LIST OF Embossed Books, Maps, Appliances AND Tangible Appaeatus FOR THE USE OF THE BLIND. BOSTON: Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind, 1909. ^ RE in O’ A E O i w rvA t) t cr* !.S-" to K. i' LIST OF EMBOSSED BOOKS AND MUSIC. Printed at the Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School * FOR THE Blind, Boston, 1908. Line Type. Title op Book. No. of Vols. Price per Set. Juvenile Books. Alcott, L. M. Little Women, .... 3 $9 75 Andersen, Hans. Stories and Tales, . 1 3 25 Arabian Nights, six selections by Samuel Eliot, . 1 3 25 Arnold, S. L. Arnold Primer, .... 1 50 Baldwin, James. Story of Siegfried, . 1 3 25 Burnett, F. H. Little Lord Fauntleroy, 1 3 25 Carroll, Lewis. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, 1 1 75 Child’s Book, first to seventh, .... 7 3 50 Children’s Fairy Book, arranged by M. Anagnos, . 1 2 75 Chittenden, L. E. Sleeping Sentinel, . 1 50 Coolidge, Susan. What Katy Did, Cyr, E. M. Interstate Primer and First Reader, . 1 2 75 1 50 Eclectic Primer, ...... 1 50 Ewing, J. H. Story of a Short Life, . 1 2 25 Greene, Homer. Blind Brother, 1 2 25 Pickett’s Gap, 1 2 25 Harte, Bret. Queen of the Pirate Isle, 1 50 Kingsle}'’, Charles. Greek Heroes, 1 2 75 Water Babies, 1 2 75 Little Ones’ Story Book, ..... 1 50 Percy, Bishop Thomas. Boy’s Percy. Ed. by Sidney Lanier, ........ 1 3 25 Poulsson, Emilie. Bible Stories in Bible Language, 1 3 25 In the Child’s World, Part I., . 1 50 i. In the Child’s World, Part II., 1 60 In the Child’s World, Part III., 1 1 75 Stories for Little Readers, 1 50 A Through the Farmyard Gate, . 1 60 Richards, L. E. Captain January and other stories. 1 3 25 Ruskin, John. King of the Golden River, . 1 50 Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty, .... 1 3 25 Spyri, Johanna. Heidi, translated by Mrs. Brooks, 2 5 50 4 Title of Book. No. of Vols. Price per Set. Thompson, Ernest Seton. Wild Animals I Have Known, 1 $2 75 Turner’s First Reader, . . . . . 1 50 Twelve Popular Tales, selected by H. C. Lodge, . 1 2 25 Wiggin, K. D. Christmas Dinner, .... 1 50 Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, 1 3 25 Story of Patsy, ..... 1 60 Youth’s Library, arranged by M. Anagnos, . 8 12 00 • General Literature. American Prose, ....... 2 6 50 Anagnos, J. R. Longfellow’s Birthday, 1 35 Burt, M. E. Odysseus, the Hero of Ithaca, 1 2 75 Carlyle, Thomas. Essays on Burns, Goethe and Scott, 1 3 25 Cervantes, Saavedra, Miguel de. Don Quixote, . 3 8 25 Cooke, R. T. Deacon’s Week, ..... 1 35 Cooper, J. F. Pilot, ....... 1 3 25 Defoe, Daniel. History of the Great Plague in London, 2 4 50 Dickens, Charles. Christmas Carol, with extracts from Pickwick Papers, 1 3 25 David Copperfield, .... 5 16 25 Old Curiosity Shop, 3 12 75 Don’t; or. Directions for Conduct and Speech, 1 60 Eliot, George. Adam Bede, ..... 3 9 75 Janet’s Repentance, .... 1 3 25 Silas Marner, ..... 1 3 75 Emerson, R. W. Essays, ...... 1 3 25 Extracts from British and American Literature, . 2 5 50 Francillon, R. E. Gods and Heroes, .... 1 3 25 Goldsmith, Oliver. Vicar of Wakefield, 1 3 25 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Scarlet Letter, 2 5 50 Tangle wood Tales, 2 4 50 Twice Told Tales, . 1 3 25 Irving, Washington. Alhambra, .... 2 5 50 Sketch Book, .... 2 6 50 Johnson, Samuel. Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia, 1 2 75 Kingsley, Charles. Hypatia, ..... 3 9 75 Lubbock, Sir John. Beauties of Nature, 1 2 75 Lytton, Edward Bulwer. Last Days of Pompeii, 3 9 75 Macaulay, T. B. Essays on Milton and Hastings, 1 3 25 Martineau, Harriet. Peasant and the Prince, 1 3 25 Most Celebrated Diamonds, translated by J. R. Anagnos, 1 60 Ruskin, John. Selections by Edwin Ginn, . 1 2 75 Sesame and Lilies, .... 1 2 75 Saint Pierre, J. H. B. de. Paul and Virginia, 1 2 75 Scott, Sir Walter. Quentin Durward, 2 6 50 Talisman, ..... 2 6 50 Thackeray, W. M. Henry Esmond, .... 3 9 75 5 Title op Book. No. of Vol8. Price per Set, Poetry. Anagnos, J. R. Stray Chords, ..... 1 $2 25 Bryant, W. C. Poems, ...... 1 3 25 Byron, Lord. Hebrew Melodies and Childe Harold, 1 3 25 Poems selected by Matthew Arnold, 1 3 25 Holmes, 0. W. Poems, ...... 1 3 25 Homer. Iliad, translated by Alexander Pope, 3 9 75 Longfellow, H. W. Evangeline, 1 2 25 Evangeline, and other poems. 1 3 25 Hiawatha, ..... 1 2 75 Lowell, J. R. Poems, ...... 1 3 25 Milton, John. Paradise Lost, ..... 2 5 50 Paradise Regained, and other poems. 1 3 25 Pope, Alexander. Essay on Man, and other poems, Scott, Sir Walter. Lay of the Last Minstrel, and other poems, ......... 1 2 75 1 3 25 Shakespeare, William. Hamlet, .... 1 2 25 Julius Caesar, .... 1 2 25 King Henry Fifth, . 1 2 25 Merchant of Venice, 1 2 25 Romeo and Juliet, . 1 2 25 Tennyson, Alfred. Idylls of the King, 1 2 75 In Memoriam, and other poems. 1 3 25 Whittier, J. G. Poems, ...... 2 6 50 Wordsworth, William. Poems, ..... 1 3 25 Biography. Anagnos, Michael. Memoir, ..... 1 2 50 Biographical Sketches arranged by M. Anagnos, . I 3 25 Eliot, George. Biographical Sketch, .... 1 35 Howe, Samuel G. Memoir, ..... 1 3 25 History. Constitution of the United States, .... 1 50 Dickens, Charles. Child's History of England, 2 6 50 Duruy, Victor. General History of the World, 4 13 00 Fiske, John. War of Independence, .... 1 2 75 Washington and His Country, 3 9 75 Freeman, E. A. History of Europe, .... 1 2 75 Green, J. R. Short History of the English People, 6 19 50 Higginson, T. W. Young Folks’ History of the United States, ........ I 3 75 Schmitz, Leonhard. History of Greece, 1 3 25 History of Rome, 1 2 75 Religion. Book of Common Prayer, ...... 1 3 25 Book of Psalms, ....... 1 2 75 6 Title op Book. j No. of Vols. Price per Set. Combe, George. Constitution of Man, 1 14 25 Hymn Book, ........ 