630.7 IL6b no. 521 c.8 University of C paign ACES 1946 Illinois HYBRID CORN TESTS Bulletin 521 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION in cooperation with ILLINOIS STATE NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY . . .January, 1947 V^> 342 Bulletin No. 521 [January, Table 1. — GENERAL INFORMATION: Illinois Cooperative Hybrid Corn Tests, 1946 Conntvand Num - Average Average t?;~ih iU?o?L„ ber Date Date acre-yield mois- Average ocation Qf pIanted harvested I turein erect K in staie entries Total Sound grain plants bu. bu. perct. perct. Kings Ogle(N) 72 May 27 Nov. 14 88.9 88.3 27.5 92.9 Galesburg Knox(WNC).. 72 May 23. 24 Nov. 8 106.0 105.6 21.9 91.7 Sheldon Iroquois (ENC) 72 May 28 Nov. 7 100.4 99.9 25.8 92.6 Sullivan Moultrie (SC) . . 72 June 4 Nov. 12 89.8 89.2 24.2 94.2 Alhambra Madison (S) .. . 72 June 12 Oct. 24, 25 51.5 51.1 30.5 72.0 Robbs (Dixon Sp., Bennett Bottom) . . Pope (Ex.S) . . . 60 June 6 Nov. 26, 27 69.1 68.1 19.4 94.7 COOPERATORS: Elmer Hayes. Ogle county; Earl and Webster Gehring, Knox county; John B. Rice, Iroquois county; R. B. Vandeveer, Farm Manager, Illinois Masonic Home Farm, Moultrie county. The Alhambra field in Madison county is managed by the Illinois Station. The Pope county field at Robbs is part of the Dixon Springs Experiment Station, of which R. J. Webb is superintendent and J. M. Lewis is assistant superintendent. in commercial production was obtained from the Illinois Crop Improvement Association. Most of the hybrids selected for testing are extensively grown in the state. Some experimental hybrids were included because they had shown promise for commercial production in preliminary tests. A few hybrids were put in the tests mainly to meet the field-per- formance requirement for certification. Soil characteristics of fields. The test fields were medium to high in productivity, and each represents a soil type common to the region where it is located. Each field was selected carefully for uniformity in soil type, productivity, and drainage. The Alhambra field contained a number of "slick spots" and was the most variable in productivity. In 1946 the tests were conducted on the same farms as in 1945. No test on upland in extreme southern Illinois was made. The ap- proximate locations of the test fields are shown on the map on the inside front cover. General information on soil characteristics and soil management is given in Table 2. Method of planting. All test plots were planted by hand on land prepared in the regular way for corn. Each plot consisted of 2 rows 10 hills long, except at Dixon Springs, where the plots were only 8 hills long. Three kernels were dropped in each hill except on the field at Dixon Springs, where only 2 kernels were planted. Six plots of each entry were planted in controlled random order on each field except at Kings, where only five plots were planted. 19471 Illinois Hybrid Corx Tests: 1946 Table 2. — TESTING FIELDS: Soil Characteristics and Management Practices 343 Soil type Lime require ment Available Available phosphorus potassium Previous crops and soil management Northern: Kings tons . . . . 1 Very high Very high Corn 1943; oats 1944; sweet clover 1945; rock phosphate 1943; manure 1945. West north-central : Galesburg Muscatine silt loam .... 2 Low to Very high medium Corn 1943. 1944; oats-and-rape hog pasture 1945. East north-central: Sheldon Very high Medium to high clover, alsike-clover, and timothy hog pasture 1945; 2 tons lime 1944; Yi ton rock phosphate 1943; ma- nure 1945. South-central : Sullivan 9 High High Corn 1943; oats 1944; sweet-clover pasture 1945; rock phosphate 1939; 2 tons lime 1946. Southern: Alhambra Putnam silt loam Very high Very low Corn 1943; oats 1944; sweet clover 1945; limed and phosphated. Extreme southern: Robbs (Dixon Springs) Very low Very low Corn 1942; uncropped 1943. 1944; corn 1945; manured spring of 1946. Data from all plots except those having more than 5 missing hills were included in the results. The tables indicate where data were omitted because of missing hills. The only correction for imperfect stand was the following adjustment for missing hills: Ear weight in held X ( 1 missing hills hills present X.6 adjusted ear weight, WEATHER CONDITIONS Wet weather delayed corn planting beyond the usual date in all but the northern and northwestern sections of the state. None of the test fields was planted as early as recommended for highest yields, and three fields — Sullivan, Alhambra, and Dixon Springs — were not planted until June. Good stands were obtained on all 344 Bulletin No. 521 [January, fields except at Sullivan, where ground squirrels and moles reduced the stand considerably. A plentiful supply of moisture favored plant growth and grain formation in central and southern Illinois, altho too much rain during August hurt the crop on the Alhambra field. Dry w r eather during parts of July and August reduced yields in northern and north-central Illinois. Temperatures during the growing season were generally below average thruout the state. As a result, plant development was slow. Because September and October were dry, comparatively hot months, the crop in most sections of the state matured satisfactorily. Had the weather been less favorable, there would have been a great deal of soft corn. In August there were hail storms in some areas, but none of them struck the test fields. Lodging, consisting mainly of broken stalks on all fields except Alhambra, was not severe on any test field. Most of the lodging at Alhambra was root lodging. The yield, moisture content, and percentage of erect plants on each field are summarized in Table 1. INSECT PESTS European corn borer. North of Streator and west of Aurora conditions early in 1946 were favorable for the development of the European corn borer, Pyrausta nubilalis (Hbn.). The moths emerged and laid their eggs earlier than at any time in the history of the corn borer in Illinois. Between June 14 and 18, eggs were laid in very large numbers. A heavy rain, however, accompanied by strong winds beat most of these eggs off the plants. As a result of this storm, infestation by first-generation borers was less than one per plant. Conditions were even more favorable for the development of second-generation borers. The average infestation in the fall of 1946 was 2 to 2*/2 borers per plant, approximately the same as in the fall of 1945. The test field at Kings, in the middle of the most heavily in- fested area in the state, suffered material loss from borers. The percentage of plants broken below the ear and of ears dropped because of borers is shown in Table 6, page 352. The data show 1947] Illinois Hybrid Corx Tests: 1946 345 that some hybrids are significantly more susceptible to breakage following borer attack than other hybrids. A few show a definite tendency to drop ears when the ear shanks are burrowed. A sum- mary of the results on the two fields in this area for 1943 and 1946 is given in Table 7. The test field at Galesburg was on the edge of the most heavily infested area in the state. This field showed an average of 2.9 percent of the plants broken by borers. A summary of how indi- vidual hybrids withstood borers in 1943 and 1946 is given in Table 10. In susceptibility to breakage, the hybrid ranking first is not significantly different from that ranking twenty-first. The hybrids apparently best able to withstand borer attacks are those that are already widely used. Other insects. Examination of the fields at Kings, Gales- burg, Sheldon, Urbana, and Sullivan showed that there were not enough corn-attacking insects present in 1946 to warrant detailed records. DISEASE DAMAGE 1 Seedling diseases and seed treatments. In the seed-treat- ment experiment on the Station farm at Urbana, only one hybrid, Illinois 201, w r as planted. Nine disinfectants were applied, some of them new and still in the experimental stage. The field chosen for this test was wet thruout May and could not be planted until June 3. Of the disinfectants used, Arasan S. F. (slurry formulation) was the most efficient. Despite late planting, the increase in yield of corn treated with it was 13.3 bushels an acre. The standard disinfectants, Barbak-C, Semesan Jr., and Spergon, in the order named, proved to be the next most efficient. Averages of tests for the last five, years showed that Arasan ranked first in efficiency, Spergon second, and Semesan Jr. and Barbak-C tied for third place. Two years' tests with the slurry formulation indicate that Arasan S. F. is just as efficient as Arasan dust, if not more so. Stalk rot diseases. From surveys in 41 counties, damage from stalk rot was estimated at 3.8 percent. The principal cause 1 Estimates of losses are based in part on survey data obtained by G. H. Boewe, of the Illinois State Natural History Survey. 346 Bulletin No. 521 [January, was Gibberella zcac. In previous years when enough stalk rots occurred to warrant a study of them, Diplodia zeae was always the chief cause. This year Gibberella appeared to be of some importance in every county. It was most damaging, however, in south-central Illinois, from Douglas and Scott counties to Jackson county. The amounts of infection from field to field varied greatly. During the years that experiments with hybrids have been in progress, this is the first season in which Gibberella has caused Center two rows, planted with inbred Ky27, were killed by Gibberella stalk rot in early September. At left is Illinois R30; at right is K64. This picture was taken in a corn test plot near Bluffs, Scott county, Illinois, 1946. (Fig. 1) severe damage. Consequently, the relative resistance to or sus- ceptibility of inbreds and single crosses to it had never been de- termined. Its prevalence the past season showed that inbreds K4 and Kys died or broke down early from Gibberella. These same inbreds are outstandingly resistant to Diplodia stalk rot. Inbreds L317 and Ky27 also proved very susceptible to this disease. Ky27 is shown in Fig. 1. Ear rots. With some local exceptions in the southern half of Illinois, ear rots were of little importance in 1946. Of the six 1947] Illinois Hybrid Corn Tests: 1946 347 Table 3. — ROT DAMAGE CAUSED BY FUNGI: Average of All Entries on Six Test Fields, 1946 (Figures based on laboratory tests) Corn kernels damaged by rot Rank 1 Fungi causing damage Kings Galesburg Sheldon Sullivan Alhambra s ^ r *°g S perct. perct. pact. Perct. perct. perct. 