcium in its compounds. As carbonate, it occurs in compact masses, as magnesite, etc. Dolomite, which forms entire mountains, is an iso- morphous mixture of calcium and magnesium carbonates. Magnesium is also present in most of the natural silicates; its soluble salts are con- tained in almost all natural waters. In conjunction with the alkali salts they constitute the most important salts of the Stassfurt beds (see p. 276). Metallic magnesium may be obtained by the electrolysis of the chloride (Bunsen, 1852) or by heating the same with sodium (Bussy, 1830). It is more easily prepared by heating the double chloride of magnesium and sodium with metallic sodium and fluorspar, the latter serving merely as a flux : MgCb.XaCl -f- 2Na = 3NaCl 4 Mg. 27 3^4 INORGANIC CHKMlh'I'RV. At present magnesium is ol)tained in large (luantities by the electrol- ysis of fused carnallite [see Dammer, Chemische 'Fechnologie, Ikl. ii, (1895)]- Magnesium is a brilliant, almost silver-white metal, of specific gravity 1.74. It is tenacious and ductile, and when heated may be converted into wire and rolled out into thin ribbons. It melts at about 700°, and distils at a bright-red heat. At ordinary temperatures, it scarcely oxidizes in the air; it burns, wlien heated, with an extremely intense white light, owing to the glowing non-volatile magnesium oxide. Magnesium light is rich in chemically active rays, and, for this reason, it is employed in photograi)hy for artificial illumination. Its alloy with zinc is generally em})loycd as a substitute for pure magnesium, as it burns with an equally bright light. Its intense light has led to its use in pyrotechny. Boiling water is very slowly decom])osed by magnesium. It dissolves easily in dilute acids, forming salts; the alkalies do not attack it. Many metallic oxides and acids when heated with magnesium powder lose their oxygen and are reduced by it (see p. 237). Magnesium Oxide, MgO, or ;/n 7 ^i^;/esia, formed by the combustion of magnesium, is ordinarily obtained by the ignition of the hydroxide or the carbonate (^Magnesia iista). It is a white, very voluminous, amor- phous powder, which finds apjdication in medicine, d'he feebly ignited magnesia combines with water, with slight generation of heat, to produce magnesium hydroxide. In Stassfurt the magnesium chloride liciuors, produced in the prepara- tion of potassium chloride, are utilized in j^roducing a very good mag- nesia, which is used in the manufacture of fire-brick or fire-clay (p. 276). At high temperatures magnesia conducts electricity and it can be made to glow and become luminous by the current. If, therefore, little thin cylinders of magnesia are heated until they reach the point of conductivity they will answer for the production of the electric light (Nernst). Magnesium Hydroxide, Mg(OH)2, is precipitated from solutions of magnesium salts by potassium or sodium hydroxide as a gelatinous mass. Dried at 100° it is a white amorphous powder. It is almost in- soluble in water and alkalies; moist red litmus-paper is, however, colored blue. Ammonium salts dissolve it quite easily, forming soluble double salts. Magnesium hydroxide attracts carbon dioxide from the air and forms magnesium carbonate. It yields the oxide and water when gently ignited. Magnesium Chloride, MgCl2, is present in traces in many mineral s])rings. It may be prepared by the solution of the carbonate or oxide in hydrochloric acid ; in large quantities it is obtained as a by-])roduct in the technical ])roduction of potassium chloride. When its solution is evaporated the salt crystallizes out with six molecules of water in deli- quescent crystals, isomori)hous with calcium chloride. When these are heated they give up water, and there occurs at the same time a partial decomj)osition of the chloride into oxide and hydrogen chloride: MgC:i2 1 11,0 MgO 4- 2IIC1. MAGNESIUM SULPHATE. 315 As magnesium chloride is produced in large quantities in various technical processes, repeated efforts liave been made to utilize the above reaction for the preparation of hydro- chloric acid, by conducting steam over heated magnesium chloride. Lately the liquors have been evaporated and the magnesium chloride dehydrated, whereby it breaks down in part into hydrochloric acid and magnesium oxide. When the residual magnesium oxychloride is heated in an air current, magnesia and chlorine are produced (Weldon-Pechiney ; see p. 50). To get anhydrous magnesium chloride, ammonium chloride is added to the solution of the former. The double salt, MgCl2.NH^Cl -|- 6H2O, is formed. When this is heated it first loses water, and at 460° throws off ammonium chloride, leaving anhydrous magnesium chloride. The latter can also be obtained by heating the hydrated salt in a current of hydrochloric acid. This is a leafy, crystalline mass, which fuses at 708°, and distils undecomposed at a red heat; it is very deliquescent in the air. Double salts, similar to the above, are also formed from potassium and calcium chloride. The potassium double salt, MgCl2.KCl -f- 6H2O, occurs in considerable deposits as carnallite at Stassfurt (p. 276). Magnesium Sulphate, MgSO^, is found in sea-water and in many mineral springs. With more or less water it is kieserite^ which abounds extensively at Stassfurt. At ordinary temperatures it crystallizes with seven molecules of water, MgSO^ -j- 7H2O, in four-sided rhombic prisms, readily soluble in water (at 0° in 2 parts of w’ater). It has a bitter, salt-like taste, and serves as an aperient. It crystallizes with six molecules of water 'from solutions heated to 70°; at 0°, however, it has twelve molecules. When heated to 150° these hydrates lose all their water of crystallization, excepting one molecule, which escapes above 200°. One molecule of water, in magnesium sulphate, is, therefore, more closely combined than the rest. Many other salts containing water deport themselves similarly. The more intimately combined water is termed water of constitution. Magnesium sulphate forms double salts with potassium and ammonium sulphates, which crystallize with six molecules of water in monoclinic prisms, e. g : MgSO,.K2SO, 4- 6H2O. The sulphates of zinc and several other metals, e. g., iron, cobalt, and nickel, in their bivalent forms, are very similar to magnesium sulphate. Their sulphates crystallize with seven molecules of water, and are isomorphous. They form double salts with potassium and ammonium sulphates ; these crystallize with six molecules of water, and are iso- morphous, e. g. : ZnSO, + 7H2O ZnSO, . + 6H2O. FeSO^ -b 7H2O FeSO^. K2SCh -f 6 Uf. The constitution of these double salts may be viewed in the same way as that of potas- sium-sodium sulphate, or of mixed salts of polybasic acids. We may suppose that in the given instance the bivalent metal unites two molecules of sulphuric acid : II ^04/Mg -f 6 H 20 . Magnesium Phosphates. — The tertiary phosphate Mg,(POJ2> accompanies the tertiary calcium phosphate in small quantities in bones INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 316 and in plant ashes. The secondary phosphate, MgHPO^ -|- is precipitated from the soluble magnesium salts, by disodium phosphate (NajHPO^) as a salt dissolving with difficulty in water, in the pres- ence of ammonia and ammonium salts, magnesium-ammonium phosphate , MgNH^PO^ -f- ^H/), is precipitated as a crystalline powder insoluble in water. This double salt is found in guano, forms in the decay of urine, and is sometimes the cause of the formation of calculi. The primary salt, MgHj(PO^)2, has not been obtained. The magnesium salts of arsenic acid, H^AsO^, are very similar to those of phosphoric acid. Magnesium-ammonium arseniate, MgNH^AsO^ -f- 6H2O, is likewise almost insoluble in water. Magnesium Carbonate, MgCO,, occurs in nature as magnesite, crystallized in rhombohedra ( isomorphous with calcite), or more often in compact masses. Combined with calcium carbonate, it forms dolo- mite, to which, when pure, is ascribed the formula, CaCO^.MgCOg; however, it usually contains an excess of calcium carbonate. On adding sodium or potassium carbonate to the acpieous solution of a magnesium salt, some carbon dioxide escapes, and a white precipitate forms, which consists of a mixture of magnesium carbonate and hydroxide. If the precipitate be dried at low temperature, we obtain a white, voluminous powder, whose composition generally corresponds to the formula Mg(OH)2. 3MgC03 -f- 4H,^0. 'Phis salt is em[)loyed under the name Magnesia alba in medicine. If it be suspended in water, and carbon dioxide passed through it, the salt will dissolve, and upon standing exposed to the air, crystals of neutral cai'bonate, MgCOg 3^2^? sepa- rate. When these are boiled with water they give up carbon dioxide and are again converted into the basic carbonate. The naturally occur- ring magnesite sustains no change when boiled with water, and it is only when it is heated above 300° that it decomposes into magnesium oxide and carbon dioxide. Freshly prepared magnesium carbonate dissolves in acid alkaline car- bonates and crystallizes from them as 4MgC03 -{- 15H2O. Magnesium carbonate yields isomorphous double salts, with potassium carbonate and ammonium carbonate ; e. g., MgC03.K2C03 -f- 4H2O. Of the silicates of magnesium, we may mention olivine (Mg2SiO^), serpentine (Mg3Si207 -f" 2H2O), talc (Mg^Si^O^j -f- H2O), sepiolite or meerschaum (Mg2Si30g -f- 2H2O). The mixed silicates of magnesium and calcium are very numerous; to these belong asbestos, the augites and horn-blendes. Magnesium Nitride, Mg.^Nj (pp. 116, 124, 126), is a light, porous, yellow-colored mass. liriegleb and (ieuther found that it was produced when magnesium was heated in a current of ammonia : Mg3 t 2NIl3 = Mg3N, -f 3lb. It is also obtained pure when magnesium is heated in nitrogen. When introduced into water, the latter is made to boil and large volumes of ammonia escape [see Pasch- kowezky, Jr. prakt. Ch, 47 (1893), 89]. BERYLLIUM. 317 Recognition of Magnesium Compounds. — The fixed alkaline hy- droxides precipitate magnesium hydroxide from soluble magnesium salts; the carbonates throw down basic magnesium carbonate. The precipitates are insoluble in pure water and the alkalies, but dissolve readily in solu- tions of ammonium salts. In the presence of the latter, neither the alka- line hydroxides nor carbonates cause precipitation. In the presence of ammonia and ammonium chloride, disodium phosphate precipitates mag- nesium-ammonium phosphate, MgNH^PO^ insoluble in water. 2. BERYLLIUM. Be = 9.1. Among the metals of the second group beryllium occupies a position similar to that of lithium in the first group (pp. 272, 299) ; in both elements, which have the lowest atomic weight in their group, the specific group character is considerably diminished, or does not find expression. As lithium attaches itself in many respects to magnesium, so does beryl- lium approach aluminium. Like the latter, it is scarcely at all attacked by nitric acid, but dissolves easily in sodium or potassium hydroxide, with elimination of hydrogen. Like aluminium oxide, that of beryllium dissolves in the alkalies, and is almost invariably accompanied by the former in its natural compounds. However, beryllium, in most of its compounds, stands nearer to magnesium than to aluminium. The determination of the vapor density of beryllium chloride (see below) and of certain organic derivatives has finally established the atomic weight and the valence of this element. Beryllium is not very abundant in nature and is found principally in beryl, a double silicate of aluminium and beryllium, Al2Be3(Si03)(,. Emerald has the same composi- tion, and is only colored green by a slight amount of chromium oxide. It was in these minerals that V auquelin discovered beryllium in 1797. It is also present in leucophane (a silicate), together with aluminium, fluorine and sodium ; and in gado- linite (a silicate) with ferrous oxide, yttrium, cerium, lanthanum, and other rare earths. Metallic beryllium is obtained by the ignition of the chloride, or better, potassium beryl- lium chloride (or potassium beryllium fluoride, BeFl2.2KFl), with sodium, and by the electrolysis of BeFlg. KFl. It is a white, ductile metal, of specific gravity 1.8. Its specific heat at the ordinary temperature equals 0.408 ; the atomic heat is, therefore, 3.7 (p. 254). It does not decompose water, even upon boiling. It does not oxidize in the air at ordinary temperatures. When finely divided and heated it will burn in the air with a very bright light. It is readily dissolved by dilute hydrochloric and sulphuric acids ; also by potassium and sodium hydroxides. Beryllium Chloride, BeCl2, is obtained, like aluminium chloride, by the ignition of a mixture of beryllium oxide and carbon in a stream of chlorine. It sublimes in shin- ing needles, which deliquesce in the air. Its vapor density corresponds to the molecular formula BeCl2 == 79.9 (Nilson). Pure beryllium chloride dissolves in water, forming a colorless solution, from which it crystallizes with four molecules of water; upon drying it suffers a decomposition similar to that of magnesium chloride. The salts of beryllium have a sweet taste, hence it has been called glticinwn. Ammonium hydroxide precipitates a white, gelatinous beryllium hydroxide, Be(OH)2, from solutions of the soluble salts. This dissolves readily in sodium and potassium hydroxide, and in a mixture of ammonia and ammonium carbonate, but on boiling, sepa- rates again from solution. When heated, the hydroxide breaks down into water and beryllium oxide, Bef), which is a white, amorjflious powder, of specific gravity 2.96. Beryllium Sulphate, BeSO^, crystallizes from water at various temperatures, with four or seven molecules of water ; it contains two molecules at 105°, and is anhydrous at INORGANIC CIIKMIS'I'RY. 318 250-260°, It docs not crystallize with inagiicsiuin siilpliatc in an isoinorphous niixlnrc. d'he double salt, HeSO^. K.^St >4 -)- 2ll2<), docs not dissolve readily in water. Compare Kruss and Moraht, Her. 23 (1890), 727, and Ann. Chein. 262 (1891), 38. ;j. ZINC. Zn 65.4. The natural compounds of the heavy metals liave generally a high spe- cific gravity, frequently jiossess metallic luster, usually occur in the older crystalline rocks in veins, and are termed ores. The most important zinc ores are the carbonate, ZnCO,, the silicate, and sphalerite or blende, ZnS. The iirincipal sources of these ores are in vSilesia, hingland, Belgium, Poland, the United ^States, Prance, and Spain. To get the metal the carbonate or sulphide is converted into oxide by roasting it in the air; the product is then mixed with carbon and ignited in cylindrical clay tubes. In this manner the oxide is reduced : ZnO -L C — Zn CO, and the liberated zinc distilled off. The receivers contain the fused, compact zinc and a gray, pulverulent mass, called zinc-dust, which con- sists of a mixture of zinc oxide with finely divided metal. This material is used in laboratories as a strong reducing agent. See Mylius and Fromm on the purification of zinc, Z. f. anorg. Ch. g (1895), 144. Metallic zinc has a bluish-white color, and exhibits rough, crystalline fracture; its specific gravity equals 7-7. i . At ordinary temperatures it is brittle and can be pulverized; at 100-150° it is malleable and can be rolled into thin leaves and drawn out into wire. At 200° it becomes brittle again and may be easily broken. It melts at 420° and distils at about 950°. It becomes coated with a thin layer of basic carbonate in moist air. Heated in the air it burns to zinc oxide with a very intense, bluish-white light. Compact zinc will only decompose water at a red heat ; zinc-dust, however, acts at ordinary temperatures. Perfectly pure zinc is only slowly attacked by dilute acids at the ordinary temperature; it dissolves by boiling with potassium or sodium hydroxide, as well as ammonia, with liberation of hydrogen : Zn 4- 2NaOII = Zn(ONa)2 + Hj. Owing to its slight alteration in the air zinc meets with extensive appli- cation as sheet-zinc for coating statues and in architectural adornment, and in galvanizing sheet-iron. It also forms an important constituent of many valuable alloys, such as brass and argentan (see these). Zinc Hydroxide, ZnfOH)^, is preci])itated as a white, amorphous powder, from acpieous solutions of zinc salts, by alkalies, and is soluble in excess of the reagent. When heated it deconq)oses into water and zinc oxide. Zinc Oxide, ZnO, is usuallv jirepared by igniting the precipitated basic carbonate, and, as zinc iviiile, is employed as a stable white ])aint. 