1 2 25 New Testament, ....... 3 8 25 Swedenborg, Emanuel. Selections,* .... 1 Text Books. Buckley, A. B. Life and Her Children, a reader of nat- ural history, ........ 1 3 25 Csesar. Commentaries on the Gallic War, . 1 3 25 Cicero. Orations, ....... 1 3 25 Collar and Daniell. Beginner's Latin Book, 2 5 50 Latin-English Vocabulary, . 1 1 75 Cutter, Calvin. Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene, 1 3 25 Eysenbach, William. German-English Vocabulary, 1 2 25 German Grammar, 2 5 50 Fraser, W. H., and Squair, J. French grammar including a vocabulary; abridged by Edwin V. Spooner, . 1 3 25 Geometrical Diagrams, ...... 1 1 25 Gleason, C. D. Handbook of Crochet, 1 50 Handbook of Knitting, 1 50 Guyot, A. H. Geography, ..... 1 3 25 Howe, S. G. Cyclopredia, ...... 8 34 00 Huxley, T. H. Introductory Science Primer, 1 2 25 Latin-English Lexicon, Vol. I., . 1 3 25 Latin Selections, ....... 1 2 25 Riehl, W. H. Der Finch der Schdnheit, 1 1 75 Scribner, Charles. Geographical Reader, 1 2 75 Townsend, Mabel. Elementary Arithmetic, 1 50 Walsh, John H. Problems and Exercises, . 1 50 Wentworth, G. A. Grammar-school Arithmetic, . 1 3 25 Braille Type. Fiction. Aldrich, T. B. Quite So, (in press), American Authors, ....... 1 $0 60 Aldrich, T. B. Goliath. Darragh, J. T. Skeleton in the Closet. Field, Eugene. “ Die W alkiire/’ und der Boomerangelungen. Spectator. My first Season’s Experience with the Honey- bee. Warner, C. D. Red Bonnet. Note. — All publications of the Howe Memorial Press sold to institu- tions and libraries at twenty-five per cent, discount from the cost prices here given. 1 Printed by donor for free distribution. 7 Title op Book. No. of Vols. Price per Set. Andrews, M. R. S. Perfect Tribute; an incident in the life of Lincoln, 1 SO 50 Witnesses; with A Messenger, 1 50 Bourget, Paul. Monsieur Viple’s Brother, . 1 25 Bunner, H. C. Zadoc Pine Labor Union, . 1 50 Chester, G. P. Skeezicks Elopes, 1 40 Crawford, F. M. Little City of Hope, Daudet, Alphonse. Pope’s Mule, .... 2 1 20 1 25 Davis, R. H. Bar Sinister, ..... 1 50 Davison, C. S. How I Sent my Aunt to Baltimore, Doyle, A. Conan. Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle, . 1 25 1 40 Boscombe Valley Mystery, (in press). - - Man with a Twisted Lip, (in press). - - Naval Treaty, (in press), - - Red Headed League, 1 50 Resident Patient, (in press), . - - Eames, Emma. Day with Chief Croker; with Towboat- ing by Charlotte Teller; and Wright Brothers’ Aeroplane by 0. W. Wright, ..... 1 60 Elson, L. C. Great Composers and their Work, . 2 4 50 Fiske, John. In Memoriam. Charles Darwin; withln- gersoll’s Abraham Lincoln, 1 80 Edward Livingstone Youmans, (in press). - - Francis Parkman, (in press), . - - . Story of the Fall of Quebec, with the Spec- tator’s Account of the Tercentenary of Quebec, ...... 1 30 Hale, E. E. Children of the Public, .... 1 60 editor. Tales from Munchausen, (in press). 1 - Halevy, Ludovic. Abbe Constantin, (in press), . - - Harraden, Beatrice. Bird of Passage, 1 40 Harte, Bret. Col. Starbottle for the Plaintiff, 1 60 Hayes, A. A. Denver Express, .... 1 50 Heyse, Paul. L’Arrabiata, ..... 1 40 Howe, George. Last Slave Ship, .... 1 60 Hubbard, Elbert. Get out or get in Line ; with A Mes- sage to Garcia, ....... Kelly, Myra. Perjured Santa Claus, .... 1 25 1 30 Kipling, Rudyard. Captains Courageous, (in press), . - - Lee, Jennette. Uncle William; the Man who was Shif’- less, ......... 3 1 50 Little, Francis. Lady of the Decoration, . 2 1 50 Maupassant, Guy de. Necklace, .... 1 25 Page, T. N. New Agent; with a Soldier of the Empire, 1 70 Paine, A. B. Don’t Hurry Club, .... 1 30 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. Fourteen to One, 1 60 Poe, Edgar Allan. Murders in the Rue Morgue, . 1 70 8 Title of Book. No. of Vols. Price per Set. Potter, Beatrix. Tailor of Gloucester, 1 $0 25 Smith, F. H. Against Orders; with Sammy, Stockton, Frank. Lady or the Tiger; with The Dis- 1 40 courager of Hesitancy, ...... 1 30 Tarkington, Booth. Monsieur Beaucaire, (in press). - - Twain, Mark. Death Disc, ..... Tolstoy, Lyof. Where Love is, there God is also, (in 1 30 press), ........ 1 - Van Dyke, Henry. Story of the other Wise Man, 1 40 White, C. H. Eli, White, S. E. Honk-honk Breed; with The Two-Gun 1 50 Man, ......... 1 50 Wiggin, K. D. Old Peabody Pew, .... 1 60 Saving of the Colors, Wister, Owen. Philosophy 4; a story of Harvard Uni- 1 50 versity, ........ 1 70 Yonge, Charlotte. Last Fight in the Coliseum, . Text Books. 1 25 English-Greek Vocabulary, ..... 1 1 00 Fryer, Helen. Esperanto Teacher, .... 2 1 00 Goodwin, W. W. Greek Grammar, .... 2 5 50 Harper & Wallace. Vocabulary to Xenophon’s Anabasis, 3 8 25 Homer. Iliad; books 1-3: R. P. Keep, Seymour, J. 0. Vocabulary to Keep’s Iliad of Homer, 1 2 25 2 5 50 Standard Braille Primer, revised, 1 60 first five lessons, .... - 10 White, J. W. Beginner’s Greek Book, 4 11 00 Xenophon. Anabasis, ...... 2 4 50 Music in Braille’s Notation. Note. — The following sign for the tie — (4, 5 : 1, 4) was adopted September, 1908, by all the schools for the blind in this country using Braille. Pianoforte. Beyer, . Landon, Mathews, Porter, F. A., . Studies. Grade 1. Pianoforte Method. Part 1, . . $0 70 Pianoforte Method. 2 Vols., each, . 2 25 Standard Graded Course of Studies (Latest Ed.), Vol. 1, ... 80 Standard Graded Course of Studies (Latest Ed.), Vol. 2, . . . 70 New England Conservatory Course, 2 Vols., each. 60 9 Pieces. Grade 1. Adams, Mrs. Crosby, Five Tone Sketches, Op. 1, . SO 25 Behr, Frangois, Bolero, ...... 06 Evening Prayer, ..... 06 Ethel Polka, ..... 06 Silent Happiness, . . . " . 