-J u I 'to- ^cfu kx\ \ \ J \ \ (U ^=> n INDEX-CONTENTS. STATE LAWS. Year of Enactment. CHAPTER 1189. 1904. CHAPTER 974. 1891. ACT. 1872. CHAPTER 725. 1888. CHAPTER 1242. 1892. CHAPTER 497. 1897. CHAPTER 1498. 1907. CHAPTER 1631. 1908. CHAPTER 747. 1911. CHAPTER 748. 1911. CHAPTER 357. 1860. CHAPTER 392. 1862. RESOLUTION. 1864. CHAPTER 558. 1865. CHAPTER 485. 1875. CHAPTER 484. 1909. ^HAPTER 746. 1911. > CHAPTER 349. 1883. CHAPTER 512. 1897. 3 CHAPTER 3 1387. 1906. J CHAPTER 461. 1863. i CHAPTER 884. 1901. Page. Advertising 55 Ballots, printing and distributing 34 Bonds 21 Bonds 33 Bonds 35 Bonds 44 Bonds 59 Bonds 60 Bonds 96 Bonds 98 Boundary of State, eastern 9 Boundary of State, eastern 10 Boundary of State, western, and between East Providence and Pawtucket. 13 Boundary of State, western, and between East Providence and Pawtucket 13 Boundary line between East Providence and Barrington 22 Building act 62 Caucus act 87 Clearing channel in Seekonk river and con- struction of bridge on site of Providence- Washington bridge 27 Debt limit not to exceed four and one-half per cent 46 Debt limit not to exceed five and one-half per cent 58 Election of Representatives to Congress 12 Election of town officers, date of 47 451300 4 INDEX — CONTENTS. Page. CHAPTER 600. 1866. Harbor line 15 CHAPTER 718. 1868. Harbor line 16 CHAPTER 759. 1879. Harbor line 24 CHAPTER 886. 1901. Inspector of Plumbing and Drainage 48 CHAPTER 610. 1910. Inspector of Plumbing and Drainage 85 CHAPTER 593. 1886. Main drains and common sewers 29 CHAPTER 805. 1889. Main drains and common sewers 32 CHAPTER 1204. 1904. Metropolitan Park Commissioners 56 CHAPTER 1238. 1905. Metropolitan Park Commissioners 56 CHAPTER 1466. 1907. Metropolitan Park Commissioners 58 CHAPTER 410. 1909. Metropolitan Park Commissioners 62 CHAPTER 569. 1910. Metropolitan Park Commissioners 85 CHAPTER 485. 1909. Passenger station over Boston street 82 CHAPTER 749. 1911. Plats of private lands 100 CHAPTER 1275. 1905. • Permanent police force 57 CHAPTER 1178. 1904. Pollution of sources of water supply 53 CHAPTER 1332. 1894. Red Bridge act 36 CHAPTER 391. 1862. Regulating suits at law, quieting possession and establishing titles to land 9 CHAPTER 640. 1910. Representative districts 87 CHAPTER 472. 1885. School committee to consist of five members.. 29 CHAPTER 593. 1886. Sewers 29 CHAPTER 805. 1889. Sewers, amendment 32 CHAPTER 1135. 1903. Sidewalks 62 CHAPTER 486. 1909. Sidewalks 83 CHAPTER 586. 1910. State Harbor Improvement Commission 85 CHAPTER 1108.’ 1892. Tax authorized 35 CHAPTER 389. 1896. Tax authorized 43 CHAPTER 527. 1898. Tax authorized 46 CHAPTER 693. 1899. Tax authorized 46 CHAPTER 732. 1900. Tax authorized 46 CHAPTER 885. 1901. Tax authorized 48 CHAPTER 338. 1896. Tax Assessors to hold office for three years 42 CHAPTER 437. 1875. Town Council to consist of five members 22 CHAPTER 1497. 1907. Town Council to fill vacancies in town offices. . 59 CHAPTER 964. 1872. Town Council, powers of 20 INDEX — CONTENTS. 5 Page. CHAPTER 637. 1877. Town meeting, date of annual 23 CHAPTER 762. 1879. Town meeting, date of annual 23 CHAPTER 1026. 1902. Town meeting, date of annual, and officers to hold to when 49 CHAPTER 386. 1896. Validating exemption of Grosvenordale Com- pany from taxation 40 CHAPTER 387. 1896. Validating exemption of American Electrical Works from taxation 41 COMMUNICATION. 1862. Valuation of East Providence and Pawtucket with report of commissioners 10 CHAPTER 417. 1862. Valuation of property formerly under the juris- diction of Massachusetts 10 CHAPTER 885. 1870. Voting districts, town divided into 17 CHAPTER 381. 1883. Voting districts, town divided into 27 CHAPTER 496. 1897. Voting districts, town divided into 43 CHAPTER 1124. 1903. Voting districts, town divided into 50 TOWN ORDINANCES. CHAPTER 35. Advertising, outdoor 182 CHAPTER 6. Bathing 135 CHAPTER 34. Bicycles 180 CHAPTER 7. Boilers, steam 135 CHAPTER 15. Bounds and sign boards 145 CHAPTER 31. Carrying and dumping contents of privy vaults, cesspools and other offensive matter 176 CHAPTER 14. Cattle 145 CHAPTER 27. Cattle, sheep, goats, horses, swine and fowls 169 CHAPTER 31. Cesspools, carrying and dumping contents of 176 CHAPTER 5. Compact part of town 134 CHAPTER 21. Constables, police and special 152 CHAPTER 28. Contagious diseases 170 CHAPTER 16. Curbing 146 CHAPTER 3. Drainage and plumbing 108 CHAPTER 13. Drunkenness 144 CHAPTER 12. Drunkenness and revelling 144 CHAPTER 25. Electricity wires for conducting 164 6 INDEX — CONTENTS. Page CHAPTER 26. Electric light, heat and power wires 16G CHAPTER 9. Explosives, high 137 CHAPTER 22. Fire department 153 CHAPTER 17. Fowls 14G CHAPTER 27. Fowls, sheep, goats, cattle, horses and swine 169 CHAPTER 30. Garbage and swill 173 CHAPTER 27. Goats, sheep, cattle, horses, swine and fowls 169 CHAPTER 8. Gunpowder 136 CHAPTER 23. Hawkers and peddlers 156 CHAPTER 9. High explosives 137 CHAPTER 2. Highways 106 CHAPTER 27. Horses, sheep, goats, cattle, swine and fowls 169 CHAPTER 24. Junk dealers 159 CHAPTER 10. Kerosene oil, etc 141 CHAPTER 11. Malicious injury 143 CHAPTER 4. Nuisances 128 CHAPTER 31. Offensive matter, carrying and dumping 176 CHAPTER 36. Ordinances 188 CHAPTER 35. Outdoor advertising 182 CHAPTER 23. Peddlers and hawkers 156 CHAPTER 20. Permanent police force 147 CHAPTER 10. Petroleum oil, etc 141 CHAPTER 19. Places of trade 147 CHAPTER 3. Plumbing and drainage 108 CHAPTER 21. Police and special constables 152 CHAPTER 31. Privy vaults, carrying and dumping contents of 176 CHAPTER 12. Revelling and drunkenness 144 CHAPTER 29. School children, vaccination of 172 CHAPTER 32. Sewer Commissioners 179 CHAPTER 27. Sheep, swine, goats, cattle, horses and fowls 169 CHAPTER 1. Sidewalks 103 CHAPTER 15. Sign boards and bounds 145 CHAPTER 21. Special constables 152 CHAPTER 7. Steam boilers 135 CHAPTER 30. Swill and garbage 173 CHAPTER 18. Swine 146 INDEX — CONTENTS. 7 Page. CHAPTER 27. Swine, sheep, goats, cattle, horses and fowls 169 CHAPTER 19. Trade, places of 147 CHAPTER 33. Union Railroad Company 180 CHAPTER 29. Vaccination of school children 172 CHAPTER 25. Wires for conducting electricity 164 CHAPTER 26. Wires for light, heat and power 166 COUNCIL ORDERS. Representative districts, division of town into 195 Sidewalks, building, altering and amending 197 POLICE RULES AND REGULATIONS. General rules 205 Chief of Police 208 Patrolmen 209 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/lawsofstateinrelOOeast Acts of the General Assembly relating to the: Town of East Providence. In some cases the title only of Acts is given. Harmon S. Babcock, Authorised by the Town Council to prepare this book for printing. ■ CHAPTER 357. Passed January 25, 1860. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF AN ACT PASSED AT THE JANUARY SESSION, A. D. i860, ENTITLED “AN ACT FOR AN ADJUSTMENT OF THE EASTERN BOUNDARY OF THIS STATE, AND FOR A BOUNDARY OF AGREE- * MENT.” CHAPTER 391. Passed January Session, 1862. AN ACT REGULATING SUITS AT LAW, AND QUIETING POSSESSIONS, AND ESTABLISHING TITLES OF LAND AND PROPERTY, AFFECTED BY THE ESTABLISH- MENT OF THE BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN THE STATES OF RHODE ISLAND AND MASSACHUSETTS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES, IO ACTS OE THE) GENERAL assembly CHAPTER 392. Passed January Session, 1862. AN ACT IN ADDITION TO, AND IN AMENDMENT OF “AN ACT IN ADDITION TO AN ACT PROVIDING FOR AN ADJUSTMENT OF THE EASTERN BOUNDARY OF THIS STATE, AND FOR A BOUNDARY BY AGREEMENT, AND TO THE ACT IN AMENDMENT THEREOF,” PASSED AT THE MAY SESSION, A. D. 1861. CHAPTER 417. Passed May Session, 1862. AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE VALUATION OF THE PROPERTY WITHIN THE TERRITORY OVER WHICH THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, PRIOR TO THE FIRST DAY OF MARCH LAST, EXERCISED JURISDIC- TION FOR TAXATION AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. COMMUNICATION FROM THE GENERAL TREASURER, ON THE VALUATION OF PAWTUCKET AND EAST PROVIDENCE, ENCLQS- ING REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS TO MAKE AN ESTIMATE OF THE RATABLE PROPERTY IN THE TOWNS OF PAWTUCKET AND EAST PROVIDENCE. General Treasurer's Office,} Newport, Aug. 26, 1862. \ To the Honorable General Assembly: The undersigned respectfully submits a copy of the report of the Commissioners appointed by His Excellency the Gov- ernor, in pursuance of an Act passed at the May Session, 1862, to make an estimate of the property within the territory RELATING TO THE) TOWN. over which the Commonwealth of Massachusetts hath, be- fore the 1st day of March last, exercised jurisdiction; and which, since said 1st day of March last, has been deemed a part of the State of Rhode Island. SAMUEL A. PARKER, General Treasurer. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS TO MAKE AN ESTI- MATE OF THE RATABLE PROPERTY IN THE TOWNS OF PAWTUCKET AND EAST PROVIDENCE. The Commisioners who were appointed by the Governor, m accordance with the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly, passed at their May Session, A. D. 1862, entitled, “An Act to provide for the valuation of the property within the territory over which the State of Massachusetts, prior to the first day of March last, exercised jurisdiction for taxa- tion, and for other purposes,” respectfully Report That they were severally engaged in the faithful performance of their duties; they appointed one freeholder in each of said towns to assist them in making said valuation, and conformed in their proceedings to the law of this State, passed May, A. D. 1855, under which the valuation of the towns in this State in Chapter 12, Title III, of the Revised Statutes, was made; and now present the following, as the valuation by them made : The whole value of the ratable property in the town of Pawtucket, according to the mode of valuation prescribed by said Act, is $2,129,000 The value of the whole ratable property in the town of East Providence, according to the mode of valuation prescribed by said Act, is. . 1,130,000 2 ACTS OF THE) GENERAL ASSEMBLY The total value of the ratable property within the territory over which the Commonwealth of Massachuestts hath, before the 1st day of March last, exercised jurisdiction, and which since the said 1st day of March last, has been deemed a part of the State of Rhode Island, comprising the territory heretofore called Paw- tucket, now the town of Pawtucket, in this State, and that part of the town heretofore called Seekonk, in the State of Massachusetts, now the town of East Providence, in this State $3,259,000 The entire valuation of the said towns, if the property was estimated at its full value, would be : Town of Pawtucket - $2,178,000 Town of East Providence 1,378,000 Total of the two towns $3,556,000 All of which is respectfully submitted, by (Signed) EDWARD D. PEARCE, ROBERT SHERMAN, JOSEPH W. SWEET. CHAPTER 461. Passed February 24, 1863. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 27, TITLE VI. OF THE REVISED STATUTES, ENTITLED “OF THE ELEC- TION OF REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS.” It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: Section 1 . The territory embraced within the towns of Pawtucket and East Providence, shall be included in and constitute a part of the Eastern District for the election of RELATING TO THE TOWN. Representatives to the Congress of the United States; and the provisions of Chapter 27, Title VI, of the Revised Stat- utes, and of all other acts relating to the election of Repre- sentatives in Congress, shall be applicable to said towns, and the qualified voters resident therein, in the same manner as to the other towns embraced in said District, and to the qualified electors residing in them. No. 2. RESOLUTION TO APPOINT COMMISSIONERS TO ESTABLISH THE WESTERN BOUNDARY OF THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE, AND ALSO THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE TOWNS OF EAST PROVI- DENCE AND PAWTUCKET. Passed May Session, 1864. Resolved, That three Commissioners be appointed by the Governor, to establish the western boundary of the town of East Providence, and also the boundary line between the towns of East Providence and Pawtucket. CHAPTER 558. Passed March 7, 1865. AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN THE TOWNS OF EAST PROVIDENCE AND PAWTUCK- ET, AND THE WESTERN BOUNDARY OF THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follozvs: Section'!. That the following described line is hereby established as the boundary line between the towns of East Providence and Pawtucket, in this State : Beginning at a point in Seekonk river, in range with the present boundary line between said towns, two hundred feet H ACTS OB the: GENSRAI, ASSEMBLY from ordinary high water mark on the easterly shore, thence running easterly along said present boundary line and in con- tinuation thereof across Ten Mile river until it strikes the boundary line between the States of Rhode Island and Mas- sachusetts. That the following described line is hereby established as the western boundary line of the town of East Providence in this State : Beginning at a point above described in Seekonk river, in range with the present boundary line between said towns of East Providence and Pawtucket, two hundred feet from ordi- nary high water mark on the easterly shore, thence running southerly in a straight line to a point in said river two hun- dred feet due west from the most westerly point of Bucklin’s Island at ordinary high water mark, thence running southerly in a straight line to a point in said river, two hundred feet due west from the most westerly projection of Grinnell point at ordinary high water mark, thence southerly in a straight line to a point in said river, two hundred feet due west from the most westerly projection of Walker’s point at ordinary high water mark, thence southerly and westerly to the north- westerly corner of the stone abutment of Central bridge upon the easterly side of said river, thence southerly and westerly to the northwesterly corner of the stone abutment on Wash- ington bridge on the easterly side of said river, thence along the face of said abutment to the southwesterly corner there- of, thence southerly to the northwesterly corner of the stone abutment of the railroad bridge on the easterly side of said river and' now forming the east abutment of the draw bridge, thence southerly along the face of said abutment and the continuing stone wall, one hundred feet measuring from the north side of said draw, thence southerly and westerly in a straight line to the northeast corner of the wharf belonging to the Boston and Providence Railroad Company on the east side of the river, thence along the front of said wharf to the southwesterly corner thereof, thence around Burges’s point following a line in said river where the water is five RELATING TO THE TOWN. 15 feet deep at ordinary low water, until it comes to a point in said river in range with the division line between the land of the late Tristam Burges and the land of A. H. Okie, trustee, thence southerly in a straight line to a point* in Providence river, three hundred feet due west of the most westerly pro- jection of Devil’s Hand Rock at ordinary high water, thence southerly in a straight line to the most westerly projection of Kettle Point at ordinary low water, thence along the east- erly shore of Providence river at ordinary low water until it comes to the boundary line between the towns of East Providence and Barrington, including in the limits of said town of East Providence all islands and rocks exposed at ordinary high water between the channel of said Providence river and the eastern shore thereof. CHAPTER 600. Passed March 9, 1866. AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A HARBOR LINE IN THE HAR- BOR IN THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE, BETWEEN THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF CENTRAL BRIDGE AND DEVIL’S HAND ROCK. it is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: Section 1 . The present boundary line of the town of East Providence, as the same was established at the January session, 1865, of the General Assembly, commencing at the north-westerly corner of the stone abutment of Central bridge, on the easterly side of Seekonk river, and running as described in said Act to a point in Providence river, three hundred feet due west of the most westerly projection of Devil’s Hand Rock, is hereby established as the harbor line in the harbor in the town of East Providence, to which the owners of the adjoining upland may fill. Sec. 2. The town council of the town of East Providence shall have also the power and authority now possessed by the i6 acts of the: general assembly General Assembly, to make provisions, terms and conditions in relation to filling and grading, and the building and ex- tending of wharves to said harbor lines, in relation to the mode and manner of constructing said wharves, the material of which the same shall be composed, and the keeping of the same in repair, in relation to the laying out, building and ex- tending of highways, streets, gangways, and culverts thereto, and generally to make such provisions relative to the filling and grading, and the building and extending of wharves to said harbor lines as it shall deem best for the public interest and convenience. SEC. 3. If any person or persons shall violate any of the provisions, terms, and conditions prescribed by said town council, by virtue of the power and authority given by this Act, or shall erect or create any obstruction in said harbor beyond said harbor lines, he or they shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than ten thousand dol- lars, to be recovered by indictment before the Supreme Court, one-half to and for the use of the town of East Provi- dence and the other half to and for the use of the State, and the town council of said town of East Providence shall be authorized before or after conviction, to remove such obstructions at the expense of the person erecting or creating the same. CHAPTER 718. Passed February 28, 1868. AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A HARBOR LINE ALONG THE EASTERLY SIDE OF SEEKONK RIVER, IN EAST PROV- IDENCE, FROM A POINT OPPOSITE BROWN’S BRICK- YARD TO GREENWOOD POINT. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: Section 1 . A harbor line is hereby established along the easterly side of that point of Seekonk river between James relating to the town. 7 Brown’s brick-yard and Greenwood Point, in East Provi- dence, which is described as follows, to wit : Beginning at ordinary high water mark opposite James S. Brown’s brick- yard, and extending southerly in courses indicated by a brick- colored line upon a plat of a part of Seekonk river herewith filed in the office of the Secretary of State, passing the Rum- lord Chemical Works, three hundred feet distant from high water mark, and extending southerly to a point one hundred and twenty feet distant from and opposite to the most west- erly part of Greenwood Point at high water mark. Sec. 2. The riparian proprietors of lands along the said line shall have the right to wharf out and fill in from their shores, between the said points to the said harbor line, they taking care to have the wharves so constructed, and the filling to be made, as not to injure or fill into the channel of the said river beyond the said harbor line. CHAPTER 885. Passed June 15, 1870. AN ACT DIVIDING THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE INTO DISTRICTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF VOTING. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: Section 1 . That the town of East Providence is hereby divided into two districts for the purpose of balloting for representatives to Congress, electors of President and Vice- President of the United States, Governor, Lieutenant- Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, and General Treasurer; and Town Clerk, Town Council, Judge of Pro- bate, Town Treasurer, a School Committee of three mem- bers, Justices of the Peace, and also Senators and Representatives to the General Assembly ; to be designated and bounded as follows, viz: All that part of the town lying south of a line beginning at ACTS OF THK GENERAL ASSEMBLY .he east abutment of the Red bridge (so called) in said town, and running easterly through the centre of the highway to Broadway, thence across said Broadway and through the centre of Bastow Avenue, crossing the north and south road near the residence of Thomas A. Sweetland, and thence through the centre of the lane leading to the house of Perry Barney, and running in said easterly direction to the bound- ary line between the States of Rhode Island and Massa- chusetts, shall be called District No. 1, and the ballots of the electors residing in said district shall be cast at the school house in School District No. 1, or at such other convenient place in the village adjacent to Washington Bridge as may be designated therefor by the town council. All that part of said town lying north of said line running easterly from Red Bridge, as aforesaid, shall be called District No. 2, and the ballots of the electors residing in said district shall be cast at the town house. Sec. 2. The polls in said District No. 1 shall, for the elec- tion of Representatives to Congress, electors of President and Vice President of the United States, State and Town Officers, be kept open until eight o’clock in the evening and no longer. Sec. 3. For greater convenience in the exercise of the elective franchise, any elector of said town of East Provi- dence, upon request made in writing or in person to the town clerk, at any time between the first day of May and the first day of March in the succeeding year, shall have his name put upon the voting list of either district, as he may request, without reference to his actual residence. Sec. 4. The town council of said town shall and may hereafter at their next meeting, after their annual election, choose and elect so many town officers as by law of the State are or shall be required, excepting such as are directed by this Act to be otherwise elected. SEC. 5. The district clerks shall receive from the town the same compensation as town clerks are entitled to receive for similar services. RELATING TO TH^ TOWN. 19 Se:c. 6. No town meeting shall be held in said town on the first Wednesday of April next, other than the district meetings as hereinbefore provided. The annual election of town council, judge of probate, town clerk, treasurer, a school committee of three members, and justices of the peace, shall be held on the first Wednesday in April ; but a town meeting of said town shall hereafter be holden annually at such convenient place in either district as the town council may select, and notified by the town clerk in the warrant for said meeting, on the second Monday of April, at ten o’clock A. M., for the transaction of such general business of the town as may legally come before said meeting; and all business of said town in town meeting which was postponed and continued to the first Wednesday in April next, shall be continued to the second Monday in April next. Se:c. 7 . The town council elected as herein provided shall consist of three members, and the said council shall at some meeting previous to the annual election determine the num- ber of justices of the peace in each voting district to be elected by the people. All the officers of said town shall hereafter be elected according to the provisions of this Aqt. And officers so elected shall have all the authority and be sub- ject to all the duties appertaining by law to their several offices. All officers hereafter elected in said town shall hold their several offices until their successors are duly quali- fied. The present officers of said town shall continue in office until their successors are duly qualified. Whenever any vacancy hereafter occurs in any of the offices of said town, that are filled by the electors of said town, the town council may order a new election, and such election shall be notified and conducted according to law and the provisions herein contained ; and whenever any vacancy hereafter occurs in any of the offices that are filled by the town council of said town, the town council may fill such vacancy, and the persons so elected by the council shall hold their offices until the time of the annual election of such officers according to 20 ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY the provisions of this Act, and until their successors are duly qualified. Sec. 8. All acts or parts of Acts of the General Assembly inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, but no law applica- ble to said town of East Providence is to be changed by this Act, except so far as the same is inconsistent herewith. Sec. 9. This act shall go into effect immediately after its passage. CHAPTER 964. Passed February 21, 1872. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 34 OF THE RE- VISED STATUTES, “OF THE TOWN COUNCIL.” It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: Section 1 . The town councils of the towns of Westerly and East Providence are hereby fully authorized. and empow- ered to establish and maintain sidewalks and common sewers, to provide for a day and night police, for the lighting of the streets, to make regulations in relation to the location and continuing of planing mills and of steam engines, and to pre- vent the carrying on of business dangerous to health within the compact part of said towns, and as to the storing and keeping of inflammable, explosive materials, such as gunpow- der, kerosene, camphene, nitro-glycerine, and other like sub- stances or materials ; and also, as to the keeping of hogs within the compact part of said towns ; and generally to pass such ordinances in addition to those authorized to be passed by the town councils of the several towns in the State, as may tend to protect the health, preserve the peace, and protect the property of the inhabitants of the said towns, and which are not contrary to law, and to enforce the said regulations and ordinances by proper penalties, by fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding three months. RELATING TO THE) TOWN. 2 I Se)c. 2. The town councils of said towns of Westerly and East Providence may remove all officers by said councils ap- pointed, for misconduct or incapacity, at any regular meeting. • Sec. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. AN ACT. TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE TO ISSUE BONDS. Passed January Session, 1872. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: Section 1 . The town of East Providence is hereby author- ized and empowered to issue bonds under its corporate name and seal, and bearing not more than seven per cent, interest per annum, payable semi-annually, at such times not exceed- ing twenty years from the date thereof, and for such sums as said town may in town meeting by such vote decide ; the amount for which said town may issue bonds, not to exceed the sum of thirty thousand dollars; said bonds shall be obliga- tory upon said town in the same manner and to the same extent as other debts lawfully contracted by said town. Sec. 2. The said town shall have power, by vote in town meeting, to direct the time and manner in which the said bonds shall be issued and sold, and shall establish a sinking fund for the payment thereof, and shall appropriate and pay to said fund from the town tax annually assessed not less than five per cent, of the whole amount of said bonds at that time issued. Sec. 3. The bonds hereby authorized shall be signed by the town treasurer and countersigned and registered by the clerk of said town. Sec. 4. This act shall take effect immediately upon its passage. 22 ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY CHAPTER 437. Passed February 19, 1875. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 885, OF THE PUB- LIC LAWS, ENTITLED, “AN ACT 'DIVIDING THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE INTO DISTRICTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF VOTING.” It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows : Section 1 . The town of East Providence shall hereafter, annually, at its annual town meeting, elect a town council, consisting of five members. Sec. 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith, are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This act shall go into effect immediately. CHAPTER 485. Passed April 16, 1875. AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN THE TOWNS OF EAST PROVIDENCE AND BARRING- TON. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follozus : Section 1 . The following described line is hereby estab- lished as the boundary line between the towns of East Provi- dence and Barrington, in this State : Beginning at a point in the centre of Runin’s river, in range of two stone monuments now standing on the dividing line between the towns of See- konk, in the State of Massachusetts, and Barrington, said point being at the south-east corner of the town of East Providence, and also at the south-west corner of said town of Seekonk, thence in a straight line running south fifty-seven degrees and twenty-six minutes west, twelve thousand six hundred and twelve feet, to a point in Bullock’s Cove, thence running south ten degrees and twenty -eight minutes west, to RELATING TO THG TOWN. 23 and into Narragansett Bay, to the limits of said towns; and the jurisdiction of said towns of East Providence and Bar- rington, respectively, shall hereafter extend to said boundary line. Se:c. 2. The report of the commission appointed at the present session of the general assembly to run out and estab- lish said boundary line, and the plat accompanying their said report, shall remain on file in the office of the secretary of State. SEC. 3. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith, are hereby repealed. CHAPTER 637 Passed May 31, 1877. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF AN ACT ENTITLED “AN ACT DIVIDING THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE INTO DISTRICTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF VOTING.” It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows : Section 1 . The annual town meeting of the town of East Providence, for the transaction of the general business of the town, shall hereafter be holden on the last Wednesday in March in each year. Sec. 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. CHAPTER 762. Passed April 10, 1879. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 637 , OF THE PUB- LIC LAWS, ENTITLED “AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF AN ACT ENTITLED ‘AN ACT DIVIDING THE TOWN 24 ACTS OF THE GENERAI, ASSEMBLY OF EAST PROVIDENCE INTO DISTRICTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF VOTING.’ ” It is enacted by the General Assembly as follozvs : Section 1 . The annual town meeting of the town of East Providence, for the transaction of the general business of the town, shall hereafter be holden on the second Monday of April at 10 o’clock a. m v in each year. Sec. 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. CHAPTER 759. Passed April 10, 1879. AN ACT TO ESTABLISH HARBOR LINES NEAR INDIA POINT IN THE CITY OF PROVIDENCE, IN EAST PROV- IDENCE AND ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF PROVI- DENCE HARBOR. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follozvs : Section 1 . Harbor lines near India Point in the city of Providence are hereby established as follows, viz. : Beginning at a point on the northerly line of India street, 413.42 feet east of the northeast corner of Gano and India streets, which said point is the southerly point on the harbor line from India street to Bower street as established May, a. d. 1877, and thence running southerly on said harbor line produced 207.77 feet to a point in range with the face of the river wall from the railroad bridge northerly ; thence running southerly and more westerly at an angle of 160° 2' 41" with the last named line a distance of 85.50 feet to the southeast corner of the top of the westerly abutment of said railroad bridge ; thence run- ning southerly and more westerly at an angle of 165° 16' 13" with the last named line a distance of 47.79 feet to the north- RELATING TO THE) TOWN. 25 easterly corner of a wharf belonging to the Boston and Provi- dence R. R. Co. ; thence running southerly and more westerly along the face of said wharf at an angle of 177° 45' 40" with the last named line a distance of 96.06 feet to a point at the intersection of the ranges of the wharf -lines on each side ; thence running southwesterly at an angle of 132° 13' 04" with the last named line, a distance of 317.30 feet to an angle in the wharf; thence running northwesterly at an angle of 149° 48' 44" with the last named line, a distance of 187.16 feet to an angle in the wharf ; thence running northwesterly and more northerly at an angle of 159° 24' 17" with the last named line, a distance of 190.66 feet to an angle in the wharf. Se;c. 2. Harbor lines in East Providence near and below Washington bridge and on the east side of Providence harbor, are hereby established as follows, viz. : Beginning at the in- tersection of the line of the river wall north of the railroad bridge, produced with a straight line from the face of the easterly abutment of Washington or India bridge to the face of the easterly abutment of Red bridge, and thence running southerly, on said line of the river wall north of the railroad bridge produced, a distance of 86.25 feet, to a point in the northerly side of India street produced, which said point is 488.26 feet distant from the first mentioned point of the harbor line on the west side of the river hereinbefore de- scribed, and making an angle of 87° 24' 42" on the easterly side of this harbor line with said northerly line of India street produced ; thence continuing southerly in the same line a distance of 325.91 feet to a point on the range of the river wall at the railroad bridge produced southerly, which said point is 403.91 feet distant from the southeasterly corner of the westerly abutment of the railroad bridge; thence running southwesterly on a corner, tangent to the last-named line, of 450 feet radius, a distance of 751.77 feet to the northeast corner of the Boston and Providence R. R. Co.’s wharf, which said point is 288.72 feet distant from an angle on the opposite side of the river marked “G” on a plan signed by the harbor commissioners, February 15, 1879, and on file in the I 26 acts of the general assembly office of the secretary of state ; thence running southwesterly at an angle of 126° 17' 24" with the radius of the last-named curve at its westerly end, a distance of 448.62 feet along the lace of said wharf, and on the range of said face produced, to a point 300 feet southwesterly of the westerly corner of said wharf and 420.95 feet distant from the angle on the opposite side of the river, marked “I” on the said plan : thence running northwesterly at an angle of 135° 53' 48" with the last-named line, a distance of 320.55 feet to a point 434.04 feet from the point on the opposite side of the river, marked “J” on the said plan ; thence running westerly and southwesterly on a curve tangent to the last-named line of 100 feet radius, a distance of 117.83 feet to a point 170 feet distant from the northwesterly corner of the marine railway building; thence running southwesterly on a line tangent to the last-named curve a distance of 700 feet; thence running southwesterly and more southerly at an angle 155° 44' 59" with the last-named line a distance of 831.81 feet, thence running southwesterly and more southerly at an angle of 161° 39' 35" with the last-named line a distance of 300 feet; thence running southerly at an angle of 156° 20' 25" with the last-named line a distance of 300 feet to the north- westerly corner of the Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal Co.’s pier, and making an angle of 78° 38' 15" with the axial line of said pier ; thence running southerly and more easterly at an angle of 167° 24' 21" with the last-named line, along the face of said pier a distance of 101.39 feet to the southwest- erly corner of said pier ; thence running southerly and more easterly at an angle of 169° 52' 09" with the last-named line, and at an angle of 78° 38' 15" with the axial line of said pier, a distance of 6812.08 feet to the most salient point of the low- water line at Kettle Point, which said point is distant 43.11 feet from a copper bolt set in the rock, and in the direction from said bolt, indicated on the same plan. For a further description of said harbor lines, reference is to be had to a map thereof, signed by the harbor commissioners, February 15, 1879, and on file as aforesaid. , RELATING TO THE TOWN. 2 7 SEC. 3. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith, and all acts and parts of acts authorizing the filling in to the waters of the said river without the line by this act desig- nated, are hereby repealed. CHAPTER 349. Passed March 28, 1883. AN ACT PROVIDING FOR CLEARING THE CHANNEE OF THE SEEKONK RIVER AT INDIA POINT, IN PROVI- DENCE, OF OBSTRUCTIONS, AND FOR THE CON- # STRUCTION OF A BRIDGE NEAR THE SITE OF THE PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON BRIDGE. CHAPTER 381. Passed April 13, 1883. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 885 OF THE PUB- LIC LAWS, ENTITLED “AN ACT DIVIDING THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE INTO DISTRICTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF VOTING,” PASSED AT THE MAY SES- SION, 1870. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows : Section 1 . Section 1 of chapter 885 of the Public Laws, entitled, “An Act dividing the town of East Providence into districts for the purpose of voting,” is hereby amended so as to read as follows : “Section 1 . The town of East Providence is hereby di- vided into three districts for the purpose of balloting for representatives in congress, electors of president and vice- president of the United States, governor, lieutenant-gover- nor, secretary of state, attorney-general and general treas- urer; and town clerk, town council, judge of probate, town 28 ACTS OF the: ge:ne:ral ASSEMBLY treasurer, a school committee of three members, justices of the peace, and also senators and representatives in the general assembly, to be designated and bounded as follows, viz. : “All that part of the town lying south of a line beginning at the east abutment of the Red bridge (so called) in said town and running easterly through the centre of the highway to Broadway thence across said Broadway and through the centre of Waterman avenue, crossing the north and south road near the residence of Thomas A. Sweetland, and thence through the centre of the avenue leading to the house of John P. Barney, and running in said easterly direction to the boun- dary line between the states of Rhode Island and Massachu- setts, and also that part of the town lying north of a line be- ginning at the Silver Spring wharf in said town and running easterly through the centre of the road from Silver Spring to the north and south road near the residence of James H. Armington, and thence running east to the boundary line be- tween the states of Rhode Island and Massachusetts, shall be called district No. 1, and the ballots of the electors residing in said district shall be cast at such convenient place in said district as may be designated therefor by the town council. All that part of said town lying north of said line running easterly from Red bridge as aforesaid shall be called district No. 2, and the ballots of the electors residing in said district shall be cast at the town house at East Providence Centre. All that part of said town lying south of said line running easterly from said Silver Spring wharf as aforesaid shall be called district No. 3, and the ballots of the electors residing in said district shall be cast at such convenient place in said district as may be designated therefor by the town council.” SFc. 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Se:c. 3. This act shall go into effect immediately. RELATING TO THE TOWN. 29 CHAPTER 472. Passed March 20, 1885. AN ACT IN ADDITION TO CHAPTER 50 OF THE PUBLIC STATUTES, “OF THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF TOWNS AND OF THE TOWN TREASURER AND TOWN CLERK RELATIVE TO PUBLIC SCHOOLS.” It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows : Section 1. The school committee of the town of East Providence shall consist of five members. At the next an- nual town meeting for the election of state and town officers three of said members shall be elected, one for one year, one for two years, and one for three years, and annually there- after as vacancies occur, the same shall be filled by members elected for three years. Sec. 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its pass- age. CHAPTER 593. Passed April 30, 1886. AN ACT IN RELATION TO MAIN DRAINS AND COMMON SEWERS IN THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follozvs : Section 1 . The town council of the town of East Provi- dence, whenever they shall adjudge it to be necessary, are hereby authorized to lay and make main drains and common sewers in any of the streets of said town, the cost and ex- pense of which shall be paid in manner hereinafter provided. SEC. 2. Whenever any such main drain or common sewer shall be constructed, an assessment shall be made upon all estates abutting upon that portion of the street in which such 30 ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY main drain or common sewer shall be located, and at a rate not exceeding fifty cents for each front foot of such estates upon such streets and not exceeding one cent for each square foot of such estates between such street and a line not ex- ceeding one hundred and fifty feet distant from and parallel with the line of such street ; provided, however, that where any estate is situated between two streets, the area upon which such assessment of not exceeding one cent for each square foot is made, shall not extend to more than one-half the distance between such streets; and provided, also, that where any estate is situated at the corner of two streets, or is otherwise so situated as to be assessed for the expense of making a sewer in one of such streets, that portion of such estate assessed for a sewer in one of such streets shall not be liable to be assessed upon its area for the cost of constructing a sewer in the other of such streets, but only for its frontage upon such street. Sec. 3. All the cost and expense of constructing any such main drain or common sewer, in excess of the proceeds of the assessments aforesaid, shall be paid out of the treasury of said town. Sec. 4. Said town council may provide by ordinance for the appointment of a board of three commissioners, who shall hold their office during the pleasure of the council, and who shall make all of the assessments aforesaid, and at such rates not exceeding the rates limited in section two as they shall in their discretion determine, and who shall have and exercise such portion of the authority hereby conferred upon the town council, except the authority to determine in what streets said main drains and common sewers shall be con- structed, as shall be specified in said ordinance. They may also fix the compensation of said commissioners and pre- scribe their duties. Sec. 5. Said commissioners shall make a report in writing to the town council of all assessments made under the au- thority of this act, which assessments, after being confirmed by said council shall be certified to the assessors of' taxes c f RELATING TO THE TOWN. 31 said town by the council clerk, and said clerk shall also with- in ten days after such confirmation give notice to the owners of the estates so assessed of such assessment by advertise- ment in some public newspaper published in said town or in such other manner as the town council may direct. When- ever the sewer assessments so certified, shall have been con- firmed for at least ninety davs, the assessors of taxes shall add such assessments to the taxes assessed upon the land at the next annual assessment of town taxes. Provided, how- ever, if the owner of any estate, within sixty days after the council clerk shall have given notice to the owners as herein specified shall notify the town council in writing to apportion the said sewer assessment, the town council shall apportion it into three equal parts and cause such apportionment to be certified to the said assessors, and the assessors shall add one- of such parts with interest from the date of such apportion- ment to the annual town tax of said estate for each of three years next ensuing. Said sewer assessments shall be and re- main a lien upon such land and shall draw interest from the time of payment stated in the order making the same until paid ; and shall be collected in the same way as town taxes assessed upon land in said town. SEC. 6. No estate or portion thereof, shall be assessed for the construction of any sewer under the provisions of this act, unless such estate or some portion thereof, shall abut and be bounded upon the street in which said sewer shall have been constructed. Sec. 7. When any such assessment shall be made upon any land for the expense of constructing any such sewer, the owner of the land so assessed shall have the right to connect such land with such sewer under such general rules and regu- lations as said town council shall prescribe. SEC. 8. The town council may abate from any assessment made as aforesaid, on irregular shaped lots such portion thereof as they may deem proper. SEC. 9. The said town shall in the first instance pay all the costs and expenses that may be incurred in con- 32 ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY structing such main drains and common sewers in advance of the assessments to be made therefor as provided in this act, but as fast as such assessments shall be paid, the proceeds therefrom shall be applied in payment of such costs and ex- penses. SEC. 10. No main drain or common sewer shall be made under the provisions of this act until an appropriation of money for the construction thereof shall be made by the town in town meeting duly called and notified. Sec. 11. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. CHAPTER 805. Passed April 26, 1889. AN ACT IN ADDITION TO AND IN AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 593 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS, ENTITLED “AN ACT IN RELATION TO MAIN DRAINS AND COMMON SEWERS” IN THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE. Section 1 . Section 2 of said act is hereby amended by substituting “twenty-five” for “fifty,” in the fifth line of said section 2 , “one-half cent” for “one cent,” in the seventh line, and “one-half cent” for “one cent” in the twelfth line, so that as amended, section 2 will read as follows : “SEC. 2 . Whenever any such main drain or common sewer shall be constructed, an assessment shall be made upon all estates abutting upon that portion of the street in which such main drain or common sewer shall be located, and at a rate not exceeding twenty-five cents for each front foot of such estates upon such streets and not exceeding one-half cent for each square foot of such estates between such street and a line not exceeding one hundred and fifty feet distant from and parallel with the line of such street ; provided, however, that where any estate is situated between two streets, the area upon which such assessment of not exceeding one-half RELATING TO THE TOWN. cent for each square foot is made, shall not extend to more than one-half the distance between such streets; and pro- vided, also, that where any estate is situated at the corner of two streets, or is otherwise so situated as to be assessed for the expense of making a sewer in one of such streets, that portion of such estate assessed for a sewer in one of such streets shall not be liable to be assessed upon its area for the cost of constructing a sewer in the other of such streets, but only for its frontage upon such street.” Sec. 2. The provisions of chapter 593 of the Public Laws, shall not apply to the construction of main drains and sewers in Warren avenue from Tenth street westerly to Seekonk river, or in Taunton avenue from James street to Warren avenue. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. CHAPTER 725. Passed June 1, 1888. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF EAST PROVI- DENCE TO ISSUE BONDS. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows : Section 1 . The town of East Providence is hereby au- thorized and empowered to issue bonds under its corporate name and seal to an amount not exceeding one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Said bonds shall be of a denomina- tion not less than five hundred nor more than five thousand dollars each, shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed five per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, and be issued in a series of thirty classes of equal number and amount, one of which said classes shall become payable on the expiration of each and every year of thirty years from and after the date thereof, and in no case shall any of said bonds run for 34 ACTS OF THE) GENERAL ASSEMBLY a longer period than thirty years from the date thereof. Said bonds shall be obligatory upon said town in the same manner and to the same extent as other debts lawfully contracted by said town. Sec. 2. Said bonds shall be issued and sold at such time and in such manner, by commissioners or otherwise, as has been by said town in town meeting holden on the ninth day of April, A. D. 1888, or may hereafter be provided by vote of said town in town meeting, and the proceeds of the sale thereof shall be applied to the payment of the present and future indebtedness of said town, including therein that which has been incurred under the provisions of Chapter 349 of the acts of 1883 and its amendments and additions, and that which may be incurred in carrying into effect the votes of said town in said first mentioned town meeting and any other indebtedness that said town may lawfully contract. Sec. 3. The bonds hereby authorized shall be signed by the town treasurer and countersigned and registered by the town clerk of said town. Sec. 4. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This act shall take effect from and after its pass- age. CHAPTER 974. Passed March 17, 1891. [See Chapter n of the General Laws of Rhode Island, which takes the place of this law.] AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR PRINTING AND DISTRIBUTING BALLOTS AT ELECTIONS FOR TOWN OFFICERS BY THE PEOPLE IN THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE, AND TO REGULATE VOTING AT SUCH ELECTIONS. RELATING TO THE) TOWN. 35 CHAPTER 1108. Passed April 21, 1892. AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE TOWN OF EAST PROVI- DENCE TO ASSESS A TAX. CHAPTER 1242. Passed May 23, 1892. AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE TOWN OF EAST PROVI- DENCE TO ISSUE BONDS. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows : Section 1 . The town of East Providence is hereby au- thorized and empowered to issue bonds under its corporate name and seal, in addition to the bonds heretofore author- ized, to the amount of one hundred and forty-five thousand dollars. Said bonds shall be of a denomination not less than five hundred nor more than five thousand dollars each, shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding five per centum per an- num, payable semi-annually, and the principal and interest thereof shall be payable in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard of weight and fineness. Said bonds shall be divided into three classes, whereof the first class shall consist of bonds to the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars, and become due and payable in thirty years from the date thereof ; the second class shall consist of bonds to the amount of sixty thousand dollars, payable in forty years from the date thereof ; and the third class shall consist of bonds amounting to sixty thousand dollars, payable in fifty years from their date. Said bonds shall be obligatory upon said town, in the same manner and to the same extent as other debts lawfully contracted by said town. SEC. 2. Said bonds shall be issued and sold by the town council of said town ,and the proceeds arising from the sale 36 ACTS OF THE) GENERAI, ASSEMBLY thereof shall be delivered to the town treasurer, and shall be applied to the payment of the present and future indebted- ness of said town, but no purchaser of said bonds shall be in any way bound to see to the proper application of the pro- ceeds thereof. Sec. 3. The bonds hereby authorized shall be signed by the town treasurer and countersigned by the town clerk. SEC. 4. Said town shall annually appropriate, until the bonds issued under Chapter 725 of the Public Laws, passed at the May session, A. D. 1888, are paid in full, besides a sum sufficient to pay the interest upon the bonds hereby author- ized, such sum as may be necessary to provide for the pav^ ment of the principal and interest of said former issue of bonds, and thereafterwards a sum to be placed in a sinking fund sufficient for the redemption of the bonds hereby au- thorized, when and as the same become due and payable. Sec. 5. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 1332. Passed June 12, 1894. AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF A NEW BRIDGE UPON THE SITE OF THE PRESENT “RED BRIDGE,” SO CALLED. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows : Section 1 . The city of Providence shall proceed forth- with to construct over the Seekonk river at the site of the present “Red bridge,” so called, a new iron or steel bridge having a travel way not less than thirty feet in width for the use of vehicles, and having on either side thereof a walk for foot passengers at least six feet wide in the clear. Said bridge shall be built of sufficient strength to carry a uni- formly distributed load of at least one hundred pounds per RELATING TO THE TOWN. 37 square foot over the entire surface thereof, and a moving load of twenty tons upon a wheel base of twelve feet, and to safely allow the passage of teams and vehicles over the same at an ordinary road gait. The draw and other piers and abutments of the present “Red bridge,” so called, shall, if possible, with such strengthening and additions as are necessary, be used as piers and abutments for the bridge to be built as herein provided, and the centre of the present draw pier shall be the centre of the draw pier of the said new bridge, but the centre lines of the old and new bridge need not be parallel. The draw span of the said new bridge shall be of the same length as the draw span of th£ present “Red bridge,” so called, and the grade of the floor of said new bridge may be raised not to exceed five feet above that of the present bridge, if in the opinion of the city engineer of said city it is desirable, in which case the town of East Provi- dence and the city of Providence s,hall alter the grades of their highways to correspond with the grade of said new bridge. Sec. 2. In the construction of said new bridge the adding to and strengthening of the piers and abutments of the pres- ent bridge shall be as far as possible completed, and the su- perstructure of said new bridge shall be upon the ground ready for erection, if possible, before the superstructure of the present bridge is removed, and generally all care shall be taken in said construction not to interrupt for any longer time than is absolutely necessary, the travel accommodated by the present bridge. Sec. 3. In case the owner of any land abutting upon the highways on either side of said new bridge shall claim that such land has been damaged by any of the work provided herein to be done, and shall so certify to the appellate divi- sion of the supreme court for Providence county within sixty days after the completion of said work, said court shall ap- point three disinterested persons as commissioners, who shall, upon due notice and hearing, estimate and award the damages to such owner, and file in the office of the clerk of 38 ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY said court their appraisal of the damages by them awarded to such owner. Any person aggrieved by the award of said commissioners may within three months after the filing of the appraisal aforesaid, appeal to the common pleas division of the supreme court for Providence county from said award, for an appraisal of said damages by said court, with or without a jury trial, as the appellant may elect, in the same manner as in the case of lands taken for highways, and the amount so awarded by said court with costs shall be forthwith paid by the said city : Provided , that said city shall not be entitled to recover for any damages to land owned by it. • Sec. 4. The expense of all of said work of construction, including the removal of the present bridge, together with the damages and costs mentioned in section three of this act, shall be paid by the city of Providence in the first instance, and the city council of said city is hereby authorized and di- lected to make all such appropriations as may from time to time be necessary for that purpose, and the said city is hereby authorized to hire from time to time such sums of money on such terms and conditions as said city council may prescribe, to an amount not exceeding the whole of the sum which said city of Providence may be required to expend under any of the provisions of this act, and the said city council may pro- vide for such sinking funds as may be necessary to meet such loans as may be made under this act. Sec. 5. When such bridge shall be completed and the full cost thereof, including the damages and costs mentioned in section three of this act, shall have been ascertained, said city shall file a full and detailed statement, setting forth the amount of expenditure made by it pursuant to the provisions of this act, and the amount of interest due to the city of Providence for money advanced under this act, in the office of the clerk of the appellate division of the supreme court of Providence county, and upon filing said statement shall also make application to said court for the appointment of a com- mission of apportionment, to consist of three persons. RELATING TO THE TOWN. 39 Sec. 6. Upon receiving the application provided for in the next preceding section, said court shall appoint three discreet and disinterested men to compose said commission of appor- tionment, who shall, after due notice to all parties interested and a hearing thereon, determine, decree and name what cities and towns, if any, will be specially benefited by said new bridge, and determine, award and name the proportion of the total amount expended by the said city under this act, including the damages and costs mentioned in section three of this act, and including interest as provided by section five of this act, after deducting therefrom the amount paid by the state, as hereinafter provided, which each of the said cities and towns shall pay. The report of the said commissioners shall be made in writing and filed in the office of the clerk of the appellate division of. the supreme court in Providence, and a copy thereof certified by the said clerk shall be forth- with transmitted to the several cities and towns named in said report ; and said court at the term thereof next after the filing of said report shall, unless sufficient cause be shown to the contrary, upon exceptions filed by any of the parties in- terested, after a trial of said exceptions, with or without a jury as the party excepting may elect, accept and affirm said report arid enter judgment thereon, or shall confirm and enter judgment upon said report, as revised and amended by said court, and said report so confirmed shall thereupon be bind- ing upon the several parties interested therein. The ex- penses and fees of the commissioners of apportionment al- lowed by said court shall be paid in such manner and by such parties as the said court shall determine and award. The said judgments against parties other than the city of Provi- dence, shall be in favor of the said city of Providence, and executions in favor of said city on said several judgments may be issued and collected as other judgments against towns. Sec. 7. The sum of forty thousand dollars is hereby ap- propriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, toward the construction of said new bridge and 40 ACTS OF THF GENERAL ASSEMBLY the other expenses provided to be incurred by this act, which said sums shall be paid to the treasurer of said city when he shall furnish to the state auditor the certificate of the city engineer of said city, that the piers are ready for the placing thereon of the superstructure of said new bridge. Sec. 8. The towns against which judgment may be en- tered as hereinbefore provided, are hereby authorized to hire such sums of money as may be necessary to satisfy said judgments or executions, upon such terms and conditions and on such time as the town councils thereof shall respec- tively determine. SEC. 9. The highways heretofore laid out by said city and by the town of East Providence over the “Red bridge,” so called, shall continue to be such highways over the bridge herein provided to be constructed when the same shall have been completed, and neither said city or town shall be liable for any interruption of travel caused by the construction of said new bridge in accordance with the provisions of this act. Sec. 10. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act the city of Providence may occupy the highway in the town of East Providence running to and upon the present “Red bridge,” so called, and may enter upon and occupy any of the land abutting upon the same if necessary or desirable. Sec. 11. The city of Providence shall maintain and keep in repair the bridge herein provided to be built, and the ex- pense of such maintenance and repair shall be paid by the city as is now provided in the care of the present “Red bridge,” so called. Sec. 12. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. CHAPTER 386. Passed April 21, 1896. AN ACT TO VALIDATE CERTAIN ACTS OF THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE EXEMPTING THE GROSVENOR DALE COMPANY FROM TAXATION. relating to the: town. 41 Section 1 . The acts and resolutions of the town and town council of East Providence, heretofore made, exempting from taxation, for the period of ten years, from and after the eleventh day of April, 1892, the following described property of the Grosvenor Dale Company situated in the town of East Providence, to wit : One brick building to be used for manufacturing purposes to be erected on lots num- bered six, seven, eight, and nine on the Grosvenor plat, and the machinery, stock, furniture, and fixtures to be kept there- in, are hereby ratified, and the said property of the Grosvenor Dale Company is hereby exempted from taxation for the period of ten years from said eleventh day of April, 1892. Se:c. 2. The town council of East Providence is hereby authorized and empowered to abate all taxes assessed for the year 1895, upon the property of the Grosvenor Dale Com- pany exempted from taxation under the provision of section one of this act. Sex. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. CHAPTER 387. Passed April 22, 1896. AN ACT TO VALIDATE CERTAIN ACTS OF THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE, EXEMPTING THE AMERICAN ELECTRICAL WORKS FROM TAXATION. Section 1 . The acts and resolutions- of the town and town council of East Providence, heretofore made, exempting from taxation for the period of ten years from and after the twenty-second day of March, 1893, the following described property of the American Electrical Works, situated in the town of East Providence, to wit : All buildings thereafter erected by said American Electrical Works for manufactur- ing purposes upon the “Richmond Paper Mills Estate,” and all tools, machinery, and other manufacturing property lo- cated by it, in, on, or about the buildings on said estate since 42 ACTS OF THE) GENERAL ASSEMBLY said date, are hereby ratified, and the said property of the American Electrical Works is hereby exempted from taxa- tion for the period of ten years from said twenty-second day of March, 1893. Sec. 2. The town council of East Providence is hereby authorized and empowered to abate all taxes assessed for the year 1895 upon the property of the American Electrical Works exempted from taxation under the provisions of Sec- tion 1 of this act. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. CHAPTER 388. Passed May 13, 1896. AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE TOWN OF EAST PROVI- DENCE TO ELECT ASSESSORS OF TAXES TO HOLD OFFICE FOR THREE YEARS. Section 1. The assessors of taxes for the town of East Providence shall be three in number, to be elected by the qualified electors of said town, and they shall be divided into three classes, whose several terms of office shall expire at the end of three years from the dates of their respective elec- tions; and in the case of the first election of said assessors of taxes by said electors under this chapter, which shall be held at the annual election in April 1897, the terms of office of the three classes shall be respectively one year, two years, and three years ; the classes and their- terms of office to be determined by the qualified electors of the town. As the office of each class shall become vacant, such vacancy or vacancies shall be filled by the town at its annual town meet- ign for the election of state or town officers, or by the town council at its next meeting thereafter. In case of a vacancy by death, resignation or otherwise than is above provided, such vacancy shall be filled by the town council until the next annual town meeting for state or town officers, when it shall be for the unexpired term thereof as is above provided. RELATING TO THE TOWN. 43 Sec. 2. Such assessors of taxes so chosen by the town of East Providence at its annual election in April, 1897, and thereafter in accordance with the provisions of the preceding section, shall have all the powers and duties and be subject to all the liabilities provided for assessors of taxes in the General Laws of the State. Se:c. 3. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. CHAPTER 389. Passed April 9, 1896. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF EAST PROVI- DENCE TO ASSESS A TAX. CHAPTER 496. Passed February 5, 1897. AN ACT DIVIDING THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE INTO DISTRICTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF VOTING. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows : Section 1 . That the town of East Providence is hereby divided into three districts for the purpose of balloting for United States, state, town, and district officers, to be desig- nated and bounded as follows, viz.; All that part of the town lying north of a line beginning at the east abutment of the Red bridge in said town and running easterly through the centre of Waterman avenue to Massasoit avenue; thence through the centre of said Massasoit avenue to Broadway; thence northerly through the centre of Broadway to Centre street ; thence easterly through the centre of Centre street to Pawtucket avenue ; thence northerly through the centre of Pawtucket avenue to Ten Mile river ; thence easterly bound- 44 ACTS OE the: general assembly ing northerly on Ten Mile river to the Massachusetts bound- ary, shall be called district No. 2, and the ballots of the elec- tors residing in said district shall be cast at the town house at East Providence Centre. That part of the town lying south of said line beginning at east abutment of Red Bridge and north of a line beginning at the Silver Spring wharf in said town and running easterly through the centre of the road from Silver Spring to the north and south road near the resi- dence of James H. Armington, and thence running east to the boundary line between the states of Rhode Island and Massachusetts, shall be called district No. 1, and the ballots of the electors residing in said district shall be cast at such convenient place in said district as may be designated there- for by the town council. All that part of said town lying south of said line running easterly from said Silver Spring wharf as aforesaid shall be called district No. 3, and the bal- lots of the electors residing in said district shall be cast at such convenient place in said district as may be designated therefor by the town council. Sec. 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This act shall go into effect immediately. CHAPTER 497. Passed May 14, 1897. AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE TOWN OF EAST PROVI- DENCE TO ISSUE BONDS. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: Section 1 . The town of East Providence is hereby au- thorized and empowered to' issue bonds under its corporate name and seal, in addition to the bonds heretofore author- ized, to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars. Said bonds shall be of a denomination not less than one hundred RELATING TO THE) TOWN. 45 nor more than five thousand dollars each, shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding four per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, and the principal and interest thereof shall be payable in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard of weight and fineness. Said bonds shall be divided into two classes, whereof the first shall consist of bonds to the amount of fifty thousand dollars, and become due and payable in twenty-five years from the date thereof ; and the second class shall consist of bonds to the amount of fifty thousand dollars, payable in fifty years from their date. Said bonds shall be obligatory upon said town, in the same manner and to the same extent as other debts lawfully con- tracted by said town. Se)C. 2 . The said bonds shall be issued and sold by the town council of said town, in such manner and at such times as the said town council may authorize and direct. The pro- ceeds arising from the sale thereof shall be delivered to the town treasurer, and shall be applied, with the exception of the premium derived from the sale of said bonds, to the pay- ment of the present and future indebtedness of said town, but no purchaser of said bonds shall be in anyway bound to see to the proper application of the proceeds thereof. Sec. 3. The bonds hereby authorized shall be signed by the town treasurer and countersigned by the town clerk. Sec. 4. Said town shall annually appropriate until said bonds are paid in full, besides a sum sufficient to pay the in- terest upon the bonds hereby authorized, a sum to be placed as a sinking fund sufficient for the redemption of the bonds hereby authorized, when and as the same become due and payable, and all premiums arising from the sale of said bonds shall be placed to the credit of said sinking fund. Sec. 5. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. This act shall take effect immediately. 46 ACTS OF THE: GENERAL ASSEMBI/Y CHAPTER 512. Passed May 27, 1897. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF EAST PROVI- DENCE TO INCUR A DEBT IN EXCESS OF THREE PER CENT. OF THE TAXABLE PROPERTY. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: Section 1 . The town of East Providence is hereby given authority 'o incur a debt not in excess of four and one-half per cent, of the taxable property of said town. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. CHAPTER 527. Passed February 24, 1898. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF EAST PROVI- DENCE TO ASSESS A TAX. CHAPTER 693. Passed April 6, 1899. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF EAST PROVI- DENCE TO ASSESS A TAX. CHAPTER 732. Passed February 9, 1900. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF EAST PROVI- DENCE TO ASSESS A TAX. relating to t pie town. 47 CHAPTER 884. Passed March 20, 1901. AN ACT FIXING THE TIME FOR THE ELECTION OF TOWN OFFICERS IN THE TOWNS OF EAST PROVI- DENCE AND CRANSTON. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: Section 1 . The annual election of town officers by the people in the towns of East Providence and Cranston shall be held on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in Novem- ber, in the same manner as is now provided by law for the respective towns, except 4s provided in this act. Sec. 2. In the election of members of the town council, assessors of taxes, and members of the school committee, where more than one of such officers are to be elected at one time, the names shall be numbered upon the ballots, and in nominating them and in counting the ballots cast for them the places numbered shall be considered as separate places. Sec. 3. The officers of said towns who were elected by the people in the year 1900 for terms of one year, or their successors in office, are hereby continued in office until the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, A. D. 1901, and thereafter until their successors are elected and qualified with all the powers and duties and subject to all the limitations and liabilities provided by law for like officers elected by the people, and shall receive a pro rata compen- sation for their increased term of service, based upon their compensation provided by law. Sec. 4. Upon the expiration of the term of office of any existing officer of either of said towns who was elected by the people for a term of more than one year, or of his succes- sor in said office elected to fill a vacancy, the town council of such town shall elect some person to fill such office until the next annual election and until his successor is elected and qualified ; and the person so elected shall have all the powers and duties of, and be subject to all the limitations provided Annual election of town officers in East Provi- denc and Crans- ton, when to be held. Names of can- didates how to be placed on ballot. Continuation in office of offi- cers of annual elections. Vacancies in of- fice of officers elected for more than one year, how filled. 48 ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Certain officers when to be elected. Town author- ized to assess a tax not to ex- ceed $1.40 on each $100 of property. by law for, like officers elected by the people. The terms of office of all officers hereafter elected by the people in said towns shall date from the Tuesday next after the first Mon- day in November. Sec. 5. In said towns the officers required to be elected by the town councils thereof in accordance with the provisions of section 13 of Chapter 39 of the General Laws, or of any special law, shall be elected at the same dates as if this act had not been passed, with like power of postponement as provided therein. Sec. 6. All provisions of any special laws in relation to said towns, or any of them, inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, and this act shall take effeGt upon its passage. CHAPTER 885: Passed February 15, 1901. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF EAST PROVI- DENCE TO ASSESS A TAX. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follozvs: Section 1 . The town of East Providence is hereby au- thorized and empowered for the year 1901 to assess a tax of not to exceed one dollar and forty cents on each one hun- dred dollars valuation of the ratable property of the inhabi- tants of said town, for the purposes not excepted in section 22 of Chapter 36 of the General Laws. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 886. Passed February 7, 1901. AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE TO APPOINT AN IN- SPECTOR OF PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE AND MAKE ORDINANCES REGULATING THE PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE OF BUILDINGS WITHIN SAID TOWN. REEATING TO THE TOWN. 49 It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: Section 1 . The to.wn council of the town of East Provi- dence is hereby authorized to appoint an inspector of plumb- ing and drainage, define his duties and fix the compensation therefor. Sec. 2. The town council of said town is hereby author- ized to issue licenses to plumbers and drainlayers, define their duties, and require them to give bond with surety or sureties in such amount as the council may by ordinance pro- vide for the faithful performance of said duties. Sec. 3. The town council of said town may make such ordinances, rules, and regulations respecting the drainage and plumbing of all buildings hereafter erected in said town as the town council may deem necessary for the preservation of public health, and may provide by ordinance that no building shall be erected unless the plans of the drainage and plumb- ing thereof shall conform to such ordinances, rules, and regu- lations, be filed in the office of the town clerk, and be ap- proved in writing by the inspector of plumbing and drain- age ; and said town council may further provide for the in- spection of all plumbing and drainage in said town and may affix penalties, for the violation of any rule or regulation made in accordance with this act, of not more than twenty dollars. Sec. 4. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 1026. Passed April 3, 1902. AN ACT FIXING THE DATE OF THE ANNUAL TOWN MEETING OF THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE AND CHANGING THE DATE OF THE ELECTION OF CER- TAIN TOWN OFFICERS ELECTED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL THEREOF. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: Town council authorized to appoint an in- spector of plumbing and drainage. May license plumbers and drain-layers, etc. May make or- dinances rela- tive to drain- age and plumb- ing. 50 acts OF the: general assembly Annual town meeting, when to be held. Certain officers to hold office until when. Town divided into five voting districts. Dist. No. 2. Section 1 . The annual town meeting of the town of East Providence for the transaction of the general business of the town shall be held on the second Monday in November in each year, at ten o’clock in the forenoon. SEC. 2. The provisions of section five of Chapter 884 of the Public Laws passed February 15, A. D. 1901, shall not apply to the town of East Providence after this act takes effect, and all officers of said town hereafter elected by the town council thereof, by virtue of the provisions of said sec- tion, shall hold their offices only until the first meeting of the town council of said town elected on the fourth day of No- vember, A. D. 1902, and thereafter until their successors are elected and qualified. Sec. 3. All provisions of the General Laws and Public Laws, and of .any special laws, inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed in so far as they apply to the town of East Providence, and this act shall take effect upon the third day of November, A. D. 1902. CHAPTER' 1124. Passed April 16, 1903. AN ACT DIVIDING THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE INTO DISTRICTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF VOTING. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follozvs: Section 1 . The town of East Providence is hereby divided into five districts for the purpose of balloting for United States, State, town, and district officers. SEC. 2. All that part of said town lying north of a line beginning at the east abutment of the Red bridge in said town and running easterly through the centre of Waterman avenue to Massasoit avenue ; thence through the centre of said Massasoit avenue to North Broadway; thence northerly through the centre of North Broadway to Centre street; RELATING TO THE) TOWN. 51 thence easterly through the centre of Centre street to Paw- tucket avenue ; thence northerly through the centre of Paw- tucket avenue to Ten Mile river ; thence easterly bounding northerly on Ten Mile river to the Massachusetts boundary, shall constitute voting district number two. Se;c. 3. All that part of said town lying south of a line be- Dist. No. 3 . ginning at the Silver Spring wharf in said town and running easterly through the centre of the road from Silver Spring to the north and south road near the residence of James H. Armington, and thence running east to the boundary line be- tween the states of Rhode Island and Massachusetts, shall constitute voting district number three. Se)c. 4. All that part of said town lying south of the Dist. No. 1 . southerly line of voting district number two in said town, and north of a line beginning at the westerly end of Taunton ave- nue and running easterly through the centre thereof to Gros- venor avenue ; thence through the centre of Grosvenor ave- nue and Howard street to the easterly end of Howard street, and in the same course to the state line, shall constitute vot- ing district number one. Se ) c . 5. All that part of said town enclosed by said line Dist. No. 4 . running from the westerly end of Taunton avenue to the easterly end of Howard street, and continuing thence south- erly at right angles to Howard street to the centre of Warren avenue; thence westerly through the centre of Warren ave- nue to South Broadway ; thence through the centre of South Broadway to the brook which passes under the highway at the David Humphrey place; thence through the centre of said brook to the salt water at Bowers’ cove ; and thence with the shore line to the place of beginning, shall constitute dis- trict number four. Se)c. 6. All that part of said town lying south of voting Dist No 5 district number one, east of voting district number four, and north of voting district number three, shall constitute voting district number five. Se;c. 7. The ballots of the electors residing in each of said five voting districts shall be cast at such place in the district 52 ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY where they reside as shall be from time to time designated and provided by the town council of said town, and the places so designated shall continue to be used for that purpose until further action by the town council. The polls in all of said voting districts shall be kept open from nine o’clock in the forenoon until eight o’clock in the evening, and no longer. SEC. 8. The office of moderator and clerk of voting dis- trict number one of said town, as the same is constituted at the time of the passage of this' act, are hereby declared vacant, and the town council of said town shall appoint some persons to serve as moderator and clerk in the voting dis- tricts numbers one, four, and five hereby created, at all elec- tions held in said town until and at the annual election of state and town officers in November, A. D. 1903, and at such annual election and at the annual election in each year thereafter a moderator and clerk shall be elected in each voting district of said town by the electors thereof. Sec. 9. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, and this act shall take effect upon its passage. CHAPTER 1135. Passed April 16, 1903. AN ACT IN RELATION TO SIDEWALKS IN THE TOWNS OF WESTERLY AND EAST PROVIDENCE. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follozvs: Town councils of the towns of Westerly and East Providence authorized to make ordinances relative to side- walks. Section 1 . The town councils of the towns of Westerly and East Providence shall each have the power to make ordi- nances and regulations relative to sidewalks in the streets and highways of their respective towns, to the ordering of the same to be made, altered, or repaired, to the use, mainte- nance, care, and cleaning of the same, to removing ice and snow therefrom, to the removal of posts, steps, and other obstructions therein, and to the maintenance and removal of relating to the: town. 53 awnings, signs, and other structures projecting over the same: Provided, that such ordinances and regulations shall not be contrary to the laws of this state. Sec. 2. Said town councils may prescribe and impose penalties for the violation of such ordinances and regula- tions, not exceeding in amount twenty dollars. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect immediately. ■ CHAPTER 1178. Passed April 12, 1904. AN ACT TO PREVENT POLLUTION OF THE SOURCES OF THE WATER SUPPLY OF THE CITIES OF PAWTUCK- ET AND WOONSOCKET AND THE TOWNS OF BRIS- TOL AND EAST PROVIDENCE. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follozvs: Section 1 . Section 1 of Chapter 491 of the Public Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows : “Section 1 . No person shall throw or discharge, or suf- fer to be discharged from land owned, occupied, or con- trolled by him, into any stream, pond, or reservoir used as a source of water supply by the city of Woonsocket, the city of Pawtucket, the city of Newport, the town of Bristol, the town of Warren, the town of East Providence, the town of Narragansett, the town of Jamestown, the East Greenwich Fire District, or by any water company supplying water for domestic use in any of said cities or towns, or into- any trib- utary or feeder of any such stream, pond, or reservoir, any sewerage, drainage, refuse or noxious or polluting matter of such nature as will corrupt or impair the quality of the waters of said stream, pond, or reservoir, or render the same injurious to health, which water shall be of the recognized standard of purity to be determined by the state board of health or other recognized authority. But the provisions of this section shall not interefere with or prevent the enriching Penalty for pol- luting the water supply of cer tain cities and towns. 54 ACTS OF TH^ GKNKRAI, ASSEMBLY Powers and duties of the state board of health under this act. Same subject. of land for agricultural purposes by the owner or occupant thereof, if no human excrement is used thereon. Any per- son violating the provisions of this section shall be punished for each offence by a fine of fifty dollars or by imprisonment for not to exceed thirty days or by both such fine and im- prisonment.” Skc. 2. Section 2 of Chapter 491 is hereby amended so as to read as follows : ‘'Skc. 2. The state board of health or the secretary of said board, when satisfied that any sewerage, drainage, or refuse or polluting matter exists in a locality such that there is danger that said sewerage, drainage, or refuse or polluting matter may corrupt or impair the quality of said waters or render them injurious to health, may order the owner or occupant of the premises where said sewerage, drainage, or refuse or polluting matter exists to remove the same from said premises within such time after the serving of the no- tice prescribed in the next succeeding section as said board or secretary may designate ; and if the owner or occupant neglects or refuses so to do he shall be fined twenty dollars for each day during which he permits said sewerage, drain- age, or refuse or polluting matter to remain upon said prem- ises after the time prescribed for the removal thereof.” Se:c. 3. Section 3 of Chapter 491 is hereby amended so as to read as follows : “SKC. 3. Such notice shall be in writing, signed by the secretary of the state board of health or the person perform- ing the duties of that official, and shall be served by any sheriff, deputy sheriff or constable by reading the same in the presence or hearing of the owner, occupant, or his authorized agent, or by leaving a copy of the same in the hands or pos- session of, or at the last and usual place of abode of, said owner, occupant, or agent if within this state : Provided, hozv- ever, that if said owner, occupant, or agent be a corporation incorporated in this state, said notice shall be served by leav- ing a copy thereof at the last and usual place of abode of the president or person performing the duties of president of RELATING TO THE TOWN. 55 said corporation. But if said premises are unoccupied, or the residence of the owner is unknown or without this state, or if the said owner is a corporation incorporated without this state, the notice may be served by posting a copy of the same on the premises and by advertising the same in some newspaper published in Providence county in such manner and for such length of time as the state board of health or the secretary thereof may determine.” SEC. 4. Section 4 of Chapter 491 is hereby amended so as to read as follows : “Sec. 4. The secretary of the state board of health, when so directed by said board, shall prosecute for all violations of this chapter and shall not be required to give surety for costs upon complaints made by him; but the cities ofWoonsocket and Pawtucket and the towns of Bristol and East Provi- dence shall be directly liable to the state for the costs incurred in the prosecution for violation of this chapter in their respective cases.” Sec. 5. Section 5 of Chapter 491 is hereby amended so as to read as follows : “Sec. 5. The appellate division of the supreme court, upon the application of the mayors of said cities or the presi- dents of the town councils of said towns, or upon the appli- cation of the secretary of the state board of health, may issue an injunction to enforce the orders of the state board of health, or the secretary thereof, provided for in this chapter.” Sec. 6. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, and this act shall take effect upon its passage. CHAPTER 1189. Passed February 18, 1904. AN ACT CONCERNING NOTICE BY ADVERTISEMENT IN THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE, IN AMENDMENT Same subject. Injunction may issue, when. 56 ACTS OP THE) GENERA!, ASSEMBLY OF SECTION 6 OF CHAPTER 46, SECTION 7 OF CHAP- TER 47, SECTIONS 10 AND 20 OF CHAPTER 48, SEC- TION 1 OF CHAPTER 49, SECTION 4 OF CHAPTER 210, SECTIONS 11 AND 16 OF CHAPTER 211, AND SECTION 55 OF CHAPTER 285 OF THE GENERAL LAWS AND ANY AMENDMENTS OR ADDITIONS. THERETO. Of notice by advertisement. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: Section 1 . The provision for notice by advertisement in some newspaper published in the town, if any there be, re- quired by section G of Chapter 46, section 7 of Chapter 47, sections 10 and 20 of Chapter 48, section 2 of Chapter 102, and section 4 of Chapter 210 of the General Taws, and any amendments or additions thereto, shall not apply to the town of East Providence, but in all such cases notice by advertise- ment in some newspaper published in the county of Provi- dence shall be a sufficient compliance therewith. Sec. 2. In all matters in said town of East Providence like notice by advertisement in some newspaper published in the county of Providence shall be a sufficient compliance with the provision for notice by advertisement of section 1 of Chapter 49, sections 11 and 16 of Chapter 211, and section 55 of Chapter 285 of the General Laws, and any amendment or addition thereto. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its pas- sage. CHAPTER 1204. Passed November 16, 1904. AN ACT APPOINTING METROPOLITAN PARK COMMIS- SIONERS. CHAPTER 1238. Passed May 9, 1905. AN ACT TO CONTINUE THE METROPOLITAN PARK COM- MISSIONERS. RELATING TO THE) TOWN. 57 CHAPTER 1275. Passed April 27, 1905. AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE TOWN OF EAST PROVI- DENCE TO ESTABLISH A PERMANENT POLICE FORCE, Jl is enacted by the General Assembly as follozvs: Section 1 . The town council of the town of East Provi- dence may appoint at any regular meeting after the passage of this act so many and such police officers, including the chief of police and one or more sergeants of police, for ser- vice in said town as by ordinance the said council may from time to time determine, which said officers shall hold their respective offices until vacated by death or resignation, except as hereinafter provided ; and the president of said council may at any time suspend any such officer or officers from his or their office or offices until the next regular meeting of said council, at which meeting he shall report any and all such suspensions, with his reasons therefor, and the said council may continue such suspension or suspensions until the next regular meeting following: Provided, however, that any one or more .of the police officers so appointed, including the chief of police and sergeant or sergeants of police, shall be subject to removal from office by said council, at any regular meeting thereof, for misconduct or incapacity o f such a character as the said council may deem a disqualification for said office ; and all such removals shall be by the said council upon charges made in writing, if requested by such officer or officers, and of which the officer or officers com- plained of shall have notice and opportunity at the time ap- pointed to be heard thereon ; provided, further, hozvever, that nothing in this section shall be construed to apply to any police officer or constable other than the members of the regular paid police department of said town of East Provi- dence. Sec. 2. Upon the appointment and qualification of a Town author- ized to establish a permanent police force. 58 ACTS oe the; general assembly police force in the town of East Providence in accordance with the provisions of this act, the term of office of the offi- cers composing the existing police force in that town shall terminate. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. CHAPTER 1387. Passed April 6, 1906. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF EAST PROVI- DENCE TO INCUR A DEBT IN EXCESS OF THREE PER CENT. OF THE TAXABLE PROPERTY. ’ It is enacted by the General Assembly as follozvs: Town author- ized to incur a debt not in ex- cess of 5^ per cent, of its tax- able property. Section ] . The town of East Providence is hereby given authority to incur a debt not in excess of five and one half per cent, of the taxable property of said town, subject to the exceptions and deductions provided in section 21 of Chapter 36 of the General Laws, this authorization to apply to present and future indebtedness. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. CHAPTER 1466. Passed April 23, 1907. AN ACT DEFINING THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE METROPOLITAN PARK COMMISSIONERS AND PRO- VIDING FOR THE ACQUIRING OF LAND AND THE IM- PROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC LANDS WITHIN THE METROPOLITAN PARK DISTRICT OF PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS. RELATING TO THE) TOWN. 59 CHAPTER 1497. Passed April 17, 1907. AN ACT TO ENABLE THE TOWN COUNCIL OF EAST PROVIDENCE TO FILL VACANCIES IN TOWN OF- FICES. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follozvs : Se)ction 1 . Whenever any vacancy shall occur in any of the town offices of the town of East Providence, from any cause whatsoever, whether- said offices are filled by the electors or by the town council of said town, the town council may fill every such vacancy, and the person so elected by the town council shall hold said office until the time of the an- nual election of such officer, and until his successor is duly elected and qualified. Se)c. 2. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, and this act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 1498. Passed April 17, 1907. AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE TOWN OF EAST PROVI- DENCE TO ISSUE BONDS. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follozvs: Section 1 . The town of East Providence is hereby authorized and empowered to issue bonds under its corporate name and seal, in addition to the bonds heretofore author- ized, to the amount of two hundred thousand dollars. Said bonds shall be of a denomination not less than one thousand nor more than five thousand dollars each, shall bear inter- est at a rate not exceeding four per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, and the principal and interest thereof shall be payable in gold coin of the United States of Amer- ica of the present standard of weight and fineness. Said Vacancies in town offices how to be filled. Town author- ized to issue $200,000 of bonds for the payment of its present and future in- debtedness. 