'I'he oxide obtained by burning the metal is a white, voluminous, floccu- 2INC. 3^9 lent mass, called Flores zi/ici, or Lana philosopJiica. When zinc oxide is heated it acquires a yellow color, which disappears on cooling. Zinc oxide occurs in nature as zincite^ colored by impurities. Zinc Chloride, ZnCl2 {Zincutn chloratiini), anhydrous, is obtained by heating zinc in a stream of chlorine, by the evaporation of the solution of zinc in hydrochloric acid, and by the distillation of zinc sulphate with calcium chloride. It forms a white, deliquescent mass, which fuses when heated and distils at about 730°. Molten zinc chloride is a transparent, very mobile, strongly refracting liquid, attracting moisture more readily than phosphoric anhydride [Lorenz, Z. f. anorg. Ch. 10 (1895), 82]. It crystallizes from concentrated hydrochloric acid solution with one mole- cule of water in deliquescent octahedra. When the aqueous solution of zinc chloride is evaporated it partly decomposes (like magnesium chlo- ride) into zinc oxide and hydrochloric acid. When the concentrated zinc chloride is mixed with zinc oxide, a plastic mass is obtained, which hardens rapidly; a mixture of magnesium chloride and oxide does the same. In both instances the hardening depends upon the formation of Cl . . basic oxychlorides, e. g., Zn/xeX(x', beautiful black); it is not surely known what chemical change occurs heie. The vapor density of calomel vapors at 400° (first determined by Mitscherlich, and con- firmed by Deville and Troost, Rieth and (Idling) is 235 (< >2 = 32) ; which corresponds to the formula HgCl. As formerly supposed, and as recently demonstrated by V. Meyer and Harris in opposition to Fileti, calomel breaks down completely into mercury and mercuric chloride [Her. 28 (1895), 364]. This mixture has the same vapor density that undecomposed calomel would show : iigci + Hgci = ng+ iigcb- I vol. I vol. I vol. I vol. The question, whether the mercurous compounds contain one or two atoms of mer- cury, whether, for exam[)le, the formula Hg.^CI.^ or llgCl properly belongs to calomel, can, therefore, not be decided by the determination of its vapor density alone. It must also be ascertained of what the vapor consists — and this proof free from objection has not yet been given. From electro-chemical experiments and from the analogy to cuprous and silver chlorides it would seem very probable that mercurous chloride has the simple formula HgCl [Z. f. anorg. C h. 9 (18951, 442]. Mercurous Nitride, Ngllg or Hg.2(N3l2, is formed by adding mercurous nitrate to solutions of hydrazoic acid or its alkali salts. It is insoluble in water. It consists of microcrystalline needles, becoming yellow in the light and blackened by ammonia, just like calomel. When heated or struck it explodes with great violence. Its separation into its elements is accompanied with a brilliant blue light (p. 312). Mercurous Iodide, Hgl or Hg2l2» is prepared by rubbing together 8 parts of mercury with 5 parts of iodine, or by precipitating mercurous nitrate with potassium iodide. It is a yellowish-green powder, insoluble in water and in alcohol. Light changes it to mercuric iotiide and mercury. Aqueous solutions of potassium iodide have the same effect. Mercurous Oxide, Hg^O, is a black mass, and is formed by the action of potassium or sodium hydroxide upon mercurous salts. In the light or at 100° it decomposes into mercuric oxide and mercury. Mercurous Nitrate, HgNOg or Hg2(N03\, is produced by allowing dilute nitric acid to act upon excess of mercury in the cold. It crystal- lizes with one molecule of water in large monoclinic tables. It dissolves readily in water acidulated with nitric acid ; pure water partly decom- poses it with the separation of a yellow basic salt of the composition „ OH The nitric acid solution of mercurous nitrate oxidizes when exposed to the air, and gradually becomes mercuric nitrate; this may be jirevented by adding metallic mercury to the solution, whereby the resultant mer- curic salt is again changed to the mercurous state: Hg.N03)2 f Ilg = Hg,(N03). MERCURIC COMPOUNDS. 325 Mercurous Sulphate, Hg2(SOJ, results when an excess of mercury is heated gently with concentrated sulphuric acid ; it separates as a crystal- line precipitate, difficultly soluble in water, if sulphuric acid be added to a mercurous nitrate solution. It fuses upon ap})lication of heat, and de- composes into sulphur dioxide, oxygen and mercury. Mercurous Sulphide, HggS, is not definitely known. A black com- pound is produced in dilute solutions of mercurous nitrate by hydrogen sulphide or alkaline sulphides. It contains mercury and mercuric sul- phide : Hg^S =: Hg + HgS. MERCURIC COMPOUNDS. Mercuric Chloride, HgClj, corrosive sublimate (^Hydrargyrum bichlo- ratum), is produced when mercuric oxide is dissolved in hydrochloricacid, or metallic mercury in aqua regia. It is obtained on a large scale by the sublimation of a mixture of mercuric sulphate with sodium chloride: HgSO, + 2 NaCl = HgCb + Na^SO,. It crystallizes from water in rhombic prisms, and dissolves at medium temperatures in 15 parts of water, at 100° in 2 parts; it is still more soluble in alcohol. Its specific gravity is 5.4. It fuses at 265° and boils at 307°, Its critical pressure is about 420 mm. (p. 229). The vai)or density corresponds to the molecular formula HgClj (= 271.2). Reducing substances, like sulphur di'«.y. Compounds of the bivalent form AgXj are not known for silver. If, however, the mercurous and cuprous compounds are expressed by double formulas (pp. 322, 332) : CuCl Cu, llgCl Hg, 1 I )0 and I I )0 CuCl Cu-^ HgCl Hg/ which view is supported by their chemical deportment, and is experimentally confirmed in the case of cuprous chloride by its vapor density ; those of silver might be represented by analogous formulas : AgCl I AgCl Ag\ I )o AgNOa AgN 03 . Then the silver atom would be bivalent and a complete parallelism would be estab- lished with copper. In support of this view there exists the fact that when the silver halides are dissolved in pyridine, methyl sulphide, etc., the colligative properties of their solvents are influenced as if halide molecules possessing the formulas Ag2Cl2, Ag2- Br2, Ag2l2, and possibly in part higher formulas, were present. See pp. 268, 332. The chemical formulas of solid bodies do not generally designate their true molecular values as in the case of gases, but only their simplest atomic composition. It is very probable that even the simplest chemical compounds, e. g.^ potassium chloride and silver chloride, consist in their solid condition of complex molecules corresponding to the formulas (KCl)n, (AgCl)ni. An argument supporting this view is afforded by the existence of different modifications of chloride and bromide of silver ; these differ from each other in their external properties, and their varying susceptibilities to light. The doubling of formulas, as .shown above with CU2CI2, Hg2Cl2, etc., is mainly due to the tendency to deduce all the compounds of an element from a constant value, according to the doctrine of con.stant valence. This is, however, impossible (p. ifp, 322). According to present notions of valence, and as it is presented in the periodic sy.stem, compounds (MeCl, MeCl2, MeCl.j, etc. ) are constituted according to definite forms or types that may materi- ally determine their properties (p. 322). So far as the similarity of metallic compounds is concerned, it is of .secondary importance whether the quantities corresponding to the simple formulas, in the solid or gaseous state, do unite to larger, complex molecules (compare HgCl and CU2CI2, — AICI3, A^CHg).^ and AL^Clf;, GaClj and Ga2Cl^,, — SnCl2, 80201^, PbCl2, etc. ). In case of the se.squioxides Me2G3 it is also immaterial whether they are derived from supposed trivalent elements, or from those that are quadrivalent. The .same may be remarked of the metallic compounds Me30^ ^ { MeO. 0)2Me (see Spinels, 351). The use of simple or of double formulas for the metallic compounds is therefore of no special importance. Silver Chloride, AgCl, exists in nature as horn -silver. When hydro- chloric acid is added to solutions of silver salts, a white, curdy precipitate separates ; the same fuses at 490° to a yellow liquid, which solidifies to a horn-like mass. The chloride is insoluble in dilute acids; it dissolves somewhat in concentrated hydrochloric acid and in sodium chloride, 340 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. very easily in ammonium hydroxide, i)otassium cyanide, and sodium hyposulphite. It crystallizes from ammoniacal solutions in large, regular octahedra. Dry silver chloride absorbs ammonia gas, forming a white compound of the formula 2AgC1.3NH3, which at 38° gives up its ammonia. Silver Bromide, AgBr, is precipitated from silver salts by hydro- bromic acid or soluble bromides. It has a bright yellow color and dis- solves with more difficulty than the chloride in ammonium hydroxide; in other respects it is perfectly similar to the latter. Heated in chlorine gas it is converted into silver chloride. Silver Iodide, Agl, is distinguished from the chloride and bromide by its yellow color, and its insolubility in ammonia, bused silver iodide at first solidifies in isometric crystals, which gradually change to hexag- onal forms, but when the latter are heated to 146°, they suddenly revert to the isometric forms. It dissolves readily in hydriodic acid, to Agl. HI, which, upon evaporation of the solution, separates in shining scales. Heated in chlorine or bromine gas, it is converted into chloride or bromide; conversely, chloride and bromide of silver are converted into silver iodide by the action of hydriodic acid. These opposite reactions are explained by the principle of the greatest evolution of heat. Chlorine and bromine expel iodine from all iodides because the heat of forma- tion of the latter is less than that of the bromides and chlorides. Again, hydriodic acid (gaseous or in aqueous solution) converts silver chloride into the iodide according to the equation : AgCl 4- HI = Agl -f- IlCI, because the heat modulus of the reaction is positive (for gaseous halogen hydrides T12.5 Cal., for the .solution -(-10.6 Cal. See the Table at close of book). Yet it may be noted here that Julius found that silver chloride and iodide were changed to bromide upon heating them in bromine vapor, and further that the chloride and bromide were also changed by iodine vapor into silver iodide, d'his is evidently an example of mass action [Z. f. anal. Ch. (1883) 22, 523; also Blau, Monatsheft 17 (1896), 547]. Sunlight, and also other chemically active rays (magnesium light, phosphorus light) color silver chloride, bromide, and iodide at first violet, then gray-black, whereby they are probably converted into com- pounds of the form Ag^X. Pure silver iodide is rather non-sensitive to light, but exceedingly sensitive if it contains silver nitrate or substances which can take it up (e.g. tannin); on this depends the application of these salts in photography. When silver plates, previously exposed to iodine, bromine or chlorine vapors, and con- sequently covered with a thin layer of a silver halide, are placed in a camera obscura in- visible images are produced. Mercury vapors condense on the spots which were exposed to the light and visible pictures appear (Daguerreotype, 1839). This was the first photo- graj)hic process but it has been replaced by others: (i) Wet collodion process. A glass plate is covered with collodion (a .solution of pyroxylin iii an ethereal solution of alcohol) holding in solution cadmium iodide and ammonium iodide together with about one-fourth j)art of ammonium bromide. After the evaporation of the ether the glass plate is immersed in a solution of silver nitrate, whereby silver iodide and bromide are ])recipitated uj)on the surface. I'he j)late thus prepared is expo.sed to light in the camera obscura, and, after the action, dipi)ed into a .solution of pyrogallic acid or ferrous sul- phate. 'fhese reducing substances separate metallic silver in a finely divided state, which SILVER. 341 is precipitated upon the places where the light has acted and the picture, before invisible, is “ developed.” The plate is now introduced into a solution of potassium cyanide or sodium hyposulphite, which dissolves the silver salts not affected by the light, while the metallic unaltered silver remains (fixing). (2) Broviide-gelati}ie />rocess. The plates are coated with silver bromide, finely distributed in the molten gelatine. When the layers have solidified the dry plates can be preserved for a long time. The action of the light produces silver sub-bromide which is more rapidly reduced by alkaline pyrogallol, hydro- quinone, hydroxylamine, by potassium ferrous oxalate and eikonogen (amido-/?-naphthol- /^-monosulphonate of sodium) than unaltered silver bromide, which in this case is also removed by sodium hyposulphite. The negative thus formed is covered at the places upon which the light shone by a dark layer of silver, while the places corresponding to shadows of the received image are transparent. The copying of the glass negative on paper sensitized with silver nitrate is executed in a similar manner. Silver Nitrate, (A rgenfum nitricmn'), is obtained by dissolving pure silver in dilute nitric acid, and crystallizes from its aqueous solution in large rhombic tables, isomorphous with potassium saltpeter. At ordinary temperatures it is soluble in one-half part of water or in four parts of alcohol, the solution has a neutral reaction, and in this respect differs from the salts of almost all metals, which react acid (p. 330). It fuses at 200°, and solidifies to a crystalline mass. When perfectly pure it is not affected by light. Organic substances turn it black. Silver nitrate is employed for cauterizing wounds {lunar caustic). By dissolving work-silver in nitric acid a mixture of silver and copper nitrates is obtained. To separate the silver salt from such a mixture it is heated to redness, the copper being thus converted into oxide and the unaltered silver nitrate extracted with water. Silver Nitrite, AgN02, is precipitated from concentrated silver nitrate solutions by potassium nitrite. It crystallizes in needles, dissolves with difficulty in water, and decomposes above 90°. Silver Sulphate, Ag.^SO^, is obtained by the solution of silver in hot sulphuric acid, and crystallizes in small rhombic prisms which are difficultly soluble in water. It is isomorphous with anhydrous sodium sulphate. Silver Sulphite, AggSOg, is precipitated as a white, curdy mass, if sulphurous acid be added to the solution of the nitrate. It blackens in the light and decomposes at 100°: 2 Ag 2 S 03 = Ag^SO^ A Ag2 + SO. 2 . Silver Nitride, AgNg, is very similar to silver chloride. It is more stable towards light and when heated or struck explodes with great violence. Angeli claims that it can be readily obtained by adding a saturated aqueous solution of hydrazine sulphate to a concentrated aqueous solution of silver nitrite (Ber. 26 (1893) ill, 885 ; see pp. 132, 324). Silver Sulphide, Ag2S, occurs in regular octahedra, as argentite. Hydrogen sulphide precipitates it as a black amorphous sulphide from silver solutions. By careful ignition in the air it is oxidized to silver sulphate. It is insoluble in water and ammonium hydroxide. Silver Disulphide, Ag2S2, is a dark-brown amoridious powder. It is produced on mixing a .solution of silver nitrate in benzonitrile with one of sulphur in carbon bisulphide. Dilute hydrochloric acid converts it into a mixture of sulphur and silver chloride, with evolution of hydrogen sulphide : I 2IICI = zAgCl -f H2S -]- S. 342 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Silvering. — When silver contains more llian 15 per cent, of copper it has a yellowish color. To impart a pure white color to objects made of such silver they arc healed to redness with of air. 'I'he copper is thus superticially oxidized, and may be removed by dilute sulphuric acid. 'I'he surface of pure silver is then polished. 'I'he silvering of metals and alloys ((German silver, argentan ) is executed in a dry or wet way. In the first, the objects to be silvered are coated with liipiid silver amalgam, with a brush, and then heated in an oven ; the mercury is volatilized, and the silver surface then ]X)lished. At present, the galvanic process has almost comjdetely superseded the other i)rocesses. It depends on the electrolysis of the .solution of the double cyanide of silver and potas- sium (AgCN.KCN), whereby the silver is thrown out at the electro-negative pole and deposits upon the metallic surface in connection with that electrode. 