A MONOGRAPH OF THE SILURIAN FOSSILS OF THE GIRVAN DISTRICT IN AYRSHIRE WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THOSE CONTAINED IN THE “GRAY COLLECTION” UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY GEOLOGT Class Book Volume 5£,0.'M\‘Y \' Hr 10-20 M ) i o > a ; z <$ q THRU SEW PAGES LAMINATED FOREIGN TITLE SPECIAL WORK THRU SEW ON TAPE EXTRA THICKNESS LINES OF LETTERING | REMOVE TATTLE TAPE -^ g,GHT 1 PICA I WRAP SILURIAN FOSSILS OF THE GIRVAN DISTRICT IN AYRSHIRE Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/monographofsilur11nich A MONOGRAPH OF THE SILURIAN FOSSILS IN OF THE GIRVAN DISTRICT AYRSHIRE WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THOSE CONTAINED IN THE “GRAY COLLECTION” BY H. ALLEYNE NICHOLSON M.D., D.Sc., F.R.S.E. PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS AND ROBERT ETHERIDGE, Jun., F.G.S. ACTING- PALAEONTOLOGIST TO THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF SCOTLAND FASCICULUS /. (RHIZOPODA, ACTINOZOA, TRILOBITA) WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS EDINBURGH AND LONDON MDCCCLXXVIII * All Rights reserved 6~Lo ■*) *\-\ ‘Y’ i v.\ 'P* w tntta Ej. ^ c t & & 'So 3 y, fco r' GENERAL PREFACE. The present work is the first Fasciculus of a detailed descrip- tive catalogue of the fossils of the Silurian area of Girvan, in Ayrshire. The district in question has long been known to be occupied by a great and complicated series of Silurian rocks, the disentanglement and correlation of which has presented exceptional difficulties to the stratigraphical geologist. It has also long been known that the Girvan deposits were largely fossiliferous, but the organic remains have, up to this time, been only very partially worked out, in spite of the excellent descriptions of various forms which have been published by M‘Coy, Salter, Sir C. Wyville Thomson, Mr Davidson, Pro- fessor John Young, and others. As will be seen, indeed, from the bibliographical list which follows, a large number of valu- able papers have been written, dealing with fossils derived from the Girvan area ; but these memoirs only treat of limited portions of the subject ; while they are to be found in separate and often hardly accessible publications. Under these circumstances, it appeared to us that a systematic descriptive account of the fossils of the Girvan district would be of value to the geological student, and would be likely to solve some important problems in both palaeontology and geology. We therefore made application to the Royal Society \J) 174563 VI GENERAL PREFACE. for assistance from the Government grant, and we take this opportunity of expressing our gratitude for the sum of seventy- five pounds, which was allotted to us. This sum was of course insufficient to defray the cost of the first Fasciculus; but with- out this assistance we could not have commenced the work in a satisfactory manner ; and we have to record our best thanks to our friend Robert Gray, Esq., F.R.S.E., to whose generosity we owe further aid. Apart, however, from matters of this kind, our greatest debt of gratitude was due to Mrs Robert Gray, without whose co- operation the present work could not have seen the light. By giving us the free and uncontrolled use of her cabinet, Mrs Gray has put us in possession of the most complete series extant of the Silurian fossils of Ayrshire, and has thus enabled us to undertake a systematic review of the interesting and important organic remains of the Girvan area. In this con- nection, we have only to add that our further thanks are due to our friend Charles Lapworth, Esq., F.G.S., who has kindly presented us with some interesting specimens collected by himself in this region. Lastly, a visit to the ground in person has resulted, not only in giving us a direct knowledge of the rocks from which our specimens have been derived, but also in considerably increasing the available material for our work. PREFACE TO THE FIRST FASCICULUS. In the present Fasciculus we have dealt with the Protozoa , the Corals, and a portion of the Crustacea of the Girvan dis- trict, so far as we are at present acquainted with them. In the case of well-known and thoroughly understood forms, on which our specimens throw no new light, we have contented our- selves with simply recording the occurrence of the species, accompanying this with any observations which the Ayrshire examples might call for. In the case of new or imperfectly understood forms, we have always given as full a description as our materials would allow, availing ourselves as far as pos- sible of illustrations in elucidation of the text. In connection with the Protozoa, the description of Sac- cammina is from the pen of Henry B. Brady, Esq., F.R.S., on whose unimpeachable authority this interesting type of the Foraminifera can now be asserted to have been in existence in Lower Silurian times. For this and much other kind assist- ance from the same source, we are glad to have this oppor- tunity of publicly expressing our obligation. As regards the Corals of the Girvan area, we had unusual difficulties to confront. Though the total number of specimens available for examination was very large, the great majority of these were in such a state of preservation that their external viii PREFACE TO THE FIRST FASCICULUS. characters could only be made out imperfectly, if at all. This necessitated the sectioning of a great number of examples, as well as the preparation of an extensive series of microscopic slides. For this reason, also, the figures which we have given are more largely concerned with the minute internal structure, and less with external features, than has been usual in works dealing with fossil corals. In spite of these disadvantages, the results obtained have been very satisfactory, the coral -fauna proving to be one of high interest. The only other point about the corals worth mentioning is, that we have thought it advisable, in the meanwhile, to retain such forms as CJuztetes and Fis tulip ora in th e Actinozoa, rather than to keep them back till we come to deal with the Polyzoa. It may ultimately be shown that these forms should properly find their place among the latter ; but this view cannot be regarded as proved, and there are considerable difficulties in the way of its adoption. The Trilobites, so far as we have at present investigated them, do not call for any particular remarks. On the whole, we are able to support the determinations of previous writers ; and it appears probable that more good work has been accom- plished and published in the direction of this order than of any other, by those who have, up to the present time, inves- tigated the Girvan fauna. We hope to complete the Trilo- bites and other orders of Crustacea in our second Fasciculus, when we intend giving a short chapter upon their relations with the Trilobite faunae of other areas, and particularly their bearing upon the age of the various subdivisions of the Gir- van series. In connection with the Trilobites, we are under obligations to R. Etheridge, Esq., F.R.S., and G. Sharman, Esq., of the Museum of Practical Geology, who have rendered us material assistance in the comparison of some of our specimens with those in the valuable collection of that institution. We are PREFACE TO THE FIRST FASCICULUS. IX also indebted to Dr J. C. Purves, for suggestions on many points. As regards the plates, we have only to say that those deal- ing with the corals were drawn by one of us, and that the others were drawn, and all were put upon the stone, by Mr Charles Berjeau, F.L.S., whose skill as a scientific artist is too well known to need any praise from us, and whose reputation certainly will not suffer from these specimens of his handiwork. Unless otherwise stated, the specimens figured form a part of the “ Gray Collection.” St Andrews and Edinburgh, October 1878 . A MONOGRAPH OF THE SILURIAN FOSSILS OF THE GIRVAN DISTRICT. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1849. Salter, J. W. — Note on the Fossils from the Limestone on the Stinchar River, and from the Slates of Loch Ryan. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., v., pp. 13-17, t. 1. Mentions the occurrence of seven species in the Stinchar River Limestones, and describes six of them — viz., Pleurotomaria Moorei , Salter ; P. latifasciata , Portlock (?) ; Murchisonia scalar is, Salter ; Euomphalus (?), sp. ind. ; Orthis confinis, Salter ; Illcenus Davisii , Salter. 1850. M‘Coy, Prof. F.— On some New Genera and Species of Silurian Radiata in the Collection of the University of Cambridge. Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., 2d ser., vi., pp. 270-290. Describes Strephodes Craigensis, M‘Coy, Craighead ; Petraia cequi- sulcata, M‘Coy, Mulloch Quarry; Palceopora favosa, M‘Coy, Craighead and Mulloch Quarry. Ibid . — On some New Silurian Radiata, loc. cit., pp. 474-477. Describes Palceopora subtilis, M‘Coy, Mulloch Quarry. 1851. M‘Coy, Prof. F. — On some New Silurian Mollusca. Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., 2d ser., vii., pp. 45-63. Describes Orthoceras politum, M‘Coy, Glenwhapple; Bellerophon subdecussatus, M‘Coy, Mulloch Quarry; Trochus Moorei, M‘Coy, Dalquharran. Ibid. — id., 2d ser., vii., pp. 387-409. Describes Cytheropsis Aldensis, M‘Coy, Aldens ; Hemithyris angus- tifrons, M‘Coy, Mulloch Quarry ; H. nasuta, M‘Coy, Craighead Quarry; Orthisina Scoiica, M‘Coy, Craighead Quarry and Colmonell; and Holopella tenuicincta , M‘Coy, Mulloch Quarry. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1851. Salter, J. W. — List of some of the Silurian Fossils of Ayrshire. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., vii., pp. 170-178, plates 8-10. Mr Salter gave an exhaustive list of the fossils from the Girvan district, obtained from twelve localities. His list comprised the fol- lowing new species : Diplograpsus bullatus , Niduliius favus , Pleuro- rhynchus dipterus , var. rhomboideus , Maclurea magna , M‘Coy, Ortho- ceras Barrandei. In addition to these, several already known species are noticed. 1851. Sedgwick, Rev. Prof. — On the Geological Structure and Relation of the Frontier Chain of Scotland. Brit, Assoc. Report for 1850, pt. ii., pp. 1 03- 1 07 ; with List of the Organic Remains by Prof. M‘Coy. The rocks of the Girvan district are divided into two subdivisions, a north and south Girvan group. A copious list of fossils, arranged under localities, is given. (This paper was also published in the Edinb. N Phil. Jour., li., p. 250.) 1852. M‘Coy, Prof. F. — Contributions to British Palaeontology; some New Lower Palaeozoic Mollusca. Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist ., 2d ser., x., pp. 189-195. Describes Murchisonia cancellatula , M‘Coy, Mulloch Quarry; M, simplex , M‘Coy, Dalquharran ; Maclurea macromphala, M £ Coy, Craig- head ; Ecculiomphalus Scoticus , M‘Coy, Mulloch Quarry. 1852. M‘Coy, Prof. F.— British Palaeozoic Fossils, fas. ii., p. 351. In this valuable work there will be found a list of fossils arranged alphabetically in localities, and preserved in the Woodwardian Mu- seum, Cambridge. For the descriptions of the species the work may itself be referred to ; we shall have occasion to notice many of the forms in question. 1853. Salter, J. W. — Figures and Descriptions illustrative of British Organic Remains. Mem. Geol. Survey United Kingdom , Dec. vii., No. 2, p. 11. Describes Cheirurus gelasinosus , Portlock, from the u limestone of Ayrshire.” Ibid. — Id., Dec. vii., No. 5. Describes Cyphaspis megalops , M‘Coy, and gives as one locality sandstones of Mulloch Quarry, on the authority of M‘Coy. 1854. Morris, Prof. J. — A Catalogue of British Fossils, comprising the Gen- era and Species hitherto described ; with reference to their Geological Distribution, and to the Localities in which they have been found. 2d edition, London, 8vo. 1857. Thomson, Sir C. Wyville. — O n some Species of Acidaspis from the Lower Silurian beds of the South of Scotland. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xiii., pp. 206-210, t. 6. Describes four species of Acidaspis from the schists at the base of the “ Graptolite and Orthoceratite flags ” of Penwhapple Glen, Girvan district, which the author considers to be of Upper Bala age — Acidas- pis Lalage, A. hystrix, A. callipareos , and A. unica . 1864. Salter, J. W. — Figures and Descriptions illustrative of British Organic Remains. Mem. Geol. Survey United Kingdom, Dec. xi., No. 1, p. 8. BIB LI O GRA PII Y 3 Describes Agnostus trinodus , Salter, and gives as one locality Pen- whapple Burn, Girvan district. Ibid . — Id., Dec. xi., No. 5, p. 4. Describes Staurocephalus (?) unions , Wy. Thomson, Penwhapple Glen, Girvan District. Ibid . — A Monograph of British Trilobites, pt. 1, 4to. Describes the following species from the Girvan district : Phacops Stokesii, Milne-Edw. ; Cheirurus bimucronatus , Murchison, Mulloch Quarry ; C. octolobatus , M‘Coy, Penwhapple ; C. gelasinosus , Portlock, Craighead limestone. 1864. Thomson, Sir C. Wyville. — F igures and Descriptions illustrative of British Organic Remains. Mem. Gcol. Survey United Kingdom , Dec. xi., No. 6. Describes an entirely new form of Trilobite, under the name of Salteria primceva , Wy. Thomson.- — Schists forming the base of the “ Graptolite and Orthoceratite flags,” Penwhapple Glen, Girvan district. 1865. Salter, J. W. — A Monograph of British Trilobites, pt. 2. Describes, from Girvan localities, Staurocephalus globiceps, Portlock ; Calymene Blumenbachii , Brongniart, Mulloch Quarry. 1866. Davidson, T. — A Monograph of the British Fossil Brachiopoda, pt. vii. The Silurian Brachiopoda, No. 1. Describes from Girvan localities the following : Lingula attenuate, Sow. • Piscina perrugata , M c Coy ; D . oblongata , Portl. ; D. crassa , Hall; Siphonotreia micula, M‘Coy. 1867. Murchison, Sir R. I. — Siluria, 4th ed., London, 8vo, pp. 155-157* A general outline of the Geology is given, and the occurrence of certain fossils on the Stinchar and Girvan rivers, and at Mulloch Hill, Saugh Hill, and other localities, is mentioned. 1867. Salter, J. W. — A Monograph of British Trilobites, pt. iv. Describes from Girvan localities — Illcenus Bowmani , Salter, Gir- van ; I. Thomsoni, Salter, Mulloch Quarry; I. Macallumi , Salter, Mul- loch Quarry. 1867. Davidson, T. — A Monograph of the British Fossil Brachiopoda, pt. iii. The Silurian Brachiopoda, No. 2. Describes Meristella angustifrons , M‘Coy; Atrypa reticularis , Dal- man ; A. imbricata , J. de C. Sow. ; A. (?) hemisphcerica , J. de C. Sow. ; A. (?) Scotica , M‘Coy ; Pentamerus oblongus , J. de C. Sow. ; Rhynchon- ella cuneata , Dalman. 1868. Geikie, Prof. A. — On the Order of Succession among the Silurian Rocks of Scotland. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow , iii., pt. 1, pp. 74-95. The Carrick limestones are noticed, and referred to the Caradoc or Bala group ; so also is the Craighead limestone, and again the beds at Ardwell, Piedmont Glen, and Penwhapple Burn. The shelly sand- stones of Drummuck, Mulloch, and Saugh Hill are placed as Llan- dovery. From all the foregoing localities lists of fossils are given. 1868. Jones, Prof. T. Rupert. — N otes on the Palaeozoic Bivalved Entomo- straca, No. viii. Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., 4th ser., ii., pp. 54-62. 4 BIDL 10 G RAPHY. Describes Cythere Aldensis , M‘Coy, from Aldens, to the south-west of Girvan. The species is placed in the genus Cythere , rather than Cytheropsis , with which it had been previously associated. 1868. Gray, R. — Note on Silurian Fossils from Girvan. Proc. Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc., i., pt. 1, p. 1 01. A list, comprising many of the genera found in the district, is given. Ibid. — Note on a Series of Silurian Brachiopoda, from the neigh- bourhood of Girvan, loc. cit ., p. 124. The following are mentioned : Lingula Ramsayi , L. attenuata , and Piscina perrugata. 1868. Young, J. — Remarks on four species of Silurian Brachiopoda, new to Ayrshire, loc. cit., p. 169. Notices Siphonotreta micula , Orthis galea , O. alata , and Lingula Ramsayi. 1868. Young, Prof. J., M.D. — On New Forms of Crustacea from the Silurian Rocks at Girvan. Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow , i., pp. 169-173. Describes as a new species Cheirurus trispinosus , from Penkill, and as a new genus and species Solenocaris solenoides. 1868. Gray, R. — On the occurrence of Ischadites Koenigi in the Silurian Rocks of the Girvan District, loc. cit., p. 197. First discovery of this species in the rocks in question. 1868. Young, J. — Note on a new Brachiopod Shell, Triplesia Grayce, David- son, discovered in the Silurian Strata of the Girvan valley by Mrs Robert Gray, loc. cit., p. 207. 1 868, Bigsby, Dr J. J. — Thesaurus Siluricus. The Flora and Fauna of the Silurian Period, &c. London. 4to. A detailed and tabulated list of Silurian fossils generally, amongst which will be found a record of the Girvan forms. 1869. Gray, R. — Note on Leptcena Youngiana, Davidson, a new Silurian Brachiopod Shell from the Girvan District > and also on the Occur- rence of Leper ditia in the same, loc. cit., pt. ii., pp. 230, 231. 1869. Davidson, T. — A Monograph of the British Fossil Brachiopoda, pt. vii. The Silurian Brachiopoda, No. 3. Describes Rhy 7 ichonella nasuta, M‘Coy ; R. nucula, Sow. ; R. Thomsoni, Davidson ; R. Salieri, Dav. ; Triplesia Grayce, Dav. ; Atrypa (?) incerta, Dav. ; Orthis Bouchardii, Dav. ; O. elegantula, Dalman ; O. Girvanensis, Dav. ; O. vespertilio, J. de C. Sow. ; O. calli- gramma, Dalman. 1869. Geikie, Prof. A. — Lists of Fossils, determined by Mr R. Etheridge, from (a) the Craighead limestone, (b) the Ladyburn (Drummuck) section, and (c) from the lower Llandovery Rocks of Kirk Hill, Girvan district. Mem . Geol. Survey Scotland, Expl. sheet 14 (pp. 9- 10). Eleven species are mentioned from the first locality, six from the second, and eight from the third. Ibid. — Lists of Fossils, determined by Mr R. Etheridge, (a) from the Aldens limestone, and (b) from Ardmillan Brae, in the Girvan district. Mem. Geol. Survey Scotland, Expl. sheet 7 (pp. 9- to). BIBLIOGRAPHY. 5 From the first locality nine species are mentioned, and from the second forty-five and a few doubtful ones. 1871. Davidson, T. — A Monograph of the British Fossil Brachiopoda, pt. vii. The Silurian Brachiopoda, No. 4. Describes Orthis turgida , M‘Coy ; O. confinis , Salter ; O. insularis, Eichwald (?) ; Strophomena rhomboidalis , Wahl. ; S. retroflexa , Salter ; S. antiquata , Sow. ; S. corrugatella , Dav. ; S. grandis , Sow . ; Leptcena Youngiana * Dav. ; L. quinquecostata, M‘Coy ; Z. sericea , Sow. ; Z. tenuicincta , M‘Coy. 1S73. Etheridge, R., with Prof. J. Young and R. Etheridge, jun. — List of Fossils collected by the Geological Survey from the Silurian Rocks of the south-west of Ayrshire. Mem. Geol. Survey Scotland, Expl. sheet 3 (pp- 29-34)- The Fossils are arranged under thirty-one localities. 1873. Lapworth, C. — On the Silurian Rocks of the south of Scotland. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow , iv., pt. 2 (pp. 164-174). In the appendix to this paper will be found 1 Lists of the Fossils of the various subdivisions of the south Scottish Silurians,’ the ninth paragraph of which relates exclusively to the Girvan series. 1875. Young, J. — Notes on the Genera of Extinct Fossil Shells, Bellerophon and Porcellia ; their classification amongst the Mollusca, and their distribution in the Silurian and Carboniferous strata of the west of Scotland. Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow , 1875, ii., pt. L P- 1 6. States that four species of Bellerophon occur in the Girvan Silurian beds. Id . — Note on a small collection of Fossil Brachiopoda from the neighbourhood of Girvan. Loc. cit ., p. 21. Records the occurrence of Atrypa incerta , Rhyfichonella cemula , R. Thomsoni , R. Weaveri , Orthis Bouchardii , O. vespertilio , O. calli- gramma , var. Scotica , O. elegantula , Triplesia Gray os, Strophomena im- brex , Leptcena Youngiana , Z. tenuicincta , Z. sericea , and Strophomena Grayi. Young, Dr J. — Note on a new species of Crustacean, belonging to the genus Solenocaris , from Silurian strata near Girvan, and on frag- ments, probably the appendages of a Trilobite or Limuloid Crustacean. Loc. cit., p. 66. 1876. Lapworth, C. — On Scottish Monograptidae, pt. 8. Geol. Mag., Dec. 2, 1876, iii., pp. 544-55 2 - Describes Cyrtograptus Grayed, a new species from the Penwhapple Glen beds, near Girvan. 1876. Young, J. — Notes on a series of Fossils from the Silurian Rocks of the Girvan Valley. Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, ii., pt. 2, p. 166. Notes the occurrence in the Gray collection of Bellerophon dilatatus, Murchisonia obscura, Holopella obsoleta , Scalites angulatus, Lingula quadrata , Orthis biforata , Rliynchonella Salteri, Orthis Girvanensis, and Acidaspis Brightii. Id . — Note on a series of Trilobites of Caradoc age from the Silu - rian strata of the Girvan Valley. Loc. cit., p. 179. 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Notes the identification of the following species in the Gray collec- tion — viz., Illcenus Bowmani , I. Thomsoni, I. Barriensis , Cybele verrucosa , Staurocephalus (?) unicus , Proetus latifrons , Cheirurus latifrons , Zethus rugosus, and Odontopleura ovata (?) Id. — Note on a series of Graptolites from the Silurian strata of the Girvan Valley. Loc. cit ., p. 182. The following are stated by Mr Young to be in the Gray collection from Penwhapple Glen — viz., Graptolithus priodon, G. Sedgwickii , G. colonus , Cyrtograptics Grayianus , Lapworth ; and Dicranograptus tardiusculus , Lapworth. Id . — Note on Crinoid remains from the Silurian strata of the Girvan district. Loc. cit., p. 216. Obtained from two localities, Craighead and Balcletchie. Young, Prof. J. — Note on a Silurian Fossil from the Girvan dis- trict. Loc. cit., p. 223. The specimen was referred to Salter’s genus Pterotheca. 1876. Armstrong, J., with J. Young and D. Robertson. — Catalogue of the Western Scottish Fossils. Glasgow. 8vo (pp. 12-22). Gives a list of fossils, zoologically arranged, of the Girvan district, with localities, compiled from various sources. 1877. Davidson, T. — Notes on four species of Scottish Lower Silurian Brachi- opoda. — Geol. Mag., Dec. 2, iv., pp. 13-17, t. 2. Describes Siphonotreta Scotica, Dav., Craighead Quarry ; Lingula quadrata, Eichwald, Craighead Quarry; and L. Canadensis, Billings, Balcletchie, near Girvan. 1877. Woodward, Dr H. — A Catalogue of British Fossil Crustacea, with their Synonyms, and the Range in Time of each Genus and Order. London. 8vo. 1877. Nicholson, Prof. H. A., and R. Etheridge, jun. — On Prasopora Grayoe, a New Genus and Species of Silurian Corals. Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., 4th ser., xx., pp. 388-392. A small, peculiar, button-shaped little coral, having much the external appearance of a Favosites. The internal structure is, how- ever, unique, and quite different from that of the latter. Abundant at Craighead Quarry. 1878. Etheridge, R., and E. T. Newton. — A Catalogue of the Cambrian and Silurian Fossils in the Museum of Practical Geology. London. 1878. 8vo. Many species from the Girvan ground are given, with their localities. Etheridge, R., jun. — Notes on Silurian Fossils from Ayrshire. ( Proc . R. Physical Soc. Edinb., 1878, iv., pt. iii., pp. 164-177, t. 2.) Describes as new species Turrilepas Scotica and Acidaspis Gray a; and as a new genus and species Pinnocaris Lapworthi. LOCALITIES. 7 Localities at which Fossils have been Collected in the Girvan Dis- trict, and Referred to in the succeeding Pages of this Work. 1. High Mains, about 6 miles N.E. of Girvan. 2. Kirk Hill, near last locality. 3. Littleburn, S.W. of High Mains. 4. Quarry at pond, S.W. of Rough Neuk, about 6 miles N.E. of Girvan. 5. Quarry at Rough Neuk. 6. Roadside, near Old Fort at Kirk Hill. 7. Quarry on roadside, east of last locality. 8. Littleburn, Quarrel Hill, near Auldthorn, about 6 miles N.E. of Girvan. 9. Drummuck Burn, about 4 miles N.E. of Girvan. 10. Lady Burn, above Drummuck. 11. Lady Burn, opposite Threave. 12. Craighead Quarry, about 3 miles N.E. of Girvan. 13. Craigens, near Kirk Hill, about 5^4 miles N.E. of Girvan. 14. Ardmillan Brae, about 2 }4 miles S.W. of Girvan. 15. Piedmont Glen, S. of Girvan. 16. Laggan Burn, S.E. of Girvan. 1 7. Ardwell Shore, about 4 miles S.W. of Girvan. 18. Penwhapple Glen, E. of Girvan. 19. Saugh Hill, about 1 mile E. of Girvan. 20. Camregan Plantation, about 2 miles E. of Girvan. 21. Balcletchie, about 4 miles E. of Girvan. 22. Tramitchell, about 3 miles S.E. of Girvan. 23. Barbae, nearly 3 miles S.E. of Girvan. 24. Pinmacher, about 2)4 miles S. of Girvan. 25. Letterpin, nearly 4 miles S. of Girvan. 26. Auchensoul, about 5 miles S.E. of Girvan. 27. Aldons, on the Stinchar R., about 5 miles S. of Girvan. 28. Head of burn passing Bargany Pond, about 6 miles east by north of Girvan. 29. Hillside opposite Blair farm, about 8^4 miles N.E. of Girvan. 30. Quarry on roadside near Knockgardner, about 10 miles N.E. of Girvan. 31. Mulloch Hill, 4 miles N.E. of Girvan. 32. Penkill, 334 miles N.E. of Girvan. 33. Colmonell, on the Stinchar R., about 7 miles S. of Girvan. 34. Braes, about i}4 rnile E. of Girvan. 35. Knockdolian Mountain, near Colmonell, on the Stinchar R., S. of Girvan. 