016,9748 P384S PENNSYLVANIA-HISTORICAL AMD MUSEUM COMMISSION-DIVISION | A OF PUBLIC RECORDS SUMMARY GUIDE TO THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE ARCHIVES Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/summaryguidetopeOOpenn IUINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY SUMMARY GUIDE TO THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE ARCHIVES Compiled by Frank B. Evans and Martha L. Simonetti Edited by Donald H. Kent DIVISION OF PUBLIC RECORDS PENNSYLVANIA HISTORICAL AND MUSEUM COMMISSION HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA 1963 0IM1W INTRODUCTION This brief guide unites, generally bv office of origin, the public records of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the custody of the Division of Public Records of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Having been acquired tdecemeal from a wide varietv of governmental sources, these records were long arranged in numberous "collections" of "papers" to serve special research interests. In these collections modern archive"! principles were ignored: original filing order was destroyed and records from various governmental offices were intermingled. In this guide all the records of a particular department or agency regardless of sub .iect -matter content, have been united by record group. It should be noted that the records of a par- ticular government agency frequently antedate the establishment of that agency. Where evidence of the actual transfer of custod- is lacking, or where records were transferred by a department unaware of their origin and history, such records have been assigned to record groups after study of the records them- selves and of the relevant statutes. As a matter of convenience, however, separate record groups have been established on a chronological basis; thus Records of the Proprietary Govern- ment Records of the Office of the Comptroller General relate to functions assumed by later agencies, but to add them to the records of the later agencies would result in unusually large and complex series with difficult problems of control, arrangement, and description. For this same reason special record groups have been established to accomodate records distinctive in origin- for example, Records of Constitutional Conventions, and Records of Special Commissions. Dates in this guide usually indicate onl~ r the earliest and latest records in a Darticular record group, subgroup, and series. Many series are incom- plete, but the listing of all omissions vou 1 d defeat the purpose of this summary. With few exceptions, chiefly among pre-Civil War records, all rec- ord groups, sub-grouos and series remain open for future accessions of per- manently valuable records through procedures provided bv the Administrative Code of the Commonwealth The standard record container used is the Fibredex Document Case (Hollinger) box), with a capacity of approximate!^ ,? cubic feet. This container is desig- nated'^ box'! Other types of containers used are corrugated fiberboard cartons, 1.5> cubic feet, designated as "cartons"; and flat document cases, "D", .6 cubic feet. For research purposes cubic feet of records may be equated with linear feet. The arrangement of all series is chronological unless otherwise indicated. Where records have been arranged b~ county, such arrangement is indicated by (Adams-York), representing the alphabetical order of the Commonwealth's sixty- seven counties, or as many of the counties as are represented b Tr the records. Printed and mimeographed items are designated as (p) and (m) respective!'. In the absence of manuscript or typescript originals, such items constitute record copies. Diversity nr 11 This summary guide is designed primarily as the basis for a more comprehensive descriptive program, and its outline form is intended to facilitate such revision as wi]l result from more detailed study and analysis of our current holdings and from future record accessions. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 1963 F. B. Evans M. L. Simonetti Ill Table of Contents Record Group RECORD GROUP TITLE Page Number 1 Agriculture, Records of the Department of 1 2 Auditor General, Records of the Department of 3 Civil Service Commission, Records of the ........... h [i Comptroller Genera"! , Records of the Office of the . , ^ $ Constitutional Convention, Records of , ..... 7 6 Forests and Waters, Records of the Department of « . . 8 7 General Assembly, Records of the 9 8 General Loan Offices, Records of the ............... 10 9 General State Authority, Records of the II 10 Governor, Records of the Office of the 12 11 Health, Records of the Department of ....... . .... 13 1? Highways, Records of the Department of , . ... lh 13 Historical and Museum Commission, Records of the ... l£ lU Internal Affairs, Records of the Department of 16 V? Justice, Records of the Department of 17 16 Labor and Industr", Records of the Department of . . . 19 1 7 Land Office , Records of the ...... 20 18 Loan and Transfer Agent of the Commonwealth, Records of the .............. 2h 19 Military Affairs, Records of the Department of .... . 2£ 20 Propert y and Supplies, Records of the Department of 27 21 Proprietary Government, Records of the 28 IV 22. Public Instruction, Records of the Department of . . . 29 23 Public Welfare, Records of the Department of ...... . 30 ?h Register Genera] , Records of the Office of the 31 2$ Special Commissions, Records of 32 26 State, Records of the Department of 3^ 27 Supreme Executive Council , Records of the 37 28 Treasury Department, Records of the 39 29 Turnpike Commission, Records of the hi RG 1 RECORDS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 192ii-?8 30 cu. ft. A. Records pf the Division of Crop Reporting, 19_2lj.-28 . Farm Census Correspondence, 192^-28 1/2 box Farm Census Summary Lists, 192^-28 l/2 box Farm Census County Summaries, 192U-28 (Adams-York). 1 box Farm Census Returns, 192U (Adams-York). 31 boxes Farm Census Returns, 1927 (Adams -York). 27 boxes RG 2 RECORDS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL 1807-1939 525 cu. ft. Records of the Office of _ the Auditor Genera l, l809 r 88 . Letter Books, 1809-10, l8lU-50, 1868, 1878. 15 vols. Letter Registers, 1878-80. h vols. Letter Abstracts, 1881-82. 