'I'o silver glass, cover it with a mixture of anammoniacal .silver .solution, with reducing organic substances like aldehyde, milk-sugar, and tartaric acid. Under definite condi- tions, the reduced silver deposits upon the as a regular metallic mirror. Recognition of Silver Compounds. — Hydrochloric acid throws down a white, curdy precipitate of silver chloride, which dissolves readily in ammonium hydroxide. Zinc, iron, copper, and mercury throw out metallic silver from solutions of silver salts, and from many insoluble compounds, like the chloride. GOLD. Au = 197.2. Gold {auriini) usually occurs in the native state, and is found dissemi- nated in veins in some of the oldest rocks. Gold sands are formed by the breaking and disintegration of these. It occurs, in slight quantity, in the sand of almost every river. Combined with tellurium it forms sylvan- ite, found in Transylvania and California. It is present in minute quan- tity in most varieties of pyrites and in many lead ores. For the sepa- ration of the gold grains the sand or pulverized rocks are washed with running water, which removes the lighter particles and leaves the specific- ally heavier gold. The method of MacArthur and Forrest has of late found extensive appli- cation in the extraction of gold from its ores. The latter after reduction to a coarse powder and roasting are extracted with potassium cyanide solution. The gold dissolves as potassium aurocyanide and is precipitated with metallic zinc : 2Au + 4KCN + H.p -f O = 2 KAu(CN)., + 2KHO. The following localities are important gold producers: United States, Australia, Russia, South Africa, and the Klondyke in Alaska. Native gold almost invariably contains silver, copper, and various other metals. To remove these, the gold is boiled with nitric or concentrated suliihuric acid. The removal of the silver by the latter acid is only com- I)lete if that metal jiredominates ; in the reverse case a portion of it will remain with the gold. Therefore, to sejiarate pure gold from alloys poor in silver they must first be fused with about three-fourths their weight of GOLD. 343 the latter metal. Gold may be separated from coi)per and lead by cnpel- lation (p. 337). Pure gold is rather soft (almost like lead) and has a specific gravity of 19 32. It is the most ductile of all metals, and may be drawn out into extremely fine wire and beaten into thin leaves, which transmit green light. At about 1060° it meltsto a greenish liquid. It is not altered by oxygen, even upon ignition ; acids do not attack it. It is only in a mix- ture of nitric and hydrochloric acids (aqua regia), which yields free chlorine, that it dissolves to gold chloride, AuClg Free chlorine pro- duces the same. Most metals, and many reducing agents (ferrous sulphate, oxalic acid) precipitate gold from its solution as a dark-brown powder. As gold is very soft it wears away rapidly, and is, therefore, in its prac- tical applications, usually alloyed with silver or copper, which have greater hardness. The alloys with copper have a reddish color, those with silver are paler than pure gold. The German, French, and Ameri- can gold coins contain 90 per cent, of gold and 10 per cent, of copper. A 14-karat gold is generally employed for ornamental objects; this con- tains about 58.3 per cent, of pure gold (24 karats representing pure gold). Gold, according to its atomic weight, belongs to the group of copper and silver; and, on the other hand, forms the transition from platinum to mercury. Its character is determined to a high degree by these double relations (p. 328). Like the other elements of high atomic weight, mer- cury, thallium, lead, and bismuth, belonging to the same series of the pe- riodic system, it varies considerably in character from its lower analogues. Gold, like silver and copper, yields compounds of the form AuX, aurous, analogous to the cuprous and argentous. Besides, it has those of the form AuXg, auric derivatives, in which it is trivalent. These show the typical character of the trivalent combination form, which expresses itself in the acidity of the hydroxides (p. 330); auric hydroxide, Au(OH) 3, unites almost solely with bases. On the other hand, they show many similarities to the highest combination forms of the metals with high atomic weight: platinum (PtXJ, mercury (HgX2), thallium (TIX3), and lead (PbXJ (p. 357). AUROUS COMPOUNDS. Aurous Chloride, AuCl, is produced by heating auric chloride, AuClg, to 180°, and forms a white powder insoluble in water. When ignited, it decomposes into gold and chlorine; cold water decomposes it slowly, more quickly on heating with formation of auric chloride and gold. Aurous Iodide, Aul, separates as a yellow powder, if potassium iodide be added to a solution of auric chloride : AUCI3 + 3KI = Aul T L 4 - 3KCI. When heated it breaks up into gold and iodine. 344 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. When auric oxide or sulpliicle is dissolved in potassium cyanicU', largo colorless prisms of the double cyanide, AuCN.KCN, crystallize out iijx)!! evaporation. The galvanic current and many metals ])recipitate gold from this compound ; hence it serves for the sej)aration of gold from ores and for electrolytic gilding, which, at })rescnt, has almost entirely superseded the gilding in the dry way (see ]). 342). Aurous Oxide, Au^O, is formed by the acticm of potassium hydroxide upon aurous chloride. It is a dark-violet j)owder which at 250° decom- poses into gold and oxygen. It is changed to auric chloride and gold by the action of hydrochloric acid. Only a few double salts of the oxygen derivatives of univalent gold are known. AURIC COMPOUNDS. Auric Chloride, AuClg, results from the action of chlorine upon the metal. It is a lemon-yellow deliquescent mass, which dissolves readily in alcohol and in ether. On evaporating the solution long, yellow-colored needles of the composition HAuCl^. qli/), hydrochlor-auric acid, remain. It forms beautifully crystallized double salts with many metallic chlorides, g., KAuCl^ -}- 2H2O and NH^AuCl^ -f- 2^H20. When a solution of auric chloride is heated with magnesium oxide a brown precipitate is obtained, from which all the magnesia is removed by concentrated nitric acid, leaving Auric Oxide (AiqOg). This is a brown powder which decomposes, near 250°, into gold and oxygen. If the preci})itate con- taining the magnesia be treated, not with concentrated, but with dilute nitric acid, Auric Hydroxide, Au(OH)g, remains as a yellowish-red powder: Both the oxide and hydroxide are insoluble in water and acids; they possess, however, acid properties, and dissolve in alkalies. There- fore the hydroxide is also called auric acid. Its salts, the aurates, are I constituted according to the formula MeAuOg, and are derived from the meta-acid, HAuOg = AuO. OH. Potassium Aurate, KAuOg + 3H2O, crystallizes in bright yellow needles, from a potassium hydroxide solution of auric oxide. These are readily soluble in water ; the solution reacts alkaline. The corresponding aurates are precipitated from this solution by many metallic salts, e. g. ; KAuOg + AgNOg = AgAuO^ + KNOg. The precipitate produced by magnesia in a solution of auric chloride (see above) consists of magnesium aurate, Mg(Au02)2. ’ Oxygen salts of auric oxide are not known. Auric Sulphide, AiqSg, is preci])itated as a blackish-brown com- ]>ound, from gold solutions, by liydrogen sulphide. Its composition is either AiqSg or AU2S2 (mixed with sulphur), depending on the condi- tions prevailing at the time. It dissolves in alkaline sulphides with forma- tion of sulj)ho-salts, which are only derived from Au2S(3. Further heating decomposes the latter into thallous oxide and oxygen. 'The oxide and hydroxide are soluble in hydrochloric, nitric, and sulphuric acids, forming 'I'lCl.^, Tl(NO.j).,, On conducting chlorine through a solution of thallic hydroxide in jiotassium hydroxide, it assumes an violet color, due ju’obably to the formation of the potassium salt of thallic acid, the compo.sition of which is yet unknown. METALS OF THE FOURTH GROUT. 361 METALS OF THE FOURTH GROUP. The elements of group IV in the periodic system (p. 246), Ti = 48. 1 Zr = 90.6 Ce = 140 Th = 282 C = 12.00 Si = 28.4 Ge = 72 Sn =118.5 Pb = 206.9, show the same analogies that were observed with the members of group III (p. 345). Their character is, however, non-metallic ; their deri\ a- tives are chiefly of the types MeX^ and Me02, of which the latter a;e acid (p. 258). The first two elements, carbon and silicon, with low atomic weights, belong to the two small periods and are true metalloids. Their oxides and hydroxides are acid in nature. The first more basic sub-group comprises titanium, zirconium, cerium, and thorium. They constitute the fourth members of the large periods. Their compounds are almost exclusively of the type Me02, similar to the silicon derivatives, and are usually discussed (with the exception of cerium) with the metalloids after silicon (pp. 238, 355). The other sub-group consists of more electro- negative heavy metals : germanium, tin, and lead. These constitute the transition from the elements in group III, corresponding to them, to those of group V : Ga 70 Ge 72 As 75 In 1 14 Sn 118.5 Sb 120 Tl 204.1 Pb 206.9 Pi 208.5. Their intermediate position accounts for their metalloidal character. In this group, as in all other groups, it is noticed that as the atomic weight rises (from germanium to lead) there is a successive rise in metallo-basic character. All three members form dioxides, GeOg SnOj Pb02, which may be viewed as anhydrides of the acids H 2 Ge 03 H 2 Sn 03 H 2 Pb 03 . These are perfectly analogous to silicic acid, but their stability and acidity diminish as the atomic weights of their basal elements increase. Lead dioxide, Pb02, combines with bases (especially the alkalies), form- ing salts of plumbic acid, , potassium plumbate, K2Pb03. These are not very stable ; water decomposes them into their components. Lead dioxide unites with difficulty with acids to yield salts. When digested with sulphuric acid it liberates an atom of oxygen, and forms salts of lead mon- oxide, PbO. It yields chlorine with hydrochloric acid, but in the cold the unstable tetrachloride, PbCl^, can be obtained. In this respect lead dioxide resembles the peroxides, peroxide, MnOj, and is commonly known as lead peroxide. Plowever, the salts, Me2Pb()3, PbCl^, and the organo-metallic compounds, such as Pb(CH3)^, argue in favor of quadrivalent lead, and make it perfectly analogous to tin (p. 258). 31 362 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The elements of this grou}) yield monoxide derivatives, GeO SnO PbO. These are commonly known as ous compounds. They are basic and only form salts with acids, 'bhe basicity and stability of their deriva- tives increase as the atomic weights rise. The german^?//^ and stann^7;/j compounds are readily oxidized to derivatives of the dioxide type, while lead monoxide, PbO, is a strong base, and forms very stable salts. 1. GERMANIUM. Ge = 72. This element was discovered in 1886 by Cl. Winkler, of Freiberg. As early as 1871 MendelejeflT, with the periodic system as his basis, predicted the existence of an element with an atomic weight of about 73, which corresponded to the then existing gap between silicon and tin; he called it ekasilicon (the first analogue of silicon). The perfect agree- ment of the essential properties of germanium with those of the theoretical ekasilicon constitutes a brilliant confirmation of the law of periodicity (P- 357 )- Winkler discovered germanium in the very rare mineral, argyrodite. The latter is a double sulphide of germanium and silver, Ge^S . 3Ag2S. Penfield claims the formula GeS^ . 4Ag,,S for argyrodite as well as for confieldite. The first is monoclinic and the second isometric. It is also present in minute quantities in euxenite (together with titanium and zirconium) (Krtiss), in samarskite and frankeite. It maybe separated from these minerals by fusing them with sulphur and soda. Sodium sulphogermanate is then produced, and it is soluble in water (p. 363). To obtain free germanium, its dioxide is heated in a current of hydrogen or reduced with carbon. The product is a dark-gray powder, which melts at 900°, and upon solidifying readily crystallizes into beautiful, grayish-white, metallic octahedra. Its specific gravity at 20° equals 5.469. Its specific heat was found equal to 0.0737 at 100°, and at 440°, 0 0757. Therefore, its atomic heat at 100° is 5.33 and at 440°, 5.45. It increases very slightly (like those of aluminium and silicon) with rise of temperature and is a little less than the mean atomic heat (p. 254). Germanium is very stable in the air. When ignited it burns with the production of white vapors of germanium dioxide, GeO.^. The metal (like silicon) is insoluble in hydro- chloric acid. Nitric acid converts it (like tin) into the hydrate of the dioxide. It is solu- ble in alkalies upon fu.sion. When heated in the non-luminous gas flame, germanium and its compounds do not impart a color to the same. Its spectrum can only be pro- duced by the action of the induction .spark. Germanium, like tin, forms derivatives of the oxides GeO and Ge02 ; the first are called germanowj compounds, the latter germanzV, or derivatives of germanic acid. • GERMANOUS COMPOUNDS. 'I'liese are not very stable, and are readily oxidized to the higher form. Germanous Oxide, GeO, is formed when the hydroxide is ignited in a current of carbon dioxide. It is a grayish-black powder. Germanous Hydroxide, Ge(0H)2, is |)rccij)itated as a yellow-colored compound iq)on the addition of caustic alkali to the solu- tion of Ibc (lichloride. It is soluble in hydrochloric acid. TIN. 363 Germanous Chloride, GeClg, has not been obtained pure. It is formed when hydro- chloric acid gas acts upon heated germanous sulphide. Germanous Sulphide, GeS, is a reddish-brown precipitate produced by the action of hydrogen sulphide upon the solution of the dichloride. It may be obtained in grayish- black crystals by heating germanium sulphide in hydrogen gas. It is soluble in hot hydrochloric acid, forming the corresponding chloride. GERMANIC COMPOUNDS. Germanium Tetrachloride, GeCl^, is formed by the direct union of germanium with an excess of chlorine. The metal, when gently heated, burns in an atmosphere of chlo- rine, with a bluish color. When in powder form it inflames at the ordinary temperature. The tetrachloride is also produced if the sulphide, GeSg, be heated together with mercuric chloride. It is a colorless, mobile liquid, of specific gravity 1.887 18°. It boils at 86°. It fumes strongly in moist air, and is decomposed by water into hydrochloric acid and germanic hydroxide, Ge(OII)4. It is not decomposed by concentrated sulphuric acid. Its vapor density, from 300-740°, corresponds to the molecular formula, GeCl^. Germanium Chloroform, GeHClg, corresponding to ordinary chloroform, CHCI3 (see p. 159), is produced when metallic germanium is heated in a current of hydrochloric acid gas. It is a mobile liquid, boiling at about 72°. Its vapor density approximates the molecular formula GeHClg. It becomes cloudy on exposure to the air, and colorless, oily drops of Germanium Oxychloride, GeOCl2 (?), separate. Germanium Bromide, GeBr^, is a strongly fuming liquid, which solidifies at 0° to a crystalline mass. Germanium Iodide, Gel^, results upon heating germanium chloride with potassium iodide, or more readily by conducting iodine vapor over heated and finely divided metal. It is an orange-colored solid, melting at 144°, and boiling at 400°. Germanium Dioxide, Ge02, germanic anhydride, is formed upon roasting the metal or the disulphide, or by treating the latter with nitric acid. It is a stable, white powder, of specific gravity 4. 70 at 18°. It is slightly soluble in water (i part in 95 parts at 100°) and imparts to the latter an acid reaction. Germanic Hydroxide, Ge(OH)^, or GeO(OH)2, Germanic Acid, is produced by directly transposing the chloride with water. It has not been obtained perfectly pure, as it loses more or less water. Like silicic acid, it is wholly acid in its character, and only forms salts with bases. It is soluble in the hydroxides and carbonates of the alkalies, especially on fusion, while it is almost insoluble in acids. Germanic Sulphide, GeS2. Concentrated hydrochloric acid or sulphuric acid will precipitate it from solutions of its sulpho-salts. It is also formed when hydrogen sulphide is conducted through strongly acidulated solutions of the oxide. It is a white, voluminous precipitate, insoluble in acids, but readily soluble in water. If the precipitate is washed with water it dissolves. It is reprecipitated by acids, especially if hydrogen sulphide be conducted through the solution. The sulphide dissolves readily in the fixed alkaline hydroxides and ammonia. It forms sulpho-sa\X.s with the alkaline sulphides. These are perfectly analogous to the sulpho-stannates. Argyrodite is an example of this class, Ag^GeSg + 2Ag2S (p. 362). 2 . TIN. Sn = 118.5. Tin {Sfannum) occMYs in nature principally as dioxide (cassiterite, tin- stone) on the Malay Peninsula, in the islands of Banca and Bilitong, and in England (Cornwall), Saxony, India, and in Australia. To pre- pare the metal the oxide is roasted, lixiviated, and heated in a furnace with charcoal : SnOj -f- 2C — Sn -p 2CO. 3^4 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Thus obtained, it usually contains iron, arsenic, and other metals; to purity it the metal is fused at a low temperature, when the pure tin flows away, leaving the other metals. The tin obtained in the East Indian isles is almost chemically pure, while that of England and of Saxony con- tains traces of arsenic and coj)per. Tin is an almost silver-white, strongly lustrous metal, with a specific gravity of 7.3. It possesses a crystalline structure; and when a rod of it is bent it emits a peculiar sound (tin cry), due to the friction of the crystals. Ui)on etching a smooth surface of tin with hydrochloric acid, its crystalline structure is recognized by the appearance of remarkable striations. At low temiieratures i)erfectly pure compact tin ])asses grad- ually into an aggregate of small quadratic crystals. The metal is tolera- bly soft, and very ductile, and may be rolled out into thin leaves (tin-foil). It becomes brittle at 200°, and may then be powdered. It fuses at 231°, and distils at a white heat (about 1700°) ; it burns with an intense white light when heated in the air, and forms tin dioxide. It does not oxidize in the air at ordinary temperatures, and withstands the action of many bodies, hence is employed in tinning copper and iron vessels for house- hold use. The most interesting of the tin alloys, besides bronze and soft solder, is britannia metal. It contains 9 parts of tin and i i)art of antimony, and frequently, also, 2-3 per cent, of zinc and i per cent, of copper. Tin dissolves in hot hydrochloric acid, to stannous chloride, with evolution of hydrogen gas : Sn + 2 HCI =r SnCb -f 211. Concentrated sulphuric acid, when heated, dissolves tin, with forma- tion of stannous sulphate. Nitric acid, depending upon the temperature and the concentration of the acid, forms soluble stannous nitrate or solid stannic nitrate, which separates and is converted by the increasing dilution of the acid or by hot water into a basic salt and stannic acid. Different stannic acids result in accordance with the conditions of experiment. Anhydrous nitric acid, HNO3, does not change tin. It dissolves when boiled with potassium or sodium hydroxides, forming stannates: Sn + 2 KOH + H^O = K^SnOg + 2 !!,. There are two series of compounds : the stannous, and stannic or com- pounds of stannic acid. The first readily oxidize to stannic compounds. STANNOUS COMPOUNDS. Tin Dichloride or Stannous chloride^ SnCl.