FINDING LIST OF THE Highland Park Public Library # 1902 HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS July, 1902 News-Letter Print V ?*'' \ FINDING LIST -OF THE- Highland Park Public Library 1902 HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS July, 1902 News-Letter Print INFORMATION FOR READERS. This library consists of about 4000 volumes arranged according to the Dewey Decimal system of classification. The general scheme of this arrangement may be seen by the outline printed on the opposite page. “The field of knowledge is divided into nine main classes and these are num- bered by the digits, 1 to 9. Cyclopedias, perodicals, etc., so general in character as to belong to no one of these classes are marked nought, and form a tenth class. Each class is similarly separated into nine divisions, general works belonging to no division having nought in place of the division number. Divisions are similarly divided into nine sections and the process is repeated as often as necessary.” Thus, 814 means class 8 (Literature), divison 1 (American literature), section 4 (essays); and every volume of essays by an American writer is numbered 814. Similarly, English essays are num- bered 824, and French essays 844. “Since each subject has a definite number and the books are arranged in sim- ple. numerical order, it follows that all books on any given subject must stand to- gether.” In order that all books by one author may stand together on the shelves and in the catalogue, the books in each section are arranged alphabetically by authors’ names according to the Cutter alphabetic order table. Thus, each book has the number of its class and sub-class, and in another line the: initial of its author’s name followed by one or more decimal figures assigned according to a table so constructed that the names whose initials are followed by some of the first letters of the alphabet have the first numbers, and those in which the initials are followed by later letters have later numbers. i This system insures the preservation of the alphabetic order no matter how many books by authors having a common initialjnay be placed upon the shelves. Where there is more than one book by the same author in one class or sub-class the later books have the initial of the book title following the author number in order to dis- tinguish them. Fiction is not classified, and, therefore has no class number but only the author's initial and number. In this Finding list the Fiction list is printed first and is followed by Juvenile fiction and Juvenile classed books which are distinguished by the small letter j before the book number. Individual Biography likewise is not classified, and is arranged alphabetically by the names of the persons written about. It is given no class number but is distin- guished by the capital letter B before the book number, thus, a life of Washington is marked BAV27. Individual Biography is inserted in this list following collected Biography, 92(X An alphabetic list of all reference books is placed at the beginning of the general classed list. The author index which forms the second half of this Finding List contains in alphabetic order the name of every author represented in the library, and under the author’s name every book in the library by that author. In calling for books, readers are requested to give both the class number and the shelf or book number in full. CLASSES AND DIVISIONS. 000 ^ 010 0 020 J 030 p 040 050 060 070 080 090 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 i>/)*170 180 190 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 General Works. Bibliography. Library Economy. General Cyclopedias. General Collections. General Periodicals. General Societies. Newspapers. Special Libraries, Polygraphy. Book Rarities. Philosophy, Metaphysics. Special Metaphysical Topics. Mind and Body. Philosophical Systems. Mental Faculties. Psychology. Logic. Ethics. Ancient Philosophers. Modern Philosophers. Religion. Natural Theology. Bible. Doctrinal Theol. Dogmatics* Devotional and Practical. Homiletic, Pastoral, Parochial. Church Institutions, Work. Religious History, Christian Churches and Sects. Non-Christian Religions. Sociology. Statistics. Political Science. Political Economy. Law. Administration. Associations and Institutions. Education. Commerce and Communication. Customs, Costumes, Folk-lore. Philology. Comparative. English. German. French. Italian. Spanish. Latin. Greek. Minor Languages. 500 Natural Science. 510 Mathematics. 520 Astronomy. • 530 Physics. 540 Chemistry. 550 Geology. 560 Paleontology. 570 Biology. 580 Botany. 590 Zoology. 600 Useful Arts. 610 Medicine. 620 Engineering. 630 Agriculture. 640 Domestic Economy. 650 Communication and Commerce. 660 Chemical Technology. 670 Manufactures. 680 Mechanic Trades. 690 Building. 700 Fine Arts. 710 Landscape Gardening. 720 Architecture. 730 Sculpture. 740 Drawing, Design, Decoration. 750 Painting. 760 Engraving. 770 Photography. 780 Music. 790 Amusements. 800 Literature. 810 American. 820 English. 830 German. 840 French. 850 Italian. 860 Spanish. 870 Latin. 880 Greek. 890 Minor Languages. 900 History. 910 Travel and Description. 920 Biography. 930 Ancient History. 940 f Europe. 950 & Asia. 960 ^ J Africa. 970 g ] North America. 980 >2 I South America. 990 ^ OCEANICA AND POLAR REGIONS. CONTENTS. PART I. Information for Readers 3 Fiction, alphabetically arranged by titles 5 Juvenile, alphabetically arranged by titles 17 Classed List, Juvenile 25 General Reference Books 29 Class 0. General works 29 Class 1. Philosophy • 30 Class 2. Religion 30 Class 3. Sociology and Economics . . 31 Class 4. Language 33 Class 5. Science 33 Class 6. Useful arts 34 Class 7. Fine arts 34 Class 8. Literature — American 35 English 37 German, French, etc 39 Class 9. History, General 40 Travel and Description — Europe 41 Asia ( 42 Africa 43 America 43 Oceanica, etc 44 Biography, collected ' 44 Individual 44 History, ancient, general 48 Modern, Europe 48 Modern, Asia and Africa 49 Modern, America 50 PART II. Author List. 52 All books arranged alphabetically under authors’ names FINDING LIST OF THE Highland Park Public Library 1902 FICTION. Abbe Constantin. Halevy H137 Abbot. Scott .... Sco8 Adam Bede. Eliot E14a Adventures of Francois. Mitchell .... M69 Adventures of Captain Horn. Stockton St6 _ Adventures of Philip. Thackeray. .. .T32 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Doyle D77 Adventures of Verdant Green. Bede. .B39 Afield and afloat. Stockton St6 Afloat and ashore. Cooper C78 Aftermath. Allen A153 Agnes Surriage. Bynner B99 Alec Forbes of Howglen. MacDonald M14 Alexia. Abbott Ab3 Alice of old Vincennes. Thompson. . .T37 All sorts and conditions of men. Besant B46 Alone. Harland H227 Alton Locke. Kingsley K61 American. James J23 Andersonville violets. Collingswood . .C69 Anna Karenina. Tolstoi T58 Annals of a quiet neighborhood. MacDonald M14a Anne. Woolson W88 Anne of Geirstein. Scott Sco8a Anne Scarlett. Taylor T216 Annie Kilburn. Howells H839 Antiquary. Scott Sco8an April hopes. Howells H839a Armadale. Collins C692 Armorel of Lyonesse. Besant B46a Arne. Bjornson B55 Arundel motto. Hay H32 Ascutney street. Whitney W61 A spern papers. James J23a At odds. Tautphoeus T19 At Sunwicli Port. Jacobs J15 At the Green Dragon. Harraden H23 Atlantic tragedy. Russell R91 Audrey. Johnston J64 Aulnay Tower. Howard H83 Aunt Serena. Howard H83a Aurelian. Ware W22 Austin Elliot. Kingsley K615 Author of Beltraffio. James J23au Awkward age. James J23aw Aylwin. Watts-Dunton D92 Back of the north wind. Mac- Donald M14 Balaam and his master. Harris H24 Barchester Towers. Trollope T74 Bar Harbor days. Harrison H245 Barnaby Rudge. Dickens D55 Barriers burned away. Roe R62 Barry Lyndon. Thackeray T32b Battle and rest. Topelius T62b Battle of the strong. Parker P22 6 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY Bay-path. Holland H719 Beauchamp’s career. Meredith M54 Beeman of Orn. Stockton St6b Begum’s daughter. Bynner B99b Bellevue. Jay.... J33 Bell-Ringer of Angel’s, llarte. .H25 Ben Hur. Wallace W15 Benefactress : B43 Beside the honnie briar bush. Watson . W33 Betrothed. Scott Sco8b Betty Alden. Austin Au76 Between the lines. King K581 Between whiles. Jackson J13 Black diamonds. Jokai J67 Black Douglas. Crockett C87 Black Dwarf. Scott Sco8bl Black ice. Tourgee T64 Black Rock. Connor C76 Black wolf’s breed. Dickson D565 Blazed trail. White W58 Bleak House. Dickens D55b Blennerhasset. Pidgin P59 Blessed Saint Certainty. Baker B17 Blithedale romance. Hawthorne 1131 Blue grass and rhododendron. Fox F83 Bob, son of Battle. Ollivant 014 Bog-myrtle and peat. Crockett C87b Bonaventure. Cable Cll Bonnie Mackirby. Fessenden F42 Book of snobs. Thackeray T32bo Bow of orange ribbon. Barr B27 Brass bottle. Guthrie G98 Brave lady. Craik C84 Bride of Lammermoor. Scott ScoSbr Brother to dragons. Rives R52 Bunch-grass stories. Bates . . . .B319 Burial of the guns. Page P14 Burlesques. Thackeray T32bu Button’s Inn. Tourgee T64b By order of the King. Hugo 1187 By the marshes of Minas. Roberts R54 Caleb West. Smith Sin 5 Can you forgive her? Trollope T74c Cape Cod folks. McLean M22 Captain Blake. King K581c Captain Bluitt. Clark C54 Captain Ravenshaw. Stephens St47 Captains courageous. Kipling K62 Cardigan. Chambers C35 Cardinal’s rose. Sutphen Su8 Cardinal’s snuff box. Harland II 226 Career of a nihilist. Stepniak St4 Carlotta’s intended. Stuart St9 Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine. Stockton St6c Casting of nets. Bagot B14 Castle Nowhere. Woolson W88c Cat and the cherub. Fernald F39 Cathedral courtship. Wiggin W63 Catherine. Thackeray T32c Catherine De Medeci. Balzac B21 Cavalier. Cable Cllc Caxtons. Bulwer-Ly tton L999 Cesar Birotteau. Balzac. B21c Chance acquaintance. Howells H839c Chaplet of pearls. Yonge Y8 Charles O'Malley. Lever L57 Charles twelfth. Topelius .... T62e Chatelaine of LaTrinite. Fuller F95 Chevalier de Maison-Rouge. Dumas. .D89 Chevalier of Pensieri-Vani. Fuller. . . .F95c Chicot the jester. Dumas D89c Child of the century. Wheelwright. ..W57 Children of Gibeon. Besant B46c Children of the abbey. Roche R58 Children of the King. Crawford C857 Children of the mist. Philpotts P54 Choir invisible. Allen A153c Chosen valley. Foote F73 Chouans. Balzac B21ch Choy Susan. Bishop B54 Christian. Caine , C12 Christian’s mistake. Craik C845c Christmas books. Thackeray TS2ch Christmas in French Canada. Frechette F91 Christmas wreck. Stockton St6ch Chronicles of the Canongate, Scott Sco8c Cinderella. Crockett C87c Circuit rider. Eggleston.. Eg3 Circumstance. Mitchell. M69c Claudia Hyde. Baylor B34 Claybornes. Sage Sal HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY 7 Clever woman of the family. Yonge. . . Y8c Cliff-dwellers. Fuller F95cl Cloister and the hearth. Reade R22 Cobbler of Nimes. Taylor T216c Colonel Carter of Cartersville. kmith Sm5c Colonel’s daughter. King Iv581co Colonial dame. Fessenden F42c Color studies. Janvier J26 Colossus. Roberts R543 Columbus and Beat riz. DuBois D85 Come forth. Phelps P51 Comtesse de Charny. Dumas D89co Concerning Isabel Carnaby. Fowler F829 Condensed novels. Ilarte II25c Confidence. James J23c Conjure woman. Chesnutt C42 Conqueror. Atherton At43 Conspirators. Dumas D89con Consuelo. Sand .s a 5 Copperhead. Frederic F87 Counterparts. Sheppard Sli 4 Countess Erika’s apprenticeship. Schubin Sch78 Count Hannibal. Weyman W54 Count of Monte Christo. Dumas D89cou Count Robert of Paris. Scott Sco8co Count Silvius. Horn H78 Country doctor. Jewett J55c Country doctor. Balzac B21co Country of the pointed firs. Jewett j 55 Court of Boy ville. White W587 Courting and farming. Smith Sm6 Cousin Bette. Balzac B21cou Cousin Nicholas. Barnham B23 Cousin Phillis. Gaskell G21 Cousin Pons. Balzac B21cop Cracker Joe. Cr84 Cranford. Gaskell G21c Crater. Cooper .....C78c Crimson wing. Chatfield-Taylor T21 Crisis. Churchill C47 Crittenden. Fox F83c Cromwell’s own. Paterson P273 Crucial instances. Wharton W55 Cyrano de Bergerac. Rostand R73 Dame Care. Sudermann Su2 Damnation of Theron Ware. Frederic F87d Daisy Miller. James J23d Daniel Deronda. Eliot El4d Darkness and dawn. Farrar F24 Darlingtons. Peake P31 Daughter of Eve. Kirke K63 Daughter of Fife. Barr B27d Daughter of Ileth. Black B56 Daughters of the Revolution. Coffin C65 David Alden’s daughter. Austin. ...Au76d David Balfour. Stevenson St48 David Copperfield. Dickens D55d David Harum. Westcott W52 Day at Laguerre’s. Smith Sm5d Days of Auld Lang Syne. Watson. . W33d Dead souls. Gogol G559 Death of the gods. Merejowski M542 Deborah. Ludlow L96 Deemster. Caine Cl 2d Deephaven. Jewett J55d Deerslayer. Cooper C78d Deluge. Sienkiewicz Sil Desmond hundred. Austin Au76de Dialect tales. Bonner B64 Diana of the crossways. Meredith . . M54d Diary of a goose girl. Wiggin W63d Dickens story teller. Dickens D55 Dissolving views. Lang L254 Doctor Antonio. Ruffini R83 Doctor Claudius. Crawford C85d Doctor LeBaron and his daughters. Austin Au76dr Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Stevenson St48d Doctor North and his friends. Mitchell M69d Doctor Sevier. Cable Cl Id Dpctor Thorne. Trollope T74d Doctor Zay. Phelps P51d Dodo. Benson B442 Dolliver romance. Hawthorne H31d Dombey and son. Dickens D55do Donald Grant. MacDonald M14d Don John. Ingelow In4 Don Orsino. Crawford C857do HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY Don Quixote. Cervantes C33 Dorothy and other stories. Woolson W88d Dorothy Vernon. Major M28 Double Emperor. Clowes C62 Dove in the eagle’s nest. Yonge Y8d Downfall. Zola Z7 Dream of John Ball. Morris M834 D’ri and I. Bacheller B12 Duchess de Langeais. Balzac B21d Duet. Doyle D77d Dunstable Weir. Zack Z12 Dwellers in Gotham. Dale D15 Dynamiter. Stevenson St48d Eagle’s heart. Garland Gl 8 Earnest trifler Ea7 East angels. Woolson W88e East Lynne. Wood W85 Ebbtide. Stevenson St48e Eben Holden. Bacheller B12e Edelweiss of the Sierras. Harrison . . H245e Egoist. Meredith M54e Eleanor. Ward W21 Elect lady. MacDonald M14e Eline Vere. Couperus C833 Elsie Venner. Holmes .H73 Emma. Austen . . . : Au7 Emperor. Ebers Eb3 Empress Josephine. Miilbach M89 End of the world. Eggleston Eg3e Entailed hat. Townsend T66 Equality. Bellamy B414 Erl ach court. Schubin Sch 78e Essie. Fessenden F42e Etchingham letters. Pollock and Maitland P76 Eternal city. Caine Cl 2e Eugenie Grandet. Balzac B21e Europeans. James J23e Evan Hanington. Meredith M54ev Evelina. D’Arblay Arl Exile. Johnson’ed J63 Exiles. Davis D297 Expatriates. Bell B4 1 Experiment in altruism. Sherwood . . Sh5 Face illumined. Roe R62f Fair barbarian. Burnett ...B93 Fair God. Wallace W15f Fair maid of perth. Scott Sco8f Faith doctor. [ Eggleston Eg3f Fame and sorrow. Balzac B21f Fanshawe. Hawthorne H31f Farringdons. Fowler F829f Fate of Mansfield Humphreys. White W585 Father Anthony. Buchanan B85 Fearful responsibility. Howells H839f Federal judge. Lush L97 Felix Holt. Eliot El4f Fellow and his wife. Howard H83f Fern leaves. Parton P25 Fiametta. Story St7 File No. 113. Gaboriou Gil Filbuster. Hyde H99 Firebrand. Crockett C87f First violin. Fothergill . . F82 Flower de hundred. Harrison H245f Flower of the flock. Norris N799 Flute and violin. Allen A153f For faith and freedom. Besant B46f For her dear sake. Hay H32f For the major. Woolson W88f Forest lovers. Hewlett H49 Forest schoolmaster. Rosegger R73 Forge in the forest. Roberts R54f Fortunes of Nigel. Scott Sco8fo Forty-five guardsmen. Dumas D89f Foul play. Reade R22f Fourth estate. Valdes V23 Framley Parsonage. Trollope T74f Frederick and his court. Miilbach. ..M89f Frederick and his family. Miilbach M89fr Frederick the first. Topelius T62f Free Joe. Harris H24f Free to serve. Rayner R21 Friend with the countersign. Benson B44 Friends. Phelps P51f From jest to earnest. Roe R62fr From the five rivers. Steele St3 Frontier stories. Harte.. H25f Fruitfulness. Zola Z75 Gadfly. Voynich V94 Gallegher. Davis D297g Gates between. Phelps P51g HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. 9 Gay worthy s. Whitney WGlg Gentleman of France. Weyman W54g Gentleman of leisure. Fawcett F28 Gentleman from Indiana. Tarkington T17 Gentleman vagabond. Smith Sm5g Gesta Romanorum G33 Gil Bias. LeSage L56 Gloverson and his silent partner. Keeler K24 God wills it. Davis D299 God’s fool. Maartens Mil God’s puppets. Clark C548 Golden age in Transylvania. Jokai J67g Golden book of Venice. Turnbull. ...T849 Golden house. Warner W24 Golden wedding. Stuart St9g Good ship Mohock. Russell R91g Gospel of freedom. Herrick H43 Grandissimes. Cable Cllg Grandmother. Nemec N34 Grapes of wrath. Norris N79 Graustark. McCutcheon M13 Graysons. Eggleston Eg3g Graziella. Lamartine L16 Great expectations. Dickens D55g Great K. and A. train robbery. Ford F75 Greater glory. Maartens Mllg Greater inclination . Wharton W 55g Green pastures and Picadilly. Black B56g Ground arms! Von Suttner Su86 Guardian angel. Holmes H73g Gunnar. Boyeson B69 Gustav Adolphus. Topelius T62g Guy Mannering. Scott Sco8g Half hours with great story tellers HI 38 Hand and ring. Green G82 Handy Andy. Lover... L94 Hannah. Craik C845 Hannah Thurston. Taylor T21 Happy boy. Bjornson B55h Hard times. Dickens D55h Harold. Bulwer-Ly tton L999h Harry Richmond. Meredith. M54h Hazard of new fortunes. Howells. .H839h Heart of Midlothian. Scott Sco8h Heart of the ancient wood. Roberts R54h Heartsease. Yonge Y8h Heart’s highway. Wilkins W65 Heavenly twins. Grand G763 He fell in love with his wife. Roe R62h Heir of Redclyffe. Yonge Y8he Helen’s babies. Habberton Hll Helmet of Navarre. Runkle R87 Helpers. Lynde L99 Henry Esmond. Thackeray T32h Her Majesty’s minister. LeQueuex. . . . L55 Her mountain lover. Garland G18h Hereward the wake. Kingsley K61h Heroine of the strait. Crowley C88 Hetty’s strange story. Jackson J13h Hills of the Shatemuc. Warner W242 Hillyars and the Burtons. Kingsley K615h Hired baby. Corelli C81 His father’s son. Matthews M43 His Majesty myself. Baker B17h His sombre rival. Roe R62bi History of Nicholas Muss. Du Bois-Melly D852 History of Philip. Thackeray T32hi Hitherto. Whitney ...WGlh Home influence. Aguilar Ag9 Honorable Peter Stirling. Ford F75h Honorable surrender. Adams Adi Hoosier schoolmaster. Eggleston . . .Eg3h Hosts of the Lord. Steele St3h Hound of the Baskervilles. Doyle .... D77 House of de Mailly. Potter P85 House of Martha. Stockton St6h House of Romance. Castle C27 House of seven gables. Hawthorne . . H31h House of the wolf. Weyman W54h House with the green shutters. Douglas D74 Hugh Wynne. Mitchell M69h Humble romance. Wilkins W65h Humorous masterpieces H88 Hundredth man. Stockton St6hu Hungarian nabob. Jokai J67h 10 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. Husks. Harland H327h Hypatia. Kingsley K61hy Hyperion and Kavanagh. Longfellow L86 I, thou and the other one. Barr B27i Iceland fisherman. Loti L91 Ilka on the hilltop. Boyesen B69i Imperative duty. Howells H839i Imperial lover. Taylor T216i In a steamer chair. Barr. B371 In connection with the De Willoughby claim. Burnett B93i In far Lochaher. Black B56i In his name. Hale H13 In ole Virginia. Page ,...P14i In silk attire. Black B56in In Simpkinsville. Stuart St9i In the clouds. Murf ree M94 In the palace of the King. Crawford C857i In the stranger people’s country. Murf ree M94i Incident and other happenings. Elliott E15 Indian summer. Howells H839in Indian tales. Kipling K62i Ingo. Frey tag F89 Initial experience. King K581i Initials. Tautphoeus T19i Irish idylls. Barlow B24 Island. Whiteing W588 Island nights. Stevenson St48i Isle of unrest. Merriman M55 Ivan Ilyitch. Tolstoi T58i Ivanhoe. Scott Sco8i Ivar, the Viking. DuChaillu D856 J. Devlin, boss. Williams W67 Jack Sheppard. Ainsworth. Ai6 Jack Tier. Cooper C78j Jacob Faithful. Marryatt M34 Jamesons. Wilkins W65j Jane Eyre. Bronte B78 Jane Field. Wilkins W65ja Janice Meredith. Ford F75j Jerome. Wilkins W65je Jerry. Elliott El5j Jessamy bride. Moore M78 John Bode win’s testimony. Foote — F73j John Halifax, gentleman. Craik C84 John Inglesant. Shorthouse Sh8 John Jerome. Ingelow In4j John March, southerner. Cable Cllj Joost Avelingh. Maartens Mllj Joseph II, and his court. Mill bach. . .M89j Joshua. Ebers Eb3j J oy of Captain Ribot. V aides V 23 j Judith Shakespeare. Black B56j Juggler. Murf ree M94j Julian; or scenes in Judea. Ware W22j Jupiter lights. Woolson W88j Karine. Jansen J45 Kate Carnegie. Watson W33k Katherine Lauderdale. Crawford. ..C857k Kenelm Chillingly. Bulwer-Lytton . . L999k Kenilworth . Scott ScoSk Kentons. Howells H83 Kentuckians. Fox F83k Kentucky cardinal. Allen Al53k Kilmeny. Black B56k Kim. Kipling K62k King Noanett. Stimson St5 King of Folly Island. Jewett J55k King of Honey Island. Thompson. .T37k King of Schnorrers. Zangwill Zl King’s end. Brown B81 Kings in exile. Daudet D26 King’s pawn. Drummond D84 Kitwyk stories. King K58 Knight of the 19th century. Roe. . .R62k Lady Maud. Russell R911 Lady of Fort St. John. Catherwood. ..C28 Lady of quality. Burnett B931 Lady of the Aroostook. Howells. . . . H8391 Lady or the tiger. Stockton St6l Lady Paramount. Harlind H22 Landlord at Lion’s Head. Howells H8391a Lane that had no turning. Parker P221 Last chronicles of Barset. Trollope . . T741 Last days of Pompeii. Bulwer-Lytton L9991 Last of the barons. Bulwer-Lytton . > L999la Last of the Mohicans. Cooper C781 Last refuge. Fuller F951 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. 