36. Cuddystone Glen, about 1 mile S. of Girvan. 37. Knockgerran, about miles E. of Girvan. 38. Shalloch Mill, on sea-shore, i}4 mile S. of Girvan. 39. Burn a little south of Shalloch Mill (Graptolites, &c.) 40. Ardmillan shore, 2*4 miles S. of Girvan. DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECIES. PLANTAE. ORDER ALGALES. Genus Chondrites, Sternberg, 1833. Chondrites, sp. (Near Chondrites verisimilis , Salter, Mem. Geol. Survey, Scotland, No. 32, p. 134, t. 2, f. 1 and 2.) Obs . — A single, small, and imperfect fragment is in the Gray collection, which has all the appearance of a Chondrites , and very near the above species. The probability of this fact is increased by the occurrence at another locality in the Girvan area of a form which cannot be distinguished from C. verisimilis , Salter. The specimen in question was found by Mr A. Mac- conochie, near Bargany Pond, about six miles north-west of Girvan, and is in the collection of the Geological Survey of Scotland. 1 In the ‘ Catalogue of Western Scottish Fossils,’ 2 by Messrs Armstrong, Young, and Robertson, C. verisimilis is relegated to the Annelida, a step to which we must express our unqualified dissent, as an inspection of Salter’s figure will at once show that it can have no possible connection with that class. Locality . — Penkill, in a fine-grained, slightly micaceous shale, (Gray collection). 1 Etheridge, Mem. Geol. Survey, Scot., Expl. 3, p. 34. 2 Glasgow, 1876, p. 15. IO R HI ZO POD A . SUB-KINGDOM PROTOZOA. CLASS RHIZOPODA. Genus Nidulites, Salter, 1851. Nidulites , Salter, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., 1851, vii. 174. ,, Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, 2d ed., p. 362. „ Bigsby, Thesaurus Sil., 1868, p. 4. „ Salter, Cat. Camb. and Sil. Foss., Woodwardian Mus., Cambg., 1873, p. 72. (Compare Cyclocrinus , Eichwald, Lethaea Rossica, i. 637 ; Pasceotus , Billings, Logan’s Geol. Survey Report, Canada, for 1856, p. 342 ; Pal. Fossils, Canada, p. 390, f. 366, 367 ; Cat. Sil. Foss. I. of Anticosti, p. 69; SpJnzrospongia , Salter, Pal. Niti in the N. Himalaya, 1865, p. 48; Cat. Camb. Sil. Foss., Wood- wardian Mus., Cambg., 1873, P- 4°-) (a) Gen. char. — Body pyriform or sphaeroidal (?), pedun- culate, with an outer integument of hexagonal calcareous plates, articulated (or fused ?) by their edges. Each plate is deeply convex, with the convexity directed to the hollow interior of the sphere, into which it further sends a small central papilla or styliform projection, leaving a pit in the cast. The edges of the plates are prominent, thus closely resembling honeycomb. Plates to a certain extent variable in size, decreasing towards the contracted base. Apertures, none (?). Traces of an enclosing sac or investment. Per- fect condition of organism unknown. (b) History. — Mr Salter described Nidulites as oval or round plates, about two inches in diameter, spreading from a centre of attachment into a flattened irregularly wavy form, the entire surface of both the upper and under sides being covered with hexagonal cups. The edges of the latter were stated to be smooth and even with the general surface, their bases rounded, and usually with a central puncture or pit. A narrow space was always found to exist between the two series of cups, which Mr Salter considered to be occupied in the perfect organism by a membrane giving attachment to the NIDULITES. 1 1 cups, probably by means of the punctures before mentioned. The lower surface of the cups themselves appears to have been somewhat wrinkled. Their bodies were supposed by Mr Salter to be the egg-ribbons of marine Gasteropoda, probably of a genus nearly allied to Natica, an idea suggested to him by Professor Milne-Edwards. Mr Salter adds that one condition of Nidulites was figured by Professor M‘Coy as a specimen of the latter’s Palceopora favosa . Professor Morris in his ‘ Catalogue ’ placed Nidulites amongst the “ Incertse sedis,” expressing thereby his appre- ciation of the difficulties in assigning to it any definite systematic position. In the palaeontological notes attached to the third edition of Sir R. Murchison’s ‘ Siluria,’ furnished by Mr Salter, Nidulites is in one place doubtfully referred to the Polyzoa , 1 whilst in another his original theory is given up, and Mr Salter evidently conceived that it might possibly be an Amorpho- zoon . 2 He states that he had not met with any upper plate or covering to the cells, which appear to have been quite open. In the ‘Palaeontology of Niti ,’ 3 Salter remarks upon the relation of Nidulites to his genus Sphcerospongia , and the probable sponge nature of both of them. In the Cambridge Catalogue , 4 Salter again compares Nidu- lites to his genus Sphcerospongia. (c) Obs. — Nidulites favus is only known to us in the condi- tion of casts. It occurs in the form of irregularly oval, globu- lar, or pyriform masses, when at all approaching the complete outline, or as flat expansions when in a fragmentary state. The true test, shell, calyx, or skeleton, by whichever name the reader may think fit to call it, is never met with, but we either have a globular body consisting of a series of moulds in the form of hexagonal cups, or, on the other hand, concave or flattened expansions, consisting of rounded hexagonal promi- 1 Siluria, 1867, 3d ed., p. 188. 2 Ibid., p. 208. 3 Pal. of Niti in the Northern Himalaya, &c. Calcutta, 1865, 8vo, p. 48. 4 P. 72, RHIZOPODA. I 2 nences, often ranged in quincunx. Whenever these two condi- tions are found in apposition, a narrow space is always left between them, which, according to Salters view, was occupied by a connecting membrane or lamina, but which we conceive to represent the position of the actual calcareous skeleton. It must also be borne in mind that Mr Salter believed the cups were placed back to back, adhering to the membrane repre- sented by the space in question — a conception which we think resulted from an examination of a number of examples crushed together. The convex casts of the hexagonal cups are often, but by no means in every case, provided with central papillae, which are themselves the casts of pits existing in the cup- moulds; but, as in the case of the papillae or styliform processes, their presence is not constant. In the masses of the convex casts there is a tendency in the respective hexagons for the surface to peel off in concentric layers. When the cups are filled with matrix to a similar level, and the observer is looking down on the specimen, the appearance of a series of roughly hexagonal plates is presented. The slight irregularities visible in the form of the globose or pyriform body of Nidulites lead us to suspect that the test pos- sessed a certain amount of flexibility when in the living state. We have not seen an individual perfect in outline, but the figures given on Plate IX. leave little doubt as to the true form of the organism ; neither do we doubt that there existed a peduncle or short stem, especially when we take into consider- ation its remarkable resemblance to its allies Pasceohts , Billings, and Sphcerospongia , Salter. This is to a great extent borne out by a specimen from Haverfordwest, in the Museum of Practical Geology, which shows, at a point we take to be the crushed-in base, the remains of a peduncle, with, spreading out from it on all sides, the remains of an enclosing membrane or epidermal integument. A single specimen in the Gray collec- tion shows this to a small extent. In the examination of a large series of Nidulites fragments, our great endeavour has been all along to obtain some definite insight into the charac- NIDULITES. 3 ters of the true skeleton ; but, with the exception of one speci- men, our efforts have been quite unsuccessful. The specimen in question has enabled Mr F. G. Cuttell to prepare us a microscopic section showing the space previously mentioned as occurring between the cups and their casts occupied by car- bonate of lime, but merely as an infilling, and not as the actual skeleton, since it consists of crystalline calcite. (d) Affinities. — The nearest affinities of Nidulites are probably with Cyclocrinites, Eichwald, and Receptacnlites , Defrance, but its relationships are extremely obscure. Two other forms to which Nidulites is even, perhaps, more closely allied, are Splicer ospongia, Salter, and Pasceolus, Billings . 1 It is necessary for us to enter somewhat more into details connected with these genera before closing our remarks on Nidulites . The genus Pasceolus (fig. i a and b) was described by the late Mr Billings as a body possessing “an ovate or globular form covered with an integument of small polygonal plates (?), and with one or more circular apertures. ... At one end there is a narrow prolongation, which, most probably, con- stituted the pedicle by which the body was attached to the bottom. ... A little below the mid-height of the body there is a small circular elevation which appears to mark the place of an orifice. . . . No sutures can be distinguished, and the form of the plates can only be made out as so many obscure convexities on the outside. . . . The cast shows the place of the sutures most distinctly, and that the plates were deeply concave on the inside. . . . The whole surface of the cast of the fossil is covered with small convex elevations. Many of these elevations have a small round knob in the centre, with an obscure ridge radiating to the middle of each of the sides.” 1 Mr Billings at one time referred Pasceolus to the Tunicata, but in his second description he considers its true zoological position to be “ quite undecided.” 2 1 Pal. Foss. Canada, i. 390, 391. 2 Ibid., p. 392. T 4 RHIZOPODA . Messrs A. E. Verrill and W. H. Niles have referred , 1 and so, indeed, has Mr Billings , 2 to the resemblance of Pasceolus to Cyclocrinites, Eichwald. Professor Verrill states that the exterior of Pasceolus “was formed by a shell of considerable thickness, composed of small hexagonal and pentagonal plates or prisms, having the outer Fig. l. — a , Pasceolus Halli , Billings, of the natural size, from the Middle Silurian of Anticosti. b, Pasceolus globosus, Billings, from the Trenton Limestone of Ottawa, of the natural size. c, Sphcerospongia melliflua , Salt., from the Silurian of India, of the natural size, d, Four of the integumentary plates of the same, enlarged, e, Cyclocrinus Spaskii , Eichwald, from the Silurian of Esthland, natural size, f Part of a vertical section of the same, of the natural size, showing the thickness of the integument, g, Part of the test, enlarged. /z, Portion of the mould of the inner surface of the same, enlarged, z, Diagrammatic repre- sentation of a vertical section of Nidulites favus , Salt. , the central cavity being supposed to be filled with the matrix. ( a and b are after Billings, c and d are after Salter, and % O- So far as we can make out, the calcareous expansion in which the calices are pierced is formed by a thickening and coal- escence of the corallites near their mouths ; but our observa- tions on this point are not decisive. (2.) Rudimentary septa are present. These can only be seen in microscopic sections transverse to the corallites ; and they only exist as very short blunt inward projections, of variable number (PI. IV., fig. 1 a). (3.) Strong and remote tabulae intersect the corallites, though in our form these are oftener curved than straight (PL IV., fig. 1 b). (4.) Growth is by lateral gemmation, as clearly shown in long sections. (5.) Our species reminds us in many respects of an Auloporo , though wholly different in internal structure, and the same resemblance exists between the latter and one of the forms of Thecostegites described by Milne-Edwards and Haime (viz., T. auloporoides'). Should our reference of the Craighead specimens to the genus Thecostegites be confirmed by subsequent researches, we cannot doubt their entire distinctness from the species of this genus already known, and we have therefore given them a specific title. If finally established, the occurrence of the genus in rocks of Lower Silurian age will be a point of considerable interest. 5 2 ACTINOZOA. Form, and Loc . — Rare in the shales associated with the limestone at Craighead, near Girvan. (Coll., Mrs R. Gray). Genus Pinacopora, Nich. and Eth., jun., gen. nov. Gen. char . — Corallum composite, coin-shaped, of extremely short corallites supported upon the upper convex surface of a free, discoidal, concavo-convex, concentrically-striated epitheca. Corallites of two sizes, regularly alternating with one another. Large-sized corallites disposed in obliquely decussating rows, each completely surrounded by a circle of very much smaller corallites (“ coenenchymal tubes”), rarely more than a single row of these latter, however, intervening between any given pair of the larger tubes. Large tubes furnished with twelve short septa, in the form of blunt spiniform projections ; small tubes without septa. Large tubes furnished with one or two tabulae, or rarely more, situated close to their base, the upper portion of the tube being open. Small tubes furnished with from two to four strong and complete tabulae, which extend to close to their summits. Large tubes oval or circular in form; small tubes irregular in shape. No mural pores. No columella. Obs . — The characters of this extraordinary genus are so peculiar that we shall consider them at some length, — a method of procedure which will enable us to dispense with more than a very brief notice of the single species upon which it is estab- lished. The specimens upon which we have founded the genus Pinacopora are only known to us as occurring in a single locality — viz., in the greenish mudstones of Mulloch Hill, of Upper Silurian age; and we possess an extensive series of these, from which we have been able to make out its structure in almost every particular. The corallum is com- pound and free, and has the form of a thin circular expansion, the under surface of which is covered with a thin, wrinkled, and concentrically-striated calcareous epitheca (PI. III., fig. 3), which in nature and character entirely resembles the same riNACOPORA. 53 structure in such corals as Chcetetcs petropolitamis, Prasopora Grayce , and other forms belonging to different types. The epitheca is always symmetrically concave, and its upper convex surface carries the corallites, which are remarkable for their extreme shortness, when we consider their comparatively large size. Thus, in a specimen one inch in diameter, the height of the corallites is only about half a line, while the diameter of the larger tubes is equal to their height. The corallites are of two kinds, large and small ; or, in other words, to use the nomen- clature of Milne-Edwards and Haime, the corallites are sur- rounded by “ ccenenchymal tubes.” In view, however, of the researches of Moseley upon Heliopora , we shall consider the smaller tubes to be really of the nature of corallites, tenanted, probably, in the living condition by a peculiar kind of zooids. The larger and smaller corallites are symmetrically arranged upon the upper surface of the epitheca, the former being dis- posed in intersecting rows, and being isolated and separated from one another by the latter. In the only species of the genus known, the amount of the smaller tubes is not large, but there is always a single zone of them surrounding each of the large tubes (PI. III., fig. 3^). The large corallites, except in their shortness, are constructed upon the type of Heliolites , the resemblance between the two genera being especially manifest in the presence of short septa, apparently always twelve to each corallite when well preserved. The septa, however, are not so well developed as in Heliolites , being mere short blunt ridges (PL III., fig. 3 d). They are wholly wanting in the small tubes, as is also the case in Heliolites . Considering the extreme shortness of the corallites, the tabulae may be said to be well developed, and they are always strong and complete. In the large tubes the tabulae are confined to the bottom of the vis- ceral chamber (PI. III., fig. 3^), and there is generally only one of them, though there may be two, or sometimes even three or four ; though in the latter case they are very closely approxi- mated. In the smaller corallites the tabulae are more exten- sively developed, and they extend to close upon the summit of 54 ACTINOZOA. the tubes (PI. III., fig. 3^). Lastly, the walls of the corallites are of considerable thickness, but wholly without mural pores, and the axis of the visceral chamber is never traversed by a columella. As to the affinities of the genus Pinacopora , we are disposed to regard it as a member of the Alcyonarian family of the Hclioporidce of Moseley, and to place it in the neighbourhood of Heliolites , this being the only genus known to us with which it presents any relationship. It agrees, in fact, with Heliolites in the important feature that the corallum consists of a series of full-sized corallites, furnished with tabulae, and with short septa, which are typically twelve in number ; while these are surrounded and isolated by a series of smaller tubes, which are more closely tabulate, but are without septa. On the other hand, it differs from all known species of Heliolites in its form- ing a thin, concavo-convex, leaf-like plate ; in the extraordinary shortness of its corallites ; in the comparatively rudimentary condition of the septa ; and in the small number of the smaller tubes, and the absence in them of anything like a regular or geometric form, while their tabulae are remote and compara- tively irregular. 1 There is no other genus with which we find it necessary to compare Pinacopora in detail, but we may just notice the possibility that some of the forms upon which Hall founded the genus Lichenalia may perhaps turn out, when fully ex- amined, to belong to the present genus, though others are probably of a different nature. Pinacopora Grayi, Nich. and Eth., jun , sp. nov. (PI. III., figs. 3-3 /.) Spec. char. — Corallum composite, in the form of a concavo- convex, leaf-like, calcareous expansion, of circular or oval form, 1 The resemblance between Pinacopora and Heliolites is not conspicuously strik- ing, except with one or two forms of the latter genus, such as Heliolites dubia, Fr. Schmidt, in which the larger tubes are closely applied to one another, and the coenenchyma is reduced to a minimum. PINA COPORA. 55 varying from six to sixteen lines in diameter. Concave surface of the discoid corallum covered by a concentrically-striated calcareous epithecal plate. Upper convex surface of the disc completely covered with extremely short corallites, of two sizes, the height varying from two-thirds of a line to nearly a line. Large-sized corallites oval or nearly circular in shape, averaging about two-thirds of a line in diameter, completely open above, but occupied below by one, two, or rarely more, strong and complete tabulae. Short septal ridges, typically twelve in number, also extend towards the interior of the visceral chamber. The larger corallites are regularly arranged in obliquely intersecting lines, and are completely surrounded by a zone of small tubes, averaging one-fifth of a line in diam- eter. These smaller tubes are very variable in shape, but they are furnished with strong and remote tabulae to near their summits, and they are devoid of septa. Generally only a single row of small tubes intervenes between any given pair of large tubes, but there may be a partial duplication of this by the occasional development of additional tubuli in places. Obs . — As there is only this single species in the genus, and as we have discussed the characters of the latter in detail, we need only add here a few remarks on the condition of pre- servation of the specimens with which we have worked. The cabinet of Mrs R. Gray contains a large and instructive series of examples from the mudstone of Mulloch Hill — the sole locality known for the species — and the following are the principal variations in the mode of their occurrence : — (i.) In some specimens nothing whatever is to hand except the cast of the under surface of the epitheca. (2.) In others, the polypiferous surface of the corallum is embedded in the stone, so that nothing is visible except the striated and concave under surface of the epitheca (PI. III., fig. 3) ; but this has its structure preserved, and vertical sections of these specimens yield excellent results. (3.) In others, again, we have the cast of the zipper convex ACTINOZOA. 56 surface of the epitheca (PI. III., fig. 3 a), from which all the corallites have been broken off. (4.) In other very instructive examples, while part of the epitheca is shown as a cast (as in the preceding), the rest of the original epithecal plate, along with the bases of the coral- lites, has been preserved (PI. III., fig. 3 b) y the upper portions of the latter being broken off. (5.) In a fifth group of specimens, the actual calcareous corallum is wholly preserved, but, thin as it is, it has given way along a plane midway between the upper and lower sur- faces of the disc. In such cases, one side of the split stone shows the convex upper side of the epithecal plate and the bases of the corallites which it supports ; while on the other piece we have a corresponding concavity, which is occupied by the upper portions of the corallites, the actual mouths of which are embedded in the stone, and which the spectator thus looks at from below (PI. III., fig. 3 k). (6.) Lastly, there are many beautiful, and at first sight very puzzling, specimens in which we have casts of the upper or polypiferous side of the corallum (PL III., figs. 3 f and $g). These casts are circular or oval, and always concave, as cor- responding with the convex upper surface of the coral upon which they are moulded. They exhibit a series of short columns, directed at right angles to the plane of the cast, about half a line in height, and the same in diameter, oval or circular in shape, arranged in intersecting lines, and indented on their sides with twelve vertical sulci. These columns are the casts of the large-sized corallites, and they are separated by interspaces which represent the zone of smaller tubes by which each of the latter is surrounded. These smaller tubes, being tabulate to close upon their summits, do not appear to have been penetrated by the surrounding matrix to any extent, so that one can only very indistinctly make out any projections in the cast, which might be considered as representing the cavities of these. We have named this interesting form in honour of our friend, R. Gray, Esq., F.R.S.E. J 1 ELI O LITE S. 57 Form . and Loc. — Not uncommon in the mudstones (Upper Silurian) of Mulloch Hill. {Coll., Mrs R. Gray.) We may add that we have seen specimens in the collection of Mr George Jennings Hinde of a species of coral from the “junc- tion-beds” of Anticosti (base of Upper Silurian), which is undoubtedly congeneric with Pinacopora Grayi. Genus Heliolites, Dana, 1846. (Zooph., p. 541.) Heliolites interstincta, Linn. Madrepora interstincta , Linne, Syst. Nat., ed. xii., p. 1276, 1767. Madreporites inter stinctus, Wahlenberg, Nov. Acta Soc. Scient. Upsal., vol. viii. p. 98, 1821. Porites pyriformis , Lonsdale, in Murchison’s Silurian System, p. 686, 1839. Paleeopora interstincta , M‘Coy, Brit. Pal. Foss., p. 15, 1851. Heliolites interstincta , Milne-Edwards and Haime, Pol. Foss, des Terr. Pal., p. 214, 1851. „ pyriformis , Hall, Pal. N.Y., vol. ii. p. 133, 1852. „ interstincta , Milne-Edwards and Haime, Brit. Foss. Corals, p. 249, 1854. (For full synonymy up to date, see Milne-Edwards and Haime’s Monograph of British Fossil Corals, p. 249.) Obs. — We have a few specimens which we are enabled to identify with this widespread and familiar form. All but one of our examples are simply in the condition of casts ; but one small specimen from another locality (Penkill) is infiltrated with carbonate of lime, and was therefore in a condition suitable for microscopic examination. All the specimens, however, appear to be clearly referable to Heliolites interstincta , with which they agree in possessing large calices about three-quarters of a line in diameter, separated by spaces of about half a line, which are occupied by polygonal corallites of from i-6th to i-8th of a line in diameter. Form, and Loc. — In the condition of casts in the dark- green mudstones of Mulloch Hill. Also at Penkill, near Girvan, the strata at both these localities being of Upper ACTINOZOA. 