^, results when tin dissolves in concentrated hydrochloric acid. When its solution is evaporated it crystallizes with two molecules of water (SnCl^ 2H3O), which it loses at 100°. It is used in dyeing, as a mordant, under the name of tin salt. The anhydrous chloride, obtained by heating the metal in dry hydro- STANNOUS COMPOUNDS. 365 chloric acid gas, fuses at 250° and distils without decomposition at 606°. Its vapor density at 900° agrees with the formula SnCl2, while at lower temperatures the molecules Sn^Cl^ also seem to exist. Stannous chloride dissolves readily in water. Its solution is strongly reducing, and absorbs oxygen from the air with the separation of basic stannous chloride: SSnCh + O + H2O = 2 Sn dissolves readily and corresponds to Ep.som salts, MgSC)^ -j- 7H2(). I'he chromates of the heavy metals are insoluble in water, and are obtained by transposition. Lead Chromate, PbCrO^, is obtained by the precipitation of soluble lead salts with potassium chromate. It is a yellow amorphous powder which serves as a yellow paint — chrome yellow. When heated it melts undecomposed, and solidifies to a brown, radiating crystalline mass. It oxidizes all the carbon compounds at a red heat, and is there- fore used in their analysis. In nature lead chromate exists as crocoisite. Chromic Acid Chloranhydrides. — Chromic acid forms chloranhy- drides similar to those of sulphuric acid (p. 195). Corresponding to sul- phuryl chloride, SO2CI2, we have chromyl chloride, Cr02Cl2 ; and for the r Cl (Cl first sulphuric acid chloranhydride, SO2 j is the salt, CrOg j VI r\ VI r\ Cr02. 351 and p. 377, and magnetite) are isometric; therefore the former is not considered a compound of manganese sesquioxide and protoxide ; III Mn.A-MnO = “;;0;g>Mn, but as manganous oxide and the dioxide : Mn02.2MnO = MnO0. This is shown by its behavior toward dilute nitric and sulphuric acids, which decom- pose it into manganese dioxide and two molecules of manganous oxide. Consult Phanke, Jr. f. prakt. Ch. 36 (1887), 451. Chrysoberyl, unlike other .spinels, is trimetric, and other reactions clearly prove (chiefly their deportment wdth concentrated sulphuric acid) that manganic and mangano-manganic oxides are to be regarded as sesquioxide derivatives. Manganic oxide, like the other sesquioxides, is a very feeble base, which does not form salts with dilute or weak acids, and by separation of oxygen reverts to the manganous condition. Its salts are very un- stable. Manganic Sulphate, Mn2(SOj3, is obtained by the solution of man- ganic oxide, hydroxide, or, better, manganous-manganic oxide in con- centrated sulphuric acid. When the last oxide is employed manganous sulphate also results. The best procedure is to heat the hydrate of man- ganese dioxide (see p. 390) with concentrated sulphuric acid to 168°, when the sulphate will separate as an amorphous, dark-green powder. It dissolves with a dark-red color in a little water. It is said to form alu 7 ns, with potassium and ammonium sulphates, e. g., Mn2(SOj3 . K^SO^ -|- 24H2O, but Christensen’s researches make this rather doubtful. Manganese Dioxide, Mn02, peroxide. This is the mineral pyro- lusite, occurring in dark-gray radiating masses, or in almost black rhom- bic prisms, which possess metallic luster. When gently heated it is con- verted into oxide, by strong ignition into manganous-manganic oxide: 3Mn03 = Mn 30 , d- O 2 . It is used for making oxygen. Chlorine escapes when it is warmed with hydrochloric acid (p. 49) : Mn02 + 4IICI = MnClj + 2II2O + Cl,. 390 INORGANIC CFIKMISTRY. 'I'he dioxide may be obtained artificially by heating manganous nitrate to 150-160°. Its hydrates, MnO.^.H./) and Mn(b. 21 1 , 0 , are jirodiired on adding a hypochlorite to the solution of a manganous salt, or if chlo- rine be conducted through a solution of manganese containing sodium carbonate, or by adding potassium permanganate to a boiling solution of a manganous salt, d'he precijiitated dioxide dissolves in cold hydro- chloric acid, without liberating chlorine, as manganese tetrachloride, MnCl^, is probably formed; when heat is applied it breaks down into manganous chloride, MnCIa, and chlorine, Clj. This deportment would indicate that manganese is quadrivalent in the dioxide (p. 259). Man- ganese dioxide also unites with bases, yielding the so-called fnangam'tes, e.g., BaMn^O^and K.^MiigO^. Manganese ])eroxide (also Mn.,03 and Mn30^) serves chiefly for the manufacture of chlorine gas, and it is, therefore, important from a technical ])oint to estimate the ([uan- tity of chlorine which a given dioxide of manganese is able to set free. This is done by boiling the oxide with hydrochloric acid, conducting the liberated chlorine into a potas- sium iodide solution, and determining the separated equivalent amount of iodine by means of sodium hyposulphite. Or the oxide is heated in a flask with oxalic and sulidiuric acids, when the oxalic acid is oxidized to carbon dioxide, and from the quantity of this set free we can calculate the quantity of active or available oxygen in the manganese oxide : MnO^ + H2C,0, + H.,SO^ = MnSO^ + 2II2O d- 2CO.,. In the preparation of chlorine the manganese is found in the residue as manganous chloride. With the relatively high value of pyrolusite, it is important for trade that the peroxide be recovered from the residue. This regeneration is at present largely executed by the method proposed by Weldon, according to which the manganous chloride, contain- ing an excess of hydrochloric acid, is neutralized with lime, the clear liquid brought into a tall iron cylinder (the oxidizer), milk of lime added and air forced in. The mixture becomes warm, and so-called calcium manganite, CaMnOg = CaO . Mn02, is precipi- tated as a black mud (Weldon’s mud) : MnCb -f 2CaO -f O = CaMnOg + CaCb,. The calcium chloride solution is run off, and the residual calcium manganite employed for the preparation of chlorine, when it conducts itself as a mixture of Mn02 -f CaO. COMPOUNDS OF MANGANIC AND PERMANGANIC ACIDS. When oxygen compounds of manganese are heated in the air in con- tact with potassium hydroxide, or, better, with oxidizing substances, like niter or potassium chlorate, a dark-green amorphous mass is produced, which dissolves in cold water with a dark-green color. When this solu- tion is evaporated under the air-pump, dark-green, metallic, rhombic jirisms of potassium manganate, K^MnO^, crystallize out. This salt is isomorphous with potassium sulphate and potassium chromate. It suf- fers no change by solution in potassium or sodium hydroxide, but is de- comj^osed by water, brown hydrated manganese dioxide separating, and the green solution of the manganate changing into a dark-red solution of the jiermanganate, KMnO^: 3K2Mnf)^ y 3H2O = 2KMnO^ -j- Mn02.H2C -f 4KOII. POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE. 391 A similar conversion of the green manganate into red permanganate occurs more rapidly under the influence of acids or chlorine : 3K2MnO^ + 4HNO3 = 2KMn04 + MnO^ + 4KNO3 + 2H3O ; K^MnO^ + Cl = KMnO^ -f KCl. The red solution again assumes a green color on the addition of a con- centrated solution of an alkaline hydroxide. Owing to this ready alteration in color the solution of the manganate is called chameleon 77 imeraL Potassium Permanganate, KMnO^, is best prepared by conducting carbon dioxide into the manganate solution until the green color has passed into a red. Hydrated peroxide of manganese is i)recipitated. When the solution is concentrated the salt crystallizes in dark-red rhombic prisms isomorphous with potassium perchlorate, KCIO^. It is soluble in twelve parts of water at ordinary temperatures. The permanganate solution is a strong oxidizing agent. If the oxida- tion takes place in the presence of a sufficient quantity of acid the per- manganate is reduced to a faintly colored manganous salt : 2KMnO, + 3H2SO, = 2MnSO, + K^SO^ + 3H,0 + 5O. When a permanganate solution is added to an acidulated ferrous solution, the former is decolorized, and there results a faintly yellow-colored solu- tion of ferric and manganous salts: 2KMn04 + loFeSO^ + SH^SO^ = 2MnSO^ + 5Fe2(SOd3 + SHp + K.^SO^. Hence the solution of this salt serves for the volumetric estimation of ferrous salts. In neyfral ox alkaline the permanganate in oxidizing is decom- posed with the separation of manganese oxides : 2KMn04 -f HjO = 2Mn02 -f- 2KOH -|- 3O. In the same manner, the permanganate oxidizes and destroys many organic substances, therefore its solution cannot be filtered through paper without decomposition. It serves as a disinfectant. The permanganate is also reduced by hydrogen peroxide in acid solu- tion (p. 103). The remaining permanganates are similar to and isomorphous with the perchlorates. The sodium salt is very soluble in water, and does not crystallize well. Very cold sulphuric acid added to dry permanganate causes the separation of Manganese Heptoxide, Mn^O^, an oily, dark-colored liquid. By careful warming it is converted into dark-violet vapors, which explode when heated rapidly. Manganese heptoxide has a violent oxidizing action ; ])aper, alcohol and other organic matter are inflamed by mere contact with it. 392 inor(;anic cukmis'ikv. METALS OF GROUF" VIII. The last group of the periodic system comprises the elements: Fe — 56 Ni = 58.7 Co = 59 Ru — 101.7 Kh = 103.0 Pel = 106 Os — 191 Ir 193-0 Pt = 194.8. These elements are the middle members of the three great periods, and they have no analogues in the two small jjeriods (]). 245). As regards both atomic weights and i)hysical and chemical dei)ortment, these elements constitute a transition from the ])receding members of the great periods (Cr and Mn ; Mo; W) to the next following members (Cu, Ag, An, and Zn, Cd, Hg). The elements standing side by side (heterol- ogous) and belonging to the same periods are very similar in their physical properties, and show, e. g., very close si)ecific gravities. They are, therefore, usually arranged in groups, and are distinguished as (i) the iron group (Fe, Ni, Co), with the specific gravity 7. 8-8. 6; (2) thegrouj) of the light platinum metals (Ru, Rh, Pd), with the specific gravity 11.8-12. 1 ; and (3) the group of the heavy platinum metals (Os, Ir, Ptj, with the specific gravity 21. 1-22.4. On the other hand, the homologous elements (Fe, Ru, Os; Ni, Rh, Ir ; and Co, Pd, Pt) show a like similaritv in their chemical i)roperties, as do the other homologous elements. This re.semblance shows itself chiefly in their combination forms, and, of course, too, in the properties of the compounds (p. 329). We know that the metals of group VI (chromium, molybdenum, tungsten) and of group VII (manganese) form the highest oxides (MeOg and Me20^) having an acidic nature. In the adjacent elements of group VIII (iron, ruthenium, and osmium) we find salts : KgFeO^, K2RUO4, K20 s0^, derived from the unstable trioxides FeOg, RuOg and OsOg. This acid- forming function disappears in the following members, Ni, Rh, Ir, and Co, Pd, Pt ; their chemical valences diminish rapidly and they attach themselves to Cu, Ag and Au. Consequently the whole physical and chemical deportment of the nine elements about to be considered is governed by their position in the periodic system. METALS OF THE IRON GROUP. 'I'he metals of this group, iron, nickel and cobalt, are distinguished from all the other elements by their magnetic ])ro])erties. Iron forms three series of compounds after the forms, FeOg, Fe20g and lAO. In its highest combinations iron has an acidic character, and the derivatives of ferric acid (H2FeOJ are perfectly similar to those of IRON. 393 chromic and manganic acids; they are, however, less stable than the latter. Their analogues with cobalt and nickel are unknown. The ferrzV compounds, FeXg, are much like the aluminium, chromic and manganic derivatives. They are generally isomorphous with them. They are characterized among iron salts by their relative stability. The highest oxides of cobalt are far less stable, while the higher salts with nickel are unknown. Again, iron, nickel and cobalt form ous compounds (FeX^, NiX^, C0X2) in which they appear to be dyads. They resemble the compounds of chromium, manganese, and copper of the same form, and those of the magnesium metals. The ferrous salts are not as stable as the ferric; they are readily oxidized to the latter. The cobaltous and nickelous compounds are quite stable, and in this respect these metals ally themselves with co})per and zinc. 1. IRON. Fe = 56.0. This very important metal is widely distributed in nature. It is found native on the earth’s surface almost exclusively in meteorites, which generally contain nickel. Iron granules free from the last metal are said to occur in the coal measures of Missouri. Iron is, however, present in great masses in other worlds which (like the sun) are surrounded by an atmosphere of glowing hydrogen, the heat of which is so intense that only the free elements can exist side by side (p. 29). The most important iron ores are : magnetite (FegOJ, hematite (Fe203), brown iron ore or limonite (hydrated oxide) and siderite (FeCOg). These ores constitute almost the sole material for the manu- facture of iron ; the sulphide ores, like pyrite, are not so well adapted for iron making. When iron is mentioned a distinction must be made between the metal iron, the pure element, and that iron which meets with a universal application in the arts and industries. The latter is really not a metal but an alloy of iron with carbon, and frequently also with silicon, phos- phorus, sulphur, and manganese. Chemically pure iron, the real metal iron, is not applied technically because its production would be too ex- pensive. Hence, a distinction must be made between chemically pure iron and the technical iron. A. Chemically pure iron. Chemically pure iron is obtained by heating the pure oxide or the oxa- late in a current of hydrogen : Fe^Og -f 3II2 = 2Fe -p ; to have complete reduction the temperature finally should reach 600°. If the reduction occurs at a red heat, the powder glows in the air, and burns (pyrophoric iron). The strongly ignited powder is not inflam- 394 inoR(;anic cukmistry. nuible. Iron obtained by the ele'clrolysis of ferrous sulj)hate always ccni- lains some hydrogen. Chemically pure iron when hammered has a silver-white color, is toler- ably soft, and is magnetizable. Its specific gravity is 7.78. It melts transitionally at 1800° and vaporizes at higher temjieratures. In dry air it alters slowly but rusts rapidly in moist air. Boiling water is decom- posed by finely divided ])ure iron with evolution of hydrogen. It dis- solves readily in acids, and in nitricacid with the liberation of nitric oxide. B. Technical Irofi. d'his always contains carbon, d’he carlxm con- tent increases as the temj^erature, at which the ore is fused with the coal, rises. However, even at the most elevated temiieratures iron does not take up more than 5 per cent, of carbon. The latter is either mechanically mixed as graj)hite with the iron or it exists as iron carbide, he„C,„ ( INORGANIC CHEMISIRY. iron. The eanhy impurities of tlie ores coml)inc willi the fiuxcs to a readily fusible s/dg, winch euvel()i)S the fused iron aud protects it from oxidation. 