6o ACTS OF the: GENERAI, ASSEMBLY bonds shall become due and payable in fifty years from the date of their issue, and shall be obligatory upon said town in the same manner and to the same extent as other debts lawfully contracted by said town. Sec. 2. The said bonds shall be issued and sold by the town council of said town at such times, in such amounts, and in such manner as the said town council may authorize and direct, but not to exceed in amount the sum of two hun- dred thousand dollars, in addition to the bonds heretofore authorized. The proceeds arising from the sale thereof shall be delivered to the town treasurer, and shall be applied, with the exception of the premiums derived from the sale of said bonds, to the payment of the present and future indebted- ness of said town, but no purchaser of said bonds shall be in any way bound to see to the proper application of the pro- ceeds thereof. SEC. 3. The bonds hereby authorized shall be signed by the town treasurer and countersigned by the town clerk of said town. Sec. 4. Said town shall annually appropriate, until said bonds are paid in full, a sum sufficient to pay the interest upon the bonds issued under the authority of this act, a sum to be placed as a sinking fund sufficient for the redemption of the bonds issued under the authority of this act, when and as the same become due and payable, and all premiums aris- ing from the sale of said bonds shall be placed to the credit of said sinking fund. Sec. 5. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, and this act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 1631. Passed April 22, 1908. AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE TOWN OF EAST PROVI- DENCE TO ISSUE BONDS FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES. relating to the: town. 6i It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: Section 1 . The town of East Providence is hereby authorized and empowered to issue bonds under its corporate name and seal, in addition to the bonds heretofore author- ized, to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars. Said bonds shall be of a denomination of not less than one thousand nor more than five thousand dollars each, shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding five per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, and the principal and interest thereof shall be payable in gold coin of the United States of Amer- ica of the present standard of weight and fineness. Said bonds shall become due and payable in forty years from the date of their issue, and shall be obligatory upon said town in the same manner and to the same extent as other debts lawfully contracted by said town. Sec. 2. The said bonds shall be issued and sold by the town council of said town at such times, in such amounts, and in such manner as the said town council may authorize and direct, but not to exceed in amount the sum of one hun- dred thousand dollars, in addition to the bonds heretofore authorized. The proceeds arising from the sale thereof shall be delivered to the town treasurer, and shall be applied, with the exception of the premiums derived from the sale of said bonds, to the purchase of a site for and the erection and equipment of a high school building and to the purchase of sites for and the erection and equipment of such other school buildings as may be needed in said town ; but no purchaser of said bonds shall be in any way bound to see to the proper application of the proceeds thereof. Sec. 3. The bonds hereby authorized shall be signed by the town treasurer and countersigned by the town clerk of said town. Sec. 4. Said town shall annually appropriate, until said bonds are paid in full, a sum sufficient to pay the interest upon the bonds issued under the authority of this act, a sum to be placed as a sinking fund sufficient for the redemption of the bonds issued under the authority of this act, when and 62 Acts of The general assembly as the same become due and payable, and all premiums aris- ing from the sale of said bonds shall be placed to the credit of said sinking fund, and all obligations of said town which may be created under the authority of this act shall be ex- cepted from the operation of section 21, Chapter 36, of the General Laws. Sec. 5 No bonds shall be issued under the authority of this act until and unless the electors of the town of East Providence, qualified to vote on any proposition to impose a tax or for the expenditure of money, when legally assem- bled in town meeting, shall vote to accept this act. SEC. 6. This act shall take effect when accepted in ac- cordance with the provisions of section 5 hereof. CHAPTER 410. Passed May 4, 1909. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 1466 OF THE PUB- LIC LAWS, PASSED AT THE JANUARY SESSION, A. D. 1907, ENTITLED “AN ACT DEFINING THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE METROPOLITAN PARK COM- MISSIONERS AND PROVIDING FOR THE ACQUIRING OF LAND AND THE IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTE- NANCE OF PUBLIC LANDS WITHIN THE METRO- POLITAN PARK DISTRICT OF PROVIDENCE PLANTA- TIONS,” AND ANY ACTS IN AMENDMENT THEREOF AND IN ADDITION THERETO. CHAPTER 484. Passed April 22, 1909. AN ACT IN RELATION TO BUILDINGS IN THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: Section 1 . Buildings and structures belonging to the relating to the town. 63 United States, or to this state, are exempted from the opera- ^nce tow'n of. tions of this act. Sec. 2. In the construction of this act, if not inconsistent with the context, the following terms shall have the respec- tive meanings herein assigned to them, viz. : “External wall” shall apply to every outer wall or vertical enclosure of a building, other than a party wall. “Party wall” shall apply to every wall used, or built, in- tended as a separation of any building from any other build- ing to be occupied by different persons. “Foundation wall” shall mean that portion of external walls below the level of the street curb; and for walls not on any street, that portion of the wall below the level of the ground outside of the wall. “Partition wall” shall mean any interior wall of masonry in a building. A “tenement house” shall mean and include every house, building, or portion thereof which is intended to be occu- pied or is occupied as the residence of more than three families living independently of one another, and doing their cooking upon the premises, or by more than two families upon a floor so living and cooking, but having a common right in the halls, stairways, yards, water-closets or privies, or some of them. A “lodging house” shall mean and include any house or building, or portion thereof, in which persons are lodged for hire, for a single night, or for less than a week at one time. A “cellar” shall mean every basement or lower story of any building or house, of which one-half or more of the height from the floor to the ceiling is below the level of the ground adjoining. Sec. 3. The inspector of buildings of the town of East Providence, in addition to the duties prescribed by Chapter 108 of the General Laws and Chapter 1536 of the Public Laws, is charged with the duty of executing the provisions of this act, and shall keep a record of his doings, report all violations of this act to the town council for prosecution. 64 ACTS OF THE) Ge:nERAI< ASSEMBLY and shall annually, and as much oftener as he may be re- quired by the town council, make return to said town council of his doings thereunder. He shall examine all buildings in the course of erection, alteration, or repair, as often as prac- ticable, and shall make a record of all violations of this act, together with the street and number where such violations are found, the name of the owner, lessee, occupants, archi- tects, and master mechanics, and all other matters relative thereto. He shall examine all buildings reported dangerous or damaged by fire or accident, and make a record of such examination, including the nature and amount of such dam- age, with the name of the street and number of the building, the name of the owner and lessee, and for what purpose oc- cupied, and in case of fire the probable origin thereof, and shall also examine all buildings under applications to raise, enlarge, alter, or build upon, and make a record of the con- dition of the same. Se:c. 4. Any alteration in or addition to any building already erected, or hereafter to be built, except necessary re- pairs not affecting the construction of the external or party walls, chimneys, or stairways, shall to the extent of. such work be subject to the regulations of this act. No building already erected, or hereafter built, shall be raised or built upon in such manner that, were such building wholly built or constructed after the passage of this act, it would be in violation of any provision thereof. Se:c. 5. No work except necessary repairs shall be done upon any structure or building in said town without a per- mit from the inspector of buildings, nor, except in con- formity with the provisions of this act, and upon application said inspector of buildings shall issue such permit in accord- ance herewith. Any one commencing or having work per- formed before obtaining said permit shall, after a written notice, forfeit and pay a penalty of five dollars per day for each day such violation continues. All permits granted for building operations that are not commenced within a period of six months from the time of RELATING TO THE TOWN. 65 issuance shall expire by limitation. The said inspector shall not grant any permit for the commencement of any building operations until the owner or owners, or the duly authorized agent or architect of the same, shall have filled out and signed a blank application giving full particulars of where and of what such building operations are to be, and every such application which shall be thought of sufficient import- ance by the inspector of buildings shall be accompanied by a copy of the plans or specifications, or both, as may be re- quired. Sec. 6. Any excavation upon a lot adjoining a street shall he properly guarded and protected by the person having charge of such excavation so as not to become dangerous to public travel. Sec. 7. Whenever any person shall be about to erect or alter the exterior walls of a building, within five feet of the line of a traveled street, said person shall cause the portion of. the site of said building, bordering upon said street to be enclosed by a proper fence not less than four feet high, and at least seven feet from the line of such building; and if such fence shall prevent passage on the sidewalk, shall lay and maintain a plank walk around the same not less than thirty inches wide ; and said fence shall be made as much higher and the walk as much wider as the inspector of build- ings shall direct, and the same shall be maintained until all liability to accident from falling materials shall be termi- nated. No person shall erect, or continue when erected, any staging in any highway for the purpose of repairing or erecting a building without first obtaining permission from the inspector of buildings, and all such staging shall be so erected and secured as to be safe and sufficient for the pur- pose for which it was erected, and in case said staging shall necessarily remain after dark a sufficient light shall be placed on it, at a height of not exceeding six feet from the grade, which light shall be kept from sunset to sunrise. In erecting any building no person shall place, deposit, or 66 ACTS OF the; GENERAL assembly suffer to remain in any street or highway any lumber or other building material, rubbish, or remains of any old building for a longer period than may be necessary for the prosecution of the work which may be going on ; and in case such material, rubbish, or remains of an old building shall necessarily re- main after dark, a sufficient light shall be placed over or near the same, and kept from sunset to sunrise. All rubbish from erecting or repairing of any building, or the removal of an old building, shall be carried away by the person so erecting or repairing such building at such time as any highway surveyor may direct; and in case of neglect or refusal so to do, it shall be removed by a highway surveyor at the expense of the person so erecting or repair- ing such building. Any person violating any provision of this section shall pay a fine of five dollars. SEC. 8. Every permanent building shall have foundations not less than four feet below the surface exposed to frost, resting upon the solid ground or upon concrete piles or other solid sub-structure. Every wall other than foundation walls, constructed of brick, stone, or other similar substance, shall be properly bonded and solidly built with mortar or cement of the best quality for the purpose for which it is applied. The thickness of every wall as hereinafter prescribed shall be the minimum thickness as applied to solid walls. The height of every external or party wall, as referred to in this act, or in any act in amendment thereof, shall be measured from the level of the finished grade to its highest point ; on sloping ground, such height to be measured at in- tervals of ten feet. Sec. 9. Foundation walls shall rest on a proper base or footing course ; if stone, each stone shall have the upper and under surfaces approximately paralleled, and shall be close- fitted and bedded solid. Timber* shall be used only where it will be constantly immersed in water. The breadth of every base course shall be in proportion to the load to be carried and to the softness of the soil beneath it. The studding for exterior and all bearing partitions of any relating to the town. 67 wooden building over one story in height shall not be less than two by four inches and shall be placed not over sixteen inches on centres : Provided, however, other methods of construction of equivalent structural strength may be used upon the approval of the inspector of buildings. Foundation walls for wooden buildings shall be of brick, at least twelve inches thick, or rubble or block stone at least sixteen inches thick, laid in cement mortar, or dry rubble stone at least eighteen inches thick. Sec. 10. Party walls or division walls between adjoining houses, thirty-five feet or more in height, shall be of brick or concrete not less than twelve inches thick to the top of the second floor above the street and eight inches thick for the remaining height ; such walls less than thirty-five feet in height may be eight inches thick for the entire height. Door- ways may be cut through, or built in said walls, upon appli- cation to, and a permit from the inspector of buildings, pro- vided that no doorway shall be cut through or built in any such wall in any building used for a hotel, lodging or tene- ment house, or for the storage of inflammable or dangerous materials. Every such doorway shall be provided with tin-cov- ered, self-closing doors, satisfactory to the inspector of build- ings. Upon proof being shown that such doors are in any manner prevented from operating as intended, said inspector shall have the power to revoke said permit, and said doorway shall be filled up with brick and mortar or some similar material. In dwelling-houses the brick wall shall be built up to the roof covering, which shall be laid and imbedded in mortar or cement upon said wall. SEC. 11. For dwelling-houses of brick, with walls not exceeding thirty-five feet in height, foundation walls, laid with block or ledge stone in cement mortar, or in brick laid in cement, shall be not less than sixteen inches thick, and ex- ternal and party walls of brick shall be not less than twelve inches thick for the entire height. Sec. 12. Buildings other than dwelling-houses shall have walls of the following thickness : 68 ACTS OF the: GENERAI, assembly Brick buildings, in which the walls do not exceed thirty feet in height, the external walls shall not be less than twelve inches thick, and the foundation walls of the same not less than twenty inches thick, except as hereinafter provided. In determining the height of buildings or the walls thereof, under this section, the highest points thereof shall be taken to be the highest cornice line of the buildings. Brick buildings to be used for dwelling, tenement, and lodging houses, not more than twenty-five feet in height, and brick buildings other than dwelling, tenement, or lodging bouses, not exceeding twelve feet in height, may have ex- ternal walls eight inches thick. For buildings in which the walls do not exceed forty feet in height, foundation walls shall be laid of block or ledge stone in cement mortar, not less than twenty-four inches thick; external walls shall not be less than sixteen inches thick to the top of the first story, and not less than twelve inches thick for the remaining height. In all buildings over twenty-five feet in width, not having either brick partition walls or girders supported by columns running lengthwise of the building, the external walls shall be increased four inches in thickness for every additional twenty-five feet in width of said building. Bearing walls over ninety feet in length without cross walls or buttresses of equal height with the wall shall be four inches thicker than above required. Where iron or steel construction is used, the strength thereof shall be substantially equivalent to that required in cases of brick or other similar construction and shall be satis- factory to the inspector of buildings. Hollow walls may be built ; but all such walls shall be tied together with incombustible anchors placed not more than three feet apart. If used as bearing walls, the thickness shall be reckoned by their solid parts, unless either part is at least eight inches thick and solid vertical connections are made not less than twelve inches wide nor more than eight feet apart from centres, in which case two-thirds of the RELATING TO THE; TOWN. 69 hollow space shall be counted with the solid parts. In no case shall the ends of joists or other woodwork be allowed to come within four inches of the hollow space. In brick walls every ninth course shall be a heading course, except where some bond is used in which at least every ninth course is a heading course, or where walls are faced with face brick, when every ninth course shall be bonded with Flemish headers, or by cutting the face course and putting in diagonal headers behind, or by splitting the face brick in half and backing the same by a continuous row of headers, Metal ties, built in as often as every ninth course, and not over twelve inches apart, may be used instead of the brick headers. Se:c. 13. Every pier or column supporting walls of masonry shall have for a footing course a broad leveler of concrete, block stone or ledge stone, of sufficient thickness, and with a bearing surface equal in area the square of one foot more than the width of the footing course required for a wall of the same thickness as that borne by the piers or columns; and if the foundation of such piers or columns rests upon piles, a sufficient number shall be driven to insure a proper support. Every brick pier shall have one or more binders built therein, either of iron not less than one inch thick, of blue- stone not less than three inches, or of granite or sandstone not less than five inches thick ; these binders shall be of the full size of the pier except in piers on the street front above the curb, where they may be four inches less in diameter. The distance between any two binders or between either of them and the capstone or base of the pier shall not exceed four feet. Columns supported by brick walls or piers shall rest upon an iron plate at least one inch thick, or upon a capstone of granite at least eight inches thick, or of bluestone at least four inches thick, of a size satisfactory to the inspector of buildings. Under iron columns shall in all cases be an iron plate of not less than one inch in thickness. All iron col- ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY iimns must be wrought to a true bearing at right angles with the axis and must be set plumb without wedging up, except with thin iron wedges. Sec. Id. Floor beams shall have a bearing of at least four inches at each end. Every trimmer or header more than four feet long, used in any building except a dwelling, shall be hung in stirrup irons of suitable thickness for the weight to be supported. The butts or ends of all floors, beams, and rafters entering a brick wall shall be cut on a splay of three inches in their width. All main partitions supporting in any manner the floor beams or rafters shall be placed directly over each other, and shall rest on a wall, girder, or hard pine capping, and shall head and foot against each other as far as practicable. Roof or floor timbers entering the same party wall from opposite sides shall have at least four inches of solid brick work between the ends of said timbers. Under the ends of iron or wooden girders resting on walls, a stone template shall be built into the wall not less in width than four inches less than the thickness of said walls, and not in any case less than four inches in thickness and eighteen inches long. Iron wall plates may be used in place of such template, not less than one inch in thickness. Sec. 15 . Flat roofs shall be constructed to bear a safe weight, exclusive of materials, of not less than fifty pounds per superficial foot. Floors, except attic floors, shall be constructed to bear a safe weight per superficial foot, ex- clusive of materials, as follows: For dwelling-houses, ex- cept of attics, apartment houses, apartment hotels, tene- ments, lodging houses, and hotels, not less than sixty pounds ; school houses, stables, and office buildings, not less than seventy-five pounds ; except the first, floor of office buildings, used for store purposes, when it shall not be less than one hundred and fifty pounds; floors in buildings to be used as a place of public assembly, not less than one hundred pounds ; floors in buildings to be used for ordinary stores, light manu- facturing and light storage, not less than one hundred and RELATING TO THE) TOWN. 71 twenty pounds ; floors in buildings to be used as a store where heavy materials are to be kept or stored, warehouses, fac- tories, or for other manufacturing or commercial purposes, not less than one hundred and fifty pounds; for floors to carry running machinery or for dancing or marching pur- poses, or for any other purpose tending to produce a vibra- tory impulse, the inspector may require these minimum loads increased. No floor shall he loaded with a greater weight than above assigned' to its class, unless it shall have been previously examined by a competent architect, civil engineer, or master builder not interested in the construction of the building, who shall give a certificate of the weight per square foot such floor can safely sustain, a copy of which certificate shall be posted in a conspicuous place above or adjacent to such floor, and the weight therein named shall in no case be exceeded. No person shall load any floor to a greater degree than above named, or shall remove any certificate posted as above. Sec. 16. No bay or oriel window or other structure shall be placed upon any building so as to project over any public way or square more than four feet, and then only in such manner as shall be approved by the inspector of buildings ; but in no case shall any such projection extend below a line drawn at an angle of forty-five degrees, starting at a point eight feet above the sidewalk, immediately beneath ; nor shall any oriel or bay window or other structure extend beyond a line drawn horizontally from the nearest corner of the ad- jacent lot, at an angle of thirty degrees with the street line. All such projections shall be provided with gutters and con- ductors to prevent as far as possible any water from dripping or flowing onto the sidewalk. Buildings shall have scuttles not less in size than two by three feet, or bulkheads and doors on the roof, and shall have stationary ladders or stairs leading to the same, and such scuttles and ladders shall be kept so as to be ready for use at all times. SEC. 17. Chimneys shall be built of well-burned brick or 7 2 ACTS OF THE) GENERAL ASSEMBLY clay pipe, stone, or iron. Brick flues shall have joints filled and struck, and be smoothly plastered outside below the roof ; plastering to be put on after the chimney is built up -to the full height. Iron or clay pipe, if used, must be enclosed in a brick flue, or in an outer pipe of non-combustible ma- terial, with a space between of not less than one inch ; and all joints in such pipes must be thoroughly filled with fire- clay or incombustible cement ; brick chimneys must have outer brick walls at least four inches thick. Outside walls of flues not over one hundred inches in area, for ranges, furnaces, boilers, and ovens, shall be of at least six inches, if of greater area of at least eight inches, of brick work. Brick flues, not starting from the foundation walls, shall be securely built into the brick work of the walls to which they are hung. In no case shall chimneys rest upon any flooring without a footing of masonry or iron supported by iron beams, having a secure bearing on masonry or iron at either end. The brickwork of an isolated chimney shall not be carried over more than three-quarters of an inch to each course of brick, nor so far as to throw the centre of gravity of said chimney outside of the base thereof. Flues shall be topped out at least three feet above the roof ; brick topping of chimneys shall not project more than two inches, unless covered by metal, stone, or terra cotta caps, well secured. Hearths of fireplaces, or grates shall be laid upon incom- bustible supports. Wooden centering, supporting a trimmer arch, shall be removed before plastering underneath. Brickwork back of all grates, fireplaces, and ranges shall not be less than eight inches thick; and when it adjoins a wooden or stud partition shall have at least two four-inch walls, with at least a two-inch air space between. No wood- work shall be secured to the brickwork of any flue. Smokepipes in buildings having combustible floors or ceil- ings shall enter flues at least twelve inches from floors or ceil- ings ; and where they pass through stud or wooden partitions, whether plastered or not, shall be guarded by a double collar of metal, with at least a four-inch air space and holes for RELATING TO THE TOWN. 73 ventilation, or by a soapstone ring at least four inches in thickness, extending through the partition. Earthen funnels in chimneys shall project not more than one inch from the brickwork thereof ; metal funnels carried through furring or studding shall be filled around with, brick or stone for at least six inches out from the pipe and shall pass entirely into the chimney, or have an outer ring of metal at least four inches at every point from the funnel, the space between to be left open or covered with perforated metal. The smokepipe of any hot-air, steam, hot-water or other furnace, passing beneath wooden beams or ceilings, shall be kept at least eighteen inches therefrom, or the woodwork shall be protected by a tin shield suspended at least one inch below. Tops of furnaces set in brick shall be covered with brick so as to be perfectly tight, in addition to and not less than two inches from the covering of the hot-air chamber, and shall be at least four inches below, and the tops of port- able furnaces at least one foot below, any wooden beams or ceilings. Cold air boxes to furnaces shall be of incom- bustible material. Registers connected with hot-air furnaces shall be set in non-conducting, incombustible borders at least two inches wide. Register boxes shall be made of tin plate with a flange on the top to fit a groove in the border. There shall also be an open space of not less than one inch on all sides of the register box, extending in floor registers from the under side of the ceiling, below the register, to the border in the floor, the outside of said space to be covered with a casing of tin plate, made tight on all sides, to extend to and turn under the said border. Registers of fifteen by twenty-five inches or more shall have a space of not less than two inches. No woodwork shall be placed at a less distance than one inch from any tin or other metal flue or pipe used or to be used to convey heated air unless protected by a soapstone or earthen ring or tube, or a metal casing so constructed as to permit free circulation of air around said pipe or flue. Range or boiler flues shall be faced with brick or plastered 74 ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY directly upon the bricks up to the ceiling of the room, and no woodwork shall be placed on the outside thereof below said ceiling. Stoves shall be placed upon incombustible bases. Their bodies shall be at least twenty, and smokepipes at least twelve, inches from any unprotected woodwork. Woodwork within said distances shall be protected by metal covering, and if within less than one-third of said distances, shall have a double metal covering with ventilating air space between. Open fireplaces, cooking ranges, set kettles, and the like, shall have fireproof foundations with fireproof hearth ex- tending not less than sixteen inches from the grate or ash pit. No brick structure to contain fire shall be allowed on a wooden floor in any building. The provisions of this sec- tion shall apply to buildings already erected, if found neces- sary, and ordered, after examination of the premises, by the inspector. No heater shall be used in any room where hay, straw, or highly inflammable articles are kept or stored unless pro- tected by a surrounding wire screen, with not more than quarter-inch meshes ; no light shall be used in such room unless contained in a glass globe, lantern, or chimney, thor- oughly protected by a wire screen. Steam pipes shall be kept at least one inch from all wood- work, or shall be protected by an incombustible ring or tube, or rest on iron supports. Depositories for ashes in the interior of any building shall be built of incombustible material. If any chimney, flue, or heating apparatus shall in the opinion of the inspector of buildings be unsafe by reason of endangering the premises by fire or otherwise, the inspector shall at once notify in writing the owner, agent, or other party having an interest in said premises, who, upon receiving said notice, shall make the same safe in pursuance of the terms of said notice. SEC. 18. Boiler-houses and boiler-rooms in woodworking establishments, or where inflammable materials are used, or RELATING TO THE TOWN. 75 where shavings or other highly inflammable fuel is used, shall be enclosed with brick, stone, or concrete walls, or iron studs, filled with concrete. Roofs or floors over such boiler- rooms shall be made of iron, brick, stone, or concrete arches of slabs, or if of wood shall be protected with fireproof tile or plastered on iron laths or wire netting, or covered with metal. The doors to such rooms shall be of iron, or of wood covered with metal, and have an opening in said door glazed with not less than one-quarter-inch thick glass, and shall be kept securely shut, except during working hours. The floors of rooms containing stationary boilers shall be made of incombustible material for at least ten feet in front, and for such distance on the sides and rear as may be re- quired by the said inspector. Wooden floors under portable boilers shall have close protection of incombustible material. No woodwork shall be placed within one foot of such boiler or smokepipe, or within six feet of the front, four feet of the sides, top, rear, or smoke conductor, unless protected by fireproof tiles at least one-half inch thick, or by being plastered on iron laths or wire netting, or by metal between the wood and the metal sheathing with at least a one-inch air space between the wood and metal ; the overheads, im- mediately over hot-water or low-pressure steam booilers, used exclusively for heating, if within four feet of the top thereof, may be plastered on wooden laths or sheathed with metal. Rooms for drying lumber or other inflammable material heated by direct heat from the top of boilers shall be con- structed and roofed and have doors as described for boiler houses. SEC. 19. Factories, mills, and buildings where more than twenty-five operatives are employed, hotels, boarding, tene- ment, lodging, and apartment houses, and buildings not here- after specially mentioned, shall have the partitions adjacent to or enclosing all stairways constructed of incombustible material, or at least two-by-three studding plastered on both sides and protected as follows : The space from the top of 76 ACTS OP THE GpNpRAIy ASSEMBLY the lathing or head of the partition below to a line three inches above the top of the base board, or six inches above the top of the floor, if there be no base board, and the space adjoining the strings of the stairs from the underside of said brings to a line three inches above the base board thereof, or six inches above the rake of the nosings, if there be no base board, shall be filled in solid with brick or stone set in mortar, concrete grouting, tile, or other incombustible filling ; if the stairs are wainscoted there shall be a similar filling three inches above and below the top lines of the wainscoting. Public halls, churches, schoolhouses, and places of public assembly, and business buildings, shall have stairway parti- tions constructed as herein described ; but unless filled in solid shall be plastered on both sides on iron or wire laths, or be covered with other incombustible, non-conducting material. In all buildings herein mentioned the spaces between the floor joists in each story at the stair landings, and the space above the floors immediately below the stairs, if ceiled with wood or plastered on wood laths, shall be filled with mortar or concrete from the top of the laths or ceiling to one-half inch above the bottom of the floor joists, and all connections between such spaces and other parts of the floor shall be stopped off by similar filling. In theatres or public halls fitted for theatrical perform- ances, stairway partitions and enclosures must be substan- tially incombustible. Sec. 20. No exterior opening, doorway, or stairway lead- ing from a theatre, hall, church, schoolhouse, or other place of public assembly shall be less than five feet wide, and such buildings shall have the doors to any exit, and of any opening thereto, so arranged as to swing outward, and at no time when any show, performance, or exhibition, dance, ball, fair, service, or session is being given or held therein, or any audience shall be present therein, shall said doors or windows be locked, and the provisions of this section shall apply to all such buildings already erected, or that may be REXATING TO THE) TOWN. hereafter erected, in the town of East Providence. Se:c. 21. No person shall hereafter erect, alter, or enlarge any building for a stable, except in such place as the town council shall first approye and direct. The superior court or any justice thereof, either in term time or vacation, may issue an injunction to prevent the erection, altering, en- larging, or use of any stable contrary to the provisions of this section. Se:c. 22. If any building or part of a building, staging, or other structure, or anything attached to or connected with any building or other structure, shall from any cause be re- ported unsafe, the inspector of buildings shall examine such structure, and, if in his opinion the same be unsafe, he shall immediately notify the owner, agent, or other person having an interest in said structure to cause the same to be made safe and secure, or that the same be removed, as may be necessary. The person so notified shall be allowed until twelve o’clock, noon, of the day following the service of such notice, in which to commence the securing or removal of the same; and he shall employ sufficient labor to remove or secure the said building as expeditiously as can be done : Provided, however, that in a case where the public safety re- quires immediate action, the inspector of buildings may enter upon the premises, with such workmen and assistants as may be necessary, and cause the said unsafe structure to be shored up, taken down, or otherwise secured, without delay, and a proper fence or boarding to be put up for the protec- tion of passersby. When the public safety does not demand immediate action, if the owner, or other party interested in said unsafe struc- ture, having been notified, shall refuse or neglect to comply with the requirements of said notice within the time specified , then a careful survey of the premises shall be made by three disinterested persons, one to be appointed by the inspector of buildings, one by the owner or other interested party, and the third chosen by these two, and the report of such survey shall be reduced to writing, and a copy served upon the 78 ACTS OF THE GENERAL, ASSEMBLY owner or other interested party; and if said owner or other interested party refuse or neglect to appoint a member of said board of survey within the time specified in said last notice, then the survey shall be made by an architect and a civil engineer appointed by the town council, and in case of disagreement they shall choose a third person, and the de- termination of a majority of the three so chosen shall be final. Whenever the report of any such survey shall declare the structure to be unsafe, and the owner or other interested per- son shall for three days neglect or refuse to cause such struc- ture to be taken down or otherwise to be made safe, the in- spector of buildings shall proceed to make such structure safe or remove the same ; and the costs and charges shall be- come a lien upon said estate, to be collected according to the provisions of Chapter 206 of the General Laws, but without prejudice to the right which the owner thereof may have to recover the same from any lessee or other person liable for repairs : Provided, that nothing herein contained shall au- thorize the recovery by the lessor of the lessee of the cost which may have been rendered necessary through the default or negligence of the lessor, or through want of repair or de- fects existing in said premises at the commencement of the lease. Upon citation to the owner or lessee of any structure al- leged to be unsafe by the inspector of buildings, if the owner or other interested party, being notified thereof in writing, shall refuse or neglect to cause said structure to be taken down or otherwise made safe, said owner, or other interested party, shall forfeit to the use of the town, for every day’s continuance of said refusal or neglect, a sum of fifty dollars. Any owner or other interested person aggrieved by any order made by the inspector of buildings under the pro- visions of this section may, within three days after the ser- vice thereof upon him, apply to the superior court, if sitting in the county, or to any justice thereof in vacation, for a jury trial, and the court or justice thereof shall issue a war- rant for a jury, to be impanneled by the sheriff within four- RELATING TO THE TOWN. teen days from the date of the warrant ; which jury may af- firm, annul, or alter such order, and the sheriff shall return the verdict to the court, if in session, and if not in session, to the next term thereof, for acceptance, and if accepted it shall take effect as an original order. If the order is affirmed, costs shall be taxed against the applicant ; if it is annulled, the applicant shall recover such damages as the jury may award him, and costs against the town; if it is altered in part, the court may render such judgment as to damages and costs as justice may require. Nothing contained in the preceding section shall be con- strued to bar the rights of the town to recover the penalty enacted for the continuance of the refusal or neglect of the owner or other interested party to cause the structure in question to be taken down or otherwise made safe, unless the order is annulled by the jury. In case the building or structure alleged to be unsafe shall be in the process of erection, alteration, or repair, the su- perior court, or any justice thereof, either in term time Or vacation, upon application may issue forthwith an injunction restraining further progress in the work on said building until the facts of the case shall have been investigated and determined as hereinbefore provided. If any building shall appear, upon examination by the in- spector of buildings, to be especially dangerous, in case of fire, by reason of insufficient thickness of walls, overloaded floors, defective construction, or other causes, such building shall be held and taken to be unsafe within the meaning of, and subject to, all the provisions of this act; and the inspec- tor of buildings, besides proceeding as hereinbefore provided, may affix a notice of the unsafe character of the structure to a conspicuous place on the exterior wall of said building. Upon complaint, the inspector shall examine any hotel, boarding, lodging, tenement, or apartment house, mill, manu- factory, office, workshop having employees on any story above second story, or church now erected, and shall require such building to be provided with proper and sufficient fire 8o ACTS OT The: GENERAI, ASSEMBLY escapes, stairways, and exits constructed as described in this act ; but in all such buildings, except factories, mills, manu- factories, and workshops, stud partitions already built shall be exempt from the requirements hereof. The inspector shall further examine all other buildings, for public assembly, already built, and also boiler-houses and rooms, and their heating apparatus, now built, and if in his judgment the safety of the public requires it, he shall require that the same be made to conform to the provisions of this act. All wooden buildings except coal or grain elevators and wooden buildings built on wharves, piers, or bulkheads, if built within five feet of an adjoining lot line, or an adjoining building, shall have the external wall on such side or sides built of brick at least eight inches thick, or the space between the studding filled in flush full with brick and mortar, or some other equally incombustible material ; this provision shall not apply to dwelling-houses constructed within five feet of an adjoining lot line, when no building exists upon such ad- joining lot within ten feet of the proposed dwelling-house. Party walls or division walls between adjoining houses, thirty-five feet or more in height, shall be of brick not less than twelve inches thick to the top of the second floor above the street and eight inches thick for the remaining height ; such walls less than thirty-five feet in height may be eight inches thick for the entire height. Sex. 23. Every brick building and all wooden buildings, except dwelling-houses, shall have a fire-stop of incom- bustible material at each floor, from the bottom of the floor joist to three inches above the top of the same. Said fire- stop at each floor shall fill the spaces full between the stud- ding and furring entirely around the external walls of the building and through the interior wherever the floor joists have a bearing. All dwelling-houses shall have a fire-stop similar to the above at the first floor. Said dwelling-houses at each floor above the first shall have a smoke-stop of wood the full depth of studding and not less than two inches thick. An incombustible fire-stop shall be put around all vertical RELATING TO THE TOWN. 8l piping at each floor. All ventilating ducts or pipes shall be of incombustible material. No building shall be covered by lathing, sheathing, or otherwise until the inspector of build- ings has by examination ascertained that said building is in compliance with the above provisions. Said inspector shall be notified by the owner or duly authorized agent, or by the builder, whenever any building is ready for inspection. Sec. 24. No person shall obstruct any street in said town, or any part thereof, by building or placing therein any tem- porary or permanent structure, or any portion of such struc- ture, except in conformity with the provisions of this act. Any person thus obstructing any street as aforesaid, or aid- ing or assisting therein, shall be fined twenty dollars for every such obstruction, and shall also be fined not exceeding twenty dollars for each day that such obstruction shall con- tinue. Sec. 25. In all cases where,' by the provision of this act, notice is required to be given, such notice shall be served by posting a written or printed copy thereof on the premises concerned, and either leaving a duplicate copy thereof at the usual place of abode of the party interested, if within the town, or by mailing such duplicate in a registered letter to the usual address of said party, if residing without the town, or publishing the said notice for three successive days in the newspapers employed to do the town printing. Any notice served upon the architect or other duly authorized agent in charge of any building or estate shall be binding upon the owners thereof. Any person violating any provision of this act wherein no penalty is herein otherwise prescribed shall be fined twenty dollars for every violation thereof, and shall be fined not ex- ceeding twenty dollars for each day’s continuance of the said violation after the service of the warrant issued upon the first complaint. The superior court, or any justice thereof in vacation, may restrain by injunction any violation of this act, and may, ac- cording to the course of equity, secure the fulfillment and 82 ACTS OF THE) GENERAL ASSEMBLY Railroad sta- tion, East Providence. To be 10 feet above street. execution of the provisions thereof. Fines recovered for the violation of any of the provisions of this act shall be paid into the town treasury. Sec. 26 . This act shall take effect from and after De- cember first, 1909, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. CHAPTER 485. Passed May 4, 1909. AN ACT TO ENABLE THE BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE RAILROAD CORPORATION AND THE NEW YORK, NEW HAVEN AND HARTFORD RAILROAD COMPANY TO BUILD AND MAINTAIN A PASSENGER STATION OVER AND ACROSS BOSTON STREET IN THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE. It is enacted by 'the General Assembly as follows: Section 1 . The Boston and Providence Railroad Corpo- ration, owner of the railroad and estate on the westerly side of Boston street in the town of East Providence, and the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company, owner of the estate at the northeasterly corner of said Bos- ton street and Warren avenue, sometimes called Watchemo- ket square, and lessee of said railroad and estate of said Bos- ton and Providence Railroad Corporation, their respective successors and assigns, are hereby authorized and empow- ered, provided the town council of the town of East Provi- dence shall consent thereto, and upon such terms and condi- tions as said town council may prescribe, to build and main- tain a railroad passenger station and its appurtenances over and across said Boston street in said town between their said estates : Provided, that every part of such station over said street shall be at least ten feet above the present surface of said street. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. k ELATING TO THE TOWN. 8 CHAPTER 48G. Passed May 7, 1909. AN ACT IN RELATION TO SIDEWALKS IN THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: Section 1 . The town council of the town of East Provi- dence is hereby authorized and empowered to superintend, order, and direct the manner of building, altering, and amending sidewalks in the streets and highways in said town, and to order and determine of what height and width the same shall be, and of what materials the walks shall be composed, and how and with what secured and finished ; with power to alter and improve those already made in such way and manner as the said council thinks the public convenience requires ; to build or alter any wall on any land adjoining the street, and to remove any steps, posts, cellar doors, or other obstructions in the sidewalks ; and all the above may be done at the expense of the owners of the adjoining lands. Sec. 2. When the said town council shall have deter- mined in what manner, and of what materials, and within what time any new sidewalk shall be made, or in what manner and within what time any old sidewalk shall be al- tered and improved, it shall cause written or printed notice thereof to be personally given to the owner of the adjoining land, if residing in the town of East Providence, particularly describing the materials, width, height, and manner the side- walk shall be built or the alteration be made ; but if the owner shall not reside in said town, then the notice shall be given to the tenant in possession ; but if no tenant shall be in possession, then the same shall be advertised, in some news- paper published in the county of Providence, at least once a week for three successive weeks, and a copy of said notice shall also be sent by mail to the owner’s place of residence, if known; at the expiration of the time so limited, if the work shall not have been performed or proceeded in accordance to the directions in said notice contained, said town council Authority of town council over sidewalks Notice person- ally or by ad- vertisement. 