HMMNH LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN no. 2>2>l-33(o cop. 2 The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN SEP 2 W; > l 2 RECTO SEP 3 \ 1996 L161 — O-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 Report No. 33^ rr ct^c^^ THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ATTACHED MACHINE OPERATING SYSTEM: DESIGN CRITERIA AND PROGRAM LOGIC by Richard A. Wells June, 1969 NOV 91972 ^iVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBAWA-CHAMPAiGN DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN URBANA, ILLINOIS Report No. 33^ THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ATTACHED MACHINE OPERATING SYSTEM: DESIGN CRITERIA AND PROGRAM LOGIC* by Richard A. Wells June, 1969 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 6l801 * This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. NSF-GP-763U and was submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science , June, 1969* Ill ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author is grateful for the invaluable advice and assistance of Professor H. G. Friedman, who supervised the AMOS project, and to those University representatives of IBM Corporation whose efforts were instrumental in the development of the system. IV PREFACE In the spring of 1968, an IBM 1800 computing system was installed in the Digital Computer Laboratory at the University of Illinois and attached to the System/360 Computer Complex. Various factors dictated the development of a new operating system for the 1800 . This paper is a summary of the design decisions made and the resulting program logic flow of that operating system. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. CONTROL PROGRAM DESIGN CRITERIA 5 2.1 1800 Hardware Minimization 5 2 .2 System/360 Software Independence 6 2.3 Data Reduction and Program Compilation 7 2. .h User Control/Communication 8 2.5 System Modularity 10 2.6 Job Accounting 11 3. CONTROL PROGRAM LOGIC lk 3.1 Basic Concepts 16 3.1.1 Logical Files of the 1800-360 Adapter .... 16 3.1.2 The Event Control Word 17 3.1.3 AMOS Subroutine Hierarchy 19 3.2 AMOS/1800 Component Description 19 3.2.1 Control Supervisor (NUCLS) 19 3 .2 .2 Console Typewriter Input/Output Supervisor (CNSUP) 21 3.2.3 Console Message Handler ( CSERV) 23 3.2.1+ Input/Output Supervisor ( IOSUP) 2.h 3.2.5 Program Loader (LOADR) 25 3.2.6 1800 Job Scheduler (S0J0B/E0J0B) 27 3.2.7 Adapter File Control (CAFIL) 29 VI TABLE OF CONTENTS—CONTINUED Page 3.2.8 Initialization Program (INIT) 30 3.2.9 Other AMOS/1800 Components 31 3-3 The Syctem/360 Control Program 32 3.3.1 Channel-to-Channel Adapter Programming .... 32 3. 3 '2 Adapter Response Requirements 33 3. 3 '3 Program Data Requirements 35 3«3'*+ Other Logic Provisions 35 3A The 36O-I8OO Assembler 36 k. DEVELOPMENT PLANS 38 U.l Analog/Digital Supervisor 38 1+.2 Assembler Macro Facility 38 k.3 Transient Scheduler (S0J0B/E0J0B) 39 k.h Compiler Possibilities 39 h.3 Multiprogramming 39 k.6 1800-360 Parallel Computation kO BIBLIOGRAPHY Ul APPENDIX A. SYSTEM TABLES 1+2 B. AMOS/1800 PROGRAM LOGIC FLOW DIAGRAMS 56 1 . INTRODUCTION In the spring of 1968, an IBM 1800 computing system was installed in the Digital Computer Laboratory at the University of Illinois. The primary purpose of the 1800 computer is to provide an extended analog processing capability to the University. Prior to the l800, analog processing was done on the ILLIAC II computer, which was disassembled on August 31> 1968 . There were several reasons for the selection of an 1800 system. Most important was the requirement that analog processing be an integral part of the University of Illinois System/360 complex without disproportionately overloading the 360 computers. The problem of overload precluded the direct attachment of an analog control unit to a 360 computer; the alternative was a central processing unit dedicated to analog processing, with a hardware attachment to the System/360 complex for access to 360 facilities. In view of the centralization requirement, it was desirable that the analog processing CPU have the ability to utilize 36O peripheral equipment. Another obvious reason was the savings that would be realized by not having to duplicate peripheral devices. The solution to these difficulties was the 1800 computer, interfaced to a 360 system as shown in Figure 1. 360 peripheral equipment 360 1 1 j I logical data paths 360 CPU 1800-360 channel- to-channel adapter data channel switching unit 36O tape control unit K 1 360 digital tape drives 1800 1800 system 360 control unit adapter f data channel Figure 1. Direct communication between the 1800 and 360 computers is provided toy the 1800-360 channel-to- channel adapter , a device which permits either CPU to request data transmission with the other by interrupt. The interrupted CPU responds to a request by determining in which direction the data flow is to occur and then issuing the appropriate command to the adapter , which initiates data transmission, Since exclusive use of the adapter by the 1800 for analog processing purposes would require extensive 3&0 CPU attention (thus defeating the purpose of a separate CPU) , a more direct interface to 36O input/output equipment was also necessary. This problem was solved by an 1800 special feature which allows the attachment of a 360 control unit directly to an 1800 data channel. Specif ically, the 1800 channel was routed through a switching unit to a 36O tape control unit, 2 allowing the 1800 access to 9-track digital tapes. This configuration permits the 1800 to obtain control and diagnostic information from the 360 computer via the adapter (also permitting the 3^0 to supervise execution of jobs on the 1800) , and yet analog processing tasks can be performed on the 1800 independent of the 360 CPU (by using the 360 digital tape drives) . From a hardware standpoint, the configuration is ideal in that the best features of an independent CPU and a dependent control unit are combined, with the 1800 taking whatever form is necessary at any given time. Footnotes at rates up to 250,000 bytes per second. 