630.7 I6b no. 672 cop. 8 UNIVERSITY DF AT * T , The OAT PLANT: Its Histology and Development By O. T. BONNETT BULLETIN 672 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION The OAT PLANT: Its Histology and Development By O. T. BONNETT BULLETIN 672 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Urbana, Illinois June, 1961 Publications in the bulletin series report the results of investigations made or sponsored by the Experiment Station CONTENTS PAGE Literature Review 5 Methods and Materials 6 General Morphology 6 Stages of Plant Development 7 VEGETATIVE STAGE 7 Shoot Apex 8 Epidermis: General Characteristics 10 Foliage Leaf 16 Epidermal tissue 17 Mesophyll tissue 19 Vascular tissue 21 Mechanical tissue 24 Collar 25 Ligule 25 Leaf sheath base 25 Stem 27 Node 27 Internode 29 Epidermal tissue 31 Mechanical tissue 31 Ground tissue 32 Vascular tissue 32 Tiller 33 Roots 35 Rootcap 38 Origin of epidermis, cortex, and stele 38 Epidermal tissue 39 Cortex 41 Stele 42 REPRODUCTIVE STAGE: PANICLE INITIATION AND DEVELOPMENT. . .43 Mature Panicle 43 Development of the Panicle 45 Spikelet 50 Rachilla 51 Floral axis 53 Spikelet differentiation 54 J. / REPRODUCTIVE STAGE Spikelet continued PAGE Empty glumes ...................................... 54 Lemma ........................................... 57 Awn ............................................. 60 Palea ............................................ 62 Lodicules .......................................... 63 Stamens .......................................... 66 Pistil ............................................. 73 Styles ......................................... 75 Stigma ........................................ 77 Ovary ......................................... 79 Ovule ......................................... 83 Embryo sac ..................................... 84 Integuments .................................... 86 Trichomes ...................................... 87 SEED STAGE: DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT KERNEL ............... 87 Mature Grain ......................................... 87 Pollination ............................................ 88 Fertilization ........................................... 90 Embryogeny .......................................... 93 Scutellum ......................................... 96 Epiblast ........................................... 98 Coleoptile ......................................... 99 Foliage leaves ..................................... 101 First internode ..................................... 1 02 Roots ........................................... 1 05 Endosperm ....................................... 108 LITERATURE CITED . .111 A list of the illustrations is on the following page. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Photomicrographs of sections of the shoot apex PAGE and of foliage leaves (Fig. 1 ) 9 Epidermis (Fig. 2) 1 2 Development of stomata (Fig. 3) 1 4 Mesophyll of the foliage leaf and a trichome (Fig. 4) 20 Leaf sheath (Fig. 5) 22 Stages in the development of the ligule (Fig. 6) 26 Stem (Fig. 7) 28 Tillers (Fig. 8} 34 Embryonic and young roots (Fig. 9) 37 Young and mature roots (Fig. 1 0) 40 Mature oat panicle and the nodes of its main axis (Fig. 11) 43 Stages in the development of the oat panicle (Fig. 12) 44 Longisections of early stages of panicle initiation (Fig. 13) 46 The pulvinus, the internodes of the main axis, and the branches of the panicle (Fig. 14) 49 Spikelets and spikelet parts (Fig. 15) 52 Glumes, lemmas, and paleas (Fig. 16) 56 Initiation and development of the lodicule (Fig. 17) 64 Development of the stamen and early stages of the anther. . .(Fig. 18) 67 Anthers (Fig. 19) 69 Anther and filament (Fig. 20) 70 Development of the pistil (Fig. 21 ) 74 Early stages in the development of the pistil (Fig. 22) 76 Style (Fig. 23) 78 Stigmatic branches of the style (Fig. 24) 80 The embryo sac and megasporogenesis (Fig. 25) 82 Egg, polar nuclei, and antipodal cells (Fig. 26) 85 Pollen and pollen tube growth (Fig. 27) 89 Fertilization of the polar nuclei and egg (Fig. 28) 92 Early stages in the development of the proembryo and of the embryo (Fig. 29) 94 Embryo development (Fig. 30) 97 Transections of a mature embryo at different levels (Fig. 31) 99 First internode of the oat seedling (Fig. 32) 1 03 Radicle (Fig. 33) 106 Development of the endosperm (Fig. 34) 1 09 THE OAT PLANT: Its Histology and Development By O. T. BONNETT, Professor of Plant Morphology THI-: DESCRIPTION OF THE CULTIVATED OAT GIVEN HERE COVERS THE initiation, development, and histological characteristics of each of the plant parts and the pollination, fertilization, and embryogeny of the plant. Photomicrographs supplement the description. The treatment of the subject matter is complete but not exhaustive. No attempt has been made to recite all of the variations in the struc- ture and development of the various plant parts. The number of such details is almost unlimited, and a full understanding of the variations in structure and development can only be gained first-hand. However, those plant parts that are sometimes overlooked or incompletely de- scribed have been given attention. The purpose has been to supply a source of information for the plant breeder, plant pathologist, or agronomist who may be in need of a better understanding of the structure and development of the oat plant. Literature Review Though the literature on the morphology of grasses is extensive, the number of publications on the oat plant is small. In the publication reporting her extensive studies of cereal, bamboo, and grass, Arber (1934) gave some attention to the oat. Esau (1953) included certain characteristics of the oat among her descriptions of the Gramineae. Stanton (1955) gave excellent detailed descriptions and illustrations of the parts of the oat plant that are useful in the identification of Avena. The shoot apex of the oat plant was described by Kliem (1936), Hamilton (1948), and Holt (1955). Among other topics, panicle development was included by Bonnett (1937) and Holt (1955). Development of the spikelet, floret, fertilization, and early embryogeny of Avena fatua L. were accurately described by Cannon (1900). Re- cently Brown and Shands (1957) studied pollen tube growth in the pistil and gave the time intervals for the events of fertilization and the first divisions of the embryo. Many of the details of development and histology described for other grasses are found to be similar in the oat. Some of these descrip- tions will be referred to in the text. 6 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, Methods and Materials Several varieties of cultivated spring oats were used in this study. Clinton C.I. No. 4606, Columbia C.I. No. 2828, and an early maturing Canadian selection, Valor, provided most of the material. Standard histological techniques were used. Formalin-acetic acid- alcohol and Craf (Randolph, 1935) and Craf II and III, both as modified by Sass (1951), were used for killing and fixing material for paraffin sections and for clearing. The tertiary butyl alcohol method described by Johansen (1940) was used for dehydrating and em- bedding material to be sectioned with a microtome. Most of the stain- ing was done by the tannic acid-iron alum, Safranin O and Orange G procedure of Sharman (1943). Other staining procedures were used to study special details, such as an iodine-potassium iodide solution to stain pollen grains and pollen tubes in the styles (Pope, 1946). Cleared material was used for determining the course of vascular bundles and for studying the position and relation of the parts to each other. Clearing was done with a mixture of equal parts by volume of chloral hydrate and of phenol crystals which, when mixed, form a liquid. The plant material was placed in the liquid and heated until the part was clear. After clearing, the plant material was placed in lactic acid for storage and subsequent observation. Cleared material was also washed in several changes of 50-percent ethanol until the clearing solution was removed. The cleared material was then dehy- drated in an ethanol series to xylene and mounted. General Morphology The cultivated oat is an annual grass. Its major morphological characteristics are typical of grasses in general. The oat stem, or culm, is composed of a series of nodes and internodes, with alternate solitary, sessile leaves in two ranks. The mature stem may terminate in a loose, open panicle. The panicle consists of a main axis terminating in a single, multiflorous spikelet. Alternate groups of branches are found along the main axis, each branch terminating in a single, multiflorous spikelet (Fig. 11, A). The fruit is a caryopsis furrowed on the side opposite to the embryo. The caryopsis consists of a starchy endosperm and of an embryo inclosed together within the walls of the caryopsis. In addition to leaves, stems produce intervaginal, axillary branches (tillers). The fibrous root system consists of two groups: the seedling roots and the permanent roots. 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 7 Stages of Plant Development The life cycle of the oat plant from germination to the mature seed can be divided into four stages. They are the vegetative, transi- tion, reproductive, and seed stages (Bonnett, 1937). Each of these stages can be distinguished from the others by its morphological char- acteristics and by the developmental events that occur in it. In the vegetative stage, leaves, axillary shoots (tillers), and the permanent root system (adventitious roots) are initiated and develop. The apex of the main shoot (Fig. 12, A, B) and the apexes of the tillers remain short and round at the tip during this stage, and the stem internodes are usually very short. The transition stage is of short duration and more difficult than the other stages to identify in the oat since it con- sists only of a slight elongation of the shoot apex preceding the initia- tion of the panicle. During the reproductive stage, the panicle and its parts differentiate and develop, and the internodes of the stem elon- gate. The seed stage begins with fertilization and terminates with the maturation of the seed. Each stage is terminal in the sense that the kinds of parts initiated in a given stage are not initiated in a later stage. For example, the initiation of foliage leaves, of nodes, and of tiller primordia terminates with the transition stage, which, in its turn, is followed by panicle initiation in the reproductive stage. However, while the initiation of the tiller primordia terminates in the vegetative stage, tillers may grow and develop during the formation of the panicle, and they sometimes appear as "second growth" after the seed has matured on the plant. The various developmental stages in spring-seeded oats are not equally long. The length of the vegetative stage varies with the time of seeding because in a given location and with a given variety or maturity group, panicle initiation will begin at approximately the same date each year. However, the length of time of the reproductive stage is nearly constant from year to year for any given variety or maturity group. The duration of the seed stage is likewise nearly constant. The two stages are not, however, of identical duration (Ross, 1955). VEGETATIVE STAGE At germination the developmental events that were initiated in the embryo are resumed. The events initiated in the embryo will be described in detail in the section on embryogeny. When the caryopsis is mature, the shoot (plumule) of the embryo consists of two leaf 8 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, primordia and the shoot apex. The shoot apex is inclosed by the first leaf, and the entire shoot is inclosed by the coleoptile. The root sys- tem consists only of the seminal roots: the primary root, or radicle, and two, three, or more adventitious roots. The radicle is covered by the coleorhiza. When growth is resumed, at germination, the coleoptile and the leaves of the shoot elongate, and soon the leaves of the shoot break through the coleoptile. At the same time, the first internode of the stem elongates and raises the shoot, if planting is at a depth of 1 or more inches, to a point just beneath the surface of the soil. Leaves are initiated beneath the apex of the shoot, and axillary shoots (tillers) and the adventitious roots of the permanent root system are initiated in the stem internodes. Shoot Apex The apexes of the main and lateral shoots, together with the apexes of the roots, constitute the apical meristems of the oat plant. The apical meristems are self -perpetuating. The lateral organs and the structures of the stem and root are produced from their cell derivatives (Figs. 1, A; 9, A). During the vegetative stage, the shoot apex is a short hemisphere. The length and shape of the shoot apex changes from the beginning of the plastochron, when the apex is shortest, to the end of the plasto- chron, when it is longest. The shoot apex also increases in length and diameter as the plant approaches the reproductive stage. The cytohistological zones present in the shoot apex of the oat are characteristic of the usual angiosperm type described by Popham (1951). They consist of the mantle (tunica), the subapical initials, a peripheral zone, and a central meristem (Fig. 1, A). The mantle Photomicrographs of sections of the shoot apex and of foliage leaves. A. Apex of the main shoot in the vegetative stage. X230. B. Longisection of foliage leaf primordia. X287. C. Transection of parts of some foliage leaves at an early stage of develop- ment. X66. D. Transection of a portion of a foliage leaf, showing the bulliform cells in the upper surface of the leaf. X66. E. Transection of a foliage leaf at the margin. X66. F. Transection through the midrib of a leaf. X 100. G. Transection of a medium-sized vascular bundle of a leaf. X230. (bl = bulliform cells; cm = central meristem; f = fibers; in = initiation of leaf; Ip = leaf primordium; m = mantle; me = mesophyll; mt = mestom; pe = peripheral meristem; sa =subapical initials; vb = vascular bundle; x = periclinal cell divisions) 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT (Fig. 1. Sec opposite page for legend) 10 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, consists of a single cell layer (Kliem, 1936) which develops eventually into the epidermal layer. Initiation of foliage leaves and leaf-like parts begins in the mantle. The subapical initials are composed of a self -perpetuating group of a few irregularly shaped cells that may divide in any plane. The derivatives of the subapical initials form the peripheral and central meristem zones. Procambial strands and lateral shoots are initiated in the peripheral zone. Ground, or funda- mental tissue (usually called pith), develops from the cells of the central meristem. Epidermis: General Characteristics The general characteristics common to the oat epidermis on all parts of the oat plant will be described here preceding the description of the specific characteristics of the epidermis of the leaf. Specific characteristics of the epidermis of other parts or structures will be given later. The oat, Avena, belongs to the Festucoideae, a group of grasses whose epidermal cells are rather simple in shape: their hairs are unicellular, and their silica cells are mostly round or elongate (Prat, 1936, 1948). The epidermis originates from the protodermal (outer- most) layer of cells of the proembryo and later from the protodermal layers of the apical meristems. Habertandt's term, protoderm, was used by Esau (1953) for the undifferentiated epidermis. Prat (1948) classified the epidermal cells into three groups: (a) fundamental cells, consisting of long cells with straight, or undulating, or deeply fur- rowed walls; (b) differentiated cells consisting of silica, cork, tri- chomes, guard, and subsidiary cells; and (c) bulliform cells. Cells of the protoderm are square or short rectangles, with thin walls, large nuclei, and dense, darkly staining cytoplasm. Cell divisions in the protoderm are mostly anticlinal or, if viewed from the surface, at right angles to the long axis of the structure covered. At first the primordium of the leaf, shoot, or root is covered by the protoderm, but later the protoderm is restricted to the intercalary zones of meri- stematic tissue, and finally it disappears as the plant matures. Differ- entation of the epidermis is basipetal. For example, differentiation of the epidermis is from the tip of the leaf toward the base or, on the stem, from the node toward the base of the internode. The leaf and the stem mature in the same order. Epidermal cells are arranged end to end in rows that extend the length of the structure covered. The cells of a row may all be of one kind, or a row may consist of combinations of cell types. More than 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 11 one row of any cell type or combination of cell types may be found side by side, forming a strip that may extend for a considerable dis- tance or for the entire length of a plant part. Fundamental cells, bulliform cells, or cells with thick, lignified walls may occur in rows consisting of only a single type of cell. Rows of combinations of cells consist of fundamental cells with stomata, with silica and cork cells, or with trichomes. The type of wall of the fundamental cells varies at different places on the plant part or on different plant parts. Fundamental cells constitute the greatest proportion of the epi- dermis (Fig. 2, A, B, C, D). Differentiation of the fundamental cells consists first of the elongation of the protodermal cells and, then, of the development of their special characteristics. In those fundamental cells that have undulating or deeply furrowed walls at maturity (Fig. 2, E), undulations appear while the cell walls are thin. As the cells mature, the undulations become deeper and the walls thicker. The most extreme type is the thick-walled, deeply-furrowed fundamental cell of the lemma or palea. Almost without exception, silica and cork cells are found in com- bination with fundamental cells having undulating or deeply furrowed walls (Fig. 2, D, E). This combination is found on the external sur- face of the empty glumes, on the lemma and palea, on the basal half of the leaf sheath, on the culm near the nodes, and on the main axis and branches of the panicle. Silica and cork cells result from a series of divisions within the row of cells in which they occur. A proto- dermal cell divides at right angles to the long axis of the plant part. The basal cell of the pair elongates, but the apical member remains short, very little larger than the nucleus and with dense, darkly stain- ing cytoplasm. The elongating cells usually alternate with the short cells, but two or more long cells may occur between the short cells. The nucleus of the short cell divides at right angles to the long axis of the plant part to produce a pair of short cells which become the silica and cork cells (Fig. 2, E, F, si and ck). The silica cell, which in the oat is round, is always toward the apex of the plant part. The cork cell, which is the basal member of the pair, is shaped approximately like a half moon, with the open side of the crescent toward the silica cell. The silica cells are filled with SiO 2 . The cork cells have suberized, impermeable walls. Silica is also deposited in the walls of other cells of the epidermis as well as in the lumen and walls of silica cells (Bonner, 1950). Miller (1938) stated that 46 percent of the ash of the oat plant is silica. If the cellulose is oxidized with sulphuric and chromic acid, silica skele- tons of the cells can be obtained (Zimmerman, 1901). Silica skeletons 1-' v . . .* F 4 (Fig. 2. See opposite page for legend) 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 13 of all types of cells of the epidermis, as well as of fibers and of xylem elements, have been obtained from oat stems, leaves, lemma, and palea. Some silica skeletons of the epidermal cells are shown in Fig. 2, G. Two pairs of cells, the guard cells and the subsidiary cells, are associated with each stoma (Fig. 3, A, G, s and g). The guard cells are on either side of the stoma, and a subsidiary cell is on the other side of each guard cell. The guard and subsidiary cells are oriented with their long axes parallel to the long axis of the plant part. Mature guard cells have thick walls bordering the stoma, but at either end the walls are thin. The ends of a guard cell are enlarged, so that seen from the surface, it has the shape of a dumbbell. The thin-walled subsidiary cells are the same length as the guard cells and lie adjacent to them. In the oat, the guard and subsidiary cells form an ovoid-shaped group. The guard cells and the subsidiary cells do not originate from the protoderm (Fig. 3, B) in the same way (Campbell, 1881; Porterfield, 1937). Two divisions occur in the production of the guard cells. A protodermal cell in the row in which the stoma are formed divides to produce two cells. The basal member of the pair elongates and be- comes the fundamental cell of the combination. The apical member of the pair remains short and is the cell from which the guard cells are produced (Fig. 3, C, gm and fd). Before it divides, the short cell elongates slightly, becoming rectangular, and the nucleus divides parallel to the long axis of the plant part. A wall forms around each of the nuclei to produce each of the two guard cells (Fig. 3, E, g). As the guard cells mature, an opening, called the stoma, is formed between them (Fig. 3, A). Prior to the division of the nucleus of the short cell, the nucleus of each adjacent fundamental cell comes to rest opposite the short cell and divides parallel to its long axis. Each new nucleus adjacent to the short cell is inclosed by a wall to form a subsidiary cell that is the same length as the short cell (Fig. 3, D, E, s). The two subsidiary cells may or may not develop simultaneously. Rarely, one or both of the subsidiary cells may be lacking. Epidermis. (Fig. 2) A. Upper (adaxial) epidermal layer of a leaf blade. X66. B. Lower (abaxial) epidermal layer of a leaf blade. X66. C. Inner (adaxial) epidermal layer of a leaf sheath. X66. D. Outer (abaxial) epidermal layer of a leaf sheath. X66. E. Silica and cork cells. X100. F. Longisection of a silica and a cork cell. X647. G. Silica skeletons of epidermal cells. X287. (bl = bulliform cell; ck = cork cell; si = silica cell) 14 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, Unicellular trichomes are epidermal appendages that are found on all parts of the oat plant. They may be short, pointed, and hook shaped or long with sharp points. The hook-shaped trichomes regu- larly occur on the surface and margins of leaves and of leaf-like parts (Fig. 4, E) and on the main axis and branches of the inflorescence. They are usually over the vascular bundles with the point of the trichome toward the apex of the plant part. Trichomes may also be (Fig. 3. See opposite page for legend) 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 15 found between vascular bundles, with the point toward the base in most cases. The long, pointed trichomes are found on the ovary and along the keels of the palea. The apex of the lemma, the palea, and the ligule and the margins of the lemma and the palea near the apex terminate in sharp-pointed epidermal cells that are like trichomes, but in the strictest sense of the term, they would not be called trichomes. Initiation of a trichome occurs in the protoderm. A