TT42 ^ thje: index on 46t Matches Tj ;the preference. Shippers and Sea-Captains express themselves, after f'j years of trial, in one manner concerning their superiority over all( ] others for exportation. p *:j;* Parlor, Card, Block, Wood and Paper-box Matches always oi hand and packed at short notice for shipment. 'i^lre of tliese Matolies waR(-.| Oomrxienceci in 1S35. CLAEEMONT: PKINTZD BY THE CL.\REMONT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, BOOKSELLERS THROUGHOUT THE STATE. THE . % it mamifacturiiig Co. PUBLISHERS OP ' ’S VERMONT REGISTER AND e Yermont Directory, Are the Publishers and Proprietors of this -HA3IPSHIRE REGISTER. THEY ARE ALSO PUBLISHERS AND WHOLESALE ' DEALERS IN SCHOOL BOOKS A N D- STATIONERY. THIE'Y" A N D I Print and Bind Books to Order. ADDRESS YOUR ORDERS TO EMONT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Claremont, N. H. JStanr dolplt ^^oria'tL ijCarrofGVft.. ;and.^ct»Al ^radij i -sort . J*yme ^yiXtOTibi i5 Xop-jCtegd^c yb West /rom 45^ Crecnwicli W/\]P STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Scale of jVUle* CamA . I BaiaiaceMiw^J tei-'Mt / r ADVERTISEMENTS. Cough, Cold, or| Sore Throat I 38 immediate attention, and should be check, j ed. If allowed to continue, I ' j Irritation of the Lungs, a Permanent Throat Affection, or an Incurable Lung Disease IS OFTEN THE RESULT. Brown’s Bronchial Troches, Having a direct influence on the parts, give immediate relief. For Brouebitis^ Astlima, Calorrb, Consumptive undL Fbroat Diseases^ the Troches are used with always good success. SIIfGLES AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find Troches useful in clearing the voice when taken before sing¬ ing or speaking, and relfeving the throat after an unusual exertion ofi the vocal organs. The Troches are recommended and pre-cribed by; Physicians, and have had testimonials from eminent men throughout! the country. Being an article of true merit, and liaving prorerf their efficacy by a test of many years, each year finds them in new locali¬ ties in various parts of the world, and the Troches are universally pro¬ nounced better than other articles. Obtain only “Brown’s Bronchial Troches, and do not take any of the worthless imitations that may be offered, SOLD EVERYWHERE. AIV CFFECTUAC WORME MEBICINE. Requirt BROffS TERMIfUGE COMFITS, Or Worm Lozenges. Much sickness, undoubtedly, with children and adults, attributed to other causes, is occasioned by worms. The “Ver-j mifuge Comfits,” although effectual in destroying worms, can do noj possible injury to the most delicate cliild. This valuable qombination j has been successfully used by physicians, and found to bo safe and sure in eradicating worms, so hurtful to children. Symptoms of Worms in Children are often orer- looked. Worms in the stomach and bowels cause irritation, which can be removed only by the use of a sure remedy. The combinafion ingredients used in making Brown's “Vermifuge Comfits” is such^ to give tho best i)Ossible effect with safety. Sold by all dealers in medicines. EDITORIAL. II The New-Hampshire Register. This being the second appearance of this little manual, the Publishers desire to say a few words to its patrons. They wish to make it a book which no adult person in the State will be willing to be without. They flatter themselves that they have already made it one which no one belonging to the State ought to be without. Tliey believe that the people of I New Hampshire are equal to any others in patriotic devotion ■to the interests of their State, and that they are as proud of j its facilities and business capacities as they are of its lovely ! scenery and healthful climate In this book an attempt is ma^e, not only to exhibit the political organization of the State, in all its departments, but [also to store up facts and statistics concerning its business I interests, concerning its literary and religious establishments,! i concerning the advantages which it oflers as inducements to| I j I immigration abroad, for business purposes—its ample : water-power, for instance and its avenues of travel—its I abundant manufacturing activities—and even its agricul- ; tural wealth —such as not only its own people Avill have I occasion to turn to, many times in a year, but such as may I readily be supposed to be entirely welcome to a stranger. In j other words, though it is a very small book, it is thought to ! contain a very large amount of valuable information. Even I to enumerate the various subjec ts of it here would exceed I our limits, and reference must be made to the copious index I found upon the last page. The Publishers claim improvments in the present vol¬ ume over the one of last year, in many respects. The Busi- j ness Directory is much more full and complete. The arrange- I ment of matter is thought to be improved, not only in the bus- directory, which is arranged alphabetically by counties, the political department. The advertisements are EDITORIAL. m confined to the latter part of the book—they should all be ex¬ amined however, as carefully as any other part of the book —and the general appearance of the book is improved. The. Publishers are again indebted to the Town Clerks and Postmasters, throughout the State, for their assistance, with-j out which nothing like the present accuracy of statistics could be attained,—though they are by no means infallibly cor¬ rect. With all our pains, changes will take place, which we cannot note—men will remove and men will die. But, if supported by the people, for whose interests we are working, and who have, thus far, been benefitted more than ourselves, each succeeding year shall bring to every man w-ho will pay the petty sum asked for a copy, a book better than the one before—and, in every instance, one worth four times its cost. Any person who cannot otherwise procure one, can still ha-ve \ ! one by sending twenty cents direct to us. We wish you ta' buy them at home, if you can, because, otherwise, the traders! will not buy them of us; but if they are not kept wher^ you are, send direct to us and you will receive one by return mail- — provided you do not forget nor neglect to send the price, j We publish a book of the same kind, for the State of Vermont. | It would be a neighborly thing to buy one of those too. We! will mail both in one package for thirty-five cents. | As to the time of publication, it wou-ld be better, in some re-} 1 spects, to wait till after Town Meeting, but people have goh in the way of wanting such things at the beginning of the year — as though the first of January was the beginning of the year any more than any other day. But all things must have an end^ so must our preface. With the best wishes for the' health and prosperity of every “paying subscriber,” we arc. Very truly yours, THE PUBLISHERS. We desire, riglit here to 6 a 3 * to New Hampshire printer', that thej can get their wooden inateri il, of every description of W. W. Robt^" of Milford, N. II.. and that we believe in patronizing o?/r oif^ things being equal. I IV ADVERTISEMENTS. STROl^l^ & ROSSp SPOKE, HUB, AND WOOD BENDINU w o ’VERGENNES, VT., Manufacture aritl keep for sale every description of , Wliee! Stock and Bent IVOOD WORK FOR CSRRISGER £ SLEiGHS, INCLUDING Oak, Elm and Birch Hubs, 1 te Of all si^es and lengths. Hickory and Oak Spokes, Asli, Oak and Hickory FELLOES, BENT SHAFTS AND POLES, Patent Seat-Backs, Rails and Spindles, Carriage and Wag-i on Bows, Buggji Bodies, Cutter and Sleigh Woods, finished and in rough ; finished Cutter Shafts with Bars ; Runners for Bob, Long and Hand Sleds } to 4 inches deep ; Hatchet aiid| Bench Axe Handles, Carpenters’, Machinists* and Blacksmiths’ Hammer Handles, &c., &c. EUNTID FOTl LIST. THE AND FAMER’S AEIAEAC FOS 1870 . the second after bissextile or leap VP at? THE NINETY-FIFTH YiAr™ THE S PENDENCE OF THE UNITED STATES Ai’ilONOMICAL CALCULATIONS BY HOSEA DOTON, A. M. Cculated for the meridian of Concord N H lat oio 19 / long. °5 '3i East from the Capftol at wihtogtL J W PDBLISHED BY THE CLAREMONT MANDFACTDKINO CO., WHOLES.ALE AND RETAIL ,ooksellers, Stationers, and Book & Paper Manufacturers. V CLAREMONT, N. H. AND SOLD Br BOOKSELLERS AND TRADERS THROUGHOUT THE STATE 2 ARTICLES OF THE CALENDAR, ECLIPSES, ETC. Cb Golden Number, 9 Epact 28 ronolosrical Cjrcl Solar Cycle, 3 Dominical Letter, B es. Roman Indictip] Julian Period, Q, 13 6583 Cbar 0 O Sun. Q D ® C Moon. 0 Earth. acters of tbe Pla 5 Mercury. $ Venus. (f Mars. inets. Ij. .lupiter. 1 Saturn. \ H Uranus. \ c Cbaracters of tli« S j SPRING SIGNS, i 1 Aries, the Ram. 1 2 y Taurus, the Bull. ! 3 II Gemini, the Twins. i SUMMER SIGNS. ; 4 Cancer, the? Crab. : 5 fl Leo, the Lion. 6 1^ Virgo, the Virgin. i$rns of tlie Zodiac. AUTUMN SIGNS. 7 Libra, the Scales. 8 HI Scorpio, the Scorpion. 9 ^ Sagittarius, the Arche WINTER SIGNS. 10 Capricornus, the Goat 11 ts: Aquarius, the Waterb 12 Pisces the Fishes. jprer. Coiiimeiicement of tlie Seasons. Vernal Equinox—Spring begins, March 20th, 2h 46m evening i Summer Solstice — Summer begins, June 2l8t, llh 10m mornitg. j Autumnal Equinox—Autumn begins. Sept. 23d. Hi 23m “ M'inter Solstice—Winter begins, Dec. 21st, 7h 27m evening i . Movable Festivals and Septuagesima Sunday, Feb. 13 Sexagesima Sunday, “ Quinquagesima—ShroTe Sunday, Feb. Ash TTed.—1st day of Lent, Mar Quadragesima—1st Sun¬ day in Lent, “ Palm Sunday, April Good Friday, “ 20 ‘>7 M I 6 10 15 Fasts of tbe Cburcli. Easter Sunday, Aprl Low Sunday, “ Rogation Sunday, May Ascension Day — Holy Thursday, “ Pentecost—"Whitsunday, June Trinity Sunday, “ Corpus Christi, “ Advent Sunday, Nov, 17 24 22 26 5', 12i 16 i .27! Fclipses. In the year 1870 ther& will be lour Eclipses of the Sun, and two d the Moon. I. A total Eclipse of the Moon, January 17th, invisible in No- Hampsliire. Mean time of S R- A., lOh Im morning. II. A partial Eclipse of the Sun, Jan. Slst, visible to only a smal portion of the Earth around the South Pole. III. A partial Eclipse of the Sun, June 28th. Mean time of c5 in R. A., 6 h 54m evening. Visible in the southeastern part of Australia and the South Pacific Ocean. IV. A total Eclipse of the Moon, July l‘ 2 th. Mean time of § in R. A., 5h 48m evening. The Eclipse will end a few minutes before the time of the Moon’s rising in New Hampshire consequently invisible. V. A partial Eclipse of the Sun, July 27th, visible from only a small portion of the Earth near Bherin^’ Straits. VI. A total Eclipse of the Sun, Dec. 22d, invisible in New Hamp¬ shire, but visible in the North Atlantic Ocean, the northern part of Africa, the southern part of Europe and the western part of Asia. e- V- f c 1 •r. rv4 <^1 > c< 1870. / JANUARY. PHASES OF THE MOOX. New Moon Ist day 7h 19.5m E. Full Moon 17th day 9h 59.3m M. First Quar. 9th day 4h 16.3ni E.- Last Quar. 24th day 5h 37.0m M. New Moon 31st day lOh 54.7m M._ lo o 2 « Sun Iday rise setsllgtli Sun south Sun 1 C 1 C decnisouthlr. &8 C . pi h m h m h mill m 8 0 / h m h m iS 1 7 7 32 4 36 9 4|0 3 57 22 59 11 47 sets. v> 2 B 7 32 4 36 9 4 0 4 25 22 54 ev^ 43 5 28 V> r“ 3 2 7 as 4 37 9 Sjo 4 53 22 48 1 36 6 29 1 4 3 7 33 4 38 9 6 0 5 21 22 42 2 27 7 32 , w 5 4 7 33 4 39 9 7 0 5 48 22 35 3 15 8 34 6 5 7 32 4 40 9 8 0 6 14 22 28 4 0 9 35 K 7 6 7 32 4 41 9 9|0 6 40 22 20 4 44 10 35 K 8 7 7 32 4 42 9 lOiO 7 6 22 12 5 25 11 33 c* 9 B 7 32 4 43 9 12 0 7 31 22 4 6 6 mor , t 10 2 7 31 4 44 9 13 0 7 56 41 55 6 48 0 32 T \ 11 3 7 31 4 45 9 15 0 8 19 21 46 7 32 1 31 8 -/y 12 4 7 31 4 47 9 16 0 8 42 21 36 8 17 2 32 8 13 5 7 30 4 48 9 18 0 9 4 21 26 9 5 3 33 II 14 6 7 30 4 49 9 20 0 9 26 21 15 9 57 4 35 II - 15 7 7 29 4 50 9 21 0 9 47 21 4 10 51 5 36 a 16 B 7 29 4 51 9 22 0 10 8 20 53 11 47 6 34 EIS r- 17 2 7 28 4 53 9 24 0 10 28 20 41 mor rises. a 18 3 7 28 4 54 9 26i0 10 47 20 29 0 44 6 16 a —• 19 4 7 27 4 55 9 28 011 5 20 16 1 40 7 28 a 20 5 7 26 4 56 9 30 0 11 23 20 3 2 35 8 39 if 21 6 7 26 4 58 9 32 0 11 39 19 50 3 28 9 53 frp 22 7 7 25 4 59 9 34 0 11 55 19 36 4 20 11 6 23 .B 7 24 5 0 9 3610 12 11 19 22 5 11 mor riri: --C 24 2 7 23 5 1 9 38|0 12 25 19 8 6 2 0 17 m 25 3 7 22 5 3 9 40 0 12 39 18 53 6 54 1 28 m 26 4 7 22 5 4:9 42,0 12 52 18 38 7 47 2 39 / >► 27 5 7 21 5 5|9 44 0 13 4 18 23 8 42 3 47 / 28 6 7 20 5 7 9 46 0 13 16 18 7 9 37 4 51 V)! 29 7 7 19 5 8 9 4910 13 26 17 51 10 32 5 49 y> u 30 B 7 18 5 10,9 52 0 13 36 17 34 11 26 sets. 31 2 7 17 5 11'9 54^0 13 45 17 18 ev 18 5 17 SEASONABLE HINTS. a d) o QO a> 'a a> o « ^ :=J OD —H Sr ^ .2 xj 2 « fG T3 ® 3^.2 O -3 ^ ^ Di Jh ® IH .. O 'CJ tC C C > O •r^ M o o o !:3 OQ ►» a os ® •4^ « O ® 'S.'S A o “ © -a sT w eS ^ 3 -S e ® 'O ^-4 © ce g ® u © 'O Si. ® „ a r-N ® •*-> ® 4-> t.n3 ei ^ ^ » QQ O s ® ^3 2 .fl " is -4-» TS ' *fe ^ ? a .2S « 'G 2 c G u, 'S 2 1-5 ® ® ® .G .. 2 o fiii 2 o ® c 3 .G O G c2 u ha 3.^ « ^ g *-G ® O O C t. o = ^•2 o ^ 8-2 « o w ^‘2 'G "I .G I __ 3 » C -M J w 3 -G O ‘3 3 < a-lf ® !* » Mi 15 j- §(§ r-4 ^ iG 3 1870. MEMORANDA FOR JANUARY. 31 days. 1 Saturday. • 2 Sunday 3 Monday. • 4 Tuesday. 5 Wednesday. V 0 unto thee. 4 MEMORANDA FOR JANUARY. 81 days. 6 Thurbdiiy. 7 Friday. • • 8. Saturday. . 9 Suuday. •« 10 Monday. • • 11 Tuesday. 12 Wednesday. 13 Thursday. 14 Friday. 15 Saturday. 16 Sunday. • 17 Monday. • ■ ) 18 Tuesday. MRHK. 1870. MEMORANDA FOR JANUARY. 5 1 19 W ednesday. • 20 Thursday. i r 21 Friday. « 22 Saturday. • 23 Sunday. 1 24 Monday. i t 25 Tuesday. i i i i 1 26 "Wednesday. i i 1 t i 27 Thursday. 1 1 r ! 28 Friday. 1 29 Saturday. i 30 Sunday. ': \ ■ . 1 31 Monday. 6 FEBRUARY. 28 days. PHASES OF THE MOOX. First Quar. 8th daj Ih 33.4m E. I Full Moon 15th day lOh 42.1 m E. , Last Quarter 22d dnj' 2h 0.1 m E. a 2 ® 1 Sun 1 day :^Irise setsjl’gth Suti 1 Sun [ d Id Id south 1 decn'southjr. & sjpl “ SEASONABLE HINTS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 4 5 6 t B 217 3 4 5 6 7 B 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 2 3 4 5 6 t B 2 h m 7 16 7 14 h m h 5 12 5 14 7 13 5 le'io 7 12 5 17 1 10 7 11 5 18110 h ra 8 i° ' ;h m 9 5710 13 5317 O! 1 7 9 59 0 14 116 43; 1 53 2 0 14 7116 26! 2 SS S 22 4 0 141316 8j 7:0 14 18 15 49j 3 20 4 1 7 10'5 19 10 10 0 14 22 15 31; 4 43 8‘5 20 7 5 22 6 5 23 5'5 24 3j5 26 2'5 27 1 5 28 6 59(5 30 6 58,5 31 10 12 0 14 25 15 12! 10 14|0 14 27 14 53 10 1710 14 28 14 31 10 19;o 14 29 10 22 0 14 29 10 25'0 14 28 10 28'0 14 27 10 31 0 14 25 10 33 0 14 22 14 15 13 55 13 35 5 25 6 9 6 55 7 44 8 36 9 31 13 15(10 28 12 55:11 25 12 34! mor h m 6 20 7 21 9 22 10 21 11 19 mor 0 19 6 56 5 32 10 35 0 14 18 12 13| 0222 6 55 5 33|l0 38 0 14 13 11 52: 1 17 6 54 5 35 10 41,0 14 6 52 5 36 6 51 5 37 6 49 5 39 6 4740 6 46:5 41 6 4415 42 6 4315 44 6 41l5 45 8111 31 10 44 0 14 2|11 10 10 47!o.13 56 10 48 10 50 0 13 48 10 53;0 13 41 10 55|0 13 32 10 58!o 13 23 11 11 6 39 5 46 11 6 38 5 48 IjO 13 14 4 0 13 4 7:0 12 53 11 10 0 12 42 10 27 10 5 9 43 9 21 8 58 8 36 2 11 3 5 3 57 4 50 5 44 6 38 7 33 8 27 9 21 8 13|10 13 7 51 11 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 K X 7- T I 8 8 II II II; 19 19 20 19 14 o CO S3 J c3 ^ 9 O 3 rises lO'l 6 20 7ij;i I 7 35 8 51 10 5 11 19 mor 0 30 1 40 2 45 3 45 37 23 0 If! / • ^ ^ W O ~ 3 ^ 2 j V, 'C :3 o C >» i) -w O TT s- ^-1 ^ 5 _ s-t 5r = ® * 2 C ® ^ o ^ 5 -r- ® S.5 .2 ? a o "S — CL( _ o " e3 ^ oT i 2? § ® hr ^ 5- 00 ^ ^ § = = •- ^ ^ ^ '2 a - 2 « o a s ^ ^ O a: ® ® o* 3Q 1;; r; sJ O c3 Pi o (» o a (h a o 9 P, a >» eJ 2 Pi o o a to O ■4J o a. ss O 9 ac O o P a 9 ^ . S ® T3 - « o 9 9 a a ~ 2-® o a 9 5 9 "n -I?- ~ a if O -2 ^ 2-^2 X ^ cC 3-$ a CO a g 0 9 0 MM ^ 1 . 0 00 ME.MORANDA FOR FEBPvU.ART. 28 days. 1 Tuesday. i t • 2 Wednesday 3 Thursday. 1 4 Friday. - 1870. MEMORANDA FOR FEBRUARY. 7 6 Saturday. • 6 Sunday. jf'' 7 Monday. • 8 Tuesday. « 9 Wednesday. • 10 Thursday. 11 Friday. • 12 Saturday. • 13 Sunday. 14 Monday. . V,R'' ;.; 15 Tuesday. • o jj /O^ - 16 Wednesday. f .1 . ' 8 MEMORANDA FOR FEBRUARY. 28 days. 17 Thursday. 18 Friday. 19 Saturday. 20 Sunday. 21 Monday. • • 22 Tuesday. 23 Wednesday. 24 Thursday. ' 25 Friday. 26 Saturday. * / i 27 Sunday, 28 Monday. • 1870. MARCH. PHASES OF THE MOOX. New Moon 2d day 3h 54.0in M. First Quar. loth day 8h 25.7m M. New Moon Slst day 9h 12.2m E. Full Moon 17th day 9h 6.2 m M. Last Quar. 23d day llh 51.5m E. p » Sun day Sun rise sets Igth south Sun decn d south C d r. & s. pi h m S SEASONABLE HINTS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 pm < 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24! 25j 26 27! 28; 29; 30i 31, h Ill 6 36 h nil h ni h m s i ’ 5 49 11 13 0 12 301 4 6 355 50 11 16 7 6 29 B6 28 2 6i-26 3 0 12 18 0 12 5 0 11 52 0 11 38 0 11 24 ! > 516 33j5 51 11 19 6i6 31 5 53 11 21 5 54 11 24 5 55 11 27 5 5t 111 30 0 11 10 6 24 5 58 !i1 33 0 10 55 4 6 2315 59 11 36 0 10 40 5|6 2116 0;11 39 0 10 24 1:11 42 0 10 8 2 11 45 0 9 52 6 6 19 6 7 6 17^6 b\& 15|6 2^6 14i6 3|6 12j6 4 6 10|6 616 96 4:11 48,0 5111 51 0 6'11'^4,0 7ill 57 0 8|l2 O'O 616 7,6 10112 3:0 7 6 5'6 1112 6 0 j5 6 3'6 12il2 9;0 2 6 16 13;i2 12 0 3 5 59:6 14 , 1215:0 4 5 58'6 1612 18'o 5 5 56 6 17'12 21 0 6:5 54 6 18|l2 24;0 7,5 52 6 19;i2 27 0 B'b 51 6 20 12 30 0 2 5 49 6 2112 33 0 3 5 47:6 2312 36 0 4 5 45 6 24'12 39,0 5 5 43 6 25 1 2 4 2 0 9 35 9 18 9 1 8 43 ! 8 26l 8 8l 7 50' 7 32i 7 14; 6 56 6 37 6 19 6 0 5 42 5 23 5 5 4 47 4 28| 4 10 ! 7 28 7 5 6 42 6 19 5 56 5 33 5 9 4 46 4 22 3 59 3 35 3 12 2 48 2 25 2 1 1 37 1 14 0 50 0 26 5 3 N 21 0 45 1 8 1 32 1 56 2 19 2 4.3 3 6 h m 11 49 ev 33 1 16 1 58 2 39 3 21 4 4 4 49 5 36 6 25 7 17 8 12 9 8 10 4 11 0 11 55 mor 0 50 1 45 sets K 6 12 ^ 7 12 8 11 9 10 10 9 11 8 mor 0 7 1 7 2 3 3 52 4 29 5 20 5 58 rises 7 42j 9 0 X i ♦ y 8 8 Hi II! n fUi mi to o CO to « 2 =i O O S CO 'o.a O O 3 2 4010 16jITl 3 35 4 31 5 27 6 23 7 18 8 10 9 0 9 47 3 29 10 31 3 53:11 15 4 16,11 66 11 29 Ill / / /y mor 0 38 1 41 2 35 3 22 4 2 4 36 Xi 5 6X1 5 33 Xi sets i^pl O o X *3 .3 O 50 51 =•3 u — o ^ .2 53 "Si r o ei 3 : o 3> - ^ O .3 z: o z; o S 2 pp^ o ® .0 O r. ? ^ Sm >> ? 00 33 a> 00 33 O O if 33 S3 53 X o X 3 O .S3 ® o &10 a «S3 fcl o tH c I S3 o u « >> ,S3 o p 33 o 33 55 u a c o c 33 c o o u o O X p V hD > 'H.S- ^ o 2 2 ® o = p — OT o O ^ ^"2 33 f. 3 w ZT * P •r — P ® p p: > o 2 I-I " CO E- 1870. MEMORANDA FOR MARCH. 31 days. 1 Tuesday. . 2 Wednesda 3 Thursday. 4 Friday. 5 Satur'day. 10 MEMORANDA FOR MARCH. 31 days. 6 Sunday. 7 Monday. 8 Tuesday. 9 Wednesday. 10 Thursday. 11 Friday. 12 Saturday. • 13 Sunday. 14 Monday. 15 Tuesday. 16 Wedensday. 17 Thursday. 18 Friday. 11870. i MEMORANDA FOR MARCH. 11 19 4 t 1 Saturday. < 20 Sunday. 21 Monday. » 22 Tuesday. 23 Wednesday. 24 Thursday. 25 Friday. 26 Saturday. 27 Sunday. 28 Monday. 29 Tuesday. i 1 ) 1 t i 30 W ednesdav. i j { 1 31 Thursday. 12 APRIL,. 30 days. PHASES OF THE MOON. First Quar. 8 th day llh 39.6m E. Full Moon 15th day 5h 40.1m E. Last Quar. 22d day llh 39.1m M. New Moon 30th day Ih 51.3in E. 2 ® 1 Sun 1 day 3 : 'rise setsjrgth Sun south Sun decn d sou. a r. & 8 . (i pi Ih m [h mi h m h m 8 0 t h ni h m 1 S SEASONABLE HINTS. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 5 40 6 27 1 12 47 B 5 3816 28il2 50 2 5 37i6 30il2 53 315 3416 3l|l2 56 415 33:6 32 12 59 5'5 3116 33;i3 2 6 5 29,6 34,13 5 7 5 2816 35113 8 ^5 26:6 36il3 11 2 5 24|6 38ll3 14 3 5 22 6 39il3 17 4^5 2li6 4013 19 5 5 1916 4l|l3 22 6:5 18:6 4213 25 7:5 16:6 43113 28 B\b 14|6 45|l3 31 2'5 13|6 46113 33 3|5 11 6 4713 36 4i5 9:6 48 13 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 34 3 16 2 58 2 40 2 23 2 6 1 49 1 32 1 16 1 0 0 44 0 28 0 13 11 59 57 11 59 43 5 2 5 25 5 48 6 11 6 34 6 56 7 19 7 41 8 3 8 25 8 47 1 19 2 2 2 4510 3 31 4 19 5 10 6 2 6 56 7 50 8 44 9 39 9 9 10 33 9 31 11 27 9 52 mor 10 131 0 22 11 59 28 10 34 11 59 14 11 59 1 11 58 48 5i5 8:6 49jl3 41 11 58 35 6:5 6 6 .50'13 44|ll 58 23 7!5 5 6 52;13 47111 58 11 B b 3|6 53113 49 11 58 0 2 5 216 54 13 .52 11 57 49 3'5 0|6 55 13 55 414 59|6 56 13 57 5 4 57 6 57 6;4 56'6 58 7i4 54i7 0 14 14 14 11 57 39 n 57 29 0:11 57 20 3ill 57 12 5ill 57 3 10 55 11 16 11 37 11 57 12 17 12 37 12 57 13 17 13 36 13 55 14 14 8 9 11 2|8 olyi Olllj 11 58.11' mor !z 2 i 0 53|£3: 1 451e::e 2 32!^', 3 u.a^i 3 52 irp ; 4 21 M\ 4 b9:^.\ rises 7 49!irt 9 7 !i11| u V d 3 o o r- ? 3 o o iXi ® a O 3 a o — * ^ 3 S ^ ® 2 O ® ® o C3 r* .3 =3 " y 3 o 'CJ ^ S3 CJO O iC o ^3 '3 a Vi '3 a cS 1 19 2 17|10 21 1 / 3 15 11 30i J 4 14 5 11 6 5 6 57 7 45 8 31 9 14 9 56 10 37 14 33111 18 14 51;eve 0 mor 0 30 1 21 2 4 2 40 3 3 4 4 4 11 38 3 27 50 sets V> X T T T 8 c ^ 0,0 s 3-* O, o ^ o Sc ™ ^ S' “ ^ ^ cS o ~ •X • p^ ^ c > O 3 o: c b£ O o u w X ® ^ 'O ^ (h cS (V a o bC be c ce ci 3 o a h ® c Os o'^ 99 ^ !s — H Pm 0 X W 0 X 0 0 0 ) a> 'O X ■!-> X 0 X 0 > •V -tJ 0 bC c wJC X 0 0 .3 W ® 0 3 c -♦iii ^ O *3 S3 ^ ~ 3 a - ' - 3 ^ PP 3 ^ 033 o - -3 — o <- O ^ 30 "O o o 2 a O .2 *3 > - — ,^3 U^_cH — 5 o o _ 33 3 ~ o 3 i) o 1870. MEMORANDA FOR APRIL. 30 days 1 Friday. 2 Saturday. 3 Sunday. 4 Monday. 1870 MEMORANDA FOR APRIL. 13 5 Tuesday. 6 Wednesday. 1 1 7 Thursday. 8 Friday. 9 Saturday. 0 10 Sunday. n Monday. 12 Tuesday. 13 Wednesday. 14 Thursday. i * * 1 16 Friday. 16 ^turday. 17 Sunday. 1 ;14 * MEMORANDA FOR APRIL. 30 days. 18 Monday. j 19 Tuesday ! 1 20 . Wednesday. t j 21 Thursday. i 1 1 22 Friday. i ! 1 23 Saturday. 24 Sunday. ’ * 25 Monday. ♦ 1 1 26 Tuesday. i 27 W ednesday. \ \ 28 Thursday. : 1 1 i i 1 29 Friday. ' 30 Saturday. 1870. MAY. 16 PHASES OF THE MOON. First Quar. 8th day lOh 51.8m M. Full Moon 15th day Ih 17.5m M. Last Quar. 22d day Ih 23.3m M. New Moon 30th day 5h 11.1m M. o s » SJ Sun 1 day rise setsjl’gth Sun south Sunl d 1 d decnisouth!r.& s. ([ pi SEASONABLE H 1 B h m h mih .m 4 5317 114 8 h m s 1 ° ' 11 56 64:15 10 h m ev 44 h m 7 55 S 8 © PI -u 2 2 4 52,7 2(1410 11 56 4915 28 1 31 8 56 II >> .p 3 3 4 50 7 3:1413 11 56 4215 45 2 16 9 53 II 4 4 4 49,7 414 16 11 56 36 16 3 3 6 10 50 II O 5 5 4 4817 6|l418 11 56 31 16 20 3 57 11 42 0^ P 6 6 4 46'7 7|14 20 11 56 26 16 37 4 50 morn cr^ © 7 7 4 4517 8114 23 11 56 21 16 53 5 43 0 30 a 0 _r ?« o na 8 4 4417 914 25 11 56 18 17 10 6 35 1 13 9 2 4 42,7 1o!14 28 11 56 14 17 26 7 28 1 51 k ft ^ OD 10 3 4 41:7 11!14 30 11 56 12117 42 8 20 2 25 up 2 § o 11 4 4 40,7 12 14 32 11 56 10ll7 57 9 12 2 57 ,a S ^ ft 12 5 4 39 7 13;i4 34 11 56 878 12 10 6 3 28 13 6 4 38 7 1414 36 11 56 7;18 27 11 1 3 59 Jh 05 K o © ^ o t ns DO ? 14 7 4 37 7 15114 38 11 56 6 18 42 11 58 4 33 m ® sS V. ee © ^ 15 .B 4 367 16,14 40 11 56 6;i8 56 mor rises 7 00 © ^ k cA P-M P. cc ^ e O 16 2 4 357 1814 43 11 56 7119 10 0 57 9 9 / be ^ p be © 17 3 4 347 19!14 45 11 56 9 19 23 1 57 10 16 bo © © to © p cS 18 4 4 33j7 2014 47 11 56 10:19 37 2 56 11 13 ©2 2 19 5 4 32 7 2114 49 11 56 13119 50 3 54 morn i) © p 2 20 6 4 317 2214 51 11 5616 20 2 4 49 0 1 © ns 5 a 21 7 4 307 23 14 52 11 56 19 20 14 5 40 0 41 ^ -PM ^ fcD «^ © o ^ o 22 B 4 29,7 24;14 54 11 56 23 20 26 6 27 1 13 K .5 £ s ft p C 23 2 4 28 7 25;14 56 11 56 28,20 38 7 12 1 42 K P O “ b 24 3 4 28,7 26,14 57 11 56 33 20 49 7 55 2 8 op ^ p| ^ o'"- bD^ 25 4 4 277 27:14 59 11 56 39 21 0 8 36 2 31 op 26 5 4 26 7 28 15 1 11 56 4512111 9 17 2 55 T' .P ^ o H H ^ ^ flS 27 6 4 25 7 29 15 3 11 56 52 21 21 9 59 3 20 8 u 28 7 4 24 7 30 15 5 11 56 59 21 31 10 42 3 45 8 29 B 4 247 30 15 6 1157 7 ;21 40 11 26 sets II at 30 2 4 237 3115 8 11 57 15 21 49 ev 13 7 47 II o 31 3 4 237 3215 9 11 57 23,21 58 1 3 8 45 II © >> cJ S o DC © £ 'C! rC © -M © c ^ C4-I © DC .c ce DC P. © © c; © « I? KJ 5^ © DC rO © ...H u ns O P- O (-> o ei © o O ns H o p. 1870. MEMORANDA FOR MAT. 31 days. 1 Sunday. 2 Monday. 3 Tuesday. 4 Wednesday. 6 Thursday. 16 ‘ MEMORANDA FOR MAY. 31 days. 6 Friday. ^' 7 Saturday. • 8 Sunday, 9 Monday. 10 Tuesday. 11 Wednesday, 12 Thursday. - 13 Friday. 14 Saturday. 15 Sund-.y. \ • % 16 Monday. ■ c 17 Tuesday. ■ 18 Wednesday. 1870. MEMORANDA FOR MAY. 17 19 Thursday. 20 Friday. 21 Batiirday. 22 Sonday. 23 Monday, ^ Tuesday. ^ Wednesday. 26 Thursday. I i ! ~27~Friday: i i 26 Saturday. 29 Sunday. so Monday. 31 Tuesday. 18 JUNE. 30 days. PHASES OF THE MOON. First Quar. 6th day Ch 30.4m E Full Moon 13th day 9h 1.3m M h-« S 0 Sun rise seta day rgth Sun south Sun dec’n C SOU. ■ -. S) ^ o=: ^ .2 f £•12 Set © ._* o ® o ^ - a o o o r © C o a o o >> >> © .C o J., w ^ 2 .o § c © ® ° .rr —.® a 5 .Q O 9 c» © o a .c O 00 si GO o © S a »-i c d ■*-> d ..•< £3 o u © ^ © © o S P5 “ 2 t- - 3 Zo-2- = ^ a c o 9 O 5 ^ ® > ^ M - O 2 ^ 2 O O l- S © ^ ® « o . ® - -j 2 p— S ^ »> ® a-^^^d 2 9 jaS ” O C d ® >> >i o t; d © d .a © © d © d 93 © .34 9*. ® -e .-. - 93 © f! © '-< ® 00 c E •- d ^ ® V. »- 2 'C r- rn O -S d © X 93 fc- u. .)-> © O ©,•*-' ®93 s- C +- d « O c bC-- a2 5 9 ? O O ® X * :i: — . 93 .id © 2 O 9 ® *"93 5-^ 9S ©;^-2 >.50 X 9 © :5 >1 5 d 1870. ~1 M'ednesday. MEMORANDA FOR JUNE. 30 days. 2 Thursday. 3 Friday. 4 Saturday. 1870. MEMORANDA FOR JUNE. 19 5 Sunday. 6 Monday. • • 7 Tuesday. 8 Wednesday. 9 Thursday. 10 Friday. 11 Saturday. '' ** 12 Sunday. 13 Monday. 14 Tuesday. ■ 15 Wednesday. 15 Thursday. 17 Friday. 20 MEMORANDA FOR JUNE. 30 days. 18 Saturday. 19 Sunday. 20 Monday. 21 Tuesday. 22 Wednesday. i . 23 Thursday. I 24 Friday. 26 Saturday. 26 Sunday. ' 37 Monday. , V 28 Tuesday ' % 29 Wednesday. 30 Thursday. 4 1870. JULY. 21 PHASES OP THE MOON. First Qiiar. 5th day llh 44.4m E. Full Moon 12th day 5h 49.4in M. Last Quar. 20th day 9h 31.0m M. New Moon 28th day Oh 32.1m M. a 0 Sun day Sun jSun I C 21 21 0 5 50;21 11 0 5 55 21 0 0 5 59 20 49 0 6 3 20 38 0 6 6i20 27 0 6 9 20 15 0 6 1120 3 0 6 13,19 50 0 6 1419 37 0 6 14 19 24 0 6141911 0 6 1318 57 0 6 12118 43 0 6 1018 28 11 22 mor 0 21 1 17 2 9 0 0 1 1 2 3 V^\ 31 rrii m\ 381/i 191/; rises 8 29!:s:| 9 97 :;; 9 43 : 7:1 2 58il0 12 K' 3 4410 38;Xi 4 28 11 3 1-! 5 1011 261^' 5 5lill 51|T- 6 33!morn 8 £ fc. O 3 Oi QD Ii3 si ^ -kj * o sj >> i>c:s H "j ^ Z o . eS ® SL c o e 00 L. e • ^ ^ o a ® U 4 o «- 7 H "3 » M C 3 (V a a (h o c r? ■> a 3 5 a .12 $ be 2 o X 7 16 8 2 8 49 9 39 10 32 11 26 ev 21 1 14 2 7 2 58 0 0 1 1 2 17.8! 47 II, lO/li 59 II 46s:2 sets 7 52iai! 8 3iiai 9 4|np! 9 36 Tip] 4 , c .a o ® ^ > O ei i o a 2.a o OD 2 7 a a Si c 7 « a 2 3 7 0 2 s 7- a pO © O 3 -•.> a .a o be o a ^ - a Ci . m t- ;r o y 3 ^a Ui 'C C u, u aJ X b£. SO c a. 7 a 3 o O O — ® ® '2.2 a ® ^ ra o ■" ® 3 03 © t. ® O a o be a 'a a ® a ® bC ® X k. o .a 0 o 3 3 ® r-l X ® a: a 3 rf 2 ® • 3 a -* m .a o o ^ -M T « o .c O -w , I,. 7 ^ O .k. <*-. 1870. MEMORANDA FOR JULY. 31 days. 1 Friday. 2 Saturday. 3 Sunday. 4 Monday. "6 Tuesday. 22 MEMORANDA FOR JULY. 81 days. 6 Wednesday. i 7 Thursday. « 8 Friday. 9 Saturday. 10 Sunday. 11 Monday. 12 Tuesday. 13 Wednesday. 14 Thursday. 15 Friday. 16 Saturday. 17 Sunday. 18 Monday. 1870. MEMORANDA FOR JULY. 19 ^uobtUiy. 23 20 Wednesday. 21 Thursday. 22 Friday. 23 Saturday. 24 Sunday. 25 Monday. 26 Tuesday. 27 W ednesday. 28 Thursday. ^9 iVi’day. 3u Saturday. 31 Suudiiy. 24 AUaUST. 31 days PHASES OF THE MOON. First Quar. 4th day 4h 5.6in M. Last Quar. 19th day 3h 4.4m M. Pull Moon 11th day 4h 27.3ni M. New Moon 26th day 4h 39.8m E. a S a Sun rise sets days I’gth Sun south Sun dec’n 1 ^ I sou. C Id r.& s.jpl h m h m h m h m s o r h m h mi S 1 2 4^9 7 22 14 33 0 6 4 17 58 3 49il0 5i£i 2 3 4 51 7 21 14 30 0 6 0 17 43 4 39:10 34'^ 3 4 4 52 7 20 14 28 0 5 55 17 28 5 31!i 1 5'ITl 4 5 4 53 7 19 14 26 0 5 50 17 12 6 2311 38iin 5 6 4 54 7 17 14 23 0 5 44 16 55 7 17 morni f 6 7 4 55 7 16 14 21 0 5 38 16 39 8 14 0 161/ 7 B 4 56 7 15 14 19 0 5 31 16 22 9 11 1 l!/ 8 2 4 57 7 13 14 16 0 5 24 16 5 10 9 1 52!l!> 9 3 4 58 7 12 14 14 0 5 15 15 48 11 5 2 50i'.^ 10 45 0 7 11 14 11 0 5 7 15 31 11 59 3 53 - 11 5i5 1 7 9 14 9 0 4 57 15 13 mor rises la::. 1 12 6‘5 2 7 8 14 6 0 4 47 14 54 0 49 8 12 K 13 7 5 3 7 6 14 3 0 4 37 14 37 1 37 8 39 K 14 B'5 4 7 5 14 1 0 4 26 14 18 2 22 9 4!cf 15 2'5 5 7 4 13 58 0 4 15 13 59 3 5 9 29 T' 16 3!5 6 7 2 13 55 0 4 3 13 41 3 46 9 52!t^ 17 4!5 7 7 0 13 53 0 3 50 13 21 4 28 10 18| y 18 515 8 6 59 13 51 0 3 37 13 2 5 11 10 45l y 19 6‘5 9 6 57 13 48 0 3 24 12 43 5 55 11 17 II 20 715 11 6 56 13 45 0 3 10] 12 23 6 41 11 53 II 1 21 B 5 12 6 54 13 43 0 2 55 12 3 7 29 morn II j 22 2 5 13 6 53 13 40 0 2 40 11 43 8 21 0 36 23 i 23 3^5 14 6 51 13 37 0 2 25 11 22 9 14 1 27^23 i 24 4 5 15 6 49 13 34 0 2 9 11 2 10 8 2 25 a 25 5;5 16 6 48 13 32 0 1 53 10 41 11 3 3 31 a 26 6 5 17 6 46 13 29 0 1 37 10 20 11 57 sets Up 27 7 5 18 644 13 26 0 1 20 9 59 ev 50 7 35 Up 28 B 5 19 6 43 13 23 0 1 3 9 38 1 42 8 6 up i 29 2 5 20 6 41 13 21 0 0 45 9 17 2 34 8 36£^ 30 3 5 22 6 39 13 18 0 0 27 8 55 3 26 9 6^ 31 4 5 24 6 38 13 15 0 0 9 8 34 419 9 39 TTl SEASONABLE HI.NT8. % a o • 1 a X .i: ? ^ bc o © 9 a — C3 >> d © >» g 9 >» 9 5 a S-. -*-* > >> 9 o ® 9 O ^ O © o "a C 9 o 5 ^ .. o >> r r- ^ o fcc' z> ’ = 2 . cjciS : X X 5 2 c a 3 (h 3 o >* a o o 5: • ■ cj fcCJ QC a : e> '>C c c o ;i ' (_■ eS S go CS ^ r- u c 30 — ^ ® m •S'*® 'o b£) M ..i^ a o a c -•-» o >.2 a . X ^ li = G ^ g'J cJ £ o © ^ 43 -. ® &3 OC QJ m — — © ."a a ^ 5 o 9 J=i -u O > o as d >, o 'a a 33 rS :a as ^ a ■M a <5 o :« sc 9 9 ja >• 35 S ^ CS ® QQ u c> s ^ o rt ’C £*2 o ©.* ^ 9 a t. ‘ d © • a= J3, 1870. MEMORANDA FOR AUGUST. 31 days. 1 Monday. ■ 2 Tue.sday. 3 Wednesdav. • 4 Thursday, -- ^ -- 5 Friday. 1870, MEMORANDA FOR AUGUST. 25 6 Saturday. 7 Sunday. 8 Monday. • 9 Tuesday. 10 Wednesday" • 11 Thursday. . • ! '' ■ ■ /r 12 Friday ; ‘ r 13 Saturday, 14 Sunday. 16 Monday. 16 Tuesday. 17 Wednesday. . 18 Thursday. • 26 MEMORANDA FOR AUGUST. 31 days. 19 Friday. 20 Saturday. 21 Sunday. 22 Monday. . , 23 Tuesday. '24 Wednesday. 25 Thursday. '-ji « 26 Friday. 27 Saturday. . 28 Sunday. 1 1 i 1 29 Monday. i > i 1 1 30 Tuesday. 31 Wednesday. • \ 1870. SEPTEMBER. ' 27 PHASES OP First Quar. 2d day 9h 11.9m M. Full Moon 9th day 5h 25.7m E. THE MOON. Last Quar. 17th day 8h 4S.9m E. New Moon 25th day Ih 48.1m M. ® Sun day Sun Sun 55 ^ rise sets Tgth south dec’n seasonable HINTS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 5 6 7 B 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 2 3 4 5 6 111 24 25 26 27 28 5 29 5 30 5 32 5 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 5 41 5 42 Bb 43 5 44 5 45 4 5 46 5 47 5 715 5 B 2 3 4 5 6 h in 6 86 6 34 6 32 6 31 6 29 6 27 6 25 6 23 6 22 6 20 6 18 6 16 6 14 6 13 6 11 6 9 6 6 6 6 6 h m> h ni 8 13 1211 59 50 13 9 11 59 31 13 6 11 59 12 13 3 11 58 52 13 111 68 33 12 58,11 58 13 12 5511 57 52 12 52 11 57 32 12 49'11 57 11 12 46'11 56 50 12 4311 56 80 12 40,11 56 9 12-37 11 55 48 12 34 11 55 26 12 31 111 55 5 12 2811 54 44 12 25lll 54 23 12 22ill 54 2 12 19|ll 53 41 12 1611 53 20 11 52 59 48 50 51 5 52 5 63 5 55 5 56 5 56 12 14 0 58 12 11 11 52 38 5 5612 811 52 17 5 5412 511 51 56 5 53 12 2 11 51 36 5 51 11 5911 51 16 5 49 11 56;11 50 56 5 47 11 54111 50 36. 5 45 11 51'll 50 16 5 44 11 48 11 49 57 8 12 7 50 7 28 7 6 6 44 6 21 5 59 5 36 5 14 4 51 4 28 4 5 3 42 3 19 2 56 2 33 2 10 1 47 1 23 1 0 0 361 N 13 5 10 10 36 h mih mi S 5 IS'lO 16 111 6 9jl0 58|^ 7 6.11 47 1 J 8 3mornll^ 0 420^- 1 43i'4r. 2 47 3 52;Ki rises 8:Kj 8 59 9 52 10 43 11 31 mor 0 16 1 0 1 42 2 24 3 6 3 49. 4 34 ^ o C C3 •£ £ £ “ » cS flCj U. O CC fl *4-« k O PD u o £ = 5^ be i 0 34 0 57 1 21 1 45 2 7 2 31 2 54 7 SOiC't 7 54*^' 8 1918 8 45 8 9 1418 9 48!1I 5 21 10 2841 6 10 11 15!f3; 7 ’2 moriij^jj 7 551 0 9 ^2 8 49 1 lOj^i I 9 42 2 181^:1 3 29|Tr):i’ seta !ll{| 6 34 7 Q oc , . ac — ^ e. bc>. t?S tr. ^ 9 --J CB X ^ W OI — S CB '> >■ ci u. S .£ " ^ 03 4^ ti o .. .o'” o X} is c«-< 11 29 ev 22 1 16 2 10< 7 38|lll! 3 6 4 3 9 42 9^ o .O rs be- .5 03 'C O c o C rC: * >> > oJ d. cc £ ^ a> . C! D 93 03 o U3 A © is 3 © 00 t, H-t 8 14 8 55 5 11 P P o ^ S -3 3 o ^ ft" . ^ © © o ^ be £ o be " ^ 4) ^ QU o £ o: ® O ■3 C ® 3 "72 * C 3 cJ C3 OX o ^ o 3 X 3 X* ce' © ® fe © 'C £ 3iS « 00 oS © P4 1870. MEMORANDA FOR SEPTEMBER. 30 daj’S. 1 1 Thursday. t - -T—--- 2 Friday. ! 3 Saturday. 4 Sunday. 28 ' MEMORANDA FOR SEPTE!^IBER. 30 days. 5 Mouday. 6 Tuesday. 7 Wednesday. 8 Thursday. 9 Friday. 10 Saturday. • 11 Sunday. N • 12 Monday. 13 Tuesday 14 Wednesday. 15 Thursday. 16 Friday. 17 Saturday. 1870. MEMORANDA FOR SEPTEMBER. 20 18 Sunday. 19 Monday. 20 Tuesday. 21 Wednesday. 22 Thursday. 23 Friday. 1 24 Saturday. • 25 Sunday. 26 Monday. ^ 27 Tuesday. 28 Wednesday. 29 Thursday. 80 Friday. 30 oc;tober. 31 days. PHASES OF THE MOON. First Qiiar. 1st day 4h 33.2m E. Full Moon 9tli day 8h 57.0m M. Last Quar. 17th day Ih 27.6m E. New Moon 24th day lOh 49.7m M. First Quarter 3l8t day 3h 15.3m M. W 2 0 Sun rise sets day I’gth Sun south Sun dec’n C sou. X C pi ih m h m.h mjh m s 0 / h m h m S 1 SEASONABLE HINTS. 2 3 4 5 6 7, 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3i6 4|6 516 Q6 716 ^i6 2'6 3i6 B\b 59|5 40,11 42ill 49 41 2 6 0,5 3811 39|11 49 0 1,5 37111 36 11 48 42 2 5 35|ll 33jll 48 24 3|5 33 11 30jll 48 6 4:5 31111 27111 47 49 5j5 30 !i1 2411 47 32 715 281112111 47 16 8'5 2611 18111 47 0 915 24 11 15:11 46 44 3 41 4 4 4 27 4 50 6 55 7 49 8 40 9 28 5 13 10 14 5 36 10 57 416 1015 23 11 13111 46 29 516 11|5 21 616 I3j5 20 7 6 14 5 18 6 15 5 16 6 165 15 6 1715 13 6 1915 11 B 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 lOjll 46 15 11 7|11 46 1 11 4111 45 48 11 l!ll 45 35 10 58111 45 23 10 5611 45 12 10 53 6 20 5 10 10 50 6 21 6 22 .B6 24 6 25 6 26 6 28 6 29 6 6 30 7 6 31 4 56 .6 6 32 4 55 2 6 34 4 54 4 59 4 58 5 59 6 22 6 45 7 8 7 30 7 53 8 15 8 37 8 59 9 21 9 43 11 45 110 5 11 44 50 10 27 10 47 11 44 4110 48 10 44111 44 32 10 4111 44 24 10 39'll 44 16 10 36|ll 44 10 10 33|ll 44 3 10 31 111 43 58 Ifl 28 11 39 mor 0 21 1 3 1 46 2 30 3 16 4 4 4 54 5 45 10 6 37 11 7 29 8 22 9 14 OQ 11361 ^; morn 0 39|::l! 1 2 3 4 rises 6 22 43 VL' 47iKi 511X; 53 T' T 8 81 III 11 910 6 11 3110 59 11 5111 53 12 12 ev 50 12 33 1 49 12 53 11 43 53 13 13 10 25 11 43 50|13 33 10 23|11 43 46|13 53 10 20111 43 44 I 14 13 2 49 3 49 4 48 5 44 6 37 11 48 15 47 23 III 7|Il! 5712151 57|a morn 6c 1 Sjlllil so ei >4 .a o '4-> ® O o (4 <2 oe (4 O o U) ;4 o 0 .*4 O GQ - i ns P o3 9 9 oe 2 17 3 31 4 47 sets 6 6 7 8 *9 10 9 47 33 27 26 30 35 iri in / Vr w .S tc a p p. rs O p 9 £ o ■p a Pj 4-> O p .0 4.4 p o u 44 o X 4> eS 9 4J X ® p 'P • ts ^ cc ® C5 tj:.P c ;r 02 PO oe >- 9 S3 44 »o 9 9 ♦4 9 s: a 9 9 p o 'a P 9 9 44 o P X eS .P .P 44 P O £ X 9 P O 'O 9 .P ce £ tc p o OJ ^ 9 .P a o S * p £ t- ^ P o ® 02 V- s: ® t- 9 p oe p X ns P eS 'O ® (4 V X ..4 -P P 44 ® X o X 44 ® u 9 X 44 "S ® P ..4 ^ £ 8.2 X ^ .4. ’C o 44 ® r: > P See p p 1870. MEMORANDA FOR OCTOBER. 31 days. 1 Saturday. 