'I'o convert the cast iron thus produced into wrought iron, carl^on must be withdrawn from it. lu making the wrought iron the cast iron is fused in open hearths (refining process), or in reverberatory furnaces with air access, aud the mass stirred thoroughly until it has become i)asty (puddling process). In this way almost all the carbon is burned to car- bon monoxide and the other admixtures, like silicon, sulphur, and phos- phorus, present in small quantities, are oxidized. The wrought iron is then worked up by rolling, or under the iron hammers (bar iron). If the decarburization be not carried (piite as far the j)roduct will be steel (puddle steel). Such products are not free from slag. Cast iron can be changed into malleable iron by annealing. Castings of white iron are imbedded in ferricoxide powder and ex])osed for some time to a red heat. A portion of the carbon is lost and malleable iron results. Steel can be manufactured from wrought-iron by cementation. The iron bars, mixed with fine charcoal, are exposed to a red heat, when the iron takes up carbon from the surface inward, d’he bars are then re- forged, again heated with fine charcoal, and the repeated until the mass becomes as homogeneous as po.ssible (cementation steel). Cem- entation is just the opposite of annealing. A more homogeneous steel is obtained by refusion in crucibles (cast steel). At present, steel is chiefly prejmred directly from pig iron, by the method invented by Bessemer, in 1855. It consists in blowing air, under high pressure, into the molten iron, until the necessary amount of carbon has been burned out (Bessemer steel). An iron rich in silicon (1.5-2 per cent, silicon) is well adapted for the purpose, because by the simultaneous combustion of the silicon the tem- perature is considerably increased. The operation is conducted in a pear-shaped vessel known as the converter. The air is blown in through openings in the bottom. The decarburization by the Swedish method only continues to the point where steel is fused. This is better accom- ]dished by the English method, which removes the carbon so as to con- vert the mass into wrought iron, and then it is again carbonized by add- ing molten spiegeleisen, or by the addition of coke. d’he Bessemer process originally was only adapted to crude iron con- taining as little sul]:)hur and phosphorus as possible (at the highest, o 05 per cent, phosphorus), because in this process the phosphorus is not consumed, but remains unaltered in the steel. By a slight, yet very essential alteration, Snelus (1872) and Thomas and Gilchrist (1878) ren- dered it suital)le for iron containing much phosphorus. Their process is now known as the ‘‘ basic process,” and consists in lining the converter with a basic lining material of burnt dolomite. By contact with this sub- stance the iron is comjiletely de])hosphorized and the jfiiosphorus changed to calcium and magnesium phospliates. 'I'lic basic (lopliospliorizing inctbod lias aUained very great importance because all the jihosphorus contained in iron ores collects in the slag of the converter, d'he latter con- tains as much as 15-20 per cent, of phosphoric acid (and may even be increased to 24 FERROUS COMPOUNDS. 397 per cent.), existing as calcium phosphate, and this may be applied as a fertilizer in agri- culture (Thomas slag) (p. 305). A third method (Siemens-Martin) of making steel consists in puddling the different varieties of iron together, or with iron ores. Siemens-Mar- tin steel is obtained by fusing pig iron with wrought iron (old iron rails). It is much used. Uchatius steel is prepared by fusing granulated pig iron together with some iron ore and pyrolusite in graphite crucibles. Ordinary iron, even the purest wire, always contains foreign ingredi- ents, principally carbon and manganese, and minute quantities of silicon, sulphur, phosphorus, nitrogen, nickel, cobalt, titanium and other metals. The quantity of manganese is purposely increased (to 33 per cent.), as by this means the iron acquires valuable technical properties; it becomes more compact and solid. When iron, containing carbon, is dissolved in hydrochloric acid the chemically combined carbon unites with hydrogen, forming volatile hydrocarbons, while the mechanically admixed graphite remains behind. The total carbon is determined by the solution of the iron in bromine water or cupric chloride, when all the carbon remains behind. Ordinary iron rusts rapidly in moist air, or it becomes covered with a layer of ferric hydroxide. When ignited in the air it is coated with a layer of ferrous-ferric oxide (Fe^OJ which is readily detached. It burns with an intense light in oxygen. In contact with a magnet iron becomes magnetic ; steel alone retains' the magnetism, while cast iron and wrought iron soon lose this property after the removal of the magnet. Iron decomposes water at a red heat, with the formation of ferrous- ferric oxide, and the liberation of hydrogen. The metal dissolves readily in hydrochloric and sulphuric acids, with evolution of hydrogen ; the latter has a peculiar odor, due to hydrocar- bons which are liberated at the same time. Iron dissolves in nitric acid with evolution of nitrogen oxides. On dipping iron into concentrated nitric acid, and then washing it with water, it is no longer soluble in the acid (passive iron) ; this phenomenon is probabjy due to the produc- tion of ferrous oxide upon its surface. FERROUS COMPOUNDS. These are produced by the solution of iron in acids, and may also be obtained by the reduction of ferric salts : Fe2Ck -h Zn = 2FeCl2 -f ZnCl2. In the hydrous state they are usually of a green color; in the air they oxidize to ferric salts: 2 FeO -|- O = FcjOj. 398 INORGANIC CHP:MISTKY. Ferrous Chloride, FcCl^^, crystallizes from aqueous solutions in green monoclinic prisms, with four molecules of water. These delicjuesce in the air and oxidize. Particularly beautiful crystals are obtained by exposing an alcoholic solution of ferric chloride in a closed vessel to the action of direct sunlight. The alcohol acts as a reducing agent and is oxidized to aldehyde (Organic Chemistry). The anhydrous salt is formed by conducting hydrogen chloride over heated iron. It is a white mass, which fuses on application of heat and sublimes at a red heat in white, six-sided leaflets. Its vapor density at 1300-1500° corresponds to the formula FeCl.^, but it ajqiears that at lower temperatures it is also possible for the molecules Fc2Cl^ to exist. It forms double salts with the alkaline chlorides, e. g. : YeC\.2KC\-{-2\\^0. Ferrous Iodide, Fel2, is obtained by warming iron with iodine and water. It crystallizes with four molecules of water. Ferrous Oxide, FeO, is a black powder, resulting from the reduction of ferric oxide by carbon monoxide. When warmed in the air it oxidizes readily. Ferrous Hydroxide, Fe(OH)2, is thrown out of ferrous solu- tions by the alkalies, as a greenish-white precipitate. Exposed to the air, it oxidizes, becoming reddish-brown. It is somewhat soluble in water, and has an alkaline reaction. Ferrous Sulphate, FeSO^, crystallizes with seven molecules of water in large, greenish, monoclinic prisms, and is generally called The crystals effloresce somewhat in dry air. They oxidize in moist air, and become coated with a brown layer of basic ferric sulphate. At 100° they lose six molecules of water, and change to a white powder. The last molecule of water escapes at 300°. Therefore, ferrous sulphate behaves just like the sulphates of the metals of the magnesium group (p. 315). Like them, it unites with alkaline sulphates to double sulphates, which contain six molecules of water, e. g., FeSO^. K2SO4 -f- 6H2O. These are more stable than ferrous sulphate, do not effloresce, and oxidize very slowly in the air. The salt FeSO^. (NHJ2SO4 -f- 6H2O — Mohr’ s salt — is particularly char- acterized by its stability in the air, and is therefore employed to determine the strength of the potassium permanganate used in titrations. Ferrous sulphate is obtained by dissolving iron in dilute sulphuric acid. Commercially, it may also be made from pyrite (FeS2), which by careful roasting loses one atom of sulphur, and is converted into ferrous sul- ])hide (FeS), which, in the presence of water, absorbs oxygen from the air, and is converted into sulphate, which may then be extracted by water. Iron vitriol has an extended practical application; among other uses, it is emj)loyed in the ])reparation of ink, and in dyeing. When heated it decomposes according to the following equation : 2FeS(), = Fe2^;t I L On this is based the production of fuming Nordhausen sulphuric acid (p. 194), and of colcothar. FERRIC COMPOUNDS. 399 Ferrous Carbonate, FeCOg, exists in nature as siderite, crystallized in yellow-colored rhombohedra, isomorphous with calcite and smithsonite. Sodium carbonate added to ferrous solutions precipitates a white volum- inous carbonate, which rapidly oxidizes in the air to ferric hydroxide. Ferrous carbonate is somewhat soluble in water containing carbon dioxide, hence present in many natural waters. Ferrous Phosphate, FegCPOJg + SH^O, occurs crystallized in bluish monoclinic prisms as Vivianite. Precipitated by sodium phosphate from ferrous solutions, it is a white amorphous powder, which oxidizes in the air. Ferrous Sulphide, FeS, is a dark-gray, metallic mass, obtained by fusing together iron and sulphur. It is made use of in laboratories for the preparation of hydrogen sulphide. If an intimate mixture of iron filings and sulphur be moistened with water, the union will occur even at ordinary temperatures. Black ferrous sulphide is precipitated from ferrous solutions by alkaline sulphides. When the moist sulphide is exposed to the air it oxidizes to ferrous sulphate. The alkaline sulphides also pre- cipitate ferrous sulphide from ferric salts, but the latter first suffer reduc- tion : 2Fea3 -f (NHd,S = 2FeCl2 + 2NHW'l -f S, and FeCb + (NHJgS = FeS + 2NH,C1. FERRIC COMPOUNDS. Ferric Sesquioxide of irofi^ exists in nature, in com- pact, massive form, as red hematite, and as specular iron, in dark-gray metallic rhombohedra. It may be prepared by heating the iron oxygen compounds in the air, and is obtained on a large scale by the ignition of green vitriol. It is then a dark-red powder {colcothar or caput 7 no 7 'tuu 77 i) used as a paint and for polishing glass. Ferric Hydroxide, Fe(OH)3, is precipitated by alkalies from ferric solutions as a voluminous, reddish-brown mass. On boiling, it becomes more compact, gives up water, and is converted into the hydrate, Fe,^0(0H)^. Many iron ores, like xanthosiderite, Fe20(0H)4, gdthite, Fe202(0H)2 (isomorphous with diaspore, p. 350), and limonite, Fe^Og^OH)^, are analogous compounds. Freshly precipitated ferric hydroxide is soluble in a solution of ferric chloride or acetate. When such a solution is subjected to dialysis, the iron salt diffuses, and there remains a pure aqueous solution of ferric hydroxide. All of the latter is precipitated as a jelly from such a solu- tion upon the addition of a little alkali or acid. Ferrous-ferric Oxide, FCgO^ = Fe0.Fe20g, occurs in nature crys- tallized in black regular octahedra — magnetite. It is abundant in Sweden and Norway, and in the Urals. It may be obtained artificially by conducting steam over ignited iron (p. 397). Magnetite constitutes the natural loadstone. 400 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Ferric hydroxide, like otlier sesciiiioxides, is a feelde liase, and does not yield salts with weak acids, like carbonic or siilpliurous (p. 269). Ferric salts arise by the solution of ferric oxide in acids, or by the oxidation of ferrous salts in the ])resence of free acids (best by chloric or nitric acids) : 2 FeS(), + 11,80, + O = Fe,(S0,)3 d H/). Most of the ferric salts have a yellow-brown color, and are converted by reduction into ferrous salts ; 2FeCl3 t- 11,8 = 2FeCl2 -f 21101 -f 8. Ferric Chloride, FeCl,,. It is obtained in aqueous solution by con- ducting chlorine into a solution of ferrous chloride: 2FeCl2 -f Cl, 2FeCl3. The hydrate, 2FeCl3 -j- 3H2O, remains upon evaporation. It is a yel- low crystalline mass, readily soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. When heated, it is partly decomposed, hydrogen escapes, and a mixture of chloride and oxide remains. Anhydrous ferric chloride is produced by heating iron in a current of chlorine gas; it sublimes in brownish-green, metallic, shining, six-sided prisms and scales, which deliquesce in the air. Ferric chloride boils at 280-285°. Its vai)or density between 320-440° closely approximates the formula Fe2Clg; with rising temperature it diminishes gradually, and from 750-1050° corresponds to the simple formula FeCl,. The vapor, however, ])robably does not consist of these molecules, because at 440° a decompo- sition into ferrous chloride, FeCl,, and chlorine commences (Friedel and Crafts, Ber. (1888) 21, Ref. 580). Recently the molecular formula FeCl, has been found by determining the rise in the boiling point of ethereal and alcoholic solutions of ferric chloride. Ferric chloride solutions can take up large quantities of ferric hydrate. In the resulting, dark-colored solutions ferric hydroxychlorides are present : nFeClg -)- mFe203 -j- XH2O ^Liquor fcrri oxychlorati). Ferric Sulphate, Fe2(SO,)3, is obtained by dissolving the oxide in sulphuric acid. When its solution is evaporated, it remains as a white mass, which gradually dissolves in water, with a reddish-brown color. It forms alums (p. 352) with alkaline sulphates, e. g. : Fe2(SO,)3. K, 80 , + 24H2O. Potassium iron alum. Ferric Phosphate, FePO,^ is a yellowish-white precipitate, thrown out of ferric solutions by sodium phos])hate. It is insoluble in water and acetic acid. Iron Disulphide, FeS,, occurs in nature as iron pyrites, crystallized in yellow, metallic, shining, (^ctahedra or pentagonal dodecahedra. It is employed in the manufacture of sulphuric acid and green vitriol. The CYANOGEN DERIVATIVES OF IRON. 401 artificial sulphide can be prepared in many ways. It leaves ferrous sul- phide when it is strongly heated in hydrogen. COMPOUNDS OF FERRIC ACID. On fusing iron filings with niter, or by conducting chlorine into potas- sium hydroxide, in which ferric hydroxide is suspended, potassium fer- rate, K2Fe04, is produced, and crystallizes from the alkaline solution in dark-red prisms. This salt is isomorphous with potassium chromate and sulphate. It dissolves quite easily in water ; but the dark-red liquid soon decomposes with separation of ferric hydroxide and evolution of oxygen. The free acid is not known, as it immediately breaks down when liberated from its salts. CYANOGEN DERIVATIVES OF IRON. When potassium cyanide is added to aqueous solutions of the ferrous or ferric salts, the cyanides, Fe(CN)2 and Fe(CN)3, are thrown down as yel- lowish precipitates, which decompose rapidly in the air. They dissolve in an excess of potassium cyanide to form the double cyanides, Fe(CN)2.- 4KCN and Fe(CN)3. 3KCN. When acids are added to strong solutions of these salts the hydrogen compounds, H4Fe(CN)g, and H3Fe(CN)g sepa- rate. Like the halogen hydrides they are acids and form salts by exchang- ing their hydrogen for metals. The iron and the cyanogen group in these salts and in the free acids cannot be detected by the usual reagents {e. g., the iron is not precipitated by the alkalies). It is supposed that com- pound groups of peculiar structure are present in these double cyanides, and that they conduct themselves like the halogens. The group, FeCyg, in the i^rrous compounds is called ferrocyanogen, that of FeCyg in the ferr/V, ferricyanogen. (Nothing is known in regard to the molecular magnitude of these compounds; Cy = CN). The ferro- behave toward the ferri-compounds the same as the ferrous toward the ferric salts ; oxi- dizing agents convert the former into the latter, and reducing agents transform the latter into the former : and K,Fe(CN)g + Cl = K 3 Fe(CN)g + KCl K3Fe(CN)g -f KOH + H = K4Fe(CN)e -f H^O. Cobalt, manganese, chromium and the platinum metals afford similar cyanides (pp. 377, 407). Metallic acid radicals such as are known to exist in the chromates, manganates, per- manganates and ferrates are assumed to be present in the ferro- and ferricyanides. Such radicals, with a basic character, have been encountered: the radicals (WgCh)!! and (MogCb)!! which j)lay the role of a bivalent metal towards the halogens in the com- pounds — chlor-tungsten hydroxide and chlor-molybdenum hydroxide (p. 382). All of these radicals have this in common — the metal present in the radical is no 34 402 in()R(;anic chemistry. longer (letccled l)y the reagents to wliieli it responds wlien existing as metal in its salts, 'This it will oidy do after the radical has been destroyed. If the radieals eonlain halogens they too will behave like the metals. 'This failure to resi)ond to the usual reagents is an indieation that the metal or halogen belongs to a compound radical and docs ncjt act ns an independent part in the molecule. As mentioned on p. 270, salts, bases and acids are regarded as compounds of two members when they are resolved in acjueous solutiem into two kinds of ions. Numerous transpositions and particularly those of analytical value occur between ions, hence they are briefly termed “ion reactions.” I'.very ion, be it simple or compound, is characterized by reactions which belong to it alone and by which it is detected. Hence in general we cannot speak of the reactions of the elements, e. jif., of iron, when search is being made for its presence, Init we must rather consider the con- dition, the combination form, the nature of tlie ion, for whicli the reaction has value. There are no general reagents or reactions for iron, but only those for metallic iron, or for ferrous, ferric, and ferrocyanide comi)ounds, etc. ; no general reaction for chlorine, but only such as answer for free chlorine, hydrogen chloride, cldoric acid, percldoric acid, etc. — reactions of the ions according to the theory of electrolytic dissociation, d'his is expressed in the following formulas which are divided by lines into their ions : FeiCk, K^KFeCyg) II Cl HKClOj) Mnl(SO,) K^^MnOJ MoiCl, (Mo.p,)|Cl2 Cr2!