BUYING LIST OF BOOKS FOR SMALL LIBRARIES COMPILED BY ZAIDEE BROWN NEW EDITION REVISED BY CAROLINE WEBSTER PREFACE This list has been prepared for small village libraries in New York State, especially those that have only a little money to spend for books. Expensive books and expensive editions have there- fore been omitted. It is believed that all the editions recommended, however, are fairly satisfactory. In many cases, the better edition and its price are given after the cheaper one. In buying, it is suggested that about one-third of the money be spent for nonfiction, one-third for fiction and one-third for juvenile books (including both fiction and other works). Of course the proportion may be altered to suit circumstances. It is recom- mended that whenever possible books be bought in the special library binding. The prices given are the regular list prices, and libraries usually get at least one-third discount, except in the case of net books, when it is usually io per cent. The total cost of the following ooks should be from one-fourth to one-third less than the total of rices as given. Often it is profitable to buy of dealers in second- and books and remainders of editions. Responsible dealers will arantee books to be in good condition. 4 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY As the following list is intended merely as an aid in buying, regular cataloging rules have not been followed. It should there- fore not be used as a guide for the form of the author’s name. When there is a choice, the best known form of the author’s name or a well-known pseudonym is used. In this edition there is no change from the character of the first list. The same general arrangement is retained and in most cases the same subject headings used. Every class is thoroughly revised and while there is a slight increase in the number of titles in sociology, science, useful arts and amusements, it results in a net increase of but 78 titles in the entire list. The fewest changes are in the list of children’s books. One or two good inexpensive editions of standard books are added and some of the strikingly good stories of the past two years included. In a small library it is not important to buy the very latest child’s story. To buy the best must be the aim of a library in the purchase of its children's books. CLASSIFICATION The Decimal classification numbers have been added. Except in travel and history, only three figures have been given, for in a small library it is not well to subdivide classes to much. Where two class numbers are given, the first is advised unless in a particular library books of the same sort have already been given the second. The object of classification is, of course, to bring like books together. When new numbers are given, they should correspond with those used previously; that is, a library using B for biography must continue to do so (unless all biography numbers are changed) when new biographies are added even though the A. L. A. Booklist or this list numbers it 921. The classification of children’s books differs slightly from the classification used in the adult collection. It has been based largely upon the numbering used in Miss Kennedy’s Suggestive list of children’s books, the use of which list is advised in making a fuller selection of children’s books. It will also be found most valuable in its descriptive notes on the books here listed. MAGAZINES The list of magazines included is that indexed in the Reader's guide abridged (H. W. Wilson Co., Minneapolis $4). There are, of course, more magazines in this list than a library with a book fund of $200 should subscribe for; but we recommend that a selection be made from this list and advise spending one-fifth of BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 5 such an income on magazines and binding. In order to have State aid in the purchase of magazines they must be bound. The importance of magazines in a small library can not be too strongly emphasized. They do more to bring patrons to the library and to keep the library abreast of the times than any one other thing, and if a magazine index is purchased, which is strongly advised, the bound numbers are useful for reference. In selecting magazines the library should consider the needs of the entire community and should see that as far as possible all tastes are considered. No matter how good they may be do not subscribe for three or four magazines which cover the same field while other fields are neglected. In buying magazines it is well to purchase from one agent and have all subscriptions expire at the same time, preferably the first of January. In placing orders preference should of course be given to the local dealer if his prices are as low as those of the magazine agency. It is advisable to submit a list of desired magazines to an agency as well as to the local dealer before the order is placed. Following is a list of responsible dealers : J. W. Grumiaux J. M. Hanson Henry Malkan W. H. Moore G. E. Stechert & Co. A. C. McClurg & Co. Le Roy, N. Y. Lexington, Ky. 1 8 Broadway, New York City Brockport, N. Y. 1 5 1 — 55 W. 25th st., New York City Chicago, 111 . EDITIONS The Wisconsin Library Commission in the introduction to its Suggestive list of popular books for a small library says: “A very small library should have an unusual proportion of books by the old authors, commonly called ‘ standard.’ As there are many editions of the best of such works, and as most of the cheap editions are very poor, book committees should be very careful in selecting the editions as well as in selecting the titles. To order simply Arabian nights in a cheap edition may bring a copy that is so poorly made as to be almost valueless or a full translation that is thoroughly objectionable.” In making this list an effort has been made to select the most satisfactory of the inexpensive editions of the standard authors. In the case of libraries having more means it will sometimes be 6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY found better to buy more expensive editions. In buying the copy- righted books of the list there is usually no choice. In buying books in science, political and social economy and the useful arts, book committees should always buy the latest editions. In this particular we can not emphasize too. strongly the advice which has been quoted for several years in the Prefatory note to the Best books list from the Journal of Nezv Jersey Libraries, October 1903 : “ Do not buy subscription books ; avoid books issued in parts; ask advice before purchasing expensive reprints. “ Finest Orations, Noblest Essays, Royal Flim Flams, Huge Anthologies and the like all come to the secondhand man. Get them of him, if you must. In a small library they are generally almost useless. In subscription books, cases like this are not uncommon. Maspero wrote several large and learned volumes, in French, on Egypt and Chaldea. They were translated and published in three or four volumes in England, costing libraries in this country about $5 each. An American publisher reprints them in 12 small volumes with a few additional colored cuts, on heavier paper and in larger type and offers them through agents for $84 — and libraries buy them ! “ Do not buy sets or complete editions of authors. Buy the volumes you need and as you need them. A complete set always includes several volumes you do not need. Specify the edition you wish of standard books when you can, unless you find a bookseller able and willing to select them wisely for you.” OTHER AIDS TO BOOK SELECTION The State Library will give further help at any time in selecting books, by giving lists of the best books on a certain subject, or by looking over lists of books that a library expects to buy. On request, it will mention other books of the same sort that are preferable to those on the list submitted, if such are known. In so short a list as this many books must be omitted that are fully as desirable as those included. The compilers of this list grant that to be most useful any catalog of book titles should be annotated. In the present case, however, the selection has been rigid, the number of titles purposely so small as to prove no embarrassment to even the smallest library, and it is believed that the very inclusion in a classified list like this is sufficient annotation for the present purpose. Those wishing longer lists or descriptive notes on books in this list, should consult the following : BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 7 A. L. A. catalog of 8000 volumes. 1904. May be obtained of the Superintendent of Documents, Washing- ton, D. C. for $1. A. L. A. catolog, 1904-1911; class list. 3000 titles; ed. by E. L. Bascom. A. L. A. Pub. Board, 78 E. Washington st., Chicago, $ I - 5 °- Annual list of Best Books, published by New York State Library. Sent free to all libraries in New York State. Ten cents outside New York State. A. L. A. Booklist : 10 issues a year. $1 per year. 78 E. Washing- ton st., Chicago, 111 . Best Books and A. L. A. Booklist are furnished free to registered libraries in New York State. For instructions for using lists mentioned abov^e, see pages 3-5 in Directions for the librarian of a small library , published by the Educational Extension Division, New York State Education Department. This pamphlet also gives directions for ordering. Other useful lists are : Buffalo Public Library. Class-room libraries. April 1909. 31c This is arranged by grade, i. e. age, with valuable subject index. Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, Pa. Annotated catalogue of books used in home libraries and reading clubs. 25c Arranged by subject. Catalogue of books for the first 8 grades. 50c Arranged by grade. Catalogue of books in the children’s department. $1 Arranged by author. Kennedy, H. T. comp. Suggestive list of children’s books for a small library, recommended by the League of library commissions. Wisconsin Free Lib. Com’n, Madison, pap. 25c Stanley, H. H. comp. 550 children’s books. A. L. A. Pub. Board, pap. 15c Publications of A. L. A. Publishing Board, 78 E. Washington st., Chicago. A list will be sent on application. They include lists of foreign books. Special lists appearing from time to time in New York Libraries; such as the lists on travel and agriculture in the number for 'October 1909 and attractive editions of children’s books in the July 1912 number. 8 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY BOOKS FOR ADULTS; ARRANGED BY SUBJECT This part of the list has been made rather long, in proportion to the others, to allow choice to suit local conditions, and also that the list may serve as an aid in buying for some time. Even a very small library should buy some books from each group, but those chosen will vary to suit different places. The list includes more books on the subjects that experience has shown to be popular, such as books on animals and travel ; and fewer books on the subjects for which there is less demand, such as history. That is, the choice is based on probable popularity, rather than on the absolute value of the books. The list is made for a small village library whose work is mainly circulating books for general reading. Additional books on the different subjects will be found in the list of children’s books. Many books are equally interesting to children and adults. The A. L. A. catalog and Supplement and the annual Best books will furnish additional titles in any subject desired. This list is arranged under the following headings, in the order named : Reference books Housekeeping and cooking Conduct, mental hygiene, etc. Sewing and fancy work Religion Home decoration Social conditions, citizenship, law etc. Domestic architecture and building Education (including home training of Carpentry and handicraft children) Etiquet Holidays Writing and speaking English Science, miscellaneous Geology Botany Animals Insects Birds Industries, inventions, electricity Medicine, hygiene, sanitation and Art Music Games and amusements Literature Essays and miscellaneous prose Poetry Plays Travel and description Biography, collective Biography, individual Indians History (except American) American history Fiction gymnastics Agriculture Gardening BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 9 For 031 912 912 328 374 912 603 328 3i7 912 423 3i7 Reference books fuller list consult New York Libraries October 1907 and July 1908. Appleton’s new practical cyclopedia. 