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Gear July 1973 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBAN A- CHAMPAIGN URBANA, ILLINOIS 6l801 Supported in part by the Atomic Energy Commission under contract US AEC AT(ll-l)lU69. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2 3. REPRESENTATION OF VARIABLES; SUBROUTINES 10 k. USER PROGRAM FOR DFASUB 15 5. PROGRAM LOGIC 19 LIST OF REFERENCES 25 APPENDIX I SAMPLE PROGRAM 26 APPENDIX II DFASUB LISTING 30 1. INTRODUCTION The purpose of the FORTRAN program DFASUB is to integrate a system of equations — described "by a mixture of ordinary differential equations, nonlinear equations, and linear equations — using a discrete variable method. The equations are written in the form f(y_» y_' , t) + Pv = (1.1) where the vectors y_ and y_' = dy_/dt are of length p, v is of length q-p , P is a q x (q-p) matrix, t is the independent variable, and f is a vector function of length q. DFASUB uses the variable values to integrate the system using a multistep method designed for use with stiff ordinary differential equations which also works well with non-stiff equations and which will handle nonlinear equations. This paper deals with both the theory behind the integration method and the program itself. Section 2 presents the theory. At present, the routine calls a number of other subroutines which are compiled by a general -purpose system [l]. The function of these will be described so they can be replaced by user-supplied FORTRAN subroutines. The form of the internal variables of the program is described in Section 3 to allow the user to write subroutines equivalent to those above as described in that section. Section h details calling parameters to allow a user to write a complete integration package built around DFASUB. Section 5 describes the detailed program logic of DFASUB. This introduction, together with Sections 3 and k, serve as a user's guide to DFASUB. Reading Section 2 is sufficient to understand the theory behind the routine. Someone interested in the programming aspects of the routine may read Sections 1, 3-5 to understand how DFASUB works. 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Suppose that the values of y_ are known (approximately) at a number of equally spaced points t . , i = l,2,...k, where t. jn > t.. n-i l+l 1 The backward differentiation formula gives the relation h K = ~ 3^ ( Vn + a i^n-l + - ■ ' + Vn-k } where h = t , - t. > 0. (The coefficients a. and B„ can be found in i+l l l Gear [2], p. 217.) If this is substituted in (l.l) for t = t we get (2.1) F ( ) = t(y 9 - n ^-n' -i. + E,t)+Pv =0 n n n— n (2.2) where E = - -=— (a y +, n h3 Q Pti-1 + \ ^n-k } is known. Hence, (2.2) is a system of q equations in the q unknowns y and v . In general, they are nonlinear. If these are solved by i Newton-like iteration, we get where ^n,(m+l) v -n,(mKL) ^,(m) -n,(m) r-1 J " F n ( ^n,(m)' ^n,(m) 3F J = 3(i,v) 3f a ° £ i p 3y_ h6 n 3v_' , (2.3) (2.U) and y , » and v , v are the q iterates for the solution y and v of (2.2) ti,[i) -n,(m) "hi -n If accurate initial guesses y ,- N and v ,< s are used, very few iterations -n,(0) -n,(0) of (2.3) are necessary. In fact, accuracy is not needed in v as we -n,(0) show below that the iterates y ,_, N and v ,_, s are independent of v /_.v *4i,(l) -n,(l) -n,(0) if round-off errors are ignored. To see this, compare the first iterate y , N and v ,_x with the first iterates •41,(0) -n,(0) f / v and v / x starting with y /_, x and v ,_ * starting with y , _ N and v , n * . From (2.3) «4i,(l) -n,(l) s ^.(O) -n,(0) z = 4,(1) "Zn.CL) ^,(1) " ^n,(i: o •4i 9 (0) _: 4i,(0) - J" 1 P (v - V n v n,(0) '" -4i,(0) ) Hence , Jz = J ^1,(0) ^1,(0! - P n ( V(0) V(0) } 3f a 31 3y_ hS Q 3y_' P - P n n o j4i,(0) " ^n,(0)_ = Since we assume J is non -singular (or the Newton iteration will not work) , we see that z_ = 0; hence, f , v = y /_ \ and v , <. = v , s are independent of v /«\. Note that the only condition on J for this to be true is that -n,(0) the right-hand p columns of J be exactly P . The left-hand q-p columns can contain anything, so we need only approximate J in those positions. Initial Guess for y , >. Since past values are known, a good initial guess can be found using polynomial extrapolation. We assume that we know y . , i <_ i <_ k. d y" . (The latter was found at the last step or could be evaluated an from (2 . $ with n-1 replacing n.) With those values we can use a Hermite interpolation formula in the form Since equal intervals are used, the a. and 3 are independent of n and h. The Basic Algorithm The initial guess is calculated from (2.5) — it is called the predicted value, v ,„ N is set to v _, . Equation (2.3) is iterated * -n,(0) -n-1 until v / \ and v / \ appear to have converged. (if they do not, the ■Hi,(m) -n,(m) step size h is reduced as discussed later and the process is repeated.) The error introduced by one step of (2.1) is known to be of the form ,k+l ( k+1 ) k+1 K ^ J If the error in the numerical solution is a sufficiently smooth function of h and t, h y (^-i) + '-'(h can ^ e computed using a difference formula where £ is not necessarily the same point as £ , but both £ and £ are in the interval (t , , t ). This enables the error to be estimated n-k n under the assumption that y changes slowly over the interval. If the error estimate is too large, the result is rejected, and a smaller step is tried. Otherwise, the step is accepted and a suitable step size and order (k) is chosen for the next step. Internal Representation of the Algorithm We have used a Nordsieck [3] vector to represent past values of the data because of the ease of order changing and error estimation. We will describe this vector below for a single variable y and its associated B — n past values y ,...y , . This allows us to use the vector notation n-1 n-k ^ = [y n> hy n' K-l'-" y n-k + l ] for the set of saved information concerning y at t . (T is the transpose operator.) When we step from t to t , we use (2.5) to predict y , _. N n-1 n n,(0j from y At the same time, we save the values of y , . . . .y , , from J 4i-1 n-1 n-k+1 . y . We can represent this process by n,(0) n-1 n-2 n-k+1 6 1 a 2 Vi \ i .. *n-l (2.6) Next we iterate (2.3). To do this we must substitute y , N and v / >, " , n,(in) -n,(m) into F (y , v ). Thus, from (2.2) we must evaluate n n n a F (y , s , v , v ) = f(y ( v, - — — y , x + E , t ) + P v . . (2.7) n n,(m) n,(m) J n,(m) h3 n,(m) n n n n,(m) We will normalize (2.l) so that a = -1. Let us write J n,(m) 8 Q n,(m) n =hy n,(m-l) + 3^ (y n,(m) " ^.