2 vols. General Correspondence, 1809-88. (l8 boxes) Mineral Statistics Returns, 1871 (Adams-York). (? boxes) Records pf the Bureau of Ajdults, lgOJ-lggg. Appropriation Ledgers, 1891-1935. 28 vols. Balance Books, 1809-60. 6 vols. Da^ Books, 1829-99. 63 vols. Journals, 1811-1939. 2 1 vols. Ledgers, 1808-1918. 23 vo^s. Payment Books, l8ll*-1939. 1? vols. Receipt and Expenditure Books, 1812 lli, 1828-39, 1855-57. 9 vols. Salary Ledgers, 1809-1907. 11 vols. Settlements, l8h5-67. 21 cartons. Warrant Books, 1812-28, 1851-66, 1872-75. 13 vols. Extradition Accounts, 1809-39. 1 box First Geological Survey Accounts, 1837 -UO. 1 box General and Sinking Fund Accounts, 1895-1937. 9 vols. Internal Improvements File, 1809-73. (6 boxes) Military Accounts, 1807-96. Revolutionary War Pension Accounts, 1807-83. 1 box and 9 vols, Revolutionary War Pension File, 1809-93 (A-Z). 2 boxes Militia Accounts, 1809-80. 5 boxes and 5I4 cartons. War of 1812 Militia Accounts, 1812-39. 9 boxes War of 1812 Accounts, Final Settlement with the United States, 1812-2I|. 1 box War of 1812 Pension File, 1866-96. 3^1 boxes. Index Books, 5 vols. Mexican War Accounts, 181*6-50. 11 boxes and 11 vols. Civil War Accounts, Final Settlement with the United States, 1361-67. (2 boxes) Securities Accounts, 1812-23. 5 vols. State Loan Holders Lists, 1826-1910. 21 vols. c - Rec ords of the Bureau of Count y Audits, 1809^-73. Auctioneers Accounts, 1809-73. h boxes County Officers Accounts, 1809-61 (Adams-York). 59 boxes County Treasurer Certificates and Sureties, l8ll±-39 (Adams-York) 3 boxes D. Bureau of Departmental Accounts, 1809-8 8. Departmental Accounts, 1809-88. (2U boxes) E - Records of the Board of Claims, 1 862-90 . Boa rd of Appraisers of Chamber sbu rg War Damages Minutes, 1866. 1 vol. Damage Claims Applications, 1866-68. I4 boxes Final Awards, 1 866 -68. 1 vol. Certificate Stub Books, 1866-68. h vols. Board of Commissioners to Asses_s Damages in Bord er Counties Reports, 1869-71. 6 vols. War Damage Claim Abstracts, 1868-71. 6 vols. Index. 1 vol Damage Claims File, 1871-79. $3 boxes Board of Clai ms Claims File, 1862-90. 32 cartons. ^ • R ecoro V s of the Boar d of Revenue Co mmiss ioners, 1 869-1921+ . Minutes, 1869-1921; . 7 vols. RG 3 RECORDS OF THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1926-57 5 cu. f1 A. Records of the Office of the Executive Director, 1996-57 General File, 1926-^7. 1 box A Classification of the Positions Held fr" Emploves in the Service of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1926. 1 vol. (p) A Classification of the Positions Held by Employes in the Service of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in State- owned Institutions, 1926. 1 vol. (m) Department of Labor and Industr% r , Unemployment Compensation Board of Review, Civil Service Department Summaries of Duties and Procedures, 1937. Department of Public Assistance, Empl oyment Board Rules and Regulations for Merit System Administration, 1938. 1 vol. (m) Annual Reports, 1937-38 (2 Darts)- 1939-UO (with Suppl ementar~ Dat? ) ; 191:2 . Examination Procedure,, 19Ul. 1 vol, (m) Instructions to County Boards, 193^-^2. 1 vol., (m) State Civil Service Commission Statutes, Rules, and Procedures, Ivlfi-^L. (p) Annual, Biennial Reports, 19U3-5U, 19^6-^7- h vols, (n) Sixth Merit System Review: Report and Studies, 1 9iiB-^0. k vols, (m) RG h RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL 1762-1810 220 cu. ft A - Records of the Office of the Comptrolle r General , ]- 762-1810. Registers of Executive Accounts, 178U-91. h vols. Register of Register General Accounts, 1790-92. I vol. List of Printed Accounts in the Comptroller General's Office, n.d. 1 vol. Reports of the Committee of Public Accounts, 1775-86. 3 vols. Letter Books, 1782-86, 1788-1809. 7 vols. General Correspondence, 1782-1809. 13 boxes Accounts Current, 1790-91. 1 vol. Day Books, 1789-1810, 22 vols, in 5 boxes Journals, 1775-1.808. 12 vols. Ledgers, 177^-86. 2 vols. Warrant Books, 1791-1808. 6 vols. Warrant Registers, 1782 1807. 7 vols. Warrant Counterparts, 1792-9°, ]806-08. 6 boxes Waste Books, 1781-88. 3 vols. Index. 1 vol. County Officers Accounts, 1782-1809 ( Allegheny -York ) . 2 boxes Departmental Accounts, 1775-1809. (15 boxes) Forfeited Estates Accounts, 1777-1809. Interest Certificate Counterparts, 1786-88. 3 boxes Internal Improvement File, 1782-1809. (3 boxes) Registries of Imports and Exports, 1781-87. 7 vols. Stock Interest Certificate Counterparts, 1791-92. (2 series), 1 box Tax and Exoneration Lists, 1762-1801 (Allegheny-York). 18 boxes & 93 vols Commissioners of ^rchase Accounts, 1780-83 (Bedford-York). 6 boxes Depreciation certificate Accounts, 1777-99. 18 vols, in 2 boxes Depreciation Interest Certificate, 1782-87. 2 boxes Depreciation Interest Certificate Counterparts, 1781-91. 5 boxes Military Accounts, Associators, 1775-77 ( Bedford -York) . 1 box Military Accounts, Line, 1775-1809. 12 boxes Military Accounts, Militia, 1777-9h (Allegheny-York). IiO boxes Military Accounts, Militia, 1793-1809. 3 boxes and 13 cartons Military Accounts, Navy, 177!?- Q li. 5 boxes Military Claim Certificate Receipt Books, 1778-83. 3 vols. Military Claim Ownership Certificates, 1782-87. 1 box Militia Exempt Books, 1801-09. 6 vols, in 1 box Militia Fine Exonerations, 1780-89 (Berks-York). 1 box Militia Loan Accounts, 177h-92. Militia Loan Certificate Counterparts, 1781-92. (2 series) 6 boxes Militia Loan Certificates from the Receiver General, 1790-93. 1 vol. Militia Loan Distribution Vouchers, 17311-85 (Bedford -York ) . 2 boxes Militia Loan Interest Books, 1735-92. lii vols, in 2 boxes Militia Loan Distribution Ledgers, 177U-85. 2 vols. Militia Loan Registers, 1731*-85-. 2 vo^.s. Muster Roll Book, 1777-80. 1 vol. Pay Rolls, 1781. 2 vols. New Loan Accounts, 1777-93. New Loan Certificate Registers, 1786-88. h vols, in 1 box New Loan Cash Books, 1789-91. 5 vols, in 1 box New Loan Interest Books, 1786-90. 12 vols, in 3 boxes Cancelled New Loan Certificate Registers, 1777-90. 6 vols. New Loan Certificate Exchange Proposals, 1789-93. 5 boxes Pension File, 1785-1809. 5 boxes Pension Ledgers, 1785-1809. 5 vols, in 1 box Register of Exchanged Continental Certificates, 1779-81). 1 vol. Return of the Pennsylvania Line Entitled to Donation Lands, n.d. 1 vol. United States Account, 1775-88. 3 boxes United States Account Ledgers, 1775-88. 3 vols. Western Expedition Accounts, 179lj-l800. 