1 Fusarium moniliforme. . .26 .13 .06 .06 .33 .99 2 Gibberella zeae 05 .08 .06 .30 .23 .12 3 Diplodia zeae 04 .08 .18 .01 .01 .23 4 Alternaria spp 14 .01 .04 .09 5 Hormodendrum spp 05 .03 .07 .06 .04 .01 6 Penicillium spp 04 .01 .02 .04 .01 7 Nigrospora spp 02 .04 .01 .02 .02 Others .02 .01 .05 .04 .07 .06 Total 62 .35 .50 .59 .74 1.44 1 Based on total damage on all fields. test fields, only Dixon Springs had entries with enough rot-damaged kernels to cause corn to grade less than No. 2 (Table 17). A laboratory test was made of representative rot-damaged kernels from each field to determine the causes. On the average, Fusarium moniliforme, as commonly happens, was the fungus most frequently found (Table 3). That Gibberella zeae should be second in importance is unusual. Altho the percentage of infection with Diplodia zeae was higher at Dixon Springs than at Sheldon, only at Sheldon was it the most important fungus. The total damage in the state was low, but surveys made in farmers' fields over the state showed that on the average six ears were rot damaged by Gibberella to one by Diplodia. In one Douglas county field, 12 percent of the ears were infected with Gibberella. This percentage is probably close to that at which hogs will not eat the corn if it is shelled and they cannot sort out the sound ears. They refuse to eat oats and barley infected with Gibberella when 10 percent of the grain is infected. MEASURING PERFORMANCE The entries in the 1946 test are listed in the tables in the order of their total yields. Two or more entries having the same total yield are given the same rating, but the one having the higher yield of sound corn is placed first. Those having the same total yield and sound yield are placed in order by percentage of erect plants. Erect plants. The percentage of erect plants in each plot of 348 Bulletin No. 521 [January, each entry on each field was estimated at the time of harvest. The ratings for erect plants show how the percentage of erect plants for each hybrid compared with the percentage of erect plants on the field as a whole. (Each rating is obtained by dividing the percentage of erect plants for that hybrid by the percentage of erect plants on the field as a whole and multiplying by 100.) Lodging may have been due to root worm damage, weak or rotted roots, corn borer damage, stalk rots, or weak stalks. Stalks broken above the ear were not considered lodged. Yield of grain. To determine shelling percentage, all the ears from one replicate of each entry were shelled. At Dixon Springs, however, because it was not practicable to shell all the ears in a replication, the shelling percentage of all entries was assumed to be 80 percent. A sample of shelled corn was taken from the Dixon Springs plots by gouging two rows of kernels from 12 to 15 ears of each entry. From the shelled corn one sample was taken to determine the percentage of moisture at harvest 1 and to determine the percentage of damaged kernels. The percentage of damaged corn was deter- mined according to the federal grain standards. The total acre-yield was calculated as shelled corn containing 15.5 percent moisture, the upper limit allowable in No. 2 corn. The yield of sound corn was computed by deducting the amount of damaged corn from the total yield. The rating of any hybrid for sound yield is the ratio, expressed as percentage, of the yield of sound corn from that hybrid to the average yield of sound corn from all the hybrids on the field. Height of ear. Notes on comparative height of ear were taken at harvest time. Each plot of each entry was placed in one of the five following categories: low, mid-low (midway between low and medium), medium, mid-high (midway between medium and high), and high. Beginning with low and continuing progressively to high, these terms were assigned numerical values from 1 to 5 to permit the averaging of the plots. Significance of yield differences. Too much confidence must 1 All moisture determinations were made with a Steinlite moisture tester except for a few samples from the Alhambra field, which were made with an electric oven. 1947~\ Illinois Hybrid Corn Tests: 1946 349 not be placed in the particular ranking of a hybrid in the following tables, for chance has played a part in determining its position. Unaccountable variability in the soil and conditions on the field will cause differences in yield that are not inherent in the hybrids themselves. The part played by chance in the 1946 tests has been calculated for total yield by the mathematical procedure known as "analysis of variance." At the bottom of each table is stated the approximate difference which there must be between any two entries in order for them to show a true inherent difference. Unless two hybrids differ by at least this amount, there is no assurance that one hybrid is inherently higher yielding than the other. RESULTS OF TESTS Detailed results of the tests on six regular test fields and the two special soil-adaptation fields are given in Tables 4 to 19 on the fol- lowing pages. See also Table 3 on page 347 on ear-rot damage. Readers are urged to note the difference necessary for significance, as shown for each test field, and to keep that difference constantly in mind in all comparisons of hybrids on that field. Table 4. — NORTHERN ILLINOIS: Kings, 1946 (Averages based on plantings replicated five times instead of six) tf.f Rank Entry Acre-yield Damaged corn in shelled sample Mois- ture in grain at harvest Erect plants Rating for — Erect Sound plants yield Compara- tive Total Sound height of ear 1 ? Nichols 5B bu. 102.0 99.0 98.4 95.9 95.9 95.7 95.1 95.1 95.0 94.6 94.2 94.0 93.8 93.7 93.5 93.3 92.8 92.7 92.5 92.5 92.2 91.3 91.3 91.2 91.1 91.0 90.8 90.5 90.5 90.4 90.3 90.1 89.8 89.5 89.4 89.4 89.3 89.1 89.1 88.9 88.6 88.5 88.2 88.1 88.0 87.8 87.7 87.3 86.9 86.5 86.4 86.3 85.3 85.2 84.8 84.8 84.5 84.5 83.5 83.3 83.3 83.2 82.4 81.7 81.4 81.0 80.8 80.5 79.7 79.7 77.5 76.8 88.9 bu. 101.7 98.6 98.0 95.6 95.0 95.1 94.9 94.8 94.5 94.1 93.8 93.4 93.2 92.3 93.0 92.1 92.5 92.4 92.3 92.0 91.8 90.6 90.6 90.7 90.2 90.7 90.5 89.9 89.7 90.0 90.3 89.8 89.3 88.8 89.1 88.7 89.2 89.0 88.3 88.4 88.0 87.6 87.9 87.7 87.6 87.2 86.5 86.7 86.5 86.2 85.2 85.9 84.1 84.7 84.5 82.6 83.5 83.2 83.1 83.2 83.1 82.9 81.6 81.1 80.9 80.2 80.5 80.0 79.7 79.1 77.1 76.6 88.3 perct. .3 .4 .4 .3 1.0 .7 .2 .3 .5 .6 .4 .6 .6 1.5 .5 1.2 .3 .4 .3 .6 .4 .8 .8 .6 1.0 .4 .4 .6 .9 .4 .4 .6 .7 .4 .7 .1 .1 .9 .6 .7 1.0 .4 .5 .4 .6 1.4 .6 .5 .4 1.4 .4 1.4 .6 .3 2.5 1.2 1.6 .5 .2 .3 .3 1.0 .7 .6 1.0 .4 .6 .7 .5 .3 .6 perct. 25.1 29.0 25.4 23.5 26.4 25.1 29.9 24.4 28.1 28.3 24.8 29.9 26.4 25.7 27.2 25.9 26.6 27.8 27.7 28.3 27.2 28.7 26.7 25.0 30.9 26.9 24.8 26.9 23.9 25.9 29.0 26.9 28.0 22.7 27.3 27.2 27.7 28.4 28.1 26.2 30.1 27.3 29.6 28.4 28.4 25.1 29.0 26.6 27.8 29.5 29.7 27.5 28.1 32.8 25.4 30.4 32.7 28.7 29.4 29.0 30.1 25.7 32.4 29.0 27.3 25.7 27.3 25.1 25.4 27.2 26.9 29.2 27.5 perct. 95.4 94.8 89.0 88.0 90.8 95.2 95.6 94.4 95.2 96.8 91.8 88.0 91.0 96.8 92.8 87.2 91.6 86.0 92.4 92.6 90.0 94.4 87.2 92.6 94.2 93.2 94.4 94.4 97.2 96.0 96.8 88.4 94.0 92.8 93.2 96.0 90.8 92.0 95.6 93.2 91.6 95.2 96.0 91.2 94.8 92.4 91.0 94.4 89.2 89.6 92.4 92.8 96.6 93.2 93.6 95.2 93.4 93.2 95.8 95.4 90.8 93.8 93.2 96.8 90.0 92.4 89.6 90.0 90.8 90.0 94.6 96.4 92.9 perct. 102.7 102.0 95.8 94.7 97.7 102.5 102.9 101.6 102.5 104.2 98.8 94.7 98.0 104.2 99.9 93.9 98.6 92.6 99.5 99.7 96.9 101.6 93.9 99.7 101.4 100.3 101.6 101.6 104.6 103.3 104.2 95.2 101.2 99.9 100.3 103.3 97.7 99.0 102.9 100.3 98.6 102.5 103 . 3 98.2 102.0 99.5 98.0 101.6 96.0 96.4 99.5 99.9 104.0 100.3 100.8 102.5 100.5 100.3 103.1 102.7 97.7 101.0 100.3 104.2 96.9 99.5 96.4 96.9 97.7 96.9 101.8 103.8 perct. 115.2 111.7 111.0 108.3 107.6 107.7 107.5 107.4 107.0 106.6 106.2 105.8 105.5 104.5 105.3 104.3 104.8 104.6 104.5 104.2 104.0 102.6 102.6 102.7 102.2 102.7 102.5 101.8 101.6 101.9 102.3 101.7 101.1 100.6 100.9 100.5 101.0 100.8 100.0 100.1 99.7 99.2 99.5 99.3 99.2 98.8 98.0 98.2 98.0 97.6 96.5 97.3 95.2 95.9 95.7 93.5 94.6 94.2 94.1 94.2 94.1 93.9 92.4 91.8 91.6 90.8 91.2 90.6 90.3 89.6 87.3 86.7 Medium 1 DeKalb 609 4 Bear OK-20 4 Hunt 60(W) M-high M-high 6 National 115A 7 Sieben S-340 7 Blackhawk 111 Q M-high M-high 10 Ward 110 11 1? Nichols N-75 Frey 425 Medium M-high 13 DeKalb 422 Medium 14 IS Producers 1015 Medium 16 17 Farmcraft FC-40 M-high Medium 18 Ward 115a Medium 10 Crow 407 M-high 19 71 Illinois 751 Nichols 202A M-high M-high 77 Funk G-29. . . Medium 22 74 Hoosier Crost F-138 Blackhawk 98A. ........ M-high Medium ?5 Illinois 1091A M-high ?6 Ferris F-ll M-high 77 Furr 23 Medium >8 Pfister 4897 M-high >8 Pfister 52 Medium 30 SI Iowealth A.F.-ll Funk G 114 . M-high Medium S? Producers 1020. . M-high SS Sieben S-450 Medium S4 Pfister 50A M-high ss Pfister 366A. . . . Medium ss Pride D-66 M-high ^7 Medium S8 National 114-1 High 38 40 Stiegelmeier S-360 Doubet D-l . M-high Medium 41 4^ Farmcraft FC-42 Pioneer 322 M-high M-high 43 44 Stiegelmeier S-379 M-high Medium 45 Nichols 99 Medium 46 Pfister 282 Medium 47 Medium 48 4Q Holmes Utility 9 DeKalb 458 M-high M-high 50 51 52 5^ Morgan M-105 Hoosier Crost F-140 Illinois 101 Illinois 1240. . Medium Medium Medium Medium S4 Producers 1010 M-high ss DeKalb 404A Medium 55 57 57 Producers 909 Crow 360 DeKalb 615 High High M-high 5Q Doubet D-25 M-high 60 60 Illinois 269 Ward 115C M-high M-high 62 63 64 Pioneer 353A Holmes Utility 19 M-high M-high M-high 65 Illinois 1180 Medium 66 Blackhawk 72A Medium 67 Huebsch 10 M-high 68 69 Furr 33 Crow514(W) M-high High 69 71 Furr 44A Medium Medium 77 Illinois 219. . . M-high Average of all entries A difference of less than 9.1 bushels between total yields of any two entries in this table is not significant. 