6v. Appleton, buckram $9.75; half morocco $12.60 Sufficiently comprehensive and workmanlike to be recom- mended to small libraries or grammar schools unable to buy a more elaborate cyclopedia. The articles are up to date, short and nontechnical; the illustrations, maps and indexes useful; the cross references adequate. If a library can afford it, The new international cyclopedia, 20v. Dodd, subscription $5 a volume, is advised. It can be purchased of secondhand dealers for much less. Bartholomew, J. G. Literary and historical atlas of America. (Everyman’s lib.) Dutton 35c Literary and historical atlas of Europe. (Everyman’s lib.) Dutton 35c Murlin’s Red Book of New York State. To be obtained through State senator or assemblyman. A new edition is issued each year shortly after January 1st. Ringwalt, R. C. Briefs on public questions. Longmans $1.20 Rand, McNally & Co. New imperial atlas of the world. $2.50 The same firm publishes a much larger atlas, 2 v. $20, but the less expensive' one will answer at first. Scientific American cyclopedia of receipts, notes and queries. Munn $5 U. S. Congressional directory. Latest edition. To be obtained through United States senator or congressman. U. S. Department of Commerce and Labor. Statis- tical abstract of the U. S. Latest edition. Apply to the Department of Commerce and Labor, Washington, D. C. or to your congressman. U. S. Geological Survey. A good topographic map of your section, and of those near you can be had for 5c each from Director, U. S. Geological Sur- vey, Washington. Stamps will not be taken in payment. Webster, Noah. Webster’s new international dictionary of the English language. Rev. ed. 1909. Merriam $12 For libraries that can not afford Webster, Stormonth’s Unabridged, dictionary of the English language is ad- vised. New and rev. & enl. ed. with supplement. McKay $1.50 World almanac and encyclopedia. Press Pub. Co. 25c a year 10 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 615 or 131 613 or 131 170 613 150 131 616 or 131 615 or 131 Conduct, mental hygiene, etc. Baker, R. S. New ideals in healing. Stokes 85c Call, A. P. Power through repose. Little $1 Fallows, A. K. Point of view. McClurg 35c Gulick, L. H. The efficient life. Doubleday $1.20 King, H. C. Rational living. (Macmillan standard lib.) Grosset 50c Saleeby, C. W. Worry, the disease of the age. Stokes $1.35 Schofield, A. T. Nervousness. Moffat 50c Worcester, Elwood St others. Religion and medicine. Grosset 50c 225 220 266 248 220 266 261 290 220 232 Religion Abbott, Lyman. Life and letters of Paul the apostle. Houghton $1.50 Adeney, W. F. How to read the Bible. Methodist Book Concern 50c Barnes, L. C. Two thousand years of missions before Carey. Christian Culture Co. $1.50 Begbie, Harold. Twice born men. Revell $1.25 Bible. The Riverside Parallel Bible containing the Old and New Testaments in the King James version arranged in parallel columns with the Revised version of 1881 and 1885. $5 Good editions of the King James and American revision bound separately may be obtained from Thomas Nelson & Sons from $1.50 to $5. The Modern Readers Bible ed. by Richard G. Moulton, 1 v. Macmillan $2, presents the Bible in literary form. Brain, B. M. ed. Missionary readings for missionary programs. Revell 60c Butterfield, K. L. Country church and the rural problem. Univ. of Chicago $1 Clarke, J. F. Ten great religions. 2v. Houghton $2 ea Contents: part 1, An essay in comparative theology; part 2, A comparison of all religions. Clarke, W. N. Sixty years with the Bible. Scribner $1.25 Dawson, W. J. Life of Christ. Jacobs $1.50 BUYING LIST OF BOOKS II 21 1 Fiske, John. Idea of. God. Houghton $i Other books in this series by Fiske published by Houghton at $i are the Destiny of man , Through nature to God and the Life everlasting. 261 Grenfell, Sir W. T. What the church means to me; a frank confession and a friendly estimate by an insider. Pilgrim Press 50c 230 Hodges, George. Every man’s religion. Macmillan $1.50 237 In after days: thoughts on the future life; by W. D. Howells, Henry James, John Bigelow, T. W. Higgin- son, H. M. Alden, W. H. Thomson, Guglielemo Ferrero, J. W. Howe and E. S. Phelps. Harper $1 .25 266 Lambert, J. C. Romance of missionary heroism. Lippincott $1.50 268 Peloubet, F. M. Front line of the Sunday school move- ment. Wilde $1 261 Rauschenbusch, Walter. Christianity and the social crisis. (Macmillan standard lib.) Grosset 50c 204 or 252 Robertson, F. W. Religion and life. (Everyman’s lib.) Dutton 35c Robertson’s sermons on Bible subjects and Christian doctrine are also published in Everyman’s lib. (Dutton 35c ea.) Social conditions, citizenship, law etc. 176 Addams, Jane. A new conscience and an ancient evil. Macmillan $1 33 1 The spirit of youth and the city streets. Macmillan $1.25 350 Allen, W. H. Woman’s part in government whether she votes or not. Dodd $1.50 330 Brooks, J. G. Social unrest. Grosset 50c 342 Bryce, James. American commonwealth. Abridged ed. Macmillan $1.75 Chapters from the same work published by Grosset with title, Social institutions of the United States , 75c. 324 Childs, R. S. Short-ballot principles. Houghton $1 658 Cromwell, J. H. American business woman, a guide for investment, preservation and accumulation of property. Ed. 2 rev. and enl. Putnam $2 331 Ely, R. T. Labor movement in America. Macmillan $1.25 12 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 656 or 385 Fagan, J. O. Confessions of a railroad signalman. Houghton $1 324 Fanning, C. E. comp. Selected articles on direct primaries. Wilson $1 n Primary elections by C. E. Merriam (Univ. of Chic. $1.25 n) is a valuable history of the movement for the legal regulation of the primaries, studying the features and practical workings of various state laws and indicating future developments. 352 Good, Jessie. The how of village improvement. American Civic Ass’n, Harrisburg, Pa. 25c Send for a list of the other publications of this association. 347 Huffcut, E. W. Elements of business law. Ginn $1 338 Jenks, J. W. Trust problem. Doubleday $1 330 Laughlin, J. L. Industrial America. Scribner $1.25 321 Oberholtzer, E. P. The referendum in America; to- gether with some chapters on the initiative and the recall. New ed. Scribner $2 Phelps, Selected articles on the initiative and referendum. Ed. 2 rev. & enl. Wilson $1, and Johnson Selected articles on the recall, Wilson 25c are both excellent handbooks giving articles on both sides of these questions. 178 Peabody, F. G. Liquor problem: a summary of the investigation of the Committee of Fifty, 1893-1903. Houghton $1 331 Riis, J. A. Battle with the slum. Macmillan $2 335 Skelton, O. D. Socialism : a critical analysis. Houghton $1.50 325 Steiner, J. C. On the trail of the immigrant. Revell $1.50 338 Van Hise, C. P. Conservation of natural resources in the United States. Macmillan $2 359 Williams, Henry. The United States navy: a hand- book. Holt $1.50 331 Wyckoff, W. A. The workers: East. Scribner $1.25 Education (including home training of children) 173 Abbott, E. H. On the training of parents. Houghton $1 374 or 824 Bennett, Arnold. How to live on 24 hours a day. Doran 50c 372 Bryant, S. C. How to tell stories to children. Houghton $1 Stories to tell to children. Houghton $1 808 or 372 BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 13 379 Foght, W. The American rural school. Macmillan $1.25 136 Forbush, W. B. The coming generation. (Social betterment ser.) Appleton $1.50 370 Henderson, C. H. Education and the larger life. Houghton $1.30 372 Hewitt, E. C. How to train children. Jacobs 50c 379 Kern, O. J. Among country schools. Ginn $1.25 173 McKeever, W. A. Farm boys and girls. Macmillan $1.50 371 Montessori, Maria. Montessori method; scientific pedagogy as applied to child education in “ The children’s houses ” ; tr. from the Italian by A. E. George. Stokes $1.75 371 Palmer, G. H. The ideal teacher. (Riverside educa- tional monographs) Houghton 35c 374 or 174 Parsons, Frank. Choosing a vocation. Houghton $1 372 Perry, A. C. jr. Problems of the elementary school. Appleton $1.25 370 Quick, R. H. Essays on educational reformers. (Internat. educ. ser.) Appleton $1.50 374 or 174 Rollins, F. W. What can a young man do? Little $1.50 379 U. S. Bureau of Education. Report of the commis- sioner of education. Free to libraries upon application to U. S. Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C. Etiquet 395 Clapp, E. B. The courtesies. Barnes $1 Holidays 808 or 394 Schauffler, R. H. ed. Christmas. Moffat $1 Schauffler has also edited collections on Arbor Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, Lincoln’s Birthday, Memorial Day, Thanks- giving, Washington’s Birthday. These are published by Moffat $1 ea. Writing and speaking English 808 or 425 Burt, G. A. Art of expression : recitations for public use. Heath $1 808 Cody, S. A. Selection from the world’s great orations. McClurg $1 - T 4 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 428 or 420 Lounsbury, T. R. Standard of usage in English. Harper $1.50 4 2 8 Mintz, F. S. The new American citizen: a reader for foreigners. Macmillan 50c 428 O’Brien, S. R. English for foreigners. Houghton 50c 808 or 420 Palmer, G. H. Self-cultivation in .English. (River- side educational monographs Houghton 35c 428 Scott, F. N. Elementary English composition. New ed. 1909. Allyn 80c 808 Shurter, E. D. Extempore speaking. Ginn 90c 808 Webster, W. F. English composition and literature. Houghton 90c Science Miscellaneous 504 Bailey, L. H. Outlook to nature. New ed. Macmillan $1.25 51 1 Bigelow, A. H. & Arnold, W. A. Elements of business arithmetic. (Macmillan’s commercial ser.) Macmillan 70c 575 Clodd, Edward. Story of creation : a plain account of evolution. Longmans $1.25 530 or 509 Duncan, R. K. The new knowledge : a popular account of the new physics and the new chemistry in relation to the new theory of matter. Barnes $2 504 Gibson, C. R. Scientific ideas of to-day. (Pop. sci. ser.) Lippincott $1.50 571 Hall, H. R. Days before history. Crowell 50c 523 Martin, M. E. The friendly stars. Harper $1.25 500 Mathews, F. S. Familiar features of the roadside. Appleton $1.75 507 N. Y. State College of Agriculture, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Home nature study lessons. Pamphlets. Free 500 — Rural school leaflets. Pamphlets. Free. 540 Ostwald, Wilhelm & Morse, H. W. Elementary modern chemistry. Ginn $1 504 Sharp, D. L. Face of the fields. Houghton $1.25 Geology 551 Cole, G. A. J. The changeful earth; an introduction to the record of the rocks. Macmillan 50c 55i 55i 553 58 i 580 581 58 i 581 581 582 634 634 580 59i 590 59i 59i 590 590 590 BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 15 Dana, J. D. Geological story briefly told. American Book Co. $1.15 Russell, I. C. Rivers of North America. Putnam $2 Shaler, N. S. Man and the earth. Duffleld $1.50 Botany Atkinson, G. F. First studies of plant life. Ginn 60c Bailey, L. H. Beginners’ botany. Macmillan 60c Beal, W. J. Seed dispersal. Ginn 35c Dame, L. L. & Brooks, Henry. Handbook of the trees of New England. Ginn $1.50 Dana, Mrs W. S. (afterwards Mrs Parsons) How to know the wild flowers. New and enl. ed. Scribner $2 Best book for people who know nothing of science of botany, though Mathews’s Field book of American wild flowers, Putnam $1.75 n, and Blanchan’s Nature’s garden, Grosset 50c, are both excellent. Huntington, A. O. Poison ivy and swamp sumach. Author, Jamaica Plain, Mass. 75c Mathews, F. S. Familiar trees and their leaves. New ed. Appleton $1.75 Pinchot, Gifford. Primer of forestry. U. S. Bureau of Forestry, free U. S. Bureau of Forestry. History of the lumber in- dustry in the State of New York. (Bulletin 34) U. S. Bureau of Forestry 20c Weed, C. M. Wild flower families. Lippincott $1.50 Animals Bostock, F. C. Training of wild animals. Century $1 Cram, W. E. Little beasts of field and wood. Small $1.25 Hornaday, W. T. American natural history. Scribner $3.50 Ingersoll, Ernest. Wild life of orchard and field. Harper $1.40 Roberts, C. G. D. Haunters of the silences. Grosset 50c Watchers of the trails. Grosset 50c Sharp, D. L. A watcher in the woods. Century 84c i 6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 595 595 59i 595 598 598 598 598 620 537 629 629 654 656 622 625 654 621 620 537 537 Insects Comstock, J. H. Insect life. Appleton $1.75 Comstock, J. H. & Mrs A. B. How to know the butter- flies of the Eastern United States. Appleton $2.25 Howard, L. O. The house fly. Stokes $1.60 Peckham, G. W. & Mrs E. G. Wasps, social and solitary. Houghton, $1.50 Birds Blanchan, Neltje. ( Mrs N. B. DeG. Doubleday) Bird neighbors. Grosset 50c Chapman, F. M. Bird-life. Popular ed. Appleton $2 Job, H. K. How to study birds. Outing $1.50 Merriam, Florence. Birds of village and field. Houghton $2 Industries, inventions, electricity Corbin, T. W. Engineering of to-day. Lippincott $1.50 Gibson, C. R. Electricity of to-day. Lippincott $1.50 Grahame- White, Claude. Story of the aeroplane. Small $2 Harper, E. H. & Ferguson, Allen. Aerial locomotion. Putnam $1 Harrison, Newton. Making wireless outfits. Spon 50c Hungerford, Edward. The modern railroad. McClurg $1.75 Husband, Joseph. A year in a coal-mine. Houghton $1.10 Judson, W. P. Road preservation and dust prevention. Engineering News $1.50 Kennelly, A. E. Wireless telegraphy and telephony. Ed. 2. Moffat $1 Knox, C. E. & Shoad, G. C. Electric wiring and light- ing. Amer. School of Correspondence $1 McCollough, Ernest. Engineering as a vocation. Williams $1 Meadowcroft, W. H. A B C of electricity, including wireless telegraphy. Rev. ed. Excelsior 50c Mumby, A. E. Course of simple experiments in magnetism and electricity. Macmillan 40c BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 1 7 526 Phillips, A. E. Surveying. Amer. School of Correspondence $1.50 If a library can afford it C. B. Breed & G. L. Hosmer’s Prin- ciples and practice of surveying, 2 v. Wiley, v. 1 $3, v. 2 $2.50 (a good student’s manual) is a better book for purchase. 629 Sloss, R. T. The automobile. Outing $1.25 Medicine, hygiene, sanitation and gymnastics 614 or 371.7 Allen, W. H. Civics and health. Ginn $1.25 612 Hall, W. S. From youth into manhood. Ass’n Press 50c 649 Harrison, Eveleen. Home nursing. (Macmillan stand- ard lib.) Grosset 50c 628 Hazen, Allen. Clean water and how to get it. Wiley $1.50 649 Holt, L. E. Care and feeding of children. 5th ed. Appleton 75c 616 Hutchinson, Woods. Preventable diseases. Houghton $1.50 614 Knopf, S. A. Tuberculosis a preventable and curable disease. Moffat $2 612 Latimer, Caroline. Girl and woman. Appleton $2 A much needed book, dealing clearly and with sufficient fulness with the facts of sex as well as with general hygiene and physio- logical matters. Superior to most similar attempts in its freedom from the sentimental and emotional. Author a physician. Though primarily intended for parents it may be given safely to girls on occasion. 613 Muller, J. P. My system. Stechert $1 628 Richards, Mrs E. H. S. Sanitation in daily life. Whitcomb 60c Gerhard’s Sanitation, water supply and sewage disposal of country houses, Van Nostrand $2 n will be very useful to the householder in the country where modern city systems have not been installed. 616 Sadler, W. S. Cause and cure of colds. McClurg $1 613 Saleeby, C. W. Health, strength and happiness. Kennerley $1.50 649 Tracy, S. E. Studies in invalid occupation. Whitcomb $1.50 613 Walker, E. E. Beauty through hygiene. Barnes $1 649 Wheeler, Marianna. The baby, his care and training. Harper $1 i8 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 630 630 630 630 630 630 630 631 6ig 637 630 631 632 Agriculture For a fuller list consult New York Libraries , October 1909, page 31 Bailey, L. H. Training of farmers. Century $1 Cyclopedia of American agriculture. 