1 box RG 5 RECORDS OF CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS 1776-1 838 h cu ft A. R eco rds of the Constitutional Convention of 1776 Minutes, 1776. 1 vol. ^» Records of the Constitutional Convention of l837-J_£3ft , Journal, 1837-38. 7.5 boxes Committee Minutes, 1.837-38. .5 box RG 6 RECORDS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FORESTS AND WATERS 1725-1912 2^ cu ft. A. Records of the Port of Philadelphia, 172^907. Wardens of the Port. Minute Books, 178U-1901. 18 vols. Minute Books (Rough Copies), 1766-1838. 27 vols, in 3 boxes Memoranda Books, 1811-13, 1836-60. 2 vols. Authorizations to Erect Piers, I852-6I4. 1 vol. Letter Books, 1793-1 8ii9. 2 vols. Letter Press Books, 1877-1907. 8 vols, in 3 boxes Account Books, 1789-18U8. 6 vols. Cash Books, 1763-73, 1781i-l875. 1.2 vols. Day Books, 178U-88, 1836-^9. 2 vols. Ledger, 1763-77, 1 vol. Captain Reports, 1789-9U. 2 vols. Declarations of British Registry of vessels, 1729-76. 12 vols, in 1 box Surveys of Ships and Damaged Cargoes, 17 81; -90. U vols. Vessel Reports, 1793-1878. 3 vols. Richmond Arrivals, 186U-78. 3 vols Pilot Reports, 1781-1912. 21 vols. Pilot Indentures, I806-66. 3 vols. Pilot Sureties, 179).!-l80lt, 1 872-7^. 2 vols. Tonnage Reports, I78I4-89. 7 vols. Ships Certificates, M$?-l<. 2 boxes Tine Booss, 1781-1 802. 3 vols. Wharf Licenses, 1898-1907- 1 vo 1 Scrapbook, 1882-98. l vol. B. Record_s of the State Forestry Commission, 1887 -1912 1 Ikdx Minutes, 1888-89. Reports, 1888-89. County Commissioners Reports, 1888 (Allegheny -Union) . Letter Press Book, l899-190h. 1 vol. General Correspondence, 1387-1912. C. Records of the Division of Flood Contro" 1 , 1868 . Maps of the Delaware Division Canal, Surveys of ?868. ? vols. RG 7 RECORDS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 1776-1909 200 cu. ft A. Records of the General Assem bly, "1776-90. Minute Books, 1779-81, 1783-81*, 1738. 1* vols, Committee Book, 1785 i vol. General Assembly File, 1776-90 2 boxes ^2^£li E °. f \ ne Sena te, 1^10jJL909, Journal, l8l8. 1 vol . Journal, Indices, n.d. 2 vols. Minute Books, l8?6-65. 11 vols, in 3 boxes Speaker, 1826-27, 1835-38, l8W*-l*6. 5 vols. Clerk, 1330-31, 1837-38, l.SljO, 181*1*. h vols. Assistant Clerk, 1830-31, 1837-38 2 vols. Bill Book, 1815-16. 1 vol. Committee Books, l8lO-12, 1817-18, 1822-23, 1826-27. 5 vols. Compare Bill Books, 1 81*7-50, 1852-51*, 1857 . 7 vols. Petition Books, 1832-33, 1337-38. n.d. 3 vols. Newspaper -Subscription Records, 1817-21*, 1837. 2 vols. Newspaper Subscription Payment Book, 1853- 1 vol. Senate Library Catalogue, n.d. 1 vol. Senate File, 1823-1909. 118 cartons R ecords of the House of Representatives, 1790-1 903. Journals, 1791-92, 1795, 1805-06, 1808-10. 5 vols. Minute Books, 1797-1856. h vols. Clerk, 1813-11*, 1821-2?. 2 vols. Committee on Contested Elections, 1797-98. 1 vol. Committee on Corporations, 1856. 1 vol. Committee Books, 1790-91, 1799-1800, l80li-(#, l808-0^, n8l8-"?o ^ vols. Oath Book, 1.853-71* 1 vol. Septennial Census Returns, 177 Q -]863 (Adams -York ) . 13 boxes Visitors Register, 1862. 1 vol. House File, 1790-1903. 66 boxes 10 RG 8 RECORDS OF THE GENERAL LOAN OFFICES 1773-1819 10 cu. ft. A. Records of the 1773^ 1785 , and 1 TO General Loan Offices, 1 773-10^9. Index to Loan Office Papers, n.d. 1 vol , Cash Books, 1786-9!?. ? vols. Day Books, 1787-1803. 3 vols. Journals, 177^-1819. 2 vols. Ledgers, 177U-1819. ? vols. Index. 1 vol . Mortgage Books, 177li-88. h vols. Mortgages and Valuations, 1 773-93, (Bedford -York ) . 5 boxes Statement of Balances Due on Mortgages, I80U. 1 vol. Waste Books, 177li-l8l9. ? vols. n RG 9 RECORDS OF THE GENERAL STATE AUTHORITY 1937 -ho 6 cu. ft A. Records of the Engineering Div ision, I93J-UO. Reports, 1937-39. General State Authority of the Commonweal th of Pennsylvania^ 3 937-38. 1 vol. (p) Director 1 - of Architects, Engineers, Contractors and Field Personnel, 1938. 1 vol. (n) Breaksoxm of Units, The Genera" 1 State Authority Construction Program, 1939. 1 vol. (p) Chief Engineer Proiect Reference File, 1937-hO. Blueprints and Photographs, 1937-39. 10 boxes "•2 RG 10 RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR 1917-63 20 cu. ft. A. Reco rd si of the Executive Office, ]_9lj>63. Executive Addresses, (Reading Conies), 1963. Press Releases, 19U3-U6, 19^5-^6, 19^9-63. 11 boxes, B. Records of the Council of National Defense and the Committee of Public Safe ty. "T9 17'-?l . " ~~ * '""*" " "~ " Minutes, Executive Committee, 1917-18. 2 vols. Minutes, Philadelphia Advisory Committee, 191 8. i vol. Reports, 1917-19. 3 vols. General Correspondence, 1917-1.9 1 box General File, 1917-20. A Z. It boxes Financial Accounts, 1917-21. 2 boxes Scrapbooks, 1917-20. 7 vols, in £ boxes C. ^ec_ords of the War History Commission, 1917-21 . News Clippings, 1917-21. 3 boxes D. Records of the Pe nnsylv ania Sele ctiv e Service Headquart ers , 1 C >1| 0-1;6. General File, 19JiO-U6. (A-Z). 8 boxes News Releases, 19li0-li3. 5 boxes 13 RG 11 RECORDS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 190h-^ $ cu. ft A - Rec o rd s of the Office of the Secretary of Health, 1939-55. General Correspondence, 1939-5 1 ?. (A-Z). U boxes B. Re cords of the Division of San itar y Engineering, 19QU-3' '. Sanitary Engineer Reports, 190l|.-19. h boxes C.W.A. Projects Reports, 1933-38, Mine Sealing Projects Manual, 1933-38. Mine Sealing Reports, l?3lj-38. Community Sanitation Projects Reports, 193U. Flood Reports and Correspondence, 1936-37. lU RG 12 RECORDS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 1706-1951 70 cu. ft. A - !^cj)rd_s °£ ^hS. Executive Office, 1905-U2. Annual and Biennial Reports, 1905-1|2. 18 vols, B. Records of the Bureau of Construction^ yj0§z}2 ? :?~ State Roads and Turnpikes Acquisition File, 1929. 6 cu. ft. Index to Legislative Roads, n.d. 1 vol. Index to Road Laws, n.d. 1 vol. Standing Rules of Court, n.d. 1 vol. Present Right of Way Record Books, n.d. 3 vols. Turnpike Reference Books, n.d. 3 vols. National Road Reference File, n.d. 2 cu. ft. State Road and Turnpike Maps, 1706-1873. 650 items (indexed) C. Records of Toll Bridge Compan ies, 1812 - 1959 . 