11 Last sentence. Gray G79 Late Mrs. Null. Stockton StGla Lavengro’. Borrow B648 Lazarre. Catherwood. C281 Lear of the steppes. Turgenev T84 Led-Horse claim. Foote F731 Legend of Montrose. Scott Sco8l Les miserables. Hugo H871 Lesson of the master. James J231 Life for a life. Craik C8451 Light freights. Jacobs J151 Like another Helen. Horton H785 Lilac sunbonnet. Crockett C871 Lilith. MacDonald M141 Lily of France. Mason M38 Linnaeus. Topelius T621 Linnet. Allen A15 Literary love letters. Herrick H 431 Little book of profitable tales. Field F45 Little brother. Flynt F67 Little Dorritt. Dickens D551 Little journey in the world. Warner W241 Little lass. Paynter P29 Little minister. Barrie B276 Little novels of Italy. Hewlett H491 Little sister to the wilderness. Bell B411 Looking backward. Bellamy B4141 Lord Alingham, bankrupt. Manning M316 Lord Ormont and his Aminta. Meredith M541 Lords of the north. Laut L37 Lorna Doone. Blackmore B561 Lost canyon of the Toltecs. Seeley Se3 Louise of Prussia. Mulbach M891 Louisiana. Burnett B931o Lourdes. Zola Z71 Lovel the widower. Thackeray T321 Lovers of the woods. Boardman B63 Luck of Roaring Camp. Harte ..II251 Mackinac and Lake stories. Catherwood C28m Macleod of Dare. Black B56ma Madam . Oliphant 013 Madam Delphine. Cable Cllm Madcap Violet. Black B56m Madeline. Sandeau Sa55 Madelon. Wilkins W65m Madonna of the tubs. Phelps P5 lm Maid Marian and Crotchet Castle. Peacock P31 Maid of Maiden Lane. Barr B27m Maiden and married life of Mary Powell. Manning M31 Main traveled roads. Garland G18m Making of a country house. Mowbray M87 Making of a man. Baker B17m Making of a statesman. Harris H24 Malcolm. MacDonald M14m Man from Glengarry. Connor C76m Man of mark. Hope H77 Man who wins. Herrick H43m Man with the broken ear. About... .Ab7 Man without a country. Hale ni3m Mansfield park. Austen Au7m Mantle of Elijah. Zangwell Zlm Manxman. Caine C12m Many inventions. Kipling K62m Marble faun. Hawthorne 1131m Marcella. Ward W21m Margaret Warrener. Brown B81 Margaret Vincent. Clifford C61 Marguerite de Valois. Dumas D89m Maria. Isaacs Isl Marie. Pushkin P97 Marie Antoinette and her son. Miilock M89m Marietta. Crawford C857m Marion’s faith. King K581m Marius, the Epicurean. Pater P27 Majorie Daw. Aldrich A12 Mark of Cain. Lang L25 Market place. Frederick F87m Marquis of Lossie. MacDonald. . . .M14ma Marsh Island. Jewett J55m Martin Chuzzlewit. Dickens D55m Master and man. Tolstoi T58m Master Christian. Corelli C81m Master of Ballantrae. Stevenson.... St48m Master of fortune. Hyne H99m Mate of the Daylight. Jewett J55ma Meadow-Grass. Brown B81m 12 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. Melomaniacs. Hunker H89 Memoirs of a physician. Dumas D89me Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle D77m Mercy Philbrick’s choice. Jackson. . J13m Merry chanter. Stockton St6m Merry men. Stevenson St48me Methods of Lady Walderhurst. Burnett B93 Micah Clark. Doyle D77mi Middlemarch. Eliot E14m Midshipman Easy. Marryatt M34m Mill on the Floss. Eliot E14mi Minister’s charge. Howells H839m Minister’s wooing-. Stowe St78 Miracles of antichrist. Lagerlof L13 Miss Bagg’s secretary. Burnham ...B935 Miss Pritchard’s wedding journey. Burnham B935m Missionary sheriff. Thanet T329 Mistress and maid. Craick C845m Mr. Isaacs. Crawford C857mr Mr. Potter of Texas. Gunter G95 Mrs. Partington’s knitting work. Shillaber SB6 Modern ghosts. Maupassant M44 Modern Mephistopheles. Alcott All Monastery. Scott Sco8m Monk of Fife. Lang L25m Monsieur Beaucaire. Tarkington . . . T17m Moods. Alcott Alim Moonstone. Collins C692m Mortal antipathy. Holmes H73m Mosses from an old manse. Hawthorne H31mo Mother’s recompense. Aguilar Ag9m Mousme. Holland H71 Mrs. Wiggs of the cabbage patch. Hegan H36 Murvale Eastman. Tourgee T64m My Lady. Bouvet B66 My Lady Nobody. Maartens Mllm My Lady Rotha. Weyman W54m My Lady of Orange. Baily B15 My new curate. Sheehan Sh3 My novel. Bulwer-Lytton L999m Nameless Castle. Jokai J67 Nameless nobleman. Austin Au76n Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia. Miilbach M89n Naulaka. Kipling and Balestier . . . .K62n Near to nature’s heart. Roe R62n New Arabian nights. Stevenson .... St48n New Canterbury tales. Hewlett H49n Newcomes. Thackeray T32n New England nun. Wilkins W65n News from nowhere. Morris M834n Nicholas Nickleby. Dickens D55n Night and morning. Bulwer-Lytton . L999n Nights with Uncle Remus. Harris. .H24n Ninety-three. Hugo H87n No name. Collins C692n None but the brave. Sears Sel7 Noble life. Craik C845n Northanger Abbey. Austen Au7n No. 5 John street. Whiteing W588n Odd number. Maupassant M44o Odd or even. Whitney W61o Off the Skelligs. Ingelow In4o Old Bowen’s legacy. Dix D64 Old Chester tales. Deland D37 Old curosity shop. Dickens D55o Old Kaskaskia. Catherwood C28o Old maids and burglars in Paradise. Phelps P51o Old mortality. Scott Sco8o Oldtown folks. Stowe St78o Oliver Twist. Dickens D55oL On Newfound river. Page Pl4o On St. Peter’s island Ropes R68 On the bright shore. Sienkiewicz Silo On the eve. Turgenief T84o On the face of the waters. Steele St3o On the heights. Auerbach Au3 On the red staircase. Taylor T216o On the wing of occasions. Harris H24o One summer. Howard H83o Only a fiddler Andersen An2 Only the governess. Carey C18 Open door. Howard H83op Opening a chestnut burr. Roe R62o Openings in the old trail. Harte H25o Our mutual friend. Dickens D55ou Our old home. Hawthorne H31o Out of the woods. Fisher F53 Pair of patient lovers. Howells H839p HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. 13 Pan Michael. Sienkiewicz Silp Parents’ assistant. Edgeworth Ed3 Parfit gentle knight. Andrews An26 Paris. Zola Z7p Parisian points of view. Halevy H137p Parisians. Bulwer-Lytton L999p Passe Rose. Hardy H22 Pastels in prose P26 Pastorels of Dorset. Francis F84 Pathfinder. 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Butterworth j B98 In the heart of the Rockies. Henty jH39in In the high valley. Coolidge jC77i In the Irish brigade. Henty jH39int In the Mikado’s service. Griffis jG87 In the saddle. Optic jOp7i In the wilds of Africa. Kingston. . . jK619 Isle of Wight. Abbott jAb2i Jack among the Indians. Grinnell. . . jG38 Jackanapes. Ewing jEw5 Jack and Jill. Alcott j All j Jack Ballister’s fortunes. Pyle jP99j Jack Hazard and his fortunes. Trowbridge . . jT75j Jack Morgan, a boy of 1812. Stoddard jSt64j Jack of all trades. Beard.. . . jB38 Jack the fisherman. Phelps jP51j Jack, the young ranchman. Grinnell jG88j Jan of the windmill. Ewing jEw5j Jed. Goss ... jG69 Jersey boy in the revolution. Tomlinson jT59j Jimmy’s cruise in the Pinafore. Alcott j All ji Joe’s boys. Alcott jAlljo Joe’s opportunity. Lillie jL62 Joyous story of Toto. Richards jR39j Julia Reid. Alden j A12j Jungle book. Kipling jK62 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. 21 Just sixteen. Coolidge jC77j Kidnapped. Stevenson jSt4k Kingdom of coins. Gilman jG42 King of the golden river. Ruskin. . . ,jR89 King’s daughter. Alden jA12k Knight of liberty. Butterworth. . . . j B98k Knights of the Roundtable. Frost. .jF92k Lady Jane. Jamison jJ24 Lady Lee. Ensign jEn78 Lakerim athletic club. Hughes j R 871 Lamplighter. Cummins jC91 Land of pluck. Dodge jD6Gl Land of the long night. DuChaillu j D8561 Last century maid. Wharton jW55 Last of the Peterkins. Hale jHl34 Laurie Vane. Seawell jSel91 Lawrence’s adventures. Trowbridge jT751 Leaves from nature’s story book. Pratt jP881 Legends of Norseland. Pratt jP881e Leslie Goldth waite. Whitney jW611 Lieutenant at eighteen Optic j0p71 Life savers. Otis j0t41 Little country girl. Coolidge jC771 Little fig tree stories. Foote jF73 Little girl in old New Orleans. Douglas jD745n Little girl in old New York. Douglas jD745ne Little girl in old Philadelphia. Douglas jD745p Little girl in old Washington. Douglas jD745w Little helpers. Vandergrift jV28 Little Jarvis. Seawell jSel9li Little lame prince Craik jC841 Little Lord Fauntleroy. Burnett. ...jB93l Little Majorie’s love story. Bouvet. . jB66 Little master. Trowbridge jT75li Little men. Alcott jAUl Little Miss Joy. Marshall jM35 Little Mr. Thimblefinger. Harris. . .jH24l Little Paul. Sidney jSill Little Pussy-Willow. Stowe j St7l Little Saint Elizabeth. Burnett . ..jB931i Little Salem maid. Mackie jM21 Little servant. Livingston jL76 Little sister of Winifred. Plympton. jP741 Little Smoke. Stoddard jSt641 Little Sunshine’s holiday. Craik. ...jC841i Little Susy's birthdays. 2v Prentiss.. .jP91 Little Susy’s little servants. 2v Prentiss jP911 Little Susy’s six teachers. 2v Prentiss .jP911i Little women. Alcott jAllli Lives of the hunted. Thompson-Seton j Se71 Lob Lie-by-the-fire. Ewing jEw5l Lobster catchers. Otis jOt41o Log school house on the Columbia. Butterworth jB981 Long exile. Tolstoi jT58 Lost in the jungle. DuChaillu. . . .jD8561o Lotus Bay. Nichols jN51 Lucy’s wonderful globe. Y onge j Y81 Lulu’s library. Alcott jAlllu Madam How and Lady Why. Kingsley jK61m Maggie McLanehan. Zollinger jZ7 Malleville and Wallace. Abbott. .jAb21m Man who married the moon. Lurnmis jL97m March on London. Henty jH39m Marcy the refugee. Castlemon jC27th Margaret Montfort. Richards jR39m Marie. Richards.... jR39ma Marooners’ Island. Goulding jG73 Mary Erskine and Mary Bell. Abbott jAb21ma Master Bartlemy. Crompton jC88m Master Skylark. Bennett jB43 Melody. Richards jR39me Midshipman Paulding. Seawell. ..jSel9m Ministering children. Charlesworth jC381 Mischief’s Thanksgiving. Coolidge jC77m Miss Toosey’s mission. Meade jM46 Miss Vanity. Blanchard jB59m Modern Vikings. Boyesen jBG9 Mooswa and others of the Boundaries. Fraser jF86 More bunny stories. Jewett, jJ55m 22 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY Mother Goose melodies. Wheeler ed, jW56 Mother’s bedtime tales. Kenney jK39 Mr. Bodley abroad. Scudder jScu2m Mrs. Overtheway’s remembrances. Ewing- jEw5m Mr. Stubb’s brother. Otis * . j0t4m Muuchausen’s travels jM92 My Apingi kingdom. DuChaillu. . jD856m My boys. Alcott. jAllmb My girls. Alcott jAllmg Mysterious island. Verne jV59m Nan. Lillie jL62n Nan’s Chicopee children. Hamlin.. . . jH18 Narcissa, or The road to Rome. Richards jR39n Ned, the son of Webb. Stoddard. ..jSt64n Nellie’s silver mine. Jackson jJ134n New bedtime stories. Moulton jM86n New departure for girls. Sidney jSiln Nibsy’s Christmas. Riis jR44 Nigger baby and nine beasts. Porter j P83 Nine little goslings. Coolidge jC77ni No heroes. Howard jII83 Norse stories. Mabie jMll Notes for boys and their fathers. Hewett jH49 Not quite eighteen. Coolidge jC77no Olaf the glorious. Leighton jL53 Old fashioned girl. Alcott jAllo Old fashioned Thanksgiving. Alcott jAllol Old pin cushion. Molesworth jM73o On board a whaler. Hammond jEI185 On General Thomas’ staff. Dunn. . .jD92o On the banks of the Amazon. Kingston jK619o On the blockade. Optic j0p7o On the staff. Optic jOp7on Oriental fairy tales. Herder jH41 Other girls. Whitney jW61o Our little Ann. Meade jM46o Outcasts. Fraser jF86o Out with Garabaldi. Henty jH39o Painted desert. Munroe jM92p Patriotism in prose and verse. Gordon JG656 Paul. Kingsley jK614 Pauline. Alden jA12p Peasant and Prince. Martineau jM36 Peggy. Richards jR38p Perseverance island. Frazer jF862 Personally conducted. Stockton jSt6 Peterkin papers. Hale jH134p Peter Parley’s thousand and one stories. Goodrich jG62 Phebe. her profession. Ray jR19 Phil and the baby, and False witness. Lillie jL62p Phonsie Pepper. Sidney jSilp Piccino and other stories. Burnett.. jB9Hp Plant hunters. Reid jR27p Playground Toni. Ray jR19p Plucky boys. Craik jC84p Polly Olliver’s problem. Wig’gin . . . j W63p Pretty Polly Perkins. Jackson jJ13 Prince and pauper. Twain jT91p Princess Ilse. Cronise jC881 Princess’ story book. Gomme jG58 Prince Tip Top. Bouvet .jB66p Prince Vance. Bates & Putnam jB31 Proverb stories. Alcott jAllp Queen Hildegarde. Richards jR39q Queer little people. Stowe jSt7q Rainbow’s journey. Abbott jAb22r Ranche on the Oxhide. Inman jln6 Randolphs. Alden jA12r Red book of animal stories. Lang . ,.jL25 Red Jacket. Gordon jG65 Red mustang. Stoddard jSt64r Red patriot. Stoddard jSt64re Redskin and cowboy. Henty jH39r Revolutionary maid. Blanchard. . . . jB59r Rita. Richards jR39r Robin’s recruit. Plympton jP74r Robinson Crusoe. Defoe jD36 Rodney the partisan. Castlemon. .jC27the Roggie and Reggie stories. Smith.. jSm5r Rose in bloom. Alcott jA.llr Rosin the Beau. Richards jR39ro Roundabout rambles. Stockton jSt6r Round dozen. Coolidge jC77ro Running the Cuban blockade. Stoddard jSt64ru Santa Claus’ partner. Page jPl4 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY 23 Sara Crewe. Burnett jB93s Sea yarns. Henderson jH38s Second jungle book. Kipling jK62s Selling Lucky. Abbott jAb22s Seven little sisters. Andrews jAn26s Shawl straps. Alcott jAUs Silver city. Ober jOb2 Silver pitchers. Alcott jAllsi Sister’s vocation. Daskam jD26s Six little princesses. Prentiss jP91s Soldier of the cross. Gladstone (Mrs.) j045 South sea whaler. Kingston jK619s Sparrow, the tramp. Wesselhoeft jW51s Spinning wheel stories. Alcott. .. .jAllsp Stand by the Union. Optic j0p7s Stories for home and school. Dewey (Mrs.) jD51 Stories from dreamland. Pott. jPS5 Stories grandma told. Brine jB77 Stories of a yankee boy. Hamblin. ..jH17 Stories of the olden time. Johonnot jJ66 Stories Polly Pepper told. Sidney jSils Stories told to a child. Ingelow jln4 Story hour. Wiggin jW63s Story of a bad boy. Aldrich jA124 Story of a short life. Ewing jEw5s Story of Babette. Stuart jSt9 Story of Juliette. Washington jW27 Story of Patsy. Wiggin jWG3st Story of Sonny Sahib. Cotes jC825 Story of Viteau. Stockton jSt6s Summer in a canon. Wiggin jW63su Sweetheart Travellers. Crockett jC87 Sweet little maid. Blanchard jB59s Sweet William. Bouvet jB66s Swiss family Robinson. Wyss jW99 Taken by the enemy. Optic j0p7t Tales out of school. Stockton jStGt Talking handkerchief. Knox jK77 Talking leaves. Stoddard jSt64t Tanglewood tales. Hawthorne jH31t Tar of the old school. Costello jC82 Teddy and Carrots. Otis j0t4t Ten boys who lived on the road from long ago to now. Andrews jAn26t Ten times one is ten. TIale jII13t This and that. Moles worth jM73t Those Dale girls. Carruth jC237 Thrall of Lief the lucky. Lil jencrantz j LG2 Three boys on an electric boat. Trowbridge .jT75t Three good giants. Rabelais jRll Three Margarets. Richards jR39t Three people. Alden jA12t Three pines. Abbott jAb22t Three scouts. Trowbridge jT75th Through magic glasses. Buckley . . . . j B85t Through Russian snows. Henty . . . jH39t Through the looking glass. Carroll jC23t Thy friend Dorothy. Blanchard. .. .jB59t Tiger of Mysore. Henty j H39ti Timothy’s quest. Wiggin jW63t Titus, comrade of the cross. Kingsley jK614t Toby Tyler. Otis j0t4to To Greenland and the Pole. Stables jStl To Herat and Cabul. Henty jII39to Toinette’s Phillip. Jamison jJ24t Tom Benton’s luck. Hamblen jH17t Tom Brown at Oxford. Hughes jH874 Tom Brown’s School days. Hughes jH8 74t Tom Paulding. Matthews . . . jM43 Tom Sawyer abroad. Twain jT91t Toto’s merry winter. Richards. .. .jR39to Trail of the sand hill stag. Thompson -Seton jSe7t Treasure Island. Stevenson jSt4t Treasure ship. Butterworth jB98t Trial. Yonge jY8t Trooper Ross and Signal Butte. King jK58t Trotty book. Phelps jP51t Trotty’s wedding tour. Phelps jP51tr True annals of fairyland. Canton jClG True bear stories. Miller jMGl True to the old flag. Hentv jH39tr Twenty years at sea. Hill jH551 Two arrows. Stoddard jSt64tw 24 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY Two little Confederates. Page jP14t Two little pilgrims’ progress Burnett jB93tw Two prisoners. Page jP14tw Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. Verne jV59t Under Drake’s flag. Henty jH39u Underfire. Munsey jM927u Under the allied flags. Brooks jB79u Under the dome of St. Paul’s. Marshall jM35u Under the great Bear. M unroe. . . .jM92u Under the Laburnams. Marshall j M 35un Under the lilacs. Alcott jAllu Under Wellington’s command. Henty jH39un Undivided union. Optic jOp7u Ungava. Ballantyne jB21u Up and down the brooks. Bamford jB21 Up the river. Abbott jAb22u Us. Molesworth jM73u Victorious union. Optic jOp7v Wabeno the magician. Wright jW93 Wagner story book. Frost jF92w We all. Thanet jT32 Walled iu. Stoddard jSt64w Watch fires of ’76. Drake jD78 Water babies. Kingsley jK61 w We girls. Whitney jW61w What Katy did. Coolidge jC77w What Katy did at school. Coolidge jC77 wh What Katy did next. Coolidge. .jC77vvha When life is young. Dodge *. . . jD66w When London burned. Henty jH39w White cave. Stoddard jSt64wh Widow O’Callaghan’s boys. Zollinger jZ7w Wild animal play. Thompson-Seton jSe7w Wild animals I have known. Thompson-Seton jSe7wi Wilderness ways. Long jL85 Wild life under the Equator. DuChaillu jD856w Winifred Bertram. Charles jC38 Winning his way. Coffin jC65 Wise and otherwise. Alden jA12w Witch Winnie’s mystery. Champney jC35w Witch Winnie in Paris. Champney . . jC35wp Witch Winnie, a story of a King’s daughter. Champney jC35ws Witch Winnie’s studies. Champney jC35wst With Buller in Natal. Henty jII39wb With Clive in India. Henty jH39wc With Crockett and Bowie. Munroe jM92w With Frederick the Great. Henty. ... jH39wf With Lafayette at Yorktown. Otis j0t4w With Lawton and Roberts. ,Brooks jB79w With Lee in Virginia. Henty jH39wl With Moore at Corunna. Henty.. jH39wm With Perry on Lake Erie. Otis j0t4wp With Porter in the Essex. Otis jOt4wpo With Preble at Tripoli. Otis jOt4wpr With Roberts in Pretoria. Henty. jH39wr Within the enemy’s lines Optic.. . . j0p7w Wonder book. Hawthorne jH31w Wonder clock. Pyle jP99w Work. Alcott jAllw World of the great forest. DuChaillu j D856wo Wouldbegoods. Nesbit jN36 Wrecked on Spider island. Otis.. . . j0t4wr Wrecker. .Stevenson jSt4w Wulf, the Saxon. Henty jH39wu Ye little Salem maid. Mackie jM21 Young America abroad. Optic. j0p7y Young and old Puritans of Hatfield. Smith jSm6 Young barbarians. Watson jW33 Young Castellan. Fenn jF36y Young colonists. Henty jH39y Young fur traders. Ballantyne jB21y Young marooners. Goulding jG73y Young savage. Yechton jY3 Young stepmother. Yonge jY8y Young voyagers. Reid jR27y HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. 25 JUVENILE CLASSED LIST GENERAL WORKS AND RELIGION. St. Nicholas magazine 1891-1897 12v. 051 jSa2 Young folks Bible history. Yonge 220 jY8 SOCIOLOGY. Politics for young Americans Nordhoff 320 jN75 Century book for young Americans. Brooks 353 jB79 Speech and man ners. Kirkland . . 395 j KG 3 NATURAL SCIENCE. Stories mother Nature told her children. Andrews 500 jAn2 Fairy land of science. Buckley. ..500 jB85 Child’s book of Nature. Hooker.. 500 jH76 Seaside and wayside, 3v. Wright 500 jW93 Storyland of stars. Pratt 520 jP88 Song of life. Morley .570 jM82 How plants behave. Gray 580 jG79 Plant world. Vincent 580 jV74 Year with the trees. Flagg 582 jF59 Romance of the insect world. Badenoch 590 jB14 Little folks in feathers and furs. Miller 590 jM61 Life and her children. Buckley. .592 jB85 Bee people. Morley 595 jM82 Winners in life’s race. Buckley. .596 jB85 Story of the birds. Baskett 598 jB29 Woodpeckers. Eckstorm 598 jEc5 Year with the birds. Flagg 598 jF59 Short stories of our shy neighbors. Kelly 598 jK29 Animal memoirs; birds. Lockwood 598 jL81 Birds through an opera glass. Merriam 598 jM55 First book of birds. Miller. .... .598 jMGl Second book of birds. Miller. ...598 jMGls Home studies in nature. Treat . .598 jT71 Squirrels and other fur bearers. Burroughs 599 jB94 Animal book. Howe 599 j FI 83 Animal memoirs; mammals. Lockwood 599 j L81 USEFUL ARTS. Zigzag journeys in the White city. Butterworth . .606 jB98 Century world’s fair book. Jenks 606 jJ42 Stories of invention. Hale 608 jII13 Stories of industry. 