Copy 1) o. •^^ THE MAN OF Thl£. PjEOPLE. EDWIN :markham JEDITIOInJ -"300 Copies ^S>^ ^; ) / /^. ^:1 > a: .1 "^B R AMAlvT ° LTJSrc: OJ1.TSF JVa>wU/Ol*.^H^' "n.l/r/// LINCOLN, THE MAN OF" THE. r OP YPrGHT, EDWlNJ^APKIiAM LIBRARY UNlVERSn ^^-^ tiiii^ ^redt day ol decli(ra_ -Linrolia poeraio "f?ii5 SHx- p end 01X5 l^m^^oLrLlyTe — ingpinonuDziei-ii: o£ re— \ melTlbrarLc^e, eDr'ecteci iii_ imLrLortal 'rrLar'ale "to ^ v( the lionor oi our d-eci"tii- le.S.^ ma.r4yr the y c'on,$ec^rrited 3t"ciie^ma.n, r '^ the ideal AirLerL<^ciii, the eVer-beio^ecl -friend UrCBEl^jS INTO TEL. Id^ ^'doooooo rnavoi^ oJa^tiCip Tcift pTr'(^<5Pnt - <5iecVp"tiPGl i-t . On ±ni3 ^Aj?c°dr popm,Lq>iiocoir>. ^ G - 9 - / 9 5, 2- I ^ Er^wiN markHam jVvjcK.<. ^«CC f ( l^lMCOLs'N OF* THE T^EOPLEl:. lien "tn.e_ Norn lyiomep ^ciwP -the Wfiirl Wind. Hour ■^•^ Qreaienin^^^anci ddrX^nirL^ cix^ ii numed on, le left ine Hec^Veii of Heroes and c^ame doWn Lo rncfille a roan -iro meei ffo-p mortal nf^ecl. A5fie 4ooK^-(-fie -tripd c^la-\r of "file rojXLixLoia rocad — Clay ye+ Wc^rm- AA^iifa -(-lie genial fipai". o£ Eai'tli; il)a.,5iit "tJiT^ouj^li i-t cill a. ,5irairL -^ o? pJ::^o-pfiec'y , « ierapPred .-IrJie iieap ^A^niK -(■jarili 'ap i hei-L mixi ci lau^btej- ^_t\^v (i I lie Color ot Uie^TOLiuci Wc\.S J^jf^.^' VD-. him, in e ^ iced Pc^rtK; I 'Tlie ^racioK and tj<^n^ of eleme-nlrcL] +nin^^ recfi+nde caiid pciiience The ^4^^^'"^^-'-^ ^^ +]ie J?c^i'n. ^ Hrlicif lo^?e3 ciU lecr\7e,^ ; I he frienc^ly Wplf^onaP ..-, of ihe y^Jide -Well, Ihe Oourcydp oi the bird ^ ihcit dai^e^' +Ke ^ec?i; ilie ^c^l^cli"^e^:J oi +ne Wmd ^ificvf .JiiaRe^^ -Mif^ rorrL; Tlie P-ity of 4 lie ^noW ihe ^e^CY^e c^y oi j\yrecira/:$ UrLclei'" ihe mountain ^ ^ 4o -1-he -rifled n^of^xv ThpiKf aaTaii-r Tiie _Tafter^^ of i: fie Home. He 1-ield hi^ ylaC e — ]jKe c^ ^bv^iii^-tree — J"! el ci oTi + n r o ixd^ h^ b WTn e cand fd.l4e^jr^ed 110+ ai prcii^e. jA.tLcl ^v\? kei-L fie fell in WnirlWind, lie ^ent _doWn_ J^s vs/heii d- lordly c^f^d^r, ^"S-eeia vO'itn tou^a^, CfdeA dovOrL-^ijk cb^^^Vpa.4- ^/aou-i uLpon +ne mil 3, And lea^e^ ?^ lone ^ oirLe T}4^ tlae >c5A.y. U 7-^ ^;^-^ QPINXOlvrS : L £dv;m NaMiam'^^ LINCOLN, "the Man of ike peo-^le.ihe ade — equate Word Upon AlDr o u^ a ■ h e Wix ^ ao 1 1 n^i - i\j \^.^h\tli aSSui^^S it c3ix ribidiiT^ plciOe in litepcitute. Hi^ tribute koLmooln rec\d J on ^