Academy of Medicine Nos. 17, 19 and 21 West 43D Street NEW YORK INSTITUTED JANUARY 6, 1847 INCORPORATED JUNE 23, 1 85 1 ALTARECO] CHARTER CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS JANUARY, 1911 THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF MEDICINE Nos. 17, 19 AND 21 WEST 43d STREET, NEW YORK Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates (pU \ V\ F Z OFFICERS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF MEDICINE 1911 PRESIDENT *. WILLIAM M. POLK, M.D., LL.D. VICE-PRESIDENTS : JOSEPH A. BLAKE, M.D. L. EMMETT HOLT, M.D. GLENTWORTH R. BUTLER, M.D. RECORDING SECRETARY: JOHN H. HUDDLESTON, M.D. TREASURER I lu -d JE 0 REGINALD H. SAYRE, M.D. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY : EGBERT LEFEVRE, M.D. STATISTICAL SECRETARY: ADONIRAM B. JUDSON, M.D. ASSISTANT SECRETARY'. CHARLES F. ADAMS, M.D. 0 TRUSTEES '. 6 CHARLES L. DANA, M.D. ARTHUR M. JACOBUS, • W. GILMAN THOMPSON, M.D. ABRAHAM JACOBI, A. ALEXANDER SMITH, M.D. COMMITTEE ON ADMISSION : - FLOYD M. CRANDALL, M.D. 3 CHARLES H. RICHARDSON, M.D. °* H. SEYMOUR HOUGHTON, M.D. JOHN ROGERS, M.D. W. KELLY SIMPSON, M.D. § s 6 The New York Academy of Medicine. COMMITTEE ON LIBRARY! HENRY S. OPPENHEIMER, M.D. HAVEN EMERSON, C. N. B. CAMAC, M.D. LEWIS A. CONNER, THOMAS L. STEDMAN, M.D. EXECUTIVE LIBRARIAN! CHARLES MALLORY WILLIAMS, M.D. LIBRARIAN ! JOHN S. BROWNNE, Esquire. COUNSEL TO THE ACADEMY ! HOWARD VAN SINDEREN, Esquire. g g TABLE OF CONTENTS. List of Officers PAGE. Trust Funds 9 Acts of Incorporation 12 CONSTITUTION. Article I. — Name of Corporation 16 “ II.— Object 16 III. — Fellowships 16 IV. — Officers and Terms of Office 17 V. — Committees 18 “ VI.— Sections 18 VII. — Certificate and Resignation of Fellowship 19 “ VIII.— Discipline 19 IX. — Amendment 20 BY-LAWS. Article I. — Meetings 21 II. — President 22 III. — Vice-Presidents 22 IV. — Recording Secretary 22 V. — Assistant Secretary 23 VI. — Corresponding Secretary 23 VII. — Statistical Secretary 23 “ VIII.— Treasurer 24 IX. — Boards and Committees 25 “ X.— Council 26 XI. — Board of Trustees 28 XII. — Committee on Admission 29 “ XIII. — Committee on Library 30 8 The New York Academy of Medicine. Article XIV. — Sections 34 XV. — Funds, Investments and Real Estate 35 “ XVI. — Admission Fee and Dues 36 “ XVII. — Signing Constitution and By-Laws 37 “ XVIII. — Election of Officers 38 “ XIX. — Transactions 39 XX. — Annual Reports 39 “ XXI. — Order of Business and Rules of Order 39 “ XXII.— Amendment 40 List of Fellows and Associate Fellows 41-75 TRUST FUNDS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF MEDICINE. The Trustees, by virtue of the Charter, have received and hold in trust the following funds : THE GENERAL PERMANENT FUND, INCLUDING THE HOSACK LEGACY. Formed by all gifts to The New York Academy of Medi- cine not otherwise specifically designated by donors. Income used for the purpose of advancing medical sci- ence under the direction of the trustees $518,615.59 THE WESLEY M. CARPENTER LECTURESHIP FUND. Legacy of Wesley M. Carpenter, M.D. Income to be used annually for one medical lecture. Established in 1891 $5,813.09 ALFRED LEE LOOMIS ENTERTAINMENT FUND. Legacy of Alfred Lee Loomis, M.D., Ex-President of The Academy. Income to provide refreshments after meetings of the Academy. Established in 1895 $10,000.00 EDWARD N. GIBBS MEMORIAL PRIZE FUND. Gift of Mrs. Edward N. Gibbs and Miss George Barker Gibbs. (Now Mrs. Charles H. Sherrill.) In- come to be awarded biennially to a research worker on the Diseases of the Kidney who shall be a physician of not less than three years’ experience; resident in the United States, and selected from the applicants by a permanent Committee of Award, and who shall pub- lish the complete research as a Thesis. Established in 1901 $12,329.33 THE ENDOWMENT FUND. Formed by the admission fees of the Fellows and by any special donations or bequests that may be received for the fund. The income from this fund shall be ex- pended, as necessary, for the construction, betterment, or maintenance, of the Academy. Established October 19, 1905 $13,500.00 10 The New York Academy of Medicine. THE LIBRARY FUND. Formed by gifts and from sales of triplicate volumes. Income to be used for purchase of books and journals. Established in 1878 $27,893.04 PHILIPPINE MEYER AND ERNST JACOBI LIBRARY FUND. Gift of Mr. Jacob Meyer and Dr. A. Jacobi. Income to be used for purchase of books. Established 1887. . . . $5,035.00 HORACE PUTNAM FARNHAM, M.D., LIBRARY FUND. Gift of Mrs. Eliza C. Farnham, in memory of her hus- band, the late Horace Putnam Farnham, M.D., former Vice-President of the Academy. Income to be used for purchase of books. Established in 1889 $10,000.00 MERRILL WHITNEY WILLIAMS LIBRARY FUND. Gift of Mrs. Robert M. Gallaway as a memorial of her father. Income to be used for the purchase of books. Established in 1895 $220.00 J. MARION SIMS MEMORIAL LIBRARY FUND. Gift of the Sims Monument Committee as a memorial of the late James Marion Sims, M.D. Income to be used for the purchase of books. Established in 1896 $100.00 JAMES S. CUSHMAN LIBRARY FUND. Gift of William F. Cushman, M.D., late Treasurer for the Trustees, as a memorial of his brother. Income to be used for the purchase of books. Established in 1897. $1,000.00 DR. ORVILLE RANNEY FLOWER LIBRARY FUND. Gift of the late Governor Roswell P. Flower, as a me- morial of his uncle, Orville Ranney, M.D. Income to be used for the purchase of books. Established in 1897. $1,000.00 ANNA WOERISHOFFER LIBRARY FUND. Gift of Mrs. Anna WoerishofFer, established by the Academy as a special library fund in recognition of many generous contributions. Income to be used for the purchase of books. Established in 1897 $15,000.00 Trust Funds. 11 A. L. NORTHROP, D.D.S., DENTAL LIBRARY FUND. Gift of First District Dental Society, N. Y. Income to be used for purchase, binding and care of books upon Dentistry. Established in 1897 $250.00 ERNST KRACKOWIZER LIBRARY FUND. Gift of friends of the late Ernst Krackowizer, M.D. In* come to be used for purchase of books. Established as a library fund in 1897, was originally a prize fund. . . $1,670.00 WILLIAM T. LUSK MEMORIAL LIBRARY FUND. Established by legacy, and gift of the children of the late Dr. William T. Lusk. Income to be used for the pur- chase of books. Established in 1898 $1,000.00 SEMI-CENTENNIAL LIBRARY FUND. Established by the Semi-Centennial Celebration Commit- tee, December 13, 1898. Income to be used for the purchase of books $500.00 GERMAN HOSPITAL AND DISPENSARY LIBRARY FUND. Gift from the Collegium of the Physicians of the German Hospital and Dispensary. Income to be used for the benefit of the Library. Established December 3, 1903. $3,076.00 ALBERT WILLIAM WARDEN MEMORIAL LIBRARY FUND. Legacy of Albert William Warden, M.D. Income to be used for the purchase of books. Established December 15, 1906 $950.00 THE AUSTIN FLINT, M.D., LL.D., MEMORIAL LIBRARY FUND. Established by certain alumni of the Bellevue Hospital Medical College, and friends of the late Austin Flint, M.D., LL.D. Income to be used for the purchase of books. Established July 2, 1910 $1,200.00 Donations and bequests are solicited by The New York Academy of Medicine for any of the above mentioned funds, and particularly for “The Library Fund,” and for such other special or memorial funds as may be suggested by the donor. Nos. 15, 17, 19, and 21 West Forty-third Street, New York. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF MEDICINE. Passed June 23, 1851. The People of the State of Nezv York , represented in Senate and Assembly , do enact as follows : Section 1. J. Kearny Rodgers, James Anderson, Galen Carter, Willard Parker, John H. Griscom, Edward L. Beadle, Isaac Wood, James O. Pond, and John G. Adams, and such other persons as are now associated as The New York Academy of Medicine, or may hereafter become associated with them, are hereby constituted a body corporate, by the name of “the NEW YORK ACADEMY OF MEDICINE,” for the purpose of promoting the advancement of Medical Science by such means as to them shall appear expedient and proper. Section 2. The said corporation shall have power to make and adopt a Constitution and By-Laws, rules and regulations for the admission, suspension, and expulsion of its members, and their government ; the election of its officers, and define their duties ; and for the safe-keeping and protection of its property and funds, and, from time to time, to alter or repeal such Constitution, By-Laws, rules and regulations. The present officers shall hold their re- spective offices until others shall be chosen in their places. Section 3. The said corporation may purchase and hold any real or personal estate the annual income of which shall not exceed five thousand dollars. Acts of Incorporation. 13 Section 4. The said corporation shall possess the general powers, and be subject to the general restrictions and liabilities pre- scribed in the third title of the eighteenth chapter of the first part of the Revised Statutes. Section 5. The corporators hereby incorporated are authorized to appoint one delegate to represent them in the State Medical Society,* with all the powers and privileges which delegates for the respective Medical Colleges of this State possess. Section 6. The Legislature may at any time alter or repeal this act State of New York , Secretary's Office. I certify, that I have compared the foregoing with the original law on file in this office, and that the same is a cor- rect transcript therefrom, and of the whole of said original. [l. s.] Given under my hand and seal of office, at the City of Albany, this Twenty-eighth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one. A. G. Johnson, Dept. Sec. of State* Chap. 308. AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED “An ACT TO INCORPORATE The New York Academy of Medicine,” passed June 23, 1851. Passed June 4, 1853. The People of the State of New York , represented in Senate and Assembly , do enact as follows Section 1 . The fifth section of chapter two hundred and seventy-four of the Laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-one is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 5. The corporators hereby incorporated are authorized to appoint five delegates to represent them in the State Medical So- *The Medical Society of the State of New York. 14 The New York Academy of Medicine. ciety,* with all the powers and privileges which delegates from the respective Medical Colleges of this State possess. Section 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 375. AN ACT TO CONFER CERTAIN POWERS AND PRIVILEGES UPON The New York Academy of Medicine. Passed June 2, 1877, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York , represented in Senate and Assembly , do enact as follows : Section 1. The present Board of Trustees of The New York Academy of Medicine, as now organized, consisting of five mem- bers, shall be continued, and on the expiration of the term of any of the said Trustees a successor shall be elected, who shall hold his office for five years, and until his successor shall be elected. Section 2. In case of the death or resignation of any Trustee during his term, his successor shall be elected for the residue of his term thus expired. Section 3. On the expiration of the term of any of the said Trustees, a successor shall be elected, who shall hold his office for five years, and until his successor shall be elected. Section 4. The said Corporation may take and hold in trust any personal or real estate, either by purchase, gift, bequest, or devise, the annual income of which shall not exceed ten thousand dollars. Section 5. Any property so purchased, given, bequeathed, or devised to the said Corporation, unless the use is otherwise specifi- cally designated by the donor, shall be added to and form a part of The General Permanent Fund held in Trust by said Corporation, the interest or income of which shall only be used by the said cor- *The Medical Society of the State of New York. Acts of Incorporation. 1$ poration for the purpose of advancing Medical Science under their direction, and any court of record may restrain any expendi- ture or misappropriation of such property, or any part thereof, on complaint of any three of the Fellows of the said “New York Academy of Medicine” qualified to vote at the annual election for Trustees. Section 6. This act shall take effect immediately. State of New York, Office of the Secretary of State. ss. I have compared the preceding with the original law on file in this office, and do hereby certify that the same is a correct tran- script therefrom, and of the whole of said original law. Given under my hand and the seal of office of the Secre- [l. s.] tary of State, at the City of Albany, this fourth day of June, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy- seven. John Bigelow, Secretary of State. THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF MEDICINE. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. NAME OF CORPORATION. This Association shall be called The New York Academy of Medicine, and shall be composed of Fellows, Associate Fellows, Honorary Fellows, and Benefactors, but only the first class of Fel- lows shall have any right, title, or interest, in the real or personal property, or funds, of the Academy, or be eligible for office, or have the right to vote. ARTICLE II. OBJECT. The object of the Academy shall be: The Investigation and Promotion of the Science and Art of Medi- cine, and the maintenance of a Public Medical Library. ARTICLE III. FELLOWSHIPS. Section 1 . A candidate for Fellowship must be a resident of the United States of America and a graduate or licentiate in medi- cine or surgery, who has been engaged in active medical practice for the three years immediately preceding the application for Fellow- Constitution. 17 ship, or who is actively engaged in scientific research, or in teaching, in subjects allied to medicine, in a reputable institution, college, laboratory, or hospital in the United States. The number of Fellows residing in the City of New York shall be limited to twelve hundred and the number not residing in the City to two hundred and fifty. Section 2. A candidate for Associate Fellowship must be a resident of the United States of America and a graduate of a sci- entific institution, or college, other than medical, dental, or pharma- ceutical, who is actively engaged in scientific research, or in teach- ing, in subjects allied to medicine, in a reputable institution, college, laboratory or hospital in the United States. The number of Associate Fellows shall be limited to two hun- dred and fifty. Section 3. A physician or scientist of the United States or of a foreign country of exceptional eminence in medicine or science and actively engaged therein may be elected an Honorary Fellow. The number of Honorary Fellows shall be limited to fifty. Section 4. A person who has rendered illustrious services to the Academy may be elected a Benefactor at any stated meeting upon the recommendation of the Council. ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS AND TERMS OF OFFICE. Section 1. There shall be a President, three Vice-Presidents, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer, and five Trustees. These officers, together with the chairman of each Standing Com- mittee, shall constitute the Council for the transaction of the general executive business of the Academy. The five elected Trustees, and ex-officio , the President, the Recording Secretary, and the Treasurer 18 The New York Academy of Medicine. shall constitute the Board of Trustees for the transaction of the financial business of the Academy. There shall also be an As- sistant Secretary, a Statistical Secretary, and an Executive Librarian, each of whom shall be appointed by the Council. Section 2. The President shall be elected for the term of two years ; the Vice-Presidents for the term of three years, one retiring and one being elected each year ; the Recording Secretary, the Corre- sponding Secretary, and the Treasurer, for the term of three years; and the Trustees for the term of five years, one retiring and one being elected each year. The Assistant Secretary, the Statistical Secretary, and the Executive Librarian, shall be appointed for three years. The terms of all officers shall begin and end on the first day of January, excepting that officers elected to fill vacancies shall assume office immediately on election. ARTICLE V. COMMITTEES. The following Standing Committees shall be elected for the term of five years, and shall consist of five members each, one member for each committee retiring and one being elected each year: 1. A Com- mittee on Admission. 2. A Committee on Library. ARTICLE VI. SECTIONS. The Academy may be divided into Sections, as follows: 1, Medi- cine ; 2, Surgery ; 3, Obstetrics and Gynaecology ; 4, Orthopaedics ; 5, Neurology and Psychiatry ; 6, Ophthalmology ; 7, Otology ; 8, Laryn- gology and Rhinology ; 9, Paediatrics ; 10, Genito-Urinary Diseases ; 11, Dermatology; 12, Public Health; and as many more as may at any time be proposed, in writing, by twenty or more Fellows and approved by a three-fourths vote of the Fellows present and voting at a stated meeting of the Academy. Constitution. 19 ARTICLE VII. CERTIFICATE AND RESIGNATION OF FELLOWSHIP. Section 1. Every Fellow, Associate Fellow, and Honorary Fel- low, on election to and completion of membership, shall be furnished with a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Academy and a duly authenticated certificate of Fellowship. Section 2. The certificate may be revoked for cause; and in case of refusal to surrender the same, the Academy may publish such revocation in the medical journals. Section 3. Any Fellow, or Associate Fellow, who has complied with the requirements of the Constitution and By-Laws, may resign his Fellowship, by presenting at a stated meeting a communication in writing to that effect approved by the Council ; but no resignation shall be valid until accepted by the Academy. ARTICLE VIII. DISCIPLINE. Section 1. The Academy may reprimand, or suspend, or drop, or expel a Fellow, or an Associate Fellow, for violation of its regula- tions, or the commission of any act which unfavorably affects the character of the medical profession, or the interests or reputation of the Academy, or of its Fellows, or Associate Fellows. Section 2. A three-fourths vote of the Fellows present and voting shall be necessary to reprimand, or suspend, or drop, or expel a Fellow, or Associate Fellow. A vote to expel a Fellow, or Asso- ciate Fellow, shall not be taken unless the printed call for the meet- ing contains a notice of the proposition to expel and the accused shall have been duly notified by mail in a sealed envelope at least one week previously at his last given address. In case of a proposition to reprimand, or suspend, or drop a Fellow, or an Associate Fellow, a private notice to that effect sent to said Fellow, or Associate Fel- low, by mail shall suffice and no general announcement to the Fellows shall be required 20 The New York Academy of Medicine. ARTICLE IX. AMENDMENT. This Constitution shall be amended only by a vote of three- fourths of the Fellows present and voting at a stated or special meet- ing of the Academy, subsequent to one at which a proposition to that effect shall have been made in writing, and then only after the proposed amendment shall have been printed and sent by mail to every Fellow at his last given address. BY-LAWS. I. MEETINGS. Section 1. The stated meetings of the Academy shall be held at its office or place of transacting its business affairs in the Bor- ough of Manhattan, New York, N. Y., on the first and third Thurs- days of each month, from October to May, inclusive, at 8.30 P. M., except when the stated day is a legal holiday, in which case the meeting may be omitted by order of the Council or the Academy. Section 2. The Anniversary Discourse shall be delivered in November, at a meeting to which the public shall be invited. Section 3. At the first stated meeting in November all nomina- tions for the officers to be elected by the Academy at the Annual Election shall be made. At the first stated meeting in December the Annual Election shall be held. The first stated meeting in January shall be the Annual Meeting, at which all Annual Reports shall be presented, and the addresses of the retiring President and the in- coming President delivered. Section 4. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President, or by order of the Council, and shall be called upon the requisition, in writing, of any twenty Fellows, and may be held at the regular meeting place of the Academy, or in any suitable place or hall, within the limits of the City of New York, as shall be desig- nated by the Council, or the Academy. Section 5. For stated meetings at least five days’ notice shall be given, and for special meetings at least three days’ notice. 22 The New York Academy of Medicine Section 6. The notices for all stated or special meetings of the Academy shall be in print or writing, and sent by mail, addressed in each instance to the last given address of each and every Fellow, and Associate Fellow, of the Academy, and the notices shall state the place, date, and hour of such proposed meeting. At special meetings no other business shall be conducted or en- acted except that stated in the call for the meeting. The affidavit of mailing by the Assistant Secretary of the Academy of such notice for the call of a meeting, shall be sufficient proof of the service of such notice upon each and every Fellow, or Associate Fellow, for any and all purposes* Section 7. At all special and stated meetings, twenty-one Fel- lows shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of any executive business. II. PRESIDENT. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Academy and of the Council; regulate all debates; call special meetings; sign all diplomas, letters testimonial, and other documents requiring his signature ; appoint all committees not otherwise provided for ; an- nounce the result of all votes; designate one or more Fellows to pre- pare suitable memoirs of deceased Fellows, and be, ex officio , a member of all the Standing Committees, and perform such other duties as legally pertain to the office. III. VICE-PRESIDENTS. The Vice-Presidents shall assist the President in the discharge of his duties, and shall, in the order of their seniority in the office, perform the duties of the President in case of his absence or disa- bility. IV. RECORDING SECRETARY. The Recording Secretary shall keep minutes of the proceedings of all meetings of the Academy and of the Council; notify officers and members of committees of their appointment and the duties re- quired of them ; sign diplomas, and certify all official acts requiring By-Laws. 23 certification ; attest and affix the common seal to all diplomas, letters testimonial, and other documents requiring the seal of the Academy ; conduct the domestic correspondence of the Academy; notify candi- dates of their election to Fellowship, or Associate Fellowship, and receive the signatures of Fellows elect to the Constitution and By- Laws ; be, ex officio , a member of all the Standing Committees ; and transact such other business as may be ordered by the Academy, or the Council, or that may pertain to the office. V. ASSISTANT SECRETARY. Section 1. The Assistant Secretary shall keep a list of the Fel- lows and Associate Fellows; issue notices of all stated or special meetings, which for stated meetings shall be mailed on the Saturday previous to the day of meeting; assist the Recording Secretary in the discharge of his duties, and in case of his absence or disability per- form them. Section 2. He shall keep a Register in which the signatures of the Fellows in attendance at each meeting shall be entered and, as soon as a quorum is thus ascertained to be present, notify the Presi- dent of the fact. VI. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. The Corresponding Secretary shall take charge of and conduct the foreign correspondence of the Academy. He shall also report the death of each Honorary Fellow, and render an annual report to the Council in December of each year VII. STATISTICAL SECRETARY. The Statistical Secretary shall keep a tabular record of the names of every former and present Fellow of the Academy, with the place and date of birth, and of graduation; the educational attainments; the offices held in the Academy; and the date, place, and cause of death of each Fellow, with such other circumstances as shall fully 24 The New York Academy of Medicine illustrate the vital statistics of the Academy. He shall report to the Academy, the decease of each Fellow, with such facts relating to his life and death as may be obtainable; and shall render an annual re- port to the Council in December of each year. VIII. TREASURER. Section 1. The Treasurer shall be required to give a bond satis- factory to the Board of Trustees for the proper performance of the duties of the office, the expense of procuring such bond to be borne by the Academy. Section 2. The Treasurer shall receive, under the direction of the Board of Trustees, all moneys, funds, rentals, admission fees, dues and other income due the Academy, and deposit the same in an approved bank, trust company, or institution for savings, until other- wise invested, expended, or apportioned, by the Board of Trustees, or the Academy; pay all bills or sums directed by the Board of Trustees, or the Academy, and no others; keep a correct and sep- arate account of all moneys and funds received and expended; keep all books, papers, bonds, and documents of value in his care in a place of safety; give a statement of all separate funds of the Academy to the Board of Trustees each month, and to the Board of Trustees, and to the Council, annually, in December, and whenever requested by either; also have his books and accounts ready for inspection whenever requested by either, and deliver up, when called upon by the Board of Trustees, or the Academy, all moneys, papers, books and documents, belonging to the Academy which may be in his pos- session, to his successor in office, or to any other person appointed and authorized to receive them. He shall send to the Fellows, and Associate Fellows, the bills for annual dues or other indebtedness by mail on January first in each year. He shall report to the Board of Trustees, and to the Council, in January of each year, the names of all Fellows, and Associate Fellows, who have not paid their dues or other indebtedness for the previous year, and have thereby forfeited their membership in the Academy. He shall be present at all elec- tions for officers of the Academy, to receive dues and inform the tellers of the names of delinquents and of those not entitled to vote. By-Laws. 25 IX. BOARDS AND COMMITTEES. Section 1 . The Council, the Board of Trustees, and the Stand- ing Committees, shall meet in January in each year to organize, and as often thereafter as may be necessary to transact their business ; shall keep regular minutes of their proceedings, recorded in suitable books provided for the purpose, and render an Annual Report in December in each year to the Council. Section 2. They shall in addition to such duties as are herein- after assigned to them, consider all matters particularly referred to them by the Academy, or the Council, and report thereon. Section 3. When any member of a Standing Committee, of the Council, or of the Board of Trustees, shall have been absent from four consecutive stated meetings, without satisfactory excuse, such absence shall be reported to the President, who shall, on the approval of the Council, declare the seat vacant. Section 4. If an officer of the Academy, or of a Section, or of a Committee, shall fail to discharge his duties to the satisfaction of the Academy, he may be dismissed from his office by a two-thirds vote of the Fellows present and voting at a stated meeting of the Academy; but no motion for dismissal shall be acted upon until the Recording Secretary shall have notified the alleged delinquent by mail at his last given address, and all Fellows by mail, of such proposed action and the date of the meeting at which action is to be taken. Section 5. Every member of a Committee, or any Fellow, or Associate Fellow, having funds or property belonging to the Acad- emy, shall give up the same on demand to the person authorized to receive it. Section 6. No Fellow, Associate Fellow, officer, or employee, and no Committee, or Section of the Academy shall incur any obli- gation or contract involving the expenditure of money without first obtaining the consent of the Board of Trustees. 26 The New York Academy of Medicine. x. COUNCIL. Section 1. The Council shall supervise the general affairs and scientific work of the Academy, and of the Sections, also the duties and work of the officers of the Academy, and of its Committees, and Sections, and shall transact the general executive business of the Academy. Section 2. It shall annually in December, and oftener, if deemed advisable, audit the financial accounts of the Treasurer, and of the Board of Trustees. It shall also annually in December estimate for and recommend to the Academy such appropriations for the ensuing year as shall be considered necessary to conduct properly the Library, and the scien- tific work of the Academy. Section 3. It shall appoint the Executive Librarian, the Assis- tant Secretary, and the Statistical Secretary. It shall also be authorized to appoint Special Committees from the Fellows, or Associate Fellows, of the Academy, to which may be referred questions in public health and medical economics brought before the Academy and referred to the Council. The conclusions of such Committees shall be reported to and acted upon by the Council, and then reported by the Council to the Academy at stated or special meetings. Section 4. It shall nominate such Fellows, or scientists, as are to deliver special discourses or lectures on scientific subjects, before the Academy; and also, a Fellow, or other competent person, to de- liver the Anniversary Discourse. Section 5. It shall determine the propriety of permitting any paper to be read before the Academy or the Sections by a person not a Fellow of the Academy. Section 6. It shall select such essays, papers, memoirs, or re- ports as are to appear in the printed transactions of the Academy; and determine the price of all publications offered for sale. By-Laws. 27 Section 7. It shall receive and consider any nomination for Honorary Fellowship made in writing by three Fellows, and, if it shall approve the same, it shall announce to the Fellows, on the reg- ular Academy notice, the name and address of the nominee with his professional titles and positions, and refer the nomination to the Academy for action. Section 8. It shall appoint all delegates to other societies. Section 9. It shall, by a two-thirds vote, fill all vacancies in offices until the next annual election, except in the offices of Presi- dent, Vice-President and Trustee, which shall be filled by the Acad- emy for the unexpired portion of the term at a stated meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose. Section 10. It shall voluntarily, or on a written statement signed by a complainant, take cognizance of any breach of the rules of the Academy, or of any unprofessional conduct, on the part of a Fellow, or Associate Fellow. The Council may, after an investigation and hearing, reprimand or suspend the offender, dismiss a complaint, or transmit its findings thereon to the Academy, for further action. Section 11. It shall ascertain at the regular meeting in January of each year the names of all Fellows, or Associate Fellows, who have forfeited their membership by the non-payment of dues or other indebtedness, and who have been dropped, and report the same to the Academy at its next stated meeting. Section 12. It shall have power at any regular meeting by a unanimous vote of those present, to remit the current dues or ar- rearage, in whole or in part, of any Fellow or Associate Fellow who has paid ten or more annual dues and who is suffering from financial or physical disability. Section 13. It shall annually in December make a full report of all important business transacted by it during the year for presen- tation to the Academy at the Annual Meeting. Section 14. Seven members of the Council shall constitute a quorum. 28 The New York Academy of Medicine. Section 15. Special meetings of the Council may be called by the President of the Academy, and shall be called by him on the written request of five members of the Council. Section 16. The following shall be the order of business at the meetings of the Council, 1. Reading of the Minutes. 2. Report of the Board of Trustees. 3. Report of Committee on Admission 4. Report of Committee on Library. 5. Report of Officers. 6. Report of Special Committees 7. Unfinished Business. 8. New Business. 9. Adjournment. XI. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Section 1. The Board of Trustees shall have charge of all the finances, the vested funds, the personal property and the real estate of the Academy; shall appoint and have charge of the employees of the Academy, and determine the salary or wages of each ; and shall provide accommodations for the Library, and for the various meet- ings held in the Academy. Section 2. It shall be their duty to supervise and direct the Treasurer in the investment of the funds of the Academy ; report the investments and the condition of the funds and property aforesaid annually, in December, and oftener when directed, to the Council for transmission to the Academy. Section 3. The funds and property in their care shall only be used as specified by the donors, and as provided for by the amended charter and by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Academy. Section 4. No money shall be paid excepting on the order of the Board of Trustees and all checks and all orders withdrawing de- posits from any bank, trust company or other institution shall be By-Lazvs. 29 signed by the Chairman, or Acting Chairman, of the Board of Trus- tees, and by the Treasurer. Section 5. Four members of the Board of Trustees shall con- stitute a quorum at the meetings XII. COMMITTEE ON ADMISSION. Section 1. A candidate for Fellowship must sign and present to the Committee on Admission an application endorsed by three Fellows personally acquainted with him and shall send his license to practice medicine, and, when requested, his medical diploma, and when he is not a resident of the City of New York, a duly attested letter from the Secretary of the County Medical Society in the county in which he resides, or, if there be no such society, then from the secretary of any incorporated medical society in the State in which he resides, stating the professional standing of the applicant, except that a graduate or licentiate in medicine or surgery who is not practising medicine and is not registered shall present his medi- cal diploma and a signed statement showing that he is actively engaged in scientific research, or in teaching, in subjects allied to medicine, in a reputable institution, college, laboratory, or hospital in the United States ; and excepting further that a candidate who is a medical officer of the United States Army, Navy, or Marine Hospital Service shall present, in lieu of such statement, his commission in the service, and, when requested, his medical diploma. Section 2. A candidate for Associate Fellowship must sign and present to the Committee on Admission an application endorsed by three Fellows personally acquainted with him and shall send his diploma and a signed statement showing that he is actively engaged in scientific research, or in teaching, in subjects allied to medicine, in a reputable institution, college, laboratory, or hospital, in the United States. Section 3. Upon receipt of a properly endorsed application for admission to Fellowship, or Associate Fellowship, with the required professional credentials, the Committee on Admission shall make due inquiry concerning the candidate, and all information obtained 30 The New York Academy of Medicine. shall be held strictly confidential. It shall within four months report, through its Chairman, to the Council, and announce on the regular notice of the Academy, the names of such candidates as may be deemed worthy of admission, which report shall specify the sources whence each derived his diploma and license or professional creden- tials to practice his profession, with the dates thereof, and the names of the endorsers. If there be no valid objection, a candidate so announced may subsequently be recommended for election to Fellow- ship, or Associate Fellowship, by the Committee on Admission, pro- vided that two weeks shall have elapsed since the first announcement, and that the name of the candidate shall have been announced on the Academy notice for the meeting at which the vote is to be taken. Section 4. An Associate Fellow in good standing, who is a graduate in medicine and eligible for election as a Fellow, may, on approval of the Committee on Admission, be elected a Fellow, by the Academy, after announcement on the regular notice for a given stated meeting. Section 5. Election to Fellowship, Associate Fellowship, or Honorary Fellowship, shall be by ballot, after due notice by mail, to each Fellow and by a three-fourths vote of the Fellows present and voting at a stated meeting. Section 6. The Committee on Admission shall annually in December, make a report of its proceedings for the year to the Council. XIII. COMMITTEE ON LIBRARY. Section 1. The Committee on Library, through its Chairman, shall have a general supervision of the Library of the Academy, and of the work of the Executive Librarian, the Librarian and the Assis- tant Librarians. It shall annually, in December, make a full report upon the con- dition and needs of the Library to the Council, and shall then also furnish an estimate of the money necessary for the proper conduct of the Library during the ensuing year. The expenditure of the By-Laws. 31 funds appropriated for the Library by the Academy, shall be made by the Executive Librarian, under the direction of the Committee on Library. Section 2. The Executive Librarian shall attend the meetings of the Committee on Library and of the Council, and shall have charge of all the books, manuscripts, anatomical or pathological specimens, apparatus, instruments, portraits, medals, coins and sci- entific property of the Academy, and shall attend to their labelling, cataloguing, arrangement and preservation. He shall cause to be affixed to each donation the name of the donor. He may sell the pub- lications of the Academy and also any triplicate copies of books and periodicals not needed by the Library, at prices established by the Council, and shall pay the proceeds to the Treasurer on receipt of same. Section 3. He shall, as soon as practicable after the receipt of books, periodicals, etc., for the Library, make arrangements for their proper use under such regulations as the Committee on Library shall adopt, subject to the approval of the Council. He shall report at each stated meeting of the Academy such donations to the Library as may have been received since the preceding meeting, with the names of the donors, and he shall also make an annual report to the Council covering the work of his office, together with such recom- mendations as he may deem proper. Section 4. The Fellows and Associate Fellows of the Acad- emy, may take books, periodicals and pamphlets from the Library, for their personal use only, on application to the Executive Librarian, or the Librarian, for a period of one week with the privilege of one immediate renewal for a like period if the same, shall not be wanted by others. Section 5. Books, periodicals, pamphlets, charts and plates of exceptional rarity or value, shall not be included in the above pro- vision. No primary copies of books or periodicals shall be taken from the Library till three months after accession 32 The New York Academy of Medicine. Section 6. Receipts shall be given for books, periodicals, pam- phlets, etc., at the time they are taken from the Library, and the borrower shall be held rigidly responsible for their proper care and shall be required to return the original copy or copies borrowed in as perfect a condition as when received, when the limit of time shall have expired, or sooner upon demand of those in charge of the Library. (See Section 14.) Section 7. Candidates for Fellowship, after announcement by the Committee on Admission, may be granted the privileges of the Library on the payment of a fee of $20 a calendar year or pro rata in advance. The amount so paid in a given calendar year shall be deducted from the candidate’s admission fee if he be elected to Fel- lowship in the calendar year for which the fee is paid. Section 8. Any person approved by the Library Committee and by the Council, may become an annual subscriber on such conditions as the Council may impose. Annual subscribers shall be entitled to a card giving the privileges of the library, good for one year from the date of their acceptance. Section 9. On approval of the Council the accredited repre- sentatives of publishers of medical books and periodicals who pre- sent their publications to the Academy may be given the privileges of the Library for a period of time not exceeding three months but capable of renewal by the Council. Section 10. The privilege of consulting the Library (but not of taking out books) may be granted for one month, when author- ized by a card signed by the Executive Librarian or his representa- tive, on written request by the applicant, to — * a. Accredited representatives of members of the Academy on application in writing by the latter. b. Physicians introduced by the Chairman of the Library Com- mittee or by the Executive Librarian. By-Laws. 33 c. Officials of the Public departments of New York City, of the State of New York and of the United States, when in discharge of their public duties. , d. Workers in accredited Institutes for Medical Research on request and introduction in writing by the Directors of such In- stitutes. e. Members of the teaching corps of the incorporated uni- versities or colleges in the State of New York, or members of other incorporated societies which have libraries, and which shall give reciprocating privileges to the Fellows of the Academy, on request and introduction in writing by the Dean or Secretary of any such institution. f. No one shall be introduced under the provision of this Sec- tion more than once in six months except by special permission of the Council. Section 11. Cards of admission to the Library, valid for one week, may be granted in the same manner to medical practitioners or scientists visiting the city. Section 12. The Executive Librarian shall keep a book in the Library, in which shall be recorded the names of all persons to whom cards of admission to the Library are given, the dates of issue and of termination of the card, and the reason for such issue. Section 13. The Executive Librarian shall report at every stated meeting of the Council the names of those to whom cards have been granted since the preceding meeting. Section 14. Any Fellow, Associate Fellow, or other person violating the rules of the Library, shall, in the discretion of the Committee on Library, subject to the Approval of the Council, be suspended from the privileges of the Library for a period of time and shall be liable to a fine. Section 15. The Library shall be open to the Fellows and As- sociate Fellows of the Academy and to persons specified in Sections 8, 9, 10 and 11, from 9 a.m. to 10.30 p.m., and to the public from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sundays and legal holidays, and such portion of the summer season as the Council shall direct, are excepted. 34 The New York Academy of Medicine. Section 16. The Executive Librarian, the Librarian, or an As- sistant Librarian, shall be present and on duty when the Library is open, and shall see that the foregoing rules and all rules referring to the Library of the Academy or to public libraries in general, are respected and enforced. Section 17. Copies of this By-Law, and of all rules relating to the Library, shall be posted permanently in the Library and on the Bulletin Board of the Academy. XIV. SECTIONS. Section 1. The Sections shall meet once a month from October to May inclusive, unless otherwise provided or permitted by the Council, and shall keep regular minutes of their proceedings in suit- able books which shall be provided by and belong to the Academy. Section 2. Every Section shall elect its Chairman and Secretary at the December meeting, and at the next preceding meeting shall make nominations for these offices and announce the nominations on the Academy folder, and on the special announcements of the Sec- tion for the December meeting. The elections shall be by ballot, and no Fellow who is not regularly assigned to the Section, or who is in arrears or whose current dues remain unpaid, or who is under suspension, shall be entitled to vote or be eligible for office. The Secretary of each Section shall promptly notify the Recording Secretary of the Academy of the result of the election. Section 3. The Sections shall each furnish papers or prepare discussions for a Stated Meeting of the Academy, on request of and due notice from the President, but shall not be required to do so oftener than once each year. No Section shall institute a procedure of a public character or permit a person not a Fellow of the Acad- emy to read a paper before it, without first submitting the proposed project and the name of the author and reader, and the title of the paper to be read, to the Council, through the President, for con- sideration and approval. By-Laws . 35 Section 4. Every Section shall through its officers render to the Council in December in each year an Annual Report which shall state the number of Fellows and Associate Fellows affiliated with the Section, the number present at each meeting during the year, the average attendance of members and guests at the meetings, the num- ber and titles of the papers presented, and the numbers, respectively, of patients and specimens exhibited, and the number taking part in discussion ; and shall give in full all resolutions other than com- plimentary passed by the Section, and shall also report the names of any eminent professional or lay guests present at the meetings of the Section. Section 5. No officer or member of the Section, and no Section shall incur any liability or indebtedness against the Academy without first obtaining the consent of the Board of Trustees, and no sub- scription for the special announcement of a Section shall be received from a non-member of the Academy. XV. FUNDS, INVESTMENTS AND REAL ESTATE. Section 1. The securities, investments, moneys and trust funds of the Academy shall not be disposed of, or transferred in whole or in part from one fund, to another, unless with the ap- proval of the Board of Trustees and the Council, and by a two- thirds vote of the Fellows present, and voting, at a stated or special meeting of the Academy, and after notice given at a previous stated or special meeting ; except that bills for the current and necessary expenses and betterments of the Academy may be paid, and investments of the funds may be made, by order of the Board of Trustees. Section 2. No loan or investment of the moneys or trust funds of the Academy shall be made except in United States, New York State, and New York City bonds, or on bond and first mortgage on improved real estate in the City of New York, not to exceed two- thirds of a conservative valuation of the property, or as a deposit in an accredited bank, or trust company, or in an institution for savings. 36 The New York Academy of Medicine. Section 3. No money shall be borrowed by the Academy, except on approval of the Board of Trustees and the Council, and by a vote of three- fourths of the Fellows present and voting at a stated or special meeting of the Academy, and after notice at a previous special or stated meeting. Section 4. The real estate comprising the premises of the Academy shall only be sold to purchase and secure a new location and premises ; in which case the amount realized on said sale, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, shall be appropriated to the pay- ment of said purchase. A vote of two-thirds of the Fellows present and voting at a stated or special meeting, and notice at a previous stated or special meeting, including a notice by mail to every Fellow, shall be necessary to authorize such sale. Any balance remaining from the sale of the Academy’s premises shall be placed in The General Permanent Fund. Section 5. The admission fees of new Fellows shall be placed in The Endowment Fund. The income from this Fund shall be expended as necessary for the construction, betterment or main- tenance of the Academy. XVI. ADMISSION FEE AND DUES. Section 1. Each and every newly elected Fellow shall pay an admission fee of twenty-five dollars. Section 2. The annual dues of every Fellow residing, practis- ing, having an office or being engaged in business in New York City shall be twenty dollars, and of all other Fellows five dollars each, payable on the first of January in each year commencing with the first January following election to Fellowship. Section 3. The annual dues of every Associate Fellow residing, practising, having an office, or being engaged in business in New York City shall be twenty dollars, and of all other Associate Fellows By-Laws. 37 five dollars each. The dues for the current calendar year shall be payable in full, by an Associate Fellow, on election to membership, and thereafter on the first of January in each year. Section 4. An Associate Fellow shall be exempt from paying an admission fee unless subsequently elected a Fellow, in which case he shall pay the regular admission fee and be exempt from dues for that calendar year. Section 5. Any Fellow, or Associate Fellow, who shall have failed to pay his dues or indebtedness to the Academy by the first day of April in any year shall be and remain suspended from the privi- leges of the Library until his indebtedness shall have been paid to the Treasurer, or until such Fellow, or Associate Fellow, shall have been excused by the Council for good and sufficient reason. If any Fellow, or Associate Fellow, shall not have paid his dues or indebtedness for any one year by the first day of January follow- ing the calendar year for which the dues are a charge and shall not have had the same remitted by the Council, as per Article X, Section 12, of the By-Laws, such Fellow, or Associate Fellow, shall cease to be a member of the Academy, and shall lose and forfeit all his rights, title and interest in the Academy without further notifica- tion or action. Any Fellow, or Associate Fellow, whose membership in the Acad- emy has thus been terminated may be reinstated by the Council, in its discretion, within the next nine months on the written application of the delinquent and the payment of all indebtedness to the Acad- emy, including the current year’s dues. XVII. SIGNING CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS. Section 1. Every duly elected Fellow shall pay the admission fee and sign the Constitution and By-Laws within one month after election to Fellowship, and in default thereof, such election shall be deemed void, unless a reason satisfactory to the Council shall be given and the time extended. Section 2. No one elected a Fellow shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of Fellowship until he shall have paid the admission fee and signed the Constitution and By-Laws, either in person or by proxy when unable to appear personally. 38 The New York Academy of Medicine. XVIII. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Section 1. Previous to the annual or any special election for officers, the President shall appoint three Fellows, who together with the Assistant Secretary shall form a Board of Tellers to record the names of all the voters at the election, and to receive and count the ballots cast. Section 2. The Recording Secretary shall cause the names of all the nominees for each office and for all the offices to be printed on a single slip or ballot, one copy of which, together with a copy of this By-Law, shall be mailed to each Fellow with the notice of the election. Section 3. All the officers shall be elected by ballot, each ballot to contain the names of all the nominees to be voted for, and by a majority vote of the Fellows present and voting. Ballots folded in each other, and blank or defective ballots, and ballots cast for a Fellow ineligible for office or not regularly nominated, shall be discarded and not counted. Section 4. The poll shall be opened at seven-thirty o’clock on the evening of the election, and shall be kept open until nine o’clock, at which time it shall be declared closed by the Board of Tellers, and no votes shall thereafter be received, providing that all present who have the right to vote have been given an opportunity to do so. Section 5. No Fellow who is in arrears, or whose current dues remain unpaid, or who is under suspension, shall be entitled to vote, or be eligible for office. ^ Section 6. At the close of the poll, the Board of Tellers shall immediately proceed to canvass the votes, and if upon their report it shall appear that no choice has been made in any one or more of the officers, a new balloting for such officers as are still to be elected shall take place, the poll for which shall be kept open until all present wishing to vote have voted, but not longer than thirty minutes. At the second and at each succeeding ballot, the name of the candi- date having the fewest votes for each office in question shall be withdrawn. By-Laws. 39 XIX. TRANSACTIONS OF THE ACADEMY. Section 1. A volume of Transactions shall be published, under the supervision of the Board of Trustees when ordered by the Council. Section 2. Each Fellow, and Associate Fellow, shall be entitled to one copy, at cost price, or gratuitously, as the Council shall determine, of all publications of the Academy; Honorary Fellows, learned societies, public libraries and scientific periodicals may re- ceive a complimentary copy of the Transactions on approval of the Council. XX. ANNUAL REPORTS. Section 1. The following named Officers and Committees and the Sections ©f the Academy shall annually in December, present full reports of their work to the Council at its regular meeting: 1. Board of Trustees 2. Treasurer, audited. 3. Corresponding Secretary. 4. Statistical Secretary 5. Committee on Admission. 6. Committee on Library. 7. Sections. Section 2. All reports shall be duly signed, and with the report of the Council, shall be referred to the Academy, and read by the Recording Secretary at the Annual Meeting of the Academy in January. All reports shall be written on paper of uniform size and quality, furnished by the Academy, and shall be bound in successive volumes, under the supervision of the Council, and preserved for reference. XXI. ORDER OF BUSINESS AND RULES OF ORDER. Section 1. The following shall be the order of business at stated meetings of the Academy. 1. Reading of Minutes. At the First Meeting in November, the Nominations for Officers. At the First Meeting in December, the Annual Election for Officers, from 7.30 P. M. to 9 P. M. 40 The New York Academy of Medicine. At the First Meeting in January, the Reading of Annual Reports, and the Addresses of the retiring President and the incoming Pres- ident of the Academy. 2. Report of Council. 3. Report of Board of Trustees. , 4. Report of Treasurer. 5. Report of Committee on Admission. 6. Report of Committee on Library. 7. Report of Corresponding Secretary. 8. Report of Statistical Secretary. 9. Reports of Sections in their order. 10. Reports of Special Committees. 11. Reading of Papers and Discourses. 12. Appointed Debates and Discussions. 13. Unfinished Business. 14. New Business. 15. Adjournment. Section 2. All resolutions and amendments shall be offered in writing when required. Section 3. Resolutions or reports concerning public questions not pertaining to the special objects of the Academy on which action is desired, shall be referred to the Council for its consideration and report. Section 4. All questions of order, not provided for by these rules, shall be determined by parliamentary usage as expounded by Cushing’s Manual. XXII. AMENDMENT OF BY-LAWS. These By-Laws may be suspended temporarily for a specific legal purpose, by unanimous vote, at any stated meeting of the Academy. They may be repealed or amended by a three-fourths vote of the Fellows present and voting at any stated or special meeting, pro- vided that notice of the same shall have been given in writing at a previous stated or special meeting, and that the proposed amendments shall have been announced on the notice for the meeting when action is to be taken. 1-12-12 1 M. FOR FELLOWSHIP OR ASSOCIATE FELLOWSHIP £be IRew IPorfc Hcat>em\> of HDcMctne \l y \9 and 2\ West 43d Street New York City Instituted January 6, 1847 Incorporated June 23, 1851 TO THE COMMITTEE ON ADMISSION 191 OF £foe IRew H?orft Hcabem^ of fiDebicine Nos. 17, 19 and 21 West 43d Street The undersigned , -a graduate of Jn the year. hereby applies for admission as a Fellow of The New York Academy of Medicine. Uffame * : -... ^Address .. ; . . Endorsed Name .... i Address by Name 2 Three Address Fellows Name 3 Address NOTE— It is necessary that the applicant should send (a) the above form properly filled put; (b) his credentials as specified in Article XII, Sections 1 and 2 of the By- Laws (see opposite page) , to the Chairman of the Committee on Admission, No. 17 "West 43d Street, New York. The Committee meets on the third Monday of every month from October to May inclusive. ★ Applicants must be particular to write their full name. EXTRACT FROM CONSTITUTION Article I NAME OF CORPORATION This Association shall be called The New York Academy of Medicine, and shall be composed of Fellows, Associate Fellows, Honorary Fellows and Benefactors, but only the first class of Fel- lows shall have any right, title, or interest, in the real or personal property, or funds, of the Academy, or be eligible for office, or have the right to vote. Article III FELLOWSHIPS Section i. A candidate for Fellowship must be a resident of the United States of America, and a graduate or licentiate in medicine or surgery, who has been engaged in active medical practice for the three years immediately preceding the application for Fellowship, or who is actively engaged in scientific research, or in teaching, in subjects allied to medicine, in a reputable insti- tution, college, laboratory, or hospital in the United States. The number of Fellows residing in the City of New York shall be limited to twelve hundred, and the number not residing in the city to one-hundred and fifty. Section 2. A candidate for Associate Fellowship must be a resident of the United States of America and a graduate of a scientific institution, or college, other than medical, dental, or pharmaceutical, who is actively engaged in scientific research, or in teaching, in subjects allied to medicine, in a reputable institution, college, laboratory, or hospital in the United States. The number of Associate Fellows shall be limited to two-hun- dred and fifty. EXTRACT FROM BY-LAWS XII. COMMITTEE ON ADMISSION Section i. A candidate for Fellowship must sign and present to the Committee on Admission an application endorsed by three Fellows personally acquainted with him, and shall send his license to practice medicine, and, when requested, his medical diploma, and when he is not a resident of the City of New York, a duly attested letter from the Secretary of the County Medical Society in the county in which he resides, or, if there be no such society, then from the secretary of any incorporated medical society in the State in which he resides, stating the professional standing of the applicant, except that a graduate or licentiate in medicine or surgery who is not practicing medicine, and is not registered, shall present his medical diploma and a signed statement showing that he is actively engaged in scientific research, or in teaching, in subjects allied to medicine, in a reputable institution, college, laboratory, or hospital in the United States, and excepting fur- ther that a candidate who is a medical officer of the United States Army, Navy, or Marine Hospital Service shall present in lieu of such statement, his commission in the service, and, when re- quested, his medical diploma. Section 2. A candidate for Associate Fellowship must sign and present to the Committee on Admission an application en- dorsed by three Fellows personally acquainted with him and shall send his diploma and a signed statement showing that he is actively engaged in scientific research, or in teaching, in subjects allied to medicine, in a reputable institution, college, laboratory, or hospital in the United States. XVI. ADMISSION FEES AND DUES Section i. Each and every newly elected Fellow shall pay an admission fee of twenty-five dollars. Section 2. The annual dues of every Fellow residing, prac- tising, having an office or being engaged in business in New York City shall be twenty dollars, and of all other Fellows five dollars each, payable on the first of January in each year, commencing with the first January following election to Fellowship. Section 3. The annual dues of every Associate Fellow resid- ing, practising, having an office, or being engaged in business in New York City, shall be twenty dollars, and of all other Associate Fellows five dollars each. The dues for the current calendar year shall be payable in full, by an Associate Fellow, on election to membership, and thereafter on the first of January in each year. Section 4. An Associate Fellow shall be exempt from paying an admission fee unless subsequently elected a Fellow, in which case he shall pay the regular admission fee and be exempt from dues for that calendar year. XVII. SIGNING CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS Section i. Every duly elected Fellow shall pay the admission fee and sign the Constitution and By-Laws within one month after election to Fellowship, and in default thereof, such election shall be deemed void, unless a reason satisfactory to the Council shall be given, and the time extended. Section 2. No one elected a Fellow shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of Fellowship until he shall have paid the admission fee and signed the Constitution and By-Laws, either in person or by proxy when unable to appear personally. FELLOWS OF The New York Academy of Medicine (Where City is omitted New York City is understood) Robert Abbe, 13 W. 50th street. Joseph H. Abraham, 130 W. 58th street. Isador Abrahamson, 65 W. 126th street. Calvin T. Adams, 34 E. 33rd street. Charles F. Adams, 104 W. 73rd street. Edward Adams, 300 Central Park West. Warren S. Adams, 110 E. 38th street. Herman M. Adler, Danvers State Hospital, Hathorne, Mass. Isaac Adler, 22 E. 62nd street. Vanderpoel Adriance, The Perch, Williamstowns, Mass. Sigmund Arthur Agatston, 157 W. 95th street. Louis C. Ager, 160 State street, Brooklyn, N. Y. James Francis Aitken, 218 E. 35th street. Fred Hondlett Albee, 125 W. 58th street. Welcome T. Alexander, 940 St. Nicholas avenue. Ellice M. Alger, 40 E. 41st street. Stanislaw Joseph Alkier, 6 Sumner avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Thomas H. Allen, 150 W. 59th street S. Busby Allen, Riverhead, L. I., N. Y. John William Amesse, Jackson Block, Denver, Colorado. James H. Anderson, 1085 Beacon street, Brookline, Mass. John Cameron Anderson, 53 E. 51st street. William B. Anderton, 180 Madison avenue. Joseph A. Andrews, Santa Barbara, Cal. Harry Aranow, 981 Lexington avenue. Samuel T. Armstrong, Hillbourne Club, Katonah, N. Y William Lucius Armstrong, 19 W. 48th street. Ernst Herman Arnold, 46 York Square, New Haven, Conn. Edward A. Aronson, 225 W. 113th street. Moses Aronson, 1875 Madison avenue. Hubert Arrowsmith, 170 Clinton street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Dexter D. Ashley, 346 Lexington avenue. John Aspell, 139 W. 77th street 42 The New York Academy of Medicine. Charles Edwin Atwood, 14 E. 60th street. Hugh Auchincloss, 981 Madison avenue. Francis Auersperg, Gente 12, Mexico, D. F. John Waite Avery, 576 Fifth avenue. Oswald T. Avery, Hoagland Laboratory, Henry and Pacific streets, Brooklyn, N. Y. James C. Ayer, 34 W. 74th street. Edward A. Ayers, Branchville, N. J. Gorham Bacon, 47 W. 54th street. Pearce Bailey, 52 W. 53rd street. Theodorus Bailey, 122 W. 78th street. William Seaman Bainbridge, 34 Gramercy Park. Addison Waddell Baird, 239 W. 70th street. Morton W. Baker, P. A. Surg., Naval Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. Sara Josephine Baker, 33 W. 96th street. Helen Baldwin, 53 E. 20th street. Milton J. Ballin, 57 E. 58th street. Samuel W. Bandler, 134 W. 87th street. William L. Baner, 40 W. 68th street. Richard T. Bang, 139 W. 11th street. L. Bolton Bangs, 20 E. 46th street. Harold Barclay, 68 E. 56th street. Merritt Wright Barnum, 7 & 9 Ellis Place, Ossining, N. Y. George Barrie, 601 W. 110th street. Benjamin S. Barringer, 110 E. 18th street. Emily Dunning Barringer, 110 E. 18th street. Theodore B. Barringer, Jr., 34 W. 84th street. Charles C. Barrows, 63 E. 56th street. Paul Bartholow, 57 W. 45th street. Frederic Huntington Bartlett, 307 W. 79th street. Elias Hudson Bartley, 65 S. Portland avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Joshua L. Barton, 117 E. 61st street Herman B. Baruch, 71 E. 52nd street. Simon Baruch, 135 W. 73rd street. Seymour Basch, 142 W. 85th street. Anthony Bassler, 126 E. 60th street. Frederick E. Beal, 616 Madison avenue. Carl Beck, 37 E. 61st street. Edwin Beer, 116 W. 58th street Colin Luke Begg, 131 E. 17th street. Sarah D. Belcher-Hardy, 419 W. 118th street. George Huston Bell, 12 W. 46th street. J. Finley Bell, Englewood, N. J. T Passmore Berens, 35 Park avenue. Fellows. 43 Albert Ashton Berg, 923 Madison avenue. Henry W. Berg, 245 Seventh street. William Nathaniel Berkeley, 36 E. 53rd street. Henry A. Bernstein, 139 W. 119th street. Warren Stone Bickham, 440 Riverside Drive. Frederic Bierhoff, 10 W. 61st street. Julius C. Bierwirth, 253 Henry street. Brooklyn, N. Y. George P. Biggs, 133 W. 71st street. Hermann M. Biggs, 113 W. 57th street. John S. Billings, Jr., 65 W. 54th street. James Bishop, 1 W. 54th street. Louis Faugeres Bishop, 54 W. 55th street. Dougal Bissell, 265 W. 81st street. Joseph B. Bissell, 46 W. 55th street. John Fielding Black, 173 Railroad avenue, White Plains, N. Y. Hugh Burke Blackwell, 148 W. 58th street. Joseph A. Blake, 601 Madison avenue. Marcus I. Blank, 1845 Seventh avenue. Frank J. Blodgett, 140 W. 72nd street. Joseph F. Bloodgood, Flushing, L. I., N. Y. Selina Bloom, 616 Madison avenue. George Blumer, 204 York street, New Haven, Conn. John A. Bodine, 151 W. 72nd street. Edward A. Bogue, 63 W. 48th street Herman J. Boldt, 39 E. 61st street. Percival R. Bolton, 43 W. 48th street. George F. M. Bond, 960 North Broadway, Yonkers, N. Y. Arthur Bookman, 9 E. 62nd street Burton S. Booth, 21 First street, Troy, N. Y. J. Arthur Booth, 129 W. 77th street. Rudolph O. Born, 246 Lexington avenue. Francke H. Bos worth, 41 Park avenue. Geoffrey R. Bourke, 144 W. 12th street. David Bovaird, Jr., 126 W. 58th street. Fred J. Bowles, 121 W. 93rd street. William Edgar Boyce, 340 South Broadway, Yonkers, N. Y. Arthur A. Boyer, 11 E. 48th street. Stella S. Bradford, 76 Church street, Montclair, N. J. John Winters Brannan, 11 W. 12th street. Alfred Braun, 616 Madison avenue. James A. Breakell, Cross River, Westchester Co., N. Y. 44 The Nezv York Academy of Medicine. Joseph Brettauer, 1063 Madison avenue. George Emerson Brewer, 61 W. 48th street. Samuel M. Brickner, 136 W. 85th street. Walter M. Brickner, 30 W. 92nd street. Charles K. Briddon, 107 W. 73rd street. Pasquale Briganti, 205 E. 17th street. Nathan E. Brill, 48 W. 76th street. Daniel Bradley Brinsmade, 302 W. 83rd street. Algernon T. Bristow, 234 Clinton street, Brooklyn, N. Y. George Livingston Brodhead, 144 W. 58th street. Edward Bennet Bronson, 10 W. 49th street. George Frederick Brooks, 247 Central Park West. Harlow Brooks, 44 W. 9th street. Henry T. Brooks, Post Graduate Hospital, 2nd ave. & 20th street. William R. Broughton, 348 Madison avenue. Leroy Broun, 148 W. 77th street. Walter Brooks Brouner, 27 W. 9th street. David Chester Brown, 16 Library place, Danbury, Conn. Elias G. Brown, The Mountain School, Allaben, N. Y. H. Beattie Brown, 26 E. 41st street. Samuel A. Brown, 175 W. 58th street. Sanger Brown, 100 State street, Chicago, 111. Willett Stuart Brown, Sanford Hall, Flushing, L. I., N. Y. Albert F. Brugman, 163 W. 85th street. Edward F. Brush, 330 S. 5th avenue, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. William Bryan, West New Brighton, S. I., N. Y. Frank A. Bryant, 62 W. 40th street. Joseph Decatur Bryant, 32 W. 48th street. William Sohier Bryant, 41 E. 33rd street. Augustus F. Buchler, 616 Madison avenue. Clarence W. Buckmaster, 80 Ashburton avenue, Yonkers, N. Y. Leo Buerger, 40 E. 41st street Henry G. Bugbee, 173 Madison avenue. L. Duncan Bulkley, 531 Madison avenue. Charles Stedman Bull, 47 W. 36th street. William E. Bullard, Prospect avenue, Larchmont, N. Y. Jesse G. M. Bullowa, 62 W. 87th street. T. Hamilton Burch, 130 W. 57th street. Carl G. Burdick, 120 E. 34th street. Martin Burke, 147 Lexington avenue. Herbert D. Burnham, 242 Lenox avenue. Fellows. 45 Waters Field Burrows, 313 W. 100th street. Stephen Smith Burt, Hotel Astor, B’way & 44th street. Glentworth R. Butler, 229 Gates avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Dever S. Byard, 155 E. 70th street. Joseph H. Byrne, 360 W. 51st street. John Cabot, 42 King avenue, Weehawken, N. J. Attilio Caccini, 76 W. 12th street. Augustus Caille, 753 Madison avenue. Eugene Wilson Caldwell, 480 Park avenue. Lewis White Callan, 452 Fifth avenue. Peter A. Callan, 452 Fifth avenue. Charles N. B. Camac, 108 E. 65th street. Archibald M. Campbell, 36 First avenue, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. William Francis Campbell, 394 Clinton avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. R. Bishop Canfield, Ann Arbor, Mich. Robert J. Carlisle, 44 W. 48th street. Albro R. Carman, 27 W. 127th street. Elon N. Carpenter, 58 Central Park West. Walter Lester Carr, 68 W. 51st street. Charles Edgerton Carter, 25 Fifth E. street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Herbert Swift Carter, 66 W. 55th street. William Wesley Carter, 69 W. 50th street J. Henry Carver, 20 W. 40th street. Henry A. Cassebeer, The Alwyn Court, 7th ave. & 58th street. James Wilson Cassell, 112 W. 120th street. Alfonso Castelli, 276 W. 38th street. Enrico Castelli, 175 W. 72nd street. Michele Caturani, 348 E. 116th street Charles M. Cauldwell, 16 W. 54th street. Russell L. Cecil, Presbyterian Hospital, Park ave. & 70th street Herbert L. Celler, 61 W. 94th street Arthur F. Chace, 393 West End avenue. P. Flewellen Chambers, 49 W. 57th street Henry Dwight Chapin, 51 W. 5 1st street Charles Francis Chapman, Mount Kisco, N. Y. Walter F. Chappell, 7 E. 55th street. Marie Louise Chard, 616 Madison avenue. Timothy Matlack Cheesman, Garrison, N. Y. Charles H. Chetwood, 109 E. 34th street. Charles Gardner Child, Jr., 163 E. 71st street. William A. Chisholm, 62 W. 53rd street. 46 The New York Academy of Medicine. Arthur H. Cilley, 138 E. 37th street. John Herbert Claiborne, 11E. 48th street. A. Schuyler Clark, 38 E. 49th street. J. Bayard Clark, 616 Madison avenue. L. Pierce Clark, 84 E. 56th street. W. Brewster Clark, 48 W. 51st street. Trumbull W. Cleaveland, 218 W. 59th street. Margaret A. Cleaves, 616 Madison avenue. James B. Clemens, 603 Fifth avenue. Clement Cleveland, 40 East 41st street. George Hastings Close, 145 Lexington avenue. Cornelius G. Coakley, 53 W. 56th street. Edward B. Coburn, 9 E. 40th street. Edmund L. Cocks, 156 W. 119th street. George H. Cocks, 1986 Madison avenue. Gerhard Hutchison Cocks, 137 E. 54th street. Henry Clark Coe, 8 W. 76th street. John Williams Coe, 633 Park avenue. T. Homer Cofifen, 121 E. 38th street. Lewis A. Coffin, 156 W. 58th street. Henry Coggeshall, 40 E. 58th street. Martin Cohen, 1 W. 85th street. Alfred E. Cohn, 1070 Madison avenue. Felix Cohn, 31 E. 60th street. Carter S. Cole, 122 W. 73rd street. Lewis Gregory Cole, 103 Park avenue. Rufus Ivory Cole, 66th street and avenue A. Warren Coleman, 58 W. 55 th street. William B. Coley, 5 Park avenue. Edward M. Colie, Jr., 120 W. 55th street. Charles Farnham Collins, 50 W. 55th street. Howard D. Collins, 50 W. 55th street. Joseph Collins, 37 W. 54th street. Stacy B. Collins, Seaford, Del. Herman L. Collyer, 153 W. 77th street. Frank C. Combes, 165 E. 116th street. George F. Comstock, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Walt Ponder Conaway 1723 Pacific avenue. Atlantic City, N. J. Karl Connell, 63 W. 49th street. Earle Conner, 246 Lexington aveirue. Lewis A. Conner, 53 E. 49th street. John F. Connors, 224 W. 79th street. John H. P. Conover, 1077 E. Jersey street, Elizabeth, N. J. Robert A. Cooke, 107 W. 55th street. J. Leonard Corning, 53 W. 38th street Fellows. 47 James A. Corscaden, 440 West End avenue. Arthur Sherwood Corwin, Rye, N.Y. H. Austin Cossitt, 146 W. 70th street. Charles Newton Cox, 257 Jefferson avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. Rowland Cox, Jr., 47 W. 44th street. Edwin B. Cragin, 10 W. 50th street. Walter C. Cramp, 349 West End avenue. Floyd M. Crandall, 113 W. 95th street. George W. Crary, 535 Park avenue. Lewis Webb Crigler, 57 W. 58th street. Antonio M. Crispin, 854 Lexington avenue. William Ledlie Gilbert, 16 E. 54th street. Frederick Wallace Culler, 114 W. 91st street. Charles G. Currier, 313 W. 102nd street. Grove P. M. Curry, Mount Kisco, N. Y. B. Farquhar Curtis, Scarborough on Hudson, N. Y. H. Holbrook Curtis, 118 Madison avenue. Colman Ward Cutler, 8 E. 54th street. Condict W. Cutler, 135 W. 76th street. Charles Townshend Dade, 25 W. 50th street. Alexander Dallas, Pine Brook, Morris Co., New Jersey. Charles Loomis Dana, 53 W. 53rd street. Samuel Wood Dana, 162 W. 94th street. Ernst Danziger, 63 W. 90th street. Everett F. Darling 44 Centre avenue, New Rochelle, N. Y. Thomas Darlington, Hotel Astor, B’way and 44th street. William Darrach, 1674 Broadway. Asa Barnes Davis, 42 E. 35th street. A. Edward Davis, 50 W. 37th street. George Edwin Davis, 50 W. 37th street. Robert H. M. Dawbarn, 105 W. 74th street. Henry P. de Forest, 150 W. 47th street. William B. De Garmo, 616 Madison avenue. Francis Delafield, 5 W. 50th street. H. Beeckman Delatour, 73-8th avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. D. Bryson Delavan, 1 E. 33rd street. Sylvester Demarest, Suffern, N.Y. Edward B. Dench, 15 E. 53rd street. Aaron Denenholz, 136 and 138 W. 16th street. Charles E. Denhard, 197 Edgecomb avenue. Rudolf Denig, 56 E. 58th street. Roger Herbert Dennett, 432 W. 154th street. Frederic S. Dennis, 62 E. 55th street. 48 The New York Academy of Medicine. Le Grand N. Denslow, London Joint Stock Bank, 52 Oxford street, London, England. Richard Derby, 925 Park avenue. Robert J. Devlin, 156 W. 13th street. J. Harvie Dew, 65 W. 68th street. Robert L. Dickinson, 168 Clinton street. Brooklyn, N. Y. Frederic H. Dillingham, 148 W. 85th street. Edgar Dinkelspiel, 102 W. 75th street. Norman Edward Ditman, 780 Madison avenue. Eberhard William Dittrich, 158 E. 81st street. Alice Divine, Ellenville, N. Y. George A. Dixon, 15 W. 49th street. George S. Dixon, 123 E. 74th street. William G. Dobson, 301 Mills street, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Frederick E. D’Oench, 49 E. 58th street. Thomas E. Dolan, 250 Elizabeth avenue, Elizabeth, N. J. William E. Dold, 616 Madison avenue. Benjamin Edward Dolphin, 430 W. 116th street. Franklin Abbott Dorman, 133 E. 57th street. John Doming, 124 W. 81st street. Alvah H. Doty, Rosebank, Staten Island, N. Y. Daniel S. Dougherty, 73 W. 49th street. John Douglas, 145 W. 81st street. H. Beaman Douglass, care of Begg & Begg, 220 Broadway. Edmund Le Roy Dow, 49 W. 57th street. Charles N. Dowd, 127 W. 72nd street. William A. Downes, 37 W. 71st street Martin Downey, 143 E. 46th street. William K. Draper, 121 E. 36th street. Arthur D. Dryfoos, 42 W. 85th street. Alexander Duane, 139 E. 37th street Eugene Floyd Du Bois, 129 E. 76th street. William F. Dudley, 32 Livingston street. Brooklyn, N. Y. Arthur B. Duel, 27 E. 57th street. Francis J. Duffey, 148 Bay 16th street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Edward K. Dunham, 35 E. 68th street. Theodore Dunham, 48 E. 63rd street. R. Condit Eddy, 125 Centre avenue, New Rochelle, N. Y. J. Clifton Edgar, 28 W. 56th street. Francis C. Edgerton, 57 W. 58th street. Fellows. 49 Max Einhorn, 20 E. 63rd street. Isidore C. Eisenberg, 1281 Madison avenue. Eugene Harold Eising, 18 E. 60th street. Ellsworth Eliot, 48 W. 36th street. Ellsworth Eliot, Jr., 34 E. 67th street. George T. Elliot, 36 E. 35th street. George R. Elliott, 48 E. 26th street. Charles A. Elsberg, “The Leonori,” 63rd st. and Madison ave. Henry L. Eisner, 406 E. Genesee street, Syracuse, N. Y. Walter Edward Elwell, 346 Broadway. Albert H. Ely, 47 W. 56th street. Leonard W. Ely, 440 Humboldt street, Denver, Col. Haven Emerson, 120 E. 62nd street. Joseph Baxter Emerson, 40 E. 41st street. Bache McE. Emmet, 18 E. 30th street. Thomas Addis Emmet, 89 Madison avenue. Sigmund Epstein, 591 Lexington avenue. Seward Erdman, 32 E. 76th street. John F. Erdmann, 60 W. 52nd street. William L. Estes, South Bethlehem, Penn. Samuel M. Evans, 115 E. 39th street. Chauncey V. Everitt, 38 Boyd avenue, Jersey City, N. J. James Ewing, 256 W. 57th street. William A. Ewing, 134 W. 58th street. Clarence Fahnestock, 30 E. 55th street. Ernest Fahnestock, 22 W. 54th street. Henry A. Fairbairn, 249 McDonough street, Brooklyn, N. Y. George W. Faller, Oyster Bay, L. I., N. Y. Antonio Fanoni, 119 W. 11th street. Charles Everett Farr, 105 W. 73rd street. Benjamin Peter Farrell, 256 W. 57th street. William H. Farrington, Astor House. E. Ross Faulkner, 43 W. 54th street. Israel L. Feinberg, 104 W. 119th street. Samuel Feldstein, 157 W. 120th street. Jeremiah Sweetser Ferguson, 330 W. 28th street. Robert H. Ferguson, 9 North Munn avenue, East Orange, N.J. Jose M. Ferrer, 441 Park avenue. Albert Warren Ferris, Sherman Square Hotel, Broadway and 71st street. Cleveland Ferris, 535 W. 142nd street. Frank H. Field, 59 John street. 50 The New York Academy of Medicine. Frank S. Fielder, 1 W. 81st street. Charles S. Fischer, 144 E. 38th street. George Fischer, 90 Auburn street, Paterson, N. J. Hermann Fischer, 1016 Lexington avenue. Louis Fischer, 162 W. 87th street. Gustav Grant Fischlowitz, 1298 Madison avenue. Edward D. Fisher, 19 W. 52nd street. Arthur Lyman Fisk, 41 W. 50th street. Eugene L. Fisk, 35 Nassau street. James Porter Fiske, 76 W. 86th street. Allen Fitch, 38 W. 56th street. Charles B. Fitzpatrick, 19 E. 77th street. Simon Flexner, 150 E. 61st street. Austin Flint, Jr., 34 E. 54th street. Rolfe Floyd, 129 E. 60th street. William F. Fluhrer, 45 E. 44th street. Francis Foerster, 926 Madison avenue. Edward Milton Foote, 136 W. 48th street. William M. Ford, 55 E. 52nd street. Willis E. Ford, 266 Genesee street, Utica, N.Y. John Addison Fordyce, 8 W. 77th street. Frank P. Foster, 554 W. 114th street. George V. Foster, 26 E. 41st street. Nellis Barnes Foster, 69 E. 54th street. Edward Payson Fowler, 4743 Boston road, Pelham Manor, N. Y. Russell S. Fowler, 299 DeKalb avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. George Henry Fox, 616 Madison avenue. George Howard Fox, 616 Madison avenue. Joseph Fraenkel, 46 E. 75th street. Robert Tilden Frank, 983 Park avenue. Melvin M. Franklin, 1427 N. Broad street, Philadelphia, Pa. Henry W. Frauenthal, 783 Lexington avenue. Herman C. Frauenthal, 146 W. 72nd street. Rowland G. Freeman, 211 W. 57th street. Thomas R. French, 150 Joralemon street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Wolff Freudenthal, 1003 Madison avenue. Albert H. Fridenberg, 114 W. 76th street. Percy H. Fridenberg, 60 E. 58th street. Gustav A. Fried, 47 W. 87th street. Gedide Abraham Friedman, 123 E. 95th street. Louis Friedman, 262 W. 113th street. Claude A. Frink, 457 W. 144th street. Lewis Fox Frissell, 113 E. 56th street. Fellows. 51 Richard Frothingham, 616 Madison avenue. Jacob Fuhs, 871 Park place. Brooklyn, N. Y. Eugene Fuller, 252 Lexington avenue. Robert M. Fuller, 107 E. 29th street. Henry Dawson Furniss, 393 West End avenue. Joseph Funk, 615 Elizabeth avenue, Elizabeth, N. J. Anna M. Galbraith, The Devonshire, 99 North Euclid avenue, Pasadena, Cal. A. Ernest Gallant, 540 Madison avenue. Samuel G. Gant, 205 W. 57th street. Jasper J. Garmany, 40 W. 40th street. Charles Zeh Garside, Hoagland Laboratory, Henry & Pacific streets, Brooklyn, N. Y. Arpad G. Gerster, 34 E. 75th street. John C. A. Gerster, 34 E. 75th street. W. Travis Gibb, 42 W. 75th street. Homer Gibney, 31 W. 36th street. Virgil P. Gibney, 16 Park avenue. Charles Langdon Gibson, 72 E. 54th street. Walter C. Gilday, 44 W. 37th street. J. Edward Giles, 156 Fifth avenue. William Whitehead Gilfillan, 31 W. 50th street. David H. M. Gillespie, 228 W. 82nd street Andrew James Gilmour, 133 E. 57th street. Francis Ginnasi, 118 McDougal street. John H. Girdner, 47 W. 71st street. W. Stanton Gleason, 143 Grand street, Newburgh, N. Y. Joseph W. Gleitsmann, 616 Madison avenue. J. Riddle Goffe, 616 Madison avenue. S. Ormond Goldan, 59 W. 74th street. Hermann Goldenberg, The Leonori, 63rd street & Madison ave. Sigismund S. Gold water, Mount Sinai Hospital, Fifth avenue & 100th street. Simon P. Goodhart, 34 W. 87th street. Abraham Lincoln Goodman, 263 W. 113th street. Charles Goodman, 969 Madison avenue. Edwin A. Goodridge, Flushing, L. I., N. Y. Frederic G. Goodridge, 11E. 48th street. Malcolm Goodridge, 260 W. 76th street. Orren A. Gorton, Sherburne, N. Y. William S. Gottheil, 154 W. 77th street. Sidney S. Graber, 185 E. 71st street. Hermann Grad, 159 W. 120th street. Charles Graef, 1076 Boston road. 52 The New York Academy of Medicine. Herman R. A. Graeser, 118 W. 111th street. Egbert H. Grandin, 116 W. 76th street. J. Prescott Grant. 414 W. 118th street. Frank Grauer, 330 W. 46th street. Philip M. Grausman, 130 W. 58th street. J. G. William Greeff, 24 W. 91st street. Nathan W. Green, 130 W. 57th street. Robert H. Greene, 78 E. 56th street. William F. Greene, 25 South First avenue, Mount Vernon, N. Y. James C. Greenway, Greenwich, Conn. Alice Gregory, 27 E. 35th street. Minas S. Gregory, Bellevue Hospital, E. 26th st. Edgar B. Grier, 400 Westminster avenue, Elizabeth, N. J. E. Harrison Griffin, 55 W. 47th street. Frederic Griffith, 238 W. 38th street. Henry Griswold, 70 W. 48th street. William Loomis Griswold, 19 W. Elm street, Greenwich, Conn. Moritz Gross, 133 W. 77th street. Gerald Harrison Grout, The Wellsmore, Broadway and 77th street. Emil Gruening, 36 E. 57th street. Clarence C. Guion, 88 Centre avenue, New Rochelle, N. Y. Ramon Guiteras, 80 Madison avenue. Luther H. Gulick, 263 W. 84th street. John Henry Guntzer, 61 E. 86th street. Jonas Guttman, 54 St. Marks place. James Tayloe Gwathmey, 124 E. 16th street. Frederick W. Gwyer, 130 E. 38th street. Sidney V. Haas, 666 West End avenue. J. Victor Haberman, 60 W. 85th street. Alexander Hadden, 155 E. 51st street. Flenry Ewing Hale, Jr., 752 West End avenue. William H. Hall, 129 E. 54th street. Silas F. Hallock, 36 E. 65th street. Robert Hurtin Halsey, 118 W. 58th street. George Dempster Hamlen, 50 Central Park West. George D. Hamlin, 1260 Pacific street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Irwin H. Hance, Lakewood, N. J. Charles Russell Hancock, 126 E. 34th street. Ellwood Harlow, 325 W. 86th street. Anthony Hart Harrigan, 249 W. 102nd street. E. Eliot Harris, 33 W. 93rd street. Thomas J. Harris, 117 E. 40th street. Daniel A. Harrison, Whitestone, L. I., N. Y. George Tucker Harrison, 132 W. 70th street. Fellows. 53 Alfred John Hart, ^ 118 W. 70th street. Theodore Stuart Hart, 130 W. 59th street. Frank Hartley, 61 W. 49th street. John A. Hartwell, 27 E. 63 rd street. William Henry Haskin, 40 E. 41st street. Thomas Wood Hastings, 172 E. 71st street. Herman A. Haubold, 15 W. 88th street. Forbes Hawkes, 42 E. 26th street. James R. Hayden, 121 W. 55th street. William Van Valzah Hayes, 34 W. 50th street. Irving S. Haynes, 107 W. 85th street. Royal Storrs Haynes, 267 W. 79th street. Harold M. Hays, 11 W. 91st street. Henry C. Hazen, 66 W. 56th street. Jacob Heckmann, 156 E. 80th street. Henry Heiman, 56 W. 120th street. Walter James Heimann, 136 W. 88th street. Louis Heitzmann, 110 W. 78th street. Ruben Johnson Held, 616 Madison avenue. Isaac M. Heller, 1872 Washington avenue. Alfred M. Heilman, 2 W. 86th street. Alfred C. Henderson, 155 E. 62nd street. Joseph Julio Henna, 24 W. 72nd street. Nelson H. Henry, 59 W. 9th street. Otto Hensel, 106 E. 81st street. James C. Hepburn, 71 Glenwood avenue, East Orange, N. J. Edgar M. Hermance, 217 Warburton avenue, Yonkers, N. Y. Justin Herold, 11E. 48th street. Everett Herrick, 33 E. 51st street. William Post Herrick, 56 E. 53rd street. William W. Herrick, 131 E. 60th street. Charles Herrman, 250 W. 88th street. Alfred A. Herzfeld, 224 W. 24th street. Alfred Fabian Hess, 154 W. 72nd street. Emil Heuel, 144 W. 79th Russel A. Hibbs, 130 E. 36th Joseph J. Higgins, 46 W. 55th street. street. street. Isadore Leon Hill, 616 Madison avenue. Thomas J. Hillis, 35 Charlton street. Alfred K. Hills, 541 West End avenue. Beatrice M. Hinkle, care of Internat’l Banking Corp., Manila, P. I. Joseph G. Hirons, 131 W. 136th street. James Morley Hitzrot, 126 E. 37th street. Ward Bryant Hoag, 126 W. 81st street. John H. P. Hodgson, 29 Washington square. 54 The New York Academy of Medicine. John Van R. Hoff, Col. U. S. A., Governor’s Island. Frederick C. Holden, 63 Seventh avenue., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ward A. Holden, 43 W. 48th street. Oscar Howe Holder, 501 W. 120th street. Arthur L. Holland, 134 W. 81st street. Austin W. Hollis, 40 W. 71st street. Frank C. Hollister, 264 W. 77th street. Charles H. Holmes, Bellevue Hospital, Foot E. 26th street. Edwin Holmes, Palisade avenue, Englewood, N. J. L. Emmett Holt, 14 W. 55th street. Oscar P. Honegger, 111 E. 94th street. B. Raymond Hoobler, 131 E. 67th street. Ransom Spafard Hooker, 780 Madison avenue. Frank Tucker Hopkins, 182 W. 58th street. Frederick E. Hopkins, 25 Harrison avenue, Springfield, Mass. John Horn, 72 East 92nd street. George W. Hosmer, 7 E. 73rd street. Lucius W. Hotchkiss, 59 W. 48th street. H. Seymour Houghton, 301 W. 88th street. Harris A. Houghton, Bayside, Queens Co., N. Y. George T. Howland, Norwich, Conn. John Howland, 49 E. 53rd street. Bartholomew M. Howley, 355 W. 28th street Ernest Valentine Hubbard, 11E. 48th street. S. Dana Hubbard, 143 W. 103rd street. William Norris Hubbard, 53 W. 54th street. Alvin A. Hubbell, 212 Franklin street, Buffalo, N.Y. Lester Mead Hubby, 27 W. 68th street. Francis Huber, 209 E. 17th street. John Bessner Huber, 441 Park avenue. John H. Huddleston, 145 W. 78th street. Max Huhner, 667 Madison avenue. William A. Hume, 1517 Madison avenue., Toledo, Ohio. Edward Livingston Hunt, 54 W. 50th street. James Ramsey Hunt, 20 W. 50th street. Dwight W. Hunter, 80 W. 40th street. Lee Maidment Hurd, 15 E. 48th street. Woods Hutchinson, 14 E. 28th street. Harry William Hyatt, 380 Shelton avenue, Jamaica, N. Y. Frederick E. Hyde, 542 Fifth avenue. Abraham Hyman, 111 E. 81st street. Abraham Hymanson, 139 Henry street. William Rose Hynes, 75 W. 92nd street. Fellows. 55 Henry Illoway, 1113 Madison avenue. Charles J. Imperatori, 245 W. 102nd street. Gennaro Ippolito, 20 Spring street. Archibald E. Isaacs, 1325 Madison avenue. Harry E. Isaacs, 240 East Broadway Leopold Jaches. 27 E. 95th street. Frank W. Jackson, 555 Madison avenue. George Thomas Jackson, 11E. 48th street. Victor Hugo Jackson, 240 Lenox avenue. Abraham Jacobi, 19 E. 47th street. Nathan Jacobson, 430 S. Salina street, Syracuse, N. Y. Sidney D. Jacobson, 616 Madison avenue. Arthur M. Jacobus, 131 W. 70th street. George W. Jacoby, 44 W. 72nd street. J. Ralph Jacoby, 54 W. 88th street. Charles H. Jaeger, 471 Park avenue. Abraham Ezra Jaffin, 479 Jersey avenue, Jersey City, N. J. Walter B. James, 17 W. 54th street. James W. Jameson, 32 E. 53rd street. Edward G. Janeway, 36 W. 40th street. Henry Harrington Janeway, 130 W. 57th street. Theodore C. Janeway, 131 E. 60th street. Joseph E. Janvrin, 191 Madison avenue. Herman Jarecky, 138 W. 86th street. George W. Jarman, 54 W. 76th street. Nathan S. Jarvis, Manhattan Club, 26th street and Madison ave. Smith Ely Jelliffe, 64 W. 56th street. Walter Barry Jennings, 175 Lexington avenue. Frederic M. Johnson, Jr., 90 Morris street, Yonkers, N. Y. Henrietta Pauline Johnson, 126 E. 19th street. Catesby ap C. Jones, 7 E. 32nd street. Charles N. D. Jones, 892 E. 176th street. Israel C. Jones, Fordham, N. Y. Emmanuel Jonessoff, 224 W. 52nd street. Richard Jordan, 165 W. 58th street. Aspinwall Judd, 137 W. 69th street. Adoniram B. Judson, 53 Washington square. Champion H. Judson, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. Louis Gabriel Kaempfer, 375 Central Park West. Ulysses S. Kahn, 59 W. 54th street. Moses S. Kakels, 71 E. 66th street. Richard Kalish, 36 W. 47th street. David John Kaliski, 75 E. 81st street. 56 The New York Academy of Medicine. Frederick J. Kammerer, 51 E. 66th street. Ludwig Kast, 771 Madison avenue. William H. Katzenbach, The Wyoming, 7th avenue & 55th street. Jacob Kaufmann, 52 E. 58th street. Harry Mayham Keator, 107 E. 70th street. Stephen Jackson Keefe, 1063 E. Jersey street, Elizabeth, N. J. Frederick C. Keller, 41 W. 71st street. Edward L. Kellogg, 48 W. 51st street. Theodore H. Kellogg, Riverdale Lane. Robert Coleman Kemp, 107 E. 57th street. Joseph A. Kenefick, 78 E. 54th street. James H. Kenyon, 37 W. 71st street. Carl Richard Keppler, 2 W. 86th street. Charles Gilmore Kerley, 132 W. 81st street. Philip D. Kerrison, 58 W. 56th street. Leo Kessel, 146 Central Park West. Edward L. Keyes, 109 E. 34th street. Edward L. Keyes, Jr., 109 E. 34th street. Eleanor B. Kilham, 121 E. 35th street. Otto G. T. Kiliani, 44 W. 77th street. Theron W. Kilmer, 165 W. 85th street. Paul Wellington Kimball, 121 E. 64th street. Reuel B. Kimball, 15 E. 41st street. Herbert Maxon King, Liberty, N. Y. Thomas A. King, 139 Lexington avenue. Jerome Kingsbury, 39 W. 39th street. Francis P. Kinnicutt, 39 E. 35th street. Gustav A. Kletsch, 453 Cass street, Milwaukee, Wis. Hermann G. Klotz, 616 Madison avenue. Arnold H. Knapp, 26 W. 40th street. Herman Knapp, 26 W. 40th street. John B. Knapp, 35 W. 75th street. Benjamin Franklin Knause, 1076 Bushwick avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Augustus Smith Knight, 1 Madison avenue. Charles H. Knight, 120 W. 57th street. E. Helen Knight, 35 Mount Morris Park West. George Knipe, 353 W. 24th street. William H. W. Knipe, 59 W. 54th street. S. Adolphus Knopf, 16 W. 95th street. Louis A. Koch, 16 Chestnut street, Newark, N. J. Franz Koempel, 251 E. 86th street. Albert Kohn, 122 E. 58th street Frederick Strange Kolle, 12 E. 31st street. Fellows. ' 57 Carl Roller, 681 Madison avenue. Samuel Joseph Kopetzky, 616 Madison avenue. Henry Koplik, 30 E. 62nd street. George W. Kosmak, 23 E. 93rd street. Carl F. Kremer, 112 E, 57th street. Florian Krug, 13 E. 41st street. Louis J. Ladinski, 1289 Madison avenue. Linnaeus E. La Fetra, 113 E. 61st street. Florence Marion Laighton, 33 W. 96th street. Adrian Van Sinderen Lambert, 29 W. 36th street. Alexander Lambert, 36 E. 31st street. Frederick E. Lambert, 157 Ocean avenue, Jersey City, N. J. Samuel W. Lambert, 130 E. 35th street. Walter Eyre Lambert, 47 W. 38th street. Louis N. Lanehart, Hempstead, L. I., N. Y. Gustav Langmann, 121 W. 57th street. George Ludwig Laporte, 154 W. 119th street. Boleslaw Lapowski, 180 W. 58th street. Frederick Manwaring Law, 616 W. 137th street. George Alfred Lawrence, 675 Madison avenue. James Payton Leake, U. S. Pub. Health & Mar. Hosp. Service, Im. Hosp., Ellis Island. Charles A. Leale, 604 Madison avenue. Medwin Leale, 852 Lexington avenue. William G. Le Boutillier, 50 E. 25th street. Moses D. Lederman, 58 E. 75th street. Burton J. Lee, 128 E. 73rd street. Egbert Le Fevre, 52 W. 56th street. S. Newton Leo, 103 W. 55th street. Zenas Lockwood Leonard, 19 W. 120th street Jerome S. Leopold, 701 Madison avenue. John Leshure, 423 Convent avenue. A. Monae Lesser, 16 W. 68th street. William M. Leszynsky, 145 W. 77th street. Isaac Levin, 129 W. 122nd street. Frederic J. Leviseur, 680 Madison avenue. Emily Lewi, 35 Mount Morris Park West Charles H. Lewis, 51 W. 58th street. Daniel Lewis, 616 Madison avenue. Robert Lewis, Jr., 48 W. 40th street. Richard Lewisohn, 774 Madison avenue. Maximilian Lewson, 55 W. 9th street. Emanuel Libman, 180 E. 64th street. Charles C. Lieb, 50 Central Park West. Howard Lilienthal, 66 E. 79th street. 58 The New York Academy of Medicine. Elton Gardiner Littell, 147 Park avenue. Yonkers, N. Y. Henry William Lloyd, 8 St. Nicholas place. Samuel Lloyd, 12 W. 50th street. Ralph Waldo Lobenstine, 67 E. 55th street. George Roe Lockwood, 18 E. 52nd street. Eli Long, 151 W. 86th street. Henry D. Long, 131 W. 46th street. Frederic William Loughran, 742 Prospect avenue. Robert L. Loughran, 62 W. 52nd street. Leon Louria, 249 Hewes street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Joseph T. Low, Jr., Short Hills, N.J. William H. Luckett, 112 W. 119th street. Walter D. Ludlum, 362 Marlborough road, Brooklyn, N. Y. Joseph Edward Lumbard, Graham Court, 116th street & 7th avenue. Thurston Gilman Lusk, 40 E. 41st street. William C. Lusk, 47 E. 34th street. Alexander Lyle, 1043 Madison avenue. Henry Hamilton Moore Lyle, 50 E. 53rd street. William G. Lyle, 60 W. 58th street. Francis R. Lyman, Hastings on Hudson, N. Y. John Burgess Lynch, 151 W. 74th street. George S. Lynde, 148 W. 85th street. Samuel B. Lyon, White Plains, N. Y. J. Milton Mabbott, 19 Fifth avenue. William Mabon, Ward’s Island, N. Y. David Hunter McAlpin, 68 William street. George B. McAuliffe, 616 Madison avenue. John D. McBarron, 872 West End avenue. Charles McBurney, 38 E. 31st street William G. MacCallum, 981 Madison avenue. Joseph F. McCarthy, 137 E. 43rd street. Donald McCaskey, Witmer, Lancaster Co., Pa. John Alva McCorkle, 149 Clinton street, Brooklyn, N. Y. John J. McCoy, 157 W. 73rd street. Forbes R. McCreery, 123 E. 40th street Samuel McCullagh, 35 Park avenue. Carlos F. MacDonald, 15 E. 48th street. Dennis J. McDonald, 137 E. 43rd street. Ellice McDonald, The Alwyn Court, 58th street and 7th avenue. George A. MacDonald, 803 Madison avenue. George Henry McFarland, Jr., 310 W. 87th street. Edward P. McGavock, 210 E. Franklin street, Richmond, Va. Fellows. 59 E. L’H. McGinnis, 202 W. 86th street. John J. McGrath, 104 W. 71st street. Constantine J. MacGuire, 120 E. 60th street. Ferdinand S. MacHale, 317 E. 87th street. William MacKay, 33 E. 24th street. George Miller MacKee, 58 W. 58th street. Arthur Lee Macken, 103 E. 16th street. John Edmund Mackenty, 43 W. 54th street. James F. McKernon, 62 W. 52nd street. W. Duncan McKim, 1701-18th street, N. W., Washington, D. C. James W. McLane, 107 E. 38th street. Malcolm McLean, 29 E. 126th street. John B. McMahon, 325 Lexington avenue. William S. McMurdy, 253 W. 70th street. Charles Wood McMurtry, 812 Fifth avenue. Malcolm Graeme MacNevin, 576 Fifth avenue. George McNaughton, 479 Clinton avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Sarah J. McNutt, 265 Lexington avenue. John Joseph MacPhee, 124 W. 77th street. Duncan Macpherson, 467 Manhattan avenue. Ross McPherson, 20 W. 50th street. Clarence A. McWilliams, 32 E. 53rd street. Mary Sutton Macy, 101 W. 80th street. William A. Macy, Kings Park, L. I., N. Y. James J. E. Maher, 221 W. 23rd street. Max Madhouse, 45 Elm street, New Haven, Conn. Charles O. Maisch, Via del Tritone 142, Rome, Ital.y George H. Mallett, 244 W. 73rd street. Frederick S. Mandlebaum, 1300 Madison avenue. Morris Manges, 72 E. 79th street. John Mann, 262 Fulton avenue, Hempstead, L. I., N. Y. George Mannheimer, 116 E. 79th street. James W. Markoe, 20 W. 50th street. Wilbur B. Marple, 46 W. 53rd street. Thomas A. Martin, 436 Lenox avenue. Walton Martin, 25 W. 50th street. Simon Marx, 947 Madison avenue. Howard Harris Mason, 114 W. 55th street. Lewis D. Mason, 171 Joralemon street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Francis S. Mathews, 62 W. 50th street. Frank Cameron Matthews, 2412-7th avenue. J. W. Draper Maury, Rochester, Minn. 60 The New York Academy of Medicine. Calvin S. May, 205 W. 57th street. Charles H. May, 698 Madison avenue. William Ropes May, 146 E. 39th street. Abraham Mayer, 40 E. 60th street. Emil Mayer, 25 E. 77th street. Frank Sherman Meara, 400 West End avenue. Charles B. Meding, 111 W. 121st street. James A. Meek, 616 Madison avenue. Edward Lee Meierhof, 1140 Madison avenue. Josiah Meigh, Bernardsville, N. J. Samuel J. Meltzer, 13 W. 121st street. Walter Mendelson, 159 W. 74th street. Francis D. Merchant, 150 W. 47th street. William J. Mersereau, 294 W. 92nd street. Adolf Meyer, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Alfred Meyer, 785 Madison avenue. Leo B. Meyer, 106 W. 120th street. Willy Meyer, 700 Madison avenue. George Meyers, 47 E. 61st street. Leonidas Le May Mial, 139 W. 12th street. Alfred Michaelis, 173 E. 95th street. Michael Michailovsky, 146 W. 121st street. John Izard Middleton, 169 E. 64th street. Ansel I. Miller, Brattleboro, Vt. Charles Griffin Miller, 157 E. 62nd street. Frank E. Miller, 22 W. 31st street. James Alexander Miller, 550 Park avenue. Seth Minot Milliken, 951 Madison avenue. Jackson M. Mills, 66 E. 58th street. Lindsay S. Milne, Russell Sage Institute, Blackwell’s Island, N. Y. Charles B. J. Mittelstaedt, 107 W. 47th street. Alfred D. Mittendorf, 140 Madison avenue. William F. Mittendorf, 140 Madison avenue. Henry Moeller, 341 W. 57th street. Henry Moffat, 139 Park avenue, Yonkers, N. Y. Henry W. Mooney, 73 W. 50th street. Albertus Adair Moore, 52 E. 31st street. John J. Moorhead, 301 W. 89th street. Benjamin Morje, 16 E. 96th street. Lewis Rutherford Morris, 60 W. 58th street. Robert T. Morris, 616 Madison avenue. Prince A. Morrow, 66 W. 40th street. W. Golden Mortimer, 40 E. 25th street. Henry H. Morton, 32 Schermerhorn street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Fellows. 61 Rosalie Slaughter Morton, The Leonori, Madison ave. & 63rd street. William J. Morton, 19 E. 28th street. Alexis V. Moschcowitz, 925 Madison avenue. Eli Moschcowitz, 59 W. 68th street. Herman O. Mosenthal, 327 Amsterdam avenue. L. Howard Moss, Elm street & Orchard ave., Richmond Hill, N. Y. Joseph A. Mulholland, 218 W. 71st street. Wesley T. Mulligan, 290 West avenue, Rochester, N. Y. John P. Munn, 18 W. 58th street. George E. Munroe, 126 Madison avenue. Deas Murphy, 165 E. 62nd street. Archibald Murray, Standish, Arms, 169 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y. Dwight H. Murray, 800 University Block, Syracuse, N.Y. Francis W. Murray, 32 W. 39th street. Samuel Murtland, 40 E. 81st street. Howard Gillespie Myers, 153 W. 78th street. T. Halsted Myers, 59 W. 50th street. Robert Cunningham Myles, 46 W. 38th street. John T. Nagle, 163 W. 126th street. Charles E. Nammack, 42 E. 29th street. Charles D. Napier, 494 Washington avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Philip W. Nathan, 110 E. 78th street. George G. Needham, 218 E. 19th street. Harold Neuhof, 1275 Madison avenue. James E. Newcomb, 118 W. 69th street. Emanuel David Newman, 81 New street, Newark, N. J. Mathias Nicoll, Jr., 124 E. 60th street. Walter L. Niles, 55 E. 76th street. Jonas R. Nilsen, 18 W. 90th street. J. Douglas Nisbet, 34 W. 50th street. Van Horne Norrie, 21 W. 37th street. Charles Norris, Jr., 2131 Broadway. Henry S. Norris, 10 W. 49th street. Charles E. North, 30 Church street. William P. Northrup, 57 E. 79th street. Nathaniel Read Norton, 113 E. 70th street. William Bradbury Noyes, 210 W. 57th street. John Joseph Nutt, 2020 Broadway. Edward L. Oatman, 82 Remsen street, Brooklyn, N.Y. Michael C. O’Brien, 161 W. 122nd street. Benjamin F. Ochs, 1980 Seventh avenue. Joseph H. O’Connell, 34 W. 9th street. 62 The New York Academy of Medicine. Horst Oertel, 30 W. 44th street. Robert Offenbach, 102 W. 86th street Charles Ogilvy, 125 W. 58th street. Frank W. Olds, Williamstown, Mass. Samuel R. Olliphant, 26 E. 41st street. Ralph Opdyke, 40 E. 41st street. Nathan Oppenheim, 50 E. 79th street. Bernard Sutro Oppenheimer, 2345 Broadway. Frederic G. Oppenheimer, 230 W. 99th street. Henry S. Oppenheimer, 11E. 43 rd street. Seymour Oppenheimer, 45 E. 60th street. David Henry Orgel, 277 Rivington street. Daisy Maud Orleman-Robinson, 159 W. 49th street. Alfred Townsend Osgood, 40 E. 41st street. Charles Osgood, 58 Central Park West. Ludwig Oulman, 61 E. 86th street. Charles W. Packard, 445 Park avenue. Maurice Packard, . 203 W. 79th street. John Randolph Page, 27 E. 57th street. Kingman B. Page, 24 W. 120th street Roswell Park, 510 Delaware avenue, Buffalo, N.Y. William Hallock Park, 315 W. 76th street. Frank J. Parker, 156 W. 58th street Ransom J. Parker, 155 Lexington avenue. Teofilo Parodi, 127 E. 60th street. Angenette Parry, 749 Madison avenue. Eleanor Parry, 749 Madison avenue. John Parsons, Kingsbridge, N. Y. Ralph L. Parsons, Ossining, N.Y. Ralph W. Parsons, Ossining, N. Y. Edward L. Partridge, 19 Fifth avenue. Stewart Paton, Princeton, N. J. Frank N. Patterson, 51 W. 50th street. Henry Stuart Patterson, 149 E. 62nd street. S. McAllister Payne, 542 Fifth avenue. George L. Peabody, 57 W. 38th street. Henry Pearson, 63 E. 56th street. Herbert D. Pease, 39 W. 38th street. Charles H. Peck, 30 W. 50th street. George A. Peck, 87 Centre avenue, New Rochelle, N.Y. Grace Peckham-Murray, 50 W. 45th street. James Pedersen, 20 E. 46th street. Victor Cox Pedersen, 45 W. 9th street. Edward W. Peet, 144 W. 93rd street Charles Edward Perkins, 107 W. 77th street. Fellows . 63 John G. Perry, 40 E. 26th street. Edward W. Peterson, 57 W. 58th street. Frederick Peterson, 20 W. 50th street. Carl E. Pfister, 829 Lexington avenue. Daniel J. Phelan, 123 W. 94th street. Charles Phelps, 69 E. 82nd street. Wendell C. Phillips, 40 W. 47th street. Frederick Harrison Pierson, 340 Westminster avenue, Elizabeth, N. J. Charles W. Pilgrim, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Edward Warwick Pinkham, 41 E. 41st street. Godfrey Roger Pisek, 36 E. 62nd street. Edward Pisko, 616 Madison avenue. John O. Polak, 287 Clinton avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. William M. Polk, 7 E. 36th street. Sigmund Pollitzer, 51 E. 60th street. Eugene H. Pool, 107 E. 60th street. Thomas R. Pooley, 107 Madison avenue. James Lindsay H. H. Porteous, 83 Warburton avenue, Yonkers, N. Y. W. Evelyn Porter, 149 W. 73rd street. William Henry Porter, 1674 Broadway. Nathaniel Bowditch Potter, 591 Park avenue. William B. Pritchard, 143 W. 72nd street. James W. Proctor, Englewood, N. J. Thomas P. Prout, 23 W. 36th street. T. Mitchell Prudden, 160 W. 59th street. William J. Pulley, 945 Madison avenue. Henry A. Pulsford, 139 S. Orange avenue, South Orange, N. J. Alfred E. M. Purdy, 449 Park avenue. Harry R. Purdy, 149 Lexington avenue. Charles R. L. Putnam, 121 E. 38th street. Leopold Putzel, 13 E. 57th street. John Duncan Quackenbos, 331 W. 28th street. A. Judson Quimby, 40 E. 41st street. Charles E. Quimby, 278 W. 86th street. Francis J. Quinlan, 33 W. 38th street. Stephen T. Quinn, 326 S. Broad street, Elizabeth, N. J. Edward Quintard, 145 W. 58th street. Meyer Rabinovitz, 243 E. Broadway. John B. Rae, 247 W. 70th street. John M. Randolph, Rahway, N. J. Leonard S. Rau, 113 E. 60th street. Adolph Reich, 245 W. 24th street. George C. Reid, 219 N. Washington street, Rome, N. Y. John J. Reid, 853 Lexington avenue. 64 The New York Academy of Medicine. John P. Reilly, 215 Elizabeth avenue, Elizabeth, N. J. Charles H. Reinsberg, 36 W. 57th street. Pius Renn, 171 E. 95th street. William G. Reynolds, Woodbury, Conn. Meyer L. Rhein, 38 E. 61st street. Archibald C. Rhoades, Union League Club, 1 E. 39th street. Clarence C. Rice, 123 E. 19th street. John D. Richards, 44 W. 49th street. John H. Richards, 34 W. 83rd street. Charles H. Richardson, 336 Lexington avenue. Edwin Albert Riesenfeld, 152 W. 88th street. Willy Rieser, 1841 Madison avenue. Austen Fox Riggs, Stockbridge, Mass. Felicia A. Robbins, 110 W. 49th street. Percy W. Roberts, 134 W. 48th street. Joseph A. Robertson, 45 W. 34th street. Louise G. Robinovitch, 28 W. 126th street. Andrew R. Robinson, 159 W. 49th street. Beverley Robinson, 42 W. 37th street. George Willis Robinson, First National Bank Bldg., Shreveport, La. William J. Robinson, 12 Mt. Morris Park West, Alphonso D. Rockwell, 616 Madison avenue. John O. Roe, 44 S. Clinton avenue, Rochester, N. Y. John Rogers, 102 E. 30th street. Willard H. Rogers, 225 W. 22nd street. Arthur L. Root, 114 W. 81st street. Joseph C. Roper, 255 W. 84th street. Achilles Rose, 173 Lexington avenue. Leopold Rosenberg, Bedford Station, N. Y. Max Rosenthal, 26 W. 90th street. Henry Roth, 409 E. 140th street. George Rothganger, 126 Stockton street, San Francisco, Cal. Julius Rudisch, 39 E. 63rd street. Edward C. Rushmore, Tuxedo Park, N. Y. James Isaac Russell, 601 Madison avenue. George Hope Ryder, 43 W. 50th street. Stanley Owen Sabel, 117 W. 58th street. Bernard Sachs, 135 Central Park West. Ernest Sachs, 1070 Madison avenue. James E. Sadlier, 295 Mills street, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. H. Davison Saril, 2020 Broadway. Fellows. 65 F. LeRoy Satterlee, 6 W. 56th street. George Reese Satterlee, 117 W. 58th street. Thomas E. Satterthwaite, 7 E. 80th street. Preston Satterwhite, Great Neck, L. I., N. Y. J. George Sauer, 106 W. 136th street. Eugene C. Savidge, 66 W. 50th street. Geo. A. DeSantos Saxe, 130 W. 71st street. Reginald H. Sayre, 9 E. 45th street. Max G. Schlapp, 40 E. 41st street. Winfield Scott Schley, 24 W. 45th street. Charles H. Schlichter, 1053 Elizabeth avenue, Elizabeth, N. J. Oscar M. Schloss, 54 W. 104th street. A. Emil Schmitt, 123 E. 60th street. J. Carl Schmuck, Lawrence, L. I., N. Y. George Augustus Schnepel, 238 W. 106th street. Frederick J. Schoenenberger, 247 W. 52nd street. Gustav Scholer, 10 Jumel Terrace near 162nd street. Charles Schram, 52 E. 82nd street. Herman Schwarz, 50 E. 91st street. George Scott, 1109 Pacific avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. George Dow Scott, 111 W. 77th street. Edward Wheeler Scripture, 87 Madison avenue. Harry H. Seabrook, 118 E. 72nd street. Louis Livingston Seaman, 247 Fifth avenue. William S. Seamans, 515 Madison avenue. Gustav Seeligmann, 53 E. 72nd street. August Seibert, 114 E. 57th street. Edward H. M. Sell, Craig Mawr Villa, Woodcrest avenue, White Plains, N. Y. Frederic Sellew, 78 E. 79th street. George Henry Semken, 144 W. 87th street. Newton M. Schaffer, 28 E. 38th street. Milton A. Shangle, 1143 E. Jersey street, Elizabeth, N. J. John Rowland Shannon, 23 W. 36th street. William Shannon, 130 W. 81st street. Edward A. Sharp, 339 — 15th street, Buffalo, N. Y. J. Clarence Sharp, 62 W. 46th street. Leander Howard Shearer, 449 Park avenue. Herman B. Sheffield, 127 W. 87th street. Edmund P. Shelby, 116 W. 74th street. Leo H. Shenier, 441 — 13th street, West New York, N. J. Elbert S. Sherman, 20 Central avenue, Newark, N. J. George Franklin Shiels, 75 W. 55th street. 66 The New York Academy of Medicine. Francis Wayles Shine, 31 E. 30th street. Henry L. Shively, 303 Amsterdam avenue. Peter David Shultz, 601 W. 156th street. Montgomery H. Sicard, 15 E. 48th street. C. Clarence Sichel, 210 Riverside Drive. Joseph Franklin Siler, Capt. Med. Corps, U. S. A. 5 7 W. 58th street. Henry Mann Silver, 11E. 43rd street. Lewis Mann Silver, 103 W. 72nd street. Charles E. Simmons, 762 Madison avenue. William Kelly Simpson, 952 Lexington avenue. Frank D. Skeel, 147 W. 57th street. Ross Hall Skillern, 2030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. John Wesley Small, North Tarry town, N. Y. Isabelle Thompson Smart, 101 W. 80th street. A. Alexander Smith, 18 W. 51st street. E. Terry Smith, 36 Pearl street, Hartford, Conn. Edward Franklin Smith, 4 W. 92nd street. Ernest Ellsworth Smith, 26 E. 29th street. George DeForest Smith, 25 Madison avenue. George Milton Smith, 10 North Kings Highway, St. Louis, Mo. Harmon Smith, 44 W. 49th street. Oscar G. Smith, 540 W. 159th street. Stephen Smith, 300 Central Park West. Fred P. Solley, 114 E. 60th street. John B. Solley, Jr., 124 W. 58th street. Frederic E. Sondern, 200 W. 56th street. Victor Edgar Sorapure, 187 W. Kingsbridge Road, Kingsbridge, N. Y. Angelo L. Soresi, 20 W. 47th street. Robert Edward Soule, 122 E. 34th street. Bernard Sour, 17 W. 88th street. Thomas S. South worth, 807 Madison avenue. Daniel Benham Spence, 615 W. 181st street. William Spickers, 6 Church street, Paterson, N. J. Edward A. Spilsbury, 141 Warburton avenue, Yonkers, N. Y. Edward C. Spitzka, 66 E. 73rd street. William P. Spratling, 1110 N. Charles street, Baltimore, Md. Edward Hamilton Squibb, 148 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y. J. Bentley Squier, Jr., 49 E. 49th street. Henry S. Stark, 1309 Madison avenue. Morris Stark, 433 E. 57th street. M. Allen Starr, 5 W. 54th street. Henry S. Stearns, 45 W. 58th street Fellows. 67 Thomas L. Stedman, 1425 Broadway. George Edwin Steel, The Apthorp, B’way & 79th street. Harry Merriman Steele, 226 Church street, New Haven, Conn. Edwin S. Steese, 46 E. 57th street. Arthur Stein, 1 W. 85th street. Richard Stein, 79 E. 79th street. Sydney A. Stein, 158 E. 72nd street. Antonio Stella, 214 E. 16th street. Franklin M. Stephens, 71 W. 49th street. Abram Richard Stern, 44 W. 87th street. Arthur Stern, 224 E. Jersey avenue, Elizabeth, N. J. Heinrich Stern, 250 W. 73rd street. Maximilian Stern, 80 W. 114th street. Edwin Sternberger, 43 E. 60th street. DeWitt Stetten, 1187 Madison avenue. Alexander Raymond Stevens, 40 E. 41st street. William Stevens, 381 Central Park West. George D. Stewart, 61 W. 50th street. Alfred Stillman, 2nd, 35 E. 39th street. Ralph G. Stillman, 120 W. 55th street. John E. Stillwell, 9 W. 49th street. Charles W. Stimson, 68 W. 40th street. Daniel M. Stimson, 28 W. 37th street. Lewis A. Stimson, 277 Lexington avenue. Horace S. Stokes, 31 W. 36th street. William Stephen Stone, 113 E. 62nd street. Thomas Andrew Storey, 611 W. 137th street. Bond Stow, 214 W. 70th street. William L. Stowell, 160 W. 73rd street. Walter Whitcomb Strang, 256 W. 100th street. Lawrence Watson Strong, 210 E. 64th street. Edward A. Stratton, 173 Main street, Danbury, Conn. Israel Strauss, 108 W. 87th street. Alfred N. Strouse, 79 W. 50th street. William Stubenbord, 53 W. 71st street. Leigh Francis Sturges, 42 W. 84th street. Frederic R. Sturgis, 116 W. 55th street. Arnold Sturmdorf, 51 W. 74th street. Augustus Walter Suiter, 105 Court street, Herkimer, N. Y. Albert E. Sumner, 127 W. 58th street. Fred Barrington Sutherland, 1 W. 34th street. Thompson T. Sweeny, 40 E. 41st street. Edwin E. Swift, 112 W. 81st street. George M. Swift, 20 W. 55th street. 68 The New York Academy of Medicine. George K. Swinburne, 64 E. 56th street. Brandreth Symonds, 444 W. 22nd street. Parker Syms, 540 Park avenue. Bernard S. Talmey, 12 W. 123rd street. Alfred S. Taylor, 115 W. 55th street. Fielding Lewis Taylor, 112 E. 60th street. George A. Taylor, 43 W. 48th street. Henry Ling Taylor, 125 W. 58th street. Howard C. Taylor, 32 W. 50th street. Thomas Madison Taylor, 12 W. 44th street. Joseph F. Terriberry, 120 W. 73rd street. Jacob Teschner, 134 E. 61st street. John S. Thacher, 20 W. 50th street. Carl Theobald, 234 E. 12th street. Allen M. Thomas, 35 W. 54th street. William S. Thomas, 240 W. 71st street. Hugh Currie Thompson, 15 W. 91st street. W. Gilman Thompson, 34 E. 31st street. Edgar S. Thomson, 19 E. 44th street. John J. Thomson, 40 W. 47th street. William H. Thomson, 70 E. 54th street. Victor Corse Thorne, 65 W. 54th street. Samuel W. Thurber, 104 E. 39th street. Gustav J. E. Tieck, 40 E. 41st street. Myles J. Tierney, 143 W. 74th street. Benjamin T. Tilton, 121 E. 38th street. Walter Timme, 158 W. 95th street. Edward C. Titus, 127 W. 11th street. Walstein M. Tompkins, 49 W. 38th street. S. W. Spencer Toms, Nyack, N. Y. Franz J. A. Torek, 1021 Madison avenue. Ralph Tousey, 43 W. 83rd street. Sinclair Tousey, 140 W. 57th street. David W. Tovey, 2400-7th avenue. Terry M. Townsend, 171 W. 71st street. Wisner R. Townsend, 125 W. 58th street. E. Clark Tracy, 27 E. 126th street. Ira Otis Tracy, L. I. State Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. J. Willard Travell, 27 E. 11th street. William B. Trimble, 39 E. 28th street. Edward L. Trudeau, Saranac Lake, N. Y. Carlos P. Tucker, 535 S. 7th avenue, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Edward Emory Tull, 119 W. 80th street. Percy R. Turnure, 55 W. 49th street. George M. Tuttle, 38 W. 52nd street. Fellows. 69 James P. Tuttle, 42 W. 50th street. Henry H. Tyson, 47 W. 51st street. Francis Valk, 164 E. 61st street. Frederick T. van Beuren, Jr., 812 Park avenue. Joshua M. Van Cott, 188 Henry street, Brooklyn, N. Y. John Van der Poel, 56 W. 52nd street. S. Oakley Van der Poel, 63 E. 55th street. Waldron B. Vanderpoel, 37 W. 76th street. Frank Van Fleet. 11E. 48th street. Philip Van Ingen, 125 E. 71st street. Richard Van Santvoord, 10 W. 122nd street. William W. Van Valzah, care of Guarantee Trust Co., 514 Fifth avenue. Cornelius D. Van Wagenen, 616 Madison avenue. Harold Stearns Vaughan, 616 Madison avenue. Agnes C. Vietor, Trinity Court, Boston, Mass. Wesley Grove Vincent, 172 W. 79th street. Hiram N. Vineberg, 751 Madison avenue. William Jerome Vogeler, 177 Palisade avenue. Yonkers, N. Y. Antonie P. Voislawsky, 128 W. 59th street. James D. Voorhees, 106 E. 60th street. Arthur S. Vosburgh, 85 E. 56th street. Frederick L. Wachenheim, 111 W. 85th street. Siegfried Wachsmann, 600 W. 141st street. Augustus B. Wadsworth, 114 W. 55th street. Adolph L. Waechter, 216 E. 12th street. Otto Wagner, 1051 Elizabeth avenue, Elizabeth, N. J. Ralph Waldo, 54 W. 71st street. D. Ernest Walker, 6 W. 83rd street. Emma Elizabeth Walker, 49 W. 39th street. Henry F. Walker, 18 W. 55th street. John B. Walker, 39 E. 33rd street. Charlton Wallace, 126 E. 34th street. George B. Wallace, 251 W. 73rd street. Newton Booth Waller, 53 E. 82nd street. Henry J. F. Wallhauser, 47 New street, Newark, N. J. Alfred C. Wallin, 468 W. 145th street. Mathilda K. Wallin, 616 Madison avenue. Arthur John Walscheid, 2030 Broadway. James J. Walsh, 110 W. 74th street. Simon J. Walsh, 25 E. 128th street. Josephine Walter, 61 W. 74th street. Henry W. Wandless, 9 E. 39th street. Alfred Wyckoff Ward, Closter, N. J. 70 The New York Academy of Medicine. Edwin F. Ward, 15 W. 96th street. Freeman F. Ward, 6 E. 58th street. George Gray Ward, Jr., 77 W. 50th street. G. Harold Ward, 55 E. 56th street. Wilbur Ward, 447 W. 59th street. Edward J. Ware, 121 W. 93rd street. Martin W. Ware, 27 E. 81st street. John W. Warner, 19 York avenue, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. John Warren, 616 Madison avenue. M. Claudius Warsaw, 169 W. 80th street. J. Hilton Waterman, 205 W. 57th street. James Sears Waterman, 676 St. Marks avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Leonard Weber, 132 W. 73rd street. David Webster, 308 Madison avenue. John E. Weeks, 46 E. 57th street. Walter Baer Weidler, 62 W. 58th street. Richard Weil, 163 W. 86th street. Wilhelm Weinberger, 252 Willis avenue. Frederic S. Weingarten, 28 W. 91st street. Robert F. Weir, 30 W. 50th street. Julius Weiss, 329 W. 28th street. Faneuil D. Weisse, 19 Gramercy Park. Harry Hibberd Weist, 185 Madison avenue. John Edgar Welch, 204 W. 70th street. Franklin Welker, 344 W. 145th street. Brooks H. Wells, 523 Madison avenue. Sara Welt-Kakels, 71 E. 66th street. Frank E. West, 172 Clinton street, Brooklyn, N. Y. James N. West, 71 W. 49th street. William Westerfield, 40 W. 127th street. William H. Weston, 400 W. 22nd street. Davenport White, 171 W. 95th street. Francis W. White, 43 W. 54th street. John Blake White, 1013 Madison avenue. Frederick Whiting, 19 W. 47th street. Royal Whitman, 283 Lexington avenue. Alfred Wiener, 616 Madison avenue. Joseph Wiener, Jr., 46 E. 78th street. Richard G. Wiener, 48 E. 65th street. Solomon Wiener, 67 W. 89th street. Orrin Sage Wightman, 113 W. 78th street. Herbert Budington Wilcox, 159 E. 70th street. Thomas H. Willard, 1 Madison avenue. Fellows. . 71 Anna Wessels Williams, Rochelle Park, N. J. Charles M. Williams, 48 E. 49th street. Howard Crosby Williams, 138 W. 71st street. Linsly Rudd Williams, 882 Park avenue. Mark H. Williams, 556 W. 150th street. William R. Williams, 74th st. & Central Park West. Anna S. Wilner, 133 W. 12th street. Frederick Newhall Wilson, 26 E. 41st street. Robert Justice Wilson, 549 Riverside Drive. James MacFarlane Winfield, 47 Halsey street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Joseph E. Winters, 25 W. 37th street. Fred Wise, 828 Lexington avenue. Rudolph A. Witthaus, 1 W. 30th street. Charles George Lewis Wolf, First avenue and 28th street. Henry Albert Wolff, 601 W. 149th street. Julius Wolff, 29 W. 89th street. Martha Wollstein, 2 W. 128th street. William B. Wood, 33 W. 47th street. John Woodman, 56 W. 56th street. I Ogden Woodruff, 152 W. 78th street. Julius Hayden Woodward, 58 W. 40th street. Scudder Johnson Woolley, 157 W. 76th street. George Woolsey, 117 E. 36th street. Herbert W. Wootton, 319 Lexington avenue. Jonathan Wright, 44 W. 49th street. Frederick W. Wunderlich, 8 Sidney place, Brooklyn, N. Y. George A. Wyeth, 40 E. 41st street. John A. Wyeth, 244 Lexington avenue. Robert H. Wylie, 72 W. 52nd street. W. Gill Wylie, 28 W. 40th street. Sidney Yankauer, 616 Madison avenue. David G. Yates, 79 W. 104th street. Frank Clark Yeomans, 46 W. 48th street. Vincent J. Youmans, 42 Claremont avenue, Mount Vernon, N. Y. Anna Rand Young, 41 E. 70th street. Charles H. Young, 41 E. 70th street. John Van Doren Young, 167 W. 71st street. Edwin G. Zabriskie, 37 W. 54th street. Adolph Zeh, 243 W. 52nd street. Herman Fred. Lange Ziegel, 8 W. 86th street. Jacques E. Zipser, 65 E. 84th street. Total Fellows, 1313 ASSOCIATE FELLOWS. Arthur N. Ailing, 257 Church street, New Haven, Conn. Frank C. Ard, 604 Park avenue, Plainfield, N. J. James William Atkinson, 27 Church street, Paterson, N. J. Frederick Randolph Bailey, 1165 E. Jersey street, Elizabeth, N. J. George H. Balleray, 115 Broadway, Paterson, N.J. Christopher C. Beling, 1098 Broad street, Newark, N.J. Henry J. Bogardus, 427 Bergen avenue, Jersey City, N. J. John B. Boucher, 23 Charter Oak street, Hartford, Conn. David T. Bowden, 117 Paterson street, Paterson, N. J. John C. Boyd, 1836-16th street, N. W., Washington, D. C. William M. Brien, 111 Main street, Orange, N. J. Frank Terry Brooks, Field Point Road, Greenwich, Conn. James S. Brown, 43 S. Fullerton avenue, Montclair, N. J. *Not a graduate in medicine. Harris Fenton Brownlee, 342 Main street, Danbury, Conn. Edward Leonard Bull, 73 Madison avenue, Jersey City, N. J. J. Francis Calef, Middletown, Conn. William H. Carmalt, 87 Elm street, New Haven, Conn. Talbot R. Chambers, 15 Exchange place, Jersey City, N.J. William J. Chandler, 65 South Orange avenue, South Orange, N. J. Henry L. Coit, 277 Mount Prospect avenue, Newark, N.J. Fred M. Corwin, 696 Avenue C, Bayonne, N. J. Theodore W. Corwin, 146 Second avenue, Newark, N. J. R. Percy Crandall, care of Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Daniel A. Currie, Palisade avenue, Englewood, N. J. William Edgar Darnall, 1704 Pacific avenue, Atlantic City, N.J. ^Charles B. Davenport, Ph.D., Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. Frederick F. C. Demarest, 29 Academy street, Passaic, N. J. Associate Fellows. 73 Gordon K. Dickinson, 280 Montgomery street, Jersey City, N. J. Wells P. Eagleton, 15 Lombardy street, Newark, N. J. Linn Emerson, Metropolitan Bldg, Orange, N. J. William H. Fitzgerald, 904 Main street, Hartford, Conn. Richard P. Francis, 16 Plymouth street, Montclair, N. J. Charles Fox Gardiner, 818 N. Cascade avenue, Colorado Springs, Colo. Samuel M. Garlick, 474 State street, Bridgeport, Conn. Rudolph W. Gelbach, 809 Hudson street, Hoboken, N. J. Charles C. Godfrey, 340 State street, Bridgeport, Conn. William B. Graves, 426 Main street, East Orange, N. J. Frank Kirkwood Hallock, Cromwell, Conn. Levi W. Halsey, 64 Church street, Montclair, N. J. Philander A. Harris, 26 Church street, Paterson, N. J. Thomas W. Harvey, 463 Main street, Orange, N. J. B. Van Doren Hedges, 703 Watchung avenue, Plainfield, N. J. *Not a graduate in medicine. Ellis W. Hedges, 703 Watchung avenue, Plainfield, N. J. Henry A. Henriques, 170 South street, Morristown, N. J. William Edward Hibbard, Pasadena, Cal. Fritz Carleton Hyde, Putnam avenue, Greenwich, Conn. Edward J. Ill, 1002 Broad street, Newark, N. J. *Holmes C. Jackson, Ph.B.,Ph.D., 338 E. 26th street. Walter B. Johnson, 170 Broadway, Paterson, N. J. Kenneth E. Kellogg, New Britain, Conn. Frederick A. Kinch, Broad st. & Mountain ave., Westfield, N. J. Philip Leach, Med. Inspector, U. S. Naval Hospital, Las Animas, Col. *Frederick S. Lee, 437 W. 59th street. Russell W. Lowe, Ridgefield, Conn. *Graham Lusk, 11 E. 74th street. Robert J. Lynch, 52 Courtland street, Bridgeport, Conn. John Charles McCoy, 292 Broadway, Paterson, N. J. Everett J. McKnight, 110 High street, Hartford, Conn. George E. McLaughlin, 41 Crescent avenue, Jersey City, N. J. 74 The New York Academy of Medicine. *John A. Mandel, 338 E. 26th street. Emory Marvel, 811 Pacific avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. Philip Marvel, 1616 Pacific avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. Harry E. Matthews, 12 Hillside avenue, Orange, N.J. Elizabeth Mercelis, 17 Plymouth street, Montclair, N.J. Henry S. Miles, 417 State street, Bridgeport, Conn. *George N. Miller, 811 Madison avenue. Carl E. M unger, 81 N. Main street, Waterbury, Conn. *John R. Murlin, Ph.D., Cornell Univ. Med. College, First avenue & 28th street. John B. Murphy, 100 State street, Chicago, 111. Edwin Henry Nall, 40 E. 41st street. Henry C. Neer, Park Ridge, N.J. William Neer, 243 Broadway, Paterson, N. J. Richard C. Newton, 42 Church street, Montclair, N.J. Bronislaus Onuf, Knickerbocker Hall, Amityville, L. I., N. Y. Samuel Pierson, 61 Broad street, Stamford, Conn. *Not a graduate in medicine. Stephen Pierson, 70 South street, Morristown, N. J. Isaac Hull Platt, Wallingford, Pa. John E. Pratt, Washington avenue, Dumont, N.J. Norman H. Probasco, 175 E. Front street, Plainfield, N. J. Joseph M. Rector, 307 York street, Jersey City, N. J. ^Margaret A. Reed, B. A., 419 W. 121st street. Edward K. Root, 160 Garden street, Hartford, Conn. Mefford Runyon, 110 Irvington avenue, South Orange, N. J. David St. John, 256 State street, Hackensack, N. J. William G. Schauffler, Madison avenue, Lakewood, N.J. Frederick Schavoir, 40 South street, Stamford, Conn. Gideon C. Segur, 67 Farmington avenue, Hartford, Conn. Milton Alex. Shlenker, 317-318 Macheca Bldg., New Orleans, La. Clarence Edward Skinner, 63 Grove street, New Haven, Conn. F. Freemont Smith, 1808 Massachusetts avenue, Washington, D. C. Associate Fellows. 7 5 Frank L. Smith, 2180 Main street, Bridgeport, Conn. Oliver C. Smith, 44 High street, Hartford, Conn. Herbert E. Smyth, 376 John street, Bridgeport, Conn. *George Soper, 29 Broadway. August Adrian Strasser, 115 Beech street, Arlington, N. J. Theron Y. Sutphen, 997 Broad street. Newark, N. J. Martin J. Synnott, 26 Fullerton avenue, Montclair, N. J. Charles E. Taft, 98 High street, Hartford, Conn. J. Eugene Thomson, Rutland, Vt. Sidney A. Twinch, Park place & Rector street, Newark, N. J. Byron G. Van Horne, Englewood, N. J. Gilbert Van Vranken, 155 High street, Passaic, N. J. Maria M. Vinton, 15 Halstead place, East Orange, N. J. Johannes H. M. A. von Tiling, 278 Mills street, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Jonathan M. Wainwright, 627 Linden street, Scranton, Pa. Henry Wallace, 201 Ridgewood avenue, Glen Ridge, N.J. *Benjamin White, Ph.B., Ph.D., 28 Church street. Saranac Lake, N. Y. Frederick M. Wilson, 834 Myrtle avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. Norton L. Wilson, 410 Westminster avenue, Elizabeth, N. J. John W. Wright, 810 Myrtle avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. Joseph C. Young, 964 Broad street, Newark, N. J. *Not a graduate in medicine. Total Associate Fellows, 111 FORM FOR BEQUESTS. The following- is a brief legal form as a suggestion under which bequests may be made in behalf of the Academy: I give, devise and bequeath unto “The New York Academy of Medicine” of the City of New York, State of New York, a corporation duly incorporated by the Legislature of the State of New York by an act, entitled “An act to incorporate The New York Academy of Medicine,” passed June 23, 1851, and amended June 4, 1853, and June 2, 1877 ( Here insert the amount of money bequeathed, or a description either of specific personal or real property, or both, given, or if it be the residue of an estate, state that fact, and for what pur - pose, or Fund, the same is to be used for, or go to. For the special Funds already established see Historical Note.)