17 vols, and 1.9 cartons Clark's Ferry Bridge Companv, 1903 -3h. Eighth Street Toll Bridge Company, Allentown. Market Street Bridge Company, Harrisburg, 1812-1959. Minsi Trail Bridge Company, Bethlehem, 1903-13. New Street Toll Bridge Company, Bethlehem, 1887-1^6. Walnut Street Bridge Company, Harrisburg, 1889-19514. IS RG 13 RECORDS OF THE HISTORICAL AND MUSEUM COMMISSION 1926-^6 13 cu. ft R ecor ds of the His toric al Commission, 1 9?6~37 . Administrative File, 1931-37- 1 box General Correspondence Executive Secretary, 1926-37 (A-Z). 9 boxes Archaeologist, 1929-37 (A-Z). 3 boxes B. Recor ds of the Archives [^YJsion, State Library, I903- I91j!j , /Idministrative File, 1 903-L5. 1 box General Correspondence, 1933-U? (A-Z). £ boxes C. Record, s of the Division of Public Records, l?Ul?- t >6. Administrative File, 19ii5-56„ 3 boxes General Correspondence, 19ii5-?6 (A-Z). U boxes 16 RG lu RECORDS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS l87U-193ii 2?0 cu. ft. A. Records of the Office of the Secretary of Internal Affairs, 1875-193 1.. Letter Press Books, 1875-76, 1878-82, 1885-87, 1897-190?, 1905-06, 1909-11, 15 vols, in 3 boxes Mail Register, 1901-03. 1 vol. Orders for Patent Copies, 19^9-3b. ? vols. B. Records of the Bureau of Land Records, t87j^_1930. Cash Book, 1887-89. i vol Ledgers, 187U-1900. 6 vols. Warrants Copy Books (1773-"I9?8), i9?i-30. h?8 vols c - ?£P2ll? Pi **i£ Bureauof Statistics, 1885-1 901. Bureau of Vital Statistics, Record of Marriages, 1.885-89. h vols. Bureau of Medical Education and Licensure, 1385-89. Register of Physicians in Pennsylvania, 1885-89. 3 vols. Practitioners of Medicine and Surgery, 1835-39. 1 vol. Dental Council Letter Press Book, 1897-1900. 1 vol. Medical Council, Letter Press Books, 1^00-01 . ? vols. State Board of Examinors of Public Accountants, Certification Applications, 1399-1900. D. Records of the Topographic and Geologic Surve"-, l87)i-96. Records of the Board of Commissioners of the Second Geological Survey, l87lt-96. 3 boxes Minutes, 187U-96. 1 vol. Minutes (Rough Copies), l37U-7 r -'. General Correspondence, 187^-85. ? boxes County Geological Maps, I.878-8J4. 1 vol. Field Note Books, 187^. h vols. Diary, Charles A. Ashburner, 1.876. "> vol. Field Expenses, Ashburner, "1879. 1 vol. Accounts, 1877. Publication Plates, n d 17 RG \$ RECORDS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 1821 -19^1 600 cu. ft A - Re cords of the Office of the Attorney General, 1875.-1 907 . Letter Press Books, 1375-1907. 26 vols, in 5 boxes B. Reco rds of the Bureau of Correction, 1321-JL95"' . Records of the Eastern State Penitentiary, 1821-1920. Records of the Building Commissioners. Minutes, 1821-33. 2 vols, in 1 box Minutes (Rough Copies), 1822-28. 2 boxes Report, 1328. 1 vol. Land Acquisition File, 1821-22. Cash Account Book, 1821 -3k. 1 vol Receipt Book, 1821-25, 1 vol Construction Dav Boo'-, 1826. ! vol . Work and Time Boo^s, 1822-32. 2 vols. Pay Roll Receipt Books, 1822-32. U vo^s. in 1 box Records of the Board of Inspectors (Trustees) Minute Books, l829-l.QlI|. 7 vols. Reports, 1829-1.905. 26 vols. Warden's Daily Journals, 1829-1917. 10 vols Pay Roll Receipt Boo):, 1.832-35. 1 vol. Receipt Book, ]830-UO. 1 vol. Visitor's Registers, 1.829-5U 3 vols, in 1 box Population Records. Convict Docket, 1829-hO. 1 vol. Descriptive Books, Lists, Registers, 1829- 191.8. 25 vols, Time and Location Books, 1878-1890. 2 vo"s. Discharge Book, 189^-1020. 1 vol. Commutation Reports, 1873-1901, 2 vols. Statistics, 1893-90. 1 vol Records of the Western State Penitentiary, 1826-I ?5l ■ Records of the Building Commissioners. Proceedings, 1818-35. 1 vol. 18 Records of the Board of Inspectors (Trustees). Minutes, 1826-1931. 13 vols, in 5 boxes Contract Book, 1837-56. 1 vol. Annual Reports, 1837-80. h vols. Biennial Reports, 1881-1922. 8 vols. Investigation Reports, 1889-1903. 5 vols. Warden Reports, 1889-1 92U. 3 vols. Appraisals, 1908-lU. 3 vols. Rockview Land Acquisition File, 1911-21. 2 boxes Institutional Board Minutes, 1915-22. 1 vol. Parole Board Minutes, 1910-30. 2 vols. Letter Book, 1837-59. 1 vol. General Correspondence, 1926-U6. 1 box Scrapbooks, 1911-36. 6 vols. Photographs, 1885-1928. 1 box Population Records. Wardens Daily Journal, 1869-75. 3 vols. Home Block Dai^y Journals, 1936-liU. 3 vols. Deputy Warden's Reports, 192li-37, 1939-51. 10 vols, in 2 boxes Hospital Record Book, 1 Q 95-1902. 1 vol. Population Reports and Summaries, 192li-29, 19li0. 7 vols. Visitor's Register, l8Lt8-60. 1 vol. Descriptive Dockets, Lists, Registers, 1 826-38. 21 vols.. Medical Dockets, l87?-1900, 3 vols. Discharge Dockets and Journals, 1873-1921*. 5 vols. Commutation List, 1 869-909. 1 vol.. Statistics, Paroled Prisoners. 1 vol. C. Records of the Board of Pardons, 1 37.U ilgg 9 . Letter Press Books, 187U-83. 5 vols, in 1 box Clemency File, l87h-1900. 75 cartons Death Warrants, 187U-99. lU boxes Orders and Directives for the Discharge of Prisoners, 1871-1910. 8 vols. & 15 boxes Pardon Books, 187U-1929. 8 vols. 19 RG 16 RECORDS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 1919-53 10 cu. ft, Records of the Office of the Secretary of Labor and Industry, 1919^27. Reports, 1919-27. Department of Labor and Industry 1919-20, 1919-23/ Industrial Board, 1919-21. Bureau of Emplo'.Tnent, 1921. Bureau of Workmen's Compensation, 1921, 1922, 1927. Division of Industrial Hygiene and Engineering, 1922. Snecial Studies, 1920-22. Compilation of Labor Laws of the Commonwealth, l8Li9-1921, with Summary and Analysis. Studies of Labor Law Administration, Child Labor and Safety Codes in Pennsylvania, 1920-21. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Conference on Labor Law Administration, 1922. B. Records of the Division of Une mplo yment Compensation and Employment Service, 1937. Staff Training Bulletins, 1937. C. Records of the Bureau of Mediation, 1938-53. Labor Disputes Case File, 193B-13, 7 951-53. 18 boxes 20 RG 17 RECORDS OF THE LAND OFFICE 1675-1875 hlS cu. ft A. Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Land Office^ l67jMgg3. General Correspondence, 1687-1853. 19 boxes (item listing available 1687-1775) Quit Rent Books, 17U1-76. 2 vols Rent Roils, 168U-1776 (Berks-York). 22 vols Rent Rolls, 1703-UU (Bucks -Yor'- ) . ? boxes Unpatented Land Lists, 1820 (Adams-YorV) . 5 boxes Unpatented Land Tickets 1822-27 (Adams-York) 3 boxes B. Records of the Office of the Receiver General of the Land Office, l_68>l809.. Day Books, 1793-91. 6 vols, in 1 box Patent Payment Certificates, 1781-1809. 1-5 boxes Patent Payment Book, 1790-92. 1 vol. Warrant and Patent Payment Receipts, 1781-85. 