8 4 acts ot the: general asse:mbty In case owner disregards notice. Inspection by surveyors of highways. shall, in its discretion, order the surveyor of highways for the time being, in whose highway district said sidewalk is situ- ated, to proceed, at the expense of the town, and execute the directions so by said town council given to the owner, a copy of which order shall be by it given to said surveyor ; and when the same shall be by him accomplished, it shall be the duty of the said town council to certify the expenses thereof to the assessors of taxes for said town, together with ten per cent, in addition thereto to cover the interest, cost of assessing and collection ; and the said sum so certified shall be by the assessors added to the tax of the owner of such ad- joining land so neglecting as aforesaid; which proceedings shall be conclusive ; and the said owner, with his estate, shall be responsible therefor in the same manner and to the same extent as for other taxes. And all societies, organizations, and corporations owning real estate in said town, with the estates by them owned, shall be subject to the same regula- tions and liable for the same charges, costs, expenses, and assessments, in the same manner and to the same extent as are private individuals, notwithstanding they may be exempt from taxation in other respects ; notice being given to the treasurer, or the person performing the duties of treasurer, of any such society, organization, or corporation . Sex. 3. Any sidewalk which may be hereafter built, al- tered, or repaired by the owner of the adjoining land shall, in the discretion of said town council, be done under the in- spection of the surveyor of highways for the time being, in whose highway district said sidewalk is situated, and in pur- suance of the directions given by the said town council for that purpose. Se;c. 4. The said town council is further authorized and empowered to make such ordinances, orders, directions, rules, and regulations as are deemed by it to be necessary to carry the provisions of this act into effect, provided the same be not in violation of or repugnant to the laws of this state. Sex. 5. This act shall take effect upon its passage. RELATING TO THE TOWN. 85 CHAPTER 568. Approved April 27, 1910. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE APPOINTMENT OF AND TO DEFINE THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF A STATE HARBOR IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION FOR THE AC- QUIREMENT AND IMPROVEMENT BY THE STATE OF SHORE PROPERTY IN PROVIDENCE, PAWTUCKET, AND EAST PROVIDENCE. CHAPTER 569. Approved April 27, 1910. AN ACT TO CONDEMN CERTAIN LAND BY THE STATE FOR METROPOLITAN PARK PURPOSES. CHAPTER 610. Approved April 7, 1910. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 886 OF THE PUB- LIC LAWS, PASSED AT THE JANUARY SESSION, 1901, ENTITLED “AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE TO APPOINT AN INSPECTOR OF PLUMBING AND DRAIN- AGE AND MAKE ORDINANCES REGULATING THE PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE OF BUILDINGS WITHIN SAID TOWN.” It is enacted by 'the General Assembly as follozvs: Section 1 . Section 2 of Chapter 886 of the Public Laws, passed at the January session, 1901, entitled “An act au- thorizing the town council of the town of East Providence to appoint an inspector of plumbing and drainage and make ordinances regulating the plumbing and drainage of build- 86 ACTS OP The: GENERAL ASSEMBLY Town council of East Provi- dence may li- cense plumbers and drain layers and charge fee. Town council may make or- dinances pro- viding for in- spection and regulation of plumbing and drainage. ings within said town,” is hereby amended so as .to read as follows : “SEC. 2 . The town council of said town is hereby author- ized to issue licenses to plumbers and drainlayers, to charge and collect fees for such licenses, not to exceed fifty dollars for any one license for any one year, to define their duties, and to require them to give bond, with surety or sureties in such amount as the said council may by ordinance provide, for the faithful performance of said duties.” Sec. 2 . Section 3 of said Chapter 88G of the Public Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows : “SEC. 3. The town council of said town may make such ordinances, rules, and regulations respecting the drainage and plumbing of all buildings hereafter erected in said town, and respecting any new or additional drainage and plumbing and additions to and alterations of existing drainage and plumbing of all buildings heretofore or hereafter erected in said town, as said council may deem necessary for the pre- servation of the public health ; and may provide by ordinance that no building shall be erected in said town, and no such drainage and plumbing, additions and alterations shall be constructed or made, unless the plans of such drainage and plumbing, additions and alterations, shall conform to said ordinances, rules, and regulations, be filed in the office of the inspector of plumbing and drainage, and be approved in writing by *said inspector ; and said town council may further provide for the inspection of all plumbing and drainage in said town, may charge and collect fees for the permits issued by the said inspector for plumbing and drainage work, and may affix penalties of not more than twenty dollars for the violation of any rule, regulation, or provision of any ordi- nance made in accordance with this act.” Sec. 3. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, and this act shall take effect imuediately. RELATING TO THE TOWN. 87 CHAPTER 640. Approved August 22, 1910. AN ACT DIVIDING THE CITIES AND CERTAIN TOWNS OF THE STATE INTO REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICTS AND CARRYING INTO EFFECT ARTICLE XIII OF AMENDMENTS- TO THE CONSTITUTION. CHAPTER 746. Approved April 26, 1911. AN ACT IN RELATION TO THE HOLDING OF CAUCUSES IN THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: Section 1 . In the town of East Providence, the caucuses of all -political parties shall be held in accordance with the provisions of this act, and such, provisions shall apply only in said town. For the purposes of this act, a political party is hereby defined to be one which at the next preceding annual election of state officers cast for its candidate for governor at least two per cent, of all the votes cast in the state for that officer. Caucus and convention nominations shall be made only by political parties. SEC. 2. The qualified electors of each political party in said town shall annually, at the caucus held to elect dele- gates to the convention to nominate a candidate for gover- nor, elect a town committee for such town. Each town com- mittee shall, within ten days after its organization, file with the secretary of state a list of its officers and members. The general management of the affairs of each political party in such town shall be vested in its town committee, subject to the rules and regulations which the state committee of such political party shall make. Any vacancy occurring in any of the offices or in the membership of said town committee shall be filled by such committee. A statement thereof shall be Political party defined. Method of elect- ing town com- mittee, and powers and duties thereof. 88 ACTS OE THE GENERA!, ASSEMBLY Caucuses, how called. Town clerk to be notified of date of caucus and to furnish polling-places therefor. filed as in the case of officers and members first chosen. Town committees shall hold office from the date of their election until the next annual election of such committees and thereafter until their successors have organized. Town committees may make regulations, not inconsistent with law, to determine membership in the party and to restrain those not entitled to vote at caucuses called by them from taking part therein, and such regulations shall be furnished to and shall govern the officers by this act charged with the duty of preparing caucus voting lists in the preparation of such lists, so far as they are not in conflict with the provisions of this act. Each town committee shall attend the caucuses of the party to which it belongs, to perform the duties herein im- posed upon it. Sec. 3. All caucuses shall be held in said town at the call of the town committee of the political party holding such caucuses. The call for such caucuses shall be issued not less than five days prior to the day on which they are to be held. It shall state the places where such caucuses are to be held, the hour of holding the same, the time during which the polls are to be open, the business to be transacted thereat and the uniform size of the ballots to be used in said caucus, and said call shall be posted, at least four days prior to the holding of said caucus, in six or more public places in said town. No two political parties shall hold their caucuses on the same day. Sec. 4. At least ten days previous to the date on which a political party desires to hold its caucuses in said town the chairman of the town committee of such political party shall notify in writing, the town clerk of the date selected for such caucuses, and the political party first making such selection and notification for a certain date shall be entitled to hold its caucuses on that date, if such date is one on which caucuses may be lawfully held. If such date is one previously so selected and notified by some other political party, or is one on which cacuses may not be lawfully held, such chairman shall be immediately notified, in writing, of the fact by the RELATING TO THE TOWN. 89 town clerk, and such chairman shall select and make notifica- tion of another date. It shall be the duty of said town clerk, in and at the expense of said town of East Providence, to provide a polling place in said town for said caucus, and to notify in writing such chairman as to the place so provided, at least seven days prior to the date of such caucuses. Sec. 5. No caucus, except a caucus adjourned under the provisions of section fourteen of this act, shall be held within two days, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, of the last day for filing the certificate of the nominations of such caucus, nor shall any political party hold caucuses on suc- cessive days. All caucuses, excepting those caucuses neces- sary for a special election, shall be held after the second Thursday next after the first Monday in September of each year. All caucuses held to nominate candidates for town officers in said town, excepting those caucuses necessary for a special election, shall be held within twenty-five days of the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November in each year. Caucuses necessary for a special election shall be held not more than ten days before, nor within two days, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, of the last day for filing the certificates of the nominations of such caucuses. SEC. (5. The town committee of each political party in said town shall, at least two days prior to the date of the caucus, appoint a caucus chairman and a caucus clerk for each voting district thereof, who shall be qualified electors of said town, representative-districts and voting-districts res- pectively in which they are appointed to serve and members of such political party, and shall fill all vacancies which oc- cur in such offices from any cause, except as hereinafter pro- vided. Caucus chairmen and caucus clerks so appointed shall hold office until the first day of January next succeed- ing their appointment and thereafter until their successors are appointed and shall have the same powers and duties in the conduct of caucuses as are conferred by law upon wardens and ward clerks of elective meetings. Sec. 7. The caucus chairman appointed, as hereinbefore Caucuses when to be held. Caucus officers to be selected by town com- mittee. 90 ACTS OF THF GFNFRAF ASSEMBLY Duties of caucus officers. Hours during which polls must remain open. provided, shall call the caucus of his political party to order, and shall preside thereat. Each caucus clerk shall check the voting list of the voting-district in which he is appointed to serve. In case a caucus chairman is absent at the time at which the caucus has been called, or in case a caucus chair- man becomes incapacitated during the holding of the caucus, the town committee, or a majority of the members thereof present at such caucus, shall appoint a qualified elector of such party residing in said town or representative-district as caucus chairman for such caucus. If no member of the town committee is present, the clerk of the first voting-dis- trict in such town, or, in case of his absence or incapacity, then of the voting-district clerks present the one next in numerical order of the districts, shall Call the meeting to order, and the electors present shall elect some qualified per- son as caucus chairman of such caucus. In case a caucus clerk is absent at the time at which the caucus has been called, or in case a caucus clerk becomes incapacitated from per- forming his duties as such during the holding of the caucus, the town committee of said town, or such majority thereof, shall appoint some qualified elector of the town or representa- tive-district as such caucus clerk. If no member of the town committee is present, the caucus chairman shall appoint some qualified elector as aforesaid as caucus clerk. All cau- cuses shall be called to order at seven o’clock P. M., the polls shall be opened at or before seven-thirty P. M., and the ballot boxes shall be opened and the interior thereof ex- posed to the view of all present by the chairman before any ballots are cast. Any necessary business not finished at seven-thirty P. M. shall be postponed until after the polls are closed and the result of the balloting announced. The polls shall be kept open until ten P. M., and no longer. Except for the filling of vacancies in the office of caucus chairman and caucus clerk, as hereinbefore provided in this section, a ballot shall be required for the choice of all candidates for elective offices, for delegates to conventions, and for mem- bers of town committees, to be elected by such caucuses. All RELATING TO THE TOWN. 91 ballots shall be printed or written on white paper, of uniform size to be determined by. the town committee of each political party in said town, and no tissue paper shall be used for any caucus ballot. The names of all candidates for which any elector shall vote at any caucus shall be written or printed upon one ballot. Sec. 8. No person shall be entitled to vote or take part in the caucus of any political party who within fourteen calendar months has voted or taken part in the caucus of any other political party, or has signed nomination papers of a candidate or candidates for any elective officer, or has voted in any election for the candidates of any other political party or for candidates placed in nomination by nomination papers, or is debarred from so voting or taking part by the regulations of such party provided for in section two of this act. No person who has voted in the caucus of any political party shall be eligible to sign any nomination paper contain- ing nominations of ' candidates within fourteen calendar months thereafter. SEC. 9. The town clerk of said town shall prepare the voting lists for use at all caucuses held in said town. At all caucuses the voting lists as last published or canvassed ac- cording to law by the board of canvassers of said town shall be used, corrected as hereinafter provided. The board of canvassers in said town shall hold a canvass meeting on the twenty-seventh day preceding the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November in each year, and also on a day not more than five days prior to the earliest day lawfully selected by any political party for the holding of caucuses made necessary by a special election in such town, to canvass and correct the voting lists of electors qualified. Notice of said canvass meetings shall be given in such manner as such board of canvassers shall prescribe. Sec. 10. In preparing caucus voting lists for the caucuses of any political party there shall be stricken from the lists specified in section nine of this act the names of all persons shown by the nomination papers, or copies thereof, and used Form of caucus ballot. Who may par- ticipate in cau- cus. Town clerk to prepare voting lists. Same subject. 92 ACTS OE THE) GENERAL ASSEMBLY Ballot boxes and supplies Caucus chair- man to receive ballots. Vote how counted; plurality to elect. Return of bal- lots and voting- lists. caucus voting lists in the possession of the town clerk, to be debarred from voting in such caucuses by the provisions of section eight of this act, or who are shown by the regula- tions of such political party to be not entitled to vote in its caucuses. Each such list shall be endorsed with the name of such political party, and shall be certified by such town clerk. SEC. 11. The town clerk is hereby authorized and re- quired to furnish, at the expense of said town, suitable ballot boxes, blank forms of certificates and returns, and other elec- tion stationery, for each polling place at which any caucus is held, and to cause the voting lists prepared as aforesaid to be delivered at each such polling place to the caucus chair- man, prior to the hour of seven o’clock in the evening of the day on which any such caucus is to be held ; and it is hereby made the duty of the chief of police of said town to detail such number of police officers to each such polling place, for the preservation of order, and to deliver the voting lists' aforesaid, as may be requested by said town clerk. Sec. 12. The caucus chairman shall receive the ballots of all persons whose names are upon the lists certified and furnished to him, and shall reject the ballots of all other per- sons. Sec. 13. Immediately on the closing of the polls the caucus chairman and clerks shall in open caucus proceed to count the ballots cast in the presence of such representatives as may be appointed in writing, one by each candidate voted for at said caucus ; and each candidate receiving a plurality of the ballots cast for the office for which he was a candidate shall be declared by the caucus chairman to be elected or nominated, as the case may be. The ballots and voting lists shall then be forthwith separately sealed up, together with a statement of the result of the balloting, substantially in form required by law in the case of elective meetings, and shall be forthwith delivered in person by the caucus clerk of the first voting-district to the town clerk in said town. Sec. 14. In case at any caucus a majority of a delegation to any convention, or of any town committee, are not elected, RELATING TO THE TOWN. 93 or in case of a tie vote for any candidate for an elective office, the caucus shall adjourn to such day as shall be desig- nated at said caucus by the caucus chairman, but not to any day at which a caucus of any political party has been called. In case of a tie vote for a smaller number than a majority of the delegates to a convention, or of the members of a town committee, the elected members of the delegation or of the committee shall fill the vacancies so caused and make no- tification of their action to the person or officer entitled to receive the same. In all cases the delegates to a convention shall have power to fill vacancies in their number appearing at the hour of the meeting of such convention. SEC. 15. The chairman of every caucus shall, within twenty-four hours after said caucus is held, deliver or send to each delegate to a political convention, and to each member of a political committee, a certificate of his election, and to each candidate for an elective office a certificate of his nomination, and shall also cause the certificate of nomination required by law in the case of all candidates who are nomi- nated by such caucus for any elective office to be prepared and seasonably filed in the proper public office, unless pro- ceedings for a recount of the ballots cast at such caucus are inaugurated conformably to the provision of section sixteen of this act, in which case he shall not deliver, send, or cause to be filed any such certificates. Upon each check list used at such caucus the clerk checking such list shall make a re- turn under oath that the said check list is the identical one used in the caucus of the political party for which it was furnished, and that the names checked were' truly and prop- erly checked at such caucus, and that no alteration or eras- ure or additional check has been made thereon. Sec. 16 . If before five o’clock in the afternoon of the day succeeding the day on which any caucus is held under the provisions of this act a person who has received votes thereat for nomination or election to any elective office, delegation, or political committee shall serve upon the town clerk of said town a statement in writing that the records and returns In case of tie vote, etc., what action to be taken. Chairman to prepare certi- ficates of elec- tion and nomin- ation. Verification of check-list by- clerk. Provision for recount of ballots. 94 ACTS OF THF CFNFRAIv ASSEMBLY Notice of re- count. Method of re- count and hear- ing thereon. Recount to be conclusive, and official ballots to be prepared accordingly. made by the caucus officers, as aforesaid, are erroneous, and specifying wherein the same are erroneous, and claiming an election or nomination by said caucus for the petitioner, and petitioning for a recount of such ballots by the board of can- vassers of said town, such town clerk shall retain all the ballots cast at such caucus until such claim is withdrawn or the contest for the nomination or election is* fully determined as hereinafter provided. The town clerk upon whom such statement is served shall forthwith notify the members of the board of canvassers of his town of the filing of such pe- tition, and it shall be the duty of said board of canvassers to forthwith convene, and to cause notice in writing to be served, in such manner as said board of canvassers shall direct, upon all other candidates for the same office receiving votes at said caucus, at the expense of the petitioner, of the filing of such petitions for a recount, and shall appoint a time and place for the recount of said ballots within twenty- four hours, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, from the time of ordering such notice. At the time specified by said board of canvassers said town clerk shall transmit to such board all the ballots cast at such caucus and the voting list used thereat, and at the appointed time and place said board of canvassers shall proceed to recount said ballots and to hear and determine all questions raised for or against the counting of the same or of any thereof, and shall declare, as the result of such recount and determination, what persons, if any, were lawfully elected or nominated at such caucus. Such declaration shall stand as the true record and result of the vote cast at such caucus, and the proper officer shall cause the names of the persons so declared to be nominated for any elective office to be printed upon the official ballots, in accordance with a certificate of such recount and deter- mination made and filed with him by said board, which cer- tificate shall be deemed to be made and filed as of the day of holding such caucus. Said board shall also furnish to each delegate and member of a committee, so declared to be elected, a certificate of his election. Any candidate receiv- RELATING TO THE TOWN. 95 ing votes at such caucus for such nomination or office may be present during such recount, either in person or by an agent duly appointed in writing. Sec. 17. The town clerk of said town shall retain under seal for the period of fourteen calendar months all of the voting lists returned to him under the provisions of this act: Provided, that such lists may be unsealed for use in the pro- ceedings provided for in sections ten and sixteen of this- act, after which they shall be immediately resealed, and that the said town clerk, after a check list has been used at a caucus of a political party held under the provisions of this act, upon written application for a copy of the list as checked, signed by any qualified elector in the said town where such list was used, and upon payment or tender of the fees provided by law therefor, may unseal and open the wrapper containing such check list, and shall furnish to such applicant a certified copy of the list as checked, and shall then reseal the same. Sec. 18. Every public officer or officer of a political party who shall willfully violate any of the provisions of this act, or shall refuse, or willfully neglect and omit, to perform, in the manner and within the time prescribed, any duty imposed up- on him by this act, shall be fined not less than fifteen nor more than fifty /dollars, or imprisoned in jail for a period not ex- ceeding thirty days, or both. Every person at a caucus who, knowing that he is not entitled to vote, votes or attempts to vote, or votes or attempts to vote upon any other name than his own, or votes or attempts to vote more than once upon his own name, or deposits or attempts to deposit more than one ballot for any candidate for any elective office or dele- gate, to any convention or member of any political committee at the same balloting, or at any caucus gives a false answer to any caucus clerk or the presiding officer of any caucus relative to his right to vote at such caucus, shall be punished by imprisonment in jail not exceeding thirty days. Whoever aids or abets a person not entitled to vote at a caucus in voting or attempting to vote under a name other than the voter’s own name, or in voting twice upon the voter’s own Candidate or his representa- tive may be rep- resented at re- count. Town clerk to retain under seal all used voting lists, for what period. Lists may be unsealed, when. Penalties. 9 6 ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Arrest without warrant. Secretary of state to furnish copies of cer- tain nomination papers. Town commit- tees elect, to serve. name, or aids or abets a person in depositing or attempting to deposit at a caucus more than one ballot as aforesaid at the same balloting, shall be punished by imprisonment m jail not exceeding thirty days. Whoever willfully alters, or will- fully makes any change, erasure, or additional check upon the voting list used or to be used at a caucus, or, having custody or control of such voting list, shall suffer or permit any alteration, change, erasure, or additional check to be made upon such voting list, shall be punished by imprison- ment in jail not exceeding sixty days. Excepting otherwise herein provided, the penalties imposed by law upon election and other officers and voters who violate the provisions of acts regulating elective meetings are hereby imposed upon the same and like caucus and other officers and voters for the same and like violations of this act. Sec. 19. It shall be the duty of every police or other peace officer or constable to arrest without warrant any person de- tected in the act of violating the provisions of this act. Sec. 20. The secretary of state shall make and send to the town clerk of said town copies of all nomination papers filed with him which contain the names of electors of such town. Sec. 21. The town committees elect in said town at the time of the passage of this act shall organize and serve in the same manner and with the same effect as if they had been elected under its provisions. Sec. 22. This act shall take effect upon its passage. CHAPTER 747. Approved May 2, 1911. AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE TOWN OF EAST PROVI- DENCE TO ISSUE BONDS FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: Section 1 . The town of East Providence is hereby au- relating To The town. 97 thorized and empowered to issue bonds under its corporate name and seal, in addition to the bonds heretofore author- ized, to the amount of seventy-five thousand dollars. Said bonds shall be of a denomination of not less than one hun- dred nor more than five thousand dollars each, shall bear in- terest at a rate not exceeding five per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, and the principal and interest thereof shall be payable in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard of weight and fineness. Said bonds shall become due and payable in not to exceed forty years from the date of their issue, and shall be obligatory upon said town in the same manner and to the same extent as other debts lawfully contracted by said town. Sec. 2. The said bonds shall be issued and sold by the town council o-f said town at such times, in such amounts, at such rate of interest, in such manner, in such form or other- wise, and maturing at such dates, as the said town council may authorize and direct, but not to exceed in the date of their maturity forty years from the date of their issue, nor to exceed in the rate of their interest five per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, nor to exceed in amount the sum of seventy-five thousand dollars in addition to the bonds here- tofore authorized. If the said bonds are issued and sold in serial form not more than three thousand dollars in amount of the principal of said bonds shall be made due and payable in any one year, but if not issued in serial form, the total amount of the principal of the bonds issued may be made due and payable at their maturity, and in the latter case the premiums arising from the sale of the said bonds shall be deposited to the credit of a sinking fund for the redemption of the said bonds when and as the same become due and pay- able. The proceeds arising from the sale of the said bonds shall be delivered to the town treasurer, and shall be applied, except as above provided in respect to premiums arising from the sale of said bonds, to the purchase of a site for and the erection and equipment of a grammar school build- ing, and for the purchase of sites for and the erection and Town author- ized to issue $75,000 of bonds. How issued. Proceeds how applied. 98 ACTS OB THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY How signed. To establish sinking fund. Bonds not to be issued unless approved, how. equipment of such other school buildings as may be needed in said town ; but no' purchaser of said bonds shall be in any way bound to see to the proper application of the pro- ceeds thereof. Se;c. 3. The bonds hereby authorized shall be signed by the town treasurer and countersigned by the town clerk of said town. Sec. 4. If the said bonds are issued in serial form, the said town shall annually appropriate until said bonds are paid in full a sum sufficient to pay the interest upon the bonds is- sued under authority of this act, and a sum sufficient to pay the principal of the bonds maturing each year; but if the said bonds are otherwise issued, the said town shall appropriate annually until said bonds are paid in full a sum sufficient to pay the interest upon the bonds issued under authority of this act, and a sum to be placed as a sinking fund sufficient for the redemption of the bonds issued under authority of this act, when and as the same become due and payable, and all premiums arising from the sale of said bonds shall, in said case, be placed to the credit of said sinking fund, and all obligations of said town which may be created under the authority of this act shall be excepted from the operation of section 21, Chapter 46 of the General Laws. Sec. 5. No bonds shall be issued under the authority of this act until and unless the electors of the town of East Providence, qualified to vote on any proposition to impose a tax or for the expenditure of money, when legally assembled in town meetings, shall vote to accept this act. SEC. 6. This act shall take effect when accepted in accord- ance with the provisions of section 5 thereof. CHAPTER 748. Approved May 2, 1911. AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE TOWN OF EAST PROVI- DENCE TO ISSUE BONDS. reeating to the town. 99 It is enacted by'' the General Assembly as follows: Section 1 . The town of East Providence is hereby au- thorized and empowered to issue bonds under its corporate name and seal, in addition to the bonds heretofore author- ized to the amount of one hundred and fifty thousand dol- lars. Said bonds shall be of a denomination not less than one hundred nor more than five thousand dollars each, shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding four and one-half per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, and the principal and interest thereof shall be payable in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard of weight and fineness. Said bonds shall become due and payable in not to exceed fifty years from the date of their issue, and shall be obligatory upon the said town in the same manner and to the same ebetent as other debts lawfully contracted by said town. Sec. 2. The said bonds shall be issued and sold by the town council of said town at such times, in such amounts, in such manner, and maturing at such dates, as the said town council may authorize and direct, but not to exceed in the date of their maturity fifty years from the date of their issue, nor to exceed in amount the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars in addition to the bonds heretofore au- thorized. The proceeds arising from the sale thereof shall be delivered to the town treasurer, and shall be applied, with the exception of the premiums derived from the sale of said bonds, to the payment of the present and future indebtedness of said town, but no purchaser of said bonds shall be in any way bound to see to the proper application of the proceeds thereof. Sec. 3. The bonds hereby authorized shall be signed by the town treasurer and countersigned by the town clerk of said town. Sec. 4. Said town shall annually appropriate, until said bonds are paid in full, a sum sufficient to pay the interest upon the bonds issued under the authority of this act, a sum to be placed as a sinking fund sufficient for the redemption Town of East Providence au- thorized to issue $150,000 of bonds. How issued. Proceeds how applied. How signed. To establish sinking fund. ioo ACTS OB THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Certain plats or maps may be filed with the town clerk, when. Town not to be liable for re- pairs of or dam- ages occurring on certain ways or streets. of the bonds issued under authority of this act, when and as the same become due and payable, and all premiums arising from the sale of said bonds shall be placed to the credit of said sinking fund. Sec. 5. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, and this act shall take effect im- mediately. CHAPTER 749. Approved May 3, 1911. AN ACT RELATING TO PLATS OR MAPS OF PRIVATE LANDS IN EAST PROVIDENCE. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: Section 1. Every person who shall hereafter desire to have recorded or placed on file in the office of the town clerk of the town of East Providence any plat or map of private lands having any private way or street shown thereon, shall first cause all such ways or streets to be approved by the town council of said town ; and said town clerk shall not re- cord nor receive on file in his office any such map or plat until all such ways or streets shall have been so approved. Sec. 2. No action of said town council, authorized by this act, shall make said town liable for repairs of, nor for any damages of any kind that may occur upon or within any or either of such ways or streets until the same have been duly accepted and declared to be public highways. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect immediately. Ordinances OF THE Town of East Providence. AN ORDINANCE COMPRISING THE ORDINANCES OF THE Town of East Providence. It is Ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Bast Providence as follows: CHAPTER 1. SIDEWALKS. Section. 1. No animal or vehicle to re- main on sidewalk, or wood cut or coal broken there. 2. No goods, coal, etc., to be placed on the sidewalk. 3. Awnings to be placed eight feet above sidewalk. 4. No animal or vehicle to stand upon crosswalk. 5. Snow to be removed frpm sidewalks; fine. (5. Same subject. 7. Ice to be removed from side- walks or suitable cover- ing; fine. Section. 8. No merchandise to be hoist- ed or lowered over a street if adjudged dan- gerous by the town coun- cil. 9. Goods, how suspended in front of shops. 10. No aperture to be made in or under streets except by permission of surveyor of highways; mode of use. 11. Obstruction of sidewalks prohibited. 12. Obstruction of door-steps prohibited. 13. Fines. Section 1 . No person shall ride, drive or lead any animal or move or trundle any vehicle upon any sidewalk in the town, except light carriages for the conveyance of children, unless for the purpose of necessarily crossing the same, or allow any animal belonging to him or under his care to stand on such sidewalk, or shall saw, split or cut any firewood or lumber, or break up any coal on any such sidewalk. Sec. 2. No person shall deposit, place or put, or suffer to be deposited, placed or put, by any person or persons in 104 ordinances or the his or her employment, any goods, wares, firewood, coal, chattels or merchandise, on any such sidewalk, except while actually removing the same into or out of some building or enclosure. Sec. 3. No awning shall be placed or continued over any sidewalk unless the same shall be constructed of cloth or can- vas and supported by iron rods, and every part of such awning and of the supports thereof shall be at least eight feet above the sidewalk. Sec. 4. No person shall suffer or permit any horse or other animal, sled, or other vehicle of any description, be- longing to him or under his care, to stand or stop upon any crosswalk in the town, for any other purpose except the taking up or setting down of passengers, nor for any longer time than shall be necessary for such purpose. Sec. 5. The owner or owners, occupant or occupants, or any person having the care of any building or lot of land bordering on any street, square or public place within the town where there is a sidewalk supported by a curb-stone, shall within the first four hours of daylight, after the ceasing to fall of any snow, cause the same to be removed therefrom, and in default thereof shall pay a fine of not less than two dollars, nor more than ten dollars ; and for each and every hour after the expiration of the said four hours that the snow shall remain on such sidewalk, such owner or owners, occupant or occupants or other person, shall pay a fine of not less than one dollar, nor more than ten dollars. Sec. 6. The provisions of the preceding section shall also apply to the the falling of snow from any building. Sec. 7. Whenever the sidewalk or any part thereof ad- joining any building or lot of land on any street, shall be en- cumbered with ice, it shall be the duty of the owner or owners, occupant or occupants, or any person having the care of such building or lot, to cause such sidewalks to be made safe and convenient by removing the ice therefrom, or by covering the same with sand or some other suitable substance ; and in case such owner or owners or other person TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE. 105 shall neglect so to do for the space of two hours during the daytime, he shall pay a fine of not less than two dollars nor more than ten dollars, and a like sum for every day there- after that the same shall continue to encumber. Sec. 8. No merchandise shall be hoisted or lowered into or out of any building over any street, where the town council shall have adjudged such hoisting or lowering dan- gerous to travelers in such street. Sec. 9. No person shall place or cause to be placed, or shall suspend or cause to be suspended, from any house, shop, store, lot or place, over any street, any goods, wares or merchandise whatsoever, or any flag, sign or other thing, so that the same shall extend or project from the wall or front of said house, store, shop, lot or place, more than one foot towards or into the street. Sec. 10. No person shall make or cause to be made any aperture in or under any street, for the purpose of construct- ing coal-holes or receptadles for any other article, or for light and air, or for an entrance, or for any other purpose, without the permission of the surveyor of highways first obtained therefor ; and no person shall leave such aperture open or unfastened unless while actually in use, with a person by the same. Sec. 1 1. Three or more persons shall not stand in a group or near each other, on any foot or sidewalk, so as to obstruct a free passage for foot passengers ; and any person or per- sons obstructing any foot or sidewatlk shall move on imme- diately when requested so to do by the sergeant of police or any police constable. Sec. 12. No person shall be or remain upon any door-step of or other projection from any building, so as to annoy or disturb any person, nor shall obstruct any passage to the same or the appurtenances thereof ; and every person so being or remaining, when ordered by the sergeant of police or any police constable, or the owner or occupant of said building, to remove, shall immediately peaceably depart and stay away therefrom. io6 ordinances of the Sec. 13. Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter, except the provisions of sections five, six, and seven, shall pay a fine of not less than two nor more than ten dollars. CHAPTER 2 . HIGHWAYS. Section. 7. No material to be taken without consent of Sur- veyor of Highways. 8. Obstructing gutters. 9. Depositing waste paper pro- hibited. 10. Permitting deposit of waste paper, etc., prohibited. 11. How waste paper, etc., shall be carried. 12. Penalty. Section 1 . No person shall suffer or permit any cart, coach, dray, sleigh, sled or other carriage or vehicle of any description, belonging to him or her, or in his or her posses- sion, or under his or her care, to remain unharnessed in any of the streets or highways more than one hour at any one time. Sec. 2. No person shall deposit, place or put, nor suffer to be deposited, placed or put, by any person or persons in his or her employ, any goods, wares, firewood, coal, chattels or mer- chandise, in any of said streets or highways, except while landing or shipping the same, or actually removing the same into or out of some building or enclosure, or loading the samp into or unloading the same out of some vehicle. SEC. 3. No person shall play at ball or threw any stones or other missiles, or slide on any sled or machine, or in any vehicle whatever, for amusement, in any of the streets or highways. Sec. 4. No person shall throw or deposit, or cause to be thrown or deposited in any street, highway or public place, Section. 1. Vehicles not to remain in streets unharnessed. 2. Goods not to be deposited in streets. 3. Playing ball and sliding pro- hibited. 4. No coal-dust, ashes, etc., to be thrown into streets. 5. Throwing noxious liquids into streets prohibited. 6. Water not to be permitted to run into streets from adjoining land. TOWN OE EAST PROVIDENCE. IO7 any coal, dust, soot, ashes, cinders, shavings, hair, shreds, paper, manure, oyster, clam or lobster shells, or any animal or vegetable matter or substance whatever. Sec. 5. No person shall throw or deposit, or cause to be thrown or deposited, or suffer to flow into or upon any street, highway, gangway or public place, any water or other liquid which causes any noxious or unhealthy effluvia, or any filthy or dirty water. Sec. 6. No water upon any land adjoining to a public street or highway which is paved or which is graded, and the gutters thereof paved, shall be permitted to run from any such land upon such street or highway excepting spring water, the natural run of which may be upon such street or highway, and rain water. Sec. 7. No person shall take and carry away from any street, highway or public place, any earth, sand, gravel, stone, sod or other material, without permission from the surveyor of highways. Sec. 8. No person shall, without the written permission of the surveyor of highways, in any manner fill or obstruct any gutter, or other channel on a highway provided for the purpose of carrying off surface water. Sec. 9. No person shall throw or deposit in and upon any premises contiguous or adjacent to any street, highway or public place any waste paper in such manner that such waste paper shall be blown on to any street, highway or public place. Sec. 10. No person shall knowingly permit to be thrown, dumped or deposited upon his premises, or upon premises in his care or under his control, contiguous, adjacent or near to any street, highway or public place, by another person any waste paper in such a manner that such waste paper shall be blown on to any street, highway or public place. Sec. 11. No person shall carry or convey through or in any street, highway or public place any waste paper not so covered or protected as to prevent the escape of said paper into any street, highway or public place, and no person while loading or unloading a team or other vehicle shall scatter or io8 ordinances oe the permit any waste paper to be scattered in any street, highway or public place or in any other place where such waste paper shall be blown on to any street, highway or public place. Sec. 12. Every person, who shall violate any provision of this chapter, shall pay a fine of not less than two nor more than twenty dollars. CHAPTER 3 . PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE. Section. 1. Appointment of Inspector of Plumbing and Drainage, with his duties. 2. Persons carrying on busi- ness of plumbing or drain- laying must have license; fees for same. 3. Must give what bond. 4. Plans to be filed with in- spector; fees for permits; work to be inspected. 5. Things unlawful to be done. 6. Town council may prevent the discharge of injurious substances into sewers. 7 Materials of good quality only to be used. S. Specifications as to earthen- ware pipe. 9 Specilcations as to cast-iron pipe. 10. Weights of cast-iron pipe. 11. Specifications as to wrought iron pipe. 12. Weights of galvanized or wrought-iron pipe. 13. Specifications as to fittings for soil and water pipes. 14. Specifications as to brass pipe, with weights. 15. Quality of lead pipe to be used and weights. 16. Weight of lead traps and bends. 17. Specifications as to ferrules and nipples. 18. Cleanouts. 19. Quality of caulking lead; old solder joints prohibit- ed. 20. Best quality of oakum to be used: paper or rags pro- hibited. 21. Quality of solder for wiping joints. 22. Specifications as to traps. 23. When cast-iron, brass or lead traps may be used. 24. When cast-iron traps must be porcelain-lined or gal- vanized and when plain. Section. 25. Lead water-closet waste pipes, specifications con- cerning. 26. Specifications for traps other than water-closet traps. 27. Couplings and connections with traps wnere made. 28. Dimensions of traps. 29. Weight and thickness of traps and bends. 30. Quality and character of fixtures. 31. Specifications as to water- closet bowls. 32. What styles of water-closets prohibited. 33. Water-closets and urinals to be flushed with “Flusho- meters.” 34. Specifications as to flushing cisterns; each water closet to have separate cistern. 35. Water-closets not to be in- stalled in unventilated or ill- ventilated rooms; room must have direct commu- nication with outer air; specifications as to water closets, etc., in basements and cellars. 