CORPORATE HISTORY THE CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILWAY COMPANY JUNE 30, 1916 Prepared in aooordance with the Requirements of VALUATION ORDER NO* 20 . 'Ll B R, A FLY OF THE U N I VERS ITY Of 1LLIN O I 5 i ■ ;_S^j|5Sj§f •gpip 1 - ,'LZl- i 2>%S, f -$ CHZtA^ : l s y ** Or :KZ T* ' }'0 y& ; -' M •Urit *V — \T > i-m •&*■ oeirpttny *ai* jui Trw^rartaUan 3 arp«v : v • ,*<- i OiufviniULti tad Gbicug* Raliraa* • Rail***/ asP'iwJ^T •■ ,i •<*.<£ o.nif f.'ii i* • *d Ce^kpany Ohui Railway Ceap^i?- of X* ..t: . ’. * slucinnati *iailr&ati • nt'*-' «®«i • uneio F-Mrtm i ^ •' rp- - '- V r- *mnt «i Itaal* TUilrotf (imhUMM 0»> rj(a) at 'jti Rt-ll way O 1 r.p(- ' / and Waatarn tv 11 -yu 7 CcZ&p&Ajf Oa«-.JL ;. tt*Uw«r Cor pan 7 Eri^gt CeTipacg ■ Clr fynn^ti ■ lor Sriu'g • V ?! f , 7 ’aCw*' i i ^ - Cc£j*dulc ii ,h*s 0 M f, La)Xi *. JvOi* i g km '■' Itailrc . . *v f Rt li •<»y v^'T • .*? >. .Vilraad Oo- p * wi o’jn aud Daapwater Rftilraa* Owp^ , • <. /*&• i.i v r.ail*ajr -X ;F« a 7 7 v t ? . » • 2 : *?*).! viy Ce^pW? >?45trtfc; ':•• , ' ' . .>:?'i;aa>’ • -'i i mt <4 . r .u • -ufe. T '■■• «'i 1 - W- * • ? r v i pais* C^ai'i fUti Ivp&d X’s'dfc:,;-3 * ni Sr cafe aaxlwnr "•'pr.f.anv *1* c.-v 'ptsshoris.* Railroad 'Jos.waajr *' r*’rt.4g > & fcf*4 jiiiai. **5 . a 3ifl5 w** C* •'-‘pa&y '/ sff.^*|-L-4y • r •' i r' > <*. tl* ' , 5 rc « A '* ,".I *4 a’ OfliiipfiLK’vjr fl am Blj fUL£ • wUVJU w , !»***••* * ^ ^ v A .;.v • • *}', • ’ Jk-t'-h A-If it K- fc^Sf V "-t-ysf -r, i; >L . ; .• k€ > i^nr-h . -1 i '•^ii‘5- '• . ' W.S1 S’ ■a 1 h i i * : ' -■ Sallwy ‘• } «w a* >.dfr> •'Mrr^HUJr .» - ■•; t- ■ > '. ... I -.nd ‘A • >' i Kc ■ ■■: ■ •. ff fc*r»'aot'.ed and T* mi. aA .i:-y fAio vi iiig 'Andy Riilrt&d Gc-mpr'iy jdi*. ; ani Vir^iniei Railway Company Ohio Rivo* and Charleston Railway Company of Kontuofcy •> - X .' C ■ ; y' ?air;i T y l ro a«i G»Mpa»l *■' fv Cf '■! si lUv^r and In or,-,c Hallway coxae-. *r PowwlltoJl and Poofthantaa Railway Company ji^iaon; Coal Company ‘ :eS t ri. jvu: flou v''Z Cfcwpeny S' aX? o f ;*•!*. juaaaes, Reefgani*atlo a proceeding* at i oth*? in 2(Ud2? 2# ’.C •■" 118 11} U 2i' X32 78 133 7 ? 7* 4 ;• 44 5- *t* mniY v . ^ •...•? . .-ny Company, Orange Sraaak r : rnA$rt«*h*o‘V nil road Geapary *■ * .-a;/* JJii'.itjji and flt ti r»a- Company : ,.i •-Choaioal Co^; - *•? ' 3 alp taw Kin or Co»pa*gr * -••*» ^ -u Ridga doll read Company A-' 7 A oni Ohio ft> llray Company t-'i* C; • -.*y?«vk 0 and iT^io R-iXwaiy Company o« Xndioaa . and Ci. arm i Jtailroa;: ••:•-, ■ .. ’ or ' ■ ■ ,i ■- • ■’,Picfcs.*nd and irunsi® Railroad (Cv»is.Cid^i«dl C.ryVi) i Ean*^nAU *ad Ci’aclKiatl tloTatad Railroad a ■ Tr&t..?f«r ta • f.ri t.v ',ii» j ?’* vi i ■ nnd Ci.noi»M 4 ii pier Sridg# Cor^Acy ( 5 -'* .‘-.'ta* /Srr Ir-^i Rui^^-aii Cor^an.v t’Rsi ‘jrll# ■■■■A :. • •• Jtui&v nifije 04 »p«»7 * 'VtirXtt®?.?* ; ..; : ■ Railroad Ci ; - p. ;-y A 4 jCreVlagias RhoK Traimfer Railway Ceap&tfy .> i : 43 ,«-r n ivv. At Ritr*- Railroad Oa • ?a*s>y Ta# . a*w. v :v V'’»r Ki lled e^Arpan./ a.» * ©»„■;» Kircr a»«i Kaiiiv..rhe>. Gm» >afr,f "K v; ,i .r. -i. «i - * .«•«•.,»:'& -liilrcai Cosipar. •• “dy. Rails**# ffj&jpw- , ■ ; x • ■ • ♦ 137 2fi 50 *T-aif fl is ?4.^ U 157 i ■V", /j r>« ' *U i .1 ■ VK ' Bh 4 41 . ■ \V ■ V . •' w 1 L- *.J U'.C.:'* (v^i • • i -.■£ -it.* »*> f*jr?. Jk..- ■ gttrlijig o*«I iVi&r'-. Vi-v^v fa* r • t rv©ftny U .-dt*4 tH iter h liter Hr*i£4v . 'wij*. Tf Hi fiiit e /irgiai^ j,: Lins Vir\ri. n^Car^ias. CbeelcfiLl C;:«n-*- r Y i *>;* ‘ i a i'-ft 4 . v .i i *AIroitd •(■easpfr: / Whi ••• 0 « 'vi **»y '• '''HKJWJfc* :• c-.-.^v, /* - v : ... .*.* m; t.w i*: -• fffcrvtnrj or X.’ J*ry«?Kia Gent, < o:r»'.**a, 6 r. Mr$ r e& ;* rtri e* MU**-* 3^ )y * . i|)fi 4 -. **» fJhaisxtj;* ~ ft. 1. THE ^vSAP^JUCE AKD OHIO RAILWAY COMPANY in , To corporation* and properties on 'To Diagrostmatic Chart and th« Marratlve Corporate Hietory of Th* Ch#»apeake and Ohio Railway Cota-any. The iguree in th# fir#t column following ewch na*t* refer to cor‘er?pending figures op the Chert,the figures in th# second column inuieat# tne iojatien of each corporation on the Chart, and the. figures in th<* third column are ah##t number# in th# Narrative. Chart larrativa >$ A1ceian# ' - i1 road Company Big danly flail ray C:>mpa.r.y It # K " of Virginia Buchanan and Clifton forge Railway Gompiny Buckingham Railroad Company Centred City Passenger and Truneportatleo Company Cha lettor , Cincinnati and Chicago Ftai 1 > ead Company chasing Committao) Chattaroi Hail: -y v>capany Purchasing committee Chseapeake and Ohio Railroad Company " " " of Kentucky Cl ry p«t.eengsr Railway Company Coal RiYtr and Western Railway Company Coal River Rail wry Co a piny C r aig Company Elisabethtown, L^xinjftoa and Big Sardy railroad Company Elisabethtown, Lexington and Big Sar.dy Railroad Company Elkhern and Beaver Valley Railway Bo-pany Ql*d* CresV and Raleigh Railroad Company Cl#n Jean *o*«r Loup Leap water Rail read Company Greenbrier fl#51way Company Guyandot Valley Railway Company Island Creek Rail-oa.i Company Juimee hirer Company Kanawha and Paint Gr-aV Railroad Conoary " " " Re 11 way Company Kanawha and Pocehontee Railroad Company Kanawha Railway Company Kentucky an. c ovth Atlantic Railroad Company * " " Railway Company H " " * " * Purchasing Committee Cr art Piace She Number *r Numb 49 15 61 56 55 73 55 61 80 5^ 60 61 21 51 40 25 18 56 3? 29 54 23 79 108 35 76 105 45 71 104 18 75 96 39 70 95 13 31 24 62 52 82 33 32 55 60 12 12n 65 4 118 29 24 51 17 63 110 14 63 113 69 25 16 44 11 124 47 17 59 5o 9 65 52 10 64 *76 .19 16 1 54 45 3C 21 73 48 13 71 51 5 69 26 19 60 40 62 97 28 73 ICO 36 67 99 ‘ Cp^ORATT^ii-;; ,jr OF TiLZ .'KTIUF^AKS AND OHIO RA. »AY COtTAl Y iHDS.t - Sir *:' od . Chft r*t 'Farraiive ooRi or. .news Keeneye Creak French - N’uttall, estate Lexington and Eig Sanay Uilroad Company ‘ " " " * " Purchasing Committee Lexng^on and Hip Sarvuy Railway Company Logan and Southern Railway Company Maysville and i g. Sa^dy t&ilrosd Coe pan y n Purchasing Coiamitte* l/aysrille and Fig SR’ dy Railroad Con pany Mineral Branch - Aruiriue Chemical Company F-ew Rive- Bridge •'orjpnny Nelson and Albemarle Railway Company Norfolk Terminal and Transportation Company Ohio and big San-dv Flail road Company Ohae, J'er.t ucky and Virginia Hallway Company Ohio River and Charleston Railway Company of Kentucky Paseengor and Pelt ‘fellway Company Powelltoa and Pooahontao lailway Company Pi. 'tr ar.d paiwt creek Tailroad Company Pocahontas Coal ck Company Richmond and Lynchburg H*ilr:)fid Corapary South ern Railway ^onpuny Orange Branch Straight.sheet Railroad Company Sulphur lining and Railroad Company The Blue Ridge Railroad Company T^e Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company The Chesapeake a,-d uhAe Railway ‘•'ompany 0 f Kentucky The Cj eeapaake ani Chio Crain Ei»vator Cor.;-ary Tlte Covington and Ohio Railroad Company Tli# r ”irsgron Shfi *t Route Transfer Railwuy Company w»e trauley -*nd Meadow River Railroad Comr-ary The Greenbrier and Mew River Railroad Company The River and Kanawha Com; any The od l he i curia, under savor il jot a of t: a irgi? inters, to the oeetorn bree of the blue kidga Rourttnins on the wa«t mo to tne ity of Kich.oi I on ir.s east. b’pOt* the seC;.u u-of FotoruMr 1850 , an net vm* pnseeu changing, its nave to . iq V^rrinjtM Cart r ). H>niro& Co-y< ■ T ' uniting t he ere of t re CV. ;e apeak* Bay with those of the Ohio itiv ir, whi ' r *»c on, it.fitou vit i-eor ,e <»eh. N ;ton ah on he * v. u surveyor or. the ber s or ine K ... ■-.*« River, hva *rt this tine token form in nr. effort to hoc ire a r« a! connections The ..'tote c Virgi ;a« i h-jr o n « ccount, corstrurted a rend through the 31u« Kic^e Ilourrt- inn froai t-eir et^tsrn to their vest urn b* se, author- i »•»> e tension to Covington, Va», *-00 in t .e spri'^ of 1' ul the Virgin a Gu ntr:-! Hnilrood Conpnny vr.» operatin' a lmo of railway e?t ending frou. the City of Rician'.a to -Vcteon's ivjr, ten *.ru b* east o r Covin, ton in Alie* oai.y Count v, Vxrj, .. n . i ir- inf ». e ore tus ■ of these extensions t.i, ,c. icy of the St**t e to carry * he road to in© Chi iv r '-l jon firraly ost ed 1 the delegation to too o rd of Public • crK.» of ir ini- o i authority 1 1 n?truct •* rood fron Covin^toi to t .9 *vori o >t ito -clou»;. .0 be k iovn i. the ovioKto * ■ -1.r : \n ler *r ich nuthot .t ‘ c tv 1 ct- o of than part of tne vork vr jrtirtliy constructed, 1} - * it in * 'a territorial i.o-.its of fast Virgi-ia cnaiuered to devolved upon that St*to. upon the ceasatim of .oat-lt. ,.i in 1.865, the completion of this lino 0 ? roi• ;-y l ling a .■ tt r . n *r.-» titirens o f Virpini- and "oat Virginia wire grantly i -r It.-, the iegial.turev of the t vo States, "-t their first meeting efter the vir, pnseeo acta alia oat laenticil in ternsi, providing for the irtcor- ' potation of ti.3 or. *>no -~Ux" .'Hjlronn r ; id appointing com. ilaaionaro to arrange for t e finerci . o f the ent 3rpri6e a dif.iculty rv* experienced by tlie Co tc f 1 nci ^h:.- ■ ro^c cor-in- r. ne:’3 - f i '< i g • rt • m «h e end willing *: .. .dert^K t ;■ heavy ixpenditur js nsce »«''’7 to toe construction of thut ro ic , nnd ir. 18 fc? otn.r acts ■'ere passed by t) xeyinl-t.urea f ’Yeet Virginia and Virg inia by whies act? addition i privileges -j* re conferrco ”pon the Coviottoi ir. r i '"'h i' .loiirooc Co one; luthcu ity given to too Vi;v.:. ~ia Certr*! F-tI:' ; i y- ■ *0 uontrect -ith -he Loving*c: and f.hio ' il * 1 &i o- 0 co t : .? c ' i . o' tho si ■’ '' 1 . rovi.'ica t in tea evsift sue., cc r c ' 0 •••••tie it s lould t.j ar on ft or be r •' toe uhogone a)' a . _j. C_-_, ■ ;o i. ■ 1 itlv. to oil tl.o ten*; its t the •in* rt er of tnu luvii.^to ■ ■ , " ;.i 1 ’* -^irooc - oy. »»;o to oil the rig • f ? , p; ivilogss 8 f -o j.ntu.unr^- . bo entifcl X ® > 9 . and priv: .age* moov» referred to . izud, bud being dvea; t a noons necessary o : t the irnoua e> a ,ditur «j re t >o tc complete the -ork, tenoral wiilinma C. *•» ofchh.: , tfcsr. president o’ *. h© coat;; n , in interesting Hr« Csllil Aington a id bis* eesocintes * • eking, - , nd or tks sixteenth ooy of ‘’overjbor, 1869, s cnrrtr el - ccnsu., .'t -.:, ^nc autasiuently ratified ty tne stockrider?, which re^ulteu 1 t •* jcceeeful - plot inn of tne o.^uac p» x<»© frote Covir.^.on, Vs. to Hunting*"!, . Vs., the c- -t roil baing Iniii >Vth January, 1 *>. Mount use i. acquired the 1 *,-I title to the Blue Ridge R-ilrond here-o* t^o". referred to, by virtue of tne provisions of -he chartor of He Chop. >,.ea. e 3uc. Ohio Roilrosc C cue p any , -.r- upon the twenty-ninth ..ay of Jur. , l p " r ' , voyence thereof fro t e 3 t*te Or, J/ii uary dl, 1876, i!r. Williams C. Vick hen tu 3 appointed receiver r f 'tne CUaawBfaka or 1 H ue Hilt Cot-pt.ny . Curing hie receivership « pim to. r - orgwni /.at ion c f the c ..aperty vob united in by nearly all of cue security holder■ ■ nd a-tj - holeera. Such, proceeding were had trot tiras 0 time i foreclosure suits -s result oa ir a unle and conveyance of tne yr op arty by VilliRine C. -Vivkli- . p.uecxni t isn * r ie 1 h pointed *-t ho court for j. irpcse, to hinr.z i -<0 Hatch, A. A. Low, leu c E-rVcnport, dr , and John Ceatrae, n ■: -ttea o f purcv.«o er.. reor irt jon fo* t o. .0. ^«s in ofth ■*, upon 11: first b o‘ 0 , -h / , by virtuu of co veyuncs, exact & dincer end purrut . e t _ '■‘ocreo? cf 0-..C court a, ,r. of t e ><. •;* et * t*o ti in in f ;rco -r; t .1 St t o 4, ir-ir»ie *.;>o Yirgiiu.f. aO pur enamors t. areup:r. becai. :• one • cj y i- r oi - ;.>or>-t ed under tho sty • cT T_h< r; -''h- Kft' lr’iV Cff-.; _ii; cr.n r..nce t • t --a t'nt ?or- p-s. ^ ..ut bean and. is row crtxtiod to nil t j works, .ro ai *y, est- . . *j trt •, ran- chxaes, .nd p 'iviloges theretofore own* , ub id <• ■ or joyec ty ita prauaceseor companies. Lei.if.* no *n •, pocilxon wi«re tre company could succe '? ; ’ul Ly prosecute it9 work, the to- wus exteriuod tc ewpert !;awe, by virtue of nr. net of the Legislature of Virginia, approved March Ath, lP^o, nod to Phoabae, under the ter: « of sn - ct approved 21 ».t February, lt' 82 ; end 1 * --cs extended 'vost-.rrdly A-o Hunt.^v-tcr to tho Big Snndy r.iv-ir, irtcludirf xhe bridye across t nwf rxv r u; d:r t- original chart or and a. ppleeu*.. wry ut o- f t e West Virgini*. * ‘U » intucky levi’laturas, co- .action being thus laaoe -it h the Elinobothtown, 1 .ex in .-.ton ■•. ui r, ig S«.--i -y Roi-Lr^d, on the y River, oi the first o y of October, .> Upon the 15th duy of June, 1 S 8 b, said r« iI•'•.;• rv* le^aed to the 'awport e^a an- 1 iasdraippi Vullcy Compnnv. Ths rendering of judg^ieuts in the Circu-t Unur*. 0. tho City of ?.i corona, v “•*, ana t tie Circuit Court of t ;t county of :.ens-vn», Vest Virgin in, f-r ~ re aspcunt of ceitoin advances r-ade by C. r. Huntington, the free. 'out of iho jbeer- peak# anu Ohio Railway Cotupauy, resulted ih the app^irtnent, on October, a » ^ Genubi Will: C. Rickbv.-j e n -in the receiver of the coo.pnny urd ur a.-»n 3j',, + . t* 0 T.Tr..erty ••/'■•£ o,.ernted until hic> denti. ‘ j. a i •j£|Ui o 1 holder .1 sn u «Ui. •••*•'. o seuu x tut, - he pOH'Q u. ho' 9 a of Ur Ml, Morgan 6 Cc , h i .... ir.o, oh of 1] , it u . ' i rfl 0 f too company, n« a or* l •« ?th of Februury Rgreec tc or operate in the iv.or> t nir ~t ion of its ; jrs a pit., a to oil ir. arer: find one rhii n - nuld result i)i pl*'C; £ tie cbwprny upon > sound fl &i aie »ais. t linear sugf :st c ! at ire. C. H,* Cost or, h. Cross, f* m Anthony J. Th e ur ‘.ortooK t > net 60 t r c-.r. - "*j r- orgeniint, o.\ t .an pro ■ v . tn. <> of feci.. J « v-i ao.*.r «*it h si •• 1 * : ‘ e ' ll ' ' Cepterooer it 8, it «... shew to tJ e ooar. ’ Tne Cheenpewke ( tc ..sii.i>.y «es prop r ot to meet al- of it p ofcligntii m re they matured, { -- * - 1 uni *re t of it pic jr y er»i ; rr >ym t wen o-cler a to. - u*l x i property of no Co > any, reel i u personol, t : mder the control of the court, should be delivered tn r . . then president of ti.o cc.-j.eny, viiich v & - erne on the first aay o Octot >r i8f f „ the lone© t a t; - »»ev;p - rI < c“*‘ a and ...-js xbs ip p i -nii ay Goupimy rev inp, wit.. th( concert of t: -< pnny, bear ©nnulleu undo* t q y l. of r eorgsni: :*t_.ri. Unuer tne ma-mgei. unt of r. Ingalls, who required on > r rt:cidwe. nr the r r .o uni*i t e?.rij F rt . f A yO« m of m. success or, "r. G«>r, » St even* row prosio.-nt i f t a codj. b:.. , Ti e . g: .pen.. " ant C .-o *» j *o ed tee© 11.« in 1 89 it :iui ,-od : . j ?vieiiLO!:„ u r.c n-leg’.. lilronc', «xt eritii *. '1 m ,..-h.Tfu ; ■ io;.- t e ' /oiv , c.i- tetan; «t . nt n Hicinn u md .lifton Forgo atn -he on in -1 l:r.e, the ler^-t/ of t m 3 wit h its bmnehee beiny 251.04 mile*- it-.e-. hn- •_»* hsen ac^-.’irio, eiviicr by on, ita»i construction, pur chore, or merger, m« »ill te ssan tr tiio au. • - et ion in thu eccoi.ptu y* 3 heete, until r.o- tn© milrova of t .j.« coiipr>..^ cn.isist a of loj-, 3* ®iles ot lino; odb.69 xiier. of *• h 1 r h er j i © j«, - 0^ Vi. , /1. ;«25 inij-u.' a the 3 t ■•to 01 <*et Virp_ , »• 17 mii 1 e ' in ♦ i* ^ : ^ Kentucky, oil of w itl. is operated by its own orgoniiotior. w_th the e. v - cept i:n of c ,0 mil it ol line r -itsnoing fr 11 Lie 01 , m. to .1 ..wane, V- , ^hich is • 3 - or hr - a Alter »it*le R il*ony Coupeny for 10 y tT3 frr a Nov.7 her \ 1915 . between Newport lews, f'orfolk one Portsaouth, Vir.-iMn, m r, y., ;er poirh 0*’ + 00 seel O’ x*d, 9 pub. a id io e - er 1 : £•» p: es< r .£er ■ r d friij* t flct^rp rs*t toe d*stonce fro. ,c 1. ort ews to . orfoik bpir* 14 r'.il©-, nod ^rot" or^olk t nr*- Snout h 1 ni.. J« v .. . uc.< ci ■ i-i o hfii 1 n ./ Cr..,....Hriy hIso operetc' "• 1'i ^ vi"v »»c.r : f ' r *?■ rt ::t Trar.dp fiction Co. p ny, 2*4 wiles of ynrd track n© toroiin il h c i0' j , orfoik., Vn., under 1 ease un\ ec jur.o 1 , 19if. Sulphur hilling ana Railroad Company, from Mineral, Y«. to Sulphur ■ intc, 7r., 4 . r )l ail:.:-, Ui.,iar 3 leasi dated Ayril 1 , j.91c; i!i t* 1 br.inch, owned cy tne Artaiitiue Ciieir.icol Company, frori f/inerel, • . to Anrmies, Vt . r i,$i niles, u ,ue; .. lease dated Sej t*«:ler 1 , 1900 ; Souxrarn iailw/iy Conpeny, Orange Irnnch, from Crenge, Vn. tc Oor'-.onsvill^. 9.00 rules, und-jr > cuteo Docaaber h* 1 , lb90; Ti*e G uley und ^eaoov River Hbilrond Codipeny, froj Rich Greek Junction, W^at 7 a, to Ware ha., a _ * T . Va., ’.13 {Biles. b; reason of stock O'^^rehiu; W. W. '*'hxfe 0«k Rmlx-ey Company fnap rice hill Janeti«- V*J. , ..f'O i-ilea, Carlisle V, Vb to l och Geliy, s \ Y-- Vn. t) lirh^y, . Vq , 1 . G i iIbf, unaor n lwnee dnteu , r . Ve,, to rrree Hill , fa.20 miles, . k Oak ill! ho 7 l ?r .1; , I 7 I 2 ; i. .-n. y -id n -int Ci 2ex A f lro».-u Com, my, f • Beef-ley .Turtci , to t ror,.crat y , Vn. 6*60 • 1 • as, under s loti.-a darted h ■ vector 1 1912; Keer:ey'e Creek Branch, owned by the Jo- hut tall Ret fit a, from Keene’ ’s r ro9 y t ». Ve. to Lookout, V. Ye.., 7,«c ^ile’, unde ei«. n^raj-aant deteu June ly, I. ll 1 o* m <<- - J-" .‘Tr !**•>;. i'v, fr- - nit rr ur.c , •* t Xr; . 1 ■' V. : :i , ur. r • ./ life? -i*“ n e, t>y virtu- n: v* or. 1? i>. .. reuX!'i Cc.i fr •> o* «»i . . »'» . t. V Ids , . . • J . • * ■ • r.jr- /,.. , s «m -fi v r V; 1 Co •» ny r fr<.. ver Croe , J i; (> D.7-’ . .„■*.« , ivd«* r • ft ; ©i . y r. , > t Jur ? J _ . t ^ .. J_ __ 1 v •/ bl 0 C ^*£>, m 3 f r lore: !' v- rt » ii fer or lec ,r it •- H-; _ v»., l.< ail'-", ur.c -r rejrunt dnied Fe;.. , 1?1 ; • 5*!jt * orr, Roal >'j C- p .y, fro;, 7r a, V* . to A^exuncrip, ■ ., ^ • ur jer < i-tv r t t • J ■■ Decider 23, 1'90, cove * •*• "•« ■' 1 • • (> ‘par , fro. snrir-. Lo : hr. .■• , Vo. c ’ - . u id er r. re- uent o«*... - spt«. t-r ; tt.'i 100 years, j > u.'i/- . , J iltii c . . f’nrhingtoT f “ .lroud • >• ■ , r n ri ' Lo Sri V(*, t . r. : • : Vir; ir..f Avenuor, si;. :,-.t *•. - • , • , ur -' e e t , , cover tern of IOC : •** ' ■ Cr pu». , fr t 2no * nd .'ir; in Av6j o 'icV ■ . .0 i 1 j, no jr ent dated ‘ctutor *• , • /0 , terr • f 1< • - orfol/v an- v er . H ; *. o .y. y, fr«s Clnego*?, a. to . ’ * . 3.30 11 , ’« dor i.-’rsrt j t ci itcsu Juno 1, 1 13, .'- /ur- .. -a - r:-. 01 3? ;• Vh. ( . ,.C nis, i-> *r Hr.roo ant dated Ac-.; •*- 1, l p 6l; V j. t-} 1 i» c, •{v 1 ".i/ try, fro Pi.■’hop . *»• to o 0 - * *• uni.r M(. revert or.*teu .‘’over:::;! 1 , lyl.’, cov r.:j: 0 to:- 0 ' • ywr*; L n; ■ i rr - J 0 a -aTsr .ir ' :, f: r 5- t". 5ido Kr«n v. -r 0 , • correct!' , -1 -tor, • *t3t Vir, 1 . 1* -> m-1 - t-r . .ro 2 : * * - 1 ■ *- d; virtue of toe-, on - •• v_ - nd . i<- * 1 . ■ ' - ci . ' re* and ’ ici.ignn Rnll*'*y Cortanny, frort ilna of . . uv‘- -• 1 • * *'•’ c 'k '- ,0 > Virgin i*» St 4 , dl-,rl .ston, 'ort Virgi »<. rcile-J, und ar .. 0 A P ril :v 19C9, c-v.'*i ' a tor. «;■ i .. .-j r* 1 A- i .r.d Co .1 d. Iron Hoirvsy Cor..ony, fro- Ash * r.d, y» to S-rotc . '-y., 2. . 0 mile?, unc r o ( -r oof.e rt dared July 1, 1912, cover inf tei 1 1 ,J y o<,r ”* L-j.i. ♦ *Jni r -'t-ti--. lonj.^ny,'n facilities st hoxir to , , * ® il< * ur.der ut-reecror-t d-' ed August ll, 1905» Lo> or Uiv ' tH*.'.- 1" n, -e t TrtcK Loxijr*- , • ; u * d eg•• r. u •’ ■. Ad, urt 5, 1 covrr." , t-ra of e* , . . ■ iU 1 . - 1 fce // The Covinrt • ■ ■ und Cin i le voted H i'mv d and Traukftr end bridge Co , fror Covi r ' i, i y. to . i, r, s l.f'j miles, by virtue of stock ownership, one under erreec^ots deteu, respectively, October 1, l3y5 r, nd January 5, 1905, covarioj h -?ri. of Vv years; I"; : Covinrt^o nnu iocin.',» i Lie. it el . i o . d and r r.r^c" ore bridge v fni 5tb Street t r Brook -t., Cincinnati, Chic, .57 mile, by virtue cf rtock n -nor- rhi; , a e i icor n ..tcc T ;u* • 5, 1V0! ? , cover L; , •• tern of 59 ye nrt S Cl'.; If-nu, b* cinr. t , ( .iengo r.t St. L< .i R; ill >*• Cot p^.iy, »• ^' ,,e Straot to WOc j rtM, Cittc* t * i, r , . jC eilo, v, lor a, reor.or anted ny 11, 191t. The Cheat efthe and Ohio Railway connects via the Covington art Cincimat i El .» v atn d Railroad end Tr sff'r Had ’ridge Company and t e Cincinmti, Hmnilton nd Dayton • > with the r ; L" »y of The 'Speake and Cl. .o Re 1< r, Conpany of Indiana, r * Cincinnati, Ohio, which line extend* over it a own tracks for a distance of 2 (£.6? miles one, those of other coatpaniee i v ..cV, it trackage r Ms, t Cnicago, lilinc b. 1 r 'e stock of The Ciieflapeake ana Ohio Railway Com pen/ of India 3 a is owned by The Chesapeake and • Ohio Railway Company, tas Virginia corporation, although it io or* -eteo aepp^stely. See ee, ir te Corporate Hint or y for T« Ch.ja, at- e and Ohio lailvty Company o : rdinne- ' File h nffl/C-it j " x« • I'. !• . 55 /.» vie i)at>i o f -v.T. -j: ;• i ; X».i5 ‘.« .. -t S The Chtyj t nd uc • ■ i-' - V ajr Cott ?»¥«.. CQFPoa;apiL- Xttoorporated ur. »Geeeral r ‘* hc • 3t « te0 of vlrginio uncer dete of July 1,1^8, *iIlian a C. **<*h«a, Jpeciel Oo»i*»Wt\ rupoiutec uy t.*e Circuit Court of the City of Rxctaond, Virganie • , the Circuit Court of Kanueha, "est Virginia, convoyed tc A. A.Lov. C.P.UuntAngtoi^Xiai ort, - r *. 1 ••- • CHoraittee of Purchase and AeorganizAun, rU of the pro. rty, rif « ' and frtjncRiaes of the CbMdporiio end . rue B dlw /• Under the C eneral Statutee of the t *Mf t : rgi -r 3 ‘ ..^;g «0 and 16/7 pp A-5) and the St rite of Virginia, < lt<7i »«< xo^s U /c 46 eoc 47). The purchraera of the Cheenpe.ito ant :hio .«2- road Coap -ey beewe a corporation of - oh atrte urn«r the and , style cf The Cheaape**® e <* O'lio R iii*ay Cora; ny. Lead reotruec in the Char.^ ary Court of the City of ' i nd, July 1,1-73, Hen ever County, Virginia, July 3,1‘7-. ^ e Cuurty, Virj Inie, Juiy 4,1 : 76, Heleoi . 1 cf-r r e County, Vir mi3, o uly 5,1 i ‘ t \w-.untu Co -nty, irginiu, July • 187#, Bath County, Virginia, July ?, •, kliegfceny Ccur.t r, r*j July 11,1‘ 7®, ’iockori•*>•.« Cuurty, -/irc-inia, J“ly 12,16 : |8, .luitinuo Court of the City of fHrurrton,Virgini*, Jnnmry Court of rsentrier t »July 3* • 7f , Monroe County, Weet Virginia, Ju . ; . ' ' We*t Virgin! j, July 5, If 7^, fayrtte County, »«st tin, ni -, July >, IP 7 A K» County, V'aat Virginia, ■ ’-y ,i V ■. P •tn*«. County, Vrert*Vir;iaie, J ,iy V,lW, C»:Of*ll County,Virginia, July V, I &76 and ‘'.yie County, fMt Virgifii , uiy 10,18? , Louies Court y, Vi**-'lie» Juiy 3,i ? 8 « 3 y deed d*ted 2 ?th of October , 1903 , 1 f’.M 1 due Bovertio* ent end in ci-apliense »it»» the t «nua of the euei il Act ■ 0 ft Virgi - ary l8,J 22,15 A I , nj.-.t-iy 01 ?'■ •, 1 1} mo nea;:: * A-e . ■ L 'il ' >' * -*a, eerporc-txott o r ga nized uncer the Ism of the ^fc^ta of e tt ixi Ini! . conveyed ill of its ^rop-Tty n«d franchise® to '’’he Ch».i> -r-;e .■-nd Ohio Rvimny Comp-ny, . corporation .-1 -»ni d under the lw f the ;t rt 9 of 7irginin ( .ud oy inotruuf .t file . urouent tc 1 » • T ,e • te Ohio Belizev coopeny, a ’*?rprr ticn or*//r»i*ed end exirrinr u rr tie i" , rs the 5ttd of /iri.i •*«, accepted ■ > vision® of Sect ion a JO end 53 of Chapter 54 of the Cod® of Vxrginir- ? - t ;s ?>£•• had been eeenend re-eer-ctnc, iJ,; u '-.r ■ < *c to ;e governed tn-reby, ?he Chee p#< >kn Ohio Rail uy Comp ny ; cf irgi'-'de) . iso - 1 .-Lin.. e v rt vith the Seorei • ry of " ' ' • ■ . a mder .dHte of fch c I T , - ■■ ® Afi of the ; q f aiiar^xg a V UOQ 30 r 1916. File Referenc e hAtIB^ • The Chaos stake end o hiss in his tnia office e duly certified c y ' Its certificate of i ^rporwtioe ( a c y • t*k f « ti jled to 3'j.u certificate), end also filed 3.n ’u i »aio o'tic‘' e eriti'\£, duly execute® under it a corporate 'eil, nccei'tinp- he pfoviaiocs of ioction 30 of tn ter 5* of the Cure of est Virginia e^d agraeiir- to be governed there.jy,#'uch ?tj the uethed of uthv. -.zing h foreign rorporatic . to rx usi *>ee in the St-tc-yf Vest Virgir.i^. Deed recorded is. County f'jurt of Kancrwku C unty, v ’t*ct . hovM r 9 , 9)3 ?tft* “ u» ty, ” eat /a .fi ' , < ’Qa or , # 5903, Fayette Courty, ‘>'e~t 7i.rfp.niaj Naveebsr if ,1903,) onroe County, 'eat Vir^uim, oven ar 11,1903, Poc Jio>itus Wu-ty, ^est Virginia, .:•. ;r 12,1903, Greenbrier County, ve*t Virginia, K oversow 15,l/o3, Surv*re OoWrt; ".'oat Vir , 'Jovenber 13,1903,Rai ai n . j<*ty, ”»eex. fir .nie, hovM< k ,ur . *, 1903, 'yotning County, test Virginia, No vet or 1 j, 19<- J 3, -i choice County, v ert Virginia, . 0 vfruer iB, 1903, B-’one Cent.-, Virginia, Never#aer 21,1903, :ingo County, Fe>?i Virgin.... , No vaster 23,1903, Imogen County, ~t Tirginln, ?krt*i 't?r 2*, 19.03, ’Myne County, eart Virgin 1 , Mot»ib«r £3,-‘9<)3, Lincoln County, ’Jfert Yirginis, No amber 2c,1903 and C&ool.l Cou»ty , ’‘iest Virginia, Hove*.ser ? ,i‘/03» AOj'Jiai’flON ->F* n,y SEP ?q oat 3d Jqn , 20.1*9 i r ->d~ uruer sitharity o . u .Special Cl. 1. Act of the o*nar*il Assembly of the Start" of Virginia approved D-icauoer 18,138V, the Rutiiuond end Al)egn any Riil-wny,iy opaveyeb to The Coe ingNMika end Ohio Rail-way Coruu'.ny ill cf its pro party, right a, frrmciiaas \ 251-04 ail eg of first track). L’fcd recorded !■ the Ch incer/ Court of the ity of ' iri'O* ) f Vi * n 'via, J -nu'try 20,l3”0, orpor** ioo Court of ranches' ar, Virginia, January 24,1690, County Courts t; Henrico County, Virginia, January,24,1390, Woen v&t a County. Virginia, Jenu 25,IhyO, .*l>lec'» County, .Vir; unia, January <1,1390, cherat County, '•!r ( ji ; *.ia,J.inutu'y 27,l890 ,C«j bail County, '_r>,ini ,J»nu-ry 5, lh;0, s-d oro County,Vir^luin, Janu-a*y 2o, l VO, <'ppori-rtox O unt y, Vir^ 'ia, January 29,1890, ^cehrjton Counrty, Vir^tia,January 30, I 090 , Goochl-md Co jwty,Virginia, Jenu'si*/ 30, l f isc,3ot -rt-curt County, ’/iryinia,January 51,1890, hllOf!=»•./ County,Virginia, Janu ary 31,1; 90, hoc corid, .a County, -irginia, Febru try 1,1 Wr, nd Corporation Court of the -.\ty of Lnehourg, j -t 28, lS50. File f sf ei :tice SF.Cort.. ..41. .> Tr»p C .^a-pf :: e a _ Fr. Rsi 3 'w - ...iif!;—' *rl AUw Jlij/ilt • (go t 1 d. ) deed dated Jun e A ' .eft - the Cr- i»; c- a^ny :' rtd penskt and Ohio Kuii-'-:y Cdupow ull o ’ its r ►jhtn, titlo .» inter out of. in B f rc t m ro -.c : ut of j. > >■ £ constrjctc-d or in c urse c r . o* -* 1 anu a'jived anc reli puisne! :-ll rights, to b. .Id, •->• *try. o K rnte a railway in tne M&e territory. :,er River I i at. L«id c 101 . W. CL. 90. 3F. CD. *0. d»ed d 1 s Crt r :. r 24.1 yO tHe Kl’ * ridj ■ n~ ' ' tw T u> Chesapeake and Oii * hnil*-*y Cotapny «1 of 3" ’ ri : hta, frencnioca.etc. (.15 nil# of first tr ck rr ! tv .dp ihumont, ’test. Virginia). I^«d recorded in County Court of Fnyrt J ’ £ove’.i-er 11,1< /0. t . d -ed data* Januorv 1,1*95. the P-»wn «r f nd Company conveyed to '.'be :hea*p-enke *< Ohio Hnil •*■ y .■«..? y its railroad property, to pert her vriththe ri f Tto, pr; - * f '.<• n.purt nnncee, Trow a connection wi%h the Sli zefcrtlrtj and lip Sency F diro-'C to i con-. ction lth the Cin i* at road ( t.20 mules of lu- tr*ick). Deed recorded in Co; »ty leurt of "ny* e o’ -V, f ) Fecruvry l,u«9 • uy deed d oyi nher f • l: or 0 r;) * 4 in dpeci 1 Act oi t >«elites, etc.( ♦ - x>n * r r 4 - juc&i*jgh®'* County, Virgi^i*) pesu corcec i o-uity Court of iiucfciv'n*. r cu»-ty, ; r,.,ui *a, . v :0 vara oer 22, l£9 • Citin Creek*Le€c 105. ST, CD. 7. JV deed January 31 .1902 the Kannwhe Huilvay Cow,:. ‘*y,Is.'.ii ~ ■ a Co hi Coc.p.. VJ , Vi . li >» a Co al Cotip*^ y St e.ver ,»^Co 1 1 Coapany, Shank and F.L.0t-rriaon, Trustee convoyed tc T Chea-pe.-Jto - nc Ohuo Rtdleay Cotu^ ny all of the ru.tlrotd *14,oQ iilca o ■ fur at fro: > *'‘ebin ''reek aunct >n, ‘ virgin a: ,osl ’"ert Virgin! , together nith oil rij Vito of w y, «”*- 3 ' ■ **'‘ ! *t*,. e rpurt r n» ; nce-? und cert 0 J.n iocoiaoti vee nc c Deed record*’? un o nty Court of Kar.K'ht. ou t - -f ' Feoru iry 10 , 1902 . d,* cf-ec cam /^ arunrY 15.1902 the Au «rt*ne HeUro r^Compmy j ;c T’e * .e • u Chuo — "0' •'”« ' •*■ * 1 " pro; rty, r_ 'hto, frunckj.^.ee, ate ( 11.10 ailes of ’ r )l u ’ iC •>c..n • »rr«ir. # ‘.*ir inin to Alc*:»* .ne,Virgin! h) Deea recorcec in County Co urt of V . u Is ur,f C «. F* >. ■•'-or.j ry 17,19^ CUhPQIl^g rl ?J - it- S 1 1 Ul! . Zj- •: Jtiio t . ttLTm 0)1 A- JifL. i A tift i- at_» jf .aj> u tuT., „ un& /’ilo ■". if or 3 i ce »i a £ XZ1 )hjg^y Coi . puny. (Cont*d») or Ha ver st-Leoc "1 j . ‘•a -.1 rer Li8t,L* 3c. It 4. Kew Hxver XV). r.a*» tiiv*r Uitt.-i end f ( Cant * o. \_ ‘ ■SLJjZS&Ji&J 'A ._• uiy Ii. The ourrt r or bon Ce.tuuny, limit ad, Po*ellto*i nd Pocedent 1 9 ailny Company, nkriW olliery* 'oMp*«y, L. . uo /oli -tto. Clam > .Li ollstt 9,Cardiff Cool ;. Ji,1>r m ® ' nta : i j i .** Virginia : 38 j fir , trad;) . } c v und Poc^Hoi'* <8 dlnray Corapany,Leaner .under 1 u - ‘•r.aiaed, release,i ,nd quit-cl limed u »to Jhe Che ary J * • '•' c uo R ■*> ’ 7 -01- y, uch leas eh. ic # ri, ;-Tte, title so . xt x\ hi i in the rty co'i ‘/ed. Ceed recorded in County Court )f Foyottj Soimty.fept "irrini t , .iiiA Am • 1 a r.nona tv you to vs ,oj . --tie •no .;fuo Hail-ery Cotiyy.yaii of ni; rights, title inner-; it ' “ u “ - ri »nt -‘f i. r lira td con:rt iciad rem *nun;jnd, .’eot xr^nxa wo nend/.Tsst Virginia t.ol nil -9 of Ur t track) n-,u racoroea in Coiwty Court of nyeite County,‘•fcet Virginia - -- - - < - 3 ~---• Ai *»y04 the -Uinniuoat 1 o al Corr.p*ny uu .V^yed :o 1-18 CHoj• / .e -nd .hio R-iii «y Company nil of ■ i 1 J 4 "o i- yd,tiea,rnil et c,together uith *> etnp tt f iund t e anty five ( 25 ) on n ch oiu« of the J* ;‘ ?r Un * fr ,,u -Uinniioo-rt, Oft iU * X 9 . rowwood. ir .inia (4.SQ r.il9« of nr it ,r,ick . Lesu r-c^rcec in ou.nty CciuH. of ayette Count/, est laca er 23,1^0-t. Vir ini . t's --h2!1£. Js.?.** d o~.r :>er_JL t ne bins o al Conp-ny, laurel cnrni /,'«lenu ••>!# ol.U-ry Jor.,,.- ,ny, treen^ood 3 iy . S .ock ,io LOW Co a find o e Oorap my, , . a, } • - ^y.- .f\Beury, n.B.i* ury, *llli a «ury, J '• * ’♦ * r V M> ' 1 . ) '.'-iry »i» vuyed to ihe CHa-- * ’ is, Loco nr ?2 ( 1904. - V-. - ■»— 1 -- — - -■ - -- - —*= ^ • '-if vvv- vl; of . \* o •' V o 1 '»t o of ' ion, .Jun e o.I ylL. Beferafce* Uito T he Chir.npenke and Ohio R a ilway iV. ;v ‘y, _ £*J„ £ujvmi okJ y >^*dQ Jy dead d d -g [ ftPruary l.lV' ij the Kemrroe snd l »c ■ ■: | liirc vo Coopiny io .’he kf wd oio >i 1“ v ?,y„ CBtap-tny *11 of its ^rpnity, accept rcilW -tv • ,r-y»*« connection end franchise (fO.OO mile, of ir«t '.put., rni>vt Crock 2unction # West Virgini'* toK^eferten, ’est Virginia.). weed rocorteom County Coort cf fayetto County, .’eat Virgini June 22,1*05 **& i. •uievhu Cvant,, Test Virginia, Jure 1:2,1*0% f,y. By daec Juli 1.19 37, T>ie Chechen: wd Oh..d H.ilmy Cj;. 4^. Oouysny of Kentucky conveyed to Tne ht©**ppnke nd Ohio Aidlaay Coup' ny ell of it a railroad pro ri :ht a, frnn - ©hi * 0 B t ctc, exrept l8,000 verts of ninercl l^.oa b) c w - * '-I 'to in i .nt > .’curt of Pike Coo' t * y, e-ituel- y, I *ec 3ook 3> « i ■ l * rir« eo' vi •» y < •' *■ » ur- j . CV7 * t - p • i : 1 coni, y (*;• . •* *!«>• f first track i» Ken-uciy). teed July ,1907 recorded in County Court of Clark County,Kentucky, July It ,1901, n • County, Kentucky,vuly 18,1-07, Cienifee County,! antucky, July 18,1907, koci^osisry County,Kentucky,July 17,1*07, pen alert on County, Kentucky,July 18,lh07, Pike County, Kentucky,July lt/.«.1907 and Levan County, tv icky,July 1?, 190 V .; List# Deed o!4. r,F. Cl. 78. ,:-.y ; u c» .ei i *c -ver < 1 , 190 * the Coal Paver Huilv y Otsr- .any conveyea -u The Chesapeake e>»u Ohio H 1 lvny Ooi^pEny CLl its property, ri. -its, frj*icVus*e,etc.(67.98 tnilec of first track fro 5t. J -&>>«, Kent /irgini.i to Peytona,’''®*^ ir. end e»sd of Tr*. Jc. Lead rsoorded in o -fice cf the 'ocj rtary --f it ate f V;e r,t rts of e t Virfinia,cec-4..uej -4,1909, County C« V c ‘ K idi> '1 Ccu .ty,"33t Virc.inir^Kiurch 11,1910,Ksna'fhr Count , 4©st Virginia, DecnaiOer 27,1909, Lincoln County, ’> t ir^.i i Lec«r.cer 22,1909, Lar.»» County, •’'est irginic, Cecw bar ?7, 1909 ohd Boone Cou>rty, Test March 31 , 1 * 10 . 3F. oy deed cat go Keor : nrj 28.1910 tre Rileiph s«d ScuUr#e:f em CC. 24. Hoilsmy Compsny conveyed to Tne Che?’ j p .re .nd Ohio P,nii-7-«y C oaui*'\y .ill of its prop?rty,rights, fraociiisee,etc.(20,10 nlc.-t of “irvt ruck “roc ie^eip'h, * 7 $ '■' , ir L ini.. r.c • a » r -. of track) ► Dsn-i recM’ded vith .jfierFtcry of It tc c the 'tve c-f Virginia, arch 2,1910,County Court of ivaaigh Ccunty/'.e^t Virginia,i irch 2 ,1910,Wyor: ing Cc inty, e-t Vir iain, 1,1910. :'Y„";•. :v--; of Tr - r^t - v , U , .• : F. V' .:y 11 -«» r>0 «rt ;t ri h m>, trxn. :ia«a, etc { 29.60 miles cf ’ir*t r c< fi oil Y.Vy, Vii fcia* ■ <6 !trathmore, Virginia)* D^oo rmcoroec in office of the State Corporation Coamiaslon of the State of Virgin! , July 13,1912, County Caurt of 'luvttnna County, Virginia, July 16,1912, Louioa County, .irfP&xa, July 17,1912, Aloocarl* County,, July 17, ,12. acqui iiTiuN 2V u twer. ,. , _ — The Glen T*»n Low ILoup and Be*p '.’-.ter h ilroad Company (3.«5 , «i. L, L»i CW c , ilo „ of fiv rt t.-ack fro® Glen Ja VirginAB to Oriole, • B * K 7C ■«■ • Vjr, • nr - ' * f tn. ... pro* • - lvOl Jhapter 110 f i ■>• 24x This marr.'W ' r ® 8 epr-rovec y t i cloeru of The Ohasx.peak* miu Ohio Railway Company t it ^ i k held October 22,1901, end by the Stc okhol-oer of the >'lw J r ' Lo'V'^r lnu k art. U-ep ^etar Railroad Comply nt t. n eiln* -i« ^ October 26, 1VC1. Certificate of erger wae issued oy the Secretary of State of the State of Seat Virgi i* on KoTW.htr -1,1901. V p. U2 treck from South aide Junction, lent Virginia to butchers Branch, Vir ini,:.} w.ta x erg-jd into Tne Chec-ip* -k* end Ohio Hnil**: X under evtHerity of an Act of the Legislature of the St at e ^ f £e t. Vir^ini approved -e.ruf-ry 11,1^93 (Act*, c- ’« irgi^iu l£v3 t chapter 4 247) Tnas -er.or ^?b approved v>y the Sto ckhoicera of rhe Cheatpeake ant Ohio Hilary Coupshy at a meeting held October 2:?,l?0l and by the Stockholders of The C-rrortri-r enu «w nx *«r R^ireao Company at o xufeting held October 26,3901. Certifit-xtc of Verier was l.