2 maximum data rate of 180,000 bytes per second 2. CONTROL PROGRAM DESIGN CRITERIA A survey of currently available software systems for the 1800 quickly showed that none could support the hardware specifications outlined in Section 1. In particular, the two operating systems provided by IBM for the 1800 are strictly for stand-alone 1800 systems. They each require 1800 disk storage, 1800 unit record equipment, and extensive amounts of core storage; furthermore, no provision is made for attached 360 facilities. This situation necessitated the design and implementation of an 1800 operating system tailored to the specific needs of the University of Illinois. Several key requirements became obvious during the design stage of that operating system (now known as AMOS - Attached Machine Operating System) . Those requirements are presented below. 2.1 1800 Hardware Minimization In order to minimize duplication of 360 hardware on the 1800, it was necessary to design the 1800 control program so as to utilize existing 360 peripheral equipment via the channel- to- channel adapter. The method chosen involved allocation of the adapter into sixteen logical files, with each file "attached" to an appropriate 360 device by a control program on the 360 computer. Thus, such functions as system input (card images), system output (print line images), access to library subroutines, etc., were each assigned a logical file across the channel- to- channel adapter. As a result, the minimum 1800 hardware configuration necessary for AMOS operation included: 1800 central processing unit (1801 or 1802) minimum of 8,000 words of core storage I8OO-360 channel-to- channel adapter l8l6 console typewriter Initial Program Load ( IPL) ; either a lUU2 card reader or a 105^- paper tape reader Obviously, additional equipment was necessary for application programming purposes, such as the digital tape interface, analog/ digital converters, etc. A complete description of the University of Illinois 1800 hardware configuration can be found in Department of 2 Computer Science Report No. 280 . 2 .2 System/360 Software Independence Responses to 1800 requests across the channel-to-channel adapter must be performed by a supervisory program which resides in System/360 internal storage. Such a program should be responsible for satisfying 1800 requests, monitoring the status of the job executing on the 1800, and serving as an interface between the two computing systems . Methods of communication across the adapter were organized in such a manner as to make the 1800 AMOS supervisor as logically independent of its 360 counterpart as possible. This decision was based on the modularity of 360 hardware, which has resulted In the availability of a multitude of 360 programming systems. As a result, future changes in System/360 software should have a minimum impact on the AMOS system; only the 360-resident 1800 control program need be rewritten. As a brief example, consider a request from the 1800 supervisor (AMOS) for the next system input (SYS IN) card image. AMOS expects the 360 program to respond by sending a card image across the adapter; AMOS cares not at all where the 360 program obtained the card image . 2.3 Data Reduction and Program Compilation The fact that the 1800 instruction repetoire lacks both floating-point and character manipulation instructions suggests that 1800 application program compilations or assemblies and 1800 data reduction tasks should be removed from the 1800 to the attached System/360 computers. This decision was further enhanced by the availability of a 360-resident 1800 assembler, which proved to be easily adaptable to the AMOS system. Subsequent experience with the assembler has shown it to be quite reliable and far faster and more flexible than its stand-alone 1800 counterpart. The lack of a FORTRAN compiler was not expected to be a serious problem since data reduction on the 1800 was to be minimized; experience to date has shown this decision to be essentially correct. 2.U User Control/Communication Perhaps the most serious problem encountered in the design of AMOS was the conflict between the 1800 user and the attached System/360 computer for control of the 1800 . The very nature of analog processing requires a high degree of "hands on" participation by humans. For example, consider the various sources of analog data: AM/FM tape recorders, process control and experimentation equipment, etc. In contrast, the lack of 1800 unit record devices and the requirement that 1800 job accounting be done on the System/360 dictated that jobs be routed to the 1800 from the 360 only . This implied that users present for the online handling of their 1800 jobs would be at the mercy of the System/360 job scheduling programs. To complicate the problem, many 1800 jobs would need access to 360 computation facilities prior to 1800 execution for assembly purposes; thus, such jobs would be in competition with the entire System/360 