4v. Macmillan $5 ea. A valuable reference work; desirable but too expensive for many libraries. Principles of agriculture. Macmillan $1.25 Bricker, G. A. Teaching of agriculture in the high school. Macmillan $1 Butterfield, K. L. Chapters in rural progress. University of Chicago $1 Card, F. W. Farm management. Doubleday $2 U. S. Country Life Commission. Report. Sup’t of Documents 10c Fletcher, S. W. Soils : how to handle and improve them. Doubleday $2 Mayo, N. S. Care of animals. Macmillan $1.25 N. Y. State College of Agriculture, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Publications, which include Bulletins, Cornell reading-courses : Lessons for the farmer, Lessons for the farm home. Free Peck, C. L. Profitable dairying. Judd 75c Roberts, I. P. The farmstead. Macmillan $1.50 Fertility of the land. Macmillan $1.50 Shaw, Thomas. Weeds and how to eradicate them. Judd 50c 636 or 619 U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry. Special report on diseases of cattle and on cattle feeding. Ed. 2, 1904. May be obtained through your congressman. 636 or 619 .Special report on diseases of the horse. Ed. 3, iW- May be obtained through your congressman. U. S. Dep’t of Agriculture. Publications. The Yearbook and the Farmers’ Bulletins, which are among the most useful, are sent free on request. Bulletin 8 of the Division of Publications, published in November 1907, indexes Farmers’ Bulletins nos. 1-250. A list of other publications of the department will be sent on request and those wished may usually be obtained through your congressman. The department publishes a monthly list of new publications. Ask to be placed on the mailing list for this, and send each month for what you think will be desirable. BUYING LIST OF BOOKS J 9 631 Waring, G. E. Draining for profit and draining for health. New ed. Judd $1 636 Watson, G. C. Farm poultry. Macmillan $1.25 634 Waugh, F. A. American apple orchard. Judd $1 637 Wing, H. H. Milk and its products. Macmillan $1.50 635 L. H. Bailey lib.) 716 or 635 Barnes, P. T. 716 or 635 Bennett, I. D. 635 635 Gardening Garden making. (Macmillan standard Grosset 50c House plants. Doubleday $1.10 The flower garden. Doubleday $1.10 The vegetable garden. Doubleday $1.10 716 or 635 Ely, H. R. A woman’s hardy garden. (Macmillan standard lib.) Grosset 50c Fullerton, E. L. How to make a vegetable garden. Doubleday $2 Hunn, C. E. & Bailey, L. H. Practical garden book. Grosset 50c Parsons, Samuel. How to plan the home grounds. Doubleday $1 635 712 Housekeeping and cooking 641 Benton, C. F. (C. B. Burrell) Living on a little. Estes $1.25 640 Curtis, Mrs I. G. Making of a housewife. Stokes $1.35 728 Dodd, H. C. The healthful farmhouse. Whitcomb 60c 641 Farmer, F. M. Boston cooking-school cook book. Little $2 640 Harland, Marion. (Mrs M. V. H. Terhune) The housekeeper’s week. Bobbs-Merrill $1.50 641 James, A. L. Catering for two. Putnam $1.25 641 Mitchell, M. J. Fireless cook book. Doubleday $1.25 640 Parloa, Maria. Home economics. Century $1.50 641 Rorer, Mrs S. T. Home candy making. Jacobs 50c 640 Seaman, H. J. Expert cleaner. Funk 75c 641 Soyer, Nicolas. Soyer’s paper-bag cookery. Sturgis 60c Sewing and fancy work 746 or 646 Day, L. F. & Buckle, Mary. Art in needlework. Ed. 3 rev. Scribner $2n 20 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 646 or 746 Dillmont, Therese de. Encyclopedia of needlework. (D. M. C. lib.) Th. de Dillmont, Mulhouse, Alsace, 2s (about 50c) A very full and useful book. Can be obtained easily through Stechert, New York City. 646 Laughlin, C. E. ed. Complete dressmaker. Appleton $1.25 Home decoration 684 or 694 Brigham, Louise. Box furniture. Century $1.60 749 or 645 Dyer, W. A. Lure of the antique. Century $2.40 645 Kellogg, A. M. Home furnishing, practical and artistic. Stokes $1.60 n 749 Wheeler, Candace. Principles of home decoration. Doubleday $1.80 Domestic architecture and building 693 Atlas Portland Cement Co., 30 Broad st., New York. Concrete construction about the home and on the farm. Free 693 Concrete cottages. Free 693 Concrete country residences. 25c 728 or 690 Delineator, The. The Delineator’s prize $3000 houses. Dodge $1 728 or 690 Desmond, H. W. & Frohne, H. W. Building a home. Baker & Taylor $1.80 728 or 690 Inexpensive country homes. Munn $2 728 or 690 Kemp, Oliver. Wilderness homes : a book of the log cabin. Outing $1.25 697 King, F. H. Ventilation for dwellings, rural schools, and stables. F. H. King, Madison, Wis. 75c 693 Phillips, A. E. & Byrne, A. T. Masonry construction. Amer. School of Correspondence $1 728 or 690 Saylor, H. H. Bungalows ; their design, construction and furnishing; with suggestions for camp, summer homes and cottages of similar character. McBride $1.50 Carpentry and handicraft 680 Hopkins, G. M. Home mechanics for amateurs. Munn $1.50 680 How to make and how to mend: by an amateur mechanic. Macmillan $1.25 699 Neison, Adrian. Practical boat building for amateurs. Ed. 2 rev. and enl. by Dixon Kemp. Scribner $1 BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 21 Sanford, F. G. Art crafts for beginners. Century $1.20 Wheeler, C. G. Woodworking for beginners. . Putnam $2.50 Wheeler, Mrs C. T. How to make rugs. Doubleday $1 White, Mary. How to do beadwork. Doubleday 90c How to make baskets. Doubleday $1 Art Black, Alexander. Photography indoors and out. Houghton 75c Caffin, C. H. A guide to pictures : for young students. Baker $1.25 How to study pictures. Century $1.80 Cross, A. K. Free hand drawing. Ginn 80c Day, L. F. Alphabets old and new. 3d ed. rev. Scribner $2 Froehlich, H. B. & Snow, B. E. Textbooks of art education, v. 1-6. Prang 25C-45C ea. Reinach, Salomon. Apollo ; the story of art. Scribner $1.50 Sturgis, Russell. The appreciation of sculpture. (Pop. art ser. no. 3) Baker & T. $1.50 How to judge architecture. Baker & T. $1.50 Taylor, C. M. Why my photographs are bad. Jacobs $1 Van Dyke, J. C. How to judge a picture. Methodist Book Concern 60c Music For fuller list, consult Selected list of music and books about music com- piled by L. M. Hooper, published by A. L. A. Publishing Board, 78 East Washington st., Chicago. 782 Annesley, Charles. Standard opera glass ; detailed plots of one hundred and fifty-five celebrated operas, with critical and biographical remarks, dates, etc. by Charles Annesley; with prelude by James Huneker. New ed. rev. with additions and portraits. Brentano $2.50 For libraries that can not afford Annesley, Mason’s Opera stories in a few words: The stories ( divided into acts ) of over 164 operas, also portraits of leading singers, pub. by Mason (Bost. 188 Bay st. road) pap. 50c will be found useful though it does not take the place of the larger book. 780 Henderson, W. J. Story of music. Longmans $1 740 694 677 746 689 770 750 750 741 745 740 709 730 720 770 750 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 780 Hofmann, Josef. Piano playing. Doubleday 75c Johnson, Clifton, ed. Songs every one should know. American Book Co. 50c Krehbiel, H. E. How to listen to music. Scribner $1.25 Lavignac, Albert. Music and musicians. Ed. 4 rev. Holt $1.75 Mason, D. G. A guide to music: for young people and other beginners. Baker & T. $1.25 Games and amusements Spalding’s guides and almanacs, under constant revision, con- tain up-to-date official rules and records of all popular sports. Their handbooks give detailed instruction in each of the games and on general gymnastics. Amer. Sports Pub. Co., 21 Warren st., New York 10c ea. Camp, Walter. Book of football. Century $2 Church sociables and entertainments. Doubleday 50c 793 Faris, J. T. Pleasant Sunday afternoons for the chil- dren. Sunday School Times 50c Foster, R. F. Complete Hoyle: an encyclopedia of in- door games. New ed. rev. Stokes $2.50 Glover, E. H. Dame Curtsey’s book of guessing con- tests. McClurg 50c Dame Curtsey’s book of novel entertain- ments. 6th ed. McClurg $1 Graham, John & Clark, E. H. Practical track and field athletics. Duffield $1 Kephart, Horace. Book of camping and woodcraft. Outing $1.50 Lewis, A. J. “ Prof. Hoffman ” pseud. Later magic. Dutton $2 Mott, Mrs Hamilton, cd. Home games and parties. Doubleday 50c Pearson, A. C. ed. Twentieth century standard puzzle book. Dutton $1.50 Spalding, A. G. America's national game ; historic facts concerning the beginning, evolution, development and popularity of baseball. Amer. Sports Pub. Co. $2 Stern, R. B. Neighborhood entertainments. Sturgis 75c Literature Brooke, S. A. English literature. (Macmillan standard lib.) Grosset 50c BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 23 Craik’s Manual of English literature (Everyman’s lib.) Dutton 35c is a valuable manual, and Gosse’s Short history of modern English literature, Stokes $2.50 is much fuller than either of these but is rather expensive for a small library. 807 Corson, Hiram. Aims of literary study. Macmillan 75c 801 or 028 Counsel upon the reading of books, by H. M. Stephens and others. Houghton $1.50 801 or 028 Schuman, E. L. How to judge a book. Houghton $1.25 820 Tappan, E. M. Short history of England’s and America’s literature. Houghton $1.20 Essays and miscellaneous prose 814 or 170 Autobiography of an elderly woman. Houghton $1 814 Colby, F. M. Imaginary obligations. Dodd $1.20 814 Crothers, S. M. Gentle reader. Houghton $1.25 817 Dunne, F. P. Mr Dooley’s observations. Harper $1.50 814 Emerson, R. W. Essays. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c; Houghton (Cambridge classics) $1 814 Lowell, J. R. My study window. ' Houghton $2 814 Martin, E. S. Windfalls of observation. Scribner $1.25 823 Phelps, W. L. Essays on modern novelists. Macmillan $1.50 824 Ruskin, John. Sesame and lilies. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c Includes Two paths and King of the Golden River. 817 Warner, C. D. My summer in a garden. Houghton $1.50 821 811 883 811 821 821 Poetry Burns, Robert. Poems and songs. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c Field, Eugene. Poems. Complete ed. Scribner $2 Homer. The Odyssey ; translated by Butcher and Lang. Macmillan 80c Longfellow, H. W. Complete poems. Houghton (Cabinet ed.) $1 ; (Cambridge ed.) $2 Poems 1823-66. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c Palgrave, F. T. ed. Golden treasury of songs and lyrics. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c Quiller-Couch, A. T. comp. Oxford book of English verse - Clarendon Press $1.50 24 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 8n Riley, J. W. Afterwhiles. Bobbs-Merrill $1.25 81 1 Scollard, Clinton, ed. Ballads of American bravery. Silver 40c 821 Scott, Sir Walter. Complete poetical works. Houghton (Cambridge ed.) $2 Another good edition is the Globe, Macmillan $1.75. It is con- venient to have also editions of The lady of the lake, The lay of the last minstrel and Marmion in the Students ser. ed. by W. J. Rolfe, Houghton 75c. 81 1 Stedman, E. C. ed. An American anthology. Houghton $3 821 ed. A Victorian anthology. Houghton $2.50 821 Tennyson, Alfred. Poems. Houghton (Cabinet ed.) $1; (Cambridge ed.) $2; Macmillan (New globe poets) $1.75; Grosset 50c 81 1 Whittier, J. G. Poems. Houghton (Cabinet ed.) $1; (Cambridge ed.) $2 Plays For a fuller list of plays see the A. L. A. Catalog Supplement, 1904-11, under American drama, pages 145-46; English drama, pages 149-51; German drama, page 154; French drama, page 155. 812 Howells, W. D. The sleeping car and other farces. Houghton $1 822 Kennedy, C. R. The servant in the house. Harper $1.25 842 Maeterlinck, Maurice. The blue bird : a fairy play in six acts. New ed. Dodd $1.25 812 Peabody, J. P. The piper. Houghton $1.10 822 Shakspere, William. Works. Victoria ed. 3V. Macmillan $i.ea There are many editions. This is a good one for the price, but has no notes. There are two columns to a page. Travel and description For longer lists consult New York Libranes, October 1909, page 16; A. L. A. Catalog, pages 267-99; Supplement, 1904-11, pages 181-206. General works, i. e. more than one country 910 Bullen, F. T. Cruise of the Cachalot. Appleton $1.50; pap. 25c 817 or 910 Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain). Innocents abroad. Harper $2 910 Franck, H. A. Vagabond journey around the world. Century $3.50 BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 25 914 Frazar, M. D. Practical European guide. Small $1 910 Jacobs, Joseph. Story of geographical discovery. Appleton 35c 910 King, S. H. Dog watches at sea. Houghton $1.50 910 O’Connor, W. D. Heroes of the storm. Houghton $1.50 910 Slocum, Joshua. Sailing alone around the world. Century $1.20; School ed. 50c 914 Stephen, Leslie. Playground of Europe (the Alps). Putnam $1.75 910 Stockton, F. R. Buccaneers and pirates of our coasts. Macmillan $1.50 910 Williams, Archibald. Romance of modern exploration. Lippincott $1.50 Africa 916.7 Du Chaillu, P. B. In African forest and jungle. Scribner $1.50 916.4 Finnemore, John. Morocco. (Peeps at many lands) Macmillan 55c 916 Goodrich, J. G. Africa of today. McClurg $1 .50 916.7 Kingsley, M. H. Travels in West Africa. Macmillan $2 916 Milligan, R. H. Jungle folk of Africa. Revell $1.50 Alaska 917.98 De Windt, Harry. Through the gold fields of Alaska. Harper $2.50 917.98 Greely, A. W. Handbook of Alaska. Scribner $2 917.98 Higginson, Mrs E. R. Alaska the great country. Macmillan $2.25 Arctic regions 919.9 Borup, George. Tenderfoot with Peary. Stokes $2.10 919.9 Nansen, Fridtjof. Farthest north. Popular ed. Harper $4 Can be purchased secondhand for much less. 919.9 Peary, R. E. The North pole. Stokes $4.80 Can be bought at secondhand for less. Australia 919.4 Whitmarsh, H. P. The world’s rough hand: adventures in Australia. Century $1.25 26 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 9151 915.2 9151 9151 or 266 914.2 914.2 9I4-2 914.2 914.4 914.4 9I4-3 9I4-3 914-95 9I4-95 914.92 914.92 914.92 914.92 China Chitty, J. R. Things seen in China. Dutton 75c Rose, E. A. The changing Chinese. Century $2.40 China under the Empress dowager by J. O. P. Bland & E. Backhouse (Lippincott $4) gives interesting, illuminating informa- tion on the Empress’s personality. The Boxer rebellion and palace intrigues are presented with excellent spirit and balance. Smith, A. H. Chinese characteristics. Revell $2 Uplift of China. Missionary Education Movement 50c England Collier, Price. England and the English. Scribner 75c Edwardes, Tickner. Lift luck on southern roads. Macmillan $1.50 Finnemore, John. England. (Peeps at many lands) Macmillan 55c Lucas, E. V. Wanderer in London. Macmillan $1.75 France Stevenson, R. L. Travels with a donkey. Scribner $1 Wendell, Barrett. France of to-day. Scribner $1.50 Germany Dawson, W. H. German life in town and country. (Our European neighbours) Putnam $1.20 Sidgwick, Mrs Alfred. Home life in Germany. Macmillan $1 .75 Greece Barrows, S. J. Isles and shrines of Greece. Little $2 Horton, George. Modern Athens. Scribner $1.25 Holland Amicis, Edmondo de. Holland and its people. Putnam $2 Hough, P. M. Dutch life in town and country. (Our European neighbours) Putnam $1.20 Jungman, Mrs Beatrix. Holland. (Peeps at many lands) Macmillan 55c Meldrum, D. S. Home life in Holland. (Home life in many lands) Macmillan $1.75 BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 27 9I5-4 9I5-4 9I5-4 9I4-5 9 I 4-5 9H-5 9 1 4 - 5 9 1 5 - 2 9 I 5-2 9 I 5-2 915.2 915.6 915.6 915.6 918.6 9155 973 • 88 or 919 . 