«9i’«“c oy the S^oretary of State of tne State of T -*3t Virginia, November 21,1901. i t . Tnc OreWibri « '. ty Germany (9 1 .00 rubles cf irst >* ro - j : ’p, I 2 i ' hit comb, feat Virgin .a to Lartow,We»t Virginia; *■& merged into Tae Oheat^peeke *nd Onio H'h.lway Cowpiiny under ^utnorxty t f un ' t pf the Lcgiel'iture of the State of West Virginia approved February .1.3,1901 (At s of 'Ac» - Virginia 3 01,Chapter 112,:'age Tula Merger tr«*a approved by the tuckhol er3 of T•.e !hrjt»p , reke nti Gnio Railtey Ooiaj. •."y at a xae^ting nela Cctooer 20,1903, ,,!n u °y ^‘ e Stockholders of the Greenbrier Krdl^ey Company ot a re rating ne. : Oetcoer 20,1903. Certific tcf merger .- i 'ad > t 1 > .c> tw?*y oi .otete of t3 a State of Wert Virginia October 31,190^ ^ .fere ; j -n »* iir.u. -I jOV. W.B.P. ^ TijK_C.jr->/^:v-^_ ,t r ’-r. _ 1 J ; v ; ; ^ . 0 ~ if -"»'v~ o: Vfe.lu_.tlc . J ., n •• 1-lc* Jl - * ie * ’V ; js 21 OMu R?:!- Oosip ary (Cent 18 1 _V.. 4 ..X/ JC. *C») Vie vyahdtft I»■; R dl-ray *cc:p«ny (50. -xtes fit ft tl'MCic res i : ( -f * Vt, m- . ; , -f, . ,. Virginia) • •’> n* j *»e Ch 8 . ? « .to ok clfe«ra of V&e V ;o . pe ,»;e me ( no H'il .y Co ,t u x?eting uric October 20,1903, end by the St0ckholders of" * ''■‘y '”' 1 * ll^y htii*ay to* pany t u 1 •etinp oeld Oc* 1V03. ■ ' ri *- v • 3 i 'sued by Secretnry of Sti.te of ■ .11 x<.i I, ■>r ircer ‘1 ■>. " ... z vLH Hy u?'d afbad • une .L.Iyol, .to Chei t ^uke md no .'a ny, Cc-tbr 1 ’rv’t Vo®puny if etr York < na : • .7. "lei r i* unoer authority of an Act of the -enerol A3flflt.'ly t the . rt,vod February 15,1901 conveyed *-u the r, Trigg • y, tbe 1 . _ fc b « required by Villi**, K.?ri J: £ Co*. ut y of one X c ue one Lock Cercj^ .y sit., tec i r. the City of Richmond. Ur< c rec rc *' i» tne Ch ery 0 . - of ;< Cit of r :.°rt*'T • Jt )9 ®quent b rff^o, i - i’-' J have bee-, con structed by ia Chccnpaake *.nd t no A Cotap .'vy. ' -4 r V j ite Huntington, !fe*t Virginia to h'oat Bank of tne ’'•if. . flndy Hi /er Oo. ■ ; 1 • t ed (J ct e c or 1,1? Pfj, 0-ie otre r , iehrcond.Vir ^iniu to ' - *>;-t iiet, n virgi* in Coa ul ted ’ 1,188 1 uia r'jitvr • on, -irr.inin to Phoebus, '<£ir, xr.: •» C©!v^lited 1. -.^c; ?r U.1682. 1 boebus, Virrinic to Old Point , Vi r* irda Co;< lenced Ju..y,l8c9, coapl Ju.t-,3 : >0. Ho Bp ^ tel Street to Orleans Street,Ki chr one, Virgi ia Coup lot Q. N . vc. n or _ / , l 7 oi. J •'.• ^ Ri ver L nr R C^f-in to Old Purcp House, Richmond, .'irginia tea ; ju. '•* :? ■■ ji. 8*5 7^.1 th lee H lee 1.0 Wile *%5 liies .. . ■ > . a> File Kof rence .5y. o 1 a; ■>»/ ( Cont • i.__ Pa-wim n Junction, Virginia to PtmniBnn, Virginia vOIil y Lo f corapl :«d June, 191c. L -Xi'-. -tpr I J- .V, Fella, Virginia to connection ' crfclk iu natrn,' ir^ir ia vC:ajC •-■‘•,l c y"'5 l omplPtod aer t 1507. Jort:-r, 'ir^irio to Jets ,Virginia , ted \u, USt , 190 * . C rew brjjn-. j"j - ri ct. * r " ■■'* ® 3t '■*•!* i»iin tc 7Mnt«r turn,’ ant Virginia CcrcioncoG . ™unry, :y-:>4, sled .u 0.1905. • Crae - Prince,"«at /ir^^-ua to :'.nlai t .h,'' , e t .'irginia •■** '' lce < i ’ *>rch,l ;• 3 , tec July 1,1901 f *h, ~t rr li. to . ecllf-y,” » -t Virginia yril, 1901, carpi *t po ;pp 4 nnfcer, 1503. -y'c ”e it to J0T, 9 y3 enp.^aat Yirpini* Cofi!.i«t*ci 1905. - /irMnin to tone Co«l,V ? «et Virginia - vj.i v; j n, cat ;tr t ;inia to '"oocpork, act /^r- inisi L * raw ' nconui?ry,l894. 4.66 1.30 r il*s 2 o.41 I'.xlos 24.70 Mlaa If .10 ilea pi«rec J R nu ry,l*9<. Van 'Jrk Junction,’’eat Virgin!? to National "• «t Virgin! 1 01 --cmc tufusi ly <>3 , coiepl^.ec Ju’ 13 , 1 / 04 . ^Uor. a i,'$e*t yirginis t© . «rrtra«., ,u -^ Virginia U-nplvtnd Sa-rf. «r, 190 4 * ?. 50 i 1 ef 0 * ) 11 i?B ...10 Vila* 1 *!liles Pc •aryl It on Br anch illkriags Junction, Virginia to ir,«. s *»e-t Virginia Ui .nr ;cod July,1904, <» L pl "»t ad :* arch ,1V >5. ?. P C "ilrr 1^- int Crea k brn tcfc r.a*frrton,^««t Virgin!* to Kingston,'.'**! ,i Cosaasncnd OcioD®r,l909 f completed ay.iyll. rgini« 7*00 ? ilen C abin iftrcsk: tircn ch. .viio: Traci;, Wer* Tirgi ia to Knyforii/"nsrt Vi: ; ini a -c.ii.3 need ► uly, 1902, co plated L*c®: uer , 190 ; , Virginia to unit ad ?'© i • jyi»n* Dacota, ; f a: t Virginia to South c’rbcn,?W ’ir/iria Co.aoMtecOo February, l?C2 f completed fcnrch, 19 ( l. Kay ford,w«*t Virginia to Fnd of Line,'«a*t Virgin!*- ,outn Cftrdw.Vojt ar^inia tp apuclic, • a ,t ii n ^ \ 'wCU r ^ ~ £0 •iU' r *O i A>04^ “* d Airier, Veut Virginia to Colcord,V;est Vir-mi* July, 1902, collated un 5 ,190c* wilccrd, 7©fft •■', to Point up Sycuaore Ooak C^apl h eti June, I%7. * a Lmc up Syc*ru, roapi«t a d 0ct0cer,;• 1:, .fit) ..ilea u« >0 . ii .00 * ’f) til ea . oO ■ lies -. 40 . i xtm 17.70 ileit • >0 Has .70 rile? 3*30 riled f t;va i-'^a ->f 1 -u.u-*tn?n , ^^iyie. File hyfare nce iL^E F ho Cr/e aa^- >■ ■' - s -d Ot lj Kai l; :-•; .n/, ( Co^r. ! t i , ) l:^:. or ;rn ,.n (c:nt»d.) CuJl. Hi #er d iet m ic. « ;dtffl:«n f t^3t 'irgini » tu atari? - r •'■?, '•■'*-*■■ rginl » Ooraia . iced J nutry, 1910 coiapl*’ad deters C-v*,'7#st 'irginie to Lruca, eat Virginia Conaolrtec JuIy,lVi5* , ru,e, ieri /irgima to ..luaft, ’at Virginia Completed Juna 191o. Ketir^ Cava,' -"t Virginia to uipiur 3prirch, 1915 , coiaplaaed Jwna t 191 o* * - lias ?. f 'lies* .’•55 He* 2 ,c>! Vile* o*- filer .‘>9 •*iie* 5. -* ’ilea 1. JO ilea .70 ilea 1 .J 6 ; iiere ; • «_;. ->t '■■ . X Ji. Big Cra©.n, "oot Virginia to Logan,W««>tt Virginia Cc-fulet id .- ar ch r iy-.- 7 . Logt*t,’ 7 ? ^t Virginia to Mngaas \on, Vest Virginia c> plated Ju .0,190 • ..ingeao Han, ’.’art Virginia to, eat Virgini a Vo _ r asrxcGc . V ovar,ioer 1/09, 1 :xod January, 19 - J. J 3 a _ .rsc ch. I’.i'V-?: 1 ..'.i, w, t3 :t /.r, mi a to tnal, '*asfc irginin - 'h - - « - ■ . c - ^.hp;; Vr 4 Virginia *'• - ^nd f . .-cfc Co. aie »Cf«j Ue/, 1910 , completed : xs ., 1910. Z ... w f 7 ■: c.- .0 Gacrgte *'r-. ?/,'- ?■?'; .ir Co; .•••••.*'?a 'ieptacioflr,!'. 11 , co pi id Janai '*y,I 9 l 2 # v, -nei, M, ei’- Virginia to Vni f ^oft fork .ina C’^rapla*.so Juna, J. 9 I 0 . I, -0 Hi la 3 1.00 tilea II. 50 iles -.'/e ^.lea x.12 11 an .3(/ . ila • 7” -i® -,e«a :!r V : : T C‘ U l'Ly Ram 3a o«»i, eit Virginia to ' 1 •ap 1 ©,'"e^t Virginia -. *0 lies '-j j- :ea ire iber, i; 11, aoapl ted cteoor, 1 J1. . ■ qf i*n„lu C reak ^ Ict enSA .'«^ s f«n, ‘aet Virginia to > anacx ? c rt irginia It. "j ilea lorrjij -. w . . 0 eta jer,iylJ, coapl-' •: nu-;r:,* # 1912« hefen'* I T r.e C’~; • ^ _ - .' o . ,-, .A yr y y p -i prr j '/'.c n • . } Xj ~n 2 tio; (c: - » d.; Big **i Diwtr ct. Eiteneit;n *.t 51khorn City,Kentjcicy Coro^iet^d J«*ie, ’ 9) _ rr;;rbi. n .to jhio spur tr d ,St. A1 on* j, est Virginia tc o connection with the Cool ti fr list rid July 1,190#. /i v . t T i cm Tr-n hiV rr ti to > ec >nd Tr jck. .?>o .1 : -'f it -.h . oaulh C \p n rtyn,*«Tt Virgin!* to K'-i«i:cu almost ir- i mn Saj! (amier, 1907* r -.j., ~ 3*ry -V't^irt . Kara .*ton,Kentucky to Clyffaxie,;nvt t :ky Ja iy 1.1907. J-inee River Line. Cli f+ ’* Forge, V_rgmi* to -i ,Virginia YC’i r encied June 30,190*. H^CuMn, Virginia to C. A. CeVnn, 7'-gi in Veer e.dec June 30,IK u : lrJ t k '-r/r, 3 f err c i ^ . . din; s. Old »iid.rt Line from Lspitul Street throug Churon rill Tunnel to Origins ftrett / ;. K.enJ, Yirgx m Clo Janes River k’uiu line frou, N'inth Jireet to the , 1 c Pi-p Heuae.Kio one,VirKi*‘i . e ar en d e d June 30, - VO 4. ... uin Line 0 ;" Le-ing* on LrMicn,iius,’o* . Virtunia July 1 , 19 C 3 . Old k'tin Line of dig lorny Ci«trj ct,CIy r •'ude, ' July 1,3907. J, -j.r3X "r~\fr- ofl - i■■ vfir L •,>ld cj ..\dcti 0 i- . A til loxttifr-i P.rilwiy ’’ictai "u, Vi n-'. in y—r vi-„#o Jane 30,l9'i4. ki*ie ( Laxi between Balcony Foil 3 arui Lo :h Laird ir Lnia - / l,l r /t3. . 2 a > He ^.93 J ilea •L Oi-eek ,^r _____ - (tanio iA>,» -(. .1' ;h,‘Tr rt Virginia to «->r j vy t l 7 n. JiC B-il u ••» .trie > 0 'jta \V*jd -rn ?*«i n Lin* 99 feet of Mil PoH 1, t. :en up J v«ne t 191 1.** 1 ile« - • • c « f ~i-te t ‘ alurit.,. - , . - ■•.+ rky ’« 3 l-V X' 1 wz l r " .y.l Tiotf A f .rt If Ck .Oil ,; i r. L u:\fi Fir-:, ':ooro»?,V A rginin to Covivtun ■Entucky ■? '- t>3 Javer Lm e m sh o TT”vix"iin% 1 1 Clift.i i F >n. \ ’i iY> > --oi.b.-i st - l a rt rj.t . 1 'lit comb, '.set V r'.m tj fioterourn, ** Virginia ^il R: var ; lL it* , -t. tloana, f« rt .ir^inia to '-"nci of 7rncJt >79 ' > -toS - "7 V . .. Vir, i.,i i • ' f t .’ir, x i j V-r ini « .30 rile | .07 ;ai# v, est Virginia Virninia Kentucky Total 30/. 4 C 22?.SI lln j, 205.40 150.30 063.10 III 00.80 iV ton , 7 . -t Vi* 'ini 0 t f V v- t V* IV . li , »' 3 " .'jd*i;ini& t. v- .» Line, ’ t ir*,. u-.i ’ n er, ’> -t , 1 s?;i „ u ,it>e " ■ ^ir^nia - ■- srling.'Voni Vijvi iio to ’tid of Bine Wf-t V rgin. 1 _ ' • • .•y. c f thQ I- ■ af 7 .laati . m © ReferC I£S. *j/ LK **)'* -peak*? - -. c . -d Lie bv CoLiji-ry ( r ."- maa ~d pfsckip tio: (v^d.) l et. . C ow- }•..> • j-t _; rtricti Corv - ' u.) Horae Cr«i -' J ,n cti on, ^#trt Vorg-ni - to lilu‘Ja,' ) 'fMt Virginia ?e*4rs Cm .'(r . e-rt Virfinit to Sulphur ipringa, sst /irgi-.ta ^uy-indoy ' i ?t ri -t Bwoauravilie, ' Jt Virginia to on.’?#' it Virnpuin L axa v tan Dist ,-i ct Se-itor.Kentucky to uexxngton, Kentucky l ly cff/T : ft r J - ,-w t I-iC >>ndy J unction, Kentucky to Eli horn City,Kentucky .\ennl. $ y-rn- ch tfest ilr^iniB Yirfi' i- Kentucky T<-*! 7.90 7 . 7 O .00 .■'.00 7> .uO Y'.vo 102.71 102*71 :27 - 1 -i 2 . M Fenniseii -unction, Virgin* •* ’;o Pent:': a Virginia Buying .«*» Brooch dra-i© lilu f Virginia to 4. ad '■-68 tcaney, n'i* AlDora j< 9 Bran-h TJarren, Virginia tj Alusrene -70*79 20.79 Virginia Virginii; Air Lin* Li-iaeay, Virginia to "tr-tiore, 1.10 . 1.1C Virg ini » Lexin-jtu« Breach Balcony Falls, riiyania to ^. : ;o 19. SO lilnero'^ Virginia Loch Laird, Vir t ~ini- to FSst 1.30 1.3C Lexinp; .on, Virginia Or nip; - t ..lay Brand Kfigie Leantain,Virginia to New 10.50 It * 50 Caaile,Virginia n f .i Craek Brunch 2 0.41 21, 41 L~ ;*nrton, ,i gini a to Bess, irUnifl -ii ■ v i 2; . 17. t jn, Vu Lni, -a ;ot . r; . Vi rgioi o l our e l Orao K ivi -i? -.r> i ^uin'.iaont.'.VeA Virginia to huyl Ve >t Vir 5 ;irxis Bi'sey Crsafc. , nc*i Prince,'.act Virginia t« -ester, U #jirsinie 1 f ' 1 r ■ 11 :•■ 'y 7 ' *' '.t V-rj.i ~ Bud of V'rack, osrt Mrginio 5.50 O.lf li. c File ■ r nee — !±tJ lLX*± . Uor ' A _ una jC.lS'l^ * ''*■ ' ’ • * : - - ---k.4o B'-i. Wi y Cafflp • ry ( . j (C r.fd. £&2£L .. r - r lL<& t d, i tol^ad- n c*, Vir into 'ora at ye*; Virginia to tone Co 4 m Virginia jQt^ h f-n.e lira ren ’Q'dh Side * unction f ^©st Virgin!;, to E.J.Cdun Test Virginia Hood drane n Sout n Side Junction, ’''sot Vir>-i>-in t-. '-inCm ,?errt Vir/ini e k^P Craek j- ranch i'lum'onc.voot Virginia to ifseDorjeld^eat ‘ irginia W - 0 ; : rch_ Wrdtn Oni Vunction.^est ,’irfyni* -0 v^la: MP, v 9 pt Viryir in H i ~j; k.b l ie »< L cr ••• c*i K nek- NerfT, fleet Virginia to .An*ted, .'• zrt Virgini, a ■■ 3^-8/ .■ -«'; cb Ca'jey ( Teat Virginia to Oreandeie/iest Vii*ini« Open Fork Ju ictioiiyeet piI2?^ nt r -* nir **.**^ Virginia ltd -P "■ i r r n ch il0Urtt Strati'"art Vir/inifi to *‘ v " wllton t -e»t Virginia f iXr Jw^ien/^-re Virginia ^ * mss, ^eot Virginia jj-drt Creak B , an eh Priint Creoj; Junction, ’.Vest. i ^in F st-n t ‘"i Tint a Caba n Creek o. , f ‘° Key ford Virginia LT^’^ ¥ir * if ** to ’ iter. '•*®t Vir,T’nie* racota Vu«gin>* to Republic, - ^ 'irgmis * 9C ; ® f rior Jurcii:.-.i,West virrjoiM V Coleord/Ve.t -ir-ipin --’lccrd.^aat virgin-* to r y ■ f --uroru Creek Ext r»eicn,»eet Virginia i arr "Rf '-ii.,.** .. J .: ini „ t , ■ " ri '* u/ nurse ♦?3t •CtikJiiii?_L - r ii- ; - K e • rt ■; c y ? t,.,_ -W 9.50 3. oo 3.40 22.00 7.80 3.50 :lj,,rQ r uS Y of ? £ rile F er ?r.ce Tir C-: •. ‘ - ’ V? -J. ' il H AI L’"AV flOifi' nr As of the i,‘*/fce of Valuation J- na • , ;,. " r Tie 7 > ke one Cnio Co >«' y (Cv tv,) 'TVU'i’C. A *. v -Ir .-j,-: (edit'd.) *■ eert let Tr- ck ;..l . -1 (ContV.) - r T.- * Vi kentu , li '.peas . ; Branch • Stollin. b, ?est Virginia to Ithal, Wast Virginia tthei.V’.eBt ^ir^inia to 0ear; «3 3.90 k Cre3t /iry t iiia CtVl, ' -it .'ir^ fc r.ia to '"ad wf 2.30 > Left Bark • 79 i.u Creek Lr neix ti^a Creek Jun ctien/.'eat Virgin! 3 to ji .„le, ert /irgmio Buffalo E/-a jo. or. o* 6u « .. n/Vert Virginia to Lur r .co # veat Virginia .;ni:uco > -ck anti Craeatjne Bra-icn lk.30 - G . risen, antucky to C *ter, Kentucky 1-.77 lv .?7 Lexin tan delt Rvil .v. y Balt : i na f LeV -.,t jh,' entuc’y /each Or'hero Branch 2 .■ . i* »• 3 . J .ic'»u«rdd in^K.e'rtuci'.y, to ch rcVr 0,1 *it u *V .urrcit . ne Or 1 ich 3.0 i 3 * : .. A a tTowt^ne, Kentucky to i’e^do? Kent jcI y e B jc • . aid ■< Jtn Atlantic Branch 9 01 9 -Ox jW't triinKentucky,to ’ otnaeli/.wentii-j ;y ... ',I 5 _ ddb.09 .09.0 ■ 1 Cv< I 7 ? - r X Inciuo33 5* BO railaa, A-!.t>**ren9 iir u f t , t it'.* jf Vpi.u‘ i' , xor , 'in* *l'. 19 l" 3 * •HHT -rjnc* ■ • fl-F Tie : _j_ » . d QV.x-j !• Ylnny . 'et/p^y ( .ot t' - CPJ2; -j • _iL •'•••* :* a n o, Ljo:: 2 rs. uthlrity forOpwiti'-'fl ffertile Ro ad _ a .ini A-.ree a» T • . . cm . r • n I-. liiG '-ft * 03, Jirj'ir.irj to Hiver Railro id ran U," ft Vi v.-ini a Cotip *ny 3.13 ' i of fir art tr^ck. "iftMorn ind - e.-v*; r'-ek, ;on* ucfcy 63W V-• . w/ to ’ yl j ky Raiiiray Cozap'ny 20*74 tui-a of fint tr^ck Logan ana oniior Junction, Southern ' «jt Yir h iui . to Snd ^^.ny of t'r jcf, f "e.rt d i« 'fffiT • Oont# 1 ‘ : . \ Cont. 1 sl nd xesk j a Con- dte Onk Rillry Cot.- F.Co i mey hiver 4637 and Paint ' , rmd Coi.]: my . , n f ' vrt ^n.ino.H to liuicen, i9.vt Vi '. iiiu •■ . ‘n- ui . '3. 0 f fir rt trac«* ric? Rill Junction ■'"ft ,J i eyini \ to Pricn rix i.1, f e rt Vi.fp.inxn, 2. >) r u lea 0 f fi> -*.ty Ve.rt 7irKmii,>. -O u.i'3 of first *r Jt. .# Jane 2,1^14 .nplied L" »*© nril 5 . 1 V 12 ov* cer "i , 1,12. J >. ly,I9V3 Still effective June 1,1914 Still nf f active .ii 1,1901 a. a if rc:,ivr April IQ, 1912 '^ill off ertiv I 9cT' 'er i, 1912 Still cf fectif® JcM/a.iber 12,-912 lecftt Ver 1 1912 'Hill ef ? active ■* ' !'■>■ . i T .'f CIP 5 r- t ___ OHI J A3 : *AY OCM ? ACT JJUl _i. . rt • c f u , >r, une 3 c ^191 3 . Fils 25 Hefere \ct g T he Onaaa.>sake and Ohio K>i: .l Coapony (Cent* 1, 1 QF^CToh o :u .-h _; h? • :::;• __ a. on c -rj^s ■Eya*. 'i ernini i .v-reig-ipnt of r f 1 ‘fcCliVt : ro To 3F .Coot* Sulphur Mining Jlneral, Virginia to / uly 3t;i and nmi-road Sulphur !lice • 'irginda .* :2 .Io T l 9 lti 5953 ■eaptf.y «■'* ;;or»t, Sout h«i*» *40 Railiray Cotap any 4*01 mil a of .ret track. Orange 8rech,Gor- danuville, Hr. ini i to Ornngd, *>„ iia, .00 luIm of '_r t .rt'i , -uly i,l 8‘;5 still Eff ectiv e ft c«ioar ’,1£90 : r -rr\ 1,1 n till Infect- va 3F, Coat .Nor folk -?*4 ai^oa of Yard 12^;* rerminal and track -nd appurto- ’r nsportetion n trices Cot p-my, The Ch»w*>pf*ake -inn on £i Grain Flev-tor Cetapany Operation Of Ro c o mao y ■ on-C> rrj. wrs June 1 , 18 / Iupliec 1--139 SF.Cont. Keen eye Creek 304. Branch jmaij or; John Nutt all Est ste F.Coat, insr'il 3r t«ch 145 owed Vy 2534 /xainlua Onrtci- c l Cor - ny - -\D C © b'i Virginia to Lookout ?e»t Virginia/. > ui 1«3 of firat tr ick June 17 ,l 6 c ;l Ju e : ,1 h\' iplaien Still ecii i u t . 18$3 still t'fectivo Arjoi tiue,V rginia 1. 59 uilea of ,Vi> ?inln 5.00 Ej.^ 33 f fjr t“|CX. v tjVTrnoer 2,1904 uctobsr 3,1915 ::over:u r 2,1904 i ; ef Tf-ct iv £1.. zabethtocn inn 4 in ton, 'c i Lexington and .'ir&i 1 ■ to -art Biy Ssnoy h-i.1- Bein', yf -' is Hit • .ncy roao Company .uv?r 3.59 raiiee uf fir it tr .ck. • 1 , 1 ° •- : 12 , 13/9 Lecerber T,iHl C-' RPQ K Y r- 'i7 RY ^ 4-1 , . • .xjjlr^NY ¥ J>f th» D «$<9 cf VaIUi .d. ip-rt L Juiit _3>i,IS;{>, r it. i ; >.1 • 5 ^ 29 Tilt Reference \i -ttg-r,,. r j_- an. ..- Oh: g Ral ± 'ray Core j«■ n y (Cant ; d., j TRACKJCt Rl- fif: j /Rl« OTHST ;;qjc o?l Authority fur Operation Hoad i Txi ni ‘ff sctive % T)& 2570 :cvinv-tcn ml CiocinriMti -levnao Railroad end Trune- far nd Brio t .e Ct>ta«» piy. Ct. v* afioa/ >*- tucrj 5,1905 ' ept e« 0 nr 2 ,1706 ■Hill ; • -;r .It >F. Co nt. iJ/lO. So it’’em Railway ‘owpcSny. Gr ange ,Vi rgi nia to Maxanane, '. r ir : -ni a, 76.41 fcilea of fir at trick* 1 6C3- oer l 3 f l£% Apri 1 , 1891 StiU f 1 active SF. Gout. 519 LoaiDrilie in a tfcsnville R.iil- road Company, Lexinjrt on, >; e?it u sky to Lo iBYllle, Rent at -y f 3 4 . 4Q ^.«r n -3,1395 and© mth the "JLi a,; 3atiit cnm Jul * 1, 1%J7. Still 2 'ff active ®ilee f ti- t t r nc!t . Laxin^t »« and tig Sandy Hail- r-> d Coisj wy* sy. Gt. nt, 324 mu sr.Cont, 321 3140 raahi^Ott, •1 ut i »rrj F. jil- V»y Com^uny, 1 niiaceipnia r-sQti.rj.-O 3 (lu iehi i.^.on H«ilroao ;ia* pnny. Ale xandrian Vir- June ’ ; t „. , j. c inlo to Soinh 'Oipt a-...ej V,, iixd of Long srib/.e lyoi Vi' iaic 5 , 0 suwleb- of 'irsrt tr ick. 1 r '?l ‘ f a c L - i • • •>eufch -nd t ‘ Lung BricLe, Virginia ■* ? dud ana Virginia Av anueit, wassrii i^ofc , Liatrir«. of Coixabia .;.}u miles of first track. June 30,1891 i4 1907 June 30, Still i 8 «l fffecti-.'- 'A wyr P HI -TTpH r cf * ... S' V-Ili 0-s:.o .-w.. ■••/ CV;r, - Y 30 0 nr y r j:a Uj;m .. tk._ u 2 v i • r_2l r . L-. - 1 :. (Ot’c.; ■uthiorily for Opar tv. ^reencnt of K^nd Veruini V on c 3F,Cc t. ” • f ;icn 3146. TertLin-l Con, .r. >/ SK.Cont, .or folk '.-TO e . ro Hiilr«y Coa- p-ny. f.Cont. uni. .ftio *9 Co. -p any .Cent. snl^.c; Cel 2ui 4 'ho lr.» Rftil Ju'« l f lvo3 * • i •3 .**» ■' - •?/ CoTir r 'ny 2nd •»><} Vir- gl d i ‘renaae to JtflXiar m T.f» i :i'.j :.jn # Id strict of lol Jai bio ,1.x : .lie of f ir- » uly 1,'02 b. . j to ^iton r,:• iis *nt-i the K0)vtacky,21.3O L»;.i t*r\d aii -o of ir.Jt L ; lf y loil- Ir^c*. -ny Core iy, July I, .yl2. SP.Coat. 3047 nrvba ,ri , -r • ri a o"c y- '■ xi i,l)07 d errm»>.:l pr j eit-d i. o 'ooy ny. ST.Cohf.. Larintftoh 'i /l6 Union >t i« tit*a t,w - r • _ wii“-3 of firrrrti « •* »ff* -txt j ■ ■ . U . ■ sferenco : :: i ' ■ ;_ Z Y JiJiJ.ll 1^1 AKJ £ -'1 0 ■ Y li ];p ;;y -V a Jil A'* 0 . '- JrZSj. -1-J uno 30 . 3/ L -£. ~ i •— *—-—-‘■Sjl.’lr '. .j* ^ , /•> -' '.-9 h ^ou pwny (Cont 1 1 ;.^ - „ , — sr r ait/ <»r ,w h »“0 '••eru.ioi ,vr««t. OT t ,? Proa iSf f ect i v« To •>?. l»o ot t 3271 n ton /niun . u.i-.,. # ile SF.CoM 4o37. #> . 3^"^) ■ir. Coot, 5-.- 3 ^ ^ i \/0 n't • 270, m oropHny .'.•s-jart i.*■*.- ■1 'I .ton • *■;■» ':C Comp o 3es , ( - "to‘^Kentucky i no edits, nia * •> Bucycr< >i • ich ■'if-ioi.-, 1. '■ mile ,uxuet 5 f :.9r*8 • *-«- t ', lvO: it ill ef *'oct; VO C't.e <* ■’ first „;r ~*i . -it in- k'nrsn. ’sirjery 5,^16 till ef "active : " 'If v ’« f* J' >y 5 191*3 ' ' ' '■ iv .n r, Tf l /e * +r>’ir.l* 0 '.retailr 12,1911 ’ ir >on, ‘ ->*t /. ■ ■ a *, t 9» 11 '.i. '.} of r r t ‘r , *« V K' TfiV'lS **- v, «,r- ' "oj. p.»ny .cl to iTyi it *» * , Cu ,rl«*. on * e ‘’if;. Ill t . .75 'im of trac .yoe to ooo itreet, 4n- ci i .vti, .aio »X> aile of tro9 till of active Still e*‘tectiv« a - y 11,116 Sti j l ef ’ ect: ?e v Hru-iry 7, '"P . uvry 1, I 889 "efcr >-ry 15,1^92 of THE JJ.iS£ vr •. i • ftLO .\■ I_ • _ ;: 7_C _;X ;a eft le Date 'A *iu t_i: 3 - .-W. - o* t1 f O huSS: C nd 0 XM i. ;i I( C •>Wt ' . ___ Authority for Operation Hoad _ Te rmini__ ] re^ Mt o f_!£«* 3F.Co-!t. Lexington 3533 and Eastern r.Mil’vgy Com- pany ,;etherlM.d f *'ul> 25.190S ;uruat 1,1907 Kentucky to La - *! ton . tacky, 1.0* until) of fir^t XT Ck, c ?. Co art • Louis ills 5340 and "i abvilie Relira ad Company .25 unlo of L«c«sb«r 28,1?H Dec wo nr, fir it track cf 2'.',1 U tne elt Line Lexington, Kentucky 3 F. Go Southern 53^2 Railway • C©.‘. : i*ny K Pa sender eoruary 10,1 >15 pril 1, Station to 1?14 Pork, Sluing in the City of Ricbnon**, :• .love.), er .• r., -?12 un..* Virginia nnd V/oodperjc, eJ miles of firat t r i ck, 3? .Cent* ualtiraora iron Y to last 'ugust i,'-of‘l J •• r lib and Ohio Lexin ; *;c-i, Virginia 20,1 >90 Railroad 1.40 miles of firrt Company ir-r-ck. 'ffectire To 9 fed ive. 3t HI rtiv* jti U. effect ive. it ill f *'f ecti v* if ill f f-t va ’T.Co-.t. 4344- oF.Cc'»t* Lexington Jruoo *09 Bile cf site 3^/i station O^iapmy track Jit *2y ilou of first tr ick loc tf>d Id i he rear c f xiu- t in, h* -1 icky ir.Covit* Lii jHuctritovn Hu .tl; i, at 2','Q L«» ir tuo »ic Vir ( :^. ii; to the ? viey iteiL- '•’ -st 1 rk f t ; ro*'d Ccrepp'iy ?•;.£ ■ .c> hiv-r 3.50 r-ilso of first truck* op5?..^io:: v ron July 1,18 8 t< Juqs j . , xCbo By own Orgnrtf tio< , Prom Ju.y 1,1 ( 0 to '7,18*37 E»y tue Jo**vort :iwa iod ' i^ai jsifpi ’..±1 # Oorapnny leut* c&toc , tm 15 t L 8c . From Gctolei 1 ; .'7 to *rts oer ,0,i'6Q By Receiver;?. From O'ltoier 1,l8 3 to D'lte 3y o wr n Qrf,aniz-itif n. . v ’.ci. aa Hilo Kefor-ince C ORPQK o f 7 i: . __. _ '•rilO B IL'' Y ft 'VPC^ _ "J,. 1 !.' i. " x * * t »lw st i'ir i, J ' . j , 34- r - .pi -. • : ::i:r. *: x At-tlvo. Lo c ** i 0 f . Tic Chea^r.*® sr.c 0*uo H al-srsy Cor.pory* C«n«r«'i. Off: Hi; i „ nd t Virginia. 1C.J _ L . Jf I.? ’ H.ii IC2J. . 0 :;; tnCT .y -I T-iFR ill 4 £ At- acHbd risraio. iU.^.h _ !_ VI C •. , *C tt ic^cc aerate. . a p.c: , :y 35 _•& -> tl. ; • —:cf * Jur.f 30, 19lu« /ile H*fo 3a '.ill- iii-iL “ ue vui :u t :. ~ilro >a o- /t-n . A . ”i y jf *i ?ci ;i ct of tie ;in.< >" r-s •- * the 'tote -.jjHd ebrunry 2o,l%7 (Acts of Ifist r inis 1 o] c'n r.t«r 93 pt 3 1Q2) md ?, Spaei 1 \ct u 4 ‘ the Lej isieture K tr i of Vir inis p«> nod i/orch 1,1%? (Acts of Virginia •*!. . M- . Ltr - ■ . .!*•• . . .r. • •; o • •* *d 1 c- •< o « *ki ; ;u3*. ’1,1 bH •IV. t ■’ ^-cisrti *io*-‘»r < -of 'j.i • m ->nc 'hi© P dlru id Pomp or y f srherel»y the Virginia Ttr iJ, a^ro-id j iy . r >eu to :o jiruct the ro c froa c’i rton^Vir^i-us r > tie jhio River. I e i . ! . ■■ entrnl a -li‘3 o oony " ■ carved to the f> e tpeAe - no iuo a airo id ou eny, ich £jno *- ti»o n c i-v.or** .,'.l • ; 1 oof first tr-xK Crora e thums Paver, dr^iain to ay eo. jro, vir -i^ia*) -1 \;. v _ • A-J i3t U,l»' ;]. J le as Vij e tr il . ilrtai, 2-'.1 1 .ton, drgini^ to .' ate iulpivr, "est Virginia ror a,.- ;•: :?n for ot. r- .or . uly I,l3b9- " vte : ui -:ur, “a t:. V*rpi«iv to !iU? .In* ;on, w eat ; i^i u .., oc -.l*- nc- -’,od 1374. si . .. ■ CAS..VI ^ j»Ju .. ?*roTr . omt -ea. o ’ tne ity cf -d c*x and, ir 'p.rsi n • 3 «ir7 ilee .. 22.00 iieo 19 -? f . ilea lotnl 41.-.9* • ilee ?Toa August 31,18b8 October 9,1275 jj oen organization Fr JW October 9,1.<75 to July 1,1378 3 y Raceivcro. GQiP-ntYAiCg 3F. bj ceeo dated Jul r 1,1878, M 'illi «tf*C.”iek*vt», \ a si .1 tijuisaioner &>„ 1. appointed by the circuit Court of tie City uf Rictio - ; , 'i '^iiia arcu the Circuit C se • 44-45-4o- 47) t-nu the 9t £.«? of ^'est Virginia (l '{1 page 90 end J.3?7 prg* 4-5) tho Purchaser# bec/uae h Corpor :ic-i of ruch ~t uncer tu« na^e anil 3tyle of The Ches o»ake and Ohio R ii ray . Zany •-'ny . Easd recorded in the Chancery Court of -he City of id, Vjrgini» t July 1,1^7^,County Court of Henrioo County, Vir ~.i\ t July 1,1378,Hanover Coueiy Virginia,. uiy 3rd,l f3,ac ii: County,Virginia,July Prl^.O^orn County, Virginia, July 4 1873, Kelson County,Virgin!a,July 4 , 1878 , aaan irle County, July 5,1373, -ugust 1 County,Virginia,July 5,1 ; '7 W -* Beth Courty, Virgini*,July 9 f l ! '73, Allegheny County,Virginia, J Jly 11,1978,Rockorid,;® County,Virginia,July 12.1 ''?3,Ku*r in ;a Court cf the City of Stauiion,Virginia,January i?,l c '79. County Court of Greenbrier County,"'oat Virginia,-uiy 3 , 1878 , JJonroe County, ^out Virginia,July 5,l&78,-iw .ere County, «et Virginia,Jul 7 5.1872 ,T -.yette County, ’eat Virginia, July b, 1-378, Kanawha County, > eat Virginia,July 5,1978,Put-'.ni Courty,~e*t Virginie,July 9,lf : 78,Cabell Co nty, Vest Virginia,July •/, 1 7b and County,' eet Virginia,July 10,io ( V* i .ewhps Location of Tue Ctesupeo a anti Ohio FUilany Coze? i y*s General jfficai,, Ri chat, n a , Virg ini a• BCt’iSK&s or L ' r n>3,:,"AoK3.p.?:’rV aiifZ i'Ai i k>c . vgaina a:l 7 ; ; jr l- t :rv ~ 3 Attached ner^to. &I40fl.1Sf,AriC 7! KT Attached hereto* mr if ' Il/JLIL. hiq u z x:_c z uiy —lljpj. , _rte >f < 1 titn, June 37 jJLi: Vjjaiqig.. CHtitrI iualrc-c C^ . t Vr r “’ 7 ’ *• Lonino R * iiro * roup ny - 0 v w Virginia l Keilreeo Company oy * 5?sci .1 ct. of the w «r*l . A3*o,uiy o> the t t« of /irginia pa 4se< ?•«,« ry B*> V * • tor 74 p-9 52) See -matin of A -‘* J ^ 9r A UiTC iU ^OE:p iny p«^-(* . ?i T ry 2,18 >0. ■ - : .1 ; f'®r •*'*’: Ta nr y nrhen nhe n*.;* of T * loi ias ^.UroscJ Comply wne jhun^d t? * n« ~ r .-, : v entr 1 r.ailr©. c fo^p ny, the conntr > ~t- C n » - s . tfle Vlr * ir *« ^tr .1 Hhilrooc u>rjp ny uob ^ compiled and opened for option the folljirinr ro«d: ^ 41i, ^' 3 c raa t0 rlotteovi-i *,Virginia opring c,i 1.0 50 i oJtexj. , Virgin!*, to hi chiton j J4j • r t w Jr,nu • 1,1351. Ch rlottesTille Virginia to lvy,Vir r We rec*i er, 1851 . * v ** Vir Jhl«i« c vac nsoo Kiv«r(dl xira Perk) Docfr-'or 0,1852. V to teuton,Vir r ni* ■ i- T^'r ... f 18 5 A. t •) j■ tr 1, Vi r r ;ini n to LSh-n, ’i^rd- i«nr L ;5. h ' *» illtore, •te,~ioi a July, 195.,. .“V; ? ■• t - •' «*-> rtivrr. v\r«inir JUJ./ 10, -oPi • ' i'-r. to -ortortc-,, ir*inl, • J 1 1 -*’ 1 "•«<* r.escnry * a t-'v>en J [ tCk * on ..<• Co-vin;-.ton, fir ■ in ' 7 ', ; A ° * 0 10 for operation ,’uly yx 'i .va i,-.t>cp .:p‘:ic 1st r - c/ ^ 7 ,9r * 6 » -irf.ini- to I'eehu.e xi -er, 7irp .n< , ^•iynaeboro, Virginia to Covin,.to :, yir^i," Tot.-a i ou i-ebruir v ',1 >50 to .-.-vurt 31 ;-'o8 d Jf O’VTJ Orp; tUM, ;r„ , tC'O .”.ile£ 2-K I.i.les .50 Tiles i.? 1 * -' Tiles 12.40 A ie 3 )2.0: ilea 7.'JO lies 17.20 il«3 17 . (/} . i 1 IO 0 .I 9 .iilee - ftl. 0 iles .67. ’? >'W File Maf ennce A a t?f tna dst o ,J . -JLu-r. ijn. Vir^ir A -> ;© ti a Ajuirj> >d Cor pi « v y l Com 1 d. ; 38 ui. ■!..•-<; ►# By authority of jpeoiol Act of t e we*:!airfare f in* t to >f Virginia ..baaed February 2b,lSo7 (Acts of West chapter vl pa*;* 102) nnd Special 'ct of the Lagialrt a*» r * Lm; ■>t..xs of pu Jeu !»arch 1,18a? (Acts of Vir.; ni 14 chi iter ^ >) th ! Virginia Y ;r 1 R xiro - Cor .-.a- * t -?• a contr ct dated August 31,1868 *rLth the Cc^miao Vh o ,, ..n to'i .‘id 4-0 hjilru — Conp *ny, nre y the Vi L v .n nilro c • v 1 / h Veed to construct the r©e< Voir >v .n-ton Vir inie to thr Ohio J'iver. In par u*< ■« o* ti"^ /-eta, the ntr.e ef the Virginir ( • •; Hfcllro d Company t.-s cr nged to the Chen .pe-uoe nc lie -or Coci : -ny, iicb company succeeded to ill the rig Ttn, fr-nc ,i e propsrty,etc, o' the Covington nti Ohio Railroad C. ; . ■ Location of Ths Chaa ;pes/,e ;no Ohio Kail-. iy Ccnpimy's 0ergj-4 r j ~ . v 4 p:,.' i;:: s c r. l. ■ ■> ii.. ■ Attache*, hereto. 11 ' • .. .v- * . .* Attached ereto. ►# nio •'■.Tiiic« ±2. _•* ■ K C »_it 'i_ ; .. A- :: Gj. r . Y 39 -dH. — _ *» Lu-tq ' f . j utiw n U: a . V» ' *rJ? . ^ -13. u3h_ H?i c Company I..gjiU>uR .gl,v I^cjr.or-ad ^nunr •» Special Act of the Omornl Assetrbly J* of Virginia p ssad * r >ry 18,183* ( Acte of y.«.inia *5.15-0 ch< >i«r 126 1>8). • ttt : ori *^ °y Special cl3 Of tne r,*„*ral a aarVoly M ?* ( tele of Yir^ini) n u ,L“n, ° U( - ! f ch J . J 47 < *< '* l -7-8 ‘ ^ f 1 ‘ nl * c * J . (< c v 8 of 'ir*ania t ll4 -? . ijoj-- :: 4/ f:1 ° jHnu ' ir y Vi. 195CM. Vets of Virginia A ^ '» '“P-dr '/3 r o o VI) KflAvi; no.; Ju^a 13,103$. v •uoptad. r ic-ro end irectors 1 acted. gQ. - in mb - ai *> l< * i " nd «o«"‘ d v 3 a* Jauction) Vjr t nia to r«dnri :ke ^Al.¥xrKini 4 q„ uocaaDsr 2 o,l* 37 . SVeaerxcka Hall,Virginia to Uuisn,Virginia h.qq Beccraoer 1 , 1 ,, }3. ’ "Tri! U Gorrienevi^le,Virgin!n 13.90 j -iwouvi Lie, Yir^ioia to CoO:. ua,/ ir^xnia 7 v> •Vot.uat I4 t lc^. * * /,J0 > to Ho k era Li l,7ireini 7 ni "®c«jw 19,1346. ' ' l • i\ Vs li'!' Vir " ini 1 t0 Jh,, * T9iA . Virginia 2.00 for : n y.VL ~~ - r ; c *„ >X’-ju « I/O 3-well, Vir.-.xni e to . ***-.•ell, Virginia o 4.60 Piles OF "HAfl j » -® June IO.lfi- 17 . , '' » f rho 1 : iian F nil rone Cor. »»r-v /f59 CV ‘^ 00 Virginia Central Railroad Cotapnny. * lit* ) • pfe gr«- i r.-nr< ■ huj»> — - r - —-- As of lie fc .it e of V ;iusti< j ' iii< 3 q t ivio* Ji'iLi 3 Oovi-{tofl - ad Ohio Hailru u I 'O'rVIM : ■*' : ' -r wy,.i> ?3 the S' - 1 bi-. »f Vlt ii i., p ^30fc 3n ;.«t authorizing tie a© to if labile ^orh to co-, true* ” p ‘ u - rc ,c * > - a - Oovanrt to the • hio Ri - stl ' 9 ; - cccunt .* ; u r3 '-' r,f * to v;iu the State team dad censi. or; bl- ‘■'f i l "t-r h vi* ; n bc^u*-, t -,© Stnt >f * t '■, r z.r.,i>n • o>» June 10,i3 *3, er«ct*p into «*»■ i-br ten t Stnte :;> ' L wee:::? politic* ijr independent of the Jtvte of Virginia e>;-rc-?i jurisdietic-i ever it portu n of he 11 ; r * • he Covin tti ;nd Ohio Railroad Coapony situate within tie tarrito* rie * «tifn f ? t i -.rten md Obi# R din »d v* - 3 b cflair# ° ^ t>le citizens of t he tv© Stjite..• A» ,b»v* ^ic e i Dert of ■: Ha line, ‘t—rit; from o | eint ns r fl<.‘vin,-ton 7-t, to the linr # oelonged to the .*t*tto of /iiyi. i.., , : ,-.dVne’ residue, to-vit;. Vcm the 5t :• C"uo Hi «. r so f■ r tn - wrk h 0 c ®cn h 0 ne # beloved to the t it a of "on Mr-inia -* 1 * ci - i2er1 8 of the tea Jtetee, di 3 ■; reain;, ujim aurh nt le it -igreed upon the desirability of having the railroad wuilt on trie itoth of •>bru’iry t ii v ‘oo f the Legislature cf /ir^nir *Y 5 60 T rterrti6i0 ‘ 1 "A> Act to incorporate the Covington -,nd vhio R dlroec Somp-ny,* nwnin,; :ert*ir citizen. of Virginia «e cc.:».us3icrer3 to net or t ie p**rt u f the >t itc of /irganio in cc^unct.L * vith a AiJce nuuoer to oe appointed oy the itete of '•* Virginia, '•hoee duty it e ,uld be to offer the benefits c. t ic carter -J the Covington end Ohio fer the a.cepcance a r capitaliHta; ;i nd or L'nreh 1.16W, the Le,.>Mature of ’-/est ^.od an ,?t. tn i a **» -- uo.i^Un and Ohio h-dlroed *>R ? ««r, hating it a ^la^ners ’ D iC ' in conjunction •vith tie cornniaei on era *r->ppit v ed - the rtrto of Virginia for then s?e rurpea«,*fci-cfe V / F , done 1 the .~.c easiestcnera, out the . 9 c f the e»dd cn-.^sr did i.ot Hj.ponr e‘:-tr-ictive to *: pitnli ite; *nd t iereupor or, th« Cot ! or ru'ry,l8o7, the iegiavture f v 8 Virgir io p3 „ d "n Act er, willed " i .< i Act to * j 4 eoraiii** 1c "rs 'or .‘j.- *» r+ •«.. .:f t*»o r^ilra id frt a 'c 'in. feon to Ohio River, ■ (?'t id oh contract oo *•; ♦ t e ~«id Vr .ini:. Central • jXj k n y • -- Jf o 1 • t'ie his: •■ ■. •->. ••(.. o • ii .1 ,i reti^.ny, jit Shull a« cnCitlec to oil 1 : , tf.e cc ir id ut oy tie art v • - * uuty nee c executed Ly f-io comical. .,en -• A -d, t ’ iw> 1 ,c i*Vx«i vo*«tr i ; -«ilro.»d >• y undertook i._ ^ • c • 11 » »9 **c c .-oni tor. tea t 1 « hie, pur tu'-vt t> zie »i.iu ‘icts u«cl:-ired ti-it it « -r bl k "* “■ '•»« t 3 -n’ r id 0 -:io v-xlre •*’ . oay i t £ft o__ . • X ►O '* . ^ ... Atv.'JCO'd i'T'TtO. ..: • j:?. v:r ci' kt /C.c-'choc i^r-to. •i m Acts 7r 1846 - 49 Cl .147 P 99- S?. CORPORATE HIG W " 43 Acts Va, 1 3 - 16-49 Gi. 147 p 99- ■ ' 5r:sap".w £ _ohi. govp^hy Aj* oj^ t■ .. D«t- *f T ia ion, June 30» 6• " AJ'S - ■ ue Blue 'it RtJI -oai So r ca ny. IROORPO RATIO!'! - nTo“rporated under a Special Act tl erernl Assembly of e State of Virginia passed arch 5. 1349, by which Act the bo; n of Public Gorie of the Slate of Virginia wore incorporated an*, i ade a body po.ttic mx& corporate under nave A ,rl style of '’The blue Riige Ui roa.i Company , PRO A I_ ATI ir SoirT of r /oi c ...r a of the tata of ,'lr.rinia. COKS?RUCTC(>' , , a , UecTun'a Rivi'r, ft. to fayneebjro, . lb 17\. * +L hf* er r! 3 '. jCi o ie li i* in olvoi the co * road and four tunnel a. The worfc was commenced in the ntttuan of L 849 . It nec^esnry to construct a temporary track ever Glut \idf,e fountain ,r. order to oarry on operation ‘ U t.^e tlue K 11 ;o o'. Rookfiita tunnel ra being eonetnetri. t-ai c 0 * 9 :. t e ts-.porarv 'ou' ov-r iuo Utg* 3 ipr. 1054 •« firat train passed through siue ac^rr tunneL on April 13, 3.85 3. TLWIVl A1 1 DTS ' IPTIH' -TeT TftcTHTeaee echum * 8*Tiive* , Vn. to •>yne?iboro , Va, 16 .31 mile* OPS ATIOH jrior to Demise 7r*n April i7T5p4 to August 31, 1-*' , . , . . . by the rfir^nia Central Railroad Pe-.ipany under Special Act or the General Assembly of the Stats 0 ' Virginia passed arch •>, 1349- ?rotn August 3-, 1368 to April 1, !• 70 by the Jheoapsf-.e and Ohio Railroad Company under Special of the General AnBeubly of the State 0 n gini- 18 larch 5, 16*9. —— By deed dated June 29, lS?0,* effective April 1,^870, therigV^, tit.e a:,.- isr j« - 0: the ‘dirt* o' ^ -■ u. ^ ■ > r ■ **« coi »eyud to -'.e Chesapeake »- Vi jhio ■ a. ounting 0 1 25 > 3 * 8 «o 8 . wv - k*«» vi inF' nVw . ; ,cr„'.yjl 0 ’ ;, a». .»S 8 '■ OT"AVI' , A TIO; WI '*DEIM_ IHP^Tig. Attached hero.'.'. OTICRA'^-ATIC CHART Attached hereto. — File rtefercnce ST. CD. 3. I*. P. 1. o? Cor ... .ib rc .-G of "■if .-..g. v t.? v:i ;;u; A .:r» 44 * * o f _ ~.he Put? --f '' ■ du rtlc n,„une V. 1 . ‘ : t H i C-i cmc _■ l n ;_ -i • y R-j ‘j Ccrr in i ocmpoK&io _ Incorporated ^ oar the Lci’Jrs c f he Rt?, *,-= of 7ir i>>in lay 20,1*69. \c m - «, 8.R, .e: ■, .■ ^cpeoiol v>. i , i con 7 iv V, .1 ( «. o and y nd ;©r.i.p< iy* rt" r A - »te, fr-r-.c liees etc. to ,? a: 3 4.• ty, ir, in. ^ : n- 4,186? Relaon County/1-V ni a, June 5,1;89, mhrret County, ir; in h, Jur.e 5,128?, Campbell County, Yir.jiid.i, Ju .e 6,l->?V,-odford County, Virginia, June b,l8P? and dotrti urt ounty ;iv ini- Jur.e 7 , 1887 . aciMZ/ ion Hay 20 t i<339 - Officers »l"c*ed. CQi^rs'JTrior Hu na-v lir.t constructed. ^ 4 .;; ^ ± itlCiiPHQ 1 at . Tr aci I!i 1 ?1 RiJxjor.o,Virginia to Clifton Virr^nin Ba 1 cony Fall*; , Virfinisi to F iat Lexington, Virginia ’’-0 greet to 2oi« treet in tRe 'ity a* Riennond. ?2°. 7 ilea 20.'.:' lie.’ 7ir, ini 3 Bra.o,Virginia to R v Canton, tfi-n'inia T f *T \L 1124 Riley * 1 R U4. t; Riv- ifi S FR A.I ■ r r-C' -;u ^ : L , Z*RS Aut'i.for ; T it;cn Rn"d_ i’erwini yroer.- nt o f. Effective Fr .ui Ty feaitiuora ..-nd Ohio Knilroad Cc:: 4 nny. ’'■'.ft Lexi-^t-.n to Lexin.^toa, Vir -ini i 1.00 lie \U, J3t 1, IP 81 %i i'i n» 40t n Ini VO Clio ief ortsnce ■ '. rfC3AT r i.'io; :)l*7 of T.-LF QHK3rf .: - .yJfJ;,£: t .>• of l': - u of ' )1 Jfftiw v June JO, _ 1 _ C^ % i • o AU3£l2PJ.. LI .hi \ _ : •.;.,j_ _ •_ o.:_,%; AtH*for operation 4-5 i t ctlve or. 1: i ..;rearient of To oV. Coat. 11 0 . ' C. •■ .TOM’ .*!•• (iHIt U h: lro m4 L * > 1 , i 0 . « M «4 ■ Vir urt 1, 1-^1 May * ''V 2C. 1 '*g. DJ . Ci » - ->• ucl.hluii >’ ■'■-'0,1 J.j, ... >Jm *y TV.