2v. Chase 609 jC38 Romance of industry and invention. Cochrane 609 jC64 Our cats and all about them. Weir 636 jW43 FINE ARTS. Story of music and musicians. Lillie 780 jLG2 American boy’s book of sports. Beard 790 jB38 American boy’s handy book Beard 790 jB38b American girl’s handy book. Beard 790 jB38g Jack of all trades. Beard 790 jB38j Out-door handy book. Beard 790 jB38o LITERATURE. Rhymes and ballads. Coolidge 811 jC77 In the young world. Thomas. . . .811 jT36 Child life in poetry. Whittier . .811 jW61 Pictures from English literature. Hamlin 820 jH18 Children’s stories of English literature. Wright 820 jW93 Young people of Shakespeare’s dramas. Barr 822 jB27 Tales from Shakespeare. Lamb.. 822 jL16 Stories from Homer. Church — 883 jC47h Stories from the old world. Church 883 jC47o Story of the Iliad. Church 883 jC47s Story of the Odyssey. Church. .883 jC47st Stories of the East, from Herodotus. Church 888 jC47 Stories of the Persian war. Church 888 jC47p Stories of old Greece. Firth 888 jF51 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL. { Voyage of the Sunbeam. Brassey 910 jB73 Two years before the mast. Dana 910 jD19 Stories of adventure. Hale 910 jH13 Stories of the sea. Hale 910 jH13s Boys’ hook of explorations. Jenks .910 jJ42 Buccaneers and pirates of our coast. Stockton 910 jSt6 Young Nimrods around the world. Knox 910 j'K77 TRAVEL— EUROPE. Zigzag journeys in Europe. Butterworth 914 jB98 Vassar girls abroad. Champney...914 jC35 Family flight through France, Ger- many, Norway and Switzerland. Hale 914 jII13 Boy travellers in Central Europe. Knox 914 jK77 Boy travellers in Northern Europe. Knox 914 jK77e Zigzag journeys in British Isles. Butterworth 914.2 jB98 Vassar girls in England. Champney 914.2 jC35 Boy travellers in Great Britain. Knox 914.2 jK77 Vassar girls in the Tyrol. Champney .914.3 jC35t Vassar girls on the Rhine. Champney 914.3 jC35 Vassar girls in France. Champney 914.4 jC35 Zigzag journeys in Classic lands. Butterworth 914.5 jB98 Vassar girls in Italy. Champney 914.5 jC35 Family flight through Spain. Hale 914.6 jII13 Vassar girls in Russia. Champney 914.7 jC35 Boy travellers in Russia. Knox 914.7 jK77 Zigzag journeys in the Orient. Butterworth 914.9 jB98 Vassar girls in Switzerland. Champney 914.9 jC35 TRAVEL— ASIA. Tales of the Punjab. Steele 915 jSt3 Tales of the Maylayan coast. Wildman ... .915 jW64 Wee ones of Japan. Bramhill. ..915.2 jB73 Boy travellers in Japan and China. Knox 915.2 jK77 Zigzag journeys in India. Butterworth 915.4 jB98 Boy travellers in Ceylon and India. Knox 915.4 jK77 Zigzag journeys in the Levant. Butterworth 915.6 jB98 Vassar girls in the Holy Land. Champney 915.6jC35 Boy travellers in the Levant. Knox 915.6 jK77 Zigzag journeys in the Antipodes. Butterworth 915.9 jB98 Boy travellers in Siam and Java. Knox 915.9 jK77 TRAVEL— AFRICA. Stories of the Gorilla country. DuChaillu 916 jD85 Knockabout club in North Africa. Ober 916.1 jOb2 Family flight over Egypt and Syria. Hale 916.2 jII13 Boy travellers in Egypt and the Holy Land. Knox 916.2 jK77 In wild Africa. Knox 916.6 jK77 Boy travellers in Central Africa. Knox 916.7 jK77 Boy travellers on the Congo. Knox 916.7 jK77b TRAVEL— NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA. Young Nimrods of North America. Knox 917 jK77 Zigzag journeys in Acadia. Butterworth 917.1 jB98 Zigzag journeys in the northern lands. Butterworth 917.1 jB98n Family flight through Mexico. Hale 917.2 jH13 27 HIGHLAND PARK Boy travellers in Mexico. Knox 917.2 jK77 Butterfly hunters in the Carribees. Aaron 917.2 jAal Zig-zag- journeys on the Mississippi. Butterworth 917.3 jB98 Zigzag- journeys in the Occident. Butterworth: 917.3 jB98o Vassar girls at home. Champney .917.3jC35 Family flight around home. Hale 917 3 jI113 Zigzag journeys in the sunny South. Butterworth 917.5 jB98 Knockabout club in the Everglades. Ober 917.5 jOb2 Zigzag journeys in the great North- west. Butterworth 917.8 jB98 Vassar girls in South America. Champney 918 jC35 Boy tr avellers in South America. Knox 918 jK77 TRAVEL— OCEANICA. Zigzag journeys in Australia. Butterworth 919.4 jB98 Boy travellers in Australia. Knox 919.4 jK77 BIOGRAPHY— COLLECTED. Boys who became famous. Bolton 920 jB63 Famous American authors. Bolton 920 jB63f Famous givers and their gifts. Bolton 920 jBG3fa Girls who became famous. Bolton 920 jB63g Great mens’ sons. Brooks 920jB79 Historic boys. Brooks 920 jB79h Historic girls. Brooks 920 j H79hi Boy’s book of famous rulers. Farmer 920 jF22 Girls’ book of famous queens. Farmer 920 jF22g Heroes of our Revolution. Hall 920 jII14 Hero tales from American history. Lodge & Roosevelt 920 jL82 PUBLIC LIBRARY. Captains of industry. Parton. . . 920 jP25 Lives of the Presidents. Pierson 920 jP61 Plutarch for boys and girls. White, ed 920 jP74 Brant and Red Jacket. Seeley & Eggleston 920 jSe3 Childrens' stories of great scientists. Wright 920 jW93 BIOGRAPHY— INDIVIDUAL. Alexander the Great. Abbott BjA12 Alfred the Great. Abbott BjA129 Alfred, story of King. Besant. . ..BjA129b Caesar, Julius. Abbott BjCll Charles I, King of England. Abbott BjC38 Cleopatra. Abbott BjC59 Columbus, Story of. Seeley BjC72 Cortez, Hernando. Abbott BjC81 Custer, Boy general BjC96 Cyrus the Great. Abbott BjC99 Darius the Great. Abbott BjD24 Drake, the sea king. Towle BjD78 Elizabeth, Queen of England. Abbott BjE14 Fulton, Robert. Knox ..BjF95 Gama, Vasco de. Towle BjGl4 Grant, U. S., Our hero. Pollard BjG76 Hannibal. Abbott. BjH19 Hortense. Abbott BjH78 James, Reuben. Brady BjJ23 Josephine. Abbott BjJ77 LaFayette, The knight of liberty. Farmer BjL13 Larcom, Lucy; New England girlhood. Larcom Bj L32 Lincoln, Abraham; Childrens’ life of Putnam BjL63 Lincoln, Abraham. Coffin BjL63c Louis XIV. Abbott BjL92 Mackay of Uganda. Mackay BjMl9 Magellan, Adventures and conquests of. .BjM27 Marie Antoinette. Abbott BjM33 Mary, Queen of Scots. Abbott BjM36 Nero. Abbott BjN35 Peter the Great. Abbott BjP44 Pizarro. Towle BjP68 28 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. Polo, Marco. Towle BjP76 Raleigh, Sir Walter. Towle BjR13 Richard I, King of England. Abbott BjR38 Richard III, King of England. Abbott BjR381 Roland, Madame. Abbott BjR64 Washington, George. Abbott.. 973 jAb2v8 Washington, George. Hale BjW27 Washington, George. Scudder BjW27s William the Conqueror. Abbott. . .BjW67 Xerxes. Abbott BjX27 HISTORY— ANCIENT. Young folks’ history of Greece 938 jY8 HISTORY— EUROPE. Story of liberty. Coffin 940 jC65 Great men and gallant deeds. Edgar 940 jEd3 Boys Froissart. Lanier 940 j L27 Stories from Froissart. Newbolt.940 jN42 Stories of Northern Europe. Pratt 940 jP88 History of Scotland. Oliphant 941 jOl3 Childs’ history of England. Dickens 942 jD55 Young folks’ history of Germany. Yonge 943 jY8 Tales of Lanquedoc. Brun 944 jB83 Young folks’ history of France. Yonge 944 jY8 Czar and Sultan. Forbes 947 jF74 HISTORY— ASIA. Stories of China. Pratt 951 jP88 Stories of India. Pratt 954 jP88 HISTORY— UNITED STATES. Aboriginal America. Abbott 973 jAb2vl Discovery of North America. Abbott 973 jAb2v2 Northern Colonies. Abbott. . . . 973 jAb2v3 Southern Colonies. Abbott 973 jAb2v4 Revolt of the Colonies. Abbott 973 jAb2v5 War of the Colonies. Abbott 973 jAb2v6 War of the Revolution. Abbott 973 jAb2v7 Battle fields and camp fires. Abbott 973 jAb25 Blue Jackets of ’76. Abbott. ...973 jAb25b Naval history of the United States. Abbott 973 jAb25n Story of our war with Spajn. Brooks 973 jB79 Our fatherland. Carver & Pratt ..973 jC25 Boys of ’76. Coffin 973 jC65 Boys of ’61. Coffin 973 jC65b Building of the nation. Coffin 973 jC65bu Drum beat of the nation. Coffin 973 jC65d Freedom triumphant. Coffin. . . . 973 jC65f Marching to victory. Coffin 973jC65m My days and nights on the battlefield. Coffin 973 jC65my Old times in the Colonies. Coffin 973 jC65o Redeeming the republic. Coffin 973 jC65r History of the United States. Eggleston 973 jEg3 War of Independence. Fiske 973 jF54 Stories of war. Hale 973 jH13 History of United States. Higginson 973 jH53 Young folks’ book of American explorers. Higginson 973 jH53y Recollections of a drummer boy. Kieffer 973 jK54 Story of the United States Navy. Lossing 973 jL89 Boys of ’98. Otis 973 jOt4 United States history. Pierson. ..973 jP61 History of United States. Scudder 973 jScu2 Boys of 1812. Soley 973 jSo4 Childrens’ stories of American progress. Wright 973 jW93 STATE HISTORIES. Stories of Massachusetts. Pratt 974 jP88 DeSoto in the land of Florida. King 975 jK58 Some strange corners of bur country. Lummis 978 jL97 HISTORY— OCEANICA. Stories of Australia. Pratt 993 jP88 29 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. CLASSED LIST. REFERENCE BOOKS. American cyclopedia. 16 v and index. 031 Am3 Appleton’s annual cyclopedia, 1876-94 19v - 031 Am35 Appleton's cyclopedia of American biography, 6v 920 A p5 Artists of the nineteenth century and their works. Clement 920 C59 Best books. Sonnenschein 016 So5 Briefs for debate. Brookings and Ringwalt 328 B79 Century dictionary and cyclopedia. lOv. 423 C33 v.1-8. Encyclopedic lexicon of the English language v.9. Cyclopedia of names v. 10. Atlas of the world Century Magazine, 1881-96. v. 23-51. 051 C33 Concordance to the dramatic works of Shakespeare Bartlett 822 B28 Critical dictionarj^ of English litera- ture. Allibone 928 A15 Cyclopedia of practical quotations. Hoyt 80S H85 Dickens dictionary. Pierce 823 P61 Dictionary of American authors. Adams . 920 Adi Dictionary of the Bible. 4v Hastings, ed. 220 H27 Dictionary of dates. Haydn 903 H32 Dictionary of miracles. Brewer. . .203 B75 Dictionary of music and musicians. 4v. Grove 780 G91 Dictionary of phrase and fable. Brewer 803 B75 Dictionary of poetical quotations. Hale 820 H13 Fact, fancy and fable. Reddall. ...803 R24 Familiar quotations. Bartlett 808 B28 Fireside encyclopedia of poetry. Coates 821 C63 Harper’s dictionary of classical literature. Peck, ed 913 P33 Harper’s magazine. 1883-8 7, v. 68-75, 1888 90, v. 77-81 051 II 23 Historic note book. Brewer 903 B75 History for ready reference. 6v Earned 909 L32 Index to perodical literature. abridged ed. Poole 050 P78 Lippincott’s pronouncing biographical dictionary. 2v. Thomas 920 T36 Painters, sculptors, architects, engrav- ers and their works. Clement 920 C59p Portrait and biographical album. Lake Co. (Ill) 977 L14 Reader’s guide to contemporary litera- ture. Sonnenschein 016 So5r Reader’s hand book. Brewer 803 B75 References for literary workers. Matson 028 M42 Revised ordinances. Highland Park, (111.) 352 H53 Scientific American cyclopedia. Hopkins 603 Sci2 Statesman's year book, 1902, v. 39. Keltie, ed. . 305 St2 Success library. lOv 031 Sul Waverly dictionary. Rogers 823 R63 Who’s who in America, 1901-2 920 W62 Who’s who, 1901 ... .920 W62w GENERAL WORKS. Book lover. Baldwin 010 B19 Literature of national music. Engel 016 Eii3 Rules for a dictionary catalogue. 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Addison, Joseph. Spectator. 8v 824 A d2 Ade, George. Fables in slang 817 Ad3 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. 53 More fables 817 Ad3m Adeler, Max, pseud. See Clark, Charles Heber. Adler, Felix. Moral instruction of children. 377 Ad5 Aesop. Fables jAe8 Agassiz, Elizabeth (Cary). Louis Agassiz, Life and corespond- ence B Agl Aguilar, Grace. Days of Bruce jAg9 Home influence Ag9 Mother’s recompense Ag9m Ainger, Alfred. Charles Lamb B L16a Ainsworth, William Harrison. Jack Sheppard Ai6 Windsor Castle Ai6w Airy, Osmond. English restoration and Louis XIV 942 Ai7 Akin, Lucy. Court and times of Elizabeth. .942 Ak3 Albee, John. Reminiscences of Emerson B Em3 Alcott, Louisa May. 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Works 824 B39 Beeslev , Augustus Henry. Gracchi, Marius and Sulla. . . .937 B39 Belisle, D. W. American family Robinson jB41 Bell, Lillian. Expatriates B41 Little sister to the wilderness B411 Bellamy, Edward. Equality B414 Looking backward B4141 Benefactress B43 Benger, Elizabeth Ogilvy. Anne Boleyn B An7 Mary, Qneen of Scots B M36 Benjamin, Samuel George W. Our American artists 920 B43 Persia 935 B43 Troy 939 B43 Bennett, John. Master Skylark jB43 Benson, B. K. Friend with the countersign B44 Benson, Edward Frederic. Dodo B442 Beresford, Lord Charles. Breakup of China 951 B45 Bertrand, Alfred. Kingdom of the Barotsi 916.7 B46 Besant, Sir Walter. All sorts and conditions of men B46 Armorelof Lyonesse B46a Children of Gibeon B46c Gaspard de Coligny B C46 East London 914.2 B46 For faith and freedom B46f King Alfred. B jA129b London 914.2 B461 Rebel queen B46r South London 914.2 B46s HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. 57 Westminister 914.2 B46w Biart, Lucien. Aztecs 972 B47 Bible 220 B47 Bible, French and English New Testament 220 B47f Bible, readings from 220 B47r Bible stories for the young jB47 Bigelow, John. France and the Confederate navy 973.7 B48 William Cullen Bryant B B48 Bigelow, Poultney. Borderland of Czar and Kaiser 914.3 B48 Bingham, Capt. D. Bastile. 2v 944 B51 Birrell, Augustine. Men, women and books 824 B53 Obiter dicta 824 B53o Res Judicatae 824 B53r Bishop, Isabella Bird. Among the Thibetans 915.1 B54 Golden Chersonese 915.9 B54 Korea and her neighbors. . .915.1 B54k Unbeaten tracks in Japan. . . .915.2 B54 Bishop, William H. Choy Susan B54 BjOrnson Bjornstjerne. Arne B55 Happy boy B55h Black, Hugh. Culture and restraint 801 B56 Black, William. Daughter of Heth B56 Four MacNicols jB56 Green pastures and Picadilly B56g In far Lochaber B56i In silk attire B56in Judith Shakespeare B56j Kilmeny B56k MacLeod of Dare B56m Madcap Violet B56ma Princess of Thule B56p Shandon Bells B56s White Wings B56w Yolande B56y Blackmore, Richard D. Lorna Doone B561 Perlycross B561p Blades, William. Pentateuch of printing 655 B56 Blaikie, William. How to get strong and how to stay so 613 B57 Blakely, Elizabeth S. Fairy starlight and the dolls jB58 Blanchan, Neltje. Bird neighbors 598 B59 Nature’s garden 581 B59 Blanchard, Amy E. Dimple Dallas jB59 Miss Vanity jB59m Revolutioj ary maid jB59r Sweet lit! " maid jB59s Thy frien< L Dorothy jB59t Bland, Mrs. Edith Nesbit. see Nesbit, E. Bliss, William Root. Colonial times on Buzzard’s Bay 974.4 B61 Blouet, Paul, see O’Rell, Max. (pseud). Blow, Susan E. Symbolic education. 370 B62 Blundell, Mrs. Francis, see Francis, M. E. (pseud). Boardman, George Dana. Kingdom 260 B63 Boardman, William H. Lovers of the woods B63 Bolles, Frank. From Blomidon to Smoky 598 B63 Bolton, Sarah K. Boys who became famous 920 jB63 Famous American authors. . .920 jB63f Famous givers and their gifts - -920 jB63fa Girls who became famous. .. .920 jB63g Bonner, Sherwood. Dialect tales B64 Book of natural history 599 jB64 Booth, William. In darkest England and the way out . 331 B64 58 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY Borrow, George. Bible in Spain 914.6 B64 Lavengro B648 Romany Rye B648r Boswell, James. Dr. Samuel Johnson. 6v B J63 Botume, Elizabeth H. First days among the Contra- bands 917.5 B65 Bourienne, L. A. T. de. Napoleon Bonaparte. 4v B N16 Bouvet, Marguerite. Little Majorie’s love story jB66 My Lady .B66 Prince Tip-Top jB66p Sweet William jB66s Bouvier. Hand book of oil paintings 751 B66 Bowen, Herbert Courthope. Froebel and education by self- activity 871 B67 Boyesen, Hjalmar H. Gunnar B69 Ilka on the hilltop B69i Modern Vikings jB69 Brace, C. Loring. Unknown God 290 B72 Bradley, Henry. Goths 940 B72 Brady, Cyrus T. American fights and fighters. ..973 B72 Recollections of a missionary in the great West B B72 Reuben James B jJ23 Under tops’ls and tents 910 B72 Brassey, Anne (Alnutt) Lady. Around the world in the yacht Sunbeam 910 jB73 Bramiiill, Mae St. John. Wee ones of Japan 915.2 jB73 Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. Dictionary of phrase and fable. 803 B75 Dictionary of miracles 203 B75 Historic note book 903 B75 Reader’s hand book 803 B75r Bridgman, Frederick A. Winters in Algeria 916.5 B76 Brine, Mary D. Stories grandma told jB77 Briscoe, Margaret S. Sixth sense B77 Bronte, Anne. Wildfell hall B78 Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre B789 Professor B789p Shirley B789s Vilette B789v Bronte, Emily. Wuthering Heights B79 Brookings, Ralph C. and Ringwalt, R. C. Briefs for debate . . .328 B79 Brooks, Elbridge S. Boy of the first empire jB79 Century book for young Americans .353 jB79 Great men’s sons 920 jB79 Historic boys 920 jB79h Historic girls 920 jB79hi In defense of the flag jB79i In No man’s Land. jB79in Story of our war with Spain. .973 jB79 Under the allied flags jB79u With Lawton and Roberts jB79w Brooks, Noah. Abraham Lincoln B L63 Washington in Lincoln’s time.. 9 17 B79 Brown, Abbie. Book of saints and friendly beasts jB81 Brown, Abram English. Faneuil hall and market 974.4 B81 Brown, Alice. King’s End B81 Meadow grass B81m Brown, Everit. History of the United States... 973 B81 Brown, Dr. John. Spare hours 824 B81 Brownell, William C. French art 759 B81 French traits 914.4 B81 Browning, Mrs. Elizabeth (Barrett). Poetical works 821 B81 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY 59 Browning, Robert. Complete poetical works. 6v.821 B818 Browning, Robert and Elizabeth (Barrett). Letters. 2v . . . . , B B81 Brun, Samuel Jacques. Tales of Lanquedoc 944 jB83 Bryant, William Cullen. Poetical works 811 B84 Bryce, James. American commonwealth. 2v..342 B84 Briton and Boer 968 B84 South Africa 916.8 B84 Buchanan, Robert. Father Anthony B85 Buckle, Henry' T. History of civilization in England 90 L B85 Buckley - , Arabella Burton. Fairy land of science 500 jB85 Life and her children 592 jB85 Moral teachings of science 501 B85 Through magic glasses jB85t Winners in life’s race 596 jB85 Buell, Augustus C. Paul Jones. 2v B J72 Bulfinch, Thomas. Age of chivalry 398 B87 Age of fable 398 B87a Legends of Charlemagne 398 B871 Bullen, Frank T. Cruise of the Cachalot .910.4 B87 Idylls of the sea 828 B87 Sack of shakings 824 B87 Bulwer-Ly'Tton. See Lytton. Bunner, H. C. Zadoc pine B88 Bunyan, John. Pilgrim’s progress .244 B88 Burgess, John W. Political science and comparative constitutional law 320 B91 Burnett, Mrs. Francess (Hodgson). Editha’s burglar jB93 Fair barbarian B93 In connection with the De Wil- loughby claim B93i Lady of quality B931 Little Lord Fontleroy jB93l Little Saint Elizabeth jB93li Louisiana B93lo Piccino jB93p Pretty sister of Jose B93pr Sara Crewe j B93s That lass o’ Lowrie’s B93t Through one administration. . . .B93th Two little pilgrims’ progress jB93to Burney, Frances. See Arblay, Fran- ces (Burney) d’. Burnham, Clara Louise. Miss Boggs’ secretary B935 Miss Prichard’s wedding journey B935m Sweet Clover B935s Burns, Robert. Poetical works 821 B93 Burr, Enoch. Ecce coelum; or, Parish astronomy 523 B94 Burroughs, John. Birds and poets 814 B94b Fresh fields. 814 B94f Indoor studies 814 B94i Locusts and wild honey 814 B941 Pepacton 814 B94p Riverby 814 B94r Signs and seasons 814 B94s Squirrels and other fur bearers 599 jB94 Wake robin 814 B94w Walt Whitman B W59 Winter sunshine 814 B94wi Year in the fields 814 B94y Burt, Mary Elizabeth. Literary landmarks 028 B95 Burt, Mary' E. and Howells Mildred. Howells’ story book j B95 Bush, Mrs. Forbes. Queens of France 920 B96 Butler, Joseph (Bishop). Analogy of religion 239 B97 Butterworth, Hezekiah. Great composers. 2v 920 B98 In the boyhood of Lincoln jB98 Knight of liberty jB9Sk 60 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY Log school house on the Columbia JB981 Treasure ship jB98t Zigzag journeys in Acadia. .917.1 jB98 Zigzag journeys in the Antipodes 915.9 jB98 Zigzag journeys in Australia . 919.4 jB98 Zigzag journeys in the British Isles 914.2 jB98 Zigzag journeys in classic lands 914.5 jB98 Zigzag journeys in Europe 914 jB98 Zigzag journeys in the Great Northwest 917.8 jB98 Zigzag journeys in India 915.4 jB98 Zigzag journeys in the Levant 915.6 jB98 Zigzag journeys on the Mississippi 917.3 jB98 Zigzag journeys in the Northern lands 917.1 jB98n Zigzag journeys in the Occident 917.3 jB98o Zigzag journeys in the Orient 914.9 jB98 Zigzag journeys in the Sunny South 917.5 jB98 Zigzag journeys in the White City 606 jB98 Buxton, H. J. W. and Koehler, S. R. English and American paint- ers 920 B986 Bynner, Edwin L. Agnes Surriage B99 Begum’s daughter B99b Zachary Phipps B99z Byron, George G. N., Lord. Poetical works 821 B99 Cable, George W. Bonaventure Cll Cavalier Cllc Creoles of Louisiana .917.6 Cll Dr. Sevier Clld Grandissimes Cllg John March, Southerner -Cllj Madame Delphine Cllm Silent South 917.6 Clls Strange true stories of Louisiana.Cllst Strong hearts Cllstr Cabot, James Elliot. Memoir of Ralph Waldo Emerson. BEm3c Caine, Hall. Christian C12 Deemster C12d Eternal city C12e Manxman C12m Call, Annie Payson. Power through repose 170 C13 Campan, Mme. Jeanne L. H. (Genest). Memoirs of Marie Antoinette B M33 Campbell, Helen. Household economics .640 C15 Prisoners of poverty 331 C15 Canton, William. Invisible playmate. . . 821 C16 True annals of fairy land jC16 W. V. her book .821 Cl6w Capes, William Wolfe. Age of Antonines 937 C17 Early empire 937 C17e Carey, Rose N. Aunt Diana jC18 Only the governess C18 Carlyle ? Thomas. Complete works, 20v. Critical and miscellaneous es- says 824 C19 French Revolution. 944 C19 History of Frederick the Great. B F87c Life of Frederick Schiller B Sch3 Life of John Sterling B St4 Oliver Cromwell’s letters and speeches B C88 On heroes, hero worship, etc. . 824 C19o Past and present 824 C19p Sartor Resartus . 824 C19s Carnegie, Andrew. Gospel of wealth 330 C21 Carnegie, David W. Spinifex and sand. 934.4 C21 Carpenter, William Benjamin. Principles of mental physiology 131 C22 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. 61 Carrington, Henry B. Washing-ton, the soldier B W276c Carroll, Lewis, pseud, of Charles L. Dodgson. Alice’s adventures in wonderland. jC23 Through the looking glass jC23t Carruth, Frances W. Those Dale girls jC237 Carryl, Charles E. Davy and the goblin jC238 Cartwright, David W. Natural history of Western wild animals 590 C24 Carver, Elvira and Pratt, M. L. Our fatherland 973 jC25 Cary, Alice and Phoebe. Later poems 811 C25 Poetical works 811 C25p Castelar, Emelio. Old Rome and new Italy 914.5 C27 Castle, Agnes and Egerton. House of romance C27 Pride of Jennico C27p Secret orchard C27s Castlemon, Harry. Frank among the rancheros jC27 Frank at the Don Carlos Ranche.jC27a Frank before Vicksburg jC27b Frank in the mountains jC27i Frank in the woods. jC27in Frank on a gunboat jC27o Frank on the lower Mississippi. jC27on Frank on the prairie jC27ont Frank the young naturalist jC27t Marcy the refugee jC27th Rodney the partisan. ... jC27the Catherwood, Mrs. Mary (Hartwell). Lady of Fort St. John C28 Lazarre C281 Mackinac and lake stories C28m Old Kaskaskia C28o Romance of Dollard C28r Spirit of an Illinois town C28s Story of Tonty t C28st Cellini, Benvenuto. Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini. . .B C33 Century dictionary and cyclopedia. lOv. 423 C33 v. 1-8. Encyclopedia lexicon of the English language, v. 9. Cyclopedia of names, v. 10. Atlas of the world. Century magazine 1881-96. v. 23-51.051 C33 Cervantes, Miguel de. Don Quixote C33 Chambers, Robert W. Cardigan C35 Red Republic C35r Champney, Elizabeth W. Bubbling teapot jC35 Romance of the feudal chateaux.. C359 Vassar girls abroad 914 jC35 Vassar girls at home 917.3 jC35 Vassar girls in England 914.2 jC35 Vassar girls in France 914.4 jC35 Vassar girls in the Holy Land. 915.6 jC35 Vassar girls in Italy 914.5 jC35 Vassar girls on the Rhine. . .914.3 jC35 Vassar girls in Russia 914.7 jC35 Vassar girls in South America. 918 jC35 Vassar girls in Switzerland.. 914. 9 jC35 Vassar girls in the Tyrol. . .914. 