(m-lp if m > ° = + 37 [a i y n-l + Vn-2 + "- + Vn-k + hB l hy n-l ] (2.8) ~-t [a i y n-l + --' + Vn-k ] if m= ° Hence, hy n,(0) = " a k" a k P l n-1 3 Q y n-k B Q y n-l = yv + . . . + y, y , + 6 ^ hy ' n 'rn-1 ■ Vn-k 1 °n-l Thus, (2.7) can be written as F n (jr n,(m)> v n,( m )> = f(y n,(m)' h K,U)' V + Vn,(») If ve vrite Aj(m) = [y n>(m) . ^ j(m ). Vl y n-k + l ]T ' ve see that we can combine (2.9) with (2.6) to get (2.9) (2.10) ^,(0) TT 3 1 a 2 Y l 6 1 Y 2 10 a k-l a k Y k-1 Y k Zn-1 = %-l (2.11) This is called the predicted value of y. Now we note from (2.8) that 2n',(mM) = *n,(m) + ^ (y n,(irH-l) " y n,(m) } (2 ' 12) 1 T where c = [l, — , 0,. . . , 0] and y / . -, \ - y / \ is given by a component — ^n n,(m+lj 'n,(mj of (2.3). The final step is to perform the transformation to a Nordsieck vector. The approximations y , y' , y _,,... y , ., determine a unique k-th ^ J n' J n' °n-l' J n-k+l k (k) degree polynomial. Let its scaled derivatives at t he y , hy' ,... h y ' /k! n n n n There is a unique non-singular k+1 by k+1 matrix Q such that if ^[ V ^>, y M 2 >/ 2 *<*w then z = — n %L- With this we restate (2.1l) as an d (2.12) as where and Vo ^1,(0) z — n = QBQ z , = Az _ -n-1 -n-1 ,(m+l) " QZ n,(m+l) = ^n,(m) + I ( ^n,(m+l) I = Qc ^n.dn) A = QBQ -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 U k 1 3 6 1 1 o \ k \ \ \ 1 (2.13) (2.1U) The fact that A is a Pascal triangle matrix follows from the fact that the predictor performs a k-th order exact approximation z , v to z . The advantage of this form is that the step size can "be changed easily by 2 k multiplying the vector z by C(a) = diag[l, a, a ,..., a ] where a = h /h , .. The order can be reduced by dropping a column from A, a new old J ** ° row from A and z , and changing l_. The order can be increased by adding — n k+l (k+l) a row and column to A, changing &_, and estimating h y /(k+l)!. This is estimated by the last element of (z - z _.)/(k+l). (This is also J -n — n-1 used in computing the error estimate.) The values of l_ can be found in Gear [2], p. 217- The choice of step size and order depends on several things. First, if the error estimate after the corrector converges is too large, the step size is reduced to h/k and the step is taken over; if this fails to work after three such attempts, the order is reduced to 1 and a final attempt is made before giving up. If the convergent corrector value is within error bounds , then every k steps at order k the step size at the original order, order k-1, and k+l is calculated with a bias toward the lowest order (with the least work required) to get the largest step size. This is only done every k steps due to stability considerations [h]. The error estimator h "4i M _ n ,i ,, n-.i ,i n j_0 J n_ J J n ~J is the local truncation error for the method in use if a = -1. If y(t) has a continuous (k+l)-th derivative, then L h (y(t)) = C k+1 y (k+1) U) h k+1 if the method is of order k and t-h < 5 < t. We can define v* k+1) c. k+1 h k+1 (k + l)! since for a k-th order method applied to the (k+l)-th order polynomial t , the error term L (t ) is known and (t w ) (ktl) - (k*l)l 10 3. REPRESENTATION OF VARIABLES; SUBROUTINES DFASUB requires several variable arrays for integrating a system; these arrays are described below. The remaining arguments in the calling sequence are briefly described following those. For notational convenience N is the number of equations q, NY is the number of nonlinear equations p, and NL = N-NY. The notation A(b)C means "from A to C in steps of B" . Y(J,I) for I = l(l)NY and J = l(l)T contains the current value of the differential and nonlinear variables in its first row. Each subsequent row J contains the (J-l)-th derivative of the variable y. multiplied by H**( J-l)/ ( J-l) ! . Thus, Y contains all the elements necessary for a Taylor series expansion without requiring the derivatives to be multiplied by H /k! before use. Thus, the predictor step consists of multiplying Y(l,J) by the Pascal triangle matrix as described in Section 2. YL(l) for I = l(l)NL holds the value of the linear variables, corresponding to v in Section 2. DY(l) holds the result of calling the evaluation subroutine DIFFUN(T,G,DY,Y,YL,HINV) ; for I = l(l)NY it contains the difference y! - f(y.) for y. = Y(l,l), y! = Y(2,l)*HINV where HINV is the inverse of the step size H. For I = NY+l(l)N the error in the linear equations stored in YL(l) is in DY(l). Thus, DY(l) is essentially the correction to the values in Y(l,l) and YL(j) before the Newton iteration. SAVE(J,I) for J = 1(1)7, I = l(l)NY holds the initial values of the nonlinear variables at the beginning of an integration step. If the step fails, the independent variable T(l) is restored to its original values and Y(j,l) takes on the values in SAVE(J,l). YLSV(l) for I = l(l)NL serves the same purpose for the linear variables in YL(l). 