1947] Illinois Hybrid Corn Tests: 1946 351 Table 5. — NORTHERN ILLINOIS: Summary, Mt. Morris, 1944; Kings, 1945, 1946 Rank Entry Acre-yield Total Sound Damaged corn in shelled sample Mois- ture in grain at harvest Erect plants Rating for- Erect plants Sound yield Compara- tive height of ear A. 1 Nichols N-75 2 Nichols 5A 3 Pioneer 340 4 Pfister 4897 5 Pioneer 341 5 Frey425 7» Pfister 366A 8 Illinois 1091A o Illinois 751 DeKalb 609 /.. Funk G-114. . . v X - V ■ • 12 DeKalb 458... 0. 7 .... 13 Blackhawk 98A 14 Illinois 269 15 Nichols 202A 16 DeKalb 615 17 Stiegelmeier S-360 18 Farmcraft FC-42 19 DeKalb 422 19 Doubet D-l 19 Funk G-29 22b National 114-1 23 Pioneer 330 24 Sieben S-450 25 Producers 1010 26 Ferris F-ll 26 Hoosier Crost F-138 28 Illinois 1180 28 Pioneer 322 30 Producers 1020 31 Pioneer 353A 32 Stiegelmeier S-379 33 Producers 1015 34 Morgan M-105 35 Doubet D-25 36 Illinois 101 36 Producers 909 37 Moews 14 38 DeKalb 404A 39 Crow 360 40 Crow514(W) 40 Lowe 15 Average of all entries bu. 87.5 85.9 85.6 85.5 85.2 85.2 84.8 83.9 83.6 83.6 83.5 83.3 83.0 82.7 82.6 82.3 82.0 81.9 81.2 81.2 81.2 81.1 80.8 80.4 80.3 80 SO. 80. 79. 78. 78. 78. 78. 78. 77. 77. 76.5 75.9 75.7 75.2 75.2 bu. 87.1 85.5 85.3 85.2 84.9 84.0 84.6 82.8 83.3 83.0 83.3 83.1 82.7 82.7 82.4 81.7 81.6 81.5 81.0 80.9 80.6 80.4 80.3 80.2 80.0 80.1 79.5 79.8 79.0 79.0 78.8 78.2 77.6 77.9 77.4 77.1 75.8 76.0 75.8 75.3 75.1 75.0 perct. .4 .4 .4 .3 .3 1.4 .2 1.2 .4 .9 .2 .2 .3 .1 .3 .8 .5 .5 .3 .4 .8 .9 .7 .3 .4 .2 .8 .3 1.1 .2 .2 .3 .8 .4 .7 .3 2.0 .7 .2 .5 .1 .3 81.0 80.6 perct. 25.7 27.9 27.1 25.2 26.7 29.2 26.0 28.5 28.0 27.7 27.1 27.0 26.1 27.6 26.8 26.8 28.1 28.5 27.5 26.3 30.1 26.4 27.9 25.4 29.2 25.7 26.9 25.9 26.2 26.2 24.0 29.0 24.8 28.2 29.5 26.9 31.2 28.2 26.3 29.7 25.3 27.1 27.2 perct. 87.0 89.3 89.0 87.4 88.9 86.6 83.7 88.3 87.3 83.3 91.9 84.0 83.8 87.8 85.9 86.9 83.3 85.4 85.1 87.5 91.2 86.7 94.2 85.0 89.2 86.3 82.1 86.3 89.7 87.0 85.4 89.3 89.4 87.9 87.0 90.4 92.7 88.6 87.0 84.5 82.8 83.5 87.1 perct. 99.9 102.5 102.2 100.3 102.1 99.4 96.1 101 100 95 105 96 96 100 98 99 95 98 97 100 104 95 108 97 102 99.1 94.3 99.1 103.0 99.9 98.0 102.5 102.6 100.9 99.9 103.8 106.4 101.7 99.9 97.0 95.1 95.9 Perct. 108.1 106.1 105.8 105.7 105.3 104.2 105.0 102.7 103.3 103.0 103.3 103.1 102.6 102.6 102.2 101.4 101.2 101.1 100.5 100.4 100.0 99.8 99.6 99.5 99.3 99.4 98.6 99.0 98.0 98.0 97.8 97.0 96.3 96.7 96.0 95.7 94.0 94.3 94.0 93.4 93.2 93.1 Med Med Med M-h Med Med Med Med Med Med Med Med Med M-h Med M-h M-h Med Med Med Med M-h Med Med M-h Med Med Med M-h: Med M-h M-h Med Med Med Med M-h Med Med M-h M-h Med urn um um gh um um um um um um um um um gh um gh gh um um um um gh um um gh um um um gh um gh gh um um um um gh um um gh gh um a Averaged with Pfister 366, which appeared in the 1944 tests, which appeared in the 1944 and 1945 tests. b Averaged with National 114, A difference of less than 4.0 bushels between total yields of any two entries in this table is not significant. 352 Bulletin No. 521 [January, Table 6. — CORN BORER DAMAGE: Kings, 1946 Rank Entry Plants broken Dropped below ears ear 1 Entry Plants broken Dropped below ears ear 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 *^ 8 q 9 n 12 12 12 15 16 17 17 19 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 28 29 30 31 31 33 33 35 36 perct. Ward 110 1.4 Stiegelmeier S-379 2.6 FunkG-114 2.7 Stiegelmeier S-360 2.8 Doubet D-25 2.8 Ferris F-ll 2.8 Ainsworth X-23 2.8 Pride D-66 2.9 Iowealth AF-lt 3.0 Furr 23 3.0 Illinois 101 3.4 Moews 14 3.6 Sieben S-450. 3.6 Illinois 219 3.6 Hoosier Crost F-140 3.7 Doubet D-l 3.8 Holmes Utility 19 3.9 Illinois 1240 3.9 Morgan M-105 4.0 Producers 909 4.0 BearOK-20 4.3 Huebsch 3 4.7 Illinois 1091A 4.8 Nichols 5A 5.0 Illinois 269 5.1 Sieben S-340 5.3 Pfister 52 5.3 Nichols 202 A 5.4 Holmes Utility 9 5.5 Funk G-29 5.6 Furr44A 5.8 National 114-1 5.8 Nichols 99 6.0 Farmcraft FC-42 6.0 Pfister 4897 6.1 Illinois 751 6.2 perct. .9 2.4 1.4 .9 2.0 .4 2.2 .5 .5 1.4 1.4 .4 1.4 .9 .5 .4 .4 .9 .5 1.4, .4 1.4 .9 .5 1.7 1.0 1.4 3.7 .1 .4 .9 1.8 3.0 perct. 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.6 6.7 6.8 7.2 7.2 7.3 7.5 7.6 7.6 7.8 8.0 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.8 8.8 9.0 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.8 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.8 11.4 11.7 12.2 15.6 Average of all entries 6 . 5 Furr 67A Nichols 5B DeKalb 458 Crow 360 Pioneer 322 National 115A Blackhawk 98A .... DeKalb 422 DeKalb 615 Producers 1015 Ward 115A Nichols N-75 Blackhawk 111 Frey 425 Huebsch 10 DeKalb 404A Ward 115C DeKalb 609 Farmcraft FC-40 . . . Producers 1010 Pfister 366A Producers 1020 Crow 407 Crow514(W) Hunt 60(W) Lowe 15 Pioneer 330 Blackhawk 72A .... Pioneer 353A Pioneer 341 Pfister 282 Pfister 50A Hoosier Crost F-138 Illinois 1180 Pioneer 340 Furr 33 perct. 1.3 .4 1.5 .4 .9 1.4 .5 .9 2.0 .4 .5 2.0 3.7 .4 .4 1.8 1.6 .9 .5 1.4 .9 .4 1.3 .5 .9 1.3 1.3 .5 1.8 .5 .9 .9 1 Includes only those plants broken below the ear at point of damage by the borer, Pyrausla nubilalis (Hbn.). A difference of less than 4.6 in percent of plants broken below the ear or of 1.7 in percent of dropped ears is not significant. 1947] Illinois Hybrid Corn Tests: 1946 353 Table 7. — CORN BORER DAMAGE: Northern Illinois Summary, Mt. Morris, 1943; Kings, 1946 Rank Entry Plants broken below ear a Rank Entry Plants broken below ear a 1 Funk G-114 perct. 2.1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 24 27 28 29 30 31 Pioneer 322 perct. 5.1 2 ? Moews 14 Iowealth AF-11 2.8 2.8 Nichols 5A Crow 360 Producers 1020 DeKalb 422 5.5 5.8 4 Hoosier Crost F-140 3.2 6.2 5 Doubet D-l 3.4 6.5 5 Producers 909 Illinois 219 3.4 3.5 Producers 1010 . . . 6.6 7 DeKalb 615. . . 6.8 8 Doubet D-25 . . ... 3.6 DeKalb 404A 6.9 9 Illinois 751. .. . ... 3.8 6.9 10 Funk G-29. . 4.0 6.9 11 Pfister 4897 . 4.1 7.0 11 Furr 44A Farmcraft FC-42 4.1 ... 4.1 7.2 11 Crow 514(W) 8.1 14 Illinois 101 4.3 8.3 15 DeKalb 458 4.5 8.5 1S Nichols 202A 4.5 5.2 a Includes only those plants broken below the ear at point of damage by the borer, Pyrausta nubilalis (Hbn.). A difference of less than 3.0 in percentage figures is not significant. Table 8. — WEST NORTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Galesburg, 1946 .cfi Arrp viplf 4 Damaged Mois- Rating for — Compara- Ra . Pntrv y corn in ture in Erect tive RdnK v y T „ f ^, Qnl)nH shelled grain at plants Erect Sound height lotai souna sample harvest plants yield of ear bu. bu. Perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. 1 Pioneer 339 114.0 113.8 .2 21.4 95.0 103.6 107.7 M-high 1 Morton M-380 114.0 113.8 .2 22.5 87.8 95.8 107.7 M-high 3 National 126T 113.4 113.0 .3 20.7 90.8 99.0 107.0 M-high 4 Huey H-50 113.3 112.7 .5 21.7 96.3 105.0 106.7 M-high 5 Farmcrai't FC-47 112.9 112.9 22.0 90.7 98.8 106.9 M-high 6 Pfister5897 112.7 112.7 21.1 84.2 91.8 106.7 M-high 7 Pfister 1897 112.6 112.5 .1 22.8 94.8 103.4 106.5 M-high 8 Pioneer 304 112.0 111.9 .1 23.9 86.2 93.9 106.0 M-high 9 Pioneer 336 111.7 111.5 .2 21.7 90.2 98.3 105.6 High 10 Crow 607 111.1 110.4 .6 22.3 91.0 99.2 104.6 High lis Kelly K-374 111.0 110.8 .2 21.2 89.8 97.9 104.9 High 125 Morton M- 12 110.5 110.2 .3 22.7 94.0 102.5 104.3 High 125 Illinois 201 110.5 110.0 .4 21.2 93.2 101.6 104.2 M-high 14 Furr80 110.4 110.1 .2 20.3 96.7 105.4 104.3 M-high 15 Holmes Utility 29 110.2 110.1 .1 20.8 93.2 101.6 104.3 High 16 Pfister 390 110.1 110.1 20.4 95.0 103.6 104.3 M-high 16 Null N-54 110.1 109.9 .2 22.1 88.2 96.1 104.1 High 18 Illinois 1091A 109.9 109.4 .5 21.6 90.5 98.7 103.6 M-high 19 Ainsworth X-21 109.6 109.3 .2 22.3 95.3 103.9 103.5 High 20 U. S. 13 109.5 109.2 .3 22.4 94.7 103.2 103.4 High 21 Stiegelmeier S-1313 109.3 109.3 22.6 92.5 100.8 103.5 High 21 Crow 633 109.3 109.2 .1 21.7 93.8 102.3 103.4 M-high 21 Moews 550 109.3 108.8 .4 20.9 94.2 102.7 103.1 M-high 24 Funk G-37 108.8 108.3 .5 21.5 97.3 106.1 102.5 M-high 25 Funk G-74 108.4 108.3 .1 22.3 93.0 101.4 102.5 M-high , 265 Sieben S-440 108.3 108.1 .2 20.0 89.3 97.4 102.4 Medium 33 Keystone 42 106.9 106.6 .3 21.3 90.3 98.5 101.0 M-high /34 Holmes Utility 79 106.8 106.5 .3 22.3 75.8 82.8 100.8 High / 35 Stewart S-ll 106.7 106.4 .3 23.5 94.5 103.0 100.8 High 35 DeKalb 816 106.7 106.2 .4 23.2 93.7 102.1 100.6 High 35 DeKalb 847 106.7 106.0 .6 21.5 97.5 106.3 100.4 M-high 38 Appl A-336 106.3 106.3 21.1 86.7 94.5 100.7 High 395 Pioneer 307 106.2 106.0 .2 21.8 81.0 88.3 100.4 High 39 Producers 1000 106.2 105.5 .7 22.4 90.7 98.8 99.9 High 41 Ohio C-92 106.0 105.7 .3 20.8 97.7 106.5 100.1 High \% Holmes Utility 39 105.9 105.5 .4 23.0 90.5 98.7 99.9 High 3 Kelly K-99 105.8 105.7 .1 21.6 95.0 103.6 100.1 High 44 Huey H-23 105.7 105.4 .3 20.7 95.3 103.9 99.8 High 45 National 125 105.6 105.1 .4 22.7 90.2 98.3 99.6 M-high 45 Ward 115 B 105.6 102.5 2.9 20.4 92.0 100.3 97.1 Medium 47 Pioneer 334 104.8 104.3 .5 23.6 89.5 97.6 98.8 M-high 48 Illinois 273-1 104.7 104.3 .4 21.3 95.7 104.3 98.8 M-high 49 Morgan M- 105 104.5 104.4 .1 21.1 95.3 103.9 98.9 Medium 49 Ferris F- 14 104.5 104.1 .3 22.0 90.5 98.7 98.6 M-high 49 DeKalb 628A 104.5 104.1 .4 23.1 90.8 99.0 98.6 M-high 52 DeKalb 800A 104.4 101.1 3.2 22.8 96.8 105.6 95.7 M-high 53 Appl A- 13 104.3 104.3 22.4 94.3 102.8 98.7 High 53 U. S. 35 104.3 104.2 .1 22.3 92.7 101.0 98.7 M-high 55 Schwenk S-34 103.7 103.6 .1 21.5 92.3 100.7 98.2 High 56 Doubet D-ll 103.2 103.2 21.5 94.2 102.7 97.7 High 56 Moews 15 103.2 102.6 .6 22.0 88.3 96.3 97.2 Medium 58 Frey 645 103.1 103.1 21.9 95.5 104.1 97.7 M-high 59 Ward 120 A 101.8 101.4 .4 22.9 93.0 101.4 96.0 High 60 Iowealth 16 101.5 101.1 .4 21.9 93.7 102.1 95.8 M-high 61 Stiegelmeier S-379 101.3 101.1 .2 21.3 91.2 99.4 95.8 M-high 62 U. S. 44-1 101.2 101.1 .1 22.5 79.7 86.9 95.7 High 63 Doubet D-42 100.8 100.2 .6 22.0 94.0 102.5 94.9 High 64 Blackhawk 111 100.7 100.2 .5 21.1 96.0 104.7 94.9 Medium 65 Furr67A 99.5 98.7 .8 22.3 73.6 80.2 93.4 Medium 66 Morgan M-546 98.9 98.6 .3 21.3 96.2 104.8 93.4 High 67 BearOK-77T 98.6 98:5 .1 23.4 86.8 94.7 93.3 High 68 DeKalb 680 97.1 95.7 1.4 22.0 93.7 102.1 90.6 M-high 69 Producers 909 96.6 96.5 .1 22.0 97.0 105.7 91.4 High 70 Hoosier Crost 840 96.0 95.8 .2 22.4 94.7 103.2 90.7 High 71 Iowealth 16(W) 90.1 90.1 20.5 84.3 91.9 85.3 High 72 Morgan M-52 79.3 79.1 .2 23.7 80.3 87.6 74.9 M-high Average of all entries 106.0 105.6 .4 21.9 91.7 5 Five plots were included in the average yield instead of six. A difference of less than 8.1 bushels between total yields of any two entries in this table is not significant. 