1 919. 1 India Clark, Mrs M. M. A corner in India. American Baptist Pub. Society $1 Compton, Herbert. Indian life in town and country. (Our Asiatic neighbours) Putnam $1.20 Hornaday, W. T. Two years in the jungle. Scribner $2.50 Pennell, T. L. Things seen in Northern India. Dutton 75c Italy Howells, W. D. Italian journeys (1861-65). Houghton $1.50 Smith, F. H. Gondola days. Houghton $1.50 Villari, Luigi. Italian life in town and country. (Our European neighbours) Putnam $1.20 Wharton, A. H. Italian days and ways. Lippincott $1.50 Japan Bacon, A. M. Japanese girls and women. New ed. Houghton (Riverside lib.) 75c Brownell, C. L. Heart of Japan. Doubleday $1.50 Clement, E. W. Handbook of modern Japan. McClurg $1.40 Scidmore, E. R. Jinrikisha days in Japan. Harper $2, pap. 75c Palestine Finnemore, John. The Holy Land. (Peeps at many lands) Macmillan 55c Huntington, Ellsworth. Palestine and its transforma- tion. Houghton $2 Van Dyke, Henry. Out of doors in the Holy Land. Scribner $1.50 Panama Edwards, Albert. Panama; the canal, the country and the people. Macmillan $2.50 Persia Wilson, S. G. Persian life and customs. Revell $1.25 Philippines Sonnichsen, Albert. Ten months a captive among Filipinos. Scribner $2 Worcester, D. C. The Philippine Islands and their people, Macmillan $2 28 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Russia 9 H -7 Hapgood, Isabel. Russian rambles. Houghton $1.50 914.7 Palmer, F. H. E. Russian life in town and country. (Our European neighbors) Putnam $1.20 914.7 Wallace, Sir D. M. Russia. New ed. Holt $5 South America 918 Ruhl, A. B. The other Americans. Scribner $2 Spain 914.6 Borrow, G. H. The Bible in Spain. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c Thrilling narrative of travel in Spain as it was in 1835. Bates’s Spanish highways and byways (Macmillan $2) should be read by any one who wishes to know Spanish women and children. Marriott’s Spanish holiday (Lane $2.50) gives an account of the trip of two young Englishmen through the Basque provinces and parts of Castile. Havelock Ellis’s Soul of Spain (Houghton $2) includes thoughtful essays on interpretation of life, thought and temperament of modern Spain. Turkey 914.96 Barton, J. L. Daybreak in Turkey. Pilgrim Press $1.50 914.96 Brown, Mrs D. V. Haremlik. Houghton $1 . 25 914.96 Dwight, H. O. Constantinople and its problems. Revell $1.25 914.96 Garnett, L. M. J. Turkish life in town and country. (Our European neighbours) Putnam $1.20 United States See also United States: western part, following. 917.3 Brigham, A. P. Geographic influences in American history. Ginn $1.50 917.3 Brooks, J. G. As others see us. Macmillan $1.75 917.3 Butler, N. M. The American as he is. Macmillan $1 338 or 917.3 Cronan, Rudolf. Our wasteful nation. Kennerley $1 355 or 9 X 7 • 47 Hancock, H. I. Life at West Point. Putnam $1.40 917.5 Johnson, Clifton. Highways and byways of the South. Macmillan $2 917.3 Muirhead, J. F. America, the land of contrasts: A Briton’s view of his American kin. Lane $1.25 917.3 Ross, E. A. Changing America. Century $1.20 917.3 Wells, H. G. The future in America. Harper $2 BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 2 9 United States: western part. Travel and description 917 . 8 Grey, Zane. The last of the plainsmen. McClurg $1.50 917.8 Hough, Emerson. Story of the cowboy. Appleton $1.50 917.8 Irving, Washington. The fur traders; (from) his Astoria and Captain Bonneville. Putnam (Knickerbocker lit. ser.) 90c 920 or 917.8 Laut, A. C. Pathfinders of the West. (Macmillan standard lib.) Grosset 50c 917.8 or 639 Story of the trapper. Appleton $1.25 921 or 9 1 7. 8 Light on, W. R. Lewis and Clark. Houghton 65c 917.89 Lummis, C. F. Some strange corners of our country. Century $1.50 917.8 Muir, John. Our national parks. Houghton $1.75 917.8 Parkman, Francis. Oregon trail. Little $1, Remington ed. $2 917.94 Peixotto, E. C. Romantic California. Scribner $2.50 824 or 917.8 Stevenson, R. L. Across the plains. Scribner $1 917.8 or 921 Talbot, Ethelbert. My people of the plains. Harper $1.75 C. T. Brady’s Recollections of a missionary in the great West (Scribner $1.25) is another interesting account of pioneer mis- sionary work in the West. 917.8 or 656 Warman, Cy. Story of the railroad. (Story of the West ser.) Appleton $1.50 796 or 917.94 White, S. E. The mountains. Doubleday $1.50 West Indies 917.29 Fowles, G. M. Down in Porto Rico. Eaton 75c 917.29 Hayward, W. B. Bermuda, past and present. Dodd $1.25 917.29 Wright, I. A. Cuba. Macmillan $2.50 Biography, collective 920 Bouve, P. C. R. American heroes and heroines. Lothrop $1.25 920 Frothingham, J. P. Sea fighters from Drake to Farragut. Scribner $1.20 920 Griswold, Mrs H. T. Home life of the great authors. McClurg $1 920 James, G. W. Heroes of California. Little $2 920 McCarthy, Justin. British political portraits. Macmillan $1.50 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 30 920 Plutarch. Lives. Outlook $1.50 ; 3V. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c n ea. 920 Seawell, M. E. Twelve naval captains. Scribner $1.25 920 Vedder, H. C. American writers of to-day. Silver $1.50 920 Wise, J. S. Recollections of 13 presidents. Doubleday $2.50 Biography, individual This is arranged alphabetically by the name of the person written about. 921 Addams. Addams, Jane. Twenty years at Hull House. Macmillan $2.50 921 Alcott. Moses, Belle. Louisa May Alcott, dreamer and worker. Appleton $1.25 921 Alexander. Wheeler, B. I. Alexander the Great. (Heroes of the nations) Putnam $1.50 921 or 917.3 Antin. Antin, Mary. The promised land. Houghton $1.75 921 Baldwin. Brooks, J. G. American citizen: life of William Henry Baldwin, jr. Houghton $1.50 921 Bronte. Gaskell, Mrs E. C. Life of Charlotte Bronte. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c n; Harper $1.75 921 Bruce. Maxwell, H. E. Robert the Bruce. (Heroes of the nations) Putnam $1.50 921 Caesar. Fowler, W. W. Julius Caesar. (Heroes of the nations) Putnam $1.50 921 Cipriani. Cipriani, L. C. A Tuscan childhood. Century $1.25 921 Cleveland. Williams, J. L. Mr Cleveland: a personal impression. Dodd 50c 921 Custer. Custer, Mrs E. B. Boots and saddles. Harper $1.50 921 Custer. Custer, Mrs E. B. Following the guidon. Harper $1.50 921 Edison. Jones, F. A. Thomas Alva Edison. Crowell $2 921 Elizabeth. Strickland, Agnes. Life of Queen Elizabeth. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c n 921 Emerson. Woodberry, G. E. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Macmillan 50c 921 921 921 921 921 921 921 921 921 921 921 921 921 921 921 921 921 921 BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 3i Evans. Evans, R. D. A sailor’s log. Appleton $2 Francis of Assisi , Saint. Jewett, Sophie. God’s trouba- dour. Crowell $1.25 Franklin. Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiography. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c n; Ginn 40c Frederick. Reddaway, W. F. Frederick the Great. (Heroes of the nations) Putnam $1.50 Geronimo. Geronimo’s story of his life. Duffield $1.50 Gosse. Gosse, Edmund. Father and son. Scribner $1.50 Grant. Grant, U. S. Personal memoirs. 2v. Century $5 Can be bought secondhand for much less. Wister, Owen. Ulysses S. Grant. (Beacon biographies) Small 50c Grenfell. Duncan, Norman. Dr Grenfell’s parish (Labrador). Revell $1 Holmes. Crothers, S. M. Oliver Wendell Holmes. (American men of letters) Houghton 75c Keller. Keller, Helen. Story of my life. Grosset 50c; Doubleday $1.50 Lee. Trent, W. P. Robert E. Lee. (Beacon biog- raphies) Small 50c Lincoln. Lincoln, Abraham. Speeches and letters. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c n Nicolay, J. G. Short life of Abraham Lincoln, condensed from Nicolay & Hay’s Abraham Lincoln. Century $2.40 J T. Morse’s Abraham Lincoln (Amer. statesmen ser.) Houghton $2.50 is another good brief biography of Lincoln. Alonzo Rothschild’s Lincoln , master of men (Houghton $3) is an extremely readable account of his relations with Douglas, Chase, Sumner, Seward, Fremont and McClellan, with whom his posi- tion brought him into close relations and frequent conflict. Schurz, Carl. Abraham Lincoln. Houghton $1 Whitlock, Brand. Abraham Lincoln. (Beacon biographies) Small 50c Livingstone. Hughes, Thomas. David Livingstone. Macmillan 75c Lyon. Gilchrist, B. B. Life of Mary Lyon. Houghton $1.50 32 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 921 Marie Antoinette. Imbert de Saint- Amand, A. L. baron. Marie Antoinette and the end of the old regime. Scribner $1.25 921 Nansen. Bull, J. B. Fridtjof Nansen. Heath 35c 921 Napoleon. Johnston, R. N. Napoleon. Holt $1.25 921 Palmer. Palmer, G. H. Life of Alice Freeman Palmer. Houghton $1.50 921 Perry. Barnes, James. The hero of Erie. Appleton $1 921 Richards, Mrs C. C. Village life in America, 1852-72; as told in the diary of a school girl. Holt $1.30 921 Riis. Riis, J. A. The making of an American. Grosset 50c; Macmillan $1.50 921 Scott. Lockhart, J. G. Sir Walter Scott. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c 921 Washington , B. T. Washington, B. T. Up from slavery. Doubleday $1.50 921 Washington, George. Ford, P. L. The true George Washington. Lippincott $2 921 Scudder, H. E. George Washington. Houghton (Riverside library for young people) 75c 921 Wister, Owen. Seven ages of Washington: a biography. Macmillan (Macmillan standard lib.) $2 n ; Grosset 50c Indians 970.1 Catlin, George. Boy’s Catlin: my life among the In- dians; ed. by M. G. Humphreys. Scribner $1.50 970.1 Leupp, F. E. The Indian and his problems. Scribner $2 970.1 U. S. Bureau of American Ethnology. Bulletin 30: Handbook of American Indians by F. W. Hodge. 2v. Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. cloth, $3 History (except American) The list on history is very brief, and those wishing additional titles should consult the A. L. A. Catalog (part 1, pages 265-72 and pages 335-66) and the Supplement, 1904-11 (pages 181-84 and pages 226-44). There is usually little demand for history for general reading in proportion to the demands for other books. In time, a library should own the best standard histories ; but these may be added by degrees, and the titles are available in other lists, such as the A. L. A. Catalog. 942 Cheyney, E. P. Readings in English history. Ginn $1.80 BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 33 91 1 Dow, E. W. Atlas of European history. Holt $1.50 944 Duruy, Victor. History of France; abr. and tr. from the 17th French ed. by Mrs M. Carey. 2v. Crowell $2.50 942 Green, J. R. Short history of the English people. American Book Co. $1.20 942 McCarthy, Justin. Story of the people of England in the 19th century. 2v. (Stories of the nation) Putnam $3 909 Myers, P. V. N. General history. Ginn $1.50 940 Robinson, J. H. Introduction to the history of western Europe. Ginn $1.60 913.38 Tucker, T. G. Life in ancient Athens. Macmillan $1.25 American history 387 Abbot, W. J. American merchant ships and sailors. Dodd $2 973.7 Avary, Mrs M. L. Virginia girl in the Civil War. Appleton $1.25 973 Brady, C. T. Border fights and fighters. Doubleday $1.35 977 Channing, Edward. Story of the Great Lakes. Macmillan $1.50 917.3 Earle, Mrs A. M. Home life in colonial days. Grosset 50c ; Macmillan $2.50 973 Eggleston, Edward. History of the United States. Appleton $2.50 973 Elson, H. W. History of the United States. 1904. Macmillan $1.75 973.1 Fiske, John. Discovery of America. 2v. Houghton $4 For other historical works of Fiske, see A. L. A. Catalog, pt 2, p. 161. 353 or 973 Forsyth, G. A. Story of the soldier. (Story of the West ser.) Appleton $1.50 974.7 Gebhard, E. L. The parsonage between two manors: annals of Clover-Reach. (Claverack) Author, Hudson, N. Y. $1.50 973.7 Gordon, Gen. J. B. Reminiscences of the Civil War., Scribner $1.50 34 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 929 or 973 N. Y. State Education Dep’t. The American flag. Free to libraries in New York State. Apply to State Library, Albany. 973.1 Parkman, Francis. Pioneers of France in the New World. Little $2 For other historical works of Parkman, see A. L. A. catalog , pt 2, p. 331-32. 974.7 Roberts, E. H. New York; the planting and growth of the Empire State. 2v. (Amer. commonwealths) Houghton $2.50 973 Spears, J. R. History of the United States navy. Scribner $1.50 Fiction for adults Adams, Andy. Log of a cowboy. Houghton $1.50 Allen, J. L. Kentucky cardinal. Macmillan $1 Andrews, Mrs M. R. S. The perfect tribute. Scribner 50c Arnim, M. A. B. von. Elizabeth and her German garden. Grosset 50c Atkinson, Eleanor. Grey friar’s Bobby. Harper $1.20 Austen, Jane. Emma. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c Pride and prejudice. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c For other books by Miss Austen, see A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 223. Austin, J. G. Standish of Standish. Houghton $1.25 Balzac, Honore de. Eugenie Grandet. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c n; Crowell 60c Barr, Mrs A. E. Bow of orange ribbon. Grosset 50c; Dodd $1.25 Barrie, J. M. Little minister. Grosset 50c; Maude Adams ed. 55c Bennett, Arnold. Buried alive. Brentano $1.20 See also A. L. A. Catalog, Supplement, 1904-11, p. 160. Black, William. Princess of Thule. Burt $1 ; Harper $1.25 See also A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 224. Blackmore, R. D. T >orna Doone. Dutton (Everyman's lib.) 35c; Grosset (Exmoor ed.) 50c; Harper $2.50 Bosher, K. L. Mary Cary. Harper $1 BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 35 Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. Burt $i ; Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c; Harper $1.75 ; Macmillan (York lib.) 80c Brown, Alice. Meadow-grass: tales of New England life. Grosset 50c; Houghton $1.50 Brush, C. C. Colonel’s opera cloak. Little $1 Bryant, Marguerite. Christopher Hibbault, road- maker. Duffield $1.50 Burnett, Mrs F. H. That lass o’ Lowrie’s. Scribner $1.25 Burnham, Mrs C. L. Dr Latimer. Grosset 50c Cable, G. W. Dr Sevier. Scribner $1.50 See also A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 188. Castle, Mrs A. S. & Egerton. Pride of Jennico. Grosset 50c Catherwood, M. H. Romance of Dollard. Century $1.25 Chittenden, L. E. Lincoln and the sleeping sentinel. Harper 50c Churchill, Winston. Coniston. Grosset 50c The crisis. Grosset 50c Coburn, Mrs E. H. A. Molly-make-believe. Century $1 Connor, Ralph. Black Rock. Grosset 50c Sky pilot. Revell $1.25 Crawford, F. M. Roman singer. Macmillan $1.50 See also A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 191, and Supplement, 1904- 11, p. 162. The following may be obtained in Grosset’s edition for 50c each : Saracinesca, Sanf Ilario, Don Orsino, Fair Margaret, The prima- donna, Heart of Rome, In the palace of the king, Mr Isaacs, Via crucis. Crockett, S. R. Lilac sunbonnet. Appleton $1.50 Stickit minister. Macmillan $1.50 Cummins, M. S. The lamplighter. Grosset 25c Cutting, Mrs M. S. Little stories of married life. Doubleday $1.20 Daskam, J. D. Madness of Philip. Doubleday $1.35 Smith College stories. Scribner $1.50 Davis, R. H. Soldiers of fortune. Grosset 50c; Scribner $1.50 Davis, W. S. Friend of Caesar. Grosset 50c Day, H. F. King Spruce. Harper $1.50 36 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Deland, Mrs Margaret. Awakening of Helena Ritchie. Burt 50c; Harper $1.50 The iron woman (Harper $1.35) is the sequel. Old Chester tales. Grosset 50c; Harper $1.50 De La Pasture, Mrs E. B. Lonely lady of Grosvenor Square. Dutton $1.50, library binding 10c extra Peter’s mother. Dutton $1.50 De Morgan, W. F. Joseph Vance. Holt $1.75 Dickens, Charles. Christmas stories. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c n; Macmillan $1 David Copperfield. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c n; Macmillan $1 Old curiosity shop. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c; Macmillan $1 For other titles see A. L. A. Catalog , pt 1, p. 227. Doyle, Sir A. C. Tales of Sherlock Holmes. Grosset 50c, illus. ed. 55c n See also A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 228, and Supplement, 1904-11, p. 163. The refugees, Micah Clarke and The white company are popular historical novels. Dumas, Alexandre. The black tulip. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c n Three musketeers. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c n; Little (Readable books) 2v. $1 n ea. ; Crowell 60c; also published by Grosset under the title Three guardsmen , 50c Twenty years after. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c n; Grosset 50c; Little, 2v. $1 n ea. For other novels by Dumas, see A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 252. Duncan, Norman. Doctor Luke of the Labrador. Grosset 50c Ebers, Georg. Uarda. Burt $1 Eggleston, Edward. Hoosier schoolmaster. Grosset 50c Eliot, George. Mill on the Floss. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c n; (Handy lib. ed.) Little $1 Scenes of clerical life, and Silas Marner. (Handy lib. ed.) Little $1 Published in separate volumes in Everyman’s lib. Dutton, 35c n ea. See also A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 229. In time the library should have nearly all of George Eliot’s works. There are several good editions. Farnol, Jeffery. The broad highway. Little $1.35 BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 37 Foote, Mrs M. H. Led-horse claim. Houghton $1.25 Ford, P. L. Honorable Peter Stirling. Grosset 50c; Holt $1.50 Fothergill, Jessie. The first violin. Grosset 50c Fox, John. Little shepherd of Kingdom Come. Scribner $1.50 Trail of the lonesome pine. Scribner $1.50, library binding 10c extra Frederic, Harold. In the valley. Scribner $1.50 Fuller, Anna. Pratt portraits. Putnam $1.25 Gale, Zona. Friendship Village. Grosset 50c; Macmillan $1.50 Galsworthy, John. The patrician. Scribner $1.35 Garland, Hamlin. Captain of the Gray-horse troop. Grosset 50c Gaskell, Mrs E. C. Cranford. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c; Macmillan $1.50 Glasgow, Ellen. The battle-ground. Doubleday $1.50 Romance of a plain man. Doubleday $1.35 Glass, Montague. Potash and Perlmutter. Grosset 50c; Doubleday $1.20 Green, A. K. Leavenworth case. Putnam $1.50 Hale, E. E. Man without a country, and other stories. Little $1.25 Hall, E. C. Aunt Jane of Kentucky. Little $1.50 Hardy, A. S. Passe Rose. Houghton $1.50 Hardy, Thomas. Far from the madding crowd. Burt 60c n; Harper $1.25 Harker, L. A. Miss Esperance and Mr Wycherly. Scribner $1.50 Harland, Henry. My friend Prospero. Grosset 50c The Cardinal’s snuff box. Grosset 50c Harrison, H. S. Queed. Houghton $1.35 Harte, Bret. Luck of Roaring Camp, and other stories. Grosset 50c; Houghton $1.50 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Scarlet letter. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c; Houghton $1 Henry, O. (Sydney Porter) Heart of the West. Doubleday $1.20 Hewlett, Maurice. Halfway House. Scribner $1.50 33 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Hope, Anthony (Anthony Hope Hawkins). Prisoner of Zenda. Grosset 50c; Holt $1.50 Howard, B. W. One summer. Houghton $1.25 Howells, W. D. A chance acquaintance. Grosset 50c; Houghton $1.50 See also A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 197, and Supplement, 1904-11, p. 167. Hugo, Victor. See A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 253. Jackson, Mrs H. H. Ramona. Little $1.50 Jacobs, W. W. Many cargoes. Grosset 50c James, Henry. Portrait of a lady. Houghton $2 Janvier, T. A. Passing of Thomas, and other stories. Harper $1.25 Jewett, S. O. Country of the pointed firs. Houghton $1.25 Johnson, Owen. Stover at Yale. Stokes $1.35 Johnston, Mary. To have and to hold. Grosset 50c; Houghton $1.50 Kelly, Myra. Little citizens. Grosset 50c; Doubleday $1.35 Kingsley, Charles. Westward ho! Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c; Macmillan $1 See also A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 232. Kipling, Rudyard. The day’s work. Grosset 50c; Doubleday $1.35 Kim. Doubleday $1.35 See also A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 232, and Supplement, 1904- 11, p. 168, and the children’s fiction in this list, p. 53. Lane, E. M. Nancy Stair. Appleton $1.50 Lee, Jennette. Uncle William. Century $1 Lincoln, J. C. Partners of the tide. Barnes $1.50 Little, Frances, pseud. Lady of the decoration. Century $1 Living without a boss. Harper $1 Locke, W. J. Beloved vagabond. Burt 50c; Lane $1.50 London, Jack. Call of the wild. Grosset 50c; Macmillan $1.50 Loti, Pierre, pseud. Iceland fisherman. Crowell 35c; McClurg $1 Lyall, Edna, pseud. Donovan. ' Burt $1 Lytton, E. Bulwer-Lytton, baron. Last days of Pompeii. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c n ; Little $1 See also A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 233. BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 39 Macdonald, George. David Elginbrod. McKay $1.25 See also A. L. A. Catalog , pt 1, p. 234. Maclaren, Ian. (John Watson). Beside the bonnie brier bush. Dodd $1.50 Marlitt, E. Gold Elsie; tr. by Mrs Wister. Lippincott 75c Old mam’selle’s secret ; tr. by Mrs Wister. Lippincott 75c Martin, Mrs G. M. Emmy Lou. Grosset 50c; Doubleday $1.35 Mason, A. E. W. Four feathers. Grosset 50c; Macmillan $1.50 Meredith, George. The egoist. Scribner (Pocket ed.) $1 ; (Boxhill ed.) $1.50 See also A. L. A. Catalog , pt 1, p. 235. Merriman, H. S. The sowers. Harper $1.50 Miller, Mrs A. D. Less than kin. Holt $1.25 Mitchell, S. W. Adventures of Frangois. Grosset 50c; Century $1.50 Hugh Wynne. Century $1.50 Montgomery, L. M. Anne of Green Gables. Page $1.50 Anne of Avonlea. (Sequel) Page $1.50 Muir, John. Stickeen. Houghton 60c Mulock, D. M. (Mrs D. M. M. Craik). John Halifax, gentleman. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c n; Burt $1 ; Harper $1 See also A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 226, under Craik. Norris, Kathleen. Mother. Macmillan $1 O’Higgins, H. J. Smoke-eaters ; story of a fire crew. Century $1.50 Ollivant, Alfred. Bob, son of Battle. Doubleday $1.35 Page, T. N. In ole Virginia, and other stories. Scribner $1.25 Red Rock. • Scribner $1.50 Parker, Gilbert. Battle of the strong. Grosset 50c; Houghton $1.50 Right of way. Grosset 50c; Houghton $1.50 See also A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 201, and Supplement, 1904-11, p. 172. NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 40 Phelps, E. S. A singular life. Grosset 50c; Houghton $1.25 Poe, E. A. Prose tales. Century classics, Century $1.25 Porter, G. S. Freckles. Grosset 50c Girl of the Limberlost. Doubleday $1.20 Pratt, Lucy. Ezekiel. Doubleday $1 Quiller-Couch, A. T. Major Vigoureux. Scribner $1.50 See also A. L. A. Catalog , pt 1, p. 226, and Supplement , 1904-11, P- 173 . Splendid spur. Scribner $1.25 Reade, Charles. The cloister and the hearth. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c Reed, Myrtle. Lavender and old lace. Grosset 50c Rice, Mrs A. H. Mrs Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch. Century $1 Mr Opp. Century $1 Richards, Mrs L. E. Wooing of Calvin Parks. Estes $1.25 Richardson, Dorothy. The long day : story of a New York working girl. Century $1.20 Roberts, C. G. D. Heart of the ancient wood. Grosset 50c; Page $1.50 See also A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 203, and Supplement, 1904-11, p. 174 - Robins, Elizabeth. Come and find me. Century $1.50 Russell, W. C. Wreck of the Grosvenor. Scribner $1.25 Saintine, X. B. Picciola. (Riverside classics) Houghton $1 Sand, George. Fadette. Little $1 See also A. L. A. Catalog , pt. 1, p. 254. Scott, Sir Walter. Ivanhoe. (Dryburgh ed.) Macmillan $1.25; Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c n Talisman. (Dryburgh ed.) Macmillan $1.25; Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c n For other titles, see A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 237. Seawell, M. E. History of Lady Betty Stair. Scribner $1.25 Sedgwick, A. D. Tante. Century $1.30 Silberrad, U. L. The good comrade. Doubleday $1.35 Smith, F. H. Caleb West. Grosset 50c; Houghton $1.50 2 5 ‘ BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 41 Colonel Carter of Cartersville. Grosset 50c; Houghton $1.25 Tom Grogan. Grosset 50c; Houghton $1.50 Spearman, F. H. Nerve of Foley. Harper $1.25 Stevenson, R. L. David Balfour. (Biographical ed.) Scribner $1 Kidnapped. (Biographical ed.) Scribner $1 ; Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c n Treasure Island; illus. by E. P. Abbott. (Washington Sq. classics) Jacobs $1 This is an excellent edition for the money, attractively illustrated colors. A more sumptuous edition, with colored illustrations by . C. Wyeth, is published by Scribner at $2.50. Stewart, C. D. Fugitive blacksmith. Century $1.50 Stimson, F. J. King Noanett. Scribner $1 Stockton, F. R. Casting away of Mrs Leeks and Mrs Aleshine. Century $1.50 Rudder Grange. Scribner $1.25 Stowe, Mrs H. B. Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c n; Grosset 50c Stuart, Mrs R. M. Moriah’s mourning. Harper $1.25 Sonny and Napoleon Jackson Century $1 ea. Tarbell, I. M. He knew Lincoln. Macmillan 50c Tarkington, Booth. Gentleman from Indiana. Grosset 50c — Monsieur Beaucaire. Grosset 50c Thackeray, W. M. Henry Esmond. Dutton (Every- man’s lib.) 35c; Macmillan $1 ; Harper (Biographical ed-) $1-75 Vanity fair. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c; Macmillan $1 ; Harper (Biographical ed.) $1.75 For other titles, see A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 240. Thanet, Octave, pseud. Knitters in the sun. Houghton $1.25 Missionary sheriff. Harper $1.25; see also A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 206, and Supplement, 1904-11, p. 175. Thompson, Maurice. Alice of old Vincennes. Grosset 50c Trollope, Anthony. See A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 241. Barchester towers Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c; or Eustace diamonds, 2v. Dodd, $1.25 ea. ; might be bought first. 