3t jC35 Witch Winnie jC35w Witch Winnie in Paris jC35wp Witch Winnie, story of a king’s daughter jC35ws Witch Winnie’s studio jC35ww Chang Chih Tung. China’s only hope 354 C36 Channing, Edward and Hart, A. B. Guide to the study of American history 973 C36 Channing, William Ellery. Memoirs. 3v B C36 Works. 5v 814C36 Chapin, Anna A. Masters of music 920 C36 Chapman, Frank M. Bird life 598 C36 Chapman, John Jay. Causes and consequences 814 C366 62 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. Emerson and other essays. . .814 C366e Practical agitation 352 C36 Charles, Mrs. Elizabeth. Winifred Bertram jC38 Charlesworth, Maria Louisa. Ministering children .jC381 Chase, A. and Clow, E. Stories of industry 609 jC38 Chatfield-Taylor, H. C. See Taylor, Hobart C. Chatfield. Chaucer, Goeffrey. Poetical works 821 C39 Cheney, Ednah P. Life and letters of Louisa May Alcott B All Chesnutt, Charles W. Conjure woman C42 Childs, Theodore. Spanish- American republics 918 C43 Summer holidays 914 C43 Childs, Theodore. Vogue, E. M. de. VlCOMTE AND VERESTCHAGIN, VAS- SILI. Tsar and his people 914.7 C43 Cholmondeley, Mary. Red pottage C45 Christison, J. Sanderson. Crime and criminals 364 C46 Church, Alfred John. Carthage 939 C47 Stories of the East from Herodotus 888 jC47 Stories from Homer 883 jC47h Stories of the Old World 883 jC47o Stories of the Persian war. . . 888 jC47p Story of the Iliad 883 jC47s Story of the Odyssey 883 jC47st Church, Richard William. Beginnings of the Middle Ages. 940 C47 Oxford movement 283 C47 Churchill, Winston. Crisis C47 Richard Carvel C47r Churchill, Winston Spencer. River war; the reconquest of the Soudan 962.6 C47 Savrola C474 Cist, Henry M. Army of the Cumberland. ... 973.7 C49 Clark, Charles Heber. Adeler, Max (Pseud). Captain Bluitt C54 Out of the hurly burly 817 C54 Clark, Francis E. New way around an old world.. 910 C54 Clark, Imogen. God's puppets C548 Clarke, James Freeman. Nineteenth century questions. .814 C55 Ten great religions, 2v 290 C55 Clarke, Rebecca Sophia. See May, Sophia (pseud). Clarke, William B. Life of Savonarola B Sa9 Clarke, William Newton. Study of Christian missions 266 C54 Clemens, Samuel Langthorne. See Twain, Mark (pseud). Clement, Mrs. Clara (Erskine). Painters, sculptors, architects, engravers and their works . . 920 C59 Sculpture for beginners and students 730 C59 Clement, Mrs. Clara (Erskine) and Hutton, Lawrence. Artists of the nineteenth century and their works. ...... 920 C59a Clemmer, Mary. Life of Alice and Phoebe Cary. . . B C25 Clerke, Agnes M., Fowler, A. and Gore, J. E. Astronomy 520 C54 Clodd, Edward. Thomas Henry Huxley B H98 Clow, E. and Chase, A. Stories of industry 609 jC38 Clowes, William Laird. Double emperor C62 Coates, Henry, ed. Fireside encyclopedia of poetry 821 C63 Cobbe, Frances Power. Autobiography. 2v B C63 Cochrane, Charles C. Wonders of modern mechanism. 621 C64 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY 03 Cochrane, Robert. Romance of industry and invention 609 jC64 Coffin, Charles Carleton. Abraham Lincoln B jL63c Boys of ’76 973 jC65 Boys of ’61 973 jC65b Building- the nation 973 jC65bu Daughters of the Revolution.. .920 C65 Drum beat of the nation 973 jC65d Freedom triumphant 973 jC65f Marching to victory 973 jC65m My days and nights on the battle field 973 jC65my Old times in the colonies 973 jC65o Redeeming the republic 973 jC65r Story of libertj 7 940 jC65 Winning his way jC65w Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Poetical works 821 C67 COLLINGSWOOD, HERBERT. Andersonville violets C69 COLLINGWOOD, S. DODGSON. Lewis Carroll B C23 Collins, Wilkie. Armadale C 692 Moonstone C692m No name C692n Woman in white. ... C692w Collins, William. Poetical works (in Pope and Collins’ Poetical work, v2) 821 P81 Colquhoun, Archibald R. Russia against India.. 858 C71 Connor, Ralph. Black rock C76 Man from Glengarry C76m Sky pilot C76s Cook, Grace Louise. Wellesley stories C77 Cook, Joshua Parsons. New chemistry 540 C77 Coolidge, Susan. Pseud, of Sarah C. Woolsey. Clover jC77 Cross patch jC77c Eye bright jC77e Guernsey Lily jC77g In the high valley jC77i Just sixteen jC77j Little country girl jC77l Mischiefs Thanksgiving jC77m Not quite eighteen jC77n Nine little goslings jC77ni Rhymes and ballads 811 jC77 Round dozen jC77 ro What Katy did jC77w What Katy did at school jC77wh What Katy did next jC77wha Cooper, James Fenimore. Afloat and ashore C78 Crater C78c Deerslayer C78d Jack Tier . . .C78j Last of the Mohicans C781 Pathfinder C78p Pilot C78pi Pioneers C78pio Prairie C78pr Precaution C78pre Red rover C78r Redskins C78re Satanstoe C78s Sea lions C78se Spy C78sp Two admirals C78t Water witch C78w Wing and Wing C78wi Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish C78we Wyandotte C78wy Coppee, Francois. Tales of today C79 Corbin, John. American at Oxford 914.2 C81 Corelli, Marie. Hired baby and other stories C81 Master Christian CSlm Costello, F. H. Tar of the old school jC82 Cotes, Mrs. Eyerard. Story of Sonny Sahib jC825 Cotton, Edward. Voice from Waterloo 944 C82 Couch, Arthur Thomas Quiller. Ship of stars C83 64 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY Couperus. Louis. Eline Vere C833 Courthope, William John. History of English poetry. 2v. ... .809 C83 Cowper, William. Poetical works .821 C83 Poetical works (with Thompson’s poems) 821 C83p Cox, George W. Athenian empire 938 C83 Crusades 940 C83 Greeks and the Persians 938 C83g Cox, Jacob Dolson. Atlanta 973,7 C83 Military reminiscences of the Civil war. 2v 973.7 C83m Cox, Samuel S Why we laugh 817 C83 Cox, William. House of Austria. 3v 943.6 C83 Crabbe, George. Mythology of all nations 291 C84 Cracker Joe C84 Craddock, Charles Egbert, (pseud). See Murfree, Mary Noailles. Craik, Mrs. Dinah Muloch. Brave lady C845 Christian’s mistakes C845c Fair France 914.4 C84 Fairy book jC84f Hannah C845h John Halifax C845j Life for a life C8451 Little lame prince jC841i Little Sunshine’s holiday jC841it Mistress and maid C845m ' Noble life C845n Plucky boys jC84p Unknown country .914.1 C84 Womans kingdom C845w Young Mrs. Jardine C845y Crane, Stephen. Red badge of courage C85 Whilomville stories C85w Crawford, Francis Marion. Ave Roma Immortalis 937 C85 Children of the King C857 Constantinople 914.9 C85 Dr. Claudius C857d Don Orsino C857do In the palace of the King C857i Katherine Lauderdale. 2v C857k Marietta C857m Mr. Isaacs C857mr Paul Patoff C857p Ralstons. 2v C857r Roman singer C857ro Rulers of the South. 2v 914.5 C85 Sant’ Ilario. C857s Saracinesca C857sa Tale of a lonely parish C857t Three fates C857th Via Crucis C857v Creighton, Mandell. Age of Elizabeth 940 C86 Crockett, Stuart R. Black Douglas C87 Bog myrtle and peat C87b Cinderella C87c Firebrand C87f Lilac sunbonnet C871 Play actress. C87p Raiders C87r Stickit minister .C87s Stickit minister’s wooing C87st Sweetheart travellers jC87 Croly, George. Tarry thou till I come C879 Crompton, Frances E. Friday’s child jC88 Master Bartlemy. . . jC88m Cronise, Florence M. Princess Ilse jC881 Crosby, Frank. Abraham Lincoln B L63c Cross, John Walter. George Eliot. 3v . . .B E144 Cross, Mrs. Mary (Evans). See Eliot George, (pseud.) Crowley, Mary Catherine. Heroine of the strait C88 Crowninshield, William S. Valencia’s garden C886 Cummins, Maria S. Lamplighter jC91 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. 65 Curteis, Arthur Mapletoft. Macedonian empire 938 C94 Curtis, George William. Literary and social essays 814 C94 John Lathrop Motley. 2v B M856 Prne and I C94 Curtis, William E. Between the Andes and the ocean 918 C94 Curtius, Ernst. History of Greece. 5v 938 C94 Custer, Elizabeth B. Boots and saddles B C96 Boy General B jC96 Following the guidon B C96f Tenting on the plains B C96t Custer, Gen. George Armstrong. My life on the plains 917.8 C96 Cutter, Charles A. Rules for a dictionary catalog.. 019 C98 Cyclopedia of natural history 590 C99 Dale, Annan. Dwellers in Gotham D15 Dana, Charles Anderson, ed. Household book of poetry 821 D19 Dana, Charles A. Recollections of the Civil war. 973. 7 D19 Dana, john Cotton. Library primer 020 D19 Dana, Richard Henry, Jr. Two years before the mast. ...910 jDl9 Dana, Mrs. William S. How to know the wild flowers. 580 D19 Dante, Alighieri. Divine comedy, tr. by H. F. Carey 851 D23 Divine comedy, tr. by H. W. Longfellow 851 D23d Darwin, Charles. Effects of cross, and self fertiliza- tion in the vegetable kingdom. 581 D25 Naturalist’s voyage around the world .508 D25 Origin of species by means of nat- ural selection 575 D25 Variation of animals and plants under domestication. 2v. ..575 D25v Darwin, Francis. Life and letters of Charles Darwin. 2v B D25 Daskam, Josephine Dodge. Imp and angel jD26 Sister’s vocation jD26s Daudet, Alfonse. Kings in exile D26 Tartarin of Tarascon D26t Tartarin on the Alps D26ta Davidson, John. Songs and ballads 821 D27 Davis, M. E. M. Under the man fig D29 Wire cutters D29w Davis, Richard Harding. Cuban and Porto Rican campaigns. 917.2 D29 Exiles and other stories D297 Gallegher and other stories D297g Our English cousins 914.2 D29 Rulers of the Mediterranean . 916. 1 D29 Soldiers of fortune D297s Van Bibber and others D297v West from a car window. . . .917.3 D29 With both armies 916.8 D29 Davis, S. M. H. Norway nights and Russian days. 914.8 D29 Davis, William S. God wills it. D299 Dawes, Anna L. Charles Sumner B Su6 Dawson, William Harbutt. German life in town and country 914.3 D32 De Bury, Yetta Blaze. French literature of today . . . .840 D34 Decle, Lionel. Trooper 3809 B D35 Defoe, Daniel. Journal of the plague in London. 828 D36 Robinson Crusoe jD36 De Forest, Julia B. Short history of art 709 D36 66 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. De Forest, Katherine. Paris as it is 914.4 D36 Deland, Margaret. Old Chester tales D37 Story of a child ' D37s Tommy Dove D37t Demolins, E. Anglo-Saxon superiority 572 D39 De Quincy, Thomas. Complete works. 14v 824 D44 Dermoncourt. Duchess of Berri in la Vendee. .B B45 Dewey, John. School and society 370 D51 Dewey, Mrs. J. M. Stories of home and school jD51 Dewey, Melvil. Decimal classification 025 D51 Library school card catalog rules 025 D511 Diaz, Abbey Morton. Cats’ Arabian nights j!354 Dickens, Charles. American notes 917.3 D55 Barnaby Rudge D55 Bleak house D55b Child’s history of England. . . .942 jD55 Christmas carol and Cricket on the hearth jD55 David Copperfield D55d Dombey and son D55do Great expectations D55g Hard times D55h Little Dorrit D551 Martin Chuzzlewit D55m Nicholas Nickleby D55n Old curosity shop D55o Oliver Twist D55ol Our mutual friend D55ou Pickwick papers D55p Pictures from Italy .914.5 D55 Sketches by Boz D55s Stories from household words. . .D55st Tale of two cities D55t Uncommercial traveller D55u Dickinson, Emily. Poetical works. 2v 811 D56 Dickson, Harris Black wolf’s breed D565 Dillingham, Frances Bent. Christmas tree scholars jD58 Dinwiddie, William. Porto Rico, its conditions and pos- sibilities 917.2 D61 Dix, Beulah, Maria. Soldier Rigdale D64 Dix, Edwin Asa. Old Bowen’s legacy D644 Dixon, William Hepworth. Her Majesty’s tower 914.2 D64 Dobson, Austin. At the sign of the lyre 821 D65 Henry Fielding B F46 Four French women 920 D65 Old world’s idylls 821 D65o Dodd, Anna B. Cathedral days 914.2 D66 Falaise 914.4 D66 Three Normandy inns 914.4 D66t Dodge, Abigail. Gala days 817 D66 Wool gathering 817 D66w Dodge, Mary Mapes. Baby world jD66 Donald and Dorothy jD66d Hans Brinker jD66h Land of pluck jD661 When life is young: jD66w Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge. See Carroll, Lewis (pseud). Doubleday, Abner. Chancellorville and Gettysburg. 973.7 D74r Doubleday, Russell. Cattle ranche to college jD74 Douglas, Amanda M. Hannah Ann . . jD745 Little girl in old New Orleans.. jD745n Little girl in old New York. . .jD745ne Little girl in old Philadelphia.. jD745p Little girl in old Washington. .jD745w Douglass, Frederick. Life and times of Frederick Douglass B D74 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY 67 Dowden, Edward. History of French literature. ..840 D75 Doyle, Conan. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. . .D77 Duet with an occasional chorus. .D77d Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. . . .D77m Micah Clark D77mi Refugees D77r Round the red lamp D77ro Sign of the four D77s White company D77w Doyle, C. W. Taming of the jungle D772 Drake, Samuel A. Making of the great West 978 D78 Watch fires of ’76 jD78 Draper, John William. History of conflict between relig- ion and science 215 D79 Dresser, Horatio W. Power of silence 170 D81 Drummond. Hamilton. King’s pawn D84 Drummond, Henry. Addresses 244 D84 Ascent of man 171 D84 Natural law in the spiritual world 215 D84 Tropical Africa 916.7 D84 Drummond, William Henry. Habitant 811 D84 Jonnie Courteau 811 D84j Dryden, John. Poetical works. 2v 821 D84 Drysdale, William. Cadet Standish of the St. Louis. . jD84 DuBois, Constance Goddard. Columbus and Beatriz D85 DuBo^s-Melly, Charles. History of Nicholas Muss. D852 DuChaillu, Paul Belloni. Country of the dwarfs jD856 Ivar, the Viking D856 Land of the long night jD856l Land of the midnight sun. ...914.8 D85 Lost in the jungle jD8561o My Apingi kingdom jD856m Stories of the gorilla country.916 jD85 Wild life under the equator. . ..jD856w World of the great forest jD856wo Dudley, Marion V. Poetry and philosophy of Goethe 830 D86 Dumas, Alexandre. Chevalier de Maison-Rouge D89 Chicot, the jester D89c Comtesse de Charnay D89co Conspirators D89con Count of Monte Cristo D89cou Forty-five guardsmen D89f Marguirite de Valois D89m Memoirs of a physician .D89me Queen’s necklace D89q Taking the Bastile .D89t Three musketeers D89th Twenty years after D89tw Vicomte de Bragelonne D89v DuMaurier, Georoe. Trilby D892 Dunbar, Paul Lawrence. Lyrics of the hearthside 811 D91 Lyrics of lowly life 811 D911 Duncan, Sara Jeanette. See Cotes, Mrs. Everard. Dunn, Byron A. Battling for Atlanta jD92 From Atlanta to the sea jD92f General Nelson’s scout jD92g On General Thomas’ staff jD92o Dunne, Peter Finley. Mr. Dooley in peace and war. .817 D92 Dunton, Theodore Watts. Aylwin D92 Eardley-Wilmot, S. M. See Wilmot, S. M. Eardley. Earle, Alice Morse. Child life in Colonial days 973.2 Ea7 China collecting in America. . .738 Ea7 Customs and fashions in old New England 390 Ea7 Stage coach and tavern days. 917. 4 Ea7 Earnest trifler Ea7 Ebers, George. Emperor. 2v Eb3 Joshua Eb3j 68 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY Eckstorm, Fannie Hardy. Woodpeckers 598 jEc5 Eddy, Daniel C. Young* man’s friend 204 Ed2 Edgar, John C. Great men and gallant deeds. 940 jEd3 Edgeworth, Maria. Parent’s assistant Ed3 Popular tales .Ed3p Edward VII., Private life of B Ed94 Edwards, Amelia B. Thousand miles up the Nile. 916. 2 Ed9 Untrodden peaks and unfrequented valleys 914.3 Ed9 Edwards, H. S. Two runaways Ed9 Edwards, Osman. Japanese plays and playfellows. 915.2 Ed9 Eggleston, Edward. Circuit rider Eg3 End of the world Eg3e Faith doctor Eg3f Graysons Eg3g Hoosier schoolboy. jEg3 Hoosier schoolmaster Eg3h Household history of the United States 973 jEg3 Eggleston, Edward and Seelye, E. E. Brandt and Red Jacket 920 jSe3 Eggleston, George Cary. American war ballads 811 Eg 3 Eliot, Annie. White birches E14 Eliot, Frances. Diary of an idle woman in Constan- tinople 914.9 E14 Eliot, George, pseud of Mrs. Mary Ann (Evans) Cross. Adam Bede El4a Daniel Deronda. 2v E14d Felix Holt E14f Middlemarch E14m Mill on the Floss E14mi Romola E14r Scenes of clerical life D14s Silas Marner E14si Theophrastus Such E14t Elizabeth and her German garden.. 828 E14 Elliott, Sarah Barnwell. Incident and other happenings E15 Jerry El5j Elson, Louis C. Realm of music 780 E17 Ely, Richard Theodore. Labor movement in America. . .331 E19 Social aspects of Christianity. .335 E19 Socialism and social reform. . .335 E19s Embden, Ludwig von, Baron. Family life of Heinrich Heine. .B H36 Emerson, Edward W. Emerson in Concord. B Em3e Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Conduct of life 814 Em3 Essays. 2v * 814 Em3e Representative men 814 Em3r Society and solitude 814 Em3s Engel, Carl. Literature of national music. .016 En3 Englehardt, Alexander Platonovich. Russian province of the North. 914.7 En3 Ensign, Hermon Lee. Lady Lee and other stories jEn78 Erasmus, Desiderius. Familiar colloquies concerning men, manners and things. 2v. 834 Erl In praise of folly 834 Erli Euphrates and the Tigris 915.6 Eu6 Evans, Augusta J. St. Elmo Evl Evans, Robley D. Sailor’s log B Evl Evelyn, John. Diary and correspondence. 4v..B Ev2 Everett-Green, Evelyn. See Green, Evelyn, Everett. Ewing, Mrs. Juliana Horatia. J ackanapes j E w5 Jan of the windmill jEw5j Lob Lie-by-the-fire jEw5l Mrs. Over-the-way’s remembrances. jEw5m Story of a short life jEw5s Famous tales of barbarians and savages jF21 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. 69 Famous tales of gods and heroes. . . . jF21g Famous tales of heroism jF21h Famous occult tales jF21o Famous tales of olden France jF21ol Famous tales of the Orient jF21or Famous prose idyls jF21p Famous tales of the sea jF21s Famous weird tales jF21w Famous tales of wonder jF21wo Farmer, Lydia H. Boy’s book of famous rulers . .920 jF22 Girl’s book of famous queens. 920 jF22g LaFayette B jL13 Farquhar, Anna. Professor’s daughter F23 Farrar, Frederick W. Darkness and dawn F24 Eric jF24 Fawcett, Edgar. Gentleman of leisure F28 Fenn, George Manville. Black Tor jF36 Young Castellan jF36y Ferguson, James. History of architecture in all coun- tries. 2v 720 F38 Fernald, Chester B. Cat and the cherub F39 Ferry, Gabriel. Vagabond life in Mexico 917.2 F41 Fessenden, Laura Dayton. Bonnie Mackirby F42 Colonial dame F42c Essie F42e Feuillet, Octave. Romance of a poor young man. . . .F43 Field, Cyrus W. Story of the Atlantic telegraph. 654 F45 Field, Eugene. Complete Tribune primer 817 F45 Little book of western verse. ..811 F45 Little book of profitable tales. 817 F45l Field, Henry M. Among the holy hills 915.6 F45 Barbary coast 916.1 F45 From Egypt to Japan 915 F45f From the lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn 914 F45 Gibraltar 914.6 F45 Greek islands and Turkey after the war 914.9 F45 Old and new Spain 914.6 F45o On the desert 9 15. 3 F45 Field, Lilian F. Introduction to the study of the Renaissance 940.6 F45 Fielding, Henry. Tom Jones F46 Fields, Mrs. James T. Authors and friends 920 F45 Fields, James T. Yesterdays with authors 920 F45y Finck, Henry T. Romantic love and personal beauty. 701 F49 Songs and song writers 784 F49 Finley, Martha. Elsie Dinsmore jF49 Firth, Emma M. Stories of old Greece 888 jF51 Fisher, George P. Out of the woods F53 Fisher, Mary. General survey of American litera- ture 810 F53 Fisher, Sydney B. True Benjamin Franklin B F85f True William Penn B P38 Fiske, John. American Revolution. 2v 973.3 F54 Beginnings of New England. . .974 F54 Century of science 814 F54 Civil government in the United States 353 F54 Critical period of American his- tory 973.3 F54c Darwinism and other essays. .814 F54d Destiny of man 218 F54 Discovery of America. 2v. . .973.1 F54 Dutch and Quaker colonies. 2v. 973.2 F54 Excursions of an evolutionist. 814 F54e Idea of God 211 F54 Life everlasting 218 F541 70 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. Mississippi valley in the Civil war 973.7 F54 Myths and myth makers 398 F54 Old Virginia and her neighbours. 2v '. . . .975.5 F54 Through Nature to God 218 F54t Unseen world 814 F54u War of Independence .973 jF54 FitzGerald, Edward Arthur. Highest Andes 918 F57 Flagg, Wilson. Year with the birds. 598 jF59 Year with the trees 582 jF59 Fleming, William. H. How to study Shakespeare. . . .822 F62 Fletcher, Alice C. Indian story and song from North America 970.1 F63 Fletcher, J. S. Wonderful Wapentake 824 F63 Fletcher, William Isaac and Poole, Mary. Index to periodical literature. .050 P78 Fletcher, William Isaac. Public libraries 020 F03 Flint, Grover. Marching with Gomez 917.2 F64 Flower, William Henry. Fashions in deformity * . . 391 F66 Horse 599 F66 Flynt, Josiah. Notes of an itinerant policeman. . .339 F67 Powers that prey F67p Tramping with tramps 339 F67t Foote, Mary Hallock. Chosen valley F73 John Bodewin’s testimony. F73j Led-Horse claim F731 Little fig tree stories jF73 Prodigal F73p Forbes, Archibald. Black watch. 941 F74 Czar and Sultan 947 jF74 William of Germany B W69 Forbes, Henry O. Naturalist’s wanderings in the Eastern Archipelago 919.1 F74 Force, M. F. Fort Henry to Corinth 973.7 F74 Ford, Paul Leicester. Great K. and A. train robbery F75 Honorable Peter Sterling F75h J anice Meredith F75 j Story of an untold love F75s Fothergill, Jessie. First violin F82 Fouillee, Alfred. Education from a national stand- point 370 F82 Fouque, de la Motte. Undine F825 Fowler, A., Clerke, Agnes and Gore, J. E. Astronomy 520 C54 Fowler, Ellen Thorne ycroft. Concerning Isabel Carnaby. F829 Farringdons . F829f Fox, John. Blue grass and rhododendron F83 Crittenden F83c Kentuckians F83k Francis, M. E. pse^td of Mrs. Francis Blundell. Pastorals of Dorset F84 Yeoman Fleetwood F84y Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiography B F85 Sayings of poor Richard 818 F85 Fraser, William Alexander. Mooswa and others of the boundries. Outcasts jF86o Fraser, Douglas. Perseverance Island jF862 Frederick, Harold. Copperhead i . .F87 Damnation of Theron Ware F87d Market place F87m Seth’s brother’s wife F87s French, Alice. See Thanet, Octave, pseud. Freytag, Gustav. Ingo F89 Frichette, Louis. Christmas in French Canada F91 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY 71 Friedman, Isaac Kahn. Poor people F912 Froebel, Friedrich. Education of man 370 F92 Frost, Arthur Burdette. Stuff and nonsense 817 F92 Frost, John. Great cities of the world 910 F92 Frost, William Henry. Court of King Arthur jF92 Fairies and folks of Ireland jF92f Knights of the round table jF92k Wagner story book jF92w Frothingham, Eugenia B. Turn of the road F93 Froude, James A. Caesar, A sketch B Cll Life and letters of Erasmus B Erl Fuller, Henry B. Chatelaine of La Trinite F95 Chevalier of Pensieri Vani F95c Cliff dwellers F95cl Last refuge F951 Under the skylights. F95u Fuller, Hulbert. Vivian of Virginia F958 Fyffe, Charles Alan. History of modern Europe. 