2 Sunday. 3 Monday. 4 Tuesday. 6 Wednesday. 1»70. MEMORANDA FOR OCTOBHR. 31 6 Thursday. • 1 i 7 Friday. 1 8 Saturday. 9 Sunday. . - \ 10 Monday. • . 11 Tuesday. y ■’ < ' ' - -'W 12 W ednesday. 13 Thursday. " - ^ . 5 1 14 Friday. . . ,-T* " 15 Saturday, 16 Sunday. \ « i j I 17 Monday. 18 Tuesday. *’ i- ,32 MEMORANDA FOR OCTOBER. 31 days. 19 Wednesday. 20 Tiiursday. i 1 1 21 Friday. i ' } j ! 1 1 22 Satorday. 1 23 Sonday. 1 i 1 21 Monday. 1 j 2a Tuesday. 1 1 26 Wednesday. i 1 j 27 Thursday. 1 1 ! i 1 28 Friday. i 1 . j 29 Saturday. j t i j 30 Sunday. i 1 j 31 Monday ! i 1870. NOVEMBER. 33 PHASES OF THE MOON. Full Moon 8th day 2h 45.9m M. Last Quar. 16th day 14h 12.9m M. New Moon 22d day 8h 34,9m E. First Quar. 29th day 5h 47.3m. E. o s o 53 Sun I day rise setsjl'gth Sun south Sun 1 dec'n] <( sou. o o rs a a G X — X . .is; c rs « cS © G ” X O o - fcc ll ? ® o 3 •“ © eS t- >. O © “^ „ »“ P o © w i: g: •- ® £ ©E-p ^ © 2 o U) 'G G ®.2 Gl 5i © U .G G 0$ © •o c ei X © s © © 'O G o bC © X ra © zz ® fa ® G X ei u rz ® o Jr -w 2- E o ©Q X _ G G o.“-r fc- rs •- be a > G © O t, o be «2 5 tx X ® -^ © G — C ^ O a X ^ ^ 5 = C 2 Sh <4^ c O ^ tL ^ b ^ ^ a ? € ~ ® .■£ © '^ M ^ C ^ tjD 7 ‘GG.^^SG:jrC © ©^-.C-. t-Oj; G:a'cGa:r-.P-^o ^ u ug: ©fa — CHOi© rough, Wakefield, James M. Pease. Greenleaf Piper. Samuel W. Roberts. Wolfeboro, Elisha Goodwin^ Jr. Blake Folsom. Merrimack County. Allenstown, Andover, Boscawen, Bow, Bradford, Canterbury, Chichester, Concord, Ward 1, Ward 2, Ward 3, Ward 4, Henry Dowst. Henry A. Weymouth. Nehemiah Butler. Samuel C. Clement. William O. Heath. Joseph Ayers. John S. ^erhume. Wm. H. Allen Charles Smith. Henry Farnum. John A. West. Benj. E. Badger. Ward 5, A. C. Pierce. E. W. Woodward. Ward 6, J. W. Prescott. C. C. Webster. Ward 7, G. F. Whittredge. Dunbarton, John B. Ireland. Epsom, Samuel Martin. Franklin, Arthur. S. Nesmith. I j Henniker, Hill, Hooksett, Hopkinton, Loudon, Newbury, New London, Northfield, Pembroke, Pittsfield, 1 Salisbury, Sutton, W arner, Webster, Wilmot, Frank H. Danxell' George W. Rice* Moses Favor- Benj. J. Gile- Thomas B. Jones- Reuben E. French- Archclaus Moore' James M. Sawyer. N. T. Greenwood. Hiram Cilley. Edmund Elliott. John K. Robinson. Nathaniel G. Foote. Charles E. Perkins. Charles C. Rogers. Cyrus French. C. C. Me Alpine. Lemuel W. Collins. David A. Macurdy. Jason Walker.] Hillsborough County. Amherst, Antrim, Bedford, Bennington, Brookline, Deering, Frances town, Gofifstown, Greenfield, Hancock, Hillsborough, William A. Mack. William N. Tuttle. Charles H. Moore. John C. Dodge. James H. Hall. Augustus Wilson. Samuel D. Downes. John Green. Lucien D. Hunkins. Alfred W. Savage. Avery M. Clark. Brooks K. Webber. Ephraim Dutton. Hollis, Charles B. Richardson. Hudson, Daniel M. Greeley. Litchfield, John W. Grifin. Lyndeborough, Luther Cram. Manchester, Ward 1, J. L. Stevens. Nathan P. Kidder. Ward 2, T. W. Challis. G. S. Andrews. Ward 3, James 0. Adams. Albert H. Daniels. William Flanders. Ward 4, Herman Foster. Benjamin Currier. Samuel D. Lord. Ward 5, Patrick Shehan. Patrick McDonough. Ward 6, James P. Eaton. Robert Hall. Ward 7, R. M. Shirlev. Wards, DeL. Robinson. Mason, Elisha B. Barrett. I Merrimack, Benjamin Ela. i Milford, Samuel G. Dearborn. Bainbridge Wadleigh. Mt. Vernon, A. W. Raymond. Nashua, Ward!, A. H. Dunlap. Ward 2, G. A. Ramsdell. Ward 3, Caleb Burbank. Ward 4, None. Ward 5, Geo. Edgecomh. Dennis D. Sullivan. Ward 6, Amos Webster. Charles Holman. Ward 7, Joseph K. Page. Ward 8, E. P. Brcncn. A. J. Bennett. W. A. Preston William G. Butler. Riley B. Hatch. Charles Wilder. Stephen H. Bacon. Isaac Wheeler. Charles 0. Ballou. Alonzo H. Wood. J rands Green. Joel Hesselton Silas Chapman. New Boston, ! New Ipswich, Pelham, Peterborough, Sharon, Temple, Weare, Wilton, Windsor, LEGISLATIVE. 43 Cheshire County. Alstefid, Chesterfield, Dublin, Fitzwilliam, Gilsum, Ilinwlale, .laffrey, Keene, Marlboro’, Marlow, Acworth, Asa H. Burge. James H. Go^^drich. Aaron Smith. John N. Richardson. Aaron D. Hammond. George S. Wilder. Frederick W. Bailey. John Humphrey. Solon S. Wilkinson. Robert Wilson. Charles Bridgman. Soh*n A. Carter. William French. Jairus Collins. Ezra G. Huntley. Nelson, Charles II. Whitney. Richmond, Asa H. BuHock. Rindge, George A. Whitney. Roxbury, Alba C. Davis. Stoddard, Edward E. Upton.. Sullivan, Charles Mason. Surry, William II. Porter. Swfuizey, Philip D. Angier. David Parsons. Troy, Augustus Hodgkins. Walpole, Leonard B Holland. George Rust. Westmoreland, Charles Knight. Winchester, Henry Abbott. Edward Alexander. Sullivan County. Chapin K. Brooks. Charlestown, Nathan W. Howard. i'ranklin W. Putnam. Willianf Ellis. Hiram Webb. Edward L. Goddard. George N. Farw’ell. Joseph B. Comings. Albina Hall. John Chase. Claremont, . Cornish, Croydon, Goshen, Grantham, Langdon, Lempster, Newport, Plainfield, Springfield, Sunapee, Unity, Washington William II. Eastman- Martin Bascom- Abram Bean. 'Benj. F. Saw’yer- John B. Cooper. Famum J. Morgan. Levi F. Hill. Daniel A. George. Ora M. Huntoon. , Weld D. Proctor, Grafton County. I Aloxardria, Ashland, Bath, Benton, Bcthleham, Bridgw’ater, Bristol, Campton, Canaan, Danbury, Dorchester, Luke Gale. Thomas N. Hughes. John Bedel. Charles Whitcher. Thomas J. Spooner. Abner Fowler. Samuel K. Mason. Erastus Dole. James C. Felch. Joseph D. We^ks. John A. Butrick. Elias M. Bb dgett. El 1 s wor t h & Wa t e r V i 11 e, J. J/. Dustin Enfield, Franconia, Grafton, Gn>ton, * Hanover, Haverhill, Hebron, Converse G. Morgan. Herbert Bailey. NathH. W. Cheeney. Alvah Stevens. Joseph Wheat. Jacob S. Perley. James S. Adams. Charles M. Weeks. George F. Ihitnam. Thomas Muzzey. Holderness, Landaff, Lebanon, Lisbon, Littleton, Lyman, Lyme, Monroe, Orange, Orford, Piermont, Plymouth, Rumney, Thornton, Warren, Wentw’orth, G. F. Cummings- Daniel Whitcher. Harlow S. Nash- Joseph W. Cleveland. Jesse C. Sturtevant- Hiram Noyes- Horace B. Savage. Samuel A. Edson. Charles C. Smith. Richard Smith. Isaac D. Miner. Theodore M. Franklin. Frank Paddleford. Reuben Batchelder. None. Henry H. Palmer. Joseph A. Dodge. Horaee B. Perkiris. George W. Garland, ^mue.l B. Page. Joseph Savage. Wood8tockRepresentatives. Jacob Benton, Lancaster, j LIST OF NEWSPAPERS. Argus k Spectator, Newport, Cabinet, Amherst, Cheshire Republican. Keene, Chronicle & Gazette, Portsmouth, I daily, jCourier, Rochester, jCoos Republican, Lancaster, Daily Patriot, Concord. [Daily Times, Portsmouth, •Daily Monitor & Ind. Democrat, 1 Concord, Daily Mirror, Manchester, (Daily & Weekly Union, do., [Daily Telegraph, Nashua. 'Democrat, Wolfeborough, Democrat, Laconia, Enquirer, Dover, Free Press, Lebanon, Gazette, Dover, Gazette, Nashua, Journal, Portsmouth, Journal, Somersworth, Mirror & Farmer, Manchester, Morning Star, Dover. National Eagle, Claremont, News, Wolfe boro’, News Lett(^r, Exeter, Northern Advocate, Claremont, N. II. Sentinel, Keene, N. H. Patriot, Concord, N. TI. Telegraph, Nashua, Republic, Littleton, Republican Statesman, Concord, States & Union, Portsmouth, The People, Concord, Times, Lake Village, Transcript, Peterborough, The total popular vote in the United States for President and Vice President, in 1868, was Grant, 3,016,353; Seymour, •2,7('6,C'31. Grant’s majority', 527,015. Gen. Grant received the electoral votes of twenty- five of the States ; Horatio Seymour those of eight. GOVERNOR VOTE, ETC. 45 Tabular Statement by Towns Of Distances from Concord ; Dates of Incorporation ; Votes for Governor in 18681 Population in 1860; Average Valuation in 1867 and 1868; and Apportionment on each $1000 of State Tax, ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. DIS. TOWNS. Incorp’n. Stearns. Bedel. Pop. Tal. Appor. 36 Atkinson, Sept’r 3, 1767. 79 54 546 241,881 1.76 18 Auburn, June 23. 1845. 105 79 886 323,562 2.57 30 Brentwood, June 26, 1742. 110 46 887 316,020 2.46 16 Candia, December 17,1763. 185 239 1575 395,918 3.43 23 Chester, May 8, 1722. 183 74 1276 441,258 3.17 33 Danville, February 22, 1760. 85 55 629 210,.544 1.47 ,20 Deerfield, January 8,1766 212 228 2066 597,324 4.78 25 Derry, July 2, 1827. 229 121 1990 656,945 5.09 U2 E. Kingston, Nov. 17,1738. 66 69 598 257,885 2.04 ;39 Epping, February 23,1741. 14-1 182 1414 525,229 3.81 i40 E.xeter, settled April 3,1638. 430 143 3309 1,499,763 12.06 30 Fremont, Jnhe 22, 1764. Gosport, December 24, 1715. 84 91 579 185.003 1.35 57 4 3 127 18,500 .15 •15 Greenland, 1703. 81 95 762 385.201 2.94 30 Hampstead, Jan’y, 19, 1749. 121 73 930 264,854 2.06 47 Hampton, May 22, 1639. 156 114 1230 554,322 3.93 47 Hampton Falls, 1712. 78 42 621 277,788 2.17 i44 Kensington, April 1, 1737. 80 81 672 309.578 2.10 38 Kingston, August 6, 1694. 124 114 1216 408,828 2.94 26 Londonderry, June 21,* 1722. 188 127 1717 539,402 4.36 56 Newcastle, 1693. 97 89 693 114.562 1.01 '45 Newington, Julyjil764. 41 72 475 192,574 1.42 '.36 Newmarket, Dec. 17, 1727. 169 217 2038 819,014 6.00 45 Newton. December 6,1749. 85 105 850 273,984 1.91 47 N. Hampton, Nov. 30, 1742. 90 116 771 357,093 2.68 20 Northwood. Feb. 6, 1773. 183 134 lbir2 445,540 3.30 25 Nottingham, May 10, 1722. 131 154 1297 388,482 2.82 '40 Plai.stow, Feb. 28, 1749. 97 57 861 283,973 2.14 '45 Poi-stmouth. May 28, 1653. 1114 860 9335 6,449,071 50.13 24 Raymond, May 9, 1764. 111 189 1269 3t»0,259 2.45 ,50 Rye. April 20, 1726. 88 186 1199 379,922 3.10 i40 Siilem, May 11, 1750. 208 167 1671 548,608 3.92 132 Sandown, April 6,1756. 75 70 553 224,305 1.56 50 Seabrook, June 3,1768 156 180 1549 327,728 2.44 '46 S. Hampton, May 25,1742. 58 67 786 249,.371 1.69 135 S. Newmarket, June 27,1849. 169 45 549 3t>3,395 2.41 l40 Stratham, March 14,1816. 124 76 859 432,633 3.58 33 Windham, February 12,1742. 122 51 851 357,210 2.56 5862 4865 50,138 20,857,529 159.76 STRAEFORD COUNTY. 35 Barrington, May 10,1722. 207 153 1962 491 ,.500 4.18 40 Dover, October 12,1722. 924 444 8502 4,014.326 33.67 34 Durham, May 15,1732. 141 171 1534 556;685 4.64 35 Farmington, Dec. 1. 1798. 270 236 2275 774,953 5.87 33 Lee, January' 16,1766. 66 109 871 336,620 2.63 46 GOVERiiOR VOTE, ETC. 36 Wadburj", May 31, 1775. 56 42 496 182,705 1.63 40 Middleton, March 4, 1778. "47 68 531 156,751 1.17 40 Milton, June 11, 18u2. 250 95 1862 458,680 3.43 3S New Durham, Dec. 7, 1762. 54 155 1174 312,056 2.35 40 Rochester, May 10,1722. 429 322 3384 1,248,047 11.25 45 Rollinsford, July 3,1849. 186 75 2069 717,310 6.23 45 Somers worth, April 22, 1754. 552 173 4786 1,924,2-23 15.02 30 Strafiford, June 17, 1820. 212 247 2046 570,651 4.28 3394 2288 31492 ;il,7*45,113 96.35 BELKNAP COUNTY. 31 Alton, June 16, 1796. 236 198 2018 626,19? 4.61 20 Barnstead, May 20, 1727. 102 294 1885 516,014 3.69 25 Belmont, June 28,1859. 97 160 1189 354,316 2.751 37 Center Harbor, Dec. 7,1797. 65 60 484 141,533 1.02 1 27 Gilford, June 16,1812. 390 216 2812 991,262 7.62 i 20 Gilmanton, May 18, 1727. 229 163 2073 602,436 4.381 27 Laconia, July 1855. 181 248 1806 609,494 5..58 29 Meredith, Dec. 30, 1768. 226 274 1945 590,297 4.68 30 New Hampton, Nov.27, 1777. 137 98 1596 • 405,423 2.85 1 21 Sanborn ton, March 1, 1770. 244 305 2743 781,137 6.09 1 1907 2016 18551 5,618,109 43.27 CARROLL COUNTT. 74 Albany, Nov, 10, 1766. 30 53 43» 77,205 .51! 85 Bartlett, June 16,1790. 24 115. 737 175,4-24 1.19 50 Brookfield. Dec. 30, 1794. 66 35 372 140,598 1.06 92 Chatham, Feb.7. 1767. 51 64 489 100,364 .69 76 Conway, April 6,1772. 158 193 1^4 507,093 3.52 69 Eaton, Nov. 7, 1766. 52 111 780 150,059 1.04 70 Effingham, Aug. 18, 1788. 103 120 1210 299,059 2.-24 70 Freedom, June 16, 1831. 47 158 917 245,795 1.75 Hart's Location. 4 3 44 12.277 .101 90 Jackson, Dec. 4,1800. 7 121 587 157,975 1.04 j 69 Madison, June, 1853. 91 30 826 179,953 1.301 50 Moultonboro’, Nov. 27, 1777. 99 183 1448 347,833 2.61 1 60 0.ssipee, Feb, 22, 1785. 201 238 1998 398,054 2.99 50 Sandwich. Oct. 25, 1768. 270 151 229 568,134 4.07 60 Tara worth, Oct. 14, 1766. 197 125 1679 285.513 2.12 55 Tuftonborough, Dec. 17,1795. 87 133 1185 283,246 2.37 ! 43 "Wakefield, August 30, 1774. 171 138 1478 5.37,373 3.67 ! 50 Wolfeborough, July 9,1770. 263 269 2300 7-24,110 6.28 j 1921 2240 20433 5,190,065 38:55 MERRIMACK COUNTY. 10 Allenstown, July 2, 1831. 34 50 415 83,835 2.09 21 Andover, June 25, 1779. 76 212 1243 457,491 3.48 8 Boscawen. April 22, 1760. 181 140 1458 547,583 4.24 5 Bow, May 20, 1727. 88 133 909 347,699 2.96 25 Bradford. Sept. 27.1787. 1*23 172 1182 501.460 3.71 8 Canterbury, May 20, 1727. 126 140 1522 546,742 3.95 9 Chichester, May 20, 1727. 80 139 1043 304,643 2.46 GOVERNOR VOTE, ETC. 47 Concord, 1765. 1504 895 10889 5,202,148 42.61 10 Dunbarton, Aug. 10, 1765. 109 83 902 378,008 3.16 12 Epsom, May 18, 1727. 89 133 1216 371,226 2.85 18 Franklin, Dec. 24, 1828. 295 208 1600 1.048,088 8.05 15 Henniker, Nov. 10,1768. 170 153 1500 626,600 5.23 27 Hill, November 10, 1778. 108 64 917 226,427 1.7 8 Hooksett, July 3,1822. 134 101 1257 467,238 3.81 7 Hopkinton, Jan. 11,1765. 256 229 2178 705,970 5.68 12 Loudon. Jan. 23,1773. 125 211 1638 617,521 4.56 30 Newbury, Nov. 1778. 49 106 698 . 270,822 1.95 30 New London, Jan. 25, 1779. 131 75 952 463,881 3.38 17 Northfield, .June 19, 1780. 94 131 1051 346,060 2.73 7 Pembroke, Nov. 1, !n59. 170 203 1313 689,742 5.56 15 Pittsfield, March 27,1782. 214 194 1839 619,014 4.55 16 Salisbury, March 1, 1768. 87 122 1191 442,012 3.21 23 Sutton, April 13,1784. 153 114 1431 485,296 3.36 18 Warner, Sept. 4,1774. 214 269 1971 753,902 5.61 13 Webster, July 3,1860. 96 76 817 315,589 2.42 30 Wilmot, June 18,1807. 103 157 1195 333,361 2.32 • 4809 4510 • 41410 17,125,931 133.93 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY. 30 Amherst, July 18,1760. 185 100 1509 548,814 5.11 30 Antrim, March 22, 1777. 135 117 1123 471,178 3.58 21 Bedford, May 19,1750. 166 139 1172 499,007 4.11 32 Bennington, Dec. 15, 1842. 39 62 450 208,623 1.55 40 Brookline, March 30,1769. 115 87 756 335,380 2,47 25 Deering, Jan. 17, 1774. 61 125 793 a40,526 2!50 25 Francestown, Jan. 8, 1772. 156 95 1084 520,256 3.75 15 Goffstown, June 16, 1761. 219 177 1740 602,915 5.45 30 Greenfield, June 15, 1791. 49 92 692 274,510 2.14 36 Hancock, Nov. 5, 1779. 118 111 844 347,562 2.96 25 IIill8lx>rough, Nov. 14, 1772. 191 247 1623 752,934 5.48 38 Hollis, April 3, 1746. 168 144 1317 630,686 5.82 38 Hudson, July 5, 1746. 139 114 1222 439,949 3.71 30 Litchfield, June 5, 1749. 34 53’ 352 221,502 1.91 30 Lyndeboro’, April 23, 1764. 112' 92 823 335,578 2.37 16 Manchester, Sept. 3,1751. 1703 1323 20108 10,017,517 84.27 48 Mason, Aug. 26, 1768. 156 103 1559 598,613 4.34 30 Merrimack, April 2, 1746. 137 118 1119 454,659 4.22 35 Milford, Jan. 11, 1794. 376 115 2221 1,155,395 9.65 29 Mont Vernon, Dec. 15, 1803. 63 104 725 288,007 2.15 35 Nashua, April 1, 1746. 998 751 10065 4,826,856 42.81 22 New Boston, Fob. 18,1763. 116 189 1369 585,049 4.90 50 New Ipswich, Sept. 9,1762. 167 72 1701 642,567 4.76 47 Pelham, July 6, 1746. 104 112 944 508.739 4.16 40 Peterborough, Jan. 17, 1760 319 177 2265 1,251,746 9.47 48 Sharon, June 24, 1791. 30 23 250 110,527 .82 45 Temple, August 26, 1768. 61 61 501 223,841 1.78 14 Weare, Sept. 21,1764. 260 223 2311 715,303 5.81 41 Wilton, June 25,1762. 202 235 1368 715,564 5.34 30 Windsor, Dec. 27, 1798. 7 17 136 56.484 .40 6586 5378 62142 28,680,287 237.79 48 GOVEENOR VOTE, ETC. CHESHIRE COUNTY. 56 Alstead, August 6, 1763. 156 124 1318 609,428 4.34 62 Chesterfield, Feb’y 11,1752. 165 150 1434 591,936 4.16 42 Dublin, March 29, 1771. 159 65 1096 521,744 4.09 54 Fitzwilliam, May 19, 1773. 193 50 1293 509,192 3.70 50 Gilsum, July 13,1763. 61 98 676 2-28,057 1.67 75 Hinsdale, September 3,1753. 178 78 1312 602,502 4.11 46 Jaffrey, August 17, 1773. 179 104 1452 674,716 5.32 52 Keene, April 11, 1753. 713 382 4320 2,775,668 21.27 48 Marlborough, Dec. 13, 1776. 186 33 915 347,723 2.58 50 Marlow, October 7,1761. 73 105 813 328,708 2.44 52 Nelson, February 22,1774, 95 50 739 278,427 2.07 .64 Richmond, February'28,1752. 81 105 1015 296,342 2.24 50 Rindge, August 11, 1768. 183 32 1230 488,287 3.51 50 Roxbury, December 9, 1812. 31 8 212 85,249 .&i 40 Stoddard, November 4,1774. 61 99 944 359,532 2.53 48 Sullivan, September 27, 1787. 56 17 376 234,783 1.75 55 Surry, May 9,1769. 48 36 388 189,693 1.38 55 Swanzey, July 2,1753. 142 214 1798 Oi 4 ,4o7 4.22 60 Troy, June 23,1815. * 85 63 760 295,260 2.31 60 Walpole, February 13, 1752. 181 213 1869 1,150,256 8.10 65 Westmoreland, Feb. 11. 1753. 152 129 1285 512,315 4 68 6d Winchester, July 3,1752. 244 162 2225 785,848 5.72 3422 2317 27470 12,443,123 02.831 SULLIVAN COUNTY. 50 Acworth, Septem’r 19,1766. 138 111 1180 481,379 3.38 51* Charltstown, July 2, 1753. 210 140 1758 939,9-22 6.96 50 Claremont, October 26, 1764. 544 259 4026 2,110,236 15.34 60 Cornish, June 21,1763. 198 109 1521 662,779 4.63 44 -Croydon, Mav 31,1763. 104 66 755 272,578 1.89 42 Goshen, December 27,1791. 52 85 576 211,919 1.46 40 Grantham, July 11, 1761. 87 68 649 210,957 1.43 56 Langdon, January 11, 1787. 61 40 478 322,129 2.28 40 Lempster, October 5, 1761. 73 98 820 265,937 1.98 40 Newport. October 6, 1761. %2S1 237 2077 1,747,062 6.67 63 Plainfield, August 14, 1761. 183 226 1620 663,447 4.66 38 Springfield, January 24,1794. 96 113 1021 268,185 1.91 37 Sunapee, April 4, 1781. 64 142 778 261,821 1.79 50 Unity, July 13, 1764. 53 140 887 334,207 2.45 32 Washington, Dec. 13,1776. 115 118 897 358,795 2.62 2259 1950 19043 9,111,353 59.45 GRAFTON COUNTY. 34 Alexandria, Nov. 23, 1782. 119 146 1253 280,783 2.04 45 Ashland, July 1,1868 147 71 Part of Holderness. 80 Bath, September 10, 1761. 141 165 1366 543,516 3.75 55 Benton, January 31, 1764. 20 72 459 144,154 1.01 90 Bethlehem, Dec. 27,1799. 39 196 896 286,688 2.04 30 Bridgewater, Feb. 12. 1788. 70 46 560 135,018 .97 30 Bristol, June 24,1819. 216 94 1124 428.213 3.05 52 Campton, January 5, 1767. 181 119 1319 339,992 2.52 GOVERNOR VOTE, ETC. ■ 49 43 Canaan, July 9, 1761. 194 229 1762 570,178 4.23 30 Danbury, June 18, 1795. . 74 ' 127 947 267,009 2.08 50 Dorchester, May 1, 1772. 31 97 691 175,418 1.23 58 Ellsworth, June 16,1802. 8 41 302 46,878 .31 42 Enfield, July 14, 1761. 194 170 1876 682,236 4.89 85 Franconia, February 14,176^ :. 48 80 708 228,705 1.59 40 Grafton, November 11, 1778. 85 152 1149 333,139 2.57 45 Groton, December 7,1796. 76 83 778 200,806 1.47 55 Hanover, Jul}" 4,1761. 216 154 2312 858,876 6.69 72 Haverhill, May 18, 1763. 205 277 2291 885,990 • 6.48 40 Hebron, June 15, 1792. 39 66 475 119,218 .85 36 Holderness, October 24,1761. 72 113 1765 584,171 4.11 85 Landafif, January 31,1764. 54 160 1013 310,306 2.20 50 Lebanon, July 4,1761. 350 200 2322 1,298,082 9.79 70 Lincoln, January 31,1764. 8 6 71 25,820 .17 85 Lisbon, October 20,1768. 236 219 1886 619,155 4.48 100 Littleton, November 4,1784. 241 345 2292 823,888 5.61 100 Lyman, November 10,1761. 89 66 725 229,486 1.63 55 Lyme, July 8,1761. 227 107 1572 711,327 4.89 92 Monroe, July 13, 1854. 77 36 619 240,193 1.67 40 Orange, July 18,1781. 53 33 382 103,826 .71 62 Orford, September 25,1761. 154 113 1255 663,421 4.47 75 Piermont, Nov. 6, 17W 106 86 949 474,566 3.22 45 Plymouth, July 15,1763. 152 215 1406 490.191 4.01 51 Rumney, March 1767. 137 148 1104 325,128 2.66 57 Thornton, November 24,1781 . 62 154 96T 243,857 1.78 65 Warren, July 14, 1763. 49 172 1152 303,675 2.29 68 Watervifle, July 1,1829. 6 4 48 27,980 -.19 56 Wentworth, Nov. 1, 1776. 75 178 1056 283,833 2.28 62 Woodstock, Sept. 23,1763. 29 68 476 106,762 .74 Allen’s Grant. .02 Elkins’ Grant. .02 Sargent & Elkins’ Grant. .02 Hatch & Cleaves’ Grant. Two Raymond Grants. 4280 .4808 42245 14,618,911 106.47 COOS COUNTY. 140 Berlin, July 1,1829. 11 40 433 140,468 .97 113 Cambridge, May 19,1773. 4 49 33,952 .22 167 Carroll, June 22, 1832. 14 54 276 115,745 .83 156 Clarksville, June 30, 1853. 23 48 250 67,599 .47 140 Colebrook, June 17, 1796. 147 175 1118 482,430 3.31 143 Columbia, Dec. 16, 1797. 96 68 798 188,676 1.36 112 Dalton, November 4, 1784. 50 95 666 199,344 1.44 156 Dummer, December 19. 1848. 27 24 287 74,417 .51 150 Errol, December 28,1836. 5 31 178 76.400 .53 96 Gorham, June 18, 1836. 83 90 905 250,040 1.86 116 Jefferson, December 8,1796. 51 137 700 210,406 1.53 116 Lancaster. July 5.1763. 329 153 2020 696.250 4.89 150 Milan, December 16,1824. 77 66 789 190,087 1.32 130 Nortliumberl’d, Nov. 16, 1779. 79 97 736 264,655 1.86 163 Pittsburg, Decen)ber 10, 1840. 46 56 413 118,.509 .97 120 Randolph, June 16,1824. 8 32 118 56,168 .39 150 Shelburne, December 13, 1820.32 28 318 119,233 .85 50 GOVERNOR VOTE, ETC. 135 Stark, January 9,1795. 30 72 426 155,860 1.09 150 Stewartstown, Dec. 24,1799. 39 146 771 243,630 1.74 137 Stratford, Nov. 16,1779. 63 89 716 229,970’ 1.67 Wentworth’s Loc. 13 57 11,563 .08 120 Whitefield, Dec. 1,1804. 127 114 1015 286,951 2.05 Bean’s Purchase. .03 Chandler’s Purchase. .01 Crawford’s Purchase. 19 .10 150 Dixville. .10 Dix’s Grant. .01 Erviog’s Grant. .01 Greene’s Grant. 14 .40 Gilmanton & Atkinson Academy Grant. .07 120 Kilkenney. .10 Low k Burbank’s Grant. .10 Martin’s Location. 19 .02 154 Millsfield. 15 .13 Nash & Sawyer’s Loc. .02 Odell’s Township. 1 .07 Pinkham’s Grant. .13 143 Success. 11 .10 Sargent’s Purchase. 2>3 • .10 Second College Grant. 6 .04 Thompson & Meserve’s Purchase. .10 Crawford’s Grant. .17 1337 1632 13158 4,211,365 31.75 RECAPITULA TION. Rockingham, 88 towns. 6862 4865 50138 20,857,529 159.76 Strafford, 13 towns. 3394 2288 31492 11,745,113 96.35 Belknap, 10 towns. 1907 2016 18551 5,618,109 43.27 Carroll, 18 towns. 1921 2240 20433 5,190,065 38.55 Merrimack, 26 towns. 4809 4510 41410 17,125,931 133.93 Hillsborough, 30 towns. 6586 5378 62142 28,680,287 237.79 Cheshire, 22 towns. 3422 2317 27470 12,443,123 92.83 Sullivan, 15 towns. 2259 1950 19043 9,111,353 59.45 Grafton, 38 towns. 4280 4808 42245 14,618,911 106.47 Coos, 22 towns. 1337 1632 13158 4,211,355 31.75 35777 32004 320082 129,601,776 1000.16 There were 42 scattering votes cast in the State for Governor Stearns’ majority over all, 3,731- Harriman’s majority in March, 1868, 2,493. The vote of the State for President, in November 1868, was Grant, 38,191; Seymour, 31,235—majority for Grant, 6,956.’ Totes for Members of Congress, Marcli) 1869* BY COUNTIES. Ela. Hibbard. First District. —Rockingham County, 5905 4848 Strafford County, 3404 2271 Belknap County, 1909 2016 Carroll County, 1920 2241 13138 11376 Ela’s plurality, 1762. TOWN OFFICERS. 51 Stevens. Harrington. Second District. —Merrimack County, 4S63 4537 Hillsborough County, 6650 5329 Stevens’ plurality, 1647. 11513 9866 Benton. Parker. Third District. —Cheshire County, 3407 2301 • Sullivan County, 2278 1937 Grafton County, 4380 4780 Coos County, 1180 1664 Benton’s plurality, 563. 11254 10691 TOAVN OFFICERS. Town - Clerks and. Selectmen, ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. TOW:^ CLERKS. BELKCTMIIT. Atkinson, S. B. Mason—L. F. E.Richards, S. G. Chandler, G. Greenongh. Auburn, E. G. Preston—Jacob Lufkin, C. G. Grant, Arthur Dinsmore. j Brentwood,^. F. LaBree—J. B. T. Graves, C. C. S. Stevens, R. H. Fellows. I Candta, Gilman A. Beau—A. J. E«igerly, A. Emerson, F. P. Langford. Chester, Wm. Greenough—Wm. Crawford, C. S. 'Whitcomb, J. D. Lane. Danville, P. A. Hunt—E. Quimby, A. S. Collins, Bailey Sargent. Deerfield, J. F. Prescott—J. Robinson, Benj. Brown, J. C. Brown. Derry, G. W. Barker—G. I. Choate, George Shute. N. H. Brown. E.Kingston, H. H. Titcomb—F.T.French, Dana Webster,F.J.Philbrook. i Epping, Jona. Bartlett—J. H. Pike, G. S. Rundlett, W. R. Bunker. • Exeter, J. S Parsons—Jacob Carlisle, J. H. Kimball, G. W. Fernald. ' Fremont, C. W. Follett—Ezra Currier, J. B. Robinson, Simon Foss. I Gosport, 0. S. Caswell—George Beebe, Josiah Randall, S. H. Robinson, f Greenland, G.E.Brackett—J.W.Chapmau, C.A.Dearborn, J.H. Brackett. Hampstead, H. R. Sawyer,—Amos Buck, J. W. Garland, T. K. Little. Hampton, J. J. Leavitt—J. C. Marston, J. H. Fogg, Reuben Lamprey. Hampton Falls, E. J. Tilton—Warren Brown, E. Prescott. E. Janvrin. Kensington, 11. C. Tuck—D. R. Prescott. Joseph Poor, D. E. Palmer. Kingst^, A. J. Cilley—J. W. Sanborn, J. B. Hanson, J. M. Bartlett. Londonderry, Henry Crowell—Gilbert Hills, Jona.Savory, D. McGregor. Newcastle, iv. A.Meloon—W.A.Meloon,Wm.H.Sniart, C.H.Whitehouse. j I'^ewington, T. B. Hoyt — V. M. Coleman, Samuel Furber, N. Pickering. 1 iKewmarket, A.. L. Mellows—Benj. Mathes, C. P. Stackpole.H. G. Burley, i Xewton, H. N. Gould—John Hoyt, W. W. Wilder. J. M. Emery, j ’Xorth Hamptem, Jona. Rollins—J. S. Hobbs, E. F. Wiggin, G. D. Brown. | Northwugd, B. W. Clark—Henry Knowlton, Philip IIo 5 't, James Griffin. [ j iS'ottiro^^^m, H. W'. Bartlett—Ira Bennett, S. S. Brown, A. L. Demeritt. I i i'lauitt.idi, C. W. Bradley—S. S. Hill, F. N. Flanders, T. J. Nichols. j Portsmouth City, Mayor, Frank Jones ; Clerk. Marcellus Bufford; ; Aldermen—Ward 1, .1. H. Slater, G. W. Pendexter, John Pender;} Ward 2, Daniel H. Spinney, Frank W'. Miller, Thoa. 8. Nowell ; Ward 3, Samuel Clark, ’William W\ Cotton. Haynumd, T. M. Gould—A. W. Brown, John Wallace, C. W. Lane. Rye, Emery C. Jenneas— David .Tenne.‘fer City. Mayor.I.W.Smith : Clerk, J. E. Bennett: Aldermen- Ward 1, D. II. Maxfield ; Ward 2. H. A. Farrington : Ward 3, W. P. ‘ N»*well ; M’ard 4. II. IL Pnitiain ; ^Vard a. Dan el Connf)r ; Ward G, ' G. H. llnbbard; Ward 7. C. E. Favor; Ward S, G. II Gerry. 54 TOWN OFFICERS. Mason, J. B. Wilson—C. B. Prescott. J. S. Spauldinsr, T. B. Tart»ell. i Merrimack, Georpe Drew—John Wheeler. Thomas Parker. H.J.Wilson. ■ Milford, J. E. Bruce—W. R. Wallace, John Marvel, G. F. Bartlett. Mo^ Vemon, G. W. Averill—H. W. Trow, C. J. Smith, D. R, Baker. Xashua City, Mayor, J. D. Otterson; Clerk, G. H. Taggard; Aider- men—Ward 1, James Pierce ; Ward 2,John Knowles ; Ward 3, .J.D. Chandler : Ward 4, G. W. Davis : Ward 5, G. F, Shedd, J.J.Nolan ; Ward 6, John Tilton; J. E. Kent; Ward?. J. R. Priest; Ward S, B. P. Moore. Xew Boston, G. G. Fox—R. B. Cochran, Wm. Woodbniy, E, C. Colby. Xew Ipswich, C. A. Whitney—C. A, Whitney, G. W. Wheeler, L. 0. Bean. Pelham, Amos Bachelder—Daniel Marshall, John Woodbury, G. B. Currier. Peterborough, S. N. Porter—S. I. Tose, M. L. Morrison, Charles Barber. Sharon, L. H. Bacon—W. E. Boynton, L. H. Bacon, B. H. Sanders. Temple, C. P. Hayward—E. G. Cutter, A. 0. Baker, Isaac Wheeler. Weare, Daniel Johnson—W. B. Johnson, D. B. Eaton, G. W. Colby. Wilton, T. H. Dillon—D. A. Gregg, G. F. Holt, I. K. Davis. Windsor, Samuel Chapman—SamT Chapman, Silas Chapman, J. D. Wheeler. CHESHIRE C0U2^TY. j AlsUad, A. R. Emerson—J. F. Dickey, .4iken Gilmore, Chas. Tfashbum,! Chesterfield, H. 0. Coolidge—Geo. Goodrich, J. W. Davis, J. H. Goodrich.' Dublin, W. L. Fisk—Aaron Smith, Henry Kibling, W. .T. Greenwood. Fitzwilliam. Ira Bailey—N. U. Cahill. D. 11. Reed, W. H. Shirley. , Gilsum, G. H. McCoy—D. W. Bill, Allen Hayward, J. J. Isham. Hinsdale, G. W. Holland—W. S.Barrows, A,B.Da vis. Nelson Richardson. \Jaffrey, J. P. Frost—Benj. Pierce M. C. Adams, 0. P. Hunt. ! Keene, J. W. Sturtevant—Chester Nims, G. H Gilbert, Charles Keyes. I Marlborough, E.O. Wood ward—.3 aims Col lins,L.A.Fuller,J.W. Lawrence Marlow, E. G. Huntley—J. Q. Jones, E. P. Knight, G. H. Messer. [ Xelson, C. H. Whitney—C. H. Whitney, R, H. Kittredge, Eben Tarbox. Richmond, Jarvis Ingalls—E. G. Bemis, Edson Starkey, Jesse Bolles. , Rindge, W. W. Ernory—J. B. Robbins, M. L. Goddard. 0. J. Raymond. Roxbury, Kendall Nims—Kendall Nims, G. W. Nye, A. A. Davis. , Stoddard, W. T. O'Donnell—E. E. Upton, Edward Morse, J, M. Robb. ; Sullivan, John Symonds—H. C. Rawson, A. A. Nims. D, W. Rugg. j Surry, W. H. Porter—G. K. Harvey, J. D. Blake, H. T. Ellis. j Swanzey, G. I. Cutler—Stephen Faulkner, C. H. Howard, G. W. Willis. Troy, A. C. Dort—Edmund Bemis, C. W. Brown. S. B. Farrar. Walpole, A. P. Richardson—B. E. Webster, S. Watkins. Chas. Fisher. Westmoreland, E. J. Goodnow—Willard Bill, jr. Francis Snow, Prentiss Daggett. Winchester, Luther Cheney—Isaac Sabin, Wm. Rixford, A. A. Putnam. SULLIVAN COUNTY. i Acworih, C. E. Spencer—J. N. Davis, Oliver Chapin, Lyman Buswell. ; Charlestown, C. C. Kimball—E. H. Tidd, N. F. Allen, I. M. Perry. ' Claremont, T. R. Gowdey—A. H. Danforth, J. W. Jewett, Laban Ainsworth. j Cornish, Daniel Chase—S A. Tracy, L. T. Chase, N. A. Hebard. ' Croydon, Alonzo Allen—Ruel Durkee, .John Blanchard, J. W. Davis. Goshen, W. H. McCrillis—David McLaughlin, Mitchell Hunt, Hiland Dodge. Grantham, E. L. R. Smith—B. F. Goss, W. H. Miller. TOWN OFFICERS. 55 Langdon, S. L. Slader—C. A. Holden, Henry Willey, W. P. Wilson. LempHer^ E. B. Richardson—Hiram Parker, Russell Bixby, C. H. Hodgman. Newport, I. P. George—G. W. Nonrse, W. R. Dunton, 0. C. Kibbey. Plainfield, C. P. Fifield—Sam’l Bean, jr. Lemuel Morse. J. J. Jordan. Springfield, D. P. Goodhue—C. McDaniel, H. P. Goss, E. A. Washburn. Sunapee, M. F. Knowlton—D. C. Eastman, J. M. Cooper, E. R. Perkins. Unity, J. M. Perkins—U. M. Straw, Selem Sleeper, John Paul. Waihingion, El bridge Bradford—G. W. Carr, M. H. Dole, B. P. Blood. GRAFTON COUNTY. Alexandria, Jas. Crawford—J. N. Bailey, C. N.^lumer, F. D. Kimball. Ashland, G. 11. Prescott—B. B. Worthen, W. P. Drake, J. M. Calley. Bath, Isaac Patterson—B. G. Child, J. T. Clark, S. S. Carbee. Benton, C. H. Whitcher—James Page, .J. H. True, Ira Whitcher. Bethlehem, G. W. Phillips—J. M..Kidder,W. A.McGregory, M. Wilcomb. Bridgewater, A. C. Prescott—S. Fifield, D. S. Johnson, D. S. Batchelder. Bristol, J. P. Taylor—D. S. Mason, .1. F. Cass, C. H. Mudgett. Campion, W. P. Robinson—T. S. Pulsifer, Alfred Cook, C. A. Webster. Canaan, Charles Barney—Henry Wilson, Chas. Davis, L. S. Webster. Banbury, T. E. Clough—G. W. Dean, T. E. Clough, Alonzo Wilkins. Dorchester, C. W. Nelson—T, J. Fitts, P. B. Prescott, Franklin Eaton. Ellsworth, Chas. Pease—D. R. Buzzell, J. M. Dustin, Welman Downing. Enfield, J. F. Bryant—A. C. Lovejoy, Henry White, N. E. Huntoon. Franconia, E. B. Parker—H. W. Noj'es, Geo. Young, M. F. Shattuck. Gra fton, J. W. Kilton—E. T. Gifford, J. B. Page, L. T. Barney. Groton, Osgood Dale—A. J. McClure, J. R. Wheat, Cyrus More. Hanover, 0. S. Ingalls—0. S. Ingalls, .1. L. Bridgman, D. Hurlbnrt. Haverhill, L. B. Ham—E. S. Kimball, Chas. Fisher, J. W. Cutting. Hebron, Wm. Elliot—.1. V. Morse, E. W. George, A. S. Putney. Holderne^s, N. B. Whitten—Caleb Cox, J. B. Huckins, L. B. Sanborn, Landaff, R. T. Gordon—II, T. Gordon, J. G. Nudd, Moses Whitcher. Lebanon, E. J. Durrant—W. S. Ela, G. N. Greelej", SamT Wood, 2d. Lincoln, J. W. E. Tuttle—S. M. Hanson, I. W. Guernsey, D. A. Dearborn. Lisbon, G. F. Cushman—W. P. Aldrich, S. S. Brown, D. W. Bowles. Littleton, H. W. Smith—J. W. English, Benj. Atwood, M. P. Burnham. Lyman, Ira E. Titus—Geo. Parker, I. 0. Knapp, Uriah Knapp. I Lyme, S. C. Dimick—Francis Porter, J. S. Kent, Bela Sawyer. 1 J/oTirog,’Horace Emery—Horace Emery, J. B. Nelson, Albert Mason. Orange, F. B. Low’ell—C. H. Ford, J. H. French, .Tames Morrill. Orford, B. F. Trussell—Benj. Franklin, Parker Wright, G. P. Martin. Piermont, Geo. Dodge—R. M. Kent, J. D. Martin, A. P. Gould PlymovXh, F. W. A. Robie—Seth Doton, Aniasa Avery, II. M. Rogers, j Rumney, J. W. Pease—C. W. Herbert, J. L. Spaulding, C. B, Simpson. Thomton, J. W. Pattee—M. B. Cone, H. F. Durgin, Alburn Kendall. TFarren, J. B. Eastman—L M. Weeks, Walter Libbey, Amos Clement. W^afert'iZZe, Merrill Greeley—J. E. Drake, Sam’l Dolloff, Merrill Greeley. Wentwoi'th, M. L. Aiken—L. W. Currier, J. L. Downing, H. W. Moore. Woodstock, T. V. Smith—J. W. Campbell, T. V. Smith, Arthur Hunt. COOS COUNTY. Berlin, Dexter Wheeler—.1. W. Wheeler, E. E. Femald, J. R. Horn. Cambridge, E. Richards—E. Richards, Sam’l Sargent, Enoch Sargent. Carroll, W. F. Hobbs—Josiah Moody, W. J. Hobbs, M. P. Rosebrook. Clarksville, E. K. Young—D. F. Hall, S. G. Fuller, Stephen Goodwin. Colebrook, J. H. Dudley—Ira Young, F. P. Covill, L. G. Piper. 56 TOWiT OFFICERS. Columbia, W. C. Buffington—A. 11. Bundy, S. Richardson, W. E. Cone. Dalton, M. H. Rix—Daniel Ewen, T. J. Buggies, A. C. Hall. Dummer^ R. Twitchell—W. A. Willis, C. E. Bickford, I. C. Wight. Errol, G. C. Demeritt—C. L. Haywood, B. E. Harper, D. H. Thurston. Gorham, R. F. Ingalls—R. F. Ingalls, V. L. Stiles, A. S. Twitchell. Jefferson, C. L. Plaisted—C. L. Plaisted, N. R. Perkins, Geo. Crawford. Lancaster, Edward Savage—S. H. Legro, J. W. Weeks, C. B. Allen. Milan, Albert Cole—C. N. Hodgdon, C. P. Bickford, I. A. Newell. Northumberland, C. Cobleigh—J. W. Abbott, R. Jaques, H. M. Richey Pittsburg, J. W. Baldwin,—S. P. Luther, J. W. Baldwin, C. J. Danforth. Randolph, Joel Leighton—J. E. Leighton, H. H. Rich, Hubbard Hunt. Shelburne, E. D. Green—S. B. Hubbard, L. B. Evans, A. C. Evans. Stark, A. J. Smith—Sylvester Cole, J. A. Pike, Dexter Cole. Stewartstown, J. W. Flanders—John Flanders, E. W. Drew, J. H. Heath. Stratford, W. G. Fuller—M. D. Johnson, C. P. Schoff, W. C. Fisk. WentworWs Location, A. J. Peaslee—A. J. Peaslee, F. A. Flint, Philip Richards. Whitefeld, J. M. Sartwell—Joseph Colby, W. F. Dodge, L. J. Minor. Town Treasurers, School Superintendents and Liquor Agents. Towns. Treasurers. School Sup’ts.* Liquor Agents. 1/’wrvr'+li .T T. AToTrill Acworth, Albany; Alexandria, Allenstown, Alstead, Alton, Amherst, Andover, Antrim, Ashland, Atkinson, Auburn, Barnstead, Barrington, Bartlett, Bath, Berlin, Bedford, Belmont, Bennington, Benton, Bethlehem, Boscawen, Bow, Bradford, Brentwood, Bridgewater, Bristol, Brookfield, Brookline, Nath’l Warner, Thomas J. Allard, William P. Ballou, J. Tennant, Oliver Ring, Amos L. Rollins," Jona. Knight, Wm. H. Edmunds, James Boyd, Ambrose Scribner, Wm. C. Noyes, Charles C. Grant, True W. McDaniel, J. L. Merrill, Chester Parrish, A. C. Dutton, Oramon 11 untoon, Sam’l H. Porter, E. Place Ladd, Eli P. Noyes, Silas M. Ellis, H. D. Chapin, Dexter Sanborn, J. H. Whitaker, Frank. F. Dearborn None. None. None. None. C. K. Yilas. None. D. Russell. None. None. C. Folansby. None. , None. Charles F. Buzzell, Lycurgus Pitman, Edward Woods, S. F. Lougee, Dexter Wheeler, Daniel Barnard, John W. Wells, Hartwell Lakin, James Page, Luther Gage, Enoch A.lexander; Hiram Blanchard, J. B. T. Graves, George F. Fletcher, J. M. Bishop, Noah Robinson, Joseph Smith, Merrill C. Forist, Isaac N. Riddle, Chas. W. Knowles, John H. Fleming, James Page, D P. Gordon, E. K. W^ebster, F. W. Colby, Horace G. Felch, Arthur W. Dudley, Daniel S. Johnson, Silas Ketchum, S. H. Hutchings, Edward E. Parker, J { None. None. Ed. Carleton. W. Southard. Insley Bean. None. None. None. None. None, None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. * Where there is more than one School Superintendent, the name of the chairman only is given. TOWN OFFICERS. 