06 Behr, Franz, . Minuet, Op. 503, No. 15, 06 Spring Chimes, Op. 503, No. 11, 06 Think of Me, Op. 575, No. 11, 06 Biehl, A., Garland Weaving, Op. 53, 06 Little Morning Wanderer, Op. 53, . 06 The Clock, Op. 52, ... . 06 The Rope-dancer at the Fair, Op. 52, 06 Chwatal, Sonatina in F, Op. 245, 12 Goedeler, Lullaby, ...... 06 Gurlitt, Hunting Song, Op. 101, No. 19, 12 Morning Prayer, Op. 101, No. 2, . 12 Hiller, P., . The Lonely Rose, Op. 66, . 06 Little Rider, Op. 66, . 06 Kohler, Coming from School, Op. 210, No. 20, . 06 Kugule, DolFs Dance, ..... 06 Reinecke, C., . Thirty Pieces, Op. 107 (Nos. 1-8), 60 Rummel, Little March, ..... 06 Schumann, Album for the Young, Vol. 1 (Nos. 1-5), 50 Schmoll, Rose Mazurka, Op. 50, No. 1, 06 Song of the Miller Maid, Op. 50, No. 6, . 06 Smith, Hannah, A Dismal Day, Op. 16, No. 12, 06 Butterflies, Op. 16, No. 11, . 06 Coaxing, Op. 16, No. 4, . . . 06 Criss-cross, Op. 16, No. 7, . . . 06 Here we go. Op. 16, No. 6, . 06 In the Greenwood, Op. 16, No. 10, 06 May Song, Op. 16, No. 8, . . . 06 Rock-a-bye Song, Op. 16, No. 1, . 06 Sparkling Wavelets, Op. 16, No. 5, 06 The Brooklet, Op. 16, No. 3, 06 Turkish Patrol, Op. 16, No. 9, 06 Vacation March, Op. 16, No. 2, 06 Thirty-five Easy Pieces (easier numbers), N. E. Conservatory Ed., , 60 Twenty-three Select Pieces (easier numbers), .... 85 Wolff, . Mill by the Brook, .... 06 10 Studies. Grade 2. Burgmiiller, . . Etudes, Op. 100, SO 60 Duvernoy, . Studies, Op. 176, . 60 Gurlitt, . Studies, Op. 50, . 55 Pieces. Grade 2. Alberti, . Catching Butterflies, .... 06 Baumfelder, . . Good Humor, ..... 06 Beethoven, . Farewell to the Pianoforte, . 06 Sonatina in F, . 12 Behr, Francois, . On the Lake, ..... 06 Behr, Franz, . . The Bird’s Message, Op. 503, 06 The Skaters, ..... 06 Biedermann, . . Twelve Nursery Songs, Op. 91, 35 Biehl, A., . Hurrah for the Uhlans, Op. 53, 12 Chwatal, F., . . The Merry Postillion, Op. 228, 06 Dennee, C. F., . Chase of the Butterflies, Op. 28, No. 4, . 06 Egghard, . Tendre Fleur, 06 Ellmenreich, . . Spinning Song, ..... 06 Englemann, . . Little Boy Blue March, Op. 408, No. 5, . 06 Goldner, . Gavotte Mignonne, .... 06 Gurlitt, . The Festive Dance, Op. 140, No. 7, 06 The Hunt, Op. 130, No. 29, . 06 Haydn, . Minuet Giocoso, ..... 06 Jungmann, . Will o’ the Wisp, Op. 217, No. 3, . 06 Kiillak, . The Little Huntsman, .... 06 The Nightingale, ..... 06 Youthful Days, Op. 62 (12 Nos. ), 50 Lange, . . Dressed for the Ball, Op. 292, No. 3, . 12 Happy Meeting, ..... 06 In Rank and File, Op. 249, No. 1, . 12 Playfulness, Op. 292, No. 1, . 12 Lichner, . Morning Song, Op. 174, 06 Waltz, Op. 207, ..... 06 Merkel, . . Jolly Huntsman, ..... 06 Orth, L. E., . . Mother Goose Songs Without Words, 2 Vols., each, ..... 1 00 Porter, F. A., . In the Springtime, Op. 15, Bk. 1 (4 Pieces), ...... 20 Porter, F. A., . In the Springtime, Op. 15, Bk. 2 (4 Pieces), ...... 25 11 Reinecke, C., . . Minuetto, Op. 173, No. 3, . . . $0 06 Thirty Pieces, Op. 107 (Nos. 9-30), 60 Rummel, . Little Waltz, ..... 06 Ryder, C., . Little Artist Mazurka, .... 06 Little Artist Rondo, .... 06 Scharwenka, P., . Tanz Vergniigen, Op. 68, . 06 Scharwenka, X., . Im Volkston, Op. 62, No. 2, . 06 March, Op. 62, No. 1, . 06 Schumann, . Album for the Young, Vol. 1 (Nos. 6-11), 50 Schmoll, . Return of the Gondolier, Op. 50, No. 10, 06 Scherzetto, Op. 50, No. 9, 06 Spring Thoughts, Op. 50, No. 17, . 06 The Hunter’s Horn, Op. 50, No. 8,. 06 The Shepherd’s Repose, Op. 50, No. 15, . 06 Seeboeck, . Bugle and Drum, Op. 205, No. 3, . 06 Six Piano Duets, .... 20 The Dancing Doll, Op. 205, No. 5, 06 The French Doll, Op. 205, No. 2, . 06 The Jumping Rabbit, Op. 205, No. 4, 06 The Rocking Horse, Op. 205, No. 6, 06 Thirty-five Easy Pieces (more difficult numbers), . 60 Twenty-three Select Pieces (more difficult numbers). 85 Turner, . Elfin Parade, ..... 06 Wandelt, . Heart Leaves, ..... 06 Wenzel,. . The Alpine Hunter, .... 06 Wolff, . . Little Cradle Song, .... 06 Studies. Grade 3. Bach, J. S., . . Fifteen Two-voiced Inventions (Peters Ed.) (easier numbers). . 60 Berens, . . School of Velocity, Op. 61, 4 Vols., each. 60 Bertini, . Octave Study, Op. 29, . 06 Study in A, . 06 Brauer, Fr., . . Twelve Studies, Op. 15 (Litolff), 25 Czerny, . Fifty Etudes from Op. 821, . 90 Six Octave Studies, Op. 553, 20 Studies, Op. 636, 40 Heller, St., . Etudes, Op. 47, . 85 Hummel, F., . . Left Hand Etude, Op. 43, 06 Krause, A., . . Trill Studies, Op. 2, Bk. 1, 30 12 Krause, A., . . Trill Studies, Op. 2, Bk. 2, . $0 35 Loeschhorn, . . &udes. Op. 65, Bk. 1, . 30 Bk.2, . 25 Op. 66, Bk. 1, . 35 Maylath, . A Wrist Study, Op. 163, 06 Vogt, . . Octave Studies, Op. 145, Bk. 1, 20 Pieces. Grade 3. Barili, . . Dance Caprice, ..... 12 Beethoven, . . Fur Elise, 06 Sonata, Op. 49, No. 1, . 30 Sonatina, G major. 06 Six Little Variations (G), 25 Six Variations on a Theme by Paisiello, 25 Nine Variations on a Theme by Paisiello, 25 Blakeslee, . May Party Dance, Op. 9, . . . 12 Crystal Fountain Waltz, Op. 25, . 06 Bohm, . . La Zingana, ..... 12 Cui, Caesar, . . Gondolier’s Love Song, .... 06 Czibulka, . In Springtime, ..... 12 Dennee, C. F., . Scherzino, Op. 15, ... . 12 Durand, A., . . Pastorale, ...... 06 Dussek, . La Matinee, Rondo, .... 12 Foote, A., . Sarabande, Op. 6, No. 3, . . . 06 Fontaine, . Swing Song, ..... 06 Frey, . , Valse Poetique, ..... 12 Gade, . . Capriccio, Op. 19, .... 12 Grieg, E., . Albumblatt, Op. 12, . 06 Lyric Pieces, Op. 12, . 35 Grodsky, . Valse Capricieuse, Op. 47, . 12 Griitzmacher, . . Albumblatt, Op. 66, . 12 Handel, . . Air a la Bourree, ..... Allemande, Courante, Minuetto No. 1, 12 Minuetto No. 2 , Preludio, from “Twelve Easy Pieces,” ..... 25 Hiller, F., . Marcia Giocoso, Op. 55, ... 12 Hofmann, H., . Along the Brook, .... 