3v. 930 F99 Gaboriou, Emile. File No. 113 Gil Gair^ner, James. Houses of Lancaster and York. .942 G12 Galton, Francis. Art of travel 910 G13 Gardiner, Samuel Rawson. Oliver Cromwell B C88g Puritan revolution 942 G16 Thirty years’ war 943 G16 Garland, Hamlin. Boy life on the prairie jG18 Eagle’s heart G18 Her mountain lover G18h Main traveled roads Gl8m Garner, R. L. Apes and monkeys 599 G18 Garnett, Richard. History of Italian literature. ..850 G18 Garrett, Edmund H. Pilgrim shore '. 917.4 G19 Gaskell, Mrs. Elizabeth (Clegiiorn). Cousin Phillis G21 Cranford G21c Life of Charlotte Bronte B B78 Gatchell, H. P. Literary miscellany 814 G22 Gay, Sydney Howard. James Madison B M26 Geikie, Cunningham. Life and words of Christ 232 G27 George, Henry. Land question 330 G29 Progress and poverty 330 G29p Protection or free trade 337 G29 Science of political economy. .330 G29s Social problems. . . 330 G29so Gesta Romanorum. Charles Swan tr,.G33 Gibbon, Edward. History of the rise and fall of the Roman empire, 6v 937 G35 Gibson, William Hamilton. Eye spy 590 G35 Sharp eyes 590 G35s Giddings, Franklin Henry. Democracy and empire 321 G36 Gilbert, Mrs. Anne Hartley. Stage reminiscences B G37 Gilbert, William Schwenck. Bab ballads 827 G37 Gilder, Jeanette L. Autobiography of a tom-boy jG38 Gilder, Richard Watson. For the country 811 G38 Gilman, Arthur. Rome 937 G42 Saracens 953 G42 Gilman, Charlotte Perkins (Stetson). Concerning children 377 G42 Women and economics 331 G42 Gilman, Daniel Coit. James Monroe B M75 Gilman, John Bradley. Kingdom of coins jG42 72 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY Gilman, Nicholas Paine. Dividend to labor 331 G421 Gladden, Washington. Ruling ideas of the present age. Who wrote the Bible? 220 G45 Gladstone, Mrs. George. Soldier of the cross jG45 Glasgow, Ellen. Voice of the people G46 Glave, Edward J. In savage Africa 916.7 G46 Godkin, Edward Lawrence. Problems of modern democracy 330 G54 Unforseen tendencies of democ- racy 330 G54u Goethe, Johann Wolfgang yon. Faust 832 G55 Wilhelm Meister. 2v '. . .G55 Gogol, Nikolai. Dead souls G559 Taras Bulba G559t Goldsmith, Oliver. Vicar of Wakefield G57 Poetical works 821 G57 Gomme, George Lawrence. Princess’ story book jG58 Gonse, Louis. Japanese art 709 G58 Goodrich, Samuel Griswold (Peter Parley). Peter Parley’s thousand and one stories jG62 Gordon, Anna A. ' Life of Frances Willard B W66 Gordon, H. R. Red Jacket jG65 Gordon, Jane. Patriotism in prose and verse.. . . jG656 Gordon, W. J. Englishman’s haven jG659 Gore, J. Ellard, Clerke, Agnes and Fowler, A. Astronomy 520 C54 Goss, Warren Lee. Jed jG69 Gosse, Edmund. Beginnings of art 709 G69 Critical kit-kats 824 G69 History of modern English litera- ture 820 G69 In russet and silver 821 G69 Goulding, F. Marooner’s island jG73 Young marooners jG73y Graham, Margaret C. Stories of the foothills G76 Graham, William. Socialism 335 G76 Grahame, Kenneth. Golden age 824 G76 Pagan papers 824 G76p Grand, Sarah. Heavenly twins G763 Grant, John B. Our common birds. 598 G76 Grant, Robert. Search light letters 814 G76 . Unleavened bread G767 Grant, Ulysses S. Personal memoirs. 2v. ., B G76 Gras, Felix. Reds of the Midi G769 White terror G769w Gray, Andrew. Magnetism and electricity 537 G79 Gray, Asa. How plants behave 580 jG79 Gray, Elisha. Nature’s miracles 504 G79 Gray, Maxwell, pseud, of Tuttiett, M. G. Last sentence G79 Silence of Dean Maitland G79s Gray, Thomas. Poetical works (in Goldsmith, Oliver; Poetical works) 821 G57 Green, Anna Katharine. Hand and ring G82 One of my sons G82o Green, Evelyn Everett. Miss Marjorie of Silvermead jG82 Green, John Richard. History of the English people. 5v. 942 G82 Oxford studies 914.2 G82 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. 73 Studies from England and Italy. 824 G82 Greene, Francis Vinton. Mississippi 973.7 G83 Greene, Sarah P. McLean. Vesty of the Basins G83v Gregory. Eliot. Worldly ways and byways 824 G86 Griffin, Solomon Bulkley. Mexico of today 917.2 G87 Griffis, William Elliott. America in the East 325 G87 In the Mikado’s service jG87 Grimm, Jakob and Grimm, Wilhelm. Fairy tales jG88 Grinnell, George Bird. Jack among the Indians jG88 Jack the young ranchman jG88j Pawnee hero stories and folk- lore 970.1 G88 Griswold, Hattie Tyng. Home life of great authors. . . .920 G88 Grosse, Ernst. Beginnings of art 709 G69 Grove, George. Dictionai’y of music and musicians. 4v 780 G91 Guerber, H. A. Stories of famous operas 782 G93 Guild, Curtis. Abroad again 914 G94 Over the ocean 914 G94o Guimps, Roger Baron de. Pestalozzi; his life and work. . . .B P43 Guizot, Francois Pierre Guillaume. History of France. 8v. 944 G94 Gunter, A. C. Mr. Potter of Texas G95 Gurowski, A. Diary from March ’61 to Nov. ’62. B G96 Guthrie, Thomas Anstey (F. Anstey). Brass bottle G98 Tinted Venus G98t Habberton, John. Helen’s babies Hll Habits of good society 395 Hll Haeckel, Ernst. History of creation. 2v 575 Hll Haggard, Henry Rider. Swallow H12 Winter pilgrimage 915.6 H12 Haines, Elijah M. American Indian 970.1 H12 Hale, Edward. Fall of the Stuarts 942 H13 Hale, Edward Everett. Christmas in Narragansett jH13 George W ashington B. j W27 In His name H13 Man without a country H13m Philip Nolan’s friends H13p Seven Spanish cities 914.6 H13 Spain 946 H13 Stories of adventure. 2v 910 jHl3 Stories of invention 608 jHl3 Stories of the sea 910 jH13s Stories of the war 973 jH13 Ten times one is ten jH13t Hale, Edward Everett and Hale, Susan. Family flight around home.. 91 7. 3 jHl3 Family flight over Egypt and Syria 916.2 jH13 Family flight through France, Germany, Norway and Switz- erland 914 jH13 Family flight through Mexico. 917.2 jHl3 Hale, Lucretia P. Last of the Peterkins jHl34 Peterkin papers jKl34p Hale, Mrs. Sarah Josepha, (Buell) ed. Dictionary of poetical quotations. 820 H13 Letters of Madame de Sevigne to her daughter and friends. B Se8 Hale, Susan. Family flight through Spain. 914. 6 jH13 Mexico 972 H13 Halevy, Ludovic. Abbe Constantin H137 Parisian points of view Hl37p Half hours with great story tellers. . H138 74 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hall, Ruth. Boys of Scrooby jH14 Hall, S. C., ed. British ballads * 821 H14 Hall, T. W. Heroes of our Revolution 920 jH14 Hallam Henry. Constitutional history of England. 2v 342 H15 Literature of Europe. 2v 809 H15 Middle ages. 2v 940 H15 Halleck, Henry Wager. Elements of military art and science 355 H15 Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard. Outlines of the life of Shakespeare. 822 Shlh Hamblen, Herbert E. Stories of a Yankee boy jH17 Tom Benton’s luck jB17t Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Contemporary French painters. 759 H17 Etching and etchers 767 H17 Intellectual life 374 H17 Hamlin, Myra Sawyer. Nan’s Chicopee children jH18 Hamlin, Sara A. Pictures from English literature. .820 jH18 Hammond, Thomas W. On board a whaler. jH185 Hancock, Harry Irving. Aguinaldo’s hostage jH19 Hannafoed, Phoebe. Daughters of America 920 H19 Hapgood, Isabel F. Russian rambles 914.7 H21 Hapgood, Norman. Abraham Lincoln B L63h Hardy. Arthur Sherburne. Life and letters of Neesima B N29 Passe Rose H22 Wind of destiny H22w Hardy, Thomas. Tess of the D’Urbervilles H222 Woodlanders H222w Hare, Augustus J. C. Walks in Rome 914.5 H21 Harland, Henry. Cardinal’s snuff box H226 Lady Paramount H2261 Harland, Marian. Alone H227 Husks H227h Sunnybank H227s Harper’s dictionary of classical litera- ture and antiquites. ed. by H. T. Peck 913 P33 Harper’s magazine, 1883-87, v68-75; 1888-90, V77-81 051 H23 Harraden, Beatrice. At the Green Dragon ..H23 Ships that pass in the night H23s Harris, F. McCready. Girls of Quinnemont jH241 Harris, Joel Chandler. Aaron in the wildwoods jH24 Balaam and his master H24 Daddy Jake the runaway jH24d Free Joe, and other sketches H24f Little Mister Thimblefinger jH241 Night with Uncle Remus H24n On the wing of occasion H24o Uncle Remus and his friends . . . H24u Harris, John. Great commission 266 H24 Great teacher .232 H24 Harrison, Mrs. Burton. Bar Harbor days H245 Edelweiss of the Sierras H245e Flower de Hundred H245f Princess of the hills H245p Harrison, Elizabeth. Study of child nature 372 H24 Harrison, Mrs. Mary Kingsley. See Malet, Lncas, (pseud). Harrison, Frederick. Washington and other American addresses 825 H24 Hart. Albert Bushnell. Source book of American history. 973 H25 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY 75 Hart, Albert Bushnell and Ciian- ning, Edward. Guide to the study of American history 973 C36 Hart, Mrs. Ernest. Picturesque Burmah 915.9 H25 Harte, Bret. Bell ringer of Angel’s H25 Condensed novels 1125c Frontier stories H25f Luck of Roaring camp H25l Openings in the old trail H25o Phyllis of the Sierras I125p Under the red woods H25u Waif of the plains H25w Ward of the Golden Gate H25wa Hartland, Edwin Sydney. Science of fairy tales 398 H25 Hartley, C. B. Life of Daniel Boone B B64 Hartman, Sadakichi. History of American art. 2v. ...709 H25 Hastings, James, ed. Dictionary of the Bible. 4v. . .220.H27 Hauptmann, Gerhart. Sunken bell 831 H29 Haweis, Hugh Reginald. Music and morals 780 H31 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. American note books 917.4 JI31 Biographical stories. 920 H31 Blithedale romance H31 Dolliver romance H31d English note books 914.2 H31 Fanshawe H31f French and Italian note books. 914.5 H31 Grandfather's chair jH31g House of seven gables H31h Marble fawn H31m Mosses from an old manse H31mo Our old home H31o Scarlet letter H31s Septimius Felton H31se Snow image H31sn Tanglewood tales jH31t Twice told tales H31t Wonder book jH31w Hawthorne and his frieuds. Selections 818 H31 Hay, Mary Cecil. Arundel motto H32 For her dear sake I132f Haydn, Joseph. Dictionary of dates 903 H32 Hayes, Augustus Allen. New Colorado and the Santa Fe trail 917.8 H32 Hayes, Isaac Israel. Arctic boat journey 919.8 H32 Hazlett, William. Table talk 828 H33 Headland, Isaac Taylor. Chinese Mother Goose rhymes. . . . jH34 Headley, J. T. and Johnson, W. F. Stanley’s wonderful adventures in Africa 916.7 H34 Headley, John T. Fighting Phil Sheridan jH34 Healy, George P. A. Reminiscesces of a portrait painter B H34 Hearn, Lafcadio. Gleanings in Buddha fields. .915.2 H35 Glimpses of unfamiliar Japan. 2v 915.2 H35g In ghostly Japan 915.2 H35i Two years in the French West Indies 917.2 H35 Heaton, Adam. Beauty and art 701 H35 Hegan, Alice Caldwell. Mrs. Wiggs of the cabbage patch. .H36 Hemans, Mrs. Felicia Dorothea. Poetical works 821 H37 Henderson, J. T., comp. Commonwealth of Georgia. . . .975 R38 Henderson, Peter. Gardening for profit 635 H38 Henderson, W. J. Afloat with the flag jH38 Sea yarns jH38s Henty, George Alfred. At the point of the bayonet jH39 By England’s aid jH39b 76 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY Fall of Sebastopol jH39f Held fast for England jH39h Herat and Cabul. . . . ? jH39he In freedom’s cause jH39i In the heart of the Rockies . . . jH39in In the Irish brigade jH39int March on London jH39m Out with Garabaldi jH39o Redskin and cowboy jH39r Through Russian snows jH39t Tiger of Mysore jH39ti True to the old flag jH39tr Under Drake’s flag jH39u Under Wellington’s command. jH39un W 7 hen London burned jH39w With Buller in Natal jH39wb With Clive in India jH39wc With Frederick the Great jH39wf With Lee in Virginia jH39wl With Moore at Corunna jH39wm With Roberts in Pretoria jH39wr Wulf the Saxon jH39wu Young colonists jH39y Herder, William. Oriental fairy tales jH41 Herndon, William H. Abraham Lincoln. 2v B L63he Herrick, Robert. Gospel of freedom H43 Literary love letters H431 Man who wins H43m Web of life II43w Hewett, W. T. S. Notes for boys and their fathers. jH49 Hewlett, Maurice. Earth work out of Tuscany. .914.5 H49 Forest lovers H49 Little novels of Italy H491 New Canterbury tales H49n Richard Yea and Nay H49r Hiatt, Charles. Westminster Abbey 914.2 H52 Hickok, Laurens P. Empirical psychology 150 H52 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Hints on writing and speech mak- ing 818 H53 History of the United States. .973 jH53 Life of Margaret Fuller Ossoli. .B Os7 Young folks’ book of American explorers. 973 jH53y Highland Park, (III.). Revised ordinances 352 H53 Hill, Charles Thaxter. Fighting a fire jH55 Hill, Frederick Stanhope. Twenty years at sea jH551 Hillebrand, Karl. German thought 830 H55 Hillegas, Howard C. Oom Paul’s people 916.8 H55 Hillis, Newell Dwight. Influence of Christ in modern life. 252 H55 Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. Old Northwest 977 H59 Hobbs, John Oliver, pseud of Mrs. Craigie. Serious wooing H65 Hoche, Jules. Real Bismark B B54 Hodder, Edwin. . I Shaftesbury B Shi j Holcombe, Chester. Real Chinaman 915.1 H69 Real Chinese question 915. 1 H69r Holden, Martha E. .String of amber beads 814 H71 Holland, Clive. Mousme H71 Holland, Joshiah Gilbert. Bay path H719 Timothy Titcomb’s letters.. . .814 H719 Poems 811 H71 Holley, Marietta. Joshiah Allen’s wife at the Cen- tennial.... 817 H72 Holly, O. H. Life of Benjamin Franklin. . . .B F85h Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Autocrat of the breakfast table. 817 H73 Elsie Venner H73 Guardian angel H73g Mortal antipathy H73p HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. 77 Our hundred days in Europe 914.2 H73 Over the teacups 817 H73o Poems 811 H73 Poet at the breakfast table. . .817 II73p Professor at the breakfast table. • 817 H73pr Ralph Waldo Emerson B Em3h Holmes, Richard H. Queen Victoria, 1819-1901 B V66 Holst, Herman yon. John C. Calhoun B Cl 2 Homer. Iliad, tr. by Alexander Pope. 883 H75 Odyssey, tr. by Alexander Pope 883 H75o Hooker, Worthington. Child’s book of nature 500 jH76 Hope, Anthony. Man of mark H77 Prisoner of Zenda H77p Quisante H77q Sport royal H77s Hopkins, Livingston. Comic history of the United States 817 H73c Hopkins, Mark, Jr. World’s verdict H774 Horace. Odes, tr. by W. F. Gladstone. .874 H78 Horn, George. Count Silvius H78 Hornung, Ernest William. Raffles H784 Horton, George. Like another Helen H785 Hough, P. M. Dutch life in town and country. 914.9 H81 Hough, Lewis. For fortune and glory jH81 Hourst, Lieut. Exploration of the Niger. . . .916.6 H81 Houssay, Frederick. Industries of animals 591 H81 Howard, Blanche Willis. Aulnay Tower H83 Aunt Serena H83a Fellowe and his wife H83f No heroes jH83 One summer II83o Open door H83op Tony, the maid H83t Howe, Julia Ward. Reminiscences B 1183, Howe, Maud. Animal book 599 jH83 Howells, Mildred Burt, M. E. Howells’ story book jH839 Howells, William Dean. Annie Kilburn H839 April hopes H839a Chance acquaintance H839c Fearful responsibility H839f Hazard of new fortunes H839h Heroines of fiction. 2v 814 H83 Imperative duty H839i Indian summer H839in Kentons H839k Lady of the Aroostook H8391 Landlord at Lion’s head H839la Literary friends and acquaint- ance. 814 H831 Minister’s charge H839m Pair of patient lovers H839p Quality of mercy H839q Ragged lady H839r Rise of Silas Lapham H839ri Sleeping car and other farces.. 812 H83 Venetian life. 914.5 H83 Woman's reason H839w Howleston, Mary H. Cat tails and other tales jH84 Hoyt, Jehiel Keeler. Cyclopaedia of practical quota- tions 808 H85 Hubbard, Elbert. Little journeys to the homes of good men and great 914.2 H86 Hudson, Henry Norman. Life of Shakespeare 822 Shlhud Hudson, Thomson Jay. Divine pedigree of man 213 H86 Laws of psychic phonomena. ..134 H86 Scientific demonstration of a future life 218 H86 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hug, Lina and Stead, Richard. History of Switzerland 949.4 H87 Hughes, Rupert. Dozen from Lakerim jH87 Lakerim athletic club jH871 Hughes Thomas. Tom Brown at Oxford jH874 Tom Brown’s school days jH874t Hugo, Victor. By order of the King- H87 Les miserables H871 Ninety-three . H87n Toilers of the sea H87t William Shakespeare 822 Shlhu Humorous masterpieces H88 Huneker, James. Mezzotints of modern music. . .780 H89 Hurst, John Fletcher. Indika; country and people of India and Ceylon 915.4 H94 Hutchinson, Mrs. Lucy. Memoirs of Colonel Hutchinson. B H97 Hutton, Laurence. Literary landmarks of Florence. 914.5 H97 Literary landmarks of Jerusalem. 915.6 H97 Literary landmarks of Rome. 914.5 H971 Hutton, Laurence and Clement, Mrs. Clara (Erskine). Artists of the nineteenth century and their works 920 C59 Hutton, Richard Holt. Contemporary thought and thinkers. 2v 824 H97 Huxley, Leonard. Life and letters of Thomas Huxley. 2v B H98h Huxley, Thomas Henry. Study of zoology 590 H98 Hyne. Cutliffe. Filibuster H99 Master of fort une H99m Ibsen, Henrik. Doll’s house 839 Ib7 Enemy of the people. 839 Ib7e Ghosts 839 Ib7g Hedda Gabler. 839 Ib7h Lady from the sea 839 Ib7l Peer Gynt 839 Ib7p Rosmersholm 839 Ib7r Wild duck 839 Ib7w Ihne, J. A. F. W. Early Rome 937 Ih5 Iles, George. Flame, electricity and the camera. 604 113 Ingelow, Jean. Don John In 4 John Jerome In4j Off the Skelligs .In4o Poems 821 In4 Stories told to a child jln4 Ingersoll, Ernest. Friends worth knowing 590 In4 Inman, Henry. Ranche on the Oxhide. jln6 Irving, Pierre Monroe, ed. Life and letters of Washington Irving. 3v B Ir8 Irving, Washington. Abbotsford 914.2 Ir8 Adventures of Captain Bonne- ville. 917.9 Ir8 Alhambra 914.6 Ir8 Astoria 917.9 Ir8 Bracebridge hall 817 Ir8b Conquest of Granada 946 Ir8 Crayon miscellany 817 Ir8c Knickerbocker’s history of New York 817 Ir8k Life and letters. 3v B Ir8 Life and voyages of Columbus. 3v B C72 Life of Washington. 5v B W726i Mahomet and his successors. . . . B M27 Moorish chronicles 946.8 Ir8 Oliver Goldsmith B C57 Sketch book 817 Ir8s Spanish papers 914.6 Ir8s Tales of a traveller 817 IrSt, Wolfert’s roost 817 Ir8w Joint author, See Irving, William. HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY 79 Irving, William; Paulding, J. K. and Irving, Washington. Salmagundi 817 Ir81 Is there any resemblance between Shakespeare and Bacon? 822 Isl Isaacs, Jorge. Maria Isl Jackson, Gabrielle. Pretty Polly Perkins jJ13 Jackson, Mrs. Helen Hunt. Between whiles J13 Bits of talk for young folks jJ134 Bits of travel 914.5 J13 Bits of travel at home 917.8 J 13 Cat stories jJl34c Century of dishonor 970.5 J13 Glimpses of three coasts 910 J13 Hetty’s strange story Jl3h Mercy Philbrick’s choice Jl3m Nellie’s silver mine jJl34n Poems .811 J13 Ramona J13r Zeph J13z Jackson, Mrs. Mary Anna. Life and letters of General Thomas J. Jackson B J13 Jacobs, W. W r . At Sunwich Port J15 Light freights J151 Skipper’s wooing J15s James, Henry. American J23 Aspern papers J23a Author of Beltraffio J23au Awkward age J23aw Confidence J23e Daisy Miller J23d Essays in London and elsewhere. 814 J23 Europeans J23e Lesson of the Master J231 Nathaniel Hawthorne B H31 Partial portraits 920 J23 Portrait of a lady J23p Princess Casamassima J23pr Real thing J23r Reverberator J23re Roderick Hudson J23ro Sacred fount J23s Siege of London J23si Soft side J23so Spoils of Poynton J23sp Tales of three cities J23t Tragic muse J23tr James, G. P. R. Richard Coeur-de-lion B R38 James, William. Human Immortality 218 J23 Talk to teachers on psychology. 150 J23 Jameson. Mrs. Anna Brownell (Mur- phy). Characteristics of women. Shakes- peare’s heroines 822 J23 History of our Lord. 2v 755 J23 Legends of the Madonna 755 J231 Legends of the monastic orders. 755 J 23le Sacred and legendary art. 2v. 755 J23s Jamison, Mrs. C. V. Lady Jane jJ24 Toinette’s Philip J24t Janvier, Thomas. Color studies J26 Embassy to Provence 914.4 J26 Uncle of an angel J26u Jay. W. M. L. Bellerue; or, Story of Ralf J33 Jefferson. Joseph. Rip Van Winkle as played by Joseph Jefferson 812 J35 Jeffery, Walter and Becke, Louis. Naval history of Australia 994 B38 Jekyll, Gertrude. Home and garden 640 J39 Jenks, Tudor. Boys’ book of explorations . . .910 jJ42 Century world’s fair book 606 jJ42 Jennings, Isaac. Tree of life 610 J44 Jensen, Wilhelm. Karine J45 Jerome, Jerome K. Idle thoughts of an idle fellow. 827 J48 80 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY Jerrold, Douglas W. Mrs. Candle’s curtain lectures. 827 J487 Jevons, William Stanley. Money and the mechanism of exchange 332 J53 Jewett, John H. Bunny stories jJ55 More bunny stories jJ55m Jewett, Sarah Orne. Betty Leicester jJ551 Betty Leicester’s English Christmas jJ551b Country doctor J55c Country of the pointed firs J55 Deephaven J55d King of Folly island J55k Marsh island J55m Mate of the daylight J55ma Normans 940 J55 Queen’s twin J55q Strangers and wayfarers J55s White heron J55w Jewitt, Llewellyn. Stately homes of England 914.2 J55 Johnson, Alexander. History and constitution of the U. S 973 J63 Representative American ora- tions. ed. 3v 815 J63 Johnson, Arthur Henry. Normans in Europe 940 J63 Johnson, Clifton. Isle of the Shamrock 941 J63 Johnson, Rossiter, ed. Exile J63 Johnson, Dr. Samuel. Lives of the English poets 920 J63 Rasselas J637 Johnson, Willis Fletcher. James G. Blaine B B57 Johnson, Willis Fletcher and Head- ley, J. T. Stanley’s wonderful adventures in Africa 916.7 H34 Johnston, Mar*. Audrey J64 Prisoners of hope J64p To have and to hold J64t Johonnot, James. Stories of the olden time jJ66 Jokai, Maurus. Black diamonds J67 Golden age in Transylvania J67g Hungarian nabob J 67h Pretty Michel J67p Joly, Nicholas. Man before metals 571 J68 Josephus, Flavius. Works. 