57 Cambridge, Campton, Canaan, Candia, Canterbury, Carroll, Cen'r Harbor, Charlestown, Chatham. Chester, Chesterfield, [Chichester, Claremont, [Clarksville, Colebrook, Columbia, Concord, Conway, Cornish, Croydon, [Dalton, I Dan bury, iDanville, Deerfield, iDeering, 1 Derry, iDorchester, 'Dover, Dublin, Dummer, Dunbarton, Durham, iE. Kingston, Eaton, Edmund Richards, None. Tliomas S. Pulsifer, Quincy Blakely, James H. Kelley, N. P. Taplin. Abraham Emerson, Silas Green, David M. Clough, Arthur L. True, George Olcott. Charles Bliss, "Wm. Greeuough, Lyman B. Foster. Josiah F. Moody, Almon Benson. J. M. Whitaker, A. A. Eastman, H. W. Day, None. Henry Martin. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. George Goodrich, OliverG.Woodbury, None. Josiah P. Staniels. J. L. Perkins, John L. Farwell, 0. B. Way, Benj. V . Wiswell, Horace Comstock, Hazen Bedal, J. H. Dudley, Wm. C. Buffington, Wm. E. Cone, S. C. Eastman, J. B. Curtis, L. S. Morton, None. T. R. Gowdey. None. None. None. f J. C. Thorn. \ C. C. Toplifif. Jona. R. Thompson, None. James M.Davidson, Henry M. Day, Williams Barton, T. J Ruggles, Geo. W. Dean, Elisha Quirnby, John M. Ballou, James C. Gregg, William Leach, Thomas J. Fitts, E. L. Lane, Warren L. Fiske, John H. Chandler, Daniel H. Parker, J. S. Burnham, Francis T. French, Clement Drew, Bert A. Taylor, John LeBosquet, P. S. Burbank, George H. Towle, James C. Gregg, David S. Clark, Asahel Blodgett, Geo. M. Rice, Wm. A. Willis, Chas. G. B. Ryder, 0. Newton Doe, John French, None. None. C C. Gordon. None. None. None. D. B. Hadlock. None. None. None. None. G. W.Pnrington. T.& O.P.Wilson. None. D. M, Davis. Effingham, John V. Granville, Clement M.Perkins, T. Batchelder. r Oliver Frost. .Ellsworth, |Enfield, [Epping, iEpsom, Errol, I Exeter, Farmington, [Fitzwilliam, Francestown, Franconia, [Franklin, ,Freem, [Fremont, Gilford, IG il man ton, Gilsuiu, Goff'town, C'orham, Gosport, Gosl^en, David R. Buzzell, Wyman Pat tee, John H, Pike, DaYiiel G. Cheslej’, David H. Thurston, Geo. W. Furnald, John G. .Johnson, John M. Parker, Amasa Downes, H. W. N(»yes, Eph. G. Wallace, A. J. Wedgwood, David R. Buzzell, Wm. II. Stuart, H. B. Burnham, John Goss, David II. Thurston, None. \ A.E. Leighton. None. Johnson. Huse. fG. Iw W m. None. None. John J. Bell, liCander M. Nute, Aaron R. Gleason, George F. Pet tee, John R. Cogswell, John W. Simonds, Augustus Moulton, Albion P. Topliff, Ezra Currier, Daniel A. I'ilton, Thomas Adams Calvin Chandler, Henry W. Hadley, T. E. Fisk, Wm. II. Brown, Geo M. Park, J. W. Sanborn, Horace Wood, .\lvin Hadley, A.S. Twitchell, David McLaughlin, Dennis Lear, None. None. None. N«uie. None. None. A. P. Topliff. None. None. None. Nb)ne. None. James Tubbs. None. 58 TOWI^ OFFICERS. Grafton, Grantham, Greenfield, Greenland, Groton, Hampstead, Hampton, Hamp’n Falls Hancock, Hanover, Hart’s Loc’n, Haverhill, Hebron, Henniker, Hill, Hillsborough, Hinsdale, Holderness, Hollis, Hooksett, Hopkinton, Hudson, .Tatfrey, .Tackson, Keene, Kensington, Kingston, Laconia, Lancaster, Landaff, Langdon, Lebanon, Lee, Lempster, Lincoln, Lisbon, Litchfield, Littleton, Londonderry, Loudon Ljmian, Lyme, Lyudeboro, Madbury, Madison, Manchester, Marlboro, Marlow, Mason, Meredith, Middleton, Milan, Merrimack, Milfo^d, Milton, Mt. Vernon, Horace Barney, B. F. Goss, Alfred W. Savage, J. W. Chapman, Joshua R. Wheet, Amos Buck, ,Silas Green, Alpheus D. Tuttle, O. S. Ingalls, L. B. Ham, J. Y. Morse, Wm. E. Cogswell, John Flanders, John C. Campbell, Geo. W. Holland, Daniel H. Cox, C. B. Richardson, Hiram B. Otterson, G. A. Curtin, J.Kimball Wheeler, Fred. W. Bailey, Ira R. Harriman, Royal H. Porter, Joseph Poor, J. Warren Sanborn, S. M. S. Moulton, Samuel H. Legro, Russell T. Gordon, Samuel L. Slader, David S. Jenkins, Hiram Parker, S. P. Simonds, Isaac H. Center, E. 0. Kennie, Robert C. Mack, Luther B. Haskins, P. E. Fairfield, Geo. E. Spalding, N. C. Snell, Mark P. Blaisdell, 0. B. Hoyt, None. David B. Frye, None. John Fletcher, None. Chas. W. Pickering, None. Stephen K. Ford. Chas. S. Boynton, Jacob F. Brown, William A. Cram, Albert H. Taft, Bezaleel Smith, Oliver T. Stillings, Henry Knights, John Wheet, Warren Clark, Kenson E.Dearborn,None. Charles A.Harnden, J. H. Potter. W. S. Leonard, None. Wm.C.Cur.y, H. W. W illoughby. None. Abram Burnham, None. Dyer H. Sanborn, None. Silas M. Blanchard, None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. E. N. Tabor. None. None. Rufus Case, G. A. Phelps. Geo. W. Meserve, None. Ira Prouty, None. George Osgood, None. Richard B. Prescott, None. Otis G. Smith, None. David C. Pinkham, C. W. Roby. H. C. Symonds. None. Charles Winch, None. Hiram Orcutt, I. N. Perley. ' Allen Plumer, None. Geo. E. Dame, None. Ira W. Guernsey, None. Ezra C. Knight, None. Rodney Kendall, None. James R. Jackson, None. Andrew .W. Mack, None. J. P. Stinchfield, None. James Calhoon, Nope. Selah Beal, Erastus B. Claggett, None. Charles W. Hayes, None. John Swan, None. C. P Fairfield. E. 0. Woodward, S. A. Richardson, None. John Q. Jones, Marshal Perkins, None. J. L. Chamberlin, E. J. Emery, None. George Sanborn, T. B. Nichols. S. J. Hayward, R. II. Meserve, None. Sam’l C. Anderson, Chas. C. Hubbard, None. Wm. R. Wallace, Clinton S. Averill, H. Eldredge. Elbridge W. Fox, Geo. W". Peavey, None. Daniel R. Baker, Chas. J. Smith, Nath’l Bruce. TOWN OFFICERS. 591 Horace Emery, Horace Duncao, Oliver Prince, B. M. Mason, G. H. Taggard, Jos. B. Fassett, Chas. H. Whitney, Geo. W. Osgood, Benj. Dodge, Alex. Gregg, Silas W. Dana, J. K. Gillingham, Howard M. Curtis, Wm.H. Smart, Geo. S. Gilman, Natt F. Ham, New Hampton,H. Q. Sargent, E. H. Prescott, j Newington, V. >1. Coleman, Darius Frink, j New Ipswich, Jeremiah Smith, Prescott Fay, New London, Luther McCutchins,Nath’l C. Todd, 2d, Benjamin Mathes, J. Low Elkins, George W. Nourse, C. W. Millen, Monroe, Moultonboro, Nashua, Nelson, New Boston, Newbury, Newcastle, N. Durham, Newmarket, [ Newport, j Newton, ; Northfield, John Heath, Daniel M. Huse, No. Hampton, John S. Hobbs, Northumb’nd, Janies H. Curtis, North wood, Nottingham, Orange, Orford, Jssipee, Pembroke, Pelham, Peterboro, Piermont, Pittsburg Pittsfield, Plainfield, ; Plaistow, ‘ Plymouth, Portsmouth, Jlandolph, Raymond, Richmond, Rindge, Roxliury, Rochester, Rollinsford, Rumney, Rye, Salem, Salisbury, Sanbornton, ; Sandown, Sandwich, ! Seabrook, Sharon, Nathan Moore, ‘Shelburne, H. T. Cummings, ! Somersworth, W. D. Knapp. iS. Hampton, J. M. Goodwin, i S. Newmarket,Daniel G. Neal, ; Springfield, Charles McDaniel, Stark, Aaron J. Smith, , Stewartstown, I Stoddard, Edward E. Upton, Ebenezer Peaslee, Solon F. Hill, Jonathan French, James H. Curtis, Thomas Tuttle. A. L, Demeritt, Wm. S. Huse, Nathan E. Stark, S. B. Carter, Jesse M. Coburn, Augustus Berry, Ezra M. Smith, Henry Chandler, John T. Amey,* S. J. Winslow, Charles Colby, Henry Knowlton, Ira Bennett, Charles W. Pierce, Thomas Nute, J. H. Sullivan, John Woodbury, Ervin H. Smith, George Dodge, Albert Locke, John L, French, Samuel Bean, Francis N.Flanders, Alfred Colburn, Alex. G. Smyth, Joseph W. Preston, Chas. A. Shannon, Lyman D.Spalding, Justus Low, Aaron W. Brown, Samuel B. Gove, • Amos G. Bennett, Elbridge G. Bomis, Martin L. Goddard, Geo. A. Whitney, Kendall Nims, Henry H. Colburn, S. D. Wentworth, A. F. Marsh, Wm. H. Morton, Abram Ward, David Jenness, H. C. W. Moores, Robert Sanborn, Amos W. Pike, John L. Davis, Gilman H. Jenness, Nelson M. Bailey, Charhis C. Rogers, J. N. Sanborn, Albert T. Cotton, Charles Donavan, John Blackmer, Steph. G. dohnson, Albert J. Sanborn, Wm. P. Bacon, S. B. Hubbard, E. 11. Hidden, B. R. Jewett, doseph Bartlett, Daniel H. Adams, Aaron J. Smith, None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. J. L. Riley. None. None. None. J. B. Spaulding. Thomas Tuttle. None. None. J. M. Learned. None. N one. None. None. None. E. L. Farnham. None. C. H. Morse. None. None. None. None. None. None. D S. Walker. None. D. Hanson. None. None. None. None. "Wm. Dunlap. None. None. Daniel Q. Bean. None. None. None. M'm. Plumer. None. None. None. None. W. T. O’Donnell, None. 60 TOWN OFFICERS. Strafford, Stratford, Stratham, Sullivan, Sunapee, Surry, Sutton, Swanzey, Tamworth, Temple, Thornton, Tilton, Tiiftonboro Troy, Unity, Wakefield, Walpole, Warner, Warren, Washington, Waterville, W eare, Webster, Wentworth, Robert B. Peavey, Isaac J ohnson, Truman Putney, George Wilcox, Enoch Howes, Moses M. Balch, John Haley, Abel Baker, Amos Perkins, Ebenezer Garvin, Benj. F. Aldrich, Gilman A. Bean, Ira M. Weeks, Hiram Thissell, Merrill Greeley, Daniel Johnson, Sherman Little, Lorenzo W.Ciirrier, Wen’rth’s Loc.Fred, A. Flint, Westmorel’iid,Willard Bill, jr., Whitefield, Geo. Wallace, R. >1. Rowe, Henry Abbott, Benj. 0. Simpson, Lafayette Chesley, George M. Johnson, Wm. G. Brown, Reuben B. Porter, David M. Currier, Wm. H. Porter, George I. Cutler, Saniuel H. Riddell, George Goodyear, John L. Barnard, Sylvester Dixon, F. A. Haley, Jona. S. Herrick, John Paul, Nathaniel Barker, A. P. Richardson, H. S Huntington, Ira Merrill, None. None. None. None. None. None. None. S. E. Remick. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. Silas M. Densmoor, None. Wilton, Wilniot, Winchester, Windham, Windsor, Merrill Greeley, John Osborne, Geo. M. Smith, Samind G. Currier, Albert J. Peaslee, Joseph E. Hall, Geo. H. Pinkham, Richard Coleman, Frank S. Teel, Elijah Harmon, Joseph Lanman, Mark Symonds, None. None. A. Swett. None. None. None. Geo. S, Gove. None. None. None. None. None. Wolfeboro, Abel Halev, Chase Moulton, None. Woodstock, J. W. Campbell, Wm. L. Horner, None. MONEY- ■ORDER POST OFFICES IN NEW HAMPSHIRE. Office. County. Office. County. Bristol, Grafton. Laconia, Belknap. Charlestown, Sullivan. Lancaster, Coos. Clarement, do. Lebanon, Grafton. Concord, Merrima^. Littleton, do. Dover, Strafford. Manchester, Hillsborough. Exeter, Rockingham. Milford, do. Fisherville Merrimack. Nashua, do. Franklin, do. New Ipswich, do. Gorham, Coos. Newport, Sullivan. Great Falls, Strafford. Peterborough, Hillsborough. Hanover, Grafton. Plymouth, Grafton. Hinsdale, Cheshire. Portsmouth, Rockingham. Keene, do. Suncook, M errimack. Money-orders can be obtained at any of these offices, upon any money order Post-office in the United States, at the following rates; For orders not exceeding $20, 10 cents; over $20 and not exceeding $30, 15 cents ; over $30 and not exceeding $40, 20 cents ; over $40 and not exceo'ding $50, 25 cents No order issued for more than $50 ; but additional orders, not exceeding three in one day, payable at the same office, and to the same payee, may be obtained. FAEM STOCK A^D LANDS. 61 Number and Value of Farm Stock* and Value of L.audtt in New Hampshire) in April, 18G6. EOCKINGHAM COUNTY. Horsen, Asses Ck)ws, Oxen and Taliie! and Mules. Neat Stock. Sheep. of TowifS. No. Yalue. No. Value. No. Value. Lands. Atkinson 80 4,686 346 9,376 50 88 169,597 Auburn 126 5,147 479 11,107 401 734 206,481 Brentwood 120 8,015 699 26,752 581 1,690 202,696 Cauuia 231 10,580 881 25,138 331 658 258,960 Ckester 184 10,495 738 31,037 627 1,659 299,625 Diifville 83 4,210 385 13,432 116 266 96,586 Deerfield 345 16,018 1555 48,209 1463 3,271 390,066 Derry 270 14,110 1018 . 28,628 353 842 425,703 E. Kingston 96 6,530 331 18,014 269 838 186,316 Epping 199 12,175 852 36,841 650 2,171 329,432 Exeter 281 23,591 672 27,852 466 1,365 404,640 Fremont 75 4,931 350 12,263 274 711 115,065 Gosport 250 15,000 Greenland 154 10,434 467 21,460 447 1,356 268,105 Hampstead, 125 5,740 364 12,502 no 245 211,757 Hampton 209 15,720 624 26,764 198 685 431,942 Hampton Falls 101 5,363 656 22,389 479 1,207 146,890 Kensington, 117 6.450 6-26 29,085 478 1,697 16i),009 Kingston, 130 6,017 414 11,500 339 990 83,587 Londonderry 266 14,004 1032 33,566 409 928 279,694 Newcastle 8 435 39 1,210 11,084 Newington 98 6,650 329 12,664 340 913 136,604 Newmarket 164 12,826 400 17,441 356 1,075 380,900 Newton 96 6,581 257 10,051 240 1,318 129,468 N. Hampton 176 8,440 487 22,040 366 940 266,060 Northwood 229 11,320 859 27,111 788 2,399 201,335 Nottingham 187 8,266 866 27,202 720 1,536 260,838 Plaistow 99 5,322 214 8,840 61 180 184,356 Portsmouth 445 38,769 615 23,208 116 232 133,303 Raymond 155 6,854 759 19,444 CIS 1,080 205,997 Rye 221 13.260 507 19,387 277 831 270,260 Salem 265 11,712 669 20,376 177 488 367,618 Sandown 92 4,028 368 11,866 333 804 111,169 Seabrook 100 6,420 388 15,050 82 249 148,632 S. Newmarket : 78 5,932 213 8,621 205 429 222,104 S. Hampton 76 4,160 286 9,880 235 850 2' i2,7 56 Strathain 168 12,215 524 29,655 534 1,655 328 231 Windham 166 12,052 496 20,378 443 1,098 232,168 60153 359,708 20715 750,339 13932 37,478 8,575,034 STRAFFORD COUNTY. Barrington 269 12.432 1178 38,355 1029 2,339 326,820 Dover 673 55,495 1052 59,125 504 1,4‘27 2,259,090 Durham 2'>4 14,760 760 28.524 449 1,240 359,098 Farmington 218 16,526 1147 42,736 1158 2,966 515,014 Lee 159 10,740 639 23,970, 1070 2,145 222,366 62 FARM STOCK AND LANDS. Madbury 98 5,345 376 17,375 ' 377 896 125,610 Middleton 54 4,340 • 370 14,608 428 724 101,897 Milton 188 12,386 897 30,245 786 1,748 276,478 New Durham 158 8,885 787 26,151 582 783 223,882 Rochester 410 18,770 1465 49,050 1265 2,078 715,224 Rollinsford 108 7,237 384 13,370 169 724 315,967 Somersworth 240 21,494 332 13,924 119 376 797,766 Strafford 321 16,020 1789 56,558 1687 3,375 375,581 3131 204,430 11176 403,991 9623 20,931 6,614,793 BELKNAP COUNTY. Alton 267 16,146 1533 61,915 1579 5,048 407,100 Barnstead 319 17,939 1573 54,834 1804 3,905 327,109 Belmont, 212 12,676 1067 35,460 1197 2,394 217,544 Center Harbor 81 3,202 482 12,141 601 1,106 96,002 Gilmanton 358 19,168 1864 60,442 2232 5,512 389,986 Gilford 339 16,686 ias9 42,136 3048 6,522 565,530 Laconia 146 8,351 491 10,402 386 607 342,559 Meredith 257 13,351 1262 35,158 1651 3,086 383,231 New Hampt’n 231 14,080 913 27,443 2198 4,211 277,225 Sanbornton 418 22,539 1819 45,168 3891 7,753 529,068 2628 147,138 12,343 385,099 18,587 40,144 8,535,354 CARROLL COUNTY. Albany 71 3,472 30S 24,984 264 722 31,728 Bartlett 139 12,207 505 16,942 896 8,129 104,932 Brookfield 65 4,986 472 12,842 296 716 96,118 Chatham 83 6,615 502 16,781 853 1,402 42,080 Conway 383 28,024 1410 47,458 1286 2,040 315,798 Eaton 115 7,832 740 26,402 956 1,978 76,328 Effingham 196 11,641 986 25,130 445 958 128,630 {Freedom 157 11,476 821 24,742 1-225 2,432 145,866 Jackson 104 9,760 668 25,920 1296 5,672 55,544 iMoultonboro’ 181 8,411 1302 26,826 1619 3,664 237,585 jMadison 97 5,528 707 18,622 862 1,492 104,522 jOssipee 300 18,366 1567 45,666 13-29 2,816 223,282 Sandwich 353 18,294 2242 70,088 2375 5,490 303.468 Tamworth 253 11,550 1387 39,300 1353 3,939 15-2,044 Tuftonboro’ 174 8,072 1211 29,317 1356 4,601 178,980 Wakefield 178 13,712 1185 51,556 70S 2,147 362,497 Wolfeboroiigh 374 19,604 1712 48 844 1425 3,022 425,682 ' 3223 199,550 17725 551,420 18544 45,820 2,985,084 1 1 1 1 1 MERRIMACK COUNTY. jAllenstown 75 5,072 271 9,998 172 383 260,046 'Andover 180 15,964 995 36,082 3697 6,796 269,898 jBoscawen 181 9,715 546 20,365 1964 2,774 338,340 [Bow 174 10,824 801 24,092 634 1,552 232,208 {Bradford 282 16,619 968 40,005 3998 9,031 305,238 jCanterbury 257 16,144 1320 45,137 2796 5,980 391,954 FARM STOCK AND LANDS. 63 Chichester 169 11,553 916 36,487 856 2,343 186,387 Concord 1043 73,312 1871 70,014 2255 8,182 3,704,491 ^nbaxton 172 9,035 1080 25,965 1104 1,424 272,868 Epsom 202 12,237 1086 38,314 1352, 3,180 180,610 Franklin 293 24,065 548 26,035 2578 5,136 609,642 Henniker 266 12,265 1487 49,087 1597 2,858 414,528 Hill 130 7,166 505 12,356 1716 3,162 141,896 Hooksett 169 10,701 442 16,159 588 1,773 275,864 Hopkinton 363 23,733 1621 57,464 8175 5,840 450,070 Loudon 331 19,853 1476 51,937 2521 3,967 301,418 Newbury 154 10,945 745 33,592 2416 7,866 167,944 New London 207 18,588 815 38,044 1634 4,085 282,760 Northfield 141 6,251 733 18,271 1805 2,909 252,967 Pembroke 220 14,652 773 33,858 511 1,520 389,750 Pittsfield • 254 17,450 1015 41,233 701 1,738 394,700 Salisbury 155 9,460 736 26,081 6627 14,435 285,459 Sutton 212 17,337 1144 49,274 3640 9,668 268,791 Warner 270 18,106 1292 50,811 6547 15,738 438,975 Webster 141 8,925 571 20,088 4271 9,218 215,294 Wilmot 212 16,240 970 36,688 3451 7,344 173,920 6253 416,211 24747 907,387 62606 138,902 11,206,013 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY. Amherst 237 17,894 1002 35,124 910 217,528 Antrim 220 16,020 1100 » 37,767 1473 3,748 84,712 Bedford 274 15,595 1143 36,227 252 628 350,620 Bennington 89 - 7,520 226 11,133 417 816 71;000 Brookline 132 10,841 223 14,519 64 181 207,167 Peering 181 10,375 994 35,693 1725 3,281 221,689 Francestown 228 16,426 892 37,813 1811 3,698 330,100 Goffstown 337 20,737 1061 38,213 790 1,726 398,813 Greenfield 137 9,191 610 22,425 1055 2,072 188,048 Hancock 219 15,912 998 25,029 1851 3,611 213,133 Hillsborough 371 27,421 1612 65,345 1633 4,402 471,412 Hollis 262 14,640 1125 44,115 387 906 405,154 Hudson 187 10,029 886 37,986 443 996 311,520 iLitchfield 69 5,630 336 12,210 209 343 115,655 iLvndeboro’ 147 8,334 791 27,774 484 1,044 232,222 Manchester 953 71,518 735 28,282 721 4,402 4,681,7681 Mason 189 11,390 758 27.113 222 674 340,2051 Merrimack 162 9,052 692 23,476 338 552 307,305 1 Milford 306 28,796 987 52,326 123 476 648,343 1 Mont Vernon 116 7,562 441 16,388 194 606 196,884 Nashua 633 59,936 707 35,276 585 5,3(KJ 201,588 New Ipswich 198 15,8;38‘ 763 31,610 217 1,076 420,272 iNew Boston 309 25,115 1285 61,243 831 2,112 326,897 tPelham 196 10,910 662 25,376 346 2,185 351,188 Peterborough 354 34,0f)l 1200 56.212 886 2,436 671,425 Sharon 47 3,718 213 10,481 245 326 73,441 Temple 82 4,852 655 18,198 388 1,130 154,210 Weare 544 20,855 1579 58,221 4859 9,944 424.106 Wilton 240 19,214 996 49,533 171 61:1 445,920 Windsor 29 1,508 5,318 222 473 38,760 7248 530,830 24,819 981,396 23,213 6f,»,695 13,101,085 64 FARM STOCK AND LANDS. CHESHIRE COUNTY. Alstead 312 27,595 823 42,948 5220 15,291 342,641 Chesterfield 291 , 20,991 1276 69,432 1263 3,003 378,897 Dublin 234 21,795 829 46,850 2681 7,181 275,523 Fitzwilliam 225 17,280 801 37,049 252 867 313,494 Gilsuin 127 10,602 341 18,730 2180 4,121 120,758 Hinsdale 199 17,235 619 31,053 442 1,308 350.240 Jafifrey 254 19,972 1142 54,478 835 3,982 372,207 Keene 529 44,990 1061 50,656 2517 5,975 1,681,240 Marlborough 157 13,495 561 27,097 1108 2,337 219,826 Marlow 174 15,748 570 31,904 2407 6,108 178,685 Nelson, 115 6,871 412 18,234 3448 6,995 166,632 Richmond 166 10,117 704 29,160 503 992 187,748 Rindge 226 723 27,254 541 1,317 323,785 Roxbury 38 2,510 180 10.373 899 2.013 56,808 Stoddard 152 11,186 651 32,956 3083 7,930 219,638 Sullivan 68 5,775 305 19,400 2534 6,001 142,050 Surry 84 6,390 274 12,781 2305 6,362 132,062 Swanzey 306 23,433 915 41.281 1932 3,674 349,184 Troy 102 8,642 437 21,780 284 755 175,714 Walpole 430 40,854 1028 57,302 15704 43,088 755,084 Westmoreland314 30,629 1158 69,169 4087 10,065 177,295 Winchester 315 21,000 1118 47,301 1418 2,809 507,801 4S18 392,744 15928 797,188 55643 142,174 7,427,312 SULLIVAN COUNTY. Acworth 292 22,887 894 43,967 6771 14,122 283,554 j Charlestown 323 32,735 1015 50,772 7890 21,720 597,022 I Claremont 560 53,334 1500 71,309 6493 16,801 1,162,986 ; Cornish 348 20,724 1240 51,156 7256 14,961 328,630 i Crovdon 179 12,755 862 26,404 3078 6,690 159,980 i Goshen 139 10,688 511 21,696 1731 3,828 109,872 Grantham 133 7,990 495 18,225 2795 5,865 118,148 Langdon 142 14,296 508 36,002 2238 5,782 208,120 Lempster 174 12,792 699 30,433 1834 3,352 168,804 Newport 497 37,447 1525 56,333 3776 7,854 533,078 .Plainfield • 381 23,384 1252 52,487 ‘ 13444 32,354 407,262 Springfield 177 10,067 956 30,014 3804 6,846 150,035 Sunapee 177 10,701 780 28,943 1539 2,874 157,682 1 Unity 204 16,055 792 31,579 5842 12,171 216,690 Washington 173 10,568 738 29,058 2230 5,616 223,854 3899 296,423 13767 578,378 70721 160,839 4,825,717 GRAFTON COUNTY • Alexandria 283 10,669 886 26,780 2287 3,763 178,170 1 Bath 3-23 21,071 1221 43,473 8525 18,143 300,451 1 Benton 74 3,645 307 12,578 1208 2,689 92,4261 Bethlehem 232 14,126 814 21,665 1431 2,763 161,098 Bridgewater 110 5,945 482 13,803 2236 4,077 82,270 Bristol 194 16,376 530 ,.18,037 1348 2,945 228,676 Campton 298 16,749 1104 28,305 3189 5,540 203,346 Canaan 368 20,286 1087 37,015 6095 9,657 341,523 Danbury 167 11,589 895 28,774 1784 3,398 - j — 147,871 FARM STOCK AND LANDS. G5 Dorchester 144 6,206 563 17,187 2098 4,343 113,543 Enfield 265 23,506 997 42,500 6741 16,589 365,615 Ellsworth 39 2,705 209 7,073 471 899 22,977 Franconia 163 11,290 413 11,112 923 1,480 141,898 Grafton 167 9,995 1047 33,139 3492 5,521 188,441 Groton 90 6,696 556 17,252 2452 5,714 118,110 Hanover 411 29,090 918 28,125 15695 43,504 549,372 Haverhill 616 30,846 1703 53,756 12820 25,677 557,175 Hebron 73 4,420 355 10,836 1812 3,712 72,286 1 Holderness 278 17,658 1188 40,024 1789 4,306 321,966 1Landaff 240 15,590 912 26,452 4659 9,538 177,642 I Lebanon 359 36,215 960 43,753 11334 36,227 853,245 i Lisbon 456 29,036 1354 36,081 4980 8,853 355,355 ! Lincoln 7 275 35 1,456 32 47 19,606 i Littleton 429 33,514 1474 42,919 3372 8,236 470,292 Lyman 175 12,961 687 18,255 2714 6,247 136,299 Lyme 296 25,800 893 45,635 12090 39,583 406,556 Monroe 151 9,677 534 14,669 1897 5,154 154,335 i Orange 58 3,447 331 13,113 1539 2,685 55,138 i Orford 288 22,304 831 38,350 10048 24,424 435,570 1 Piermont 240 19,279 656 22,462 8630 26,438 316,470 ; Plymouth 270 21,622 708 20,848 2404 5,360 257,990 1 Rumney 199 11,362 734 18,306 2270 4,306 187,818 j Thornton 218 12,296 795 21,107 2238 3,123 139,860 I Warren 179 9,847 596 20,494 2950 6,058 169,267 } Waterville 11 480 39 890 38 58 22,863 I W entworth 170 10,670 735 21,700 2028 4,410 168,200 i Woodstock 1 71 4,456 317 11,320 631 1,280 52,752 i 8012 541,899 27866 909,244 150250 556,747 8,566,472 COOS Ct)UNTY. Berlin 63 4,470 158 3,828 443 822 89,756 Carroll 82 4,274 252 5536 427 798 81,060 Cambridge 4 226 27 958 94 220 31,322 Clarksville 68 3,844 305 8,866 874 1,970 31,679 Colebrook 363 26,912 1223 45,700 3956 10,845 280.210 Columbia 205 11,866 892 22,768 2198 3,645 101,500 Dalton 174 8,055 664 15,937 1619 2,859 115,2-22 Dummer 49 3,245 204 7,105 464 834 47,215 ; Errol 42 2,305 239 7,861 378 703 49,3-25 Gorham 197 14,142 206 8,222 238 660 151,832 Jefferson 221 11,764 694 14,320 1325 2,367 126,006 Lancaster 481 32,448 1532 42,444 3871 7,930 441,940 Milan 134 9,188 632 20,204 1254 1,969 110,535 : Northumb’lndl88 12,0-23 676 17,756 1289 2,023 145,5-27 1 Pittsburg 112 7,048 511 12,352 1147 3,122 68,983 Randolph 27 1,728 131 3,969 217 476 41,536 Stark 80 5,055 470 15,042 1064 2,486 84,532 I Stratford 163 9,945 582 16,643 1002 1,674 147,010 Shelburne 66 5,020 324 11,374 585 1,260 84,312 Stewartstown 235 14,100 971 28,170 2749 6,438 128,866 Whitefield 271 15,655 762 18,977 1084 2;279 14i;751 Wentworth Loc.5 326 25 618 36 80 7;920 3230 203,139 11480 328,650 26314 55,460 2,508,039 — 66 iTATIOJ^AL BA2TKS. SUMMA RY BY CO UNTIES. Rockingham 6015 359,708 20715 Strafford 3131 204,430 11176 Belknap 2628 147,138 12343 iCarroll 3223 199,550 17725 Merrimack 6253 416.211 24747 Hillsborough 7248 530,830 24819 iCheshire 4818 392,744 15928 'Sullivan 3899 296,423 13767 Grafton 8012 541,899 27866 iCoos 3230 203,139 11480 750,339 403,911 385,099 551,420 907,387 981,396 797,188 578,378 909,244 328,650 13932 9623 18587 18544 62606 23213 55643 70721 150250 26314 37,478 20,931 40,144 45,320 138,902 60,695 142,174 160,839 556,747 55,460 8,575.034 6,614,793 3,535,354 2,985,084 11,206,013 13,101,085 7.427,312 4,825,717 8,566,472 2,d08,039 Totals 48457 3,292,072180566 6,593,092 449433 1,058,690 69,344,903 National Banks. ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. ' Berry National Bank, Derry. Capital $60,000. David Currier, Cashier. Directors, John W.Noyes, President; Benjamin F.Eastman, Thomas J. Melvin, Harvey P. Hood, G. A. Barnes, David Currier. National Granite State Bank, Exeter. Capital $100,000. N. A. Shute. Cashier. Directors, Abner Morrill, President; Charles Conner, G. G. Smith, William W. Stickney, S. W. Dearborn, Edmund Elliot, J. L. Merrill. Newmarket National Bank, Newmarket. Capital $80,000. Samuel A. Haley, Cashier. Directors, Joseph S. Lawrence, President; Samuel P. Dow, John B. Griffiths, John S- Bennett, William B. Small, John Mooney, Joseph C. Burley. First National Bank, Portsmouth. Capital $300,000. Samuel Lord, Cashier. Directors, William H. Y.Jlackett. President; Ichabod Good¬ win, William M. Shackford, John Stavers, William L. Dwight. National Mechanics’ and Traders’ Bank, Portsmouth. Capital $300,000. James F. Shores, Cashier. Directors, George L. Treadwell, President; John Sise, William H. Rollins, Charles Robinson, Ezra A. Stevens. Rockingham, National Bank, Portsmouth. Capital $200,000. John J. Pickering, . Chs/iter. Directors, Jonathan M. Tredick, President; John S. H. French, George W. Haven, William P. Jones, "William F. Parrott. New Hampshire National Bank, Portsmouth. Capital $150,000. Lafayette S. Butler, Cashier. Directors, James P.Bartlett, President; Jas. N. Tarleton, Daniel Marcy, True M. Ball, H. F. Wendell, Wm. R. Preston, John H. Bailey. STRAFFORD COUNTY. Strafford National Bank, Dover. Capital $120,000. Asa A. Tufts Cashier. Directors, William S. Stevens, President; Daniel M.Christie* Chas. Woodman, E, D. Chamberlain, Jeremiah Smith, David Osborne. Dover National Bank, Dover. Capital $100,000. Calvin Hale, Cash¬ ier. Directors, Samuel M. Wheeler, President; Oliver Wyatt, John McDuffee, James Littlefield, Eli V. Brewster, Enoch H. Nutter, Wood¬ bury T. Prescott, G. W. Benn. Cocheco National Bank, Dover. Capital $100,000. Ezekiel Hurd, Cashier. Directors, Thomas E. Sawyer, President: William B. Wig- gin, James E. Lothrop, Harrison Haley, Joseph Morrill, Charles W. l^llins, John E. Bickford. NATIONAL BANKS. 67 First National Bank. Rochester. Capital $60,0(K). Arthur P. Wliite- honse, Cashier. Directors. Nicholas V. Wliitehouse, President; Geo. L. Wliitehouse, Downing Varney, John Legro, Elihu H. Watson, Paul Stackpole, Jacob B. Smith. Somersivorth National Bank., Great Falls. Capital $100,000. Sam’l S. Rollins, Cashier. Directors, OliA'er 11. Lord, President; George W. Wendell, Royal Eastman, Owen W. Davis, Rufus W. Stevens, Eben A. Tiltbetts, Stephen S. Chick. Great Falls National Bank, Great Falls. Capital $150,000. Joseph k. Stickney, Cashier. Directors, Nathaniel Wells, President; William Bedel, Micajah C. Burleigh, Isaac Chandler, George W. Burleigh, Da¬ vid II. Bufl'um, A. A. Perkins. BELKNAP COUNTY. Laconia National Bank, Laconia. Capdtal $100,000. Daniel S. Dins- jmoor, Cashier. Directors, John C. Moulton, President; Ellery A. Ilib- jbard, William N. Blair, Samuel T. Thomas, Benjamin J. Cole, Samuel C. Clark, Ilauson Beede. Citizens' National Bank, Sanborn ton Bridge. Capital $70,000. Wm. |T. Cass, Cashier. Directors, Asa P. Cate, President; Austin F. Pike, j Woodbury Melcher, Eleazer Davis, John Kenniston, Ephraim S. Wad- leigh. CARROLL COUNTY. Carroll County National Bank, Sandwich. Capital $50,000. Chris¬ topher C. Fellpws, Cashier. Directors, Joseph Wentworth, President; Enoch Q, Fellows, John M. Stevenson, George \\. Lang, Paul Went¬ worth. Lake National Bank, Wolfeborough. Capital $75,000. Charles G. Tebbetts, Cashier. Directors, John M. Brackett, President; Moses Thonjpson, Aaron Roberts, George W. Ilersey, Blake Folsom, Otis Evans, Nathaniel T. Brewster. MERRIMACK COUNTY. First National Bank, Concord. Capital $150,000. William "W. Stores, Cashier. Directors, Geo. A. Pillsbury, President ; Enos Blake, Timothy Haynes, William Walker, Benning W. Sanborn, Peter Dud¬ ley James W. Johnson. National State Capital Bank, Concord. Capital $150,000.* Preston S. Smith, Cashier. Directors, John V. Barron, l*restdent; James Pe- verly, James S. Norris, Osmon C. Baker, Lyman D. Stevens, Lewis Dow’ning. jr. Pittsfield National Bank, Pittsfield. Capital $100,000. Josiah Car¬ penter, Cashier. Directors, Drake, President; Sir M. D. Per- 1 kins, Chas. II. Carpenter, Seth Shackford, Isaiah Berry, N. W. Drake. Kearsarye National Bank, Warner. Capital $50,(X10. George Jones, Cashier. Directors, Nehemiah G. Ordway, President; N. T. Green¬ wood, John George, Ira Harvey, George Savory, A. S. Bean, Abner Woodman. HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY. First National Bank, Francestown. Capital $100,000. Paul H. Bix- by. Cashier. Directors, Thomas-B. Bradford, Israel Bach- eider, Joseph Kingsbury, Thomas E. Bixby, John D. Butler, George Peavey. 68 NATIONAL BANKS. Amoslceag National Bank, Miincliester. Capital $200,0)0. George B. Chandler, Cashier. Directors, Moody Carrier, President; John S. Kidder, Stephen D. Green, Edson Hill. Steven James, Otis Barton, John S. Elliot, Reed P. Silver, Henry ChaTidler. First National Bank, Manchester, Capital $150,000. Fredericli Smyth, Cashier. Directors, Waterman Smith, President; David Ceos':, Joseph B. Clark, Thomas Wheat, R. N. Batchelder, W. W. Brown. Natt Head. Manchester National Bank, Alanchester. Capital $lti0,000. Chari i E. Balch, Cashier. Directors, Nathan Parker, President; Benjamin F. I Martin, Phineas Adams, David A. Bunton, John II. Maynard, G. 11. j Kim1>all, Horace P. Watts. Citg National Bank, Manchester. Capital $150,000. Edward W. 1 Harrington, Cashier, Directors, C. W. Stanley, President; S. W. Par- j sons, Joseph Kidder, Thomas Morgan, David R, Leach, Joseph A. ' Haines, Alpheus Gay. i Souhegan National Bank, Milford. Capital Si00.000. Charle.s A. iDaniids, Cashier. Directors, Hiram A. Daniels, President; Leonard Chase, R. R. Howison, Frederick T. Sawyer, Josiah Fleeman.- First National Bank, Nashua. Capital $150,000. John A. Spauld¬ ing, Cashier. Directors, Thomas Chase, President; Eilward P. Emer¬ son, Luther A. Roby, E. 11. Spalding, Stephen D. Greeley. Indian Head National Bank, Nasliua. Caj)ital $120,000. John G. j Kiml)all, Cashier. Directors. William D. Be;isom, T’rmV/en/; Aiigus- i tus G. Reed, Elbridge G. Reed, Calvin B. Hill, Charles Lovejoy, David A G. Warner, M. Barr. First National Bank, Peterborough. Capital $100,000. Albert S. Scott. Cashier. Directors, F. Ijivingston, President; A. P. Morrison, I .Amos Whittemore, Thomas Little Alexander Robbe, Jonas Livings¬ ton, Henry K. French. CHESHIRE COUNTY. ! Monadnock National Bank, Jaffrey. Capital $10 ),000. Peter Up¬ ton, Cashier. Directors, James Scott. President; Benjamin Cutter, Sam’l Ryan, Arad Adams. John Fo.x, Joseph T, Bigelow, .lolin Conant.j I Cheshire National Bank, Keene. Capital $200,0v)0. Royal ll.Por-j j ter. Cashier. Directors, John H. Elliot, President; Charles S. Faulk - 1 1 ner, William»S. Briggs, Charles Lamson, Francis A. Faulkner, Wm. I P. Wheeler. j Ke,ene National Bank, Keene. Capital $100,000. Geo. W. Tilden, \ Cashier. Directors, Frederick Yose President; Edward Joslin, John ! Bowker, Amos F. Fisk, Reuben Stewart, Horatio Kimball, Royal I Shu tnway. j Ashuelot National Keene. Capitar$100,000. Henry 0. Cool- I idge. Cashier. Directors, William DIn.smoor, President; Thomas M. j Edwards, George A. Wheelock, David Buffuin, William P. Abbott, Elijah Boyden.* Winchester National Bank, Winche-epartmeut» Supreme Judicial Court. Henry A. Bellows, Concord, Chief Justice. Jonathan E. Sargent, Concord, Associate Justice. Charles Doe, Rollinsford, Associate Justice. George W. Nesmith, Franklin, Associate Justice. Jeremiah Smith, Dover, Associate Justice. William L. Foster, Concord, Associate Justice. William C. Clark, Manchester, Attorney General. Amos Hadley, Concord, Reporter. CLERKS. Counties. Names. Residences. Rockingham, Charles G. Conner, Exeter Strafford, Daniel Hall, Dover. Belknap, Samuel C. Clark, Gilford. Carroll, William M. Weed, Sandwich. Merrimack, Nehemiah Butler, Concord. Hillsborough, George A. Ramsdell, Nashua. Jheshire, Edw'ard Farrar, Keene. Sullivan, Lyman J. Brooks, Newport Grafton, Charles A. Dole, Haverhill. Coos, Charles B. Jordan, COUNTY SOLICITORS. Lancaster Rockingham, William B. Small, Newmarket Strafford, Joshua G. Hall, jr., Dover. Belknap, William N. Blair, Laconia. Carroll, Josiah H. Hobbs, Madison. Merrimack, Daniel Barnard, Franklin. Hillsborough, Joseph B. Clark, Manchester. Cheshire, Farnum F. Lane, Keene. Sullivan, Ira Colby, jr., Alonzo P. Carpenter, Claremont. Grafton, Bath. Coos, Ossian Ray, Lancaster. Judicial Districts—Law Terms. In the state there are four Judicial Districts, as follows; District 1. Rockingham, Strafford and Carroll counties. “ 2. Belknap, Merrimack and Hillsborough counties. “ 3. Cheshire and Sullivan counties. “ 4. Grafton and Coos counties. Law Terms of the Supreme Judicial Court are holden annually within each of the above Districts, as follows: At Exeter on the third Tuesda}’ of June, and at Dover on the third Tuesday of December, for the First District: at Manchester on the first Tuesday of June, and at Concord on the third Tuesday of Decem¬ ber, for the Second District; at Newport on the fourth Tuesday of June, and at Keene on the second Tuesday of December, for the Third District; at Haverhill on the second Tuesday of January, and at Lancaster on the second Tuesday of July, for the Fourth District. COUNTY TRIAL TERMS. At Portsmouth on the third Tuesday of October, and at Exeter on the third Tuesday of January and the second Tuesday of April, for the County of Rockingham. At Dover on the second Tuesday of Februarv and the first Tuesday of September for the County of Straiford. JUDICIARr DEPARTilENT. 