job queue, while the 1800 user would have no recourse but to wait for an unknown period of time for his job to become active on the 1800. A possible answer to this situation involved the modification of the System/360 job scheduling routines so that jobs requiring 1800 processing would be expedited through the 360 job queue. Experience with this solution to date has shown it to be satisfactory for both the 1800 user and the System/360 job queue, since System/360 assembly of an 1800 program typically requires only a few seconds of 360 processing time, and as a result normal 360 job processing is not appreciably delayed, This situation is expected to improve even further in the future for two reasons: the addition of System/360 multiprogramming support and the availability of a generalized analog/digital conversion program to the AMOS system. The latter program will eliminate the necessity of user-written programs (requiring 36O assembler time) for the great majority of 1800 users , therefore allowing most 1800 jobs to compete only with jobs in the 1800 queue. (This program is described more fully in Section U.l.) System/360 multiprogramming support should make the 360 CPU more accessible to small, fast-running jobs, such as 1800 program assemblies. The fact that this problem has not been as severe as first expected has given rise to the possibility of its other extreme: namely, the 1800 job arriving at the 1800 computer before the user has had time to prepare his equipment. There would appear to be many rather simple solutions to this situation should it appear. For example, one method might involve a system- imposed "hold" on certain 1800 jobs, which would prevent premature execution. At the operator's discrimination, such jobs could be "released" from hold status, allowing them to begin processing. The overall solution to the 360/user control conflict was based on the fact that normal execution of an 1800 job could be disrupted in one of only four ways: 1) by the 1800 program itself 2) by the 1800 operator (typically a user) 3) by the System/360 computer k) by lack of proper 360 reaction to an 1800 request. 10 Discounting system errors, methods l) , 2), and h) are not applicable j only 3) need be considered. The possibility of arbitrary 3&0 intervention was eliminated by requiring that the 360 control program (discussed in Section 2.2) be passive in nature, i.e., the 360 control program should communicate with the 1800 in two instances only: 1) in response to an 1800 request for information transfer across the channel-to-channel adapter; 2) whenever it becomes necessary to terminate execution of an 1800 job due to the existence of an abnormal condition detectable only by the System/360 computer. An example of the latter condition is when the time estimate of an 1800 3 job has been exceeded. In this environment, the 1800 (and therefore the 1800 user) retains control of 1800 job execution unless the situation deteriorates to the point at which it becomes necessary for the 360 control program to intervene . 2.5 System Modularity In the design and implementation of a new operating system, one must be prepared for unforeseen problems no matter how extensive the planning. These unknown problems can be minimized by applying the concepts of modularity and simplicity to the structure of the system. Modularity is obtained by centralizing similar logic paths and resolving idiosyncrasies of individual paths with the use of tables. This method 11 requires a minimum of code and the result is easy to modify or expand (it is far simpler to change or add to tables than it is to edit code) A drawback to modular systems is the additional overhead involved in performing a given function, as exemplified by Operating System/360. Although the minimization of system overhead was quite important in the design of AMOS (due to the nature of analog/digital conversion processes), it was felt that the specific nature of the system (analog data processing) would more than cancel out any overhead introduced by modularity. In order to assure this result, AMOS was designed so that in certain instances normal system logic could be bypassed by the application program; also, a "necessary and sufficient" attitude was taken throughout the development of the system. Basically, this means that each component of AMOS is to perform a necessary function and shall be no more sophisticated than necessary. 2.6 Job Accounting In order to keep accounting logic as straightforward and simple as possible, it was imperative that 1800 job accounting be centralized on the attached 360 computer within the existing accounting software used for System/360 jobs. The decision for centralized accounting was made prior to the installation of the 360 equipment, and the 360 accounting routines were therefore 12 written in a general manner, allowing for the insertion of logic for additional computers as they were added to the System/360 complex. 13 Footnotes 1 IBM Time -Sharing Executive (TSX) System IBM Multi-Programming Executive (MPX) System Wells, R. A., Carter, C. E., and Friedman, H. G. "ILLINET Analog Facilities," Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, Report No. 280, 1968 . o Time, line, and card estimates are monitored "by the System/360 in view of Section 2.1. 