good place to observe this process is at the margin of the blade of a young leaf. Every other cell at the margin of the leaf forms a trichome. The first indication of the initiation of a trichome by one of these cells is a pro- trusion of its outer tangential wall. The protrusion continues to elon- gate and turns toward the apex of the plant part, and the base of the trichome elongates. A sharp tip is formed, and the cell becomes hook shaped. The differentiation of a long, pointed trichome consists pri- marily in the protrusion and marked elongation of the outer tangential wall of the cell of the protoderm and in the development of a sharp tip. The cytoplasm extends to the tip of the long, pointed trichomes, and the nucleus is located about halfway between the base and the tip of the cell. Thick walls extend to the tip of the trichome. Bulliform cells, also called motor cells, are found in the upper surface of the leaf blade (Fig. 2, A, bl). They are thought to func- tion in unrolling the developing leaves or in rolling up the grass leaf during dry, hot weather (Esau, 1953), but the shrinkage of other structural elements is just as important in the process (Shields, 1951; Esau, 1960). Bulliform cells differentiate from the protodermal cells by elongating and increasing in diameter. Bulliform cells have thin, smooth, straight walls and differ from the straight-walled fundamental cells in being shorter and larger in diameter. Development of stomata. (Fig. 3) A. Mature stomata. X647. B. Early stage in the development of the protoderm. X647. C. Formation of guard cell mother cells (short), which alternate in a cell row with fundamental cells (long). X647. D. Initiation of subsidiary cells by divisions in the fundamental cells ad- jacent to the guard cell mother cell. X647. E. Subsidiary cells have formed and are in position. In the upper group, the guard cell mother cell has not divided to produce the guard cells, but the division is completed in the lower group. X647. F. Longisection of a guard cell. X230. G. Transection of guard and subsidiary cells. X230. (fd = fundamental cells; g = guard cells; gm = guard cell mother cells: s = subsidiary cells) 16 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, Foliage Leaf A completely developed oat leaf consists of a terminal portion, or blade, a basal portion, or sheath, and a membranous appendage, or ligule at the junction of the blade and sheath. The blade of the leaf may be described as elongate, flat, narrow, and linear. The margin of the blade is entire, and the tip is acute. The leaf sheath is an open cylinder. In the young plant, the sheaths of the older leaves inclose the stem and the younger leaves. At maturity the leaf sheath incloses all or a portion of the internode above it. The ligule is a thin, mem- branous structure which is attached at the inner margin of the junction of the leaf blade and leaf sheath. The region on the back (abaxial surface) of the leaf, at the junction of the blade and sheath, is called the collar (Hitchcock, 1935). When the internodes of the culm elongate, the base of each of the leaf sheaths in the elongating portion of the culm becomes very thick. The thick base of the leaf sheath functions to raise lodged culms. Arber (1934) designated the thick- ened leaf sheath as a pulvinus. Foliage leaves and the leaf-like parts are initiated before the axil- lary structures: the shoots (tillers) and shoot-like parts. Each of the two groups of parts arises by periclinal cell divisions, the leaves and leaf-like parts in the first cell layer of the shoot and the shoot and shoot-like parts in the third cell layer. Since these parts arise from the outer cell layers of the shoot apex, they are called exogenous structures. Roots arise in the deeper cell layers and are called endog- enous structures. The foliage leaf is initiated on the side of the shoot apex, a short distance from the tip (Fig. 1, A, in). The first periclinal cell division initiates the tip of the leaf (Kliem, 1936; Sharman, 1945; Bonnett, 1953; Barnard, 1955). Periclinal divisions in the first cell layer pro- ceed to encircle each side of the shoot apex until the margins nearly meet. Periclinal divisions of the cells in the area of initiation continue, producing a ridge and then a fold of tissue (Fig. 1, A, B). Growth is more rapid at the point of initiation, and soon the tip of the leaf primordium forms a cowl around the apex of the shoot (Fig. 12, A). Increases in length, width, and thickness of the leaf result, first, from cell divisions in different regions of the leaf and, second, from cell enlargement. The increase in the length and width is due at first to periclinal cell divisions in the marginal meristem and in the submarginal initials at the margin of the leaf primordium (Fig. 1, A, 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 17 B). In the next stage, cell divisions occur throughout the primordium. But finally, the increase in length is limited to intercalary growth at the base of the developing leaf. Intercalary growth is responsible for most of the increase in the length of the blade and for all of the growth of the leaf sheath. The increase in the thickness of the leaf is the result of cell divisions parallel to the long axis of the leaf (Fig. 1, B, x). The leaf is much thicker at the procambial strands than between them so that in transverse section it has a ridged appearance, which is very pronounced in the early stages of development (Fig. 1, C). The mesophyll has fewer cells between the procambial strands, ranging from 3 at the narrowest point, near the margin of the leaf, to 5 at the thickest part, near the central vascular bundle. Except for the first foliage leaf, the leaves of the shoot arise in acropetal succession from the shoot apex and grow inside of the pre- ceding leaves. As they increase in width, the leaf blade and the leaf sheath are rolled with one margin inside and one outside. As the blade emerges from the folds of the preceding leaf, it gradually unrolls until it is almost completely flat except at the collar. At maturity, however, the margins of the sheath overlap each other for a part or all of the length of the sheath. All of the blade and a portion of the sheath are initiated before the initiation of the ligule begins. The collar is the last characteristic of the leaf to develop. Epidermal tissue The distribution of the types and combinations of epidermal cells varies on different plant parts and on the different surfaces of the leaf blade and the leaf sheath. Except at the margins, the types of epi- dermal cells are distributed in one way over the vascular bundles and in another between them (Fig. 2, A, B, C, D). Over the vascular bundles on the outer (abaxial) and inner (adaxial) surface of the leaf blade and over the outer surface of the leaf sheath, the fundamental cells have thick, undulating walls that are usually lignified in the mature leaf, especially the outer wall. The rows of cells over the smallest vascular bundles may consist of one row of the trichome- fundamental cell combination alone or of a row of fundamental cells on each side of the combination. The band of epidermal cells over the larger vascular bundles may consist of two or more rows of the tri- chome- fundamental cell combination together with several rows of fundamental cells. For any specific size of vascular bundle, the special band is wider on the lower than on the upper surface. 18 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, The epidermal cells between the vascular bundles are usually thinner walled than over the vascular bundles. From 1 to 3 or more rows of the stomata-fundamental combination run parallel to the vas- cular bundles but are usually separated from the thick-walled funda- mental cells over the vascular bundle by one or more rows of long rectangular, thin-walled fundamental cells. Between the rows of stomata are three or more rows of bulliform cells on the upper surface, but on the lower surface there are no bulliform cells, only rows of rectangular thin-walled fundamental cells. The number of rows of stomata is greatest near the large vascular bundles. Along a vascular bundle from the tip of the leaf blade to the collar, the number of rows of stomata is least at the tip, greatest at the middle, and intermediate at the collar. There are more stomata on the upper than on the lower surface of the leaf blade, due to a greater number of rows with stomata and not to a closer spacing in the rows. The rows of stomata are ap- proximately opposite in the two surfaces of the leaf blade. The margins of the leaf blade and leaf sheath are different from each other (Figs. 1, E; 5, E). At the edge of the leaf blade are two or more rows of hook-shaped trichomes in combination with undu- lating thick-walled fundamental cells. Two or more rows of funda- mental cells are interior to the trichome-fundamental cell combination on each of the leaf surfaces. The margin of the leaf sheath terminates in a zone, several cells wide, consisting of only the two epidermal layers. In this zone the perpendicular walls of the outer and inner epidermal layers of the margin of the leaf sheath collapse, leaving only the thick, lignified, outer walls that project beyond the cells of the inner epidermal layer. A transection of the leaf sheath shows that from the external margin of the leaf sheath inward to the first vascular bundle, the epidermis consists of thin-walled fundamental cells with oblique or pointed end walls. The margin has no specialized cells. The inner and outer epidermal layers of the leaf sheath differ greatly (Fig. 2, C, D). The outer epidermal layer is an extension of the epidermal layer on the under (abaxial) side of the leaf blade. Near the collar, the types and distribution of the cells are similar to that of the leaf blade (Fig. 2, B). At the base of the leaf sheath, all of the fundamental cells have thick, undulating walls (Fig. 2, D). In the basal area, in addition to the trichome-fundamental cell com- bination and the stomata-fundamental cell combination, silica and cork cells are always present in combination with the fundamental cells between the stomata rows and may be present in the row with the stomata. A gradual change from thin-walled to thick, undulating-walled 1961} HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 19 fundamental cells in combination with silica and cork cells occurs be- tween the vascular bundles located between the collar and the base of the leaf sheath. The fundamental cells with thick, undulating walls appear first along the sides of each zone between the vascular bundles and are gradually added toward the center. The inner epidermis of the leaf sheath consists of rows of thin- walled fundamental cells alone or in combination with stomata (Fig. 2, C). The fundamental cells over the vascular bundles are a little thicker than those between the vascular bundles. Only a few rows of stomata are present, and no rows of trichomes or of silica and cork cells are in the inner epidermis of the leaf sheath. Mesophyll tissue The mesophyll is the ground tissue between the epidermal layers of the blade and of the leaf sheath. Vascular and mechanical tissue are the only other types of tissue inside the blade and sheath. Most of the tissue is mesophyll. The mesophyll in the blade consists of thin-walled parenchyma cells lined with chloroplasts (Figs. 1, G, me; 4, A, C, F, me) and is therefore also called chlorenchyma. It is the major photosynthetic tissue of the oat plant. The mature cells of the mesophyll are bilobed or multilobed, which characteristic brings about an increase in the surface of the cell without increasing its diameter (Fig. 4, B, F, me). The lobes of the cells in the outermost layers of the mesophyll extend toward and are in contact with the epidermal layers as well as with the adjacent chlorenchyma cells on either side or beneath them. The lobes of the cells in the interior of the mesophyll make contact in any plane with the lobes of adjacent cells. The large spaces between the lobes give the mesophyll a spongy appearance, hence the term spongy parenchyma (Fig. 4, A, B, C). There is no palisade layer in the oat plant. Large substomatal chambers form beneath the stomata, and the substomatal chambers of the upper and lower epidermis may be con- tinuous (Fig. 4, A, sc). The mesophyll of the leaf blade is produced from the cells derived from the submarginal initials at the margin of the leaf. The cells derived from the submarginal initials divide anticlinally as well as periclinally to produce the first two layers of the mesophyll. In the region where the procambial strands are initiated, one of the two cell layers of the ground meristem divides in a plane parallel to the leaf surfaces, which makes three cell layers instead of two (Fig. 1, B, x). 20 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, (Fig. 4. See opposite page for legend) 1961} HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 21 A transverse division of a cell of the middle layer initiates the pro- cambial strand, which develops acropetally. The lobes are initiated in the cells of the mesophyll by indentations in the cell walls (Fig. 4, D). These indentations increase in depth and width, producing the intercel- lular space between the cells of the mesophyll. In the leaf sheath, the ground tissue consists of parenchyma with chloroplasts (chlorenchyma) and of parenchyma without chloroplasts. The chlorenchyma is in bands between the vascular bundles and next to the outer epidermal layer (Fig. 5, A, cl). Large intercellular spaces and large substomatal chambers do not develop in the chlorenchyma or other cells of the ground tissue of the leaf sheath as they do in the mesophyll of the leaf. The parenchyma without chloroplasts extends from the chlorenchyma (Fig. 5, A, par) to the inner epidermal layer. The parenchyma without chloroplasts breaks down, and extensive lacunae develop. Disintegration of the ground tissue of the leaf sheath may be so extensive that little is left but the epidermal layers, the vascular bundles, and the fiber bundle caps (Fig. 5, F, la). Vascular tissue The stern and leaves of the oat plant have collateral vascular bundles typical of the Festucoid type (Prat, 1936). A collateral vascular bundle is defined as a vascular bundle that has the xylem and phloem side by side on the same radius. The phloem is toward the outside (abaxial) and the xylem toward the inside (adaxial) of a part or structure. The phloem consists of sieve tubes and companion cells arranged in a compact oval group. The xylem consists of large and small vessels and parenchyma cells. In the Festucoideae the vascular Mesophyll of the foliage leaf and a trichome. (Fig. 4) A. Longisection of a leaf blade, showing guard cells in the upper and lowrr epidermis as well as substomatal chambers and spaces among the cells of the mesophyll. X287. B. Longisection of a leaf blade, showing the multilobed cells of the nu so- phyll. X54. C. A section of a leaf blade cut parallel to the surface. It passes through a small vascular bundle and through the mesophyll. Chloroplasts are present. X287. D. Surface view of an early stage of development of the mcsophyll, show- ing the beginning of the development of the lobes. Cliloroplasts are not yet present. X287. E. Longisection of a leaf blade, showing a hook-shaped trichome. X230. F. Multilobed cells of the mesophyll from macerated tissue. Chloroplasts are present in the cells. X287. (me = mesophyll; sc = substomatal chamber) 22 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, bundle is surrounded by two groups of sheath cells, an outer sheath consisting of thin-walled chlorenchyma cells and an inner sheath, the mestom, consisting of cells with thick, lignified walls (Figs. 1, F, G, me and mt; 7, F, mt). In the Panicoideae, to which maize belongs, the vascular bundles usually have only a single sheath of thin-walled parenchyma cells. f (Fig. 5. See opposite page for legend) 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 23 The ontogeny of the vascular bundle of the oat leaf is very similar to that described by Esau (1953) for maize. Procambial strands develop acropetally from the base of the leaf primordium and later in the intercalary meristem at the base of the leaf. A protophloem sieve tube element is the first specialized cell of the procambial strand to be delimited and develops acropetally. When there are two or more proto- phloem sieve tubes, the first protoxylem vessel element appears. The protoxylem vessel has spiral or annular thickenings. The protophloem sieve tubes are without companion cells. These appear later with the metaphloem. When the metaphloem develops, the protophloem is crushed and may be visible in some specimens as the deep-staining material at the exterior boundary of the phloem. The protoxylem ele- ments may be replaced by a lacuna. The differentiation of the xylary elements begins in the tip of the leaf, which is the older portion, and proceeds basipetally. The maturation of the vascular bundle is com- pleted first at the tip of the leaf and proceeds basipetally, as described for the xylem. Vascular differentiation begins in the leaf with the initiation of the median procambial strand, followed by the production of a lateral procambial strand on either side of and parallel to the median pro- cambial strand. As the leaf blade increases in width and length, other procambial strands are added toward the margins of the leaf and between the existing strands. A transverse procambial strand connects the end of a new vascular bundle to one or both of the vascular bundles on either side of it. Other transverse procambial strands are formed at rather regular intervals connecting adjacent parallel vascular bundles. All or nearly all of the vascular bundles in the blade are continuous with bundles in the leaf sheath, and others are found only in the leaf sheath. In the blade, the vascular bundles are about midway between the epidermal layers (Fig. 1, D, G), but, in the leaf sheath, the vascular bundles may be nearer the outer epidermal layer. Leaf sheath. (Fig. 5) A. Transection of a leaf sheath above the pulvinus. X66. B. Longisection of the base of a leaf sheath, showing the thick base, the pulvinus. X27. C. Transection of a leaf sheath through the pulvinus. Large bundle caps of nonlignified cells are over each vascular bundle. X27. D. Higher magnification of a transection of the cells of a bundle cap. X287. E. A margin of a leaf sheath in transection. X287. F. Longisection of a leaf sheath, showing the beginning of a lacuna in the ground tissue. X66. (be = bundle cap; cl = chlorenchyma; f = fiber strand; la = lacuna; par = parenchyma) 24 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, Not all of the parallel vascular bundles in the leaf or in other parts of the plant are of the same size. The median vascular bundle (Fig. 1, C, F, vb) in the leaf blade is the largest, and the next largest are the major lateral vascular bundles on either side. One or more small vascular bundles are between the median and the major bundles. When viewed in transverse section, the median and the major lateral vascular bundles in the blade can be identified by the fiber strands above and below them. The fiber strands are larger on the lower than on the upper side of the vascular bundle (Fig. 1, F, f) and occupy the areas between the mestom sheath and the epidermal layers. Usually the thin-walled outer sheath cells of the vascular bundle are limited to the sides of the vascular bundles. The fiber strands above and below the major vascular bundles limit the lateral extension of the inter- cellular spaces of the mesophyll. The small vascular bundles in the leaf blade do not have fiber strands in contact with them but are completely surrounded by the outer thin-walled sheath cells, which contain chlorophyll (Fig. 1, D). These bundles have fewer cells in the phloem and in the xylem. They also lack the large, prominent metaxylem vessels. In the leaf sheath, the large vascular bundles may have fiber strands on both sides, filling the space between the bundles and the epidermal layers, or the fiber strands may be limited to the side next to the outer epidermal layer (Fig. 5, A, f). In the case of the small vascular bundles of the leaf sheath, fiber strands are present only between the vascular bundle and the outer epidermal layer. Mechanical tissue Mechanical support of the blade and sheath of the oat leaf depends primarily upon the fiber strands associated with the vascular bundles (see just above). In addition, there are fiber strands in the margins of the leaf blade (Fig. 1, E, f) but not in the margins of the leaf sheath. The cells in the vascular bundle that have thick, lignified walls also provide support. In addition, the cells of the epidermis adjacent to the fiber strands have thick, lignified walls and add to the support of the leaf and sheath (Figs. 1, F, G, f; 5, A, f). Cells of the fiber strands are long and pointed at both ends. They have thick lignified walls and a small lumen. Measurements of twenty- five oat fibers compared with the same number of fibers of bamboo sp. showed that the average diameter of the oat fiber was 180 microns and of the bamboo 151 microns. The length of oat fibers averaged 1327 and bamboo 1925 microns. The oat fiber was wider and shorter than the bamboo fiber. 