73 At Gilford on the fourth Tuesday of March and tlie fourth Tuesday of September, for the County of Belknap. At OssiPEE on the third Tuesday of April and the third Tuesday of October, for the County of Carroll. | At Concord on the first Tuesday of October and the first Tuesday ! of April, for the County of Merrimack. i At Amherst on the first Tuesday of May; at Manchester on the i first Tuesday of January, and at Nashua on the first Tuesday of September, for the County of Hillsborough. ! At Keene on the first Tuesday of April and the third Tuesday of ; October, for the County of Cheshire. I At Newport on the fourth Tuesday of January and the first Tues- !day of September, for the County of Sullivan. j At Haverhill on the third Tuesday of March and the third Tuesday ^ of September, for the Western Judicial District; and at Plymouth on i the first Tuesday of May and the first Tuesday of November, for thej , Eastern Judicial District in the County of Grafton. i At COLEBROOK on the first Tuesday of February and the third Tues- 1 day of August, for the Northern Judicial District; and at Lancaster! 1 on the fourth Tuesday of April and the first Tuesday of November ■ i for the Southern Judicial District of the County of Coos. t PROBATE COURTS. Judges of Prohate, Counties. Xames. Residences. Rockingham, William W. Stickney, Exeter. Strafford, Belknap, James H. Edgerly, Rochester. Warren Lovell, Laconia. Carroll, Larkin D. Mason, Tamworth. Merrimack, Hamilton E. Perkins, Concord. Hillsborough, David Cross, 3Ianchester. Cheshire, Silas Hardy, Keene. Sullivan, W. H. H. Allen, Claremont. Grafton, Nathaniel W. Westgate, Haverhill. Coos, Benjamin F. Whidden, Registers of Prohate. Lancaster. Rockingham, Thomas Leavitt, Exeter. Strafford, Amasa Roberts, Dover. Belknap, Woodbury L. Melcher, Laconia. Carroll, Daniel G. Beede, Sandwich. Merrimack, Isaac A. Hill, Concord. Hillsborough, Cornelius V. Dearborn, Nashua. Cheshire, Allen Griffin, Keene. Sullivan, Grafton, Shepherd L. Bowers, Newport. Luther C. Morse, Haverhill. Coos, John M. Whipple, Lancaster. TERMS OF PROBATE COURT. Rockingham County. : At Exetf.r on the Wednesday ne.vt following the first Tuesday of ' April, on the Wednesday next following the second Tuesday of Janu¬ ary, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and I December, and on the Wednesda}’ next following the third Tuesday of j February and March. ; At Portsmouth on the first Tuesday of November, on the third 1 Tuesday of March, and on the second Tuesday of January, May, Julyi I and September. _i JUDICIAKY DEPARTMENT. 74 At Kingston on the first Tuesday of August and December, and the third Tuesday of May. At Derry on the Wednesday next following the first Tuesday of August and December, and on the Wednesday next following the third Tuesday of May. At Chester on the Tuesday next following the first Tuesday of August and December, and on the Thursday next following the third Tuesday of May. At Deerfield on the Friday next following the first Tuesday of August and December, and on the Friday next following the third Tuesday of May. Strafford County. At Dover on the first Tuesday of January, March, May, August and October. At Rochester on the first Tuesday of July and December. At Farmington on the first Tuesday of April and September. At SoMERSWORTH on the first Tuesday of February, June and November. Belknap County. At Gilford on the third Tuesday of each month. Carroll County. At OssiPEE Corner on the first Tuesday of March, June, September and December. At Conway on the first Tuesday of January, April, July and Octo¬ ber. At Tamworth on the first Tuesday of February, May, August and November. Merrimack County. At Concord on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Hillsborough County. At Manchester on the fourth Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September and November. At Nashua on the fourth Tuesday of February, April, June, August, October and December. At Francestown on the Friday next following the fourth Tuesday of April, July and October. At Amherst on the Friday next following the fourth Tuesday of February, June, September and December. At Peterborough on the Friday pext following the fourth Tuesday of May and August. At Mason Village on the Friday next following the fourth Tuesday of March and November. At Hillsborough on the Friday next following the fourth Tuesday of January. Cheshire County. At Keene on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, Sullivan County. At Newport on the last Wednesday of February, April, June, August, October and December. At Claremont on the last Wednesday of Januarv March, May, July, September and November. JUDICIARY DEPARTMENT. 75 Grafton' County. At Lebanon on the first Tuesday of March and September. At LisiJhN on the third Tuesday of April and October. At Plymouth on the first Tuesday of May and November. At Canaan on the third Tuesday of June and December. At Haterhill on the third Tuesday of March and September. At Bristol on the third Tuesday of July. At Littleton on the third Tuesday of January. At Wentworth on the third Tuesday of February and August. Coos County. i j At Colebrook on the first Tuesday of September. . 1 I At Lancaster on the first Tuesday of January, March, May, July ; , and November. " | 1 ' County Officers, !Votary Publics, Coroners and I JTustices of tlie Peace* I I ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. ' i 1 Register —William II. Belknap, Exeter. j ! Treasurer —George L. Lougee, Rye. ! I Commissioners —John J. Leavitt, Hampton; Abbott Norris, Not¬ tingham: William S. Pillsburr, Londonderry. I Sheriff —Joseph P. Morse, Portsmouth. Deputy Sheriffs —George E. ' Eaton, Caiidia ; Isaiah A. Dustin, Derrj'; Ezra A. J. Sawyer, South : j Deerfield; Richard J. Sanborn, Deerfield ; Nathaniel H. Leavitt, Geo. pi. Perkins, Andrew .T. Fogg, Exeter; James M. Godfrey, B. S. Clif- ' ford, Epping; Caleb Moulton, Hampstead; Amos Kimball, Kingston; j Charles H. Joy, Portsmouth ; George P. Dearborn, West Nottingham ; i Amos C. Clement, Plaistow; Geo. W. Weston, Windham; John N. I Brown, Seabrook; James M. Platts, Londonderry. Deputies for i Rockingham living in other Counties—Isaac W. Farmer, Daniel L. j I Stevens, Justin Sp^^ar, 3Ianchester; Alfred S. Smith, Pelham; Fran-' 'cis B. Berry, Pittsfield; Nathaniel Wiggin, Dover; Henry A. Drew, ! Stratford; Joseph Jones, Lee. I Jailers —Chas. 11. Joy, Portsmouth ; Nathaniel H. Leavitt, Exeter, j I Coroners —John S. Couch, Chester; William A. Shackford, New- 1 ■ market. ; 1 A TKIXSOX - Justices —Greenleaf Clark, State ; John Kelley, I I Quorum; Albert Noyes, Gilman Greenough, Moses C. Kimball. | I AUDTTJiX - Justices —Franklin Crombie, Andrew F. Fox, State ; \ : Wm. 11. Murray. Kendrick Emery, Wells C. Underhill, M’m. M. Neal. I BREXTWOOD - Justices —Moses W. Caverly, Jos. B. T. Graves,! Fredrick Robinson, Benjamin F. La Bree, James P. Tiiyng. j C.AXDIA - Justices —Rufus E. Patten, Jonathan Martin, John; • Moore, John'H. Nutting, Jacob B. Daniels, State; Henr}' M. Eaton, ^ i John Rowe, Quorum; J. Harvey Philbrick, William Crane, John L. 1 Fitts, .Tosi^an Richardson, Joseph C. Langford. CHESTER - Xotary —John W. Noyes. Justices —Thomas J. Mel- ' vin, John W. Noyes, State; John S. Couch, 'VVilliani Greenough, Woodbury Masters, William Crawford, Qufyrum; Amos Hazelton, ■ Henry Moore. Asahel M'eeks, Davifl L. Batchelder, William Tenney, ! Sylvester S, Chamberlain, Nathan S. Morse, Daniel Sanborn, Joseph' W. Smith, Charles II. Knowles, .Tames F. Brown. ■ DAXVILLE - Justices —Aaron Quimby, William Hoyt, State;', Jacob C. Peaslee, Elisha Quimby, John C. Bradley, John Elkins. { 76 JUDICIARY DEPARTME2IT. DEERFIELD - Justices —Ira St.Clair, Levi B. Philbrick, State; Edmund Rand, David Stevens, Richard J. Sanborn, Quorum; Josiah I B. Tilton, David Smith, Israel N. Gale, Samuel Hobbs, Ez^a A. J. I Sawyer, George H. Stevens, Steven Brown, John Currier, Samuel G. ; Haines, Nathan Griffin, Isaac H, Morrison, A. Laugdon Jenness, 'Wm. I Young. I DERRY - Notaries —David Currier, Greenleaf C. Bartlett. Jus- \tices —William Anderson, Greenleaf C. Bartlett, Leonard Brickett, \ State; James C. Taylor, Quortim; Joseph Montgomery, William W. i Poor, James Priest, George W. Barker, Isaiah A. Dustin, Edward G. j Shute, George I. Choate, George W. Dickey, Geo. K. Whitney, Harvey I P. Hood, Geo. Moore, 2d, Paul Taj lor. I EAST KINGSTON. - Justices —Ezra F. Currier, Benjamin K. ; Webster, Quorum; Geo. B. Webster, Joseph C. Sargent, Stevens San- Iborn, Rufus Brown, John W. Gale, Nathan E. Tuck, Samuel L. Blais- Idell, John P. French. I EPPING - Justices —George W. Lawrence, Henry F. Hopkins, j State; Janies M. Godfrey, Henry F. Hoyt, J. Warren Towles, Benjamin ; M. Folsom, Quonim ; George N. Shepard, Hosea B. Burnham, Ezra F. j Barber, David D. Plumer, Folsom Dow, William F. Lawrence, David I F. Bartlett, Henry F. Hopkins, J. F. Lawrenee, John G. Ordway. EXETER - Nota.ries —William B. Morrill, Nathaniel A. Shute. , Justices —William W. Stickney, Charles H. Bell, AVilliam B. Morrill, Charles G. Conner, Charles Conner, Janies M. Lovering, William P. Moulton, Hendrick D. Batchelder, Horace Cummings, State; Alvah I Wood, Thomas Leavitt, Joseph S. Parsons, Quorum; Woodbridge Od- |lm, Abram P. Blake, Nathaniel Shute, Charles Gill, Jonathan W. i Robinson, John II. Kinioall, William H. Belknap, John J. Bell, W. H. I Robinson, Charles D. Towle, Charles C. Hunkins, George E. Lane, ‘Charles U. B -ll, A. J. Hoyt, George W. Wiggin, Charles Marseilles. I FREMON'T - Justices —Isaiah L. Robinson, Perley Robinson, ; State ; Daniel C. Robinson. ; GOSPORT - Justice —George Beebe. j GREEKLA ND - Justices —Greenleaf C. Clough, State; E. Holmes, i Samuel A. Clough, Charles W. Pickering. j HAMPSTEAD - Justices —A. Buck, Caleb Moulton, Quorum; ! Ebenezer Hoyt, Samuel Morse, Nathaniel C. Smith, Joiiu D, Ordway, I John Mills. John W. Garland. j HAMPTON - Justices —.Joseph Dow, State; John J. Leavitt, 1 Alfred J. Leavitt, Charles T. Brown, A. A. Cleveland. i HAMPTON FAI.^LS - Justices —Charles H. Sanborn, Nehemiah j P. Cram, State; .John W. Dodge, Qiiorum ; John H. Gove, John Batch- j elder, Charles T. Brown, Chailes A. Nason, Levi E. Lane, Warren I Brown. KENSINGTON - Justices —Ira Blake, Quorum; John T. Blake, Joseph W. Brown. KINGSTON Justices —Gideon Webster, William C. Patten, Sam¬ uel Webster, State; William F. Sanborn, Quorum ; Andrew J. Cilley, Amos Kimball, Moses Page, Charles II. DeRochemont, David W. Downs. Thomas Basset, Samuel E. Woodman. LONDONDERRY -Reed P. Clark, State; William J. Campbell, William P Richardson, Warren Richardson, William S. Pillsbury, Robert C. Mack, .!ohn Haynes, Elisha Smith, .lohn Shipley, .Jonathan McAllister, Daniel Wilkins, Charles S. Pillsbury, Josiah Good xvin. Geo. E. Fin eld. NEWCASTLE - Justices —Thos. Tarlton, State; John P. Cooper, Quorum. ROCKINGHAll COUNTY. 77 NEWJNGTOX - Justices —Darius Frink, Stute ; James A. Pick-j ering, Frederick W. DeRochemoMt, Nathaniel P. Coleman, John L.| Pickering, James Hoyt, James W. Pickering, Samuel Hoyt, John| ' Fabyan. j I XEWMABKET - Notaries —David Murray, Aaron L. Mellows. \ Justices —David Murray, William A. Shackford; William B. Small. ' Samuel A. Haley, Aaron L. Mellows, Nathan ri. Leavitt, John S. Ben-j nett, Geo. W. Kittredge, State; John F. Chapman, Nathaniel Leavitt, jr.. Quorum; Timothy Murray, Nathan H. Harvey, Samuel French. Joseph D. Stott, Joseph Pinkhain, Benj. F. Haley, Henry H. Smith. Joseph L. Elkins, Hall J. Paul, Albei t Field, Alanson C. liaines, John W. Smart. Charles W. Perkins. NEWTON - Justices —Philip Whittier, State ; John Hoyt, Thomas Carter, Quorum ; Zebediah Hoyt, Sargent Heath, Jonathan G. Gale, David C. Prescott, Wm. W. Boswell, John M. Tewksbury. NORTH HAMPTON - Justices —.John S. Hobbs, Samuel D. Lane, David M Dow. Hezekiah B. Lamprey, Morris Cotton, NathT S Smith. NORTH WOOD - Justices —Ira B. Hoyt, State; Jonathan K. Hoyt, Sam'l S. James, Vincent P. Tasker, Johu R. Richardson, Wood- ; bury Miles Durgin, Hollis J. Clark, John G. Mead. ; NOTTINGHAM - Justices —David Tuttle, Samuel S. Dame, State ; I Edward F. Gerrish, Quorum ; Noah 0. Smith, William Jenness, Har- i rison W. Bartlett, Abbott Norris, H. P. Daniels, Joseph N. Cilley. i Pike H. Harvey. PLA JSTOW- - Notary —Wm. H. Hills. Justices —Hiram Smart. jr., William H. Hills, State; Joseph N. George, Quorum; Moses C. Kimball, James M. Davis, Amos C. Clement, Charles A. Dow% Jesse E. i George ! PORTSMOUTH - Notaries —William Claggett, 0. W. Penhallow, j William H. Hackett, William Tuckerman, John N. Frost, Joseph M. ' Edmunds, George W. Duller, Benj. M. Parker, James P. Bartlett, John' , E. Rider, Marcellus Bufford, George E. Hodgdon. Justices —Richard' (Jenness, Aurin M. Payson, John E. Rider, William Claggett, Ichabodj 1 Goodwin, Horton D. Walker. Thomas L. Tullock, William H. Y. Hack- jett, John Bennett, .Joseph M. Edmunds, Marcellus Bufford, Wm. H. Hackett, Geo. G. Brewster, Jos. P. Morse, J. Hamilton Shapley, Aaronj Young, Allred W. Haven, Ezra A. Stevens, C. H. Hayes. David K. Mont-| I gomery, Charles G. Pickering, J. Horace Kent, State: Laroy Odell, I Henry F. Wendell, Alfred M. Hoyt, William 11. Rollins, William L. I Dwight, Albert R. Hatch, John S. H. Frink, Benj. M. Parker, Samuel .Spinney, Johu Dane, Lewis W. Bre^vster, Lewis E. Smith, Charles H.i Joy, Quorum; John W. Fernald, Ammi R H. Fernald, William Tuck- iernian, James P. Bartlett, William R. Martin, Joseph R. Adams, Ed-; jmuud W. Brown, John Stavers, Charles W. Bailey, Lyman D. Spald-j ing, John Hodgdon, 2d, William E. Hadley, Joshua L. Foster, Charles* A. Wiggin, .John Trundy, John Currier, Charles C. Whittemorc, Chas.' |T. Emery, Aaron H. Hill, Emery A. Henry, George Dresser, Benjamin| j W. Cutts, J. Chaplin Carr, Johu H. Slater, Henry A. Yeaton, NicholasI 1 L. Folsom, Daniel F. Smith, George W. Marston, George E, Hodgdon,] 'William Conn, William A. Vaughan, Horace C. Pickering, Wm. H.j I Harvey, William II- Y>aton, Calvin Page, Frank B. Johnson, Freder- ] ick L. Dodge, Charles L. Tidd, Henry C. Walker, William P. W.alker,' [Michael J. Vaughan, Joseph D. Pillow, Thomas E. 0. Marvin, GideoU; {H. Rundlett, John H. Miller, W. C. Gardner, John M. Davis, Albion , P. Stevens, Charles W. Adams, Frank Emerson, Wm. H. Thompson, Edward P. Nowell, Charles L. Plaisted, Johu H. Cheney, A. F. Craig. RAYMOND - Justices — John Brown, Josiah S> James, Wilson S. 78 JLTDICIARY DEPARTMENT Abbott, Wesley Poor, Stafei Beniamin Poor, Quorum \ Samuel M. ; tlarriman, Oliver Tilton, William TitcoraB, Aaron W. Brown. 1 RYE - Xotary —Warren Parsons. Justices —Thomas J. Pardons, Quorum ; Jonathan T. Walker, Emmons B. Philbrick, Charles J.' 3rown, Jacob Marston. | SALEM - Justices—John C. Ewens, Moores Bailej’, Quorum \ Obe-| diah Duston, Matthew II. Taylor, Silas Hall, William G. Crowell, Isaac Woodbury, Isaac Thom. Ebenezer N. Bradley, Daniel N. Russ,| Geo. C. Gordon, John W. Wheeler, E. G. Perham. SAXDOWN - Justices —William French, jr.. Quorum; Georgej Sanborn, Robert Sanborn, Franklin Fitts, C. W. Pressey, B. II. Rand.; SEABROOK - Justices — John Philbrick, Quorum; John M.. Weare, Robert Collins, John Weare, Joshua Janvrin, Moses Eaten,! ; William A. Rand, John N. Brown. i SOUTH HAMFTOX - Justices —Nathan II. Brown, Nathaniel S. ' Smith, George W, French, Jacob Eaton, R. L. Currier. 1 SOUTH XEWMARKET —Ezekiel Sanborn, State-, Al-| bert H. Varney, SamJ Neal, Sami Cilley, W. J. Quinn, Geo. E, Fitield-! STRA THAM - Justices —Benjamin F. Clarke, Andrew Wiggin. | WIXDHAM - Justices —George W. Weston, State] Francis. A.! Mardeu, Thomas W. Simpson, Benj. E. Blanchard, Rei Hills, L. A. Morrison. STRAFFORD COUNTY. Register and Sealer —Nahum Yeaton, Rollinsford. Treasurer —Asa A. Tufts, Dover. Commissioners —Uriah Wiggin, Dover; Joseph B. Edgerly, Farming-j ton ; Jesse R. Horne, Somers worth. I j Sheriff —Luther Hayes, South Milton. Deputy Sheriffs —Jasper G.i i Wallace, William K. A. Hoitt, Dover ; Charles Joy, Durham ; Andrew |J Scruton, Farmington; Joseph Jones, Lee; Ebenezer S. Nowell,j ! Rollin.sford; Henry Drew, Strafford; Stephen S. Chick, William L.' I Bracey, Somersworth; Jonathan Wentworth, Rochester. Deputies! i for Strafford living in other Counties—George D. Savage, Alton; Hi-i ! ram Paul, Wakefield; John W. Smart, Newmarket; George P. Dear- ; born, Nottingham. 1 Jailer —Mrs. H. E. Small, Dover. j Coroners —Thomas J. W.Pray, Dover; John Walker, Farmington ! James B. Shaplelgh, Somersworth. ‘ i BARRIXGTOX - Justices —George McDaniel, State; John H. I Winkley, jr.. Quorum: AVilliam Waterhouse, John R. Palmer, Gilman, : Hale, Hezekia'h Thompson. Horace G. Cater, L. A. Brown. | ! DOVER - Xotaries —Asa A. Tufts, Charles W. Woodman, John! R. Varney, Samuel M. Wheeler. Justices —Daniel M. Christie, John II. i White, Chas. W. Woodman, Geo. T. Wentworth, J. E. Goodwin, Wni. B.| ! Wiggin, Charles A. Tufts, Amasa Roberts, John R. Varney, Wolcott i Hamlin, Oliver Wyatt, Samuel M. Wheeler, Joshua G. Hall, Daniel ' Hall, Winslow T. Perkins, Thomas J. Smith, Thomas J. W. Pray,| I John B. Stevens, jr., .leremiah Smith, John A. Gliddeu, Frank Hobbs,, George C. Lowell, Quorum; John Clements, Woodbury T.i j Prescott, Levi G. Hill, George Quint, Benjamin Barnes. Richard Kim¬ ball, William B. Lyman, Edmund J. Lane, Thomas J. Palmer, Silas I Moody, .Tonathan P. Baker, Charles M. Murphy. Eli V. Brewster, Jas- i peril. York, John Stackpole, Charles Young, Daniel H. Wendell, jMarcellus Morgan, Peter Cushing, Benjamin A. Ford, Uriah Wiggin,! I Charles A. Tufts, George F. Nute, Hiram F. Snow. George L. Folsom, I Frank Freeman, Edmund Blaisilell, Everett 0. Fo-^s, .Jeremiah Smith, [C. E. Caswell, John F. Torr, Charles H. Sawyer Wm. E. Woodman. STKAFFORD COUNTY. 79 DURHAM - Justices —John A. Richardson, Ebenezer Thompson, Valentine Smith, 2d, State; John W. Kingman, Lafayette Hall, Quo¬ rum ; Joshua B. Smith, John \V. E. Thompson, Ai T. Gilman, Joseph C. Bartlett, George S. Frost, Geo. E. Chesley, Ira S. Ricker. FARMINGTON - Notary —John D. Lyman. Justices —David T. Parker, Josiah B. Edgerly, George M. Herring, George N. Eastman, John D. Lyman, Hiram Barker, Dearborn Wedgwood, State; Benjamin R. Peavev, Ezekiel Ricker, William W. Hayes, James E. Fernald, Joshua P. Richardson, John G. Johnson,- John B. Berry, Eri F. Nute, Isaac Merrill, Peter* M. Horn, Daniel C. Mellows, Alonzo Nute. Frank¬ lin Emerson, Hosea B. Edgerly, Charles W. Wingate, David Forbush, Elvin C. Kinnear. LEE - Justices —Joseph S. Lawrence, George E. Durgin, State; George Lang, Quorum ; Charles H. Layn, .1. Frank Lawrence, Nathan¬ iel G. Davis, Samuel Layn, Thomas M. Thompson, Wm. A. Jenkins,! John Bartlett, Albert G. Comings, Benj. F. Lane. ’ MADBURY - Justices —Ezra E. Demeritt, John B. Hutching N. C. Snell, B. F. Hayes. MIDDLETON Justices —Augustus G. Orne, Benjamin P. Ches¬ ley, James D. Moore, Jonathan Daniels, Charles York, Ebenezer S. Pike, Charles W. Horne. MILTON - Justices —Charles Jones, Luther Hayes, State ; El- bridge W. Fox, Joseph Plumer, Ebenezer Wentworth, Ezra H. Twom- bly, Joseph Mather, Charles A. Cloutman, Asa Jewett, Elias S. Cook, Joseph Cook, Robert Mather, Eli Fernald, Ira C. Varney, George Lyman, George W. Peavey, John S. Hersey, Geo. W. Tasker, E. W. Foss. ’>!, V. B. Cook. i\E’ir DURHAM - Justices —Enoch Berry, Eben E. Berry, Nehe- miah Morrison, State; John L. Jones, Moses H. Chesley, Samuel W. Joy, Baalis B. Tebbetts, George S. Gilman, Ira S Ricker, Albert D. Horne. Penuel C. Ham, James A. Miller, Charles H. Boody, J. S. Col- bath. ROCHESTER - Notaries —John McDuffie, Franklin McDuffie. Justices —Daniel J. Parsons, Cyrus K. Sanborn, Charles S. VVhitehouse, William Rand, .Jacob H. Ela, Joseph H. Worcester, John Legro, State; James H. Edgerly, Quorum; James Tebbetts, John P. Tricke}', Silas Hussey, jr., Ebenezer J. Mather, Enoch Whitehouse, Simon Went¬ worth, Jeremiah D. Evans, Ira Doe, Henry Nye. William K. Kimball, Charles W. Brown, Jafnes Farrington, Alvali M. Kimball, George F. Guppy, Noah Tebbetts, Henry W. Locke, John G. Davis, Stephen D. Wentworth, John J. Meader, D. B. Waldron. ROLLJNSFORD - NotdFry —William H. Morton. Justices —Hi¬ ram R. Roberts, Charles Doe, State ; Joshua Converse,^ Quorum ; Eb¬ enezer S. Nowell, William H. Morton, Nahum Yeaton, Andrew Rol¬ lins, Edmund C. Goodwin, William Webster, Sylvester Butler. SOMERSWORTH - Notaries —David H. Buffum, Joseph A. Stick- ney, S. S. Rollins. Justices —William D. Knapp, Enoch Perkins. Royal I Eastman, George W. Burleigh, Stephen S. Chick, Daniel G. Rollins, Jacob C Hanson, State; Albert A. Perkins, Joseph A. Stickney, Charles E. Hall, Quorum; John S. Haines, Oliver H. Lord, John C. i Hill, William B. Martin, Albert F. Smith, True W. Woodman, Henry j S. Swazey, James C. Pitman, Ichabod Pearl, William Pitt Moses, Jas.j , G. Young, T. G. Jameson, W. H. Farrar, E. B. LeGro, John Drew, Geo. Stevens, A. 0. Delano. STRAFFORD - Justices —Edward Walker, George C. Peavey, . Jacob Drew, Tobias 1). Foss, Nehemiah C. Twombly, State; John W. Jewell, Henry A. Drew, Paul Perkins, John U. Simes, Quorum; Dan- 80 JUDICIARY DEPARTMENT. iel L. Babb, Warren Foss, Virgil H. McDaniel, Jeremiah F. Hanscom, John C. Foss, Jacob B. Smith, John C. Peavey, Demeritt Place, Ben¬ jamin F. Winkley, David Winkley, Samuel C. Caswell, Warren Foss, Henry A. Drew, Wilson Grey, John D. Parshley, Chas. F. Montgomery. BELKNAP COUNTY. Register —Jacob P. Boodey, Gilford. Treasurer —James M. Paine. j Commissioners —Richard Gove, Gilford; Georgy L. Mead, Laconia ; I John Walker, Barnstead. Sheriff —Hanson Beede, Meredith. Deputy Sheriffs —George D. Sav¬ age, Alton; David C. Batchelder, Laconia; Daniel S. Beede, Meredith ; Warren H. Smith, Sanbornton. Deputies for Belknap living in other j Counties—John P. Sanborn, Franklin; Jonathan L. Pickering, Con- J cord; Francis B. Berry, Pittsfield; Andrew J. Scruton, Fariaingtoii; I David P. Prescott, Bristol. i Jailer —Stephen Shannon, Laconia. j AL TON - Justices —John W. Currier, George 1). Savage, Morrison i Bennett, State; Henry Hurd, Charles Hayes, Amos L. Rollins, Sewell : T. Roberts, Quorum^ Jonathan F. Chesley, Joseph E. Berry, Jereiinah Jones, Alonzo H. Sawyer. BARNSTEAD - Justices —John W. F. Locke, Seth Shackford, Reuben Edgerly, State; Geo. Colbath, Thos. M. Huse, Joseph Walker, | Horace N. Colbath, Theophilus S. Dow, Jonathan M. Tasker, Goo. E. Pendergast. j BELMONT - Notary —Charles A. Hackett. Justices —Charles.A. Hackett, William M. Clark, Ira Mooney, Quorum ; Nicholas D. j Garmon, Gorham ^wain, James S. Weymouth, Ira Blaisdell, George H. Hackett, John W. Wells, Napoleon B. Gale, Chas. E. Moody, E. A. RoM'e. CENTER HARBOR - Justices —Thomas Perkins, John H. Moul¬ ton, William Page, Quorum ; Benjamin H. Eastman. GILFORD Justices —Benjamin J. Cole, Samuel C. Clark, War¬ ren Lovell, Jacob P. Boodey, Hiram French, Thomas Ham, Richard Gove, ; Charles Coburn, Benjamin Jewett, Quorum; Ebenezer S. Hunt, Augustus J. Owen, S. S. Wiggin, James H. Tilton, Woodbury L. Melcher, 0. H. Key, Andrew.!. Thompson, Joseph L. Odell, Eraatus P. Jewell, John Aldrich, JoBn 0. Sanborn, Da^id C- Batchelder, Geo. Sleeper, Simon Rowe. GILMANTON - Justices — Jonathan P. Hill, Alfred Prescott, John K. Woodman, Orrin Folsom, Thomas Coggs-well, jr.. State; Stephen L. Greeley, Andrew S. Tilton, Jonathan W. Clough, George W. Parsons, Ttiomas Coggswell, jr., Ephraim Tebbetts, Cyrus Gilman, Henry E. Marsh, J. S. Goodwin, Cyrus T. Moore. LACONIA - Notaries —Almon C. Leavitt, Daniel S. Dinsmoor. Justices —Orisno A. J. Vaughan, Thomas J. Whipple, Charles Lane, Ellery A. Hibbard, William N. Blair, George W. Stevens, Benjamin M. Sanborn, Slate; John C. Moulton, Quorum; Daniel S. Dinsmoor, Amos C. Dow, Ezra B. Bell, Woodbury L. Melcher, E. P. Jewell, Ebenezer P. Osgood, Charles W. Miller, Joseph B. Batchelder, Benjamin P. Gale, Elijah H. Blaisdell, Fred. M. Wadleigh, S. B. Smith, Gebrgo L. Mead, John Blaisdell, 0. H. Key. MEREDITH - Notary —Daniel S. Beede. Justices —Hanson Beede, Samuel W. Rollins, Ebenezer Stevens, Joseph Ela, Bradbury' C. Tut¬ tle, Josiah Norris, Joseph S. Neal, Quorum; Lane Plummer, Seneca A. Ladd, Benjamin B. Rollins, Jeremiah B. Swain, John W. CARROLL COUNTY. 81 Beede, Daniel B. Eaton, David S. Metcalf, Isaiah Winch, George S. Hilton, Josiah S. Ingalls, Fred M. Wadleigh, John Neally. NEW HAMPTON - Notary —Zehina C. Perkins. Justicts —Dana Woodman, Augustus Burpee, States Nathaniel P. Smith, Kendrick W. I Smith, Quorum', Fletcher C. Wells, Edwin C. Lewis, William Dyer, : Zebina C. Perkins, Arthur L. Shaw, Geo. W. Harden, E, H. Prescott, 'Samuel Emerson. i SANBORNTON - Notaries —William T. Cass, Francis R. Chase. \ Justices —Thomas Webster, jr., Jeremiah C. Tilton, Charles C. Rogers, Francis R. Chase, State; Amos H. Jones, Quorum; Jonathan M. Ta\- 'lor, Benjamin Calley, Bradbury T. Brown, R. G. L. Bartlett, William T. Cass, Leonard K. Clough, B. M. Durgin, Jacob B. Sanborn, L. B. Ames. CARROLL COUNTY. Register —Loammi Hardy, Ossipee. Treasurer —Thomas Nute, Ossipee. Commissioners —Alphonzo S. Rust, Wolfeboro*; Bennett P. Strout, j Conway, Joseph Pitman, jr., Bartlett. ■ Sheriffs —Leavitt H. Eastman, Conway. Deputy Sheriffs —Hugh M. I Norton, Conway Center; Alonzo Alley, East Madison ; John Demeritt, i Effingham ; Joel F. Cotton, Moultonborough ; Luther Young, Ossipee; Gilman Moulton, Sandwich; Samuel E. Remick, Tamworth; Hiram Paul, Wakefield; George W. Hersey, Wolfeborough. Deputies for , Carroll living in other Counties—Hanson Beede, Meredith. ! ALBANY - Justices —John R. Parish, Thomas J. Allard, Stephen ; W. Ayers. BARTLETT Justices —George W. M. Pitman, State ; George Pit¬ man, Quorum; Isaac Meserv’e, Joseph Pitman, jr., William L. Chand¬ ler, John D. Thompson, Mark W. Pierce, Elias M. Hall. 1 BROOKFIELD - Justices —Dudley C. Coleman, State; J. Neal : Cate, D. J. Coleman, Quorum ; Jonathan W. Sanborn, Garland Allen, Joseph Pike, Moses C. Cate, Charles Coleman. CHATHAM - Justices —Ithiel E. Clay, Quorum; Seth Wyman. ! CONWA T - Justices — Samuel B. Shackford, Edwin Pease, State ; Samuel Hazel ton, Edward P. Lamson, Leander S. Morton, Tobias A. Hanson, Isaac E. Merrill. Joseph P. Eaton, B. P. Strout. EA TON - Justices —.Joseph E. Perking State ; Stephen W. Per- .kins, John W. Perkins, Stephen Allard, Quorum; Silas Snow, Thomas ' R. Giles, Hiram A. Allard, Edwin Snow. EFFINGHAM Justices —Josiah Dearborn, Cyrus K. Drake, Ru¬ fus H. Burbank, John Demeritt, State; Samuel L. Drake, John An-! dreM's, Elijah Taylor, Benjamin F. Taylor, Thomas J. Cate, Jeremiah j , W. Dearborn, Samuel Q. Dearborn, John Leavitt, 2d, John Keniston, I i John L. Demerritt, W. F. Chick. j ! FREEDOM - Justices —Elias Tpwlo, State ; Stephen J. Kenerson, j Qur/rum ; Alvah M. Davis, .Joseph Smith, John Parsons, Albert Locke,! Albion Burbank, Nathaniel Meserve. HART'S LOCATION - Justice —Hiram Parker. j JACKSON - Justices —George P. Meserve, *SVaf« ; Jonathan Gale. . ‘ MADISON - Justices —Josiah II. Hobbs, William Mason, Slate;' Jotham Hannon. Quorum; James J. Merrow, Mark P. Blaisdell, Geo. Merrow, Albert Allard. MOULTONBOROUGH - Justicts —John B. Dow', Samuel Emer-i son, William H. H. Mason, Benjamin E. Thurston, John M. Emerson,; State; Benjamin M. Mason, Reuben Smith, jr.. Quorum; Jonathan | Capp, James French, David L. Warren, Mark Randall, Eleazer Davis,! JUDICIAEY DEPARTMENT. 82 Joel F. Cotton, W. H. H. Flanders, Wm. H. Mason, C. B. S. Watson, Oliver Prime. OSSIPEE - Notary —Cliarles B. Gafney. Justices —Sanborn B. Carter, ; Edward Hersey, Quorum; Luther Young, Levi Smith, Charles Hodgdon, Israel L. Sanders, Loammi Hardy, Josiah Q. Roles, James Hodgdon, John W. Merrow, Henry C. Carter, John C. Bickford, Nathaniel Grant, Charles B. Gafney, Moses Merrill, Samuel D. Quarles. | Jeff. II. Jewell, Robinson Burtwell, Rufus F. Stillings, John F. Rob¬ erts, Ruel C. Carter, Horace Webber, Tl omas Nute, Henry J. Banks. SANDWICH - Justices —Moulton H. Jklarston, William M. Weed, Joseph Wentworth, Daniel G. Beede, State; Ira A. Bean, Enoch Q. Fel-j lows, Thomas J. Sweatt, Oscar T. Tittuni, Quorum; Gilman Moulton, j Arven Blanchard, David H. Hill, James M. Smith, William F. Quimby, j J. Cone Beede, Jonathan E. Hilton, Langdon G. Clark, Oliver Chase, Christopher C. Fellows, 0. T. Vittum, C. W. Hill. TAMWORTH - Justices —Obed Hall, Joseph Gilman, Larkin D. Mason, John G. Robinson, True Perkins, State; Nicholas Ham, Sam¬ uel S. Beede, Andrew Nealley, Charles P. Cooke, Otis G. Hatch, Alonzo Nickerson, Daniel Q. Tilton, Edwin F. Nealley, Samuel Berry, James Howard. TUFTONBOROUGH - Justices —John Haley, Wentworth; L. Y'oung, Jonn F. Stockbridge, Charles G. Edgerly, Quorum; George Fox, William W. Blaisdell, Edward Grant, Daniel W. Horner, John E. Bennett, Jacob Nutter, Augustus Wiggin, James C. Seavey, Peter Stackpole, C. A. Mclutire. WAKEFIELD - Justices —Amasa Copp, John W. Sanborn, Elijah Wadleigh, Charles Chesley, John L. Swinerton, Luther D. Sawyer, Frank Hobbs, William Sawyer, jr., L. G. Cato, John Frederick, State; Joshua H, Cloutman, Nathaniel Paul, James McN. Cooke, Samuel H. Smith, Joseph B. Wiggin, Morrill B. Smith, D. S. Burleigh, C. A. Var¬ ney”, Garland Allen. WOLFEBOROUGH - Notaries —Henry B. Rust, Abel Haley, John M. Brackett, Israel B. Manning. Justices —Daniel Martin, Henry B. Rust, John Fox, John M. Brackett, William C. Fox, Abel Haley, Charles F. Parker, Thomas L. Whitton, Thomas Rust, State; Moses T. Cate, John C. Young, John G. Cate, Natn’l H. Cotton, Roscoe G. Holmes, John H. Rust, Joseph Stevenson, Quorum; John W. Avery, Moses Thompson, Richard R. Davis, Charles F. Chase, Albert Bennett, Charles G. Tibbetts, AarSn Roberts, Oscar F. Whitten, Moses B. Brown, Israel B. Manning, Charles Rennick, John W. Cotton, Alonzo J. Orne, Charles H. Parker, B. G. Holmes, B. F. Avery, S. D. Fox. MERRIMACK COUNTY. Register —Thomas M. Lang. Treasurer —Arthur L. Graves. Commissioners —Enoch G. Wood, l^oscawen; Eri Poor, Hooksett; Daniel E. Hill, Northfield. Sheriff—)lenvy L. Burnham, Dunbarton. Deputy Sheriffs —Jona¬ than L. Pickering, Joshua B. Merrill, Frank S. Dodge, Concord ; Jona. P. Sanborn, Franklin; D, Warren Cogswell, Henniker; William Col¬ by, Hopkinton; George B. Hardy, Contoocook; Albert Little, New London; Eli Dodge, South Newbury; Clifton B. Hildreth, Suucook; Frank B. Berry, Jonathan Towle, Pittsfield ; Albert P. Davis, Warner; i Albert Sanborn, Wilraot Flat. Deputies for IVIerrimack living in other | Counties—Richard J. Sanborn, Deerfield; Carr B. Haj'nes, Candia ; | Daniel L. Stevens, Isaac W.Farmer, Alfred G. Fairbanks, Manchester; Rufus P. Claggett, Newport. MERRIMACK COUNTY. 83 Jailer —Frank S. Dodge, Concord. Coroner and Sealer —Seth Eastman, Concord. Supt. of County i^arwi—Charles C. Davis, Concord. ALLENSTO WN - Justices —Daniel Batchelder, Quorum ; Norman Call, Hall B. Emery. ANDOVER - Justices —John M. Shirley, John P. Carr, jr.. State ; I Aaron Cilley, jr., Samuel Morrill, Royal Stone, James Scales, Willi‘m IE. Melendy, Silas M. Ellis, Clark Durgin. H. A. Weymouth, Elbridge G. Emery, Joseph D. Philbrick, John Carr, S. L. Elkins. BOSCA WEN - Notary —Nehemiah Butler. Justices —Elephalet K. Webster, Nehemiah Butler, Isaac K. Gage, State; Laban N. Chad¬ wick, Franklin C. Morrill, Quorum; Almon Harris, Moody A. Pills- I bury, William W. Kilburn, Samuel Choate, John Y. Yeaton, Walter j H. Sargent. i BO W - Justices —John W. Goodhue, Benjamin Page, Quorum ; I Enoch Alexander, Parker Brown. BRADFORD - Justices —Ambrose S. Brackett, Mason W. Tappan, John D. Wadleigh, State; John W. Morse, Jesse Carr, Moses E. Gould, I Robert M. Wallace, Daniel Carr, Quorum; Jossiua Eaton, Timothy P. ! Jones, Stephen Cressey, Jason H. Ames, William 0. Heath, i CANTERBUR Y — —Justices —David M. Clough, Jeremiah L. Clough, I David Morrill, Edward Osgood, William H. Currier, State; Lyman B. j Foster, Quorum; Thomas L. Whidden, Solomon M. Clifford, Henry L. I Clough, Luther Sargent, Charles L. Brown, John Ham. I CHICHESTER - Notary —Charles H. Carpenter. Justices —Ed- I mund M. Forbes, State; Hosea C. Knowltou, Edward Langmaid, Chas. I H. Carpenter, Quorum; Wm. A. Swain, Jeremy N. C. Leavitt, John M. Haynes, Augustus Leavitt. CONCORD - Notaries —Natheniel G. Upham, Ebenezer S. Towle, Arthur Fletcher, Elisha Morrill, Lyman D. Stevens, Elbridge G. Car¬ ter, Chas. Minot, Preston S, Smith, Sam’l C. Eastman, Wm. M. Chase, W. W. Storrs, Robert C. Osgood, Isaac A. Hill, W. R. Walker, Darius j Morrill, N. W. Gove, Sam’l F. Brown, Asa Fowler, Geo. S. Blanchard, j \ Justices —Asa Fowler, Sylvester Dana. Josiah Minot, Edward H. Rol-| lins, L 5 ’man D. Stevens, Henry P. Rolfe, Isaac A. Hill, Anson S. Mar-l shall, Amos Hadley, William L. Foster, John Y. Mugridge, Peter San- 1 born, Samuel G. Lane, Benning W. Sanborn, Luther Roby, Ira A. j Eastman, William E. Chandler, William 5L Chase, Joshua B. Merrill,; j Charles P. Sanborn, Hazen Pickering, John Kimball, Eli-sha Adams,; Hamilton E. Perkins, Joseph W. Robinson, Richard Bradley, John H. j I George, James W. Carr, Nicholas Quimby, William A. Clough. Rich- 'ard Harcourt, Samuel D. Baker, John A. Holmes, Joshua Chajiman, ‘William F. Goodwin, Stephen C. Badger, Arthnr Fletcher, Moses I Humphrey, Nathan W. Gove, George G. Fogg, Charles A. Colbath, ; Jona. E. Pecker, Geo. W. Ela, Perley S. Chase, Seth K. Jones, Wm. H. Buntin, John George, Abraham G. Jones, John H. Albiu, Frank S. Dodge, John Batchelder, Samuel B. Page, David A. Warde, Benjamin F. Gale, Jonathan Eastman, Benj. F. Prescott, Joab N. Patterson, Ja- icob B. Rand, Samuel C. Eastman, Charles W, Sargent, Joshua B. Mer¬ rill, J. Ware Butterfield, John L. Sliackford, Chas. H. Roberts, State; George Abbott, J. C. Whidden, Jeremiah 8. Noyes, Henry D. White, William W. Taylor, John Abbott. Mitchel Gilmore, Sbadrach Seavey, Eliphalet S. Nutter, E. S. Towle, Amos C. Warren, Woodbridge 0 i Closson, Albert G. Morrison, Robert AV. Bennett, Enoch S. AA'ood, I I HEXXIKER - Justices — James Fellows, Oliver C. Fisher, AA’arren i Clark, David P. Perkins, .John S. Craig, Jeremiah Foster, State ; Jonas . lAVallace, James Straw, Zadock Dustin, Nathan SawA'er, AVilliam H,i Gilmore, Qur/rum ; AVilliam H. Sawyer. D. AVarren Coggswell, James i AV. Sargent, George L. Kimlmll, Josiah Morse, Squire AI. Patten, AA'm. ! 