21 cartons C. Records of the Office of the Surveyor General, l67£-l87£. Letter Book, 1762 -6U. 1 vol. Letter Press Books, 1.870-75. 6 vols. Accounts of Fees Received, 1791-95, 1801-03. 2 vols. Field Motes of Surveys, 1675-79. 1 vol. Day Books, 1719-1810. ^3 vols. Cash Books, 1806-38. 2 vols. Fee Books, 1785-1871. 20 vols. Journals, 1711-l8ll. Uh vols. Ledgers, 1738-l87li. hh vols. Indices. 27 vol s. Old^Purchase Blotters, 178li-l80] 8 vols. Purchase Vouchers, 178L-l3?b U7 cartons Warrant Parent Book, 1790-93 1 vol Warrant Registers, (Copies), n 68h 1861* (Adams-York) 6 boxes 21 D. Records of the Board of Canal Commiss ioner s, I§19-l868. Minute Books and Indices, 1825-60. 15 vols, in 7 boxes Minute Books and Minutes (Rough Conies), 18UI-58. h vols, in 1 box Reports and Resolutions, 1819-58. 7 vols, in 1 box General Correspondence and Survevs, 1825-60. 3 boxes Canal Surveys, 1816-30. 1 carton Engineering Records, 1825-52. 2 boxes Damage Claim Records, 1827-59. h boxes Collectors and Supervisors Reports, 1830-58. 5 boxes Accounts, 1826-58. 6 boxes Warrants, 1826-39. 1 carton Di visional Records, l 82h-6 8, Delaware Division^ 1827-58. ""*" Contracts", l82o^5T. "2 vols, in 1 box Damage Claims, 1827-58. h vols, in 1 box Reports and Miscellaneous Documents, 1827-UU. 7 vols. in 2 boxes Check Rolls, Work Estimates, Receipts, Accounts, 1827-58. 22 boxes Co lHJ!] b _ ia §?- P hiladelph ia Railroad , 1827^60. ~ Contracts,n^29^5l." 7 vols, in 2 boxes Damage Claims, 1832-57, 18 vols, in h boxes Reports and Miscellaneous Documents, 1827-58. 11 vols. in h boxes Check Rolls, Work Estimates, Receipts, Accounts, 1827-60. 83 boxes Eastern Division, 1826-59. Contract's, l826-"£B r ." 5 vols, in 2 boxes Damage Claims, 1826-58. h vols, in 1 box Reports and Miscellaneous Documents, 1826-58. 5 vols, in 2 boxes Check Rolls, Work Estimates, Receipts, Accounts, 1827-59. 22 boxes Jun iata Division, 132U-60. Contracts, 1828-60. "8 vols, in 3 boxes Damage Claims, 1828-60. 10 vols, in 3 boxes Reports and Miscellaneous Documents, 182)4-58. 7 vols, in 3 boxes Check Rolls, Work Estimates, Receipts, Accounts, 1827-57. 30 boxes and 6 cartons Allegheny Porta ge Railroad, 1829^68^. Contracts, "L8^l"-5^ 6 vols, in ? boxes Damage Claims, 1831-68. 9 vols, in 3 boxes Reports and Miscellaneous Documents, 1829-57. 7 vols, in 2 boxes Check Rolls, Work Estimates, Receipts, Accounts, 1830-60. 5 boxes and 1 h cartons 2? Western Division, 1.82^-5?. • . -^on-r^riS^S^T- 9 vols, in 3 boxes Damage Claims, l8?6-?9. 7 vol 8 . in ? boxes Reports and Miscellaneous Documents. 1B?5 V. f ™i CheckTolls, Work Estimates, Receipts, Accounts, 1826-57. 10 cartons Beaver pJ^ision_L 18294^ —Contracts, lB^HT! 2 vols, in box Damage Claims, 1829-1,3- 2 vols in 1 box Reports and Miscellaneous Documents, 1 V9 bi. - CheckTolls, Work Estimates, Receipts, Accounts, 1831-U6. 2 cartons Erie Extension C anal, 18364*7 . CcSntriets, 183S-U7. 7 vols, in ^ boxes Damage Claims, 1836-U7, 8 vols, in 2 boxe Rer^ort^ and Miscellaneous Documents, 1836-Uf. J- roi.. ■ Check Rons, Work Estimates, Receipts, Accounts, 1836-Ui. 2 cartons French 'Creek Division, 1.8264|8. -~^"Contr^ts7'l833-U8. 3 vols, in i box Damage Claims, 1333-U8. 5 vols, in 1 Reports and Miscellaneous Documents, 1B26-UB. 3 vol.. Checv°Rolls, Work Estimates, Receipts, Accounts, 1826-U6. 3 cartons. Susquehannna Division, 18 2 7-58. _ • ja - a -C^rtr^ti7TB2 5 T58. X^ls. in 1 box Damage Claims, 1829-55. ? vols, in .box Reports and Miscellaneous Documents, l828-5». U vol.. Check°Rolls, Work Estimates, Receipts, Accounts, 1827-58. 8 cartons West Branch Division, ;^?2zfiiL "o^tract"^^T8?8-^7. 7 vols, in 2 boxes Damage Claims, 1829-57. 7 vols, in 3 boxes Reports and Miscellaneous Documents, 1329-S7- U vol.. Check°Rolls, Work Estimates, R -ceipts, Accounts, 1829-58. 7 cartons North Branch Division, 1828-5,8. - £L -"c5nt^tr^TB^r-58. 12 vols, in U boxes Lon^racT, j. > boxes Crts C ano m Kiscei?;ne;us 6 D °c™ents, 1 828-58. 9 vols, in CecSis, Work Estimates, Receipts, Accounts, ?828-5U. 6 cartons 23 Gettvsburp Extension Railroad 1 333-1*7. ~> Contracts, 1833-36. 1 vol. Damage Claims, 1833-36. ?1 vols. Work Estimates, Receipts, Accounts, l836-h7. 1 carton Wiconisco Cana l, 183 7 - h^ Damage Claims, 1837 -111. 1 vol. Work Estimates, Receipts, Accounts, 1838-U6. 1 carton E. Re cor ds of the Harrisburg and Pittsburgh Rail roa d Company, l8U0-Jt $, Accounts and Receipts, 181iO-Ij5>. 3 carton ^ ■ ?££?£^§ °L i^ e Pennsyl vania Canal Company, 1867^-75 - "*- carton Reoorts, 1867-7^. Field Notes, 1868-7$, 2ii RG 18 RECORDS OF THE LOAN AND TRANSFER AGENT OF THE COMMONSEALTH 1821-1919 90 cu. ft. A. Re cord s of the Loan amd Transfer Agent , 1821-1919. Letter Book, I8I1S-6O. 1 vol. General Correspondence, ] 829-60. 2 cartons Account of State Loans, l8li2-19lU. 1 vol. Acquittance Books, 1 81:5-52. 6 vols. Alphabetical Lists of Transfers of Pennsylvania Loans, 18^2-72. 8~> vols. Certificates Issued by Farmers and Mechanics Bank for Commonwealth Loans, I&67--191U. 1 Oii vols. Dav Books, 1821-35. l£ vols. Interest Acquittance Books, 1829-1912. ?I t 6 vols. List of Certificates Issued with Interest Due, l81t?-i_i7. 3 vols. List of Holders of Pennsylvania Loans, 1821-98. 32 vols. Memoranda, Unclaimed Interest, 1335-58. 5 vols. Powers and Probates, Foreign, l830-19l!i . 10 cartons Redemption Acquittance Books, 1839-1913. h vols. Registers of Certificates, 1826-8?. 16 vols. Registers of Coupon Bonds, 1867-82 3 vols Stock Ledgers, l8?l-T919. 5^ vols. Transfer Blotters, 1838-67. 67 vols Transfer Journals, 18?8-I9lij. 1 06 vols Transfer Books for Coupon Bonds, " 1 867- 1 f ?i 2 .. h vols. Miscellaneous Accounts, 1830-191 h. 10 cartons 2^ RG 19 RECORDS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AFFAIRS 1793-19?9 - POO cu. ft. A. Records of the Office of the Adjutant General., 1793- '929. Journals, 1.861-62. 3 vols. Memorandum Books, 1 866-7^ 1 vol. Letter Register, I86I4-6 1 ?. 1 vol . General Correspondence, 1 793-1^08 1 9 boxes Register of Militia and Volunteers, I8I4I -lik . "i vol. Mexican War Service Index, I8J46-I48. 1 vo 1 . Arrangement of Pa. Volunteers, 1 861-63. 1 vol. Vacancies and Appointments, 1861-62. 1 vol. Commissions File, 1.861-1929. ?6 boxes Aggregate County Enrollments, Volunteers, 1862 . Alein Exemption Claiments, 1862 . Conscientious Objector Depositions, 1862. Substitute Depositions, 1862 . Day Books, 1361-69. h vols. Ledgers, l8?i«-63 . 