2 Ik 3. CONTROL PROGRAM LOGIC This section deals with detailed explanations of the principal programs which comprise the AMOS system. For clarity, AMOS/1800 will "be defined as that collection of programs which are 1800 resident} AMOS/360 will denote the 360 control program described in Section 2.2. Figure 2 gives a brief summary of the communication paths between the main components of AMOS/1800. * IOSUP CAFIL 4-t> LOADR to all • programs NUCLS CNSUP CASUP DUMP CSERV >_ SOJOB/EOJOB application program I transient subroutine ( s) 15 low core area (permanently resident programs) i.e., AMOS/1800 high core area (transient programs) - programs obtained from previous 360 assemblies or AMOS/360 subroutine library Figure 2 . denotes call/return linkage in the direction of the darkened arrowhead. denotes "call/no return". means callable by an application program. 16 3.1 Basic Concepts 3.1.1 Logical Files of the I8OO-36O Adapter As mentioned earlier, effective utilization of 360 peripheral equipment is obtained by logically dividing the 1800-360 channel-to- channel adapter into sixteen distinct files and assigning each file (logically, by AMOS/360) to some destination or origin within the System/360 complex. For example, all system output data generated by the 1800 is routed by AMOS/18OO to logical file 3 of the adapter. The data is transferred across the adapter to AMOS/360, which is responsible for insuring that the data is eventually printed on a System/360 line printer . Each of the files may be thought of as a sequential device much like a digital tape unit; i.e., data may be "written" on the file (sent to AMOS/360), the file may be "rewound" (logically repositioned by AMOS/360), and data may be "read" from the file (retrieved from AMOS/360) . This concept is quite similar to the one used by the IBM Attached Support Processor program for communication between two System/360 computers and is obviously quite general in nature. Of course, the adapter hardware does not in itself accept such commands as "backspace file 8"; a detailed explanation of how this is done is given in Section 3.2.7. 17 3.1.2 The Event Control Word One of the more important aspects of an operating system is its ability to effectively schedule and synchronize the various processes which can function concurrently with, and independently of, the execution of machine instructions within the CPU. These "asynchronous" processes include such items as the incrementing of an interval timer, the transmission of information to and from internal storage by a data channel, the typing of a message on the console typewriter by the operator, etc. The method utilized by AMOS is similar to that used by Operating System/360, due to its utmost generality and simplicity, and is based on the sole assumption that the termination of an asynchronous process will be signalled by a CPU interrupt. The concept is centered on the Event Control Word (ECW) , which may be defined as a location in internal storage (reserved by an application program or subroutine) whose contents reflect the status of a particular asynchronous process. By convention, if the contents of the ECW are zero, then the asynchronous process has not yet terminated (again by convention, a storage location does not become an ECW until the process with which it is associated has been started by the CPU) . If the contents are non-zero, then the associated asynchronous process has terminated; furthermore (when applicable), the non-zero contents of the ECW reflect the terminating status of the operation (whether or not the process terminated normally and, if not, why not) . The "event" in "Event Control Word" refers to the termination of the asynchronous process. 18 The location which is to become an ECW is generally zeroed by the application or AMOS program prior to initiation of the process with which the ECW is to be associated, and its address is then passed to the AMOS program which is to initiate the asynchronous process. After the process is started, control is returned. to the calling program which may proceed with main line execution, initiate other processes (using different ECW's), etc. When the event of process termination occurs, the CPU is interrupted and the appropriate AMOS interrupt routine then sets the ECW associated with the event to non- zero, and suspended execution is resumed. Since interrupts are transparent to an application program, no notice is given to the program with the exception that the contents of an ECW have been transformed from zero to non-zero. It is the responsibility of the application program to periodically interrogate ECW's of outstanding events with which the program is concerned. This interrogation may be performed directly by simply testing the contents of the ECW location for zero. An alternative to this method is to call the AMOS "wait" routine, passing to it the address of the associated ECW. WAIT is a simple subroutine; it continually tests the contents of an ECW, and returns to the calling program only when the contents of the ECW have been changed to non-zero. ECW's are used throughout the AM0S/l800 system to signal such events as the - to + voltage transfer of external experimentation equipment, analog/digital converter voltage overload, an operator request to enter a message from the console typewriter, etc. All data channel operations between internal storage and external input/output 19 devices signal their completion by ECW, as well as expired timer intervals , and completion of console message operator replies (see Section 3-2.3) • 3.1.3 AMOS Subroutine Hierarchy The transfer of control from one program to another is accomplished by the CAL1 statement, whose final form is the 1800 "branch and store instruction counter" (BSl) instruction. This method is used regardless of whether the called subroutine is "resident" or "transient." Resident subroutines are system (AMOS) programs only; the collection of resident programs makes up what has up to now been referred to as AMOS/1800. Transient subroutines are considered by AMOS/1800 to be application-oriented programs loaded from external storage immedi- ately prior to the commencement of application program execution. These subroutines originate from AMOS/360, either from the AMOS/360 subroutine library or from the previous assembly of a source program on the 36O computer (see Section 3«2.7). Figure 2 illustrates the possible control paths within AMOS/1800 . 