0, Folsom, James B. Gove, Phineas Clough. j HILL—^—Justices —Geo. AV. Sumner, Amos K. Davis, Isaac T. Par-j ker, Quorum ; John H. Emmons, Jonathan K. Rowell, Aloses F. Little, ; i Amos D. Caswell. I I HOOKSETT - Justices —Natt Head, Jesse Gault, Orlando T- 3Iar-j shall, J.T. Goss, State; John If, Alitchell, Hiram Kimball, John L. : j Garland, Geo. AA*. Davis, 2d, John AA*. Prescott, Geo. A. Robie. i I HOPKIXTOX - Justices —Horace Chase, D,ver H. Sanborn, Geo. | I K. Goodrich, Stephen K. Hoyt, John L. Sinclair, State; Isaac D. Mer-i i rill, Isaac Storj', Geo. AA'. Currier. Parker M. Flanders, James Hoyt,| i Thomas B. Jones, John F. Jones. Richard F, Alurgan, Daniel E. How-' jard. Quorum; Joab Patterson, John Currier, Horace S. Stanley, C.v-; j rUvS Dustin, Charles Gould, George B. Hardy, Rufus P. Copps, Samind ; S. Page, Thomas S. French, John M. Harve^', AVm. R. Chase, Clarion! . H. Kimball. G. A. Curtice, Geo. AA'. French, Henry H. Crowell. ; : LOUDON - Justices —Isaac S. Frencli. Theophilns B. Martin,' ; Richard Potter, State; Ira Osgood, Quorum; Moses Morse, AA'illiam i Emery, Samuel P. Calef, Jeremiali Blake, Henry A, Clough, Levi AA*. j ! Sanborn. Harmon E. Batchelder. j NEWBURY - Justices —Eli Dodge, Jeremiah Alorse, Nathaniel C. i Savory. Nathan S. Johnson. State; Nathaniel C. Lear, Silas AV. Dana, I Ezra Cilley, 2d. Jonathan Rowe. I iA'iiVr LONDON - Justif'es —Daniel E. CoD>y. Luther McCutcliins. i Marcus E. Sargent. Albert Little, Ej>hraim Knight. State; Nahum T.; HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY. 85 Greenwood, Quorum; Edwin A. Jones, Charles S. Sargent, Anthony } C. Bnrpee. Janies II. Burpee, John T. Greenwood, j NORTH FIELD - Justices —Daniel E. Hill, Asa P. Cate, Archi¬ bald S. Clark, G. S. Abbott, F. J. F^astnian, Francis R. Chase, Adam i S. Ballantyne, State; Isaac Whittier, D. M. Sargent. PEMBROKE - Notary —Aaron Whittemore. Police Justice — | William Ilazeltine ; Associate —Moses Martin. Justices —Aaron Whit¬ temore, Moses Martin, Edwin B. Gould, John M. Kimball, Nathan Call, Henry H. Hartwell, State ; James Wilson, Noah M. Cofran, J. E. Chickering, Quorum ; Trustworthy L. Fowler, Wm. Hazoltine, Jacob i Sawyer, Winthrop Fowler, John E. Stanyan, Moody K. Wilson, Mar- ttin H. Cochran, Clifton B. Hildreth, Simeon A. H. Weeks, Warren I Martin, i PITTSFIELD - Notary —Josiah Carpenter. Justices —Joseph j ; Tasker. Richard P. J, Tenney, Frank B. Berry, Benjamin Emerson. iThos. H. Thorndyke, Reuben L. Leavitt, Joseph Harvey, Daniel K, i [Foster, Sylvester H. French, State; Benjamin L. Cram, Quorum; ! 'Charles E. Perkins, James Drake, Abraham French, 2d, William A. | . Mack, Hiram A. Tuttle, Sylvanus Smith, John L. French, Moses Mar¬ tin, C. H. X. Green, William H. Berry, William Yeaton. j SALISBURY - Justices —Arthur L. Graves, State; Nathaniel ■ Sawyer, Jcdin C. Smith, Moses J..Stevens, Joseph P. Stevens, Agustus j jC. Pettingill, Moses P. Thompson, Thomas D. Little, Natlian Tucker, ' jr., Charles C. Rogers, Cyrus Gookin, Caleb E. Smith, William Dunlap. * SUTTON - Justices —Robert Lane, S. R. Smiley, Moses Hazen, 'State; Enoch Page, Asa Page, Quorum; Fhastus Wadleigh, James M. j i Sargent, 1 WARNER - Notary —George Jones. Justices —H. IT. Harriman, j! 'Walter Harriman, Nehemiah G. Ordwaj', State; Franklin Sinn nds, j ^Robert Thompson, Geo. Jones, Quorum; AI)ner Woodman, Stephen j [Bartlett, Stephen S. Bean, Harrison R. Sargent, Timothy ITanders. j I Moses 1). Wheeler, Albert P. Davis, Hiram Buswell, William G. An- | j drews, Frank P. Harriman. Stephen N. Fei rin, William K. Bartlett I I WEBSTER - Justices —Simeon B. i.ittle, Ntafe ; Joseph L. Couch j [ Dudley C. Hubbard, Chas. E. Putney, ; William W, Austin, ' Thomas H. Currie, Chas. S. Danforth, Cyrus A. Stone, Atherton Swett, George Little, George M. Smith, John C. Pear.son. | i WILMOT - Justices —Wm. W. Flanders, John Woodbury, jr. Ho- j ratio N. Mason, State; John Teel, Quorum; Geo. Shepherd, Minot ! I Stearns, John P. Bean, Baruch C. Clough, Andrew J. Roberts, George • ' E. Woodward, John P. Elkins, Warren F. Langley. j 1 I [ HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY. | ! Register —Dana W. King, Nashua. j! i Treasurer —Henry C, Merrill, Nashua. j [ Commissioners —Jacob F. James. Manchester; Gilman Scripture, I Nashua; William W. Johnson, New Ij)swich. - I N/jcrt/T—Charles Scott. Peterborough. Deputy Sheriffs —William' : Wethorbee, Amherst: David Pattee. Goffstown; John G. Dickey, Hills-lj j borongh; John B. Perkins, Hollis : David L. Stevejis, Isaac W. Farmer ; j! Justin Spear, A. G. Fairl)anks, Manchester; John K. Mills. Mason ;j, [Daniel K. Marvel. Milford; John Taylor, Paris H. Hill, Nashua; [Alfred S. Smith, Pelham; Timothy K. Ames, Peterborough; Moses [ Clark, M’ilton. Dejuities for Ilillsla^romrh living in oth«*r Counties— ' , J. L. Pickering, Concord; Albert P. D.ivis, Warner; D. Warren C(*gs-i • : well. Henniker; David A. Wood, East Jaffrey ; Sylvanus Clogston,'' i East Washington. I '■ - - - --- !86 JUDICIARY DEPARTMENT. Jailer —A. G. Fairbanks, Mancliester. Coroner —Benjamin E. Hutchinson, Milford. Sealer —John Dickey, 3Iillord. AMHERST - Justices —William Wetherbee, Charles Ricliardson, Edward S. Cutter, ; Perly Dodge, David Russell, Quorum; Wil¬ liam A. Mack, Barnabas B. Davis,-Edward D. Boylston, J. 0. Pulsifer, A. A. Rotch, Joseph E. Fay. 1 1 AN'TRIM - Justices —Isaac Baldwin, ; James Boyd, Wm. S. I Foster, Nathan W. C. Jameson, Qm/rum; Joiin G. Flint, lima Wright, j ! Almas Fairfield, William N. Tuttle, C. E. Dorr. I I BEDFORD - Notary —Isaac N. Riddle. Justices —Isaac X. Riddle,, j ; Joseph H. Stevens, Oliver L. Kendall, James T, Kendall, I i Leonard C. French, 2d, George W. Riddle, Robert Fulton. ; j BENNINGTON - Justices —Amos Whittemore, John W. Flagg, | ; Quorum; Samuel Baldwin, Henry H. Dunklee, Hiram M. Davis, Henry j [ B. Wheeler, William E, Waterhouse. ! : BROOKLINE - Justices —Benjamin Gould, Henry K. Kemp, Wm. iG. Shattuck, Charles A. Priest. ! IJEERTNG - Justices —David F. Whittle, State ; Russell Tubbs, j William Forsaith, Quorum; George Smart. George C. Patten, Herod j ! Chase, Carlton Clement, Benj. L. Bartlett, Erastus H. Bartlett, Isaac! Smith, Chester A. Appleton, Horace Gove, Lewis Goodale, J. G. Mor¬ rill, John F. Chase, FRANCESTOWN - Notary —Paul II. Bixby. Justices —Francis ill. Morgan, Paul H. Bixby, Thomas B. Bradford, State; Samuel D, j Downs, Samuel B. Hodge, Quorum; James H. Starrett, John West, i Hiram Patch, A. H. Bixby. ‘ - j I G0FFST0^YN - Justices —David Steele, John Steele, Lemuel X. ! ! Pattee, Alfred Story, ; George Poor, Jesse Carr, Quorum; Rod-j ney G. Stark, D. M. Taggart, Daniel 8. Carr, Thomas R. Hoyt, jr., Cal-i vin Wyman, Nathan E. Kimball, David Pattee, Jesse Nichols, Daniel' Little. George G. Bumpus William P. Warren, G. Byron Moore, SamT . Teel, Henry E. Blaisdell, * ! GREENFIELD - Justices —Horace Cudworth, Wm. Whitemore, j ! Charles D. Fitch, State ; A. M. Savage, George S. Peavey. j I HANCOCK -Joseph Davis, Richard Emerson, Adolphus j : D. Tuttle, Benjamin Goodhue, Mark N. Spaulding, Charles Dennis, | ; Henry Knight. j : HILLSBOROUGH - Notary — John C. Campbell. Justices — ; I James F. Briggs, Mark W. Fuller, Thos. X. Goodale, N/afe; William! i B. Whittemore, Elijah Munroe, ; John McXiel, Cornelius Cool- ! jidge, Levi Goodale, John M. Curtis, Edgar Hazen, John G. Dickey, ; Chas. A. Hamden, John Goodell, Henry Lorr, John C. Campbell, Brooks K. AVebber, J. H. T Newell. Frank E. Hatch, Chas. E, Dorr, Chas. Gillis, R. F. Lovering, George A. Cochran. HOLLIS -./usiices—Jolin X. Worcester, ; Joel Hardy, Quo¬ rum; Charles A. Read, Leonard Farley, James AY. AA’heeler, AVilliam : A. Trow, John Farley, John B. Perkins, Enoch J. Colburn, Edward A. ! Burge, Jefferson Farley, Ebenezer T. Wheeler, Ambrose H. AA’ood, | ■ John Colburn. j I HUDSON - Justices —AVilliam H. Chase, AS'^a^e; Stephen 0. Gree- i I ley, Daniel T. Gage, Ki;nball AVebster, James Emery, Benj. Kidder,: j F. A. Marden. i LITCHFIELD - Justices —Isaac McQueston, Quorum; Isaac X. Center, .Jonathan A. Marsh, Charles AVlute. i LYNDENBOROUGH - Justices —AVm. A. Jones, Joel H. Tarbell, Wm. AA'. Curtis, Jolin H. Goodrich, David E. Prcctor, Geo. A. Putnam., HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY. 87 MAXCHESTER - Notaries —Samuel N. Bell, Isaac W. Smith, Elijah M, Topliff, Joseph B. Clark, Charles E. Balch, Nathan Parker, George B. Chandler, Bradbury P. Cilley, Lucian B. Clough, John A. Riddle, Daniel W. Lane, J. E. Bennett. Justices —Moody Currier, Her¬ man Foster, George "W. Morrison, William C. Clark, David Cross, Na- • than Parker Jacob F. James Frederick Smyth, Isaac W. Smith, Dan’l L. Stevens, Theodore T. Abbott, Samuel Upton, Elijah M. Topliff, : Edward W. Harrington, Isaac W. Farmer, Samuel Gould, William i Stark, Isaac Riddle, Samuel N. Bell, Jacob G. Cilley, Bradbury P. C-il- I ley, Samuel D. Lord, Justin Spear, Chas. H. Bartlett, John T. Moore, George A. French, Clinton W. Stanley, Lewis W. Clark, James L. Par¬ ker, Lucian B. Clough, Ezekiel A. Straw, Jacob E. Bennett. Joseph B. Clark, William Richardson, Enoch Holcomb, Elbridge G. Woodman, Cyrus A. Sulloway, Charles R. Morrison, Albe C. Heath, Foster Kim- > ball, William W. Brown, John W. Clark, John D. Patterson, Nathan¬ iel Baker, Charles L. Richardson, John Hesley, Daniel R. Prescott, Joseph W. Fellows, Joseph H. Haynes, Isaac II. Jones, Daniel R. Leach, E. B. Haggan, John C. French, State; John S. Kidder, Joseph S. Kidder, Isaac N. Riddle, Quorum; Moses Fellows, Stephen Palmer, Rodina Nute, Daniel Balch, Benj. F. Locke, Wni. B. Webster, James; B. Straw, Joseph G. George, John A. Riddle, Horace Pattee, James A. Weston, Nathaniel E. Morrill, Henry R. Chamberlain, John G. Lane, ; William Little, A. G. Fairbanks, Samuel T. Foster, Waterman, Smith, John C. Lyford, George B. Chandler, Alfred F. Perry, Jonathan A. ' Knowles, Charles E. Balch, Andrew J. Dow, John B. Clarke, Amos B.j Page, John P. Newell, Robert R. Moore, Stephen D. Green, Israel ; Webster, Daniel Farmer, Jonathan Y. McQueston, James 0. Adams, | I Wni. R. Patten, Seth T. Hill, Et-enezer G. Knight, Harrison D. Lord, j John Gillis, Gilman H. Kimball, Moses E. George, Wm. W. Colburn, | John L. Foster, Joseph L. Stevens, Joseph L. Sanborn, Daniel W. Fling, Martin V, B. Edgerly, Samuel “Clark, Joseph Q. Edgerly, Wm.' A. Potter, Ezra Huntington, Nahum Brooks, A. C. Osgood, Alexander M. Corning, Joseph E. Walker, Robert F. Moore, Joseph W. Bean, Levi II. Sleeper, George H. Colby, Moses 0. Pearson, Daniel C. Gould, i Eugene M. Bowman, Daniel Stevens, John B. Goodwin, Ephraim S. Harvey, Horace M. Gillis, Henry C. Sanderson, Isaac Whittemore, ; Atherton W. Quint, Henry A. Vialle, Edward P. Richardson, Thomas ; L. Thorp, Gustavus F. Yon Wachenfeldt, A. 0. Dillingham, Nathan P. Hunt, Henry S. Clark, S. H. Andrews, Wm. R. Walker, C. L. Sulloway, ; R. J. P. Goodrich, D. C. Gould, jr., P. C. Cheney. MASON - Justices —Thomas U. Marshall, State; Nathaniel Shat- tuck, Quorum; Joseph B. Wilson, John K. Mills, N. J. Oliver, James i L. Chamberlain, Daniel P. Stowell, John Kennej*, Edward M. Smith, ' H. I. Whitney, James Taft. MERRIMA CK - Justices —Edward P. Parker, State; William T. Parker, Quorum; Harrison Eaton, David Henderson, Franklin Her¬ rick, Samuel C. Anderson, Alexander McC. Wilkins, Benjamin Ela, i Reuben H. Pratt, George F. Spalding, Abner C. Darrah, David Jones, Carmi M. Parker, Isajic Fitts. MILFORD - Notary —Charles A. Daniels. Justices —Bainbridge i Wadleigh, William Ramsdell, Francis P. Fitch, Thomas L. Livermore,! liliny Whitney, State; John E. Bruce, Daniel Russell, Abel Chase, i Quorum ; Levi Curtis, George W. Burns, William R. Wallace, Fred T. I Sawyer, George Daniels, Clinton S. Averill, John E. Foster, Gilman ; Wheeler, George H. Gillis, William Lane, S. Smith Stickney. George j F. Bartlett, Daniel K. Marvell, David Heald, Charles B. Tuttle, John L. Spring, Samuel G. Dearborn, Christopher C. Shaw, Daniel W. Sar- 88 JUDICIARY DEPAETME^’'!. j 2 :eiit. Joel H. Gutterson, Hiram A. Daniels, Amos W. Abbott, George ; ij. (Gilmore, Walter H. Sanborn. i MOXT VERXON - Justices —Chas. J. Smith, State; John Brnce, j Quorum; Nathaniel Bruce, Alonzo Bruce, George E. Dean, William ' I A. Stinsoik F. Otis Kittredge, John Trevitt. i I XASHTTA - Xotaries —Aaron F. Stevens, Bernard B. Whittemore, i j Francis Winch, Albert McKean, John A. Spalding. Justices —.John ! iM. Hunt, Israel Hunt, Charles P. Danforth, Isaac Spalding, Aaron W, • ! Sawyer, George Y. Sawyer, Alfred Greeley, Aaron F. Stevens, Edward j j B. Emerson, Albert McKean, Thomas Pearsons, Clark C. Boutwell, j i George Stark, Hiram T. Morrill, William Barrett, Daniel R. Marshall, i j Benj,. F. Emerson, Henry B. Atherton, Cornelius V. Dearborn, Joseph I |Greeley,2d, Josiah G. Graves, William W. Bailey, Thomas Chase, Geo. • i. A. Ramsdell, Gilman Scripture, Joshua F. Whittle, State; Bernard B. Whittemore, Harvey F. Courser, Quorum; Franklin Munroe, William 1 D. Beasom, Edward Spalding, Robert Moore, Nathan McKean, Harri- : Aon Hobson, Henry J. Chapman, Paris H. Hill, Albert Lull, Oliver A, | 1 Woodbury, Francis Winch, Luther F. Locke, Evan B. Hammond, Sam- i UielTuck, James Eayers, .John Taylor, Jacob D. March, Norman P. ; Green, Eliphaz W. Upham, John G. Kimball, Theodore H. Wood, Benj. j ■Saunders, Edward Parker, George Y. Sawyer, jr.. Freeman E. Tupper, j ■ Edward A. Slader, .Tefferson Rockwood, John M. Flanders, Warren J. jj Cooper, James Swallow, Henry Parkinson, Frederick Chase, Charles j; ■ A. Gillis, Jeremiah W. White, Albert H. Saunders, James B. Fassett. jj j. Iotham P. Hutchinson, Norman Fuller. Alfred W, Greeley-, Andrew J. J' Rockwood, John A. Spalding, Hiram Goodrich, David Gillis. Ed- jj I ward Spaulding, Samuel K. Wellman. Jacob Libb}’, Mark R. Bux- | ,ton. Stillman Swallow. Luther M. Wright, William F. Holme'*, George j 1 H. Taggard, J. Earle Hunt, Lewis Kimball, Charles Holman. Moses j Worcester, Levi S. Cross, C. K. Daggett, Frank A. McKean, Dana W. j King, Philander Ring, Harvey .1. Miller, Samuel Evans, Virgil C. Gil- j man, John M. Sanders. Tyler M. Shattuck. Loring Farnsworth, Edger B. Burke, Charles M. Robinson, Horace W. Gilman, Elliot Whitford. i Leonard C. Farwell, Hiland J. Dodge, John D. Chaadler, Thomas H. , Gibbey, A. H, Sanders, * j XEW BOSTOX - Justices —Waterman Barr. State; George G. j Fox, Rodney McLane, Neil McLane, Benjamin Hall, Clark B, Cochran ! David A. Tewksbury. Geo. A. Wason. .YEir IPSWICH- —Notary—William A. Preston. Justices—tiere- miah Smith, William A. Preston, Hosea Eaton, State; William D. j Locke, George W. Wheeler, 2d, William W. Johnson, Stephen Thayer. | William Hassall, Peter H. Clarke, Henry 0. Preston, Frank W.Pres-|i ton, George S. MTieeler, John U. Dayis, A. H. Wright. j I PELHAM - Justices —Moody Hobbs, Daniel Marshall, State; j Jesse Gibson, Joshua Atwood, Quorum; Abel Gage, Dayid Butler, i Alfred S, Smith. 1 PETERBOROUGH -Notary—Riley B. Hatch. J'ustfces—Timo- j thy K. Ames, Albert S. Scott, Daniel B. Cutter, Riley B. Hatch, Chas.j ! Scott, State ; Albert Smith, Quorum ; James Scott, Josiah S. Morrison, j Jacob Longley, William B. Kimball, Samuel Adams, Kendall C. Scott, ! Alyah Ames, Rufus Forbush, Samuel I. Vose, Andrew A. Farnsworth, ! Elijah M. Tubbs, Ezra M. Smith, Stephen A. Sawyer, Jonas Livings- j ton, Asa Dayis, Daniel W. Gould, Frank W. Preston. John R. Miller, i Samuel N. Porter, Anbury M, Pendleton, Charles W. Wilder. I STIAROX - Justices —Nathan Moore, Quorum; S. Henry Bacon. TEMPLE - Justices —Francis Whiting, Elbridge G. Cutter, Quo- 7*U7n; James Killam, Charles P. Haywood, Warren Keyes. CHESHIRE COUNTY. 8^ WEAKE - Justices —.Tolin L. Hadley, AS'tofe; Daniel Paip:e, Wm* Woodbnn', Daniel Johnson, Quorum ; Amos W. Bailey, Moses A* | Hodgdon, Daniel P. Woodbury, President Felcb, Elbridge Putnam» Albe Morrill, Abner Frost, Thomas Kilburn, John P. Bartlett, Albert B. Johnson, Charles 0. Ballou. WILTON - Justices —Josiah Fleeman, Charles H. Burns, Alfred E. Jaques, State; Moses Clark, Abial Abbott, Lewis Howard, Andrew J. Putnam, Burleigh French, Sewell Putnam, Nathan Flint, George 0. Whitney. CHESHIRE COUNTY. Register —John J. Allen, jr., Keene. Treasurer —George W. Tilden, Keene. Commissioners —Henry 0. Coolidge, Chesterfield ; Frank H. Cutter, Jaffrey; Joshua B. Clark, Walpole. Sheriff —George W. Holbrook, Keene. Deputy Sheriffs —Henr 3 ' Fletcher, Chesterfield ; Norman V. Cahill, Fitzwilliam; 11. W. Thayer, Hinsdale; Isaac Aldrich, Ralph J. Holt, Elisha F. Lane, Keene; Geo. Rust, Henry Allen, Walpole; Henrj' Swan, Winchester. Deputies for Cheshire living in other counties—Charles Scott, Peterboro’; Rufus P. Claggett, Newport. Jailer —Isaac Aldrich, Keene. Sealer —William S. Briggs, Keene. ALSTEAD - Justices —Ansel Glover, State; Jonathan Rawson, Alden S. Thurston, James F. Isham, Oliver Shephard, Whitnej’ Breed, Bolivar Lovell. CfUESTERFIELD - Justices —John B. Fisk, State : Warham R. Platts, Quorum ; William Bennett, Henry 0. Coolidge, I^bene/er P. Wetherell, Charles C. P. Goodrich, James H. Goodrich, John M. Rich¬ ardson, Mark Cook, William H. Cummings. DUBLIN - Juf^tices —Thomas Fisk, .Jonathan K. Smith, Henry C. Piper, State; Asa Heald, Aaron .Smith, Quorum. j FITZWILLIA M - Notary —Joel Whittemore. Justices —Amos A.j Parker, Amos J. Blake, AS'ttfte; Benoni Peck, Quorum; Jonathan S.j Adams, Silas Cummings, SamT Kendall, John Whittemore,A J. Blake.! QJLSUM - Justices —Frdncis A. Howard, N. 0. Hopgood, A. D. Hammond, Luther W. F. Mack. ! HINSDA LE - Justices —Frederick Bo 3 ’den, Obed Slate,*^^^^^ ; Ilez- j ekiah F. Horton, L. Liscom, W. S. Barrows. j JAFFREY - Notary —Peter Upton. Justices —Frederick W. Bai-' le 3 '. State; Addison Prescott, Quorum; Gurle 3 ' A. Phelps, Oscar H.j Bradle 3 ’, Peter Upton, Franklin H. Cutter, Joseph P. Frost, F. S. Pierce. J. L. Bolster, John Fox. KEENE Notaries —Francis A. Faulkner, C. Fred. Webster, Roy¬ al H. Porter, George W. Tilden. Justices —Thomas M. Edwards, Wm.j P. Wheeler, Edward Farrar, Leonard Bisco, Francis A. Faulkner, 1 George F. Stark weather, Charles C. Webster, Harvey Carleton, Wm. | P. Abbott, Don H. Woodward, Silas Hardy, Farnum F. Lane, Fldward Gustine, jr., George W. Holbrook, J. Ilenr}' Elliott, Allen Giffin, John J. Allen, State; Samuel Woodward, Lewis Campbell, George W. Stur- tevant, C. Fred. Webster, Quorum; Nonli R. Cook, Thomas H. Lever- ett, Thomas E. Hatch, Frederick A. Barker, Ralph J. Holt, Virgil A. Wright, Augustus T. Wilder, Elisha F. Lane, D. Ilenshaw Warde, Reuben Stewart, William S. Briggs, Samuel B. Aldrich, George Tilden, Isaac Aldrich, jr.,Franci8 E. Newcomb, .Joseph Hammond, Francis A. Perry, Orville H Gillette, Jehiel Wilson, Leonard Wellington, .loseph F. Perry, Daniel Buss, E. II. Bullard, John Humphrey, Kendall C. Scott, Joseph G. Perr.v. JUDICIARY DEPARTMENT. 90 MARLBOROUGH - Justices —Nelson Converse, State; Benjamin Whitney, Quorum; Jairus Collins, Elijah Boyden, Charles K. Mason, Cyrus E. Hardy, i MARLO W - Justices — John Q. Jones, Amos F. Fisk, State; Amos Iluntly, Quorum; Dudley II. Lewis, Franklin Downing. NELSON - Justices —Milan Harris, Charles C. P. Harris, State; Charles II. Whitney, Quorum; Horatio Osgood, Frederick Taylor, Jus¬ tus Fisher, Charles Oliver. RICHMOND - Justices —Daniel R. Spaulding, State; William Wright, David B. Aldrich, Elbridge G. Bemis, Edson Starkey, Noble Fisk. RINDGE - Justices —Zebulon Converse, Ezra S. Stearns, ; Levi Howe, Quorum; Jason B. Perry, Arba S. Coffin, Ebenezer Blake, I James B. Robbins, Harrison G. Rice, George W. Stearns, Elijah Bemis, 'George A. Whitney, Josiah Abbott, Martin L. Goddard, Charles C. Converse. R ONB UR Y - Justice —Seth Kingsbury, STODDARD - Justices —Josiah M. Rice, Quorum; Frederick A. Mellen, Nathan Gould, Sumner Knight, Luther Abbott. SULLIVAN - Justices —Charles Mason, State; Josiah Peabody. ! SWANZEY - Justices —Alanson S. Whitcomb, Charles N. Hills, [.Willard Adams, Benjamin Read, Thomas T. Weatherbee, Enoch Howes, I Jothani W. Frink, Stephen Faulkner, Alonzo A.Ware, Josiah Parsons, Daniel K. Healy. TROY - Justices —Abel Baker, Edwin Butrick, Quorum; Edward P. Kimball, David W. Farrar, Jotham H. Holt, Leonard Farrar, ,Ed- { mund Bemis, Barrett Ripley. I WALPOLE - Justices —Frederick Tose, Hope Lathrop., Abel H. [Bellows, Josiah G. Bellows, David Fisher, State; David E. Thompson, I Henry E. Putnam, Quorum; John W. Lovejoy, John W. Hayward, Joshua B. Clarke, George Burt, H. W. S. Griswold. WESTMORELAND - Justices —Larkin Baker, State; Zenas Brit¬ ton, Anson Cole, Arvin Aldrich, John Cowdrey, Isaac W. Derby, Wm. ] R. Dunham, Ebenezer Britton, Willard Bill, jr. WINCHESTER - Notaries —Edmund, M. Forbes, Henry Abbott. Justices —Edmund M. Forbes, Calvin Burnap, S'ate; William Rixlbrd, Barnabas C. Peters, Quorum; Daniel A. Hawkins, Edward Gustine, Ira W. Russell, Edwin P. Tenney. Alvin W. Ball, Charles Barber, Samuel Atherton, Ebenezer D. Foster, Everson Cook, Ellery Albee, Henry Lyman, William Shirley, Francis R. Peters. SULLIVAN COUNTY. Register —Arthur H. Ingram, Newport. Treasurer —Thomas P. Smith, Sunapee. Commissioners--I F. Raynsford, Plainfield; Aurelius Dickinson, Claremont; Elias Powers, Croyden. She,riff—iQ)\\n P. Chellis, Plainfield. Deputy Sheriffs —Abraham D. Hull, Charlestown ; James W. Bradley, Henry L. Hubbard, Claremont; Lemuel Martindale, S. Alden Tracy, Cornish; Martin A. Barton, Rufus P. Claggett, James L. Riely^ Newport; W. H. H. Cowles, Sun- j apee ; Sylvanus Clogston, Washington. Deputies for Sullivan living j in other Counties. John Fellows, Andover ; Albert Little, New Lon- idon; Eli Dodge, South Newbury; Albert P. Davis, Warner; James G. Ticknor, Lebanon; William W. George, Canaan; Oscar F. Beck¬ with, Alstead; John G. Dickey, Hillsborough Bridge. Jailer —Martin A. Barton, Newport; Coroner —Nathan Hall, Croydon. SULLIVAX COUNTY. 91 ACWORTH - Justices —Jam«"S A. Wood, State ; Chapin K. Brooks Quorum; .Jonathan H. Dickey, .Jacob B. Richardson. Henry Dorr. CHARLESTOWX - Notaries —George Olcott, Chas. C. Kimball, Justices —Rdmnnd L. Cn.'hinff, Thomas Whipple. State: George Glcott. \ Quorum; SamT Webber, Alvan Frost. Sinion W. Albee, Frank W. 1 Putnam, Charles C. Kimball, Nathatiiel Jj. Kennedy, A. D. Hull, Benj. Whipple, J. G. Briggs, Abel Hunt, Henry Hubbard. ' CLAREMONT - Notaries —Otis F, R. Waite, John 1^. Faravoll. ' Edward D. Baker, Ira Colby jr. Justices —Thomas J. Harris, Otis F. \ R. Waite, Edward D. Raker, Arthur Chase, John L. Farwell, Charles • H. Eastman. Edwin Vaughan, William E. Tutherly, Ira Colby, jr.. Hosea W. Parker, William H. II. Allen, State; Philander C. Freeman,. Albro Blodgett. Luther Brown,; Jacob W. Sanborn. Sylvanus | F. Redfield, Albert H. Danforth, Sumner Putnam, Edward Ainsworth.' Thomas R. Gowdey, Leo ard B. Spencer, Benjamin P. Walker, Wnt. Clark, Sanmcl C. Bailey, Sam’l C. Abbott. Charles 0. Eastman, Arnold Briggs, Roswell W. Silsbee. .June Pierce, George G. Ide. William Ellis, Henry A. Redfield. Moses R. Emerson, .lohn M. Milton. William M. I. ad»l. Solon C. Grannis, Simeon Ide. James P. Uphani. Charles I'ark-' hurst, Albert C. Ward, Frederick Clement, Russell F. Holton, E. L. | Goddard. Albert Ros>iter. Levi Brooks. Sherman Cooper. ( CORNISH - Justices —Chester Pike, State; Uriel L. Cumnnngs, j Orlando Powers, Quorum; Araunah Bitmap, Joshua B. Wyman, I?en-1 jamin S. Fletcher, James M. Davidson, Harrison T.eslie, William Bal-i loch, George D. Ivenyon, Charles F. Huggins, Lemuel Martindale, S.' Alden Tracy. Henry S. Chase, Enoch F. Chellis, S. W. Bryant. CROYDON - justices —Elias Powers, .Sif a : .John Cooper, Daniel' R. Hall, Quorum : Nathan Hall. Otis Cooper, Albina Hall. j GOSHEN - Justices —Daniel Lear, Quorum; Nathaniel N. Cofran. David McLaughlin, W. H. McCrillis. GRANTHAM - Justices —Oliver B. Buswell. Gilman F. Sanborn, State; Seth C. Sargent, Quoruvi ; Lorenzo D. Dunbar, LANG DON - Justices —John Walker, Quorum; Cliristopher C. .A.lbee, Horace Adams. LEMPSTER -JttsG'ccs—lAlvah Smith, State; Joel Dame, William B. Parker. NE^yPORT .Xotaries —Frederick W. Lewis, Austin Corbin. Jus¬ tices —Austin Corbin. Thomas W. Gilmore, Edmund Burke. William F. Newton, Albert S. Wait, Shejdierd L. Bowers, Levi W, Barton. ■ J. yman J. Brooks, Samuel H. Edes, Nathan White. State; Amasa , Edes, .lohn Towne, Jacob Re 8 and 10 ditto. rain or snow, if S. ditto. [or S. W. 10 and midnight. fair. fair and frosty. |‘ 1. The nearer the lime of the Moon’s change. First Quarter, Full, I and Last Quarter, are to MID-NIGHT, the fairer will the weather be I during the seven day following. 2. The nearer to MID-DAY, or j NOON, these Pliases of the Moon happen the more foul or wet the I weather may be expected during the next seven days. BrSlNESS BIRECTORY, Contain’Dg the names and P. 0. address of the prominent hnsi- ness, anxes; J. H. i & L. W. Collins, J. k A. B. Collins, J. & L. Collins, Win. Huntington, i O. Dimond, barrels, Plaistow p. o. j DEERFIELD — Postmasters —Stephen Brown:-3Irs. Emeline; Whi Manufacturers —Dearborn, Philbrick & Sawyer, lumber; T/, D. & J W.! Ladd, carriages: J. F. Prescott, furniture and coffins, D. Center ;- Charles Rogers, lumber. South D. Hotels —J. W. Prescott;-Gecnge ’ Page, D. Center. Livery stable —George Page. F. p. t. —stage daily j from Deerfield Parade to Candia Depot. yV.p. —fair. { DERRY—Postmasters —Arthur T Learned;-Henry E. Eastman, j D. Depot, AAtorney —Greenleaf C. Bartlett. Physicians —.fames H. i iCrombie, David S, Clark. Churches —Cong,, Ebenezer G. Parsons,! I Meth., Elihu Scott Literary Institutions —Adams Female Academy,! I Emma L. Taylor ;-Pinkerton Academy, Littlefield. Merchants —8. ; ! Pettee, jr., A. T. Learned, Wm. Leach, Frank W. Parker, general assort-; iment; Ithamar Hut bard, jewelry ; F. M. & L. Barker, npllinery;- j Henry E. Eastman, general assortment, D. Depot. Marntfucturers — i H. R. Underhill. cUge tools; Benj. Chase, jr., ribs for factory reeds. ! Hotels —Sanders’ Hotel, J. C. Sanders ;-Railroad House, Poore &. j Lord, D. Depot. F. p. t. —M tnchester k Lawrence R. R.; Stage from Chester daily. W.p. —small. EAST KINGSTON—Postmaster —Joseph C. Sargent. Churches — Moth., James M. Sanborn. Merchants —Joseph C. Sargent, boots and shoes; John S, Clark, dry goods and grocerie'f. Manufacturers —Jas, M. Sanborn & Co., leather; H. L. Rowell, G. F. Rowell, boots and shoes ; Harry Downing. Elbridge Webster, Jacob H. Morse k Brother, j lumber. W.p. —Plenty of water for six months’use. j EPPING — Postmasters —George E. Lawrence ;-W. X. Dow, West j E. Attorney —H. F. Hopkins. Physicians —II. B. Burnham, Nathan- j iel Batchelder. Churches —Cong., Josiah 11. Stearns, Epis., E. H. Dow - 1 ning, Meth., A. R. hunt, Univ,, Nathaniel Goldsmith. Merchants — ; J. H. Bartlett, boots and shoes; Daniel Stickney, clothing; Geo. E. ; Lawrence, drugs and medicines: W. N. Dow, general a-sortment; W. H. Johnson, J. H. Pike W. R. Bunker. W, N, Dow. groceries ; Da-|' vid Stickney, hats and caps; Miss L, A. Webb, millinery goods. Man¬ ufacturers —Francis Ham, furniture and coffins; J. H. Bartlett, leatltyr; William F. Lawrence, organs, melodeoiis, pianos &c.; John Billson, pipe organs and pianos ; D. Stickney. tailor and furnishing goods;' R. W Smith, H. F. Hoit,-J. E. Prescott, shoes ; James Prescott & Son. woolen goods; E. K. Pearson, George Radford.hosiery. Hotels —R. L. Chapman,-W. R. Bunker, Pawtuckaway. F.p.t. — i P. and C. R. R. W. p. —abundant. ENETER — Postmaster —Wm. B. Morrill. Attorneys —Amos Tuck, Gilman Marston, Wra. W. Stickney, Nathaniel Gordon, Alvah Wood, Charles H. Bell, J. Warren Towde, Andrew Wiggin, Thomas Leavitt, I Hendrick D. Batchelder, Josei)h F. Wiggin, John J. Bell, Charles U. ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. 99 Bell. J*hysicta7ts —IVin. Perry, AlLert Carroll, I\ in. (t. Perry, Sam’^ Perliain, A. li. Varney, D. W. Corliain, Ezra Bartlett. VerdisU —M. IV* Pray, Charles li. Gerrish, J. K. S. Pray. Churches —Cal. Bap., Noah Hooper, Charles First Cong., Copp; Second Adv., Unita., Newhall; Cath.,-Flgan Free Bap., Epis., S. P. Parker M & Son. Alexander H. Ladd. Henry 11. Ladd, William F. Parrott, : ! Ichabod Rollins, Joseph Sise, E. F. Sise & Co., J. M. Tredick, importers: j ' John P. Lyman, Spalding & Parrott, iron and steel; J. C. Carr & Co., Hill A Carr leather and findings; Samuel Adams & Co., Roberts & Jones, lime, sand, cement; Samuel Adams & Co., Thomas E. Call, Rus- i sell A Odion, lumber ; Rebecca E. Call, Mrs. Ira B. Fonda, Misses Hills, ' Sarah E. Pray, Miss A. P. Rolunson, C. N. Shaw & Co., A. F. Tarlton & . Co., E. L. Tuckerman, millinery; Joseph H. Foster, James H. Head, D. H. Montgomery. E, A. Joy', music and musical instruments ; John H. Bailey & Co., Elisha Tripp, A. Q. Wendell & Son, George F. Vaughan, 1 paints and; D. n. Montgomery, Janies Barton, Davis Bros , pic¬ ture frames ; H, M. Clark, Ferguson & Frye, H. L. Garreit, J. W. Grant, ■ VV. Horn, Laighton A Mugridge, J. A, Lamprey A Co., Lane A IL rts- 1 Shorn. J. Stokell A Co., S. W, Webber A Co., provisions; L. M. Leigh-, ton. William Tarlton, George T. Vaughan, shipchandlers; Albert J.;, > Badger, U. Blaisdell, J. L. 0. Coin. True W. Jones, Fk A. St«ven.s, ! stoves and tin ware; Davis Bros,, stereoscopic views; Benj. Cheever. ; Charles W. Gerrish, J. E. Ham A Co., Morris Kichler, John W. Musfctv ' jC. E. Myers A Co , William P. Walker, tailors; Batcholder A Co.. Jos. ! i H. Foster, James H. Head, James F, Shores, jr., toys and fancy goods ; [ Thoma.s F. Burtt, F. W. Ham, Henry IT. Ham, G. F. Melcher, W. J.| Traftj:ustii Thurston, millinery, ^^nnufacturers —E. C. Kin- near, II. li. kdgerly te1s —Milton Hotel, M'm. H. Huntress; -C(*ntral House, Ira Miller, M. Mills, id ^>. C—Great Falls & Con-; way R. R.: depot at M and South M. W.p .—abundant. A’’A’IF DURHAM — Postma.'ite.r —Ira S. Ricker. Churches —Bap.,f. w., Joseph F. Joy; Adv., James G. Smith. Merchants —John E. Jones.. George F. Jone.c. Henry J. Dolby, Eben E. Berry, Geo S. Gilman, general assortment. Manufacturers —George F. Nutter, lumber. F.p.t. -William S. Hart, —Cocheco R. R. W. p. —abundant. ROCHESTER—Postmasters —Goo. B. Roberts: East R.;-Charles S. Whitehouse, Gonic. Attorneys —C. K. Sanborn, Noah T« bl)etts. Daniel J. Parsons. Joseph II. M'orcester. l*hysici(tnf —B. W. Sargent,-Longee, J. Farrington, Enoch Dow, M. W. M'ar- ren :-W. F. Hathaway, homeo. Gonic; J, H. Farrington, dentist. Churches —Cong., A. F. Marsh ; FMs, J.H. Pratt; Moth., L. P. Cushman -Bap., f., G. J. .Abliott, Gonic. Merchants —D. Hans* n, J. G. Davis. books, Ac.; C. Henderson. J. D. Evans, boots and shoes; Lothrop A Meader. S. H, Fineman k Bro.s, J. Perie, clothing; C. M*. Brown, dry goods: S. H. Fineman k Bro.. dry goods and tailors; D. Hanson, W. F Farrington, drugs: M'. C. Fernaiil, Charles Chase :-S. Shorey. S- Hart, East R.;-H. W. Locke, K. Gray, D. Varney, Gonic, all gene- BUSINESS DIRECTORY. r ■ 108 ral assortment: John Fiirber, S. D. Wentworth, Wentworth & Bickford, and Factory Store, Wm. Rand, Nath l Burnliam, Watson Hayes, gro¬ ceries ; Wentworth & Bickford, hardware ; C. K. Chase, hats and caps; J. G, Davis, jewelry; W. K. Kimball, variety; Mrs. F. C. Hayes, M. A. Sanborn, M, A. Dormell, millinery. Manufacturers —Franconia M’f’g Co., cottons; Norway Plains Company, Cocheco Woolen MTg Co,, Gonic Manufacturing Company, woolens; E. G. & E. Wallace, L. Dunt- ley, Ira Doe, S. J. Wentworth, boots and shoes; Benjamin Barker, Reuben Tilton, M. H. Wentworth & Co., lumber; T. H. Edgerly carriages; William Hickson, Joseph Nutter, bricks;-Buffum &. Meader, boxes and lumber, Gonic; Stephen Shorey, lumber, East R. Hotels —Dodge’s House, J, T. Dodge; Mansion House, S. H. Went¬ worth; Norway House, M. V. B. Wentworth; Gonic House, John Varney. Livery stables —Jonathan Wentworth. Silas Wentworth, J. W. Tebbetts, E. Rock. F. p. t. —Dover and Winnepisseogee R. R., Great Falls and Conroy R. R., stage to Barnstead and East R. W. p. —good. ROLLINSl^ORD — Postmaster — James A. Place, Salmon Falls. Attorney —Sylvester Butler. Physicians —E. D. Jaques ; Alphonzo Severance, dentist. Churches —Cong., Thomas S. Robie; Cath., r,, Pat¬ rick Canovan ; Epis.,-. Merchants —James A. Place, boots and shoes; John B. Morton, clothing ; John R. Cressey, dry goods ; Moses, Young, drugs and medicines; J. P. Rowe, Union Store, groceries ; A. G. Haley, hardware; J. A. Place, hats and caps; Mercy Roberts, millinery. Manufacturers —Salmon Falls Manulacturing Co., cottons J. Converse, agent. Hotel —Franklin House, Samuel Alley. Livery stable —Joseph Dudley. P. p. t. —Boston Maine R. R.; Portsmouth Great Falls and Conv.ay R. R. W. p. —abundant. SOMERSWORTH — Postmaster —J. S. Haines, Great Falls. Attor¬ neys —Nathaniel Wells, Royal Eastman, William D. Knapp, Ichabod G. Jordan, William J. Copeland, James G. Young. Physicians — Charles F. Elliott, John W. Buckman, Jonathan S. Ross, Alvin Jen¬ kins, Jacob C. Hanson, John A. Hayes, Oliver M. Boynton, Ham- blett, eclec ; J. Conant, homeo. Dentists —C. D. Varney, Julius Gutt- man, 0. Q. Shapleigh. Churches —Bap., M. A. Dougherty; Bap. f., J. B. Davis ; Cath., M. Canovan; Cong., E. N. Hidden ; Meth. (Main St.) C. E. Hall, (High St.) C. U. Dunning. Merchants — D. Lothrop & Co., A. Thwing & Co., W. W. Nason, books and stationery ; John W. Bates & Co., John A. Sinilie, Star D. Bryant, John G. Hill, Frederic B'cye, boots and shoes; Henry Vesehoff, John G. Hill, John B. Clarke, Jo¬ seph P. Swasey, clothing; S. S. Chick & Co., M. Bates & Son, Charles E. Bartlett & Co., A. Wimpflemer, Bro. & Co., Charles P. Carter &. Bro., Geo. W. Wendell, dry goods; C. M. Jones & Co., D. Lothrop & Co., George Moore, W. W. Nason, drugs and medicines; H. C. Leach, 0. J. Brackett, L. Darnbachor & Co., I. S. Colman, Bates Bros., M, D. Folsom, fancy goods ; Lougee & Fall, George Moore, Div. 175, Div. 30. jLocke & Hill, W. Plummer, True W. Woodman, W”. H. Farrar & Son, S. James & Sons, Chick & Hobbs, J. A. Bagley, E. L. Farnham & Co., Whitehouse, Bickford & Co., groceries. Tebbetts & Bro., S. A. Seavey. F. A. Lord, Hodsdon Bros., H. C. Gilpatrick & Co., Somersworth Machine Co., hardware; E. J. Pinkham, J. W. Bates & Co., hats and caps; James J. Woodward, Albert F. Chandler, jewelry; A. J. Wat- [son, 0. A. Perkins, G. Lougee, M. A. Mott, G. W. Hubbard, millinery., '.Manufacturers —Great Falls Manufacturing Co., cotton ; Hiram Horn {& Co., lumber; Great Falls Woolen Co., woolen. Hotels —Great Falls Hotel, 0. A. Frost; Granite State Hotel, R. H. Hussey. Livery sta- Wm—A. S. Drew, J. 0. Lord, L. L. Hanson & Co. F. p. t .