36. Water closets and plumbing fixtures not to be installed in out-house without spe- cial permission; specifica- tions when permission given. 37. Plumbing fixtures to be set free from wood work. 38. Number of water closets and urinals, etc., in* insti- tutions, boarding houses, tenements or public build- ings. 39. Impervious and non-corro- sive materials for enclos- ures and platforms of uri- nals. 40. Overflow where to discharge. 41. Each building to be separ- ately connected with sew- er; grouping when allow- ed. TOWN OE EAST PROVIDENCE. 109 Section. 42. Size of house-drain and main soil-pipe. 43. House sewer connecting with public sewer from five feet outside founda- tion walls to be cast-iron or salt-glazed vitrified earthernware; specifica- tions as to laying and making joints. 44. Sewer work to be done un- der direction of inspector. 45. Grade of house sewer. 46. Depth pipes must be laid with specifications. 47. Specifications as to opening trenches in public ways; settlement of earth within sixty days to be repaired at expense of owner of property from which house sewer was laid. 48. Inspector to be notified twenty-four hours before beginning work on house sewers and connections. 42. Earthenware pipe for house sewer not be be laid with- in five feet of building’s wall. 50. When old house sewers may be used. 51. No trap or other obstruction allowed through the course of the drain and soil-pipe. 52. From five feet outside of foundation walls to ends of soil pipes above the roof all piping to be of iron or brass; local vents as an exception. 53. Fall on lines of pipes. 54. Specifications as to stacks of soil pipes. 55. Dead ends to be avoided. 56. Roof extensions to be 4-inch cast-iron pipes; caps, cowls and return bends prohibited; to be carried how high. 57. Soil, waste or vent pipes not to be used as rain- water conductor and vice versa; trap-venting sys- tems not to be used with- out special permission, with specifications when permission given. 58. Sizes of pipes for branches on soil and waste-pipes; existing lines to be enter- ed must have suitable Y inserted - specifications for work to be done. 59. Shortest course to be fol- lowed by pipes. 60. Waste pipes from refriger- ators where to discharge. 61. Rain-water conductors with- in building to be of iron or brass and not connect- ed with sewer, privy or manure pit. Section. 62. Plumbing and drainage sys- tem of each building to be separate, and work ac- ceptable to inspector. 63. Specifications as to joints in cast-iron pipe. 64. Double hubs and sleeves prohibited. 65. Specifications as to joints in wrought-iron or wrought- iron with brass pipes. 66 . Specifications as to connec- tions of wrought-iron or ^ brass with cast-iron. 67. Specifications as to connec- tions between lead and brass or lead and lead - pipes. 68 . Cleanouts where to be placed. 69. Specifications as to trapping fixtures. 70. Fixtures to be supplied with running water; when pressure insufficient stor- age tank to be provided with specifications con- cerning same. < 1 . Storage tanks, where Placed; dust-proof covers for same. 72. Overflow from storage tank not to connect with soil, -9 Trr^ ste or ven t pipe. t6 - Wastes from carriage- wash- ing floors and garages to pass through silt-basins. < 4 . inspector to pass upon work and materials; no work to be covered until in- spected; inspector to have free access to all plumbing from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. each day to exam- __ lne anc * test the same. 15. Notice in writing to be sent to inspector when work is ready for inspection; pen- 7C . alt ,Y f°r premature notice. < 6 . Applications for final in- spection to be filed with inspector within forty- eight hours after comple- tion of work. 77. Two tests to be made; first an air test; second, a smoke test. 78. Defects must be remedied within one week and re- tested; inspector may, for cause, refuse to receive further plans for work from a party in default until defective work has been made acceptable. 79. Inspector to report to town council violations of this chapter by any plumber or drain-layer; town coun- cil may, if charges are well founded, revoke li- cense, and may refer such charges to chief of police for prosecution. i io ORDINANCES OF TH £ Section. 80. Persons in default, until de- fault has been removed, shall be ineligible to re- ceive a renewal of license. Section. 81. Penalty for conviction for violation of provisions of this chapter. Section 1 . The town council shall, from and after the passage of this ordinance and thereafter annually in the month of January, appoint an inspector of plumbing and drainage, who shall be paid for his services such compensa- tion as the town council may from time to time determine. The said inspector shall enforce obedience to the rules and regulations hereinafter contained, relating to the plumbing and drainage of buildings within the town of East Provi- dence, and failure of duty in this respect shall subject said inspector to all the penalties of this ordinance. The said in- spector shall keep accurate and detailed written records of all his official acts, and shall, on or before the tenth day of each month, file with the town clerk a written report, describing all work begun, prosecuted or completed under his jurisdic- tion within the preceding calendar month, and reciting the total number of sewer connections, the approximate popula- tion tributary to the sewers, violations of this ordinance and all other matters pertaining to his office. The said inspector shall perform all other duties of like kind that may be pre- scribed, from time to time hereafter, by the town council. Sec. 2. No person, firm or corporation shall carry on the business of plumbing or drain-laying in the town of East Providence, save the making of service connections with the water supply pipes, unless he, they or it shall be first duly licensed by the town council. Each application for a li- cense to carry on the business of plumbing and drain-laying must be made upon a blank form obtained from the inspector of plumbing and drainage, and be filed with said inspector, who shall, without unreasonable delay, investigate the tech- nical skill, responsibility and integrity of the applicant, and shall present the application to the town council, with such re- commendations as he may deem just and wise. The town council will then consider the application, and it may either grant or refuse to grant the desired license, in its discretion. Town op past providence. i i i If granted, the license shall not become operative until the applicant, if he, they or it shall be a resident of the town of East Providence, has paid to the town clerk a registration fee of five dollars, and if he, they or it shall not be a resident of the town of East Providence, until the applicant has paid to the town clerk a registration fee of twenty-live dollars. All licenses issued under the provisions of this chapter shall expire by limitation at noon on the day following the regular monthly meeting of the town council in the month of January next following the date of issue; but if the licensee shall be in default because of any violation of the provisions of this ordinance, or if he shall have loaned his license to an unlicensed plumber or drain-layer, his, their or its license s*hall forthwith cease and determine, and the fee for the license or any unexpired portion of the term thereof shall be forfeited to the town. Sec. 3. Every person, firm or corporation, applying for a license to carry on the business of plumbing or drain-laying shall, when directed by the town council so to do, furnish a bond, in the sum of three thousand dollars, with one or more sureties acceptable to the town council, conditioned substan- tially that the applicant shall indemnify and save harmless the town of East Providence and said town council from all suits and actions of every name and description brought against said town, or any officer of said town, for or on account of any injuries or damages received or sustained by any person in consequence of or resulting from any work performed by said applicant, his, their or its servants or agents, or of or from any improper materials used in said work, or of or from any negligence in guarding said work, or of or from any act or omission of said applicant, his, their or its servants or agents; that said applicant shall faithfully perform said work in all respects, and shall also replace and restore that portion of any street in which said applicant, his, their or its servants or agents, shall make any excavation, to as good condition as that in which the same was before said work was performed, and also keep and maintain such 1 12 ORDINANCES OP THE street in like good condition to the satisfaction of the said town council for the period of one year, and that said town council may within said one year, and with or without notice to said applicant, repair such street or cause the same to be repaired, and that the cost thereof shall be paid by said appli- cant ; and that said applicant shall comply in all respects with i he rules and regulations established by said town council relative to said work, and shall also pay all lines imposed upon him, them or it for violation of any such rule or regu- lation. Sec. 4 . Before any work of plumbing or drainage shall be done or commenced in any building or on any property, whether the same is, or is to be, connected with the public t sewer or not, or before any alterations or additions are to be made to old work (save the removal of obstructions or the repairing of leaks), plans, descriptions and specifications of the proposed work, signed by a licensed plumber or drain- layer, shall be filed in duplicate in the office of the inspector of plumbing and drainage, accompanied by an application for approval of the said plans and the issuance of a permit to do the said work, written upon a blank form obtained from the said inspector and signed by the owner of the premises or his properly accredited agent. These plans, de- scriptions and specifications must conform to all the pro- visions of this ordinance and to all rules and regulations which are or may hereafter be made concerning such work ; and no work of plumbing or drainage may be begun until the plans have been examined by the inspector of plumbing and drainage and his approval has been indorsed upon them in writing. For each permit issued, covering the installation of a new plumbing or drainage system in a building, a fee of one dollar must be paid to the inspector of plumbing and drain- age at the time the permit is issued ; and for each permit cov- ering alterations only in a building a fee of fifty cents must be paid. All work done under such plans shall be subject to the in- Town oE east providence. H3 spection, control and approval of the said inspector, and no departure from or alteration in the plan shall be made, with- out first obtaining a special permit in writing from the said inspector, who must file with the original plans amendment- sheets showing all changes in the work. SEC. 5. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or cor- poration, v (a) To allow or permit the discharge of sewage from any house or building in the town of East Providence into any storm-water drain located in any street or public place which also contains a foul water sewer, except in the cases of con- nections made prior to the passage of this ordinance. (b) To open any street or public place in order to make or cause to be made any connection with a house-connection branch of a public sewer, except under a special written per- mit signed by the inspector of plumbing and drainage, allow- ing such specific connection, and under the supervision of the said inspector. (c) To break or to cut or to remove any pipe of the public service, or to make or to cause to be made any connec- tion with said sewers except through the connection branches provided for such purposes, the location of said connection branches to be designated by the said inspector. (d) To discharge or to cause to be discharged into any public foul-water sewer, directly or indirectly, any cellar- drainage, ground-water, surface-water or rain-water from yards or areas or courts or roofs. (e) To discharge or cause to be discharged into any pub- lic sewer, directly or indirectly, any overflow or drainage from manure pits, cesspools, or other receptacles storing or constructed to store organic wastes. (f) To connect or cause to be connected with any public sewer, directly or indirectly, any steam-exhausts, boiler blow- offs, sediment-drips or any pipes carrying or constructed to carry considerable volumes of hot water or acids, dyes, germicides, grease, brewery-mash, or any other substance ORDINANCES OF THE detrimental to the sewers or to operation of the sewerage system. (g) To throw or to deposit, or to cause or allow to be thrown or deposited, in any fixture, vessel, receptacle, inlet or opening connected directly or indirectly with any public sewer, any garbage, vegetable parings, ashes, cinders, rags, or any othe^ matter or anything whatsoever, except faeces, urine, necessary toilet paper, and liquid house-slops; or to allow any house-sewer connected with the public sewer to be likewise connected with any privy vault or cesspool or under- ground drain, or with any channel conveying water or filth, except such soil-pipes and other plumbing work as shall have been duly inspected and approved by the inspector of plumb- ing and drainage. Certain trade-wastes, not injurious to the sewerage or sewage disposal system, may be admitted to the sewers, but only upon recommendation of the inspector of plumbing and drainage, and the issuance of a special permit by the town council, at its discretion and revocable at its pleasure with- out recourse. SEC. C). The town council may, at any time in its discre- tion, stop and prevent the discharge into the public sewers of any substances liable to injure the sewers, or to interfere with their normal operation, or to obstruct the flow, or to hinder any processes of sewage purification which hereafter may be put in operation ; and it may, at any time, in its dis- cretion, without notice and without recourse, sever the con- nection and cause the removal of any tributary sewer or drain through which such detrimental substances are dis- charged. Sec. 7. All materials must be of good quality, free from defects and acceptable to the inspector of plumbing and drainage. SEC. 8. All earthenware pipe and specials must be of the best quality, sound, cylindrical, hard, salt-glazed, vitrified throughout, “hub and spigot” pattern. All hubs must be of 'I'OWN OF FAST providence:. sufficient diameter to receive to their full depth the spigot end of the next following pipe or special without any chip- ping whatever of either, and also leave a sufficient space for the cement joint. SEC. 9. All cast-iron pipes and fittings must be sound, un- coated, cylindrical and smooth internally, free from cracks, sand holes or other defects, of uniform thickness and of the grade known in commerce as “Extra Heavy.” SEC. 10. Including the hubs, cast-iron pipes and fittings shall not weigh less than the following per lineal foot : Lbs. 2 inches 5.50 3 inches 9.50 4 inches 13.00 SEC. 11. All wrought-iron pipes must be equal in quality and thickness to that known as “Standard,” and they must be smoothly galvanized inside and outside. Sec. 12. Galvanized or wrought-iron pipe must conform to the following weights per lineal foot : Lbs. 1J4 inches 1.90 l l / 2 inches 2.68 2 inches 3.61 2 l / 2 inches 5.74 3 inches 7.54 3^2 inches 9.00 4 inches 10.00 SEC. 13. Fittings for wrought-iron soil and waste pipes must be galvanized, heavy cast-iron, recessed and tapped. The water way must be smooth and the threads pitched, so as to give a uniform grade to branches of not less than one- quarter of an inch per foot. The use of fittings electro- plated with zinc is prohibited. Sec. 14. All brass pipe, whether used for soil, waste, vent ordinances of the or solder nipples, must be thoroughly annealed, seamless, drawn and of standard iron pipe gauge and thickness. The minimum weight of brass pipe, per lineal foot, must be as follows : Lbs. 1)4 inches 1.75 1)4 inches 2.84 2 inches 3.82 2)4 inches 6.08 3 inches 7.02 4 inches 9.54 Sec. 15. All lead used for soil, waste and vent pipe branches must be of the best quality “Drawn,” commercially known as “D,” and of the following minimum weights per lineal foot : Lbs. 1)4 inches 2.50 1)4 inches 3.00 2 inches 4.00 3 inches 6.00 4 inches 8.00 Sec. 16. All lead traps and bends must be of weight and quality corresponding to lead pipe. Sec. 17. Ferrules must be best quality, heavy cast brass, bell-shaped and not less than four inches long. Solder nipples must be of the best quality heavy cast brass, or brass tubing above described (Sec. 14.) with standard iron pipe threads. Sec. 18. Cleanouts may be of heavy cast brass or iron with threads of iron pipe gauge, but the caps must be of heavy cast brass with large “square” or “head” for wrench attachment. All cleanouts must equal in diameter the pipe line in which they are placed. Sec. 19. All lead used in caulking must be pure soft “pig.” The use of caulking lead containing old solder joints is pro- hibited. TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE. 1 17 Sec. 20. All oakum used in caulking cast-iron pipe must be of the best quality “hand picked.” The use of paper or rags in making lead-caulked joints is prohibited. Sec. 21. All solder for wiping joints must be of the best quality pure block tin and lead. Sec. 22. Traps must have an effective water-seal of not less than three inches. They must have a smooth water- way and must contain no mechanical appliances or moving parts. They must be of effective non-siphoning type, and their ability to resist siphonic action must be demonstrated, if required, to the satisfaction of the inspector of plumbing and drainage. Sec. 23. When not integral with the fixtures, traps may be of cast-iron, brass or lead. Sec. 24. When used in connection with fixtures, cast-iron traps must be porcelain-liped or galvanized ; 011 yard and other drains they may be plain. Sec. 25. Lead water-closet waste pipes, serving earthen or iron water-closets with self-contained traps, must have a heavy cast-brass face-dressed flange soldered to the lead and bolted to the outlet of the closet. Sec. 26. All traps, other than water-closet traps, must be provided with heavy brass screw cleanouts located below the water-seal. Slip or clamped covers are prohibited. Sec. 27. All coupling or union connections with traps must be made on the inlet side thereof. Sec. 28. The following diameters for traps will be re- quired : For water-closets, 4-inch For slop-sinks, 3-inch For baths, urinals, laundry-tubs Sec. 29. Traps and bends must equal in weight and thick- ness of walls the pipes of corresponding sizes, as scheduled above. Sec. 30. All fixtures must be of good quality, non- aijd sinks, For lavatories 2-inch 1*4 or 14 inch 1 1 8 ORDINANCES OF THE absorbent, and of such form as to admit of perfect cleansing. In all fixtures which are earthenware and have their traps integral the trap vent connection must be omitted therefrom. Sec. 31. All water-closets bowls and urinals must be of earthenware with flushing rims. The use of long hoppers is prohibited except where exposed to frost. “Washout” closets shall not be used in any new system or new additions. Sec. 32. Water-closets having pans, plungers, valves or other mechanical seals against sewer gas are prohibited. Sec. 33. All water-closets and urinals must be flushed from cisterns or automatic flush valves known as “Flusho- meters,” etc., and not from the service pipes direct. The capacity of any cistern must be such as will enable its con- tents to flush effectually the fixture without a refill. Sec. 34. Flushing cisterns for water-closets, urinals and slop-sinks may be made of wood, lined with copper or sheet- lead, or they may be of cast-iron poreclain-lined. Their flush pipes may be of galvanized wrought-iron, brass or lead, but must be of ample diameter. When there are several water-closets in one apartment, each must be provided with a separate cistern. SEC. 35. No water-closet may be installed in any unventi- lated or ill-ventilated room or compartment or in any sleep- ing room. In every case the room or compartment in which a water-closet is placed shall have direct communication with the outer air by a window or air-duct not less than two square feet in area or cross-section ; and in every case the location of the closet and the means of ventilation shall be satisfactory to the inspector of plumbing and drainage. No water-closet, urinal, sink, laundry-tub, or any other plumbing fixture may be placed in any basement or cellar, which does not conform to all the following conditions: (a) The floor must be well concreted and dry at all sea- sons of the year ; (b) The ceiling (bottom of the floor joists) must be at least thirty inches above the ground level ; (c) There must be at least one window, of not less than TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE. 119 two square feet of opening, for each two hundred square feet of cellar area, and each window must have running or hinged sash, so that it may be freely used for ventilation ; (d) The closet must be located within eight feet of such a window ; (e) The cellar or basement must not be used or intended tor use as place for the storage of provisions; (f) All other conditions must be satisfactory to the in- spector of plumbing and drainage from the sanitary stand- point. Sec. 36. No water-closet or other plumbing fixture shall be installed in an outhouse or detached building without spe- cial permission, in writing, from the inspector of plumbing and drainage. When such installation is permitted, the water- supply and waste-pipes and the traps must be amply protect- ed against frost by enclosing them in vaults or by such other construction as may be approved by the inspector of plumb- ing and drainage. Sec. 37. All plumbing fixtures must be set free from en- closing woodwork. Water-closets not provided with rim seats must have iron or brass legs to support the wood frame. SEC. 38. I 11 any institution, boarding house, tenement or public building, situated upon any street through which water is conducted in pipes, there shall be at least one water-closet for every fifteen persons, and one urinal for every ten male persons. In every tenement house situated upon any street through which water is conducted in pipes, there shall be one water- closet and one sink, with running water, provided for the ex- clusive use of each family in the building. Latrines or trough water-closets must not be installed without special permission in writing from the inspector of plumbing and drainage. Sec. 39. All enclosures and platforms for urinals must be of marble, slate or other impervious and non-corrosive materials. Sec. 40. Where a fixture is provided with an overflow, 120 ORDINANCES OR THE such overflow must be arranged so as to discharge into the inlet side of the trap. Sec. 41. Each building fronting on a public way must be connected separately and independently with the public sewer in said public way through the house-connection branch directly in front of the building or nearest in the down-stream direction. Grouping of buildings upon one house-sewer will not be permitted, save by special act of council and for good sanitary reasons. Sec. 42. No house-drain or main soil-pipe may be of any diameter other than four inches, save under special written permission of the town council granted after recommenda- tion by the inspector of plumbing and drainage. SEC. 43. Every house-sewer connecting with the public sewer from a point five feet outside the foundation walls of the building must be either of heavy cast-iron, or of salt- glazed vitrified earthenware, with deep and wide bell-and- spigot joints. It must be solidly laid on a true grade, and as nearly as possible in a straight line. All changes in direction must be made with properly curved pipe or fittings. All joints must be properly gasketed to prevent intrusion of lead or cement into the pipes. Vitrified pipe shall be joined with one-to-one Portland cement mortar, solidly packed with the fingers into the bell for its whole circum- ference and finished with a full and smooth bevel. Cast-iron pipes shall be jointed with first quality lead, the entire joint being filled in one pouring and thoroughly caulked. The ditch must in all cases be kept dry during the pipe-laying and until the cement has acquired a hard set. The greatest care must be taken to prevent the entrance of sand or dirt into the house-sewer or the public sewer. Sec. 44. No sewer connection branch shall be opened, no pipe shall be laid and no joints made except under the direc- tion of the inspector of plumbing and drainage. Sec. 45. No house-sewer connecting with the public sewer shall be laid with a grade of less than one inch fall in four feet, without written permission from the inspector of TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE. I 2 I plumbing and drainage, specifying the minimum grade that will be permitted. Sec 46. No earthenware pipe shall be laid at a depth less than thirty inches. Pipes laid with less depth must be of heavy cast-iron, held by concrete frost anchors and in special bedding, if the inspector of plumbing and drainage shall so direct. All pipes must be covered to a depth of at least one foot with fine earth, entirely free from stones and rubbish, and well and carefully rammed. SEC. 47. In opening trenches in any street or public way, the paving must be removed with care and stored separately, and the sides of the trench shall be braced or sheeted if the inspector of plumbing and drainage shall so direct. The earth from the trench must not obstruct the gutter or the ap- proach to any fire hydrant, fire engine house or livery stable,* and public travel must be facilitated as much as possible. Gas and water pipes must be protected from injury, and the trench must be securely barricaded and amply lighted at night. No trench in any street or public way shall remain open more than forty-eight hours. Backfill must be thor- oughly compacted and the paving replaced immediately; debris must be cleaned up and the street must be restored promptly to a condition satisfactory to the inspector of plumbing and drainage. Any settlement of earth over a house-sewer in any street or public way, occurring within sixty days of the closing of the trench, shall be repaired, within five days after written notice from the inspector of plumbing and drainage, to his satisfac- tion and at the expense of the owner of the property from which said house-sewer has been laid. Sec. 48. The inspector of plumbing and drainage must be notified at least twenty-four hours before the beginning of any work upon house-sewers or connections, and no material may be used and no work done without his inspection and approval. Sec. 49. Where earthenware pipe is used for a house- 122 ORDINANCES OF THE sewer, it must not be laid within five feet of any wall of any building. The use of earthenware pipe within the build- ing is prohibited. Sec. 50. Old house-sewers may be used for new buildings provided they are in good condition and conform to the re- quirements of these regulations. SEC. 51. No trap or any manner of obstruction to the free flow of air through the whole course of the drain and soil- pipe will be allowed ; and any mechanic who shall directly or indirectly place, make, cause, or allow to be placed or made any trap, contraction or other obstacle anywhere in the course of such drain or soil-pipe, shall, in addition to the penalty herein prescribed, forfeit his license, and shall be in- eligible to re-license for one year. And any other person of- fending as above shall be subject to the penalties of this ^ordinance, and shall in addition pay the costs of rectifying the wrong done. Sec. 52. From the head of the house-sewer, five feet outside the foundation walls to the ends of the soil-pipes pro- jecting above the roof of the building, all piping shall be of cast-iron, galvanized wrought-iron or brass. No sheet-metal pipe or brick or concrete channel shall enter into the con- struction of any part of the interior plumbing system, either as a waste pipe, a flush pipe or a vent, except for a local vent. Sec. 53. All pipes on lines approximating a horizontal position must have a fall of at least one inch in four feet. Sec. 54. Each stack of soil-pipe must be carried in a line as straight as possible from the cellar to its termination above the roof. Each stack, when required by the inspector of plumbing and drainage, must be supported by a brick pier, eight inches square, and the heavy cast-iron elbow, which forms the base of the stack, shall be provided with a foot- plate and shall be solidly bedded upon and built into this pier. All other portions of all soil or waste or vent pipes must be securely and rigidly supported and fastened by wrought-iron supports or hangers, to the satisfaction of the inspector of plumbing and drainage. TOWN OE EAST PROVIDENCE. 123 Sec. 55. Dead ends must be avoided. Any branch line more than twelve feet long must be treated as a separate stack and carried through the roof. SEC. 56. All roof extensions must be carried through the roof by 4-inch cast-iron pipes. Stacks of smaller diameter must be increased to four inches by the insertion of a proper “increaser” in the attic or roof space. The use of caps, cowls, return-bends or any other form of obstruction, on roof extensions, is prohibited. All extensions should be carried through the highest roof of the building, where this is possible. If carried through a lower level roof, they must be extended, if possible, to a point above the high level roof. In no case may they termin- ate at a lower level within fifteen feet of a window. Sec. 57. No soil, waste or vent pipe may be used as a 1 ain-water conductor ; nor may any rain-water conductor be used as a soil, waste or vent pipe. No trap-venting system shall be used where safety can be insured by the use of unsiphonable traps, or without special written permission from the inspector of plumbing and drainage. Should such permission be granted, all vents shall be equivalent in material and workmanship to the require- ments for soil and waste-pipes ; they must be as short and direct as they can be made ; they must be of ample size (never less than two inches in diameter), and they must terminate either in an independent open end above the roof or by entering a soil-pipe stack above its highest fixture. Sec. 58. The following diameters are required for branches on soil and waste-pipes : For water-closets, 4 inches For slop-sinks, 3-inches For baths, urinals, washtubs If any existing line of soil-pipe is to be entered by a new branch line, a length of pipe must be removed from the old line and a suitable Y branch and closure piece inserted, gas- and sinks, For lavatories, 2 inches 114 or IJ /2 inches 124 ORDINANCES OR THE keted, leaded and caulked; and adjacent joints of the old line shall be carefully examined, or tested if the inspector of plumbing and drainage so direct, and re-caulked or re- made entirely if any defect exists; any pipe cracked or in- jured in the operation shall be taken out and replaced with new pipe, and the line shall be left in perfectly sound and tight condition. The use of saddle-branches, saddle-plates, repair-bands and similar devices is prohibited. Sec. 59. All soil, waste and vent pipes should follow the shortest possible course, with the least number of bends, and all should be left readily accessible for inspection, testing or repairs. SEC. 60. No waste-pipe from any refrigerator or other re- ceptacle or compartment in which provisions are stored, shall discharge into or upon the soil of any cellar, nor into waste- pipe, drain-pipe or soil-pipe. They may discharge into the open air, through an outside wall, or over a water-supplied sink. Sec. 61. Rain-water conductors, when placed within the building, must be of cast-iron, galvanized wrought-iron or brass, and must be tested in the same manner as soil, waste or vent pipes. Rain-water conductors must not be connected with the sewerage system, neither must they discharge into a privy vault, or manure pit. Sec. 62. The plumbing and drainage system of each build- ing must be entirely separate from and independent of the system of any other building. All work must be executed in accordance with the best practice of the art and must be ac- ceptable to the inspector of plumbing and drainage. Sec. 63. All joints in cast-iron pipe must be made with oakum and molten lead. All joints must be gas, and water- tight. Twelve ounces of soft pig lead must be used at each joint for each one inch in diameter of the pipe. Sec. 64. The use of double hubs and sleeves in cast-iron pipe or anywhere within the building is prohibited. Sec. 65. All joints in wrought-iron pipes or between TOWN OF FAST PROVlDFNCk. 125 wrought-iron and brass pipe must be made up with red lead and screwed home ; all the burrs formed in cutting must be carefully reamed out. Sfc. 66. Where wrought-iron or brass is connected with cast-iron, a one-inch ring must be screwed to the former so as to provide a spigot. SFC. 67. Connections between lead and brass pipes or fer- rules or between lead and lead pipes must be made by solder- wiped joints. SFC. 68. Cleanouts will be required at the point where the main soil-pipe passes through the foundation wall and at the foot of each vertical stack of soil-pipe. Sfc. 69. All fixtures must be separately and independently trapped. Each trap must be set as close to the fixture as possible, in no case more than eighteen inches away. In no case must the discharge from any fixture pass through more than one trap before reaching the soil-pipe. Sfc. 70. All plumbing fixtures must be independently sup- plied with running water, and no fixture shall be used with- out flushing, after the water supply has been cut off. When the pressure is insufficient to supply the plumbing fixtures on the upper floors of a building, a storage tank must be provided ; this tank may be of wood with or without a lining, or of iron. If a tank is lined, such lining must con- sist of tinned copper. The use of sheet lead, zinc or gal- vanized sheet iron is prohibited. For all such tanks effective means must be provided to prevent waste of water. Sfc. 71. Storage tanks for water must not be located in apartments where plumbing fixtures are placed, and they must be provided with dust-proof covers. Where exposed they must be protected from frost. Sfc. 72. Overflow or sediment pipes from storage tanks must not connect with any soil, waste or vent pipe. Sfc. 73. All wastes from carriage washing floors or garages, must be passed through silt basins of ample size, to be prescribed by the inspector of plumbing and drainage, be- fore delivery to any public sewer ; and these silt-basins must 126 ordinances oe the be cleaned at frequent intervals and maintained in effective condition at all times. Sec. 74. All work must be done under the direction of the inspector of plumbing and drainage, and all materials and workmanship must be acceptable to him and subject to his approval. No part of any work of plumbing construction or alteration shall be enclosed, covered or concealed until it has been examined, tested and approved by the said in- spector. The inspector of plumbing and drainage shall at any time between the hours of 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. have free access to all piping, connections and plumbing fixtures in any building in the town of East Providence, for the purpose of making such examinations and tests as he may deem necessary. Sec. 75. Notice in writing must be sent to said inspector whenever the work is sufficiently advanced for inspection ; but no application for inspection of plumbing or drainage work shall be received at the office of the said inspector unless filed in writing upon blanks provided for the purpose ; and in case it shall be necessary for said inspector to inspect said work more than once, by reason of the same not being ready for inspection after notice has been given to said in- spector of the completion of work, then said inspector may charge and collect from said plumber or drain-layer the sum of one dollar for each visit of inspection required to be made as aforesaid ; and all such fees and fines collected by said in- spector under this section shall be retained by said inspector as compensation for the extra work caused by such prema- ture notice. Sec. 76. Applications for final inspection of plumbing or drainage work must be filed in the office of the said inspector by the plumber or drain-layer within forty-eight hours after the work is completed. Sec. 77. The entire plumbing, drainage and ventilation system within the building must be subjected to two tests, — (a) before the fixtures are set and (b) after the fixtures are set. Both tests are to be made, in the presence of the inspec- tor of plumbing and drainage, at the expense of the plumber. The first test may be made with air under a pressure of ten pounds, or water under normal pressure, and must in- clude the house and all other drains, soil, waste and vent pipes and all their branches, including all traps placed under floors. During this test all the piping must be exposed and remain uncovered until it has been approved. The air test must be made with a force pump and mercury column. The second test, after the fixtures are set, must be a smoke-test. S£C. 78. Any defects found by the above tests must be remedied within one week to the satisfaction of the inspector of plumbing and drainage, and the entire work retested as though no previous tests had been made. In addition to the enforcement of the penalties prescribed by this chapter for violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, the said inspector of plumbing and drainage may, at his discretion, refuse to receive or consider any plan for further work from the party in default until all faulty or de- fective work has been made acceptable. Sue. 79. Whenever, in the opinion of the inspector of plumbing and drainage, any plumber or drain-layer, in doing any plumbing or house-drainage, violates any of the provi- sions of this chapter, said inspector shall report the same in writing to the town council ;and if the town council shall find that the charges are well founded, it may revoke the license of such plumber or drain-layer ; the town council may, also, in its discretion, refer such charges to the chief of police for prosecution. Ssc. 80. No person, firm or corporation once having been licensed, under the provisions of this chapter, to carry on the business of plumbing or drain-laying in this town, who shall have violated any of the provisions of this chapter, and shall have refused or neglected to make good, to the satisfaction of the inspector of plumbing and drainage, any defective, im- perfect or faulty work, or shall have refused or neglected to pay any of the fees, fines or penalties imposed under the pro- 28 ordinances oe the visions of this chapter, shall, until such default on his, their or its part has been removed, be eligible to receive any re- newal of such license. SEC. 81. Any person, firm or corporation who shall vio- late any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than twenty dollars for each offence; and every twenty-four hours continuance of such violation shall constitute a separate offence. CHAPTER 4. NUISANCES. Section. 1. Suitable water closets or privies to be provided. 2. Construction of privy vaults and cesspools. 3. Town council may order what houses to be con- nected with cesspool. 4. Refuse not to be deposited in privy vaults and cess- pools. 5. Privies and cesspools to be kept in order. 6. Privies, etc., not to be al- lowed to become offensive, and must be kept in good order. 7. Subsoil drain, may be re- quired. 8. Drinking water to be pro- vided. 9. When wells may be discon- tinued. 10. Receptacles for swill and garbage. Section. 11. No filth allowed on prem- ises. 12. Owners to cleanse buildings when required. 13. No underground tenements allowed. 14. No tenement to be leased unless in good order. 15. Town council may order un- healthy tenement vacated. 16. Health officer to have free access. 17. Poison ivy not permitted. 18. Animals not allowed to go loose or unfastened through streets in com pact part of the town. 19. Method of abating nuis- . ances. 20. ’ Penalty for violation of pro visions of ordinance. Section 1 . Every dwelling house, tenement house, or other building occupied by human beings, situated upon any street through which water is not conducted in pipes, shall have at least one suitable water-closet or privy, properly ventilated and communicating directly with the open air, for every fifteen occupants of said dwelling house, tenement house or other occupied building; occupants of two or more houses may use the same water-clo§et or privy, if access thereto be direct, and the above proportion of users be not exceeded. 'fOWN OE EAST PROVIDENCES. 129 Sec. 2. No privy, vault or cesspool shall hereafter be con- structed without special permit in writing from the town council, except as may be provided hereinafter in section 3. No privy vault or cesspool shall hereafter be constructed where the premises are situated on any lot abutting on a street or avenue having a foul water sewer. Permits for privy vaults or cesspools, if issued at all, will be issued on the condition that the structures will be for temporary use only, and that their use must cease and the structures be destroyed, or cleaned out, disinfected and filled up with earth, sand, gravel or ashes, to the satisfaction of the health officer, upon written notice so to do from the town council, signed by the council clerk, when and as soon as connection with a public sewer can be made ; provided, nevertheless, that the town council, in its discretion, may permit any cess- pool after the premises have been connected with a public sewer, and the cesspool has been cleaned out and disinfected, to be used as a receptacle for water draining from the roofs of dwelling houses and other buildings. No privy vaults may hereafter be constructed within three feet of the line of an adjoining lot (except by the con- sent of the owner of said lot), nor within two feet of the line of any private or public passageway, and must be so constructed that no surface water can find access to said vault. Every privy vault shall be sunk under the ground, contain at least six cubic feet, be constructed of brick, stone or Portland cement, and be made water tight. Every such vault shall have convenient approaches for opening and cleaning, and such approaches shall be properly covered. Each outhouse or compartment of an outhouse built over a privy vault must have independent and efficient means of ventilation. All openings, save those of the seats, must be securely screened with copper or tinned wire netting of 1G mesh, and these screens must be maintained in effective con- dition. Each opening in the seat must be provided with a close-fitting hinged cover, so arranged that it will remain open so long as it is held open, and will close automatically when the seat is vacated. 130 ORDINANCES OE THE No cesspool hereafter may be constructed within twenty leet of any street, road or public place, or within fifty feet of any well or spring, the water of which is used for drink- ing purposes, and, when so required by the town coun- cil, every cesspool shall be made watertight. Every cesspool shall be properly covered with stone or iron, so that the cover may be readily removed and the contents inspected. No well shall be used as a cesspool or privy vault, and no cesspool or privy vault shall be allowed under a sidewalk or building occupied by human beings. Sec. 3. The town council may order every lodging house, tenement house, or dwelling house, unless the same be con- nected with a public sewer, to be provided with a cesspool, properly connected with the house drain, of such dimensions, and built in such situation and such manner as it may, in its discretion, determine ; and it may fix the time within which such order must be complied with. Sec. 4. No person shall deposit or allow to be deposited in any privy vault or cesspool, any ashes, swill, rubbish, refuse, or any other such substance, except that of which any such place is the appropriate receptacle, nor shall any surface water be allowed to run into any vault or cesspool. Sec. 5. No person shall allow the contents of any cess- pool to rise within one foot of any part of the top or to allow any privy vault or cesspool to become in any way a nuisance or offensive ; and when required by the town coun- cil, any owner of such privy vault or cesspool shall disinfect the same in such manner as may be required by said town council. Sec. 6. No person shall permit any privy, urinal, water- closet or other fixture, or any drain, waste pipe, soil pipe or catch basin to become a nuisance or in any way offensive ; nor shall any person allow any injurious substance to pass into any drain or waste pipe, or allow any drain, waste pipe or soil pipe to become obstructed or to leak. But if such drain, waste pipe or soil pipe shall become obstructed or shall leak, the owner, agent, occupant or other person having charge Town of East providences. lot of the premises on which such drain, waste pipe or soil pipe is situated, shall find and remove such obstruction, and find and remove such leak. If any sewer gas or foul odor shall escape from any drain, soil pipe, waste pipe or any fixture into any cellar or any part of an occupied building, the owner, agent or lessee of such cellar or building shall im- mediately find out and remedy whatever may cause such escape. SEC. 7. Every occupied building must, when required by the town council, be provided with an adequate sub-soil drain, and the cellar walls and floors must be made imper- vious to moisture. Pipes that must be left open to drain cellars, areas, yards or gardens, must be connected with suitable catch basins, the bottom of which shall not be less than two and one-half feet below the bottpm of the outlet pipe, the diameter not less than three feet, and a form proper for the purpose. Sec. 8. Every dwelling house, tenement house, or other occupied building shall have an adequate supply of drinkable water at one or more accessible points. SEC. 9. Whenever, in the opinion of the town council, the use of any well or cistern is dangerous to health, the use of such well or cistern shall be discontinued, and such well or cistern shall be filled with ashes, sand or gravel, or shall have a suitable stone or iron cover cemented down. SEC. 10. Every tenement house, dwelling house or other building where swill and garbage shall accumulate, shall be provided with a suitable receptacle for such swill or garbage, and no ashes or other rubbish of any kind shall be placed in any such receptacle, nor shall any swill, garbage or offal be placed in any receptacle for ashes or rubbish, or deposited in any yard or vault or any other place than its proper receptacle. Sec. 11. No owner, lessee or occupant of any building or premises within the town, shall deposit or allow to be depos- ited, or allow to remain upon or in said building or premises, any dirt, offal, decaying animal or vegetable matter, or solid or liquid filth of any kind, which, in the opinion of the town council, is in any way offensive or a nuisance. ORDINANCES OR THE 132 Sec. 12. Every owner or keeper of a lodging house, and every owner, lessee and occupant of a tenement house or other building leased for a dwelling, shall thoroughly cleanse all and every part of such house or building, and shall also thoroughly cleanse every yard, court, passage, area or alley connected with or belonging to the same to the satisfaction of the town council, whenever in the opinion of said town council it shall be necessary for the health of the occupants or the public health. Sec. 13. No vault, cellar or underground room shall be let or occupied separately as a dwelling, nor in a tenement or lodging house, as a place of lodging or sleeping. A cellar shall mean any basement or lower story of any building or house of which one-half or more of the height from the floor to the ceiling is below the level of the ground adjoin- ing. Sec. 14. No owner of any building or part thereof shalf* lease of let or hire out the same or any part thereof to be occupied by any person, or allow the same to be occupied, if said building or any part thereof shall be inadequate or defective in respect to strength, protection, ventilation, light, sewerage or to any other usual, proper or necessary pro- vision or precaution for the security of life and health, nor unless said building and every part thereof shall be in all respects in a condition of cleanliness or wholesomeness. Sec. 15. The town council may order the vacation of any building when satisfied that it is unfit for a dwelling, because infected or because in any way dangerous to the health of the occupants. A notice of such vacation must be served on the occupants of such .building, and also served on the owner, agent or lessee. And such notices shall be served by any police constable of the town. And if the person or persons so notified, or any of them, shall neglect or refuse to remove from and quit such building within the time specified in the notice, the health officer is hereby authorized and empowered lorcibly to remove them when so ordered by the town council. TOWN OF FAST PROVIDENCE. Sec. 16 . For purposes of sanitary inspection, the health officer, and every person authorized by him, shall have free access to any part of every building and premises within the town. SEC. 17. The owner or occupant of any land, within the limits of the town of East Providence, upon which there is any poisonous ivy or any Jamestown or Jimson weed within fifty feet of any highway or street, and if the land be in the compact part of the town, within two feet of any bound- ary line between adjacent owners (unless the adjacent own- ers shall have consented to the same), shall cause such ivy or weed to be removed within five days after receiving notice so to do from the health officer. Sec. 18 . No horses, hogs, sheep, goats or cattle shall be allowed to go loose and unfastened through and over the streets and highways of the compact parts of the town, -'Unless the same are in charge of a sufficient number of per- sons to keep said animals from trespassing upon the side- walks of and the land adjoining and abutting upon said streets and highways, and every such trespass shall constitute an offence for which the owner of said animals and the persons in charge of the same shall be severally responsible. Sec. 19. Whenever a nuisance shall exist upon or in any building or premises, the health officer shall, except as may be otherwise provided, issue a notice to the owner, lessee or agent of such building or premises, to abate such nuisance within a specified time, and such notice shall be served by any police constable of the town. If such nuisance be not abated within the specified time, the health officer is authorized to abate such nuisance ; provided, that the cost of abating any such nuisance shall not exceed the sum of twenty-five dollars. The town treasurer shall pay the expenses of the same, and the owner and lessee of such building or premises shall be severally liable therefor, and the same shall be recoverable from the owner or lessee, by an action in the name of the town treasurer, to the use of the town of East Providence, before any court of competent jurisdiction. 