3.2 AMOS/1800 Component Description 3.2.1 Control Supervisor (NUCLS) The heart of the 1800-resident portion of the AMOS system is NUCLS, the 1800 control supervisor. MJCLS is the only truly conglomerate 20 program of the system, in that system tables as well as many independent sections of logic are all contained within the one source program. The most important table in AMOS is the system vector table, which contains pointers to the various resident portions of AM0S/l800 as well as a great deal of other miscellaneous information (see Appendix A). The unit control blocks (one for each input /output device) are a series of tables which describe the various input/output devices attached to the 1800 computer. The unit control blocks are linked to the vector table by the device table, which is nothing more than an array of unit control block addresses indexed by device address. NUCLS originates at location within the 1800 computer and therefore is responsible for correct initialization of the various hardware -as signed internal storage locations, such as those reserved for interval timers and interrupt branch addresses. Since the 1800 is a nested interrupt computer, a unique section of machine status save/ restore logic is provided for each interrupt priority level; these sections are pointed to by the interrupt branch table, which begins at storage location 8. The logic of each interrupt routine is typically quite simple, since the only interrupts processed by the NUCLS routines are "expected", i.e., they occur as a result of an asynchronous process previously initiated by an AMOS program. Once machine status is saved, the process (usually an input/output device) causing the interrupt is interrogated and its terminating status (in the form of a non-zero l6-bit quantity) is obtained. The address of the Event Control Word associated with the device is then found via the appropriate 21 Unit Control Block and the l6 bits of status information are stored into the ECW, thus setting it non-zero. Machine status is then restored and suspended processing is resumed. There are only two devices which can cause "unexpected" interrupts—the adapter and the console typewriter. These "unexpected" interrupts are routed to the appropriate AMOS program for processing; the called program is obliged to eventually return control to the interrupt routine so that machine status can be restored. As stated earlier, several independent subroutines are contained within NUCLS. Among these is the WAIT routine described in Section 3«1>2. All interval timer logic is also found within MJCLS, including the time-of-day (TIME) routine. TIME makes available the current local time (in seconds) by monitoring interval timer C, which runs continuously. The remainder of NUCLS is composed of several frequently-used data conversion routines, including CVTIM (converts a binary integer in seconds to the EBCDIC form HH:MM:SS) and CVHEX (converts binary to hexadecimal EBCDIC form) . 3.2.2 Console Typewriter Input/Output Supervisor (CNSUP) The l8l6 console typewriter is the primary method of communi- cation between the 1800 user and his program. This device is completely controlled by CNSUP, due to the extreme difficulty involved with input/ output between the l8l6 and the 1800 . 22 CNSUP requires that the typewriter always he in one of four logical states: 1) idle 2) reading 3) writing h) carriage returning There are five entry points to CNSUP; four are "by interrupt and one is by direct call from an AMOS or application program (via CWRIT) . A call to CWRIT is made when a program wishes to output a message to the typewriter; the mode is changed from "idle" to "writing" (unless the current mode is other than "idle", in which case CWRIT delays until the mode goes to "idle") and output of the message is initiated. Interrupts from the typewriter are routed by NUCLS to four possible sections of logic within CNSUP, depending on the mode in effect at the time of the interrupt. If the mode at time of interrupt is "idle", then the cause of the interrupt is the 1800 operator (or user) who is requesting input of a message. Action taken by the program includes transfer of the mode from "idle" to "reading" and the initiation of message input. The difficulty in utilization of the typewriter is due to the simplicity of the interface between the device and the 1800 CPU; there is no data channel or hardware buffer. As an illustration of this difficulty, consider the steps necessary to obtain characters typed by the operator: l) CNSUP issues a read command to the l8l6 and then exits. 23 2) Depression of a key by the operator interrupts the 1800; control is routed to CNSUP by NUCLS . 