12 At evening. Op. 88, . 06 Gondolliera, ..... 06 In the Month of May, Op. 11, No. 2, . 12 Minnelied, Op. 88, ... . 06 On the Rivulet, Op. 37, . . . 12 The Nightingale Sings, .... 12 13 Hofmann, H., . Ungarisch, Op. 88, ... . $0 12 Zur Laute, Op. 87, ... . 12 Hollaender, . . Canzonetta, ..... 06 Jensen, A., . Barcarole, Op. 33, .... 12 Berceuse in A, . 12 Canzonetta, Op. 42, . Erster Walzer und Zweiter Walzer, Op. 12 33, 06 Polonaise, Op. 33, .... 12 Reigen, Op. 33, . 12 Reiterlied, Op. 33, ... . 12 The Mill, Op. 17, 06 Trompeterstiicklein, Op. 33, . 06 Widmung, Op. 33, ... . 06 Kirchner, . Valse Impromptu, .... 06 Kuhlau, . Sonatina, Op. 20, No. 1, 20 No. 3, . . . 35 Op. 55, No. 1, . . . 20 No. 2, . . . 12 No. 3, . . . 20 Kullak, . Im Gruenen, Op. 105, .... 12 Scherzo, . . 06 Lange, . . Meadow Dance, ..... 12 Valse Champetre, .... 12 Loeschhorn, . . Arabeske, Op. 90, No. 1, 12 No. 3, . . . 12 Lysberg, . The Thrashers, Op. 71, 12 Martini, . Gavotte, . . 12 Mendelssohn, . Christmas Gift, Op. 72, . 25 Priest's March, ..... 12 Song Without Words, Op. 19, No. 4, 06 Op. 30, No. 9, 12 Op. 38, No. 14, . 12 Op. 53, No. 22, . 12 Op. 62, No. 28, . 12 Op. 102, No. 45, . 12 No. 47, . 12 No. 48, . 12 Merkel, . . Friihlingsbotschaft, Op. 27, . 12 Impromptu, Op. 18, . 12 Pleasures of May, Op. 81, 06 Spring Song, ..... 06 The Hunter's Call, Op. 81, 12 Moszkowski, . . Scherzino, Op. 18, ... . 12 14 Mozart, . Sonata No. 2 in F (A. P. Schmidt), . $0 20 Sonata No. 8 in C, “ “ 30 Perabo, . Praeludium, Op. 19, No. 1, 06 Raff, J., . The Echo, Op. 75, . . . 12 Reinecke, C., . . Sonatina, Op. 47, No. 2, 06 Reinhold, . Suite Mignonne, Op. 45, 25 Roeckel, . Valsette, ..... 12 Roeske, C. C., . Capitol March, .... 06 Dover Galop, .... 06 Electric Polka, . - . 06 Happy Thoughts Polka, 06 The Hub Waltz, .... 06 Scharwenka, X., . Polish Dance, Op. 29, No. 1, 12 Tarentelle, Op. 62, . . . 12 Schmoll, . Kathinka, Op. 50, No. 25, 12 Pastorale, Op. 50, No. 22, 06 Polonaise, Op. 50, No. 23, 06 Saltarella, Op. 50, No. 19, 06 Schubert, . Waltzes, Op. 9a, .... 30 Schumann, . Album for the Young, Vol. 1 (12-17), 50 Vol. 2 (18-33), 50 Vol. 3 (34-43), 50 Valse Noble, Op. 9, . . . 06 Schytt^, . Hide and Seek, Op. 66, No. 6, 06 Playing Ball, Op. 66, No. 21,. 06 Youth and Joy, Op. 66, No. 12, 06 Seeboeck, . The Spinning Top, Op. 205, No. 1, 06 Wilm, N. von. . Canzonetta, .... 12 Mazurka, Op. 8, No. 2, 12 Spinning Wheel, .... 12 Studies. Grade 4- Bach, J. S., . . Fifteen Two-voiced Inventions (more difficult numbers), .... 60 Fifteen Three- voiced Inventions (Peters), 60 Chopin, . Prelude, Op. 28, No. 4, 06 No. 6, ... 06 No. 7, . . . 06 No. 11, 06 No. 13, . . . 12 No. 15, . . . 12 No. 21, , . . 12 dementi. . Gradus, Bk. 1, Nos. 1-15, 70 15 Cramer-Biilow, . Fifty Selected Studies (New Edition), Bk. 1, Nos. 1-12, .... $1 00 Fifty Selected Studies, Bk. 2, Nos. 13-25, 1 10 Heller, St., . Etudes, Op. 45, Bk. 1, . 60 Bk. 2, . 60 Op. 46, . 85 Pieces. Grade 4- Arensky, . Impromptu, Op. 25, . 12 Bach, J. S., . . French Suite No. 6 (Peters), 35 Bach, C. P. E., . Solfeggietto, ..... 06 Bargiel, . Album Leaf, ..... 06 Idylle, Op. 32, No. 1, . 12 Beethoven, . Sonata, Op. 2, No. 1, . 50 Op. 10, No. 2, . 25 Polonaise from Trio, Op. 8 (Four Hands), 25 Chopin, . Waltz, Op. 34, No. 3, . 12 Durand, . Chaconne, Op. 62, ... . 06 Foote, A., . Kleine Caprice, Op. 27, No. 5, 06 Gade, . . In the Woods, Op. 41, . 12 Godard, . Second Valse, Op. 56, . 12 Grieg, . . Album Leaf, Op. 28, No. 1, . 06 No. 3, . 06 Anitra’s Dance, Op. 46, No. 3, 12 Erotic, Op. 43, No. 5, . 06 Holberg Suite, Op. 40, Air, . 12 Gavotte, 12 Prelude, 12 Rigaudon, . 12 Sarabande, 06 ■ = In the Home, Op. 43, No. 3, . 06 Lonely Wanderer, Op. 43, No. 2, . 06 To the Spring, Op. 43, No. 6, 20 Papillon, Op. 43, No. 1, 12 Vdglein, Op. 43, No. 4, 12 Haberbier, . A Flower of Spring, .... 06 Heller, St., . Promenades d’un Solitaire, Op. 78, No. 1, 12 Tarantelle (Napoli), .... 12 Wanderst unden. Op. 80, No. 6, 20 Hofmann, H., . Gestandnis, Op. 52, . 20 Gavotte from “Donna Diana,” 12 Hummel, J., . . Sonata, Op. 13, . 90 Variations, Op. 57, 35 16 Iljinsky, . Berceuse, Op. 13, .... $0 06 Kirchner, . Album Leaf, Op. 7, ... . 06 Lavallee, Caprice (The Butterfly), 12 Loeschhorn, . . Hungarian, Op. 191, No. 2, . 12 Mendelssohn, , Scherzo, Op. 16, No. 2, ... 12 Song Without Words, Op. 30, No. 7, 12 Op. 38, No. 18, . 12 Op. 53, No. 23, . 20 Op. 67, No. 34, . 20 Merkel, . In the Beautiful Month of May, Op. 25, . 12 Meyer-Helmund, Mazurka, Op. 40, .... 12 Niemann, Valse, Op. 30, 12 Pachulski, Aus lichten Tagen, Op. 11, . 15 Paradies, Toccata, ...... 12 Parker, H. W., Etude Melodieuse, Op. 19, . 12 Nocturne, Op. 19, .... 12 Romanza, Op. 19, .... 12 Scherzino, Op. 19, ... . 12 Raff, J., Am Loreley-Fels, Op. 134, . 20 Reinecke, C., . . Gondoliera, Op. 86, No. 3, . 20 Rheinberger, . . Ballade, Op. 7, No. 1, . 12 Impromptu, Op. 183, No. 5, . 20 La Chasse, Op. 5, No. 1, . . . 12 Prelude, Op. 183, No. 1, 12 Rosenhain, . Andante et Rondo, .... 20 Rubinstein, . . Boheme Polka, Op. 82, No. 7, ' 12 Romance, Op. 44, No. 1, 12 Saran, . . Phantasie St tick. Op. 2, No. 1, 12 Scharwenka, X., . First Valse Caprice, Op. 13, . 25 Schubert, . Impromptu, Op. 90, No. 2, . 20 Op. 142, No. 2, . 12 Schumann, . . Cradle Song, 06 Curious Story, Op. 15, No. 2, 06 Evening Music, Op. 99, No. 12, 12 Playing Tag, Op. 15, No. 3, . 06 Schytte, Bird-trills in the Woods, Op. 86, No. 8, . 20 Strong, T., Danse des Sabots, .... 12 Thoma, Polish Dance, Op. 52, . 12 Wilm, N. von. Agitato, ...... 20 WoUenhaupt, Etude in A flat, ..... 12 Studies. Grade 5. Kullak, From Flower to Flower (Octave Study), 12 Mendelssohn, . . Prelude in E minor, .... 