mo at Un BA Me ho. 4 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MASSACHUSETTS BASIC-DATA REPORT NO. 4 | GROUND-WATER SERIES PARKER AND ROWLEY RIVER BASINS By EDWARD A. SAMMEL 70°00' aN 0°30 La |__ 42°00 : 71°30 NWS Parker and Rowley River basins INDEX MAP OF MASSACHUSETTS 10 20 0 Sra ieee eee 1°30 SOUND tins 4G x * {EMIVERSATY fie LAMA: PREPARED IN COOPERATION WITH THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ; 1962 GEO!]LOCV TIRDARY . D7 ay i fi rae jf me A ; Ch ey Aaa Pe, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Geological Survey MASSACHUSETTS BASIC-DATA REPORT NO. 4 GROUND-WATER SERIES ‘ PARKER AND ROWLEY RIVER BASINS Records of wells, materials tests, and chemical analyses of water in the Parker and Rowley River basins, Massachusetts by Edward A. Sammel Prepared in cooperation with THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS , DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Boston, Massachusetts 1962 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2021 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign CONTENTS Pr AisC te td Gite a atelata es wisteleretars @ atsrele ic sclels bale esis’ e-Gleisie 6 66 es 6 6 © Well-numbering and location SYSTEMS cecccccecsovcceveceoes ILLUS TRATIONS Figure 1. Map of Parker and Rowley River drainage basins, Massachusetts, showing locations of selected wells and test holeS.cecesceccvvece 2. Sketch illustrating well-location system..ecec TABLES Table 1. Geologic units in the Parker and Rowley River basins, Massachusetts, and their water- bearing characteristicSeccecccccccccesccccsvces 2. Records of selected wells, test wells, and test holes in the Parker and Rowley River basins, Massachusetts .ccccccccceccscvccccece 3. Logs of selected wells, test wells, and test holes in the Parker and Rowley River basins, Pele cui Sateen ee a Os UR ares 4, Chemical analyses of water from selected wells in the Parker and Rowley River basins, MassachusSettsSececcccccccccccccscevecsesesseoes Page (In pocket) 3 16 25 Table 5. Te 10. TABLES--Continued Chemical analyses of pore water from clay of the marine deposits, Parker and Rowley River basins, Massachusettdeecccesecesccccce Water levels in observation wells in the Parker and Rowley River basins, MASSAChuSettsScccccccvesccccccecccccvesescccs Pumpage of ground water for municipal supply in the Parker and Rowley River basins, MaASSAChHUSEEtS ccccccccccccccccccesevesceccccs Particle-size distribution in samples of unconsolidated deposits from the Parker and Rowley River basins, MassachuSetts.ceccccecs Hydrologic properties of samples of unconsolidated deposits from the Parker and Rowley River basins, Massachusettse.ccocescccs Engineering properties of samples of silty clay from marine deposits of the Parker and Rowley River basins, MassachusettsS.ceccccece Page 27 28 30 age 32 So INTRODUCTION The Parker and Rowley Rivers drain an area of about 77 square miles in northeastern Massachusetts (fig. 1S) soe Lneluded ain the area are portions of the towns of Boxford, Georgetown, Groveland, ipewiens Newbury, Newburyport, North Andover, Rowley, and West Newbury. This report presents basic data collected as part of an investigation of the geology and ground-water resources of the Parker and Rowley River basins by the U. S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Massachusetts Department of Public Works. The data have been prepared for release in order to make available to the public basic ground-water data that will be useful in the planning of water-resources development. Most of the data in this report were collected by Gordon S. Bird, Henry G. Healy, Samuel J. Pollock, and Edward A, Sammel during the period 1958-61. The data include records of 37/7 wells or groups of wells and test holes (table 2); logs of 204 wells and test holes (table 3); chemical analyses of 19 water samples (table 4); measurements of water levels in 15 wells (table 6); and pumpage of ground water for public supply in k municipalities (table 7)e The locations of wells and test holes are shown on figure l. Table 1 is intended as an aid in determining the general characteristics and relative excellence as aquifers of the water- bearing units penetrated by the wells and test wells listed in table 2. Tables 8, 9, and 10 present laboratory data relating to the hydrologic and engineering properties of the unconsolidated deposits encountered in the Parker and Rowley River basins. WELL-NUMBERING AND LOCATION SYSTEMS In Massachusetts each well is designated by a symbol whose first term is the name of the town or city in which the well is located and whose second term is a number that is assigned in the order in which the well was inventoried within the town or city. A separate series of numbers beginning with 1 is used within each town or city. In tables the name of the town and the number are given, but on the map Gfipeyd) only the number appears beside the symbol of the well. For ease in locating wells and test holes on the map a location system based on the 73-minute topographic quadrangles in New England is used. In this system each 75-minute quadrangle is designated by a capital letter and a number beginning with Al for the Glenville quadrangle, Connecticut. From here the quadrangles are lettered from west to east and numbered from south to north. Each 73-minute quadrangle is subdivided into nine 24-minute rectangles, and each 23-minute rectangle is subdivided into nine 50-second rectangles, as shown on the sketch (fig. 2). The location designation for each well and test hole is listed in table 2. On the well-location map (fig. ade the quadrangle designators are indicated on the margins and the 23-minute rectangles are bounded by the lines of latitude and longitude, but the 50-second rectangles are not shown. Newburyport East, Mass. 74-minute quadrangle Ale Bee Tee m Ri wburyport West, Mass. = Te-minube quadrangle 15 14 Haverhill, Mass. 74-minute quadrangle 14 13 South Groveland, Mass’ 1 7i-minute quadrangle ~——— Georgetown, Mass. | Tieeinuts duadrangle 74-minute quadrangle -minute quadrangle | | Glenville, Conn. eta Mass. | | Georgetown, Mass. 73-minute quadrangle Figure 2.--Sketch illustrating well-location system. Table 1.--Geologic units in the Parker and Rowley River basins, Massachusetts, and their water-bearing characteristics Geologic :Thickness: unit : (feet) Character :Chiefly sand and silt; contains Alluvium : - gravel in some stream channels. Salt-water : O-13 :Peat and muck interbedded or marsh intermixed with sand and silt. deposits : Swamp Q-18* :Peat and muck interbedded or deposits : intermixed with sand and silt. Wind O-4 :Sand and silt deposits : Marine deposits : contain large amounts of sand and some gravel. Outwash : O-55* :Sand, small amounts of gravel, silt, and clay, and scattered se Doulders. Ice-contact: O-102* :Sand and gravel, with small deposits : amounts of silt and clay. Aa : O-123* :Unstratified clay, silt, sand, H pebbles, cobbles, and boulders. Bedrock : - :Chiefly igneous and metamorphic $ ceTOcks. *Maximum values from drillers' logs. g Water-bearing : characteristics >Does not form a distinct water-bearing unit. Where it occurs it is included with the unit that underlies it. :Lie within tidal range and are permeated by brackish or saline water. :Contain large amounts of absorbed and ponded water, >: but may retard the movement of water between the surfaces of swamps and more