55 Silurian age. (Coll., Mrs R. Gray). We have no doubt that our specimens are specifically identical with those quoted by Salter under the name of Heliolites subrotundus , Fougt ( = Porites pyriformis , Lonsd.), as occurring at Mulloch (Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. vii. p. 1 7 1 ). Heliolites Grayi, Miln e-Edwards and Haime (?). (PL IV., figs. 4 and 4a, and PL V., fig. 1.) Heliolites Grayi , Milne-Ed wards and Haime, Pol. Foss, des Terr. Pal., p. 217, 1851. „ „ Milne-Edwards and Haime, Brit. Foss. Cor., p. 252, 1854. Spec. char. — Corallum forming irregularly-branched or sub- lobate masses, which when of large size are clearly formed by the superposition of successive layers of corallites upon one another. In branched specimens the branches are cylindrical or flattened, sometimes palmate or lobulate, from four to about seven lines or more in diameter. The larger masses are irreg- ularly lobed, and sometimes attain a diameter of one to two inches. The corallum appears to have been rooted at the base, and to have had all its free surface covered with the calices. The larger calices are half a line in diameter, or very slightly less, and they are separated by interspaces of from one-third of a line to half a line. The smaller tubes (“ coenenchymal tubes ”) are minute, four or five of them occupying an interspace be- tween any pair of large tubes, and they appear to be irregular, or somewhat vermiculate in shape. There are twelve septa, with broad bases, and narrow interseptal chambers, in each of the larger tubes. Tabulae unknown. Obs. — The Craighead limestone has yielded a considerable number of specimens of coral with the characters above given, which we identify, with a little hesitation, with the Heliolites Grayi of Edwards and Haime. In most respects our specimens agree well with those ascribed to H. Grayi by its describers. 1 1 has the same peculiar mode of growth, and is often (though by HE LI OL I TES. 59 no means always) in the form of thick lamellar branched expan- sions, while its larger calices have the same diameter and the same number of thick triangular septa. Edwards and Haime, however, give as a specific character that the larger calices are “ limited by a small, well-marked, circular ridge,” formed by the exsert edge of the septa ; but we cannot lay much stress upon the apparent absence of this in our forms, as with hardly an exception their surface-characters are absolutely undeterminable, and in the best of our specimens are exceedingly badly pre- served. Upon the whole, therefore, we are tolerably confident that we are right in regarding the Craighead specimens as identical with the unique Heliolites Grayi , Edw. and H., of the Wenlock Limestone. On the other hand, we entertain a little doubt as to the true generic position of this species, in spite of its close superficial resemblance to Heliolites . Could we rely with safety upon the appearance presented by microscopic preparations of our speci- mens, we should unhesitatingly remove it from Heliolites , since these do not exhibit a trace of tabulae, and have other peculi- arities as well. Unfortunately, however, they are so highly mineralised that we have found it extremely difficult to make satisfactory sections of them, and we cannot assert positively that both some of the positive and the negative phenomena which we have observed are not really due to the mode of preservation of the specimens." Still, it should be borne in mind that Milne- Edwards and Haime .give no details as to the minute internal structure of Heliolites Grayi , and that the form and mode of growth of the corallum are very peculiar in this species, so that its reference to Heliolites will require confirmation. Transverse sections of our specimens (PI. V., fig. i) remind us far more of such perforate corals as Protarcea and Stylarcsa than of Heliolites. The stellate sections of the larger corallites, with their twelve broad septa, are evident enough, but the intervening tubules are only to be made out with difficulty, if at all, while they are often irregular and elongated in shape, 6o ACTINOZOA. thus closely resembling what we see in cross sections of the reticulate sclerenchyma of Protarcea. On the other hand, in sections taken parallel with the larger tubes (PL IV., fig. 3 a), the appearances presented are very puzzling, though it is quite probable that they are only due in reality to the undoubted changes which the specimens have undergone subsequent to fossilisation. They show, in fact, no distinction between the larger and smaller tubes, and absolutely no traces of tabulcz ; but they simply exhibit irregular, overlapping, and wavy lines, which run parallel with one another, and look as if they repre- sented the division-walls between contiguous tubes. Sections taken across the branches of the corallum often clearly show that increase to its growth was effected by means of the addi- tion of successive layers of short corallites. These sections also often show the characters of the surface to some extent (PI. IV., fig. 30), and we learn from them that the actual cup of the larger corallites extended about half a line below the surface, its floor having often two or three tooth-like projec- tions, while the smaller calices extended only to about one- sixth of a line or less below the surface. Form . and Loc . — Not uncommon, but very badly preserved, in the limestone at Craighead, near Girvan. ( Coll ., Mrs R. Gray, and Coll., H. A. Nicholson). Genus Stylar^a, Von Seebach, 1866. (Zeitschr. d. deutsch. Geol. Ges., Bd. XVIII. p. 304.) Gen. char . — Corallum composite, the sclerenchyma traversed by numerous fine inosculating canals. Corallites short, opening on the surface by rounded or polygonal calices, of moderate depth. Septa in the form of a variable number of short blunt ridges extending into the interior of the visceral chamber, the axis of which is occupied by a well-developed circular or oval columella, which the septa do not nearly reach. Strong and complete tabulae present or absent. Corallum encrusting, or (?) attached only at a single point. STYLAR/EA. 6 1 Obs. — The genus Stylarcza 1 was founded by Von Seebach (loc. cit.) for certain corals from the Lower Silurian of Esthland, which entirely agree with the well-known Protarcea of Milne- Edwards and Haime in most points, but are essentially dis- tinguished by the possession of a well-developed columella. Protarcea , as is well known, always occurs in the form of thin crusts attached parasitically to foreign bodies, and some of its peculiarities may be merely adaptations to its special habit of growth. Stylarcea , however, must be so far different to Pro- tarcea in habit, that it is stated to possess a distinct epitheca, which is hardly consistent with the use of the term “ encrust- ing” employed by Von Seebach in his generic description. In their reticulate sclerenchyma, tuberculated walls, and short crenulated septa, the two genera are completely identical. Amongst the specimens collected by Mrs R. Gray from Craighead, we find one which we cannot possibly place else- where than in the immediate neighbourhood of Protarcea , and which we think ought to be considered as a species of Stylarcea , though in order to place it in this genus, some extension of the characters of the latter, as given by Von Seebach, is necessary. Our form agrees with both Protarcea and Stylarcea in the minute structure of the sclerenchyma, in the form and dispo- sition of the calices, and in the characters of the septa ; while it further agrees with the latter genus in the possession of a strong and well-developed columella. This columella, how- ever, cannot be said to be “ spongy,” as stated in Von Seebach’s definition, for it is quite compact ; and though we are unfor- tunately unable to say positively what was the mode of growth of our species, it certainly possessed much longer corallites than was the case with either Protarcea or Stylarcea , and can hardly be stated to have been “ encrusting.” Moreover, there is the very important point that the corallites in our form are provided with strong and well-developed tabulce , structures 1 So far as we can judge from his figures and description, the genus Coccoseris of Eichwald (Leth. Ross., vol. i. p. 442, PI. XXV., fig. 4) is founded upon corals very- similar in structure to Styla?' Obs. — The Craighead limestone has yielded to the researches of Mrs Gray a number of specimens of a Streptelasma, of which the above description gives the most salient characters, and which we hardly think can be specifically separated from Europczum , F. Roemer. It is true our examples show some points of difference, but the investigation of these ancient cup- corals is attended with great difficulties, and some discrepancy is to be expected in specimens from widely distant localities. Our specimens agree with .S. Europczum, F. Roemer, in their general form, and are thus readily distinguished from the cylin- drical ►S'. Cragiense , M‘Coy, sp., of the same beds. We have no specimens nearly so large as the largest figured by Roemer, but this is a matter of little importance. In its conical, turbi- nate form, S. Europczum very closely resembles vSi corniculum , Hall ; but if our specimens are rightly identified, it is separ- ated from the latter (with which Schmidt placed it) by its uni- formly smaller number of septa, and by the entire absence of a septal fossula. According to Roemer, S'. Europczitm possesses epithecal ridges which are directed in a pinnate manner along three lines, one dorsal and two lateral. Most of our examples have the surface much obscured by adherent matrix, or worn away, and we have only been able to detect a feather-like arrangement of the septal furrows on the dorsum of the coral. Again, the tabulae are figured by Roemer as being nearly hori- zontal, close-set, or more or less freely anastomosing in S. Europczum, and our larger specimens sometimes show the same feature. On the other hand, in the smaller examples, the tabulae are highly inclined, with their convexity upwards, ACTINOZOA . 78 and they are rather remote. Upon the whole, however, we think we are safest in identifying the Craighead specimens with 5 . Europceum. Though badly preserved as regards external characters, the internal structure of our specimens can be readily investigated by the usual means adopted by us. Cross-sections (PI. VI., fig. 1 b ) show the same general structure as in S. Craigense , M‘Coy, sp. The false wall formed by the amalgamation of the bases of the septa is, however, much less developed than in the latter. The septa are alternately of two sizes, generally about forty of each dimension being present, the shorter ones being often united internally with the longer, and the interseptal spaces being crossed by remote curved dissepiments. At their internal extremities the primary septa are mostly united in groups of from three to five, and these, in turn, become con- nected with a highly-developed reticulate pseudo -columella, which occupies a considerable space in the centre of the coral- lum. Long sections exhibit the same general features as in S. Craigense , and we have not thought it worth while to figure one. We may observe, however, that the lattice-work of the columella is seen conspicuously to be composed of vertical cal- careous rods, irregularly uniting with one another ; that the columella forms a conspicuous fasciculate projection in the floor of the calice ; and that in sections taken slightly out of the true line of the centre it appears simply as a series of short spines springing from the upper surfaces of the tabulae. It is a sec- tion of this last kind that is figured by Roemer ( loc . cit ., PI. IV., fig. 1 f). As before remarked, however, long sections show a variable condition of the tabulae. In old specimens, towards their calicine extremities, the tabulae are nearly horizontal, and are placed close together. On the other hand, they are usually greatly curved, with their convexities upwards, and are then comparatively remote. Form, and Loc . — Common in the Craighead limestone, near Girvan. (Gray collection.) STREPTELA SMA. 79 Streptelasma (?) sequisulcatum, M‘Coy, sp. (PI. VI., fig. 3.) Peiraia cequisulcata , M‘Coy, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. vi. p. 279, 1850. „ „ M‘Coy, Pal. Foss., p. 39, PI. I. B, figs. 23 and 24, 1851. Spec. char . — Corallum simple, conical, slightly curved, with an oblique calice, attaining an adult diameter of from one inch and a quarter to one inch and a half, with a length of two inches or more. Epitheca well developed, marked by strong, obtuse or flattened, longitudinal ridges, which correspond with the interseptal loculi, and of which about three occupy the space of one line. Septa apparently from sixty-five to eighty-five in number, alternately large and small, centrally more or less twisted, and sometimes inosculating with one another. Tabulae unknown. Dissepiments very few and remote, curved, not forming an exterior vesicular zone. Calice deep, the septa in its upper portion merely marginal. Obs . — We have a few specimens from Mulloch Hill which we can identify with entire certainty with M ‘Coy’s Petraia cequisulcata. Some of our examples are in the condition of casts ; others retain the calcareous skeleton ; but our material is unfortunately insufficient to enable us to pronounce an opinion upon the true affinities of this well-marked coral. M‘Coy refers it to Petraia , as defined by him, chiefly upon the ground of its twisted septa, and its supposed absence of tabulae and dissepi- ments. We have been unable to obtain any longitudinal sec- tions, and our transverse sections are from specimens in which the centre of the visceral chamber is more or less filled up with matrix, to the partial destruction of the calcareous framework of the coral. As to the presence or absence of tabulae we can therefore say nothing. Cross-sections (PI. VI., fig. 3) show the septa to be greatly twisted as they approach the centre ; but this character, of itself, goes for little. Dissepiments, however, are seen to be undoubtedly present, though they are but very few in number, and irregular in their occurrence. Some of 8o ACTINOZOA. the septa, however, inosculate with one another, and there are indications that the centre of the visceral chamber was really occupied by a trabecular columella. It is not uncommon in specimens of undoubted Streptelasma to find the loosely-com- pacted columella more or less broken down and replaced by the matrix ; and we are at present inclined to believe that Petraia aquisiilcata , M‘Coy, is really a Streptelasma , though only longi- tudinal sections can set this point finally at rest. If our con- jecture be correct, Streptelasma (?) cequisulcatum will stand very near to S. Europaum , Roemer, from which it will be dis- tinguished principally by its more curved form, more broadly expanded shape, and very limited number of dissepiments. Milne-Edwards and Haime (Brit. Foss. Cor., p. 280) identify Petraia cequisulcata with A ulacophyllum mitratiLm , His. ; but a careful microscopical examination of the latter has satisfied us that there is no sufficient ground for this identification. Form, and Loc. — Mulloch Hill, near Girvan, in beds of Upper Silurian (? Upper Llandovery age). Gray collection. Genus Lindstromia, Nich. and Thoms., 1876. (Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. ix. No. 95, p. 149.) Gen . char. — Corallum simple, conical or turbinate, the epitheca complete, with well-marked longitudinal ridges, fine encircling striae, and low annulations of growth. Septa well developed, lamellar, equally developed or of two sizes, united inferiorly in the axis of the visceral chamber, and augmented by a secondary deposit of sclerenchyma, so as to form a com- paratively enormous pseudo-columella, which projects into the floor of the calice. The lower portion of the visceral chamber often more or less completely filled up by the deposition within it of solid sclerenchyma. Interseptal loculi, usually crossed by a few strong and remote dissepiments ; and the upper portion of the visceral chamber not uncommonly traversed by thick trans- verse plates of the nature of tabulae, though at other times LINDSTR OMIA . 81 these are not recognisable, or at any rate have not been clearly made out. Obs. — The genus Lindstromia was founded by one of the present writers and Mr James Thomson [toe. cit.), for the recep- tion of certain small corals from the Devonian formation of North America, the specific description of which is still unpub- lished. From its general characters, which we shall discuss immediately in a more detailed manner, it is clear that the genus belongs to the Cyathaxonidcz , and the type to which it is most nearly allied is Cyathaxonia , Michelin, itself. In this genus, however, if we take into consideration the type-species — viz., C. cornu , Mich. — we find that the columella is a solid rod extending from the bottom of the visceral chamber to the calice, that there are neither dissepiments nor tabulae, and that there is a well-marked septal fossette ( see De Koninck, Nouv. Recherches sur les An. Foss., Prem. partie, p. 108, 1872). In Lindstromia , however, as we shall see, there is no septal -fossula ; dissepiments are always present, and tabulae some- times ; and the columella, or pseudo-columella, has an entirely peculiar^ structure ; while there are other special structural features as well. There is, however, one species of Cyathaxonia , so called — namely, C. Dalmani , Edw. and H. — which agrees in its internal structure with the forms here united under the name of Lind- stromia. That this well-known Silurian form is not a true Cyathaxonia seems to have been recognised by De Koninck, who remarks that the species of this genus “ probablement sont toutes carboniferes ; ” and it has certainly been determined by Lindstrom, to whose kindness we owe specimens of this species, accompanied by the remark that it is not a genuine Cyathaxonia , and that he proposes for it the generic name of Centrotus . We are not aware of this name having been pub- lished formally ; but we are not able to accept it, partly because it is already preoccupied by a genus of insects, and partly because we find it to be covered by the published Lindstromia , and thus very appropriately designated already. The Cyath- F 82 ACTINOZOA . axonia Siluriensis of M‘Coy (Brit. Pal. Foss., p. 36, PI. I. C, fig. 1 1) is also clearly a Lindsti'dmia ; and we have determined the same to be the case with at least one of the forms included by M‘Coy under the head of Petraia. All these forms, except Cyathaxonia Siluriensis , M‘Coy, we have now carefully exam- ined by means of thin sections, and we find them to agree with one another in the following general characters : — They are all small corals, of a conical or turbinate shape, with a well-developed epitheca, which exhibits longitudinal ridges and encircling striae. All have a deep calice, with the septa nearly obsolete at the margin, but gradually becoming more prominent as we approach the floor of the cup. Those in which the interior of the calice is fully known exhibit at the bottom a comparatively very large and projecting columellar mass, and those in which the interior of the calice has not been observed can be shown by sections to possess a similar struc- ture. In all, the structure of this columella, or pseudo- columella, is quite peculiar, and can only be demonstrated by means of transparent horizontal and vertical sections. Even by this method of investigation, the subject is not without its difficulties, for the lower part of the visceral chamber seems to be usually, if not always, filled up in process of growth by a dense secondary deposit of sclerenchyma, so that transverse sections — which ought to be most instructive — vary in the appearances which they present, according as they are taken near the base of the corallum or near the floor of the calice. Combining together the numerous sections which we have made of different species of this singular genus, we find that the so-called columella is really to be regarded as formed by the fusion of the inner ends of the whole or a number of the septa, together with a larger or smaller amount of dense calcareous tissue, which is clearly of secondary and non-essential origin, since it often invades the interseptal loculi, and may entirely fill up the lower part of the visceral chamber. The upper surface of this pseudo-columella may be quite smooth and sharply defined (as in Lindstromia Dalmani , E. and H.), or it LINDSTROMIA. 83 may exhibit its real structure by presenting itself in the floor of the calice as a bundle of partially fused lamellae. In any case, longitudinal sections of the corallum show that it is really formed in the manner above described, — namely, by the amal- gamation of the inner ends of a larger or smaller number of the septa, this amalgamation taking place without any twisting of the septa, and being accompanied by a more or less copious secondary deposition of sclerenchyma. The only other note- worthy points in the structure of the corallum concern the presence of dissepiments and tabulae. The former structures undoubtedly exist, though they are always few in number and remote in distance ; and they can by no means be invariably demonstrated, especially in cross-sections taken near the base of the corallum. That they always are present, however, we feel tolerably certain. With regard to the existence of tabulae, on the other hand, we cannot speak with the same confidence. Longitudinal sections of Lindstromia ( Cyathaxonia ) Dalmani , Edw. and H. (fig. 4), certainly show strong plates crossing the upper part of the visceral chamber transversely, and it is im- possible to regard these as being anything else than tabulae. Vertical sections of Lindstromia (Petraia), subduplicata , M‘Coy, and of L. Icevis , nobis, sometimes show the same thing in a less marked manner ; but in these small forms it is not surprising that it is difficult to pronounce a positive opinion as to the presence or absence of tabulae, seeing that the whole of the visceral chamber, up to the floor of the calice, is more or less completely occupied by a dense secondary deposit of scleren- chyma. Moreover, when dissepiments are only present in small number, and are at all exceptionally strong, it becomes impossible to know whether one is dealing with structures of this kind, or with that more developed stage of the same which we know as “tabulae.” Upon the whole, however, we think that the presence of ill-developed tabulae may be regarded as the rule in the genus Lindstromia. In the annexed engraving (fig. 4) we have represented vertical and transverse sections of three forms of Lmdstromia upon an enlarged scale. 8 4 ACTINOZOA. Before leaving this subject, a few words may be said as to the genus Petraia of Munster, merely in so far as the forms at present under consideration are concerned. Palaeontolo- gists have at various times included under the name of Petraia Fig. 4. — a. Vertical section of Lindstromia ( Cyathaxonia ) Dalmani, Edw. and H., enlarged two diameters, showing the dense infilling of the lower portion of the coral, the great columella, and the transverse plates or tabulae ; a', Transverse section of the same, enlarged three times, showing the dense central mass, and the almost complete amalgamation of the septa by sclerenchyma. b, Vertical section of Lindstromia columnaris , Nich. and Thoms., enlarged three times, showing the filled-up base, the composition of the colu- mellar mass of partially amalgamated vertical rods, and the imperfect tabulae; b\ Trans- verse section of the same, similarly enlarged, showing the fusion of the septa by means of secondary sclerenchymatous deposit into a central columellar mass, c , VerticaFsection of Lindstromia subduplicata , M‘Coy, sp., twice the natural size, showing the central fasciculate columellar mass, the deep calice, and the imperfect tabulae ; c r , Cross-section of the same, taken close to the base, enlarged five times, and showing the almost complete fusion of the septa by secondary deposit. a number of small, simple, turbinate corals, of very varying structure, and, so far as known, of very different affinities ; and perhaps the best course to adopt would be to entirely drop this title from our nomenclature. If this course be not followed, it will be necessary to restrict the name to some L INDS TROMIA. «5 one or other of the various types of structure which have been included under this name, since it does not appear to be known what was the true nature of the fossils originally placed here by Munster. From the definitions, however, of all later observers, it is evident that the essential features in the structure of Petraia are supposed to be the total want of dissepiments , tabulcz , and columella , conjoined with the pres- ence of well - developed lamellar septa and a deep funnel- shaped calice. Our own personal investigations have not brought under our notice any Palaeozoic corals in which we could assert positively that these features are present. Two or three small specimens from the curious fossiliferous ashes of Balcletchie, near Girvan, certainly seem to want both tab- ulae and dissepiments, and to otherwise conform to the above definition ; but our material is so scanty that we have held these forms over, in the hope of obtaining more light upon this subject at a later date. On the other hand, we are now able to speak positively as to the structure of at least one of the most typical of M ‘Coy’s Petraice — viz., Petraia subduplicata ; and we have been able to prove, as will sub- sequently appear, that this is a true Lindstromia , which in no way conforms to Petraia as ordinarily understood. The determination of the real structure of this well-known Silurian species may be regarded as probably settling the position of at any rate most of the small corals included by Phillips under the head of Ttir binolop sis (Pal. Foss, of Cornwall, &c., p. 1). This name has been rightly regarded as a synonym of Petraia , in the usual acceptation of the latter ; and it was founded, as is the case with many species of Petraia , upon casts of the interior of the corallum. These casts, as is well known, are abundant in the Devonian and Silurian rocks, and they are remarkable, as has been frequently noticed, for their being usually truncated below. This truncation of the cast, as noticed by M‘Coy, is truly due to the fact that the lower portion of the visceral chamber was filled up with a dense secondary deposit of sclerenchyma, this being one of the characteristic features of Lindstromia . 