3) CNSUP obtains a binary bit pattern associated with the depressed key; k) CNSUP translates this pattern to the appropriate EBCDIC character; and also 5) translates the pattern to the "tilt-rotate" character output code ; 6) sends the "tilt-rotate" code to the typewriter via a write command (this prints the character associated with the depressed key) and then exits; 7) regains control via the interrupt which shows that the character has been printed; and 8) returns to step l) for the next input character. 3.2.3 Control Message Handler (CSERV) The function of CSERV is to process control messages passed to it from either CNSUP or SOJOB (the job scheduler). The syntax of control messages typically consists of a one-character verb followed by a "modifier" field made up of an arbitrary number of characters. One of these messages, the "reply" message, consists of an R, syntax and is the form used for ope rat or /program communication. A program notifies CSERV that an impending operator- input message is to be expected by calling REPLY (an entry point within CSERV) , passing as parameters two addresses; the first address points 2U to an input buffer area and the second to an Event Control Word. Action taken by REPLY basically consists of saving the two addresses. When CSERV is passed an R, message by CNSUP, the field is moved to the input buffer area and the ECW is set to non-zero. The application program requesting the "reply" message is thus informed of its presence by examination of the ECW. Other control messages processed by CSERV are described in detail in section 6 of the "AMOS User's Guide, Version 2". 3-2.1+ Input/Output Supervisor (IOSUP) It is the function of IOSUP to initiate data transfer between internal storage and all external input/output devices attached to the 1800 computer, with the sole exception of the l8l6 console typewriter. IOSUP is invoked by direct call from an AMOS or application program; arguments passed to IOSUP include a device address, an Event Control Word address, and an Input/Output Control Command (IOCC) to be executed. Prior to executing the IOCC, IOSUP performs several tests related to the specified device in order to assure successful initiation of the operation. In addition, the specified ECW address is placed by IOSUP into the appropriate Unit Control Block and the ECW itself is zeroed. Only after all tests have been satisfied does IOSUP execute the IOCC. Return is then made to the calling program, so that effective overlapping of CPU and input/output processes can be realized. 25 3-2.5 Program Loader (LOADR) It is the responsibility of the LOADR program to transform application programs and transient subroutines into executable code within 1800 internal storage. Input to the "loader" is in the form of intermediate object records (output by the 36O-I8OO assembler described in Section 3«^) obtained across logical file k of the channel-to-channel adapter. Since the final 1800 internal storage origin of an application program or subroutine is unknown at assembly time, all programs processed by LOADR are expected to be of the relocatable format; "absolute" programs are not allowed. The calling program is required to provide the loader with an origin address , which is normally the first location in the transient area of internal storage. The "main" program is then fetched (from adapter file k) and loaded beginning at the specified location. When input data from logical file k signals the end of a program, all CALL statements are resolved by scanning a table of external entry points which is constructed during the loading process. This table is built beginning at the end of the transient area and expands toward the beginning of the transient area as more programs are loaded. See Figure 3 • 26 low core high core loaded program subroutine #1 #2 external symbol definition table resident area transient area Figure 3 Loaded programs are allowed to overlay the external symbol definition table only if the overlay is done in a non-destructive manner, i.e., those portions of the program(s) within the overlay may 5 not be initialized with instructions or data. This restriction only occurs with the very largest of programs and may otherwise be ignored. When file k is exhausted, LOADR scans the external symbol table for CALL'S to undefined (unloaded) programs. If such a reference is found, the name of the undefined program is sent to AMOS/36O . If 6 AMOS/36O can locate the requested program, it is expected to honor further file h requests by LOADR with object records of the desired program. 27 When the program and all necessary subroutines have been loaded, LOADR transfers control to the program. The calling sequence is disguised so that return from the loaded program is to the program which invoked LOADR, rather than to LOADR itself. 