permeable material : underneath the swamp deposits. Not utilized as 5 jstiae (e¥ehbotiitene- :Do not form a distinct water-bearing unit. Suf- ficiently permeable to permit water to percolate freely from the surface to underlying deposits. O-110* :Chiefly silt and clay, but locally: Yield small to moderate quantities of water to wells. Reported yields of 48 wells ranged from 0 to 100 gpm. The average yield was 42 gpm. Store large amounts of ground water and may confine water in underlying aquifers. Individual deposits : may differ markedly from one another in compo- : sition, sorting, and permeability, and each must be explored to find the more permeable deposits. The chemical quality of the water from many deposits is poor for most uses. :Yields small to moderate quantities of water to : wells. Reported yields of seven wells ranged from 3 to 75 gpm. The median yield was 28 gpm. Stores large amounts of ground water and furnishes a : large share of the water forming the base flow of the streams. :Yield small to moderate quantities of water to : wells. Reported yields of 14 wells ranged from 14 to 100 gpm. The median yield was 21 gpm. Indi- vidual deposits may differ markedly from one another in composition, sorting, and permeability, : and each must be explored to find the more permeable deposits. :Yields small amounts of water to wells. Because of : poor sorting and a large range of particle size, permeability of till is small. Many shallow wells reportedly go dry during the summer. Till may confine water in underlying bedrock. :Yields small to moderate amounts of water to wells from joints and fractures. Reported yields of 27 wells ranged from 4 to 100 gpm. Median yield was SLO spi. . . . szyosnyoessey ‘suTseq JoaTy AeTMOy pue JeyTeg 34} UT seToY 4804 pue “STTaM 7909 ‘STTAaM paqgoeTes JO spilooay--"2 oeTqey Tcy: - - - - - - YS), tH Ms HA G2T * O96T "op > SE-HTA : 992 Wie fo. tO = = = = > MRT ue ae Lv OWLS =4096T ‘op Ce-4TA : LO? he ONipOa an = : 2 : = Ss : uct = tT : oL “ty: OST : O96T “Op q9-HTA ? £92 opera = eee oe oa es S : = wL6 : t 16 : oy: GET ? 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Yseaqno : OF SUTd-e Te: fe Sos Legeacme OU os S9 +: 9S6T : “he > BG-HTM * 29 etal Ui aes oar eae ae ie ; = *ag*OT =: te ONG sr EKG OL + 9S6T : WD > SH-tHTM + T9 Hit Brie toeias - 5 - : - : - 2YG°¢ : Te BF es Seis oy, 8 9S6T : “OD > Sq-m = 09 She SP Spay a Hy ae Ss : = - hNOKGe Go. as GEC masse UGS SB: 9S6T : ‘op > Tq-yTM > 6S : : : 5 : . Teaeis : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : eszreoo pue : - : : : ; : : : 50 Ae 6 ese s9S-G 6 OcO yseajng: pues pis ie eo meter Ce. Soe GS: 9S6T : ‘Op > @Q-1TM ? QS : : : : : : Teas : : 5 : : : : : : ; : : : > sqtsodep : eszeoo pue : : : : : ; : : : “ERs = =§ G§ 396-6 -€ = J*O 3: FoRquOd-so7: pues uUMOIg: - : fe She owas 09 =: 9S6T : ‘op > SQ-71M 3 1S OLS Fins ie 2OGhaice yaeO es - : ae 3 MOG Se Fe ese Oc Stee UC 09 + 9S6T : °Op po BO—t UMy 96 : : : : : : Teasis ; : : : : : : ; : ; : : : : : asieod : ; ; : : : : : : : : : § : ‘pues mn ?: : : ‘ : : : E z “CP. IB “Se Bhi SACS BS ip ‘op Bll eee eUTd:u6"Se > Seg 3: 6°GZ =: ug: GS: 9G6T : ‘op > BQ-1TM > 2S : : : : : :TeAeIZ UTE : : : : : : : : : GIS aie SE aR eae BO-tTM > 0S Ela eG Oe —cr mms aun = : = suc°St : Te > 2°StT : ud: Ot + 9S6T : ‘Oop > SE-TM + 64 BIR = fi BBCi aE Gre = : = aie eahiee 8 Se Ser = 8 ater O€ +: 946T : ‘op > 8€-hTM * Qt : : ; : : > [Teaeiz pue : : : : : : : : ; Pothae le We de GC Leng as TE Ss “Op > pues UNTpHHyc’OS + $2 + s'0g : Ud: Of + 9S6T : BOP > S€-HTM 2 Lt : : 3 . : sqtsodep : ABTO amos : : : : : : . 5 : POT @S MGR “EY oO An BCT RASS ASO aUTIey: fTaaeiZ ‘pueg: - : Ot (penutquoD) AMIMOU E : : quow : < G 2(422r) >(SeqouT) :(9aeF) 3 > (990er) : ' ¢ : Om: :-oinseom: : 4Tun : :Tesnjor: : > TTaM: wun ep :peretd: : : > ad]: asn : JO agBeq: Tansey : oOTB0TOep : Jeqoereyg : ZO > TTAA JO:TTAM Jo: fo : aoeyans: -mo0o : zesn 3 5 Cla}es syIeusy e : 1372 > [TBT1oyel suyeeq-198qem :YoOLpaq:rayometq: yydeq : adfy,:-puet so: Ieazx : IO ISuMC 2U0T9BOOT: TTOM $ : : Ted poutag =O! : : H Sopnya TI Ty: : : FE : : : : ugdag : : : : : : $ : penutyUuoD--szJesnyoesssy “suTseq JoATYy ASTMOY pue TeyIeg 94, UT saToY 4s0q pue ‘STTaM 1S903 “SsTTaMm paqoetes fO splodey--*g aeTqey, 14 el ea siete Me “age a : = : = : = > Ue : tT : WA Banyy 2 OL +: O96T : ‘op 2 BL-GSTM : 6T oy a poe ee one - : - : - : - MQ°HT 3 + Oi tr eee sieilne Vis 06 : O96T : AaAmNg *TOSD *g *n: GL-GTM =: LT SOS ce Ie Baer E : = : yoorlpag +: = : 6T : 9 : got : Aq: OM 8 eee € predeyg preuog: q)-GTM : 9T "OS ZL “GN: SUON: N :09-¢e-Q : OT’TT : janine = Al aeba Mt one a erie Be lars Oud ¢ 2 pueTs419 ueuky: 3) -GTM : ST One 36 “aie @ Be aon HS : +T : ‘Op : = Gas See H Cee YS eGiee G9 : €S6T : uuepjoW sourer: Og-GTM = +T AUNISS Wei Gi Beate iw : yoorpaeg : = 7 OHGIE oy k” giSeece Bass Gog : 4S6T : TesTomM puomsey: Ut-GTM : ET °9G LG: SUON: N :09-22-g : ZO’g : ‘op : - 2 - Bienes ~ HaSeSie Fo wear & OOT : = umoig Arey: 3)-CTM : ST 345 ine fF) Oo tar HOG ey Gomer” & TUR: a eS TE ols IS ie, eta Sl 00g : LH6T : uoszeeg *d *W: 2)-STM * IT : : : : te SO ESOG Op nt : : : : : : : $ : "eS L ‘GN: euom: N‘a :09-E€1-g : OL eT : out rey: ota Wear 8 Gi 8 PeoeE BAG & 06 : OSQT : steBoy seTreyg: Pg-STM : OT 5 : : 2 : ‘eo 2 3 : . : ; ¢ : ‘TS G “GN: SUON: N <:09-€2-Q : Q9°OT : ‘Op :‘Teaers ‘pues: - : C Ca mrsee [ee Came Sis COilgae Ocoee squoog yuer AT: 3+-STM AS “6¢ GL ‘QM: UY: Cd +09-G2e-g : 29°g : TTtL: = ci aconeees QE SSOP Ta tie dl 5 OGiesm Oca ilm TI°MTa Inyyty: Pg-STM :? g BRAG Ve IO. Sie 8 - - 8 “op 3 - 8 ‘Ome 9 : OfT : Iq: G6 : 6461 : sedooy eTTeqestT: o)-GtTM : J age ge 8 Gh Osi SE 5 OMe 4 yootpeg: = & ey Oe a BESS ee etait: GTZ : O96T : PTany weq: q)-STM : 9 SOGmihs Cd, NOG —) Tae tcG=S Ties TUL: = : se : Cie 10s9c. ace od 06 : oa sedoog eTTeqesy: 2)-GTM : G : : : : : sqytsodep : : : : : : g : : : "09 L: SuON: OfN 266-HT-L : 69°C : SUT IBY: pues: Ol” = Os) s Wreye 8 stare 0g : 4T6T : weMon yUery: e)-SGTM ? Z "2S ~ °O: SUON: ON 26S-HT-L : T’O? : TIT: = ee Det gs OF =30°ce te og. s (eye 8 3 quesieg yteqtey: B)-GTM : T AUNEMAN LSAM Sap Re CS 6 - S SS Cer ia. Orr ie - B - 2 - = rE A oCios —-aRMetan 2 Olas G Goines ‘op Seeoat ise col Git ge Vi Wee as iste fees = : = : = : =< : =) : aE 2 G°Ge spfug : S > GG6T : “Op > Be-tTTX = TOT STs Vek as = Us = : = : = : = : = : 1 COWS qiAray GT =: SS6T : “Op * @e-TTX =: OOT “a hyd 2 6 =. dG ce) 8 O%) < = : = Be SB 1b BOOS ar ufay G : GG6T : ‘op > BZ-1TX : 66 “a, AS = 8 > BEES SEER Oem 8 = : = rs aes 8 OPW. Gera e G : GG6T :qey UTOOUTT " *I “W: Bg-tHTX * 96 3 : : : sqatsodep : [Teasers pue :; 8 : : : : : : : OG I aCe ane aS ~ : - : suTIey: ‘pues ‘keto: - : £2 B eyey, & war £ 0S : SH6T : "Op eo P= tex, 3 5 : 5 : 3satsodep : : : : . g : : e CEETRELA {5 axe) 0. G& es So PHA oS - 4 - $ JO0eyU00-a0T: Teaaety: - : $2 fs G Secs) maT ee GS + GtH6T : “op > FE-TM 2 SQ criss eons h lias - : - : ‘op : ‘op : - : <2 5 ce oe ay ¢ O€ : GH6T : °OIp : JE-vTM = 4Q *Sutdumd smmoy JT : ; e : 3 : 3 8 : 5 $ $ : : ; EAMES ISOS qh) Gag oe cane a Ah - : - ‘op 3 "op ; - 5 £2 8 WS B wien © 09 : SH6T : ‘op : UE-tTM : 2B $ : : : si ESOdoD! |: AeTo : : : : : : : q : CG eae en ee - : - F sUTIey: pue Teaein: =~ 3 “2g 6 aig 8 ware Og 8 Gysir = AaTMoy FO uMOT: ST-ryTx : TE : (penut4ucD) AqIMOY : : 3 qUucu : : o : :(22F) : (SeqouT) :(qeez s s ees) : $ R : Sy evel 2 t-oIseoul: : 4Tun $ :Tesnjoar: : : TTeM: umgep :payetd: 2 : odfy: esp : JO a4Bq: TeAey : OTS0TOaH : Jayoereyg : 10 : TTeKM JO:TTaw fo: fo : soejams: -m0d : ZIesn : POU syreuay : : I27eM > Teliloyeu SuTIeeq-107eM syoorpeq:tayometq: uydeq : edfy:-pueT jo: reaz : IO IauMO SUOTZBOOT: TTOM 5 : 2 Ted tToutig 8. efal : : : :Opn4yTITy: : : : : : : : ugdaq : : : : 3 3 : ponutquoj--szyesnyoessey ‘suTSeq JaATyY AeTMOY pue TeyIeg ayy UT seTOU 7804 pue “STTAM 4S04 ‘STTAM peyoeTes JO splOday--"*g eTQeRy, 15 Table 3.