06 17 Pieces. Grade 5. Beethoven, . Sonata, Op. 2, No. 3, . . $0 85 Op. 7, . 60 Op. 28, . 90 Op. 31, No. 2, . 40 Chopin, . Fantaisie Impromptu, Op. 66, , . 12 Impromptu, Op. 36, . 20 Nocturne, Op. 55, No. 1, 12 Polonaise, Op. 40, No. 1, 12 Waltz, Op. 64, No. 1 (Kullak), 12 Op. 64, No. 2 (Kullak), 12 Jadassohn, . Scherzo, Op. 35, . 12 Jensen, A., . Irrlichter, Op. 17, ... 12 Kassandra, ..... 12 Mendelssohn, . Rondo Capriccioso, Op. 14, . 60 Moszkowski, . . Polonaise, Op. 11, 20 Waltz in A flat, .... 25 Nicode, . Barcarolle, Op. 13, . . . 12 Raff, J., . Rigaudon, Op. 204, 25 Ravina, . . Arabeske, ..... 06 Reinhold, . Impromptu, Op. 28, . 20 Scharwenka, X., . Valse Caprice, Op. 31, . 30 Schumann, . Novellette in F, . 25 Weber, . . Invitation to the Dance, Op. 65, . 30 Rondo Brillante, Op. 62, 30 Studies. Grade 6. Bach, J. S., . . Prelude and Fugue, Bk. 1, No. 5, . 20 Bk. 2, No. 6, . 20 No. 7, . 25 Chopin, . Etude, Op. 10, No. 1, . 12 No. 2, . 12 No. 3, . 20 No. 4, . 20 No. 5, . 12 No. 7, . 12 No. 8, . - . 20 No. 12, . 12 Henselt, . If I were a Bird, Op. 2, 15 18 Pieces. Grade 6. Bach, J. S., . Gavotte in G minor. $0 06 Bach-Saint-Sa'ens, . Gavotte in B minor. 12 Beethoven, Sonata, Op. 57, . 1 00 Brahms, Scherzo, Op. 4, . 35 Chopin, Variations Brillantes, Op. 12, 50 Faure, . Second Impromptu, Op. 31, . 20 Gounod-Saint-Saens, Kermesse (Faust), 15 Liszt, . La Regata Veneziana, . 12 Rubinstein, . Fifth Barcarolle, . 25 Polonaise, Op. 14, 25 Wagner-Brassin, Magic Fire Scene, 35 Studies. Grade 7. Joseffy, Concert Study (Chopin Waltz D flat). 20 Rubinstein, . Etude, Op. 23, No. 2, . , 20 No. 3, . , 35 No. 4, . • • 20 Pieces. Grade 7. Beethoven, . Sonata, Op. 109, . , 1 10 Op. 110, . 1 20 Liszt, . Polonaise in C, . • • 50 Miscellaneous. Mason, . Touch and Technic, Vol. 1, . • 2 25 Organ Music. Allen, N. H., . Themes with varied basses, . 35 Bach, J. S., . Choral Variations, No. 4, 06 No. 5, 12 No. 7, 12 Prelude and Fugue No. 3, Arranged by Thayer, .... 12 Barnby, Postlude in C, . 06 Batiste, * Communion in E flat, . 12 Calkin, . Harvest Thanksgiving March, 20 Andante, Op. 52, 20 Costa, . Triumphal March, 20 Delibes, . Intermezzo, 12 Dubois, Processional, 12 19 Eliott, . . Lullaby, ...... SO 06 Flagler, . Meditation, ..... 06 Gounod, . Prelude in E flat, ..... 06 Guilmant, . Allegretto in B minor, .... 25 Elevation in A flat, .... 12 Marche Fun^bre and Chant Seraphique, . 20 Marche Religieuse, . . - . 25 Handel, . Fifth Concerto, ..... 30 Handel-Whitney, . Largo, ...... 20 Hesse, . . Prelude in F, . 06 Hollins, . Intermezzo, ..... 20 Jadassohn, . Improvisation, ..... 12 Jensen, . . Bridal Song, ..... 20 KuUak, . Pastorale, ...... 20 Mailly, . . Cantilene, ...... 12 Invocation, ..... 12 Merkel, . . Christmas Pastoral, .... 25 Prelude in D, . 06 Trio, Op. 39, No. 1, . . . . 06 No. 2, . 12 No. 3, . 06 No. 4, . . . . 06 Variations, Op. 45, ... . 40 Nava, F., . Prelude in B flat, ..... 06 Rheinberger, . . Pastoral — Sonata, .... 40 Rimbault, . Prelude in G, . 06 Scharwenka, X., . Gavotte in D, . 12 Thayer, . Andante and Variations, 20 Variations on Russian National Hymn, . 25 Variations on Choral “Nuremberg,” 25 Thorne, . Prelude in F, . 06 Volckmar, . Adagio in A flat, ..... 20 Widor, . . Andante Cantabile from Fourth Sym- phony, . . . • . 12 Vocal Music. Songs marked thus (*) are for low voice ; all others are for high voice. Bach, J. S., . . My Heart Ever Faithful,* so 25 Beach, Mrs., . . June, ....... 12 Beethoven, . Nature’s Adoration,* .... 12 Bizet, . . Flower Song from “Carmen,” 20 Bohm, . . Still as the Night,* .... 12 Brahms, . Cradle Song,* ..... 12 20 Bullard, . Beam from Yonder Star,* $0 12 Chadwick, . A Ballad of Trees and the Master,* 12 I said to the Wind of the South,* . 20 0 Let Night Speak of Me,* . Sweetheart Thy Lips are touched with 12 Flame, ...... 12 Cornelius, . What Sound is that? .... 12 deKoven, . A Dream of Arcady, .... 12 Donizetti, . Spirit of Light (tenor), 20 Dvorak, . Songs My Mother taught Me, 12 Franz, . . Dearest Friend,* ..... 12 Farewell, ...... 06 From Grief I cannot measure,* 12 In Autumn,* ..... 12 Marie,* ...... 12 Now welcome My Wood,* 20 On the Ocean, ..... 06 Oh! why so soon,* .... 06 Parting, ...... 12 Serenade, ...... 12 Sweetheart is there, .... 06 The Cheerful Sunbeams, 06 The Mourner,* ..... 06 Through the Valley, .... 12 With Thy Rosy Lips, .... 12 Giordani, . Caro Mio Ben, ..... 12 Giorza, . . 0 Salutaris, ..... 12 Gounod, . Ave Verum, ..... 35 Gentle Flowers in the Dew (Faust), 20 Inspirez-moi (Queen of Sheba), 30 Grieg, . . A Swan,* ...... 12 Departed,* ...... 06 I Love Thee,* ..... 06 Strolling Minst rePs Song,* 12 With a Violet,* ..... 12 Handel, . . Arm, arm Ye Brave, (Judas Maccabeus)* 20 But Who May Abide, (Messiah)* . 30 Every Valley Shall Be Exalted (Messiah), 25 Hear Me ,Ye Winds and Waves (Scipio),* 12 He was Despised, (Messiah),* 20 Honor and Arms (Samson), * 20 0 had I Jubal’s Lyre (Joshua), Shall I in Mamre’s Fertile Plain 12 (Joshua),* ..... 12 21 Handel, . The People that walked in Darkness (Messiah),* .... $0 25 Hawley, . Ah! ’Tis a Dream, 12 Daisies, ..... 06 Greeting,* ..... 12 Song of the South, A, . 12 Song of the Rover, 12 Haydn, . With Joy the Impatient Husbandman (Seasons),* .... 25 Huss, . . My World, ..... 06 King, 0., . Israfel,* ..... 20 Mackenzie, . Spring Song,* .... 20 Mendelssohn, . Afar,* ..... 12 If with all Your Hearts (Elijah), . 12 It is Enough (Elijah),* 20 0 God have Mercy (St. Paul),* 20 Moir, . Best of All, .... 12 Mozart, . 11 mio tesora, .... 25 Old English, . . Drink to Me only with Thine Eyes, 06 Ries, . The Dear Blue Eyes of Springtime, 20 Rotoli, . . My Bride shall be My Flag,* 20 The Dying Flower, 20 Ryder, . . Love’s Summons, 06 Schubert, . Songs in the original keys, . - By the Sea, ..... 