—Boston & BELKNAP COUNTT. 109 L Ma’ne R. R.. Eastern R. R.. Portsmouth, Great Falls & Conwaj' R. R. ir, p. —aliun., 0 Blake, general assortment; Mrs. H. N. Newell, Misses 0, A E. Knowles, millinery. Manufacturers —Smith & Martin, (New York) 0. S. Metcalf, agt., hosiery; Nathan B. Wadleigh, lumber; Hilton, Marshall & Co., woolen goods. Hotel —Elm House, Geo. M. Burleigh. Livery stables —Bedee &. Cox, W. E. S. Foss. F. p. t. —Boston, C. & .M. R. R.; Steamer Monday, Wednesday and Friday, on Lake Winnipiseo- gee to connect with Boston & Maine R. R. at Alton Bay, touching at Center Harbor & Wolfeboro. IF. p. —abundant. A’ii ir HAMPTOX — Postmaster —C. D. Tiiyng. Physician —A. N.j Bronson ; A. Durkee, ecloc. Churches —Bap., Dan’l Dearborn ; Bap.,i f., E. H. Pi escott. Literary Institutions —New Hampton Literary and Biblical In.'titution, A. B. Me^servey, A M., prin.; Biblical School, J. Fullonton, D. D., prin. Merchants —C. D. & J. B. Thyng, books and stationery; Caleb Sargent, George Shaw, boots and shoes; M. H. Merrow. C. Follansbee, A. Burpee, dry goods and groceries; C. D. & J. B. Thyng, drugs and medicines; Mrs. II. S. Fifield, Mrs. C. Fol¬ lansbee, Miss Sanborn, millinery. Manufacturers —J. C. Gordon, Edward Gordon, woolens; H. Q. Sargent, hosiery; D. Woodman, Oli¬ ver Blake, Wm. Sanborn, Ezekiel Pike, lumber. IIoIpIs — Pemigewas- set House, Z. C. Perkins; Fountain House, Charles Stevens. Livery stable —Z C. Perkins. F.p t. —I.'aily stages to Tilton and Bristol, leav¬ ing at 6 o’clock A. M., returning at 2 and 6 o’clock P. M. IF. p .— abunilant. SA XBORXTON — Postmasters —Elizabeth M. Lane;-Thomas Webster, jr.. North S.;-John Philbrook, East S. Physician —.las. B. Abbott. Church —Cong., Moses T. Runnel^. Me7'chants —Jason J. Burley, North S.:-Enoch G. Philbrick, East S., all general assort¬ ment. F.p.t. —R. R. W.p. —good. TJLTOX — Postmasters —B. M. Morrill; Chase Rollins, T. Attorneys —C. C. R< gers, F. R. Chase. Physicians —B. Lyford, J. P. Osborne, A. Y, Hanson Churches —Cong., Corban Curtice; Meth., E. S. G Kellogg. Literary Institution —New Ilampshire Conference Sem¬ inary and Female College, George Judkins, Sylvester Divon, prins.; Merchants —Ames & Kelsea, books & Yankee notion.s; W. P. k J. Hill, clothing; E. Adams, F. J. Taylor, dry goods ; Ames k Kelsea, drugs,; medicines, and fancy goods; F. J, Eastman, J. F. Taylor, general assortment; W. P, & J. Hill, A. Fletcher, groceries; F. J. Eastman.! hardware; W. P. k J. Hill, hats and caps; C. 0. Hunter, jewelry;; Miss Hannah Pao-e, Miss N, S. Mason, .Mrs. M. Bryant, millinery.J Manufacturers — X. H. Tilton, A. S. Ballantino, John Fletcher, Wm Fletrher, John Firth, Granite Mills Co., Bailey Mills Co., woolens: Ames k Kelsea, W. p. k J. H 11, L, A. Conant, boot.s and shoes; Byron Brown, J. P. Dearborn, lumber. Hotel —Dexter House, John Llais | dell k Co. Livery stables —Warren H. Smith, Robert S. Perkins. >. t .—Boston Concord k Montreal R. R ; stages from Tilton to New- ilampton and Belmont daily. IF. p. —abundant. j CARROLL COUNTY. ! I A LB A XY—Churches —.4dv., L. C. McKinstrief; Bnp. f., Theodore Brf»wn. Mprehants —Orin Robertso , p. o. Tamworth Iron Works John Douglass, A. Russell. William H. Allen, lumber, p. o. Conway. 112 BUSINESS DIRECTORT. BARTLETT — Postmasters —Armine Meserve ;-(leorge Pitman, Lower B. Attorney —George \V, M. Pitman. Physician —L. B. Dame.l Churches —Bap., f., Spencer Kenerson; Meth., Orson T. Sinclair. Mer¬ chants —Albert F. Garland, boots and shoes ; Franklin George :- \ Lewis Gray, G. W. M. Pitman, Lower B., all general assortment. Ho-' tels —Upper Bartlett House, Nicholas T. Stillings; Bartlett House,! Franklin George. F.p.t. —Stages. W. p. —abundant. j I BROOKFIELD — Postmaster —Charles Coleman. Manufacturers — ; Noah H. Roberts, Jonathan W. Sanborn, lumber. t. —Express from Union to Tuftonborough. TF. p. —little. i CHA TRAM — Churches —Cong., E. B. Pike; Meth., A. Hatch. Mer-. chant —J. E. Clay, general assortment. Manufacturer —J. E. Clay,! 1 lumber. W p. —fair. i 6'GlUA J”— Postmasters —James G. Odell;-Hugh McNorton, C.. Center:-Benj. D. Eastman, North C. Attorneys —Edwin Pease; -Joel Eastman, C. Center. Physicians —Jonathan R. Thompson,! i Samuel N. Greenlaw. Churches —Bap., f. w., Jona. Fletcher ; Meth.,! i T. F. Stuart:-Cong., E. Payson Ea.stman, Reuben Kimball; Epis.,: j E. Newby, North C. Merchants —H. P. Wood & Son, J. G, Odell;- ; I L, S. Morton, C. Center;-T. A. Han.son, N. S. Eavis. N. R. Mason. : Benj. D. Eastman, J. & E. Whitaker, E G. Merrill, North C., all gen- I eral assortment. Manufacturers —Allen k ’Warren, leather; Eastman I & Pondexter, straw board; H. C. Abbott, M'm. H. Allen, J. H. Berry;! I -L. S. Morton, C. Center, lumber. Hotels —Conway House, L, H.' ! Eastman ; McMillen House, John McMillen ; Kearsarge House, Sam-; I uel D. Thompson; Washington House, J M. Gibson; North Conway^ House, N. R. Mason; Interval House, W. II. H. Trickey; Sunset Pa-! villion, F. H. Mason. Livery stables —L. H. Eastman;-M'm. Seavey,! North C. F.p.t. —Stages. W. p. —abundant. j EA TON — Postmaster —Henry H. Robertson, E. Center. Physician — , !Wm. P. Atkinson. Churches —Bap , f. w., I. Fletcher. Merchants — ! I Edwin Snow, T. R. Giles k Son. N. G. Palmer, general assortment. I Manufacturers —Edwin Snow, S. k A. Snow, cabinet makers. F. p. t:, : End of stage line from W .kefield, (Union) N. H., the terminus of I Great Falls k Conway R. R. W. p. fair j I EFFINGHA M — Postmasters —Josiah Dearborn;-J. W. Dearborn,^ ] E. Center ;-John L. Demeritt, E. Falls. Attorneys —Josiah Dear- I born, Samuel Q. Dearborn. Physician —Jas W. Dearborn. Churches j —Bap., N. Melcher ; Bap. f. w.,-; Cong.,-Kimball;-Bap. f.! jw.,-, Effingham Falls; Bap., f.. w.,-Mountain. Literary I Institution —N. E. M. C. Institute, N. Melcher, prin. Merchants —Jere-! j my Marston. drugs and medicines; John C. Leavitt; -C. K. Drake !& Son, S. M. Morse k Son. B. F. Taylor k Son, E. Center; J. Pe- I meritt k Son, Manson & Elanders, F. Bradbury, E. Falls, all general j assortment; Chas. W, Yarney, jewelry; Miss C, L. Drake, millinery. \ Manufacturers —John C. Evens, leather; Charles G. Wilkinson. Chas.' E. Moore, Samuel L. Drake k Son, Henry A. F. Colcord, E. Center -.John Demeritt, E. Falls. Hotel —John C. Leavitt. Livery stable \—Rufus H. Burbank. E. Center. F. p. t. —Stages, W. p. —abundant.* FREEDOM — Postmaster —Ransellaer Towle. Physicians —A. D.' Merrow, A. P. Topi iff. A. W. Hobbs Churches —Bap.,-; Chri.-s.. A. W. Hobbs. Merchants —Lord & Milliken, J. N. Moulton, E. J.; Towle, general assortment; Mrs. L. D. Stanley, millinery. Manufac-\ turers —Moulton k Churchill. leather; A. Lock, lumber; N. L. IMes-; erve, bricks. Hotel —Carroll House, J. Towle. F. p. t .—Three stage.^ connecting with Portland. Saco, Un. Village k Dover. W.p .—limited.! HARTS LOCATION —Post Office address, Bartlett. j CARROLL COUNTY. 113 JACKSON — Postmasster —Oliver P. IMeserve. PhvHciav —Daniel Dinsmore. Churches —Bap., f., - Meth., Jonathan Gale. Mer- chants —Frank L. & M. L. Masons, general assornient. 3favvfactiir rer —Nicholas T. Stillings, starch. Hotels Jackson Fall Hotel, Jos¬ eph B. Trickey; Thorne Mountain Hotel, Joshua Tvickey. F.p.t. —20 miles to B. R.; stages. TU. p. abundant. ^fA DISON—Postmasetrs —Ann B. Atkinson ;-Marsh P. Blaisdell, Fast M. Attorney —Josiah IT. Hobbs. Physicians —John Swan,Daniel S. Hobbs. Church —Rap., f.. Charles Hurlin. Merchants —Ira Atkin¬ son, Merrow & Scruton:-William Harmon, East M., all general a=sortnjent. Hotel —Nathaniel Churchill. F.p. t —Stages daily from Center Harbor; 3 times a week from Union Village. W. p. —little. AfOULTONBOROUGH — Postmasters —James French;-.leremi- ah Libby, East M. Attorney —Samuel Emerson. Physician —W. H. IT. Mason. Churches —Bap., c., Daniel Goodwin; Meth., J. E. Robbins. Merchants —W. H. H. Flanders & Co., J. E. French & A. P. Jaelard, general assortment. Manufacturers —Lyman & E. S. Browm; Isaac Adams, lumber: C. S. Coe, Center Harbor. Hotel —A. P. Jaelard. F. p t. —stages. W.p. —very good. OSSTPEE - Postmasters —M. V. Ricker:-Gideon Gillman, 0* Center;-John W. Merrow, Moultonville;-Joremy Marstom West 0. Attorneys —S. B. Carter, S. D. Quarles, Buel C. Carter. Phy~ sicians —George W. Tebbetts, Nathaniel Grant, Wm. H. Grant; Geo* W. Tebbetts, dentist. Churches —Bap., D. I. Quint;-Meth., T. W* Sherman, 0, Center. Merchants —Alonzo Stillings, boots and shoes? Nathaniel Grant, drugs and medicines; Martin V. Ricker, J. D. W; Carter, Jacob F. Brown, Rufus Stillings, Nathaniel Grant, John W. Merrow, Mrs. D. Merrow, Gideon Gilman, W. B. Sccggell, Israel Gib. man, Frank K. Hobbs, general assortment; Martin V. Ricker, Henry Kimball, jewelry; Manufacturers —John Chick, John G. Ham, L. S. Brown, woolen goods; Joseph Hodsdon, Edward Willand, leather; Asa Beacham ;-Charles Wilkinson, 0. Corner;-John Ham. 0. Center;-Lorenzo D. Moulton, Moultonville, all lumber. Hotels — John Clark, Daniel A. Hyde, H. J. Banks, Gideon Gilman. ,F. p. t. — Stages from Wakefield to Conway, and from Wolfeborough. W. p .— abundant. SA ND WTCH - Postmasters —J. Wentworth ;-N. M. Bean, North S.;-Charles Blanchard, S. Center. Attorney —David H. Hill. Phy sicians —J. Blackmer, T. J. Sweatt: Dentist —Sam’l Wiggin. (lurches —Bap., f., G. W. Bean ; Meth. M. P. Cilley;-Bap., f. w., Jonathan Woodman, North S. Literary Jnstitutinn —Iligh School, D. G. Beede, jprin ; Hannah R. Beede, ass’t. Merchants —Ilarri.soB N. Hart, Jacob jF. Moulton, boots and shoes; Christopher C. Fellows, drugs and medi, jcines; J. Wentworth, Charles Blanchard, Arvin Blanchard, Frank Burleigh William A. Heard, N. M. Bean, general assortment; Miss Irene McGaffy, Mrs. Charles Hanson, millinery. Manufacturers — Thomas Davidson, leather. Hotel —Riley McGloon. F. p. t. —Stage daily to Center Harbor in summer and connects with boat; daily to Meredith Village in winter and connects with R. R. W.p. —good. TA M WORTH—Postmasters —Mary J. Gilman;-J. T. D, Folsom, South T.;-Jas. Emery, T. Iron Works. Attorney —0. Hall. Phy¬ sicians —.7. C. Bassett, Churches —Bap., f. w., John Runnells; Cong., Sam’l TI. Riddell ; Meth..-Page. Merchants —C. P. Cook, Wig- gin & Robinson, E. S. Eastman ;-Hatch & Emery, T, Iron Works; ; -L. D. Mason, South T., all general assortment: Delia Remick, millinery. Hotels —Gilman’s, J. Gilman. F.p.t. —Stages. ' - __ _ • • 114 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TUFTOXBOROUGU - Postmasters —Charles S. Nutter;—A. L. Ilersey, Mackerel Corner; D. H. Durgin, Mt-lvin Village. Physicians —Daniel E. Palmer, Timothy A. Haley. Churches —Bap., f. w., S. P. Fernald, A. T. W. Piper; Bap., Chris., D. A. Wigg n, Meth., C. E. Cressey. Merchants —A. L. Hersey, boots and shoes ; Andrew L. Hersey, dry goods; T. A. Haley, drugs and medicines; Everett Doe, fancy goods and notions; Andrew L. Hersey, Orlando Richardson, W. L. Young, general assortment; D. H. Durgin, Nutter & Hodsdon, i groceries; A. L. Hersey, hardware; D. H. Durgin, hats and caps. I Manufacturers —D. W. Horner, lumber. F. p. t. —Stages daily fr*^ j Wolfeboro and Sandwich. W. p. —very good. I WAKEFIELD—Postmasters —William Sawyer;-Charles A. Var- j ney. Union Village;-John G. Sanborn, Horn's Mills;-Thomas I Wood, East W.;-Edward G. Hanson, North W. Attorney —Luther i D. Sawyer. Physicians —Samuel W. Roberts ;-John L. Swinerton, William B. Reynolds, Union Village. Churches —Con., Daniel D. Tap- pan;-Nathaniel Barker, (not settled);-Bap., f., A. D. Fairbanks, East W.; Cong.,-; Meth., Nathaniel D. Adams, Union ATllage. Literary Institution —Wakefield Academy. Merchants —Nute & Mills, boots & shoes; Goldthwait & Brown, Andrew J. Milliken;-Josiah Durgin, North W.;-Joseph P. Gilman, Charles A. Varney, Asa Swett, Jonas Moulton, Union Village, all general assortment; Benjamin Ed-! gerly, tin ware, &c.. Union Village; Dudley C. Caiman, corn and meal. Union Village. Manufacturers —Messrs Nute & Mills, boots^nd shoes Union Village; Mark Wood, leather. Union Village; John W. San¬ born ; Luther G. Cate, Union Village; Joseph M. Woodman, Geo- W. Seward, Wm. A. Meserve & Hiram R. Waldron, East W.-John G. Sanborn, Horn’s Mills; Abraham & Charles Marland, woolen goods. Union Village. Hotels and livery stables —National House George H. Wiggin; Union Hotel, Robert H. Pike, Union. F.p. t. —R. R. & stage. W. p. —good. WOLFEBOROUGH—Postmasters —Charles H. Hersey;-Albert F. Avery, South W.;--^amuel N. Hersey, North W. Attorneys — Carter & Gafney, William C. Fox. Physicians —Henry R. Parker, j Jeremiah R. Smith, Chase Moulton, Rufus R. King; Oliver Dowlin, } dentist. Churches —Bap., f., Elbridge G. York, Cummings Paris, Will-j iam K. Lucas, Jas. F. Locke ; Cong., Leander Thompson, John Wood, j F. P. Smith; Chris., Lewis Phillips. Literary Institution —Wolfebor-j ough Institute, John H. Larry, prin. Merchants —0. F. A D. E. Whit-j ton, books and stationery; John Rogers, Otis Evans, boots and shoes; j I Joseph W. Goodwin, Boardman Dunn, clothing; John D. Waite, dry) I goods; Henry R. Parker, John T. Furber, drugs and medicines;) Henry R. Parker, Israel B. Manning, fancy goods and notions; 0. F.) & D. E. Whitton, Hersey & Peavey, Levi T. Haley; Charles E. Ban- ; field & Co., J. P. Heath, Benj. F. Parker, general assortment; Blake : Folsom & Co., hardware ; Hersey & Peavey, hats and caps ; Isaac W. I Cotton, jewelry ; Israel B. Manning, John D. Waite, millinery goods ; j : -John W. Avery, Daniel Young, South W.;-Samuel N. Hersey, ! Hezekiah Willand, all general assortment. North W. Manufacturers —Moses Varney, Joseph Varney, John C. Edgerly, David Chamberlin, leather; Lake Shoe Factory, C. W. Thurston, agent; Libbey, Varney; ; & Co., Winthrop D. Hersey A Co., lumber;-1. W. Springfield, wool i blankets and flannels ;—;—John Tabor, pipes. South W. Hotels —Pa vilion,-Howe; Lake Hotel, George Keniston;-Union Hotel John W. Avery, South W. Livery Stables —Eleazer D. Barker, Alfred I W. Brown, Francis B. Cook. F. p. t —Steamboats connecting with R. R. across Lake Winnipisseogee in summer, stage in winter. W.p. —abundant. MERRIMACK COUNTY. 116 MERRIMACK COUNTY. ALLENSTOWN—Postmaster —B. J. Kendal 1. Merchants —Daniel Bachelder, groceries; Charles F. P. Ilildrith, hardware;-Ilildrith k Runnels, drugs and medicines; E. B. Cutler, fancy goods and notions; Williams k Ilosmer, general assortnient, Suncook, Manufacturers- John Tennant, lumber; Philip & Warren Sargent, bricks ;-China ■ M’Pg Co., cotton, Suncook. Hotel and livery stable —Suncook House. iOraman Huntoon. F. p. t. —Concord & Port'^month R. R., depot at I Suncook. 6 miles from the Centre of the town; Suncook Valley R. R. i*eing built, 3 miles. W. p .—very fair. AXDOV'EB — Postjnasters —James Scales ;-C. G. Pevare, East A. ;-William E. Melendy, West A. Attorneys —John M.-Shirley ;- I Chas. A. Durgin, East A. Physician —II. A. Weymouth. Church — jCong, Howard Moody. Merchants —Howe k Kendrick, II. Putney !d#iigs andmedicines; , S. M. Ellis, Howe k Kendrick, general assort¬ ment, Potter Place;-C. W. Bartlett, drugs and medicines; C. Dur- I gin, fancy goods and notions; C. G. Pevare k Co., C . W. C<'le, Clark ' Durgin jewelry; Mrs. C. W. Cole millinery. East A.-John E. Bab- ibitt, general assortment and jewelry; Stillman P. Bean, Henry Rich- i ards, jewelry, Mrs. Stillman P. Bean, millinery, West A.;-John W. ; Keniston, --Bridgman, general asjsortment; E. G. P. Emerson, I Cilleyville, groceries. Manufacturers —31arston, Proctor &Co., hosiery; j H, li. Busiel, woolens, East A.;-Jedediah Brown, West A.;- J.ames Scales, A. Center;-Proctor k Morrill, Cilleyville, all lumber; Baker «fe Carr, hames: Morgan k Brother, shoe pegs; S. L. Elkins, 1 washing machines. Hotel and Livery stable —Kearsarge House, B. G. Howe, Potter Place. F. p. t. —R. R. W. p. —abundant. BOSCA WEX — Postmasters —C. E. Chadwick ;-John E. Huntress, I North B. Attorney —Nehemiali Butler, Fisherville, p. o. Physiaans — j E. Edwin Graves, Eliphalet K. Webster;-Stephen M. Emer 3 % Fish- icrvillep. o. Churches —Cong., Frank Haley;-Cong, William R. 1 Jewett, Fisherville p. o. Merchants —C. E. Chadwick, fancy goods and I notions; Charles Smith, Merrill Moore, agent;-.Austin G. Kfmball, • Fisherville, all general assortment. Manufacturers —John Sea- j vey, chairs; Raymond k Bickfcn'd, leather; Charles A. Lang, Charles i W. Webster, shoes; Geo. S. Roj'ce, David Fellows, carriages; i Nichodemus Watson, Hannibal W. Flanders, lumber; B. R. Dow, I bricks ;-C. & J. C. Gage, lumber; Almon Harris k Sons, woolens, j Fisherville. p, o. Hotels —Samuel A. Ambrose;-Hannibal Bonney, i Fisherville. F. p. t .—Northern R. R. W. p. —limited, j BOW — Postmaster —Geo. H. Elliott. Churches —Bap., Franklin Da- i mon; Moth., Wm. Bennett. Merchants —J. C. Hammond, boots and I shoes; George It Elliott, groceries. Manufacturers —Geo. W. Colby. , H. Call, J. E. Brown, lumber. F. p. t. —R. R. TP. p. —very good, I Merrimack river. BRA DFORD — Postmaster —William A. Carr. Attorneys —Mason W. I Tappan, Robert M. Wallace. Physicians —C. M. Fisk, C. A. Carlton, F. H. Ames P. B. Richards, J. M. Fitz. Dentist —I. M. Fletcher. \Churches —Bap..-; Ortho., -. Merchants —C. R. Nichols, I drugs ; Morse k Blanchard, D. k W. A. Carr, Sawyer k Martin, S. Colby, ■ genenil assortment; Mrs. H. Gillingham, millinery goods. Manufac¬ turers —Bates k Jones, clothespins; J Milton Blake, leather; Tucker \k French, tin ware; Wadleigh k Blood saw mill; Lucius Wood, j grist mill; Silas Sawtell, harnesses. Hotel —Presby House, Langdon I Littlehale. Livery stables —Rulof Bates. F.p.t. —R. K.; stages West and North. W. p. —little. ! 116 BUSIifKSS DIRECTORY. 1 CAXTERBURT—Postmasters —Alfred H. Brown;-.Tames S. i Kaime, Shaker Village. Physician —A. D. Smith, jr. Churches —Bap., i j f. w., sup. by Jeremiah Clough ; Cong., sup. by X. Bouton, D. D. Mer- j \chants —A. U. Brown, general assortment. Manufacturer— I P. Morrill, lumber. Hotel —Canterbury House (Iliil’s Corner), Dud- j ley Hill. F. p. t. B. C. & M R. R.; stage from Depot to Shaker Yil- 1 lage daily. TV. p. —little. j CHICHESTER — Postmasters —Solomon Leavitt;-Geo. P. Haines, ‘North C. Physician —George Beebe. Churches —Bap., f., J. Harvey; , ! Cong.. Mark Gould; Meth , George Beebe. Merchants—Geo. P. Haines, Joseph C. Morse, B. F. Leavitt & Son, Jonathan Kendall, Jr. general assortment. Hotel —Elm House, W. B. Langmaid. F. p. t. —Stage' from Pittsfield to Chichester and Concord daily, and from North Cui- chester to Suncook. W. p. —little. i COXCORD — Postmasters —James E. Larkin;-John Putney, East C;-Joseph Eastman, West C;-Samuel F. Brown, Fishervill#; j -J. F. Runnels, Mast Yard. Attorneys —Stephen C. Badger, Asa i Fowler, Arthur Fletcher, Sylvester Dana, Josiah Minot, John H. j George, Lyman D. Stevens, Henry P. Rolfe, Anson S. Marshall, William ; L. Foster. John Y. Mugridge, Lyman T. Flint, Hamilton E. Perkins, i ! Samuel G. Lane, Benj. E. Badger, N. B. Bsyant, Charles P. San¬ born, Samuel C. Eastman, Ira A. Eiistman, William M. Chase, Charles C. Lund. Ira Perley, Frank A. Fowler, George S. Blanchard, George R. Fowler. J. Ware Butterfield, Luther S. Morrill, John 11. Albin. ■ Perley S. Chase, Samuel B. Page. Physicians —Ezra Carter, Timothj' Haynes, Charles P. Gage, Ebenezer G. Moore, William H. Smart,! Albert A. Moulton, Jesse P. Bancroft, Samuel F. L. Simpson, Abraham H. Robinson, James Moore, G. P. Conn, Albert H. 'Crosby, Charles A. Lockerby, Asa P. Tenney;-Moses W. Russell, John H. Blodgett, West C.;-William H. Hosmer, E. C. Topliff, Fish- {erville; Alpheus Morrill, E. W. Abbott, Jacob H. Gallinger, Shadrach : i C. Morrill, horn.: Harry G. McIntyre, sjjecial; B. S. Warren, bot.; Rob- : ; ert Hall, (Birchdale), phisopathic. Dentists —William Vi. Fletcher, I John W. Tittle, Cummings & Young, C. N. Towle :-H. D. White, 1 ; FisJierville. Churches —Adv., John Couch; Pap., f., Daniel W. Faunce, ; Samuel Cooke, A. K. Moulton, Silas Curtis; Cath., John E. Berry;! Cong., Franklin D. Ayer, S. L. Blake, Nathaniel Bouton, D. D., Benja- : min P. Stone, D. D., Henry A. Kendall, Samuel Utley; Epis., James H. Eames, D. D. Henry A. Coit, D. D, Joseph 11. Coit, Hall Harrison, John Hargate, Robert A. Benton: Meth., Elisha Adams, Osmon C. Baker,, j D. D., Bishop, Second Bap., Henry G. Safford; Unit., Joseph F, Ix)ver- [ing;- Cong., Geo. Smith, East C.:-Cong., Albert W. Fiske; i Meth., N, P.Philbrick, Fisherville. Literary Institution —St. Paul’s j School, HenryA. Coit, prin. Merchants —Warde, Humphrey k Co., 1 Moore & Cilley,W. P, Ford A Co., Gust Walker, agricultural imple- i i ments and hard ware ; L. Chandler, Edson C. Eastman, Win. H. Fiske, ; D. L. Guernsey, B. W. Sanborn k Co., books and stationery ; Joseph. ! French, Gage k Andrews, William Gilman, HarrisA Co., George H. i M oore, J. S. Moulton, Frank P. Munsey, Calvin Thorn George F. ; Whittredge, G. H. Bachelder, L A. Hazeltine, Shattuck A Noyes,; i.J. M. Smith;-J. P Sanders, Moses H. Bean, Fisherville, boots and, ! shoes; W. B. Stearns:-W. H. Allen Fisherville, carpets; Benjamin i M'atsou, H E. Graham, H. M. Parker, cigars and tobacco; M. B. ' I Critchet. A. J. Edmunds, J. H. Hill, Lincoln A Shaw, F. S Peck, A Co., I T. W. A J. H. Stewart, H. Stauss, J. T. Sleeper ;—S. F. Brown. Fisher- i ! ville, clothing; H. W. Rundlett A Co., A. G. Saltraarsh, coal and wood; i I Joseph Brown;-John A‘Colburn, Fisherville, CoflSns ; E. P. Pres j MERRIMACK COUNTY. 117 cott A Co., S. Qiiiml)y A Co., commission merchants; F. C. A J- Y. Bradbury, Joseph Gillis, Sewall Iloit, J. 11. Morrill. S. W. Mills, James S. Norris A Co., Piper A Haskins, confectionery, fruits, Ac ; C. Pressey. W. B. Stearns;-R. C. Danforth, Fisherville, crockery and glass ware; Kastman A Co., H. B. Foster, James Morgan A Co., Rollins A Co., Underhill A Kittredge:-J. S; Rollins A Co , Fisherville, medi- ; dries; Chase Hill, shoe findings; J. Galloway, Ivory Hall, clocks, , watches and jewelry; W. G Andrews, Churchill, Killiurn A Co., 0. V. ' A J. Pitman, D. E. Clarke, F. Evans, F. A. Fisk, T. J. French, Harris A Co., James Hazel ton, John P. Stickney, Geo., F. Whittredge A Co.;-* John Putney East C.;-E istman A Currier, West C.-W. H. Allen, Hale Chadwick, Putman A Hall, Brown A Linehan, Fisherville, dry goods; Barron, Dodge A Co., Lewis Barter A Co., N. S. Batchelder A Co., French A Cochran, E. G. Kilburn A Co., J. H. Pearson A Co., E. P. Prescott A Co., S. Quimb}" A Co., C. C. Webster, flour and grain; J. Brown A Co., D. A. Hill, S. W. Shattuck, Volger A Stanley;-0. K. Bradford, Fisherville, furniture; Frank Chandler, J. P. Sanders, J. T. Sleeper, gents furnishing goods; Hutchins A Co., Asa G. Andrews, F. A. FUik, J. F. Hoit A Co., John M. Pearson, J. L. Pickering A Co., 0. V. A W. H. Pitman, Steniels A Dickerman, Rowell A Clough, Sturte- vant A Whittredge, J. A. West;-Eastman A Currier, Alfred L. Mar- den, West C.;-John Putney, East C.;-J. Batchelder A Co., Brown A Linehan, Putnam A Hall, Union Store, Fisherville, all groceries; John J. Eastman, guns, pistols and fi.shing tackle , L. H. Carroll, Na¬ thaniel P. Rines;-R. C. Danforth, Fisherville, hardware and cut¬ lery; M. B. Critchett, Austin T. Sanger, hats, caps and furs ; Walker A Co., iron and steel; D. L. Gurnsey A Co., maps and pictures; Miss Jane L. Crawford. Jjis. Hazelton, Mrs. D. B. Jones, Mrs. E. H. Marshall A Co., Mrs. M. M. Smith, Mrs. H. J. Thompson, Geo. W. Wadleigh ;- Mrs. Addie M. Batchelder, Fisherville milliners and millinery goods; Wilson A Badger, optical instruments; Eastman A Co., C. H. Martin A Co., paints, oil and glass; William H, Fisk, W. B. Stearns;-W. H. Allen, Fisherville, paper hangingings; Qharles P. Baker. C. C. Da¬ vis, E, G. Kilburn A Co.. Joseph G. Wyatt;-John H. Foss, Fisher¬ ville, provisions; Jame.s R. Hill, saddlery goods; Smith A Walker, sad¬ dlery hardware; George W. I>rew A Co., Howard M. Co and horse nail.s; H. H. &l J. S. Brown, Fisherville, cottons; P. Blanchard A Sons, churns; Caldwell A Adams, furniture; William Badger, Morse A Putnam, gas and steam fitters; Concord Gas Light Co., gas ; J. W. A George Wright, gloves; James Jones, hair worker; Janies R. Hill 118 BUSINESS mRECTORr. & Co., Alexander Comery. Isaac P. Cutler, J. D. Johnson, William II. Rogers, Shallies & I.,awrence; John A. Coburn, harnesses; II. B. Foster, ink; VV. P. Ford & Co., iron fotinders; John Ilayne.s, lasts ; Dunklee & Tilton, niachinist.s; Mose.s Iluniplirey, West Concord, mackerel kits; G. A. Cummings, H. N. Farley & Co., Nathan Farley, marble workers: Charles E. Austin, Parker & Secomb, Joseph W. Prescott, organs and melodeons; Charles Austin, Davis & Morgan, organ and melodeon reeds ; Parker & Secomb, Prescott Bros., organ, melodeon and piano stools; Rol)inson & Tilton picture frames and looking-glasses; Crockett & Pillsbury, melodeon and piano keys; E B. Robinson, plows; J. T. Clough, plaster; John Eves, plumlter; Benben Button, pumps; T. B. Tamblyn, slate and gravel roof-<; Andrew Blinker, sa^h, doors and blinds; William B. Diu'gin, Silver- ! smith; Smith & Walker, silver platers: Concord Granite Co., Dona- gan & Davis. Geo. W. Emerson, Granite Railway Co., stone cutters; J. Mellen Blake, leather ; Morrill Dunlap, turner : H. II. Aldrich. J, A unable, upholsterers ; B, F. & D. Holden, West Concord, flannels. \ Miscellaneous —Edward Dow, architect; D. Angel Clough, Henry P. i Moore, artists; Jeremiah S. Durgen, S. W. Shattuck, auctioneers; i Minot & Co., liankers Dunklee Tilton, civil enginei'rs; Stevens & j Lund. H. K. Dewey, claim agents ; Concord Daily Monitor, Indepeti- i dent Di-mocrat, New Hampshire Patriot and State Ga/.ette, Repuldi- Ican St ife.sman, all newspaper and job printing establishment> ; Main & Nutt T, nurserymen ; Stevens laind. patent solicitors ; Benjamin Carr, William P. ILdt. Kimball Brothers, E. R.Noves, David F, Tri])p ; -Herman J. Currier, Fisln-rville, photograph Hrtist.s ; A. G. Jones, Morrill & Silsby ;-Samuel G. Noyes, Ki.'^herville, book, and jjob printers; S. G. Lane, real estatii ag(*nt; Cyrus Farrar, Ea^t Con- jeord, silk dyer; T. A. AmbrO'e, A. & G. A, Foster, Chaib-s II. Norton IP. Dudley & Co., F. W. Thompson;-David A. Brown, Henry A. I Stevens, Fisherville, livery and boarding stables; Samuel Wallace & i Son, stair bnilder.s ; Mrs. E. H. Marshall, straw bh-acherv ; Davis & ! Morey, musie teachers; Joseph Brown;-John A. Brown, Fisher¬ ville. undertakers. F.p.t. —R. R. center. W. p. —limited: DUXDA RTON — Postmasters —Oliver P. Wilson:-Luke Converse, North D. Churches —Bap.,-; Cong., Geo. I. Bard; Epis., sup¬ plied by St. Paul’s School, Concord. Mprehants —T. A 0. P. Wilson, general assortment. F.p.t. —short distance to R. R W. p. —small. EPSOM — Postmaster —Leonard W. Peabody. Physician —L. W. Pea¬ body. Churrhes —Bap., f. w.,-; Chris., J. P. Stinchfield; Cong., (^harles Peabody. Merchants —Henry Knox, James Tennant, A. C. Locke, general assortment. Manufacturers —A. Lord, J. D. Page, ?d. D. Bickford. Samuel Bickford, lumber. Hotel —Suncook Valley House. Henry Knox. F. p. t. —Stage to Concord & Newmarket; R. R. being built through the town. W.p. —abundant. FRA NKLTX — Postmistress —Eunice G. Colliurn. A ttorneys —.4ustin F. Pike, Daniel Barnard, Isaac N. Blodgett, E. B. S. S.anborn. Robt. W lionnett, Charles C. Holcombe. Physicians —Samuel B. Kelley, L. M. Knight, G. Colby, Daniel C. Burleigh; William P. Kelley, dentist. Churches —C.aL, Bap., B. Wheeler; Chris., 0. J. Wait; Cong., Wm. T. Savage. Literary Institution —Fraiiklin Academy. Merchants —Chee- ney A Whitcomb, books and stationery ; N. A. Upton, Lewis Lord, {John Shaw: James March, boots and shoes; H. J. Odell, drygoods; Harrison Brock way, George C. Proctor, drugs and medicines; Levi Richardson A Co., David Gilchrist A Co., C. A E. C. Stone. B. M. Pres¬ cott, Burleigh Brothers, Nathaniel H. Sanliorn, Chase A Co., Thom¬ as Ryan, general assortment; John W. I'lioinjison, R. E. Bean, gro- MERllIMACk COUNTY. 119 iceries and prorisioT;® • AioTT7o Mepper, Gilbert G. Fellows, jewelry GvO/te, Mrs. flarrison Brockway, Mrs. C. C- Paige. Clark & jstark, millinery; John C. Neal, H. J. Odell, E. R. Heath, tailors. ; Manufactvrer ^—Sleeper k Paige, William G. Hancock, blinds, sash and I doors ; F. H. Aiken, brad-awls and saw-sets ; J. W. B. Clement, carriage maker; Hiram E. Locke, carriage painter; J. H. Rowell, D. Gilchrist & Co., founderies ; L. D. Davenport, harness maker; Stewart Sc McCon¬ nell, leather belting; Page Brothers, leather; B. M. Prescott, Albert G. Morrison k Co,, lumber; Walter Aiken, machinery; Cummings : Bros., marble works; B. N. Poor, Mrs. W. B, Wadsworth, photographs : ip, M. Cawley, job printing; Warren F. Daniell, Russell k Co., paper: jj. H. Rowell, tin, glass ware and stoves; Taylors flannels and pant 'cloths; Franklin Falls Co., pant cloths, and gents dress goods, Wesley , Sawyer, agent; Walter Aiken, hosiery; A. W. Sullowaj*, flannels and hosiery; Wm. Russell, New England wood pulp Co., Hotels —Web¬ ster House, 0. B. Davis, Franklin House, A. K. Mpore, Livery Sta¬ bles —0. B. Davis, A. K. Moore, Charles Davis, George Frost. H.p. t. .—Northf'rn R. R. W. p. —abundant. • HENXIKER — Postmasters —Horace Gibson ;-Sam'l M. Currier, West H. Attorney —Warren Clark. Physicians —George Cook; I. P. Chase, homeo. Churches —Cong,, S. S. Morrill; Meth., W. H. Jones. Literary Institution —Henniker Academy, Otis S. Johnson, prin. Mer- cAanf.8on k Straw. J. J. W. Morse;-Fellows k Folsom, S.; M. Currier ,G. H. Farrar, West H., all general assortment L. M. Camp¬ bell, millinery. Manufacturers —Gilbert D. Gould, leather; Che¬ ney k Son, paper; John Gutterson, lumber; H, Gibson k Co., mackerel kits ; J. Gage & Co., measures; Gowen Wilkins, carriages; W, E. Cogswell, tin ware;-John Peters, cabinet furniture; F. Whitn»"y. coffins, West H. Hotel and livery stable —National Hotel. John S. Craig. F. p. t. —Contoocook Valley R. R. H. p .—abundant. HILL — Postmaster - Physician —I. M. Bishop, eclec ; W. T. Vail, water cure. Churches —Bap., chris., D. F. Smith ; Meth., N. Culver. Merchants —I. T. Parker, Stackpole k Lane, C. N. Blake, general assortment. Manufacturers —George A. Sumner, carriages and sleighs; J. L, Mead, furniture and chairs; W. B. Cawley, lumber. Hotel —Prescott House, A. D. Prescott. F. p. t. —R. R. w'p. —little HOOKSETT—Postmaster —Joseph T. Goss. Physician —Horace Gage, Thomp. Church —Cong., Abraham Burnham. Merchants —Jo¬ seph T. Gos**. S. D. McAfee k Co., general assortment. Manufacturers —Hooksett Manufg Co., cotton; N. k Wm. F. Head, lumber. Hotel —.\yer House, Horace Bonney. Livery Stables —John W. Prescott. Natt Whittier. F. p. t. —R. R. W. p .—abundant. i HOPKINTOJS—Postmasters —Dyer H. Sanflorn;-Lsaac Rowell. West H.;-G. A. Curtice, Contoocook. Attorney —H. W. Green. Physicians —Alexander Rogers, H. M. Dearborn:-Jeremiah Wilson, George C. Blaisdell ; D. 0. Collins, hot.. Contoocook. Chuches —Bap.. Christie W. Burnham ; Cong., John K. Young;-Bap., J. L. Sinclair; Chris., N. D. Sleeper, Contoocook. Literary Institution —Contoocook Academy. Thomas B. Richardson, prin. J/o’rc/jcruts--David L. Gage, C. H. Sanborn ;-S. Curtice k Son. Eben Wyman, D. 0. Collins k Son, Contocoog, all general a.ssortment; Kelley k Ketchum, tin ware and stoves, Contoocook. Manufacturers —Horace J. Chase, leather; War¬ ren M. Kempton. mackerel kits, Contoocook; Joseph Barnard, Enoch : J. Chase, lun^ber, Contoocook; Merrill k Livingston, woolen goods. Contoocook. Hotels —David B. Story;-John A. Peters, Coutocook. F. p. t. —R. R, U'. p. —good. ' LOUDON — Postmasters —Henry F. Bachelder;-Ben j. Rachel der. J_-- I 1 20 BUSINESS DIEEOTORY. I I - L. Center:-Hannah Moore, L. Ridge. Phi/<7ctans —I?aac S French, L. Ridge: 'William S. Collins, horn .5 Geo. W. McNeal, min.: L. W, San- ^ born, dentist. Churches —Cong.,-Meth., Warren A];plel)ee. Mer- \ chants —II. F. Rachelder, Hiram Ordway. boots, shoes, dry goods and | groceries ; H. F. Baclndder, medicines and hardvrard : Charles F. Hills- ! grove, groceries; Levi W Sanborn, jewelry. Manufacturers —Joseph; : Wiggin. leather; William H. Holt, lumber and carriages. IToM —Me- 1 Cleden House, Moses C. Cutchins. Livery Stables —Moses C. Cntchins, • A. P. Cate. F. p. t .—Mail coach to Concord daily. W. p. —good. i yEWBTIRY—Postmasters —Mrs. Mary Lear;-Jeremiah Morse,! ; South N. Church —Bap., f. w., N, B. Smith. Merchants —J. E. k A. ! iC. Muzzy, general as.sortment. South X. Manufacturers— C. 1 I Fowler, bent carriage wheel rims. South X. F. p. t .—stage from Xew- j : port to Bradford. IF, p. —fair. | 1 NEW LOXDOX — Postmasters —Anthony Colby;-Jas. TI. Bur- j pee, Scytheville. Physicians —S. M. Whipple, X. T. Clark. Church —i i Bap., F. D. Blake. Literary Institution —Xew London Literary and j Scientific Institution, A. W. Sawyer, D. D., prin. A;erc7»or/b‘—Riis- j sell & Co., Greenwood k Burj ee C. S. Sargent, geneial assortment: j U. W. Seamans, jewelry: Mrs. M. J, Woodward, millinery;-Janies j ; H. Burpee, Scytheville, general assortment. Manufacturers —R. Far- j ; well, lumber;-E. A. Jones, Scytheville, leather; Phillips, Messer, i Colby & Co., scythes, Scytheville. Livery Stable —D. S. Seamans. F.p.t .—Stages daily. W. p —’irtle. i XOPTHFIELD — Attorneys —F. R. Chase, Asa P. Cate. Church — I Epis., M. A. Herrick, D. I). Merchants —J. F. Taylor, dr.v good.'j and I ! groceries; C. F. Hill, printer and stationer. Manufacturers —Granite i Mills Co., A. S. Ballantine, agent, woolens; J. P. Dearborn, Imnber;' I T. W. Long, house, carriage, and sign painter. F. p. t .—B. C. k M.. R. R. IF. p. —abundant. I PEMBROKE — Postmasters — Clifton B. Hildreth; Simon A. H. ! Weeks. Suncook Village. Attorneys —Edwin B. Gould. John E. Stan-i van. Physicians —Butler H. Phillips. Xathan Call, Alfred W. Abbott,! ■George A. Larabee. Dentist —R. Frank Cook. Churches —Bap.. Jesse; ; M. Coburn: Cong.. Benj. Merrill; Meth., A. A. Manson. Literary In-' \stitution —Blanchard Academj', L. R. Leavitt. Miss Rowe, prins. Mer~ I cAani.?