--Logs of selected wells, test wells, and test holes in the Parker and Rowley River basins, Massachusetts (Thicknesses and depths below land-surface are given in feet) 16 Thick- : Thick- : Thick- ness Depth : ness Depth 5 ness Depth BOXFORD 253. Alt. about 100 ft. i : BOXFORD 260. --Continued : BOXFORD 268.--Continued Geologist's log of auger hole. See a RR as Ice-contact deposits: : Silt, blue-gray, sand, fine A Clay, gray, and gravel....... 4 15 Sand, medium to coarse, brown, to very coarse, and gravel, : Refusal: ANBULAL. .ccscccsecccscsvcccre T3) 13 fine, mostly angular....... Syl 50 Bedrock or boulder..... Omae.c at 75 Refusal: Clay, blue-gray, silt, sand, i “Bedrock or at 13 very fine to very coarse, : GEORGETOWN 29. Alt. about 90 ft. Auger hole in pit about 8 ft. gravel, fine, angular, and : Driller's log of public-supply well. below original land surface. : DOULUELS. «scence eeenacrce van 10 60 : Ice-contact deposits: : Refusal: Meips Gaul piace cuales staheieie reienay aatetsherss > a4 af BOXFORD 254. Alt. about 150 ft. Bedrock or boulder.......«0-«. at 60 Gravel and boulders.......... 3} 14 Geologist's log of auger hole. i DANES) (COALS Cina tstalaiete etalelelstels aieke ae 26 Ice-contact deposits: : BOXFORD 261. Alt. about 140 ft. ee MEIKE Sand, fine to medium, brown; : Geologist's log of auger hole. Hand pam elisa: ee cites eeais 18 ints becoming finer and gray~ Sy Wuptalalla Bedrock: brown ac deptl cele cclsls cere sn Ol 67 Silt, brown, sand, fine to MiUGa, TOC Ks ciqe sires tie «steers Ane 81 =125 A very coarse, angular, 4 BOXFORD 255. Alt. about 110 ft, poorly sorted, and gravel, : GEORGETOWN 37. Alt. about 45 ft. Geologist's log of auger hole. PUTS eave ayeneys fous. eie ere ei eusyeuans mre 6 6 Geologist's log of auger hole. BLA ean cpo ai het otetstek tetetoretelel sieteveretsleleteteters 6.5 6.5 Silt, clay, pebbles, small, Outwash: Refusal: angular, and cobbles....... 9 ale) Sand, silty, brown; very Bedrock.. on nee swe eile ate Eke a5} Clay, silt, and gravel, fine : “Little fine Sravied iw ei a s:0 20 20 Auger hole in Bepee apes 10. £Ge to medium, angular to : Refusal: below original land surface. MOUMIIG SA spatoiiele eisia\io/eielelie le letela) = 5 20 4 Bedrock OF DOULdesews's seins +0 at 20 Clay, gray, sand, fine on : Auger hole in pit about 10 ft. BOXFORD 256. Alt. about 115 ft. very coarse, and gravel, below original land surface. Driller's log of water well. : fine to medium....... wefeusiele y ak : yale : Refusal: : GEORGETOWN 38. Alt. about 60 ft. Chlayeye Crave wisuisicie vid elses Los 23) Bedrock or boulder. ...s.0.-55. at 2k Geologist's log of auger hole. Bedrock: se sie esie SP oral aeetora eleva Stoners 34 iS : Outwash: : BOXFORD 262.-Alt. about 135 ft. ; Sand, fine, silty, brown..... 20 20 BOXFORD 257. Alt. about 100 ft. Geologist's log of auger hole. : Marine deposits: Geologist's log of auger hole. : Ice-contact deposits: Clayey silt, brown; becoming Ice-contact deposits: Sand, very fine to very gray Clee SAL iv atete ee crates, e ho hO Sand, fine to very coarse, coarse, mostly angular to : Refusal: angular to rounded, poorly slightly rounded, some Bedrock or poulideriss .....0.« at ho Sorted, DYOWN.,..:ccccosavees BD 35 well sorted beds, brown, B Sand, fine to coarse, mostly mostly quartz grains; and : GEORGETOWN 39. Alt. about 70 ft. fine; and gravel, fine, gravel, fine to medium, : Geologist's log of auger hole. rounded to angular.s.seeasve i 47 slightly rounded. ...s.sn0s 10 10 : Outwash: Gravel vetatalehersielaerolelsialaterslarsusralajerta O55 oS Gravel, fine to medium, : Sand, medium, yellow brown, LEIA taatateteliehebetetatafeyelaieistalskatetslieletsls 2.5 50 rounded to slightly rounded a, ame TSW (OVANULES uc sey meeleiermyaracsny ert Tf ie GVAVEL.ceccencccevesccvensecce ii bt Sand, fine to very coarse, Sand, medium, brownie se, < 11+ 10 LT Refusal: mostly medium to coarse, Sand, fine, silty, yellow, Bedrock ‘or Doulderiicccacieccae « he. Sy angular to slightly WE Gea nc ayeuslatetecetarstete PO Cake, TRO 10 Pil Auger hole in pit about 20 ft rounded, mainly quartz..... t 18 Sand, very Fines silty, below original land surface. Sand, fine to very coarse, YOU LOWs oer saree see oe 2 29 mostly fine and medium, Sand, very fine, Ealisius gray. 5 32 BOXFORD 258. Alt. about 100 ft. mostly angular to slightly : Clay, cohesive, blue gray. y 36 Geologist's log of auger hole. rounded, well sorted beds, : Refusal: THAI Me ee sted etetic\aielavayelotevevanecehoustey telonste ls al a quartz; gravel.......... , 29 7 3 Bedrock or boulder.........-. at 36 Swamp deposits: Sand, fine to coarse, Stee ; Peat, and sand, gray-black.... y 5 to slightly rounded, well : GEORGETOWN 40, Alt. about 80 ft. Ice-contact deposits: P sorted beds, brown, mostly Geologist's log of auger hole. Riven vic Ue vaya hatelel opevessiatatetaiever ele fey : 0.5 Son 8 QUAI cea ele ae) eee sales eselsteace: | eee 91 : Outwash: stevalls en baoocdodn seu00 sc erceeere IS) Ki fo) Mea Sand, medium to coarse, Sand, fine to coarse, ones 2 Gravel and silt, Gray. sas. 6 97 angular, DOWN .csssess atetn ie Lt ale to rounded, poorly sorted; : Refusal: Refusal and gravel, fine to medium, : Bedrock or boulder... ne. «<9» at 97 : Bedrock or Douwlder secs. e» « at Ly mostly well rounded......... sd 8 4 : Auger hole in pit about 6 ft. : BOXFORD 263. Alt. about 150 ft. : below original land surface. BOXFORD 259. Alt. about 110 ft. : Geologist's log of auger hole. 2 Geologist's log of auger hole. : Ice-contact deposits: : GEORGETOWN 41. Alt. about 60 ft. Ice-contact deposits: Cobbles, coarse; sand; and : Geologist's log of auger hole. Sand, very fine to very Raghu le A er0 ORICON GOO 0.0080. 00 h 4 : Marine deposits: coarse, mostly fine, Sand, mostly very fine, Sand, fine to medium, silty, rounded, very well sorted, angular; and Silt.....6600« aE D DE OW we es emnin Sieiiale a 'aleveleva) siieltehsl as ho ho yellow, quartz; a little Sand, very fine to coarse, Sand, fine, silty, gray-brown 20 60 SILb. coccccerecrcevccsvvceres 6 6 mostly very fine, angular; Sand, fine, silty, gray, with Gravel, fine to medium, silt; and gravel, fine to : MUCH SiGe re tate let stelelens syela eve cles 12 72 angular; and silt, gray..... 29 35. medium, angular to : Refusal: MAA = , : slightly rounded... a. cass Tt 12 Bedrock or boulders lees. «c= at 72 Clay, silt, and gravel, fine : Refusal: ; LO OME Ce UMls ef elars|etslavalala)cfolslarelevele 6 Ay : Bedrock or boulder........ ane at 12 : GEORGETOWN 42, Alt. about 75 ft. Refusal: This log is representative of Geologist's log of auger hole. BSMIIOC Kata ielofave ale) s!aralets/aisisietate stole at 41 2 auger holes at this site. Outwash: Auger hole in pit about 10 ft. : Sand, fine to medium, silty, below original land surface. : BOXFORD 267. Alt. about 110 ft. (DOW aareleeatsoers Peminenon anna ho ho Geologist's log of auger hole. Sand, fine to Senne silty, BOXFORD 260. Alt. about 130 ft. Ice-contact deposits: ICA syste state te tsar bidooo cosa LS ) Geologist's log of auger hole. Sand, very fine to coarse, : Marine deposits: Ice-contact deposits: mostly very fine to fine, : Clayey silt, cohesive, gray.. is 62 Sand, fine to medium, angular, angular to rounded, well : Refusal: well-sorted, yellow-brown... 