86 ACTINOZOA. In some cases, also, the lower end of the cast may be seen to present a depression in the centre, corresponding with the columella . 1 We need only add that it has seemed to us much the most preferable course not to attempt to retain the generic name of Petraia for P. subduplicata, M‘Coy, and for those other forms which undoubtedly prove to be congeneric with this. It is true that these forms constitute the most typical section of the group which British palaeontologists have usually understood by Petraia ; but it seems clear that the name Petraia cannot be advantageously retained, unless it be strictly limited to forms which want dissepiments, tabulae, and columella. Such forms have been described (eg., P. Benediana , De Koninck) ; but microscopic examination renders it certain that P. sub- duplicata , IVTCoy, and its allies, must be placed in a totally different category. Lindstromia subduplicata, M‘Coy, sp. (Fig. 4, and PL VI., figs. 2-2 f) Petraia subduplicata , M‘Coy, Ann., and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. vi. p. 2 79? 1850. ,, „ M'Coy, Pal. Foss., p. 40, 1851. „ „ Salter, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. vii. p. 17 1, PI. IX., figs. 7 and 8, 1851. Spec. char. — Corallum simple, small, conical, straight or slightly curved, averaging nine or ten lines in length, with a diameter at the larger extremity of six or seven lines. Epitheca well developed, marked with longitudinal ridges, corresponding with the interseptal loculi, of which about four occupy the space of one line. In well-preserved specimens fine encircling striae are present as well, # and there are shallow annulations of growth. The calice is deep, funnel-shaped, and oblique. The septa are well developed and lamellar, of two sizes, regularly alternating with one another, and vary- ing from fifty to sixty in number in all. The secondary septa 1 This feature is sometimes very marked. Compare the figure of the cast of Petraia elongata , Phill., given by Milne-Edwards and Haime in their Monograph (Brit. Foss. Cor., PI. LX VI., figs. 6 and 6 a). LINDSTR 0M1A. «7 are short, and, near the base of the coral, may be unrecog- nisable. In the centre of the visceral chamber the primary septa unite with one another, and become more or less com- pletely fused together by the deposition of a mass of secondary sclerenchyma, which more or less entirely fills up the lower portion of the corallum. Superiorly the central mass formed by the fusion of the inner ends of the septa, as afore-mentioned, is continued upwards as a large pseudo-columella, which pro- jects to a greater or less extent into the floor of the calice. The interseptal loculi are crossed by a few remote and irregu- larly-developed dissepiments, and a few imperfect tabulae can be occasionally detected. No septal fossula. Obs . — The Gray collection contains a large number of specimens of this interesting little coral from the Craighead limestone, in which the original skeleton of the coral is pre- served, and from thin sections of which we have been able to determine its structure in a satisfactory manner. Its general form is conical and nearly straight, the attenuated tip of the corallum being often slightly oblique, and its average dimen- sions are as above stated. Many individuals, however, are much smaller, and a few are larger. The epitheca is complete, with well-marked longitudinal rugae, and, when perfectly preserved, with close-set, fine, encircling striae. Annulations of growth, though present, are never a marked feature. In all our sped- fr mens the calice is filled up with the matrix, but it is seen in sections to be always deep, and more or less oblique, occu- pying one-half to two-thirds of the entire length of the cor- allum, the septa in its upper portion being merely marginal, and gradually becoming more developed as we descend to- wards the base. Longitudinal sections (fig. 4 c , and PI. VI., figs. 2 b and 2 c) show the remarkable feature that the lower third or thereabouts of the visceral chamber is filled up by dense calcareous matter, which is really composed partly of the primary septa, and partly of a secondary deposit of scleren- chyma. In sections, taken accurately through the median line, this calcareous infilling is seen to be prolonged upwards 88 ACT1N0Z0A. in the form of a large, apparently cylindrical pseudo-columella, which projects to a greater or less extent above the floor of the calice. In sections taken a little out of the median line, this columellar mass shows its true composition by its exhib- iting more or less distinctly the projection into the calice of the cut edges of a number of the septa. The same fact can also be determined by microscopic examination, which shows that the essential elements of this mass are the inner ends of the septa. As regards the other points shown by long sections, we may notice the occasional occurrence of a few strong transverse or ascending plates, which we must regard as tabulae, and which are most conspicuous in excentric sec- tions. Transverse sections, again, enable us to considerably supplement the knowledge gained by means of vertical slices, but they differ greatly according to the height above the base at which they are taken. Sections taken close above the base (fig. 4 c) show that the apparently structureless and dense infilling of the lower part of the visceral chamber is really formed largely out of the primary septa, the interseptal loculi being occupied by a deposit of sclerenchyma, which is usually so far imperfect as to leave small interspaces between the outer ends of the septa. Sections taken at a higher level (PI. VII., fig. 2 d) show the outer wall, the interseptal loculi, which may or may not be crossed by a few dissepiments, and a large central mass, which is formed by the union in the median line of the primary septa, together with structure- less calcareous matter of secondary origin. Sections taken above the plane of the floor of the calice show the septa gradu- ally to diminish in size, till they become almost obsolete. The number of primary septa which take part in the formation of the central pseudo -columella varies from twenty -five to twenty-eight ; but between these there really exists a corre- sponding number of much shorter secondary septa. These latter, however, can often not be recognised — especially in sections taken close above the base ; and even when present, they may appear to be absent in a variable number of the LINDS TR OM I A . 89 interseptal loculi. Sometimes the development of the central pseudo-columellar mass is decidedly excentric, but in no case have we observed a regular septal fossula. As for tabulce , they certainly are not present in a well-marked form. Longi- tudinal sections, however, often show — especially if excentric — ascending transverse plates, which we consider to be unques- tionably imperfect structures of this nature. Casts of Lindstromia subduplicata are not uncommon in the sandstones of Mulloch Hill, near Girvan, and their characters have been well described by M‘Coy. As we can readily see from the structure of the corallum, as we now know it, these casts represent the filled-up vacuities of the upper portion of the corallum only. The cast is conical, truncated behind, of nearly equal width and length, marked externally with from twenty-four to thirty-two deep slits, which extend to near the centre, where they are slightly twisted. These slits represent the primary septa, and they are separated by an equal number of finer slits, which only extend a very short distance inwards, and which represent the short secondary septa. The radiating lamellae of the cast, which separate and bound these slits, repre- sent, of course, the filled-up interseptal loculi. The introduc- tion of new septa was effected along the line of a principal interseptal space occupying the dorsal side of the corallum, giving rise to a pinnate arrangement of the sulci in the cast. We have also evidence that the septa within the calice were more or less markedly crenulated, ridged, or toothed on their sides. This is shown by the occurrence of grooves or pits upon the sides of the lamellae which represent the filled-up interseptal loculi. In ordinary casts, this crenulation of the upper portions of the lamellae just alluded to is not a marked feature, though usually to be detected with care. There are, however, other casts (PL VI., fig. 2 f) in which the crenulation of the upper parts of the lamellae is extraordinarily conspicuous, the outer edge of each being cut into prominent teeth by deep and regular lateral grooves. These casts have been described and figured by M‘Coy (Pal. Foss., p. 41, PI. I. B, fig. 26 b), 9 ° ACTINOZOA. and they are regarded by him, probably quite rightly, as merely a variety of L. subduplicata , to which he gives the title of crenulata . Form . and Loc . — Common in the shales associated with the limestone at Craighead, near Girvan (Lower Silurian). Also not uncommon, though principally in the condition of casts, in the mudstones of Mulloch Hill, near Girvan, of Upper Silurian (? Upper Llandovery) age. A few individuals from the green- ish mudstones of Penkill, near Girvan (? Upper Llandovery), also appear to belong to this species, though we have not examined them microscopically. (Gray collection.) Lindstromia lsevis, Nich. and Eth., jun., sp. nov. (PL VI, figs. 4-4 e.) Spec. char . — Corallum small, simple, expanding, and widely turbinate, slightly curved towards its smaller extremity. The width of the calice equal to or slightly larger than the total length of the corallum. Surface to the naked eye nearly or quite smooth, under the lens exhibiting fine and close-set en- circling striae, and obscure longitudinal ridges. Epitheca com- plete ; wall thick. Generally one or two shallow annulations of growth near the calicine margin. Calice oblique, patulous, its interior unknown, but always deep, and having the septa obsolete, or nearly so, near its lip. From fifteen to twenty- three primary septa, at various diameters, becoming more or less united with one another below the floor of the calice, and fused by means of a secondary deposit of sclerenchyma, so as to form a central pseudo-columellar mass of large size, which pro- jects to a greater or less extent into the bottom of the calice. Short secondary septa are probably present between the pri- mary ones, but they have not been determined with certainty. Dissepiments unknown. Tabulae apparently represented by a few remote and strong arched and ascending plates, which intersect the visceral chamber near the base, and take part in the formation of the pseudo-columella. L JNDSTR OMIA . 9 l The smallest individuals observed are a line and a half long, with a width at the calice of a line and three quarters. Average examples are three lines long, and three and a half lines in their greatest diameter. Large individuals attain a length of six lines, with a calicine diameter of between six and seven lines. Obs. — This pretty little species is abundant and well pre- served in the mudstones of Penkill, near Girvan. It is by no means impossible that it may turn out to be really identical with Petr diet uniserialis , M‘Coy (Pal. Foss., p. 41, PI. I. B, fig. 25); but as the latter is known only by casts, as our form is known only by the external and internal characters of the cor- allum itself, and as we have no means of connecting the two, we have thought it best to establish a new species for our examples. The external characters of Lindstromia Icevis are very readily recognisable, and distinguish it at once from L. subduplicata, M‘Coy. It is at once known by its short, curved, and very widely expanding corallum, and the apparent smooth- ness of the epitheca, the use of a lens at once showing that the surface is really covered with very fine and closely-arranged concentric striae. Longitudinal ridges and annulations of growth are faintly marked or nearly obsolete. The calice is oblique, though not so markedly so as in L. subduplicata ; but owing to the fact that it is filled up with the matrix in all our specimens, we can say nothing as to the condition of its interior. Long sections, however, show that it is deep and funnel-shaped, and the septa are also merely marginal ridges near its imme- diate lip. As the corallum itself is preserved, thin sections enable us to study its internal structure quite satisfactorily, and it can be shown in this way to be a true Lindstromia , with closer affini- ties to L. ( Cyathaxonia ) Dalmani , E. and H., than is the case with L . subduplicata , M‘Coy. Cross-sections, taken below the level of the calice, show that most or all of the primary septa become coalescent and embedded in secondary sclerenchy- matous deposit, thus forming a comparatively immense pseudo- 9 2 ACTINOZOA. columellar mass, which, in long sections, can be shown to project to a considerable height into the calice. We can also detect in vertical slices a few strong and arched transverse or ascending plates, which must be regarded as tabulae, and which join the columella centrally. There are two points which we have been unable to determine with certainty — namely, the existence of dissepiments and of short secondary septa. There are indications of both, and, from the analogy of the other species of the genus, we may conclude that these structures were really present. That we should not have been able to detect them is probably due to the fact that the cavities of the wide and patulous corallum are generally filled with the matrix, fine structures being thus broken down, and microscopic ex- amination considerably interfered with. The extreme base of the corallum is more or less completely solidified by a dense deposit of the sclerenchyma, though this is not so largely de- veloped as in L. subduplicata , M‘Coy. Form, and Loc . — Common in the greenish mudstones (? Upper Llandovery) of Penkill, near Girvan. (Gray collection.) GENERAL REMARKS UPON THE CORALS OF THE GIRVAN AREA. Though we have now examined a very large number of corals from the Silurian rocks of the Girvan district, it remains clear that the materials at present to hand will be very con- siderably augmented by future researches. Up to this time, in fact, corals have been collected almost exclusively from some three or four horizons in the great and complicated series of the Ayrshire Silurians. Much, therefore, has yet to be done, as will be seen by a glance at the list of localities previously given, before we can give any complete conspectus of the coral- fauna of this region ; and the time has not come at which it will be possible to enunciate positive conclusions as to the age of the deposits from fossils of this class. Nevertheless it may GENERAL REMARKS. 9 $ be of advantage that we should make a few remarks as to the distribution and time-relations of the known corals of the region in question ; and we may conveniently do so by reviewing briefly the chief horizons which, so far, have proved to be coralliferous. I. The Craighead Limestone. — Up to the present time, the principal Silurian deposit in Ayrshire from which corals have been collected is the great limestone, which is best known as exposed in the quarries at Craighead, about three miles from the town of Girvan. As here seen, the limestone itself is gen- erally more or less grey in colour, and compact or sub-crystal- line in texture, but it varies much in different parts of its mass. Often it is greenish in colour, or mottled with lighter or darker green blotches, apparently from the presence of felspathic or serpentinous matter intimately mingled with it ; and occasion- ally a well-marked oolitic structure is developed in it. This last feature, however, is much more conspicuous in the Tra- mitchell quarries, where the limestone is to a large extent a regular oolite, the component grains being of considerable size. Associated with the limestone at Craighead are also greenish shales, which have yielded a considerable number of fossils. Leaving out of sight some forms which our material has not allowed us to work out, the corals of the Craighead limestone and its associated shales, as. at present known to us, are as follows : — Lyopora favosa , M‘Coy, sp. Tetradium Peachii , Nich. and Eth., jun. Favosiies Girvanensis , Nich. and Eth., jun. Fistulipora ? pilula , Nich. and Eth., jun. Prasopora Grayed, Nich. and Eth., jun. Thecostegites ? Scoticus , Nich. and Eth., jun. Heliolites Grayi , Edw. and Haime. Stylarcea occidentalism Nich. and Eth., jun. Streptelasma Craigense , M‘Coy, sp. „ Europceum, Ferd. Roemer. „ aggregation , Nich. ahd Eth., jun. Lindstromia subduplicata , M‘Coy, sp. 94 ACTJNOZOA. So far as giving us a clue to the precise position in the Silurian series occupied by the Craighead limestone, the above twelve corals are clearly of limited value. The entire assemblage — which we feel certain will hereafter be con- siderably increased — is a most remarkable one, and admits of little comparison with the coral-fauna of any sub-group of the Silurian rocks known to us. Lyopora favosa , Tetradium Peachii , Prasopora Grayce , Streptelasma Craigense , S'. Euro- pceum , S', aggregation , and Lindstromia sub dup lie at a, are the common forms of the Craighead limestone ; and, with the exception of the last, they are not known to occur else- where in Britain. Moreover, Lyopora and Prasopora are special generic types, and Streptelasma and Tetradium have not been previously recognised in this country, though the former, at any rate, will doubtless be found to have a wide range. Of the remaining forms, Stylarcea occidentalis and Thecostegites (?) Scoticus both belong to generic types foreign to Britain, though the identification of the latter cannot be regarded as certain. Lastly, the only specific forms which are known to occur elsewhere in the British area are Lind- stromia subduplicata , M‘Coy, and Heliolites Grayi , Edw. and H., both of which occur in undoubted Upper Silurian deposits elsewhere. That the Craighead limestone, however, is not of Upper Silurian age, may be considered as certain. The absence of the commoner massive species of Favosites } Alveolites , and Heliolites , of Cyathophyllum , Acervularia , Cystiphyllum , Haly- sites, and Omphyma , together with the apparent total want of Stromatoporoids, would render this conclusion almost inevit- able, even if we had nothing else to go by. The genera Tetra- dium , Stylarcea , and Streptelasma are, however, characteristi- cally, or exclusively, found in deposits belonging to the Lower Silurian period. We also cannot avoid being greatly struck 1 The Favosites Gi-rvanensis of the Craighead limestone is a very diminutive form, and is a poor representative of the large and common F. Gothlandica, F. Forbesi , &c., of the Upper Silurian. GENERAL REMARKS. 95 with the strongly American facies of the Craighead corals, and in particular their resemblance to those of the Trenton and Cincinnati groups. Thus Tetradium x is a common generic type in the Trenton limestone and Cincinnati formation in both the United States and Canada. Streptelasma Europceum is a close ally of the common Streptelasma corniculum of the same deposits. Our Streptelasma aggregatum belongs to the sub- generic group Palczophyllum, the only other members of which are found in the Trenton and Cincinnati formations. Stylarcea occidentalis may be taken as representative of the common Protarcea vetitsta of the Cincinnati beds. Lastly, the nearest allies to the curious Lyopora favosa of Craighead are to be found in the so-called Columnaricz (not Favistella , Hall) of the Trenton limestone, and especially in such forms as C. Goldftissi , Bill. Upon the whole, therefore, we must conclude that the Craighead limestone is certainly of Lower Silurian age ; and, if we judge only from the corals, we are led to conjecture that it occupies a tolerably low position in the Lower Silurian series, corresponding perhaps with the upper part of the Trenton limestone, or the base of the Cincinnati and Hudson River formations of North America. II. Mulloch Hill Beds.— Mulloch Hill, near Dalquharran, has long been known as one of the most prolific localities for fossils in the Girvan district. M‘Coy generally speaks of the rock here as a “ quartzite ” or “ sandstone,” but it contains no silica. It is a hard greenish mudstone, the colour of which, as seen in thin sections, appears to be due to the presence of numerous particles of serpentinous or felspathic matter. Owing to the absence of lime in these deposits, corals are, naturally, not abundant, and they occur commonly, though by no means exclusively, in the condition of casts. Disregarding two or three forms, which could not be determined with the material 1 Since the above was written, our friend George J. Hinde, Esq., F.G.S., has shown us specimens which he has collected in the Trenton Limestone of Canada, which, so far as we can judge without microscopic sections, are specifically identical with our Tetradiurn Peachii. 9 6 ACTINOZOA. at our command, we have recognised the following four corals in the Mulloch Hill beds : — Ileliolites interstincta , Wahl. Pinacopora Grayi , Nich. and Eth., jun. Favosites Mullochensis , Nich. and Eth., jun. Liiidstromia subduplicata , M‘Coy, sp. The last-named of the above is no test of age, as it occurs in rocks belonging to different periods ; and Pinacopora Grayi , being both generically and specifically new, is also unavailable as a guide. The presence of Heliolites interstincta , however, together with a large-celled Favosites of the type of F. Gothlan- dica and F. Forbesi , would lead to the conclusion that the Mul- loch Hill beds are certainly referable to the Upper Silurian. This conclusion is borne out by the nature of the associated fossils ; and we may in the meanwhile consider this deposit as probably corresponding with the Upper Llandovery or May Hill sandstone of “ Siluria.” III. Penkill Beds. — The rocks at Penkill, near Girvan, from which we possess corals, consist of a fine-grained grey or greenish-grey mudstone, and the number of corals is limited. From this horizon we have determined the following : — Heliolites interstincta , Wahl. Haly sites catenularia , Linn. Favosites Girvanensis , Nich. and Eth., jun. Liiidstromia subduplicata , M‘Coy, sp. „ Levis, Nich. and Eth., jun. Calostylis Lindstromi , Nich. and Eth., jun. The only species in this list which can be used as tests of age are Heliolites interstincta and Halysites catenularia , and these would go to prove that the beds here are of Upper Silurian age. The singular Perforate genus Calostylis , Lindstr., is likewise an Upper Silurian type, the only other known spe- cies of the genus being confined to the Wenlock limestone of Gotland. Such other evidence as we have points in the same direction, and we are probably right in concluding that the Pen- GENERAL REMARKS. 97 kill beds must find their place towards the lower portion of the Upper Silurian series. IV. Shallocii Mill Beds. — We are indebted to Mr Lap- worth for specimens from a thin band of coralline limestone which crops out on the sea-shore, near a smithy not far from Shalloch Mill, about a mile and a quarter to the south of Girvan. The fossils appear to be tolerably plentiful, but they consist wholly of Favosites Gothlandica , Lam., and Alveolites Labechei , Edw. and H. The presence of these two well- known types would render it certain that the series of beds in which this limestone is intercalated must be of Upper Silurian age. Further along the shore, in beds considerably higher in position, Mr Lapworth has also detected the presence in calca- reous nodules or “ cement-stones ” of Haly sites catenularia. V. Balcletchie Beds. — The last coralliferous horizon which we need notice is that of the Balcletchie beds, near Girvan. The beds in question, which are not the same as those from which we possess remains of Trilobites, consist of dark-green, coarse-grained volcanic ashes, and appear to be largely fossiliferous. The corals are few in number, and badly preserved ; and the only form that we have been able to determine positively is Fistulipora favosa, nobis. We have also several small cup-corals, very fairly preserved, but our material is insufficient to allow of a thorough examina- tion of these. There are two or three types, and one of them seems to conform to the definition of Petraia , which we have given in speaking of Lindsti'oinia — that is to say, its interseptal loculi are open, and it shows no traces of dissepiments, tabulae, or columella. It is much to be desired, however, that further collections should be made from this locality. The corals give us no clue to the age of the Balcletchie beds, but there is some reason to believe that they are low down in the Lower Silurian series — possibly near the horizon of the Craighead Limestone. G 9 8 TR I LOB IT A. SUB-KINGDOM ANN U LOS A. CLASS CRUSTACEA. Sub-class Entomostraca. Order TRILOBITA. Genus Phacops, Emmrich, 1839. (De Trilobitis, &c., p. 18.) Section Phacops proper. Phacops Stokesii, Milne-Edwards. P. Stokesii (M.