-— Harriet Burnham, Joseph Sargent, bo"ks aiel station- j iery: E. B. Rhodes k Co., Morse k Co., King k Co., James Hall, boots land shoes; V. E. Holmes, J. H. Churchill, E. S. Smith k Co., cloth-! ing; Sanborn k Batchelder, 0. R. Whitcomb. J. iM. & X. B. Emery, | ! G. odward A Brow’n, K. M. Row’e. J. H. Greeley A Co. general assortment; Geo. Whittemore, jewelry. Manufacturers —Otis Jones, leather; Enoch J. Chase, Moses 122 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Heath, R. J. Stearns, Gilbert Briggs, lumber; Colby, Shepard, & Co. woolens. F. p, t. —Five miles from R. R. at W. Andover. W. p. —little. HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY. AMHERST — Postmaster —Horace E. Woodberry. Attorney —Perley Dodge. Physician —Edward Aiken. Churches —Bap., E. P. Noyes ; Cong., Josiah G. Davis. Merchants —G. K. Walker, boots, shoes, drugs and medicines ; Horace E. Woodberrj', Forsaith, general assortment; J. 0. Pulsifer, W. D. Forsaith, groceries Hotel —Amherst Hotel, Dud¬ ley E. Chamberlin. Livery Stabl€s-~J). E. Chamberlin, Albert N. George. V.p.t. —R. R. and stages. W. p. —limited. ANTRIM — Postmasters —D. H. Goodell;-Almus Fairfield, North Branch. Physicians —Wm. M. Parsons, J. R. Kimball; Morris Chris¬ tie, horn. Churches —Bap., Wm. Hurlin ; Meth.,-How'ard; Presb., Warren R. Cochran. Merchants —Edward D. Putney, J. B. Wood¬ bury, general assortment; Luke Thompson, stoves a M tin ware; Miss Ellen Kennedy, millinery;-Almus Fairfield, George P. Little, North Branch, general assortment. Manufacturers —D. II. Goodell e, Thomas P. Bixbv, lumber. W.p. —abun lant. L YNDEBOROUGH— Postmasters—W'm. W. Curtis;-Wm. W. Young, South L.;-J. H. Goodrich, North L. Physician —Wm. A. 124 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. •Tones, honi. C}nircht>s —Cong., Erastns B. Claggett;-Bap., -, South L. Ntrdiants. —W. W. Curtis:-W. W. Youn r, J. II. Tarbell, ! & Son. South L., all general assortment. Manufacturers —Lyndehor- ! ough glass Co., South L. Hotel —Mountain Ilouse, - Perkin.s, i South L. F.p.t. —Three and a half miles to R. R. at "East M ilton, ir. p. —limited. Bradbury P. Cilley;-Thomas S. ! Montgomery. Amoskeag :-Nathaniel Moore, Goff’s Falls. Aitorveys : —James U. Parker, DanT Clark, George W. MorrisonTtlerman Foster, I \Villiam C. Clark, David Cross, Charles R. Morrison, Geo A. French, i Bradbury P. Cilley. I^aac W. Smith. Samuel N. Bell, Clinton AV. Stan¬ ley, John P. Newell, Samuel Upton. 'William Sta’*k, LewLs W. Clark. : Lucian B. Clough, Samuel D. Lord, Elijah M. Topliff, Joseph B. Clark, j Charles 11. Bartlett, 'William Little. J. "W, Fellows. C. A. Sulloway, I WilUam R. Patten, John H. Andrews, A. C. Osgood, A. Vi'. Bartlett. : N. P. Hunt. II. E. Burnham, H. H. Huse. Pliysiciavs —Josiah Crosby, i William D. Buck, Thomas Wlieat, Ebenezer II. Davis. "William "NV. I Brown. Lyman B. How. Leonard French, George .A,. Crosby, John Fer- i guson. John S. Elliott, Charles ’\Vells, Jas. P. M’alker, Luther Pattee, ; R. J. P, Goodwin. John Fitzpatrick. A, Tremblay. 0. D, Abbott, T. M. Hanson. S. Closson, bot.; Emil Custer, Aaron Walker, hoineo.; Henry C. Coburn, spiritual: Mrs. 0, M. AVinegar, l\Trs. Minerva Shannon, Mrs. D. K. Larimer. Miss S. A.- Colby, Mis.s Mary 0. A. Hunt, Emogene R. 'Winegar. Dentists —Hiram Hill, J, B, Prescott, C. P. Wood. C. Heath, J. C. Walton, A. A. Russ, W. F. Childs. Churches — Bap., N. C Mallory, A. Sherwiu; Bap., f.. N, Brooks, J. A. Knowles N. L. Rowell ; Cong., Cyrus V'. Wallace. ■\Villiam J. Tucker, Theophi- lus P. Swain ; F. G. Clark, (city miss.); Cath., 'William McDonald, J. I O’Brien: Epis.. L. Sears; Meth,. D,C, Babcock: Unit., Chas. B. Ferry; ■ Univ., B. M. Tillotson. Thomas Borden. J/^^7T7m?7/.zer & Co.. Geo. W. Dodge, I Fred. C. Dow, T. L. Hastings, D. E. Hill << Co., McDonald & Cody. Jas. I Mitchell, jr., T. S. Montgomery & Co,, Joshua M. Robinson. Geo. W. Thayer, C. D. Thompson. George W, "Weeks, S. C, Richardson & Co., 'boots and shoes; J. S. Kidder & Co., H. K. Slayton, butter apd cheese; Barton & Co. A. Ferrier & Co., D. A. Simons, carpets; E. P. Johnson h C. j Fifield, Edwin S. Fletcher, George W. Gardner A Co.. Griffin & Mitch-* ell, George II. Hoyt. Johnson & Stevens, J. S. Kidder & Co., Kidder & '■ Chandler, L. H. Lamprey, Locke A Demick, Dennis Lyons, Andrew: >IcNab. Henry C. Merrill. G. D. Moore, F. Murray A Co., Daniel Con-' ner. D. M. A C. B. Poor. Poor A Stearns, Horace B. Putnam, J. Rowley. : William F. Sleeper. E. H. Smith A Co., T. D. Sone, Geo. E. Wilson A ' Co.. Allen A Warner. H Fradd A Co., Head Bros.,-C. C. Frost & Co.. : J. Morrissey A Co., William M. Hayes, Scott A Jewell, Ainsworth A' Johnson Michael Gillis, Sawyer Bros. A Richards, Henry J, Young, j G. Messier Alfred James, Moody A Co., A. A P. B. Page. Pennock A: Colburn. W. Cressy, George E. Cox, H. H. Currier A Co., groceries;! Daniels A Co., R. P. Silver, John B. Varick, hardware: Sam’l Barnes,! S. P. Fiske, Folson A Son. John Lee, Nicholas Nichols, J. W. C. Pi< k-! ering, Plumer A Chandler. John Truesdale, J. S. "Wiggin A Son, hats i mid caps ; E. P. Johii'^on & Co.. J. S. Moulton, hay and straw; G. S. i Holmes, J. H. Howard hosiery and gloves; D. A. Simons, house fur-j nishing goods; Brown A Flanders, ice: A. W. Quint, ladies’ furnish- 1 ing goods; J. Stickney, leather and oil: J. Abbott A Co., E P. Johnson j A Co., J. S. Kidder A Co., H. A H. R. Pettee, lime and cement: Haines i I A Wallace. Ephraim S. Harvey. Thomas R. Hubbard, J, F Kennard, |J. L. Smith A Co., Foster A Clough, lumber; N. W. Cumner A v’o., il. W. Fogg. Matthew McDonald, Plumer A Chandler, S. Pushee. Lyons ; 'A Demahan, Pike A Plumer, M. J. Dowd, merchant tailors; Geo. W.j j Boynton, N. S. Clark, Fairfield A Shattuck. Thomas Morgan, Amos B. Page A Co., Joseph Peabody, Jonathan Pressey, Wilson A Pierce, E.W. Follansbee, millinery goods; E. T, Baldwin. S. Ilovey A Co., A. Quim- by, George N. Webster, I. S. Whitney. E. M. Kellogg A Co., Straw Aj Lf)vejoy, John V. Sullivan, D. C. Wright, music and musical instru-: ments; E. F. Aiken A Co., William Boyd, Johnson A Stevens. D. M A C, B. Poor, H. K. Slayton, Georg? E. Wilson A Co., Allen A Warner, Head Bros.. Ainsworth A Johnson, C. C. Frost A Co., Henry J. Young, A. M. Eastman. Moses Flastman, 0. A R. D. Gay, Scott A Jewell, pro- iduee: George W. Adams. Luther H. Brown, Clough A Howe, Timothy ■Collins, A. M. Eastman, Moses Eastman. J. C. Fifield, E. S. Fletcher, 0. iGage. George W, Gardner A Co.. Oliver Gay, George II. Hoyt, Andrew McNab. Pennock A Colburn. J. Rowley, William Short, J. B. Stowell, George E. Wilson A Co., Henry J. Young, H. Frad A. Co., Head Bros.. C. C. Frost A Co., J. Morrissey A Co., Scott A Jewell, Ainsworth A| Johnson, G. Messier, R. M. Miller, 0. A R. D. Gay, J. C. Fifield, Stick- I ney A Prince, provisions; Hartshorn A Pike, Palmer A Co., H. S. ! Whitney A Co., Frank B. Fogg, pumi)S; J. Stickney, shoe stock and i ' findings; Warren S. Hill, Frank J. Poor, J, Stickfley, Plumer A Chan-! Idler, James Holmes, sewing machines; H. M, Bailey, Daniel B. East- : man. Hartshorn A Pike, William Parker, jr., Vance A Goodwin, Chas ' I Williams, Brock A Kennedy, D. A, Simons, stoves and tin ware; Mrs- ' D. Alden, John Farrar, variety: Cliarles H. Chase, Thomas Dunlap, I W. H. Elliott, S. Hovey A C<»., H. 11, Ladd A Co., John Mooar, Straw i A Lovejoy, John F. Wiley, Lyman Carr, watches and jewelry; Hayes j 126 BUSINESS UIRECTOBY. & Co., J. Kenn:»rd, Gilman D. Moore, Thomas O’Grndy, O'Neil k Jones. John Phelin, M. Prout, P. Rogers, Daniel J. Warner, J. IT. Willey 4 I Co., A. E. Farley k Co., George Fletcher, J. Morrissey k Co, C. Arm¬ strong, Leroy McQueston, IIeale 3 ' k Sweene}^ H. M. Chadwick, Geo. W. Whittier, N. S. Diirgin, wines and liquors^ L. B. Bodwell k Co., J. W. Brown, Daniel B. Eastman, E. P. Johnson k Co., William C. Richardson, wood. Manufaclnrern —Benjamin II. Chase, J. Stickney, ! John B. Tarick k Co., John W. Whittier, belts; James Baldwin k Co.. I bobbins; David B Varney, brass founder; F. L. Gra\’, Haynes k Wal¬ lace, brewers; Ira P. Fellows, George H. Hubbard, William F. Lahey, j George W. Wood, cigars; Manchester Gas Light Co., coal tar: Ilackett !& Taylor, concrete for paving; Amoskeag Manufacturing Co., K. A. Straw, agent; Langdon Manufacturing Co.. William L. Killey, agent; j Manchester Print Works, Waterman Smith, agent; Stark Mills, Phin-! eas Adams, agent, cottons and linens; Amoskeag Ax Co,, edge tools: Bonjamin S. Stokes, files; J. R. Barrett k Co., Mrs. M. Moulton, F. L. Wallace k Bro., Tubbs k Co., Tebbetts Bros., hair restoratives: Edwin ' Branch, John C. Clafk, Andrew J, Dow, Greeley k Dewey, F. N. Mc¬ Laren. J. B. Saunders, harnesses and saddles; J. W. Whittier, hose: John Brugger, John C'dlins, A, P, Olzendam, hosiery; A. H. Low'ell A Co,, Amoskeag Manufacturing Co. Manchester Locomotive Wi rks, iron founders; E. Yeaton A Co., loom harnesses; Amoskeag Manufac¬ turing Co., C. C. Clark. Hiram Forsaith, S. C. Forsaith. Manchester Locomotive Works. B. F. Porter, R. J. P. Goodwin; machinists ; Isaac Palmer, John U. Farnham, marble workers;- P. C. Cheene^'& Ci^} paper; Benjamin F. Jenkins, power-loom pickers; Frank B. Fogg, i steam pipes, Ac., T. S. Montgomery k Co,, S. C. Richardson k Co., shoes; J. Baldwin k Co., shoe pegs arid shuttles; J. C, Young, slater: Moses C. Ea.9tman k Co., Ebenezer Hartshorn, Joseph S. Holt, soap; Benjamin H. Piper, carriage spokes; William W. Hubbard, stair rails; Amoskeag Manufacturing Co-, steam fire engines; Manchester Loco¬ motive Woiks; steam engine.s ; Palmer & Co , J. Q. A. Sargent, steam, gas and water pipe; Rockwood k Green, M. W. Gove, straw goods ; David Urich, willow worker; R. Page, window shades; Manchester Print Works. A. P. Olzendam, woolens. HnteU —Manchester, Wm, Shepherd; City, P. W. Hazeltine; Exchange, Prescott & Fo.ster; j Farmers’ E. A, Ham; Merrimack. D. 0. Webster; Fremont, J. N. illanaford: Amoskeag, Michael Linen. F.p.t .—R. R. Center. W. p. —immense. MASOX — Pofitmasters —Franklin B. Heald, M. Village;-Daniel Goodwin, M. Center. P/ii/sicians —Thomas H Marshall David P. j Stowcll. Churches —Bap,. Luther C. Stevens ; Cong., George F. Meri- jam, M. Village;-Cong., D, Goodwin, M. Center. Merchant —D. P. ! Stowell, drugs and medicines; E, Barber, millinery. Manufacturers I —Columbian Mf g Co., M. Village, cottons. Hotels —Columbian Hotel, jM. Village. F.p.t. —Peterborough and Shirley R. R. W. p. —abun- !dant. MERRIMACK — Postmasters —Kimball W. Br'''wn, South M.;- George Drew, Thornton’s Ferry;-M. P. Nichols, Reed’s Ferry. Physician —Harrison Eaton. Churches —Cong., C. L. Hubbard,-; Meth.,-. Merchants —Samuel C. Anderson, David Henderson. general assortment. Manufacturers — A. Esty, Kittridge Brothers, bricks; William Hendersori, carpets; David Henderson, flannel; Alex¬ ander M. C. Wilkins, lumber;-Parker k Co., Thornton Ferry :- Marcellus Homrhton, Souhegan Village, furniture. Hold —McCe- nike, M. B. McCenike. F. p. t. —Concord aMd Wilton R. R. W. p. abundant. HILLSBOROUGH OOUNTY. 127 MILFORD — Postmaster —Jolin W. Crosby. Attorneys —Bjiinbridge Wadleigh, John L. Spring, Clinton S. Averill. Physicians —Samuel G. Dearborn, Thomas B. Dearlx>rn, Hezekiah Eldridge; W. H W. Hinds, homeo.; C. F. Fiske, dentist. Churches —Baptist, Jere miah D. Tilton; Cong., George E. Freeman. Literary Jnstitution-- Milford Normal High School, \V. L. Whittemore, prin. Merchants — I Kidder A Whitney; books and stationeiy; Joel W. Hamblett, James .Shanahan, boots and shoes; Wallace & Sawyer, G. W'. Dunckire, hats, jc.Mps &, clothing; Batchelder & Parmelee, A F. Hutchinson, K. M. Giay. dry goods; H. Eldridge, Kidder & Whitne}^ drugs and medicines; ; T. E. Bruce, dry goods and general assortment; Geo. Melendy, fancy goods and notions; J. Lancaster & Son, Spencer Guild, groceries: Kidder & Whitney, hardware; George W. Duncklee, jewelry; Miss I Mary L. Tucker, Mrs. E. Comstock, Mrs. W. Shaw, millinery. ManU' fucturers —Souhegan MTg Co., denims, George C. Gilmore, agent; M orse, Kaley & Co., cotton tid 3 ' yarn, T. Kaley, manager; Lane & Co- j burn, boots and shoes; Heirs of Francis J. French, George Daniels Administrator, leather; French Heald, William •Gilson k Son, John ; D. Holt, John B. Melendy, Marvell k Howison, lumber; E G. & 0. A. I Hamblett, tailors; Pine Valley Co., wool carpets; David Heald, furni- jture; Sumner Emerson, extension tables; H. H. Bragg, fancy boxes; I W. L. Pierce k Co., William Gilson k Son, fish kits; Andrew Fuller, ; mirror frames; W. W, Robbins, printers wood material; William P. j Duncklee, plows; De Graff k Co., hair renewer; J. A. Powers, J. F. j Boynton, tin ware. Hotel —Union, Geo. E. Boutell. Livery stables — 1 Nathan Hutchinson, Cha.«.G. IlatcJi. F.p. t. —R. R. .TF.p.—abundant, j MOUNT VERNON—Postmaster —Nathaniel Bruce. Physician — I Sylvanus Bunton. Church —Cong., S. H. Keeler. Literary Institution 1 Appleton Academy. Merchants —Thomas H. Richardson, Ira Hill, general a.ssortment. Manufacturer —William H. Conant, fancy boxes land looking glasses. Hotel —Mount Vernon House, F. 0. Kittredge. i F. p. t. —Stages. W. p. —little. ! S'ASHUA — Postmaster —George Swain. Attorneys —G. Y. Sawj'er, I k Sawyer, jr., B. F. Emerson, A. W. Sawyer, A. F. Stevens, C. V. Dear- i born, Barrett k Atherfon, W. W. Bailey, J. B. Fassett, S. T. Worcester. ' Physicians —E. Spaulding, E. Colburn, E. B. Hammond, E. A. Colburn, I N. J. Moore, George Gray, T. 11. Gibby. J. C. Garland, A. J. Gibon, 1 0. A. Wooy, A. F. Adams. C. T. Ridgeway, N. W. Goddiird, jewelry ; S. Tuck, Mrs. S. S. Green, Mrs. L. N. Piper, 0. H. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 128 Cushing & Co., millinr'ry; Chapman Brothers, Parker & Bowers, Rob¬ ert Emerson, A. P. Dutton, tailors. Manufacturers —II. W. Bingham, woolens; Nashua M’f’g Co., Jackson M’f’g Co., Vale Mills, cottons; Nashua Card and Glazed Paper Co., Eagle Card Co., Murray, Pierce & Co., glazed paper and card board; Sargent & Cross, F. E. P. & D S. Chase, T. Melindy & Sons, lumber. Hotels —Indian Head House, Scripture & Parker ; Tremont House, George Doolittle ; Central Hous«% I. Ale.xander. Livery stables —Scripture & Parker, J. II. Hildreth. F. p. t —R. W. p. —abundant. NEW BOSTON — Postmaster —Solomon D. Atwood. Physicians, — Gilliam 0. Turhune ; Nelson P Clark, honieo. Churches —B;ip., R. G. Farley; Presb., D. C. Frink. Merchants —Miss B. P. Hall, dry goods Atwood & Kelso, Benjamin Dodge & Co., gen**ral assortment i Miss ''.aroline Bell, millinery goods. Manufacturers —Frank S. Richaids. leather; Union Paper Mill, Co., printing paper ; .lohn Gregg. Daniel Gretrg. lumber. Hotel —Columbian, H. M. Fairfield. Livery stable — C .J. McColly.i^. p. t —Stages 5 miles to Parker’s Sta. on N. H. C. R R. NEW IPSWICH — Postmaster —Charles A. Whitney. Attorney — William A. Preston. Physicians —F. Jones, F. N. Gibson, Churches — Bap., A. Snyder ; Cong., P. Fay; Meth.,-. Literary Institution', —Appleton Academy, E. W. Westgate, prin. Merchants —Charles A, Whitney, S. A. Richardson, A. II. Wright, L. C Oliver, general as¬ sortment; F, A. Bnzzell, jewelry; Mrs. Fi.ske, millinery. Manufac¬ turers —Columbian Company, R. Graves, cottons ; Chas. Wheeler, G. C. Gibson, lumber. Hotels —Clark’s Hotel, Peter H. Clark: Wheeler's Hotel, Geo. W. Wheeler 2d. Livery Stables —P. H. Clark, W. C. Hawes. F. p. t. —Peter boro & Shirley R. R, W. p. —abundant. PELHAM - Postmaster —John Woodbury. Physicians — Amos Bachelder, L. H. Grosvenor. Churches —Bap., Nathan C. Lathrop; Cong., Augustus Berry Merchants —John Woodbury, dry goods and groceries; James A. Foster, groceries. Manufacturers —C. H. Wyman & Co., D, Marshall & Co., woolen goods; David Butler, Asa D. Butler, R. B. Hillman, lumber. F. p, t. —None. W.p. —good. PETERBOROUGH—Postmasters — John R. Miller;-John A. Wheeler, West P. Attorneys —R. B. Hatch, E. M. Smith. Physicians —Albert Smith, Daniel B. Cutt'^r, John fl. Cutler, W. D. Chase; Levi Dodge, horn.; A. G. Howe, A. M. Bryant, dentists. Churches —Bap,. -; Cong., Geo. Dustin; Meth., Frank P. Hamblett; Unita., C. B. Ferry. Literary Institution —Peterborough Academy, James E. Vose. Merchants —Charles A. Ames, books and stationery: Win. E. Baker, Frank Bullard, boots and shoes; A. B, Tarbell, Osgood & Martin clothing; John R. Miller, drugs and medicines: Smith & Stewart, W. G. Livingston & Co., Asa Davis, Sylvester Tenney, general assort- 'ment; Marshall Nay, haiiand caps; Augustus Fuller, tin ; H. W. Nie- man, furniture; David Smiley, Fred. Emory, jewelry; J. Gates & Co , millinery;-John A. Wheeler, general assortment. West P. Manu facturers —Herbert Brennan, marble work; Copeland & Tarbell, car¬ riages; Lorenzo Holt, Lowe & Wilson, Leroy P. Greenwood, painters: Joseph Nooiie, woolens; Peterborough Manufacturing Co., Phenix Manufac’g Co., cotton , A. A. Farnsworth, leather; A. Childs, Towns, White & Co., baskets; A. P. Morrison & Sons, J. J. Barker, paper; C. C. Marcy, flour and grain ; Charles Wilder, barometers and ther¬ mometers; G. P. Felt, machine shop and foundery; Joshua Briggs, piano forte stools ;-Union Mf’g Co., cotton, West P. Hotels —H. K. French, Geo. F. Cheever. Livery stables —H. K. French, Swallow k McIntosh. F. p. t. —Stages. W.p. —abundant. SHARON — Manufacturers —Charles F. Appleton ;-Preston k -- - r . - CHESHIRE COUNTY. I29j ' Emory, New Ipswich p o,, all lumber. F.p.t. —Seven miles from [ Ma'sou Village Depot. W. p. —good. I TEMPLE—Postmaster —Nathan Colburn. Physician —Nathaniel I Kingsbury. Church —Cong., Royal Parkinson. Merchant —C. P. llay- i ward Manufacturer —M. M. Balch, luacbinist; E. G. Cutter, luml^er • Hotel —Central House, Charles H. Boynton. F. p. t. —Stages. W.p. — ' little. HEARE — Postmasters —Israel Hoag;-Oliver D. Sawyer, North W.;-A. B. Johnson, East W.: -Jonathan Buxton, South Vi. .Abner Frost. Oil Mill Village. Physicians —A. R. Dearborn; James' Peterson. J. P. "Whittle, homeo. Churches —Bap.. N. B Smith: Univ., . C. 0. Ballon:-I^ap., cal., J. L. Whitteniore, East W.;-Bap., t.. -Moody, North W. Merchants —Israel Hoag &. Son, Geo. Simons; .-William II Gove, D. Sawyer &. Son, Ballou k Kelley, North W.; -A. B. Johnson. East W,:-J. Buxton, South W.;—.Abner Frost. Oil Mill Village, all general assortment. Manufacturers —S. Paige k Son, leather; Ira Gove i Sons, boots and shoes; G. W. P. Sleeper, E. Leighton &. Son, wheelwrights ;-J. W. Chase, skiving machines : . .\inos Chase k Son, machini.''ts ; Ira Wilkins k Sou,cabinet furniture; ' Weave Woolen Manufacturing Co., woolens, Moses Sawyer, agent; Rockland Mills, cottons: J. B. Moulton, leather; .John W. Han.sou,, Lindley M. Sawyer, boots and shoes; M. .A. Hodgdon, lumber. North W.;-Charles Bla«k, cabinet furniture; East W.,-Charles "W. Martin, leather, South M .:-Ziba A. Hoit, lumber, Oil Mill Village. Uotel —.Abner P. Collins, North W. F. p. t. —R. R. IF. p, —good. ; WILTOX — Postma.^ter —N. Flint; P.Ring, West W. Attorney —C. II. Burns. Physicians —Josiah Fleeman ; F. M. Pevey, dentist. Churches Bap., Stephen C. Fletcher; Cong., Daniel E. Adams; Unita.,-Pen-. dleton, Richard Coleman. Merchants —Nathan Flint, books and sta¬ tioner^’ ; J. E. CLllbrd, Geo. Flint, boots and shoes; Geo. W. Wallace, Charles Tarbell, clothing, hats and caps: Alfred E. Jaques, .A. A. Ramsey, dry good.s ; Henry Trevitt, Frank H. Newman, drugs and . medicines; .Alfred E. Jaques, .A. -A. Ramsey, Sam'l W. Center, Nathan Flint, fancy goods ami notions; .Alfred E. Jaques, .A. .A. Ramsey. S. N. Center, general a.s?.ortment and hardware; D. Gregg k Co., Samuel N. Center, .Alfred E. Ja(jues. .A. .A. Ramsey, F. S. Hutchinson, .Abiel Frye, groceries; -II<-od. jewelry ; Mr.s., Libby, millinery. Manu¬ facturers —Wilton Co., Diivis Co., Newell Co., Robert Dawson, worsted yarns; A. J, Putnani k Co., leather; Jones k Da<>comb, boots and shoes; D. Whiting k Sons, David Gregg, Jonathan Livermore, lumber. Hotels —Wliiting House. David Whiting; Washburn Hou.«e, Willis A. Washburn; Union Hotel, Mrs, Minn. Livery stables —Joseph Lang- dell. Levi II. Blood. F. p. t. —R. R. IF. p. —abundant. WiyPSOR —No Post office. Attorney, Ph 3 *siciaii 8 or Church. ; I CHESHIRE COUNTY. ! ALSTEAD — Postmasters —Cyrus K. Vilas ;-A. C. Field, -A. Cen¬ ter:-Janies F. Ishum, New .A. Physicians —Sumner T. Smith,' Win-low B. Porter. Churches —Cong., Francis B, Knowiton;-.A. C. Field, A. Center:-Samuel H. Amsden, New .A. Literary Institu¬ tion —Alstead Select Si 1 uk) 1. Sam’l H. Porter, prin. Merchants —II. D. Ptandall, hoot.s and sho«*s; Cyrus K. Vilas, drugs: Timoth>' Tufts, llenr^' A. Lovell, J. 11. Porter:-T. Freeman. New .A., gem ral a>,sort- ment; J''s: Benj, .A. Fisher, sehool books, siationerj’ Ac. Manufac¬ turers —Chas. E. Cooke, iron founder ami plow manufacturer: II. D. Robb, machinist; T. R. Prentiss k Son, pa|>er: Gardner G. Bank-, J»- 130 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. eeph P, Forristall, Lyman Chaiidler, Holmes k Buxton, lumber; Geo. A. Brooks, edge tools; Premiss, paper. Hnte.l —Sterling G. .\nderson. F. p. t. —Stages from and to Bellows Falls, Tt. W. p. —good. I CHESTERFIELD — Postmasters —R. C. Cressey;-James C. Far- Iwell, C. Factory ;—r-James II. Ford, West C. Physicians —Daniel F. .Randall;-John F. Butler, C. Factory. Churches —Cong., Jeffries' Hall; Meth., J. English;-Heth., Thomas L. Fowler,-Cum- 'mings, C. Factory:-Univ., R. 0. G. Woodbury, West C. Merchants I —R. C. Cressey, drj’’goods and general assortment; Charles Harvey. jewelry;-James C. Farwell, dry goods, C. Factory :-James 11. : Ford, dry goods ; Calvin P. Gilson, groceries, West C. Manufacturers\ ‘ —Cook & Co., leather. Hotels —Fred. L. Stone;-Sanford Gurnsey, C. Factory. Livery stable —E. P. Wetherell. F. j). t. —Stages. \Y/p —abundant. DUDLIX — Postmaster —George W. Glea.son. Physician —Henry H. Smith. Churches —Cong., uuita., George M. Rice; Tidnita., Au- j drew J. Fosdick. Merchant —George W. Gleason, general assortment Manufacturers —Lamoert L. Howe, Willard & Farwell, lumber; Milan ; Harris k Co., Cheshire Mills Co , woolen goods. F.p. t. —Stages. W. p. —abundant. j I FIrZWlLLIAM — Postmasters —P. S. Batcheller ;-E. Cummings, | I F., Depot. Attorney —Amos J. Blake. Physicians —Silas Cumniing.s, j Aaron R. Gleason. Churches —Bap., E. Hi “Watrous; Cong., John F. ■ [Norton. Merchants —P. S. & S. Batcheller, dry goods, jewelry and •.fancy goods, drugs, medicines, ic.; John M. Parker k Co., John , Whitteniore, John N. Richardson, general assortment ;-Spaulding Perry, F., Depot; Miss R. Foster, millinery goods. Manu facturers : —Elijah Bowker, butter tubs; C. L. Taft, doors, sash and blind.s : J. j Damon, pails, P. 0., address, Winchendon, Mas.s.; Simonds k Co., picture frames. Hotels —Gage's Hotel, Abner Gage; Sip Pond House, Jas. S. Cox. Livery stable —Abner Gage. F.p. t. —C. R. R. W. p. ' —limited. j GTLSUM—Postmaster —F. A. Howard. Physicians —D. K. Webster. I Churches —Cong., Horace Wood ; Meth., J.oseph Merrill. Merchants — L. W. F. Mack, general assortment; N. G. Hayward, groceries. Man-. \ufacturers —Collins & Sons, beaver clothes ; Cuthbert, Gould k Miner, j flannels; Nelson Rice & Rawson, leather; Jesse Dart. Geo. W. New-! 'man, L. F. Goodnow. Livery stables —Geo. H. McCoy, Calvin Chan- 1 dler, A. Chapin. F.p.t. —Stages. W.p. —abundant. itlXSDALE — Postmaster —Charles J. Amidon. Physicians —^Fred¬ erick Boyden, Wm. S. Leonard; AVm. C. Barrett, dentist. Churches — Bap., H. B: Streeter; Cong., J. S. Batchelder; Meth., A. C. Hardy. Merchants —Hunter k Co., books and stationery; Cook k Fisk, Hol-j land k Wellman, boots, shoes, dry goods, groceries, Ac., Cook k Fisk, I j clothing, fancy goods and jewelry; William Evans, groceries, liats and ! caps; 0. J. Martin, drugs and medicines; Mrs. L. P. Bascom, milli- i nery. Manufacturers —Haile, Boyden k Amidon, Frost k Co., woolens ; j Priest k Wellington, bobbins; J. U. Beers, leather; Geo. Robertson, j I paper; Ansel Dickenson, lumber; James Snow, boxes; Newhall &i iStebbins, mowing machines; Holman k Merriman, machinists and j 1 water wheel manufacturers ; George S. Wilder, chisels ; Thomas W. i Sabin, Eagle Iron Foundery. Hotels —Ashuelot House, Frank Stearns;: American House. Daniel A Barrett. Livery stables —S. E. Perham, ; Frank Stearns. F. p. t.. —Ashuelot R. R. W. p. —good. J A FFREY—Postmasters —Gurley A. Phelps;-Peter Upton, East J. Attorney —Fred. W. B liley. Physicians —Gurley A. Phelps ; -Oscar II. Bradley, East J. Churches —Cong., Rufus Case,; CHESHIRE COUNTY. 131 Hup.,-C. W. Allen ; Univ., J. P. McLane, East J. Literary Institution —Mihille Acnd«iny. Merchants —Charles D. Law, dnip!^ and medicines: Josei)h T. Bigelow;-.James S. Lacy, Charles IJ Powi rs. g'lieial assortment; James L. B(dst<*r, groceries, East ,J Manufacturers —Alonzo Bascom,« otton goods ; .Julius Cutter, leather ,j Heath & Gilman, Lyman K. Farnum ;-Oliver Bacon, Bascom A* Crumbie. Howe & Murdock, Thos. Anneit, Agt., lumber. East J. Hotels —Cutler's Hotel, .Jonas Cutter, I^al-an Price:-Granite State Hotel, N, R, Corning, East J. Livery stables —Nutting & Cutter ;- Hubbard & Emery, East J. F.p.t. —Stage to AVinchendon, Mass., j Depot. W. p. —g''0«l. I KEENE — Postviaster —Thomas FL Hatch. Attorneys —William P. Wlieeler. Francis A. Faulkner, F. F. Lane, Daniel K. Healy, C. C. Web- ■ster, C. Fred. Webster, Don H. Woodward, Leonard Willington, liar* j vey Carleton. Silas Hardy. Physicians —George B. Twitchell, A. S. jCarpenter, T. B. Kittridge, G. C. Hill, Mrs. R. F. Hill; Francis Brick, i Henry H. Darling, .J. Homer Darling, homeo.; Stratton & Loveland, lira W. Russell, dentists. (JJnirches —Bap.,-; Cath., Wm. Mur- !phy; Cong., Z. S. Barstow, Win. S. Karr, J. A. I.cach ; Epis., George I W. Brown; Meth., C. M. Densmore: Unit., W. 0. Wliite. Literary \ Institutions —Keene High School, Solomon H. Brackett, Miss Maria ;Townshand. Merchants —G. H. Tilden & Co., ,J. H. Spalter & Sons, books and stationery; M'. TJ. Wilson, A. T. Wilder, Leonard M'right, Daniel W. Robinson, David Hutchins, Geo. Kingsbury, boots and ; shoes; .J. R. Beal k Co., Mason & Perry, C. T. k G. B. Buffuin, M’hit- ]comb & Dunl ar, M’hitcomb Bros., clothing; . .J. Kilburn, Patterson & Spaulding, Francis Foster k Co., Richardson k Skinner, dry goods; Channcey Hills, A. C. Howard k Co.. 0. G. Dort, drugs and medicinee; Richardson k Skiniu r, Otto Lettenmayer, Fred Comstock, Chas. D : Robinson, C. F.'Woodward, fancy goods and notions; IHchardson k Skinner, Fisher A "Willard, general assortment; Chas. Bridgman, Jos- ■ lin k Gay, Grimes k ICllis, M'ardwell k Wentworth, .Joseph M'hitnej', ! D. B. Silsby & Co., Ruel Nims, Wm. Brock.s. Hutchins k Rowell, A, j H. Freeman. L. C. Darling, gi-oceries; I. N, Spence r k Co , W. H Knowlton k Co,, hardward ; Dali k A.lden, Leonard Wright. Whitcomb Bros., hats and caps ; Richardson k Skinner, J. A. Thayer, F. E Allen, j jewelry; Hatch k Johnson, J. 0. Taft k Co., E. R. Gimore, millinery good.s, Fisher k M'illard, M. T Tottingham, turniture; 0. H. Hard¬ ing. N. G. Gurnsey, Fuller k Willard, Baker k Wellington, Sherman k Stearns, restaurants. Manufacturers —Chas. Lain.'^on, Francis Fos¬ ter. leather; Leonard M'right, boots and shoes; Cogswell A Goodhue, Gustine Holmes A Lyman, plumbers and gas-fitters; Davis A Lyman. 0. H. Gillett A Co., stoves and tin ware; P. B. Hayword, baker and cigars; S. S. 'Wilkinson, C. F. Holton, trunks, harnesses Ac.; French A Sawyer, S. C. Dustin, C. Allen, photograiihers; Keene Chair Co., Chfshire Chair Co., Keene Furniture Co,, chaii’S; Mii.^es Ellis, iron ■foundery; John Humphrey A Co., Sanborn A Hubbard, machinists: : Faulkner &. Colony, woolen goods : Otto Lettenmayer, confectionery imannf. Hotels —Cheshire House, Morgan .J. Sherman ; Eagle Hotel, , J. W . Starkey ; American House, Fred Gilson. Livery stables —Laton Martin, "herman A Todd. S{)aulding A Dean. E.p.t. —Cheshire and j Ashnelot R. R. JF. p. —good. i MA HLBOROUdH — rostmasters —E. 0. Woodward ;-C. S. Moors. i M. Depot. Physician —Sam’l A. Richardson. Churches —Cong.. ; Silas P. Cook; Meth., D. S. Dext«r; Univ., H. P. Osgoo-i bott; Univ.,-Laws. Merchants —Joseph W. Leonard, Anson Cole, | Hall k Knight, Elam Marsh, C, M. AA'right, general a.ssortment. 3/an-i ufacturers —Dexter Warren, leather; John Chamberlain, C. X. Quim-1 by, Charles Butterfield, lumber. f/oieZ—A'alley Hotel, Holland | Bennett. F. p. t. —Cli^shire R. R. W. p —abundant. | WINCHESTER — Postmasters —AA’illiam H, Gurnsey ;- 1 Ashuelot. Attf/rnvys —Ellery Albee, E. M. Forbes. Physicians —Hoseal Peirce, George AA". Peirce, Jlarle Evans, E. P. Peirce ; Ira AA\ Ru.sReIl, dentist. Churches —Cong., Elijah Harmon; Meth., epi.s., J, AA". Adams; Univ.,-. Merchants —F. AA’eeks k Co., Luther Cheney, John A. Powers, books and stationery; E. AA’ilbur, jr., L. Cheney, boots and | shoes; AA^m. Shriglej' k Son, clothing; E. Weeks k Co., Luther Che-| ney, drj' goods; John A, Powers, II. Peirce k Co., drugs and medicinos;j John A. Powers, F. R. Peters, fancy goods and notions; F. AA’eeks & I Co., Luther Cheney, general a.ssortment; E. Cook, F. AA’eeks k Co., Luther Cheney, grocerie.s; E. Cook, hardware; AA’illiam Shrigley & Son. hats and caps; F. R, Peters, John A. Powers, jewelry ; Aliss M, G Bancroft, Mrs. S. W. Ripley, millinery; Mrs. S. M. Kent, Mrs. A. Jackson, dressmakers; A. S. AA'hitcomb, photographer. Manufactu. 134 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. —Ilezekiah 'Willard, L. S. Brown, wlieel-wrifrlit; II. Gould, 0. C. Kendrick, carpenters; Frank Hildreth, carpenter and inill-wright; E. Pickering, C. L. Combs, painters and glaziers; II. B. Swan, jialiii ! leaf hats; N. E. Stevens, leather; 'William II. Lewis, furniture and I coffins; James E. Coxetter, machinist; John Burbank, pails ; Coburn |& Munsell, Charles W. Scott, spic^ and cand}' boxes; 'William Felch, j cloth boxes; Sabin & Scott, bedsteads; AVOliam Bullock, cooper; I William Bent, bricks ; An.sel Dickinson, S. W. Buffum, Horatio G. Pickett, E. T. Tenney, Martin Baker, lumber ; Jas 0. Holman, pump.s; I L. H. Alexander, belts; H. Lyman, auctioneer ;-Colony, i'ickenson j & Co.. Ball, Pratt & Turner. Ashuelot Woolen Mills, woolen gcaxls. i Ashuelot. Hotels — "Winchester Hotel, D. Peterson:-Ashnelotj House, Hawkins & Howe, Ashuelot. Livery stable —Oliver L. Howard, j F. p. i. —Ashuelot R. R. W. p. —abundant. j SULLIVAN COUNTY. ! ACWORTH — Postmasters —M. M. Warner;-James A. "NVood, | South A;-Rodney Buss, A. Physician —Nathaniel G. Brooks, i homed. Churches — Bap.,-; Cong., J. L. Merrill; Meth., Henry: Dorr. Merchants —M. M. Warner, general assortment:-Mrs. Add e I R. Powers, fancy and millinery goods; Spencer &. Smith, J,. F. Rich- i ardson, general assortment. South A. Manufacturers —Blanchard A : Woodbury, boots and shoes;-Nathati Adams, woolens ; C. BCum-i mings, clothes pins: J. F. Page, lumber. South A. F.p. t. —Stage | daily to Bellows Falls, Vt. W. p. —gocKl. j CHA RLESTOWX—Postmasters —Charles C. Kimball;-Roswell 'Robertson, South C.;-Thomas Whipple, North C. Attoriify —E. L. 'Cusliing. Physicians —Samuel Webber, J. M. Whitaker;-Horace 'Saunders, North C.;-L. W. & S. W. Albee, denti.sts, South C. Churches —Epis., (St Lukes,) Francis Chase: Ortho., H. H. Sanderson : Unit., J. M. Merrick. Merchants —Walter E. Mellish, drugs and med- |icines; C. C. Kimball, fancy goods and notions; Labaree A Royce, 0. i Smith A Co., Josiah White, general assortment; Edmund (Dooley, 0. L. Cooley, groceries; Edmund Cooley, hats and caps. Manu/uc- ' turers —Briggs A Co., boots and shoes; R. Dellavcn A Co., cabs ; Cros- 'by A Fish, luinlier. Hotel —Robertson Hotel, Geo. Willard ; Cheshire I Bridge House, Timothy Lovell. Livery stables —H. B. ViaLl, W. J. Pickering. F. p. t. —R. R. lU. p. —little- j CLA REMOXT — Postmasters —Charles 0. Eastman;-IT. A. Red- field; West C. Attorneys —Edward D. Baker, Ira Colby, jr., Hosea W. j Parker, Arthur Chase, William H. H. Allen, Charles Parkhurst. Phy-\ ,sicians —Nathaniel Tolies, Samuel G. Jarvis, Carl A. Volk, Alvah R. ! Cummings, C 3 'rus E. Baker, Sherman Cooper, Osinou B. Way, L. J. i j Graves. C. W. Towles ; A. J. Flagg, eclec; Henry Tucker, homeo. Den- ' \tists —Frederick T. Kidder, Silas A. Sabine, Willard M. Smith, Jasper’ iBack. Churches —Bap., Francis W. Towle ; Cong., Edward W. Clark; Epis., Isaac G. Hubbard D. D.; Carlton Chase, D. D., Bishop of N. H.; ; j Meth., S. P. Heath; Univ., Aslier Moore;-Epis., Henry S. Smith,; ; West C. Literary Institution —Stevens High School, N. Barrows, prin.,' I Mrs. M. E. Partridge, music teacher. Auctioyteers —If. L. Hubbard, W. i I II. Briggs. Merchants —Claremont Mf g Co., Geo. W. IVIerrifield, books ] ! and stationer}’; H. A. Dickinson A Co., J. P. Hale, bcKits and shoes; I A. T. Cowles, crocker.v; Henry E. Barrett, baker and confectioner;' jC. M. Bingham, M. R. Emerson,Baker A Hurd, H(\vwood A Co., dry ^ goods; William M. Ladd, Levi Brooks, IT. H Brown, drugs an i med-| Heines; Clark A Danforth, Geo. N. Farwell, flour; S. A. Sabine A Co., I R. Spencer, T. R. Gowde}’, fancy goods and toys; M. L. Jewett Sc Co., ' BULLIVAN COUNTY. 135 Johnson &. Fisher, Chase 1. Bartlett son; Mrs. C. M. Clark, millinery; Geo. Kelley, meat nuirket. Mavufaclu- rers —American Sponge Co., sponges for uj»holstery; C. Bugbee k Co., iron founders and machinists: J. C. Sturtevant k Co., sashes, doors.' and blinds; Leonard Stearns k Co,, rakes and snaths : Mascome Edge Tool Co., scytlies. itc.; A. M'. Richardson, carriages and sleighs ; N. B. Marston, J. II. Breck ;-J. K. Butman. West L.. all lumber; Plii- lander Hall, flour, meal n, C. W. k E. C. Rand. James R. Jackson. Physiciany' —C. M Tuttle, T. T. Cushman, R. Bugbee, jr,. li, L. Watsi.n ; T. F. Sanger, homeo.; A. A. Hazleton, dentist. Churches —Cong , C. E. Mii- likin; f. m’. Bap., Elijah Gilford; Meth.. J. M. Bean. Literary Insti¬ tution —Littleton High School, F, Burnham. Merchants —Mrs D. Y. Clark. F. F. Hodgman, books and stationery; Weeks, Eaton k Cal¬ houn, M. L. Goold. Davis k tarr, E. S. Woolson, boots and shoes ; E. S. Woolson, Henry Merrill, Nelson Parker, clotliing; N, C. Farr. Wm. Bailey, L. P. Parker, E. W. Farr, Farr k Southworth. C. A C. F. East¬ man, lyorenzo Smith, dry goods; F. F. Hodgman, H. L. Watson, drugs and n»edicines; Atwnod k Brackett. F. F. Hodgman, Mrs. I). Y. Clark, fancy good.s and notions: H. L. Tilton A Co., C. k C. F. Ea.