134 ordinances of the Sec. 20. Any person violating any provision of this chap- ter wherein no penalty is herein otherwise prescribed, shall be fined not more than twenty dollars for every violation thereof, and shall be fined not exceeding twenty dollars for each day’s continuance of the said violation after the ser- vice of the notice issued upon the first complaint. CHAPTER 5. COMPACT PART OF TOWN. Section. 1. Compact part of town. Section 1 . All the territory lying within the following described lines, is hereby defined as the compact part of the town of East Providence, to wit : Beginning at the easterly abutment of Red bridge, thence running easterly along the northerly side of Waterman avenue to Massasoit avenue, thence northerly along the westerly side of Massasoit ave- nue to Woodward avenue, thence easterly along the northerly side of Woodward avenue to Goldsmith avenue, thence southerly along the easterly side of Goldsmith avenue to Taunton avenue, thence easterly along the northerly side of Taunton avenue to County street, thence southerly along the easterly side of County and Barnes streets, prolonging the line across land of Margaret Bullock to Mary street, thence along the easterly side of Mary street to Warren avenue, and thence prolonging the line to east end of Bliss street, thence westerly along southerly side of Bliss street to South Broadway, thence southerly along the easterly side of South Broadway to the brook running across Broadway, near house of David Humphrey deceased, thence westerly along the northerly side of said brook to Bowers cove, thence due west to Providence river, thence northerly along the easterly shore of Providence and Seekonk rivers to Red Bridge and the place of beginning. TOWN OE EAST PROVIDENCE. 135 CHAPTER 6. BATHING. Section. 1. Bathing in public in the daytime prohibited — penalty. Section 1 . Every person who shall, unless properly clothed, bathe in any public place, or within one-eighth of a mile of any public highway or any street, shall be fined not less than two nor more than five dollars. CHAPTER 7. STEAM BOILERS. Section. 1 Steam boilers not be located or operated without con- sent of town council. 2. Method of obtaining such consent. Section. 3. Ordinance not to apply to boilers located prior to March 4, 1803. 4. Penalty. Section 1 . No person shall locate or operate any steam boiler within the limits of the town of East Providence, ex- cept for the sole purpose of generating heat in dwelling houses and other buildings, without the consent of the town council and under such restrictions and regulations as it may prescribe. SEC. 2. Every person desiring to locate or operate a steam boiler within the limits of the town of East Providence shall file a written application therefor with the town council. Upon receipt of such application the town council shall fix a day for hearing and shall cause notice of the pendency of said application, with the place and time of hearing, to be given to all persons interested therein by advertisement, at the expense of the applicant, in some public newspaper pub- lished in the county of Providence, in this state. And upon the hearing. of the said application the town council shall grant or refuse the same, as, in its judgment, the interests of the public demand ; provided, however, that any person desir- ing to locate and operate a steam boiler temporarily for the 36 ordinances or the purpose of driving piles or hoisting building materials for buildings in process of erection, may, upon first obtaining the written consent of any member of the town council, locate and operate such steam boiler, subject to the restrictions in such written consent contained. SEC. 3. This ordinance shall not apply to the location or operation of any steam boiler located prior to March 4th, 1903. Sec. 4. Every person who shall violate any provision of this chapter shall upon conviction thereof pay a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars for each day’s continuation of such violation. CHAPTER 8. GUNPOWDER. Section. Section. 1. Regulations concerning the 2. Location of powder houses, storing of gunpowder; penalty for keeping with- out license. Section 1 . No person or persons shall be permitted to have, keep or store, within any part of the town, more than twenty-five pounds of gunpowder or other explosives in any building or buildings without license from the town council of said town, setting forth the location ,and what kinds of buildings the same are or shall be kept in, under a fine of twenty dollars, for each and every day such person or per- sons shall keep or suffer to be kept said powder without license as aforesaid. SEC. 2. In granting licenses for the location or continu- ance of powder houses in this town, the following regulation shall be observed : all such buildings not to be placed within one-fourth of a mile of any public street or highway or any dwelling house. TOWN OF FAST PROVIDENCE. 137 CHAPTER 9. THE PROTECTION OF THE PUBLIC AGAINST DANGER FROM EXPLOSIVES. Section. 1. No person shall manufac- ture high explosives with- out license. 2. Regulations concerning stor- age of high explosives. 3. Regulations concerning transportation of high ex- plosives. 4. Regulations concerning stor- age of certain chemicals, etc. 5. Regulations concerning acetylene gas. Section. 6. Regulations concerning naphtha, gasoline, ben- zine, etc. 7 Regulations concerning mo- tor vehicles. 8. Regulations concerning sta- tionary engines, motors, etc. 9. Exceptions. 10. Penalties. Section 1 . No person shall manufacture for sale, use or other purpose any gun cotton, dynamite, nitroglycerine, nitrogelatine, lyddite, cordite, fulminate or other high ex- plosive or any substance a part of which shall be gun cotton, dynamite, nitroglycerine, nitrogelatine, picric acid, lyddite, cordite, fulminate, or other high explosive within the town of East Providence, unless a license for the same shall be first obtained from the town council of said town. Every such license shall be signed by the town clerk, and shall be for the term of one year from the date thereof, unless sooner revoked by order of said town council, and each such license shall be subject to such conditions and limitations as from time to time shall be prescribed by ordinance or by law, and may be revoked at any time at the pleasure' of said town council. Sec. 2. No person, other than manufacturers licensed as aforesaid, shall store, keep or have in possession for any pur- pose or use, in any building or place within the town of East Providence, more than one pound of gun cotton, dynamite, nitroglycerine, nitrogelatine, lyddite, cordite, fulminate or other high explosive, or more than one pound of any com- pound or substance, a part of which is gun cotton, dynamite, nitroglycerine, nitrogelatine, picric acid, lyddite, cordite, ful- minate or other high explosive, unless a license for the same shall be first obtained from the town council of said town. Every such license shall be signed by the town clerk, and 138 ordinances of the shall be for the term of one year from the date thereof, un- less sooner revoked by order of said town council, and each such license shall be subject to such conditions and limitations as from time to time shall be prescribed by ordinance or by law, and may be revoked at any time at the pleasure of said town council : Provided, that the provisions of this sec- tin shall not apply to the storing, keeping or having in pos- session for any purpose or use of a ten per centum or weaker solution of nitroglycerine by pharmacists, or the combination of gun cotton or other explosive in what is known as cellu- loid ; and further provided, that the provisions of this sec- tion shall not apply to the storing, keeping or having in pos- session of any dynamite or other explosive, while being used for blasting according to and in conformity with any rules and regulations, orders or ordinances which the town coun- cil may have made, ordered or ordained, or may make, order or ordain from time to time. SEC. 3. No person shall transport any high explosive in, on, or through any street within the town of East Provi- dence, except in a vehicle with springs suitable for such pur- poses ; and said licensee shall stamp or mark all packages of said high explosives sold by him so as to plainly indicate the dangerous nature of said package, and shall also instruct the purchaser or his agent of the dangerous nature of said pack- age and of the requirements of this section as to transporta- tion. No company or person shall carry any high explosive in any street car within the limits of said town. Sec. 4. No person shall store, keep or have in possession for any purpose or use in any building or place within the town of East Providence, in any manner which shall be dangerous to the public safety, any chemicals, which are made dangerous by contact with heat, water, moisture, or with each other. No quantity of sodium peroxide, calcium carbide, or other chemicals, which are made dangerous by contact with water or moisture, shall be stored or kept below the ground floor of any building, nor shall any sodium TOWN OF fast providence;. 139 peroxide or any calcium carbide be stored or kept except in air-tight metal cans. Sec. 5 . No person shall manufacture or use acetylene gas within the town of East Providence unless such person shall first notify the town council of said town of the place or location where such manufacture or use is to be carried on, and unless the apparatus used and the method of instal- lation shall comply with the requirements of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. Nothing in this section shall apply to the use of acetylene gas as an illuminant for auto- mobiles. Sec. 6 . No person shall store, keep or have in posses- sion for any purpose or use in any building or place within the town of East Providence more than five gallons of naphtha, gasoline or benzine or other product of petroleum that will flash or inflame at a less temperature than 110 de- grees Farenheit, unless such person shall have first filed with the town council a statement of the maximum quantity of the same to be kept, stored or had in possession, and of the place where and manner in which the same is to be kept, stored or had in possession by such person, and unless said council, with regard to the public safety, shall have first ap- proved the maximum quantity, place where and manner in which same is to be stored, kept or had in possession, and the same shall not be stored, kept or had in possession by such person in any greater quantity or in any other place or manner than as specified in said approval, but any such ap- proval may be rescinded at any time at the pleasure of said town council. Not more than five barrels in the aggregate of any one or more of said substances shall be stored or kept in any building or place within the compact part of said town, except in a steel tank or tanks, which shall be located under ground, the top of which, if located in any building, shall be below the level of the lowest floor or basement in the building containing the same, and all pipes of which shall be arranged to drain back into the supply tank; or, if in the opinion of said town council, the public safety will be as well or better 140 ORDINANCES OE THE protected by having said tank or tanks in any particular loca- tion, otherwise than underground, then in such other location as may be approved by said town council, but any such ap- proval may be rescinded at any time at the pleasure of said town council. Nothing in this section shall apply to the storing of more than ten barrels in the aggregate of any one or more of such substances in any one building or place, the storing of such large quantities being governed by chapter 10 of the ordinances of the town of East Providence, nor to the storing or keeping of naphtha, benzine, gasoline or other product of petroleum in the tank of vehicles using the same for fuel or motive power. Sec. 7. No person shall have, store or keep in any one building within said town, more than three vehicles using naphtha, benzine, gasoline or other product of petroleum that will flash or inflame at a less temperature than 110 de- grees Farenheit, for fuel or motive power, unless such per- son shall have first filed with said town council a statement cf the number of such vehicles to be there had, stored or kept, the place where and the manner in which the same are to be there had, stored or kept, and unless said council, with regard to the public safety, shall have first approved the place where and the manner in which the same are to be there had, stored or kept, and the same shall not be there had, stored or kept in any greater number, or in any other place or man- ner, than as specified in said approval, but any such approval at any time may be rescinded at the pleasure of said town council. Sec. 8. No stationary engine, motor or other stationary apparatus or device using naphtha, benzine, gasoline or other product of petroleum that will flash or inflame at a less tem- peature than 110 degrees, Farenheit, the supply tank of which contains more than two gallons of the same, shall be installed, operated or used within the town of East Provi- dence, unless the apparatus used and the method of installa- tion shall comply with the requirements of the National Board of Underwriters, and unless a license for the same shall be first obtained from the town council of the town of TOWN OE EAST PROVIDENCE. East Providence. Every such license shall be signed by the town clerk, and shall be for the term of one year from the date thereof, unless sooner revoked by order of said town council, and each- such license shall be subject to such condi- tions and limitations as from time to time shall be prescribed by ordinance or by law, and may be revoked at any time at the pleasure of said town council. SEC. 9. The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to any of the articles or substances specified herein, while they are in the possession of railroad or steamship com- panies, except in street cars as provided in section 3 of the ordinance, for the purpose of transportation, unless the same shall be held voluntarily by them as warehouse men. Sec. 10. Any person violating any provision of this ordi- nance shall be fined not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dolars for each such offence. CHAPTER 10. OF PETROLEUM OIL, KEROSENE. COAL OIL, THEIR PRODUCTS, COMPOUNDS AND COMPONENTS. Section. 1. Warehouses, tanks, etc., for storage of kerosene oil, etc., not to be located without permission of town council. 2. Regulations concerning structures to store kero- sene, etc. Section. 3. Regulations concerning groups of tanks, etc. 4. Structures must be main- tained in good order. 5. Penalties. Section 1 . No person shall, from and after the passage of this ordinance, locate, construct or erect within the limits of the town of East Providence, any warehouse, tank or other building or structure for the storage of petroleum oil, kerosene or coal oil, or their products, compounds or com- ponents, in a quantity exceeding ten barrels, without first obtaining permission therefor from the town council of said town. SEC. 2. No tank or similar structure for the storing of 142 ORDINANCES OF THE petroleum oil, kerosene or coal oil, or their products, com- pounds or components, in a quantity exceeding ten barrels, shall hereafter be located, placed or erected within the limits of the town of East Providence, unless the said tank or other similar structure is set or placed upon a substantial fireproof foundation, laid within a pit excavated from the natural surface of the earth to a sufficient depth so that the cubical capacity of said pit, exclusive of the foundation of said tanl^: or similar structure, shall equal or exceed the cubical capacity of the said tank or other similar structure, or unless the said tank or other similar structure is surrounded by an embank- ment forming a basin about the said tank or other similar structure, said basin having a cubical capacity, exclusive of the fireproof foundation of said tank or other similar struct- ure, equal to or exceeding the cubical capacity of said tank or other similar structure, and unless the retaining walls of the said pit, or the embankment surrounding the said basin, are so constructed as to effectually retain the contents of said tank or other similar structure and prevent the overflow of the said contents beyond the said retaining walls or said em- bankment. Every such embankment, forming a basin about a tank or other similar structure, shall be of a width at the top of not less than two feet, and have a slope of not less than one and one-half to one, that is, the horizontal base line of each slope shall be not less than one and one-half feet to every one foot of the vertical line. Sec. 3. No group of two or more tanks or similar struct- ures for the storing of petroleum oil, kerosene or coal oil, or their products, compounds or components in a quantity ex- ceeding ten barrels, shall hereafter be located, placed or erected within the limits of the town of East Providence, un- less such tanks or similar structures are erected in the man- ner provided for in section 2 of this ordinance, and if so required by the town council, unless between each of the tanks or similar structures in such group a fireproof division is built, and unless, if so required by the town council, every such group of two or more tanks is inclosed within fireproof 'TOWN OF FAST PROVIDENCE. 143 walls and covered with a fireproof roof properly ventilated to insure the escape of dangerous gases. SEC. 4. All tanks and similar structures, all retaining walls and embankments, all fireproof divisions, walls and roofs, in the preceding sections mentioned, must at all times be kept and maintained in good order and sound condition. SEC. 5. Any person who shall violate any. of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined for any one offence, not exceeding two hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding six months, or both, and every twenty-four hours continuance of said violation shall constitute a separate offence for which, upon conviction thereof, the violator shall be fined not exceeding two hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding six months, or both. CHAPTER 11. MALICIOUS INJURY. Section. I Section. 1. Injury to lamps, etc., pro- 2. Defacing trees, fences, etc., hibited; fine. I prohibited; fines. Section 1 . Every person who shall maliciously, wanton- ly or carelessly break, throw down, extinguish or otherwise injure any lamp or lantern, erected for the purpose of light- ing any street, highway, bridge, wharf or public place or ground set apart for public purposes in this town, whether the same shall have been erected by the town or any other corporation, or by any individual, shall pay a fine of not less than five nor more than twenty dollars. SEC. 2. Every person who shall maliciously, wantonly or carelessly daub with paint, cut, break, or otherwise injure, or by scratching or writing with paint, blacking, chalk, or in any other way or manner deface any post, lamp post, fence, tree, tree box, house or other building, situate in or upon any street, highway, bridge, wharf or public place or ground set apart for public purposes in this town, or any ornament or *44 ORDINANCES OE THE appurtenance of such post, lamp post, fence, tree, tree box, house or other building, shall pay a fine of not less than five nor more than twenty dollars. CHAPTER 12. DRUNKENNESS AND REVELLING. Section. 1. Improper conduct; penalty. Section 1 . Any person who shall be found intoxicated under such circumstances as to amount to a violation of de- cency, or who shall commit any nuisance, or who 'shall be found quarrelling, fighting, revelling, or wantonly making a false alarm or cry of fire, or otherwise behaving in a disor- derly or indecent manner, to the disturbance of the orderly people of this town, or shall aid, incite or encourage the same to be done, shall, on conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding twenty dollars, or be imprisoned not ex- ceeding ten days in Providence county jail, and to pay all costs of prosecution and conviction. CHAPTER 13. DRUNKENNESS. Section. 1. Drunkenness — penalty therefor. Section 1 . Any person who shall be found intoxicated under such circumstances as to amount to a violation of de- cency, in any highway, street, gangway, court, square or other public place in this town, shall, upon conviction there- of, be fined for each and every offence not less than one dollar nor more than ten dollars, or be imprisoned in the Providence county jail not exceeding ten days, and to pay all costs of prosecution and conviction, and to stand committed to the Providence county jail until sentence be performed in all its parts. Town oE east providence. HS CHAPTER 14. CATTLE. Section. Section. 1. Horses, goats, or cattle of 2. Penalty, any kind, prohibited from running at large. Section 1 . It shall not lawful for any horses, goats, hogs, or cattle of any kind, to go at large within the limits of the town of East Providence. SEC. 2. Every person having the charge and custody of any animal found at large contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, shall be fined not less than two nor more than twenty dollars. CHAPTER 15. BOUNDS AND SIGN-BOARDS. Section. 1. Malicious or wanton injuries to monuments or other memorials erected for the purpose of designating Section. boundaries of streets, highways or turnpikes. 2. Penalty. Section 1 . No person shall wantonly break down, in- jure, remove, mar, or destroy any monument or other memo- rial erected for the purpose of designating the boundaries of any street, highway or turnpike, or any certain platted street, highway or turnpike, in this town, or any tree, stake or other thing marked for that purpose, nor break down, injure, remove, mar or destroy any mile-stone, street sign-board, or mile-board erected upon a highway or turnpike, nor wantonly deface or alter the inscription of any such stone, board or tree. Sec. 2. Any person who shall violate any provision of the foregoing section of this ordinance, shall be sentenced to pay for each and every ofifense a fine of not less than one dollar nor more than twenty dollars, or be imprisoned in the Provi- dence county jail not exceeding ten days. 146 ORDINANCES OP THE CHAPTER 16. CURBING. Section. 1. Description of curbing. Section 1 . All the curbing set by or under the authority of the highway officers, unless otherwise ordered by the town council, shall be of the following description, viz. : of good granite, seven inches thick on top, and eighteen inches deep, to be cut on top, and also eight inches on the face, and jointed to line on the back at the top. CHAPTER 17. FOWLS. Section. I Section. 1. Prohibits the going at large 2. PTne. of fowls. I Section 1. It shall not be lawful for any geese, turkeys, hens, ducks or domestic fowls of any kind to go at large with- in the limits of the compact parts of the town of East Provi- dence. Sec. 2. Every person having the charge and custody of any fowls found at large, contrary to the provisions of this chapter, shall pay a fine of not less than one dollar nor more ihan twenty dollars. CHAPTER 18. SWINE. Section. I Section. 1. Keeping swine. I 2. Penalty. Section 1. No person shall keep any swine within the dis- tance of three hundred feet of the residence of any other per- son without first obtaining a written permit from the health officer, and permits so granted may be revoked by said health YOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE. 147 officer upon request of any person or persons owning or occu- pying residences within said distance, or whenever in the opinion of said health officer the premises where said swine are kept become offensive, and the owner or keeper thereof neglects and refuses to remedy the same. SEC. 2. Any person keeping swine contrary to the provis- ions of this ordinance shall be fined not less than two nor more than twenty dollars. CHAPTER 19. PLACES OF TRADE. Section. I Section. 1. Shops, etc., not to open af- 2. Fine, ter eleven o’clock at night. I Section 1. No shop, store, or other place of trade or en- tertainment in this town, excepting licensed taverns, phar- macies, and victualling houses, shall be kept open between eleven o’clock at night and four o’clock in the morning, and no victualing house shall be kept open between two o’clock and four o’clock in the morning. Sec. 2. Every keeper of any shop, store, or place of trade or entertainment or place of business, which shall be opened or kept open contrary to the provisions of the preceding sec- tion, and every person opening any shop, store, or place of trade or entertainment, or place of business, contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars. CHAPTER 20. PERMANENT POLICE FORCE. Section. 1. Number of permanent force and duties. Section. 2. Qualifications for appoint- ment to permanent police force. i 4 8 ORDINANCES OF THE Section. Section. 3. Preliminary service required before appointment, etc. 7. Duties of sergeant in ab- sence of chief. 4. Agreement to be entered into. 8. Sergeants subject to chief and town council. 5. Continuation in force of previous orders, rules, etc. 9. Compensation and fees, fines and penalties. 6. Duties of chief. 10. Not to interfere with elec- tions. Section 1 . The permanent police force of the town, which may be appointed under the provisions of Chapter 1275 of the Public Laws, passed at the January session, A. D. 1905, of the General Assembly, shall consist of not more than fifteen police constables, to wit: One Chief of Police, two Sergeants of Police and not more than 12 patrolmen. They shall devote their entire time to the preservation of the peace and order of the town, and discharge such other duties, either by day or by night, as by special orders they may be required to perform. Sec. 2. The following qualifications shall be necessary to secure an appointment as a member of the permanent police force of this town : First. The applicant must be a resident of the state and a qualified elector of the town. Second. He must not be under twenty-five nor over forty years of age when first appointed ; in stature not less than live feet, eight and one-half inches; in weight not less than one hundred and fifty-five pounds; the minimum circumfer- ence of chest not less than thirty-four inches; there shall be a difference of at least two inches in the chest measurement at forced expiration and in full inspiration ; with additional height there shall be an increase, in a proportionate degree, of weight and chest measurement, and the weight and chest measurements of applicants shall be of the body without clothing. Third. He must be of sound health and vigor, without any predisposition, either hereditary or acquired, to any con- stitutional disease; of unquestionable energy and courage; of temperate and industrious habits ; of peaceable and courte- ous manners ; decorous and cleanly in his person and dress ; TOWN OE EAST PROVIDENCE. 149 respectful to his superiors ; prompt and decided in action, and disposed to be zealous in the service. Fourth. He must be able to speak, read and write the English language. Applicants for appointment as members of the perma- nent police shall present a petition to the town council in their own handwriting, stating age, height, weight, place of birth, residence and occupation, whether married or single, and whether or not a resident of the town, with such references as to character and qualifications as they shall think proper. Before any applicant shall be appointed he shall present a certificate from some physician appointed by the town coun- cil that he is mentally and physically qualified. All applicants who shall receive such certificate from said physician and who shall have received not less than seventy per cent, upon the examination preliminary to granting said certificate, shall be placed upon a reserve list, and shall be 'eligible for appointment at any time within five years from the date of said certificate upon passing a satisfactory phy- sical examination. Sec. 3. No person shall be appointed a member of the permanent police force of the town until he has complied with the requirements of this ordinance, and until he has served at least six months as a special constable from the date of his appointment ; and at some time during the said six months the newly appointed officer shall be required to appear be'fore the police committee of the town council, when a list of questions, approved by said police committee, on the “Rules and Regulations of the Town Council of East Providence for the Government of the Police Force,” the town ordinances and the state laws pertaining to the duties of a police officer, shall be submitted to the applicant, who must answer the questions in writing in the presence of one or more of the members of said police committee, and at least seventy per cent, of them correctly. He shall also be required to be re-examined by some phy- sician, appointed by the town council, who shall certify to ordinances oe the the physical condition of the applicant. If the applicant does not come up to the standard of percentage required on examination, or if his physical condition, on re-examination, be not satisfactory, he shall not be appointed a member of the permanent police force at the expiration of said six months from the date of his appointment as a special con- stable; but, if he pass the said examination successfully, he may thereupon be appointed a member of said permanent force. SEC. 4. Before entering upon the discharge of his duty as a member of the permanent police force of the town, every appointee shall be duly engaged upon his commission, and shall also subscribe his name to the following agreement : “ I hereby accept the office of in the permanent police force of the town of East Providence, and agree to obey and be bound by such rules and regulations as are or may be from time to time prescribed, and such ordi- nances as are or may be from time to time ordained, for the government of the permanent police force of said town.” Sec. 5. All ordinances respecting the police, all rules and regulations for their government, and all resolutions and votes concerning the present police of the town, so far as the same are applicable and not inconsistent with the provisions of said Chapter 1275 of the Public Laws and the provisions of this chapter, are hereby continued in force for the direc- tion and government of the permanent police appointed under said Chapter 1275 of the Public Laws. Sec. 6. The chief of police shall be at the head of the police department and shall have precedence and entire con- trol of the department, its officers and members when en- gaged in the service of the town ; the chief, however, and all the officers and members of the police force being subject to the orders of the town council. He shall have his head- quarters and be on duty at any place or places within the town of East Providence, which the town council may from time to time, by order designate, and shall make such trans- fers of the officers and members of the police force as the TOWN OE EAST PROVIDENCE. *5 town council may, from time to time, by order direct. He shall devote his entire time to the affairs of the town, to preserve the peace, order and cleanliness thereof ; and to this end shall execute and enforce the special laws of the state relating to the town, and the ordinances and orders of the town council ; he shall cause proceedings to be instituted for the prosecution of violations of the laws and ordinances and attend to the trial of the same. Sec. 7. In the absence of the chief from the town, or in case of his disability, the sergeant of police designated by the town council shall attend to all the duties of said office, and exercise all the authority vested in that office. Sec. 8. The sergeants of police shall be subject to the orders of the chief of police, and shall perform such duties as shall be assigned to them by the chief of police and town council of said town. Sec. 9. The officers and members of the police force shall receive such compensation, payable monthly, as the town council may from time to time, determine ; and all fees, fines and penalties received in any case in which the town or state is a party, including witness fees in criminal cases, (except- ing, however, witness fees received by night officers, in courts other than the Court of the Seventh Judicial District), and all compensation for services rendered in an official capacity, or within the hours prescribed for official duty, received by any officer or member of the police department, shall be paid over to the town by the officer receiving the same, before he shall be entitled to receive his regular pay. Sec. 10 . No member of the police force shall advocate, or in any way assist in or attempt to defeat, the election of any officer or group of officers, or candidate or group of can- didates for office in this town, but this ordinance shall not be construed to prevent the casting of their ballots at cau- cuses or elections by such members. Any violation of this section will be sufficient cause for the removal from office of the member guilty thereof. 152 ORDINANCES or the CHAPTER 21. POLICE AND SPECIAL CONSTABLES. Section. Section. 1. Police constables and spe- cial officers subject to chief of police. 4. Town treasurer to collect for services of special officers. 3. Compensation of such offi- cers. 2. Regulations governing police service at places of public entertainment. Section 1 . All police constables, who are not appointed officers or patrolmen of the permanent police force of the town, and all special constables without power to serve civil process, when employed in the service of the town, in the execution of the laws of the state, the ordinances of the town, and the orders of the town council, shall, except as may be otherwise provided by the statutes of the state, be subject to and under the control and direction of the chief of police, in the manner, to the extent and with the limita- tions governing the permanent police force provided in chapter 20 of the ordinances of the town. Sec. 2. All persons and bodies corporate who desire the attendance and services of police at places of public enter- tainment and resort, shall, except as may be otherwise pro- vided by the statutes of the state, make application therefor to the chief of police. With every such application shall be presented a certificate from the town treasurer, showing that there has been deposited by the applicant with him a sum of money sufficient in amount to pay the men for whom appli- cation has been made, at the rate of compensation fixed and determined by the town council, for the entire period for whidh such service may be required ; provided, however, that when the services are required for a longer period than two weeks the advance payments therefor may be made on the first and the fifteenth secular days of each and every month during the continuance of such services. Upon the receipt of such application and certificate, the chief of police, with the approval of the police committee of the town council, shall designate and assign from the police and special con- stables who are not members of the permanent police force TOWN OF FAST PROVIDENCE. E53 of the town, the required number of men for such service ; provided, nevertheless, that this shall not prevent, when nec- essary or desirable, the assignment of a member of the per- manent police force for attendance upon and service at any place of public entertainment or resort. Sec. 3. The town council shall, from time to time, fix and determine the amount of compensation to be paid to the police and special constables assigned for service under the preceding section of this chapter. Sec. 4. The town treasurer shall collect from the appli- cants under the provisions of this chapter the advance pay- ments for the services to be performed by such police and special constables; and out of the advance payments so by him collected he shall pay such police and special constables assigned for service under provisions of section 2 of this chapter the several sums due them for the services by them performed ; and such payments shall be made at the rates fixed and determined by the town council, and at the same time and in the same manner as payments are made to the members of the permanent police force of the town. CHAPTER 22. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Section. 1. Town divided into seven fire districts. 2. What companies comprise fire department of town. 3. Several companies to have control in their respective districts. Section. 4. Companies may assist out side of their districts. 5. Reports to be made. Section 1 . The town of East Providence is hereby di- vided into seven fire districts, bounded, described and desig- nated as follows, to wit : 1. All that part of the town south of a line beginning at the junction of Pawtucket and Bullock’s Point avenues and extending from said point due west to Narragansett Bay and due east to the boundary line between the States of Rhode 154 ORDINANCES OE THE Island and Massachusetts, shall be designated the Narragan- sett District. 2. All that part of the town north of the said northerly boundary of the Narragansett District and south of a line beginning at the northwesterly corner of the estate of the late James H. Armington on Pawtucket avenue and extend- ing due east to the state line and due west to the salt water, shall be designated the Pomham District. 3. All that part of the town north of the said northerly boundary of the Pomham District and south of the line be- ginning at the mouth of a* small brook emptying into the head of Watchemoket Cove, thence running easterly in a straight line to the junction of, Brightridge and Pawtucket avenues and thence due east to the state line, shall be desig- nated the Bay View District. 4. All that part of the town northerly of said north boundary line of the Bay View District and south of a line beginning at the southwest corner of Massasoit avenue and North Broadway, thence extending northwesterly through Massasoit and Walker avenues to the Seekonk river and due south east from said point to the state line, shall be desig- nated as the Engine and Hose Company No. 4 District. 5. All that part of the town north of a line beginning at the southwest corner of Massasoit avenue and North Broad- way, extending north-westerly through Massasoit and Walk- er avenues to the Seekonk river and west of a line beginning at said south-west corner of Massasoit avenue and north Broadway, and thence running westerly through North Broadway to Roger Williams avenue, thence through Roger Williams avenue to Wilson avenue, thence through Wilson avenue to Pawtucket avenue, and thence through Pawtucket avenue to the boundary between the town of East Provi- dence and the city of Pawtucket, shall be designated the Phillipsdale District. 6. All that part of the town north of a line beginning at the junction of North Broadway and Roger Williams ave- nue, running thence through North Broadway a distance of TOWN OF' EAST PROVIDENCE. 155 1725 feet, thence due east to the state line and east of a line beginning at the junction of North Broadway and Roger Williams avenue, thence extending through Roger Williams avenue to Wilson avenue, thence through Wilson avenue to Pawtucket avenue, thence through Pawtucket avenue to the boundary line between the town of East Providence and the city of Pawtucket, shall be designated the Rumford District. 7. And all the remainder of the town, not included in the foregoing districts, bounded southerly by the Engine and Hose Company No. 4 District, westerly by the Phillipsdale District and northerly and westerly by the Rumford Dis- trict, shall be desfgnated the Centre District. Sec. 2. The fire department of the town shall consist of the several fire companies now organized, to wit : Engine and Hose Company No. 4, Narragansett Engine Company, Rumford Volunteer Fire Company, Pomham Hose Company, Centre Volunteer Fire Company, Bay View Fire Company and Phillipsdale Volunteer Fire Company. SEC. 3. Each of said fire companies, through its foreman or officer in command, shall have absolute control at all fires occuring within the limits of the district designated after the name of said company, and all companies and apparatus coming into the said district to assist in the extinguishment of fires shall report to the said foreman or the officer in com- mand for service, except as may be otherwise provided by the rules and regulations now established or which may here- after be established by the town council for the government of the fire department of the town. Sec. 4. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed so as to prevent any fire company from rendering services at a fire occurring without the limits of its district, but each company shall respond to every alarm of a fire occurring within a reasonable distance from the place where its apparatus is kept or where there is a probability that its services may be required , and, in such a case, if it should be the first com- pany to arfive at the scene of a fire without its district, it shall proceed as if the fire were within its own district, until ordinances of the *56 the arrival of the company from the district, when it shall immediately place itself and its apparatus under the com- mand of the company in whose district the fire is, except as may be otherwise provided by the rules and regulations now established or which may hereafter be established by the town council for the government of the fire department. Where the assistance of any company is specially re- quested, even though the fire occurs at a considerable dis- tance from the place where its apparatus is kept, it shall at once respond. SEC. 5. Each fire company, through its clerk, shall an- nually, on the first secular day of October, report to the town council the state of its apparatus and its needs, and shall in said report give a list of the fires occurring within its dis- trict during the twelve months preceding, and such statistics in relation to losses, insurance and the causes of fires as it may be able to procure, and make such suggestions in rela- tion to the operation and improvement of the fire department as it may deem advisable, except as may be otherwise pro- vided by the rules and regulations now established or which may hereafter be established by the town council for the gov- ernment of the fire department of the town. CHAPTER 23. CONCERNING LICENSES OF HAWKERS, PEDDLERS AND DEALERS IN CERTAIN WARES AND MERCHANDISE. Section. 1. License required. 2. Fees for licenses. 3. What licenses chief of po- lice may approve. 4. Badge required. 5. Badge not to be worn after expiration of license and forfeiture of same. 6. Only one person authorized to act under a license. Section. 7. Showing of license and badge to police officer up- on demand. 8. Penalty. 9. Exceptions as to certain trades. 