3.2.6 1800 Job Scheduler ( S0J0B/E0J0B) The interpretation of control cards and the execution scheduling of application programs is the responsibility of the job scheduler S0J0B/E0J0B. SOJOB gains control when processing of a job has been requested by the 360 control program (AMOS/360) . Logic consists of initializing various job-oriented flags and reading the system input stream (SYSIN - adapter logical file l) . Control cards for SOJOB are denoted by the presence of $$ in card columns 1 and 2; cards of this type are read until a non-$$ card (an error condition) or a $$EXC card is detected. Other control cards accepted by SOJOB include $$J0B, $$(null), and $$ is defined as a string of characters acceptable as console typewriter input (to CSERV; see Section 3-2.3) • In other words , if V,OU,0N is an acceptable console typewriter input message, then $$V,O4,0N is a valid scheduler control card. Such statements are processed via CSERV just as if they originated from the console typewriter. In the current version of the scheduler, a definite precedence relationship exists between the various control types. This precedence is: 28 e (used by TIME) 00M+- 5 002C- D VCNCL IOCC to cancel a job 00^6- 7 002E- F VENAB IOCC to enable all interrupts 00^8- 9 0030- 1 VDISB IOCC to disable all interrupts 0050 0032 WTIM address of routine CVTIM 0051 0033 VCONS address of typewriter UCB 0052 003^ VCNIL address of typewriter interrupt level 0053 0035 VMXDV maximum number of I/O devices on 1800 005^ 0036 VCEW Channel Event Word 0037 0038 0039 00 3A 00 3B 003C 003D 00 3E 003F-U0 00^1 00^2 VDEVT VC0DE VERAD VFIAG VKEYS VBATA VPSTR VPEND VTECW VPECW VCECW address of the Device Table job termination code address of program error system job flags panel key status panel data switch status partition starting address partition ending address ECW's for timers A and B Process Interrupt ECW Analog Comparator ECW ^7 VCEW, the channel event word, is used by IOSUP to indicate the status (whether active or inactive) of the various data channels attached to the 1800. If bit n of VCEW is on, then data channel n is active. Bit is not used; its status of zero is typical of the non-data channel devices (see Table k, symbol UCHAN) . VCODE and VEEAD are used to indicate the type and general location of errors encountered during job processing by AMOS. Exceptional conditions, when detected by AMOS program, result in the setting of VCODE to a unique positive number (the error code), and VERAD to the address where the error occurred (if available); control is then passed to EOJOB. VFLAG is used by the job scheduler to indicate various options and requests made by the application program. VKEYS and VDATA contain the status of the 1800 panel keys and data entry switches at the time of the last panel interrupt. They serve no special purpose for AMOS. U8 Table 3> Vector /Unit Control Block Interface The following diagram illustrates how, given a device address, the corresponding Unit Control Block is located. For example, given an address m: if C(VDEVT) +m contain 0, there is no such device (likewise if m > n) . If c[c(VDEVT)+m] = j ^ 0, then y is the address of the Unit Control Block for device x . VECT (or Table) Device Pointer Table (DEVT) Unit Control Blocks *C(x) means "contents of location x" ^9 Table k. Unit Control Block Format There is one Unit Control Block (UCB) for each device attached to the 1800 system; a detailed description of the major entries is found following the table. Symbolic Displac ement ( dec/ hex) Name Definition 0000- 1 0000- 1 UIDSW IOCC to sense the Device Status Word (DSW) 0002 0002 UDSW Last DSW for this device 0003 0003 UCHAN Data channel mask 000>+ 000U UFLAG Flag bits 0005 0005 UBUSY "Device busy" DSW mask 0006 0006 UECW Address of last ECW used for this device 0007 0007 UCMBA Address of last IOCC used for this device 0008 0008 UCODE Device area code 0009 0009 UNAME Device name (in hexadecimal) 0010- 1 000A- B URDSW IOCC to sense and reset the DSW 0012 000C UDVND Device termination mask 0013 000 D UIGNR DSW bits which may be ignored 001U* 000E UCYL Current cylinder (if 2310 disk) 0015- 7* 000F- 11 UVOL Currently mounted volume ( if volume mountable device - disk or tape) * optional 50 If the associated device is attached to data channel n, then bit n of UCHAN is 1. IOSUP verifies "channel ready" by ANDing UCHAN with VCEW, with a result of zero meaning that the associated data channel is not active. UCHAN is zero for non-channel devices, hence the test cannot fail for them. UBUSY is a mask which isolates those bit(s) in the device's DSW (Device Status Word) which indicate the busy status of the device (used by IOSUP) . UDVND (another mask) is used by the NUCLS "POST" routine to determine whether or not a device interrupt was due to the termination of data channel input/output operation. If so, the terminating DSW is stored into the associated ECW (via UECW) , thus setting it non-zero. 51 Table 5. Object Card Image Formats This collection of tables describes the format of the object output of the 36O-I8OO assembler outlined in Section 3«*+- Each "deck" produced by the assembler begins with a "TSX" record, followed by an arbitrary number of "text" records, and finally an "end" record. Each record is 60 words long; the corresponding punched card format is therefore in column binary, one record per card. Record Type Word .Displacement Contents TSX text end 5 9-10 11 12-38 2 3-8 9-n 3 number of external entry point definitions (l < n < 10) symbolic name of entry point 1 (5x6 form) relative address of entry point 1 same for entry points 2-10 relative origin of this text data number of text words in this record relocation bits for text words in this record text content of this record relative entry point for program execution *60 words x 16 bits per word = 960 bits 80 columns x 12 punches per column = 96O punches 52 There are two relocation bits for each word of text. 00 means that the corresponding text word is to be loaded without modification, 01 means the word contains an address which should be relocated, and 11 indicates that the next two words make up a "call" to an external entry- point. The content of the two words is the symbolic name to be called in 5 x 6 form. These words are replaced (by LOADR) with a long- form BSI instruction when the address of the desired reference is available. The "5 x 6" character format is detailed in this Appendix, Table 6. 