* Jn«*,v p« e e am Ohio R> ny 'yr :■ ay nder re or. ant between ‘he as i, ; -cr ’.a jtixo Hill tmy 3o «nd the l:_cn n«J ■iisghnny 3inilw-»y Company, dated Way 20,1809. y ioe, dated Jar.uury 2u,l890, ta« FdcVuond and All*: a«ny ftaii«.v uAveo C? .:n/ cu’.vayed ',o Toe .Tiesa?sake • >4 fa^o uil'*«y 0-n» p ay, 11 of it* yropuroy, rights, fr *»n chi 3 C i, sic. Lead wade under nrfctioriiy of a Speuinl 'Vet of the Cener il *aa«a..uly of the It-at a o .* Ixi 'ini j, .pproreh iec« oar 13, li 69 . Deed recorded j.n Chancery Court 0 " City of Uic>vton*i ( Virginia January 2 C,l 8 yo, Corporate n tourt if anchaeter, ir; ini a, January 24,l3$Q r County Court of Henrico County, Virginia January 2 ,1°9 ’, ioei .^i io County, Yir :i niv, Jaaunry 25.1W. alarn County, 'iry.i u*, J*»-u ry 27,iH^O, -Her*t County, i.r^i«ia, - nnu ry : / ,irf # rapbell County, Yir,-i ila January 2^,1.' ^;/ e-. 'ecu County, 'irgini:, Jnnumry : S,l3?C , \ppornrr.tox County, ’in-ini , .! nu^ry 27,199'', Povh<-t County, ir u^Janarvy 30,1-490, Cooi u Co; rty,Virginia January 30 ,1390,Botart 0 uvt County, Yir ini. .January 31,1- 9 r , /lX«s.;t»*ny County, Virginia, January 31, .k ri? :c 0 -iiy,Yur^i'in,'•••or try 1,1' ind ffcrper >~ion ' ■" ~ 0 • it) of Lynchburg, Virginia,January , ,16%. Lc c.t ii>n oj_ Tie C m.-, - « o and Cdio H il* iy Company ; s» a* cral 'V'*i »*8 Kicnmon , Virginia. ■’•ttacncii adraio. ..criric Attached v i sooto, )V 4 1 ■ 1 --- .L.. Jjiir. : 'U • i : 46 File .. (f erenco i. . ' • R oh>- • -. u __ n , l r o , Cc , I. v . ,■ u y-A ^lCi- 11 who chunked frea the Jtr ight-uhoot huilro?td Com. -nr ts _ uaa Alleghany huilrond Company by n %>eci»l Act of t e jeenlaly c»* the *. ;e e argu li i, ' cru :rv iee n irrut^vr < ne ' L< d :-’d 4 . t uv<* t no Hr-V -1 '• x R r \j> _ ■jf • CD, 6. SF. I. 32. Dot -1 j .V v ■! >i.l v 5fb «y eead Uuued . jxch 4,V'bQ t The Janas liver K-irv "tu» CD. 2, conveyed to the Hachaono and /dleghany Kniirunc a-i prop®rty,rights, fr-incaiatju, e.c. ~eed .-mde under r. . r^ . >p*»ci d Acte of the iennrol ira.-ly of the It at a of ,r if aed f«iru;iry 27,1379 end arch 4,1 ;0. f’nder t ic deee, t illchr.on ( . »tfvra “vunty, lx eg ini April 7,1 '0, uotet urt ounty, Vir:>ni •, ,,vi. . , and Jcrperation Court of t ie City of I.ynchhar^,"ir^vnj , V— 6,iC80« 'J July 2,1 id nan and lift n 'Company, co at eyed to the Hi m| hany iail .• ill of it n ri,'its, pro, »rty, fr icuaea, ertc* l esc re ..tore- C junty Court of y County,/irginia, >epta .er Ji' ,1 .V), (DB 0 ? H7) By seed tinted «rch 9,lttt*3, 'he Iltrt’n ,.i er va «t ao«i lb; v . T ie J!«u'*si River nnd Kenavhd Cbv’ */ v •• ■ tdeon, :xi Corariin*i oner, cu- vnyed J hi! iiii:!; a nr 1 : • Coc.p-»ny, nil of the proparty,rights, fr o*chisea , a»tc. o ' »e Hiver a .vir^tion Coup ,nv. L ll j . it ,1 lii, ?. 21. J-ly 24,ld'/8 - Directors alsded. ■ . l ' l «>*y ?^I». U^ir,i . . I^urcio^d fru, fch ■ : : ivi n > ?ir «ii •* * - HicHnonc,7i r . ani , 0 - Contention .,'ir • ♦ October l. ( i *'"■ it . .^0 VI'S ifc or <5 f l >. ; * «*• ■ ,'.'ir, ■> t . ., ! 1>,1 o. - p y *v,i l. ? ilfc0 * '»" il 1 tc ■ r ry 17 i, i«.mn f /a-v.xni. JIvrch 2^1 111 ^ • •• * I. ty 2 ^1 l4k’ ^ J ■ AopMsrt r r .. i hcrt i River 3c .A sr .-1 i' , 1 1 Oc':'"r ', 'X'i.' inl "" “* " 47 v • ‘4-C C n,l r 2 . 6 ■ TH3 ' ' L ' V \ I i'3 • " \ •; , , . , Y 48 File \rfar r'ct _ of thi j. _ ._■* '.'f • jj ,jo> »/ t ly i j. titAS. -r.c,u nu : .- f . »iy Kuilr t . Co m,, my [Uq.z ’ Vfcd-1 x. A'ii. i * .C-Ii-.P 1st Tr ” iiivJMcnci/’ir^iTu to tlifton i>r , viiy., is i tiloony Falls, fx gt ni at lc~ji,Vii j inic iith street to .v. >crl _n tho i / j( i h/_. «j Vir^ird* 3re.j, .'ir ini* to ew Carton, 7ir t ;inii Total ,. .al.S ?.^r u. ■ h .. : 'v*37 20*10 Ll< / 51*0 4 1 ileo Aurfc .for . . on a. i rrt .f *ror To Sr". inltii >r< am. L^xj n ton, vj,r inin August 1 , ov. ’•jy Coni, Juio Kiilroi c to ? 5 t .an, ton 18 P 1 13+ 20 th XI u« Cor:p iy, Vir. ini 1.00 ! 1 ] o. 1 , ; 85 .. •<;? i.i ; r?j To r - _c T He -a _ SF» BiutL,r>r« ?. Cent , Ohio R*ilrc ad 116* Corapt.ny -'■: n -o ■: rt - i,4o ri.. •». 'cr U,. ir itior .Vjrn^rit u”’.rt"' ' 7 * V ffFv iVfl Crcm 'o 1 r? OF/H.-lt,. Trvn October 4,1 .0 to July l.lPH iy own orro»»iiiA*on. ..... . By htrcaiverj* raisB iy coed eaten Eay 2Cth f l£Cy, Lai- c i 1 t*i.r usioner can* v> ^ ; ' ■•' ’■ ■ ■ ‘ ro Co? y*r» r r. •: v . ii rtb •■ncuse , -to. to . ,* v: , ,o3 . ex i. it, J#Krinri.y Tea. I he purchasers -yere oy virtue of t e t *r tsI St ituteo of -.ha .trite of « rginio lo ;3 section 4-4;-, ^-47 ancorpemted the R: chrono *nc liilo,. n my Railway Company, ;:er-d race reed in trie Chancer;. of t e City of i.i chr.t; no, Virgin!.., June Corponii a’ u . •?• , 1 -y 0 f f mchn tier, "iri'ini* . nc 3,1-89, Jorpor .u- • cor of e Ity of L/nc urg.Vir ini .Jane CoUr,t y olJr of Henrico County,auna 3,i- ; -6V, Jlfeatr.rif County, yun '-y» -'irr iniu,Ju»*< 5>1S •?.( n.. .11 Ccu«ty f i ••;. o.i v cV • ; rci County, ir i-.i i,.*une o,li ‘*9, r.c aot->vr .unt vir -ini- June 7,l6S>. . J ^ ... v> aO .Ml Y '?f Y /lie h.! Terence A lilc-monc an 111 -Vi ;»y j- LI ‘p°t! my ( >. .t ’ .) rrc. ads L r '?-■» j. .»-. ^ Cfiecuj. eak« ,,r ti -nio H'a.Tiy t> span/** General C r'icfts, Ki chi.ona, firrini a* Miacned :t?rclo. ■ j ■* :•! ".trie QH-KT , .. ere- o. _ I 30 ^ 1 H AT _ iVUKY 'of* iiy-. "A./ ; Ai'CI ; jh&:, ,.\ IY 001 *f' J Y •£■- \ —1 JlL ■’. iji t -c *, j. jrw 1 1 u . - tml r. ,c (Wnnv . i ;c ojp>i - . tic ond and Lyncho.irr Rnilrofid r ^.xr.l , ”»«ujy Of the *«&» of Virgin in approved i -rvh ; 7> « ::p. p. l. - i / -uh I.~. * '-Cl 7 r li /o- iircctora electee *mc -L 3 ... p-. 6u- :Jo liie ^wplp-.r v y jJl3 Coitj.) ny. • - r . I Xro 0 Comprny to li C'l'Ofic. 'Id . . v ' ’ 0i ,xr - i'ii s epprove -Mr . a-/ j' ^ „ HyJ._; L £ _ j£ _L * 1 n 0 f ulclono" '&£.,£* ° hiC R " U ~ >• ‘-i* -»’• • "«1 it t.* chad -loreto, > 'X _ j r!T ttvchec* r„;rete* nu .. :f n-.enco \ J) o lp^_rj_u (JX 4 aty il-iLlilX- . p .. 1 ■ _ _ on< ' V- w« - I.- ~ :cd3-JI£.'a. r _L Jl _-««- • yr.o : '■:> c* i- 1 rone Co: : IXblU'Oi.n/lQIl Incorporated uncar t\ Spec; *1 Act of tha entire! jssambly of th* * «• >'-e o /irgxaia, u r prc-.«-d a-ch ;-0. i 860 . PHQAgZJfflo-: OjIo unino , sn. :•?/>;,s ckalxisd ?rbr. ui chs-ac and Lynchburg H^ilrowd onpony to tbe Straight-shoot Railroad Compuny by a >peciul Act of t '10 Cenr:-;1 j^aoubly of the Stnte of Virginia, improved :'breh ?7 i* 13 • REBELS Lc .-1 10 ;, :jf Unxnown. - Cj. >F L2£DL -.Aj -,.j , ui ilLffjuN F! X£ i, :.iG5 QT:i’a .\ ; o ne Ait; onsd iere:o. ^> f,ul80 ' s I I I CO -a - j. •: -. ' ■ '• X : V'B AUI O-ilJ L.\ -J-. Y >: ".t.Y 52 _,1 32 ,entitled '*aA ct. to incorporate The J -nee River ~nd u^rn Ccapeny" the ■ j. t r , rtgHtf p franchisee ( etc* of the 2«me» ivorhoapuny *»?r« tr-naferred to The J River *nc Kane-tha ’ori y. The J u . iver , ..c Kono r'ia Coop -"ny exorcised the ri hi * _ veti than u^dar *■ da c‘ t end look pc ^session cf l' r o ' r ** River 'cc■ ^-.v cn June 27,1c ’5. (Annuel report Vne Jsees 'liver und ' n.erh« c; >»ny,o"tcd tec. 1&35 pn£e 4.) On April 2,l H 3bTne J oaes River and Kuna'hi. Corap tny took pusses- »ion cf the Blue .io-e arnpik*, —dch ccn ustau of I s of turnpike ro-«c. This pure.nee *; a in . oct rawnce vita urma c un uct of <*ne i episl .tare cf t ie itdio jf ’irg-inin onied *‘ebrt 2p,1833» i»* viach net it •«••■* provided t-iui the roid with ate obligations should i iure to the lienofit cf ho o iraea River one unrrvh-* Comp-my upon Vtrir t end^ri^,; r *11 y iywant cf tic nx- • ensea of the co- rtrueticn of tie road* The purchase v ,s a »o..o i or -he to of S, e. >8.'.'0, cf *?iiih /, 20 *>)' *vps p«id i • icript for « line uaount cl .rtack .no '5’.CO in cf-sh. (•See annual report cf .-ie J lae .iver »nd ' ^v. *‘ic. ‘np- ny p ted December lt.l6,p v~e lc/2.) Uncsr th» proviaiona of n Special ct- f the Le.;isl tur? . ( ie otate of Virginia^ pi ~ .oC areh 20,1841, 'he James iver navh ;;omp:/»y pure' .jed t t a 1-3 • *-,d in *he ''it ' pf’liO d /tr^inie, 4uly 9,ih41, tie prop irty,ri, hta, fr < i ea f the Rieh.nond reck Don;-ny. ( A nu«l report l.'lAi p , = 1 . . 01. d,l ” ' qOu l*ny 2‘f,l?35 - irectnrs and . f ^c-rs elected re . ; y L. 3 • ccno. JLl\% . .-V3FY : T -h r • I • Y Y.Y me 4, 53 File ;cf erence ^ “ The .1 >a • y-r oi y iy.^ dh*. *4*.) CM. '■>:■ . V. Thft construction >f tie - -• csn.-il u"C river i»prcv« -»nt* t'rca Men vid, 'ir:-u.n: o Lyncnburp;,Virgin!s Ml "0 ilee co...;.r»nc©J in lMo n*»c o«ap}< • nd incfr i«r 1,1-40 o-.irin • vhie hi » the co n- Ttr-J"don from !. icuun;, :.* fcinl n to out ft v, f .rth Hirer an e co*iio‘*'icec a«a a»i ri 2 d t n until V \2 vhen the -ork <*.,a .stop; id. \ ' reft _,i A*], tLe t .iai-tur • of the ’.t *r,e of .'i*v,ini>j u. jce n impropriation 'or the co; ; ldion of tfte .nfiniehed -fork fren ...yncMurg, Virginia •• ..-it* of .orSh i vrx, ,'ir^inis me the ftx-ift'-.eion fro t ie cats of erth iivdr to . left > ;n t /xn inis ,50 i±?'* the cue traction v is c©piM«»nc«a in July ifci'/ «md *• >? cow,d «ted in .Gvariosr If) 51. oo • .r cx u;;u3t 1‘i3 -‘J V >r th^ rant of funda too fork. t 3 itmnaoned in tie . ill of i r„-. The so - comiuted ciiefly jf ut., .a ivet, .(’iscucV' nuc ’.uv>] i. * . ccr.str tet-on conn; so ot \ .0 .(.jfftsjde :on- --ciion, consiotin, of e.,l outlet iock, u-j: a ,nc u,ni,,B8. and . connect!.■.! >ith the liv.mna iv«*r tr. j t ■/, of < ft',1 . -c.iO' , rrata CtioO of L'.e i jck »it 14th Itr^i) to Cr ul Buein it «th Jtreat,»heat 15')U feet w'.a cota..< l« 11 k *,« lo j 4• Hickson - i. fo rt rid* bei^ean t * r -t»s. o>-vinj u lift iii 15 *et nit •, i » r i i i.he nitre ill c orbie of n ’sin- V93 o o > >■• tens. Tlie IX X frooi tie a;-lcck to 17 ’ft H ir : ■ sriui • of 10'} f< ft .ni c depth of r ro r 1 * ' f . . • ^o*.lr •,i fc -> ' rth i:e *>ne 1, >C0 feet pn tne ioutftuiuO. er lock fro,. l.e ;ii cvn- vd ion ror. t ixrnat to its connsetic *• -vitn x te ■ ‘»uul onsin,cc -lots cf 5 -.e ■:.; •; vxnp r. sj:gre, e lift cf oV fvat, Vsieee i • ci:u •• -re ;* ..t of :r-M . recite tno -with the iiipjteCa. co.sp 4->3C f ‘vor- oiy * •**_• 8iailnr .-crx* in **•,*, -. ar. r^. Hich one. r/ ( ini to_. :h >ur - ^‘ ;. .-ii i _1 - 0 ri.l»s Oo I --A.-’t •' u f *"",*/ ’ :;>ii : -■ » •’ t; ...i -.63 I. f "1 •ynt * •’* la-.’.n, «. tn i •< ’. r- ■ >! 30 “ nibble • ■ '.nry f icec *ith ti ei* .0 pinnic, rith n tet 1 lift * 429 # ner a .-re loci: ’• , .V .tom oerta •- lot.-; ■, 3 '*i cio 1 "..iS , cre -39 the * i',-. - aver *’fvr...inp, ; *i- t r *i jtion, 7 t * mr u « ' hi eh ' 3TV9C .3 canal ’-eder %U «i?ueducta,1 -’ibh^uouen trunk :,r.d 3 *ith Fila t. if 'rence 1 r -’*cj »*to of . on. • une ■• 'Ji l?fCKA 'io:: (Cent’a-) u+c «ot:. -. tc ’ ' -iri , » -v : 1 ■ .) -trio no trankH, 1$1 culverts, 133 farn ond roi.a cr if< . «eufc-wi'dc . , i.r.j-n ate. conuot^d cf n dwa across the v . vn 'd ^ e«, 1 ”t wr Cn-'to*,! '-t urd* lei mil. i , ©nn ‘reek. i is ; v ,r*.:• *v*ct-.c-n cc*' :.»• cf no ■ r.. inpnv'r r " t n vit’i xh© injjrt'V'i' ©ni© on the Kiv* > *.n KiV r u J*~t 'ft ■ ; it 1 y t. this r.-itial. T ie trunic cf : - 7» i V- - i * ^ ;« fe?t vxc© -,t in© -Ynt**r line r.a - a originally cut \r 5 -'net. L f ■>• - id «r. /.hr, iili to .iuchnn**n, '_r 3 ... *0 : j noi. ;;'i" o f Vr *1 96 J7 C’ n.'jl »> 2? xl< ji e . s,j cir vr ith 3i: loch3 ’it* i. tot .1 lift t zw r e*t built vr* *» •’** xcep- - u ' c ut aprons, *• d / .irio^r u 3 cre \ •,« ^ r x ,, < r, "• fouecurt of fnot v-n, 3 culverts, 4£ . \uire «.ru>' '~d . ... c ' rr ric> es. ?*• trmk of ti * • * L - a - • • '• •■ bottoti nc $<> fast ''ion h. th~ nrnter line atrir-J..; 1,y to *. depth of 5 fQ«t. ini iiiuo Vjrn^ic© »«a Vo nalea lon^, niiea * oi on Vue Aoitnaide cf J sari Hxvnr ond o cn tne . ert . * t© u connected b; o rope fxrry# ii - J , r ' 1-: 'li t V'o v - i_ out ft o f -n, oMnuy : Ir 11 j' i\ JT/. „ :o - .r, tan tc Ijth :-f ' .6 r.v : - *oy • .• t:i^n iiver iraprov«a'pnta fror; (fn riasten to cuth of tip . jo; iiver,oy di.u», e uicea. .-x Fror.. ouno 27,1^3^ to >rc^' 4,1 oO. Ly oto cr 4 ;-mii.'.tion* rKuj . _ _ ;•■ u - ’ n i' 'Jn*i'er ■ -o."i Act o f the Lftf'isl t jre of tne It - i r i*» : r ^d jtgrch 3,1b jO, The J -re ’ River *»no KennVn-j Coiap .ny »rr- t complete vhe c . nal tc w- ...»r v-r;, ', i-i , or ■ -a ' < ■ n* terra- u- e Ce> .r 1 Rnilroc ' ,r it lin o yeom rci. Korea 2.3,1 of ^ f rr ' to ,o jo .1 tii : ro rty, ripats, frmc-uaes raid privily- s 1, ulc be tr- mf- -re-: to tnr *.-*»,• nd one :r ?n set o ’ the e, . 1 re. c ' he j; :tr u f .ir,, j.r n5c /eoru-.r/ li'o3 '-nd un .ct c t e L. r - isl turc of -*ie >t*;te of -eet Virginia, nseed ’’ecru ry cf xr.<- pror-■'rty cf x *’ ■ t® cf /irpini-..* nwnad vit tin t;.e lualta c -- »•: -••'•*a c * Vxr co sure tr.'isferreu to the counties t irej, n n ich l ■ * Under the eheve uientio .cd 'cts, ’hn Jaiaoe Kiver nui K lost go-is^seicn of . 11 of -tc property vithin the Shut; c ‘ «• Virrir (See annufil report ’hi.A Ps^e '^.u 330 #) ’ • o ,•••■.^ _ :_ __ : : :i P Y tof !;•'fC }. le R * f. r •nee _liL r - ^ I -te ; /.vlu, Juna V ,m ^ .' . - J;r:-■ j ■-. v- -ic >- -mi;, ..r y (Co- /*-. ’ u. ) Y. • ’ • 2 • tt t 19 Kic'tttcn- mu K.ilro d Company, nil c * it?. pro party, ri, it *, fronchi n«, etc/ •*ae« i'-ua in >iccorii»tnc* •wit'i the prcvifiona c7 - 1 '.-it- a f t ie i. . ure of tve >tt a o f v ir r, i ,( *co d • r . >ry ^7.- H i<’ *; rca *,1:0). r sc*, rend i*i the C'i icar /jr. o f the 'it;' t-f "ichncnd, ?ir$Lni» " 5 t l r *■' , ‘-’j-inty Court c ■’ lav . i County, ary v in*o, April 1,13^0 C. . ^ : r.l . -,.wril 'r.o-?..i 'i hue bounty,"1 fulfil*, ; , 1- * f! , ’ •?-■• x "... , .i, , C’ri; »< ii outlty, • April 7,1 .c, Corptr *te . art c Ir.e Jity of Ly*»*:h\*urg, - i‘:i: ,.Iprii 0,1 C, County . aj-t of e« ‘ora f irf inis , .p *1 1.1 ; 0.anc ot a. art County, r raa ‘,l33o. 1 .y . ic i) i * r ‘ 3 -’’a- .at . it Jhxo j^ii .uy (ouw iny*« ( enern'l t'ffics ,hicm--*t'nt, u . i •« .... ... ii;;c ■ v i __-i.-r:-'... ■•V < 'iOu 11 • o. uac . ..l ' . .*• a lereto. 55 J t ^ e j Hi ver Cor - n y __ i, ;ajrj-u--nrxoM 1 1 corpo roted under u jpocial Act of ti? ener-1 \anembly o' >0 -,+ ettB c f fir. ini -a p ,.ised m the pension of crtoi>er ,1',. *• * ! ~tlfd “An Act for cl earing one imp^ovi-ig the n.-vig: Cion c* the Jmea River" ano h S_ *ci 1 Act of the t flnerul .’.asenMy o' the At ‘ •> o f Virginia panned >'©.ruery 17,1^0 e-titlec "An Act to -end the Adt entitleo “An Act for clearin. »nd improving the i vi; vticn of tie June a Hiver* and cr uniting the nnnterr. .nd ern 3 by t.ia J t;ea nnf ;>«n* r n- ..ivnre h ( ft n .y . A i hi: £ A of Cr, .i oticu cm not i uct. . ■ \ Tir 2 ),' Cen *1_ Rirwono, Virginie Go Maidano, Virginia Blue Rii;a C-mal ir . uf. i tho I'ue hic?;e Lou- Hiv - lapre vg.T ant a ,Ta«i«8 Hiv^r T 'rci£ r"si dena, Virginia to the n- rt «">c if tie Blue lucre Canni h«o from t ie "tht enc of the Glue Ridge Cmal to Buchanan, Virginia lc .0 iies A».<. .j» i*>• Hiv*r from Ch rl^fftcn tc ita 'oG.O ‘.’ii©* A.A ilo* 7.5 .hilea Turnpike ho *c Cj vi%rton, Virgini tc the urn c* tne Gig i my Hivar .t.-'tO . il©3 . 7 H. 1 T .1 v;] 3 011 Canal uround tie .'..-uec "liver imIb exte wing frcai Hichcionii, Virgin! .1 tu ! rj. den a, Virginia Cn* »1 through the clue hiu_;« fount rina'n t>n tn© Blue Rxcge Canal River icipro vamtsrrt cr. tie J^*r«3 hi . r er,c vr.t', nluices f *t z. fr u ' -dclena, /irgi»n» to lue Ridge Cenal '©c. nos. Blue Ilia e C nil to r uC’i'1-V:' , „i r .- l’.iver ii.prov •Tit s cm the Y.i in ♦•hi . i ,dune eluicea, at c. frcti firrl^aten tc its ,-actr.h Turnpike Rosd f roat Covini“ton p Virginia to the outh of the hig3anty hivwr 27 .u Giles 7.5 rii<*e - o' » 1. „ a. hf5 o , ..h , f ' ile* Kiae I ^ -croico »ujj- J ■ : /'..vor ’oiapjny (Cowt * d*) OFXR CIO;i Tas "irst tolls werr coll^c ec an April, l r /94( see » -pert of hj-rc of r^jolio V’or f '3 I’ Virginia !<’ 17 t p®ge 72) and opar-aion *e«j con¬ tinued <«-.nil February 17.1^20* iiy *- ae . >ies River cn u iy F ron. ;’e r-Kry lCifO to }'-^ru ry 24,1$ 2% . / the i'r‘viSent ant Directors o f Vue Jar»£B Rival usi ifiy j r. trust far j• ■•■ 9c. .an- 1th o'* .'ir\.i»UQ unc r • n. Act f the mere! Aneea- aly of tie 9 -nb y cf KB. P* the ;t rte of Tirginiri i 3 ed March 10,1632 ent itled “An Act* tc 3 ” 1 ' 7 *‘-j incorporate Trie River end Kunireha .0: p <««•/" the property, ri h francr:a 303 "*c. of the J 31*3 naver C01 -any vere tr**n -ferred to Tue J wags River > c i„w r;*rhn Coru. any• T ie James Raver a: C Ktaerfhe Coaj under this ,ct omj took yo session of the Jfcues aver Jufcpsny cn June 27 ,it;35* hFC ott. 3 Location o f L'nknovm. i^kli^jJ?LLLjL..T3.: - ?vva.^ ,-jr; A. ! ' S Attache a hereto* IIAC-h i J-RfflC '.RAPT Atteohed hereto* • > r\ u Coi^OKAfS -I3T0RT TiiZL _L :AL' 1 T. fD Qj tXO, h AIL?AY or ypA' JT As. of th e -_* ;o..i Lot .,, Ju.i ' 6 3 o t l Aef nr *^ 9 HAill * ? iet wide. This dock is aurrou-.ri *d by n ovbatan- tinl granite vail end made accessible to e *11 elasa veasele by meant of a pivot bridge ncroas Vfth 'tr ?rt O^BUfflON Froa completion to July 9 f 1341 3y o\m organisation. zxamwc? •snder the provioicr, of o specie! i.crt of o Le^ie-l-tt re of the St fit a of Virginia passed «srch 20, 1041, h> ...Riaoo River and r.tinflwba Coupeny, purchoeod at a sale hell in the City of RirVioad, "Lr.inia, July 9, 1^41, e *op r-y, right e f franc d»a« r .c. of the Richmond I ,k Cc ipa iy. Location of Unknown. SCiTL.jf ,?■ DITBS. I.t AJKS. h OR CAIilL^STIui PR0U:'l)I.:iS ,v--h -h i^ caa ^fE . 5 . -. ~ Attached hereto. .. Ga if . . * B •. of rile —it :A •' il’ Vrt l untio n.Ju ne le. :\ofor-?‘ice . lMr : ft n 'or ? R n' i v» Jc- •y < I Oflii’C:. tT!(>.._ Incorporated under * Apeci .1 Art of tbs cenn-.-l iManbly of tne .'tfvfl of Virginia, ^proved March :'7,ll7G. 'Act4 of Virginia l'7 5-o chapter 1 o Page i'15) x ” 1 • ^ * io ' ~ • ^ - .Jirectora -an ’• f f i c--ro ei»cl:*d. Construction was ce-raimcdd by this Company n trie line iron " n » Vl -r,'i vii to Clif..n For; e, Vir a ' .• -r ■■& \«76 0 " *7 t*'9 Ri<' rood «d 11 <• ;*v:-y 1 Airs - Coup an? i'^uw-y *n Kcr • R j i; coi \ ,e t * t i6 Ricu'.ond -nd ’llnjj 1 y Rnilro«t. Co:.* . I 1 V J,;: ri ' ?* s » property, fraachi e r . .. .sicn jap -mv. i;v coiir ; J07i lncorpor?fi ad tmuer Spoil 0. \e«r 1 /ir 3 in 15.75 Vile 3 consists of It) isilea of canal and 9*/5 milnr* of 3 l» ok wr.tor u-i.l, . .on. '"le.-e -ere 22 locks built of rubble tesonry hiving a otil lift of l6‘? feet, ) stone ncl i ti 1 ner ^tt.s ■ x »s« kr-h hiv nr --d 4 0 roc iud 1 .'■sRiTiio:; w; '. P. ?99 'ro.T Juno 1,1354 to January 1.1 0 ,.’. *> or; orgeni 2^icn r ron Jaruory I,l9b2 to Fnrch 4 r lufi0. hy me Janos buyer and Kanaka Comp ny undar igroaaeut d-ted .>apt ember 2,1^57, between T^e !lcr* ti P.iver b’ rt:.on uoiaonny ana The J ?a._ as i if.*r end X?s>v —;a Como iny. Prcra Farch 4,l : 3o to October i$,l33l. ea HI cc.oiui .nci /i4.1e ; i: .j yUrc ... ry undor agrsen^nt dried Jeptera ©1 2, lb 57 , between The North Hi*, r ligation Ooainy snd The f neo Hiver end Kanaka Como ny > c dned f-ed urc.i 4 ,j.- j, 'onveyin ft the property,ri fr.-n chi sea etc* of Vie J mas uver and Ffne^hi Company ?, p ^ -;i£*»ona .nd 511 ^.h .ny Hio.iroed Company, me Refer ; /r a 'SH. T;i r c.:~ -- i .JL.S.+J SL'JUSZ of 7«ly '±- we «. ‘fte ..orta Hlver :: ,ri,. rtlon Coa^y , (gR g t JdJ. 6 / ' 22 - d«t« S^awer 2.101 (■ l dt£ boo : p » 299) + la^ The North ;Uver Ni.oigatioa Company ■ - < iHt .-m^b U.W and ha«a--ha Comply, In. Hurt* aver %vlgaUcn Comply •*>•£« to convey it • property, rights, franchisee, *«•/" ' h J ‘ S, CJ.V 3 T «i iv»'unfe^ Coa *any nc a uoetio* hb*o -anu*«:y 2,^6 (itiiiute ,ook page 30*> the resident of The North Ri.v«r : o rj 'ta,.i.tla and xnterott of, in and to the road bed o' the prof r and rail- r ad, airfl «my in the & ,s territory. hCCO ip > ■ w CkTiinQ of ? ie C ieanpeale and Ohio Railvruy Cofjpuny’a General 'J fi *eti Richmond, Virginia. j qi cjls jjft , -• v::> " ■ Rtilway Corapa ty under agreement Qato ^ ^ eUrci ' ■‘■1, V, between A. . Low, Ntnr River Bridge Co. a-d * he Chesapeake and Ohio hallway Company. L ji ?;re Rim D 1 ST DJv'U NO. 1CI. RECORDS 3y doer dated 24, 18:0, too Hew River Bridge Company, ">’i eyed to The Cuejapeake ar.d G.'ilo Railway Cotipcny, ail of itB righto, franc ...e:, property, etc. Deed recordrd in County jut! of lyette Cou ty, *. Va. November 11. 1890 - E. B, 11- Page 625 ioof^tian of T'le Ch*sepeVKe am O'-.i > RMlway Company's General Offices Richmond, /a. rbjuHg. vq: : _ 1, b rocssdikgs jc h othe r instr.- .attached loreto DIASKA.D 1ATIC CHART attached hereto S’ •m • » •# GOrK^/rs .tmh Ch^r rflv.y . m| ^L' ujgU h V. hi te SL of Value* ioa,, June ) 0 , 1916 , rile Ref-ren cv :;yg « Peananger ari 3elt ?v.i .scy Cota nen „ %y. ON sJ.'To changed fron Central Cit / Paaeewger 'id .reaper tciiion Company to Pceseugrr bud lelt Rail 7 Company under ti >p»ei«l Act of the Gnncrr 1 Aeaerabiy of the . :ie of Kestucky, approved 1, 13££. See narrative of the Ceutml City l leaengar car. fronepor- tirtion Coapeny irnge >4 and narrative of the City Faaaengur Hallway Company Pago 55 • QRO/jqaigioM Date of organization cannot be .tecartained. ,.v,::lTPUCTIC« Soetero to Jerfcern licit 0 of City of Lexington, Ky. connecting tho Elisabethtown Lexington an l nig Sandy Kallroau Conpnny end Cincinnati Southern Relinked 4«20 Mile Coacencing and completion of conatruction ur.k' c-ri. ?ai:a:a cl l- Ut IT) . c* Mileage Zen era to .Western Unite of City of Lexington, Ky,4.20 .liloa. CPrftAflOM Prior to Conveyance fro a completion to muary 1 , 1395* Unknown CONVEY AStCf cy deec dated January 1, l£95» the PM3ae<>&«r ard Celt SJ. Raiiray Company conv >yed to 'he Cheeapenke Mid hio CL. 90. Railway Company its railroad property, together with the rights, privileges and appurtena.-ice#, fro*n t~ connection with the E. L. and B. 3,. Railroad to a connection with the Cincinnati Southern Railroad n diat ^ct- of about, i.2 sAleo. Deed recorded in County Court of Fayette County, Ky. February 1, lv95« ( lb .105 F* 235) • : ccRi'SK^r * l aijgi&oi The deal to The Chesapeake end Ohio Railway Co^-wny . net convey the franchises of the . , & r. hallway. HB00KUB loc. lion of Unknown, SCHEDultfi >J} .. -C10I< PROCSSSIIftS AhDvOTni- Attached hereto. K UtULCIC --fri Ittr.ched her.uto. 65 T HB CHBSAPKAfrS and uhio Rt i i Mfca c jwpaky Att ;>f the ?srnl ^js«*bly of the State of Kentucky, approved Mcy l8, It 86* QilG/Vfj NATION Date of orgoriMrt_oi' ct :• v be; ,r.e - - i coi^iT hUCTio :; None. 11 NAME CKAHCEE ?roni the City P«ae»nfer Railway Campon;: to ' itre.J City Passenger nna Transportation Company, an^ar a Special Act of General Aes^wbly if the State of ..c ; r ..,.td ‘ br-: ry 17 , 1C-63. ' Rj£OKDS location o f Unknown* S;liKiCCJ: Cl L 'HD. .V. ... h.-CKGAfUZ/glOW flicriM-lMiS CTi. : i m in s - * " ’ i«OR*< DiADhA^/glC CHATS’ Attached nereto. X.W0RA7S JIir~r-‘ TT- ok: : jail vat comp ant jULOm J*}* or mwatlw . Jun. 30. m f. Tile, ■.efe-ance Acitn of 167*3-9 Jfc. 19 s*\ (3D. 19C sr. cr,. 86 and CD. 94 n i y:oapoy: iOM sStI P or*v^ r. JOr Sp,Ct * 1 Act of ^.n.ral A,..«bly »f t h. ' * •-‘.r^inia, ®PI roved arch 2 iSy : 21 l '[l ’AT' ‘ ,arcn A * l * 8; ' Directore elected and By-Laws adopted. 3 CKSTTUCTIQW -ntoo, va. to Arvon, Va. ■> 01 -41.. commenced December 15 , 188-4 - completed February 2 * t MS. Arvon, to Roanpy. »/a. * t ec Coj.ence. April 26 tAoy „„ , „ A ■ mli8B • u *• » l c 7 * •- cor-plotea July 1 , 1893. !?_*•- 1 ^. A ’ ■ L ' J ^c jr ption i »t Ir j;,. !;*} 1 . 6 ago ‘ c Ca n t o a, J f > .to Roaney, > 1 . 20. 4 b mil 0 3 ■ ATI OK Prior to Demi ss J rr " : ' e * 3»nToJ, Va. to Arron, Va. ■• l r u ; ry iS - ‘ CS5 to *y ». i ?89 iit.. Paired in the lease dated Au^u^t 23, 1884 . " r ‘ 7i Arv0n . Vn. to tosney, Va. U ^ X ’ November 5, 1897 5 rI 5 LS D “s?;H and 0h t° >Uway Jo, " p '' ny umier «»*«.» .r, p 7he Cheapen** an Ohio dailw y Company rece ived ttUtl oaiS’iSr * U nf9r * W 8 '»« in Edition other ocl-^1 ter< *? 1 outstanding bends, taxes nnd « l actions 0 , -.ha bucking)} on, Railropd Company. SOKKJittrS ISTOKT of** T.A ZJP&'W'-' A:;T C'HTO .IA.IL V. AY VIy Ag of the date of Viluatlon ; ans 30, 191.6. 6■ / m® d eferen ce Bu okiaghar Rail roa 1 Cnjpany. BBaS8 SF. •JD. 40 Conti r _jnd. By authority contained in Spatial Act of t! j Asia Ly of the State of Virginia, approved February 19, 1^94, the duckincbam 1'i ro-ic Company, by deed dated November 5 , 1897 , oonveyed to The Chesapeake end Ohio Railway Conpany, all of its ri^hta, frar.c.iises, propertie etc. ecordei in County Court of 2uckinghnro Jountv, Virginia, November 22, 1°97, fceod Book 9 Page 334. Location of *!f»e *%eeepeake is 0 Railtr&y Company’s honernl Officoe Richmond, Va. ”»• l eases f gsoaotfm^Qr eraa ’vFfft’ah* 3 hereto. PIA3R AMXATIC CHART Htached hereto. . ?ii* Ksfsronn!:© 13.U3. K?,P.2. SF* CONI'. 2(s MB.P.112 Act 1393 Ch4i J 2 43 • bee* j. 58 of lo, £ ^FORATg HIoTuftY •34 THg. c he: ; ats£, r ju£.:• ohio _£-u _hY ocmp ■ t e ?f V.. luat ioa, Jug., yj l iy .L^ Ib^rjenbrlei and her R .« ijrend Coinoauy, INCOfiTOn aXIOM Incorporated unoer the Censril Laws of the at ite of Articles of incorporation dated Arnguet 3 t lool, recorded ia County Court of Payette County, ^©et Virginia, August 4, 1881, Simmers County v>e©t Virginia; August 5, 1881, filed with the Secretary of State of the 3tet« of #nst Virginia ana certificate »f incorporation iaeus-d August 6,l£8l. ORgAKEZifflOH ' Septanb«r b, l 88 l - Directors elected and By Law© adopted. cerSTRU- 1 l ION South Side Junction W. Va. to Rush Run, W. Va. 3.31 mee comcaencod October lo£7 - completed April lfifiy. Rush Run, W. Va. t© Butcher© Branch, V. V«u 8.9**. Kilat cojrmsaaed Octooer 1891 - completed |fay 3 ^ 94 . tiiOfl >M> DESCRIPTION let Tr^cit Mllen^e South Side Junction, W. Va. to Butcher* Branch, Va, 12.25 Uiler OmjfflQK Prior t o &gr~er Proa 4 rill85? to Normabor 21, 1901 By The Cbe-i.peake and Ohio Railway Company, under agreement, w- 1 aren 11, 1889, bet -reen A. A. Lew, New River Bridge Company and The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company, This Company wee merged rith T ie Chesapeake an5, were filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Terfc Virgin!* and eertifi * e of .. ;wrpor«tion w,v ise >y m„ i'ay 10, 1395. .•£.?. 5- QRGANILVfflOK -uno 27, 1395 - Director and Officers electM, CjUpZl jCTlQJ lion Jean, 77, Va. to Carlisle, B. Va. co-xiencad June 1:99 - aoc-platad Jecom’r er 1'X 3- 0 11m TJJRIJT^X X I D DEoUilPTIQtj ' lat I re : ^ j* i Glen Jean, «. V*. to Carlleie, W. Ve. 3.U) Milae operatic;: Prior t o Merg er i-rom ■'ewer TjfJO to ovaeiber 21 , 1901 By The 1 neonpo ,ke and v,dii> (viil'rcy Company, to 7 virtue of ownerohip of t entire Capital Jtoek of thio • upany. U&iSi loapnny *># merged with The Chesapeake and Ohio fUilwny Conpany under ut icrity of ** ,Vct of the Lagielstui® of the’ State of '.Vest irgin: *, approved February 13, i^OX. Tue Merger who approved toy the Stock ha Id era of Th® Chenipeuk# Act ’j 19<)1 and bhio Reilwty Company at « meeting held, October ?2 1901 Ch..UQp.41. and by tne Stocknoldar.i of the Glen Jean U««r Lou. sn< . ,* P iter Railroad Jospin y ei a moating held Octou* r 2i, 1901 . t.artificato of Merger "me issued toy t l9 Secretary of State of the State of *?eet Virginia on iovarauor 21, 1>01. RJXORia Th® Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company’s General Offices Ricwccjiid, Va. i igpULE Of D^rpS, L5ASdS, RK .. .GV rROCOTI'lt'3 ib r ~~ - * - /rtt ached hereto. ril . ■ .©f oca ■ >Kr'{ i ££ ?y of ~ - :t ;_. : V; iv.■ ?/.• *. 7 / - — ~ l S - d te C f V sJU -?io- # _ Juno ,u V;h , JlJl'^ ■/ Con,,, _ - J •■■ : : J . r ^ Jr ? C o ■.• r in County Court of Albaciarle County, 7a., February 17, 19 RECORD S Location of 7fie Jheeapeaka and Ohio tailwuy Company's General Off; ceo, Richmond, Va. SCH EDULE O F PESOS. SAS3S, !V?CR»AtfIC.«.DIN1S -do 07! "R Attached hereto. DI A 3 RAUL ATI C CHART " Attachert,B •sspir.j. Lioites - Povallton .ml • — ' ° ' f'l im T* * Colliary a*. my »r.a L .. UmUett.. Clara II, La mi.tta, Cardiff wan*? Ml Atlantis Trust Coup any, TWamw. I T Q .„;QiU aON !>ct a orvion Carrier. COHETRUCTIOR n.SuUn, *. fa. to Powoli ton, it. ■/.. 5 . 20 »u„ U>c*anciBg ar.i completion of construction unkaown. T"-'- tic ?ini \ n D^’ 15 ' ?T;. Gi I at 'ire - ij. sage uarl.n, ». Yd. to Powiltan, *. fa. J.2o hU . s OF ’iiUUQM *fi*j • r to 'Jo riTc, tic* TrPtrTaonrp lotion to - «uiy >o iqq2 By Powell ton and Pocahontas 'kill way Company. SOM^ nfAKCB P-iweUton^nn^ p’"'V' 3 71,10 '^ount Carbon Company Lim tec , t Pasahontaa ^il*ny Cocpaay, KUrldge Colli.rv .* n -' > • - 1 ' ot a. (2.R-*! M. ’ • Ti. ur^-diff h'* *' H . tnS U ’ Lantio Trua ‘ t Company, Trustee, conveyed to ?5J. «“SS:,*1 T «»»“"» «“ >* thoir r5?r£d i?!’ : # 2« f * ;a * to Po^Uton, W. Va. 5.20 alias. The loT’ rLWL ***""!** *»«*» ra,pany, L..a.., und.r ihl. ' On 0 a " d * ult<5laio * d unto The Che sap sake and I" V^ ilW ! y Con, W •“•*» lights, title ami latere.t it Lau xn ^ -•^i. P cI ty t C ° nX3y ! d * ° S * d r9cordef File Pxfo ence Corporation Act of «.Va, 1393-P-122. New diver Diet Deed No. 1 2 6. T : -_-fgf'AP 'ATE AHD OHIO : -AT' V' COITV-T A* of the Pate of \ r aluatlon t :una 3C, , ?l£. k A-~. 5 - h owt,. i ton and Pocu.1 . ntaa uaiiimy Jonoany. i: ;od?ORATio?7 Incorporated under the funeral Laws of the State ? Virginia. Articles of incorpc, ation fil e -At?. Secretary of State of tne Stats of »ee Vir i-Ia : - tif teat* of incorporation was i . ued by > X a rjecer: :.*r - 5 030ANIZAT IOh D*Te of organioatioc cannot be nscer .a- ned. ;oi:st rcTioh a: o opsrat iok Company osrned no property but league, and O' - tna railroad from lit. Carbon, rf. v». tc PoweUtoa, fa., a distance of $.v miles owned by The f’ouni Cart)'. Company, i-iasitod, at ai. jv y«.ncs 3y teed iatea July 10, 1902, The v.ount daroon Uoapiny, uimited, at at, conveyed the railroad fro.. . ,. Carbon, ^e-t Virginia to Powellton. .vest Vir^iria, a li - » >f 5*2 miles to Ibe Chesapeake and Ohio ?*ilt»t '.o'p&ny and the Foaeliton and Aocahontas tailway » St Hit« Of "'-sat Virginia. Articles of incorporation were filed with the Socritery of State of the Static of Weart Virginia and cert5 fleet of iac or port ion vnn issued by hint 'larch 1, 1899* OROA^./CItiN K' r -1 3, 1899 -Directors elected and By L* •*» adopted. COIioTiVJwiGfv Bsrboureviile, W. Va. to iiidltiff, T, Vo. 21.00 lies conveners July 1699 ~ completed June 1901* ttidkiff t v. Vb. to rig Crack,. 7 . Va. 23*20 Vile* ’’or ersced September 1 - ce; ieted Ocioi or 1 / 03 - VFj&.IL'l . J ,^ ij Iti _ Jr~uc‘-~ ■ r; Bfli buuro. ille f “ ” Va. to ig rack, Ya. 50.20 title# OPgRnTl Cij l •T )r to ” . -r,zer June 1901 to October 31, W3 ly 'The 'he ipetice and Ohio Railway Company by virtue of ownernnip of capital etock of the Guyendot Valley Railway Coopany. + hi.; Co? ;■ vufl ner&od *• Lth Tht Chesapeake an I Chiu Railway Company, imdei authority of art • rt of the Legislature ci the State of V.’ecrt Virginia, approved February 18, 1901. The 1.rr v ii & proved by the Stockholders of Cha3apenke ind Ohio T ilv -y Cot n» y *tt « meoting held Oc ober 2Q, 1903 end by the Stockholder- of tho Cuynndot Valley Railway Coapany • + :* sorting -tele ct.Mer lC r Vf )". >rtifice.te of Verger m* is. ucw by c-ecret'ry :f itrrte of the State of Ve^i Virginia October 31, 1?03. RTVRRDS Location of Ine C; rat'pei he and Ohio nuiiwuj Company’a General Offices, Riciauond, Va. 3Ch&pulk or tma leases. rropgaviiat::. proceedings a,l other IT ' ~ —----- “ Attached hereto. DIAGR AM ATI ■ CHART .At ached he: rto. 1 CORPORA' 5 **? HI.*5TORT ~-oT '™. TH5 3HSSAPSAK8 A TP Of: 10 RAI: .VAT COLT Air AeV" iW bate of r ~?eIuaHon 7 Juno"j Q. 1916. I $) lie Reference a» > - Greenbr ier foll-ny Company. IK SORPQ RA T IOS *»*•* 3 * Toco rpe rated under the General Lew* of tae State of He st Yirginie, Articles of incorporation dated Septarb r 1 1 r 9T, filed with the Secretary of i-.ato cf the tate o' lest Virginia and certifieete of incorporation issued bv him Neeenjb-r 16 , 1H97. 0 IGAKIJATION VB.P 3 ' Decoder iu, 189" • f 'lrector 6 aleciad and By-Laws idopteci. CONSTRUCTION "TkVtcenb, 4 . 7 a. to Bartow, ?/. Va 93.00 ulloe eo^-eaced Sepxwtter 1595 - conpletsd Decna-or l .-j] Op ened f or Oper ation WEItcoat), tf. VaTl.o Cazs, w. Va. 80.80 in October 1900 Caea, f. Va. to Dvrbin, M. Va. 15-00 in Daces oer 3.901 Durbin, W. ,'a. to Bartow, If. Vs. 2.20 in Decercne** 1903 THRMIDI AWD PSSCRIPIlO H let "V is:- ~~^iler 3 ** f&tocwb, W, Ve.~to Bartow, 2, Va. 98.OO oilee Oh 5 ttTIOK P H or to garget ft*wa Octoter Pj\ 1900 to October 31, 1903 sr ‘ Hy The OheeapeeJcs and Ohio Railway Company under Ioann dated So▼ oaber 1, 1901, by the Greenbrier Railway Cor.pxny to The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company, which lease was admitted to record in the office 0 ? Secretary of fiate of the State of *e»t Virginia, November 21, 1901 . MJPtCKR This Company was aerged with The Chesapeake and Ohio tail way Company under authority of an Act of the Legislature of the State of Test Virginia, approved February 18, 1901. The Merger was approved by the Stock hoi dors of Tito Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Ooapany at a meeting held October 20, 1 903 , and by tbe 3 toc^hoider* of tie Greenbrier Railway Company at a meeting ?i«ld October 20, 190:!. Jertificate of ' erger w&a issued by the Secretary of State of the State of Zest Virgin a October i. ,1903 RECORDS Location of The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company * a Ge eral Office : Richmond, Va. LIASES, iT-0 It ANI /.ATIO*! pRf CD’D •" ) r ISSTR U M^XTS ' --— — -— __ Attached hereto. et ■I t" - GRA TIS CHART . AttacKeT"hereto. MB. p 121 Acte 1901 Gh.U2 P 2i3 -- 711 • Re f e r sc c ? New River Dis't. Fe»d lie, 104. *'' ' >. ?> ,r 77 CORPORATE KIS v'P.Y ^7 -- . Aa of tr.a Date of Valuation, June ; 0 i 1916 . tA S - P. Sand INCORP ORATION Vot" c Comaca Carrier. CONSTRUCTION ^THur-Tynd, J. Va. to .Hoad. 4 . 7a, Commenced Augv-jt, 19&3 • completed June, 1 04. "R.'^IVI Ail') ORSCRI PTIOri 1 at r Vi j ck ileage TJiun.Ti.d ~ vr'Va. 'to Bond, 4f. Va. 4.61 4,6; 3:113 fc Of-UHON Deeded to 7*e Ohooapaalca and Ohio Railway Joiapary apon oojjpLetion of road. CONVEYANCE 1/ deed daiad June 8, 1$04, W. P. fiend conveyed to Tie Cheeapeabe and 0 io Railway Company ail 0f hie right? titi.0 and interest in and to the right of say and rail¬ road constructed Trom Thuraond, ,T. 7a. to Head. «. Va. >sd recorded m County Court of Fayette County. dent Virginia, February 5, 1905, (DU 28 page 3I0}. HP CO RDS location of 7:~z SCHS"’:: ? OF Z HgDS t LEA.BIS. RB0R3AMI;IATI0N PROCHET ■ ’JQS and OTKCR instructs --- ~ Attached hereto. )I AC. IA iSJ AT I 3 CHART Ai iacheh no ret 0 1 I Reference o?’