11 ERROR(l) for I = l(l )NY stores the sum of the corrections computed during each integration step. It is initialized to zero after the predictor evaluation and is incremented by Fl(l) — the improved corrector — after each corrector step. If the integration step is successful, all elements of Y(J,l) are updated by Y(j,l) = Y(J,l) + A(J)*ERR0R(I). The difference for ERROR(l) between two integration steps is used to calculate the next higher derivative element when the best step size for order k+1 is being determined. When it is known that on the next step a new value of H will be calculated, ERROR(l) is saved in ERSV(I) for I = 1(1)NY. YMAX(I) for I = l(l)NY stores the maximum of 1.0 or the largest value of |Y(l,l)| computed. YMAX(l) is used in the error evaluation for an absolute error test when Y(l,l) has never exceeded i.O and a relative error test when it has. A(j) , J = l(l)NQ+l, stores the updating factors for the higher order derivative terms in Y. It corresponds to the vector 2_ in Section 2, G(J) is storage for global variables, parameters that may be easily changed from one integration to the next. They allow a user to experiment with different parameters in attempts to optimize given systems under simulation. T(J) contains variables that are dependent only on G(*) and the independent variable T(l). Thus, they need to be evaluated only for each value of the independent variable. PW(I,J) is the matrix J. The remaining calling arguments to DFASUB follow: 12 EPS is the error per step criterion that nust be met by the L2 norm of the error. EQN and VAR are two arrays that are required by routine MATSET (see following) when MATSET is compiled by the general-purpose system [l]. When this is not the case, they can be dummy arrays. HMAX is the largest step size that DFASUB will take. It should be chosen less than the period of any known periodic solution. Otherwise, no special care need be taken in choosing it. HMEN is the minimum step size taken. H is the initial step size used unless it causes convergence problems , in which case a new step size is chosen. JSTART is a start indicator. When it is zero on a call to DFASUB, the routine initializes itself. When it is 1, it assumes that initialization has taken place and continues integration. On exit, it contains the current order. KFLAG is the output completion code. Its meanings are +1 successful integration -1 error test failure for H > HMEN -2 too many floating point errors -3 the corrector failed to converge for H > HMIN -k the corrector failed for even the first order method It is possible to write into the main program a routine to try possible remedies when DFASUB quits with an unsuccessful completion code making use of KFLAG and the computed GO TO in FORTRAN. After these remedial measures are taken, JSTART should be set to 1 and DFASUB called again. 13 M is the dimension of DY , normally the same as N. MAXDER is the maximum order method used, never more than 6. ML is the number of variables in Y(l,J), J = l(l)ML, which are included in the error test. If the error in any group of variables is not critical, then they should be placed at the end of the Y array and ML set to exclude them in the error test. N is the total number of equations. NL is the number of linear equations. TEND is the final value of T(l). Integration stops when this value is reached. Subroutines The dependent variables in DFASUB fall into three classes : those dependent only on global terms or parameters in the G(*) array, variables described by linear equations which have Jacobian elements dependent at most on the arrays G(*) and T(*) so these are the elements of the matrix P of Section 2, and variables whose entries to the Jacobian matrix change whenever some other variable changes its value. To handle these differences efficiently, five subroutines called by DFASUB are concerned with computing the Jacobian matrix and performing the corrector iteration (2.3). Since the elements in the Jacobian have different dependencies, they can be recomputed at different times by MATSET (A(2) ,DY ,EPS ,EQN ,G,HINV,0,M,MF,N ,NY ,IT,PW,F1 ,T ,VAR,Y,YL) . When IT = 1, only those values in the Jacobian that are fixed for one set of parameters G(*) are calculated. This need be done only once per integration. When IT = 2 , only those values that are dependent on T(*) and G(*) are computed. This is done whenever a new step is Ik started, causing a new value T(l) = T(l) + H to be computed, and 3 new O-Lu. whenever the step size is reduced and the integration step restarted. When IT = 3 , all remaining elements are computed. This must be done at each corrector iteration. The corrector iteration (2.3) does not actually multiply by J but rather performs a symbolic inversion of the sparse matrix PW. Again, the symbolic inversion of PW is broken up according to the dependence of each element on T , G, and Y. MATINl(PW) inverts just those elements that are dependent only on G. MATIN2(PW) inverts elements dependent on T and G. MATIN3 inverts all remaining elements. MATMUL(PW,DY,Fl) performs the equivalent of solving (PW)(Fl) = DY for Fl; DY holds the values of F(y, v) = F(y , y' , t) + P(t)v; and Fl is a vector used in the correction step. DIFFUN(T,G,DY,Y,YL,HINV) is the differentiating subroutine which places y! - f . (y_) = HINV*Y(2,l) - f(y(l,l)) into DY(l) for I = l(l)NY, and the correction to the linear equations into DY(l), I = NY+l(l)N. The remaining subroutines are not connected with the differential algebraic equation system, but are used for convenience. KNTSPl(l) is an assembly language function that keeps track of floating point overflow and underflow, and returns a value of three or more if enough such errors are encountered to invalidate the results of th e co mput at i on . COPYZ(S,X,L) copies the L values of single precision array X into single precision array S. The actual variables used are double precision arrays so L is twice the size of the actual arrays. If X = Y, S = SAVE, we have L = lU*NY. For X = YL , S = YLSV, we have L = 2*NY. S2(T,G) evaluates those variables stored in T(*) that are dependent on T(l), the independent variable; and G(*), the global parameters 15 h. USER PROGRAM FOR DFASUB To write a program to use DFASUB all the subroutines called by it must be present in some form. The subroutine DIFFUN , which is supplied by a system compiler in the general -purpose system, must be provided to solve the system f(y s y 1 , t) + P(t)y_ = 0. The calling arguments are the T(*) and G(*) arrays, the Y array containing y. in Y(1,I) and H*y! in Y(2,l), HINV = l/H, and v. in the array YL. The system can be put into the proper form by expressing the equations as = y l -(f 1 ( Y » x L,T,G) + P^) ■ y NY "( VY,YL,T,G) t ? m Z) ° 7 W (Y ' YL ' T ' G) + P NY+ 1^ = f N (Y,YL,T,G) + P N v for P the I-th row of P(t). The zeros are then replaced by DY(I) , I = 1(1)N. An example system is to be found in [5]. It is = y! - s + (r-y. ) + E b. . y., i = l(l)U i=l ij J for r = (y 1 + y 2 + y 3 + y u )/2 s = E (r-y )"/2 i=l [b ]-B i+UT.5+e -1+52. 