6 6 Sorted, DROWN... <6). HeEceu aS uf 7 Bedrock or boulder. ...5.... Ato at 62 Gravel, fine, angular to Gravel, fine to Tease 6 ANS) - slightly rounded; and sand, : Gravel, coarse..... aledahatehereian ait aL 14 : GEORGETOWN 43. Alt. about 85 ft. medium to very coarse, : Refusal: : Geologist's log of auger hole. angular to slightly rounded Bedrock or bowlder.......ca5. at 14 : Ice-contact deposits: QUAI CZ aie c's eis cecennreceerens ni t This log is representative of ; Sandy gravel, coarse......... 4 y Silt, gray-blue, and sand.... 5 2 3 auger holes at this site. : Refusal: ; Grravers lie yeite Sialaustieietavetel oPalelaleliatete a at 12 R Bedrock or bowlldei. «e. «sess ab 4 Seen oe a0 efatet alist siaksterarelete nertoheretets il 13 : BOXFORD 268. Alt. about 125 ft. This log is representative oe Sand, fine to medium, angular Geologist's log of auger hole. 3 auger holes at this site. to slightly rounded quartz; : Ice-contact deposits: and gravel, fine to medium, Sand, fine to very fine, VOUNMEG..0.-+00s naadoucaluec 6 19 angular to slightly rounded, very well sorted... vee Te Table 3.--Logs of selected wells, test wells, and test holes in the Parker and Rowley River basins, Massachusetts--Continued VS a a a aS Sa a ee, Th : : ness Depth ; ness Depth : ness Depth : GEORGETOWN 99.--Continued GEORGETOWN 54. Alt. about 110 ft. Driller's log of test well. vinta lneg Sand, coarse , brown, gravel, and DOULMETS. see tower ee eens Refusal..scccssees A fone Joe is representative Wie wells at this site. Bie 28 57. Alt. about 100 ft. Driller's log of test well. Swamp deposits: RRA SG ougdodeou wooo InoOCNaea Ice-contact deposits?: Sand, coarse, brown; gravel and boulders. ...esceceessecs RE RUSA Mera tecteleteleieters eleteisiere;sieveterelaie s(e GEORGETOWN 58. Alt. about 100 ft. Driller's log of test well. Swamp deposits: Sab otafalereierareratsieiitcfeterstststaraye’etersvers Ice-contact deposits: Sand, coarse, brown; gravel... Sand (coarse, LEG sis aie civ sisie siele « Sand, fine to medium, gray.... Sand, medium to coarse, brown. Sand, medium to fine, gray.... Sand, medium to coarse, brown. Sand, fine to medium, brown.. Sand, medium to coarse, brown; boulders.... PLUS Gravel, sharp, blue, and sand. Re Risa atelai erste olavois afelete caters This log is representative of 3 test wells at this site. Pr i i ea) ee eeee GEORGETOWN 63. Alt. about 90 ft. Driller's log of test well. Outwash: Mops OisWiere sate se Sand pC OArseis sieatelsisreieelets ule Ea Gravel, sharp, blue, and sand. Gravel, sharp, blue, and sand, Geil TIE ieVelel's! oisieiecevel ste! RETUSEL. 3606s 05)0 e190. s1e/01s This log is representative of 3 test wells at this site. eee reese ecorse eee eee ee recsceee ee eeceeoe GEORGETOWN 65. Alt. about 85 ft. Driller's log of test well. Ice-contact deposits: PNG PAGAL averate: stars aleve a0 Sand, coarse, brown, and DOULAETS. .. ccc scccsrccvscces GINA Bate otey ates alas) offsets evelele aarelay erevevele This log is representative of test wells Georgetown 64-66. eee eee seere GEORGETOWN 67. Alt. about 90 ft. Driller's log of test well. Outwash: Sand, brown, gravel, and IOUIGETS Tents sivic see e viercien ep0's distal Sand, sharp, gray; gravel type IEW EN Tata ene etelsiclelerersiaiere/sietiavel sie ERE HUIS Slee er sielohelel ecolelaleletenel\ele ferelere)s/eVals This log is representative of test wells Georgetown 67-69. GEORGETOWN 70. Alt. about 105 ft. Driller's log of test well. Ice-contact deposits: TOpPSOL1. .cccsecesns Gravel, coarse, brown......... Sand, coarse, brown......-..+. SeyeGl, TNS KIgyooonoequcdcoad Cla Giaretaty ateteistslsielelelerersterets vel eveletetsic Gravel, GOarse,, SLAVie. 16 e's 010 (0s Hiatal eae Gravel, coarse, sharp, gray, and sand, Fine..sccscsseaess REPUSALS o50\s els o's 0 sce ee sicis e siele sieve ae eer serene GEORGETOWN 71. Alt. about 100 ft. Driller's log of test well. Ice-contact deposits: TOPSOLL. .ccccesecccscccccccesee Gravel, coarse, brown, and SONG. cece sesecrccrcccsccecces Sand, medium, brown........e.. Sand, fine, gray; traces of CLAY sc crcccccccscccce Gravel, coarse, brown and feastchigl Bs CheloGin ein DOOe RET WS gielsce/aiatara’lclelaje’sie's eccccccee a eeeeeee eee eeernae ick- 12 14 fs 12. WA aw wr 10 ON aM \o aaa’ 18 12 at 12 18 at 18 at 54 14 23 at 23 13 at 13 18 20 at 20 at 60 18 ak 35 41.5 at 41.5 : GEORGETOWN 76. Alt. about 95 ft. Driller's log of test well. Ice-contact deposits: Hhayrsephike ooooeocagind Sand, coarse, brown; gravel.. Sand, fine, gray.. Sand, sha arp, gray and brown; eee twee eens eeeeeere eee seco ses Ce ee) * Refusal..,... Shapes te erate This log is representative of 2 test wells at this site. GEORGETOWN 79. Alt. about 105 ft. Driller's log of test well. Ice-contact deposits: TOPSOLlsscccccvcncesccvencace Sand, medium, brown, and BVAVE Le ce scrccsccccecvccses Aeisiuleiys Gravel, sharp, blue gray, BNd CLAY. cccrssccscesevoses f INSEUEIGUL oo ooubodcoddodgoUoeonaA : GEORGETOWN 85. : Refusal: Alt. about 85 ft. Driller's log of test well. Outwash: Sand, coarse, brown; gravel EWatole ofa) oi Kel Sastry ce crocio eer Boulders.... cues This log is representative of test wells Georgetown 82-85. eeeee ee eceeae : GEORGETOWN 89. Alt. about 80 ft. Driller's log of test well. Outwash: Sand, coarse, brown; gravel and DOWLGETRS siete aise os siaieieterere : Refusal: BOuMGetr strsrettstarelerateteartnersusieeseietane This log is representative of test wells Georgetown 86-89. : GEORGETOWN 90. Alt. about 90 ft. s. Rerusalls.s «ses Driller's log of test well. Outwash: Subsoil and boulders.. Gravel, sharp, gray; and sand, fine.... SAN, COALSE:, \DIZO Wile teers ate core eee eeee seo eeeessene se oes seeeseeressers : GEORGETOWN 93. Alt. about 90 ft. Driller's log of test well. Outwash: TOPSOUL 5.04 «6 0 = Sand, brown, and gravel...... Sal, sido PAHO cn cODoo COONS wmentaeee, Gravel, eTerD, gray, and Refusates2. serie: Tas 5496 @ pei rernpoenbethyecof eoeeesesessoee i er secre ceses : GEORGETOWN 96. Alt. about 95 ft. Driller's log of test well. : Swamp deposits: TBRETUSEM 161610 alee IS Ga bistetstatelelohatonetetetetel ters oletatealerale Outwash: Sand, fine, light tan, and EUV raital atetatietiatel otal ala\isiatiereiereners ; Dand) fine, Light tenes. se 5 Gravel, sharp, brown and gray Hiei Clay, red, sand, fine, red, and Shey er aie We retelsielatelstsia a Sharp white stone........ ost This log is representative of 3 test wells at this site. eeoreeces : GEORGETOWN 98. Alt. about 95 ft. ee ee oe oe Driller's log of test well. Swamp deposits: PSA iets eietalstelersreterats Outwash: Sand, fine, gray-brown....... Sand and gravel, medium, see eeesecces DEOWNs ccceccccsescecsevcccces PANTS Sharp gravel and sand........ REOMUG EW revere rorelese\lsvohsiesesetelsievaiscajsieieisie This log is representative of test wells Georgetown 97 and 98. : GEORGETOWN 99. Alt. about 95 ft. Driller's log of test well. Swamp deposits: ‘ PSG elelelale lore sterare/sietsterefsusisvaienereiate Thick- 20 14 T 13 12 19 28 18 22 18 20 22 36 at 13 14 17 aioe at 4 ae 5 18 20 at 20 20 48 at 83 22 50 52 De at 55 18 25 45 47 at LT Thick- Outwash: Sand, coarse, gray, and etn soGak Metaietel er steyeetaiet= 14 Sand, coarse, brown, and ELAVEL 6s esc cesicvces ec eewace b} Sand, coarse, gray...... saratata 8 ibaa Be Boulders and hardpan......... y 4 BRHEbIS ENG oswicionmurrdo Oo aiRhs 6 6 eleim iets This log is representative of 2 test wells at this site. : GEORGETOWN 101. Alt. about 80 ft. Driller's log of test well. : Swamp deposits: HRE Git sustateleleis|cfecslalalsialsleslieisletslevaliels BL Marine deposits: Sand, medium, gray; traces 7 Ot CRAY «a wsiew = pies iets aeons 20 Sand, coarse, brome traces Oly (CUA ioye) sire esi ears 0; sieisvale/ace.e 8 Mala ; Gravel, sharp, gray.e..... one 3 SP RGAUUIS Ellueretetuvete e/slietsiayaieiayeisile Span ecsjereds This log is representative oe 2 test wells at this site. : GEORGETOWN 104. Alt. about 95 ft. Driller's log of test well. : Ice-contact deposits: TOPS OMe alelersletorer erence ereneiarsts siete Z Band, L1Ne,) DOW. » 44 012 010 4: AL sm We Mae : BOuULAS PSs sic es 9 eis) se isis isis aerate 5 3 Refusal... OgdoAsn ones nonustad This log is representative of test wells Georgetown 104-106. : GEORGETOWN 107. Alt. about 110 ft. Driller's log of test well. Pes WopsOds-. sae 1s ste wistavevetecsie ie a tate 3 Sand, fine, brown and clay; EASA erateteyoletiejatel eeverer =< Barerstels 10 Clay, brown, and sand; very S deta 6 Gono adn GaSe Goes B00 2 : Refusal..s.... Css cisco epee se wise s This log is representative of test wells Georgetown 107-109. : GEORGETOWN 112. Alt. about 105 ft. Driller's log of test well. Ice-contact pea. TOpSOLlesessse € elec ae esi delesos 2 Sand, fine, hearer ecco ecv cere 5 Sand, fine to medium, gray- brown; tight.....s.s arronatns a5. : Sand, fine, gray; tight...... 5 ¢ Refusal. oe he cel cieie ee secs brelehs : GEORGETOWN 113. Alt. about 100 ft. Driller's log of test well. : Ice-contact deposits: TOPS OU etenaraterats: steve! atelelar sales in tehats 2 Sand, fine, gray, and clay... 15 : Clay, RAI, SLAY causes a ats << 01s 3 P OREGUS aL Se ersiele as seie's © ehavienese) MOaCe This log is representative of test wells Georgetown 113 and 11}. : GEORGETOWN 115. Alt. about 100 ft. Driller's log of test well. Ice-contact deposits: Topsoil. cis c:emscieicie eee Aenesoor 2 Clay, brown, and silt...... an 1 Sand, gray-brown; gravel and sglojeley acalsouey rip Oo aeieVereie 3 Sand, fine to medium, gray- brown; gravel and rock..... ial This log is representative of 2 test wells at this site. GEORGETOWN 117. Alt. about 90 ft. Driller's log of test well. Ice-contact deposits: Wows O10 wrest olersstara, etalane (enetasayeteun = Sand, fine, yellow; silt..... 22 Sand, fine-medium, gray; Sand, fine to medium, gray; 0) Sand, fine, gray; Hehe Pia cters 8 We Wry cil ila brat etareteceyateneter ele eienels 6 6 Dad, LINE BTV esos v0.02 cas ae SEUNG HNUS OL a tsre rae ltsievaler el etelevaiene PY staraleisiele 16 real 29 33 at 33 a1 2g 32 at 32 aS 18 at 18 13 15 at 15 22 aii at 27 Ais 20 at 20 a) 18 29 Table 3.--Logs of selected wells, test wells, and test holes in the Parker and Rowley River basins, Massachusetts--Continued Thick- : Thick- s Thick- ness Depth : : ness Depth ness Depth GEORGETOWN 118. Alt. about 90 ft. : : CRORCETOWN 155.--Continued : GEORGETOWN 166. Alt. about 105 ft. “Driller's log of test well. oe Fie ailll divs re a) cusrova less (ocbistavetn scatirete at 2h 4 Geologist's log of auger hole. Ice-contact deposits: : This log is representative of : Ice-contact deposits: TOPS OL ereceleieteieveieie aia cretaceheleveceteseiors 2 2 . 2 test holes at this site. iH Sand, fine, angular, very Sand, fine, yellow, and silt... if 9 : * 8 well sorted, yellow brown.. 14 14 Sand, fine, yellow-gray; : GEORGETOWN 156. Alt. about 100 ft. 5 Sand, fine to medium, some gravel and silt..... ceccccese 6 5 q Driller's log of test well. 4 very coarse, angular, very Sand, fine to medium, gray- : Ice-contact deposits?: : well sorted, brown,........ aE 25 brown, and gravel; very tight 5 20 : Hard paris csierace aves ele stermierioretere 16 16 : Silt, fine, well sorted...... 5 30 Refusali:...... ne ae Ris MRD AR HK at 20 om REE NIE Aare ales ele orul aera lareyersiocererrielacscevers at 16 : Gravel, fine to coarse... aa; AT This log is representative of : This log is representative of : Refusal: 2 test wells at this site. 2 test holes at this site. H Bedrock or boullideri....< ccc at 47 : : Auger hole in pit about 8 ft. GEORGETOWN 120. Alt. about 85 ft. : GEORGETOWN 157. Alt. about 65 ft. below original land surface. Driller's log of test well. f Geologist's log of auger hole. : Ice-contact deposits: : Marine deposits and outwash, : GEORGETOWN 167. Alt. about 130 ft. MOPSOUL ste © «js 01e\s/ale'swiileeie/ciaielevelere 2 2 G undifferentiated: Geologist's log of auger hole. Clay, brown, and silt.......... 22 24 : SION syahisie\/e) sieisials 8 4 GVavelecevvees Serdvlersn a wiow a Merge cay 29 ‘ Geologist's noe of auger hole. Sand, coarse, angular to Sand, fine to medium, yellow, SUPT Ne seieie vyaietaels oyeletsvstalerai staal @eleiaiet = @ 2 slightly rounded, well and gravel; traces of clay... 10 39 Outwash: sorted, mostly quartz...... 16 20 Sand, fine, gray-brown, and Sand, silt, and gravel, fine; Dida: Faq ils Eas ogoomdodaoueedd 3) AT Poorly som ved. simi tise «)e 2 4 7 Contains gravel and boulders. 4 ak This log is representative of Sand; gravel, fine to medium, : Refusal: 6 test wells at this site. : well rounded....... Auten $ 4d Bedrock or boulder....... Sate at ah : Swamp deposits: : GEORGETOWN 133. Alt. about 90 ft. ; WEG Liarerlers o «1 «lays chetelareveta averene /stoleus 53 10 : GROVELAND 14. Alt. about 100 ft. Driller's log of test well. : Ice-contact deposits?: : Geologist's log of auger hole. Swamp deposits: : Gravel, (COBrSCsis.0sscuse coves 5 45 TLL Peat... ava ley eta al wlepsta ieeteysy oinvedete re 3 3 Q Aa Giibistell nis Fo cxrih Cr Ubi bene oIne ce at 15 Mostly silt and clay, with Ice-contact deposits: A sand, fine; rock fragments, Sand, fine, gray-brown, and . : GEORGETOWN 161. Alt. about 65 ft. ENG ULE e tereretes eteteleranerte EG ENS) 10 LANE reveteraltavera evel versie! afetevere sfetene 4 ni Geologist's log of auger hole. Clay and boniaenan anasto evietele 6 57 aS Sand); fines,” yellowss.s1e cs 21.9 Marine deposits: : Cliaiy:s. WOW errs «1 Chay yellows. Sielkianerecieiscieleetons Clay, yellow, medium......... ‘ Ice-contact deposits?: Sand, medium to coarse, Esese,. trace, Gi elayym + csrerand Sand, coarse, and gravel; AieteCl terete tales fehater a veratens seis 0 eee sei Taaaleys Sand, medium, and gravel; VENY: COMPAC isi aie sieusiele odio eis Refusal: Bedrock or boulides\e mca se ee er IPSWICH 235. Alt. about 45 ft. Driller's log of test hole. Marine deposits: Loamy sand, little coarse BEAVE MT sien ois.e ove ralalenauatehatel ese Sand, coarse, yellow, and REANCL yy (COOLIE «,asete ae eieiarartie iy CilanariDae:,, “BO tis s6.5 sie s.s.erels elere TeV aris Sand, coarse, gravel, coarse, BNGce lays Sid eelsaisis se aisinrae This log is representative of 4 test holes at this site. IPSWICH 246. Alt. 33.5 ft. Driller's log of test hole. Marine deposits: UVa mie yavetaranotelellecalateteletatel sisletetstelalshele Dandi, tame), LOAMysrree sielelemiel sini SAMs welt) WLOOS Crarereleraial ofareeie.e16 Sand, fine, Firm, and clay.... Sand, fine, loose, and clay... Clay, Very GOP icles cscs ware ode Core WI WIEST oouw = ie : Refusal: onnM ooo -Frn ooo ArH FHOFNEH MONSON) Sand, coarse, gravel, some ays) Mardis se cicie = (eloreieveisie\e . Sand, very fine, some gravel, little clay; very compact.. OMG IMSS. ra)ret.s esses tumialiaiatats «wrens aia ial atl Seo TAs 12. Die 22. oe 14 23 23 a) 25 eT 27 12 13 15 16 10 a) ODE) ou Table 3.