12 Faith in Spring, .... 12 -- Hark, hark! the Lark, . 20 . Hark, hark! the Lark,* 06 Hedge Roses, .... 12 Her Portrait, .... 12 Huntsman’s Even Song, 06 Impatience, .... 20 Morning Greeting, 20 My Sweet Repose, 12 Resting Place, .... 20 Serenade, ..... 12 The Counterfeit, .... 12 To be Sung on the Waters, . 20 Wanderer’s Night Song, 12 Wandering, .... 12 Withered Flowers, 20 Who is Sylvia? .... 12 Schumann, . Ah, Sweet, when in Thine Eyes, 06 Beside the Rhine’s Sacred Waters,. 12 22 Schumann, . . Evening Song, ..... $0 12 I’ll not complain,. .... 12 Intermezzo, ..... 12 Moonlight, ...... 12 My Soul will I steep with Longing, 06 0 Sunny Beam, ..... 12 The Rose and the Lily, 06 Thy Lovely Face, .... 12 When May shed loveliness around. 06 Where’er My Tears have fallen, “Woman’s Life and Love”: — 06 No. 1, “Ah! since first I saw him,” No. 2, “Oh thou grandest, best of 12 mortals! ” . 15 No. 3, “I dare not, cannot believe it! ” 12 No. 4, “Oh! ring, upon my finger,” . 15 No. 5, “Come, dearest sisters,” . 15 No. 6, “Ah! my Love, thou wond’rest,” 15 No. 7, “Here, to my heart,” 12 No. 8, “Now thou hast turn’d my joy,” 12 Storace, . My Native Land I bade adieu,* 12 Stucken, van der, . Found (Gefunden), .... 12 Thomas, . Time’s Garden,* 12 Tosti, . . Only a Year Ago, .... 12 Tschaikowsky, . Ye Who have yearned alone,* 12 Wagner, . Lohengrin’s origin, .... 25 • Prize Song from “Die Meistersinger,” . 25 Whelpley, . The Nightingale has a Lyre of Gold, 12 Vocal Duets. Donizetti, . Oh! Haste Crimson Morning, 20 Marzials, . Friendship, ..... 12 Mendelssohn, . I would that My Love, 25 Farewell Song of the Birds of Passage, . 20 Smart, . . The Fairy Haunted Spring, . 12 Part Songs for Male Voices. Abt, . Night Song, 12 The Parting Day, .... 12 Bank, C., . Evening Song, ..... 06 Becker, . Vocal March, ..... 25 Boieldieu, . Praise of the Soldier, .... 12 Chwatal, F. X., . Lovely Night, ..... 06 23 Cramer, . How can I leave Thee, $0 06 Gounod, The Chase, ...... 20 Hatton, J. L., Tar’s Song, ..... 20 Bugle Song, ..... 20 Sailor’s Song, ..... 12 Knowles, Our Flag, ...... 12 Kreutzer, Serenade, . . . . - . 12 Kucken, 0 wert Thou in the Cauld Blast, . 12 The Banners Wave, .... 20 The Rhine, ...... 12 Macfarren, G. A., . Now the Sun has mounted high, . 12 Mendelssohn, The Huntsman’s Farewell, . 12 Farewell, ...... 06 The Cheerful Wanderer, 12 Parting Song, ..... 12 Rhine Wine Song, .... 12 Serenade, ...... 12 Pflueger, Carl, The Bugler, medium voice with male chorus, ...... 20 Weber, . Bright Sword of Liberty, 06 Champagne Song, .... 12 A Nation’s Day is Breaking, . 06 0 How Lovely the Face of the Deep, 06 Werner, Two Roses, ..... 06 Part Songs for Female Voices. Abt, F., Awake! awake! the Dawn is here, 3 parts. 20 Brahms, Greetings, 3 parts, .... 12 Griswold, Gertrude, What the Chimney Sang, 3 parts, . 25 Gumbert, Maidens’ Spring Song, 3 parts. 12 Hiller, . Dame Cuckoo, 3 parts, 12 Lohr, F.N., . Swing Song, 2 parts, .... 20 Mendelssohn, Hearts Feel that Love Thee, 3 parts. 12 How Lovely are the Messengers, 3 parts. 25 0 Vales with Sunlight Smiling, 3 parts, . 12 0 wert Thou in the Cauld Blast, 2 parts, . 06 Schilling, Fred., The Blue Bells of Scotland, 4 parts. 25 Schubert, German Dances, No. 1, 3 parts. 12 No. 2, 3 parts. 12 No. 5, 3 parts. 06 <- No. 9, 3 parts, 12 No. 10, 3 parts, . 12 No. 11, 3 parts, . 20 24 Vogrich, Max, . Comin^ thro* the Rye, 3 parts. $0 06 Drink to me only, arr., 3 parts. 06 My love is like a red, red rose, 3 parts, . 12 Wagner, . Spinning Wheel Chorus, 3 parts, . 12 Wiegand, . A Meadow Song, ..... 20 Part Songs for Mixed Voices. Barnby, . Phoebus (complete), .... 15 (piano part), .... 06 (vocal parts), each, . 06 Carroll, . The Wind (complete), .... 15 (piano part). 12 (vocal parts), each. 06 Eichberg, . To Thee, 0 Country (complete). 15 (piano part), . 06 (vocal parts), each, . 06 Faning, . Moonlight (complete), .... 25 (piano part). 12 (vocal parts), each. 06 Gaul, . The Owl (complete), .... 15 (piano part), .... 06 (vocal parts), each, . 06 Hadley, . A Red, Red Rose (complete). 15 (piano part). 06 (vocal parts), each. 06 Hatton, . Let All With Merry Voices Sing (com- plete), ...... 06 Keller, . . Speed our Republic (complete). 15 (piano part), . 06 (vocal parts), each, . 06 Mendelssohn, . On the Sea (complete). 12 Nevin, . . The Night Has A Thousand Eyes (com- plete), ...... 12 (piano part), ..... 06 (violin ob. and vocal parts), each. 06 Protheroe, . Sylvia (complete), .... 15 Smart, . . Wake to the Hunting (complete), . 20 Stewart, . Bedouin Love Song (complete). 15 Anthems for Mixed Voices. Garrett, . Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord, . 25 Gounod, . Praise be to the Father, 12 Neidlinger, Twenty-third Psalm, .... 30 25 Noble, T. T., . Souls of the Righteous, $0 20 Watson, 0 Worship the Lord, .... 20 Weber, . God of the Fatherless, .... 12 Whitney, Benedictus, ..... 15 Chorals and Hymns. Bach, J. S., . Sixteen German Chorals edited by John S. Dwight, ..... 60 Hymns, Collection of Forty-five Hymn Tunes, 60 Selected Hymns, words and music. 60 Christmas Carols. Gibson, S. Archer, . Tis Christmas Day (Old Welsh), . While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks 06 (Old English), 06 From Highest Heaven (Old German), 06 Music for Children. Roeske, C. C., Collection of Songs, Duets, and Trios, 60 Smith, Eleanor, A Primer of Vocal Music, Part 1, . 60 Part 2, . 1 00 Tomlins, Children's Souvenir Song Book, arr. by W. L. Tomlins, 3 Vols. each. 1 00 Vocal Studies. Concone, Fifty Studies, Op. 9, . 60 Piano Accompaniments to Op. 9, . 1 25 Fifteen Vocalises, Op. 12, . 