t THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY 3 t2.7 J *4 n ^ Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library L161 — H41 PAUPERISM IN GREAT CITIES : ■ THE DUTIES WHICH IT IMPOSES, WITH SUGGESTIONS FOR ITS CURE. PR K ACHED IN THE THIRD REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH, SUNDAY EVENING, JANUARY 11, 1857. OX I5KHALF OP THE llorfjjerii join t for JfrienOlcss Cljrfbreit, By REV. JOHN JENKINS, MINISTER OF THE CALVARY PRESBY T BRIAN C H U RCH. PHILADELPHIA: HENRY B. ASHMEAD, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, GEORGE STREET ABOVE ELEVENTH. 1857 . a .n hv^ ^ % The following Discourse was not written with a view to publication. The Trustees of the Institution on whose behalf it was delivered, have preferred a request for the manuscript in such terms as the author could not reasonably disregard. If their expectations be realized, and its extensive perusal 11 prove of great value to the interests of their growing institution and of the commu- nity at large,” he will not regret having yielded his own judgment to theirs. Especially will he rejoice if his remarks on u Pauperism in Great Cities ” call forth a practical discussion of this most difficult subject. January 22, 1857.