STATE OF ILLINOIS DWIGHT H. GREEN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION FRANK G. THOMPSON, Director DIVISION OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY M. M. LEIGHTON, Chief URBANA REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS— NO. 122 UPPER KINKAID (MISSISSIPPIAN) MICROFAUNA FROM JOHNSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS BY CHALMER L. COOPER Reprinted from the Journal of Paleontology, Vol. 21, No. 2, March, 1947 PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS 1947 ORGANIZATION STATE OF ILLINOIS HON. DWIGHT H. GREEN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION HON. FRANK G. THOMPSON, Diiector BOARD OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION HON. FRANK G. THOMPSON, Chairman W. H. NEWHOUSE, Ph.D.. Geology ROGER ADAMS, Ph.D., D.Sc, Chemistry LOUIS R. HOWSON, C.E., Engineering CARL G. HARTMAN, Ph.D., Diolooy LEWIS H. TIFFANY, Ph.D., Forestry GEORGE D. STODDARD, Ph.D., Litt.D., LL.D., L.H.D. President of the University of Illinois GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION M. M. LEIGHTON. Chief SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL STAFF OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION 100 Natural Resources Building, Urbana M. M. LEIGHTON, Ph.D., Chief Enid Townley, M.S., Assistant to the Chief Helen E. McMorris^ Secretary to the Chief Velda A. Millard, Junior Asst. to the Chief Effie Hetishee, B.S., Geological Assistant GEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Petrographer and Principal Ralph E. Grim, Ph.D. Geologist in Charge Coal G. H. Cady, Ph.D., Senior Geologist and Head R. J. Helfinstine, M.S., Mech. Engineer Rolf W. Roley, B.S., Asst. Mining Engineer Robert M. Kosanke, M.A., Asst. Geologist John A. Harrison, B.S., Asst. Geologist Jack A. Simon, B.A., Asst. Geologist Arnold Eddings, B.A., Asst. Geologist Mary E. Barnes, B.S., Research Assistant Margaret Parker, B.S., Research Assistant Walter E. Cooper, Technical Assistant Florence Honea, B.F.A., Technical Assistant Oil and Gas A. H. Bell, Ph.D., Geologist and Head Frederick Squires, B.S., Petroleum Engineer David H. Swann, Ph.D., Assoc. Geologist Virginia Kline, Ph.D., Assoc. Geologist Paul G. Luckhardt, M.S., Asst. Geologist Wayne F. Meents, Asst. Geologist Richard J. Cassin, B.S., Research Assistant Nancy McDurmitt, B.S., Research Assistant Industrial Minerals J. E. Lamar, B.S., Geologist and Head Robert M. Grogan, Ph.D., Assoc. Geologist Raymond S. Siirode, B.S., Research Assistant Clay Resources and Clay Mineral Technology Ralph E. Grim, Ph.D., Petrographer and Head Henry M. Putman, B.A.Sc, Asst. Geologist William A. White, B.S., Research Assistant Groundwater Geology and Geophysical Exploration Carl A. Bays, Ph.D., Geologist and Engineer, and Head Robert R. Storm, A.B., Assoc. Geologist Arnold C. Mason, B.S., Assoc. Geologist (on leave) Merlyn B. Buhle, M.S., Assoc. Geologist M. W. Pullen, Jr., M.S., Asst. Geologist Gordon W. Prescott, B.S., Asst. Geologist Margaret J. Castle, Asst. Geologic Draftsman Robert N. M. Urash, B.S., Research Assistant George H. Davis, B.S., Research Assistant (on leave) Engineering Geology and Topographic Mapping George E. Ekblaw, Ph.D. Richard F. Fisher, M.S., Geologist and Head Asst. Geologist Areal Geology and Paleontology H. B. Willman, Ph.D., Geologist and Head Heinz A. Lowenstam, Ph.D., Assoc. Geologist J. S. Templeton, Ph.D., Assoc. Geologist Donald Saxby, M.S., Research Assistant Subsurface Geology L. E. Workman, M.S., Geologist and Head Elwood Atherton, Ph.D., Asst. Geologist Paul Herbert, Jr., B.S., Asst. Geologist Marvin P. Meyer, M.S., Asst. Geologist Physics R. J. Piersol, Ph.D. Mineral Resource Records Vivian Gordon, Head Ruth R. Warden, B.S., Research Assistant Dorothy F. Spencer, B.S., Technical Assistant Mary Burnett, Technical Assistant Susan M. Tull, B.A., Technical Assistant Meta L. Pilgrim, Technical Assistant Harriet C. Daniels, B.A., Technical Assistant GEOCHEMISTRY Frank H. Reed, Ph.D., Chief Chemist Grace C. Johnson, B.S., Research Assistant Coal G. R. Yohe, Ph.D., Chemist and Head Eva O. Blodgett, B.S., Research Assistant Industrial Minerals J. S. Machin, Ph.D., Chemist and Head Tin Boo Yee, M.S., Research Assistant Paulene Ekman, B.A., Research Assistant Fluorspar G. C. Finger, Ph.D., Chemist and Head Oren F. Williams, B.Engr., Special Research Assistant Chemist Lewis E. Moncrief, B.S., Research Assistant Horst G. Schneider, B.S., Special Research Asst. Chemical Engineering H W. Jackman, M.S.E., Chemical Engineer and Head . , ^ . P. W. Henline, M.S., Assoc. Chemical Engineer B. J. Greenwood, B.S., Mechanical Engineer James