10. Exceptions as to milkmen, farmers, icemen or news- paper men. Section 1 . Except as hereinafter provided, on*atid after the first day of December, A. D., 1903, all hawkers and town oE east providence. *57 peddlers desiring to sell or offer for sale as hawkers and peddlers any articles or substances within the town of East Providence, and all persons desiring to sell or to offer for sale any goods, wares, merchandise, ice cream, fruits, vege- tables or other articles or substances, on any street in said town, shall first obtain a town license therefor, to be issued by the town clerk of said town, and to that end shall make application to the town council of said town for such license therefor respectively as may be desired, and said town clerk, after the granting of said application by said town council, may issue a license accordingly to such persons respectively to sell the articles and substances hereinbefore men- tioned in such manner as shall be specified in such license, upon any street in said town, or to hawkers and peddlers au- thorizing them to sell or to offer for sale as hawkers and peddlers any articles and substances within said town for the period from the date of such license until the first day of De- cember next ensuing such date. Sec. 2. For licenses so issued as aforesaid the persons re- ceiving the same shall pay to the town clerk the following fees which are hereby established, respectively, to wit : For peddlers from wagons or carts, five dollars. For peddlers from hand or push cart, five dollars. For peddlers on foot, without wagon or cart, five dollars. For peddling patent medicine, twenty-five dollars. For peddling watches, jewelry, gold or silver ware or articles manufactured of German silver, twenty-five dollars. Sec. 3. In addition to the foregoing licenses, expiring as afore provided, the town clerk, on the approval of the chief of police of said town, may issue licenses for one or more days for one dollar per day. Sec. 4. Every person licensed under this ordinance shall also obtain from the town clerk a badge of white metal at least two inches in diameter, and shall at all times while en- gaged in the business for which he is licensed wear said badge conspicuously on the outside of his outside coat. Such badge shall bear in black enamel a number which shall cor- ORDINANCES OE THE respond to the badge number marked on the license, and shall be issued upon the deposit of fifty cents to such person as shall obtain the license bearing such badge number, and upon the surrender of such badge to the town clerk said deposit shall be returned and the license shall thereby be revoked. Sec. 5. No person shall wear any such badge after the expiration or revocation of the license represented by it, and any licensed person, who shall suffer any badge, issued to him as aforesaid, to be used by another person for a purpose similar to that for which the badge was issued to him, shall forfeit said badge, together with the license represented by it. Sec. 6. No license shall authorize any person other than the one named therein to act thereunder, and no license shall be transferable, excepting that any such license may be trans- ferred by the town clerk, upon the approval of the town council, on the payment of a fee of one dollar. Sec. 7. Any person who shall neglect or refuse for the space of ten minutes, after demand by any police constable, to exhibit to him his license and badge, shall be deemed, for the purpose of this ordinance, to be unlicensed, and to have violated the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 8. Every person who sells or offers for sale any articles or substances as a hawker or peddler in the town of East Providence, and every person who sells or offers for sale any goods, wares, merchandise, fruit, vegetables or other articles or substances on any street in the town of East Provi- dence without a town license as herein provided, and every person who violates any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be fined not exceeding twenty dollars. SEC. 9. No fees shall be charged for licenses issued to any person selling religious books and publications in behalf of Bible, tract or other religious or moral societies for the pur- pose of promoting religious or moral improvement, and which are sold for that purpose and not for pecuniary profit ; or to butchers retailing meats, or to fishermen selling fish or shell fish from carts or otherwise, or to any person peddling or selling any tow cloth, knit stockings, gloves, mits or other Town oE East providence. 159 articles of household manufacture, or articles manufactured with his own hands, or to any person who shall receive a license from the general treasurer in accordance with the pro- visions of Section 15 of Chapter 162 of the General Laws, as amended by Chapter 622 of the Public Laws, passed at the January session, A. D., 1899, and Chapter 1060 of the Public Laws, passed at the December session, A. D., 1902. Sec. 10. Nothing in this ordinance contained shall apply to any •milkman or to any farmer selling the produce of his farm or selling both the produce of his farm and the produce of other farms, or to any vendor of ice or newspapers. CHAPTER 24. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING DEALERS IN JUNK, OLD METALS AND OTHER SECOND-HAND ARTICLES. Section. 1. License required. 2. Fee for licenses. 3. Business not to be carried on in dwelling house with- out consent of chief of police. 4. Keeper of shop or store house to keep book con- taining record of business done. 5. Record book subject to in- spection of whom. 6. Must keep purchased arti- cles ten days. 7. Copy of record to be de- livered to chief of police. 8. Exceptions to junk weighing one ton or more. 9. No business to be done be- tween 7 P. M. and 7 A. M. Section. 10. License to be displayed in shop. 11. Badge required. 12. Badge not to be worn after expiration or revocation of license. 13. ;Not to purchase from minor, except when. 14. What must be set forth in application for license; all applicantions to be re- ferred to chief of police before being acted upon. 15. Transfer of licenses. 16. When licenses expire. 17. Penalty. 18. Exceptions. 19. Application to keep shop or warehouse must be con- tinued and advertised. Section 1 . No person shall engage in the business of pur- chasing, selling, bartering and dealing in junk, old metals and any other second-hand articles, whether as keeper of a shop or storehouse for the reception of the same or as a gatherer of the same in any bag, wagon or cart, within the town of East Providence, unless such person shall first obtain a li- cense therefor, to be issued by the town clerk of said town, i6o ordinances oE the and to that end shall make application to the town council of said town for such license therefor, respectively, as may be desired ; and said town clerk, after the granting of said ap- plication by said town council, may issue a license to such person in accordance with the request in his application con- tained and subject to the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 2. For licenses so issued as aforesaid the persons re- ceiving the same shall pay to the town clerk the following fees, which are hereby established, respectively, to wit' For a keeper of a shop or storehouse for the reception of junk, old metals and other second-hand articles, twenty-five dollars. For a gatherer of junk, old metals and other second-hand articles in any bag, wagon or cart, five dollars. Sec. 3. No such business shall be carried on in any build- ing or premises of which any part is used as a dwelling house, except with the written consent of the chief of police. Sec. 4. Every such person licensed as keeper of a shop or storehouse for the reception of junk, old metals and other second-hand articles shall keep in a book obtained from, or under the direction of, the town clerk, a contemporaneous re- cord, in ink and in the English language, of the business done by him, as follows : A description of every article purchased or sold by him, at the time of such purchase or sale ; the name and residence of the person from whom the same was purchased or to whom the same was sold, and the day and hour of such purchase or sale. Sec. 5. Said book of record, and every shop, storehouse, bag or wagon, cart and place of business of any such li- censed person shall be subject to the inspection of the chief of police, any sergeant of police, and any person authorized by any of them. Sec. 6. Every person licensed under this ordinance shall keep any property purchased or received by him for a period of ten days after the report required to be made by him to the chief of police, as hereinafter provided, if such person is Town oe East providence. i 6 i a keeper of a shop or storehouse for the reception of jmik, old metals and other second-hand articles ; and for a period of ten days’ after the purchase and reception of the same if such person is a gatherer ; and during said period such prop- erty shall be kept separate and distinct and shall not he dis- figured or treated in any way by which its identity may he destroyed or afifected ; except, however, that any person li- censed as a gatherer may at any time sell any such property to a keeper of a shop or storehouse, licensed as above pro- vided ; and except that any licensed keeper of a shop or store- house may sell such property within said period of ten days upon obtaining a written permission to do so from the chief of police or from such person as he shall designate to act for him. Sec. 7. Every licensed keeper of a shop or storehouse for the reception of junk, old metals and other second-hand articles shall every day, except Sunday, between the hours of seven and eleven o’clock before noon, deliver to the chief of police, or at his office, on blank forms to be prescribed by said chief, a legible and correct transcript from the book kept by said licensed person, as hereinbefore provided, show- ing the business done by such person during the business day next preceding. SEC. 8. The provisions of sections 4, 5, 6 and 7 shall not apply to any purchase or sale of junk or old metals weighing one ton or over. Sec. 9. No keeper of any junk shop or storehouse shall do, or suffer to be done, any business therein between the hours of seven o’clock after noon and seven o’clock before noon. Sec. 10. Every keeper of any junk shop or storehouse, licensed as aforesaid, shall display in a conspicuous place within such shop or storehouse the license last granted to him. SEC. 1 1 . Every gatherer of junk, old metals and other sec- ond-hand articles, at the time of taking out his license, shall obtain from the town clerk a badge of white metal at least two inches in diameter, and shall at all times, while engaged 162 ORDINANCES OP THE in the business for which he is licensed, wear said badge con- spicuously on the outside of his outside coat. Such badge shall bear in black enamel a number which shall correspond to the badge number marked on the license, and shall be is- sued upon the deposit of fifty cents to such person as shall obtain the license bearing such a badge number, and upon the surrender of such badge to the town clerk said deposit shall be returned and the license shall thereby be revoked. SEC. 12. No person shall wear any such badge after the expiration or revocation of the license represented by it, and any licensed person who shall suffer any badge, issued to him as aforesaid, to be used by another person for a purpose simi- lar to that for which the badge was issued to him shall forfeit said badge, together with the license represented by it. Sec. 13. No person, licensed as herein provided, shall, di- rectly or indirectly, either purchase or receive in barter or ex- change any junk, old metals or other second-hand articles from any minor, unless such minor shall be licensed in ac- cordance with this ordinance ; nor shall any such licensed person, directly or indirectly, either purchase or receive in barter or exchange, or sell any bar or pig iron. Sec. 14. Every applicant for a license under this ordi- nance shall set forth, with full particulars, upon a form to be furnished by the town clerk, answers to the following ques- tions, to wit : First — Name and address, both of residence and place of business of the applicant. Second — Nationality of the applicant. Third — Business employment of the applicant during the five years next preceding his application. Fourth — Age of the applicant. Fifth — Whether the license is for the keeper of a shop or storehouse, or for a gatherer in any bag, cart or wagon. Sixth — Whether or not the applicant holds any license is- sued by any other city or town, and if so for what the license has been granted, the number thereof, and the license number TOWN OF FAST PROVIDENCE. of the applicant’s wagon or cart, if any he has, and by what city or town said license has been granted. The said questions, and the answers thereto, shall be at- tached to and form a part of the application for license. All such applications shall be referred to the chief of police for his approval or disapproval before being finally acted upon by the town council. SEC. 15. Any license granted under the provisions of this ordinance may be transferred by the town clerk, upon the ap- proval of the town council first had and obtained, upon the payment of a fee of one dollar. Sec. 16. All licenses granted under the provisions of this ordinance shall expire on the first day of December next suc- ceeding the date of such license, and no rebate shall be made from the license fee for such license for any licensed term less than one year. Sec. 17. Every person who engages in the business of buying or selling or bartering or dealing in junk, old metals or other second-hand articles within the limits of the town of East Providence without license granted as hereinbefore pro- vided, or who violates any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall pay a fine of not exceeding fifty dollars for each offence. SEC. 18. This ordinance shall not apply to keepers of shops for the purchase, sale or barter of books, pamphlets, periodicals or household furniture. Sec. 19. Every application for a license to keep a shop or storehouse for the reception of any junk, old metals or other second-hand articles shall be continued by the town council to some meeting subsequent to that at which such application is received, and notice of the pendency of such application, and of the time and place when and where such application will be considered, shall be given by advertisement in some public newspaper published in the county of Providence, in order that any person or persons interested in the said appli- cation may appear before the town council and be heard in favor of or in opposition to the granting of the license to the applicant. ORDINANCES OE THE 164 CHAPTER 25. WIRES FOR CONDUCTING ELECTRICITY. Section. 1. Wires not to be placed in any street, without per- mission of town council. 2. Wires to be suspended from such supports as shall be approved by town council 3. Wires placed below surface of ground shall be laid as town council may ap- prove. 4. Persons erecting poles shall permit others to use them when town council so di- rects. Section. 5. Poles shall be erected at such points as town coun- cil may indicate. 6. Poles shall not be used for light, heat, or motive power by electricity. 7. Permission given by town council to maintain such wires may be revoked. 8. Persons erecting poles shall indemnify town of East Providence. 9. Applications to erect poles shall designate streets. The following regulations are hereby established for the running of wires in the town of East Providence, to be used for the purpose of conducting currents of electricity for tele- graphic and telephonic uses. Section 1 . No such wires shall be placed or maintained in, over or under any street, square, lane, alley or highway in the town of East Providence, without the permission of the town council, nor until the person or corporation placing or maintaining the same shall have filed with the town clerk a written agreement, accepting and promising to abide by, and perform all the conditions and provisions of this ordinance, and of all ordinances or orders in amendment of, or in addi- tion thereto, that may be hereafter enacted. Sec. 2. All such wires, when placed above the surface of the ground, shall be suspended from such supports and at- tachments as may be approved by the town council, or the highway surveyor of either district, acting under their in- structions; and such supports and attachments shall at all times be provided and maintained at the cost of the person or corporation using such wires. Sec. 3. All such wires, when placed below the surface of the ground, shall be laid and maintained in such manner and place as the town council, or any person or persons by them authorized, may approve, at the cost of the person or corporation using such wires. TOWN OF FAST PROVIDENCE. SEC. 4. Any person or corporation erecting any poles to support such wires, shall permit such poles to be used for other wires and attachments thereof, than his or its own, whenever the town council shall so direct, and upon such terms as the town council may impose, after reasonable notice has been given by the town council to such person or corpora- tion. Sec. 5. Poles shall be erected at such points as the town council or the highway surveyor of either district, acting under their instructions, may indicate, and not elsewhere. The location of any and all poles shall be changed at the ex- pense of the person or corporation using the wires thereon, and by such person or corporation whenever and as the town council may direct. And any and all poles may, in case of public necessity, be removed at any time without notice, by the town of East Providence or its officers, agents, or ser- vants acting in the performance of their duty, without any claim for damage therefor on the part of any person or cor- poration owning or using such poles. SEC. 6 . Said poles shall not be used for the support of, nor shall said wires be placed in contact with, any wires used to conduct currents of electricity for the transmission or pro- duction of light, heat or motive power. Sec. 7. Permission given by the town council to erect or maintain such poles and wires may be revoked in whole or in part at any time after thirty days notice, and opportunity to be heard shall have been given to the parties interested, and any of such wires may in case of public necessity be cut and removed at any time without notice, by the town of East Providence or its officers, agents or servants acting in the performance of their duty without any claim for damages therefor, on the part of any person or corporation owning or using such wires. SEC. 8. Every person or corporation erecting, maintaining, or using such poles or wires, shall indemnify and save harm- less the town of East Providence, its officers, agents and servants, from and against all lawful claims and demands 66 ordinances or the f for injuries to persons or property occasioned by the erec- tion and existence of such poles or wires, or the transmission of electric currents by means thereof, and the said town, town council, or the agents or servants of said town, exer- cising the rights, powers and permission, and subject to the restrictions respectively given and reserved herein, shall not be held liable by such person or corporation on account there- of, or by reason of any injury or damage caused thereby. Sec. 9. All applications for permission to erect or main- tain such poles or wires, shall designate the streets, squares, lanes, alleys or highways in, over or under which it is pro- posed to locate the same. CHAPTER 26 . WIRES FOR ELECTRIC LIGHT, HEAT AND POWER- Section. 1. Wires for light, heat and power. 2. No wires to be placed with- out permission of town council. 3. How wires shall be placed above ground. 4. Height of poles and wires above ground. 5. How wires shall be attached to buildings. 6. Plat of location of poles and wires to be filed in town clerk’s office. 7. Wires to be insulated and daily tests made. Section. 8. Construction and mainte- nance to be under direc- tion of town council. 9. Changes may be made by town council. 10. Town to be exempt from liability. 11. Written application required for construction. 12. Poles to be marked to satis- faction of town council. 13. Precaution to prevent dam- age. 14. Penalty. Section 1 . The following regulations are hereby estab- lished for the running of wires in the town of East Provi- dence, to be used for the purpose of conducting currents of electricity for the transmission or production of light, heat, or motive power. Sec. 2. No such wire shall be placed or maintained in, over or under any street, square, lane, alley or highway in said town without permission of the town council, nor until the person or corporation placing or maintaining the same shall have filed with the town clerk a written agreement ac- cepting and promising to abide by and perform all the condi- TOWN OF fast providence. 167 tions and provisions of this chapter and of all ordinances or orders in amendment of or in addition hereto that may be hereafter enacted. Sec. 3. All such wires when placed above the surface of the ground, shall be suspended from poles, which shall be provided and maintained by the person or corporation, using such wires, and such person or corporation shall permit any other person or corporation to suspend from such poles wires for conducting electric currents for lighting, heating or motive power, and also to place lamps, on any poles or lamp posts not in use for that purpose, whenever the town council shall so direct, and upon such reasonable conditions, terms and remuneration as the town council may approve or pre- scribe ; said poles shall not be used for the support of, nor shall said wires be placed in contact with, any telephonic, telegraphic or other wires, and such poles shall be so placed that the wires shall cross streets only at right angles. Sec. 4 . The poles shall not exceed thirty feet in height from the ground, and the lowest line of wire thereon shall be suspended not less than twenty feet from the ground. Sec. 5. No such wire shall be suspended from or attached to any building, except for the purpose of conducting elec- tricity thereto, unless by special permission of said town council, or of some person by them delegated for that pur- pose, and in accordance with their or his directions, and in no case shall such wire be placed on any building in prox- imity to any other wire. Sec. 6. Upon the completion of any circuit, and before the same shall be used, a plat, showing the location of all poles and wires in such circuit, shall be filed in the office of the town clerk, and any change of poles or wires shall be re- 1 ported at said office in writing within twenty-four hours after such change shall be made. SEC. 7. The machine generating the electric current shall 1 be insulated from electrical communication with the earth, ! and the wires shall be covered with proper insulating ma- , terial throughout their entire length, and shall have no i68 ORDINANCES OR THE ground connections, the direct and return current being taken over metallic conductors, and the attachments of all wires shall be made of non-combustible, non-conducting material. Daily tests shall be made of each circuit operated, to detect defects and accidental ground connections, and reports of such tests shall be made to the town clerk, or some person delegated by said town council, daily. Sec. 8. The location, height, arrangement, construction and attachments of all poles and wires shall be under the di- rection of said town council, or of some person by them dele- gated, who may, at any time, and from time to time, in their or his discretion, direct changes to be made therein, as the public safety may require. Sec. 9. Permission given by the town council to erect or maintain such poles and wires may be revoked in whole or in part at any time, and any of such poles or wires may be re- moved by said town, its officers, agents or servants, from time to time, or at any time, without notice. SEC. 10. Every person or corporation erecting, maintain- ing or using such poles or wires shall indemnify and save harmless the town of East Providence, its officers, agents and servants, from and against all lawful claims and de- mands for injuries to persons or property occasioned by the existence of such poles or wires, or the transmission of elec- tric currents by means thereof, and the said town, town coun- cil, or agents or servants of said town exercising the rights, powers and permission, and subject to the restrictions re- spectively given and reserved herein, shall not be held liable by such person or corporation on account thereof, or by reason of any injury or damage caused thereby. Sec. 11. No permission to erect or maintain such poles or wires shall be granted except on written application to the town council, and every such application and every permis- sion given shall designate the streets, squares, lanes or alleys over and in or under which it is proposed to locate the same ; and before action thereon by the town council they shall give a public hearing thereon. TOWN OE EAST PROVIDENCE. 169 Sec. 12. All poles used for carrying wires for conducting electricity for light, heat or motive power shall be branded or otherwise marked in a legible and permanent manner to the satisfaction of said town council, or of some person by them delegated, with the name or title of the person or corporation owning the same, and at his or its expense; and in all cases where wires of more than one person or corporation are placed upon any one pole, that part of the pole or cross-arm to which such wires are attached shall be marked in such manner as to designate the ownership of such wires, and in such way as shall be satisfactory to said town council or person delegated as aforesaid. Sec. 13. In all lighting, power and high tension circuits, lines or wires, every person or corporation owning or using such lines or wires shall take all proper means and precau- tions to prevent the currents of electricity from said lines or wires, through leakage or otherwise, from injuring or dam- aging the water mains or pipes, or other pipes, now or here- after laid in said town. Sec. 14. Every line, pole, fixture, structure, electrical ap- pliance, etc., must be kept in thorough order and repair, and in conformity with the ordinances, and any persons or cor- porations violating any of the provisions of said ordinance shall pay a fine of not less than ten nor more than twenty dollars for each and every violation. CHAPTER 27. SHEEP, GOATS, CATTLE, HORSES, SWINE AND FOWLS. Section. 1. Persons having charge of animals not to allow them to enter land belonging to another, after being forbidden; fine. Section 1 . Whoever having charge or custody of sheep, goats, cattle, horses, swine or fowls, wilfully suffers or per- mits them to enter or pass over or remain on any orchard, garden, mowing land, or other improved or enclosed land of 170 ordinances oe the another, after being forbidden in writing, or by notice posted thereon by the owner or occupant thereof, or by the au- thorized agent of such owner or occupant, shall be fined not less than two dollars nor more than ten dollars. CHAPTER 28. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. Section. 1. Physician to report immed- iately. 2. Diseases to be reported. 3. Penalty for physician fail- ing to report. 4. Notice to be given to health officer. 5. Procedure in case of small- pox. 6. Procedure in case of scarlet. fever. 7. Procedure in case of diph- theria. Section. 8. Health officer may take fur- ther precautions. 9. Not to attend school with- out certificate of health officer. 10. Certificates to be required by teachers. 11. Rules for funerals. 12. Penalty. 13. Penalty. Section 1 . Every physician having knowledge of the existence of any cases of contagious, infectious or epidemic disease within the town of East Providence, shall immedi- ately make report thereof to the health officer of said town, with such particulars as said health officer may indicate, on blanks furnished for that purpose. Sec. 2. The diseases referred to in the preceding section shall include cholera, yellow fever, typhus fever, typhoid fever, cerebro spinal meningitis, diphtheria, smallpox, scarlet fever, measles, intermittent fever, anterior poliomyelitis, commonly called infantile paralysis, and such other contag- ious, infectious and epidemic diseases as the health officer may from time to time designate. SEC. 3. Any physician who shall fail to comply with the provisions of the preceding sections, shall be fined not less than two dollars, nor more than ten dollars, for each day of such neglect, after having knowledge thereof as aforesaid. SEC. 4. Every physician, householder, or other person , having knowledge of the existence of scarlet fever, diph- TOWN OF FAST PROVIDENCE. 71 theria, or other contagious disease in any house or place in said town, shall forthwith give notice of the same to the health officer, who shall without delay cause to be placed upon such house or place a card bearing the name of such disease, which card shall not be removed except by permis- sion of such health officer. SEC. 5 . No person living in a family where there is a case of smallpox shall attend school until the patient shall have passed the period of desiccation (falling off of scabs), nor until the house has been fumigated under the direction and to the satisfaction of the health officer, nor without certificate from said health officer that said period has elapsed and that said fumigation has been properly per- formed. Sec. 0. No person living in a family where there is a case of scarlet fever shall attend school until at least five weeks from the beginning of the last case, nor until the house has been properly fumigated in the manner hereinbe- fore provided, nor without certificate from the health officer setting forth said facts. SEC. 7. No person living in a family where there is a case of diphtheria shall attend school until at least one week after the recovery of the last patient, nor until said house has been properly fumigated in manner aforesaid, nor with- out a satisfactory certificate from said health officer. Sec. 8. The above rules shall, when deemed necessary by the health officer, be extended to all persons living in the same house where any of the above diseases exist, and said health officer may, in his discretion, extend the period of isolation specified in the preceding sections. Sec. 9. No person with measles, whooping cough, mumps, or chicken pox, shall attend school until complete recovery certified to by the health officer. Sec. 10. Such certificates will be required by the teacher in every case before the persons referred to in the foregoing sections can be admitted to school. Sec. 11. The funeral of every person who has died of T 7 2 ordinances oe the smallpox or diphtheria, scarlet fever, typhus fever, Asiatic cholera, or other contagious or infectious disease, shall be private, and the undertaker or person having the care or custody of the body of such deceased, shall cause to be con- spicuously affixed to the coffin, casket or other receptacle containing such remains, and in case said coffin, casket or receptacle shall be enclosed in a box, then upon said box a card bearing the name of the disease whereof such person died, which card shall not be removed ; and no person having the care or custody of such body shall do or knowingly or wilfully permit to be done any unnecessary act by which such disease may be spread from such dead body. SEC. 12. Every person who shall violate any of the pro- visions of the preceding section shall, upon conviction there- of, pay a fine of not more than twenty dollars, or be impris- oned not exceeding ten days ; and any undertaker who shall violate any provision of said section, upon conviction thereof, shall in addition to the above penalty be thereupon and there- by removed from the office of undertaker. SEC. 13. Any person who shall violate any of the pro- visions of this ordinance, the punishment whereof has not been hereinbefore provided for, shall, upon conviction there- of, pay a fine of not more than twenty dollars, or be im- prisoned not exceeding ten days. CHAPTER 29. VACCINATION OF SCHOOL CHILDREN. Section. 1. Fee and certificate. 2. Any physician may vaccin- ate at public expense. 3. Physician to give certificate. Section. 4. Physician vaccinating at private expense to give certificate to health offi- cer. 5. Penalty. Section 1 . For each case of vaccination at public ex- pense of a child of school age, as required by state law, there shall be paid by the town the sum of seventy-five (75) cents, which shall include a certificate to the child so vac- TOWN OF FAST PROVIDFNCF. 173 cinated, this sum, in each instance, to be paid only 011 proper attestation by the health officer that a record of such case has been certified to him by the officiating physician. SFC. 2. Any practicing physician may, at public expense, vaccinate a child or children of school age, subject to the fol- lowing rules : 1st. Only such pure bovine virus as is approved by the state board of health shall be used in any case. 2d. In no instance shall a scab from a person vaccinated be used and transmitted to a child in vaccination. 3d. A certificate of vaccination shall be issued to the child vaccinated by the officiating physician, who shall also certify each case to the health officer of the town. SFC. 3. The health officer of the town shall keep a record of all cases certified to him of the vaccinated children pro- vided for herein. Sfic. 4. A family physician, so called, or physician vac- cinating a child or children of school age, at private expense, shall comply with the provisions of this ordinance relative to certifying each case of such vaccinated child to the health officer of the town. ■ Sfc. 5. Any physician who shall violate any provision of 1 his ordinance shall, upon conviction, pay a fine of not more than twenty dollars, or be imprisoned not more than ten days for each ofifence. And further, a physician so offending and convicted of the same shall be denied the privilege of vacci- nating school children at public expense., CHAPTER 30. SWILh AND GARBAGE. Section. 1. Suitable receptacle to be provided. 2. How often swill to be re- moved. 3. How swill and house offal to be removed from town. 4. Vehicles to be licensed. 5. What persons shall remove swill. 6. Persons to be appointed for one year. Section. 7. No person, unless appointed by town council, to convey swill and garbage through streets. 8. Applicant for license to state where swill and gar- bage is to be carried. 9. License fees to be fixed by town council. 10. Penalty. *74 ORDINANCES OE THE Section 1 . The occupant of every tenement house, dwell- ing house or other building where swill or garbage shall ac- cumulate shall provide a suitable receptacle, properly cov- ered, for such swill or garbage, and no dish water, ashes, house sweepings, bottles, crockery, earthen, glass, tin or iron ware, or other rubbish of any kind shall be placed in any such receptacle, nor shall any swill, garbage or offal be placed in any receptacle for ashes or rubbish, or, deposited in any yard or vault or in any other place than its proper re- ceptacle. Sec. 2. All swill and house offal shall be removed from each house within the parts of the town covered by any con- tract or contracts that may be made with such town by any person or persons for such removal at least three times each week during the months of May, June, July, August, Sep- tember and October, and twice each week during the months of November, December, January, February, March and April, of each and every year, and as much oftener as may be necessary to prevent nuisance and decomposition of such swill and house offal. SEC. 3. All swill and house offal shall be removed frorfi the town in water-tight, closely covered vehicles, drawn by one or more horses or mules, or in water-tight tubs or casks with covers securely fastened, so as to make the tubs or casks air tight, and all such vehicles, tubs or casks so used, shall be kept clean and well painted on the outside. No vehicle, tub or cask shall be used, or continued in use, for the removal of swill and house offal from the town unless first examined and approved by the health officer ; and the covers of all vehicles, tubs and casks containing swill or house offal shall be kept tightly closed when they are driven through the streets of the town. Sec. 4. All vehicles used to remove swill and house offal, or to transport tubs or casks containing swill and house offal, shall be duly licensed and numbered, and all such vehicles, tubs and casks shall have upon them such other marks as may be required by the health officer. 4 town op past providence. i75 Sec. 5. Whenever any person shall be designated and appointed to remove swill and house offal from the town, the designation and appointment shall state definitely the houses, buildings or districts from which such person so designated is to remove the swill and house offal, and he shall not re- move the swill and house offal from any other house, build- ing or district than that from which he is designated and ap- pointed to remove it. Sec. C ). All designations and appointments of persons to remove swill and house offal shall be for the current muni- cipal year, and may be revoked at any time by the town council. Sec. 7. No person, unless appointed and designated so to do by the town council, shall remove, carry or transport any swill or house offal from any house, market, building or premises within the town over, upon or through any street or highway in said town ; nor shall any person, unless li- censed so to do by the town council, carry or transport any swill or house offal, removed from any building or premises, without the town over, upon or through any street or high- way in said town. Sec. 8. Every application for a license to remove, carry or transport any swill or house offal over, upon or through any street or highway in said town shall state whether said swill or house offal is to be removed to some place without or within the limits of the said town, and, if within the limits of the said town, shall designate the particular place to which such swill or house offal is to be removed. SEC. 9. For every license to remove, carry or transport swill or house offal over, upon or through any street or high- way in said town, the licensee shall pay such sums as may be fixed and determined from time to time, by the town council. Sec. 10. Every person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not less than two dollars, nor more than twenty dollars for each day’s continuance of such violation. 176 ORDINANCES OF THE CHAPTER 31. CARRYING AND DUMPING CONTENTS OF PRIVY- VAULTS, CESSPOOLS AND OTHER OFFENSIVE MAT- TER. Section. 1. Licenses required. 2. Wagons and tubs to be cov- ered and tight. 3. Wagons to be painted. 4. Wagons not to stand on street except while load- ing. 5. When night soil to be disin- fected. 6. Health officer to serve writ- ten notice. Section. 7. Written permission of health officer required in certain cases. 8. Health officer to regulate dumping. 0. Fine or imprisonment. 10. Who may remove putrid meat and dead animals. 11. Fine. Section 1 . No person shall bring or cause to be brought into this town, or shall carry into or through any public high- way or street in this town, any part of the contents of any privy-vault, cesspool or slaughter-house offal, or other offen- sive matter, without first obtaining a license from the town council for that purpose, the number of said license to be placed on the vehicle used to convey said matter, and the party obtaining such license shall pay to the town clerk the sum of one dollar therefor. Such person shall also have his wagon and tubs examined by the health officer and shall obtain a permit from him before using the same, which per- mit must be sent with the wagon at all times, so as to be shown to the police when called for. Sec. 2. No person or persons shall at any time whatso- ever carry into or through any public highway or street in this town any part of the contents of any privy-vault, cess- pool, slaughter-house offal or any offensive matter in any cart, wagon or other vehicle, or tubs, which shall not be kept effectually covered and perfectly water-tight. SEC. 3. The box of the wagon used for the carrying of the contents of privy-vaults, cesspools, slaughter-house offal or any offensive matter shall be well painted in such manner as the health officer may prescribe, and must be kept clean on the outside. The license number and the number of cubic feet capacity must be well painted on tin, the figures to be TOWN OE EAST PROVIDENCE. 177 not less than three inches in size ; must be placed on both sides of the box, and must be kept clean so as to be easily read. Sec. 4. No cart, wagon or other vehicle having therein any part of the contents of any privy-vault, cesspool, slaugh- ter-house offal or any offensive matter, shall be permitted to stand (except while loading,) in any public street or high- way in this town. Sec. 5. From the first day of May to the first day of November, the night soil must be disinfected previous to removal. The removal of night soil shall always be done in the daytime unless by special permit. From the first day of August to the first day of December the tubs only can be used. Sec. 6. Whenever any person shall convey into this town the contents of any privy-vault, cesspool, slaughter-house offa] or other offensive matter, to the extent that it becomes a nuisance or obnoxious, or cause the same to be done by others, it shall be the duty of the health officer to serve a written notice upon the person or persons causing the same, ordering him or them to forthwith discontinue the same, and if said order is not complied with within twenty-four hours, the town council shall revoke his or their license, if he or they have any, and a further penalty shall be imposed by a fine of not less than five nor more than twenty dollars. Sec. 7. No person shall dump any part of the contents of any privy-vault, cesspool or slaughter-house offal, or other offensive matter, within the limits of the compact portions of the town without the written permission of the health of- ficer. Nor shall any person dump the same in any portion of the town within 500 feet of any dwelling-house belonging to or occupied by any other person or corporation except by the written consent of the health officer. Sec. 8. The health officer shall have power to forbid the dumping of any part of the contents of any privy-vault, cess- pool or slaughter house offal, or other offensive matter, in any part of the town, in case he should find the same to be i 7 8 ordinances oe the injurious to health or offensive to residents in the vicinity. He shall also have power, should he deem it necessary, to notify all persons holding licenses from the town council for carrying the contents of any of the foregoing, within what limits the same may be dumped, and no person shall there- after dump the same in any part of this town except within the limits defined by the health officer. Sec. 9. Any person who shall bring or cause to be brought into this town any part of the contents of any privy-vault, cesspool, slaughter-house offal or other offensive matter whatsoever, in any cart, wagon or other vehicle and deposit the same in any place where it may impair health, or by of- fensive odors annoy persons within their dwellings or while traveling on any of the public streets or highways in the compact part of this town, shall be fined not more than twenty dollars or be imprisoned for the term of ten days, and his license shall be revoked. SEC. 10. No person shall remove, carry or transport over, upon or through any street or highway of the town of East Providence any diseased or putrid meat condemned by the health officer of said town, or the dead body of any horse, ass, mule, ox, cow, bull, hog or other large animal, not slaughtered and in condition for use as food, except as may be provided by the statutes of the state, unless specially au- thorized so to do by the town council ; and every person vio- lating the provisions of this section shall pay for each offence a fine of not less than ten nor more than twenty dollars. Sec. 1 1 . Any person violating any provision of this chap- ter wherein no penalty is herein otherwise prescribed, shall be fined not less than five nor more than twenty dollars for every violation thereof, and shall be fined not exceeding twenty dollars for each day’s continuance of the said viola- tion after the service of the notice issued upon the first com- plaint. TOWN OF FAST PROVIDFNCF. CHAPTER 32. SEWER COMMISSIONERS. Section. 1. Three members. 2. Compensation to be fixed Section. 4. How assessments to be made. 5. To report to council. by council. 3. To make plats. Section 1 . A board of sewer commissioners is hereby established, to consist of three members, who shall be elected by the town council, and hold their office during, the pleasure of said council. Sfc. 2. Said commissioners shall, before entering upon the duties of said office, be duly engaged, and for the per- formance of said duties shall receive and have such compen- sation as said council shall from time to time fix and allow. Sfc. 3. Whenever the town council, in accordance with the provisions of the statutes in such cases made and pro- vided, shall adjudge it to be necessary to lay and make main drains and common sewers in any of the streets of said town, said board of sewer commissioners shall, upon notice from said council, take such steps in the premises as said council may require, and whenever thereunto so requested shall cause all necessary plats to be made, showing the streets wherein said main drains and common sewers are located and so much of the estates abutting thereon as shall be liable to assessment under an “Act in relation to main drains and common sewers in the town of East Providence,” and all acts and parts of acts in amendment thereof or in addition thereto. SFC. 4. Whenever any such main drain or common sewer shall be constructed, an assessment shall be made by said commissioners upon all estates abutting upon that portion of the street in which such main drain or common sewer shall be located, and at a rate not exceeding twenty-five cents for each front foot of such estates upon such streets, and not ex- ceeding one-half cent for each square foot of such estates be- tween such street and a line not exceeding one hundred and fifty feet distant from and parallel with the line of such i8o ordinances oe the street ; provided, however, that where any estate is situated between two streets, the area upon which such assessment of not exceeding one-half cent for each square foot is made shall not extend to more than one-half the distance between such streets; and, provided, also, that where any estate is situated at the* corner of two streets, or is otherwise so situ- ated as to be assessed for the expense of making a sewer in one of such streets, that portion of such estate assessed for a sewer in one of such streets shall not be liable to be as- sessed upon its area for the cost of constructing a sewer in the other of such streets, but only for its frontage upon such street. Sec. 5. Said commissioners shall make reports in writing to the town council of all assessments made in accordance with the foregoing provisions. Section. 1. Power given railroad company. Section 1. The Union Railroad Company and its lessees shall continue to maintain tracks and run electric cars over the highways of East Providence, subject to the ordinances and contracts in force heretofore, these ordinances and such ordinances as may hereafter be ordained by the town coun- cil of the town of East Providence. CHAPTER 33. UNION RAILROAD COMPANY. CHAPTER 34. BICYCLES. Section. 1. Bicycles subject to ordi- nances in force as to use of vehicles. Section. 3. How to pass other vehicles. 4. Not to be used on sidewalks. 6. Fine. 2. Signal bell, how to be at- tached and used. TOWN 01? EAST PROVIDENCE. 181 Section 1 . Every person propelling a bicycle, tricycle, tandem bicycle or other vehicle in any public highway or in any public park, square, street, lane or alley in the town of East Providence, shall have, except as hereinafter provided, the same rights and be subject to the same restrictions and duties as provided with regard to the use of other vehicles by the ordinances of the town of East Providence now in force. Sec. 2. In addition to the aforementioned provisions, every person propelling any bicycle, tricycle, tandem bicycle, or other vehicle in any public highway or in any public park, square, street, lane, or alley in the town of East Providence, shall cause a signal bell to be attached thereto, and to be used for the purpose of giving warning of its approach ; such sig- nal bell shall be capable of being heard when at rest a dis- tance of not less than two hundred and fifty feet, and shall be so attached to the handle bar that it can be positively and directly operated by the fingers of one hand of. the rider without removing such hand from the handle bar. Such signal bell shall always be sounded with several rapid strokes whenever the rider is approaching any person or any other vehicle, and shall be used in all cases where there is any dan- ger of collision. SEC. 3. No more than two persons using any such vehicle shall be allowed to ride abreast each other. No person riding any such vehicle shall remove his feet from the pedals, ex- cept in case of accident or for the purpose of braking or dis- mounting. Every person riding any such vehicle shall at all times keep at least one hand upon the handle bar, and except as- aforesaid, both feet upon the pedals, in order to retain complete control of such vehicle. Sec. 4. No person shall ride, propel, move or trundle any bicycle, tricycle, or tandem bicycle or other such vehicle upon any sidewalk or public footwalk in the town, unless for the purpose of necessarily crossing the same, or allow any such vehicle belonging to him or under his care to stand or remain on such sidewalk or public footwalk. Sec.' 5. Any person violating any of the provisions of this 182 ordinances or the ordinance shall pay a fine of not less than one nor more than twenty dollars for each offence. CHAPTER 35. THE REGULATION OF OUTDOOR ADVERTISING AND THE PRESERVATION OF THE SAFETY, HEALTH, MORALS, COMFORT AND WELFARE OF THE IN- HABITANTS OF THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE. Section. 