7 vols. Militia Enrollment Lists, Philadelphia Count , "i 867-7?. I4O vo 1 s B. Re cor ds of the Trans portation and Telegraph De par tment, 1 861-67 Military Dispatches Received, 1861-62. 3 vols, in 1 box Military Dispatches Sent, 1 861-62. 3 vols, in 1 box Military Dispatches, 1861-67. 28 boxes Transportation Register, 1861-62. 1 vol. Transportation Accounts, 1861-77. 1 vol. and 11 boxes Transportation Requisitions, 1861-67. 12 boxes Troop Movement Order Books, 1 86l . 2 vols. Da- Books, 1861-69. 1 vol. C. Rec ords of the Office of the Quartermaster Genera"! , 1 81)0-86 General. Correspondence, 1 061 -66. 9 boxes Abstract of Issues, 1862-6U. 1 vol . Account Books, 1861-62. 2 vols. Bond Book, Ordinance, 1878-86. 1 vol. Contract Books, 1861-62. 1 vol. Day Books, l86l . 2 vols. Equippage Returns, 1861-63. 5 vols. Ledgers, 1 861-62. 3 vols. 26 Order Books, l8LO-h9, 1366-71. 2 vols. Ordnance Books, 1361-62. 1 vol. Pavroll Account, State Arsenal, 1861-65. 1 vol. Proposal Books, 1861-62. 1 vol. Proposals, Contracts, and Bonds, l 861-65- 5 boxes Purchase Book, 1.862. ] vol Requisition Book, l86l . 1 vol. Stationary Returns and Abstracts, 1861-65. 1 vol Supply Requisition Books, 1861-68. h vols. Warrants, 1.861-63. 1 box General Accounts, 1861-67. 20 boxes D. Records of the Office of the Conissar^ General^ 1 86l__-6h_. Provisions Accounts, l86l-6Ii. 3 boxes Provisions Returns, l86l . 5 boxes Ration Books, 1 861 . 6 vols. Warrants, 1.861-6?. 1 box Records of the Office of the Surgeon General , 1 861-66 General Correspondence, 1861-66. 21 boxes Commissions Book, 1.861-66. 1 vol. Medical Examination Theses Reports, 1 861-65. 1 box Medical Examination Theses, 1861-65. 8 boxes Surgeon's Reports, 1861-63. 1 box F. Records of the Pe nnsy lvania State Agency of Washin gton , B.C., 2_867 — _^Vp - Letter Registers, 1867 -6^. Ij vols. 27 RG 20 RECORDS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY AND SUPPLIES l893-195ii 50 cu. ft. A. Records of t he Office of the Secretary of Prop erty and Supplies, 1921-1*2 General Correspondence, 1921-1*2. 16 cartons B. Records of the Bureau of Construc tion, 1928 -Ul . General Correspondence, 1928-)4l. 3 cartons. Construction Plans and Contracts, 1928-1*1. 2 cu. ft. C. Records of the Boar d of Commis sio ners of Public Grounds and Buildings. 1^93^19^. " " "'~~ ~ " " Minutes, 1915-30. 2 boxes General Correspondence, t 922-51*. 1 box Capitol ParV Extension Commission Report, 1920. n vol. Capitol ParV Extension Photogranhs 1896-191 8. Construction Plans and Specifications for Public Buildings. State Institutions, Bridges, 1893-1907. Replacements and Restorations, State Insurance Fund, 191*2-1*9. Surplus Land Sales, 191*1-53. 28 RG 21 RECORDS OF THE PROPRIETARY GOVERNMENT 166U-1776 20 cu. ft A . Records of the P rovinc ial Counc il , l66jb -I775 - Charters, Proprietary and Indian Deeds, (see RG 26) Provincial Record, 1682-177 1 ? (Minutes of the Provincial. Council). 20 vols, in 3 n egal size file drawers. Executive Correspondence, 1.68? -1775 (Item "listing available), h legal size file drawers. Crown Correspondence, 1726-75 (Item listing available). General File, 166U-1775. Naturalization Lists, 17UO-73. Naturalization Book, 17li0-63. 1 vol. ^- Records of the Pro vinci al Secretar y, 1700-76. General Correspondence, 1700-73 (Item listing available) Account of Fees, 175-9-62. 1 vol. Braddock Road Accounts, 1755-56. 1 vol. Commissioners of Indian Trade Accounts, "'758-66. 2 vols. Governor's Accounts Current, 17lj2-52, 1759-63. 3 vols. Richard Partridge Account, 17UO-51. 1 vol. Secretary's Account, 1738-72. 3 vol. Indian Trader Licenses, 1765-71 (Copies). 1 vol. Port Physician Certificates, 17^1-55. Provincial Officers Sureties, 17U?-76 (Bedford -York ) . Nathaniel Puckle Waste Book, 1702-07, 1 vol. 29 RG 22 RECORDS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 185U-1956 25 cu. ft. A. Records of th e Office of the Superintendent of Public Inst ruction, Reports, 1926-U6. 10 vols, (p) B. Recor ds of the Office of the State Librarian, 1887-1922. Reports, 1887-92, l89li-1.9i8, 1921-22 30 vols, (p) C. Records of the Bureau of Teacher Education , l85U -l?l8, Record of County Superintendents, l851i-19l8. ] vol. Record of City, Borough, and Townshit) Superintendents, 1866-1908, 1 vol. Record of Permanent Certificates, 1868-1908. 2 vols. State Certificates, College Graduates, 1893-1911. 1 vol D . Record s of the Investigation of the_ D epart ment of Public Instr uction bv the Joint Legislative Committee on Finances, 1923-3U. Minutes and Exhibits, 1932-33. 1 box General Correspondence, 1932-3^ . 1 box E. Records of the School Plant D ivision , 1 9 35 -U5 . Historic Properties File, 1935-h5. h boxes F. Record s of State Board of C ensors ( Moti on Pi ctur es), 1915-56. Minutes, 1939-56. 3 boxes Reports, 1925-51. 1 box Rules, Procedures, Forms, 1915-56, 1 box General Correspondence, 1925-56, 1 box Applications for Aporoval, 191 5-^1 . 3 boxes 30 RG 23 RECORDS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE 1852-19U9 POO cu. ft A. Records of the Office of Mental Health, l 8£2-1 9?"» , Records of the Committee on Lunacy, 185 2-1921 . Memorandum Report of Secretary, 1910-21. 1 vol. Letter Press Books, 1 896-98, 1906, 3 908-19. 18 vols, in 3 boxes Returns of Patients, 1383-1919. 51* vols. Index, 1882-1908. 2 vols. Institution Population Records, 1883-1921*. 16 boxes & 39 cartons B. Records of the Bureau of Ass istance , 1.917-39. Reports on County Homes, 1917-35. 6 boxes Reports on Count" •" Poor Relief, 1932-39. 3 boxes c - Records of the Office of Public Assistance , 1937 -kh. 1 box Executive Director's Handbook of Assistance Procedures, 1937 -hi*. Soecial Studies, 1939-1*1. Pennsylvania Public Assistance Statistics, 1 939-1*1 . D. Records of the Office of the Comptroller, 19?3-1* 9 - Audits of Institutions, 19?3-Ii9. 35 boxes Department of Welfare, 1925-32, Reports on Uniform Accounting System, 19?8. Medical and Surgical Institutions, 1925-1*9 Mental Institutions, 1925-1*8. Institutions for the Feeble-Minded, 1927-1*8. Penal and Correctional Institutions, 1923-li8< Miscellaneous Institutions and Correspondence, 1925-1*7. 31 RG 2k RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTER GENERAL 178h-l8lO 1^ cu. ft. A - Records of the OfTice of the Register General, 1781^810. Letter Books, 1789-1809. 