3v ..933 J77 Junius, pseud. Letters 827 J95 Keary. Annie. York and Lancaster rose K21 Keats, John. Poetical works, (in Coleridge and Keats, Poetical works, v2.)...821 C67 Keeler, R. Gloverson and his silent partner. .K24 Keenan, H. F. Trajan K25 Keisenberg, Moritz von. Memoirs of Baroness Cecile de Courtot B C83 Kelly, Fitzmaurice. History of Spanish literature. . 860 K29 Kelly, Mrs. M. A. B. Short stories of our shy neighbors. 598 jK29 Keltie, J. Scott, ed. Emin’s rescue, the story as told in Stanley’s letters 916.7 St2s Stateman’s year book, 1902, v. 39 305 St2 Kennan, George. Siberia and the exile system. 915.7 K36 Kenney, Minnie E. Mother’s bedtime tales jK39 Keyser, Charles S. Fairmount park and International exhibition at Philadelpeia . ..606 K52 Kidd, Benjamin. Social evolution 301 K53 Western civilization. 301 K53w Kieffer. Harry Martyn. Recollections of a drummer boy 973 jK54 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. 81 Kielland, Alexander. Tales of two countries K54 King, Anna E. Kitwyk stories K58 King, Charles. Between the lines K581 Cadet days jK58 Captain Blake K581c Colonel’s daughter K581co Initial experience K581i Marian’s faith K581m Trooper Galahad K581t Trooper Ross and Signal Butte.. jK58t Under fire K581u War time wooing K581w Wounded name K581wo King, Grace. DeSoto in the land of Florida. 975 jK58 King, Stanton H. Dog watches at sea 818 K58 Kinglake, Alexander W. Eothen 915.6 K59 Kingsley, Charles. Alton Locke. K61 Hereward the wake K61h Heroes jK61 Hypatia K61hy Madam How and Lady Why jK61m Two years ago K61t Water babies jK61w Westward ho! K61w Yeast K61y Kingsley, Mrs. Frances E. Charles Kingsley; his letters and memories of his life B K61 Kingsley, Florence Morse. Paul, a herald of the cross jK614 Titus, Comrade of the cross jK614t Kingsley, Henry. Austin Elliot K615 Hillyars and the Burtons K615h Ravenshoe .K615r Kingston, William H. G. In the wilds of Africa jK619 on the banks of the Amazon jK619o South sea whalers jK619s Kip, Abraham Lincoln. Phases of the church universal. 201 K62 Psychology of the nations. . ..201 K62p Kipling, Rudyard. Barrack room ballads 821 K62 Captains courageous K62 Departmental ditties 821 K62d From sea to sea. 2v .910 K62 Indian tales K62i Jungle book jK62 Kim K62k Many inventions K62m Naulaka K62n Second jungle book .jK62s Seven seas 821 K62s Kirke, Ellen O. Daughter of Eve. . . . K63 Story of Margaret Kent K63s Kirkland, Elizabeth S. Speech and manners 395 jK63 Kirkland, Joseph. Chicago massacre of 1812 977 K63 Kirkman, Marshall M. Romance of Gilbert Holmes K635 Knox, Thomas W. Boy travelers in Australasia. 919.4 jK77 Boy travelers in Central Africa. 916.7 jK77 Boy travelers in Europe 914 jK77 Boy travelers in Ceylon and India 915.4 jK77 Boy travelers in Egypt and the Holy Land 916.2 jK77 Boy travelers in Great Britain. ...914.2 jK77 Boy travelers in Japan and China. 915.2 jK77 Boy travelers in Mexico. . . .917.2 jK77 Boy travelers in Northern Europe. 914 jK77e Boy travelers in Russia 914.7 jK77 Boy travelers in Siam and Java. 915.9 jK77 Bov travelers in South America. 918 jK77 82 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. Boy travelers in the Levant. 915.6 jK77 Boy travelers on the Congo. 916. 7 jK77b Decisive battles since Waterloo. 904 K77 In wild Africa 916.6 jK77 Life of Robert Fulton B jF95 Talking handkerchief* jK77 Young Nimrods around the world. 910 jK77 Young NimrOds of North America. 917 jK77 Krasinska, Countess Francoise. Journal B K86 Krehbiel, Henry Edward. How to listen to music 780 K87 Kropotkin, Prince. Memoirs of a revolutionist B K92 Laboulaye, Edouard. Abdallah; or, Four leaved clover.. jLll LaFontaine, Jean de. Fables jL13 Lagerlof, Selma. Miracles of antichrist L13 Lake Co. (III.) Portrait and biographical album. 977 L14 Lamartine, Alphonse de. Graziella. L16 Life of Columbus B C721 Lamb, Charles. Essays, sketches and miscellanies. 3v .824 L16 Letters of Charles Lamb. 2v. ...B L16 Lamb, Charles and Mary. Tales from Shakespeare 822 jL16 Lamon, Ward H. Recollections of Abraham Lincoln. B L631 Lampadius, W. A. Life of Mendelssohn B M521a Lanciani, Rodolpho. Destruction of ancient Rome. .913 L22 Landor, Henry Sayage. In the forbidden land 915.1 L23 Lane-Poole, Stanley. See Poole, Stanley Lane. Lang, Andrew. Letters to dead authors. 824 L25 Mark of Cain L25 Monk of Fife L25m Mystery of Mary Stuart B M3691 Red book of animal stories jL25 Lang, Mrs. Andrew. Dissolving views L254 Lange, Carl. Apperception 150 L26 Lange, Helen. Higher education of women 376 L26 Langley, Samuel Pierpont. New astronomy 523 L26 Lanier, Sidney. Boy’s Froissart 940 jL27 Boy’s King Arthur jL27 English novel 809 L27 Music and poetry 814 L27 Retrospects and prospects 814 L27r Lansdale, Maria. Paris, its sites, monuments and history 914.4 L29 Larcom, Lucy. New England girlhood B jL32 Poems 811 L32 Larned, J. N. History for ready reference. 6v. 909 L32 Lathrop, Rose H. Memories of Hawthorne B H311 Latimer, Elizabeth W. England in the nineteenth cen- tury 942 L34 France in the nineteenth cen- tury 944 L34 Judea from Cyrus to Titus 933 L34 Last years of the nineteenth century 900 L34 Russia and Turkey in the nine- teenth century 947 L34 Spain in the nineteenth century. 946 L34 Laut, Agnes C. Lords of the North L37 Lawless, Emilv. Ireland 941 L42 Lear, Edward. Nonsense book 827 L47 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY 83 Lee, Edmund. Life of Dorothy Wordsworth. . .B W89 Lee, Sidney. Life of William Shakespeare ..822 Shll Lecky, William E. H. History of European morals. 2v. 170 L49 Lefebure, Ernest. Embroidery and lace; their manu- facture and history 746 L52 Leighton, Robert. Olaf the glorious jL53 LeNormond, M. A. Empress Josephine B J77 Leonard, Mary F. Half a dozen thinking caps jL55 LeSage, Alain Rene, Gil Bias L56 Leslie, Amy. Some players 920 L56 Lessing, Gotthold Ephriam. Dramatic works 832 L56 Prose works 832 L56p Lever, Charles J. Charles O’Malley. 2v L57 Levi, Leone. International law 341 L57 Lewes, George H. Story of Goethe’s life B G71 Lewis, Alfred H. Wolfville L58 Wolfville days • L58w Lewis, Henry Harrison. Gunner aboard the Yankee jL58 Life’s verses 811 L62 Liljencrantz, Ottilie A. Thrall of Lief, the lucky jL62 Lillie, Lucy C. Jo’s opportunity jL62 Nan jL62n Phil and the baby and false wit- ness jL62p Story of music and musicians. 780 jL62 Lincoln, Abraham. Table talk 818 L63 Lincoln, Mrs. A. H. Botany lectures. 580 L63 Lippincott’s pronouncing biographical dictionary. 2v 920 T36 Lippman, Julia M. Dorothy Day jL66 Little, W. J. Knox. Sketches and studies in South Africa 916.8 L72 Livermore, Thomas M. Numbers and losses in the Civil war in America 973.7 L75 Livingston, Grace. Little servant j L76 Livingstone, David. Life and explorations B L76 Lloyd, Henry Demarest. Labor co-partnership 334 L77 Newest England 919.3 L77 Lloyd, John Uri. Stringtown on the pike L77 Warwick of the Knobs L77w Lockhart, John Gibson. Ancient Spanish ballads 861 L81 Life of Sir Walter Scott. 3v. . .B Sco8 Lockwood, Samuel. Animal memoirs; birds 598 jL81 Animal memoirs; mammals. . .599 jL81 Lodge. Week away from time L82 Lodge, Henry Cabot. Alexander Hamilton B H18 Daniel Webster B W39 George Washington. 2v B W2761 Story of the Revolution. 2v..973.3 L82 Loftie, William J. London afternoons 914.2 L82 London, Jack. Son of the wolf L84 Long, John Luther. Prince of illusion L85 Long, William J. Wilderness ways jL85 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Hyperion and Kavanagh L86 Outre-Mer 914 L86 Poetical works. 6v. Voices of the night, etc. . . .811 L86vl Evangeline, Hiawatha, Miles Standish 811 L86v2 84 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY Birds of passage, etc 811 L86v3 Tales of a wayside inn 811 L86v4 Christus; a mystery 811 L86v5 Judas Maccabasus, Michael Angelo. 811 L86v6 Divine comedy of Dante, tr. 3v. : 851 L86 Longfellow, Samuel. Memoirs of Henry W. Longfellow. B L86 Longman, Frederick Wilt tam. Frederick the Great and the Seven years’ war 943 L86 Longstreet, James. From Manassas to Appomattox. 973.7 L86 Lorne, K. T., Marquis of. Queen Victoria, her life and empire B V661 Lossing, Bennamin. Story of the United States navy. 973 jL89 Lothrop, Mrs. Harriet Mulford (Stone). See Sidney Margaret, pseud. Loti, Pierre. Iceland fisherman L91 Lonsdale, Margaret- Sister Dora B D72 Love letters of an Englishwoman.. 828 L94 Lover, Samuel. Handy Andy L94 Lowell, James Russell. Among my books. 2v 814 L95 Bigelow papers 817 L95 Democracy and other addresses. .814 L95d Fireside travels 814 L95f Heartsease and rue 811 L95 My study windows 814 L95m Poems. 2v 811 L95p Political essays 814 L95p Lowell, Percival. Mars 520 L95 Lubbock, Sir John. Ants, bees and wasps 595 L96 Flowers, fruits and leaves 581 L96 On the senses, instincts and intelli- gence of animals 591 L96 Origin of civilization 901 L96 Prehistoric times 571 L96 Ludlow, James W. Deborah L96 Lummis, Charles F. Awakening of a nation 917.2 L97 Enchanted burro jL97 Man who married the moon . . . . jL97m Some strange corners of our country 978 jL97 Lush, Charles K. Federal judge L97 Lutzow, Francis, Count. History of Bohemian litera- ture 890 L97 Lyman, S. P. Life of Daniel Webster B W391 Lynch, Anna. French life in town and coun- try 914.4 L99 Lynde, Francis. Helpers L99 Lytton, Edward George Earle Bulwer, Baron. Caxtons L999 Harold. L999h Kenelm Chillingly L999k Last days of Pompeii L9991 Last of the barons L9991a My novel . . L999m Night and morning L999n Parisians L999p Pelham L999pe Rienzi L999r Strange story L999s What will he do with it? 2v. . . L999w Zanoni L999z Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer, Earl of (Owen Meredith), pseud. Fables in song 821 L99 Lucile... 821 L991 Poems 821 L99p Maartens, Maarten. God’s fool Mil Greater glory Mllg Joost Avelingh Mllj HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. 85 My lady Nobody Ml Ira Mabie, Hamilton Wright. Counsel upon the reading of books 814 Mil Essays in literary interpretation. 814 Mile Essays on books and culture. 814 Miles U nder the trees and elsewhere. 814 Mllu Norse stories jMll Shakespeare; poet, dramatist and man 822 Shim Macaulay, Thomas Babington. Essays and poems. 3v 824 Mil History of England. 5v 942 Mil McCall, Sidney. Truth Dexter M12 McCarthy, Justin. Epoch of reform 942 M12 History of our own times. 3v.942 M12h Ireland since the union .941 M12 Reminiscences. 2v B M12 McClintock. Sir John Franklin 919.8 M13 McCook, Henry C. Tenants of an old farm 595 M13 McCutcheon, George. Graustark M13 Macdonald, George. Alec Forbes of Howglen M14 Annals of a quiet neighborhood.. Ml4a At the back of the North wind. . . jMl4 Dealings with the fairies jMl4d Donald Grant Ml4d Double story jMl4do Elect lady M14e Lilith Ml 41 Malcolm M14m Marquis of Lossie Ml4ma Paul Faber, surgeon M14p Robert Falconer Ml4r Seaboard parish Ml4s Sir Gibbie M14si Thomas Wingfield, curate M14t Warlock o’Glen warlock Ml4w What’s mine’s mine Ml4wh Wilfred Cumbermede Ml4wi Macdonell, Arthur A. History of Sanskrit literature. 891 M14 Mackay, Eric. Love letters of a violinist 821 M19 Mackay, J. W. Mackay of Uganda B jM19 Mackenzie; Robert. Nineteenth century 900 M19 McKenzie, Shelton. Charles Dickens B D55 Mackie, Pauline Bradford. Little Salem maid jM21 MacLaren, Ian, pseud. See Watson, John. McLean, Sallie P. Cape Cod folks M22 Towhead M22t McManus, Seumas. Through the turf smoke M227 McM asters, John Bach. History of the people of the United States. 3v 973 M22 With the fathers 973 M22w Maeterlinck, Maurice. Life of the bee 595 M26 Plays 839 M26 Wisdom and destiny 839 M26w Mahaffy, John Pentland. Alexander’s empire 938 M27 Greek literature. 2v 880 M27 Rambles and studies in Greece. 914.9 M27 Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Influence of sea. power upon his- tory 359 M27 Problem of Asia 327 M27 Mahoney, D. A. Prisoner of state 973. 7 M27 Maitland, Mrs. Fuller and Pollock, Sir Frederick. Etchingham letters P76 Major, Charles. Bears of Blue river jM28 Dorothy Vernon M28 When knighthood was in flower. M28w 86 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. Malet, Lucas, (pseud, of Mrs. Mary K. Harrison.) Sir Richard Calmady M29 Malot, Hector. Boy wanderer jM29 Manning, Anne. Maiden and married life of Mary Powell M31 Manning, Marie. Lord Allingbam: bankrupt M319 Marchesi, Mathilde. Ten singing lessons 784 M33 Maeden, Orison Swett. ed. Success library. lOv 031 Sul Markham, Edwin. Man with the hoe .811 M34 Marryat, Frederick. Jacob Faithful M34 Midshipman Easy M34m Peter Simple M34p Marshall, Mrs. Emma. Little Miss Joy jM35 Under the dome of St. Paul’s. . . jM35u Under the Laburnums jM35un Marshall, Mrs. Julian. Handel . . B H19 Marshall, John. Life of Washington. 5v B W276m Marshall, Nina L. Mushroom book 589 M35 Martin, William A. P. Cycle of Cathay „.951M36 Martineau, Harriet. Autobiography. 2v B M36 Peasant and prince jM36 Martyrdom of an empress (Elizabeth of Austria) B E15 Marvel, Ik, pseud. See Mitchell, Donald Grant. Mason, Caroline A. Lily of France M38 Mason, Edward Tuckerman, ed. Humorous masterpieces. 3v H38 Mason, Edward G. Chapters from Illinois history. 977 M38 Maspero, Gaston C. C. Ancient Egypt and Assyria.. . .932 M38 Masson, David. Thomas DeQuincey B D44 Masson, Gustav. Mazarin B M45 Mathews, F. Schuyler. Writing table of the twentieth century 808. M42 Matson, Henry. References for literary workers. .028 M42 Matthew, James. Manual of musical history. . . .780 M43 Matthews. Brander. Aspects of fiction 804 M43 Ballads of books 811 M43 His father’s son M43 Studies of the stage 792 M43 Tom Paulding jM43 Matthews, William. Getting on in the world 374 M43 Mau, Auguste. Pompeii, its life and art 913.3 M44 Maupassant, Guy de. Modern ghosts M44 Odd number M44o Maurice, Arthur B. New York in fiction 917.4 M44 May, Sophie, (pseud, of Rebecca Sophia Clarke). Doctor's daughter jM45 Dotty Dimple and Flyaway jM45d Dotty Dimple at home jM45do Dotty Dimple at play jM45dot Meade, Lillie Thomas. Miss Toosey’s mission jM46 Our little Ann jM46o Melville, Lewis. Life of William M. Thackeray. 2v .B T32m Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix. Letters from 1838-47 B M52 Letters from England, Italy and Switzerland B M521 Meredith, George. Beauchamp’s career M54 Diana of the Crossways M54d Egoist M54e Empty purse 821 M54 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY 87 Essays on comedy. 824 M24 Evan Harrington M54ev Harry Richmond M54h Lord Ormont and his Aminta. . M54l Modern love 821 M54m Poems 821 M54p Rhoda Fleming M54r Richard Feverel M54ri Sandra Belloni M54s Vittoria M54v Meredith, Owen, p^ud. See Lytton, E. Robert Bulwer, Earl of. Merejkowski, Dimitri. Death of the Gods M542 Merivale, Charles. History of Rome under the Empire. 7v 937 M54 Roman triumvirates 937 M54r Meriwether, Lee. Tramp at home 917.3 M54 Tramp trip abroad 914 M54 Merriam, Florence E. Birds through an opera glass. 598 jM55 Merriman, Henry Seton. Isle of Unrest M55 Roden’s Corners M55r Sowers M55s With edged tools M55w Merwin, Samuel and Webster, H. K. Short line war M559 Meyer, Annie N. Robert Annys, poor priest M57 Meynell, Alice. Color of life, and other essays. 824 M57 Miller, Joaquin. True bear stories jM61 Miller, Olive Thorne. First book of birds 598 jM61 Little folks in feathers and fur. 590 jM61 Second book of birds 598 jM61s Upon the tree tops 598 M61 Millet, Francis Davis. Expedition to the Philippines. 919.1 M61 Milman, Dean. History of Latin Christianity. 4v 270 M63 Milton, John. Poetical works 821 M64 Mitchel, Ormsby MacKnight. Orbs of heaven 523 M69 Popular astronomy 520 M69 Mitchell, Donald Grant, (Ik Marvel). American lands and letters. . . .810 M69 Reveries of a bachelor 818 M69 Mitchell, Silas Weir. Adventures of Francois M69 Circumstance M69c Doctor North and his friends. . . .M69d • Hugh Wynne. 2v M69h Moberly, Charles Edward. Early Tudors ... .942 M71 Moffett, Cleveland. Careers of danger and daring jM72 Molesworth, Mrs. Mary Louisa. Christmas tree land jM73 Cuckoo clock jM72c Old pincushion. . jM73o This and that jM73t Us jM73u Moll, Albert. Hypnotism 134 M73 Mollett, John W. Painters of Barbazon 920 M73 Moltke, H. K. B. von. Life and character. B M73 Montalba, Anthony B. Fairy tales from all nations jM76 Montgomery, D. H. Leading facts of French history. 944 M76 Moody, William R. Life of Dwight L. Moody B M77 Moody, William Vaughan. Poems 811 M77 Moore, E. Frankfort. Jessamy bride M78 Moore, George. Modern painting 750 M78 Moore, John Trotwood. Summer hymnal M78s Moore, Thomas. Lalla Rookh 821 M78 More, Hannah. Complete works. . . 828 M81 88 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY Morfill, William Richard. History of Russia 947 M81 Morgan, Lewis H. American beaver and his works, .599 M82 Morley, John. Critical miscellanies. 3v 824 M82 Oliver Cromwell B C88m Morley, Margaret W. Bee people 595 jM82 Song of life 570 jM82 Morris, Charles. Aryan race 572 M83 Morris Edward E. Age of Anne 940 M83 Early Hanoverians 942 M83 Morris, Gouverneijr. Tom Beauling M83 Morris, Henry C. History of colonization. 2v. ..901 M83 Morris, William. Dream of John Ball, and a king’s lesson M834 Earthly paradise. 3v 821 M83 Hopes and fears for art 804 M83 News from nowhere M834n Morris, William O. French Revolution and first empire 944 M83 Morse, John Torrey. John Quincy Adams B Adi Oliver Wendell Holmes B H73 Thomas Jefferson B J35 Mosby, John S. Mosby’s war reminiscences B M85 Moses, J. Illinois, historical and statistical. 2v 977 M85 Mothers in council 640 M85 Motley, John Lothrop. Rise of the Dutch republic. 3v. 949 M85 United Netherlands. 4v 949 M85u Moulton, Louise Chandler. Firelight stories jM86 New bedtime stories jM86n Moulton, Richard G. Shakespeare as a dramatic artist. 822 Shlmo Mowbray, J. P. Journey to nature. 818 M87 Making of a country house M87 Muir, John. Our national parks 711 M89 Muhlbach, Louisa, (pseud, of Klara M. Mundt). Empress Josephine M89 Frederick and his court M89f Frederick and his family M89fr Joseph, the second, and his court. M89j Louise of Prussia M891 Marie Antoinette and her son. . .M89m Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia M89n Prince Eugene and his times. . . . M89p Mulford, Mrs. Harriet, See Sidney, Mai’garet, pseud. Muller, Max. Auld lang syne 920 M91 Autobiography B M91 Memories M91 Mulock, Dinah, See Craik, Mrs. Dinah Mulock. Munchausen, Baron, Travels jM92 Mundt, Klara M. See Muhlbach, Louisa, pseud. M unroe, Kirke. Brethren of the coast jM92b Derrick Sterling jM92d Fur seal’s tooth. jM92f Painted desert j M92p Under the great bear jM92u With Crockett and Bowie jM92w Munsey, Frank A. Boy broker jM927 Under fire jM927u Munsterberg, Hugo. American traits. 814 M92 Murfree, Mary Noailles (Charles Egbert Craddock, pseud.). In the clouds M94 In the stranger people’s country. M94i Juggler / M94j Phantoms of the footbridge M94p Prophet of the Great Smoky moun- tains M94pr HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. 89 Story of Keedon Bluffs M94s Story of old Fort Loudon M94st Where the battle was fought .... M94w Murray, Gilbert. History of ancient Greek litera- ture 880 M96 Murray, James O. Life of Francis Wayland B W36 Nemec, Bozena. Grandmother N34 Nesbit, E (Mrs. Edith Nesbit Bland). W ouldbegoods j N 3 6 Nesbit, M. L. Grammar land jN365 Nevins, Winfield S. Witchcraft in Salem village. . .133 N41 Newbolt, Henry. Stories from Froissart 940 jN42 Newdigate, Anne Emily Newdigate. Cavalier and Puritan 942 N43 Newman, John Henry. Apologia pro vita sua B N46 Critical and historical essays. 2v. 824 N46 Idea of a university ; 370 N46 Newmarch, Rosa. Tchaickovsky, his life and works. Nibelungen lied 831 N51 Nichol, John. Thomas Carlyle B C19 Nicholas, Griffith A. Biddy club 647 N51 Nichols, James R. Science at home 502 N51 Nichols, Laura D. Lotus Bay jN51 Nicolay, John G. Outbreak of the Rebellion. ..973.7 N54 Nixon, Mary E. « With a pessimist in Spain. . .914.6 N65 Nohl, Louis. Beethoven B B393 Haydn B H32 Liszt B L69 Mozart B M87 Wagner B W12 Nordau, Max. Degeneration 575 N75 Nordiioff, Charles. Politics for young Americans. 320 jN75 Norman, Henry. People and politics of the far East 915.1 N78 Real Japan 915.2 N78 Norris, Mary H. Grapes of wrath N79 Norris, William Edward. Flower of the Flock N799 Ober, Frederick A. Knockabout club in North Africa. 916.1 jOb2 Knockabout club in the Everglades. 917.5 jOb2 Silver City jOb2 O’Connor, J. D. History of Turkey 949.6 Oc5 O’Donovan, Edmund. Merv oasis. 2v 915.6 Od5 Ogden, Ruth. Courage jOg2 Oliphant, Lawrence. Episodes in a life of adventure. ..B 013 Oliphant, Mrs. M. 0. W. Autobiography and letters B 01i3 History of Scotland for the young. 941 j013 Life of Laurence Oliphant. 2v. B 0131 Madam 013 Makers of Florence 920 013 Makers of Venice 945 013 Second son. 013s Ollivant, Alfred. Bob, son of Battle 014 Omar, Khayyam. Rubaiyat, tr. by Edw^ard Fitzgerald. 891 0ml Omond, T. S. Romantic triumph 809 Om6 Onderdonk, James L. History of American verse. . . .811 Onl O Neill, Moira. Songs of the glens of Antrim. .821 0n2 Opic, Oliver, (pseud, of W. T. Adams). At the front jOp7 Brother against brother j0p7b 90 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. Fighting for the right jOp7f In the saddle jOp7i Lieutenant at eighteen jOp71 On the blockade jOp7o On the staff jOp7on Stand by the union jOp7s Taken by the enemy jOp7t Undivided union jOp7u Victorious union jOp7v Within the enemy’s lines jOp7w Young- America abroad jOp7y O’Rell, Max. (pseud, of Paul Blouet) John Bull and Co 914.2 Or3 Jonathan and his continent. 