. Gout. 13*2 dew diver Dist, ieed :la. 129. JORFOf'AT- HISTORY > -- T :? CHESAPEAKE A W.VIQ ftA.II ^AY X i V - As of the Date of falwttw, June 30, 1916. .’. V.lg - ^ulnalmont. C< dCor. any iPJORPOt ATI.jH Mot a Common Carrier CG'-i/iRUOTlOl Quinnimolit, 4. 7a. to Bro nwood, Va. A. 0 ailss Cotaaencin an completion of construction uni iorr.. TERZ/. I Ut D33C0I?'. Xf o 4.30 mile* ^at ^acV 2: Le aga Qufnr.iiaont, - Va, to Bn* wood, ... a OPSRATIOK Prior to Conveyance from corapYeficr To January 1, lS99 By Quinniniont Coal Company (net a common oarrter) •Tom January I&99 to June 30. 1*502 By The Cheaapr. ike and Ohio Railway Company, under igreemer.t between The whoeapeate ani Ohio Railway Compr-.t-y an D. 0. EoyC'j, Jpecjui tece... \rt : c ‘. o • lor.t Co .. / t t January 1 , 1999- From June 30, ?02 to October 1, 1904 By Quinnimont Coal Lotiipany (,;ct t comron carrier; CONVEY AVCE By deed dated October 1 , i9.4, the ;uianir.ont. Goal Cc.aj '.t conveyed to The Chesapeake and Oh.. .^way Company, all of ■ its railroad includ .tii, roa-i-b.M, :ios, rail; , i- -. ... 1 -er with a etrip of land twenty-five (25) feet on ia k .n e»: the center line from Quinnimont, ». 7a, to Brown-o , rt. Va. f 4.8o miles. Deed records.’ in County Court of : iv e County, West Virginia, lace cr 23, 1904 (DB , Mill lair. Beury ( S» _Beury^ C. A. Beury and B. A. z >ur . li’JO APO RATIO:) Mot a Common Carrier. COMS Tff'CTIQT 'dfownwood, U. V*. to End of Track, Va. Commencing and completion of construction un* ncum .70 mile* 11311* J A t> I SCTIFT IOl 1 " f - Tv ra ck V i l e n, 9 * Irownw^i'TrTa" to End of "rack, ... Ya, ,?0 raises OFr^RATIOK Prio r to Conveyance • rom l)&', to June 3c, 1902 By The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Co: rmny, under no agreement J'rom July l, 1902 to October 1, 1904 B V '■iuinnii'.oot Co*l Company or the Robins Coal Company New .Uver 31st. Deed No. 130 . 00 ■ V "i AC1CE Cy deed dated October l, 1904 the Pobine Coal Company, Laurel -reok Go- 1 Company, Glendale Colliery Company, Greenwood !oal company, Hemlock Hollow Coal and Coke Co .pany, J. A. Beury. T. C. Beury, I. *. Beury, J. E. Beury. K. ri. Beury, U.5.Beury, ita ' Beury, S. i. Boury, C. A. Beury and B. A. Saury conveyed to The Chesapeake hnd Ohio '\ui_»ay Co .pany all of its railroad iriL road-bed, ties, rails,- etc., together with a strip '>f land twenty five (23) feet or each e r - of the center line from Brownwood, J, Ya. to Snd of Track, «. Ya., .70 miles- Deed recorded in County Court of Fnyette County, Zest Virginia December 23 , 1904 (DB 28 Page 208). RECORDS Locat ion of Unknown. SCHTDULR C- r/CEDS^ASES , REORC V :i CATI0! : PROC’^Pir 35 AD OTHER IHSTRU!. Cl'TL L -—---- Attached hereto. PI AGR A. . AYIC CHART "XtTaCiiai Hereto. I CO!^«RA?* n > V3 ra of - 80 fp- c* JW’P OHIO tUlh./AY QOI /PAK1 As of the Into of Val uation. jwn e 30 , 191Q; m* ., %..-• j n f‘ V F ' '■ ■: • -i ■ *’•• ’" •' ;; ;■ -- • - c 1 a ' l U B.p.l Kanawha Diet. deed Mo» ,10 • JIB.P.l. INCORPORATION _ , ^ ""incorporated under tna Gfeneril Lava of t^e State oi tfeet Virginia. Articles of incorporation dated December 27, 189 $, were filed with the Secretary of State of the* State of l*at Virginia an*i certificate of incorporation ms iesttod by hir December 30, l8,)8, ACQUISITION _ , -~~~E7Toed dated Lay 6, 1902, the Kanawha ana Paint Creek Railway Company conveyed to the fanar a a* i Pocahontas Railroad Company, all of its rirhti, property. franchieea etc. Dee*, mao: ed in County Court cf Kanawha County, bo«t Virginia, Lay 19, 1902 (DB 86 F 247). ' P !/ T iATIOK -January 9, 1899 - Direotors elected and *y-L*we Adopted. CON STRUCTION '’ palnT Croek, "S- Va, to Brd 0 irack, w. ^a. 14*42 wiles oomrenced January 1^99 “ oonpleted Geptenuar 1901. Snd of Track, i. Va. to Imperial, V. Ya. 1.58 asiiee cor encing of construction unknown - completed Spring 1904 Imperial, i. Va. to Keeferton, *!» Va. 4.00 eilet ccmi.or'oing of construction unknown - completed Spring 1905* S>‘. Cent. 1946 S':*. Coat. 2220 SF. Coot. 2225- Kanawha list. Deed i,o. 6l4. TSRk'IKI <, ID DESCRIPTION -iVt'Track Hfeagie pSHF'tSVaF; TTva. to Keeferton, W. Ya. 20.00 miles OPERATION prior to Conveyance From "SipaiEer 1^7 1901 to February 1, 1905 rr The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company under oases dated December 2, 1901, October 1902 ard agreement cf Deptamber 11, 19U. cetweer The Cfceeapeeke and Ohio Railway Company and Kanawha and Pocahontas Railroad Oo-opany. CONVEYAUCB ^-r- dp ^ d ; atad ' a brgary I, 1905, the Kanawha and Pocahontas Ml road Company • onvey 8-1 to fhe Chesapeake and ir Rp.ilwsy Company all of its property except roilir sloe- r vo* con- rectiar and franchise- to exist ns a corporation. Doc-d rocoru'- in County Court of Fayet co Count; , seat Virginia, Jur. ; 22, 1 ?-:■ - (06 28 F ©20} Kanawha County, »»st Virginia, Jum , ?05, (DB 97 F 456). . I me Rgfi. report kd.F.93* c;a?P0K,^K ;S3rCM¥ Th »J ChLttATSAfcr, ruil ) ::J. R >'< ' o 'I as 0 f tv.! inis r.f .LUiatian. J cae 3ft. t . Iii£: Atawwra an Pocsfeart F ' V’.. ad C apatg - OORPORJffK yXlS*!‘^CK -' cSIrtfir of the Kansvh* Foot he -rioc Retired Cotspeny surrendered January 3, 1911 an* the corporation paosec cue of existence. R3CCED& and Ohio Railway Coepany’® General Office* Richr^nd, Virginia. SCHB2UL* OF OSEPt, I-^^FS , RIOKOAMI IJI IOK J; • OCjSgiTigj, riLigisS. Attached hereto. LX ^KMlV /cr?C. Cl!/FT i&tuchec hereto -.® f ercr.^e Kcirmwha Dist. deed . 730. Kunav-hn Dist. desu Ho. 609 K - nuwha Diet. Deed No. c-10 CORPORATE h ft if -^- - T■; V SH3SAPSAKS AM OHIO %\il kY .r.V; A"Y As of the Date of V» iaiiei , Juno 30 , 191^. FA? .5 - Kanawha ana Faint Crank ft - I,! CORPORATION Incorporated unde:- the "'l L.awr of the rra" 0 Vest Virginia. Articles of in :orporati n were filed with the¬ se ere t ary of State of tue State of .ant Virginia arc corti ' 1 cate of incorporation wa ..»• by k i r. Uovember 13, l 6 V. ACyiCITIQN Sy Tee dated Fovenber 20, l u '95, t ie Fana>hfc and ““a. ni Creak Railroad Company conveyed to t o Kanawha an- Faint ireek Railway Company ail of it: ri t of way, properly, rano} i i« eta. Jead rsconed in County Court of v t»na’aTa Jest Virginia, Noverrbor , l c *95, (DB 69 F 4i>3). I'm work having been ctor.c under i. r tgreonent if 0 ." .--her 1806 1 betreon The Cheeap oa'ef arsncc • OHIO Rj\: l.V.'AY r. yACT gfjfaiu tion. Jtm« 10 lilt. MjJW t Cr M |, h ni i MV Co apany - A msmzjmoK mcccrttac--. ttnched hereto. -IACHAC j'XC aifl KT Attached hereto. File eree.*'* SF. COOT. 8 Kanawha Dint, Deed wo» ooa. • ORPOi ’u 1 • I3TQHT 'Sim Ciui },-:e iJip caio railw ay cx ; upx ;y i W of the Date el valuation. J ane 3C. 191 b. i SAli H - K&n gy ha &a_ Pa; .reea to construct a lane up Paint C oak on toie rig-it st way a distance of five sdleB, du ing the year of 188$, 'Under this agraocterTt The Chesapeake und Ohio Railway Company commenced grading on this" branch line in January 1889 and the work was "topped in Karsh 1890, The Chesapeake and Ohio Rail'.my Conptuy l*avinr up to th/t time expended for grading <35,59t>.9*. by deed den ea Isay loth 1889, the Kanawha and Paii.t Creek Railroad uo;spuny conv£yt»d the rights of way, property, fran:hiaa.i, sto* ts per a.-praaraont dated Kov^aber 26, 1888 t between . Chesapeake mid chio Rail'-wy Cor car*’, and the Rftint Creek Coluiery company. Deed recorded in County Court of Kanawha toxity flest .irgirda, June 12. 1?B9 (DB 276*178). ni9 Reference ;CRJ“ORAT , HISTORY * Tr- rrx 3:15APRAK- AND OHIO Kill. kVAY *r?.V/iY Aj6 of the Date of Valuation, June 30, 1916. Karr.* '-i ' . Paint irs ik Railroad j&rspany 85 m iSf Continued : . By Tee a' daUu Reveaber 20, liR5, the Kanawha and Paint, I irt. Deed Creek Railroad Company, conveyed to the Kanawha and Paint >e. 730 Creak Railway Company its franchisee, rights of way, property, etc. Deed recorded in County Court of Kanawha County, W. *a., Nov. 22, 18^5 (lib ©9 Pag® *03). Pv? CORP S ~’Loeatioc_ > of Unknown. sch'-::u:.* or jews, «£asss, rsorganiaation proccsdinde ajto othsr INSTTJygfTts" Attached hereto. DIAGR AMMATIC CHART Attached (terete. ** - • * File h a { 'ui. t 1. ’J3. P 1. of TfiK Jntiirir JU‘L- utU U ;>.g»...;,V4 ■ oT t !,6 ate of V.J - tion, June 30. 1.91C - - £uu phea t-yef -. a :• id >-•;. o ._• _ ry Jowpen y ' -yry i];zomhwwi Incortjornt od under the Central L ?s of t e 3tHe of Kentucky by coneolid-*tic~ of Chesepe :ke v: (.hie ?* ' Conpnny of Kentucky; The Kinniconeick *r ir*»»tun* Railroad Gop»n«ry; , id • ig :nay Ruilwr;y 'or ’tv, U' ea Rr.reor e.rrt dated ! ay 19, 19Ci6, effect * e June , Agroarsirt of cor.aolid'vtion we filed it t e Seer? of Stite of the State cf Kentucky md se :ic . - c coraclidetion ^re issued by bin on June , 1..'- 1-. Filed with The Railroad Conaisrion of t to of Kentucky June 1, 1906. Recorded in County Zt i rt « Boyd County, Kentucky, June 1, 1906. . June 2, 1906 - By-Lawa adopted snd offierre. elect vjOiw j f a w* cr 1 on :;o ue«. fur t track «ileuge constructed. itCC X,:I ^ IZLCRIPTIcN let I« >ck . lle^f e Wert Bunk cf Big Sandy River tc K. C, Junction, Covington, Ky. Benton, Ky. to L?xi. -to-;, >./. Ashland, Ky- to Elkhorn City, y. Richardson ly. to i ench Orchard, Ky. Uarrowbcne, Ky. to j.ellier, ly, .Vount Starling, Ky. to Roth*ell, , y. Gr.rrieon, Ky. to Carter, tut;x, lS»"-'. r ' tiles 10. V, • a: ilea 134.91 aile. 3.’ 1 mile 7.0 ailee 19 * 4 .ill ' -J2sk TRAP ,} K ruGHJb flim. .Viiai CARRIERS Auth. for Operation h: • -..-id. Terr ini« Agreement of From SF.Cont. Anhland Co >i . <>•;./ Ky ; July T 7 1902 * J*sn 1 y 'i 2074 end Iron Rtil- Benton, Ay. ude the let 1906 1907. tay Coapeny, 21.30 criles u. 1 ,s,S.F.y. o. SF.Corrv. Looiaville end Lexington, Ky. .:uroh 23 , lev5 June 619 : 1 shville Ki-ii ' • to Louusvitle. ; u nd« rUb the I 9 O 0 1907 . rorid Company. Ky. 04.40 :nile». '■.L.vuij ,i« .1 ,R.Cc-. r <* I ~ ■ 81 corpo ra to mnm J -- IIP RAIL QMl ■ As of the Dat a of Valua ti on, Juno 30, 1916. Kile Icfere nce *JA. 4 ^ •. - The Che sap eake and hio Railway Corapary or Kentucky - continued. OPERATION * 3K. Coni. *915 • sf. CD.4 . From June 1, 1906 to July 1, 1907 By The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Corip my under agren- ment dated June 8 , 1906 , between The Chesapeake ar.d Ohio Raiiwny Company of Kentucky and The Cheeapeak e ”.nd Ohio Railway Company. co;:ysyaj:ce by d* ed dated July 1, 1907, The Chesapeake ar t Ohio Railway Company of Kentu sonveyad a , ar.d Ohio Railway Company all of itL railroad property, ri.hte, franchisee etc., ex^pt 15,000 acres of mineral lands as described in County Court of Pike County, Ky., DB 44, page 5 So, which lands were conveyed by deed do-el June 27, 19C7. to t e Chesapeake . ineral Company. Csed July 1, 1907 recerded in County Courts of Clark County, Kv., July lc, 1907i bath County, Ky., July 18, 190?; Boyd County, Ky., July 13, 1907; bracken County, Ky. July i8. 19C7; Campbell County, Ky., July 18, 1907; *artor County. Ky., July 16, 1907; FHyette County , Ky., July 15, 19C?; Tloyd County, Ky., July 16, 1907; Greenup County* Ky., July 19, 1907 ; Johnson County, Ky., July 23, 190?; Kanton County, Ky., July lB, 1907; Lawrence County, Ky., July 15, 19C7; Levis County, Ky., July 19, 1907; Lason County, Ky., July IS, 1907; Menifee County, Ky., July if. 3-907; Lontgorcery County, Ky., July 17, 190?, Pendleton County, Ky., July 16, 1907; Pike County, Ky., July 16, 1907; Rowan County, Ky., July 19, 1907- RECORDS Location of ?ho CTieeareake and Ohio R&i way Company'e General Cfflees, Richmond, vs. •r--- 1 0” : , uLASSS, OTOROAJ iATIOT PRCC ijiuIHOS A; ) O'HK IK JT RU' .'KKTS ' . Attached iereoo. 3IAGRA -atio chart A 4 , t icj; ed Ke r at 0 . % m« Ktn - rime 6 Act.® 1690 Ch 373. ;.ui P2?. Si* Co nt • 530. kb.p.iii. ,1' V T;iK CKSb a a • mI ■ PAliY A s i jjv; •■■ ’ O '_' ii _• ‘ .. ' :na lyitf. *■£!£• ■' " - : .;k ^ .d F r 3 :. ate no 2 ail reuil 7c \ •••<«•/. . X, ■ ( Incorporated under a Jpoaiul Act of the loners! ^aombl y oi tne -it'it 0 of sntuoky approved .lurch 20, lo^O. Cr CAlU^ Ail-... ~^>r^l lft, 189G. hasting of Stockholders -Birecters sleeted.* April 18, lft 9C. looting of Direct ora - Officers sleeted. CQ. 'STKuCTIuw Garrison, Xy. to Freest?ne t Ky. 8.94 Idles em.mnc«d IS 9 G - conyiertec June 1391, yr ^etone, : /. to Tartar, Ky* 10.33 co l. on cad 1^91 - opiated June 1893* T 3 ij I.. ,. ,.IL 1 ; 5 oCRI>TlO; ' Vy„ JracK 1 !~- lea , 8 Garrison, Ky. *0 Carter, Ky. 19*77 ZJAlea OP^RAriv:: /Tow cun'* I 89 I t,o June 1, 19Qu dy a he Cnee apeak © and Ohio Railway Company under .'.sties dtxted .ipi-il 13, 1390, between the Kiaricssniek and •Ye.atone Uaiiro&c Coirpeny r>nd T•*'» Chesapeake and Ohio Hailway Company. COKgQU i/Ckj:; By sorter'.OHt datnd Key 15, I 7 O 0 , nffactive June 1, 1906, 7 ‘i-i ck - ’d Vreeat.; 1 , KniLroad CosLuany, Chesapeake . and w io Ite .lvay a . puny of Kent ucky end lig Sandy hallway Cotipany wore consolidated to forrs The Chesapeake «d Chxo Railway OC:ipeny of Kentucky. Agreement of consolidation vis filed rith the Secretary of Stnte of the 3trte of Xe -riucjcy and certificate of consolidation w«s isfusd by iir 0 i .une 1, 1906. Filed any vsx a consolidated with -he Big. Sandy Afil-'ey Jattpa.y to form the above ooapjsny vere formally ^urrandared. A copy of the Hsaoiutien w«e filed with the State Corporation Co;ciis*iOJft of the State of Virginia, Jiay 7» l?0o, QRflAatlZJCIQM jueo 20, 1902 - ay Learn adc. pt od and Off ..cere electa COliSTRUCyiOii , _ Go r struct ion wae ca£->.ea*,ed in Ji e 1902 ad conspire : Afoltn House, Ky. to «-rovdoa*, ky. 69.3 rtils.5 July 1, 1K>5 Unrrowboae, Ky. to fielliear, Ky. ~ .8 *iJee Kny Marrowbone, Ky. to Flkhorn City, Ky. 7«* mileo 'Jarch. l ? 190o 7121x11 a A# OBSCPTETIOH lot Truck Mileage ihiie Heuee, Ky. to Elkkarn City, Ky. Marrowbone, Ky. t© Hellier, Ky, 7»30 mil^s Total 14.5C- miles OPiBUTlON, July 1, i%3 io June 1, 190 C 3y Vhe Ches ipeikee nd jhio Railway Coup.-ay, by virtue 0 own ■ b *.ip ef the entire Cap5.t«l Ttoek ©:' thia Company. . .., : r jK, ri t uy • ; v t me : of nr • ?o* Aa of the pate 6* i- - M i;' H r ill^ ^y Co an y . ( Cor-. * d, ^^*5' ' ngre*rn-t dhted _y 19, 1-06, •<* r -ctiv? J/.-.o 1. the Mg S -ridy'-uy C© ipany, The Kinnoconnick and *o- etone ’vdlro i ’’o.- :pany aid ''heHhpaake -nd Ohio lii'l*' ucky '"«*« conoolidrttod to frosi The Ch *p»ai anV Ohio Corip-ny of 'Kentucky. Aeremeut oolidiitioc wee filod -rit> the Secretary o r ttwto t ' St to of Kenttsky and ce: ‘ ificrte coeo »lic ifpuoa by hire Jung 1, 1?:<6- Tiled ilth the l : ~r i ;0iii33ijn of the it veto of errtucky, Tune ■ recorded in Count/ Co'art of 3oyti Ccu-ty h n;tir ky Jure i, l*Co. aSCORI I .A'Ogtiu”. of ? jo leeua jia* and Ohio Railway Company's Dev,or- <1 Off. ;r Hichnond, f ir;;inia. 1C.L1.UuK C i v - t> K. g>HC V-IZ-glOV r:ioc~-: 1 v: io»d Ai j . lu£jlSJLi , Attached hereto. 11 AiK.wfiATIC CHART \tt ached herrto. COkrt^.A 'K " v. r File he! or li£L. 'li : a. i «.■ ii'. \y c ■•; ; •; .•.* » c; v*iu-ti_o : ^. j r - n -C* - Big Bendy R? jj ■- ; pa ,, /. 1 to 10 ^ li)»'Oi'i>or t rt(Kl -n-.^r t jo Gone: i*>ara of t « Stote of KentucIcy. Article of inc: , :r tior .1 *_ed JVVruary 1;, 1902, recorded n County ^OiJrt of . oyc County il jritucky April 5, l'i02 t filod **xth Th. .-oad Couaiiosion : , filed *ith the Secretary o r jt >te ct J - n« h ate o Kentucky anc certificate ° r i r *corjoration vmo ieeuod hy hl-n \pril 7, 1)02. cx.cg2.rriu:; ApHi-l- 9, 1902 - Oxrccrtor* eloped and 3y L' ,, vo adopted. ’Cor.*. ot . CD.lib Ct -dth the Secretary of dt rte othe 5t :a of ..ent mky and certificate of consolidation wae iaauod ay hiw Junv 12, l)ac. Filed ■with the tionrd of Public Y.’orko and th© Secretary of State of the 3inte of Virginia, Juno 14, 1)02, n* required under the provision of the ,‘ct of the c eral Assembly 3 •" ***• 1 ' r '« of Virgi ia ipp’ov'd r x 15, 1)02. K.'XtriDo Locat ion of xfte> Chesapeake ©nd Chio Railway i.oap-iry’a Gener-.d Offices iUchiaand, Virginia. S C H! '. bl ip s LF.;-:r .?. hBjKJ t.iz.ffio: Hiocr:xi,;GS ai:d IKSVa l cl\YS -----— Attached bor^o. PI ^Ra ijjgjC CHAU Attached isr-crfca. 1 vi _ i . : jk:; ^ •3 f ( As of t do . of' . ;on i June 50, i>lo. File Kef ujisK - oog 3, iy .3 ixway dorpsny of Virginia. lKGuu*OHiff lOU 4 Cta 1901-2 r corporal sd unear « Special Act of t he General Ch 212 P 213. Assembly of the 3tab* of Virginia approved 'ecu 15, 1902 . 3.P.153* 7IL4MCH1SX aiu.irs SUHRSiDSlH) by rast'itr.jion of the vs of the consolidated Dig wa«ov Railway Cora >-.ny adopted at « h hing held Lay 1, lVOb, toe franchises unu oihur right* of t ae dig Inauy Railway Company of Virginia, *yhi;h onpatiy M?ia consolidated vith th« Big Sandy U.'ilffl/ ;cany to form the cor.soiidatvd Big Sandy Reilwny Company mare formally surrendered. Lu.*i J .7* C hi > .Vi. La± IOi. {.•arch 16, 1902 - Directors elected and By Lows b<3. A *d. COHOTRUCfflON tone UB.P.17, COi: XJLIDAfXON By anroflment dated June 10, 1902, n icy ft* --.way Company of Virgin!*, end Big 3ancy Rnil'wy Company ere consolidated to form tne dig iundy Railway Company sy. U£. * l-.u« /fcreemettfc of tn« co .soiidation vac filed with The IJo.-rd of Public forks and the Secretary of St it* cf the 'ft of Virgin-in, J ane 14, T)G2 ee required under V-9 provii lor, of tU Act of the General Aese-nbly of the State of Virgi- •: approved dared 15, 1902. Filed with the Secretary of StP^e of too State cf Rentucky aid cer^ific^.e of * consolidation ”*as issued by him 12, i>v . RSCOiQS jj-ocutlon of The Chesapeake and Jnio ilailwey Company's Gen or cl Off ...a tiicbaond, Virginia. dCH22uU- OF Vv ...vASifia. loft.:- ■ IZki i./A i 'ROC • IT: 5 E C ’ ■ xiiarkuks T8 Act ached hereto. Pa h H A -3 CIC CHART Att ft c«ea heret 0 * * ' *2 * ’ i : - '** * * 711. ’ • re-'c a M. P 1. »» SF.Cont. 2074 Of’.Co/tt. ei? SF. -•!)• lOu. 33 CO ijo.w.' JE njSToKY o? -:i Alii JUi r. ;; 'Oil * ANY iLi-l. Lidl J U' ^ j . 1 C 191 - ■■i. 'y . ' f S " 1 .•_■’ .--iv ---j vOtup/my of K^rtucky,, - v u- t ,*t ■ , ,-d unuer t hi Itnnral Lews of the *f t'.ettucky, by the conaclidction of the ^zytrille and ,r A • ' v • iri - ”C c oi My; Govib^iot Short Kovtf **;*"* * < ’-' KT nd Lexington awi Big J.itu. Hallway uoiapanj uminr on agreement dated July 1 1^04. .&oeuLrtt vna m 6 d trith the 2 _r*tary of Ctit e'of‘the ®™ # of Kentucky rho issued e certificate of coa'solida- ' AU ' °" * u * ' t - - * tu in c'fu- of The K il rouo Cufttoleeion of i nrtucxy July 11, 1904 unc ia County uourt of Boyd County, Ky #| July I 90 A, OHGAMZ.tTlCh Ju.y 14, 1904 - By-Lew* adored end officers elected. CC’ -"5T>.,C1‘. Cfa ..o ra’e first i rack *nil#Mge ct ncr'.ruct ed. T^viiiq ui ^ l-rt He “V iictx ~)nrs of - Sandy J.ivar, K/« to C. Juncr-ion, Cov-ln^ton, Ky. Benton, Kj'» to * xlifto'i Ky. Ashland, Ky. to aite rfcuso, Ky. ^•..chardeon, Ky. to Beach Jrihard^ Ky. houitt sterling, Ky. to Rothiell, y. TOT • L, 150*30 r ll«a 102.71 ©ties 5^-11 rlies 3*01 r. ile* 1^ -%Ji - ilea 333. 7 r. Uea t£59££■ ft *v rf. o KtuM Kj.KOll CARRIJKH _ . _ Auth.for Operation £f f act ive T«mlui. Agr eeasitt of from~ To ASi^liir'd Coal and Iron Rail¬ way Company. A* hi . ac, Ky iCy. 21.30 -die#. £ sat on -e ■■■* e ar c Ch io Ra ilw ay Coapan y of Ke t. - i r . CON SOLIDATION By agreement dated ay 19, 1906, effect!? .'u..: , .? the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Cor. par. y of )'e Einniconneck and freestone Rail rend Conparv San ly railway Corpany, were corooliaated to or r ?h* Chesapeake ar.d Ohio Railway Company of Kontucky. Agreement of consolidation was filed wit tv.e . ,;r of State o' the ^tate of Kentucky and ce t ii ■ 1 coi ;olivintion vas issued by him June 1, 1 , *il wi ’ i l n e tail road jouartisgion o' the State o -tu y June 1, 1906, and recorded in County .cur; cf Boyd County, Ky., June 1, 1906. .iRjoaps Location of ■ Ricnnond, 7a. SCHEDULE 0 ? PS-IQS, L TASrS. USORGAN IMATION ■ J ROC’-!!2DIMG8 \";i "‘riER IMS" a . *v TS ' . .... -- ’Attached hereto. PIASRA K VAT IC CHAR T Attached hereto. COiu JR -TE HI TToKY of THE CitF.. iju jux Col ' UIL ' Y _C.. i J A£: la, of the I>»tc of V-ilu t_on, / aii< 30. 191 u » me Hff erenoe NARK - The Covington short Rout ft Transfer Rail way ;o^pepy. IKCUHPOR.CIUK Act* of Ky. locorporet ed under a Specie ! Act of the n r.-l Assembly l885~6 0 1140. of the State of Kentucky, epproved iiey 15, 1886. JKt-AMlLXTIOM UB. i . 11* June 7 , 1886 - jirectore elected. looking River, Kentucky to K. 0. Juncsicn, Koirtucky .80 Uiltt counenced 1883 - coupleted ^cceonbar 1838 Vaui.Q . J D DE iCRlrTIOK lth. Track ..ilea/.e ui;kxng River, Kei.tucky to Kentucky Central Junction, Cevin^ton, Kentucky. .80 lilies? 01 BuYTlON From January 1, 188$ to July 1, 1904 by The Chesapeake tnd Ohio Railway Company, which cowpany operated the properly c--ad by the juiysvillf »nd Eig S-.r* y Railroad Company, unicr a resolution adopted by the Directors of Tho Chesapeake atid Ohio Hiilwy Comp a y ft j cecft ing aeld 1 rrch 20, l8 r !9 j^reved '".d (adopted by the C: rQi.rtjrc of the ’ ysville and lio San’y Railroad Company art a westing held ril 15 , 1889. The entire Cepitnl Stock cf The Covington Short Route Transfer R. il'Afuy Company woo owr*o*d by t :e Kaysville end Big Sandy Rail¬ road Company nnc The Chee pea.he and Ohio Railway Coraprmy operated the property of The Covington SViort Route Transfer Railway Company t .e reuolut:. -e j?bove re -Tred to. CUhJOLir.uIoN 3K. By agreement dated July 1, 1904, The Covington Short Route CL. 82. Transfer Railway Company, JJayavillo and Big Sandy Railroad Company z> the oexingtea and aig Bandy R--llv&y Company were consolidated to fori th? Chesapeake and Chio Railway Company of Kentucky. Agreement of consolidation was filed with the Ricretary of IrB, P. 95. state of trie State 0 ? Kentucky who issued o coriifieate of coneolidytion on July 7, 1904. Recorded in the office of The Railroac Co mission of Kentucky, July 11, -904 end in . County Court of coyd C any, Keniucxy, July 6, 190*. uoc tip a yj_ The Chen.nyefike nd 0 io Railway Company *a Central Offline, Rich-! ond, Virginia. COHKMlfig hXSTUKY “ Of Ti js ciiS3Af - A- ' -;.D ; HI0 ~ i JU’AY Kgff Ag of thf lete of Valuation, Jun e 30. - Tho Covin,ftps Sfcort Rout.* Transfer - : ° flt S CHI^ULE Q? lflflDS, LZASSS. jjU i£ i £ £. At t ac'n* 3 - d ieroto« PXA6R /J.MATIC CHART _ Alt ^c •«<> wret o. File Ref € ypri lia g.« l r 3i t ; Zir\Cy Rai lr oad Com p.* i:. : coHK-a.gio:. Tha ; formed February 1, l£70; by the recrgenite- tion by the c^-ners of the property rx&trte uni franchise* of tho Ruyiivilla and 3ig iendy Railroad Company ineorpor e.+*d by a Special Aot of the General Asembly of the Jtate of Kentucky appiove-t beooKOer 18 , 1650, Under the authority of a bp?cial Act of the General Aaeonbly ef the State of Kentucky t rparoved February 1", 1866 end February 26, 166?. Under a Special Act cf the General Assembly of the State of lucky, .approved April 13, i860, the haysviile and Big Sandy Aaixroaa Company was authorised end en powered to cor*rtruct, operate an 1 maintain a railroad frota ; ayaville, Kentucky to a connection with t »e Cincinnati Southern Rsiiroi u 4 t such paint tta it; nuy dean uest, not further Go^ith fror the Ohio River then fait on on the Cincinnati. Southern Railroad, ORcmixagrxoN February 1 , 16?0 - Idrectore elected, 00 fffRUCTIQR Under the Special Act of tho Genial Assembly of the tate of Kentucky, approved k*«rch 21, 1870 (Vol2Ch8(i7P545) the Keatuek end Great Kaetern Rail~oy Cocpany w&a incorporatedjundw dr * h *• h] 9 v^,^.e .. . ^ : V '- - !■ - ._ 01 . ^ .- .■■QC,) CC HSlHlb-Tl" ( Coni • - ; The Kerri ci, finr Cr-^t Custom Cn'iirtru' ■ '• y •>■ iny en * 1 e f r.r ,«ri ^onn • no ': t Co ;• f i o '.’. ._t f• r j , o- of .he p oparty, t . n wtruct ion Cm , ;t • t li«n on e :\a or.o i ' Trust Lot puny : * t . ot n unoor the nortg-ge of th* Kentucky rnu rn-t jrn *11.™y 5 >.r. , d Coapnn re-ente _u Upon tins pr r er■ y >f the railway company nriU tor* f>o*eeB&io : of &•'*.?, Thin C“jj t -•-o.. Tus finally uec^d y .i 5 u i •-•s r . of Lu e . r. top v te*? ri.-i.' •.-xn-t t Cmp i!.y J 11 ; r n ft'? -p y *en co tr jet'-o i t ■ o v. >•.■ : .g > Hai - r uvi to -Jany, the entucky i j rest 3 . r ; . .v- , .j' j. r. >. r;u trie r-e..,ut>.y rum Or A .t £■ * at >r- n t. n CdBipery, should ravart to me owners «^f tr.a iyavx . roe Lap Sandy .l^n-.a Company. The con>:r c* of t u K .1 .e 'ro- S- :u, "tucr; , .ic!;ir.,. hiver, .. 'tacky, 142.37 -ux.n u ... Ju io .•.jhic.-t-n , . i.- w vr-ui in . >ii o - ».j CTlncinnHt i ■*. id ■ ixi .u >. u Cr ,i3' rr *r bra age » • y • . ; s*als j c r > le-e. th Co -r.ctj.ig nr.u '*u-ldi:rr o ?'irj anuer u tri rt • h , j :;3V. i vr.e 4; 3 t nay K01.- - .«d Company u« . ^ebr 7 , . Vt> . T; f t tec in 13 opened x ; . July 1 .. .. if, ..j 1 1 it.*2 1 •», 1 4 « • / ■<- . 0 tie , cot.- loieu and >r 1 . o/.r or ipei 10 . ju* y , . 3 haght3 .n v, i xp-iT*,on itres'., frem . r ’rrr* i-n * 5 1* 0,* nii ry, convey•»: 'ey Covington tro . men ti .0.’ t a 1. -.air u 1 . r - ■* f »r and BraCr.o Cornp t ~ avi le lu tx jy lire *d Co ;;«ry, Jr r.- Tb>.. 1 1 All. P . . w *. let Track a —0- A-s. , ^c•ntuc^ J to I .Mnp Aiv-jr , .tert 1 cb h. C. Jure 1 -10 , mar. : r-- ,cv.n ti , Kentucky to connuetion ^'-.n re Covin/tm » > C»ncinn.ti oloveteu ^.feilro^o one /rtr.a'er r.:U briar a Jonp.' Jovinr • - t :j . !•': .37 atls , :3 .-tile *00 nil s Frorr. July 1, l38o tc iff r.ber 31, ifw 1 • tie Cortracti ■ id J xxo*i ur: uy, •rx. January 1, 1 7 to • uly 1, 1 ^4 cy f he Che' . j Oh. r .ir, .x.j •. rv u*:der ?» re-fox it ion cdoptea ' • . ireni'r f 1.3 Z sp- * na r .1 . COi .p 11 i h }. 1 • ■ . ; • u • : d 00 ;. . od by t i t. of t * evi -J .: air <1 C jmp« y t - ft ecta.., j. —U Apr-a- i , 1 V CORR.Rig ? l3T'iHY of THE CHSS VPEA UP gHXQ \.,-L A*_ As of to Railway Company of Kentucky. Sgreeoant of consolidation was filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Kentucky 7;ho iasued s certifictte of consolidation on July 7, 1904. Recorded in the office of To* Railroad Commission of Kentucky, July ll f l 9oA and in County Court of boyd County, Kentucky, July &, 1904. RECORDS . ideation of The Kheor.peake and Ohio Railway Company’s ier.eral Office, Riehfflond, Vir&irie, 3C qSLULE OF D^EDS. U SioES. PJ3.rDARX2.iCr *fe,3&JEL lKgTRlfcK'ft’S Attached hereto. DI ACRflKAL’IC CHART Attached hereto. File fteteronc* Sx. CD. 186. lfc. P. 1. • ■ '-ftRT of THR CiJfc>hD s /;fp C go P.ML'^AY C jM X , of , the Pftf .pi oT Vnl *6i xc vi, NM*. - Ktriaon Taylor, flillihn K. udefcrtn, pidvaei Ryan, Joan 3. Poyttls, Hi ahrth Gray &cd John Cr. Iiictamin ■Assignee of Char 1 m B. Coo «. j^33bStt»i cee t«i© fcaysvillo and Big S-.ndy Railroad Company, in«orf«jrisied vrjcier u L,. ;d decree of fcrecloenro «nt. i-Ad in the Circuit Court of iloaon County. Kentucky, 1/ 12 1^, t ie pure hnaers ac. mired by deod itted .^vewber 5, 1 69, froca ihraowick It* Woedrr., Coiocie-?! tier, tUe pro pert., . i^nrto, franchisee, etc. of «he i/uyoville *r.d Big Bandy Railroad -joupery, Deed recorded in Ccurt Court of :*»<;• ... nty, Kentucky, Ju..y 6, lc/ $ and County Court of Lav..* County, Kentucky, ) • • ■ 20, 138C. Ko lire constructed. mmG-Ajnc/gio:; The purchaoara under tha authority of ipeciel Acta of the lenerul Asp&ably of tho 3t:-*ta of Kentucky, approved February 17, 1866 ^ni F*brv ry l£67, or ( >ni*nd February 1, 1870, tho lisyevilie and Big Snauy Railroad lompeny. RSCURIS _-0 gtjCK of Unj'.riuTea. •'1 uF K.~ .'ifr. Uiuo.s. H • OK .JUIZ -ff IuM PROCEEDINGS AN OjiriCR i..ST»iu./’y , 3 ~ " Attached hereto. iq/vGRittasArxc cim, Attached he ret: J01 # File Roferer.c© Act« >* Ky • 1850 ch 9*> P 73 Mb.P • i« SF. CD, 188, 0 * af ' Ja£ Cil% -' X w: I i: - A: X..X A© Of ta© L-.-:. o» yaiu . o n. June 30. 1?1 6« NJttJ - -ia rig andy \ :\;.Lr. ii C**#* .^ I NCORPCH AT1C 4 ““ Incorporated ^c«r a Special «jt o i ia* General A©a©tnbly af tiie State of Kontuck/ approved Deceubar 18 , 1850 , for th© purple© of constructs ng a railroad froo Mayiirill©, Keatueky to the Big Sandy R 1 i-er, Ky. 'ju -.niz atioh July 24, l£52 - Officer* elect© . CPU STRUCT I ON THi« ecnpany bogan oonatructiea xn 1853 by toe pwohae# or right© of vny, ete. and after an expeediiur© of appro ximMteiy 1300. X0*G0 the comply teeane financially embsrrwised and uhe jrx waa ©topped. No 11a© haring -©•» completed. imsB Under th© provisions of Spaciol Act© of tao Gen-TGl ->©£ sb..y of the State of Kentucky, ©utaorxting th© arle of the L yavlllt tmd big Sandy P^ilrcad Company, and ©rgani«t-• on of a ee? company under it© charter, approved Fearurry 17 lfifcb end February 28, lQb7, and © decree of forecieaur© jnttrod in the Circuit Court of Laaon County, Kentucky on July 12, 186$ th© property, rig rt©, franchise*, etc. of the iy»viile anc. big Sancy Railroad Co&paay war© * id and conveyed by ueec r te' November 5, 1869 fro* Frederick If, Vead«M C«ani3aion«r t© Hurrloon Taylcr, Wiilina H, Wednworth, Wichiiel Ryan, John B. PoyWti, Klitabet > Gray nnd Jo in &, Kictanon, the latter *© Aaaigna© of Chirlea B. Goons, deceased, The reorganin-'- the iiayetllle and Big Sandy Reilrcud Coupeny under the ©Tie name. Deed recorded ic Courr.y court of if©©on County, Kentucky, July o, 1875 end County Court of L-jads County, Kertucky, linreb 20, lcCO. RKsOKLo Location of © Chesapeake end Ohio Railway Co*par»y*a General Office©, Richmond, Va. sc.-gLULT of p r ams, u-.skuscet -aru jioii PR t c^ims j l gi x^rkuirarcs Attached her at o. DlAGRAl^ fflC CHARI .it ached hereto. »il6 Reference lfl>, if, 1. S?. CD.121. I .IS. t . o. SP. Cort. 20?4. 3F. Corrt. 815. .TT.. oi’ I _Cb yy lKS _v:j au R. .. ± a ± 0, y x ;iy * of Vtuuntjay -A jX - .tor , nnd -ii£ assay .uy mCOKPOHATl^N Incorporated undnr the Ueuersl L*ro of the State of Kentucky by the ct-nBolid-i ior of the SIi Laoetht 0 •-& Lwxinrt on cr.d Bis; Saudy Railroad Comj.wy, Kentuc y and South Atlantic Haired Company, oru.c and Big . d - road Coapuny end Ohio River and Charleston 'itt'.ilw&j Comp rv of Kentucky under an agreement dried July i, 190 - Agreenent wee filed -lth t he Secretary of i«te of the Sttrte of Kentucky who issued a certificate of coneolidat icn cn July 11, 1902. Recorded in the office of The Heilroid Co miaaion of Kentucky, July 11, 1902 a andy }V_ilIrcu.u Cor.;any. IMOCftPO^UTIO)-. Incorporated under the General Law of the State of Kentucky. of incorporetion dated ugust 20, 1&69, recorded in Bwyd County, Kentucky, Incorpnrotion book 1 Page 290. A; ^UI3ITIQH By deed noted August 20, 1889, Georre C. Wood, Samuel D. SF. Darla, Jerry Collins ar.d Aaaoc Jftfttly, Purchasing Cosmnitt ee, Cft* loo. for the bend holder# of the Chnttaroi Railway company, con¬ veyed to the Ohio and Big Sunny Re .road Company, the property, rl hte, franchieea, etc. >f the Chaitaroi Fin 'way Company, 49.72 miles of first track, which had been enquired by these undtr deed dated April 28, 1888. Deed acknowledged before the Clerk of County Court of Boyd County, Kentucky, August 24, 1839, recorded in County Ccu;i of Boyd County, K-ntucky, August 10, 1889 and Lawrence Countj Kentucky, September 5, 1*89. ORuAHIZiTi .!>' Aug urt 24, 1889 - Directors elected end By-Laws adopted CGluTTP-UCTIOX ^flelbridge, Kentucky to Richardson, Kentucky 15*70 Miles oOTmeuatoeiit unknown - completed tsy 28 , 1892* ABAHDQfi gD ~t7alhrid^e Kertaeky to P«ich Orchard, Kentucky 12.30 « -ay 28, 1892 TER Ira A. ID pgb . JUrTiL:J le i Track hilep^e Ashland, Kentucky to Richardson, Kentucky 50,11 files Richardson, Kentucky to Peach Orchard, Kentucky j.vl TOTAL 53*12 dilzs QPVRJC ion From AHguwt 25, l8 ;i 9 to June 30, 1892 By own or: & lination Fro* July 1, 1892 to June 30, 1902 By The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company by vir.ue o ( ownership ef the entire Capital Stock of tht* Company, . ■ —V 1 - jJ _ ‘J_ 1 hr_ j__.'alt :rt j. n At * v.r > j. l£l$. /<25 rile Ref"**' »*co if. CD. 121. ** C-^-Q ? ir c - ig 3&ndy llwi l v&d Conpmy. CORSwIEATI o;: cy C^'It rated ily 1, ISO.:, Ohio ir.d Dig Srr.dy Lexington end - «C;f H iirofld for ; iy. rrl. uc „ wd Uiaitic Hi ilro^d* Comp my red OVd..: !.. .">r *=rtd Churl* -ton Re iltwy Coas^.tsy of . . .tucky -oere cunsolidaied to form the ^cxitijrtcn enc tig Sandy Reilwy Jcaputty. Agree-awit *JT38 fa ed Tit', t:.»- , rci'ctrry of 3t*te of the Slate of h ri :1. • no in end t c rtificute of conselica- tion o'> July 2l t 1502. Recorded ir. the off;c# of The hnilro; i ■ i.i o . 0 - ii k entuoity aly 1. , lyc2 end the rou.ity :turt • :cyi bounty, ‘KerAucky, July 1C' 1902. mooras U :atio : of Tr.a Cne 2 »ii-ftnke jhio ^ilvay Conpany’e Gen'-rsl Offices, Meto*oc, Vir ^iulv. fS- i ( I '^3 , i'-AS - , u m} XK-shu.i i»h;C' felff_S__ AftD Uir iSh Attached i^reto. i.-jl i.L " iAU ic r'd d ^luwtl 0 R^ >. 1 . V’’ ■. 5 , lft George C. *ood, Samuel D. EhyIh, Jerry Collin, an r gf grence -IUJ£ - ^-.on « - nfrt ly._^ . u jC. c !il e .-.'X rii®*.*. IKCUllP URm ION. c tnc Chattaroi ilw* joe ^^~^7f6*9d deted April 26, 1888, .-.y ii. rlorfehay wOiaiciasioner, appointed t/ the Circuit Court of tr states for the District of kutucky, under decree of re ourt entered Decnmbar 22, 1 do, eonveyec tae rights, franchisee, etc. of tie Ci ttor^i nail »^ George’s. Wood, Samuel L. intis, deny V: Hi* eat Aston # Clroui of -® Stetes for the District cf Kentucky t 'ere: County, Kentucky, kay ?, Vi88. CONSTHUCTIOH Aon©. T .-A llM a:ID DSSuUrTION lrt Tr<-cfc iiee;;c ^hlnnd, Kentucky to Richard* jn, '.pntucky -7* uratiriQH from ay 1, a 8“" to -tug *t r Purfthi.ivnr CoHJQltt ©n SF. CD. 180. -™\“deed dated August 20, 188?, George C. ood, uoi jerry Collir.a and Anson LJttly, Purchaelttf; Co:rmtt#c, » - to the Ohio and Big Sandy Reilroad C- .rr- m •, io:« - franchisee, etc. of the Chrtttoroi Rsilwa: Cor p ny * iicl acquired t> tt ea und*~ reed dnte«. April Is, Id acknowledged before the Clark of County Court ni 3a yi ••irV t , Kentucky ..ugust ?A, 1889 end recorder Co tty ft rt c r County, Kentucky, August 30, 1889, in Latvrenee C>arhy, *■» . September ^ , 1889. “CORDS lone. |J SCHEDULE o/ DE7DS. LEASES. RHQRC AHXLiffIOW PUQCErDIH& J- : ^1.1 — Attached v*sr«to. 1 i iQ RALLO^riC CHART Attached hereto. ># File Kef oroiK* U : '-A.U ■; - r u «not he oh- /o 7 Aa\l nd f c -’-tucky to Hi chord® or, Kentucky 4y.?2 I/.ilee conpleted !.ay l, l J t3 - co^encement of tonotrurtir.unknown. i miXi A»i l/- SCRIPT 1 UK ± y.