--Logs of selected wells, test wells, and test holes in the Parker and Rowley River basins, Massachusetts--Continued test wells Newbury 71-82. ew This log is representative of test holes Newburyport 50-59. Thick- : Thick- : Thick- Seen ne ee re ie De pune ee ee ee neds Depth IPSWICH 303. Alt. about 5 ft. : NEWBURY 27. Alt. about 55 ft. : NEWBURY 88. Alt. about 15 ft. Geologist's log of auger hole. : Driller's log of water well. % Driller's log of test hole. Marine deposits: Spat ia rials spor dalales Clayey silt, dark brown, Welsh Gaodosoda050 Sieie a sbKe Beverte ts 2 2 DAMGMATICN TENE oayelsiels ec! e seis « Woo, HESS some sand.......+- eccsccccer el 2a : Marine deposits: : Marine deposits: Clayey silt, some sand; light A Cliay,, (Vay SrEeMs.« o-levcl eis clein5 0 iff 9 Clay, yellow, stiff; trace of brown, changing to gray..... Se 3 Pui iis IF GEMG, TUNES. sc es sic wise Cy Sy ao) DERUC he TOC sslers skelelelels Ove MEIGS eh Greve nat atsielststerete stele rraiaters TO79ay OS) Clay, blue, very stiff; aoe DATA Selec evatsiea tere oa ae a ewletee eee 4 TT : Of, Sand. HUME. oo ccs Srsis,0,5 sare Epon Gree) Refusal: : NEWBURY 31. Alt. about 30 ft. : This log is representative of Bedrock or boulder........:00. at TT : Owner's log of water well. test holes Newbury 87-89. : Marine deposits: 4 IPSWICH 309. Alt. about 30 ft. Celllar excavation. .....0.se0. 6 6 : NEWBURY 90. Alt. about 10 ft. Geologist's log of auger hole. WEA ots Ieharte ye Stara tvisteiace aor Aerie! alls ay r Geologist's log of auger hole. Marine deposits: Clay. cf aes iauareledetone rene temecene 6 23 : Marine deposits: Sand, fine to medium, brown, : Sand, with some clay and War chime mucins el cryelae eteres are cS 5 5 : NEWBURY 32. Alt. about 45 ft. PACOVGU rere laje eres isisie sisi eathove eos Sie 28 28 Sand, fine, brown, some Bui. 20 25 p Geologist's log of auger hole. SEhiGk oekaki pealinse yoamomronoer 12 4o Sand, gray, with silt and ane: 5 30 : Marine deposits: WANG ANG eTaVel . scien see Ge 7 7 Clay, aah ccooeo COO CORO cree & h5 i) Sand, fine to medium, yellow- i. oR euMianaits one fein a ohal ata e iejm:isfatsiiala(a: 6a. (Bis 70 Refusal: brown; some mica; few i Et ON Bedrock or boulder; angular y pebbles, rounded........... rf fi : Clay, sand, gravel, and rock fragments on bit....... at 75 Silt, clayey, brown, hard; : cobbles; hard drilling..... 4) 111 Auger hole in pit about 10 ft. 5 BOMC (SANG euep wis ane a yisie = pce 46 53 : Refusal: below original land surface. : Refusal: : Bedrock or boulder. cs sca a1 at 111 Bedrock or boulder..... Sacer ueeee at 53 8 IPSWICH 310. Alt. about 70 ft. 2 : NEWBURY 91. Alt. about 45 ft. Geologist's log of auger hole. : NEWBURY 33. Alt. about 70 ft. A Geologist's log of auger hole. Marine deposits: : : Geologist's log of auger hole. : Marine deposits: Sand, coarse, brown, with much : Marine deposits: DANG Gnd!) BVAVEL nee. cle c c's mee 5 5 silt, ‘some gravel... .s feleteraiiate 5 5 Sand, fine to coarse, silty, Grav elersley leleistetstare aye Ape moe 5 5 10 Ice-contact deposits?: brown; and gravel, fine to CEUs ersten sv apna omen is 30 ho Gravel, fine to coarse, and (ofshesjay pgobesKeols aaa neo coao0 I) 15) dietelb ge sand, coarse; some silt..... 6 ily Silt, clayey; gray-brown, : Gravel, hand drijding........ 5 45 Refusal: sand; gravel, fine; compact 10 a9 : Refusal: Bedrock or boulder....... onic Glial : SileG GUA Ve i MUOTaly. ctejete sveisievers 56 81 Bedrock or boulder........... at 45 This log is representative of 5 : Refusal: 2 auger holes Ipswich 310 and 311. Bedrock or boulder. .isicccus se at 81 : NEWBURY 92. Alt. about 15 ft. : Geologist's log of auger hole. IPSWICH 312. Alt. about 60 ft. : NEWBURY 36. Alt. about 45 ft. AHA See Mayatistcnsvare ener eee, 8 Weeegeeer ae eet 2 2 Geologist's log of auger hole. 8 Geologist's log of auger hole. : Marine deposits: Marine deposits: : Ice-contact deposits: Cazhlary Ishialeh palm paint clo Cols coin o 12 14 Sand, coarse, brown, and Sand, fine to medium, brown.. 20 20 Ciltarmoe Dilerys tera severest iererscany ere y 18 gravel, fine to medium, Sand, fine to cvarse, Sb el pal agelh ote oat hy ROMNEY OREECPR 22 ho With much SIT... 6c scccc see 5 5 subangular, brown; little Band, COMPACT. venie scence es is 3 43 Ice-contact deposits?: : REVO avenetavieucersiess ; 62 82 Stall Gem ainle eyatateray el stort tetera snails 8 51 Gravel, fine to coarse, some : Auger hole in pit about 20. ft. Syatiaelmro craked atoterslalel erasure eheneiare t 58 brown, silty sand........ ators aL 6 below original land surface. (Gulehigy leteoninld Axrroa ciqioc cin orawrolOo 11 69 Sand, very fine to medium, ; : Refusal: brown, With some silt and : NEWBURY 37. Alt. about 50 ft. A Bedrock or boulder........... at 69 BLONG Wafers stateteters Refusalesessseccesessccsceeesece at REIELY = OWE evelis ie icyatearstsielereerevers 37 bie Driller's log of test well. : wot eta ee tec ond wn. : Marine deposits: : NEWBURYPORT 76. Alt. about 5 ft. ; CHER s AKSIELON ogo mecanaa os Bode 18 18 : NEWBURYPORT 137. Alt. about 25 ft. Driller's log of test well. 1 CL eiyigm DAWG mus telealeyeliateis etelsiei fon 10 28 4 Driller's log of test well. Marine deposits: 3 Sand, fine, blue.......... owe T 35 : Marine deposits: Clays) Soft, bLUCt yen celle « 5 65 65 : Refusal: p fo MINA COA GUOSS abun MOOuS 2 2 Quicksand, Diuew.semacee sc sei 5 110 Bedrociksre'sctaelcvejare nee sie) sa Raters at 35 Clay, LixM, Grayeceesscieesiears 19 21 : Clay, BOLits @ravanmnenie + « ie he 63 NEWBURYPORT 81. Alt. 6.2 ft. : NEWBURYPORT 113. Alt. 10.3 ft. Sand, medium, gray, and Driller's log of test well. : Driller's log of test well. . EPAVEI tieprculctetacierheteiiiercs (aie te 5 Ons Marine deposits: : Marine deposits: t) REP USaIL as arepevereseeretererereereerosre els oe at 64.5 Clays sOrbs (Diues.aewceeesee set 30 36 : Cleve DUNE s-o1e eres seuerereveietorarerciece se ESI’ 37 : Quiieksands DLues/iave selecereicie:siele 14 50 2 Gravel, hard, blue.csccoceses 15 38.5 : NEWBURYPORT 139. Alt. about 30 ft. Gravel, fines Dieta cialis ant pul : Refusal: 5 Driller's log of test well. Refusal: Bedrock. cass © suple eters siapererere at 38.5 : Marine deposits: Bea rOC Ks. cieierelaih stele Mills ie reietetarelytie a at 51 This log is representative of test : TAOGIs ieee; wim ale Siwle oe cea teits s aiece avers 2 2 This log is representative o test wells Newburyport 113 and 138. . Clay; firm. exeyrie veel ote LO 18 test wells Newburyport 75, 77-84. : e Clays se Olc meceventnemisies iseueO 46 : NEWBURYPORT 114. Alt. about 15 ft. ¢ REPUSAD. «ce iere, ate c stecetes are eerenesievejers at 46 NEWBURYPORT 86. Alt. 8.5 ft. : Driller's log of test well. : Driller's log of test well. : Marine deposits: : NEWBURYPORT 140. Alt. about 20 ft. Marine deposits: . Clays, PLUG weeeniicesesssese | CCl DCm cm (Dril@entisetoprotuertawelal. Glave meOit,» blues cisieere arate A 123 724 : Refusal: : Marine deposits: Gravel, fine, blue....... Petes they Th : BEGLOC lave re savsiecenseyeie anerevd oie rer's levers abstao 5 Toate oahac eiataene tert (aterereherenhaxeke: < 2 2 Refusal: : E Clay, hardy) grey smicieeresienis)s 12 14 Bed noelesrsre SPOON DAO I UCO TOONS at 26.0 : Sand, fine to medium, brown, Driller's log of test well. and gravel..... wis splenic Seni ulOnO) 0) Mamime deposits): ROWLEY 41. Alt. about 45 ft. Sand, fine to meeun, brown, Topsoil. os 51 wesyscefens avaietalave oie tekers 6 6 Driller's log of test well. : and (pmravell, \COBMSC cass ernie 9.0 25.0 Sand, fine, and clay.....+s+.- 35 yy Be Ped. anal Sere 5.1 ; Are Bake Cntsnyetk heel Cacho onadadonanan sus} 54 RETUISEM aioe pislieterscsis inte aisle iclatelsiaisiatais, at ol. 3 Drove havo wivirreieters een aisno cern e sea 0.9 25.9 : This log is represeutative of 2” RESTAVISTE Ln AAS MOT A OES veneer at 25.9 : ROWLEY 85. Alt. about 55 ft. PASE eee SEE Lue This log is representative of f Driller's log of test well. ROWLEY 42, Alt. about 40 ft. test wells Rowley 52 and 58. : Marine deposits: Driller's log of test well. B : Greve ois sieiexe ares AS ApiciceaOo” a5 15 Swamp deposits: : ROWLEY 56. Alt. about 60 ft. q Sand, fine, and clay......... 12 27 Md. s10\416 alin isis «ieiclae occ crcccerees 1.0 1.0 : Driller's log of test well. Ice-contact deposits?: Marine deposits: Ice-contact deposits: Gravel...... oensvee stata ={etes's vefaiie 8 35 Cilaiysay CO Yielateislieielelassisisiaieic\ajsisieiee 20) 25.6 DCMS creas ea aie tays /opaieia ie ein a jore.018 ie O.'5 O.5 This log is representative of Sand, gravel, and clay, gray.. Toit Z@ae Sand, brown, gravel, and 4 test wells at this site. Refusal..... svensiaivisvexelsieisratsisielaseiataiet at 22.7 DOUNCERS |. s:eleisicisje siewsie exe sole lele Ae Gy 7210) REFUSAL. secre vcccrcergesevesse at 20 ROWLEY 44, Alt. about 15 ft. ‘ Driller's log of test well. : Marine deposits: “ TOOMisie a ieisie oleieieie ee ceeccerseose alt ah H Table 3.--Logs of selected wells, test wells, and test holes in the Parker and Rowley River basins, Massachusetts--Continued Thick- : Thick- B Thick- ness Depth ; ness Depth $ ness Depth ROWLEY 87. Alt. about 50 ft. ; ROWLEY 100. Alt. about 15 ft. : WEST NEWBURY 17. Alt. about 90 ft. Driller's log of test well. : Driller's log of test hole. 4 Geologist's log of auger hole. Marine deposits: : Marine deposits: : Marine deposits and outwash, TOPsOLL,” and “Sand sie vis'oteravarele eis 15 33 LS 5 LOaMy SANA... sceveceseses ocnd S15 3.0 : undifferentiated: Ce yiatevaleralefetnlaie svalefalelacaiaterata (ners hett ES |Omm Oona) lis Clay, and little fine sand... 16.0 19.0 : SOW ferere stevaas a eysrotavetelc eielenavel sie ate 3 3 Clay, and sand; some gravel... 10.5 78.8 : Sand, fine, very compact, ; SATA yD OWMareretete efetettsteiclelscrelsts 6 9 : and little yellow clay..... 5.0) 24.0 : CHE om SG Awc eer rececceresesens 3 12 ROWLEY 98. Alt. about 5 ft. ; Sand, fine, loose, and blue as bistable Driller's log of test hole. : BY states soierecheiereralereremeyerers SO) 29.0m Gravel and clay.......... exatere 2, One. Salt-water marsh deposits: G Sand, fine, hard, little : Refusal: DLL GY) PSA Usretareieielavclorate elelarerererene 10.0 10.0 H EUS Gist, carne wlersle'stevalatetatela 2.0 Bl 50) A Bedrock or boulder. ..s.<<.s vs at 14.8 Silty peat, very soft......... L530 25.0 H : This log is representative of Marine deposits: : ROWLEY 101. Alt. about 5 ft. . 2 auger holes at this site. Sand, very fine to fine, blue, ; Driller's log of test hole. : and Titttile: CLay.1.
  • 2 OGM RGO=cl-tL / c-O Le SYN Oo =i. (002, = - ig aOste CO), | Odjiae a= 96 Och M6 tte Se 09-c Lye oe be uN OD Pee et PEG ta Ve Pe tee ee ome ee ike eee ee ite RE Bite bE Be dy Ee ee ee eC OUEE oc aot) CIE LL w I ogtenie a ten te are eae | EM@: “ES 1ow LP tes UY fete Ll) fet Joe Uae nkor Le tee! t 1M i i} I 1 YY toy Te gape a) 1 0 5 1 oO ten i} fer 1 0 Le {S) LU feb 1 je’ i} 5 i t 1 LOe 6 1 @ 1 5 i 1@ i OD I ae Lh 42) t E ; eS ; & : pa ' : Bone Ie PPO, Reet) eile Pees ee Peet eee ot uot | t i} {eo 4@) I I g Lb ke 1 ine GD Hae) 1 o | Wii ae iw | ara 1 © i Pas | 1 le teh te oo gamer fh t jd I fh tex t i ee (ho See '= VOOTTOO! 1 1 Qu i 0089 se 1 ~~ i} iw 1 w~ i Za iw 1 i t i J 1 he toed 1 1 t J 1 1 i i et Onle Su, Aie)fehl. 15 e/11.4 16 “@0.e7e June 5 10,62 20 e/11.6 15 10.39 108 10.97 31 e/11.6 20° 510752 15m elise Sept. 5 e/11.6 25 0.6 263 914.526 10 e/11.7 SOR al: Baal, Re 1556/1207 Feb. 15 «80.83 30 11.61 20) ~ Wak. 73 sl OO ale SS} DGS BS dikatet 15 9.91 TOR aisos BO meas, 20 9.48 we aa. ge Oct. Blah te 25 9.56 ZO ial, @hh MO) dal ,)vh 29 Oy Sy 25 ale oyn Wy Hala has Mar. 5 9.63 Bil Le Os 20 Wah, 5S 10 9.92 Nv, eS BS wal! 5 eel Ome TOR Melee es Sil aL, uh 20m One AG, We) eM Nov. GLAS) 25 10.23 2OpmEe 23 ioe alnlyshl 31 9.78 Bs ile BS UG) Gakgex Apr. 5 9.37 S| 2 53 POP ME 20 10 9,22 Sept Seles on as ahaa) 1G: 9.38 TOMAS 30 «3610.88 20 9.67 m5) lalate) Dec. 5. AO (2 25 9.91 A) aie Hey Gig5¥¢ 2OmLORO9 Bs al eee Ojai May 5 10.30 30) abla 7/2 COMO TOM ORS Oct. (5) 2l.78 e/ estimated NEWBURY 24 ay) 1959 1960 Julyer2e3) 12.6 Gey, Al D5palh May 5 10.80 Ploy eh Nove §5 24.65 June 2 10.94 iNpise, Gy akBats! ies Is 5S Ati al BB 12g aes 2 Deca su Le. 60 Noles, UG NS dey ave alge - Alea silt 30m 16.05 26 146 1960 Sept. 26° 16.02 Sept. 2 25.0 Jan, 1h 11.14 1961 SQ) edb Bebe lienO. 65 Mar. 28 10.00 AS NG Mar. 10 10.70 Oct. 8 15.46 Apr. i 8.81 Table 6.--Water levels in observation wells in the Parker and Rowley River basins, Massachusetts--Continued Water Water Water Date level Date level Date level NEWBURY 25 1959 1959) 1960 July 23 9.28: Oct. & 12.00 May 5 10.24 29 9.55 2t 8612.07 June 2 10.14 Au. 5 10.34% Nov. > 11.65 duly 2 10.88 12 10.50 18 10.94 Aue. 2 11.90 18 10.77 Dec 3 10.35 30 «=: 113.20 26 «10.96 Lf 9.68 Sept. 23 13.27 Sept. 2 11.08 1960 1961 Q9 12.34 Jan. Jk 10.32 Mar. 28 9.76 16 11.50 Apr. T 92h NEWBURY 26 1959 1959 1960 July 23 1.42 Oct. es URS Apr T 1.03 29 2.04 21 2.18 May 5 1.44 Aug. 5 On B3 Nov 5 1.89 divi? iy 2.45 12 PES 18 1.29 Aug. 1 2). 235 18 2.30 Dec 3 1.40 30 2.81 26 DoS; av ie FE Sept. 28 enh Sept. 2 25 US 1960 1961 9 2.34 Jan. iL. h Mar. 28 Ta: 16 de 85 Feb. 11 0.21 NEWBURY 27 (Daily high water levels from recorder graph 1959 1960 1960 July 21 7.91 Jan. 15 6.72 June 5 6.76 25 7.05 20 HOS 10 alo 29 7.48 2k 7.39 15 To SO Auge we O.18 Feb. 11 5.37 20 Ok 10 8.59 is 5.84 25 8.38 1S 8.99 20 5.42 30 8.86 20 9.37 25 5.83 July a> 9.13 25 9.66 29 5.69 10 9.49 Br 9.96 Mar. 5 5.89 5) 9.17 Seppo 9.97 10 6.14 20 9.97 HO PLOR LG 15 6.42 25 0), WS) Se OnSo 20 6.24 SH I hs COMORES 25 6.28 Aug. DONS S 2S OOS SIL 5.49 NOmORGS 30 «=—«10..87 Apr. 5 Bo Ne 15 LORS Oct. Sele OO 10 5.38 20) 1S) ll OMEEOR GO 15) 5.56 25 Wi, 2s V5 WO), 83} 20 5.80 Sol aa, Bye 20 10.43 25 5.98 Scie, BH Das 25) 810. 42 30 6.07 HO TL, F Sl 10.2 May 5 6,22 tS wh. Novi ee O a0 10 6.37 Pa ~ TLS 5 7.66 15 6.43 5 ah SE 10 7.08 20 Oo Sif 300=—s- 11.28 15 6.02 25 6555 Oct. 5 adk, se 20 6.18 31 6.52 25 6.48 e/ estimated a) Water Water Water Date level Date level Date level NEWBURYPORT 70 1959 1959 1960 July 23 0.19) Oct. 21 1.92 Apr. if 0.27 29: 1.12 Nov. 5 @.55 May 5 0.34 Auge. 95 1.63 18 O. 4h June 2 GEs'o. 12 23h Dec. 3 0.81 duly 2 2.85 18 2.73 1f 0.81 Aug. 1 3.83 26 2.89 1908 30 4.90 Sept. 2 2.67 Jan. 14 oO.k9 Sept. 28 3.49 g 2.94 - Feb. Il +0.09 1961 16 2.12 Mar. 10 Q. 32 Mar. 28 0.21 Oct. 8 1.97 + Water level above land-surface datum. ROWLEY 27 1959 1959 1960 July 23 11.33 Octer 2.16 Apr 3 9.15 29 «11.36 Nov. G Sisto'e May Se 0.35 fieras 9 Ta teat 18 12.92 June 2 10.82 12 TPT Dect yl2210 July 1 12.20 IRs en e160) aie). wal alye Aug. 1 12.98 26 «©12.62 1960 30 13°76 Sept. 2 12.62 Janel: Talets' Sept. 28 13.85 O12 By Heb.smel del O noo 1961 169 622,87 Mar. 10 10.34 Mar. 28 10.65 Oct Ome Si ROWLEY 28 LESS) IS) 1960 July 23 To Ue Cem Ea 8.30 Apr “i 6.06 29 faDe Nov. 5 8.20 May 5 ase Mie, 5 7.86 18 7.99 June 2 7.64 12 7.99 Dec. 3 iGD> Tneilae 8.29 18 Sells NG 7.08 Aug. i 8.33 26 8.30 1960 30 8. 74 Sept. 2 8.29 Jan. 1 7 SO Sept. 28 8. 32 9 8.38 Feb. 11 6.98 1961 16 8.32 Mar. 10 Hols Mar. 2 6.48 Oct EO 8,22 WEST NEWBURY 1 UBS) URS) 1960 July 23 £19.63 Gem, BL Bes yeh Apr OO 29 19.69 Nov. 5 Beane May S shee Aug. 5 BHO) 18) 2als3h June ee Gn (eh 220.90 Dec SLO no6 Selly iL AE We) BALES, aye as) 5) ikea, dl Bes yal 26 0-22.04 1960 300 aa 74 Sept. 2 22.28 dea, I aS ie Sept. 28 23.53 © epee igs, ial Wael 1961 Mar. 10 17.00 1959 1959 1960 July 23 1.80 Octeneel Bevel Apr. | iNT 1.60 29 2.96 Novena 2.95 May 5 2.56 Aug. 6 Sul 18 Do June 2 2655 12 3:39 Dec eae. Ole) uly a 3.92 26 3.58 (Pel cose sues ee 4,10 Sept. 2 2.99 1960 30 5.03 9 3.40 Jan. 14 1/ -- Sept. 28 3.40 16 2.78 Bebe) 0.97 1961 Gch. 8 Bei Mar. 10 2,32 Mar. 28 1/ -- ay) Well frozen Otc Il 05S ‘og OnS *6T Oge 4T OWT S6E OL 6St 096 §ST 6):0r te 0g9‘Ez2 ol9*2e sseISAB AT teq ec 08 08 068 #8 © ©8 e@8 #8 © e0 e8@ 88 28 88 oe © 8©& ©8 288 e808 88 88 28 ef cf ° ° ° ° 0£0'060 St 099‘ T2S 6), orof eet *) 099 ‘S22*S OTE S92 SHT 09 *En9 SOT 026 £929 ‘S ogt fore TT On *2r9 8 062966 ‘TT Te1OL, (Aanqneyy FO UMOT) qoTaystg 197emM PTETIAG oe 0©8 ef 28 #8 oe © e8 8 e©6@ © e808 ©8 © ef © © #8 © ©8@ © 28 © ee 28 8 ec ee ef ee eco ee e& #8 ©8 ©8 © e8 8 #0 08 «6 8@ 08 8 #86 © #8 @8 ©8 28 8 08 08 28 ee ‘umouyUN SutTdumd yo potted faxeak yoea Jo y1ed CLs OT iar GTS‘ HQ‘ TY G92‘ 199 ‘92 G92¢ ‘€or Ze G2S GeS an 969 ‘°ST2’ ‘ok ee ee 068 cf ¢28 08 © @€8 ©8 0©8 0©8 0©8 © 08 88 e828 0©8 #8 e8 88 8 #8 #8 #8 ee ef beh Ere (suoTTes ut) eo e809 ee cf © © oe8 © ©8 ¢8 © 8 88 ©8© ©8 08 0©8 08 8 © ce e8 ee ee ee ee 008 ‘9809 ‘*69T 00S ‘619 £ OT 00S £665 §42T 068 °ELE £96 UOTMSAT ee ee e208 e28 ¢€8 ef © @€8 @8 ef © e6 © ef © 08 20 ©8 08 ©8 © #8 08 08 ef 8 ee ee ee e8@ 000 £22 000 ‘92 00€ £12 OOT ‘9g OOT £ gE 006 £6t 002‘ LE 006 £9€ 000‘ E+ 008 ‘Ot 00+ £96 00h £S9 009 £19 009 ‘2d, 000 ‘QJ, 000£ 26 OO€ £98 oon SOT 000 £92T Con SET 009 £ +ST 000 ‘69T 00S £L9T 006 £1,.6T 00S £802 sVSsCISAB AT teq ee ee ee 2©8 88 ©8 ef © 88 08 0©8 © 9©0© 08 ©8 288 0©8 © e8 28 oe 08 228 28 e828 8 ATuo Sutanp pedung ie *aqzoTdMooUuT pioday sae 0S2 S16 66 oS€ ‘L472 fOT 992666 ‘ET OSt £02 QT 006 £295 SET OSE f0SH SET 0096 t2 ‘ST 009260‘ LT 00S £1985 £02 000‘ 41g°E? 000‘ 0S2 ‘72 000 ‘90S £92 OST 68h 682 0006195 SEF 000 £009 ‘ TE 009 £941 °LE 0096166 6St O0€ ‘get ‘64 OO€ § TLS 69S 00S £9g9*T9 000" Jt" TS 062 §S22%el OTe ‘S62 9), UMOZOD.LOASN GE6T Qe6T LE6T QE6T 6£6T On6T THOT ct6T CH6T qT GOT Qt6T LH6T Qr6T 6t6T OS6T TS6T cS61 €C6T S61 GG6T 9S6T LS6T 9S6T 6S6T O96T Ieok IepusTeg siyesnyoessey, ‘sutseq Jaaty ASTMOY pue Jeyreg ayy ut ATddns Tedtotunwu 1oOjF 1e4eM punoszs jo ssedumg--*) aTqey 30 Table 8.--Particle-size distribution in samples of unconsolidated deposits from the Parker and Rowley River basins, Massachusetts (In percent) GRAVEL SIZES mm SAND SIZES mm CLAY SIZES: SILT SIZES: oa nm ae | @ \O Od > ae eee = © Chat ty Fy oO Gq “d G4 = I >> u o = 0) 0) u 8 O @utie OWN 1 > O Oi = oO aren oC | OLN Ci? es BN ‘dot iat) 0) ine en AN On ee ct “a UN aN rc aes ON Ged oral ae Gi 4 LN >> A 4 \O OF©@ i. uN Qu) \O © eer pat © @ <.004 Geologic unit Field no 0.0 BE es, 47.3 :Marine ar Li AU nt eo diet RO okt Lk Ah aU A ee Pea Oa) LP A UR ee es at} S NO LF ha e Ver] Orr Mako. @Z@ iI Meats a F O XO cq EO bs vi OS® Say lm NO} es? CORGICOTOOREGN OOn oo 08 e828 e8 deposits < e e st 4a 24. 368% 37.0 do. ee 57.cest 35.2 gor. Outwash 30 ae: ee TALSEE 20a Bie) ‘ea Tce-contact: y) 6.4 Case ea) Ke Ke 209 AS) deposits siay \O cO ee ‘eley 31 ONES SO] EGNE=T ON O do. foal NGO IN SE Te Ne) At ms a mal tral (Nl 09 tt OD LY ONO NOnd+tad QNQ datdiea ap LN ra) Sy 12, ee ke@) oO + imal al Ont@ are On On = SOOO QI a QUE rca) hh st UN CO CO geen NO li OV ONY AN Odd LN OW dn ee eo 8 ef ef eo oe Y) ae yep =u) do. dev do do. eo ef ee LO HE: ai Ne} ees; CO4MaWmDO+ O AO a aN SEN LN Prati Oe ve I LA oy) st po ig AW Oo A Shes Mae om OV AM+ON NOLO ES i, N AKO a QUE 10a INO 1 O Teh ON] Steal tea cq oe ee 8 ee se Se a oe fo) ml GU) fs) Sl ee e8 88 ee como N in OO =) ileal] No, a pro, alee do. do. fiom d co. ° e e e 28 eg O00 zat oe e080 88 @8 e8 a NOR O+t0000 Para) MIA A FIO CO MIA 4 PSP eo ee ef ee Ie 0D Mind 4 29 @ LGN oy co QI UNNO Ord ia Kh LES Gm) —| ON\O \O b-\o 4 q ine COnGsy LN @7@T@ oO Tinta LN\O OOTON Dir! @ Or. CO @INOLCO ON GD A cor Gio, ae. do. 31 OLT ‘0G : : OPTS [Son Occitan aT ; 1S °T et OS Ca aettt ; pues pues 4T[TaQ: ‘op Ge : A : Q g s : A So PI00o Dae "0G H O€2 Sete cr eee ts oy a Gtree sO ee Soe Silas mee Cece mn pues: SUTIBW: §QT : ; : ; : : R Taaeis : : ; : : : : : : pue ‘pues : ; TROT ZTaQ: ZO'O eee ee et ES Oba el Os Oe eso Gis! Tee mei vce se Opens Alte Keto: ULibseoe - : Og ec lo | “O°CCMes Cert es SO); T + “SOL Comet CaOane ‘Op > «6 gyusemgno: GE : : : : : 5 ; : TeaeIs ; 5 - : Of ee ees Gintama o0 5 ECCS sel Otc) [b.0-G =e puu eepucsma Pace ‘Op Se ‘Og : €2 fo AS eye oi st ee eee :. -— Giel t= COlc & BaO oes ‘Op : ‘op Serie TeoTT1a,: o£ ASS SO fe rhe he apse ke) see Ote bs as OL: oC =. ecOimun: "op : ‘Op mn Oe Te LUO ZT IOP; 0g Se Oeeees el CteE OG iO eat see Ose Go. seen Lem ‘op : ‘Op ie tee TRoOTIIEA} Pe te POU Aee Bae Giese SlOTe gs) WOU es Basel ice Ole ueeeP UES Dube yc. ‘Op Se¥cd - : CO Soueei eo shes on 2S O'S eeOO 7 Ce i OLaca. samen: "Op : "Op ier = ; 009 eee Occ ars.) heme ero G eo ial eee eA ey ee ‘Op : "Op > GT > : COR aa] Ce cemeta -*O) comer Gel ae Se ae et Tae hee eh ‘Op : Xo} amet L : : Og i Orta: Sey rocem = oe 1 misehit wee aeehee at yes "Op : "op ey AI - : O08 eee Goes ome ce ose oe oe Dees Gipens eer Se ae ‘Op : ‘Op ec U - ; OOO fee a 6" Cemeie O° Cr. em aT tO gee EO. Ge 7 cement Cee eae ‘Op : ‘Op .aec = : 06), I es Noted Rar oth = ES Ber ANS, Rn feo, Mas "Op : ‘op Or = ; OOTiemeei= O° Otest- (Citeee seth h eeepc ee bet O02 C2 er mine: ‘Op : ‘Op oe ie = H OOOST ES) Bi SOCsasty -Gcttr eis Jee RIP See ee "op : ‘Op > 9 = : 02S Ha pel La tre sats ee cate’ Fe the te 6) ee "op : ‘op = bats5 = : TE ict c ee a AGGate eaQiclon.: cece = ¢ Gl cee een es: ‘op : ‘op 9 : - : : H : ; : $s sqatsodep : ~ H OST ; C°acen. Ee cee s Os eel : GC) 2F ete Ome - $: TaAeIS pue pueg:yoeqyUoo-a0T: GC soTdues ; 1 pda): (' : : peqingstpun: AIT TTqeauwted : PpTetsé (qUeoted) :uoTQUAEZ aL: QUSTOM : AA TACISB? (FOOT): Tetis7 ey jo > JO quetotzjyeog: atyroedg: Aqtsozog: oTgytoedg: qtun faq :oTjtoadg: yqdaq: uoTYVeVUSTIQ: - : : : ; ; : 4Tun DTBO TOA Iaqunu PTsta sqyqesnyuoesswy ‘sutseq JoATy AdTMOY pue Joyleg au} WOlS sqytsodep peyeptTosuooun jo setdwes jo satqyazedoid otSoToIpsg--°6 eT qe, Sy Table 10.--Engineering properties of samples of silty clay from marine deposits of the Parker and Rowley River basins, Massachusetts : Moisture content : Field : Depth : by weight So peciaac ice Plastic Plasticity number : (feet) : (percent) Se CCOVUV eee Mune Gs -s index is aliens ye 28.8 : Batis, Ti Gye ARS ee : LO 2 ee te tare 8) - : Betsy & - 3 - : = 3 2 - 35: 28.0 : Deqiey Desay 0G ERRG: 9 Dy vale, h AG alee Boel : ni a ee Om ee eC hr laT sO GSA, Boston, Mass. 62-1942 535 L ‘a ‘ | ' y ; S Gt as : atiaogeb arrives aowt Yolo gts fala ot a 3 6 od a ee Me ¥ até Peniceseal ; ea.¥ te ~ oe «) we 8 7 . . 5 a » \o%, A ye - ary eae: th oe +r — 4 a ae ‘a : © , bere ma ; Yo Lord eBid cig ea ft Hiuphd a oe 3 ood ‘tl ; ~— AS xe bya E : tie kT Rpes a ise iS ve Ft i. O8FE ¢ ri © * = eo « ofa To t ' 4 ed ' ‘ > oy ¥s miGURE 1 47 30° ee a ae oa > oy ‘i. eee Fo