3 vols. General Correspondence, 1789-1809° 2 boxes Account Settlement Registers, 1789-9U. 2 vols. Accounts Current, 1792-1809. 2 vols. Cancelled Depreciation Certificate Registers, n.d. 2 vols. Cancelled Funded Certificate Registers, n.d. 2 vols. Continental Certificates Exchanged for New Loan, 1789-90, 1 vol Da^ Books, 1789-1809. 23 vols, in h boxes Depreciation Certificates Account, n.d. 1 vol. Funded Debt Certificate Register, 1789-92. ] vol. Indents Delivered to the Treasurer, 17°3. 1 vol.. Index to Payments, I806-O9. 1 vol. Journals, 1790-1810. 6 vols. Ledger, 1789-90. 1 vol. Militia Certificates Received from the Receiver General, 1789-93 1 vol. Warrant Books, 1789-9U. 2 vols. Warrant Register, 1797-1801. 1 vol. 32 RG 25 RECORDS OF SPECIAL COMMISSION 1868-19^1 100 cu. ft, A* Records of Commemorative and Exp osition Commissions, 1868-1939 Atlant a. Ex position, l 89_5 _. Visitors Registers. 2 vols. Boar d of Wo rldj s Fair Managers of Pennsylvania (Columbian Exposition),' 1892^93. 1 box" Letter Register, 1892-93. 1 vol. Letter Press Books, 1892-93. 2 vols. Mail Forwarding Book, 1892-93. 1 vol. Visitors Registers, 1893. 3 vols. 2?iil slDU £S Monuments Commission, 18? U - 1 9 3^_ Letter Books, 1.887-1903. 3 vols. Contracts, Designs, and Affidavits, 1 886-1 903 6 vols. Action on Monuments, l87h-79. 1 vol. ^Oth Anniversary of the Battle of Gj2ttysburj; Commiss^ion^ 19_Q9-l5 . Minutes, 1909-li*. 1 vol. Addresses, 1913. 1 vol. Report, 1913. 1 vol. General Correspondence, 1909-lU. 7 boxes Participants Registers, 1913. 2 vols. Photographs, 1909-lU. 2 boxes Badges, 1913. 1 box Cashbook, 1909-13. 1 vol. Scrapbooks, 1910-15. 7 vols. Louisian a P urch ase Exposition, 1901^ State Minin£ Exhibit^ St. Loui s. Visitors Registers, 190li. 3 vols. 33 Mexican War Monumen t £°!™\s§2-2 n > 1868-69 . Minutes, 1858-69. 1 vol. Pa n-Ame rican Exposition, 1901, Pennsylvania BujJding, Buffalo,. Visitors Registers, l^Ol. 5 vols. Pennsy lvania (Feder al ) Const itution Commeration Committee, 193.7-38. Minutes, 1937-38. 1 box Reports, 1937-38 Historv of 150th Anniversary, 1939. 1 vol. General File, 1937-38 (A-Z). 16 boxes Pennsylvan ia Independence Sesqui-Centennial Commission, 1922-26 . 3 boxes Minutes and Memoranda, 1922-23. General File (A-Z), 1922-26. Pennsylvania 300th Annive rsary Commission (Swedish Tercentenary) 193>-0?.~ 9 boxes Minutes, 1937-38. General File (A-Z), 1937-39. News Clippings, 1937-39. 2 vols. Recordings. South Carolina Inter -State Exposition, 1902, Penn sylvania Building, Charleston. Visitors Register, 1902. 1 vol. Val ley Forge Park Commission, 1919 . Report, 1919. 1 vol. Wayne Monument Commi ssion , 1905-0 8. Journal, 1905-08. 1 vol. B. Records of Investigatin g Comm is sion s, 1876-191 5. Capito l Inve st igation Ppmmij3sion A I897-19" 1 !. lh boxes Proceedings, 1907. h boxes Reports, 1907. 1 box Exhibits, 1897-1917. h boxes 3h General Correspondence (A-Z), 1907-11. 2 boxes Plans, Blueprints, Photographs, 1906-11. 1 box Scrapbook Items, 1903 -Oh. 1 box Ch estn ut Tree Blight ^oj^i^ssioii^ 1911 -llu 3 boxes Minutes, 1911-11;. Proceedings of Governor's Conference, 191?. Reports, 1912-13. Special Studies, 1911 -ill. General Correspondence (A-Z), 1911 -Xii . Accounts, 1911 -lU Com mis sion on the Segregation, Care^ and Treatment of the_ Feeble -Minded' and Epileptic of Pennsylvania, 191 1 -1 jT Letter Press Book, 1911 -1$. 1 vol. Joint_ L egislation Committee on Revi sion of the Corporation and Revenue Laws of the Commonwealth, 1 909-10. Report and Proceedings, 1909-10, 1 vol. Pennsylvania State_ Railroad Commission, 1909. Report, 1909. 1 vol. Record s of Planning Com miss ions, 1 9h3 -5>j_ • Highway Plann ing Commission, I9li9-5>1. 1 box Minutes, I9li9-3>1. 1 vol. Views Submitted in Advance of Hearings, 19^0. 1 vol Report, 1950. 1 vol. Postwar Planning Commission, 19l4.3-lj.7_- 9 boxes Minutes, 19lih-h6. 1 box Reports and Recommendations, 19)43-147- Committee Records, 19l43-li7. 1 box General Correspondence (A-Z), 19U3-U7. 8 boxes 35 RG 26 RECORDS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE 1681-1961 1300 cu. ft Records of the Office of th_e Secretary of the Commonwealth, 1681-19U3. Charters, Proprietary and Indian Deeds, Constitutions, I68I-I838. Indian Deed Book, l8l5. 1 vol. Executive Minute Books, 1790-19U3. Uh vols. Executive Minute Books (Rough Copies), 1790-1918. 110 vols, in 32 boxes Reports of Executive Agencies, 1792 -19h0. 3 boxes Letter Books, 1790-1861. 8 vols. Legislative Communications, 1790-l8li3. 8 vols. Select Federal Communications, 1793-91. 1 vol. Letter Book, Militia, 1839-61. 1 vol. Official Communications, 1852-1935- 13 vols. Executive Correspondence, 1790-193^. 71 boxes (see also RG 19 for period 1861-65). Proclamations, 1790-193U. Memoranda Book, 1830-33. 1 vol. Clemency File, 1790-1873. 68 boxes Courts Martial Proceedings, 1790-1859. 3 boxes Criminal Code Abstract, n.d. 1 vol. Death Warrants, 1795-1863. 5 boxes Distribution Books, 18U6-1901. h vols. First Geological Survey, 185"' -65.' 1 vol Pennsylvania Archives, 18U6-1901. 3 vols. Extradition and Discharge of Prisoners Records, "? 790-1922. 30 boxes & 23 cartons Internal Improvements File, 1790-1850. (18 boxes) Militia Returns, 1790-1862. 2 h boxes Opinions of the Attorney General, 187U-1927. 1 vol. Pardon Books, 1791-1873. 11 vols. Receipt and Oath Book, 1793-98. 1 vol. Roll Book, 1811-13. 1 vol. ShipsLists of German Passengers, 1727-1808. (I4 boxes) Township and Boro List, I8I1O. 1 vol. Vital Statistics, l852-5if (Allegheny-York). 6 boxes Warrant and Receipt Books, 1790-1881 . lh vols, in 2 boxes 36 B. Records of the Administr ative Bureau, 1926-51*. Solicitations Registration File, 1926- 51*. 50 cartons C. Reco rds of the Leg islati ve Bureau, 1700-1961. Original Laws, 1700-1961. 500 cu. ft. Law Books, 1710-1903. 98 vols. Unpublished Private Acts, 181*7-73. 21 boxes Acts and Resolutions Approved Dockets, 1855-60, 1865-85. 15 vols. Bills and Resolutions Received Dockets, 1855-83. 12 vols. Record of Legislation, 1887-1959. 39 vols. D. Records of the Burea u of Commissions and Elections, 1790-191*8. Appointments Books (Civil Officers), 1790-191*8. Appointments File, 1790-1931*. 103 boxes Appointments and Licenses, Plank Road Commissioners, 181*1-69. 3 boxes Commissions Books (Military Officers), 1800-191*1!. 1*1 vols. Commissions File, 1790-lol*0. (28 Boxes) Electoral College Records, 1796-1889. 