-Edwards), Salter, Mon. Brit. Trilobites, 1864, pt. 1, p. 21, t. 2, f. 1-6 ( for synonomy). „ ,, Salter, Murchison’s Siluria, 1867, 4th ed., t. 10, f. 6, t. 18, f. 6. „ „ Bigsby, Thesaurus Sil., 1868, p. 64. „ „ Woodward, Cat. Brit. Foss. Crustacea, 1877, p. 54. Obs. — P. Stokesii was long ago recorded 1 as a Girvan species by the late Mr J. W. Salter, and a head and tail figured in the Appendix to Sir R. I. Murchison’s paper “ On the Silurian Rocks of the South of Scotland.” We have not met with specimens. Loc. and Horizon. — Mulloch Quarry, in shelly sandstone (Salter). Saugh Hill, in sandstone (Salter). Thrave . 2 Phacops Downingice is stated to occur at Mulloch 'Quarry , 3 but we believe the next species has been mistaken for it. 1 Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., 1851, vii. pp. 171, 172. 2 Cat. Foss. Mus. Pract. Geology, 1865, p. 12. 3 Cat. W. Scot. Foss... 1876. p. 16. PHACOPS. 99 Section Acaste, Goldfuss. Phacops Brongniarti, Portlock. (PI. VII. figs, i and 2.) P. { Acaste ) Brongniarti (Portlock), Salter, Mon. Brit. Trilob ites, 1864, pt. 1, p. 34, t. 1, f. 20-25 ( for synonomy). P. Brongniarti , Bigsby, Thesaurus Sil., 1868, p. 62. „ „ Woodward, Cat. Brit. Foss. Crustacea, 1877, p. 50. Obs. — After Mr Salter’s clear and detailed description it is quite unnecessary for us to redescribe P. Brongniarti , which with its var. Dalmani was first met with in the Girvan district by the late Mr R. Gibbs, and determined by Mr R. Etheridge, F.R.S . 1 We give a figure taken from a cast of an exceedingly well-preserved mould in the Museum of Practical Geology ; we are indebted to the authorities of that institution for the loan of it. Loc . and Horizon. — Ardmillan-brae, in flagstones {Etheridge ) ; Mulloch Hill quarry. (Gray Collection.) Section Chasmops, M ( Coy. Phacops truncato-caudatus, Portlock (?). (PI. VII. figs. 3 and 4.) P. {Chasmops) truncato-caudatus (Portlock), Salter, Mon. Brit. Trilobites, 1864, pt. 1, p. 42, t. 4, f. 13-15 {for synonomy). P. truncato-caudatus , Bigsby, Thesaurus Sil., 1868, p. 64. „ „ Woodward, Cat. Brit. Foss. Crustacea, 1877, p. 54. Obs . — Our specimens are both unfortunately imperfect about the head, which necessitates a note of interrogation after the name of the species ; otherwise, however, the* characters of the specimens appear to accord perfectly with those given by Mr Salter as distinctive of the species. The sides of the axis of the thorax are conspicuously nodose, the axal furrows strong, and there is a strong node on the inner end of each pleura against the axis, a character upon which stress is laid by Mr Salter. Now these are all present in the specimens we refer Mem. Geol. Survey. Scot. Expl., No. 7, 1869, p. 10. IOO TR 1 LOBITA . to P. truncato-caudatus ; and in the absence of more negative evidence, we believe we are justified in referring them to that species. Moreover, one of the specimens shows that the head was granulated ; and if we refer to Portlock’s original figures, 1 we see a peculiar cross-puckering of the surface rep- resented by vertical shading, a point exceedingly well marked in the Girvan individuals. In the determination of the latter we are happy to possess the support of Mr Etheridge, F.R.S. We think our specimens hardly possess as many segments in the pygidium as those figured by Mr Salter. Loc . and Horizon. — Drummuck Quarry, in a compact greenish mudstone. (Gray collection.) Genus Cheirurus, Beyrich, 1845. (Ueber einige bohmische Trilobiten, p. 5.) Cheirurus bimucronatus, Murchison. C. bimucronatus (Murch.), Salter, Mon. Brit. Trilobites, 1864, pt. 1, p. 63, t. 5, f. 1-5, t. 6, f. 9-18 {for synonomy). ,, „ Bigsby, Thesaurus Sil., 1868, p. 44. „ „ Woodward, Cat. Brit. Foss. Crustacea, 1877, p. 30. 05 s. — This species has been twice recorded by the late Mr Salter 2 as occurring at Girvan ; but we have not seen speci- mens in any of the collections to which we have had access. We can only refer to its occurrence there, and hope that future observers will be more fortunate. Loc. and Horizon. — Drummuck Quarry, in shaly beds ; Mul- loch Hill {Salter). Cheirurus gelasinosus, Portlock. (PI. VII. figs. 5 and 6.) C. gelasinosus (Portlock), Salter, Mon. Brit. Trilobites, 1864, pt. 1, p. 71, t. 5, f. 6-8 ( for synonomy ). ,, „ Bigsby, Thesaurus Sil., 1868, p. 44. „ „ Woodward, Cat. Brit. Foss. Crustacea, 1877, p. 30. Obs . — The specimens before us do not throw any further 1 Geol. Report on Londonderry, &c., 1843, t* 2 > f* I_ 4- 2 Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., 1851, vii. p. 172; Monograph, p. 67. C HEIR UR US. IOI light oil the structure of this species, and as they are only badly preserved portions of the head, we refer the reader to Salters description. Our chief reason for placing these fragments in this species rather than with C. bimucroncttus , is the form of the forehead lobe of the glabella, which is about equal in breadth to the others, no wider, and does not overhang the other lobes on the sides, and in front is not produced, and, lastly, does not occupy all the margin, as in C. bimucronatus . The specimens are small, and in an unsatisfactory state of preservation, and further material is required for proper elucidation. We find C. gelasinosus was first mentioned as occurring at Girvan by Mr Salter, 1 who figured a portion of a fine head from that district. Loc. a7id Horizon. — Craighead Quarry, in limestone (Salter, Mus. Pract. Geol.) ; Balcletchie, in a dark-green, slightly cal- careous mudstone. (Gray collection.) Cheirnrus clavifrons, Dalman ? (PI. VII. figs. 7 and 8.) Calymene (?) clavifrons , Dalman, Vet. Akad. Handlingar, 1826, p. 260. „ ,, Dalman, Om. Palaeaderna eller de sa Kallade Trilo- biterna, 1827, p. 75 ( separate copies). „ ,, Loven, Ofv. K. Vet. Akad. Forhandlingar, 1844, No. 4, p. 63. Cyrlometopus ajfinis, Angelin, Pal. Scandinavica, 1854, pt. 1, p. 7 7, t. 39, f. 10. (Compare Cheirnrus octolobatus (M‘Coy), Salter, Mon. Brit. Trilobites, 1864, pt. 1, p. 69, t. 5, f. 13 and 14.) Spec. char. — Glabella oval-oblong, blunt in front, regularly convex, most so in a line drawn across uniting the two foremost furrows — it is also broader at this point, slopes gradually off to the neck segment, and does not overhang the front margin. Frontal and ocular furrows moderately long and curved slightly backwards ; basal furrows circumscribing the oval basal lobes, but faintly marked where they join the neck segment, otherwise they, and the frontal and ocular furrows, are deep ; the distance 1 Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., 1851, vii. p. 170, t. 8, f. 1 ; Mems. Geol. Survey, Dec. vii., No. ii., p. 11 ; Monograph, p. 72. 102 TRILOBITA. between the ocular and basal furrows, on the one hand, and the ocular and frontals on the other, is about equal ; the surface is microscopically granular. The fixed cheeks are rudely triangu- lar, scrobiculate, and, like the glabella, microscopically granular or roughened ; although not vertical, they are steeply inclined. Facial suture strongly marked, and in the first part of its course, starting from the external margin, is almost on a line with the ocular furrow. Frontal margin broad and distinct; axal furrows broad, deep, and well marked. Obs. — The specimen we figure under this name, a glabella and one fixed cheek, has given us much trouble ; neither do we yet feel satisfied that it is C. clavifrons , Dalman. This difficulty has arisen in a great measure from the want of a clear defini- tion of what is C. clavifrons , Dal., accompanied by a good figure. It appears, from Angelin 1 and Salter’s 2 account, that two dis- tinct species were included by Dalman under this name, and placed in the Stockholm Museum : one of these has a narrow- fronted glabella, with parallel sides , 3 and for this Angelin re- tained the name C . clavifrons ; the other, with a sub-clavate glabella, is more deserving of the name bestowed by Dalman. This, Professor Angelin has called Cyrtornetoptis ajfinisP Had the name clavifrons been retained for the latter instead of the former, much confusion would have been prevented ; and we quite agree with Salter’s opinion — “We shall never have done with the confusion of these forms unless we restrict Dalman’s name to the species called Cyr. ajfnis by Angelin .” 5 Taking, therefore, C. clavifrons , Dal., as typified by Cyrtometopus ajfnis, Angelin, we may institute as close a comparison with our fig- ured specimen as the side view of the head given by Angelin will permit. The form of the glabella in the two individuals is very much the same ; in both, the basal lobe is completely circumscribed by the furrow ; but in Angelin’s figure the two anterior furrows are shorter than in the Girvan specimen. So far as the fixed cheek is preserved in the latter, there is a close 1 Pal. Scand., p. 78. 2 Monograph, pt. 1, p. 68. 3 Pal. Scand., t. 39, f. 9. 4 Pal. Scand., t. 39, f. 10. 5 Monograph, pt. 1, p. 68. CIIEIR UR US. 103 correspondence between the two ; they are both scrobiculate ; the position of the eye is much the same ; and lastly, the facial suture, after leaving the external margin, proceeds in a direct line with the ocular furrow before turning off round the eye — a most important point of resemblance. Amongst recognised British forms, we have to compare our specimen with C. octolobatus (M‘Coy), Salter, and C. juvenis , Salter. Its resemblance to the former is, in some points, very striking : for instance, the circumscription of the basal lobes, length and direction of the ocular and frontal furrows, and form of the fixed cheeks, are similar ; whilst, on the other hand, the elevation of the glabella above the front margin and the neck segment are not marked in our specimen as in C. octolo- batus — neither does the glabella overhang the front margin. The form and ornamentation of the fixed cheeks is similar ; and the facial suture, as in Angelin’s figure, is directed towards the ocular furrow. On the whole, there appears to be such a dove- tailing of characters between our Girvan form, Cyrtometopus affinis , Angelin, and C. octolobatus , M‘Coy, as to strongly bear out Salter’s view that the latter “ will have to forego its bap- tismal privileges ; ” 1 and again, “ our British name must give way to the prior one, for it seems to be really the long-contested C. clavifrons of Dalman /’ 2 With regard to C. affinis , Salter , 3 the task of comparison is much easier : we have only to look at the position of the facial suture of this species in regard to its position with the ocular furrow, to see at once that it is quite distinct from the Girvan form. In C. affinis it is directed in a line with the basal instead of the ocular furrow, as in the others ; although, so far as the form of the glabella only is concerned, that of C. affinis is per- haps more in accord with the Girvan specimen than are either C. clavifrons , Dal., or C. octolobatus (M‘Coy), Salter. The species now under consideration resembles C. neglectus , Barr , 4 but the form of the cheeks in the latter will enable the 1 Monograph, pt. 1, p. 68. 2 Ibid., p. 70. 3 Ibid., t. 5, f. 9-12 (especially f. 11). 4 Syst. Sil. Boh. Atlas, I., t. 40, f. 20 and 21. 104 TR I LOB IT A. two species to be distinguished. The form of the glabella and the very restricted circumscribed lobes in C. gryphus , Barr, 1 at once distinguish the latter from our C. clavifrons (?). A close comparison should also be instituted with C. pectinifer, Barr ; 2 but it appears to us that the glabella of the latter is relatively too depressed. In well-marked internal casts the basal lobes are found to be quite circumscribed ; but in examples with the whole of the integument preserved, the basal furrows on nearing the neck furrow become much shallower, and in a specimen here and there would lead to the belief that they did not quite cir- cumscribe the lobe. We were at first inclined to regard the subject of fig. 9, PI. VII., as distinct from C. clavifrons , Dal. (?). The specimen in question is certainly more depressed, and a little more acute in front ; but the chief point of difference appeared to us to lie in the ornamentation — a microscopically granular surface with scattered pimples, prickles, or small tubercules. However, a further series of specimens has revealed to us the fact that the convexity of the glabella varies considerably ; and one particularly good example, which we hope to figure in our second Fasciculus, shows an outer surface as described in our specific diagnosis, underlaid by a layer with the characters represented by fig. 9, PL VII., and just described. We hope to return to this subject at a later period. Loc. and Horizon. — Drummuck, in a fine-grained mudstone (Gray collection). Thrave Glen, in a buff-coloured rock (Gray collection). Penwhapple, in greenish sandstone (Salter? Coll. Brit. Mus., as C. octolobatus ). C. clavifroits appears to have been first recorded as a Girvan fossil by Messrs Armstrong, Young, and Robertson; 4 if, however, C. octolobatus is identical, Dr H. Woodward first determined its existence in those rocks. 1 Loc cit ., Supp. I., t. 3, f. 10-17. 2 Loc tit., t. 4, f. 16. 3 Salter, Monograph, p. 70. 4 Cat. W. Scot. Foss., 1876, p. 15. CJIEIRURUS. IO: Cheirurus trispinosus, Young. (PL VII., figs. 10-17.) C. trispinosus , Young, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, 1868, i., pt. 1, pp. 169-171, t. 1, f. 4, 6 b. „ „ Etheridge, jun., Proc. R. Phys. Soc. Edinb., 1878, iv., pt. 3, p. i 73 - Sp. char . — General form of the head probably semicircular ; free cheek semilunate-triangular, with a rounded, broad, and entire free margin. Eye ? Facial suture cutting the outer margin in a line with the basal furrows of the glabella. Neck furrow deep and well marked. Glabella globular convex, dip- ping little towards the neck furrow, vertical and blunt in front, or slightly overhanging ; frontal furrows short, shallow, some- times quite inconspicuous and far forward ; middle or ocular furrows longer than the frontal, more strongly marked, and inclined backwards ; basal furrows the most conspicuous of all, deep, and curving inwards and backwards, uniting with the neck furrow, but faint at the point of union, enclosing prom- inent, well-marked basal lobes, bearing between them in the middle line a narrow neck. The fixed cheeks are equal in antero-posterior dimensions to the basal and cervical lobes ; the anterior margins in a line with the posterior of the three furrows, and the gently arched surface well marked off from the prominent glabella by a slight longitudinal depression ; the outer margins are not straight, but bend slightly inwards pos- teriorly, the greatest width is therefore where they join with the free cheeks ; the posterior margins of the fixed cheeks slope obliquely outwards and backwards to the angles. The posterior angles are produced into long, tapering, genal spines, with a dorsal curvature, the apices not descending below the general level of the body. The neck lobe is prominent, thick- ened, and produced into a strong median spine curved in a similar manner to the others. The glabella, fixed and free cheeks, and the bases of the spines, are covered with large, coarse, and elongated tubercules, intermingled with finer ones, io6 TRILOBITA . and scattered without arrangement. The apices of the spines are delicately striate. Obs. — After a lapse of nearly ten years since its original description by Prof J. Young, M.D., we are able to add very little to the account of this interesting Trilobite. So far only the head of C. trispinosns has come to light, and, even in the case of specimens of this, always in a mutilated condition. The individuals present in the Gray Collection appear to exhibit the genal and cervical spines in a more satisfactory manner than those from which Prof. Young’s description was made, now in the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow. In drawing up the above specific diagnosis we have availed ourselves of Prof. Young’s description, and we have reproduced his outline drawing of the restored carapace (fig. 1 7). C. trispinosus has the thickened neck segment seen in many species of the genus, and appears to be peculiar, so far as we have been able to ascertain from a comparison with a large mimber of specimens and figures, in the presence of the cervical spine, as Prof. Young originally pointed out. Many Cheiruri , as for instance C. insignis , Beyrich, C. gibbus , Beyrich, and C. ornatus , Dalman, have a small tubercule in the centre of the neck lobe, more or less developed according to species : may the cervical spine of C. trispinosus be a further development of this ? Again, in some American species there is a median cephalic spine developed, as C. Satynts , Billings, and C. glaucus, Billings, 1 but it arises from the posterior median portion of the glabella, and not from the neck lobe. Although placed in Cheirurus , Prof. Young remarks that it may “here- after be found to form the type of a separate genus,” 2 but until the entire Trilobite can be described it is better where it is. Loc. and Horizon. — Penkill, in greenish mudstone. (Gray collection.) 1 Pal. Foss. Canada, i. pp. 323, 324, f. 308 and 309. 2 Op. jam tit., p. 171. CHEIR UR US. 107 Cheirurus, sp. ind. (PI. VII., fig. 18.) Obs. — We illustrate a specimen consisting of six thoracic segments, which appears to be peculiar in the possession of a very broad axis in proportion to the width of the pleurae. It has very much the character of the form called C. octolobatus , by M‘Coy and Salter, only it tapers from before backwards much too rapidly for that species. So many disjecta membra require piecing together, especially in the present genus, that it becomes very difficult to determine a large number of frag- ments such as that now under discussion. The width of the axis cannot in itself be accepted as a distinctive character, so many species of Cheirurus possess it. Loc . and Horizon. — Drummuck Quarry. (Gray collection.) Cheirurus (?) sp. ind. (PI. VII., fig. 19.) Obs. — Although minute and fragmentary, this specimen is worthy of a figure on account of the well-marked glabella furrows, also from the fact that the latter appear to be only two in number, and almost pass completely across the glabella. So far as preserved it is not unlike a species of Amphion (A. pauper , Salter). Loc. and Horizon. — Balcletchie, in dark-green mudstone. (Gray collection.) Genus Spiterexochus, Beyrich, 1845. (Ueber einige bdhmische Trilobiten, p. 19.) Sphserexochus mirus, Beyrich. (PI. VII., fig. 20.) S. mirus (Beyrich), Salter, Mon. Brit. Trilobites, 1864, pt. 1, p. 76, t. 7, f. 1-6 ( for synonomy). „ „ Bigsby, Thesaurus Sil., 1868, p. 68. „ „ F. Roemer, Lethaea Geog., 1877, Atlas, t. 17, f. 9. „ „ Woodward, Cat. Brit. Crust., 1877, p. 58. Obs. — We only possess one specimen of this peculiar Trilo- io8 TR I LOB IT A. bite, and so far as we recollect it has not hitherto been noticed as a Girvan species. It is an imperfect glabella, showing the strong basal glabella furrows and traces of the surface gran- ulation. Loc. and Horizon . — Dark-green coarse-grained ashes or ashy- conglomerate of Balcletchie. (Gray collection.) Genus Encrinurus, Emmrich, 1845. (N. Jahrbuch fur Min., 1845, P* 4 2 -) Encrinurus punctatus, Briinnich. E. punctatus (Briinnich), Salter, Mem. Geol. Survey, Dec. vii., 1853, No. 4, p. 6 {for general synonomy). a. var. calcareus, Salter. Encrinurus punctatus , Corda, Prodrom einer Monog. bohmischen Trilob., 1847, P- 9 D t. 5, f. 55. Cybele punctatus , Fletcher, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., 1850, vi., p. 403, t. 32, f. 15. Encrinurus punctatus, M‘Coy, Brit. Pal. Foss., 1851, fas. 1, p. 158. E. punctatus , var. calcareus , Salter, Mem. Geol. Survey, Dec. vii., 1853, No. 4, p. 6, t. 4, f. 15. Asaphus tuberculatus , Buckland, Bridg. Treatise, n. ed.,;i858, ii., t. 64, f. 6. E. punctatus, Salter and Woodward, Chart. Foss. Crustacea, 1865, p. 13, f. . 52 ‘ „ „ Baily, Char. Fossils, i., p. 67, t. 23, f. 2. „ „ Salter, Murchison’s Siluria, 1867, 4th ed., p. 235, foss. 65, f. 5. „ „ Salter, Cat. Camb. Sil. Foss., Woodwardian Museum, Camb., 1873* P- 77 - „ „ Woodward, Cat. Foss. Crust., 1877, p. 37. 05 s . — Of Mr Salter’s variety calcareus we have examined only two definite specimens from the Girvan district, both pygidia, and not in a good state of preservation. They do not call for further remark. We have given the synonomy of E. punctatus under the two varieties established by Mr Salter, and trust that this division will be found of service. Hor. and Locality .■ — Penkill (Gray collection) ; burn passing Bargany Pond, near Dailly {Coll. Geol. Survey, Scot., collected by Mr A. Macconochie). ENCRINURUS. 109 b. var. arenaceus, Salter. (PI. VIII., figs. 1-4.) Calymene variotaris, Brongniart, Hist. Nat. Crust. Foss., 1822, t. 1, f. 3 A. „ punctatus , Dalman, Vet. Acad. Handlinger, 1826, p. 233, t. 2, f. 2, a and b. ,, „ Murchison, Sil. Syst., 1839, t. 23, f. 8. Encrinurus punctatus, Salter, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., 1851, vii., pp. 170 and 172, t. 9, f. 4. Cybele punctata , Hall, Pal. N. York, 1852, ii., p. 297, t. A. 61, f. 1, g , //, and i. E. punctatus , var. arenaceus , Salter, Mem. Geol. Survey, Dec. vii., 1853, No. 4, p. 6. „ „ Bronn, Lethaea Geognostica, 3d ed., 1851-56, i. p. 658, Atlas, t. 9 2 , f. 24, a-c. Asaphus tuberculatus , Buckland, Bdgw. Treatise, n. ed., 1858, ii., t. 64, f. 6. E. Stokesii , M‘Coy, Sil. Foss., Ireland, 1864, p. 46, t. 4, f. 15. Crypto?iemus punctatus, Angelin, Pal. Scandinavica, 1854, p. 3, t. 4, f. 4-8. E. punctatus, Salter, Murchison’s Siluria, 1867, 4th ed., p. 90, foss. 15, f. 10. „ „ var. arenaceus , Bigsby, Thesaurus Sil., 1868, p. 51. „ „ „ Salter, Cat. Camb. Sil. Foss. Woodwardian Mus., Cambg., 1873, p. 77. E. punctatus , F. Roemer, Lethaea Geog., 1876, i., Th. Atlas, t. 17, f. 8, a and b. „ „ var. arenaceus, Woodward, Cat. Brit. Foss. Crustacea, 1877, p. 36. Obs . — The variety arenaceus , Salter, which has the termina- tion of the pygidium deflexed and blunt, as distinguished from the produced mucro of calcareus, appears to be the predom- inating variety at Girvan. Nearly all the specimens are mere casts, usually of the pygidium only, sometimes the latter and a few of the thoracic segments united, and in one or two instances small casts of the entire Trilobite. As a rule, the pygidia, although casts, show traces of the characteristic tuber- cules on the axis and ribs to a greater or lesser extent ; indeed the features of the tail in E. punctatus are so well marked and distinctive as to quite bear out Mr Salters remark, when describ- ing E. vario laris — viz., that “the characters of the tail are amply sufficient to separate the two common species.” 1 However, to 1 Mem. Geol. Survey, Dec. vii., No. 4, p. 7. no TRTLOBITA. afford assistance to those not having ready access to books, we ofive the abbreviated characters of the tail in the three allied species, which may be used as distinctive ones, taken from the detailed descriptions of Messrs Fletcher 1 and Salter. 2 Encrinurus punctatus. — Axis of about thirty segments, with the centre smooth, but having seven prominent and distinct tubercules, with an interval of four rings between every two tubercules. Lateral ribs eight in number, separated by deep furrows, and each with a tubercule at its proximal end. E. variolaris. — Axis of ten rings, the first carrying a tubercule, the second a punctum between two tubercules. The succeeding five rings have a tubercule, and a punctum between two tubercules alternately; the three last have a tubercule only. There are seven lateral ribs, each with a tubercule at its proximal end. E. sexcostatus. — Axis of twenty segments without tubercules. Lateral ribs six in number, strong, flattened, with obtuse tips, divided by narrow deep furrows. Surface of tail covered with a close scabrosity. Loc. and Horizon. — Conglomerate of Cuddystone Glen ( Salter ) ; sandstones of Saugh hill ( Salter ) ; Craighead lime- stone ( Etheridge , 3 Mus. Pract. Geol. Collection) ; Penwhapple (. Etheridge and Young ^ ibid.), all recorded simply as E . punc- tatus. The variety arenaceus occurs at Craighead, in the limestone (Gray collection), and at Penkill in greenish mudstones (Gray collection.) Genus Cybele, Loven, 1845. Cybele , Loven, Vet. Akad. Forhandlingar, 1845, No. 4, p. no. Zethus (pars), M‘Coy, Brit. Pal. Foss., 1851, fos. 1, p. 156 (non Pander). Cybele , Salter, Brit. Pal. Foss., 1851, App. A, p. iii. „ Salter, Mem. Geol. Survey, 1864, iii., p. 324, note. Obs . — We adopt the name Cybele as restricted by Salter, in contradistinction to the interpretation of Volborth, M‘Coy, and others, who considered it identical with Zethus , Pander. Mr Salter states that Zethus was founded upon a fragment of a Cheirurus , and is altogether a doubtful and dubious genus. 1 Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., vi. pp. 403 and 405. 2 Dec. vii., No. 4, p. 3. 3 Mem. Geol. Survey Scot., Expl. 14, 1869, p. 9. 4 Ibid., Expl. 3, 1873, pp. 31 and 32. CYBELE. 