(SOj3 K^KCrOJ. Potassium Ferrocyanide, Yellow prussiate of potash, K^Fe(CN)g, is produced by the action of potassium cyanide upon iron compounds, or upon free iron (in which case the oxygen of the air or water takes part). It is prepared commercially by igniting carbonized nitrogenous animal matter (blood, horns, hoofs, leather offal, etc.) with potashes and iron. In this operation, the carbon and nitrogen of the organic matter com- bine with the potassium of the potashes to form potassium cyanide, while the sulphur present forms iron sulphide with the iron. (By means of alcohol, potassium cyanide can be extracted from the fusion.) Upon treating the fusion with water, the potassium cyanide and iron sulphide react upon one another, and potassium ferrocyanide results and is puri- fied by crystallization : FeS + 6KCN = K,Fe(CN)6 + K^S. In Germany, at present, yellow prussiate of potash is manufactured exclusively from the material used in purifying gas (p. 105), which con- tains the greater part of the cyanogen of the crude gas in the form of Prussian blue and ammonium sulphocyanide. The first is transformed by lime into ferric oxide and calcium ferrocyanide, which in aqueous solution is changed by potassium chloride to calcium chloride and very sparingly soluble potassium calcium ferrocyanide : Ca,Fe(CN)e + 2KCI =3 CaK.,Fe(CN )6 + CaCh. Potashes are finally used to convert the insoluble salt into calcium carbon- ate and potassium ferrocyanide. It crystallizes from water in large, yellow, monoclinic prisms, having three molecules of water, and soluble in 3-4 parts of water. The crystals lose all their water at 100°, and are converted into a white })owder. At a red heat the ferrocyanide breaks down into potassium cyanide, nitrogen, and iron carbide (FcG^). When the salt is warmed with dilute sulphuric CYANOGEN DERIVATIVES OF IRON. 403 acid, half of the cyanogen escapes as hydrogen cyanide ; concentrated sulphuric acid decomposes it, according to the following equation : K,Fe(CN)6 + 6H2SO, + 6H,0 = FeSO, + aK^SO^ + 3(NH4),SO, + 6CO. When strong hydrochloric acid is added to a concentrated solution of potassium ferrocyanide hydrogefi ferrocyanide, H^FeCyg, separates as a white crystalline powder, which soon turns blue in the air. It is an acid. Its salts with the alkali and alkaline earth metals are very soluble in water. The sodium salt crystallizes with difficulty. The salts of the heavy metals are insoluble in water, and are obtained by double decomposition. When potassium ferrocyanide is added to the solution of a ferric salt a dark- blue cyanide Fe^(Cy)ig = (Fe2)2(FeCyg)3, called Prussian blue, is precipitated : 3K,FeCyg + 4Fe2Clg = (Fe2)2(FeCyg)3 + 12KCI. This color was discovered accidentally by Diesbach, of Berlin, in 1704. It is the ferric salt of hydroferrocyanic acid; and if potassium or sodium hydroxide is poured over it, it is converted into ferrocyanide of potassium and ferric hydroxide; VI VI (Fe2)2(FeCyg)3 + 12KOH = 3K^FeCyg -f- 4Fe(OH)3. Potassium ferrocyanide produces a reddish-brown precipitate of cop- per ferrocyanide, CiqFeCyg, in copper solutions ; and in ferrous solutions a white precipitate, which on exposure to the air rapidly becomes blue in color. Oxidizing agents convert the ferro- into potassium ferricyanide, K^FeCyg, red prussiate of potash. This conversion is most conveniently effected by conducting chlorine into the solution of the yellow prussiate : aK^FeCyg -j- Clg = 2K3FeCyg -j- 2KCI. The quadrivalent ferrocyanogen group, FeCyg, is then changed to the trivalent ferricyanogen group, FeCyg (p. 401). Cy = CN. The red prussiate crystallizes from water in red rhombic prisms. The free hydroferricyanic acid, H3Fe(CN)g, is precipitated upon the addition of concentrated hydrochloric acid. It is rather unstable. With ferrous solutions potassium ferricyanide yields a dark-blue pre- cipitate, FegCyij = FegFcaCyii, very similar to Prussian blue, and called Turnbuir s blue : 2K3FeCyg -f 3FeSO^ = FegCy,^ + 3^280,. So far as its formation is concerned, 'rurnbull’s blue is the ferrous salt of hydroferri- III II cyanic acid, [Fe(CN)g] Fcg. Although liot alkalies decompose it into potassium ferro- cyanide and ferrous-ferric hydroxide, this is most probably due to the fact that the potassium 404 INORGANIC CIIKMIS'I’RY. ferricyanide and ferrous liydroxidc, which arc i)roduccd at first, arc traiisjjoscd by the alkali into potassium ferrocyanide and fcrrous-fcrric hydrate : 2Fe(CN),K3 -I- 2KOII 4 3l''e{OII), ^ 2K,Fc(CN), + 2Fc(OII)3 t Fc(()II),. Very probably in the i)recipitation potassium ferricyanide and the ferrous salt transpose into potassium ferrocyanide and a ferrous-ferric salt ; then 'I'urnbuirs blue would have to III II IV be regarded as the ferric-ferrous salt of hydroferrocyanic acid — J‘'e. 4 ‘'e[Fe((:N),.].^. 'I'urn- bull’s blue is the principal constituent of commercial J’russian blue, which also contains, because of its preparation from impure materials, ferriferrocyanide, Fe7(CN),y. '1 he latter largely comprises Parisian blue. Potassium ferricyanide does not cause precipitation in ferric solutions, pjy these reactions, ferric salts may be readily distinguished from the ferrous. Potassium sulphocyanide (KCNS) produces a dark- red colora- tion in ferric solutions, while it leaves the ferrous unaltered. Iron, like nickel (]). 233), combines with carbon monoxide to a vola- tile, gaseous body — Iron Carbonyl [Mond and Quincke, Per. (1891) 24, 2248; Perthelot, Compt. rend. (1891) 112, 1343], which, from its composition, is probably Iron Tetracarbonyl, Fe(CO)^. This substance is produced by conducting carbon monoxide over very finely divided iron at 40-80°, or under a pressure of eight atmospheres [Roscoe and Scudder, Per. (1891) 24, 3843]. It is decomposed with the formation of an iron mirror when it is passed through a glass tube heated to 200- 350°- Iron pentacarbonyl, Fe(C0)5, hepiacarbonyl, Fe.2(CO)y, have been prepared. The first is a yellow liquid, boiling at 103°, from which the second separates, on expos- ure to the light, in golden crystals. Carbon monoxide is evolved at the same time. 2 . NICKEL. Ni = 58.7.* Nickel exists in native condition in meteorites; its most important ores are niccolite, NiAs, and gersdorffite, NiSa . NiAsj (constituted like cobaltite). The arsenical ores are now of little importance in the nickel industry. The chief sources of the metal are at present nickeliferous ])hyrrotite and the nickel silicates (Canada, Norway and New Caledonia). Clarnierite — a New Caledonian mineral — a silicate, containing also iron, calcium and magnesium, may be especially noticed in this connection. Nickel is almost always accompanied in its ores by cobalt, and vice versa, cobalt usually by nickel. The isolation of the latter from its ores and from speiss-cobalt (p. 406) is very complicated. Nickel usually appears in cfimmerce in cubical forms, which in addition to the chief ingredient alvvays contain some copi)er, bismuth, and other metals. Chemically ))ure nickel is procured by igniting the oxalate in a current of hydrogen. Nickel is almost silver-white in color and is very lustrous, and very * Sc(; 'I'll. \V. Richards and A. S. ('ushman, Z. f. anorg. Chem. 20 (1899), 352. NICKEL. 405 tenacious. Its specific gravity varies from 8.8 to 9.1. It fuses at a some- what lower temperature than iron, and like it is attracted by the magnet. It is not altered in the air; it dissolves with difficulty in hydrochloric and sulphuric acids, but readily in nitric acid. Its derivatives are almost exclusively of the ous form, NiX.^; nickelic oxide behaves like a peroxide, and does not form corresponding salts. Nickelous Hydroxide, Ni(OH).^, is a bright green precipitate pro- duced by alkalies in nickelous solutions. It dissolves in ammonium hydroxide, with a blue color. When heated it passes into gray nickelous oxide, NiO. Nickelous Chloride, NiCl^ -f bH.^O, consists of green, monoclinic prisms. When heated they lose water and become yellow. Nickelous Cyanide, Ni(CN)2, is preci})itated by potassium cyanide as a green-colored mass from nickel solutions. It is soluble in excess of the precipitant. The double cyanide, NiCyj. 2KCy -|- H2O, crystallizes from the solution. This salt is readily decomposed by acids. Cyanogen compounds of nickel, constituted like those of iron and cobalt, are not known. Nickelous Sulphate, NiSO^ -j- 7H2O, ■ appears in green, rhombic prisms, isomorphous with the sulphates of the magnesium group, and forms analogous double salts. Nickelous Sulphide, NiS, is precipitated, black in color, by alkaline sulphides from nickel solutions. Nickelic Oxide, Ni203 and Hydroxide, Ni2(OH)g, are perfectly similar to the corresponding cobalt salts ; when warmed with hydrochloric acid they liberate chlorine. Nickel Tetracarbonyl, Ni(CO)4, see pp. 234, 404. Nickel is used for certain alloys Argentan consists, ordinarily, of 50 per cent, of copper, 25 per cent, of nickel and 25 per cent, of zinc. The white color, the hardness and the power of receiving a higher polish in- crease with the increase in the nickel content. The iron-nickel alloys have great technical importance (nickel steel). The German nickel coins in which we have evidence of the great coloring power of nickel consist of 75 per cent, of copper and 25 per cent, of nickel. Nickel alloys are used to make electrical resistances; their conductivity is slight and little depends on this at the ordinary temperature {niaiiganin : 84 per cent, of copper, 4 per cent, of nickel, 12 per cent, of manganese; consfaiiian : 60 per cent, of copper, 40 per cent, of nickel, etc.). At present, cast-iron ware is coated with a layer of nickel to prevent it from rusting and to imj)art to it a beautiful white surface. This is accomplished by electroplating, or by boiling the iron ware in a solution of zinc chloride and nickel sulphate. In the electrolytic method a solution of the double sulphate of nickel and ammonium is emjdoyed ; the positive electrode consists of a pure nickel plate, while the object to be coated forms the negative electrode. 4o6 INORGANIC CIIEMISIRY. 3. COBALT. Co = 59 * Cobalt occurs in nature as sinallile (CoAs^) and cobaltite (CoAs.^. CoSj). The metal is obtained by the ignition of cobaltous oxide with carbon, or in a current of hydrogen. It has a reddish-white color and strong luster, is very tenacious, and fuses with difficulty. Its specific gravity is 8.5. It is attracted by magnets, but to a less degree than iron. It is not altered by the air or water. It is only slightly attacked by hydrochloric and sulphuric acids ; nitric acid dissolves it readily, forming cobaltous nitrate. The predominating compounds have the form CoX.^, and are called cobaltous. They are very stable, and generally isomorphous with the corresponding ferrous salts, 'bhe hydrous cobaltous compounds have a reddish color, the anhydrous are blue. COBALTOUS COMPOUNDS. Cobaltous Chloride, C0CI2, is obtained by the solution of cobaltous oxide in hydrochloric acid, and crystallizes with six molecules of water in red monoclinic prisms. When heated, it loses water, and becomes anhydrous and blue in color. Characters made with this solution upon paper are almost invisible, but when warmed they become distinct and blue (sympathetic ink). Cobaltous Hydroxide, Co(OH) 2, is a reddish precipitate produced by the alkalies in hot, cobaltous solutions. When exposed to the air, it is colored brown by oxidation. Basic salts are precipitated from cold solutions; these dissolve with a blue color in an excess of concentrated alkalies. When heated out of air contact, the hydroxide passes into green cobaltous oxide, CoO. Cobaltous Sulphate, CoSO^ -j- yH^O, crystallizes in dark-red monoclinic prisms; the hydrated suljffiate, CoSO^ -j- 6H2O, separates from hot solutions. It is isomorphous with ferrous sulphate, and yields double salts with alkaline sulphates (p. 398). Cobaltous Nitrate, Co(N03)2 + 6H2O, forms red deliquescent prisms. Cobaltous Sulphide, CoS, is a black precipitate, produced in neu- tral cobalt solutions by alkaline sulphides. It is insoluble in dilute acids. Cobalt Silicates. — When glass is fused with a cobalt compound it is colored a dark blue, and when reduced to a powder is used as a pigment under the name of smalt. Smalt is j)repared comitiercially by fusing cobalt ores with potashes and quartz. The cobalt forms a silicate (smalt) with the silica and potassium, while the other metals, such as bismuth, arsenic, and csi^ecially nickel, accompanying it in its ores, are thrown out as a metallic mass. 'I'his is called si)eiss-cobalt and serves for the preparation of nickel. * See (d. Winkler, Z. f. anorg. Ch. 17 (1S98), 236. COBALTIC COMPOUNDS. 407 On igniting cobalt oxide, CO2O3, with alumina, a dark-blue mass is produced — cobalt uli 7 -a 7 tia 7 -ine or The 7 ia 7 'd^ s blue. When zinc oxide and cobalt oxide are ignited a green color — greeTt cmTtabar or Ri 7 i 7 naft 7 i' s gree 7 i — is obtained. COBALTIC COMPOUNDS. Cobaltic Oxide, CO2O3, is left as a black powder on the ignition of cobaltous nitrate. It becomes cobaltous-cobaltic oxide, COgO^, at a red heat, and cobaltous oxide at a white heat. The hydroxide, Co2(OH)j., separates as a dark-brown powder, if chlorine be passed through an alka- line solution containing a cobaltous salt. A cobaltous salt is produced and oxygen set free, when sulphuric acid acts upon the oxide or the hydroxide. Chlorine is generated when it is heated with hydrochloric acid : C02O3 -f 6HC1 = 2C0CI2 + 3H2O + CI2. The cobaltic hydroxide dissolves in dilute, cold hydrochloric acid, with scarcely any liberation of chlorine ; the solution probably contains cobaltic chloride, C0CI3, which decomposes into cobaltous chloride and chlorine on evaporation. Cobaltous-cobaltic Oxide, 0030^=00203.000, corresponding to magnetite, FegO^, is formed upon the ignition of the oxygen cobalt derivatives in the air, and is a black powder. It is noteworthy that cobalt is capable of yielding complex derivatives in which it appears to be in union with the groups NO2, ON or NH3, forming peculiar radicals. One of the most interesting of these is potassium cobaltic nitrite (Fischer’s salt). When potassium nitrite, KNOg, is added to a cobaltous solution acidi- fied with acetic acid, nitric oxide is set free, and in course of time Co(N 02)3.3KN02+ nH20, a double salt, separates as a yellow crystalline powder. This should be viewed as the potassium salt of a hydronitroso-cobaltic acid : H3Co(N02V This reaction is very characteristic for cobalt, and serves to separate it from nickel. Ammonia-cobalt Compounds. — Numerous cobaltamines are known. On adding ammonium hydroxide to a cobaltous chloride solution, the precipitate first formed dissolves in the excess of the reagent, and when this liquid is permitted to stand exposed to the air, the color, which is brown at first, gradually passes into red. On adding concentrated hydrochloric acid to this solution, a brick-red, crystalline powder, of the composition C02CI3.10NH3 -f 2II2O, 4o8 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, called roseocobaltic chloride^ is precipitated. If, however, the red solution be boiled with hydrochloric acid, a red j)owder, piirpureocobaltic chloride^ COjClg. lONIIg, separates out. If the ammoniacal red solution contain much ammonium chloride, hydro- chloric acid will precipitate a yellowish-brown compound — liUeocobaltic chloride, Co2Cl6.’i2XIl3. These derivatives are supposed to contain compound basic radicals in which cobalt, halo- gens and ammonia are all })resent. 'I'he other salts of cobalt, such as the sulphate and nitrate, yield similar compounds, : Co 3 (N 03 )e.ioNIl 3 , roseocobaltic nitrate. Cyanogen Cobalt Compounds. — In solutions of cobaltous salts, potassium cyanide produces a bright brown precipitate of cobaltocyanide, Co(CN)3 , soluble in an excess of the reagent. The solution absorbs oxygen from the air, and is converted into potassium cobalticyanide, K3Co(CN)„ corresponding to potassium ferricyanide. When the solution is evaporated the cobalti- cyanide crystallizes in colorless rhombic prisms, very soluble in water. Sulphuric acid precipitates hydrogen cobalticyanide, Il3Co(CN)„ from the concentrated solution. This acid crystallizes in needles. GROUP OF THE PLATINUM METALS. Besides platinum, this group comprises palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, osmium, and iridium — the constant companions of the first in its ores. On p. 392 we observed that these metals are divided into two groups: {hegrou/> of light platmiim tnetals, and group of heavy platinum metals. The latter have higher atomic weights and specific gravities: Ru, 101.7 Rh, 103.0 Pd, 106 Os, 191 Ir, 193.0 Pt, 194.8 “ 12.3 “ 12. 1 “ II. 5 “ 22.48 “ 22.4 “ 21.5 At. vol. “ 8.3 “ 8.6 “ 9.1 “ 8.4 “ 8.6 “ 9.0. The relations of the metals of these two groups to each other are per- fectly similar to those of the iron group. Osmium and ruthenium, like iron, have a gray color, fuse with difficulty, and are readily oxidized in the air. Palladium and ])latinum, on the other hand, have an almost silver-white color like nickel, are more easily fusible, and are not oxidized by oxygen. In chemical respects osmium and ruthenium, like iron, also show a metalloidal nature, inasmuch as their highest oxygen compounds GROUP OF THE PLATINUM METALS. 