1 10 Panofka, Vocal A. B. C., 50 Scala, . Twenty-five Concise Vocal Exercises, 60 Sieber, . Ten Vocalises for Bass, .... 50 Ten Vocalises for Mezzo Soprano, . 50 Vaccai, . Practical Method for Sop. or Tenor, 1 50 Violin Music. Accolay, Concerto, ...... 12 Bach, J. S., . Air for G string, ..... 30 Concerto for Two Violins, 40 Brahms-Hermann, . Ungarische Tanze, . . . . 12 Cutter, B., Six Easy Violin Pieces, Op. 40, 20 Dancla, First Air Varie, Op. 89, . . . 06 26 De Beriot, Fantasie Ballet, Op. 100, . $0 25 Method for the Violin, part 1, 60 Dethier, Aria, ...... 12 Eichberg, J., . Complete Method. Two Volumes, each, 1 25 Ferrata, Love Song, ..... 06 Gade, . In the Flower Garden, . 20 Godard, Canzonetta, .... 06 Berceuse from Jocelyn,’^ 06 Goens, . Song Without Words, . 12 Gounod-Wichtl, Faust Waltz, . 20 Gluck, . Andante, ..... 06 Largo, 12 Handel, . Largo, ..... 06 Hauser, Longing (Le Desir), 12 Ungarisch, ..... 12 Hofmann, Sonatine, Op. 49, ... 30 Leclair, Sarabanda, ..... 06 Mackenzie, Benedictus, .... 20 Mendelssohn, Andante from Concerto, Op. 64, 40 Consolation and Spring Song, 25 Mlynarski, Mazur, ..... 20 Raff, . Cavatina, ..... 12 Schi-adieck, . Technical Studies, book 1, . 85 Schumann, Marchenbilder, Op. 113, No. 4, 12 Sitt, Hans, Elegie, Op. 73, . 12 Friihlingslied, Op. 73, . 12 Preludium, Op. 73, . . . 12 Tarantelle, Op. 73, 12 Svendsen, Romance, ..... 25 Viotti, . Concerto (First Movement), . 35 W agner-Huellweck, March and Chorus from Tannhauser , . 12 Wieniawski, . Chanson Polonaise, 20 Violin and Pianoforte. Beethoven, Sonata, Op. 24 (First Movement), . 35 Schubert, Sonata, Op. 137, .... 50 Violoncello. Bruch, Max, . Kol Nidrei, .... 25 Fischer, . Romance, ..... 12 Gabriel-Marie, La Cinquataine, .... 12 Lee, S., Forty Easy Exercises, Op. 70, 40 Gavotte, 12 27 Romberg, . Concertino, ..... $0 25 Schumann, ' . Stuck im Volkston, .... 12 Wagner-Schultz, . To the Evening Star, .... « 12 Trios. {Violin, violoncello, pianoforte.) Hofmann, R., . Trio, Op. 53, .... . 50 Trio, Op. 55, .... . 90 Mendelssohn, . Trio, Op. 49 (Andante), 30 Trio, Op. 66 (Andante), 35 String Quartette. Haydn, . Quartet No. 12 (Adagio), 25 “ No. 13 (First movement), . 30 Clarinet. Blancheteau, . . Fleur de Rosee, ..... 25 Brepsant, . Second Air Varie, .... 25 Hofmann, R., . Sonatina, Op. 48, No. 1, 50 Klose, . . Conservatory Method. Two Volumes, each, ...... 1 75 Mohr, . . Second Air Varie, .... 30 Pye, . . Melody, ...... 12 Verdi-Lazarus, . Cavatina from “Ernani,” 20 Cornet. Arban, . . Fantasie Brillante, .... 12 Method for the Cornet. 3 Vols., each, . 2 25 Rollinson, T. H., . Popular Collection for Cornet and Piano, 60 French Horn and Pianoforte. Beethoven, . . Sonata, Op. 17 (First Movement), . 30 Orchestra. Bach, . . Adagio (Quintet for Strings and Clarinet), 30 Beethoven, . Andante con Moto from Symphony No. 1, 70 Menuetto from Septet, Op. 20, 25 Scherzo from Septet, Op. 20, 25 Minuet from Symphony No. 1, 50 Scherzo from Symphony No. 2, 50 Scherzo from Symphony No. 4, 70 28 Bendix, . Cradle Song,* ..... $0 20 Boccherini, . Minuet in A,* ..... 12 Minuet No. 2 in A,* .... 20 Chopin, . Trauer Marsch, ..... 60 Dittersdorf, . . Sinfonie in C (First Movement), 70 Eichberg, . Andante (Strings and Piano), 12 Eilenberg, . The Mill in the Forest, 35 Fahrbach, . Mazurka, ...... 30 Godard, . Berceuse, ...... 30 Gounod, . Entr’acte from “La Colombe,’’ 40 Gregh, . . Joyous Serenade, .... 40 Passacalle, ...... 50 Grieg, . . Anitra’s Dance,* ..... 25 Gavotte from Holberg Suite,* 25 Rigaudon from Holberg Suite,* 25 Haydn, . Sj^mphony No. 2, First Movement, 80 Minuet, 40 Finale, 90 Symphony No. 5, First Movement, 80 Symphony No. 8, Finale, 90 Symphony No. 11, First Movement, 80 Allegretto, 70 Minuet, . 40 Finale, 80 Symphony No. 13, Largo, 60 Hofmann, H., . . Serenade, Op. 65, First Movement (Flute and Strings), ..... 50 Hofmann, R., . No. 1 from Suite, Op. 60,* . 20 No. 2 from Suite, Op. 60,* 25 Jungmann, . Will o’ the Wisp (Quintet for Strings and Harp), ...... 25 Mascagni, . Intermezzo from “Cavalleria Rusticana,” 20 Mendelssohn, . Capriccio Brillant, Op. 22, . 90 Festival March, ..... Nocturne from Mid-Summer-Night’s 40 Dream, ...... 50 Priests’ March, ..... 50 Mozart, . Andante from E flat Symphony, . 50 Andante from Eighth Quartet, 20 Allegro from a Symphony, 30 Divertimento No. 1, 70 Divertimento No. 2, First Movement, 40 Menuet No. 1, 35 Menuet No. 2, 35 29 Mozart, . Divertimento No. 2, . $0 35 Allegretto, 25 Adagio, 12 Adagio and Allegro, 50 Menuet from G minor Symphony, . 35 Menuet from a Symphony, . 40 March in D, . . . . 25 Symphony No. 5,. . . . . 40 Finale from E flat Symphony, 70 Menuetto from E flat Symphony, . 35 Menuetto from Jupiter ” Symphony, 40 Overture: “The Magic Flute,” 90 Reinecke, . Pastoral,* ...... 20 Marchen Vorspiel,* .... 25 Aus Tausend und eine Nacht,* 12 Frieden der Nacht,* .... 12 Ballet Music,* ..... 30 (The above numbers from Zwolf Tonbilder.) Schubert, . Marche Militaire, .... 45 Moment Musical, .... 35 Overture in D, . 90 Overture: “Rosamunde,” 1 25 Symphony in B minor (First Movement), 1 25 Schumann, . Traumerei, ...... 30 Strauss, . . Light and Shade Waltzes, 60 Thomas, . Gavotte Mignon, ..... 30 Wagner, . Vorspiel from “Lohengrin,” . 20 Waldteufel, . . Invitation a la Gavotte, 50 Bach, Charles, * For string orchestra. Military Band. . Twelfth Andante and Waltz, . 30 Balfe, . . Fantasia from “Satanella,” . 50 Balf e-Claus, . . Selection, “Bohemian Girl,” . 1 25 Balfe-Wiegand, . Selection, “Puritan ^s Daughter,” . 60 Beyer, E., . Fantasia from “Le Bal d’Amour,” Arr., 35 Bizet, . . Selection from “Carmen,” Arr. by Beyer, 70 Toreador’s Song from “Carmen,” . 80 Catlin, E. N., . Overture, “Welcome,” 70 Donizetti, . Nocturne from “Don Pasquale,” *1 Ringleben, . Polka Mazurka, . . . ^ . 