1 1 1 Cybcle was placed by Salter as a sub-genus of Encrinurus , from which it is chiefly distinguished by the possession of twelve thoracic segments, usually produced into spines, the position of the facial suture, and some minor points. Cybele verrucosa, Dalman. (Fig* 5 '•) Calymcjie (?) verrucosa , Dalman, Vet. Akad. Handlingar, 1826, p. 285. „ „ „ Om Palaeaderna, &c., 1827, p. 100. „ „ „ Arsberattelse om nyare Zoologiska arbeten, &c., 1828, p. 134, Note 1. „ „ „ in Ferrussac’s Bull, des Sciences, Nat., 1829, xix., p. 128. Chaperon cCun Trilobite , Brongniart, Hist. Crust. Foss. 1822, p. 145, t. 4, f. 11. Trilobites ( Calymene ) verrucosa , Loven, Vet. Akad. Forhandlingar, 1845, No. 3, p. 52, t. 1, f. 5, a-c. Cybele verrucosa , Loven, loc. cit., No. 4, p. 111. Atractopyge verrucosa , Corda, Prodrom einer Mon. bohmischen Trilob., 1847, t. s. f - 5 2 - Cybele sexcostata, Salter, Mem. Geol. Survey, 1848, ii., pt. i., t. 8, f. 9 (non f. 10). „ verrucosa , Salter, loc. tit., p. 343. Zethus atractopyge, M‘Coy, Brit. Pal. Foss., 1851, fas. 1, p. 156, t. 1 G., f. 1-5. Cybele verrucosa, Salter, Mem. Geol. Survey, 1853, die. vii., No. 4, p. 4. „ „ Salter and Woodward, Chart Foss. Crustacea, p. 12, f. 48. „ „ Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, 2d ed., p. 103. „ „ Salter, Mem. Geol. Survey, 1866, iii., p. 324, t. 19, f. 7. „ „ Salter in Murchison’s Siluria, 1867, 4th ed., p. 206, Foss. 48, f. 2. „ „ Bigsby, Thesaurus Sil., 1868, p. 47. „ „ Woodward, Cat. Brit. Foss. Crustacea, 1877, p. 33. Obs . — We have seen several imperfectly-preserved examples of this species from the Girvan district, sufficiently well marked to make identification satisfactory. Loc. and Horizon . — South side of Green-hill, Penwhapple Glen {Coll. Mits. Pract. Geology ); Drummuck, in greenish-grey mudstone ? (Gray collection) ; Balcletchie, in dark-green mud- stone (Gray collection). C. verrucosa appears to have been first collected in the Girvan neighbourhood by the late Mr Richard Gibbs, and the specimen identified by Mr R. Etheridge. F.R.S., and Dr J. Young, F.G.S. I I 2 TRILOB IT A. Cybele rugosa, Portlock. (PL VIII., figs. 5-7.) Ogygia (?) n/gosa, Portlock, Geol. Report, Londonderry, 1843, P* 302, t. 5, f. 10. Cybele „ Salter in M'Coy’s Brit. Pal. Foss., 1851, fas. 1. App. A., p. iii., t. i. G. f. 8. „ ,, Bigsby, Thesaurus Sil., 1868, p. 47. „ „ Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 2d ed., 1854, p. 103. „ „ Salter, Cat. Camb. Sil. Foss., Woodwardian Mus., Cambg., 1873, P- 5 1 - „ „ Woodward, Cat. Brit. Foss. Crust. 1877, p. 33. Spec, char . — General form ovate-triangular, tapering rapidly towards the posterior. Head or carapace nearly semicircular; anterior margin strong, broad, vertical, and bent upwards in front of the glabella. Free cheeks very convex, unsymmet- rically hatchet-shaped, and produced posteriorly into short, pointed, slightly curved, genal spines. Facial suture generally sigmoidal ; posterior to the eye it curves outwards laterally until near the thickened margin, when a sudden downward curvature is taken, cutting the margin close to the genal spine ; anterior to the eye the facial suture passes inwards towards the glabella, and in front of the latter some little distance above the front margin. Axal furrows broad and deep, well marked ; marginal furrow distinct, but not deep ; neck furrow rather broad and well defined, especially in the lateral portions. Neck segment or lobe strong. Glabella elongate, slightly clavate, attenuated posteriorly ; frontal lobe expanded and overhanging the others, continuous with the main axis of the glabella ; the three side lobes are club-shaped, connected with the axis by narrow necks, and so united with one another as to leave between them very shallow inconspicuous furrows and deep oval pits between the narrow necks ; the upper or frontal furrows are directed obliquely forwards, the middle and basal are nearly at right angles to the glabella axis. The eyes are situated nearer to the glabella than to the lateral margins, a little behind the most convex part of the cheeks. Fixed cheeks CYBELE. 113 narrow and transversely elongated ; general surface, except the anterior margin and genal spines, tuberculated. Thoracic segments tapering rapidly towards the tail ; axis about as broad as the pleurae, with a single line of tubercules on each segment, and a few smaller ones scattered amongst them ; pleurae sharply divided longitudinally by a groove, near the anterior margin, into two very unequal parts, and produced distally into flat angulated curved spines. Pygidium long, tri- angular, gradually tapering to a point ; axis less in width than the side lobes, of about twenty-eight coalesced rings, the divi- sions being visible only on the sides, leaving a clear, smooth, more or less longitudinal flattened space, unornamented and without tubercules ; side lobes deflected, becoming strongly bent down towards the apex of the tail ; the component pleurae are five in number on each side, longitudinally curved when viewed laterally, and increasing in size outwards from the axis, each ornamented with a few tubercules ; between the three upper ribs on each side an intermediate rugose small rib is interpolated ; “ the lateral ribs have terminal spines, but the four last ones are much longer ; they are united for some distance, and then diverge to form the 4-5 serrate tip of the tail.” Obs . — With the exception of that of the tail, we are not acquainted with any further description of Cybele rugosa ; it was therefore very gratifying to find two or three examples in Mrs Gray’s collection, from which we have been able to draw up the above description, although some of the minor details, such as the ornamentation of the pleurae and the full extent of the spines, still remain to be further elucidated. From Cybele bellatula , Dalman, the present species is dis- tinguished, as it also is from C . verrucosa , Dalman, by possess- ing much more decidedly hatchet-shaped free-cheeks, and by their greater posterior extension. From the first it is also distinguished by its highly ornate head, and from both by the production of the posterior angles into spines. So far we have no evidence of the two peculiar spines descending from I-I TR 1 LOB IT. A. H4 the sixth thoracic segment in C. rugosa , as in C. bellatula , neither is there any trace of the ornate anterior margin of C. verrucosa. The position of the eyes is also different in these species to what it is in C . rugosa : in C. bellatula the eyes are close to the glabella and far forward, judging from Angelin’s figure ; 1 whilst in C. verrucosa they are situated almost half-way between the glabella and the anterior lateral margin, and nearly opposite the frontal furrow. On the other hand, in C. rugosa , they are close to the lateral lobes of the glabella, and far back, approaching the posterior margin, and almost opposite the middle or ocular furrow. When we look at the tails of the respective species we see a still further and more decided difference. In the two Swedish species, which more or less resemble one another, we notice, in the first place, that the axis of the tail is more regularly segmented ; in the second there is an absence of the deflection visible in C. rugosa ; and, finally, the terminations of the lobes are free and not coalesced to form a spine. Cybele dentata , Esmark, 2 and C. brevicaudata, Angelin, 3 are known only in the form of pygidia, and are easily distinguished from C. rugosa by similar characters to the preceding species. Loc. and Horizon . — In the greenish-grey mudstone of Drum- muck ( Gray Coll.); Ladyburn, a little above Drummuck, in a similar matrix ( Geol . Survey Scot. Coll. ) We believe that Cybele rugosa was first indicated as a Girvan species by Mr John Young, F.G.S. 4 Gejtus Dindymene, Corda, 1847. Dindymene , Corda, Prodrom einer Mon. bohmischen Trilob., 1847, P- TI 9- „ Barrande, Syst. Sil. Boheme, 1852, p. 816. Obs . — The genus Dindymene was established by Dr Corda for a very peculiar trilobite devoid of eyes and facial suture, 1 Pal. Scandinavica, t. 4, f. 1. 2 Angelin’s Pal. Scandinavica, t. 41, f. 12. 3 Ibid., t. 41, f. 14. 4 Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, ii., pt. 2, p. 179. BIND YMENE . "5 and in which the glabella is unprovided with furrows . 1 The glabella is elevated somewhat above the cheeks, which are convex and sub-triangular. The thorax has ten segments, and its pleurae have their extremities produced into oblique, free points or extremities, increasing in length posteriorly, and there inclined to become parallel to the axis. The axis of the pygidium is multi-segmentate. Upon each lateral lobe are two pleurae, similar to those of the thorax, bent down nearly parallel to the axis, and terminating in similar points produced a short distance beyond its apex. We believe Dindymene has not hitherto been recognised as a British form, and we were for some time in much doubt to what genus to refer the fossils which follow. The descriptions of Corda and Barrande, how- ever, are so clear, especially when used in conjunction with their admirable figures, that we think little doubt can be enter- tained as to the correctness of our determination. Dindymene Cordai, Etheridge, jun., and Nicholson, sp. nov. (PI. VIII., fig. 8, and Fig. 5, A and B.) Spec. char . — Outline of the head nearly semicircular ; front margin somewhat bent up in the middle line, in front of the gla- bella. The latter is strongly pyriform, and very convex, widest at about, or a little less than, a third behind the anterior margin, then rapidly narrowing to the neck furrow. No lobes or fur- rows are present, and there is no point or occipital tubercule. Cheeks convex, prominent, and obtusely triangular. Axal furrows strong, deep, and wide ; neck furrow well marked but not so strong as the axal furrows. Posterior angles produced into diverging spines. Entire thorax unknown ; axis gradu- ally tapering, moderately convex, the segments rounded, dis- tinct, and prominent. The united portion of the pleurae a little broader than the axis, the segments resembling those of the latter, slightly bent downwards, terminating in short free points, 1 M. Barrande described a third species of this genus in the supplement to the first volume of his Bohemian work, which has glabella furrows, — so that this state- ment requires modification. TRILOBITA. 1 16 which become bent more and more parallel to the general axis of the trilobite as the posterior end is approached. Pygidium narrow; axis of many segments, about eight or ten (?), taper- ing to a fine point ; the side lobes are very narrow and reduced, being composed of two pleurae on each side, resembling those of the thorax, and given off from the two first segments of the axis ; the inner of these are pressed quite close to the lateral margins of the axis, and both the inner and the outer terminate in similar points to the pleurae of the thorax, the two inner by their extension beyond the apex of the tail forming a well- marked apical-notch. The surface of the glabella is ornamented with granules or small tubercules, and that of the segments of the body and tail is very minutely and inconspicuously granular. Obs. — M. Barrande has described three species of this genus from the Silurian rocks of Bohemia, all of which differ from the present form. The markedly pyriform shape of the glabella separates D. Cordai from all the Bohemian species, and the Fig. 5. — A, Head-shield of Dindymene Cordai , Eth. and Nich., without eyes or facial suture, but showing the granulated surface ; Ladyburn, above Drummuck, enlarged twice. {Coll. Geol. Survey Scot.). B, Cast of pygidium accompanying the same, similarly enlarged. (Compare fig. 8, PI. VIII.) C, Cast of pygidium of Cybele verrucosa , Dalm., similarly enlarged, from Balcletchie. absence of any trace of lobation from D. Bohemica, Barr, in particular. In D. Friderici- A ugusti, Corda, and D. Haidin- geri , Barr., the glabella swells out anteriorly, tapering gradually towards the posterior, the axal grooves are somewhat curved, and there is a cephalic tubercule present. In D. Cordai , nobis, on the other hand, the axal grooves are straight, the glabella is quite pyriform, becoming very narrow at the neck furrow, and there is no trace of a cephalic tubercule. In the thorax of D. Cordai the axis narrows, and the segments are individually more rounded and projecting. STA UROCEPHAL US. 1 1 7 There is evidently a close resemblance between the tails in all the species of this genus, but in D. Cordai , nobis, the axal segments are more numerous than in D. Friderici- Augusti, Corda, and the free terminations of the lateral lobes are more widely separated. So far as we are aware, the biserial arrange- ment of the tubercules on the axes of the thorax and pygidium of the latter species does not exist in the Girvan form. We were at first acquainted only with the tail of this species, and had provisionally placed it in Cybele , Lov^n, but the acci- dental discovery of a head and tail (Fig. 5, A and B) on the same piece of matrix in the collection of the Geological Survey of Scotland gave us a further clue. The general features of this peculiar Tribolite are so marked, more especially those of the head and tail, that little doubt can exist of the relation of our fossil to those described by M. Barrande. Loc . and Horizon. — Drummuck, in fine grey mudstone ( Gray Coll. ) ; Ladyburn, above Drummuck, in a hard mudstone ; col- lected by Mr A. Macconochie (Coll. Geol. Survey Scot.) Genus Staurocephalus, Barrande, 1846. (Note Preliminaire, p. 52; Syst. Sil. Boheme, 1852, i., p. 810.) Staurocephalus globiceps, Portlock. St. globiceps (Portlock), Salter, Mon. Brit. Trilobites, 1865, pt. 2. „ „ Bigsby, Thesaurus Sil., 1868, p. 68. „ ,, Woodward, Cat. Brit. Foss. Crustacea, 1877, p. 59. Obs. — In his ‘ Monograph,’ Mr Salter gave a woodcut 1 of a specimen of this species from Ayrshire, without defining any particular locality. We have been allowed to examine this example, now in the Museum of Practical Geology, and find that Salter’s figure does more than justice to the specimen, and is greatly enlarged. The cheeks are much more convex than in St. (?) unicus, and this with the position of the eye appears to be a very good point of distinction between the two species. Loc. and Horizon — Ardmillan Brae, in shale (Etheridge 2 ). 1 P. 86. 2 Mem. Geol. Survey Scot., Expl. No. 7, 1869, p. 10; Expl. No. 3, 1873, p. 32. TRILOB ITA. 1 18 Staurocephalus (?) unicus, Wyv. Thomson. (PI. VIII., figs. 9-16, and Fig. 6, A, B.) Acidaspis unicus , Wyv. Thomson, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., 1857, xiii., p. 209, t. 6, f. 13 and 14. St. (?) unicus , Salter, Mon. Brit. Tribolites, 1865, pt. 2, p. 86, t. 7, f. 22-24. A/. Maclareni (Wyv. Thomson, MS.), Salter, loc. cit ., p. 86. A/, unicus et AA Maclareni , Bigsby, Thesaurus Sil., 1868, p. 68. ,, ,, Woodward, Cat. Brit. Foss. Crustacea, 1877, p. 59. Spec. char . — General form of the body oblong, and sparingly ornamented with granules. Head broad, and rather long. Free cheeks very minute, with entire margins. Eyes very slightly, if at all, pedunculate, distinctly faceted, situated far forward, immediately under the swollen hemispherical glabella on each side. Neck furrow broad and strongly marked. Gla- bella more or less clavate, with the frontal lobe produced into a globular or somewhat more or less pyriform prominence, occupying almost, if not quite, two-thirds of the whole length of the entire glabella, much elevated above the general surface of the head, and projecting above the frontal margin. The two basal lobes bear no comparison to the frontal lobe, and are separated from it by a broad, distinct, and well-marked furrow. Cheeks broad, gently convex, and distinctly punctate, with a thickened margin produced anteriorly into two almost straight or slightly recurved spines, of variable length, but generally short ; posterior angles produced into short recurved genal spines. Thorax of twelve (?) segments ; axis convex, about half as broad as the pleurae, or perhaps a little more ; pleurae horizontal, with a double ridge running along each, the two ridges coalescing at the distal extremity, and ending in a strong, long, reflexed spine. Tail broad and short; axis of two minute segments ; pleurae of the first tail segment spatu- late, divided almost medianly by a shallow groove, and pos- teriorly bent almost at right angles to the axis, and continued backwards into two long spines. Ornamentation : thorax with ST A VROCEPHAL US. 1 1 9 a double row of minute granules on each segment ; pygidium granular ; cheeks punctate ; frontal lobe of the glabella minutely granular. Obs. — This species was originally described by Sir Wyv. Thomson as an Acidaspis , but it was transferred to Stauroce- phaliis by Mr Salter in his earlier description of it. Prof. Wyv. Thomson drew attention to the abnormal number of thoracic segments present in St. unicus , and to its position as a link between the Acidaspidcz and Cheiruridce. Salter remarked : “If Prof. Thomson be correct in figuring twelve segments to the body, the species is abnormal for either Acidaspis or Stau- rocephalus. The shape of the head shows clearly enough that it is to Staurocephalus, or else to one of the sections of Cheiru- rus , that this bizarre fossil must be referred. Cheirurus often has twelve segments, Acidaspis nine or ten, Staurocephalus only ten. The grooved pleurae are unlike Staurocephalus , but like the section Eccoptochile among the genus Cheirurus. But no Cheirurus has so clavate a glabella, though a tendency towards it is exhibited in some species, and Sphcerocoryphe of Angelin is very near to our fossil.” If the almost entire cast we figure (PI. VIII.) as St. unicus is in reality that species, as we believe it to be, we think we are in a position to cor- roborate Sir Wyv. Thomson’s view of the number of thoracic segments, for we are strongly under the impression that this cast possesses twelve. We are inclined to regard this as St. unicus and not St. globiceps from the less convexity of the cheeks, forward position of the eye, and spatulate appendages to the tail. Salter, who was the first to figure the glabella of St. unicus , represents the frontal lobe as much elongated or pyriform, and projecting far beyond the frontal margin. Salter’s figure must represent an extreme variety of St. tmicus, for not one of the numerous heads of this species we have examined, and which otherwise accord perfectly with the characters of St. uniats , possesses this extremely pyriform and projecting outline : on the contrary, they all more nearly resemble the form of frontal lobe seen in the other species of the genus. I 20 TRILOB 1 TA. The frontal lobes before us are hemispherical, or in one or two cases very slightly pyriform, and without the anteriorly elon- gated form of Salter's figure, 1 and quite accord with Barrandes generic description. 2 The outline of the former more nearly corresponds with Angelin’s Sphcerocoryphe , as displayed in the type species S. dentata , than any of its fellows. We much wish we possessed specimens of Sphcerocoryphe for comparison with Staurocephalus , for we are quite convinced of the close* relationship of the two genera. The position of the eyes in St. unicus appears to be a little different from that in either S. Murchison , Barr., S. globiceps , Portlock, or clavifrons , Angelin. In St. unicus the eyes are situated far forward, and as if sheltering them- selves under the sides of the frontal lobe of the glabella ; but in the three species just mentioned the eyes have a more posterio-central position on the lateral elements of the head. The bidentate character of the limb is a well-marked and dis- tinctive point in St. unicus ; but, strange to say, the same peculiarity is present in Sphcerocoryphe dentata, Angelin. Sir Wyv. Thomson’s manuscript species S. Maclareni was considered by Mr Salter identical with St. unictts. We have been favoured with the loan of speci- mens of the former from the Museum of Practical Geology, and can fully bear out Salters statement. We give a figure of a somewhat peculiar pygidium (Fig. 6, A), from another locality, Shalloch Mill. It has the general character of that of St. unicus, but the surface, including that of the long spines, is scabrous (Fig. 6, B), instead of granular or tubercular. It may be spe- cifically distinct, but the one specimen is all we have at present at our command. It is in a calcareous shale. Loc. and Horizon . — Penwhapple Glen, in schists at the base of the Orthoceratite and Graptolite flags ( Wyv. Thomson ?) ; A Fig. 6.— A, Pygi- dium of Stauro- cephalus (?) uni- cus, Wyville Thomson ; pos- sibly a variety of it, or a new species, of the natural size. B, Enlargement of the surface of the same. Shal- loch Mill. 1 Monograph, t. 7, f. 22 b . 2 Syst. Sil. Bohm., i., p. 8 ii. A CIDASPIS. I 2 I Piedmont Glen 1 (as S. Maclareni , Wyv. T.); Balcletchie ( Gray Coll.) ; Drummuck (Coll. Geol. Survey Scotland). Staurocephalus nodulosus, Salter. ,S. nodulosus , Salter (MS.), Mon. Brit. Foss., 1865, pt. 2, p. 87, t. 7, f. 25. £ ind., Woodward, Cat. Brit. Foss. Crustacea, 1877, p. 59. Obs . — Under this name Salter figured two thoracic segments, “an imperfect fossil, but distinct from St. unicus. It has tuber- culate pleurae.” The pleural spines appear to be bent down at a much more acute angle than in St. unicus. Nothing more appears to be known about this fossil. Loc. — Ayrshire. The peculiar and interesting Trilobit Deipkon Forbesii, Bar- rande, is stated 2 to have been found at Balcletchie, but we have not met with any direct evidence of it. Hemispheric, disjointed glabellae are common at that locality, but we see no reason to doubt their identity with the preceding species but one. Genus Acidaspis, Murchison, 1839. Acidaspis , Murchison, Sil. Syst., 1839, P- 638. „ Salter, Mem. Geol. Survey, Dec. vii., 1853, No. 6., p. 1. Odontopleura , Emmrich, de Trilobitis, 1839, p. 33. Acidaspis Lalage, Wyv. Thomson. (PI. VIII., figs. 17-22.) A. Lalage , Wyv. Thomson, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., 1857, XIII., p. 206, t. 6, f. 1-5. „ „ Bigsby, Thesaurus Sil., 1868, p. 33. „ „ Woodward, Cat. Brit Foss. Crust., 1877, p. 19. Spec. char. — General form oblong, inclined to square. Head or carapace roundly triangular, moderately convex, with the frontal margin rounded. Free cheeks small, fringed in front Cat. Foss. Mus. Pract. Geol., 1865, p. 6. 2 Cat. W. Scot. Fossils, 1876, p. 16. I 22 TRILOBITA. with short, minute spines ; posterior angles produced into short divergent genal spines. Eyes somewhat remote ; ocular ridge distinct. Facial suture apparently cutting the posterior margin close to the base of the genal spines. Neck furrow strongly marked. Glabella triangular, moderately convex, with a dis- tinct, broad, median lobe, and two pairs of oval convex lateral lobes entirely circumscribed, and of which the lower pair appear to be a little the larger ; glabella furrows well marked and deep. Fixed cheeks very gibbous, separated from the glabella by deep axal grooves. Neck segment convex and expanding posteriorly, produced into two divergent or slightly curved spines. Thorax square-oblong, horizontal, of nine or ten seg- ments ; axis narrow and prominent ; pleurae convex, divided by the pleural grooves into two ridges which coalesce at the distal extremities, and are produced as long diverging poste- riorly directed spines. “ Pygidium short, semicircular, of two short segments fringed with from twelve to fourteen long radiating equal spines ; a ridge from the anterior axis-segment is continuous with the antepenultimate spine on either side.” General surface tuberculate, the head more so than the body ; tail reticulate. Obs . — Our description is drawn up from several detached fragments of this species, as we have not seen a complete example ; the characters of the tail are taken from Prof. Thomsons description. We are able to add one or two characters to the original general diagnosis of the Trilobite, which will serve to fix the species in a more satisfactory manner. The occurrence of the cheeks appears to be rare, for only in one example in the Gray collection is there any trace of them ; indeed, information about the free cheeks and eyes is required before the above remarks relating to them can be considered as definite. The circumscribed lateral lobes of the glabella appear to be well-marked features of A. Lalage , so also do the gibbous fixed cheeks with their closely set tuber- cules. Another point to be noticed in the structure of this ACIDASPIS. 