___ - “■ : i'» » L r Ashland, Kentucky to Rich- rduon, "nt ucVy 49.72 'ii 1 es 3F. .a. I6i. Operation froai July 1, l36l a*d :o:?tinued until June 30, 1885, by own organization. Frou July 1, 1885 to April 30, l ‘;86, by Receivers. cojivmiviE oy oe :d dated April 26, 1888, Jay H. l.orthup, Special Llaeter (jMniijloner, cypointed by the Circuit yurt o' the United States for tne iistrict of Kentucky, un-ar decree of e»id court , entered December 22, XSb, convey-d the property, ri.-hte, franchisee, etc. of the Jhetiaroi hoilwcy Coiapeny to aoor>:e C. iVood, Samuel L. Invie, Jerry IoIIIm*, nr.d /meon Aottly, rurchi-eing vO, dttee. This ueed wee approved by the Circuit Court o' t he United States for the bistrict of Kentucky ct Covi- 'ton, Kentucky, April 27, 1&3£ and recorded in Count;. Cvurt of Lawrence County, Kentucky, iiay 7, 1888. RECCKI S Local ion of Toe Jheet.pecke and Ohio IV il**ny Co-spary'? General Offices, Kictaocd, 7a, -C.^UL K QD L. ,.h. A 1 J ATUrfi ..?R0 Cr: Rl?tG5 A ND Iff flat IN3ThwL.lCJa Attached hereto. 1-t.i jpK. J u ~:c CI iARfT AT ached berets. File Reference ME.P.l. S t. CD.182. lifi.P.lO. COR. OFLgy HTgTC f Vj 7i::_. n4JAFllu._ iz~ b 10 iAl XAY CC! J AKT ♦ Aflof tjw J te of ' il i ; t ;w ?l>, 1916. ?'V’.K - K upl / S r it a tic >. -lro J ftmpr.ny. Incorporated unusr the General Lava of the Stsste of Kentucky, rrtlclcs of incorporation, dated Ldisy 23, l&H, recorded lr. Ctu- ;/ ;ourx of Lontgoaery Gou t,/, K ntv ■ y, Juno 13, 1688. JOS MMUISXglOK uy d*e-nd Internet in and to tne property, ri£>~tr, frsn- cM'W, etc. of the tu. i an South Atlantic Rail? f jent the Ceil Ro'-b ConotractI©'* Company being im¬ properly conveyed to C« r .^tuirlington by hichnrd Ern*t, jpeclrtl ioeter is-.©rcr, by «eed dated Kovetaber .. >, lUJ7* Deed recorded in County Court of I'orjtgoirery County, Kentucky, • uly 3*-, 1 • ORGARLZ/glCh CONSTRUOXIOh Thi3 l'ne i or it? entire length fror. lit. 9tsrliag, Kontuck to Roth-rell, K? lucky, 19 . 5 * tiloe we chsngeu froia nnrrov to si t, € ..w . ..a -vork need in ) ‘ 5 end completed ; Avuct It 1 )?. . let Tr :c : ; . Llea,;e 1’Gt»' aterlit.g, Kentucky, to RothweJl, Kentucky. 19-5" ’Rlea Fr-x July 16, 1 8 0 . « 0, 1393 By cvr orgm isati© Fror July ' 1 3 to June 30, 1902 By Tr.o Chesapeake r.d Chip Railvny Com puny by virtue of •vnerehip of entire Capital dock of this Company. GOKSOUbgflQN By agraea-nt date! Juij 1 ly02, the Kentucky and Z *h Atlnrt' - K - \r- _ >y, Elizs-bathtova Lexington b ig Sandy Railrejid, Oaio nud big Serdy Railroad coapeny nc chic River and Charleston Rxilwy Company of Kentucky vere con¬ solidated to fora the Lexington and Big •- Agree sent filed with the Secretary of State or hv * n 1 . Kentucky vrho issued a certificate of consolidation on Juij 11. 1902. eosrded in office of The Reilroad Coi-.isr.i n ’ Kent ucky, July 11, 1902 and the County Court of Boyd C< ‘xr. y Kentucky, July 10, 1902. . * of ■" ' ' ■ . ■ V . ■ of tac* * V lu-.-tlox. Jwa ^ I* }j>. rile jiofe once ” K* ^tur ; , end South jjfci ar rtj.: Ram i ro nri ftoaip^nv. t 'EGvhDa Ths Cat ..}©•-)* •■‘*1 Ohio • ir./.y Coap. .£A- ft). rtor. ; : ;xz/C nx: i i Attached lereto. C lAGRX^r XC CHWT Attached hereto. 1 • f Sr . Cii. 1 C3. 102. CM 'OR M E HIST, -j; : no Mi o, ^ : : • ■/ h ^ aV oc:g^ Afl o i~ t ■• ■ : ; i,.J_ .Aiy*. ; ;A’.:g - Coliis p. luntuagton. i::co; pOHLIIQ.. ;,c e T e :.i . Sterling Coul Rc id Cd. tpc.ay, eu r rfc Kentucky anc South Atlantic Rnllvny Co^pur , n,:- ' ivf P r - v n RSC-RTS Location ^of Unknown. USK&S. UM3E8..EBE . ... . 2 ;cht>d hOitto. y~» -i} c-iL'CiC .._ 1..S ALtached hereto. 0 . . 0 &v t.aVt*-r 15, 1- 7, HiO r . Ext ^a-.ei , on «.n orcur issued out o ? t 2« , 18 . 7 , ccnvoytc to woiliJ r. riurtt-n*tor, t i© y op rl^nt*, franctaieeo, etc. of the Kentucky und >012 ji. xJ-vr-^ Jo; ip 1 Tiy nnu t ib Coal R<. uu uc -u . Lead p^rovt- by the Circuit Court of the >. }. rtuck ,■, 1 uveo-er 23, 1 07 .inc recorded i ou liuotgo ’i y Cwutfty, l ...ucuy , ^^ccober ..3, -'• > T L U. 1 .1 . - braCl- UC^ON Lut*Tr cV >rrj* Gauge Uiloaf a “ sl t *r’ r , c tuc.ry Vo Rot ic'.l, .enfcudiy >• uk-eati* trtjm. November 26, 1< to July 1 i860 ;.y ^oylifl P. Lmrtington coirmANCK ~doed d:rt#ti j u iy 16, i i0 S f Coliis P. huntings fi Ai*abrllx> 2. buntir.-ten nic -dfe, conveyed to I s «> : ■ d JuUtn At a nt-c .. iixP.nd -ct*j ny, 0 . *—■ . etc. 0 f the Keatuc/.y and aouth Atlantia :va ~ y v the wo =1 Road Con at ruction Co.apa-y, being t e pr-ty conveyed to c. P. Luntavfton by Hichord ?. rnsa., • I .^er . 0 Miauiener by deed dated November 15, : :C rvcoiiied in Cou; 0 L--<\nber 15, 1885 hy ova or;-.ani?«tion Kroa toceiroor lp. 1635 to hover r , 13 P .7 Icy Receiver CONV *Y A iCK S ?. CD. 184. •v '« cd Moverber 15. 1887, Riciard p. :^n«t »tcial ■9t?r Cof j.ieeioner on an order i ^ued out of curt \?uly 2?, 18 fc 7 ( co-.vayed to Colli# P, Huntington, the property fra . rt‘ • vin*ton Kentucky, ..«.■«« *er 2c , It. 7 and recorded ir. County Court of * 1 oirtrorrery County, K ntue v, Denfmbar 13, l^Po. RECORDS Loc vtiqr, of Unknour-. £ .^gr- . ■"*&*:.- *wcBy t,T o ■ ant araa .V chat hereto. J. Cliyg Attached hereto. of U2 T.-ir'K . ) #i.i) *,h'u; . ..t, . 1 Y J— j udf rwi of the Date- of /aluntion, Jvr.o 30 , i>l ----- ---1 -- File rt'.nce l&S - The ifr . ate linv v oal rtC t:d IUCQRmUPlO K, Incorpcrnted under a Special .Vet of t>>e General of the State of Kentucky approved February ?0, 1. 74. Aet of Ky 1873-4 r. 482. OHb AM SITCOM Iddse of or&ani ration cannot ua ascertained. .*t. St or ling, Kentucky to Rotlwell, Kentucky 17.54 . ile* of nnrrot gauge railroad eoaner.c-ni; j-nd coTapietxcn U ino ISL AHI LBBCfilFriOH lot TracV Harrow flauge til l eng e ; j r ow Gouge iieap e fct, Sterli^, Kentucky to Rothwell, Kentucky. 19-54 -i es OWRJfflOH From completion to January 14, 1882 by own ort*nitstion *.ct of Ky. 1881 V. 1. i*. 24?, mho: cHA-asip br.der a Special Act of the General Anaeably 0 ” the State c Kentucky, approved January 14, 1-82, the na .e of ihe 1“ . Sterling Jjal Hond Company was cluinged to the Kentucky anc . SoutV .C.i . rvie >i- - . ' ■- v , IXiCRDS location f *dnsoown ■rjis of i?r:~ a a. leases r r^org.-: ii/ffiQK i m 'flux - .± 0 : 11 : 1 ; Attained hereto. riAGRAU 4- yr i : CrlJtT Attache! ire^o. r-.-hPOf t .sr? . , :> Ilk.' L& i r!L ti ^AY: .rojyjiHy m§ i^l*ri*2C± Ii*i£ i ;-. « gdjfhcrle y ■■!• ?_ ^ jyja.JLf Ke ntucky. iaCOfiPOR/tllCX or» r' undi*r the Ceneral Lens 0 f the >tnt« of o i*'corporritijn drted . u 25 139*. 1 B.P. 1 . .iig Sr- ndy L'ist. Dedd 694. L3.P.1. OF. Colt, X065. Bi& ondy list beed 116 . /jc .1 iivio. , ' ' '■ ■' * J > '•** Md C • r «>.non Rnilna y ^ '* ; " «t«cl:yt!.- property f riphtn f .franchisee Ho. ef the h- ' 1 vC ,r r ’H of ."’Tanoe County, Kentucky \ ^ ‘ • y, Kentucky, sr 17 /, tr«Tber 1 a, 1^94 2 oyd :’- X ■* "' u W. - 1C, 1894 „no Johnson County --Hu..-;', f ■: _ a * r .c, qmxhzjg: .: ■» ■» : ^ r >5 - c an sleeted end By Lhwj adopted. “• * r ;x t ileepe construction. ■rOHc*, Kentucky to Vhite house, Kentucky 0,10 Kiloa 0PKR>Tlor ;iT - ° - 1‘, 139* to J prll 1, lS 97 «/ C ns 'jrf r ri ret ion >Yor: April 1:97 to Ju .y 1, 1902 " } • - :c --fck-. ;.nd Chiu Railway '-07ip»ny under ar.reer.tnt ; : , . •«•:, bet’Mien the Ohio Riv^r end Charleetoa ;; ' c f J ^ucky and The Chesapeake ond Ohio 1 uy Co..-, any, co: ^TY.ii^y ay d«-d • t,d : a> ; , 1?02 the Ohio Hiy.r und Charl-wton ' t cy convryec. to the Kip Ssndv ; " - 1 nf 11 3 r^operty, ri’hte of nay ' r: L. ~er contracts, unfi ished -radinc a. h ; property of er*:-y description situated between v/hite •r: 3 '; r"' ‘ ! J . u r-^ m •» th « ooundery li„. diyicicj; • I .. *«•;»**»*“.** a i Virgil M W . it. line U*«-«eU ’ - -' k ‘ ,h ' -: ’ionir Rivor i.. « k . Oou-v t , . ucky. ^ : , 0f; rjeerisd ir. J,.unty 3ourt of Pit- Count-/, Kentucky ’ r ^ 1 " - 01 Tty, K-itucky, July 3 , 19o;.' '«> coit oKWi: msTcmy * of U4- ■ jkjg - Refsronce “ Ohio I': '.' r » r .nv ci Oi Ties'* ; on .~,- iiwty Co s; f .> S f. Cd. 121. COi&QLIPjglOn By a^reerAtirt d/»t ed July 1, 19C2, the t*ce Ri : CV, .r lest or R dlt ay Company of . :k < Jnndy- K: llroad Corapany, Kentucky or.d th " Ut - 1 ■; . Sunoy Railroad Company were consolidet *d to r rr i v* ‘ ^re«asnt was filed iita the Secretory of at a:, of t Ctats of Kentucky who ietfuac n certif-c.-Ae of v tioc on July ll t lyoj. Rt'corcec in t « of The iu ilrood Cosui*jion of K »r« jcky, v li. t. the Co uni y Court oi rcyo Court;, Xeotuaky, Krcx^u>s Locution of The Cues.-.peaks «.nd Ohio i'r.llt iy ' j ,.i ‘a o<: ,er ( Ricbro c, Virginia. k.V.&xJ’JLk U K V ,:ub. ]uy;RG.v IVj G.-, ■' J. i -> ol'-uchec hereto* a/jCRAl^'iC G At,', a oh* d hereto. V m# Ref 'fence CD. 17$. i\r‘ORAVE HXST'. r.Y •• • *'• * P OHIO RAILW AY. CO: P. • 'Y //5 c . * & V • lUf'T —Oft 5 J .ifltj Z.L •i.r ‘ - Ch r l— S« Hellier. ■ ■ ■ ■ — " ■■ »— »■ IMX'V .".I : .•: dee Cuarle'-rtoa Cincinnati nnd Chi cage Railrocd Company m»rr ctive page • by r.-©*'d d«rted July 17, 1893, D«ni©l li. ChamberIsin, Special U^ter and Receiver of the Charleston Cincinnati and Chicago Railroad Company ouc the 3o«ton Safe Deposit ana Trunt Coupany, conveyed to Charles I. Hellier c,ll.of the property, rigf^e frnnchi*#*, etc. of the Chur ie*ton,‘Cincinnati «, n d Chic igo Railroad Company. Dead t corded i' McDowell County, N. C. Ce, totter 28. I 893 Mitchell County, IS. C* urtober 9, It93• 1 DO «y County, K. C. October 9, 1893, County "out of cott County, Virginia, Korenbwr 2C, 1 93, lic/,ensou Cou y, Virginia, July 2, 1394, ttise County, Virginia, Daceraber io, 1893, Hueeoll County .irj^inia, April 3, 1694, Jnicai County, Tenn. July 26, IC 94 , ■Vcehington County, Trm. July 30, 1891 , Carter County, Tenn! August A, 19$4, Sullivin ompeny, Ten... August 15, 1694 nrd k vreuce vJou-xty, Knot wcky, October 17 , I 694 . co..v.Jw:Tioy 'Jo first track i.iileoge constructed. 8.10 Miles TTOiKi _XJD ‘^caiimo| let ?r.vck Mllroge Ric'rardecc, Kentucky to 1 2Lte House, Kentucky oijygiog Kron July 17, 1893 to iovaraber 13, 1894 By Chrjslee £. Hellier. x:; v5YA>;ce I . ... i> ,.iot . By de<-d d .isd Koveziber 13, 189 4 , Charles S. Hellier and .fife Deed 894 . conveyed to the Ohio River and Charleston Railway Company of Kentucky tho property, rights, franchises, etc. of the Charleston Cincinnati and Chicago R' ilroad Company in the Stite of Kentucky which was acquired by him by deed dated July 17, 1893 (8.10 r.ilee). Deed recorded ir County Court of Uswrence Cou-.iy, Kentucky, Deceiver 5, 1:?' , ?loyd County, Kentu c ky, D*c ™:b©r 17 18^4, Pika County, Kertucky, lac enter 14, 13^4, Boyd Cuunty* Kentucky December 10, IS 94 and Johnson County, Kentucky Decenter 20 1-94. t) XvXh.,3 lu: yyon of Unknown. SCi'JBDuLH 0? DIE.3 , U .tgra. itittaehed hereto. KBQft i/.xr id;: race?: si x : \ and qrmai ,itt iched hereto. m. Re f ’ COKKrit/tf- rflgTOR Tf THS CHSaAPK AKK AM OHIO to ,f tho n„ te of valua tua. HAfca - r.wlegton cmclringt i. jy. CD. 17S. ia28B£ffiSm i4<(li0B otlo Ksrttu=lt , ,ro Virgin-a tall^tv Company ^ the 'harle tec * ‘ ^ li- road Company «X« « t felo^ ^ of i^enc* County, Kentucxy, of tic St.-fte Act of Ky. 11:67-3' Gndv & Special A ^° r ‘ X3 x ge8 the Cl ' ‘l*- ■ Ch.118 F. 203. •* ^r t ?i y .S I ChiS4 ^iS«e Cwpany tm* authority Cincinnati end Chicago it a ruilr^ud frot- a paint on t». Virginia »«*•-"•• ^ °^ 1 „ iv „ r In Boyd State of Keaturty to .one point on the o - County, Kentucky* ORGANIZATION November 7, Id*?. COSSTHUCTIOM _ -toTnew first tree* construct tt. Tfitnsi -' 1 — -KlrTIQR * to Whit. muee. Kontuchy 8.W ^ ;i£m£i ?7o n uOTeeifcer ?, 1B37 t. February 26, 1691 ^"STy?*!”,! to my 17, 1693 By Receivers. JL t A qi Qpniel H. Cian By deed dsted July 17, 1 33, i r H P co,, Charlertoo i.oator end R«.iv«o, t£- a ^ C p ; n *- an ; tho Boat on F ,fe deeinnati ond Chlgg tal •; •; ,• t / oh£rleo K. rtoUier ST, C». 179- «) Cincinnati end Chicago Raiiroaa „*y- v ~ Depoei-c nn6 trust^Company ooo^e,^ «t c# of the Chariest-, all of the property, righto, .. , Cincinnati ard Chicago Rr.i. roe .(September Deed recorded in licD^eU COWiJf, 5*. lW. Yancey County, *>* * Jaro ^ 0 Jb i, 9 u ic kenaon County of Scott County, virgin, .,ov^.er D „ ccnbcr flrgi .a, July 2» 169^ Uaicii County, 1893, auoaall County, Virginia, fyri.1}, > 1894 , .. . i ‘ -• * -°, . * , -,0a/ viVLivta County. 1 *»**• Carter County, To««», August 4 , lt, 4 , ^ hfl _ -ii? &ugu *t 15, 1394 aod Lawrence County, Kentucky, 1894. ' .1 c' 'i.ii. Z: A .), ■Jiu.v j AlJUVAY COMPANY A«_»f Jijie l"-T ~ o 1 7 >uu --rt pq, Jure HO. 191 6. * ±- a •«- ' "Cl Chicago Kni^rog d Cotr pom . RECOR DS LcK tinn i< 3C'?Ti -, JI ' 0^ DlvCDS. u ALl’S. RV) ;V».142ACTiOK DROC^JIDOS AND 0THU\ Attached heratu» t-iAT ; at trie rj.v» . Attaches ::er«tt>. CQKrOh;U jHY Vv _ & -J±.l UJi.^1 /o| of th-> Of Ui HJi.-li’i-JSjL-iiii.. jj t o Kv. ^IrK-orpor.-- *d und r «; 3pe ul ttt <*• t>*< G* •;• f of t^e it at* of ..erttuck y, Approved April ., ch'6iP1439. ORG/J IZATIp;; -of or;\:mizffti®n cannot se :i*c*s-t"!«•*• , dute cf ccm ing r>o .a luting of corotrucuth . ;i 1 . * 12??—' ; : v. . ..• -*■ ; . '••-••• . - Kcrth Caroline . erre* Gauge r.ailroad C-o^. n 7 -ras incorporated to contract, o '•■•‘-'a r ' i»t. rt n' * i-c roei erfrtotro, G^uth Orolin* thru the court tes of ueorrnt o-jm, billienaburg, Cl iron *0*5, ou: ter and Karahrw to the Ror t h Caro lire line and li'-l ar ■■; u o k i-o. A.. c ' 1 f Tr r . 3 . - j. 5 / x r.e . .. e ■: South rj 8o5 r t-r 27 P>ge 3-3) toe e of tic Georp.etbvr-, end liorth Coreline .Marrotr Gauge Railroad Coaprfny ■won chr.n^ec to 7-ha Ghfurlerton Cincinnati and Chicago Railroad Conp *ny* Unccr a 3p*»ci«l Act of the General toaeably of the State of lierta Carolir i, approved ?etra.iry 2^, lU6l ( Acte o: Korth Carolina lflftl Chapter 125 ?cge 219) the Rjctherfordton Kurion oj.d Tenuearee R ilway Company incorporated to construct operate aid r. »i*rt »in " railroad fron ) /therfordton.llorth r» linn t> '.he ;>nnsea line rt or narr Cranberry. 'j.:izr .i Upocx-*l Act o' tbo Usn*r-,1 Assembly of the State of u/t; >r- -in*, *••. . -brj rj 6, C, 3 ( > a of orth r > L-.x l r ?3 ‘ • i»t -r 71 .' re 1/1) The -riert Re 1 Ivey "art on .• ■ j vco; jir ! • ' u - - 0 , . r.* ar-d .aaiflftain a lire fron Rurtherfordton, rth Carolina to .jp art unburg, or Gaffney, Couth Carolina, Charleston Cinolenrti ?nc vhicitgo Rfilrc^S ‘-ejeoeny vaa incor or*rted by the consolidation of Che Ch trleeion Ci-,-innati Cind c .icigo dlranc Conjiary, Rut :\>rdtun ta rio8 Rage 8 ?b) and by e Special Act of the Senerel Aeaantbly of the State c: .ioJt roiina, approvec ftbhtary Xf 0 iP.r? (Aets of i.oirth Carolina lor? Uh-ptsr 77 R e 143 J Under 9 Special Act of the General Asoftably of the State u? Tennessee approvo 345 ) and a Special wt of tLegif.lrture of ixs Stute of Virginia, approved April b, IG 87 ( Actr of Virginia 3.887 <1 itipter 5.i P.ige c-5 ) the C-.:.rlowton Cincinnati and Chicago Railroad Co^P“ K y Trthorij:ed ..-nu .xapovrrrd tc cpnrtruct '-.c 0 erate 3 r 0 »d across the s nisi of Tenneriee :nd Vlrpiuli by t ie iioot practical route to the, vc.Jca of the 3 i; ndy on tho Vx-rte line of Virginia nd Kentucky. C. RHRtfl S HX3TUHY of TrJ aHE 0 H : _ IA1LTTY POKE.. >. As of the Bale of ■ iustiop, Juio^0, K -f»Ti. (> - i u>itcbethf r-yn Le^H or and ig 3gndy .rillrot d Co asp a Cj. SF, Cl. 115* LB. P. 37- Consolidation of the j51itaborthno*m Lexington and 2ig Sandy Railroad Company find ?h# Lexi:.gto« and Big Sandy P.ailro* t Coapaay - tyest«*rr- Divieicn, under resolution adopted by the Board of Bireetors and Stockholders of the Lexington and Big dandy Reiltosa Company - ••'eel w . ?d vision at o Booting held Becamber 28 , lfl?C, m 4 resolution adopted by the Sir act ore oi the hto«n Lead.''.; tor -id Big Sandy Railroad Company at a meeting held Decwber ? ( ) i 1670. lice consolidation «as approved and lsgnli ed by a Special Act of the General Asaaculy of the State t.f Kentucky, approved February 6, 1871. (Act of Kentucky I 87 I Ch 1218 Page 107) O RCAm CATION Februery 6, 1871» .■^^frtUcriuK Lexington, Kentucky to 1ft. Sterling, Kentuck y 33-40 Milor construct ion oonrtenced in 1871 - coirpiuted June 18 ? 2 . lit. Sterling, Kentucky to Dentcn-, Kentueky 89 .31 tfilee completed Decanter 1 8l. Ashland, Kentucky to fleet Bank of Big Sandy River, Kentucky* 6.,£> kiies completed December 1881. TBmi.q AMD STSCRIITION 1st Track Rile- Lexiagion, i.oatucky to Benton, Kentucky Aflhlaud, Kentucky to ??est Bank of tho Big Sandy River, Kentucky. TOTAL 102.71 Liles -iaS. 109*21 Miles SF. ' CD. 1C8. QPfgLtnon OF ROAD 1 - HEP BY QT ; H CC 7r. r, OJ® SSr* for operation- Read ____ ?eraini iVreo.71 . rrt of The Chesupat ke Huntington, W. Va. tfoveesbor and Ohio Rail- to the flvst Bank 12, 1879* t track Effective Trow _To Bee. Lee. 5 th jlst 1361 1883 * 122 ' r '** COiU*OKjffS nlJToKY “ ZT~ < 1 . Ji:a> QK13 R 'l-^ Of the of V..l i Mtioti r June 30. AS* t*. File Reference £2 i z hc thto-yg L-xlr.j;. i -ft oanc; . J!j?i TRACK & RIGHTS FROM ffTHFR Opi- ■ CBjM -- y(th for op5 ration Ro ld Tirr,l».l _; tfL i-o« 1 ; grtt _gr- Fruit ..’ . Jc .t Ashlafid Kentucky to Kenton etuc*y 21*3£> iiw Of liTBt trick Thn Lexington and Big Sanuy Railroad Com¬ pany Sustern Division, A»h land Cool nnd iron Railway Conpcny Successor*. 'ont. Louievill* and Lexington, huahville Kail- Kentucky to road Company. Louisville Kentucky £*.40 Mile* of first track* 3F. Cent, The Chesapeake Huntington, y*rt and Ohio Rail- Virginia to the <*ny Compcny. Wert Bank of " he Big Sandy River C.pO Kilos of fir at track .*uy 30 , : 5So larch 23, ia?5 270 February ?th 1368 ] ill* lfth i* rr *• ^ »tc. w w, i fe Sandy Railroad Company. m 13. P. sy. CD. 53* CD. 109 . 3F. CL. 9^. BF. CD. 121. t.c ci Ritf^n" c - jo : ^l'-ay co?0PA:ry .u> ., f t_ Jtj . U ' V ^ ■■ ■: ,;. _ y . O. - tllirbet tetonc Loxl , ten ? no 3i<’ Sandy Railroad Coa pnny (Cqnt t dj « 1 JTIcCi —( 0>_ r »jL l ) -r* i— • - ^ - By The CheHupecfca s id Ohio Railway Jo top any under ©n agree >«vt bet 'eon .’it*’ OHesayseke and Ohio ivuilway Conpary t*.r.d tho Executive Co o. the Board pi Directors of the Elizabeth .own Uxingiot nac jig 0*< .ay Ra.ilro&c Company for ©c'ouct of Elisabcit htova .uJXi.’.-Cion one iiifc Burtdy Rullr ad Gompa ./• Fro?. February 1, l836 to February 15, 1892 fly tup jr. . t *.s and iasnisaippi V: lley Company under e lsaee drti’d Jana »ry Vj t 1386, between the Elizabethtown Lexington and lip Gently boflroftd Company and . ewport .hows and Liesioeippi Vnlley Coupe ay. From February 15, 1392 be July 1, 1902 By The Cneenpe .ke and Ohio Kailwtty Jomprny under agreement ±or ♦ rru- .• •■• , :> . • -r - v, * , i3si?tippi i jLhy Cou petty end Tha Choeapenke end uhto Ki.tVrrr.y Co:;: ni, ich *♦•>»« 11 «• sport '«ewe nr:.i UisBiceippi .Vi Joy Conpany m:Ui« 4 to The Ches ©petite -md Ohio Kt'ilwny its right etc. held u-der let s* dated January 29 , 188$ and £.^raoracrjt uei-reer. tha tillxr.befchtown Lexington and Cig Sendy hsllro'.d 'onpany, 'id l ie cheaapeake jnd Oh .o iveilwey 'c-rpsny daieo refer usury 15, 1692 under which the £li’'sVethtoen irxingt* «nd dig .W.dy Kai road torroany agreed to the alignment of the lease ca.ed J. au try ?9 i.Bb to The Gha8«pft>kr nd Ohio Rsil- wey Company. COJJ jOLUM; 10 *gi <•- * ‘ ily , 190 ■, Elizabethtown Lexington end Big'3 “-cy ' lr .- d v*- y t .hie uad Big o&ndy Railroad Compa$ i \-ntUvity . , .1 ^h 11«:' : c illroad Company and Ohio Hiver »»d C tJ'l*' 1 r - , i-p., y of Kent ucky were oorsc.olidti. #d 0 fc .f t e ;-d Big i ray Hnilwuy Gc-openy. iferrsoetit •• .lod, t . Cocret ry of 3t- 4 e of the State •)f i'entUi . y /no insurd a ceitjfficete of ocnaoildetioo on July 11, 1902. h core d ir thf office of 7 .o F^ilroed Co«r.i8sien of Kent tclty, July 11, 1^02 «nc in the County Court of Boyd County, Lent*c*y, .uly 1C, 1S02. vacation of The Cho^apoc c ... ; ..hxc ao X'lmy Company•« Gererel Office' , Ki:bro'vi t VirgucuM. . . 13 . p. ro 6 . sy. CD. 53* s:. CD. 109. 3F. CL. 96. SF. CD. 121. IT AC RAUiAf: r \. 1L'-?T '#) OQHPOR.aS .CL3T0RY 124 *js oJ the o Vol ■ utf ion, ±2il File H nf a rence PA IfZ - SI: saue t ht owe, Lexington end liailrt IMQOHaitUriQM Acte of Ky. Incorporated under a Special Act of the General Aneeably 1869 Ch 1354 of the 3tate of Kentucky, approved January 29, l8i9- Page 216. QRSAKIZjfflfrW MB, P 3F. CD. 115. e.arch 9, 1869 - Direct ore elected. : Wo line completed before consolidation with The^tos. end Big Gandy Railroad Company - Western Division. cowsoaptfiow By resolutions of the Board of Directors and Stockholder* of The Lexington and Big Sandy Railroad Company - Western Division, adapted at a meeting held Decenter 28, 1 j?Q, and the Directors of the Elisabethtown Lexington and Big Sandy Railroad Company, adopt so at a meeting held Decoatnr 29, 1870,-The Lexington r,nc Big Sandy Railroad Company - Weaker Diviuion and the Elisabethtown Lexington and Dig Sandy R* 5.1 road Coupaay, wore consolidated iatc on.- vj by near of the Klitebetblown Lexington and Eig handy R llroad Company. This consolidation was approved n-,4 Legalised by a Special Act of the General Aasmbly of the State of Kentucky, approved February 6, 18?1« ( Acte of Kentucky 1571 Ch 1213 page 107-) RECORDS mention of *ue Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company’s 1 >neral Offices, Richmond, Virginia. H^S Aazai o ;. pm k Att netted hereto. BX 46 nAj,Li*Sa-M«Af _frl w*ipn. , T W 30. 1916. 5j/1 n . c .* :S. "* ?- ; g - * T tus -' biz j^n }y [', g iT read Qorap -ry - v rt >r> Ejvisioo. i . " r ‘OP JC:. . . • incc-ryornted under « Special Act of th® General Assembly of i h ?a 9 * . t • ''wKte of Kentucky, approved Jr.'nunry 26 1&65* ~ of orgcci ation cannot le ascertain®*.* c »•■ ■' -;. i -.0 ;.r. cv. 115. O ■ lECURDb 6»y resolutions of th# Liard of Director# ar.d Sto jJcholdor# of i’bo i dtim-ten arc 3ig Sondy Kt-xlroad Coapcny - N®at ®rn Diviaion aujpt id -t i. necking hp'.d aceac >#r 2P, 19?0 end th® Ur cetera 0 . *.© Uirabeth? o: . Le >.i -ton rf HI* Sa- dv K*3 rose ( ; ;: -*y * Lig iUiilroao Company - Peat err. Division and th* f&iaabetb- t QV ' n Lexington and »>ip Smv.-y Rnilroad Company, tmre «.u,olidnt pci i ito oue Comprny tv nrj*e o tha SUseh«thtovn faxington and big Siiney Railroad Coapftey. Tbio coa*oli dart ion * ifi approved and logalissa by a 2p*cia) Act of t>® >r*r*i Ai-sanr.; ly 6f the 3tnt® of Xeatuekv. approved February 6, 1871. ( Acts of Kentucky 1271 Ch 121$ roga 107.) wO cation of Jnlc cvt». lEgjggff "w nttucUed uareto. DIACiiAi&tt’IC Q URf r>t neiiiad hereto* File V. T. Klchola - Geo. Robertson - tfta, Bi, *« - R t ; iWyORFORATlU ’ See Lexington end big Sandy Anilrcftr. Company F ATJUISITIGR ijTtaraber 3°, 1 ‘6-, > > Good. CoraoiM ;loner, appointed by ths Fay :e C eult u CUy of Lexington on June 25, 1864 cc*n «d tr Coe. ilobartaon, Vfci. Linge, K. U. !i . i , H. ‘:: Weane, J. 7. v/hite end R. Apperoon ;V >pertj franchisee, etc* of the Lexington an< r>i : Gandy Company, froa Laxiigton, Kentucky, to the rtoa t> a • dandy Hirer, Kentucky, except only «uoh 1 and u* acid under execution against eaid crap. Deed wee approved by the Fayette Ci~cu:l rt i tom. on October 1, 1864 and reccroe* ia "rounty C> Fayette County, Kentucky, January 2p, 1366 and v' x Kentucky, <‘ay 11, It?66. x;^rRucrioa Non# by da-d dsied July 9, 1964, V. T. :iicfcol», Geo. R. 4. 3i£g«, Iff. H. Suit ;, .{ugh :te , J. >■ fhi Appersouy conveyed the >roperty, riibrtv, -ivine^it « r- that part of the line from Grays n f u'v Count;, to its Eastern ternlaua at dig 3 ndy liver to J, J. r Joseph S. Peebles, John Henna, S'Utuel Cole, Ben -i. A. 2. bl-ialow, Levi'* .torthington end >«e-ah c i. an ect of the General Assembly of t' # be of }Ce approved January 26, 1365 ( Act* 136.5 Vol. 1 Chap 1-7) t .e ornera of this part of the line ware 1 ic.r as The Loxingtoi and iiig 3andy R.* i.jroad Conpany Livi^ion (Later this raid becume the Ashland Cos Railway Company) hSORGxazirzx; Under jn Act of the Genenl /uj • of t? e a < ; approved January 26, 1S&5 , \cU lb',; V=l, 1 Chir 10") r F. r„ Wicbola, Via. iijj .», > e;< Hally din-’th, John w. '^nite, Geo* -tohert o • >mt i Apperaua, Jr. aa executor of Richart Ap»ernon 6 the omere o’ the rights, franc) fee, pc;., p.irt o.’ the line fro®* Lsxington. <.e’.tuo :y, to Cr> County, Xentuoky, -vero laeorpof? f ed The L®> > n.'t, Railroad Corpany - frotern uxvini-.a. 5F. CD. 176. 711« K -:f eronce COHi'oiv/uE i v ■ ■ —*— . --- or ZiiJLL.. i ___ • . y_ ■ : a -Y ■ ^ L . c 3 ! - • " ■; n n. ., jr lf > 30 1 ■ fcTnt 1 lf.~ ' ‘ ~ ~ V i'iSS . 1- »'no-rn. . .tttnched noreto. i'I-' RAIfll ST 10 JhAK T rti-fcoed a-.T«t -a, of T: 2 ; CKF3 AFE : KE -ti 1 _ ... :« _.j. Y sot F.YV /to of t'.r ■ 1 j- of . .Val uatio n. . u e }0^ 191o« /?<5 Fil* 4 efcr-cce - Lexington I if ’, jSandy. Kailro ic _Coj wjr*. Ky. 1851-2 C 449-F 779. 1*F. CD. If6. Incorpor 1 . - p- ■ ' •:•• i ■••' ' . of the t( ' ' cf Kentu*;* 1 ' irov*f , inuar; 9 l£f2- 3RC/w ^i YIOK Dote of organization ascertained. COiaVRUOTIOR J.o lino co' j»leloc. ' CQKVETAKCg Dy dftiMl u«trd Saprtemb* * , „ p? 3 >. ^cotioe, iaeter Co jninnioncr, oirrt *c t j ette Circuit Court i* tr.e City of Lexington, Montuc*:. , on June 25, 166*, conv-yr.c, to V7. T. Nichole, G^r • Robertson, Villiam fcip, b, R. ;. . inf,*, Vi. lolly Smith, iugh i.:oun«, Kichsrd Ap.,eraor end John Whitt, the property, right*, franchieee, etc. c" the ng- ton and Big Candy R ilro;i id company. Deed ww* approved by Fayette ircuit Court in a Spociel T m o'- C- l ob-r \ol " ' — ML M.^fc •» • •*-*• ■ , o* « . ** -»••*• ■— » — •***•• or -W4M Auth. for Operation _Ron ;_ u Termini__ &~ • musht O'?___ The ChooapeaFo ~ c, 4 0. spur track Implied * and Ohio Ry. Ct. St. Albavia, V. Ye. uoaea to a ccn-jnction with C. R- * VI. Ry. GO’S rail 1*32 failes of treck ’Tfsgtl?e Trog . m May 31 July 1905 1st 1908. 5 F. Cent. 3347 SF. CD. V • nor pgr zj. ju 130 C t Fi .e He 'eronc e . |ci 1 i 3 ATFAK- AMD OlflO K.J .IVA''_CC\ ?A-y. A 5 of 1U Dow I of Va op tion , ,_J «* *O..A ,A- - C oni River Ratif y *.* 1252Z OPEhA luii Prior t * i e miee Ev own organ!»ation frwa j i ne 1 Froa July 1, 1?08 to Decerber 21, 190- By The Chesapeake and Ohio Heilwey C 'ny T.ont doted .•ay 25, 1 ?(>8 brtwean Coni Hirer Conpeny and The Chesapeake *u.d Ohio tilv m* ‘ LE.ISF - % y do d dated Decanter 21. 1909. th* -«1 Conpeny conveyed to The Chesapeake wa Oh Corpany, nil of itn property, right Eeei recorded in office of the Secretary e- otrte of fleet Virginia iecehoer 24. 1; 'M 226) County Court of R«lei;;h County, t ' arch 11, 1510 (DB 43 page 481), ww". Cc . - Virginia, teconber 27, W9, (OB. 119 1": * ' County. West Virginia, December 22, 1909 l Lor^ xcw., Richmond, Va. sacpuu. OF JjgEDjL. Attached henito. ; , { v}p. At .ci : ciut-r: Attached hereto. ii mL Om -Qiu u R V • Y of ' I V. g Uiir o^P/ __ - ;'.... ■ >' 5: •uj of t he . at of 'hi;Ju- >i _ ^ ■. 1916 . 131 File R eference .a R - Co 1/er. jv, 1 ®5. J._i* !_Co: inn -, I. O RFORJglON •rj # •, I, changed from PoGohorti.s, Coal River and Kanawha Railway Company to Coal River enc Weat arts Railway Company* See narra¬ tive l J 'jcai*.ontHii , Cool River and Keniwha Railway Company-Pogo V’I . oRGAiar./cria;i ,hb. P 24. “ Ortober 15, 1903. co.-o VRCcrion End of J. A 0. Spar to Forks of Coal, W, Vai 11.5*8 ailee coriu«nce<\ September i'J02 - completed leceuber 1VC3« Forks cf Coil, V. Ya. to Hollyhursx, W. Va. 4.70 miles conuoneod Let. n^er 19^3 - ^owpletea i ay iyj4. i T£R >, 1?^I :cx Li oCKIFTlo : 1st Tr icK l.i lpf yj End of C. f. 0. Spur to lollyhurst, V. Ya. lb.68 miles CPaUClcM OK R0AD. ;if® SY.O KHER Ca^Jlt CAaRIFR Auth. for cperrticn Eff set ive Hoad. __ Ten:ini _ _^reaae nt of From Tc Th0 ' ... ..ay _'l, 19 5 By ovm orgfcniant ior.. LECISF. ui. ? 53. By d**ed a»ted ay 31, ±905, the Coal River and 'Yeatern Railway Cotipar y conveyed to tie Coni River Rail’s; y Coiuj^ t y a t its property, rights, f rtcicniues ertc. Loec recorded in County Court of ? t:".i -;hii County, State of '.Vest Virginia. June 22, 1905, (OB. ?? page 450). RSCOHLS Location of The Jhesapefc .e • d Dhio Railway Coupany*a Gc*"«*al Of * ccr „ Rich one. Ye. uCUil • _ ... . J V i„.: • -}■ i . . -• • » 'f-< u ' »» ■»**’ - n ,,3j -‘.y- . Attached hereto RI.w'Rn l- XT I- CiAT Attached hereto. 132 CORPORA'S IgSTO HT TljK CH^APE/ l " led ' it 10 R AILWAY . ;- fr AM A> of tie L’-i' t& of 1oatIon. <'JL2 j- f,ef ereace li&OS - Pocah ont as Coal h-tar and r IKCQgtfCRifflON . . «,_* >r . P 1 la corpora*.*d under the General Leiw» of the otate of ««3t Virginia. Article* of incorporntion dar.ed October 9. 1899, filed with the ‘*>e«rwtnry of Vtate of tb? State c* 3 - ifir,..nx » and certificate of incerpor«tion issued by him on October jnCiAHliAIIpN^r ^ . Director? elected and By iawe adopted. ' ^^Srruction wae cosanenced by thio Company in Septan* *■ '90/, but no portion of the railroad wee completed or operated. ^rr^Vosahontao Coal Rivar and Kanawha hallway Company to coal Riror and Hiostarn Railway Company. Chnnga of nan* aut. 10 r 1 . 2 ac at a mawtlm; of tha Stocktoldwa of Pocahontna Coal Riv.r and Koanta Railway Company hald Octot.r 15th.lW3. Th f roaolutior ( wee filed with the Secretary of State of the State o. Tea- irg . , who on yovaibar 10th, 1903 issued a certificate changing naae In accordance with etat jte* MB.P.3 RECORDS ^Location of ... 7 h. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company's General Offices RiJracmG, Va. SCKK U LK OF UEK3S. LEAS IS. RSORC FliOC ET^ljjG/^J^. 0. rjffiJiSSKt Hone. a i^5RA.^xcxc chart Attached hereto* /3 3 #ii» * MB. P. 1- Xnoorptrirfced . ider tbo General Laws of the State of "est Virginia, Article of Incorporation dated 3eptamber 28, 1903, filed with the Secretary tf 3tate ef the State of Wert Virginia and certificate ef incorporation was issued by hJja October 2, 1933, racercad in County Court of Ralslgk County, West Virginia, November 7, 1904. ipguism os ~B*ydaad dated October 25, 1906, tb* Glade Craak ami Ralaigh Railroad Company conveyed to the Raleigh and Sauthwertara Railway Company, nil of its property, rights, franchises, eta* Deed recorded in County Court of Relaigh County, fast Virginia, March 27, 1907 (DR 3? P. 488} (11.45 -aiaa). sr. CD* 23* OROAHIlifflOT MB. P. 3 . October 3, 1903 - Directors elected and By Law adopted. Raleigh, W. Vn. ta End af Traci, W. Va. 6*50 Idles eonnancing and coapletion of construction unknown. 5nd of Track, V, Va. ta End of Track, W. Va. Milea con*aen ci a art of oonat ruction unknown - completed in Jail of 1908. End ef Truck, W. 7e. to End of Lino *54 Miles c$ j tence&snt ef construction unknown - completed in Spring of 1909* . let r uck ;,ll«age Raleigh, ’V. V*. to End of Una, W. Va. (RA^mY) 8.65 Hilas Raleigh, \f. V*. to End cf Lina, ?. Va. (GC&RHR) 11. lAlea 20.10 hi lee 3 F . Co rit * 353 < 3F. Cor ■ 3338. ormAion trloi to Dastlao Jrof*A ^October Y$, 1906 t« Mar eh 21, 1907, This lino vaa operate--, by the Raleigh and Southwestern Rail- vay Company. From .:«rch 21, 1907 to February 2$, 1910, This line vu* operatod by the Raleigh Lumber Company, utdsr agreectoots of March 21, 1907 and {torch 11, 190$. 'Jiidar agrae-uent uat&xi v :oe 15, 1908, effective July 1, 1908 and agrartseal cistec March 11, 1909, The Chesapeake and \>hi« Railway .umpany reserve the right to operate its Englr ss \& Cara over this li 9 but did aot taka advantage of 4hie right, such operation as wee necessary by The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company 'vaa perforate T by the Raloigh Lumber Company* j^POR tf E !gST,pB y. o* THK CH >* ,yc '"^Z. A. ^ OHIO HAfll/^AY te i of t 'H m h of , tlcifit Io n , Ju 7 /3f me Ref crenco 24. Ka lei-Rh and Sowtinrertem Ru llvay CgS£251*. deed **-4 2obruory 28. »10. the Raloi,* **te* Hnlleay Company conveyed to 2H« Ch.onp.ehe and ni Company -11 of it. property, right*, fraochiee". «•; recorded with Secretary of State of the otote da.. ‘ March 2, 1910. County Court of Raleigh County, fact larch 2, 1910 (D. ». *3 Page <5h>. «y«d»g Count ,', 1 10 (3. 4 i «e 435J. RECORDS Thi^CuocapeaXe and Ohio Railway Company donor'll Office Ric . • Virginia. dCHa jLito? nniiM. LSdSES. B.gojg::a dA\iuijH.i^'ui;us_.,- J- it ifcvaiBii;gsl *AttVc Vied hereto. • * * iAfcia .riu 1C yHAi littaonec hereto. of TU r OHr-rf , ■rB.v _3 t, SO RAlpAY C jLU AIIT Aft v . t T€__ ■■■'t 3.02 ;, J«ro JO, l 9 Io . H*f ^rer.^fi ^ - Cit'd* . aea oac ^ -lwigh Railroad Cowptu • ^ !■•. U : rOH/ a3 or 5 X .!'»I • "* X ar ;c ' c 'ir - t'e ;»enT*nj of the tree of • e**t Articles of ineorpwrntion dbrtod July l®, liH, fi< d h .< 3 ocrot.ry of Jtato of the State • f H$ *c end ' ‘•rtific/.tr of incorporation wno i*MC5(i b> ur JuJ 21, rece dec in Count*/ ^oart of :itloi-v , «t■ , firrintrt, October 1?, lfl9l(jjB, m. • -‘»J c - /K w i T ■ l: . .1. Apr; T 1'. l3? - Direct rs rlactod ord By L.-'ro rdopted. ■ gfXC ' 'aV h, . . *» "ad of, Vr. 11*45 Mil** ‘O'?* i s '^t i*n r f cor rv *0 t.ikat„ i. 1 W _T" Jl ISSJKli UOA let Tra-:; ,.1 lrage. Kalnigta, T* 7a. to Tr.d of U-j, . /a. 11.45 t'ileti ci ■;»*. ;■:■•. j- 'ior to Conveyance Krw dt:te 0 * completion of construction to October 25 / wi w * by cw ©rguaizitian. • co i-nrrtj&cg SF. " r : r dE3d c M d October 25. W6, tip Clad* Creek nnd CX* 23 . K Kai rood Comply conveved to the Rclci^h t-nd lout he* at era Railway Oo.apany all of it a property. right* franchises, at 3 . j.’ed recorded an County Court of* Rrleigh County, 'Sest Virginia, .torch 23, 150/. fDB -37 Par* 458). Ct^eOKnTf tAJ.dd , Vj-iCg Charter of tno Glad# Creek and Raleigh Railroad Company wac turrtndered April 30 , 1*07 end the Corpoictio“ passed cut of RICOftSS Location of The Choorpenke nr.d 0‘i.o Railray Ccraprny’e Oeneril Office, Richmond, V. aCn'--CjU Toff .: . LS;-3RS. P^RgAKUJfflOI- AhOCrhllnC S lW3TRliaifx3 . " * Attached her®t 0 ♦ v} ! VTj T-J .i .flT Attaches hereto. ' '.