1947] Illinois Hybrid Corn Tests: 1946 355 Table 9. — WEST NORTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Galesburg Summary, 1944, 1945, and 1946 Rank Entry Acre-yield Total Damaged Mois- _ corn in ture in Erect e ,.„,4 shelled grain at plants Sound sample harvest Rating for — Compara- tive Sound height yield of ear Erect plants bu. 1 Pioneer 304 93.0 2 Farmcraft FC-47 92 . 2 3 Pfister 5897 92.0 4 Morton M-12 91.8 5 Holmes Utility 29 91.2 5 Stewart S-ll 91.2 7 Doubet D-72 91.0 8 Funk G- 169 90.3 9 DeKalb816 90.1 10 U.S. 13 90.0 10 Lowe 520 90.0 10 Crow 607 90.0 13 DeKalb 628A 89.3 14 Holmes Utility 39 89.2 14 DeKalb 847 89.2 16 Funk G-37 88.7 16 DeKalb 800A 88.7 18 Kelly K-374 88.6 19 Illinois 201 88.5 19 Crow 633 88.5 19 Illinois 1091A 88.5 22 Pfister 1897 88.4 22 Pioneer 339 88.4 24 Producers 1000 87.4 25 Moews 550 87.1 26 U. S. 44-1 86.8 27 National 125 86.7 28 Doubet D-42 86.6 29 Frey 645 86 . 1 30 Morgan M-546 85 . 7 31 Pioneer 307 85.6 32 U.S. 35 85.2 33 Pioneer 334 84.8 34 DeKalb 680 81.6 35 Morgan M-52 75.8 Average of all entries 88 . 2 bu. Perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. 91.8 1.3 22.4 68.5 95.3 105.2 Medium 90.5 1.8 20.3 68.6 95.4 103.8 Medium 91.8 .2 20.3 69.4 96.6 105.2 Medium 89.7 2.2 21.2 74.3 103.5 102.9 M-high 90.7 .5 20.2 75.2 104.6 104.0 M-high 90.6 .6 21.0 75.8 105.5 103.9 M-high 87.7 3.2 20.8 71.3 99.2 100.5 M-high 89.7 .7 20.8 74.3 103.5 102.8 M-high 89.0 1.1 21.7 74.6 103.8 102.0 M-high 89.7 .3 21.8 75.9 105.6 102.8 M-high 89.4 .7 21.8 70.4 97.9 102.5 M-high 89.0 1.0 21.8 69.4 96.6 102.0 M-high 88.6 .8 21.6 73.2 101.9 101.6 M-high 88.4 .8 21.8 70.8 98.6 101.4 M-high 86.8 2.6 19.8 74.2 103.2 99.5 Medium 88.4 .3 19.9 75.1 104.5 101.3 M-high 87.3 1.4 21.8 74.4 103.5 100.1 M-high 86.4 2.5 19.8 69.0 96.1 99.1 M-high 88.1 .4 20.7 68.4 95.2 101.0 M-high 86.7 2.0 20.5 75.8 105.5 99.4 Medium 86.7 2.0 21.0 68.5 95.3 99.4 Medium 87.9 .6 21.4 75.0 104.4 100.8 M-high 87.6 1.1 20.3 75.0 104.4 100.4 Medium 85.5 2.1 21.3 67.9 94.5 98.1 M-high 86.5 .7 19.7 73.1 101.8 99.1 Medium 85.2 1.7 21.0 68.0 94.6 101.6 M-high 86.0 .6 21.7 69.1 96.1 98.6 M-high 84.7 2.3 21.6 71.3 99.3 97.3 M-high 85.9 .1 21.1 77.4 107.7 98.5 Medium 84.5 1.3 21.1 73.4 102.2 96.9 M-high 84.8 1.0 20.5 67.4 93.9 97.2 M-high 85.0 .2 20.9 72.8 101.3 97.5 Medium 83.5 1.4 20.9 72.3 100.6 95.8 M-high 79.9 1.9 21.6 69.4 96.6 91.6 Medium 75.4 .4 22.3 65.5 91.2 86.5 M-high 87.2 1.2 21.0 71.9 A difference of less than 4.5 bushels between total yields of any two entries in this table is not significant. Table 10. — CORN BORER DAMAGE: West North-Central Summary, Galesburg, 1943, 1946 Rank Entry Plants broken below ear a Rank Entry Plants broken below ear a 1 U. S. 44-lb Perct. 9 13 15 15 17 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Moews 550 U. S. 13 DeKalb 680 perct. 2.2 1.1 2.3 3 Hoosier Crost 840 1.3 ... 2.3 4 Holmes Utility 29 1.5 Pfister 5897 . . 2.4 5 Lowe 520 1.6 Farmcraft FC-47 2.4 6 Funk G-37 1 .7 DeKalb 800A 2.5 7 Crow 633 1.8 1.8 National 125 . 2.9 7 Pfister 1897 DeKalb 628A 3.1 9 Doubet D-42 1.9 Funk G-169 3.2 10 Illinois 201 10 Crow 607 2.0 2.0 2.1 Morgan 52 DeKalb 816 3.7 3.8 12 Pioneer 339 5.9 13 Producers 1000 2.2 Average of all entries . . 2.3 a Includes only those plants broken below the ear at point of damage by the borer, Pyrausta nubilalis (Hbn.). b This entry was U. S. 44 in 1943 and U. S. 44-1 in 1946. A difference of less than 2.3 in percentage figures is not significant. Table 11. — EAST NORTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Sheldon, 1946 Rank Entry Acre-yield Total Sound Damaged Mois- corn in ture in shelled grain at sample harvest Rating for — Compara- Erect — — tive plants Erect Sound height plants yield of ear s 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 SO 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 69 71 72 bu. Pioneer 313B 114.2 Holmes Utility 39 110.9 Morton M-33 110.1 Lowe 520 109.9 Pioneer 332 109.3 Morton M-380 108.7 Illinois 21 107.6 Doubet D-47 106.6 Schwenk S-66 106.4 Bear OK-88T 105.8 Ainsworth X-14A 105.8 Crow 608 105.5 Frey 644 105.4 Trisler T-22 105.3 Illinois 201 105.1 Pioneer 300 104.9 Sibley 700 104.7 Producers 1030 104.3 Funk G-94 104.1 Producers FCXX(1045) 104.1 Crow 607 104.1 Funk G-37 104.0 DeKalb847 103.6 DeKalb 800A 103.4 Pioneer 334 103.3 Hoosier Crost 668 103.3 Frey 692 103.1 DeKalb 817A 102.9 Kelly K-374 102.8 Holmes Utility 90 102.2 U. S. 13 (Pfeifer) 102.1 Illinois 246 102.0 Illinois 972A-1 101.8 Farmcraft FC-69 101 . 7 Pioneer 304 101.7 Kelly K-77 101.7 National 126T 101.6 U. S. 13 101.5 DeKalb 628A 101.4 Moews523 101.4 Keystone 38 — 101.3 Appl A-201 101.3 Funk G-53 100.9 Crow 607(W) 100.8 Pfister 390 100.5 Funk G-169 100.2 Producers 1040 99.9 Sibley 753B 99.8 Hoosier Crost 616 99.6 Pfister 380 98.5 Ward 120 B 98.1 Kelly K-88 97.5 Frey 645 97.2 BearOK-30 97.0 ApplA-128 96.9 Lowe 560 96.6 Farmcraft FC-42 96 . 2 Bear OK-315(W) 95.3 Crow 633 95 . 1 National 118 94.7 Hoosier Crost 840 94. 1 Moews 520 94.0 Hoosier Crost F-170 93.9 Stiegelmeier S-360 93.6 Funk G-74 93.3 U. S. 35 92.8 Moews 14 92.5 DeKalb 840 90 . 7 Furr67 83.7 Frey 634 (W) 83.7 Iowealth AQ 83.6 Iowealth 25A 73.9 Average of all entries 100.4 bu. 113.0 110.0 109.6 109.3 108.7 108.6 106.2 105.6 106.3 105.8 104.7 105.0 105.1 105.2 104.8 104.5 101.5 104.1 103.9 103.9 103.7 103.5 103.5 103.2 103.3 103.2 102.4 101.7 102.7 102.0 101.7 101.8 101.4 101.5 100.8 99.5 101.2 101.2 101.0 100.9 101.1 100.8 100.9 100.5 100.2 99.9 99.8 98.5 99.5 97.3 97.9 96.5 97.0 97.0 96.6 95.7 95.8 95.3 94.9 94.1 94.1 93.6 92.9 93.5 92.9 92.5 92.0 90.6 83.3 82.7 83.4 73.6 99.9 perct. 1.0 .8 .5 .6 .5 .1 1.3 1.0 .1 1.0 .5 .2 .1 .3 .4 3.1 .2 .2 .2 .3 .5 .1 .2 .1 .7 1.2 .1 .2 .4 .2 .4 .2 .9 2.2 .4 .3 .4 .4 .2 .5 .3 .3 .3 .1 1.3 .1 2.2 .2 1.0 .2 .3 1.0 .4 .2 .6 .4 1.0 .1 .4 .3 .6 .2 .4 1.2 .2 .4 perct. 25.3 27.7 25.0 23.3 28.0 25.5 25.9 26.3 23.1 26.8 30.6 23.7 28.3 25.2 25.8 26.6 27.1 26.9 29.1 23.1 25.6 24.3 22.9 26.6 25.2 25.8 26.3 25.2 23.4 26.1 25.3 29.5 25.6 27.5 26.4 25.9 25.6 24.7 25.0 25.6 26.9 26.6 24.3 23.0 25.2 25.5 25.0 24.1 25.5 26.4 26.4 25.3 24.0 25.8 27.8 27.2 24.3 26.3 28.0 24.3 24.9 26.6 27.0 21.5 24.0 26.3 22.3 24.8 26.6 26.1 28.6 28.5 perct. 92.3 93.7 93.8 96.2 92.5 92.8 93.2 92.5 91.0 88.7 91.8 93.8 90.8 95.5 94.7 87.0 96.5 90.0 96.2 88.7 87.5 97.2 96.8 96.5 91.5 90.0 95.2 93.0 91.7 98.0 91.3 90.2 95.5 90.2 89.7 93.8 89.6 91.8 92.0 93.2 95.5 91.8 96.0 89.7 94.3 91.8 94.7 92.2 95.3 92.5 92.7 85.7 94.7 95.5 92.0 94.8 89.7 87.5 97.3 94.8 95.7 94.2 92.2 91.3 89.3 93.0 88.3 89.2 94.8 89.5 94.2 91.5 perct. 99.7 101.1 101.3 103.8 99.9 100.2 100.6 99.9 98.3 95.8 99.2 101.3 98.1 103.1 102.2 93.9 104.2 97.2 103.8 95.8 94.5 104.9 104.6 104.2 98.8 97.2 102.8 100.4 99.0 105.8 98.6 97.4 103.1 97.4 96.9 101.3 96.7 99.2 99.3 100.6 103.1 99.2 103.7 96.8 101.9 99.2 102.2 99.5 102.9 99.9 100.1 92.5 102.2 103.1 99.3 102.4 96.8 94.5 105.1 102.4 103.3 101.7 99.5 98.6 96.5 100.4 95.4 96.3 102.4 96.6 101.7 98.8 perct. 113.2 110.1 109.7 109.4 108.9 108.8 106.4 105.7 106.5 106.0 104.9 105.1 105.3 105.3 105.0 104.6 101.6 104.3 104.1 104.1 103.9 103.7 103.6 103.3 103.5 103.4 103.5 101.8 102.8 102.1 101.8 101.9 101.5 101.6 100.9 99.6 101 101 101 101 101 101 101.0 100.6 100.3 100.0 100.0 98.6 99.6 97.5 98.1 97.7 97.2 97.1 96.8 95.8 96.0 95.4 95.0 94.2 94.2 93.8 93.0 93.6 93.0 92.6 92.1 90.7 83.5 82.9 83.5 73.7 M-high High M-high M-high High M-high M-high High M-high M-high High M-high M-high M-high High M-high M-high High M-high High High High M-high M-high M-high M-high M-high M-high M-high M-high M-high High M-high High M-high M-high M-high High M-high High High M-high M-high M-high Medium M-high M-high M-high M-high Medium High M-high M-high M-high High M-high M-high M-high M-high M-high M-high M-high M-high M-high M-high M-high Medium M-high Medium High High High 25.8 92.6 A difference of less than 8.9 bushels between total yields of any two entries in this table is not significant. 1947] Illinois Hybrid Cokx Tests: 1946 357 Table 12. — EAST NORTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Summary, Milford, 1944 and Sheldon, 1945 and 1946 Rank Entry Acre-yield Total Damaged Mois- _ corn in ture in Erect c™,^ shelled grain at plants * ouna sample harvest Rating for- Erect Sound plants yield Compara- tive height of ear 9 10 11 11 13 13 15 15 17 is 10 20 21 2L 23 24 25 26 bu. Holmes Utility 39 97.1 Frey 692 94.2 Pioneer 3 13B 94.2 Morton M-380 94.1 Producers 1030 93.3 Funk G-94 93.2 Illinois 201 92.8 DeKalb 628A 92.7 Frey 644 92.5 Pioneer 300 92.2 DeKalb 800A 92.0 Pioneer 304 92.0 Pioneer 332 91.1 Doubet D-47 91.1 Crow 607 91.0 Funk G-53 91.0 Pfister 380 90 . 9 DeKalb 840 90 . 6 Illinois 21 90.4 Crow 608 89 . 8 Kelly K-374 89.6 Illinois 972A-1 89.6 Funk G-37 89.4 Lowe 520 89.2 Stiegelmeier S-360 89 . 1 U.S. 13 88.9 Producers 1040 88.7 DeKalb 847 88.6 Funk G- 169 87.9 Frey 645 87.5 Hoosier Crost 668 87.4 DeKalb 817A 87.3 Sibley 753B 85.3 Crow 633 85 . 2 U. S. 35 83.8 Lowe 560 82.0 Crow 607 (W) 81.5 Average of all entries bu. 96.4 93.5 93.4 93.5 92.0 92.7 92.3 92.1 91.6 91.8 91.0 91.0 90.7 90.4 90.5 90.1 90.3 90.3 .88.7 88.8 89.0 88.8 88.5 88.7 88.7 87.5 87.8 88.1 87.1 87.1 87.1 3 86 84.5 84.4 83.4 81.5 81.0 89.9 89.2 perct. .8 1 .4 .6 .5 . 7 1.0 .5 1.1 1.0 .4 1.0 1.0 .4 1.9 1.1 .9 1.1 .5 .5 1.6 1.2 1.0 .4 .3 1.1 1.0 1.0 .5 .6 .8 perct. 