123 species is the highly tuberculate head, as compared with the sparingly ornamented body and reticulate tail. A. Lalage may be distinguished from its ally A. hystrix , Wyv. Thomson, by the more uniform character of the lat- eral lobes of the glabella, by its single, as compared with the double thoracic pleural spines of the latter, and by possessing a reticulate instead of a tuberculate surface to the pygidium. From A. Graycz , R. Etheridge, which it resembles in the reticulate tail, A . Lalage may be distinguished by the simple nature of its spines, by the smaller and less developed con- dition of the spines of the last thoracic segment, and by a dissimilar number of spines fringing the pygidium. Sir Wyv. Thomson says , 1 “ The form of the tail of this species at once distinguishes it from all its British congeners, as indeed from all species hitherto described, with the exception of A. radiata , which it closely resembles. The tail-spines of the present species are longer than in A. radiata , and slightly curved.” We may observe on this point that, according to Goldfuss’s figure , 2 the posterior axis segment of the tail is represented by two nodes or elevations, which quite separates it from A. Lalage . Loc . and Horizon . — Penwhapple Glen, in schists at base of the Graptolite and Orthoceratite flags {Wyv. Thomson). Balcletchie {Gray Colli) Acidaspis hystrix, Wyv. Thomson. (PI. VIII., figs. 23-25.) A. hystrix , Wyv. Thomson, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., 1857, xiii., p. 207, t. 6, f. 6-10. „ „ Bigsby, Thesaurus Sil., 1 868, p. 33. „ „ Woodward, Cat. Brit. Foss. Crustacea, 1877, P- T 9- Spec. char. — General form parallelogrammatic, slightly taper- ing posteriorly, densely fringed with spines. Head or carapace almost semicircular. Limb of the free cheek ornamented with a fringe of short simple spines, increasing in length backwards ; 1 Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xiii., p. 207. 2 N. Jahrbuch, 1843, t. 4, f. 1. 124 TRILOBITA. posterior angles produced into curved genal spines extend- ing backwards to the third thoracic segment, and so curved that the convexity is outward laterally from the body of the trilobite, when in its natural position. “ Glabella broadly tri- angular, not very highly arched ; middle lobe rather narrow ; lateral lobes two, oval, separated by distinct grooves from the central lobe and from the cheek basal lateral lobe fused with the neck segment. Portion of the cheek within the facial suture very gibbous, likewise confluent with the neck segment. Neck segment very prominent, separated from the middle lobe of the glabella by a shallow groove.” Thorax of nine seg- ments ; axis narrow and prominent, rounded ; pleurae horizon- tal and convex, divided into an anterior and posterior portion by a groove which is placed somewhat nearer the anterior than the posterior margin of each pleura, so that the latter are divided longitudinally into two unequal portions ; the anterior half terminates in a short pointed reflexed spine, the posterior on the other hand terminating in a long, simple, more acutely reflexed straight spine, very gradually tapering ; the spines are so placed, with regard to one another, that the short anterior spine of one pleura passes under the posterior spine of the pleura next in front, the length of the former being such that in nearly every case two are overlaid by the same posterior long spine. Pygidium minute, short, and a little less than the width of the thorax ; axis of two seg- ments, the anterior giving off ridges on each side continuous with the antepenultimate spine of the tail on each side ; limb produced into twelve nearly parallel or slightly radiating spines, graduating in length right and left from the two central ones, which are nearly equal. The spines of the last thoracic segment are more acutely bent down than any of the others of the thorax, and are extended backwards beyond the extremity of the longest tail - spines. Surface of the head, thorax, and pygidium densely granular, the granules on the thorax being arranged in two lines on each of the divisions of the pleurae. A CIDASPIS. 2 5 Obs. — The regular contour, long radiating spines, and highly granular surface give to this species a peculiarly graceful ap- pearance. According to Sir Wyv. Thomson, A. hystrix some- what resembles A. Prevosti , Barr ., 1 but the structure of the head, and the number and arrangement of the tail-spines (six- teen), distinguish it. The elongated large basal lateral lobes of the glabella will serve to distinguish the head of the present species from that of A. Lalage ; whilst as regards the thorax, the profuse granulation and spines of two orders in A. hystrix will be sufficient. In the one the tail is reticulate, in the other tuberculate. The doubly-spined pleurae and granular orna- mentation separate A. hystrix from A. Graycz , R. Eth., to say nothing of the denticulated spines of the latter form, but unfortunately we are unable to compare the heads of the two species. Acidaspis Dufrenoyi , Barr ., 2 resembles A. hystrix to a certain extent, but the distal ends of the pleurae are produced into three spines each, one of them almost vertical, and the others sub-parallel, not passing under one another. Again, the thorax is ornamented with only one row of tubercules on the pleurae, arranged vertically, and two on the axis, and the pygi- dium is plain except on the axis. In the double spines to the pleurae, A. hystrix resembles A. ovatus , Emmrich , 3 but the arrangement is different. Acidaspis callipareos, Wyv. Thomson. A. callipareos , Wyv. Thomson, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., 1857, xiii., p. 208, t. 6, f. 11, 12. „ „ Bigsby, Thesaurus Sil., 1868, p. 33. „ „ Woodward, Cat. Brit. Foss. Crustacea, 1877, p. 18. Obs. — Although we have not had the advantage of studying the original specimens upon which Sir Wyv. Thomson based his determinations, we are inclined to think that the head de- scribed in his interesting paper under the above name would have been more appropriately ascribed to the thorax and pygi- 1 Syst. Sil. Bohm., i., p. 739, t. 39, f. 33-41. 2 Ibid., i. t. 38, f. 25. 3 Odontopleura, Emmrich, Untersuch. iiber boh. trilob., 1846, p. 18, t. 3, f. 1. 126 TR I LOB IT A. dium 1 named by him A. hystrix — a view which is borne out by the highly ornate character of the test in the whole of the remains referred to. In the only specimen of A . hystrix in the Gray collection in which the head is shown it is unfortunately imperfect, and, so far as preserved, the distinctive characters assigned to it by Sir Wyv. Thomson cannot be satisfactorily made out, as they appear to be common throughout the genus. Of A. hystrix , Prof. Thomson remarked, “We have only one specimen of this species showing the head,” whilst of A. calli- pareos only the head is known likewise. According to the descriptions of the two species, the heads chiefly differ in that of A . hystrix having the basal lateral lobes fused with the neck segment, and the fixed cheeks confluent with the neck segment. It is just possible that the imperfect state of the head of A. hystrix may have given rise to the appearance of characters which did not really exist ; they are, however, said to be from different horizons. Loc . and Horizon. — Sandstone of Mulloch Hill. (Coll., Wyv. Thomson.) Acidaspis Grayse, R. Etheridge, jun. (PI. VIII., fig. 26 : PI. IX., figs. 1-6, and 7 (?) ; Fig. 7 B.) A. Grayce , Eth., jun., Proc. R. Physical Soc., Edinb., 1878, iv., pt. 3, p. 170, t. 2, f. 6-8. Spec. char. — General form oblong-oval, depressed, bordered with a fringe of delicate, radiating spines. Head rounded, triangular convex ; limb of the free cheek produced into a fringe of delicate, simple spines graduating and becoming longer from before backwards. Glabella apparently oval, convex, basal lobes oval, elongated, apparently quite circumscribed. Poste- rior angles produced into genal spines which extend backwards for about half the length of the thorax, and appear to be but little bent or curved ; neck segment prominent and apparently non-spinous ; surface of the glabella and lobes covered with scattered tubercules or granules. Thorax horizontal, square- 1 Loc. c it .y t. 6, f. 7 and 8. A CIDASPIS. 127 oblong, of ten segments ; axis narrow and prominent, gradually decreasing in width towards the pygidium ; pleurae horizontal, traversed by a nearly central groove, and produced laterally into long, recurved, denticulated spines, those of the last seg- ment (that next the pygidium) bent down almost in a parallel direction with the limb-spines of that division of the body — no trace of surface - ornamentation preserved. Pygidium short, semicircular, surface reticulate ; axis of two segments ; limb produced into fifteen sub-equal radiating denticulated spines ; the anterior axis segment gives off a ridge on each side, con- tinuous with the antepenultimate spines on each side the cen- tral one of the pygidium ; the denticles are sub-alternate on each side of contiguous spines, and alternate on opposite sides of the same spine. Obs . — All the specimens of this species contained in Mrs Gray’s cabinet are more or less fragmentary, with the excep- tion of that represented by Fig. 6, a cast; and even here the specimen is a good deal crushed, and the characters of the carapace obliterated. So far as present observation has enabled us to judge, the spines projecting from the anterior part of the carapace are simple, whilst those of the thorax and pygidium are unquestionably denticulated. The head is not in a good state of preservation, and little can be said about the characters of the glabella, its lobes and furrows, the facial suture, and the fixed and movable cheeks, except that the glabella and lobes appear to have been convex and prominent. Amongst British species, A. Grayce must be first compared with three species of Acidaspis from Girvan, described by Sir Wyville Thomson, F.R.S. 1 The form and general propor- tions of the thorax and pygidium closely resemble those of two of these — A. Lalage and A. hystrix ; but the characters of the carapace, so far as they can be made out, do not correspond particularly, in the absence of any cervical spines in A. Grayce . It undoubtedly differs from A. Lalage in its denticulated spines, those of the latter being quite simple and plain, both on the Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., 1857, xiii., pp. 206-209. 1 TRILOB IT A. 128 pygidiimi and thorax. Similarly it is also distinguished from A. hystrix , Wyv. Thomson, and A. Caractaci , Salter; in the first of these each pleura terminates in two reflected spines, one passing under the other, and in the latter is bispinose, one spine being much longer than the other, but in neither case are the spines denticulated. Again, A. Graycz does not appear to agree with any other described British species with which we are acquainted, either by specimens or figures, such as A. Barrandei , Fletcher; A. bispinosct, M‘Coy; A. Brightii , Murchison; A. coronatus , Salter; A. Jctmesii , Salter; or A. Hughesii , Salter. In fact, the increased number of spines round the pygidium separates A. Graycz from all the foregoing forms, to say nothing of their denticulated character, except A . Lalage and A. hystrix , where the spines are twelve to fourteen in the one case, and twelve in the other, and apparently all simple. All the specimens of pygidia which we refer to A. Graycz have constantly fifteen denticulated spines, except in one specimen where we counted, sixteen. Leaving British species and passing ,to Bohemian Silurian Trilobites, we find there are several with which a comparison may be made. M. Barrande has figured two species with the spines of the pleurae denticulated — Acidaspis Keyserlingi, Barr ., 1 and A. mira , Barr . 2 In the first of these the spines in question are of a form totally different from those of A. Graycz , and the thoracic axis is very much broader in proportion to the general size of the trilobite. In A. mira the spines of the pleurae are of two kinds, one denticulated and the other not, both attached to the same pleura. In neither are the spines of the pygidium denticulated, but M. Barrande also figures at least five species in which these particular spines are so, viz. : — 1. A. Verneuilii, Barr., loc. cit., t. 38, f. 1-9. 2. A. Portlockii, „ ,, „ f. 10-12. 3. A. vesiculosa, ,, „ „ f. 13-21. 4. A. tricornis, „ „ suppl., t. 8, f. 21. 5. A. rara, „ „ „ t. 12, f. 28. Syst^me Sil. Boh., I., t. 36, f. 10-22. 2 Ibid., t. 39, f. 1 - 1 1 . ACID ASP IS. 129 In the first three of these the form of the pygidium, and the number, form, and arrangement of the spines into which the limb of each is produced, are so different as to necessitate little or no comparison. The ornamentation of these trilobites con- sists of small granules or tubercules, both on the thorax and pygidium ; on the other hand, on the only part of A. Graycz where the ornamentation is preserved, it is seen to be reticulate, as in A. Lalage. In A. tricornis , Barr., the pygidium spines are only eight in number; finally, there are eight also in A. mira , but the arrangement of them is again different from any of the preceding. A specimen of this species lately obtained by Mrs Gray leads us to think that the ar- rangement of the spines was even more complicated than at first supposed. It will be seen that in Fig. 7, A and B, two pleurae taken from a larger specimen, the central portion of each pleura terminates in the long denticulated spine as described, and there appears to be anterior and posterior to this the broken bases of other Fig. 7. — A, Part of one side of thorax of Acid- aspis, sp. , with long and slender spines, of the natural size, from Balcletchie. B, Part of one side of thorax of Acidaspis Graycc, Eth., jun., enlarged twice, with one pleura enlarged still further. At the termination of the pleurae is seen the central denticulated spine, along with the broken bases of the anterior and posterior spines of the same (from Balcletchie). C, Pygidium of Acid- aspis, sp. ind., with six spines, enlarged twice (cast from Mulloch Hill). supplementary spines : whether these were also denticulated we cannot say. Loc. and Horizon. — Balcletchie, in a fine, greenish mudstone ( Gray Colli) Acidaspis, sp. ind. (Fig. 7 C.) (Compare Acidaspis ( Ceraurus ) crenatus , Emmrich, as figured by Loven, Ofv. K. Vet. Aka'd. Forhandl., 1845, No. 3, p. 47, t. 1, f. 1, a-f.) Obs K — The pygidium we represent in Fig. 7 C is quite different from any others which have come under our notice. The axal segments are not distinctly preserved, but they are apparently 1 TRILOBITA. 130 two in number. As usual in this genus, from the anterior of the two proceed two ridges, which on reaching the margin are prolonged into straight, tapering, plain spines. Between these are two smaller and shorter ones, placed opposite the termina- tion of the axis. External to the two principal spines are two small prolongations, almost proceeding from the angles of the pygidium, and the shortest of all those visible in the specimen. No traces of ornamentation are preserved. This form of pygidium differs from all the other Girvan species here described, by the fact that the elongated spines, continuous with the ridges from the first axal segment, are separated by only two secondary spines proceeding from the limb of the pygidium, instead of three or more, as in A. Lalage , A. hystrix , or A . Graycz, as the case may be ; and that external to these primary spines, the secondary are reduced to one on each side. M. Barrande has figured several Bohemian forms o in which a similar number and arrangement of spines is to be seen, as in the species under consideration, but in each case there is also present some other good distinctive character. Such are A. Dormitzeri , Barr. ; 1 A. Laportii , Barr. ; 2 A. propinqua , Barr .; 1 * 3 A. Roemeri, Barr. ; 4 A. Geinitziana ; 5 and A. direlicta, Barr . 6 Much nearer, however, than any of the foregoing is A. (Cer aunts) crenatus , Emmrich, as figured by Loven. Here we find an exact representation of the spines seen in the Girvan fossil, except that in Loven’s figure the whole of the parts are on a much larger scale. We think it not at all improbable that it may be a small variety of A. crenatus , or else an undescribed form, Loc. and Horizon . — Mulloch Hill ( Gray Coll) Acidaspis (?) sp. ind . (Fig. 7 A.) Obs . — We figure this fragment of a thorax from the fact that it appears to differ in the length of its spines and other minor 1 Syst. Sil. Boh. Atlas, I., t. 38, f. 22. 3 Loc. cit., t. 39, f. 25. 5 Loc. cit., t. 39, f. 49. Loc. cit., t. 39, f. 23. 4 Loc. cit., t. 39, f. 29. Loc. cit., Suppl. I., t. 7, f. 10, t. 9, f. 4. LICHAS. I 3 I characters from any of the other Girvan forms which have come under our notice. We provisionally refer it to Acidaspis , although we quite admit that it may be a Staurocephalus, but probably the former. The central ridge of each pleura is minutely granulated, and is produced into a long, tapering, posteriorly-recurved, simple spine. The horizontal portions of the pleuree appear to be unornamented. Loc. and Horizon . — Balcletchie, in a fine-grained greenish mudstone ( Gray Coll . ) Genus Lichas, Dalman, 1826. (Ofv. Vet. Akad. Handlingar for aar 1826, p. 93.) Lichas laxatus, M‘Coy. Lichas laxatus (M‘Coy), Salter, Mem. Geol. Survey, 1848, II., pt. 1, p. 340, t. 8, f. 4-6. ,, „ Salter, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., 1851, VII., p. 172, t. 9, f. 5. „ „ Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, 2d ed., p. no. „ „ M‘Coy, Sil. Foss. Ireland, 1862, p. 51, t. 4, f. 9. ,, „ Salter, Mem. Geol. Survey., 1866, III., p. 324, t. 19, f. 1-3. „ ,, Salter, in Murchison’s Siluria, 1867, 4th ed., p. 204, foss. 46, f. 5. „ „ Bigsby, Thesaurus, Sil., 1868, p. 57. „ „ Woodward, Cat. Brit. Foss. Crustacea, 1877, p. 43. Obs . — We know this as a Girvan species only from the figure given by Mr Salter, representing a small glabella, show- ing very distinctly the narrow neck of the latter, and the cir- cumscribed side-lobes, although it appears to us that these are represented in this figure as much more oval in outline than those of the later figures of the same author. Loc . and Horizon. — Lower Thrave, in yellowish sandstone (Salter), on a similar horizon to the beds of Mulloch Hill quarry. TRILOB ITA. 1 32 Lichas Barrandei, Fletcher (?). (PI. IX., fig. 8.) L. Barrandei , Fletcher, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. 1850, vi., p. 238, t. 27, f. 10, t. 27 bis, f. 5. ,, ,, Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1854, 2d ed., p. no. „ ,, Salter in Murchison’s Siluria, 1867, 4th ed., p. 234, foss. 64, f. 3 . ,, „ Bigsby, Thesaurus SiL, 1868, p. 57. „ „ Woodward, Cat. Brit. Foss. Crustacea, 1877, p. 43, Obs. — We are indebted to Mr R. Etheridge, F.R.S., for the loan of a pygidium of this species from the M.P.G. Collection, but as we are unable to add to Mr Fletchers description, we content ourselves with simply giving a figure of the specimen. We have to observe, however, that, unlike Fletcher’s example, the axis of ours is not wider than the side-lobes, scarcely so wide indeed. It will be seen by the figure that the projecting teeth of the broad foliaceous pleurae are not visible, consequent upon the non-preservation of the margin. In this state some hesitation might be manifested whether to refer the specimen to L. Barrandei, FL, or L. laciniatus, Dalman, and indeed it appears really to occupy an intermediate position between the two. In some respects the specimen approaches L. Barra7idei, and in others equally so L. laciniatus. Unfortunately the matter is not simplified by the indefinite character of the margin of the Girvan specimen. However, it appears to possess the three - segmented axis, broad foliaceous pleurae with their central division, the axal tubercle, and the rapidly attenuated posterior portion of the axis of both species, but the axis and the attenuation . are relatively much narrower than in either of the above, but of the two it is probably nearer L. Barrandei than L. laciniatus. On the other hand, the outline of the margin, so far as it is preserved, assumes more the form of L. laciniatus, especially of Loven’s figure, 1 although there are at the extreme apex, we think, indications Ofv. Vet. Akacl. Forhandl., 1845, No. 3, t. 1, f. 7, a and b. UCHAS . I 33 of a notch, which would be a strong indication of alliance with L. Barrandci. This is only one of the many unsatisfactory points which have appeared during the examination of the present collection, and which can only be settled by the acquisition of further material. It is the L. laxatus of the Catalogue of Fossils in the Museum of Practical Geology , 1 quoted from Girvan, but not of M‘Coy. Loc. and Horizon . — Mulloch Hill (Coll. Mus. Pract. Geol.) Lichas Hibernicus, Portlock. (PI. IX., figs. 9, 10.) Nuttania Hibernica , Portlock, Geol. Report, Londonderry, 1843, p. 274, t. 1, f. 1, t. 5, f. 1-3. „ ,, Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss., 1843, p. 75. Lichas „ Beyrich, Ueber einige Bohm. Trilob., 1845, PP- 2 5 > 2 9 - „ „ Bronn, Index Pal. Nomenclator, 1848, p. 641. „ „ M‘Coy, Sil. Foss. Ireland, 1862, p. 51. ,, „ Bigsby, Thesaurus Sil., 1868, p. 57. ,, sp. R. Etheridge, jun., Proc. R. Phys. Soc., 1878, iv. pt. 3, p. 169. Spec. char. — Head obtusely semicircular or semi-oval, and gib- bous in front. Glabella convex, broader in front than behind ; forehead lobe continuous from the front margin backwards to the neck-segment, and not expanding posteriorly ; anterior por- tion of the forehead-lobe expanding, and slightly overhanging the side-lobes ; neck of the glabella rather broad, flattened, formed by its posterior prolongation to the neck segment. Side-lobes elongate, concavo-convex laterally, extending rather further back than the base of the glabella. Neck segment broad but not very convex. Surface covered with pustules of various sizes and irregular form, arranged without regard to order. Glabella furrows well marked. Obs. — We are only acquainted with the glabella of this species from Girvan, but its characters are so essentially simple as compared with most other members of the genus, that it is easily recognised. The almost straight neck-lobe, with the 1 1865, p. 21. *34 TRILOB I TA. oval side-lobes descending quite to the latter, without the intervention of any intermediate lobes, is very characteristic. It is the Lichas avus of the ‘ Catalogue of Western Scottish Fossils/ but not of M. Barrande. It certainly resembles the Bohemian form in the character of its ornamentation ; otherwise it is totally different. We have four specimens, all glabellae, and only in one speci- men are the accessory lobes preserved ; the others consist merely of the forehead and side lobes. L. macrocephala , Eichwald, is another similar form. Lichas ornatus, Angelin, closely resembles the Girvan species, and like it has the large side-lobes descending to the neck-furrow, giving it a bold and marked appearance. Loc. and Horizon. — Craighead quarry, in limestone ; Bal- cletchie, in fine-grained mudstone. (Gray collection.) Lichas Grayii, Fletcher (?). (PI. IX., figs. II, 12.) Lichas Grayii , Fletcher, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., 1850, vi., p. 237, t. 27, f. 8, t. 27 bis, f. 3, a and b. „ „ Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss. 2d. ed. 1854, p. no. „ „ Bigsby, Thesaurus Sil., 1868, p. 57. ,, ,, Woodward, Cat. Brit. Foss. Crustacea, 1877, p. 43. Spec. char. — Head nearly semicircular, gibbous in front. Glabella large, convex, as broad or broader anteriorly than posteriorly ; forehead-lobe continuous from the front margin to the neck-segment, narrowing posteriorly till on a level with the base of the side-lobes, where it is marked by a slight con- striction or transverse groove, then suddenly expanding at the base, with a slight prominence or node on each side. Upper lateral lobes oval, obtusely pointed, not extending to the neck- segment, but cut off by the posterior expansion of the forehead- lobe ; lateral side-lobe more or less triangular. Neck-segment not prominent ; glabella furrows well marked ; surface covered with close-set granules. Obs. — We refer this specimen to L . Grayii provisionally, as LICHAS. *35 we have not had the advantage of comparing it with any typical examples : it appears to agree better with this species, however, than with any other. The form of the side-lobes and the posterior expansion of the forehead-lobe separate our specimen from Lichas Bucklandi , M. Edw., and L. Salteri, Fletcher. From L. laxatus , M‘Coy, and L. verrucosus , Eich- wald, it is separated by the much greater width of the neck of the forehead-lobe, and the different form of the supplemen- tary side-lobes. Its dissimilarity to L. Hibernicus is at once apparent. Loc . and Horizon. — Drummuck, in fine-grained greenish mudstone. (Gray collection.) Lichas, sp. ind. (PI. IX., figs. 13, 14.) Obs. — This is in all probability a portion of the cephalic shield of a Lichas. We observe the fore part of the forehead- lobe, and a small portion of the right side-lobe, a portion of the eye-lobe, and the right eye with its facets, preserved. The lobes are all granulated. On the under side is visible the hypostome, of an oval or egg-shaped form, with one of its alar prolongations partially preserved. This fragment is interesting, from the forward position of the eye in relation to its position with the side-lobe, and its size. Loc. and Horizon. — Drummuck. (Gray collection.) END OF TIIE FIRST FASCICULUS. PRINTED BY WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS. ' ' . ■ PLATE I. Fig. r. Small specimen of Lyopora favosa , M‘Coy, sp., of the natural size. Coll. H. A. Nicholson. Fig. i a. A few calices of the same, enlarged. Fig. i b. Thin transverse section of the same, viewed on a dark background, of the natural size. Coll. H. A. Nicholson. Fig. i c. Another transverse section, also