409 form acids. Their derivatives show a complete parallelism with those of iron : II Ill IV VI OsO OSjOg OSO2 (OSO3) Osmous Osmic Osmium Osmium oxide. oxide. dioxide. trioxide. RuO RUjOj Ruthenic RUO2 (RUO3) Ruthenious Ruthenium Ruthenium oxide. oxide. dioxide. trioxide. The acid oxides OsOg and RuO, are unknown, but the corresponding acids, H20 sO^ (osmic acid) and H2RuO^ (ruthenic acid), and their salts have been obtained. Besides the derivatives already mentioned we find that osmium and ruthenium are capable of still higher oxidation, yielding OsO^, per-osmic anhydride, and RuO^, per-ruthenic anhydride — which is not the case with iron ; in these compounds the metals appear to be octads, yet these oxides do not form corresponding acids or salts. Rhodium and iridium, like cobalt, do not yield acid-like derivatives. Their salts correspond to the forms : II III IV RhO Rh203 Rh02 Rhodous Rhodic Rhodium oxide. oxide. dioxide. The rhodic compounds are the more stable derivatives. Palladium and platinum, finally, are relatively of more basic nature, as their ous derivatives, PdX2 and PtX2, are proportionally more stable than the ic forms, PdX^ and PtX^. Palladium also forms a lower oxide, palla- dium suboxide, Pd20, in which it approaches silver. The platinum metals are found in nature almost exclusively in the so- called platinum ore, which usually occurs in small metallic grains in accu- mulated sands of a few regions (in California, Australia, the island of Sumatra, and especially in the Urals). The platinum ore, like that of gold, is obtained by the elutriation of the platiniferous sand with water, whereby the lighter particles are carried away. Platinum ore usually con- tains 50-80 percent, of platinum, besides palladium (to 2 per cent.), irid- ium (to 7 per cent.), osmium (i^ per cent.), and ruthenium (i)4 pei' cent.), and different other metals, as gold, copper, and iron. The separation of the platinum metals is generally executed in the fol- lowing manner: The gold is first removed by dilute aqua regia. Then the ore is treated with concentrated aqua regia, when platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, and a portion of iridium are dissolved. Metallic grains or leaflets, an alloy of osmium and iridium — platinum residues — remain. Ammonium chloride is then added to the solution and platinum and iridium precipitated as double salts. When the precipitate is ignited, a spongy mass of iridium bearing platinum (platinum sponge) is obtained, which is applied directly in the manufacture of platinum vessels. The filtered solution from the insoluble chlorides contains palladium, rhodium, 35 410 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. and ruthenium, which are thrown down as a metallic powder by iron; their further sejiaration is then effected in various ways. Formerly spongy })latinum was employed almost exclusively for the manufacture of })latinum objects ; itwas pressed into moulds, then ignited and hammered out. Now the fusibility of jdatinum in the oxyhydrogen flame is resorted to, and the fused metal run into moulds. Platinum containing both iridium and rhodium may be fused directly out of the platinum ore by means of the oxyhydrogen blowpi])e. The greater ])ortion of the osmium and ruthenium is consumed in this opera- tion. The jiresence of iridium and rhodium makes platinum harder and less readily attacked by many reagents. RUTHENIUM AND OSMIUM. Ru 101.7. Os = 191. Ruthenium, discovered by Claus in 1845, has a steel-gray color ; it is very hard, brittle, and difficultly fusible (at about 1800°). When pulverized and ignited in the air it oxidizes to RuO, Ru^ 03 and RuO.^. It is insoluble in acids, and only slowly dissolved by aqua regia. When fused with potassium hydroxide and nitrate, it forms potassium ruthenate, K2l^^i04- Ruthenium heated in chlorine gas yields ruthenium dichloride^ RuClj, a black pow- der, insoluble in acids. The trichloride, RuCl,, is obtained by the solution of Ru2(0ing in hydrochloric acid, and is a yellow, crystalline mass, which deliquesces in the air. It yields crystalline double chlorides with potassium and ammonium chlorides, e. g., RuClg.KCl. The tetrachloride, RuCh, is only known in double salts. Ruthenious oxide, RuO, the sesquioxide, RU2O3, and dioxide, RUO2, are black powders, insoluble in acids, and are obtained when ruthenium is roasted in the air. The hydroxides, RujlOH)^ and Ru(0H)4, are produced by the action of the alkalies upon the corresponding chlorides, and are very readily soluble in acids. Ruthenic acid, H2RUO4, is not known in a free condition. Its potassium salt, K2RuO^, is formed by fusing the metal with potassium hydroxide and niter or by digesting the tetroxide with dilute alkali at 60° until the evolution of oxygen ceases : RuO^ -f- 2KOH = KgRuO^ HgO O. It crystallizes in black prisms with a green luster. It contains one molecule of water of crystallization. It absorbs moisture and carbon dioxide with avidity from the air. Its deep orange-red, dilute, aqueous .solution gradually, on exposure to the air, becomes green and a perruthenate results. At the same time a black oxide of the formula RU2O5 separates. This decomposition is more rapid when the solution is acted upon with car- bon dioxide, dilute acids, chlorine or bromine. Potassium ruthenate therefore behaves like potassium manganate (p. 390). When chlorine is conducted through a concentrated .solution of ])otassium ruthenate, or when ruthenium is roasted at 1000° in a current of oxygen, ruthenium tetroxide, RuO^, and dioxide are formed. By the chlorine method it volatilizes and may be collected in a well-cooled receiver. It consists of a gold-yellow crystalline mass. It at 25.5°, therefore in the hand, to a deep orange-red colored li(|uid. It readily sublimes in large, yellow transparent ciystals with an orange-yellow reflex. At the ordinary pressure it does not boil at 106°, but it decomposes with ex- plosion at 108°. It can be gasified without decomposition under diminished pressure. Its vapors then correspond to the formula RuO^. 'bhe tetroxide dissolves slowly in water with a golden-yellow color, but does not yield a hydrate. Black compounds of varying comi)()sition se[)arate from this solution. Potassium perruthenate, KRuO^, is furni'al along with the more iiolublc julhcnalc on adding the tdtroxidc to caustic potash. RHODIUM AND IRIDIUM. 41I It crystallizes in black octahedra with metallic luster; they dissolve in water with a deep- green color [see Debray and Joly, Jahresber. der Chemie (1888), 669, 672]. Osmium is very much like ruthenium. It is not even fusible in the oxyhydrogen flame ; it only sinters together. According to Violle it fuses at 2500°. Of all the plati- num metals it is the most difficult to fuse, but is the most easily oxidized. Covipact osinhivi is the heaviest metal specifically (specific gravity 22.48) and is insoluble in aqua regia. Reduced to a fine powder it will burn when ignited in the air to OsO^. Nitric acid and aqua regia convert it into the same oxide. The compounds, OsClj and OsO, OsClg and OsgO,, OsOg and OsCl^, are very similar to the corresponding ruthenium deriva- tives. By fusion with potassium hydroxide and niter we get potassium osmate, K.^OsO^, which crystallizes from aqueous solution with two molecules of water in dark-violet octa- hedra. The most stable and a very characteristic derivative of osmium is the tetroxidcy OSO4, which is produced by igniting the metal in the air, or by the action of chlorine on osmium in the presence of water. It crystallizes in large colorless prisms, which fuse below 100° and distil at a somewhat higher temperature. It has a very sharp, piercing odor {bcfjL'^y odor), similar to that of sulphur chloride. It dissolves slowly but copiously in water ; the solution is not acid. Reducing and organic substances precipitate pulveru- lent osmium from it. This is the basis of its application in microscopy. OsO^ and RUO4 do not afford corresponding salts. RHODIUM AND IRIDIUM. Rh = 103.0. Ir 193.0. These metals are lighter in color and are more easily fusible than ruthenium and osmium. (Iridium fuses at 1950°.) When pure they are not attacked by acids or aqua regia ; but dissolve in the latter when alloyed with platinum. Rhodiufn, discovered by Wollaston in 1803, forms three oxides : RhO, RhgOg and RhOj, of which the second forms salts with acids. RhOj results when rhodium is heated with niter. Of the chlorides only RhCl, is known. It results when the metal is heated in chlorine gas. It is a brownish-red mass. It forms readily crystallizing, red-colored (hence its name, from podd£/f, rose-red) double salts with alkaline chlorides. Iridium y discovered in 1804 by Tennant, has perfectly analogous derivatives : IrO, IrjOg, Ir02, IrClg, IrCl^. The sesquichloride, IrjClg, formed by heating iridium in chlorine, is an olive-green, crystalline mass, insoluble in water and acids. It affbr&s double salts with the alkaline chlorides, e.g. : KsIrClg - 3H2O, which crystallizes from water in green or brown crystals. They are also produced by the action of sulphur dioxide upon the double salts of hydrochloridic acid. Iridium Tetrachloride, IrCl^, is produced in the solution of iridium or its oxide in aqua regia, and remains, on evaporation, as a black mass, readily soluble in water (with red color) to hydrochloriridic acid : Il^IrClg. When alkaline chlorides are added to the .solution double chlorides are precipitated, e.g, : (NH,)2lrClg, K^IrClg, 412 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. isomorphous with the corresponding double chlorides of platinum. When a solution of IrCl^ is boiled with caustic potash, Ir(OII)^ will be precipitated, d'he name iridium alludes to the differently colored compounds yielded by the metal. PALLADIUM. I’d = io6. Palladium, in addition to occurring in platinum ores, is found alloyed with gold (Brazil), and in some selenium ores (Hartz) ; it has a silver- white color, and is somewhat more fusible (at about 1400°) than platinum. When finely divided it dissolves in boiling concentrated hydrochloric, sulphuric, and nitric acids. When ignited in the air it at first becomes dull by oxidation, but at a higher temperature the surface again assumes a metallic appearance. It was discovered in 1803 by Wollaston and named after the planet Pallas, which had been found shortly before. Palladium absorbs hydrogen gas (occlusion) to a much greater extent than platinum or silver. Freshly ignited palladium leaf absorbs upwards of 370 volumes of hydrogen at ordinary temperatures, and about 650 volumes at 90-100°. A greater absorption may be effected at ordinary temperatures in the following manner: Water is decomposed by the electric current, palladium foil being used as a negative electrode. The liberated hydrogen is then taken up by the palladium (to 960 volumes) ; the metal expands ( jlg- its volume), becomes specifically lighter, but retains its metallic appearance entire. Accord- ing to the investigations of Debray, the compound Pd^H2 is produced, which contains dissolved hydrogen, and deports itself similarly to an alloy. Recent investigations show that palladium hydride is a so-called “solid solution” of hydrogen in palladium (pp. 46, 256). Palladium charged with hydrogen usually remains unaltered in the air, and in a vacuum ; it, however, sometimes becomes heated in the air, as the hydro- gen is oxidized to water. The same occurs when palladium hydride is heated to 100° ; in vacuo, all the hydrogen escapes as gas. Palladium hydride is a strong reducing agent, like nascent hydrogen. Ferric salts are reduced to the ferrous state; chlorine and iodine in aqueous solution are converted into hydrochloric and hydriodic acids. Palladium black absorbs hydrogen more energetically than the compact variety (at 100° upwards of 980 volumes). This substance is obtained by the reduction or electrolysis of palladic chloride. If palladium sponge be heated in the air until the white metallic color becomes black, in con- sequence of the superficial oxidation, it will absorb hydrogen very ener- getically at ordinary temperatures, and partly oxidize it to water. When ])alladium-sheet or sponge is introduced into the flame of a spirit-lamp, it is covered with soot; this is due to the fact that the metal witlidraws the hydrogen of the hydrocarbons, and carbon is set free. 'I'here are two series of ])alladium compounds: the palladious, PdX2, and palladic, PdX.^. The first are well characterized and are distinguished by their stability. PLATINUM. 413 Palladious Chloride, PdClj, remains as a brown, deliquescent mass, on evaporating the solution of j)alladium in aqua regia. It yields easily soluble crystalline double salts, with alkaline chlorides, e.g., PdCl2. 2KCI = K^PdCl,. Palladious Iodide, Pdl2, is precipitated from palladious solutions by potassium iodide as a black mass, insoluble in water. As palladium chlo- ride and bromide are very soluble in water, palladium salts can be used to detect iodine in the presence of hydrobromic or hydrochloric acid. Palladious Oxide, PdO, is a black residue left upon careful ignition of the nitrate. It is difficultly soluble in acids. When heated, it loses oxygen, and forms palladium suboxide, Pd20. When palladium is dissolved in sulphuric or nitric acids, the corre- sponding salts are produced. The sulphate, PdSO^ -f 2H2O, is composed of brown crystals, readily soluble in water. Much of the latter decomposes it. Palladio Chloride, PdCl^, Hydrochlorpalladic Acid, H2PdClg, is formed when the metal is dissolved in aqua regia. They decompose, on evaporation, into PdCl2 and CI2. When potassium or ammonium chlo- ride is added to their solutions, red-colored difficultly soluble double chlorides crystallize out ; they are analogous to the corresponding salts of platinum. PLATINUM. pt = 194.8. The separation of platinum from the ore was described on p. 409. (See Myliusand Foerster, Ber. 25 (1893), 665.) The metal has a grayish- white color, and a specific gravity of 21.4. It is very tough and malleable, and may be drawn out into very fine wire and rolled into foil. At a high heat it softens without melting, and may be easily welded. It fuses in the oxy hydrogen flame (at about 1770° — Violle), and is somewhat volatile. On fusion, it absorbs oxygen, which it gives up again on cooling (like silver). At ordinary temperatures, it also condenses hydrogen and oxygen upon its surface; as foil and sponge, but very few volumes ; as platinum black, about 100 times its volume of oxygen and 310 times its volume of hydrogen. Two hundred volumes of the latter form water with the oxygen always present in the sponge (Z. f. anorg. Ch. 10 (1895), 178). These gases are fully expelled at a red heat. Platinum sponge is obtained as a fine black powder, if reducing substances, like zinc, be added to solutions of platinic chloride or upon boiling the solution with sugar and sodium carbonate; it remains on the ignition of PtCl^. 2NH^C1. The production of various reactions is due to the power of platinum to con- dense oxygen ; thus hydrogen will inflame in the air, if it be conducted upon platinum sponge ; sulphur dioxide combines with oxygen at 100° to form the trioxide. At a red heat platinum permits free passage to hydrogen, while it is not permeable by oxygen and other gases (j). 93). Platinum is not attacked by acids; it is only soluble in liquids gener- ating free chlorine, e. g., aqua regia. In consequence of this resistance 414 INOROANIC CHEMISTRY. to acids, and its nnalterability upon ignition, tliis metal answers as an imdecomposable material for the production of chemical crucibles, dishes, wire, etc. The usual presence of iridium in ordinary platinum increases its durability. The alkaline hydroxides, sulphides, and cyanides attack it strongly at a red heat. It forms readily fusible alloys with ])hosphorus, arsenic, and many heavy metals, especially lead, and many heavy metals are reduced from their salts by platinum. Therefore such substances must not be ignited in platinum crucibles, etc. Platinum, like palladium, forms platifious, PtX.^, and platinic, PtX^, derivatives ; in the first it is more basic, in the latter more acidic. Platinic Chloride, PtCl^, is obtained by the solution of platinum in aqua regia, and when the liquid is evaporated with an excess of hydro- chloric acid, hydrochlorplati ri ate , PtCh.2HCl ^ HjPtCle, crystallizes with six molecules of water in brownish-red, deliquescent prisms. It forms characteristic double chlorides, PtCh.2KCl, with ammonium and potassium chlorides. They are the chlorplatinaies. Formerly they were considered double salts. They are difficultly soluble in water; hence, on mixing the solutions, they immediately separate out as a crystalline yellow powder. Ignition completely decomposes the ammonium salt, leaving spongy platinum. Platinum chloride yields similar insoluble salts with the chlorides of rubidium, caesium, and thallium, while that with sodium, NajPtCle + 6H.,0, is very soluble in water. Platinum may be very readily separated from other metals by recrystallizing the sodium salt from hot water rendered alkaline by soda (Finkener). On adding sodium hydroxide to platinic chloride and then supersatu- rating with acetic acid, there separates a reddish-brown precipitate of platinic hydroxide, Pt(OH)^. This dissolves readily in acids (excepting acetic), with formation of salts. The oxygen salts, as Pt(S 04 ") 2 , are very unstable. The hydroxide has also an acidic character (^platinic acid), and dissolves in alkalies, yielding salts with them. These, also, result on fusing platinum with potassium and sodium hydroxide. The barium salt, is ])recipitated from platinic chloride, by barium hydroxide, as a yellow, crystalline compound. The acidic nature of its hydroxide allies platinum to gold. If hydrogen sulphide be conducted through platinic solutions, black platinum disulphide, PtSj, is precipitated; it is soluble in alkaline siil|)hides, with formation of sulpho-salts. Platinous Chloride, PtCl.^, is a green powder, insoluble in water. SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. 415 remaining after heating platinic chloride to 200°. It forms double salts with alkaline chlorides, e. g. : PtCl, . 