917.3 Or3 Orpen, Mrs. G. Stories of famous precious stones. 391 Or7 Orr, Mrs. Sutherland. Life and letters of Robert Brown- ing B B821 Otis, James. At the siege of Quebec jOt4 Aunt Hannah and Seth jOt4a Boys of ’98 973 jOt4 Captain Tom, the privateersman. jOt4c Life savers jOt4l Lobster catchers jOt4lo Mr. Stubb's brother jOt4m Teddy and Carrots jOt4t Toby Tyler jOt4to With La Fayette at Yorktown. .jOt4w With Perry on Lake Erie jOt4wp With Porter in the Essex jOt4wpo With Preble at Tripoli jOt4wpr Wrecked on Spider Island jOt4wr Ouida. (pseud, of Louise De la Ramee). Bimbi jOu4 Dog of Flanders jOu4d Tower of Taddeo Ou4 Waters of Edera Ou4w Page, Thomas Nelson. Burial of the guns P14 In ole Virginia P14i On Newfound river P14o Red Rock P14r Santa Claus’ partner jP14 Social life in old Virginia before the war. . . 394 P14 Two little Confederates jPl4t Two prisoners jPl4tw Palfrey, Francis Winthrop. Antietam and Fredericksburg. 973.7 P17 Palmer, Francis E. Russian life in town and country. 914.7 P18 Pansy, pseud. See Alden, Mrs. Isabella M. Parker, Gilbert. Battle of the strong P22 Lane that had no turning P221 Pierre and his people P22p Right of way P22r Seats of the mighty P22s Parkhurst, Boward Elmore. Bird’s calendar 591 P22 Parkman, Francis. Conspiracy of Pontiac. 2v. ..973.2 P23 Count Frontenac and New France.. 971 P23 Half century of conflict. 2v. 973.2 P23h Jesuits in North America... .973.1 P23 LaSalle and the discovery of the great West 973.2 P231 Montcalm and Wolfe. 2v. .973.2 P23m Old regime in Canada 971 P23o Pioneers of France in the New World 973.1 P23p Oregon trail 917.8 P23 Parley, Peter, pseud. See Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. Parloa, Maria. Home economics 640 P23 Parry, C. Hubert. • Evolution of the art of music. .780 P24 Parsons, Frank. World’s best books 028 P25 Parton, James. Captains of industry 920 jP25 ed. Humorous poetry of the English language 827 P25 Parton, Mrs. James (Fanny Fern). Fern leaves P25 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY 91 Pastels in prose P26 Pater, Walter. Greek studies 824 P27 Marius the Epicurean P27 Plato and Platonism 184 P27 Paterson, Arthur. Cromwell’s own P273 Paulding, James Kirke. (joint author) See Irving, William. Payne, Edward J. Voyages of the Elizabethean sea- men — Hawkins, Frobisher and Drake 973.1 P29 Paynter, Mary M. Little lass P29 Peabody, Andrew P. Moral philosophy 170 P31 Peabody", Francis Greenwood. Jesus Christ and the social question. 335 P31 Peacock, Thomas Love. Headlong Hall and Nightmare Abbey 827 P31 Maid Marion and Crochet castle. . .P31 Peake, Elmore E. Darlingtons P312 Peck, Harry Thurston. Adventures of Mabel. . jP33 Personal equation 814 P33 What is good English? 808 P33 ed. Harper’s dictionary of classical literature and antiquities 913 P33 Peck, Wallace. Golden age of patents 817 P33 Pemberton, Max. Signors of the night P36 Penfield, Frederick CourtlAnd. Present day Egypt 916.2 P37 Pennell, Joseph and Elizabeth R. Two pilgrims’ progress 914.5 P38 Pepys, Samuel. Diary and correspondence. 4v. .B P39 Perry, M. C. Expedition of an American squad- ron to the China seas and Japan. 2v 915.2 P42 Perry, Gabriel. Vagabond life in Mexico 917.2 P42 Perry, Nora. Hope Benham jP42 Peterson, Maud Howard. Potter and the clay P44 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. (Mrs. Ward) Come forth P51 Doctor Zay P51d Friends P51f Gates between P51g Gypsy Breynton. . jP51 Gypsy’s sowing and reaping jP51g Jack the fisherman j P51 j Madonna of the tubs P51m Old maids, and Burglars in Paradise P51o Silent partner P51s Singular life P51si Story of Avis P51st Successors of Mary the first P51su Trotty book jP51t Trotty’s wedding tour jP51tr Phillippo, James M. Jamaica, past and present... .972.9 P54 Phillips, Mrs. Lionel. Some South African recollections. 916.8 P53 Phillips, Stephen. Herod 822 P54 Paola and Francesca 822 P54p Poems 821 P54 Ulysses 822 P54u Phillips, Willard. Protection and free trade 337 P54 Philpotts, Eden. Children of the mist P54 Sons of the morning P54s Phoenix, John, (pseud, of George Horatio Derby.) Phoenixiana 817 P56 Pidgin, Charles Felton. Blennerhassett P59 Quincy Adams Sawyer P59q Pierce, Gilbert A. Dickens dictionary 823 P61 Pierson, Mrs. Helen W. History of the United States.. 973 jP61 Lives of the presidents 920 jP61 Pike, Warburton. Barren ground of Northern Canada 917.1 P63 92 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY Piozzi, Mbs. Hester Lynch Thrale. Mrs. Thrale B P65 Plato. Best thoughts, tr. by C. A. Buckley 888 P69 Plummer, Mary Wright. Hints to small libraries 020 P73 Plutarch. Lives of illustrious men. 3v. . .920 P74 Plympton, Almira George. Betty, a butterfly jP74 Child of glee jP74c Dear daughter Dorothy jP74d Little sister of Winifred jP741 Robin's recruit jP74r Podmore, Frank. Apparitions and thought trans- ference 133 P75 Studies in psychical research.. 133 P75s Poe, Edgar Allen. Complete works. 6v. V. 1. Life by Richard H. Stoddard. Poems 810 P75 Y. 2-3. Prose tales P75 V. 4-6. Essays and miscellanies. . 810 P75 Pollard, Josephine. Battles of America jP76 History of New Testament jP76h History of Old Testament. .... . jP76hi Our hero — U. S. Grant B jG76 Pollock, Sir Frederick, and Maitland, Mrs. Fuller. Etchingham letters P76 Poole. Mary, and Fletcher, W. J. Index to periodical literature. .050 P7S Poole, Stanley Lane. Moors in Spain 946 P78 Turkey 949.6 P78 Pope. Alexander. Poetical works. 2v 821 PS1 tr. Homer's Hiad 883 H75 tr. Homer's Odyssey 883 H75o Porter, Alma Florence. Nigger baby and nine beasts jP83 Porter, David C. Naval history of the Civil war. 973.7 PS3 Porter. Jane. Scottish chiefs PS3 Porter. J. Hampden. Wild beasts 599 P83 Posnett, Hutcheson M. Comparative literature 801 P84 Pott. William H. Stories from dreamland jP35 Potter, Margaret. House of de MaiHy P85 Uncanonized PS5u Practical etiquette 395 PS8 Pratt. Mara L. American history stories. 4v jP88 Leaves from nature's story book . jP8Sl Legends of Norseland jP881e Stories of Australasia 993 jPS8 Stories of China 951 jP83 Stories of India 954 jP88 Stories of Massachusetts 974 jPSS Stories of Northern Europe. .940 jP8 8 Storyland of stars 520 jP88 Pratt. Mara L. and Carver. Elvira. Our fatherland 973 jC25 Prentiss. Mrs. Elizabeth. Little Susy's birthdays jP91 Little Susy's little servants jP911 Little Susy's six teachers jP911i Pemaquid j P9 1 Six little princesses jP91s Stepping heavenward P91s Prescott, William H. Biographical and critical miscel- lanies 920 P92 Robertson's Charles the fifth. 3v. 943 P92 Conquest of Mexico. 3v 972 P92 Conquest of Peru. 2v 985 P92 Ferdinand and Isabella. 3v. . .946 P92 Philip the second. 3v 946 P92p Price. Henry H. How to make pictures. 770 P93 Prime, William C. Along New England roads. . .917.4 P93 Proctor, Richard A. Light science for leisure hours. 504 P94 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. 93 Myths and marvels of astronomy. 520 P94 Rough ways made smooth. . . .504 P94r Prose masterpieces from modern essayists. 3v 804 P94 Pushkin, Alexander. Marie P97 Putnam, Eleanor. Old Salem 974.4 P98 Woodland wooing 1 P98 Putnam, Eleanor, and Bates, Arlo. Prince Vance jB31 Putnam, M. Louise. Childrens’ life of Abraham Lin- coln B jL63 Pyle, Howard. Garden behind the moon jP99 Jack Ballister’s fortunes jP99j Wonder clock jP99w Pyrnelle, Louise C. Diddie, Dumps and Tot jP999 Question of identity Q38 Quillar-Couch, Arthur Thomas. See Couch, Arthur Thomas Quiller. Rabelais, Francois. Three g*ood giants jRll Raleigh, Walter. Style 808 R1 3 Ralph, Julian. Chicago and the World’s fair. ' 917.7 R13 Prince of Georgia and other stories R13 Towards Pretoria 916.8 R13 Ramsey, Marathon Montrose and Rowan, A. S. Island of Cuba 917.2 R78 Rathbone, Mrs. Mary Anne. (Manning) See Manning, Anne. Ratzel, Friedrich. History of mankind. 3v 572 R18 Rawlinson, George. Ancient Egypt 932 R19 Ray, Anna Chapin. Phoebe: her profession jR19 Playground Toni jR19p Rayner, Emma. Free to serve R21 Reade, Charles. Cloister and the hearth R22 Foul play R22f Put yourself in his place R22p Reber, Franz von. History of Mediaeval art 709 R24 Reddall, Henry Frederic. Fact, fancy and fable 803 R24 Redgrave, Gilbert R. ed. Outlines of historic ornament 729 R24 Reed, Helen Leah. Brenda, her school and her club. .jR25 Reed, Hugh. Cadet life at West Point jR252 Reid, Mayne. Cliff climbers jR27 Forest exiles jR27f Plant hunters jR27p Young voyagers *. jR27y Reid, Whitelaw. Problems of expansion 330 R37 Remington, Frederick. Sundown Leflare R28 Remusat, Paul de. Madame de Remusat B R28 Repplier, Agnes. In the dozy hours 814 R29 Rhys, Grace. Wooing of Sheila R 34 Ribot, Theodule. Diseases of the memory 132 R35 Richards, Laura E. Captain January jR39 Fernlev House jR39f Five minute stories jR39fi Hildegard’s harvest jR39h Hildegard’s holiday jR39hi Hildegard’s home jR39hil Hildegard’s neighbors jR39hild Joyous story of Toto. . . jR39j Margaret Montford jR39m Marie jR39ma Melody jR39me Narcissa jR39n Peggy jR39p Queen Hildegarde jR39q Rita jR39r Rosin the beau jR39ro 94 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. Three Margarets jR39t Toto’s merry winter jR39to Richardson, Charles Francis. American literature. v. 1. Development of American thought 810 R39 v. 2. American poetry and fiction. Richardson, D. W. Girdle round the earth 910 R39 Rid path, John C, History of the United States. . .973 R43 Rus, Jacob A. How the other half lives 331 R44 Making of an American B R44 Nibsy’s Christmas jR44 Ten years’ war 331 R44t Riley, James Whitcomb. Afterwhiles 811 R45 Armazindy 811 R45a Green fields and running brooks. 811 R45g Home folks 811 R45h Ringwalt, Ralph Curtis, and Brookings, W. DuBois. Briefs for debate 328 B79 Rives, Amelie. Brother to dragons R52 Roberts, Charles G. D. By the marshes of Minas R54 Forge in the forest R54f Heart of the ancient woods R54h History of Canada 971 R54 Roberts, Sir Frederick Sleigh, Baron. Forty-one years in India B R54 Roberts, Morley. Colossus R543 Robertson, Sir George S. Chitral 954 R54 Robertson, Morgan. Spun yarn R547 Robertson, William. Charles the fifth. 3v. Prescott ed. 943 P92 Robinson, Albert G. Philippines, the war and the people 919.1 R56 Porto Rico of today 917.2 R56 Robinson, Charles Mulford. Improvement of towns and cities. 352 R56 Roche, Regina M. Children of the abbey R58 Rockhill, William Woodville. Land of the lamas 915.1 R59 Rodway, James. In Guiana wilds jR61 Roe, Edward Payson. Barriers burned away R62 Face illumined R62f From jest to earnest R62fr He fell in love with his wife. . . . .R62h His sombre rivals R62hi Knight of the nineteenth century. R62k Near to nature’s heart R62n Opening of a chestnut burr R62o j What can she do?. R62w Rogers, May. Waverly dictionary 823 R63 Roland, Mme. Private memoirs B R64 j Rolling, Alice W. Story of a ranche R65 Romanes, George John. Thoughts on religion 201 R66 I Rood, Ogden N. Text book of color 535 R67 Roosevelt, Theodore. American ideals 350 R67a Administration; civil service. .350 R67 Naval war of 1812 973.5 R67 Rough riders 973 R67 Strenuous life 814 R67 Roosevelt, Theodore, and Lodge, H. C. Hero tales from American history. 920 jL82 Ropes, John C. Army under Pope 973.7 R68 Roscoe, Thomas, tr.l Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini. . .B C33 Rosebery, Archibald P. P., Earl of. Napoleon; the last phase B Nl6r Rosegger, Peter. Forest schoolmaster R73 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY 95 Rossetti, Christina. Poems 821 R73 Rosetti, Dante Gabriel. Dante and his circle 821 R734 Poems 821 R734p Rostand, Edmond. L’Aiglon. . 842 R73 Cyrano de Bergerac 842 R73c Rowan, Andrew S. and Ramsey, M. M. Island of Cuba 917.2 R78 Royce, Josiah. Spirit of modern philosophy. . .100 R81 World and the individual 201 R81 Ruffini, Giovanni D. Doctor Antonio R83 Runkle, Bertha. Helmet of Navarre R87 Ruskin, John. Aratra pentelici 730 R89 Ariadne Florentina 760 R89 King- of the Golden river jR89 Lectures on art 701 R89 Modern painters. 3v 750 R89 Queen of the air 292 R89 Sesame and lilies 824 R89 Seven lamps of architecture 720 R89 Stones of Venice. 3v 729 R89 Two paths, Lectures on art. . . .740 R89 Val d’Arno, Lectures on Tuscan art 709 R89 Russell, Addison P. Club of one 814 R91 In a club corner 814 R91i Russell, John. ed. Charles James Fox. Memorials and correspondence B F83 Russell, William Clark. Atlantic tragedy R91 Good ship Mohawk R91g Lady Maud R911 Sea queen R91s Strange elopement R91st Wreck of the Grosvenor R91w Ryan, Marah Ellis. Told in the hills R95 Ruxton, George Frederic. Life in the far West 917.8 R94 Sabatier, August. St. Francis of Assisi B F84 Sadler, M. F. One offering 265 Sal Sage, William. Claybornes Sal Saint-Amand, Imbert de. Citizeness Bonaparte 944 Sa2 Court of the Empress Josephine. 944 Sa2c Court of Louis XIV 944 Sa2co Court of Louis XV 944 Sa2cou Duchess of Angouleme and the Restoration 944 Sa2d Duchess of Berry and court of Louis XVIII. 944 Sa2du Duchess of Berry and court of Charles X 944 Sa2duc Duchess of Berry and the Revolu- tion of 1830 944 Sa2duch Happy days of Empress Marie Louise 944 Sa2h Last years of Louis XV 944 Sa21 Louis Napoleon and Mile, de Monti jo 944 Sa21o Marie Antoinette at the Tuilleries. 944 Sa2m Marie Antoinette and end of old regime 944 Sa2ma Marie Antoinette and downfall of royalty 944 Sa2md Marie Louise and the decadence of empire 944 Sa2me Marie Louise, Elba and the hundred days 944 Sa2mh Marie Louise and the invasion of 1814 944 Sa2ml Wife of the first consul 944 Sa2w Women of the Valois court. .944 Sa2wo Youth of the Duchess of Angouleme 944 Sa2y Saint Nicholas magazine. 12v. 1891-1897 051 jSa2 Saint Pierre, Bernardin de. Paul and Virginia Sa2 Saintine, Joseph Xavier Boniface. Picciola Sa23 96 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY Saintsbury, George. Corrected impressions 824 Sa2 English literature, Elizabethan age. 820 Sa2 Flourishing of romance 824 Sa2f History of English literature in the nineteenth century 820 Sa2h Short history of French litera- ture 840 Sa2 Salmon, Lucy M. Domestic service 647 Sa3 Samuels, Adelaide F. Daisy Travers jSa4 Samuels, Capt. Samuel. From the forecastle to the cabin. B Sa4 Sanborn, Franklin B. Henry Thoreau B T39 Sand, George, (pseud, of Baroness Dudevant). Consuelo Sa5 Sandeau, Jules. Madeline Sa55 Sanderson, Edgar. History of the world to 1898 900 Sa5 Sankey, Charles. Spartan and Theban supremacies. 938 Sa5 Sargent, Epes. Woman who dared 811 Sa7 S art ain John. Reminiscences of a very old man. B Sa7 Saunders, Marshall. Beautiful Joe jSa8 Saxe, John Godfrey. Poetical works 817 Sa9 Schiller, Friedrich yon. Poems and ballads 832 Sch3 Schley, Winfield S., and Soley, J. R. Rescue of Greeley 919.8 Sch3 Schmucker, S. M. Life of Henry Clay B C57 Life and times of Louis Napoleon. B N162 Life and reign of Nicholas I. , . . B N51 Schouler, James. History of the United States. 5v. .973 Sch6 Schreiner, Olive. Trooper Peter Halket Sch7 Schubin, Ossip. Countess Erika’s apprenticeship. Sch78 Erlach court Sch78e Schuyler, Eugene. Italian influences 914.5 Sch8 Selected essays 814 Sch8 Scidmore, Eliza R. China; the long lived empire. .951 Sci2 Java; the garden of the East. 919.2 Sci2 Jinrikisha days in Japan. . .915.2 Sci2 Scientific American cyclopedia of re- ceipts, notes and queries 603 Sei2 Scott, Sir Walter. Abbot Sco8 Anne of Geierstein Seo8a Antiquary .Sco8an Betrothed Sco8b Black dwarf Sco8bl Bride of Lammermoor Sco8br Chronicles of the Canongate Sco8c Count Robert of Paris ScoSco Demonology and witchcraft. .133 Sco8 Fair maid of Perth Sco8f Fortunes of Nigel Sco8fo Guy Mannering Sco8g Heart of Midlothian Sco8h Ivanhoe. Sco8i Kenilworth Sco8k Legend of Montrose Sco81 Monastery Sco8m Old Mortality Sco8o Peveril of the Peak Sco8p Pirate.... Sco8pi Poetical works. 5v 821 Sco8 Quentin Durward Sco8q Redgauntlet Sco8r Rob Roy Sco8ro St. Ronan’s well Sco8s Talisman Sco8t Waverly Sco8w Woodstock Sco8wo Scudder, Horace E. Bodleys on wheels. jScu2 Book of folk stories jScu2b HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. 97 Doings of the Bodley family.. . . jScu2d Dream children ...jScu2dr English Bodley family jScu2e George Washington B jW27s History of the United States. 973 jScu2 Life of James Russell Lowell. 2v. B L95 Mr. Bodley abroad jScu2m Scudder, Samuel Hubbard. Frail children of the air 595 Scu2 Sears, Edmund H. Pictures of the olden time 974.4 Sel Sears, Hamblin. Fur and feather tales jSel None but the brave Sel7 Sea well, Molly Elliott. Decatur and Somers jSel9 Laurie Vane jSel91 Little Jarvis. jSel91i Midshipman Paulding jSel9m Virginia cavalier Sel9 Seebohm, Frederick. Era of the Protestant Revolution. 940 Se3 Seeley, Charles S. Lost canon of the Toltecs Se3 Spanish galleon Se3s Seeley, John Robert. Napoleon the first B N16s Seeley, Leonard Benton, ed. Mrs. Thrale B T41 Seelye, Elizabeth Eggleston. Story of Columbus B jC72 Seelye, Elizabeth E. and Eggleston, Edward. Brandt and Red Jacket 920 jSe3 Sensier, Alfred. Jean Francois Millet B M61 Serviss, Garrett Putnam. Astronomy with an opera glass. 523 Se6 Seton, Ernest Thompson- Biography of a grizzly jSe7 Lives of the hunted jSe7l Trail of the sand hill stag jSe7t Wild animal play jSe7w Wild animals I have known. . . .jSe7wi Seton, Mrs. Grace G. Tiiompson- Woman tenderfoot 799 Se7 Sevigne, Madame de. Letters to her daughters and friends B Se8 Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty jSe8 Shairp, John Campbell. Aspects of poetry 821 Shi Shakespeare, William. Complete works. 12v. v. 1. Tempest 822 Shlv.l Two gentlemen of Verona. Merry wives of Windsor. Twelfth night. v. 2. Measure for measure. 822 Shlv2 Much ado about nothing. Midsummer-night’s dream. Love's labour lost. v. 3. Merchant of Venice. .822 Shlv3 As you like it. All’s well that ends well. Taming of the shrew. v. 4. Winter’s tale 822 Shlv4 Comedy of errors. Macbeth. King John. v. 5. King Richard II 8 22 Shlv5 Henry IV. v. 6. King Henry V 822 Shlv6 Antony and Cleopatra. Othello. v. 7. King Henry VI 822 Shlv7 v. 8. Richard III 822 Shlv8 Henry VIII. Troilus and Cressida. v. 9. Timon of Athens 822 Shlv9 Coriolanus. Julius Caesar. v. 10. Cvmbeline 822 ShlvlO Titus Andronicus. Pericles. King Lear. v. 11. Romeo and Juliet. . .822 Shlvll Hamlet. v. 12. Life, by H. N. Hudson. 822 Shlvl2 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. Sketch of English drama. Poems. Shakespeare and Bacon; Is there any resemblance between? 822 Isl Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. American highways 625 Shi Aspects of the earth 551 Shi Individual; a study of life and death 501 Shi Sea and land 551 Shis Shaw, Albert. Municipal government in conti- nental Europe 352 Sh2 Shaw, George Bernard. Fabian essays in socialism 335 Sh2 Perfect Wagnerite 782 Sh2 Three pla 3 T s for Puritans .822 Sh2 Unsocial socialist Sh26 Sheehan, P. A. My new curate Sh3 Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Complete poetical works. 2v. .821 Sh4 Sheppard, Elizabeth, Counterparts. 2v Sh4 Sherman, Gen. William T. Memoirs B Sh6 Sherwood, Margaret. Experiment in altruism Sh5 Shillaber, B. P. Mrs. Partington’s knitting work. . Sh6 Shorthouse, John Henry. John Inglesant Sh8 Sidgwick, Alfred. Fallacies 165 Sil Sidis, Boris. Psychology of suggestion 150 Sil Sidney, Margaret (pseud, of Mrs. Harriet Mulford). Adventures of Joel Pepper jSil Five little Peppers jSilf Five little Peppers grown up. . . .jSilfi Five little Peppers midway jSilfi v Golden west jSilg Little Paul jSill New departure for girls jSiln Phronsie Pepper j Slip Stories Polly Pepper told jSils SiENKiEwioz, Henryk. Deluge. 2v Sil On the bright shore Silo Pan Michael Silp Quo Vadis. Silq With fire and sword Silw Without dogma Silwi Sill, Edward Rowland. Prose writings 814 Si3 Simms, William Gilmore. Captain John Smith B Sm6 SlZERANNE, R. DE LA. Ruskin and the religion of beauty. B R89 Skinner, Charles M. Myths and legends of our own land. 2v 398 Sk3 Nature in a city yard 814 Sk3 * Slocum, Joshua. Sailing alone around the world. 910 S15 Slosson, Annie T. Seven dreamers S15 > Smiles, Samuel. Life and labour 824 Sm4 Men of invention and industry. 920 Sm4 Self help 824 Sm4s Smith, Adam. Nature and causes of the wealth of nations 330 Sm5 Smith, Agnes. Eastern pilgrims 915 Sm5 Smith, Arthur H. China in convulsion. 2v 951 Sm5 Chinese characteristics. .... ..951 Sm5c j Village life in China 951 Sm5v ; Smith, C. Gregory. Transition period 809 Sm5 Smith, F. Hopkinson. Caleb West. Sm5 Colonel Carter of Cartersville Sm5c Day at Laguerre’s Sm5d Gentleman vagabond, and other stories Sm5g Gondola days 914.5 Sm5 Tom Grogan Sm5t HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY 99 White umbrella in Mexico. ..917.2 Sm5 Smith, George Adam. Henry Drummond B D84 Smith, Gertrude. Boo-Boo stories jSm5 Roggie and Reggie stories jSm5r Smith, Goldwin. Shakespeare; the man 822 Shis Smith, Helen A. Thirteen colonies. 2v 973 Sm5 Smith, Julie P. Courting and farming Sm6 Smith, Mary R. Wells. Young and old Puritans of Hatfield. jSm6 Smith, Matthew Hale. Successful folks 920 Sm6 Smith, Reginald Bosworth. Rome and Carthage 937 Sm6 Smyth, George A. and others. Crisis in China 951 Sm9 Soley, James Russell. Boys of 1812 973 jSo4 Soley, James Russell, and Schley, W. S. Rescue of Greeley 919.8 Sch3 Solitary summer 828 E14s Sonnenschein, William Swan. Best books 016 So5 Readers’s guide to contemporary literature 016 So5r Soule, J. B. L. Polychords 811 So8 Spencer, Edmund. Poetical works. 5v 821 Sp3 Spencer, Herbert. Education 370 8p3 Facts and comments 824 Sp3 First principles 113 Sp3 Principles of biology. 2v 570 Sp3 Principles of ethics. 2v 171 Sp3 Principles of psychology. 