30 Sponholtz, . Peace of Mind, . . j Donizetti, . Sextette and Finale from “ Lucia,” * 85 30 Flotow, Selection from “Martha,” Fantasia from “Stradella,” Arr. by $0 80 Heinicke, ...... 50 Gilmore, P. S., 22d Regiment March, .... 35 Gounod-Heinicke, . Selection from “Faust,” 60 Helevy-Heinicke, . Selection from “The Jewess,” 60 Heinicke, Military Prize Quickstep, 50 Hungarian Quickstep, Arr., . 50 Reminiscences of Verdi, 90 Hermann, A., Overture, “L’Espoir de TAlsace,” Arr. by Claus, ..... 90 Laurendeau, . Overture, “Lilliput,” .... 70 Lavallee, Overture, “The Bridal Rose,” 85 Mendelssohn, . Priests’ War March from “Athalie,” 35 Meyerbeer-Heinicke, Selection from “ Les Huguenots,” . 70 Meyerbeer-Meyrelles, Coronation March from “Le Prophete,” . 40 Mozart, Overture, “The Magic Flute,” 60 Prendiville, H., Little Rose Waltz, .... 30 Rollinson, T. H., The Color Guard March, 30 Day Dreams, ..... 60 Schubert-Vaughn, . Arr. of Serenade, .... 35 Sousa, . Semper Fidelis March, .... 35 Suppe, . Banditenstreiche Overture, . 50 Suppe-Wiegand, Overture, “Morning, Noon and Night in Vienna,” ...... 85 Troop-Heinicke, Arr. of Second Andante and Waltz, 30 Verdi, . Scene and Aria from “Ernani,” Arr. by Claus, ...... Selection from “Ernani,” Arr. by Hein- 60 icke, ...... 90 Wagner, Selection from “The Flying Dutchman,” 85 Weber-Heinicke, Selection from “Der Freischutz,” . 60 * Sextette for brass instruments. Miscellaneous Musical Works. Bowser, A Game of Musical Elements (Braille), per set, ...... 50 Braille Catalogue of piano and organ music, .... 25 Braille Catalogue of vocal music, ...... 15 Braille Catalogue of string and wind instruments, . 10 Braille’s Musical Notation, Key to (Explanation in Line), 60 Bridge, J. F., . Counterpoint (Braille), 2 25 Double Counterpoint (Braille), 2 75 31 Elson, L. C., . . Great Composers and their Work. 2 Vols. each (Braille), . . . . $2 25 Fillmore, John C., . Lessons in Musical History (Line), . 2 25 Musical Characters used by the Seeing (Line), ... 40 Norris, Homer A., . Practical Harmony (Braille), 2 Vols. each, 2 25 Streatfeild, R. A., . The Opera (Line), . . . . 2 75 , Webster, M. P., . Preparation for Harmony (Braille), . 50 New Checkerboard and Men. 32 LIST OF APPLIANCES AND TANGIBLE APPAKATUS Made at the Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School FOR THE Blind. Geography. I. — Wall Maps. 1. The Hemisphere, ..... size, 42 by 52 inches. 2. United States, Mexico and Canada, . . “ “ “ 3. North America, .....“ “ “ 4. South Ajnerica, .....“ “ “ 5. Europe, “ 6. Asia, “ 7. Africa, “ 8. The World on Mercator’s Projection, . “ “ “ Each, $37 ; or the set, $296. II. — Dissected Maps. 1. ‘ Eastern Hemisphere, .... size, 30 by 36 inches. 2. Western Hemisphere, . . . . “ “ “ 3. North America, “ “ “ 4. United States, “ 5. South America, “ “ “ 6. Europe, “ 7. Asia, “ 8. Africa, “ Each, $25 ; or the set, $200. III. — Paper Outline Maps : with scale of miles.” United States — double size. New England States. Vermont. Maine. , Massachusetts. New Hampshire. Rhode Island. Connecticut. 33 Middle Atlantic States. New York. Maryland. Pennsylvania. Virginia. New Jersey. ) Delaware. ) West Virginia. Southern States: Eastern Section. Florida. North Carolina. Alabama. South Carolina. Mississippi. Georgia. Tennessee. Southern States: Western Section. Arkansas. Louisiana. Indian Territory. Texas. Oklahoma. Central States: Eastern Section. Ohio. Michigan. Indiana. Wisconsin. Illinois. Kentucky. Central States: Western Section. North Dakota. Missouri. South Dakota. Iowa. Nebraska. Minnesota. Kansas. Southwestern Group. Colorado. Arizona. New Mexico. Nevada. Utah. California. Northwestern Group. Idaho. Montana. Oregon. Wyoming. Washington. Relief and Drainage of Australia. Principal Islands of Oceanica — with the Political Divisions of Aus- tralia. Relief and Drainage of Africa. Political Divisions of Africa. Cuba and Adjacent Islands. The World — Mercator’s Projection — The Chinese Empire. Boston and Vicinity in 1775. Double size. British Isles. Italy. Spain and Portugal. France, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland and Duchy of Luxemburg. Germany. 34 European Russia. Political Divisions of South America. - Austria Hungary. - - $1.00 per hundred. 1 Electrotype shell of any of the above paper maps (single size), . $0 80 IV. Cushions for pin maps and diagrams, each, . . . . 1 00 Checker-board and men, ....... 50 Arithmetic. Ciphering-boards made of brass strips, nickel-plated, each, . 3 00 Ciphering-type, nickel-plated, per hundred, . . . . 1 00 For Pencil Writing Grooved writing-cards, aluminum, each, .... 18 “ “ “ leatherboard, each, .... 08 Script alphabet sheets, per hundred, . . . . . 5 00 Wire guide for signature in ink, ...... 05 For Braille Writing. Peg board, small, ........ 10 “ “ large, 20 “ “ reversible, ........ 25 Interlining slate and tablet with stylus, with pitted bed, . 1 10 with grooved bed, . 1 00 Stylus, .......... 05 Paper for interlining slate, per ream, . . . . . 1 00 “ “ pocket slate, per ream, . . . . . . 1 00 “ “ Braille- writer, per ream, . . . . . 1 00 Alphabet and figures — embossed on aluminum, ... 20 “ “ “ card (postal size) with equivalents in common type, per dozen, ....... 05 Alphabet with specimen sentence interpreted in common type, per dozen, ......... 10 Alphabet sheet with equivalents in line type, per dozen, . . 10 Contraction sheet with equivalents in line type, per dozen, . 20 First five lessons from standard Braille Primer, ... 10 “The Stone in the Road" — story leaflet printed with wide in- terlinear spaces, ........ 05 The Standard Braille Primer, revised, ..... 60