viewed on a dark background, of the natural size. Coll. H. A. Nicholson. Fig. i d. Vertical section of same, similarly viewed, of the natural size. Coll. H. A. Nicholson. Fig. i e. A few calices of i c , enlarged about ten times. Fig. 2. Side view of a large specimen of Favosites Girvanensis , Nich., and Eth. jun., of the natural size. Fig. 2 a. Under surface of an average example of the same, of the natural size. Fig. 2 b. Vertical section of the same, showing tabulae, enlarged about twenty- five times. Fig. 2 c. Vertical section of another example, without tabulae, similarly en- larged. Fig. 2 d. Transverse section of the same, similarly enlarged. Fig. 3. Transverse section of Tetradium Peachii , magnified about one hun- dred times. Coll. H. A. Nicholson. H.Alleyne Nicholson Plate I. C.Berjeau, lith. C.'Waterston, Sons & Stewart, Lith” Edin r ' . PLATE II. Fig. i. Vertical section of Tetradium Peachii , in which tabulae are abundantly developed, enlarged about fifty times. Coll. H. A. Nicholson. Fig. i a. Another vertical section of the same, similarly enlarged, in which tabulae are absent. Fig. i b. Mass of Tetradium Peachii , showing the form of the surface, of the natural size. Fig. 2. A small example of Favosites Mullochensis , the base of which has been cut away, of the natural size. No surface-characters are shown. Fig. 2 a. Transverse section of the same, enlarged ten times. Fig. 2 b. Vertical section of part of the same, similarly enlarged. Fig. 3. Fragment of the base of a mass of Fistulipora favosa , of the natural size. The outline shows the original size of the mass prior to sectioning. Fig. 3 a. Portion of the weathered surface of the same, enlarged about six times. The larger tubes appear black, not from shadow, but from being filled with the dark matrix, while the intervening tubuli are filled with calcite. Fig. 3 b. Portion of a transverse section of the same, enlarged twenty-five times. Fig. 3 c. Longitudinal section of the same, similarly enlarged. H. Alleyn e Nicholson, del Plate II. Berjean, Mh. G-. Water ston, Sons k Stewart, LitH 5 Edin* •M&iteA 'ZBl •••i & a 8 t«s 3. a ^.c * . PLATE III. Fig. i. A specimen of Fistulipora (?) pilula , of the natural size, viewed from one side. Fig. i a. Small portion of the transverse section of the same, enlarged about twenty-five times. Fig. i. b. Portion of the vertical section of the same, enlarged about twelve times. Fig. 2. Fragment of Chcetetes , sp., of the natural size. Fig. 2 a. Part of the transverse section of the same, enlarged ten times. Fig. 2 b. Part of the vertical section of the same, similarly enlarged. Fig. 3. Under surface of the epithecal plate of a small example of Pinacopora Gray , of the natural size. Fig. 3 a. Upper surface of the epithecal plate of another specimen of the same, from which all the corallites have been denuded, except a few casts on the extreme margin, — of the natural size. Fig. 3 b. Upper surface of another specimen of the same, in which the bases of a number of the corallites are still left adherent to the epithecal plate, — of the natural size. Fig. 3 c. Vertical section across the corallum of another specimen of the same, imperfect at the sides, — of the natural size. Fig. 3 d. Horizontal section across the corallites of another specimen of the same, enlarged about twenty times. Fig. 3 e. Vertical section through part of the corallum of another specimen of the same, enlarged about ten times. In this and the preceding figure the large-sized corallites are lettered p , while the intervening tabulate tubes are lettered t. Fig. 3 f. Cast of the upper surface of a large specimen of Pinacopora Grayensis. Fig. 3 g. Portion of the cast, enlarged five times. The short fluted columns in this are casts of the larger corallites, while the intervening spaces were originally occupied by the smaller tubes. Fig. 3 h. Portion of a corallum which has naturally split in two along a horizontal plane, showing the corallites embedded in the dark matrix, — enlarged five times. Fig. 3 i. Portion of a vertical section of corallum, similarly embedded in matrix, and similarly enlarged. Fig. 3 j. Portion of the surface of a gutta-percha mould of the natural cast of Pinacopora Grayensis , showing the calices, — enlarged five times. H Alleyn e Nicholson, del Plate III C.Berjeau, lith. G. VraterstoTi, Sons k Stewart, Lith rs Edm T ■ ' - * . PLATE IV. Fig. i. Portion of the surface of Thecostegiies (?) Scoticus, enlarged five times. Fig. i a. Portion of a slice of the same, taken parallel with the surface, en- larged ten times, showing the calices, with their rudimentary septa. The calices are filled with the dark-coloured matrix, and as the section inter- sects the corallites obliquely, the walls of the tubes are brought into view. Fig. i b. Portion of a vertical section of the same, enlarged ten times. The section traverses on one side the exterior of the corallum, and the sur- rounding matrix is seen to have penetrated to some extent into some of the tubes. F'ig. 2. Portion of the transverse section of Stylarcea occidentalism enlarged twenty times, showing two calices, and part of a third, with their colu- mellae, and the reticulate structure of the coenenchyma. Viewed by trans- mitted light. Coll. H. A. Nicholson. Fig. 2 a. Portion of the same section as the preceding, enlarged ten times, and viewed on a dark background. Fig. 2 b. Part of a vertical section of Stylarcea occidentalism enlarged ten times, showing tabulae. The columella is shown in parts of the tubes. Fig. 3. Portion of a transverse section of- Protarcea vetusta , from the Cincin- nati group of Ohio, viewed on a dark background, and enlarged ten times. The circular light-spaces in the floors of the calices are sections of tuber- cles which rise from the bottom of the cup, and project into the visceral chamber. Coll. H. A. Nicholson. F"ig. 3 a. Vertical section of Protarcea vetusta, enlarged, and shown in outline. In the floor of two of the calices is seen a predominant tubercle, which may represent a rudimentary columella. Coll. H. A. Nicholson. Fig. 4. Fragment of a branched specimen of Heliolites Grayi, Edw. and H., of the nat. size. Fig. 4 a. Portion of the transverse section of the branch of another specimen of the same, enlarged about five times, showing parts of two successive layers of growth — the lower layer exhibiting sections of the calices and smaller tubes. Between the two layers there exists an in-filling of the dark matrix of the surrounding rock. H.Alleyne Nicholson, del. Plate IV. C. Berjeau, lith. 0. Water ston, Sons &. Stewart, Lith 1 .? Edin? . . ■ PLATE V. Fig. i. Part of a thin transverse section (the best of many made) of Hehoiites Grayi , Edw. & H. (?), enlarged nearly twenty times. Fig. 2. Ah average example of Calostylis Lindstromi, Nich. and Eth., of the natural size. Fig. 2 a. Another example of the same, showing the base of a lateral bud, enlarged two diameters. Fig. 2 h. Transverse section of the same, enlarged six times. Fig. 2 c. Portion of a longitudinal section of the same, enlarged six times, showing the trabecular sclerenchyma, the central spongy columellar mass, with imperfect tabulae crossing the lateral spaces. Fig. 3. Thin section across part of a colony of Sti'eptelasma aggregation, Nich. and Eth., of the natural size. Several of the corallites are seen in process of division. Fig. 3 a. A single corallite of the same, giving off young corallites from its oral extremity, of the natural size. Fig. 3 b. Transverse section of a corallite of the same, enlarged about eight times, showing the thick false wall, the two orders of septa, and the union of some of the primary septa with a central trabecular columella. In this particular corallite no dissepiments can be detected. Fig. 3 c. Longitudinal section of a corallite of the same, enlarged eight times, showing the thick wall, the well-developed tabulae, and the columella. Fig. 4. Fragment of a full-grown specimen of Streptelasma Craigensis , M‘Coy, sp., viewed sideways, of the natural size. The specimen shows, more markedly than many, the close-set and conspicuous annulations of growth of this species. Fig. 4 a. Transverse section of a small example of the same, enlarged four times, showing the characters of the pseudo-columella, septa, and dissepi- ments. The sides of the section are broken away, so that the false wall is imperfect. Fig. 4 b. Long section of a small example of the same, enlarged four times, showing the false wall, the tabulae, and the pseudo-columella. Fig. 4 c. A small specimen, supposed to belong to S. Craigensis , M‘Coy, sp., with which it agrees in internal structure, but consisting of three corallites, apparently produced by fission. 2. as H. Alleyne 'Nicholson, 3el. Plate Y. 3. S erjeau, lith. C. Water ston, Sons- it Stewart, Lith.*? Edin r 3.b. Z.c > ' - . . . • r . . PLATE VI. Fig. i. Side view of one of the larger specimens of Streptelasma Europceum, Roemer, the upper part of which is crushed in, — of the natural size. Fig. i a. A smaller example of the same, of the natural size. Fig. i b. Cross-section of another specimen of the same, enlarged rather more than three times, showing the central reticulate pseudo-columella. Fig. 2. An average specimen of Lindstromia subduplicata , M‘Coy, sp., viewed from the front, of the natural size. The upper part of the specimen being crushed in, its apparent width is unnatural, .and it looks more widely tur- binate than it really is. Fig. 2 a. A smaller specimen of the same, viewed sideways, of the natural size. Fig. 2 b. Vertical section of the same, enlarged about four times, showing the deep calice, the fasciculate structure of the pseudo-columella, and two or three imperfect tabulae. Fig. 2 c. Vertical section of another specimen of the same, enlarged four times, showing a great upward prolongation of the columella into the bottom of the calice, and the nearly solid filling of the bottom of the visceral chamber. Fig. 2 d. Transverse section of another example of the same, enlarged five times, showing the union of the larger septa with the great central mass of the columella. Fig. 2 e. A small portion of the outer surface of the cast of the same species, showing the slight crenulation of the laminae representing the interseptal loculi, which is present in ordinary examples. Enlarged. Fig. 2 f. Small portion of the cast of the supposed variety of the same (var. crenulata , M‘Coy) showing the deep crenulation of the laminae representing the filled-up interseptal loculi. Enlarged. Fig. 3. Cross-section of Streptelas 7 na (?) cequi sulcatum, M‘Coy, sp., enlarged four times, showing the twisted and inosculating septa, the presence of second- ary septa, and the few dissepiments. The centre of the visceral chamber is filled up in reality with the matrix, but there are indications of a reticu- lated pseudo-columella. The light spaces represent the original cavities of the corallum. Fig. 4. A medium-sized example of Lindstromia Icevis , Nich. and Eth., viewed dorsally and in profile, of the natural size. Fig. 4 a. Side view of a very large specimen of the same, of the natural size. Fig. 4 b. Vertical section of the same, enlarged five times, showing the central columellar mass, the deep calice, and the arched ascending tabulae. Fig. 4 c. Vertical section of another example of the same, enlarged similarly. Fig. 4 d. Transverse section of the same, close above the base, enlarged five times, showing the union of the larger septa with the central columellar mass. Fig. 4 e. Transverse section of another specimen of the same, taken just below the floor of the calice, enlarged five times, showing the decrease in pro- ceeding upwards of the size of the columella. Plate VI H.A'lleyne Nicholson, del C.Berjeau, lith. Wateiston, Sons 2c Stewart, Litl£ s EcIiTL* PLATE VI. Fig. i. Side view of one of the larger specimens of Streptelasma Europceum , Roemer, the upper part of which is crushed in, — of the natural size. Fig. i a. A smaller example of the same, of the natural size. Fig. i b. Cross-section of another specimen of the same, enlarged rather more than three times, showing the central reticulate pseudo-columella. Fig. 2. An average specimen of Lindstromia subduplicata , M‘Coy, sp., viewed from the front, of the natural size. The upper part of the specimen being crushed in, its apparent width is unnatural, .and it looks more widely tur- binate than it really is. Fig. 2 a. A smaller specimen of the same, viewed sideways, of the natural size. Fig. 2 b. Vertical section of the same, enlarged about four times, showing the deep calice, the fasciculate structure of the pseudo-columella, and two or three imperfect tabulae. Fig. 2 c. Vertical section of another specimen of the same, enlarged four times, showing a great upward prolongation of the columella into the bottom of the calice, and the nearly solid filling of the bottom of the visceral chamber. Fig. 2 d. Transverse section of another example of the same, enlarged five times, showing the union of the larger septa with the great central mass of the columella. Fig. 2 e. A small portion of the outer surface of the cast of the same species, showing the slight crenulation of the laminae representing the interseptal loculi, which is present in ordinary examples. Enlarged. Fig. 2 f Small portion of the cast of the supposed variety of the same (var. crenulata, M‘Coy) showing the deep crenulation of the laminae representing the filled-up interseptal loculi. Enlarged. Fig. 3. Cross-section of Streptelasma (?) cequisulcatum , M‘Coy, sp., enlarged four times, showing the twisted and inosculating septa, the presence of second- ary septa, and the few dissepiments. The centre of the visceral chamber is filled up in reality with the matrix, but there are indications of a reticu- lated pseudo-colurnella. The light spaces represent the original cavities of the corallum. Fig. 4. A medium-sized example of Lindstromia Icevis , Nich. and Eth., viewed dorsally and in profile, of the natural size. Fig. 4 a. Side view of a very large specimen of the same, of the natural size. Fig. 4 b. Vertical section of the same, enlarged five times, showing the central columellar mass, the deep calice, and the arched ascending tabulae. Fig. 4 c. Vertical section of another example of the same, enlarged similarly. Fig. 4 d. Transverse section of the same, close above the base, enlarged five times, showing the union of the larger septa with the central columellar mass. Fig. 4 e. Transverse section of another specimen of the same, taken just below the floor of the calice, enlarged five times, showing the decrease in pro- ceeding upwards of the size of the columella. Plate VI H.Alleyno Nicholson, del miml C.Berjeau, lith. Wateistou, Sons & Stewart, LitK s E din 2 PLATE VII. Phacops Brongniarti, Portlock, p. 99. Fig. 1. Exceedingly fine cast of a specimen from Ardmillan Brae ( Coll. Mus . Pract. Geology ) ; x 2. Fig. 2. Decorticated example from Mulloch Hill quarry, with half the head only preserved; x 2. Phacops truncato-caudatus, Portlock , p. 99. Fig. 3. Decorticated specimen of the pygidium and a portion of the thorax ; small transverse striae are well shown. Drummuck Quarry ; x 5. Fig. 4. Similar example from same locality ; x 2. Cheirurus gelasinosus, Portlock (?), p. 100. Fig. 5. An example showing the glabella and its furrows, a portion of the cheek and neck-segment. Balcletchie ; x 2. Fig. 6. Another example from the same locality, showing a larger portion of the cheek and neck-segment ; x 2. Cheirurus clavifrons, Dalman (?), p. 101.' Fig. 7. A fine glabella, placed somewhat on one side, showing the three furrows, the posterior quite circumscribing the posterior lobe ; the scrobiculae of the cheeks are also visible. Drummuck quarry — nat. size. Fig. 8. The same specimen, front view — nat. size. Fig. 8 a, a portion of the roughened surface highly magnified. Cheirurus, sp. ind., p. 104. Fig. 9. A portion of a glabella, allied to, but slightly different from, C. clavi- frons (?). The glabella is broken-off across the posterior furrows. Drum- muck — nat. size. Fig. 9 a , ornamentation magnified. P late VII. — continued. Cheirurus trispinosus, Young , p. 105. Fig. 10. A glabella, with the ornamentation preserved, the three spines in place, the middle one being broken off, and the position of the posterior lobe and furrow shown. Penkill — nat. size. Fig. 11. A crushed head, showing the three spines projecting from the matrix. Penkill ; x 2. Fig. 12. A part of a free-cheek, showing the ornamentation and the thickened anterior margin. Penkill — nat. size. Fig. 13. A somewhat crushed head from the same locality, exhibiting the genal spines in a fine state of preservation, and the broken base of the cervical spine — nat. size. Fig. 13 a, the right spine enlarged three times. Fig. 14. A glabella, with some of the original integument remaining, the basal and ocular furrows visible and basal lobes. The bases of the genal spines are preserved, but not the cervical. Penkill — nat. size. Fig. 15. Another glabella seen from behind, in which the neck-segment and base of its spine are exceedingly well shown, as also are the circumscribed basal lobes and the ornamentation. Penkill — nat. size. Fig. 16. The same seen from the front, showing the blunt anterior of the gla- bella — nat. size. Fig. 17. A restoration of the head, copied from Dr J. Young’s figure ( Proc . Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow , I., pt. 1, t. 1, f. 6 a). .Cheirurus, sp. ind ., p. 107. Fig. 18. Portion of thorax and pygidium of an undetermined species from Drum muck ; x 3. Cheirurus (?), sp. ind ., p. 107. Fig. 19. A minute form from Balcletchie, showing only two glabella furrows ; x 4. Sph^erexochus mirus, Beyrich , p. 107. Fig. 20. Glabella, exhibiting the characteristic form and lobes of this species, from the coarse-grained ash, or fine conglomerate, of Balcletchie — nat. size. Plate VII. Waterston, Sons &. Stewart, LithT? Edin 1 ■ s;«&i frS 8 °- G. Berjeau, lith. PLATE VIII. Encrinurus punCtatus, Brunnich , var. arenaceus, Salter. p. 109. Fig. 1. A nearly complete specimen from Penkill; the tubercules on the head and tail are well preserved, and also the eyes ; x 3. Fig. 2. A well-preserved decorticated specimen from Mulloch; x 3. Fig. 3. A pygidium from Penkill ; x 2. Fig. 4. A pygidium from the Craighead limestone ; x. 3. Cybele rugosa, Portlock , p. 112. Fig. 5. An almost perfect example from Drummuck, showing the chief charac- ters of the species ; it is a little imperfect about the tail, but on comparison with fig. 6, the features will be found to be identical — nat. size. Fig. 6. A well-preserved cast of a typical pygidium from Drummuck — <2, nat. size; b , x 2. Fig. 7. A coiled and decorticated specimen split in half longitudinally; the course of the facial suture and the peculiar glabella lobes are well shown. Drummuck; x 2. Dindymene cordai, Eth. and Nich., p. 115. Fig. 8. A well-preserved example, minus the. head, from Drummuck. The characteristic tail is plainly exhibited ; x 2. Staurocephalus (?) unicus, Wyv. Thomson , p. 118. Fig. 9. The cephalic shield with the glabella removed — a cast from Balcletchie ; x 2. Fig. 10. An impression of an almost perfect specimen from the same locality; the glabella has been accidentally pressed down upon the other portions ; x 2. Fig. 11. The type of St. Maclareni (Wyv. Thomson) ; cast of the tail from Pen- whapple Glen ( Coll. Mus. Pract. Geology) — nat. size. Fig. 12. A portion of the cephalic shield, with the integument remaining; the relative positions of the genal and anterior spines are exhibited. Bal- cletchie ; x 2. Plate VII I . — continued. Fig. 13. Two heads in contact, in both of which the frontal lobe, eyes, and cephalic spines are well exhibited. Penkill ; x 2. Fig. 13 a portion of the ornamentation of the frontal lobe highly magnified. Fig. 1 4. A cephalic shield partly protruding from the matrix, in which the frontal lobe is visible, with a portion of its ornamentation ; the eye in situ , and the broken bases of the three spines on the left side. Balcletchie ; x 2. Fig. 14 a, the eye enlarged. Figs. 15 and 16. Two isolated frontal lobes of the glabella from Balcletchie — nat. size. Acidaspis Lalage, Wyv. Thomson , p. 121. Fig. 17. An example, with the portions of the head and thorax preserved, in- cluding the thoracic spines. , Balcletchie ; x 3. Figs. 18-22. The head or cephalic shield in various ■ states of preservation, with and without the spines preserved. Balcletchie. Figs. 18,21,22; x 3. Fig. 19; x 5. Acidaspis hystrix, Wyv. Thoinson, p. 123. Fig. 23. A cast of the thorax and pygidium from Balcletchie, showing the gran- ulated surface and spines ; x 3. Fig. 24. An isolated pygidium from Balcletchie ; x 5. Fig. 25. Another example, showing the pygidium, and a part of the thorax, spines, granular ornamentation, &c. .. Balcletchie ; x 5. Acidaspis Graya:, R. Etheridge, jun., p. 126. Fig. 26. A decorticated and somewhat crushed specimen, showing the general characters of the species. Balcletchie ; x 2. V Plate YIU. C.Berjeau, lith.. Water stem, Sons & Stewart, LitliT? Edm 1 PLATE IX. Acidaspis Gray^e, P. Etheridge, jun., p. 126. Figs. 1 and 3. Casts of the pygidium and portion of the thorax, with the den- ticulated spines in place, and also the reticulate surface of the former. Balcletchie. Figs. 1 x, 2 ; fig. 3 ; x 1^ times. Figs. 2, 4, and 6. Various specimens of the pygidium ; in figs. 2 and 4 the spines are fifteen in number, but in fig. 6 there are sixteen. Fig. 4 a, one of the spines magnified, showing the denticles. Balcletchie. Figs, 2, 4, and 6 ; x 2. Fig. 4 a ; x 5. Fig. 5. A cast of a few thoracic segments, with spines attached ; the positions of the denticles are shown as small holes in the casts of the spines. Bal- cletchie. Fig. 5 a; x 2. Fig. 5 b ; x 10 times. Fig. 7. A portion of a cephalic shield, with the genal spine, probably of this species. Balcletchie ; x 3. Lichas Barrandei, Fletcher (?), p. 132. Fig. 8. An impression in yellow schist of a well-preserved pygidium, showing the extended axis, lateral flaps, and ornamentation. Mulloch Hill ( Coll . Mus. Pract. Geology) — nat. size. Lichas Hibernicus, Portlock , p. 133. Fig. 9. Forehead and side lobes of a large glabella, highly ornamented, and with a portion of the neck-segment preserved. Craighead — nat size. Fig. 9 a, ornamentation highly magnified. Fig. 10. A somewhat crushed cast, showing similar features to the last, and also a portion of one of the accessory lobes. Balcletchie — nat. size. Lichas Grayii, Fletcher (?), p. 134. Fig. 11. A decorticated example of the forehead-lobe, two side-lobes, one of the accessory lobes, and the neck-lobe. Mulloch Hill ; x 2. Fig. .12. The same specimen seen from the front, showing the anterior portion of the front lobe, and the two side-lobes ; x 2. Plate I X . — continued. Lichas, sp. ind. y p. 135. Fig. 13. Part of the forehead-lobe, one of the lateral lobes, the eye-lobe, and eye of a large species of Lichas. Drummuck — nat. size. Fig. 14. Opposite side of the same specimen, showing a part of the hypostome and one of its wings — nat. size. Nidulites favus, Salter , p. 18. Fig. 15. Portion of a cavity left by a specimen resembling fig. 16, showing the convex casts of the cups, with here and there the papillae formed by the casts of the styliform processes — nat. size. Mulloch Hill. Fig. 16. Half of a globose or pyriform (?) specimen, being the internal mould of an individual from which the true integument has disappeared, leaving the characteristic hexagonal or pentagonal cups, with the styliform pits or depressions in the centre — nat. size. Mulloch Hill. Fig. 17. Portion of another globose example, showing the cup-casts and styli- form pits ; x 4. Mulloch Hill. Fig. 18. Portion of a specimen similar to fig. 15, showing the irregular form of the cups, the central papillae, and the surface peeling-off concentrically; x 4. Mulloch Hill. Fig. 19. Showing the cups of the globose body of Nidulites similar to fig. 16, in apposition with their convex casts, such as fig. 15, leaving between them a narrow space from which has been removed the true integument or shell of the organism ; x 2. Mulloch Hill. Fig. 20. A transparent microscopic section obtained from a slice taken from fig. 19, where preserved in the matrix as a series of small, hollow calcareous cups, the general convexity of the body being clearly discernible ; x 2. Mulloch Hill. Fig. 21. Portion of a specimen similar to fig. 15, exhibiting a depression (? central), with the remains of a small plug or peduncle, and spreading from it fibres resembling an investing membrane ; x 4. Upper Llandovery, Haverford West ( Coll. Mus. Pract. Geology , London). Fig. 22. An almost perfect globose specimen similar to fig. 15, but in which the cup-casts have been worn down, leaving spaces unoccupied representing the true walls. Mulloch Hill — nat. size. A few of the plates are enlarged 4 diameters. Saccammina Carteri, Brady , p. 21. Fig. 23. Portion of a slice of limestone showing sections of S. Carteri. Tra- mitchell; x 5 {Coll. H. A. Nicholson). Girvanella problematica, N. and p. 23. Fig. 24. Portion of a slice of limestone showing the tubes of G. problematica. Tramitchell; x 50 {Coll. H. A. Nicholson). Plate IX. ... ,o«v-- %&(«& fS?&4 -v C-Berjeattili-lih. Waterston, Sons k Stewart, Lith” Edint