5+e -^7.5+e -52.5-e ■i+52.5+e UUT.5+G 52.5+e U7.5-e -HT.5+e 52.5+e UU7.5+e ^52. 5+e -52.5-e UT.5-e ^52 . 5-e UUT-5+e for e = .00025. 16 = *5 + y l y 6 + y l y 6 = 2 H = y 6 " y i + v i " x " e_t = v l + F 6 = v 1 - v 2 + y x y 6 = v x - v 2 + F T = v + v + 5v v 1 2 ^1 y 2 = v 1 + v 2 + F 8 for y <°> = y<°> - 1, v[°) = -2, v^ = -3, y[ 0) = -1, i = l(l)U. Appendix I contains the FORTRAN routine DIFFUW(T,G,DY,Y,YL,HINV) that is used to evaluate this system as veil as a sample routine S2(T,G) to solve T(2) = EXP(-T(l)). The computation of the Jacobian can be split up into the three subsets, each of which is evaluated by MATSET depending on the parameter IT. Three different inversions are also required. If the user would rather not write these four routines, a simpler routine MATSET can be written so that nothing is done when IT is equal to 1 or 2 , and the entire Jacobian matrix is generated when MATSET (...,3,...) is called. The evaluation of the Jacobian can be done by a special routine that computes 9f. 9f. - — and - — ; — according to an analytic formula, or else numerical y j y J differencing as in [6] requiring N calls to DIFFUN may be used. MATIN 3 can be replaced by a call to a standard Gaussian elimination subroutine, while MATIN 1 and MATIN2 are made dummy subroutines. MATMUL can be replaced by a back substitution subroutine written to work with the routine in MATIN3. IT Two implementations of this procedure are possible. The easiest one is to write a subroutine which has a place in its calling sequence for each of the parameters in the calling sequence in DFASUB , and then manipulate these parameters, possibly preparing them for a call to a second subroutine. This has been done in the remainder of Appendix I. For example, MATSET has dummy variables for EQN and VAR , two arrays MATSET as compiled by the general-purpose system use but are not needed in this version, which performs numerical differencing to compute PW when IT is 3 and does nothing when IT is not 3. MATIN 3 (PW) simply calls Moler's routine [7] DECOMP. Since DECOMP requires the number of variables N, this has been provided in the unnamed COMMON block in MATMUL and DFASUB. MATMUL calls Moler's routine SOLVE which also needs N. Both of these routines communicate through an array IP, which is provided in a named COMMON/IPP/ and dimensioned at least as large as the system. The second implementation requires that the user remove all superfluous subroutine calls and change the calling sequence of the routines he does use, thus saving the overhead of dummy subroutine calls and extraneous preparation of data. This has the disadvantage that if DFASUB is updated, all this work must be repeated on the new version; whereas if the subroutine calls are left alone, those that work with one version of DFASUB will probably work with any new version. Usable versions of COPYZ and KNTSPI are also included in Appendix I. If the computer in use has some way to count suppressed underflow and overflow under program control, KNTSPI can be programmed to return a value greater than 3 when too many errors occur. 18 Finally, DFASUB must provide the initial values of Y(l,l), Y(2,l), and YL(J). The general -purpose system calls a program DIFMF3 [8] which, if given either Y(l,l) or Y(2,l) for each I and YL(j) , will find all necessary initial values. If all initial values Y(l,l) are known , then by setting Y(2,l) = for I = 1,NY, calling DIFFIM once and setting Y(2,I) = -DY(I), good approximations can be given to all necessary initial values. 19 5. PROGRAM LOGIC An anthropomorphic view of the actions of DIFSUB while solving a system of equations follows. A main program specifically written for the PDP -8/ GRAPHICS system [l] provides the calling sequence that enters the subroutine DIFSUB and the subroutines which DIFSUB calls are compiled by the system loaded with DIFSUB. A detailed description of what each of these do is to he found in Section 3. The program is entered with JSTART = 0. The bookkeeping variables that record the number of steps, NS , and the number of matrix evaluations, NW, are initialized to 0. Both y and y' are expected to be in array Y(l,l) and Y(2,l). This can be accomplished by a call to the steady state problem package DIFMF3 [8]. Y(2,l) is scaled by H, YMAX(l) is set to 1.0, the order NQ is set to 1, and the variables l_. are placed in A(j) , J = l(l)NQ+l. J Various error test criteria are computed in E, EUP , and EDWN ; ENQ1 , ENQ2 , and ENQ3 held l/(2*NQ), l/(2*(NQ+l), l/(2*(NQ+2) the power to which the ratio of computed error to desired error must be taken to find the ratio of new to old step size. MATSET is called with IT = 1 to evaluate any constant elements of PW; MATIN1 inverts these elements. The value of Y(J,l), J = l(l)NQ+l, I = l(l)NY are saved in SAVE(J,l) in case they are needed to restart the program; YL(l), I = l(l)NL is saved in YLSV(l). H, T, and NQ are also saved. DIFSUB then calls S2 which evaluates any variables there are functions only of T and G. MATSET is called with an argument of 2 to evaluate and update any part of the Jacobian matrix PW which would change as a result of the call to S2. DIFSUB then calls MATIN2 which does an inversion of parts of PW that change as a result of calling S2 and MATSET ( . . . ,2 , . . . ) . 