2v. .150 Sp3 Principles of sociology. 2v 301 Sp3 Scientific, political and speculative essays. 3v 192 Sp3 Social statics; man versus the state. 301 Sp'ls Study of sociology 307 Sp3 Spofford, Ainsworth Rand. Book for all readers 020 Sp6 Spofford, Harriet Prescott. Three heroines of New England romance 920 Sp6 Stables, Gordon. To Greenland and the Pole jStl Stallo, John Bernhard. Concepts and theories of modern physics 530 Stl Stanley, Dean Arthur P. History of Jewish church. 3v .296 St2 Stanley, Henry. Darkest Africa. 2v 916.7 St2 Story of Emin’s rescue 916.7 St2s Starrett, Mrs. Helen Ekin. Letters to a daughter 173 St2 Letters to an elder daughter. .173 St21 Statesman’s year book, 1902. v. 39 305 St2 Stead, William Thomas. Americanization of the world.. 320 St3 Stedman, Edmund Clarence. American anthology 811 St3 Poems 811 St3p Poets of America 811 St3po Victorian anthology 821 St3 Victorian poets. ... 821 St3v Steele, Mrs. Flora Annie. From the five rivers St3 Hosts of the Lord St3h On the face of the waters St3o Potter’s thumb St3p Tales of the Punjab 915j St3 Steevens, George W. In India 914.4 St3 With Kitchener to Khartum. .916.2 St3 Stephen, Leslie. Hours in a library. 3v 824 St4 Letters of John Richard Green. .B G82 Stepniak. pseud. Career of a nihilist St4 Russia under the Czars 947 St4 Underground Russia 947 St4u Sterne, Simon. Constitutional ‘history and po- litical development of the United States 342 St4 100 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY Stetson, Charlotte Perkins. See Gilman, Charlotte Perkins (Stetson). Stevens, Charles Ellis. Sources of the constitution of the United States. 342 Stl7 Stevens, Joseph Earle. Yesterdays in the Philippines. 919. 1 St4 Stevens, Robert N. Captain Ravenshaw St47 Philip Winwood St47p Stevenson, Robert Louis, Across the plains 824 St48 Amateur emigrant. 910 St4 Black arrow jSt4 Child’s garden of verses 821 St4 David Balfour St48 Dr. Jekvll and Mr. Hyde. St48d Dynamiter St48dy Ebb tide St48e Familiar studies of men and books 824 St48f Foot-note to history. 996 St4 In the South seas 919 St4 Inland voyage 914.4 St4 Island night’s entertainment St48i Kidnapped jSt4k Letters; ed. by Sidney Colvin. 2v. B St4s Master of Ballantrae St48m Memories and portraits 824 St48m Merry men .St48me New Arabian nights St48n Prince Otto St48p St. Ives St48s Silverado squatters .917.9 St4 Travels with a donkey in the Cevennes 914.4 St4t Treasure Island jSt4t Underwoods 821 St4u Vailima letters. 2v .919.6 St4 Yirginibus Puerisque 824 St48v Wier of Hermiston St48w Wrecker j St4w Stevenson, Paul Eve. By way of Cape Horn 910 St48 Deep water voyage 910 St48d Stimson, F. J. King Noanett St5 Stockton, Frank. Adventures of Captain Horn St6 Afield and afloat St6a Bee man of Orn St6b Buccaneers and pirates of our coast 910 jSt6 Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and and Mrs. Aleshine St6c Christmas wreck, and other stories. St6ch House of Martha St6h Hundredth man St6hu Lady or the tiger St6l Late Mrs. Null St6la Merry chanter St6m Personally conducted jSt6 Roundabout rambles jSt6r Rudder grange . St6r Story teller’s pack St6s Story of Viteau.. jSt6s Vizier of the two-horned Alexander. St6v Tales out of school jSt6t Watchmaker’s wife St6w Stoddard, Francis Hovey. Evolution of the English novel. 809 St6 Stoddard, Richard Henry. Life of Edgar Allen Poe (in his works) 810 P75 Poets’ homes 920 St6 Stoddard, William O. Battle of New York jSt64 Chris the model maker jSt64c Chumley’s post jSt64ch Crowded out o’ Crofield jSt64cr Dispatch boat of the Whistle jSt64d Guert Ten Eyck jSt64g Jack Morgan, a boy of 1812 jSt64j Little Smoke jSt641 Ned, the son of Webb jSt64n Red mustang jSt64r Red patriot jSt64re Running the Cuban blockade. . jSt64ru Talking leaves jSt64t Two arrows jSt64tw Walled in jSt64w HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. 101 Storks, Richard S. Divine origin of Christianity. . .239 St7 Story, Alfred T. Swiss life in town and country. 914.9 St7 Story, William Wetmore. Conversations in a studio. 2v.818 St7 Excursions in art and letters.. 81 8 St7e Fiametta St7 Poems. 2v 811 St7 Roba di Roma 914.5 St7 Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Dog’s mission jSt7 Little pussy willow j St7l Minister’s wooing St78 Oldtown folks St78o Pearl of Orr’s island St78p Queer little people jSt7q Uncle Tom’s cabin St78u We and our neighbors St78w Strahan, Edward. New Hyperion 914 St8 Stranahan, Mrs. Clara Harrison. History of French painting 759 St8 Strickland, Agnes. Lives of queens of England. 6v 920 St8 Strong, Josiah. Expansion ... 325 St8 New era 301 St8 Our country 973 St8 Twentieth century city 312 St8 Stryker, William S. Battles of Trenton and Princeton. 973.3 St8 Stuart, Ruth McEnery. Carlotta’s intended St9 Golden wedding, and other . stories St9g In Simkinsville St9i Solomon Crow’s Christmas pockets. St9s Sonny St9so Story of Babette jSt9 Stubbs, William. Early Plantagenets 942 St9 Success library. lOv 031 Sul SUDERMANN HERMANN. Dame Care Su2 Regina Su2r Wish Sa2w Suetonius. Lives of the first twelve Caesars 937 Su2 Sully, Duke of. Memoirs. 4v B Su5 Sully, James. Children’s ways 372 Su5 Outlines of psychology 150 Su5 Sumner, William Graham. Andrew Jackson BJ13 Sutphen, W. G. Van Tassel. Cardinal’s Rose Su8 Suttner, Bertha von. Ground arms Su86 Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver’s travels jSw5 Gulliver’s travels for younger readers. jSw5g Swinburne, Algernon Charles. Poems 821 Sw6 Rosamund 822 Sw6 Swing, David. Club essays 814 Sw6 Motives of life 252 Sw6 Sybel, Heinrich von. Founding of the German empire. 5v 943 Syl Symonds, John Addington. Italian renaissance. 7v. v. 1. Age of despots 945 Sy6 v. 2. Fine arts 709 Sy6 v. 3-4. Italian literature 850 Sy6 v. 5. Revival of learning 850 Sy6r v. 6-7. Catholic reaction 282 Sy6 Michelangelo Buonarroti. 2v. .B M58 Shakespeare’s predecessors in the English drama 822 Sy6 Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. English literature. 2v 820 T13 Lectures on art. 2v 701 T13 Tales from many sources T14 Talmage, Thomas DeWitt. Sports that kill 170 T14 102 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. Tarbell, Frank Bigelow. History of Greek art 709 T17 Tarkington, Newton Booth. Gentleman from Indiana T17 Monsieur Beaucaire. T17m Tautphceus, Jemima, Baroness von. At odds T19 Initials T19i Quits T19q Taylor, Bayard. Hannah Thurston T21 Studies iu German literature. .830 T21 Taylor, Edward. Is protection a benefit? 337 T21 Taylor, Hobart C. Chatfield-. Crimson wing- T21 Land of the castinet 914.6 T21 Taylor, Mary Imlay. Anne Scarlett T216 Cobbler of Nimes T216c Imperial lover T216i On the red staircase ^T216o Tennyson, Alfred, Lord. Poetical works 821 T25 Thacher, Lucy W. ed. Listening child 811 T32 Thackeray, William Makepeace. Adventures of Philip T32 Barry Lyndon T32b Book of snobs , T32bo Burlesques T32bu Catherine T32c Christmas books T32ch Henry Esmond T32h History of Philip. 2v T32hi Irish sketchbook 914.1 T32 Letters: a collection of B T32 Lovel the widower T321 Newcomes. 2v T32n Paris sketch book 914.4 T32 Pendennis T32pe Roundabout papers T32r Samuel Titmarsh T32s Vanity Fair T32v Virginians T32vi Thanet, Octave (pseud, of Alice French). Missionary sheriff T329 Stories of a western town T329s We all jT32 Thaxter, Celia. Letters B T33 Thayer, William M. Farmer boy jT33 Thomas, Edith M. In the yo.ung world 811 jT36 Fair shadow land 811 T36f Thomas, Emily. Roman life under the Csesars. .937 T36 Thomas, Joseph, ed. Lippincott’s pronouncing biograpical dictionary. 2v 920 T36 Thomas, Uncle, pseud. Christmas blossoms jT36 Thomas, William H. American negro 572 T36 Thompson, Arthur R. Gold seeking on the Dalton trail. . jT37 Thompson, Ernest Seton-. See Seton, Ernest Thompson-. Thompson, Mrs. Grace G. Seton-. See Seton, Mrs. Grace G. Thompson-. Thompson, Maurice. Alice of Old Vincennes T37 « King of Honey island. . T37k ] Thomson, James. Poetical works. (In Cowper and Thomson works 821 C83p i Thoreau, Henry David. Cape Cod 917.4 T39 1 Excursions 818 T39 I Maine woods 917.4 T39m 4 Walden 818 T39w 1 Week on the Concord and Merrimac rivers 917.4 T39we Thwaites, Reuben Gold. Afloat on the Ohio 917.7 T42 j Historic watervrays 917.7 T42h Our cycling tour in England. 914.2 T42 Thrale % Mrs. Hester Lynch (see Piozzi, Mrs. Hester Lynch Thrale). Ticknor, George. Life, letters and journal. 2v.. . .B T43 Life of William H. Prescott B P92 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY 103 Timbs, John and Gunn, William. Abbeys, castles and ancient halls of England and Wales. 3v. . . . 914.2 T48 Todd, Dayid P. Stars and telescopes 520 T56 Todd, Mabel Loomis. Corona and Coronet 910 T56 Told on the verandah T57 Tolstoi, Lyof Nikolaievitoh, Count. Anna Karenina T58 Essays, letters and miscellany. 891 T58 Ivan Ilyitch T58i Long* exile jT58 Master and man T58m Resurrection T58r . Sebastopol T58s War and peace. 2v T58w What is art? 701 T58 Tomlinson, Everett T. House boat on the St. Lawrence. jT59 Jersey boy in the Revolution. . . . jT59j Short history of the American Revolution 973.3 T59 Topelius, Zachris. Times of Alchemy T62 Times of battle and rest T62b Times of Charles the twelfth T62c Times of Frederick the first T62f Times of Gustaf Adolf T62g Times of Linnaeus T621 Torrey, Bradford. Every day birds 598 jT63 Tourgee. Albion Winegar. Black ice T64 Button’s inn T64b Murvale Eastman T64m Towle, George Makepeace. Adventures and conquests of Magellan B jM27 Drake, the sea king B jD78 Marco Polo B jP76 Pizarro B jP68 Raleigh B jRl3 Vasco da Gama B jGl4 Townsend, George A. Entailed hat TG0 Townsend, Stephen. Thoroughbred mongrel- T6G6 Travis, William G. Practical golf ...796 T69 Treat, Mary. Home studies in nature 598 jT71 Trevelyan, George M. England in the age of Wycliffe. 942 T72 Trevelyan, George Otto. Early history of Charles James Fox B F83t Life and letters of Macaulay. 2v. . ...B Mil Tribulations of a princess B T73 Trollope, Anthony. Barchester towers. 2v T74 Can you forgive her? 3v T74c Dr. Thorne T74d Framley parsonage. 2v T74f Last chronicles of Barset. 3v....T74l Phineas Finn. 3v T74p Small house at Allington. 3v. . . .T74s Warden T75w William M. Thackeray B T32t Trollope, Thomas A. What I remember B T74 Trouessart, Edouard Louis. Microbes, ferments and moulds. .. 589 T75 Trowbridge, John Townsend. Cud jo’s cave jT75 Fortunes of Toby Trafford jT75f Jack Hazard and his fortunes jT75j Lawrence’s adventures jT75l Little master jT75li Three boys on an electric boat. ..jT75t Three scouts jT75th Tuckerman, Arthur Lyman. Short history of American archi- tecture 720 T79 Tuckerman, Bayard. Peter Stuyvesant . . . . .B St9 Turgenief, Ivan. Lear of the Steppes T84 104 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY On the eve T84o Rudin T84r Smoke T84s Sportsman’s sketches. 2 v T84sp Virgin soil T84v Turnbull, Mrs. Laura. Golden book of Venice T849 Turnley, Parmenas Taylor. Narrative from diary B T86 Tuttiett, M. G. See Gray, Maxwell, pseud. Twain, Mark, (pseud, of Samuel Lang- thorne Clemens). Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. jT91 Adventures of Tom Sawyer jT91a Innocents abroad 914 T91 Old times on the Mississippi. . .817 T91 Prince and pauper jT91p Tom Sawyer abroad, and other stories ,■* jT91t Tramp abroad 914 T91t Tweedie, Mrs. Alec. Mexico as I saw it .917.2 T91 Tweedie, W. K. Early choice ...jT91 Tyler, Moses Coit. History of American literature. John G. Whittier B W61 United States — Census office. Compendium of the 10th census. 1880. 2v 310 Un3 United States — Education, Bureau of. Art and industry. 371 Un3 Catalog of A. L. A. library. . . .019 Un3 Papers; prepared for the World’s library congress 020 Un3 Report. 1884-1885 379 Un3 Upton, George Putnam. Life of Handel B H19u Standard cantatas 782 Up8 Standard operas 782 Up8s Standard oratorios 783 Up8 Standard symphonies 785 Up8 Woman in music 780 Up8 Vachell, Horace Annesley. Life and sport on the Pacific slope. 917.9 V13 Valdes, A. Palacio. Fourth estate V23 Joy of Captain Ribot V23j Van Bergen, A. R. Boy of old Japan jV27 Vandergift, Margaret. Little helpers jV28 Van Dyke, Henry. 810 T97 Life of Patrick Henry B H39 Literary history of the American Revolution. 2v 810 T971 Tylor, Edward Burnett. Anthropology 572 T97 Primitive culture. 290 T97 Researches into the early history of mankind 901 T97 Tyndall, John. Forms of water .551 T97 Tyng, Stephen H. Family commentary on the four Gospels 226 T97 Underhill, Z. D. Dwarf’s tailor, and other tales. . . jUn2 Underwood, Francis H. Dorothea Lynde Dix B D64 Henry W. Longfellow B L86u James Russell Lowell B L95u Fisherman's luck 814 V28 Little rivers 910.4 V28 Poetry of Tennyson 801 V28 Ruling passion V28 Van Dyke, John C. How to judg-e a picture 750 V28 Nature for it’s own sake 500 V28 Van Laun, Henri. History of French literature . . 840 V 32 Venn, Henry. Complete duty of man 240 V56 Verestchagin, Vassili. Vogue E. M. de and Childs, Theodore. Tsar and his people 914.7 V86 Verne, Jules. Around the world in eighty days. jV59 Mysterious island jV59m Twenty thousand leagues under the sea jV59t HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. Vibart, Edward. Sepoy mutiny 954 V65 VlLLARI, PASQUALE. Life and times of Girolamo Savonarola. 2v B Sa9v Vincent, Frank. Plant world 580 jV74 Virgil,. iEneid, tr. by John Conington.873 V81 Works, tr. by John Conmgton. 873 V81w Vogue, Eugene Melchior de, Vicomte, Vereschagin, Vassili, and Childs, Theodore. Czar and his people 914.7 V86 Von. For names beginning- with von see latter part of name. Voynich, Mrs. Ethel Lillian. Gadfly V94 Waliszewski, K. History of Russian literature. 891 W14 Wallace, Alfred Russell. Progress of the century 609 W15 Wonderful century 609 Wl5w Wallace. Lew. Ben Hur W15 Fair god Wl5f Prince of India. 2v Wl5p Wallace, Mrs. Susan. Storied sea 910.4 W15 Walpole, Horace. Best letters 826 W16 Warburton, William Parsons. Edward the Third B Ed9 Ward, Adolphus William. Charles Dickens B D55w Ward, Mrs. Elizabeth Stuart (Phelps). See Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart Ward, Herbert D. Captian of the Kittiwink jW21 Ward, H. Marshall. Oak; a study in botany 582 W21 Ward, Mrs. Humphrey. Eleanor W21 Marcella. 2v W21m Sir George Tressady. 2v W21s 105 Ward, Mary A. Life of Petrarch B P44 Ware, William. Aurelian W22 Julian W22j Zenobia W22z Waring, George E., Jr. Street cleaning 352 W23 Warm an, Cy. Snow on the headlight W23 Tales of an engineer W23t Warner, Amos G. American charities 360 W24 Warner, Charles Dudley. As we were going 814 W24 As we were saying 814 W24a Back-log studies 817 W24 Golden house W24 In the wilderness 917.4 W24 Little journey in the world W241 On horseback in Virginia. ...917.5 W24 Studies in the South and West. 917.6 W24 That fortune W24t Their pilgrimage W24th Washington Irving B Ir8w Warner, Beverley Ellison. English history in Shakespeare’s plays 822 W24 Warner, Susan (Elizabeth Wetherell). Hills of the Shatemuc W242 Wide, wide world W242w Warren, Samuel. Ten thousand a year W25 Washington, Beatrice. Story of Juliette jW27 Washington, Booker T. Future of the American negro. 572 W27 Up from slavery B W27 Waterloo, Stanley. Story of Ab W29 Watson, John M. (Ian Maclaren). Beside the bonnie briar bush W33 Days of auld lang syne W33d Kate Carnegie W33k Young barbarians jW33 106 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY. Watts-Dunton, Theodore. See Dunton, Theodore Watts-. Wax flowers and how to make them. 746 W36 Webb, Alexander S. Peninsula 973.7 W38 Webb, Sidney and Beatrice. History of trade unionism. . . .331 W38 Webster, Leigh. Another girl’s experience jW39 Webster. Henry Kitchell and Merwin, Samuel. Short line war M559 Weir, Harrison. Our eats 636 jW43 Wells, Carolyn. Idle idylls 821 W46 Pattie Fairfield jW46 Wells, Henry P. Fly rods and fly tackle 799 W46 Welsh, Alfred H. Development of English literature and language 820 W46 Wendell, Barrett. Literary history of America. .810 W48 Werner, Ernest. Saint Michael W49 Wesselhoeft, Lily F. Doris and her dog Rodney jW51 Flipwing the spy jWSlf High school days in Harbortown jW51h Sparrow the tramp jW51s Westcott, Edward Noyes. David Harum W52 Wetherell, Elizabeth pseud, see War- ner, Susan. Wetmore, Claude H. Fighting under the Southern cross. jW53 Weyman, Stanley. Count Hannibal W54 Gentleman of France W54g House of the wolf W54h My Lady Rotha W54m Shrewsbury W54s Under the red robe W54u Wharton, Anne H. Colonial days and dames 973.2 W55 Last century maid jW55 Three Normandy inns 914.4 W55 Through colonial doorways. 973. 2 W55t Wharton, Edith. Crucial instances W55 Greater inclination W55g Touchstone W55t Valley of decision. 2v W55v Wheeler, William A. ed. Mother Goose melodies jW56 Wheelwright, John T. Child of the century W57 Whipple, Edwin Percy. Essays and reviews. 2v 824 W57 Literature and life 814 W571 Outlooks on society, politics and literature 814 W57o Recollections of eminent men.. 920 W57 Whipple, Bishop Henry B. Lights and shadows of a long episcopate B W57 Whitcher, Francis. Widow Bedott papers W58 White, Eliza Orne. Ednah and her brothers jW58 White, Gilbert. Natural history and antiquities of Selborne 591 W58 White, James. Eighteen Christian centuries. .270 W58 White, John S. ed. Plutarch for boys and girls. ...920 jP74 White, Richard Grant. England without and within. 914. 2 W58 Fate of Mansfield Humphreys W585 Studies in Shakespeare 822 W58 Words and their uses 422 W58 White, Stewart E. Blazed trail W586 Westerners W586w White, William Allen. Court of Bovville W587 Real issue W587r Whiteing, Richard. Island { W588 No. 5 John St W588n HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY 107 Whiting, Lilian. Kate Field B F45 Whitman, Walt. Leaves of grass 811 W59 Whitney, Mrs. Adeline D. (Train). Ascutney street W61 Bird talk jW61 Boys of Chequasset jW61b Faith Gartney’s girlhood jW61f Gay worthy s W61g Golden gossip jW61 Hitherto W61h Homespun yarns jW61h Leslie Goldwaite jW61i Mother Goose for grown people. 811 W61 Odd or even W61o Other Girls jW61o Patience Strong W61p Real folks W61r Sights and insights. 2v W61s Square pegs W61sq We girls j W61w Whitney, William Dwight. Life and growth of language..409 W61- Whittier, James Greenleaf. Poems 811 W618 ed. Child life in poetry 811 jW61 ed. Child life in prose jW61c Who’s who in America. 1901-2. ...920 W62 Who’s who. 1901 920 W62w Whymper, Frederick. Travels in Alaska 917.9 W62 Wiggin, Kate Douglas. Bird’s Christmas carol jW63 Cathedral courtship W63 Diary of a goose girl W63d Penelope’s Irish experiences W63p Penelope’s progress W63pe Polly Oliver’s problem jW63p Story hour jW63s Story of Patsy jW63st Summer in a canon jW63su Timothy’s quest jW63t Village watch tower W63v Wilde, Oscar. Happy prince jW64 WlLDMAN, ROUNSEVILLE. China’s open door 951 W64 Tales of the Malayan coast. ..915 jW64 Wilkins, Mary E. Hearts highway W65 Humble romance W65h Jamesons W65j J ane Field . W 65 j a Jerome W65je Madelon W65m New England nun W65n Pembroke W65p Portion of labor W65po W ilkins. William Henry. Love of an uncrowned queen. (Sophie Dorothea) B So6 Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton. 2v B B95 Williams, Francis Churchill. J. Devlin, boss W67 Williams, Jesse L. Stolen story and other stories W673 Wilmot, S. M. Eardley. Our fleet today 623 W68 Wilson, Woodrow. George Washington B W276w Mere literature 814 W69 Winchell, Alexander. Walks and talks in geological fields 550 W72 World life 550 W72w Windt. Harry de. Through the gold fields of Alaska to Behring straits 917.9 W72 Winter, William. Grey days and gold in England and Scotland 914.2 W73 Old shrines and ivy 914.2 W73o Shadows of the stage. 2v. . . .792 W73 Shakespeare’s England 914.2 W73s Wise, John A. End of an era 973.7 W75 Wister, Owen. Red men and white W768 Wolcott, Peter C. What is Christian science? 289 WS3 Wood, Mrs. Henry. East Lynne W85 108 HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY Wood, John George. Popular natural history, 590 W85 Woodbury, George P. Heart of man 814 W85 WOODBERRY, GEORGE EDWARD. Edgar Allen Poe B P75 Woodward, Cad yin Milton. Manual training in education. 371 W87 Woolsey, Sarah Chauncey, see Coolidge Susan. Woodson, Constance Fenimore. Anne WS8 Castle Nowhere Dorothy East Angels For the major W88f Jupiter lights Worcester, Dean C. Philippine Islands and their people *? 919.1 W89 Wordsworth, William. Complete poetical works. 3v.821 W89 Wright, Henrietta C. Children’s stories of American progress 973 jW93 Children’s stories of English literature 820 jW93 Children’s stories of great scientists 920 jW93 Wright, Julia McNair. Seaside and wayside. 3v. . . .500 jW93 Wright. George Frederick. Ice age in North America 551 W93 Wright, Mabel Osgood. Wabeno the magician jW93 Wyckoff, Walter A. Workers. 2v 330 W97 Wyss, Johann Dayid. Swiss family Robinson jW99 Yechton, Barbara. Young savage jY3 Yonge, Charlotte Mary. Chaplet of pearls Y8 Clever woman of the family Y8c Daisy chain jY8 Dove in the eagle’s nest Y8d Heartsease Y 8h Heir of Redclyffe Y8he Lucy’s wonderful globe jY8l Pillars of the house. 2v Y8p Reputed changeling Y8r Trial jY8t Unknown to history Y8u Victorian half century 942 Y8 Young folks’ Bible history 220 jY8 Young folks’ history of France. 944 jY8 Young folks’ history of Germany 943 jY8 Young folks’ history of Greece. 938 jY8 Young step-mother jY8y Youmans, Edward Livingston. Culture demanded by modern life 375 Y8 Young, Egerton Ryerson. By canoe and dog-train jY85 Zangwell, Israel. King of Schnorrers Z1 Mantle of Elijah Zlm Zola, Emile. Downfall Z7 Fruitfulness.. Z7f Lourdes. 2v Z71 Paris. 2v Z7p Rome. 2v Z7r Zollinger, Gulielma. Maggie McLanehan jZ7 Widow O’Callaghan’s boys jZ7w