24.6 23.0 24.2 23.4 23.7 24.6 22.5 22.8 24.8 23.8 23.7 25.4 25.2 23.2 23.6 22.5 23.2 22.7 23.3 23.0 21.6 22.8 22.0 26.4 20.6 23.9 22.4 22.2 23.3 22.4 23.9 23.5 22.0 24.7 22.9 23.3 23.0 23.4 perct. 3.3 4.1 1.2 3.4 5.4 7.9 3.5 4.4 3.8 5.8 8.7 1.8 4.9 8.7 0.6 7.9 4.6 70.9 7.5 7.9 4.3 5.8 1.5 2.6 81.1 74.8 2.2 7 . 7 5.1 3.9 74.7 8.6 1.3 7.2 68.0 74.9 Perct. 97.9 98.9 95.1 98.0 100.7 104.0 98.1 99.3 98.5 101.2 105.1 95.9 100.0 105.1 94.3 104.0 99.6 94.7 103.5 104.0 99.2 101.2 105.7 90.9 95.5 96.9 108.3 99.9 96.4 103.7 100.3 98.7 99.7 104.9 108.5 103.1 90.8 perct. 108.1 104.8 104.7 104.8 103.1 103.9 103.5 103.3 102.7 102.9 102.0 102.0 101.7 101.3 101.5 101.0 101.2 101.2 99.4 99.6 99.8 99.6 99.2 99.4 99.4 98.1 98.4 98.8 97.6 97.6 97.6 96.7 94.7 94.6 93.5 91.4 90.8 M-high M-high M-high Medium M-high M-high M-high M-high M-high M-high M-high Medium M-high M-high M-high Medium Medium Medium M-high M-high M-high M-high M-high M-high Medium M-high M-high Medium M-high Medium M-high M-high M-high Medium Medium M-high M-high a Averaged with Pioneer 313D. which appeared in the 1944 tests. b Averaged with Illinois 972-1, which appeared in the 1944 tests, and with Illinois 972-2 (Appl.), which appeared in the 1945 tests. c Averaged with Sibley 753B-1, which appeared in the 1944 tests. A difference of less than 4.1 bushels between total yields of any two entries in this table is not significant. Table 13. — SOUTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Sullivan, 1946 P a • ij Damaged Mois- Rating for — Compara- Rank Fntrv y corn in turein Erect tive KanK c ' niry T „ fal c n „ n A shelled grain at plants Erect Sound height i oiai souna sample harvest plants yield of ear bu. bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. 1 BearOK-40 105.8 105.6 .1 22.0 93.8 99.7 118.4 Medium 2 Illinois 21 104.9 104.5 .4 22.4 96.3 102.4 117.1 Medium 3 Crow 607 102.4 101.9 .5 25.1 91.0 96.7 114.2 M-high 4 Farmcraft FC-81 101.9 100.0 1.8 23.7 89.2 94.8 112.1 Medium 5* Kelly K-374 101.4 101.2 .2 21.5 96.7 102.7 113.4 M-high 6 Pioneer 332 100.4 99.8 .6 25.0 95.0 101.0 111.9 M-high 7 Doubet D-41 100.1 99.7 .4 23.4 94.3 100.2 111.7 M-high 8 Illinois 206 (Pfeifer) 99.9 99.1 .8 23.5 90.0 95.6 111.1 M-high 95 Ainsworth X-14A 99.7 99.5 .2 24.3 96.0 102.0 111.5 M-high 10 Pioneer 300 98.8 97.0 1.8 24.0 93.5 99.4 108.7 Medium 11* National 125-1 98.6 98.4 .2 22.6 94.8 100.8 110.3 M-high 123 Morton M-12 98.1 97.6 .5 23.7 95.3 101.3 109.4 M-high 135 Huey H-23 97.6 97.0 .7 22.4 93.8 99.7 108.7 M-high 14 Pioneer 336 97.5 96.3 1.3 23.5 92.5 98.3 107.9 M-high 15 Appl A-13 97.4 97.2 .2 23.0 95.8 101.8 109.0 M-high 16* Illinois 784 97.2 97.1 .1 26.1 91.2 97.5 108.8 High _^=^175 FarWraft FC-88 96.5 96.1 .4 22.8 95.3 101.3 107.7 Medium 185 Crow 805 96.1 95.8 .3 24.1 96.5 102.6 107.4 M-high 185 Producers 1000 96.1 95.7 .4 21.8 95.5 101.5 107.3 M-high 20< Funk G-94 95.7 95.1 .6 23.6 95.3 101.3 106.6 M-high 21 Pioneer 313B 95.4 94.2 1.3 23.7 95.5 101.5 105.5 Medium 225 Holmes Utility 46 94.7 94.6 .1 22.1 94.0 99.9 106.0 M-high 23 Trisler T-32 94.4 93.8 .6 21.5 96.2 102.2 105.1 Medium 24* Producers 1050 93.9 93.5 .4 23.0 96.3 102.4 104.8 M-high 255 Crow 608 93.6 93.2 .4 23.5 98.5 104.7 104.4 M-high 26 Whisnand 831 93.3 92.5 .8 23.5 94.2 100.1 103.7 M-high 275 Pfister 164 93.1 92.6 .5 22.6 96.2 102.2 103.8 Medium 285 Illinois 126 92.8 92.6 .2 22.8 93.0 98.8 103.8 M-high 295 Whisnand 905 (W) 92.7 91.0 1.8 28.8 92.8 98.7 102.0 High 305 Holmes Utility 29 92.6 92.2 .4 21.9 95.0 101.0 103.4 Medium 315 U. S. 13 92.5 92.4 .1 22.6 96.7 102.7 103.6 M-high 31 Illinois 201 92.5 92.2 .4 21.2 96.0 102.0 103.3 M-high 33 DeKalb 898 92.4 92.0 .4 23.8 94.8 100.8 103.1 High 345 BearOK-150 92.3 92.2 .1 22.4 94.3 100.2 103.4 Medium 34* Pfister392 92.3 92.2 .2 23.4 94.3 100.2 103.3 Medium 345 Illinois 200 92.3 91.8 .5 23.8 89.5 95.1 102.9 M-high 37 Pfister 612(W) 92.0 92.0 22.8 94.7 100.6 103.1 High 38 Ward 120 A 91.4 91.0 .4 24.1 96.8 102.9 102.0 M-high 39 Illinois 246 90.5 89.8 .8 24.1 93.2 99.0 100.6 M-high 40 Appl A128 89.4 89.1 .3 26.9 92.2 98.0 99.9 M-high 41 FunkG-515(W) 89.2 88.7 .5 23.5 83.0 88.2 99.4 High 42* National 129R 89.1 88.6 .6 24.1 95.5 101.5 99.2 M-high 42 Embro36 89.1 88.5 .7 24.0 97.0 103.1 99.2 M-high 445 Pfeifer 1 88.9 88.4 .5 26.9 98.7 104.9 99.1 High 45 Producers 1040 88.8 87.3 1.7 22.7 97.5 103.6 97.8 M-high 465 Stiegelmeier S-102 88.3 87.9 .4 23.5 92.8 98.7 98.5 Medium 47 Appl A-201 88.0 87.9 .1 23.7 94.7 100.6 98.5 Medium 48 Kelly K-99 87.6 87.3 .3 21.9 93.2 99.0 97.9 M-high 495 DeKalb 888 87.4 84.9 2.9 22.4 92.3 98.1 95.2 M-high 505 Keystone 38 86.7 86.3 .4 24.7 95.2 101.1 96.8 M-high 51 Hoosier Crost 746 86.6 86.3 .4 24.9 98.0 104.1 96.7 Medium 52 Producers 1030 86.2 85.3 1.1 29.9 95.0 101.0 95.6 M-high 52 Moews 830 86.2 84.8 1.6 23.3 94.7 100.6 95.0 M-high 54 Pfister 1897 85.8 85.7 .2 23.8 93.5 99.4 96.0 Medium 55 HueyH-73 85.6 85.1 .5 27.1 90.3 96.0 95.4 High 565 DeKalb 816 85.2 84.2 1.2 22.8 96.5 102.6 94.4 Medium 57 Pioneer 505(W) 84.4 83.3 1.3 25.5 94.5 100.4 93.4 M-high 58 Illinois 247-1 82.9 82.7 .2 25.6 95.3 101.3 92.7 M-high 59 Morgan M-546 82.8 82.5 .4 23.3 96.5 102.6 92.4 M-high 595 Funk G-80 82.8 82.5 .4 26.6 95.8 101.8 92.4 M-high 615 Hoosier Crost 840 82.4 82.0 .4 24.4 94.5 100.4 91.9 Medium 625 Lowe855(W) 82.0 81.8 .2 23.4 92.5 98.3 91.7 High 63 DeKalb 922(W) 81.9 81.1 1.0 25.6 94.8 100.8 90.9 M-high 64 Whisnand 91 7(W) 79.5 78.0 1.8 27.5 95.8 101.8 87.4 High 655 DeKalb 835 78.3 78.3 21.5 95.0 101.0 87.8 M-high 66 Bear OK-321(W) 77.5 77.4 .2 23.5 90.8 96.5 86.7 Medium 675 Illinois 972A-1 74.2 73-.8 .5 24.2 91.3 97.1 82.7 M-high 684 pfeifer A-243 74.1 73.5 .7 28.5 89.7 95.3 82.4 High 695 Ward 120 (W) 70.3 70.2 .1 23.5 97.0 103.1 78.7 M-high 705 Hoosier Crost 707(W) . . 66.9 66.7 .3 27.1 86.7 92.1 74.7 M-high 714 Iowealth 25 64.8 64.7 .2 26.8 92.5 98.3 72.5 Medium 725 Iowealth 29A 60.3 59.8 .8 36.5 88.5 94.0 67.0 High Average of all entries 89.8 89.2 .6 24.2 94.2 3 . 4. s These figures beside the rank numbers indicate the number of plots averaged to get the data in this table. A difference of less than 8.9 bushels between total yields of any two entries in this table is not significant. 1947] Illinois Hybrid Corn Tests: 1946 359 Table 14. — SOUTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: 1944, 1945, and 1946 Sullivan Summary, 4 ,,,-piH Damaged Mois- Rating for — Compara- n flnl p- ntrv Acre-yieia corn in ture in Erect tive Kant r-niry Q „„„ H shelled grain at plants Erect Sound height lotai souna sample harvest plants yield of ear bu. bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. 1 Crow 607 98.2 97.4 .8 21.0 77.1 93.2 108.0 M-high 1 Pioneer 332 98.2 96.9 1.4 20.8 84.6 102.3 107.4 M-high 3 Producers 1050 97.6 97.4 .2 19.7 79.0 95.5 108.0 M-high 4 Funk G-515(W) 96.5 96.0 .5 21.0 63.1 76.3 106.4 High 5 Illinois 21 95.1 93.0 2.3 19.5 90.6 109.6 103.1 Medium 6 Illinois 201 94.9 94.4 .5 18.2 85.3 103.1 104.7 Medium 7 Farmcraft FC-81 93.7 92.8 .9 19.1 86.6 104.7 102.9 Medium 8 Whisnand 831 93.3 92.8 .5 19.3 81.8 98.9 102.9 Medium 9* Pioneer 3 13B 93.1 92.2 1.0 20.0 79.5 96.1 102.2 Medium 10 Producers 1000 92.6 92.3 .3 18.4 81.7 98.8 102.3 Medium 11 Pioneer 300 92.5 90.6 2.1 20.0 85.5 103.4 100.4 Medium 12 Producers 1040 92.3 91.7 .7 19.0 91.3 110.4 101.7 Medium 12 Pfister 164 92.3 91.2 1.2 19.1 90.7 109.7 101.1 Medium 14 Crow 608 92.0 91.5 .6 19.1 86.3 104.4 101.4 Medium 14 Crow 805 92.0 91.4 .7 19.9 86.2 104.2 101.3 Medium 14 U. S. 13 92.0 91.3 1.0 18.9 86.3 104.4 101.2 Medium 17 Funk G-80 91.7 90.6 1.1 22.6 84.9 102.7 100.4 M-high 18 Illinois 246 91.4 90.9 .6 20.0 78.8 95.3 100.8 M-high 19 Pfister 1897 91.3 90.5 .8 19.5 89.9 108.7 100.3 Medium 20 Morgan M-546 91.1 90.5 .6 19.7 85.0 102.8 100.3 M-high 21 Stiegelmeier S-102 91.0 90.6 .4 18.9 89.1 107.7 100.4 Medium 21 Illinois 200 91.0 89.8 1.0 20.6 76.4 92.4 99.6 M-high 23 Farmcraft FC-88 90.8 90.1 .8 19.5 79.4 96.0 99.9 Medium 24 Funk G-94 90.5 90.0 .6 19.6 82.9 100.2 99.8 Medium 25 Whisnand 917 (W) 90.3 89.6 .9 21.8 75.2 90.9 99.3 High 25b Illinois 247-1 90.3 88.1 2.2 20.7 80.2 97.0 97.7 M-high 27 Pioneer 336 90.1 89.3 .9 18.9 86.4 104.5 99.0 Medium 28 DeKalb 816 89.5 88.2 1.4 20.0 86.3 104.4 97.8 Medium 29 DeKalb 835 88.1 87.3 .9 18.5 86.9 105.1 96.8 Medium 30 DeKalb 888 88.0 85.8 2.5 20.2 72.2 87.3 95.1 M-high 31 Illinois 126 87.4 86.1 1.5 19.3 82.1 99.3 95.5 Medium 32 Hoosier Crost 746 87.2 86.7 .6 20.0 89.6 108.3 96.1 Medium 33 Hoosier Crost 840 86.6 84.3 2.7 20.3 84.4 102.1 93.5 Medium 34 Lowe855(W) 86.2 86.0 .3 21.3 73.6 89.0 95.3 High 35° Illinois 972A-1 86.1 84.0 2.7 19.3 87.5 105.8 93.1 Medium 36 DeKalb 922(W) 85.7 85.2 .6 21.4 83.8 101.3 94.5 M-high 37 Hoosier Crost 707(W) . . 80.4 80.0 .5 21.8 69.3 83.8 88.7 M-high Average of all entries 91.1 90.2 1.0 19.9 82.7 a This entry was Pioneer 313D in 1944 tests. b This entry was Illinois 247 in 1944 and 1945 tests. This entry was Illinois 972-1 in 1944 tests. A difference of less than 4.4 bushels between total yields of any two entries in this table is not significant. Table 15. — SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Alhambra, 1946 Rank Entry Acre-yield Total Sound Damaged Mois- corn in ture in shelled grain at sample harvest Erect plants Rating for Erect plants yield Compara- tive Sound height of ear ft* ^7? .' 18 / bu. bu. perct. perct. perct. 1 Hoosier Crost 840 67.9 67.5 .6 27.7 83.3 2 Pioneer 332 64.1 64.0 .2 29.4 75.0 3 National 125 62.0 61.8 .2 28.0 59.2 4 Crow 607 61.9 61.4 .7 28.9 70.0 4 DeKalb 875 61.9 61.3 .9 30.0 77.5 6 DeKalb 816 61.2 61.0 .3 . 