42 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY BOOKS 030 803 Turgenev, I. S. A house of gentlefolk ; tr. by Constance Garnett. Macmillan $1.25 Verne, Jules. See A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 255. Wallace, Lew. Ben-Hur. Harper $1.50, library binding 13c extra Ward, Mrs Humphrey. Marcella. Grosset 50c; Macmillan $1 See also A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 241, and the Supplement, 1 904-1 1, p. 176. Westcott, E. N. David Harum. Grosset 50c Weyman, S. J. Gentleman of France. Longmans $1.25 Under the. red robe. Longmans $1.25 See also A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 242, and the Supplement, 1904-11, p. 1 77 - White, S. E. Blazed trail. Grosset 50c Silent places. Grosset 50c White, W. A. A certain rich man. Macmillan $1.50 Wiggin, K. D. Cathedral courtship, and Penelope’s English experiences. Houghton $1 Penelope’s progress and Penelope’s Irish experiences are pub- lished by Grosset at 50c ea. Wilkins, M. E. (Mrs M. E. (Wilkins) Freeman). A New England nun, and other stories. Harper $1.25 See also A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 209, and the Supplement, 1904-11, p. 164. Williams, J. L. The married life of the Frederick Carrolls. Scribner $1.50 Wister, Owen. Lady Baltimore. Macmillan $1.50 The Virginian. Grosset 50c ; Macmillan $1.50 Yonge, C. M. Dove in the eagle’s nest. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c; Macmillan $1.25 See also A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 242. FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE: ARRANGED BY SUBJECT Cyclopedias Champlin, J. D. Young folks’ cyclopedia of common things. Holt $3 Young folks’ cyclopedia of literature and art. Holt $3 Young folks’ cyclopedia of persons and places. Holt $3 030 BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 43 220 220 244 220 230 Biblical and other religious stories Bible. Bible for young people ; arranged from the King James version by Mrs J. B. Gilder. New ed. Century $1.50 Bible stories ; ed. by R. G. Moulton. (Children series of the Modern reader’s Bible) 2v. Macmillan 50c ea. Canton, William. Child’s book of saints. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c Foster, Charles. Story of the Bible told in simple language. Jacobs $1 Old testament stories, selected by Edwin Chisholm and Stories from the life of Christ, selected by J. H. Kelman (both in Told to the children ser., Dutton 50c) are attractive Bible stories for very little children. Gillie, R. C. The story of stories. Macmillan $1.25 Myths, legends, stories from history, etc. See also separate list of fairy tales below. 398 Aesop. Fables. Grosset 25c; Dutton (Told to the children ser.) 50c 904 Baldwin, James. Fifty famous stories retold. American Book Co. 35c 398 or 808 Bryce, C. T. Child-lore dramatic reader. Scribner 30c n 398 or 290 Bulfinch, Thomas. Age of fable. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c; McKay $1.25 398 Forbes, C. B. Elizabeth’s charm string. Little $1.50 290 or 398 Foster, M. H. & Cummings, M. H. Asgard stories. Silver 63c 290 or 398 Francillon, R. E. Gods and heroes. 398 Greene, F. N. Legends of King Arthur. 398 Greenwood, Grace, pseud. ( Mrs S. Stories from famous ballads. 398 Haaren, J. H. ed. Ballads and tales: fourth reader grade. Newson & Co. 25c 398 or 290 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Tanglewood tales for girls and boys. (Riverside literature ser.) Houghton 40c Illustrated by G. W. Edwards, Houghton $2.50; bound with Wonder book, Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c. Ginn 40c Ginn 50c J. Lippincott) . Ginn 50c 44 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 398 or 290 Wonder book for girls and boys. (Riverside literature ser.) Houghton 40c Riverside school library ed. Houghton 70c; illus. by Walter Crane Houghton $3; bound with Tanglewood tales, Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c n. 904 Lang, Andrew, ed. Blue true story book. Longmans 50c 398 Tales of romance. Longmans 50c 398 — Tales of the Round Table. Longmans 50c 398 or 290 Macgregor, Mary. Stories of Seigfried. (Told to the children ser.) Dutton 50c 800 Perry, W. C. Boy’s Odyssey. Macmillan $1.50 398 Pyle, Howard. Some merry adventures of Robin Hood. (School reading) Scribner 50c This is an excellent abridgment from his larger book published by Scribner at $3. 398 Scudder, H. E. ed. Book of legends told over again. Houghton 50c 398 Fables and folk stories. Houghton 45c 970 Wilson, G. L. Myths of the red children. Ginn 45c 920 Yonge, C. M. Book of golden deeds. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c Fairy tales 398 Andersen, H. C. Fairy tales. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c 398 Arabian Nights. Fairy tales from the Arabian Nights. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c; Ginn (ed. by E. E. Hale) 45c; Longmans (ed. by Lang) $2, library bind- ing ioc extra 398 Baldwin, James, ed. Fairy reader. American Book Co. 35c 398 Another fairy reader. American Book Co. 35c 398 Fairy stories and fables. American Book Co. 35c 398 Browne, Frances. Granny’s wonderful chair. Heath 30c 398 Grimm, J. L. K. & W. K. Household stories. Macmillan $1.50; Grosset 25c 398 Haaren, J. H. ed. Fairy life : 3d reader grade. Newson & Co. 20c 398 398 398 398 398 39 » 39 » 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 45 Ingelow, Jean. Mopsa, the fairy. (Handy vol. classics) Crowell 35c Three fairy tales. Heath 20c Jacobs, Joseph, ed. English fairy tales. Putnam $1.25, library binding 10c extra More English fairy tales. Putnam $1.25 Kingsley, Charles. Water babies. Dutton f.Told to the children ser.) 50c n; illus. in color $2.50 Lang, Andrew, ed. Aladdin and other stories.' Longmans 75c Elf maiden and other stories. Longmans 60c Golden mermaid and other stories. Longmans 60c Magic ring and other stories. Longmans 60c Pretty Goldilocks and other stories. Longmans 60c Snow queen and other stories. Longmans 75c These books edited by Lang are made up of extracts from the so-called “colored” fairy books, edited by him. The original books, called the Blue fairy book, Green fairy book, etc., are published by Longmans at $1.60 and $2. They are reprinted with poorer paper and print by Burt at $1 and by Grosset at 25c. The Red and the Violet books may be obtained of Longmans in library binding, which is very desirable. Lansing, M. F. ed. Fairy tales. 2v. Ginn 35c ea. Longmans fairy tale books: (supplementary readers) as follows: Cinderella, 20c; Red Riding Hood, 20c; Jack the Giant Killer, 20c; Sleeping beauty, 20c; Whittington, 30c; Princess on the glass hill, 30c; Prince Darling, 40c These are small books, strongly bound, made up from the Blue fairy book, edited by Lang. They are excellent for little children. Mulock, D. M. Fairy book. Grosset 50c Little lame prince. Harper 60c, library binding 6c extra Musset, Paul de. Mr Wind and Madam Rain. Harper (Young people’s ser.) 60c Rhys, Ernest, ed. Fairy gold. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c n Ruskin, John. King of the Golden River. Ginn 25c 46 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 398 Valentine, Mrs L. J. Aunt Louisa’s book of fairy tales. Warne $1 398 Williston, T. P. Japanese fairy tales retold. Rand 75c 398 Wiltse, S. E. Folklore stories and proverbs. Ginn 30c This makes 37 volumes of fairy tales, list price $17.85. With discount off, would cost about $15. Picture books All these have excellent and colored illustrations. Brooke, Leslie. Nursery rhyme book. Warne $1.50 Caldecott’s picture books, nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, miniature ed. Warne 50c ea. Newell, Peter. Topsys and turvys. Century $1 n Amusing rather than artistic. Walter Crane’s picture books, published by Lane, at $1.25. Some of the titles are: Bluebeard’s picture book , Mother Hubbard’s picture book, Red Riding Hood’s picture book. These 3 picture books would cost about $3. Civics 350 Dole, N. H. Young citizen. Heath 45c 350 Hoxie, C. D. How the people rule. Silver 40c 350 Ship of state, by those at the helm. (Youth’s com- panion ser.) Ginn 40c Science and industries 537 Adams, J. H. Harper’s electricity book for boys. Harper $1.75 500 Andrews, Jane. Stories Mother Nature told her children. Lothrop $1 580 Bailey, L. H. First lessons with plants. Macmillan 40c 600 Baker, R. S. Boy’s book of inventions. Doubleday $1.60 699 Beard, D. C. Boat-building and boating. Scribner $1 640 Benton, C. F. Saturday mornings. Estes 75c 580 Dana, Mrs W. S. (afterward Mrs Parsons). Plants and their children. American Book Co. 65c 630 Duncan, Frances. Mary’s garden and how it grew. Century $1.25 640 Johnson, Constance. When mother lets us cook. Moffat 75c 626 Hall, A. B. & Chester, C. L. Panama and the canal. Newson 75c; (School ed.) 60c 600 Hill, C. T. Fighting a fire. Century $1.50 613 630 550 600 600 520 600 640 580 537 654 580 570 590 590 590 598 590 590 590 BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 47 Jewett, Mrs F. G. Good health. Ginn 40c Keffer, C. A. Nature studies on the farm. American Book Co. 40c Kingsley, Charles. Madam How and Lady Why. Macmillan 50c Lane, Mrs M. A. L. ed. Industries of to-day. (Youth’s companion ser.) . Ginn 25c Triumphs of science. (Youth’s companion ser.) Ginn 30c Mitton, G. E. Children’s book of stars. Macmillan $2 Of interest also to grown people. Moffett, Cleveland. Careers of danger and daring. Century $1.50 Morgan, Mrs M. E. H. How to dress a doll. Altemus 50c Rogers, j. E. Trees that every child should know. Doubleday $1.20 St John, T. M. How two boys made their own elec- trical apparatus. St John $1 Things a boy should know about wireless. St John $1 Stokes, Susan. Ten common trees. American Book Co. 40c Strong, F. L. All the year round : a nature reader. 4v. (v.4 by Lane) Ginn 30c ea. Animals Bertelli, Luigi, “ Vamba,” pseud. The prince and his ants; tr. from the Italian by S. F. Woodruff and ed. by V. L. Kellogg. Holt $1.35 Brearley, H. C. Animal secrets told: a book of whys. Stokes $1.50 Burroughs, John. Squirrels and other fur-bearefs. (School ed.) Houghton 60c Eckstorm, Mrs F. H. Bird book. Heath 60c Johonnot, James. Friends in feathers and fur. American Book Co. 30c Jordan, D. S. ed. True tales of birds and beasts. Heath 40c Long, W. J. Secrets of the woods. (Woodfolk ser.) Ginn 50c Other titles in the same series are Little brother to the bear , Ways of wood folk, Wilderness ways, and Woodfolk at school. 48 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Miller, Joaquin. True bear stories. Rand $1.25 Miller, Mrs O. T. Second book of birds. Houghton $1 Monteith, John. Familiar animals and their wild kindred. American Book Co. 50c St Nicholas. Animal stories retold from St Nicholas. 6v. Century 65c ea. Titles as follows : About animals, Bear stories, Cat stories, Lion , and tiger stories, Panther stories, Stories of brave dogs. Seton, E. T. Krag and Johnny Bear: selections from “ Lives of the hunted.” Scribner 50c Lobo, Rag and Vixen : selections from “ Wild animals I have known.” Scribner 50c If the library can afford it, buy instead of the two above, the larger books: Lives of the hunted, $1.75; and Wild animals I have known, $2. 590 or 636 Young, E. R. My dogs in the Northland. Revell $1.25 Art 700 Whitcomb, I. P. Young people’s story of art. Dodd $2 Songs and music 780 Bacon, Mrs M. S. H. Songs that every child should know. Doubleday 90c 780 Bell, Florence, lady, comp. The singing circle; a picture book of action songs and other songs and dances. Longmans $1.25 780 Chapin, A. A. Story of the Rhine gold. Harper $1.25 780 Gaynor, Mrs J. L. Songs of the child world. Church $1 Excellent collection of songs for kindergarten and elementary grades. 784 Mother Goose’s rhymes, set to music by J. W. Elliott. McLaughlin 50c 783 Tomlins, W. L. ed. Christmas carols. American Book Co. 10c Amusements and home occupations 790 Adams, J. H. Harper’s indoor book for boys. Harper $1.75 790 Harper’s outdoor book for boys. Harper $1.75 590 598 590 590 590 590 BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 49 790 Beard, D. C. American boy’s handy book. Scribner $2, library binding 20c extra 790 Beard, Lina & A. B. American girl’s handy book. Scribner $2 790 or 367 Boy scouts of America. The official handbook for boys. Boy scouts of Amer. pap. 25c 790 Canfield, D. F. What shall we do now? Stokes $1.50 This is a new American ed. of Lucas’s 300 games and pastimes. 790 Good, Arthur. Magical experiments ; or, Science in play. McKay $1.25 790 Grinnell, G. B. & Swan, E. LaF. ed. Harper’s camp- ing and scouting; an outdoor guide for American boys. (Harper’s practical bks for boys) Harper $175 790 Johnston, Bertha & Chapin, Fanny. Home occupa- tions for boys and girls. Jacobs 50c 790 Keyes, A. M. When mother lets us play. Moffat 75c 790 or 371 Sage, Elizabeth & Cooley, A. M. Occupations for little fingers. Scribner $1 790 Seton, E. T. Wild animal play for children. Doubleday 50c Miscellaneous collections of prose and verse (including readers for younger children, which are always popular) 808 Arnold, S. L. Stepping stones to literature. Primer. Silver 30c 808 & Gilbert, C. B. Stepping stones to literature. Silver, 1st reader, 30c; 2d reader, 40c; 3d reader, 50c 808 Blaisdell, E. A. & M. F. ed. Child life primer and readers. Macmillan Titles as follows: Child life primer, 25c; Child life, 1st reader, 25c; Child life in tale and fable, a 2d reader, 35c; Child life in many lands, a 3d reader, 36c 821 Blake, K. D. & Alexander, Georgia, ed. Graded poetry readers 1st to 4th years, 3V. ;) 1st and 2d years in iv.) Maynard 20c ea. 808 Dodge, Mrs M. M. ed. New baby world. Century $1.50 808 Foulke, E. E. Braided straws. Silver 40c 808 Grover, E. O. Folk lore readers. Primer, Books 1 and 2. Atkinson, M. & G. Primer and Bk 1, 30c ea. ; Bk 2, 40c 50 8o8 808 808 808 808 808 398 821 808 808 821 821 822 821 821 398 398 821 821 821 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Sunbonnet babies’ primer. Rand 75c, library binding 5c extra Haaren, J. H. Rhymes and fables: 1st reader grade. Newson & Co. 12c Songs and stories: 2d reader grade. Newson & Co. 15c Lansing, M. F. Rhymes and stories. Ginn 35c Norton, C. E. ed. Heart of oak books, v.1-4. Heath v. 1, 25c; library binding 10c extra v.2, 35c, library binding 10c extra v.3, 40c, library binding 10c extra V.4, 45c Peabody, S. C. Step by step. Ginn 30c Poulsson, Emilie. Child stories and rhymes. Lothrop $1.25 Tileston, Mrs M. W. F. ed. Children’s hour. Little 50c Van Sickle, J. H., Seegmiller, Wilhelmina & Jenkins Frances, ed. Riverside readers. 