2NaCl. When digested with potassium hydroxide it yields the hydroxide, Pt(OH),. Cyanogen Compounds. — Like cobalt, platinum forms double cy- anides corresponding to the ferrocyanides. When platinous chloride is dissolved in potassium cyanide platinum potassium cyanide, K.2Pt(CN)^ -|- 4H2O, crystallizes on evaporation in large prisms exhibiting magnificent dichroism ; in transmitted light they are yellow and in reflected light blue. This salt must be viewed as the potassium compound of hydro- pi atino- cyanic acid, H2Pt(CN)4. When separated from its salts it crys- tallizes in gold-yellow needles. Its salts with heavy metals are obtained by double decomposition, and all show a beautiful play of colors. The barium salt, barium platino-cyanide, BaPt(CN)4 4H2O, is used to render the Rontgen rays visible. Platinum-ammonium Compounds. — There is a whole series of these, which must be viewed as platinum bases and their salts. They are constituted according to the following empirical formulas : {a) Platosamines (platinous series) : PtR2(NH3)2; PtR2(NH3)3 ; PtR2(NH3b. [{h) Platinamines (platinic series) : PtR,(NH3); PtR,(NH3)2; PtR,(NH3)3 ; PtR,(NH3),. (R = OH, Cl, Br, I, NO3, etc.). Diplatosamine derivatives, csscmer steel, 396 Bismuth, 148, 372, 373 alloys, 373 miiuic, 373 Bismuth, oxide, 373 oxychloride, 372 subnitrate, 373 Bismuthic acid, 373 Bleaching, 53 lime, 303 Borax, 243, 294 Boric acid, 242 meta, 242 Boro- fluoride, hydrogen, 242 l)oron, 241, 294 carbide, 243 chloride, 241 fluoride, 242 hydride, 241 nitride, 243 trioxide, 242 Brass, 335 Britannia metal, 364 Bromic acid, 179 Bromine, 53 solid, 54 Bronzes, 336 C. Cadmium, 320 oxide, 320 sulphate, 320 sulphide, 321 Cadmous oxide, 320 Caesium, 284 Calamine, 319 Calcite, 305 Calcium, 300 carbide, 307 carbonate, 305 chloride, 302 fluoride, 302 hydride, 301 hydroxide, 301 hypochlorite, 303 nitrate, 304 nitride, 301 oxide, 301 peroxide, 302 phosphates, 304, 305 silicate, 306 sulphate, 304 sulphides, 307 Calomel, 323 Calorie, 22, 66, 253 Caput mortuum, 194, 399 Carbides, metallic, 257 Carbon, 149 amorjflious, 151 chlorides, 159 compounds with hydnigen, 151 dioxide, 227, 228, 229, 230 liquid, 228 INDEX. 423 Carbon bisulphide, 234 gas, 15 1 group, 149 monoxide, 231, 232, 233 oxysulphide, 235 Carbonates, 23 1 Carbonic acid, 230, 231 amido-derivatives of, 234 Carbonyl chloride, 234 Carborundum, 163 Carry’s ice machine, 127 Carnallite, 276, 315 Cassiterite, 363 Catalytic reactions, 103 Caustic potash, 275 soda, 286 Cement, 302 Cementation steel, 396 Cerium, 355 Cerrusite, 367, 371 Chalk, 305 Chamber acid, 19 1 Chameleon minerale, 39 1 Charcoal, 15 1 animal, 151 Chemical affinity, 23 combination, 19 constitution, 168 elements, 19 energy, 23 equations, 27 formulas, 25, 27 industries, importance of, 1 8 phenomena, 19 structure, 168 symbols, 25 tension, 23 Chlor-detonating gas, 57 Chloric acid, 177 Chloride of lime, 303 Chlorine, 49 dioxide, 176 hydrate, 52 preparation, 49 properties, 51, 52 tetroxide, 176 thionyl, 185 trioxide, 176 Chlorites, 176 Chlorous acid, 176 Chlorsulphonic acid, 195 Chromates of potassium, 379 Chrome yellow, 380 Chromic acid, 377 anhydride, 378 chloranhydrides, 380 compounds, 375 oxide, 376 Chromium, 374 Chromium group, 373, 374 Chromous compounds, 375 Chromyl chloride, 380 Cinnabar, 322, 327 9^y, 353 Coal, anthracite, 151 bituminous, 15 1 Cobalt, 406 ammonia-compounds, 407, 408 cyanides, 408 Cobaltic compounds, 407 CobaltoLis compounds, 406 ultramarine, 407 Coke, 15 1 Colcothar, 399 Colloids, 238 Combining weight, 70 weights, law of, 72 Condensation of gases, 47 Conservation of energy, 2I Constant proportions, law of, 69, 72 Constantan, 405 Copper, 330, 331, 332 alloys, 335 carbonates, 335 hydride, 333 sulphate, 334 Corrosive sublimate, 325 Corundum, 346, 349 Critical condition, 47 pressure, 47, 229 temperature, 47 volume, 47 Crystallography, 31 Crystalloids, 238 Cupric compounds, 334 Cuprite, 332 Cuprous compounds, 332 Cyanogen, 235 compounds, 235 derivatives of iron, 401, 402, 403 D. Davy’s lamp, 59 Decipium, 27, 356 Density, gas, 74, 79, 80 Determined compounds, c2 Dialysis, 237 Diamide, 131 Diammonium compounds, 310, 311, 312 Diamond, 1 50 Didymium, 355 Dissociation, 94 Dithionic acid, 198 Doctrine of linking of atoms, 172 I )oberciner’s lamp, 46 Drummond light, 83 ‘ Dysprosium, 27, 356 424 INDEX. E. Earth metals, 345, 346, 354 Eau de Javelle, 278 Labarraque, 278 Electro-chemical equivalents, 265 Electrolysis of salts, 262 Electrolytic dissociation theory, 269 I^lements, chemical, 19 Endothermic compounds, 30 reactions, 30, 67 Energy, 22, 29 chemical, 22 degradation of, 28 electric, 22 mechanical, 22 radiant, 22- Entropy, 23 Equivalence, 167 Equivalent weight, 167 Erbium, 356 Ethane, 153 Ethylene, 153 tetrachloride, 159 Eudiometer, 120 Eudiometric analysis, 120 Exothermic compounds, 30 reactions, 30, 67 E. Faraday’s law, 263 Ferric acid, 401 chloride, 400 compounds, 399, 400 Ferrous compounds, 397, 398 sulphate, 398 sulphide, 399 Fire-damp, 152 Fischer’s salt, 407 Flame, nature of, 155, 156, 157, 158 oxidizing, 158 reducing, 158 Fluorine, 56 Fluorite, 30 1 Formulas, structural, 168 Fulminating gold, 348 silver, 338 Furnace, electric, 253 G. Gadolinite, 354 Gadolinium, 27, 356 Gahnite, 351 Galenite, 367 Gallium, 358 Gallium compounds, 358 group, 355 (ias, laughing, 21 1 condensation of, 47 critical condition of, 47 pressure of, 47 volume of, 47 density of, 79 Gases, diffusion of, 123 drying and purifying, 42 general properties of, 73 measuring of, 120 General sciences, 17 Germanium, 164, 238, 362 Germanic compounds, 363 Germanous compounds, 362 Glass, 306 Glauber’s salt, 287 Glover tower, 190 Glucinum, 317 Gold, 342, 343 chlorides, 343, 344 fulminating, 345 oxides, 344 Graphite, 150 Graphitite, 150 Green cinnabar, 407 Greenockite, 321 Groups, 167 Guignet’s green, 376 Gunpowder, 280 Gypsum, 304 H. Halogen compounds of metals, 257 hydrides, 57 Halogenides, 92 Halogens, 49 compounds with one another, 68 . oxygen compounds of, 173 thermo-chemical deportment of, 66 Haloid acids, 57, 61 salts, 61 Heat, atomic, 253 latent, 90 modulus, 31, 66 specific, 253 unit of, 66, 89 Helium, 116, 125 Hepar, 283 Ilolmium, 27, 356 Horn-silver, 339 Hydrates, 258 Hydraulic cement, 302 Hydrazine, 131 hydrates, 31 1 * Hydrazoic acid, 132 INDEX. 425 Hydriodic acid, 63 Hydrobroraic acid, 62 Hydrocarbons, saturated, 153 unsaturated, 153 Hydrochloric acid, 59 Hydrochlorpalladic aoid, 413 Hydrocyanic acid, 236 Hydrofluoric acid, 65 Hydrosulphuric acid, 109 Hydrosulphurous acid, 86 Hydrogen, 40 antimonide, 147 bromide, 61 chloride, 57 chemical properties of, 60 cyanide, 236 fluoride, 64 iodide, 63 pentasulphide, iio peroxide, 99 detection of, 103 properties of, loi thermo-chemistry of, 103 persulphide, iio preparation, 40 properties, 43, 45 selenide, 1 12 silicofluoride, 163 sulphide, 107, 108 molecular formula of, 109 thermo-chemical deportment of, 109 telluride, 113 Hydroxides, 84 Hydroxyl, 104 Hydroxylamine, 130, 131 Hypobromous acid, 179 Hypochlorous acid, 1 74 oxide, 174 Hyponitric acid, 206 Hyponitrous acid, 212 Hypophosphoric acid, 216 Hypophosphorous acid, 214 Hypophosphites, 215 Hyposulphites, 197 Hyposulphurous acid, 197 I. Illuminating gas, 155 Indestructibility of matter, principle of, 20 Indium, 358 compounds, 359 Iodic acid, 180 anhydride, l8l Iodine, 54, 55 bromide, 69 chloride, 68 36 Iodine fluoride, 69 trichloride, 69 lodonium hydroxide, 1 80 Iridium, 41 1 Iron, 393, 394 alums, 400 carbide, 394, 402 carbonyl, 404 cast, 394 disulphide, 400 fluid, 394 group, 392 metallurgy, 395, 396 pentacarbonyl, 404 technical, 394 tetracarbonyl, 404 vitriol, 398 weld, 394 wrought, 394 Isomerism, 87 Isomorphism, 255 — V K. Kaolin, 353 Kathode, 92 Kation, 92 Kelp, 54 Kermes mineral, 225 Kieserite, 287, 315 Krypton, 1 16 L. Lanthanum, 355 Lapis lazuli, 354 Latent heat, 90 Laughing gas, 21 1 Law of Boyle, 74 Dalton, 74 definite proportions, 69 Faraday, 263 Gay-Lussac, 74 Mariotte, 74 Lead, 164, 238, 364 alloys, 368 carbonate, 37 1 chamber crystals, 191 chloride, 370 chromate, 380 iodide, 370 nitrate, 37 1 oxides, 369 peroxide, 369 red, 369 sulphate, 371 sulphide, 371 tetrabromide, 371 tetrachloride, 369, 370 INDEX. 426 Lead telra-iodide, 37 1 tree, 368 wliite, 371 Lignite, 151 Lime, 301 cliloride of, 303 light, 83 Litharge, 369 Lithium, 295 carbonate, 296 chloride, 296 hydride, 295 phosphate, 296 Lunar caustic, 341 M. Magnesia, 314 usta, 314 Magnesium, 313 group, metals of, 312 carbonate, 316 chloride, 314 nitride, 316 oxide, 314 phosphates, 315 sulphate, 315 Magnetite, 399 Malachite, 335 Manganese, 386 alums, 384 bronze, 336 heptoxide, 39 1 peroxide, 389 Manganic acid, 390 compounds, 388 Manganin, 405 Manganites, 88, 389, 390 Manganous compounds, 387 sulphate, 388 Marsh gas, 1 52 test, 145 Mass action, 271 Massicot, 369 Matter, 18 Maximum valence, 170 Mechanical equivalent of heat, 22 mixture, 18 Mercuric compounds, 325, 326 Mercurous compounds, 323, 324, 325 Mercury, 321, 323, 323 Meta-acids, 201 j)hos])lioric acid, 217 stannic acid, 367 Metallic ions, 402 Metalloids (non-metals), 19, 39 oxygen compounds of, 172 Mcrtals, 19, 39, 251 Metals, heavy, 252 light, 252 properties of, 251, 255 rare, 354 Metargon, 116 Methane, 152, 153 Mineral water, 91 Mohr’s salt, 398 Mol, 98 Mol-volume, 98 Molecular compounds, 170 Molecules, 24, 25, 75, 167 Molybdenum, 382 compounds, 382, 383 Molybdic acid, 383 Mosaic gold, 367 Mosandrium, 26 Multiple proportions, 71 law of, 72 Muriatic acid, 59 N. Neodymium, 355 Neon, 1 16 Nickel, 404 alloys, 405 carbonyl, 233 oxides, 405 plating, 405 sulphate, 405 tetracarbonyl, 405 Niobium, 226 Nitramide, 204 Nitrates, 202 Nitric acid, 202, 203 fuming, 203 oxide, 209, 210 Nitrites, 202, 205 Nitrogen, 115, I16 carbonyl, 234 chloride, 133 group, 1 14 oxygen derivatives of, 201 iodides, 134 pentasulphide, 213 pentoxide, 204 tetroxide, 206 trioxide, 205 sulphide, 213 Nitro-metals, 207 Nitroso-acid, 208 Nitrous acid, 205 oxide, 21 1 Nitrosulphonic acid, 207 Nitrosyl chloride, 204 sulphuric acid, 207 Nitroxyl chloride, 204 INDEX. 427 Non-metals, 19, 39 Nordhausen sulphuric acid, 194 Normal acids, 201 O. Olefiant gas, 154 Organic chemistry, 15 1 Ortho-acids, 201 Osmium, 410, 41 1 Osmotic pressure, 267 Oxidation, 83 theory of Traube, loi Oxides, 84, 258 indifferent, 84 Oxygen, 80 atomic weight of, 98 group, 80 liquid, 82 oxidized, 87 preparation of, 80 properties of, 82 reduction of, loi salts, 61 Ozone, 84 constitution of, 86 preparation of, 85 tests for, 86 thermo-chemical deportment of, 87 P. Palladium, 412 hydride, 46, 412 Palladic compounds, 412, 413 Palladious compounds, 412, 413 Passive iron, 397 Pattinson’s method, 337 Pearl ash, 281 Pentathionic acid, 199 Perbromic acid, 179 Percarbonic acid, 231 Perchloric acid, 178 hydrate of, 179 Perchromic acid, 374, ^75 anhydride, 381 Periodates, 279 Periodic acid, 181 hydrate of, 181 •sy.stem of, 164, 243 Periodicity of chemical valence, 248 Permanent white, 309 Permanganic acid, 390 Peroxides, 259 Persulphates, 188 Persulphuric acid, 188 Philippium, 26 Phlogiston, 1 18 Phosgene gas, 234 Phospham, 220 Phosphates, 214 Phosphine, 138, 139 molecular formula of, 140 Phosphites, 21 3 Phosphonium, 140 Phosphonium iodide, 140 Phosphoric acid, 216 anhydride, 217 hypo-, 216 meta-, 217 pyro-, 216 Phosphorite, 301 Pho.sphorous acid, 215 oxide, 215 Phosphorus, 135, 137 acids, 214 bromides, 142 bronze, 336 burns, 137 chloranhydrides, ,218 fluoride, 142 iodides, 142 metallic, 136 oxides, 213 oxychloride, 218 pentachloride, 141 pentoxide, 217 red, 136 salt of, 298 sulphochloride, 219 sulphur derivatives, 220 trichloride, 141 yellow, 136 Photography, 340 Physical phenomena, 18 Pink salt, 366 Platinum, 413, 414 ammonium-compounds, 415 black, 413 cyanogen compounds of, 415 metals, 408, 409, 410 heavy, 408 light, 408 separation of, 409 sponge, 413 Platinic compounds, 414 Platinous compounds. 414 Plumbates, 369, 370 Iflumbic acid, 370 Polychromates, 378 Polysulphides, 283 Polythionic acids, 197 Porcelain, 354 Potashes, 281 Potassium, 273 borates, 280 bromate, 278 bromide, 276 INDEX. 428 Potassium carbonate, 280 chlorate, 276 cliloricle, 276 chromates, 379 compounds, recognition of, 283 cyanide, 276 ferrocyanide, 402 ferricyanide, 403 fluoride, 276 hydride, 274 hydroxide, 275 hypochlorite, 278 iodate, 278 iodide, 276 manganate, 390 nitrate, 279 nitrite, 280 oxides, 275 percarbonate, 282 perchlorate, 278 permanganate, 391 phosphates, 280 silicate, 282 sulphates, 279 sulphides, 282, 283 sulphites, 279 Praseodymium, 355 Preparing salts, 367 Prussian blue, 403 Prussic acid, 236 Purple of Cassius, 345 Pyrites, 400 Pyroarsenic acid, 222 Pyromorphite, 367 Pyrophosphoric acid, 216 Pyrosulphuric acid, 193 Pyrosulphuryl chloride, 196 Q- Quadrant oxides, 259 Quartz, 236 (Quicksilver, 322 R. Radiant heat, 21 Radical, 167 Realgar, 223 Reduction, 84 Residue, acid, 174 Reversible reaction, 91 Rhodium, 4II Rimnann’s green, 407 Roentgen rays, 21, 415 Rose’s metal, 373 Rubidium, 284 Ruby, 350 Ruthenium, 410 S. Safety lamp, 159 Salt of phosphorus, 298 producers, 49 Saltpeter, 279, 296 Salts, 60, 259 ammonium, 129 basic, 260 double, 260 haloid, 61 oxygen, 61 transposition of, 270 Samarium, 356 Sapphire, 350 Scandium, 355 Scheele’s green, 335 Schlippe’s salt, 225 Schweizer’s reagent, 334 Selenium, 1 12 acids, 200 chlorides, 112 hydride, 1 1 2 oxide, 199 Siderite, 399 Siemens-Martin method, 397 Silica, 236 Silicates, 238 Silicic acid, 237, 238 Silicon, 160 bromide, 162 bronze, 336 carbide, 163 chloride, i6i chloroform, 162 dioxide, 236 disulphide, 238 fluoride, 162 — _ hydride, i6i iodide, 162 Silver, 336, 337, 338 allotropic forms of, 338 bromide, 340 chloride, 339 coins, 331 cyanide, 342 fineness of, 338 iodide, 340 nitrate, 34I nitride, 341 nitrite, 341 oxides, 338, 339 plating, 342 sulphate, 34I sulphide, 341 Silvering, 342 Slags, 396, 397 Slaked lime, 301 Smalt, 406 Soda, caustic, 286 INDEX. 429 Soda, residue, 290 Solvay, 291 Sodium, 284 azoimide, 295 borate, 294 bromide, 287 carbonate, 289, 290, 291, 292 chlorate, 287 chloride, 286 compounds, recognition of, 295 Sodium hydroxide, 286 hyposulphite, 289 iodate, 287 iodide, 287 nitrate, 293 nitride, 295 nitrite, 293 oxides, 285 perchlorate, 287 periodate, 287 peroxide, 285 phosphates, 293, 294 silicate, 295 sulphate, 287, 288 sulphite, 288 thiosulphate, 289 Soft solder, 368 Solutions, 265 supersaturated, 288 theory of dilute, 267 thermo-chemistry, 92 Special sciences, 17 Specific gravity of gases, 73 heat, 253 volume, 45, 252 Spectrum analysis, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419 Speiss-cobalt, 406 Spinels, 351 Stannic acid, 66, 367 compounds, 366, 367 Stannous compounds, 365 Status nascens, 53, 77, 88, 102, 130, 175, 203 Steel, 394 Stibine, 147 Stoechiometric laws, 71 S trass, 306 Strontium, 307 carbonate, 308 nitrate, 308 oxide, 307 Structure, chemical, 168 Suboxides, 259 Substitution, 159 Sulphamide, 196 Sulphates, 193 Sulphides, 108 Sulphimide, 196 Sulphites, 186 Sulphocarbonic acid, 235 Sulpho-group, 198 Sulpho-stannates, 367 Sulphur, 104, 105, 106 bromides, iii chemical properties of, 106 chlorides, no, iii dioxide, 183, 184 heptoxide, 188 iodides, iii oxygen compounds of, 183 sesquioxide, 187 trioxide, 187 Sulphuric acid, 189, 190, 19 1, 192, 193 amides, 196 chloranhydrides, 195 Sulphuric acid, di-, 193 fuming, 194 hydrates, 192 Nordhausen, 194 Sulphurous acid, 185 Sulphuryl, 195 chloride, 185 Superphosphate, 305 Sylvite, 276 Sympathetic ink, 406 T. Tantalum, 226 Tellurium, 113 acids, 200 bromides, 113 chlorides, 113 hydride, 1 13 Tension of vapors, 90 Terbium, 26, 356 Tetrathionic acid, 199 Thallic acid, 360 compounds, 360 Thallium, 359 alum, 360 Thallous compounds, 360 Thenard’s blue, 407 Thermo-chemistry of the elements, 28, 66, 92, 103, 109, 1 14, 129, 133, 134, 137, 142, 160, 164, 186, 187, 212, 236, 327, 328, 330, 340, 348, 387 Thionic acids, I97 Thionyl chloride, 185 Thiosulphuric acid, 197 Thomas slag, 397 Thorium, 238, 240 Thulium, 27, 356 Thyroidin, 55 Tin, 164, 238, 363 dichloride, 364 dioxide, 366 INDEX. 430 'l in (lisulpliide, 367 monoxide, 365 oxysulphide, 367 salt, 364 stone, 363 tetrachloride, 366 Titanium, 238, 239 Trithionic acid, 199 d'ornbac, 336 Tungsten, 384 compounds, 384 Turpeth mineral, 327 Turnbull’s blue, 403 Type metal, 368 U. Uchatius steel, 397 Ultramarine, 354 Uranium, 384 Uranic compounds, 385 Uranous compounds, 385 Uranyl, 385 V. Valence, 165, 166, 167, 169 periodicity of, 248 variable, 170 Vanadium, 226 Varec, 54 Vitriol, copper, 334 green, 398 oil of (see Sulphuric acid) Volume, atomic, 252 specific, 252 W. Water, 88 chemical properties of, 9 1 crystallization, 266 constitution. 315 dissociation of, 93 distilled, 91 Water, electrolysis of, 92 gas, 232 glass, 295 hard, 91 mineral, 91 molecular formula of, 97 natural, 91 oxidation of, lOO physical i)roperties of, 88 ({uantitative composition of, 95 soft, 91 thermo-chemical deportment of, 92 Weight proportions in the union of the ele- ments, 69 Welsbach mantle, 240 White precipitate, 325 lead, 371 Wood’s metal. 373 Wulfenite, 3^7 X. Xenon, 1 16 V. Yellow prussiate of potash, 402 Ytterbium, 356 Yttrium, 355 Z. Zinc, 318 blende, 319 chloride, 319 dust, 318 oxide, 318 silicate, 319 sulphate, 319 sulphide, 319 w'hite, 318 Zircon, 239 Zirconium, 238, 239 light, 83 A Catalogue of Books on Chem- istry, Technology, Water and Milk Analysis, Hygiene, Toxi- cology, etc.. 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