28.3 71.7 7 Illinois 126 60.2 60.0 .3 27.1 65.0 8 Doubet D-42 60.0 59.7 .4 28.6 75.8 9 Illinois 972 (Pfeifer) 59.8 59.4 .6 28.5 76.7 9 Keystone 40 59.8 58.7 1.8 28.9 65.8 Whisnand 834 59.5 59.0 .8 32.1 68.3 11 Morton M-33 59.5 58.8 1.1 29.2 71.5 13 Whisnand 91 7(W) 58.6 58.5 .1 33.4 65.8 14 Bear OK-332(W) 57.7 57.3 .7 32.5 77.5 15 HueyH-42 57.6 57.1 .8 28.0 80.8 National 126T 57.5 56.9 1.0 27.9 70.0 Illinois 201 56.5 56.0 1.0 29.3 73.3 18 Pioneer 3 13B 56.4 56.3 .1 30.0 84.2 19 Pfister 612(W) 56.1 55.2 1.5 32.8 62.5 20 DeKalb 888 55.4 55.1 .6 30.6 65.0 21 Funk G-80 55.3 55.1 .4 33.3 80.0 22 Doubet D-41 55.2 54.8 .6 28.7 55.0 23 Ward 120A 54.9 54.7 .4 30.0 70.0 24 U. S. 13 54.0 53.7' .6 28.2 76.7 25 Whisnand 905 (W) 53.9 53.3 1.1 34.1 78.3 26 Morgan M-546 53.8 53.3 1.0 28.6 74.2 27 Morton M-12 53.1 52.8 .6 27.4 79.2 28 Pfister 630 (W) 52.7 52.6 .2 32.5 71.7 29 Illinois 448 52.3 52.0 .5 32.7 76.7 29 Pioneer 300 52.3 51.9 .8 27.1 59.1 31 Iowealth 25 52.0 51.8 .4 32.8 68.3 31 Crow 608 52.0 51.2 1.6 25.2 68.3 33 Ward 125 51.8 51.3 .9 31.8 75.8 34 Keystone 38 51.7 51.4 J .7 30.1 70.8 35 National 129R 51.6 51.2 .8 32.2 82.5 36 Illinois 784(Pfeifer) 51.5 51.0 1.0 32.9 67.5 36 Whisnand 831 51.5 50.9 1.2 29.6 65.0 38 Illinois 784 51.4 50.3 2.1 32.0 71.7 39 Lowe 840 51.1 50.7 .6 32.1 66.7 40 Ainsworth X-14A 50.1 49.9 .5 32.7 70.0 40 Illinois 200 50.1 49.9 .4 31.0 68.3 42 Hoosier Crost 746 50.0 49.4 1.2 30.0 67.5 42 Embro 36 50.0 49.2 1.6 26.6 68.3 44 Funk G-90 49 . 6 49 . 5 .2 30 . 1 78 . 3 45 Illinois 206(Pfeifer) 49.4 48.8 1.2 27.4 64.2 46 Illinois 2184A(W) 49.2 49.1 .2 33.3 72.5 46 Hoosier Crost 1010 49.2 49.0 .4 30.6 75.8 48 U. S. 13 (Pfeifer) 49.1 48.9 .5 30.6 73.3 48 National 129 49.1 48.6 1.0 28.3 73.3 50 Hoosier Crost FD-8 ... . 48.5 47.9 1.2 27.5 70.8 51 Huey H-73 48.2 47.8 .8 33.6 76.7 52 Kelly K-374 48.0 .47.1 1.8 27.2 64.2 53 Hoosier Crost 1005A .. . 47.8 47.6 .3 30.5 65.0 54 Iowealth 25A 47.5 47.3 .5 32.1 81.7 55 Pioneer 510(W) 47.3 46.8 1.1 34.2 71.7 56 Bear OK-321(W) 46.6 46.3 .6 32.5 73.3 57 Pioneer 304 46.3 46.0 .7 32.4 85.0 58 Pfister 170 46.1 45.7 1.0 28.0 65.8 59 Embro 49 45 . 7 45 . 6 .1 30 . 8 68 . 3 60 Pioneer 336 45.5 45.1 1.0 26.9 55.0 61 Huey H-23 45.2 44.1 2.3 30.3 70.0 62 Embro 1020 44.9 44.3 1.4 30.5 56.7 63 Pfeifer 2 43.9 42.6 .8 31.2 81.7 64 DeKalb 922(W) 43.7 43.6 .3 33.3 68.3 65 Keystone 45.. 43.3 43.0 .6 32.4 66 Bear OK-315(W) 42.7 42.5 .4 32.2 67 Pioneer 505 (W) 42.4 42.3 .2 34.3 68 Funk G-125 40.5 40.4 .3 28.7 69 Iowealth 29A 39.8 39.6 .5 37.7 70 DeKalb 898 39.4 39.2 .5 30.0 71 Pfister 660 36.8 36.7 .2 33.9 72 Embro 1001 35.4 35.3 .2 34.4 78.3 Average of all entries 51.5 51.1 .7 30.5 72.0 perct. 115.8 104.2 82.2 97.3 107.7 99.6 90.3 105.4 106.6 91.5 95.0 99.4 91.5 107.7 112.3 97.3 101.9 117.0 86.9 90.3 111.2 76.4 97.3 106.6 108.9 103.1 110.0 99.6 106.6 82.2 95.0 95.0 105.4 98.4 114.7 93.8 90.3 99.6 92.7 97.3 95.0 93.8 95.0 108.9 89.2 100.8 105.4 101.9 101.9 98.4 106.6 89.2 90.3 113.5 99.6 101.9 118.1 91.5 95.0 76.4 97.3 78.8 113.5 95.0 100.8 113.5 96.1 106.6 133.5 101.9 117.7 108.9 perct. 132.1 125.3 121.1 120.3 120.1 119.4 117.4 116.9 116.4 114. 115 115 114. 112, 111. Ill 109. 110. 108.1 107.8 107.8 106.8 107.0 105.2 104.3 104.3 103.3 102.9 101.8 101.6 101.4 100.2 100.4 100.6 100.3 99.8 99.7 98.4 99.3 97.6 97.6 96.8 96.4 97.0 95.5 96.1 95.9 95.7 95.2 93.8 93.5 92.2 93.3 92.6 91.6 90.6 90.0 89.4 89.3 88.2 86.4 86.7 83.3 85.3 84.2 83.3 82.9 79.1 77.5 76.7 71.8 69.2 M-high Medium Medium M-high Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium M-high Medium M-high M-high M-high Medium Medium M-high Medium M-high M-high M-high M-high Medium M-high M-high Medium Medium M-high High Medium M-high Medium High Medium Medium M-high Medium M-high Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium High Medium Medium M-high M-low Medium Medium Medium M-high M-high M-high Medium M-low Medium Medium Medium M-low M-high M-high Medium Medium M-high High M-high Medium High M-high A difference of less than 11.0 bushels between total yields of any two entries in this table is not significant. 1947] Illinois Hybrid Corn Test?: 1946 361 Hl-1 Table 16. — SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: 1944 and 1946 (Data for 1945 are omitted because the 194: Alhambra Summary, i crop did not mature) , v ;piH Damaged Mois- Rating for — Compara- Ha , Fntrv y corn in ture in Erect tive KanK ^niry q„„„h shelled grain at plants Erect Sound height loiai souna sample harvest plants yield of ear bu. bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. 1 Hoosier Crost 840 49.0 48.7 .5 20.4 84.2 117.8 116.5 Medium 2 Illinois 200 48.9 48.4 1.0 22.2 65.8 92.0 115.8 Medium 3 Crow 607 48.8 47.7 2.7 21.6 71.7 100.3 114.1 Medium 4 Whisnand917(W) 48.3 48.2 .3 25.2 62.9 88.0 115.3 M-high 5 U. S. 13 48.2 48.0 .5 20.7 78.8 110.2 114.8 Medium 6 Funk G-80 47.5 47.1 1.0 23.5 78.8 110.2 112.7 Medium 7 Pioneer 332 47.4 47.2 .6 22.1 78.3 109.5 112.9 Medium 8 DeKalb 816 46.3 45.9 .3 21.1 79.0 110.5 109.8 Medium 9 DeKalb 888 45.8 45.6 .5 22.7 70.8 99.0 109.1 Medium 10 Illinois 201 45.4 45.1 .7 21.0 81.2 113.6 107.9 Medium 11" Illinois 206(Pfeifer) 43.8 43.3 1.1 20.4 67.1 93.8 103.6 Medium 12 Illinois 448 43.4 43.1 .6 24.2 64.6 90.3 103.1 M-high 13 Illinois 126 43.2 42.9 1.0 21.0 66.7 93.3 102.6 M-low 14b Pioneer 313B 42.9 42.8 .5 22.1 74.6 104.3 102.4 Medium 15 Lowe 840 42.8 42.4 .7 22.5 74.6 104.3 101.4 Medium 16 Illinois 784 42.0 41.4 1.3 23.8 63.8 89.2 99.0 M-high 17<= Hoosier Crost 1005A ... . 41.3 41.1 .5 23.9 48.8 68.3 98.3 Medium 18 Pioneer 304 41.2 41.1 .4 22.8 87.9 122.9 98.3 M-low 19 Pioneer 300 40.6 40.4 .5 19.2 72.5 101.4 96.7 Medium 20 Pfister 612(W) 40.1 39.6 .9 23.4 71.7 100.3 94.7 M-high 21 Pioneer 336 38.2 38.0 .7 19.9 65.4 91.5 90.9 Medium 22 Hoosier Crost 746 38.0 37.7 .7 22.2 67.9 95.0 90.2 M-low 23 DeKalb 922(W) 37.7 37.5 .6 23.5 70.0 97.9 89.7 Medium 24 Funk G-125 37.3 37.2 .4 20.8 68.4 95.7 89.0 M-high 25 Embro 1020 37.1 36.8 .8 22.5 67.5 94.4 88.0 M-low 26 Iowealth 29A 36.8 36.6 .6 25.0* 79.6 111.3 87.6 Medium 27 Embro 1001 34.5 34.3 .6 25.5 68.7 96.1 82.1 M-high Average of all entries 42.8 41.8 .7 22.3 71.5 a Averaged with Illinois 206, which appeared in the 1944 tests. b Averaged with Pioneer 313D, which appeared in the 1944 tests. c Averaged with Hoosier Crost 1005, which appeared in the 1944 tests. A difference of less than 7.1 bushels between total yields of any two entries in this table is not significant. 362 Bulletin No. 521 [January, Table 17. — EXTREME SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Dixon Springs Bottomland, 1946 A„ r „ -„i,4 Damaged Mois- Rating for— Compara- RanW Fntrv y corn in ture in Erect tive Rd ry ~ f . o m ,„h shelled grain at plants Erect Sound height lotai souno sample harvest plants yield of ear bu. bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. 1 Whisnand917(W) 83.9 83.2 .8 18.8 98.3 103.8 122.2 M-high 72 Keystone 106 (W) 83.4 82.7 .8 18.2 96.8 102.2 121.4 High ^3 Ward 125 82.6 82.0 .7 18.9 80.8 85.3 120.4 M-high 4 Ward 135 (W) 79.1 78.6 .6 21.8 90.8 95.9 115.4 M-high 5 Illinois 2019(W) 78.6 78.4 .2 18.6 99.5 105.1 115.1 M-high 5 Illinois 1233-1 78.6 77.9 .9 18.7 95.7 101.0 114.4 Medium 7 Whisnand 905(W) 78.2 77.7 .6 18.7 98.2 103.7 114.1 High 8 DeKalb922(W) 77.7 75.4 2.9 19.3 98.3 103.8 110.7 M-high 9 Pfister 630(W) 76.5 75.6 1.2 21.3 95.2 100.5 111.0 M-high 10 National 129-2 75.6 73.6 2.6 18.7 97.8 103.3 108.1 Medium 11 Funk G-708 75.1 74.9 .3 23.5 96.7 102.1 110.0 High 12 Illinois 200 74.3 74.0 .4 19.5 90.1 95.1 108.7 Medium 13 Illinois 448 74.2 73.9 .4 19.6 96.7 102.1 108.5 M-high 14 Pfister 612(W) 73.8 73.5 .4 18.7 97.5 102.9 107.9 M-high 15 Lowe 840 73.4 73.0 .6 18.3 92.2 97.3 107.2 Medium 16 Doubet D-41 73.2 71.9 1.8 19.1 94.5 99.8 105.6 M-high 17 U. S. 13 72.1 70.9 1.7 17.9 92.5 97.7 104.1 Medium 17 Bear OK-343(W) 72.1 70.0 2.9 18.7 93.8 99.0 102.8 Medium 19 FunkG-711 72.0 71.7 .4 28.4 91.5 96.7 105.3 M-high 20 Embro 49 71.6 67.6 5.6 17.7 100.0 105.6 99.3 Medium 21 Lowe855(W) 71.4 70.8 .9 19.3 97.8 103.3 104.0 High 22 Pioneer 505 (W) 71.2 69.3 2.6 18.5 96.2 101.6 101.8 M-high 23 U. S. 13 (Pfeifer) 71.1 69.5' 2.2 18.8 96.0 101.4 102.0 Medium 24 Hoosier Crost 707(W) . . 70.7 70.3 .6 20.4 95.0 100.3 103.2 M-high ,25 Keystone 45 70.1 69.0 1.5 20.4 96.7 102.1 101.3 Medium ^26 Pioneer 313B 69.9 69.5 .6 18.1 99.0 104.5 102.0 M-low 26 National 129R 69.9 69.5 .6 21.8 92.8 98.0 102.0 Medium 28, DeKalb 888 69.8 69.3 .7 18.5 98.2 103.7 101.8 Medium J9 Morgan M-546 69.4 68.3 1.6 18.7 99.7 105.3 100.3 Medium 30 Pioneer 332 68.9 67.7 1.7 19.7 97.8 103.3 99.4 Medium 3P Bear OK-321(W) 68.8 68.4 .6 19.3 86.7 91.5 100.4 Medium 32 Illinois 126 68.1 67.5 .9 18.9 95.3 100.6 99.1 Medium 33 Illinois 1238 68.0 67.0 1.5 18.5 93.2 98.4 98.4 Medium 34 Iowealth 29A 67.7 67.2 .8 20.9 91.0 96.1 98.7 High 35 Pioneer 304 67.6 67.3 .4 19.5 95.7 101.0 98.8 M-low 36 Illinois 784 67.1 65.7 2.1 19.9 92.0 97.1 96.5 M-high 37 Illinois 2184A(W) 66.8 66.6 .3 17.9 97.7 103.2 97.8 M-high 38 Doubet D-42 66.7 65.4 2.0 18.7 98.3 103.8 96.0 Medium 39 National 129 66.6 64.6 3.0 19.6 92.8 98.0 94.9 Medium 405 Illinois 2120(W) 66.5 64.5 3.0 17.9 97.2 102.6 94.7 M-high 41 Whisnand 834 66.4 66.2 .3 20.4 88.2 93.1 97.2 Medium 42 Bear OK-315(W) 66.2 65.4 1.2 19.3 93.5 98.7 96.0 Medium 425 Illinois 784 (Pfeifer) 66.2 62.1 6.2 20.9 90.2 95.2 91.2 M-high 44 Illinois 1239 66.0 64.7 1.9 18.3 96.8 102.2 95.0 M-high 45 Illinois 21 19(W) 65.9 65.8 .2 18.2 98.7 104.2 96.6 M-high 46 Keystone 38 65.6 64.6 1.6 18.6 93.3 98.5 94.9 Medium 47 Iowealth TX-1 65.2 65.1 .2 18.7 92.5 97.7 95.6 Medium 48 Pfister 170 65.1 64.8 .6 17.5 91.8 96.9 95.1 Medium 49 Pfeifer A-243 64.6 64.1 .7 20.9 91.3 96.4 94.1 M-high 50 Pioneer 336 64.0 62.7 2.1 17.9 93.0 98.2 92.1 Medium 51 Embro 1001 63.2 62.3 1.5 19.7 98.3 103.8 91.5 M-high 52 Hoosier Crost 840 62.7 58.3 7.0 17.9 95.3 100.6 85.6 Medium 53 Ward 120A 62.0 61.9 .2 18.7 94.0 99.2 90.9 Medium 545 Whisnand 831 61.2 60.6 1.0 21.7 93.7 98.9 89.0 Medium 55 DeKalb 923(W) 60.7 59.9 1.4 19.7 97.2 102.6 88.0 Medium 56 Hoosier Crost 1010 59.7 58.6 1.8 19.5 95.2 100.5 86.0 Medium 57 Pioneer 300 58.7 58.4 .5 18.9 98.3 103.8 85.7 M-low 58 DeKalb 898 54.6 53.0 3.0 20.2 94.2 99.5 77.8 Medium 59 Embro 1020 53.2 52.6 1.2 18.5 91.5 96.6 77.2 M-low 60 Hoosier Crost 1005A. . . 51.6 51.4 .4 19.4 90.0 95.0 75.5 Medium Average of all entries 69.1 68,1 1.4 19.4 94.7 5 Five plots were included in the average yield instead of six. A difference of less than 14.3 bushels between total yields of any two entries in this table is not significant. 