53 Table 6. External Symbol Table Formats The External Symbol Table is built by LOADR during the process of loading in an application program (see Section 3-2.5)- The table is composed of a serial string of "origin", "definition", and "reference" elements . One origin element is present for each separately assembled subprogram (main program or subroutine); "definition" and "reference" elements relate to external symbol definitions (EKT statements) and references (CALL statements), respectively. Origin Element word 1=0 x = 1 means program was loaded so as to resolve a CALL reference 15 i i . : - 0000000000000000 X absolute origin of subprogram Definition Element symbolic name of definition (in 5 x 6 form) absolute address of this definition 15 word 1 > ^ Reference Element 15 II 1 ' 1 1111111111111111 absolute address of the reference* word 1 < Symbols are limited to five characters. The 5x6 code name arises from "a maximum of five characters with six bits allocated for each character". Thus, a name in 5 x 6 form occupies the low order 30 bits of an 1800 doubleword; by convention, the high-order two bits are zero. The code used for character representation is not BCD, but rather a truncated form of EBCDIC. This is possible because llxxxxxx is the 8-bit EBCDIC form for all numerals and upper case alphabetics. In 5 x 6 code, the high-order '11' is not used. *which initially contains the 5x6 form of the reference name 55 Table 7. AMOS Storage and Entry Point Map The following table outlines the various programs which make up the resident portion of AMOS/18OO; the approximate size of each program is given along with the various entry points (subprograms) found within each. Program Size (dec) Entries (callable) NUCLS 900 CVTIM, OVHEX, WAIT, TIME CASUP 100 CASUP CNSUP 350 CWRIT CSERV 200 CSERV, REPLY INREQ 100 INREQ, IOERR IOSUP 100 IOSUP KBTAB 125 LOADR 1+25 LOADR CAFIL 375 SYSIN, SYSPR, SYSMS, SYSPU, SYSPB DUMP U25 DUMP SO JOB 325 SOJOB, EOJOB 3^+25 56 APPENDIX B AMOS/1800 PROGRAM LOGIC FLOW DIAGRAMS 57 interrupt branch table -£> save machine conditions locate UCB for interrupting device sense and reset terminal status common POST routine (reentrant) typical interrupt routine store status into associated ECW (set to non-zero) J2_ restore machine conditions resume suspended processing Figure B-l. NUCLS Interrupt Logic ( CWRIT ) ^ characters? no r ! yes A? initiate output of I r next char. 1 reset pointers SL return carriage i 2. call CSERV to processing A return carriage zz. set mode to "idle" Figure B-2 .--continued 6o ' previous req . \yes outstanding? \ , / I no ^7 save ECW and buffer addrs 0. (cancel) 2. terminate job v. \ error/ \ / v error, / / \/ ( CSERV J process message M ( mount ) R ( reply) show volume mounted on device V i ( vary) vary I/O device on/offline I return J reply request outstanding? A no ._JZL yes move text Sl post ECW Figure B-3. Console Message Handler ( CSERV") 6i ( IOSUP ) /are input \ no [parameters OK? } k f is data "*\no channel busy? ] J .1 yes wa it on data channel -m is device ready for DCC?J /are we initiating \ yes iJ , . , -, i yes i-ia data channel operation? v no f no, intervention is device | re qui red busy? update channel event word no ~ b yes -V wait on device call INEEQ execute IOCC Figure B-U. Input/Output Supervisor ( IOSUP ) ■^devices not attached to a data channel automatically pass this test 62 ( LOADR \ initialize EST* with nucleus entries get TSX** L card image EOF 1 move definitions j to EST k get next object card j image** ~f> enter CALL reference into EST CALL stmt , rel. data /- { data type? " z — AJ absolute data or instr . compute origin of data and store get next word(s) of data 4A no yes more data ^A in card? Figure B-5« Program Loader ( LOADR) *External Symbol Table: see Appendix A and Section 3*2.5 **from logical file h of the adapter 2L end card? ""N nc 1 >— yes compute entry point if 1st subprogram X compute origin ! of next subroutine error, V scan EST and resolve as many xrefs as can i no zero out unoccupied core \7 xfer to loaded rogram transparent) ? J any unresolved 9 yes ^ let x denote first! such unresolved I 7 /did AMOS/360N fail to provide x v. earlier? i "1 ino i _5Z_ inform AMOS/36O to "load" file k with program x 63 Figure B-5 .--continued 6k read a SYSIN card print card image yes V $$JOB' no I! send~toCSERV 4 go to LOADR,X -H type SOJOB ; message reset job switches IV (a\ I EOJOB J } position file \h to x i i. no 2 X I ^" x = *? no read next card and print yes "^ $$EXC,X? ) i reset various hardware controls y es . f type EOJOB message -2 restore unit status via UCB's I send query tc AMOS/360 wait on 360 response ----- •> a E0F K -- y Figure B-6. 1800 Job Scheduler (SOJOB/EOJOB) 65 f SYSIN J read | file 1 [„ V1rm _ t ^ — M— EOF? no \7 "^ i no i ~JC return > "with data i yes take caller's "eof" exit f SYSMS ) send print line image to file 2 \ Jfe _ send log line image to file SYSIN SYSPR SYSMS SYSPU SYSPB system input system output system message output card output (EBCDIC) card output (col. binary) set to send ^0 words send data to file 3 h e set to send 80 words _2_ convert data to 360 col. binary Figure B-7. Adapter File Control (CAFIL) 66 initialize VECT T read switches into VECT $ compute partition boundaries I protect low core type out IWIT message Figure B-8 . Initialization Program (INIT) # ** ■^ *fr 0»* BM UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URIAH* 3 0112 002612627