•v- 136 m* CO; rCMTK HX3TU Of. r T -ST V*V AT CyiCAL ?. jjg af the U - ; e rf Valuation. Juno jQ, l $li*_ Reference j : AjjB - Virginia AirjA p , R \U*S3f popRgSfr w* , t Incorporated unde* -hft General Laws of tEa /*rii loi. of incorpor ion doted April >, 19< >* Certifies- of incorportition by Lepariaetst of the State Corporation CoBMisnion. State of Virginia, April J), 190b, filed and record¬ ed in t be o f f i Virginia, April 11, 1906. (uSSaNIZJEIUH Hovwber 7, * irectors nnd Gfficera elected. V.. t. Str«Uoor., V». Wl- oororonotMi ootob«r 1906 - completed October 1918. ltfJ.P.17. sr. cout. 3529 • &F. Oh:~175. }$ vue pvsGKiroaa. it Track I'ller , LUdeay, Vr*. to 5tr*tha»re, 7a £9.30 tills* QFIftjgIG N Li xor to i - *>iaa Fron (jctoiar 19^ to July 1, 190; By own orpaoioation. trxm July 1, 1909 tv July 12, 1912 liy The Ch***upec :« Oi-io Railway C«**ny, n rr jetween Virginia Air Line hailway Company nno The Chesapeake end Ohio Railway Company, detsd Jvn3 7, 1709* mm By deed dated July 12, 1912, the Virginia Air Linn Rail^y Coaup>iny conveyed to The Gheuspeete and Clio *ojilway Coap-tny, all of its rights, property, franchises, etc. I)eeo recorded in office of State Corporation Comi&ubn of State of Virginia, July 18 191? (3. 5 ? M3) County Circuit Court of TIuvo■ * % County/Virginia, July It, 191?, Louisa County, Ve. July 17, 1912, Albcnarlt County, Vir.^nia, July 17, 1912• RJ5CURT3 reaction of The Chsonpense and Ohio Railway Coapnny^s Cei-eml Offices, Richmond, Virginia. OF PSESS. LK.- i .t , RTX^CAia^glOH P»TiCEKDING ■ ANT OT KTT Attached hersU. ijlACRJl&A X lC C3AKT A-1 ached hereto. tCRlUwtra L V” ■i.'t OF /37 ' I . C-gO U Mi; -\Y QOU P.v!Y -2X 7 "0^1»>n.June 10,1 rib, i- IZ^jyA PaOCKDI.t S .r iSi im j ‘ib J:n»-i.'«).:',{ artu Qtuo R .-I fiiy^ Co aper y Reference -jt Tjl ' B • ‘ .. Date 3?.CD, 55 Oct. ; 7,i >3 1 *CC« 1 July l.lAjP # ) y, CD. 4 . 'nn. ..0 , In?.) ' • " • Co •' t. 2 dl Jime 2,1850 1 etr Rvvejt ais • Deed 101 CTcu. 2 4,1850 T.CL. JQ Jen. 1,1655 SF» 4u Hov, 5,i857 Cetin Creek Hat. teed 105 Jan. 31,15*02 SF. CL'. 7 F«by. 15:1502 I) Record • f n ^» ’ 1 -' C • o.i ■ ?« •. •* . u j r u © ft i >y Coapany the Teat Virgin* o. ir«ti « to Th* . 'Jhea , • J:* > id Ohio . li <*» y Co®pa*.y the Vir/._ us ’© por.®‘ >*.. lo ■) *a V jecial ;i*aeicn?r c*. i«,haia ! ailroed Coapany to the C i ’ ixe n i „ uj R. i la ,y Comply. ■ jJ froa the Kan eatpany,C Bio Creek & Ka»n.vh-fc Cc J. k>«p ;»ny,atr.n o 1 C««P*iy, : ’ , -?van» Ca d Company, A. D,Phonk c :'.L.G i et • Deed o!4 3F.CD. 4V l Hie July 10,1$ ii J - e ,1‘/ J4 jet. 1,19(4 »ct. 1,1$04 '• y.1,1; 5 July 1,10)7 .ocord Li. i-#d,l .nrellhon ar. i PoerC-ntns w«y oo»p * /,C 1 i i -,ol lerj , o p • • F> i ■ e * m .£• ‘o •n y,' it *• 2 n \ vc n ij > j tvm t. ( irbo ,*.Ya. n P. re t>- v The ffnov. eoke anc uhi® Raj v . 0?: . . »>ed fro*a 'T.P.Reod to ne ie >ip« ■. d Ohio Hal er, y Ce ip • y,oc r lroac fru« ' ineo . 4 f,’ i. i 1 eed f rom ^uinairion om! fjo ip n, The Cheapen* e and Aiio Railnrep Com'" I y conveying the n U o id : oui Cud nr - moat, .Vi. te Broemwr-ec 1 ’«d from tie Roll os Cool 3c i . i ny,i> >«ok Ot.,1 'Jocipany, ie« uai.9 'eJll-ry o' ;; y ;, ,rsrw..od Orl Cooper;. . *• • 1 r ■•'- Rol*on .oal and 'Joke Company, A..o-ur/ T.C.3eur/ # : .K.Beury,J.P.Beujy,M B ieurj ( D. F.„ iieury, v i lilnos leury, ,1 . ie-.-ry,.;. «/ 3«ory ruidB. d.Beury,t j fhe Cheaap* -** ind Ohio Rail'ray Company onvsyin# tb<- i al- r-. r, i ro-marod, . Va. ta Snd of Tre-k, T,Va. Deed Crow tue Kt»newh« -nd Pocrihonta; Rr.iirond company to "ha Chw?p- kn <= d 0 hi a Ri l*w y Comp •• ny Deed <*roia The Che:» -p-aite and C;h~*» lu.5 way Camp-aiy of Kern,ucky to T•■.* Clear,- p*'/;e Md Ohi* Railway Coiapwiy* t / T. • ' "\5 ■ . J' " ' i - OL>K..‘^TT Aa of igrte of -1W > .1 ■ Juli _ sm- ^nj: pr >;tG.’ i muc v Vi-Cl- ii r^^XdJLLiSiaOi'il-Ji: -i Tl*» Gn*nm:e ..n! Glue niilTay O.'- i;'i'-y '.' — i„8ferftict or £i i. .oa *r _ SP.CU To 'CF'.CD. 24 SP4.CC* 17 5 £ to Lac.21.x909 Faoy. 23,1910 July 12 , 1 /xii if* *oord Read froa tn« Coni R-var P il-vay .in-.p.-ny to Tha CL«a';panha rtii-. Ohio R i *~y Company* i ood from the Ralaigh md Routhwar ©rn hallway Company to Tha Cbaaap©‘h© n4 (mi© R* il* ny Comp my. Baed from tha Vir,inia *ir Lina Railway Company to TH# C .©supauka r* nd i hia Rail¬ way Comply* C;. J.L.L.and it :■ rav.21,1901 artificet© of merger oft* ci- .> -« L©war Loup aftd Daap tatar Udlro m* pnrvy xnto Tha Cfnaa»pp^!»id Company into Thu chaour-nuka ord Ohio U dlway Comp my. . H. Cv L.8. p. 121 Oct. J1,1?'J3 a I SF.CD* 88 uct.31,1903 Pi. mond List* Lead >09 Juna 1,1901 SF*Cant. 5156 June 2,15-4 SF. Co ft. 4493 i-rii 5,1912 c.ortifiesta of :;ar>,ar of ti e « rranbriax Railway Coop >ay into la Ch eapnak© nc Ohio Railway Coup any. Cartificuta of .. ar er of tha Cuyonoot /alley Luilway Company into he Chaeo- peake Mnd Ohio Railway Scrap.any, 1 *od from The Ch ©3 ape-aka nnd Ohio Railway Soup any, Sant rnl frasit Comply and .San* y V®icx iuci, 'ruet«os to ’.villina R.Tri&g Couuany conveying tha icVs.ond Lock prop arty. v'.r»«r.«:rt for operation of tha "lkhoru and panver Vail'/ Railway amp' y,«a of Iel .nd ::ra®k Railroad lamp .cry f r 20 yaara fran April 10,1912* Reference or f.vl* Lum ber SF. Cotrt, 4b3b SF.Coirt * 4t>37 f/.Co rt. l'oI SK.o 0 nt .5653 .KOonrt. 240 SK.Conc.Xk29 SF. Cent.304 SF.Cent. HS SF.Cont. 2934 SF.CD.lo6 BF.Cont.2 543 Si.Cont.5^6 Date Nov. 12,1912 ::ov. 12,1912 July 1,1195 April It,191b Dec. 23,l?.‘/0 June 1,1898 June 17,lf'91 Record Joint lease of the "•'hite Gsk Ri.ilwry Company for 5 y-jr from Dec. 1,1V 12 by n * Ch* s*-•.•?• kt* a* u Ohio Railway Company -■»£ vi »e Vircinir*- Railway Company. A, re «n nit between The Virginian f-u It; y' Con- p r.y ant Tie Chestep*'uke t^d Ohio F ih y Co , - y ;ny for $ yaare fr-m Dec. 1,191'* ’he Virrir.i n Kill-fey Co. e^> leases the i'iney River nn<* Faint Creek Railroad Company end grn tu tnekt e riphte to The Cneeap -e tmo Chio Reilly Company end The Cheetf^eke ore Jhio Rei L*’ny Copip^ny grtnia tr-ed.u; e rights to The Virginia. Rfcilway Coppery. Agreement for operation of the rcilra .’id ~ -ilrcad Cemp ony. Agrronent hrtTcen The Richmond ime it.nvi.ll*: K&ilri ed end The .1 heat ,-f It end CHi.o Reilwoy Company for Isep© of line fron GorncSe¬ ville ,Va. to Orange,Vn. *,ab tr/’ckepe ri hte from Crange,Ve. to Alexandria^V • Lease of Norfolk Tnrninel end TrnnspOrtr•♦.i 0 n Company for 99 years. ^reeuent iih John fer op >'t nticn of the Keeneya Creek. Brunch. Lov. 13,1 85 Sept. 1,190b Lov.12, 1879 Nov. 2,1904 Oct.b, 1915 Lease of the Branch o-vned by the Anainiue Charic«l CoJBpsny. AgrefTiort for optiratien of The CKeSfipn.'V.- and Ohio Railway Co.’a lino Hunting-ten, v,V«. to the Fosc. Bank of the Big 1 ,ndy River y the Elitalethtown Lexington and Big fancy Railroad Company. Leas® of The Cheaapetvk* and Ohio Ry. Co ‘a. line from Ssaorrt,Ve. to Alserene,7u. to 1 he Melaoa ana Alb^in-rle Fudlwsy 'oc.pi.r.y. fa- 'lFOK/ ti 1 a S.'OhY T: E C V ; 'KF .Tl Ci’i.s o V,1 Vv O:iP A! Y sheet y# 0 5 of 2C 74/ M of >7 p ; v 1 7 ••, une ,xVlb* 1 ) rms. LF.V;F3.RFOHO^.l ZitriGM PHOCRCClMfl I INSTKlUWffS. ' The ChesepeJce snu Ohio Rtdivey Company (Gen 4 .) Reference of -“lie cl Agreement a with the ’Vos ington Southern Railway Cor.ip >ny .r treckape rights, Alev n- urin, Va. 5F.Cont.321 •> un 9 30,1 91 Agreor nt ‘-1th the keltimorp ar-d Potomac Failroed Company for tr >ckvge rights, "esnin, - ton, I.C. 3?.Ce»*t« .3140 • 0 ci . 24,1 vo 7 V;re«J!tnt •”ith Philadelphia iultimcre arc r 'ushiB, on P.silroeu Jo., The Baitinicre and Rhio R dir-' c; Coop my mb The Y-VoRingtc n Terwin.-- s Cor.-; ~ j for trackage rights, *>..phing- ton, I>.. . OF. Cu • / * ' 1 0 June 1,1903 * v ,ro-TCi^rtt the Norfolk und astern ; -dlmy Com; ■ . f oj tr-io ■? rights, C ias, ov, 7*. SF. Cent* lib 'UK,. 1 , U 8 l tgrsQcuM t bertveei the hitinore r-.nb Ohio Ktdlrot aiLfibj'.y tmoT e hi chnond rr.c Alleg¬ ory Krdlrood Company for truckage rights, Lexington, Vn. OF. Co . f.2074 SF • Go r? t. 4844 July 1,1902 wuly 1,1912 Agre» . /it t ie Ashland Cc-d ,,-.c Iro Fnil'sey Scmpuny for tr - cl 4 -e right?, Ashl nd tc :3reti n, Ky. SF.Ccn..3047 April 24,1907 Agremerit with the JCbnevha bridge end T?rc.i'iil Co;cp t,y ’:r trackage rig l;t s, Cher lest on, ' 3 . V-.* OF.Cent 271 t> Aug. 2 3,1V05 with the Lexi gton Union t .tion Company ’or track 55 e righto and Station .facilities ,I,exm, ton, y. Cot t.3271 V«s. 5 ,190s SA-ifat bet-reen the l.axirv ( 7 t.n Onion Radian Comp ny .vi -h t rack rg*? rig. ts,i exir gi o n, r /, •: *J T T: )ic* JC 'V L'£ 0 The Often. , n r,ke \3 o r l .- ' /filuuti ■ . u. / Q , lylu .v -v . 1 ic a:j. ;ji jr t • ,u ;:j U' 111x0 *’> Comp ny [Con «} Reference or Kile "umi i G.r«A.File 3?. •or.t.UCO SF.Cont. 5 ^ 6 ■» sr.cont. 2 ( o 3F. Cent. 53*0 S!’. Co nt. 53 a 2 F.CD.44 Lata Feb, >\1°16 Vr. 1,1909 : «•/ 11 , lsib ecy.7,lr88 June 7 5,l9l'£ Lee. 2-,1914 K*by.lO,lVl5 June 15,158b Record Agreement «*Lth the Newport *r -nd ,tor Gf.i end ’-'iectric Coopany for .rack ‘re righto for Fr senger tr in «xc rpiir ) Phoebus to buckroe, Vn, agreement vdth the V -a.i \’v 10 i * icing *n Rnil- tay Company for track 4gb. rigb&s Cherle ton V.reemeot with the Cl>vel»ne -ini. r,.vts, hi cup and • 1 t. Louis Rnilrer-d Cok ay 'or tr jL^e ri :ht3 Cincinnati, Ohio. Agreement between tne -Ire i.r'.htwr* 1 i ten ar.o i3if; Sandy Railrord Comp «r. ' nc The Civ'sn- penke me Ohio Reilray Coupon/ for ti k^e, ''eat E nk -ig anuy to j 9hi• ■ , f Ky. Agrees .nt ( ruating true.. n* rih’t* t he Lnxi- ’ton ,ra ' asterr. hail way Compny t Lexi , » tun,Ky. ^refioerrt granting trac«.r*;o r g r* ty the iauiovill* tnt aahvrlle ‘ di 0 d Comprmy, Lexington,ky. Agreement granting trackage rights to the So ut ierr. Rail •* ay Comp any ,Fichr one, V e , Lease covering operation cf The Cheer.. kuv e tr, d Ohio Rril ay Company by ~ , h< 9 Newport lit : arc Viaeiaippi Valley tospwy* ► _• . iiu h ; r .V 143 /.■ o * Un:;a of 1 »iu tiott.v in? y: , 191 c. He'flrwce cr v ile ‘-iutt- >r Date>»35 Jure ;/>,i yo July 1, •»< i \ l**e -La /. l lro-f ->pi, y aK.01.35 -ubm 29 , 1 ; 70 ■ ticti - onc r. e ' - lie:. 1 n # . rtMjji *ey Joapn^y stt'.CE. 3 e/ X),l r? SP.Cont.lU SF'.Cl. 86 '•“.cr. 4 U£. J,i 31 f'My 20,l8t9 J on. 20 , It ?0 ii'.ct. 6 ^ I uxy 2,1 >0 Record 4 - ac 1 ”•• 'orv.on^-lt!' c f “l r^inie tc .'he £c -r c or ^ ? of tht v oiTunonv.* I: lth of Vir= ini a ■*' :0 X u < ‘•■•ike (. ’ rj Ohio loili c < C’oDpeny *" *yl'45 * h< .-.-age - Milr i -c Cor.piry as J .. rU 1,1.. 0 . r . Si -»l Corsnifeioner : t . J t- e;»i e ond Ohio Railroad Comply ■- A.-Ach, A, ,.Lo*,C.h.hunti • ton,I«a a c port, .Tr# - John C :rc ,i urchnalng me Keorgunimtien Committee, he Chesapeake ’ 10 Chlo . Company. Lool The Co s..oit e«l«n of VirjlniH and The Eo-ra hublic '.'•orks of woe Cobulo u»«< 1th of Virginia %9 t 1 '* Uherapeale end Ohio f-dlrei.d Company conveying ne blue Ridge Railroad Conspnny. * * H4i ■ .d.L r irr.a, pedal Cor luiseloner fer "he Ricji-.una Alleghany Knilro.'d :*oxp «. to c>in L'avi*, Curries -.Cox ime J . Kennedy, Vo d Parchvuing Convritiee the ’’.icbr.ond -nd Alleg-* >'try R^ilvny Compery* ,V;r between the Fic .-nd *ll«ph *iy ' ‘ C $ .. — ^ > ,ny Raiirood Coi. P sny ( Jpnt.) Reference or j*xle i . ugiI?tar SF.CD. 32 Date Keco rd War* ?,l£83 3F.CD* 2 SF. Oont*llfc SR.CD. 3 - or, 4,1P80 i .u*% i # r : 8i Hay 20.lF.p9 Tfia .'f aea k± ver ► > awoa Comply SF, CJu* 2 Her. 4,1860 Leer The North River Navi, ation Corap r> ad Tte J fnee River and K«u«vhe Ctmprmy by Jam or n .Keener, dcon, Spec! 1 Gocinieeioner to the RicUnona and All^hany Railrord Comply convoying The North liver f'«vig«ticn Comply* lead The J mna River end Kanawha om.?any to the nicnaouc! und Ulepheny R-.ilro d .^p^y* . ,.r ratrerrt cel ween the Baltimore nno Chao Railroad Company and Tne Richmond end Uxej - h.iny R-Jilrc d Corapuny for t* :C K» re rights Lnxir^toe ,Ya* Oeed the Richmond and /dlefhtvy Railroad Comp.»ry, by .F..*-elr nc, peciftl tommiHsioner to .nurses F.Cox,Fdwir Davis -,nd .Keen cy To< Purch aing **mittee the hicuond *.rd lie, . 'fc.ny Hailvay Cot^j wj. Urc The J** ; ee River . . • ... , t> . to the Rictaaona and Alleghany Railroad Company, und Clifton /or a h-alyay Company SF.tX* o July 2 # lt&0 TheNortn River Navl/aticn Coffic ny luE. F*299 Sept* 2,1857 SF.CD. 32 3 «r. 9 t l883 Crtig eprapari y ^ & ‘ J uno £, Id 90 Deed the Buclienui ana Clifton For, e Rsil\?ty Company to toe Richmond no All** ; .«■• y -di¬ rer td Compi> ••.y* A£t-xia-ent for operation \nd conveyance to Ti© J are# River and Kenavhr Comp my. Teed The North River Navigation Coop any and * J erase River and Konev ia Company K.Eoaondaon Special COKHdseioner to the li enmend -«id Allegheny Railroad Cnapeny cor.* paying The North River Navir^.i: .. ,-'nv, Deed t>aif; oompeny to The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Oemp'jny* 0? oheet M «. p 9 • h 1 OHIO ft M &X1 XI IF ji. Y 0 f O at 3 J>/ .ion, Ju-ir iiiki. I r 1 ■ " i • - Coat ; »_ • *y_ /45 .*•■ f« enea or "iio ufiber Record SF.Cnt.2fc r ttr.ll,l 68 V ]\e j River Cist. Peed 101 oj.ei- qnd Bolt Hniie.>,y Co* .a assL. 3F.CD* VO Jan* buctx v; C Cot u $• >F CD. 1^8 Aa,.2f.,lSd4 sr.cp.flo Au^. ;.,i 88 20,1889 JF.CD. 10 . m. 5,1 9? V.raanent for op*rntion oy THe Chaa.-p. *.*e nd Ohio K■iiwey Comp .ny. /aad : v -,iv«r Fridge Co. to bo CheBMpfiic* .‘ittv. on: Biil’w-y Company. Ld-t , ?.,i tan-c; Mid elt Haili«y Compi ny to 'he Cheeapeaka ond Ohio Railway Coppmy* . > reem^nt for operation by too R.A. A.H. ■ .Co• )0u* . iti r oy fie Chi »< • a and Ohio R-ilvuy Cosop my. n«od ducking hr*. r iilro/d '-oEp ,p--‘ry * ). ,!i. P. 70 Nev.21,1901 Certificate of into The Che-mp "-ahe and Ohio Re*l vi,y Company. K» t •■ - he vlmt-v Comprint Si .Coni.452 April 1 6,1889 Cchia Creek l-iat. •,• an. 31, lVQ I ■ e<3 105 .ipreecjPBt for operation >y The Chesapeake end Oh.o Rfeilwey Tcspmy* Lena* t« Railway Cor .7 tc U "»e ’neauj erke ear, Ohio r il -'ey Coipnny. )' up of Parte i.Jw* 30 .V . - • r- :3tl r V 1 •■Tio:; F};.JC ~ E- T T. ;1 . n rnf F .-irprd . v :.: .pi ny «.i'ference or f i 1 u.i er SF.Cont.iu43 D“t 6 . >«cc i’d July 13,1W tyremerri 'or op^rntion - y The 'he *, pr •»> * , Keby. Deed i -,c 'liuirouil ?o . . •> ' - 1 • Chaaapeak® end Ghio Rail wry OB ' da ; - i;, -w ..-00 V ;.;jI .puny Li- r.jv » £ "t_ : 1 Jtu lu 1>02 Deed Mount Carbon Company i . itecl -0 FocrhiT ti J ftfdiv,-r,y Coa.yj .y_ ew River lut • 1 July 10,1 VO 2 Deed tv *11 to- »*»d Poe.. nor &• 0 1. • y Com- ey to The Cheu pei ; 1 a u<« ^ Corapa "y. <; uy root Volley Coap njr i>h. L’i » cct. 11,1903 Certificate of Marker irto The Cheat p- ike rfui C lio Railway Cojep»«>* •jraeu: ri ?rr H id 1 Sir .CD* 4c i if ev uiverliet. Leet * 129 u* jver I'i ct. itfic 3 30 ,ct. 1.1VC4 Record i fieri " . Cou;. - y et' -.3 to 1 a* Cheats nd Ohio Rnllv y Cbep ny. i.yr. .»■■ ■ ' i:rc a, o g?.n n .a ■ giro ■n mi I: at. ;.ov.20,l£95 T t ec 730 i. r, avh© Li»t« June 2$,190Q iwd 009 Krrlirho Mst. L eo, olO T oy 6,15*0. ;>r . ha :.nti Paint (re*;;k n-.Ilro-a Company If. Cont • f Ran ? > eh a list. L ;e ■ 'aw. 2 0 ,1888 •a y 10,1 89 Kern v.h... Lx at. lead 730 iov.20.lx95 ^reeatent *.r c,.'ir/ftion oy 'be ake and uhio Hallway Company. Peed i. . .{j.wl.a r id Pocrhont •’« Railroad fom- pony to ? i« ''•.eg .p< eke and Ohio R ilvey Com;, nny# [>«*ed r.anatme ond Point Creak Rnilror-d Com¬ pany to X-m*rh< one Paint Creak Railway Company. Deed ’".V. C? Alt on Special Comrni asionor : .n'i vha 4 - • • .?it re-ik. Rfi A rot.d •“’c.wpi. t> to .ana'ifhM me flint Creek Kailwt.y Oerapar,y, Sred K .»:• h»iu Pfiint Crfif-Jt Railway Company to . -n j-H’io n* c ?oci»:)ontar 1 -iilnj- c Company. .^_rear,f*nt with The Che ap--Ike .r.d Cnio R il^ry aoapariy for conveyance Cead Kane -he ► nd I'aict Crrek u.iro 0 Ccn- p iny to 1-te C-ianep'* kc arc Ohio Railway Cc.u- pamy. I-nod Ka i.i.»ht* tine P'Ant Creek Railroad Company to i'.o.'itwha ai'-d taint . reek mil'; >y Gomparys ml k cfereace or Pile Rural?r Date le E. P. 1 May 19,1906 Agrowent of con.-‘olidetion of CKfiaupeeke run Ohio ■Railwhy Corapmy of , entucky,"'ht Kinaieonnick end Frneetpn# Rai rose :'oa • ppny nntf the ig Sgncy J Eiiw, y Company, SF.O©*t. 207* July 1,1902 ,^r«fluflnt between LexinfCton if 0 Hi Sandy R1u.ln.3y Company aid /uihluno C -h1 end Iron Railway Company for tree's ^r.6» SF.Cont.£19 Mar. 23.1895 ,Vf ' .et?"een li. «»i jthtowr, ,Laxi ton er e rig 3e dy Rniiroud Company Mid Lcuio* yille aid .'lashviile Rnilrond ‘ooip.'ny for trackage. SF.Cont. ^15 June 8,1506 ^rccoient for oper»ttiott oy The Cheoopanke nd Ohio Railway Company. July 1,1907 Deed The Cbeeepeekt end Ohic ppj.y of Kentucky t© The CHesoj.9ant of coneolioutioii of Che '’'ite '-d Ohio IVailwHy Company 0/ Kentucky, lip Sanay huilwt y Co prry :snd Tho hinniconnick and . 1 eeetone Railroad ompnny. big Si.ri :iy ! ail way Corap* r.^ 37.CD. 116 June 10,1902 Agreement jf consolidation, of Big an dy H til- way Comply of Viri’ini' and Bi<; Sandy Hail* wny Company* i .B. P. 153 l ay 3,190b KeocI .d,i n of 'took hoi oars surrender ing r. -c' - i 1 in the -trrte of irginin. ( .B. P. 15b D May 19,1900 ,C;reluent of ccnsolidation of Chess: n»Ve *nd ,.i;a© n'-ii”'r.y Comp, of Kentucky t Kig Sandy Railway Comp ay too fha Kin icon "i ck unc ’rsastone i-ni Iro :?a* ts " v 149 TKT H ;• :. «.' u..» > "H’ T, AY COIf t Y 41 y K j. ; .’/ Co.:-y'Ciy nefererc® or ' - er b i* . Ut • i -k 0 _ n.-L. : * 10,1902 i.aeord A roeiflari of con solidfltion of Hig Annoy Knii-av Company of Virginia $r,d liig dear, Railway* b;ri ,y B - a Tv , O '. :y of fl -filnia 11 o June j. 0,1?02 (groewesii oi conJelid^itiun of aj 0».• = «/ iinilarr.y Company md 3ig 5tmuy Railray - u p ;^y cf irgini Cae^upe^<• r e Ohio Cusp of hwatucky July 1,1904 ■ClO • P - S:.CL'. c2 Sr ,Cont«2C / 4 I t ^ w .. 1 10 i •' 1 1 - w Y • K) Juuy l,ly02 '-,l £95 ly 19,1904 V !.y 19,1906 .„,r»''ir cut of con soli r?rt acn ; f yav He and Sni;cy Railroad Company, The Ccvi \rtcn ’curt hoizt. afar K l uilMe; , r ay Relivey Co-np'uy <,nd ‘.3iilt»nd Co. : or.d Iren il’di"-ay Company for trnck tye* Agreement Pfft,?;ep <• i. - d Ohio liHry Cokji my of K.entuck/ # i’h« Tio-ir. r 1 ■ c rt V n :iton*> Knili c d to.up - ny *rui h.r ' y H-iilway Company# Ta p CO Vin^tur . _ . ;r £v H - t. a fr -^r^r K-dlr r.y Corp,. - q SV.CX. 12 July 1,1904 Agreement of consolidnticn of The Cova a, t . 0 .’hor Houxe Trui fer .viilvr.y 'c ... -ny,' yevillr »«u lly S nay V jiiroad Com.any and Lexi : . ‘cn iu- ig Spnc. K ilrvey Gor.par.y. :h. : ,s\i.ll«) ■.-.>!u ey n;dlro".'oiap.uny SK.Ct. 1'2 . / 1.19C 4 Agreement f ^naolic.toiun of The Gov: '' ten hort ilou.e Ti ; J .ca._7i«y Ccrip.'.ny,: *v ; .. 1 <■ -nc i Sandy Htdlre* d CbK Jt-.ny sno to* 5 1 tor. an>. . iy St '» cy K lil’ve y Con; y a ny, ovi L le ■>- •] Lip u-i.'rouo t'n:j p-my. i-jrch" ti^ ' **■ hbirison T<*y lor, h. n.-.aswortn, .*aei Ryan, Jo«ui ." ojrnti, 31i**iberth Gray ana J. . . hick , ass it ne • r, f CR:.r 1-j? r Cc na. SF. . Nov, 5, lc o? Dasd frsour ick . ’ eeoen, Cciania .ar for Uuysville ana hip 3 nr ay Railroad ' rr y 4»r*y t-'- iiarrxson ‘Taylor, Willici H. '.’adorer- a, Vic hi *»1 Ryan, John 13. Poytfbx, ill^atrth Gi ,rj. J. G., Mssitjjnss of G.iarlat i . Cvr»# ',b, p. 1 FoL. 1, 1670 Reorganixst ion proceuoxr^: o ' Parc • jr ^ - v■ I , - ■ ’ ’tlrrt t •• ' ‘-e> - ’ ia : o*rj K«- . it y r > 1 % Sandy Rnilron* Company anc \Ri u:.v . . »ri- C*T, ei^ant with tin Ashler- cl ir - n Railway Co pnr.y for i rack or, o. \f.rea.aat Cat wee., i he •• ^ . >.** • a no Big S«nay K--ilr? Corea; y a; a i. . v > 1 und **s3hville Ruilroso Co- pm y or tr>,ckage Agr accent of consol id? tion of . sxi ct on and Big Snndy Railway Coirpsn. , .hfiysval ..© a' i Sandy Railronu Company end The Cov •; \nr -> ioi*t Rout <3 Tr-j.ipf or Kaxl'wsy Ciipey,., Shift «o 151 ' ;lF Q ’ 2 -._ L-. • I■ Jz]l ,’a of V>‘t* ojf -j - ■ 0/1. _ J) *- 1 "®~ r ' ’ jr,. B ',nc ^ik- 3 »: oy. A diro ui Company — l • t e i,.er#:t»:..*& Cpcauittee of the C':stt roi. Kailway Compirsndy Railroad . or.p«ny, ■KXj tuCKy and Jouth ttlnntic FUilroad Company, . Ohio Ri ver C> rlaalon vny Co. of -Ken¬ tucky end Ohio and Big .5anay Railroad Cwapnny " 3 ° n *SiLSE-^2&' July 1,1 Vu2 * Lit 1 0 . n. 2c t .32b ■r: ^_ [ , i-_v • '■o^ ZL aF.a.i-i *v rxl 2 ^ 1<3>> ' 8 toed Jay H. ortnup 3p ci..l " tor Cotrcuieaiotier Chart nroi RAlwiy Company to eor s f *. *ood, Manuel B.l«*vi9,J*rry Collins nd -mon I attly Purchasing bead. Ceor: e C.'ood, Vr.-ml Lava s, Jerry Coliine ao< J n 9 on attly f Purc«» i?inj Cat i tee to Ohio *rte hi r ; 3 y *'.*.ilrcrd Compnry* T rod .»• . .vrtnup, ipecial «*r ' u nsisuion^r Caottitrox " ul« / Comp-ffiy to C'orye J.'ooCi, 5-jiUol L.i : v.8,’'VT7 Collinu d noon ' • ttly Purchasing Offi-uni'-tan. r-ntuc .y ■ >wuth Atlantic R-^i r. id Co^ajjr . r.Ji j.a52 . t..i. 1 July lu f l8B8 ju.y l,ly02 Leed Goilis P.Huntin jton -me Arabella L# Hu» tin,“ton to Kentucky .-nd iouth Atlantic Railroad Company. , ,i t r J - + (if :• . 1A ■' \.:t i 1 1 . t ;■ U - , ... >n t i oy mire d Company, i Ho nc i 'u-i- ilro-*d Company, Ohio Kiver t. d Ch rl sari j« u v y • . .why uf ' '«m» tuchy And Kentucky pnd • >uth ■ 1 artia ro’iC Comj r.y* * . a of If . o u f >' iluatxjn, m >0,1)1^ j- '* ■' y I r ‘ < i ■■• J 5 *.'D QT-'HKR lDTPHUM-*; Kentucky wd South Atlantic Railway Compnny f PurcliaBlni’ Committee Co 111 9 P.Huatjn.?f a Refereoce or Nuauer Date Record SF.CD* 184 Mot, 15,1387 Deed Richard P. ~i st • Special ko After Conmisjsi oner Kentucky and Sou n tti‘»ntic Roil «-y Co;xp&ay to Co il l• • . Hud ti n^t o n. 3F.C0.ld2 July 16,1.338 Dead Collia P.Hun Lx i^ton and rsbeil i T .Hunti gto to Kentuoky *iud South Atl ti; lailry c Sompe’.y. e*’ tuck y i n 'i >c Jt d atI sat x e Rail tey C o rj ■ r 3F.CD, lr4 NoY. Ip,1867 Deed !U cn»rd P, T^met 1 -it -r . or ■) iliiuiu nr Kentucky and iouth Atlantic .» iivay Coapriny ';o Colli i P.Huntington. .Htio Hiver •■•if ^ JVj : 1 > n lallys / C ompany of ; er . v *c&y Jig Sen-ly ir: *. c o ■ £) 13,1894 Deed Charles C.Hallier end ife ti . no .Ivor i«nd CVirl’iTt.on Hril'rny Comptny uf Kentulcy* F.Cc nt .1035 • 9.1^97 .•fcreenent Tith ?ht* Cnee -**>• ’ 1 Rio R-iiljny Ccapony for ration Sift Sandy Hut .Deed 116 liay 15;17 j2 Deed Ohio Piv^r end Ch rle-rton P. • • i 1 *. y r tp- y f «n*uv-.y ; andy RhiItv^ Comp- >y. IF.CD.171 . uly i,lrv/J ; _r *.iont of con -* olioHion Ttir>uetito«n,Kexineto and J.l* Candy Railroad Comp e-y, Ohio -nu Sandy Rai*ruud r-oopany, Sentacky nc South tl ntic Railroad Company < =d Ohio River anti Ch rle.-;trjn Raulii / Coapuny of Ken' ucly* Chwierton Cincinnt. - of /;.- U. i t in 6 / , tyl• • r c- d^ts.L' - ’Vi. . ... T i.i? ;: - • _£ Li."' Chirluytor.. 0 v A^u.ti^nc_ ' l cftgc , - a-lri xv. 7 # lf*i 7 iuly 17 , 1^3 F re: rd Apr oer.ont ;>f Conoc kiuf t:.or faarl' rton, Cinci nrvti uhq Chics*-;© Rftilr- d Corap a - »>nd Ohio K^ftxujr end Virginia nixwry Coup*- •;. EtOd D Hu i,Chi ib- •rt i *-.nd 'tieitgo H ilr©.- d ^oup^ny ana ( .x© j C i. cago 1 ^ < _u. ,'cit.ji 2. .Cl .17 - :.o/,7,ift 7 f V r«. c consol x-i-it n of /i rl* icr,» ii dr* r:U snd Mr, -o ft 11 read onpeny and Obi©, Krn+'jc.^y n : .irpiri- y Company* -t 'itu-' v • o_ , .. h :iao tii;,; Si idy Hailroi. - \>morhy 115 :f. i ,i .it j«. Cent ,2 /, 4 * y. . * 71 '■■av. X2.1 m ! *y 30, U *1 (* oluiic -i • > c *' * op . - ’ r ? La?. . ton '-»d ij o indy . 3- r■ d ’ ;*n; ■ # « 1 orn 1 1 vi zi c • . ; ' r •a ■ iiur. of to m ' r *j ■-•**<• and hi • ’ i* li.a . , Vn. to l it- ■ , r. Agr-rr? -s.i with Yhf* Laxin^on ani xg " ady K>- 1 - r -.0 CoTt: • ‘. , T 3 sot^rn . ivieion, .\ 4 .*» »nu to 1 end • Co* ,?u -r .-V . 4. ft* 2'.M: . s °6 Comp ■ fer * r c/- it, . tgr* • tt fpf up - r»'t i n ay I., uio'h li.f, i' '"•i* id I,- ■ -i •! . ilr . Co -n , . , 1 r opnr rtiuh \; L tu :r t ' >' 1 ; r A.~ T b OiUO F v !,V \Y OOKPASY •'3 of ft..? of «VtIuJune 3t, 1 -iu._ n kiwM.,t.hi 3lft - ) .->x..,, 1 t,)n ..Mi Cj,- ’>;.-u)y ' ''.lirowd J^ogJilZ^C^glLL. Reference or file .a ) >r t rte Record i .j. P, 208 5F.CD. 53 5f. CL. i0? .CL-Vfc r a l»i . lal Sgreejuent fur op ©rot ion by Tim ".ha*w : j r Ke nd Urno Railway Conp:.ny* J;-:. 25,Tj8o ' y.i5 > 3'"y2 7e-y^5,i'V/2 Ju y i.1^02 ;^;r Msuorit for operation by'Kewpprt Tiasiosippi V. lie} Comply. V;rc?--nt for op ratio' >>/ Ih C *u i • eu a ? >hio H-ii Com* -ny* vrea-ent for operation >y T».e CV ;m, ..•?:* «nd Ohio R-ulw ■/ COflipmny. p Aii rtivt of con solid a', ion o tho it -i S 3 on ay lUilroad Co»p*n>V Rnt c y -- 1 alt ttl irticRuiLro -id u ar.c ■vftilr* »d © f. r •r* - , *s 1 V he LnxjLy.i^n ;■ ; a ■ u. - -^ro-d ‘Coqpany.^eat .on; i_VAj.jg?l SF. CL. 115 Fee.. j, 1*71 Resolution und ict of conjolidatl n ws T^iznCRt.itown Lexicon -itl 3i< StR l il— road Company -nu The Lexington and i t "nnuy Kui*rj*n ^.onp iRy, entem .ivision. Loxi'. u ton Ci. '<’'-cy H i ,r> »d '‘-onpeny, 1 iret tsing Committee. .tv \ t it 1 *: e i . , iti' rS , * ,nd - t 3 p iRoR leed Speec S.&ouoioe ; aster Comni *4 «** Le.-n/'ton md Big Km lira c y y to ',T j;ichol» ? 't al. uly A i).»ci w.T.liicholo «t ?>1 to eeple- et *;1 * 9^h • >; »ij.'to»; ur.6 Bif S* cy RU.lro»u Co^fttty.Pur rhaeing for.ri Vtoo. iphois.Ceor * to orison, YUUmi .» i^ a , v; - ll * ^ L s ‘,*'• ' '.y - > £ ± ,ji* O .r , frnt , ) * '•V ' C6 vT ., ,•>■; ....... • . v 1 : • . i , icic .5 Woe rd Act i jyn^or.itifo Trie Le/i ~o-i -• :j. j : ,i3ro -a Conp/; y, 1 ’ v *»> I'ivi'-ion, ~xi _j_ n j;_ : _ _ s- aoy K^.-lrr d C arp-ny. ,. .-up. , d ••>«. t. •'•,! •* »> ; .CcodIo* Taster ji .i *'-o»ut to r.?. N !ic>>ol>, ‘t el. ; 1^ ' ... U it'.* ‘"X ! *y 31,1905 ' . . 1.-:.2 [ eo CokI Hi/or and ^ trm F i^v.-y Gp*y ay tc Co i R ’ * H iilny jCor.^ny. • ’/Co at»3347 4 ■ . . i :.*/ : t I ec.*1,1*09 ei.i f r op*r ntica by The Che'U-.p*\V;« nrd h^o U i 3ouv«*iy. •.'•i c -1 ! Aver F••>!>• up tc 'he (Jhesr- • :e r,< jhio Rdlw.y Compl y* . T JJT^: >•' , >3 / 31,19 > Le*»d Cci-i KiVSr a-d ' e terr Fiilviy Company to Cc^l rti.vor h alvray comp j », ,.j _ t _. ,■ ,.. ., C?:.y : y . 1. .3 oct. 25,1V o . » T^t, ’~6 lee. Cr-^e.c » no r.-l-'i- h K jirc- a .'ompary tc jl i, M : i:c lo vt! western h ilwty Cc. , -ny. . jne 15 t i'>Oo j res nt for operation by 7hi Cheorp e f-rd < aiv • ^lln;*y Cor. v.ny. ■ l -' i J ’ r •' . C: '• ' B'eoy.2 f l '10 . rad H..3 ifV. and ’outhv*.^ern Coapeny to The Z> «■* K°Hhe -hio r<-d>'-.y Co pony. - ' Cfs> • •» 3 i j. .'iifiLVi_ H. -> ,-y 19 . o lieod 01 -f.® Cr««k m( r.' H-iiirc' ci •'&' p .ny • “ t« ,. SJ r.d out *r ■ iVrc-.u Ctap* iy ** “"V:’-. * T ‘ : y. t#) • iSfito ; * . ; i ,;• - - .. V » Air'UUe Railxay C •*P**1_ f *f r nee or ' i ' ,,r - 1 £. M- r ~ - ;.(iv ; ■ .,K. Coni. 3 52? June 7 , 1 ? 0 ? Ar.r »«»©*, for opvetiow by The Chee&p -w.t: «nd Ohio Ruilwny Cotapjr y l; *eti Vir^inifi Ait i-ine : iiiTAy Cc-v-ny * a The CVu 3np f n*■ / 7 , r y< * /:> / -- r&G rsr\ rrtjPdfpy ' ^ —■ r 55 \ ~4f>/ 54 feo ! 2/ ! 5/ 1 1 H _ l ~o/r>f’y ...— 32 1 2^~J y i ~To~ ~J7~ Yn r *y0'?'»s>+'>/W'7fe 4T O < m Right; —...---- ■ Ter/r* /3 e/y/e f's. Co^/r>ofon A / \Oh ;Q "t _ „ b&«* CXf f. Coproyj ; r-Vy 99 t Sf/tjr/jj&es r,//fa -«^ , ' ’ • \/r< \7*MSeries> 3 7 o'5 \Oh/0 j /' '*• X/i.'/e/S'3r>0' $raoA . ? I i y < .-. i . «■ , j ■'//7r//?/w// A;. ; Oh : o j • 1 ^^ £■ /F'r.-.or.n'if • I £>A-;A v; /-• A/eX<9r>- *un £ hhy ■ Corporate History OF > « \Pi:AKr. and on it/ Go Date qe valuation ^IGE OF VALUATION ( RICHMOND, V/ CCor/eci ._•-•.■;,!>,-.«n..n rtrrtir'ijb OF H| m.,v ^^ &-&■•- • Aa of iha Data of ' uati'ft JUB& 30 f ->-’>• v ■ ; <•/ * ’m';o nn; fi urea o- ti.r Ch art, th# figures in tno L'ocnnc col«rn i«cic«te " e « ion of *■ c. por tion c* the Chart, had th# figures in tH# third colutn • ’ ■■s, *rc in 1 .'orrtftive# Zi -F ; fC -yl'« j CVdc c.3 «£ Cilciritidi H alrofid Cincinnati ( i 'C'ona ircie R iiro'u lv *'«* ' Cincinnati, Hic-juanc no fci »-ie r -lire iiro> • -c, Hurciyfter# - C x\ harcu .. ’-on Gil .rt ;nr-c’. Ta# Chicago, Cincinnati ’.d . j isviiie haiiro C Con my i he Cueeupe a® 1 nc ( mo Hvil -i .y Comp -ny of Ii cu-ma ! i”C« : •« • il ■ r '.'iirrrti' e heet *‘!c 9t Bxpi-^ fftior. of ; brn.)> ' n 9>to-.n un> . ■.<»'>» -r :cf £ cr-otery's Kile . ■ 2oni.r-ct, iinut.e Book 159 COaPOAATK 1 ' 0 ? t h: Cr k qkio, raxi,,.- iy u & ;■? , T Ji' t oreword. The Chesapeake and Chio Railway Company of I n diana, a corporation o the State of Indiana, was inccrportted in 1910 inner tr.a General Law# o' the Cthtf e? Indiana. The railroad of thia Company coneista of 2b0.t>9 milee of lire 33.0? if which are in the State of Ohio and 227.62 miles in the ttate of Indiarc:, all c * which is operated by ita can or^ani cation. The Chesapeake and Ohio Pailway w onpany of Indiana also operetee t> e property of the Harviond Celt R-ilwwy Company, extending from Indiana-II inoie State line to Louisville Junction, Illinois, 2.9 oilee o' line, under an agreement ted Decancer 31, 1912. The Company m lintairs a corporate o»?;»»'i :on. me R :?erance 3F. CD. U9- dK. CD.18$. F. 15 ."F, Co»rt. 74. - ■ c f ■ Uc£G 4: < 'tfQJ .T SSL . it i'^JUL ,. it b py 1 . f of Valofttlon. 3 0 1 15 x fy , • IS ■ . ; e Cheated ■ *’Q -it y \ lr ■. ■ ;?>;•. f of liiooamx’ia*; Incorporated under Vie Generul of the JU„ • ' l \: -«n # xticle* of iieor portion dsted July 1, ^10, *-sr flit rith the Secretary of Siuta of !•,.*♦ •.■„• ;« 'f :-m. r. r„. certificate ef Incorporation vae iien-d by hi■« ,_/ 2 , , 5 . filed in the office af the Secretary »f rftute of * 5 Ofc.,», Jovcnber 9 , ISIS* ACyJl i Iul by d-ed dated July 5, 1910, DnrI a i v ; j ; convoyed to The Cbe*apoake end ftuiwry < Indiana, eli of tho property, rig .it a, fr C.iici. ;o Cincinnati «u.d Iou.\e rill* H- .r- ru £ ^ & nilea of fir#t truck. Doed recorded in rtnailton Count}*, G*u» , July iU, 9 U t\ Comity, Ohio, August 20, 1910, r :-yno Oew ty, 4 j a, /,■ 14, 1910, Franklin County, Indiana, , uy 13 , i; , Cou-Tt 7 , Indiana, ily 13, 1*10, tfenrj Count 13, 1910, Randolph Cc-uity, Inti na, i 13, j k ;. C*u*ty, Indiana, G?pt.erahar 5, 1910. G.-t. it County, i^, ; ab Ju. / 1 3 # 1910, Uiani County, I>.,ii»>r, J ly f County, Indiana,, July 13, 1910, Pulton *umy, l J U J V 13, 1910, Pulneki County, Indiana, Ju duly 11, 1°IC, Porter County, Indies, July . f, !. > , >. * County, Indiana, July 13, 1910. o.-ta.iKiiigioi; Direct ora r*v,iad in article* of incar r it , , - l;, By irva adopted. C STHUJriOIj .0 near line c.nstru-ted by tnie Ce*. any* 4j.L pS SCuiftri 1 ^ 1 at Track j. ' 1 »n^e Cincinnati, Ohio to ioutn Griffith, Indiana. Jarth Griffith, Indiana t t diamond, Indiana. Tot el Ohio Indii ia 1 St iS 3.3 v 219.96 •- 53 .C .3 ?»6 ? » V-0 22 'i',& '. " , ■ ' v- ■'"■ ■xx'Z D' irdm cc^x:; c^ ;-;i 1 ISr ,. fs? .. n it. , . r .." rm 1. _ •, -i ^ 4 Belt ludinaa TiSSSS / ' •• iltfa Coa- State Lino to Uuia- 1 : -'■;-■•■ g. ’ u«ny. villa JunatioB,llliaoi» ^ .... 2*9 rile* of firat File He' ro ;y ■■.fr. t'Qft.gS H I 3T0HY ' C.JD.tF". \ _ a lu LIIAVAY Cu r_jLiii£si£: Aj 0 f .U . «vi of ^ 'JLLualLk ** r ■?' **v 9r • •• • - ,yiC .-•; 1,3 At . lTO ’y -°^- 1 T ~ f Indi sna t Cont>d J« 1 .■c;'A >t: ; xc C i yl /vi: a&L Auth. for Koad Terr lui Operation AT9W. t Of f activ-e From To « c is? « Cc >ft . 123-1L ; 3 Chi.. it -* and Crie hrilro-id ;i»i' - :* ii, 1914 January 1, ms lit - 1914 Still Effec¬ tive ?F. Coat* TV Cincinnati. 130 Hamilton and 1,-yton Vil- wy Cc&aur.y J unct Ion Hailor y Co- a .y i.bojfc 15«97 roile-o of first ti -ick for freight purposes jT*;hc Ctreet Cincinnati ■jM.o ’".0 Cincinnati '!•" Hon c. id Dayton j t* *tion Cine in’-. 11 /.l; .73 ^ils« of first April 1, 1907 of YH"-' A 4L >■_ xiC Li*- ■_ '■ - •• ■> :.' —;„ , A3 c th : it : of Vul^.. ion, C ^ e , lSlg±_ File Re -ter trice -r .and Bridge 'on- paay Front At r net to Ath itrest Cinci' .i i Ohio *21 miles cf first rsck i;o Agreement 1 st 1510 ive Tariff #117 ICC 112 Chicago Jun.tion Railarey 40tn or 47th Street Chicnc- , Illinois e *l..ln:i: .- n Us» for freight pur; csee jiugu.rt l v 1V13 .UEjjjri 1 st 1913 Ctiii Effec¬ tive 3F. Cortfc. 14 Chi:ago t.nd . It an K il-ay Co-i. ny Brighton Yards Chicago Ifcvmber Illinois to 7rriaon 11th itrtR.t Trsigft .ouae i'ilQ Of. 11 th 1910 3till Tffec- Chicr^o, HXinoi* >30 miles of first tr r :k for fr°i£ t >ur- ^eaes. Y RAC a AC ? RIGrffS Yj 2 J-' W- .-. -----1- Auth. for j j -rut ic n " 11 - - is-'’ He no _ 7 crux d ___ .y - reanont of fror __ , •!?, CQU.:-Or.$ ; cf~ ... .l ;:. . _ .a :..nn I ; lAi.v '. 9 of j. ; _ ■ ? o'. '/ i tlon. Juno 30* ^I-j. r :_of ;?r j_nc_e -T V TV"3 i., j-.i , L^il^a . :cr ^-g-y f " r.d$, f mn (;o 'tt. *d) a-g ■ >> Tt >m J\-ly 1, .910 ^0 itp iy or/anir.Pt-.on conpop -a - ? Activa Loch* ion c ‘ fb« C^e««pofiK.fl ■- .'.io Lailway Coapany’* Sonernl Cffic?>s, Richmond Virgin a, ->chl j jj,r . jr i>::•;< l ... .kl v.i ^cio^ ffiOCETJi^d and lT ^taofcfd hoi«ta• Li.ii.- :..^g -. ch/. y Attach c herrto. - I .* ■ m ■■ -I. —| ■„ i «r x ' roRFOKjt : 3 :a groHV of ?:& CHfi3APlA&3 A.P OCO RAILWAY CQ1 -t /6^ A-a if th e Date of Val uer, lon . J ^ io Dl 0 , m# *i£LSE2H® . iit-t - *«- .:nic«£-> G.r a t j nnd Lo uievilla .i^Arg-j - « , II GKrOrL u xo u Ino&rporated under the Seneral Uws of tho Iter* . a^d the Statu of Ohio by consolidation of The Circia i a. * . ■ Indiana r/e stern Railroad Company id Cincinnati !•; •> ■ iiuncio Railroad* {Con c j tad Cos , A&reataoat of consolidation darted June 1, I^’J3. *v» t i(j f$* with iha Secretary of ot,ite ©f tha ate of : - tificate of consolidation wao issued b 1.^ filod vith the Secretary of State of th. fhate of" ; ii , 4, 1>03. * CAGANI&JC raif **£• *"• i4 * ^ un ® A , 1903 - Director* and Offisaro e ectod und .? * 9 Uv ( jt Odo CQI! -M J'V i > 1 ^ do it 0^0 Grave, Indiana to Indinm-ohio St «ta 11,9;, tA Conplertad ' jbr u r y 'J 1 > * I»i*.nna-Ohio State Lino to Cincinnati. cnio h q*s Couplet 3d ’car «;/ / j 4 ^eatrico, Indiana to South Griffith, Xncinos Couplet od Vufruai V north Griffith, Indiana to Hancjond, I d; ir* r, 5 ; T-saim ;:d Dsacnimo;; let T r a cIt ’ 'Vi 9 n& a Cincinnati, Ohio to South Griffith, Indiana liorth Griffith, Indiana to haakond, Indiana Total Completed April 7„ i< )7 Ohio • .ana 33.07 ?X9*S6 * 33.0? ^Jgygio-: o> aynaa uc;a by uti-jk ccrx:: -rcr . uF. CD. 18?. P. 15 Jasag_ tiaiamond-Bolt Rail- •v?y Compar Tg raj nj teth, for Ope? Titian '*0'. ; ye’ Indisna-Illinoi* Aug: 3 ” State Line to Louie- 1907 villa Junction, Illinois 2*9 roilee of firrt track 7th, 30 th 1* 7 3910 * TIT nu rtef or.jnc* QQRr OR :r iz$:- mi of Vi., JH 3^ ;■ , Ai:y V.