-tman. Bi. ; W, B'arr, N. C. B’arr, general as.sortment; N. C. Farr, E. W. Farr, Wil-j 142 BUSINESS riRECTORY. • liam Bailey, Farr & Sonthworth, Weeks, Eaton & Calhoun, Davis & Farr, C. C. F. Eastman, M. L. Goold, A. II. Bowman, groceries; II. L. Tilton & Co., C. & C. F. Esistnian, hardware; F. F. Ilodgman, E. S. Woolson, Atwood & Brackett, hats and caps; Atwood & Brackett, T. M. Stevens, jewelry ; Mrs. M. A. Ilarrimon, Mrs^ S. A. Ilazletine.! Miss Ruth Foster, millinery goods. Manufacturers —Littleton Woolen ■ Co., flannels; Kilburn & Son, machinists and iron foundery; Paddle- ford Miller, mill-wrights; C. C. Smith, tin and sheet iron; Sanborn^ & Weeks, planes, churns and washing-machines; C. Fb Stearns & Co., coopers; N. W. Ranlett, carriages ; Silas Parker k Son, leather; Weeks, Eaton k Calhoun; Davis k Farr, boots and shoes; Truman 1 Stevens, Asa Coburn, M. Dailey, harnesses; Kennie k Bowles, B. k C. F. Cate, lumber; Littleton Starch Co., We«t Littleton Starch Co. Hotels —Thayer’s Hotel, Henry L. Thayer; Union House, William .Tennorson. Livery Stables —£.11. Johnson. F.p.t. —R. R. and sta¬ ges. W. p. —ab’andant. LYMAX — Postmaster —Ira E. Titus. Church —Union, F. D. Chand- jler, ^leth. Merchants —Miner k Titus, Cyrus Wheelock, general as¬ sortment. Manufactures —James E. Richardson, Swan k Smith, lum- jber; Titus, Young & Co., Parker, Young & Co., starch. IF, p. —abun¬ dant. LYME — Postmaster —S. C. Dimmick Physicians —Chas. F. Kings-, bury, Charles 0. Gordon. Clairches —Bap., E. H. Smith; Cong., H. A, Hazen. Merchants —J. X. Perkins, boots and shoes ;»D.C. Churchill k Co., Adna Storrs, A. Thurston, general assortment; S. C. Dimick, hardware and tin shop; Mrs. Albert B. Dimick, Mr.s. Elias Jenks, j ! milliner}’goods. Manufacturers —John Fellow.s, marble works; S. E. Wales, coftins and picture frames ; W. A. Bingham, leather; R. Farnworth, grain; Steam Mill Co., lumber; Morrill Gordon k Co., starch; William B. Piper, Elam Gilbert, harnesses. Hotel —Thomas Perkins. F p. t. —Pa.ssumpsic R. R. \V. p. —small. MOXROE—Postmasters-^ohn Q. Gilchrist;-S. S. Way, North M. Church —Meth., sup by Students. Merchants —Robert W. Laird, P. C.: Monroe, general assortment. Manufacturers —Stephen Barker k Co., lumber, Mclndoes Falls, Yt. X). o.; Woodward k Plaisted. starch, Lan- ca.ster, p. o. IF. p .—dam acri ss Connecticut river. ORAXGE — Church —Bap., f., John C. Waldron. Manufacturers — Elijah O. Lowell, potter ; Reuben Batchelder, Lorenzo N. Cilley. coal; | John H. French, B. F. Andrew, Reuben Batchelder, Daniel Fellow.s,' ; F, G. Dimond, W. Huse, lumber, Canaan;-Thomas F. Brown, ; coal, Grafton. F.p.t. —R. R. W. p. —limited. OR FORD — Postmasters —Daniel F. Tillotson;-E. B. Strong. Or- fordville. Attorneys —David R. Lang, Charles W. Pierce. Physicians', * —Daniel G. Marston, Willard Horsford; Timothy Russell, eclec. 1 Churches —Cong.. L. F. Carter, Orfordville. Literary Institution —Or-; ford Acadeiu}", Nathan E. Stark, prin. Merchants —Willard Bros., | i drugs and medicines ; II. Powers, flour and meal; E. G. Flanders, fnr- '; niture; Willard Bros., Tillotson k Cushman, ‘William Howard k Co., | I general assortment; H. H. Conant, harnesses; Mrs. George W. Rand-1 iett, millinery ; G. W. Randlett,stoves and tin ware ; Philo C. Kenyon, j ta lor;-RoyalBeal, chairs; E. R. Clark, general assortment; A. S.j Rhodes. Manufacturers —Gilbert Jafifers. carriages; Asaph Maun, i : coffins; J. I.Pierce, wood trays, Orfordville, D. F. Tillotson, Jame.S| , Dayton, lumber; Henry Dayton, shingles;-Edwin Bugbee. B, F. , Trussell, lumber and shingles; Gordon ilerrill k Co., starch, Orford- , ville. Hotel and livery stable —Orford Hotel, Willard Smith. F. p. t. —Passumpsic R. R. IF. j). —little. I' .. GRAFTON COUNTY. 143 PIER MO XT - Postmaster —Ilezekiah Cutting. Churches —Cong.. Augustus L. Marden, Meth., Henry Chandler. Merchants —Cutting & Chase, .Joseph E. Evans, general assortment. Manufacturers —Geo. Dodge, scj the stones ; Hall & Cutting, wheel hubs. Hotel —Emerson House, .Tenness Emerson. F. p. t. —2 miles from Passumpsic R. R. and 5 miles from Boston, Concord and Montreal R. R. W, p. —good. PLYMOUTH — Postmasters —William D. Blaisdell:-Levi Gordon, West P. Attorneys —Henry W. Blair, William Leveritt, Joseph Bur¬ rows. Physicians —Joseph W. Preston, Cyrus K. Kelley, Silas W. Davis; Benj. P. Merrill, Joseph W. Preston, dentists. Churches — t Cong., Cyrus Richardson ; Meth., S E. Quimby. Merchants —Russell, ! Bill & Co., L. M. Howe, clothing, hats and caps ; Russell, Bill & Co.. John S. Tufts, drugs and medicines; H. H. McQuesten, fancy goods and jewelry; Cyrus Keniston. Mason & Fox, John S. Tufts, Atkinson Brotiiers, Warde, McQuesten & Hull, A. G. Smyth. Russell, Iflll. A | Co., general assortment; Stearns & Ryan, Mrs. W. M. Kimball, mii-j linery ; Albert G. Smith, F. W. A. Robie, tailors; S. H. Parmer, meat! market. Manufacturers —Cawley A George, Daniel H. Currier A Co., ! T. R. Hawley A Co., Warde, McQuesten A Hull, A. W. Avery A Co., I I Clark A Cummings, H. D. Siiiith, A. J. C. Barnard, gloves; Clark A! 'Houston, lumber; Gardner A Brown, marble workers; Gilmore I I Houston harnesses; W. M. Pressey stoves and tin ware. Hotels an(l\ \ livery stables —Pemigewasset House, Morse A French; Central House, | i A. Burns. F.p.t. —R. R. and stages. j RUMNEY—Postmasters —A. J. Stevens;-D. L. Simpson, West R. | Attorneys —Josiah Quincj’, Samuel Herbert. Physicians —Daniel' i Darling, Alvah C-'IIall, Daniel L. Simpson: Daniel Patterson, dentist. Churches —Bap., G. W”. Bixby; Bakers River, G. A. Glines; Meth., J. M. Durrell. Merchants —Quincy A Ward, drugs and medicines: j Joseph Abbott, Quincy A Ward, Dearborn A Merrill, general assort¬ ment. Manujacturers —Charles Spaulding, D. Person A Co., lumber and charc*)al ; Fletcher A Durgin, G. E. Greeley, Otis Whitney, gloves and tannery; John W. Peppard, ladders; W. W. Fales,C. H. El¬ liott, lumber. Ifotel and livery stable — Stinson House, G. C. Jones. F. p. t. —Boston. Concord and Montreal R. R. W. p. —abundant. THORXTOX — Postmasters —Wm. Merrill;-C.-H. Weeks, West T. Physician —G. Rowe, West T. Church —Bap., f. w., D. F. Smith, j West T. Merchant —Enoch Emmons, general assortment. West T. ■ Monufacht.rers —D. A M. Foss, bobbins; Jona. Sanborn, bricks; D. A M. Foss, Z. A O. .Tames, lumber. Hotels —Grafton, T. Poor;- ' Union, F. A G. Weeks, West T. W. p. —abundant. i WA RREX — Postmaster —Ezra B. Eaton. Attorneys —Samuel B. Page, G. F, Putnam. Physician —David C. J’rench, Charles A. Man-^ niug; Daniel Paterson, dentist. Church —Meth. L. L. Eastman. J/er-j chants —Moses W. Pillsbury, fancj' goods and notions; Whitcher A ,! .Weeks, Jewett A Eaton. W. S. Doggett, general assortment; Joseph IT. Noyes, groceries; .John C. Sinclair, harnesses and whips; Alonzo Noyes, jewelry. Manufacturers —Damon Y. Eastman, J. M. Little, H. N. ^lerrill. carriages and sleighs; MeiTill A Whitcher. window shades; John M, Whiton, shoe pegs; L. F. Jewell, bobbins; George W, Jack-i son. hoop skirts: H. W, Weeks A Son, George Thompson, Parks A Dickej", Benjamin T.ibbey, Limber; Russell K. Clement A Brothers,' starch. Hotels —Moosilauk House. David G.Mar.iite M'xintain range is in Coos County, and extends about twentj J miles from north-east to south-west, varying in width from four to tec imifes. They are the highest elevations in New England, and with a {single exception the highest in the United States east of the Rocky ! Mountains. The approaches to them from all sections are convenient, I comfortable and beauiiful, while the conveyances through and over them are ample for all comers, with elegant hotel accommodations, gentlemanly landlords and reasonable chargesk From New York city, there are a number of different routes, the i most direct and beautiful of which is to come through the cities of I New Haven, Hartford, Springfield, up the valley of Connecticut river, , through Northampton, Greenfield, Bellows Falls and Claremont to j White River Junction, thence by Passumpsic and Connecticut Rivers ■ and White Mountains Railroad to Littleton. From Littleton coaches j i take travelers in a couple of hours to the Profile House at Franconia i {Notch. In this section are many attractive and interesting scenes and objects, which once visited will never be forgotten, and not to see| them is to lose a great pleasure. Echo Lake is but a short walk! from the Profile House in one direction, and the Old Man of the Mountain, or the spot where he is to be seen to the best advantage, is 148 WHITE MOUNTAIN GUIDE. . about the same distance in another direction. Two days will suffice I to visit these, and also the Cascade, Flume, Pool and Basin. Teams are in readiness at the Profile House each morning at eight o’clock to 'take visitors to the Old Man of the Mountain, Flume, Pool, and Basin, land return to dinner at two o’clock, P, M. Saddle horses and guides I can be had to ascend Mount Lafayette, two miles by carriage to base, j thenco by bridle path three and three-fourths miles to top. The trip ' jean be easily made in six hours, and return to Profile House to dinner j I at 2 o’clock, P. M. The ascent of Cannon or Profile Mountain may be ; 1 made by a foot path, which leads almost directlj^ from tho front of the j i hotel, in about two hours. The extensive and beautiful prospect from ! I . I I the summit of the Peinigewasset valley and surrounding country is j ' hardly equaled. For time and exertion required to visit them more ' j wonderful works of nature are found in this than in any other section I lof the White Mountain region. ; ! Stages leave the Profile for the Crawford House, twenty-six miles, jat eight o’clock each morning, and arrive there in season for dinner at I two o’clock, P. M. From the Crawford House is a bridle path to the ! top of Mount Washington, eight miles. Saddle horses and guides, I together with extra and appropriate clothing, for ladies and gentle- ; 1 men, are always to be obtained here. Parties leave the Crawford for| ithe Tip Top House every pleasant morning through the season, at ; 'eight o’clock, dine at the latter house, and return to the Crawford, ori ' go down the other side, eight miles, to the Glen House, at the east j I base of Mount Washington. From the Glen to the Alpine House is i i eight miles. ' From the Crawford to the White Mountain House, is four miles. I I ! From the White Mountain House to the base of Mount Washington, i i : six miU?s, is a good turnpike, and coaches run daily each way through ; I the season. A railroad has recently been constructed from the base ; to the top of Mount Washington, four miles, over which passengers' are conveyed in perfect safety. i If the tourist wishes to approach the mountains on the east side, he : goes from New York to Boston, thence to Portland, Me., by railrc^dj ; or steamboat, and thence over the Atlantic and St. Lawrence Railroad i to the Alpine House in Gorham. By this route the journey from New > j York occupies about twenty-four hours. The tour through the moun-j ! tains can be made from this point with about the same ease and facil-i j ity as from the Profile House. Another and exceedingly pleasant® ! route to the east side of the mountains is by w\ay of Boston, and Con-; I cord to the Wiers station on the Boston, Concord and Montreal Rail-i road, thence by steamboat, which runs from every train, across LaKe i Winnipesaukee to Center Harbor, and thence by stage to Conway J ifATIONAL DEBT. 149 through the White Mouutain Notch to the Glen and Alpine-Houses Or proceed by the same railroad to Plymouth, dine and then go on to Littleton, thence to the Profile House ; or by stage from Plymouth, arriving at Profile about the same time. Any and all these routes are picturesque and beautiful, and upon them all are found ample and comfortable conveyances and the best hotels and most gentlemanly landlords in New England. I Stages leave the Profile House every morning at seven o’clock for Littleton and connect there with trains for New York by way ofj Springfield, arriving in the former cit}' at half past ten o’clock the I same evening ; or by way of Conotfrd for Boston, arriving about ha'^- I past six o’clock the same evening. Stages also leave for Plymouth at . the same hour, arriving there in season for dinner, and for the trak'S over Boston, Concord and Montreal railroad by way of Concord to Bos¬ ton, and trains or boat from New London for New York, arriving b}' railroad at the same time as train from Littleton, and by boat from • I New London, the next morning. 1 From the Crawford House stages leave daily for Center Harbor, sixty miles, thence by steamboat down Lake Winnipesaukee to Alton i Bay 8fnd connect with railroad trains for Boston and New York. ! From the Glen House stages leave daily for Alpine House and con- i 'nect with trains over the Grand Trunk Railroad for Portland and Montreal. , ' At all the larger hotels about the mountains mails are received from New York and Boston once each day, and at many of them twice. They also have telegraph offices in nearly or quite all of the hotels, ' thus placing guests in direct communication with friends at home. STATEMENT OF THE NATIONAL DEBT, DEC. 1,1869. Debt bearing coin interest, Interest, Debt bearing currency interest, Interest, Debt matured bearing no interest, Interest, Debt bearing no interest. $2,107,938,000 00 41,270,486 09 61,195,000 00 1,118,900 00 4,292,026 64 558,806 88 431,861,703 18 Total debt. Amount In the Treasury, Coin, Currency, 105,969,949 77 11,802,765 79 $2,648,234,922 79 117,772,715 56 Amount of debt, less cash in the Treasury, $2,530,462,207 23 Amount of debt Dec. 1,1869, Amount of debt Nov. 1,1868, $2,530,462,207 23 $2,491,504,450 00 Increase of debt in 13 months. $38,957,757 23 [50 U. S. GOVERNMENT. United States Government* THE EXECUTIVE. ULYSSES S. GRANT, of Illinois, President, SCHUYLER COLFAX, of Indiana, Vice President, THE CABINET. Salary $25,000 8,000 (( Hamilton Fish, of Geo. S. Boutwell, Geo. M. Robeson, Wm. W. Belknap, Jacob D. Cox, J. A. J. Creswell, Ebenezer R. Hoar N. Y., Secretary of State, Mass., Secretary of Treasury, N. J., Secretary of Navy, Iowa, Secretary of War, Ohio, Secretary of Interior, Maryland, Postmaster General, Mass., Attorney General, (( << C( n of any mort- jgage or judgment, or decree of a jeourt, or by endorsement on any istamped obligation in acknowl- ■edgement of its fulfilment, .02. Provided, That when more than jone signature is affixed to the isame paper, one or more 6tami)8 maybe affixeestami)ed at the full rate of $100; when made by a person, firm, or corporation not paying special tax, for every $100 of value, 05.. A memorandum of sale or con¬ tract must be made by the seller to tlie buyer, upon the sale or contract being made, and the stamp affixed thereto. Exemptifms. — No stamp duty shall be required on powers of at¬ torney or any other paper relating to apjdicatxon f/r bounties, arrear¬ ages of pay, or pensimis, of the re¬ ceipt thereof from time to time ; or upon tickets or contracts of insur- j ance when limited to accidental ' I injur.v to persons; nor on cer-^ tificates of the measurement or weight of animals, wood, coal, i or hay: nor on deposit notes to mutual insuratice companies, for ! the insurance upon whic'h, poli¬ cies subject to stamp duties liave been or are to be issued, nor oji any warrant of attorney accompa¬ nying a bond or note when such \ bond or note shall have affixed i thereto the stamp or stamps de j noting the duty required; and ’ whenever any bond or note shall ; be secured by a mortgage, but one 1 stamp duty shall be required to i be placed on such papers; nor on j any cerlificate of the record of a| deed or other instrument in writ-j ing, or of the acknowledgment or j proof thereof by attesting wit-1 nesses; nor to any endorsement ' of a negotiable instrument. j I^ovided, That the stamp duty j • placed thereon shall be the high- i 1 est rate required for said instru- i ; ments, or either of them. ! I The Penalty for making, signing j I or issuing any instrument, docu-| I ment or paper of any kind or de- ! : scription ; or for accepting or pay- ! ing a bill of exchange, draft, order! I or note without the same being' I duly stamped, with intent to i , evade the provisions of the law, ; is a fine'of two hundred dollars' ; for each and every otfence and the ! document is invalid and of no i effect. ; General Remarls. —Instruments! are not to be recorded unless prop-i : erly stamped and cancelled. No instrument is invalid for the want of the particular kind of stamps designateIBNT9. lei Sullivan lacMne Compaiiy, (Late J. P. Upham A Co.) IV. B.9 Quarrying. Gadding, ^ Stone-Dressing Machines, Diamond Drills, Tunnel¬ ing and Mining Machines, Ty¬ ler Water Wheels, {reduced list,) and all descriptions OF FOUNDERY AND MILL WORK. N. B. Cash paid for Old Iron. J. P. UPHAM, Pres, R. W. LOTE, Treaa. --— - - - - - - - - - - - -----— — ESTABLISHED 1815. El K. SMITH & SON, Bakers and Confectioners, HA-asrovEH, asr. n. Manufacture FROM THE Best Crushed Sugar and the Finest Essential Oils. ALSO Boston, Soda, Wine, Lemon, Milk, Picnic .and Graham Crackers Of the best quality. Orders from the trade will receive prompt attention, and will be • delivered free of cost. j Consumers will find it for their Interest to ask their Grocers for ' HANOVER CRACKERS. ADVERTISEMENTS. 162 lElB. HinBllCE, DEALER IN I 1)ElD!-MtD[ CLOTHINGj Hats, Caps, Cents’ Famishing Goods, LADIES’ AND GENTS’ FURS, Robes, Blankets, Tranks, Valises, BAOS, XJIVIBB.EXjIjA.S, 'tiich Ajjents abe wanted and constant •employment given. State Vlock, - . - - COIVCORD, N. H. E. vj. BOWEISr, And dealer in Harnesses, - Trunks, Valises and Horse-Blankets, And every thing connected with a first class establishment. N. B, A large stock of T>adie.s’ Bags on hand at lower prices thar. at any other place. Please call in at i 1^0. 1 19 Plca«aiat St.4 ClareuQcnt, N* H. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. ; That portion of the well known Brick Block, in the lower village of Claremont, N. II., for the last thirty-three years occupied by the CLAKEMONT BOOKSTORE. ' 1 j By trifling alterations and repairs, it can be made one of the most ; commodious, as it is the most capacious, building for business purposes, } in the town. The price ^\^ll be low and posse.ssion given in reason-! able time from date of sale. For further particulars, inquire in j)er-| son or bj' mail of the Claremont Manufacturing Company. Will be sold lower before the Railroad is completed, than after. NAHUM MARSHALL, Dealer in Fruits and Vegetables in their season. Patten’s Block, Lower Village, Claremont, N. H. Goods delivered free to any part of the village. ADVERTISEMENTS. 166 THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUMS. Circulates over the entire State. It contains but few ad¬ vertisements. It is thoroughly read by its patrons. Its readers are among the first class. Send your advertise¬ ments and we will make terms satisfactory. , TlSMOirS Circulates in all the Counties in Vermont bordering on the I Connecticut River. It has special editions for Windham County, Windsor County, Orange County, Caledonia, Or¬ leans and Essex Counties. Circulation nearly 4000 copies. Oranitc State Ifnurnal Affords the best facility for advertising in the Counties of I Cheshire, Sullivan, and Grafton, in New-Hampshire. Tk Aurora of Ike Yallej Circulates about FIVE THOUSAND’ COPIES on both sides of the Connecticut River, in Vermont and New-Hampshire. Advertisements received for any or all of these Papers, on ! reasonable terms. Address, L. J. McINDOE, Windsor, Vt. ADVERTISEMENTS. 167 \Examine it and yoii will buy no other. Patent Steel-Spring*, Self-Closing i Far superior to the old-fashioned Rubber Bands or Tucks. W e have them Or for any and every year. SEND FOR THE PRICE EIST. You wilt sell some this year and more next. Persons not living near where they are kept, desiring sin‘ gle copies, can get them of us, by mail, by sending the money, at the following rates : No. 20, size about 3x4 inches. 0.50. (( 22, <( ({ 3fx5 <( .75. << 23, C( <( 4x6 (< 1.00. C( 24, cc ii 31x6 (( .80. (C 25, (< (( 31x7 (( 1.00. We have eighteen styles, in all, at varying prices. Please send your orders as early as possible, addressed to THE CLAREMONT MANUF’G CO., Clai'emont, JV*. H. ADVERriSEMENTS. 168 VERMONT LIFE INSURANCE CO. Office—Peck BDiliing, College St., Burlington, Tt. j The ratio of net assets to liability greater than any Com- j pany doing business in the State. AL»L. POL.ICIES NON-FORFEITAtttE* i I This Company adopts the provisions of the Massachu¬ setts Non-Forfeiture Law. I Dividends, on the contribution plan, declar^ and PAID annually. ^ | Russell S. Taft, - - - - President. Rodney S. Wires, - - . Vice-President. . Warren Gibbs, - - - - Secretary. S. W. Thayer, M. D., - - Medical Counsel, j Chas. E. Eaton. - - - Supt. of Agencies. | I Parties desirous of acting as agents, or of being connected with the j Company as Members, will please apply at the Home office, either personally or by letter. Massacbusetts Mutual Life INSURANCE COMPANY, Springfield, Mass. ’ Dividends Annually on the Contribution Method. AL.L. POMCIES NO^r-FORFEITABLE. A-ssets, - 32,259,188.51 M. V. B. EDGERLT, Supt. of Agencies, Manchester, N. H. TrareUfiff ^^dffents for K/. Northern John B.PiKe, Plainfield, N. H. A. J. Edqerlt, No. Haverhill, N. H. GrOLDSMiiH & Seavet, St. Albans, Tt. E. B. Leavitt, Burlington, Vt. f".' • Fire and Live Stock Insurance Policies written in Cheshire County Mutual Company. Also policies furnished in the iEtna, Hartford, Springfield Fire and' Marine, Security, and other safe and ; reliable companies, by JOHN B. PIKE, Gen’l Ins. Agt., Plainfield, N. H. ADVERTISEMENTS. 169 IROI, STEEL SPEIE&S, HEAVY HARDWARE. Warehouse Ckrrner of Broadway arid Fourth Street?*^ • (Near the Union Railroad Depot,) TROY, N. Y. 1 The siihscribers would call the attention of Merchants, Machinists, j Carriage Makers and Blacksmiths to their large stock, particularly united to their wants. Constantly on hand Iron and Steel of all Descriptions, "Wrought Boat and Ship Spikes, Burden’s Patent Horse-Shoes, Horse-Nails, Anvils and Vices, Smith’s Bellows, Carriage and Tire-Bolts with Forged Nuts, made from best Refined Iron, COLEMAN’S GENUINE PHILADELPHIA CARRIAGE, TIRE, AND CUTTER SHOE BOLTS, Cutter Rivets, Common Half Patent, and Patent j AXLES, CUP-THILL SHACKLES, Fifth "Wheels, Clip King Bolts, Drilling Machines, Patent Toe Calks, Plow Bolts, Tire Benders, Hot Punched Nuts, Wrought Felloe Plates, "Washers, Files, Screws, Malleable Iron, Stocks and Dies, Coil-Chains, Boiler-Rivets, Nail- Rods, Best Norway Nut Iron, ESOPUS HORSE-SHOE IRON, very superior quality. BKAi\DS \VARUANT£1>. MANUFACTURERS OF Steel Springs of every Description, Cutter, Sieigh and Bob-Shoes, all Steel; Crow-Bars, Steel Sledges and Hammers, and Wrought Nuts. AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF Burden’s Superior Iron and Horse and Mule Shoes. All of which are offered on reasonahle terins.'“’©0l HANNIBAL GREEN & SON. 170 ADVERTISEMENTS. TYLER IMPROVED r '' Patented in 1855, 1856,1858, 1864 and 1866. CHEAPEST, BEST AND MOST RELIABLE WATER i WHEEL IN EXISTENCE. j I There are more than 3CKX) of these wheels now running, driring all j ■ kinds of machinery, in erery State and Territory and in the Canadas.! They have been longer in operation than any other iron wheel, and i are the only ones that have stood the test under all circumstances i , and for all uses. The Patentee has thousands of certificates, from the ' largest manufacturers and mill-owners in America, testifying to their: superiority over all other wheels. * \ i » - I REGULATORS, SHAFTING, GEARING, HANGERS, PULLEYS, SMUT-MILLS, FRENCH BURR MILL-STONES, FRENCH AN- ! CHOR boltingA^loths and WIRE-CL0THS» FURXISHID TO OBDJIR- Having had thirty years* experience as a Millwright, Mr. Ttlir I will Locate all kinds of Mills, make Plans and Specifications, and lur- nish capable Foremen for building the same, on reasonable terms. i Parties ordering Wheels should be particular to state the way : they wish them to run—with or against the snn ; head and fall; the' i quantity of water the stream affords, and the kind and amount of ' machinery they wish to drive. ^ All orders for Wheels, Ac., should be addressed to the Patentee and j Manufacturer, i JOHN TYLER, West Lebanon, N. H. ADVERTISEMENTS, 171 MAYNARD & NOYES’ (Manufacture Established 1816.)* Copies Perfectly, Flows Freely, isroo' isd:oiLX>. FOR SALE, TOGETHER. WITH Writing Fluid, Carmine Inh, Red, Blue, and Stencil Inhs, Inh Powder, BY THE MANUFACTURERS, T6 Water Street- and) *D ACT A AT lO BatbL Street, j jDUuiUll. AN1)ERS01(, HEATH & CO., Importers and dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC O Xj O T H S, Cassimeres and Vestings, Shawls and Nos. 6 & 6 WINTHROP SQUARE, JOHN ANDERSON, 1 WM. S. ANDERSON, V GEO. W. HEATH, j BOSTON. ( HEZEKIATI LIBBY, '\VM. P. CLARK. New England Merchants who trade hero once will be likely to call again. Try the firm once.— Ed. 1172 ADVERTISEMENTS. ' MW EI&LlmTlJESEEX FLANDERS & KENNERSON, PROPRIETORS, I WEST TjEE^TTOInT, TT. H. I The Proprietors of the above Nursery would respectfully announce j to the people of New England, that they are now prepared to furnish : all kinds of 1 I Fruit and Ornamental Trees, j Together with ! ALL VARIETIES OP SMALL FRUITS. j Haveng been engaged in supplying this section of country with ; Nursery Stock for several years, we feel confident of being able to ! meet the wants of the public with such kinds of fruit as are besti adapted to the soil and climate, and are happy to say that we arel i able to furnish Trees and Plants, which will embrace all the old and : many new sorts, that have proved desirable and best adapted to our j climate. All persons who may order from us or through our Agents i may rely upon being justly dealt with and according to contract. In j all cases where they leave us to select the varieties, they may depend I upon getting those best suited to their location, and those which ripen ! at the season they desire. Parties can also rely upon Trees and Plants I TRUE TO NAME, and we would be pleased, at all times, to show our stock ! to any who may choose to give it a personal examination, and will i promptly answer all letters of inquiry. Those wishing for our j Descriptive Catalogue of Fruit and Ornamental stock can have the I same forwarded, post paid, on the receipt of 10 cents, and 10 cents for book of instructions on planting, pruning, cultivating, &c. W. G. FLANDERS. E. KENNERSCN. ADVERTISEMENTS. 173 MANCHESTER DAJLV UNION. The Uttitttt Bsanacratj (WEEKLY.) Published Campbell & Hanscom, Manchester, N. H. Terms : Daily Union, $6 per annum; Union Democrat, $2 per an¬ num in advance. These papers have a large circulation, and are valuable mediums of advertising, being printed in the largest city in the State, and at the centre of business for a large extent of country. The publishers also give personal attention to the various Idnds of ^TUf^EOTYPlNQ. Although mention has been made elsewhere of this branch of our business, many advertisers need be" reminded what facility it affords us for doing LARGE JOBS OF HANDBILLS, Or Labels, or Pamphlets, or any other kind of work which persons wish to SOAlTTJEK, RX^OA.l^OA.ST' Over the country at an inconsiderable outlay of money. For further particulars, apply to THE CEARE.^ONT IRA!¥1;FACTERIIVG CO,, CLAREMONT, N. II. A GLOBE FOR EVERYBODY. No School, no Family, no Student in Geography, and especially no . child about to coranience that study, should be without j TOW'NSESD’S FOLDING GLOBE. | Beautiful, cheap, and durable, it is fitted to supply a generally preva- j lent want. It can he carried td school in an athis or its own portfolio. Parent.s cannot find a more acceptable and useful holiday present for [ their children. Do not fail to adorn your Christmas trees with the globe. Prices, 6 inch size. Plain, with portfolio.$1.00 Tarnished, with portfolio and key, . . . 1.25 This Globe can be purchased of the Inventor, DENNIS TOWNSEND, Felchville, Windsor Co-, Vt., Or of The Claremont Manufacturing Co, Claremont, N. II. Samples sent by mail to any address on receipt of the price. 174 ADVERTISEMENTS. €ret tlie Appletons’ Journal OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND ART, IS PEONOUNCED BY THE PRESS ; f]h.e Beit lamilj WeeM7 I ■or B r. I s n E ID . \IT IS JUST SUCH A JOURXAL AS EVERY HOUSEHOLD SBIOTJrjID From the Syracuse Journal. “ The fact is, Appletoxs’ Journal occupies a field all to itself I nearer to the popular heart, appealing not only to the judgment and ! intellect, but to the sense of the beautiful and the good. That must , be a high and noble plan which places into every man’s hand some- thing worthy of the name beautiful, and which stirs within him the nobler, better feelings which become blunted and seared all over by i the busy, anxious cares of daily labor.” Appletons’ Jonrnal • OF SCIENCE, LITERATURE, AND ART, j IS PUBLISHED I WEEICLT. Price 10 Cents." FOR SALE BY ALL NEWS AGENTS. Subscription price, $4.00 per annum in advance. $2.00 for six 1 months. $1.00 for three months. j Publication of the Journal commenced April 3. Back numbers i supplied from the commencement. j Subscriptions may be made with Booksellers or News-Agents or by I sending a post-office order to the-Publishers. I Appletons’ Journal, Monthly Parts, 50 cents. Subscriptions $4.50 i per annum. Vol I., bound in morocco cloth, price 3.50. i D. APPLETON & Co,, Pablisbers, j 90, 92 A 94 Grand Street, N. T. ADVERTISEMENTS. 175 G. WHITE WILLIAMS, (Successor to Williams & Pope,) IMPORTER &. DEALER IN FINE SaJflerj Hari-Ware, Haniess Loatler, Blankets, Collars, Tools, And all kinds of Goods pertaining to the Harness Maker’s business, t®. Agent for Strong’s Patent Indestructible longue Sleigh Bell. Orders attended to with Promptness and Despatch. No. 23, Kilby St., BOSTON. Manufacturers and Dealers in FXiTJ3VEBERS=» GOOlD&y Steam & Gas Pipe, Pumps, &c., Salesj^oonv, 159 Milh St,, Boston, Mass, Manufacturers of EXIETEE,, 2Sr. H. 4^ Special attention given to furnishing Carriage Bodies, Seats, Seat Rails, and Concord Wagon Sides. AMOS 0. CHASE, Manufacturer aud Dealer in A L Xj IC I isr 15 s of :Wji J Carriages constantly on hand AT LOWEST CASH RATES. CONTRACTORS OF PUBLIC WORKS, ! Peoprietors of Stone Quarries, and all parties desiring| the most simple, complete, efi&cient, durable, and cheap; Pump in use, will please address (for Circular, «S£C.,) HEALD, SISCO & GO., Baldwinsville, Jf. Y, Published every Saturday BY JULIUS N. MORSE, KEENE, N. H. TERMS: Per annum, in advance, $1.50; six months, 75 cents ; three months, 40 cents. $1.75 within, and $2 at the end of the-year. Advertisements. —$1.00 for one inch or 12 lines nonpareil type, for one insertion; 25 cents per week for subsequent insertions. Obituary notices half price. Marriage notices 25 cents. Advertising notices in local or editorial column, 15 cents a line. Yearly advertisements without change, $8 per inch space. JO 0-PRINTING. —We are prepared to execute Printing of every variety. Particular attention paid to doing Programmes, Posters, Invitations, Bill-Heads, Checks, Cards, Tags, Catalogues, Blanks of all kinds. Pamphlets, Town-Reports, etc. Auction Bills and similar Jobs at short notice or forwarded by mail or express. ADVERTISE:k;ENTS. 177 CAPEX & PIERCE, Manufacturers and Dealers in LTJBEICATINa AND WOOL Sperm, Neats’ Foot, Spindle, Lard, jTV TF O Olive,! Whale, ^ w ^ Binnaclef '■ Elaine, M ^ ^ ^ ’ Tallow, Standard [Pearl Kerosene, Spirits Turpentine^ Xattve Oils, Fluid, Oil Vitriol, Foil Brimstone, Soda Ash, Benzine, Gasoline, Agents fur Chesebrough k Cos.’ Patent Spindle, Engine and Car Lubricating Oils; Boston SCOURINO and FULLING SOAP CO.; Bidweil’s Coal Oil Axle Grease; Peter Cooper's Glue, Gelatine and Neats’ Fo'ot Oil. The above Oils, Ac., constantly on hand, and sent in quantities to suit. Satisfaction warranted. EDWARD CAPEN, \ Nos. 6 and 8, J FRED. B. PIERCE, j Custom House St A BOSTON. SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS,! • ABTIFICIAL LIMBS,’ j And every variety of apparatus for correction and cu^'e of I ALL KINDS OP DEFORMITIES, 68 Tremont Street, - - - BOSTON. DR. PHELPS, proprietor of the above establishment, has been engaged for over thirty 5 ’ears, with uniform success in furni.shing thej unfortunate with the best api>aratU8 that can be made for their relief, j , The excellence of his instruments is acknowledged by the mostemi-! inent surgeons in the world. Persons afflicted with injured or deform-] ed spine or limbs, coming to his office from all parts of the country j j obtain appliances wliich give wonderful relief.^—Fin. 178 3 0112 105298084 » i Engine, Spindle, Machine, Car-Axle, Foundry, Wool, Signal & Head-Light 0> X Xa The best known to tb® Irade. Office and Sales Room, j No. 17, Cedar Street, New York. _Established in 1858. PAPER COLLARS & CUPPS, j Of the newest styles and best qualities, from One Hundred to | One Hundred Thousand. I BEST PINE dress SHIRTS, | ! Ready made and made to order, from One-quarter to One .Hundred Dozen, at 6 per cent, less than any house in i I Boston, if it is cash on delivery. | BEIVJ. M. BOND, No. 3 2 Summer St., BOSTON. Boom No. !• Webster’s TJcabridged Dictionary. 10,000 Words and mmnings not in other Dxctionartes. 3000 Engravings. 1840 P.Tges Quarto. Price $12. i “ In this country [England] as well as that which gave it birth, it is .now generally admitted to be the best. In the coiiiousness of its Vo- I cabulary, and in, the clearness and accurate correctness of its Defini¬ tions, it has no rival.”— London Bookseller^ June^ 1869. “ Superior in most respects to any other English Dictionary known to me.— Hon. George P. Marsh. Websters National Pictorial Dictionary. 1040 Pages Octavo. 600 Engravings. Price $6. Published by G. & C. MERRIxAM, Springfield, Mass. CHARLES RIVER IRON WORKS. KENDALIx & ROBERTS, Manufacturers of and Dealers in Steam Boilers, Rotary Bleaches, Gasometers, 1 Purifier Covers, Lime Sieves, Sugar Tanks & Wagons, i Chxircoal <€* Bag Filters, Granulators, Water, Oil and Ship's Tanks, j Oill Stills, &c., IRON BRIDGES & ROOFS, and all descriptions ' of Plate Iron Work. Steam Boilers from 3 to 70 horse power constantly on hand. Main St., Cambridgeport, Mass., near West Boston Bridge.