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 25 Collar Collar is the term applied to the region on the back of the leaf where the blade and sheath meet (Hitchcock, 1935). The margins of the leaf curve inward at that point, forming a cup-like depression around the stem. A triangular area on either side of the blade, with the base of the triangle at the margin of the blade and the apex at the median vein, lacks chlorophyll; otherwise the histology of the collar resembles that of the leaf blade just above it. Ligule The ligule is a thin, membranous outgrowth of the epidermis, extending from margin to margin on the adaxial surface of the leaf at the collar. The ligule is several cells thick at the point of its attach- ment but narrows down to 1 or 2 cells at the apex. The apical margin is like a fringe, the points of which terminate in a single cell. In cross section the ligule is widest at the middle and tapers to 2 cells wide at the margins. The abaxial surface of the ligule bears trichomes like those on the blade. The point of the trichome is toward the apex of the ligule. There are no stomata, chloroplasts, or vascular bundles in the ligule. The ligule extends upward from the collar and is wrapped tightly around the stem, thus apparently forming a barrier against the entrance of water, soil, disease organisms, etc., at the point where the leaf sheath and the stem meet. Initiation of the ligule begins with periclinal cell divisions in the first and second cell layers of the upper epidermis, opposite the median vascular bundle (Fig. 6, A, B, C, li) (Sharman, 1941; Bonnett, 1953). The periclinal cell divisions extend circumferentially in both directions to the margins. Transverse and oblique cell divisions at the apex add to the length of the ligule primordium, which is only two cells thick throughout most of its length. Several stages in the development of the ligule are shown in Fig. 6, C through H. As the ligule matures, the cells become highly evacuolated, and little remains but the cell walls. The ligule thus acquires a membranous appearance. Leaf sheath base The base of a sheath of a leaf subtending an elongating inter- node becomes very much thicker than the rest of the leaf sheath. This thickening results from periclinal cell divisions which continue near the outer epidermal layer after cell division has terminated in the rest of the base. The thickened base of the leaf sheath differs histologically from the rest of the leaf sheath above it. The cells of the ground 26 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, Stages in the development of the ligule. (Fig. 6) A and B. Transections at the point of initiation of the ligule in the inner epidermal layer of a leaf. A, X100; B, X230. C. Longisection showing a cell division in the inner epidermis of the leaf, indicating the initiation of the ligule. X287. D through G. Longisections of successive stages in the elongation of the ligule. D, X230; E, X287; F, X100; G, X100. H. Longisection at the tip of a ligule. The cells are highly evacuolated. X100. (li = ligule initial) 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 27 tissue are narrow with their long axes at right angles to the long axis of the sheath; the bundle caps are collenchyma rather than lignified fibers (Fig. 5, B, C, D, be); and the epidermis over the bundle caps is not lignified. These histological characteristics indicate a plastic rather than a rigid structure. The thickened base of the leaf sheath provides a mechanism at each node for raising lodged culms or the stems of tillers to an erect position. When a culm is lodged, all of the cells in the base of the leaf sheath on the lower side of the stem elongate to many times their original size, thus turning the culm from a horizontal to a perpendicular position. Since the bundle caps are collenchyma, which is a plastic supporting tissue, and since the epider- mal cells are not lignified, the bundle caps and the epidermal cells can adjust to elongation. Stem The culm, or stem, of the oat plant is divided into nodes and internodes (Fig. 7, A, no and in). A node extends from the point of divergence of the leaf sheath from the stem (the axil) downward to the base of the sheath. An internode is that portion of the stem be- tween two nodes. Internodes consist of two types, those that do and those that do not elongate. The internodes that do not elongate, usually 3 in the varieties studied, develop during the vegetative stage of the plant, before the initiation of the panicle. The elongated internodes, which number from 4 to 7, develop during the reproductive stage (Ross, 1955). In most varieties, the last internode (peduncle) may be as long as the combined length of all of the long internodes below it. Node When the leaf is initiated, none of the histological characteristics of the mature node is present. The interior of the stem at the base of the leaf primordium consists of meristematic cells. The transverse procambial strands that appear between the perpendicular strands on the plane of the leaf axil are the first indication of the differentiation of the node. The transverse strands are the anastomosing branches of the major vascular bundles of the stem (Fig. 7, E). The zone of anastomosing vascular bundles extends downward for a short distance from the point of initiation of the leaf. Branches of the major and minor vascular bundles originate and separate in the node. When the node matures, the cells of the vascular and ground tissue have thick, lignified, pitted walls that form a strong, rigid, compact group. 28 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, (Fig. 7. See opposite page for legend) 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 29 Internode The short internodes differ in some respects from the elongated internodes. The short group begins with the coleoptile node, and ex- tends upward to include the internodes above the first, second, and sometimes the third foliage leaf. The first internode, which is between the scutellar plate and the coleoptile node, elongates and has special characteristics which will be described later (p. 102). The short internodes give rise to axillary shoots (tillers) (Fig. 8, A, B, D) and to adventitious roots (Fig. 9, D, E). They also constitute a transition zone where the vascular system changes from the polyarch type of the primary root (the radicle) to a system com- posed of a peripheral ring and an inner ring of collateral vascular bundles (Avery, 1930; Boyd and Avery, 1935). Many of the vascular bundles in the second internode are not typical collateral bundles. In some bundles, the phloem is completely surrounded by large metaxylem vessels, or the large metaxylem vessels may be on the side toward the outside of the stem rather than toward the inside of the stem as in normal bundles. In other bundles, the obliterated protophloem is in the center of the phloem almost completely surrounded by metaphloem. The third, fourth, and higher internodes all have typical collateral vascular bundles. All of the short internodes have a cortical zone of thin-walled parenchyma cells between the epidermis and the ring of mechanical tissue, which is composed of fibers. The cortical zone becomes narrower from the second internode upward and is not present in the elongated internodes. The ring of mechanical tissue adjacent to the cortex varies in width. It extends entirely around the circumference of the stem. The peripheral vascular bundles are in Stem. (Fig. 7) A. Tangential section of a portion of a stem at an early stage in the devel- opment of the nodes and of the internodes. X34. B. Tangential section of a mature internode. Right, sclerenchyma; left, ground tissue. X34. C. Transection of a portion of an internode. X287. D. Transection of an internode, showing the thick-walled sclerenchyma. X287. E. A node and portion of a tiller in transection. X34. F. Transection through an internode, showing one of the vascular bundles of the inner ring of large, collateral, vascular bundles. X287. (f = fibers; gt = ground tissue; in = internodes; iv = inner ring of vascu- lar bundles; la = lacuna; mp = metaphloem; mt = mestom; mx = metaxy- lem; no = nodes; pp = protophloem; pvb = peripheral vascular bundles; px = protoxylem; scl = sclerenchyma; t = tiller primordium) 30 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, contact with or partly inclosed by the ring of mechanical tissue (Fig. 7, C, pvb). The inner ring of vascular bundles is composed of large vascular bundles surrounded by thin- walled parenchyma (ground tissue) (Fig. 7, C, iv). The peripheral and inner rings of vascular bundles are clearly delimited in the fourth internode. In the region of the short internodes, the stem is usually flattened on the side next to the tiller (Fig. 7, E). The elongated internodes differ from the short internodes in that they do not have a cortical zone; the mechanical tissue is in contact with the epidermis for all or a part of the circumference of the stem; the peripheral vascular bundles are inclosed by the mechanical tissue; the inner ring of large vascular bundles is clearly delimited; and the center of the internode is hollow. Internodes vary in length, in diameter, and in the number of vas- cular bundles. There is an increase in the length, even of the short ones, from the second upward to the peduncle. Ross (1952) gives data showing that early varieties had on the average, six, and late varieties, seven, elongating internodes. The average length of the elongated internodes, starting with the peduncle and going downward, was 16.7, 7.1, 4.1, 1.8, 0.6, and 0.5 inches for seven early varieties of oats and 13.3, 7.4, 4.6, 2.7, 1.9, 1.1, and 0.6 inches for three late varieties of oats. In the early varieties, the average length of the peduncle was 16.7 inches, and the total length of all the remaining elongated inter- nodes was 14.1 inches. In the late varieties, the average length of the peduncle was 13.3 inches and the total length of the remaining elongated internodes 18.3 inches. Measurements of 25 culms of each of 2 varieties Clinton (C.I. No. 4606) and Andrew (C.I. No. 4170) showed that the average diameter of the internode, starting with the peduncle, was 3.3, 4.1, 4.0, 3.7, and 3.5 mm. for Clinton and 3.2, 4.2, 3.9, 3.8, and 3.6 mm. for Andrew. The average number of vascular bundles, starting with the peduncle and counting downward for five internodes, was 31.1, 41.6, 43.4, 45.6, and 46.6 for Clinton and 31.7, 43.1, 43.6, 42.5, and 44.2 for Andrew. There were slightly more of the peripheral vascular bundles than of the large bundles of the inner ring. These data are based on a small sample and therefore are only an indication of the size relations in the elongated internodes. These characteristics vary with the growing conditions and with the variety or type. Elongation of the internodes, which usually begins in the fourth internode in the types studied, proceeds in acropetal succession. Usu- ally three internodes are in the process of elongation at the same time. The basal one of the three may be completing its development when 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 31 the next above is about halfway through the process and the third is beginning to elongate. The internode next above the three elongating internodes does not begin to elongate until the basal member of the three has matured. Panicle differentiation and internode elongation begin at the same time, but the major increase in the size of the panicle occurs as the peduncle elongates. It is the elongation of the peduncle that forces the panicle from the topmost leaf sheath. After the initial stage, the increase in the number of cells in the internode comes from cell divisions in the intercalary meristem at the base of the internode. All the tissues of the internode differentiate and develop from the top downward (basipetally). As a consequence, during internode elongation there is meristematic and immature tissue at the base of the internode beneath the mature tissue at the top. Therefore, the internode has very little mechanical strength during the early stage of elongation. The culm is held erect by the overlapping leaf sheaths, which reach their full mechanical strength much ahead of the internode which they inclose. As the internode matures, exten- sive lacunae form in the ground tissue of the leaf sheath, and it loses its ability to support the culm. The diameter of the internode increases first by periclinal cell divisions in the internode periphery, in narrow zones just beneath the epidermis, and finally by cell enlargement. Epidermal tissue At the top of the internode, the epidermis is continuous with the epidermis of the base of the leaf sheath above it. The funda- mental cells are thick-walled, undulating, and irregularly shaped, as in Fig. 2, D. The fundamental cells are in combination with silica and cork cells, stomata, and sometimes trichomes. Toward the middle of the internode, the fundamental cells are thick-walled, with parallel sides and transverse or oblique end walls. Here they are in combina- tion with silica and cork cells and with stomata. At the base of the internode, and hence beneath the leaf sheath, the fundamental cells have thin, straight walls, and some stomata are present but no silica or cork cells. Mechanical tissue A layer of sclerenchyma consisting of fibers with thick, lignified walls is found around the circumference of the stem (Fig. 7, C, D, f). The location of this layer in both the short and long internodes has been given above (pages 29 and 30). In the elongated internodes, the layer of sclerenchyma is in contact with the epidermis for all or a part of the 32 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, circumference of the stem. The thickness of the sclerenchyma layer differs with the variety and with growing conditions. The sclerenchyma layer may become very thick when plants are widely spaced. The individual fibers also develop thick walls when plants are widely spaced. Concentric laminations are clearly delimited in the fiber walls. The simple pits of the walls of adjacent cells join. The fibers vary in length and have pointed ends and a small lumen. Ground tissue Ground tissue consisting of parenchyma with or without chloro- phyll is present in the internode of the culm (Fig. 7, E, gt). Bands of chlorenchyma are found on either side of the peripheral vascular bundles. These bands of parenchyma vary from a few cells to an extensive zone which extends both laterally and interior from the epidermal layer. Ground tissue is present interior to the sclerenchyma layer and surrounds the ring of large vascular bundles. Cells of the ground tissue in the interior of the stem may contain chloroplasts, but the chloroplasts decrease in number from the layer of sclerenchyma toward the inner margins of the interior ring of large vascular bundles. The ground tissue interior to the ring of large vascular bundles usually lacks chloroplasts. The walls of the ground tissue may become thick and lignified. This occurs in the cells located between the large vascular bundles and the sclerenchyma layer as well as in those cells that are between the large vascular bundles. The walls are thickest and most highly lignified next to the layer of sclerenchyma and become progressively thinner and less lignified toward the interior (Fig. 7, C). Vascular tissue The vascular system of the internode of the stem is made up of two groups of collateral bundles, an inner ring of large vascular bundles and a peripheral ring of small vascular bundles surrounded by the cylinder of fibers (Fig. 7, C, iv and pvb). The large vascular bundles of the inner ring of the stem (Fig. 7, F) do not differ in any essential way from the large bundles of the leaf. The phloem is oriented toward the outside of the stem. The peripheral vascular bundles range in size from very small bundles containing only a few xylem and phloem elements to those nearly as large as some of the smaller bundles of the inner ring. In transection, the walls of the mestom cells and of the outer sheath cells of the peripheral bundles so resemble those of the surrounding fibers in thickness and in lignifica- tion that they can be identified only by their position. 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 33 The development of the procambial strand is acropetal, but the differentiation of the xylem and phloem elements is basipetal. The ontogeny of the vascular bundle in the stem is similar to that in the leaf, which has been described above. As the large vascular bundles of the inner ring or the peripheral vascular bundles enter the node from the internode below, different things may occur. The large interior vascular bundle may continue into the internode above without dividing, or it may divide into three branches. One branch may form an anastomosis in the node (Fig. 7, E); another may enter the base of the leaf sheath; and the third may enter the internode above. A peripheral bundle usually forms two branches, one of which passes into the leaf sheath and the other of which anastomoses in the node. Tiller Tillers, or lateral shoots, are initiated by periclinal cell divisions in the third cell layer in the internode, just above the axil of the leaf (Kliem, 1936; Sharman, 1945; Bonnett, 1953). The cells so produced form the self-perpetuating, subapical zone of the shoot apex (Fig. 8, C, t). Periclinal cell divisions do not occur in the protoderm over the point of initiation of the shoot. As the shoot primordium develops, periclinal cell divisions occur in the second cell layer. Many periclinal cell divisions occur interior to the point of initiation of the tiller, pro- ducing a radial arrangement of the cells. Soon a protrusion is formed on the surface of the stem (Fig. 8, A, t), and, as the tiller primordium elongates, the tip turns upward between the inner surface of the leaf sheath and the stem, forming an intervaginal shoot (Fig. 8, B, ta). The prophyll is the first leaf of a lateral shoot, or tiller, and is initiated early in the development of the tiller. It is on the side of the tiller next to the parent axis (Fig. 8, B, E, pr) and is initiated by periclinal cell divisions in the surface cell layer (Fig. 8, D, pr). From the point of initiation, the periclinal cell divisions proceed laterally around the tiller primordium until they meet, producing a closed sheath at the base. Near the'tip, the prophyll is open. In field-grown plants, the prophyll terminates in an acute point, but, in some greenhouse plants, the prophyll resembles the foliage leaf in that it has a very short blade, a ligule, a collar, and a sheath. The prophyll has two keels with a vascular bundle in each (Fig. 8, E). In one of the keels, the vascular bundle is larger than in the other and corresponds to the median vascular bundle of a leaf. Both vascular bundles extend to the tip of the prophyll. The back of the 34 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, Tillers. (Fig. 8) A. Longisection of the shoot apex of an oat seedling, showing a tiller primorclium in the axil of the first foliage leaf. X100. B. Longisection of a stem and tiller. Panicle initiation has started in the tiller. X27. C. Transection of a stem at the point of initiation of a tiller. X230. D. Longisection of a tiller primordium. Initiation of the prophyll is indi- cated by periclinal cell divisions in the protoderm. X230. E. Transection of a tiller primordium. X30. (a = apex of main shoot; Ip = leaf or leaf primordium; pr = primordium of the prophyll; t = tiller primordium; ta = apex of tiller in the axil of the prophyll; vb = vascular bundle) 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 35 prophyll between the keels is only a few cells thick. Most varieties of oats do not have vascular bundles in the back of the prophyll. Small vascular bundles are present in the base of the prophyll anterior to the keels. The edges of the margins in the open portion of the prophyll are like those of a leaf sheath. Near the top of the prophyll, bands of parenchyma containing chlorphyll are found on either side of the major vascular bundles of the keels, and near the larger vascular bundles in the anterior portion, and, when they are present, near the vascular bundles in the back. The epidermal cells are long and thin-walled and have end walls that are at an oblique or at right angles to the side walls. A few stomata are near the vascular bundles. No other specialized cells are present in the epidermis of the prophyll. The development of the tiller is similar to that of the main shoot. The first foliage leaf of the tiller is initiated at a point on the tiller apex opposite to the main vascular bundle of the prophyll. Subsequent foliage leaves are alternate and in two ranks the same as on the parent axis, but the tiller leaves are at right angles to the leaves of the parent axis. Following the initiation of the prophyll, development of the tiller follows the same pattern as in the main shoot, that is, the tiller itself may produce tillers and adventitious roots (usually one) in the vege- tative stage and may pass through the transition into the reproductive stage. Some tillers may reach the seed stage. Fig. 8, B, a tangential section of a stem and tiller, shows that the tiller has a panicle in an early stage of development. Latent tillers, even though they arc only a centimeter or less in length, pass into the reproductive stage the same as tillers that produce panicles. Under certain growing conditions, the latent tillers of spring-seeded oats may appear, after harvest, as second growth and produce seed in the late summer or fall. The stages of development of the tillers are not synchronized with the stages of the main shoot or with each other, but each tiller enters the different stages of development in approximately the same order as the tillers are initiated. Roots All roots of the oat plant, except the radicle and its branch roots, are adventitious roots. The adventitious roots originate in the main axis of the embryo and in the short internodes of the main shoot and tillers. They do not normally occur higher on the stem. The first two or more adventitious roots develop in the first internode of the embryo at the base of the internode just above the scutellar node. Together 36 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, with the radicle, they constitute the seminal roots. The initiation and development of the seminal roots will be discussed in the section on embryogeny (see page 105). Two adventitious roots are also produced after germination at the top of the elongated first internode of an oat seedling, one on either side of the stem, beneath each of the coleoptile vascular bundles (Fig. 9, D, rp). These roots develop in a plane approximately at right angles to the plane of the foliage leaves. In the second and other short internodes, the usual pattern is for three adventitious roots and a tiller primordium to be initiated in the internode in the same transverse plane, which passes through a point slightly below the axil of the coleoptile or of the foliage leaf. The tiller and the three roots are nearly equally spaced around the circum- ference of the stem. Other roots may develop beneath the first group. Development of adventitious roots is not restricted to the base of all of the internodes, for they may develop at the top of the first inter- node, as described above, or along the internode above the base, as was observed in the second internode. The first root to develop in the second internode, the internode between the coleoptile and the first leaf, is opposite the major (median) vascular bundle of the first foliage leaf. The other two roots are initiated after the first, on either side of the stem between the tiller primordium and the primordium of the first root, opposite the two principal lateral vascular bundles of the first foliage leaf. Adventitious roots are initiated by periclinal divisions in the cortex opposite the phloem of a vascular bundle. A very early stage in the initiation of an adventitious root is shown in Fig. 9, C, rp. The root primordium first consists of a disk of deep-staining, dividing cells with no apparent zones of organization, but soon the rootcap and the zones at the apex are clearly delimited (Fig. 9, E, re and rp). As the Embryonic and young roots. (Fig. 9) A. Sagittal section of an oat embryo, showing the radicle. X34. B. Longisection of the apex of a radicle. X144. C. Transverse section of the primordium of an adventitious root. X100. D. Photomicrograph of a cleared stem of an oat seedling, showing the two lateral roots at the top of the first internode just beneath the two vascular bundles of the coleoptile. X27. E. Longisection of the primordium of an adventitious root. X100. F. Transection through the point of origin of a secondary root. X100. (ai = apical initials; c = cortex; ci = cortex initial; co = coleorhiza; cv = coleoptile vascular bundle; pd = protoderm; re = rootcap; rci = rootcap initials; rp = root primordium; sn = scutellar node; sr = secondary root; vb = vascular bundles of the first foliage leaf; vc = vascular cylinder; vi = vascular cylinder initials) 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 37 (Fig. 9. See opposite page for legend) 38 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, root grows through the cortex, the cells that are in contact with the rootcap and root apex disintegrate and are absorbed. A layer of dark-staining, amorphous material is formed between the cells of the cortex and the root. The root penetrates both the cortex and the base of the leaf sheath to emerge at the outside of the stem (Fig. 9, E). Three major zones of development can be identified in a longi- tudinal section of the tip of the developing root. They are, (1) the rootcap, (2) the protoderm and the cortex, and (3) the vascular cylinder or stele (Fig. 9, A, B). Each of the zones originates from a different set of cell initials (Heimsch, 1951; Esau, 1953). Rootcap The rootcap is a cone-shaped structure that covers the sides and apex of the root. It is initiated from a single layer of initials, the calyptrogen, adjacent to the root apex. Periclinal and anticlinal cell divisions in the initials maintain the rootcap. The initials of the rootcap extend across the base of the rootcap (Fig. 9, B, rci). The outer two rows of cells are maintained by anticlinal divisions in the outermost cells of the initials. The rootcap initials and their immediate derivatives form a group of deep-staining, rapidly-dividing cells at the base of the rootcap. The two surface layers and the cells at the apex of the rootcap are thin-walled, living cells with large vacuoles, which indicates that they are not dividing cells. The cells at the tip of the rootcap contain starch. The rootcap grows from the inside out. The surface cells of the rootcap are sloughed off as the root tip moves through the soil and are replaced by the cells beneath them. Origin of epidermis, cortex, and stele The apical initials of the root produce the cortex and the proto- dermal layer (Fig. 9, B, ai and ci). These initials are separated from the rootcap initials by a layer of dark-staining material that extends over the outer surface of the root. In a longisection, the number of cells and the number of cell layers that can be identified in this group of initials depend upon the stage of development of this zone. When the initials have just divided periclinally, two layers of narrow, rec- tangular, deep-staining cells are found. At other stages there appears to be a single layer. The mechanics of the production of the 6 cell layers forming the cortex and protoderm appears to be as follows: The marginal cells produced by anticlinal divisions of the centrally located initials divide periclinally to produce 2 cell layers. The external 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 39 member of the pair divides periclinally to produce the protoderm and the outermost layer of the cortex. The inner cell of the pair divides periclinally to produce 2 cells, each of which in turn divides, producing 4 cells which constitute the remaining cell layers of the cortex. The innermost cell layer of the cortex becomes the endodermis. The vascular cylinder appears to originate from a single initial which divides anticlinally along various radial planes, producing a group of cells adjacent to it. Each of these cells then divides anti- clinally or in an oblique plane to produce the cell layers of the vascular cylinder (Fig. 9, B, vi). Where the root primordium has a central metaxylem strand, as in the seminal roots, the single initial divides periclinally to maintain it. Periclinal and anticlinal divisions of the cells at the apex increase the length of the root. A short distance back of the root apex, periclinal divisions in the rows of cells also add to its circumference. A median longitudinal section of the apex of a root shows long, continuous files of cells originating at the initials in the apical meri- stem. This indicates that the cells of each file have a common origin in the zone of initiation. When a transverse section of a root which has a central metaxylem strand is taken a short distance from the apex, it is found that the cells of the cortex and of the vascular cylinder have a radial arrangement. If the vascular cylinder has several metaxylem strands, as in roots other than the seminal roots, the cells do not have a radial arrangement. A transverse section of the initials at the apex of a root shows no regular pattern of cell arrangement. The adventitious roots and the radicle have branch roots. The branch roots are initiated in the pericycle opposite the phloem points (Fig. 9, F, sr). Connections are made between the phloem and the xylem of the branch root and those of the parent root. The branch root penetrates the cortex of the parent root, emerges, and makes contact with the soil. Epidermal tissue The epidermis of the oat root consists of a single cell layer (Fig. 10, C, E, ep). In transverse section, the cells of the epidermis are elliptical with the long axes perpendicular to the surface of the root. Root hairs develop from the epidermal cells (Fig. 10, A, E). Stebbins (1956) stated that the epidermis of the Festucoideae has long and short cells and that a root hair arises near the apical end of the short cell. Examination of the epidermis of old roots showed that the cells 40 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, (Fig. 10. See opposite page for legend) 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 41 with root hairs were short to midlong, compared with the epidermal cells without hairs. While the root hairs were predominately from the apical end of the cells, they also came from the middle. In old roots, the walls of the epidermal cells and the root hairs were thicker than those of the cortex. In longisection, the epidermal cells are long and narrow with parallel side walls and with end walls at right angles to the side walls. Cortex The cortex is between the epidermis and the stele. The endodermis forms the inner boundary of the cortex (Fig. 10, E, F, en). The endodermal layer consists of cells that are wider in the tangential than in the radial plane. They have a thick inner and a thinner outer tangential wall. The radial walls taper from the inner to the outer tangential wall. Viewed in longisection, the cells of the endodermis are longer and narrower than the other cells of the cortex. The end walls taper in thickness in longisection in the same way as they do in transverse section. Casparian strips, if present, were not identified. Most roots have an exodermal layer consisting of one to several cells (Fig. 10, C, E, ex). The exodermal layer in the oat is separated from the epidermis by a single layer of thin-walled cells. In transverse section, the cells of the exodermis have thick, lignified walls and have smaller diameters than the other cells of the cortex. In longisection, the cells of the exodermis are narrower and longer than the cells interior to them, and they have end walls that are oblique or at right angles to the side walls (Fig. 10, A, ex). The remainder of the cells of the cortex are thin-walled parenchyma, large in diameter, resembling the cells of the ground tissue of the culm internode. Young and mature roots. (Fig. 10) A. Tangential section of a root, showing portions of root hairs from the epidermal layer and showing the exodermis, the cortex, and the stele. X287. B. Transection of a portion of the stele of a young root. X300. C. Transection of a portion of a root, showing the cells of the exodermis. X287. D. Transection of a portion of the stele of an old root. X287. E. Transection of an old root, showing the location of the various tissues. X66. F. The phloem strands are clearly delimited in this transection of an old root. X230. (c = cortex; en = endodermis; ep = epidermis; ex = exodermis; mp = me- taphloem; mx = metaxylem; pc = pericycle; pp = protophloem; px = pro- toxylem; ste = stele) 42 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, Stele The oat root has a polyarch-type stele. Its major parts are the pericycle, xylem, phloem, thick-walled parenchyma, and fibers. The pericycle is a single cell layer at the outer boundary of the stele (Fig. 10, B, D, pc). Periclinal divisions occur at intervals around the cir- cumference of the stele in one or two adjacent cells of the pericycle, which results in a pair or pairs of small cells. The inner member or members of the pairs of cells are protoxylem elements (Fig. 10, B, D, px). Usually a metaxylem vessel is opposite each protoxylem element, thus forming a ring of metaxylem vessels (Fig. 10, D, mx). A ring of very large metaxylem vessels (Fig. 10, F, mx) is usually found to the inside of this outer ring of metaxylem vessels, the number depend- ing upon the size of the root. The vessel elements are long, with parallel side walls and with their end walls at oblique or at right angles to the side walls. The vessel elements and other xylem elements show secondary thickening and are usually pitted, but some have reticulate or sclari form- reticulate thickening. The phloem strands are usually adjacent to the pericycle and be- tween the xylem points (Fig. 10, F, mp). In the mature root, the phloem strand contains a protophloem sieve tube on the side next to the pericycle together with one or two metaphloem sieve tubes and one or two companion cells. The protophloem sieve tube is the first element to differentiate (Fig. 10, B, pp). Even before it has thick walls, as shown in Fig. 10, B, the protophloem sieve-tube element can be recog- nized, in transverse section, by its diamond shape. The protophloem sieve tube persists to maturity. One or two metaphloem sieve tubes and companion cells are located to the inside of the protophloem sieve tube. The metaphloem sieve tube is the innermost member of the phloem strand, and the companion cells lie between the protophloem and metaphloem elements. In longisection the sieve-tube elements are long with parallel side walls and oblique end walls. In addition to the xylem and phloem, the stele has fibers and thick- walled parenchyma. In transverse section, the fibers and parenchyma have small diameters, vary from round to pentagonal, and have thick, lignified walls. In longisection, both the fibers and parenchyma are long with parallel side walls. The difference between the two cell types is that the fibers have pointed ends while the end walls of the paren- chyma are at right angles or at a slightly oblique angle to the side walls. 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 43 REPRODUCTIVE STAGE: PANICLE INITIATION AND DEVELOPMENT Mature Panicle The oat inflorescence is a loose, open panicle. The panicle consists of a main axis, which is a continuation of the stem; and, like the stem, it consists of nodes and internodes (Fig. 11, A to F). Solitary, alter- nate, two-ranked, lateral branches of the first order arise from the main axis. Each first-order branch gives rise to second-order branches and so on, forming a system of branches (Fig. 12, E, F) of different Mature oat panicle and the nodes of its main axis. (Fig. 11) A. Mature oat panicle. X0.4. B through F. Nodes of the main axis from the basal node upward. All X3. BULLETIN No. 672 [June, (Fig. 12. See opposite page for legend) 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 45 orders. The most basal branch is the most profuse in its branching, and the amount of branching decreases at each successively higher node so that only one or a very few higher-order branches are on the first-order branch just beneath the apical spikelet of the main axis. Each lateral branch terminates in a pedicellate spikelet (Fig. 11, A). An oat spikelet is a modified shoot. It consists of two sterile bracts, which are also called the empty glumes, and of several florets. The florets, which are inclosed by the glumes, are alternate and in two ranks (distichous) upon a central axis, the rachilla (Fig. 15, A, B, rac). Usually only the two basal florets of an oat spikelet are fertile, but occasionally the lowest three or four florets will be fertile (Stanton, 1955) (Fig. 12, I). Each floret is subtended by a fertile bract, the lemma in whose axil the floral branch originates. The palea, a fertile bract in whose axil the flower originates, is on the side of the floral axis next to the rachilla. The palea is the first foliar member of the floral axis and is homologous with the prophyll of a tiller (Hitchcock, 1935). The flower consists of two lodicules, three stamens, and a pistil. The plane of orientation of the spikelet is at right angles to that of the parent axis. Development of the Panicle The reproductive stage begins with the initiation of the panicle. The first indications of panicle initiation are the single, lateral, alter- nate projections arising in the axils of leaf primordia, beneath the apex of the shoot (Figs. 12, C, D, E; 13, A to D). They are the Stages in the development of the oat panicle. (Fig- 12) A. Leaf primordia and shoot apex of an oat plant in the two-leaf stage. X40. B. Primordium of the third leaf nearly inclosing the shoot apex. X40. C. First stage of panicle development. X35. D. Lateral branch primordia of the main axis with the subtending leaf primordia clearly delimited. X35. E. Branches of the second order shown at the bases of the primary branches. X35. F. Branches of the third order developing at the base of the panicle. Dif- ferentiation of the apical and other spikelets has begun. X35. G. A spikelet of oats, empty glumes removed, showing the position and development of the florets and of the awn on the basal floret. X20. H. Panicle, showing differences in the stage of spikelet development. X20. I. Unfertilized florets of a spikelet open because of a lack of viable pollen. X21/2. (br = branch primordia; gl = empty glume; le = lemma; Ip = leaf primor- dia; pa = palea; sp = spikelet primordium) 46 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, Longisections of early stages of panicle initiation. (Fig. 13) A. Longisection of an entire panicle, showing the primordia of branches of the first order and the primordia of the subtending leaves. X67. B. Apex of the same panicle shown in A. X230. C and D. Longisections through the primordia of the first-order brandies: C shows the first-order branch which is third from the base of the panicle and D shows the basal one. X287. (br = primordia of a branch of the first order; Ip == leaf primordia) 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 47 primordia of the branches of the first order. These branches are initiated in acropetal succession, but growth and development occur in the reverse order, that is, from the tip downward (Fig. 12, F, H). As the branch primordia of the first order increase in size, branch pri- morida of the second order appear as papillae on alternate sides be- neath the apex of each branch. In turn and in the same manner, primordia of the branches of the third order arise on those of the second order and so on for each of the orders that are produced. There is little or no elongation of a branch of the first order beneath the point of origin of its secondary branches. Thus all of the sec- ondary branches appear to arise at the node and to form a semi whorl. All of the branches of the various orders are axillary. The sub- tending leaf primordia are distinct at the basal nodes of the main axis of the panicle but are successively less distinct from the base to the tip of the main axis and on the branches of the second and higher orders (Fig. 11, B to F). The leaf primordia may be reduced to the extent that they are present only as slight protuberances. Regardless of the degree of development attained at maturity, in the early stage of development, the leaf primordium can always be seen as a distinct ridge beneath the branch primordium. The leaf primordia are initiated first and are initiated by periclinal divisions in the first cell layer of the axis from which they are derived (Fig. 13, B, C, D, Ip). Subsequent development, as far as it goes, follows the regular pattern for leaves and leaf-like parts. A node develops at the point of origin of a leaf primordium. The branch primordium is initiated by a periclinal cell division or divisions in the third cell layer of the parent axis, just above the juncture of the inner margin of the leaf primordium with the parent axis (Fig. 13, B, C, D, br). There are no periclinal divisions in the first and second cell layers over the point of initiation of the branch. The periclinal divisions in the third cell layer initiate the self- perpetuating subapical zone of the apex of the branch. Cells at the point of initiation of the branch are in a radial arrangement (Fig. 13, D, br). Periclinal and anticlinal cell divisions at the point of branch initiation result in a hemispherical protuberance, as viewed in longi- tudinal section. In the early stage of development, the basal two or three first-order branches resemble tiller primordia not only in shape (Fig. 13, D) but also in that the primordium of a prophyll is at the apex on the adaxial side. The diameter of the main axis of the panicle becomes progressively smaller from the base to the tip. Various changes occur as the diam- eter of the main axis decreases. Viewed in transections, the shapes 48 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, of the internodes change from round to diamond to oblong (Fig. 14, C to G). The number of major and minor vascular bundles also de- creases with the diameter until, in the internode beneath the apical spikelet, only one major and two minor bundles are present. From the peduncle through the basal two or three internodes, the reduction in the number of vascular bundles in each successively higher internode is slightly less than one-half. When the number of vascular bundles in an internode is reduced to 1 or 2 major and 2 or 3 minor vascular bundles, each vascular bundle divides, one division entering the lateral branch and the other continuing into the internode above. The scler- enchyma in the internodes of the main axis and in the branches of the panicle is present both as thick bundle caps that extend to the epidermis and as a narrow cylinder around the stem, separating the major and minor vascular bundles. As the diameter of the internodes becomes smaller, the sclerenchyma is limited to an area around the major vas- cular bundle or bundles as shown by the deeply stained areas in Fig. 14, F and G. The first and second internodes, and sometimes part of the third internode, counting from the base of the panicle, are hollow but contain an inner ring of ground tissue (Fig. 14, C to F). The remaining internodes are solid, and, in the smallest internode, the center of the stem is occupied by a single major vascular bundle (Fig. 14, G). Areas of parenchyma that contain chlorophyll are present around the circumference of each of the internodes, beneath the epi- dermis (Fig. 14, C to I, cl, the light-stained areas). Except for the two basal internodes of the panicle, 2 to 4 rows of hook-shaped trichomes extend the entire length of each internode, on either side. The lateral branches of the various orders have the same histolog- ical characteristics as the internodes of corresponding size in the main axis and show similar changes in the shape of their transverse sections as they decrease in size as are seen in the main axis. As a first-order branch is very short, the vascular bundles that enter it from the main axis divide almost immediately and enter the branches of the next The pulvinus, the internodes of the main axis, and the branches of the panicle. (Fig- 14) A. Longisection of pulvini, one at the base of each branch of the panicle. X34. B. Transection of the base of the branch through the pulvinus. X27. C through G. Transections of the basal to the topmost internodes of the main axis of a panicle. All X27. H. Transection of a second-order branch. X27. I. Transection of a pedicel. X27. (cl = chlorenchyma; pv = pulvinus; scl = sclerenchyma; tr = trichome) 1961} HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 49 G H I (Fig. 14. See opposite page for legend) 50 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, higher order. When the number of vascular bundles in the branches reaches the minimum number given above for the internodes of the main axis, they behave as described for the main axis. The pulvinus is a cushion-like structure located on the upper (adaxial) side of lateral branches of various orders at a point just above the juncture of each branch with its parent axis (Arber, 1934; Deam, 1929). At anthesis the pulvinus enlarges and forces the branches from an erect toward a horizontal position with reference to the main axis of the panicle. The pulvinus is largest on first-order branches and decreases from the lower to the higher order branches. The pulvinus on the first-order branch of the basal group is larger than the one on the first-order branch above it. They become progres- sively smaller toward the apex of the panicle. The pulvinus consists of parenchyma located between the epidermal layer and the zone of sclerenchyma which incloses the vascular bundles (Fig. 14, A, B, pv). Viewed in longisection, the pulvinus bulges out just above the juncture of the branch with the parent axis and tapers upward and joins the bands of chlorophyllaceous parenchyma in the branch. In transection, the shape of the pulvinus is determined by the pressure of the main axis and the adjacent branches. Higher on the branch or when not under pressure, it is shaped like a half moon with the tips of the crescent towards the outer (abaxial) side of the branch. The cells of the pulvinus are thin walled and small. In transection the cells are round to oblong, and in longisection they are short and square to rectangular. The walls of the epidermal cells over the pulvinus are thin and nonlignified. Spikelet Spikelet differentiation begins first with the spikelet at the tip of the main axis. The last group of spikelets to differentiate is the basal group (Fig. 12, F, H). In a limited number of observations, it was found that it took approximately 18 days after the beginning of differ- entiation of the apical spikelet of the main axis to complete the differ- entiation of the spikelets of the basal group of branches. At any node, the sequence of spikelet development usually follows in the order of branch initiation, i.e., first branch, second, third, etc. At the time that spikelet initiation begins, the supporting branch primordium is short. As development of the spikelet proceeds, the branch primordium beneath the spikelet elongates, becoming the pedi- cel. The elongation and development of the subtending branch pri- mordium and the initiation and development of the spikelet proceed 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 51 simultaneously. The pedicel enlarges beneath the insertion of the glumes, forming a conical structure in which the vascular bundles divide to form the vascular bundles of the glumes (Fig. 15, A). The pedicel continues as the central axis of the spikelet, the rachilla (Fig. 15, A, B, rac). Rachilla The rachilla, like the culm, has nodes and internodes. The inter- nodes are solid. The rachilla gives rise to leaf-like structures (the lemmas) and to shoots (the floral branches). In shape, in histological characteristics, and in the number of vascular bundles (2 to 4), the rachilla is more like the smaller branches of the panicle than it is like the culm. The rachilla begins above the acropetal member of the two empty glumes and terminates in an undifferentiated apex (Fig. 15, A, rac). The nodes are at the point of divergence of the lemmas. The rachilla is largest at the nodes and smallest midway between two nodes. The vascular bundles from the internode below divide at each node to provide the vascular bundles for the lemma, the floral axis, and the internode above. In the mature node, cells with thick, lignified walls are between and around the vascular bundles beneath the epidermis, forming a hard, rigid tissue. The internodes of the rachilla vary in length. The basal internode, the one between the topmost empty glume and the basal floret, may be very short, but those above it are longer. An internode of a rachilla curves as it extends upward from the base of the floret, conforming to the shape of the palea. Since the florets are alternate and distichous, the rachilla follows a zigzag course from the basal floret to the undiffer- entiated apex (Fig. 15, A, rac). The basal internode is narrowest just above the empty glumes, and then it enlarges to form the base of the first floret. Beneath the epi- dermis, the base of this internode is composed of a zone of mechanical tissue made up of thick-walled, lignified cells. The remainder of the internode, except for the vascular bundles, is composed of thin-walled parenchyma. Since the internode connecting the fertile basal and second florets attains a higher degree of histological development than those con- necting the infertile florets and since it is an elongated internode, its characteristics will be described in some detail. In longitudinal section, the fundamental cells of the epidermis are long and have thick, straight, parallel side walls, except at the upper end of the internode near the base of the floret, where these cells are short and irregular in 52 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, gi aw V.H (Fig. 15. See opposite page for legend) 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 53 shape. Viewed in transection, the epidermal cells on the side of the palea (right in Fig. 15, G) are round to elliptical, and their radial and tangential walls are thick and lignified. On the opposite side, the epi- dermal cells are elliptical, and only the inner tangential walls, especially over the bundle cap, are thick and lignified. Silica and cork cells are present in the epidermis in combination with the fundamental cells. Some trichomes are near the base of the second floret. A zone of sclerenchyma of variable thickness may extend across the posterior side and over the vascular bundle on the anterior side, or it may extend entirely around the rachilla beneath the epidermis. Usually only two (sometimes three) collateral vascular bundles, one anterior and one pos- terior, are in the internode of the rachilla. The anterior (larger) vascu- lar bundle leads to the floret, and the posterior (smaller) one enters the internode above. Chlorophyllaceous tissue and stomata are found on either side of the anterior vascular bundle. The ground tissue, con- sisting of parenchyma, constitutes the remainder of the rachilla. The internode between the second and the usually infertile third floret differs from the internode below it in that it does not have a layer of sclerenchyma beneath the epidermis. The cells are thin-walled and not lignified. In other respects the two internodes are similar. Usually the internodes of the rachilla above the third floret in a spike- let having only two fertile florets are very poorly developed or abort. Floral axis The internodes of the floral axis are so short as to be practically nonexistent. The palea, lodicules, and stamens originate in succession slightly above each other, and very little or no elongation of the floral axis occurs between them. Spikelets and spikelet parts. (Fig. 15) A. Longisection of a spikelet. A composite of two photomicrographs. X27. B. Transection of an oat spikelet through the basal floret. X27. C. Longisection of the sterile florets of an oat spikelet. X34. D and E. Early stages in the development of the awn. At this period of development, the awn is the dominant structure of the lemma. X34. F. Longisection at the point of divergence of the awn from the lemma. X27. G. Transection of the rachilla midway between the first and second florets. X66. H. Transection of an awn. The flattened side that is next to the lemma is at the top of the photomicrograph. X144. (ab = abortive florets; an = anther; aw = awn; en = connective; d = dor- sal side of awn; gl = glume; le = lemma; loc = locule; pa = palea; pi = pistil; rac = rachilla; v = ventral side of awn) 54 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, Spikelet differentiation Differentiation of the two empty glumes is the first indication of spikelet initiation. They develop acropetally on alternate sides of the axis (Fig. 12, F, gl). The lemmas, one subtending each flower, also develop acropetally on alternate sides of the rachilla. The flower pri- morida are initiated in acropetal succession as protuberances in the axils of the lemmas. The palea is the first floral part to differentiate. It appears as a transverse ridge on the adaxial side of the floral axis. The three stamens appear, two lateral and one anterior, as papillae on the floral axis above the palea primordium. Slightly before, or con- currently with the stamens, two lodicules are initiated beneath and on either side of the anterior stamen. Usually only six floret primordia are initiated in the spikelet, and the rachilla does not appear to terminate in a floret. The size and degree of development of the florets decreases from the basal floret upward (Figs. 12, G; 15, A). As stated above, the two basal florets usually are the only ones that are fertile. However, if environmental conditions are especially good, or in certain varieties, the number of fertile florets may be three or even four. In types that have two fertile florets, the third and fourth florets partially develop and the remainder abort. In the sterile third floret, the lemma develops to the point of inclosing all of the remnants of the florets above it (Fig. 15, C, le). The lodicules of the third floret differentiate, and the carpel develops to the point that it partly incloses the ovule, but the stamens are lacking. Only remnants of the glumes and lodicules are found in the fourth floret. Above the fourth floret, nothing remains except an amorphous mass of deep-staining material. Empty glumes The empty glumes, the lemma, and the palea are leaf-like parts, but at maturity they do not have the parts characteristic of a foliage leaf. None of the above structures appears to be homologous with any part of the foliage leaf. The similarities and differences of each with respect to the others will be evident in the descriptions that follow. Histologically the empty glumes are more like foliage leaves than are the lemma or palea. The glumes are thin in transection, tapering from the margins to the thickest point over the central vascular bundle. Narrow bands of chlorenchyma are present on either side of and parallel to the vascular bundles (Fig. 16, C). The bands of chlo- renchyma are separated by zones of colorless tissue, except at the base 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 55 of the glume, where the chlorophyllaceous bands coalesce. The colorless bands consist of parenchyma lacking chlorophyll. The alternating hands of green and colorless tissue give the glumes a striped appearance. The chlorophyllaceous tissue is spongy parenchyma, like that of the foliage leaf, and extends from one epidermal layer to the other. From 1 to 3 rows of stomata are found on either side of the vascular bundles in both epidermal layers over the bands of chlorophyllaceous tissue. The thickness of the glume varies from apex to base and from margin to margin. For a short distance basally from the tip and interior from the margins, the glume consists only of the upper and lower epidermal layers. From the margins interior toward the first vascular bundles, the glume increases in thickness by the addition of one or more cell layers in the mesophyll. Toward the middle of the glume, 2, then 3, layers of mesophyll are added so that between the vascular bundles, the glume becomes 4 to 5 cells thick. Near a vascular bundle, the cells of mesophyll become larger in diameter, and the number of cell layers usually increases. A glume is thicker at the vas- cular bundles than at any intermediate point, owing to the diameter of the vascular bundle and to the thickness of the bundle cap (Fig. 16, B). One of the interesting histological characteristics of the empty glumes, and also of the lemma and palea, is the reduction of the tissue in the margins and tip to the two epidermal layers. At a very early stage of development, the margins and tip of a glume consist only of a zone of protodermal cells. Anticlinal cell divisions occur in the marginal cells until this zone may be from 20 to 70 cells wide (Fig. 16, D, E). As the glume matures, the cell walls of the inner epidermal layer at the margins and tip become thick and lignified, while those of the outer epidermal layer are thin and not lignified except for a few cells at the edge. In other portions of the glume, the cells of the outer epidermal layer are lignified and those of the inner epidermis are not. The cells of the inner epidermis at the margins may collapse as the glumes mature, and all that remains of these cells are the thick, ligni- fied inner and outer tangential walls, so closely in contact that they appear to be a single wall. The outer epidermal cells remain unchanged in outline. At the tip of the glumes, both the inner and outer epidermal layers collapse. Interior from the margins, the inner epidermis and the cells of the adjacent mesophyll between the vascular bundles col- lapse, but this does not occur at the vascular bundles. The major vascular bundles are parallel (Fig. 16, R, C) and extend from the base of the glume toward the apex, each terminating in one, 56 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, sometimes two, tracheary elements. Small transverse bundles, each containing a xylem and a phloem element, are found at varying intervals, connecting two adjacent, longitudinal bundles. The longi- tudinal bundles are the collateral type like those of the foliage leaf. The phloem is oriented toward the outside and the xylem toward the inside (Fig. 16. See opposite page for legend) 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OK THE OAT PLANT 57 of the glume. Bands of fibers are on the abaxial and adaxial sides of the vascular bundles. The bands on the outside (abaxial) of the glume have the greater number of fibers. The outer and inner epidermal layers of the empty glumes differ in the characteristics of their fundamental cells and in the kinds of special cells present. The fundamental cell of the outer epidermis is long; has undulating, parallel side walls; and has its long axis parallel to the long axis of the glume. The depth of the undulations and the thickness of the walls of the fundamental cells of the outer epidermis are greatest in the area of the vascular bundles but are reduced near the margins and near the tip of the glumes. At the edge of the margin and at the tip of the glume, the end walls of the fundamental cells are pointed or diagonal. The fundamental cells alternate with silica and cork cells except that near the vascular bundles there are a few rows of fundamental cells in combination with stomata. The inner epidermis consists of very long, thin-walled fundamental cells that have nearly parallel side walls and of end walls at right angles to the side walls. The long axes of these fundamental cells, like those of the outer epidermis, are parallel to the long axis of the glume. Except for stomata, no special cells are present in the inner epidermis. Lemma The mature lemma of a fertile flower is a lanceolate structure which incloses the caryopsis, a portion of the palea, and, until after the development of the caryopsis, the rachilla and most of the floret above it. Most of the basal two-thirds of the lemma is composed of Glumes, lemmas, and paleas. (Fig. 16) A. Transection showing a portion of the lemma and palea of the basal floret (right) and of the upper floret (left). X66. B. Transection of a portion of a glume. X66. C. Dorsal view of a glume, showing strips of chlorophyllaceous tissue in the mesophyll along the vascular bundles, separated by strips of tissue without chloroplasts. X34. D. Margin of the basal member of the pair of glumes, which partially in- closes the margins of the second glume. The inner epidermal layer has collapsed. X27. E. Margin of the second glume, showing both epidermal layers intact. X27. F. Transections of the margins of the lemma, showing the thick, lignitird walls of the inner epidermal layer. X54. G. Transection of a palea near the tip, showing the collapse of the cells of the margins and of the inner epidermis in the back between the keels. X27. (bg = basal glume; ie = inner epidermis; k = keel; le = lemma; m = mar- gin of palea; oe = outer epidermis; pa = palea; scl = sclerenchyma) 58 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, mechanical tissue consisting of thick-walled, lignified cells of the outer epidermal layer (except at the margins) and a zone of sclerenchyma beneath the epidermis (Fig. 16, A, scl). The thick layer of mechanical tissue at the base of the lemma provides a tough, rigid covering over the embryo at the base of the caryopsis. A thin layer of chlorenchyma is near the inner epidermal layer. Stomata are found only in the inner epidermis in the basal portion of the lemma, but at the tip, where the bands of chlorenchyma extend to the epidermis, they are found in the outer epidermis also. The apical third of the lemma is thinner than the basal portion and resembles the empty glumes in nearly all of its histological characteristics. The terminal margin of the lemma ends in several points and in a fringe-like border which consists of the pointed ends of the terminal epidermal cells. Parallel, collateral vascular bundles extend from the base toward the apex of the lemma, each terminating in one or two tracheary elements near the apex or the margins. The number of vascular bundles found in the types examined varied from 7 to 9. Hitchcock (1935) gives a range of 5 to 9 for Avena. The central vascular bundle is the largest. On either side of it are an equal number of lateral vascular bundles which decrease in size toward the margins. If the lemma has an awn, the central vascular bundle enters the awn, and the lemma does not have a central vascular bundle above the di- vergence of the awn (Fig. 15, F, le). In a lemma without an awn, the central vascular bundle terminates near the apex. The vascular bundles in the apical third of the lemma are about as centrally located between the epidermal layers as they are in the glumes. However, in the basal two-thirds of the lemma, the vascular bundles are toward the inner surface of the lemma and are almost completely surrounded by chlo- renchyma. On the side where the vascular bundle is in contact with the sclerenchyma, the outer sheath appears to lack chlorophyll, and the walls of the cells of the mestom sheath are not as thick or as highly lignified as elsewhere around the vascular bundle. The vascular bundle of the lemma differs from that of the leaf or of the stem in not having large, prominent metaxylem vessels. Small transverse bundles connecting the major parallel vascular bundles are located at irregular intervals along the lemma. The small transverse bundles consist of one element each of xylem and phloem, a companion cell, and a thin-walled cell associated with the xylem element. The apical third and the basal two-thirds of the lemma differ from each other in the amount and distribution of the chlorenchyma and of the mechanical tissue. In the apical third, the tissue consists of bands 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 59 of chlorenchyma above and below the vascular bundles and of color- less parenchyma between the bands. This gives the tip of the lemma the same striped appearance that it gives the empty glumes. In the basal two-thirds of the lemma, the mechanical tissue is next to the outer epidermis, and the chlorenchyma is near the inner epidermis. In longitudinal section, the cells of the sclerenchyma are long, narrow, and pointed at both ends with thick, lignified walls like other fibers. In transection, these cells are approximately elliptical, with the long di- mension perpendicular to the outer epidermal layer. They are largest adjacent to the outer epidermis and smallest next to the chlorenchyma, and the walls of the interior cells are not as thick as those next to the epidermis. The tangential walls of cells adjacent to the chlorenchyma are as thin as those of the chlorenchyma. The thickness of the zone of sclerenchyma increases from a single cell layer near the tip to several (3 or 4) cell layers near the base of the lemma. The chlorenchyma extends from the sclerenchyma to the inner epidermal layer. It is thickest around the vascular bundles and thin- nest at a point midway between them. The chlorenchyma has sub- stomatal spaces and the same spongy appearance that is characteristic of the mesophyll of the foliage leaf. Stomata are found in the outer epidermis in the tip of the lemma where the epidermis is in contact with the chlorenchyma. In the basal two-thirds of the lemma, the stomata are found only in the inner epidermis since the chlorenchyma is located only on the inner side next to the epidermis. The lemma increases in thickness from the apex to the base and from the margins to the middle of the lemma. The margins of the lemma are not as wide as the margins of the glumes. Since the inner epidermal layer usually does not collapse, the margins of the lemma remain as a double cell layer (Fig. 16, F). The cells of the inner epidermis may be lignified inward for a distance of twice the width of the margins (Fig. 16, F, ie). A few cells of the outer epidermal layer at the margin of the lemma may also be lignified. For a short distance basally from the apex, the margins terminate in a row of hook-shaped trichomes. Below the trichomes the margins are smooth. At the apex, hook-shaped trichomes are also found over and between the vascular bundles. Near the apex the lemma consists of only the two epidermal layers, the same as in the margins; however, the radial walls of the epidermal layers in this region collapse, pro- ducing what appears to be a single, thick, lignified layer. With few exceptions the same differences can be found in the outer and inner epidermal layers of the lemma as are found for those layers 60 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, of the empty glumes. The undulating walls of the fundamental cells of the outer epidermis are thicker in the lemmas than in the glumes, and their undulations are more pronounced. Stomata are not present near the apex, or in the margins, or in the basal two-thirds of the outer epidermal layer of the lemma. Except at the apex and in the margins, silica and cork cells are found in combination with the funda- mental cells of the outer epidermal layer. The presence and location of hook-shaped trichomes has been mentioned previously. The inner epidermis is composed of rows of long, thin-walled fundamental cells alone or in combination with stomata. No special cells other than the guard and subsidiary cells are present in the inner epidermis. Awn The awn is limited to the lemma of the basal floret in nearly all varieties of A. saliva (Fig. 12, G), but in A. bysantina and certain other species and subspecies, two or more florets may be awned (Stan- ton, 1955). The awn is usually much smaller on cultivated oats than on wild types. In the varieties studied, the awns were straight and not twisted, but in some cultivated forms, the awns are twisted and geniculate (bent sharply). The awn is located on the dorsal surface of the mature lemma, midway between the apex and the base. Arber (1934) and Stanton (1955) state that the awn is a continuation of the median vascular bundle. The central vascular bundle of the lemma continues into the awn and terminates near its tip. The divergence of the main vascular bundle of the lemma into the awn leaves the lemma, immediately above the awn, without a vascular bundle. The awn is the most conspicious feature of the early development of the lemma (Fig. 15, D, aw). It arises soon after the initiation of the lemma and grows so rapidly that it becomes the dominant struc- ture. Earliness in awn development is characteristic of other cereal grains that have been examined, namely wheat, both awned and awn- less (which has suppressed awns), barley, and rye. The apex and the margins of the lemma develop more slowly than the awn so that the tip of the lemma at the point at which the awn diverges appears to arise as a lateral structure of the awn (Fig. 15, D, E, aw and le). As the lemma develops, the tip elongates above the point of divergence of the awn until by maturity it is approximately half of the total length of the lemma. By maturity the lemma is the dominant structure. The mature awn differs in shape from other parts of the oat plant, but its histological characteristics are similar to those of the lemma. Near the base, the awn is flattened on the side next to the lemma 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 61 (ventral side) (Fig. 15, B, aw). Beyond the apex of the lemma, the awn is round. The awn tapers from the base to the apex, terminating in 1 or 2 sharp-pointed trichomes which are a continuation of the rows of trichomes of the epidermal layer. The trichomes are found in three groups: one group consists of a single row on the dorsal surface over the vascular bundle, and two groups consist of double rows of trichomes on either side of the dorsal group, about a third of the distance around the circumference of the awn toward the lemma. The cells of the epidermal layer on the ventral side of the awn are thick and lignified. On the dorsal side, the epidermal cells are also lignified, but they are somewhat thinner than those of the ventral side (Fig. 15, H, d and v). In longitudinal section, the cells of the epi- dermis on the ventral side are pointed, resembling fibers. At the base of the awn, the epidermal cells in the dorsal portion have thick, undu- lating walls, but they become thinner and straighter toward the apex. Silica and cork cells are found in the epidermis near the base. A zone of sclerenchyma 3 to 5 cells deep extends along the flattened portion of the awn, and a few cells of sclerenchyma are on the dorsal side opposite the vascular bundle. In transverse section, the cells of the sclerenchyma are round or many sided. In longitudinal section, the cells of the sclerenchyma are long, have parallel sides, and are pointed at both ends, like other fibers. Bands of chlorenchyma, a continuation of the bands in the lemma, are found on either side of the single vascular bundle. They extend nearly to the apex of the awn. Rows of stomata are found in the epidermal layer on either side of the vascular bundle. Although the chlorenchyma has a spongy appearance like the mesophyll of the foliage leaf, the intercellular spaces are not as large. For a time the awn functions as a photosynthetic organ, but the chlorenchyma disin- tegrates as the spikelet matures. In the lemma, the chlorenchyma is toward the inner surface, but in the awn it shifts at the point of divergence to the outer (dorsal) surface. At the juncture of the awn and lemma, there is a v-shaped thickening of the lemma. Viewed in transverse section, the awn at the point of divergence is more than twice as wide as it is just above that point. The single vascular bundle of the awn is near the dorsal surface for a short distance above the base, but it is in the center of the awn for the rest of its length. The xylem is oriented toward the ventral and the phloem toward the dorsal surface. The histological characteristics of the vascular bundle are like those of a bundle of similar size in the stem or leaf. 62 BULLETIN No. 672 . [June, Pa lea The palea, which is homologous with the prophyll (Arber, 1934; Hitchcock, 1935), is located on the floral axis above the lemma with its back to the rachilla. The palea and the lemma completely inclose the caryopsis. Viewed from the back, the palea appears lanceolate. In transverse section, it is thin and slightly convex between the two keels, which form the lateral boundaries of the back. The margins extend beyond the keels, curving inward inside of the lemma to con- form to the contour of the lemma (Fig. 15, B, pa). The keels extend from the base to the tip of the palea where each terminates in a point, producing a bidentate tip on the palea. A double row of straight, monocellular trichomes of varying lengths forms a fringe that extends along each keel from the tip to the base of the palea. The trichomes become shorter and less numerous toward the base. The tip of the palea terminates in a fringe consisting of the sharp points of the terminal epidermal cells. The epidermal layers of the palea differ from each other in cell size, in cell shape, and in the thickness and lignification of the cell walls (Fig. 16, A, pa; G, oe, ie). A transverse section near the middle of the palea shows that all of the cells of the epidermis on the abaxial surface are small and that they have 4 to 5 nearly equal sides and thick, lignified walls. Near the edge of the margins, only the inner tangential walls of the cells of the outer epidermis are thick and lignified. With respect to the surface, the fundamental cells of the outer epidermis are long and have parallel, deep-furrowed walls. Near the keels, the fundamental cells have irregular shapes. From the base to the tip of the palea, the depth of the furrows and the thickness of the walls of the fundamental cells decrease until near the tip the walls are thin and straight. Except in the margins and at the tip of the palea, the fundamental cells of the outer epidermis are in combination with silica and cork cells. Hook-shaped trichomes occur near the tip. All of the cells of the inner epidermis are fundamental cells with thin, nonlignified walls. In transverse section, the cells of the inner epidermis are large and look as if they had been inflated (Fig. 16, A, pa). They are not uniform in diameter but are largest near the keels and decrease in size toward the middle of the back and toward the edge of the margins. Longitudinally, the cells of the inner epidermis are long, are wide in the middle, and taper from the middle to each end. There are no stomata or other specialized cells in the inner epi- dermis. Near maturity, the cells of the inner epidermis collapse and, 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 63 in transverse section, appear as dark-staining lines at the inner surface of the palea. In transverse section the keels are approximately triangular (Fig. 16, A, k). Their size decreases from the base to the tip of the palea. The keels are somewhat more elongate near the base than near the tip. In the second floret, the keels are rounded instead of elongate. A vascular bundle extends up the middle of each keel, from the base to the tip of the palea, and terminates in one or two tracheary elements. These are the only vascular bundles in the palea. Chlorenchyma may surround the vascular bundle for the length of the keel or may be limited to the basal portion. Where the chlorenchyma is limited to the base of the keel, the remainder of the parenchyma cells have somewhat thickened walls. The chlorenchyma may extend across the back and into the margins at the base of the palea, but toward the tip it is limited to the keels. Halfway between the base and the tip of the palea, the tissue in the back and in the margins may consist of sclerenchyma and of paren- chyma with or without chlorophyll. This far up the back, the scle- renchyma is one or two cells deep. In transverse section, the cells of the outer layer of sclerenchyma are longer than they are wide, with the long axis perpendicular to the surface of the palea. The cells of the second layer of sclerenchyma are nearly round and have slightly thin- ner walls than the first layer. In longitudinal section, the sclerenchyma cells are long and have parallel sides and slightly pointed ends. The characteristics of the cells of the sclerenchyma in the margins are similar to those in the back. Toward the base, the palea has additional cell layers, but, toward the tip (Fig. 16, G) and at the edge of the margins, the palea consists only of the epidermal layers. These collapse, leaving thick, lignified tangential walls. Lodicules Two lodicules are present in each oat floret. They are located between the base of the pistil and the lemma, in front of the lateral margins of the palea (Figs. 17, G, lo; 20, A, lo). Mature lodicules are thick at the base and pointed at the tip (Fig. 17, A, B, C). At anthesis the lodicules swell at the base and force the lemma outward, thus open- ing the flower. After anthesis the lodicules collapse. Arber (1934) has stated that the two lodicules represent two of three members of a perianth whorl, the third or posterior member being absent in most grasses; however, she illustrates the presence of the third lodicule in 64 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, (Fig. 17. See opposite page for legend) 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 65 Stipa pennata. Lodicules have been interpreted as foliar in origin (Barnard, 1955, 1957) and as cauline (Bonnett, 1953). Observations of the cell divisions that initiate the lodicules show that lodicules are initiated by periclinal cell divisions in the second cell layer (the cor- pus), which is characteristic of shoots and of shoot-like parts (Fig. 17, E, F, lo). As the lodicules increase in size, cell divisions are anti- clinal in the first cell layer, also as in shoots or in shoot-like parts. On the other hand, in the initiation and growth of leaves or of leaf-like parts, periclinal cell divisions occur in the surface cell layer at the margin of the primordium as well as in the deeper layers. These two observations support the belief that the lodicules are cauline, not foliar in nature. Both the epidermis and the body of the lodicule are composed of thin-walled cells (Fig. 17, G, lo). The epidermal cells are rec- tangular when viewed in longitudinal section; while in cross sec- tion, they are nearly round and small in diameter. In longitudinal section, the cells making up the thick, basal portion of the lodicule are long, narrow, and pointed and contain large nuclei (Fig. 17, C). The long axis of the interior cells of a lodicule is oriented with the long axis of the flower. The cells inside the lodicule have a crescent-shaped arrangement with the open portion of the crescent toward the lemma. A thick wing-like structure extends from the lateral margin of each lodicule. The wing-like structure is attached along the base of the lodicule but is free at the tip (Fig. 17, A, w). A main vascular bundle enters the base of each lodicule. These bundles are two of the group of vascular bundles that enter the base of the floret. Soon after they diverge from the group, each vascular Initiation and development of the lodicule. (Fig. 17) A. Mature lodicules, showing the thin, membraneous lateral wings. X20. B. Longisection of a lodicule at an early stage of development, showing the thick base and long membraneous tip. X66. C. Longisection of the base of a lodicule, showing the long, rectangular, deep-staining cells. X66. D. Longisection at right angles to the dorsiventral plane, showing the lodicules just above the lemma and beneath the anthers. X66. E. Initiation of the lodicule by a periclinal cell division, or divisions, in the second cell layer of the floral apex. X287. F. Longisection of a flower primordium at right angles to tin-
  • t>ivcntral plane, showing a very early stage in the development of the lodicule. X287. G. Transverse section of a floret, showing the base of the lodicules. X257. H. A lodicule, as shown in D, enlarged. X287. (an = anther; gl = glume; le = lemma; lo = lodicule; w = wings of the lodicule) 66 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, bundle divides into three main branches, and these branches in turn divide many times, producing small vascular bundles which spread throughout the lodicule. Small vascular bundles extend from the base almost to the tip of the lodicule. Each vascular bundle follows a crescent-shaped course parallel to the orientation of the cells of the lodicule. In most cases the small vascular bundles in the body of the lodicule consist of a single tracheary and a single sieve element to- gether with one or two other cells, the same as described by Arber (1934) for Buchloe dactyloides Engelm. The main vascular bundle and its three main branches have a larger number of tracheary and sieve elements. Stamens The oat has three stamens in each flower, which, collectively, are called the androecium. Each stamen consists of an anther borne upon a filament, or stalk (Fig. 20, C, D, fi). Each anther has two lobes and each lobe contains two locules, or pollen sacs; thus each anther con- tains four locules. Each locule is attached at its inner margin to a central axis of parenchyma, the connective (Figs. 15, B, en; 19, D, en). The lower extremity of the connective is attached to the filament ( Fig. 20, C, D). A single collateral vascular bundle extends throughout the Development of the stamen and early stages of the anther. (Fig- 18) A. A periclinal cell division in the second cell layer of the floral apex, which initiates the stamen. X647. B. Longisection of the floral apex at right angles to the dorsiventral plane, showing the stamen as a protuberance. X287. C. Anther primordium, longisection. Division of cells of the hypodermal layers gives rise to the cell layers of the anther wall and to the primary sporangeous cells. X287. D. Transection of an anther primordium, showing the initiation of the locules. X287. E. Longisection of an anther, showing the truncated apex, the separation of the base from the floral axis, and the beginning of the development of the filament. X287. F. Transection of anther at about the same stage as in E. X287. G. Longisection through a locule, showing the rounded ends and the peri- clinal cell divisions just beneath the outer cell layer, a stage in the devel- opment of the anther wall. X287. H. Transection of anther, showing initiation of the anther walls, the con- nective, and the primary sporangeous cells. X287. (en = connective; fi = initiation of a filament; h = hypodermal layers; iw = initial cells from which anther walls develop; loc = locule of the an- ther; pd = protoderm; psc = primary sporangeous cells (pollen mother cells); st = primordium of a stamen) 1961} HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 67 H (Fig. 18. See opposite page for legend) 68 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, length of the connective, extends through the filament, and connects with the vascular bundles of the floral axis (Fig. 19, G). No other vascular bundles are found in the stamen. Until anthesis, the cells of the filament appear meristematic. An anther is located on either side of the ovary, one in each of the angles formed by the two keels of the palea. The third anther is in the anterior portion of the flower, oppo- site the lemma (Fig. 15, B). Stamen primordia first appear as papillae just beneath the apex of the floral axis and above the primordia of the lemma and palea (Fig. 18, B, st). Anther initiation occurs after the initiation of the lemma but before the initiation of the palea. Initiation of the anther begins with periclinal cell divisions in the second and third cell layer of the floral apex (Fig. 18, A, st). The anther is the first part of the stamen to differentiate. The filament is formed later beneath the base of the anther (Fig. 18, E, fi). Anthers change from cone-shaped papillae to spherical and then into short structures, truncated at the tip and base (Fig. 18, E). When the anther primordium becomes spherical, the epidermal layer, the second cell layer, and the portion that will become the connective can easily be identified (Fig. 18, C). In Fig. 18, E, a longisection of a stamen, two lobes, the filament primordium, and the procambial strand of the connective tissue can be identified. As the anther increases in size, its form changes. The locules become long and taper slightly from the middle to each end (Fig. 18, G). When viewed in cross section at this stage, the locules are round and separate from each other but are attached at their inner margins to the connec- Anthers. (Fig. 19) A. Transection of an anther, showing a portion of a locule. The cells from the outside inward are the epidermis; the endothecium; the cell layer giving rise to the middle cell layer and to the tapetum; and the pollen mother cell primordia. X647. B. Transection of an anther, showing the epidermis, the three cell layers of the anther wall, and the pollen mother cells. X647. C. Transection of an anther. The pollen grains are two nucleate. Some tapetal cells are present between the pollen grains. X287. D and E. A transection and a longisection of an anther. The stomium is open in each of the photos. Both X66. F. Transection through the stomium. X287. G. Transection of the connective and of its vascular bundle. X287. H. Longisection of the anther wall, showing an epidermal cell. X287. I. Longisection through the endothecial cells, showing the secondary thick- enings which resemble loops of thread. X287. (en = connective; ep = epidermis; et = endothecium; lo = lodicule; ml = middle cell layer of the anther wall; p = pollen; pm = pollen mother cell; sto = stomium; tap = tapetal layer) 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT l'i AM 69 (Fig. 19. See opposite page for legend) 70 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, D Anther and filament. (Fig- 20) A. Transection through the base of the spikelet to show the point of attach- ment of the filaments at the base of the lodicules. X66. B. Transection of the filament of a stamen, showing the vascular bundle, the deep-staining cells, and the thick outer layer over the protoderm. X287. C and D. Longisections showing the attachment of the filament to the connective at the base of the anther. C, X66; D, X287. (en = connective; fi = filament; le = lemma; lo = lodicules; loc = locule of the anther; ova = base of ovary; pa = palea; pp = protophloem; px = pro- toxylem; rac = rachilla) 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 71 tive (Fig. 18, H, en). The connective is almost as long as the locules, but their points extend beyond the connective (Fig. 20, C). Initiation of the parietal layers and of the sporangeous tissue of each of the anther locules begins at about the stage of development shown in Fig. 18, E and F. In each corner of the anther primordium, periclinal divisions in the hypodermal layer produce an outer row of primary parietal cells and an inner row of primary sporangeous cells. Periclinal divisions in the first parietal layer produce two cell layers, an outer layer, which becomes the endothecium (Fig. 19, A, et), and an inner layer, which divides periclinally, producing the middle layer and the tapetal layer. Anticlinal cell divisions also occur in each of the cell layers to produce an increase in the circumference of the locule. The cell layers of the anther wall and the pollen mother cells are shown in Fig. 19, B. The development of the microspores, beginning with the primary sporangeous cell (pollen mother cell) follows the pattern that has been described for grasses. The pollen mother cell divides to produce two daughter cells. This division is a reduction division of the chromosome complement. The two daughter cells divide by a mitotic division of the reduced chromosome complement, which results in four micro- spores. A wall forms around each microspore. Most of the micro- spores are attached (Fig. 19, C, p), but some are free in the locule. When mature, the pollen grain is free in the locule (Fig. 19, D, E). Each of the four microspores develops into a pollen grain. The microspore nucleus divides, producing a tube nucleus and a generative nucleus. The generative nucleus divides to produce two sickle-shaped male cells (Fig. 27, A, me). The cytoplasm is dense and deep-staining. A pollen grain stained in a solution of iodine-potassium iodide becomes deep blue, indicating the presence of starch. A smooth wall with a single pore develops around the pollen grain. The tapetal layer, which completely incloses the locule, reaches its maximum development at about the time the tetrad stage of micro- sporogenesis is reached. At this point, the tapetal cells are rectangular, each with its long axis parallel to the long axis of the anther. The cytoplasm of the tapetal cells is deep-staining, and the nuclei are large. From this time on, the cells of the tapetum break down and are absorbed. By the time the pollen grains have two nuclei, the tapetal cells are reduced to a nucleus and to a small amount of cytoplasm (Fig. 19, C, tap). Just before anthesis, the tapetal and middle cell layer are only a crushed, deep-staining remnant next to the endo- thecium. The middle cell layer is reduced ahead of the tapetal layer since it is reduced before the tetrad stage of microsporogenesis. 72 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, The endothecium and the epidermis are the only cell layers that remain in the mature anther (Fig. 19, D, E). As the cells of the endothecium develop, each elongates with its long axis at right angles to the long axis of the anther (Fig. 19, I, et). The epidermal cells, however, are oriented with their long axes parallel to the long axis of the anther. In cross section, the cells of the endothecium are narrow. When the endothecial cells are mature, they have strips of secondary thickenings, which resemble loops of thread, perpendicular to all of their walls (Fig. 19, I). The walls of the mature cells of the epidermis are flat where they touch each other, but the external wall is puffed out as if inflated (Fig. 19, H). The epidermal cells also have secondary wall thickening. The epidermal cells, when viewed in either a longitudinal or in a cross section, are not uniform in size but vary from the tip to the base and around the circumference of the locule. The endothecium and the epidermis, with their secondary thickening of the walls and with the long axes of their cells at right angles to each other, form a rather rigid capsule for containing the pollen. At anthesis, the locules open for their entire length along their inner margins. The opening is called the stomium (Fig. 19, D, E, sto). Both locules in each half of the anther empty at the same time (Fig. 19, D). The place where the wall breaks open is between the endo- thecial cells that define the margin. The wall of each pair of locules is joined by several round, epidermal cells which also separate at anthesis. The last two cells of the endothecium adjacent to the attach- ment of the locule wall are thicker in the tangential plane than are the cells internal to them, and, also, the epidermal cells are smaller at this point. These cells form the margin of the opening of the locule at anthesis (Fig. 19, F, ep and et). In the early stage of development, the connective is made up of small, deep-staining cells. In longitudinal section, a mature cell of the connective, except for in the vascular bundle, is long, rectangular, and highly evacuolated and has a nucleus. Four rows of stomata are in the epidermis of the connective. They are arranged with two rows of stomata on either side of the connective, near where the locules join the connective. The single procambial strand develops acropetally in each connective. At maturity, the vascular bundle is made up of several protophloem sieve-tube elements and a few protoxylem ele- ments, surrounded by deep-staining parenchyma (Fig. 19, G), but it does not have a mestom sheath or thick-walled, lignified cells. 1961} HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 73 The filament is a short stalk which is attached to the connective at the base of the anther (Fig. 20, C). Each filament of the two lateral anthers is attached to the floral axis in an axil formed at the juncture of the pistil and the palea. The filament of the anterior anther is attached between the inner margins of the two lodicules and the base of the pistil (Fig. 20, A, fi). The filaments are thicker at the point of their attachment to the connective than in the middle (Fig. 20, C, D, fi). Just beneath the attachment of the filament to the connective, the cells of the filament are almost square in longitudinal section and round in cross section. The cells of the epidermis are larger in cross section than the interior cells, whereas lower in the filament, they are of nearly the same diameter. Below the enlarged portion of the fila- ment, the cells of the epidermis and ground tissue are short rectangles with their long axes parallel to the long axis of the filament. All of the cells of the filament, except those of the vascular bundle, have dense, deep-staining protoplasm (Fig. 20, B). The sieve-tube elements show secondary thickening, and the vessel elements have annular thickening. At anthesis, all of the cells of the filament elongate to more than twice their original length. The elongation causes the anthers to tip, spilling the pollen and forcing the anthers out of the flower between the lemma and palea, which have been spread open by the lodicules. The annular thickenings in the vessels are disrupted and displaced by the filament elongation, as they are by the growth of a vascular bundle. Pistil The gynoecium, or pistil, which is the organ that bears the ovule, has many parts. The lower portion of the pistil is composed of an ovary containing a single ovule. At the top of the pistil are two slender, tapering columns of tissue, the styles. The tips and the inner surfaces of the styles (Fig. 24, A) are covered nearly to the base with long, filament-like, stigmatic branches which form a plumulose group (Fig. 21, H, I). The basal half of the exterior surface of the styles is with- out stigmatic branches. Long, monocellular, epidermal hairs (tri- chomes) entirely cover the ovary from its apex to its base. A single, sessile, anatropous ovule is located inside of the ovary (Fig. 25, A). Two integuments cover the ovule, except at the micropyle. The embryo sac occupies the lower anterior portion of the ovule. The pistil develops from the apex of the floral axis after the stamen primordia have been initiated. Previous to the initiation of the parts of the pistil, the primordium is a round structure composed 74 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, (Fig. 21. See opposite page for legend) 1961} HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 75 of deep-staining, dividing cells (Fig. 22, A). The carpel, which is a leaf-like structure, is the first portion of the pistil to differentiate. Initiation of the carpel begins with a periclinal cell division in the first cell layer of the surface, near the tip of the floral apex (Fig. 22, B, C, cp). The periclinal cell divisions in the surface layer then extend circumferentially around the floral apex. Soon a crescent- shaped ridge is formed, inclosing the floral apex which develops into the ovule (Fig. 21, A). At first the ridge is more prominent on the anterior side of the floral apex, but gradually it extends to inclose the entire apex. The margins of the ridge opposite to the laterally placed anthers grow more rapidly than the other portions of the ridge and form the primordia of the two styles (Fig. 21, B, C). This develop- ment places the styles on the anterior half of the pistil. The opening between the margins of the crescent-shaped ridge is never completely closed but remains as the stylar canal. In the mature pistil, the stylar canal is located between the two styles (Fig. 23, B, D, F, sc). Styles. Soon after their initiation, the two styles are cone-shaped structures (Fig. 21, C, D, E). The style primordia increase in length and diameter by anticlinal and periclinal cell divisions in the first cell layer as well as in the cells beneath. In the early stage of the develop- ment of the style, the planes of cell division may be in any direction. Later, many cell divisions occur parallel to the long axes of the styles. During development, the styles increase in length by the elongation of all of the cells. Therefore, at maturity the cells are long and narrow. In cross section, the cells of the style are round to many sided and small in diameter (Fig. 23, A). The mature cells of the style are thin-walled, except for the epidermal cells, which are thick-walled. All of the cells except those of the vascular bundle and the stigmatoid tissue are highly evacuolated. Development of the pistil. (Fig. 21) A. Early stage of pistil and anther development, showing a crescent-shaped carpel primordium which partly incloses the ovule primordium. Photograph is taken from the adaxial, or palea, side of the spikelet. X50. B. The pistil, with two lateral projections on the carpel (the projections are the primordia of the styles), and three stamens. X50. C through E. Showing the elongation of the styles. The lemma and the stamens have been removed. C, X35; D, X35; E, X40. F. An oat flower, one stamen removed, showing the styles covered with papillae, the primordia of the stigmatic branches. X40. G and H. Oat flowers, with the lemma and one stamen removed to show the elongation of the stigmatic branches. Two lodicules are shown at the base of each flower. Both X20. I. Mature pistil, showing the plumulose styles and the ovary covered with long, straight hairs (trichomes). X15. 76 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, (Fig. 22. See opposite page for legend) 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 77 Each of the styles has two areas of specialized tissue, the stigma- toid and the vascular (Fig. 23, A, C, F). Esau (1953) called the area of the styles through which the pollen tubes grow, stigmatoid tissue, instead of conducting tissue, which had been the term commonly used (Pope, 1946). At the tip and throughout most of the length of the style, the stigmatoid tissue occupies the center of the style, but, near the base, it is slightly off-center toward the inner surface. As the stigmatoid tissue enters the top of the ovary, it curves inward toward the stylar canal (Fig. 23, D, F, stg). Initiation of the stigmatoid tissue begins just above the first cell layer of the inner surface of the ovary wall and proceeds acropetally as a series of cell divisions parallel to the long axis of the style. The procambial strands of the styles also develop acropetally. The vascular bundle is located near the inner surface of the style and is parallel to the stigmatoid tissue, but it does not reach the tip of the style. The vascular bundle of each style is an extension of a lateral vascular bundle of the ovary (Fig. 23, F, vb). Both the stigmatoid tissue and the vascular bundle originate from the meriste- matic cells of the primordia of the styles. Stigma. A stigmatic branch is a filament-like structure, 20 to 25 cells long, arising from the epidermis of the style (Figs. 21, I; 24, D). It consists of four layers of elongated cells arranged spirally along the axis of the branch. In cross section, the stigmatic branch is found to be composed of a group of four cells in a quadrilateral arrangement (Fig. 24, E, stb). The tips of the cells are rounded and point outward and upward toward the tip of the stigmatic branch and then overlap the base of the cells immediately above, like shingles on a roof. The bases of the cells are pointed. The protruding ends of the cells pro- vide an easy entrance for the pollen tube between the cells of the Early stages in the development of the pistil. (Fig. 22) A. Apex of the floral axis before the initiation of the carpel. X287. B and D. Initiation of the carpel, which begins with a periclinal cell divi- sion on the abaxial side of the floral apex. B, X287; D, X647. C. Carpel elongation on the abaxial side of the floral apex, produces a ridge as in Fig. 21, A and B. X287. E and F. E is parallel to and F is approximately at right angles to the dorsi- ventral plane. Both X257. G. A longisection along the dorsiventral plane. Beginning of the rotation of the ovule. The primordia of the outer and inner integuments and the archesporial cell (the megaspore mother cell) are shown. X287. H. Transection through the crescent-shaped carpel and through the apex of the ovule. Anther primordia are adjacent to the pistil. X287. (ac = archesporial cell; cp = carpel primordium; ov = ovule) 78 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, (Fig. 23. See opposite page for legend) 1961} HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 79 stigmatic branch and into the style (Fig. 27, B, C). The stigmatic branch terminates in a single cell, which is not a separate terminal cell but one of the series of four which occurs at the end of the spiral. A stigmatic branch is initiated by a cell division, at an oblique angle, in one of the epidermal cells. This division results in a pair of narrow cells, one above the other (Fig. 24, B, stb). The acropetal member of the pair enlarges, protruding from the surface of the style. The acropetal cell divides, the wall forming in a plane perpendicular to the surface of the style, but at an oblique angle to the long axis. This orientation of the cell wall is in accordance with the angle of the position of the mature cell in the stigmatic branch. The next cell division occurs in the acropetal cell with the cell wall forming, when viewed in transverse section, at a right angle to the plane of the preceding division and at an oblique angle to the longitudinal axis. The plane of division of each of the succeeding cells that make up the stigmatic branch, rotates 90 degrees (in a given branch the rotation may be either to the right or to the left) of the preceding cell division, and each new cell is in a higher plane than the preceding cell, thus producing the spiral arrangement of the cells of the stigmatic branch. Ovary. The ovary wall develops from the carpel. As the crescent- shaped ridge that initiates the carpel grows to inclose the ovule, it is only a few cells wide (Fig. 22, H, cp). That portion of the ovary wall Style. (Fig. 23) A. Transection of a style, showing the stigmatoid tissue and the procambial strand containing one protophloem sieve tube. X287. B. Transection at the top of the ovary. The stigmatoid tissue and the stylar canal are shown. X287. C. Longisection of a style. The principal feature is the stigmatoid tissue consisting of long, pointed, thin-walled cells. X287. D. Longisection of the top of the pistil, showing where the stigmatoid tissue terminates at the inner surface of the ovary wall. The stylar canal is at the left side of the photomicrograph. X287. E. Transection of the vascular bundles beneath the pistil. A ring of strands of protophloem and of metaphloem sieve tube elements of the several vas- cular bundles grouped together at this point surround the protoxylem in the center. X287. F. Longisection of the pistil at right angles to the dorsivcntral plane, showing one of the lateral vascular bundles of the pistil, which extends into a style. This is a composite of two photomicrographs. X66. G. Transection of the posterior vascular bundle of the ovary. This bundle is the main vascular bundle. The protophloem is at the right and is toward the outer surface of the ovary. X287. (PP protophloem; px = protoxylem; sc = stylar canal; stg = stigmatoid tissue; vb = vascular bundle) 80 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, which is above the ovule continues to increase in diameter and thick- ness until it is larger in diameter than at the base, resulting in the pistil becoming obovate. When the mature ovary is viewed in longi- tudinal section, the ovary wall is thinner near the base on the anterior mm* E (Fig. 24. See opposite page for legend) 1961} HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 81 side opposite to the micropyle (Fig. 25, A). At maturity, except for the vascular bundles, all of the cells of the ovary wall are parenchyma and are highly evacuolated at the apex of the ovary, but, in the region of the ovule and near the inner epidermis of the ovary wall, they stain deeper and have smaller vacuoles. There are four vascular bundles in the ovary: two lateral, one anterior, and one posterior. The anterior and the two lateral vascular bundles are in the ovary wall, near the outside, opposite to the posi- tion of the three anthers. The posterior, which is the' largest vascular bundle, is opposite and parallel to the attachment of the ovule. Each of the lateral vascular bundles enters a style. The anterior and posterior vascular bundles terminate in the ovary wall. The anterior bundle extends only a short distance toward the apex of the ovary, but the posterior bundle extends to a point above the ovule. The four vascular bundles originate in the floral axis beneath the pistil and enter the base of the ovary as a group (Fig. 23, E). The four groups of protophloem elements, when viewed in cross section, are in the outer circumference of a circular group of cells, and the protoxylem elements are in the center. The vascular bundles of the ovary and of the styles consist of only a few sieve-tube elements, one or two xylary elements, and the remainder of the vascular bundle is composed of small-celled vascular parenchyma. The vascular bundles of the ovary have neither mestom sheaths nor lignified cell walls. In all cases the protophloem elements are more numerous than the proto- xylem elements. Vascular elements are most numerous in the posterior vascular bundle, less so in the laterals, and least in the anterior bundle of the ovary. The number of protophloem and of protoxylem ele- ments decreases in the anterior and posterior vascular bundles from the base upward and in the lateral bundles as they approach the tip of the styles. Stigmatic branches of the style. (Fig. 24) A. A longitudinal section of a pistil at right angles to the dorsiventral plane, showing that the stigmatic branches do not extend down to thr ki-r of the styles on the lateral surfaces. X35. B. Beginning of the development of stigmatic branches. X647. C. A more advanced stage of stigmatic-branch development than in R X287. D. Tips of mature stigmatic branches, each of which terminates in a single cell. The tips of the cells along the branch point outward. The nuclei of the cells are clearly delimited. X647. E. Transection of a style and of stigmatic branches. For the most part, the cells of the stigmatic branches are arranged in a quadrilateral tetrad. X287. (stb = stigmatic branches; sty = style) 82 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, (Fig. 25. See opposite page for legend) 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 83 Ovule. The ovule terminates the floral axis (Fig. 22, A). In longitudinal section, the cells of the ovule seem to be oriented toward the anterior side (Fig. 22, B). The posterior ovary wall develops above the ovule (Fig. 22, E). When viewed in cross section, the ovule appears to be sessile, and the attachment is narrow. As the carpel grows, cell divisions on the posterior side of the pistil produce a rotation of the ovule toward the anterior side, resulting, at the completion of development, in an anatropous type of ovule (Fig. 25, A). Thus although the ovule is terminal on the floral axis, by the time the rotation is complete, that is, by maturity, the ovule appears to be attached to the posterior ovary wall, but actually it is not. In Fig. 25, A, which is a median longisection of a pistil whose ovule has com- pleted rotation, the length of the area of attachment shows how much the base extends during rotation. After fertilization, the embryo and endosperm elongate so far above the attachment of the ovule that the attachment appears to be at the base of the developing seed. A large cell, the primary archesporial cell, is located in the second cell layer near the apex of the ovule (Fig. 22, G, ac). The primary archesporial cell functions as the megaspore mother cell without fur- ther division. The megaspore mother cell enlarges until it is as wide as two of the adjacent cells of the nucellus and extends almost the entire length of the ovule (Fig. 25, B, me). Its nucleus is large, and large vacuoles are present in the cytoplasm. The embryo sac and megasporogenesis. (Fig. 25) A. Dorsiventral section through a pistil, showing the ovary wall, the ovule, and the nucellus, with the inner integument and the embryo sac and in- cluded cells. X257. B. Dorsiventral section of the ovule, showing the elongated megaspore mother cell in the ovule and the primordia of the outer and inner integu- ments. X287. C. Development of the embryo sac accompanied by the disintegration of the adjacent cells of the nucellus. X287. D. First division of the megaspore mother cell. X647. E. A section through the micropyle of the ovule, which consists of an opening in the inner integument and in the outer cell layer of the ovule. X287. F. Three of the four megaspores, which form a linear tetrad in the ovule. The outermost spore of the micropylar pair has been absorbed, and the next one is breaking down. The chalazal pair are apparently still intact. X430. (ant = antipodal cells; e = egg; ii = inner integument; m = micropyle; me = megaspore mother cell; ms = megaspores; oi = outer integument; x = location of the egg, the two synergids, and the two polar nuclei) 84 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, Megasporogenesis begins with the division of the megaspore mother cell (Fig. 25, D). It is a reduction division in which the chromosome number is reduced to half. The two daughter cells divide again, a division in which each of the chromosomes divides, leaving each of the four resultant cells (megaspores) with a reduced complement of chro- mosomes, the gametic number. The megaspores are in a single file, producing a linear tetrad (Fig. 25, F). The innermost or chalazal megaspore is the only one to function in the development of the embryo sac; the other three disintegrate. The cells of the nucellus adjacent to the disintegrating megaspores increase in size and crush the remnants of the megaspores. The cells of the nucellus also divide, producing 1 to 2 layers of cells between the micropyle and the chalazal megaspore. Cells of the nucellus are arranged in files that radiate from the chalazal end of the ovule. Embryo sac. Embryo sac development begins with the enlarge- ment of the chalazal megaspore. The nucleus of the megaspore divides, producing an embryo sac with two nuclei that are separated by a large vacuole. As the embryo sac increases in size, the cells of the nucellar tissue disintegrate to provide space for it (Fig. 25, C). Just before fertilization, the boundary of the embryo sac is delimited by a thin layer of dark-staining cytoplasm. Exterior to and adjacent to the embryo sac, the cells of the nucellus are in varying degrees of disinte- gration (Fig. 25, A). Nuclear divisions occur in the embryo sac until there are eight nuclei, which form into two groups. Located at the micropylar end are the egg, the two polar nuclei, and the two synergids (Fig. 25, A, e and x); and located at the chalazal end are the antipodal cells. The egg is the largest cell of this group. It has a large nucleus but a poorly defined wall. At first, the polar nuclei are very near the egg toward the micropylar end of the embryo sac and are inclosed in the same mass of cytoplasm with the egg (Fig. 26, A, pn and e) ; but at the time of fertilization, they have moved to a point near the antipodal cells. At the time of fertilization, each of the polar nuclei is inclosed by a well-defined nuclear membrane. The synergids are also near the egg but are on the side toward the micropyle (Cannon, 1900). The synergids stain poorly, and usually only one can be identified in the mature embryo sac (Fig. 26, D, sy). The cytoplasm of the egg, but not of the other cells in the embryo sac, stains dark with iodine- potassium iodide solution, indicating starch (Fig. 26, D, e). 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT % 85 Egg, polar nuclei, and antipodal cells. (Fig. 26) A. Egg and one of the polar nuclei. The egg and polar nuclei are adjacent until just before fertilization, when the polar nuclei are found near the antipodal cells. X647. B. Polar nuclei lying adjacent to each other, inclosed in protoplasm. X143. C. Antipodal cells. X287. D. The protoplasm of the egg nucleus stains blue with an iodine-potas- sium iodide solution, indicating the presence of starch. The syncrgid and polar nuclei do not stain well. X287. E. The antipodals do not show the presence of starch when stained with an iodine-potassium iodide solution. X287. (ant = antipodal cells; e = egg; pn = polar nucleus; sy = syncrgid) 86 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, The second group of cells consists of the antipodal cells located at the chalazal end of the embryo sac (Figs. 25, A, ant; 26, C, E, ant). Although the embryo sac of the oat is a monosporic, eight-nucleate (polygonum) type, which initially has three antipodal cells, the anti- podal cells in the oat, as in many grasses, continue to multiply (Cannon, 1900). The number of antipodals in Avena sativa, before fertilization, has been reported to range from 11 to 30 (Arber, 1934; Stover, 1937). As many as 26 antipodal cells could be counted in some of the pistils sectioned for study. The antipodal cells are large and have large nuclei containing many nucleoli (Fig. 26, E). As soon as the polar nuclei are fertilized, the antipodal cells begin to disintegrate. They are completely absorbed by the time the proembryo reaches the sixteen-cell stage. Integuments. Two integuments, the outer and the inner, each of which is two cells thick, cover the ovule except at the micropyle (Fig. 25, E, m). The integuments are leaf-like structures. They originate from periclinal cell divisions in the first cell layer of the ovule. The outer integument originates just above the point of attachment of the ovule. This point is called the chalaza. The inner integument origi- nates just above the outer integument. From a study of the material available, it appears that the outer integument is initiated on the lower side of the ovule and that the inner integument is initiated on the upper side of the ovule above the outer integument, that is, in acropetal succession. The periclinal cell divisions from which the integuments develop proceed circumferentially from the point of ini- tiation. The integuments increase in length from divisions of marginal cells and from cell elongation. The micropyle is formed by the inner integument. The third and fourth cells back from the micropyle are thicker than the other cells, forming a slight protuberance (Fig. 25, E, m). At the micropyle, the margin of the outer integument does not extend as far as that of the inner integument, but terminates at the protuberance of the inner integument. At the micropyle, all of the cells of the ovule, except the surface cell layer, disintegrate during the formation of the embryo sac. Several cells of the ovule wall elongate and become pointed, and the points are inserted into the micropyle. The cells of the ovule wall and of the inner integument do not fuse at the micropyle, but the opening in the ovule wall is sealed by a plug of dark-staining material. The cells of the ovule wall are in radial files converging at the micropyle. 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 87 Trichomes. Long, pointed, unicellular hairs (trichomes) cover the outside of the ovary from the base to the apex (Fig. 21, I). They are more numerous at the base than at the apex. The trichomes are inter- spersed among thin-walled fundamental cells that vary in shape from the base to the apex. The walls of the trichomes stain differently than the walls of the fundamental cells do, and this difference in the stain- ing of the trichomes extends to the inner tangential wall. The nucleus of the trichome is located about midway between the base and the tip. While the fundamental cells increase markedly in length and diameter as they develop in the outer coat of the caryopsis, the trichomes change very little in length or diameter. The principal change in the trichome is a marked increase in wall thickness. SEED STAGE: DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT KERNEL Mature Grain An oat grain is a caryopsis, a term applied to a small, dry, inde- hiscent, one-seeded fruit, with a thin, tight pericarp, originating from a superior ovary. The oat caryopsis is inclosed in the lemma and the palea. Viewed from the anterior (abaxial) side, it is long, slender, and elliptical. A crease on the posterior side extends the entire length of the caryopsis. The wall of the caryopsis consists of two cell layers derived from two different sources: the pericarp, from the outer epidermal layer of the ovary wall, and the epidermis of the ovule. The integuments are absorbed and, therefore, do not form seed coats. Usually all of the cells of the ovary wall and of the nucellus are absorbed, leaving the outermost epidermal layer of each part. The outermost tangential wall of the cells of the epidermis of the ovary and the outer and inner tangential walls of the epidermis of the ovule become thick and lignified. As the caryopsis develops, the cells of these epidermal layers collapse and thus become the coats of the caryopsis. These layers can be identified in the mature caryopsis. Like the ovary from which it develops, the caryopsis is covered with unicellular trichomes, but with a greater concentration of trichomes at the tip. Inside of the wall layers, the caryopsis contains the endosperm and the embryo. The endosperm, which constitutes the largest part of the caryopsis, is made up of two kinds of cells: the cells of the aleu- rone layer and the starch cells. 88 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, The oat embryo is located on the anterior side near the base of the caryopsis. There are two major parts to the embryo: the scutellum, or cotyledon, and the primary axis of the embryo, which is composed of the plumule and of the primary root, or radicle. Associated with these major parts are the ventral scale on the scutellum, the epiblast on the anterior side of the embryo opposite the scutellum, the coleorhiza (or sheath covering the radicle), and two or more adventitious roots originating from the first internode. Pollination Soon after pollination, a single pollen tube emerges from the pore of the pollen grain and enters the stigmatic branch (Fig. 27, B, C). Some authors (Percival, 1942; Esau, 1953) state that the pollen tube is a protrusion of the intine. As the pollen tube emerges, the cytoplasm of the pollen grain enters it, together with the vegetative nucleus and the two sperm (Fig. 27, B). Examination of a style stained with iodine-potassium iodide solution an hour after pollination showed that not all of the pollen grains that lighted on the style germinated normally, although they stained a deep blue like normal pollen grains. Some were without pollen tubes. In some cases a pollen tube had de- veloped, but only a part of the cytoplasm had entered it. A third group had pollen tubes which were without cytoplasm. If several pollen grains light upon the same stigmatic branch, they fuse, forming a mass, and pollen tube growth apparently ceases. Hence the chances Pollen and pollen tube growth. (Fig- 27) A. Pollen grain, showing wall, pore, the tube nuclei, and two sickle-shaped male cells. X287. B. Pollen tube emerging from the pollen grain and entering the tip of a stigmatic branch. X287. C. Passage of a pollen tube down a stigmatic branch. X287. D. Tip of a nonfunctional pollen tube. X287. E. Entrance of a pollen tube into the space between the ovary wall and the outer integument. Nonfunctional pollen tubes present in the ovary wall. X287. F. Pollen tubes in the style and in the stigmatic branches. X287. G. The pollen tube, here seen between the ovary wall and the outer integu- ment, extends downward toward the micropyle. X287. H. Transverse section of stigmatic branches, showing a pollen tube in the intercellular space. X287. I. Transverse section of a style, showing fused pollen tubes in the stigma- toid tissue. X287. (me = male cells; pt = pollen tube; tn = tube nucleus) 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DKVKI.OPMKNT OK THK OAT PLANT 89 H ' (Fig. 27. See opposite page for legend) 90 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, are better that a pollen tube will go down toward the style if a single pollen grain lights on a stigmatic branch than if a group of them do. A remnant of the functional pollen tube is left behind in the intercellular spaces as it grows down the style (Fig. 27, C). When a pollen tube is nonfunctional, the tip becomes very much enlarged (Fig. 27, D). The enlarged tip of the nonfunctional tube is elliptical when viewed in longisection and round in transection. Both the en- larged tip of the nonfunctional and the remnant of the functional pollen tube stain a deep blue with iodine-potassium iodide solution, indicating the presence of starch (Fig. 27, D, F). The walls of the pollen tubes are thin and do not stain readily. The path of the pollen tube as it grows through the stigmatic branch and the stigmatoid tissue of the style is intercellular (Fig. 27, H, I, pt). The pollen tube enters the stigmatic branch at the point of divergence of the tip of one of the cells (Fig. 27, C). It grows down through the intercellular space where the internal surfaces of the stig- matic cells meet (Fig. 27, H, pt). The tip of the pollen tube serves as a wedge to force the cells apart as it grows between them. As the pollen tube enters the style, it passes between the cells of the stylar wall exterior to the stigmatoid tissue. The path of the pollen tube through the cells of the stylar wall into the stigmatoid tissue may not be direct but may follow a meandering path for some distance before reaching the stigmatoid tissue. A group of several pollen tubes at the same level in the stigmatoid tissue may or may not fuse. After the pollen tube enters the stigmatoid tissue, it grows down the style, through the ovary wall, and into the space between the ovary wall and the outer integument (Fig. 27, E, G, pt). Once the pollen tube is in the space between the ovary wall and the outer integument, it grows to the micropyle and through the micropyle into the embryo sac. The tip of the pollen tube was found in the space between the ovary wall and the outer integument of pistils that had been killed and fixed 3 to 4 hours after pollination. In some of the embryo sacs, ferti- lization was found to be in progress 3 to 4 hours after pollination. Fertilization The events occurring in the fertilization of the oats observed in this study were not different from those given by Cannon (1900) and by Brown and Shands (1957) for oats, by Percival (1921) for wheat, by Pope (1937) for barley, by Artschwager, et al. (1929) for sugar cane, and by Artschwager and McGuire (1949) for sorghum. 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 91 Observations began with pistils that were killed and fixed 1 to 4 hours after pollination. This time range included the early stages of fertilization and the stage referred to in most accounts of fertilization as fusion. The first division of the primary endosperm nucleus and the first division of the zygote were also observed. The events that occur in the fertilization of the oat are not com- plicated. After leaving the pollen tube, one of the male cells migrates to the polar nuclei and the other goes to the egg. As the male nucleus approaches the two polar nuclei, it makes contact with the one nearest the micropyle. The male nucleus becomes inclosed in the same nuclear membrane with the polar nucleus, and scattered prophase chromosomes appear (Fig. 28, A, x). The second polar nucleus is then included in this membrane, and prophase chromosomes appear as shown in Fig. 28, B. The nuclear membranes and the nucleoli then disappear, leaving separate groups of chromosomes (Fig. 28, C). The resulting structure is the primary endosperm nucleus, which consists of an aggregation of 63 chromosomes, 21 from each of the 3 nuclei, that are embedded in the parietal cytoplasm but not inclosed by a nuclear or a cell membrane. The chromosomes arrange them- selves at the equatorial plate and chromosome division follows (Fig. 28, D), producing two free nuclei, which are embedded in the parietal cytoplasm. In the fertilization of the egg, the events are essentially the same as those described for the endosperm, with the exceptions that only two nuclei are involved and that fusion occurs within the persistent nuclear membrane and wall of the egg. The male cell comes in con- tact with the egg and enters its nucleus. The nucleolus of the egg is shown with the male cell in Fig. 28, E, ne and nm, together with scattered prophase chromosomes. The chromosomes of the egg and of the male nucleus arrange themselves at the equatorial plate and divide (Fig. 28, F) to produce the two-celled proembryo (Fig. 29, A). The nucleoli of the male cells, one in the membrane with the egg and - phase chromosomes are indicated. X970. (Photomicrograph made from the same pistil shown in B above.) F. Chromosomes of the fertilized egg in late prophase. X970. (The slide from which the photomicrograph was taken was supplied by Dr. ('. M. Brown, University of Illinois) (ne = nucleolus of the egg; nm = nucleolus of the male nucleus; up = nu- cleoli of the polar nuclei; x = a polar nucleus and the nude us of tin- male cell) 94 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, (Fig. 29. See opposite page for legend) 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 95 by Soueges (1924) for Poa annua. For the most part, the observa- tions of the material used in this study support the observations of the authors cited. However, it was not found that the division se- quences are always exactly as described nor that the cell walls were always formed exactly in a transverse or vertical plane; for, in some divisions, cell walls were formed at oblique angles. As cell divisions continue, an obovate (club- or pear-shaped) body or proembryo is produced (Fig. 29, B, C, D). The shape of the proembryo is caused by the occurrence of more cell divisions in the apical than in the basal portion. In the early stages of development , cell divisions occur in all parts of the proembryo except, perhaps, in the most basal cell of the suspensor. This cell forms the attachment of the proembryo to the ovule wall at the micropyle. A layer of deep- staining amorphous material lies between the basal cell of the suspensor and the ovule wall. As the proembryo grows, the cells in the basal half develop large vacuoles (Fig. 29, D, I). The cells in the upper half of the proembryo have the deep-staining cytoplasm and the small vacuoles characteristic of dividing cells (Fig. 29, D, G, H). The initiation of the embryo is accompanied by two changes in the club-shaped proembryo. The first change is that periclinal cell divi- sions occur in the protoderm and in the second cell layer on the poste- rior side of the proembryo about halfway down from the apex, pro- ducing a hump. This area continues to enlarge and becomes an angular ridge across the posterior surface of the scutellum, which develops Early stages in the development of the proembryo and of the embryo. (Fig. 29) A. Longisection of a proembryo in the two-celled stage. X287. B. Longisection of a proembryo at about the eight-celled stage. X287. C. Transection of a many-celled proembryo. X287. D. Proembryo in longisection at a stage just preceding the initiation of the embryo. X257. E. Initiation of the embryo, as shown by the notcli at the side of the pro- embryo. X229. F. Coleoptile primordium and shoot (stem) apex clearly delimited in this longisection of the embryo. X287. G. Transection beneath the apex of a proembryo at approximately the same stage of development as in B. X287. H. Transection beneath the apex of a proembryo at approximately the same stage of development as in D. X287. I. Longisection of the suspensor end of an embryo at approximately the same stage as in Fig. 30, A. X287. ( a = shoot apex; col = coleoptile primordium; end = endosperm nuclei; pro = proembryo) 96 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, later, opposite the tip of the primary root. At the maturity of the embryo, the projection is a double ridge located at the lowest point of contact of the embryo and the endosperm. The lower and smaller ridge is continuous with the lateral margins of the ventral scale, but the upper or larger ridge has no connection with any structure on the anterior surface of the embryo. The second change in the proembryo is the formation of a notch on the anterior surface, just beneath the apex of the proembryo (Fig. 29, E). The apical meristem of the shoot is initiated in the notch (Fig. 29, E, F, a). Periclinal divisions in the protodermal layer of the proembryo above the notch initiate the coleoptile primordium. From the point of initiation of its ridge-like projection, the coleoptile develops downward on either side and transversally beneath the notch, enclosing the shoot apex in a circular ridge of tissue (Fig. 29, F, col) (Percival, 1921; Randolph, 1936). This opening beneath the margins of the coleoptile primordium remains as a pore near the tip of the mature coleoptile. Scutellum The scutellum, or cotyledon, develops above the posterior hump from that portion of the proembryo that is not used in the initiation of the primary axis of the embryo (Fig. 30, A, scu). Many changes take place during the development of the scutellum, which becomes a structure about twice as long as the coleoptile. A single collateral vascular bundle extends from the apex of the scutellum to a point just below the coleoptile node. At that point the bundle turns laterally to enter the first internode of the primary axis and then downward to the scutellar node. The phloem is on the side of the vascular bundle Embryo development. (Fig- 30) A. Longisection of an embryo at an early stage. X66. B. Longisection of an embryo at the same stage as A, clearly showing the primordia of the coleoptile and of the first leaf as well as the stem and root apexes. X145. C. Shoot apex in B, enlarged. X287. D. Longisection of the plumule of an oat embryo and part of the scutellum. Primordia of all of the parts are delimited. X120. E. Longisection of the coleoptile pore. The pore is on the abaxial side and near the shoot apex. X287. F. Transection through the coleoptile pore. X287. (a = shoot apex; col = coleoptile; cp = coleoptile pore; ep = epiblast; Ip = leaf primordium; rp = root primordium; scu = scutellum; sv = scu- tellar vascular bundle; vs = ventral scale) 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 97 scu I ; ig. 30. See opposite page for legend) 98 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, toward the endosperm, and the xylem is on the side toward the coleop- tile. The portion of the scutellum below the point where the vascular bundle enters the stem does not have a vascular bundle. A transection of a scutellum shows a long, thin structure which is rounded at the margins. A thin, pointed structure, known as the ventral scale, projects outward from the surface of the scutellum at a point just above the tip of the coleoptile and extends downward on either side to a point slightly below the point of insertion of the epiblast and, at that point, merges with the embryo. The ventral scale has no vascular bundle. The epidermal layer of the pistil, one cell deep, extends circumferentially to inclose the scutellum, the ventral scale, and the plumule (Fig. 31, A). The inner cell layer of the scutellum, which is in contact with the endosperm, is called the epithelial layer, or epithelium. The cells of the epithelium are narrow and rectangular, with their long axes perpendicular to the surface of the scutellum. During germination this layer secretes enzymes which digest the con- tents of the endosperm. The epithelium also serves as an absorbing surface. Where the scutellum is in contact with the endosperm, a distinct ridge lies over and parallel with the vascular strand, and longitudinal folds are found on either side of the ridge. Epiblast A well-developed, nonvascular, scale-like structure, the epiblast is located on the anterior of the embryo, just above the cotyledonary node (Figs. 30, D, ep; 31, A, ep). In cross section, the epiblast is thin and extends almost entirely across the anterior surface of the plumule. The apex of the epiblast terminates in two broad points. Transactions of a mature embryo at different levels. (Fig. 31) A. Transection at the level of the second leaf primordium, showing the scutellum, the ventral scale of the scutellum, the coleoptile, the primordia of the first and second foliage leaves, the shoot apex, the epiblast, and the epidermal layer. X34. B. The procambial strands to the scutellum, the coleoptile, and the first foliage leaf. X66. C. The coleoptile primordia, the first and second foliage leaves, and the shoot apex. X66. D. The coleoptile and the primordium of the first foliage leaf. X66. (a = shoot apex; col = coleoptile; cv = coleoptile vascular bundle; el = walls of the caryopsis broken at the upper right of the transection; ep = epiblast; Ip = leaf primordia; Iv = median vascular bundle of the first foliage leaf; scu = scutellum; sv = vascular bundle of the scutellum; vs = ventral scale) 1961] HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 99 Coleoptile After its initiation, the early growth of the coleoptile consists of an extension of the margin of the pore and of an increase in the thickness of the walls to a width of three or four cells (Fig. 30, B, C, col). Cell (Fig. 31. See opposite page for legend) 100 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, divisions in all parts of the coleoptile primordium result in an increase in all of its dimensions. Cell divisions in the portion of the coleoptile above the shoot produce a pointed tip (Fig. 30, D, col), while divisions at the base, just above the insertion of the coleoptile, result in an in- crease in length. The cells at the tip of the coleoptile are the first to stop dividing, after which they enlarge and form large vacuoles. The cells in the basal two-thirds remain small and deep-staining to the maturity of the embryo. The elongation of the coleoptile after germi- nation results from the elongation of the cells and not from cell division. After germination, the cells of the coleoptile lose their deep- staining properties and develop large vacuoles, first near the tip and last at the base. The shape of the mature coleoptile differs when viewed in different planes. In cross section, it is elliptical whether the section is at the base, which incloses the plumule, or at the tip. In a longisection taken at right angles to the dorsiventral plane, the coleoptile is broad and rounded at the tip, and its sides slope outward. It is only in the longisection that the coleoptile is pointed at the tip. When a longisection in the dorsiventral plane is viewed, it is found that the number of cell layers in the wall of the coleoptile varies from the base to the tip. When viewed in cross section, the number of cell layers differs in the anterior, posterior, and lateral segments. In cross- section the coleoptile is thickest at the base and in the lateral segments where the vascular bundles are located. The next thickest area is the posterior segment next to the scutellum, and the thinnest area is the anterior segment opposite the main vascular bundle of the first foliage leaf (Fig. 31, C, D, col). The thickness of the coleoptile varies from about 7 cells in the lateral segments to 3 cells in the thinnest portion of the anterior segment. The narrowest point in the coleoptile, when viewed in longisection, is just beneath the pore. All of the cells of the coleoptile, except for the vascular elements, are thin-walled parenchyma, but not all have the same shape. The cells of the outer epidermal layer, when viewed in longisection, vary from rectangular, near the middle, to square, at the base. The same is true regarding the shape of the cells of the inner epidermis. When viewed in transection, the cells of the two epidermal layers are found to differ in shape and orientation. The external epidermal cells are narrow rectangles with their long axes perpendicular to the surface of the coleoptile while the inner epidermal cells are nearly square or are rectangular with their long axes parallel to the surface of the coleoptile. In cross section, the shape of the epidermal cells of either surface is 1961} HISTOLOGY AND DKVKI.UI'.MKNT OK THE OAT PLANT 101 not absolutely uniform throughout the circumference of the coleoptile. Both of the epidermal layers are covered with cutin. The subepidermal cells are square to rectangular in longisection and round to many sided in transection. The subepidermal cells of the coleoptile do not differ essentially from the parenchyma cells in the internode beneath. Two laterally placed vascular bundles constitute the entire vascular system of the coleoptile (Fig. 31, B, C, D, cv) (Percival, 1927; Avery, 1928). They arise from opposite sides of the scutellar vascular bundle, posterior to the axis of the plumule (Fig. 31, B, cv) (Arber. 1934). Each of the bundles extends laterally for a short distance and then upward along the inner margin of the coleoptile nearly to the tip. At the maturity of the embryo, each of the vascular bundles consists of a few protophloem and protoxylem elements surrounded by deep- staining vascular parenchyma. When growth is resumed after germi- nation, the protophloem, the protoxylem, and the vascular parenchyma develop thick walls. The vascular bundles do not have a thick-walled mestom sheath. As the coleoptile primordium develops into a ridge of tissue sur- rounding the shoot apex of the embryo, an opening forms that is never closed. At maturity the opening is found as a pore (a slit) on the anterior surface, about one-third of the length of the coleoptile from the apex. The long axis of the pore is parallel to the long axis of the coleoptile. The cells bounding and adjacent to the pore differ from the other cells of the coleoptile in that they are irregular in shape and size (Fig. 30, E, cp). The cells that line the pore are long rectangles or ellipses with their long axes perpendicular to the surfaces of the coleoptile. The group of cells at the pore form a projection. Viewed from the anterior surface, the cells form a radial design around the pore. The cells lining the pore are flat on the surfaces adjacent to the pore and rounded on the other side (Fig. 30, F, cp). The water of guttation emerges through the pore after the seedling is above ground. Foliage leaves Up to the time that the embryo is mature, only two foliage leaves are initiated in it. The first foliage leaf is initiated by periclinal cell divisions in the protodermal and in the second cell layers on the anterior side of the embryo. The periclinal cell divisions proceed laterally, in both directions, around the shoot until the margins nearly meet. At first, these divisions produce a ridge. Then the ridge devel- ops into a fold of tissue which grows and incloses the shoot (stem) apex. Growth is more rapid at the point of initiation than along the 102 BULLETIN No. 672 [June, margins forming the tip of the leaf. The leaf increases in size from cell divisions in the margins and in the subepidermal initials as well as from cell divisions in the interior of the leaf primordium. As the leaf primordium increases in width, one of the margins is folded over the other. Thus the leaf primordium is able to increase in width although completely inclosed by the coleoptile. The procambial strand of the major vascular bundle of the first foliage leaf arises at the scutellar node and develops acropetally into the apex of the leaf primordium (Fig. 30, D). The procambial strands of the first two lateral vascular bundles arise at the coleoptile node, anterior to but almost in contact with the two lateral procambial strands of the coleoptile. As the leaf primordium widens, other procambial strands are added toward the margins of the leaf and between the existing strands until the leaf primordium has 9 to 12 strands or more (Fig. 31, C, D, Ip). By the time the embryo is mature, the principal vascular bundle contains 2 or more protophloem elements and 1 protoxylem element. The xylem and phloem elements are surrounded by small, dark-staining cells of the vascular parenchyma. Initiation of the second foliage leaf is at a point above (acropetal) and on the opposite side of the embryo from the point of initiation of the first leaf. This is the beginning of the alternate distichous pattern of leaf development typical of grasses. By the time the development of the oat caryopsis is completed, the second foliage leaf of the embryo has developed only part of the distance around the stem, and in length it extends only as far as the tip of the shoot apex. The procambial strands of the major and of the two lateral vascular bundles are the only ones initiated in the primordium of the second leaf by the time the embryo is mature (Fig. 31, A, C). The procambial strands of the second leaf originate in the plane of the insertion of the first leaf and develop acropetally. First internode In the mature embryo, the vascular strand from the scutellum enters the first internode of the stem at a point just beneath the coleoptile node (Fig. 32, A, B, C, sv). It forms an arc before de- scending to the scutellar node. The two coleoptile bundles branch off on both sides of the apex of the arc (Fig. 31, B, sv and cv). The major vascular bundle of the first foliage leaf originates in the region of the scutellar node and develops upward into the primordium of the first leaf, curving outward just above the base of the coleoptile (Fig. 32, A, B, C, Iv). The scutellar vascular bundle and the vascular bundle of 1961} HISTOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE OAT PLANT 103 First internode of the oat seedling. (Fig. 32) A through C. I )r-i\ i-ntral sroti