- 10 H/guVAy ./v u?_ J^ _ Tart. __f 1 1 v it lo<. j-nt V. \ l?lo. - tt__ _ iiea ftO Cincinnati end Lou i8villa Ra llroaq Co mp any (pnfjT !65 TRAC. ..&-- C’3 TiQK C7T;* » 00. 0M CaRKISH S SF. Cont. 129 CcOt. 93. «SF. Cont. 93- r.o-d Chicago and T Tia Kr.ilro; 3 Conpnny Chicago and JCrl© Kailroac corners/ Chicago ttnc Sri® Railroad Co; .p my Termini , ..v -i . 'or Opernt inn ■V r-a. .act 0 c Zf feet ire f'ron T > SF. Cent. 130 7 v :e Cincinnati ’’. .milton and Li'..,-tor. Railway Coropa y Forth Griffith, Indiona to South Griffith, Indian® .J4 oulee of flrri track. A. Y. Tower, Inoiaon to Indiaun-Illiooie L.t«to .An© 2.57 miles of first track Griffith, Indiana to iianaond, I a dir in about 8.00 miles Chicago and 'Via first t-reck used by this company a® 2nd track ,9th 'Street Cincinnati Ohio to Cincinnati Hamilton end Dnyton Janet ion, Cincinmrti Ohio .73 miles of first track T nm , .*iry 9, 1904 *V”il 5, 1907 April 5, 1907 Feb. Jan* ?th 30th iyo 4 mo April Jans 7th 20th 1907 1910 April June 7th 30th 1907 1910 April 1, 19a 7 April June 1st 30 th 1907 1910 ;\-.iC.:.w - hi Ait) .0 OTHER C 0 *.?'. 0 :i C. lRITnS SF« Cjrrt, 93. Chicago an If a: 0 -- IC .'JL/. 4 A0 if tho Sate f ' < tion, Jun* 3 '.^ l^lfl*. /66 Fil« neforenc® •C .» Jh Co, O v jacinnati jr*_ ; yv_i- t rill* »' ’- ■' i PFHJfflO i /ram Juno 1 , 1903 *o February 13 , l%6 By own organization /rap* Fatorunry 14, 1913 to ^’ 1c 31, 1916 By neoeiver «. J«. 23. i»IO, .obi. c. Mlw. SfOeloX «.'r. ci)’ 130. Tbo Cincinnati end Uui.tlUe ' --.ilrond C«j.-ny, Cxi CP. 130. y* sn 0aafVlf , Union Tract Colony of Indinnnp-lit, „u Carl and CiibOtt C . i, h ^ franchise* etc. of Tie Chicago Cir.cim. ti and Lor..syill* .*-1- ro«d Colony. Deed recorded in Hamilton County Ohio, ,u.y .1, mo, But 1 nr County Ohio, August 9. Wo, *>**• '***7 * RQlarui > July 6, 1910, Franklin Cuunty Indiana, July e, i 10, Union County Indian*, July 6, 191^, ns-iry acuity unara. a, jv-’/ 1~, -/ * Randolph County Indiana, July 3, 1910, :*lavaro County ^ndif m f July 6, 1910, Fulton County Indiana, July o, 1*10, tuxnsr.:. yr\. iadiana, July 6 1910, St©rh« County Indiana, -uly 6, 15*0, import• County Indiana, July 6, 1910, Port or County Indian©, July u, 1910 and Lefce County, July 6, 191 f >- g» By doad dated July 5, 1910, C*rl Rttaington aid ililbart j d . 189. oonvayad to 2 a 0 Chesapeake and Clio Rtalway Cos; pa*: the proparty, right*, irancRisea -tc 0 ? tho Chicago Cincinnati and uouisville Railroad Company 260 * 69 mile* of first trace. Dead rocordad in Butler County Ohio, August 20, 1910, "' V™ County Indiana, July 14, 1910, rrnnklin County Indiana, ..u-y 13 4910, Union County Indiana, July 13, 1910, Henry County -ntii us July'l3, 1910, Randolph County Indiana, .-uiy 13, 1910, tolarira County Indiana, Septara’oer 19, 1910, .rant County Indiana, . 1;I. . -iai .'ounty Indiana, July 13, 1910, Cess County Xftdie a, July*13, 1910, Fulton County Indiana, July 13, 1910, i'ulaski lndUna' July 13, 1910, Star*® County Indiana, July 13. 1910, Lay art# County ^odiaiw , July 13, 1910, ivrter County Indiana, July 13, 1910, ~r.*e County Indiana July 13, 1?10 Hamilton County Ohio, July 21, 1910. R7XR D3 Location of The Ct©3.*p0i. .3 .iSs hi T7 - r -"‘ w - • paiy‘a u a - art Of Lcfs, Richrwwd, V -"inis*. 3C11SDULE OF. OE ED}, USA315 B. RBQRQAHlZflTIOM PROCSHPIiJSS OTHER IKgPRUI-agS . #fctachad uoreto. DXjgHAifff glC C.-UPJ Jtotaohod horoto. i Reference LA’. E X - ie Chi-A ." _*>••-. u - ".dig' , a 9 - . * •; n F.r i r j n, 'Tor.., I..COKL iRATl'.-l' Incorporated under the General Laws of -he date jf Ohio far Lno pur 030 of co latrucii ig. box k lin*: .-»nd operating * reilread fro:a the City of Cincinnati, CLuo through iiaciiton nnb 3irt.l?r $F. Counties, to a point in butler bounty, aspiring the it,--** CL. loy. of Indiana and Ohio. Articled of incorporation tote of Ohio and certificate of incorporation was n tad by him larch 7,1 iQZ* OHG A) l NATION le:e of org iz»tior cannot be »certu ad. r line was corap 1" SF. CD. 157 3y a.-rencie >t dated June 1,19)3, ‘The Cincinnc i and Cnci nr 'fertern Rs^lrofid Company und Cincinnati Ric v "J c 1" io Railroad (Conoolii. rt.or, orpornti n) w re c. li dated to fcrr: The 'G cm^o,C incinnati und Louiavilla diro.-.d Co-p ny. \greerent of conotli tint ion w* s filed with tie Secretary of State of the State of Indiana mb certificetr) of consolidation vns issued by hiw June 3,lV93,fil n d with the deer t ury of dtita of the cHpte of Ohio June 4,l9o3. RFOmRDS n >: f_ Unknown. > vt~ JLE OF D ’:£LC, L 1 rr-._ ,: :..r: K Vticc'ii .u . • : " u. of Shfrt i >*9 of •; «r Cti~ j_ v - . iLVJL-1 ... X XX..X .u /65 » ■ J of fie l i » *J - .o^Jun n tQ.Iylo, m a ,j'jg c „.icx* ;1 d d lo Irosd ; 3ooa pH< < ’ . —_.. —— — — ■ 5 /. .... * 1 p j • Xncoi por*»te< u ’ Ln wo of lil i ; ^st 9 0 J v ort i. tba * o iuuti >n of Comp.nioo, by c< vsulid r ion uf trie bincinn/ti L«-h- - c id "uvd« Ruilroad » c tn•; c n ?incinnfiti alrond. , tuit vf conoolidnt .on datod «y 24,1902, wn« filed It -V • )< «r y *' ; t - i.f uf t jfi ! . ■ r * o ndi in 3 r .d CC- •» o .lid It on vna issued by aim Kuy 30,19 M - • one ::i.., .’i :i £.P.147. -3, 2 ?, 1 ) 02 . oTKJC*l )N (arth Jac'.‘a.lncii- to *'it 1 ui »n Co il i.HU “11 19 • 2 v.70 .'ilog 13 % Tra _ Oo^.t * GroY<*, ndinua to ®^tr' cn, lndi *ib 194.49 • LI . ■Wi *r*.n ..ay 24.1902 to .'un« 1,1903 iiy .v -rf 1 : sK CO.. L JLIb.lI £y X"r °*1 e»it datod Jure l,1903i t r *e Cincinn ita -i^Tuiond • ip ,nci* R il* jod v Co? solid ; *d Curpprot ^n ; t iu T Cinoiourti no Indi' a ' or ern 'ilroad Goap >’y n rt jnooiicutec r era Th Cue ,;o Cincinnati and Louisvill' \ -iil o>i’.' cor. . u y. re-m« it of con-oli.c-Uxi.1 1 filed tb >f fy f '. ) ' ne .tote c- Indi v\a ma cars ifLc .« f con- Li t. n wi i iu-d by him June 1,1? , fii"d .'1' 1 * # c •* r >f tn.n >f t ie 3tifto u: Ohio, June 4,19'ul. '( •■ 1 1 Luoffti.m o r 7 ,« ~ fe 1. n. 0 nnalmay CJorrp *rnl fUcss, ;i ch iw , -r & x» *■ • * ■ ;od t. Ix .i- •• : i '1C a: .-HT i.:s..n :'i < ■ I'.C'.r jr ‘.jo under tie » , errii Ltr-ve < f th- «t ■* »f ln< : :r.n for the of c.«n rt. acting - r i ir r* tror. orth Judaon, Ihii«ne to n i t in Vie City of Hr-' iond, Ln nn.on the 1m„ .n*-Illinoia Ail* line. Art ■>? mcorpo.-Mti n e«t*o January 2 , 1;. j t ;re filed •w- » t-ie iacratery > ' Aleve o' the 5tot' of Inuimu *>id c r- t ficuta f in-or per it ion w-ia issued oy him Jenu iry .. lyci. •/■A . .1 .. Janu'-ry 22,170-• • - 4 • * Ko line completed Cy t .ie Company. Contr »ct f ji* oj a-trc .. n of tin line frou iortn jud.>on,lnuiun«i to tri« fi th,Indi mo wat 6 a?cj;9o Ja«u xy ^'' 1 ly.;2. >/ • cl. i>3* tulrond und Cincinnati Richmond jna -incie Hnilroad ere so ‘ jo iidated to for., the Cin< innnti Kichr-oni •. Runcid i.i-il-)»d ((.on *elidated dorpor aticn) Atreanerri >f conaolidnt ..-n -woa filed vith t * >«r«tH;-/of tnt > j t>-s jt. t of 1 nciann end certific -% »f complication ■» • t n «c r y arr I ay 30,1'A--. iocft i3n of__ •Jnknc-.-i. — — ■ —— — — ■ — - J — 1 -1- -— — ■T-SL.’. ' v ■: . i: ~ v: ^ -ceded lerartj , bim\ : g^ c c.i:2fr . . • J. • CD* 15o- > ir* . _. i i \U v cd: . Y v : z . .. >f t •> Ante o f VtJu _ n f Jun o vJ L ■ ':, , ‘}' T c '■ ci rtr -'.x •Uerinc _ r : y ni : ’ ^ilrcn.d (!/•- ’ .. 2..J. t ne >ur »6‘ if contracting n rei ro* ci roa 'v'ts * rov , 1 n 61m . • . i-acr < uy of ■tsita of tne St rrt e • f I» i. -mi nno certificate o: incorporation *«'0 issued t»y iia arch ■' m • .* , l^OO there vss filed -uth the St it t cf IndL no »«. ">iou- nt to th Ch ."ter of the LL.^ci in ti, tiichraomi ana '.wide mentaent North Jud ion, Indiana wo • f-> r, a n • : •' roi- of con-ieri. with tne F*ie U dlroec. ,w ~ -k-i • Hnrch ’ 3 , 19 'K * Ofi-i-cera "i-^cten. • Cottn^e ;rove, Inning to unde, Aitinnu j ±ien Centred*-, jr constracti n v.*e i t- J . v 2 ,.I*?”: . ^ - ‘«r.»o completed and ^ at m operot'-n June,l?)l» Muny un ny .ID, V*’.). • . ■ Legation of r i he G v >ee-M4»ke arc . lio Kfdlway Cou.pnrty * a uenern . f .. :«•>, i c r r.iond, fityinifl* ,y •- ? sp3.Lg\>F ic ■ *M Q-jr h'oc r ~ i,i cached ereto. id ajr;,*,!; uio d,1916. . .ocard » f i ^ .-JiJU-J- —t-- :•* r nr9 'Ctf Oi Vl» --C 'I.- . CD.x > r .t« ay 5.1V* > . c turn Curl IvOu-.i ; ,t • ^ 1 * 1 ’ rt Co ,3r ' 0 he •» v» • rt-'ks .i-.w ‘i-u ■’ Cow--. :ncl nu.conveyio,; The 'Mcn^o, 'lr, a' »nti nd ,*iuaviil* k- ilro id oiupwiy. J. . Cl.l 9 .,. * t. I 4 • Cont*. ii" - ^3 - W.C^-vt. 11 ** 39 « 14 c A*? . , Co it *130 y >c. 31 , 1/12 .. 7, ; * *pl. 5. ^9 >7 .'hn. 1,19'^ r«c. i,ino Ju V 11,1911 ,xj n.m* . . 1 . 1, 1915 . MS .1,1 »15 \pnl 1,171 ..t« of re«*«t b«t»«ci !Uu - ^ >al •' Cflc.ry and The Chiec^o,Cinci-v.titi and -°uis~ Vx ;i* ; Lilrond Compl y for opnrt-ion. , r . f >> Ua ■ *y Con}- ny. i«p.,ny for tr»C*V.« ® rth Crl'fith to S< uth Cri'fito.Ind., .Urtrto Ind.-Ill.'-^ >* I* ’ riffithto Hmond.Ind* nnd tr .eke* to Ucsa* nnd H'ilrond Coipprmy }ri. !flth ts Hn ir.ohd, l«d. ^rement vlth hi cago ar\* «*t*rn Indian Hnilrooa Company for tr ckny.e l>idi^r..Illinois Vtfte L\nn to hclk C'ic^o,Mi. Vrewient ith m ie Cin cl ■wti.Hisilton f n = irond Company for tr:>cl Tf*, Unci »n«ti, ' - • . nr a' . c 11: 1 . - t.’ U • tiV * • •« ’ J >‘*** x *±± Kt± lroaA ‘ , ,. » frcLi niCftfeO .‘un fti'.n • ' ! % i J 1. ;„ >r s«*it witi Chicago and Iton RmiW Comply icr t; icis; . -XC9f,o, •- '-!• of.CL. ij>7 ^uu.o *,i903 ^;r»ao»«nt of consolidation of nn Cmcionuti Inui ma esrtern ’ ailrosr jfipeny , sr.d Kx chr.iv no xni. 1 unf ‘ii*- '• Jl ’*P OHIO *C©»*d 172 .« i_ . ■. Gin c l. mat i d -o' . /.Oont,. W .... .15 •T. ont.123 /3 J *•). V , 1>o4 • t. 5.W7 SF.tont. 130 5>.Ct. 1/0 A ril 1,1507 . * J ,1 'lo . uxy 5,1510 1 -re .y f rAK.ic-it between ;:«rj -jj.o :»l-, H ilvj^ Corny >y wd .he cv.o, vm i-.u - Hcilroud Corny; .y 1 ■ op ear* : x.>n* - Go-'ujjmy f r tr<,cK\ *, ort.i Criff.r: . to .joutn Ori *fith,2n. ., . Y.T wer to ,-V u,' Cane, . n-.. - fxth to Ht. .i» •ii- tr *«. Inyton P-iirv b jonpt .y fox' hr..c.n. *, :i c: a. vti, hi0, i *ed fro:a oble V >r, *»ci 1 i-r, ."hr / .iov;;c , ^ir«ci- , naii and I.cair *• cl. . -a vom. my.t lj . o . -Van ■J'don ?ru*rt Conp» .y o f V'di xinpyli ■•n • t iru -t Ooi . .• i „ -tu *» .’j rir* H®-'diver to C rl ’ era • iMc. 'xl er 1 . I’umii'i conveying ’he Ch .c^in.dnnrtti and '.oujl * 111 * i.ftilro'-l Comp . y. * ee. .j<* Oari .\e i’-.j'tot id 'il.> nanr.; , Vo The 'nej-.tprei • ■.’d .it H _xv. >y ^ v f In diene conveying Che Chicago, Cindn- . . n*«ti ana ;.ouievil)e !">i..rc-ud 0e«. } . . y. fne .■••■cl i_- .> . __?y_ sr _ Hoc __ o:r, v / SF.CL. ll>5 it 1 '* Cl , 1 •r. ?, 1>02 -one 1,1503 xlieiae of Incorporation of'i* j 1 . ti end Inui me > stern Knilroad Comri' y. / 4 ,x*enn'‘it of cons.-lidal-or of Th» <'i ci- - ntfti aed .ndi".nn ' eaiem Railroat- Cora- > my 3’-; i.ici'i •>a*.i Hi c.t.o no jr.d r \eilnad. ,^£LL .JL ±^JLLJa.o.. :°. ,.L- •ns jI ~ •_c orparxit con ^ dF.Cl.l53 3F.CU 15? ; ay 24,1502 1,1503 ‘p;r ««1 ant of con so lx ant inn of Cincinnati Fic-i o» d jnd f'uncie Bhilrcnd > Cincim r>ti Reilrond* ^r er.'nt of cont .idrtion of The ci ti nd Indiana * »*ern iudlro .d Got:: 1 y dneinneiti Richmond vid .x- cie Hell- road* •v<* r s: f' C* or ii- Crtt* 2, iL' ULLPIAHA*. -2 ad v *'jt s *>f 7> r record 173 1 j?. ’-i‘» lfc>4 >?. 7. 153 Jr*. 2 k , WK i.ay 24 . *‘12 ri r) of *!t ..jrpur^i-xv:l th# ij. C D til".© Cincinnati ilroed. ( t 'f* I 0 c nsr*li cntio’ 0 C..■ 1 ”'-1 , _ ,d 1.uncle Railroad 1 .1 Ch j d l ■ -inn.-nil K ill roc d* ■;j. 0 ^jv;. ! v naond GF, D. i5c : .Cl. 157 _v _\ adi H > Ir*c } <_ ’ rporatipn > . -r. 22 ,W )0 vTiicloc of .1 ncorpov'*srfcioo oT th* . vnei^nefti 'i'*5#r‘®nt f . "i8oli >*ftior. of Ci n Rai lroad “d Cinci at i,Ri airmen c •jnd .lunein Railroad* . * hart Numbers -** ?/' e WV7 - *'-r 'O fvrr a vV/SwW i’fl, ^ to*-vs/ C* ■— - ; /. REACT NT'MBERS a- .•<*.*«•• •V/*» ./s r> c- '~f * • -ter Ays ■■ i ■ '-•• -v.y ' V.V Symbols:— CY • r - ’ • m .V/r. •’<$/ %eC.--- ■’' £} X>. o?'fttifam*. c ’ rr " L J?2l£frq j J ' . * A«» f'junn- iJ CrtrcA 09 4V o C/MC/no/A // ’tv - -oraroy r.7 ha • -a j's**e.V' V or. 90S- Cor-ft ’"tree ■ •>• C -? ana £2.0 Can C-P") /o', —' " ’ l ' Q -2 ? > vV' i VJP' ) +J./SVC'*’ - f’sSfi? 1'ry ' fc> L ,? -•■ .Vi? v; 3C >>'/*• ' • y> V S/T6 __ 6 -^Cwf/A' VJ v /2'C///WOf/C> AhC ’i.-roeC auqcoc ( 79 c "-as>\0 Cffv .. ’ 7 V . .V-r • ' • 6 ffrf C. - 7 />' ■»' ' -2 •no’.\f 3 ,2 T • . ■ - Woto) n/ t f -y v£ ->lV -~feS W//A r»t Sfcrefy ■' o/ i-f - „ -,jt one :■■ <■* Mi.-, .v vai ^ -£ S’ INDEX — ';sr «7 w*?'. S J .tc'r#*e'>cS /-< ' ' • - u - -m* c.--c,y Z jna' fs*df)rm> Y^/? / - • \ 9W. •/Asia.- one/ C. ■ ■ ! o ojry 'hi Chus.spto,~e oo. l£ SSi’JT r~r-r- >4 is. C/r. csyo a~e C~r/'g £j./.'oso / Corny)s j . soo'O Cu Co " ’ /no anj?. /eves. Vos fa *£■ 5P :~¥ 5 :V JZ. •/ >'t’cafO one Vi- V^ ’ /no', . ns i'Vv/’ W . "c. TAf C Or. 'C. £y Co a/ /Oc ~n*. evn. c'fin:- ' 4.-i 0 ,S Sfj/f ■■>£ C /? • c -J?Q /9. ’a iPC-L !9C : . /V./AV7/7#^ ••'v />■ c-/7 CftAvjry Sr. TO,* cc.ano'i a e co 99 Crz. S&t.sf. +oO#etr •"&“'* '<**• *CVn s*a'&j%‘ -'vsi Jc ' //r •' '•.*' M/O >V - V»*. •'•*£+/ // • ' £!~. /O «?'- voo June Cion -,Wou 'he CanSC £/ '000, ' rj ff—.- s/or- -. ?rSr, ;n I//. 4any, -ho C snj.n .-l, Co y '.oo/.-r a Or/pr-n - - 'A - ,V£7 roMfn- /Son ?’ .'Cr-.e-os: 3.3(7 jT&~ ll.'p C'? C A7& cce* ^/ef/fr r-' t So fc 7 . V ~C '-rcr .>v / -'* C. .07/000 C £ -■ Thaikagl Rights f ROM Ti if: Chesapeake a Gnifl Railway company of Indiana other comk«>n car nIE’H8 A-- 9 ? ■ - - -j/c ^ Lf,ssc Z9/£ r,-e C anWa el Cc C/?r few - r »* if JV.V- /y./: ,'^Y vy. . V/W7 ‘MlS, f V/i#'. I? Corporate History Chart — OF" — The Chesapeake a Ohio Railway Co. or Indian \ AS OFDATF OF VAl-U.VnON .JL’KE toI T?>if pate o> /alut ,‘UL J Uj,_ •*•>--- prspared in accordance with the r*qulw»>'ia of V ALl) f T* or KDER WO. -0, . •jtit Chesapoal v ;\- ".v. . ■ • " 1 f y ' . .. ... Mtoibor Valsatiott Connie 175 " L r * i a __■_ To cor r i .ti ' ' o 'rtio* o - ; -*<*»- - i • r /t .orpo..*, >f tr.» Ar - it* • «.. * 0 p -V, i * or P or T . fi- ro ; . • <• r lolufAn f illeting etch r.* r« »r , n ,i fi . M i„ W4..rv ih» fi. ure j th. aecr : coll -n if* * ^ Ice : of e cl corp i' . ic . o tha Ch« rt, no - e f ^r,-a ^ l *r 0 '* , »'*'■111 nu i*ir i .ul t r x A< r. ,x w-a-a i Oo . • , - ■“ r :r ' A * ti * Ar linius v »c .ic- 1 Ai unim? Cop er . itu* Corp-oiy WLlliaa -an, Powlanu ?. niii ar*- - • Mt ' Jenc i. c r... cnan its f r ■■ »b' revi^V- '<■ ■ 'A*'„ ih KB. * boo'; I’o Pige SF. Coni. Secretary * Contract • . /76 OP v For ^voru» I„, n r»i' iua Chflr *c.l t»|»ny. Moorpor cor,.-:r. Ur of th. Si.t , o unu -■ .«* of 0» A. «od Mr 21 , 1 *> 3 . It a roaJLro cor.elsta cf 1.4 6 ■lies *•' : ir a . * u f ’ '‘" c! lr in Louis. County, State of Virgin rnd As op or ted by The Che: anr Ohio Railway Company# The Co v; l.t is. cr.rpf!- ■ or ,r 'ir -in. File ; -yet <-.r Sheet i of 4, CORPO PvAT’3 HJSTORY OF A : I. i us ( ' ? lCA) ” I ■ ■■•■ J A* Of Mtf of Yciue u ior. t June JO . V, A r? ii>, . CM ,y> Jjjjl - rt -- i ' Ir»CGiiPOfWfXO- * . . . Inco r ->oret oo ur.a&r tue Oi», wore ttltd aith the at«te ...orv - ration Com * e.n- c VLr^ - of incorporation wa» iaeuea under cate cl ixoveoLur Ch ner recorded ir ffice oi Co mon-sa-th in tie City of Ricmacnd, V*, ( November 3, 1906, and i: '-he Clerk* ® Office of the Circuit ^our o Co tl ee iMI ' ' ovei er 14, 190b* DATT OF 0 r .l f -1 C" :r ' Dec*"»h ‘ , l r ' 06 , ArcnciTiCN - - ' h 7 1 9«A doted January ?, W\ from the Arainiue rhrmicnl Company, the Armiriue Ohenlcnl Company r cor-. acQul red all property rights, Ac, in l.,o ailei e lira cf railroad from Unaral, Va. r to Arairt^, ’>» CO 'STHL’CTICf" Vo line constructed sy this company. 177 1900 . ^ —nr . -1 yrcrsi urr? * 1 •■ t r rock -'4 .eufc f nferal, Va to An~ir.iu3, .a< l„7b .d-et, CH£Ktil'lC>j* . “ t ~ v , e uu-eapes-ae A Hailway Conpany , from .-anu- ary o i';07 to data, uuuer lease dated Gepteuti r i, u. ^-v 1 ..•_-- PE:Chf)5, ^ocatioiL Oi; A , - of AT _ iniu? Chemical Company. Incon»orated, 44 Pine Street, *ow lork City. sec.Si ul:: n? cbfos. l^a‘-E - . p^ofma ' tcy pi iI2££L Attachsd hereto. r: • ■; II_ " A" Attached hereto. _ k u *. v« - 178 Ajv 1 . ..ii. . J . ixr :-vny. , t8 C A_ ^ " ■ - untt .. rdi* -t. __ b> i CH.1_ *^"'*7'7~. .>ri-U - -•■’■»« r : .# -ft*s o( t c itaU 0 ' f * ‘» ‘iead cated auy 1 , -? 9 . r ' ^ ! - Co... =c y thi pxparty rights, &c i r. 1 , c, a* f rc » .lineml, VV to Arc .n a ■, * 1.7- tiles Cr'’S r ' 3 P "ICN p ] ir e t'o ft', hy this co-p'-'’ TV.:./T1r. A' __ _ j. : P"’" ■ v "rs ^ " T-r* 1 7 to Arminlua, 'a. 1 ] *» to lan.arv l r '' , *>y tha Cr aau • Ohir >: U Corr any, under »i ••!moment -• ted over * - . I \e f t.-'' n The ::he iapt-1 ur. i hio Railway C- u» .. - i 9 i. rc. 4 us opt f>r iw 3 Co-:jaiiy r tf P »L ■ •.. .u.-.u»ry , 1V07, Ui. Ant! ik . <• t u. c/eyea to t..e Aruniuc ,ii -i “ -v • ! 1: t «' ; t s oi-ctor' ri t /.ts, * • , <• - *> lii, , f. j. -ru*, , ’<•> «r-liu-*e * ' ut CU l 3- 0 v l AlUlf. ■£ O *A CUl CofcpGI.A ‘ • - -V* r * 1 •'•'•» 44 r X .»e Street, ,.u» York ;ity, urn r.n-i d u- -lnes, ^laeral. nCtia» county, Vb« serially ■•!■■ i-: i .-v&Eaa££ IP : P*-creiK£ E^ Attache^ er*t(' .11?. L' v AfTr Aa taohut ': a •••.•;’ I-n "■ 1 * , n , . -vo * >■: r u ?,11 ana re-_? rlc e rnc ci. kr.. ,»et Cop r .uos „o .peny* AC»U i; .V*,- .liec. uti'.u ju'.e 23, catsaar urasselli , indi/ic- Ufa .*!j ai*u ae tru6ta£., (0 oei- dsteu r_irtari , iddVi» vitH tne Aminiuo Ccppox* ...ires Company, et el. < it v^ed to i111 n • .n, l'< .-.I? n 7 . ill ana . Fro c 1 * c l.ernoch r. the prcpe'-t ri$r:t 8 , in 1 76 riles of line from rln-rei, Ve t to Armir.ius, 7 a t civa: :zi. 'k . i'C *’ tn»(' "■> «* v." r ' :a li. re.^ , Ve *c rminiui, «, , l/'o miles,, 0 1 y 1 aa . •n« 2 , lei 54 to ay 1 , bj .*he Oesapeaks £ Ohio A* ilvny empany, under «n agreement datri '!avefl.u ?r 13, lSvi|, botveen The Chesapeake 1 Co -j Company anu Ui«- r i us iopptr ir.uo 3 oiapany„ ii..^ . by ue6d uated . 0 Amiiri **e Ciit:iic:d coupu ly t..o prop arty ri^uta, c.c., ir 1 , 7 c toilet 0. ia r* ( ion, unoral, Va t , to Aral ai us, Vu. _ ; - • - - . uti 0 1 . -f : wT.. 1 1_J ; L_ — ■-■. «s rt.vta:hec hereto* DIACRAUMATI " 2 .:.'I- Attached hereto. ) hat ft mS%HY c._ .tv,-/A;iS- - - As of oi «J^Ji 5 IUJ^ 5 £ wi9 il /so t 'tjy ranca, ..iw., 1 I N '- r. OfrUXi^ ;,0 Ofttl AVitii*Dli#. 2iki£i&£AUili ■ic data avai-adlt. “s£: ty-wm ** 1st "r* ’-'fc : - -j ,(, n i r , ^Tnr'ml, Va., to tr ^’ j B, a < - CPfjtA:;io* 11*05 to June 23, I*? 4 . u ? ^Swssrrss; --ii-/ "»; ^^■SSS 2i - ’ ~ — — "ompany® CONVgY.u.j.j -. dattd Jun0 2 ; t 1804, Cat Bar SwbbUU , *»•<*- lv , t / ciood daV v 3 itrufl-ij <•>. *■ 0 • vi autaj-iy e*vi Q. trv£ * * * + #■ anv b cQ ^ “ ie! #f iin# from ainerui, Va. t to ’<*• rdaC. vS, T K,. a .i.K cr a«. WM fe Attacn o er< ".o* DIM RrV-^ ATIC ChAi ..1 Attache** hereto. • • ?t J 0 '* ! • 181 * Reference or >‘ilc hun-er.. Recaro. Se r t 1 $ weei ;rn Frederic’ A. cr r *«'ir •to ~i l.-an t>. Ao"’ffs. Data frw, Uilll«r E. ?lr iir-r, e-d <* r " to "illirrn H. Au'icne. Deed from Willian H. Aderss, sr.o wife, to Ar ir.: » Cojn er Mi: « . -y» Ap.refc. s.Tt between Caesapwr.e a d r; hir !'a-- •“«, Company ar.d Copper* Mint3 Co. pmy. Deed frora Ar inius Copper Vines Compel to Caeeer A, Grossclii, *e Trustee, of all it 8 j ro .erty* Deeo f i* r ■ C"J*er A, Crfsejlii, ncividunllv onu ns Trustee, > j ' s .r . i; iuo Compel Lories Co*!«pHny, e* 3 other#, to Willin'". r, Ro-Vlu^ f. r»*-i ano J. 'rec-nriC N \ - L £ OEMD r ‘ol. 1 M5F ^5 * ' Val* f ' % 4 _- i.. KL -_ i '; a? j; ''09/S on rfiti c/yjf o. ~?■?{/*' , y 7 ; • *•',•>'*) ~hs fo ,6' r ~ /> ’n vttf/y/n ’Yns-Z .c 77CC/S ■ _ v r, * j J-o '....I.J * -■ ' •• ' ~> $ b 7 /a r«?/ t r>-v C_J^ -Y/? t y 6t/S/>cfvs-fc/oy r oe Y'^/nrv: cAenneW Car/>fijrv' Cy/0 .J : iiVAy ' M / r‘ "-j'-.j •>■■_ z ■,■■:* -■ •;»?><■ Co/set Sept '. /906 / JT 1 J fcu.'W/VS L/S&//CM SoMPivy V J.VZ? A r i A COr/tprjfo-'' CSV free i/roer- // A7- /JOCbAfi lA-v.-W /j»vy of /6c J/ J/e of hot. /d$4. o i fey, // /SC ^ O A 4f 'r/ c p /r 7 / . - •* C - -j ——. 4r?/c/es o' /nco. pc~oS/c.'? ??■•. V' /,/ 1 2 .9/5. Ckffff/ce/e :-• /£.■?•? faf/Sfi** Mr$/906. /?e>e <0 /- rr H F.SAPEAK £ A ND 0H lG Ea l L //A Y of- ^ ? s \s*ii'J3jiQr? J j me 3G* l9/f> Office ef Vsiiiaiion Corrmniee l^i CM MO/w D, VA* -LEGEND' A 1 t / ' , A . r P 5 #re 5/->0Mrt .7S fo/P ' 5 /^' 'S 'fin/tr ■.■ ■.,/e t ,f'/a, f’jj/i'er*, / 6 e CJrt/fj/ s « fany ,‘/o / .. . . v 'cnsccc/'i 'f\' fan? TO lY.'/ 'O *tr9ff Cyc.CS Si *?•■. /. c ' ' 'r-T- '/S 4 '*77. C/tr : ‘ * t v; ».'• far.irct,'. " ^ <'»' r -'L/f C/y&r? rj/ “ff/f "r • jjyf 'v 7 '* rtrt'S c~u: ~s >•*.-/? \f i o.. S<>- ' t.o///} "c&r,r.*e- T ~ CWASt f*A< e I i Mo Mo ! ' 1 • 1 '4 ! | j A T V-‘ *• i 1 I 4 j ■■: L' .: s J •v no 15 . '| , c ;'v. ^ "• .v/ ■ S'?’. •rr vy, f y by?op/t/Jfddy Ttie /''v.'nnss Coen t ,v Ca/n atsY /,•.«.- J ///yr ,M£-’ fV/ 7 / / / IVA / ' ' n yD\VY' •rer-t'f. i. *i '• i : n /ea \ Serf / /906 \ \ ,fe /-I i story Crurf g>f >4rAU/MIIA°> C/H. r ,VPCAL CoAlFW'Jv; !.^C0fep)PATf;P J CHESAPEAKE 0Hl<5 CailaAV Ar> of D.: l e of V^haiion, Jme 30,19/6 Correc/.' Office of Valuation CnrrmrHee l^iCtiMOND, '/a / /.- r >.W,/fe /82 'v-t* " p tv 2 .. • 1 y A . , X Ae 0 ;' Dcte of ..itior - - ■ ■ ■ ir£fL .-^i. pr^pBurco ir> „ oord >■ g t t .■ ^ -^u. c V ALU ATI' 1 1 ^T-Xn NO. 20, Iaeusd by the intents* Corcnsr™ Co-aaienion, M-'iy 13, 191** OPTICS OF VALUATION COHlwITT •’S i ""A?: 0: ; flSJypKAi'S A!D OHIO RAIL.' M COMPli-Y , aim:o: T D Virginia. correct , /O rvi member mu avion 1 0 T, Jill, — i OKI ' ; _ j . ———-~- 183 T, c r o'-ati . t , propertied « I >e ■ S™ !ltic C; ' rt ' s . f. r 1 - ■ firftjfcol era folio"- ®<‘« h • r .” /f, ® rtU n, .r-r. «» :,e . „rt. tl , figure- inthe .1 colu=n ir. i- • S' -I 1# tk. of „, 0 . torpor tk . o the Chart, 'd the «*"**. • * 1 ■« • n ‘ ^ cl.C'A nu u.r: in t"0 ’lurmtive. CC.R- C . t ‘ n , . „ . « ’■ n ..Lev tnr C , • r Mb. Pe Con i C / •’rfi ^ < \ CORTOmOt rOSTOR? OF 184 TKK Crt iHAlN KLt.VXSCh ■ For^mrd Tai. cieapeny i» . corpor#tloe under t * 1#« » f *'>• St si# of Jsrssy. Soon sftsr it# or*«ni.«tion in l c * r-~oc it. groin el evert or »t ■ serf ort !>#., which we oporetec fron the tine of it. c.nstruStUn by The <*».*«*• * Chi. u. rhU • lwior aaetroyeo by fir. on S.rt-rb.r 4. W5, ««a not einca rebuilt. TJ -9 uwp«rv -aniJ.ttif.s • c*ri>*rr kb .’.i C I OT . , CCL-PCl' HISTORY iiir, u .* *> .-u'fiAr. J. - 0 tAl <■ ' - A As of Lot** of Valuat ion. June IQ. iH&« !85 ,A?.*K The , the ettr/rea^ cfo’e oem 9 Ac./. I K>' act S’’V MM? 3 refir to t>oa/ftbt> of svmAo/s on ,re ext'^ i 1 rc/es a/ doffom of symbe/s. ee ■ --mm 7 rtl • C/>'£SA P £. **£' A& D V * /(? /N ; £‘leya ro & Com _J PUCF Ho. / // /yZ CMl S A Pc A A t A/vV ' t ^ /Ohio Railway Company \ OperaN'e (/r?Jcr stock ow&rship.j— V m TH £ CH £ SAP £ AK £ AND Ohio Gj?a>n Clfmtop Company. /f nco r 00 / eAce >v? Newpcrscv. Jc//y/4,W#2 o CoppFcr Corporate Htstorv Gnarr of he Chesapeake un Om fiww Elevat of Dote of aiuation, June -0, !° ! 6. Office of tcluahon Commit tee. R[C; MOAsD, ^'A. e* 4- ■% xA Ncrvber Valuation Committee. ~ . _ /87 COFP'JSAT^ ; T 1 T 0 RY or r:z ii ’: 3 ^ hder P i 9 ? ?f>r enoe v UE - *inut* bool; P. - Fag* $F - Secretary's File Cont. - Contract 188 CORPORA 1 ! HISTORY OF Ti'E CIW SINK ATI I -JE? ■ 1‘ - - o 3*?k*P. A fU .*?~ I For* erd. The Cincinnati Intar-Tanolnal Sailroad Company. * corporation o' . State cf CM.. inc.rporatai in i?02 under the SonorC U». of th. r.i.t. of GbU The railroad it t v lo Coepn y etnjinto of *57 V n 0 s ‘ *“ elevated line all of which in in the City of Cincinnati. Ohio, and it op. ">'e: 7 IV Covington and Cincinnati Elevate rtallread and and fridge Company tier lease in perpetuity dated danpury 5, 1W5- The worflpany r.aintnine a corporate orgaritatior. !! 3 . r. 1 . or tut cihsimaii u : BIL i’- 1 A 3 of the 4-,tj> of i-wulioir;^ KAy? - The Oinclftnri * I» ■» r • ^5^—* — riCORP CAATIOIl _ ., . rt .. -Tncorporated under the General ha.s ' th * ^/rutTeit] » — )« o'* I ^corporation to-- ‘ " J* i , i . tne dietary of Stat' of the State « hio. December 2-3, ::i ? 10 . ja-j/uim? ion . CONSTRUCTION . . construction of the line by pure *e« • • 6 1 * a * co^renced in November 1903 and actual oonetruetion o the rU , raa w0 * .meed in July 1905 «"<* onpl^led Septe or •; -IF I. INI KID pffs : r?TIOH let Track i-Tli* ... Sl-rl. tmok .l.vnt.d otractur. from ■* (.«*«“•» "J 1 Th. »nel- -t. Hamilton and Dayton *».*» * ' '* Fifth ana Eaymllaar Str.«t., to . o®««etior. alth w r. n,. *- ,*j Elf Hted TViilro d "m "V- a't- 1 J - i e* p«oy'e t-aok at And.r.on o.nd Stita AU.y. ,nd fr.oVo >. the Civ >* -.cinnati, Ohie. TUCK ASK HI'-d iT. TOOTK CR CO h-9-l.CA' t:£RS 3.3 t*Ci 57. C-nt 2 ; 70 ?. Cord *415 • T 0 Chesapeake and hio .jiilway Com¬ pany. Th* Cheeapo’ike and Otuo Railway «oo- pa.ny of Indin i.s > ! i*-la and VaghYllle Rail¬ road Company. Te r-ini fifth a:id Payaill ?r Straate to Anderson ar vtite Alleys in tie Oity of “irci - nati,C. .5" ®il* 5 * first track. ?xi - and Baymiller Streets to Aaderao:* and St it e A1 1 ey * in the City of Cincin¬ nati ,0. .57 ffil* ft ret track. Au h. for oper. ajiraoment a f Jan. 5,1905 made by The - C. R h .4 Tr.J> hp Co.eith Tne '.x 0. Ry. J*. ho agree¬ ment. From 19 Cfe. July 1, 1910 - V :~jtfsTOHY_ 1 ■, 1? ; > fl nna ti r- r. 1 r. UULlr i viompa ny - continued . OP5 r.TIOH Kr©n> oapteabar * 8 , 190b to Date. Hy ?;e Covington ar.J Jincinnati Elevated Railroad and C» *ny u'.dc.r * loe&e in perpetuity dated Jw-'yary 5, 1V05. CORPO RATE S/J Active. iL± :s Loj^^t-ion of •/ ‘ «hv •.’. " i * 1 , railway ‘ok r.y ‘ 3 General C' r lce , Riolmer , Virgin!% I. r r ' 1 XATIOK P* - :OIKGS A "» ---— Atta- ! hereto- plAgRAm MIC CHART Attached hereto tm 6 i«ot No of 1 CORFOnATv PI STORY OF 191 Tig CINCINNATI IKT^-TS RIII IUL ^AILRO &C C OVFANV he of t'- .Q S aU w r Yal .it on uiie .O, l? lfe. SCHEDULE JgAjES r R MnOANIZATIOK PT OC.r ' I N OS AMP OTHrt 3 ?T ; v Reforonco or File dumber S?. Cont. 2570- &F. Cont. 2445 D&td * Record. SF. Cont. 2*b8 J*n.5,1905 Agreement between The Covington nr.d Cincinnati! Hevatod lailroai 2*« art runafer and eridro Company and The Chesapeake &nd Ohio Railway Con~ p-> _ . j. i \ ,''« 3 Vpgf* r ta over e .incinno’ Inter-T? rroinal Railroad Company'* trade. April 23,1904. Agr.toraer.t bt tv;eOu The Covington am* Cincinnati Bloated Railroad an i Transfer and Pri gc Zol ;:m« ind the Louisville and M&ehvi le Railroad Co i granting trackage rights over The Cincinnati Inter-Terminal Railroad Cor; a y's track*. Jau.5,1905. Agreement for lease in erpetuity of Tho Ci >- eir.natl In ter- Terminal ?■' ilroad Company to The Covington and Ci ;.nr. ilroad r 1 .r n.: Si evated and Bridge Company. r% \ *r 1 s jrat-ii* - k, * r. * V * • k t ate A - V, • ? <3/ '■•--• •'Y m j ■ „ .... . - •■/?/• r *1 w • &rvnumbered co^secL/A/y^/y from rop,o oof topi w/*,-**/; s.-rjo/f cirri-s of hoNvm of^trboio. ■INDEX" :Ch*tT|!'jX£ii ' No. ff i idling No./. i; ]j The Cv. c/h^T” Titer- Vef/whcr/ t! itW/7 <.<■*-•' *** LOfftpC 2 __ _ c _ NO. 11 : - 1 ,' 'Y“ W...^ 7? /r ci.emwn.'nto Jemma/Pm/roetf Lpmpxfy- 8 ... . .. t ■ .■; 1 ;■ ■•ACf.fi85-T.dD.CJ A w« «? w«ip =. C0V?AiSIf.3 " ■ ^-ft5oT ... ‘ ‘ ' LESS If -US! HL, ■ _j£3 »£ a^sd_-_- - ,r: ,. r ..rr \ a>c , sLl sx rr.?3, X-i 3rfp, ./_ h jy_ Ato ?t. Ae Corr wax? LUJJUL * s . r\ _ _ _ y- , _ ___,_I--- •— - ' £&U#* 9Ci j -• ;V^:^ ".•••«■-^....y' 1 2i- . J K ' ■ ' ■' U-L---- • ‘ - ~ 1 . . i - •• i 51 i - A/tf CcmJW AW UM7* ‘ ' f ' , v • /£■'■■■ wCo Xv' c . %>e/ VM7/ A'teS -TtPM/MAL Smwad Cmmr Operates v/xfet /ease fo pt/prt*fy \ _ r s- r.n s) r“ r ■». f ff9 5, * 'PO/? j /nrorpc 'a/ea /e Aeo/c r 13, m5* Office of Valuation Cowaittee Tie Chesapeake * Ohio laitesy C*,t *ny Hi ohao nd, Va. Correct il^-L : t -r the thir coia^.n dire the shoot nunters in tho ?7arr«iivs. /ha rt Jnart Place *',n ratire Sheet QZIK 'AVyJS - C-jv-in^tcn ar.. Gin Intnti Pior : Co The Cincinnati Intjr-Tsrainal Railroad Company TVCovington ar • icinnati ' i ^d Reirrjed arid Tra afar an.i Bridge Company . 0 Cov ngton an Cincinnati ntovited xxlL road and Transfer and bridge ?o»pany The Cbio an! v^ntuchy Fridge Company r ’lunl or l<\.n\ ar 1 5 fe 5 4 4 1 3 3 5 2 2 4 Explanation o' • i.'fcrsvi* j*nc s“o* -flder 'll* dr: e no Vi .lltO i'OOK Page Secretary's PH* Oont. - Go tract. 194 o? THK C0VI‘.!-»V3K AJ ..... . , • i <• • / sf v 3 9H1D0'22: .L* 1 ; L ; : • 1 •_ . -'JV- L- ----- - - Pe-rsaord. *. C Ti » S Un ... «i .1—tl *»’ “* fl r ths States of Kentucky and Ohio, Bridge Company, i corporation o , 'av • nff toti and Cincinnati Havatad f 0I W in 1336 by on»oH^tion ‘ „ Th« Ohio md Kentucky 'ridge and Tr.n.r.r .. Sri 'C- »"< ^jrnpjiny. b,o r*ilr«d of tU« 'o"P»nir oOBBio " r ..... ,5c of » mils l» '" he atit * !. o ,f ,lo 1. in th. St -.'n if Kontuclcy ,r Ohio. .11 of -Uch i» oporotod by Us own organisUlon. Th. Jo.npany s»«» . oorporot. .r*.»i«.'-iw. 195 g.-ieat No. 1 »f ” K v of t -!« 3at* j:; 7ftuat L^i— J — np ~ ~ ^ File Refsrenoe j>,a Gov „ngton *n 1 Jin cinna-wl -Ti trate'’ ’.v ilroad vL.IJl'L j.L 3rjc v’O Go^y aiiy INOQRPQ - Inco peratsa un i9r the General f a*3 of t> > t te of yno Spec al Act of the General Assent', y if th- approval Februa-y 9, i98b (Acts c r Kcr.iuck / 1 8b, Raptor M • by* consol1datiei of f'-e Ohio and Kentucky T-.o Covington n id Jit cinnati Sbdvatad R. U*%« Bridge Company. Agre-iuent cf Consolidation dated 7et?r-try ^.2, i58b was filed with is Secretary of St U of a Stat i of Kentucky July 29, l63o and rith the Secretary of State cT the State ox Ohio August 2, l88b, Unde- t -.e pr< /iaion of a- t, a Sonata ar.d Hours * ipre entat jvss o' t 3 Ini-ed - ® s of America ^pprovotJ ty 20, iF8b, (House 2*11 ; *7938 ‘7* The Covington anc Cincinnati SlMatsd Railroad ini Tranaf*/ an. Bridge Cob ary ns o pcssrad to erect tho rid,; «cr- i •** Ohio ilivor batv? on Codington, KsntucVy an ir.', -hio = 0R3AHJ2ATX Oil February 13, 18P6. Eirecters oie-ted ll®. P. 13* 3 CONSTRilCTIOS B r ±dtg« approaches, tracks etc. from a cenneotion *ri-h the yaysvillo and Big Sandy Railroad ronpany in Covington, Ken¬ tucky to Gincinnuti Onio, under a contract with the Contractinj and building Company dated February 1, 1896. Completed January 1, 1889 TTH/INI A? !D DESCRIPTION 1st Tra ci Vi lest . 'Bride* ^ approaches, tracks ate. *ro a e joky 'j connection winh the . ^ysTiile and rig Sandy Railroad Company in lovingto: , Kentucky, eeresb the Obis Rivar .to con¬ nection witr. .re tracks of the Unicn Station Cottpany in the City of Gincin- „,ti Ohio ’ 1-00 '’0 OP "RATI ON OF ROAD Qfrr « BY OTIIKR CO»^ON I \ RRIBR Termin i _atian Agreement :f_£nr~_ h Authority for Opar- .xtf 'active . . _. a y,. _ Roa d Sr. Zt it. The Gin.i: nati 2586. Inter- TermInal Fift)- and "ay.niller January 5, Streets to AnIsreon 1905. '■ and Stits A„l-iye » id Brooke Street in 1 a City of Ohio. .57 rsilee of first track. Railroad Company. * Sheet Ho• 2 of 8< /96 QQRPC ! VTj HISTORY. Kt of ir te Data of Voli tion Ju»»« li f - me Rtif erenoo S' 7 . Coat- 3G. S \ Cc nt. 2447- SF. Cont ? 08 . 2570 SF. Cont 2570. ^Af»i. r The Co , v ,; r, 'Q» and i»ir c ir natl :U.- yyj 1 * —‘' - - 7 ridge - Co mpany “ & 6f> t ‘U«d. trao'".w: rights o othb^ co. carr tsrs p id Le.ierilie and Naeheille Rail¬ road Company, BU<. v’• 3 30 r9 to Kontucay Contra! Raiioay* I.ouieviUe and Maehvillo Rail¬ road Co'tt nny Tne Sheuup^ahe and Ohio Rail¬ way Company Tha ChcBapeeke ar.d Ohio Rail¬ way Ootcpnny The Chesapeake and Kaii- ny Oonspuny of Indiana The Ch< a4; aak and Ohio tai.- iy Company of Indlana- Termini. Covi* £ten, Kentucky Vfi: • yy^.* to Cir ».ti . Ohio 7» . 5 3- 1.80 mUoo of first track. Fifth and Baynuller April 2.}, s*roots to Anderson i;-+* ■ no St it 3 Alleye *nd Brooke Street in .in- aiAiiati, Ohio. .57 milt cf firet tracV. , C« 'f f igton, Kentucky October t© Cir tirr.ati, Ohio 3* 1 ’‘95 • 1.80 miles of 'irat January trac*. 5. 1?G C * fifth and Beyailier January Streets to Anderson 5, 1937- ejac St its Alloy a and Bre-ke Street in Cir* ci rinati .Ohio , .57 ici 1 ? c f first track . fifth and "%ymili**r He agr*<- Streets to Anderson m t. end St its Alloy* Knd Brooke Street in : n- Oir.nati ( Ohio, .57 .fsile of first tr^ck. Frc st S* t# * i : *• •• Street in Jinci ir-.ti, ment. Ohio, .21 mila of firet track Authority for ^per- Kffactive a cion Agree- of ..jjeg— - j r . ] •nu«ry Still .) •: nuary 1, 1SS9 Effective Sopteahor 28,1908. Stilt* :f f eotiv* Janua-y Still \ ; 18 ? gff-c-.i September St - 28,1«08. Effective July 1, 1910. Effective. July 1, Sti 1 1910 , Sffocti 0 OPERA 77.. i-* From January 1 t l8?9 to ate By oar Organise ior. V C C No. 3hoet 3 of b MISTORT " OF 3IS0J .; •« «.--mn;uT.-ic. o AM rw g! *• ’J^t i /37 i Aa of the Date ofjfou it ion, Juino_JAtJLlt.lL File ^ . , 0 * • si - . I.:cv ^ l _ ; !. C I • ?D ’ 1 -H- l 1 ’ ; C ; _ £. t f t r ' .; 7v ? ’’0 1 !■ > /98 9 nn r »-g off _ i _' The Ohio cno Kentucky P»- .* ~ o.i:, ■• y ' :* . . 1 ..-••• : k tnon T’l rirpor • r-c under Vi« en*»r>il Lt vb of the tute of hio. rticlo* .if lie..rpyr»itioR tinted atu*' -*ry :,r' c .filed ?„* j th*? .s ;r of St *te o ** the “Hwte of «;hio idru-ry, J , LOflb# e-ru-.ry 11,1 rij, irejx^ r . electee, o Line v ~ 'JO 1 n * /. * ■ »**-. h + . . jfifctTi'rvt c . ’ r ' -u’r; 1 ,1 t‘6 Tbe Ohio j.:- 1 entucJty Coup i/iy j«o ? Covin ;un i n v Cincinnati i Lev t u -ilro c -t t nd . r *: sf •sv u u r . 1 Cor. en) vet e conaoiiCcrted to wrci The Covirptcn '.n-. Lincinnati Tlevatet. Rjulroed end Transfer unc rri zro Coupt- y, i- t rear.ent •-•••• *'i 1 so -»it a tn© ecr Lv_ tion o' T »,-■> /*h? --r • ■?>*. OH. . h 4.1 "ey Cor.p my *3 tiener 1 C* r fica», r • " ir mn, • J - ; " \ 3 ■■ -A — ^ t. —• -o ere:o# \T“ 1 <; *c ‘reto. 5 o ’ " c ' t ' i l •. ■;»/•: <_ n /99 le Koffcr?nce Aa of the Ooto of _V_ai 1 * ion. J wt^e ; . The Co 'i ngton .In rlr.r. ^ >/-o ' lili’i' • ^ flV *i a *££ Ililil ' i r" : u; .e ; eg , t, t) r v a gnc -v li Pi urr... ■ ) ■ id . - d )i' c. '- / * ■'j i >•* i,. c 'r ci ■ r 'i'! ,e J .jviy y ' a. -i >icfc a’ ir C i-ubly >f t-*o . be )f Ij :y -j .rovr-u *'? 33 ~~ ?eirig-y .2,1 o. CO , l VICTIM ^ line coaploted >y t«.is o •-*>>' j y . i’eer, Tt dft'-o e ur', : - j I*, ~ o . • ** '■> vi' j i iucini'.ci a vntec v ulroau ;nt fr sr ->:• .. rib,;© o:af»i / nt •»* Ohio and Kentucky 3rxi a Cowp" ere co’-i ulicufeeo to ’’em . no : v, ;>;« ton ar. Cxi tin 'it i •-’*< --i r « . , . .1 nsfer >. 1 : f. f ’ Company. AfcTe^r. .t ?*) .'ilea -dth tee .©jr-^ary of '.ate > tie > tu*'ky July •H 1 l*Vo l .ru. Tilao a.tithe >ecr3ta*y of ' the 5t*ta of Ohio V> at v J 6. The ‘ »s -Tite -no .V > .'ey Tamp -»y*B i ; o-.*T' f i :«*. i'irond, VirExni « scdrj’.y ■’ - , J._ •vttar »ad her Jto. _’; :ic a nr Attached irato. c c 1 ■«s r - " r t jKKiF : u ■ jti, i. '.a of r..; . - , ~.fv crc h • jtr- ti ai: n^r, ik£_: ml- 200 » • f: - in . c a h i thr Jjt - ’ a ,u tjjri. .un- V?, V... _ Co •^ ;r. ~.L.;einr. d: iff • Co mpan y* I : •) U >; ■". yj I ko d under 9 5 c»ci ! .i %ct of t e 5 ie*o 'soauly of t 6 3t*i » ■* 1 * Directors ilocted* -:i jcr.c: ]-j iin*- complied :«y tnia „o: ..v.y• v iy~ i 3 eeial \ct f t no oner l jmbly of t i« t^r* cf r - tuck/ i./vi‘o\ u eor. r; i ■ b { ete ■ Kentucky h<. ‘.er 5?)» nmte of In* Covin'to <> t n i Cincinnati >ier ri .0 Co apnny Vf.a c'-i . r.ea *.j ?m v a 1 n na .innnti il« *e. li Ad /r 'ns: >r iic r*ia-:e Cotap any. iiDCttijn of 7he Che”? T-- t.e u ui Ohio * 1' •; v-o.a. ^ - J neral uffi ’>'3, Ri chuonc, Yir&i ." f. _ _ Jj ^'.X Att che herrtb* liter..u, gr . Attached lerito. I < x:p: ■ 'd, . ■»■ \r?i ^non ?; v _L 22 Hi ~ - :-i R. f ? rt ic* Fils --ttur. . P. 3 A 3F. Cent. 25 bo. Date. P*b. 12, 1P86. J-i’.uary 5.1?C>5 • Agreement o ' ConeoiidaUon of Tn* Coirington and Cincinnati Elevated Rail '’-i **o.i r*r r* * • Bridge Company, and The Bridgu Company- Agreement of lean# 1* perpetuity of The Cin rati Int< r-Temira: F .11 road Con >*ny to .r ; , . Co-.i .. ,oi. . »J Cit-c: :Ht.i ?l vh; l ^1-rOJ i ■ i Trurv a^d i b« Company 30. ’’'n P » r, 7 , ‘ Agreement granting tr* rijnte to Korta^ y Central Railway Company 1 nd i;3 au:cs ?£'<", the UooleviU* and Naehrille Railroad Company. lit. Cont ■ April 23 190*. 2445- 5«\ Centra . Oetobar j, l395» V. Cent. January 5. 1905* 2J7C. A.*reerr.«rtt ranting traofcago *i ts 1,1 C’ neianati 1 -tor-Tormina! Sail-c ! ony - ' to - ■ Agreement granting trackage ri ■ tc i* Choeapeake and Jhio Railway ^P^F- «t**»ent granting truckage ri ;n J * to The^ ^ Iheoapeaao and Ohio Railway ‘-ony »7 ° * r ;*• Jovington and Oir.cinni*i :\evatod fUi ' a- ' s ' d fransf er and Bridge Company’t and The 'Cin¬ cinnati Inter-Tormina i Railway Oft-r.pany 1 r. .rack. '• . : • I. r ': 9 l I * ■ C:\AKTUMt'Z £?3 or*"sJ?own. cr *o? (^ra'cr ri^oaft vf fora?of ton, //>'- i 's’.-* j | I (U/z/ej a • yt v' /w • . •»- • L/hvs opertrfar t/mfer r/mp//e AMtlzwj/WA. ,;j$&&rC#mr / stfrscf/rrf o * f7#£ fiwoMe/Carrvexr fc/vrOMZi W Mt/]foCbMVSMtAW A ?r: &£M~£0 £A/£*OAi>*AS$AMXr* MoJfi/jtSf CiwJW/y: AyrWfW/ti d?M/ „ &j . 4 , /fflf. /A“S&'-y fay i i}0/£ < w?' & a & a#' ! H:. : ' I ir, , ,-U 2j: Itato Ifc£A\l.NI > -.'2’;. cvA ; • ft V-6^ • • *- u7/ : j?f« Zi. r*£ : r,i*. .w?w . j-.i .;jt. -■/ > • A- ' v^wf- v*4. ' -_ 4.'-a '■•■ Vki kS*-C- r ■ ■- O': Cor ytv; /, y.&C-?C- • '-r' A V *’ # a& J?* ^ & ~Sti 'C tVi *•• ■-» j- 'j 4.- fArwat.M Vv .. <• ■/hfffS*4tfj *£'■ w^Ot? A: AA, - 1 ! 3/A! ?/ i ~.j i_li i \ orporote rlistory Gbor* 0 " xHjiVA" 1 . r D4wViL&DADA**n) ASDD^WeL U : .* -rru t i EDAPtAKF AND G;iIO GaJUW. )aie of \biuafiGn June 30,19 '!6 \_ Ice at 1 Yak; A; an Committee. VhCrMOND, W. [:G:ViA'.r/A/hAT/ElSMTIt) ’ a wki wscAwJtu . 'C»mt or/so/k »/-■ ».-''.Tv Th'sm/Crxrtrxr Ob,'AM w a*/Z ftsCtoAsravA/tt’ " \, vv.7 futMTfitA/UMihW. imr/ u vojiwf cbrAwr .fytww/sxh' A./,+,M< *fr'-r-'W-Siri;.y a T . i- . . •' r •tv r tJ*t'Ay*:,yjr (? > r 1 " *' * iS T/ti LC*MfBh AM> LfA 'MHAr/EutA/EP 2aiUNW>ah> TiA/mn heZ3 gxse Cavern Vr/>r obr*//‘/a y/rxCh/. rsm /jo O.K..VMP fag Hotel Co*ma > by an Ac/ r. fm/xby drtrPMy./bM Consav jkAte;. 1 } be he ^vivvmrSmf Cow>a» A> %naTfc£uT.*m-AVP Pmmn LnmtMtaow • ■ vJeosrOHMn: 4; nt7k-n?ti:>effc0J2,hPP.tib?*'fc/Zr tom*?-j:torrfpjt4rm-szhvjy-: 77,e QvcYJYAn /a r.u /£***<‘j' C/aw Cfcwv/sfZyfrrCbyr*ATW/4Ac W/H.VAr://set•S.-' j&O/ AMO. i &t, A vy r.Y7~ Of Yf 905 i> *a. ■ Ce.w/gZo/i c /o C:r co/j.Oh. 5 P/er /A ~, JAV c ‘'o.yspj’.-yy T/e ClpcZ/gta* •' /ft/cf-7%rw/Ta/ -v '.i 1? ' : '-V hy 'i> ' ", ; ,77/0 Cor/jypTco c- ■&CZvc. : -'/-/r f o Vr xro s-x’Vmv.s' r ./y.7 t :1 ■”,=• Jr r oncTKo n/t/ cA,v ^-.v.v C&3.'£3\ ’- ■ l"”'. -k. j TRACKAGE CIGAl'G to otheb GGLVuWGN CAC2IlC3 !• Ltrs.^op. j_lr c * c -' 7 r da\ o r AOKtmr] ; V.. ’/PPfl 'r- t \ i :ys ■•cya/u war, 7V.'n r-fcT’ V7rmjff&*3t*&e Co Y one \ < Ou.\ocij / DOS I r-simOL Oboe _J_ Oboe '7hei7*xT*2trzxfC\. v’-. ; i a _ ’: .• ktu ^ -1- 1 | ■J- o 5 f /.l *W .O’ /' V I, \7-vr*S* •? 5*,Cvcr/f&s7!,Cho. M i J — Conooro# ani fiw&omr. P/ee£k,v&e Company rwr'ifefeKfi' .■fjjfaiv'AarS./Ofib. . \i///#c.xryei T- ■HeKv&dm'i. wh* ->/? w&'-KnSmtr 4pjpAr/a''M’/’trp a*z'/>fs'& jSJ Corp-^rote Aislory Gbart of TaE CO7lA0T0,N AYiD Cl/iGW 1 " 11£VATED ^.LfiflAD AM’ I^IWI GtT'.VA . G/iEf'APr^r and Gnio Cajliva/ As of. )a1e of Valuation June 30,1916 CO£Rt cr ~Af*/pd*r iM/o77or Co'O'^ fte * Office -oif'Valuation GcmmHfee. rsl i OR tAORyD. > A. CORPORATE HISTORt MLKHORN AND B5AWJR /ALLS! 3 OOMP-MiT a 8 of tfra pats of ; 1-. at ion, ' Prepares *n ac . \ai\ct wit’-. - v - ,uin ponta cf TALtfATXOH n m T ’R t’O. 20, Issued oj t Ini .-state Ooi .ere* Coi-sdi ~Aon t Office of Valuation Coraaittoe Xho Cn^aap'j: s 4. Qi-ic Railway -• ^pmr Riohnond, Va. Correct c c 203 : !tr0.IAT 11 HISTORY OF BLKi ^rr: vv.L 2 T fuil^ay yupa^y * corporation® a proparti a on the Di,*~ i« ic Cbai - * r . tv? Corporate Hi »♦ ry of the fflkh^ro and 3ee.'«r V; ll«y R il mj. ny Th^ figures 1% the ‘l rat coluan folio inr eah rsum -ofr; ;o correapoMir.? figurea *n th® Chart, the figures ir. the second oe] m i S -icate 1 '•* 1 “>* 1 ‘ 3 -i '■ r* t i o -a® Ct nrt an the fig.ree in to i: colu a:r t «• ?h*et tiUwb'-r in th. ’.ar.ntiva. Chart Chart » ,ct Nunher t . Per M'irr xivi ill:; rn sol P«*>/®r Valley R< i. *ay Company ; ii natl of r v vlutlotia ^.,®a n under t®ferer t. - i nut ft Book H. P»i ; ® SF. - So a rotary' a Filo Cont« - do tract. i V, 204 :o* T y OF • .. .V r .V’ ■ v all , , n;.*AV’ cq? vy ?or»vcr v s /ny, « corporation of tLo P 4 tr, 0f ' !tu * '- :r >- -*9 * - 5' • IK4 >nsra! r, v . of t ,e State of K *ntocV y. The r.xIroKc. of t) ip .ompany consists of iu- 74*a of iine all '■ " * c 1 1 u ® 51 ' e ^' 6r ' u =h ai j cpfr«'*J fcy ino Chesapeake , C: '‘ i •• r '°* 1 -«y o'Pi -y under an agr er.t ti-to June 2, l^i 4 . P 31 ') r h • t tair . • c r: .rate or ini ratio". __ c \ ( (L ?05 Ap 3 : the i'gt » • f /elur xiop. Jug * j-c iy '- b- 711* ii?f sf e c- Hkhorw ant B* ' V»r Vs. >.>.*/ lact’perated under the Qensrcl L 7 b of 1 v ? Stst* of Kant ae*y# Article of IndPpifsiiH dated Hay it), 1904, fiiec KB. P. U the Scoratar;/ o' of t-i* tots of errtucky nnd certificate of ircorpor itioa wna Issued ry ".in i'ny Id, 1^04, filrd a>ith t;:i Railroad Corriacion of the 3t«te of Kentucky, 1 «y 1904 und recorded in the County Court of Loyd County Kentucky Hay U, 1904. OdflAig^l C.. yr/ -8, 1904 - Directors elected r m* y L vre r-eopted* c ( j :\3: k:viou Beaver Creek, Kentucky to Hyland, Kentucky 20.74 Ifile* Comeneed April 1911 “ Completed Junt* 1, lyl4 T , ' i 3wlJ 5 Mil 1 l x 58cai ?T. ON lot fr a cfc i. i ' ego Be .vox- Ore*** Kentucky to fmylrnu, Kentucky 20.74 tiles Trora , une 1, 1914 to Beta By The Chesapeake -.nd Ohio Railway Oocpnny under an epre«nerrt u~tec jun?» 2, 1914, b*t-*e-in The Cheeroeske ** Cent nr.d Ohio Hallway Conaway and Tlk iof'i and beuvev /alley Raileny Corp ny. coKpgRjgi zc -irv^cs Art i KSCGHDS ~1sj : f X on of Tie C A .ea-ipeako and Ohio Rr.ilery Coenony *s Geierul Oif.ees, Hi clusond, Virgi aie. SCHHL-ULS Or DEEDS LKASIS. REGRGrHiJlZOfriuO rROCOTDi:,:-,:. .412) OT. yrr^-r-t: - a rrr r- ——*--- ■’ ;.\t - cned hereto, ElAFRAKMdTI C CHART Ait nched lieretc. 206 l .121 Ho. - Q 1. ‘ coarc UTK Hi:. ’OR? K LKi ORT ' "l ■ X— .’ Pm :\Y Xf.- PAI Y -\g o tho t t of Valuation, Juno 30. 1910- scksduu: ‘•1 c * 13: aTi r> ;._;p £•: ^ 1:: ^ li -■?'* ' Reference or ?<\o I'ut'ber. fCent. : ' 50* r MtO . Jure 2, i?! 4 * Record. A^r-oirent far o^*rn + ior of t r e v .lkhorn sni P*ave Vh 11 «y R*ilvrt»7 f '*ipuny by The Ch? r * p-sJc* '-no Ohio R*‘.ilist Joapcny. L.E G t NI ) . k =• ■ .. - \ . & • . ir i a. •' , T ’ ^ , 3 / fcr " ■ . r'r - . ..v. : cfaef. y} . .. ’ ' . fr&/T 7&/J Jb Soffo/t? / # ^ ■ i// '•■ '?.• ;j//si-frf.77 of'c : ?j 6 o.'s. S^Me^Ls . ■ . .... W c : ■ '- • * ■' : ' • » ■ ' • - J £ K - -' n n*', t * ; :$ ±Ct . Q. I "* i . r * ; L ; khors. o '. : v' i-i?. > c ' 7 . - ; \ / :%’fo tjA LWAy COMPAA'r \ i ■' • ~rsrrcs re - acrecsner?, \ . . % . . • \ L,. , / , V < f ' t • ? t LA ■ ■< - - : fe i VeiurAX.x/TArCa* - '' \ '■ 't o'-pars. s.e i , is , * *S ty ■ • r . ri , i r * ■ ‘fv" ■ * } ■'■'■■ > ri’: ■ . • •,-** . - v. x j l . . - \ - .* - - ! ? = ’ ■- "* *•■• • " ■ u - ’ \* i X 7 3 Of .. T... L- . ’ .i- ’ . K?/i. -sC/cc:- C vw/e 'i'cc i ~" i . ■'<:;■■ 207 CORPORATE H ISTORY 0? -jug f)AU ; EY ■ -D E Tff R.T V CR T '.I I ,. i£ A# of x et i.>aX8 of nation June 30, Prepared in accordance with the requirements VAl/JATIOK ORDER NO* -0 Jo .-, ,d by the Inters! vte Conn.or ce 30198 ‘ ’ May 13: m c ->» ■ of * Office of Valuation Committee rht Chesapeake 3t Ohio Railway Company Richmond, "a- Corract jLi Morobor Valuation Comm /tics- _ J ■ I I V 206 ■?P0 •. 2 HI '.Tb-*T V 5V- ’' :y v-n 2AD0-I aiVM RAIL tO AD cov wy INl,yX To <*l-rar. are the sheat number» ~n t a ’ \rreti7«. Iht.rt C' - J lijt Nh.r.*atiyc T-• 'Auit, an; "'endow ’liver tallroui ^ompeny K nr her Sheet ’"Uplinfttion a f abbreviations shew" under y ile R»>farenoe. 'i 3 - •onuu cook F‘ ^e _ I ( r Tho Oauley and I'oadon Rifar .Tftilroad Goapuny » ?o oration ?f tre Stato »f tf«ot '/ir^inla, way incorporated in 1912 under the T Lawa c t e Stais of *f«8t /irglnia. The railroad of this Company consists of 3-13 mi-» cf ii\'-. which is in ths State of *aa* Virginia, and ia operated by The s tp’ e e** Ohio Rnil ray ^oapany under an implied leas* by virt *> irahip r *•• i ir* $* o r-.« v ./ The 'Jhaaapev * -> Ohio ‘nil *•' ■»,./. . The Company maintains a corporate or^ani tatlort. . _ ha. I >f i. 2 /C XJHrORATZ HI iTO;'Y 0? Ths Qusun aj{d HfAK)j» um RAxr m*' -'0'.;.r DC of the ijate o_D_ alua-Ugn. J ur.« j ,^ r 13 ? \v_ - t* ■ i-a...* ::a. P. 1 I AMS - The • ■ 1 o_ _ai i joaiow M /*: 3 j rea<._ jc- o nfc. INCORPO RATION In< 3 or;>oretec' under t ie Ceneral have of tie t te cf '4/eat Virginia. Articles of Incorporation date April 1?, 1912, filed with the ^cretary of State of the Stata of v e*t Virginia and certificate of incorpo alien * e loaned by him April 18, 1912. yE, P. 5 April 18, 1912 - Directors elected and By-iiws adopted CONSTfl'JCTI OS Rich -rack Junction,* V* t. relmll, , v a. 3 3 do mserced Decibar 1912 - Completed July 191-3 . Ceapl ted ;emter i^li. iLiiai * wiaiwuoi l .\1 Track Mil 9a&£ .■Uch Croak Junction, ./.Va. tc end :? line, J.Vt. 3 13 .nileo OP^KATIOK Proa JuJlv 1913 tc *.te By *h« 'h aapaako and Ohio Railway ■'orapany under en implied le&ee by virtue of the ownership of their entire rtoc\a by Tr.c Qeanpeake and Ohio Potilwny Cam any. * i ACt 1*0 jggflaa Lo^a:ion of Tv. Che ©apeak a and Ohio wiiiray Company's Ccaeral li-.-jiond, Virginia. PI VO HAW< ATIC CHART Attached hereto. H MOV) BVTLT ILV-' v ’£.. AS of the rat.® of V'-f ^ ■ : Yi'?\ j?Jt. l^lb. prepared ir, accordance with the requirement. eJ VALUATION ORDER HO. 20» Xaflueci by the Interetate Cormers. Comissio.i, 13» i9ip« . Office of Valuation Co^iUe® 1^0 Chesapeake 4 Ohio Railway OoTopany Richmond, Vao C c Cl & OR HA. /O*.'' : ,T u \IUWf COi.'P^jy IfD'X "•o car, orations ani properties an i © .'lair ^atic v.,d !'a rvti/a 3orpt *t » ietury of tbn Hm H>nd elt ^ilssy Cc~T 9 '/• The figures i t e fir'- 1 , clu’ r following ®ac v n»je pli - 6 - 10 , 5 irrospendir.g .'igur*« ar. the Overt, the figure# ir* the aesond column inciceta tha locet rt ©f »»:h corporal ior o» t e Chert, and the t ie colurn t i tna sh“e+. timber* if the ‘ erra* *'i. Or nrt -hart Place Hunber ha-bp r hirreti/e -•(. .'u.v • » /; She©t ’ ‘umber • lie;trend Salt ^all^ay Company 1 1 i Sx lH .a tj.o c oJT__at -ov xjr- J2! *L _■ Referec o* S. T . - S-#c ‘etary * b Plie CT. - Co: t; 0 rats Deed P Page Cort. Cor.trs tit. 21 3 '■ ' f ■s* COPJ 01 I_H IS70-ff or Htnvnoad BSL? RAILWAY Foreword. hMl *u-r «-»-*. * «»n».r.U.n of th« St— ° nu „u, «. incarp*rat*d In 1?<* «—r the >•«" ^ •f Illiroi** Tft-- . r *ni i« operated by The ;h»»»p*-J> > ril *f rhich 1 * i» tk* *»•*• » f .r u**m »«*■"■ * n ** r ‘“ £,, ’ t d,,ad 31 • « B d Ohio Railway uompir.y * * * v * 1?12. *, i..p»ny »*i»t.i» » corpora'** arsanLatian. tB# raUrond of itt. *-pW .» -1« tamtsMbt -A Jt-AJHiB #) ru» f of rano# SF. CD* 169. P. 15 SF, Cant. T4 Sr -F N'. . i Oi 1. 2/4 sc g&; ok? riAI/O. D BrlL? .ft il; VY ccm- 0^. ; ... w. ../ _>/ . ’ ^ . ;•• •• .v, t,<:■» AA 2 - iw -x. nd belt F jitney Corapiny. i»ooRfOK? Start a of the State of Illinois ■ ad o-vtifict 4 of i-cor oration rue i«au u by .is or- ay 30, 190o. - .• *xq]< i ;• :■ , : cl;::.sthuc?io:? Indiana-Illinois State Lina to Loui«vill« Juncrti* llliiwl* 2.90 Lille* CoKpleted April 1907* l;i urdchiprioiT 1/1 Or cl Vileapa Indiene-l .lii.oie .>t?rtn Li' a tc Louisville Junctio , Illiroia 2.90 Lilas of r...r; - From April 7, 190? to February 13 f 19Gd Jy T.\» nj.'ej;o Cincinnati -r.d Lou*»'.-iiie iu ilro&d 3o^p*iny from v*or\rry 14, I90S to Jure 30, IV10 By Hneoivore of Tn Chie;»eo Cinci n ti end l-ouisv lie hail- ro*d Co p*.iny. ?ro.u July 1, lylQ to By rh- Chasipafika .-nd Ohio li&ilwny or.psny cf -nn. u u.a-g^S ^ '^'2 Art iVa* 0 Kscoiirs l c" " t jo/' >■- f b :f no3->t -ke nd Ohio I.-.*iwRy ot ny’e gener*.'. Off let Rirhr.ind, '-iryinin, ^c.'.HD in. ‘jz : L .i0 £;§x_r ?; ixi„ v...33jo,> && <& &k Att iched bnrata* IIACR A 11. ■? f C OldKg Ait ;cVd ' ‘rats* _ o £ i*et '!g t l of i. covou: i.ivw tr ilk 0i BtLT MU AY OU'AliY A.. o: ,:.M - orj/al *iMor Ju» ft 3- $3kt uu. j?d/; ^ is- 'w* r: j$ a»d owsg laforjn'f o r File "ii bar. 8f;d iO? p. 15« SF "ont J* Data. July 5, *91-0 Da: 31,^912 Record ;i ».0 of I ire t o*nt Vjtaoer larwiOftJ t t» 1 ■ ay Corp-tny •‘nr’. Tn*» Chisago, a-i -a » iiav.i ."V-l ,r.) ”*ny r ■-■ o t jratiaa. k ^ 3 (CHART /NlMftER.5 Jre s/rotYe? Sf fop ofs/artaS* &n/ fre #9trdfr yf s*/e offcrmsf/cc?, f/?e e£'A GYM BOL5 8 1 /hfS crf'rtf*'// Me M*mfP 9 * 9 cr 3 c.¥ Dy/n'sy ~ompjn<,/nofzSSC0, 191*3. Office. of'/shJ3hon Commithe. Richmond, /a. Afemoer l/aft/tf/on Comn^/t fee - c 2/7 C 0 tl "'CRY KAN \w :a^ BIO;V> L ~ " SJClIN A- C( l : Y I!JD*X To cor;.erat.le < **i r ■•oparti-t or The Dirt r 1 c hart an.-- in v..t "arr*' 4 5•'* Ccr. orate Hi itory c' th* Yrnevha Brie?* ard Te.-wina! Cocporty. The figures in t‘e first coiuen f-iioirir^ each n* * refrr to cor* r #R P o) itg figures on 7*r.iiru_ ' rpany Sheet "unlwf Sxpl anutlon of alt-rev is era ej •. >.j r i > Be • «' »**<-# ■ Minute Book Pag* Sacra ary* e ""ile Cor tract c-hpo i 'Jl ' !BR> IK.AI,JX) «PAKY A« c ? the Ha to of Vf-.i-jatior^ June 30, l 2/9 fiia ■eferer.CH HAIffl jj a«;*a Bridge snT_ ~ trr x ntl Coop** ay I:, o'-- ORA 10!! Incorporated under the General. Laws of the of Sect Virginia. y m i_ Articles of Inoerporation dated February 1, ’'907, -ii th the Secretary of State of the State o Vest Virginia and certificate of Arcarporat ior was issued by Mr* February 1, 1907, recorded in the County Cour cf Kanawha County, vroot Virginia August 23, I/O*. ORflAMIZATION February 12, 19C7 - Directerf elected t d jr-lawa adopted. OOHST^VCTIOH bridge approaches and eomecUons acrooe the Kanawha River at Charleston, Seat Virginia l.fcO c Gomaieneed April 15, 1907 - COrapleied April 1?C 9 - :nri ": Atin,pa actiPCifK lg'. -Yack kileage Bridge Approacl ae and connections across the Fana*-h* '-tiver, conaecLintr The Chesapeake and Ohis Railway Cottpanj'k ti’a"» - o ,r. the southeide with the Xanawha art Michigan Railroad Company ‘s track* on the iortheide at lee ton, Woot Virginia, l*tO miloa. - 30 4? IRAQ At 1 * -'! x}' TS_ _ Rond _ Th© Chenapaak a ani Ohio hail- way Co- p&r.y. OTra5_0pf'yp: : _ Te rmin i_ Bridge *.nd Apr roachee Charleston, lest Virginia l.t miles. p.'.jmiTjc Authority for Oparatieo Agree--ent of April" :4th, 190? S:f ic tiwe Fro B. T p___ April Still 1909 T£f “ac¬ tive . h'o Agree¬ ment. S-. Con J 4341/ Charleston Interurban Riilroad Cospar y. Bridge ©tc.*’t Charleston,l. V&. .9S -iia- Fecenber 30, 1911 . July, St 11' 1910. *ffec' live. OFSivlTi:^ From April 1?0? io Date Fy own Sntion iiortppji .-.;sx istsb cs Active. “he**!. e. 2 «f 2 .w. ' ar ..v »v i a.f KJ _ L M o f t ht t1 0 f_ 7-■ \ jjicn,••• *’«. ftffwrsnoe -:-J- - r.-m.wh. a ri< .md 3 ' ;OKl':3 -. sr- ~T>cK*ak - r,4 Ctolo R il^v Comr tny • G^erni Office, Hi chj ond, Virginia. oC.iKDUi.’ of ^ A-Vtchrd hereto. A.‘-*4died hereto. s ~ _ SwHCOULS pr_pF'-.DSr, I. IAS, 3 . _ 3KCA - ' TZATIOH M0C7 3 JNCi A. ' 7/KRJK‘ / UAAT 3 nfern'ce tr File ■ unbar JfttO- Record. S?. Coni. 3047- April 2>, 190 A'res -r»t granting trackage rights to 71 3 7h?oe.; eaV f nric! Ohio ii 7t;y ‘Aamjany S’, Cor.t. .4 j41 ■ ec. 30, 1911 Agreement granting trackage right* to t) © Charleston Interu tan Railroad Company. II i|l *1 ! i : ll lj I i ! No i No i ii yV r%r-y * < > >/’* ; j f \:,4 r A-* . .*. u (~i * - vT'/t^ (7/70' i Ii ii ii 1 erm/r)^/ £ 7 c>/ > 7 DO/7 V ' . _ t- ; lj. j^JUl ■ *S o 'orfc/w or ^yfroo/.j j| Sv.v^gls ff ,$i , •• •". /r/*7 Btrtdge cncf Terminal " * fr ! ^ate of AfiRiif ! i*F. Sa L ^ S s o 2 BIGATSj ■ - - ■ “ - - Lessee- 1 I i Efc.A. ’] f; R.NVIN I ST \Tn |Mi USj | .... ^ / 7 / ' ,. /?, 7 «r 7'v'fcf/P'-v/Cto&Mv WarAsfcf r »/e/*n6w C*'-ir \' ‘Wc ' Arf^er/C A *vVr-. '^ c * • w/ ' ■ ■ ' ' • . „ _I _ • , , > /- » 4 »t I o c • -» i L- > v < ! i 1 : « ~ ..-V.-'V GM0e&$Dy* > • /yfc ■ -/fijmetese. - - \ . ... • '-.• - _L .... l- J C" ••’ -K" C» t ,->~rr • « ' I . i, .. ,• r i _ u «i • \ . . * Co .?•'' ''' * *.’'CWj *< •/tU ///,* f£‘ » ■ * • ..f . %>* V-?.' -* : A . vs .. ... : v i, ■ Sf *v . ■ i •->. • I v -• s/ls. .-Vi ’ V .'. i ■ v-V7// jr-L coFUpOr?A::ig --isio rr KBZUZYS CRvaC BRANCH n a —— .foe 'au of valuation, Juno '0. 191b. PMpared In accordance with -the reqire.-.:ents ef VALUATION r j iDER NO. 20, -tortoi by t Interstate Coramerco Soraaitibion “»>' 13, 1915. Correct, Q'fioe of Valuation Connrdttae Th * apeak a * O'le M2 way Compan R 1 ohmond, Vn * Merab a r Valuation Conraitta-., . 07 r. . ' 'Y { \ '2 x:n c, ‘ To corporat one and pro-..: ti.. .« th. ^.grMWtlo ->«t «r i ir t „ ... . rsr■-. W.t«nr •• t * r- .n.jr. Cr.ek ‘ranch. Tho f jur.3 in the fir.! oolum one) nan. refer » correepenJing figure. on the Chert, th. fxp<~ In thi .«•« colurr indict, th. 1. .tie. or. Chert, end th. fignr- . t* * « ‘ r4 = ,:UO " are t e aheet njwbera n t " ' crrwtiva. «, ri(»y« r«?V ? -* •ert • • Chr rt >l*c« \ .«k.. p r I Expiration of a t brr ;i*t- 5*- X -- 5 ", . Secretary’• File*- Contract. $ 224 , ■ f 0!' SVOJ"0 • Keeney* Creek Brunei- i» c v do, unmeorj or f ec!, *c'r'i»r rrjilrO-y Co ; r.j, unu-. nii igresuent • teo Jme 1 , 1 ■>.. V r,he »6 * ] of 1 CQRPO ^ATE HIS TORY OF xrarrrs c*?w bha"^ A» of t he Data of Valuation, Juna 30, -9^ file Reference WAMF dc anayc Creek 3|^r : :h _{J>hn Nutt all atate oa rer© , INCORPORATION ??5 ; . t r.. CcrcrC” "S- :* 'lor . QPAAKINATION Kc a*. Keonoya Crook ,'fsat Virginia to Roth««: , i r Virginia 6.2 rl Co t-nced ,u: t 1391, cor.pletcc Au r ’u: 18^3 Ro‘.hweU,fe«t Virginia to Look out, .-'oot Virginia 1-6 ai*ea Co pi etc 1 Ju •j:4 TL'KIM I r 1C© . lot Tr» Ko r*yr , «ct Virginia to Lja.-uT is Virrir.ia OPSRATIOR Sf. Coni. 304. From Auguci 1&95 * Still e By The Cb-icapof • o and Ohio Rnilwa: ^ompiny un^er n b*t«oen Bohn !!uttall and Tv© ©©i«p©%>e and Company doted June 17, 1" 1• RECORDS Locatio n of_ The Cheoap***© Odo lailo y Oorpiny'a i oral Cff c© ?, Richmond,;. SCHrl’Ji f OF v ' - iSstoBt- tir s * Attacl.od oreto- OIAORAIT'ATIC CHART Attached h'uotc. . — 226 cj-vcu".: iib" v o? ■ - - snv.T. > • 3 * t -_of Vi-ijlfc* i . J'i ' f — . :; •£ ■ ;: 4 _; '; . ’ 1 ':. ^ ’•$ '^S 6 a *' : '-3 Refar'-rce or fUe l umber S?. 3ont. Data. Juno 17,1^91 Record ___ ■ ;ruo eiit batwee'f John Kuitall and Th* Chetic.- v 111 r ;.0 pany fo» *»• r ' ,n ~ •truaticn nd ©para J xan o' t' s oon^y- -i y ( LEGEiND- l [ \ N U M E>£ G5 arc chcivn of fop ofsyrnba %i> ijs >c7 '/JECt tO j ore f he feeneys CreeA. ffrcmcA- eX Lire a ory-neefbof nc* ase/ Sj fee A' eeri eye CreeA 3ror?c A .. ' . r v T T> r\ y / j i N0 i No f Keene vs CrccA. 3ra^c.<-,o>r/7c A if f,7/tey fa fej_ L J. 0 — ~ Kfhnhvj Cxcck Branch on-nef by the John Net fat ’Estate. Tf??s /$ nor or> incorporates/ re/'/ ooc/company - So/// |/or JotmAto/of/fy THe C.&O *?y Company &ne'er on eareemen ' cefee' J ' Jane / 7, /3yf (JJ Cerrec ■j * , . f. ■ - ‘ ' , ' 1 .t > • ■ ’ ' ■' ' '• ( qcr T, '■ ■•• c A. :-L‘/'Jv£ 3 c 0 rx •• /• T f ■ . •« ;• ; . . , ... Qt.i {. / / is / I .-V • • •. . / 227 CO Hpo RATI HISTO RY C? \L _ •' D T ^-SPOP TATTOK COM: Ve f /ard tr ck and terminal r«*oilitiee al cf rhlch are located in horfelk, Virginia and operated by Die Chesapeake and 0 r io Railway ^o.apany a-.der a lease dated June 1. 13 mS. ;o -pan/ ani n^r.r n •' ’pe.'v« • n- v-iaj.t 5 230 &.»«t i 2. • OF ?<1# "■af ar«»2» ilB. P. 140 Ab of the Da ta of Valjat : n, lung \ 0. 19 ’lfe . \ h}.'V. - r:> r f ci. < Tant inal atri ?r* ipa rtw t ion Co p« uiy . i>; y?pj»o aATioy Name changed froo Nor >lk *harf farabou- * »n i'Tar :i %I Company to Norfolk Ttnninal ana 'rant.c lation y r a -*dl its tjowara wort extender! under a Specie! Act <) r * * n ,lon x-n Aaaaxbly of tna State of Virginia, tppnvgd January 2 ". orBahiration mb. r. 139 ST* 0 J lit : *r. f-> 4 1S96 - Direct *>r» ale tr i t * By ?.® j a ; f L. QulLT JvTION Yard a d terminal facilitlas. T- mviNi a k .4 mi;aa of yard t^aok and terminal facilitita - ofolk, Vir Or NATION From June 1, 159Q to data By The Oi-eapaako art Ohio Rrii*ay oirpany, nnde ® ioag* dated Jura 1, 1*9? l©t«aon fh< ZY' apead * ar • ^.ail tny ConpHiny »ni 'lorfoik Terminal i Tranaportatior. rnpany. J. ! 3£0RAT3 ; : r Active, •V 005D5 Loca tion of ine e-fCpet&g »r.J Ohio Railway Corrp .ny *e Gentr*. ficen Rich- on 1, Virginia. - ::: r TRT >-r-T3 ~ " Attache hereto. 01 _1“ L • ..A . v J Z-\ r Attached hereto. - >■ ■ \ /i.v a i Jii: ■ : - 4 J JtjL J£D . \ ■ . ;.. -/r?IOB Sh«f •> o‘ 2 . 23/ 2 s_ c_f he n > at • 1 . tion, June 'y 1. ji.« Tile ■ lof p » • ..ct . J. __ ^ o_ * ’ • rf n« _ d T fT 'Z-y- l >v • — \ IKCORPORATIOIs -a. p. 21. Incorporated under the General Lee* of t >e 3tata of Virginia. ■Article* of Incorporation dated _■ y 1 § 1893 1 filed and recorded in the Corporation Court of. tha City of Newport News, Virginia nr.d certificate of incorpo: *tio« v 9 iaeued ray 3 , lb93» filed end recorded 'with tha Secretary of .3t.,t of tha of Virginia / 5, 18V3« ...'l»0Lr: uK DE-.1.3. L^SS, F.;XiR "lie .rOC HEEIr IS .«D OTHF'. i:itrr ; 7 ; Errs' ---- Attached hereto. IguCRA . .AT1C Attaohoi hereto. # CORPORATE HISTORY OF LOO AN AND ror-.HS:'N RAIL ff -'f 3»ffi jT Ae of t r.b Date of Valuation, 253 prepared in accordance with "the r3t}ui”61*0 en ci V U/JAT’O 0RD51 NO* 3, T 3 fluad by the Interstate Commerce Goaua. s loi May 13, 1915* Correct Office of Va.nation Committee The Chesapeake 4 Ohio Railway bapany Richmond, Vo* Member Valuation Committee 234 ■ ;33pr. : HISTORY 0 ? I uOOAr AI D SOUTHS RAILWAY JOMV *?Y T> ior crs.ti.or.: unu prop«rti« on t.. ■ iagra vl^r i n - 3 narrative Corporate Hiatory af the Log'in and Southern fUiJ\r;y Company, j(» figure* in the first column following each rai : i o ar to corraapording figure# in the Chart, the figure# in the second colurt rate trie location of each corporation on the Chart, and the figures i he ta?. rd column are the eheet uurobert in tl o * arra^i. e. £ t.ri l - rrntiTA Chart fj.aoe Sheet r ur: tar Nunet >r i UjjgAg-L Logar. and Southern fteilooy Uonoany Ynpl latior of abb. evia ion# shorn under fVI-H-L MB. - Vlnute Book. Pa..# _ j I :-.iRPOU?E [I STORY OF 235 L-G *' ** > SO s JM?SR . *UI 1,-X.v? ;.0* : ANY Foreword. logan ar.d Southern Railway Company, r corporation of the State of Ws?t Virginia. ra incorporn ad in 1907 undtr the General Lows cf the State of W*ot Virginia. The railroad of tM b Corapany constate oi S'.79 miles of line, uil of which i in te Stats c f tfett Virginia, and i« operated by The Chesapeake and Ohi ' Railway Coapdtf.y under «o implied lea* e b - virtue of the cvnership of thri • entire stocks by The Chesapeake and C’a o Company. Th* Company maintain*, u corporate organ! . c S iS t - 6 236 K* f *r«nce CO '' PO'UT g M STORY .ogav Aicp j> .IffiZ-i.. *T ? J £1 of the Date i r V : ..u«Ltier s 'up* JO, Yt*.... ,;a i - o e^n » ;»d b ut hem UE. P. 1 VP. F. 5 I j, - - ^pQ -.AT5D Ir corporated under tfca Antral L«*f of the State a? Article* of^Incorporation dated October 12 i^Cl, **£•* vlth the G? oratory of State of the St it# of set v*rgi - a, id certificate of incorporation *ae i * BW ^ ^ ^“cabaU Ro^r 2, 19C7. recorded in the County <*urt of Cabe„ t County, Virginia, February 3, W ; - ‘^hov^ber 2, 190? - Director* oioctod and »y-la*« adopted. COtfSTRU Tior ("or It or Junction,-:. V«. to Uonltcr, ».'•»■ Oootr etio.d Totruor, 1910 - Oo. plotoi AprU 149^ Cor.rnmcticn COrvnerCer in a.-'-* yonitor, . . to ilia > a. Conpleted August 1913 * Konaville, *-Va. te Barnabas ,* »'«• Cofcpletad December 1913* Barnabas,*’. Va. to Knd ef Track,*. /a. Completed January 1915 * T v-d- T* ; T AhJ 3B3CRXF-2CW let Track Village Woiuter Junction /.V*. to V of Trat .. a- 1.20 ml e« b.( > miles .82 nilee 9.79 nil a* OPTRATIOH Fror April * 1912 to ;*te. . - Sr The Ch.Mp.*k* and Ohio tailMJf Oorp«.y odder or l.plitd l»**o ly »lrto« of tie oamcrahip of t(eir *ru*-« * MC ‘- b ’ In* wht »ap~f-.>:e aiv r hi Rai3 \ ■’/ "~i- - /* CORI-’C jYj; 1 £?;C* aSGO RES Leoetion o£ , Richmond, Virginia. PIAgRA ^ATI C- CHART Attached hereto. pre..; : :o >1 - - • 6 • t < C V .. ,l.\V Iv ' r ORDBR NO. 20, Iaeued by the Interstate Coiteerce Contsiaaior. vvr 13, -915. Office of Valuation Conndttee The Chesapeake 4 Ohio Railway Company Richmond. Va* Corroot » ^ /1 kL •lumber valuation '.attee. r 3 238 ccfcpc: rrny of ■I ■ JLPIillK .:l . .. cftr/-rff To corpoi The figures in t ho first colua following e c r-r.t ref :r to cor- r ' . or. in* . i;;.ur*s on th. l.iarthe figure? in t .e » ::onc column indicate the icc .t ion of ench corporntloi >• - ie CJvnt, one t .c f if urea it the * i’*d cl~on re t *j «i*eet r ui were i ti.< r v« Sulphur I,i. i..g - .a hfi^rcriQ Co'’p«rip. Virginie-C roll* vher.i^f^l Cc,;pnny # Sulphur ii^se Gorpsny. Cn*»rt Piace fust or Number Norrat ive She t Number n/pi. - w of abbre/i-i - r £ _ . or Fa e Reference LB. i.iute booh P-iffe SF. Secrirt -r, ’ s Fil- 1 ont. Co ‘ • ct.. I _ _ \! ( ( C t 'h) - ^ ■ W of , L.- ; ■> 'i ■ /■ » r - w - '_- j—— For »Qi j_ . •; ho Sui;jl*u * itiio.* C • p j ' * • c ' ■ r V ’ i un’i ’r ■ 1 ^ * T„. retire - of UJ* ■.*,«! *«»**» ,f Bi3 ' llM ' , : ) ■ it to of W.U, “l.ich *0 o.Weo * Th„ » «* i0 r „ y Co inn;. T la c pnr. " cor^or»ite ■ *1 239 ( ( c S' >«• j! 3 240 ; v. .. aIU ir, , _ A-\ .<- >" of ■ _ __ _ , _j’ • • * h. I7 - ^ ■• > - -' T>r ilrona u- .; n ’ ‘ • ’- ■ . Ou_-l « - rM ■ — 1 \ a! , e ~ ■ ' • . i- J - *■ l '> WO, * . "artcis sle :t_ , .' .l rone Yc* i,dc it ; T wnne /• *n«trr , crjt‘ 10 '• * \ * V , fr- Vir RJ rolixi. c ' ■ ’' ‘ 1 ’ ** v a - : I „ i ; c- iui«, T A' rs C"J‘, :)r- ! ' J -- | ^ | m ; ♦li 4 ' v- y Sulphur ’ ii; 30 p ny, ext anis frit. * *1 i 1 U*e of The C<«j£> 3 *; .a * c i 0 RmI R5 ’; r x:. • i. L Cou y, i . to Suit, our : inei o^xd oour.ty ..u Stute. Consists 0 i f ir -t - 3.7c silMt C ri i 1 ' „ rt ' •• u • y ' • •• *k0 tic h. h i' iy.Co uni f r until 19 ^ , then under i> Me. contract u iti .1 'Vl-; Nf-is -> . ,-c un-.*»; con r ct u ■; . _ i P p . '1.., co -ny vjfi' 0 o' ro s' I bca-bei 32 1 Art vj. ■ * 5 ^i 6 cf u.spr.ur . in/ - ©sir it Co .any South lt'tn Street, Ric.i j * \,'iry i in* ULi- ‘ Y M ^ ^- -.h , AttfC-’-o:. iiet jtOc - m ' r .z t . : .' * . .. .. . : t ( V ( ( _ ‘ fWOKATg H 1 ST 0 KY Si'll-HUH UI -if, . '-.All ■■OA.- IClbAKY r.-> o f - . t •' LU-.1 ic _ ‘;_jr . 19l< . Shoot 3 of 3- 242 File ht f dance. HAbu. « Scip-jur '•* Cotiipany» lNCCHP r ?.,--Ci ■ i.ncorpr. r, t t )c Kerch r > 188* , under the l^wfl o' t » ‘t, JwttvO O ^ r A, (r *. / -S • Ox ‘j < 1 . ('i. 4 C'FTFJGTb ; Authorized Juno 25. 18?5 * molting c.f atoc r • xuire. ^egun iiVut July _885. completed *.> ? iBSt. if Oe^lauter, l8h5. Caripan; built 79 mi.i.ep of 'oilrojiQ. S„F. C'-nt. 1*7 r lont. cfcl T- - - . 1 SSCRlrTlV Kxtenda from u point on t ho nair. iins of The Chesi nuke tid ''hi: i-j. way, .a. bine-el, Lou ,nn County, Virpinin, to Sulphur Vi 1‘ Count . end St «?t o. OFF-htTlH Always Ly - pir . 4 ±r. l89i>; then unuer co street oatac July 1, If 95, for five yoari i/h.'VuYAN'Cd. to - Virgunia-C^rniina ChocLc«l Company, i IF* Tursey Ccr^oi oateu July 1, 1859, of railroad, -ht-sr ali-. era u_ ,A7b _ i .> *:j;a L xaieeu. ■ ip »-• r - ■ . n^'ice of Sulphur Lining and Rsilrcm 0< ipr .3 - T! r I ’■ -l ' ~ -‘ . .^A M H >f arsnce C 'i.< • 661 s. >\ Ci i 53 Cor 4 C io I M il •■ ■:< Co . -y, ur ‘ "- VCJ! ‘ > ^ -'5, ©• Co/t • act it ,;-)ar . . .* O . 1 ?■ ' f ‘ 4 -.u »fOUK : •••'•* I r nxo- K a .* y - * i '°' 1 '*•' ■ > ; i)63d l.h,{ ,„ines Co;ap«. to Vir :ni -C ro iia Chtci: 1 C«pr*y, Anite* July 1, 1 ?y» Viryini -Csroiinx Che ic-,1 Ca j»*« • to Sulphur i; , h» ..rout wu. m , • -tefl June 22, 1V00. C . r ft 3u phur n • r.j ■■ >• tti-ilro* • ■'"! >2 : CJc - -- ,, flD u ik 0*>i 1 ilroa Ctr-r ry, t“*tad April epeokd nnt It, 1 ^ 16 , 9 ?^innf 6ecs« ce.‘ 3~, •* < r --Lt 6 f ii \D' - i. w C c Y">• * "* > ■ • •' ?- fo, ..v;V.' sH/mixtretf conset boty J; fo be from # • f,b:n $.??<■?// c>r % /es a* ;• i'0'io/tj ofsymba*?* . . '•; !; SYMBOL'S - ;j ;; _'J iine* by fhe Ses/phvr. \fw .op Ctnef & ji *v < 1 — V - l^s\ j Sc/pf/L-' •/ /&;. C- ;po,vy 1® 7. 5 . ?i ■ * / O "» ‘.':T~y ' \;.v. - : ; -p s "'' =a T ==i —!j Chw jp Cril ■ Mo ; No. j; I I * '-5 if ~k~. •-= Jb ' 7/ff 6 hW4P£M£ ~N& Oh/o\ / #AtLrt/iy Cau/Ab; ■ Cosrofes y/hfcr conf/ect cc. y cJ \ ?ey?/nny Pec ,1. ?Z5- \ \ . . V / ■ I 5(‘i o/U/rM/HWG ■<*£> Ca/u'cad OcMPA/y*- r-T; i Y/&G/M4-:. M 6 ,-.vf WA.I CoMP/mr, Jr/JY/O . 1 AfsV/'S Ce?A/A4' y /f/t m c~por<7*eu py jpec/cf C- 1 6e,-wrofAssewft// of//rp/s?;o jfcrc/t 5j$Qil &y 'Arc tyry/s/fo SOr&trs ! 0% ////(.v; ' Contjxroj/uo',i\. ,•, v 'uvype/p/i/oc'J.r?/eroJb t . 1? Jwfavz . N . , 'f' Peyote , JCMf 22. ’?#{' __ _• J J [/ . y^yo/c2pp,tX7i\OAfarjf/Xjfi vp. c? Nero Jersey Ccrpcrottcr. by from ScYo/wr Af/res | Co.*■ * *?py Jo beef' Jo i)' ' /SJ9 ' j ofmoi-rfMyyo ‘Qcfop i | * ; v i/of^ sh/ero,fo f ..:. Juj/w/, oc yyo ^/m /ho.b.Ztf&y j- •/ ‘'’loros of f’/vf Jc?. J; o', ec Ycfef Job/ 0 &0Q, ■ An J s esjet? hcJ/J/PO Correcf . ^-v- ' v -*, r ;_ _ y__ _ Mr^Pber Me f/of "or Comm/}bee Corporate F. ivoi ■> of 3i; :,4 ; .HUC/riIi: fiS.t'.MD viUa^ O^APA-NY, ■cHf.3A.PL'' Yfi \NDOhT? d^AILWAV. As o. 1 Dote o } Valuehon. Jc;r?e 30 1916. Of' ic- of Vc. v- : 1 :'or> C >p)rr?jttee. L'..0i \1\‘-Ob I SfjtO. */MtZ //////•{/Af al7//iut^7H> wimitt/f 'yil/t/iur^*' \//llf//tttHUi yhriMijiX' 1 /uiir/u \^~t)///itf ; r/uitrpy Zwi/////ttfD\ •uittft) :////>//f/^^M^^/i//t/uf^u^k^uoz intutfih/ ytlitnur-iuL, //'///y//\^ ^/tkuwttnirF aUtmotStgL n/rj,ji7y jMkinuirfijV i gnur/pw ah/nut hut flAf \tJ/l/IUI tnu/y/n ^^kt/t/ntf i/S/t/ttl/ftA i/wtsrn mnvjn \jXhtinil />//> • (7U'/7[V\ otJziiuiHfiiy \fil/Uiurtpo, tf/s/nur^u^Jm^M: '/w/W//V 7UH. /'t/'t'///\ nifitf/iy \ah/nuf~iu>. (mJi /////////yV^tT^S' // utiijit w//nur- /•h/n///n z/t/U a/i^f \7j,?i//////7f/7\ jjukt///itt//) 7z/nnr>fn >////7(?A i ii//inuns*r •11177ft) Zt/Uf >7ft> ■f/H/t/f *nh////t )/f/t ^fxkt'Uttrf/^^^f^^^VHii/f/^^ 1^^ ////'/y/^f. itlaiitftTiUi Ot7zl7l'/t>//j\{ ahuoajao. ////■//////•//Af (ih/nuti/uT, otZt'x o/Tiniiuifii'j \ihniun itthttndT^ i/^jhu itfi) •tt/it/tfiA >////(//f/A ■ mn/7p A ;//////y// V tiltinH/w? jATztnit l//t> zt/nt/tf/A jt7>tiin»l \l>//t/7ft/ juAi/r/tU/ft) • in/t/tflhf 0<7z)'IIH'(7>\[ "wP wm •/•/(//ft / y/h/nut^/u/. otTl /»///»// 'V nJ/Oiur^xi //•A /n/r/rj/Af ^P m/wf/t Ytl*nn/i?£U7+ ^PyW//yyV \ihmuty>o. ' ‘• l/l J7^z/////77f/) ■r/t/ti/f/iS •i/it/t/f ^Aitt/t/./tf ^AA//7//t/f/t JA/Z//7// )7f/7 .,/i/u/ftfS : //ilittft “j/Ac///// //ft) ot7-tniii >/)>y "jUttl/t/ntf/ty \tr/tOn/t-4to, ^p //!///7//Af »P mi. //h/n/n^ui J*A/'•///•///\ aht/nny*/. •/tt/f/Af tout/'/(/'//*/ •th/nut-no^ yltniur-i* •/ 7/ft) \nt?2/77///'7fl •kt/Ult/jl) ?i i/i/7/7/nS >777///)ft) fk/tun/ftN, '//•//7/ft) xActti// t/fiA 7/17/HU/ 7 /ft) Tct/vt/tfiA ynuf/ft) './»/< i/f/Af 7)//:///f/i7//ty \/)t/t//tfl77HI *7hA; //!////f/Af i/h/t/utyto. ■ //KH >//>\f \j//l///H7H’7> ThA; )/!/>/•//>\ O/A; /////////Aj /iLoiut-t/o, "TuA;//////>(7 7 >-/»" )>//Ai 7i!////!//*/*? ; i//////f/^^K^ht//// lift jrAAzi/it//>/// : ///ttf/f// *^j7/7t/j 7/f 7/7/i 7 7f)‘ /7ll////l// : T* ^Kfcj/l//l/fl> <,KU/Mt7f/7 \Hhit7i/4 //ft) ///Vi/tf/h O/h. n»/7rf/ty \//t////f/^J /'"‘t/iiffJ al/nivr&v. 7MH //!//!/I/k'J iihtjiurT/u), ^U7-. //!//> >{/i\f :l/t/iu/^* [Zu'/rt/Uf/ 7U7- )H///7//^ TUT- ///))/7(7 /hmun/UH W/oti/n* otTL in/// tf7 77//7/fl/V tlls///U/7W* ft/Tj/rr/uS ^ /Zt7l//77f/) \/ih//iut*w\ ■:ui////f/ 'itnur/ft) Hkt/u/ t/f/K TA/l //!/// '///\ ^P "Uf/rf/hr^mf^ooi/ »/(t’f/J 'ythrni/rfno^ \/h/nut^u7^I^UH. t/'/it/ft/V \{thr/ntn<* 07?i/>ll/l>l/‘ : )>7//i7fti\f tj7Ul’'/t///// //f/i //>//)'f/t \llw/UT2^o,’l /tit//////*/ <. 7 k/ 77 // 7 T/n^^/^^fc) 7 )// />/) {is/z/r/f/hi ' tut'; //////rf/Af al//m/t}7UH 'ofTit/xitt/ftAj oot/n//t7[tAf A CONVENIENT, INEXPENSIVE, EFFECTIVE BINDER '77 ft///77/ifUfj3K^ukt//////ft) %uZ/7V/trf. jxjkjst/ii/f/) ///nt/f/A Jit/UU/f/A & ottntfit Ij ; ///ttl/ftAf MANUFACTURED ONLY BY KALAMAZOO LOOSE LEAF Bl KALAMAZOO. MICHIGAN \fl!7/)/!//-TUT HUz/"/t//f/f \/It://rf 7/ti /HI/iff • ///i/t/fiAf /hrmr\ TO DUPLICATE, SEND ABOVE NUMBER MADE IN ANY SIZE OR STYLE T/h/m/i*™ 77// l ’i'S ll/7/tl/f x/'/'i/iyZlJmZwi* '" ,i, i if Ttl/rnuf/iUH ./'u/t’i/Al ah/tnt/^uT^^u^ ■ tiii/t>j/A{ jUU't/////// '/HtJi/r/nTTfxr, u?£/rt//r7f/ rUlV/m /&//•////)* jiTi/t/ti //f/A "tit/f/Al ,/li///i/t/34ur t .it/// /7ft) 1/7/1//ft) ^^//i/lttf/t 77>rk)//i////))