1. The power to make the rules and regulations following. 2. Definition of “outdoor ad- vertising.” 3. Liquor advertisement not permitted within two hun- dred feet of school or church. 4. Billboards on roofs to be made safe. 5. Distance of billboards from street* line. 6. Where owner’s name may be placed. 7. Billboards must be safely constructed and secured. Section. 8. Biirpoards to be kept in safe repair; duties of building- inspector in reference to dangerous ones. 9. On repairs and rebuilding. 10. Immoral outdoor advertising prohibited. 11. Billboards not to be placed on town property. 12. Penalty for violating pro- visions of ordinance. 13. Building inspector to cause certain billboards to be removed. 14. Provisions of this ordinance to be regarded as separ- able. Section 1 . In pursuance of the powers conferred upon the town council by Chapter 542 of the Public Laws, passed at the January session, A. D. 1910, and of all other powers conferred upon the same or the town of East Providence by general and special laws hereunto enabling, and in order to preserve and promote the public safety, health, morals, com- fort and general welfare, the following regulations and laws are hereby made and established respecting the following matters and things within the town of East Providence. Sec. 2. The term “outdoor advertising” as used in this ordinance shall apply only to all such advertising now or hereafter displayed in the town of East Providence so as to attract the attention of persons on any public highway, or while in the vehicle of any common carrier, or in any station of such carrier, or while in any public building, public park, public grounds or other public places, whether such adver- tising be by means of printing, writing, picture or a combina- TOWN OE EAST PROVIDENCE. t8 3 tion thereof, and whatever may be the means of display, ex- cept that it shall not include advertising located upon private property and relating exclusively to the business conducted on such property or the sale or rental thereof, or advertising in or upon the cars and stations of any common carrier. Sec. 3. No outdoor advertising of whiskey, ale, wine, rum or other strong or malt intoxicating liquor, the sale of which without a license is prohibited by the general laws of the state, shall be permitted within two hundred feet of the premises of any public or parochial school or of any church. SEC. 4. No structure or billboard, constructed or used for the display of outdoor advertising, shall be located upon or over the roof of any building in any part of the town in such place thereon or thereover that, if it should be blown down by the wind or should fall by reason of its supports or any part of the building becoming decayed or otherwise out of repair or condition or by reason of such supports or any part of the building being consumed or damaged by fire, it or any part thereof would be liable to fall upon any street, lane or ether public travelled way ; and to more definitely secure the public safety and diminish the danger from fire, no such structure or billboard, located upon or over the roof of any building in the town, shall be constructed more than nine and one-half feet high, nor, if eleyated on supports, more than eleven and one-half feet high over all, measuring fi;om the part of the roof where the same is located, nor shall any one of the same be constructed more than twenty feet in length, nor without leaving open spaces over the building be- yond the two ends each at least two feet wide, nor any two or more of the same without open spaces over the building between and beyond the several ends at least two feet wide, nor shall any of the same be constructed in any manner that . will prevent firemen from having reasonable access from any street, lane or other public travelled way by means of ladders to the roof of the building and the parts of the same behind such structure or billboard, nor shall any structure or bill- board be attached to or placed upon any part of any building ordinances of the 184 in the town so as to obstruct any window thereof or fire es- cape thereon, nor in front of the cornice or coping of any such building so as to prevent firemen from having reason- able access from any street, lane or other public travelled way by means of ladders to the roof of the building. Sec. 5. Xo billboard or other like structure in the town, constructed or used for the display of outdoor advertising, which is attached to the ground, and which is more than six feet in height from the ground, and which is not securely and immediately attached to the outside surface of a building, shall be located nearer the line of any street, lane or other public travelled way, or the line of any lot upon which any * building is located or which is otherwise in use, than a dis- tance equal to the height of such billboard or structure, un- less all supports or parts thereof set in or resting upon the ground shall be of brick, stone, terra cotta, concrete or metal, alone or in combination with any other or others of the same, and unless such billboard or structure shall be securely at- tached to such supports or parts thereof. To better secure the public safety, to prevent nuisances and to promote the other public objects hereof, no such billboard or structure shall be constructed more than nine and one-half feet high, nor including its supports more than eleven and one-half feet high over all, measuring from the ground, where the same is located, except where the grade of the ground is not suffi- ciently level to permit the board or structure to be on a level, in order to allow for the purpose only of having the same on a level, higher supports without diminishing the height of the board or structure, such board or structure may be erected to such greater height as may be necessary for said purpose, but in no event shall the highest end or other highest point thereof be more than fourteen and one-half feet over all above the ground, and every such billboard and structure shall be so constructed and elevated on posts or other sup- ports that every point of the lowest edge thereof shall be at least two feet above the ground, where the same is located, with a clear space below such board or structure between TOWN OF FAST PROVIDENCE. 185 the posts or other supports, and no such billboard or struc- ture shall exceed thirty-six feet in length, and there shall be an open space of at least two feet between any two such bill- boards or structures. Sec. 6. Every structure or billboard within the purview of this ordinance may have a further structure or extension immediately attached to the top of such structure or bill- board to be used only for placing thereon the owner’s name and place O'f business, such further structure or extension to be not more than six feet in length nor more than six inches in height, and to be constructed and maintained subject to and in conformity with all the provisions of this ordinance applicable thereto, except that the height of the same shall not be included in any of the heights hereinbefore specified, but may be in addition thereto. Sec. 7. Every structure and billboard within the purview of this ordinance shall be substantially and safely con- structed, fastened and secured, and, when reasonably neces- sary, shall be thoroughly anchored or braced, or both, and es- pecially so when located upon or over the roof of any build- ing in the town. The installation of all apparatus, wires and lamps attached or appurtenant to any such structure or bill- board for the electric illumination thereof shall be in accord- ance with the rules and requirements of the Insurance Asso- ciation of Providence, in force at the time the work is done. No such structure or billboard, which or any part of which is made of wood, shall have any attachments or appurtenances for electric or other illumination of the same. Sec. 8. Every structure and billboard constructed or used for the display of outdoor advertising, now or hereafter ex- isting, shall be kept and maintained by the owner or other person or persons interested therein in such condition and state of repair as not to be dangerous ; and every such struc- ture and billboard, now or hereafter existing, which is or shall become dangerous for any reason or in any manner whatever, or dangerous to the public on any street, lane or other public travelled way, or which shall be especially dan- ordinances or the 1 86 gerous in case of fire for any reason or in any manner what- ever, shall be made safe or be removed as may be necessary by the owner or other person or persons interested therein, or, if he or they shall fail so to do, by the owner of the build- ing or premises on or over which the same is located. If any such structure or billboard, now or hereafter existing, shall at any time appear to the inspector of buildings of the town to be dangerous for any reason or in any manner whatever, or dangerous to the public on any street, lane or other public travelled way, or to be especially dangerous in case of fire or for any reason or in any manner whatever, he shall in writing give notice thereof to the owner or other person or persons interested therein, and order such owner, person or persons to make the same safe or to remove the same, as may be necessary, and to begin the required work within such reasonable time as may be prescribed by him in such order, and to complete the same as expeditiously as practicable. If such owner, person or persons shall fail so to do, said inspec- tor may give like notice and order to the owner of the build- ing or premises, on or over which such structure or billboard is located, prescribing therein a reasonable time for be- ginning the work of such repairs or removal upon such build- ing or premises. Every such notice and order shall be served by leaving a written or printed copy thereof with the owner or owners or some one of the owners or other persons inter- ested personally, or by posting a written or printed copy^there- of on the premises concerned, and either leaving a duplicate copy thereof at the usual place of abode of the owner or own- ers or some one of the owners or other persons interested, if within the town, or by mailing such duplicate in a registered letter to the usual address of the same if residing without the town, or publishing the said notice and order three successive days in any newspaper published in the county of Provi- dence and having a general circulation in said town. It shall be the duty of every such owner or person notified pursuant hereto to comply with the requirements of such order. If upon the trial of any complaint for any violation of any such TOWN OE EAST PROVIDENCE. 1*7 order, it shall be found by the court or jury that the struc- ture or billboard at the time of such notice or order was in fact not dangerous as aforesaid, such order shall be annulled and the defendant discharged. Sec. 9. No outdoor advertising shall be placed, main- tained or displayed on or as part of any structure or bill- board within the purview of this ordinance, which shall not be constructed and located in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance. No structure or billboard constructed or used for the display of outdoor advertising shall hereafter be erected, constructed, relocated, rebuilt, altered, changed or materially repaired, unless the plans thereof and specifica- tions therefor and designation of any new location thereof shall first be filed with the inspector of buildings of the town and be approved by him in writing, as in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance. Except as in this ordinance otherwise expressly provided, this ordinance shall not be con- strued to affect or prevent the continued maintenance or use of any such existing structure and billboard, but all the same when relocated, rebuilt, altered, changed or materially repaired, shall be constructed and located subject to and in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance. SEC. 10. No outdoor advertising of an obscene, indecent, licentious or immoral character or kind, or depicting the com- mission of any crime, shall be displayed or maintained on or as part of any billboard or structure, constructed or used for the display of outdoor advertising and now or hereafter ex- isting. In order more effectually to secure compliance with .this regulation, no outdoor advertising shall be displayed, ex- posed, posted up or exhibited on or as part of any such bill- board or structure, unless the subject matter thereof shall have first been approved by the chief of police of the town in writing, as in conformity with this regulation. Sec. 11. No structure or billboard shall be constructed or used for outdoor advertising, and no outdoor advertising shall be displayed in or on any estate or building owned or controlled by the town and used for public purposes, or any i88 ORDINANCES OR THE vacant lot or land owned and controlled by the town or on any fence, wall or appurtenance of any of the same, or on any tree, post, rock, pole or town property within the occu- pation line of any street or highway. SEC. 12. Every person, whether principal or agent or act- ing in any capacity who shall violate any of the regulations hereof, or maintain or display any such outdoor advertising without the approval herein required, shall be subject to a fine of not exceeding ten dollars for every day such violation, maintenance or display shall continue, as prescribed in said Chapter 542 of the Public Laws. Sec. 13. After any person, maintaining or displaying any outdoor advertising or any structure or billboard, in viola- tion of sections 3 to 11, both inclusive, shall have been con- victed of such violation, the inspector of buildings shall cause the same to be removed, and the expenses of such re- movals shall be charged to the incidental account. SEC. 14. Every provision of every regulation hereof is intended to be separable so far as possible, and if any special requirement, restriction, limitation or provision herein, al- though intended to be reasonable, should be adjudged to be invalid, it is not intended that the same shall affect the validity of any other provision or provisions herein, and it is intended that every general provision referring to or in- volving other provision's herein shall apply only to all such other provisions as are valid. CHAPTER 36. ORDINANCES. Section. 1. Enacting style. 2. Ordinances to be published Section. 6. When ordinance to go into operation. as chapters. 5. Discharge seven days after in newspapers. 3. Ordinances in amendment. 4. Ordinances to be numbered 7. Previous ordinances which are repugnant repealed, saving vested rights, suits pending, etc. committment. 8. When foregoing ordinances shall go into operation. Section 1 . The enacting style of all ordinances shall be, town oe east providence. 189 '‘It is ordained by the Town Council of the Town of East Providence as follows Sec. 2. All ordinances hereafter enacted shall be by the town clerk published in some newspaper printed in the city of Providence, within ten days after the passage of said ordinance. SEC. 3. All ordinances in amendment of or in addition to any chapter of the town ordinances shall contain in the title thereof a reference to the number and name of the chapter to which the same is in amendment or addition. Sec. 4. The town clerk shall number all ordinances as chapters consecutively in the order of their passage from the number of the last chapter of the town ordinances. Sec. 5. Where persons are committed in default of pay- ment of fine and costs, the justice may in his mittimus direct that the respondent shall be discharged seven days after com- mitment if said fine and costs be not sooner paid. Sec. 6. All ordinances passed by the town council of the town of East Providence shall go into operation and effect immediately upon the passage thereof, unless otherwise specially ordered. Sec. 7. All ordinances heretofore passed by said town council of the town of East Providence, which are repug- nant to the provisions of the above named ordinances, shall be and they are hereby declared to be repealed from and after the thirtieth day of September, A. D. 1911, except as provided in chapte-r 33 of these ordinances ; provided, how- ever, that nothing in this ordinance shall defeat, discharge, or in any way affect any right, title, interest, duty, obligation, penalty, forfeiture, claim or demand which shall have vested, enured, accrued or become forfeited by virtue of the ordin- ances now in force or which shall be in force until and in- cluding the said thirtieth day of September, A. D. 1911, nor shall anything in this ordinance, or in any of the ordinances hereinbefore named, be construed to bar, discharge or abate any civil or criminal process whatsoever now pending, or which shall hereafter be commenced or pending, nor to miti- [90 ORDINANCES OF THE gate, remit or discharge any criminal offense, or the punish- ment thereof, that shall have been committed before or on the last mentioned day. Sec. 8. The foregoing ordinances are hereby declared to be the ordinances of this town of East Providence ; and they shall go into operation and effect on the thirtieth day of September, A. D. 1911. town oe east providence. Town CeErk's Oeeice, East Providence, R. I., August 2, 1911. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance, comprising the ordinances of the town of East Providence, was passed by the town council of the town of East Providence, on the 2nd day of August, A. D. 1911. Attest : Orders of Town Council OP THE Town of East Providence. TOWN OF FAST PROVIDENCE}. 195 ORDERS OF TOWN COUNCIL. DIVISION OF THE REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICTS OF THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE INTO DISTRICTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF VOTING. The Representative Districts of the town of East Provi- dence as described and defined by Chapter 640, Public Laws, passed by the General Assembly, August 22nd, 1910, are by the town council of said town, on this 31st day of August, A. D. 1910, divided into voting districts in accordance with the authority granted in said act, as follows : The First Representative District consisting “of all that part of said town bounded by a line beginning at a point in the Seekonk River where the Pawtucket-East Providence boundary lines intersect, extending easterly on the Pawtucket-East Providence line to the Massachu- setts-Rhode Island boundary line ; southerly on said boundary line to Taunton avenue ; southwesterly through the centre of Taunton avenue to a point opposite the eastern line of the East Providence Town Hall ; southerly along the east- erly line of said Town Hall to a point opposite the centre of the east and west line of said Town Hall ; westerly in the line of and on the said line through the centre of said Town Hall to the westerly line of said Town Hall ; northerly on the westerly line of said Town Hall to Taunton avenue; south- westerly through the centre of Taunton avenue to Walnut street; northerly through the centre of Walnut street to Waterman avenue; westerly through the centre of Waterman avenue to the Providence-East Providence boundary line in the Seekonk River ; northerly on said line to the place of beginning,” is hereby divided into two Voting Districts, viz. : All that part of the First Representative District above described lying north of a line beginning at the east abutment 196 ORDERS OF TOWN COUNCIL OF THE of the Red Bridge in said town, and running easterly through the centre of Waterman avenue to Massasoit avenue; through the centre of said Massasoit avenue to North Broadway; northerly through the centre of North Broad- way to Centre street ; easterly through the centre of Centre street to Pawtucket avenue ; northerly through the centre of Pawtucket avenue to Ten Mile River; easterly, bounding on Ten Mile River, to the Massachusetts boundary; shall con- stitute Voting District number one ; and all that part of the “First Representative District” lying south of said described line shall constitute Voting District number two. The Second Representative District consisting “of all that part of said town bounded by a line beginning at a point in the Seekonk River at the intersection of the Providence- East Providence boundary line and Waterman avenue ; ex- tending southeasterly through the centre of Waterman ave- nue to Walnut street ; southwesterly through the centre of Walnut street to Taunton avenue ; easterly through the centre of Taunton avenue to the line of the westerly line of the East Providence Town Hall ; southerly along said line to a point opposite the centre of the east and west line of said Town Hall ; easterly in the line of and on said line through the cen- tre of said Town Hall to the easterly line of said Town Hall ; northerly on the easterly line of said Town Hall to Taunton avenue; easterly through the centre of Taunton avenue to Broadway; southerly through the centre of Broadway to a point where it crosses the inlet to Watchemoket Cove; south- erly through said inlet and Watchemoket Cove to the railroad bridge over the outlet of Watchemoket Cove; due west on the line of and through said outlet to the East Providence town line in Narragansett Bay; northerly and northeasterly on said line to the place of beginning;” said Second Representative District remains undivided and con- tains only one Voting District, whose lines correspond with the lines of the Second Representative District and is desig- nated as Voting District number three. The Third Representative District consisting “of all that TOWN OF FAST PROVIDFNCF. 197 part of said town bounded by a line beginning at a point on the Rhode Island-Massachusetts State line where Taunton avenue enters the town, extending southerly on said State line to its intersection with the East Providence-Barrington boundary line; westerly on the East Providence-Barrington boundary line to the East Providence town line in Narragan- sett Bay; northwesterly on said town line to a point in said line due east of the railroad bridge over the outlet of Watche- moket Cove ; easterly on the line of and through said outlet to Watchemoket Cove ; northerly through said cove and the inlet to said cove to where said inlet is crossed by Broadway ; northerly through the centre of Broadway to Taunton ave- nue; easterly through the centre of Taunton avenue to the place of beginning,” is hereby divided into two Voting Dis- tricts, viz. : All that part of the Third Representative District above described lying north of a line beginning at the Silver Spring wharf, in said town, and running easterly through the centre of the road from Silver Spring to Pawtucket avenue and thence running east to the boundary line between the States of Rhode Island and Massachusetts, shall constitute Voting District number four, and all that part of said Third Repre- sentative District lying south of said described line shall con- stitute Voting District number five. BUILDING, ALTERING AND AMENDING SIDEWALKS IN THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE. It is ordered and directed by the town council of the town of East Providence as follows, viz. : 1st. That when the said town council shall have deter- mined in what manner, of what materials and within what time any new sidewalk shall be made, or in what man- ner and within what time any old sidewalk shall be altered and amended and improved that written or printed notice thereof shall be given to the owner of the adjoining land 198 ORDERS OF TOWN COUNCIL OF THE particularly describing the materials, width, height and man- ner the sidewalk shall be built or tli£ alteration shall be made, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 486 of the Public Laws, passed by the General Assembly on the seventh da)’ of May, A. D. 1909. 2nd. That when a sidewalk shall be built, altered and im- proved by concreting the same the following order shall be made by the said town council, viz. : Town of East Providence. Council Chamber. East Providence, R. I., 191 It is hereby ordered and directed, that the sidewalks on street in the town of East Provi- dence, shall be altered and improved by concreting the same so that said sidewalks for .heir whole length, as aforesaid, shall be the width as occupied, . . of an inch rise per foot from the inside of the curb to the street line, except modification necessary to meet the occupa- tion line, or suoh other modification as the town council may prescribe, and shall be otherwise constructed in manner and of materials as follows, viz : All material above said grade shall be excavated and re- moved. Good sand or gravel shall be used for filling when- ever it may be required. The foundation shall be composed of clean, coarse gravel, properly coated with tar, and shall not be less than two inches in depth, after being rolled and thoroughly compacted. The top of the foundation shall be brought to a smooth surface by the addition of fine pebble, completely coated with tar and thoroughly rolled. The ordinary top dressing shall consist of clean, sharp sand, thoroughly saturated with tar, and applied in a layer of such thickness that, after being rolled and compacted, it will not be less than an inch in depth. The total depth of walk when finished shall not be less than three iixnes. TOWN OF PAST PKfmDpNCE). *99 For driveways the top dressing shall be two inches thick, either a Trinidad Asphalt covering satisfactory to the town council, or it shall consist of fine, clean, sharp, screened sand, heated to 290° and well saturated with “Anchor” brand asphaltic paving cement made by the Warren Chemical Com- pany, or an asphaltic paving cement equally as good, heated to 300°, the whole to be thoroughly rolled with a heavy roller and before any “set” takes place. During the rolling a small amount of hydraulic cement shall be swept over the surface of the asphalt. Mixing must be near the work to avoid cooling. The quality of the tar used shall be equal in all respects to that made by the Providence Gas Company. The gravel and sand shall be thoroughly dry before coating or saturating the same with tar. Said alteration and improvement of said sidewalks shall be completed within six weeks from the date hereof. At the expiration of the time so limited, if the work shall not have been performed, or proceeded with in accordance with the above directions the town council will, in its discre- tion, order the surveyor of highways, in whose district the said sidewalk is situated, to proceed to execute the work ; and when the same has been by him accomplished, the said town council will certify the expenses thereof to the assessors of taxes for said town, together with ten per cent., in addition, which said sum so certified shall be by the said assessors added to the tax of the owner of such adjoining land so neglecting as aforesaid, as provided in said Chapter 486 of the Public Laws. And it is hereby further ordered and directed, that the notices of the aforegoing order and direction required to be given, and the publication of the aforegoing required to be made, shall be given or made, as the case may be, in manner and as required by law. 3d. That when a sidewalk shall be built, altered and im- proved in any other manner than by concreting the same, whether of stone, cement or brick, the town council shall make a specific order for the same, substantially in the above 200 ORDERS OF TOWN COUNCIL OF THF form, due regard being had to the difference of materials and the proper manner of construction with such materials. 4th. That when a sidewalk shall be repaired by order of the town council, the town council shall make an order sub- stantially as follows, viz. : Town of East Providence. Council Chamber. East Providence, R. 1 191 It is hereby ordered and directed, that the sidewalks on street, in the town of East Providence, shall be improved by repairing the same opposite the lot taxed to : . . . .which said lot is No on Plat Assessors plat Lot Said improvement of said sidewalk shall be completed within weeks from date hereof. At the expiration of the time so limited, if the work shall not have been performed or proceeded with in accordance with the above directions the town council, will, in its dis- cretion, order the surveyor of highways, in whose district said sidewalk is situated, to proceed to execute the work, at the expense of the town, and the cost thereof, together with ten per cent, in addition thereto, will be assessed to the abut- ting owner or owners, as provided in said Chapter 486 of the Public Laws, passed by the General Assembly May 7th, A. D. 1909. 5th. It is hereby ordered that the town council may, in its discretion, order and direct the sidewalks on any street to be altered and improved throughout the whole or a part of their length, and that the portion so altered and improved may be constructed of any one specified material, or of dif- ferent materials in different parts thereof, due notice thereof being given to the abutting owners. 6th. It is hereby ordered and directed that all notices to TOWN OE EAST PROVIDENCE. 201 abutting owners for the building, altering, amending and im- proving sidewalks shall be signed as follows, viz. : By Order oe the Town Council, Council Clerk. the name of the then Council Clerk being written after the words “Town Council” and before the words “Council Clerk,” and that such notices shall contain substantially the specific orders and directions of the town council. Rules and Regulations of The Town Council of East Providence. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE Town Council of East Providence For the: Gove:rnme:nt or the; Police: Force:. GENERAL RULES. 1. Each member of the police force shall devote his whole time and attention to the business of the department; and he is expressly prohibited from following any other calling, or being employed in any other business. Although certain hours are allotted to the respective members for the perform- ance of duty on ordinary occasions, yet at all times they must be prepared to act immediately, on notice that their services are required. 2 . Punctual attendance, prompt obedience to orders, and conformity to the rules of the department, shall be rigidly enforced. 3. Each member must be quiet, civil and orderly in his conduct and deportment, in the performance of his duty ; he must be attentive and zealous, control his temper, and exer- cise the utmost patience and discretion. He must, at all times, refrain from harsh, violent, coarse and profane lan- guage, and when circumstances require, act with energy and decision. Members of po- lice to devote whole time to business of the department. To conform to rules of depart- ment. To be orderly and zealous. 2o6 RULES AND REGULATIONS OE THE Not to use intoxicating liquors &c, when on duty. Not to receive rewards, &c, without permis- sion of town council. Disobedience of orders, &c, how punished. Complaints against police, how to be made and investigat- ed. 4. No member of the department shall, in the station- house or elsewhere, while on duty, drink any kind of intox- icating liquor, or, except in the immediate performance of his duty, enter any place in which intoxicating drinks are sold or furnished. No intoxicating drink shall be introduced, upon any pretext, into the stationhouses, except with the approval of the chief of police. Smoking shall not be allowed in the station-houses, except in apartments designated by the chief of police, nor shall police officers smoke while on their beats. 5. No member shall, directly or indirectly, accept from any person, either liable to be arrested or to complaint, or in custody, or after he has been discharged, or from any of his friends, any gratuity, reward or gift whatever; nor from any person, money or other compensation for services rendered, or damages sustained while on duty ; nor any extra compen- sation whatsoever, without the approval of ihe town council. 6. Any member of the department, for intoxication, wilful disobedience of orders, indecent, profane or harsh language, disrespect to a superior, unnecessary violence to any prisoner or citizen, neglect to pay his just debts for rent or necessaries, or any breach of the rules and orders, shall be subject to reprimand, suspension, deductions from pay, or to discharge, according to the nature or aggravation of his offence. 7. All complaints made against any member of the de- partment, except those made by a superior officer, shall be reduced to writing, with specifications, and shall be signed by the party making the complaint, before the same shall be investigated ; and any officer, whose character has been com- promised, may have an inquiry as to the truth of any charges against him, upon the permission of the town council. For minor offences, the measure of punishment shall be deter- mined by the chief of police, with the approval of the town council. 8. Whenever any member of the department resigns or is discharged, or in any way vacates his office before the final TOWN COUNCIL OF FAST PROVIDFNCF. 207 settlement of his accounts, he shall surrender to the chief of police his badge, number, book of rules and orders, memo- randum books, club, police buttons, belt, and other equip- ments. 9. Coolness and firmness will be expected, in all cases, of every officer ; and in times of extreme peril, the police will act together, and protect each other in the restoration of peace ; whoever shrinks from danger or responsibility at such a moment, should be discharged as unworthy of a place in the service. 10. No member of the department will be permitted to apply for a warrant for an assault upon himself, to make a complaint for damages, or to adjust the same, without the consent of the chief of police. 11. No associations shall be formed within the depart- ment by members thereof, without the consent of the town council. 12. No member of the department shall communicate any information respecting orders or regulations, or any other business of the department which he has procured in its ser- vice, except by special permission of a superior officer. 13. No one will be appointed on, or discharged from the police for his religious or political opinions, and officers will avoid all religious and political discussions in the station- houses, and shall not interfere, or make use of their office in elections, but may quietly exercise the right of suffrage as other citizens. 14. Members of the police department may enter the shop of any pawnbroker, or dealer in junk or second-hand articles, and examine their books and the property therein, and if resisted or refused admission so to do, the case shall be re- ported to the chief of police, and by him to the Town council, and if the circumstances justify it, the license shall be revoked. 15. The police badge shall be worn upon the left breast and upon the outside of the outer garment, plainly exposed to view at all times when on duty before the public, unless by Duty of police when dis- charged from the force. Coolness and firmness re- quired. Police not to make com- plaints for assaults upon themselves without permis- sion of chief. Not to form as- sociation. Not to com- municate official information. To avoid politi- cal or religious discussions in station-houses, etc. May enter Junk- shops, &c. Police badge, where to be worn. 208 RUT,ES AND REGULATIONS OF THE Chief of police to be responsible for conduct of po- lice force. To keep roster of police force. To keep ac- count of expenses of de- partment. To keep books for entering complaints against the police, and for registering offences. May suspend members of the force. To keep record of certain places. permission of the town council or the chief of police. No umbrellas are permitted while on duty, but an india rubber cap-cover and portable cape are allowed in wet weather. chief of police. 16. The chief of police shall be responsible for the con- duct of all the members of the department, and shall report' all cases of neglect of duty to the town council. 17. He shall keep a book, alphabetically arranged, in which shall be entered the name, age, birthplace, date-of ser- vice, district, and occasions of censure or punishment of every member of the department, as also of extra duty. 18. All the accounts and expenses of the department shall be audited by the committee on police, and entered on proper books, to be kept in his office for the inspection of the town council, and he shall see that the utmost economy is prac- ticed throughout the service. 19. He shall keep a book, in which complaints may be made by citizens against members of the department, and another, in which violations of the laws and ordinances, crimes, misdemeanors, articles lost, and other similar matters shall be entered, and he shall cause prompt attention to be paid to such complaints or information. 20. He may suspend from duty for not longer than one week, or fine any member of the department the amount of one week’s pay, for cause, and may grant furloughs of not exceeding one week to any member, making report thereof to the town council for approval. 21. He shall keep a record of all intelligence offices, junk- shops and dealers in second-hand articles, pawnbrokers, thea- tres, billiard rooms, bagatelle rooms, bowling saloons, and other places of amusement, and see that the laws, ordinances and rules for their government are observed ; also of all sus- pected gambling-houses, drinking saloons, and houses of ill- repute, and of all convicted persons who may become dan- gerous to the community. TOWN COUNCIL, OE EAST PROVIDENCE. 209 22. He shall receive and keep all property coming into the possession of officers of the stations, by virtue of their office ; mark and keep together, and separate the property taken from each person, and keep a record of the same ; and prop- erty holden for evidence shall be delivered by order of court, and all other property holden shall, as soon as possible, be delivered to the lawful owner, and a receipt taken therefor; and all property remaining at the close of each quarter shall be delivered or reported to the town council. patroemen. 23. The districts will be divided into beats, and the rounds of the regular service will be from time to time specified ; but it is clearly to be understood, that when occasion requires, officers are liable to be called into service for any portion of the day, if necessary. The ordinary sphere of their duty is the town of East Providence; but as officers clothed with the criminal powers of constables, they may be required to go into any other part of the state to arrest criminals, or for other duties. 24. No compensation will be allowed beyond their pay, except upon such bills as are approved by the town council. 25. The patrolman will hold himself in readiness, at all times, to answer the calls and to obey the orders of his supe- rior officers. He shall treat them with respect, and in his de- meanor to his associates on the force, be courteous and con- siderate, guarding himself against envy, jealousy, or other unfriendly feeling, and refraining from all communications to their discredit, except to his superior officers, whom it is his duty to inform of every neglect or disobedience of orders that may come to his knowledge. He shall conform to the rules and regulations of the department, observe the laws and ordinances, and render his services to the town with zeal, courage, discretion and fidelity. Any violation of the rules of the department will be punished by reprimand, suspension, deductions from pay, or discharge. 26. He shall note all street and sidewalk obstructions, and To keep record of property taken by officers. Duties of patrol- men. Their compen- sation. To obey orders and conform to rules of the de- partment. 210 RULES AND REGULATIONS OE THE To note nuisances and obstructions, &c and to report the same. To examine doors, windows, &c, vacant houses, &c. To request per- sons obstruct- ing sidewalks to move on. defects therein from which accidents may occur, removing them when practicable ; all places for which temporary per- mits are granted for buildings, or when openings or excava- tions are being made, and not suffer them to be continued without examining the permits authorizing the same, and shall cause suitable accommodations to be provided for the public travel ; all coal-holes left exposed or insecure ; all street lamps not lighted at proper times, or too early extin- guished, when not clean or not giving sufficient light; all buildings erected or being erected contrary to law, or any building defectively built or become unsafe, all places where noisome, dangerous, or unwholesome trade is carried on ; and all nuisances and other matters relating to the safety and convenience of the public or to the interests of the town, which may exist or occur on his beat, and shall make report thereof without delay to the chief of police. 27. He shall examine, in the night-time, all doors, gates and windows of dwellings and stores, to see that they are properly secured, and if not, give notice to the inmates, if any, and if not, make the same fast, and notify the owner in the morning. He must watch vacant houses to prevent dep- redations ; be vigilant to prevent fire ; call the attention of abutters to the state of their sidewalks when by snow, ice or other cause they are rendered dangerous, or when obstructed by goods or signs extending more than six inches over the same, or other encumbrance ; take note of all ashes, garbage, dead animals, and other nuisance thrown into the street, and where the street is used for washing carriages or horses, and improperly obstructed thereby. -And where the laws and ordinances, orders, rules and regulations for the government of such cases, upon notice given are not forthwith obeyed, the officer shall do what he can himself to make the way safe and convenient, ascertain the names of the parties offending, and report the same for complaint and prosecution. 28. When any person remains upon any one part of the sidewalk, so as to obstruct the way, the officer shall court- eously recpiest him to move on; and if any such person un- TOWN COUNCIL/ OF FAST PROVIDENCE). 2 I I reasonably persists in remaining so as to incommode other passengers, the officer shall endeavor to ascertain the name of such person, and report the same for prosecution, or arrest the offender at his discretion. 29. When any person begs in the streets, or goes from door to door soliciting alms, the officer shall inquire the name and abode of such person, and note the same for record, and direct such person, if in distress, to the overseer of the poor, or to any charitable association in his knowledge affording relief in such cases, or arrest and convey such person to the station if he deem it expedient. 30. He shall note all cases of fast driving, cruelty to animals, horses or vehicles going upon the sidewalk, or taking the wrong side in passing or meeting, or where rail cars or omnibuses stop opposite the intersection of streets, or on crossings, or are not made to conform to the lawful pro- visions made for their regulation. 31. When any way becomes blocked, he shall use his best efforts to aid the drivers in disentangling the same ; and where the stream of travel is continuous, open the way for foot travelers wishing to cross, attending women, children and aged persons, who would be otherwise exposed to danger. 32. When a disturbance occurs, he shall instantly repair to the spot and use his best efforts to restore quiet. If any person has committed a felonious assault or crime, or by loud outcries or otherwise persists in disturbing the peace, any one so offending shall be taken into custody and conveyed to the station-house to await the order of the chief of police. If he is opposed in the performance of his duty, he shall give such notice as circumstances may warrant and the policemen who hear it shall answer the same by forthwith proceeding to render him assistance. 33. He shall serve all warrants of arrest promptly, and shall deliver the person arrested over to the officer in charge of the station, and make proper return thereof on his war- rant. He may also arrest without a warrant any person His duty as to street beggars. To note violations of ordinances &c. His duty when streets are blocked. To arrest persons commit' ting crimes. To serve war- rants and arrest suspected per- sons. 2 I 2 RULES AND REGULATIONS OE THE To require accuser to go with accused to station; when. To make arrests quietly and securely. To preserve all property taken by him in the line of duty. Not to interfere in civil cases. To watch dis- orderly houses. To report on licensed places. To go to fires, &c. reasonably suspected of having committed a felony, or seen committing a breach of the peace, or being unduly armed with a dangerous weapon, and also night-walkers. 34. When any party charges another with crime, and in- sists that the party so charged shall be taken into custody, the officer shall require the accuser, if unknown to him, or if there is any other sufficient reason for it, to go with the ac cused to the police station. 35. He shall make all arrests in as easy and quiet a manner as possible, only using sufficient force to secure the prisoner and no more, and in no instance shall he strike a prisoner, except in self-defence. When in custody he shall see that the prisoner is properly secured and cared for until removed from his custody according to law, and any un- necessary deprivations or abuse to a prisoner while in custody will be met with reproof and punishment. 36. He shall carefully preserve all property coming into his possession in his official capacity, and mark and place the same in the hands of the chief of police, and whatsoever is taken from each person while in his custody shall be kept together and separate from his other property. 37. As by virtue of his appointment he can act officially in criminal matters only, he will not render assistance' in any civil case whatever, except to prevent a breach of the peace or to suppress a disturbance actually commenced. 38. He shall carefully watch all disorderly houses, gam- bling houses and houses of ill-fame within his post, and ob- serve by whom they are frequented, and report his observa- tions to his commanding officer. 39. He shall make a monthly report of the manner in which all licensed places are conducted, with all violations of the laws, on his beat, in a book kept for this purpose, stating whether the general character of the place is good or otherwise. This record shall be placed before the council with any application for a renewal of his license. 40. At an alarm of fire, the officers shall quickly repair to the fire, to render such assistance as practicable in securing TOWN COUNCIL OE EAST PROVIDENCE. 213 and protecting lives and property, under the direction of the fire wardens. 41. Every police officer shall keep a private record of his record? 13 work, with day and date, and he shall enter therein all mat- ters of any importance in which he is engaged in his official capacity, whether at court, on his beat, or elsewhere, and also any other matter of importance that comes to his knowledge connected with the police of the town ; and when his book is full, it shall be carefully preserved for future use or refer- ence. 42. He shall, each day, at such time as shall be appointed, report^ 6 make a report of all that he has done, or which has come to his knowledge, during the previous twenty-four hours, or since his last report, to his sergeant or chief ; and shall ex- hibit his book if requested. private daily / 1 / I I I'