20 DIFSUB multiplies Y(J,l) by the Pascal triangle matrix as described in [6]. This replaces y. with y. , s, the predicted value of the nonlinear variables. The corrector step is a long loop that starts by initializing ERROR to 0. DIFSUB calls DIFFUN (T, G,DY ,Y ,YL,HINV) which places in DY the updated y! , v value. MATSET (...,3,...) is now called to update the Jacobian as a result of having the predicted value of y. and the corrected value of y! available. MATIN3(PW) is called to make any changes in the LU decomposition as a result of the call to MATSET (...,3,...). IWEVAL is set to -1 so that all of this re-evaluation of PW need not be done again unless it seems necessary. MATMUL(PW,DY ,Fl) is called which does the back substitution that computes the amount by which Y(j,l) and YL(l) are to be changed to hold the corrected value. YL(I),Y(1,I) and Y(2-,I) are corrected by A(J)*Fl(l ) ; ||Ay, J| is then computed. If | |Ay| | is less than BND, the computed error bound for the order, then the program continues. If not, MATMUL is again called, YL(l), Y(l,l), Y(2,l) are corrected, Ay , \ is added to Ay/-, \ and placed in ERR0R(*). Actually, not only the present corrector term but also an estimate of the next corrector term is compared to BND. Since the L2 norm of the i-th corrector term | | ERROR | | is approximately R*| | ERROR I | for R constant throughout each small region of integration, the predicted next value of the corrector can also be compared to BND and the method is considered to have converged if MIN(| | ERROR 1 | | , R*| |ERR0R 1+1 | | *2) 1, is updated using the contents of ERROR(l) by Y(J,l) = Y(J,l) + ERROR( I ) *A( J) , then DIFSUB returns to the beginning of the program. JSTART has been set to 1 so no initialization occurs. The integration step procedes as in the first step, except that after NQ successful steps ERROR(l) is stored in ERSV(l) and the next step (if successful) uses this and other information to check for a better step size and order. (k) Since we also have an estimate for y and y /k! stored in the n n array Y(7,l), and since ERROR(l) stores the current step's accumulated corrections for Y(l,l), the backward difference of the last component of Y(K,N) is ERROR(l)*A(K) which is an estimate for ,k+l (k+l) h y _n k! 22 Also, since ERROR(l) corresponding to the last y are saved in ERSV(l) , we know that ERSV(I) - ERROR(I) = h (k+2) y (k+2 } (t Q ) /k! . These values can he used to compute the "best step size and order in the following ways . After the predictor-corrector method converges, we can check to see if the truncation error was within hounds by seeing if 2 Ml C k+1 b ^ y <^> g EPS 1 £ ' YMAX(I) > Ml C. *ERROR(l)*K!*A(K) = y f k+1 \^ * v YMAX(I) y by comparing to E = (EPS/C. ._ A(K)*K!) 2 Ml _ v ^ , ERR0R(lK 2 D " z z 4max(i) j ' When we want to see about changing order and step size (after K+N*9, N = 0,1,..., successful steps at order K and step size H) , we can compute the best step size to use at the current order, order 1 higher and order 1 lower. Since D ^ f H NEW s2 (p+1) E ' [ H ' by computing PR2 = l^D/E) 1 ' 2 ^"*" 1 ' , MEW = H/PR2 will give the best step size for order K (1.2 is a heuristic constant k+2 to compensate for ignoring the 0(h ) terms). 23 letting and If one order lower method is used, then C h k v' k ^ C *v(k l)*r>' EPS ^ Z( YMAX(l) } =E( YMAX(l) } EDWN = (EPS/C *k! ) 2 then D " M YMAX(l) J PR1 = 1.3(D/EDWN) 1/2p gives the factor for the "best step size for order k-1 methods Finally, if order one higher is used, we need n >k (k) 2 C k+2 h y I s2 ^ ^ mx(i) } C. Q (ERSV(I)-ERR0R(I))A(K)*K!) v YMAX(I) Letting EUP = (EPS/C *A(K)*p!) 2 and k+2 then and _ . w D/ERR0R(lh 2 D " M YMAX(I) j D _ ,HNEW,2 (p+2) E " ^ H ' pes = i.m^) 1/2 (p+2) gives the best step size. The 1.3 and l.k terms bias the method toward not changing the order or picking one order lower, respectively, since these would minimize overhead calculations. 24 Once a new step size has been computed, the array Y(J,l) must be changed to reflect the new step size since Y(J,l) = Y h /(J-l)!. This is accomplished "by multiplying the elements of SAVE ( J, I ) (if the single step error were too large and the step is being repeated) or of Y(J,l) (if a new step size is being prepared for the next step) by (H/HOLD) (J_l) . This is done in a DO loop after statement 750 or 800 depending on whether SAVE or Y is supplying the values to be reached. If no significant improvement in step size can be made, IDOUB is set to 9 (or other large integer) and the step size is re-evaluated again if the steps continue to be successful. If, contrary to our assumption, the corrector steps do not converge after two tries, then H is reduced to E/k unless IWEVAL = indicating that PW should be re-evaluated first. Y(J,l) is scaled to reflect this new step size and a new integration step is attempted. If H cannot be reduced, KFLAG is set to -3 and DIFSUB makes an error return. Each time a new step is entered, DIFSUB checks for T > TEND and KFLAG < 0. If either of these is true, the program exits to the calling routine with JSTART set to the present value of the order NQ , HNEW set to the best H for the next step, H set to the present H, and Y(j,l) set to its last successful value. The entry point REDSUB is used to re-enter the program after problems with the matrix processing routines. This section, while describing the general program logic, leaves out many details of programming that would be unwieldly to describe here. The theory and some ideas about the programming techniques are in the other sections, and after reading these and using the program copy in Appendix II, this section should be sufficient to understand the program logic. 25 LIST OF REFERENCES [l] Gear, C. W. , "An Interactive Graphic Modeling System," Department of Computer Science Report No. 318 , University of Illinois at Urb ana-Champaign, 19&9- [2] Gear, C. W. , NUMERICAL INITIAL VALUE PROBLEMS IN ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, Prentice -Hall: New Jersey, 1971. [3] Nordsieck, A., "On the Numerical Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations," Math. Comp. , l6, 1962, pp. 22-^9. [h] Gear, C. W. and Watanabe, D. S., "Stability and Convergence of Variable Order Multistep Methods," submitted to SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. [5] Gear, C. W. , "Simultaneous Numerical Solution of Differential- Algebraic Equations," IEEE Trans. CT , 18, #1, 1971, pp. 89-95. [6] Gear, C. W. , "DIFSUB for the Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations," CACM , Ik, #3, 1972, pp. 185-190. [7] Moler, C. B. , "Matrix Computations with FORTRAN and Paging," CACM , 15, #U, 1972, pp. 268-270. [8] van Melle, B. , "An Operating Manual for DIFMF3," Department of Computer Science File No. 870 , University of Illinois at Urban a- Champaign , 1972. 