1 box Election Returns, 1791-1918. Presidential Election, 1881* (Adams-Huntingdon). 2 boxes Soldiers Votes, 1.861-1918. 26 boxes State Elections, 1796-1 889. l box County Elections, 1791 -186") . 1? boxes Municipal Elections, 1791-1828. 1 box Sureties, 1790-1821*. 1* boxes E. Records of the Corpor ation Bureau, 1790-1927. Letters Patent Granted Under Manufacturing Acts, 1791-1873. 1 vol. Letters Patent Granted Under Acts of I87I*, l87l*-?9. 1 vol. List of Corporation Charters Under Act of 187U, 1881-83. 1 vol. Charter Books, 1812-75. 8 vols. Letters Patent, l8ll*-7l*, 1902-27. 1*3 boxes (item listing available) 37 RG 27 RECORDS OF THE SUPREME EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 1775-90 A. Records of the Committee of Safety, 1775-76. 3 boxes 50 cu. ft. Minute Book, 1775-76. 1 vol. Minutes (Rough Copies), 1775-76. Executive Correspondence, 1775-76. Commissions File, 1775-76. (A-Z) Returns, Associators and Non-Associators, Bucks County, 1775-76, Receipt Books, 1775-76. 2 vols. B. Records of the Council of Safety^, 1776-77, 3 boxes Minute Books, 1776. 2 vols. Minutes (Rough Copies), 1776. Memoranda Book, 1776-77. 1 vol. Executive Correspondence, 1776-77, 3 boxes Commissions File, 1776-77 (A-Z). Election Returns, 1776- (Berks -Westmoreland ) . Military Returns, Pennsylvania Line, 1776-77. Receipt Book, 1776-77. 1 vol. Reco rds of the Secretary of the Supreme Executive Council, 1777_-90« 61T"boxes Minute Books, 1777-90. 10 vols. Minute Books (Rough Copies), 1777-90. 23 vols, in h boxes President's Books, 1789-90. 3 vols. Pennsylvania Indian Commissioners Proceedings, 178L-35. 1 vol. Council Attendance Book, 1777. 1 vol. Letters of Marque Register, 1778-82. 1 vol. Letter Books, 1782-89. 2 vols. Executive Correspondence, 1777-90. 2k boxes Applications for Passes, 1777-88 (A-Z). 9 boxes Appointments Book, 1777-90. 1 vol Appointments File, 1777-90, (A-Z). 3 boxes Bankruptcy File, 1785-90 (A-Z). 2 boxes Clemency File, 1777-90 (A-Z). 11 boxes Commissions File, 1777-90 (A-Z). 1 box Connecticut Settlements File, 1782. Depreciation Pay Interest Reports, 1783-90. 1 box 38 Election Returns, Mil -90 Municipal Elections, 1777-90. 1 box County Elections (Bedford -York). 1777-90. 6 boxes Forfeited Estates File, 1777-90 (A-Z). 3 boxes Marriage Bonds (Philadelphia County,-.. A-Z), 178I1-86. ] box Oaths of Allegience, 1777-90. Military Returns, 1777-90. Line, 1777-90. 1 box Militia, 1777-90. 1 box Sureties, 1777-90. State Officials, 1777-90. 1 box County Officials, 1777-90. 1 box D. Records of the Navy Board. 1777 Minute Books, 1777. 2 vols. General Correspondence, 1777 E. Records of the Board of War. , 1777. Minutes, 1777. General Correspondence, 1777. F. Records of the (Second) Council of Safety, 1777. Minute Book (Rough Copy), 1777. 1 vol. Minutes (Rough Copies), 1777. G. Records of the C oun cil of Censors, I78I4. Journals, I78I4 . 2 vols, in 1 box 39 RG 28 RECORDS OF THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT 1776-1933 520 cu. ft. Records of the Office of the State Treasurer, 1776z2-2£ 6 ^ Letter Books, 18U3-59. 2 vols. Index. 1 vol. Letter Press Book, 190U. 1 vol. General Correspondence, 1776-1922. (3 boxes) Inventory of Records in the Treasury Department, n.d, 1 folder Index to Accounts, 1781-1810. 3 vols. Index to Suits vs. Accounts, l3ll-2h. 1 vol. General Accounts, 1776-1926. Accounts Current, 1787-1805. 6 vols. Appropriation Ledgers, 1791-1909. lii vols. Balance Books, 1796-1907. 20 vols. Cash Books, 1776-1859. 10 vols Day Books, 1790-1878. 93 vols. Delinquent Accounts, 1857-63. 1 vol. Fund Books, 1875-1908. 7 vols. Interest Ledgers, 1898-1926. 5 vols. Journals, 1767-1873. 10 vols Ledgers, 1763-1922 . Ul vols. Index, 16 vols. Memoranda of Payments, 190^-06. 5 vols. Receipts and Disbursements, 1780-191U. 25 vols. Report Books, 1800-35. 7 vols. Warrant Books, 1780-1878. 5 vols. Index. 2 vols. Bank Ledgers, l8Ul-19?0. 15 vols. Bank of Pennsylvania Accounts, 1797-1837. h vols. Bonus Ledgers, Foreign, 1900-11. 3 vols. Canal Ledgers, 18U1-53. 2 vols. Chambersburg Loan Accounts, 1871-75. 2 vols. Depreciation Pay Accounts, 1782-90. 8 vols. Internal Improvements Fund Account, 1826-36. 1 vol. Judgement and Relief Motes, 1839-5U. 3 vols. Land Office Accounts, 1809-1916. 5 vols. Land Warrant and Patent Receipts, 1731-1885. 21 cartons Loan and Transfer Agent Account, l8Iil-5l. 1 vol. Mothers Pension Accounts, 1913-17. 2 vols. Pension Warrant Index Book, 1813-17. 1 vol. Public Debt and Loan Accounts, 1790-1903. 17 vols. Receipt Book, Legislature, 1850-1909. 31 vols. UO Salary Ledgers, 179l*-1911. 32 vols. Index. 3 vols. Stock Day Books, 1821-35. 7 vols. Stock Ledgers, 1826-31*. 7 vols. Index. 7 vols. Tax Accounts, 1781 -19ll*. Capitol Stock Tax Accounts, 181*1-95 . 13 vols County Tax Accounts, 1781-1911*. 9 vols. Delinquent Tax Accounts, 1895-1901. 1* vols. Endorsement Index. 1909-13. 8 vols. Gross Receipts and Premiums Tax Accounts, 1877-88. 3 vols. Net Earnings and Income Tax Account, 1865-75. 1 vol. Register of Corporate Tax Settlements, 1903 -111. 5 vols. Tavern License Account, 179li-l801. 1 vol. Tonnage Tax Account, l861*-7l*. 1 vol. United States Debt and Loan Accounts, 1775-89. 3 vols. Miscellaneous and Unidentified Accounts, Indices and Check books 1777-1926. 11 vols, and I* boxes B. Records of the Boar d of Revenue Commissioners, "1 81*5-63. Minutes, 181*5. 1 vol. Reports, 18U8, i860, 1863 . 3 vols. Certificates and Credentials, 181*5-63. 1 carton Assessment List Abstracts, Answers to Interrogatories, Resolutions, Propositions, 181*8-63. 1 carton C - Rgc ords of the Commissioners of Jbhe Si nking Fund, 1 8^^192 2. Minutes, 181*9-1922. 1* vols. Accounts, l8U9-19lli. 8 vols. D - ?®£2IS[s of JM Board of Public Accounts, l89l*-19 ?3. Minutes, l89l*-19?3. h vo^s. E. Record s of the Board of Finance and Revenue , 1 923-33 . Ledger, 1923-25. 1 vol. Cash Book, 1926-33. 1 vol. Ill RG 29 RECORDS OF THE TURNPIKE COMMISSION 1881-1939 10 cu. ft A - Records of the South Pennsylvania Rail Road 9_°i!I2HlZ' 185U -I9I 8, General Correspondence, 1881-89. 2 boxes Land Owners and Rights of Wav, 1881-1939. 1 box Land Acquisition File, 1881-1939, 17 boxes ■ lockian. Calif. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA 016 9748P3B4S C001 SUMMARY GUIDE TO THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE 3 0112 025270577