1947~\ Illinois Hybrid Corx Tests: 1946 363 Table 18. — EXTREME SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Dixon Springs Bottomland, Summary for 1944, 1945, and 1946 , xniAA Damaged Mois- Rating for — Compara- RanL- Fntrv y corn in ture in Erect tive Kank ^mry q^„„h shelled grain at plants Erect Sound height lotai souna sample harvest plants yield of ear bu. bu. perct. perct. percl* perct. perct. 1 Whisnand 905(\V) 67.9 67.3 .8 21.6 86.1 106.0 118.5 M-high 2 Illinois 2120(W) 66.4 65.3 1.7 20.4 79.6 98.0 115.0 M-high -^3 Funk G-711 64.7 64.1 1.0 30.0 76.8 94.7 112.9 M-high S & Illinois 2019(W) 62.8 62.0 1.2 21.1 84.3 103.8 109.2 M-high 5= Illinois 1233-1 61.3 60.6 1.3 19.8 85.4 105.2 106.7 Medium 6 Lowe855(VV) 60.6 59.9 1.2 20.7 77.4 95.3 105.5 M-high 7 Illinois 21 19(\V) 60.3 59.8 .9 20.8 91,. 9 113.2 105.3 M-high 8 Whisnand 917 (\V) 59.9 59.1 1.4 21.2 86.2 106.2 104.0 M-high 9 DeKalb 888 57.4 56.7 1.3 20.2 82.6 101.7 99.8 Medium 10 Hoosier Crost 707 (W) . . 57.1 56.7 .9 23.0 77.5 95.4 99.8 M-high 10 Illinois 784(Pfeifer) 57.1 54.8 3.9 22.5 66.6 82.0 96.5 M-high 12 Illinois 1239 57.0 55.6 2.5 19.9 79.9 98.4 97.9 M-high 13d Illinois 448(Pfeifer) 56.6 56.1 1.1 20.7 80.9 99.6 98.8 M-high 14 Illinois 126 56.3 55.2 2.1 19.8 84.7 104.3 97.2 Medium 15 DeKalb 922 (W) 56.2 55.1 1.7 20.8 86.7 106.8 97.0 Medium 16 Whisnand 834 55.4 54.4 1.8 22.1 71.6 88.2 95.8 Medium 17* Illinois 1238 55.3 54.0 2.4 20.5 86.6 106.7 95.1 Medium 18 Illinois 200 53.4 52.5 2.0 21.0 71.6 88.2 92.4 Medium 19 Lowe 840 52.9 51.9 2.1 20.2 73.6 90.6 91.4 Medium 20 Funk G-708 51.5 51.0 1.2 29.7 86.9 107.0 89.8 High 20 U. S. 13 51.5 50.5 2.1 19.7 81.3 100.1 88.9 Medium 22 Hoosier Crost 840 48.8 46.3 4.8 18.9 87.7 108.0 81.5 Medium Average of all entries 57.7 56.8 1.8 21.6 81.2 a Data on erect plants are averages of 1945 and 1946 only. b This entry was Illinois 2019B(W) in 1944. c This entry was Illinois 1233 in 1944 and 1945. d This entry was Illinois 448 in 1944. e This entry was 1238B in 1944. A difference of less than 6.1 bushels between total yields of any two entries in this table is not significant. SOIL ADAPTATION TEST Six single-cross and three double-cross hybrids were tested at Urbana on fields of two different fertility levels. The three double- cross hybrids, Illinois 751, 972-1, and 246, were also tested in 1943, 1944, and 1945. The single-cross hybrids selected are commonly used as seed parents in producing commercial seed corn. Informa- tion on their yield and physical response to fertility is of practical value to the industry. Soils. The two areas used for the tests are on the Agronomy south farm and differ in productivity as a result of long-continued use of different cropping systems. In the Southwest rotation a high state of productivity has been maintained by a systematic rotation of corn, oats, clover hay, and wheat with a red-clover catch crop. The South-Central area has been depleted of fertility by a rotation of corn, corn, corn, and soybeans. Both fields have received manure and phosphate. The predominating soil type on both fields is Sidell silt loam. 364 Bulletin No. 521 [January, Season. Wet weather somewhat delayed planting. The high- ly productive field was planted May 22, the less productive, May 23. Growing conditions were favorable to high production thruout the season. 1946 results. The corn on the highly productive soil respond- ed more favorably to the weather than that on the less pro- ductive (Table 19). The better field yielded 59 bushels an acre more than the less productive. The difference indicates that weather may help make the crop but that a crop cannot succeed without plenty of plant food. The 1946 results are in line with those of previous years. On the highly productive soil, Illinois 972-1 has a three-year average of 113 bushels an acre, on the less productive area a three-year average of 65 bushels an acre, a difference of 48 bushels an acre. The average yield for all hybrids on the better land was 125 bushels an acre, the highest ever recorded in this study and 12 Hybrids behave differently under competition for nitrogen. The two hybrids shown here, WF9 X 38-11 and Hy X 07, were grown on land having a lim- ited supply of nitrogen. When planted at the rate of one stalk per hill, both got enough nitrogen and WF9 X 38-11 proved distinctly superior to Hy X 07 in length of ear and total yield. When planted 4 stalks to the hill, Hy X 07 was superior to WF9 X 38-11 both in ear and kernel characteristics and in yield. (Fig. 2) 1947] Illinois Hybrid Corn Tests: 1946 365 Table 19. — SOIL ADAPTATION TEST: Central Illinois, Urbana, 1946 Total Rating for— Rank Entr y acr f: 5an C ts Erect Tola? yield plants yield HIGHLY PRODUCTIVE SOIL: Mostly Sidell silt loam, slightly rolling phase (S300, Southwest rotation) bu. perct. perci. perct. 1 HyX07 141.4 92 126 113.1 2 HyXL317 134.9 57 78 107.9 3 Illinois 246 132.4 62 85 105.9 4 Illinois 972-1 130.9 79 108 104.7 5 WF9X 38-11 126.1 79 108 100.9 6 WF9 X Hy 124.1 86 118 99.3 7 Illinois 751 117.6 66 87 94.1 8 WF9XM-14 117.1 60 82 93.7 9 5120 X Hy 100.5 75 103 80.4 Average 125.0 73 ... A difference of less than 5.7 bushels between total yields of any two of the above entries is not significant. MEDIUM PRODUCTIVE SOIL: Mostly Sidell silt loam, slightly rolling phase (S500, South-Central rotation) 1 HyX07 77.2 96 107 116.8 2 HyXL317 71.5 82 91 108.2 3 Illinois 246 70.7 85 94 107.0 4 \VF9XHy 69.2 98 109 104.7 5 Illinois 972-1 65.2 95 106 98.8 6 YVF9XM-14 65.1 97 108 98.5 7 Illinois 751 64.6 91 101 97.7 8 WF9X 38-11 56.8 82 91 85.9 9 5120 XHy 54.6 88 98 82.6 Average 66 . 1 90 ... A difference of less than 5.7 bushels between total yields of any two of the above entries is not significant. bushels above the 1945 yield. On the less fertile soil the average yield was 66.1 bushels an acre, which was .2 bushel under the 1945 yield for the same land. WF9 X 38-11 was the only hybrid showing striking difference in response to the different soils. On the better soil it was 1.1 bushels above the average yield of all hybrids on the field ; on the poorer soil it was 9.3 bushels below the average. Ear and kernel characteristics of WF9 X 38-11 and also of WF9 X M-14 were affected by fertility. Fig. 2 illustrates these differences in physical response on the part of WF9 X 38-11. Hy X 07 and Hy X L317 were outstanding single crosses on both soils, thus demonstrating their wide adaptability. The per- formance of these single crosses undoubtedly accounts for the wide adaptability of double-cross hybrids which have these single crosses as a part of their parentage. 366 Bulletin No. 521 [January, SUMMARY In 1946 two hundred sixty-six hybrids were grown on six fields in Illinois. In addition, six single crosses and three double crosses were tested on two special fields differing in productivity. Wet weather delayed planting on the three southern fields until June. Good stands were obtained on all the fields, except on the Sullivan field where rodents destroyed many hills. The results of these tests were briefly as follows: 1. The Galesburg field in west north-central Illinois had the highest average yield, 106 bushels an acre. On the other test fields the average yields per acre were: Sheldon, 100.4 bushels; Sullivan, 89.8 bushels ; Kings, 88.9 bushels ; Dixon Springs, 69. 1 bushels ; and Alhambra, 51.5 bushels. The average yield of corn on all six fields was 84.3 bushels an acre. This is 27.3 bushels, or 47.9 percent, more than the 1946 state average of 57 bushels an acre. (The locations of these fields are shown in Table 1, page 342, and on the inside front cover.) 2. Lodging was not severe on any field in 1946. On the Alhambra field an average of 28 percent of the corn was lodged, but most of the lodging there was due to weak roots. Lodging on the other fields was due mainly to stalk breakage. It amounted to an average of 8.3 percent on the Galesburg field, 7.4 percent on the Sheldon, 7.1 percent on the Kings, 5.8 percent on the Sullivan, and 5.3 percent on the Dixon Springs field. 3. Hybrids in the northern Illinois testing field at Kings suffered most from corn borers. Some hybrids injured by borers were particularly susceptible to stalk breakage and others to ear dropping. The range in breakage was from 15.6 to 1.4 percent, the range in dropped ears from 3.7 to percent. The average stalk breakage at Kings was 6.5 percent. At Galesburg corn borers caused only 2.9 percent of the stalks to break. Little or no injury from corn borers occurred on the other fields. 4. Materials used for treating seed corn ranked in effective- ness in the following order: (1) Arasan, (2) Spergon, and (3) Semesan Jr. and Barbak-C. This ranking is based on averages of five-vear tests. 1947] Illinois Hybrid Corn Tests: 1946 367 Two years' tests with the slurry formulation indicated that Arasan slurry is just as efficient as Arasan dust, if not more efficient. 5. Thruout the state Gibberclla zcae was the principal cause of stalk rot. Inbreds L317, Ky27, K4, and Kys proved particularly susceptible to this disease. 6. Ear rots were of little importance in 1946. The most common cause of rotted kernels was Fusarium moni forme. Gib- berclla zcae was the next most common fungus on all fields, except at Sheldon where Diplodia zcae was the next most common. 7. The yield of the nine hybrids tested on special fields at Urbana, averaged together, was 125 bushels an acre on the highly productive soil, and on the less productive soil, 66.1 bushels an acre. On both the highly productive and less productive soil, single- cross Hy X 07 made the largest yield and Hy X L317 the next largest. 