26 APPENDIX I SAMPLE PROGRAM 27 c**** c* c**** c**** c* c**** 10 20 c**** c* c**** 30 35 999 50 IMPL DIME 1 G(l DATA «• -45 ♦ 52. ♦ 452 ***** SUPP ***** DATA ♦ 5.D CALL CALL ***** SET ***** nr i Yd, Yd Yd, DO 2 Y(2, YL( 1 YLI2 M = N ***** FIND ***** CALL DO 3 Y(2, JSTA CALL 1 JST 2 YL WRIT FORM STOP FND AL*8( A-H.Q-Z) (7,6),YL(2),SAVE(7,8),YLSV(2),PW(R4), , 0Y(8) , ERSV(6) .ERROR (6) ,F1( 8) ,EQN(1 t ,VAP (1) ,YMAX( R) 5002 5,-452.49975,-47.499 75,-52.5002 5, ,44 7.50025,52.50025,4 7.49975,-47.49975, 47.5002 5,4 52.499 75,-52.5002 5,47.49975, 447.50025/ ********************************* ERFLOW AND UNDERFLOW ********************************* ,EPS,HMAX,HMlN,H,T,TENP/8,2,8,l.D-4, 0, l.D-4,0. rO, L. DO, 1.03/ (208,256,-1,1 ) (207,256,-1,1 ) ********************************* VALUES AND ZERO FIRST DERIVATIVES. ********************************* ICIT RE NSIPN Y 6),T(2) G/447. 2.49975 50025,4 .49975, ******* KESS OV ******* N,NL,M 2,1.D-1 ERPSET EPRSET *** **** INITIAL ******* 1=1,4 I)=-l. ,5)=1. 6) = 1. 1=1,6 I »=0.D0 )=-2. )=-3. **************************************** FIRST DERIVATIVES OF N1NLINEAP VARIABLES **************************************** DIFFUN(T,G,DY,Y, YL , L.I 1=1,6 I )=-PY( I ) RT = DFASUB(DY,FPS,EQN,ERPOR,FRSV,Fl ,G, H, HMAX, HMIN , ART,KFLAG,M,6,6,N,NL,PW,SAVE,T,TEND,VAR,Y,YL, SV, YMAX) E(6,999)KFLAG ATI ' KFLAG =• ,16) SUBROUTINE S2IT.G) REAL*8 T«2) T(2)«DEXP(-T(1I I RETURN ENO SUBROUTINE DIFFUNJ T, G ,DY, Y, YL , HI NV ) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H.Q-Z) DIMENSION G(4,4),DYI8),Y(7,6),YL(2> ,T(2> R=»(Y(l.l)*Y(l,2)*Y(l,2>*Y(l,4)l/2. S = 0. DO 20 !«lt* 20 S = S*(R-Y(l, I ) » **2/2- DO 3 1=1,4 DY( I l=HlNV*Yt2,II-S*(R-Y( 1, I) )*»2 00 2 5 J =1,4 25 DY< I )=DY(I )*G( I , J > *Y ( 1, J) 30 CONTINUE 0Y«5)=HINV*(Y( 2,5)*Y( 1, ll*Y( 2,6)*Y(2,l)*Yl 1,61 I DY(6)*2.*Y( l,6)*Yd,6)»*3-Y( I, ll*Ylt 1I-1.-TC2I 0Y<7)=YL( 1)-YL(2)*Y( l,l)*Y( 1,6) 0Y(8) = YLd )*YL (2)»5.*Y(1,1)*Y( 1,2) RETURN END 28 10 SUBROUTINE CDPYZ(S,Y,L) DIMENSION Y( 1) ,S ( 1 ) DO 10 J = 1,L S(J)=Y(J) RETURN END FUNCTION KNTSPim KNTSPI=I RETURN END SUBROUTINE RETURN END MATINKP) SUBROUTINE MATIN2IPI RETURN ' IK| END C* C* c* c* c* c* c* c + SUBROUTINE M AT SET ( A2 , CY , EPS , D4, G,HI NV, D5 ,06 , D7, Nt NY, I CHK , 1 PW,F1,T,D9,Y,YL) IMPLICIT REAL*8( A-H.Q-Z) DIMENSION OYU), G(l), PW 11), TU). Y(7,1),YL(1),F1(1) SEE IF THIS IS A CALL TO BE FULLY HANDLED. IFI ICHK.NE.3) GO TO 100 NL=N-NY NN=N*N DO 20 1=1, NN 20 PW( I ) = 0. DO 40 J=1,NY SAVE COLUMN ELEMENTS F=Y( 1, Jl E=YI2,J) R=FPS*DMAX1 (EPS, DABS ( F) ,DABSIG) ) FIND A DIFFERENCE ELEMENT = MAX( EPS**2 , EPS*Y( 1 , J ) , EPS*Y ( 2 , J ) ) Yd, J) = Y(1, J|«-R Y(2, J)=Y<2, J)-A2*R CALL DIFFUN(T,G,F1,Y,YL,HINV) DF A(2) DF ASSIGN VALUES TO -- DY H DY» DO 30 I=1,N 30 PW< I*(J-l)*N)= IFK I)-DY( I»)/R RESTORE COLUMN ELEMENTS Y(2,J)=E 40 Y< 1, J |=F IF ANY LINEAR ELEMENTS, FIND DF/DYL. IF(NL.E0.0)GO TO 100 DO 80 J=1,NL F=YL( J) R*EPS*0MAX1IEPS,DABSI F) » YL( J)=YL(J)*R CALL DIFFUN(T,G,F1 ,Y,YL,HINV) DO 70 1 = 1, N 70 PW( I*JJ*NY-1)*N)»IFH II-DYI I) l/R 80 YL HMIN. C* -3 THE CORRECTOR FAILED TO CONVERGE FOR C* H > HMIN. C* -2 TOO MANY FLOATING-POINT EXCEPTIONS C* OCCURRED DURING LAST STEP. C* -4 THE CORRECTOR FAILED THREE TIMES WITH C* EVEN THE FIRST-ORDER METHOD. OF AS 001 DFAS 00? DFAS 003 DFAS 004 OFAS 005 DFAS OOh DFAS 007 DFAS 008 DFAS 009 DFAS 010 DFAS 311 DFAS 012 DFAS 013 DFAS 014 DFAS 015 P C AS 016 DFAS 017 DFAS 010 DFAS 019 DFAS 020 DFAS 021 DFAS 022 DFAS 023 DFAS 024 DFAS 025 DFAS 026 DFAS 027 DFAS 02 8 OFAS 029 DFAS 030 DFAS 031 DFAS 032 DFAS 033 DFAS 034 DFAS 035 DFAS 036 DFAS 037 DFAS 038 DFAS 039 DFAS 040 DFAS 041 DFAS 042 DFAS 043 DFAS 044 DFAS 045 DFAS 046 DFAS 04 7 DFAS 048 DFAS 049 DFAS 050 DFAS 051 DFAS 052 DFAS 053 DFAS 054 DFAS 055 DFAS 056 DFAS 057 DFAS 05 8 DFAS 059 DFAS 060 DFAS 061 DFAS 062 DFAS 063 DFAS 064 DFAS 065 DFAS 066 DFAS 067 DFAS 068 DFAS 069 DFAS 070 DFAS 071 32 c* r * C* r* C* r * C* C* C* C* C* c* r* C* C* c* r* c* c* c* c* JSTAPT AN' INPU T INCICATOR WITH T PERFORM THF FIRS INITIALIZES IT AT IVES IN Y<2, THF INTEGRATIO ANY SUBSEQUENT WITH JSTART = 1 CONTINUE FROM TH UNTIL T > TFN'D JSTART IS SET TO NO, TH THE METHOD, AT EXIT. MAXPFR THE MAXIMUM DERIVATIVF TH METHOP. IT MUST NOT EXC PW A VFCTOR O c LENGTH N**2*-20 ( GENERATED BY MATSFT AND YLSV A VFCTOR OF LENGTH NL . DY A VECTOR "IF LENGTH M, OUT ERSV A VECTOR OF LENGTH NY. Fl A VECTOR OF LENGTH N, OUT EQN.VAR VECTORS USED BY MATSET. HE FOLLOWING MEANINGS: T STEP. THF ROUTINE SELF, SCALES THF OER IV- I ) AND THEN PERFORMS N UNTIL T > TFND. CALLS SHOULD BE MADE I. E LAST STEP, INTEGRATING F CURRENT ORDER OF AT SHOULD BE USED IN THE EED 6. REAL*4) , USFD BY MATINV.MATMUL. PUT OF DIFFUN. PUT OF MATMUL. C**** C* C**** c c* ***************************************************************** DIMENSION T(l),G(ll,Y(7,l),YL(l),SAVE(7,l),YMAX(l) DIMENSION ERROR ( 1 ) , PW ( 1 ) , YLSV( 1 ) ,DY ( 1 1 , ERSV ( 1 ) DIMENSION Fill I , EON ( 1),VAP(1),A(7),PEPTST(6,3) DATA PERTST /4 . ,9. , 16 . 0, 25 .0 , 36 . , 49 . , 9. , 16 . 0, + 25.0,36.0,49.0,64.0,1.0,1.0,0.25, ♦ 2.7889E-2,1.70 569E-3,6.83929E-5/ DATA MF /?./, KZILCH / 0/ ********************************************* THIS COMMUNICATES THE VALUE OF N TO MATMUL AND MATIN3. a**********************.**********.