5v. Houghton, Primer 30c n; 1st reader, 35c n; 2d reader, 40c n; 3d reader, 50c n; 4th reader 55c n Poetry, and stories from poems and plays Bellamy, B. W. & Goodwin, M. W. Open sesame, v.i. Ginn 50c Henley, W. E. ed. Lyra heroica : a book of verse for boys. Scribner $1.25 Kelman, J. H. Stories from Chaucer told by J. H. Kelman. (Told to the children ser.) Dutton 50c Lamb, Charles & Mary. Tales from Shakespeare. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c n Lovejoy, M. I. ed. Nature in verse. Silver 60c Poetry of the seasons. Silver 60c Mother Goose book of nursery rhymes, ed. by Charles Welsh. Heath 50c Mother Goose melodies; or Songs for the nursery, ed. by W. R. Wheeler. Houghton $1.50 Porter, D. R. ed. Poems of action. Ass’n Press 75c Repplier, Agnes. Book of famous verse. Houghton 75c Stevenson, B. E. & E. B. ed. Days and deeds: a book of verse. Baker & T. $1 BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 51 821 821 821 821 920 920 920 920 921 921 921 921 921 921 921 921 921 Stevenson, R. L. Child’s garden of verses, illus. by E. Mars and M. H. Squire. Rand 75c, library binding 5c extra Whittier, J. G. ed. Child life in verse. Houghton $1.50 Wiggin, K. D. & Smith, N. A. ed. Golden numbers. Doubleday $2 Posy ring. Doubleday $1.25 For younger children than Golden numbers. Biography, collective Bolton, Mrs S. K. Girls who became famous. Crowell $1.50 Poor boys who became famous. Crowell $1.50 Holland, R. S. Historic girlhoods. Jacobs $1.50 Johnston, C. H. L. Famous scouts. Page $1.50 Biography, individual Columbus. Moores, C. W. Story of Christopher Columbus. Houghton 75c Grant. Hill, F. T. On the trail of Grant and Lee. (National holiday ser.) Appleton $1.50 Joan of Arc. Lang, Andrew. Joan of Arc. (Children’s heroes) Dutton 50c Lincoln. Nicolay, Helen. Boy’s life of Abraham Lincoln. Century $1.50 Livingstone. Golding, Vautier. Story of David Living- stone. (Children’s heroes) Dutton 50c Nightingale. Richards, Mrs L. E. Florence Night- ingale, the angel of the Crimea. Appleton $1.25 Victoria. Tappan, E. M. In the days of Queen Victoria. Lothrop $1 Washington. Scudder, H. E. George Washington. Houghton 75c Washington, George. Rules of conduct, diary of adventure, letters and farewell address. Houghton 25c History and description (not including the United States) 914 Ambrossi, Marietta. When I was a girl in Italy. Lothrop 75c Same as her Italian child life. 5 ^ NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 915 Ayrton, M. C. Child-life in Japan. Heath 20c 916 Bicknell, L. M. How a little girl went to Africa. Lothrop $1 910 or 390 Chance, L. M. Little folks of many lands. Ginn 45c 914 Finnemore, John. England. (Peeps at many lands) Macmillan 55c 914 Italy. (Peeps at many lands) Macmillan 55c 914 Greenwood, Grace, pseud. (Mrs S. J. Lippincott). Merrie England. Ginn 40c 942 Guerber, H. A. Story of the English. American Book Co. 65c 910 Hale, E. E. Stories of adventure. Little $1.25 915 Headland, I. T. Our little Chinese cousin. Page 60c 942 Larned, J. N. History of England. Houghton $1.25 914 McDonald, Mrs E. A. B. & Dalrymple, Julia. Kath- leen in Ireland. Little 60c 915 CJme San in Japan. Little 60c 914 McManus, Blanche. (Mrs B. M. Mansfield). Our little French cousin. Page 60c 915 Our little Hindu cousin. Page 60c 919 Peary, Mrs J. D. Snow baby. Stokes $1.25 n, library binding 10c extra 919 Peary, R. E. Snowland folks. Stokes $1.25 919 Schwatka, Frederick. Children of the cold. Educational Pub. Co. $1.25 910 or 390 Shaw, E. R. Big people and little people of other lands. American Book Co. 30c 910 Discoverers and explorers. American Book Co. 35c 938 Tappan, E. M. Story of the Greek people. Houghton 65c 350 Three years behind the guns, by L. G. T. Century $1.50 United States. History and description (including Indians) 977 Baldwin, James. Discovery of the old Northwest. American Book Co. 60c 970 Carpenter, F. G. North America. (Geographical readers) American Book Co. 60c Definite information about the country, animals and industries. Other geographical readers in the same series are Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, South America, 70c. BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 53 973-3 973 973-2 970 973 973 973-7 970 973 970 973-7 973 917 917 970 973 - 2 973 974 - 7 Coffin, C. C. Boys of ’76. Harper $2 Building the nation. Harper $2 Old times in the colonies. Harper $2 Eastman, C. A. Indian boyhood. Doubleday $1.60 Eggleston, Edward. Stories of American life and adventure. American Book Co. 50c Stories of great Americans. American Book Co. 40c Famous adventures and prison escapes of the Civil War. Century $1.50 Grinnell, G. B. Story of the Indian. (Story of the West ser.) Appleton $1.50 Higginson, T. W. Young folks’ history of the United States. Longmans $1 Husted, M. H. Stories of Indian children. Public School Pub. Co. 40c Kieffer, H. M. Recollections of a drummer-boy. Houghton $1.50 Lodge, H. C. & Roosevelt, Theodore. Hero tales from American history. Century $1.50 Lummis, C. F. Some strange corners of our country. Century $1.50 Price, O. W. The land we live in; the boy’s book of conservation. Small $1.50 Starr, Frederick. American Indians. Heath 45c Stone, G. L. & Fickett, M. G. Everyday life in the colonies. Heath 35c Tappan, E. M. American hero stories. Houghton $1.50, (School ed.) 55c Williams, Sherman. Stories of early New York his- tory. Scribner 65c Fiction for young people Aanrud, Hans. Lisbeth Longfrock. Ginn 40c Abbott, Jacob. Rollo at work and play. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c Alcott, L. M. Little men. Little $1.50, library binding 10c extra Little women. Little $1.50, library binding 10c extra Under the lilacs. Little $1.50, library binding 10c extra For other books by Miss Alcott, see A L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 184. NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Aldrich, T. B. Story of a bad boy. Houghton $1.25 Altsheler, J. A. Young trailers. Appleton $1.50 Andrews, Jane. Seven little sisters. Ginn 50c Ballantyne, R. M. Coral island. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c Barbour, R. H. The half-back. Appleton $1.50 Bennett, John. Master Skylark. Century $1.50 Black, William. Four Macnicols and Adventure in Thule. Harper 60c Boyesen, H. H. Against heavy odds. Scribner $1.25 Brooks, Dorothy. Stories of the red children. Educational Pub. Co. 40c Brooks, Noah. Boy emigrants. Scribner $1.25, library binding I2p2c extra Brown, E. A. The four Gordons. Lothrop $1.50 Brown, H. D. Little Miss Phoebe Gay. Houghton $1 — Two college girls. Houghton $1.25 Brown, John. Rab and his friends. (Cosy corner ser.) Page 50c Bunyan, John. Pilgrims progress, illus. by Brock. Grosset 55c n; Frowde (Oxford ed.) 50c; McKay (Colored classics) $1 Burnett, Mrs F. H. Little Lord Fauntleroy. Scribner $1.25, library binding I2 l / 2 c extra Carroll, Lewis (C. L. Dodgson). Alice’s adventures in Wonderland. Grosset 50c; Macmillan $1 Clemens, S. L. Mark Twain, pseud. The prince and the pauper. Harper $1.75, library binding 13c extra Collodi, C., pseud. (C. Lorenzini). Pinocchio: adven- tures of a marionette. (Once upon a time ser.) Ginn 40c Coolidge, Susan. Little country girl. Little $1.25 What Katy did. Little $1.25 For other books by Susan Coolidge, see A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 189. Cooper, J. F. The deerslayer. Putnam (Mohawk ed.) $1.25; Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c The spy. Putnam (Mohawk ed.) $1.25, library binding 10c extra; Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c For other books by Cooper, see A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 19°- BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 55 Cox, Palmer. Brownies : their book. Century $1.50, library binding 10c extra Craik, G. M. So-fat and Mew-mew. Heath 20c Cutting, Mrs M. S. Heart of Lynn. (Girls’ library) Lippincott $1 Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe; illus. by E. B. Smith. Houghton $1.50 n; Crowell 60c Diaz, A. M. Polly Cologne. Lothrop $1 — — William Henry letters. Lothrop $1 Dix, B. M. Merrylips. Macmillan (Everyboy’s and girl’s ser.) 75c; better ed. $1.50 Soldier Rigdale. Grosset 50c; Macmillan $1.50 Dodge, Mrs M. M. Hans Brinker. Grosset 50c; better ed. with library binding, Scribner $1.65 Duncan, Norman. Adventures of Billy Topsail. Revell $1.50 Eggleston, Edward. Hoosier school-boy. Scribner $1, library binding 10c extra Ewing, J. H. Jackanapes, Daddy Darwin’s dovecot and Story of a short life. Little 50c, new library ed. $1 Finnemore, John. Wolf patrol. French, Allen. Junior cup. Garland, Hamlin. Long trail. Goss, W. L. Jack Alden. Jed. Macmillan $1.50 Century $1.50 Harper $1.25 Crowell 75c Crowell 75c Greene, Homer. Pickett’s Gap. Macmillan 50c and $1.25 Grinnell, G. B. Jack among the Indians. Stokes $1.25 There are more books in this series. Hale, L. P. Peterkin papers. Houghton $1.50 Hammond, Harold. West Point: its glamour and its grind. Cupples $1.25 Harris, J. C. Daddy Jake, and short stories. Century $1.25 Henty, G. A. Beric the Briton. Scribner $1.50 For other Henty books, see A. L. A. Catalog , pt 1, p. 231. NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Hopkins, W. J. The sandman, his farm stories. Page $1.50 The sandman, his sea stories. Page $1.50 Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown’s school days. Grosset 50c, Macmillan (illus. by Sullivan) $2; illus. by Louis Rhead, Harper $1.50 Huntington, H. S. His Majesty’s sloop Diamond Rock. Houghton $1.50 Inman, Henry. Ranch on the Oxhide. Macmillan 50c and $1.50 Jackson, Mrs H. H. Nelly’s silver mine. Little $1.50 Janvier, T. A. Aztec treasure house. Harper $1.50 Jewett, S. O. Betty Leicester. Houghton $1.25 Johnson, H. S. Williams of West Point. Appleton $1.50 Keary, Annie. A York and a Lancaster rose. Macmillan $1 King, Charles. Cadet days. Harper $1.25 Kipling, Rudyard. Captains courageous. Century $1.50 Jungle book. Just so stories. Doubleday $1.20 Kirk, E. O. Dorothy Deane. Houghton $1.25 La' Motte Fouque, baron de. Undine. Houghton 25c and $1 Lucas, E. V. ed. Forgotten tales of long ago. Stokes $1.50 Old fashioned tales. Stokes $1.50 Mann, M. E. Margot, the court shoemaker’s daughter. McClurg $1 Marryat, Frederick. Children of the New Forest. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c, illus. by E. B. Smith, Holt $1.35 Masterman ready. Dutton (Everyman’s lib.) 35c; better ed. $1.25 Martineau, Harriet. Peasant and the prince. Dutton 75c Masefield, John. Martin Hyde ; the Duke’s messenger. Little $1.50 Mason, A. B. Tom Strong, Washington’s scout. Holt $1.25 BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 57 Munroe, Kirk. Campmates : a story of the plains. Harper $1.25 Canoemates. Harper $1.25, library binding 8c extra Derrick Sterling. Harper 60c Flamingo feather. Harper 60c Otis, James. (James Otis Kaler). Mr Stubb’s brother. Harper 60c Toby Tyler. Harper 60c, library binding 6c extra Page, T. N. Two little Confederates. Scribner $1.50 Paine, A. B. Arkansaw bear. Altemus $1 Pendleton, Louis. King Tom and the runaways. Appleton $1.50 Perkins, L. F. The Dutch twins. Houghton $1 Pier, A. S. Boys of St Timothy’s. Scribner $1.25 Price, L. L. Lads and lassies of other days. Silver 54c Pyle, Katharine. Nancy Rutledge. Little $1.25 Quirk, L. W. Baby Elton, quarter-back. Century $1.25 Rankin, C. W. Dandelion cottage. Holt $1.50 Girls of Gardenville. Holt $1.50 Raspe, R. E. Tales from Baron Munchausen. Heath 20c Richards, L. E. Five minute stories. Estes $1.25 St Nicholas. Stories retold from St Nicholas. (Titles given below) Century 65c ea. A series of collections of stories from St Nicholas, collected by subject. There are about 200 pages in a volume. It is a good series, but at first a library could choose only a few of the volumes. The following are recommended for early purchase: Stories of Chivalry; Stories of Royal Children. Seawell, M. E. Little Jarvis. Appleton $1 Segur, Comtesse de. Sophie’s troubles. Kenedy 75c — Story of a donkey. Heath 20c Seton, E. T. Rolf in the woods. Doubleday $1.75 Shaw, F. L. Castle Blair. Little $1 ; Heath 50c Smith, M. P. W. Jolly good times. Little $1.25 For other books by this author, see A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 204, and Supplement, 1904-11, p. 261. Spyri, Johanna. Heidi. Ginn 40c, (Holiday ed.) $1.50 — — * Moni, the goat boy. (Once upon a time ser.) Ginn 40c 58 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Stevenson, R. L. Black arrow. Scribner illus. $1.25, Stoddard, W. O. Dab Kinzer. Guert Ten Eyck. Red mustang. Talking leaves. (Biographical ed.) $1 Scribner $1 Lothrop $1.25 Harper 60c Harper 60c For other stories by Stoddard, see A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 205. Stowe, Mrs H. B. Little Pussy Willow. Houghton $1.25 Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver’s travels. Dutton (Todd to the children ser.) 50c, (Every- man’s lib.) 35c n. There are many other editions. Taggart, M. A. Little grey house. Doubleday $1.20 Thompson, A. R. Gold-seeking on the Dalton trail. Little $1.50 Tileston, Mrs M. W. F. ed. Children’s treasure trove of pearls. Little $1.50 Tomlinson, E. T. Search for Andrew Field. Lothrop $1.25 For other books by Tomlinson, see A. L. A. Catalog , pt I, p. 207, and Supplement, 1904-11, p. 262. Trowbridge, J.T. Tinkham brothers’ tide-mill. Lothrop $1.25 For other books by Trowbridge, see A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 207. True, J. P. Iron star. Little 50c n, $1 or $1.50 Scouting for Washington. Little $1.50 For other books by True, see A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 207. Vaile, C. M. Orcutt girls. Wilde $1.50 Sue Orcutt. Wilde $1.50 Verne, Jules. Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. Dutton $1 Waterloo, Stanley. Story of Ab. Doubleday $1.35 Wheelwright, J. T. War children. Dodd $1.50 White, E. O. An only child. Houghton $r When Molly was six. Houghton $1 For other books by this author, see A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 208, and Supplement, 1904-11,9. 262. White, S. E. Magic forest. Grossett 50c; Macmillan $1.20 n BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 59 Whitney, Mrs A. D. T. Summer in Leslie Gold- thwaite’s life. Houghton $1.25 For other books by this author, see A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 209, and Supplement, 1904-11, p. 178. Wiggin, K. D. Birds’ Christmas Carol. Houghton $1.25 11 Mother Carey’s chickens. Houghton 50c Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. Grosset 50c; Houghton $1.25 & Smith, N. A. ed. Story hour. Houghton $1 Wyss, J. D. Swiss family Robinson. Dutton $2; McKay (Colored classics) $1; illus. by Louis Rhead, Harper $1.50 Yonge, C. M. Daisy chain. Macmillan $1.25 For other books by this author, see A. L. A. Catalog, pt 1, p. 242. Zollinger, Gulielma. Widow O’Callaghan’s boys. McClurg$i.25 ; Holiday ed. with colored illus. $1.50 PERIODICALS RECOMMENDED FOR THE SMALLEST LIBRARIES 1 American Magazine. (Monthly) N. Y. 1905-1912. v.60-75. $i-50 Indexed in Poole, Library Index, Readers’ Guide and Readers’ Guide Abridged. Continuation of Leslie’s Magazine. Pays especial attention to political reform movements, sociological matters and biography but also contains good short stories and at least one serial of merit. Generally considered by librarians to be one of the best of the cheaper magazines. Atlantic Monthly. Boston. 1857-1912. v.i-iio. $4 Indexed in Poole, Abridged Poole, Library Index, Readers’ Guide and Readers’ Guide Abridged. Probably the most uniformly excellent from a literary stand- point of any American magazine. Unusually good fiction and poetry, excellent literary criticism, and one of the few American magazines which deliberately encourages the general essay. Much attention given also to political, sociological, economic and philosophical subjects treated in a scholarly but semipopular man- ner. Excellent paper and typography but no illustrations and few advertisements. Of limited circulation but useful in almost any library for reference purposes and usually read by at least the more thoughtful people in any community. 1 The titles in this list have been selected by Miss Caroline Webster and Mr Asa Wynkoop of the New York State Library, from a longer list compiled by Mr Frank K. Walter of the New York State Library School, who is also responsible for the anno- tations. Mr Walter’s full list has been printed and is for sale by the American Library Association. 6o NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine. N. Y. 1881- 1912. v.23-84. $4 Continuation of Scribners Monthly. Indexed in Poole, Abridged Poole, Library Index, Readers’ Guide, and Readers’ Guide Abridged. A thoroughly high-grade general magazine. History, art and travel receive much attention while the fiction is almost always of high grade and interesting. The illustrations are particularly good. Wood-cuts, engraved half-tones, and color plates are feat- ures. The fiction makes it popular for reading room use or circu- lation and the nonfiction is generally of decided reference value. It should be noted that volume 1 of the Century (new ser.) succeeds volume 22 of Scribner’s Monthly and is consequently listed in Poole and elsewhere as volume 23 of the entire series. Chautauquan. (Monthly) Chautauqua, N. Y. 1880- 1912. v.1-69. $2 Indexed in Poole, Abridged Poole, Library Index, Readers’ Guide and Readers’ Guide Abridged. The official organ of the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle. Lists of required reading with questions and review out- lines and suggested programs for local circles are regular features. Includes most subjects treated in general magazines with the ex- ception of fiction. The intentionally simple treatment of topics makes it particularly useful to readers of but little formal educa- tion. Current Literature. (Monthly) N. Y. 188&-1912. v-i-53- $3 Indexed in Readers’ Guide and Readers’ Guide Abridged. The subtitle, “ a review of the times,” indicates the general char- acter of the magazine. Includes as general divisions, Review of the world, Persons in the foreground, Finance and industry, Science and discovery, Religion and ethics, Music and drama, Literature and art, Recent poetry, Recent fiction and the critics. Frequent con- densed or summarized articles from recent books or periodicals. Extended criticism, with frequent quotations from recent drama. In plan and scope resembles both the Literary Digest and Review of Reviews. Good half-tone illustrations. Educational Review. (Monthly) N. Y. 1891-1912. v.1-44. $3 Indexed in Poole, Abridged Poole, Library Index, Readers’ Guide and Readers’ Guide Abridged. There is also an Analytical Index to volumes 1-25 (1891- Mar. 1903). $3 “On the whole the best educational journal now published but deals only with methods of teaching in high schools and colleges and offers little or nothing to the grade teacher. The contributors are for the most part recognized authorities on their respective sub- jects. Treatment of subjects generally aims to be scholarly and not technical, but both subject and treatment are beyond the average teacher in the small city and town.” I ones BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 6l Everybody’s Magazine. (Monthly) N. Y. 1899- 1912. v.1-28. $1-50 Indexed in Abridged Poole, Library Index and Readers’ Guide (since Jan. 1909). Ranks with the American and McClure’s as one of the better cheap magazines and like them devotes much space to movements for social and political reform. Harper’s Monthly Magazine. N. Y. 1850—1912. v.i- 124. $4 Indexed in Poole, Abridged Poole, Library Index , Readers’ Guide and Readers’ Guide Abridged. Ranks with the Century and Scribner’s as an excellent general magazine, and has about the same general scope, dealing more with travel and popular science and rather less with history, biography and general literary criticism than the Century. The short stories are good and the serials usually appear later in book form. The illustrations are very good. The color plates have improved greatly in the past few years. Complete bound sets of Harper’s are com- mon and cheap lout a full set is seldom necessary and requires at least an Abridged Poole’s Index to make its contents accessible. Independent. (Weekly) N. Y. 1848—1912. v.i— 73 - $3 Originally a religious weekly but now a weekly magazine with a distinctly ethical tendency but nonsectarian bias. Current events and important world movements are discussed in signed articles by prominent men and women. Both sides of important questions are usually represented. Literature and the drama receive con- siderable attention and there are numerous unsigned book reviews of varying length. The scope has been widened to include nearly all important social activities, and the reference value, particu- larly of the last ten or twelve volumes, is high. The editorials are candid and fairly impartial. Ladies’ Home Journal. (Monthly) Philadelphia 1883— 1912. v.1-29. $1.50 Indexed in Readers’ Guide , Library Index and Readers’ Guide Abridged. The most widely read and widely imitated of any woman’s magazine and always popular for reading room use. Serials and short stories are of undoubted moral tone but of varying literary merit, and frequent articles on biography and current social movements. Much addicted to reform articles of all kinds from hints on etiquette for young girls to reform of educational insti- tutions from primary school to college. All phases of domestic economy are treated, from cooking and fashions to plans of moderate priced houses. Distinctly popular in appeal and some- times so obvious in its advice as to irritate people of broad train- ing: and culture, but on the whole it exerts a very wholesome influence. McClure’s Magazine. (Monthly) N. Y. 1893-1912. v - t — 38 ( ?). $1.50 Indexed in Poole, Abridged Poole, Library Index, Readers’ Guide and Readers’ Guide Abridged. 62 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Considered by many the best of the cheaper magazines for library use. Similar in scope and general character to the Amer- ican magazine and Everybody’s. Biography and history have been prominent, especially in the earlier volumes. In later years the magazine has become more aggressive in reform movements, but while often partisan it is seldom hysterical or morbid. Its articles on political and social affairs are often useful in reference work. The fiction maintains a high average of interest as well as of literary merit. “A first-class second-class magazine.” National Geographic Magazine. (Monthly) Wash- ington 1888-1912. v.1-23. $2.50 Indexed in Poole, Library Index , Readers' Guide Abridged, and Readers' Guide (since Jan. 1909). Published by the National Geographic Society and sent free to members. Deals with manners and customs of different people, travel and description, natural resources and commercial activities in a broad sense. Reliable and scientific, interesting and non- technical. Numerous half-tone illustrations from photographs. A great aid in teaching geography and commercial geography and of interest to general readers. North American Review. (Monthly) N. Y. 1815- 1912. v.1-196. $4 Indexed in Poole, Abridged Poole, Library Index, Readers' Guide and Readers' Guide Abridged. Semi- monthly from September 1 906- August 1 907 (v.183- 186). An admirable review of topics of current importance by recog- nized authorities, political and social matters receiving the most prominence. The occasional book reviews are excellent. The whole set is in constant use by debaters and students of economics and sociology. In recent years it has been under the same general editorship as Harper’s Weekly and reflects something of the same general editorial policy. Outlook. (Weekly) N. Y. 1893—1912. v.48— 101. $3 Continuation of Christian Union which comprises v.1-47 of the series. Indexed in Poole, Abridged Poole, Library Index, Readers' Guide Abridged. One of the best known weeklies dealing with current events. Still maintains a distinctly religious tone though it is practically free from sectarian or theological bias. The regular numbers are chiefly devoted to discussions of social and political matters with one or two literary articles; the monthly “magazine num- bers ” contain more illustrations, fiction, and more matter of a general literary character. The book reviews are generally fair but rather colorless, especially the briefer ones. The editorials are always worthy of attention but within the last four or five years have become known as the expression of the. personalities of the leading editors rather than impartial discussions. Shares with the Independent the distinction of being one of the most timely reference aids on current questions. BUYING LIST OF BOOKS 63 Review of Reviews. American. (Monthly) 1890- 1912. v.1-46. $3 Indexed in Poole, Abridged Poole, Library Index , Readers’ Guide and Readers’ Guide Abridged. Original and condensed or digested articles on current move- ments. Particular attention to politics and sociology, but litera- ture, drama and art also included. The “ Progress of the world ” section is a good summary of events of the month, American and foreign. The “ Cartoons of the month ” make it popular in read- ing rooms. Articles are too brief for students but useful for information, too recent to be present in more formal articles or books. St Nicholas. N. Y. 1873-1912. v.1-39. $3 Indexed in Readers’ Guide , Library Index and Readers’ Guide Abridged. A popular, well-illustrated magazine for young people. Short stories, serials, articles on history, biography, travel and nature study. Special pages for small children. The articles are almost without exception well written, wholesome and interesting. Back volumes are well worth getting. There is a general index ($4) to v. 1-27. Scientific American. (Weekly) N. Y. 1. 1845-1859. v.1-12; Series 2. 1859-1912. v.i-107. $3 Indexed in Engineering Index , Library Index, Readers’ Guide and Readers’ Guide Abridged. “The purpose of this journal is to record accurately, simply and interestingly, the world’s progress in scientific knowledge and industrial achievement.” Includes .also articles on anthropology and archeology. Brief descriptions, with some illustrations, of “ recently patented inventions ” and reviews of new scientific books. As a scientific newspaper it is much read by men and older boys. Scribner’s Magazine. (Monthly) N. Y. 1887-1912. v.1-52. $3 Indexed in Poole, Abridged Poole, Library Index , Readers’ Guide and Readers’ Guide Abridged. Somewhat smaller and cheaper than the Century and Harper’s Magazine with which it ranks in quality, general scope and illus- trations. Many of the articles, particularly on art and general literature, are of permanent reference value. Should not be con- fused with Scribner’s Monthly, the predecessor of the Century. Survey. (Weekly) N. Y. 1897-1912. v.1-28. $2 Formerly the Charities Review and Charities and the Commons. Indexed in Poole, Readers’ Guide and Readers’ Guide Abridged. “A journal of constructive philanthropy” dealing with all move- ments, public and private, which aim at social improvement. Earnest but not partisan, optimistic but practical, inclined to favor 6 4 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY labor as against capital, especially in recent volumes, but generally fair in its presentations. Much used by high school debaters and extensively read particularly in cities and the large towns. World’s Work. (Monthly) N. Y. 1900— 1912. v.i- 24- $3 Indexed in Poole, Abridged Poole, Library Index , Readers’ Guide and Readers’ Guide Abridged. Made up of comments and papers on current events and cur- rent movements. “ The march of events ” is composed of brief well-written editorials on persons and occurrences of present prominence. The general articles are fresh and interesting and touch on the moral and intellectual welfare of the country as well as on its material prosperity. Excellent half-tone portraits and other illustrations. Covers, without duplicating or imitating, much the same general ground as the Review of Reviews.