C. McCullough, Research Associate James H. Hanes, B.S., Research Assistant (on leave) Earl C. Noble, Technical Assistant X-ray and Spectrography W. F. Bradley, Ph.D., Chemist and Head Analytical Chemistry O. W. Rees, Ph.D., Chemist and Head L. D. McVicker, B.S., Chemist Howard S. Clark, A.B., Assoc. Chemist John C. Gogley, B.S., Research Assistant Emile D. PieRRON, B.S., Research Assistant Elizabeth Bartz, A.B., Research Assistant Albertine Krohn, B.S., Research Assistant Gloria J. Gilkey, B.S., Research Assistant^ Annabelle G. Elliott, B.S., Technical Assistant \\. MINERAL ECONOMICS H. Voskuil, Ph.D., Mineral Economist Physicist Emeritus Douglas F. Stevens, M.E., Research Associate Nina Hamrick, A.B., Research Assistant Ethel M. King, Research Assistant EDUCATIONAL EXTENSION Gilbert O. Raasch, Ph.D., Assoc. Geologist Georgia B. Meredith, B.S., Technical Assistant LIBRARY Regina Yoast, B.A., B.L.S., Librarian Ruby D. Frison, Technical Assistant PUBLICATIONS Dorothy E. Rose, B.S., Technical Editor M. Elizabeth Staaks, B.S., Assistant Editor Meredith M. Calkins, Geologic Draftsman Beverly Scotton, Assistant Geologic Draftsman Willis L. Busch, Principal Technical Assistant Leslie D. Vaughan, Assistant Photographer Beulah M. Unfer, Technical Assistant Consultants: Ceramics, Cullen W. Parmelee, M.S., D.Sc, and Ralph K. Hursh, B.S., University of Illinois Mechanical Engineering, Seichi Konzo, M.S., University of Illinois Topographic Mapping in Cooperation with the United States Geological Survey. This report is a contribution of the Division of Areal Geology and Paleontology. March 15, 1947 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign UPPER KINKAID (MISSISSIPPIAN) MICROFAUNA FROM JOHNSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS CHALMER L. COOPER U. S. Geological Survey Abstract — In northwestern Johnson County, Illinois, the Wayside formation (Lower Pennsylvanian) rests with apparently slight disconformity upon the Kinkaid formation (upper Chester). An important and varied microfauna, consisting of Foraminifera, ostracodes, and conodonts is described and compared with Morrow microfaunas from the Midcontinent and other areas. The Foraminifera include the genera Endothyra, Glomospira, Hyperammina, Palaeotextularia, Trepeilopsis, and Millerella. The last is specifically described from the Mississippian for the first time. Five genera of conodonts and 20 genera (35 species) of ostracodes are included in the fauna. THIS paper presents the microfauna from beds that are thought to be the youngest Chester in the area regarded as the type for the Mississippian system, where these beds could be examined and studied in relation to the superjacent Pennsylvanian. The type area for the Kinkaid formation is located along Kinkaid Creek, which cuts through the formation in NW. £ sec. 6, T. 8 S., R. 4 W., Jackson County, Illinois. This is less than 15 miles southeast of the town of Chester and the locality from which the fauna in question was collected is about 40 miles southeast of Chester. All known out- crops of the Kinkaid in southern Illinois that might show the contact with the over- lying Pennsylvanian were visited in order to obtain as much data as possible on the contact relations of the Pennsylvanian- Mississippian boundary. The best section observed is that exposed on a north tribu- tary of Lick Creek, which flows southeast across sec. 31, T. 11 S., R. 2 E., crossing the upper Kinkaid boundary in the northwest quarter of the section. This outcrop was described in detail by Lamar (1925, p. 80) who measured about 30 feet of Pottsville (Wayside) overlying 91 feet of the Kinkaid formation, the latter containing about one- third shale and two-thirds limestone. The details of the contact relations, modified somewhat from Lamar's subdivisions, are shown in figure 1. A coral fauna from these beds was de- scribed by Easton (1945) who correlates the Kinkaid beds containing Kinkadia trigonalis, Triplophyllites palmatus, and Caninostrotion variabilis with the upper part of the Pitkin formation of western Arkansas. These corals were obtained from the mas- sive limestone at the base of the section (fig. 1) and the thin limestones a short distance above it (between samples 2 and 5). Concerning the coral fauna he concluded (p. 384): . . . the geographic distribution of the corals 81 82 CHALMER L. COOPER Sandstone, Massive to Irregular bedded, fine to medium grained. Shale, black, laminated to flaky. micaceous Sandstone, irregular bedded, fine white to greenish-bro' Shale, calcareous, fossiliferous (upper 2-3' _i silty, micaceous). Limestone, thin bedded, lenticular, fossi - 4 Shale, gr