********** COMMON N99 FORMAT = -0.04166666666666667 DFAS 160 GO Tn 230 nFAS l61 225 A(2) = -2.8333333333333333 °FAS l62 A(3) = -1.875D0 DFAS I 63 A(4) = -0.7083333333333333 °FAS I 6 * A(5) = -0.125D0 DFA< > 165 A(6) = -0.0083333333333333333 DFAS I 66 GO TO 230 DFAS 167 DFAS 168 At3) = -2.2555555555555555 nFA 5 169 A(4) = -1.2083333333333333 DFAS I 70 A(5) = -0.2430555555555555 OFAS 171 A(6) = -0.02916666666666667 DFAS 172 A(7) = -0.0013888888888888889 DFAS 173 230 K = NO+1 DFAS 17 * ID0U8 = NO nFAS I 75 FN01 = 0.5/FLDATINQ) DFAS l76 ENQ2 = 0.5/FLDAT(K) °FAS I 77 FN03 = 0.5/FL3AT(NQ ♦ 21 DFAS I 78 PFPSH = EPS**2 DFAS 17q E = PFRTSTINQ, 1) *PEPSH DFAS 180 EUP = PERTST(NQ,2J*PEPSH DFAS 181 FDWN= PERTST(N0,3I«PEPSH DFAS 182 BNO = ( EPS*FNQ3 )**2 0FAS I 83 IWEVAL = 1 OFAS 184 GO TO TRET, (100,250,630,751) OFAS 185 £***********************•*********•»********•****** DFAS 186 C* IF THE CALLER HAS CHANGED H, SCALE THE Y VARIABLES. DFAS 187 C* HNEW IS THF STEP SIZE USED ON THE LAST CALL. DFAS 188 £•***********•**********•***********••************* DFAS 189 60 IF (H .EO. HNEW) GO TO 100 OFAS 190 R = H/HNEW DFAS 191 ASSIGN 100 TO IRET OFAS 192 GO TO 800 DFAS 193 C************************************************** DFAS 194 C* BEFORE EXIT, JSTART IS SET TO THE ORDER OF THE METHOD, DFAS 195 C* AND THE CURRENT VALUE OF H IS SAVFD. DFAS 196 £***************•************•***•***************•* DFAS 197 70 KFLAG = -2 DFAS 198 80 JSTART = NO DFAS 199 HNEW = H DFAS 200 RETURN DFAS 201 r I************************************************ .. DFAS 202 C* PRINT DATA RELEVANT TO THE STEP, AND TAKE ANOTHER STEP DFAS 203 C* IF T < TEND. DFAS 204 £***«*****•****«************•*»********•********•** DFAS 205 90 NS = NS*1 DFAS 206 WRITE (6,11 NS,NW,H,T (1) ,(Y( 1, I ), 1=1, NY) DFAS 207 IF (NL .GT. 0) WRITE (6,2) < YL I I ) , I = 1 , NL ) OFAS 208 CALL ANSWER(Y,F1,T) DFAS 209 IF CKNTSPKO) .GT. 2) GO TO 70 DFAS 210 IF (KFLAG .LT. 0) GO TO 80 DFAS 211 IF (T(l) .GE. TEND) GC TO 80 DFAS 212 JSTART = 1 DFAS 213 C ********* ***************************************** DFAS 214 C* BEGIN BY SAVING INFORMATION FOR POSSIBLE RESTARTS. DFAS 215 e*****************************+******************** DFAS 216 100 CALL COPYZ (SAVE,Y,LCOPYY) DFAS 217 CALL COPYZ (YLSV,YL,LCOPYL) DFAS 218 3k RACUM = 1.0 DFAS 219 KFLAG = 1 DFAS 220 HOLD = H DFAS 221 NOOLD = MO DFAS 22? TOLD = T(l) ^FAS 223 K7ILCH = 1 DFAS 224 ;*************************************** ********************************DFAS 225 C* THIS SECTION COMPUTES THE PREDICTED VALUES BY EFFECTIVELY *DPAS 226 C* MULTIPLYING THE SAVED INFORMATION BY THE PASCAL TRIANGLE *DFAS 227 C* MATRIX. *DFAS 228 C* *********************************************** ***********************OFAS 229 250 T(l) = TdH-H DFAS 230 CALL S2(T,G) DFAS 231 CALL MATSET ( , DY , EPS , EON ,G,HI NV , 0, M,MF , N, N Y ,2 , DFAS 232 + PW,F1,T, VAR,Y,YL J DFAS 233 CALL MATIN2 DFAS 263 CALL MATIN3 IPW) DFAS 264 KFLAG * 1 DFAS 265 IWEVAL « -1 DFAS 266 NW ■ NW*1 DFAS 267 280 CALL MATMUL «PW,DY,F1) OFAS 268 IF (NL .LE. 0) GO TO 300 DFAS 269 DO 290 I - l.NL DFAS 270 290 YL(I) - YL(II - FlU+NY) DFAS 271 300 CONTINUE DFAS 272 DEL - 0.000 DFAS 273 DO 420 I - I, NY DFAS 274 Yd, I) » Yd, I) - F1III OFAS 275 Y(2,I» - Y(2,I» ♦ A<2»*F1(I) DFAS 276 ERROR(I) - ERROR(I) ♦ F1(I» DFAS 277 DEL - DEL ♦ (Fill )/YMAX< I) )**2 DFAS 278 420 CONTINUE DFAS 279 IFIL.GE.2) BR - DM AX 1 1 .9*BR , DEL/DEL 1 I DFAS 280 DELI ■ DEL DFAS 281 IF(DMIN1IDEL,BR*0EL*2.0).LE.BND| GO TO 490 DFAS 282 430 CONTINUE OFAS 283 C************* ******************************** **************************DFAS 284 C* THE CORRECTOR ITERATION FAILEO TO CONVERGE IN 3 TRIES. VARIOUS *DFAS 285 C* POSSIBILITIES ARE CHFCKED FOR. IF H IS ALREADY HMIN AND *DFAS 286 C* THIS IS EITHER ADAMS METHOD OR THE STIFF METHOD IN WHICH THE *0FAS 287 C* MATRIX PW HAS ALREADY BEEN RE-EVALUATED, A NO CONVERGENCE EXIT *DFAS 288 C* IS TAKEN. OTHERWISE THE MATRIX PW IS RE-EVALUATED AND/OR THE *DFAS 289 C* STEP IS RFDUCED TO TRY AND GET CONVERGENCE. *DFAS 290 C************* **************************** ******************************[)FAS 291 35 440 T(l) = TOLD nc 4S 292 IF (IWEVAL) 445,455,450 OFAS 293 445 IF (H .LF. HMI N* 1 . 000000 1 ) GO TO 460 OFAS 2°4 450 RACUM = PACUM*0.25 OFAS 295 455 CONTINUE ^ FA S 29f GO TO 750 OFAS 277 460 KFLAG = -3 OFtS 29R 470 CALL COPYZ ( Y, SAVF , LC CPYY ) ~>FAS 2 C 9 CALL COPYZ (YL.YLSV.LCOPYL) OFAS 300 H = HOLD DFAS 301 NO = NQOLD DFAS 302 GO TO 90 nF:A S 303 r *************************************** *********** OFAS 304 C* THF CORRECTOR CONVFRGEC ANO NOW THF ERROR TEST IS MADE. OFAS 305 C ************************************************** OFAS 306 490 P = 0.0 OFAS 307 00 500 I = 1,M1 OFAS 308 500 0=0* (ERROR (I )/YMAX< I ) )**2 OFAS 309 IWEVAL = OFAS 310 IF (D .GT. E) GO TO 540 OFAS 311 C ************************************************** D C AS 312 C* THE ERROR TEST IS OKAY, SO THE STEP IS ACCEPTED. IF IDOUR OFAS 313 C* NOW BECOMES NEGATIVE, A TEST IS MADE TO SEE IF THE STFP OFAS 314 C* SIZE CAN BE INCREASED AT THIS ORDFP OP ONE HIGHER OR OFAS 315 C* LOWER. THE CHANGE IS MADE ONLY IF THE STFP CAN BE IN- OFAS 316 C* CREASED RY AT LEAST 10*. IDOUB IS SET TO NO TO PREVENT DFAS 317 C* FURTHER TFSTING FOR A WHILE. IF NO CHANGE IS MADE, IDOUR DFAS 318 C* IS SFT TO 9. OFAS 319 C*************************************+************ DFAS 320 IF (K .LT. 3) GO TO 5 20 DFAS 321 DO 510 J = 3,K DFAS 322 DO 510 I = 1,NY DFAS 323 510 Y(J,I) = Y(J,I) ♦ A(J)*ERRnR(I) DFAS 324 520 KFLAG = >1 DFAS 325 IDOUB = IDOUB-1 DFAS 326 IF (IDOUB) 550,525,700 DFAS 327 525 DO 530 I = 1.M1 OFAS 328 530 ERSVdl = ERROR(I) DFAS 329 GO TO 700 OFAS 330 C************************************************** DFAS 331 C* THE ERROR TEST FAILED. IF JSTART = 0, THE DERIVATIVES DFAS 332 C* IN THE SAVE ARRAY ARE UPDATED. TESTS ARE THEN MADE TO DFAS 333 C* FIX THE STEP SIZE AND PERHAPS REDUCE THE ORDER. AFTER OFAS 334 C* RESTORING AND SCALING THE Y VARIABLES, THE STEP IS OFAS 335 C* RFTRIED. DFAS 336 C************************************************** DFAS 337 540 IF (JSTART .GT. OJ GO TO 548 DFAS 338 DO 544 I = l.NY DFAS 339 544 SAVE(2,l) = Y(2,I) DFAS 340 548 KFLAG « KFLAG - 2 DFAS 341 IF (H .LE. HMINI GO TO 740 DFAS 342 T(l) » TOLD OFAS 343 IF (KFLAG .LE. -5) GO TO 720 OFAS 344 550 PR2 * (D/E)**EN02*1.2 DFAS 345 L « DFAS 346 IF (NO .LE. 1) GO TO 570 OFAS 347 D - DFAS 348 DO 560 J ■ 1,M1 DFAS 349 560 D ■ D*( Y(K,J)/YMAX(J>)**2 DFAS 350 PR1 - (D/E0WN)«*EN01*1.3 DFAS 351 IF (PR1 .GE. PR2) GC TO 570 DFAS 352 PR2 * PR1 DFAS 353 L - -1 OFAS 354 570 IF (KFLAG .LT. .OR. NO . GE . MAXDERI GO TO 590 DFAS 355 D = OFAS 356 DO 580 J * 1,M1 DFAS 357 580 D - DM (ERROR(J)-ERSV( J) )/YMAX(J) )**2 DFAS 358 PR1 = (D/EUPI**EN03*1.4 DFAS 359 IF (PRl .GE. PR2) GC TO 590 DFAS 360 PR2 - PRl DFAS 361 L * 1 DFAS 362 590 R = 1.0/AMAXHPR2, l.E-5) DFAS 363 IF (KFLAG .LT. .OR. R .GE. 1.1) GO TO 600 DFAS 364 IDOUB - 9 DFAS 365 GO TO 700 OFAS 366 36 600 NEWO = NO+L DFAS 367 K = NFWQ+1 DFAS 368 IF (NFWO .LE. NQI GO TO 620 DFAS 369 Rl = A(NFWQ)/FLDAT(NEV = ERR0R(J)*P1 DFAS 37? 620 C"NTINUF DFAS 373 C***#*********#*****************************+****** DFAS 374 C* IF THE STEP WAS OKAY, SCALE THE Y VARIABLES IN ACCORDANCE DFAS 375 r* WITH THE NEW VALUE OF H. IF KFLAG < 0, HOWEVER, USE THE DFAS 376 C* SAVED VALUES (IN SAVE AND YLSV). IN EITHER CASE, IF THE DFAS 377 C* ORDER HAS CHANGED IT IS NECESSARY TO FIX CERTAIN PARAMETFRS DFAS 378 C* BY CALLING THE PROGRAM SEGMENT AT LINE 170. DFAS 379 r **** «•****»#** *****.*,*****************.******<.****:.!<**. DFAS 380 IDOUB = NO DFAS 381 IF (NEWO .EQ. NO) GO TO 630 DFAS 382 NO = NFWO D C AS 383 ASSIGN 630 TO IPET DFAS 384 GO TO 170 DFAS 385 630 IF (KFLAG .GT. 0) GO TO 670 DFAS 386 RACUM = RACUM*R DFAS 387 GO TO 750 ' DFAS 388 670 P = DMAX1(DMIN1(HMAX/H,R),HMIN/H) DFAS 389 H = H*R DFAS 390 IWEVAL = 1 DFAS 391 ASSIGN 700 TO IRET DFAS 392 GO TO 800 DFAS 393 700 DO 710 I = 1,M1 DFAS 394 710 YMAX(I) = DMAXK YMAXU ) ,DARS(Y( 1, I ) )) DFAS 395 GO TO 90 DFAS 396 C ********************************************* ***** DFAS 397 C* THE ERROR TEST HAS NOW FAILED THREE TIMES, SO THE DFAS 398 C* DERIVATIVES ARE IN BAD SHAPE. RETUPN TO FIRST-ORDER DFAS 399 C* METHOD AND TRY AGAIN. OF COURSE, IF NQ = 1 ALREAOY, DFAS 400 C* THEN THERE IS NO HOPE AND WE EXIT WITH KFLAG = -4. DFAS 401 C************************************************** DFAS 402 720 IF (NO .EO. I) GO TO 735 DFAS 403 NO = 1 DFAS 404 IDOUB = 1 DFAS 405 ASSIGN 751 TO IPET DFAS 406 GO TO 170 DFAS 407 735 NOOLD * 1 DFAS 408 KFLAG « -4 DFAS 409 GO TO 470 DFAS 410 740 KFLAG = -1 DFAS 411 GO TO 90 DFAS 412 r *»********•**•******»**•••*•*•**•.»•**»..».* .... »* DFAS 413 C* THIS SECTION RESTORES THE SAVED VALUES OF Y AND YL , SCALING DFAS 414 C* THE Y DERIVATIVES AS NECESSARY, AND THEN RETURNS TO THE DFAS 415 C* PREDICTER LOOP. DFAS 416 r ****+**********♦*♦******* *•*•*•«*•******* ********* DFAS 417 750 H ■ HOLD*RACUM DFAS 418 H ■ DMAX1(HMIN,0MIN1(H,HMAX) ) DFAS 419 751 RACUM - H/HOLO DFAS 420 Rl « 1.0 DFAS 421 DO 760 J ■ 2,K DFAS 422 Rl « R1*RACUM DFAS 423 00 760 I ■ 1,NY DFAS 424 760 Y(J,IJ ■ SAVE(J,II*Rl DFAS 425 DO 770 I - liNV DFAS 426 770 Yd, I) - SAVE(l.I) DFAS 427 CALL COPYZ (YL.YLSV.LCOPYll DFAS 428 IWEVAL - 1 DFAS 429 GO TO 250 DFAS 430 r I*.**.*.****.***.***.**..*.*.*.,,*.*.*****. ****... DFAS 431 C* THIS SECTION SCALES THE Y DERIVATIVES BY R. DFAS 432 r *********************************** *************** DFAS 433 800 Rl « 1.0 DFAS 434 DO 810 J - 2,K DFAS 435 PI * R1*R DFAS 436 DO 810 I » 1,NY OFAS 437 810 Y(J,I) « Y(J,I)*R1 DFAS 438 GO TO IRET, (100,700» DFAS 439 37 C* r ****** ENTRY RFDSUB ************ *****, ♦•♦•♦A************************************** PNTFR HERE TO RESET VALUES IN PREP FOP AN AUTO-RESTAPT . I******************************************* ENTRY RFDSUB IF INTERRUPT OCCURPFD IN MATIN1, Nn RFSTORATIDN NECESSARY: IF (KZILCH .EO. 0) RETURN "0 910 J = 1,NY Y( I, J) = SAVEIl, J> 910 Y(2,J) = SAVEI2, JJ/HOLD CALL CPPYZ (YL,YLSV,LCOPYL) T( 1) = TOLD RETURN ' END DFAS 440 n^AS 441 OFAS 442 DFAS 443 PFAS 444 OFAS 445 DFAS 446 OFAS 447 DFAS 448 DFAS 449 DFAS 450 DFAS 451 DFAS 452 BLIOGRAPHIC DATA IEET 1. Report No. UIUCDCS-R-T3-5T5 3. Recipient's Accession No. 'Title and Subtitle DOCUMENTATION FOR DFASUB — A Program for the Solution 5. Report Date of Simultaneous Implicit Differential and Nonlinear Equatior 6 July 1973 Author(s) R. L. Brown, C. W. Gear 8. Performing Organization Rept. No. Performing Organization Name and Address Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urban a- Champaign Urban a, Illinois 6l801 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract /Grant No. US AEC AT(ll-l)lU69 Sponsoring Organization Name and Address US AEC Chicago Operations Office 9800 South Cass Avenue Argonne, Illinois 13. Type of Report & Period Covered Technical 14. Supplementary Notes . Abstracts This report surveys the theory of an efficient method for solving .f(y_s y_» "t) + P(t)v = to get approximations to v_(t) and v(t) at discrete time points t. > t given y_(t ) andy_'(t ). The organization and use of a program, DFASUB, which uses this theory is described. Key Words and Document Analysis. 17o. Descriptors ordinary differential equations nonlinear equations linear equations discrete variable method simultaneous implicit differential and nonlinear equations b. Identifiers/Open-Ended Terms e. COSATI Field/Group '■•Availability Statement unlimited ,R M NTIS-38 (10-70) 19. Security Class (This Report) UNCLASSIFIED 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSIFIED 21. No. of Pages k2 22. Price USCOMM-DC 40329-P7 1 orm AEC-427 (6/68) AECM 3201 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION UNIVERSITY-TYPE CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATION FOR DISPOSITION OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENT ( See Instructions on Reverse Side ) AEC REPORT NO. C00-1U69-0225 2. TITLE DOCUMENTATION FOR DFASUB— A Program for the Solution of Simultaneous Implicit Differential and Nonlinear Equations i. TYPE OF DOCUMENT (Check one): P a. Scientific and technical report 2] b. Conference paper not to be published in a journal: Title of conference Date of conference Exact location of conference _ Sponsoring organization fjc. Other (Specify) I RECOMMENDED ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION (Check one): [3 a. AEC's normal announcement and distribution procedures may be followed. ~ J b. Make available only within AEC and to AEC contractors and other U.S. Government agencies and their contractors. ^] c. Make no announcement or distribution . REASON FOR RECOMMENDED RESTRICTIONS: SUBMITTED BY: NAME AND POSITION (Please print or type) C. W. Gear Professor and Principal Investigator Organization Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois 6l801 Signature ^frj^tofo^. Date July 1973 FOR AEC USE ONLY AEC CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS, IF ANY, ON ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION RECOMMENDATION: PATENT CLEARANCE: _l a. AEC patent clearance has been granted by responsible AEC patent group. _| b. Report has been sent to responsible AEC patent group for clearance. U c. Patent clearance not required. A* \ \ d>