8. Single-cross WF9 X 38-11 showed the most striking dif- ference in response to the productivity of the soil. On the highly productive soil this cross yielded 1.1 bushels above the average; on the less productive soil, it yielded 9.3 bushels below the average. On poor soil, its ears were poorly filled at the tip ; and under conditions created by thick planting, rows of kernels were missing or poorly developed thruout the length of the ears. Readers are urged to study carefully the tables summa- rizing two- and three-year results of the tests. Hybrids that yield high for three years are more likely to prove dependable than those that yield high for only one year. A summary table for each test field immediately follows the 1946 table for the field. u 368 \lUi 4^ Bulletin Mo. 521* / • , l ft -3c> <#>*< K^CV/, U-*4 PEDIGREES OF HYBRIDS \ f^PH <^l*A Following 4s a list ot Experiment Station and U ance is shown in this bulletin. hybrids whose perform- Ill. 21 (WF9 X 38-11) (Hy X 187-2) 111. 101 (WF9 X M14) (CC7 X 187-2) 111. 126 (WF9 X 38-11) (Tr X L317) 111. 200 (WF9 X 38-11) (K4 X L317) 111. 201 (WF9 X 38-11) (187-2 X L317) 111. 219 (CC5 X CC7) (WF9 X Hy) 111. 246 (WF9 X Hy) (187-2 X L317) 111. 247-1.. . . (187-2 X 38-11) (Hy X R57) 111. 269 (CC10 X CC24) (WF9 X Hy) 111. 273-1.. . . (WF9 X 38-11) (187-2 X 07) 111.448 (38-11 XKys)(K4 X L317) 111. 751 (AX 90) (WF9 X Hy) 111. 784 (Hy X 5120) (K4 X L317) 111. 972A-1 . . (WF9 X 07) (Hv X L317) 111. 1091A (WF9 X M14) (Hy X 187-2) 111. 1180 (WF9 X M14) (CC10 X CC24) 111. 1233-1 (WF9 X 38-11) (940 X R59) 111. 1238 (WF9 X 38-11) (940 X G) 111. 1239 (K166 X L317) (G X 38-11) 111. 1240 (WF9 X«M14) (R2 X 187-2) 111. 2019(W).. . . (Ky27*X R30) (33-16 X CI.61) 111. 2119(W)....(Ky2J X CI.61) (33-16 X K64) 111. 2120(W).. . . (Ky27 X CI.61) (K6 X K64) 111. 2184A(W) . . (K6 X 33-16) (K64 X CI.61) OhioC92 (WF9 X 38-11) (Hy X 07) U. S. 13 (Hy X L317) (WF9 X 38-11) U.S. 35 (WF9 X 38-11) (R4 X Hy) U. S. 44-1 (4-8 X 187-2) (Hy X 07) CONTRIBUTORS OF SEED Ainsworth Hybrids Ainsworth Seed Co Mason City Appl Hybrids Appl's Hybrid Seed Co St. Joseph Bear Hybrids Bear Hybrid Corn Co Decatur, Box 628 Blackhawk Hybrids Blackhawk Coop. Hybrid Corn Assn.. .Polo Crow Hybrids Crow's Hybrid Corn Co Milford DeKalb Hybrids DeKalb Agricultural Assn DeKalb Doubet Hybrids E. W. Doubet Hanna City Doubet Hvbrid D-ll John Roth Morton Embro Hybrids Ed. F. Mangelsdorf & Bro., Inc 1020 S. 4th St., St. Louis, Mo. Farmcraft Hybrids Farmcraft Seed Co Oxford, Ind. Ferris Hybrids Ferris Hybrids Princeton Frey Hybrids Frey Hybrid Corn Co Gilman Funk Hybrids Funk Brothers Seed Co Bloomington Furr Hybrids Furr Hybrids Genoa Holmes Hybrids Holmes Hybrids Edelstein Hoosier Crost Hybrids. . . . Edward J. Funk & Sons Kentland, Ind. Huebsch Hybrids L. A. Huebsch & Son Mundelein Huey Hybrids Huey Seed Co Carthage Hunt Hybrid Chester A. Hunt Morris Illinois Hybrids 111. Agr. Exp. Sta Urbana 111. Crop Improvement Assn. a Urbana Iowealth Hybrids Iowealth Hybrid Corn Co Normal Kelly Hybrids Kelly Seed Co San Jose Keystone Hybrids Corneli Seed Co 101 Chouteau Ave., St. Louis 2, Mo. Lowe Hybrids Lowe Seed Co Aroma Park Moews Hybrids Moews Seed Company Granville Morgan Hybrids Morgan Brothers Galva Morton Hybrids Roy A. Morton & Sons Bowen National Hybrids ........ National Hybrid Corn Co. of 111 Normal Nichols Hybrids Nichols Brothers Hebron Null Hybrid Null Seed Farms Colchester Ohio Hybrid Carl Munson Galesburg, R. 3 Pfeifer Hybrids George L. Pfeifer Areola Pfister Hybrids Pfister Assoc. Growers El Paso a Seed supplied by the Association was obtained from samples of the hybrids submitted for the laboratory test required for certification. 1947] Illinois Hybrid Corn Tests: 1946 369 Pioneer Hybrids Pioneer Hi-Bred Corn Co. of 111 Princeton Pride Hybrid Pride Hybrid Co Glen Haven, Wis. Producers Hybrids Producers' Crop Imp. Assn Piper City Schwenk Hybrids W. T. Schwenk & Sons Edwards Sibley Hybrids Sibley Farms Sibley Sieben Hybrids Sieben Hybrids Geneseo, R. 1 Stewart Hybrid Frank S. Stewart Princeville, R. 1 Stiegelmeier Hybrids H. L. Stiegelmeier Normal Trisler Hybrids J. L. Trisler Fairmount U. S. Hybrids 111. Crop Improvement Assn. a Urbana Ward Hybrids Montgomery Ward & Co 619 W. Chicago Ave.. Chicago Whisnand Hybrids Myron Whisnand Areola a Seed supplied by the Association was obtained from samples of the hybrids submitted in 1945 for the laboratory test required for certification. INDEX TO ENTRIES Hybrid Ainsworth X-14A Ainsworth X-21 Table 11.13,15 8 Ainsworth X^-23 . . . . .4, 6 Appl A-13 . . .8, 13 Appl A-128, A-201 Appl A-336 11,13 8 Bear OK-20 4,6 Bear OK-30. OK-88T . . Bear OK-40, OK-150. . . 11 13 Bear OK-77T 8 Bear OK-315(W) Bear OK-321(\V) Bear OK-332(W) 11. 15, 17 13, 15, 17 . . .15 Bear OK-343(W) . . . 17 Blackhawk 72A Blackhawk 98A 4,6 4,5,6 Blackhawk 111 4,6,8 Crow 360, 514(W) 4.5,6,7 Crow 407 4,6 Crow 607 8-16 Crow 607(W) 11, 12 Crow 608 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 . . .8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Crow 805 13, 14 DeKalb 404A, 422, 458, DeKalb 609 615 4.5,6,7 . . .4,5,6 DeKalb 628A, 800A.... DeKalb 680 8,9, 10, 11, 12 8. 9, 10 DeKalb 816 DeKalb 81 7 A, 840 DeKalb 835 . . . .8,9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16 11,12 . .13, 14 DeKalb 847 8,9, 11, 12 DeKalb 875 15 DeKalb 888, 922(W).. . DeKalb 898 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 .13, 15, 17 DeKalb 923(W) 17 Doubet D-l, D25 4, 5,6, 7 Doubet D-ll 8 Doubet D-41 13, 15, 17 Doubet D-42 8,9, 10, 15, 17 Doubet D-47 . .11, 12 Doubet D-72 8, 9, 10 Embro 36 13, 15 Embro 49 . .15, 17 Embro 1001, 1020 Farmcraft FC-40 15, 16,17 4,6 Farmcraft FC-42 Farmcraft FC-47 4,5,6,7, 11 8,9,10 Hybrid Table Farmcraft FC-69 11 Farmcraft FC-81, FC-88 13, 14 Ferris F-ll 4,5,6 Ferris F-14 8 Frey 425 4,5,6 Frey 634(\V) 11 Frey 644, 692 11,12 Frey 645 8, 9, 11,12 Funk G-29 4, 5. 6. 7 Funk G-37 8. 9, 10, 11, 12 Funk G-53 11, 12 Funk G-74 8, 11 Funk G-80 13, 14, 15, 16 Funk G-90 15 Funk G-94 11. 12, 13, 14 Funk G-114 4,5,6,7 Funk G-125 15. 16 Funk G-169 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Funk G-515W 13, 14 Funk G-708, G-711 J 17, 18 Furr 23, 33 4,6 Furr 44A 4, 6, 7 Furr 67 11 Furr 67A 4,6.8 Furr 80 8 Holmes Utility 9.19 4.6 Holmes Utility 29 8, 9, 10, 13 Holmes Utility 39 8.9, 11, 12 Holmes Utility 46 13 Holmes Utility 79 8 Holmes Utility 90 11 Hoosier Crost FD-8 15 Hoosier Crost F-138 4, 5, 6, 7 Hoosier Crost F-140 4, 6, 7 Hoosier Crost F-170, 616 11 Hoosier Crost 668 11,12 Hoosier Crost 707(\V) 13, 14. 17, 18 Hoosier Crost 746 13. 14. 15. 16 Hoosier Crost 840 8. 10. 11, 13-18 Hoosier Crost 1005A 15, 16, 17 Hoosier Crost 1010 15, 17 Huebsch 3, 10 4,6 Huey H-23 8, 13, 15 Huey H-42 8, 15 Huey H-50 8 Huey H-73 13, 15 Hunt 60(W) 4. 6 Illinois 21 11. 12, 13, 14 Illinois 101 4. 5,6, 7 Illinois 126, 200 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Illinois 201 8, 9, 10, 11. 12. 13. 14, 15, 16 370 Bulletin No. 521 Hybrid Table Illinois 219 4, 6, 7 Illinois 206(Pfeifer) .' 13, 15, 16 Illinois 246 11, 13, 14, 19 Illinois 247-1 13, 14 Illinois 269 4, 5, 6 Illinois 273-1 8 Illinois 448 15, 16, 17, 18 Illinois 751 4,5,6,7,19 Illinois 784 (Pfeifer) 15, 17 Illinois 972 (Pfeifer) 15 Illinois 972-1 19 Illinois 972A-1 11, 12, 13, 14 Illinois 1091A 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 Illinois 1180 4,5,6 Illinois 1233-1, 1238, 1239 17, 18 Illinois 1240 4, 6 Illinois 2019(W), 2119(W), 2120(W) 17, 18 Illinois 2184A(W) 15, 17 Iowealth AQ 11 Iowealth TXI 17 Iowealth AF-11 4, 6, 7 Iowealth 16, 16(W) 8 Iowealth 25 13, 15 Iowealth 25A 11, 15 Iowealth 29A 13, 15, 16, 17 Kelly K-77, K-88 ! 11 Kelly K-99 8, 13 Kelly K-374 8, 9, 11. 12. 13, 15 Keystone 38 11, 13, 15, 17 Keystone 40 15 Keystone 42 8 Keystone 45 15, 17 Keystone 106(W) 17 Lowe 15 4, 5,6, 7 Lowe 520 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Lowe 560 11,12 Lowe 840 15,16, 17, 18 Lowe 855(W) 13, 14, 17, 18 Moews 14 4,5,6,7,11 Moews 15 8 Moews 520, 523 11 Moews 550 8, 9, 10 Moews 830 13 Morgan M-52 8,9,10 Morgan M-105 4, 5, 6, 8 Morgan M-546 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17 Morton M-12 8, 9. 13, 15 Morton M-33 11, 15 Morton M-380 8, 11, 12 National 1 14-1 4, 5. 6 National 115A 4,6 National 118 11 National 125 8, 9, 10, 15 National 125-1 13 National 126T 8,11,15 National 129 15, 17 National 129-2 17 National 129R 13, 15, 17 Nichols 5A 4, 5, 6, 7 Nichols 5B, 99 4,6 Nichols N-75 4, 5, 6 Nichols 202A 4, 5, 6, 7 Null N-54 8 Ohio C-92 8 Pfeifer A-243 13, 17 Pfeifer 1 13 Pfeifer 2 15 Hybrid Table Pfister 50A, 52 4, 6 Pfister 164 13, 14 Pfister 170 15, 17 Pfister 282 4, 6 Pfister 366A, 4897 4, 5, 6 Pfister 380 11, 12 Pfister 390 8, 11 Pfister 392 8, 13 Pfister 612(W) 13, 15, 16, 17 Pfister 630(W) 15, 17 Pfister 660 15 Pfister 1897 8,9,10,13,14 Pfister 5897 8,9,10 Pioneer 300, 313B 11-17 Pioneer 304 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17 Pioneer 307 8,9 Pioneer 322, 330, 340, 341, 353A 4, 5, 6, 7 Pioneer 332 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Pioneer 334 8, 9, 10, 1 1 Pioneer 336 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Pioneer 339 8, 9, 10 Pioneer 505(W) 13, 15, 17 Pioneer 510(W) 15 Pride D-66 4, 6 Producers 909 4,5,6,7,8 Producers 1000 8, 9, 10, 13, 14 Producers 1010. 1020 4, 5, 6, 7 Producers 1015 4,5,6 Producers 1030 11, 12, 13 Producers 1040 11, 12, 13, 14 Producers FCXX(1045) 11 Producers 1050 13, 14 Schwenk S-24. S-34 8 Schwenk S-66 11 Sibley 700 11 Sibley 753B 11, 12 Sieben S-340 4. 6 Sieben S-440 8 Sieben S-450 4,5,6 Steward S-ll 8,9 Stiegelmeier S-102 13, 14 Stiegelmeier S-360 4, 5,6, 11, 12 Stiegelmeier S-379 4, 5, 6, 8 Stiegelmeier S-1313 8 Trisler T-22 11 Trisler T-32 13 U. S. 13 8,9, 10. 11. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 U.S. 13(Pfeifer) 11.15,17 U.S. 35 8,9,11,12 U. S. 44-1 8,9,10 Ward 110, 115A, 115C 4,6 Ward 115B 8 Ward 120A 8, 13, 15, 17 Ward 120B 11 Ward 120(W) 13 Ward 125 15.17 Ward 135(W) 17 Whisnand 831 13, 14, 15. 17 Whisnand 834 15, 17, 18 Whisnand 905(W) 13. 15. 17. 18 Whisnand 917(W) 13. 14, 15. 16, 17, 18 Single Crosses: Hy x L317 19 Hy x07 19 WF9x Hy 19 WF9 x M-14 19 WF9x 38-11 19 5120 x Hy 19 i 12,050—1-47—34372 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA