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' PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENI’E OF THE DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE RECORDS. EDWARD IL A.D. 1313—1318. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF HER MAJESTY’S PRINCIPAL SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE HOME DEPARTMENT. LONDON : PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY’S STATIONERY OFFICE. BY EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, PRINTEKB TO THE QUEEN’s MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. Arid to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, East Hauding Street, Fleet Street, E.C. ; or JOHN MENZIES & Co., 12, Hanover Street, Edinburgh, aud 90, West Nile Street, Glasgow; or HODGES, FIGGIS, & Co., 104, Grafton Street, Dublin. I8y3, 1 CONTENTS. i’ftge Preface ..y CORBIGENOA - - - - - - - vii Calendar i Index - - - - . . - - 625 a 2 72604. Wt. 6486. Pl^EFACE. The present volume forms parts of a series of Calendars of the Close Rolls from the reign of Edward II. to that of Edward IV., the object and character of which are ex- plained in the Preface to the first volume for the reign of Edward II. (a.d. 1307 — 1313). The text has been pre- pared, with the sanction of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty’s Treasury, by Mr. W. H. Stevenson. The Index has been compiled by Mr. C. H. Woodrufi’. Mr. Stevenson has identified most of the places, and he again desires to express his thanks to Mr. Egerton Phillimore for valuable assistance. H. C. MAXWELL LYTE. Rolls House, September 1893. CORRIGENDA. Page 8, line 12, for “ Magaret ” read “ Margaret.” 13, „ 28, for “ Bologne ” rearf “ Boulogne.” 29, „ 24, /or “ Dendor” rearf “ Deudor.” 53, „ 19, for “ London ” read “ Lincoln.” 58, „ 8, for “ Hatheton ” read “ Hacbeton.” 68, „ 14, for “ Robert ” read “ Roger.” 75, „ 30, for “ Hirnirn ” read “ Ilirvirn.’ 76, „ 27, ./or “ Wesminster ” reaci “ Westminster.” 76, „ 43, for “ Lanaign’ ” read “ Lavaign’.” 89, „ 1 , /or “ perceptor ” rearf “ preceptor.” 102, „ 9 from bottom, ./or “ 20 ” reofrf “ 26.” 143, „ 10, for “ Donedyk ” read “ Douedyk.” 149, „ 16 from bottom, /or “ Stoureburg ” read “ Scoureburg.” 150, „ 18, ./or “ Duflford ” read “ Dusford.” 154, „ 24, for “ Stithe.stou ” read “ Scitheston.” 154, „ 36, for “ Staunqeton ” read “ Sc[b]aunqeton.” 155, „ 6, for “ abbess ” read “ abbot.” 185, „ 31, /or “ Richard ” read “ Richer.” 238, „ 7 from bottom, for “ Rithiche ” read “ Riebiche.” 240, „ 35, for “ Synene ” read “ Syvene.” 253, margin, for “ Stanford ” read “ Stamford.” 264, line 29, for “ Endon ” read “ Eudon.” 271, „ 29, for “ Turueye ” read “ Turveye.” 276, ,, 11 from bottom, /or “ Pertebrigg ” reao4f. due to Walter le Keu of Lincoln and his fellows and of 259/. due to Richard Wake and John Wyp, acknowledged by the count’s envoys at the parliament of Estaunford, in the third year of the king’s reign, for which the count bound himself to Robert Elis of Great Yarmouth, who became surety for payment of the same to the said merchants, and between William de Brawod and John de Turnay, the count’s envoys sent by him to request the king to make inquisition concerning the said arrests, so that the count might cause the said merchants to be satisfied for what was still due to them. It was found by inquisition that goods to the value of 70/. I7.s'. Or/, were arrested at Great Yarmouth, in the fourth year of the king’ reign, and were delivered to Robert Elis; that 70/. of the money of the count’s men in the hands of men of the same town were arrested but not levied in the same year; that goods to the value of 111/. 75. Or/, were arrested at Lynn, in the same year, and were delivered to the said Walter as attorney of Robert Elis; and that Walter has received in addition 35/. II5. Or/.: total 2b7/. 155. Or/., whereof Walter has received from Robert and in Robert’s name 217/. 155. Or/., in part ])ayment of the aforesaid 954/. The count, the king, and the envoys agree that Walter shall have a writ to levy the 70/. in the hands of the men of Yarmouth, and that Walter shall go with the envoys to the count to receive satisfaction for the balance due to him and for his damages, and that, if the count fail to satisfy him, he shall recover from the goods of the count’s merchants coming to England. It is agreed that Robert Elis shall receive nothing by virtue of the afore.said obligation in right of the said merchant’s debts atid of the debt of 259/. due to Richard Wake and John Wyp, as Richard and .John were present at the inquisition and were found not to have received or arrested anything. VA hereupon they were de- sired to come to the king’s court to receive award, which they [)romised to do ; but they did not appear, though the envoys long awaited them. It is agreed that they shall [not] sue or make arrest, but shall go to the count in person, unless they agree that Walter shall represent them. Hated and enrolled at Westminster in the king’s chancery, .January 31, in the seventh year, one part of the indenture being delivered to the envoys and the other to Walter in the name of himself and the said Richard and .John. French. [/'’cEc/em.] To the sheriffs of London. At the complaint of Philip de Leghton, burgess of Ipswich, that the castellan of the town of St. Valery had arrested and detained his ship called ‘ la Creude,' of the value of 50/., in the port of St. Valery, the late king wrote to the count ot Dreux, lord of that town, requesting him to cause restitution or satisfaction to be made to Philip for his ship and tackle and damages amounting to 40/., but the count 38 CALENDAK OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1314. Feb. 18. Canterbury. Feb. 19. Canterbury. Feb. 17. Canterbury. Feb. 19. Canterbury. Feb. 20. Canterbury. Feb. 22. Canterbury. Feb. 20. Canterbury. Membrane 12 — cont. failed to do justice, as appears by the testimony of the bailiffs of Ipswich and other testimony ; whereupon the lata king ordered the sheriffs of London and of Southampton to arrest goods of the men of St. Valery and elsewhere in the count’s dominions to the above value : as the king is certified that Philip received only 20/. 8'^. \0d. by virtue of tlie above arrests, he now orders the said sheriffs to arrest goods of the men of St. Valery and from elsewhere in the count’s dominions to the value of 69/. II 5 . 2d. To the sheriff of Somerset. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of William de Cruket, deceased. To the same. Like order to elect a coroner in place of Peter de Draycote, deceased. To William de Bereford and his fellows, justices of the Bench. Order to admit John de Horneby, clerk, to the office of chirographer in the Bench in the name of Robert de Foxton, the king’s chirographer before them, whom the king has appointed to attend to certain affairs in Cornwall, the said Robert having named the said John to execute his office at his peril. By K. To John Abel, escheator this side Trent. Order not to intermeddle fur- ther with the lands of John de Turburvill, as it appears by inquisition that he held nothing of the king in chief at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king. John de Noverey of Barkeby, in the king’s prison at Leicester for the death of William son of Ivo de Magna Stretton, has letters to the sheriff of Leicester to bail him until the first assize. To him who supplies the place of the treasurer and to the barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Anthony Pessaigne of Genoa 200/., for the expenses of certain men collecting the issues of the customs of wool, hides, and wool-fells in divers ports of England and Ireland, lately granted to him until he should be satisfied for a certain sum of money due to him, as the customs ought to be collected at the king’s expense. By K. Enrolled by transcript. To the same. Order to cause the abbot and convent of St. Albans to have 400/. out of the twentieth in the county of Hertford, the king having given them 100/. and promised to lend them 300/., to be repaid at the terms mentioned in iheir letters of obligation. By K. Enrolled by transcript. To the sheriff of Derby. Order to take into the king’s hands without delay the castle, town, and manor of the High Peak and the forest of the same, lately committed to John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, arresting any persons wno shall resist the execution of this order, taking with him for this purpose a sufficient force. By K. To the sheriff of Lancaster. Order to cause Robert de Holand to have seisin of a messuage, two acres of land, and three parts of a messuage in Lyverpol, as it appears by inquisition that William Baroun of Lyverpol, who was hanged for felony, held them of him, and that they have been in the king’s hands for a year and a day, and that Richard de Sussex had the king’s year day and waste thereof and ought to answer for the same. A1 EM BRAKE 11. Jan. 22. To the sheriff of Southampton. Whereas discords arose in the late Windsor. king’s reign between Sancho, late king of Castile, and his subjects, on the one part, and the citizens of Bayonne on the other, concerning the seizure of 7 EDWARi) IT. 39 1314 Feb. 4. Windsor. Feb. 8. Eltharu. Feb. 22. Canterbury, Membrane 11 — cant. goods of the said citizens by the men of Castile, amongst whom Arnald de Sancto Martino was robbed of lus goods to the value of 230 marks by the men of Castile, as appears by sufficient proof; and afterwards the said king Sancho, sent to the, late king John, the judge of his court, and Bundissalvus (sic) Martini with his open letters, and the mayor and the community of Bayonne sent Arnald de Villari and John Dardir, their fellow-citizens, with sufficient powers to settle the disputes, and the late king, with the assent of the said proctors, ordained that all ships and other goods of the citizens of Bayonne taken by the subjects of the king of Castile, within or without his realms, should be restored by the said king within a certain time, now elapsed, as appears by the rolls of the late king’s chancery of his 21st year; and afterwards, because the king of Castile did not observe the ordinance, Stephen de Penecestre, late constable of Dover and warden of the Cinque Ports, arrested divers goods of the men of Castile in the port of Sandwich ; by reason of which arrest, Arnald de Sancto Martino recovered 65s. sterling in part satisfaction of the said 230 marks ; and whereas after the king’s accession, Ferdinand, the present king of Castile and Leon, on account of certain other disputes between his subjects and the said citizens and others of the king’s subjects and the community of the said city, sent his proctors to the king for the settlement of the disputes ; and the king, having deliberated with those of his council conceruiiig the new and old disputes, ordained, with the assent of the said proctors, that the ordinance of the late king, which the late king Sancho approverl by his letters, should be completed and observed ; although the said Arnald de Sancto Martino afterwards bore special letters of the king to king Ferdinand for the recovery of his goods, and sought for the execution of the ordinance above- said from those appointed by the king and by the king of Castile to super- intend the execution of the ordinance, the commi.ssaries of the king of Castile appointed with the king’s commissaries for the execution of the ordinance at Fuentarrabia (Fontem liubkhim) did nothing in execution of the said ordinance, as appears by the letters patent of Caillard de Sancto Paulo, knight, lord of Seres (de Hero), anvl of Master I’eter Arnaldi de Vico, the king’s commis.saries : wherefore the king orders the said sherilf to arrest goods of the men of the power of the king of Castile to the value of 225 marks and 20d. sterling, the balance of the 230 marks aforesaid, and of the damages of the said Arnald, certifying the king of his proceedings. By C. and the process therein heretofore continued. To the sheriff of York. Order to release William son of Thomas de Seleby from the king’s prison at York, wherein he is im])iisoned for a tre.'pass committed upon Koberl de Neuby, clerk, whilst engaged in the king’s service at Y’^ork, upon his finding suflicient mainpernors to have him before the king in three weeks from Easter to answer to the king for the contempt and to the said Robert, if he sue him for the trespass. To the prior of the Hospital of St. John of .Jerusalem in England. Order to pay 4f/. a day out of the issues of the Templars’ lands for the wages of each of tiie Templars placed in monasteries to do penance, and 2s. a day to Imhert Blank, the wages of broiher William de la More, late master of the order of the Temple in England, granted to the said Imhert at the request of Sir Louis de Claro Monte. [Fcedera.] To the treasurer, or to him who su])plies his place, and to the barons of the excheciuer of Dublin. Order to pay to Laurence de la Ryvere or his attorney in this behalf 64/. 3s. 8(/., out of the first issues of the custom of wool, hides and wool-fells in the port ol' Drogheda (I)roweda), being the balance of 1 14/. 35. 8fc/. that the king ordered them to pay out of the said custom to him for arrears of his wages and recompence for his horses when CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1314 . Feb. 7. Eltham. Feb. 26. Canterburj-. Feb. 26. Hadleigh. Feb. 24. Canturbuiy. Feb. 20. Canterbury. Membrane 11 — cent. in the bate king’s service, as appears by two bills of the late king’s ward- robe delivered by Laurence into chancery. By K. To tlie jn.stices in eyre in Kent. Order to continue until the quinzaine of Easter all pleas in the eyre touching the lowey of Tonebrugge with the hundred of Littlefeud. By p.s. [2889.] To John de Segrave, keeper of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to deliver William de Mulcastre, in the king’s jtrison at Carlisle for a trespass of the Forest, in bail to twelve mainpernors who shall mainpern to have him before the king’s justices for Forest pleas when they come to those parts. Richard son of Reyner de Hordeleye, in the prison of Shrewsbury castle for the death of William Brech of Hordeleye, has letters to the sheriff of Salop to bail him until the first assize. To G. bishop of London and J. bishop of Lincoln, principal collectors of the tenth for one year. Order to pay all the money of the tenth in Ireland to Richard de Clodeshah; and John de Monilie, attornies of Anthony Pessaigue, in part payment ot the king’s debts to him, notwith- standing any other orders previously sent to them in favour of others. By K. To Hugh Daudeleye, constable of Montgomery Castle. Order to send before the king, in one month from Easter, the tenors of the inquisitions taken by the ministers of that castle in the absence of Thomas de Wynes- bury by his rivals, whereby it was pretended that the said Thomas was indicted for carrying away and receiving certain of the king’s goods in that castle, on which account the said ministers arrested him at Chire- bury in the county of Salop, and took him out of that county to the said castle and imprisoned him there because he would not answer before them according to Welsh law, although he is not a Welshman and does not hold any lands by reason whereof he ought be be judged according to Welsh law, and detained him in prison until he found mainpernors to have him before the constable to answer to the king within three days of summons. The constable is to appe-ar before the king on the above day to inform the king concerning the premises, and is ordered to release the said Thomas or his mainpernors, if he have arrested them, as he has found mainpernors to have him before the. king on the above day, to wit John de Chcrleton, the king’s chamberlain, William de Leghton, Richard de Clumton, Robert de Marchumleye of the county of Salop, Walter Fuk’ of the county of Here- ford, and William de Brymesgrove of the county of Worcester. To John de Evre, escheator beyond Trent. Order to make partition of the lands of Robert de Ros of Werk, deceased, a Scotch rebel of the late king, into two parts in the presence of his heirs, if they choose to attend, and to cause John Salvayn and Margaret his wife, the eldest daughter of tlie said Robert, to have seisin of her purparty as her esnecy, retaining in the king’s hands the ])urparty of John de Knoches and Isabella his wife, the youngest daughter of the said Robert, the said Margaret and Isabella, who were born and baptized in Scotland, having i)roved their age before William de Bevercotes, chancellor of Scotland, and the king having tiiken homage for Margaret’s purparty, as it appears to the king that .Margaret and Isabella were tinder age when the hue king granted, whilst in Scotlanil, to John Comyn of Badenauh, for himself and his men of Scotland who had been at war with the late king, that their lives and limbs should be saved, that tliey should be quit ol' imjtrisonmcnt, and that they should not be disinherited, and that their heirs then under age should enjoy the same conditions. 7 EDWARD II. 41 1314. Feb. 6. Eltham. Jan. 20. Westminster. Jan. 25. Windsor. Jan. 21. Westminster. Jan. 15. Westminster. Feb. 1. ^Windsor. Membrane 11 — cont. To the justices in eyre in Kent. Order to take fines from persons con- victed before them for other offences than trespasses in parks and fishponds, from whom the king ordereil them to take fines, for the remainder of their term of imprisonment and for what pertains to the king of the said tres- passes, as the king understands that many persons so convicted wish to make fines with him. By K. [Fcec?era.] Membrane 10. To the sheriff of Huntingdon. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of .Micliael de Colene, who, the king is informed, is a merchant and trades both by sea and land in divers parts, so that he cannot conveniently attend to the ofiice of coroner. To Walter Waldeshef, taker of the wines of the right prise at Southampton. Order to deliver a tun of wine of the right prise at Southampton to the abbot and convent of Netley {Lettele) for the pre.sent year, in accordance with the grant to them by Henry III. of a tun yearly for the celebration of mass in their church, which wine the late king granted, at the request of R. bishop of Bath and Wells, his chancellor, should be received from the taker of wines at Southampton. To the same. Order to deliver to the abbot and monks of King’s Beaulieu a tun of wine of the right prise at Southampton for the present year, in accordance with the grant of Henry III. to them of a tun of wine yearly for the celebration of mass in their church. Thomas le Criour of Stokhith, imprisoned in Lincoln castle for the death of William Baroun of Stokhiih, has letters to the sheriff of Lincoln to bail him until the first assize. To the purveyors of hay, oats, litter, brushwood {busce), poultry, and other victuals for the king’s u^e in certain counties. Order not to take any of the goods or chattels of Otto de Grand isono against the wish of his bailiffs, the king having granted that his goods shall not be taken, as he is sojourning by the king’s license in parts beyond sea. To the bailiffs of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Order to deliver to Adam de Chasteborn, merchant of Pontefract, a ship of Walter Colkyn, called ‘ La Mariole,’ of Donkirk, in Flanders, with a boat and all the tackle of the same, and four empty chests found in the ship, apju'aised by men of New- castle at 25 marks 2s. 8ff., arrested by them in execution of the king’s order to arrest goods of the men of the jmwer of the count of Flanders to the value of 50 marks, in part satisfaction for the goods of the said Adam, to the value of 106 marks, stolen from him by men of the count’s power in going to Flanders near the Sheld, the count having failed to do him justice as requested by the king, as appears by letters under the common seal of the town of Pontefract. The ship, etc., are to be delivered to Adam by the above ajipraisement, or by another to be made in the presence of the said Walter, if lie will attend upon summons. They are to arrest goods of the men aforesaid to the value of 24 marks 10s. 8r/., the balance of the above 50 marks, excepting the good.< of the merchants of Ypres (//>re), to whom the king has granted that their goods shall not be arre.sted except for debts wherefor they are principal debtors or sureties or for trespasses committed by them. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a verdcrer for the forest of Galtres to be elected in plaee of Robert de Sbipton, who is incapacitated by infirmity. By the testimony of John de Segrave, justice of the Forest beyond Trent. 42 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1314. P^(^b, 3. VViudsor. Feb. 2. Windsor. Feb. 3. Windsor. Feb. 6. Eltham. March 1. Hadleigh. March 3. badleigh. March 5). W estminster. March 12. Wtstminster. Membrane 10 — cont. To the .slieriffs of London. Order to arrest all tin {stagmen') from Cornwall and Devon found in the port unstamped {pan coignatum) intended for exportation, certifying the king of their proceerlings from term to term, as the king understands that certain merchants and others take unstamped tin lo |)ai'ts beyond sea, thus defrauding the king of the custom due for its stamping {coignagio). The like to the mayor and bailiffs of Southampton. The like to Queen Margaret’s bailiffs of Gloucester. To the sheriff of Yoik. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of Whyteby to be elected in place of Robert de Everle, deceased, in accor- dance with the grant of Henry III. to the abbot of Whyteby that he and his successors should iiave verderers in the forest of Whyteby, and that they should be elected in the full county [court] of York. To the sheriff of Warwick. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Ralph de Shireleye, who is incapacitated by infirmity. To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to pay to the king’s yeoman Giles de Arpuche, keeper of certain of the king’s horses staying at Abyndon, 9s. a day for the maintenance of the horses and the wages of the servants keep- ing the same, from the Purification last, until which feast the king pre- viously ordered him to pay the above wages, until the quinzaine of Easter. By C. To the sheriff' of Y'ork. Order to arrest all persons who have gone without licence to parts beyond sea to tourney, and to take their lands into the king’s hands. \_Foedera.^ The like to all the sheriffs of England. \_Ibid.~\ To John le Gras and Robert de Clyderhou, late keepers of the bishopric of Worcester, void and in the king’s hands. Order to pay 100/. to W. bishop of Worcester out of the issues of the bishopric, which sum the king has granted to him. By p.s. [2908.] To the sheriff of Northumberland. Order to pay 50 marks to the king’s yeoman Master Walter le Feiour, whom the king is sending to the parts of Corbrigg’ to provide horse-shoes {ferris) and horse-nails for the war in Scotland. By' K. To the sheriff of Surrey. Order to cause a coroner to be elected in place of Robert de Waleton, lately elected, who does not reside continuously in that county, but is continuously engaged upon matters outside the county. To the sheriff's of London. Order to release John Flemyng from Neu- gate prison, wheie he is im[)risoned for the arrears of the account wherein .lohn Abel asserts him to be bound to him for the time when he was receiver of the said John Abel’s moneys, as he alleges that the auditors of the above account unduly aggrieve him, charging him with money that he did not receive and not allowing him his expenses and liveries, he having found mainpernors before the king in chancery, to wit Giles de i\rgentein, eTohn de Bowe'es, and Robert Grynibaud of the county of Bedford, and John le Chaumbreleyn, of the city of London, to have him before him who sup])lies the place of the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer in fifteen days from Easter to answer concerning the above account, as the said John Flemyng, being a foreigner and unknown in London, was unable to find mainj)ernors in the city, and the sheriffs refused to receive mainpernors except from the city. They are to summon John Abel to be in the exchequer on the above day, with the rolls and tallies whereby John Flemyng rendered his account. 1314. March 13. Westminster. March 12. Westminster. March 16. W estminster. March 20. Westminster. March 17. Westminster. March 21. Westminster. 7 EDWARD II. 43 Membrane 10 — cont. To the sheriffs of London. Order to release Robert* Darmenters from Neus;ate prison, and to deliver him to Edmund de Malo Lacu, steward of the king’s household, who has mainperned to have him before the king in three weeks from Easter to satisfy the king for his ransom for certain conspiracies and trespasses against John de Abyndon, whereof he was convicted by a jury in the king’s court. By K. Membrane 9, To the sheriffs of London. Order to receive Elizabeth wife of Robert de Brus from the abbess of Berkyngg’, with whom she has beeu staying by the king’s order, and to take her under safe custody to Rochester and there deliver her to Henry de Cobeham, constable of the castle. By K. \_Fcedera.'\ To the abbess of Berkyngg’, Order to deliver the said Elizabeth to the sheriff. \_Fcedera.'] By K. To Henry de Cobeham, constable of Rochester Castle. Order to receive the said Elizabeth from the sheriffs, and to a.ssign a suitable chamber within the castle to her, and to pay her 20i. a week for her expenses, and to permit her to walk about (spaciari) under safe custody within the castle and the priory of St. Andrew at suitable times. By K. [idasf/era.] To John Abel, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver William son and heir of Roesia, late the wife of Peter de Elmere, which Roesia held by knight service of the heir of Thomas Aguillon. a tenant in chiefj late a minor in the king’s wardship, all his mother’s lands in the king’s hands, as he has proved his age before the said escheator. To the sheriff of Northumberland. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Henry de Neuton, who is insufficiently qualified. To John Abel, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Alina late the wife of Hugh fiz Aer the hamlet of Ilaverkecote and the is.sues of the same, as it appears by inquisition that she and her husband were jointly enfeoffed thereof by William Canne by the king’s licence, and that she con- tinued her joint-seisin of the same until her husband’s death, and that the hamlet is held of the king in chief by the service of finding a man with a bow and two arrows and one bolt {pelilio) in the army of Wales, the king having taken her fealty. To the taxors and collectors of the twentieth and fifteenth in the county of Lincoln. Order to proceed with all speed to the taxing and levying of the above, so that all money that they can levy of the same be delivered to the treasurer and chamberlains of the exchequer without delay, as the king intends shortly to set out for Scotland to repress the rebellion. They are not to pay any money out of the above without the king’s special licence. [Par/. fVrits.] By K. The like to the taxors and collectors in all the. counties of England except Northumberland, Cumberland and Westmoreland. [Ibid.] To him who supplies the place of the treasurer and to the barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Thomas de Brotherton, earl of Norfolk, the king’s brother, of the service due for the knights’ fees held by him by reason • Called predictuni Johannem in the order clause, but liobertus in the preamble and in the margin and in Privy Seal 2939. 44 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1314 . March 23. Westminpter. Marcli 28. Westminster. March 31. St. Albans. March 27. Westminster. March 21. Westniin.ster. Membrane 9 — cont. of the summons of the king’s service at Berwick -on-Tweeil on Monday before St. Barnabas next, the king having pardoned him the same. \^Fcedcra.'] By. K. To the sheriffs of London. Order to release William son of Richard de Chalk’ from Newegate prison, where he is imprisoned for the arrears of the account wherein Walter le Bevere of London, ‘ fisshere,’ asserts that he is bound to liim for the time wlieu he was receiver of his moneys, as he alleges that the auditors of the above account unduly aggrieve him, charging him with money that he did not receive and not allowing him his expenses and liveries, he having found mainpernors before the king in chancery, to wit Richard le Hirde of Chalk’, Richard Martyn of Chalk’, John Burgeys of Chalk’, Richard atte Doune of Chalk’, Robert son of Richard de Chalk’, and John le Clerk of Chalk’, of the county of Ivent, and William de Bosyate, of the county of Northampton, to have him before him who supplies the place of the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer in fifteen days from Easter to answer concerning the above account, as the said William, being a foreigner and unknown in London, was unable to find mainpernor's in the city, and the sheriffs r efused lo receive maiirpernoi’s excejrt Ifom the city. They are to summon the said Waller le Bevere to be in the exchequer on the above day with the rolls and tallies whereby the said William rendered his account. To the sher iff of Essex. Order to cause a cor-oner for that county to be elected in place of Peter de Taleworth, deceased. To John Abel, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause William de Saundeby, kinsman and heir of John de Saundeby, a tenant in chief of the late king, to have seisin of his father’s lauds, as he has proved his age before the said escheator and the king has taken his homage. To the same. Order to cause Nicholas de Arrdele, brother and heir of Thomas de Arrdele, who died a minor in the king’s war dship, to have seisin of his brother’s lauds, as he has proved his age before Roger de Wellesworth, late escheator this side Trent, and the king has taken his homage. To Hervey de Stanton. Order to send to the exchequer at Westminster witbrnit delay the e.-treats of all fines, ransoms, and amercements of the time when he and his fellows were justices irr eyre in Kent, to be delivered to him who supplies the jrlace of the treasurer and to the barons of the exchequer, notwitlisratiding that they have adjourned pleas touchirrg certain liberties in that county, provided, however, that they send the rest of their estreats to the exc hequer at the end of the eyre. By K. To the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order to send to Berwick-on- Tweed the remainder of the 40 lasts of herrings, ten thousands of ruulvel, eight thousands of ‘ stokfissh,’ and 20 barrels of stui-geon that the king lately ordered him to send lo Westminster, to be delivered to William de North well, the king’s clerk. By K. To the taxors and collectors of the twentieth and fifteenth in the county of Stafford. Order to pay to .Tohn de Somery 100/. due to him for cert- money ypro certd) that he ought to receive by way of fee for the seventh year of the king’s reign, as appears by an account made in the king’s wardrobe on March 20. By K. To the taxors and collectors of the twentieth and fifteenth in the county of Warwick. Order to pay to the said .John 82/. lOs. 0(/., due to him for his expenses in going in the king’s conqiany to France in May and June, in the sixth year of the reign, as appears by an account made at Westminster on February 13 last. By K. 7 EDWARD II. 45 1314. April 1 . St. Albans. March 26. Westminster. April 1. St. Albans. Membrane 9 — cont. To John Abel, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause William Martel, son and heir of John Martel, a tenant in chief of the late king, to have seisin of his father’s lands, as he has proved his age before the said escheator and the king has taken his homage. Memorandum, that the said William is bound to satisfy the king for the value of his marriage because he married under age without the king’s licence. To the sheriffs of London. Whereas, on the complaint of Philip de Leghton, burgess of Ipswich, that the castellan of St Valery had taken from him and detained a ship of the value of 50/. in that port, the late king frequentl}' requested the count of Dreux, lord of that town, to do justice to the said Philip, which he did not do; wherefore the present king commanded them to arrest goods of the merchants of that town and from elsewhere in the power of the count to the value of 69/. II 5 . ‘Id., the arrears of the said 50/. and of 40/. lor damages, and they have returned that they have arrested a ship value 15 marks, half of which belongs to Waleric Genere and half to Matthew Brian, burgesses of St. Valery, and the tackle and cargo (frettum) of the same price, four marks ; and Waleric and Matthew have now asserted in chancery, in the presence of the saiil Philip, that the above arrest is unjust, Philip asserting the contrary, and Philip Beauvers (sic), Roger de Lemi, and .Tames Pe de Lii, of the city of London, have mainperned before the king to answer to the said Philip de Leghton for the aforesaid 19 marks, the value of the ship, tackle, and cargo, if they be adjudged to him: where- fore the king orders them to deliver the ship, tackle, and cargo to Waleric and Matthew or their attorney. To the prior of Kaermerdy!!, chamberlain of Kaermerdyn. Order to proceed in person to the castle of Huelt, committed by the king to John de Cherleton to keep during pleasure, and to survey the state of the same and to fortify it with armour and victuals witlioul (lelay out of the is.sues of his bailiwick, by the view and testimony of the said John or any one whom he shall depute. By K. Membrane 8. To Roger le Brabanzon. Order to release Richard Caple from prison, to which he was committed because Anastasia, late the wife of William Sjnchefat lately a])pealed him before the said Roger and his fellow.s, justices of oyer and terminer, of the death of the .said William, the said Richard having been committed to i)risou at tlie king’s suit because the above appeal was quashed by decision of the court, as the .said Richard, who is about to set out to Scotland in the king’s service with Hugh le Despenser the younger, has found mainpernors in chancery, to wit Roger du Brok, Nicholas de Wlielhamstede, Payn de Portes, Adam de Somery, John dc Norton, and William Blaket, of the county of Hertford, who have main- perned to have him before the king in fifteen days from Michaelmas to answer concerning the death of the said William, if the king will then speak against him. By K. To the ta.xors and collectors of the twentieth and fifteenth in the county of Kent. Order to pay 300 marks to Hugh de Leomynystre, keeper of the wardrobe of Edward the king’s son, for the expenses of Edward’s houseliold. By K. To Ingelard de Warle, keeper of the king’s wardrobe. Order to allow to Walter Waldeshef, the king’s butler, in his account, for six tuns of wine delivered by him, by order of W. arcdibishoj) of (.'anterbury, keeper of the great seal, and of John de Sandale, supplying the place of the treasurer, to the men of the countess of Warenn, lately dwelling at the Tower, in June and 46 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. X314. Membrane 8 — cont. July, in the sixth and seventh year of the king’s reign, and for six tuns of wine that he caused to be carried to Haddle, by order of the said archbishop, for the expenses of the king’s hcusehold in February in the seventh year. April I. To him who supplies the place of the treasurer and to the barons of the St. Albans, exchequer. Order to make account with the burgesses of Great Yarmouth of the debts due from them and of the king’s debts to them for divers sums of money paid by them in wages of mariner.s going to Scotland for the war there, and for the rej)air of certain of the king’s ships, and for other of the king’s affairs, and to make them allowance for what the king owes them in the debts due from ihem. By K. To Rervey de Stanton and his fellows, justices in eyre in the county of Kent. Order to cause Adam de Osgodeby, keeper of the house of Conversi, London, to liave the king’s alms called ‘deodands’ from their eyre, in aid of the repair and maintenance of the buildings and the maintenance of the Conversi, the late king having granted deodands to the Conversi for the completion of the fabric of their chapel, which Henry III. founded, and in aid of the repair and maintenance of the buildings there. By K. S^Fadera ] March 27. To the keeper of the town of Scardeburgh. On the complaint of Richard Westminster, de Fimmer and Richard de Slcngesby, merchants of the king’s realm, that whereas they loaded a ship of Rcler Bellard of Sleperdam in Flanders in the port of Kyngeston-on-Hull with fifteen sacks of wool, a hundred and two wool-fells, and other goods to the value of 127/. 18s. and with 3/. in money, in order to take these goods to Andwerp in Brabant to make their profit thereof, John le Seger and other mtilefactors of Flanders entered the ship in hostile manner on her voyage thither, and assaulted the said Richard and Richard and other merchants and mariners in the ship, and took them and the ship and goods to Aberden in Scotland, and, having left them in the custody of the king’s enemies, went with the ship and goods to Flanders, the king requested R. count of Flanders lo do justice to the said merchants, but the count has failed to do so, as testified by the bailiffs and community of Malton by their letters patent under their common seal ; wherefore the king orders the said kec[)er to arrest goods of the men of Flanders and elsewhere in the count’s power to the value of the above 170/. 18s. 4d. from the issues of his bailiwick from Midsummer next, which he paid to Martin Martinetz of Ilurleby for the late king’s debt to him for the wages of himself and conq)any whiLst in the lale king’s service in the duchy [of Aquitaine], by the account made with him by John de Sandale, as is more fully contained in the letters of Henry de Lacy, late I'arl of Lincoln, then holding the late king’s place in the duchy, which letters Martin delivered 7 EDWAED II. 49 1314. April 19. Kirkstead. April 22. Lincoln. April 22. Lincoln. April 22. Lincoln. April 1. St. Albans. April 23. Torkscy. April 22. Lincoln. 72604 , Membrane 7 — cont. into the late king’s treasury by the hands of the said John, the constable of Bordeaux having certified the king that nothing had been paid to Martin, although the late king on 6 April, in the thirty-third year of his reign, ordered the constable of Bordeaux to pay the said sum to Martin. The said Peter has delivered the present king’s letters patent made to Martin for the above sum into chancery to be cancelled. By K. on the information of J. de Saudale. To John Abel, escheator this side Trent. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands in Grafham, Offord Cluny, Offord Daneys, Catte- worth, Wodeweston, and Alcombery, in the county of Huntingdon, taken into the king’s hands by reason of the death of William de Pappeworth, as it a{)pears by inquisition taken by the said escheator that William and Ada his wife were jointly enfeoffed of these lands by Richard de Keston, clerk, by fine levied in the late king’s court, and that the lands are not held of the king but of divers other lords, and that Ada continued her joint-seisin thereof until her husband’s death. To John de Evre, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause John de Ros and Margaret, late the wife of Philip le Despenser, whom John has now married, to have seisin of the lands in Coldon and Dodyngton that, it appears by inquisition, Philip held of tlie king as of the honour of Albe- marle in the hands of Margaret, countess of Cornwall, by knight service, of his wife’s inheritance, by which inquisition it appears that he held nothing in chief as of the crown, but that he held divers lands of other lords in the said escheator’s bailiwick, the king having taken John’s fealty for the above lands. He is not to intermeddle further with the lands that Philip held of other lords. To the same. Order to cause the said John and Margaret to have seisin of two parts of the manor of Gedenay, and the issues of the same, as it appears by inquisition that she and her late husband Philip le Despenser, held the said two parts of her inheritance of the king as of the honour of Albemarle as of the manor of Bruslewik in the hands of INIargai'et, coun- tess of Cornwall, by the service of a fourth of a knight’s fee, the king having taken fealty of the said John. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with two parts of the manor of Goushill, which, it apjiears by inquisition, the said Philip le Despenser and Margaret held of her inheritance as of the barony of Bayeux,' together with the knights’ fees pertaining to the barony, in the hands of Isabella de Bello Monte, lady de Vcscy, by the king’s grant to her for life, which they held by the service of one knight’s fee, nor with the lands that he held of other lords than the king. To him who supplies the place of the treasurer and to the barons of the exchequer. Order to make account in the exchequer wdth the burgesses of Great Yarmouth, and to allow them in the arrears of the ferm of the town and other debts due to the king, what the king owes them for the wages of mariners sent to Scotland for the war there, for the repairs of certain of the king’s ships, and for sums of money lent by them to the king. By K To Henry de Cobeham, constable of Rochester castle. Order to permit Ellen Edger, John de Claydon, Samuel de Lynford, and William de Preston to stay with Isabella de Brus for so long ns she shall remain in his custody, the king having ordained by his council that she shall have the above persons with her. [Acer/era.] By C. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Robert de Weston, who is insutTieiently qualified. P 50 CALE-N-DAK OP CLOSE ROLLS. 1314. April 29. Beverley. April 27. Beverley. April 12. Peterborough. 1313. Oct. 9. Westminster. Oct. 22. Westminster. Nov. 5. Westminster. Membrane 7 — cont. To the sheriff of Huntingdon. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of Wauhergh to be elected in place of William de Papworth, deceased. To the sheriff of Suffolk. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of John de Wachesham, deceased. To .John Abel, escheator this side Trent. Order not to intermeddle further with tlie lands of Robert de Furneux, .as it appears by inquisition that he held nothing in chief of the king at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king. To the justices in eyre in the county of Kent. Order to proceed with all speed to take all assizes of novel disseisin ar.d of iriort d’ancestor instituted by the king’s writs before them in their eyre and before other justices in that county, and to do justice therein to the parties, as the king wishes to accelerate justice because other justices appointed to take assizes in that county ought not to take such assizes during the eyre. To the sheriffs of Surrey. Order to deliver from prison John de Horn’, imprisoned at Guldeford upon an indictment for procuring and abetting the death of William de la Quarrere, slain by Thomas de Cranefeld, who has not yet been convicted of the said death, upon his finding mainpernors to have him before the king or his justices to stand to right if the king or any one else speak against him, the sheriff having refused to take mainprize from the said John although it is provided by statute that persons so indicted shall be repleviable until the principal perpetrator shall be con- victed. Membrane 7. — Schedule. Warantia dierum de anno regni regis Edwardi Jilii Begis Edwardi septimo. Thomas son of John Prat of Retford was engaged in the king’s service by his order on Sunday the quinzaine of Easter last and on the Monday following, so that he could not appear in the suit before the justices of the Bench by king’s writ between Adam son of Walter Prat, John and Thomas brothers of Adam, and Thomas son of Thomas Prat, on the one part, and the said Thomas son of .John Prat on the other, for that he deforced them of their part of the inheritance of Adam Prat the elder, the grandfather of the above parties, lately deceased, in Northtihie and Suth- tilne ; wherefore the justices are ordered not to put the said Thomas in default for his failure to appear. By K. on the information of W. de Bevercote. John de Wodehalle was engaged in the king’s service by his order on Monday after the octaves of Michaelmas last, so that he coukl not appear in the suit ))efore the bailiffs of Robert de Wylnghby of Spillesby, in his court there, by the king’s writ of right between the said John, demandant, and the prior of Bolyngton, deforciant, concerning 22 acres of land in Wyn- thorp ; wherefore the bailiffs are ordered not to put the said John in default. By p.s. [2824.] Walter, bishop of Exeter, was engaged in the king’s service by his order on 'I'liursday after St. Denis last, so that he could not appear in the suit before the sheriff of Sussex in Ids county [court] without the king’s writ between Richard Cocum of Inlonde and the said bishoji and Warin le H.ayward for^ (he unjust distraint of Richard’s cattle ; wherefore the sheriff is ordered not to 2)ut him in default. 7 EDWAKD II. 51 1314 . Feb. 17. Canterbury, March 13. Westminster. March 16. Westminster. April 29. Kirksteacl. June 9. Fen barn. April 29. Beverley. April 27. Beverley. Membrane 7 — Schedule — cent. Fichard Level was engaged in the king’s service by his order on Saturday the morrow of All Souls last, so that he could not .appear in the suit before the justices of the Bench by the king’s writ between John Covert and him for breach of coven.ant concerning the manor of Storghton : wherefore the justices are ordered not to put him in default. By K. on the Information of W. de Ayremynn. Balph Saunzaver was engaged in the king’s service by his order on Sunday the (luinzaine of St. Hilary and the following Monday, so that he could not appear in the suit before the justices of the Bench by king’s writ between Robert de Sancta Cruce and him for a debt of 10 marks demanded from him by the said Robert ; wherefore the j ustices are ordered not to put him in default. By K. Walter de Faucunberge was engaged in the king’s service by his order on Thursday before St. Matthias last, so that he could not appear in the suit before Adam de Middelton, William de Houk, Thomas de Fissheburn and John de Donecastre, the king’s justices appointed to hear and determine trespasses committed by him upon Miles de Stapelton in the county of York ; wherefore the justices .are ordered not to put him in default. By K. on the information of Edmund de Malo Lacu. The said Walter was engaged in the king’s service on the above Thursday, so that he could not appear on that day in the suit by the king’s writ before the aforesaid justices, appointed to hear .and determine certain trespasses committed by him upon Marmaduke de ’rwenge in the county of York; whei’efore the justices are ordered not to put him in def.ault. By K. on the information of Edmund de M.alo Lacu. The said W,alter was engaged in the king’s service on 'I'liursday after the Annunciation last, so that he could not a[)pear in the suit by king’s writ before the said justices, appointed to hear and determine certain trespasses committed by him upon Miles de Stapelton ; wherefore the justices are ordered not to put him in default. By p.s. Like letters in favour of the said Walter, for the said Thursday, in tho suit between Marmaduke de 'I'wcnge and him. By p.s. Alexander de Cl.-iveryng’, sherilF of Norfolk and .Suffolk, was engaged in the king’s service on Friday the morrow of the Ascension last, so that he could not a[)pear in the suit before tlie king by king’s writ between Roesia late the wile of David de Cotesbrok and him concerning tho return of a writ of the king’s ; wherefore the king wills that he shall not bo placed in default. By p.s. [3039.] Membrane 6 . To John Abel, escheator beyond Trent. Order to release the issues received by him from the lands of Agnes de Ikiteshull, dece.ased, the king having previously ordered him not to intermeddle further with her lands, as it a{)pears by inquisition that she held nothing of the king in chief. To him who supplies the place of the treasurer .and to the barons of the exchequer. Order to make such allowances to the executors of the will of Ral|)h de Sandwico, late constable of the Tower of Loudon, for the arrears of his fee and the wages of prisoners in tho '^o^ver and their keepers, and for the wages of a clerk of tho Tower and of a serjeant keeping the water of Thames, .as have been made to the said Ralph in previous accounts rendered by him, the executors having shewn to the king that they refuse D 2 52 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1314. April 27. Beverley. April 19. Kirkstead. Membrane 6 — cont. to m.ike allowance to the said executors in their account for the two last years of the time when Ralph was constable for the arrears of his fee and the wages abovesaid. To the same. Order to discharge Nicholas de Modes, kinsman and Iieir of Roger de Moeles, of 35/. 2s. 6d. for scutage for the late king’s armies of Wales in the fifth and tentli years of liis reign, as the late king, on 1 4 May, in tlie eighteenth year of Ids reign, ordered his treasurer and barons of the exchequer to acquit Roger of this sum, because it appeared that he had done his service in the said armies. To the same. Order to acquit the heirs and executors of Adam son of Bernard, Thomas son of Ivo (lovonis), Richard son of David, and Thomas son of Aired, and the tenants of their lauds, of 50 marks yearly, which they were bound to pay for the manors of Boudon and Haverberg’, committed to them by Henry III. on 21 January, in the 49th year of his reign, for five years from Michaelmas in his 48th year, from 6 January, in the 52nd year of his reign, when he committed tlie manors to Eleanor, late queen of England, the king’s mother, to hold for ten years from Michaelmas in that year, receiving all issues and profits of the same for her maintenance, the said king having ordered his treasurer and barons of the exchequer to acquit the said Adam, Thomas, Richard and Thomas of the above yearly sum from 6 January abovesaid ; notwithstanding wliich the treasurer and barons now demand the above sum from their heirs and executors, and the tenants of their lands. To -John Abel, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Philip son of Philip de Esteneye, the hamlet of Esteneye, and the issues of the same, taken into the king’s hands because it was found by an inquisition taken by the said escheator at the suit of Robert le Ewer that Matthew son of John, whilst he held the manor of Warblinton and the hamlets pertaining thereto for life by demise from the late king and of the late king’s inheritance, permitted by negligence and feigned defence the said Philip son of Philip de Esteneye to enter and occupy the hamlet aforesaid, which was appur- tenant to the above manor, to the disinheritance of the late king, as the said Philip has appeared in chancery and shewn by the record of pleas in the courts of the late and present kings, which the king caused to come before him, that his ancestors held the hamlet in their demesne as of fee, and that he entered the same after his father’s death by right of inheritance, without disinheriting the king or any one else, and that the said Matthew neither had nor claimed anything in the hamlet except in the name of wardship on account of the minority of the said Philip. By p.s. [2939.] To the sheriffs of London. Order to release Geoffrey de Sh.apelegh, a a Devonshire miner, upon his finding mainprize, from Neugate, wherein he is imprisoned at the suit of Merlin de Sene, another miner, for sixteen marks paid by him to Ins fellows for investigating and digging a silver mine that Simon le Armurer, the said Merlin, Hermann (le Alemann[ia], the said Geoffrey, John de la Mine, and Henry de Shapeicgh, the king’s miners in Devon, informed the king they believed to have been found in the lands of the prior of Taunton at Dolvcrton and Brisford, in the county of Somerset, which mine they promised the king to search and dig at their own cost on condition that they answered to the king for half the profit of the .same, and the king ap[)(jinted the said prior and Richard de Rcigny to surve^y the work of the said miners and their expenses, and to reecive from them a moiety of the profit for the king’s use, as appears by the king’s letters patent to endure from 18 Fel)ruary, in the fifth year of his reign, until a year from Easter then next following; the said Geoffrey having shewn the king that the said Merlin has maliciously procured his arrest for the above 7 EDWARD II. 53 1314 April 24. Lincoln. May 6. York. April 28. Beverley. May 2. York. April 21. Lincoln. April 22. Lincoln. Membrane 6 — cont. sum, although they and their fellows have not yet accounted at the exchequer for their expenses in the above matter, nor for the portion of the profit pertaining to the king. To John Abel, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Joan, late the wife of John de Cayly, the manor of Trumpeton and the advowson of the church of the same, together with the issues of the same, as it appears by inquisition that she and her husband were jointly enfeoffed of the pre- mises by William Crochernan of Trumpeton, and that she continued her joint-seisin thereof until her husband’s death, and that the manor and advowson are held by knight service of the heirs of Alan la Zousche, in the king’s wardship, the king having taken her fealty. To G. bishop of London and J. Bishop of Lincoln, principal collectors of the tenth imposed upon the clergy of England for six years by pope Clement V. Order to supersede the demand made by them for the above tenth for six years from the master and brethren of the hospital of the poor and infirm of St. John the Baptist, Bruggewauter, and to release any sequestration that they may have made, and to restore anything they may have levied for this purpose, as it appears from the letters patent of J. late bishop of Winchester and O. late bisliop of London, that the master and brethren of the said hospital never contributed to any tenth gr.anted to the king’s progenitors or granted in any other wise, because their means do not suffice for their maintenance. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to discharge the king’s clerk John de Hothum, of tlie e.xtent of the king’s castle and town of Salmon Leap, and the land of Oketlii in Ireland, com- mitted to him by the king on 6 February, in the fiftli year of his reign, during pleasure, rendering the extent thereof yearly to the exchequer of Dublin, from 22 .May in the sixth year, when the king granted all the lands of Henry de Ilechef'ord in Okethi to John Wogan for life, for his services to the late and present kings, which lands come to the late king’s hands by grant from the said Henry, to be held by the said Jolm by the service of rendering a black sparrow-hawk yearly to the exchequer of Dublin ; by reason of which grant the lands committed to the said John de Hothum were delivered to the said John Wogan. J'o him who supplies the place of the treasurer and to the barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit William, son and heir of Geoffrey de Caunvill, of the scutage for the service of one knight’s fee in the late king’s army of Wales in the fifth year of his reign, as the said Geoffrey had his service in the said army, as appears by the rolls of the late king’s marshalsea. To the taxors and collectors of the twentieth and fifteentli in the county of Hertfoi’d. Order to pay wil limit delay to the monks of St. Albans 100 marks, which the king has granted them to amend their stalls (s^a//a) in the choir of the monastery. By K. To the keeper of the forest of Lutcgarshale. Order to cause the steward of the household of Edward the king’s son to have twenty leafless oaks from that forest for firewood, the king having ordained that his son shall stay at the manor of Lutcgarshale for some time. By C. To the same. Order to deliver to the keeper of the manor three oaks fit for timber, to make shingles {cendidas) thereof for covering the king’s houses there against the arrival of the king’s son. By C. To him who supplies the place of the treasurer and to the barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit the citizens of Chichester of 15/. 12*. 4s that he owes to Walter de I’lassh lbs.-, to bo levi(‘(l, in default of p.'iyment, ol his lands and chattels in the county of Hereford. Robert Filet of Buntyngford acknowledges that he owes to Edmund Cosyn of IjOikIou 8/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of Loudon, 7 EDWARD II. 73 1313. Oct. 17. Sheen. Sept. 22. AVestmiuster. Sept. 28. Sheen. Sept. 24. Westminster. Membrane 24c? — cent. William le Botiller of Weryngton acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Cliderhou, clerk, 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Lancaster. Bartholomew de Daneleyrs and John de Loudham acknowledge that they owe to Thomas de Biotherton, earl of JXorfolk, 60?.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of Suffolk. John Fryday, chaplain, acknowledges that he owes to John de Burstowe, knight, lOO^. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Surrey. Membrane 23c?. To the sheriff of York. Order to arrest all persons executing any com- missions to weaken the king’s collation of Richard de Cornubia to the prebend of T^orthneubald in St. Peter’s church, York, which he has long possessed in peace, as the king understands that certain persons have procured commissions to divers judges in his bailiwick in prejudice of tlie king’s right in order to annul the above collation. By p.s. To the dean and chapter of St. Peter’s York. Order forbidding them to attempt anything regarding the above collation without consulting the king, the cognisance of this matter jiertaining to him alone, as the king understands that certain persons have procured commissions to be sent to the dean and clmpter to annul the collation. By p.s. The like to the following : Master Leonard de Garcino. Pandulph de Sabell’. Peter de Ilelewelle came before the king, on Friday after St, Matthew the Apostle, and sought to replevy to William son of Eudo la Zusche the said William’s land in Eyton, taken into the king’s hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against Robert de Alegate. This is signi- fied to the justices. To R. count of Flanders. The king has received complaint from Richard Kandolf, burgess of Groat Y’armouth, that certain malefactors of Sluys (de Ea'clmis) 'm Flanders enteia d his ship called ‘/« (rdijare’ oi Yarmouth, laden with wines and other goods of great value, on the sea near the port of Dover on Monday before the Ascension last, slew William Barefot, master of the shij), and filieen other mariners then in the same, and took and carried away the ship, value loO/., and the wines and goods in her, value 81?. IO 5 . Or?, sterling; whereupon, at the suit of the raid Richard, the king caused inquisition to be made by the mayor and bailiffs of Dover concerning the robbery ; whereby it was found that thirty-two men coming from Flandt'rs to Dover in a shij) called ‘ Gruaesheryh ’ of Sluys, attacked the said Richard’s ship called ‘ ?« fTelifarc’ on the sea near Dover, slew the master and fifteen men, and took the ship and her cargo, and that seventeen of them took the ship to Scotland to the king’s enemies, and that the other fifteen took the wine and other goods with them in their ship called ‘ Griiscberyh'’ to Sluys: the king therefore requests the count to cause justice to be done to the said Richard in this matter, so that it may not behove the king to provide him witii another remedy. lie is to certily the king of his proceedings by the bearer hereof. Thomas de Codelowe, ])arson of the church of Cherlewode, dioce.se of Winchester, and John de la Puyle, knight, acknowledge that they owe to 74 CALENDAll OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1313. Membrane 23d — cent. Ilunjli le Despenser the elder 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of Southampton. The said Thomas acknowledges that he owes to the said John 20/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Southampton. Oct. 4. Michael le Bret of London acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey son Sheen. of Warin 100s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of London. William de Gretton, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Gilbert de Ebor[aco], clerk, 23 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Suffolk. Cancelled on ■payment. Oct. 5. Master Hugh Sampson came before the king, on Friday after Michaelmas, Westminster, and sought to replevy his land in Filton and Morcote, taken into the king’s hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against Richard son of Simon de Bernardeshil, Robert and .John his brothers, and John son of Simon son of Simon de Bernardeshil. This is signified to the justices. Ralph de Sbirle acknowledges that he owes to Ralph de Crophill 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Derby. Enrolment of release from Beatrice, late the wife of Robert de Hoo, to Sir William de Bereford, knight, the elder, of her right in the manor of Clopton near Crawedene, in the county of Cambridge, with the advowson of the church. Witne.sses: — Sir Henry Tyeis, knight; Gilbert de Ellesfeld, knight; John brother of the said Gilbert, knight ; Richard de Touches; Roger de Stowe; Robert de Aldenham ; John de Fadyngton; Edward de Warrewyk; Hamo atte Welle. Dated in the parish of St. Clement Danes without the bar of the New Temple, London, on Sunday after the octaves of Michaelmas, 7 Edward II. Memorandum, that she came into chancery and acknowledged the above deed. Oct. 7. William Talebot, parson of Westbury church, acknowledges that he owes Westminster, to Richard de Ayrcmynn, parson of the church of Menstreworth, 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Hereford. Cancelled on payment. William le Latymer, to whom the king granted the custody of the land and heir of Hugh de Foynz and the marriage of the heir, came into chancery at Westminster, on October 8, and offered marriage to Nicholas son and heir of the said Hugh, to wit -loan daughter of John le Latymer, in the presence of Henry de Bello Monte, Nicholas de Segrave, Ralph son of William, .lohn de Crumbwell, Gerard Salvain, John de Evre, William de Ferariis, John de Creppingges, knights, and others. Oct. 8. William Achard, parson of the church of Hadestok, diocese of London, Westminster, acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Sancto Andrea of Esshedon, 19/. ; to be levied, in default of ])ayment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Essex. To the bailiff of the honour of Tikhill. Order not to distrain Margaret, late the wife of George de Sancto .Johanne, for homage and fealty for the lands held by her of that honour, as the king has taken hei homage and fealty. 7 EDWARD II. 75 1313. Oct. 7. Westminster. Oct. 12. Westminster. Membrane 23rf — cont. The like for the following : Baldwin de Colne. John de Bevercotes. Elias de Wheteleye, clerk, has the king’s letters to Master Gilbert de Segrave, elect confirmed bishop of London, to have the yearly pension due to one of the king’s clerks by reason of his new creation as bishop of London. Geoffrey de Hakenesse, clerk, has letters to the abbot and convent of St. Mary’s York to have the yearly pension due to one of the king’s clerks by reason of his new creation as abbot. Bertinus Bacun acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Threlkeld 13 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. Walter le Vavassour acknowledges that he owes to William de Thorntoft, clerk, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the county of York. Robert Malet, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Sancto Andrea 40s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the county of Buckingham. Memorandum, that William le Latymer, to whom the king granted the custody of the land and heir of Hugh de Foinz, deceased, tenant in chief, together with the heir’s marriage, came into chancery at Westminster, on October 8, and offered marriage to Nicholas son and heir of the said Hugh, to wit, Joan daugliter of .John le Latymer, in the presence of Henry de Bello Monte, Nicholas de fsegrave, Ralph son of William, John de Crumbwell, Gerard Salvayn, John de Evre, AVilliam de Ferariis, and John de Creppingg’. Membrane 22d. Enrolment of grant from Katharine de Audeleie to James de Ferrers, knight, and Ela his wife, her daughter, of the castle and town of Thlanan- devery in W’ales, with the commote of Hirnirn and the commote of Fervet, and all appurtenances of the castle, town, and commotes; with remainder to the king in case they die without an heir. Witnesses : Sir Richard, bishop of Hereford; Sir John de Keme.seie, treasurer of Hereford; Sir James de Henleie, canon of Hereford ; Sir William, vicar of Ledebury; Sir Walter de Lugwardyn, rector of the church of Monesleie ; William Esgar and Robert le Chaumberlein. Dated at Ledebury, on Monday before St. Nicholas the Confessor, C Edward II. Memorandum, tliat James did homage to the king, on October 10, in the seventh year of his reign, for the lands abovesaid. John de Hegham of Wymbisshe acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Ultyngg’ 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Essex. John de Chippelegh acknowledges that he owes to JValter de Meryet 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Sumerset. Memorandum, that John de Evre, escheator beyond Trent, came into chancery, on Monday after St. Luke, before Sir Adam de Osgodeby, keeper of the rolls of the chancery, and Sir Robert de Bardelby and William de Ayremyun, and other clerks of the chancery, and confessed that he had lost CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 7t; 1313. Oct. 18. W estminster. Oct. 12. Westminster. Oct. 15. Westminster. Membrane 22d — cont. hi.'s seal wherewith he w'as wont to seal inquisitions and writs to be re- turned into the chancery, praying that henceforth no faith be given to the said seal. \^Farl. /FrtVs.] Nicholas Trynienel acknowledges that he owes to John Giffard of Weston 260/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the counties of Buckingham, Warwick, Northampton, and Oxford. .John son of Richard le Clerk of Aston and Robert de Warrewyk acknowledge that they owe to Isabella, late the wife of Richard le Clerk of Aston 12/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of Worcester. John son of John Gernoun acknowledges that he owes to Stephen de Segrave 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Oxford. Cancelled on payment. William de Loppedell’, vicar of Byxle, diocese of Chichester, and Thomas de IjOitpedell’, parson of the church of St. Bride {Brigid'), I..ondon, acknowledge that they owe to Nicholas de Langeton 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of Sussex. Cancelled on payment. Enrolment of obligation of Adam de Waltham to Master Ralph de Waltham Sancti Lauientii his brother in 40«. of yearly rent to be re- ceived from his lands in Waltham St. Laurence. Witnesses : John de Benham, John de la Bere, John de la Wyde^ate, John Medwyne, John de Benetfeld. Dated at London, on Wednesday after St. Edward the king, 7 Edward II. Memorandum, that Adam came into chancery at Wesminster, on October 19, and acknowledged the above deed. To Andronicus, emperor of Constantinople. Request that he will order the release of Giles de Argenteym, knight, captnred by men of the emperor’s power whilst on a voyage to the island of Rhodes, and im- prisoned at Salonica (Srilenyquc) ; writing back by the bearer hereof what he has done herein. [Fccdera.~\ To Michael, emperor of Constantino])le. Like letter, with addition of request that he will use his influence with his father the emperor A[udron- icus] to procure the speedy release of the said Giles, [/'ter/era.] To the empress of Constantinople. Like letter. [//>/(/.] To the marquess of Montferrat ( Fcrrandi). Request that he will direct letters to his father the emperor A[ndronicus] for the release of the said Giles and deliver them to the bearer of the presents. [//>i6/.] Like letters, ‘ mutatis mutandis,' to the following : Frederick, king of Sicily. The count of Lanaign’. Sir Charles de Flisco. Sir Episci Spynele. Sir Conrad de Orye. Sir Bernabo de Orye. [//v/r/.] 'I'liomas son of Robert de Boulton acknowledges that he owes to Ralph son of William de Grymthorp (lOO marks; to be levied, in default of l)ay- ment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. Stephen son of Philip le Dnqier of Maldon acknowledges that he owes to Seman de Onesie 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Essex. 7 EDWARD 1 1. 77 1313. Oct. 15. Westminster. Oct. 20. Westminster. Oct. 20. W estminster. Membrane 22d — cont. Michael de Meldon acknowledges that he owes to John de Gyse, knight, 201 . ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Norfolk. Cancelled on payment. Cicely de Wetheresfold acknowledges that she owes to Robert de Chedde- worth 12/. 9^. 4&. Vacated. To W. archbishop of York. Summons to attend a parliament to be held at Westminster on Sunday the quinzaine of Easter. \^Parl. WritsV\ The like to the keeper of the spiritualities of the archbishopric of Canterbury and to fourteen bishops. [75/enedisch, in the same county, which Hugh (hi Scales holds, of the yearly value of 60a. ; Ji moiety of a knight’s fee in Gryston and Walsingham, in the same county, which John de Grvston holds, of the yearly value of 10a. ; four fees in Ileverynglond, Norwich, Whitewell, Baldeswell, Refham and Wychingham, in the same vounty, which Roger de Gyney holds, of the yearly value of 20/. ; a quarter of !i fee in Brecham and Great Ryngested, in the same county, which Edmund Tyby holds, of the yearly value of 20.v. : a moiety of a fee in Carleton, Tashurgh, Asshehy and Tweyth, in the same county, which the heirs of Oliver Wyth hold, of the yearly value of 50.v. ; one fee in Hunstancs- ton, Walcpol and Walton, in the same county, whicii Wdliam Level hokls. 8 EDWARD II. ]33 1314. Membranes 25, 24 — cont. of the yearly value of 100^. ; a moiety of a fee in Styvekeye, Welles and Warham, in the same county, which the heirs of Geoffrey Est hold, of the yearly value of 50s. ; one fee in Bynetre, Norton and Twyvelthorp, in the same county, which Roger de Bynetre and his pai'ceners hold, of the yearly value of lOOs. ; a moiety of a fee in Stratton and Hevyngham, in the same county, which Henry le Cat holds, of the yearly value of 50s. ; two fees and a half in Letheringsete, Wodedallyng, and Hevyngham, in the same county, which Thomas Jordan of Letheringsete holds, of the yearly value of 12/. ; five and a half fees in Chippelegh, Clopton, Wyvelesheye, and Denardeston, in the county of Suffolk, Borie, Gelham, Barwe, Toppesfeld, and Ovitou, in the county of Essex, which Walter son of Humphrey holds, of the yearly value of 30A; a fourth of a fee in Helmyngham, in the county of Suffolk, which Roger de Oressy holds, of the yearly value of 20.?. ; a moiety of a fee in Great Bures, in the same county, which the heirs of Peter Silvestre hold, of the yearly value of 50s. ; a fee in Tudenham and Haukedon, in the same county, which Thomas de Burgo holds, of the yearly value of 100s. ; a moiety and a sixth of a fee in Gaisele, in the same county, which the heirs of William de Hansted hold, of the yeai ly value of 60s. ; a moiety of a fee in the same town, which the heirs of Roger de Dalham hold, of the yearly value of 50s. ; a quarter of a fee in Honeden, in the same county, which Richard son of Angot holds, of tlie yearly value of 10s.; a fee in Floketon, in the same county, which Giles de Wathesham holds, of the yearly value of 100s. ; a moiety of a fee in Cokefeld, in the same county, which Adam de Colecestre holds, of the yearly value of 50s. ; a twentieth of a fee in Brokeleye, in the same county, which John de Cramavill holds, of the yearly value of 5s. ; a fee in Chetebergh and Lyvermere, in the same county, which William de Noketon and Thomas do Livermore hold, of the yearly value of lOOs. ; a third of a fee in Bures, in the same county, which the heirs of Geoffrey Baldewyn hold, of the yearly value of 30s. ; a moiety of a fee in Poselingworth, Shelegh, and Wyling- hale, in the same county, which Richard de la Rokele holds, of the yearly value of 50s. ; two fees in Braham and Bromlegh, in the .same county, which William de Braham holds, of the yearly value of 10/. ; a si.xth of a fee in Barwe, in the same county, which John de Crotyng’ holds, of the yearly value of 20.s. ; a fee in Cavenedissh, Bures, Cornerth, Burstall, Wal- dingfeld, lllegh, Preston, Brethenham, Lelesheye, Groten, Swynelond, Thorp, Ketelberston, Cokefeld, and Whatefeld, in the same county, Reshe- worth, in the county of Norfolk, and Twyn.sted, in the county of Essex, which Robert Mauduyt holds, of the yearly value of 100s. ; four and a half fees in Badele, Brokes, Preston, Ry ugesle,Whatefeld, Gy ppewych, Clare, Bere- sholt, Waldyngfeld, anMs) , and a man conducting them to the late king in Wales about tlie octaves of St. Peter ad Vincula, in the aforesaid year, for their wages for six days, to wit 3d. a day to each of the fellers and l2d. a day to the man conducting them, and 10 marks that Grimbald expended in making 10,000 quarells and in carriage of the same from that castle to Rothelan Apparently for each hundred. 8 EDWARD II. 147 1315. Feb. 12. Westminster. Jan. 27. Westminster. Jan. 30. Westminster. Feb. 10. Westminster. Feb. 10. Westminster. Feb. 15. Westminster. Membrane 19 — cont. castle about the Nativity of St. Mary, in the aforesaid year; and 14/. 6s. 8d. expended in making and preparing 20,0U0 quarells and in carriage of tlie same to Rotbelan castle about Martinmas in the said year; and 10/. 8s. Of/, paid by him by the late king’s order to a hundred tellers and char- coal-burners and their conductor for their wages in going to Brecheynouch to do there what Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, and Robert Tibotot should ordei’, in the aforesaid year; and 9/. 6s. Od. that Gritnbald paid to a hundred fellers and their conductor for their wages in going from the said forest to Chester for six days, to wit 3d. a day to eacli of the fellers and to their eonductor I2d. a day, in the eleventh year of (he late king’s reign ; and 8/. 6^. 8d. for the making of a hundred axes {hacliiarmn) and a hundred pickaxes {^yicosiarum), to wit each axe 8d. and each pickaxe 6d. To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to cause a coroner to be elected in place of William de Ernesby, who is incapacitated by age and infirmity. To the sheriff of Northumberland. Order to receive from the proctor of William de Airemynn, parson of the church of Whiteberne, the said William’s corn, which the king has requested him to deliver to the sheriff for the munition of Berwick-on-Tweed, making an indenture of the value of the same with the proctor, and to send it with all speed to Berwick, there to be delivered to the receiver of the king’s stores. To William de Ayrmynn, parson of the church of Witeberne. Request that he will deliver all his corn at the said church to the sheriff of North- umberland at a certain price and by indenture to be made between the sheriff and William’s [)roctor of that church. Wdliam de Toukeswcll, in the king’s prison of Exeter for the death of Henry le Forester, has letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail him until the first assize. To John Abel, escheator this side Trent. Order to assign dower to Joan, late tlie wife of .John Peverel, ten.-uit in chief, as she has taken oath before the king not to marry without his licence. To the sheriff of Northumberland. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Alan Fulhore, who is insufficiently qualified. To ,Tohn Segravc, keeper of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to permit John de Penreth or others who shall buy the trees and underwood growing in the sixty-four and a half acres of wood, measured by the forest |)erch, in the forest of Fnglewode granted to the said John at a certain arrentation by the king, to wit in the places called ‘ Selywra,’ ‘ Mosiwra,’ ‘Langhirst,’ ‘Whithirst’ ‘ Midelscogh,’ betv\ cen Lyndebek and the land of Hugh le Harpour and the close of William de Dacre called ‘ Kirkethwait,’ reserving to the king idl trees and underwood in the same, to fell and carry away the trees bought by them, the king having appointed Henry de Alalton and Robert de Barton to sell the said trees an(l underwood, instructing them to give preference to the said .John if he offer to pay as much as any other for them. To Thomas de Cb('deworth, chamberlain of Karnervan. Order to buy armour for twenty footmen and a hundred crossbowmen (Jjalislas) at London, and to cause them to be taken without delay to Beaumaris castle, there to be delivered to John de Sapy, constable of the castle, for the munition of the same. I'o Walter de Islep, treasurer of Ireland. Order to provide for the king’s use a hundred quarters of corn and thirty quarters of beans, and to K 2 148 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1315. Feb. 12. Westminster. Feb. 14. Westminster. Feb, 12. Westminster. Feb. 13. Westminster. Feb. 16. Westminster. Membrane 19 — cont. cause them to be taken to the castle of Beaumaris in Wales, there to be delivered to the chamberlain of Kaernarvan. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to discharge the executors of the will of Henry de Percy, tenant in chief, brother and heir of John de Percy, who died a minor in the late king’s custody, of the scutage for the late king’s armies of Wales in the fifth and tenth years of his reign, as he was a minor in the late king’s custody at that time, as appears by the rolls of chancery ; provided that the scutage of the knights’ fees then held of him be levied for the king’s use. To Roger le Brabanzon and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the king. Order to cau.se the ordinances made by certain prelates, earls, and barons by virtue of. the king’s commission and accepted by the king to be firmly observed in their bench. By K. To John Abel, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Thomas son and heir of Robert de Halghton a messuage and h.alf a virgate of land in Wythynton, Avhich, as appears by inquisition taken by Walter de Glou- cester, the late king’s escheator this side Trent, his father held at his death of the heir of Richard son of Alan, late earl of Arundel, then a minor in the late king’s custody, by the service of making two appearances i^ajijiarencias) yearly at the court of Upton, by which inquisition it was found that Thomas his son was his nearest heir, and that he was aged fifteen years on the day of the Translation of St. John the Baptist, in the 32nd year of the late king’s reign. To the keeper of the castle and honour of Clare, of the late Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, tenant in chief. Order not to distrain Robert de Hansted the elder for his fealty for the lands that he holds of the king by reason of that castle and honour, as the king has taken his fealty. To the chamberlain of Kaernarvan. Order to buy and provide victuals necessary for the munition of the castle of Beaumaris, over and above the hundred quarters of wheat and thirty quarters of beans that the king has ordered Master Walter de Islep, treasurer of Ireland, to provide and send to that castle. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to cause a verderer for the king’s forest of Hyneholt to be elected in place of William de Havering atte Boure, who is insufficiently qualifed. Membrane 18. Jan. 20. To John de Evre, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver to Eleanor, Westminster, late the wife of Henry de Percy, tenant in chief, the following of his lands, which the king has assigned to her as dower ; the manor of Thurstanby, in the county of York, of the yearly value of 7/. 11,9. Od . ; the pleas and perquisites of the court of Giseburn, and the chace of the same, in the same county, of the yearly value of 40,9.; 29,9. 8.^r/. of yearly rent in Westby, Pathenal, Swyndeiie, and Staynford Scotayn, in the same county, Irom certain free tenants there. The king has also assigned to her 106.9. 8r/. of yearly rent in Jjuitlieford .and Logge.sby, in the county of Lineoln, from the prior of Sixil. To John Abel, escheator this side 'frent. Order to deliver to the said Eleanor the aforesaid rent in Loutheford and Leggesby, in the county of Lincoln. 8 EDWARD II. 149 1315. Meiiihrane 18 — cont. To John de Evre, escheator beyond 'LVent. Order to deliver to the said Eleanor the advowson of the church of ArneclyfF, in. the county of York, of the yearly value of 40/.; the advowson of the church of Lekyngfeld, in the same county, of the yearly value of 10/. ; the advowson of the church of Catton, in the same county, of the yearly value of 24/. : which the king has a.ssigned to her as dower of her husband’s advowsons. To the same. Order to deliver to the said Eleanor the following of her husband’s knights’ fees, assigned to her as dower : one fee in .Swyndeue, Pathorn, Halton West and Helghfeld, in the county of York, which Ranulph de Nevill holds, of the yearly value of 28/. ; three parts of a fee in Tade- castre, in the same county, which the heirs of Thomas le Lardener hold, of the yearly value of 110s. ; a twelfth of a fee in Uplythum, in the same county, which Robert Capoun holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; a fourth of a fee in Foulsutton, in the same county, which .lohn Dautrive holds, of the yearly value of 18/. ; a quarter of a fee in Iludburton and Kexby, in the same county, which Brian Burdon holds, of the yearly value of 12/. ; an eleventh of a tee in Catton, in the same county, which William Tarttour- teis holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; an eleventh of a fee in the same town, which Thomas Serf holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; an eleventh of a fee in the same town, which Richard de Killyngwyk holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; an eleventh of a fee in the same town, which Gilbert Steresman holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; an eleventh of a fee in the same town, which Ellen Parent holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; an eleventh of a fee in the same town, which William son of I’eter holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; an eighth and a twenty-third of a fee in Neuton, in the same county, which John de Rotherfeld holds, of the yearly value of 7/. ; a fee in Galmeton, Staxton, and Ilayton, in the same county, which William de Bossale hold.s, of the yearly value of 20/. ; a fee in Kibblyngcotes, Gurmund- ham, and Cloghton, in the .same county, which Roger de Grymstou holds, of the yearly value of 11/.; a fee in Neuton, in the same county, which Walran de Rocheford holds, of the yearly value of 10/. ; a moiety and a third of a fee in Lund, in the same county, Avhicli Robert de Mora holds, of the yearly value of 20/. ; a thirteenth of a fee in Emeleseye, in the same county, which Walter de Lmeleseye liolds, of the yearly value of 20s. ; a fee and a third of a fee in Ileton (s/c), Seszaye, t^ueldryk, and Crakhale, in the same county, which William Darel holds, of the yearly value of 12/. 12s. 8^/. ; a fifth of a fee in Pokethorp, in the same county, which Thomas de, Difl'ord hold.s, of the yearly value of Gls. ; three parts of a fee in the same town, which John de Notyl holds, of the ye.arly value of 12/.; a fee in Estliorp, in the same county, which .loan Sturmy holds, of the yearly value of lOOs. ; an eighth and a thirty-second of a fee in Stoureburg, in the same county, which .John de Ilothum holds, of the yearly value of 40.s-. ; two parts of a fee in Lynton, Thres.shefeld, and Foston, in the same county, which John Gras holds, of the yearly value of 57s. 4|(/. ; an eighteenth of u fee in Foston, in the same county, which William the Marshal (J/oresc«//t/s) holds, of the yearly value of 18s. ; a tw'clfth of a fee in the satne town, which John de Driffeld holds, of the yearly value of 28s. \ \d. ; an eighteenth of a fee in the same town, which John de Mewys holds, of the yearly value of 19s. 1 .^r/. ; a tenth of a fee in Wandesford, in the same county, which William de llanley hold.s, of the yearly' value of 40.s‘. ; a thirteenth of a fee in the same town, which Wyinund de Rayley holds, of the yearly value of 3()s. ; a fortieth of a I'ee in the same town, which .Jollan de Orkestowe holds, of the yearly value of 8s. ; an eigluitjth of a fee in the same town, which Hugh de 'riiornholm holds, of the yearly value of 4s. ; a fourteenth of a fee in Nafferton, in the same county, which the prior of Bridlyngton holds, of the yearly, value of 20s. ; a fourth of a fee in the same town, which Robert le Conestable holds, 150 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1315. Membrane 18 — cont. of the yearly value of ; an eighteenth of a fee in the same town, which Robert son of Richard holds, of the yearly value of 16s. ; an eighteenth of a fee in the same town, which Simon de Spines holds, of the yearly value of 16s. ; a thirty-sixth of a fee in the same town, which Henry de Wyndonson holds, of the yearly value of 8s. ; an eighteenth of a fee in the same town, ■which Nicholas Pynctie Ware holds, of the yearly value of 16s. ; a thirty- sixth of a fee in the same town, which Robert son of Neel holds, of the yearly value of 8s.; a fifty-fourth of a fee in the same town, which Letice de Nowers holds, of the yearly value of 6s. ; a thirty-sixth of a fee in the same town, which William son of Herberd holds, of the yearly value of 8s. ; a sixty-fourth of a fee in the same town, which Robert Kyng holds, of the yearly value of 4s. ; a sixty-fourth of a fee in the same town, which Geoffrey Ilelewys holds, of the yearly value of 4s. ; a moiety of a fee in Marton and Tollesby, in the same county, which the heirs of John de Blaby hold, of the yearly value of 20 marks; a fee and a sixth in D.alton, Askwyth, Wolsington, and Horton, in the same county, which Manger le Vavasour holds, of the yearly value of 19/. 4s. Qd . ; a fee in Loflhous, Walplou, and Ililderwelle, in the same countr, whi(di Richard de I’ercy of Dufford holds, of the yeai'ly value of 18/.; a nioiety ol' a fee in Castel Levjuigton, in the same county, which Christiana de Menyll holds, of the yearly value of 20 marks; a quarter of a fee in ilorlon in the same county, which William de Morton holds, of the yearly value of 7/.; a third of a tee in Ililderwelle, in the same county, which the free tenants of Hilderwelle hold, of the yearly value of 10/. ; a third of a fee in South Lofthous, in the same county, which the free tenants of South Lofthous hold, of the yearly value of 1 1/. ; a tifth of a fee in Bernaldby, in the same county, which the i)rior of Gise- burgh holds, of the yearly value of 60s. ; a quarter of a fee in Ketelwell, in the same county, which the abbot of Coverham holds, of the yearly value of 4/. 16s. Of/.; a third of a fee in Arneclytf and Malghum, in the same county, which the abbot of Fountains (de Fontibus) holds, of the yearly value of 6/. 8s. ; a twelfth of a fee in Rauthmel, in the same county, which John h^lemyng holds, of the yearly value of 64s. ; a sixth of a fee in Boston, in the same county, which Richard de Thorny holds, of the yearly value of 64s. ; a fee and three parts and a seventeenth of a fee in Plumpton, Stive- ton, Glosebnrn, Gersingtou, Rybstayn, Colthor[)e, Seotton, and Hornyng- toii, in the same county, which 14obert de I’lumpton holds, of the yearly value of 40/. 12s. Of/. ; two fees, t wo parts, and a fourteenth of a fee in Adyngham, Ileselwod, Stutton, Cokesford, Siclynghale, Edlyngton, Yedon, Raudon and Bolton in Bouland, in the same county, which Walter le Vava- sour holds, of the yearly value of 52/. Is. Of/. ; a fee in Thornton and Calde- conyngston, in the same county, which John de Ros holds, of the yearly value of 19/. 4s. 07. ; a moiety of a fee in Carletou, in the same county, which Thomas deAlla Ripa holds, of the yearly value of 11/. 4s. Of/.; three parts and an eighth of a foe in Rymyngton, Horton, and Bolton in Bouland, in the same county, which John de Bolton holds, of the yearly value of 15/. Ids. Of/. ; a twelfth of a fee in Neusoin, in Ihe same county, which Thomas del Grene liolds, of the yearly value of 32s. ; a twelfth of a fee in Midhop, in the same county, which Robert dc Mitlhoj) and Agues his wife hold, of the yearly value of 32s. ; a seventh of a fee in Horton, in the same county, which Nicholas de Cailli holds, of the yearly value of 56s. ; a seventh of .a fee, in the same town, which the heirs of Peter de Horton hold, of the yearly value of 56s. ; a twentieth of a foe, in the same town, which William de Irby holds, of the yearly value of 15s.; a twelfth of a fee in tStaynford Scoteyn, in (he same couuly, which John do Fannel- thorp hold.s, of the yearly value of 32s. ; a sixtieth of a fee in Westby, ni the same county, which Adam de Westby holds, of the yearly value of 14s. ; a ninety-sixth of a fee in the same town, which John de Westby holds, y EDWARD II. 151 1315. Membrane 18 — co7it. of the yearly value of 45. ; a twenty-fourth of a fee in Bukclene, in the same county, which William de Midlesmoie holds, of the yearly value of 165. ; a fee in Thribcugh, in the same county, which Thomas de Etton holds, of the yearly value of 20/. ; a third ol a fee in Stubbum Middelton and Stalwra, in the same county, whicli Adam de Middelton holds, of the yearly value of 8/.; three parts of a fee in Queldryk, in the same county, which John Malebisse holds, of the yearly value of 18/. ; a third and a twenty- fourth of a fee in Arnecliff, Kirkeby, and Malghum, in the same county, which William de Haukeswyk holds, of the yearly value of 7/. 45. Oc?. ; a quarter and a sixteenth of a fee in Kirkeby Ferers, Kereby, and Folifait, in the same county, which William de Frghum holds, of the yearly value of 8/. ; a twelfth of a fee in Uplythum, in the same county, which John de Foiitibus holds, of the yearly value of lO.v. ; a quarter and an eightieth of a fee in Pokethorp, in the .same county, which Thomas de Bolton holds, of the yearly value of 605. ; a sixteenth of a fee in Irton, in the same county, w'hich Richard Fraunce holds, of the yearly value of 85. ; a fee in Little Hoghton, in the county of Northumberland, which Peter Heryng holds, of the yearly value of 20 marks; a knight’s fee in Haukhull, in the same county, which John de Burghdon holds, of the yearly value of 16/. ; a fee in Daldene, in the same county, which Jordan de Daldene holds, of the yearly value of 40/. Feb. 13. To John Abel, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Margery, Westminster, late the wife of Peter Savery, the lands in the hundred of Rocheford, whereof, as appears by inquisition, she and her husband were jointly enfeoffed by Robert Oytlard, by which inquisition it ap[)ears that she peace- fully continued her joint-seisin until her husband's death, and that the lands are held of the king in chief as of the honour of Reylegh by the service of rendering 25. Gd. yearly for hidage and by the service of a quarter of a knight’s fee, the king having taken her fealty for the .same. To the justices of the Bench. Order to proceed to do justice in the plea wherein Edmund, earl of Arundel, impleaded John de Chavent and Eva his wife concerning the manor of Werpham, in the county of Sussex, in which plea they vouched to warranty John son of Peter de Chavent, who war- ranted them and produced a charter of Henry III. setting out that he, in i)art recompcnce for 80/. yearly of land wherewith lie was bound to provide Peter de Chavent, father of the said John .son of Peter de Chavent, out of the escheats first coming to his hands, granted to the said Peter the said manor; where- upon the justices siipeisedecl the plea. I^eb. 15. William Mose of Wodhull, in the king’s gaol of Bedeford for the Westminster, death of William Basse of Podynton, has letters to the sherilF of Bedford to bail him until the first assize. Feb. 18. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to pay to Rhys (Reso) ap Mereduk, a Westminster. Welsh prisoner in the castle of Norwich, and to his keeper their wages and other necessaries from the time of his appointment as sheriff, and to continue to pay the same, as they were wont to receive them in the late king’s reign. Feb. 16. To the keeper of the Forest this side Trent. Order to put to bail Westminster. Laurence le Teynturer of Iluntyngdon, in the king’s prison of Hereford for trespass of the forest of Wanberge, if lie be not an accustomed malefactor in the king’s forests and if he find twelve mainpernors to have him before the justices of the Forest when they come to those parts. Feb. 20. To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver Westminster, to Joan, late the wife of Jolin Peverel, tenant-in-chief, the following of his knights’ fees, which the king has assigned to her in dower : )i fourth of a 152 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1316. Feb. 18. Westminster. Feb. 12. Westminster. Feb. 20. Westminster. Feb. 20. Westminster. Feb. 21. Westminster. Membrane 18 — cont. fee in Ketei yngham, in the county of Norfolk, which the prior of Penteneye liolds, of the yearly value of 25s.; a quarter of a fee in Ueveshale, in the same county, which the prior of Bukeuham holds, of the yearly value of 255. ; a quarter of a fee in the same toAvn, which the prior of St. Faith’s holds, of the yearly value of 255. ; a quarter of a fee in Asgersthorp, in the same county, which David le Chapman holds, of the yearly value of 255. Membrane 17. To the treasurer, barons, and chamberlains of the exchequer. Order to pay to John de Moubray, lord of Haxiolm, 500 marks due to him for his stay with men-at-arms in the parts of York about the custody of the town and county of York, in the sixth year of the king’s reign, for which the king, on 21 November, in the seventh year of his reign, assigned to him the issues of the manors of Penreth and Soureby in Tyndale from Easter then next following, as the king afterwards assigned the said issues elsewhere before he received anything therefrom. By K. To Thomas de Cheddeworth, chamberlain of North Wales. Order to pay to GritBn ap Rees, to whom the king committed the bailiwick of the forestry of Snaudon in Wales, the arrears of his fee, which, he complains, is two years in arrear. Changed by the chancellor, because it was otherioise sealed by writ of pricy seal. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit the tenants of sixteen bovates of land, a mill and of fourteen marks of yearly rent in Pokelyngton of 20/, yearly for the issues of the same from the time when they were taken into the late king’s hands, the late king having, on 12 November, in the 22nd year of his reign, ordered the sheriff of York to restore the premises and the issues thereof to Dionisia, wife of Remigiusde Pokelington, they having been taken into the late king’s hands by Hugh de Cressyngham and his fellows, justices in eyre in that county, because Dionisia aiulRemigius entered them without the king’s licence, they having been enfeofied thereof by Isabella de Fortibus, late countess of Albemaile, who held them of the late king in chief. To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Matilda, late the wife of Ifobort de Clifford, tenant in chief, the manor of Temedebury in the county of Worcester, of the yearly value of 18/. 95. 4f/,, which the king has assigned to her as dower of her husband’s lands. To Ma.ster John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order not to intermeddle further with the custo Kendale holds, of the yearly value of 100s. ; a sixth of a fee in Great Gatesdene, in the same cotinty, which Richard lo Cliaumberleyn holds, of the yearly value of lOs. ; an eighth of a fee in Aldredeston, in the county of Wilts, which Ingelram Berenger holds, of the yearly value of 10 marks; a moiety of a fee in Northotodeworth, in the same cottnty, which the jirior of ]\Iaydenebradele aud the heir[.s] of tlie son (///’) of Fulk de Penbrigg’ hold, of the yearly value of 10/. ; a fee in Brakele, Eveiile, and Sibbeford, in the county of Northampton, which the master of the hosjiital of St. John, Brakle, liolds, of the yearly value of 10/.; a fee in '^elvertoft, in the same county, which Thomas de la llusee, Henry le Botillcr, and Henry de I’ydenton of Yelvertoft hold, of the yearly value of 10/. ; a moiety of a fee in Franyngho, in the .same county, whicli the abbot of Lcycestrc holds, of the yearly value of 100s.; a (juarter of a fee in Atneston, in the same county, which the jirior of Canons’ Essheby holds, of tlie yearly value of 50s. ; a (juarter of a lee in Brakele, in the same county, which the abbot of Leycestre holds, of the yearly value of 50s. ; a moiety of a fee in Donyngtun, in the county of Saloj), which Hugh de Beaumois holds, of the yearly value of 100s. ; four fees, a moiety and an eighth of a fee in Ebrigliton, Iludecote, Clojitoii, Farnecote, Catte.slade, Little Guyting, and Teyntun, in the county of Gloucester, which Roger Corbet holds, of the yearly value of JH/. 6s. 8(/. To the same. Order to deliver to the said Robert and Matilda the follow- ing of the said Alan’s advowsons of church and religious houses, assigned to them as above : the advowson of the clutrcli of Laghton, in tlie county of Leicester, of the yearly value of 10 marks ; the advowson of the church of Merkfeld, in the same county, of the yearly value of 100s. ; the advow- son of two jiarts of the church of Croxton, in the county of Lincoln, of the yearly value of 20 marks; the advowson of the church of Yelveitoft, in the county of Northamjiton, of the yearly value of 20/.; the a.lvowsou of the abbey of Lilleshull, in the county of Leicester, and of the abbey of Gerndon, in the same county, and of the priory of Ware, in the county 15G CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1315. Marcli 3. Westminster. F(“l). 21. Westminster. Feb. 8. W estminster. Feb. 13. Westminster. Feb. 3. Westminster. Membrane 16 — cont. of Hertforf], and of the lepers’ hospital without Brackele, in the countj of Northampton. 'I'o the slicriff of Stafford. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of Kaiinok to be elected in place of Richard de Ihirton, deceased. To the treasurer and b.arons of the exchequer. Order to cause rccom- pence or allowance to be made to John, bishop of Lincoln, for two knights’ fee.s, or reduction of the fees held by liim of tlie king, in accordance with the late king’s order, dated 6 Februaiy, in the 35th year of his reign, to the treasurer and barons of the exchequer, because it was found by inquisi- tion taken before William de Berefurd and Walter de Aylesbury, appointed for this purpose, that the abbot of Eynesham in the time of King John held the manor of Erdington near Oxford of the bishop of Lincoln, the predecessor of tlie said John, then bishop of Lincoln,, bv tiie service of two knights’ fees, ami that the abbot in the aforesaid time demised the manor to Bobert de Brus, a Norman by origin, for his life, and that the manor came to tlie hands of Henry III. by forfeiture of the said Robert after the discomfiture of the French at Lincoln, and the said king granted it to Richard, late king of Almain, who afterwards gave it to the abbot and convent of Rewley {de Loco Heyali) near Oxford, in frauk- almoin, and that neither the bishop of Lincoln in the time of Henry III. nor his successors have received anything from the king or any one else in exchange, allowance, or recompence for his aforesaid services from the manor, and that the manor with appurtenances is worth 56/. yearly, and that it was held, before the time of the aforesaid discomfiture, of the bishop of Lincoln from time out of mind by the service of two knights’ fees as of the right of hi.s church of Lincoln, and that neither the said bishop John nor his predecessors were able to obtain their aforesaid service after the manor came to the hands of Henry III. ; the bishop having now given the king to understand by his petition before the king and his council that the above order has not been executed. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance to be made to the prior of Kaermerdyn, chamberlain of South Wales, for the fees of constables and other the king’s ministers in those parts. To John Abel, escheator this side Trent. Order not to intermeddle further with William Gerberge’s marsh called ‘ Kypesniersh,’ and to restore the issues thereof to him, taken into the king’s hands by the escheator after he had acciuired it of John la (.s/c) Veille, on the ground that it was held of the king in chief and that William had entered it without the late king’s liccnee, as it ap[)ears by in/t yeai‘ ; 26s. 8f/. paid to the said serjeants for their robes for the same period; 33s. 4f/. for robe.s, linen cloths, shoe-leather, and other necessaries for the said Rhys in the twenty-second year; 26s. 8f/. deliv'ered to the same serjeants for their robes for the same time ; 100s. in decfiy to the saiments. To the collectors of the custom of wmol, liides, and w'ool-fells in the port of Hertelfiole. Order to pay to Walter de Gosewyk, burgess of Berwdek- on-Tweed, 399/. lO.s. 7^t/., which the king owes him, being 13/. Katherine’s without Lincoln. \Ibid.'\ Lyndeseye J Mandate in pursuance to the prior and convent of St, Katherine’s. [^IbidJ] To John Walew'eyn, escheator this side Trent. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of Henry de Bello Monte, and to restore the issues of the same, which were taken into the king’s hands by virtue of the king’s order, in consequence of the ordinance of the ordainers of the realm that the lands held by Henry on 5 October, in the fifth year of the reign, when the ordinances were published, should be taken into the king’s hands and detained until the king should have received therefrom the value of all the esplees received by Henry from the land of Man and other lands that he received of the king’s gift after 16 March, in the third year of the reign, when the king committed power to the ordainers, contrary to the ordinance issued by them, and he procured the gift of lands, etc., by the king to others; as the king owes Henry a greater sum than the above esplees for his stay in Scotland in the king’s service, which esplees the king wills shall be allowed to Henry out of the sums due from the ki ng. By p.s. [332L] To the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order to expend up to 20/. in repairing the houses in the castle of Norwich. By C. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit the executors of Henry de Percy of 200/. of his and his ancestors’ debts, which the king, on 24 November, in the fourth year of his reign, pardoned him for his good service, which pardon was afterwards revoked because it w!is contrary to the form of the ordinances made by the ordainers of the realm ; as the king now pardons him this sum on account of his faithful service, and because he granted to the king Christiana, sister of Robert de Brus, and Margaret, daughter of the said Robert, whom the late king had given to him with their ransoms, in aid of the release of Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex, lately captured in Scotland by the king’s enemies. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to deliver John de Colcworth from Winchester gaol, wherein he is imprisoned for the death of Bartholomew le Proute, slain ai, Chichester, because it was found by inquisition taken by the sheriff of Sussex that he was indicted of the above death of malice and hatred, and that he is not guilty, as he has found the sheriff of Sussex 8 EDWARD 11. 181 1315. Membrane 6 — cont. twelve mainpernors, to wit Walter (litlard, Jchn Campion, Jolin de Ermeshem, Thomas Campion, Thomas de Coleworth, Robert de Coleworth, Roger de Wjk, William de Ruttele, John de Bosehani, Goilfrey de Wyk, John Intheherne, and John de Coleworih the younger, to have him before the justices at the first assize in that county. May 29. To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order not to Westminster, distrain Richard Loveday for homage for his lands, as the king has taken his homage. Membrane fi. May 13. To Master John Waleweyu, escheator this side Trent. Order not to TLuuderley. intermeddle further with the lands that William de Huntyngfeld held at his death of Alexander Quintyn in Hatfeld Feverel, in the county of Essex, by the service of a sixth of a knight’s fee, and a tenement in Little Badewe that he held of Robert Videleu by the service of 6s. 3rf. yearly and rendering 4Qd., neither more nor less, towards scutage if one ran, taken into the king’s hands upon his death, as it appears by inquisitions that William held the manor of Huntynfeld and lands in Bengg’ of the king as of the honour of Eye by knight service, and that he held the above lands by the services aforesaid, and that Roger, his son, is his nearest heir and is aged eight years. June 1. To the sheriff of Leicester. Order to cause 600 quarters of wheat and Westminster, beans provided by the sheriff of Lincoln in the parts of Melton Moubray lor the munition of Berwick-on -Tweed to be carried to Boston without delay. By C. June 1. To W. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. Order (o deliver to .7ohn de Westminster. Sandale, the king’s chancellor, all the money of (he tenth of the clergy in his diocese, for the furtherance of certain of the king’s alliiirs enjoined upon the said John. J5y K. \_Fcedera.'\ To the taxors and collectors of the twentieth and fifteenth in the county of Warwick. Like order to deliver to the said John all the money in hand of the said twentieth and fifteenth. \_Ibid.'\ The like to the taxors and collectors of the twoniieth and fifteenth in the counties of Buckingham, Oxford, and Worcester. [//»«anccs, which recognisance was made before Richer de Refliam, then mayor of London, the king having often ordered them to release the said John because the recognisance was made contrary to the ordinance; to which they returned that the said recog- nisance was made between merchant an(l merchant and concerning mer- cliandise, and belore any writ was directed to tl t in to publish and hold the ordinance; afterwards, because Jolui shewed by petition that whereas the ordinance was confirmed and jniblished in the city on Monday before Michaelmas, in the fifth year of the reign, the reecgnisance was made on Friday before St. Denis in the same year, the king ordered the sheriffs to release John upon his finding inainperuors to have him before the king on the morrow of St. John the Baptist, and to cause the said William to know by two men of the city that he should be there then; afterwards, because the king learned from John that although he offered sufficient mainpernors, the sheriffs refused to admit the mauipri.se, the king commanded them to execute his previous order ; to which they returned that John had not found them mainpernors according to the form of the writ; the king, because it is testified in chancery that John has often offered them suffi- cient mainpernors, regards their return as frivolous and untrue {conjictnm), wherefore he orders them to release John, as Robert 'J'orney, William Jordan, Walter le Mazerer, Warin le Spenser, John le Coffrer, and Thomas 18G CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1315. .Line 18. SaltwooJ. June 22. Sandwich. June IR. SaltW'iod. Jline 19. Saltwood. June 21. Sandwich. .June 10. Faversham. June 11. Oanteil)ury. Membrane 3 — cent. le Noble, of the city, have mainperned in chancery to have him before the king in the octave of St. John the Baptist. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to permit Griffin ap Mereduk and Kenan ap Mereduk, his brother, to receive for their lives the yearly rent of 19 marks that the men of Edenestowe, in the county of Nottingham, render for the manor of Edenestowe, in accordance with the late king’s grant, dated 28 June, in the 35th year of the reign, which provided that nine marks thereof should revert to the king upon the death of either of them, and the other ten marks upon the death of the survivor. They are to discharge tlie men of Edenestowe of this rent from June 28 aforesaid during the lives of the said Griffin and Kenan. To the sheriff of Suffolk. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Peter de Mellcs, whom the king has caused to be amoved from office because he is incapacitated by infirmity. By testimony of the treasurer. To Robert de Clyderhou, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to inter- meddle further with nine acres of land in Seterington, in the county of York, taken into the king’s hands by Gerard Salvayn, the late escheator, on the pretext that they were held in chief of the king, as it appears by inquisition that tlie land is held immediately of .John Bygot by Geolf'rey Kempe, chaplain, by the yearly service of 3s., and that Geoffrey’s ancestors held it of John’s ancestors by the same services. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause payment or assignment to be made to William de Bereford, chief justice of the Bench, for the arrears of 40 marks yearly granted to him by the king from the wardrobe, in addition to the fee of his office, from March 15, in the second year of the king’s reign, the date of his appointment, and to cause payment to be made to him in the future for the same. By K. To John de Grey, justice of North Wales. Order to survey all the king’s castles in his bailiwick, and to cause them to be provided with victuals and armour from the issues of the chamberlainship of North Wales, and to enjoin the constables of the castles to make personal stay in them, and to cause them to be safely guarded. He is also ordered to take measures for the defence of the coasts and of the country between the castles, and to suppress tumults, as the king understands that certain Scotch rebels have arrived in Ireland to commit outrages there and elsewhere. The like to William Martyn, justice of South Wales, to survey the castles in his bailiwick, etc. To the chamberlain of North Wales and the chamberlain of South Wales. Order to cause the castles to be sufficiently provisioned by the view of the aforesaid j ustices. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to discharge William de Goldyngton and other tenants of the lands of the acquisition of Nicholas le Gras of 20/., which they exact from his lands in his name by virtue of the late king’s writ to the barons of the exchequer to allow the said Nicholas, late sheriff of Surrey and Sussex, 20/. paid by him by the late king’s order to Master Thomas de Sodyngton, one of the justices appointed to take assizes in divers counties, for his fee for the office of justice. To the same. Order to permit Joan, late the wife of John Senche, to hold the set jeanties of the custody of the king’s palace {placii) of West- 8 EDWARD ri. 187 1315. June 25. Thiinderley. June 30. Westminster. July 1. Westminster. June 30. Westminster. June 30. Westminster. June 30. Westminster. June 30. W estmiuster. July 2. Westminster. Membrane 3 — cont. minster and of Flere prison, which they held of the king in chief of her inheritance, provided that she come to the king at Westminster to do homage. To Hugh de Audeleye, constable of the castle of Montgomery. Order to cause the castle to be provisioned and safely guarded. To the sheritf of York. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of Galtres to be elected in place of Theobald de Tliollertori, who, the king learns, acts as verderer without having been elected to that office by the community of the county of York. To Ralph de Monte Hermerii, keeper of the Forest this side Trent, or to him who supplies his place in the forest of Whitlewode. Order to cause ten oaks fit for timber to be delivered from Hanle park to John de Norton, keeper of the manor of Selveston. To the said John. Order to receive the aforesaid oaks, and to repair therewith the houses in that manor. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of Galtres to be elected in place of Bartholomew Bacoun, who does not dwell in the county. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to proclaim that vinteners and taverners selling wine at retail sliall sell a gallon {lagena) of wine fof 3d. at the most. By K. and C. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause the like proclamation to be made at Boston. Membrane 2. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to take with him Thomas d6 Warblinton .and Nicholas de Pershute, or one of them, and to cau.se enquiry to be made, in the presence of Richard le Fingelere and Johii Hayward, concerning the goods of Stephen de Brightmer.ston, who died during the pain {j)enitencia) to which he was adjudged by Robert son of Payii and his fellows, justices of oyer and terminer in that county, because he remained dumb and would not plead concerning certain felonies wdereof he was indicted before them; to enquire what goods were seized into the king’s hands and to whose hands they Came, whether to the hands of the said Richard and John or of others, and to cause them to be de- livered to Joan, late the wdfeof the said Stephen, to whom the king ordered them to be restored by mainprise, to be held by her until the next parlia- ment, she having complained that Richard and John have only delivered to her a small portion of the goods. The like to the sheriff of Wilts, to take with him Nicholas de Pershute, and to cau.se enquiry to be made in the presence of William Warde and John Cotewyne. To John de Holt, late sheriff of Wilts. Order to cause the goods of the said Stephen to be delivered to the said Joan when certified by the sheriff that she has found mainprise to answer for the .same. By pet. of C. To John de Hjindlo, keeper of the forest of Bernewode. Order to dfdiver to Guy Ferre six bucks, which the king has granted to him, and to aid him in taking the same. jjy To the steward of the forest of Es.sex, or to him who supplies his place. Order to cause four bucks to be delivered to the said Gay. By K. 1H8 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1815 . .Tune 30. AVcbtiuiuster. .June 30. Westminster. July 3. Westminster. July 4. Westminster. July 4. Westminster. .June 14. Thuuderley. July 4. Westminster. .July 5. Westminster. .July G. Westminster. Membrane 2 — cont. To the treastirer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to William Ridel, sheriff’ of Northumberland, the wage.s of ten men-at-arms, Avhom the king ordered him to put in the castle of Newcastle-on-Tyne by the view of Richard de I^mildon, to stay there until All Saints. To the same. Order to acquit Stephen de Cornhull and Robert de Rokeslc, late sheriffs of London, of the goods of Ralph Crepyn, clerk, taken into the late king’s hands upon his indictment and imprisonment in the Tower for the death of Jjaurence Duket; the late king having, on 25 February, in the fourteenth year of his reign, ordered them to restore his goods to him, as he had purged his innocence before Richard, late bishop of London, according to the privilege of the clergy. To the collectors in the county of Suffolk of the scutage of the late king’s armies in Scotland of the 28th, 31st, and 34th years of his reign. Order to deliver all the money levied by them of the knights’ fees held of the honour of Eye to the king’s yeoman Gilbert de Risshton, to be brought by him to the king’s chamber; notwithstanding the king’s late order to them to levy the money in that county and send it to the exchequer. By K. The like to the collectors of the scutage in the county of Norfolk. To the constable of the castle of Walyngford. Order to cause the houses of the castle to be repaired, expending up to 20 marks upon the same. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to make account with Hugh le Despenser the elder for the debts due to him from the king, and of what he has received in part payment, and to certify the king of what they find to be due to him. To the same. Order to cancel the fine of It'O marks that G. bishop of London made before them for his service in the king’s army of Scotland in the seventh year of his reign, to wit for the service of five knights’ fees, as it is testified by Humphrey de Bohiin, carl of Hereford and Essex, constable of England, that the bishop had his full service in the said army. By K. To John Abel, eschcator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Joan Crispyn, sister and heiress of Roger Crispyn, the issues of the hamlet of Homineston Arundel, which Roger held of the king in chief as of the earldom of Cornwall by the service of 50^. yearly to the castle of Launce- ton, and of all the lands that Roger held of the heirs (sic) of Edward de Besill, a minor in the king’s custody, which the king ordered the escheator to deliver to her upon her finding security for her relief, she having com- plained that, although he has delivered to her the handet and lands afore- said, he has not delivered to her tlie issues. To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause Thomas de Hykeling, son and heir of Brian de Hykeling, tenant in chief bv reason of the honour of Eye being in the king’s hands, seisin of his father’s lands, as he has proved his age before the escheator and the king has taken his homage. To the sheriff of Bedford. Order not to arrest John de I’abenham, appealed by John de Boys, according to the king’s late order, provided that Aymer de Valencia, earl of I’embroke, find the sheriff mainprise to have the said John de ihibenham before the king or his ju.stices to answer the appeal, as John de lAabenham is about to set out for Scotland on the king’s service in the company of the said earl by his desire. To Roger le Brabanzon .and his fellows, justices to hear .and determine pleas before the king. Order not to molest or amerce John de Berton, one 8 EDWARD II. 189 1315. July 5. W estminster. July 6. Westminster. 1314. July 13. JBerwick-on- Tweed. Membrane 2 — cont. of the taxors and collectors of the twentieth aud fifteenth in the counties of Salop and Stafford, if he fail to appear before them in an inquisition, in which he has been put by the sheriff of Salop, to be made before them in the quinzaine of St. John the Baptist to enquire whether John de Swyuertou, imprisoned for the death of Robert de Essington, is guilty or not. To Master Richard de Clare. Order not to intermeddle further with the custody of the abbey of Romeseye, which the king lately committed to him, as he has granted the same to the prioress and nuns in consideration of a fine of 40 marks. By K. Membrane 1. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to cause to be delivered to Cicely de Bello Campo yearly 61. 3.y. 7|rf., of the issues, profits, and pleas of the county of Kildare, as the purparty falling to her and to Sibyl de Rupe Canardi, granted to her by Sibyl by the late king’s licence, of 12/. Ts. of the issues, etc., aforesaid assigned to their mother Matilda, late the wife of Eymericns de Rupe Canardi, daughter and co-heiress of Sibyl, late the wife of William de Ferrar[ii9], one of the heiresses of Walter, late Marshal of England, as appears by the record and process of a suit before Ralph de Ingham and his fellows, the late king’s justices to hear pleas before him, between Agues de Vescy, the aforesaid Matilda, late the wife of Emericus, Eleanor de Vallibus, and Agatha de Mortuo Mari, daughters and heiresses of the aforesaid Sibyl, late the wife of William de Ferrar[ii3], concerning their purparties of the issues of the county of Kildare, whereby it was found that 27/. 12s. 8^^/. of the issues of the same according to an extent made by order of Henry III. were assigned to Agnes, 12/. 7s. 3^r/. to Matilda, 14/. 5f. 7^cf. to Eleanor, aud 19/. 5s. lOf/. to Agatha; and it appears by the certificate of John Wogan, late justiciary of Ireland, that Matilda and Agatha received their portions aforesaid at the exchequer of the said Agnes [at] Kildare, who had alone the castle and town of Kildare, and that Matilda and Agatha were seised of the said portions at the said exchequer at Agatha’s death, and that William de Vescy, son and heir of Agnes, after his mother’s death, to wit in the I8th year of the late king’s reign, was justiciary of Ireland and occupied his mother’s portion and Agatha’s portion of the issues of the said county, and that the castle and town of Kildare, with the seal of the chancery there and all liberties, afterwards came to the late king’s hands by grant from the said William, and that the late king cancelled and annulled the seal and uniied the county to the body of the county of Dublin, wherefore it was agreed before the late king’s council that the seal should not be replaced, but that Matilda’s heirs and Agatha should have their purparties aforc.said of the issues of the county; and it was found, by incpiisitions taken after Matilda’s death and returned into the late king’s chancery, that .Joan de Vivonia, Sibyl de Rupe Canardi, Mabel de Archiarco, and Cicely de Bello Campo, Matilda’s daughters, were her nearest heirs. By K. and pet. of C. Membrane 36 acknowledges that he owes to Master John de Snaynton, clerk, 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. Cancelled on payment. To William de Ormesbyand Robert de Maddyngle, jmstices to take assizes in tlie counties of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order not to take any assize touch- ing those summoned to parliament or staying there by the king’s order during the holding of the parliament. \^Rot. Pari. ; Pari. fVrits.^ The like to Lambert de Trikyngham and John Chaynel, justices of assize in the county of Lincoln. By K. and C. [Ibid.] To John de Mutford and William de Goldyngton. Order to stay during the parliament the taking of the assize of novel disseisin that Nicholas de Wokyndon instituted before them against Thomas Fillol and John de Grey, whom the king wishes to remain near him during the parliament. By K. [Pari. Writs.] William du Boys of Asshhill acknowledges that he owes to William Inge, knight, 20/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Norfolk. To William de Bereford and his fellows, justices appointed to take assizes in the county of Warwick. Order not to take assizes concerning John de Hardredeshull, lately captured by the Scotch rebels, until he be delivered from prison or until ordered by the king. By K. on the information of W. de Melton. The like to John de Donec[astre] and his fellows, justices appointed to take assizes in the county of York, for Henry son of Hugh. By C. John de Horneby acknowledges that he owes to William de Melton, clerk, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Lancaster. Cancelled on payment. The said John acknowledges that he owes to Master Alan de Coton, clerk, 18 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, as above. Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, came into chancery at York, on September 19, and acknowledged that he had received from Hugh de Veer, knight, Thomas de Redeswelle, Master John de Redeswelle, Stephen de Clopton, and Thomas de Sancto Leodegario, executors of the will of Dionisia de Monte Cani.'^o, and from William de Hanyugfeld, Henry de Pentelowe, knight.s, and Thomas de Ultyng, executors of the will of Sir Ralph de Coggeshale, 1,300 marks, being 1,000 marks for the legacy of William de Monte Caniso in aid of the Holy Land, and 300 marks for the legacy of Sir Warin de Monte Caniso, his father, to the hospital of Graves- hende : of which sums Aymer will acquit and defend all the said persons and their heirs and executors against the pope and other his ministers, and against the master of the said hospital, and other persons ecclesiastical and secular. Nicholas de Huntercombe acknowledges that he owes to John Moryn of Bromi)ton 16 marks ; to be levied in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Northumberland. John de Cokermutli, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to John de Sandale 3,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. N 2 Cancelled on payment. 196 CALENDAE OE CLOSE ROLLS. 1314. Sept. 22. York. Sept. 24. York. Sept. 25. York. Membrane 33aymcnt, of his lands and chattels in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk. Cancelled on 2 >a,ymcnt. 8 EDWAED II. 201 1314 Membrane 30c? — cent. Eustace de Burneby acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Harewedon,* parson of Thyngden church, 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Northampton. John de Wyleby acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Harewedon, parson of the church of Thyngden, 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Northampton. Nov. 2. William de Skirbek came before the king, on Saturday after All Saints, Ely. and sought to replevy his and his wife Christiana’s land in Wysebeche, taken into the king’s hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Richard de Reddyk. This is signified to the justices. Guy son of Robert le Fitz Wyth’ acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Gardinis, knight, 140 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Oxford. Cancelled on pai/ment. Geoffrey le Scrop acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Bardelby, clerk, 20?. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. Cancelled on payment. Eleanor, late the wife of Henry de Percy, tenant in chief, puts in her place William de Wessiugton and John de Galway, to receive her dower in chancery. William de Briggegate of Hilham acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Hemmyngburgh, parson of the cliurch of Smalbergh, 42 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Norfolk. Nov. 2. William de Skirbek came before the king, on Saturday after All Saints, Ely. and sought to replevy his and his wife Christiana’s land in Wysebeche, taken into the king’s hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Richard de Reddik. This is signified to the justices. Nov, 18. Henry de Wylye acknowledges that he owes to Master Henry de Clif ^Northampton. 24 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the counties of Bedford and Oxford. Richard de Shefeld, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Brom, clerk, 5 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his laiuls and chattels in the county of T’ork. Thomas son of John de Hastang’ and John de Felton put in their places Michael de Wath or Henry de Gnthemundele against Nichohis Daumori and other executors of the will of John Lcstraunge, to wit Isolda late the wife of John Lestraunge and William de Lodelowe, in a plea of deceit. Nov. 19. To the mayor and bailiffs of Northamjiton. Order to choose twenty cross- NorthamptoD. bowmen in that town, and to arm them with aketons, hauberks or breast- plates {loricis vel platis), bacinets, and other arms, to bo ready to set out thence at the king’s wages on the morrow of St. Andrew towards Berwick, to stay there in munition of that town, certifying the king by the bearer hereof of their proceedings. By K. [Pari. JVrits.] The like to the following: 'J’he mayor and bailiffs of Lincoln for forty crossbowmen. The mayor and bailiffs of York for forty crossbowmen. The mayor and sheriffs of London for three hundred crossbowmen. [Ibid.] To Walter de Norwyco, treasurer. Order to supervise the choosing of the above crossbowmen in London personally or by deputy. [Ibid.] 202 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1314. Nov. 22. Northampton. Oct. 24. Spalding. Nov. 20. Northampton. Oct 20. Spalding. Nov. 20. Northampton. Membrane 30rf — cont. Matilda late the Avife of Robert de Clyfford, tenant in chief, puts in her place Hugh dc Burgo and Thomas de Warthecop, to seek and receive her dower in chancery. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to John de Fenles respite until Easter for the debts due from him. By K. Membrane 29c?. To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Summons to attend a parliament to be held at Westminster in the octaves of St. Hilary. [Par/. Writs.l The like to the archbishop of York and sixteen bishops and D. elect of St. Asaph. [//»/c?.] The like to J. bishop of Bath and Wells. \^Ibid.~\ The like to W. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. [//»/c?.] To the abbot of St. Augustine’s Canterbury. The like summons. [Ibid.] The like to forty-six abbots and priors and the prior of St. John of Jerusalem, and the master of the order of Sempyngham. [Ibid.] To Thomas, earl of Lancaster. Summons to attend the above parliament. [Ibid.] The like to eight earls and one hundred and eighteen others. [Ibid.] To the sheriff of Hertford and Essex. Order to return knights of the shire, citizens, and burgesses to the above parliament. [Ibid.] The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.] To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Order to cause the deans and priors of cathedral churches and the archdeacons of his province to be there at the said day and place, and the chapters of the cathedral churches to be there by proctors, and the clergy of each diocese by two proctors to assent to what shall be then ordained. [Ibid.] Simon de Sibethorp acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Wreltoa 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Nottingham. William de Middelton acknowledges that he owes to Simon de Sibethorp 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the counties of Nottingham, York, and Lincoln. William de Middelton acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Wrelton, 80 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Nottingham. Membrane 2Sd. To William de Dogmerfeld, steward of the forest of Shirewodc. Order to arrest John de Bosco, who has usurped a bailiwick within that forest by false letters sealed with a counterfeit of the great seal, and to cause him to come before the king in chancery in the octaves of Martinmas, together with the said letters. William de Brikhull, who long served the king and who is unable to attend upon the king owing to illness, has letters to the prior and convent 8 EDWARD II. 203 1314 Membrane 28c? — cent. of Dunstaple to admit him into their house, and to give him such allowance in all things as Roger de Oxenhale, lately deceased, had in his lifetime, and to make him letters patent granting the same to him. Matilda, late the wife of Gilbert de Clare, late earl of Gloucester and Hertford, tenant in chief, puts in her place Richard de Esteden and Theobald de Bray, to seek and receive her dower in chancery. . The said Matilda puts in her place Richard Calf and Richard de Farnhull to seek and receive dower in chancery of her late husband’s lands in Ireland. The said Matilda took oath not to marry without the king’s licence, and did fealtv to the kin g for certain lands held in chief whereof she was v O enfeoffed jointly with the said earl. John le Waleys of Pagenhulle acknowledges that he owes to Philip le Heyr of Colewynstou 60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Gloucester. Nov. 20. Nichohas de Renty is sent to the prior and convent of Worcester to receive Northampton, the necessaries of life in food, clothing, and shoe-leather, and maintenance for a horse and groom, and a chamber, for his lifetime. Hugh de Farndon acknowledges that he owes to John de Norton, clerk, 20s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Northampton. To the constable of Tikhull castle. Order not to distrain Hugh de Crescy for his homage for the manor of Hodeshac, held in chief as of the honour of Tikhull, the king having respited the same until the next parliament. Robert de Watevill acknowledges that he owes to Simon de Swanlond 40/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Norfolk. Dec. 4. John de Radlegh, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Bartholomew de Bcrkhampstead. Badelesmere 500/. ; to be’ levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the counties of Sussex and Kent. Membrane 27c/. Enrolment of release from Richard son of .lohn do Sellyngge, son of the late Sir John de Sellyngge, knight, to John dc Sellingge, citizen and spicer {apothecurio) of London, of his right in the manor of Scherlonde in Plukele, in the county of Kent, and all appurtenances ; which manor the said John has of the gift of Sir John. Dated at London, on Saturday the feast of St. Peter the Apostle, 8 Edward II. Memorandum, that the said Richard came into chancery at Christ Church, London, and acknowledged the above deed. Enrolment of deed of John de Sellingge, citizen and spicer of London, releasing to Ricliard son of John de Selling’ son of Sir John do Sellingge, knight, all action and demand by reason of a statute merchant bond for 500 marks ISs. 4c/. made to the releasor by .John dc Selliugg son of Sir John de Sellingge, so far as concerns the lauds that Richard holds in 204 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1314. Membrane 27c? — cont. Selling’, Sclieldewych, and Badelesmere, in the county of Kent. Dated at London, Sunday after St. Andrew tlie Apostle, 8 Edward If. iMemorandam, that John came into chancery at Christ Church, Loudon, on the .said day, and acknowledged the aforesaid deed. Dec. 2. Robert son of Roger de Keleby of Congham acknowledges that he Northampton, owes to John de Heghbam, clerk, 100^. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Norfolk. Memorandum, that the king, in his full council at Northampton, testified that the abbot of Westminster was not in his service, by reason whereof he caused himself to be essoined before the justices of the Bench in the octaves of St. Martin against Peter de Lymcsy concerning 80 acres of wood and 20 marks of yearly rent in Ainwell, in the county of Hertford, and that he would not have the abbot in his warrant)’ concerning the same. Thomas de Wytnesham puts in his place Peter de Bikerwyk in the suit in chancery by writ of Scire facias between Richard de Sutho and him concerning a debt of 100 marks demanded from him by Richard. Dec. 5. William de Houeden, parson of the church of Brockesholm, and Stephen Berkhampstead. son of Stephen de Houeden and John de Torryng’ acknowledge that they owe to William de Spersholte, ‘ chaundeler,’ of London, 86?. 13s. 4c?. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of Tiork. Cancelled on payment. Enrolment of release from Ralph son of John de Sellyng’, son of Sir John de Sellyngg, knight, to John de Sellingge, citizen and spicer (apothecarid) of London, of his right in the manor of Sherlonde in Plukele, in the county of Kent, which John has of the feofiinent of Ralph’s father. Dated at London on Saturday after St. Nicholas, 8 Edward II. Memorandum, that Ralph came into chancery at Westminster, on the said day, and acknowledged the deed aforesaid. Membrane 26c?. Nov. 26. Northampton. Dec. 15. Langley. Dec. 1. Northampton. Adam de Bray, serjeant of the late and present kings, is sent to the abbot and convent of Shrews’nury to receive such allowance {libcracione) as Richard de Toucestre had in the same in his lifetime. By p.s. To the sheriffs of London. Order to cause Walter Waldcshef, the king’s buller, or his attorney, to have carriage for leading the king’s wines from Essex and other places to London for the expenses of the king’s household. To the abbot of St. Denis in France, and the convent of the same. Request that they will grant to Philip de Courcy, yeoman of the household of Isabella, queen of England, such estate or maintenance in their house for his lifetime as Peter le Spicer, deceased, had in the same at the king’s request, certifying the king by the beai’er hereof of their proceedings. By p.s. Membrane 25c?. Dec. 15. To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Request that he will celebrate exequies Langley. for Philip, king of France. By K. \_Fce.dera.^ Tlie like to W. archbishop of York, and all the bishops, and to twenty* eight abbots and the master of the order of Sempyngham. \_ibid.'] 8 EDWARD II. 205 1314. Membrane 25d — cont. Dec. 21. Thomas de Cotyng, who served the late and present kings, is sent to the Bisham. prior and convent of Christ Church, Canterbury, to receive the same allow- ance as Master William le Venour, deceased, had there at the late king’s request. By p.s. [3217.] Nov. 22. To Philip, king of France. Request that he will cause restitution to be Northampton, made to Maurice de Rocheford, staying in Ireland in the king’s service, ot the manors of Ceuereth and Trenynz in Poitou, which were taken into the hands of the king of France on account of the war between him and the late king, and ought to have been restored to Maurice according to the peace between him and the late king, [idgcfera.] 1315. Jan. 4. To W. archbishop of York. Request that he will continue his efforts to Langley. resist the threatened invasion of the Scotch rebels. The king will excuse his attendance at p.arliament. \_F(edera ; Pari. JVrits.'\ The like to R. bishop of Durham. To Marmaduke de Twenge. Order to intend the defence of the Scotch marches against the threatened invasion, for which purpose the king will excuse him his attendance at parliament. The like to Walter de Teye, Peter de Mauley, Walter de Facomberge, Nicholas de Menill, John de Claveryng, Walter le Vavasour, Richard le Waleys, and Robert de Flilton. [/i/rf.] 1314. Dec. 4. To Thomas Chaucombe, John Hilt, and John de Grymsted. Order to Berkhampstead. continue to execute the office of keepers of the king’s peace in the county of Wilts, according to the king’s letters of appointment, the king understanding, from the complaints of the people of that county, that they have ceased to act, as they were uncertain whether they should act after the king’s return from Scotland. By p.s. [Par/. Writs.'] The like to the keepers of the peace in all the counties of England. \_Ibid.] To William Martyn, John de Welyngton, and William de Botreux. Order to proceed to hear and determine felonies in the counties of Cornwall and Devon, which the king appointed certain keepers of the peace in those eounties to enquire into, according to the king’s letters of appointment, they having ceased doing so because tliey were uncertain whether they ought to act after the king’s return from Scotland. [//i/V/.] The like to the justices appointed for the like purpose in all the counties of England. \^Ibid.] Meubrane 2Ad. Enrolment of list of grievances committed by the abbot of Croyland and his men {tes soens) upon the king and Thomas Wak, son and heir of Sir John Wak, who is in the king’s wardship. First, that whereas John Wak, ancestor of Thoma-s, was seised of a profit in the marsh of Depyng called ‘Travers,’ and died seised thereof, and his wife Joan Wak was seised of the same after his death and died seised thereof, the king has been seised thereof by reason of the nonage of Thumas until the eve of St. Bartholomew last, the abbot and his men came with foice and arms and prevented the kino-’s minister, one William le Warner, collecting the profit for the king’s use, and took and carried away what he had collected, amounting to half a mark, and beat and maltreated him, contrary to the king’s peace and to his damage of 1,000 marki. French. \^Parl. Writs.] ° 205 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1314. 1315. .Tan. 16. Langley. .Tan. 17. Langley. .Tan. 20. Westminster. Membrane 2A(l — cent. Memorandum, witne.ssing that the abhot of Croyland came in person by the king’s command, on Tuesday before SS. Simon and Jude, in the eighth year of the reign, at Nortliauipton before Sir Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford, and Sir Ayincr de Vidence, earl of Pembroke, Sir John de Sandale, cliancellor. Sir Adam de Osgodehy, Sir Robert de Bardelby, Sir William de Ayrem[ynn,] and others of the council appointed for this purpose, and said that he claims nothing in the marsh of Deping except right of common, and as to the trespass, he said that he has day to answer to the king concerniiig the same before Sir Tioger le Brabanzon and his fellows, and that he was ready to put himself upon a good jury {mettre en bon pais) that he was not guilty concerning the same, if the court should so award. And the council told him to keep his day before Sir Roger if he believed it would do good {sil quidast. bien faire). And the council told J'homas to sue until the acknowledgment of the abbot should be entered in the chancery roll. French. [/6f(Z.] Membrane 2‘M. .Tohn de Sellyng of London acknowledges tliat he owes to Robert de Jorz of Lughteburgh 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London and county of Essex. Cancelled on payment. Enrolment of deed of Robert le (sic) .Torz of Lughteburgh, witnessing that whereas John de Sellyng’, citizen and spicer of London, is bound to him by the above recognisance, he grants that the recogni.sance shall be cancelled if .Tohn pay him 20/. in the inn of Sir Roger le Brabazon at London at Easter next, and 20/. at the following feast of the Trinity. Dated at London 18 .Tanuary, 8 Edward II. Witnesses: Sir Adam de Osgodehy, brother Richard de Leycestre, of St. John’s house, Clerkenwell, and Sir Thomas de Thorp. Memorandum, that Robert came into chancery in Trinity Church London, on the said year and day, and acknowledged the above deed. Enrolment of release by William called ‘ de Arderne ’ to Sir Hervey de Stanton of his right in the manor of Wythere.sdale, in the county of Suffolk, and the advovvson of the church of the same. Witnesses : John son of Robert de Bradefcld ; Alan Aldwyn, of Medefehi, clerk ; John de Ely, parson of Little Cressingham ; .Tolin de Stanton, parson of the church of Boclonde ; Nicholas son of Nicholas de Ely ; Thomas le Wrighte of Totington, clerk ; William de Weston. Dated at Stanton, on Thursday before St. Laurence, 8 Edward II. Memorandum, that William came into chancery in the church of the Holy Trinity, Loudon, on January 18 next following, and acknowledged the above. Adam de Melhynnak and William Schawan of Melhynnak came before the king, on Friday after St. Hilary, and sought to replevy their laud in Melhynnak, taken into the king’s hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Luke de Restomer. This is signified to the justices. To the abbot and convent of St. .Tohn’s, Colchester. Request that they will deliver to Itoger Filiol, the king’s yeoman, whom he is sending to them, such maintenance for his lifetime in all things as Master Peter de Sauveny, deceased, had in their house, making to him letters patent granting the same to him, certifying the king by the bearer of their proceedings. By K. 8 EDWAED II. 207 1315. Jan, 4. Langley. Jan. 5. Langley. Jan. 6. Langley. 1314. Dec. 27. Windsor. 1315. Jan. 9. Langley. Jan. 7. Langley. Jan. 13, Langley. Membrane 22d. To Edmund le Botiller. Request that he will accept the office of justi- ciary of Ireland, the king sending by the bearer his appointment to that office and other letters for the execution of the same. By K. \^Fcedera.'] To Walter de Islep, treasurer of Ireland. Order to deliver to the said Edmund the commission of the office of justiciary of Ireland, which is sent to him by the bearer, and that he will use all his endeavours to induce him to accept the said office. By K. [Ibid.'] To Richard de Burgo, earl of Ulster. Request that he will continue his efforts for preserving the peace of Ireland and his assistance to the king’s ministers, and that he will endeavour to induce Edmund le Botiller to accept the office of justiciary. By K. [Ibid.] William de Cokham came before the king, on Sunday the eve of Epiphany, and sought to replevy to Joan late the wife of Henry Wade her land in Orsete, taken into the king’s hands for her default before the justices of the Bench against Dionisia, late the wife of Gilbert Wynefal. This is signified to the justices. Geoffrey de Say acknowledges that he owes to John de la Forde of Wrotham 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Kent, Geoffrey de Say acknowledges that lu; owes to .John de la I^'orde of Wrotham 100 marks ; to be levi(id as above. Walter de Jernemuth came before the king, on Friday after Christmas, and sought to replevy his land in Westhamme, taken into the king’s hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against the abbot of Peter- borough. This is signified to the justices. Walter de .Jernemuth came before the king, on the above day, and sought to replevy to Sabina, late the wife of Walter de IV'yiulesore, her land in Esthamme, taken into the king’s hands for the above cause. Bertram de W^ylmynton came before the king, on Thursday after the Epiphany, and sought to replevy his land in Wotton Alulphi and Wy, taken into the king’s hands for his dcd’ault before the justices [of the Bench] against Simon de Boyton. This is signified to the justices. To John de Crombwell, constable of the Tower of T.rOndon. Order to release Simon de Clifton and Jordan de Berewyco, captured in the company of Robert de Ros and John Wychard and imprisoned on suspicion of adhering to the Scotch rebels. Walter de Jernemuth came before the king, on Tuesday after St. Hilary, and sought to replevy his land in Westhamme, taken into the king’s hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against the abbot of Peter- borough. Walter de Paxton and Margery his wife acknowledge that they owe to Adam de Osgodeby, clerk, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of York. — Master Henry de Clif took the reeognisance. Enrolment of deed of Adam de Osgodby, witnessing that whereas Walter de Paxton and Margery his wife granted to him for a term of years, in con- sideration of a sum of money paid by him beforehand, all their lands in 208 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1315. Jan. 16. Luiigley. Jan. 15. Langley. .Tan. 28. Westminster. Jan. 28. Westminster. Jan. 30. Westminster. Membrane 22(1 — cont. La Wodehalle near EeniniyngbnrgTi, and that they, for greater security, acknowledged in cliancery that they owed him a certain sum of money, the said Adtuii grants that such recognisance shall be annulled if he hold the lands for the full term in peace. Dated at Loudon on Saturday after the Epiphany, 8 Edward II. Memora nilum, that Adam came into chancery at the house of the Conversi, London, on the said day, and acknowledged the above deed before Master Henry de Clif and others. Walter de Jerneniuth came before the king, on Thursday after St. Hilary, and sought to replevy to Sabina, late the wife of Walter de Wyndesor, her land in Esthamme, taken into the king’s hands for her default before the justices of the Bench against the abbot of Peterborough. To Henry Spigurnel, Geoffrey de Hertelpol, and .John de Bousser, justices to take assizes in the counties of Kent, Surrey, and Sussex, Order to supersede during the parliament summoned to be held at Westminster on Monday the octaves of St. Hilary, the taking of assizes, juries, and certifi- cations touching any of the prelates, earls, barons, or others summoned to attend the parliament. Pari. ; Pari. Writs.^ The like to the justices assigned to take assizes in each county. Matilda, late the wife of John Lovel of Tychemersh, puts in her place Geoffrey de Tychemersh and Walter de Elecoumbe to seek and receive her dower in chancery of the lands, knights’ fees, and advowsons of her late husband. And she took oath not to marry without the king’s licence. Richard Vyvyen of Trevedren acknowledges that he owes to Matthew, dean of the church of kSt. Beryana, in Cornwall, 12 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in that county. Elias de Melburn of Whitelay acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Bardelby', clerk, 20s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his land and chattels in the county of York. Membrane 2\(l. Geoffrey Wy(h, knight, and John Warde, acknowledge that they OAve to Robert de Bardelby, clerk, 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the counly of Norfolk. Cancelled on payment. I’hilip de Hardeshull and Stejdien de Trafford acknowledge that they owe to Geoffrey de la Lee 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the counties of Bedford and Buckingham. Enrolment of release by James de la Parrok to Sir John Malemeyns of Waldwcrshare of 10 murks yeaily from the manor of la Parrok, in the parish of Hcrttefeld, in the county of Sussex. Dated at Plukele, Friday alter the Ciicumcision, 8 Edward [H.]. Witnesses; Philip de Ilerst, Robert de Craneford, Richard de Chetecroft, John de Greneheld, John son of William de Ereningham. Memorandtem, that Janies came into chancery, on Thursday before the Purification, and acknowledged the above deed. John la Wane acknowledges that he owes to William de Bello Campo, lord of Fellewell, 38/. G^, 8z/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the county of Wilts. Cancelled on payment. 8 EDWARD II. 209 1315. Feb. 4. Westminster. Feb. 6. Westminster. Membrane 21d — cont. John de Renham of Rysbergh and Stephen le Ferrour of Bledelowe acknowledge that they owe to William de Leycestre, clerk, pareon of Chynnore church, 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of tlieir lands and chattels in the county of Buckingham. Cancelled on payment. John de Staunton acknowledges that he owes to Master John de Middelton and John de Middelton 4^. 5s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Devon. Membrane 20d. William de Ayremynn, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Peter de Eyvill, knight, 20 marks, to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. Cancelled on payment. Enrolment of release by Alexander de Claveryng, knight, to Alice, late the wife of John de Bello Monte, Walter de Langeton, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, and to all others named in an assize of novel disseisin, and to all the jurors of that assize, which assize Alice brought against Alexander concerning the manor of Drayton, in the county of Norfolk, of all actions, etc., in the manor or for any damages by reason of the assize or of the manor aforesaid. Witnesses : Sir Walter de Norwyco and Sir John de Foxle, knights; Walter de Phileby ; Phili[) de Norton; William Burel; Richard de Wylughby ; and Adam de Ilarwedon. Dated at London, on Sunday the feast of the Purification, 8 Edward II. Memorandum, that Alexander came into chancery, on the said day, and acknowledged the above. Richard de Campo Arnulphi acknowledges that he owes to James de Oxton 100/. ; to be levied, in default of paymertt, of his lands and chattels in the county of Devon. Robert de Somery of Byshampton acknowledges that he owes to John le Rous of Raggeley 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Worcester. Cancelled on payment. Robert de Wellewyk, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de Thorntoft, clerk, 40/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the counties of York and Lincoln. Cancelled on payment. Enrolment of release by William de Lucy, knight, of the county of Warwick, to Walter de Langeton, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, and to his succes.“ors, of his right in two parts of a messuage and of a canicate of land and of 20s. of yearly rent in Hethecote under Ode. He also releases to the said bishop and to Petronilla, late the wife of hhdk de Luci, his father, the other third of the above, which Petronilla holds in dower by the bishop’s assignment. Witnesses: Sir Edmund de Langeleye, knight; Sir Nicholas Trimenel, knight ; Nicholas Balaunce ; William de Stocton ; John de Pipe; William de Sutton; and John de Upton. Dated at London, on Sunday the feast of the Purification, 8 Edward II. Memorandum, that William came into chancery, on the Tuesday follow- ing, and acknowledged the above deed. 72604. o 210 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1315. Feb. 7. Westminster. Feb. 6. Westminster. Feb. 8. Westminster. Feb. 10. Westminster. Feb. 10. Westminster. Membrane 20c? — cont. Master Richard de Haveryng’ acknowledges that he owes to John de Elkeston 11 . ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Gloucester. To the abbot and convent of Midilton. Order to grant to the king’s clerk Richard de Lusleshill a suitable pension, they being bound to grant a pension to one of the king’s clerks by reason of the new creation of the abbot until they shall provide him with a suitable benefice. By K. Matthew de Furneaux, knight, Matthew de Clyvedon, knight, and Simon son of Matthew de Furneaux acknowledge that they owe to John son of John de Button, knight, 24U marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the counties of Somerset and Wilts. The master of St. Mark’s, Bristol, acknowledges that he owes to John de Godele, dean of St. Andrew’s, Wells, 7 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Gloucester. Robert son of Thomas le Bush of Westhakeburn acknowledges that he owes to John atte Vorteye and Thomas de Morton 20?. : to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Berks. Henry de Skrevyn acknowledges that he owes to William de Thorntoft, clerk, parson of Foston church, 80?. ; to he levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the county of York. Caticelled on payment. Enrolment of general release hy Walter de Langetou, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, to Alice, late the wife of John de Bello Monte, knight. Dated at London, on Sunday after the Purification, 8 Edward II. Memorandum, that the bishop came into chancery at Westminster, on the Monday following, and acknowledged the above deed. John Pyncelegre, merchant of Genoa, acknowledges that he owes to Anthony Polazasco, merchant of Genoa, 45?. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the counties of Essex and Hertford. The abbot of Teukesbury acknowledges, for himself and convent, [that he owes] to Nicholas Fermbaud the younger 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of Gloucester. Cancelled on payment. Membrane \9d. Enrolment of release by Alice, late the wife of John de Bello Monte, knight, to Sir Walter de Langeton, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, of all actions against him by virtue of the warranty of the manor of Criste.-^hale, in the county of Essex, except the chief messuage, park, and tenement that she holds there for life by demise from the bishop ; concerning which manor she brought a writ of warranty of charter against him before the justices of the Bench at Westminster. Dated at Loudon, on Sunday after the Purification, 8 Edward 11. Memorandum, that she came into chancery at Westminster, on the said day and acknowledged the above deed. Feb. 10. William de Derham has letters to the abbess and convent of Romeseye to Westminster, receive the yearly pension due to one of the king’s clerks by reason of the new creation of the abbess. By K. 8 EDWARD II. 211 1315. Feb. 13. Westminster. Feb. 15. Slieeu. Membrane 19c? — cent. _ , ,, Master Richard cle Haveryn^, canon of St. Mary’s chcrc3ii' .Salisbury, acknowledges that he owes to Robert le Peleter, citizen of Salisbury, 40?.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels and ecule'siastic.al goods in the county of Wilts. ^ ' John de Claveryng acknowledges that he owes to Donus de Podio, knight, 800?. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the counties of IN’orfolk and Suffolk. Cancelled upon payment, acknowledged by Fredulcius Hubertini, executor oj Donus’ s will. Geoffrey le Parker of Bixle acknowledges that he owes to the abbot of Bec-Hellouin 180?. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Sussex. Thomas Mannyng of Lud’ acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Stanhou, clerk, 84?.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Kent. Robert de Reydon acknowledges that he owes to Hugh de Veer 20?. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Norfolk. The chancellor took the recognisance. William de Nevill acknowledges that he owes to Philip de Nevill 120?.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Northampton. Gilbert de Kirkeby acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Helles and Henry his son 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Kent. John de Merkyngfeld, clerk, executor of the will of W'illiam de Hamelton, acknowledges that he owes to the abbot of Furneux 40?. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. Thurstan de Ewelme of Henle acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Malynes 60?. ; to be levied, in default of j)ayment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Oxford. Simon son of Roger de Beltoft, .John son of John de Bekyngham, William son of John de Skaftworth, and Thomas son of Alan de Beltoft of Bekyngham acknowledge that they owe to John de Sandale, clerk, 10?. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of Nottingham. John de Boteturt, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de Sandale, clerk, 100 marks ; to be levied, in del'ault of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Norfolk. Cancelled on payment. Ralph de Herkwey, citizen of London, acknowledges that he owes to Gilbert de Keleshull, clerk, 20?. ; to he levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. John de Hadersham, Roger de Loges, John de Stokett, and William de Ivyngfeld acknowledge that they owe to Christina de Nevill 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of Surrey. o 2 212 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 13X5. Feb. 19. Westminster. Feb. 10. Westminster. June 10. Thunderley. Feb. 20. Westminster. Membrane 19rf — cont. , Fulk son of Thomas de Quappelade acknowledges that he owes to Alexander de Monte Fort! 406’. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Lincoln. John de Gyse acknowledges that he owes to John de Gloucestre 25 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Gloucester. Cicely, late tlie wife of Riehard de Heyle, acknowledges that she owes to .Juliana daughter of Richard de Heyle lOU marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in the county of Middlesex. The said Cicely acknowledges that she owes to Joan daughter of Richard de Heyle 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in the county of Middlesex. John de Corrnayles, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Malynes 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Southampton. Membrane 18ar the com()laint of the said merchant and to cause resti- tution or satisfaction to be made to him, certifying the king of his pro- ceedings by the bearer hereof. To .John de Evre, late escheator beyond Trent. Order to restore to Eleanor, late the wife of Henry de Percy, tenant in chief, the issues received since 6 November last from the lands in the county of York that the king ordered him to deliver to her as her dower, she having complained that he refuses to deliver the said issues to her although he has delivered the lands. Edward Charles acknowledges that he owes to Adam deOsgodeby, clerk, 5 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Suffolk. Cancelled on payment. Getuchius Honesti, meiThant of Lucca, acknowledges that he owes to Gilbert Bonrouncini, merchant, 170?.; to be levied in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. The chancellor took the recognisance. 220 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1315. Marcli 15. Westminster. Marcli 15. Westminster. April 3. Windsor. April 2. Windsor. April 4. Windsor. April 2. Windsor. April 1. Windsor. March 26. Windsor. Membrane \2d — cont. To the prior and convent of Winche.ster. Reipiest that they will lend to the king 200/. for the })urchase of provisions for the expedition to resist the Scotch invasion, and that they will send the money to the exchequer by the qninzaine of Easter at the Latest. The king will cause letters patent to ho made for iqieedy repayment of the same from the twentieth of the community or the fifteentli of the citizens and burgesses, or the tenth of the clergy. By K. [i'mr/era ; Pnrl. lVrits.'\ The like for various sums to thirty abbots, priors and convents, [/iic/.] The like for various sums to forty-five Cistercian abbots, prions, and convents. [7/i/rf.] To the master of the order of Sempryngham. Request that he will lend, with the help of the priors of the order in England, 2,000/. for the above purpose until the quinzaine of Michaelmas. [76/f/.] By K. The like to thirteen abbots and convents of that ' mutatis com- petenter mutaiidis.’ [76irf.] Membrane 1 \d. .lohn de Dummer, knight, acknowledges tliat he owes to William Paynel 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Somerset. Robert de Kendale came before the king, on Wednesday after the close of Easter, and sought to replevy his and his wife Margaret’s land in Putham, taken into the king’s hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Margery late the wife of Nicholas de Boys. This is sig- nified to the justices. William Hodyng came before the king, on Friday after St. Richard the Bishop, and sought to replevy to David son of David de Flittewyk the said David’s lands in Godeshestre, Writle, and Rothinge St. Margaret’s, taken into the king’s hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against Edmund son of John son of Simon. This is signified to the justices. Thomas Freman of Grauncemore came before the king, on Wednesday after the close of Easter, and sought to replevy his laud, taken into the king’s hands for his default before the justices of the Beuch against Alan Romund. This is signified to the justices. To L[ouis], king of France. Request that he will give orders to his ministers to permit John le Clerk, burgess of Berwick-on-Tweed, to carry through his realm four hundred bushels {modios) of wheat and barley and eighteen barrels of Hour and pease lately bought by him at Amiens, as he has found the king in chancery security that he will not take the above to the Scotch rebels or to Flanders, but that he will bring them to England or to Berwick-on-'Pweed, and there expose them for sale. Memorandtim, that John de Causton of the city of London, Elias le Keller, William de Hatford, and Walter le Foundour, of the same, inaiu- perned in manner abovesaid for the said John le Clerk. Henry de Oldyngton, the king’s yeoman, is sent to the master and brethren of God’s House, Dover, to receive such maintenance therein as Henry Blesde, deceased, had there at the late king’s request. By p.s. [3284.j 8 EDWARD II. 221 1315. April 4. Windsor. March 29, Windsor. April 6. Windsor. April 13. Windsor. Membrane 11c? — cont. William le Bakere is sent to the abbot and convent of Middelton to receive the necessaries of life in that house, and to have a chamber to dwell in. Alan de Kanc[ia], parson of the church of Holy Trinity, Dorchester (Dors’), diocese of Salisbury, acknowledges that he owes to William de Billyngleye 72s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Dorset. Cancelled on payment. To R. bishop of Durham. Order to cause satisfaction to be made to Roger de Northburgh, parson of the church of Forde, out of the goods of Robert Heron, the late parson, sequestrated and taken into the king’s hands by the bishop and the king’s ministers for debts due from him to the king at his death, for the defects of the chancel, books, vestments, and other ornaments of the church and of the parsonage-house, for which Roger ought to be satisfied, in accordance with church law, according to the inquisition taken by the bishop’s authority. If the goods sequestrated by him are insufficient to satisfy Roger, he is to certify Master John de Weston, chamberlain of Scotland, whom the king has ordered to satisfy Roger for what is wanting out of Robert’s goods taken by him into the king’s hands. By p.s. [3289.] Mandate in pursuance to the said John de Weston. Hugh Cade, who long served the king, is sent to the abbot and convent of Shireburn to receive the same allowance in food, clothing, and other necessaries as Richard le Potager, deceased, had in their house. By p.s. [3296.] Thomas Freyn, who served the king and his father, is sent to the prior and convent of Caresbrok’, in the Isle of B ight, to receive the same allow- ance as Philip de Candevre, deceased, had in that house. By p.s. [3295.] Thomas Freman of Grauncemore acknowledges that he owes to Alan Romund 100s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the county of York. John de Mereworth acknowledges that he owes to Clement de Morton 10?.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Kent. The prior of Donsterre acknowledgc.s, for himself and his convent, that he owes to Master Reginald do Campo Arnulphi lOOi. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of Somerset. John de Alrcsford, vicar of the church of Dcinden, diocese of Bath and Wells, acknowledges that he owes to .lohn de Sandale, clerk, 66/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in th(; eouiity of Somerset. John Marmyon of Chakenden acknowledses that he owes to Adam de Hoghton 40s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Oxford. I'he [)rior of Merton acknowledges, I'or himself and convent, that he owes to William Paynel 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lauds and chattels in the county of Surrey. John Peverel, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Matthew de Furneux 100/. ; to be levied, iu default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the counties of Dorset and Southampton. Cancelled on payment, adinowlcdged by Simon de Furneux, executor of the will of Matthew. 222 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1315. April 16. Westminster. April 17. Westminster. April 18. Westminster. Membrane \ \d — cant. Thft sail! .John acknowle(lge.s that lie owes to the said Matthew 50 marks ; to he levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the above counties. Rcigor de la Hay, of the county of Hereford, is elected by the sheriff coroner of that county by the king’s writ. William de Thorntoft, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynn, clerk, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in tlie county of York. Cancelled on payment. Membrane lOr/. Richard de Duffeld, parson of the church of Lughteburgh, diocese of Lincoln, who is continuously engaged in the king’s service, has letters to the bishop of Lincoln not to compel him to reside in his benefice whilst engaged in the king’s service. Enrolment of release by .John son of Ivo de Pilesdone to John de Westcote of his right in the manor of Badeligh and in the reversion of the same, which John de Westcote had by demise from Emma de Pilesdone, great-grandmother of the releasor, and of his right in the demesne, rent, and all services of the manor. Witnesses: Sir John de Eoxle, knight; Sir John de Scure.s, knight ; Sir Thomas de Coudray, knight; John de Bourne, clerk; Robert de Tliorncombe; William de Batesford; William dePreslond; John de la Hale; John Elys of Mattingeligh ; Nicholas de la Hale. Dated at Westminster, 16 April, 8 Edward II. .John de Westcote acknowledges that he owes to John son of Ivo de Pile.sdone 80/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Southampton. Cancelled on payment. Hugh le Despeuser the younger acknowledges that he owes to John Giffard of Weston, the elder, 2,000/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the counties of Essex, Cambridge, and Suffolk. Roger de Engelfeld acknowledges that he owes to John Bisshop 16 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Berks. John de Medcfeld, John de Wodhull, Thomas Cokerel, and Robert Rose acknowledge that they owe to Thomas de Brotherton, earl of Norfolk, 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk. Cancelled on payment. Gerard de Aldenardo acknowledges that he owes to John Waleweyn lOOi. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the counties of Hertford and Kent. John Daubeny acknowledges that he owes to Elias de Godele 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Southampton. Robert Achard acknowledges that he owes to Elias de Sancto Albano 80/. ; to be levied, in default of i)ayment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Berks. Cancelled on ptayment. 8 EDWARD II. 223 1315. April 1 8. Westminster. April 21. Westminster. April 22. Westminster. April 24. Westminster. Membrane lOrf — cont. Nicholas de Kyriollis^ knight, acknowledges that he owes to Francis de Aldhain, knight, 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the county of Kent. Cancelled on payment. Richard de Merewell acknowledges that he owes to .John de Geyrgrave, clerk, 2 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Middlesex. John Peche, lord of Hampton, acknowledges that he owes to Eleanor, late the wife of Henry de Percy, executrix of the will of Richard de Arundell, her brother, 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the counties of York and Warwick. John la Warre acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas de Ardern 36/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the counties of Northampton, Lincoln, and Rutland. Cancelled on payment. John de Garton of Fryton acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Lovayue 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. Cancelled on payment. Richard de Bachesworth acknowledges that he owes to Simon de Swan- lund 2,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Middlesex. Memorandum, that the chancellor received this recognisance. Cancelled on payment. The said Richard acknowledges that he owes to the said Simon 400/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Hertford. Memorandum, that the chancellor received this recognisance. Cancelled on payment. John de la Beche, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Riehard de BarbeOete of Suthampton, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of j)ayment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Southampton. Memorandum, that the chancellor received this recognisance. Cancelled on payment. The said Richard acknowledges that he owes to the said John 500 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattcl.i in the above county. Memorandum, that the chancellor took the recognisance. Cancelled on payment. Margaret, late the wife of Henry de Pynkeny, acknowledges that she owes to William de Bosco 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in the counties of Northampton, Buckingham, and Essex. Nicholas de Eye acknowledges that he owes to Edmund, earl of Arundel, 2C0 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Buckingham. Richard de Pevenese acknowh'dges that he owes to Edmund le Botiller of Irlaunde 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the counties of Berks and Sussex. 224 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1815. April 25. VV estminster. April 27. Westminster. April 25. Westminster. April 20. Westminster. May 3. Westminster. April 28. W estminster. Membrane 10c? — cant. John son of Roger de Mereworth acknowledges that he owes to Joan de Mereworth, his mother, 1,000/. ; to he levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Kent. Ralph, rector of Assherugge, puts in his place brother Walter de Donestaple, or brother William de Harewold, or John de Aston, to answer before the king’s council a petition exhibited by the brethren of the hospital of St. Thomas the Martyr of Acre (Aco?i), London. John Rydel of Halghton acknowledges that he owes to John son of Robert le Personesson of Halghton 43 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of hi.s lands and chattels in the county of Leicester. Marmaduke de Thwenge and John de Hasthorp acknowledge that they owe to Simon de Swaneloud, merchant of London, 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of York. Memorandum, that the chancellor received the recognisance. Cancelled on payment. Membrane 9c?. Enrolment of grant by Peter, prior of St. Mary’s, Southwerk, and the convent of the same, to 'rhomas de Evesham, clerk of the king’s chancery, in consideration of his good service to them, of a yearly pension of 1005. for life, from their manor of Taddeworth, in the county of Surrey. Dated in their chapter at Soutliwei k, 12 Kal. May, 1315. Memorandum, that the prior came into chancery at Westminster, on Friday the feast of St. Mark, and acknowledged the above deed. Thomas de Litlyngton acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas de Lange- ton 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the county of Sussex. Philip de Lodelowe, citizen of London, acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Evesham, clerk, 4 nnarks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. To the sheriff of Salop. Order to cause proclamation to be made that it was the king’s intention, from the time of the grant of the twentieth granted to him to resist the Scotch invasion, that the requests of the commons con- cerning the ordinances lately made and approved by the king, and for keep- ing Magna Carta and the (Tarter of the P’orest, and for making perambulations of the Forest shall be observed in all things, and the king has caused persons to be appointed to make the perambulation. By K. \^Parl. HVf/s.] The like to all the sheriffs of England. To the taxors and collectors of the twentieth in ‘the county of Salop. Order to intend the. assessment and levy of the twentieth so that it may be paid to the king at the terms fixed for payment, the king being in need of money to resist the Scotch invasion. By K. [Ibid.] John de Wondene acknowledges that he owes to Maurice de Berkele 2,000?. ; to he levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Somerset. Cancelled on payment. Master Nicholas d(( Stretton acknowledges that he owes to Walter son of Thomas de Sancto Andrea 20?. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Wilts. 8 EDWARD II. 225 1315. May 2. Westminster. May 4. Westminster. May 4. Westminster. Membrane — cont. Laurence de Sancto Maiiro acknowledges that he owes to Maurice de Berkele 4,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Somerset. Master Richard de Haveryngg’, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to the exectitors of the will of Ralph de Hengham 50 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the counties of Buckingham and Wilts. Cancelled on payment, acknotvledyed by John de Hengham, executor o f the said Ralph. Enrolment of letters of Osbert, abbot of Dureford, Hervey de Staunton, William Eyat, and John de Brudeford, executors of the will of the late Sir Henry de Gu[l]deford, releasing Walter le Gras of Cheyham from a debt of 155/. in which he was bound to the said Henry by statute merchant, Robert de Keleseye having satisfied them at the suit of Walter. Dated at London, on Monday before the Ascension, 1315. Memorandum that Osbert, Hervey, William, and John came into chan- cery, on the said day, and acknowledged the above deed. Ralph de Shupton Moigne acknowledges that he owes to John de Wynterburn 40 a’. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Gloucester. Andrew de Staunford, skinner (pelliparius), and Roger de Lenne, citizens of London, acknowledge that they owe to Peter Shanke, of Brende Pelham, 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the city' of London. John de Brianzon, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John Bluet, knight, 300/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Essex. Cancelled on payment. Peter Descorce, merchant of Bayonne, acknowledges that he owes to William le Port 0/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. Cancelled on payment. Matthew de Rcjdham acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Swynburn, knight, 5C/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Norfolk. Henry Rose, burgess of Great Yarmouth, acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Swyneburn 50/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Norfolk. Membrane Hd. To Robert de LTmframvill, earl of Anegos, keeper of the Pore.st beyond Trent. Order to survey, together with the slieriff of York, the perambula- tion, if there be one, begun without the king’s knowledge by certain men of the county of York of their own boldness in the forest of Galtres, who have proclaimed in the city of York that no forester should enter the forest under pain of losing his head, the king having ordered the sheriff to survey the same in compiiny of the said keeiter and to attach those who have made the perambulation. The king will shortly send certain persons to make the 72604. P 226 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1316. May 1. Westminster. May 8. Woitminster. May 5. Westminster. May 12. Westminster. May 14. Westminster. May 7. Westminster. Membrane Fd — cant. peraiiibtilation tliere and in otlier forests as agreed in the last parliament and as contained in the great charter of the forest. Mandate in pursuance to the sheriff of York. To William Inge. Order to be at Westminster before the king and his council on the morrow of the Holy Trinity, to treat with the king and his council concerning certain of the king’s affairs, and to do what he shall then be enjoined. [^Parl. Writs.'] The like to nineteen others. \_Ibid.] Ellen daughter of John de Vilers of Marnham acknowledges that she owes to Ralph son of Master William de Clifton 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in the counties of Nottingham and York. Nicholas de Teukesbury acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Arky- bus, citizen of Loudon, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Devon. .John de Oterhuute, who served the king and his father, is sent to the prior and convent of Stoke near Clare to receive for life the necessaries of life for himself, a groom and a horse, Ry K. Enrolment of release bv Henry de Leveshagh, knight, to Sir AVilliain de Reppes, Ralph and Thomas his brothers, and Thomas de Hyndringham of his right in the manor of Leveshagh. Witnesses : Sir M'illiam de Bovill, knight, Sir Robert Baynard, knight, Simon son of Richard, Thomas sou of Roger de Ormesby, John de Hedderset, Thomas de Egefeld, Roger son of Henry de Hyndringham. Dated at Westminster, Wednesday after St. John before the Latin Gate, 8 Edward II. Hugh de Wodehous, chaplain, acknowledges that he owes to William son of Thomas de Seleby of York 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Y’^ork. 'I’he above William acknowledges that he owes to Peter de Calveton 20.?. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. Geoffrey atte Fanne of Hetyndon acknowledges that he owes to Gilbert de Ebor[aco], clerk, 60^. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Essex. John son of Ralph de Cumberton came before the king, on Wednesday after SS. Nereus and Achilles, and sought to replevy his and his wife Joan’s laud in Berton, taken into the king’s hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Stephen Cosyn of Berton and Isabella his wife. This is signified to the justices. To Peter Corbet and Beatrice his wife. Order not to enfeoff Edmund, earl of Arundel, of the castle of Cans and two parts of the manors of Cans, Wentenore, Munsterleye, Yokethull, Shelve', Hoj)e, Overe Gordor, Nether Gordor, and Baughaltref, and of other lands, and of the reversion of the lands that Alice, late the wife of Peter Corl)et, deceased, holds in dower of his inheritance, and of the reversion of the lands that Joan, late the wife of Henry de Bohun, holds for life of the said inheritance, by virtue of the king’s licence to enfeoff the said Edmunil, as the king has revoked the licence because it appears by a fine concerning the premises levied between the first-named Peter and Hugh de Bergham, chaplain, in the late king’s court before the justices of the Bench that Peter holds them in tallaged fee, to wit 8 EDWARD II. 227 1315. April 10. Windsor. April 24, Westminster. April 10. Windsor. April 28. W^est, minster. May 10. Thuiiderley. INI ay G. Westminster. Membrane 8t7 — cont. to liimself anti his heirs of the body, so that he cannot legally enfeoff the earl of the same. The like, ‘ mutatis competeter mutandis^ to the earl. To W. count of Hainault, Holland, and Zeeland {Seland’) and lord of Friesland. Request that he will hear the petition of AVilliam Geiur, burgess of Berwick-on-Tweed, and will cause justice to be done to him concerning his complaint that Avhereas he lately loaded at Berwick a ship of his called ‘ la Message)' de Beren-yk ' with hides, wool, and other merchandise of certain merchants of that town to be taken thence to Flanders to trade there, certain of the king’s enemies of Scotland lay iu wait for the ship, attacked it, and slew all the crew except one, and took the ship and cargo to Middelburgh in Zeeland in the count’s dominion, where they are still det.ained. He is de.sired to write back by the bearer what he has done in this matter. To the king of Castile, Leon, etc. The king has receiv’ed complaint from Thomas Sturmyn, David Warlan, Walter Poytin, John Lanwarn, Walter Piketoun, .John Cendal, Richard Lopyn, Geoffrey Torritoun, Walter Coit, William Fas.sard, Thomas Arnaud, John Tankard, John Allexander, and Walter Goban, merchants of Haverford in Wales, that whereas they loaded a ship called ‘ la Mariote de Ly Vowel ’ at HaverfordiAvith goods to be taken to Gascony to trade there, and the ship was driven by contrary winds to the port of Ruby de Sella in Spain, one Roderic Alvaridz entered the ship Avith a multitude of armed men, and took and carried aAvay by armed force goods to the value of 400/. ; wherefore the king requests liim to cause restitution to be made to the said merchants or their proctors hearing these letters, and to cause them to be satisfied for their damages, writing back by the bearer what he has done in this matter. Membrane Id. To the sheriff of Middlesex. Order to cause proclamation to be made l^rohibiting anyone from hindering merchants or others bringing victuals to London, or from taking their victuals from them against their Avill, so that they cannot take their victuals to the city or market tOAvns in his bailiwick for sale, and to certify the king in chancery of the names of any offenders, as the king learns from the chancellor, treasurer, barons of the exchequer and other his ministers engaged in London, and from the citizens, that divers forestallers meet merchants and others bringing victuals for .sale according to the king’s ordinance of the price of victuals, and comped them to sell their victuals to them, frequently carrying aAvay their victuals by violence, [ Feed era. The like to all the sheriffs of England. [7/i/r/.] To the constabh* of Tikhull Castle. Order not to destrain Hugh de Crescy for homage for the lands that he holds of the king of the honour of Tikhull, as the king has granted him respite until Michaelmas. The like in favour of Laurence de ChaAvorth. Robert de Barton acknowledges that he owes to Adam de O.sgodeby, clerk, 100.9. ; to be levied, in defaidt of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Northumbeidand and Cundierland. To L[ouis], king of France. Reque.st that he will ouler the bailiff of Amiens and other his ministers to i)ermit the servants of Richard de Emeldon, p 2 228 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1315. June 11. Caiiterbuiy. Membrane. Id — cont. burgess of Newcastle-on-Tyne, to take thence to England the corn and other rictuals bought by them, as he has found security in chancery not to take the victuals to the Scotch rebels or to Flanders, but to take them to Newcastle. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause proclamation to be made for- bidding alien or native merchants or others from bringing clipped or counter- feit money into the kingdom or from using the same, under the j)enalty provided in the late king’s ordinance concerning such money. By C. [Fcederu.^ Tlie like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.] Memorandum, that Sir William de Crekelad and Sir John de Norhamp- ton, Conversi ch.aplains, and other Conversi exhibited a petition before the king and his council in parliament at London, in the eighth year of his reign, complaining of Sir Adam de Osgodeby, keeper of the house of the Conversi, London, in this form : The said chaplains, who are charged and sworn fiorn their infancy to pray for the king and his ancestors, and the other Cotn-er.si of London who are houseless {desherbergez), say that whereas Henry III. gave in common by his charter to all Conversi and all to be convei’ted and housed the jilot where the court of the Conversi is inhabited. Sir Adam de Osgodeby, their keeper, ought [to allow] them their habita- tions in their said close, but that he keeps them out and harbours his clerks there, and allows sti-angers and horses to be harboiired there, and that he has demised some of their tenements where they might be housed to strangers for the term of three lives by their common seal without their assent, to the prejudice of the king, to whom the tenements ought to revert after their day ; wherefore they pray that such demises shall be annulled, and that tliey may have their harbourments in their said close, because if they fall ill or become enfeebled they have no place where they may dwell or have refuge or easement of right except in the common close specially built for them and to be inhabitated solely by them, and as the matins and masses of the said chaplains, of the alms of the kings their founders, are worth as much as the pater nosters of laymen. French. Which petition having been exhibited, it was decided by the council that it should be delivered to the chancellor as principal keeper of all the hospitals or almshouses founded of the king’s alms, so that he might do what he should, think fit concerning it. Having inspected the petition, the chancellor sent Robert de Bardelby and Robert de Askeby, clerks of the chancery, to the house of the Conversi to en(piire into the above allegations, and to certify him concerning the same. The said Robert and Robert, having called before them the aforesaid parties on Monday the feast of St. Tiburtius and Valerian, in the chapel of the Conversi, made inquisition by all the Conversi dwelling in the house and others then j)resent ; whereby it was found, by the oath of the Conversi, that the said William never had a fixed residence within the house, but that he had access to the house in the time of Sir Henry le Aumener, late keeper of the same, sometimes passing the night in the house, but that the said keeper prohibited him from dwelling there or being received therein, and deprived him of his wages, on account of divers crimes whereof he defamed the whole community of the Conversi then con- versant in the house, and whereof he accused them by letters to the keeper, all the Conversi having afterwards purged themselves of the same before the keeper. They also say that Adam, the present keeper, allowed the said William his wages of his special grace against the will and assent of the Conversi. They say that he is not fit to dwell within the house, and that they will not permit this in any wise, and, in answer to the (piestion wliether he was fit to receive his wages, they say that this depends upon the grace of the keeper. As to the two tenements, they say that they weiai 8 EDWARD II. 229 1315. May 17. Tbunderley. May 19. Tbunderley, May 12. Tbuuderle3’. ;May 20. Tbunderley. May 20. Tbunderley, Membrane Id — cent. demised by the common assent of all the Conversi and almost (quasi) against the will of the keeper, and that William assented and wi’ote the notes of the demise, and that they were demised for the profit of the house, as they are demised at a higher ferm than before, and the tenants have to do necessary repairs, which would have to be done at the cost of the house if they were not so demised. Nothing is done against the said John, because he did not sue. And the inquisitors assigned to William the morrow as day before the chancellor to hear and receive answer and judgment. Afterwards the chancellor decided that William should have nothing of the contents of his petition, but that he should be remitted to his keeper to be castigated for his false complaint according to the keeper’s discretion. And the chancellor ordered that the present memorandum should be enrolled in the rolls of chancery, and should be placed upon the files amongst the memoranda of the chancery. Membrane 6rf. .John Prodhoinme came before the king, on Saturday after SS. Nereus and Achilles, and sought to replevy to Eva, late the wife of John de Burys, her land in Corylonde, taken into the king’s hands for her default before the justices of the Bench against Walter son of Richard de Caam. This is signified to the justices. The said John, on the same day, sought to replevy to Eva, late the wife of John ilrywes, her land in Corylond, taken into the king’s hands for the like default. Henry de Gynges came b(!fore the king, on Monday the feast of St. Dun- stan, and sought to replevy his land in Little Ilokke, taken into the king’s hands for his default against John Tany. 'This is signified to the justices. Enrolment of grant by Alice, late the wife of Nicholas le Archer, to Sir Roger le Brabanzon, knight, of all the lands in Sibertoft, in the county of Northampton, of Iier husband’s inheritance that she could claim as dower, for the term of Roger’s life, rendering to her for life 4/. yearly. Dated at London, on IVIonday the feast of St. Dunstan, 8 Edward 11. Memorandum, that’Alice came into chancery, on Tuesday following, and acknowledged the above deed. Joan, late the wife of Thomas de Seleby of York acknowledges that he owes to William son of Thomas de Seleby 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. John de Seliyng, citizen of London, acknowledges that he owes to Robert le Jors of Lughteburgh 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of Loiulon. — The chancellor received the recognisance. Simon de Swanlonnd, citizen and merchant of London, acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Bachesworth, lord of Herefeld, 2,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Middlesex. — The chancellor received the recognisance. Cancelled on payment. To Guy de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick. Order forbidding him doing anything to the prejudice of the crown or the disturbance of the peace by reason of the custody of the lauds of Walter Ilaclut, deceased, in Wales, concerning which a dispute has arisen between him and Roger de IMortuo Mari of Wy[g]emore. The like to the said Roger. 230 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1315. May 20. 'I'hundei'ley. May 24. Thimderley. May 25. 'J'huuderley. Membrane %d — cont. Enrolment of letters of Roger and John Hardyng’ and Isabella Hardyng’, daughter and heiress of William Hardyng’, otherwise called ‘ Panetei’,’ late citizen of London and Bordeaux, and of Petronilla his wife, daughter of Gerald del Hospital, appointing Master Arnald de Rivali and Maynard de Mortuo Mari, citizen of Bordeaux, their attoruies to ])ut Master John Guicardi, clerk, son of Reymund Guycardi, citizen of Bordeaux, in posses- sion of a bovdel (hordin') and of all houses, vineyards, and osier-beds (yiminar''') and alder-holts (alharedis), and all other things inherited from their father William Hardyng and his wife Petronilla, their molher, in the parishes of Cambis and of St. Caprarius in the place commonly called ‘Pauperdut’ and elsewhere between the two seas, in the diocese of Bor- deaux, and in the pari,sh of St. Simeon, Bordeaux, or elsewhere in that city or its suburbs, which they have sold to the said John Guycardi accord- ing to the form of a public instrument made to him by .John Amici of Heveringlond, diocese of Norwich, notary-public, dated at London, in the inn of the said notary in the street called ‘ la Riole,’ on 7 May, 1315. Dated at London, 10 May in the said year. Witnesses : Arnald de la Lande, citizen of Bordeaux ; William Beau de Blavia ; Arnald de Pelamsi of iSIont Guidonis in Saintogne ; Bernard Radulphi ; Thomas de Wendlesworth ; Richard Fulcherii ; John de Byfeld, barber. Reginald Broun of Ireland acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Brom, clerk, 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Waterford in Ireland. Emma late the wife of John de Kent, and Aymer Deivill acknowledge that they owe to Bartholomew Gennardi of Lucca 4f. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of Oxford. Robert de Cumbe came before the king, on Saturday after the Holy Trinity, and sought to replevy to Robert de Bury and Elizabeth his wife their land in Westbury, taken into the king’s hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Alan son of William Fitz Waryn. This is signified to the justices. Enrolment of grant from John de Cromwell, knight, to Sir Ralph de Cromwell, knight, his son, of his manor of Wrenstede, in the county of Kent, in the parish of Frethenestede, and the adv'owsou of the church. Witnesses ; Sir Henry Bcaufuiz, knight ; Sir Baldwin de Ih-evill, knight ; Sir Richard de Moundevill, knight; Sir Thomas de Sandwyco, knight ; Sir .John Savage, knight; Thomas le Blount, rector of the church of lleriettisham ; Simon Potyn of Rochester; John Charles of Derteford ; Richard de Honewyk, clerk. Dated at London, Friday after Holy Trinity, 8 Edward II. Memorandum, that .John came into chancery at Westminster, on the said day, and acknowledged the above deed. John de Praers, Thomas de Praers, knights, and Thomas le Paumer of Maldon acknowledge that they owe to Eleanor de la Mare, late the wife of John de la Mare of Bradewell 200/. ; to l)e levied, in default of pay- ment, of their lands and chattels in the counties of Essex and Sussex. J'lnvohnont of grant by Robert de Tothale to Sir Adam de O.sgolby, canon of St. Peter’s, York, of the six marks of reiJ that Robert had in the town of Yapum near Pokelyngton, in the county of YYrk, of the gift of John de Grey of Rotherfold, to be received from the tenement formc’Jy held by Elias de Ybipnn. Witnesses: Sir William Inge, the king’s justice; William le Conestablo, knight ; Robert de Boulton, knight; Thomas de Boulton, knight ; William de Creppyngg’ ; Robert de Croppy ngg’; GeollVcy 8 EDWARD II. 231 1315. Membrane — cont. le Scrop ; .John de Den urn ; John de Stonore ; Robert Russell. Dated at London, 29 May, 8 Edward II. Memorandum, that Robert came into chancery at Westminster, on the said day, and acknowledged the above deed. Enrolment of letter of Robert de Tothale appointing Sir William de Osgotby, rector of the church of Havresham, and Walter de Osgotby his attornies to deliver seisin of the above rent. Dated as above. May 24. Thunderley. May 27. Westminster. June 1. Westminster. June 4. Westminster. May 28. Westminster. Membrane bd. William Cosyn of Brampton, acknowledges that he owes to Edmund de Marny 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Devon. Edmund de IMarny acknowledges that lie owes to John Lamberd 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county (sic) of London. Hugh de Strubby of London acknowledges that he owes to John Stauyn of Grantham 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Lincoln. Joan, late the wife of IMiles de Stapleton acknowledges that she owes to Robert de Bardilby, clerk, 6 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in the county of York. iMatilda, late the wife of Robert de Chaumpaigne, acknowledges that she owes to Richer do Refham 20/. ; to he levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in the county of Essex. Thomas Page of Chynnore acknowledges that he owes to .John Romeyn 9/, 15s. Od. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Oxford. John le .Moreward of Iwode acknowledges that he owes to John de la Male of Iwode 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Southampton. .John de Sancto Johaime of Basyng’ acknowledges that he owes to William Paynel 10.5/. 15s. 8r/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the counties of Sussex, Southampton, and Kent. Hubert Hakun acknowledges that he owes to William de Ormesby, knight, 1,000 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Norfolk. To A. king of Castile, etc. The king has received his letters complaining that goods of his subjects have been arrested at the suit of Arnald de Sancto Martino, citizen and merchant of Bayonne, contrary to the treaties of peace made in the time of the fathers of the two kings and in the present king’s time between the king of Castile’s men and the men of Bayonne. The king infoians him that he freepiently prayed for completion of the peace afore.said on behalf of Arnald and others whom the matter concerns, but they were unable to obtain any result from the ministers of the king of Castile’s father; for which reason the king proceeded to do justice to the said Arnald. 'I’he king, however, wishing to encoui'age communion between his subjects and those of the king of Castile, wills that all merchants of Castile shall come 232 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1315. June 3. Westminster. May 12. Thuuderley. JMay 14. Thuuderley. May 12. Thuuderle}'. June 3. Westminster. Membrane 5d — cont. into his realm until Cliristmas next under his special protection without having their goods arrested at the suit of Arnald or others. He requests the king of Castile to send in the meantime an envoy to this realm to treat with tliose whom the king shall appoint eoneeruing the treaties, and to eomplete them and to reform what has been attempted contrary to them ; otherwise the king will be obliged to do justice to his subjects. \_F bucks in the park of Flakebrigg, 0 bucks in the jiark of Burgh-imder-Staynmore, and 12 harts in the cliace of Burgh under- Staynmore, and to see that the venison be well salted, prepared and carried to Carlisle, and there delivered to Robert de Welle, receiver of the king’s victuals. If he be unable to attend to this matter on account of the protection of the Scotch marches, then he is to appoint a deputy on whom he can rely. Et fuit patens. To the keeper of the forest of Ingelwode. Order to be intendent and aiding to the said Ralph or his deputy in taking the above. The like to the following : I’he keeper of Mallerstangg’ chace. The keeper of the park of Whinnefel. 240 ('ALENDAK OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1315. July 15. r.angley. Au". 1. Langley. Mevxhrane 29 — conf. The keeper of the park of Flakebrif^. The keeper of the park of Lurgh-niider-Staynmore. 'I'he keeper of the chace of Burgh-under-Staynmore. To the king’s yeoman John de Knokyn. Order to take venison in tlie ])ark of Fremantel, and to tind salt and barrels for the same, and to cause it to be sent to Carlisle and delivered to Robert de Welle, receiver of the king’s victuals. To the keeper of the forest of Fremantel. Order to be intending and aiding to the said .John in this matter. Membrane 28. To tlie sheriff of Nottingham. Order to pay to the king’s yeomen William de Balliolo and .Alan de Leek, whom the king is sending with a berner, three veutrers, a lardeuer, fourteen running dogs and eleven grey- hounds to take fat venison in his bailiwick, their wages during their stay, to wit 12f/. a day each, 2d a day for the berner, 2d. a day for each of the veutrers, 2d. a day for the lardeuer, \(l. a day for each of the running dogs and ^d. a day for each of the greyhounds. He is to provide them with salt and barrels, and to cause the venison to be carried to Notyngham castle, there to be kept until further orders. To the sheriff of York. Order to pay to the king’s yeomen William de Ballioh', Alan de Leek and Richard de Jlarkesale, whom the king is sending with fourteen running dogs, nine greyhounds, three veutrers, a berner anil seven lardeners to take fat venison in the forests of Shirewode, Galtres. Giyngele, Wheteleye, Knaresburgh, and the parks of Brustewyk, Spofford, Langestrode, Giseburn. Litteudale and Topelive, and in the forest between Synene and Itonne, tlieii' wages during their slay in his bailiwick, to wit i2(/. a day each, \d. a day lor each of the running dogs and grey- hounds, 2d. a day for each of the v eutrers, 2d. a day for the berner, and 2d. a day foi- each of the lardeners. He is to deliver to them salt and barrels for the same, and to cause the venison to be taken to Carli.sle, there to be deliveied to Robo t de Welle, keeper of the king’s victuals. To the keeper of the forest of Shirewode. Order [to aid the said yeomen in taking] twelve harts and twelve does. The like to the keepers of the following: J'he forest of Galtres for twelve harts and twelve does. The forest Ijctween Synene and Donne for twenty-four halts. The jiark of Gringele and Y hetcleye for forty bucks and twenty harts. The chace of Knaresburgh with the parks for forty bucks and twenty harts. 'I'he park of Brustewyk for forty bucks. 'I’he jiark of Spoflord and the chace of Langestrode, which belonged to Henry de Perei, for twcudy-four bucks and twelve harts. The forest of Giseburn and Liltondale, which belonged to the said Henry, for thirty harts. 'Fhe ])ark of 'Fopclive, which belonged to the said Henry, for twelve bucks. To the chamberlain of Kaern.eidyn. Order to e.xpend up to 20 marks in rej ailing the houses, walls, towers and other buildings within the castle of Drosselan by the view of Thomas le Blound, the constable. 9 EDWARD II. 241 1315. Aug. 1. Langley. Aug. 3. Langley. Aug. 5. Langley. July is. Langley. Aug. 6. Langley. Aug. 5. Langley. Aug. 20. Northampton. Membrane 28 — cont. To William Martyn, justice of South Wales. Order to survey the king’s castles in his bailiwick, and to cause the houses, walls, towers and other buildings in the same to be repaired out of the issues of the chamberlainship of South Wales by the chamberlain according to the direc- tions of the justice. Mandate in pursuance to the chamberlain. To the chamberlain of South Wales. Order to pay their usual fees to the constables of the king’s castles and other the king’s ministers. To the chamberlain of Kaermerdyn. Order to expend up to 10/. without delay in repairing the king’s new castle of Emelyn by the view and testi- mony of the constable, William Martyn, justice of South Wales, having certified that the defects of the castle amount to 60/. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay to Anthony Pessaign of Genoa 4,084/. 15s. 4c?. out of the tenth of the clergy and from the twentieth and fifteenth and other issues of the realm, in payment of the like sum paid by him into the king’s wardrobe in the sixth, seventh and eighth years of the king’s reign, as appears in sixteen bills under the seal of Ingelard de Warle, then keeper of the wardrobe. By p.s. Cancelled because otherwise below. To the collectors of the custom of wool, hides and woolfells in the port of Kyngeston-on-Hull. Order to pay to Anthony Pessaigne of Genoa, or Robert de Sandale his attorney, 1,050/. from the issues of the custom, for money paid by him into the wardrobe in the eighth year of the reign for the expenses of the household, as contained in a bill under the seal of Ingelard de Warle, keeper of the wardrobe, the payment to begin after John de Sandale have been satisfied for the sums to be received by him from the custom. By p.s. To the sheriff of Salop. Order to release from Shrewsbury prison Robert Tangwastel of Shrewsbury and John de Wylder of Leye, imprisoned for a trespass not amounting to {tangente) felony, for which they were indicted before William le Ilotiller of Wemme, Richard de Harley and William de Lodelawe, keepers of the peace in that county, upon their finding mainpernors to have them before Peter Corbet, John Hastang’, William Trussel the elder and Ralph de Rolleston, whom the king has appointed to hear and determine such ti’espasses, provided that they be repleviable for such trespass. William Rose, in the king’s prison of Gildeford castle for the death of Robert le Milleward, has letters to the sheriff of Surrey to bail him until the first assize. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay to Anthony Pessaigne of Genoa 7,084/. 15s. 4c?., in payment for 3,000/ granted to him by the king, and for 4,084/. 15s. 4c?. paid by him into the king’s wardrobe in the sixth, seventh, and eighth years of the king’s reign, out of the tenth of the clergy and the twentieth and fifteenth and other issues of the realm. By p.8. To Robert de Cliderhou, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver to Dionisia, late the wife of John de Wygeton, tenant in chief, the manor of Blakhale and the issues of the same, although it was found by inquisition taken by virtue of a writ of diem clausit extremum that John was seised in his demesne as of fee of the said manor, together with other lands in the escheator’s bailiwick, that the manor is held in chief by homage and cornage of 8.«. (ic/. yearly, and that Walter de Kirkebride, son of tlie late Christina sister of the said John, Joan daughter of .lohn de Raygate, another sister, whom Nicholas Bart married, Florence de Wygeton, the third sister, whom Ector Askelock married, Margaret, the fourth sister. 72604. CALEJTDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. Membrane 28 — cont. whom Robert de Metheleye married, and lilizabeth, the fifth sister, are the nearest heirs of John and of full age, as it appears by another inquisition taken at the suit of Dionisia that she was enfeoffed of the manor jointly with her husband by W alter de Wygeton, her husband’s father, except the wood and moor, and that she and her husband continued their joint-seisin from the time of the feoffment until the fifth year of the king’s reign, to wit for twenty-six years ; whereupon certain of tlie heirs and parceners alleged in chancery that Dionisia had made a quit-claim of the manor, so that she ought not to have seisin, but they did not produce any such writing on the day ])refixed for tliem to do so ; wherefore the king issues this order, he having taken Dionisia’s fealty, as the above feoffment is enrolled in the rolls of the late king’s chancery in the 13th year of his reign. By C. To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver Market Overton, to Agnes, late the wife of Heniy de Godrevy, as nearest [friend] of his heiress, the lands that he held of the heir of William Basset, a minor in the king’s custody, together with the issues of the same, as it was found by inquisition that he held the hamlet of Godrevy of the said heir by the service of 5s. to be rendered yearly at Tyhidy, and by doing suit from three weeks to three weeks, and that he held no lands in chief by reason where- of the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king, and that Thom.asia his daughter is his nearest heir and is aged forty-two weeks. He is ordered not to intermeddle further with the lands that he held of other lords. Aug. 22. Henry de Aspenwalle, in the king’s prison of Stafford for the death of Rockingham. John de Aspenwalle at Urmeschirche in the county of Lancaster, has letters to the sheriff of Lancaster to bail him until the first assize. Aug. 18. To Roger le Brabanzon and his fellows, justices to hold pleas coram rege. Northampton. Order to cause the inquisition of the country upon which Geoffrey son of Adam de Sibeton and Adam his brother, imprisoned in the marshalsea, have [)ut themselves tube taken by jurors of the vicinity of St. Faitli’s, and to release them upon their finding mainprise, the said Geoffrey and Adam having surrendered themselves in the county of Norfolk for John son of Adam de Sibeton and Adam his brother, on account of a diversity of name of the said Geoffrey [who was also called] Jecke * according to the custom of Norfolk, Thomas de Herdersete, ‘ trumpour,’ and John de Upestone, ‘ labourer,’ who were hanged by decision of the court, having stated in their appeal concerning a fire in Lenne that they the said Thcmias and John feloniously caused the fire with Nicholas atte W^yleghes, Nicholas son of Nalle de Loudham, and John son of Richaud Benk of Hornyng’ by procurement and agreement made between them and John son of Adam de Sybetone and Adam his brother, who met the said Thomas and John in the fields of the prior of St. Faith in going from Spikesworth to Norwich ; the king wishing to shew favour to the said Geoffrey and Adam at the request of Emma wife of Robert de Monte Alto. Membrane 27. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause a verdercr for Salcey {de Salseto) forest to be elected in place of Adam de Forho, who is insufficiently qualified. July 13. Westminster. 242 1316. A no- 9.^ * ‘ Pro quadam diversitate nominis ejusdem Galfridi {qui ?] e.l Jecke svctindum morem jiurcium comilatus Norffolcie vsitata.’ 9 EDWARD II. 243 1315 . July 12. Westmiuster. July 13. Westminster. July 14. W estminster. July 9. Westminster. July 12. Westminster. July 13. Westminster. Membrane 27 — cont. To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order not to intermeddle further with a messuage, 34 acres of land, an acre and a rood of meadow, 4| acres of pasture, 3s. 6^d. of yearly rent in Sutton-atte-Hone, taken into the king’s hands by the said escheator under the belief that the prior of the Hospital of St. John of .Jerusalem in England had entered the same contrary to the statute of mortmain, as it appears by inquisition that William de la Dale and Alice his sister held them of the prior by the service of 1.05. and of doing suit from three weeks to three weeks at the prior’s court of Sutton, and that the prior entered the same after the death of William and Alice as his escheat because they were bastards and died without heirs of the body, and it appears by another inquisition that William held a messuage of the prior in Sutton-atte-Hone by the service of yearly, and that the prior entered it for the above reasons. To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to deliver to the king’s yeoman Adam de Bray, whom the king is sending with 28 horses of the king’s and two of his own and two horses of Master Richard de Stanes, farrier (marescallits) of the king’s horses, to stay at Malmesbury until further orders, hay, oats, litter and other necessaries for the horses, and to pay him his wages, to wit 6d. daily for himself and his groom, and 6d. a day for Master Richard and his groom, and 45. Sd. daily for 28 grooms attending the horses, to wit 2d. a day each, and 2d. a day each for a farrier (forratore) and an ostler {hostelario) . To the treasurer and barons of the e.xchequer. Order to acquit William de Rale, son and heir of Thomas de Rale, of the demand for the goods of Stephen de London, citizen of Exeter, clerk, taken into the late king’s hands by the sheriff of Devon upon his indictment before William Martyn and his fellows, justices of oyer and terminer in that county, for robbery and furtive carrying away of the goods of Matilda de Tyeford at Tyeford and for the homicide of Amice her daughter, the late king having ordered the sheriff to restore to him his lands and goods as he had purged his innocence before the bishop of Exeter, to whom he was delivered accord- ing to the privilege of the clergy, by virtue whereof the said Thomas, then sheriff, restored his lands and goods. To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Nicholas son of Nicholas de Warewyk, who married Elizabeth daughter and heiress of Richard de Loges, tenant in chief of the late king, the lands of the said Elizabeth and the issues of the same, for which the king took his fealty on May 26, in the sixth year of his reign, the escheator havine taken them into the king’s hands upon her death although there was issue between them, as appears by the inquisition taken after her death. To the same. Order not to distrain Hugh de Lachyndon, brother and heir of William de Lachyndon, for homage for his brother’s lands, for which the king took his fealty on March 30, in tlie sixth year of his reign, when he respited his homage until the quinzaine of Easter then next following, as the king has now taken his homage. To the same. Order to cause .John son and heir of Walter Alewy, who held certain lands in chief as of the manor of Kyngesburyport by the service of Ad. yearly, to have seisin of his father’s lands upon his finding security to answer for his relief, the king having, on June 30, in the sixth year of his reign, taken his fealty and ordered .Jolin Abel, then escheator this side Trent, to cause him to have seisin of his father’s lands upon his finding security as above, the said escheator having been amoved from office before he had executed that order. Q 2 244 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1315. July 20. Langley. July 18. Langley. Aug. 1. Langley. Aug. 2. Langley. Aug 6. Langley. July 10. Westminster. Aug. 6. Langley. Membrane 27 — cont. To Robert de Umframvill, earl of Angos. Order to deliver Richard son of William Basage of Carleton, in the king’s prison at Notyngham for trespass of venison in the forest of Shirewode, in bail to twelve mainpernors who shall mainpern to have him before the justice of forest pleas when they next come to those parts. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to send a person in whom they can confide to the sheriff of Kent in order that he may, together with the sheriff, receive a fine for the king’s use from John de Sudbury, imprisoned in Canterbury castle for a re-disseisin made by him upon John de Swyneford of nine messuages, 240 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, and 60s. of rent in Hemmyngford Trumbevill, in the county of Huntingdon, whereof he was convicted before the sheriff and coroners, and that he may order his release. By the chancellor. To the taxors and collectors of the fifteenth in the county of Cornwall. Order to supersede until further orders the levy of the fifteenth upon the goods of the miners working the king’s mine in that county, and to release any distraint that he may have levied in this behalf. The like to the sheriff of Cornwall. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to make provision of other necessary victuals to the amount of victuals that the king lately oi’dered him to provide and send to Berwick-on-Tweed for the maintenance of the men in garrison there, as the king understands that he is unable to find victuals to the amount ordered in his bailiwick. To the justices of the Bench. Order to supersede until the next parlia- ment the plea wherein Dionisia, late the wife of Alexander Cheverel, seeks by writ of dower her dower of her husband’s free tenement against Richard Lovel, which tenement Alexander had by the king’s grant, and which Richard holds of the king’s gift, as it was not the king’s intention that Alexander should have any estate therein except for life. By p.s. [3416.] To John de Foxle and his fellows, justices of assize in the county of Somerset. Order to supersede until the next parliament the taking of an assize of mort d’aneestor instituted by the heirs of the abovesaid Alexander against the said Richard concerning tenements in that county that Alexander had of the king’s gift, etc., as above. By p.s. [3416.] To the sheriff of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made that taverners and vintners selling wine by retail in that county in cities, boroughs, market towns and other places within a distance of five leagues (leucus) of the ports where wine is imported shall sell a gallon (lagenam) of wine for 3r/., and in other places beyond that distance for ‘6\d., and in places beyond thirty leagues for 4c?. By K. The like to the sheriffs of the following counties : Norfolk. Dorset. Suffolk. Gloucester. Lincoln. Hereford. Somerset. The like to William Martyn, justice of West Wales. By K. and C. Membrane 26. Aug. 8. Nicholas de Baukewell, in the king’s gaol at Guldeford for the death of Langley. William de Soham, has letters to the sheriff of Surrey to bail him until the first assize. 9 EDWARD II. 245 1316. Aug. 11. Laugley. Aug. 15. Newport Pagnell. Aug. 24. Somerton. Aug. 28. Lincoln. Aug. 28. Lincoln. Aug. 30. Lincoln. Sept. 1. Lincoln. Sept. 1. Lincoln. Membrane 26 — cont. To Master John Waleweyn, escheator this side Trent. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands in Bisshampton and Kyngton that Paulinus de Kerdif, tenant in chief, and Eleanor his wife held jointly of the grant of William de Kaerdif, who enfeoffed them in free marriage, as it appears by inquisition that she continued her joint-seisin thereof until her husband’s death, and that the lands are held of Philip ap Howel by knight service. To the same. Order to assign dower to the said Eleanor upon her taking oath not to marry without the king’s licence. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay to the merchants of the society of the Bardi of Florence 2,884/. ISi. 4(/. out of the tenth of the clergy and the fifteenth and twentieth, in part payment of 7,084/. 15s. Ad. that the king ordered them to pay to Anthony Pessaigne of Genoa, as he has given the king to understand that he borrowed that sum of the said mer- chants and has prayed the king to repay them in his name. By K. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause a verderer for Salcey {de Salceto) forest to be elected in place of Philip de Queneton, deceased. To Henry de Baiocis and Robert de Gunwardeby, taxors and collectors of the twentieth and fifteenth in the parts of Kesteven in the county of Lincoln. Order to pay all money collected and to be collected by them into the king’s wardrobe for the expenses of the king’s household or other the king’s affairs or debts, according to the directions of Walter de Norwyco, the treasurer. The like to the following : Richard de Buselingthorpe and Peter de Lekebourn, taxors and collectors in the parts of Lyndeseye in the same county. Roger de Cubbeldyk and Thomas de Novo Mercato, taxors and collectors in the parts of Holand, in the same county. To Thomas de Cheddeworth, chamberlain of Karnarvan. Order to pro- ceed to the castle of Beaumaris and to survey the defaults of the same, and to provide it with suitable stores, armour, etc., in the presence of John de Sapy, to whom the king has committed the custody of the castle, the chamberlain having delayed executing the king’s previous order to this effect. By p.s. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Robert de Boulton, who is incapacitated by age and infirmity. To the constable of Tikhill castle. Order not to distrain Robert de Hoton for homage for the lands held of the king as of the honour of Tikhill, the king having granted him respite until the next pai liament. To the sheriff of York. Order to release Theobald de Tyllio, proctor of Pandulph de Tyllio, from the king’s prison of York, where he is imprisoned for a suit made by him against the king outside the realm concerning the prebend of Northneubald in St. Peter’s church, York, upon his finding security not to do anything to the prejudice of the king or his crown in any place. To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Adam de Herwynton, Simon de Sutton, and William de Wellesbourn the manors of Qretham, in the county of Rutland, Kibbeworth Beauchamp and Harecourt, in the county of Leicester, and Wykewane, in the county of Gloucester, taken into the king’s hands by him upon the death of Guy 246 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1315. Sept. 2. Lincoln. Sei)t. 1. Lincoln. Sept. 1. Lincoln. Membrane 26 — cont, (le Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, and to restore to them the issues of the same, as the earl demised the manors to them for ten years from Friday after St. Gregory, in the eighth year of the king’s reign, at a yearly rent of 200/., which demise the king confirmed. To Ralph de Monte Hermerii, keeper of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause Philip de la Beche, sheriff of Wilts, to have ten oaks fit for timber from the forest of Pambere, to repair therewith the houses and buildings in the castle of Old Sarum. To Richard de Bernyngham and his fellows, late taxors and collectors of the twentieth and fifteenth in Westrithing in the county of York gi anted to the king in the seventh year of his reign. Order to pay up to 100 marks out of the arrears to John le Irreis for tlie wages of himself and those in his company in the king’s service in the marches of Scotland. By K. To the taxors and collectors of the twentieth and fifteenth in the county of Norfolk. Order to pay to Henry de Shyrokes as much money as Walter de Norwyco, the king’s treasurer, shall tell them by his letters patent to pay for the wages of the men in the king’s fleet on the sea setting out in the company of John Botetourte. By K. To Robert de Umframvill, earl of Auegos, keeper of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to cause the bailiffs of the city of Carlisle to have twelve oaks fit for timber in the king’s forest of Ingehvode, to construct anew there- with the king’s mills and fisheries burnt by the Scotch rebels. By K. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit the abbot of St. Benedict of Fleury-sur-Loire {Leyre) of five marks, in which he made fine with the king to have a general attorney in England, the king having pardoned him the same at the request of queen Isabella. By K. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to supersede altogether the demand made upon the abbot for the above. To Robert de Umframvill, keeper of the Forest beyond Trent, or to him who supplies his place in the forest of Inglewode. Order to deliver to the prior and convent of Carlisle a tithe of the venison taken and to be taken this year in the fore.st of Inglewode, as he and his predecessors have been wont to have such tithe. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause a coroner for that county to he elected in place of William Cause, who is incapacitated by age and in- firmity. To the treasurer and chamberlains of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to pay to the king’s clerk John de Hothum, whom the king is sending to Ireland upon certain of his affairs, his expenses during his stay there, to wit 40a-. daily and his passages going and coming. By K. To the taxors and collectors of the fifteenth and twentieth in the county of Nottingham. Order to pay to the above-named John 200 marks in aid of his expenses in going to Ireland. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay 2,884/. 15a. 4\l. os. Od . ; lands in Childrenlianleye, in the .same county, of the yearly value of 20s.; the manor of Acton Burncl, in the county of Salop, of the yearly value of 8/. 19.V. Od. - lands in Wolstanton, in the same county, of the yearly value of lOls. ; lands in Horpeboudlers (sic), in the same county, of the yearly value of ;h3s. 8d. ; lands in Golden, in the same county, of the yearly value of 18cZ. ; the manor of Conedovere, in the same county, of the yearly value of 21/. Ids. l()|c/. ; lamls in Stroford, in the same county, of the yearly value of 4s. -id. ; lands in liommeslegh, in the same county, of the yearly value of Is. ; lands in Abbeton, in the .same county, of the yearly value of 4l. 10s. 6f/. ; lands in Norton near Conedovere, in the same county, of the yearly value of 40s. Gd . : lands in Chatewall, in the same county, of the yearly value of 24s. ; lands in Smethecote, in the same county, of the yearly value of 50s. 3f/. ; lands in Beuethale, in the same county, of the yearly value of 23s. ; lands in Whychecote, in the same county, of the yearly value of 7s. ; a third of the late Templars’ lands in Long Stanton and Holtprene, in the same county, which third is of the yearly value of 20s. 3^d. ; a tenement in Shrewsbury, worth 6f/. beyond reprises; the manor of Budi- fonl, in the county of Warwick, of the yearly value of 16/. 5s. 4d. ; lauds in Lavreton, in the county of Somerset, of the yearly value of 5s. By C. To the same. Order to deliver to the said Alina the manor of. Compton Dauno, in tlie county of Somerset, and the issues of the same, as it appears by inquisition that she and her late husband were jointly enfeoffed thereof by Ingelran Berenger, and that she peacefully continued her joint-seisin of the same until her husband’s death, and that the manor is held of the king as of the honour of Walyngford by knight service, the king having taken her fealty. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the manors of Biston and Thirnyngg’, in the county of Norfolk, and Endou Burnel, in the county of Saloj), and certain lands in Strete, in the county of Somerset, as it ajjpears by inejuisition that the said Alina and her husband were jointly enfeoffed of the said manors by Ingelram Berenger, and of the lauds in Strete by Nicholas de Estou, and that she peacefully continued her joint- seisin until the time of her husband's death, ami that the manor of Riston is hehl of Robert Baignard, and the manor of Thirnyngg’ of John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, and the manor of Endon Burnel of Edmund, earl of Arundel, and the lauds in Strete of tlie abbot of Glastonbury by divers services. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with a moiety of the manor of Ercaluwe Magna, in the county of Salop, as it appears by inqui- sition that the said Alina and her husband held the same jointly for their lives of the feoffment of William de Ercaluwe, and that she j)eacefully contimied her joint-seism thereof until her husband’s death, and that William held the manor of her husband by the service of a black sparrow- hawk yearly. To the chamberlain of Kaermerdyn. Order to cau.se the king’s castle of Dynevor to be provisioned with victuals and armour as shall seem fit to him and to Edmund Ilaclut, to whom the king has granted the custody of the castle. By K. MliMliR.iNE 18. To Master John Waleweyn, eschealor this side 'Pront. Order to deliver to the nearest [friend] of Kobert son of Robert de Boseo the lands that Robert de Bo.sco held in Denton, as it apfie.ars by impiisition taken by .John 9 EDWARD ir. 265 1316. Feb. 9. Liucoln. Feb. 11. Lincoln. Feb. 5. Lincoln. Feb. 9. Lincoln. Membrane 18 — cont. Abel, late escheator this side Trent, that Robert de Bosco held the said lauds of the king in chief by the service of b\d. yearly, and that he held no other lands in chief in his bailiwick, and that Robert bis sou is his nearest heir and is aged seven years. To the abbot and convent of St. Mary’s, York, sub- collectors in the pro- vince of York of the tenth imposed upon the clergy by Clement V. Order to supersede until Michaelmas next the levy of the tenth due from the prior and convent of Hextildesham, the king wishing to shew them favour, as their goods have been wasted by the attacks of the Scotch. To the chamberlain of Karnervan. Order to expend up to 100/. yearly in repairing the quay of the town of Karnervan by the advice and ordinance of John de Grey, justice of North Wales, or his deputy in this behalf, until the quay be finished. To the same. Order to repair the pool of the king’s mill of Kaernarvan by the advice of the said j ustice. To Edmund de Wodestok, the king’s brother. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Brampton, in the county of Devon, granted to him by the king for his maintenance because it was contained in a certifi- cate of the treasurer and barons of the exchequer that the manor was in the custody of the abbot of Clyve during the king’s will and was worth yearly, except the alms, 20/., as the abbot and convent have since intimated to the king that Henry III. granted the manor by charter, which the king has inspected, to the abbot and convent to hold for ever at fee-ferm, render- ing therefor 22/. yearly, the treasurer and barons having certified that the abbot and convent hold the manor and foreign hundred and other appur- tenances as above stated. The king will cause satisfaction to be made to the said Edmund in lands or ferms elsewhere. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to deliver to the king’s clerk Stephen le Blund all the money that he has in band or can collect of his bailiwick and all the victuals that the king lately ordered him to provide, notwithstanding any previous orders to the contrary, the king having appointed Stephen to defray the expenses of the horsemen and footmen sent to repress the rebellion of Lewelin Bren and his adherents in Glomorgan. By K. The like to the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset. By K. The like to John de Wysham, constable of St. Briavels castle and keeper of the forest of Dene, or to him who supplies his place, omitting the clause about victuals. By K. To John Sapy, constable of Beaumaris castle. Order to provision the castle with armour, victuals, and other necessaries out of the issues of his bailiwick, and if the issues are insufficient, out of money that he can pro- vide elsewhere, and to cause the castle to be safely guarded. To the chamberlain of Kaernarvan. Order to pay out of the issues of his bailiwick what the said John may lack for the above purposes, and to |)ut Master Richard the engineer and Roger de la Fenne, attiliator, and a smith in the castle at the king’s wages, to be paid by the chamberlain. To the sheriff of Somerset and Dor.set. Order to counsel and aid Stephen le Blund in providing victuals within his bailiwick for the main- tenance of the men-at-arrns sent to Glomorgan to repress the rebellion of Lewelin Bren and his accomplices, and to provide carriage for the victuals to places to be fixed by Stephen. CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 2 ()() 131G. Fob. 1.3. Lincoln. Feb. 14. Lincoln. Feb. 6. Lincoln. Membrane 18 — cont. The like to the sherilF of Gloucester. To William Doiby, ch.ainberlain of Kaernervan. Order to pay to William Bagot, constable of the castle of Aberconeway, the usual fee for the custody of that castle. The like in f.avour of the following : •John de Sapy, constable of Beaumarreis castle. Vivian de Staundon, constable of Hardelagh castle, William Trumwyn, constable of Crukyn castle. The like ^mutatis mutandis' to Griffin ap Rees, sheriff of Mironnyth and keeper of the forest of Soundoun {sic). To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Lucy, late the wife of Thomas Wale, the manor of Wedon Pynkeneie, in the county of Northampton, and the issues of the same, as it appears by inquisition that she and her said husband were jointly enfeoffed thereof by Henry de Pynkeneye by the late king’s licence, and that she continued her joint-seisin thereof until her husband’s death, and that the manor is held of the king in chief by the service of one knight’s fee, the king having taken her fealty. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas Eleanor, late the wife of Henry de Percy, lately sought before the justices of the Bench against William de Percy a third of the manor of Wre.sel and of the moiety of the manor of Erghes, in the county of York, and a third of the manors of Claxeby and Slotheby, in the county of Lincoln, as her dower ; and AVilliam produced a deed of her late hu.sband containing warranty, and vouched to warranty Henry, son and heir of the said Henry, a minor in the king’s wardship ; and it was considered by the court that William should hold in peace a third of the manor of Wreseland of the moiety of the manor of Erghes, and that Eleanor should have their value out of the heir’s lands in the county of Aork, and because the king had no lands of the heir’s inherit- ance in the county of Lincoln in his hands, he ordered the sheriff of Lincoln to cause the said manors of Claxeby and Slotheby to be extended, and to return the extent thereof before the said justices, and afterwards, as it was found by the extent that the manors were of the yearly value of 20/. 195. l\d.y the court considered that William should hold the said two manors in peace, and that Eleanor should have the value of her dower thereof out of the heir’s lands in the county of A"ork ; afterwards, at the {)etition of Eleanor, stating that the sheriff of York had, under pretext of a writ of judgment witnessed by William de Bereford, chief justice of the Bench, directed to him, assigned and delivered to her lands of the said inheritance in Wyndon- som, Naffreton, Kii’clevynton, and Routhemel, in the county of York, of the yearly value of 22/. 2s. Ojrf., and praying that the king wmuld cause this sum to be allowed to her out of the 100/. yearly rendered by her for (he custody of the lands of the heir in the county of A"ork during his minority, the king ordered the sheriff of A^ork to certify him of the extent of the manor of Wresel and of the moiety of the manor of Erghes, and of the lands that he had assigned and delivered to Eleanor for her dower thereof and of the manors of Claxeby and Slotheby ; who returned that, by virtue of a writ of judgment witnessed l)y the said William de Bereford addressed to Nicholas de Menill, late sheriff of that counW, the said Nicholas, on 'I'hursd.ay beftu'e 8t. Margaret the Virgin last, caused the manor of Wresel and the moiety of the manor of Erghes to be extended, and they were found to be of the y early value of 45/. b.s. lOc/., and that Nicholas, by virtue of the said writ and of •another writ of judgment witnessed by the said William, cau.sed, on 8 8e{)- tember following, certain lands in Wyndonsom, Naffreton, Ronthemel, and Kirclevynton, of the ye.arly value of 22/. 25. 0;^r/., to be assigned and delivered to the said Eleanor for her dower of the manors of Claxcl)y and 9 EDWARD II. 267 1316. Feb. 14. Lincoln. Feb. 12. Lincoln. Feb. 13. Lincoln. Feb. 16. Lincoln. Feb. 14. Lincoln. Membrane 18 — cent. wSlotbeby and of the manor of Wresel, and of the moiety of the manor of Erghes ; wherefore the king orders the treasurer and barons to ac |uit her of the said sum of 22/. 2s. 0\d. yearly from 8 September atoresai I dm ing her custody of the lands of the heir. By p t. of C. To the chamberlain of Karnarvan. Order to buy and provide victuals for the munition of the king’s castles of Wales by the view and advice of John de Grey, justice of North Wales, and to deliver them to the constables of the said castles by indenture. By K. To Richard Casteleyn, sheriff of Kaernervan, Order to attend personally to the custody of the castle of Kaernervan, and to be intendent and respondent to John de Grey, justice of North Wales, in all things that he shall enjoin upon him. The king has given the justice power to provide another sheriff for the custody of the castle and county if he find the said Richard negligent. By K. and 0. The like to the following : John Sapy, constable of Beaumaris castle. By K. and C. William Bagot, constable of Conewey castle. Vivian de Staundon, constable of Hardelagh castle. William Trumvvyn, constable of Crukyth castle. Meubranb 17. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to aid the servants of Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex, whom the king is sending to Wales to suppress the insurrection of the Welsh, in buying and providing corn and divers victuals and in carrying them to Wales for the maintenance of the earl and his household. The like to the sheriffs of Salop, Warwick, Worcester, and Stafford. To William de Trente, keeper of the exchange at London. Order to buy for the king’s use all the honey to be found in the city and wheat up to 1,000 quarters, and to cause the same to be guarded safely until further orders, as the king, who needs much wheat, honey, and other victuals for the munition of his castles in Wales, understands that of late honey and wheat have come to the city in great quantity. If the issues of the ex- change are insufficient for this purpose, he is to make agreement in the best way he can for what is short with the merchants of fhe honey and wheat until the arrival of W.alter de Norwyco, the treasurer, at London, by whoso advice the merchants may be satisfied, as the king has enjoined the said Walter by word of mouth. The king has ordered John de Foxle and Master Richard de Abyndon, barons of the exchequer, to assist him and counsel him in making credence. To the chamberlain of North Wales. Order to pull down the king’s old hall called ‘ Lewelin’s Hall ’ in the town of Aborconewey, which is empty and yields no profit, and to carry the timber of the same to the castle of Kaernarvan, and to cause a suitable house to be erected therewith within the castle to keep victuals in as speedily as possible by the advice of John de Grey, justice of those parts, as the king understands that a house is much needed for this purpose for the safety of the castle, and that the said hall would suffice if it were in the castle. By K. To Edward, earl of Chester, or to bis justice in that county. Order to cause John de Grey, justice of North Wales, whom the king has ordered to repress the rebellion of Lewelin Bren and his accomplices, who have com- mitted homicides and other outrages in the hind of Glomorgan, which belonged to Gilbert de Clare, late earl of Gloucester and Hertford, tenant CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. rxs 1316. Feb. 17. Lincoln. Feb. 16. Lincoln. Feb. 20. Lincoln. Feb. 21. Lincoln. Feb. 21. Lincoln. Feb. 18. Lincoln. Feb. 20. Lincoln. Membi'ane 17 — cont. in chief, to li.ave as many liorsemen and footmen as possible suitably armeo in the said county and other parts of the said Edward’s bailiwick, according to the said John’s directions, and to pay the men their wages whilst engaged in this service out of the issues of the earldom and lands. The king will cause the money thus expended to be paid to him without delay. [/A/r/. Writs.'] By K. John son of Adam son of Stephen de Bolton, in the king’s prison at York for the death of Richard Odard, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him until the first assize. To Hugh de Louther and Robert de Barton, justices .appointed to deliver Carlisle gaol. Order to cause William de Hellebek to be taken back to the churchyard of Penreth, whence he was taken by certain m.alefactors and taken to Carlisle and delivered to the sheriff, he having fled thither upon his escape from the prison at Penreth, wherein he was detained upon a charge of theft, as signified to the king by John, bishop of Carlisle, b}'' his letters patent. To the king’s clerk Richard de Brymmesgrave. Order to cau.se to be brought to the exchequer at the quinzaine of Easter, if he have not yet ren- dered hi.s account, his portion of the indenture made between him and Ralph de Sliirleye concerning the delivery to him b}^ the latter of twenty carts well fitted with iron {bene ferratas) with three horses e.ach and all their hfirness, which the late king ordered Ralph, when he was sheriff of Nottingham and Derby, to buy and provide and send to Berwick-on-Tweed to serve in the Scotch war, where they were delivered to the said Richard, then receiver of the stores there, Ralph having shewn by petition that the treasurer and barons of the exchequer refuse to allow him the costs of the same because his part of the .said indenture has been lost after he delivered it at the exchequer. By pet. of C. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause a verdei’er for the king’s forest of Pambere to be elected in place of Nicholas de Berton, who is insufficiently (jualified. Like order to the same for the election of a verderer for the same forest in i)lace of Hugh de Shirefeld. To Richard Squier. Order to deliver to Roger de Clotherom a messuage, 40 acres of land, and 2 acres of meadow in Naburn, co. York, taken into the king’s hand.s by Gerard Salv.ayn, late sheriff of York, because Robert de Styveton had fled for the death of Hugh Scot, as it appears by inquisi- tion taken by Ralph son of William and Hugh de Loutlire that Roger w.as seised of the same tiy gilt from the said Robert for a year and more before the death of Hugh Scot. By pet. of C. To the keeper of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to release on bail Hugh de Alverton, .John de Soureby, and Ailam de Bergh, canons of Rlarton in Galtres, imprisoned at A^ork for tresp.ass of the forest, upon their finding twelve mainpernors each to h.ave them before the justices of the Forest when they next come to those parts. To the sheriff' of Lincoln. Order fo cause a coroner for that county to be elected in [)lace of Alexander son of Martin, who is incapacitated by infirmity. To the shei'iff of Worcester. Order to cause footmen to be elected and despatehed, well-armed, with Humphrey de Bohun, carl of llend’ord .and Essex, whom the king is sending to suppi'ess the instirreefion of certain AVelshmen, to the number required of him by the carl, and to pay them 9 EDWARD II. 2(59 1316. Feb. 16. Lincoln. Feb. 17. Lincoln. Feb. 25. Lincoln. Feb. 21. Lincoln. Membrane 17 — eont. their wages out of the issues of his bailiwick and from money to be paid to him by the taxors and collectors of the twentieth and fifteenth in that county. [Par/. fVrits.'\ By K. The like to the sheriff of Hereford. \_Ibid.'\ To the taxors and collectors of the twentieth .and fifteenth in the coun- ties of Worcester and Hereford. Order to pay all money in hand and that can be levied to the aforesaid sheriffs. By K. To Robert de Clyderhou, escheator beyond Trent. Order to pay 6/. yearly out of the issues of the m,anor of Wyntringham to the chaplains of the chantry of the chapel of Neusum, .and 8/. 19^. 3(/. yearly to Isabella de Bello Monte, as it appears by inquisition that the manor, which was taken into the king’s hands upon the death of William de Vescy, tenant in chief, is charged with the former sum for the chantry for ever, and with the latter sum for dower of the said Is,abella. To the sheriff of York. Order to receive from Master William de Birston, parson of Patrington church, or his proctor, all his corn there, which the king has caused to be bought from him, by the view of the king’s clerk Ralj)h de Dalton, whom the king has appointed for this pur- pose, and to cause it to be carried to Berwick-on-Tweed without delay, there to be delivered to the keeper of the king’s stores by indenture. Mandate in pursuance to the said Ralph. Et erant patentes. To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to pay to William Beauxamys, keeper of the king’s stud {equicii), 20/. for the maintenance thereof in tho.se parts. By K. oii the information of Adam de Lymbergh. The like to the sheriff of Buckingham to pay 10 marks to William. The like to the sheriff of Southampton to pay 20 marks to William. To Eleanor, late the wife of Henry de Percy, keeper of two parts of the manor of Wetherby and of other of his lands in the county of York. Order to pay to Robert de Walton, chaplain, two parts of 2d. a day for his food and a mark yearly [for a robe] at Whitsuntide, and 20s. yearly for two parts of a tallow candle nightly and of the maintenance of a groom, from the time when she received the custody, the king having ordered her to pay him the said wages, candle, and to provide firewood for his chamber and a groom to serve him out of her ferm of 400/., which wages, etc., the treasurer and barons of the exchequer certified that he has received and ought to re- ceive from the time of the grant of the same to him by brother Robert de Turvill, late master of the order of the Temple in England, in con.sideration of 50 marks paid to them beforehand, she having signified that she is ready to p.ay tlie w.ages and money for a robe [at Whitsuntide], but that she did not know what to p.ay him for the candle, firewood, and groom. She is to pay the remaining third of the wages ancl n.oney, and also 10s. yearly out of the third of the manor that she holds in dower. Respice in cedulam. To the ta.xors and collectors of the twentieth and fifteenth in the county of Stafford. Order to pay to Thomas de Berkele, brother and attorney of Maurice de Berkele, keeper of the town of Berwick-on-'I'weed, 100/., in part payment of 250 marks due to Maurice for the term of the Purification last of 1,000/. yearly for the custody of that town. By K. Membrane 17 — Schedules, Feb. IG. To Robert de Cliderhou, escheator this side Trent. Order to pay to the Lincoln. chaplains of the chantry in the chapel of Neusom GO.?., the arrears for the 270 CALENDAll OF CLOSE llOLLS. 131G. Feb. 21. Lincoln. Feb. 20. Lincoln. Feb. 25. Lincoln. Feb. 16. Lincoln. ]\I arch 1 Clipston. Feb. 25. Lincoln. Membrane 17 — Schedules — cont. term of St. Thomas the Apostle last of the yearly sum of 6/. that they ought to receive from the manor of Wyntringham. To Eleanor, late the wife of Henry de Percy, keeper of two parts of the manor of Wetherby and of other of his lands in the county of York. Order to pay to Pobert de Walton, chaplain, two parts of 10 marks for two parts of the wages, robe, candle, and maintenance that he ought to have by virtue of the grant of brother Robert de Turvill, late master of the Temple in England, from the time when she received the custody, and to continue to pay the same, and to pay him a third of the said 10 marks for two parts {sic) of the wages and robe for the third of the manor that she holds in dower, the king willing that he shall receive 10 marks yearly for the wages and allowances. Membrane 16. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause 100 quarters of corn that John Morpath, attorney of John de Felton, constable of Alnewyk castle, in the king’s hands on account of the minority of the heir of Henry de Percy, tenant in chief, has provided in divers parts of the realm, and six tuns of wine that the king has ordered him to deliver to the said attorney for the munition of the castle, to be taken without delay by land and sea to tbe port of Alnmuth near Alnewyk, there to be delivered to the said constable or his attorney. To Walter Waldeshef, taker of the wines of the right prise at Suthamp- ton. Order to deliver a tun of wine to the abbot and monks of Beaulieu, in accordance with the grant of Henry HI. To Ralph de Monte Hermerii, keeper of the Forest this side Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Order to cause the bailiwick of the forestry that Theobald de Nevill has in the forest of Roteland to be replevied to him to be held by him as before, as Richard Lovel and Robert de Kendale have mainperned before the king that Theobald will do what he ought to do for that bailiwick. By K. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to supersede the execution of the king’s order to arrest and imprison Master Gilbert de Moleford, issued because the sheriff returned before the justices at W^estminster that Gilbert was not found to answer to Nicholas de tStowe, John Tany, and John Vernoun, who impleaded him for holding a plea in court Christian concern- ing chattels or debts that are not of wills or matrimony, contrary to the king’s prohibition, as Nicholas de Sntton, Peter de Denardeston and Stephen de Broghton, of that county, and Richard de Ho( keleye, of the county of Bedford, have mainperned in chancery to have the said Gilbert before the justices at Westminster in fifteen days from Easter to answer the said Nicholas, .John, and John. To the sheriff of Stafford. Order to cause two verderers for the forest of Cannock to be elected in place of Alan de Acton and Richard de Wolse- leye, who dwell continuously without the forest at such a distance that they cannot conveniently attend to their oflice. To William Martyn and Philip ap Howel. Order to permit the men of the king’s garrison of Bueltand his bailiffs and ministers there, and the men of the counties, town and laud of Buelt to meet and agree concerning divers tresjtasses and injuries committed one uj)on another, which the king appointed the said William and Philip to hear and tletcrminc, tbe king having been prayed to grant them licence to agree, supeiscding the cxecu- 9 EDWARD II. 271 1316. March 3. Clipston. March 6. Clipston. Feb. 26. Clipston. Feb. 20. Lincoln. Feb. 26. Clipston. Feb. 12. Lincoln. March 2. Clipston. Feb. 10. Lincoln. Feb. 19. Lincoln. March 8. Clijxston. Membrane 16 — cont. tion of their commission unless they be required by either party to proceed further in the matter. By K. William de la Grene of Crigleston, imprisoned in York castle for the death of John de Holingthorp, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him until the first assize. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of Essex to be elected in place of Vincent de Hertford, deceased. To the same. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of the said Vincent. To the king’s clerk Ralph de Dalton. Order to deliver to the sheriff of York the corn of the late W. archbishop of York and that bought from Master William de Birston, which Ralph was appointed to collect, and the corn that he can provide in the county of York, to be carried by the sheriff to Berwick-on-Tweed, and to urge the sheriff to cause it to be carried thither with all speed. To Alexander de Cave and William de Bevercote, keepers of certain of the lands of the archbishopric of York, void and in the king’s hands. Order to pay 10/. to the said Ralph de Dalton in aid of his expenses whilst engaged as above. To the sheriff of York. Order to reeeive from the said Ralph all the corn that he will deliver to him, and to buy such other corn in his bailiwick as he is able, and to cause it to be carried to Berwick -on-T' weed without delay, there to be delivered to the keeper of the king’s stores. To John de Horton, clerk of the manor of Silveston. Order to repair the houses of the manor, taking the necessary timber for this purpose from the wood of the manor. By K. To the same. Order to repair the houses of the manor of Brehull. To the sheriff of Bedford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of William Mordaunt of Turneye, who is incapacitated by ago and infirmity. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allow- ance to be made to the abbot of St. Mary’s, Y"ork, for 58/. 15^. Or/., due to him for 20 oxen, 50 sheep, 50 (luai’ters of corn, and 50 quarters of malt lent by him to the king for the Scotch war, which sum the king promi.sed to pay him at Easter, in the fourth year of his reign, out of 16/. 8s. Or/, of the tenth for two years imposed upon the clergy by I’ope Clement V. for the abbot’s land in Merskeland, and of 21/. I2s. Or/, for the tenth for three years for the said land, and of 8/. 4s. Or/, for the tenth for one year for the said lands, owing by him to the exchequer. To William atte Gote of Boston and Agatha his wife. Order to deliver all the money of Hermann called ‘Clyppyng’ in their possession to [Gilbert] Robert and Thomas Stace, to be kept by them until further orders, the said Hermann, who was arrested at Ipswich by Gilbert Roberd and his fellows, bailiffs of that town, for a great trespass committed by him and his accomplices against the king at Aberden in Scotland, having escaped from the custody of the said Gilbert and Thomas Stace when they took him to Lincoln to the parliament there. The like to the bailiffs of Ipswich for all his goods and merchandise. To the keeper of the spiritualities of the archbishop of Y’ork and the dean and chapter of St. Peter’s, Y^ork. Order to pay the money from the 131G. Feb. 7. Lincoln. March 10, Clipston. March 3. Clipston. Feb. 20. Lincoln. CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. Membrane 16 — cont. 12(7. in the mark granted to the king by the clergy of that province to John de Insula, John de Donecastre, and Robert de Assehou, or two of them, to buy therewith munition for the town of Berwick-on-Tweed, and to give credence to what the said John, John, and Robert shall explain to them by word of mouth concerning the premises and the state of that town and of the men in it, the clergy of that province and of the province of Canterbury having granted in the late parliament at Lincoln that divers sums of money deposited in their churches out of the tenth for six years lately current should be paid to the king, to be repaid to them out of the next aid of the clergy granted to the king, in addition to the sums previously lent to the king out of the said tenth deposited in the custody of the sub-collectors in the diocese of York. By K. To John de Grey, justice of North Wales. Order to desist from exact- ing 10/. from Anianus, bishop of Bangor, for which William Trumwyn, sheriff of Kaernarvan, distrains him because he was charged therewith at his account at the exchequer of Kaernarvan by Roger de Mortuo Mari, justiciary of Wales and chamberlain of Kaernarvan, to be levied of the bishop for the escape of David ap Meiller and Wladosa his wife, tenants of the bishop, imprisoned by the bishop’s court upon a charge of shearing other person’s sheep, as it appears by the record and process before the said John returned into the chancery that the bishop’s predecessors before and after the conquest of Wales by the late king have been always quit of the escape of prisoners from their prisons, the late king having confirmed to Anianus and his successors the liberties and privileges enjoyed by his predece.ssors. The king will cause the chamberlain of Kaernarvan to be discharged of the said 10/. in his account at the exchequer. \^Foedera.~\ To Thomas de Cheddeworth, late chamberlain of Kaernarvan. Order to desist from exacting the above sum from the said bishop, etc. [/i/(/.] To Griffin de la Pole. Order forbidding him, under pain of forfeiture, from attempting anything against the king’s peace by reason of the dispute between him and John de Cherleton and Hawysia his wife concerning the castle and lands of La Pole, and ordering him to remove any armed force he may have assembled, and to appear before the king and his council at Westminster in fifteen d.ays from Easter to prosecute his right, etc. The king has sent like inhibition and order to John de Cherleton and his wife. To Robert de Umfranivill, keeper of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to release on bail John de llustwait, John de Holm, and John Baroun, imprisoned at York for tre.spass in the forest of Galtres, upon tlieir finding twelve mainpernors each to have them before the justices for forest pleas when they next come to those parts. Membrane 15. To the sherifl’ of Essex, fh’der to cause two knights of that county to be electc'd in his full county [court], who are to be before (he king’s council at Westminster in the quinzaine of Easter next witli full jjower to assent for the community of the county to what shall be then ordained before the council concerning the forests, the king having granted, ii[ answer to the petitioi» of the parliament at Lincoln tliat the perambulations of the Ibrests made by the late king might be observed, that the perambulations shall be observed, piovidcd that if it were found by the records of books, rolls, or memoranda of the king’s court or by old pci'ambnlations or otlierwise that any of the king’s demesnes or woods or lands wore of the denn sue of his 9 EDWARD II. 273 1316. March 8. Clipston. Membrane 15 — cont. progenitors, or woods of others that were in the forest before the afforesta- tions made by Henry III. were placed out of the forest by the perambulations, they should be again put in the forest and should so remain, and that the matters should be enquired into fully at the above quinzaine, provided that in the meantime the woods now in the forest shall not be felled nor hunted in without the king’s special licence, and that he should then make a charter concerning what shall then be found to be in the forest. The sheriff is to summon all those of his bailiwick who wish to make claims concerning their woods or lands that are afforested to be there at the said date to propound their claims. \Parl. WritsT)^ The like to the sheriffs of twenty-two counties, to return knights at various days. [/6zc?.] To Hugh leDespenser the elder. Order to have before the king’s council at the said quinzaine all his rolls of the time when he was justice of the late and present king [of the Forest] this side Trent, and also the rolls of the eyres of himself and his fellows, late justices in eyre in certain counties this side Trent, and the rolls of the eyres of Roger Lestrange {Extranei) and his fellows, formerly justices in eyre in the counties of Derby, Stafford, Northampton, Buckingham, Rutland, Huntingdon, and Essex, and of other justices whatsoever, with all memoranda and evidences in his possession, to be delivered by indenture to the chancellor and treasurer, in order to obtain full information concerning the beforesaid matter. [Ibid.'] Like order to Robert de Harwedon to deliver the rolls, etc., of the time when he supplied the place of the justice of the Forest this side Trent. [Ibid.] Like order to John de Handle to deliver the rolls, etc., of John le fuiz Neel, late the clerk of Roger de Clifford, formerly justice of the Forest this side Trent and chief forester of Bernewode, which are said to be in John de Handle’s possession, together with all other muniments touching the said matters. [Ibid.] Like order to the abbess of Romesey to examine the rolls, etc., of Nicholas de Romesey, late justice in eyre in the forests this side Trent, which are said to be in her treasury, and ail other muniments touching the said matters in her possession, and to send them under seal to Westminster. [Ibid.] To the sheriff of Worcester. Order to distrain the heirs of Peter de Lenche, late justice in eyre in the forests this side Trent, to deliver all his rolls, etc., concerning the said matters as above. [Ibid.] To Ralph de Monte Heremerii, keeper of the Forest this side Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Order to summon all the foresters of fee of the forests this side Trent to be before the council at the abovesaid quinzaine, with the charters and muniments of their bailiwicks concerning the abovesaid matters, and to be there himself to propound the king’s claim. [Ibid.] Vacated., because otherwise below. The like to Robert de Umframvill, earl of Anegos, keeper of the Forest beyond Trent, [Ibid.] To Margaret, queen of England. Order to summon in like manner all the foresters of fee of the forests held by her in dower or for term of life, and to cause inquiry to be made of the names of those who have such forestries, and to certify the council of the same, and to cause her steward of the said forests to attend to propound claims for the king’s and her riglit in the premises. [Ibid.] To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer, and to the chamberlains. Order to cause the books of Domesday and of fees and old perambula- tions and rolls, memoranda, and other evidences in the exchequer and trea- sury to be searched concerning the above matters, and to certify (he council of what they find. [Ibid.] 72C04 s 74 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1316. March 8. Clipston. March 23, Langley. March 26. Langley. Membrane 15 — cont. To Ralph de Monte Ileremerii, keeper of the Forest beyond Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Order to summon the foresters of fee in the counties of Essex, Cambridge, and Huntingdon to be before the council with their rolls, etc., at the aforesaid quinzaine, and those of the counties of Oxford, Buckingham, Northampton, and Rutland to attend in like wise in three weeks from Easter, and those of the counties of Dorset, Wilts, Southampton, Surrey, and Berks to attend in a month from Easter, and to enquire and certify the council of their names, and to be there in person to propound the king’s claim. \^Ibid.~\ To Robert de Umframvill, earl of Anegos, keeper of the Forest this side Trent, or to him who supplies his plaee. Like order to summon the foresters of fee in the forests of Notingham, Derby, York, and Cumber- land to be before the council on the morrow of the Ascension. [^IbidJ] Membrane 14. To Roger le Brabanzon. Order to have before the council in the said quinzaine of Easter all the rolls, evidences, perambulations, etc., touching the above matters of the time when he was appointed with John de Bere- wico, Ralph de Hengham, William Inge, and John de Crokesle by the late king to make perambulations in the forests in the counties of Stafford, Huntingdon, and Rutland, and when he was appointed with William Botevyleyn, John Druel, and Henry de Gildeford by the late king to make perambulations in the forests in the county of Salop, .and when he was appointed with the said Ralph and William Inge to make perambulations of the forests in the county of Oxford. \_Ibid.'\ The like to the following: William Inge, for the time when he was appointed with Henry de Cobeham, William de Mortuo Mari, and Nicholas Fermbaud to make perambulations in the forests in the counties of Worcester, Warwick, Gloucester, and Hereford. The executors of Ralph de Hengham, for the time when he was appointed with William Trussel, Stephen de Graveshend, and William de Sutton to make perambulations in the forests in the counties of Essex and Buckingham. The executors of the will of John de Lythegreyns, for the time when he was appointed with John Byron, Michael de Hartecla, Harsculph de Cleseby, Adam de Crokedayk, and Richard Oysel to make perambulations in the counties of Nottingham, Cumberland and York. The executors of the will of Gilbert de Knovill for the time when he was appointed with John Gileberd, Humphrey de Walcden, and Matthew de Furneux to make perambulations in tlie counties of Somerset and Dorset. The executors of the will of John de Berewico for the time when he was appointed with Walter de Gloucestre, Walter de Pavely, and John de Crokesle to make perambulations in the forests in the counties of Wilts and Southampton. To Warin de Insula, eon.stable of Wyndesore castle. Order to pay to the king’s clerk John de Broghton, to whom the king has granted for life the custody of the gate of the park of Wyndesore and of the manor in the same, the same wages as Laurence do Bogshote, deceased, received for the same. To Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex. Order to cause Lewelin Bren and his wife and children and others, who lately rose against 9 EDWARD II. 275 1316. March 27, Langley. April 1. Langley. April 1. Langley. March 30. Langley. Membrane 14 — cont. the king in Wales, and then surrendered themselves to him, to be taken under safe custody at the king’s expense to the Tower, there to be delivered by indenture to the constable. To John de Crumbwell, constable of the Tower. Order to receive the said Lewelin, his wife and children, and all others whom the earl shall deliver to him, and to keep them safely in the Tower. By K. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of that county to be elected in place of Thomas atte Nok, who is incapacitated by illness and infirmity. To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Margaret, late the wife of Nicholas de Moeles, tenant in chief, the following of his lands, which the king has assigned to her in dower : the manor of North Cadebery, in the county of Somerset, of the yearly value of 34Z. 19s. 3c?. ; the manor of Carswell with the hundred of Haytorre, in the county of Devon, of the yearly value of 29/. 10s. 8^?>/.] The like to all the .sberifis of England, [//i/c/.] June 26. To Richard de Horsle, Roger Heyron, and Nicholas Scot. Order to Westminster, choose without delay the footmen tlmt they were lately ordered to choose in the county of Northumberland, and to have them at Newcastle-on-J'yne at the feast of St. Laurence, and to cause their anus and wiigestobe assessed, and to permit the arms to remain in possession of the townships until furtlicr orders. [//es that the duke will not permit his subjects to injure the king’s subjects, and desires him to certify the king by the bearer hereof of his proceedings in this matter. To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Request that he will cause brother Alexander de Stanwyk, monk of Christ Church, Canterbury, to be sent to some other place, there to remain according to the rule of his order, providing that the goods of the monastery alienated by him be re- called to the ownership of the monastery, in which the king will assist him, as the king learns from trustworthy accounts that Alexander, when lately filling an office in the monastery, dissipated the goods of the monastery in divers ways, giving them to his relations contrary to his profession, and that, because he has been deprived of his office, he now raises contentions and schisms amongst the brethren, the king desiring to preserve the quiet of that church on account of the devotion to it of his progenitors, the foun- ders thereof, especially to St. Thomas the Martyr, and because he and his predecessors received the royal unction from that church. The king has ordered the prior and convent to assist and counsel the archbishop in exe- cuting this order. He is to certify the king of his proceedings by his letters before the next parliament. To Roger le Brabanzon. Order to stay continually in the Bench, for- bidding him to leave the same, except for infirmity, w'ithout the king’s special order, as complaint is made that persons prosecuting pleas before him and his fellows, justices appointed to hold pleas before the king, are much delayed in their ali'airs because some of the justices do not stay con- tinuously in the Bench. By p.s. [3501.1 [Pari. Writs.] The like to the following : Gilbert de Roubury. Henry Spigurnel. William de Hereford. Henry le Scrop. Lambert de Thrikyngham. John Bacun. Hervey de Staunton. John de Foxle. Master Richard de Abyndon. Master William de Everdon. [Ibid.] To Robert de Cliderhou, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Sarah, late the wife of Ed. Spigurnel, the issues received from her .said husband’s lands, the king having ordered him to deliver the lands to her as neai est [friend] of Joan, their daughter, because it wuis found by inquisi- tion that he held at his death certain lands of the king in Skeggeby, co. Nottingliani, by homage and 41. ds, 4d. yearly, and an assart there by the 9 EDWARD II. 317 1315. Dec. 6. Clipston. Nov. 26. Clipston. Nov. 19. Clipston. Membrane 22c? — Schedule — cent. service of 12c?. yearly, and that he held no other lands of the king, and that the said Joan is his nearest heir, and is aged half a year. Walter Mantel, who has long served the late and present kings, is sent to the abbot and convent of Waverle to receive the same allowance in their house as William le Poleter had. By K. To the official of the court of Canterbury and his commissary. Order to do what pertains to the ecclesiastical law in the case before them in court Christian between Walter de Cantilupo, parson of the church of Snytenfeld, diocese of Worcester, and Master Robert de Leyeestre, parson of a sixth part of the church of St. Mary, Warwick, concerning the tithes of all the land of the lord of Snytenfeld, called ‘ inlonde ’ and ‘ cotmon- londe,’ in Snytenfeld, and of two virgates of land that William Pardeu and Stephen Hervy hold in that town within the limits of the parish of Snytenfeld church, which tithes Walter and his predecessors, parsons of that church, have been wont to receive time out of mind, and of which the said Master Robert has despoiled him, if the action be one of simple spoliation, notwithstanding the king’s prohibition on behalf of Guy de Bello Campo, late earl of Warwick, setting out that Robert holds a sixth of the advowson of Si. Mary’s of the earl’s advowson, and that Walter, claiming a third of the said sixth part of the advowson of John de Cantilupo, impleads Robert in court Christian, and that they should not hold that plea in court Christian until it should be decided in the king’s court to which of them the advowson of the said third part pertains, as if a plea of the advowson of the said tithes and not of spoliation had been moved before them in court Christian. Membrane 22d — Schedule, dorse. Enrolment of letter of Louis, king of France and Navarre, dated at Paris, 14 July, 1315, reciting the breaches by the Flemings of the peace made between them and his father, whereby they have incurred, according to the agieement, sentence of excommunication and interdict, which they have ignored ; that it has been decreed in the king’s court at Paris by the peers of France that they had incurred the sentence and forfeiture contained in the peace owing to the contumacy of their count Robert ; and the king therefore denounces them as rebels and enemies, and deprives them of all their honours, lauds, etc., etc., and condemns to (h^ath any of them found within his realm after the octaves of St. Mary Magdalene, and prohibits trade or communication with them, etc. [/’oer/o-o.] Enrolment of letter of the said king addressed to the king of England, reiiuinng him, by virtue of his fealty and love and of the alliances made between them, to arrest the Flemings and to cause their goods ivherever found to be forfeited as the slaves of the king of France, who sends him herewith the judgment and condemnation pronounced against them, so that the king of England may cause them to })roclaiined in his land. Dated at Crecy, 28 (?) June, 1315. French. \_Ibid.'] To the sheriif of Lincoln. Order to take two knights of his county and to go wirh them to the cities, boroughs, and other places in his bailiwick, and to cause enquiry to be made what Flemings are dwelling in his bailiwick after the forty days after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, by which time the Flemings were ordered to leave the realm, and to enquire where they are dwelling, and who have received, aided, or comforted them, and to cause them and their goods to be arrested, certifying the king 318 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1315. Nov. 4. Clipston. Dec. 3. Clipston. Oct. 29. Clipston. Dec. 15. Doncaster. Nov. 5. Clipston. Dec. 16. Doncaster. Dec. 18. Doncaster. Membrane 22(1 — Schedule, dorse — eont. of their names, tlunr j^oods, aud of the names of iliose wlio liave received them, under his seal and the seal of the said knights. French. \^Fcedcru.~\ The like to all the sherilfs of England. [/5t Ayre- niinne, to whom his marriage had been granted by Sir Hugh le Dispenser the elder, who had the marriage of the king’s grant, at Lincoln, on Satur- day after St Valentine. 9 EDWARD II. o::;o 1316. Feb. 16. Lincoln. Feb. 20. Lincoln. I'eb. 12. Lincoln. Feb. 16. Lincoln. Feb. 20. Lincoln. Feb. 2.3. Lincoln. Feb. 2.5. Lincoln. Membrane lid. Agues, wife of John le Porter, came before the king, on Tuesday after St. Julian-a, and sought to replevy their land in Wylmeleghton, taken into the king’s hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Alexander, prior of Chaucoumbe. This is signified to the justices. Stephen Walrand, parson of the church of Kylmida, diocese of Water- ford, acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Bardelby, clerk, 100s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in Ireland. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to take with him twelve knights of the county and to go to the land of John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, in Whassyngburgh and the abbot of Kirkestede’s land in Canewyk, and to cause a perambulation to be made by the knights’ oaths between the .said land.s, as the earl and the abbot have put themselves upon the perambidation, certifying the justices at the first assize in tho.se parts of the perambulation under his seal and those of four of the knights. To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Request that he will convene all the prelates, religiou.s, and clergy of his province at London on Wednesday after the quinzaine of Easter next to treat aud agree upon a subsidy' to bo granted to the king to resist the Scotch rebels, certain prelates and others of the clergy of his province having agreed at the parliament at Lincoln to grant a subsidy to the king, in so far as they were able to grant a subsidy in the absence of the archbishop and other prelates and clergy of his pro- vince, on condition that the absent prelates and clergy should be conveneil by the archbishop to treat and consider about such subsidy. The king will send some of his council at the said day to hear the archbishop’s answer concerning the subsidy and to report it to the king. \^F(edera ; J^arl. I'lie like to the keeper of the spiritualities of the archbishopric of York, the see being void, to convene the clergy of that province at Y^ork in a month from Easter. [Ibid.] To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause proclamation to be made that oxen, cows, swine, sheep, geese, ca])ons, hens, chickens, pigeons, and eggs shall be sold at a reasonable j)rice as before the king’s late proclama- tion, notwithstanding that proclamation. [Fiedera.] The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.] John de Warenn’, carl of Surrey, acknowledges th.at he owes to the king 1,000/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the counties of Surrey and Sussex. — The chancelloi’ received the recognisance. I'he king af terwards at Lincoln, 5 Angmt, in the same gear, willed and gave order to Sir John de San tale, his chancellor, the elect of Winchester, that this recognisance should be xcithdruwn and annulhd. Enrolment of letter of .John de Garenn’, earl of Surrey, witnessing that he has granted that he would be bound to the king in 2(M)/. yearly, to be paid for the maintenaiiro of .Joan de Bars whilst the plea of divorce between him and her shall pond in court Christian, and for her expen.ses in the plea ; for payment whereof he charges his lands and cliiittels in the coun- ties of Surrey and Sussex. Dated at Lincoln, 23 February, 9 Edward II. French. Mernorandiim, that the earl came into chancery before the king at Lincoln, on the .said day, ami acknowledged the above deed. To the sheriff of Northumberland. Order to deliver to th.c executors of John de Percy, late receiver of the king’s victuals in the marches of Scot land, the said John’s goods and chattels, which the sheriff’ has taken into (^ALENl)AU OF CLOSE ROLLS. 131G. FVl). 26. l.iiicohi. Fob. 20. Lincoln. Feb. 22. Lincoln. Alaroh 5. Clip.-iton. F(‘b. 20. Jjincoln. Membrane \Td — cont. the king’s bands under tlie belief tliat, John owed divers debts to the king, whereas the king owes him 11/. 15s. lid. for payments made by him and for Ids wages whilst receiver of the said victuals, as a|)pears by the account made in the king’s wardrobe with Nicholas Fercy, his brother and executor, and John de Hor.sle, his clerk. The like to the mayor and bailiffs of Newcastle-on-Tyne. To II [aakon], king of Norway. John de Bedeford, burgess of Kingeston- on-Hull, has complained to the king that whereas he lately caused a sldp of his called ‘ la Gode/jer ’ of Hull to be loaded with goods to the value of 60/., at Kingestoii-on-Hull, to be taken thence to Newcastle-on-Tyne to trade there with the same, and the ship on her voyage thither was driven by con- trary winds to the king of Norway’s port of Sellay, a knight of the king of Norway’s power, called 8var de Houseby, entered the ship with otlier male- factors, and ejected by force and arms William Broun, the master, and his fellows, anti took and carried away the ship, which is worth 40/., and the goods in her ; wherefore the king requests the king of Norway to cause restitution to be made of the same, certifying the king by the bearer of his proceedings. To the same. The burgesses of Berwick-on-Tweed have complained to the king that whereas they lately caused a ship of theirs to be loaded in Flanders with goods to the value of 527/. 14s. 8c?., to be taken thence to Berwick to trade there with the same, and the ship on her voyage was driven by contrary winds to the king of Norway’s port of Wyke, certain bailiffs and ministers of the said king arrested her and all the goods in her for the use of the said king, as they said ; wherefore the king reipiests him to cause restitution to be made of the same, certifying him of his proceedings by the bearer hereof. \^F(£deru.'\ Membuane 16cf. Edward de Sancto .Johanne acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Potesgrave 25/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Southampton. Cancelled on payment. John Lotyn, son of Richard Lotyn of Andevere, acknowledges that he owes to Ambrose de Novo Burgo 3u/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the county of Southampton. .Tohn son of Roger Darcy acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas de la Beche 80/. ; to be levied, in default of jiayment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. Cancelled on payment. William le Lak of Covenham acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Dnlfehl, parson of the church of Lutheburgh, 7/. ‘2,s . ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Lincoln. Cancelled on payment. Laurence de Preston, knight, and Richard son of Geoffrey de Brampton acknowledge that ihey owe to Walter Oliver, citizen of London, and Peter de Ware, fishmongei- {j>esslio?ie7-), 80/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of Norlhampton. To the sheritf of Norfolk. Order to pay to Uolxirt Baynard and Henry de Walpol, knights for that county, their expenses in attending the parlia- ment sutnmonetl to meet at Lincoln on Tuesd.ay the quinzaine of Si. Hilary, whence they returned on Fi irms now past, John, late duke of Brabant, grandfather of the present duke, broke oj)en certain chests or coffers in that town wherein F'risottus had deposited the said letters, and caused the letters to be taken and carried away, and afterwards forced the said merchants and burgesses to pay him the sums of money named therein, amounting to 1,367 small jjounds of Tours, for which money L’l'isottus and Pelegrinus have not been .satisfied in any wise, and that Jolin, late duke of Brabant, father of the present duke, is bound to the .said Frisottus and to Tottus his brother in 90/. sterling received from fhcm by the liands of Guy, late count of Flanders; the king therefore rocpuists the duke to hoar the evidence of Frisottus and to do him justice, ho having prayed the king to do so because he was captured and imprisoned for a long lime whilst attending to the late king’s atfairs in Gascony and because he was prevented by the disturbances in vaiious realms and provinces from 9 EDWARD II. 331 1316. Mjiy 15. W estminster. March 29. Langley. Membrane 14c? — cent. prosecuting his right before the duke or his father. The king is sending ids clerk Master John Amys to aid Frisottus in this matter, by whom he is requested to certify the king of his proceedings. To the same. The said Frisottus has shewn the king that whereas Pelegrinus de Chiartrc, deceased, was bound to him and his brother Tottus in divers sums at his death, and that the grandfather and father of the said duke owed Pelegrinus divers sums for the arrears of a yearly rent of 300 small pounds of Tours granted to him by them for life and for other causes, amounting in all to 19,200 small pounds of Tours, as contained in divers of their letters, and Gerard de Chiartre, nephew (nepos) and heir of Pelegrinus, appointed Frisottus his proctor to collect all debts due to Pelegrinus from the said dukes and assigned to him payment therefrom of the debts due to him and Tottus from Pelegrinus, and has besought the king to assist him in procuring payment of the said duke’s debts ; wherefore the king requests the duke to hear the evidence of Frisottus and to cause satisfaction to be made to him for the debts. The king is sending his clerk Master John Amys as above. Gilbert Pecche acknowledges that he owes to Gilbert de Casthorp 40Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Lincoln. Enrolment of release by Gilbert de Castthorp to Sir Gilbert Pecche, knight, of his right in the lands of Walter de Castthorp, his ancestor, in Billesfeld, co. Lincoln, concerning which lands the releasor lately impleaded John de Nevill of Stok by writ of novel disseisin before Lambert de Trikyngham and his fellows, justices appointed to take assizes in that county. Witnesses : Richard de Playz ; William de Boyton ; John de Ingham; Henry de Thurston; Walter Ryvel. Dated at Wesminster, 5 May, 9 Edward II. Memorandum, that Gilbert de Castthorp came into chancery at West- minster, on the said day, and acknowledged the above deed. Membrane \Zd. Enrolment of grant by Richard son and heir of Sir Peter de Taleworth, knight, to Margery de Wylegkby, John de Heiden, Walter Crapincl, and Richard de Schcnefeld of his manor of Wratting’ Taleworth and the advowson of the church for their lives; rendering therefor GO?, yearly. Witnesses : Sir Gilbert Pecche, William de Goldyngton, Baldwin de Maniers, Robert de Aspal’, and Robert de Lacy, knights ; Walter do Clopton, William de Hansech, William de Gretton, John son of Philip. Dated at London, on Saturday after the Epiphany, 9 Edward II. Memorandum, that the grantor came into chancery at Holy Trinity church near Algate, London, on 24 March, and acknowledged the above deed. Enrolment of deed of the said Richard son and heir of Sir Peter de Tale- worth, knight, acknowledging receipt of 300/. from the above Margery, John, Walter, and Richard for fifteen years of the above yearly rent, for which period he acquits them. Witnesses as above. Dated at London, on Sunday after the Epiphany, 9 Edward II. Memorandum, that Richard acknowledged the deed as above. Edmund de Cornubia, knight, lord of Thonnek, acknowledges that he owes to Cambinus Fulberii of Florence 20 marks ; to l)e levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Lincoln. Cancelled on payment. 332 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 131G. March 26 Langley. M.arch 30, Langley. April 2. Langley. April 4. Langley. Membrane 13J — cent. To John son of Thomas. Rocjuest tliat he will continue his fidelity to the king in defending Ireland against the Scots and that he will aid and council other of the king’s subjects in doing so, the king thanking him for his i)ast services in this behalf. \^Parl. Writs.^ The like to seven others. \^Ibid.~\ To Richard de Clare. Like letter, with omissions. \_Ibid.] The like to six others. \_Ibid.^ Robert de Watevill, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Augustin de Wyxebrigg’, clerk, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Norfolk. Cancelled on payment. The said Robert acknowledges that he owes to Thomas Rys of London, goldsmith {orfevre), 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Norfolk. Enrolment of grant from Edward le Blund, son and heir of the late John le Blund, knight, to Robert le Freynsh, ‘carpenter,’ citizen of London, of the tenement that the donor has by demise from Robert de Hagham and lady Idonia his wife, mother of the donor, which they held of his inherit- ance, in the parish of St. Margaret’s atte Patyns, London, lying between tlie tenement lately belonging to Roger de Wandlesworth on the north and that of Alfred le Wodere on the south, and between the tenement of John Adrian on the west and the king’s highway on the east; rendering there- for 20s. yearly to Idonia during her life, and to Edward and his heirs after her death. Witnesses : Stephen de Abyndon, mayor of London ; Hamo Godchep and William de Bodele, sheriffs of London ; Robert de Kelseie, alderman of that ward; John Sterre, Robert Yon, John Cros, Simon de Abyndon, Thomas Frentiz, Master Simon de Cantuar[ia], carpenter, Wymund Brother, William Cros, John de Romeneye, John de Wrotham, Richard Swotc, William Soreweles, Walter Cros, Ralph de Storteford, Robert de Mockyng’, John Frosh, John Annore, serjeant of that ward, Ralph the clerk. Dated at London, on Tuesday after the Annunciation, 9 Edward II. Memorandum, that the said Edward and Robert came into chancery at Westminster, on Wednesday after the Annunciation, and acknowledged the above deed. Ralph le Fissher of Kyngeston acknowledge.s that he owes to John de la Chaumbre, citizen of London, 40s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the county of Surrey. To Robert de Kendale, constable of Dover castle and warden of the Cinque Ports. Order to proceed in jierson to the Cinque Ports and to the other ports between Grenewiche and Southampton, and to induce the b.irons, bailiffs, men, and communities thereof to prepare as in'uch ship[)ing as they can, and to send them to stay at their cost in the king’s service for as long as he can induce them to let them stay, as the king wishes to provide ships for the, better keeping of the English sea and for the rei)ulse, of certain malefactors who have committed manslaughter and other enormities on tlie sea upon the men ol' this realm and upon men from foreign parts coining to this realm with victuals and other goods, for which purpose he has requested the barons, bailiffs, men, and communities aforesaid to assist the said Robert witli ships, and that they will give credence to what he shall say. The like to John Boteturt apiiointed for the above purjiose between Lynn and the Thames. 'fhe like to Jidin de Norton, apiiointed for the above purpose between Soulhumjiton and I'alemulh. 9 EDWARD II. 333 1316. April 12. Windsor. April 15. La Nayte. April H. Langley. April 17. Westminster. April 17. Westminster. April 12. Windsor. Membrane 13rf — cent. Richard Tralloclt, who served the king in Gascony, Scotland, and else- where, is sent to the abbot and convent of St. Radegund near Dover to receive maintenance in food, clothing, shoeleather, and other necessaries of life, and a chamber within the enclosure of their abbey for his residence. By p.s. [3655.] Richard de Durston, Simon de Stoford, Walter Ireyse, William Pollard, Adam Joye, and Richard le Smale came into the king’s court before the king, on Wednesday the feast of SS. Tiburtius and Valerian, and sought to replevy their land in Sutton Vautord, taken into the king’s hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against William son of Peter de Sancto Antonio. This is signified to the justices. Membrane \2d. Enrolment of letter of John le fuiz Thomas, lord of Offaly, Richard de Clare, Maurice le fuiz Thomas, Thomas le fuiz John, John le Poer, bai'on of Donnoille, Arnald le Poer, Maurice de Rochefort!, David de la Roche, and Miles de la Roche, promising and swearing to defend the king’s rights in Ireland, certain traitors and the Scotch rebels having entered that land and having leagued with them all the Irish and a great part of the English. They agree that their bodies, lands, and chattels shall be forfeited if they fail in their loyalty, and to render hostages to the king for fulfilment hereof, who are to be put in Develyn castle or elsewhere at the king’s pleasure, provided that they be well guarded and suitably maintained according to their estate at the king’s cost. Dated at Divelyu, on Wednesday after the Purification, 9 Edward 11. French. \^Fcedera ; Pari. lVrits.'\ jMemmandum, that this letter was delivered by Sir Roger de North- burgh, keeper of the wardrobe, at Westminster, on 17 April, to Sir Adam de Osgodeby, keeper of the rolls of chancery, for enrolment ; by whom it was re-delivered after enrolment. John de Boclonde, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Notyngham, clerk, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Kent. Thomas de Veer acknowledges that he owes to William Trente, citizen of London, 300/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Es.sex. Cancelled on payment. Emma atte Barre came before the king, on Thursday after SS. Tiburtius and Valerian, and sought to replevy her land in the parish of St. Clement Danes (J)ucorvm) without the bar of the New Temple, London, taken into the king’s hands for her default before the king against William son of Robert atte Barre. This is signified to the justices of the Bench. To 11 [aakon], king of Norway. The king has received his letters concerning damage.s inllicted by their subjects upon one another, in answer to the king’s letter, requesting the kbig to send some persons to Norway to treat con- cerning the said damages; to which the king replies that, although the king of Norway ought to send to him, he has nevertheless caused Bernard Barran, Siglaf Sus, and John de Walton, merchants residing within his realm, to treat with tho.se deputed by the king of Norway, and he requests the king of Norway to admit them and to appoint others on his side, so that the matter may be speedily terminated, sending to the king a written account of his proceedings by whichever of the said Bernard, Siglaf and John first returns hither. [AVrf/erff.] CALENDAJi OF CLOSE ROLLS. liU 131G. April 19. Wustuiiiister. April 10. Westiuinster. April 22. VVestmiuster. April 24. Westminster. April 24. Westminster. April 15. Westminster. April 24. W estminster. April 10. Westminster. A pril 25. Westminster. Mtmbrane Vld — cont. Robert de Dacliette caiiio before the king, on Monday after SS. Tiburtius and Vtderian, and sought to rejjlevy to John de Hadresham and Nicholaa his wife and Richard le Wayte and Alice his wife their land in Cninbe Neville, taken into the king’s hands for their default before the justices of the Reuch against Christina, late the wife of William de Nevill. This is signified to the justices. To the sheriti’ of Lincoln. Order to cause proclamation to be made prohibiting any one taking unjust prises fi-om prelates, men of religion, ecclesiastics, or clerks or laymen, under the penalties contained in the late king’s statute and in the ordinances of the ordainers lately approved by the king. The like to all the sheriffs of England. Reginald de Shangton came before the king, on Thursday after St. Alphege, and sought to replevy to Roger Janekyn the said Roger’s lands in Rokeburn, taken into the king’s hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against Adam de Lafford. This is signified to the justices. To the bailiffs, men, and community of Roiuenhale. Order prohibiting their going armed or doing anything in breach of the peace on account of the dissensions between them and the men of the community of the marsh of Romenhale, under pain of forfeiture, as the king understands they are preparing to revenge their injuries by arms. He has prohibited the men of the marsh in like manner, and he will shortly send some of his subjects to those parts to enquire into the premises and to do justice therein. By C. The like to all and singular the men of the marsh of Romenhale. Roger atte Halleyate of Ifothewell and Emma his wife came before the king, on Saturday after St. George the Martyr, and sought to replevy his land in Hothorp, taken into the king’s hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Walter le Templer. This is signified to the justices. John de Borham, citizen of London, acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Reyndon 60s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the city of London. Thomas de Ishain, parson of the church of St. Nicholas Colhabe, London, acknowledges that he owes to Gerard de Ourous 12/.; to be levied, in de- fault of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. William de Welby acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Brom, clerk, 16 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the county of Lincoln. Membrane 11c/. .John Flemyng and Robert Pougier of London mainperned for Gregory de Poeys, merchant of Piacenza ( Placenciu), that he will not take his honey and n\erchandise now in the port of Sandwich to the enemies of the king or of the king of France. To the sheritf of Cambridge and Huntingdon. Order to cause lu'oclama- tion to be made proliibiting any one doing anything contrary to the late king’s statute and the ordinance of the ordainers concerning unjust prises. Et fiat patens. Paulinus Peyvre acknowledges that he owes to John Vanne, citizen of London, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Buckingham. 9 EDWARD II. 335 1316. April 26. Westminster. April 24. Westminster. April 26. Westminster. April 23.* Westminster. April 29. Westminster. ^lay 1. Westminster. Membrane \\d — cont. Nicholas le Taillour of Shinglcdewell acknowledges that he owes to John de Cokermuth 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the county of Kent. Henry Dyse acknowledges that he owes to Robert le Chauinberlayn 7/. j to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Buckingham. John de Heghham came before the king, on Monday after St. Mark, and sought to replevy to Nicholas de Arundel the said Nicholas’s land in Feltewell, taken into the king’s hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against Ascelina, late the wife of John Spynevyl. This is signified to the justices. Enrolment of deed of William de Thorntoft, rector of Knesale church, acknowledging receipt from the abbot and convent of Rufford of 200 marks awarded to him by the ordinance of W. late archbishop of York for his expenses in a cause of tithes between him and the said abbot and convent. Witnesses : Sir John de Sandale, chancellor of England ; Sir Adam de O.sgodeby ; Sir Robert de Bardelby ; Sir William de Ayreminn ; Sir William de Bevercote; Sir Robert de Askeby ; Master Henry de Clyf; Sir Roger de Sutton ; William de Bildesthorp. Dated at London, 27 April, 1316. John de Redynges, who long served the king, is sent to the abbot and convent of Colecestre to receive the same allowance for life as Roger Fillol, deceased, received in that house. By p.s. [3G59.] William de Upton, citizen of London, acknowledges that he owes to Michael Myniot, vintner of the same, 30/. ; to be levied, in default of pay- ment, of his lands and chattels in London. Richard son of Richard Abbot came before the king, on Friday the feast of St. George, and sought to replevy his land in Hereford St. Jolm’s, taken into the king’s hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against Margery, late the wife of William Abbot. This is signified to the justices. John Upwithestreng, who long served the king, is sent to the prior and convent of Karesbrok to receive maintenance in their house in place of Philij) de Candevre, deceased, who had his maintenance therein by the late king’s order. By p.s. [3657.] Nicholas Russel, who long served the king and was maimed in his service in Scotland, is sent to the master and brethren of St. John’s Hospital, Brakle, to receive suitable maintenance in their house. By p.s. [3658.] Henry le Keu of Westminster acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Aldenham 6()s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Middlesex. Peter de Eyvill, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynn, clerk, 25 marks ; to be levied, in default ot payment, of Ins lands and chattels in the county of York. — The chancellor received the recognisance. Cancelled on payment. Stephen de Boys acknowledges that he owes to Edward le Blound 17/. 6.V. 8c/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Wilts. * The privy seals are dated 24 April. 530 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1316. April 28. Westminster. ]\Iay 2. Westminster. ]\I:iy .3. estniinster. May 4. Westiniiistcr. Membrane 1 D7 — cont. .John (le Rekyngham of Redenesse acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Askeby, clerk, 4()s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. Cancelled on payment. Roger le Graunt, ‘barber’ of London, acknowledges that he owes to Ebnlo de Montibus IOO 5 . ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in London. Peter de la Rokele acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Sedgrave, knight, 50 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Buckingham. Richard son of Stephen le Ilornere of Fletstrete acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Barueby, clerk, 405. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. The prior of Bermuudeseye acknowledges that he owes to Ebulo de Montibus, knight, 16 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Surrey. John sou of Philip de le Beche acknowledges that he owes to Osbert son of John de Clynton of Coleshull 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Berks. Cancelled on ■payment. Thomas son of Robert Gerberd acknowledges that he owes to John JIautravers the younger 1,000/. ; to be levied, in default of paymeut, of his lauds and chattels in the county of Southampton and Wilts. Cancelled on payment. Osbert son of John de Clynton of Coleshull acknowledges that he owes to •John son of John de la Beche 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Norfolk. Cancelled on jmyment. Richard de Berlaye, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynue, clerk, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the county of York. Cancelled on payment. John de Sancto Johanne, lord of Basyng’, acknowledges that he owes to John de Bello Campo of Somerset 500 maiks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Sussex. Philip de Columbariis aeknowledgcs that he owes to John, bishop of Bath and Wells, 100/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Somerset. Cancelled on payment. Philip de Columbariis acknoAvledges that he owes to John de Godele 80/. ; to he levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Somerset. .John Maulevenu- acknowledges that he owes to AVilliam de Thorntoft, clei k, 5 marks ; to be Icvical, in (hdault of iiayment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. Cancelled on payment. Ralph Olyver of Sandon, parson of the church of Malketon, diocese of Ely, acknowledges that he owes to Master Robert de Pynchebek, canon 9 EDWARD II. 337 1316. May 4. Westminster. May 5. Westminster. May 7. Westminster. May 7. Westminster. Membrane 11(7 — cont. of York, 387. 6s. 8(7. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Hertford. Cancelled on payment^ acknowledged by John de Goushull and William de Manthorp, executors of Robert. Agnes wife of John le Porte came before the king, on Tuesday after the Invention of the Holy Cro.ss, and sought to replevy her and her husband’s land in Wilmeleghton, taken into the king’s hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Alexander, prior of Ohaucumbe. This is signified to the justices. William Rydel acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey le Scrop 3 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the counties of York and Northumberland. Thomas Huscarl aknowledges that he owes to Henry de Malynes 407. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the counties of Oxford and Berks. William Ammory of Temple Couelegh acknowledges that he owes to Robert le fiz Neel, 207. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Oxford. Memorandum, that on 3 May tlie king ordered the treasurer not to cause writs of ad quod dampnum to be made in chancery without his special order for religious or others in mortmain. And afterwards, the treasurer interpreted that the order did not extend to such writs for chantries and to taking fines therefor. Membrane 10(7. Enrolnaent of agreement made at Westminster, in the presence of Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex, John de Sandale, the chancellor, Walter de Norwyco, treasurer of England, Hobert son of Walter, lord of Wodeham, baron, Ilervey de Stanton, baron of the exchequer, Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent, between Anna, abbess of Berk'yngg’, and the convent of the same, on the one part, and Richard, abbot of Stratford, and the convent of the same, on the other, concerning the making and maintenance of the bridges and causeways between Stratford-atte-Bowe and Hammestratford, cos. Essex and Middlesex, con- cerning which there was a plea between the king and the abbes.s, on the one part, and the abbot on the other, before Sir Roger le Brabtinzon and his fellows, justices for the king’s pleas, to wit tlnit the abbot is bound to make and repair the said bridges and causeways by reason of tenements held by him in the said towns, which were held by his prede- cessors from old time as alleged on behalf of the king and the abbess, the abbot denying that he is SO bound. The abbot and convent now agree that they and their successors and their church of Stratford in spiritualities and tem})Oralilies shall be bound to the king and the abbess and their successors to construct and maintain the said bridges and causeways for ever, and to save the abbess harmless concerning the same again.st all men. For this grant the abbess gave the abbot 2007., saving to her and her successors the service of the rent of 4 marks tiiat the abbot and convent pay to her for the lands that they hold of her abbey in both the said towns of Stratford. Dated at London, Friday after St. Valentine, 1315. Thomas de Clenche, parson of Bridehrok church, diocc.se of London, acknowledges that he owes to John de Lyston 167. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the county of Essex, 7aco4. Y ('ALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. .'LiS 1310 . Miiy o. Westniiiisfer. May 5. Wcstiuinster. May 11. Westminster. May 1‘1. Westminster. Membrane \0d — cont. Simon tie Goldin^ton acl'.iiowledf^es that he owes to Beatrice cle Eppinge 10a-. ; to be levietl, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in tlie county of Essex. Robert de Carliolo is sent, on account of his long service to the king and his father, to the abbot and convent of Oseneye to receive for life main- tenance for himself, a horse and a groom, and to have a chamber within the enclosure of the abbey. By p.s. [3663.] John le Barber is sent to the prior and convent of Wyrecestre to receive such maintenance in their house as Nicholas Renty used to receive. By p.s. [3662.] Richard son of Robert Colet of Newelond acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Bisshopeston, clerk, 40Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Stafford. Enrolment of deed of John son of William Waldeshef, witnessing that whereas he sought before the justices of the Bench 40/. from Philip, prior of Tywardraytli, which he alleged to be in arrear of a yearly rent of 40s., he now, owing to peace having V>een made between them by their friends, acknowledges himself to have been satisfied in full for the said 40/. and for the said yearly rent by the prior, and he acquits him and his successors of the yearly rent and arrears, and grants that any letters of theirs shall be cancelled. Witnesses: John Loveday, John de Tranoynoim, Richard de Bosnevsek, Benedict le Bray, John Godrevy. Dated at London, 4 May, 9 Edward II. Memorandum, that John came into chancery at Westminster, on 9 May, and acknowledged the above deed. Geoffrey Howeles acknowledges that he owes to Bancus de Lere, merchant, 60 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Sussex. Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by Nicholas Seriolus of Genoa, attorney of Bancus for this purpose, on 20 March, 10 Edward II. William de Chauncy of Skyrpenbek, who claims to be the heir of William de Vescy the elder, puts in his place Richard de Pykering’ and John de Ellerker the younger to sue for and receive in chancery the lands of the said William that ought to descend to him in inheritance. Robert son of Llenry Chival acknowledges that he owes to Maurice Dragheswerd of Pichelesthorn 40/. ; to he levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Hertford. Osbert Gyffard, parson of the church of Intebarwe, acknowledges that he owes to Hugh de Coleford 200/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Stafford. Robert de {sic) Mauleverer acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Bardell)y, clerk, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Sussex. Cancelled on payment. Richard de Hoo of Kyngeston acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Cornubia, clerk, 200 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his laiuls and chattels in the county of Surrey. Osbert Ostage, parson of the church of Pychccot, diocese of Lincoln, acknowledges that he owes to Margery, late the wife of John de Baiocis, 26 marks 6.9. 8d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Essex. 9 EDWARD II. 339 1316. May 12. Westminster. May 13. Westminster. May 14. Westminster. May 15. W estminster. May 13. Westminster. May 21. Westminster. May 22. Westminster. Membrane lOd — cont. William son of Geoffrey de Dikelburgh acknowledges that he owes to Willi.am de Porkele 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Norfolk. Memorandum, that Richard Wake and John Wype came into chancery at Westminster, on 8 May, and acknowledged, for themselves and their fellows, that Robert Elys has satisfied them for 259/. for the damages inflicted upon them by the men of the power of William, count of Hainault, Holland, and Zeeland {Seland), and lord of Friesland; and they granted that the count and his men should be quit of payment of the said sum, which Cristiana (sic) de Raphurst, knight, and the other envoys of the count granted in the parliament at Staunford, in the third year of the king’s reign, should be paid to them. They granted that the bond made by the count to the said Robert so that Robert should satisfy them for the above sum, which bond was transferred to them by consideration of the king’s court, shall henceforth remain in Robert’s possession. — Robert de Bardelby and Robert de Askeby received the acknowledgment. Memorandum, that, on 14 May, certain inquisitions of the lands of the late James de Bohun, tenant in chief, with thirteen schedules attached, were delivered to Sir William Inge on account of certain claims contained therein. Vacated. Henry Sturmy acknowledges that he owes to John de Winterborn 7D. 4f/. ; to be. levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Wilts. William le Bustlere of Hildrichesham and Robert his son acknowledge that they owe to Emericus Pauncefot 120/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of Kent. John son of Aliland de Acre acknowledges that he owes to Ebulo de Moniibus 40/. ; to be levieil, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Norfolk. Simon de Sibthorp acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Willughby 17 marks 65. 8r/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Nottingham. John le Moyne of Clifton, John Lhude of Clifton, John Warde, and William Hendyman acknowledge that they owe to Adam de Osgodeby, clerk, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the county of Berks. Note of payment of 43 marks 45. Gr/. Ralph de Shiile, knight, acknowledges that he ow^es to Walter Waldeshef ,500 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the counties of Derby and Warwick. Bartholomew de Badelesmere acknowledges that he owes to Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wygemor 2,000 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Kent. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment. Cancelled on paymcid. Membrane Id. John de Bromfeld acknowledges that he owes to William de Thorntoft, clerk, 12 marks 7.5.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the county of Hereford. Y 2 310 CvVLENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1316. May 23. Westminster. May 28. Westminster. :\Iay 20. W'estmiuster. May 22. Stortford. Membrane 'Id — cont. John le Frensh of Westehayliam acknowledges that he owes to the })nor of Chiistcliurch, Canterbury, 30/. ; to be levied, in default of pay- ment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Surrey. Nicholas de Portington and John de Bekingham of Rednesse acknow- ledge that they owe to William de Ayremynn, clerk, 40s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of York. Reginald son of Bertram de Ibestok acknowledges that he owes to William de Thornetoft, clerk, 26s. 8f/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Leicester. Stephen le Bygod, parson of the church of Littelbir[y], diocese of London, acknowledges that he owes to Peter de Novo Castro, citizen of London, 88 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chat- tels in the city of London. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment. Membrane 6c?. Roger de Weston acknowledges that he owes to Master John de Weston 300/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Northumberland. — This recognisance was taken by the chan- cellor. Enrolment of charter of King John, dated at W^'estminster, 25 March, in the fifth year of his reign, deafforesting the forest of Essex between the causeway on the north going from Sterteford to Colecestre as far as to the wood of Wildehaya where the end of the ditch called ‘ Haydich ’ joins the said causeway, and thence over the causeway as the way goes to the new bridge, and thence as the gi’eat way goes as far as Eylande. Wit- nesses : H. archbishop of Canterbury ; E. bishop of Ely ; J. bishop of Norwich ; W. bishop of London ; G. son of Peter, earl of Essex ; earl W. the Marshal ; R. earl of Leicester ; William de Braola {sic ) ; and Flugh de Nevill. Chartarum.) To W. count of Hainault, Holland, and Zeeland, and lord of Friesland. The count has lately sent to the king Walter le Keu of Lincoln and Henry Rutebude, burgess of Dordrecht {de Dnrdraco), his proctors and envoys, with his letters praying tlie king to cause to be delivered to him his bond made to Robert Elys of Great Yarmouth for 1,300/. in order that Robert might satisfy the above named Walter and his fellows on the count’s behalf for 954/. and Richard Wak and John Wyp and their fellows for 259/., for the damages inflicted upon them by men of the count’s power, according to an ordinance made in parliament at Stanford, in the third year of the king’s reign, which was deliberated and treated of in the parliament at Lincoln in the (piinzaine of Hilary last with those of the king’s council and the said envoys, when it was found, after examination of the aceounts between Robert and the said Walter and his fellows, that Robert received 2-10/. 10.9. lO^fZ. only from the count's men, of which he had paid 224/. 10s. O^J. to Walter, retaining 16/. Os. 10(/., and that 87/. over and above the sum due to the said merchants wei'e owing to Robert, for which he ought to be satisfied before the l)ond is taken from him, and the count’s envoys would not satisfy him there- for, as the king wrote the count by the envoys ; wherefore he has prefixed Martinmas next before him and his council I'or further j)rocecdings. Where- as Richard Wak and John VV yj), who were not |)rescnt in the parliament at Lincoln, atttu'wards acknowledged in chancery that Robert had satistii'd them for 259/., wherefor Robert asserts that he ought to be satisfied by the count, anil that he ought to be satisfied for the abovesaid 87/. and for 28/. 15s. (id. that ought to remain to him of the sum acknowledged as due to Walter, aecoi (ling to a deed of arbitration made between them in chancery, the n EDWARD II. 341 1316. Membratie Qxl — coni. king prays the count to cause Robert to be sati.sfie(l for these sums and for his damages and expenses, which he is bouml to pay him by the said bond, deducting therefrom the said sum of 10/. Os. lOd. retainetl by Robert. The king requests the count to certify him this side Martinmas of his proceed- ings herein, June 1. Thomas de Beltoft the elder acknowledges that he owes to John de Westiniuster. Sandale, clerk, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Lincoln. May 28. Walter le Gras, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John Pecok 30/.; Westminster, to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds ami chattels in the county of Surrey. May 20. William de Billyngleye came before the king, on Monday after St. Westminster. Augustine, and sought to replevy to Thomas de Mar and Alice his wife, Hugh son of Hugh de Billingleye and Juliana [his] wife, Margaret and Matilda, daughters of Ralph de Billyngleye, their land in Billingleye, taken into the king’s liands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Robert son of Ralph de Shepenes and Matilda his wife, William son of Peter de Waddeworth and Sibyl his wife. This is signified to the justices. IMay 24. To Berenger Blank, admiral of the fleet of L[o'ns], king of France Walden. and NavaiTe in the parts of Caleys. The king has received his letters in reply to the king’s letter concerning the carrying away by him and others of his fleet of a great ship of Genoa called Dromu ml' laden with corn and other victuals, lately brought under the king’s jirotection and with his assent to England, in which letters Berenger states that he has orders from king Louis to aid the king of England’s men and to injure his enemies, and that he, having been told that certain great ships laden with corn and other victuals would come to Flanders, took the afore.said ship because she on another occasion went to the land of the Saracens for the above and other feigned reasons; as the ship and her crew came to this realm under the king’s protection and conduct, and as they began unloading her in a place called ‘ Le Dunes’ within the port of Sandwich, from whence Berenger carried away the said ship with a great part of her cargo, including 500 quarters of wlieat provided for the munition of Berwick on-Tweed, the king again asks him to cause the ship and cargo to be hal back to Le Dunes without delay, and that he will certify the king by the bearer of his pro- ceedings. As soon as the shij) has been restored, the king will cause to bo done what his council shall advise concerning Berenger’s men who assisted him in carrying away the ship and who were arrested and imprisoned at Sandwich. Enrolment of indenture witnessing that Thomas de Beltoft the elder, son of the late Sir Roger de Beltoft, grants tlmt if any charter of feofliuent or other deed be hereafter found whereby he or his heirs might chiim or challenge aught in the manor of Clauword Wodehous, then from that time he and his heirs shall be bound to Sir John de Sandale in 200/., acconling to the recognisance made by Thomas in chancery ; John de Sandale grant- ing that Thomas and his heirs shall be (piit of the .said sum and that the recognisance shall be annulled if no such charter or deed be found. Dated at London, 1 June, 9 Edward II. French . — The chancellor received the recognisance. Memorandum, that John and Thomas came into chancery at Holy Trinity Priory, London, on the above day, and acknowledged the said deed. May 18. Emma daughter of William de Paris of Flete of London, and Ralph .«ou Westminster, of James sou of Michael de London acknowledge that they owe to Hugh de 342 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1310. Miiy 29, W estmiuster. June 4. Westminster. May 6!. liadley. May 27.' Westminster. June 26. Westminster. June 12. Westminster. June 12. Sheen. .Tune 13. Westminster. Membrane iSd — cont. Wygton, skinner, 12/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of Middlesex. To the sheriff of Huntingdon. Order to pa}' to Andrew le Moygne and John Waldeshef, knights of tliat county, their wages and expenses in coming to the king at Westminster to treat concerning the perambulations of the forests, aiid in staying there, to wit from the quinzaine of Easter until Saturday after St. Augustine. \^Parl. lVrits.'\ The like to the sheriffs of eleven other counties for the wages of the knights of the same. \^IbkL'] Nicholas de Meynill, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Peter de Donewyco, clerk, 100/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. John de Henle, son of Elias de Walyngford, acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Malton 100s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of Loudon. Membrane 5d. To the sheriff of Middlesex. Order to cause proclamation to be made proroguing until the feast of St. Laurence the day for the military service due to the king to be at Newcastle-on-Tyne, which the king previously ordered him to summon to be there in the quinzaine of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. \^Foedera ; Pari. Writs.'] The like to all the sheriffs of England, [/i/c/.] To Richard de Horsle, Roger Heyron, and Nicholas Scot. Order to choose and arm without delay the men that the king lately ordered them to choose in the county of Northumberland and have at Newcastle-on-Tyne by St. Laurence, and to cause their wages to be assessed, and to permit their arms and wages to remain in possession of the townships until further orders. \^Parl. Writs]. The like to others in thirty-six counties, [/i/c/.] Membrane 4rf. Thomas son of John de Maydenstaii acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Haveryng’ 10/. 16^. Od. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Kent. Henry son of Roger de la Holte and Christiana his wife came before the king, on Saturday after St. Barnabas, and sought to re])levy their land in Alnicestre, taken into the king’s hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Agnes, late the wife of Ralph Basely. This is signified to the justices. William de Honyngham, chaplain, acknowledges that he owes to Richard Cros, citizen of London, 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Warwick. Matilda, lat(^ tin; wife of Robert de d'ony, puts in her place Adam Page of Sahani or William Tehaud against Alice, coutitcss of Wai'wick, in a plea of assignment of the countess’s dower before John de Thorp. D i:i)WARD ir. 313 1316. June 14. Westminster. June 14. Westminster. June 16. Westminster. June 16. Westminster. June 6. Hadley. June 16. Westminster. Membrane — cont. Ricbartl de Bachesworth acknowledges that he owes to Simon de Swans- lund 2,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Middlesex. — The chancellor took the recognisance. John Blaket acknowledges that he owes to Edmund de Cyltre 19/. 14^. 5d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Buckingham. Roger de Waleden came before the king, on Monday after St. Barnabas, and sought to replevy to Walram de Rocheford and Elizabeth his wife their land in Amwell, taken into the king’s hands for their default in the king’s court against Peter de Lymesy. This is signihed to the justices, Thomas de Veer acknowledges that he owes to John de Sandale, clerk, 50 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Essex. — Robert de Bardelby received the recognisance. Cancelled on payment. Richard son of Richard de Sutton acknowledges that he owes to Peter de Sutton 22/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Southampton. Robert Bolle acknowledges that he owes to Thomas, earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England, 7/. 12s. Oc/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Suftblk. Scolastica de Mewes, sister and co-heiress of Theobald de Geyton, tenant in chief, puts in her place William, parson of the church of Gayton, and Peter de Fleg’ to sue in chancery for her purparty of Theobald’s lands. Michael de Magna Muskeby acknowledges that he owes to John de Stokesleye 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the county of York. Nicholas de Menill acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Osgodeby, clerk, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. Cancelled on payment, acknoicledged by Master Henry de Clif, one of Adam's executors. John de Barby acknowledges that ho owes to William de Ayremynn, clerk, 6 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. Thomas Cockerel is sent to the abbot and convent of Glastonbury to receive the necessaries of life in the place of William de l^onton, deceased. By i).s. Robert de Karliolo is sent to the prior and convent of Moukkirkeby to receive the necessaries of life in place of Robert de Earuliam, deceasecL By p.s. Memorandum, that the king at Westminster, on 17 June, granted, at the instance of the earl of Pembroke, to John de Crosseby, clerk of the chancery, the first void church of the king’s gift under the taxation of 20/., and hereupon ordered Sir John de Sandale, the chancellor, to present the said clerk to such church when a voidauce occurs. Memorandum, that whei’eas amongst other manors and lands lately assigned by the king to Matilda, late the wife ot Robert de Thony, tenant in chief, there was as.signed the rent that Geoffrey de 'I'hony used to render to Robert for Robert’s lands in Sele and Suthtaunton, co. Devon, which Geoffrey held for life by grant from Robert, with provision that if Matilda siu'vived Geoffrey, then Alice, countess of Warwick and her heirs, should be 314 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1310 , Jiino 28. Wei-tmiuster. Jntte 26. estmiuster. .7nne 30. Westmiusiter. Membrane \d — cant. boiinil to pay the paid rent to Matilda for her lifetime, as more fully con- tained in the aforesaid assignment; and afterwards, as Geoffrey had died, the king ordered the countess to pay the said rent to Matilda, but the countess has hitherto not done so ; whereupon the king ordered Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent, to warn the countess to be before the king in chancery on the morrow of Holy Trinity last to shew cause why she should not pay the rent to Matilda; and the countess appeared on that day by John de Bai ovve, her attorney, and asserted that she held the lands in question, and granted that Matilda should receive the said rent for life. And Matilda’s attortiey was told to distrain for any arrears of the said rent from Geoffrey’s death, if he thought fit. Richard de Stanford Rivers and Richard Wrytel acknowledge that they owe to Roger de Greiford 22/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the comity of Essex. Roger de Sutton, parson of the church of Belefen, diocese of London, acknowledges that he owes to Alice la Paumere of Wodeford, Robert Besvill of Lufwyk, and Simon de Lyndwode, executors of the will of Master William de Wodeford, late parson of Ballyogari in Ireland, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels and ecclesiastical goods in the county of Essex. Richard de Saham, vicar of the church of Rathmore, diocese of Dublin, acknowledges that he owes to Roger de Sutton, clerk, 20s. 4c/., to he levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in Ireland. Assignment of dower to Elizabeth, late the wife of John de Biycaunzoun, tenant in chief, made by the escheator at Alynthele, on Wednesday the eve of Midsummer, of all her husband’s lands in the king’s hands during the minority of .John, son and heir of the said John. First, there are assigned to her in the manor of Alynthele a cowhouse, a barn (ffrac/ia), and adjoining garden called ‘ le Estgardyn,’ with a parcel of La Lee from the gate of the enclosure of the manor direct to Le Lehach on the east, together with free ingress and egress for her and her servants to and from the cowhouse, barn, garden, and to and from the church by the middle of the court. There are assigned to her 80 acres of the arable land, to wit 27 acres in a cultura called ‘ Carteresland,’ 12 acres in La Dene, 7 acres at the gallows, 20 acres m cultura called ‘ Faussot,’ 9 acres in the cultura called ‘Middelssot’ on both sides of the way to Thourok, 12 acres in Le Leessot on the east of the w’ay. There are also assigned to her for the fens (fatinis) there, wdiich cannot be measured, the waters of Estfanne witli the pool and Lo Morewe^enefanne in supreme domain {clominacione). There are also assigned to her in the marsh 7 acres of pasture called ‘ Serlesmad.’ There is also assigned to her a watermill so ruinous that in a short time it will fall down {aclnuUetur), to hold in dow'er in allowance for 77 acres and 3 roods of laud, meadow, and pasture in the marsh, which remains wholly in the king’s hands, whereof she receives nothing in dower. There are assigned to her of the assessed rent of the free tenants 42s. Or/, yearly, to w’it 7s. 2(1. from William B(‘rnai'd, 3s. from William le Taillour, 6s. Ad. from Geoffrey the smith (fabre), 12s. le/. from Adam Russel, Gs. 1(V/. from Henry Pegoun, Ad. from William de Enynton, 1 dr/, from John 8])yr, 6r/. from Ralpli de Herde, 2s. ID/, frotn Jolin atte More, 1 Or/, from the heir of Thomas do Thorndon, 13r/. from Vincent de Bokkeleye, with all their suits and services. There are also assigned to her of’ the rent of three customary teuanis 20s. 9|J., to wit 7s. 9^d. from Adam le Mouner, 8s. A\d. from William Herberd, 4s. 7|r/. from Thomas Sangemous, with all their suits and services. There are assigned to her 9.«. 8r/. of the stallage in the market, fair,and ‘ portemort,’ and 8.s. \()\d. yearly for the passage for boats over 9 EDWARD II. 315 1316. June 17. Westminster. June 26. Westminster. .June 21. AVestminster. June 26. Westminster. June 17. W estminster. June 24. W estminster. June 26. Westminster. Membrane Ml — cant. Thames and to London, and 6s. yearly of carriage for the passage with carts, and a third of all the profit of the view {versus) of frankpledge there. At this assignment Adam Russel, Henry de Columbers, Henry de Shirewell, Benedict de Dutton, Thomas Wych, and Robert Lylie were present and affixed their seals. Membrane 3c?. To Griffin de la Pole. Order forbidding him to do anything against John de Cherleton and Hawisia, his wife, to the disturbance of the king’s peace on account of the disputes between them and him concerning the castle of La Pole, the king understanding that he intends attacking the lands of Powys with armed force. He is ordered to be before the king and his council at Westminster in three weeks from Midsummer to propound his case. The king is sending to him Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent, to notify this inhibition to him more fully and to seize the said castle into the king’s hands if he and the said John de Cherleton and Hawisia agree to this being done, to remain in the king’s hands until justice be done between them in the king’s court. The king has sent the like inhibition and order to John and Hawisia. By K. and C. The like to John de Cherleton and Hawisia his wife. Geoffrey de Toucestre acknowledges that he owes to Andrew Martyn of London 24/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Gloucester. Nicholas son of Nicholas de Menill acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey le Scrop 100/. ; to bo levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. William de Faucumberge acknowledges that he owes to Alexander Luterel 100/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Somerset. To the keepers of the port of Dover. Order to permit the abbot of Hepp’, of the Preraonstratensian order, to pass the sea with 10/. for his expenses, in order to attend his chapter general at Premontre. To the bailiffs of Sandwich. Order to restore to Thierri ( Thiericus) son of John his ship and cargo, of the value of 50/. sterling, lately arrested by them in that port under the belief that he was a Fleming, as William, count of Hainault, Holland and Zeeland {Zeland), and lord of Friesland, has testified by his letters that Thierri is a burgess of Zieriye and not from Flanders. By C. Nicholas de Turvill acknowledges that he owes to William Mabussh of London 50 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Buckingham. Henry de la Waterfalle, parson of the church of Wyntreslawe, diocese of Salisbury, acknowledges that he owes to John de Sandale, clerk, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Wilts. Cancelled on payment. To G. de Castcllion, count of Porcean {Porcien’) and constable of France, and to other nobles of the council of the king of h rance about to come to Wytsand concerning the arrest of a ship called ^ Dronmnd,' and her abduction from the place of (the) Dunes, near Sandwich, to Calais in 34U CALENDAR OP CLOSE ROLLS, 131G. June 25. Westmiuster. June 27. Westminster, June 28. W estmiuster. June 20. Westminster. June 29. Westminster. June 14. Westminster. June 19. Westmiuster, Membrane 3d — cojit. France. The king has caused to be sent to tliem Robert de Kendale, knight, constable of Dover castle and warden of the Cinque Forts, and Alexander le Convers, clerk, to inform them concerning the capture and carrying away of the said ship, and to seek restitution of the same, and he requests them to shew due regard to the said Robert and Alexander, and to do what is just in this matter. erunt (sic) patentes. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to send to Lincoln by Thursday after St. James the Apostle the two knights who came to Westminster in con- nexion with the perambulations of the forests, or two other knights of that county if they be unable to come, to treat concerning the perambulations and the election of foot-soldiers in each county. By K. and C. \_Parl. J'Vrits.'\ The like to the sheriff of Lincoln, omitting the reference to the per- ambulations. \^Ibid.\ The like to the sheriffs of counties where there are no forests, [/iic?.] To the sheriff of Dorset. Order to pay to John Peverel and Roger le Gyldone, knights of that shire, their expenses in coming to Westminster concerning the perambulations of the forest. \^Parl. Writs.'] The like for the knights of the counties of Gloucester, Southampton, Worcester, and Cumberland. [^Ibid.] Enrolment of release by Simon son of James de Bernolby to Simon son of Robert de Driby of his right in the manor of Bernolby. Witnesses; John de Yordeburgh, knight; John de Driby; Robert de Maundevill ; Roger de Nevill ; and John de Tetteford. Dated at London, on Saturday after Midsummer, 9 Edward II. Memorandum, that Simon came into chancery at Westmiuster, on the said day, and acknowledged the above. Jhe chancellor received the recognisance. Membrane 2d. Roger Gerard acknowledges that he owes to Ranulph Gerard 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Essex. To the justiciary of Ireland or to him who supplies his place. Order to deliver to the bailiffs and ministers of Otto de Graudisono his lands and the issues of the same received by the justiciary, upon their making reasonable aid for the said lands for the defence of that country, Otto having complained that the justiciary has taken all his lands into the king’s hands and ordered the issues thereof to be collected and paid for the defence of that country. John de Chadeleshonte acknowledges that he owes to Ma.ster William de Chadeleshonte, canon of St. Paul’s, London, 1,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the county of Warwick. Philip son of John de Intebergh acknowledges that he owes to William de Claydon 600 marks ; to be levied, in default of j)ayment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Worcester. Nicholas de Teukesbury and John de Norton, of the county of Somerset, acknowledge that they owe to Maurice de Bcrkeleye 16/. 17«. ‘Id.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Devon. 9 EDWARD II. 347 1316. June 14. Westminster. June 29. Westminster. June 24. Westminster. Membrane 2d — cont. John de Kirkeby acknowledges that he owes to John de Okham, clerk, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Cumberland. Cancelled on payment. Thomas son of Thomas de OfPyngton acknowledges that he owes to John de Ifeld 60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Sussex. Enrolment of release from John son of Richard le Taverner of Newerk, chaplain, to Walter his brother, of his right in the lands in Newerk, Kelum, Houton, and Northgate near Newerk that Walter has of the gift of their father Richard, and in all the lands whereof their father was seised at his death. Sealed in the presence of Sir John de Sandale, chancellor of England. Witnesses: Sir John de Cokermuth; Sir John de Haydene ; William de Bildesthorp ; Master Richard de Bekynghara ; Robert de Kelum ; Robert Roter of Claypol; William de Birkes. Dated at London, on Tuesday the feast of SS. Peter and Paul, 1316. James son of Thomas de Botteleye acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Bouton 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Worcester. Walter de Kirkebride son of Richard de Kirkebride, knight, acknow- ledges that he owes to William de Ayremynne, clerk, IOOj. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Cum- berland. Cancelled on payment. Enrolment of release by John son of John Mot of Westgate near Canterbury to Simon Bertelot of Canterbury of his right in all the lands that may fall to him by inheritance or otherwise in Hakynton and the parish of St. Dunstan of Westgate, and in the tenements in those towns that Simon had of the gift of Master Godard le Keu. Witnesses : Richard de Pollethorn ; Thomas le Clerk; John Wyard ; Robert Tripekot ; John the Baker (^Putor) William de Sandliope ; Philip Scjuier ; Simon le Rough; Thomas Gyboun ; Richard Sanderkyn ; William de Cotes; Richard atte Sole of Tilmanston ; John de Stauudon ; John Priket; Richard de Chelsfeld; John Rauf ; and Robert de Sancto Martino. Enrolment of grant by John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, to the king, of the castle and town of Reygate, the manors of Dorkyng’, Bechesworth, and Kenyngton, co. Surrey, the castle and town of Lewes, the manors of Coke- feld, Cleytou, Dychenyng’, Mechyng’, Pechham,Brightelmeston, Hottyngden, Houndeden, Northesce, Rademeld, Kymere, Middelton, Alyngton, VVorth, Picoumbe, and the towns of Iford, Pydinghowe, and Seford, co. Sussex, the castles and towns of Conyngesburgh and Sandale, and the manors of Wakefeld, Heytefeld, Thorne, Soureby, Braithewell, Fisshelak’, Dew'es- bury, and Halifax, co. York, and the manors and towns of Staunford and Grantham, co. Lincoln, and the castles of Dynasbran and of Holt (Castro Leonis), and his lands of Brumfeld, Yale, and Wryghtlesham in Wales, and all his other manors, hamlets, wapentakes and hundreds in the said counties, with alt aj)purtenances, advowsons, etc. Dated at Westminster, on Thurs- day after SS. Peter and Paul, 9 Edward II. Witnesses: Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke; Humprey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex ; Hugh le Dcs[)enser the elder ; Ralph Basset of Drayton ; John de Crumbewell, steward of the king’s household ; Hugh le Despenser the younger; Walter de Norwico the treasurer; Roger le Brabanzou ; William Inge; William de Bereford. 348 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1316. Membrane 2d — cont. June 28. The abbot of Croxton acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he Westmiuster. owes to John de Woljngham, parson of the church of Styandebv, 50 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of Leicester. John de Bourton the younger acknowledges that be owes to John son of Hugh de Boclonde 30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Berks. July 2. Anna, late the wife of Elias de Hauvill, acknowledges that she owes to Westminster. Nicholas de Segrave 2,000 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in the counties of Northampton, Oxford, and York. Membrane \cl. Assignment of dower to Margaret, late the wife of Edmund de Colvill, tenant in chief as of the honour of Albemarle, made at Bitham on Saturday in Whitsun week, 9 Edward [IL], by the oath of Thomas the clerk of Bytham, John Broun, William de Welinghover, William Geutyl, all of Bytham, William de Derle, and Roger de Barkston. There are assigned to her in the manor of Bytham a cowhouse (boveria), a house called ‘ the cowshed ’ {vaccar’),& house called ‘the new stable,’ a round house called ‘ Le kenyl,’ with an adjoining plot from a wall to the northern end of the cowhouse, in breadth 32^ yards and 22^ yards towards tne gate, according to the bounds there fixed, provided that the lady shall have free ingress and egress by the outer gate of the manor by the way to the great barn {grang’). There are also assigned to her a curtilage called ‘le Hufhusierd ’ with dovecotes, a plot called ‘ le Spytelyerd,’ and two parts of the toft of the late William Baker, in allowance for a third of Conyng- harth, the garden and ditch within the inanoi", as appears by the bounds there fixed. There are also assigned to her a third of all the arable land, to wit 1 1 acres 1 rood of land for a third of 33 acres 1 rood in Gosecroft and of the land lying between Mordyk and Morgat, Milnwong, and of the land at the end of Milnwong and Sandpitwong in the north field, and 36 acres 3 roods of land for a third of 4^ acres in Barkewong and Stockyng’ in the same field, 33^ acres for a third of 101^ acres in Wyldliaverdalcrigg’ and Bonecroft in the same field, and 16^ acres of land for a third of Milneroft, 2 acres at the end of the town, 9 acres in ITo.xecroft, 41 acres 1 rood in Spitehvong between Templeland and the land of William the prison ser- vant in the south field ; 35 acres for a third of 105 acres in Welgatewong, Longvvong, and Honsawedik in the same field ; 8 acres in Hei thowewong in the same field ; 52 acres 1 rood for a third of 156 acres 3 roods in Haildehawong, Honshawong, Rodebekwong, and of the land between Littel- hawe and Keteslewell in the west fiehl ; 6 acres 3 roods for a third in Sparhewong, 4 acres for a third ujjon Rodes, 3 acres 1^ rood for a third upon Stoniland in the same fiehl as appears by the bounds set out in each field ; a third of two plots called ‘ Twellacrcs ’ and ‘ Foui’oacres ’ ; a third of Rodewong. There arc also assigned to her a third of all the mowing meadow land, to wit 10 acres in Herlesheng’; 3 acres 3 roods in the great fish- pond ; 1 acre 1 rood at Smallwelles and Fissepolws ; and no more, as the residue remains to the heir in emendation of the Rodebek, 'There are also assigned to her for a third of the several pastures a plot of pasture under the park, the ditch at the end of the town, Spardyk, and a tishj)ond called ‘ Castevvelh’ There are also assigneil to her a third of the park from the park gate to the three oaks, tlietice to the Fludeyates ; and 25 acres of wood in i.,ittilhag’ for a third thereof; a third of the profit of a windmdl 9 EDWARD II. 349 1316. Membrane \d — cont. with provision that the heir shall have one key and Margaret the other, so that nothing shall be taken of the multure in the absence of her bailiff. There are also assigned to her the rents and services of the following free- men, bondmen {bondorum), and coterels : William the chaplain of West Bytliam, 4s. yearly ; Robert Swyft, 2s, ; William de Welinghover, 3s. ; Cicely Colevill and her sisters, 3s. Qd . ; Roger de Barkston, 39s. 4c?. with suits of court; Richard Reyner, 20s.; Walter Wythir, 22s. 4(f. ; Matilda Bisschop, 21s. 2c?., with their custom ; Gilbert le Forcer, 2s. ; Agnes Walge . . ., 12s, ; Cicely Stoyl, 12c?. ; Thomas Buk, 4c?. ; Emma Thouthe, 20d . ; Agnes Nice, 12c?. ; Nicholas Walker, 2s. 6c?. ; Roger Souter, 12c?. ; Simon Hellewell, 3s. ; Walter Tyker, 2s. 6c?.; William de Brumpton of Byhamel, 8s, 8(f. ; William Meynel, 3^c?. ; Richard de Wytham, 4c?. ; of the lands of the late Thomas le Maystre in Westbitham, 2s. ; of the land that Walter de Kestevcn held, 13c?.; Robert Southren, 40s.; William Schyref, 12s. 4c?. ; Walter Couper, 10s. ; Lettice Trigg’, 22s. ; Lettice Koke, 22s. ; Gilbert at the Water {ad Aquam), 22s. 8c?. ; Lucy Koke, 2s. ; Richard Walsse of Onniley, 2s., with all their suits and services ; William de Welinghover, 13c?.; Richard Pe . . ., 6s. G\d . Walter de Schotelthorp, 3c?. only; Cicely Cuward of Creton, Roger at the Water, Nicholas Selihe, Roger Soutere, 4 hens at Christmas and 4 message-carryings at Lent, and 80 eggs at Easter; Cicely Mounce, 6|lbs. of wax; from William Gentyl, 4lbs. of wax; William Welinghover, 1 lb. of pepper, price 12c?. ; Thomas son of James de Coyntliorj), a pair of gloves, price \d.; Thomas Gerodyn, 6c/. ; Matilda Muit, 2^f/, ; Simon Carp’, 3^ay to the king’s yeomen Nicholas Lovel and William de Eton, whom the king is sending with two daymericii berners, three veutrers, a lardener, 18 greyhound.s, and 21 daymericii dogs to take fat venison in the present season in the forests of Chur, Lutcger.sale, Clarendon and Breden, their wages during their stay in his bailiwick, to wit \2d. a (lay to Nicholas, 9(/. a day to William, \\d. a day for e.ach of the 7 . 2 350 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1310. July 30. Melcbbourue. Aug. 3. Stretton. Aug. 3. WilsfoKl. Membrane 29 — cont. borners, aiul 'M. a day for eadi of the veutrei’.s, ‘Id. a day for the lardener, and \d. a day for each of tlie greyhounvls and dogs, and to deliver to them salt and barrels for the venison and carriage for the same to Wyndesore. J'lie like to the sheriff of Southampton for their wages whilst in the forests of Asshole, Wolveremere, Fambere, and Fremantel. 'riie like to the sheriff of Berks for their wages whilst in the forest of Wyndesore. To the constable of Wyndesore. Order to receive the above venison from Nicholas and William, and to cause it to be put in barrels and well salted and kept until further ordei's. To the keeper of the forest of Chut. Order to aid and counsel Nicholas and William in taking the venison aforesaid. The like to the keepers of the following forests: The park of Lutegersale. The forest of Asshele. The forest of Clarendon. The forest of Wolveremere. The forest of Wyndesore. The forest of Fambere. The forest of Fremantel. The forest of Bredon. Like letters in favour of Robert Squier and David de Frannton to the sheriffs of 0.x.ford, Buckingham, and Northampton, for the payment of the like w'ages for two berners, a berceleter, three veutrers, eighteen grey- hounds, twenty-four hayericii dogs, and two bercelets whilst taking fat venison in the forests of Huchewode, Whittelwod, Sausse, Bernewod, and Shottovere, to be sent to Northampton and delivered there to the sheriff. Orders to tlie keepers of the said forest to assist the said Robert and David. Like letters in favour of Alan de Leek and John de Ilauvill to the sheriffs of Huntingdon, Northampton, and Rutland, for the payment of the like wages whilst taking venison in the forests of Wanberge, Rokyngham, and Roteland, to be sent to Huntyngdou and there delivered to the sheriff. Orders to the keepers of the said forests to assist the said Alan and John. To John de Castre, sheriff of Cumberland and constable of Carlisle castle. Order to pay 400 marks out of the 1,000 marks that he ought to receive for the king’s use for the delivery of Rol)ei t de Bard’ and John de Moreve, Scotch prisoners, to Robert de Barton, keeper of the king’s stores in the parts of Carlisle, for the munition of the town and castle, and to deliver the remaining GOO marks to the sheriff of Northumberland, to be taken by him to Berwick, notwithstanding the king’s late order to pay 800 marks to the sheriff of Northumberland for the above purpose and to retain 200 marks for the munition of the town and castle of Carlisle. To the sheriff of Worcester. Order to cause two coroners for that county to b(i elected in the places of Fhilip de Boclinton and Robert do Staunton, who are engaged in the service of divers magnates of those parts and dwell in the furthest limits of the county and are absent from the county for the greater j)art, so that they cannot conveniently attend to the duties of their office. To Robert de Cliderhou, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause the castles of Brough-under-Staynmor and Cokennuth, in his custody, to be supplied with victuals out of the issues of his bailiwick. 10 EDWARD II. 357 1816. Aug. 4. Lincoln. Aug. 4. Lincoln. Aug. 5. Lincoln. Aug. 5. Lincoln. Aug. 6. Lincoln. Aug. 7. Lincoln. Aug. 8. Lincoln. Aug. 6. Lincoln. Membrane 29 — cont. To the chamberlain of Kaernervan. Order to expend, in addition to the 100/. that the king lately ordered him to expend in repairing and amending the quay of the town of Coneweye, 100 marks by the advice of John de Grey, justice of North Wales, or of one to be deputed by him. If the quay cannot be repaired out of these sums, he is to cause the burgesses of tlie town to repair what remains of the quay at their own cost. To Master John Waleweyn, escheator this side Trent. Order to assign dower to Etheldreda, late the wife of Peter de Shadworth, as she has taken oath before the king not to marry without his license, it appearing by in- quisition that Peter held at his death divers lands in Little Carlton, Great Carlton, Tetelthorp, Catby near Gayton, and Calthor}3 near Lekburn, co. Lincoln, of Philip de Lyndeseye as of the inheritance of John son and heir of Robert le Chaumberleyn, a minor iu the king’s wardship, by knight service, which Philip adhered to tlie Scotch rebels, on which account the escheator took his lands into the king’s hands. To the citizens of Carlisle. Order to expend up to 10 marks out of their ferm of the king’s gift in repairing the gates and Avails of the city. By K. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow the above 10 marks to the said citizens. By K. Membrane 28. To Master John Waleweyn, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause John son of Geoffrey son of Geolfrey de Fontaynes and Margery his wife to have seisin of the said Geoffrey’s lands, as it appears by inquisition that Geoffrey de Fontayne.s held at his death a third of the manor of Runham, CO. Norfolk, by the courtesy of England of the inheritance of Margery, his late wife, of the late king by the service of a third of two measui’es {inodios) of wine and of 200 pears of Permeyns to be rendered to the exchequer, and that the said John is his kinsman and nearest heir and of full age, the king having taken John’s fealty. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to pay to William Beausamis, keeper of the king’s stud (^ecjuicii) stajing in those parts, 10/. for the expenses of the stud. liy K. To the abbot of Hyde, Winchester, collector of the tenth of the clergy of the province of Canterbury in the diocese of Winchester. Order to j)ay to the sherilF of Southampton the 200 marks arrears of the portion of the tenth of II. late bishop of Winchester, to buy corn therewith ns ordered by the king. I5y K. To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to expend 20/. in repairing the houses of the castle of Old Sarum, in addition to the 2o/. that the king lately ordered him to expend for this purpose. By K. To the keeper of the Forest this side Trent, or to him Avho supplies his place in the forest of Clarendon. Order to deliver fifteen hiiifless oaks from that forest to the sheriff of Wilts for firewood to burn lime for works within the castle of Old Sarum. By K. To Edmund Bacun, constable of Walingford castle. Order to expend 20/. in repairing the buildings of the castle, in addition to the 20/. that the king previously ordered him to expend for this purpose. By K. To Master John Waleweyn, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to William de Overesby, son and heir of Isabella, late the wife of Simon de Veer of Clixby, which Isabella held in chief of the king, seisin of his 35H CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 131G. Aug. 8. Liiiculu. A-ig. 7. Lincoln. Aug. 0. Lincoln. Aug. 6. Lincoln. Aug. 8. Lincoln. Membrane 28 — cont. mother’s lands, as he has proved his age before the escheator, and the king lias taken his homage. To the sheriff of Huntingdon. Order to expend 10 marks in repairing the gaol of that town. Ry C. To the same. Order to cause Andrew le Moigne and Bernard de Brus to have carriage at the king’s charge to carry a sum of money from that county to Westminster, which the king has appointed them to bring thither by the morrow of St. Bartholomew. To the sheriff of Devon. Order, to cause two coroners for that county to be elected in place of Robert de Stokheye and Robert de Uppeheye, whom the king has appointed justices to deliver Exeter gaol. To Lamliei't de Trikingham. Order to intend the holding of pleas before tlie king, omitting ail other thiug.^i, as the king wills that he shall intend the holding of the same together with William Inge and his fellows, justices a[)poiuted to hold the said pleas. [Pari. Jl’'rits.'\ By K. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Henry Gernet, whom the king has appointed one of the keepers of his peace in that county. Vacated. To Robert de Cliderhou, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver to John son of John de la Cornere, John son of Ralph de Chaddesden, Payn le Diaj)er, Nicholas le Lorimer, Ranulph de Hiclimr, John Proudfote, Walter de London, Robert de Etton, and Agnes la Coupere twelve shops in Derby, together with the issues of the same, they having shewn to the king that, althoug’n said shops were lately taken into the king’s hands by Roger le Sauvage, late escheator beyond Trent, beeause it was found by inquisition that they were purprestures matle in the market of Derby, they are not purprestures, but that they and their ancestors held them from time out of miiul, and it was found by^ an inquisition taken by the present escheator that they are not purprestures, and are not situated where they are to the damage of the king or the nuisance of the town, or any one, and that the said John and the others above named and tl.eir ancestors have held them peacefully from time out of mind, to wit for 300 years and more, by services pertaining to the town. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Henry Gernet, who is so engaged with the affairs of divers magnates in that county that he cannot intend to the office of coroner, wherefore the king has caused him to be amoved from office. To the justiciary, chancellor, and treasurer of Ireland. Order to convoke the archbishojis, liishops, abbots, priors, earls, barons, and community of Ireland as speedily as possible, and to take their counsel and advice if they can agree, or if not, having asked separately by the king’s writ the counsel of the prelates and magnates, if they cannot conveniently assemble, concern- ing the peace of that land and by what law the people should be treated, to certify the king of their proceedings so that ordinance may be made by his council concerning the grievances contained in the petition of the people of Ireland before the king and his council, praying that a jiarliament should be held in that land yearly, and that if ransom or jiardon he prayed for from the justic[iary] of that land for the dcaih of an Englishman or for arson, such ransom or pardon sludl only be made in parliament and wdth the consent of the king’s council and faithful subjects there, and at least 100/. taken there- for ; and that for larceny or robbery attaining or exceeding the value of ll^r/., a fomfold ransom shall be taken, and that the felons guilty thereof shall not be delivered from prison until the money have been i)aid into the 10 EDWARD II. 359 1316. Aug. 17. York. July 8. Westminster. Aug. 9. Lincoln. Aug. 20. York. Membrane 28 — cont. exchequer ; the people of that land having shewn that a law exists there that an Englishman convicted of the death of an Englishman, larceny, arson, or robbery attaining or exceeding the value of \2\d., should suffer death ; that an Irishman convicted of the death of an Engli.shman or arson should suffer the like punishment, but that an Irishman convicted of larceny or robbery from an Englishman or an Irishman is usually left to be redeemed at the will of his judge or to be condemned to death ; by which law, when it was fully observed, the English people there grew and multiplied, and extended the boundaries of the church ; but that afterwards the justices of those parts caused and permitted persons indicted of felonies to be redeemed for small ransoms, and sometimes for nothing, to wit taking for the slaying of an Englishman, robbery, and larceny 100/., or 100[s.], 40[s.J, or 20s. ; by reason whereof malefactors have been encouraged to commit homicides, robberies, arsons, and other felonies to such an extent that agriculture and merchan- dise have fallen away in many places, so that land is much destroyed by English and Irish felons, who do not fear committing homicides, arsons, larcenies, and robberies, under the hope of obtaining such pardons, and because the faithful subjects dare not indict them, nor say the truth con- cerning them in judgment, lest they should be slain or destroyed on account of their verdict by the said felons liberated by such ransom, and the people, wishing to live under the king’s peace and law, desert places where they have been wont to dwell and leave them to the said felons. [Foedera.] By pet. of C. To the sheriflT of Oxford. Order to pay to William de Sutton and John de Oxon[ia] GO^. for their expenses in taking Nicholas de Hansted, lately seized at Oxford for forging the king’s seal, to York, and for staying there and bringing him back to Oxford by the king’s order. Nicholas Piron of Bogebergh, in the king’s prison of Somerton for the death of Thomas le Thressher, has letters to the sheriff of Somerset to bail him until the first assize. To John de la Beche, one of the keepers of the bishopric of Winchester, void and in the king’s hands. Order to pay to the king’s yeoman Henry de Braundeston, whom the king is sending to the bishopric with two veutrers, a hardener, and a huntsman and his page (jmffius), fourteen running dogs (carnibz(s) and six greyhounds, to take fat venison in this season therein for the king’s use, his wages, to wit 9d. a day, and 2d. a day each for the veutrers, lardener, and huntsman, \\d. a day for the page, and \d. a day for each of the dogs and greyhounds, and to deliver to him salt and barrels and carriage for the venison. To William de Ayremynn. Order to pay to Henry de Baiocis the ten marks due to the king for the goods and chattels of Philip de Lyndeseye in the manor of Wykyngby, co. Lincoln, which were taken into the king’s hands as forfeited because Philip adhered to the Scotch rebels, and which were appraised by Adam de Lymbergh and the aforesaid Henry, by virtue of the king’s commission to them, at 101s. 6d., to be paid to Henry for his expenses in tailaging together with Master William de Wodeford cities, boroughs, and tlie king’s demesnes in the counties of Lincoln, Rutland, and Northampton in the sixth year of the king’s reign, when the king caused his demesnes throughout England to be tallaged. By C. Membrane 27. To Nicholas Lovel and John de Eton. Order to deliver to John de Sandale, the king’s chancellor and the elect of Winchester, 10 bucks of the king’s gift, out of the venison taken and to be taken in the forests of Chut, 3G0 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 131G. Aiide Hauvill to deliver 10 bucks from the forests of Wanberge, Rokyngham, and Roteland, in the counties of Huntingdon, Northampton, and Rutland. By K. 'I'lie like to Robert Squier and David de Fraunton to deliver 10 bucks from the forests of Iluchewode, Sausse, Beruewode, and Siiotovcre, in the counties of O-xford, Buckingham, and Northampton. By K. To the sheriff of York. Order to buy and provide hay and oats to the value of 10/., and to deliver them to the king’s serjcant Adam de Bray, keeper of certain of the king’s horses, for the expenses of the said horses. By K. To John Gitfard of Brymmesfeld, keeper of the lands of the late Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, in Glaumorgan and Morgannou. Order to cause all the castles in his liailiwick to be furnished with men, armour, and victuals, and to depute sufficient persons to keep them when he conics to the king for the expedition of the Scotch war. By K. To the sheriff of Y’ork. Order to expend -iOs. weekly until further orders in repairing the houses, walls, and towers within the castle of Y'ork, l)y the view and testimony of a citizen of Yoi k and a clerk of the sheriff' and of another to be deputed on the king’s behalf. By K. To Henry son of Hugh, keeper of Bernard’s Castle. Order not to inter- meddle fuither with the manor of Stretelarn, and to restore the issues of the same to Peter de la Haye, who lately shewed to the king that, although he lately recovered the manor in the bishopric of Durham by assize of novel disseisin against John son of 'fhomas Traynes and others, and obtained seisin thereof, the said Henry took the manor into the king’s hands; where- upon the king ordered Henry to certify him concerning the taking into his hands ; and he returned that Peter brought a writ of novel disseisin against the above-named John, Robert de Neyvill, and John le Ires, concerning a tenement in Stretlam, and he w.as answered tliat the tenement was in the king's seisin, wherefore the justices refused to proceed in the assize, until Peter obtained the king’s writ in parliament at Lincoln directed to the bishop of Durham ordering that the justices should proceed in the assize notwithstanding the above answer; by reason whereof they proceeded, and Peter recovered his seisin by consideration of that court, and that he was peaceably seised for one day, and that the said Henry expelled him from the tenement because he was not advertised of the judgment and because Peter brought him no writ from the king. By K. and C. To the taxors and collectors of the sixteenth in the county of Lincoln. Order to pay to Ralj)h de Stokes, clerk of the king’s great wardrobe, or to his attorney, 200 marks out of the first monc^ys received by them, to provide therewith spicery and other necessaries of the wardrobe. By K. To William de Ayremynn, rector of the church of Weremuth. Order to deliver tlu; wheat, oats, and other corn at that church to the sheriff of Northumberland at a reasonabh^ price, to be cai-ried by him to Berwick-ou- 'J'weed and tliere delivered to the', receiver of the king’s stores, 'i lie king has ordered the sheriff to receive the said corn, .'uid has also ordered the mayor and bailiff's of Neweastle-on-Tyne to pay the sheriff 'M marks out of their ferm for the carriage of the same corn. By C. Vacateil, because otheru ise below. To John Gitl'ard of Brymmesfeld, keeper of the lands of Glomorgau and Morgannou. Order to jiay to Henry (le I’eiiebrigg, h.'ader of the Welsh 10 EDWARD II. 3G1 1316. Aug. 24, York. Aug. 27. York. Aug. 2G. York. Aug. 25. York. Aug. 28. i'ork. Aug. 24. York. Membrane 27 — eont. footmeu whom the king has ordered to be elected in those parts for the Scotch war, 29/. 10s. 6^. due to him for the wages of himself and the said footmen in going thence to the king at York, staying there, and returning home, as appears by a bill under the seal of Roger de Northburgh, keeper of the wardrobe. To the sheriff of Sussex. Order to cause Bertram de Mount Bocher to have scutage of his knights and free tenants in that bailiwick, as it appears to the king that he was in the late king’s army of Scotland in the 34th year of his reign. Tlie like in favour of Bertram for the counties of Lincoln and Nottingham. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of Galtres to be elected in place of Theobald de Tollerton, deceased. To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of Ingelwode to be elected in place of John Staffol, deceased. Like order to the same for the election of a verderer for the said forest in place of Robert de Quytrigg’, who is incapacitated by perpetual illness. By the testimony of the keeper [of the Forest] this side Trent. To John Giffard of Brymmesfeld, keeper of the lands of Glomorgan and Morgannou, of the late Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Ilertford. Order to pay to Robert de Grendon, the king’s sheriff of those parts, the usual fee for that office from the time of his appointment, and to continue to pay the same for so long as he has that office. By C. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to cause the men of the king’s household who were taken and delivered to that gaol by the men of the townships of Reynhani, Alvynele, and Thurrok on account of disputes between them, fluring which felonies, trespasses, and damages were mutually committed, to appear before the justices to deliver the gaol at Colecestre, if they be preparc’d to stand to right in the king’s court, notwithstanding the king’s late order not to bring them before any justices to deliver the said gaol until further orders, which oi'der was issued bi;cause the felonies and trespasses were committed against the king, who was then there, on account of which order the said men of the household are still detained in prist n. To the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order to pay to Thomas de Eggesfeld, whom the king is sending to those counties to superintend the j)rovision that the king has ordered the sheriff to make of ceitain victuals for the Scotch war, and to cause the jtrovision to be made with all speed, 18f/. a day for his wages and expenses from the time of his arrival in those counties for so long as he shall remain there on (his business. To the constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to release from prison in the castle Henry de Merlaunde the younger, upon his finding sufficient main- pernors to have him before the king on the morrow of All Souls to pro.^ecutc his action of error in the ])lea wherein Richard Lovel lately impleaded him before John de Crumbwell and his fellows, the king’s justices, for a trespass committed upon him by the said Henry and others, whereof he was convicted and was afterwards committed to [iri.son until he satisfied Richard for the damages awarded to him and the king for wdiat j'ertained to him, the said Heniy having been afterwards taken fiom the prison wherein ho was detained to the said castle. To Robert dc Umframvill, earl of Anegos, keeper of the P’orest this side Trent. Order to deliver Robert Freman of yutton-in-Galtres from York prison, wherein he is imprisoned for a trespass of venigon in Galtres forest. CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1310. All". 25. York. All". 20. York. Sept. 1. York. All". 20. York. All". 28, York. All". 27 York. Membrane 27 — cont. in bail to twelve mainpernors, who shall undertake to have him before the justices for forest pleas when they next come to those parts. To Richard Squier. Order to deliver at Michaelmas to Sibyl, late the wife of John the Metham, the following of their lands, which were taken into the king’s hands liecause Robert de Styveton, who afterwards married her, fled upon his indictment for the death of Hugh Scot, lately slain in the king’s presence in the city of York ; certain lands in Eggeburgh, co. York ; the manor of Polyngton, in the same county ; the park of Vernoil, in the same county; certain lands in Hamelton and Halghton, in the same county; certain lands in Lyndeby, co. Nottingham ; and the manor of Gyngmounteny, CO. Essex: to have and to hold for the maintenance of herself and children for so long as the remainder of the said lands shall remain in the king’s hands, as the king wishes to shew her sjiecial grace. By K. oil the information of Richard de Lusteshull. To John de Hotham, Alexander de Cave, Roger de Grymmeston, and William Clarel, taxors and collectors in the county of York of the fifteenth of cities, boroughs, and royal demesnes. Order to deliver into the king’s wardrobe to Roger de Northburgh, keeper of the same, all the money of the said fifteenth in gross or in parcels as levied. To the sheriff of York. Order to pay to Giles de Tholosa, keeper of certain of the king’s horses in the parts of York, 20/. for the expenses of the said horses. By K. on the information of R. de Northburgh. Membrane 26. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to inspect the account rendered in the king’s wardrobe by Walter Waldeshef, when he was the king’s butler, for the custom of wines, to wit 2s. for every tun from merchant vintners of the duchy [of Aquitaine] and from those of the king’s realm who paid such custom, and to allow liim that account at the exchequer, and to correct anything therein that may require correction, Walter having complained that they exact an account from him at the exchequer, although he has accounted as above. To Master John Walcwayn, escheat or beyond Trent. Order to assign dower to Joan, late the wife of Robert Dakeny, tenant in chief, in the presence of Richard de Cave, tef whom the king committed the custody of two p.arts of the lands during the minority of the heir, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king’s licence. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause to be delivered to Joan, late the wife of Stephen de Brighmerstou, his goods and chattels, upon her finding mainpernors to answer to the king for the same at the next parliament if they ought to pertain to him as forfeitures, as the sheriffs of Southampton ami Wilts have done nothing in execution of the king’s order to deliver the same to her upon her finding security to answer for the same, although she often offered them sufficient security, as she has shown the king, which goods and chattels were taken into the king’s hands as Ibrfeited because her said husband, who was indicted of certain felonies and trespasses before Robert son of Payn and his fellows, justices of oymr and terminer in the above counties, remained mute and would not answer before them, wherefore ho was adjudged the pain, in which pain ho died. To the sheriffs of London. Order to pay, out of the fenn of the city, to the keeper of the king’s leopard in the tower of London the same wages 10 EDWARD 11. 363 1316. Sept. 1. York. Sept. 4. York. Sept. 5, York. Sept. 4. York. Sept. 7.* Beverley. Membrane 26 — cent. as Peter le Fevre of Montpellier, the late keeper, used to receive for its food {imtura'), and to pay to the present keeper his wages from the time of Peter’s death. To John de Hothum, Alexander de Cave, Roger de Grymeston, and William Clarel. Order to arrest any bailiff of the king or others who shall refuse to aid and counsel them in taxing and levying the fifteenth in the county of York, according to the king’s orders to the bailiffs and ministers of that county, as the king understands that certain bailiffs refuse to help them, and to certify the king of their names and of the manner of their neglect and contempt. \^Parl. Writs.~\ By K. and C. To Robert de Cliderhou, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to William de Ros, son and heir of William de Ros of Hamelak, tenant in chief, seisin of his father’s lands, in accordance with the king’s late order to deliver him seisin upon his finding security for payment of his relief, which order was issued although the inquisitions concerning his father’s lands had not been made and returned into chancery, according to custom, the escheator having delayed executing the order because William had not gone to him to make security for his relief. The king makes this order because he reputes the said lands sufficient security for the relief. To the collectors of the new custom of wool, hides, and wool-fells in the port of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Order to pay to the community of Berwick- on-Tweed, or to their attorney in this behalf, all the money in their posses- sion or that shall be first levied of the custom until they have been satisfied for the arrears of 101/. 5s. Id. due to them for victuals bought from them for the munition of the town, which sum the king has frequently ordered them to pay to the said community ; notwithstanding the king’s late order to cause all the money from the custom to be carried to the exchequer. By K. The like to the collectors of the said custom in the port of Hertelpool, for ])ayment of 50/. to Hugh de lloghton. To the sheriff of Leicester. Order to pay to Adam de Bray 10/. for the expenses of certain of the king’s horses in his custody. By K. To the sheriff of York. Order to deliver to the king’s serjeant Bernard de Lescar, making lance-heads {ferrea lanceai'U7)i) in York castle, and his two yeomen, their wages, to wit 4c?. a day to Bernard and 2d. each to tlie yeomen, from 29 August last for so long as they remain in the castle on this business. By K. on the information of Roger de Northburgh. To John de Grey, justice cf North Wales. Order to supersede the exe- cution of the king’s order to deliver to Robert de Iloland the lands that belonged to Griffin de la Pole in the marches of Wales, which the king granted to Robert to be held under a certain form, as the said lands are held of the king as of the crown of England and not of the principality of Wales. The king has ordered Master John Waleweyn, e.scheator beyond Trent, to deliver the said land to Robert. By p.s. [3724.] John Bolle, in Exeter gaol fer the death of Thomas Tippecountc, has letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail him until the first assis'e. To Robert de Umframvill, earl of Anegos, keeper of the Forest this side Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Order to deliver Ellen, wife of Robert Cademan of Skelton, from York prison, where she is imprisoned upon an indictment for harbouring Thomas her son, indicted for trespass of venison in the forest of Galtres, in bail to twelve mainpernors, who shall undertake to have her before the justices in eyre for pleas of the Forest when they next eome to those ptarts. * The privy seal is dated 6 September. 3(M CALEXDAK OF CLOSE ROLLS. 131 (). Sopt. 10. Beverley. Sept. 12. Beverley. Aug. .31. York. Oct. 1. York. Sept. 19. York. Sept. 20. York. Membrane 20 — cent. To the sheriff of Bedford and Buekingliara. Order to pay to Giles do Arpuche, keeper of certain of the king’s horses, 40/. for the expenses of the said horses. By K. To Robert de Barton, keeper of the king’s manors of Penreth and Soiireby. Order to expend uj) to 20 marks in repairing the mills of the manors, wliich were burnt by the Scoteh rebels. By C. To the keeper of the Forest this side Trent, or to him who supplies his place in the forest of Ingelwode. Order to deliver to ihe aforesaid Robert 20 oaks fit for timber. By K. To the sheriff of Cambridge and Huntingdon. Order to cause the corn and victuals that the king lately ordered him to buy and provide and send to Berwick-on-Tweed for the maintenance of the king and his men about to set out for Scotland, to be taken to Lynn and delivered to the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, whom the king has ordered to receive the said corn and victuals and to carry them to Newcastle-on-Tyne, as the bailiwick of the sheriff of Cambridge and Huntingdon is far distant from the sea ports for carrying the same by water to Berwick. IMandate in pursuance to the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. To .John de la Beche and Ralph de Bereford, keepers of the bishopric of Winchester, void and in the king’s hands. Order to cause the prior and conv-ent of St. Swithin’s, Winchester, to have 20Z. of the issues of St. Giles’s fair without Winchester, they having shewn the king that the keepers detain that sum from them, although they have been wont to re- ceive it yearly in times past, as well when the see was filled as when it was void. To the collectors of the custom of wool, hides, and wool-fells in the port of Kingeston-on-Hull. Order to pay to John de Sandale, elect of Win- chester, 28/. Is. Of/., which he has paid for the king to Henry de Oggill, soldier (soldario) at arms of the garrison of Berwick-on-Tweed, which the king owed him for recompence for a black horse lost in the king’s service at Haldham Stok in Febru.ary, in the eighth ye.ar of his reign, appraised for himself at 1005., .and 18/. 0.«. If/, for the arrears of his wages whilst in garri- son there, as .appears by an account made with him in the king’s chamber at Berwick for the eighth and ninth years of his reign ; and for recompence for a black horse lost in the king’s service, appraised for himself at 8 marks, as ap|)ears by two bills under the seal of ollice of the chamberlain of Scot- land. By K. Membrane 25. To Ralph de Monte Hermerii, keeper of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to deliver .John de Whethales, inij)risoned at Shrewsbury for tre.spass of vert and venison in Cannock {de ('annoco) forest, in bail to twelve mainpernors to have him before the justices for Forest pleas when they next come to those parts. To John Giffard of Brimmesfeld, keeper of iJie lands of Glamorgan. Whereas the king lately ordered him to clioosc 1,000 footmen in those parts for the Scotch w.ai-, and to send them to the king in the northern parts, and to pay them their wages out of the issues of his bailiwick from the day when they left Glamorgan until they reached Chester, and to [)ay to the king’s clerk Hugh de Bewyk 97/. 175. He/, for their wages from Chester until they joined the king, to wit for seven d.ays; which sum the said John providtul elsewhere because he could not at that time have it from Ihe issues of his bailiwick : the king wills that he shall receive the aforesaid wages and the 10 EDWARD II. 305 1316. Sept. 25. York. Sept. 19. York. Sept. 25. York. Sept. 26. York. Sept. 25. York. Membrane 25 — cont. aforesaid 97/. 17s. 8c/. from the issuer, of his bailiwick received and to be received. By K. To J. bishop of LlandafF. The king Iiears tliat many outlaws and other malefactors go to his church of Llandaff and dwell there, and are harboured there, and that they leave it and return to it at their will, committing robberies and other damages in those parts, principally because no guard is placed upon them when they have entered the church as ought to be done ; the king orders the bishop to have consideration to the fact that these pro- ceedings are to the breach of the king’s peace, and that the malefactors turn his chui’ch into a den of thieves, and to cause a sufficient guard of his men to be put upon the said malefactors when they have once entered the church to enjoy its immunity. To Alexander de Cave and John de Hothum. Order to arrest any of the king’s or other persons’ bailiffs in the East Riding (in Estrithingo) of York who shall refuse to aid and counsel them in taxing and collecting the sixteenth in the East Riding; the king, who ordered all bailiffs and ministers to aid them in this matter, understanding that certain bailiffs refuse to assist them. They are to certify the king of the names of those who so refuse, and to cause them to be arrested, and of the manner of their negligence, etc. [Par/. JVrits.'\ To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to inter- meddle further with the manors of Huntingdon and Bentsted, and a rent of 100s. yearly in Estlenham, taken into the king’s hands upon the death of John de Lenham the elder, tenant in chief, and to restore the issues of the same, as it appears by inquisition that he and his wife Margaret held them jointly at his death of the gift of John de Lenham the younger, knight, for the term of their lives, and that the manor of Huntingdon and the rent are held of the archbishop of Canterbury by knight service, and the manor of Bent- sted of the said John de Lenham the younger by the service of a rose yearly. To the same. Like order concerning the manor of La Case, as it appears by inquisition that John de Lenham the elder and his wife Margaret and their son Ralph held it jointly at his death of the gift of .John de Marleye for the term of their lives and of the life of Ralph, son and heir of Ralph, and that the manor is held of the bishop of Rochester by the service of l0^. yearly and suit of court from three weeks to three weeks. To Rog(T Dammory, keeper of the castle and honour of Knaresburgh. Order to deliver at the wardrobe to Roger de Northhurgh, keeper of the same, the 200/. that he ought to pay at the exchequer at Michaelmas for the ferm of the castle and honour, for the expenses of the king’s household. By K. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause a tally to be levied and delivered to Roger Daniory, keeper of the castle and honour of Knaresburgh, for 200/. of the ferm of the castle and honour paid by him by the king’s order to Roger de Northburgh, keeper of the wardrobe, for the expenses of the king’s household. By K. To William de Ayrcmynne, rector of the church of Weremuth. Request that he will deliver to Stephen le Blound, receiver of the king’s victuals at Newcastle-on-Tyne, the wheat, oats, and all other corn at the said church at a reasonable price, as the king needs corn and other victuals for [the main- tenance] of himself and his subjects about to set out for the Scotch marches, making an indenture with Stephen witnessing the number of quarters of corn and the price thereof, for which the king will cause him to be satisfied without delay. By C. CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. .3(K> 1316. Sept. 26. York. Sppt. 25. Y’ork. .Sept. 28. York. Sept. 26. York. Sept. 28. York. Sept. .30. Y'ork. Membrane 25 — cont. To the abbot and convent of St. blary’s, Yoi-k, Request that they will grant to Ellen de Monte Gomeri, who is of good birth {atent, deducting therefrom the yearly value of the lands that she holds in England, which is to be determined by the treasurer and barons, to whom the king has written for this purpose, the king having agreed, with the assent of his council, that she shall receive the above sum yearly, minus the value of the lands held by her. By K. and C. To Warin de Insula, constable of Wyndcsore castle. Order to repair the houses, tower, walls, atid britlgcs of that castle, with the stable and wall of the garden without the castle, and the houses and walls of the manor of Kenyngton with the paling and wall about the park. Dec. 13. Clipston. 10 EDWARD II. 381 1316. Dec. 13. Clipston. Doc. 16. Clipston. Dec. 17. Clipston. Dec. 17. Clipston. Dec. 6. Scrooby. Membrane 19 — cont. To the same. Order to pay to Roger de Wyndesore, porter of both gates of the castle, 4e?. daily ; to Roger de Wyndesore, one of the viewers of the king’s works, 2d. a day ; to Alexander le Peyntour, another viewer of the king’s W’orks, 2d. a day; to four watchmen of the castle 2c?. a day each ; to Adam the gardener of the king’s garden without the castle 2^d. a day : being tlieir wages and stipends from Michaelmas last until next Michaelmas. To the same. Order to pay to Ralph de la More, to whom the king has granted the office of clerk of the king’s works in the castle, the same wages as John de Spigesworth used to receive when he held that office. To the same. Order to pay to Robert de Wodeham, to whom the king has granted the bailiwick of the forestry that Walter de Wodeham his brother had in his lifetime in the forest of Wyndesore, the same wages as Walter used to receive when he held that office. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver to Robert de Welle and Matilda his wife, late the wife of Robert cle Clifford, tenant in chief, a third of a tenement in Fletestrete in the suburbs of London, of the yearly value of lOOi., which belonged to her late husband and of which she has not been dowered. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of William de Lodelowe, and to restore the issues of the same, ns it appears by inquisition that he held nothing of the king in chief at liis death by reason whereof the custody of his lands should pertain to the king, except the manor of Hodinet with its members, which he held in chief as of the honour of Montgomery by serjeanty and by the service of being steward of that honour, and that Matilda his wife was enfeoffed thereof jointly with him by the late king’s licence and by fine levied in his court, and that she peacefully continued her seisin until his death. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver to Matilda, late the wife of William de Lodelowe, the manor of Ilodinet with its members, the manor of Westbury and the townships of Whelbache and Mostoii, Boulwas, Peppelowe, and Langeford, and the issues thereof, taken into the ki ng’s hands upon her husband’s death, as it appears by inquisition that she was enfeoffed thereof jointly with her husband by William de Ilodinet, to have to them and the heirs of their bodies, and that she peacefully continued her seisin thereof until her husband’s death, and that the manor of Ilodinet and members is held of the king in chief as of the honour of Montgomery by serjeanty and the service of being steward of the honour, and that the manor of Westbury and the aforesaid townships are held of divers other lords : provided that she come to the king before Michaelmas next to do fealty for the manor of Ilodinet and its members. 'I'he king issues this oi’dei- because he compassionates her state, she being incapacitated for work at [)resent by bodily inlirmity. To the same. Oi'der to deliver to Elizabeth, late the wife of Theobald de Verdun, tenant in cliief, the following of his lamls, which the king has assigned to her as ilower : the manor of Neubold, co. Leicester, of the yearly value of 4/. 5s. ; the manor of Luttreworth, in the same county, of the yearly value of 14/. 3.s\ 7(/. ; certain lands in Cotesbech, in the same county, of the yearly value of 70s. 7d. ; the manor of P’arnham and the hamlet of Sere, co. Buckingham, of the yearly value of 26/. 13s. Hr/. ; the manor of Braundon, with members and appurtenances, co. M arwick, of the yearly value of 71. 17s. %d. ; 40s. of yearly rent from Walter Comyn, tenant of the hamlet of Eleckenho, in that county ; the 382 (’ALENDAK OF CLOSE ROLLS. 131G. Dec. 20. Clipstoii. Dec. 15. Clipston. Dec. 20. Clipston. Dec. 22. Clipston. ]i)ec. 18. Clipston. Dec. IG. Clipston. Membrane 19 — cont. liamlet of Gretfofd, in the same county, of the yearly value of 25s. ; the manor of Stoke Verdun, co. Wilts, of the yearly value of 4/. 4^. ‘Id.-, certain lands in Wyvelesford, in the same county, of the yearly value of 39 a’. 1 \ \d. To tlie chamberlain of South Wales. Order to cause the passage of Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wygemore, who is going to Ireland on the king’s service with a great number of horsemen and footmen, to be defrayed out of the issues of his bailiwick in all things, making an indenture with him or with some one whom he shall depute concerning the costs of the passage, the king having appointed his clerk John de Norton to provide for this purpose twenty great ships in the parts of Bristol and the neighbouring parts, so that the ships be at Haverford in Wales at the Purification next, ready and prepared to set out on this service. By K. \_Fcedern.'\ To tlie sheriff of Cumberland. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Hugh son of Adam, deceased. Membrane 18. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent, Order to permit Roger Ingelberd, James Jordan, Margaret de Staynton, and John son of John Cokerel, a minor in the king’s wardship, kinsmen and co-heirs of Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of Roger de Scotre, tenant in chief, to liave the advowson of the church of Oxcumbe, in the king’s hands on account of Elizabeth’s death, who died whilst a minor in the king’s wardship, the king having made partition- thereof between tliem, to wit that they shall each present thereto in rotation in the order above given. To W. bishop of Exeter. Order to pay, out of the money of the tenth of the clergy in his diocese, 220/. to Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wyggemor, in part payment of 2,000/. that he ought to receive from the king for the wages of certain men-at-arms about to set out in his company to Ireland. By K. and 0. The like to the following ; The bishop of Winchester for 300/. The bishop of Bangor for 40/. The bishop of Hereford for 260/. The bishop of Llandaft’ for 100/. The bishop of St. Asaph for 60/. The bishop of St. Davids for 120/. To the taxors and collectors of the sixteenth in the county of Worcester. Order to pay 200/. to the said Roger. By K. and C. J'he like to the taxors and collectors in the county of Hereford for 200/. The like to the taxors and collectors in the county of Salop for 100/. To John de Bello Campo. Order to cause John Taleniache and Ralph Talcinache to be released from Winchester [)riHon, wdierein they are detained on account of their indictment before him and William de Harden and John Handolf, whom the king appointed justices to keep his peace in the county of Southampton, for breaking the park of Waltham whilst in the king’s wardship by reason of the voidance of the bishopric of Winchester after the death of Henry, the late bishop, upon their finding mainpernors to have them before the king or his justices to answer concerning the same if tiie king or anyone else will speak against them. To llie bailiff of Holderncsse. Order to deliver to Stephen Frankys a^ul Hawysia his wife a nu'ssuage and a bovate of land, for which they made fine in the court of the king’.s manor of Brustwyk after the death of the wife of an ancestor of Hawysia, which wife was afterwards married to Peter Rira, of which messuage and bovate Steplien and Hawysia were 10 EDWARD II. 383 1316. Dec. 20. Clipston. Doc. 18. Clipstou. Doc. 15. Clipston. Doc. 20. Nottingham, Membrane 18 — cont. seised until Robert de Dalyngho, bailiff of that court, unjustly expelled them therefrom and delivered the messuage and bovate to the aforesaid Peter, to be held by Stephen and Hawysia in bondage according to the custom for the heirs of the first husbands that the king ordered him to cause to be observed in that manor, saving to Peter his costs in sowing the said land, as it was found by inquisitions, taken by the king’s order on account of the dissensions between certain of his bonds (bondis) of that manor concerning two customs lately arisen in that manor, to wit whether second husbands ought to hold after the death of their wives the tenements of the first husbands, or whether the heirs of the first husbands after the death of the wives so married to second husbands ought to be admitted to make fine for such tenements, that the heirs of the first husbands ought to be so admitted to make fine for their ancestors’ tenements, if they come soon after the wives’ death, and are able to do the services therefor due, and that otherwise they are not to be admitted to make fine. By C. To Henry de Wylington, steward of Cornwall. Order to cause Anthony Pessaygne of Genoa or Robert Usus Maris, his attorney in this behalf, to receive 2,000 marks of the issues of that county, as well from the stamping of tin (de cuneo) as from other sources, notwithstanding any previous orders to levy the issues in any other manner for the king’s use, the king having assigned the issues to Anthony until he should be satisfied for the above sum, which he undertook on the king’s behalf to pay to Amadeus, count of Savoy, as soon as the count did fealty to the king, which sum was in arrear to the count for the yearly fee of 200 marks for the king’s reign, granted to him by the late king for the count’s homage to him for a certain castle in Savoy, which arrears the king promised to pay the count on condition that he should do fealty to the king’s envoys, whom the king will shortly send to the pope, and that he should come to the king in person to do homage for the aforesaid cjvstle with all possible speed. To the treasurer, barons of the exchequer, and chamberlains. Order to cause full payment to be made to Manant Francisci for 700 (pjarters of wheat that he agreed with certain of the king’s council to j.>i()vide and carry to Sandwich for the Scotch war, supplying nine bushels for one quarter and twenty-one quarters for twenty, each quarter at 13s., notwithstanding that he has not fulfilled the agreement, he having delivered 700 quarters at eight bushels to the quarter and twenty-one quarters for twenty, as the king has remitted the ninth bushel of the quarter in consideration of the great scarcity (caristiam) of corn that arose in England after the agreement was made. By C. To Edward, earl of Chester, and to his justice there, and to him who supplies the place of the ju.sticc. Order to supersede until the coming of age of dohn, son and lieir of Urian de Sancto Petro, tenant in chief, a minor in the king’s hands, or until further orders, the holding of the pleas in that cotinty on the writ of entry sued out against him by William sou of Hugh de Ridclegh concerning a messuage, a garden, 12 acres of laud, and a moiety of an .acre of meadow in Spurstowe, Ridelegh, and Ilalghton, and on a writ of novel disseisin against the aforesaid John and others named in the original writ of the ear) concerning tenements in the same towns to be pleaded before them in that county, as his lands are in tlie king’s hands during his minority, they having been taken into the king’s hands whilst that county was in his hands. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to supersede until further orders the execution of the king’s late order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Andrew Iluraunt, issued because the king was given to 384 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 131G. Dec. 30. Clipston. Dec. 29. Nottingham. Dec. 28. Nottingham. 1317. •Tan. 4. Clipston. Membrane. 18 — cont. un(ler.stanfl that he was insufficiently qualified, as the king now learns from tru.stworthy testimony that he is sufficiently qualified and fit for the said office, and to enjoin him to intend to that office. Mtindate in pursuance to the said Andrew. To the sheriffs of London. Order to arrest goods of the merchants of Luhyk to the value of 80/., and to guard the same safely until Hugh de Wygorn[ia], citizen of London, have been satisfied for that amount and the damages sustained by him, the king having, on his complaint that he lately sold at London certain of his wares to Henry de Hacthorp [and] John Stater, Germans {Teutonicis), of the town of Luhyk for 80/. to be paid to him at certain terms now elapsed, and that they secretly left the realm and returned to Lubyk without paying him, requested the burgomasters, aldermen and bailiffs of Lubyk to compel the said Henry and .John, if found within their power, to satisfy Hugh or his attorney bringing the king’s letter, as the burgomasters, aldermen and bailiffs failed to do justice herein, although the aforesaid Henry was then present in their town, as appears by the letters patent of the mayor and community of the city of London. To the keeper of the manor of Clarendon. Order to cause the hall, chambers, and other houses and the wells within the manor to be repaired without delay by the view and testimony of the sheriff of Wilts, as the king intends coming thither within a month by the counsel of his faithful sub- jects )iow assisting him from the northern parts, which he has long bur- dened by his stay therein. By K. on the information of the ti’easurer. To the taxors and collectors of the sixteenth in the aforesaid county. Order to pay to the said keeper up to 100 marks in aid of the above repairs. To the keeper [of the Forest] beyond Trent, or to him who supplies his place in the forest of Claryngdon. Order to cause the aforesaid keeper to have 100 oaks fit for timber for the above purpose. To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to supervise the above repairs in person or by some one in whom he can confide, and to hasten the same. ,To John de Crombwell, keeper of the Forest this side Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Order to cause measurement up to 20 acres to be made in Ralph de Crumbwell’s wood of Lameleye, within the bounds of Shirewode forest, and to permit him to fell the trees growing thereon, and to sell and carry the same whither he will, the king having granted him permission to do so in consideration of the losses incurred by him in the king’s service in Scotland. By p.s. Membrane 17. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to intermeddle further with the abbey of Eynesham or with anything i)er- taining thereto, as .T. bisliop of Lincoln has given the king to uiuhu-stand that the escheator has taken into the king’s hands the tenq)oralities of tlie abbey on account of the death of Adam tlic late abbot, as if the abbey were of the king’s advowson, the late king having, on June 1, in the 35th year of his reign, orde7ed Walter de Gloucestre, then escheator beyond Trent, not to intermeddle further witli the abbey or anything j)er1aining to it by reason of the death of tlie late abbot, because it was found by the record and iirocess of a suit before Solomon de Koff’ and his fellows, liis justices in eyre in the county of Oxford, by writ of right between him and Oliver, late bisho]) of Lincoln, concerning the advowson of the abbey, that the bishop had greater right therein than the king. 10 EDWARD ir. 385 1317. Jan. 1. Nottingham. 1316. Doc. 30. Clip.stou. Membrane 17 — cent. To the sheriffs of London. At the suit of Gauselin Pagani and Reymund his brother, setting out that whereas they lately caused a ship called ‘/a Mariot ’ of Goseford to be laden at Bordeaux with 45 tuns and one pipe of wine, and 22 barrels of wheat, price 300/. sterling, for the purpose of bringing the same to this realm to trade therewith, certain malefactors took the ship by force and arms whilst lying at Les Dunes, near the port of Sandwich, and laden with the said wine, wheat, and other goods of dirers merchants, and carried away at their pleasure the wine, wheat, and other goods, the king commanded Robert de Kendale, constable of Dover castle and -warden of the Cinque Ports, to enquire by the oaths of merchants and others who were guilty of carrying away the aforesaid goods and of other circumstances con- cerning the same ; by -whicli inquisition it -was found that the said ship, whereof Richard Pynsweyn was master, laden with 109 tuns and 14 pipes of wine, price G96/. sterling, each tun at 6/., and 77 quarters of wheat, price 77/., each quarter at 20^., and 16 quarters of wheaten flour, price 16/., was anchored at Les Dunes near the port of Sandwich within the king’s power, and that certain malefactors of the power of the count of Flanders, by the maintenance and assent of the count and all the community of Flanders, assaulted the master and mariners of the ship by force and arms at the said place, and took and carried away to Le Swyne, within the count’s powcj', the ship and her tackle, price 100/. sterling, together with the beds, robes, armour, coffer.', silver cups, and other jewels of the aforesaid merchants and mariners to the value of 20/. sleiling, to the damage of the said merchants of 80/. over the aforesaid sums ; of which wines, wheat, and flour* 15 tuns and one pipe of wine belonged to Gauselin and Reymund, and 62 tuns to Grimoard Cardon’, the wheat to Laurence de ilolyn, and the rest of the wine, wheaten flour and other goods to the master and mariners, as Gauselin and Reymund have acknowledged before the king’s council ; the king, wishing to aid Gauselin and Reymund in the recovery of the said 45 tuns and one pipe of wine, which are api)rai.sed at 273/., and of 30/. 14s. 0(/. of their portion of the said sum of 80/. for damages, orders the sherifT to arrest goods of the men of the count’s power and of the community of Flanders to the value of the aforesaid 303/. 14.«. 0^/., and to cause them to be safely kept until Gauselin ane made to him, the king having granted to him that sum from the custodies and marriages coming to the king’s hands from Michaelmas, in the ninth year of the reign, in addition to the 1,000 marks yearly that he received for the custody of the town of Berwick on-'I'wced. To the chamberlain of Kaermerd^'u. Order to audit the accounts of John ^de Cherltou for the expenses incurred about (he provisioning and repairing of the castle of Buelt, held by him of the king at ferm, and to cause allowance for the same to be made to him in his ferm, the king having ordered him by divers writs to provision the same and to cause the houses, walls, and ditches thereof to be repaired out of his ferm. By K. To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause Robert de Sancto Claro, kinsman and heir of Robert de Sancto Claro, tenant in chief of the late king, to liaA'e seisin of the deceased’s lands, as he has proved his age before the escheator, and the king has taken his homage for the lands of the said Robert, his grandfather. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the abbot of Glastonbury’s moor called ‘ Seggemore,’ the escheator having certified (he king, in answer to the king’s order to certify him of the cause of his taking the same into the king’s hands, that all dwelling near the moor who could have access thereto ought to common therein at all times of the year with all their beasts, and that a certain abbot of (llastonbury, thirty years ago, caused abmit 40 acres to be enclosed in his o^vn soil of the aforesaid moor, and approved the same, and that the escheator took the 40 acres into the king’s luinds because they had come into mortmain by this approvement and enclosure, and that he found that the abbot made iinparkment in divers places of the rest of the moor, and hindered the commoners from (heir common, .and that the escheator had taken a simj)le scusin (hereof, because by so hindering the common the abbot drew (he same to him in severalty in the said places as in mortmain ; which cause the king esteems in- sufficient. 10 EDWARD ir. 395 1317 . Feb. 16. Clarendon. Feb. 18. Clarendon. Feb. 15. Clarendon. Membrane 13 — cont. To Simon de Monte Acuto and John de Erie. Order to command the sheriff of Somerset to stay until Whitsuntide next the execution of their order to arrest brother John Cheverer, prior of Montacute, brother Stephen, late prior of the same, Ro^er de Criche, sub-prior, brother Philip, chamberlain, brother Peter de la Douse and brother William de Beamen, monks of the same, Peter de Gyseby, William Wayne, and John de Gar- uereyns, which order Simon and John issued because they were indicted before them for taking corn, victuals, and armour to the Scots, the said Simon and John having been appointed by the king to enquire in the county of Somer.set concerning the taking of corn, victuals, and armour to the Scots, and to arrest all whom they found guilty thereof. By K. on the information of W. [de Monte] Acuto. To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Cicely, late the wife of Robert de Ufford, tenant in chief, the advowson of the church of Ufford, co. Suffolk, of the yearly value of 10 marks, which the king has assigned to her as dower of her husband’s advowsons. To the same. Order to deliver to the said Cicely a third of three parts of a knight’s fee in Ufford, which part Petronilla de Holebrok holds, and which is of the yearly value of 26s. 8r/., the king having assigned the same to her as dower of her husband’s knights’ fees. To Robert de Sapy, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Esshton, and to restore the issues of the same, as it appears by inquisition that John son of Robert de Esshton and Athelina, his wife, were jointly enfeoffed thereof by Thomas son of William Greyndorge by fine levied in the king’s court, and that Athelina peacefully continued lier joint-seisin thereof until her husband’s death, and that the manor is held by knight service of the heir of Robert de Clifford, tenant in chief, a minor in the king’s wardship). Membrane 12. To Robert de Sapy, escheator beyond 'frent. Order not to intermeddle furtiier with 14 acres of meadow of Adam son of Robert son of Ralph Godard in Horton in Ribbelesdale, as Robert de Cliderhou, late escheator beyond Trent, certified, by an imjuisition returned by him into chancery, that Ralph Godard, grandfather of the said Adam, was at one time seisecl of the said meadow in his demesne as of fee, and that he was indicted before John Biron, then sheriff of York, in his tourn in the ivapentake of Yuccros, for the theft of an ox, and that Ralph thereupon fled, and that the abbot of .Tervaux, as chief lord, seised the said meadow into his hands, and held the same until Richard Oysel, the late king’s escheator beyond Trent, seised the meadow into the late king’s hands, because it was found by an inquisi- tion that the abbot entered the meadow after the publication of the statute of mortmain without the late king’s licence, by reason whereof the meadow is still in the king’s hands, and that Ralph afterwards returned and died unconvicted in the peace of the late king ; and the king ordered the present escheator to enquire further concerning the meadow, by whose inquisition it appears that Ralph died in the late king’s peace unconvicted of the theft of an ox whereof he was indicted, or of any other felony, and that Adam son of Robert son of Ralph, kinsman of the aforesaid Adam {sic), is his neare.st heir and is aged 22 years, and that the meadow is held of the abbot of Jervaux by the service of 1|(/. yearly, and that the meadow was taken into the late king’s hands for the reasons above stated and for no other reasons, and that the abbot of Jervaux was summoned to be present at the inquisition, and that he did not appear. CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. :5')(; 1317. Feb. 23. Claieuilou. Feb. 27. Clarendon. Feb. 28. Clarendon. Feb. 24. Clarendon. ]\ larch 2. Clarendon. Alarcb 13. Winchester. Feb. 17. Clarendon. Membrane 12 — cont. To John (le Crumbwell, keeper of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to deliver Nicholas de Kirkeby, in the kinfr’s prison of Carlisle for trespass of veni.son in the forest of Ingelvvode, to twelve mainpernors, who shall under- take to h.ave him before the justices in eyre for forest pleas in the county of Cumberland when they next came to those parts. To llervey de Stanton, John de Insula, and John Abel, or two of them. Order to intend to the taking of an intpiisition to he taken before them and other barons of the exchequer in the exchequer between John Gytfard of Boy ton and Katherine Giffard concerning a deed said to have been made at Barwe, co. Suffolk, the making whereof .John Giffard denied iu the exchequer, the taking of which is adjourned until the morrow of the close of Easter, unless meanwhile the abovesaid Ilerv^ey, John, and John, or two of them, come to those parts, as the taking thereof suffers great delay on account of the absence of the witnesses named in the deed. They are to fix a day for taking the same, and to stay in those parts, and to continue the process from day to day so far as it may be done according to the taw and custom of the realm this side the aforesaid morrow, so that the inquisition be taken by all means before that date. By p.s. To Master John AValewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to the sub-prior and convent of the priory of Bilsyngton the custody of the priory and its possessions, which he has taken into the king’s hands upon the death of John, the late prior, and to restore 'the issues of the same, as John Maunsel, the founder, in his foundation charter ordained that the sub-prior and convent should have the ousto ' of the priory upon the death or amoval of the prior, which charter was confirmed by Henry HI. To the sheriff’ of Essex. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Henry Gernet, as the king coi}siders that the truth of the complaints made against him cannot be fully inquired into whilst he fills that office, he having appointed certain of his subjects to hear and deter- mine such complaints. By p.s. [4044.] To the treasurer and barons of tb'' exchequer. Order to acquit the seneschal and burgesses of the town of D' ag.'da, of the parts of Meath {Midie) in Ireland, of 30/. due from them at the fc..chequer for divers particulars, the king having pardoned them the same at their request, in consideration of the great expenses incurreil by them about the repaii iug and provisioning of that town. By K. To the justiciary, chancellor, and treasurer of Ireland. Order to permit such burgesses and merchants of Droghda as the steward and bailiffs of the same will inainpern for under their letters patent that they will not take corn, victuals, or other goods to the Scots or other enemies of the king, and that they will not communicate with such enemies, to go to England and Wales with su'^h corn, victuals, and goods to trade there with the same, notwithstanding the king’s late proclamation prohibiting any one taking corn, victuals, or other goods Out of Ireland, the king wishing to shew favour to the burgesses and merchants of Droghda bee ruse they cannot trade in that country, as the Scotch rebels, who invaded that land, are very near to their town. By K. To John de Crumbwell, keeper of the Forest beyond Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Order to deliver 'J'homas ‘of the Lyinkilnc,’ in Carlisle jirison fur trespass of venison in the forest of Ingelwode, to 12 mainpernors who shall undertake to iiave him before the justices of forest pleas when they next come to those parts. To the keepers of thestannaries (stannariarum) in tiie counties of Cornwall and Devon. Order to deliver to Stephen de Abyndon, the king’s butler, 10 EDWARD II. 397 1317 . March 20. Clarendon. March 10. Clarendon. March 22. Clarendon. March 2.3. Clarendon. March 31. Clarendon. March 25. Clarendon. April 1. Clarendon. Membrane 12 — cont. or to his attorney in this behalf, th“ issues of the stamping (coignagium) of tin as soon as Anthony Pessaign’ ui Glenoa have been satisfied for the assignment that he has upon the same, anu to admit Stephen or his attorney to the custody of the .stamping together with the keepers, the king having granted the issues to Stephen in manner above stated, to be received by him during the king’s pleasure, so that he .shall receive them to make provision of wines that he is charged to make for the ex[)enses of the king’s household, and that he shall not be amoved thence for anything except by the king’s special order. By p.s. [4013.] Membr^je 11. To the sheriff of Jc’-k. Order to pay to the king’s yeomen John de Jakesle, Richard de Lode.owe, and .John du Chastel, staying at York castle for the custody and repair of the king’s tents, and to William de la Garderobe, staying therein for the custody of the king’s arms, their wages from when he received his office, to wit John de Jakesle Gd. daily, Richard 4J. daily, John du Chastel od. daily, and William Ad. daily, and to continue to pay the same. By K. on the information of Roger de Northburgh. To the justiciary of Ireland. Order to deliver to Nicholas de Verdon and Michael his brother the remainder of the lands of Theobald de Verdon, tenant in chief in Irek*’ '.d in the king’s hands during the minority of the heir, after dower thereot have been assigned to Elizabeth, late the wife of Theobald, and after 100/. of land yearly or rent have been delivered to Richard Tuyt and 20/. yearly of land or rent have been delivered to Walter de la Pulle by the king’s grant, the king having granted the custody of the residue of Theobald’s lands to Nicholas and Michael on 7 October last to hold during the heir’s minority, rendering therefor the extent of the same to the exchequer of Dublin, and to deliver to them the issues of the same since the said 7 October, as the justiciary has delayed delivering them the custody because the above assignments were not yet made. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause inquisitions to be made concern- ing homicides, robbeiies, fires, and other damages committed in that county, and to arrest all persons found guilty thereof by the inquisitions, and of whom there is notorious suspicion, the king being given to understand that such excesses are perpetrated by day and by night, and that the malefactors who commit them extort grievous ransoms from certain men of those jjarts. By C. To the chamberlain of North Wales. Order to pay to John Cycouns 30/. j’carly, in accordance with the king’s grant to him of that sum for life at the exchequer of Karnarvan, made in consideration of the good service of William Cycouns bis father to the late king and his own good service to the king. Stephen le Ilosierc of Berkyng and Margaret his wife came before the king, on Thursday after the Annunciation, and sought to replevy their land in Berkyng, taken into the king’s hands for their default bef ore the justices of the Bench against Ralph Aubyn. This is signified to the justices. Cancelled, because otherxoise on the dorse. To Ma.ster John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order not to distrain Augustine de Wyxebrigge for homage for the manor of Latton, co. Essex, and the advowson of the priory of Latton, which are held of the king in chief, as the king has taken his homage. By K. on the information of Richard de Ayrcm[ynn]. To the sheriff of York. Order to supersede the exaction at his next county [court], to be held in Easter week, of John Brettcvill, Geoffrey .398 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1317 . April 1. Clareuilon. March 26. Clarendon. March 22. Clarendon. Membrane 1 1 — coni. Lewyn, Sampson Peytevyn, Hugh Ilauquyn, Peter Hauquyn, Henry Hauquyn, Thomas ■118 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1317. J Illy G. Koi’thunij)ton. July 6. Northampton. June 26. Woodstock. Membrane 3 — cont. unwilling that such consjiiracy, in which no trespass of the king’s peace is alleged, shall he heard elsewhere than before him or his justices of the Bench, according to the statute of conspiracies. By p.s. [4281.] Mandate in pursuance to the sheriff of Hertford. To the bailiffs of Great Yarmouth. Whereas ^yilliam, count of Hainault, Holland, and Zeeland, and lord of Friesland, lately ordained, wiih the assent of his subjects, that 1,300/. due from him to Walter le Keu of Lincoln and his fellows, Richard Wake and .John Wype and their fellows, and to Robert Elys, should be levied from the merchants, fishers, and mariners of his power wheresoever found in the towns or seaports of England, to wit from each ship bringing herring and fish upon her first coming to England once a year 20s., and from every other ship bringing other wares at all times of the year when she newly comes to England 10^. sterling, and from the goods contained in her an equal portion for each pound’s worth, and that Robert and the others should be satisfied therefrom, as fully contained in the count’s letters to the king ; and now, after some altercations before the king in chancery between the count’s attorneys and the aforesaid Robert concerning the parti- culars of the aforesaid debt, the king has appointed the aforesaid Walter and Henry Rudbudel, the count’s attorneys, and the afore.said Robert with others to make collection as above from the ships and to take the twentieth penny of the value of the goods found in the ships : the king orders the bailiffs to permit them to collect the above sums, and to aid and counsel them in doing so, notwithstanding any grant made to the bailiffs that ships, herrings, fish, wine, corn, or other victuals should not be arrested at any one’s suit in their town until a certain time. The like to the bailiffs of the Tolbothe of Lenne. To Master John Walewayu, escheator this side Trent. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of Robert de Acton, and to restore the issues of the same, as it appears by inquisition that he held nothing of the king in chief at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands should pertain to the king. To the same. Order to assign dower to Isabella, late the wife of William le Coynt, tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king’s licence. To the same. Order to deliver to Roger Dammory and Elizabeth his, wife, late the wife of Theobald de Verdon, tenant in chief, the following of Theo- bald’s knights’ fees, which the king has assigned to her in dower : two fees in Brantingthorp and Betling, co. Leicester, which the abbot of Muryval holds, of the yearly value of 100^.; a quarter of a fee in Shalhewell, in the same county, which William Fyton holds, of the yearly value of 205.; an eighth of a fee in Thorp, near Lilleburn and Bildestou, in the same county, ' which Walter Chaynel holds, of the yearly value of 205. ; a sixth of a fee in Little Assheb}’, in the same county, which John de Folevill holds, of the yearly value of 205. ; a sixth of a fee in Fleckeneye, in the same county, which John Yvon and other free tenants hold, of the yearly value of 205. ; a quarter of a fee in Stanton Harald, in the same county, which the heirs of Elias do Stanton hold, of the yearly value of 205. ; a quarter of a fee in Wortington, in the same county, of the yearly value of 205. ; a moiety of a fee in Burton Overay, in the same county, which the heirs of Robert de Normanvill hold, of the yearly value of 405. ; a fee in Nouesloye, in the same county, of the vearly value of 1005.; a fee in Suth Stoke, in the county of Salop, which the heirs of William de Lodelawe hold, of the yearly value of 6/ ; a moiety of a fee in Eton, in the same county, which William de Haselshavve holds, of the yearly value of 41 . ; a moiety of a fee in Alverton and Hoji[o], in the same county, which the tenants in those towns hold. 10 EDWARD II. 419 1317. Membrane 3 — cont. of the yearly value of 60s, ; a quarter of a fee iti Morton, in the same county, which Hugh cle Say bolds, of the yearly value of 20s. ; a fee in Assheho and Caldecote, co. Warwick, which the heirs of Geoffrey de Symely hold, of the yearly value of Al . ; a moiety of a fee in Wolframcote, in the same county, which Robert de Langele hokls, of the yearly value of 60s. ; a moiety of a fee in Great Fleckenho, in the same county, which the free tenants in that town hold, of the yearly value of 40s. ; a fee in Thurlaston, in the same county, which Simon son of Margery and John de Derset hold, of the yearly value of lOOs. ; If fees in Burton and Dray cote, in the same county, which Thomas de Garsale holds, of the yearly value of lOOs. ; 3| fees in Hompton, Baky[nton], Stretton, Lauton, near Kyngeslaue, and Lydecote, co. Hereford, which Richard de Hompton holds, of the yearly value of dO/. ; 2f fees in Pyonia and Houton Cotes, in the same county, which Richard de la Lynde the younger, Philip ap Houel and Res ap Houel hold, of the yearly value of 36/. ; a fee in Buford and Stanford-on-Temede, in the same county, which Walter de Craneley holds, of the yearly value of 6/. 13s. Ad. June 12. Westminster. June 15. Westminster. June 16. Westminster. June 17. W estminster. June 12. Westminster. •Tune IG. Westminster. Membrane 2. To the sheriff of Suffolk. Order to cause Edmund de Hemegrave to have seisin of two acres of land in Carleton, which, it appears by inquisition, Henry le Coupere, who was hanged for felony, held of him, as it appears by the inquisition that the land has been in the king’s hands for a year and a day, and it was found that Richard Weylaund, John Brunfeld of Carleton, William Payn of Carleton, Warin IMuriel of Carleton, Robert le Coupere and Beatrice le Coupere of Carleton had the king’s year and day of the same, and that they ought to answer to the king for the same. To the same. Like order in favour of Richaril de Weyland for two acres of land in Carleton held of him by the abovesaid Henry, whereof the afore- said persons had the king’s year and day. To William Inge, late chief justice to hold pleas before the king, or to him who supplies his place. Order to deliver to Henry le Scrop, who the king wills shall be chief justice for the aforesaid pleas, the writs, rolls, records, processes, memoranda and all other things touching that office for the time when William was chief justice, together with all writs, etc., of the time of Roger le Brabanzon, late chief justice, which were delivered to William hy the treasurer and chamberlains by indenture, which is also to be delivered. By K. \_rarl. m-ks.] To Warin de Insula, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to pay to Edward Gerard, to whom the king, on 5 March, in the Gth year of his reign, granted the bailiwick of kee[)ing the park of Kenyngton, the same wages as other parkers have been wont to receive, and to pay him the arrears of the same for the time during which VV^arin has been constable. To the trcasui er and chamberlains. Order to pay to John de Crumbwell, constable of the Tower of London, the arrears of the wages of Lewelin Pren, and of Griffin and Yevan his sons, Welsh prisoners in the Tower, from 27 July, in the 10th year of the king’s reign, until now, to wit 3d. a day each, and to continue to pay the same so long as they remain in his custody. [ida?dera.] By bill of the wardrobe. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Walter de Huton, who is irsufficiently (pialified. To the Collectors in co. York of the scutage of the armies of Scotland in the 28th, 31st, and 34th years of the late king's reign. Order to respite I) I) 2 \20 CALENDAll OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1317 . June 10. Westminster. Oct.. 28. Newburgh. June 6. Westminster. June 17. Westminster. .Tune 17. Westminster. June 27. Woodstock. .Tune 20. Woodstock. Membrane 2 — cont. until the quinzaine of Michaelmas the exaction of the scutage due from J'honias Wake beciiuse the king has rendered to him the lands of John Wake and Joan Wake, his father and mother, tenants in chief, the king having granted him respite until then. By C. To the treasurer and chambeiTiuns. Order to pay to J. bishop of Norwich 200/., which the king has granted him in addition to the fixed daily sttm {cerltim dinrnum) assigned to him by the king’s council for the expenses of his household in going as the king’s envoy to the court of Rome, staying there, and returning, the king having granted him this additional sum in aid of his expenses in attending to the king’s afiixirs witii others of the king’s council at London, for a long time before he went to Rome, and in part recompense for his labours in going to Rome. By K. To Stephen de Abyndon, the king’s butler. Order to pay to the king’s Serjeants Richard de Rothyng’ and Geoffrey de la Penne, whom the king is sending to the duchy [of Aquitaine] to receive and bring to England certain wines granted to the king by the mayor, jurats, and universitas of the city of Bordeaux and by the jurats and universitas of St. Macaire in aid of the Scotch war, 11/. for their expenses in going thither. By K. on the information of the treasurer. To treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Margaret de Henle of the ferm of the manor of Apetherp, which the king com- mitted to her during pleasure by letters patent on 13 June, in the 2nd year of his reign, at a yearly ferm of 32/., from 20 November, in the 5th year of his reign, when the king granted the manor to John de Clavering’ for life. To Master John Walew.ayn, escheator this side Trent. Order not to intermeddle further with a burgage in the city of Winchester, held of the abbot of Hide, a messuage, 50 acres of land, and a perch of meadow in Berton Sacy, hehl of Thomas de Coudrey, and a messuage and 20 acres of land in Eston, held of tlie prior of St. Switlun’s, Winchester, and three shops on St. Giles’ Hill, held of the bishop of Winchester, as the king learns that they were taken into his hands on account of the madness of Alice de Dernegate, deceased, and that Florence and Joan daughters of Alexander de Merewell are her nearest heirs and of full age. To the same. Order to cause William Pesshon, son and heir of Stephen Pesshon, tenant in chief of the late king, to hav'e seisin of his father’s lands, although he has not yet proved his age according to custom, as the king has taken his liomage because he learnt by the testimony of J. bishop of Win- chester, who has the custody of his lands during his minority by the late king’s commission, that he is of full age. By K. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of ITalph de Sancto Laudo in co. Lincoln, taken into the king’s hands upon the death of John de Sancto Laudo, and to restore the issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition that JoTin did not hold any lands in his demesne as of f(!e or otherwise in that county at his death, becau.se he enfeoffed Ralph of all his lands three weeks before he died, and that Ralph continued his seisin thereof until .John’s death. To the same. Order to deliver to Roger Dammory and Elizabeth his wife, late the wife of Tlieobahl de Verdou, tenant in cliief, the following of her late husband’s advowsons of churches, which the king has assigned to her in dower : the church of Farnham, co. Buckingham, of the ycaidy value of 10/.; the church of Luttreworth, co. Leicester, of the yearly yalue of ]()/. ; a moiety of the church of Lodclowe, co. Saloj), of the yearly value of 6G.V. 8x/. 10 EDWAKD II. 421 1317. July 4. Northampton. 1316. July 8. Windsor. July 10. Windsor. July 12. Westminster. July 12. Westminster. Membrane 2 — cont. To the sheriff of Suffolk. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Nigel de Keneton, lately elected, who is so occupied with the service of others that he cannot conveniently attend to the duties of coroner. To Robert de Sapy, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver to Ellen, late the wife of Alexander de Bradeford, tenant in chief, a third of the manor of Bradeford, co. Northumberland, of the yearly value of 100s., which the king has assigned to her as dower of her husband’s lands. To the sheriff of Devon. As the king learns by the record of Robert de Stokheye and his fellows, his late justices to deliver Exeter gaol, that John Geryng, imprisoned therein for the death of William Bers, slew the said William \_Iiicomplete entry\. Vacated. Membrane 31c?. .John de Cokermuth, Robert William, John Breton, and Robert de Wendovre acknowledge that they owe to William de Dakeuham 102?.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of Essex. Memorandum, that William came immediately after this recognisance had been made in chancery, and acknowledged that he had received 62?. thereof. Afterwards the whole was paid, as he acknowledged. Cancelled on payment, Nicholas de Audeleye acknowledges that he owes to James de Ferres 1,000?. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the counties of Salop, Stafford, and Derby. .John de Alneto, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Malynes 1005.; to he levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Dorset. John son of John de Tyngewyk acknowledges that ho owes to William Pykerel of London 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of O.xford. Richard le Chaumberleyn acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Pynkeny 6 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Northampton. The abbot of Waverle acknowledges, for himself and his convent, that he owes to John de Compton 43?. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of Surrey. John son of John de Sancto Johanne of Lageham acknowledges that he owes to Thomas le Archer, spicer {apothccario) of London, 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands ami chattels in the county of Kent. Cancelled on payment. Richard Damory, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Robert le Lou 7 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Oxford. Adam le Ferour, who long served the king, is sent to the abbot and convent of Hailes to receive such allowance as Richard de Millcford, deceased, had in their house. By K. on the information of Thomas dc Cherloton. 422 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1316. July 12. Westminster. July 15. Westminster. July 16. Faversham. July 18. Westminster. July 21. Westminster. Membrane ZXd — cont. Ralph (le Castro, who lon^ served the king and his father, is sent to the prior and convent of 4'reutham with a groom and a horse to receive the necessaries of life therein for his life. By K. on the information of Thomas de Cherleton. Assignment of dower to Elizabeth, late the wife of John de Briaunzouh, tenant in chief, made by the escheator at Alyuthele, on Wednesday the eve of the Nativity of St. John [Incomplete.^ Vacated because in the ninth year. John de Olneye acknowledges that he owes to Tliomas de Hauvile 1,000 marks; to be levied, in default of paj'ment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Buckingham. Thomas de Hauvile acknowledges that h(? owes to John de Olneye 1,000 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Norfolk. Robert son of Fayn acknowledges that he owes to Bartholomew de Badelesmere 20,000 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the counties of Somerset and Dorset. — The chancellor received tlie recognisance. To tlie captain, citizens, and whole community^ of the city of Genoa. Letter requesting them to punish Simon Dentur’ and Manuel Manianacham, their fellow-citizens, who have aided Robei t de Brus, the king’s chief enemy, as certain letters were found upon a Scotch rebel lately arrested in Newcastle-upon-Tyne addressed to Robert de Brus as king of Scotland by the aforesaid Simon concerning a service of galleys and divers sorts of arms to be made to him against the king by Simon and IManuel, which letters were shewn to the king, who was much moved thereby, as he ordered from his accession all the citizens, merchants, and mariners of their city to be treated as his own everywhere within his power. [Fcederal\ Geoffrey de Halton and William Freman of Dikelburgh acknowledge that they owe to William de Porkele 8/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lauds and chattels in the county of Buckingham. AVilliam Freman of Dikelburgh acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey de Halton 8/. ; to be levied, in defaidt of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Norfolk. Gerard Salveyn acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynne, clerk, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the county of York. Cancelled on payment. Gerard Daudenard and Thomas Den of London acknowledge that they owe to Thomas tie Haveryug’, ‘ corder ’ of London, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of Kent. Gerard Daukenard (sic') acknowledges that he owes to 'J'hornas Den of Loudon 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the county of Kent. 3IEMBRANE 30d. July 20. To the barons, bailiffs, and whole community' of the port of Faversham. Westminster. Order forbidding them doing anything to the brciich of the king’s peace against the men of Great Yarmouth aiul others, on account of the disputes between the btirons .and men of the Cinque Ports and the men of Great Y.armouth, as the king is given to understand that they and the other barons aforesaid intend to proceed against the men of Yarmouth with a 10 EDWARD II. 423 1316. July 18. Westminster. J uly 20. W estminsttT. J uly 23. Eltham. Membrane 30d — cent, great number of armed ships, notwithstanding the king’s late inhibition of their doing anything to the disturbance of his peace. If they presume to send the ships, the king will proceed against them not only as contemners of his orders but as rebels. In order to punish those of Yarmouth and other trespassers for damages committed by them, the king has caused William Inge and John de Insula to be sent [thither], whom he has enjoined to punish the trespassers in such wise as to deter other subjects from doing such things against the king’s inhibition. The like to the barons, etc., of the following ports : Dover. Hethe. Sandwich. Wynchelse. Rye. Romenhale. William de la Legh acknowledges that he owes to Master Richard de Clare 100^. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Surrey. Richard de Hoton, rector of the church of Bevercot, acknowledges that he owes to Peter Descorce 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Northampton. Thomas de Titteleye ackuoAvledges that he owes to William de Sandale 8/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Lincoln. William son of William Freman of Dikelburgh acknowledges that he owes to Master Richard de Clare 6t3 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Norfolk. July 17. To the sheriff of Somerset. Whereas the king lately, by writ of judg- Westminster. ment witnes.sed by Roger le Brabanzon, then chief justice to hold pleas before the king, ordered the sheriff of Gloucester to arrest John le Taverner, Richard Colpel, William de Clif, Robert Martyn, William Snowe, and .John Simcnel, outlawed at the king’s suit for the death of Alexander de Vilers, whether found within the liberty of the town of Bristol or without, so that he should have their bodies before the king in fifteen days from Martinmas last ; at which day he returned that he had been to Bristol to arrest the above-named persons, and that he found them in the guildhall of Bristol, and that they and Robert de Wyldemersh, who called himself bailiff of that town, and the community of the town would not permit the attachment to be made, but hindered it wholly ; Avherefore the king ordered the sheriff not to omit on account of the liberty of that town, or any other liberty of his county, to arrest the above-named [)ersons and the aforesaid Richard de Wildemersh and all others of the community who hindered him as above stated, and to have their bodies before the king in the octaves of the Holy Trinity last past, taking with him for this purpose the posse of his county; to which the sheriff returned that he went in person to Bristol, and that he caused all the community of the same to be assembled in the guildhall, and that, after he had explained the tenor of the king’s order to them, they unanimously answered that they would not permit the aforesaid John le Taverner or Robert de Wyldemersh or any other person of that town to be attached or taken away thence, and they hindered the sheriff from executing the king’s order by force and arms ; whereupon the sheriff attached by word and imposition of hands Henry le Shipman and many others of that town who hindered him, but the persons so attached broke the attachment by force and arms; wherefore the sheriff, taking with him a great posse of the county, afterwards went to tiie town to execute the king’s order, .and he found the gates of the town closed iigainst him, and the whole community raised in war against the king, having associated with them a multitude of malefactors from Bayonne and Wales, and that 424 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 131G. Aug. 6. Lincoln. Aug. 8. Lincoln. .July 2.3. Elthani. Membrane 30c? — coni. tlie community drained {cissewiaverunl') and wholly dried up the ditch of the king’s castle there, and broke and destroyed the king’s mill of the castle, and made a ditch in that town before the castle gate of the breadth and dei)th of 24 feet, and strengthened the ditch with a strong peel {jjehi), and constructed there and elsewhere in the city bretasches {bretaddu), chains, springalds {sj)rinyalda), and other engines to attack and approach the castle, so that no person in the castle could leave the castle towards the town in any way, retsiining the town against the king and preparing other things in expi-ess rebellion against him with banners raised ; the king, wishing to have further information concerning these actions and to recall the community to obedience l)y gentle means, has caused Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, William Inge, John de Insula, and John do IMutford to be sent to Bristol to inform themselves fully concerning the premises, and to induce the community to obey the king as they should do, and, if the community should remain in rebellion, to ordain, in the king’s name and by his authority, ways and means to punish the comnninity, as contained in the king’s letters psitent to the aforesaid William and John de Insula and .John de Mutford; and although they and the earl went to that town and endeavoured to induce the community to obey the king by gentle ways and means offered by them to the community on the king’s belialf, the community wholly refused to obey the king in the premises ; whereupon the earl, with the counsel of the said William and John de Insula, according to the power granted to them by the aforesaid letters, enjoined the sheriff of Somerset to cause proclamation to be made forbidding any one to com- municate with any of the said community, or to sell, lend, or minister to them victuals or other necessaries, and to arrest any whom he should find infringing this prohibition, as the earl has signified to the king by his letters, and the s.aid William and John de Insula have explained to the king by word of mouth upon their return ; the king, approving the action of the earl and William and John de Insula, onlers tlie sheriff to execute every- thing ordered by the earl on the king’s behalf. By K. The like to the sheriff of Wilts and Gloucester. The like to Bartholomew de Badelesmere, constable of Bristol castle, omitting the mention of the journey of the earl and William Inge and .lolin de Insula to Bristol, adding a clause ordering him to assist the sheriff of Gloucester with all his power, because ho has the custody of Bristol castle, and holds lands in the county of Gloucester, so that he is bound to assist tlie sheriff as one of the county. This writ was patent. J'o the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London. Request that they will assign a suitable pension to the king’s clerk John de Funteney, until they shall provide him with a benefice, they licing bound to grant such liension to one of the king’s clerks by reason of the new creation of the prior. By K. The like to the abbot and convent of Wynchccombe in favour of Richard de Wygorn[ia], clerk. Tlie like to the abbot and convent of Burton-on-Treiit in favour of Richard de Lusteshull, clerk. By K. The like to the abbot and convent of Osolvcston in favour of Ralfili de Rudham, clerk. By R. Memurane 29d. .John do Beauchanq) of Wykford acknowledges that lie owes to John do Briaunzon of Canewedon (it)/. ; to be h'vicd, in default ef payment, ol his lauds and chattels in the county of JOssex. 425 10 EDWARD II. 4 1316. July 30. Melchbourne. Aug. 2. Stretton. .July 16. Westiuiuster. Membrane 29c? — cent. .John de Mordon of Hendon acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Brom, clerk, 2 Is. 8c?. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Middlesex. Robert do Maundevill acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Wylton 6 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Somerset. Thomas de Hemmyngford acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynn, prebendary of Buggeden in St. Mary’s Lincoln, 5 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Huntingdon. Cancelled on payment. Enrolment of grant by Hugh Rydel, lord of Wytering’, to Geoffrey Rydel, his son, of the manor of Wytering’, with the land and advowson of the church and all appurtenances of the manor. Witnesses : Nicholas de Sancto Medardo, lord of Thornhawe ; John de Folkisworth of Stybingtone ; John le Boteler of Castre ; Geoffrey de Suttone ; Walter de Thame of Siberton ; Richer de Kendale ; Richard de le Gannoc ; Henry le Lord of Castre ; Roger Cordel of the same ; William de Pieworth of the same ; Richard Broun of Siberton. Dated at Wytering’, Saturday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, in the 20th year of the reign of King Edward son of King Henry. Memorandum, that Hugh came into chancery at Casterton, on 1 August, 10 Edward II., and acknowledged the above deed. — The chancellor took the recognisance. Thomas de Radeclyve-on-Sore acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Roldeston and Beatrice his wife 60?. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Nottingham. — The chanceilor re- ceived the recognisance. To the council of France. Request that they will cause to be taken back to Sandwich a great ship of Genoa, commonly called ‘ dromund,’ laden abroad with wheat, oil, honey, and other victuals ])artly for the king’s use, which Berenger Bauck, keeper of certain ships of the late king of France at Calais, caused to be taken by armed force at Les Dunes near tlie port of Sandwich, where it lay under the king’s j)rotection, the king having ordained by his council, on account of the late scarcity of corn and other victuals in his reign, to send to foreign parts for corn and victuals, and having received into his special protection alien merchants, to wit of the realms of Sicily, Spain, and of Genoa, and other eastern and western merchants, in order that they might bring such victuals into his kingdom, which shiptlm king requested the late king of France and the aforesaid Berenger to cause to be led back to Les Dunes, and also to cause the offences committed at the time of her arrest, when divers of the merchants and mariners of the ship were beaten and wounded, to be amended ; and it was afterwards agreed betw'een the council of France and W. bishop of Exeter and .John de Britann[ia], earl of Richmond, in the octaves of the nativity of St. John the Baptist last that certain persons should be sent from both sides to Whytsand to enquire and do justice hereiit; but no one came from the council of France, although the king’s representatives awaited them at Whitsand for six days, as Henry de Cantuar[ia], whom the king is sending to them, will more fully explain. \^Fcedera.^ The like to the following ; Sir Miles de Noyers. Charles, count of Valois. Louis, count of Evreux. Sir Charles, earl of Marche. Philip, earl of Poitoii. G. de Castillion, count of Porcean {Porcicnc') and constable of France [Ibid.] 420 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 131G, Aug. 0. Liucoln. Aug. 1. Melchbourae. Aug. 5. Lincoln. Aug. 7. Lincoln. Aug. 8. Lincoln. Aug. 6. Lincoln. Membrane 29d — cont. Robert son of Robert de Poynton aeknowledges that he owes to Joceus de Hagwe 50 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Lincoln. To the abbot and convent of Leycestre. Request that they will receive into their house one of the canons of the priory of St. Mary, Carlisle, to be nominated by the prior’s letters patent, and that they will maintain him as one of their own canons until St. Mary’s priory be relieved from its present state, its goods having been so robbed and wasted by the Scotch rebels that they are insuthcient for the maintenance of the number of canons in the priory. They are to certify the king of their proceedings without delay. The like to the following : The abbot and convent of Thornton-on-Humber. The prior and convent of Thurgarton. The prior and convent of Bridelington. The prior and convent of Wyrkesop. The prior and convent of Kirkeham. To Richard de Horsle, Roger Heyron, and Nicholas Scott. Order to certify the king’s council on the morrow of St. Bartholomew of the armour that they have caused to be provided in [the towns] in the county of Northumberland in accordance with their appointment, and of the price of the same, and to cause the armour to be safely kept until further orders. The king will cause allowance to be make to the men of the towns out of the sixteenth for the price of the armour so provided. \_ParI. TVrits.^ The like to the persons assigned for this purpose in all other counties of England. [Ibid.J Membrane 28(7. Edmund son of John d^ Multon acknowledges that he owes to Roger le Brabazon 44/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the counties of Lincoln and Nottingham. — The chancellor received the recognisance. Walter de Langeton, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, acknowledges that he owes to Alice, late the wife of Roger le Bygod, earl of Norfolk and Suffolk, and Mitrshal of England, 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Cambridge. — The chancellor received the recognisance. Simon son of Robert de Rasen acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Harewedon, clerk, 31/. 135. 4f/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the county of Lincoln. — The chancellor received the recognisance. The abbot of Bardeneye acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he owes to Robert de Beuyngworth, parson of Woliyngham church, 47/. 6s. 8d . ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lauds and chattels in the county of Lincoln. Robert Broun and John de Scolton acknowledge that they owe to William de Aykencd 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of Cumberland. To Robert de Kendale, constable of Dover castle and warden of the Cinque Forts. Order not to permit any abbot, monk, or proctor of the Cistercian or Premonslratcnsiau or other orders to go to parts beyond sea with any money under the name of apportum, yearly census, imposition, or 10 EDWARD II. 427 1316. Aug. 9. Lincoln. Aug. 8. Lincoln. Aug. 18. York. Membrane 28rf — cont. otherwise, contrary to the late king’s statute of Carlisle in the 34th year of his reign, and to arrest any money that any abbot, etc., may attempt to take out of the realm under these names. By C. [idEifera.] Joan, late the wife of Alan Fraunceys of Bekyngham, acknowledges that she owes to John de Cokermuth, clerk, 2SUZ. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in the county of Nottingham. — The chancellor received the recognisance. {Cancelled on payment. Walter de Bello Campo acknowledges that he owes to Francis Grandonis and Roger Ardingell and their fellows, merchants of the society of the Bardi, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Warwick. — The chancellor received the recognisance. Robert son of William de Keleseye acknowledges that he owes to John de Barton, clerk, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. To the collectors of the custom of wool, hides, and wool-fells in the port of Boston. Order to permit Francis Grandon’ and his fellows, merchants of the society of the Bardi of Florence, to carry up to 300 sacks of wool from that port to London by land or water, receiving first from them their letters binding themselves to bring back to them the letters of the collectors of the customs [at London] testifying that they have carried the wmol thither and not elsewhere. By pet. of C. To Robert de Kendale, constable of Dover castle and warden of the Cinque Ports, or to him w'ho supplies his place. Order to permit Walter, abbot of Haugneby, Bartholomew, abbot of Derham, Geoffrey, abbot of Langeley, and (Simon, abbot of Leyston, of the Premonstratensian order, to pass the sea from the port of Dover to attend their chapter-general at Pre- montre, provided thattliey carry with them no money in the name of appor- turn, census, or imposition, contrary to the late king’s statutes. By K, The like in favour of William, abbot of Langedon, and brother Thomas, sub-prior of Barlyng’, of the same order. The like in favour of the abbot of Furneux, of the Cistercian order. By K. Adam de Cliderhou acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Cliderhou, clerk, 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Lancaster. John de Walkyngham acknowledges that he owes to Gilbert de Stapelton, clerk, 721 . ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and cliatteis in the county of York. Aug. 8. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to pay to Henry de Elham and Ralph Lincoln. Sauvage, knights of that shire, their expenses in coming to the king at Lincoln to consent to what should be ordained concerning the perambula- tions of the forests in that county made in the late king’s time, and during their stay there, and for their return home, to wit from Thursday after St. James the Apostle last until Sunday before St. Laurence, certifying the king of the money levied and paid them for this purpose. [J^arl. Wrils.~\ The like to the sheriffs of thirty-four counties, for the expenses of the knights of tho.se counties. [Ibid.'\ Memorandum, tliat on 19 August, the king, being then at York, granted to Sir William de Ayremynne, clerk of his chancery, by the assent of Sir John de Sandalc, the chancellor and elect of Winchester, (he custody of the rolls of chancery, to have in the same manner as others have heretofore 428 CALENDAIl OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1316. Membrane 2?>d — cont. liad the custody ; wliicli William took tlie usual oath on the same day in the abbey of St. Mary, York, in the chancellor’s chamber, in the presence of the chancellor ami of Sir Bartholomew de Badelesmere and the clerks of the chancery. \^FarL fFritsJ] All". 20. York. Membrane 21d. William de Ros of Ingmanthorth {sic') acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Malton 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. Robert de Wodehous, prebend of Ketene in St. Mary’s church, Lincoln, and William de Norlhwell, clerk, acknowledge that they owe to Roger de Northburgh, clerk, 160 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Lincoln. Cancelled on •payment. All". 21 . York. Richard Daverenges acknowledges that he owes to William de Thorntoft, clerk, 150 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. Ralph de Bulmere, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Robert son of Laurence de Bouthum 120/.: to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. Cancelled on payment. John le Longe of London, butcher, acknowledges that he owes to John le Brun 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in London. Enrolment of release by William de Pykersham to Thomas de Evesham, clerk, of his right in 185. 4(/. of yearly rent in the hamlet of Chcrleton near Cropthorn, which rent Thomas has of the gift of John Stevene of Cherlton. Dated at York, on Sunday before St. Bartholomew, 10 Edward 11. Memorandum, that John came into chancery in St. Mary’s abbey, Y"ork, on Monday following, and acknowledged the above deed. Enrolment of deed of Adam de Swilington, knight, brother and heir of William de Swilington, witnessing that whereas a fine was levied in the king’s court at Westminster in fifteen days from Martinmas, 34 Edward I., before Ralph de Hengham and his fellows, justices of the Bench, between Edward Charles, demandant, and William de Swylyngt.on abovesaid, de- forciant, concerning the advoivson of the church of Thweit near Pirrou, by which fine it was agreed that Edward and his heirs and William and hi.s heirs should alternately present to that church, the aforesaid Adam hereby releases to the said Edward Charles and his heirs his right of presentation to the said church by reason of the above fine or by any other title, and he warrants the advowson to Edward and his heirs. For this release Edward paid him 20 marks. Witnesses : Sir John de Crondiwell, knight, steward of the king’s household; Sir Robert Baygnard, knight; Henry Ro.se; Thomas de Verley; John de Watsaud; Thomas de Eggefeld; William de Scothowe. Dated at Y’ork, on Saturday the eve of the Assumption, 10 Edward H. Memorandum, that Adam came into chancery in St. Mary’s church near the gate of Y"ork castle, on the eve of St. Bartholomew, and acknowledged the above deed. Aug. 20. Y ork. John de Dytton, clerk, has letters to the prior and convent of Losfeld to receive the pension that they arc bound to grant to one of the king’s clerks by reason of the new creation of the prior. By 1\. 10 EDWARD IT. 429 1316. Aug. 23. York. Aug. 26. York. Aug. 26. York. Membrane 27d — cont. Like letters in favour of Ralph de Rudham, clerk, to the abbot and convent of Osolveston, by reason of the new creation of the abbot. By K. Thomas Prest is sent to the abbot and convent of Battle to have main- tenance in their house. By p.s. [3716 ] Peter de Morers of Elvyngton acknowledges that he owes to John de Ellerker the elder 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. Note of payment of 20 marks. John do Stapelton acknowledges that he owes to John de Thornton of Shenefton 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. Enrolment of deed witnessing that whereas John de Stapelton is bound to John de Thornton of Schenesby in 40/. by a recognisance in chancery, the said John de Thornton grants that the recognisance shall be held for nothing for so long as he holds a messuage and four bovates of land in Schonseby, which he had of the gift of the said John de Stapelton, without claim of loss at the suit of John de Stapelton or his heirs. Ilated at York; on Wednesday the morrow of St. Bartholomew, 10 Edward II. Memorandum, that John de Thornton came into chancery in St. Mary’s church near the gates of York castle on the abovesaid day, and acknowledged the above deed. Walter son of John de Facomberge and William de Castelley acknow- ledge that they owe to William de Thorntoft, clerk, 13/. 13s. 4rf.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of York. Cancelled on payment. Enrolment of deed of William de Thorntoft, clerk, discharging the executors of Sir W^alter le Vavasour of all debts due from him at any time. Dated at Y’ork, Thursday after St. Bartholomew, 10 Edward II. Enrolment of deed of the said William acknowledging receipt from Roger de Nonewyk of 36/. due to him by recognisance in chancery. Dated as above. Memorandum, that William came into chancery in the church of St. Mary’s abbey, York, and acknowledged the above deeds. Thomas de Richemund, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Ma.ster hlichiiel de Hartcla 30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Y'ork. To W. archbishop of Canterbury, and to others of the king’s council at London. Order to inspect the memoranda touching the king and the mer- chants of the society of the Friscobaldi of Florence lately in this kingdom, which the king sends them sid) pede siyilli by Francis de Regio, who is fully informed concerning these matters, as he alleges, and to inspect the advisement of the king and certain of his council now assisting him contained in a schedule amongst the said memoranda, and to hear what Francis shall explain to them by word of mouth, and to do therein what shall seem expedient for the king’s honour and advantage. William Noiz of Great Driffeld acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Brunham 100/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his land and chattels in the county of Y"ork. Walter de Brunham acknowledges that he owes to .lohn de Wytham 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Lincoln. 430 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 13] G. Aug. 28 York. Aug. 24 York. Aug. 30. Tadcaster. Sept. 3, York. Aug. 20. York. Aug. 20. Y^ork. Membrane 21(1 — cent. To Henry de Trafford. Order to be in chancery at York on Saturday after tlie Decollation of St. John the Baplict, under pain of 40/., to do what shall be then enjoined upon him on the king’s behalf. To the prior-provincial of the order of the friars preachers of England and to the diffiiiitores and brethren of the same order about to assemble in their provincial chapter .at Sudbury. Retpiest for their prayers on behalf of the king, queen Isabella, Edward de Wyndesore, the king’s eldest son, and John de Eltham, his youngest son, especially on account of John, [/'hsr/era.] William de Retford, chaplain, acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Pikeryng, clerk, 40s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of Ids lands and chattels in the county of Nottingham. Memorandum, that on Tluirsday, 2G August, [the king] ordered .John de Sandale, his chancellor and the elect of Winchester, because he was about to go to London in connexion with his election, to leave the king’s great seal in the custody of Sir William de Ayremynn, keeper of the rolls of chancery, and ordered that William should keep it under the seals of Sir Robert de Bardelby and Sir Hugh de Burgo, clerks of the chancery, until the arrival of Sir Robert de Askeby, clerk of the chancery, and then William should keep the seal under the seals of the said Robert de Bardelby and of Robert de Askeby until, etc., and the chancellor, on Friday following, in his chamber in St. Mary’s abbey, Y'ork, delivered the seal under his seal to the aforesaid William, and on the same day after dinner the said Robert de Bardelby, William and Hugh sealed writs with it in the same chamber, and after the sealing Robert de Bardelby and Hugh put their seals to the said seal in William’s custody. And afterwards, on the 16 September, the aforesaid Robert de Askeby came into chancery at York, and on the same day the said Robert and William and Robert sealed writs with the seal, and after the sealing the said Robert and Robert put their seals to the king’s seal to be kept in AVilliam’s custody. [Par/. Writs.'] Master Richard de Eryum acknowledges that he owes to AYilliam de Ayremynn, clerk, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Northumberland and in the bishopric of Durham. Cancelled on payment. Membrane 2Gd. To Thomas, earl of Lancaster. Order to be at Newcastle-on-Tyne in the octaves of Michaelmas next with his military service, prepared to set out against the Scotch rebels. It has been agreed by the counsel of the pre- lates, earls, barons, and other magnates with the king that the lands and chattels of those who fail to obey this summons shall be taken into the king’s hands. [^Ftedera ; Pari. JPrits.] 'J'he like to eiglit earls and one hundred and sixty-two others. [//uV/.] To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause proclam.ation to be made that all persons having 50/. of land ye.arly and upwards shall join the king with horses and arms at Newcastle-on-Tyne at ttie above date. By K. and C. [Ibid.] 'File like to all shcrilTs beyond Trent and to the sheriff of Nottingham and Derby, hut in the counties of York, Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Lancaster is another form of levying the people, which is enrolled in the roll of Scotland. [Ibid.] 10 EDWARD II. 431 1316 . Sept. 4. York. Sept. 8. Beverley. Sept. 15. Beverley. Sept, 16. Beverley. Sept, 14. Beverley. Sept. 20. York. Memh'ane 2Qd — cont. To Henry de Cobehara of Roiidale. Grant of permission to stay at home notwithstandiug the king’s late summons to join him with horses and arms at Newcastle-on-Tyue, as the king learns that he is so infirm and ill that he cannot come in person, ordering him to send thither in his place other his men-at-arms with horses and arms. By K. on the information of the steward. \^Parl. Writs.'] Roald son of Thomas de Richemund acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Richemund 1 ,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. William de Thorntoft, clerk, and Richard de Averenges acknowledge that they owe to Richard de Bernyngham, knight, 50 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of York. Cancelled on •payment. Walter de Tvvyuham, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William Bacun 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Cumberland, Henry de Hale, parson of a moiety of the church of Cotegrave, diocese of York, acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Edenestowe, clerk, 55 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Nottingham. Cancelled on payment. Henry de Hereford acknowledges that he owes to John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, GO/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the county of Warwick. Membrane 25d. To John de Bello Campo of Somersete. Order to join the king at Newcastle-on-Tyne with horses and arms prepared to set out against the Scotch rebels, according to the king’s prior order, the said John having excused himself from coming by his letters by virtue of certain grants to keep the peace in divers counties. \_Purl. Writs.] Thomas Lyoun, who cannot labour any longer on account of weakness and infirmity, is sent to the abbot and convent of Byland (r/e Bella Landa) to have the necessaries of life. By K. on the information of Master Thomas de Cherlefon. To Henry Spigurnel, John Cbaynel, and John de Cave, justices ap- pointed to fiike assizes in the county of Warwick. Whereas John Pecche arramed before them an assize of novel disseisin against Ralph de Perliam and others contained in the original writ concerning tenements in Lon<^edon and Wyghtlaxfeld, and the king, learning from the prior and convent of Westminster that the late king granted the tenements in question amongst other lands that he gave to the abbot of Westminster and the prior and con- vent to maintain the anniversary of the late queen Eleanor, the kino-’s' mother, and that the aforesaid Ralph holds the tenements for life by demise from the abbot and convent by a certain yearly ferm, ordered the aforesaid justices to inspect the charter abovesaid, and if they found the tenements in question contained therein, to attempt nothing in this behalf that might prejudice the king in any way ; by virtue whereof they have superseded the taking of the assize; and the aforesaid John has now pr.ayed the kin" to cause justice to be done to him : wherefore the king now orders them to proceed to take the assize, summoning the prior and convent to be present •132 CALENDAR OP CLOSE ROLLS. 131G. Sept. 14. Beverley. Sept. 22. York. Sept. 24. Y^ork. Sept. 19. Y'ork. Sept. 25. York. Sept. 27. York. Sept. 26. Y'ork. Membrane 25d — cont. wlieii it is taken to shew their reasons and evidences, provided that before judgment be rendered they certify the king of tlieir proceedings under the seal of the aforesaid Henry, in order that the king may cause to be done hei-ein what ought to be done after the matter have been examined by him and his council. By. K. and C. William de Hoo, clerk, has letters to the prior and convent of St. Prides- wide’s, Oxford, to receive the pension due from them to one of the king’s clerks by reason of the new creation of the prior. By p.s. [3730.] Hamo atte Welle of Westminster acknowledges that he owes to Mauriee Draweswerd 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the county of Middlesex. Robert de Maners of Stitenom acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey de Pikeryng and Robert de Risshton 91. 12s.; to be levied, in default of pay- ment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. Gerard Salveyn acknowledges that he owes to Ellen de Angrum 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. John de Ulram acknowledges that he owes to John son of William de Wetewang 100s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. Cancelled on payment. To John de Mutford and his fellows, justices to take assizes in the county of Essex. Order to adjourn until after Christmas next the assize of novel disseisin arramed before them by William de Wauton against Bartholomew de Badelesmere and others concerning tenements in Thaksted, as the king has enjoined Bartholomew to come to him at Newcastle-on-Tyne with horses and arms, prepared to set out against the Scotch rebels, so that he cannot come to that county. By K. and C. \Parl. lFr{ts.'\ Gilbert de Ebor[aco], clerk, acknowledges that he owes to John de Ellerker the elder 505. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. Cancelled on payment. John de Stodeleye ackno^rledges that he owes to Walter de Osgodeby 405 . 8/2004. 11 it ■182 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS, 1317. July 6. Northampton. July 1. Woodstock. June 17. We.stmiuster. Membrane 3<7 — cont, wotle,’ in the parish of Stokebruer, at the suit and cost of Robert. The recognisance is to be annulled if the fine be not levied through the default of Robert or his heirs. Dated at Northampton, 8 .July, 11 Edward II. Witnesses: Sir .lohii de Wyleby, knight; Henry de la Leie of Carletoue ; Philip de C.aysho; Nicholas de Bliseworth ; John le Baker. Memorandum, that Robert came into chancery at Northampton, on the said day, and acknowledged the above deed. Enrolment of deed by Philip de Caysho, merchant of Northampton, acknowledging receipt from John son of Simon de Pateshull of G07., due to him by recognisance made before the barons of the exchequer in Michaelmas term, 8 Edward II. Dated at Northampton, 7 -July, 10 Edward IL Wit- nesses : Richard de Foxle ; Thomas de Langefoid; Nicholas de Blisworth ; Henry Huberd ; William de Seton. Memorandum — {^Incomplete entry. '\ Enrolment of deed by Isolda, daughter of the late John de Pateshull, acknowledging receipt from John son of Simon de Pateshull of GO/., due to her by recognisance made at Westminster before the barons of the ex- chequer in Michaelmas term, 8 Edward II. Dated at Northampton, 7 July, 10 Edward II. Witne.sses : Thomas de Langeford, Richard de Fo[xle], Philip de Caysho, Nicholas de Blyseworth, Henry Huberd of Gayton. Memorandum, that the aforesaid Isolda — {Incomplete entry. '\ To the abbot and convent of Anewyk. Order to permit the king’s clerks (Stephen le Blund and John de Crosseby to examine their chroni- cles, chartei's, and other muniments, and to take transcripts therefrom as the king has enjoined upon them, the king having appointed the aforesaid clerks to examine their chronicles, etc., and to take therefrom what evidences they can find concerning the inheritance of William de Vescy of Kildare, tenant in chief, as Gilbert de Aton has prayed the king to deliver the said William’s lands to him as his inheritance, and the king is given to understand that the lands held of him in chief ought to remain in his hands as escheats because there is no one of the blood of Vescy’s ancestors. If it be not safe for the clerks to come to the abbey, the abbot and eonvent are ordered to send transcripts under the abbot’s seal of their chronicles, charters, and other muniments to a place to be fixed by the clerks. By K. The like to the following: The prior and convent of Watton. I Omitting the clause “ if it be The prior and convent of Malton (?) / not safe.” To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Order to join the king at Notyngham on Monday, 18 July next, in order to give his counsel with certain prelates and proceres of the realm and others of the council upon certain of the king’s affairs touching this realm and the lands of Gascony, W.ales, Ireland, and Scotland, as the king wishes to take such counsel before Gausclin, cardinal priest of SS. Marcellinus and Peter, and Luke, cardinal deacon of St. Mary in Via Lata, whom J. the pope has sent to this realm on certain affairs touching the king and his realm, come to the king. By K. and C. {Feeder a ; Pari. [Frits.] The like to three bishop.s, five earls, and thirteen others. {Ibid.] Membrane 2d. Thomas de Wodeham acknowledges that he owes to Henry Beauflonr 10/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of Ids lands and chattels in the county of Essex. 10 EDWARD 11. 483 1317. June 20. Westmiuster. June 25. Woodstock. June 10. Westminster. June 25. Woodstock. Membrane 2 d — cont. John, abbot of Kyngeswode, acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he owes to Thomas de Ilaveryng and Roger de Clopton 120/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of Gloucester. Cancelled on payment. The abbot of Bardenay acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he owes to Robert de Silkeston 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of Lincoln. William de Rede, king’s serjeant-at-arms, acknowledges that he owes to Bernard Pelegrym, king’s serjeant-at-arms, 60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk. The prior of the monks of Thetford acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he owes to Master Berengar de Quiliano, clerk, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the county of Norfolk. Master Berengar de Quiliano, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to the prior of the monks of Thetford 37/. 13^. 4c/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Norfolk. Cancelled on payment. William son of Thomas de Selby of York acknowledges that he owes to Richard son of Thomas de Shupton of York IOO 5 . ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of York. John Ileurys of Kynlet acknowledges that he owes to William Orm of Lodelowe 30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Salop. 'I'he said John acknowledges that he owes to Roger Folyot of Lodelowe 30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Salop. To the dean and chapter of St. Peter’s York, keepers of the spiritualities of the archbishopric of York, and to their commissar[y]. Inhibition of their attempting anything to injure or annul the presentation by the king of his clerk Nicliolas de Welleburn to the church of Whilbern, diocese of Durham, the gift whereof pertained to the king on account of the voidance of the bishopric, by virtue of which presentation Nicholas was instituted and put in corporal possession of the same by the keepers of the spiritualities of that bishopric, and he has held the same for some time, as the king under- stands that they intend amoving him from that church at the suit of John de Snaynton the younger, who has suggested to them that Richard, the late bishop, conferred the church upon John some time before his death, and ordered him to be inducted into possession thereof, although he was not inducted into possession, and that they intend to admit John to the church, although the matter has not been fully discussed, which they probably intend to do the more readily because the disputes between them and the prior and convent of Durham, concerning the custody of the spiritualities of the bishopric during voidance, still remain undecided. By p.s. [4268.] .lames, prior of Pritelwell, acknowledges that he owes to Gerard de Cusancia, canon of St. Paul’s London, and William do Cusancia, clerk, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of Essex. 'riiomas Stacc of Ipswich acknowledges that he owes to John do Wylughby 17 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in the county of Suffolk. Cancelled 071 payme 7 it. 11 n 2 481 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. Membrane 2d — cent. To Thomas, earl of Lancaster. Order proroguing until the morrow of St. Laurence next the day when he ought to join the king at Newcastle-on- Tynewith horses and armour and all his service prepared to set out against the Scots, the king having summoned him to be there at the quinzaine of tlie Nativity of St. John the Baptist. By K. IParl. IVTifs.] The like to eight earls and one hundred and twenty-six others. \^Ibid.'] The like to sixteen bishops and forty-three abbots, abbesses, and priors, and the prior of St. John’s Hospital, proroguing the order for their service. [Ibid.] To the sheriff of Middlesex. Order to cause the above prorogation to be proclaimed. [Ibid.] The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.] Memorandum, that Walter le Keu of Lincoln came into chancerj’ at Westminster on 20 (?) June, and acknowledges that 116/. 3^. Id. of the sum of 954/. due to him and his fellows from W. count of Hainault and Holland, and lord of Friesland, belonged to Roger de Boselingthorp, citizen of Lincoln. Robert Elys of Great Yarmouth puts in his place Adam le Clerk of against the aforesaid count in the same matter in chancery. To Robert de Kendale, constable of Dover castle, and Avarden of the Cinque [Westminster.] Ports, and to him who supplies his pl.ace. Order to hasten to Dover, taking with him knights and other probi homines of his bailiwick, and to receive Sir Luke de Flisco, cardin.al deacon of St. Mary in Via Lata, and Sir Gauselin .To[hannis], cardinal priest of SS. Marc(41us and Peter, immediately upon their arrival in his bailiwick, and to cause them to have company and safe conduct to London. By K. and C. [Fcedera.] The like to the sheriff of Kent. [Ibid.] .Tune 13. To Roger le Sauvage. Request that he will proceed to Dover as speedily Westminster, as possible to receive the said cardinals, and that he v/ill cause them to have comp.any and safe conduct to Jvondon, By K. [Ibid.] The like to : Henry de Cobcham, the younger. John de Northwode, the elder. Richard de Rokesle. Thomas de Sandvvico. Warres[ius] de Valeynes. Robert de Shirland. John de Northwode, the younger. [Ibid.] Membrane \d. Enrolment of release by Robert de Mounceaux, son of Peter de Mounceaux of Estehattefeld, to William Markand of Tweng of his right in a messuage lying between the land of the p.arson of Tweng anil the land of Ranulph Forsce, concerning which messuage the releasor impleaded William by writ of formedon. Witnesses : Sir Mar[maduke de] Tweng, Sir William [de] Erghom, Sir .John de Heselarton, knights ; .John le Squier, William [de] Unkelby, Adam le Serjaunt, William Westiby, John Westiby, William de Redness, Robert de Rousceby, [Marmaduke] de Ackelum, William Bard, Thomas do Etton. Dated at London, 20 .Tune, 10 Edward II. Enrolment of release by Robert de Mounceaux, son of Peter de Mounceaux of Esteh.aytefeld, to John de Bemolyng of his right in a 1317. .Tune 17. Westminster. June 17. Westminster. Ju[ne] 17. 10 EDWARD II. 485 1317. Membrane \d — eont. messuage in Tweng, lying between the tofts of Ranulph Forsce and Adam son of Stephen, concerning which the releasor impleaded the said John before the justices of the Bench by [writ of] formedon. Witnesses as above. Dated at London, 20 June, [10] Edward II. Enrolment of release by the aforesaid Robert to William son of Martin de Tweng of his right in a messuage in Tweng, lying between the tofts of R[obert ?] . . . and of Geoffrey Mautenaunt, knight, concerning which the releasor impleaded him before the justices of the Bench. Witnesses : Sir William de Erghum, knight, William his son, John de Driffeld, Adam atte Hall (crrf Aulani) of Twe[nge], Robert son of Marlin of the same, Thomas de Rydal of the same, Thomas de Lund of the same. Dated at London, the day of St. Botolph, 10 Edward II., 1317. Enrolment of release by the aforesaid Robert to Robert son of Walter Petit of Tweng of his right in a messuage and two bovates of land in Tweng, which the said Walter had of the gift of the releasor’s ancestors, lying between the land held of Sir William de Erghum by Master John Fort and the land held by William Westiby. Witnesses: Sir William de Erghum, knight, William his son, John de Dri[tfeld], Adam atte Hall (ad Aularri) of Tweng, Robert son of Martin of the same, Thomas de Ridale, Thomas de Lund. Dated as above. ( '18(5 ) 11 EDWAllD II. 1317. July 8. Buckby. July 8. Euckby. .Tilly 8. Euckby. Membrane 25. To the sheriff of Huntingdon. Whereas, at tlic complaint of the king’s merchants Gilbert Robert, burgess of Ipswich, Richard Salvayn of Graham, Richard de Clopton of Graham, and Nicholas de Walsokene that they lately engaged {frettasse) a ship at Ipswich to cai'ry 29 serplers of wool thence to Le Swyn in Flanders in order to trade there Avith the same, and caused her to be laden with the said wool, Ar[nald] de Stanbergh and Peter his brother, with other malefactors of the power of the duke of Rrahant, on Sunday before Midsummer, in the eighth year of the king’s reign, entered the said ship by force and arms on the sea coast near Neuport in Flanders, and took her and her cargo to the value of 4(X)Z. to Stonbergli within the aforesaid duke’s jiower, and carried away the avooI and other goods in the ship and 10/. sterling, the king frequently requested the duke to cause restitution and satisfaction to be made to the said merchants ; but the duke and his councillors have done nothing in the matter, as appears by the letters patent of the bailiff and community of Ipswich ; wherefore the king ordered the sheiiff to arrest all goods and Avares of the merchants of the duke’s pOAver, exeept victuals, to the value of 200/., in part satisfaction for the above 410/. ; by virtue of Avdiich order the sheriff arrested goods to (lie value of 200/., to wit clotli of ,Iohn de Calstere of Louvain to the value of 150/., cloth of Dederik (Detherici) Veyne of Andewerp to the value of 10/.; cloth of Bartholomew do Houthemerk of Deste and Henry Bethekyn of Deste to the value of 40/. ; Avhich goods the king orders him to cause to be appraised and sold in the presence of the said merchants of Louvaiue and Andewerp or their attornies, and to deliver the cloths or their value to the aforesaid Gilbert, Richard, Richard, and Nicholas, in part satisfaction of the said sum of 410/. To Master .lohu WaleAvayn, eschcator this side Trent. Order not to iutermeddle further Avilh a messuage, 5 virgates of laud, and 6 acres of meadoAV in Avynton, taken into the king’s hands upon the death of William Blundel by John Abel, then escheator this side Trent, under the pretext that the prior and convent of St. Swithin’s Winchester had acquired them after the jmblication of tlie statute of mortmain, by reason of an inquisition taken by him, whereby it Avas found that William held the premises at his death freely and not in villeinage, by reason of Avhich arrest the king com- mitted the custody thereof to Roger de Gretford, as it appears by inquisition taken by .Tohn Randolf and .lames de Norton, Avhom the king appointed, at the request of the prior and convent, to make such inquisition, that the aforesaid AVilliam held the premises at his death in villeinage of the prior and convent of their demesnes, and not freely. He is ordered to restoie to them all issues of the above. By p.s. The like to the aforesaid Roger, To Master .Tohn Walewayn, e.schcator this side Trent. Order to restore to BartholomeAV do Badclcsmere and others, to Avhom the king committed the custody of two parts of the lands of Robert de Clifford, tenant in chief, during the minority of his heir, two jiarts of a tenement in Fletstrete in the suburbs of London, Avhich belonged to the said Robert, of the yearly value of lOtR., if the said two parts have been taken into the king’s hands by virtue of the assignment by the king, on IG December last, of a third of the 11 EDWARD II. 487 1317. July 13. Leicester. July 23. Nottiughara. July 22. Nottingham. Membrane 25 — cont. said tenement to Robert de Welles and Matilda bis wife, late the wife of the said Robert de Clifford, as her dower, as it was not the king’s intention that t’ne two parts of the tenement should be taken into his hands by virtue of the above assignment. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to supersede the demand made by them upon Clemeucia, late the wife of John de Vescy, son of William de Vescy, for William’s relief and for his other debts, as she complains that the sheriff of Leicester distrains her for the same in the manor of Stapelford, which she holds in dower, the late king having, in consideration of the grant and surrender to him by William de Vescy of the castle, manor, and county of Kildare, with all appurtenances and liberties, and in consideration of his grant to him of the manor of Spronston (of which manor the aforesaid Clemencia holds two parts, and Isabella, late tbe wife of John de Vescy, brother of the said William, holds a third part in dower), pardoned the said William by his letters patent all debts due from him, as well for fines and amercements and other his debts as for the debts of John de Vescy his brother, and of other his ancestors from what cause soever. To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Sibertoft, co. Northampton, which is held in chief of the king, and which was taken into the king’s hands upon the death of Roger le Brabanzon, at it appears by inquisition that Roger granted by the king’s licence the manor to Thomas son of William Curzon of Crouxhale, and Thomas was seised of the same on Sunday the feast of St. Barnabas last by virtue of this grant, and that he continued his seisin thereof until Tuesday following, on which day Roger died, by which inquisition it was found that the manor is held of the king in chief by the service of finding one footman in the king’s army for forty days at the cost of the manor. To .John Randolf and Thomas de Chaucombe, justices appointed to deliver the gaol of Old Sarum. Order to cause to be amended what they have done in confiscating the chattels of Henry Sturmy and Stephen Sturmy, and imprisoning their mainpernors, and to restore their chattels and release their mainpernors, as the king learns from the complaint of the said Henry and Stephen, who were indicted before Walter de Ihively and the aforesaid Thomas, keepers of the peace in the county of Wilts, that, although the sheriff of that county has received from Henry and Stephen sufficient mainprise for their appearance before John de Bello Carapo of Soinersetc and his fellows, whom the king appointed to hear and determine felonies and trespasses in that county, at the next gaol-delivery to stand to right before them, the said .John Randolf and Thomas de Chaucombe bave caused the mainpernors to be arrested and imprisoned until Henry and Stephen should appear, and have caused the chattels of Henry and Stephen to be confiscated as chattels of fugitives, although they ought to appear before the said .John de Bello Campo and his fellows, and not before them, which steps they have taken because the names of Henry and Stephen were delivered to them by the sheriff with the names of those indicted before the said keepers, no mention being made of the form of the mainprise. To Master .John Walewayn, esche.ator beyond Trent. Order to deliver to Alina, late the wife of Edward Burnel, tenant in chief, the following of her husband’s knights’ fees, which the king has assigned to her in dower : a fee in Medueleye, which John de Upton holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; a fee in Felton Botiller, which Thomas le Botiller holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; a moiety of a fee in Wychecote, which Robert Broun holds. ■198 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1317 . July 25. Nottiugham, July 22. Nottingham July 22. Nottingham. July 26. Nottingham, July 28. Nottingham. July 27. Nottingham. Membrane 25 — cont. of the yearly value of 20s. ; a moiety of a fee in Redeleswartlyn, which Rurga (le Ilarlegh hohls, of the yearly value of 20s. ; a third of a fee in Midelton, which Philip de Middclton holds, of the yearly vtdueof 1.3s. 4r/. ; a moiety of a fee in Camelegh, which Herbert de Mareys holds, of the yearly value of 10/. ; a moiety of a fee in Sheneston, which Ralph de Grendon holds, of the yearly value of 50s. To the same. Order to deliver to the aforesaid Alina the advowson of the church of Chetyngton, of the yearly value of 40 marks ; the advowson of the church of Loxton, of the yearly value of 30 marks ; thetidvowson of the church of Northchiriton, of the yearly value of 10 marks ; and the advow.sou of a portion of the church of Castelhelgod, of the yearly value of 10 marks, Avhich the king has assigned to her as dower of her husband’s advowsons. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to discharge Robert de Horton, in his account for the time when he was sheriff of Devon, of 86 crannocks and 9 bushels of oats, 1016 ‘ hakes ’ and 290 conger-eels (congri), and 81 crannocks and 5 bushels of salt, of the victuals %\ herewith he loaded, by the king’s order, a ship called ‘ la lledecoge,’ of Teignemuth, in that port for the purjiose of being taken to Skynburnes, theie to be delivered to the receiver of the king’s stores, as appears by an indenture between him and Richard Scalon and Richard Lamherd, master of the ship, as the ship was afterwards driven by contrary winds to Ireland, where it arrived at the port of Molaghyde on 4 March, in the 10th year of the king’s reign, when the victuals above specified were delivered to Robert de Cotesgrave, clerk, receiver of the garnisture of Dublin castle, for pro- visioning that castle by the said Richard Lamberd, on account of the perilous p.arts of the sea, and because the provisions were in danger of perishing on account of their long detention in the ship, by order of Roger de Mortuo Mari, supplying the king’s place in Ireland, as ap[)ears by letters patent under the king’s seal of Ireland. They are to cause the aforesaid Robert de Cotesgrave to be charged with the victuals in question. To the sheriff of Dorset. Oi'der to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of William de Stokes, who is insufficiently qualified, Membrane 24. To the sheriff of Somerset. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of John Everard, who cannot attend to the duties of the office, as he does not reside continuously within the county. To the sheriff of Leicester. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Oliver Ic Waleys, whom the king has caused to be amoved from office for insufficient qualification. 'I'o the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Robert de Weston, whom the king has caused to bo removed from office because he is too infirm to execute the office. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of Roger le Rrabazou, and to restore, the issues of the same, as it appears by impiisition that he held nothing in chief of the king by reason Avhereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king. To the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order to release 41 woollen cloths and three scrpler.« [of woolj, api)raiscd at 104/., belonging to certain merchants of the power of the duke of Rrabant, arrested by him in execution 11 EDWARD II. 489 1317, July 25. Nottingham, July 27. Nottingham. Membrane 24 — cont. of the king’s order to arrest goods of merchants of the duke’s power to the value of 210/., in part payment of 410/. for the goods of Gilbert Robert, burgess of Ipswich, Richard Salvayn of Graham, Richard de Clepton of Graham, and Nicholas de Walsokne, which were taken on the sea by Arnald de Stanbergh and Peter his brother, and other their accomplices, of the power of the said duke, which order was issued because the duke failed to make satisfaction when requested by the king to do so, and Go pieces of cloth of Walter Outenhone of Louvaine, Henry Wan, *de Bruge of Louvaine, JohnReymund, and John Gobessone of Lovaine, merchants of the power of the said duke, appraised at 210/., arre.sted by the bailiffs and community of the city of Norwich, whom the sheriff caused to have return of the writ because goods could not be found outside the city to the value named in the writ, as Gilbert has asserted in chancery that he has received, for himself and his fellows aforesaid, 78/. from the merchants of the duke’s power in part satisfaction of the said 210/., provided that Gilbert acknow- ledge before the sheriff that the merchants aforesaid have fully satisfied him for the remaining 132/. The sheriff is to certify the king of his proceedings on the morrow of St. Laurence. To the sheriff of Berks. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Robert de Boylond, who is incapacitated by illness and infirmity. To Robert de Sapy, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Elizabeth, late the wife of Robertson of Ralph, tenant in chief, the following of his lands and tenements, which the king has assigned to her as dower: the manor of Buttrewyk, co. York, of the yearly value of 10 /. ; the manor of Morton-on-Swale, in the same county, of the yearly value of 14/.; the manor of Osmondreley, in the same county, of the yearly value of 20s.; a third of the manor of Thorp Basset, in the same county, which manor is of the yearly value of 10/. ; a third of the manor of Brunnum, in the same county, which manor is of the yearly value of 20/. ; a third of the manor of Nidde, ill the same county, which manor is of the yearly value of 20/. ; a third of the manor of Creystock, co. Cumberland, which manor is of the yearly value of 62/. 13s. 0\d . ; a third of the manor of Dufton, co. West- moreland, which manor is of the yearly value of 20 /. ; a third of the manors of Morpath, Ulougham, of the town of Ileppcscotes, of a moiety of the hamlet of Tranwell, of a part of the town of Horsley, of a moiety of the town of Stanyngton, and of a moiety of the town of Benton, co. Northumberland, which are of the yearly value of 10/.; and 7os. Od. of yearly rent from the manor of Thornton, co, York. To Robert de Sapy, late keeper of the bishopric of Durham, void and in the king’s hands. Order to deliver to the aforesaid Elizabeth the following of her husband’s lauds, in the king’s hands by reason of the voidance of the bishopric, which the king has assigned to her as dower ; a third of the manor of Consclyf, of the yearly value of 80/. ; a third of the manor of Nesham, of the yearly value of 45/. 4s. Or/. ; and a third of 50/. of yearly rent from the manor of Brereton. To Robert de Sapy, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to William la Zouche and Alice his wife, late the wife of Guy de Bello Campo, carl of Warwick, tenant in chief, the following of the earl’s knights’ fees, which the king has assigned to her as dower : a fee in Stretlem, in the said (s/c) bishopric, which Peter del llaye holds, of the yearly value of 40/. ; a moiety of a fee in Sumerhuse, in the said bishopric, which Adam de Maynevile holds, of the yearly value of 20/. ; a twenty-fourth of a fee in Hedelom, in the said bishopric, which Simon de Hedelom holds, of the * A Christian name seems to be omitted here. ■190 (CALENDAR OE CLOSE ROLLS. 1317. July 20. Nottingham. July 1. Nottingham. Au^. 3. Nottingham. July .30. Nottingham. Membrane 24 — coyit. yearly value of 100s. ; a twenty-fourth of a fee in the same town, which William cle Hyndeleye holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; a twelfth of a fee in Langeton, in the same bishopric, whicli Ralph de Langeton holds, of the yearly value of 10/. ; a twelfth of a fee in Seletby, in the said bishopric, wliich Robert de Marroilles holds, of the yearly value of 100s. ; a twenty- foui th of a fee in Quernynton, in the said bishopric, which Adam de Bowes holds, of the yearly value of 100s. To the same. Order to assign to the aforesaid William and Alice the following of the earl’s advowsons, which the king has assigned to her as dower ; the advowson of the church of Middelton, in the bishopric of Durham, of the yeaily value of 26/. 13s. Ad.-, the advowson of the chapel of Percebrug’, in the same bishopric, of the yearly value of 40s. ; the advowson of the hospital of Gaynesford, in the same bishopric, of the yearly value of 6s. 8 c/. To Master .John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver to the said William and Alice the advowson of the church of St. James, Warwick, of (he yearly value of 40s., which the king has assigned to her as dower of the aforesaid earl’s advowsons. To the sheriff of Essex and Hertford. Order to pay to William de Werministre, late parson of the church of Tydolfeshide, 20/. from the issues of his bailiwick, the king having granted him that sum in aid of his main- tenance until the king shall cause him to be provided with some promotion, he having resigned the above church at the king’s request. By p.s. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of John son of William de Hagh, lately elected, who cannot execute the duties of the olSce because he is still under his father’s power, does [not] dwell continuously in the county, and has as yet no lands in fee. To the chamberlain of North Wales. Order to proceed in person to the castle of Creukyn, and to survey its condition, and to cause it to be pro- vided with dead garnisture and victuals by the view of the king’s constable there. To Robert de Sapy, escheator this side Trent. Order to p.ay to Oliver de Burdegala 42/. 14.s. \d., which the king owes to him for the expenses of lady Matilda Trussel coming to the king at his command and staying in his court in .June, in the 10th year of his reign, as apj)ears by a bill under the seal of Roger de Northburgh, keeper of the wardrobe. By K. To the chamberlain of North Wales. Order to p.ay to .John de Sapy 37/. lx. Ad., which the king owes him for his expenses outside the court about the king’s affairs in March, April, and May, in the 10th year of his reign, and for the expenses of lady Matilda Trussel coming to the king by his order in .June in that year, as appears by a bill under the seal of Roger de Northburgh, keeper of the wardrobe. By K. To Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wygemor, keeper of the land of Ireland, and supplying the king’s place therein. Order to pay to W. elect of Cashel, late bishop of Ossory, translated by the pope to the archbishopric of Cashel, 200 marks out of the temporalities of the archbishopric of Dublin, void and in the king’s hands, the king having granted him that sum in aid of his maintenance because he has long served and still serves the king faithlully ill the office of chancellor of Ireland, and because he is destitute of the temporalities of his bishopric, as he has not received the bulls creating him archbishop. By K. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to deliver to Ij. bishop of Durham three upper punches {tntsscllos) in addition to the three already 11 EDWARD II. 491 1317. Aug. 3. Nottingham. Aug. 3. Nottingham, Membrane 24 — cont. delivered by them in execution of the king’s order to deliver to him three dies (c.uneos) for making sterlings of the king’s money with all things per- taining to them, as his predecessors have been wont to have in times past, they having delivered to him three dies in six pieces, to wit three lower punehes (piles) and three upper punches only, as the said elect has prayed the king to have three other upper punches, to wit duplicated upper punches, granted to him : provided that the duplication of the upper punches shall not prejudice the king at present, nor be drawn into a precedent hereafter. By K. and C. Membrane 23. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause to be cancelled the king’s letters patent in the estreats of the chancery in the exchequer granting to Hugh le Despenser the elder the custody of the lauds of Guy de Bello Campo, late earl of Warwick, in the king’s hands on account of the minority of his heir, which the king lately committed to the earl’s executors to hold during the heir’s minority, and to discharge Ilugli of 1,000 marks yearly, which he was to render for the custody, as appears by the aforesaid letters patent which Hugh has delivered into chancery to be cancelled, and the king has caused them to be cancelled at his request. To the same. Order to allow to Hugh le Despenser the elder, out of the debts due to him from the king, the sum of 41G/. 4s. 8^cl. yearly until the king’s debts to him have been satisfied, which yearly sum Hugh ought to render to the exchequer for the custody of the manor of Brayles and Thomworth, co. Warwick, the manor of Acton Beauchaumpe, the castle of Worcester, lands in AVorcester, the profit in the county of VV’orcester, the castle and manor of Elmeley, the manors of Sbircveslech and Saltwarp, in the same county, tenements in Lydeney, co. Gloucester, the manors of Bergdon and Loufenam, co. Rutland, the manors of Spellesbury, co. Oxford, which belonged to Guy de Bello Campo, late earl of AVarwick, and which are extended to the yearly value of 33G/. 4^. and were previously committed by the king to the executors of the said earl, the king having granted the custody thereof to Hugh on condition that he rendered the above extent and 80/. yearly of increment, to have from Easter last during the minority of the heir. By K. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Bartholomew de Badelesmere to have compensation out of wardships now in the king’s hands, or that shall first come to his hands, for 41/. 15s. 11 jr/. yearly, which sum Thomas de Veer and Agnes his wife, late the wife of Rayn Tibotot, tenant in chief, recovered before the justices of the Bench as the third of the manor of Benteleye, except the advowson of the church of Arkeseye, co. York, which she demanded as dower of the said Payn’s freehold in that town against AVilliam Sampson, in which suit AVilliam vouched to warranty before the justices aforesaid the heir of the said Fayn, a minor in the wardship of Bartholomew by grant from the king, when William profferred a deed of warranty by Payn, whereupon it was con- sidered that William .should hold in peace, and that Thomas and Agnes should have the value of the said dower, which was extended at the al)ove sum yearly of the heir’s land in the wardship of Bartholomew ; by reason whereof 21/. 8,?. 6^f/. of land yearly in co. Leicester, 11/. 19 a’. (V/. of land yearly in co. Lincoln, and 8/. 8.^. Sri. of land in co. Essex, were delivered to Thomas and Agnes, as appears by the record and process, which the king caused to come before the treasurer and barons ; the king having, on 21 November, in the 8th year of his reign, sold to Bartholomew, for CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1317 . Aug. 4. Nottiiigliam. Aug. 3. Nottingham. Membrane 23 — eont. 1,000 marks paid into tlie exchecpicr, the custody of the following lands of the aforesaid Payn, which were in the king’s hands on account of the ininoi ity of John his son and heir : the manor of Thorp, co. Leicester, of tlie yearly value of 16/. 17s. ; the manor of Barke?ton, in the same county, of the yearly value of 73s. 8(/. ; the manor of Eston, co. Lincoln, of the yearly value of 11/. 19s. 7t/. ; the manor of Preston, in the same county, of the yearly value of 52s. ; the manor of Strethall, co. Essex, of the yearly value of ll/. 3s. 2|(/. ; to have during the minority of the heir, with the marriage of the heir, provided that if John died before he came of age, Bartholomew should have the eustody of the above lands until the time when John Avould have come of age had he lived, together with the marriage of John’s heir, with further provision for compensation by the king in case the lands abovesaid came to an heir over age before such time as John would have become of full age, etc. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent, or to his sub- escheator in the county of Lincoln. Order to deliver to Hugh le Despenser the younger all the issues of the manor of Karleton near Basyngham, co. Lincoln, from the time when it came to the king’s hands by the forfeiture of Gervase Avenel and Joan his wife when they adhered to the Scotch- rebels, and their goods and chattels found in the manor, the king having granted the manor to Hugh, provided that Hugh answer at the king’s will for the issues and goods aforesaid. By p.s. [4343.] To the dean and chapter of St. Peter’s York, keepers of the spiritualities of the archbishopric of York. Order to pay to Bartholomew de Badelesmere or Master William de Maldon, his attorney in this behalf, 200/. for the expenses of the castles that belonged to Robert de Clifford, tenant in chief, in CO. Westmoreland, in Bartholomew’s hands by the king’s commission, in order to secure them against the attacks of the Scotch rebels, the money to be paid out of the tenth for six years imposed upon the clergy by pope Clement V. in the council of Vienne for the general passage to the Holy Land, which tenth pope John XXII. has lent to the king for the expedition of his affairs. By K. on the information of the treasurer. Aug. 4. To the collectors of the custom of wool, hides, and w'ool-fells in the port Nottiugbain. of London. Order to pay to the king’s merchants DofPus de Bard [is], Rogt r i\rdingelli, Dinus Eorcinetti, and Francis Balduch’, of the society of the Bardi of Florence, 1,600/. from the increment of 10s. on each sack of wool, lOi’. on each last of hides, and 10s. on every 300 wool-fells exported by alien merchants, .and of the increment of half a mark on each sack of wool, half a mark on e.ach last of hides, and h.alf a mark on every 300 wool-fells exported by native merchants, as the king owes the said merchants great sums of money. By K. IParl. Writs.'] The like to the collectors in the port of Southampton for 533/. 6s. Sd. [Ibid.] By K. d’o the collectors of the custom of wool, hides, and wool-fells in the port of Southamj)ton. Order to permit the merchants of the society of the Bardi of Florence and their men and servants to export their wool, hides, and wool-fells upon payment of the due custom without exacting the incre- ment of the same, making an indenture of the amount of the increment and certifying the king thereof. By K. [Ibid.] • The like to the collectors in the ports of London, Boston, and Kingeston- on-Hull. [Ibid.] d’o Robert de Kertlyngton, attorney of Aymcr do Vulencia, carl of I’embroke, for the receipt of t!ie custom aforesaiil iu the poit of Iviugeston- 11 EDWARD II. 493 1317. July 27. Nottingham. Aug. G. Nottingham. Aug. 8. Shellbrd. Aug. 7. Nottingham, Membrane 23 — cent. on-Hull. Order to deliver to Peter Bonayoint, attorney of the merchants of the society of the Bardi of Florence, the second part of the seal called ‘coket’in that port, the said merchants having satisfied the earl for the money due to Hm from the king, for payment whereof the king assigned to him the issues of the custom, as the king has granted that the merchants shall receive the money so paid by them from the custom in that port, and that they shall have the second part of the aforesaid seal until they have been satisfied for the money aforesaid. By K. [Par/. WritsP\ To the sheriff of York. Order to supersede the exaetion at his next county court of Joim Brettevill, Geoffrey Lewyn, Sampson Paytevyn, Hugh Hauquyn, Peter Hauquyn, Henry Hauquyn, Thomas de Snape, Roger Noreys le Porter, Walter de Doun, Robert de Shilvyngton, Elias de Kelsouth, Hugh de Hecham, John Puy, John de Sale, William de Blith, John Wodeman, Walter Dalnemuth, William Peytevyn, Thomas Lescot, Patrick le Taillur, Thomas Thorald, and .John le Taynturer to be outlawed at the suit of Arnald de Luk’ and William Arnaud of Porte, merchants, for a trespass committed upon the said merchants, to hear and determine which trespass the king has appointed certain of his subjects, for which they were put in exigent to be outlawed, and for which they would have been outlawed at the sheriff’s county [court] in Easter week last had not the king ordered him to supersede until his next county [court] the exaction, becau.se Edmund, earl of Arundel, warden of the Marches' of Scotland, had signified to him that they were staying in his company in the king’s service for the defence of the Marches; as Hugh Daudele the elder, constable of the castle of Newcastle-on-Tyne, has now signified to the -king that they are staying in his company for the defence of that town and the neighbouring parts. By K. To Master .John Walewayui, eschcafor beyond Trent. Order not to inter- meddle further with the lands that Walter de Bylyngeye held at his death of J. bishop of Lincoln, or of other lords, restoring the issues of the same, the late king having, on IG June, in the thirty-fourth year of his reign, ordered Walter de Gloucestrc, then escheator beyond Trent, not to iiiter- nujddle further with the .said lands, as it was found by iiujuisition taken by him that VValter de Bylyngeye held of the said king in chief a third of the manor ef Runhain, co. Norfolk, by the service of a third of two measures {modioruDi) of wine and 200 pears of Permayns to be rendered at the exchequer at Alichaelm.as, and that he held no other lands of the king by reason whereof the custody of the lands that he held of other lords should pertain to the king, the lands that Walter de Bylyngeye held of other lords than the king having been taken into the present king’s hands by reason of a writ to take his lands into the king’s hands surreptitiously issued at the suit of certain persons, his heir being then a minor, to the damage of John, bishop of Lincoln, and others of whom Walter held at his death, the bishop and the other lords having entered the lands in name of wardsliip by virtue of the aforesaid order of the late king. The escheator is to retain in the king’s bands the third of the manor of Runham. To the .same. Order not to distrain Thomas son of William Curzon of Croxhale for homage for the manor of Sibertoft, co. Northampton, which he holds in chief of the king, as the king has taken his homage. By p.s. [4352.] Membrane 22. To the sheriff of Somerset. Order to pay to the king’s clerk Robert do Emehlon, whom the king is sending to that county upon certain affairs, GOj. for his expenses in i)rosecuting such affairs. By K. ('ALENl)AR OF CLOSE ROLLS. •}9I: 1317. Aug. 11. •Somertou. Aug. IG. Somertou. Aug. 19. Lincolu. Membrane 22 — cent. Like order to tlie sheriff of Southampton to paj 60.?. to Robert de llaliwell, clerk. To Robert do Sapy, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause William son of Thomas son of William de Tyndale, kinsman and heir of Thomas son of Simon de Dyneleston, to have seisin of the lands that Lucy, late the wife of the said Thomas de Dynelestou, held for her lifetime of the king in chief of the inheritance of the aforesaid William son of 'riiomas, as the king has taken his homage therefor and rendered the lands to him, .saving the king’s relief, if any be due. By p.s. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Talentyre, co. Cumberland, as it appears by inquisition tsiken by the said escheator that Richard le Brun, deceased, granted it to .John de Derwent- watre the elder for life, with remainder to John de Derwentwatre the younger and Isabella his wife, to have and to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies, and John the younger and Isabella entered the manor after the death of John the elder by virtue of the grant aforesaid, and that they peacefully continued their seisin of the same until Robert de Leyburn, keeper of the honour of Cokermuth, ejected them from the manor because it is held of the king in chief as of the honour afore.said, by which inquisition it was found that the manor is held of the king as of the honour aforesaid by homage and fealty and by the service of 13s. \d. yearly for coi nage ; the king having pardoned John the younger and Isabella the trespass committed by them in this behalf, the king’s licence not having been obtained [to enter the manor], in consideration of a fine made with the king for them by Adam de Skelton. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Castelrigg’ and the island of Wythholm, co. Cumberland, as it appears by inquisition takeu by the said escheator that John de Derwentwatre the elder granted it to John de Derwentwatre the younger, and that John the younger entered the same and was seised thereof for a long time, and that he afterwards granted it to John the elder for life with reversion to himself and his heirs, and that John the younger entered the same by virtue of this grant after the death of John the elder, and that he peacefully continued his seisin thereof until Robert de Leyburne, keeper of the honour of Cokermuth, ejected him therefrom because the manor and island are held of the king in chief as of the honour aforesaid, by which inquisition it a[)pears that the manor and island are held of the king by homage and fealty and by the service of ID. yearly for cornage and by doing service to the king’s court of Cokermuth from three weeks to three weeks ; the king having pardoned him the trespass committed by him in this behalf [in entering the [iremises] without the king’s licence, in consideration of a fine made with the king for him by Adam de Skelton. By fine of 100s. 'I'o Robert de Leyburn. Order not to intermeddle further with the aforesaid manors of Talentyre and Castelrigg’ and the island of Whytholm, if he have taken them into the king’s hands because they are held of the king in chief as of the honour aforesaitl, or by virtue of any commission to him of the lands of the aforesaid John the elder, which were taken into the king’s hands upon his death and by reason of the minority of John his brother {sic) and heir, or by reason of the abovesaid trespasse.s, the king having pardoned the aforesaid John the younger and Isabella his wife, as above. By the fine above-named. To Robert de Sapy, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver to Robert de Craystok, son of Robert son of Ralph, tenant in charge, the manors of Grymthorp, Crosthwayt, Tliorp Basset, co. York, and the manor of Ncesham, within the liberty of the bishoj)ric of Durham, and 50/. yearly 11 EDWARD II. 495 1317. Aug. 20. Lincoln. Aug. 28. Lincoln. Aug. 28. Lincoln. Aug. 24. Lincoln. Aug. 28. Lincoln. Membrane 22 — cont. of rent sec from the manor of Brerton, within the said liberty, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that the said Robert son of Ralph held at his death the manor of Grymthorp of the heir of Henry de Percy, a minor in the king’s wardship, in socage by the service of 4/. 8«. I^d. yearly for all service, the manor of Crosthwayt of Henry son of Hugh in socage by the service of 2s. for all service, the manor of Thorp Basset of the abbot of St. Albans in socage by the service of Id. for all service, and the manor of Neesham of William Tayleboys in socage by the service of 16s. yearly for all service, and that the said Ralph is his son and heir, and is aged 18 years and more; the king having granted the said manors and rent to Ralph, they being in his hands on account of the death of Robert and of Ralph’s minority. By p.s. [4358.] To the sheriff of Dorset. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Bartholomew Payn, who is incapacitated by non- residence in the county. To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of Thomas de Neuvill, and to restore the issues of the same, as it appears by inquisition that he held nothing in chief of the king or of the heir of Robert le Chaumberleyn, a minor in the king’s wardship, by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to jiertain to the king. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of Margery Waleys, and to restore the issues thereof, as it ai)pears by inquisition taken by the escheator that she held nothing in chief of the king at her death by reason whereof the custody of her lands ought to pertain to the king. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Toftes, CO. Norfolk, the manor of Spettebury, co. Dorset, the manor of Aston, co. Berks, and the manor of Warmynton, co. Warwick, and to restore the issues thereof, which manors he has taken into the king’s hands on the death of Matthew, the late abbot of the monastery of SS. Peter and Paul, Preaux (ele Pratellis), which manors were granted to the monks of Preaux by Robert, sometime earl of Meulan and Leicester, by his charter, which was confirmed by the late king, to have and to hold in frankalmoign, as contained in the said confirmation, the king under.standing that the escheator has taken the manors into his hands, although neither the king nor his progenitors received any issues from the manors at any time of voidance of tlie abbey. To John de Crumbwelle, keeper of the Forest beyond Trent, or to him ■who supj)lies his place. Order to deliver Bego son of Geoffrey de Helperby, imprisoned in York castle for trespass of vert and venison in the forest of Galtrcs, co. York, in bail to twelve mainpernors, who shall under- take to have him before the justices in eyre for Forest pleas when they next come to that county. To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order to assign to Constance, late the wife of William Martel, tenant in chief, dower of her husband’s lands in his bailiwick in the presence of John, brother and heir of William, if he choose to attend, as she has taken oath before the king not to marry without the king’s licence. To Robert Sapy, escheator beyond Trent. Order to pay to the chaplains of the chantry in the chapel of Neusiim the arrears of (51. yearly, which they ought to receive from the manor of Wyntryngham, which belonged to William de Vescy, tenant in chief, for the time that the manor has been in his custody. 196 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1317 . Sopt. 2. Jinitou-on- Humber. Sept. 5. York. Sept. 6. Y’^ork. Sept. 9. Y'ork. Membrane 22 — cont. Tlic like w.as .sent at another time to Robert de Cliderhon, late escheator beyond Trent. To the collectors of the custom and the aid of imprest of cloth to be made to the king in the port of London. Order not to take any aid or imprest, this side Easter, of the cloth that the king’s merchant Simon de Swanlaund shall cause to be brought to that port, and which he shall testify to be his own, to the number of 2,000 pieces {jpannoruni'), making an indenture with him of the number of pieces brought to that port before the said feast, and of what ought to j)ertain to the king thereof by reason of the aforesaid aid, so that tlie king may recover the aid from Simon at the aforesaid term, the king having enjoined Simon to make a great provision of cloth for the king’s use, in doing which he will undergo great outlay (nnde i 2 )svm oportet [/]?» immensum onerari). By p.s. [4406.] To Robert de Sapy, escheator this side Trent. Order not to intermeddle further with 25 tofts, 19 bovates, and 7 acres of land in Morton-on-Swale, CO. A^ork, a windmill and its suit, and the ferry {passagium) of the water of Swale, pertaining to the manor of Ralph son of William in Morton, and all his lands in the town of Thirnetoft’, which the escheator took into the king’s hands upon the death of Robert son of the said Ralph, together with his other lands, as it appears by inquisition taken by tlie escheator that Ralph son of William, tenant in chief, granted the premises by Ins deed to Robert his sou, and Elizabeth, wife of the said Robert, to have and to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies, and that Elizabeth peacefully continued her joint seisin thereof until her husband’s death, by which inqui.sition it was found that the 25 tofts, 19 bovates, and 7 acres of land in Morton, together with the windmill and ferry, are held of John de .Fornewes by Ifnight service, and the land and tenements in Thirnetoft’ are held of Robert le Conestable by knight service. To the the sheriff of Surrey. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Henry de Somerbure, deceased. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Alexander de Bastenthwayt, in his account of the issues of the lands of John de Wygeton, which were in his hands by commis.sion from the king, the sum of 99/. I8s. 8f/, expended by him about the defence of tiie castle of Cokermutb, which Thomas de Richemund, deceased, held by the king’s grant for life, the said Alexander having taken the castle into the king’s hands by his order when he was sub-eschcator in the county of Cumberland, and having caused it to be provisioned with victuals and men-at-arms on account of the Scotch rebels, who were then endeavouring to enter those parts, the king having appointed Robert de Barton and Adam de Skelton to enquire by the oath of men of that county concerning his expenditure about the castle ; by whoso impiisition it appears that Alexander took the castle into the king’s hands on 15 July, in the lOth year of his reign, by indenture made between him and Richard de Richemund, in c.xecution of the king’s writ addressed to Robert do Cliderhou, then escheator this side Trent, and that he caused it to be hastil}' provisioned with victuals to the value of 111/, against the attacks of the Scots, who were then in the Marches and wished to enter that county, and that he kept with him in defence of that castle, from the aforesaid 15 July to 5 August inclusive, thirty- seven iiK-u-at-arms, lifty-oue hobelers, an engineer, a mason, a carpenter, eight cross-bowmen, two j)orters, a Avatchman, and sixty footmen, each man at-arms taking daily from the victuals aforesaid to the value of 12(/., each hobeler, engineer, mason, and carpenter to the value of Of/., each porter to the value of Ir/., the watchman to the value of .‘h/., and each of the footmen 11 EDWARD II. 497 1317. Sept. 8. York. Sept. 10. York . Sept. 14. York. Sept. 10. York. Membrane 22 — cont. to the value of 2d., and that Alexander, after the retreat of the Scots, kept with him in defence of the castle, from 5 August to 26 August inclusive, eight men-at-arms, an engineer, a carpenter, a porter, a watchman, and twenty footmen at the abovesaid wages, and that he expended in repairing the gate and engines of the castle 20s., the total of which wages and expenditure amounts to 99/. I8s. 8c/. aforesaid. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Geoffrey de Upsale, who is staying in the company of Henry son of Hugh for the defence of the Scotch Marches, so that he cannot attend to the duties of coroner. To the mayor and bailiffs of York. Order to pay to William Fraunceys 25 marks of the ferm of their city, for the sum due to him at Michaelmas next of ihe yearly sum of 50 marks from their ferm, granted to him by the king on 24 April in the eighth year of his reigu, for his good service before the king at Dumbar. Membrane 21. To him who supplies the place of the treasurer and to the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance to be made to Alexander de Cave and Robert de Amcotes, late keepers of certain of the Templars’ lands in the county of York, in their account, for the corn, beasts, and other goods and chattels delivered by them to Richard le Squier, yeoman of the king’s chamber, at his request, for the king’s use, without the king’s writ, as appears by an indenture under his seal, charging Richard with the same. By K. on the information of William de Melton. In the eighth year. To the collectors of the custom of wool, hides, and wool-fells in the port of Boston. Order to take custom of all wools taken away through that port, although they have not been loaded or discharged there, as the king under- stands that both native and alien merchants who go to divers places in the county of Lincoln to buy wool carry the said wool in their ships through that port and refuse to pay the custom there because they have not loaded or discharged the ships in that port. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause proclamation to be made in the above port and elsewhere in his bailiwick forbidding any merchant taking wool away from that port before he have paid custom, under pain of forfeiting the wool, and to arrest the wool of any one so offending. To the sheriff of York. Order to supersede until Christmas the exaction of John de Brettevill, Geoffrey Lewyn, Sampson Paytevyn, Hugh Haukyu, Peter Haukyn, Henry Hanky n, Thomas de Snape, Roger le Noreys le Porter, Walter dil (sec) Doun, Robert de Shylyngton, Elias de Kelshouth, Hugh de Hecham, John Puy, John de la Sale, William de Blyth, .John Wodeman, Walter de Alnemouth, William Paytevyn, Thomas Lescote, Patrick le Taylour, Thomas Thorald, John le Taynturer, John de la Gore, Richard de Dalton, William de Aketon, Richard de Aketon, Robert de Musgrave, Robert de Stanhope, William de Borne, and William Einme, whom the sheriff exacts to be outlawed at the suit of Arnald de Luke .and William Arnald of Port, merchants of Gascony, as they are staying at New- cnstle-on-Tyne for the defence thereof, and the king cannot dispense with their presence there on account of the continued malice of the Scotch rebels and other his enemies {emulorum). By p.s. [4408.] I X 7 >« 04 , 498 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1317. Sept. 15. York. Sept. 13. York. Sept. 16. York. Sept. 14. York. Sept. 17. York. Sept. 16, York. Membrane 21 — cent. To Mastei’ .John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause Richard de Plaiz, son and heir of Giles de Plaiz, tenant in chief of the late king, to have seisin of his father’s lands, as he has proved his age before the escheator, and the king has taken his homage. By K. To the collectors of the custom and aid of imprest to he made to the king of wool, hides, wool-fells, cloths, wines, avoir-du-pois,iva^ other merchandise in the port of London. Ordernot to take any money from corn, s.alt, herrings, stock- fish {duro pisce), or other victuals imported or exported by any merchants whatsoever by reason the king’s late order, issued with the counsel and advice of certain native and alien merchants, to take a certain sum of money by way of loan from every native or alien merchant who wishes to export or import wool, hides, wool-fells, cloth, wine, or other wares before a certain term, as it was not the king’s intention that any imprest should be taken of victuals. If they have taken any imprests from victuals, they are ordered to restore the same. [Pari. Writs.'] The like to the collectors in the following ports : Berwick-on-Tweed. Great Yarmouth. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Sandwich. Hertepol. Chichester. Kyngeston-on-Hull. Southampton. Lynn. Chester. Bristol. Boston. [Ibid.] Ipswich. By K. and C. To the sheriff’ of Nottingham. Order to pay to Margery, late the wife of Duncan de Ferendragh, 20 marks for Michaelmas term next, in part payment of the yearly sum of 40 marks assigned to her by the king to be received from Eleanor, late the wife of Henry de Percy, out of the 400/. that she is bound to pay to the exchequer for Henry’s lands in co. York dui’ing the minority of his heir, as the king has now caused that 400/. to be assigned elsewhere. By K. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to assign to the aforesaid Margery the custody of some manor in the king’s hands to the value of 40 marks yearly, for her maintenance, to have until further ordi- nance be made for her maintenance, provided that if the manor assigned to her exceed the value of 40 marks yearly, she shall answer yearly to the exchequer for the excess ; the king having assigned the aforesaid 400/., out of which she had assignment for 40 marks yearly, elsewhere. By K. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to supersede until further orders the execution of any order of the king’s to arrest John, prior of Sempyngham, who was indicted before the king at Lincoln for harbouring Agatha, late the wife of William atte Gote of Boston, indicted but not yet convicted of the death of her said husband ; the prior being also indicted as a common conspirator and maintainor of felons, and disinheritor of many persons in that county, as John de Ellerker, Robert Doigneurs, William de Redcnesse, John le Verrur of York, and John de Neuton, of the county of York, and Thomas de Brunnc of Billingburgh, of the county of Lincoln, have main- perned before the king to have the prior before him in a month from Michaelmas. To the collectors of the loan to be made to the king by native and alien merchants from certain merchandise in the port of London. Order to re- ceive the loan from wool, hides, and wool-fells only, notwithstanding the king’s order to take it from various other goods. By K. [Pari. Writs.] 11 EDWARD II. 409 1317. Sept. 20. York. Sept. 20. York. Sept. 20. York. Sept. 22. York. Sept. 23. York. Membrane 21 — cont. The like to the collectors Lynn. Boston. Berwick-on -T weed . Newcastle on-Tyne. Herterpole. Kingeston-on-Hull. Bristol. in the following ports : Ipswich. Great Yarmouth. Sandwich. Chichester. Soutliampton. Chester. To the collectors of the custom of wool, hides, and wool-fells in the port of Kingeston-on-Hull. Order to pay to Robert de Hastang, controller of the custom aforesaid, the arrears of his wages for the time that he has been controller there, at the same rate as other controllers have been usually paid. By K. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to release Richard de Naulton, lately indicted by an inquisition before the king at Lincoln, for that Roger de Naulton slew Nicholas de la More at La More, near Kirketon-in Lyndeseye, by his order, and for harbouring Nicholas (sic) after the commission of the felony, and for divers other trespasses against the king’s peace, which Roger has not yet been convicted of the aforesaid death, by reason of which indictment Richard is imprisoned in Somerton castle, provided that he find sufficient mainpernors to have him before the king in three weeks from Michaelmas. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to supersede until the quinzaine of Easter next the distraint to render account of the collectors of the custom of wool, hides, and wool-fells and of the imprest to be made to the king in the port of Kingeston-on-Hull, as the collectors are much occupied in this season of the passage of wools to parts beyond sea, and as the king has assigned the issues of the custom and imprest to the merchants of the society of the Bardi in payment of the king’s debts to them. By K. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to supersede any order of the king’s to arrest Henry de Lekebnrn and Thomas Merle, who have offered themselves before the king to stand to right, they having been lately indicted before the king at Lincoln for that they burnt by force and arms the chamber of .John de Brinchill at Brinchill, and assaulted and wounded the said .John whilst fleeing thence to the church there, as Bartholomew de Badelesmere and William de Sevanus, of the county of Kent, 'I'homas Boteturt and Thomas de Lovayn, of the county of Essex, Bartholomew de Burghwassh, Bartholomew de Gabriel, Robert de Watcfeld, and Thomas Rosselyn, of the county of Norfolk, John de Renreth, of the county of Cumberland, and Robert de Ardern, of the county of Northampton, have mainperned before the king to have the said Henry and Thomas before the king in a month from Michaelmas to answer to him and the said John de Brinchill. By K. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Like order in favour of Richard Marmiou, as William de Rednesse, William de Houedeu, and William de Moreby, of the county of York, and Walter de Ludham, Robert de Ludham, and Richard atte Brigg’, of the county of Lincoln, have mainperned to have him before the king in a month from Michaelmas to answer to the king and William Gentyl for thaf he, at the order of William de Baiocis, assaulted the said William Gentyl at Gunthorp, and beat and wounded him, and cut off his right hand. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to release the goods and chattels of divers merchants of Ypres, arrested by him in Boston fair, to the value of 42(iL lOi. Od., as appears by his return, by vii’tue of the king’s order to II 2 500 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1317. Membrane 21 — cont. arrest goods [of the merchants of Flanders] at the suit of Walter de Rudstane and John le Cohere of Notingham, and of other the king’s merchants, in satisfaction for their goods to the value of 1,100/. carried away from them by malefactors of the town of Sluys in Flanders, as it was granted to the burgesses and merchants of Y|)res by charters of the king’s progenitors, confirmed by him, that they might safely come and stay in this realm, and return thence with their merchandise upon their paying the due and right customs, and that they should not be hindered by any forfeiture of their goods on account of any contention between the men and merchants of this realm and those of other towns beyond sea, and that they should not be distrained for any debt whereof they are not chief pledges or principal debtors, and as the king has granted to them, because he learned from trustworthy testimony that they 'were wholly guiltless of all trespasses and violences heretofore committed by the men of Flanders upon the merchants and men of this land, that they should not be aggrieved on account of any trespass committed upon the king’s men and merchants and others, and that their goods should not be arrested within this realm contrary to the aforesaid grant and confirmation. Membrane 20. Sept. 26. York. Sept. 27. York. Sept. 26. York. Sept. 30. York. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of Agnes la Porter, and to restore the issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that she held nothing of the king in chief by reason whereof the custody of her lands ought to pertain to the king. To Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex. Order to pay to Eleanor, late the wife of Henry de Percy, the arrears of the rent of 41. 16s. T\d., whereof, as appears by inquisition taken by Robert de Sapy, escheator this side Trent, Henry was sei.sed at his death to be received from the manors of Beleby, Grimthorp, Fangefosse, and Melcenby, CO. York, which belonged to Ralph son of William, tenant in chief, and which came to the king’s hands upon Ralph’s death, by which inquisition it was found that the aforesaid Eleanor, to whom the king committed the custody of two-thirds of the said Henry’s lands in that county during the minority of his heir for a yearly payment of 400/., had peacefully received the aforesaid rent from the time of the commission until the death of the aforesaid Ralph, the manors aforesaid being in the earl’s custody by the king’s commission. To Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wygemor, keeper of Ireland, and supplying the king’s place there. Order to cause the manors of Dyvelek and Coulok to be assigned and delivered to Roger Dammory and Elizabeth his wife, the king’s niece, late the wife of Theobald de Verdoun, tenant in chief, as her dower of her late husband’s lands in Ireland, and to cause other lands to be delivered to Richard Tuyt and Nicholas de Verdoii for the value of the portions held by them in the manor of Dyvelek, making to them such letters as may be needed under the king’s .seal of Ireland, the king having granted to Roger and Elizabeth that they should have the aforesaid manors for her dower, and that other lauds of the .said Theobald should be assigned to Richard and Nichohis for the value of their aforesaid portions. To the sheriff of York. Order to pay 10 marks to the king’s clerk Master Andrew de Tange, out of the issues of his bailiwick for Michaelmas term last |)ast, the king having granted to him, in consideration of his good service to the king and his fatlier, 20 marks yearly for life, to be received from the sheriff of that county. 11 EDWARD II. 501 1317 . Oct. 3. Doncaster. Sept. 25. York. Oct. 18. Westminster. Oct. 20. Westminster. Oct. 15. AVestminster. Oct. 20. Westminster. Oct. 21. Westminster. Membrane 20 — cont. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to assign dower to Matilda, late the wife of John Tropyn, tenant in chief, in the presence of Thomas, brother and heir of the said John, if he choose to attend, upon her taking oatli not to marry without the king’s licence. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to discharge the king’s yeoman William de Ergum, to whom the king, on 20 April last, committed the custody of the manors of Brunnum and Thorp Basset, which belonged to Ralph son of William, tenant in chief, and which were in the king’s hands on account of the death of Robert son and heir of the said Ralph, and which are of the yearly value of 26/. 13s. 4ort of Dover. Order to cause John Abel, knight, and Master Richard de Burton, clerk, who are going to parts beyond sea on the king’s business, to have speedy jjassage for them.selves, their horses and equipments {/larncsiis) at the king’s cost. By K. To Edmund de Dynyeton, chamberlain of North Wales. Order to cause due payment to be made weekly to the masons and other workmen employed upon works in the king’s castles within his bailiwick, and to cause the defects of the houses and walls of the castles to be repaired, and to provide victuals and dead garnisture for the munition of the same, to be provided by the view and testimony of the constables of the castles, and to cau3(3 the small fees and usual wages of the officers and othei' serjeants ot the castles to be paid. To the same, chamberlain of C'aernarvan. Older to cause the fees and wages of tlie justices, constables, and sherilfs within his bailiwick to be paid from the time of his appointment, and to continue to pay the same. To the same chamlicrlain of Kacrnnrvan and to the chamberlains there for the time being. Order to pay to the king’s serjeant Master Henry de 11 EDWARD II. 531 1318. March 8. Westminster. March 8. Byfleet. March 4. Westminster. Membrane 9 — cent. Ellerton, master of the king’s works at Kaernarvan, the same wages as Master Walter de Hereford, sometime master of the works there, was wont to receive, from the time of the chamberlain’s appointment, and to continue to pay the .same so long as Henry holds his office, the said Henry having shewn to the king that whereas he was appointed keeper of the works aforesaid, after the death of the said Master Walter, by Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk, then justice of North Wales, and by Master Thomas de Esthalle, then chamberlain of Kaernarvan, and the wages of 2s. daily that Walter used to receive were assigned to him by the justice and chamberlain, the present chamberlain has not paid him the said wages since his appointment as chamberlain, although Henry has been engaged upon the said works from the time of his appointment and is still so engaged. This order is made with tlie provision that Henry shall be master and supervisor of the king’s works at Kaernarvan and at all his other castles in North Wales. By C. To Peter de [.yrnesy. Order not to intermeddle until after Monday the morrow of the Close of Easter next with the custody of the county (s>c) of Salop and Stafford and the castles of Shrewsbury and of Bruges, which the king lately committed to him during pleasure, as the king wishes tliat Peter* (sic) Trumwyne, to whom he had previously committed the custody of the same, shall have the custody until Monday the morrow of the Close of Easter next, so that the said Roger may answer for the issues thereof at that term. By C. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to cause Richard, son and heir of William de la Rokele, to be re-.seised of his lands, which, according to his petition to the king, they have caused to be taken into the king’s hands on account of certain of his father’s debts for the aiTears of the titne when he was sheriff of the county of Waterford in tlie time of Henry III., the greater part of which debts were paid to the exchequer by his father and by him after his fatlier’s death, and to examine the rolls, tallies, and inemoranda of the said exche(|uer, and to allow to Richard out of the said debts all the money recorded therein as paid by him and his father, and also all the issues received from his lands vvhiL t they have been in the king’s hands, so that the arrears of the debts may be levied according to the usual course. By pet. of C of the eighth year. To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order to resume into the king’s hands the eastle and town of Newport (de A"oro liurgo), the manors of Stowe, Rcinpny, Uyneleys, and Maghay, and the hamlet of Freneboth, and the county of Wenthlok, and to keep them in the king’s hands until further orders, certifying the king of what he has done in this matter, which castles, manors, etc., wore assigned to Hugh Daudele, the younger, and Margaret his wife, the second sister and co-heiress of Gilbert de Clare, late earl of Gloucester and Hertford, in the partition of his lands, etc., made by the king between Hugh le Despetiser, the younger, and Eh’anor his wife, eldest .eister and co-heiress ol the said earl, the said Hugh and Margaret, and Roger Damory and Elizabeth his wile, the third sister and co-heiress of the said earl, in his chancery by their assent, and whereof the king thereupon ordered the said escheator to cause the said Hugh and Margaret to have seisin as their purparty assigned in his baili- wick ; but before the escheator caused Hugh and Margaret to have seisin thereof, Hugh le Despenser aforesaid took the fealty of certain knight.s, men, and tenants of the castle, manors, etc., aforesaid, under certain condi- tions for his own use, which conditions the king did not accept when they * Called ‘ Roger ’ correctly below and at page 541. L L 2 532 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1318. March 13. Westminster. March 4. Westminster. March 20. W eslmin.ster. March 20. Westminster. Membrane 9 — cont. were shewn to him by the said Hugh le Despenser, but he regarded them as null, and the said Hugh afterwards acknowledged before the king and his council that he had acquitted all tho.se whose fealties or oaths he had thus unduly taken, and withdrew wholl} from such occupation, and amoved himself there before the king, claiming nothing in the premises contrary to the said partition ; wbereuiion the king appointed John de Sapy to take and seise the premises into the king’s hands and the issues of tlie same from the time of the partition aforesaid; the said John having returned to the king and having asserted before him and his council that he had done nothing herein, because he could find no one who would answer to him in this behalf. By K. To John de Insula, Henry Spig[urnel], and Lambert de Thrikingh[am], justices appointed to hear and determine the felonies aud trespasses whereof inquisitions and indictments were lately taken before the king at Lincoln. Order to proceed to hear and determine the felony of the death of William Brady, whereof Peter de Salso Marisco was indicted before the king at Lincoln, and to deliver the king’s prison of that county of the said Peter, without waiting for the day prefixed for outlawing him for his non-appear- ance before them at Lincoln, Peter being detained as hostage for Henry de Bello Monte within the castle of Mitford, so that he could not appear before them, as the king now understands that after he was released from im- prisonment as hostage, he voluntarily rendered himself to the king’s prison in that county to stand to right concerning the above felony. Membrane 8. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to receive Peter de Salso Marisco when he arrives in his county to render himself to prison, and to cause him to be kept safely in prison until he be delivered thence according to law and custom, and then to supersede wholly the exaction and outlawry of the said Peter on account of his failure to appear before the justices mentioned above in the preceding order, as Peter is now released from prison wherein he was detained as hostage and is about to come voluntarily to that county to render himself to prison to stand to right concerning the aforesaid death. To Henry de Cobham the younger, constable of Rochester castle. Order to pay to Roger de Tuketon 11. 10«. ^d. for wheat bought from him by John de Mereworth, the king’s baker, as contained in a lull under the seal of Roger de Northburge, keeper of the king’s wardrobe. To the abbot ol St. Thomas the Martyr near Dublin. Order to intend the collection and levying of the procurations in Ireland of Gaucelin .fohannis, cardinal-pi'iest of SS. Marcellus and Peter, and of Luke, cardinal-deacon of St. Mary in Via Lata, who lately came to England, according to the form sent to liiin by them, they having informed the king that although they lately ordered the abbot, by the apostolic authority committed to them, to collect and levy their procurations in Ireland, the abbot wrote back to them that he could not intermeddle with this matter without the king’s licence, [idasf/cm.] To John de Fenwyk, constable of Baumburgh castle. Order to pay to Roger de Maberthorp, to wliom the late king granted the custody of the gate of that castle for life, his fee for keej)ing the same from the time of the constable’s ajjpointment, the late king having granted that he should receive as much therefor as other keepers ol the same were wont to receive. 11 EDWAKD II. 533 1318. March 20. Westminster. March 20. Westminster. March 30. Hadleigh. March 26. Clare. March 20. Westminster. March 30. Iladleigb. Membrane 8 — cent. To Robert de Kendale, constable of Dover castle and warden of the Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place in the port of Dover. Order to cause John Abel and Master Richard de Burton, whom the king lately sent to parts beyond sea for certain of his affairs, to have passage from those parts at the king’s charge on their return. By K. To the collectors of the loan on wool and wool-fells in the port of Kyngeston-on-Hull. Order to pay the money from the loan to Roger Ardingelli and his fellows, merchants of the society of the Bardi of Florence, or to Peter Donat of Florence, their attorney, in part payment of the king’s debts to them. By K. To the bishop of Waterford. Order to transmit to the king the tenor of the process before him concerning the church of Kilmydan, in his diocese, to which the king lately presented his clerk Master Stephen Walrand, the king having afterwards, because he heard from Stephen that Edmund le Botiller, justiciary of Ireland, had, whilst Stephen was in England, pre- sented Master Walter de Islep to that church under the king’s seal of Ireland, and that Stephen was amoved from the church on this account, revoked the presentation of the said Walter, and having ordered the said bishop to revoke what he had attempted to the prejudice of Stephen’s estate by virtue of the justiciary’s presentation, by reason whereof the process begun before the bishop concerning the premises is continued before him, and the said Walter, who lately came to England by the king’s order upon the king’s business, is much molested thereby; as the king wishes to be fully informed concerning this matter, and to do therein what shall seem good to be done by his council. The bishop is ordered to supersede the process herein until further orders. By K. and C. To the archbishop of Cashel. Order to transmit to the king the tenor of the above process held before the aforesaid keeper and continued before him. By K. and C. To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of Inglewode to be elected in place of John de Staffol, deceased. To Stephen de Abyndon, the king’s butler, or to his attorney in the port of London. Order to deliver to the monks of St. Peter’s Westminster a tun of wine of the right prise at Loudon, in accordance with the grant of Henry III. To the chamberlain of Kaermerdyn. Order to proceed in person to the castles in the bailiwick of Roger de RIortuo Mari of Chirk, justice of Wales, and to survey the defects of the same, and to cause them to be repaired by the view and testimony of the justice, all other things being laid aside, as the justice has given the king to understand that there are divers defects in the castles needing speedy repair. By p.s. [4595.] The like to the chamberlain of Kaernarvan. By p.s. [4595.] To the sheriff of Sussex. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of John de Hothale, whom the king has amoved for in- sufficient qualification. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of Galtres to be elected in place of William Gra, whom the king has amoved because he is insufficiently qualified. By testimony of the keeper of the Forest beyond Trent. To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order not to intermeddle further with a water-mill in Bedynton called ‘ Vielmulle,’ with a toft and croft and other appurtenances, as it appears by inquisition taken by him that William Trente, late citizen and alderman of London, enfeoffed 534 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS 1318. Membrane 8 — cont. William Noyl thereof a month and more before his death, to have and to hold to the said William Noyl and the heirs of his bodies, and that William Noyl peacefully continued his seisin thereof from the time of the feoffment until Henry ile Bergh, bailiff and feriner of Margaret, late queen of England, of her manor of Banstede, seised the premises into her hands on Friday after St. John the Baptist, in the 9th year of the king’s reign, by virtue of his office and for Is. of rent in arrear for the said mill for Easter term then last past, and that Henry always levied the issues of the premises from that time until now, and that the premises are held of the manor of Banstede by the service of 28s. yearly and by suit of court. March 5. To Ralph de Monte Hermerii, keeper of the Forest this side Trent. Windsor. Order not to intermeddle furtlier with the forests of Haveryng’, co. Essex, Melkesham, Chippenham, and Pewcshara, co. Wilts, New Forest, co. South- ampton, Gillyngham, co. Dorset, Savernak, co. Wilts, and the chace of the High Peak, cos. Nottingham and Derby, which the king has assigned as part of the dower of queen Isabella, his consort, and to permit her to hold the same without hindrance, according to the form of the assignment. By K. April 4. To the collectors of the custom of wool, hides, and wool-fells in the port Westminster, of Southampton. Order to deliver to William Servat, to whom the king lately made an assignment for divers debts due from him to William upon the issues of a moiety of the said custom, all the issues of the said moiety before 20 March last, when the king granted the custom to queen Isabella. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause the abbot of Furueaux to have seisin of a messuage in Flasteley, which, it appears by inquisition, that John ,* who was hanged for felony, held of the abbot, as it appears by the said inquisition that the me.ssuage has been in the king’s hands for a year and a day, and that Peter Russel has had the king’s year, day, and waste thereof, for which he ought to answer to the king. April 3. To Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk, justice of Wales, or to him who Westminster, supplies his place. Order to permit Hugh le Despenser the younger, to whom the king, on 18 November last, granted for life the castle and town of Droslan, and Cantredmaur in Wales, with the knights’ fees, advowsons, and other appurtenances, when the king ordered Thomas le Blount, to whom he had previously granted the custody of the above during pleasure, to deliver the same to Henry, and his ministers to administer the castle, town, and cantred aforesaid as shall seem good to them, and to remove himself and his ministers wholly therefrom, and not to intertueddle further with the same, and to deliver to Hugh or his ministers any issues thereof levied by him from the time of delivery of the premises to Hugh, and to release all those whom he has imprisoned in this connexion, and to discharge their mainprise, as the said justice has amoved Hugh’s ministers, appointed his own in their place, and imprisoned certain of the men because they have made their fealties and attornments to Hugh in accordance wiih the king’s order, and has inhibited all the men of the town and cantred from being intendent or re.spondent to Henry or his ministers, although Hugh had seisin of the premises by virtue of the king’s order to the aforesaid Thomas Blount, and has continued his seisiti thereof, and lias received the fealties and attornments of the men of the town of Droslan and of other men of the cantred, in accordance with the king’s order. By p.s. [4609.] To Walter de Fulburn, chamberlain of Kaermerdyn, or to him who supplies his place. (4rder to permit the aforesaid Hugh to receive the issues of the said castle, town, and cantred from the day of the delivery of the same to him, and not to intermeddle further with the same, as he has The tenant’.s name has been accidentally omitted. 11 EDWARD II. 535 1318. March 18. Westminster. March 15. Westminster. March 19. Westminster. Feb. 13. Windsor. March 20. Westminster. Membrane 8 — cont, hindered Hugh and his ministers receiving the issues, and has extorted the issues by distraint from the men and tenants thereof, and has arrested divers of them until they paid the issues to him and until they found him security not to answer to Hugh or his ministers for the issues. By p.s. Membrane 8 — Schedule. To the archbishop of Tork. Request that he will cause speedy levy to be made of the arrears in his diocese of the tenth for the first year of the tenth for six years imposed by pope Clement V. in the council of Vienne, and that he will cause the same to be paid at the king’s orders, as pope John XXII. has granted the tenth for the first year to the king by way of loan, as appears by his letters with bulls, a copy whereof under authentic signs and the seal of J. bishop of Winchester, the chancellor, the king sends to him. To the sheriff of York. Writ of aid in favour of Robert de Sapy and William de Bereford the younger and others staying in the ttastle of Knaresburgh, in buying victuals and other necessaries for the custody of the castle. He is reminded not to attempt anything contrary to the pro- clamation forbidding the taking of corn, victuals, or other goods against the will of their owners. To the chancellor of the university of Oxford. Order to desist wholly from aggrieving the friars of the order of Preachers at Oxford, as they Lave complained to the king that the chancellor, on account of dissensions between him and the scholars of the university, on the one side, and the friars on the other, endeavours to exercise [jurisdiction] over their persons, threatening to imprison them and to treat them contrary to the privileges of their order, although they are wholly exempt from secular jurisdiction not only by their order but also by apostolic privileges. To R. bishop of London. Request that he will ordain for the parish church of St. Dunstan ‘ West ’ in the suburbs of London as shall seem good for the church and the souls of the parish, remembering that the right of patronage remains to the king and his heirs, as the king is given to under- stand that it was found in his visitation of the city and diocese of London that the church and its fruits were assigned, with other things, by Henry III., patron thereof, for the maintenance of the Jewish converis to Christianity, for whom the said king ordained a place of residence within the parish, and caused a chapel to be constructed Avithin the said place in honour of St. Mary, and for the maintenance of chaplains ancl clerks serving in the same, and willed that a keeper should be appointed by him {per ipsos) and his heirs to deliver to them what was assigned for their maintenance and that of the chaplains and clerks aforesaid, and did not will that the cure of the said church should remain with the keeper of the said converts or another according to canonical sanction. By K. To the prior of St. Mary’s Worcester. Revocation of the king’s late order to him, when he was keeper of the spiritualities of the bishopric of Worcester, the see being void, prohibiting his attempting anything to the prejudice of the abbot and convent of Westminster, or of the prior and convent of Great Malvern, which is a cell of the abbey, or to the derogation of their privileges and immunities, which order was issued because the king was given to understand that the said prior of Worcester intended to exercise the office of visitation and other jurisdiction in the said priory of Great Malvern and over the prior and monks of the same, having no considera- 536 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1318. April 4. Westminster. April 7. Mortlake. April 14. Windsor. Membrane 8 — Schedule — cont. tion to the fact that the abbey of Westminster and all its cells and priories are subjected only to the Roman court, and are from old time free and by apostolic privileges exempt from all ordinary episcopal jurisdiction, Godfrey, late bishop of Worcester, having confessed, for himself and his successors, that the aforesaid priory and the monks thereof are exempt from all jurisdiction of the bishop and of the ordinary, and from making obedience to the bisliop, and that they ought to be subjected to the abbot and convent of Westminster, excepting the parish churches, portions and ecclesiastical pensions appropriated to the priory, the said Godfrey having considered the privileges of divers pontiffs of Rome made to the said abbot and convent after he had endeavoured to exercise ordinary jurisdiction in the aforesaid cell of Malvern : by reason of which prohibition the prior of Worcester superseded the execution of the office of spiritualities then incumbent upon him ; wherefore he prayed tlie king to cause a remedy to be exhibited to him, in response to which the king makes this order, being unwilling that what pertains to ecclesiastical jurisdiction should be impeded by his writs. By C. To the collectors of the custom of wool, hides, and wool-fells in the port of Southampton. Ol der to deliver to Robert de Thorp, attorney of queen Isabella, all the issues of the custom from 20 March last, when the king granted the issues thereof to his consort until she had received 4,(t00/. there- from in part payment of 7,030/. 10s. 8f/. which he owed to her. By K. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to cause proclamation to be made prohibiting any person whatsoever from tourneying or doing any feats of arms anywhere within the realm, without special licence from the king, and to arrest any so offending, together with their hor.ses, arms, and equipments, and all their other goods and chattels, taking with him for this purpose, if neces.sary, the yjosse of his county, certifying the king of the names and goods of those thus arrested. The king is surprised that he has not certified him concerning his previous order. \^Fcedera.'\ The like to all the sheriffs of England. [/&/ r to buy 500 Estrich {Destrich) boards out of the issues of the custom, and to freight three ships for the carriage of 500 quarters of corn to the parts of Berwick-on-Tweed, and to cause the ships to be suffici- ently provided with men, manners, and other things, according to the direc- tions of John Gritfoun, whom the king is sending to him in this behalf. To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order not to intermeddle further with the custody of two parts of the lands of Elias de Albiniaco in the county of Somerset, wdiich he has taken into the king’s hands upon the death of William [de] Cumbe Martyn, citizen and merchant of London, and to restore any issues received therefrom by him to Robert de Keleseye, executor of the will of the said \\ illiam. and to his co-executors, the late king having, on 8 July, in the 33rd year of his reign, granted to William the custody of the said two parts, of the yearly value of 72/. 2s. 8(/., during the minority of the heirs of Elias, with all things received therefrom from Elias’s death and the marriage of the heirs, as contained in his letters patent, in order to make compensation to illiam for 1,000 marks, for which he satisfied John Van, merchant of the society of the Bellardi of Luca, for debts of queen Margaret, of wdiich sum John acquitted the queen by acknowledgment before the late king. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with a messuage and 40 acres of land, 3 acres of meadowq and lOs. of yearly rent in Hale, which he took into the king’s hands upon the death of William de Hale, and to deliver the issues thereof received by him to John de Eston and Joan his wife, late the wdfe of the said William, the king having, on 14 July, in the 3rd year of his reign, pardoned Joan the trespass that she committed together with the said William in acquiring the premises from John de Holte, the younger, who held them in chief of the late king, and in entering the same without the late king’s licence, in consideration of a fine made with the king by the said John de Eston, it being found by an inquisition, taken, in the 33rd year of the late king’s reign, by Walter de Gloucestre, then escheator this side Trent, that the said William de Hale and Joan jointly acquired (he premises of the aforesaid John de Holte, and that they were held in chief of the late king by the service of 9s. yearly by the hands of the sheriff of Northampton. To Stephen le Blound, receiver of the king’s victuals in the parts of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Order to buy and provide in London iiud in the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex wheat, bacon-pigs, and other victuals, iron and sleel, and other necessaries for the munition of (he castle of Berwick-on-Tweed, and to put them in shij)S sufficient for war, and to cause them to be taken to the castle aforesaid, and to pay the wages of the men, mariners, and others in the ships. By K. and C. 11 EDWARD II. 541 1318. May 4. Whitchurch. April 30. Wallingford. May 2. Whitchurch. May 3. Whitchurch. May 0. Windsor. May 8. Windsor. May 8. Windsor. May 13. Thistleworth. May 15. Westminster. May 7. W mdsor. May 4. Whitchurch. Membrane 6. To Robert de Ardern, constable of Norhampton castle. Order to repair the houses and gate and other buildings of the castle. By C. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to the bailiffs of Bedeford, in their ferm, 10/. yearly from 31 July, in the fifth year of the king’s reign, when Roger Lestrange (^Extraneus) died, the late king having granted that sum yearly from the ferm of the town of Bedeford to Matilda, wife of the said Roger, in case she survived her husband, be- cause Roger held no lands in fee whereof his wife might have dower for her maintenance after his death, the king having ordered the bailiffs of Bede- ford to pay Matilda the above sum yearly during her life from the said 31 July. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to the master and brethren of Burton St. Lazars, keepers of St. Giles hospital without London, the arrears of 60^. yearly due to them at the exchequer, in the debts due from them for tenths and other things at the exchequer. To the same. Order to acquit Robert de Insula imd Margaret his wife of 605., exacted from them for a fine lately levied in the king’s court before William de Berefordand his fellows, justices of the Bench, between William de Risseton and the said Robert and Margaret concerning the manors of Totenham and Westwik, co. Cambridge, as the king has pardoned them that sum. By p.s. Vacated, because it was not sealed. To the sheriflf’ of Hertford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of John de Hoo, whom the king has caused to be amoved from office because he learns that he is too infirm and old to execute the duties of the office. John son of Stephen de Hendre, imprisoned at Launceveton for the death of Nicholas Boterel, has letters to the sheriff of Cornwall to bail him until the first assize. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Master Richard de Haveryng’, escheator of the late king beyond Trent, as much for ids yearly fee as escheaior in his account for the time of his office as has been hither- to allowed to others in the like office. To Peter de Lymesy. Order not to intermeddle with the office of sheriff of Salop and Stafford, and the custody of the castles of Shrewsbury and Bruges, which the king lately committed to him, as the king wills that Roger Trurnwyne, to whom he had previously committed the above, shall liave the office and custody afore.-aid. He is ordered to return his com- mission to the chancery to be cancelled. By C. To Richard de Emeldon of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Order to deliver to William Ridell, sheriff of Northumberland, John de Birden, and Dav[i]d son of ^'icholas de Middelton, whom Walter de Seleby delivered as hostages to him and the said William, to be guarded safely by the said William. By K. To the sheriffs of London. Order to pay to Hugh de Audele, the younger, and Margaret his wife the rent of 43/. 18s. 9|(/. for Queen Hythe yearly at the terms when it was usually [)aid in to the exchequer, the king having granted the same to them amongst other lands, etc. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to discharge Robert de Bures, the late king’s yeoman, of 10 marks yearly, due from him for the custody of the bailiwick of the forestry of Canok, which belonged to Philip de Monte Gomery, deceased, tenant in chief of the late king, the late king having, on 1 September, ii. the 23rd year of his reign, committed 542 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1318. May IG. Westminster. May 16. Westminster. May 16. Westminster. May 20. Westminster. May 17. Westminster. May 10. Windsor. May 20. Westminster. •Membrane 6 — cont. the custody thereof to Robert during the minority of Philip’s heir, from 2 July, in tlie 34th year of the late king’s reign, when the late king took the fealty of John de Swynnerton, who married Anna, daughter and heiress of Philip, she having proved her age, and when the late king restored to them Philip’s lands anti ordered Hugh le Despenser, justice of the Forest this side Trent, to cause them to have seisin of the above bailiwick. To Otto de Grandisono, keeper of the islands of Gernereye and Gereseye, or to him who supplies his place. Order to deliver to Jordan Cuquel of the island of Gernereye his lands and goods and chattels, which were forfeited to the king by reason of the death of Peter son of John le Archer, for which death Jordan abjured the islands, the king having granted to Jordan his lands, goods and chattels, having ))reviously pardoned him the suit of his peace for the above death and abjuration. By p.s. [4693.] To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance to be made to the abbot and convent of St. Mary’s York, collectors in the archdeaconries of Y’ork, East Riding, and Clyveland of the 12(7. in the mark gianted to the king by the clergy of the province of York in aid of the war in Scotland, in their account of the above, for 2507 , which the king granted that they should retain out of the above in part satisfaction for 3007. which they lent to the king, by the hands of Anthony Pessaigne of Genoa, out of the tenth for six years imposed upon the clergy by pope Clement V. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance to be made to the abbot and convent of Seleby, collectors of the above 12(7. in the mark in the archdeaconry of Richemund, in their account at the exchequer, for 50/., which the king ordered them to pay to the abbot and convent of St. Mary’s York for tlie balance of the above sum of 3007. To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause Robert de Ufford, son and heir of Robert de Ufiford, tenant in chief, to have seisin of his father’s lands, as the king has taken his homage and restored to him his lands, although he is still under age. By p.s. [4698.] To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Older to discharge John de Folevill of 10/., in which he made fine before them in the exchequer for his relief for the manor of Assheby Folevill, co. Leicester, held in chief, the king having pardoned him the same at the instance of Hugh Daudele, the younger. By p.s. [4700.] To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Robert Kenne, whom the king has amoved from office as he is incapacitated by infirmity. 'i’o the sheriff of York. Order to pay to Master Andrew de Tange 10 marks for Easter term last of the yearly sum of 20 marks granted to him by the king, in consideiation of his service to him and his father, to be received from the sheriff of Y’’ork. To Queen Isabella. Order to deliver to Robert de Sapy, constable of Pevenese castle, 100 oaks fit for timber from the forest of Asshesdoune, which she holds in dower, in order to repair the said castle, which greatly needs repair, as the king is informed by certain of his subjects lately ap- pointed to survey the defects in the castle. By K. To Ralph de Monte Ilermerii, keeper of the Forest this side Trent, or to him who supplies his place in the forest of Essex. Order to deliver to the prioress and nuns of Haliwell six oaks fit for timber, of the king’s gift, from the king’s wood of Waltham, wdiich is within the bounds of the forest of Essex. By K. on the information of the earl of Pembroke. 11 EDWARD II. 543 1318. May 22. Westminster. May 23. Westminster. May 26. Westminster. May 22. Westminster. Membrane 6 — cont. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance to be made to Simon Warde, in the debts due from him for the time when he was sheriff of York, for 250 marks, the arrears of the yearly sum of 100 marks granted to him by the king on 3 June, in the eighth year of his reign, to be received at the exchequer for his good service, until the king should cause him to be provided with lands or rents to that value yearly. By K. To Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex. Order to pay to Roger de Bilneye 100s. of yearly rent for the time that the manor of l3us- ton, CO. Westmoreland, has been in his custody, as it appears by inquisition taken by Robert de Sapy, escheator beyond Trent, that John de Crcystock granted the above rent to Roger, to be received for life from certain tenants of the said .lohn of the above manor, and that Roger received the above rent until the said escheator took the manor into the king’s hands upon the death of Ralph son of William, tenant in chief, who held the aforesaid manor, and delivered the same to the said earl by virtue of the king’s com- mission to him of the custody of Ralph’s lands. To the sheriff of Sussex. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Richard du Mareys, who is incapacitated by illness and infirmity. Membrane 5. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to cause .John Byroun, parson of the church of Frengge, to have seisin of a messuage and 8^ acres of lands in Frengge, and to cause John de Insula of Frengge to have seisin of an acre and 3^ roods of land in Frengge, and to cause William Iloberd to have seisin of an acre of land in Frengge, and to cause Richard Ilinche to have seisin of half an acre and half a rood of the land in Frengge, as it a})pe:irs by an inquisition taken by the sheriff that William Osgod, who was hanged for felony, held the above lands of the said persons, John Byroun holding his lands as of the right of his church, and that they have been in the king’s hands for a year and a day, and that Thomas Netd and AVilliam Nichol of Freynge have had the king’s year and a day, and ought to answer for the same. To the sheriff of Ijeicester. Order to pay to queen Isabella all the issues of the m.anors of Boudon and Ilaverberge, in that county, from the time of queen Margaret’s death, who held them for life by grant from the late king, until the time when the king granted the manors to queen Isabella, the king having granted her all the i.ssues of the manors from the time of queen Margaret’s death. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to permit the merchant- vintners of the duchy [of Aquitaine] to sell their wines in gross in the city and the suburbs to whomsoever they will, foreigners or natives, as well regrators as others, until the next parliament, when the king will cause ordinance to be made concerning the disputes between the citizens and the said merchant-vininers, the citizens denying the right of the said merchant- vintners to sell their wines as above, which matter was brought before the king and his council, and has been adjourned until the next parliament, as the king considers that a better market for wines will be created by the free sale of wines everywhere in the realm, to the benefit of the king and his people, as the said merchant-vintners have given him to understand. 'I'he king wills that the ancient liberties of the city shall not be prejudiced in any wise by reason of this permission. By K. and C, 544 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1318. Maj 18 . W estminster. May 25. Westminster. May 28. Westminster. May 26. W^estminster. May 28. W estminster. May 26. Westminster. May 24. Westminster. Membrane 5 — cont. To Queen Isabella’s bailiffs of the commote of Meneye. Order to per- mit Gronogb Cragli to bave the bailiwick of the stewardship {ringildie) of the above commote, subject to the payment of 60s. yearly to their lady, Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chyrcb, justice of Wales, having certified the king, in iinswer to his order to examine the memoranda and muniments in the king’s treasury at Carnarvan in this Cf nnexion, that he found therein that Gronogh released to the king and his heirs, in the 33rd year of the late king’s reign, his right and claim in the aforesaid bailiwick, and that it was then ordained by the present king and his council that Gronogh should hold the bailiwick for life, subject to his good behaviour, rendering there- for 605. yearly, and that the arrears of the ferm should be remitted to him until Michaelmas then last past. They are ordered to permit him to be quit of the arrears up to the said Michaelmas. To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of John Raumpayn in Chelreye, CO. Berks, which the king lately ordered the escheator to take into his hands because he believed they ought to come to his hands as escheat on accouni "f the felony for which the said John was said to have been out- lawed, as it does not appear by any record that he was convicted of any felony by outlawry or otherwise. By K. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance to be made to John de Wysham in his ferm of 800 marks for the custody of the castle and honour of Knaresburgh, which custody the king has granted him for life from Easter last, for 200 marks yearly' until the king have provided him with 200 marks yearly of land, the king having granted him, for his good service to him and his father, 200 marks y early from the ferm of the castle of St. Briavels and of the forest of Dene until the king should provide him, for life, with lands of that value yearly, he having surrendered the custody of St. Briavel’s castle and the forest of Dene. By K. To the chamberlain of Kaernarvan. Order to pay to the king’s sergeant Master Henry de Alverton, master of the king’s works in Wales, the arrears of his wages from the time of the chamberlain’s appointment, and to continue to pay him his wages. To John de Wysham, constable of Knaresburgh castle. Order to put horsemen and footmen in the castle at the king’s wiiges for the defence thereof, by the advice of W. archbishop of York, Robert de Sapy, escheator beyond Trent, and Simon Warde, sheriff of York, to whom the king has written in this behalf, and to pay tlie said wages out of the issues of his bailiwick. By K. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Aucherius sou of Henry , who holds certain lands by the courtesy of England of the inheritance of his wife Joan, daughter .and co-heiress of the co-heiress of Peter de Brus, of the scutage for one knight’s fee that they exact from him for the late king’s armies of Wales in the 5th and 10th years of his reign, as it appears by the rolls of the late king’s marshalsea that John de Bella Aqua, deceased, who married the co-heiress of the said Peter, had his service in the above armies for the fee aforesaid. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit the king’s clerk John de Norton and Richard, son and heir of John Pyk, of rendering account for the lime when the said John and John had the custody of the priory of Bromholm, when void by the death of brother William de Tutyngton, sometime prior, which the king committed to them, the king being given to understand tliat they intend distraining them to render such account, and that the sheriff of Norfolk distrains and aggrieves them by summons of the exchequer on this account, ns the king ordered the 11 EDWARD IL 545 1318. May 24. Westminster. May 26. Westminster. May 24. Westminster. May 28. Westminster. 72604. Membrane 5 — conf. said John and John not to intermeddle further with the aforesaid custody, because it was found by inquisition taken, by the king’s order, by William de Ormesby and the said John de Norton that the patrons of the priory were not wont to take any i.ssues thereof, either by fine or otherwise, upon any voidance, but that they had upon each voidance a gate-keeper only there in sign of their lordship, who was wont to receive his maintenance of the goods of the priory during the voidance. To Robert le fiz Ive de Keggeworth, Geoffrey de Byngham, and Hugh de Fisshlak. Order to pay to Gervase sou of Gervase de Clifton, Stephen le Haut’ of Keggeworth, and Walter de Brampcote, whom the king has aijpointed to take for a certain time certain customs from goods for sale passing by the bridge of Keggeworth and by the towns of Keggeworth and Radeclif and the fields of the same and coming to the town of Keggeworth, to be applied to the repair and maintenance of the said bridge, the money remaining in their hands of the time when the king appointed them collectors of the above customs, as the king understands that certain moneys so levied by them remain in their hands. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to make account with Aymer de Valenc[ia], earl of Pembroke, or his attorney in this behalf, of the costs and expenses incurred by him by virtue of the king’s order to cause Rokyngham castle, in his custody by the king’s commission, to be guarded safely, the earl having placed certain men in the castle for this purpose and incurred other expenses, and to allow him such costs and expenses out of the issues of the castle. To the sheriff of Salop. Order to cause the abbot of Shrewsbury to have seisin of an acre of land and two parts of a messuage in Betton in Hales, and to cause John de Hynton to have seisin of two parts of a virgate of land, except 6 acres, in the same place, as it appears by inquisition that Richard son of William Cadegan, who was hanged for felony, held the above of the abbot and of John, and that they have been in the king’s hands for a year and a day, and that the township of Betton has had the king’s year and day thereof and ought to answer for the same. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Elizabeth, late the wife of Ebulo de Montibus, and the children of Ebulo to have an assignment upon the ferm of the town of Norwich of 100/. yearly, to be received by them until they have been satisfied for the balance of 465/. 4s. 9iband’s lands, and to re.store to her the issues thereof from 13 February then next following, when the king caused the premises to be resumed into his hands, as tlie king, being more fully informed concerning tlie causes for which he ordered the resumption into his hands, has restored the premises to her. By p.s. [4724.] To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to examine the rolls and memoranda of tlie exchequer, and to allow the collectors of the custom of wool, hides, and wool-fells at Newcastle-on-Tyne such wages as they shall find to have been previously paid for the office of tronage ofw'ool and controller of the custom in that town, which the king granted, on 6 October, in the 8th year of his reign, to Gilbert Haukyn, clerk, during pleasure, receiving the same wages as others had been wont to have for that office, when the king ordered the collectors of the custom in that town to deliver the said office to Gilbert with all things pertaining thereto, and liaving afterwards, on IG December, in the 9th year, upon Gilbert’s com- plaint that the collectors delayed paying him the wages due for the office, ordered the collectors to pay Gilbert the arrears of the wages from 6 October aforesaid at the same rate as Avas usually paid to others for that office, and to continue to pay the same. If they cannot find from their inspection what wages were wont to be i)aid, they are then to cause fitting wages to be allowed at their discretion to the collectors. To the same. Order to cause payment or assignment to be made to Henry Nasard of London, merchant, for 520/. 12s. A\d. due to him i'rom the king for money to that amount paid into the king’s chamber at Ber- wick-on-Trveed by way of loan, and paid to Gilbert Ilankyu and John Skot, burgesses of Newcastle-on-Tyne, Richard de Wclleford, citizen and merchant of London, John de Aula, William de Cranthorn, and William de Sprotton, burgessi;s of Berwick, for divers victuals and garnistures bought from them for the king’s use, and for the wages of divers mercenaries {stipendiariorum) in the king’s service, and for provisioning the king’s towns and castles in Scotland in the first and second years of the king’s reign, as a])pears by the account made before the executors of the will of Eustace de Godesbeche, chamberlain of Scotland, and by a bill of the office of chamberlain delivered by Henry into chancery ; for payment whereof the king granted him an assignment upon the issues of the custom of wool, hide.s, and wool-fells in the poi t of Berwick-on-Tweed after certain other assignments thereof had been' satisfied, the said Henry having now prayed the king to cause satisfaction to be made to him as he has not yet received anything from the issues of the said custom. By K. on the information of the treasurer. To Robert de Sapy, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause Gilbert de Aton, kinsman and hefr of William de Vescy the elder, to have seisin of the manor of Malton, and to deliver to him the issues thereof since 7 November last, when the king took his homage for the lauds that William de Vescy of Kildare held in chief at his death, which ought to remain to the right heir of the said William the elder, because William de Vescy of Kildare 550 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1818. IMiiy 30. Westminster. J line 4. Westminster. June 8. Westminster. June 9. Westminster. June 12. Westminster. .liinc 8. Westminster. Membrane 4 — cont. (lied witliout nil heir, upon which day the king ordered the lands to be delivered to Gilbert, he beine now given to understand lhat the escheator has delayed delivering to Gilbert the .said manor, tvhich is of the aforesaid inheritance. To Joan Comyn. Order not to intermeddle further with the above manor, or with the issues of the same from 7 November aforesaid, the king having lately committed the manor to her. To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of Matilda, daiighter of Eleanor de Thorneton, and to restore the issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition talien by him that she held nothing in chief at her death by reason whereof the custody of her lauds should pertain to the king. Membrane 3. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to discliarge Rpgiuald de Kyngeston, to whom the late king granted for life the baili- wick that William le Wolf, deceased, had in his forest of Selewode, render- ing therefor 10/. yearly, of the said yearly sum, as Reginald has given the king to understand that the bailiwick is so much reduced {cleterioratur) by the perambulation lately made in the forest aforesaid that it is much below the above value, and he has restored the king’s letters patent to be can- celled, wherefor the king ordered Ralph de Monte Herinerii, keeper ol’ the Forest this side Trent, to take that bailiwick into his hands. To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Joan, late the wife of Bertram de 'Wylmynton, tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king’s licence. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause York castle to be provisioned Avith ncces.sary victuals. By K, To the sheriff of Essex. Order to arrest William de Marny, and to keep him in prison until further orders, the king having granted him permission to attend the burial of the body of Roger Fillol, the king’s yeoman, at a certain place in that county, on condition that he returned immediately afterwards to the IMarshalsea prison, to Avhich he had pre- viously rendered himself on his indictment for breaking the king’s iiark of Hanlegh, as he has not returned and is wandering about in the sheriff’s bailiwick. By p.s. [4745.] To L[onis], bishop of Durham. Order to release Walter de Gosewyk, burg( ss of Be)'wick-on-Tv\ ced, who was arrested Avithin the bishopric by reason of the king’s appointment of his clerk James de Broghton to arrest the goods of burgesses of that toAvn in the bishopric and in the county of Northumberland, because the Scots had entered the said town by default of the mayor, bailills, and community, to whom the king committed the custody of the town, and to deliver to him his goods, upon his finding mainpernors to have him before the king to ansAver concerning the above and for the A’alue of his goods. By K. Like order to the sheriff of Northumberland. 'I’lio like to the bailills of Newcastle-on-Tyne. To the bailiffs of the bishop of Norwich at Lynn. Like order in favour of the said Walter, Avhose goods have been arrested on account of the king’s 11 EDWARD II. 551 1318. Membrane 3 — cont. nppoiiitment of John de Weston to arrest the goods of burgesses of Berwick [in the county of Norfolk]. May 29. To the treasurer, barons and chamberlains of the exchequer. Whereas Westminster, the king owes to the following merchants* 1,568/. 18^. 8^.s. William de Benelfeld, who served the king and his father, is sent to the abbot and convt-nt of Messyngilcu to receive such maintenance in their house for life as John atte Lane, deceased, had therein. By p.s. [4394.] William Dautre, who served the king and his father, is sent to the prior and convent of Bolyngton. By K. because on another occasion by p.s. Hugh de Badburgham, who served the king and his father, is sent to the master and brethren of St. .John’s House, Cantebrigge. By K. Robert de Crolond, who served the king and his father, is sent to tlie abbot and convent of Burton-on-Trent. By K. Adam Alinaii is sent to the prior and convent of Bolton-in-Craven, in consideration of his good service to the king, to receive such maintenance in their hou.se as .John le Ken, deceased, lately received therein. By p.s. Robert son of Thomas de I’ontefracto of Wylethorp acknowledges that he owes to Roger son of Nicholas de Seleby of York 20/. ; (o bo levied, in default of payment, of his lands and cliattels in co. York. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment. 11 EDWAKD n. 565 1317. Aug. 30. Lincoln. Aug. 21. Lincoln. Membrane 22d — cont. Adam de Svvynlyngton acknowledges that he owes to Richard Daumper of North Kelsay 80 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. Cancelled on payment. Constance, late the wife of William Martel, tenant in chief, puts in her place Thomas de Haverhill and John atte Welle to seek and receive her dower in chancery. Enrolment of deed of Roger de Somervill, attorney in this behalf of Ralph de Crumbwell, knight, acknowledging receipt from Gilbert de Aton and John de Torney of 40/., in part payment of a sum of money acknow- ledged in chancery by them in the 10th year of the king’s reign. Dated at York, on Monday the Decollation of St. John the Baptist, 11 Ed- ward II. Memorandum, that Roger came into chancery at York, on the aforesaid day, and acknowledged the above deed. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment. Hervey son of William Carp’ of Ellei'ker puts in his place George de Shnpton and John de Ellerker to sue in chancery the execution of a recog- nisance made to Hervey therein by Emma, daughter of William de Neutou, for 100/. Walter sou of Ralph de Touthorp near York acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Huntingdon, merchant of York, 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. To Philip, king of Fiance. Whereas John Godwyne of Brugewautcr, merchant, sent a ship of his by certain of his servants to Bordeaux in order to carry wines to this realm, and certain merchants of Rouen, then at Bor- deaux, engaged the ship from his servants to carry w’ine and other goods to Rouen, and caused her to be taken [thence] with the wines and goods afore- said, the duke of Britanny, asserting that he had power, by order of the king of France, to arrest all ships of this realm coming to the realm of the king of France on account of certain trespasses committed, it is said, upon men of the duchy of Britanny by subiecls of the king, has caused the said ship and certain wines of John’s found in her, to the value of 100/. sterling, and certain of .lohn’s servants in the same to be arrested at Rouen, althougii John and his men were guiltless of the aforesaid trespass, as .loliu alleges that he is ready to prove before the king of France; for which John has [)rayed the king to provide him with a remedy : wherefore the king reiiuests the king of France to order due and speedy justice to be done to .lohn in this behalf concerning the arrest of his goods and servants. The king is, and will be, prepared to do justice to all per.sons of the realm of the king of France complaining before him of wrongs inllicted upon them by the king’s subjects. He is requested to write back by the bearer an account of liis proceedings in this matter. By p.s. [4378, 4379.] [F’fCf/era.] To William de Harecourt, lord of Elbeuf {UleboeJ). Robert Batyn of Exeter, merchant, has shewn to the king that whereas Walter le Cotiller of Exeter lately boiight live barrels of woad (gaide), price 140 good pounds of Tours, at the said town of Elbeuf, and left them in that town until he could conveniently carry them to this realm, returning home meanwhile, and he died at Exeter before he had caused the woad to be brought to tliis realm, and bequeathed the woad in his will to the aforesaid Robert, who had married his daughter, the said William’s bailiff' of Elbeuf seized the w'oad there and a[)plied it to William’s uses, refusing to make any satisfaction to the aforesaid Robert, as was found, it is said, by an inquisition taken by William’s order by his bailiff; wherefore the king requests AVilliam to hear 5G6 CALENDAR OP CLOSE ROLLS. 1317 . Sept. 1. Liucolu. Sept. 4. York. Aug. 28. Lincoln. Sept. 11. York. Sept. 12. York. Sept. 2. Barton-on- Himiber. Sept. 12. York. Membrane 22rf — cont. Roboit’s reasons, and to do Idiii justice, as lie would wisli the king to do to bis mercliants in like case, and that he will inform the king by his letters of his proceedings herein. AVilliani de Quixlay of York acknowledges that he owes to Thomas son of Clement de Pontefracto 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in co. York. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment. William de Ros of Ingmanthorp acknowledges that he owes to Anketin Salvayn 60/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands aud chattels in CO. York. — The chancellor received tlie acknowledgment. The said William acknowledges that he owes to Berlin Bacun 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. — 'hhe chancellor received the acknowledgment. Master Jordan de Macclesfeld puts in his place Nicholas de Staunford and John de Evesham to prosecute aud defend his right in an inquisition before Hugh Daudele, justice of Chester, to be returned into chancery, concerning certain tenements in Worthiubury, and to challenge the said inquisition, etc. To the dean and chapter of the king’s free chapel of St. INIartin-le-Grand, London. Proliibition of their paying the procurations or other exactions that the king tniderstands they intend paying to the collectors of the j)rocu rations of the cardinal-priest of SS. Marccllinus and Peter and the cardinal- deacon of St. IMary’s in Via Lata, the aforesaid (diapel being, like the other chapels of the king, exempt from ordinary jurisdictiou aud from all e.xactions, contributions, and procurations. To the collectors of the procurations of Gauselin, cardinal-priest of SS. Marccllinus and Peter, and of Luke, cardinal-deacon of St. Mary’s in Via Lata. Prohibition of their exacting procural.ions or other exactions from the dean and chapter of the above chapel. The like to them for the king’s free chapel of Stafford. Hugh de Seleby of Y’ork acknowledges that he owes to Robert tie Bardelby, clerk, 5 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his laiuls aud chattels in co. York. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment. To Haniode Felton, [)arson of Luchliam church. Order to cause the son of Gilbert de Middelton, in his custody, it is said, to be kept safely until further orders, under pain of forfeiture. By K. To the collectors of the procurations of Gauselin, cardinal-priest of SS. Marcellinus and Peter, and of Luke, cardinal-deacon of St. Mary’s in Via liata, papal nuncios. Older to supersede, until ordinance be made con- cerning this matter by the king and his council, the exaction made by them upon Master James de Cobbehain and Henry, his brother, keepers of the temporalities of the bishopric of Worcester, for procurations, as the king has not been wont to pay j)rocuratious or other e.xaetions from the temporalities of bishoprics or other places of religious men in his hands. Membrane 21c/. 'I'o J. duke of Britanny, or to him who supplies his place. Whereas at the complaint of Hem y de Oreford, burgess of Ipswich, that certain malefac- tors and robbers of Le Couquet(C’ow 5 'we/o)and elsewhere in the duke’s power, took his ship called ‘ La Lyon de llcrwiz,” i)rice 200/. sterling, laden witli divers goods to the value of 200/. more, in the Island of Keneveys, and canned her away, and imprisoned the caj)tain (rcctorem) and the .sailoi's of 11 EDWARD II. 567 1317. Membrane 2 If/ — cont. the ship, the late king wrote to John, then duke of Biitanny, grandfather of the present duke, requesting him to cause justice to be done to Henry, and to release the master and mariners ; whereupon the duke released the sailors, but failed to do justice to Henry ; wherefore the king gave orders at different times to Guy Ferre and .Jolin de Hastinges, his late seneschals of Gascony, that, if they found tlie aforesaid malefactors or their goods within the duchy of Acquitaino, they should call before them those who ought to be called and should do justice to Henry according to the custom of those parts; and John de Hastinges afterwards, upon the failure of Arthur, late duke of Brilanny, father of tlie present duke, to do justice to Henry, which he was frequently requested to do by the aforesaid seneschals, caused certain goods of men and merchants of the power of duke Arthur to be arrested within the aforesaid duchy, the usual process in such cases having been observed ; and the said goods were afterwards released by John, bishop of J^orwich, and John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, and certain others sent to the duchy by the king, whereby the execution of the aforesaid arrest and Henry’s suit for damages have been much delayed without reasonable cause ; the king at length, at the petition of Henry exhibited before him and his council, ordered Gilbert Fecche, now seneschal of Gascony, to cause justice to be done to Henry without further delay ; and the seneschal has signified to the king by his letters that he has carefully examined the letters and processes and proofs to>iching this matter, and that it appeared clearly to him that the damages were intlicted upon Henry by men of Britanny, and that the present duke of Britanny had been frequently requested by his predecessors to cause the damages to be made good to Henry, and that the duke had not done so, and that his men had beaten and griev- ously {Ictalitcr) wounded Henry whilst prosecuting thisn)atler in Britanny ; on account whereof the seneschal, having called a council of skilful persons, granted and decreed that a letter of marque (marcham) sought by Henry should be made against the men of Britanny and their goods until Henry should be satisfied for 1,H60/. sterling, at which sum the in incipal damage of Henry and the ensuing damages were taxed by the seneschal, according to the [iroofs made concerning the same ; and because the seneschal has written to the king that he had suspended the execution of the letter of marque for a time at the request of the duke’s proctor, and that the duke and his proctor endeavour to annul Henry’s process and to hinder his recovering his goods and damages by wilful and undue [irocesscs in the court of France and elsewhere, the king, although he might continue the letter of marque without further process, rcijuests the duke to cause satisfaction to be made to Henry witiiout further delay. The king greatly desires that Henry should be satisfied in a friendly manner rather than that his damages should be levied from non-consenting parties (a/i invitis), as is usual in such cases. 'I'he duke is requested to certily the king of his iiroccedings herein before St. Andrew’s next by his letters and by the bearer of the presents. Sept. 13. To R. count of Flanders. The king, whilst staying in the northern parts York. of his realm, heard with regret that dissensions have arisen between the barons and men of the Cinque Ports and the count’s men, and he has sent W. archbishop of Canterbury and John, bishop of Ely, his treasurer, to the btirons and men of the Cinque Forts to prohibit tlieir grieving or damaging the count’s subjects under jiain of forfeiture; wherefore he requests the count to issue a similar prohibition to his subjects ; and he further requests him to send certain of his subjects to this realm with full power to treat concerning the damages suffered by both sides and to reform lasting peace, as the king proposes shortly to appoint certain of his subjects to enquire con- cerning the aforesaid damages, and to do full and speedy justice to the sufferers. Concerning the cloth, wines, and other goods whereof the 0(58 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1317. Membrane 2\d — cont. count’s meu were despoiled by the king’s men at Crasduu’ and La Rye, as contained in the count’s letters exhibited to the king by Master Jolin Boerlike, clerk of the to Am of Ypres, the king will cause restitution or satisfaction to be made for the same, so far as the damages are clearly proved by the pi ocess had in this matter or by a new process if necessary. As the king learns that his enemies the Scots are endeavouring to make con- federacies with the count’s subjects, and to draw men, armour, and victuals from the count’s lands in order to strengthen themselves against the king and his faithful subjects, he requests the count, as he did at another time, to consider the love and concord that have existed between his and the king’s progenitors, which the king desires may be observed inviolably, and to enjoin his subjects, under grievous forfeiture, not to aid or comfort the king’s said enemies with victuals, armour, or other necessaries, or to communicate with them in any way. The count is desired to write back by the bearer hereof an account of his proceedings in this matter. [^Fcedera.'] Sept. 20. York. Sept. 12. York. Sept. 16. York. Sept. 21. York. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made and cause it to be intimated to all and singular that the king, with the proceres and magnates of the realm and others of his council, will cause punishment to be indicted upon the malefactors who lately committed roblieries and out- rages upon Cf. cardinal-priest of SS. Marcellinus and Peter, and L. cardinal- deacon of St. Mary’s in Via Lata, and upon others in their train, at Ache, within the liberty of the bishopric of Durham, on account of wdiich outrages many persons of the sheriff’s comity are, as the king learns, much disturbed and terrified, and that the king will cause any excess that may have been committed by his ministers or others of his household by the taking of their goods or otherwise to be corrected and amended ; so that his peo])le may be defended from wrong and oppression. [^Feedera ; Farl. JVrils.^ The like to all the sheriffs of England. [/Znh/.] To J. bishop of Lincoln. Request that he will have consideration of the estate of the monastery of Bardeneye, which is, as he knows, in a poor condition and is much in debt, and that he will remit his anger against Robert de Wayiiflet, abbot of the same, and that he will receive his cession if he thinks it good for the abbey, and that he will provide him with fitting maintenance for life from the manors, churches, or other rents of the abbey, having regard to his age and decrcjiitude, as Robert, considering the expenses that have arisen out of the disputes between him and the bishop concerning divers articles touching the abbey, and wishing to avoid such expense by the king’s council at the instance of his Iriends (inimiconim), projioses to re- nounce the rule of the abbey if he cannot othcrwi.er of the land of Ireland, and supplying the king’s place there. Order not to permit the mayor and citizens of 11 EDWARD II. 575 1317. Nov. 3. Westminster. Nov. 3. Westminster. Membrane 19c? — cant. Dublin to be impleaded according to the common law of that land before him or elsewhere by reason of their having pulled down and burnt houses in the suburbs of the city, and having taken beasts and other sorts of victuals and carried them into the city, until such time as the king, having been fully informed concerning the same, shall cause an ordinance to be made in this behalf by his council, provided that the beasts, chattels, and other victuals so taken be restored to their owners, or that the owners be satisfied for the value thereof ; the mayor and citizens having petitioned the king to provide for their immunity for these acts, which they committed upon the late invasion of the Scotch rebels in that land for tlie protection of the city, in order that the rebels might not have anywhere to harbour them in the suburbs of the city, and so that victuals and other necessaries should not abound in the adjoining parts, the king considering that acts that are done by urgent necessity of war ought not to be liable to the pains of the common law. By C. \_F(edera.'\ Membrane 18c?. To Thomas, earl of Lancaster. Order to cause the castle of Knaresburgh, and the goods, armour, and victuals therein to be delivered without delay to Nicholas de Grey, sheriff of York, whom the king has appointed to resume the same into his hands if any persons have enbwed that castle or detain it from tlie king in the earl’s name, as the king understands that certain male- factors lately entered the castle by night, and detain it from the king, together with the goods, armour, and victuals found therein, and the king’s men appointed for its custody, the king learning that they assert that they have done these things in the earl’s name. The earl is ordered to certify the king of his proceedings herein by the bearer of the presents. By K. \_Fcedera.'\ Like letters to the said earl concerning certain malefactors who have lately entered the castle of Alveton, whicli belonged to Theobald de Verdoun, tenant in chief, and which is in the king’s hands by reason of the minority of Theobald’s heir, [/ifc?.] To Nicholas de Grey, sheriff of York. Order to proceed in person to Knaresburgh castle, and to ordain by the best mcjins that it be delivered to him for the king’s use, the king having ordered the earl of Lancaster, by letters sent herewith to the sheriff, to deliver it to the sheriff, and he orders by otlier letters, likewise sent to the .sjieriff, all persons in the castle to deliver it to the sheriff, in case they have entered and detained the castle by their own authority. The sheriff is ordered to certify the king of his proceedings herein without delay. By K. [Ibid.-] Letters patent concerning this were made, which are enrolled on the Patent Roll. [Ibid.] To Thomas, earl of Lancaster. The king hsus lately heard tliat the earl has, with a multitude of armed men, besieged and captured divers castles of John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, in the county of York, and that he still detains them, and has done many other things in those parts to the disturbance of the king’s peace; wherefore the king orders him to desist entirely from these proceedings, and if he have done any such things, to cause them to be amended in due form, and forbids him to go armed or to assemble men-at-arms, or to do anything else to the disturbance of the king’s peace. The king is prepared to do justice in his court concerning the things that the earl has to prosecute against the earl of Surrey and certain others. [Fcedera.] By K. and C. 570 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1817. Nov. 5. Westminster. Nov. 4. London. Membrane 18f7 — cont. To Robert rle Kenclale, constable of Dover castle anti warden of the Cinque Ports, and to him who .supplies bis place. Order to cause the port of Dover and all other ports in his bailiwick to be fruarded diligently, so tliJit no noblentan or other great person may go to parts beyond sea without special licence from the king. [/Vrt/err/.] By K. on the information of B.arlholomew de Badelesmere. 'Co Richard de Bnrgo, earl of Ulster. Order to come to the king at "Wotminster, putting aside all otlier matters, on Wednesday after Martin- mas next, to treat with the king upon certain of bis affairs, and to give his counsel concerning the same. By K. on the information of Bartholomew de Badelesmere. To Pliilip, king of Fiance. The universitas of the king’s town of Floi ence, in the confines of his duchy of Aquitaine, have written to him that whereas the universitas and the consules of the same have been wont, from the time of the construction of that town, to have protection (messegaria) for their goods and possessions that are nnder the jurisdiction of the vicomte of Fezensaguet {Fezensaguelli), the said vicomte, with the adhesion in this behalf of the king of France’s seneschal of Toulouse, hinders certain men of tlie said universitas from enjoying such protection in their goods and possessions in the jurisdiction of the vicomte, and the have prayed the king of England to assist them in this matter ; wherefore he requests the king of France to order his aforesaid seneschal to desist from aggrieving the universitas contrary to their liberties and rights, and to permit them to use and enjoy the aforesaid protection peacefully as they have been wont to do. [Fipflera.^ Agnes, late the wife of Nicholas de Aulton, and .John de Aulton ac- knowledge tliat they owe to Jolin de Chclmersford, clerk, 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Surrey. Memorandum, that the king sent letters of privy seal to this effect : ‘ Edward, king of England, etc., to our clerks William de Ayremynn, Robert de Bardelby, and Robert de Askeby. Whereas we have givmn piermission to .7. liishop ol Winchester, our chancellor, to go to his bishopric and to stiiy tliere ibr some time on his business, and have ordered him by other letters to leave our great seal in the custody of William de Ayremynn, under the seals of Robert and Robert, or one of them, to do what pertains to the office of the seal during his absence ; we order you to be intendent to the custoily of the seal and to the execution of what pertains to ihe otlice thereof. Given at Westminsler, 116 October, in the eleventh year of our reign.’ Nrei/c//.— Wliich letters John de Heselarton, on Wednesday before IMai’tinmas, to wit 9 November folloiving, at Weslminster, at the hour of ju'iine, delivered to William, Robert, and Robert, and the chancellor there at the same hour delivered the great seal to VVilliiuu under his seal, and \\ illiam received it in his batid.-', and William, Robert, and Roliert on the same day, immediately after dinner, in William’s inn at the house of the ('onversi, London, opened the seal, and sealed writs therewith, and after the sealing the seal remained in William’s custody under the seals of Robert and Robert. \Farl. Writs.^ Enrolment of release by Richard son of \Villiam de Ilangendehoghton to Adam le Clerk of Ilange[n]dehoghton of his right in a messuage, two jiarts of two virgates of land, 14s. of rent and 4 caiions in Ilangendehoghton, and in 4 messuages, a virgate of land, and a fifth of a virgate, and 16ynald, merchants of Lym, have shewn the king that whereas they, with other merchants of divers parts of this realm, put 76 ser()lcrs of wool at Lym in a ship called '' Navis Sancti Georyii' nwA paid the customs thereupon due to the king, and had the king’s letters called ‘ cokettnm ’ concerning the same, according to custom, and caused the wool to be taken to the parts of the said John de Fienles in order to make their profit thereof, the said John and the men of the count of Flanders, a.sscrting that the wool aforesaid belonged to the merchants of St. Omer and Calais, took it by force and arms from the above-named merchants in a water leading from Gravelynges to St Omer; and the count, being certified by the e'chevi?is and consules of Brugges and other his towns that the wool did not belong to the merchants of St. Omer and Calais but to the king’s merchants, caused 47 serplers thereof, which had fallen to the portion of his men, to be delivered to the aforesaid merchants, ami requested the said John de Fienles to deliver to them the remaining 29 serplers, which came to his hands, whereof two serplers belonged to the above-named ^Villiam, 15 to John, 8 to Adam, and -1 to Edward ; hut John de Fienles has hitherto refused to deliver the same, as apjjears by the letters of John de Bello Monte, marshal of France, and of John de Baris, knight, and of the majmr and echevins of St. Omer and the echevins of Calais, exhibited before the king : whereupon the king requests the said John to deliver the said serplers to the merchants aforesaid or the value thereof, together with their damages, so that it may not behove the king to provide them with another remedy, certifying the king by his letters of his proceedings herein. To R. count of Flanders. Letter thanking him for restoring 47 serplers of the above wool, which was taken and carried away by his men and the men of John de Fienles in a river {riparia) between Gravelynges and Byslath. The king has written to John requesting him to restore the remaining 29 serplers, or to pay the price thereof to the said merchants, together with their damages. If John refuse to do so, he requests the count to cause justice to be done to the said merchants, as he would that the king should do to his merchants in like case. John le Rous acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Cliderhou, clerk, 80 marks ; to be levied, in default of j)ayment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Worcester. John son of John de Bassyngburn acknowledges that he owes to William de Goldyngton, knight, 2U/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hertford. INIargand, late the wife of llamo Lcstraunge of Honestanston, acknowledges that she owes to Isohla, late. the wife of .John Lestraunge of Knokyn, 510/. ; to be levied, in d«4’ault of ()ayment, of her lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. Cancelled on payment, achioicledyed by John de IVodhill, attorney of Isolda, in October, in the 14//t year. Enrolment of dc(al by Tsoude, late the wife of Sir John Lestraunge of Knokyn, witnessing that whereas Margaret, late the wife of Sir Hamo Lesfraungt', lord of 1 lunslancstonn, has acknowledged in chancery that she owes lsou(i(5 .HO/, in oialer lo have the grant from Isoudc of wardshij) of the lauds of llamo, son and heir of Sir llamo Lestraunge, a minor, and, i( 11 EDWARD II. 5H3 1317. Nov. 22. Westmiuster. Nov. 27. Windsor. Membrane 16rf — cont. the said heir die whilst a minor during Isoude’s life without issue, for the wardship of the said lands until Edmund his brother come of age. saving to Isoude the wardship cf (he reversion of the tenements that Margaret holds in dower, in case she die during the minority of the heirs, as security for payment to Isoude of 30/. yearly until the end of seventeen years, the [jeriod of the nonage of the heirs, for the wardship, Isoude grants that if Hamo die leav- ing i."sue of liis body, wardship of which issue Isoude has reserved to herself, or if he die under age witiiout issue after Isoude’s death, by reason whereof IMiirgaret may not have the wardship of the said lauds until the end of the 17 years, then Margaret shall pay the above yearly sum until Hamo’s detith and that after his death site shall be acquitted thereof, and tl at if Edmund die a minor and heir of Hamo, she shall be quit in like manner. Dated at London, Friday after St. Andrew, 11 Edward II. French. Memorandum, that Isolda came into chancery on the said day, and acknowledged the above deed. Meubraxe 15 cester, Buckingham, Bedford, Wilts, South- Ithel de Keirw'cnt J ampton, Somerset, Dorset, and Devon. Robert de Chevyngton d for their deputies in cos. Surrey, Sussex, John de Chelmersford > Kent, Essex, Hertford, .Suffolk, Norfolk, ^Villiam de Neuport J Cambridge, and Huntingdon. Eustace Lovecok of Walyngford acknowledges that he owes to Peter de Clif, clerk, 40s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in co. Berks. .Tohn de London and Peter son of Peter le Mareschal put in their [)lace Peter le Butiller to seek and receive in chancery 40/., which Thomas Cumpaignun acknowledged to them in chancery. Robert do Maldon, vicar of Gedeneye church, acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Bardelby, clerk, 50/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. Fulk, prior of Bernewell, acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey de Burton 10/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Cambridge. 'I'he said prior acknowledges that he owes to Waller de Friskeneye, chap- lain, Geoffrey de Bourton, and Robert de AVah sby, chaplain, executors of the will of Robert de Retford, clerk, 37/. 2i. Hr, 100/.; to be levied, in default ofirayment, of their lands and chattels in co. Essex. John Joce .and Elizabeth his wife and William de Dcen, the elder, acknowledge that th(>y owe to John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Essex and in the city of London. 11 EDWARD II. 599 1318. March 1. ^\'estruiustel■. Feb. 28. “Westminster. March 2. Westminster. ]\Iarch 3. “Westminster. Feb. 26. Windsor. March 2. Westminster. Membrane Qd — cont. John Joce and Elizabeth his wife acknowledge that they owe to William de Deen, the elder, ICO marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, as above. Jolin Joce and Elizabeth his wife and William de Deen, the elder, acknowledge that they owe to John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, 366/. 13^. 4/ I 62, 73, 80, 93, 143, 385, 386, 392, 444, 448, 455, 456, 461, 462, 517, 563, 567, 571, 577-580, 582, 591, 593-595, 616, 623. Betton-in-Hales, co. Salop, 545. Bety, Walter, 142. Beucos, W. de, 92. Beusol, Poncius de, 92. P. de, 92. P. A. de, 92. Bevercoats, co. Northampton [_reclins Notting- ham], 423. Bevercote, John son of William de, 321. William de, 50, 262, 271. parson of Tuxford church, 476. Sir William de, 335. Bevercotes, John de, 75. William de, chancellor of Scotland, 40. Bevere, Walter le, 44. Bevcrlaco, Gilbert de, king’s serjeant, 606. I Beverley, co. York, 7, 318, 402. letters close dated at, 50-55, 98, 99, 363. 364, 431, 432. gaol, 110. Beveros, Greylond, 134. Bevre, Henry de, 399. Bewyk, Hugh de, 364. , Robert de, 193. Bexhill, Byxle, co. Sussex, 76. Bexles, Mabel de, 607. Bexley, Bixle, co. Kent, 98, 474. Beynyn, Walter de, 480. Beyvill, Thomas de, 134. Bezin, Jo. de, 92. Biane, P. de, 92. Biarritz, France, 580. Bichamstede, co. Huntingdon, 522. Bickerton [co. Y’ork], 585, 589. Biddyk, William, 553. Bideford, co. Devon, 135. Bidford, Budiford, co. Warwick, 264. Bielby, Beleby, co. Y'ork, 413, 500. Biele Frang’, W. P. de, 92. Biggin [co. Northampton], letters close dated at, 310. Bignoles, Arnold Guillelini de, 118. Bigod, Bjgod, Alice wife of Roger le, earl of Norfolk, 143, 301, 426, 504, 505. , Roger le, earl of Norfolk and Suffolk and earl marshal, 426. , Stephen le, 340. Bikenore, Joan wife of Thomas dc, 296. Riehard, 402. Bikerstath, John son of Henry son of Stephen de, 291. , Simon de, 282. Bikerwyk, Peter de, 100, 204. Bilar, P. dou, 92. Bildesthorp, William de, 196, 335, 347, 591, Bildeston. See Bilstone. Billesby, Eudo de, 474. Billesfeld, co. Lincoln, 331. Billing, Little [co. Noftbamptoii], 556. j Billingburgh, co. Lincoln, 498. : Billingford, co. Norfolk, 34. , BilHngley, CO. York. 341. ] Billingleye, Billyngleye, Hugh son of Hugh de, 341. Juliana wife of Hugh son of Hugh de, 341. Margaret and Matilda daughters of Ralph de, 341. William de, 221, 341. Billon, John, 591. Bilneye, Roger de, 543. Bilsington Priory [eo. Kent], 396. Bilstone, Bildeston, co. Leicester, 418, Bilton [co. York], 585, 589. Biltmi, William de, 439. Binag, A. dou, 92, 640 GENERAL INDEX Kinau Aiii, 1’. don, 92. Bingle)-, CO. York, 539, 510. Bintree, co. Norfolk, 133. Birchatn, Brechaiu, co. Norfolk, 132, 136,415. Tofts, Brecliamtoftes [co. Norfolk]. 78. Birchecar [co. Lancaster], 291. Birdbrook, Bridebrok, co. Essex, 134, 337. Birden, John de, 541. Birkes, William de, 347. Birkenside [co. Northumberland], 83. Biron, John, 395. Bir.stan, Thomas de, 594. Birston, Master William de, 269, 271. Biset, Richard, 472. Bisham, Bistlesham [co. Berks], II. , letters close dated at, 130, 205. Bishampton, CO. Worcester, 209, 213, 245, 321. Bishop’s castle, co. Salop, 192, 529. Bishopsthorpe, co. York, 259, 260. Bishop Thorp, co. Lincoln, 412. Bisschop, Matilda, 349. Bisshappesdon, John de, 277. Bisshop, John, 222. Bisshopesgate, John de, 577. Bistlesham. See Bisham. Biteryng, John de, 323. Bitlesby, co. Leicester, 154. Bixle. See Bexley. Bixley, co. Suffolk [rec/As Norfolk], 211. Blaby, co. Warwick [rectms Leicester], 278. Blaby, John de, 150. Blackford, co. Somerset, 355. Blackfordbj', co. Leicester, 154. Blackmoor Forest, cos. Somerset and Dorset, 394. Blackness [Linlithgowshire], 140. Blackrod, co. Lancaster, 554. Blaclowe, William de, 319. Blacolvesle. See Blakesley. Bladynton, Roger de, 474. Blaenllyfni, Bleynleveny [co. Brecknock], 32, 353, 563. Blak, John le, 158. Blake, Gilbert le, 199. .sou of John le, 463. W^illiam le, 158. Blakedeleie, co. Northumberland, 83. Blakeden, Nicholas de, 528. , Richard de, 199. Blakeford, Hamo de, 355. Blakehou Moor [co. York], 13. Blakelowe, VV’illiam de, 311. Blakemore Forest. See Blackmoor. Blakemore, Richard de, 102. Blakeney, co. Norfolk, 517, 521, 528, 552. Blakeneye, Blakeny, John de, 128, 51 1. Peter de, 62. Blakenham, Great [co. Suffolk], 113. , Little [co. Suffolk], 113. ' Blakeny. See Blakeneye. I Blakesley, Blacolvesle, co. Northampton, 116. Blakestone, Roger de, 254. I Blaket, John, 343. i Margaret wife of Sir John, 312. i , William, 45, 559. ' Blakhale Manor [co. Cumberland], 241. Blanche, queen of Navarre, 601. Blanchland abbey [co. Northumberland], 69. i Blank, Blaunk, Berenger, admiral of the king of France’s fleet, 341, 475. Gregory, 551. , Imbert, 6, 39. Blanmouster. See Whitchurch. Blast, Richard, 284. Blatherwik, John de, 86. Blaunk. See Blank. Blaunk Moustier, Blanmouster. See Whit- church. Blaunkmouther, Reginald de, 400. Blavia, William Beau de, 230. Blays, Richard, 439. Blean, co. Kent, 134. Blebury, Master John de, 617. j Bledlow, CO. Buckingham, 209. Blencow, Blencogow, co. Cumberland, 399, , 512. j Blenkansopp, Richard de, 178. j Blenleveney. See Blaenllyfni. Blesde, Henry, 220. Blessid, Henry le, 319. Bletchingley, eo. Surrey, 131, 137. Bleynleveny. See Blaenllyfni. Blida, Ralph de, 587. Blidworth, Blitheworth, co. Nottingham, 256. Bliseworth, Nicholas de, 482. Blisworth, co. Northampton, 478. Blith, William de, 398, 407, 493, 497. I Blithehayt, John, 328. Blitheworth. See Blidworth. Bliton, John de, 26, 81, 307. Blobber, Roger le, 460. Bloiou, Alan de, 107. , Richard de, 107. Blondel, William, 551. Blorton, John de, 90. Blound. See Blund. Bloxham, John de, 16, 98, 104, 369, 586. Bluet. See Builth. Bluet, John, 137, 311. knt., 225- , Ralph, 137. Blund, Blound, Blount, Blunt, David le, 16. , Edward le, 335. son of John le, knt., 332. , John le, I nt., 332. Peter le, 277. Sir Peter le, 78, 277. Stephen le, 265, 365. 482, 506, 514, 523, 540. GENERAL INDEX. 641 Blund — conf. Thomas le, 230, 534. constable of Drysllwyn castle [co. Caermarthen] , 113, 240, 283, , William le, 277. Blundel, Thomas, 590. William, 486, 571, 590. Blunt, William, 399. Bluntesham, Richard de, 322. Blyburgh, William de, 68. Blyth, CO. Nottingham, 10, 86. priory, 436. Blythe, Ralph de, 68. Blyton, John de, 199. Boarstall [co. Bucks], 527. Bocholt. See Buckholt. Bocking [co. Essex], 609. Bockingg, Bockyng’, Bockynge, Adam de, 56. Henry de, 56, 87, 108, 191. Ralph de, 472. Boclinton, John de, 298. Philip de, 356. Boclond, Bokeland, John de, knt., 94, 333, 481. John son of Hugh de, 348, 461. , son of Ralph de, 609. , John le, clerk, 305. Stephen de, 379. Boclonde, 206. Bodbran [co. Cornwall], 64. Bodbran, William de, 64. Boddington, Badyngdon, co. Gloucester, 136. Botyndon [co. Northampton], 127. Bodebran, Elizabeth wife of Geoffrey de, 64. Geoffrey de, 64. Bodecomb. See Butcorabe. Bodekesham, Alan de, 323. Bodele, William de, sheriff of London, 332. Bodmin priory [co. Cornwall], 9, 21, 447. lohn, prior of, 21, 69, 103. Bodj, William, 588. Boef, .lohu Gilfard le, 58. Boer, P., 92. Boerlike, Master John, clerk of the town of Ypres, 568. Boggele, CO. Sussex, 350. Boghan, 259. Boghau, (Buchan) earl of, 119. See Comyn, John. Boghe, Geoffrey de la, 61. Boglon, Ga. de, 92. P. de, 92. Bogshote. See Baggeschete. Bohun, Elizabeth, countess of Holland wife of Humphrey de, earl of Hereford and Essex, 109, 294, 301, 308, 312, 454, 531, 593. Humphrey de, earl of Hereford and Essex, 71, 109, 180, 185, 188, 206,267, 268, 274, 301, 337, 347, 370, 378, 379, 433, 434, 454, 459, 500, 523, 525, 543, 562, 569, 570, 607, 619. 72604. Bohun — cont. James de, 339, Joan wife of Henry de, 226. Bokeland. See Buckland. Bokenham, Emma wife of Roger de, 218. Roger de, 218. Bokenhull [? Bucknell, cos. Hereford and Salop], 320. Bokenhull, Robert de, 320, Bokesull, Alan de, 618. Boketon, Isabella wife of son of Henry de, 623. son of Henry de, 623. Bokewell, Stephen de, 135. Bokham, Siward de, 315. Bokholte. See Buckholt. Bokiler, Richard le, 590. Bokkeleye, Vincent de, 344. I Bokkyng, Ralph de, 441. j Bolehuth, Margery de, 299, 503. ; Bolingbrok, Nicholas de, justice, 463. Bolle, John, 363. Robert, 343. Bollesovre. See Bolsover. Bollond. See Buckland. Bollyngg’, Bollyng, Richard de, 614, 622. Bolon’, John de, 216. Bolsover, Bollesovre [co. Derby] ,291. castle, 18, 19, 21, 22, 65. Boltesham, Thomas de, 24. Bolton, CO. Westmoreland, 511. Bolton by Rowland, co. York, 150, 259. Bolton in Craven priory [co. York], 196, 466, 564, 599. hospital [co. Northumberland], 569, Bolton, .John de, 150. John son of Adam son of Stephen de, 268. Thomas de, 151. William de, 31. Bolyndon, Bolyngton. See Bulliugton. Bolyngton, Richard de, 442. Bomstede, Gilbert son of Robert de, 47l. Matilda wife of William son of Robert de, 471. , William de, 248. See also Bumstede. Bonayoint, Peter, 493. Bond, John, 255. Bonde, Clement le, 400, John, 100. Thomas, 214. Viviana and Lucy daughters of Clement le, 400. Bonenseigne, Gygne, 144. Bonet, Ralph, 1. Bonevill, Nicholas son of Nicholas de, 293. William de, 472. Boneyre, Clement, 12. Bonjort, P. A. de, 92. S B 642 GENERAL INDEX. Honroncyn, Bonronncini, Gilbert, 219, 571. lloiiserjaunt, Walter, 328. moneycr of the Tower of Loudon, 301. Bonyton, Oliver ile, 56, 108. , Richard de, 56, 108. Books, order for the delivery of, 10. Bordeaux, 230, 279,304,385,387,457, 461, 462, 563, 565, 577, 579, 592, 617. castle, 279. eonstable of, 104, 156, 177, 216, 510. .lohn, constable of, 49 ; and see Emeriei, Peter de ; Haveryng, Richard de ; Laysset, Robert de. , controller of, 216 ; and see Guycardi, John. , diocese of, 230. mayor and jurats of, 303. major, jurats, and universitas of, 420. St. Simeon’s parish, 230. Boreford, John de, 445, 475. Roesia wife of John de, 445. Boresworthe, Roger de, 577. Borham, John de, 82, 334. Borhunte, Herbert de, 135. Boriton [co. Hereford], 127, 128. Borley, co. Essex, 133. Borne, William de, 497. Borueton, Walter de, 402. Boruhersch. See Burgbersh. Bos, P. de, 92. Boscher, Agnes wife of Robert, 182. Robert, 182. William son of Robert, 182. Bosco, John de, 202. Peter de, prior of St. Mary’s Thet- ford, 618. Richard de, 379. Robert son of Robert de, 264. Robert de, 264, 265. Stephen de, 600. William de, 154, 223; and see Boys. Boseham, .John de, 181. Bosiate. See Bozeat. Bosk, William de, 21. Boselingtborp. See Buselingthorpe. Bosnej'sek, Richard de, 338. Bossale, William de, 149. Bosse, Richard, 574. Boston, co. Lincoln, 8, 26, 81, 140, 144, 181, 187, 271, 289, 321, 374, 392, 412. 441, 498, 560. bailiffs of, 552. bridge of, 369. fair, 109, 171, 386, 499, 560. port of, 109, no, 174, 427. customs in, 492, 497-99, 516. Bosworth, lord of, 110; and see Harecourt, .John de. Bosyate, William de, 44. Boteleye, James son of Thomas de, 347. Boterel, Nicholas, 541. Botes, Gilbert de, 614. Botetourte, Boteturt, Butetourt, John, 56, 107, 218, 246, 332. , , captain and admiral of the fleet of the king’s ships, 171. John de, knt., 211, 610. , justice, 19, 555. , Thomas, 499. knt., 434. Botevileyn, Robert, 105. Botevylej'n, William, 274. Bothall, CO. Northumberland, 129. Botiller, Boteler, Butiller, Edmund le, 193, 199, 207, 223. , earl of Garrick, justice of Ire- land, 140, 153, 159, 185, 218, 232, 258, 291, 307, 368, 533. Geoffrey le, 261. Henry le, 155. , Hugh le, 589. .loan wife of Simon le, 137. John, 142. le, 425. , Peter le, 468, 583. Ralph le, 66, 176, 410, 435. Simon le, 1 37. Theobald le, keeper of Ireland, 199. Thomas le, 64, 193, 487. , William le, 2, 66, 73, 241, 350. Botlesford. co. Northampton, 373. Botlesford, Walter sou of John de, 373. Botreux, William de, 205. Botuu, Thomas de, 94. Botyngdon. See Boddington. Boudon. John de, 591. Richard de, 591. Roger de, 591. William de, 474. Boughton Aluph, Wotton Alulphi [co. Kent], 207. Boughton, Bouton, [parishes of Southoe and Hiddington], co. Huntingdon, 578. Boullers, John de, 539. Boulogne-sur-mer, 13, 86. the honour of, 60, 280, 281. Boulton. See Bolton. Boulton in Craven. See Bolton. Boulton, Robert de, knt., 230, 245. Thomas de, knt., 230. son of Robert de, 76. Boulwas. See Buildwas. Bounde, John le, 581. Bourbank, William de, 601. Boure, Henry de, 315. Bourgh, Thomas de, 465. Bourgneuf-en-Retz (Loire-Inforieure), Burc- nef, parish of St. Ciry-in-Roys, Bri- tanny, 455. GENERAL INDEX. €43 Bourhonte, Gilbert de, 579. Bourn, co. Sussex, 181. Bourn, Bourne, John de, 222, 304. Bourne, Brunne, co. Lincoln, 169, 299. abbey, 169, 299. Bourton, Burton, co. Buckingham, 134, 451. Burugton.co. Warwick, 27, 419. Bourton, Geoffrey de, 583. John de, 348. Bousser, John de, 417, 442, 507. justice, 208, 556. Bouthum, Kobert son of Laurence de, 428, 438. Bouton. See Boughton. Bouton, Thomas de, 347. Bovill, Sir William de, knt., 226. Bovindone, co. Hants, 311. Bovyngton, Gilbert de, 512. , Robert de, 6. Bowdon [co. Leicester], 52. Great, co. Leicester, 524, 538, 543. Bowe, Roger atte, 329, 615. Boweles, John de, 42. Bowes, Adam de, 490. Bo wet, Thomas, 250. Bow3'er, J ohn le, 284. Boxgrove priory [co. Sussex], 400. Boxore, Geoffrey de, 299, 503. Boxted, co. Essex, 516. Boylond, John de, 63. Robert de, 489. Boylund, John de, 21, 34. Boyman, William, 525. Boys, Christiana de, 94. Gilbert du, 606. Henry du, knt., 197. John de, 179, 188. Margaret de, 275. Margery wife of Nicholas de, 220. Richard du, 90. Stephen de, 335. William du, 195; and see Boseo, de. Boyton [co. Suffolk], 396. Boyton, Simon de, 207. Thomas de, 614. William de, 23, 169, 331. Boyvill, John de, 118. Robert de, 213. Bozeat, Bosiate, co. Northampton, 28. Brabant. 26. 46, 81, 31.5, 366, 376, 393, 398, 408. 446, 450, 461, 462, 552, 553. duke of. See John, duke of Lower Lorraine. Brabant, John son of Giles de, 23. Brabanzon, Brabazon, Brabazoun, Roger le, knt., 45, 66, 68, 206, 229, 242, 251, 255, 274, 298, 347, 389, 426, 470, 487, 488. justice, 127, 128, 148, 173, 188, 254, 280, 316, 337. Brabanzon — cont. , chief justice of the common Bench, 416, 419, 423. William le, 470. Brabaunt, Alice wife of Giles de, 23. , Giles de, 23. Bracebridge, co. Lincoln, 1, 279. Bracebrigg, Margaret wife of John de, 279. Bracer, Bartholomew le, 323, Thomas le, 573. Bracewell, Braycewell, co. York, 168. Braci, Robert le, 277. Brackley, Brakkeleigh, co. Northampton, 70, 71, 79, 115, 116, 155, 197, 313, 573, 587. St. John’s Hospital, 117, 155, 192, 335, 447. , prior of, 573; and see Derset, William de. the lepers’ hospital without, 156. , letters close dated at, 451. Bracon (Ash), Brakne [co. Norfolk], 143. Bradeburn, John de, 435. Bradefeld, John son of Robert de, 206. William son of Ralph de, 104. Bradeford. See Bradford. Bradeford, Ellen wife of Alexander de, 421 » 481. Matilda daughter of Ralph son of William de, 155. Bradele, Simon de, 323. Braden, Breden, forest, co. Wilts, 239, 355, 360. Bradenham, East [co. Norfolk], 124. Bradenestok, John de, 470. Bradenstoke priory [co. Wilts], 572, 597. Bradeshagh, Richard de, 322. , William de, 554. Bradeshete, William son of Roger de, 13. Bradewell. See Bradwell. Bradewcll, Hugh de, 134. , Richard de, 402. Bradewode, Robert de, 178. Bradford, co. Northumberland, 421. (Beverel) [co. Dorset], 106. Brading, Brerdingge, Isle of Wight, 320. Bradley jjriory [co. Leicester], 502. Bradsted, William de, 8. Bradwell [co. Essex], 15, 24, 29. Brady, William, 518, 532. Brahara. See Brayham. Braham, William de, 133. Brailes, co. .Warwick, 49 1 . Braintree, Branketre, co. Essex, 55£. Braithwell, eo. York, 347. Brakenholm, William de, 569. Brakford, Adam de, 460. Brakkeleigh. See Brackley. Brakne. See Bracon. Bramcote, co. Nottingham, 478. Bramfield, co. Suffolk, 616. S S 2 GENERAL INDEX. f)44 Bramford, Braunford, co. Suffolk, 35, 113. Bramley, Broinlegh [co. Surrey], 133. Braniuiore. See Brearaorc. Brauii)cote, Walter de, 545. Brampton. See Brauntoii. Brampton, Uichard son of Geoffrey de, 326. Master William de, 511. Brand, John, 315. Brandon, co. Warwick, 410. Brandon, Reginald de, 305. Braukescoiube, Jocelin de, 445. Brauketre. See Braintree. Brantingliam, co. York, 603. Brantingthorp, Robert de, 32, 313. Brantingtborpe. See Bruntingtborpe. Braola (=Braosa), William de, 340. Bratoft, CO. Lincoln, 412. Braumfeld, co. Northampton, 368. Braunche, Nicholas, 525. Braundon, co. Warwick, 381. Braundon, Robert de, 122. William de, 461. Braundeston, Henry de, 359. Braunford. See Bramford. Braunton, Brampton, co. Devon, 23, 265. Bravelston [co. Monmouth], 137. Brawod, William de, 37. Brawode, Stephen de, 37. Bray hundred [co. Berks], 164. Bray, Adam de, 35, 166, 204, 243, 248, 363. , king’s Serjeant, 33, 171, 279, 280. , keeper of the king’s horses, 360. Benedict le, 338. Henry de, 475. Hugh de, 439. John de, 77, 103. Richard de, 28, 103. Theobald de, 138, 203, 311, 329. Thomas de, 134. Braycewell. See Bracewell. Bray ham [manor. Great Lees, co. Essex], 133, 134. Brayn, Thomas, 458. Braynel, Gilbert, 2. Breamore, Brammore [co. Hants], 456. priory, 320, 447. Brearton, Brereton, co. Durham, 489, 495, 523, 525. Breaunzoun. See Brianzon. Brech, William, 40, Brechamtoftes. See Bircham Tofts. Brecheston, Simon de, 595. Brecheynouch. See Brecknock. Brechham. See Bircham. Brecknock, Breghcnok, Brecheynouch, 147, 562. Bredc, Copyn, 96. Eustace, 96. Breden. See Braden. Bredon, Walter de, 594. William de, 154. Bredstrete, Ralph de, 475. Bregge. See Bridge. Bregge, Joan wife of William de, 513. William de, 513. Breghenok. See Brecknock. Brehull. See Brill. Brehull, Nicholas de, 312. Brekston. See Brokston. Brende Pelham. See Brent Pelham. Brennere, John le, 214. Brent Pelham [co. Hertford], 225. Brenthiroc [co. Monmouth], 137. Brerdingge. See Brading. Breredale. See Bretherdale. Brereton. See Brearton. Bret, Geoffrey le, 193. Michael le, 74. Roger le, 461. William, 440. Breteville, Henry de, 289. Bretherdale, Breredale, co. Westmoreland, 117. Breton, John, 421. Robert, 4. Brettenham, co. Suffolk, 133. Brettevill, John, 397, 407, 493, 497. John de, 497. William de, 606. Brettfield, 127. Bretton, Monk, abbey [co. York], 613. Brewerch, W’illiam, 277. Brewere, William, 616. Brewes, Sir Hugh de, 467. Brewos, Brewosa, Brewose, Mary wife of William de, 352, 546. , Matthew de, 557, 597. Peter son of William de, 546. Richard de, 352. Thomas de, 546. William de, 129, 352, 563. the lord of, 234. Brian, John, 351. John son of Robert, 463. , Matthew, 45, 48. Robert, 463. Brianzon, Brianzoun, Breaunzoun, Bryanzon, Elizabeth wife of John de, 290, 344, 409, 422, 506. Giles de, 103. .Tohn de, knt., 66, 100, 225, 424, 506, 516. Briaund, Matthew le, 97. Bricgham. See Bridgham. Brickell, Brikbull, co. Buckingham, 414. Bridebrok. .Sec Birdbrook. Bridecumbe, Robert de, 512. Bridge, Bregge [co. Kent], 473. Bridgewater, co. Somerset, 565. GENERAL INDEX. 645 Bridgewater — cont. St. John the Baptist’s hospital, 53^ 62, 144. brother Henry, master of, 217. Bridgford, East, co. Nottingham, 255. Bridgham, Bricgham, co. Norfolk, 373, Bridgnorth, Bruggenorth, Bruges [co. Salop], free chapel of, 596. , , dean of, 172. castle, co. Salop, 531, 541. Bridlington priory, co. York, 149, 426, 435. Brigg, Master [Andrew] de, 455. Brigg’, Richard atte, 499. Roger atte, 263, Brigge, .Tohn Lukeys atte, 166. Briggegate, William de, 201. Brigham, 307, 523. , CO, Cumberland, 236, 598, Brigham, Theobald de, 512. William de, 438. Brightelmeston. See Brighton. Brightling [co. Sussex], 472. Brightmereston, Brighmerston, .Joan wife of Stephen de, 182, 187, 362. Stephen de, 182, 187. Brighton, Brightelmeston, co. Sussex, 347. Brightwalton, co. Berks, 63. Brightwalton, John de, 194, Brikhull. See Brickell. BrikhuR, William de, 202. , provider of the king’s ale, 2. Brill, Brehull [co. Buckingham], 271, 290, 527. Brimfield, Brumfeld, co. Hereford, 347. Brimpsfield, Brimmesfeld, co. Gloucester, 70, 79, 263, 289, 322, 360, 361, 364. Brimton. See Brompton. Brinchill, John de, 499. Brinkhill, co. Lincoln, 499. Brinkliu (Brynkir, near Dolbenmaen, co. Car- narvon?) Wales, 179, 256. Brinsale. See Burnsall. Brisford. See Brushford. Brislingtou, Bristleton, co. Somerset, 136. Bristleton. See Brislington. Bristol, 2, 13, 14, 63, 69,130,217, 238,379, 382, 399, 415, 416, 423, 424, 505, 507, 515. castle, 5, 12, 63, 369, 416, 424, 505. constable of, 126, 238, 424; and see Badelesmere, Bartholomew de. Guildhall, 423. the king’s chace of, 5, 6, 238. mayor of, 507. port of, customs in, 498, 499. St. Augustine’s abbey, 136, 446. St. John’s, 136. St. Mark’s, master of, 210. Bristoll, John de, 399. Roger de, 589. William de, 446, 476, 556. j Britone, Alhini W. de, 287. Briston, William de, archdeacon of Gloucester, 79. Britannia, John de, earl of Richmond, 8, 82, 109, 185, 233, 264, 290, 318, 325, 369, 409, 413, 425, 470, 517, 518, 560, 567. Simon de, 327. Brittany, 95, 453, 567, 617. cloth of, 564. duchy of, 565. duke of. See John. Brixaneston, 447. Broadway, Brodeweye; co. Dorset, 168. j Brockesholm. See Broxholm. j Brockeworth, Brocworth, Henry de, 560, 597. I Brockley, co. Suffolk, 133. Brodeliscom Lomena. See Liscombe. Brodeweye. See Broadway. Brogbton in Alenburgh. See Broughton, Little. Broghton, James de, 550, 551. , John de, 142, 274, 610. Stephen de, 270. , Walter de, .'>87. Brok, Lawrence du or de, 29, 31, 67, 71. ...., Roger, 45, 255. William, 254. Broke, Joan wife of Adam atte, 526. Brokele, Roger de, 353. Brokesheved. See Broxted. Brokhole, Geoffrey de, 605. Brokhurst, William, 605. Brokston, Brekston, Constantine de, 385, 457. Brolio, Brolia, Gilbert de, 386, 458. ! Brom, Adamde. 79, 81, 82, 201, 230, 324, 330, 334, 376, 425, 438, 440, 466, 475, 616. Richard de, 445. Robert de, 135. William atte, 11. Bromele. See Bromlegh. Bromfeld [co. Denbigh], 554, 563. Bromfeld, John de, 339, 516, 607. Bromficld, Leoline, bishop of St. Asaph, 67, 122 . Robert de, 213. Bromhale. See Broomhaugh. Bromholm priory, co. Norfolk, 29, 544. Bromlegh. See Bramley. Bromlegh, Bromele, Brumle, Gilbert de, 110, 111, 113. receiver of the king’s stores at Carlisle, 127. Bromley, co. Essex, 438. Bromleye, Richard de, 295. Brompton, Brumpton, Brumptona, Brimton [co. York], 195, 285, 286, 287, 568. Bromsgrove, Brymmesgrave, co. Worcester, 277, 409. Bromshulf, Roger de, 102, 600. Bron, Adam, 36. Brond, John, 289, 399. 6’46 GENERAL INDEX. Brooke [co. Norfolk], G06, 607. Broomliaugh, Eroinhale, co. Northumberland, 83. Brother, Wymiind, .332. Brotherlain, Andrew, 26. Brotherton, Thomas de, earl of Norfolk, the king’s brother, 43, 68, 73, 85,222,343, 451, 504, 505, 558. , marshal of England, 473, 562. Brotton, CO. York, 289. Brough-under-Stainmore, Burgh-under-Staiu- more, co. Westmoreland, 239, 250. castle, 1 17, 356. Brougham, co. Westmoreland, 170. Broughton, Little, Broghton-iu-Alenburgh, CO. Cumberland, 24, 33. co. York, 169. Brouk, Robert atte, 13. Broun, John, 348, 469, 476. Nicholas, 169. Quintin, 593. Reginald, 230. Richard, 425. , Robert, 426, 451, 487. keeper of the bishopric of Hereford, 529. , William, 326. Broune, Adam, 200. Brounsone, Ralph, 601. Brounyng, Hugh, 255. Broxholm, Brockesholm, co. York, 204. Broxted, Great, Brokesheved, Chaure, co. Essex, 133. Bruant, Oudinus, 596. Brudeford, John de, 225. Bruere, Gilbert de la, 56, 108. Bruerne abbey [co. Oxford], abbot of, 572. Bruge, de, 489. Brugeire, A. Wi. de le, 91. Bruges, Flanders, 315, 316, 517, 582; and see Bridgnortb. Bruges, Andrew de, 103. Brugge, John atte, 590. Bruggenorth. See Bridgnorth. Bruitton. See Bruton. Bruma, Arnald de, 457, 458. Reymund de, 385, 386, 457, 458. Brumfeld. See Brimtield. Brumle. See Bronilegh. Brummore priory. See Breamore. Brumpton, 568 ; and see Brompton. Brumptou, Richard son of Robert de, 287. William de, 349. Brumptona. See Brompton. Brumvill, William, 55. Brim, John le, 311, 428, 579, 604, 612. , Lapys del, 142. Reginald, 177. , Richard le, 20, 494. Willitim le, 622. Brundall, co. Norfolk, 373. I Brandish, Burnedyssh [co. Suffolk], 108, 451. Brunelesii, Banquinus, 621. Brunfeld, .John, 419. Brunham, Walter de, 429. Brunne. See Bourne. Brunne, Andrew de, 447. , Thomas de, 498. , Robert, 323. Brunnum. See Nunburnholme. Brunstead, co. Norfolk, 612. Bruntingthorpe, Brantingthorp, co. Leicester, 418. Brus, Bernard de, 358, 521. Christiana, sister of Robert de, wife of Christopher de Seyton, 108, 109, 180. , Edward de, 35, 451, 561. le, 292. Elizabeth wife of Robert de, 43, 107. , Isabella de, 49. , Margaret daughter of Robert de, 180. , Peter de, 544. Robert de (or le), 66, 69, 86, 95, 96, 156, 255, 422, 521, 561, 612. Robert son of Robert de, 521. Brushford, Brisford, co. Somerset, 52. Brustewyk. See Burstwick. Brustlisham, Richard de, 19. Brustwyk. See Burstwick. Brustwyk, William de, 7. Bruton priory [co. Somerset], 450, 461. Bruton, William de, 12. Bryanzon, Bryaunzoun. See Brianzon. Brymesgrove, William de, 40. Brymmesgrave. See Brom.sgrove. Brymmesgrave, Richard de, 268. Brj nthinghirst, William de, 155. Brywes, Eva wife of John, 229. Bubwyd’, Sir William de, 287. Buchan, earl of. See Coinyu, John. Buckby, co. Northampton, letters close dated at, 486, 546. Buckden, co. York, 125, 151. Buggeden, the prebend of, in Lincoln cathedral, 425. Buckenham priory, co. Norfolk, 152. Buckholt, CO. Hants, 144. Buckholt, Bocholt, Bokholte forest, co. Hants, 167, 237, 415, 547. Buckingham, county of, 56, 72, 75, 76, 79-81, 85, 106, 132, 176, 181, 208,209,223, 225, 234, 237, 273, 313, 327, 329, 330, 334-336, 343, 345, 360, 414, 422, 442- .(44, 448, 451, 464, 465, 472-474, 479, 481, 557, 572, 579, 581, 583, 591, 600, 602, 603, 605, 611, 615. the forests in, 274. the foresters of fee in, 274. sheriff of, 2, 3, 25, 34, 59, 60, 106, 169, 269, 327, 350, 351, 356, 364. Buckland, Bokland, Bollond [co. Kent], 529. i Buckucll. Sec Bokenhull. GENERAL INDEX. 617 Bucton, Agnes wife of Nicholas de, 198. Nicholas de, 198. Buddesthom, William de, 17. Budeneweye, John de, 137. Budeston, Koger de, 102. Budiford. See Bidford. Buelt. See Builth. Buford. See Byford. Bugesgate, Adam de, 609. Bugeye, 552. Buggeden. See Buckden. Buildwas, Boulwas, co. Salop, 381. Builth, Buelt, Bluet, co. Brecknock, 258, 270, 401. castle, 45, 153, 248, 258, 394, 401. constable of, 258 ; and see Cherle- ton, John de. , king’s garrison at, 270. hundred of, 563. Buk’, John, 607. Thomas, 349. Bukton, Thomas de, 24. Buldewas, John son of Walter de, 321, 562. Bullington, Bolyndon, co. Southampton, 615. Bolyngton, priory, co. Lincoln, 50, 564. Bulmer, co. Essex, 133. Bulmere, Ralph de, knt., 428, 562. Bulphan, Belefen, co. Essex, 344. Bulstrode [co. Buckingham], 25. Bulstrode, Geoffrey de, keeper of the manor of Fordiugton, 57. Bumpstead, co. Essex, 133. Bumstede, William de, 611. See also Bomstede. Bungay [co. Suffolk], 308. Bungey, Adam de, 323. Buntingford, co. Hertford, 72, 311. Buntyng, Gilbert, 445. Burbach, Robert de, 609. Burbage, Burbach, Burghbache, co. Wilts, 131, 380. Burdeaux, Ambertin de, 81. Burd[egala], Peter de, 21. Burdegala, Oliver de, 388, 490. Burdes, Robert, 154. Burdet, Peter, 144. , keeper of Launceston castle, 4, 263. Petronilla daughter of Hugh, 104. Robert, 154. William, 521. Burdeux, Robert de, 465. Burdeyn, Robert, sheriff of London, 124, 311. Burdou, Brian, 149. Gregory, 462. William, 511. Bureford, John de, 101, 578, 600, 604, 605, 615, 618, 623. Roesia de, 623. Burel, William, 209. Bures, co. Suffolk, 133, 137. Great, co. Suffolk, 133. Bures, John de, 590. Robert de, 541. Burewassh. See Burghersh. Burford, co. Oxford, 131, 135, 600. Burgans, William Reymund de, 510. Burgeis, John, 79. Burgesses in Parliament, payment of, 119, 219. Burgeys, Henry, 519. John, 44. Burgh, co. Westmoreland, 250. Burgh-under - Stainmore. See Brough-under Stainmore. Burgh, Gilbert de, 404, 405. , Hubert de, 404, 405. , Hugh de, 71, 202, 569. , Sir Hugh de, clerk of the chancery, 430. John de, 37, 72, 586. Richard de, 434, 443. Richard de, earl of Ulster, 193, 199, 207, 404, 405, 434, 443, 469, 560, 576. Sibyl wife of .John de, 37. Thomas de, 133, 598, 615. Burgham, co. Surrey, 135. Burghbache Sauvage. See Burbage. Burghdon, John de, 151. Burghersh, Bartholomew de, 309, 414, 499. Stephen de, 464. Burghton, 502. Burghtone, John de, 236. Burghwassh. See Burghersh. Burgo. See Burgh. Burgulion, Robert le, knt., 100. Burgundy, Odo, duke of, 470. Burithorp, William de, 155. Burn, .John de, 614. Burneby, Eustace de, 201. sheriff of Northampton, 125, 126. Burnedish. See Briindish. Burnedish, John de, 597. Burnel, Alina wife of Edward, 263, 264, 281, 487, 557. Edward, 234, 263, 411. knt., 82. Matilda sister of Edward, 411. Philip, 411. Robert, bishop of Bath and Wells, 311. Thomas, viewer of the king’s works at Windsor, 164. j William, 82. Burnsall, Brinsale, co. York, 168. Burpham, Bargham [co. Sussex], 609. Purser, John le, 125, 126. Burstall, co. Suffolk, 113, 133. Burston [co. Norfolk], 68. Burstowe, Alice wife of .John de, knt., 451. John son of John de, knt., 451. GENERAL INDEX. C)48 Burstwick, Brustcwyk, co. York, 49, &82, 386. jiark, 6.5. forest, 240. Bursty, Gilbert, 417. Burtucf, parish of St. Ciry in Roys. See Bourgneuf-en-Ketz. Burton. See Bourton. , CO. Lincoln, 77. Agnes [co. York], 352. [Latimer], co. Northampton, 134. Lazars [co. Leicester], hospital of, master and brethren of, 541. Overy, co. Leicester, 418. Burton-on-Trent abbey [co. Stafford], 424, 447, 564. Burton, Geoffrey de, 468, 583. Richard de, 6, 103, 287, 553. Master Richard de, 304, 530, 533, 553. ambassador to the king of France, 622. Walter de, 318. Buriigton. See Bourton. Burwell, Berewell, co. Cambridge, 54, 112. Bury, Elizabeth wife of Robert de, 230. , Henry de, 502. Hervey de, 467, 471. Robert de, 230, 458. Bury St. Edmunds, co. Suffolk, 54, 61, 280, 415. gaol, 128. See also St. Edmunds. Buselingthorpe, Boselingthorpe, Richard de, 155, 245. Richard de, 155. Roger de, 484, 509. Bush, Robert son of Thomas le, 210. Bushley, Byssheley [co. Worcester], 131. Buskyn, Peter, 312. Bussh, Peter, 95, 102. Busshel, Maddoc, 122. Bustlere, Robert son of William le, 339. William le, 339. Bussy, Hugh, 101. But, Richard, 330, 586, 591, 594, 598, 602. William, 55. Butcombe, Bodecomb, co. Somerset, 136. Butetourte, Buteturt. See Botetourte. Butiller. See Botiller. Butler, king’s. See Waldesheff, Walter. Butterwick, co. Lincoln, 584. CO. York, 401, 489, 512. Button, .lohn son of .John de, knt., 210. Thomas, bishoi) of Exeter, 243. Byde, Alice w'ife of John, 609. John, 609. Bydilyngton [co. Hants], 546. Byfeld, John de, 230. Byfield, co. Northampton, 116. Byfleet [co. Surrey], letters close dated at. 529, 531, 600, 606. Byflet, Richard de, 414, 583. Byford, Buford, co. Hereford, 419. Byford, Hugh de, 452. Bygod. See Bigod. Bygot, .John, 186. Byhamel [co. Lincoln], 349. Bykenore, Alexander de, treasurer of Ire- land, 293. Byland abbey, co. York, 117, 431. 1 Bylyngeye, Walter de, 493. I Bynedon, Richard de, 128. I Bynetre, Roger de, 133. Byng, Bengg’, Benges [co. Suffolk], 122, 1&7, 181, 379. Byngfeld, Roger de, 560. Byngham, Geoffrey de, 545. , Henry son of William de, 297. Bynortherne, Thomas, 67. Byntre, Thomas de, 55. Byuyngton, Robert son of Richard de, 260. Byrehemore, Robert de, 277. Byron, Byroun, John, 274, 543. , Richard, 67. Byry, William, 119. Byssheley. See Bushley. Bystath near Gravelines, France, 582, 595. B3’tham, co. Lincoln, 348, 352. East, co. Lincoln 352. West, CO. I.incoln, 349, 352. castle, CO. Lincoln, 299. Bywell, Robert de, 327. Byxle. See Bexhill. c Caam, Walter son of Richard de, 229. Cabanes, Peter de, 9. Cabergh, Alan de, 250. Cache, Gascony, 301. Cadbury, co. Somerset, 389. , North, CO. Somerset, 275, 354. Caddington, 72. Cade, Hugh, 221, 304. John, 233. , William, 462. Cadebiry, William de, 289. Cadeby, Cateby, co. Lincoln, 295, 357. Cadegan, Richard sou of William, 515. Cademan, Ellen wife of Robert, 363. Cadomo, Master Nicholas de, 590. Caen, Normandy, port of, 318. St. Stephen’s ahhey, Roger, abbot of, 120 , 121 . Caerleon, Karlioun, co. Monmouth, 132. abbey, 406. castle, 408. Caermarthen. See Carmarthen. GENERAL INDEX. 649 Caernarvon. See Carnarvon. Caerphilly, Kaerpilly, castle, co. Glamorgan, 407. Caerwent, Keyrwent [co. Monmouth], 452, 461. Cagge, Richard, 314. Cahors, bailiwick cf, 303. seneschal of, 303, 304 ; and see Thomas. Caili, Ed., 323. Cailleway, Henrj’, 598. , Sarah wife of Henry, 598. Cailli, Nicholas de, 150. Cailly, Margaret wife of Thomas de, 374. , Michael de, 374. Caireu, Sir John de, 617. Caistor, Castre [co. Northampton], 95, 425. St. Edmunds [co. Norfolk], 606, 607. Calais, 258, 315, 341, 345, 425, 475, 582. admiral of, 444, 553. , mayor of, 473. Calcethorpe, Keilesthorp, co. Lincoln, 172. Caldeconiston. See Coniston Cold. Caldecote, co. Warwick, 419. Caldecote, Joan wife of William de, 127. , John son of William de, 127. Thoma.s de, 311. Caldepek, Robert de, 199. Caldewell, co. Worcester, 579. Cale.shale, Richard de, 614. Caleys. See Calais. Calf, Richard, 203. Calftoft, William son of Philip de, 321. Caine, Richard de, 14. Calstere, John de, 486. Calthorp. See Cawthorpe. Calverley, co. York, 17. Calveton, Peter de, 226. Camberwell, Camerwell, co. Surrey, 135, 415, 615. Cambes, Cambis, France (Gironde), 230. Cambridge, Cantebrigg, 26, 323, 465, 524, 598, 605. castle, 505. St. .John’s House, 561. mayor of, 323. university of, 26. county of, 72, 82, 98, 100, 101, 104, 190, 213, 215, 222, 232, 234, 259, 305, 311, 319, 329, 426, 446, 458, 465, 481, 5.56, 583, 584, 590, 598, 602, 605, 614, 615, 621, 623. , , the foresters of fee in, 274. , sheriff of, 10, 14, 26, 247, 261, 327, 334, 355, 364, 400, 408, 413, 505, 514, 546. tallages in, 524. Cameley, Camelegh [co. Somerset], 488. Camera, Ilamo de, porter of both gates of Windsor castle, &c., 164. John de, 322. Camerwell. See Camberwell. Cammeys, Ralph de, 134. Campaign, Thomas, 558. Campania, Alice daughter of John de, 578. John de, 578. Robert de, 28. Campden, Champeden, co. Gloucester, 415. Campes, Thomas son of Richard de, 603, 604. Campion, John, 181. , Thomas, 181. Campioun, Bartholomew, 462. Campo Arnulphi, Master Reginald de, 221. liichard de, 209. Campvill, Sir William de, 617. Candevere, Richard de, 372. Candevre, Philip de, 221, 335. Canewdon, co. Essex, 424. Canewyk, Walter de, 13. Cangton, John de, 198. Canne, William, 43. Cannock, Kank, forest, co. Stafford, 156, 238, 270, 364, 541. Canon, Henry, 526. Cauonteign, co. Devon, 135. Canoun, Henry, 300. , Hugh, 193. Cantebregge, Cantebrigg, Thomas de, 162, 173, 303, 328, 540. Cantebrigge. See Cambridge. Cantebrugge, Cantebrigge, Henry de, 556. John de, 617. Nicholas de, 434. Canterbury, 93, 96, 103, 216, 249, 347, 458, 469, 475, 577. , the archbishop’s mint at, 64. castle, 244. Christ Church priory, 36, 67, 121, 205, 309, 316, 329, 34o[433, 479. court of, 317. diocese of, 31, 190, 551. the exchange of, 502. , Friars of the Penance in, 128. gaol, 4, 157. letters close dated at, 38-40, 51, 90 93,96, 184-186, 228, 234, 235. ’ Northgate, 18. , province of, 99, 103, IK), ill, 118, 163, 272, 314, 325, 357, 380, 391, 436. St. Augustine’s abbey, 68, 87, 446 585,590,601,610. ’ , abbot of, 85, 95, 192, 202, 433. St. Dunstan’s, IVestgate, 347. St. Thomas of, 592. Westgate, 347. arcli bishopric of, 6, 10, 18, 26 67 85, 90. ’ archbishop of. See Winchelsea, Robert de ; Reynolds, Walter. archdeacon of, 434. Cantilupo, John de, 317. , Walter de, 317. 050 GENERAL INDEX, Cantilupo — cont. William son of William de, 87, 109. Cantredbogghan. See Cantref Bychau. Cantredmaur. See Cantref Mawr. Cautredselyf. See Cantref Selyf. Cantref Bychan, Cantredbogghan [co. Carmar- then], ,503. Cantref Ma^¥r, Cantredmaur [co. Carmarthen], 534. Cantref Selj-f, Cantred Selyf [co. Brecknock], 562. Cantuaria, Henry de, 425. Master Simon de, 332. Canvey, Keneveys, Island [co. Essex], 566. Canwick, co. Lincoln, 325. Capeles, Joan wife of Alhredus de, 372. Matilda de, 603. Capenore, co. Somerset, 136. Caperon, John, 612. Caperoun, Agatha wife of Peter, 529 Peter, 529. Capetof, Reginald de, 286. Caple, Richard, 45. Capon, John, 502. Capoun, Robert, 149. Capua, principality of, 466. Carbonel, Master Adam, 467. Peter, 313. Carburton, Carperton [co. Nottingham], 141, 290. Cardiff, Kaerd}^, co. Glamorgan, 407. castle, 407. Cardiganshire, 408. Cardinals, 564, 602. Cardinam. See Cardinhani. Cardington [co. Bedford], 113. Cardlnham, Cardinam [co. Cornwall], 114. Cardon’, Grimoard, 385, 457. Carisbrook castle [Isle of Wight] , 509. priory, 221, 335. Carleford, John de, 58. u.sher of the king’s chamber, 122. Carleton, co. Leicester, 154. (le Moreland), co. Lincoln, 492. Carleton, John de, 506. , Richard de, 604, 609. William de, 130. Sir William de, 578. Carliolo, Robert de, 338. Carlisle, 30, 113, 117, 127, 128, 239, 240, 246, 261, 356, 357, 369, 371, 548. castle. 111, 117, 126, 366, 378, 379, 504. constable of, 126, 279, 295, 356; and see Castre, John de ; llarela, llertcla, Andrew de. the king’s prison of, 169. diocese of, 551. gaol, 40, 268, 396. marches of, 555. Carlisle — cont. parliament of Edward 1. at, 375. St. Mary’s priory, 3, 110, 111, 246, 366, 370, 426, 480. siege of, hy the Scotch, 306, 309, 311. the statute of, 427. , bishop of. See Hal ton, John of. Carlton, 482. , co. Norfolk, 1.32. [co. Northampton], 244. co. Suffolk, 419. , co. York, 150. Great and Little, co. Lincoln, 357. Carmarthen, New, 370. Old, 370. chamberlain of, 45, 111, 153, 156, 237, 240, 241, 253, 258, 264, 283, 352, 370, 392, 394, 402, 408, 528, 533 ; and see Muskelwyk, Richard de. Robert, prior of, 370. Carmel. See Mount Carmel. Carnaby, Kernetbi [co. York], 286. Carnarvon, 265, 531. castle, 256, 267. constable of, 159 ; and see Mortuo Mari, Roger de. county court of, 179, 256. , exchequer of, 272, 282, 397. the king’s mill of, 265. treasury at, 544. chamberlain of, 11, 35, 147, 148, 159, 180, 245, 253, 254, 256, 265, 266, 267, 272, 285, 291, 293, 357, 367, 372, 379, 392, 410,530, 533, 544; and see Ched- deworth, Thomas de ; Doiby, William ; Dujm, William. county, sheriff of, 174, 272. Caruwyllon, Kadewalthan, commote [co. Carmarthen], 563. Carol’, Ada de, 286. Carom, Roger de, 37. Carp’, Hervey sou of William, 436, 565. Simon, 349. Carpenter, John le, 285. Laurence le, 581. Carperton. See Carburton. Carreby. See Corby. Carrick, earl of. See Botiller, Edmund le. Carshalton, Kersalton, co. Surrey, 621. Carsw'ell. See Kerswell. Cartere, William le, 581. Cartew'righte, Henry le, 177. Carlo, Boniface de, 232. Cary, John de, 12, 99. Laurence de, 14. Case, La, manor of [co. Kent], 365. Cashel, archbishop of, 490, 533. W. bishop elect of, 490. archbishopric of, 291, 490. Cashio, Kaysho [co. Herts], 128. GENEEAL INDEX. 651 Cassacawn, Casakoghan, Blisland [co. Corn- wall], 64. Cassallo, Vitalis de, 551. Cassos, Forcius Dous, 92. Castedgel, John de, 91. Castelay, Castelley, William de, 402, 429. , keeper of the king’s stew of Fosse, 261. Casteleyn Richard, sheriff of Caernarvon, 267. See Chasteleyn. Castelhelgod. See Holgate. Castell Coch [farm near St. Bride’s, co. Monmouth], 137. Castellioun, Castillion, Sir Walter de, count of Porcean aud constable of France, 345, 371,425, 469, 553. Castello, Faurus de, 351, 353, 510. , George de, 69. Castelloun, Peter de, 551. Castera, Reymund Guillelmi de, 551. Casterton [co. Rutland], 425. Casthorp, Gilbert de, 331. Castile, 39, 231. and Leon, king of. See Alfonso XI. ; Ferdinand IV. ; Sancho IV. merchants of, 162. Castillion. See Castellioun. Castle Combe, co. Wilts, 99. Castlerigg, co. Cumberland, 494. Castr’, Castre. See Caistor. Castre, Castro, John de, constable of Bar- nard’s Castle, 256, 417. keeper of Carlisle, and con- stable of the castle, 261, 279, 295, ' 356. , sheriff of Cumberland, 356. Ralph de, 422, 436 437. Castro (Urdiales), Spain, 301, 302. Castro. See Castre. Castthorp, Walter de, 331. Cat, Henry le, 138. Maiiot, 376. Cathy, Cateby. See Cadeby. Catel, Reginald, 85. Cateleyne, John de, 522. Catfeld, John de, 57(>. Catteslade, co. Gloucester, 155. Catton, CO. York, 125, 149. Catton, Adam de, 438. Nicholas de, 438. Caurapcs, Iterius, 447, 448. Thomas de, 447, 448. Cauntebr[ugg]. See Cantebrigg. Caunton, John de, knt., 538. William de, a knight of Ireland, 174. Caunvill, William, son of Geoffrey de, 53. Cans, .John, 18. Cans [co. Salop], 226. castle, 226. Cause, William, 199, 246. Causepe, Reimund, 8. Causton. See Cawston. Causton, Hugh de, 134. John de, 220, 604. Cave, South, Suthcave, co. York, 440. Cave, Alexander de, 11, 24, 35, 248, 262, 271, 362, 363, 365, 377, 460, 497. John de, justice, 431, 445. Richard de, 362. Robert de, 328, 58.5, 608. Cavendish, co. Suffolk, 27, 133. Cavenham, co. Suffolk, 131. Cavenham, John son of Geoffrey de, 614, 621. Caversham, co. Oxford, 131, 137. Cawod. See Cawood. Cawode, John de, 437. John son of David de, 373. Cawood, CO. York, 259. , letters close dated at, 378, 441. Cawston, Causton, co. Norfolk, 131, 132, 138, 139, 530, 585. Cawthorpe, Calthorp, co. Lincoln, 357. Cayly, Joan wife of John de, 53. Caynton, William de, 404. Cayron, Peter de, 551. Caysho, Philip de, 482. Cazanava, Micael and P. de, 92. Cazenave, P. A. de, son of John, 92. Celer, John du, 14. William del, 476. Cenantz, Robert de, 133. Cendal, .lohn, 227. Cenereth in Poitou, 205. Ceri, Kery [co. Montgomery], 563. Cerne abbey, co. Dorset, 304, 433. Cert-money, 44. Chaddesden, .John son of Ralph de, 368. Chaddesley Corbet, co. Worcester, 136. Chaddeworth, William de, 293. Chadeleshonte, .John de, 346. .Master William de, canon of St. Paul’s, London, 146. Chadlington, co. Oxford, 131. Chadworth. See Cheddeworth. Chaffcombe, co. Somerset, 136. Chagele, John de, 62, 63. Chakenden. See Checkendon. Chalcombe, Chaucombe priory, co. North- ampton, 318, 319. Alexander, prior of, 325, 337. Chalk, CO. Kent, 44. Chalk’, Robert son of Richard de, 44. William son of Richard de, 44. Chalke, John, 170. Chalton, Chauton, co. Hants, 163, Chalvington, co. Sussex, 350, Chambard, Henry, 576. Chamber, the king’s, 497. Chamberlain. See Chaumberlayn. Champagne, France, 449. 652 GENERAL INDEX. CJhampeden. .See'CanipJen. Chancellor, the, 199, 211, 216, 219, 223, 224, 228, 229, 233, 273, 3():», 306, 314, 325, 329, 335, 339, 340, 341, 343, 346, 372, 374, 377, 425-427, 442, 451, 458, 459, 463, 465, 479, 588, 589, 591, €16. See Saudale, Sir John de, 233. Chancery, 6, 15, 23, 2 i, 35, 37, 39, 40, 42, 44, 45, 48, 54, 56, 64, 66, 70, 72, 74-76, 79, 82, 83, 87-90, 93, 94, 97-102, li 5, 108, 116, 11a, 123, 126, 130, 138, 152, 179, 182, 185, 186, 189, 191, 193-204, 206, 208-210, 213, 215-217, 220, 224, 225, 227-232, 235, 236, 242, 256, 270, 272, 2'8, 285, 291, 293, 302,307, 309, 311-313, 321, 322, 325, 327, 331-333, 337, 341, 343, 344, 346, 338-340, 363, 375, 388, 395, 399, 403, 405, 409, 413, 416, 418, 421, 425, 427-429, 434, 435, 438-441, 443, 449, 451, 454, 456, 458-461, 463, 464, 469-472, 474, 475, 479, 480, 482, 484, 489, 491, 508, 509, 513, 530, 531, 541, 549, 557, 559, o60, 563, 565, 566, 568, 570, 571, 577, 578, 582-584, 587-592, 595, 597, 598, 601, 607-610, 612-617, 621, 622. fines, 173. in Ireland. See Ireland. of Edw. I., 162. rolls of, 179, 206, 228, 229, 250, 295, 300, 324, 427, 430, 477, 546, 619. keeper of. See Ayremynne, William de ; Osgodehy, Adam de. clerk of, 224 ; and see Evesham Thomas de. clerks of, 430, 443, 587, 619. Chancer}’, at Dublin. See Ireland. at York, 429, 430. Chancy. See Channey. Chapele, .John atte, 354. Chapeleyn, Alan le, 8. Chapeman, William, 254. Katherine, wife of Norman de, 468. Norman le, 468. Chaplain, Sir Roger the. 287. William the, 63, 349. Charde.sle, Richard de, 372. Charetter, Baldwin le, 437. John le, 19. Kentus le, 233. Peter le, 435, 430. Ralph le, 330. Roger le, 435. Simon le, 318. William le, 437. William son of Thomas le. 192. Charing, Cherrying’, co. Kent, 134, 587. Charing [co. Middlesex], the king’s mews at, 501. Charite-sur-Loire, La, prior of, 130. Charlaxton, co. Sussex, 411. Charles, count of Valois, 425, 469. Edvrard, 219, 300, 428. knt., 85. Charles Edward — cent, justice, 55. John, 230. Robert, 300. Ctiifleton, Thomas de. See Cherleton. Chailetona, John de, knt., 88. Charlton, parish of Cropthorn [co. Wor- cester], 428. Charlton-on-Otmoor, co. Oxford, 154. Charlwood, co. Surrey, 73. Charnels, John, son of Matthew, 321. Charier, Stephen le, 313. Charteneys, John son of John, 458. Chasteborn, Adam de, 4 1 . Chastel, John du, 397. William du, 555. William son of Gregory [or George] du, 555. Chasteleyn, Richard, 174. See Casteleyn. Chastelwarny, Ireland, 288. Chasteyn, Adam, 311. Chater, Ralph, 27. Chatewall. See C'hatwall. Chatkulne, William de, 104. Chatwall, co. Salop, 264. Chaucer, Mary wife of Robert le, 318. Chaucomb. See Chalcombe. Dalby. See Dalby, Great. Chaucombe, Thomas, 205, 487. justice, 487. Chaucumbe, William, 618. Chauleye, Sir William de, 470. Chaumberlayn, Chaumberlein, Chaumbreleyn, Chaumberleyn, Chamberlain, John le, 42, 601. John son of Robert le, 324, 357, 562. John son of William le, 589. Richard le, 117, 155, 421,,442. knt., 585. liobert le, 75, 335, 495. Thomas le, 439. William le, 135. Chaumbernoun, Joan, 138. Chaumbre, Geoffrey de la, 311, 312. Joan de la, 37 1 . John de la, 309, 330, 332, 448, 463. , alderman of London, 328. Roger de la, keeper of the manor of Woodstock, 511. Roger son of Richard de la, 93. Chaumbreleyn. See Chaumberlayn. Chaumpaign, .John de, 606. Chaumpaigne, John de, knt., 98. Matilda wife of Robert de, 231. Chaumpard, Henry, 577. Chaumpeneys, Chauinponeis, Laurence, 90, 190. Chaumpvent, .John de 584. Chaun, George, 134. GENERAL INDEX. 653 Chaunceas, Chaunceaux, Chaunceus, Chaun- ceux, Giles de, 68, 329, 587, 609. knt., 67, 103. Chauncy, Chauncey, Chancy, Gerard de, 399, 546. , William de, 327, 338, 399, 437, 546. Chaundos, Matilda wife of Eoger de, 168. Roger de, 145, 168. Chaundut, Ralph de, 524. Chaunteclere, Roger, 617. Chaureth (or Great Broxtead), co. Essex, 133. Chauton. See Chalton. Chavent, Eva wife of John de, 151. John de, 151, 465, 598. John son of Peter de, 151. Peter de, 151. Chawcomb. See Chalcomb. Chaworth, Laurence de, 25, 227. Chaynel, Cheynel, Isabella and Margery daughters of Robert, 82. .John, justice, 11, 195, 431, 445. Nicholas and John sons of Robert, 82. , Robert, 82. , Walter, 418. Cheam, Cheyham [co. Surrey], 225. West, Westchayham, co. Surrey, 340. Checkendon, Chakenden, co. Oxford, 101, 221. Chedburgh, Chetebergh, co. Suffolk, 133. Cheddeworth, Chedeworth, Robert de, 77, 443. Thomas de, chamberlain of North Wales, 6, 11, 109, 111, 147, 152, 159, 245,272, 410. Cheddington, Chetingdon [co. Bucks], 106. Chedyngdone, Thomas de, 617. Cheidon, William de, 573. Cheigny, Alexander de, 377. William de, 377. Chekeselle (Chekeswelle manor, Brenchley), CO. Kent, 134. Chelcheheth, Thomas de, 445. Cheleredge, Henry de, 476. Cheles, Richard, son of Robert de, 284. Cheleseye. See Cholsey. Chelesfeld, Richard de, 617. Chelesfeud, Stephen de, 94. Chelmersford, Chelmerford, Chelmesford, Sir Gilbert de, 590. John de, 64, 71, 129, 131, 139, 141, 415, 442, 461, 576, 583, 587. Sir .Tohn de, 79, 59C. Chelmsford, co. Es.sex, 79. Chelreye. See Childrey. Chelreye, Henry de, 613. Chelsfeld, Richard de, 347. Chelsham, co. Surrey, 135. Chelsing, Chelsen, co. Herts, 155. Chelvey, co. Somerset, 291. Chendut, barony of, 290. Cheny, Bartholomew de, 579. Alexander de, 579. Chenynton, Robert de, 415, 583. Chepstow. See Striguil. Cherbury [co. Salop], priory, 471. Chereburgh, Edith wife of John de, 459. Cherebury. See Cherbourg. Cherhill, Chiriel, co. Wilts, 255. Cheriton North [co. Somerset], 488. Cherleton. See Charlton. Cherleton, Elias de, 614. Hawisia wife of John de, 272, 345, 351, 352. John de, 45, 94, 198, 272, 276, 300, 345, 351, 352, 394, 401, 563. constable of Builth castle, 153, 248, 258. ....,., the king’s chamberlain, 40. knt., 578. , Master Thomas de, 366, 368, 421, 422, 431, 432, 437, 440, 455, 462, 463, 467, 476, 513, 519, 528, 546, 591, 596, 599, 602, 618. Cherleu, Guychard de, 254. Cherneles, William, 27. Cherrying. See Charing. Chertsey, co. Surrey, 279, 280, 474. letters close dated at, 12. abbey, co. Surrey, 597. John, abbot of, 444. Cheseby, Harschulph de, 252. See Cleseby. Chesewyk, .Tohn de, 471. Cheshunt, co. Hertford, 590. Chester, 120, 147, 158, 159, 299, 364. abbey, 437, 596. bridge of, 159. castle, 294, 410, 505. , the gate of, 15. port of customs in, 498, 499. St. Radegund’s abbey, 19. St. Werburg’s, abbot of, 158. Chester, earl of. See Edward, Prince. justice of 104, 276, 373, 563 ; and see Audele, Hugli de. Edward l.’s justice at, 159; and see Badelesmerc, Guncelin de ; Mascy, Richard de. mayor of 294 ; ajid see Donecastre, William de. merchants of, 299. Ranulph earl of, 1. steward of, 236 ; and see Monte Alto, Robert de. county of, 505, 608, 624. Chesterton, co Warwick, 190. Chetccroft, Richard de, 208. Chetindon, John de, 134. Chetingdon. See Cheddington. Chetingdon, Thomas de, 586. Chestrok, 529. Chetebergh. See Chedburgh. Chetteswelle. See Shotteswell. Chetyngton, 488. 6.54 GENERAL INDEX. Cheu, Chieu, John ile, 12, 14. Cheust. See ('hute. Cheute. See Chute. Cheverel, Dioiii.sia wife of Alexander, 244. Cheverer, .John, prior of Montacute, 395. Cheveroil, Alexander, 293. Clievre, Ilamo, 133. Cheyhani. See Cheam. Cheyne, Pldmund, 618. Cheynel. See Chaynel. Chiartre, Gerard de, 331. , Pelegrinus de, 330, 331. Chichester, co. .Sussex, 53, 178, 180. , cu.stoms at, 177, 498, 499. diocese of, 559. , bishop of. See Langton, John de. .. cathedral, dean and chapter of, 480. the prebend of Sutton in, 580. Chickerel, East, Estchikerel, co. Dorset, 168. Chickney [co. Essex], 143. Chicksands priory [co. Bedford], 199. Chideock, co. Dorset, 81. Chidioc, John de, lord of Chidioe, 81. Chieu. See Cheu. Chiggewell, Hamo de, 594. John de. 622. Chikesand. See Chicksand. Child, Peter, 79. Peter son of John, 35. Childington. See Chiltington. Childrenhanleye. See Hanley Child. Childrey, Chelreye, co. Berks, 544. Chilham, co. Kent, 84. Chilham, Robert de, 84. Chillebrok, Richard de, 414. Chilleham, Nicholas de, 247. Chilterne, Edmund de, 579. Chiltington, Childington [co. Sussex], 60. Chilton, CO. Buckingham, 134. CO. Somerset, 168. Chinnor, co. Oxford, 154, 209, 231, 300. Chipley, co. Suffolk, 133. Chippelegh, John de, 75. Chippenham forest, co. Wilts, 534, 538. Chipstead [co. Surrey], 607. Chirchedelewe. See Dilwyn Church. Chirbury, co. Salop, 40. Chiriel. See Cherhlll. Chirk, Chyrch, co. Denbigh, 32, 159, 307, 309, 353, 544, 610, 614. Chisebech. See Chissebeche. Chishall Great, co. Essex, 311. Chissebeche, Chisebech, Richard de, 8, 321, 329, 615. Chittlehampton, Chitelhampton, co. Devon, 415. Chival, Robert son of Henry, 338. Chivache. See Clivache. Cholsey, Cheleseye, co. Berks, 590. Christchurch, co. Hants, 321. , hundred of, 538. castle, 182, 538. , Twynham priory, 449, 599. Chrishall, Cristehale, co Essex, 210. Chuselden, Richard de, 58. Chute, Cheute, Cheust forest, CO. Wilts, 157, 172, 238, 355, 356, 359, 372. Chygwell, William de, 437. Chymbeham, John de, 510. Chynene, John de, 236. Chyrch. See Chirk. Cinque Ports, the, 8, 12. 39, 69, 176, 353, 385, 422, 484, 507, 564, 571, 576, 602. barons of, 252, 367, 567. , warden of, 104, 162, 192, 236, 309, 332, 346, 367, 426, 427, 453, 457, 533 ; and see Keudale, Robert de ; Pencestre, Stephen de. Cirencester abbey [co. Gloucester], 294. , Hugh, abbot of, 400. Cireucestre, Arnold de, 441. Cistercian order, the, 305, 426, 427. monasteries, the, 220. Citeaux, Burgundy (Cote d’or), 69. the chapter-general of the Cistercian order at, 305. Citeroun. See Citroun. Citizens and burgesses in parliament, payment of, 199, 219. Citroun, Antoninu.s, Anthony, 20, 118. Civil law, books relating to the, 10. Claidon. See Claydon. Clappe, Richard, 611. Clapton, CO. Somerset, 136. Clare [co. Suffolk], 133. castle, 415. castle and honour of, 148. honour of, keeper of, 129 ; and see Haward, John. , letters close dated at, 602, 603. Clare, Gilbert de, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, 10, 29, 57, 64, 69, 70, 80, 107, 112, 116, 129, 131, 132, 139-141, 143, 145, 147, 148, 161, 162, 184, 213, 239, 2.53, 254, 258, 263, 267, 275, 289, 292, 301, 360, 361, 372, 380, 405-407, 409, 411, 414, 531, 583. Isabella daughter of Gilbert de, 213. Matilda wife of Gilbert de, 126, 131, 132, 136-139, 203, 321, 530, 585. , , assignment of dower of,131-138. Master Richard de, 64, 129, 131, 132, 139, 189, 193, 232, 313, 332, 333, 415, 423, 434, 464, 588. Robert de, 354. Walter de, 133. , William de, 454. Clarel, Master John, 558. , William, 362, 363, 376, 377. GENERAL INDEX. 655 Clarendon, co. Wilts, 384, 389, 451. forest, CO. Wilts, 5, 6, 121, 124, 157, 179, 238, 280, 355-357, 360, 384, 389, 507. letters close dated at, 391-400, 447, 449, 452-456, 458-463, 473. , manor of, 389, 393. Carlo Monte, Sir Louis de, 6, 39. Clarsessone, Lane’, 96. Clatford, co. Hants. Claverdou, co. Warwick, 255. Claverye, William Eeimundi de, 118. Claveryng, Alexander de, knt., 209, 251. sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, 51. John de, 205, 211, 373, 420, 603. , knt., 465. , son of Robert son of Roger, 237. Clavill, John de, 135. Claword, Wodehouse. See Clayworth. Claworth, Robert de, 440. Claxby, co. Lincoln, 174, 266. Claxeby, Hugh de, 392. Clay. See Cley. Clay, Cleyz, Lambert de, 89, 447. Claydon [co. Suffolk], 113. East [co. Bucks], 54. Claydon. See Cleydon. Claypole, co. Lincoln, 347, 373. Clayton, co. Sussex, 347. Clayton, Robert de, 559. Clayworth, Cloworth, Claword Wodehouse, [co. Nottingham], 285, 341. Clebury, Richard de, 611. Clecopp, CO. York, 125. Cleeve, Clyve, abbey, co. Somerset, 265. Clement V., pope, 4, 19, 20, 25, 30, 53, 62, 83, 88, 89, 99, 103, 111, 117, 121, 191, 195, 247, 250, 265, 271, 309, 479, 492, 535, 542, 547, 561. Clement, Geoffrey son of Geoffrey, 24. Stephen, 462. William, 462. Clenche, Thomas de, 337. Clenefeld, John son of Peter de, 154. Clepton. See Clopton. Clera, Roger de, 287. Clerk, Adam le, 308, 484, 552, 576. Andrew son of Gilbert le, 198. Henry le, 404, 405. Hervey le, 570. Isabella wife of Richard le, 76. John de, 376. le, 80, 220. John son of Richard le, 76. Nicholas le, 447. Philip le, 584. Ralph the, 332. Stephen the, 321. Thomas le, 347. Clerk — cofit. Thomas the, 348. William the, 589. William son of William le, 609. Clermont, diocese of, France, 93. Cleseby, Harsculph de, 274. See Cheseby. Cleveland, co. York, 569. archdeaconry of, 247, 542. Cley, CO. Norfolk, 441. Cleydon, Claidon, Claydon, John de, 49. William de, 6, 346, 611. , knt., 1 90, 610. , keeper of the archbishopric of Canterbury, 10, 18. , general attorney of Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, 191. Cleyssone, William, 315, 316. Cleyz. See Clay. Cliburn, co. Westmoreland, 250. Clibum, Robert de, 600. Cliderhou, Clyderhou, Adam de, 427, 526. , Robert de, 42, 73, 103, 190, 241, 262, 289, 312, 427, 467, 582, 619. escheator north of Trent, 1S6- 168, 170, 171, 178, 184-186, 190, 237, 241, 247, 249, 257-259, 269, 276. 282, 283, 28.5, 316, 356, 358, 363, 366-368, 373, 395, 496. .justice, 11. Sir Robert de, 312. Clif, Clyf, Master Henry de, 79, 201, 207, 208, 235, 313, 335, 343, 463, 469, 559, 569, 592, 603. clerk of chancery, 619, 620. , , dean of Tamworth, 471. Peter de, 583. Sir Robert de, 587. William de, 14, 423, 507. , steward of Galtres forest, 248. Sir William de, 587. Cliffe, CO. Kent, 134. Clifford, Clyffbrd, Matilda wife of Robert de, 109, 117, 142, 152, 168, 170, 178, 202, 249, 367. Peter de, 557. Robert de, 262, 381, 395, 486, 492. Roger de, justice, 20. , justice of the forest south of Trent, 273. Clifton, 339. CO. York, 512. Clifton, Cliftone, Gervase de, 622. , Gervase son of Gervase de, 545, 614. .Tohn de, 11. Ralph son of Master William de,226. Simon de, 109, 207. Clipston, CO. Northampton, 77, 259. Clipstone in Sherwood [co. Nottingham], 22. Clipstone, King’s, do. Nottingham, 257, 258. 65G GENERAL INDEX. Clipstonc, King’s — cont. letters close dated at, 254-257, 259-262,270-274, 276, 297, 313-320, 326-328, 380-386, 388, 389, 437, 443- 448, 450,472, 473. Clist Fonieson [ = Sowton], co. Devon, 135. Clivaclie, or Chivache, Robert de, 94. Clive, Agnes wife of John de, 306. , John de, 306. Clivedone, Clyvedone, Matthew de, knt., 99, 210 . Clixbj' [co. Lincoln], 357. Clodeshale, Richard de, 23, 40. Cloke, John, 215. Clopton, co. Cambridge, 74. , co. Gloucester, 155. co. Suffolk, 133. Clopton, Clepton, Rich.ard de,315, 398,486,489. Roger de, 446, 483. Stephen de, 195. Walter de, 331. Cloth, 496. Clotbale, William de, 305. Clotherom, Clotherum, Clutherum, Roger de, 31, 268, 284, 285. William de, 31. Cloughton, CO. York, 149. Clovill, Agnes wife of Richard de, 613. , Amfridus de, 613. , John de, 613. Clowes Wood, Cluse manor [parish of Blean], co. Kent, 134. Cloworth. See Clayworth. Cloyne, bishopric of, 293. Clumton, Richard de, 40. Clun [co. Salop], 563. Clunbury, co. Salop, 445. Clunguuford, Roger de, 77. (Ruse. See Clowes. Clutherum. See Clotherum. Cluze, Rer. G. de le, 92. Clyderhou. See Cliderhou. Clyf. See Cl if. Clyfford. See Clifford. Clynchaunt, Stephen le, 300. Clynton, Ida de, 12. John de, 280. .., Osbert son of John de, 336. Clyppyug, Hermaim, 271, 288, 289. Clyve. See Cleeve. Clyvedon. See Clivedon. Cnouk, Cnuk. See Knock. Cobbe, Walter, 598. Cobbeham. See Cobeham. Cobeham, Cobhain, Henry de, 13, 15, 16, 22, 25, 26, 103, 173,274,431, 484,547,566. , constable of Rochester castle, 43, 49, 107, 253, .532. keeper of the late Templars’ lands in co. Kent, 7, 10. Master James de* 216, 569. Cobeham — cont. Master Thomas de, 175. Thomas, bishop of Worcester, 586. Cock’. Sec Coker. Cockerel, Thomas, .343. Cockermouth, Cokerrauth, co. Cumberland, 157, 375, 494. castle, 356, 496, 505. keeper of, 374 ; arid see Lai- burn, Leyburn, Robert de. honour of, 33. Cockfield, CO. Suffolk, 133. Cocum, Richard, 50. Coddebam. See Coddenham. Coddenham, Coddeham [co. Suffolk], 113. Codeford, Robert de, 399. Codelowe, Thomas de, 73, 74. Codeston, Joan wife of Walter de, 135. , Walter de, 135. Codex of civil law, the, 10. Codham, John de, 446. Codyn, Matilda wife of Richard de, 146. , Richard de, 146. Coft'rer, ,Tohn le, 185. Coffyn, John, 30. Cofrere, Solomon le, 123. Cogan, Petronilla wife of Thomas de, 171. Cogansmor [co. Glamorgan], 263. Coggeshall, co. Essex, 108. abbey, co. Essex, 556. Coggeshale, Cokesbale, Sir Ralph de, 191, 195. Coigners, Cugners, Geoffrey de, 256. Coinage, 64, 228, 389, 448, 467, 491. Coil, Walter, 227. Cok’, Adam, 577. Henry, 581. Thomas, 81, 596, 615. Cokayn, co. Essex, 516. Cokefeld. See Cuckfield. Cokefeld, Benedict de, 516. Hugh de, knt., 324. , Robert de, 138. Coker, Cock’, co. Somerset, 168, 235. hundred of, 235. ...., East, 23o. South, 235. West, 235. Cokerel, John, 294. John son of John, 382, 514. , Thomas, 222. Cokermuth. See Cockermouth. Cokermuth, John de, 66, 85, 195, 335, 421, 427. , keeper of the king’s exchange at London, 389. , Sir John de, 347. Cokersand abbey [co. Lancaster], 564. Cokcsey. See Cooksey. Cokesford, co. York, 150, 259. Cokesbale. See Coggeshale. GENERAL INDEl. 657 Cokham, Clement de, 570. William de, 207. Cokthorp, Kalph de, 604. Cokton. See Coughton. Colby, CO. Westmoreland, 250. Colchester, co. Essex, 114, 284, 340. gaol, 251,361,408. St. Botolph’s priory, 572. St. John’s abbey, 141, 206, 335. Colcote, John de, 101. Cold Newton, co. Leicester, 278> Coldingham, Goldyngham priory, Berwick- shire, 612. Coldon. See Cowden. Cole, Peter, 280. Walter son of Walter, 447. Colebrok, Henry son of Wiot de, 234, Joan wife of Henry son of Wiot de, 234. Wiot de, 234. Coleby, 603. Colecestre, Adam de, 133. Elias son of John de, 458. Juliana wife of Elias son of John de, 458. Coleford, Hugh de, 338. Coleman, Matilda, 574. Colene, Michael de, 41. Colerne, co. Wilts, 99, 102. Colesbourne, co. Gloucester, 19. Coleshill, CO. Berks, 336. Colet, Kichard son of Robert, 338. Colevil. See Colevill. Colevile, William de, 287, Colevill, Colvill, Colevil, Cicely, 349. , Edmund de, 296, 299, 348. Henry de, 352. Margaret wife of Edmund de, 285, 296, 348. Margaret wife of Roger de, 352. Robert de, 433, 562. Thomas de, 286. Coleworth, John de, 178, 180. the younger, 181. , Master John de, 585. , Robert de, 181. Thomas de, 181. Colewynston. See Colwinston. Colier, Cohere, John le, 392, 500. Colkirk, John de, 68. Colkyn, John, 236. Thomas, 236. Walter, 41. Colie, Emma, 81. Colleby, Thomas de, 250. Collingtree, Colyutre, co. Northampton, 368. Collum, Thomas de, 302, 310. Colman, Hubert, 391. John, 106. Colne, Baldwin de, 75. John 33. Colne — cont. John de, 501 . Colney, co. Herts, 155. Cologne, 366, 376, 393, 398. Coloigne, Ingeram, 18. Colonia, Ellen wife of Nicholas de, 23. Nicholas de, 23. Colpek, Richard, 507. Colpel, Richard, 423. Colston, Geoffrey de, 3. Colter, Robert le, 435. Colthorpe. See Cowthorpe. Columbariis, Coluinbers, Henry de, 345. , Philip de, 336, 617. Colure, Hanekyn, 593. Colvill. See Colevill. Colvilla. See Colevill. Colwinston, Colewynston [co. Glamorgan] , 203. Colyn, Richard, 157. Colyntre. See Collingtree. Combe abbey, co. Warwick, 69, 154, 278. Combe, Alice wife of Walter de, 621. Roger de, 12. Thomas de, 18. , Walter de, 621. Combe-in-Teignhead, Cumbe-in-Tynhide, co. Devon, 557. Combemartyn, Coumbmartyn, Cumbe Mar- tyn, William de, 104, 315, 540, 533, 582, 595. Combermere abbey [co. Chester], 68, 69. Comberton, Great, co. Worcester, 277, 323. Comhewell, Richanl de, 618. Combs [co. Suffolk], 12. Common pleas, court of. See Bench, the common. Compton Dando, Dauno, co. Somerset, 264. Dundon, Donden [co. Somerset], 221. Murdack, 299. Pauncefoot, co. Somerset, 354. Compton, John de, 102, 421. Comyn, Edmund, 166. Euphemia daughter of Edmund, 614. Joan, 259, 550. wife of Alexander, 34. John, 18, 40, 290, 416. son of John, 141 . , earl of Boghan, 119. Mary wife of Edmund, 121, 198. Walter, 381,410. Comyngton, John de, 105. Conaseye, Ireland, sheriff' of, 178. Condover, Conedovere, co. Salop, 264. Conductu, Reginald de, 603. Condut, William del, 185. Coneweye, Peter de, 622. Conestable, Robert le, 149, 386, 496. Thomas, 475. William le, 127. knt., 230. T T 78604. 658 GENERAL INDEX. Cones table — cont. Sec also Constable. Conger-eels, 488. Congham, co. Norfolk, 204. Congresbnrj, co. Somerset, 200. Congreston, co. Leicester. See Conyngeston. Coningsby, co. Lincoln, 17G, 282, Coniugton, co. Huntingdon, letters close dated at, 252. Conisborougb, Conyngesburgh, castle and town, co. York, 352. Coniscliffe, co. Durham, 489. Coniston-Cold, Caldeconiston, co. York, 150. Conistone, co. York, 168. Conuington, co. Huntingdon, 522. Conquet, le, Brittany (Finistere), 566. Conradus, Brancus, 310. Conries, A. de, 92. Constable, John le, 512. , Hebert, son of William, 564. Sir Kobert the, knt., 287. See also Conestable. Constantinople, emperor of. See Andronicus, Michael. empress of, 76. Contevill, John de, 606. Conties, J. and Amatus de, 92. W. de, 92. Convers, Alexander le, 238, 289, 346. .John le, 463, 515. Nicholas le, 597. Roger le, 597. Roger son of Roger le, 597. Conversi, house of, London. See London. Conway, Aberconway, Wales, 267, 319, 357. castle, 256, 379. Ivlewelyn’s Hall in, 267. quay of, 178. constable of, 266, 267 ; and see Bagot, William. Conyng,’ .Tohn, 176. William, 176. Conyngesburgh. See Conisborough. Conyngeston [? Congreston], co. Leicester, 28. Cook, Hugh the, 512. Cookley, Cukeleye, co. Suffolk, 616. Cooksey, Cokese}', co. Worcester, 277. Coolock, Coulok [co. Dublin], 500. Coombe, Cumbe Neville [co. Surrey], 334. Copin, Martin, 287. Coplay, John de, 31. Cople, Coupole [co. Bedford], 571. Copinanthorpe, co. York, 282. Corbessom, A. R.'de, 92. Corbet, Alice wife of Peter, 226. Beatrice wife of Peter, 226, 516. Peter, 226, 241, 516. , Roger, 155, 297. Thomas, 297, 475. Corbet — cont. William. 136. Corbizon, William, 278. Corbridge, co. Northumberland, 42. Corby [co. Northampton], 14, 17, 597. Carreby, co. Lincoln, 352. Corilel, Roger, 425. Corder, A. Gi., 92. , Gawen le, 329. Cordewaner, Godwin le, 546. , VV'illiam de Guldeford le, 123. Cordwaner, Martin le, 323. Coreweune, Thomas de, 296. Corle, Simon, 258. Corley, Cornleye, co. Warwick, 27. Cormailles, Cormayles, John de, knt., 80,212, 4.56, 547. , John son of John de, 306. Corn, 355, 357, 383,385, 425, 452,455, 457, 458, 460-462, 498, 506, 507, 513, 514, 517, 522, 523, 532, 535, 540, 584, 588. , prices of, 501. Corn, W. P. de, 92. Cornailes. See Cormailles. Cornard, Cornerth, co. Suffolk, 133. Cornbury park, co. Oxford, 511. , wood in Wychwood forest [co. Ox- ford] , 59. Cornekyns, of Florence, the society of, 449. Coruere, John son of John de la, 358. Cornerth. See Cornard. Cornerth, Angot de, 133. Cornhull, Stephen de, sheriff of London, 188. Cornleye. See Corley. Cornmailes. See Cormailles. Cornubia, Edmund de, knt., lord of Thonock, 331. , Master Elias de, the king’s cook, 304. , Geoffrey de, 116, 296. , Laurence de, 329. Margery, wife of Geoffrey de, 296. Richard de, 73, 102, 302, 338, 479, 558. Walter de, 3, 107. Cornwall, county of, 38, 69, 103, 205, 244, 319, .383, 396, 461, 590, 600. county court of, 178, 183. , stannaries in, 396. tin from, 42. Cornwall, countess of. See Almain, Yhargaret wife of Edmund of; Gavaston, Marffaret de. , earl of. See Almain, JMmund of; Al- main, Richard of ; Gavaston, Peter de. earldom of, 22, 188. sheriff of, 3, 4, 9, 56, 130, 144, 178, 183, 233, 239, 244, 263, 281, 414, 453, 541, 624. stew'ard of, 145, 178, 183,239, 298, 383, 555 ; and see Polhampton, Richard de ; Wylington, Henry de. GENERAL INDEX. 659 Cornwall — cont. Richard (of Almain), earl of, 56, 156. Coron (?), CO. Surrey, 372. Corouner, Geoffrey le, 462. Corp’, Simon, 311, 312, 615. Corpus Juris, the books of the, 10. Corringham, co. Lincoln, 514. Corse, CO. Gloucester, 131. Corton, William de, 407. Corylonde. See Curland. Coshale, Adam de, 440. Cosham [co. Hants], 153. Cosham, Thomas de, 320. Costentyn, Henry, 67. Cosyn, Edmund, 72. , Isabella, wife of Stephen, 226. , John del, 551. John, yeoman of the king’s chamber, 28. Peter, 21 . , Peter del, 551. Richard, 464. Stephen, 226. William, 231. Cosyns, Henry, 190. Cotel, Elias, knt., 235. , Roger, 137. Coterel, Alice wife of Laurence, 57. Laurence, 57, 58. Ralph, 58. Robert, 373. Cotes, John de, 262, 539. Robert de, 539. Stephen de, 479. , William de, 347, 548. Cotesbrok, David de, 2. Roesia wife of David de, 51. Cotesford, John de, 178. Cotesgrave, Robert de, receiver of the gar- nisture ot Dublin Castle, 488, 517. Cotesmor. See Cottesmore. Cotesmor, Gilbert de, 441. Cotewyne. See Cutewyn. Cotgrave [co. Nottingham], 431. Cotherstok. See Cotterstock. Cotiller, Walter le, 565. Cotingham, Thomas de, 194. Coton, Master Alan de, 195. , John de, 590. Cotterstock, Cotherstok [co. Northampton], 465. Cottenhale [co. Suffolk], 391. Cottesbach, co. Leicester, 381, 410. Cottesmore, co. Rutland, 277, 442. Cottingwith, West [co. York], 97. Cotum, John, 399. Reyner de, 538. Cotun, John de, 77. Cotyng, Thomas de, 205. Cotyngham, Sir Thomas de, 578. Couele, John de, 32. Coudrav, Coudrev, Thomas de, knt., 222, 420, 473, 579. Coughton, Cokton, co. Warwick, 278. Couherd, Couherde, Richard le, 177. , William le, 215. Coulok. See Coolock. Coumbe Bauuton [ ? Combe Raleigh, co. Devon], 464. Coumbe Baunton, Elias de, 464. Coumbmartiu. See Combemartyn. Council, king’s, 184, 367, 369,379, 380, 383, 40.5, 420, 426, 429, 439, 451, 456, 458, 459, 463, .508, 561, 566-568, 607. in Ireland. See Ireland. Coimdholm. See Coundon. Coundon, Coundholm, co. Warwick, 27. Countesthorpe [co.Leicester], 82. , CO. Warwick [rectius Leicester], 278. Coupeland, Edmund de, 354. Couper, Walter, 349. Coupere, Agnes la, 358. Beatrice le, 419. , Henry le, 419, 581. Robert le, 419. Roger le, 581. Coupole. See Cople. Courcy, Philip de, 204. Courtenay, Courteneye, Hugh de, 523. Sir Hugh de, 617. Coynte, .loan and Margery daughters of William le, 504. Covenham, Coverham, co. Lincoln, 326. Coventre, .lohn de, 446. Robert de, 193. constable of Bamborough castle, 31. Stephen de, 21. William de, 522. Coventry, co. Warwick, 618. and Lichfield, diocese of, 551. bishop of. See Langton, Walter. Coverham. See Covenham. Coverham abbey’, co. York, 150, 564. Covert, John, 51. Cowden, Coldon [co. York], 49. Cowley, CO. Oxford, 94. Temple, co. Oxford, 337. Cowthorpe, Colthorpe, co. York, 150. Coyners, Elizabeth de, 512. Coynte, Isabella wife of William le, 418, 581. William le, 404, 504. Coynthorp, Thomas son of James de, 349. Coyty, Coytif, co. Glamorgan, 137. Crabbe, John, 387, 457, 536, 579, 580, 591, 592, T T 2 660 GENERAL INDEX. Crache, Warden, co. Bedford, 581. Craft’, Geoffrey de, 278. Cragh, Gronogh, 544. Craike, Creike, co. York, letters close dated at, 371-373, 437, 438. Crakehall, co. York, 149. Cramavill, John de, 133. Cranborne, co. Dorset, 414. cbace, 239. Crandon, co. Somer.set, 404. Crane, Nicholas, 464. Cranefeld, Thomas de, 50. Craneford, Robert de, 208. Craneley, Walter de, 419. Cranesle, Simon de, 614. William de, 614. Cranford, Graneford, co. Northampton, 138. Cranleigh, co. Surrey, 600. Cranthorn, William de, 549. Crapinel, Walter, 331. Cras, Ralph de, 377. Crasdun’, Britanny, 563. See also Crouden. Crauden, Walter de, 604, 609. Craumford, Nicholas de, 154. Crauncewyk, William de, 7. Craunford, Robert de, 105. Craven, William de, 196. Crawford, co. Dorset, 168. Craye, Stephen, 605, 610. Crayke. See Craike. Grays. See Ramsden Grays. Craystock, Creystock, John de, 543. Ralph de, 501, 523. Craystok, Robert de, 494. Creake, co. Norfolk, 451. South, Suthcreyk, co. Norfolk, 451, 610. Creaton, Creton, co. Northampton, 349, 368. Crecy, letter of the king of France dated at, 317. Credouio, Almaric de, seneschal of Aquitaine, 279, 303. Greeting [co. Suffolk], 113. priory, 353. Creeton, co. Lincoln, 400. Creike. See Craike. Grekelad, Sir William de, 228. Crepping’, Creppyng’, Creppyngg’, Creping- ges, Crepingg’, John de, 99, 127, 263, 437. John de, knt., 74, 75, 441. Robert de, 230. Simon de, knt., 613. Walter, 329. William de, 230. William son of William de, 99. Crepyn, Ralph, 188. Cresacre, John de, 376. Crescy, Hugh de, 203, 227. Cressi. See Cres.sy. Cressingham, Little, co. Norfolk, 206. Cressy, Cressi, Roger de, 133. William de, 373, 622. William son of Roger de, 622. Cressyngham, Hugh de, iustice, 152. Creton. See Creaton. Cretyng’, Adam de, 28, John de, 133. Creukern, John de, 443, Creukyu. See Criccieth. Crevequer, Robert de, 59, Creye, Crey, Simon de, 133, Stephen de, 537, 609, William de, knt., 98. Creyk, William de, 624. Creystock. See Greystoke. Creystock. See Craystock. Criccieth, Crukyn, Cruckyth, Creukyn, Crukyth, castle, co. Carnarvon, 178, 283, 379, 490. constable of, 266, 267 ; and see Trumwyn, William. Criche, Roger de, 395. Cricket, William, 168. Cricklado, co. Wilts, hundred of, 538. Crigglestone, co. York, 271. Criketot, William son of William de, 107. Crikkelade, John de, 197. Crimgelthorp, William de, 373. Crimkethorp. See Crownthorpe. Crimplesham, Tremplesham, co. Norfolk, 415. Crioil, Nicholas de, 31. Criour, Thomas le, 41. Crisping’, William, 379. Crispyn, Joan, 188. , Roger, 188. Cristeshale. See Chrishall. Crocheman, William, 53. Crocketon, John de, 598. Crodonio. See Credonio. Croft [co. Hereford], 528. Croft, Henry de, 323. Hugh de, 440, 528. knt., 441. Peter de, 522. Crofton [co. Norfolk?], 614. Crofton, Rich.ard de, 102. Crogan. See Crogen. Crogen [co. Merioneth], 179, 256. Croice, John de la, 103. Crois’, Simon, 89. Croizeneit. See Crossemeyt. Crok, the manor del, co. Waterford, 178. Crok’, Henry son of Henry, 94. Crokbayn, Robert, 31. Crokedayk, Adam de, 252, 274. John de, 198. Margaret wife of John de, 107, 190, 200 . Crokei’is, co. York, 117. GENERAL INDEX. 661 Crokesle, John de, 274. Crokham. See Crookham. Crokston, James de, 89. Crolond, Robert de, 5G4, Crombe, Adam de, 213. Adam son of Simon de, 586. Crombewell. See Crumbwell. Cromer, Crowmer, oo. Norfolk, 537, 578. Cromwell. See Crumbwell. Crookham [co. Berks], letters close dated at, 463. Crophill, Ralph de, 74, 586. knt., 618. Cropthorn [co. Worcester], 428. Cros, John, 332. Richard, 342. Richard son of Richard del, 401. Walter, 332, 443, 450. William, 332. Cross, clerk of the, 191. Crossbowmen, 201. Crosseby, John de, 343, 443, 482. Crossemeyt, Crosseneyt, Croizeneit, Richard de la, 602. de, 462, 557. Crossthwaite, co. York, 494, 495. Crotoy, Gascony, the king’s sheriff of, 302. Crouden, Brittany, 460. See also Crasdon. Crouland, Robert de, 463, 610. Croumbwell. See Crumbwell. Crowlaud, Croyland abbey, co. Lincoln, 100, 143, 205, 206. Crowmer. See Cromer. Crownthorpe, Crunkethorp [co. Norfolk], 373. Croxall, Croxhall [co. Derby], 487, 493. Croxton, CO. Lincoln, 155. CO. Norfolk, 35. abbey, co. Leicester, 25, 134, 348. Croxton, James de, 98, 212. Croyland abbey. See Crowland. Croys, Thomas atte, 470. William de la, 311, 312. Cruce, Ilenry de, 441. Cruckyth. See Criccieth. Cruket, Michael de, 71. , William de, 38. Crukyn. See Criccieth. Crukyth. See Criccieth. Crul, William de, 104. Crumbwell, .John de, knt., 35, 74, 75, 214, 230, 283, 285, 321, 563, 569. constable of the Tower of London, 2, 114,' 125, 129, 140, 142, 207, 275, 304, 351, 353, 419, 505, 510, 554. , justice, 361. , justice of the forest north of Trent, 384, 396, 495, 524. steward of the king’s house- hold, 276, 347, 428, 441. Crumbwell — cont. Ralph de, 230, 384, 439, knt., 440, 565. Crupet, William, 136. Crynlefeld, Alexander de, 141. Crypse, Nicholas, 11. Cubbeledyk, Culbeldick, Roger de, 28, 245. , justice, 169. Cubbington, co. Warwick, 27. Cuckfield, Cokefeld, co. Sussex, 347. Cugners. See Coigners. Cuk, John, lord of, 506. Cukeleye. See Cookley. Culbeldich. See Cubbeldyk. Cullul, Peter, 392. Cullyng’, John de, 323. Cumbe, Robert de, 230. Cumbe Martyn. See Combemartyn. Cumbe-in-Tynhide. See Combe-in-Teign- head. Cumbe Neville. See Coombe. Cumbell, Isabella wife of Richard de, 87. Cumberland, county of, 43, 77, 127, 196, 200, 227, 257, 346, 347, 396, 426, 430, 431, 439, 465, 496, 499, 605, 615. forests in, 274. , , foresters of fee in, 274. sheriff of, 24, 97, 113, 117, 126, 169, 212, 263, 281, 327, 356, 361, 366, 382, 533 ; and see Hartcla, Andrew de. sub-escheator in, 107. Cumberton. See Comberton. Cumberton, Joan wife of John de, 226. John son of Ralph de, 226. Ralph de, 323. Robert de, 323. Cumbmartyn. See Combemartyn. Cumbwell priory [co. Kent], 462. Cumbwell, Richard de, 87. Cumcarvan. See Cwmearvan. Cumpaignun, Thomas, 583. Cumpton, .John de, 466. , Walter de, 597. Cumq’, Aneto de, 92. Cundale, Henry de, 178, 600. Cunningham [co. Ayr], 109. Cunyngesby, Roger de, 176. Cuquel, Jordan, 542. Curb}’ (Kirby?), co. Leicester, 154. Curci, R. de, 287. Curcy, William de, 287. Curlaud, Corylond [co. Somerset], 229. Curru, .John de, serjeant to Edward I. in Windsor castle, 164. Curteney, Curteney, Hugh de, 185, 235, 321, 516. Philip de, 275. Curteys, Andrew, 100. Robert, 466. Curzon, Thomas son of William, 487, 493. 662 GENEKAL INDEX. Cusancia, Gerard de, canon of St. Paul’s, Loudon, 483. , James de, 41G. , Sir William de, 79. Custaunce, John, 590. Custom.s, 9-11, 18. 21, 23, 32, 38, 39, 64, 120, 124, 163, 164, 174, 175, 177, 184, 215, 241, 252, 258, 279, 284, 285, 287, 363, 364, 368, 409, 427, 453, 492, 496-499, 506, 513, .516, 522, 529, 534, 536, 540, 548, 549, 682. , of cloth, 496. in Ireland. See Ireland. , controller in the port of London, 163 ; and see Luda, Richard de. Cuthert, John, 574. Cutewyu, Cotewyn, John, 182, 187. Cutlawe, John, 323. Cuttyngden, Ela wife of Simon de, 72. , Simon de, 72. Cuward, Cicely, 349. Cwmcarvan, Cumcarvan [co. Monmouth], 132, 138. Cj couns, John, 397. John son of William, 282. , William, 397. Cygoun, William de, 146. Cj ltre, Edmund de, 343. Cymmer, Kymer, abbey [near Dolgelly, co. Merioneth], 179, 256. D Daccon, Roger, the king’s lardener, 618. Dachette, Robert de, 334. Dacre, John, lord of Suthacre, 444. Margaret wife of Ranulph de, 504. Ranulph de, 504. William de, 147. Dadlington, co. Leicester, 28, 154. Dages, William, 120, 262. Daggeworth, John de, 247. knt., 85. Daiosse, P., 92. Daivill, Adam, 307. IJakenham, William de, 421. Dakeny, Joan wife of Robert, 362. Daker, William de, 178. Dalby, Great, Chaucombe Dalby, co. Leicester, 154. Dalby, Hugh de, 559. William de, 619. Daldene, co. Northumberland, 151. Dalderhy, co. Lincoln, 176. Dalderhy, .Tohn de, bishop of Lincoln, 21, 25, 26, 33, 40, .53, 66, 83, 89, 1(10, 121, 156, 169, 199, 222, 248, 279, 384, 480, 493, 561, 568, 586, 588,620. Dale, Alice de la, 243. William de la, 243. Dalham, Roger de, 133. Dalilegh, James de, 548. Dallinghoo, co. Suffolk, 15, 127. Dalnemuth. See Alnemouth. Dalton (Piercy), I)alton-in-Herternesse, co. Durham, 263, 416. CO. York, 150. Dalton, Ralph de, 260, 261, 269, 271, 413. , Richard de, 497. Dalyngho, Robert de, 383. Damary, Dammary, Dammory, Damory. See Aumary. Damoysele, William, 552. Dampiere, Guy de, count of Flanders, 41, 330. Dane, William, 472. Daneleyrs, Bartholomew de, 73. Dangie, alias Angeye. See Dengie. Danj’el, John, 313. Darbine, Dominic de, 92. Darches, John, 61. Darcy, Arcy, Eleanor, 99. Henry, 329, 593. , Jolin, 444. sou of Roger, 326. de, 572. , Philip, 30, 444. , Robert, knt., 307. Robert, sheriff of Gloucester, 401. , Roger de, knt., 572 ; and see Arcy, de. Dardir, Amat, 92. A. R., 92. B., 92. Bonus Homo, 92. John, 39, 91. Darel, Robert, 254. William, 149. Dargoil, Michael, 351, 353. Darguilers, P. V., 92. Darley, co. Derby, 57, 58. Darmenters, Robert, 43. Darpuchc. See Arpuche. Darrauzedz, P., the younger, 92. Darribere, S. 92. Darrion, P. W., 92, , W. J., 92. Darromos, A. W., 92. P., 92. Darsham, co., Suffolk, 616. Dartes, W. K., 92. Dartford, co. Kent, 123, 230, 608, 613. Dartiguelouq, P., 92. Dartmoor [co. Devon], 10. forest, CO. Devon, 238. Daitos, Per. .To., 92. Dartussou, W. V., 92. Darundu, P., 91. Dastyn, Robert, 277. Daubeny, John, 222. Daudaleye. See Aldithelegh. GENERAL INDEX. 663 Daudele. See Aldithelegh. Daudenard. See Audenarde. Dauglet, Anico, 92. Daukenarde. See Audenarde. Daumarle, Geoffrey, knt., 235. Daumary. See Aumary. Daumper, Richard, 565. Dauudelyn, Hugh, 28, 138, 260. Daunvers, Thomas, knt., 288. Dauribad, W. A., 92. Dautre, Dautry, William, 469, 564, 591, 59". Dautrive. See Alta Kipa. Dautry. See Dautre. Daventre, Adam son of Reginald, 88. , Simon son of Robert, 88. Daventry, co. Northampton, 624. letters close dated at 389, 391, 451. Daveport, Thomas de, 608. Daverenges. See Averenges. Daversou, William, 190. David ap Blethyn, bishop elect of St. Asaph, 202, 382, 480, 561. , David son of, de Flittewyk, 220. ap Howel, 179. Lewelin ap Howel, 256. ap Lewelyn, 283, 285. ap Meiller, 272. Wladosa wife of, 272. Richard eon of, 52. , William son of, de Maldon, 460. Davy, Thomas, 614, 621. Davyntr’, Walter son of Robert de, 440. Dax, France (Landes), 21. Dax, Ga., 92. Gassie, 92. , V., 92. Daye, Nicholas the, 110. Deakne, Walter son of Robert le, 605. Dean Forest, co. Gloucester, 146, 239, 265, 521, 544, 563. Debach [co. Suffolk], 127. Debenhara, co. Suffolk, 350, 470. Decretals, the books of the, 10. Deddington, Dodynton, co. Huntingdon, 116, 578, 586. Deen, Elizabeth wife of William de, 89, 283. Henry de, 134. William de, 89, 283, 598, 599. Deeping [co. Lincoln], 21, 205, 206. West, co. Lincoln, 21. Deivill. See Eyvill. Delabad, V., 92. , W. A., 92. Delagues, B., 92. Delarrocan, R., 92. Deldene, Jordan de, 151. Del^cluse, P. J., 92. Delf, Thomas atte, 214, 215. Dembremen, Spain, 301. Den, Thomas, 422. Denamad, P., 92. Denardeston, Peter de, 270. Denardiston or Denston, co. Suffolk, 133. Denart, Master Thomas, dean of Angers, 470. Denbury, Denysbeare, co. Devon, 135. Denders de, W. A., 92. Dendor. See Deuddwr. Dene. See Dean. Dene, Ed. de, 389. John de, 304. , Peter de, 79. Walter de, 95. William de, justice, 112. Denel, William, 593. Denelby [co. Derby], 77. Deneys, Brice le, 473. , Bricius le, 617. Denford, co. Northampton, 138. Dengie, Dangeye, Angeye [co. Essex], 24. Denis, John son of, 80. Denkeshull, William son of Henry de, 57. Denmark, 571. Denn, John de, 463. Dennington, Dynyton [co. Suffolk], 108. Denny, co. Cambridge, 1. Densist, A., 92. Denton [co. Norfolk], 264. Dentur, Simon, 422. Denum, .John de, 231, 617. Denysbeare. See Denbury. Deodand.s, grants of, 46, 124. Deol, Robert de, 135. Depe. See Dieppe. Depham, Richard de, 438. Depingg’, William de, 79. Depyng. See Deeping. Derby, 65, 116, 358. bailiffs of, 166. free chapel of, dean of, 172. , county of, 68, 74, 77, 180, 273, 319, 339, 391, 421, 435, 460, 470, 526, 569, 618. foresters of fee in, 274. sheriff' of, 4, 38, 111, 126, 199, 268,430. Derby, Emma daughter of Robert de, 623. John de, 191. , John sou of Gilbert de, 126. Nicholas de, 447. Robert de, 437. Thomas de, 34, 35, 259, 538. Dereham abbey, co. Norfolk, Bartholomew, abbot, of 427. Derewentwatre. See Derwentwatre. Derham, William de, 210. Derlaston, Thomas de, 214. William do, 214. 064 GENERAL INDEX. Doric, VVilliain de, 348. Dernoford, Cicely wife of William de, 281, 282. Nicholas de, 4C3. , William de, 281. Dernegate, Alice de, 420. Derry, John, 313. Derset, John de, 419. Thomas de, 37. William de, prior of St. John’s Hos- pital, Brackley, 573. Derteford. Henry de, 301. Derwent Water, 375. Derwentwatre, Isabella w'ife of John de, 494. John de, 494, 311. Descorce, Scorce, Storce, Peter. 48, 90, 199, 225, 423, 510. Desning. See Disning. De.spenser, Eleanor wife of Hugh le, 583. the younger, 301. , Hugh le, 22, 74, 94, 105, 188, 5G8. keeper of the forest south of Trent, 5, 6,36, 57-59, 71, 140. the elder, 54, 83, 88, 239, 299, 324, 347, 459, 474, 477, 491, 503, 512, 557,569, 570, 607, 612, 619. custodian of Elmley castle, 505. justice of the forest south of Trent, 18, 273, 542. , keeper of the forest south of Trent, 5, 6, 36, 57, 71, 140. knt., 607. Hugh son of Hugh le, 443. Hugh le, the younger, 45, 122,14.5, 222, 347, 414, 442, 443, 448, 450, 459, 467, 477, 480, 492, 531, 532, 534, 559, 573, 583, 607, 612, 619. Margaret wife of Philip le, 49, , Philip le, 49. Thurstan le, 411. Deste. See Diest. Destivaus, B., 92. Destors. See Descorce. Detchant, Dychent, Belford, co. Northumber- land, 59. Deuddwr or Deytheur, Deudor [co. Mont- gomery], 29, 30. Deuros. See Deveros. Develyn. See Dublin, Deverel, Elias, 135. Devereus, John, 280. Deveros, Devros, William, 446, 447, 462. Devizes, co. Wilts, 219, 454, 538. castle, constable of, 126. Devon, county of, 52, 87, 104, 135, 205, 209, 218, 226, 231, 319, 346, 396, 444, 445, 464, 558, 583, 600,615. countess of, See Fortubus, Isabella de. , miners of, 52. sheriff of, 6, 8, 57, 61, 147, 166, 233, 238, 243, 257, 289, 358, 363, 402, 404, 421, 488, 517. Devon — cont. stannaries in, 396. tin from, 42. Dew.sbury, co. York, 347. Dewyas. See Ewyas. Dexthorpe, co. Lincoln, 412. Deyncourt, Eyncurt, Edmund, 28, 409, 463. Deyvill. See Eyvill. Dibden, Dupedene [co. Hants], 29 5. Dickleburgh, co. Norfolk, 339, 422, 423, 479. Didmarton, Dudmarton, co. Gloucester, 135. Die Castle. See Dye. Dieppe, Depe, Normandy, 448. port of, 318. Diest, Deste, Brabant, 486. Difford, Thomas de, 149. Digest of civil law, the, 10. Dikelburgh, William son of Geoffrey de, 339. Dilham, co. Norfolk, 201. Dilwyn Church, Chirchcdelewe [co. Here- ford], 459. Dinas, Dynas [co. Brecknock], 32, 3.53. Dinas Bran, Dynasbran castle [co. Denbigh], 347. Dingele, Roger de, 623. Dingley, Dynesleie, co. Northants, 18, 623. Templars’ house at, 18, 25. Dinnington, co. Somerset, 136. Diptford, co. Devon, 275. Dirford. See Dureford. Diseburgh, John de, 614. Dishforth, Dusford, [Topeliffe], co. York, 150. Disning, co. Suffolk, 131. Ditchling, Dychenyng, co. Sussex, 347. Ditton [co. Cambridge], letters close dated at, 248-252, 309-313. Ditton, John de, 432. Do, William, 21. Docking, co. Norfolk, 373. Dod, Thomas son of Robert, 84. Doddenhara, Walter de, 464. Doddington, co. Northumberland, 83. Dodemaston, Hugh de, 521. Dodinghale or Morton Manor, Canterbury, 134. Dodington, co. Gloucester, 138. Dodyngton, honour of Albemarle, 49. Dodyngton, See Deddington. Dodynus, Peter son of, 443. Doget, Thomas son of John, 451. Doggemersfeud, Dogmerfcld, William de, 141, 290. , , steward of Sherwood forest, 202 . Dogs, the king’s, 157, 179, 281,359. Doiby, William, chamberlain of Carnarvon, 266. GENERAL INDEX. 665 Doigneurs, Robert, 498. Doliano, Boneface Karle de, 621. Doloron, Oa. A., 92. Doniesdaj', books of, 27-3. Dominici, Jo. de Senbist filius, 91. Domyngus, 302. Don river, co. York, 240. Don’, John do, 2G1. Donat, Peter, 533. Doncaster [co. York], letters close dated at, 257, 258, 318, 501. Doncastre, John de, 262. Donden. See Compton Dundon. Donderiz, P. A., 92. Donecastre, John de, 51, 70, 119, 170, 248, 272, 304, 460. justice, 195. William de, mayor of Chester, 294. Donedyk. See Dowdyke. Donesse, P. A., 92. Donestaple, Walter de, 224. Donewyco, Peter de, 342. Donheved, John son of John, 572. Donington [co. Lincoln], Templars’ manor, '' 26 . CO. Salop, 155. Donis, J., 92. Donketon, John de, 14. Donnington. See Douington. Donningworth, co. Suffolk, 58. Donnoille, baron of. See Peer, John le. Donsterre. See Dunster. Donton. See Dounton. Donyngton, Henry de, 392. Nicholas de, 459. Donyngvvorth. See Dunningvporth. Doo, B. de, 92. Dorchester abbey [co. Oxford], 477. ,co. Dorset, gaol, 26. Holy Trinity church, 221. Dordrecht, Holland, 340, 503, 571. Dore, Bernabo, 310. family of, 310. Frederic, 310. Lainbinus, 310. Paul, 310. Doresc, P., 92. Dorking, co. Surrey, 347. Dorkyng, Robert de, 104, 600. Dorn, CO. Worcester, 277. Dorneford [co. Essex], 134. Dorre, .John, 313. Dorset, county of, 67, 77, 81, 135, 212, 213, 221, 232, 306, 421, 422, 456, 525, 583. forests in, 274. foresters of fee in, 274. sheriff of, 26, 3.5, 89, 166, 171, 233, 238, 244, 265, 327, 346, 393, 394, 408, 488, 495, 502, 504, 518. Dortes, P. son of R. W., 92. Dortmund, Germany, 366, 376, 393, 398. Dorture, William le, 445. Dosard, V., 92. Dosinghone, Dosvoun, Dousinhou, John, 387, 457, 551, 579. Dosinghonne, Dosynghone, Arnold, 387, 457, 592. Dosyoun. See Dosinghone. Dotton, Robert de, knt. of the shire for co. Stafford, 2 1 9. Doubec, P. J., 92. Douedyk. See Dowdyke. Douker, William, 254. Doun, Walter de, 398, 407, 493, 497. Donne, Ralph de, 305. Richard atte, 44, 45 1 . Thomas de la, 281. Dounesle, Richard de, 68. Dounfermelyn. See Dunfermline. Douuham, Peter de, 213. Dounston, John de, 606. Douse, Peter de la, 395. Douseby. See Dowsby. Dousinhou. See Dosinghone. Dovenel, Ireland, 193. Dover, CO. Kent, 73, 86, 93, 174, 176, 257, 333, 423, 484, 564. barons of, 98. castle, 8, 24, 69, 84, 367, 385, 484, 505, 507, 530, 533, 564, 602. constable of, 104, 162, 176, 236, 294, 332, 346, 576 ; and see Penccstre, Stephen de. the Maison Dieu (God’s House), 220, 319. port of, 305, 353, 453, 530, 533, 576. , keepers of, 576. , , mayor and bailiffs of, 73. Dovereourt, co. Essex, 504. Dovorr’, Isabella de, 84. Philip de, 298. Dowdyke, Douedyk [Sutterton, co. Lincoln], 143. Dower, assignments of, 105, 131-139,148-151, 154, 155, 2i'0, 478, 573, 581. Dowlais, Dyueleys [co. Glamorgan], 531. Downe, co. Devon, 135. Downs, Dunes, the, 29 1, 341, 345,385-387,425, 457, 458, 475, 536, 563, 579, 580, 592, 594. Downton, co. Wilts, 66, 458. Dowsby, Douseby, co. Lincoln, 307. Doylly, William de, 98. Draghe, Elias, 598. Dragheswerd. See Draweswerd. Drak, John, 329. Draper, Agnes wife of Reginald le, 607, 621. John le, 621. Payn le, 358. Stephen son of Philip le, 76. Warin le, 46. 666 GENERAL INDEX. Uraughton, co. Northampton, 134. , CO. York, 1(18. Draweswcrd, Dragheswerd, Maurice, 1C9, 338, 432. Drax, William de, 307. Sir William de, 87. Draycote, co. Warwick, 419. IJraycote, .John de, 217. Peter de, 38. Drayton, 93, 347, 470. CO. Northampton, 578. CO. Norfolk, 209. Drayton, Ralph de, 571, 578. Simon de, 215. Dreux, count of, 37, 45, 48. county of, 181. Drexthorp. See Dexthorpe. Driby, John de, 346. Simon de, 538. Simon son of Robert de, 346. Driffeld, Henry de, 25. John de, 485. William de, 78. Drilfencleyth. See Dyffyrn Clwyd. Driffield Great, co. York, 429. Driffield, John do, 149. Dring, Bartholomew, 287. Drogdch’. Sec Drogheda. Drogheda, Droughda, Drogdch’, co. Meath, Ireland, 39, 184, 368, 396, 405, 476. merchants of, 396. Droughda. See Drogheda. Drokensford, John de, bishop of Bath and Wells, 12,41, 66, 67, 85, 121, 167, 192, 202, 314,336, 456, 480,561, 586, 590, 601, 602. treasurer of the wardrobe to Edward I., 167, 179, 524. Drommok, William Willelmi de, 200. Drosselan, Droslan. See Drysllwyn. Droys, Henry le, 145. Philip le, 145. Druel, Ela, 90. John, 274. William, 600. Drunal, Hugh, 78. Druvell, William, 417. Dryby, .Joan de, 559. Dryug, Peter, 287. William, 59. Drysllwyn, Droslan, Drosselan, Rosselan [co. Carmarthen], 534. castle, 113, 240, 283. Dublin, Devlyn, Develyu, 139,404, 405, 575. archbishop of. See Saunford, John de. A. archbishop of, 570, 585, 590, 601, 619. archbishopric of, 23, 490. , bench of, 193. Dublin — co7it. castle, 153, 293, 308, 333, 404, 405, 488, 517. county, 189. exche(]uer of, 11, 22, 23, 39, 53, 110, 1 18, 129, 139, 153, 159, 177, 183, 184, 189, 246, 285, 288, 293, 397, 403, 531. , , treasurer and barons of, 23, 39, 53, no, 118, 139, 177, 189, 285, 291, 293, 403. and chamberlains, 184. letters close dated at, 333. , mayor and citizens of, 575. , parliament at, 476. port of, 184. , St. Thomas the Martyr near, abbey of, 532. treasury, 293. Duddeleye, Adam de, 281. Dudden, CO. Northumberland, 512. Duddeu, Edmund de, 512. Duddington Great, co. Northampton, 27. Dudmarton. See Didmarton. Duffeld, Richard de, 222, 301, 322, 326. Duffield (South), [co. York], 436. Duffeld, Robert de, prior of Langley, 438. Dulford. See Dishforth. Dufford, John de, escheator of Ireland, 32. Dufton, CO. Westmoreland, 489, 543. Dugelby. See Duggleby. Dugelby, Adam son of Adam de, 287. , Peter de, 287. Roger de, 287. Duggleby, Dugelby [co. York], 287. Dughoi, William, 512. Duhart, P. A., 92. Dukesworth, John de, 36. Duket, Laurence, 188. Duleek, Dyvelek [co. Meath], Ireland, 369, 500. Dulvertou, co. Somerset, 52. Dummer, John de, knt., 220. Dunbar, Scotland, 298,403, 497. Dundraw [co. Cumberland], 399. Dune, Master Richard de, 467. Dunes, les. See Downs. Dunfermline, Dounfermelyn, Eifeshire, 612. priory, 612. Dungarvan, co. AYaterford, 232. Dunge or Dengc marsh, co. Kent, 12. Dunham, John de, 323. Robert de, 323, Dunkirk, Flanders, 41. Dunleye, Richard de, 79. Dunmow, co. Essex, 139, 530. Dunningworth, Donyngwortb, co. Suffolk, 58. Dunnyng’, Richard, 323. Robert, 323. Dunolin’, Jollan de, 66. Dunstal, Nicholas de, 328, GENERAL INDEX. 667 Dunstaple, co. Bedford, 442, 463, 606. priory, co. Bedford, 203. Dunstaple, John de, 603. Dunster priory, co. Somerset, 221. Dunston, .John de, 0U7. Robert de, 606, 607. Dunton, GeofiFrey de, 592. Dumvich, co. Suffolk, 30, 392. Dupedene. See Dibden. Dupedene, Joan rvife of Richard de, 295. Durand, John, 92. Durandi, John, 88, 91, 92. R. de Villa, 92. Durant, Eleanor wife of Michael, 525. Michael, 507, 525. Dureford Priory, parish of Rogate [co. Sussex], .'.97. , , (Jsbert, abbot of, 225. Durera, William de, 254. Duresme, Henry de, collector of the custom of wool, &c., in the port of London, 164. Dureward, Thomas, 570. Durgo, B., 92. Durham, bishop of. See Kellawe Richard. , bishops of, 247, 405. bishopric of, 7(», 112, 117, 247, 276, 360, 369, 376-378, 389, 391, 402, 4.30, 439, 440, 467, 471, 489, 490, 494, 518, 523, 551, 584. , chancellor of, 467. letters close dated at, 55-57, 64, 101. mint of, 389. priory of, 117, 391, 469, 480, 483, 612. Durston, Richard de, 333. Dur Vassal, Thomas, 350. Dusford. See Dishford. Duston. See Dufton. Dutton, Benedict de, 345. Duvedale, Peter de, 67. Duyn, William, chamberlain of North Wales, 283. , le, chamberlain of Carnarvon, 372. Dychent. See Detchant. Dychent, John son of William de, 59. Dychenyng. See Ditchling. Dye, castle [Berwickshire], 157. Dyflh'yn Clwyd, Driffencleyth, cantred [co. Denbigh], 563. Dyggeby, John de, 278. Dykelesdon, John de, 136. Dymars, Nicholas, 63. Dymmog, John, 214. Dymmok, John de, 59. Dyn, John, 212. the younger, 611. Dynas. See Dinas. Dynasbran. See Dinas Brin. Dyne, Henry son of John, 167. John, 167. William, 558. Dyneham, John son of Joceus de, 372. Dynelek. See Duleek. Dyneleston, Thomas de, 494. Thomas son of Simon de, 494. Dynelejs. See Dowlais. Dynesleye. See Diugley. Dynevor castle [co. Carmarthen], 153, 237, 264, 283. constable of 283 ; and see Hakelute, Edmund. Dynham, Joceus de, 114, 283. Dynnesleie. See Diugley. Dynyeton, Dynyngton, Edmund de, chamber- lain of North Wales, 530. chamberlain of Carnarvon, 410. Dynyton. See Denuington. Dysceford, John de, 279. Dy.se, Henry, 335. Dy tton, John de, 353, 428. Dyvelek. See Duleek. Dyveleys. See Dowlais. Dyx, John, 323. E Eadonebregg. See Edenbridge. Kagle, Eicle [co. Lincoln], 35. the Templars house of, 31, 32. Ealdyngg. See Valding. Eardisley, Erdeleye, co. Hereford, 616. Earl’s Barton, co. Northtimpton, 27. Easby, St. Agatha’s Abbey, co, York, 447. Easiugwold [co. York], letters close dated at, 10 1. Easter, Good, Godeshestre [co. Essex], 220. High, Cestre (sic), co. Essex, 87, 618. East Ham. See Ham, East. Easthorpe, co. York, 149. Eastland, 26, 81. merchants of, 80. Eastney, Esteneye [co. Hants], 77, 159. Easton, Eston, 490. [co. Hants], 420. co. Northampton, 277, 283, 538. CO. Lincoln, 492. Great, Eystau-on-the-IIill, co. Essex, 175. Nether, co. Somerset, 136. CO. York, 168. Eastrington [co. York], 247. Eastwell, Eswelc, co. Kent, 236. Eastwick, co. Hertford, 511, 573, 574. Eastwood [co. Essex], 9, 106. Eaton, co. Salop, 418. Eberston, Alan de, 287. Eboraco, Gilbert de, 74, 226, 432. Hugh de, 503. 668 GENERAL INDEX. Eboraco — coni. John de, 287. , Walter do, 20, 81. Ebrighton, co. Gloucester, 1.55. Ecchinswell, Aycheneswell, co. Hant.s, 605. Eecle.shall, co. Warwick \_rectius Stafford], 279. castle [co. Stafford], 505. Echingham, Echyngliam, Robert de, 472. William de, 018. Eekingtou, co. Worcester, 277, 284, 472. Ecton, Thomas de, 512. Edbriston, Thomas de, 287. Eddlogan. See Edelygion. Edeirnion, E35. Jhon’, Richard, 258. Joan, the king’s sister, 257, 26.3. Joce, Elizabeth wife of John, 598, 599. John, 598, 599. Johanne, Jo. de S., 92. John, king of England, 65, 156, 174. enrolment of charter of, 340. John, king of Navarre, 39. John XXII., pope, 383, 466, 467, 479, 482, 490, 492, 529, 535, 551, 561, 622. John, duke of Brittany, 233, 319, 453, 469, 517, 559, 565, 566. John, duke of [Lower] Lorraine and Brabant, and count of Limburg, 199, 315, 330, 331, 3j8, 408, 486, 488, 489, 506, 537. John, judge of the king of Castile’s court, 162. John ap Adam, 137, 559. Adam son of, knt., 590. , Edmund son of, de Multon, 426. .., Elias son of, do Colecestre, 458. John — cont. ap Griffrith, 137. Henry son of, de Lodbrok, 278. James son of, de Audele, 101. , John son of, 277. de Bassyngburn, 582. , de Bekyngham, 211. , de Lenham, 594. de Sancto Johanne, 351. de Tyngewyk, 421. Matthew son of, 52, 159. Nicholas son of, de Barton, 402. Payn son of, 287. Philip son of, de Intebergh, 346. prior of Montacute, 604, 606. Richard son of, de Okelshagh, 569. de Ruddegate, 285. de Ruthyn, 128. , de Venuz, 601. Robert son of, 278. Stephen son of, 436. Stephen de Cazanava, son of, 92. Thierri son of, 345. , Thomas son of, 277, 293. de Maydensban, 342. W. son of, 287. Walter son of, de Facombergc, 429. , de Maydenstan, 4.. de la Wyche, 61. William son of, de Barton, 615. de Hoo, 607. de Skaftworth, 211. de Swynsted, 450. Johnhy, Joneby, parish of Greystoke, co. Cumberland, 511. Jolif, Geoffrey, 254. , Roger, 437, 450. Joneby. See Johnby. Jones, Adam, 176. Jonesserjaunt, Robert, 522. Jorce, Robert, 160. Jordan, Jurdan, James, 382, 514, 584. Nicholas, 597. Ralph, 87. Thomas, 133. William, 185. Jors, Robert Ic, 229. .lorz, Robert, 296. Robert de, 206. Joune, Joven, Waleric Ic, 48, 97 ; anti see Genere. Jovensano, Viennius de, 479. Jovenzano, Aymon de, 84. Joye, Adam, 333. Jozze, Walter, 606. Juet, John, 455. Julian, R. A. de Salies, son of, 92. Juliers, Julers, Gerard count of, 470. Jumieges abbey, Normandy (Seiuc-Infe- rieure), 25. 694 GENERAL INDEX. Jurdan. See Jordan. Just, Hugh, 255. Kiehard, 255. Justice, Geoffrey, 12, 14. Justiciary of Ireland. See Ireland. Justinian, the emperor, 10. K Kabergh, Alan de, 178. Kadewalthan. See Carnwyllon. Kaerdyf. See Cardiff. Kaerdif. See Kerdyf. Kaerfiily. See Caerphilly. Kaerseys, John de, 9. Kailli, John de, 116. See also Cailli, Cayly. Kampeu, Holland, 26, 81. Kanc[ia], Alan de, 221. Kank. See Cannock. Karleton. See Carleton. Karliolo, Nicholas de, 18,21. Eobert de, 343, 436. , Thomas son of Hugh de, 18, 21. Karlioun. See Caerleou. Kaynes, John, 135. Thomas de, 282. Kaysho. See Cashio. Kayton, Thomas de, 194. Keardif. See Kerdif. Kede, Thomas, 584. Kedewelby. See Kidwelly. Keggeworth, Robert le fiz Ive de, 545. Kegworth, co. Leicester, 545. Keighley, Kygheley, co. York, 168. Keilesthorp. See Calcethorpe. Keirwent, Keyreweut, Ithel de, 414, 583. Keleburn. See Kilburn. Keisby, Keseby, co. Lincoln, 410. Keleby, Robert sou of Roger de, 204. Keleseye, Kelseie, John son of William de, 194. Robert de, 225, 459, 475, 540, 617. alderman of London, 308, 332. Robert son of William de, 427. Keleshull, Gilbert de, 211. Kelewedon. See Kelvedon. Kelham, Kelum [co. Nottingham], 347. Kellaw, Richard de, bishop of Durham, 30, 69, 70, 96, 117, 205, 221, 3U5, 360, 471, 474, 483. Keller, Elias le, 220. Kellesheye, Robert de, 615. Kelmscott, co. Oxford, 294. Kelsay North, co. York, 565. Kelseie. See Keleseye. Kelsouth, Elias de, 398, 407, 493, 497. Kelsterne, Walter de, 7. Kelton [co. Suffolk], 108. Kelum. See Kelham. Kelum, Robert de, 347, 578. Kelvedon, Kelewedon [co. Essex], 597. Kemerton, Kynemerton, co. Gloucester, 136. Kemeseye, Kemeseie, Sir John de, 467. treasurer of Hereford, 75. Kemettesden. See Kentstone. Kemeys [co. Monmouth], 137, 138. Kemmois, Meuric de, 137. , Walter de, 137. Kemp, John, 314. Keinpe, Geoffrey, 186. , Richard, 80. Robert, 254. Kemyngford, co. Worcester, 277. Kenan ap Mereduk, 186. Kendale, Alice daughter of William de, 58. , Edmund de, 78, 237, 610, 611. , , knt., 538. , Richer de, 425. Eobert de, knt., warden of the Cinque Ports and constable of Dover castle, 12, 69, 155, 173, 176, 192, 220, 236, 270, 294, 332, 346, 353, 367, 385, 426, 427, 441, 453, 457, 484, 505, 507, 530, 533, 564, 576, 602. , Roger de, 190. , William de, 57. Kenefez. See Kenfig. Kenerthorp, vStephen de, 470. Keneton, D o de, 56. Nigel de, 175, 421. Keneveys Island. See Canvey. Kenfig, Kenefez [co. Glamorgan], 406, 407. , the king’s castle of, 162. Kenilworth, co. Warwick, 233. priory, 278, 442, 455. Kenne, Eobert, 542. Kennerthorp, Stephen de, 467. Kennet, co. Cambridge, 504. Kenyton. See Kenuingtou. Kennington, Kenyton, co. Surrey, 57, 142, 164, 347, 380, 511, 569. letters close dated at, 527, 597, 600. , manor of, 24, 250. park, 23, 24, 141, 164, 165, 419, 511. Kent, county of, 2, 3, 10, 13, 15, 16, 20, 29, 44, 45, 47, 67, 72, 77, 94, 95, 98, 103, 131, 142, 190, 203, 208, 211, 213, 216, 221-224, 231, 234, 236, 248, 28.3, 289, 306, 312, 313, 328, 329, 333, 33.5, 339, 342, 354, 421, 422, 434, 436, 445, 451, 456, 459, 474-476, 481, 499, 547, 556, 581, 583, 584, 587, 588, 594, 598, 600, 603-605, 609, 611-613, 616, 619. coroners of, 113. justices in eyre in, 2, 12, 13, 16, 18- 20, 24, 31, 34, 36, 40, 41, 44, 46, 50, 57, 66, 80, 82, 84, 90, 128, 194, 379, 513. knights of the shire for, 427. GENERAL INDEX. 695 Kent — cont. sheriff of, 2, 12, 24, 33, 124, 128, 157, 228, 244, 298, 299, 319, 369, 379, 387, 415, 427, 449, 457, 463, 484, 513, 536, 571, 579, 580, 588, 591, 593, 594. the Templars’ lands in, 173. Kent, Emma wife of John de, 230. , Joan de, 603. , John de, 433, 437. Roger de, 134. Simon son of Joan de, 603. William de, 62. Kentstone, Kemettesden, co. Salop, 390. Ker, John del, 478. Kerden, Thomas son of Roger, 559. Kerdif, Keardif, Eleanor de, 245. Faulinus de, 136, 245. Kerdiston, William de, 373. Kerdyf, Kaerdyf, Richard de, 462. , William de, 14, 245. Kereby, co. York, 151. Kernetb[i]. See Carnaby. Kerry, Ireland, sheriff of, 178, 285. Kersalton. See Carshaltou. Kersover, John de, 27. Kerswell, Carswell, co. Devon, 275. Kertlyngton, Robert de, 492. Kery. See Ceri. Keryet, co. Cornwall, 56. Keseby. See Keisby. Kesteby. See Ketsby. Kesteseye, Anselin de, 323. , Roger de, 323. Kesteven, co. Lincoln, 180, 245. Kesteven, vV' alter de, 349. Kctene. See Ketton. Ketenc, Henry de, 615. .John de, bishop of Ely, 67, 83, 84, 121, 292. Ketsby, Kesteby, co. Lincoln, 314. Ketteringham, co. Norfolk, 152. Kettlebaston, co. Suffolk, 133. Kettlewell, co. York, 150. Kettlewelldale, co. York, 168. Ketton, Ketene [co. Rutland], prebend of, in Lincoln Cathedral, 428. Ken, Henry le, 103, 335. Master Godard le, 347. , John le, 564, 571. , king’s Serjeant, 599. Master Martin le, 572. Richard son of Robert le, 573. , Robert le, 16. Walter le, 37, 56, 340, 418, 484, 508, 509. William le, 323, Yereward le, 452. Keyin, William, 99. Keylemersh, Simon son of Ralph de, 556. Keymer, Kymere, co. Sussex, 347. Keyusham abbey [co. Somerset], 69. Keyrewent. See Keirwent. Keyrwent. See Caerwent. Kexby, co. Y'ork, 149. Kibblyngcotes. See Kipling Cotes. Kibworth Beauchamp, co. Leicester, 245, 255. Kidderminster [co. Worcester], 234. Kighley, Roger de, 451. Kilburu priory [co. Middlesex], 503. Kidwelly, commote [co. Carmarthen], 563. Kildare, Ireland, 183, 189, 259, 288, 461, 482, 520, 549. , castle, 189, 288, 487. , county of, 189, 487. , earl of. See Thomas, son of. lady of, 287 ; and see Vescy, Agnes de. Kilgoygan [co. Monmouth], 137. Kilholm, Adam de, 255. Kilkhampton [co. Cornwall], 135. Killyngwyk, Richard de, 149. Kilmeaden, Kilmydan, diocese of Waterford, 325, 533. Kilpeck, CO. Hereford, 253. Kilpin [co. York], 247. Kimpton, Kymynton, co. Hertford, 461, 464, 468. Kinefare forest. See Kinver. Kingeston, Nicholas de, sheriff of Gloucester, 19. John de, 394. sheriff of Somerset and Dorset, 408. knt., 439. Kingham [co. Oxford], 83. King’s Beaulieu. See Beaulieu. Kingsbury, Kyugesburyport [co. Somerset], 243. Kingsclere, co. Hants, 605. King’s Clipston. See Clipstone. Kingsdown, by Dover [co. Kent], 594. Kings Land, co. Hereford, 419. Kingsthorpe, co. Northampton, 538. Kingston, co. Somerset, 355. Kiiigston-on-IIull, co. York, 7, 29, 46, 112, 124, 241, 289, 326, 364, 368, 533, 551, 570. bailiffs of, 8, 386. customs, 492, 498,499, 506, 516. keeper of, 29, 1 18 ; and see Sandale, Robert de. mayor and bailiffs of, 538. Kingston-on-Thames, co. Surrey, 332, 338, 447. Kingston, eo. Warwick, 412. King’s Walden [co. Hertford], 36. Kingswood abbey [eo. Wilts], 444, 483, 606. John, abbot of, 442. Kington, co. Warwick, 245, 442. 09 (> GENEEAL INI^EX. Kiiilct, CO. Salop, 483. Kiiiver, Kynefare, forest, co. Stafford, 238, COO. Kinward.ston Hoad, co. Wilts, 131. Kipling Cotes, co. York, 149. Kirk Leavington, Kirclevyuton, co, York, 266. Kirkliuru, co. York, 289. Kirkby, co. Lincoln, 372, 438. [in Malhaiu Dale], co. York, 151. Moorside, Moresheved, [co. York], 13, 22. Overblow, Kirkeby Ferers, co. York, 151. Kirkebride [co. Cumberland], 400. Kirkebride, llichard de, knt., 34 7. Walter de, 241, 304, 605, 614, 615. son of Richard de, 347. Kirkeby Ferers. See Kirkby Overblow. Kirkeby, Gilbert de, 211. John de, 347. Nicholas de, 396. Thomas de, 77, 179. William de, 502, 391. Kirkebythore, John de, 178. Kirkham, j)riory, co. York, 426, 569. Kirkham, Walter of, bishop of Durham, 503. Kirkoswald, John de, 200. Kirkstall in Airedale, abbey, oo. Y'ork, 451. Kirkstead abbey, co. Lincoln, 282, 325, 606. letters close dated at, 49, 51, 52. Kirkthwaite [co. Cumberland], 147. Kirktologh, John de, 371. Kirmington, CO. Lincoln, 155. Kirregye. See Kerry. Kirton in Lindscj', co. Lincoln, 499. Kisliugbury [co. Northampton], 475, 623, 624. Kitchen, the king’s, 437, 452, 462. Knaresboroiigh castle, co. York, 365, 523, 529, 530, 535, 544, 575. and honour of, keeper of, 65, 160, 285 ; and see Aumary, Roger. chace, 65. forest, 240. Kneesall [co. Nottingham], 335. Knighthood, order as to conferring, 327. Knights of shires, payment of, 199, 219. Knights Templars. See Templars. Knoches, John de, 40. Isabella wife of John de, 40. Knockin, Knokyn [co. Salop], 307, 582. lord of, 100. Knokyn, John de, 240. Knolle, Henry atte, 600. Knook, Cnuk, Cnou}t, co. Wilts, 292, 415. Knottyng, Simon de, 441. Knovill, Gilbert de, 274. John de, 137, 400. Richard de, 88. Knowsley, co. Lancaster, 285. Knyhtone, -John de, 311. Knyveton, Henry de, knt., 435. William de, 435. Koke, Lettice, 349. Lucy, 349. Kokkefeld, Robert de, 86. Koo, Richard son of Nicholas le, 128. , William son of Nicholas le, 128. Kyghelay, Roger de, 447. Kygheley. See Keighley. Kykele, bailiffs of, 7. Kylmida. See Kilmeaden. Kymbe/le, Richard son of John de, 605. Kyme, Philip de, 28, 30. , Simon de, 198. justice, 390. Kymer. See Cymmer. Kymere. See Keymer. Kymynton. See Kimpton. Kynardeseye, .John de, 60, 390, 398. Kynardesleye, Simon de, 579. Kynebelle, Richard de, 22. Kynefare. See Kinver. Kynemerton. See Kcmerton. Kyng, Robert, 150. , Stephen, 376. Walter, 374. Kynges, Nicholas de, 355. Kyngesbury, John de, 614. Robert de, 190, 612. Kyngesburyport. See Kingsbury. Kyn gesford, Adam de, 11. Kyukesmede. See Oxford. Ivyngeston, Reginald de, 550. Kypesmersh [? co. Norfolk], 156. Kyriel, Nicholas, 12. Kyriollis, Nicholas de, knt., 223. Kyrkeby, Sir Bernard de, the king’s almoner, 439. , William de, 104, 116, 538, 598. Kyrkenewebalde. See Newbald. L Labad, A. de, 92. La Charite. See Charite. La Haye Forest. See Hay, La Hok. See Houcke. La Hoke. See Hook. I.a Marche, Charles, count of, 469. La More, near Kirton in Lindsey, co. Lincoln, 499. La Nayte. See Aits. liU Place, 96. I.a Pole. See Welshpool. I.a Rede. See Laredo. GENERAL INDEX. 697 La Rochelle. See Rochelle. La Rye. See Rye. La Swynne. See Swyn. Lacchele, John de, 434. Laceby, co. Lincoln, 28, 30. Lachendon, Lachycdou, Alice wife of Hugh de, 406. Hugh de, 243. William de, 243. Lacy, Lascy, Adam, 400. Henry de, earl of Lincoln, 4, 48, 172, 177, 288, 299, 510, .517, 518. Hugh de, 193. Joan de, countess of Lincoln, 390, 614, 617. Richard de, 512. Robert de, 127, 236, 307, 433. knt., 331. Walter de, 193. Lafford, Adam de, 334. Lagenersb, Thomas de, 105. Lagham [in Godstone, co. Surrey], 421. Laghlese, Hugh, 193. Laghton, Master Roger de, 321. Lagos, Nodus de 92. Laiburn. See Leyburn. Lak, William le, 326. Lake, La [co. Devon], 598. Lake, John de la, 104. William de la, 105. Lakynghi tb. See Lakenheath. Lakeuheath, Lakyngheth, co. SufEolk, 415. Lalleford. See Lawford. Lamb, Roesia wife of Gilbert, 85. Lamberd, John, 231. Richard, 488. Lambert, Caorsetta wife of William, 18. William, 18. Lambeth, Lambhyth, co. Surrey, 87, 88, 302, 436, 569. Lambley, co. Nottingham, 384. Lambyn, Edmund, 67. John, sheriff of Loudon, 58. Lampadervaure. See Llanbadarn Fawr. Lamport, Langeport, co. Huckingham, 134. Lanadesant. See Llanddeusant. Lanaign’. See Lavagne. Laublethiau. See Llanblethian. Lancaster gaol, 36, 502, 555. Lancaster, county of, 68, 73, 103, 180, 190, 195, 322, 329, 427, 430, 442, 559, 569. sheriff of, 36, 38, 97, 242, 282, 285, 291, 391, 401, 502, 505, 526, 554, 555. Lancaster, Thomas de, earl of Lancaster, 60, 66, 71, 86, 95, 118, 124, 192, 197, 202, 233, 292, 314, 322, 370, 398, 430, 433, 438, 459, 484, 554, 575, 585, 590, 601, 619, 662. Lancastre, Lancastria, Henry de, 413, 563. Gilbert de, knt., 600. John de, 83. Lanchester, Langecestre [co. Durham], col- legiate church of, 305. Lande, Arnald de la, 230. Landedu. See Llandiiddwg. Landegevegh. See Llandegfedd. Landesey. See Llansoy. Landevenyon. See Llaudeven. Lane, Gerard de, 233. , John atte, 564. .Jordan de la, 255. , P. de le, 92. Laneham [manor in Rivenhall], co. Essex, 580. Langar, co. Notts, 113. Langar, Peter de, 118. Thomas de, 21. Langbaurgh, Langebergh, co. Fork, 289. Langdon Abbey, co. Kent, William, abbot of, 427. Langebergh. See Langbaurgh. Langeford. See Longford. Langeford, Thomas de, 442, 482, 616. Walter de, 250, 616. Langeham, William de, 614. I;angele. See Langley. Langele, John de, 289, 511. Robert de, 419. Langelee, Jordan de, 87, 608. Langeleye. See Langley. Langeleye, Sir Edmund de, knt., 209. .lohn de, 568. lord of Mulocote, 621. , Thomas de, 103. Langelond, Hugh de, 606. Langemere, Peter de, 280. Langeport. See Lamport. Langeport, Richard de, 134. Langestrode. See Langstroth. Langeloft, Master Tliomas de, 572. Langeton. See Langton. Langeton, Hugh de, 554. Joan wife of William de, 371. John de, 67. Nicholas de, 76, 224. Ralph de, 490. William de, 216, 371. Laugetrewe. See Langtree. Langford [eo. Essex], 502. Langham, co. Essex, 479. Langhirst [co. Cumberland], 147. Langlade, J. de, 92. Langley, Langele, co. Hertford, 139, 290. letters close dated at, 129, 130, 139, 140, 195, 204-208, 239-241, 244, 245, 274-279, 301-306, 329-333. Friars Preachers of, co. Hertford, 438, abbey [co. Norfolk], 450, 597. Geoffrey, abbot of, 427. [co. York], 198, 698 GENERAL INDEX. Langport, Hugh de, fi06. I.iangiidge, co. Somerset, I .‘iG. Laiigstone [co. Monmouth], 1,37. Langstroth, Langestrode, forest [co. York], 240. Ijaugton, CO. Durham, 276, 490. , Langeton, .520. [Herring], co. Dorset, 168. CO. Herts, 67. co. Lincoln, 412. Langton, John de, bishop of Chiche.ster, 81, 121, 185, 480, 581. Walter, bishop of Coventry and Lich- field, 19, 68, 83, 85, 107, 12‘l, 156, 181, 192, 202, 209, 210, 297, 314, 389, 426, 433, 470, 472, 480, 519, 522, 561, 586. , custodian of Lichfield and Eccleshall castles, 505. keeper of St. Leonard’s hospital, York, 198, 218. , treasurer, 515. Langtree, Langetrewe, co. Devon, 415. Lanpadock. See Llanbaddock. Laniltwyth. See Llantwit. Lansuc, P. J. de, 92. Lantrissan. See Llantrissent. Jjanum, Koger son of Hugh de, 318. Lanveyr. See Llanfair-ar-y-Bryn. Lanwarn, John, 227. Lapford, co. Devon, 135. Larder, Simon del, 437. Lardener, Thomas de, 149, Laredo, La Rode, La Rounde, Spain, 95, 301. Lanas, P. A. de, 92. W. A. le, 92. Larrocan, P. J. de, 92. Lasceles, Gilbert de, 512. Lascy. See Lacy. Latasten, P. W. de, 91. Lathebury, John de, 219. Lathoin, co. Lancaster, 555. Latimer, Latymer, Alice la, 398, 521. Alice, wife of William le, 60. .loan wife of .John le, 519. .Joan daughter of John le, 74, 75. John le, 5 1 9. knt., 444. Nicholas le, 398. .Sibyl wife of William le, 112, 145, 320.* William le, 14, 17, 74, 75, 112, 320. William son of JVilliam le, 17. Laton, Roger de, 371, 377. Latton, co. Essex, 458. priory, co. Essex, 397, 458. Lattrengton, Richard de, 28. Laiigar, W. P. de, 92. Laugham, Thomas de, 320. Laugharne, Talaghan [co. Carmarthen], 370. Laughton, co. Leicester, 155. Leghton, co. Lincoln, 372, 438. Launcelyn, William, 571. Launceston, co. Cornwall, 9, 541. castle, 4, 144, 188. , keeper of, 263 ; ^nd see Burdet, Peter. Jjaunde, Henry de la, 36. l.aunge, Joan wife of John, 54, 253. , John, yeoman of Queen Isabella, 54. Launnc, Geoffrey de, 28. Jiaurence, r.,aurence son of, de Preston, 610. , Mauser son of, 216. , Robert son of, de Bouthum, 428, 438. Lauton. See Ijawton. Lavagne, Lavaigne, count of, 76. Lavant, Lovente, co. Sussex, 189. Lavenham [co. Suffolk], 468. Laventon, Robert de, 54. Laverdon, Henry de, 557. Laverton, co. Somerset, 264. Lavington, Stoplavynton [co. Wilts], 197, 293. Lavreton. See Laverton. Lavy’iiton, John de, 72. Lawford, Lalleford, Little, co. Warwick, 278. Lawton, Lauton, co. Hereford, 419. Laxfield [co. Suffolk], 108, 145. Laxton, William de, 410. Lay, John du, 590. Laycock nunnery, co. Wilts, 311. Laydarth. See Ijydart. Laysset, Master Robert de, constable of Bor- deaux, 156. Le Conquet, Brittany (Finistere), 566. T^e Swyne, Flanders. See Swyn. Lea, Leye, co. Salop, 241. Leach, East, co. Gloucestei, 135. Leatherhead, Lcilredde [co. Surrey], 459, 613,621. Leavington castle, co. York, 150. Lebennyth. See Llebeuuyth. Lebret, Lebreto, Dalbret, Amaneuus de, 328. lord of, 303. Lech, Simon, 254. Leche, Henry le, 557. Leckhampstead [co. Berks], 63. Leconfield, co. Y'ork, 125, 149. Ledbury, co. Hereford, 75. Jjeden, Stephen son of Henry de, 612. Ledes, Geoffrey de, 94. Ledct, Alice daughter of Walter, 14, 17. Erraentrude wife of Walter, 14, 17. , Mary wife of Wy'chard, 14, 17. fValter son of Wychard, 14. Wychard, 14, 17. Ledicot, Ijvdecote [near Shobdon], co. Here- ford, 419. Ledred, Thomas de, 1 1 2. I^edrede. See Leatherhead. Ijee, co. Kent, 131. Lee, Geoffrey de la, 6, 208, 235, 322. GENERAL INDEX. 699 Lee — cont. Hugh de, 98, 604. John de la, 464. , Philip de la, 470. Richard de, 560. Stephen de la, 616. Thomas atte, 461. , de la, 464. Leeds castle, co. Kent, 607. priory [co. Kent], 657, 607. Leek, Alan de, 240, 356, 360. Leer, Bancus de, 458. Legbourn, Lekburn, co. Lincoln, 357. Leger, Roger, 571. Legges, Laurence, 607. Legh, John del, sub-escheator in co. Stafford, 20. Thomas son of Thomas atte, 468. William de la, 423. Leghe, Adam atte, 464. John son of John atte, 472. Leghton. S'ee Laughton. Leghton, Alice wife of Reginald de, 623. ..., Gilbert de, 432. Philip de, 37, 45, 48, 97, 100. , Reginald de, 623. William de, 40. Legsby, Leggeshy, co. Lincoln, 148. Leicester, 216, 603. abbey, 154, 155, 426, 599. letters close dated at, 329, 487, 556, 557, 559. prison, 38. county of, 28, 77, 78. 82, 83, 90, 93, 99, 101, 104, 113, 224, 292,311,321, 340, 348, 391, 402, 442, 445, 465, 470, 491, 558, 559, 569, 571, 586, 594, 610. sheriff of, 4, 32, 38, 48, 58, 125, 157, 181, 193, 256, 296, 306, 363, 487, 488, 543, 548, 555. tallages in, 524. Leicester, R. earl of, 340. Lcie, Henry de la, 482. Leigh, Lye [co. Essex], 82, 604. Leye, co. Worcester, 277. Leire, co. Leicester, 28. Loire. See Lcyre. Leixlip, Salmon Leap [co. Kildare], 53. Lck, Alan de, 479. Lekburn. See Legbourn. Leke, John de, 323. Lekebourn, Peter de, 245. Lekeburn, Henry de, 499. Lekyngfeld. See Leconfield. Le'e.sheye, co. Suffolk, 133. Lemesone, John, 593. Lemman, John, 258. Lempescue, Quintin, 594. Lenborough, Lethingborgh, co. Buckingham, 134. Lench, co. Worcester, 277. Lench, Louche, Peter de, justice of the forests south of Trent, 273, 403. , Thomas de, 277. William de, 351. Lenere, Stephen atte, 610. Lenfaunt, John, seneschal of Ponthieu, 301. Lenge, Hugh de, 613. Lengley's, John, 262. knt., 600. , Robert, 178. Lenham, East [co. Kent], 365. Lenham, John de, 365, 529, 596. , knt., 365. John son of John de, 366, 594. Margaret wife of John de, 365, 36f, 480, 596. , Ralph son of John de, 365. Lenne. See Lynn. Lenne, Lenn, John de, 23. Roger de, 45, 48, 97, 225. , William de, 323. Lente, Bonetus, 385, 386, 458. Poncius, 385, 386, 458. , Richard de, 294. Lenton, co. Nottingham, 248. , letters close dated at, 193. Leo, Leo son of, 159. Leoroinistre, Hugh de, treasurer of Edward the king’s son, 3. , keeper of the wardrobe of Prince Edward, 11, 45, 47, 64, 106. Leominster priory [co. Hereford], 599. Leopard, the king’s, in the Tower of London, 163. 249, 362, 389, 502. See also Lion. Lere, Baticus de, 338. .John de, 322. Lermetoire. See Hermitage. Lesbar, W. P. de, 92. Lescar, Bernard de, 363. Lcschufe. See Sluys. Lescot, Thomas, 398, 407, 493, 497. Lcsingcraft, William de, 436. Lesperon, A. de, 92. Lespicer, .lohn, 94. , Peter, 70. .......... Thomas, 94. Lesquier, Robert, 4, 5, 48, 140. Lestrange, Lestraunge, Estrange, Strange, Straunge, Folk, 29, 163. Hamo, sheriff of Southampton, 163. son of Sir Hamo, 5S2. Isolda, or Isoude, wife of Sir John, 201, 582. John, 201. lord of Knokyn, 100. Margaret wife of Hamo, 582. , Matilda wife of Roger, 47, 142, 541. Roger, 142, 403, 541. justice, 273. Letcombe, co. Berks. See Lyndecoumbe. 700 (3ENE11AL INDEX. Lctheriitfrsett, co. Norfolk, 133. Lctliingborgh. Sec Ltiiborough, l.etissc, Thomas, 311. Loverton, co. Lincoln, 412. Lovcsliagb, 22G. Levesliagli, Henry de, knt., 226. Low. See Lyen. North, CO. Devon, 135. Ivcwclin. See Llewelyn. Lewes, castle and town of, eo. Sussex, 347. priory, 101, 254, .301,416, 400,580,601. Lewyn, Geotfrey, 398, 407, 493, 497. Ley burn. Ley bourne, Henry de, 13, 16, 283, 509. knt., 61 1. Juliana de, 13. , Kobert de, 110, 111, 117, 157. keeper of the honour of Cocker- mouth, 494. constable of Cockermouth castle, 374, 505. , , knt., 598. Leycestre, Gilbert de, 13. John do, 589. , Richard de, 206. , Robert de, 317. Thomas de, 154. William de, 209, 300. Leje. See Lea, Leigh. Leygrave, Ellen daughter of Alice de. Oil. Leyre, Leire, John de, 28, 176. William de, 615. Leystone abbey, co. Suffolk, 191. Simon, abbot of, 427. Leyton, William de, 445. IJiude, John, 339. Libaud, Peter, constable of Edinburgh, &c., 9. Lichefelde, Thomas de, 310. Lichfield castle, co. Stafford, 505. cathedral, dean and chapter of, 480. bishop of. See Langton, Walter de. Lidel, Walter son of William de, 169. Ijidgate, co. Suffolk, 27. I.idle, William de, 134. liidyate, Henry atte, 214. Lidyntou. See Luddington. Lifford, William de, 236. Lighthorn, Lythern, co. Warwick, 255, 277. Lilford, CO. Northa:ui)ton, 4U8. Lillebon, William de, 135. knt., 380. William son of Peter de, 380. Lilleburn. See Littleburn. IJlleshall abbey, co. Salop, 154, 155. Limerick, Ireland, sheriff of, 178. Limsy. See Lymesy. Liid)y, Lyndeby,co. Nottingham, 1 41, 290, 362. Liucoln, IS, 26, 37, 77, 81, 90, 119, 172, 199, 201, 296, 298, 307, 309, 314, 322, 324, 325, .340, 360, 392, 418, 427, 463, 484, Lincoln — cont. 499, 508, .509, 512, 514, 518, 532, .537, 601, 601, 609. , bailiffs of, 13. bishop of. See Dalderby, John de ; Sutton, Oliver. cathedral, dean of, 314. dean and chapter of, 480. prebend of Ruckden in, 425. prebend of Ketton in, 428. castle, 1, 41. diocese of, 391, 409, 451, 616, 623. , discomfiture of the French at, 156. , Friars Minors of, warden of, 562. gaol, 13, 169, 522. king’s council at, 234. letters close dated at, 49, 53. 99, 119, 120, 122, 199, 245-249, 261-272, 289, 292, 297, 301, 306-310, 321-326, 328, 357-3.59, 424, 426, 427, 472, 494, 495, 564-566. parliament at, 247, 258, 259, 271, 272, 289, 314, 320, 323, 325-328, 340, 360, 508, 585, 586, 590, 601, 619. , St. Katherine’s without, priory of, 1, 26, 99, 180, 391, 409. county of, 1, 2, 21, 23, 28, 30, 43, 67, 80, 81, 84, 87, 90, 93, 95, 97, 99, 100, 104, 179, 194, 195, 198, 199, 202, 209, 212, 223, 231, 245, 255, 266, 306, 307, 314, 319, 322, 324, 326, 330, 331, 334, 341, 346, 359-361, 391, 409, 420, 423, 426, 428, 429, 442, 444, 451, 465, 468, 479, 483, 491, 492, 497, 558, 570, 572, 579, 581, 583, 584, 590, 602, 604, 605, 609-611, 614, 618, 619. fairs in, 481. forests in, 427. ,8heriffof, 1,2,4,23,24,26,28,30, 35, 41, 48, 63, 68, 81, 109, 110, 119, 125, 160, 166, 169, 170, 181, 244,246 , 252, 262. 266, 268, 281, 298, 308, 317, 319, 325’ 327, 328, 334, 346, 366, 369, 376, 3s6, 388, 391, 3 i2, 407, 413, 430, 455, 456, 477, 481, 490, 497-499, 510, 514, 518, 522, 532, 537, 560, 584, 588. countess of. See Lacy, Joan de. earl of. See Lacy, Henry de. Lincoln, Alfred de, 15. , .John de, 578. keeper of the king’s exchange at London, 47, 124. , collector of the custom of wool, &c., in the port of London, 164. keeper of the exchanges of London and Canterbury, 502. Lincolne, William de, 312. Lindsey, co. Lincoln, 26, 81, 180, 245. Linlithgow, Lynliscu, the king’s peel of, 9, 140. Linton, co. York, 149, 217. Linton, 'riiomas do, 402. IJnwood, Lyndewode, co. Lincoln, 172. Lion, the king’s, in the Tower, 4, 60, 124. See also Leopard. GENERAL INDEX. 701 Lipoose, Forcius de, 92. Lippa, Tidemann de, 2. Liscoin, Brodeliscom Lomena, co. Devon, 135. Lismore, bishop of, 232. Lissecasshel, co. Waterford, 403. Lissepochan, co. Waterford, 403. Liston, Sir John de, knt., 471. Liswery, Lyswyri [co. Monmouth], 132. Litcham, co. Norfolk. See Luchbam. I.itholf, Roger, 177. I.itlehurg, John de, 198. Litlington, co. Cambridge, 136, 415, 545. Litlyngton, Thomas de, 224. Liltlebourn, co. Kent, 134. Littleburn, Lilleburn, co. Leicester, 418. Littlehury, co. Essex, 340, 590. Littlefield, the hundred of, co. Kent, 40. Littleton, Luttleton [co. Wilts], 415. Litton Dale forest [co. York], 240. Livermere. co. Suffolk, 133. Livenuere, Thomas de, 133. Liverpool, 38. Livron, diocese of Valence, France (Drome), 89. Llanbadarn Fawr, Lampadervaure [co. Car- digan], 249. Llanbaddock, Lanpadok, co. Monmouth, 137. Llanhlethian, co. Glamorgan, 407. Llandaff, bishop of. See Monmouth, John of. , cathedral, 365. dean and chapter of 480. diocese of, 551 . IJanddeusant, Lanadesant [co. Carmarthen], 549. Llandegfedd, Landegevegh [co. Monmouth], 138. Llandennj', Mathenny [co. Monmouth], 137. Llandeveny, Laudevenyon [co. Monmouth], 137. Llandovery [co. Carmarthen], the castle and town of, 75. Llanduddwg, Landedu [=Tythegston,co. Gla- morgan], 563. Llanfair-ar-y-Bryn, Lauveyr [co. Carmar- then], 390, 549. Llangihhy Castle [co. Monmouth]. See Treygruk. Llansoy, Landesey [co. Monmouth], 138. Llanstephen, Landestepham, co. Carmarthen, 370. Llanthony priory [co. Gloucester], 446. Llantrisant castle co. Glamorgan, 389, 407 Llantrissent, Lantrissan [co. Monmouth], 132. Llantwit, Laniltwyth [co. Glamorgan], 407. Llebynnyth, Lebennyth [ commote, co. Mon- mouth], 132. Llewelyn, Lewelin, Thlewelin, Bren, 265, 267, 274-276, 377. ap David up Griffid, 179. de Edernyon, 256. ap Griffyn, 406. Llewelyn — coni. ap Griffith, 161. ap Ilowel, 179. .. ap Madok, Maddok, 179, 256, 283, 285. ap Howel, 376. Pren, 283, 419. Leukiua wife of, 283, 285. Llewelyn’s hall in Conway, 267. Lo, John de, 26. Loccombe, John de, 114. Lockington, co. Leicester, 154. Lodbrok, co. Warwick, 278. Lodbrok, Henry son of John de, 278. Loddon, Lodne, co. Norfolk, 445. Lodelawe, William de, 241, 418. Lodelowe, Alan de, 101. Joan de, 177. Matilda wife of William de, 381. Pbilip de, 224. , Richard de, 397. William de, 201, 381. Lodne. See Loddon. Lofhouse, South, co. York, 150. Lofte, John atte, 590. Lofthouse, CO. York, 150. Loges, Elizabeth de, 243. Richard de, 20, 243. , Roger de, 211. Loggovere, Richard de, 465. Lokedale. See Luckingdale. Loker, Robert le, 59. Lokford, William de, 547. Lokkeslee. See Loxley. Lokkeswode, co. Salop, 390. Lomagne, Gascony, vicomte de. See Giitto, Bernard de. Lomere, Henry de, 96. Lominhou, Garcias, 551. Londeye, Roger or Richard de, 475. Lompesone, John, 594. Lond’, John le, 376. Londerthorp, Simon de, 610. W’illiam son of Simon de, 610. London, 2-4, 9-11, 35, 42, 44, 45, 55, 62, 66, 72, 74, 76-79, 81, 86, 87, 89, 93-96, 98, 100-104, 111, 147, 177, 183, 188, 190, 197, 200, 203, 204, 206, 208-211, 213, 215-217, 219, 220, 224-231, 233- 236, 267, 282, 289. 297, 298, 302, 305, 310-315, 318, 322, 325, 326, 328-338, 340-343, 345-347, 351, 355. 366, 376, 380, 384, 387-389, 392, 393, 398,403, 414, 420-422,427-430, 433, 439, 442- 446, 448-452, 457, 459-461, 463, 464, 467-469, 471-475, 480, 484, 485, 533, 535-537, 540, 546, 549, 552-554, 556, 559, 569, 571, 572, 577-580, 582, 585- 598, 600, 602-606, 608-610, 613, 614, 615, 617, 618, 620-622. Aldcrsgate, 390, 393, 549. Algate, 233, 305. 702 CENEKAL INDEX. Ijomloii — cont. Al/Tatc, the Minorite .'isters without, 4. ahlennen of, 283, 332. , All Saints, Gracechurch, 297. assize of ale in, 419. , Canillewick street, G05. , Clifford’s Inn, 381, 486. , coroner of, 3.55. Damns Cotwersonim, 87, 98, 124, 184, 208, 228, 576, 589, 598, 607, 620, 621. , chapel of, 124, 228. chaplains of, 228. , pe*^ition of, 228, 229. , , keeper of, 46, 183, 374; and see Ayremjnn, William de; Osgodeby, Adam de. exchange, 502. , ... controller of, 124 ; a«rf see Fiowyk, Roger de. .keeper of, 47, 124, 267, 389; and see Cokermuth, .lohnde ; Lincoln, John de ; Trente, William de. , Pleet, 341. prison, 187, 283, 372, 379. street, 336, 381, 466, 486. Friars Preachers of, 216, 471. chapter general of, 101. house of, 278. , Guild Hall, 610. , Holborn, 197, 619. , ....... earl of Lancaster’s house in, 197. Holy Trinity church, near Aldgate, 206, 331, 608. Holy Trinity, or Christ Church priory, 69, 203. 204, 341, 424. busting, 184, 282, 472. , letters close dated at, 184, 576, 589. mayor of, 2, 185, 308, 332, 384, 537, 578, 615, 617 ; and see Abyndou, Stephen de ; Gizorciis, John de ; Wen- grave, John de. election of, order concerning, 235. mayor and aldermen of, 54, 278, 389. mayor and bailiffs, 282. , mayor and community, 62. , and sheriffs 109, 129, 142, 160, 179, 182, 184, 201, 235, 252, 297, 355, 472, 473, 543, 547. , merchants of, 615. Newgate gaol, 34-36, 42-44, 52, 123, 185, 278, 445. port of, 55, 64, 106, 16.3, 182, 281, 285, 287, 400, 409, 498, 533, 539. , customs in, 427, 492, 496, 498, 516. , customs of wool, &c., in, 164. , Queenhithe, 57, 58, 403, 541. ‘ la Riole,’ the street called, 230. London — co7it. St. Rartholomew’s Smithfield, priory, 443, 447. St. Bride’s church, 76. St. Clement Danes, 74, 333. , St. Dun.stan’s in the West, 535. St. Giles's hospital without, 541. St. John’s, Clerkenwell, 206. St. Magnus at the Bridge, 6C4. St. Margaret Patens, 332. St. Martin le Grand, the free chapel of, 84, 566, 596. , , dean of, 173. St. Nicholas Cold Abbey, 67, 334. St. Paul’s Cathedral, 346, 380, 483, 587, 607. , dean and chapter of, 4, 7, 480. St. Thomas the Martyr of Acre, hospital of, 224, 622. sheriffs of, 4, 7, 34-38, 42-45, 47, 48, 52, 54, 57, 58, 60, 61, 93, 124, 143, 163, 185, 188, 204, 249, 306, 308, 369, 311, 332, 355, 362, 384, 385, 386, 388, 389, 392, 398, 444, 502, 539, 541, 546, 552, 554, 564, 615. , Shoe lane, St. Bride’s parish, 617. , Shoreditch, Haliwell nunnery in, 135, 542. , standard measures of, 455. suhurhs of, 473. , Templars’ lands in, 29. , New Temple, 18, 74, 333. , Tower, 2, 4, 45, 47, 51, 60, 96, 107, 109, 129, 140, 142, 188, 207, 304, 505. 509, 510. , , constable of, 51, 109, 114, 125, 129, 275, 304, 351, 353, 419, 554. and see Crumbwell, John de ; Sandwico, Ralph de. , Gascon prisoners in, 351. king’s leopard in, 163, 249, 362, 389, 502. , , king’s lion in, 4, 60, 124. , moneyer of, 301 ; and see Bon- serjaunt, Walter. , , outer gate of, 308. St. Katherine’s hospital near, 12. Scotch prisoners in, 125, 126, 140, 351. Welsh prisoners in, 274-276, 283, 285, 351, 419. Walbrook, 559, 605, 615. ,hishopof. See Baldock, Ralph de ; Gravesend, Richard de ; Newport, Richard de; Segrave, Gilbert de. William, bishop of, temp. John, 340. bishojvric of, 4, 7, 67, 344, 380, 479. London, Kdmund de, 307, 442. , Master Edmund de, 330, 61 1. Hugh de, 126. GENEEAL INDEX. 703 London — cont. Joan wife of Thomas de, 72. , .John de, 165, 558, 583. , Ralph son of James, son of .Michael de, 341. Stephen de, 243. Thomas de, 125. Walter de, 358. Loneray, Stephen de, 609. Long Ashton, Ayston Dando, co. Somerset, 136. Longe, .John le, 428. Longeleie, Jordan de, 72. Longelond, Nicholas de, 61. Longevillers, Thomas de, 124. Longi'ord Whitchurch, Langeford, co. Devon, 275. , Langeford, co. Salop, 381. Longwick, co. Buckingham, 72, 442. Lonheld, Gilbert de, 177, Loppedell’, Thomas de, 76. , William de, 76. Loppeshale. See Lopshill. Lopham, Hugh de, 78. , Robert de, 55. Lopshill, Loppeshale, South Damerham, co. Wilts, 415. Lopyn, Richard, 227. Lord, Henry le, 425. .John son of Thomas le, 1 16. Lorimer, Nicholas le, 358. Lorraine, Lower, duke of. See .John. and Liinburgh, count of, 199. Loseby, Lowesby, co. Leicester, 521. Losely, co. Surrey, 135. Losfeld. See Luffield. Lostwithiel, co. Cornwall, tin ordered to be stamped and sold at, 178, 183. Lothingland hundred, Ludynglond [co. Suf- folk], 251. Lotyn, John son of Richard, 326. Lou, Philip le, 277. Robert le, 277, 421. Louches, Richard de, 74. Loudham, John de, 73. Nicholas son of Nalle de, 242. Loufenam. See Luffenham. Loughborough, Lughteburgh, Luthburgh, co. Leicester, 206, 222, 229, 322, 326. letters close dated at, 391, 450. Loughton, Alan de, 623. Louis, count of Evreux. See Evreux. Louis X., king of France and Navarre, 130, 14.5, 219, 220, 227, 254, 258, 291, 303, 308, 309, 315, 317, 318, 341, 345, 42.5, 444, 4 75, 553. fleet of, 341. Lounge, Henry le, 192. Louth Park abbe)’, co. Lincoln, 330, 597. Loutheford. See Ludford. Louther, Louthre, Hugh de, 70, 127, 268, 598. justice, 260, 268. Robert de, 598. Louvain, 330,486, 489. duke of, lord of the honour of Eye, 108. Lovaine. See Louvain. I Lovayne, Loveyn, Lovayn, Thomas de, 223, 499. , knt, 323, 434, 441. Thomas son of Matthew de, 172. Lovecok, Eustace, 583. Loveday, John, 338, 611. , Richard, 181. Lovedai, Sir Richard, knt., 197. de, knt., 3.30. Sibyl wife of Roger, 624. William, 212, 233, 400. Lovein, Richard, 99. Lovel, Joan daughter of John, 154. John, 5, 6, 33, 35, 65, 140, 157, 238, 281, 298. king’s yeoman, 13. Matilda wife of John, 208. Nicholas, 239, 298, 355, 356, 359, 501. Richard, 51, 213, 244, 254, 270, 361, 414. , keeper of the manor and chace of Cranbourn, 239. , knt., 99. , William, 132, 145, 373. Loveney, Richard de, 235. Lovente. See Lavant. Lovet, John, 277. Lovetot, Dionisia de, 614. John de, justice, 54. Lowys, Master Robert, 467. Lowdham, Ludham [co. Nottingham], 215. Lowesby. See Loseby. Lowick, Lufwyk, Luffewyk, co. Northampton, 134, 344, 571, 578. CO. Northumberland, 15. Loxley, Lokkeslee, co. Warwick, 278. Loxton [co. Somerset], 488. Lubcck, 26, 81, 233, 366, 376, 384, 393, 398, 552. burgomasters &c. of, 233. Lubenham, co. Leicester, 614. Luc, P. Andree de, 22. Arnald de, 91. , J. de, 92. P. A. de, 91. V. de, 91, 92. W. A. de, 91. Luca, Crcdus de, 288. Lucannouk [co. Monmouth], 137. Lucas, Henry, 618. , .John, 104. Lucca, 219, 230, 305, 330, 448, 465, 601. , merchants of, 156. 704 GENERAL INDEX. Jyucca — rovt. , society of the mercliants of the Jiallanii of, 2, 7, 22, 170, 540. society of the merchants of the Kicei of, 172. Luce, Jolin, 85. Imchefoi'cl, Adam de, 562. Luchham (? Litcham, co. Norfolk) church, 566. Luci, Petronilla wife of Fulk de, 209. Luckingdale, Lokedale, [in Littlebourn], co. Kent, 134. Lucy, Sir Anthony de, knt, 598. John de, 178, 179. John son of, 478. John son of John de, 179. John and iliehard sons of John de, 178. Robert de, 135. William de, knt., 209. Lud’. See Lydd. Luda, Richard de, controller of customs of wool, &c. in the port of London, 11, 163. Luddington, Lidynton, co. Warwick, 278. Ludelaghe. See Ludlow. Ludford, Loutheford, co. Lincoln, 148. Ludgershall, Lutegersale, co. Wilts, 47, 57, 127, 166, 172, 372. castle, 547. forest or park of, 53,238, 355,560, 372. Ludham. See Lowdham. Ludham, John de, 106. Robert de, 499. Walter de, 499. Ludlow, Ludelaghe, co. Salop, 420, 483, 539, 599. Ludynglond. See Lothingland. Luffenham, Loufenam, co. Rutland 491. Luffield priory, Loffeld [co. Northampton], 428. Lufwyk, Luffewyk. See Lowick. Lughtehurgh. See Loughborough, l.ugwardyn. Sir Walter de, 75. Luk’, Aruald de, 398, 407, 493, 497, 551. Donatus de, called ‘ Gylofre,’ 279. William Ruruettus de, 216. Luke, cardinal deacon of St. Mary in Via Lata, 482, 532. papal nuncio, 566, 568. Lukeys, John atte Brigge, 166. Lumbard, Camhinus, 414. Wlpinus, 392. Lund, co. York, 149. Imnd’, John de, 7. Thomas de, 485. Lung, John le, 289. Lungcvill, Henry de, 591. , John de, 28, 144, 556. Lusewyk, Thomas, 14. Lusteshill, Lusteshull, Richard de, 210, 362, 424, 439. Lutcgarshale, Henry de, 172. Will iam de, 546. Lutegersale. See Ludgershall. Lutekyn, Adam, sheriff of London, 58. I.uterel, Alexander, 345. Luthburgh. See Loughborough. Luthburgh, Robert de, 322. Luton, Luyton, co. Bedford, 11, 120. Luton, Thomas de, 587. Luttelhay, William de, 214. Lutterworth, co. Leicester, 381, 410, 420. Luttlehay, Walter de, 215. Luttleton. See Littleton. Lutton, Sir Thomas de, knt., 287. Luvel, Richard, 56, 130, 475, 623. Luvell, Sir William, knt., 287. Luyton. See Luton. Luyton, William de, 62. Lydart, Laydarth, near Mitcheltroy [co. Mon- mouth], 132. Lydd, Lud’, co. Kent, 12, 211, 312, 481. Lyde [co. Lancaster ?], 442. Lydecote. See Ledicot. Lydney, co. Worcester, 491. Lye. See Leigh. Lyehall, la [co. Salop], 521. Lyen [? Lew, co. Devon], church of, 598. Lynford, Great [co. Buckingham], 616. Lyghtfot, Robert, porter of Windsor park, 165. Lyham [co. Northumberland?], 72. Lyham, Hugh de, 72. Lylie, Robert, 345. Lymbergh, Adam de, 269, 359. one of the remembrancers of the exchequer, 89. Lymekilne, Lymkilne, Thomas de, 377. Thomas of the, 396. Lymesy, Lymesey, Mabel wife of Peter de, 554. Peter de, 60, 204, 471. knt, 197, 213, 214,343,353, 464, 528, 531, 541, 554, 581, 620. Lynd, Benedict, 255. Lynde, Alexander de la, 136. , Richard de la, 419. Walter de la, 28, 30. Lyndebek [co. Cumberland], 147. Lyndecoumbe [? Letcombe, co. Berks], 520. Lyndeseye, Alexander de, 126. , David de, 3, 126. Henry do, 459. Philip de, 307, 321, 357, 359, 562. Reginald dc, 126. Lyndewode. See Linwood. Lyndhurst, co. Hants, 538. Ijyndon [co. Rutland], 248. the king’s manor of, 237. GENERAL INDEX. 705 Lyndwode, Simon de, 344. Lyndwood forest, co. Hants, 174. Lynford, Samuel de, 49. Lynliscu. See Linlithgow. Lynn, Bishops [co. Norfolk], 175, 176. , mayor of, 175, 176. port of, 528. Tolbooth of, 528. Lynn Regis, Lenne, co. Norfolk, 2, 9, 37, 242, 294, 332, 355, 364, 525, 537, 550, 552, 578, 582, 595. bailiffs of, 508. port of, customs in, 498, 499, 540. , letters close dated at, 251. mayor of, 522. Tolbooth of, 374, 418, 522. bailiffs of, 8. Lynton, Roger de, 439. Lyons, Adam de, 13. Thomas de, 13. Lyoun, Thomas, 431. Lyouns, Margery de, 591. Lysters, Adam le, 261. Lyston, John de, 337. Lyswyri. See Liswery. Lythegreyns, John de, 274. Lythern. See Lighthorne. M Maberthorp. See Malberthorp. Mabussh, William, 345. Macclesfeld, Master Jordan de, 566. Macclesfield [co. Chester], 373. Mace, John, 313, 573. Machen, Maghay [co. Monmouth], 531. forest, 408. Machoun, .Tolm de, 26. Maddyngle, Robert de, 323. , justice, 56, 107, 195, 279. Madefray, Hugh, 559. Madeley, Medueleye [co. Salop], 487. Madoc ap Griffyn, 307. de Hendour, 367. Madoca, Vaghan, 283, 285. ap Walter, 137. Madresfeld, co. Worcester, 277. Made, Male, Handers, 594. Maenan, Maynan [co. Denbigh], 319. Maenor Llandeusant, Maynor Lanadesant [co. Carmarthen], 390. Maenor Myddfai, Meynor Methevey [co. Carmarthen], 390, 549. Maggesone, Nigel, 59. Maghay. See Machen. Maghefeld, 468. Mayna Carta, 224, 455, 584. Magna Muskeby, Michael de, 343. Magna Stretton, William son of Ivo de, 38. Maiden Bradley priory, co. Wilts, 155. Maidford, co. Northampton, 116. Maidstone, Maydenestane, co. Kent, 379. Maidstone, Walter, bishop of Worcester, 42, 68, 101, 121, 191, 213, 250, 480. Mailor Saiseneik. See Maylor. Maine, Thomas dou, 92. Mainz, P. archbishop of, arch-chancellor of the empire in Germany, 570. Makary, John, 417. Makdowel, Dougal, 355. Makenedy, Mor_vanth, 153. Makerel, John, 449. Thomas, 391. , Walter, 281. Makori, Dunkan, 355. Malberthorp, Maberthorp, John de, 323. Robert de, 610. Roger de, 474, 532, 572. Malbys. See Malebys. Maldecombe, .John de, 476. Maldegem, Meldyngham, Flanders, lord of,. 536, 592. Maldon, co. Essex, 76, 230, 460. Maldon, Robert de, 583. , Master William de, 409, 492. one of the chamberlains of the exchequer, 391. William son of David de, 460. Male. See Maele. Malebissa, Hugh, 286. Malebys, Malebisse, Malbys, John, 151, 282,. 512. sheriff of York, 262. William son of .John, 282. Malefit, John, 593. Malemeyns, John, 216, 299, 588. knt., 208, 217, 236, 604. Nicholas, 509. de, 63. , Robert, 236, 617. Malerbe, William son of Hugh, 200. Malet, John son of Geoffrey, 63. Robert, 9, 255, 312. knt., 75. Malghum. See Malhara. Malham, Malghum, co. York, 150, 151. Malherbe, William, knt., 99. Malketon [Orwell, co. Cambridge], 336. Malines, Malyns, Mechlin, Brabant, 408, 446, 537. , mayor, echevins, and bailiffs of, 449. Malines. See Malynes. Mallerstang chace [co. Westmoreland], 239. Mallevrcr, William, 286. iMallevrier, Peter, 286. Sec also Mauleverer. Mailing, East [co. Kent], 606. 72604. Y Y 705 GENERAL INDEX. IMiiline.sbuiy, co. Wilts, 102, 243, .548. abbey, 462. steward of the household, 43, 88, 96. , Peter de, 13, 21, 20.5. , Robert de, 116, 166, 291. constable of llolsover and Horeston castles, co. Derby, 18, 19, 21, 65. , Stephen de, 1 16, 166. , Sir Stephen de, 198. Malonia, Aynier de, 386, 458. Malore, Simon, 134. , Stephen, 82. Malton [co. York], 46, 259, 322, 549. priory, 285, 287, 322, 436, 476, 482. Malton, Henry de, 147, 428. John de, 399. Robert de, 342. Malvern, co. Worcester, 131. Great [co. Worcester], priory, 295, .535, 536, 599. Malvnes, Malyns, Malines, Henry de, 80, 82, 21 1, 212, 300, 313, 337, 421, 572, 592. Marainesfeld, Mamesfeld. See Mansfield. Man, Isle of, 153, 180. Man, Gilbert le, 590. Manby, John de, 7. Manda Villa, Ralph de, 352. Mandevile, Thomas de, 193. See also Maundevill. Maners, John de, 95. Robert de, 432, 447, 4.50, 476, 593. Maneriis, Maniers, Baldwin de, 172. knt., 331. Mauianacham, Manuel, 422. Manneby, Thomas de, 167. Mannyug, Thomas, 211, 255, 312, 442, 481. Manos, Michael de, 92. IMans, Michael de, 91. Mansfield, Mammesfeld, Mamesfell, co. Nottingham, 141, 290, 412. Mantel, Robert, 277. Walter, 317. IManthorp, William de, 337. Mapederham, co. Hants, 414. Mapelton, John de, 194. Mar, Alice wife of 'Thomas de, 341. Donald, Dovenald de, 191, 288, 328. earl of, 560. Thomas de, 341. jMarch, Roger, 55. Thomas, 55, 212. William, 55. dc la, 173. Marehamley, Marchumlcye, co. Salop, 390. Marchauud, John, 551. Marche, La, Sir Charles, count of, 425, 469. , Nicholas de la, 447. , Philip de la, 84. Marchumleye, Robert de, 40, 100, 445, 578. Marden [Ash], High Ongar [co. Essex], 597. Mardon, North, Northmerdon [co. Sussex], 400. Mare, Eleanor wife of .John de la, 24, 230. , John de la, 15, 29, 230, 255. , Robert de la, 526. Maregny, Ingelram de, 26, 64, 163. See also Marigny. Mareham, Marum, co. Lincoln, 90. Mareschal, Anselm le, 438. knt., 438. , Edmund le, 618. Ela wife of John le, 372, 373, 438. Eufemia wdfe of William le, 450. Geoffrey le, 137. Hawisia sister of John le, 438. , John le, 59, 104, 311, 323, 559, 605, 615. Nicholaa wife of Gilbert le, 200. Peter son of Peter le, 558, 583. Ralph le, 235. son of Ralph le, 313. Robert le, 128. , Simon le, 559. William le, 476. Marewyk, Walter de, 610. Mareys, Henry de, 291. Herbert de, 488. Richard du, 543. , 'Thomas du, 390. Margaret, countess of Cornwall. See Almain. queen, wife of Edward I., 42, 83, 89, 161, 173, 273, 323, 379, 408, .501, 518, 524, 527, 534, 538, 540, 543, 607. Margaret II., countess of Elanders, 61, 62. ^Margate, co. Kent, 315, 553, 577, 593. Margery, Simon son of, 419. Mari, Master AVilliam de, 580, 597, 610. Marignj', Engelrand, lord of, 88. See also Maregny. Marinis, Roger son of 'Thomas de, 143. Marischal, Reginald le, 22. Marisco, Nicholas de, 101. See also Marreis. jMarkander, Reynmnd le, 5.51. Markby [co. Lincoln], 321. priory, 476. Markesale, Richard de, 240. Market Overton, co. Warwick {^rcclius co. Rutland], 27. letters close dated at, 242. iMarkfield, co. Leicester, 155. Markland, William, 484. Markwyk, Maurice de, 621. IMarkyate [co. Bedford], prioress of, 623. Marlborough, co. Wilts, 524, 538. castle, 257, 538. GENERAL INDEX. 70 4 Marlborough — cont. castle, constable of, 257 ; and see Per- shote, Nicholas de. Marleberg’, Marleburgh,Richard de, 572, 597. Thomas de, 301. Marleburgh. See Marleberg. !Marlere, John le, C07. Marleye, John de, 365. !Marlow, Merlawe, Great, co. Buckingham, 132, 137, 443. Marmyon, Marmion, John, 101, 221, 410. , Mary wife of Philip, 66, 176, 177, 410, 435. Philip, 66, 176, 177, 410, 435. , Richard, 499. , William, 4, 278. Marnham, co. Nottingham, 226. Marny, Kdmund de, 231. , Ingelram de, 145. William de, 550. Marque, letters of, 567, 617. Marrays, Richard del, 200. Marreis, Nicholas de, 79. See also Marisco. Marroilles, Robert de, 490. Marsan, P. V., 92. , V. de, 92. Marsfield, co. Gloucester, 135. Marshal, William the, 149. Marshal, Alice, countess. See Rigod. Marshal of England. See Bigod, Roger le ; Biotherton, Thomas de ; Ferrariis, Walter de. ^Marshals, 558. , wages of, 558. Marshalsea, 158, 169, 415. , clerk of, 157, 513, 514; and sec Pelham, John de. , of Edward I., 21, 544. rolls of, 501. prison, 81, 550. , rolls, 102. Marshland, Mcrskeland, co. Voik, 271. Marston, Mershton, co. Warwick, 278. , CO. Wilts, 301. Martel, Adam, 352, 353. , Constance wife of William, 495, 565. John, 137, 495. , William, 137. son of John, 45. Marteleye, Thomas de, 436. .Martin, Alexander son of, 24, 268. Nicholas son of, 17. , Robert son of, 485. Roger son of, do Wyncscote, 598. , William, 8, 17. son of, de Tweng, 485. Martinetz, Martin, 48, 49, 510. Martini, Gundisal[vu]s, Bundissalvus, 39, 162. Martock, co. Somerset, 58, 77. Marton, co. Lincoln, 282. Merton, co. Westmoreland, 170. Marton — cont. [in Craven], co. York, 150, 168. in Galtres, co. York, 268. Marton, John de, 97, 328. William de, 168. Martyn, Adam, 105. Andrew, 345. Copin, 290, 371. David, bishop of St. Davids, 122, 185, 382, 480, 561, 586. , .John, 323, 371. Richard, 44. Robert, 416, 423, 507, 628. William, 154, 205, 270, 309, 442, 473, 614, 617. justice of South and West Wales, 186, 241, 243, 214, 249, 253, 263, 28.3, 370. Sir William, knt., 617. Marum. See Mareham. Mary, daughter of Edward I., a nun of Ames- bury, 153, 470. Maryot, John, 452. Mas’, P. dou, 92. Mascy, Richard de, Edward I.’s justice of Chester, 159. Massan, P. V., 92. Peter, 577. Mas.sang’, Peter, 551. Massingham [co. Norfolk], 55. Massingham, Idonia wife of John de, 280, 281. Massyngham, William de, 600. Matassale. See Maftishall. Mattishall, Matassale, co. Norfolk, 373. Matfray, Matfrcj', Hugh, 480, 559. Robert, 94. Mathenny. See Llandenny. Matilda, the empress, queen of England, 527. Matthew, Peter son of, 159. Mattingley [co. Hants], 222. Maubank, Ed., 614. Mauduit, Mauduyt, Gilbert, 502. Robert, 133. Maudut, John, 539. Maufee, Maufe, .loan wife of William, 15, 120. , John, 591. de, 584. knt., 441. Maulevcrer, John, 336. Robert de, 338. See also Mallevrier. Maule)'. See Malo Lacu, de. Maulovel, Richard, 613. Stephen, 260. William, 260. Maundevile, William de, 55. Mauudevill, John de, 235. Robert de, 235, 346, 425. See also Mandeville. Y Y 2 708 GENERAL INDEX. Maimscl, John, 39fi. , William, 1,58. Mauntel, Henry, 623. Mauran, Arnold, 21. Manrdyn, Richard de, 46.5. Manro, John de, 318. Mantenaunt, Geoffrey, knt., 485. Maiitravers, John, 77, 126, 336. , Sir John de, knt., 352. , John, the elder, 480. , the younger, 480. William, 126. Maverned, P. de, 92. , P. S. A. de, 92. , S. A. de, 92. , W. P. de, 92. Mawe, Henry, 255. Maydenestane. See Maidstone. Maydeustan, Thomas de, 289, 328, 456. son of John de, 342. Walter son of John de, 4. Maye, Stephen de, 302. Mayesone, William, 57. May lor hundred, Mailor Saiseneik [co. Flint], 102 . Maynan. See Maenan. Maynevile, Adam de, 489. Maynhermer, William de, 287. Maynor Lanadesant. See Maenor Llanddeu- sant. Metheney. See Maenor Myddfai. Mays, Reymund del, 617. Maystre, Nicolas le, 104. Thomas le, 349. Mazerer, Walter le, 185. Mazon, Gilbert le, 547. Measures, 455. Meath count}", Ireland, 396. Meaux abbey [co. Yorkl, 436. Mechain, Megheyn Iscoyt [co. Montgomery], 29, 30. Mechlin. See Malines. Mechyng. See Meeching. Meddlinges, Meeldynges, Remi de, 28. knt., 586. Medehurn, Alexander de, 579. Medefeld. See Metfield. Medefeld, John de, 222. IMedested, Hugh de, 102. Mediterranean sea, 29, 88, 89. Medmenham abbey [co. Buckingham], 329. Medmenham, Thomas de, 313. Medueleye. See Madeley. Medwyne, .John, 76. Meeching, Mechyng, co. Sussex, 347. Meeldynges. See Meddlinges. Mefenydd, Meveneth, co. Cardigan, 249. Megheyn Iscoyt. See Mechain. Meignyng, John de, 298. Mel, Adam son of Robert, 97. , Thomas, 97. Melburn, Elias de, 208. , Richard de, 504. Melcenby. See Melsonby. Melchbourne [co. Bedford], letters close dated at, 356, 425, 426. Melchet, Mulchet, park [co. Wilts], 389. Melcombe, co. Dorset, 170. Meldeburne, Richard de, 302. Meldon, Meldone, Meledon, Michael de, 60, 77, 617. Meldyngham. See Maldegem. Melford, co. Suffolk, 137. Melford, Richard de, 215. Melhale, Thomas de, 570. Melynnak. See Mellnog. Melhynnak, Adam de, 206. iMellnog. Melhynnak [co. Brecon], 206. Melkinthorpe, co. Westmoreland, 250. Melksham, co. VV'^ilts, 623. forest, 534, 638. Melksop, William de, 515. son of William, 616. Melle, Thomas atte, 606. Melles, Peter de, 186. Melmerby, Melmoreby, co. Cumberland, 399. , fort [co. Cumberland], 237. Melmoreby. See Melmerby. Melshamby. See Melsonby. Melsonby, Melshamby, Melcenby', co. York, 197,413,500. Melton, Great [co. Norfolk], 143. Melton Mowbray, co. Leicester, 78, 99, 181. [co. Norfolk], 68. co. York, 524. Melton, Richard de, 313, 399. , Roger de, 453. Thomas de, keeper of the Templars’ lands in cos. Cambridge and Hunting- don, 72. William de, 36, 72, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 153, 157, 165, 169, 192, 195, 237, 249, 259, 497. bishop elect of York, 466. archbishop of York, 523, 535, .544, 547, 555, 585, 586, 590, 596, 601, 622, 623. keeper of the wardrobe, 163, 378, 379. IMelyndressathney. See Felindre Sawd le. Memizan, Laurence de, 92. P. de, 92. Mcnai, Mencye, commote [Anglesey], 544. Mendham [co. Suffolk], 124. Mendham, Robert de, 468. IMendip, Munodepe, forest [co. Somerset], 238. Meneye. See Mcnai. Menill, Meynel, Meynil, Christiana de, 150. , Henry de, 252. GENEEAL INDEX. 709 Meuill — cou(. Hugh (le, 554, 595. Joan wife of Hugh de, 554. Nicholas de, 205, 216, 289, 343, 615. , sheriff of York, 262, 266, knt., 342. Nicholas son of Nicholas de, 345. Thomas de, 58. , William, 349. Menstre. See Munster. Menstre, John de, 376. Menstreworth. See Minsterworth. Menta, P. W. de, 92. Menyl. See Menill. Mercer, Nicholas, 101. Merchants, attacks upon, in England and abroad, letters concerning, 7, 26, 27, 37, 46-48, 61, 62, 7.3, 93, 95-97, 162, 181, 219, 227, 291, 301, 315, 316, 326, 332, 333, 340, 341, 345, 366,376, 385- 387, 392, 393, 398, 425, 444, 448, 455- 457, 460-462, 466, 475, 486, 488, 489, 493, 500, 508, 536, 537, 552, 553, 559, 563, 566, 577-580, 582, 592, 593-595, 616. Merchant vintners of the duchy of Aquitaine, the king’s debts to the, 551. Merchenleie, co. Northumberland, 83. Mere, co. Wilts, 538. castle, CO. Wilts, 548. Mere, Robert de, 20. William, 297. Merevale, Muryval, abbey [cos. Warwick and Leicester], 418. Merewell, Florence and .loan, daughters of Alexander de, 420. Richard de, 223. Mereworth, co. Kent, 134. Mereworth, Joan de, 224, 294. . John de, 134, 221. , the king’s baker, 532. knt., 613. .Tohn son of Roger de, 224. Merhulle, co. Warwick, 278. Merioneth, Meyronnyd, Moyronnyd, Miron- nyth, county court of, 179. land of, 351. sheriff of, 266. Meriton, 16. Merit, Thomas atte, 22. Merkenaldi, Chiatus, 475. Merkyngfeld, .John de, 31, 85, 123, 211, 213, 218, 302. Sir John de, 79. canon of St. Peter’s, York, 441. prebendary of Warthill in St. Peter’s, York, 305. John son of Peter de, 31. Merlaund, Henry de, 168, 361. Merlawe. See Marlow. Merlawe, Merlowe, John dc, 235, 525. Merle, Thomas, 499. Merlowe. See Merlawe. Merlyn, John, 216. , Richard, 128. Merre, William, 501. keeper of the abbey of West- minster, 281. Mersea, Merseye [co. Essex], 89. Mersh, Richard atte, 554. Mershton. See Marston. Mershton, Richard de, 571. Merskeland. See IMarshlaud. Merslag, G. de, 92. Mersshton. See Marston. Merston, William de, 568. Merta, Amatus de, son of Amatus, 92. Andreas de, 91. , J. de, 92. , Poncius de, son of Peter, 91. , R. W. de, 92. Mertok, Peter son of William de, 58. Merton. See Marton. , CO. Surrey, 33. , priory, 22, 135, 221, 476, 603, 604. Merton, John de, 37, 71, 438, 443, 617. Meryet, Walter de, 75. Merynge, John de, 199. Meskyn. Nee Miskiu. Messager, John le, parker of Kenningtoc park, 23. , Peter le, 452. , Simon le, 69. Messeger, John le, 141. Messeworth, Elizabeth wife of William son of John de, 351. Messinge, Messyng, Messyngg’, Richard de, 94, 303, 330, 443, 479, 546. Messyngden. See Missendon. Mesum, called ‘ Sampson,’ John, 455. Metfield, co. Suffolk, 206. Metham, co. York, 31, 130, 433. Metham, .lohn de, 6. Sibyl wife of John de, 6, 362. Methele, Margaret wife of Robert le, 234. Robert de, 234. Metheleye, Robert de, 242. Metheney. See Myddfai. Methevey. See Myddfai. Metton, .John de, 452. Meulan and Leicester, Robert, earl of, 495. Meuric ap Yevan ap Ernolf, 137. Meurik ap Lewelyn, 283, 285. Meveneth. See Mefenydd. Meverel, Thomas son of John, 14. Mewes, Scolastica de, 343. Mewessone, William, 96, 97. Mews at Charing, the, 501. Mewys, John de, 149. Meynel. See Menill. Meynill. See Menill. 710 GENERAL INDEX. Moyiior Methevey. See Maenor Myddfai. Meyi'oiinyd. See Merionetli. ‘ Mcyryd Kyiikellorion,’ an office called, 1 79, 25G. Meystercssone, John le, 451. Moystressoii, William son of John le, CIO. Michael VIII., emperor of Constantinople, 70. Michael, Ilalph son of James son of, de London, 341. Michedore, Alice de, 86. Michel, Iloger, 355. Micheldevre, Kobert de, 507. Michelham jiriory [co. Su.ssex], 476. Mickelham [co. Surrey], 539. Micol, Peter, 551. Middelhurgh in Zeeland, 227. IMiddelrocumbe. See Rocomhe. Middelton, Adam de, 51, 70, 151, 197, 440. , David son of Nicholas de, 541. , Gilbert de, 105, 451, 455, 560, 580. John de, 209. ..... , Nicholas de, 165. Philip de, 488. , Alaster Richard de, 297. , William de, 202. Middey, Philip, keeper of Stauudon Park, 411. Aliddlescengh, Midelscogh [co. Cumberland!, 147.“ Aliddleses:, countv of, 54, 78, 84,94, 103, 190, 212, 21.3, 223, 229, 234, 303, 329, 335, 342, 343, 425, 4.32, 441, 443, 447, 451, 465, 474, 479, 569, 578, 587, 588, 591, 598. archdeacon of, 587; (unl see Raldok, Robert de. , sheriff of, 32, 97, 123, 227, 292, 342, 484, 514. Middleton. See Milton. Middleton, co. Durham, 490. [co. Hants], 159. co. Northampton, 300, 368. CO. Salop, 488. CO. Sussex, 347. CO. Warwick, 176. Middop, CO. York, 150. Alidgham, Migham [co. Berks], 94. Midhop, Agnes wife of Robert de, 150. Robert de, 150. Midlesmore, William de, 151. Midsomer Norton, CO. Somerset, 120. Miggel, CO. Somerset, 136. Miggele, Alygeley, William de, 617. Aligham. See Midgham. Mikelham, John de, 539. Milburn, Alilneburn, co. Westmoreland, 250. Alilcote, Alulecote [co. Warwick], 621. Mildenhall, co. Suffolk, 128, 415. Mildenhall, Master John de, 169. Milham, Thomas de, 98. Alilicrs, William le, 612. Milleford, Richard de, 421. Miller, Geoffrey the, 581. Milleward, Robert le, 241. Alilno, John atte, 144. Milnehurn. See Milburn. Milnthorp. See Milthorpe. Milsent, AVilliam, 320. Milthorpe, Milnthorp, co. Lincoln, 372, 438. Milton, Middelton, co. Kent, 161. , abbey [co. Dorset], 210, 221. . , hundred of, 538. , CO. Monmouth, 137. , co. Somerset, 22. Alilverton, Molverton, co. Warwick, 154, 278. Aline.s, 160, 285. in C'ornwall, 244. in Devon, 52. Minsterley [co. Salop], 220. Minstrels, order concerning, 306. Minot, Myniot, Michael, 335, 475. Alinster, Lovel, co, Oxford, 154. Almster-in-Thanet [co. Kent], letters close dated at, 32-34, 36. Minsterworth, Menstreworth [co. Gloucester], 74, 557. Alinter, Lambert le, 371. Aliskin, Meskyn [co. Glamorgan], 289. Misne, Edmund son of Andrew de, 254. Missenden abbey [co. Buckingham], 557,564. Alisterton, Alunstretton, co. Leicester, 154. Mitford castle [co. Northumberland], 518, 532, 537. Mitford. See Mutford. Mockyng, John de, 196. , Robert de, 332. Modeford Ferrj'. See Mudford. Aloeles, Margaret wife of Nicholas de, 275, 354, 389. , Nicholas de, 52, 67, 154, 158. Roger de, 52, 158. , , brother of Nicholas de, 380. Mohun, John de, 17, 311. Aloigne, Moygne, Andrew le, 342, 358. , Joan wife of Henry le, 175. John le, 339. , Katherine wife of John le, 547. , Kobert le, 321, 522. Thomas le, 101, Moiliere, .lohn de, 469. Mokelyngton. See Mucklington. Molaghyde. See Mullagh. Molash, CO. Kent, 84. Molden, Moldon, Richard, 176, 177. Aloleford, Master Gilbert de, 270. Molendino, John de, viewer of the king's works at Windsor, 164. , Thomas de, 475. Moleshale, Walter son of Henry de, 168. Molcton, Hugh de, 296. Mollcsworth, Walter de, 64, 129, 139, 323. Molton, Multon, North, co. Devon, 115, 116, 197, 471. GENERAL INDEX, 711 !N[olverton. Sec Milverton. Molyn, Lawrence de, 38.5, 457. Molyns, John de, 124, 1C7. Mondiron, A. de, 92. Monek. See Monk. Monelia, John de, 118. Monene, V. de, 91. Monesleie [? Munslow, co. Salop], 75. Mongaurin, Orguil de, 92. ,P. de, 92. Monile, John de, 23. Monilie, John de, 20, 40. Monille, John de, chamberlain, 22. Monk, Monek, John le, 301. Monkkirkeby. See Monks Kirby. Monks Kirby priory, co. Warwick, 343, 436. Monmouth, John de, bishop of Llandaff, 67, | 121,365,382,480,561. Montacute priory [co. Somerset], 395. John prior of, 604, 606. Monte Acuto, Simon de, 325, 516. William de, 110, 276, 289, 369, 377, 395, 477, 510, 527, 547. knt, 88, 433, 607. , William son of Simon de, 524, 525. Monte Albano, John de, 386, 458. Monte Alto, Emma wife of Robert de, 34, 242. John de, 168. Robert de, 34, 60, 66, 200, 216, 234, 586, 594, 602. knt., 591, 624. , steward of Chester, 236. See also Mouhaut. Monte Regon[is], Roger de, 286. Monte Caniso, Dionisia de, 56, 191, 195. , John de, 571 . knt., 592. Sir Warin de, 191, 195. William de, 56. Sir William de, 191, 195. Monte Claro, Frisottus de, 330, 331. , Tottus de, 330, 331. Monte Episcopi, William de, 329. Monte Fixo, William de, 18. Monte Forti, Montfort, Alexander de, 212. Ilawisia, wife of William de, 82. John de, 214. Peter de, 278, 593. , Reginald de, 136. Robert de, 99, 580, 609. , Sir Robert de, 99. , William de, 15, 99. Monte Gomeri, Ellen de, 366, 432. Owen de, 6. Philip de, 140, 541. Monte Ilermerii, Ralph de, 4, 67, 251, 263, 414. , keeper of the forest south of the Trent, 172, 175, 178, 179, 187, 237, 246, 247, 2.53, 270, 273, 274, 280, 284, 290, 327, 364, 372, 373, 403, 520, 521, 525, 534, 542, 550, 556. Monte Martini, John de, prior of Prittlewell, 416. Matthew de, 181. , Ponsard de, 78, 479. Montferrat, the marquess of, 76. Montgomery castle, constable of, 40, 111. 187, 588 ; and see Aldithelegh, Hugh de. ... the honour of, 381. Mont Guyon, Mons Guidonis, Saintougo (Charente-Inferieure), 230. Montibus, Elizabeth«wife of Ehulo de, 515. Ehulo de, 336, 339, 469. knt., 336. ....... constable of Stirling castle, 31, 354. Peter de, 329, 403. Monton, Oliver de, 312. IMoutpellier, France, 4, 124, 163, 249, 363. !Montreuil, Mons Trolley, France, 144. Mont St. Michel, Normandy, abbey of, 90, 557. j Monye, Peter le, 607. i Monyton, John de, 465. I Moorcot, Morcole, Morkote, co. 0.xford, 74, 155. I iMora, Isolda wife of John de, 137. John de, 137. Robert de, 149. Morar, Arnald dou, 91. Moraunt, Morant, Jordan, 253. keeper of the archbishopric of Canterbury, 6, 10, 18. Morcote. See Moorcot. Mordauut, William, 271. Mordon, Morden, Gilbert de, 537, 578. John de, 425, 604. More, La, near Kirton-in- Lindsey, co. Lincoln, 499. More, John atte, 310, 344. , Nicholas de la, 499. Ralph de la, 141. clerk of the works in Windsor ca.stle, 250, 381, 511. Reginald atte, 618. Stephen de la, 563. William de la, 39. master of the Templars in England, 6. Moreby, William de, 499. Moref, Moreve, John de, a Scotch i)risoner, 260. Morel, John, 597. Luke, 47. Moreton, co. Salop, 419. Moreve. See Moref. Moreward, John le, 231. Morewode, Roger de, 15, 610. Morgan, 289. Morgan de Avene, 351. ap Mereduth, 263. ap Mcreduk, 563. 712 GENERAL INDEX. .M'jrgaiinok. See Morgannwg. ^Morgannwg, Morgannok, ^[organnou, Wales, llG,'ld2, 138, 161, 162, 253, 258, 275, 289, 360, 361, 377, 401, 105-7, 409, 415. insuireetiou in, 276. sheriff' of, 409. Morliam, Sir Thomas de, 560. Morice, llartholomew, 323. , .Tohn, 323. , Walter, 94. See also Moriz, Moryz. Morileye, Ilawisia wife of Thomas de, 33. , Thomas de, 24, 33. Thomas son of Thomas de, 33. iMoriz, Oliver, 455. , Walter, 66. See also Morice, Moryce. Morkote. See Moorcote. IMorlee, Morleye, Ilawisia wife of .Robert de, 372, 373, 438. , Hobert de, 372,373, 438. Morpath, John, 270. Morpeth, co. Northumberland, 489, 511. Morram, Thomas, 125, 126. Morteyn, Eoger de, 611. , kilt., 558, 590, 618. ^Mortimer, Henry de, 20. , Hugh de, 20. lord of Richard’s castle, 592 ; a?id see Mortiio Mari, de. Mortival, Roger, bishop elect of Salisbury, 248. bishop of Salisbury, 248. 313, 480,519,520,561. ^lortlake [co. Surrey], letters close dated at, 536-538, 604-606. Mortmain, statute of, 127, 282, 295,395, 400, 486, 502. ISIorton [? Maid’s IMoreton], CO. Ruckinghani, 134. [co. Lincoln], 169. Pinkeney, co. Northampton, 623. CO. Warwick, 278. CO. York, 150. Morton-iipon-Swale, co. York, 489, 496. Morton, Clement de, 221, 529. John de, 134. Thomas de, 210. William de, 1 50. .Mortumer, William de, 307. iSIortuo Mari, Agnes de, 189. Constance de, 234. Constance wife of Henry de, 521. Henry de, 521. Margery and Joan daughters of Hugh de, 296. Roger de, 146, 350, 354, 391,441, 451, 488. Mortuo Mari — cont. of Chirk, 32, 33, 159, 288, 293, 307, 309, 563, 61C, 614. justice of North Wales and chamberlain of Carnarvon, 6, 11, 24, 29, 30, 272, 370, 392, 51.5, 531, 533, 534, 544. , the younger, 96. , of Vl^igmore, 82, 213, 229, 276, 320, 339, 376, 382, 504, 509, 539, 581. keeper of Ireland, 404, 405, 469,470, 476, 490, 500, 505, 517, 561, 574. , Roger son of Roger de, 309. William de, 274; and sec Mortimer. Mortymar, Margaret de, 563. IMorwode, Roger de, 1, 615. , , keeper of the honour of E^ e, 9. , William de, 9. IMoryce, Walter, 93. See also Morice, Moriz. IMoryleye. See Morileye. Moryn, John, 195, 568. Mose, William, 151. Mosecote, James de, 623. Moselere, .John le, 593. IMosiwra [co. Cumberland], 147. Moss}’, William, 140. Moston [co. Salop], 381. Mot, John son of John, 347. Mote, William de la, 67. lord of Willardesham, 102. W. R. de le, 92. Motelowe, Roger de, 608. Motherby, pari.sh of Greystoke, co. Cumber- land, 511. !Motoun, Arnald, 551. iVIoubray, Alexander de, 35. Eustace son of John, 286, 287. John de, 28, 285, 286, 5-0. Sir John de, knt., 79. lord of Axholme, 152, 602. .John sou of Roger de, 263. Roger de, 35, 175, 286, 287. Mouhaut, Clementia de, 235. See also Monte Alto. Moulton, IMulton, co. Suffolk, 137. Mouuce, Cicely, 349. Moimceaux, John de, 367. Peter de, 484. Robert de, 484. Moundevill, Sir Richard de, knt., 230. Mouner, Adam le, 344. John le, 2. Mounjoye, Serb) de, 435. Mounk, Peter le, 606. Mountbocher, Bertram de, 361. Mount Carmel, order of St. Mary of, 10. friars of, 183. GENERAL INDEX. r» 1 o / 1 O Mounteny, Agnes wife of Miles de, 597. , John de, 250, 590. Miles de, 597. , Kichard sou of John de, 599. Thomas de, 250. Mountnessing, Gyngmouuteny, Yugmouteu- e3'e, CO. Essex, 123, 133, 362. Moury, Bermund, knt. of the order of St. John of Jerusalem, .303. Mousegill, CO. 'Westmoreland, 250. Mouselewe. See Mowsle. Monsters, Nicholas de, 557. Mowsley, Mouselewe, co. Leicester, 28. Moygne. See Moigne. Moyronnyd. See Merioneth. Moyssi, Thomas son of Walter, 109. Muchelbampton, 158. Muchelney abbey [co. Somerset], '452. Mucklington, Mokelyngton, co. Essex, 167. Mudford, Modeford Terry [co. Somerset], 508. Muit, Matilda, 349. Mulbarton, Mulkeherton, co. Norfolk, 373. Mulcastre, .John de, 23. , William de, 23, 40, 120. Mulchet. See Melchet. Mulehorn, William de, 329. Mulecote. See Milcote. Muleshale, James son of Kichard de, 468. Muleton, .Tohn and William sons of Thomas de, 413. Thomas de, 413. Mnleward, Matilda wife of .John le, 166. Mullagh, Molaghyde, port of [Ireland], 488. Mulkeherton. See Mulbarton. Mulle, Bartholomew’ atte, 574. John atte, 589. Mullesworth, Walter, 131. Multon, ne.ar Bishop’s castle, 529. CO. Suffolk. See Moulton. North. See Molton. Alulton, Edmund son of John de, 276, 426. , Hubert de, 1 14. .loan wife of Edmund de, 377, 392, 451. John de 1 14, 276. .John son of Sir Hubert 7. Nantes, Brittan)', 455, 552. Nantoil, Nauntoill, Oliver son of John de, usher of queen Isabella’s ehamber, 259, 376. Naperie, Naperye, Geoffrey de la, 233, 305. Thomas de la, 436. Napton, Robert de, 154. Narbonne, 93. Nasard, Henry, 409, 549, 588, 615, 621. Naseby, Navesby, co. Northampton, 137. Nassabon, Kicbard, 55. Nassington, John de, 79. Nastok. See Navestock. 714 GENERAL INDEX. Nasloke, Joliii de, 590. Natcsgrave. See Notgrove. I Naulton, Jiicliard de, 499. j , KogiT de, 499. j Naiintoill. See Nantoil. Navarre, king of. See Louis. (lueen of. See Blanche. Naveshy. See Na.seby. Navcsby, Robert de, 213. Navestock, Na.stok, co. Essex, 9-1. j Navland, Neilande, Eylande [co. .Suffolk], 340, 538. Naylingliurst manor [Braintree], co. Essex, 212 . I Nayte, La. Nee Aits. ! Neasham, co. Durham, 489. 494, 49.5. | Neath, Neeth [co. Glamorgan], IG2. ' castle, 407. | Nodding. See Nedging. | Nede, Juliana wife of, William le, 95. , William le, 95. Nedging, Nodding, co. Suffolk, 19G. j Ncdham, John de, 433. ! Neel. Robert, 150. , Thomas, 543. Walter, 588. j Neen Sollars, co. Salop, 213. i Neeth. See Neath. ! Neilande, La. See Nayland. Neivill. See Nevill. Nerford. See Norford. Neroche, Richiche, forest, co. Somerset, 238. j Nesbit, co. Northumberland, 83. I Nctherorton. See Worton, Nether. j Netherwentin Glamorgan, 239. Netley abbey, Lettele, Letele, I.ittele, co. Hants, 41, 143, 279, 388, 452, 520. Nettleham [co. Lincoln] , 321. Nettlestead, co. Kent, 134. t co. Suffolk, 113. j Neu, Richard, 254. Neubaud, Nicholas, 15,66. Neubigging, Thomas de, 501. Neuburgh. See Newburgh. Neuburgh, Alice wife of Walter de, G9. Neuby, Robert de, 39, 437, 440. Neue, John sou of Richard, 254. Richard sou of Benedict, 2.54. Neugate, Walter de, 80. Neuhaghe, Hugh de, 43G. Neuland, John de, 478. Sir John de, 587. Neulovc, Richard, 445. Neuman, John, 77. i Neuport. See Nieuport. Ncuport, Richard de. See Newport. William de, 415, 583. Neusom, Neuson. See Newsham. Neusom, Thomas dc, 101. Newton, Emma daughter of William de, 13G, 5G5. , Henry de, 43. , John de, 498. Neuvill, Thomas de, 495. Nevill, Neivill, Nova Villa, Christina de, 211. , Christina wife of William dc, 334. Dionisiawife of John de, 36. , Hugh de, 100, 143, 340, 392. , John de, 36, 143, 199, 331, 412, 610. sheriff of Lincoln, 120, 125' 510. , Sir .John de, 78, 307. , Philip de, 21 1. Ranulph de, 149. Roger de, 346. , Theobald de, 270, 296. , Thomas de, 352. William de, 4, 116, 211, 558. New Barn, Nova Grangia, near Usk [co. Monmouth], 132. New Forest, co. Hants., 17, 18, 100, 534. , park of, 538. Newark, co. Nottingham, 256, 314, 347, 591. Newbald [co. York], 247. , Kyrkenwebalde, co. York, the pre- bend of, in York minster, 245, 302. Newbiggin, co. Northumberland, 83, 511. , the prebend of, in the collegiate church of Lanchester, 305. Newbold, co. Leicester, 410, 558. [Verdon], co. Leicester, 381. North [co. York], 73. Newborough, Newburgh, co. Salop, 390, 393. castle, 407. Newburgh, co. York, letters close dated at, 373, 374, 376, 420, 433, 437-439. Newburj-, co. Berks, 299, 503. Newcastle-on-Tyne, co. Northumberland. 18, 21, 95, 96, 120, 121, 160, 175, 228, 252, 258, 292, 316, 318, 319, 322, 326, 342, 363-365, 367, 409, 414, 422, 430- 432, 434, 473, 484, 497, 506, 514, 523, 539-541, 549, 562, 563, 568. bailiffs of, 8, 41, 550. , castle of, 173, 188, 514. constable of, 493. customs, 498, 499, 549. letters clo.se dated at, 56-59, 61, 100. mayor and bailiffs, 182, 326, 360, 551. prison, 61. Newcastle Emlyn, parish of Kenarth, co. Carmarthen, 241, 263, 392, 529. Newebaud, Geoffrey de, justice, 54. Neweland, .Tohn de, 371. Neweman, Robert, 581. Newemone, Richard, 464. Newenden, co. Kent, 609. Newenham abbey [co. Devon], 305. GENEKAL INDEX. Xewenton, Newynton, co. AYorcester, 255, 277. Xewentoii hospital in Iloklerness [? Xewton, CO. York], 320. Xewentone, diocese of Winchester, 329. Xeweton, Alan de, C14. , Henry de, 166. Xewgate. Sec London. Xewham, co. Xorthumberland, 121. Xewland, co. Stafford, 338. Xewmiuster [co. Xorthumberland], letters close dated at, 57-60, 65, 101, 102. Xewnham, co. Oxford, 8. Xervport, Flanders. See Xieuport. Xewport [co. Jlonmouth], 531. CO. Salop, 549. Xewport Pagnel, co. Buckingham, 579. , letters close dated at, 245, 305. Xewport, Richard de, bishop of London, 469, 480, 53.5, 561, 569. Xewsham, 32. Neuson, Xeusom, co. Lincoln, 269. [co. Y'ork], 367, 495. Xewstead in Sherwood [co. Xottingham], letters close dated at, 313. Xewton, CO. Leicester, 28. , CO. Xorfolk, 373. [St. Loe], CO. Somerset, 136. , CO. York, 149. Xeylond. See Nayland. Xeyvill, Robert de, 360. Xice, Agnes, 349. Xichol, William, 543. Xicholas, David son of, de Middelton, 541. Geoffrey' son of William son of, de Redbouru, 479. .John son of, 352, 353. Xicholas son of, de Ely, 206. son of, de Warrewyk, 20. Xichole, Geoffrey, 142. Xicole, John, 105. Xidd, CO. York, 489. Xieuman, John le, 579. Xieuport, Xeuport, Xewport, Flanders, 315, 398, 486. Xigel, .John son of, justice, 403. Robert son of, 173. son of, de Ilamerton, 235. Xigro Castro, Albert de, grand preceptor of tbc hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, 29, 88, 89. Xiket, Thomas, 323. Xithyngale, Fhdip, 215. Xiwehethe. See Hy'the, Xew. Xiwelond [co. Cornwall], 114. Xoble, John le, 609. Thomas le, 186. Xoguer, I’er. V. dou, 92. Xoiz, William, 429. Xok, Thomas atte, 275. Xoketon, William de, 133. 715 Xonaunt, Roger de, 600. Xonewyk, lioger de, 429. Roger son of Robert de, knt., 319. Xonyntou, blaster Richard de, 467. Xoreys, Xoreis, Xorreis, Isabella wife of Alexander de, 285. , John le, 406, 563. , Robert le, 391. , Roger, 589. Roger le, 25. le Porter, Roger, 398, 407, 493, 497. Xorfolk, county of, 15, 35, 37, 66, 77, 78, 81, 85, 98, 101, 109, 131-133, 195, 200, 203, 208, 211, 212, 216, 222, 225, 231, 242, 246, 249, 300, 312, 322, 332, 336, 339, 361, 402, 415, 422, 435, 445, 451, 464, 465, 468, 470, 481, 483, 499, 540, 551, 572, 582, 583, 586, 587, 591, 594, 600, 602, 603, 610-613, 616, 618, 622, 624. knights of the shire for, 326. scutage in, collectors of, 188. sheriff of, 2, 10, 16, 21, 27,34, 35, 44, 49,51, 55, 63, 67,109,113, 120, 145, 151, 168-171, 180, 244, 247, 251, 253, 254, 262, 284, 315, 319, 326, 350, 355, 364, 366, 387, 398, 399, 401, 481, 488, 514, 517, 519-521, 524, 525, 528, 543, 544, 552; attd see Claveryng’, Alex- ander de. Xorfolk, Alice, countess of, 301. , earl of. See Bigod, Roger le Brotherton, Thomas de. Xorfolk, Stephen de, 417. Xorford, Xerford, Petronilla de, 606, 607. Xorham castle [co. Durham], 369. , constable of, 402. Xorhampton, Sir John de, 228. Tierri, Tcrricus, de, 311, 451. Xorhampton. See Xorthampton. Xorman, Henry, 255, 604. John, 191, 442, 606. Xormandy, 9, 90, 154, 254, 353, 448, 4 53, 557. Xormans, the, 9, 156. Xormanton, Benedict de, 308. Xormaunt, Alerin le, 3ol. Xormanvill, Robert de, 418. Xorreis. See Xoreys. Xorthallerton, Alverton, co. York, 260. Xorthampton, 59, 122-126, 201, 206, 283, 313 356,482, 537, 591, 620. Carmelite friars of, 591. castle, 505, 541. king's park at, 126. king’s prison at, 401. letters close dated at, 122, 125-132 136, 138, 142, 201-20.5, 241, 418, 421 ’ 481, 482,554-556,623. St. Andrew’s priory, 432, 436. St. James’s abbey without, 620. St. John’s hospital, 90. GENKRAL INDEX. 71G Xortlianiptoii — cont. , St. Mary’s church, without the castle, G20. , county of, 27, 44, 5G, 70, 79, 82, 138, IPO, 201,203, 204,21!, 212, 214-21G, 223, 23G, 273, 300, 304, 3UG, 311, 313, 314, 319, 32G, 329, .348, 3,59, 360, 403, 414. 421, 423, 440, 442, 451, 4G4, 4G5, 474, 478, 479, 481, 499, 55G-5.58, 571, 573, 583, 589, 591, 597, 610, GIG, G23, 624. , fore.stcrs of fee in, 274. , sheriff of, 2, 14, 28, 70, 119, 122, 123, 125, 126, 14 4, 193, 212, 242, 245, 253, 254, 259, 2G0, 263, 283, 327, 356, 377, 399, 402, 507, 538, 540, 542, 552, 569, 570. Northampton, Thomas tie, 82. Northburgh, co. York, 582. Northburgh, Roger de, 94, 221, 260, 280,297, 363, 368, 369, 371, 378, 397, 405, 428, 435, 479, 556, 582, 602. keeper of the wardrobe, 333, 3G1, 362, 365, 376-378, 490, 522, 532, 538, 551. Northcadebery. See Cadbury, North. Northcote, co. Gloucester, 135. Northcray [co. Kent], 98. Northesce, co. Sussex, 347. Northgate near Newark, 347. Northiam, Iham [co. Sussex], 608. Northill, North3evele [co. Bedford], 56. Northinton, co. Wilts, 166. Northleu. See Lew, North. Northmerdon. See Marden, North. Northmolton. See Molton, North. Northneubald. See Newbold, North. Northotodeworth. See Tidworth, North. Northpydele. See Piddle, North. Northridge, North Kigge, co. Mbits, 547. Northumberland, county of, 43, 56, 78, 80, 173, 195, 227, 252, 292, 337, 340, 342, 426, 430, 465, 476, 538, 550, 551, 601. sheriff of, 42, 43, 61, 97, 121, 147, 165, 166, 179, 188, 251, 283, 325, 356, 360, 402, 414, 541, 550; and see Kidel, bVilliam. Northwell, CO. Cambridge, 116. Norlhwell, William de, 44, 428. clerk of the kitchen, 10, 31. Northwode, Ileni j’ de, 191. John de, 484. Margaret, wife of Simon de, 237. Simon de, 237. Thomas tie, 600. Northyevele. See Northill. Nortoft, [Guilsborough], co. Northampton, 116. Norton, 555. CO. Leicester, 154. diocese of Lincoln, 591. co. Norfolk, 133. co. Northampton, 573. I Noiton — cant. , near Condover, co. Salop, 264. Lindsay, co. Warwick, 368. Norton, Alice, wife of Heniy de, 455. Andrew de, 611. , James de, 168, 486. , , knt., 601. , John de, 45, 83, 92, 187, 203, 218, 271, 290, 332, 346, 382, 444, 544, 545, 585. , Philip de, 209. AValter de, 471. Norway, 2, 80, 326, 333. , king of. See Haakon VI. Norwich, 80, 132, 218, 242, 354, 481, 489, 545. , bishop of. See Salmon, John. castle, 151, 170, 180, 520. , diocese of, 68, 616. priory, 130, 4.52, 480, 571. , prior and chapter of, 130. prison, 34, 55, 251, 284, 556. , St. Giles’s hospital, 156. Norwyco, Norwico, John de, 172, 611. 'Walter de, 245, 249, 602, 616. , knt., 209, 374. , , treasurer, 185, 201, 246, 251, 267, 292, 337, 347, 455. Noseley, Nouesleye, co Leicester, 418. Nostell, St. Oswald’s priory [co. Vork], 435. Notgrove, Natesgrave, co. Gloucester, 277. Notingham, Henry de, 603. , Hugh de, 281. Robert de, 89. Richard de, 333, 614. Nottingham, 284, 298, 319,392,449,482, 500, 547, 560. bridge, 449. castle, 3, 21, 240, 293, 513. , constable of, 260, 351 ; and see Segrave, John de. Scottish prisoners in, 260. gaol, 10, 141, 244, 263. letters close dated at, 383-385, 387, 446, 447, 487-491, 557-563. county of, 180, 196, 199,202,211, 226, 246, 315, 318, 319, 321, 323, 339, 361, 391, 425-427, 430, 431, 435, 440, 460, 468, 526, 562, 569, 584, 586, 614, 618. , forests in, 274. foresters of fee in, 274. justices in eyre in, 260. sheriff of, 4, 10, 25, 6,5, 86, 106, 111, 119, 124, 141, 160, 240, 248, 256, 257, 259, 260, 263, 268, 293, 296, 298, 327, 402, 430, 488, 498, 513, GOO. Notyl, John de, 149. Nouesleye. See Noseley. Nova Curia, Hildebrand de, 90. Nova Grangia. See New Barn. GENERAL INDEX 717 Nova Villa. See Nevill. Novel disseisin, assize of, 209. Novel, Anthony, 554. Currethinus, 554. Noverey, John de, 38. Novo Burgo, Ambrose de, 32 G. Novo Castro, Henry de, 236. John de, 199. Peter de, 340, 585, 622. Novo Mercato, Thomas de, 245. Nowers, Letice de, 1 50. Noyers, Sir Miles de, 425. Noyl, VV’illiam, 506, 534. Nunburnholme, Bninnum, co. York, 489, 501, 512. abbey [co. Y^ork], 123. Nunnewyk, Hugh de, 437. Nutboume [co. Sussex], 59, 61. Nuttle, William de, 66. Nympton, King’s, co. Devon, 116. o Oakham [co. Rutland], 127. Oaklej’, Acleye [co. Bucks], 527. , Ockleye [co. Suffolk], 113. Ocham. See Okham. Ockham, co. Surrey, 131, 137. Ockle, Christiana de, 311. John son of Roger de, 311. Ocklee, Bartholomew de, 312. Ockleye. See Oakle)’. Odard, Richard, 268. Oddyngseles, .John, 112. Roland de, 294. Ode, Ralph, 114. Richard, 217. Odell, Wodhull [co. Bedford], 151. Odiham, co. Hants, 140, 276. Odo, Duke of Burgundy, 470. Odstone, co. Leicester, 28. Odyham, William de, 571. (Jffaly, CO. Kildare, lord of. See Fuiz Thomas, John le. Offinton. See Ovington. OfBnton, William de, 611. Offley, ECFele, co. Hertford, 438. Offord, CO. Huntingdon, 522. Ofifyngton, Thomas sou of Thomas de, 347. Offynton, William de, 464. Ogbom, Okeburn, priory [co. Wilts], 330. Oggill, Henry de, 364. Ohanlan, Mora w ife of, 368. Ok’, Richard atte, 609. ( )kam, John de, 250. Oke, Richard atte, 214. Okeburn. See Ogborn. Okehangre, Geoffrey do, 519. Okclshagh, Richard son of .John de, 569. Okethi, in Ireland, 53. Okham, Ocham, John de, 34, 59, 63, 112, 301, 347, 538, 610. Old Hay [manor in Mereworth], co. Kent, 134. Old Sarum. See Sarum. Old Weston, Wodeweston, co. Huntingdon, 27. Oldefeld, Henry de, 145. Oldington. See Oldyngton. Oldland, Oldlond, with Hide, co. Gloucester, 415. Oldyngton, Henry de, 220, 319, 437. Oliver, Robert, 196, 569. Walter, 326. OIneye, John de, 422. Olreton. See Orleton. Olton, Matilda daughter of William de, 11. Olyver, Ralph, 336. Onesie, Seman de, 76. Ongar, Angre, co. Essex, 590. , hundred of, 107. High [co. Essex], 597. Marden Ash in, 597. Onley, Onniley [co. Northampton], 349. Operton, Adam de, justice, 390. Orby, Orreby, co. Lincoln, 526. Orcheston, Orkeston, co. Wilts, 292. Ordainers of the realm, 166, 180, 334. Ore, William de, 134. Oreford, Henry de, 566, 617. Orfe^Te, Robert le, 599. , Roger le, 141. Orford, co. Suffolk, 392. bailiffs of, 7. port of, 168. Orkeston. See Orcheston. Orkestowe, Jollan de, 149. Orlauston, William de, 102. Orleans, 572, 587, 593, 596, 599. bishop of, 303. Orleton, Olreton, co. Worcester, 169. Orleton, Adam de, bishop of Hereford, 529, 561, 588. Orm, Orme, William, 483, 539. Oruiesby, Ellen wife of William de, 142. John son of William de, 481. Roger de, son of William dc, 142. Thomas .son of Roger de, 226. William, 545. William dc, 108, 323. knt., 231. justice, 24, 55, 195, 481. Ormskirk, Ormcschirche, co. Lancaster, 242. Ornington, Jordan de, 287. Orreby, Gilbert de, 97. John de, 8, 501, 526. Philip de, 501. Orsett, Orsele, co. Essex, 207, 280, 281. Orton, co. Oxford. See Worton. Orwell [co. Suffolk], port of, 168. 718 GENEllAL INDEX. Orye, Sir Bernabo de, 7G. , Sir Conrad do, 70. Osborn, Bichard, 177. Osbert, John son of, 591. Oseborn, William, 289. Oselveston. See Owston. < Isenbrugg. See Osnabriick. O.seney, oo. Oxford, 128, 140. abbey, 134, 155, 304, 338, 4G3, 470. Osgod, William, 543. Osgodby [co. York], 43G. Osgodtby, Osgotbv, Adam de, G7, 78, 82, 85-88, 94-9G, 98, 190, 206, 207, 219, 227, 233, 307, 313, 314, 319, 335, 339, 343, 618. , keeper of the rolls of chancery, 75, 333, 443. keeper of the great seal, 197. , keeper of the Confers/, London, 46, 122, 183, 184, 228, 374. , canon of St. Peter’s, Y'‘vk, 230. prebendary of Newbigging in the collegiate church of Lanchester, 305. Isabella de, 618. Bichard de, 307. Bobert son of Bobert de, 436. Walter de, 231, 432. Sir William de, 231. < Ismondiston, co. Norfolk, 34. Csmondreley. See Osmotherley. Osmotherley, Osmondreley, co. York, 489. Osnabriick, Osenbrugg, Germany, 366, 376, 393, 398. Ospringe, Hosprenge, co. Kent, 538, hospital, 55, 90, 192, 434. Ossory, W., bishop of, 490. Ossulveston abbey. See Owston. Ostage, O.sbert, 338. William, 90. Oswaldkirk, co. York, 80, 615. ar. of Burton Hastings], CO. Warwick, 27. Shelley, co. Suffolk, 133. .Shelve [co. Salop], 226. Shelvcstrode, .Toan wife of Walter de, 504. Shenefton, co. York, 429. Shenhain, co. Norfolk, 136. j Shenstone [co. Stafford], 488. Shepeie, William de, 28. Shepen, Shepene, Shupen, Richard de, 81, 82, 588. Shepenes, Matilda wife of Robert .son of Ralph de, 341. , Robert son of Ralph de, 341. .Sheperton, .John de, 192. Shepesheved, Shepeshevet. See Sheepshed. Shepton Moigne. See Shipton Moyne. Shepton Mo^’gne, Gilbert de, 291. Sherborne, co. Dorset, 166, 171. abbey, 221, 439, 599. castle, 394, 408, 502. hospital, 437. , co. Warwick, 255, 256. Sherburn, Shirburn, co. York, 512. Sherflninger, Ivar, 2. Sheriff Lench, Shireveslech, co. Worcester, 491. Sherlonde, Scherlonde in Pluckley, co. Kent, 203, 204, 205. Sherman, John le, 323. Sherrington [co. Buckingham], 37. Sherwood forest, co. Nottingham, 3-5, 65, 106, 119, 124, 141, 240, 244, 259, 262, 327, 384, 402, 600. , steward of, 202 ; and see Dogmer- feld, William de. Shete in Windsor forest, 70. Shiffeld. See Sheffield. Shifnal, Ideshale, co. Salop, 99. Shilton, Shulton, co. Warwick, 278. Shilvyngton, Shylyngton, Robert de, 398, 407, 493, 497. Shimpling [co. Suffolk], 280. Sbinglewell, co. Kent, 335. Shipman, Henry le, 423. Ships, king’s, 183. captain and admiral of the fleet of, 171 ; and see Botetourt, John. Ships, names of : — Alizote, le, 238. llaiard, la Petit; la Petite Bayard, 444, 552. Bon An, le, 577, 592. Bon An de la Strode, 457, 592. Bona navis de la Strode, 387, 536, 579, 580. Co(ja, 385. Creade, la, 37, 48. (Jristophre, la, 31, 168, 171. Croiizeynhery, la, 175. Crnxcsbergli, Gruxesbergh, Grusebergh, la, 93. Dromond, 291, 341, 345, 475. Godeger, la, 326. Isabelle, 97. Johanette, la, 461. .Tone tie, la, 168. Katerbie, la, 95, 302. GENERAL INDEX. 7;i7 Ships, names of — cont. Lxjon de Hertciz, le, 5CG. Margarete, la, 175. Mariole, la, 41. Mariol, la, 385, 456. Mariote de Lij Yuwel, la, 227. Messager de Berewyk, la, 227. Nicholas, la, 444, 460, 466, 594. Plente, la, 552. JRedccoge, la, 488, 517. St. Mary, 302. of Castro, 302. Saiicte Marie cogn, 461, 462. Sancti Georgii navis, 582. Seixit Johan, le cogg, 238. Strode, bon an de la, 457, 592. bona navis de la, 387, 536, 579, 580. Sicalewe, la, 593. Trinite, la, 238. Valencia, coga de, 457, 563. Welyfar, la, 455. Welifare la, le, 73, 93. Zuane, le, 315. Shipton, Shybton, co. Oxford, 116, 117, 155. Shepton, Moyne, co. Gloucester, 175, 291. Shipton, Robert de, 41. Shirburn, co. York. See Sherburn. Shire, Bartholomew de, 600. Shireburn, .lohn de, 355. Shirefeld, Hugh de, 268. Shireford. See Shelford. Shireford, John de, 104. Shireleye, Ralph de, 42. Shireveslech. See Sheriff Lench. Shirewell, Henry de, 345. Shirewode. See Sherwood. Shirland, Robert de, 484. Shirle, Shirleye, James son of Ralph de, 85. , Ralph de, 74, 268. , , knt., 339. Shirlok, .lohn, 570. Shockeburgh, Simon de, 27. Shokebiirgh. See Shuckbtirgh. Shoreham [co. Sussex], 142, 234. Shoreham, Henry de, 142. Shoren, Master Henry de, 467. Shortford, William de, clerk of the works at Windsor, 164. Shothereskelf, Alan de, 37 I . Shotlingtou, Adam de, 198. Shotover forest, co. Oxford, 140, 356, 360. Shotteswell, Chetteswelle, co. Warwick, 278, 586, 588. Shottisham [co. Suffolk], 55. Shouldham, co. Norfolk, 132. priory, 132. Shreueleye. See Shrewley. Shrewley, Shreueleye, co. Warwick, 368. 72604. Shrewsbury, co. Salop, 217, 264, 364. abbey, 204, 437, 545. bailiffs of, 258. castle, 505, 507, 531, 541. prison in, 40, 57, 122, 241. , St. Mary’s free chapel, 596. , , dean of, 1 72. St. Michael’s free chapel, dean of, 173. Shrivenham, co. Wilts, 400. Shuckburgh, Shokeburgh, co. Warwick, 27. Shulbred, Shelbred, priory [co. Sussex], 453. Shultou. See Shilton. Shupen. See Shepen. Shupton, George de, 56.5. Richard son of Thomas de, 483. Shupton Moigne, Ralph de, 225. Shuter, Geoffrey le, 402. Shutlyngdon, Robert de, chief chaplain in St. Edward’s chapel, Windsor castle, 522, 525. Shybton. See Shipton. Shyreveheye, co. Worcester, 277. Shyrokes, Henry de, 246. Sibford, Sibbeford, co. Northampton [rectins Oxford], 155. Sibbertoft, co. Korthampton, 229, 487, 493. Sibberton [co. Northampton], 425. Sibely, .John, 177. Sibethorp. See Sibthorp. Sibeton abbey. See Sibton. Sibeton, Geoffrey de, also called .lecke, 242. Geoffrey and Adam sons of Adam de, 242. ,Tohn de, 242. Sibford, co. Oxford, 116, 117, 470. Gower, co. Oxford, 155. Sibthorp, Sibethorp, Simon de, 202, 339. Thomas de, 463, 616. Sibton abbey [co. Suffolk], 433. Sicca Villa, Ralph de, 78. Sicily, 425. Sicklinghall, co. York, 150,259. Siclynghale. See Sicklinghall. Siena, 64, 475. Sigelesthorne, .John de, 7. Silkeston, Robert de, 483. Silly, William de, 159. Silsden, Syghilesden, co. York, 117. Silver, Richard, 96. Silverstone, Silveston, Selvcston [co. North- ampton], 187, 271, 290. Silverton, Sulfcrton [co. Devon], 515. Silveston. See Silverstone. Silvestrc, Peter, 133. Sinienel, John, 423. Simon, Adam son of, 66. , , de Crombe, 585. Edmund son of John, son of, 220. John, 105. 3 .4 738 gp:nekal index. .Simon — coni. John son of, hnt., 101. do Patoshiill, 482. Nicholas son of Ihilph, .590. Simon son of, de Halle, 87. , de Perpount, 46). Sire, Bartholomew le, 314. Siresham. See Syresham. Sireston, Kobert de, 435. .Sirice. See Zierikzee. Sixel, Philip de, 63. Sixhill, Sexhill priory [co. Lincoln], 108, 148. Skaftworth, William sou of John de, 21 1. Skarnistone, co. Suffolk, 350. .Skay, Robert le, 300. Skegby, co. Nottingham, 171, 316. Skelton, co. Cumberland, 249. [co. York], 247, 363. abbey, 447. Skelton, Adam de, 69, 374, 447, 462, 494, 496, 504. John de, 598, 611. , Walter de, 56. Skendelby, Thomas de, 474. Skendleby, co. Lincoln, 526. Skeruing. See Seaming. Skibeden [Embsay] co. York, 117. Skillington, co. Lincoln, 373. Skinburness, Skymburncss, co. Cumberland, 98, 113, 488, 504,517. Skinningrove, Skyunergreve [Brotton, co. York], 289. Skij)pere, Hermann le, 398. Skiptou-in-C'raven, co. YYnk, 119, 168. castle of, 505, 556. Skirbek, Christiana wife of William de, 201. William de, 201. Skirpenbeck, co. York, 338. .Skot, John, 549. Skrevyn, Henry de, 210. Skurre, Copyn, 97. Skybden. See Skibeden. Skydemor, Walter de, 58, 78. , , knt., 99. .Skydemore, John de, constable of Llanbadarn Fawr cattle [co. Cardigan], 249. Skymbiirnesse. See Skinburness. Skyunmyng, Henry son of Robert, 1. Skync’, Baldwin, 392. Skynne, Robert, 116. Skynner, Walter son of VYalter le, 466. Skynnere, Clement le, 95. Christiana la, 282. Sky nnergrene. See Skinningrove. Slabbard, John, 463. Slengesby, Richard do, 46. Slenkote, co. O.xford, 155. Sle])erdam in Flanders, 46. •Sloghtre John de, 623. Slothby, CO. Lincoln, 174, 266, 267. I Since, le. See Sluys. I Sluys, Sluce, Slus, Leschufe, Flanders, 62, 73, I 93, 96, 97, 218, 315, 316, 366, 376, I 392, 393, 500, 537, 593. Slykeburn, Isabella de, 178. Sruale, Clarice wife of Thomas le, 72. , Richard le, 333. Thomas le, 72. Smalbergh. See Smallburgh. Smalbrouk, Smalebrok, co. Wilts, 131,415. Smalecumbe, Adam do, 16. Smalhetz, Roger de, 379. Smallburgh, co. Norfolk, 201. Smalleie, Hugh de, 69. Smethecote, co. Salop, 264. Smith, Geofifrey the, 344. , Luke .son of Richard ihe, 618. , Peter the, 573. Smithfield. See London. Smyth, William le, 468. Snainton [co. York], 287. Snainton, John de. See Snaynton. Snap, Thomas de, 398. Snape, Thomas de, 407, 493, 497. Snarestone, Snarkeston, co. Leicester, 28. Snarkeston. See Snarestone. Snaynton, Snainton, John de, 80, 195, 287, 471, 483. Snelleslound, Amahilla de, 546. I Sneton, Richard de, 46. ' Snettertou, Siiyterton, co. Norfolk, 441. Snitterfield, Snytenfield [co. Warwick], 317. Snow, .Tohn, 14. Snowdon, Wales, the forestry of, 109, 152. i , keeper of 266 ; and see Griffin ap I Rees. Snowe, William, 423. Snytenfield. See Snitterfield. Snyterle [Holt hundred], co. Norfolk, 441. Snyterton. See Snettertou. Snyterton, Thomas de, 120. i knight of the shire for co. Nor- folk, 67. Socle [co. Northumberland], 83. Sodyngtou, Master Thomas de, justice, 186. Soham, Saham, co. Suffolk, 58. Soham, William de, 244. j Sokebourne, William de, 581. j Sokeling, Henry, 581. Solario, John de, 597. S(de, Richard atte, 347. Soles, Richard de, 96. Solers, Roger de, 213. Solihull, co. Warwick, 11. Solz, B. de, 92. P. A. de, 91. Somborne, Little [co. Hants], 609. j Somerby', Someredeby, eo. I/ineoln, 296. j .Somerbure, Henry de, 496. I Somercotes, co, Lincoln, 413. GENERAL INDEX, 739 Someredeby. See Somerby. Somerset, county of, 25, 67, 71, 75, 77, 78, 87, 102, 104, 136,158,196,210,212, 218, 220, 221, 224, 225, 235, 244, 301, 313, 328, 329, 336, 345, 346, 395, 422, 425, 431, 487, 525, 510, 571, 581, 583, 591,602, 604, 609, 614, 615. forests in, 274. , .sheriff of, 22, 35, 38, 58, 63, 168,238, I 244, 265, 275, 282, 298, 327, 359, 394, 39.5, 408, 423, 424, 488, 493, 504, 513. j Somerset, Somersete, ,IoLn de, 233, 453, 547. Somerton, co. Somerset, 22. prison, 63, 282, 359. , eo. Lincoln, castle, 260, 499. constable of, 260; and see Bello Monte, Henry de. , letters close dated at, 245, 494, 564. Somerton, Bartholomew de, 481. Somervill, Edmund de, 526, 623. Philip de, 623. Roger de, 129, 565. , , knt., 538. Somery, Adam de, 45. John de, 44, 58, 276, 441, 504. , , the king’s scullion, 122, 123. , Robert de, 209, 213, 321. Roger de, 440. Somme, the river, France, 318. Sordiche, John de, 311. .Sordoe, John de, 92. P. de, 92. Soreweles, William, 322. Sorroille, J. de, 92. Sort, R. B. de, 92. Souche, Sir Alan la, 197. John la, 1 97. , William la, 610 ; and see Zousche. Soudour, Richard le, 34. Souleby, co. Westmoreland, 250. Soumas, Raymond, 577. Sound!, William, 235. Soundoun. See Snowdon. Sourby, John son of Adam de, 586. Soureby. See Sowerby. Soureby, John de, 268. , Robert de, I 78. Souter, Soutere, Thomas le, 623. Roger, 349. Southampton, 41, 47, 57, 95, 142, 143, 146, 158, 270, 279, 292, 294, 298, 332, 388, 389, 455, 460, 520, 538. castle, 538. Christ Church hospital, 599. customs, 177, 492, 498, 499, 529,534, 536. mayor and bailiffs of, 42. prisage of wines at, 520. , prison, 36. , county of, 25, 74, 80, 81, 102, 136, Southampton, county of — cont. 191, 212, 221-223, 231,292,304, 311, 326, 329, 336, 343, 346, 382, 456, 458, 461, 579, 583, 597, 601, 6G2, 605, 606, 609, 614-616. , foresters of fee in, 274. , , justices in eyre in, 546. , sheriff of, 5, 13, 17, 33, 38, 48, 57, 65, 100, 110, 124, 140, 144, 162, 167, 180, 182, 187, 233, 237, 268, 269, 292, 298, 327, 356, 357, 362, 372, 385, 389, 401, 415, 481, 494, 514, 554, 580. , tallages in, 524. Southburi, Geoffrey de, 311, 312. Southease, co. Sussex, 581. Southoe, Sutho, co. Huntingdon, 415, 578. Wincestre &uth[o], co. Hunting- don, 116. Southren, Robert, 349. Southwark, co. Surrey, 224, 443, 469, 591, 593, 603. , St. Mary’s church, 570, 614, , priory, 15, 596, 622. , , Peter, prior of, 224. Southwick, Southwvke, priory, co. Hants, 437, 447. South wood [co. Essex], 79. Southwyke priory. See Southwick. .Soutton. See Sutton. Sowerby, Soureby, (Castle), [co. Cumber- land], 56, 58, 121, 364. , , bailiff of, 157 ; and see Barton, Robert de. , Temple, co. W’estmoreland 117 co. York, 352. in Tindale, 152. Spacy, Thomas, 104. Spain, 301, 425, 452, 580. Spalding, co. Lincoln, 378, 479. letters close dated at, 97, 121, 202, 247, 248, 462. j Spaldyng, .loceus de, 310, 312. .Spanneby, William de, 26. Sparewc, Isabella wife of Bobert, 606. Robert, 606. Sparsholt [co. Hants], 256. Spauuton, Robert de, 30. Spaynard, .lohn, 593. Spclsbury, co. Oxford, 491. Spenser, Nicholas le, 512. I Walter le, 512. I Warin le, 185. I William le, 451. 1 Spersholte, William de, 204. j Spetisbury, co. Dorset, 495. j Spicer, Guy le, mayor of Cambridge, 323. Henry le, 61. John le, 280. Peter le, 204. Richard son of Adam le, 70. Spichefat, .Ynastasia wife of William, 45. 3 A 2 710 GENERAL INDEX. Spigesworfh, John de, 141, 250, .381. clerk of the works in Windsor castle, 511. Spigurnel, Spygurnel, Henry, 101, 145. , justice, 24, 208, 31G, 320, 431, 445, 507, 51H, 532, .537, 530, 568, 602. Joan daughter of Pldninnd, 171, 316. John, 154. Richard, 435. Sarah wife of Edinnnd, 171, 316. Spikesworth. See Spixworth. Spilhord, Stephen, 445. Spillefrenchs, John, 408. Spilsby, CO. Lincoln, 50, 412. Spines, Simon de, 150. Spineto, William de, 278. S{)ini of Florence, merchants of the society of the, 7, 170. Spinis, Jacob de, 7. See also Spyne. Spixworth, Spikesworth [co. Norfolk], 242. Spofforth, forest [eo. York], 2t0. Spray, 144. Sprengehose, Roger, 29, 30. Springer, Springere, Sprynger, John, 387, 536, 580. Springet, John, 457. Sprotton, William de, 549. Sprov.’ston, co. Norfolk, 487. Sprunt, Henry, 177. Spryngaud, Walter, 294. Spryngehose, Thomas, 313, 442. Sprynger. See Springer. Spurnhare, William, 254. , William son of William, 254. Spurstow, CO. Chester, 383. Spycyr, Edmund le, 458. Spygurnel. See Spigurnel. Spyne, Jacob de, merchant of the society of Spini of EJorence, 170. See also Spinis. Spynele, Sir Elpisci, 76. Spyneyyl, Ascelina wife of .Tohn, 035. Spyney, Sp 3 ’neye, Thomas de, 248. William de la, 450, 557. Spyny, William, 452. de, 447. Spyr, John, 344. Squier, Sqnyer, John le, 484. I'hilip, 347. Richard, 123, 250, 268, 362, 393, 556. , le, 298. , yeoman of the king’s chamhcr, 497. Robert 35, 238, 356, 360, 393. , le, 33, 65, 157. S(piiller, John le, 5£4. Sipiirel, Squyrell, .lohn, 388, 564. Sqnyer. See Sipiier. S(piyrell. See Sipiirel. Stace, Thomas, 271, 289, 483. William, 609. Stacheman, Agnes wife of Philip, 251. , Philip, 251. Stachesdene, Henry de, 329. Stacy, Roger, 588. Staffal, John de, 178. Staffol, John, 361. de, 533. Stafford, 285, 291. the king’s free chapel of St. Wary of, 566, 596. dean of, 172. gaol, 242, 282, 401. , St. Thomas the Martyr’s priory, 447. county of, 44, 67, 68, 77, 179, 189, 269,273, 338, 421, 531, 597. , , forests in, 274. , forest pleas in, 20. knights of the shire for, 219 ; ajid see Dolton, Robert de ; Perton, John de. , .sheriff of, 14, 20, 1 14, 156, 219, 259, 267, 270, 541, 600. Stafford, Nicholas de, 34. Staiuhy, Sti.andhj', Styandeby, eo. Lincoln, 322, 348. Stainton, co. Lincoln, 155. Stak, Geoffrey, 28. Staketurna. See Stathern. Stalham, co. Norfolk, 612. Stalham, Thomas dc, 471. Sfalleby, Richard de, 611. Stalwra, co. York, 151. Stamford, Staunford, co. Lincoln, 347, 569. , letters close dated at, 253, 254, 313. , parliament at, 339, 340, 508. Stanbergh, Arnald de, 398, 486, 489. , Peter dc, 398, 489. See also Stenebergh, Stonbergh. Stauborough hundred, co. Deyon, 275. Stanburn, co. Suffolk, 415, Standhoton. See Sand Hutton. Standon, co. Herts, 134, 140. Stane, Gilbert de la, 327. Staneleye, William de, 606. Stanelok, Richard, 279. Stanern. Sec Slanion. Stanes, Master Richard de, 280. farrier of the king’s horses, 166, 171, 243, 248. Roger de, 14. William de, 435, 476. Stanford, 314. CO. Redford, 442. CO. Rerks, 131, 135, 137. [co. Worcester], 419. Estaunford [eo. Lincoln], 37. Rivers, eo. Essex, 590. Stanford, Gilbert de, 254. Ralph (le, 102. Stanford liivers, Richard de, 344. Stanho. See Stauhou. GENEKAL IXDEX. •■11 Stanhope, I’obcrt de, 497. Stanhoii, Stanho, Stanhowe, Master Kichard de, 77, 211, 312, 442, 435, 481, 609, S12. Stauion, Staiiern, co. Northampton, 134. Stanley, 472. , CO. Wilts, St. Mary’s abhej', 572, 601. Stanlowe, llalph de, 28. Stannaries, 396, 414. Stannington, co. Northumberland, 489, 512. Stanore, John de, 200. Stansfield, co. Suffolk, 133. Stanstead, co. Essex, 442. Stanton, co. Suffolk, 206. co. Surrey, 415. , Long [co. Cambridge], 590. co. Salop, 264. Stanton, Elias de, 418. .Tohn de, 206. Nicholas de, 72. , Thomas de, 609. See also Staunton. Stanyn, Richard, 315. Stanwyk, Alexander de, monk of Christ Church, Canterbury, 316. Stapelbrigg, Stephen de, 22. Stapeldon. See Sta))leton. Stapelford [co. Leicester], 487. , co. Nottingham, 478. Stapelford, Agnes wife of, Richard de, 399, 478. Stapclton, Stapleton, Agnes wife of Gilbert de, 427, 516, 517. ,..., Gilbert de, 427, 517. Joan, wife of Miles de, 231. .John de, 72, 429. son of Richard de, 403. Miles de, 51, 124. Robert de, 28. Staple [co. Kent], 473. Staple, Nicholas de, 55. Stapleton, co. Leicester, 28. Stapleton, Stapledon, Walter de, bishop of Exeter, 7, 50, 103, 122, 168, 185, 257, 305, 382, 459, 480, 551, 555, 561, 622, 624. canon of St. Peter’s, Exeter, 256, 297. Stater, John, 233, 384. Stathern, Staketurna [co. Leicester], 286. Statute of Acton Burnel, 185. Statutes Merchant, 185. Staumpes. See Etampes. Staunden. See Staunton. Stauudon. See Stondon. CO. Hertford, 141. Park, 411. Staundon, Benedict de, 294. ..., John de, 347. Vivian de, constable of Harlech castle, 266, 267. Staunfonl. See Stamford. I Staunford, Andrew de, 225, 301, 141. John de, 618. Margery de, 184. Nicholas de, 566, 578. Staunqeton. See Shangton. j Staunton, Staunden, co. Gloucester, 415. Harold, co. Leicester, 418. , St. Quintiu, co. Wilts, 415. Staunton, Stanton, Henry de, 440. I Hervey de, 44, 196, 206, 212, 225, j 316,389,396, 601. j justice, 20, 24, 29, 36, 46, 80, I 84, 113, 123, 128, 316, 513,556. f , baron of the exchequer, 337. , John de, 209. , Nicholas de, 19. Robert de, 298, 356. , William de, 521. Stanyn, .fohn, 231. Staxton, CO. York, 149. Stayuford, Scotayn [Scotton?], co. York, 148, 150. Staynford, Nigel de, 168. Stayngate. See Stonegate. Stayngreve, John son of Isabella, 237. Staynton, .John de, 163. Margaret de, 382, 514, 584. Stebbing, co. Essex, 212. Stebenheth. See Stepney. Stedeman, Stedman, Henry le, 435, 462, 572. Steenbergen, Stonbergh, Brabant, 315, 310, 398, 486. Steeping, co. Lincoln, 408, 409. Steeple, Stripel, co. Dorset, 414. Steeton, Stiveton in .\ynsty, co. York, 150, 4(1. Stel, Thomas, 319. Stele, John, 512. Stelling, co. Kent, 134. Stenebergh, Arnald de, 559. Peter de, 559. See also Stanbergh, Stonbergh. Steorte. See Stert. Stephen, Adam son of, 485. .... John son of Adam son of, de Bolton 268. , John son of Henr}’ son of, de Bikcr- stath, 291. , John son of, de Hendre, 541. prior of Montacute, 395. Stephen son of, de Houeden, 204, 587. Isabella wife of, 587. j Thomas son of, 133. Stepney, Stebenheth, co. Middlese.x, 93, 447. Steresman, Gilbert, 149. Sterre, .lohn, 332. Stert, Steorte, co. Wilts, 99. 712 (JEXERAL INDEX. Sterteford. See Stortford. Stovci), Henr^ , 254. StevcMie, John, 428, C22. Steventon, Styvynton [co. Berks], 301. Htevington, CO. Hertford [rect/KS Bedford], 155. Stewton, Styveton, Styvinton, co. Lincoln, 172, 23G. Stiandby. See Stainby. .''tibbiugton [co. Huntingdon], 425. Slifi'key, co. Norfolk, 133. Sufford, CO. Northumberland, 83. Stilton, CO. Huntingdon, 134. Stirchesle, John de, 87, 95. Stirling, 547. castle, 31, 354, 545. , battle netir, 109. Stistead [co. E.ssex], 509. Stistede, John son of Roger de, G09. Stttenom. See Stittenham. | .Stitheston. See Syston. | Stittenham, Stitenoin, co. York, 432. Stivetou. See Steeton. Stiv'eton, William de, 31. Stixwould [co. Lincoln], letters close dated at, 302.' Stock, Adam atte, 45G. | , Robert de, 4G3. j Stockbridge, Stokbrigge [Arksev, co. York], ; 247. Stocton, William de, 209. I Stodeham, co. Bucks. See Studham, co. Bed- j ford. j Stodeleye, .John de, 432. | Stodelhurst, Richard de, GOG. j Stoford, Simon de, 333. Stok under Hammedene. See Stoke-sub- Hamdon. Stok, John de, yeoman of the avenary, 1G9. Nicholas de, I7G. Stokbrigge. See Stockbridge. I Stoke Archer, Stoke Orchard, co. Gloitccs- I ter, 131. Basset, CO. Oxford, 154, 197. Bruere, Stokebruer [co. Northamp- ton], 482. Modes, co. Oxford, 275. See also South Stoke. (North) Stokes, co. Lincoln, 120, 199, 307, 331, 610. co. Norfolk, 132. South, Suthstoke, co. Oxford, G05. See also Stoke iMoeles. CO. Salop, 418. -sub-Hamdon, co. Somerset, 158. by Clare priory [co. Suffolk], 22G. D’Abernon, co. Surrey, 135. near Guildford [co. Surrey], 52G. Verdun, co. Wilts, 382, 410. Stoke, .John de, 609. \\ illiani de, 518, 594. Stokebruer. Sec Stoke Bruere. Stokes. See Stoke, co. Lincoln. Stokes, Ralph de, 144. , keeper of the king's great ward robe, 170, 177, 300. , canon of St. Peter's York 190, 471. , William de, 488, Stokesby, .Joan wife of VV'' alter de, 194. , Thomas son of Walter de, 307. Stokesleye, John de, 343. Stokett, .John de, 21 1. Stokheye, Robert de, justice, 358, 421. Stokhilde [co. York], 439. Stokhilde, John son of Sir Itichard de, 439. , Richard son of Alan de, 439. Stokhith, co. Ijiucoln, 41. Stokkehegh, Sir Robert de, 617. Stokkeld, .John de, 569. Stokton, Simon de, 323. Stonbergh. See Steenbergen. Stoubergh, Arnald de, 315. Peter brother of Arnald de, 315. See also Stanbergh, Stenebergh. Stondon, Staundon, [co. Essex], 94. Stone priory, co. Stafford, 311. Stone, John de, 95. Robert de, 95. Stonegate, Stayngate, co. York, 261. Stonerock, Margaret wife of .John de, 607. Stonesby, Stonlcsby [co. J.eicester], 25. Stonesfield, Stuntesfeld [co. Oxford], 290. Stonford, William de, 517. Stonham, William de, 90. Stonhourc, John de, 235. Stoidesby. See Stonesb}'. .Stonore, .John de, 231, 313, 572. Stourock, 607. Stopham, William de, 17. Stoplavynton. See Jjavington. Stoppcsle, Clement son of Richard de, 404. Storce. See JJestorce. Storch, Thomas, 408. Storgecn, Thomas, 109. Storghton. See Storrington. Storkeford, Ral])!) de, 332. Storrington, Storghton [co. Sussex], 51. Stortford, Sterteford, Bishop, co. Hertford, 340. letters close dated at, 340. Stoureburg. See Scorborough. Stout, Ijiike, 455. Thomas, 158, 460. Stowe [co. jMonmouth], 531. Stowe, Nicholas de, 270. Roger de, 74. Stoyl, Cicely, 349. , John, 448. Strabolgi, David de, earl of Athole, 130, 138, 139, 217, 254, 530. Stradbrook [co. Suffolk], 108. GENERAL INDEX, 713 Stragill, Warin de, 81. Stralsund, Germanj', 552. Strangman, Imbert, 95. Stratford-alte-Bow, Stretteford, co. Essex, 337, 537. abbey, 89, 305, 337, 4G0, 4G2, 557, 602. , Richard, abbot of, 337. Stratton [co. Bedford], 398. , CO. Norfolk, 133. CO. Wilts, 538. Streatlam, Stretlam, co. Durham, 360, 489. Streche, Robert, 466. Simon de, 26. Street, co. Somerset, 264. Stretford, Stroford, co. Salop, 264. Strenle, Margaret daughter ot Robert de, 87. Strepeny, Geoffrey, 54. Stretford, Master John de, 455. William de, 591. Strethall, co. Essex, 492. Stretlam. See Streatlam. Streton. See Sturton. Stretteford. See Stratford. Stretton, 198. , CO. Hereford, 419. Little, CO. Leicester, 154. [co. Rutland], letters close dated at, 356, 425. CO. Warwick, 27. Stretton, Master Nicholas de, 224. William de, 28, 30. Striguil, Strogoill castle [Ch2])sfow, co. ifon- mouth], constable of, 126. Stripel. See Steeple. Strivelin. See Stirling. Strode, La. See Strood. Stroford. See Strefford. Strogoill. See Striguil. Stronde, Bartholomew, 436. Strood, Strode [co. Kent], 387, 536, 579, 580, 592, 616. Strubby, Hugh de, 231. Stubbes, Hugh de, 96. Stubborn, Middleton, co. York, 151. Stuche, William de, 90. Studham, Stodeham [co. Bedford], 373. Stukeley, Styvecle [co. Huntingdon], 309. Stuntesfeld. See Stonesfield. Stuntcr, John le, 214. Stupel. See Steeple. Sturgiun, Richard, 591. Sturmy, Henry, 339, 487, 557. son of Henry, 277. Joan, 149. John, 569. siib-escheator in co. Cumber- land, 200. de, 168, 171. Stephen, 487. Sturmyn, Thomas, 227. Sturreye, Henry de, 617. Sturry, co. Kent, letters close dated at, 2, 3. Sturton, Streton, co. Nottingham, 318. Stutton, co. York, 259. Styandeby. See Stainby. Styvecle. See Stukeley. Styveclyve, Nicholas de, 466. Styvynton. See Steventon. Styveton. See Stewtou. St3’veton, John de, 31. , Robert de, 31, 111, 123, 130. 250, 268, 362, 390, 393. Sybil wife of Robert de, 250. Styvinton. See Stewton. Styvinton, John de, knt., 441. Subirani, Rej'mound, 144. Subiranus, , doctor of Canon law, 92. Suckley, co. Worcester, 263, 264. Sudbury, co. Bedford, 521. CO. Suffolk, 255, 313, 415, 430, 461. Sudbury, John de, 244, 521. , knt, 98, 100, 213. son of William de, 255. , Margaret wife of William de, 255. Robert de, 90. Sudonne. See Sutton. Suffolk, county of, 15, 27, 35, 63. 66, 73, 74, 78, 79, 84, 85, 99, 102, 131-133, 139, 140, 190, 195, 200, 211, 212, 219, 222, 300, 311, 313, 314, 324, 328, 330, 343, 361, 415, 444, 450, 461, 465, 470, 481, 483, 540, 578, 583, 584, 586, 591, 598,. 602, 603, 610, 611, 613, 616, 618, 619, 624. , sheriff of, 3, 10, 12, 23, 25,3.5, 44, 50, 54, 112, 128, 170, 171, 175,180. 186, 244, 247, 254, 280, 319, 355, 364, 387, 398, 402, 407, 419, 421, 445, 481, 488, 514, 520, 552. scutage in, collectors of, 188. Sulby [co. Northampton], letters close dated at, 556. I Sulbyry, John de, 460. ‘ Sulferton. See Silverton. i Surlingham, co. Norfolk, 196. Sulle, John de, knt., 218. Sull^-e, Reymund, 135. I Sulny, Alfred de, 526. I Sumcrton. See Somerton. Sumervill, Roger de, 440. Summerhouse, co. Durham, 489. ! Sunderman, Hildebrand, 90. I Sunnebur^', Thomas de, 104. Sunyngdon, 515. Surman, John le, 166. Surrey, county of, 13, 15, 77, 85, 99, 131, 135 208, 211, 218, 221, 236, 313, 325, 329’ 332, 336, 338, 340, 341, 421, 423, 442- 444, 451, 459, 466, 474, 475, 480, 559, 571, 576, 580, 581, 583, 589, 593,- 596’ 597, 600, 603-605, 610, 611, 613, 6I4! GENET5AL INDEX. 74 1 Surrey — con t. , forest of, 1 C5. , Templars’ lands in, 22. earl of. Sec Warenne, .Tolin de. foresters of fee in, 274. .sheriff of, 32-.34, 42, .'iO, 23.3, 241, 244, 279, 280, 327, 3GG, 372, 49G, 51)4, 513, 514, G19. Sus. Sec Susse. Siisel, Siissalt, Holstein, .36G, 37G, 393, 398. Sussalt. See Siisel. Susse, Sus, Siglaf, 90, 175, 333. Sussex, countv of, 13, 15, 7G, 101, 103, 105, 135, 145, 190, 19G, 203, 208, 211, 213, 21G, 223, 224, 230-232, 249, 301, 305, 325, 329, 33e, 338, 347, 441, 445, 447, 4G1, 559, 5G9, 580, 581, 583, 589, 597, GOl, GIO, 611, G18, G22. , sheriff of, 1, 32,34, 50, 178, 180, 279, 280, 319, 3G1, 389, 513, 514, 520, 533, 543, 554, G19. Eichard de, 38. Suthacre, lord of. See Dacre, .John. Suthanyngfeld. See llanningfield. South. Suthcave. See Cave, South. Sutheoker. See Coker, South. Suthcote, Koger de, 448. Suthcreyk. See Creake, South. Suthewell, John de, 97. Suthfeld, CO. Norfolk, 504. Suthleie, Stephen de, clerk of the pantry and butlery, 10, l4. Suthmuskham. See Muskhara, .South. Sutho. See .Southoe. Suthorp, 122. Suthstok. See Stoke, South. Suthtaunton. See Tawton, South. Suthwerk, Richard the clerk of, 217. Suthwyk, William de, 459. Sut}!, William, 591. Sutton, 1. CO. Bedford, 60, 398, 521. CO. Leicester, 28. CO. Lincoln, 579, 581. near Norwich, co. Norfolk, 196. Sudonne [co. Suffolk], 55. CO. York, 1 68. prehend of, in Chichester cathedral, 580. Sutton-at-Hone, co. Kent, 243. Sutton-on-the-Eorest, Sntton in Galtres, co. York, 361. Sntton in Galtres. See Sutton-on-the-Forest. Great, [co. Essex], 9. Poyntz, co. Dorset, 135. Sutton-on-Trent [co. Nottingham], letters close dated at, 570. Sutton Vautord, 333. Sutton, Geoffrey de, 321, 425. , Isabella wife of Sir Richard de, 608. John de, 47, 386, 51G, 579. Sutton — c(mi. Jidin de, the king’s cook, 4G0. knt., 620. ., knt., son of Sir Richard de, 608. , .. .. son of Roger de, 330. Nicholas de, 212, 270, 598. , son of Hugh de, 618. , Oliver, bishop of Lincoln, 52, 62, 144, 156, 384. , Peter de, 343, 615. , Richard de, 471. knt., 608. son of Richard de, 343. , Robert de, 608. , Roger de,82, 104, 192, 218, 321, 335, 344. , Simon de, 140, 24.5,255. Thomas de, 623. , Walter de, 527. William de, 1, 209, 274, 359. Suttone, Geoffrey de, 425. Suur, Roger le, 255. Swaldale, Elias de, 434. Swale, the river, co. York, 496. Swanborough, Swaneherghe, hundred, co. Wilts, 173. Swandlond. See Swanlond. Swanelond. See Swanlond. Swanish, co. Cambridge, 197. Swank, Zamon de, 615. Swanland. See Swanlond. Swanlaund. See Swanlond. Swanlond, Swanland, Swanlaund, Swandlond, Swanelond, Swanlonnd, Swaulund, Swansluud, Simon de, 170, 171, 203, 223, 224, 229, 292, 315, 329, 343, 470, 496, 571, 592,598. Swanlund, Swanlonnd. See Swanlond. Swannington, co. Leicester, 446. Swanslund. See Swanlond. Swanton [Court, Mereworth], co. Kent, 415. CO. Norfolk, 373. Sward, Conrad le, 399. Swavesey, co. Cambridge, 60, 61. priory, 60. Swepstone, co. Leicester, 28. Swetman, Elias, 597. Sweyn, John, 176, 351. Sweyneston, co. Hereford, II. Swilington, Adam do, knt., 428. William de, 428. Swindon, parish of Kirkhy Overblow, co. York, 148, 149. Swineshead, Swyueshcved, 607. Swiufield, Richard, bishop of Hereford, 67, 75, 122, 145, 382, 480, 529. Swinhoe [co. Northumberland], 366. Swinton [co. York], 440. Swonhongrc, John de, 353. Swotc, Richard, 332. , Robert, 443. GENERAL INDEX. 715 S'vvft, Robert, 349. Swjii, lo, Swvne, la, Flanders, 38.% 380, 308, 444, 457, 458, 461, 486, 593. Swynborne, William de, 560. Swynburn, Adam de, 198, 252, 324. , Robert de, 324. knt., 225. Swyueford, John de, 244. knt., 324. Swyne, la. .See Swyn. Swynelond, co. Suffolk, 133. Swynerton, .John de, 189. Swynesheved. See Swineshcad. Swynbou. See Swinhoe. Swynlyngton, Adam de, 565. Swynnerton, Anna wife of .lohn de, 542. John de, 542. .S\vyn.sted, Matilda wife of William, son of John de, 450. Robert son of William, son of .John de, 450. Sybetoiie, John son of Adam de, 242. Syghilesden. See Silsden. Symely, Geoffrey, 27. , de 419. Syneue. See Seven. Synton, Ale.xander de, 589. .Syresham, co. Northampton, 623. Syston, Scitheston, co. Leicester, 154. T Tackele, Robert de, 305. Tadcaster, co. York, 149. letters close dated at, 430. Tadecastre, Robert de, 446. Tadwortb, oo. Surrey, 224. Taillor, Matilda wife of Richard le, 102. Taillour, Nicholas le, 335. Peter le, 436. , William le, 344. Taillur, Benedict le, 515. Tailliour, Patrick le, 398, 407, 493, 497. Taklay, .John de, 433. Talaghan. Sec Ijaugharne. Talbot, Talebot, Alan, 445. .Joan wife of Thomas son of, 125, 128. William, 74. Talemache, .John, 382. Ralph, 382. Talevace. See Talvaz. Talevan. See Talywaiu. Talewortli, Peter de, 44, 137. , , knt., 331. Richard son of Sir Peter de, knt., 331. Talgarth [co. Brecknock], 563. 1 Tallentire, co. Cumberland, 494. ^ Talon, John, 55. I Talvaz, Talevace, .Joan wife of Thomas, 300. ! Thomas, 55, 300. I Talworth, co. Surrey, 135. Talywaiu, Talevan [Abersychan castle, co. Monmouth ?], 407. country of, 408. forest, 408. Tamworth, Thomorth [co. Stafford], the colle- giate church of, 411. I ‘ Tancred, numma of,’ a book entitled, 10. I Taneshore. See Tansor. I Tange, Master Andrew de, 500, 542. Tangele, Robert de, 196. ! Tangwastel, Robert, 241. I Tankard, .John, 227. Tannyng, Ralph de, 354. Tansor, Taneshore, co. Northampton, 134. Tanworth, Toneworth, co. JVarwick, 277, 491. Tany, John, 229, 270. Margaret wife of Laurence, 510. de, 516, 573. Tarente, Master John de, 248. Nicholas de, 248. Taroti, Am.atus de, 92. Tarrant Gundevill, co. Dorset, 414. T’arrant Hinton, co. Dorset, 248. I Tarrant Russeaux [?Rushton], co. Dorset, I 135. Tarring, Torryng, co. Sussex, 559. I Tarttourteis, William, 149. Tasburgh, co. Norfolk, 132. Tateman, .John, 287. Tateshale. See Tattershall. I Tateshale, Itobert de, 501. Tatlington [parish of Tredingtou], co. Wor- cester, 55. Tattershall, Tateshall, co. Jjincolu, 169, 559. Tattingstone [co. Suffolk], 108. Tatwortb, T'otteworthe, co. Sttmerset, 355. Taunton priory [co. Somerset], 52, 4.92. Taurin, P. V. deu, 92. j Taverner, David le, 199. Henry le, 447, 471 . John le, 2, 416, 423, 507. Rich.ard le, 315, 557. Thomas son of John le, 416. Walter and .John sons of Richard le, 347. JVilllam le, 37. Tavistock abbey [co. Devon], 447. j Tavy, John de, 291. I Tawell, .John de, 30. Tawton South, Suthtaunfon, co. Devon, 343. Tayleboys, William, 495. Tayllour, Sabina wife of Philip le, 93. Taynton, co. Gloticcster, 155. Taynturer, Teynturer, John le, 398, 407, 493, 497. 716 GENERAL INDEX. Tebaud. See Tliebaiid. Tebay, Tybay, co. We.stmoreland, 250. Tees, the river, 5G9. Tchidy, Tyhiily [co. Cornwall], 242. Teigninouth, co. Devon, 488, 517. Teme, Teiuede, the river [co. Worcester], 419. Temede. See Teine. Teinedehury. See Tenhury. Tempest, John, 1G8. Nicholas, .307, 234. Temple, brethren of the order of the, 1, C, 7, 10, 388, 502. manors of, 255, 25G. lands of, 2G4. , in CO. York, 497. their possessions granted to the Hos- pitallers, 89. master of, 154, 155, 2G9, 270; and see Turvill, Robert de. Temple Sowerby, co. VYestmoreland, 117, 121 . Temple, Adam de, 14. Templer, Robert le, 177. , Walter le, 334. Teuburv, Temedebury, co. Worcester, 142, 152, 170. Tendrynge, John de, 108. Terling [co. Essex], 570. Terlyng, John, 443, 570. Terra Meyra, Bertrand de, 577. Terri ng, Robert le, 8. Terry', Henry, 79, 313. Terstan. See Teston. Terstwod, Richard de, 458. Tesdale, Alan de, 70. Teston, co. Kent, 3G. Tetelthorp. See Theddlethorp. Tetesbury', Alice wife of Walter de, 598. Roger son of Walter de, 598. Walter de, 598. Tetteford, John de, 34G. Tettenhall [co. Stafford], free chapel of, 59G. dean of, 172. Teukesbury, Nicholas de, 218, 220, 34G, 444. Tew, Great [co. Oxford], 104. Tewkesbury, co. Gloucester, 104, 131. abbey, 82, 137, 210, 47G. Teye, Walter de, 205. Teyle, VV’illiam de, 178. Teynham, co. Kent, 587. Teynt, Geoffrey, 255. Teynturer, John le, 398, 407. Laurence le, 151. Thakstede, Richard de, 323. Thame [co. Oxford], 553. abbey, 233, 4G2. Thame, Walter de, 425. Thames, the river, 47, 51, 130, 332, 345, 445, 5C9. Thameworth. See Tamwoi th. Thanet, i.sle of, co. Kent, 315, 387, 457, 55G, 553, 577, 579, 580, 592. Thaxted, co. Essex, 133, 432. Theale [co. Berks], letters clo.se dated at, 290. Thehaud, Tebaud, William, 342, 570. Theddingworth, co. Leicester, 294, 295. Theddlethorp, Tetelthorp, co. Lincoln, 357. Theford Monachorura. See Thetford. Thelnetham, Thelwetham, co. .Suffolk, 459. Thelnitham, John de, 4G4. Thelwetham. See Thelnetham. Therdon [? Theydon, co. Essex], 15. Thetford, co. Norfolk, 388, 445. St. Mary’s priory, Theford ilona- chorum, 84, 483, 013, 621. Peter de Bosco, prior of, G13, 618. Thetford, Stephen (?) de, 323. Theyden atte Munt. See Theydon IMouut. Theydon Mount, co. Essex, 448. Theydon, William de, 574. Theyn, Geoffrey, 235. Thikwode, Alice wife of William de, 102. Thomas, son of William de, 102. Thimbleby, Thymelby, co. Lincoln, 282, 412. Thimelby, Thymelby, Nicholas de, 26, 81,392. Thingden. See Finedon. Thirnetoft’. See Thrintoft. Thirnyngg. See Thurning. Thirum. See Thornholme. Thistleton, co. Rutland, 299. Thistleworth. Sec Isleworth. Thlewelin. See Llewelyn. Thollerton, Theobald de, 187. Tholosa, Tolouse, Giles de, 167, 171, 237, 248, 249, 255, 521, 523. keeper of the king's horses, 351, 362, 515. William de, collector of the custom of wool, &c., in the port of London, 164. Tholouse, I’cncius de, 81. , Thomas de, 295. Tholy, Richard, 105. Thomas, seneschal of Perigord, Cahors, and Saintonge, 303. Thomas, Fnlk son of, de Quappelade, 212. James son of, de Botteleye, 347. John son of, 193, 332. , de Hibernia, 288. earl of Kildare, 285. Ralj)h son of, de Ardern, 615. Robert son of, do Benyngworth, 169. Thomas son of, de Gffyngton, 347. , , de Tolthorp, 194. , Walter son of, de Saucto Andrea, 224, 312. William, son of, 254, 494. de Selehy, 39. Thomorth. See Tamworth. Thomworth. See Tonworth. GENERAL INDEX. 747 Thonilet, Robert, 323. Thonock, co. Lincoln, 331. Thony, Geoffrey de, 343. , ^falilda, wife of Robert de, 343. Thonylet, William, 323. Thorald, Thoma.s, 398, 407, 493, 497. Thoraldby. See Thorlby. Thoresway, co. Lincoln, 172. Thoriche. See Torridgc. Thorlby, Thoraldby, co. York, IGS. Thorley, co. Hertford, 588. Thorraodby in Cliveland, William de, 5C9. Thornbiry, Walter de, 11. , , chancellor of Ireland, 109. Thornbrougb, Thornburgh, co. Northumber- land, 83. Thovnbiiry, co. Gloucester, 415. park, 238. Thorncombe, Robert de, 222. Thorndon, co. Essex, 506, 510. Thorndon, Thomas de, 344. Thorne, co. York, 352. Thorneton, Gregory de, 391. Matilda daughter of Eleanor de, 550. Thorneye, John de, 448. Thornhagb, Geoffrey de, 199. Thornbaugh, Thorcbawe [co. Northampton], 425. Thornholm priory [co. Lincoln], 392. Thornhohne, Thir[n]um [Burton Agnes, CO. York], 352. Thornholm, Hugh de, 149. Thornhull, Henry de, the king’s cook, 599. , Roger de, 301. Thornbulle, Walter de, 275. Thorntoft, William de, 75, 81, 209, 210, 222, 313, 319, 321, 330, 335, 336, 339, 310, 428, 429, 431, 4'38, 452, 562, 585. Sir William de, 88, 587, 591. Thornton, co. York, 150, 489. Thornton-on-IIumber, abbey [co. Lincoln], 98, 426, 446, 572. Thornton, John de, 429. William de, 141. Thorny, Richard de, 150. Thorp, 314. Thorp, CO. Suffolk, 133. near Stow St. Mary [co. Essex], 19. Thorp, Thorpe, Bartholomew de, 448. Elias de, 589. Geoffrey de, 460, 462. Henry de, 169. John de, 9, 55, 103, 342, 590. justice, 55. Richard de, 321, 461, 590. ,■ Robert de, 8, 536, 600. Sir Thomas de, 206. Master Walter de, 455. Thorpe [co. York], 247. CO. Leicester, 418, 492. j Thorpe — corit. CO. Lincoln, 97. Basset, co. Y'ork, 489, 494, 495, 501. Perrow, Snape, parish of VYell [co. York], 428. Stapleton [co. York], 81. Thorplond, John de, 622. i Thorppe, Reginald de, 617. Thonrehet, William, 323. j Thouthe, Emma, 349. Threlkeld, Henry de, 75, 598. > Threpland [co. Cumberland], 23. Tbreshfield, co. York, 149. j Thressher, Thomas le, 359. i Thribergh, co. York, 151. I Thrikyngham, Lambert de. S'ee Trikingham. i Thrintoft, 'Thirnetoft, parish of Ainderby Steeple, co. York, 496. I Throxenby [Scalby], Thurstanbv, co. York, I 148. i Thrumpton, Thurmeton, co. Nottingham, 465, I 466. Thunderley, co. Essex, letters close dated at, 176, 178-181, 184, 187, 188, 212, 227, 229-235, 293, 301. j Thunneyk, William de, 557. j Thurgarton priory, co. Nottingham, 426, 438, 449, 606. Thurgarton, Alexander de, 438. Thurger, Richard, 479. Thurkelby, Roger de, justice, 454. Thurkylby, Thomas de, 7. • Thurlaston, co. Warwick, 419. Thurlston [co. Suffolk], 113. Thurmeton. Set Thrumpton. Thurning, Thirnyngg, co. Norfolk, 26 4. Thurrock, co. Essex, 344, 361, 478. West, 12, 290, 604. Thursford, Robert de, 100. Thurstan, John son of, de Valoynes, 587. Thurstanby. See Throxenby. Thurston [co. Norfolk], 606, 607. Thurston, Henry de, 212, 331. Thwaite [co. York], 428. Tweytb, CO. Norfolk, 132. Thwenge, Marmaduke de, 224. 'Thwing, Tweng [co. York], 484, 485. Thymelby. See Thimbleby. Thymelby. See Thimelby. Thyngden. See Finedon. Tibertis, Leonard de, prior of Venice, proctor- general of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, 29, 88, 89. Tibitot, Tibetot, Tibotot, Tybetot, Tybotot, Agnes wife of Payn, 1 12, 185, 194. Payn, 70, 1 12, 491. , justice of Chester, 294. , Richard, 469, 605. Robert, 147. Ticheseyo. See Titsey. GENERA li INDEX. 7 -is 'J'ickliill, Tyl'Iiill, castle, co. York, 163, 203, 245,” 328. , constable of, 21. 5, 227, 328. , free chai)el of, 215. honour of, 74, 227, 245. Tiddington, 'I'lidyngton, co. Rucks \_vectLus Oxford], 59 I . Tidworth, North, Northotodcworth, co. Wilts, 155. 'I’icys. See Tyeis. Tikhull. See Tickluill. 'I'ilhnry, W'est, co. Es.sex, 328. Tiliol, Robert, 12G. 'rillecnave, Tliomas, 291. Tilletey, Simon dc, 35. Tillinggcdon, co. Surrey, 131. Tillio, Arnald de, 447. Till[iolo], Talifer de, keeper of Scarborough, 159. Tilly, .John, 136. Tilmanstone [co. Kent], 347. Tilne, North and South, parish of Ilayton, CO. Nottingliam, 50. Tilshead, Tydolfeshide [co. Wilts], 490. Tilton, CO. Leicester, 278. Tin, 10, 42, 383, 396, 397, 414. , stampage of, in Cornwall, 178, 183. See also Stannaries. Tintagel castle [co. Cornwall], 145. Tintern abbey [co. Monmouth], 192. Little [co. Monmouth], 132. Tippecounte, Thomas, .363. Tirelton, Simon de, 599. Tir larll, Tyryarle [commote, co. Glamorgan]. 162. Tiringham, Roger de, knt., 473. Tirwhiteleye [?Trewitt, Rothbury, co. North- umberland], 129. Titchfield, Tychefcld, abbey [co. Hants], 447. Titchmarsh, Tychemersh [co. Northampton], 154, 208. Titsey, Ticheseye, Tycheseye [co. Surrey], 129, 13l” 184, 415. Titteleye, Thomas de, 423. Toddington, Todyngton [co. Bedford], 290. Todenham [co. Gloucester], 281. Todeworth. Sec Tidworth. 'rodyngtou. See Toddington. Toft, co. Lincoln, 412. Toftes, Roger de, 98, 99. Tofts, co. Norfolk, 495. Toghale [co. Northumberland], 366. Togrind, 26. Tokynton, Thomas de, 445. Tolesby, co. York, 150. Tollard, co. Wilts, 135. Toller, William son of Alan, 100. Tollerton, co. Y^ork, 377. Tollerton, Theobald de, 361. Tolouse, Giles dc. See Tholosa. 'I'olthorp, John dc, 138. Thomas son of Thomas de, 1C4. ! Toly. R(d)erf, 525. Tonbriilge, Tunbridge, co. Kent, 29, 129, 134, ! 184. ! the lowey of, 29, 40, 89. j Tonebrigg, John de, 417. Toneworth, Tonworth. Sec Tanworth. Tony, Matilda de, 64. Matilda wife of Robert de, 342. Tonylet, John son of Richard, 323. Topclif, Nicholas de, 196. Topcliffe forest [co. Y'ork], 240. Topet, William, 86. Toppcsfeld, William, 617. Toppesfield, co. Essex, 133, 166, 415. Torksey, co. Lincoln, 35. , letters close dated at, 49, 98. ! Torkeseye, Nicho’as, 522. Torney', Tornay, John de, 437, 440, 565. j Robert, 185. I Torny, .John, 467. j Toroid, Agnes wife of John, 218. .Tohn, 218. Torouvill, Roger de, 286. Torre abbey [co. Devon], 446. Torridge, Thoriche, co. Devon, 282, 283. Torrington, Black, co. Devon, 116. Torritoun, Geoffrey, 227. Torryng, John de, 204, 597. Torryng. See Tarring. To.seland, Touleslond, co. Huntingdon, 522. Tosse, Ogier de, 551. Tot, John de, 83, 90. Totenham, John son of Peter de, 588. Tothale, Robert de, 230, 231, 277, 522. Totild, Petronilla daughter of Agnes, 606. Tottenham, co. Cambridge, 541. Totteworth. .See Tatworth. Tottington [co. Norfolk], 206. 'l\)ucestre, Geoffrey de, 345. Richard de, 204, 437. Touk, Henry, 198. Toukeswell, William de, 147. Touleslond, See Toseland. Toulouse, chapter general of the Priars Preachers at, 328. seneschal of, 576. Toundour, William le, 389. T'ouue, Henry in the, 6. Tourc, Bernard de la, 551. John de la, 551. Tourp, Beatrice wife of Robert, 1 18. Tours, France, 617. pounds of, 565. small pounds of, 330, 331. Toutheby, Gilbert de, 390. Touthorp. See Towlhorpe. Touthorp, Walter son of Ralph dc, 565. Tovy, John, 109. Tower of London. See London. Towthorpe, Touthorp, co. York, 565. GENERAL INDEX. 40 Toynton, co. Lincoln, .S09. , Low, CO. Lincoln, 412. Trafford, Henry de, 430. , Stephen de, 208, 464, 479. , son of Hugh de, 479. Trailly, Eleanor de, 293. Trallock, Richard, 333. Tranoynoun, .John de, 338. Tranwell,co. Northumberland, 489. Trawy, William, 154. Traynes, John son of Thomas, 360. Traynez, Idonia wife of Thomas, 247. John, 247. , son of Thomas, 247. Treasurer, 273, 281, 337, 3.53, 420. See Hothum ; Norwyco ; Reynolds ; Walevvayn. Treasury, 273, 306, 380, 416. Tredonock, Tredenauk [co. Monmouth], 138. Tregoz, Thomas, 608, 609. Treie, Edmund son of Hugh de, 1. Trelleck, Trillek [co. Monmouth], 132. forest, co. Monmouth, 408. Trematon castle, co. Cornwall, constable of, 254. Tremolet, R. dou, 92. Tremplesham. See Crimplesham. Tremymon [co. Cornwall], 107. Trenchard, Henry, 615. Trene, co. Sussex, 59, 61, 197. Trenelnargh, Peter son of William de, 145. Trent, the river, 259, 430, 465-467. , forest of, 147. Trente, William, 87, 333, 506, 533. de, 141, 415. , keeper of the Exchange, Lon- don, 267. Trentham priory [co. Stafford], 422. Trenynz in Poitou, 205. Tresodre [? Tresidder, Si. Rury in, co. Corn- wall], 107. Treswell, Tyre.swell [co. Nottingham], 260. Trevedren [co. Cornwall], 208. Trevella, St. Feock [co. Cornwall], 64. Trewebody, Robert, 1. Trewint ]co. Cornwall], 216. Trewitt, Rothbury, co. Northumberland. See Tirwbiteleye. Tre 3 ‘e, Edmund son of Hugh de, 60. Treygruc, Treygruk, forest [co. Monmouth], 408. , castle [Llangibby castle, co. Mon- mouth], 132, 138, 408. Trigg’, Lettice, 349. Trikingham, co. Lincoln, 410. Trikingham, Trikyngham, Thrikingham, I.ambert de, 296. justice, 195, 316,320, 331, 358, 518, 532, 537. Trillawe, John de, 78, 104, 311i Robert de, 464. Trimenel, Trymenel, Nicholas, 76. Sir Nicholas, knt., 209, 464. Tripacy, Hugh, 102. Tripekot, Robert, 347. Tripet, John, 594. Triple, John de, 461, 602, 620, 621. Trivet, William, 168. Troilour, Thomas, 623. Troncon, P. Jo, 92. Trone, Hugh, 106. Tropyn, John, 528. , Matilda wife of John, 501. Thomas, 501. Troston, Truston, co. Suffolk, 621. Trostrey, co. Monmouth, 137. Troy, Troye, co. Monmouth, 132, 138. Little, co. ilonmouth, 137. Troj’es, Troys la Chaude, Champagne, France (Aube), 449. Trumflet, .John de, 87. Trumpeton. See Trumpington. Trumpeton, Reginald de, 323. Trumpington, Trumpeton, co. Cambridge, 53, 116. Trumpton, John de, 323. Miles de, 323. Trumwyne, Roger, 531, 541. William, constable of Criccieth castle, 266, 267, 283. sheriff of Carnarvon, 272. Truncage, 172. Trunch, .John de, 448. Tnisbut, Sir Richard, 287. Trussel, Matilda, 490. , William, 241, 274, 558. Trusthorp [co. Lincoln', 321. Robert son of Walter, son of Alan de, 320. Walter son of Gilbert son of .Vlande 321. Truston. See Troston. Trymenel. See Trimenel. Tryvet, .Joan wife of Thomas, 404. .John son of Thomas, 404. Tuam, S. archbishop of, late king’s justiciarv in Ireland, 403. i 'I’ubbe, Roger, 354. I Tuchet, William, 329, 438. 1 , knt., 80, 81, 617. j Tuekere, John, 219. j , Matilda wife of John, 219. j Tuddenham, co. Suffolk, 133. i Tudeworth, Tuddeworth, Tudwoith, Julian.-t wife of Richard de, 609. I , Richard de, 456, 461, 609. Tuder ap Howel, 179, 251. ! Tudyngton. Sec Tiddington. j Tuk, Thomas, 593. Tuketon, Roger de, 532. : 'J'umby, John de, 392. I Tunbridge. See Tonbridge. 50 GENERAL INDEX. Tniistall, CO. StafFord, .“iOO. Tunstall, Nicholas de, ■TO.'). Turl)ervill, Turbevill, Hugh de, 173. , I’ayn, 102. , de, 239, 2,')3, 2.U, 258, 20.3,275. keeper of (Jlaniorgan aud Mor- ganwg, 4U5, 400. , Robert de, 308. Tcrburvill, John de, 38. Tiirevill, Nicholas de, 27, 451. Turk, Ellen wife of Robert, 587. Robert, 144. Tnrnay, .Tohu de, 37. Turnecurt, Henry, 373. Turneye. See Turvey. Turueye, .lohn de, 307. Tumour, Thomas le, 323. Turny, John, 020. Turp, Adam, 118. Turstenestona, 280. Turvey, co. Bedford, 271. Turvill, Nicholas de, 345. Richard de, 120. Robert, 27. , master of the Temjde, 232, 209, 270. Tut, Richard, 193. Tutyngton, William de, 544. 'I'uxford [co. Nottingham], 470. Tuyt, Richard, 397, 500. Tweng. See Thwing. Twenge, Tweng, Marmaduke de, 51, 205. kut., 484. William son of Martin de, 485. Twerton, Twyverton, co. Somerset, 1 ’0. Tweyth. See Thwaite. Twinstead, co. Essex, 133. Tw 3 er, William de la, 555. Twynham, Adam de, 12. Walter de, 12, 405, 523, 5S9. , knt., 431, 005. Twynstede, Thon;as de, 502. 'fwj’sle, John de, 519. Twyverton. Sec Twerton. Twyvethorp, co. Norfolk, 133. 'fwyw’ell, co. Northampton, 28. Tybaj'. See 'I'ebaj'. Tybotot. Sec Tibitot. Tybv', Edmund, 132. Tychemersh. See Titchmarsh. Tychemersh, Geoffrey de, 208. Tychenmersk. See Titehmanh. 'I’ycheseye. See Titsey. Tydolfeshide. See Tilshead. ■'I'yeis, Tyes, Tieys, llsnry le ; 98, 615; knt., 74. keeper of the Isle of Wight, 509. Tj’eford [co. Devon], 243. Amice de, 243. Matilda de, 24 h 'J'ye.s. Sec Tyes. Tyeys, Simon son of Thomas, 98. T^'hidy. See Tehidy. Tyker, Walter, 349. Tykhill. See Tickhill. Tyl, Taillifer de, 602. William de, 250. Tyllio, Pandulph de, 245. , Theobald de, 245. Tylly, Henry de, 522. Tj-mmen, .John, 177. Tymparoo, Robert, 511, 622. , de, 480, 600, 601. Tyndale, Elias de, 134. , William de, 494. Tynemouth [co. Northumberland], 444. Tyngewik, John de, 403. I Tyngewyk, Hugh de, 96, 103. , .John son of John de, 421. Typel, Benedict, 30. Tyrel, Ralph, 134. , Roger, knt., 79. Tyrcllon, Simon de, 611. Tyrer, Michael de, 60 1 . Tyresersh, Tyresherssh, Henry de, 113, 283. Tyreswell. See Treswell. Tyreswell, Hubert de, 260. Tyrley, co. Stafford, 350. Tyryarle. See Tir larll. Tysuu, William, 280. Tythegston. See Llanduddwg. Tywardreath priory, co. Cornwall, 338. u Uehimenyth. See Mynydd. Uflfeulme, co. Devon, 171. Utford, CO. Suffolk, 379, 395. Ufford, Cicely wife of Robert de, 379, 395, 441. Robert de, 379, 011. , , justiciary of Ireland, 403. , Robert son of Robert de, 542. Ughtrtd, Roger, 19. , de, 434. Ulgham, Ulougham, co. Northumberland, 489. Ulougham. Sec Ulgham. Ulrani, John do, 432. Ulseby, CO. Lincoln, 412. Ulster, earl of. Sec Burgo, Richard de. Ulting [co. Essex], 502. t'ltyng, Ultyngg, Thomas de, 75, 195, 502. Umfrumvill, Umframville, Robert de, earl of, .\ngus, 244, 263, 548. , , keeper of the forest north of Trent, 179, 22.5, 240, 248, 257, 259, 202, 272-274, 327, 301, 303, 370, 371, 377, 401. Umfravill, Henry de, 135. Umfrevill, Gilbert de, 27. llndele, Reginald do, 572. Unkelby, William de, 484. GENERAL INDEX, 751 Uuthank, co. Northumberland, 59. Upcott, CO. Devon, l.TS. Upestone, John de, 2-42. TJpleatham, Upljthuin, co. York, 149, 151. Uppeheye, Robert de, justice, 358. Upsall, Geofifrey de, 497. Upton [co. Salop], 148. CO. Northampton, 475, 573. , CO. Warwick, 278. Upton, John de, 209, 487. Margery wife of Robert de, 445, 475. , Matilda de, abbess of Godstow, 104. Sir Roger de, knt., 45C. , William de, 33.5, 401, 464, 468, 474, 475. Upwithestreng, John, 335. Urmeston, Sigreda wife of Richard de, 322. Urtiaco, Uenry de, knight, 99. Useflete. See Ousefleet. Useflete, John son of William de, 569. Usk, CO. Monmouth, 132, 137, 408. castle, constable of, 408. nunnery of, 138. manor, called ‘ New Barn,’ co. Mon mouth, 132. Usk, Matthew de, 137. , Thomas de, 64. Uso Maris. See Usus Maris. Usser, Baldwin le, 453. Ussher, Robert le, 233. Usus Maris, Uso Maris, Anthony, 85, 588, 601. , Robert, 383, 555. Utlay, Richard de, 31. Uttelay, John de, 31. Uvedale, Sir John de, knt., 217. I’cterde, 306. Uxbridge, Wyxebrigge, co. Middlesex, 465. V Val, Petronilla wife of Walter du, 278. Robert du, 278. Vale Royal abbey [co. Chester], 69. Valence, in France, 89. Valencia, 385, 457. Valencia, .\ymer de, earl of I’cmhroke, 3, 12, 17, 3'l, 35, 56, 80, 81, 88, 94, 174, 185, 188, 191, 195, 206, 260, 304, 327, 329, 343, 347, 370, 374, 378, 379, 424, 441, 445, 469, 472, 492, 516, 519, 520, 542, 545, 563,569, 570, 577, 607, 612. > > keeper of Rockingham castle, 505, 512, 520, 521. Henry de, 368, 301. , Margery wife of Henry de, 368, 391. , Philip de, 368. Valers, James de, 463. Valeynes, Warresius de, 484. Valle in Guernsey, priory of, 90. Valle Torta, Vautort, Dionisia wife of John de, 616. John de, 616, 617. Vallibus, Burgia wife of Sir William de, 196. Eleanor de, 189. John de, 296. William de, 371. , Sir William de, 196. Valois, count of. See Charles. Valoynes, Basilia wife of .John de, 129, 184. .John son of Thurstan de, 587. Vanne, Vann’, Van, Jakelina wi.*e of John, 217, 614. John, 2, 7, 22, 217, 279, 302, 334, 540, 597, 614, 615. John son of John, 217. Galeys, called, 79. Vaudey abbey, [Edenhain, co. Lincoln], 322. Vans, Roland de, 439. Vautort. See Valle Torta. Vavasour, Wavasour, AVavasur, Manger le, 150. , Robert le, 218, 412, 458, 585, 589. son of William le, 452, 602, 604. AV alter le, 75, 150, 205, 259. Sir AValterle, 429,441. AVilliam le, 168. Veer, Vere, Agnes wife of Thomas de, 491. Dionisia wife of Hugh de, 56, 191. Hughde, 190, 191, 211. knt., 191, 195. , Isabella wife of Simon de, 357. John de, 28. Martin de, 144. Robert de, 254, 263. verderer of Rockingham fore.st, 259. earl of Oxford, 155. Thomas de, 185, 333, 343, 472, 491, 615. Veille, John la, 156. A’enclla, Roger de, 176. Venice, prior of, 29, 88, 89 ; and xee Tibertis, Leonard de. Venour, Master AA’illiam le, 205. , Sampson le, 318. Vento, Leonard, 601. Venture, Frethericus, merchant of the society of Ricci of Lucca, 172. A'enur, Robert le, 213. Venuz, .John de, 174. , Richard son of .lohn de, 601. Robert de, 174. Vepunt, Nicholas de, 119. Verdon, Verdoun, Verdun, Elizaholh wife of Theobald de, 381, 397, 431, 443 . John de, 28. , Michael de, 397. Nicholas de, 368, 369, 397, 500 . 7o2 GENERAL INDEX. Verdon — cont. , RoI)ert de, 3C. Theobald de, 27, 154, 369, 397, 410, 413, 418, 420, 500. knt., 82. , justiciarj' of Ireland, 193, 199. Thomas de, 253. Vere. See Veer. Vergers, William Arnaldi de, 580. Verley, Ralph de, 218. , Verlay, Thomas de, 191, 428. Verners, Philip de, knt., 1 28. Verney, Simon de, 116. Vernoil park, co. York, 362. Vernoiin, John, 270. , , de, 108. Verrur, John le, 498. Vescy, Agnes de, 189, 287. , , lady of Kildare, 287. Clemencia wife of John de, 487. Eustace de, 286, 366. Isabella wife of .Tohn de, 31. John de, 287, 366, 487. lady de. See Bello Monte, Isabella de. Warin de, 286. William de, 183, 259, 269, 284. 286, 287, 327, 338, 366, 367, 461, 470, 482, 487, 495, 520, 549. of Kildare, 520. justiciary of Ireland, 189. Veutrcr, William le. 321. Vejne, Dederik, 486. Vico, Peter Arnaldi de, 39, 162. Videleu, Robert, 181. Vieleston. See Filston. Vienn’, John de, 614. Vienne, council of, 89, 479, 492, 535, 547, 561. Vik, Wyke, Norway, 326. Vilareto, Villarreto, Falco, Fulk de, master general of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, 89, 303. Vilers, Alexander de, 423. Ellen daughter of John de, 226. John de, 90. Villa, Dominicus de, 9’2. P. A. de, 91. K. Durandi, de, 92. Salvatus de, 92. V. de, 92. Villar’. See Villari. Villari, Villar’, Arnald de, 39, 162. Villarreto, Fulk de. See Vilareto. Vine, John atte, 553. Vineter, Henry son of Adam le, 306. Vinon, Petronilla de, 16. Vintcent, Robert, 108. Vintners, order eoncerning, 182. in cos. Gloucester and Lincoln, regu- lation concerning, 187 ; mid tee Merchant vintners. Viroler, Roger le, 62. Vivian, .Tohn, 605, 608, 612, 613, 615. Vivon, Vivonia, Joan de, 120. John son of Reginald de, 120. Reginald son of Joande, 120. Vorteye, .lohn atte, 210. I Vyeleston, John de, 134. Vyryng’, Michael, 609. Vyvyen, Richard, 208. w 1 Wabbingle, co. Norfolk, 374. Wacelyn, John son of Nicholas, 145. , Robert, 584. Wacliesham, John de, 50. Gerard de, 25. Waddeworth, Sibyl wdfe of William son of Peter de, 341. William son of Peter de, 341. Wade, Joan wife of Henry, 207. Wadiator, Gilbert, 7. Wafrer, Lambert le, 453. Wages of marshals, 558. at Windsor, 141, 164, 165, 251,381,511. Waggestaft, Roger, 572. Waiufleet, co. Lincoln, 100, 466. Wake, Wak, Elizabeth, 237. Hugh son of Baldwin, 169. Joan, 169, 420. w’ife of John, 205, 299. , John, 13, 00, 66, 279, 299, 300, 425. , Richard, 37, 339, 340, 418, 508. Thomas, 13, 139, 155, 420, 603. sonof John, 22, 205, 300, 413. de, 572. William le, 255. Wakefeld, Ralph de, 447, 452, 591. Robert de, 216, 463. Wakefield, co. York, 352. Walbrook. Sec London. Walcheren, Walghhere, Zeeland, 401, 462. Walcote, CO. Warwick, 276. Walcote, Ralph de, 552. Waldegrave. Sec Walgr.ave. Walden [co. Essex], letters close dated at, 289, 291, 341. abbey, 83. Waldershare, Walwershare [co. Kent], 208, 216, 217. Walde.shcf, Walteshcff, John, 301, 330, 342, 479, 580, 587. son of William, 338. Walter, 41, 142, 143, 270, 279,296, 330, 339. , king’s butler, 21, 45,47, 55, 57, 106, 109, 139, 174, 182, 204, 252, 256, 262, 281, 290, 302. GENERAL INDEX. 753 Waldingfield, co. Suffolk, 133, 134. Waldwershare. See Waldershare. Wale, Lucy wife of Thomas, 219, 266. Thomas, 219. Walecote, John de, 322. Waleden, Humphrey de, 274, 574. Roger de, 343. Walerand, John, escheator south of Trent, 20. Robert, 318. Wales, 11, 15, 16, 24, 28-30, 35, 40, 43, 52, 62,75, 109, 131, 132, 137, 138, 143, 146, 148, 152, 159, 161, 162, 227, 229, 253, 267, 275, 276, 283, 347, 363, 382, 390, 392, 393, 396, 406, 409, 410, 415, 423, 477, 479, 482, 501, 504, 520, 544, 549, 554, 562, 583. army in, 15-17, 21, 53. , of Edward I. in, 157, 158, 501, 525. , castles in, 267. , conquest of by Edward I., 272. earl of Gloucester and Hertford’s lands in, 137, 138. , foot soldiers of, 360, 361. hostages from, 161. insurrection in, 146, 267, 268, 275, 276. justice of, 104, 272, 370, 515, 533, 434 ; and see Mortuo Mari, Roger de. king’s boroughs in, 370. works in, 544. marches of, 276, 363, 369, 529, 612. prince of (afterwards Pldward II.), 524. prisoners from, 151. in the Tower of London, 283, 285, 351, 353, 419. rebels of, 146. North, 159, 307, 367. bishops, abbots, &c., of, 253. chamberlain of, 56, 109, 111, 152, 178, 186, 256, 267, 282, 283, 397, 410, 490, 515, 530 ; and see Chedde- worth, Thomas S. IIaydon, B.A. 1858-1863. This i.s a Latin Chronicle e.xtending from the Creation to the latter part of the reign of Edward III., and written by a monk of Malmesbury, .about the year 1367. A continuation carries the history of England down to the year 1 113. 10. Memorials of Henry the Seventh : Bernardi Andreas Tholosatis Vita Regis Henrici Septimi ; necnon alia qutedam ad eundem Regem spectantia. HeZifed 6i/ James G.airdner. 1858. The contents of this volume are— (1) a life of Henry VIE, by his poet Laure.ate and historiographer, Bernard Andre, of Toulouse, with some compositions in verse, of which he is supposed to h.ave been the author; (2) the journals of Roger Machado diiring certain embassies to Spain and Brittany, the first of which h.ad reference to the marriage of the King’s son, Arthur, with Catharine of Arragon ; (3) two curious reports by envoys sent to Spain in 1505 touching the succession to the Crown of Castile, and a project of 'marriage between Henry VII. and the Queen of Naples; and (-1) an account of Philip of Cfustilc’s reception in Engkind in 150(). Other docr.ments of interest are given in an appendix. 11. Memorials of Henry the Fifth. I. — Vita Henrici Quinti, Roberto Redman-no auctore. II. — Versus Rhytlimici iu laudem Regis Henrici Quinti. III. — Elmhami Liber Metricus de Henrico V. Edited by Charles A. Cole. 1858. 12. Munimenta Gildhalla! Londoniensis ; Liber Albus, Liber Custu- maruin, et Liber Horn, in archivis Griklhallse asservati. A'^ol. I., Liber Albus. Vol. II. (in Two Parts). Liber Custumai tim. Vol. III., Translation of the Anglo-Norman Passages in Liber Albus, Glos- saries, Appendices, and Index. Edited by Henry Thomas Riley, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. 1859-1862. Tlie Liber Albus, compiled by John Carpenter, Common Clerk of Iho City of London in the year 1419, gives an account of the laws, regulations, and institutions of that City in the 12th', 13th, lltli. and early I>art of tlie 15th centuries. Tlic Liber Oustumarnm w.as eom- inlod in tlie early jiart of'thu I ttii century during the reign of Edw.ard If. ll. also givo.s ;in account of tho iavv.s, regulations, and institutions of the Cit.v of London in the t2th, l.'Rli, and early part of tho 14th centuries. 13. Chronica Joiiannis de Oxenedes. Edited by Sir Henry Ellis, K.H. 1859. Althongli this Chronicle tells of tlie arrival of Hengistand Horsa, it substantially begins with the reign of King Alfred, and comes down to 1292. It is particularly valuable for notices of events in the enslerii portions of the Kingdom. 11 14. A Collection of Political Poems and Songs relating to English History, from the Accession of Edward III. to the Keign of Henry VIII. Vols. I. and II. Ed tied 6?/ Thomas Wright, M. A. 1859- 1861. 15. The “ Opus Tertium,” “Opes Minus,” &c. of Eoger Bacon. Edited by J. S. Brewer, M.A., Professor of English Literature, King’s College, London. 1859. 16. Bartholom^i de Cotton, Monachi Norwicensis, Historia Anglicana; 449-1298; necnon ejusdem Liber de Achiepiscopis et Episcopis Angliae. Edited by Henry Bicuards Luard, M.A., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1859. 17. Brut y Tywysogion; or. The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales. Edited by the Eev. John Williams ab Ithel, M.A. 1860. This work, written in the ancient Welsh language, begins with the abdication and death of Caedwala at Home, in the year 081, and continues the history down to tho subjugation of Wales by Edward I., about the year 1282. 18. A Collection of Eoyal and Historical Letters during the Eeign of Henry IY. 1399-1404. Edited by the Eev. F. C. Hingeston, M.A., of Exeter College, Oxford. 1860. 19. The Eepressor of over much Blaming of the Clergy. By Eeginald Pecock, sometime Bishop of Chichester. Vols. I. and II. Edited by the Eev. Churchill Babington, B.D., Fellow of St. John’s College, Cambridge. 1860. The “ Repressor ” may be considered the earliest piece of good theological disquisition of which our English prose literature can boast. The author was born about the end of tlio fourteenth century, consecrated Bishop of St. Asaph in the year 14-tt, and translated to tiio see of Chichester in 14.50. Ilis work is interesting chiefly because it gives a full account of the views of the Lollards, and it has great value for the philologist. 20. Annales CAMBEI.E. Edited by the Eev. John Williams ab Ithel, M.A. 1860. These annals, which are in Latin, commenced in ‘M7, and come down to 1288. Tho earlier portion appears to bo taken from an Irish Chronicle used by Tigernach, and by the compiler of the Annals of Ulster. 21. The Works of Giraldus Cambrensis. Vols. I.-IV. Edited by the Eev. J. S. Brewer, M.A., Professor of English Literature, King’s College, London. Vols. V.-VII. Edited by the Eev. James F. Dimock, M.A., Eector of Barnburgh, Yorkshire. Vol. VIII. Edited by George F. Warner, M.A., of the Department of MSS., British Museum. 1861-1891. These volumes contain the historical works of Gerald du Barry, who lived in the reigns of Uenry II., Richard I., and John, ilis works are of a very miscellaneous nature, both in prose and verse, and are remarkable for the anecdotes whicli they contain. The Topngraphia llihernica (in Vol. V.) is the result of Giraldus’ two visits to Ireland, the first in 1183, the second in 1185-(!, when he accompanied Prince John into that country. Tlie Jixptignatlo llihernica was written about 1188, and may be regarded ratheji- as a great epic than a sober relation of acts occurring in his own days. Vol. VI. contains Jhe /ffne- rarium Kambrite ct Uescriptio Karnbrire ; and Vol. VII., the lives of S. Renngius and S. Hugh. Vol. VIII. contains the Treatise De Principum Instriwiione.aTxA an Index to Vols. I.-lV.and VIII. 22. Letters and Papers illustrative of the AVars of tub English in France during the Eeign of Henry the Sixth, King of England. Vol. I., and Vol. II. (in Two Parts). Edited by the Eev. Joseph Stevenson, M.A., Vicar of Leightcn Buzzard. 1861-1864. 23. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, according to the several Original Authorities. Vol. I., Original Texts. Vol. II., Translation. Edited and translated by Ben.tamin Thorpe, Member of the Eoyal Academy of Sciences at Munich, and of the Society of Netherlandish Literature at Leyden. 1861. There are at present six independent manuscripts of the Saxon Chronicle, ending in different years, and written in different parts of the country. In this edition, the text of each manuscript is printedi in columns on the same page, so that the student may see at a ghmcc the various changes which oceur in orthography. 12 24. Letters and Papers illustrative op the Eeigns of Richard III. and Henry VII. Vols. I. and II. Edited hy James Gairdner. 1861- 1863. The principal contents of the volumes are some diplomatic Papers of Richard III. j correspondence between Henry VII. and Perdinand and Isabella of .Spain; documents relating to Edmund de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk ; and a portion of the correspondence of James IV. of Scotland. 25. Letters of Bishop Grosseteste. Edited hy the Rev. Henry Richards Luard, M.A., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cam- bridge. 1861. The letters of Robert Grosseteste range in date from about 1210 to 125.3, and relate to various matters connected not only with the political history of England during the reign of Henry III., but with its ecclesiastical condition. They refer especially to the diocese of Lincoln, of which Grosseteste was bishop. 26. Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. I. (in Two Parts) ; Anterior to the Norman Invasion. Vol. II.; 1066-1200. Vol. III. ; 1200-1327. By Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy, D.C.L., Deputy Keeper of the Records. 1862- 1871. The object of this work is to publish notices of all known sources of Bi’itish history, both printed and unprinted, in one continued sequence. The materials, when historical (as distinguished from biographical), are arranged under the year in which the latest event is recorded in the chronicle or history, and not under the period in which its author, real or supposed, flom-ished. Biographies are enumerated under the .year in which the person commemorated died, and not under the year in which the life was written. A brief analysis of each work has been added when deserving it, in which original portions are distinguished from mere compilations. A biographical sketch of the author of each piece has been added, and a brief notice of such British authors as have written on historical subjects. 27. Royal and other Historical Letters illustrative of the Reign of Henry HI. Vol. I., 1216-1235. Vol. II., 1236-1272. Belected and edited by the Rev. W. W. Shirley, D.D., Regius Professor of Ecclesi- astical History, and Canon of Christ Church, Oxford. 1862-1866. 28. Chronica Monasterii S. Albani. — 1. Thomr Walsingham Historia Anglicana; Vol. I., 1272-1381: Vol. II., 1381-1422. 2. Willelmi Rishanger Chronica et Annales, 1259-1307. 3. Johannis de Trokelowe et Henrici de Blaneforde Chronica et Annales, 1259-1296; 1307-1324 ; 1392-1406. 4. Gesta Abbatum Monasterii S. Albani, a Tiioma Walsingham, regnante Ricardo Secundo, ejusdem Ecclesi.® PiiHiCENTORE, coMPiLATA ; Vol. I., 793-1290: Vol. II., 1290-1349: Vol. III., 1349-1411. 5. Johannis Amundesham, Monachi Monasterii S. Albani, ut videtur, Annales ; Vols. I. and II. 6. Registra QUORUNDAM Abbatum Monasterii S. Albani, qui S^eculo xv"’” floruere; Vol. I., Registrum Abbatihs Johannis Whetiiamstede, Abbatis Monas- terii Sancti Albani, iterum suscept.® ; Roberto Blakeney, Capellano, QUONDAM ADSCRIPTUM: Vol. II., ReGISTRA JoHANNIS WhETHAMSTEDE, Willelmi Albon, et Willelmi Walingforde, Abbatum Monasterii Sancti Albani, cum Appendice, continents quasdam Epistolas, a J oiJANNE Whetiiamstede Conscriptas. 7. Ypodigma NeustrijE a Thoma Walsingham, quondam Monacho Monasterii S. Albani, CONSCRIPTUM. Edited hy Henry Thomas Riley, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. 1863- 1876. In tlie first two volumes is a History of England, from the death of Henry HI. to the death of Henry V., b,v Thomas Walsingham, Precentor of St. Albans. In the 3rd volume is a Chronicle of English History, attributed to William Rishanger, who lived in the reign of Edward I.: an account of transactions attending the award of the kingdom of Scotland to John Balliol, 12!ll-1292, also attributed to William Rishanger, but on no sufficient ground: a short Chronicle of English History, 1292 to 1300, by an unknown hand : a short Chronicle Willelmi Rishanger Gesta Edwardi Primi, Regis Anglise, with Annales Regum Angli®, probably by the same hand: and fragments of tlireo Chronicles of English History, 128.5 to 1307. In the 4th volume is a Chronicle of English Histor.v, 1269 to 129G: Annals of Edward II.. 1.307 to 1323, by John de Trokelowe, a monk of St. Alban.s, and a continuation of Trokc- lowe’s Annals, 1323, 1324, by Henry de Blaneforde : a full Chronicle of English History, i:{92 to 140(1; and an account of the Benefactors of St. Albans, written in the early part of the 16th century. The 6th, 6th, and 7th volumes contain a history of the Abbots of St.. Albans, 793 to 1411, mainly compiled by Thomas Walsingham : with a Continuation. The 8th and 9th volumes, in continuation of the Annals, Bontain a Ohroniclo. probabl.v by John Amnndeshani, a monk of St. Albans. 13 The loth and 11th volumes relate especially to the acts and proceedings ol Abbots Whethamstede, Albon, and Wallingford. The 12th volume contains a compendious History of England to the reign of Henry V., and of Normandy in early times, also by Thomas Walsingham, and dedicated to Henry V. 29. Chronicobt Abbatle Eveshamensis, Auctokibus Dominico Pkioee Eveshamle et Thom a de Maeleberge Abb ate, a Eundatione ad Annum 1213, UNA CUM CoNTiNUATioNE AD Annum 1418. Edited hy the Rev. W. D. Macray, Bodleian Library, Oxford. 1863. The Chi’onicle of Evesham illustrates the history of that important monastery from about 690 to 1418. Its chief featm-e is an autobiography, which makes us acquainted with the inner daily life of a great abbey. Interspersed are many notices of general, personal, and local history. 30. RiCAEDI de ClRENCESTEIA Sl’ECULUM HiSTORIALE DE GeSTIS ReGUM Anglie. Vol. I., 447-871. Yol. II., 872-1066. Edited hy John E. B. Mayor, M.A., Fellow of St. John’s College, Cambridge. 1863-1869. Richard of Cirencester’s history, in four books, extends from 447 to 1066, It gives many charters in favour of Westminster Abbey, and a very full account of the lives and miracles of the saints, especially of Edward the Confessor, whose reira occupies the fourth bocSt. A treatise on the Coronation, by William of Sudbury, a monk of Westminster. fills book ii. c. 3. 31. Year Books of the Reign op Edward the First. Years 20-21, 21-22, 30-31, 32-33, and 33-36 Edw. I; and 11-12 Edw. III. Edited and translated hy Alfred John Horwood, Barrister-at-Law. Years 12-13, 13-14, 14, 14-15, and 15, Edward III. Edited and translated by Luke Owen Pike, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. 1863-1891. The “Year Books” are the earliest of our Law Reports. They contain matter not only of practical utility to lawyers in the present day, but also illustrative of almost every branch of history, while for certain philological purposes they hold a position absolutely unique. 32. Narratives of the Expulsion of the English from Normandy, 1449- 1450. — Robertus Blondelli de Reductione Normanniae : Le Recouvre- meut de Normendie,paj’ Berry, Herault dn Roy: Conferencc.s between the Ambassadors of France and England. Edited hy the Rev. Joseph Stevenson, M.A. 1863. 33. Historia et Cartularium Monasterii S. Petri Gloucestria). Yols. I., II., and III. Edited by W. H. Hart, F.S.A., Membre coiTespondant de la Societe des Antiquaires de Normandie. 1863-1867, 34. Alexandri Neckam de Naturis Rerum libri duo ; with Neckam’s Poem, De Laudibus Divinas Sapientir. Edited hy Thomas Wright, M.A. 1863. In the De Naturis Rertim are to be found what may be called the rudiments of many sciences mixed up with much error and ignorance. Neckam had his own views in morals, and in giving us a glimpse of them, as well as of his other opinions, he throws much light upon the manners, customs, and general tone of thought prevalent in the twelftli century. 35. Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Starcraft of Early England ; being a Collection of Documents illustrating the History of Science in this Country before the Norman Conquest. Yols. 1., II., and III. Col- lected and edited hy the Rev. T. Oswald Cockayne, M.A. 1864-1866. 36. Annales Monastici. Yol. I.: — Annales do Margan, 1066-1232; Annales de Theokesberia, 1066-1263 ; Annales de Burton, 1004-1263. Yol. II. : — Annales Monasterii de Wintonia, 619-1277 ; Annales Monasterii de Waverleia, 1-1291. Yol. III.: — Annales Prioratus do Dunstaplia, 1-1297. Annales Monasterii de Bermundeseia, 1042- 1432. Yol.lY.: — Annales Monasterii de Oseneia, 1016-1347; Chronicon vulgo dictum Chronicon Thomae Wykes, 1066-1289; Annales Prioratus de Wigornia, 1-1377. Yol. Y. : — Index and Glossary. Edited hy BLenry Richards Luard, M.A. , Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, and Registrary of the University, Cambridge. 1864-1869. The present collection embraces chronicles compiled in religious houses in England during the thirteenth century. These distinct works are ten in number. The extreme period which they embrace ranges from the year 1 to 14.32. 14 37. Magna Vita S. Hugonis Episcopi Lincolnienwis. Edited hj the Eev. James E. Dimock, M.A., Eector of Baruburgh, Yorkshire. 18(i4. This work is valuable, not only as a biography of a celebrated ecclesiastic but as the work of a man, who, from personal kjjpwlcdge, gives notices of passing events, as well as of individuals who were then taking active part in public affairs. 38. CllllONICLES AND MeMOIVIALS OF THE EeIGN OF ElCHAKD THE FiRST. Vol. I. : — Itinerarium Peregrinorum et Gesta Eegis Eicardi. Vol. II. : — Epistol/E Cantuarienses ; the Letters of the Prior aud Convent of Christ Church, Canterbury; 1187 to 1199. Edited ly the Eev. William Sturbs, M.A., Vicar of Navcstock, Essex, and Lambeth Librarian. 1864-1865. The authorship of the Chronicle in Vol. 1., hitherto ascribed to Geoffrey Vinesauf, is now more correctly ascribed to Richard, Canon of the Holy Trinity of London. In letters in Vol. II., written between 1187 and 1190, had their origin in a disimte which arose from the attempts of Baldwin and Hubert, archbishops of Canterbury, to found a college of secular canons, a project which gave great umbrage to the monks of Canterbury. 39. Eecueil des Croniques et anchiennes Istories de la Grant Bretaigne A present nomme Engleperre, par Jehan de Wahrin. Vol. I. Albina to 688. Vol. IL, 1399-1422. Vol. III., 1422-1431. Edited hy Willi a'si Hardy, F.S.A. 1864-1879. Vol. IV., 1431-1447. Vol. V., 1447-1471. Edited by Sir William Hardy, F.S.A., and Edward L. C. P. Hardy, F.S.A. 1884-1891. 40. A Collection of the Chronicles and ancient Histories of Great Britain, now called England, by John de Waurin. Vol. I., Albina to 668. Vol. II., 1399-1422. Vol. HI., 1422-1431. (Translations of the preceding Vols. I., II., aud III.) Edited and translated by Sir William Hardy, F.S.A., and Edward L. C. P. Hardy, F.S.A. 1864- 1891. 41. PoLYCiiRONicoN Ranulpiii Higden, with Trevisa’s Translation. Vols. I. and II. Edited by Churchill Babington, B.D., Senior Fellow of St. .lohn’s College, Cambridge. Vols. III. -IX. Editedhy the Rev. Joseph P kAWSON Lumby, D.D., Xorrisian Professor of Divinity, Vicar of St. Edward’s, Fellow of St. Catharine’s College, and late Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge. 1865-1886. This chronicle begins witli the creation, and is brought down to the reign of Edward III. It enables us to form a very fair estimate of the knowledge of history and geography which well-informed readers of the fourteentli aud fifteenth centuries possessed, for it was then the standard work on general history. The two English translations, which are printed with the original Latin, afford in- teresting illustrations of the gradual change of our language, for one was made in the fourteenth century, the other in the fifteenth. 42. Le Livere de Reis de Brittanie e Le Livere de Reis de Engletere. Edited by tbc Rev. John Glover, M.A., Vicar of Brading, Isle of Wight, formerly Librarian of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1865. These two treaties are valuable as careful abstracts of previous historians. Some various readings are given which are interesting to tlie philologist as instances of semi- Saxonised Frencli. 43. Chronica Monasterii de Melsa ab anno 1150 usque ad annum 1406. Vols. I., II., and III. Edited 5t/ Edward Augustus Bond, Assistant Keeper of Manuscripts, and Egerton Librarian, British Museum. 1866-1868. The Abbey of Meaux was a Cistercian house, and the work of its abbot is a faithful and often minute record of the establishment of a religiotis community, of its progress in form- ing an ample revenue, of its struggles to maintain its acMiuisitions, and of its relations to the governing institutions of the country. 44. Matth/E Parisiensis IIistoria Anglorum, sive, ut vulgo dicitur, IIis- TORiA Minor. Vols. 1., II., and III. 1067-1253. Edited, by Sir Frederick Madden, K.ll., Keeper of the Manuscrijtt Department of British Museum. 1866-1869. 45. Liber Monasterii de Hyda : a Chronicle and Chartulary of Hyde Abbey, Winchester, 455-1023. Edited by Edward Edwards. 1866. The “Book of Hyde” is a compilation from much earlier .sources which are usuaHy indicated wiVli considerable care and precision. In many cases, however, the Hyde 15 Ohrouiclur appeurs to correct, to qualify, or to amplify the statements, which, in substance, he adopts. There is to be found, in the “Book of Hyde,” much information relating to the reign of King Alfred which is not known to exist elsewhere. The volume contains some curious specimens of Anglo-Saxon and mediaeval English. 46. Chkonicon Scotorum : a Chronicle op Irish Appairs, from the earliest times to 1135 ; and Supplement, containing the Events from 1141 to 1150. Edited, with Translation, by William Maunsell Hennessy, M.R.I.A. 1866. 47. The Chronicle op Pierre de Langtopt, in French Ver.se, prom the earliest Period to the Death op Edward I. Yols. I. and II. Edited by Thomas Wright, M.A. 1866-1868. It is probable that Pierre de Langtoft was a canon of Bridlington, in Yorkshii-e, and lived in the reign of Edward I., and during a portion of the reign of Edward II. This chronicle is divided into three parts ; in the first, is an abridgment of Geoffrey of Mon- mouth’s “ Hisforia Britonum ; ” in the second, a history of the Anglo-Saxon and Norman kings, to the death of lleniylll. ; in the third, a histoi-y of the reign of Edward 1. The language is a ciu'ioiis specimen of tlie French of Yorkshire. 48. The War op the Gaediiil with the Gaill, or The Invasions op Ireland ry the Danes and other Norsemen. Edited, with a Trans- lation, by the Rev. James Henthorn Todd, D.D., Seuior Fellow of Trinity College, and Regius Professor of Hebrew in the University of Dublim 1867. The work in its iireseiit form, in the editor’s opinion, is a comparatively modern version of an ancient original. The story is told after the manner of the Scandinavian Sagas. 49. Gesta Regis IIenrici Secundi Benedicti Abbatis. Chronicle of the Reigns of Henry II. and Richard I., 1169-1192, known under the name of Benedict op Peterborough. Vols, I. and II. Edited by the Rev. William Stubbs, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History, Oxford, and Lambeth Librarian. 1867. 50. Mhnimenta Academica, or. Documents illustrative op Academical Life* and Studies at Oxford (in Two Parts). Edited by the Rev. Henry Anstey, M.A., Vicar of St. Wendron, Cornwall, and lately Vice-Principal of St. Mary Hall, Oxford. 1868. 51. Chronica Magistri Rogeri de Houedene. Vols. I., II., Ill,, and IV. Edited by the Rev. W illiam Stubbs, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History, and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. 1868-1871. The earlier portion, e.stending from 732 to ll-tS, appears to be a copy of a compilation made in Northumbria about llltl, to which Hoveden added little. From 1148 to 1139 — a very valuable i)ortion of this work— the matter is derived from another source, to which Hoveden appears to have siqiplied little. F’rom 1170 to 1192 is the portion which corre- sponds to some extent with the Chronicle known under the name of Benedict of Peter- borough (see No. 49). From 1192 to 1201 may be said to be wholly Iloveden’s work. 52. WiLLELMi Malmesbiiuensis Monachi de Gesiis Pontificum Anglorum Libui Quikque. Edited by N. E. S. A. Hamilton, of tho Department of Manuscripts, British Museum. 1870. 53. Historic and Municipal Documents op Ireland, prom the Archives OP THE City op Dublin, &c. 1172-1320. Edited by John T. Gilbert, F.vS.A., Secretary of the Public Record Office of Ireland. 1870. 54. The Annals op Loch Cf:. A Chronicle op Irish Affairs, from 1041 to 1590. Vols. 1. and 11. Edited^, ivith a Translation, by William Maunsell Hennessy, M.R.I.A. 1871. 55. Monumenta JuRiDiCA. The Black Book op the Admiralty, with Appendices, Vols. I.-IV. Edited by Sir Travers Twiss, Q.C., D.C.L. 1871-1876. This book contains the ancient ordinances and laws relating to the navy. 56. Memorials op the Reign of Henry VI. : — Official Correspondence of Thomas Bekynton, Secretary to Henry VI., and Bishop of Bath and Wells. Edited by the Rev. George Williams. B.D., Vicar of Ring- wood, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. Vols. I. and II. 1872, IG 57. Mattii^i Paiusienbis, Monacui Sancti Albani, Chbonica Majoka. Vol. I. The Creation to A.D. 1066. Vol. II. A.D. 1067 to A.D. 1216. Vol. III. A.D. 1216 to A.D. 1239. Vol. IV. A.D. 1240 to A.D. 1247. Vol. V. A.D. 1248 to A.D. 1259. Vol. VI. Additamenta. Vol. VII. Index. Edited by the Rev. Henky Richakds Luaed, D.D., Fellow of Trinity College, Registrary of the University, and Vicar of Great St. Mary’s, Cambridge. 1872-1884. 58. Memoriale Fkatris Walteri de Coventria. — The Historical Collec- tions OE Walter oe Coventry. Vols. I. and II. Edited by the Rev. William Stores, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History, and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. 1872-1873. The part relating to the first quarter of the thirteenth century is the most valuable. 59. The Anglo-Latin Satirical Poets and Epigrammatists oe the Twelfth Century. Vols. I. and II. Collected and edited by Thomas Wright, M.A., Corresponding Member of the National Institute of France (Academic des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres). 1872. 60. Materials for a History of the Reign of Henry VII., from original Documents preserved in the Public Record Office. Vols. I. and II. Edited by the Rev. William Campbell, M.A., one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Schools. 1873-1877. 61. Historical Papers and Letters from the Northern Registers. Edited by the Rev. James Raine, M.A., Canon of York, and Secretary of the Surtees Society. 1873. 62. Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense. The Register of Richard de Kellawe, Lord Palatine and Bishop of Durham ; 1311-1316. Vols. I.-IV. Edited by Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy, D.C.L., Deputy Keeper of the Records. 1873-1878. 63. Memorials of Saint Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury. Edited by the Rev. William Stubbs, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History, and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. 1874. 64. Chronicon Anglle, ab Anno Domini 1328 usque ad Annum 1388, Auctore Monacho quodam Sancti Albani, Edited by Edward Maunde Thompson, Barrister-at-Law, Assistant Keeper of the Manuscripts in the British Museum. 1874. 65. Thomas Saga Erkibyskups. A Life of Archbishop Thomas Becket, in Icelandic. Vols. I. and II. Edited, with English Translation, Notes, and Glossary by M. EirIkr Magn6sson, M.A., Sub-Librarian of the University Library, Cambridge. 1875-1884. 66. Radulphi de Coggeshall Chronicon Anglicanum. Edited by the Rev. Joseph Stevenson, M.A. 1875. 67. Materials for the History of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canter- bury. Vols. I. -VI. Edited by the Rev. James Craigie Robertson, M.A., Canon of Canterbury. 1875-1883. Vol. VII. Edited by Joseph Brigstocke Sheppard, LL.D. 1885. The first volume contains tlie life of tliat ceiebi'atcd man, and tlio miracles aftcu- ids death, by William, a monk of Canterbury. The second, the life by Benedict of l'('t(u-- borough ; John of Salisbury ; Alan of Tewkesbury ; and Edward Grim. The third, the life by William Fitzstephen; and Herbert of Hosham. The fourth, anonymous lives, Quadri- liigus, &c. The fifth, sixth, and seventh, the Epistles, and known letters. 68. Radulfi de Diceto Decani Lundoniensis Opera Historica. The Historical Works of Master Ralph de Diceto, Dean of London. Vols. I. and II. Edited by the Rev. William Stubbs, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History, and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. 1876. The abbrovialiones Chronicorum extend to 1117 and the Ymagines llistoriarum to 1201. 17 69. Eoll of the Pkoceedings of the King’s Council in Ikeland, for a Portion of the 16Tn Year of the Eeign of Kichard II. 1392-93. Edited hy the Eev. James Graves, A.B. 1877. 70. Henrici he Bracton he Legibus et Consuetcdinibus Angli.® Libri Quinque in Varios Tractatus Distincti. Vols. I.-VI. Edited hy Sir Travers Twiss, Q.C., D.C.L. 1878-1883. 71. The Historians of the Church of York, and its Archbishops. Vols. I. and II. Edited hy the Eev. James Eaine, M.A., Canon of York, and Secretary of the Surtees Society. 1879-1886. 72. Eegistrum Malmesburiense. The Eegisier of Malmesbury Abbey ; Preserved in the Public Eecord Office. Vols. 1. and II. Edited hy the Eev. J. S. Brewer, M.A., Preacher at the Eolls, and Eector of Toppesfield ; and Charles Trice Martin, B.A. 1879-1880. 73. Historical Works of Gervase of Canterbury. Vols. I. and II. Edited hy the Eev. William Stubbs, D.D. ; Canon Eesidentiary of St. Paul’s, London ; Eegius Professor of Modern History and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford ; &c. 1879,1880. 74. Henrici Archidiaconi Huntendunensis Historia Anglorum. The History of the English, by Henry, Archdeacon of Huntingdon, from A.D. 55 to A.D. 1154, in Eight Books. Edited hy Thomas Arnold, M.A. 1879. ■ 75. The Historical Works of Symeon of Durham. Vols. I. and II. Edited hy Thomas Arnold, M.A. 1882-1885. 76. Chronicle of the Eeigns of Edward I. and Edward II. Vols. I. and II. Edited hy the Eev. William Stubbs, D.D., Canon Eesidentiary of St. Paul’s, London ; Eegius Professor of Modem History, and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, &c. 1882, 1883. Tli(! first volume of tliese Chronicles contains the Annnles Lnndnnienses amt tlio Annales PauJini: the second 1 . — Cnmmcndatio Lamentahilis in Transitu magni Regis Mdwardi. \l.— Gesta Edwardi de Carnarvan Auctore Canonico hridlingtoniensi. III. — Mmmchi cujusdam Malmcshcriensis Vila Edwardi JI. W.— Vita et Mors Edwardi II., conscripta a Thoma de la Moore. 77. Eegistrum Epistolarum Fratbis Johannis Peckham, Archiepiscopi Cantu AR iENsis. Vols. I. -I II. Edited hy Charles Trice Martin, B.A., F.S.A., 1882-1886. 78. Eegister of S. Osmund. Edited hy the Eev. W. H. Eicii Jones, M.A., F.S.A., Canon of Salisbury, Vicar of Bradford-on-Avou. Vols. I. and II. 1883, 1884. This Register derives its name from containing the statutes, rules, and orders made or compiled hy S. Osmund, to be observed in the Cathedral and diocese of Salisbury. 79. Chartulary of the Abbey of Eamsey. Vols. I. and II. Edited hy William Henry Hart, F.S.A., and the Eev. Ponsonby Annesley Lyons. 1884, 1886. 80. Chartularies of St. Mary’s Abbey, Dublin, with the Eegister of its HOUSE AT Dunbrody, County of Wexford, and Annals of Ireland, 1162-1370. HdttecZ 5?/ John Thomas Gilbert, F.S.A., M.E.I..A. Vols I. and II. 1884, 1885. 81. Eadmeri Historia Novorum in Anglia, et opuscula duo de Vita Sancti Anselmi et quibusdam Miraculis ejus. Edited hy the Eev. Martin Eule, M.A. 1884. 82. Chronicles of the Eeigns of Stephen, Henry II., and Eichard I. Vols. I.-IV. Edited hy Eichard Howlett, Barrister-at-Law. 1884- 1890. Vol. I. contains Books I.-IV. of the Historia Uerum Anglicarvm of William of New- burgh. Vol. II. contains Book V. of that work, the continuation of the same to A.l). I2pg, and the Draco Normannicus of Etienne de Rouen, IT 78028. 0 18 Vol. III. contiiins the Gcste StepUani Regis, the Chronicle of Richard of Hexham, the Relalio do Slandardo of St. Aelrod of Rievaulx, the poem of Jordan Fantosma.and the Chronicle of Richard of Devizes. \'ol. IV. contains the Chronicle of Robert of Torigni. 83. CuKONicLB OF THB Abbey OP Ramsey. Edited by the Eev. William Dunn Mackay, M.A., F.S.A., Rector of Ducklington, Oxon. 1886. 84. Chronica Rogeri de Wenbover, sive Flores Historiarum. Vols. I.- III. Edited by Henry Gay Hewlett, Keeper of the Records of the Land Revenue. 1886-1889. This edition gives that portion only of Roger of Wendover’s Chronicle which can he accounted an original authority. 85. The Letter Books of the Monastery of Christ Church, Canterbury, Edited by Joseph Brigstocke Sheppard, LL.D. Vols. I.-III., 1887- 1889. The Letters printed in these volumes were chiefly written between the years 1296 and 13.33. 86. The Metrical Chronicle op Robert of Gloucester. Edited by William Aldis Wright, M.A., Senior Fellow of Trinity College, Cam- bridge. Parts I. and II., 1887. ^ The date of the composition of this Chronicle is placed about the .year 1300. The writer appears to have been an eye witness of many events which he describes. The language in which it is written was the dialect of Gloucestershme at that time. 87. Chronicle of Robert of Brunne. Edited by Frederick James Furnivall, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. Parts I. and II. 1887. Robert of Bruime, or Bourne, co. Lincoln, was a member of the Gilbertine Order established at Sempringham. His Chronicle is described by its editor as a work of fiction, a contribution not to English history, but to the history of English. 88. Icelandic Sagas and other Historical Documents relating to the Settlements and Descents of the Northmen on the British Isles. Vol. I. Orkneyinga Saga, and Magnus Saga. Vol. II. Hakonar Saga, and Magnus Saga. Edited by Gudbrand Vigfusson, M.A. 1887. 89. The Tripartite Life of St. Patrick, with other documents relating to that Saint. Edited by Whitley Stokes, LL.D., D.C.L., Honorary Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford ; and Corresponding Member of the Institute of France. Parts I. and II. 1887. 90. Willelmi monacui Malmesbiriensis de Regum Gestis Anglorum libri V. ; ET Historle NovELLiE, LiBRi III. Edited by William Stubbs, D.D., Bishop of Oxford. Vols. I. and II. 1887-1889. 91. Lestorie des Engles solum Geffrei Gaimar. Edited by the late Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy, D.C.L., Deputy Keeper of the Records ; continued and translated by Charles Trice Martin, B.A., F.S.A. Vols. I. and II. 1888-1889. 92. Chronicle of Henry Knighton, Canon of Leicester. Edited by the Rev. Joseph Rawson Lumby, D.D., Norrisian Professor of Divinity. Vol. I. 1889. 93. Chronicle of Adam Murimutii, with the Chronicle of Robert op Avesbury. Edited by Edward Maunde Thompson, LL.D., F.S.A. Principal Librarian and Secretary of the British Museum. 1889. 94. Chartulary of the Abbey of St. Thomas the Martyr, Dublin. Edited by John Thomas Gilbert, F.S.A., M.I.R.A. 1889. 95. Flores Historiarum. Edited by the Rev. H. R. Luard, D.D., Follow of Trinity College and Registrary of the University, Cambridge. Vol. I. The creation to a.d. 1066. Vol. II. a.d. 1067-1264. Vol. 111. A.D. 1265-1326. 1890. 19 96. Memorials op St. Edmund’s Abbey. Edited hy Thomas Ajinold, M.A., Fellow of the Eoyal University of Ireland. Vols. I. and II. 1890. — 1892. 97. Charters and Documents, illustrating the History op the Cathedral AND City of Sarum, 1100-1300 ; forming an Appendix to the Eegister of S. Osmnnd. Selected hy the late Eev. W. H. Eich Jones, M.A., F.S.A., and edited hy the Eev. ‘VV. D. Macray, M.A., F.S.A., Eector of Ducklington. 1891. 98. Memoranda de Parliamento, 25 Edward I. 1305. Edited hy P. W. Maitland, M.A. 1893. In the Press. Icelandic Sagas, and other Historical Documents relating to the Settle- ments and Descents of the Northmen on the British Isles. Vols. III. — IV. Translated hy Sir George Webbe Dasent, D.C.L. Chartulary of the Abbey op Eamsey. Vol. III. Eanulf de Glanvill ; Tractatus de legibus et consuetudinibus Angli.®, &c. Edited and translated hy Sir Travers Twiss, Q.C., D.C.L. Year Books of the Eeign op Edward III. Edited and translated hy Luke Owen Pike, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. Chronicle of Henry Knighton, Canon of Leicester, to the death of Richard II. Edited hy the Rev. Joseph Rawson Lumby, D.D. Vol. II. The Red Book of the Exchequer. Edited hy Hubert Hall, F.S.A., of the Public Record Office. Parts I., II., and III. The Historians of the Church of York, and its Archbishops, Vol. III. Edited hy the Rev. James Raine, M.A., Canon of York, and Secretary of the Surtees Society. In Progress. Memorials op St. Edmund’s Abbey. Edited hy Thomas Arnold, M.A. Vol. III. 20 PUBLICATIONS OP THE RECORD COMMISSIONERS, &c. [In boards or cloth. Volumes not mentioned in this list are out of print.] Rotulouum Ouiginaliiim in Coria Scaccarii Abbreviatio. lien. III. — Edw. III. Edited hij Henry Playpord. . 2 Vols. folio (1803-1810). 12s. 6d. each. Librorum Manuscriptorum Bibliothec.® HARLEiANiE Catalogus. Vol. 4. Edited h\j the Rev. T. Hartwell Horne. Folio (1812), 18s. Abbreviatio Placttorum. Richard I. — Edward II. Edited /ly the Right Hon. George Rose and W. Illingworth. 1 Vol. folio (1811), 18s. Libri Censualis vocati Domesday-Book, Indices. Edited by Sir Henry Ellis. Folio (1816), (Domesday-Book, Vol. 3). 21s. Libri Censualis vocati Domesday-Book, Additamenta ex Codic. Antiquiss. Edited by Sir Henry Ellis. Folio (1816), (Domesday-Book, Vol. 4). 21s. Statutes op the Realm. Edited by Sir T. E. Tomlins, .Tohn Raitiiby, .John Caley and Wm. Elliott. Vols. 10 and 11, folio (1824-1828). Indices, 30s. each. Valor Ecclesiasticus, temp. Hen. VIII., Auctoritate Regia institutus. Edited by .Tohn Caley, Esq., and the Rev. Joseph Hunter. Vols. b to 6, folio (1825- 1834). 25s. each. The Introduction, .separately, 8vo. 2s. 6d. Fcedera, Conventiones, Litter;e, &e. ; or, Rymer’s Fcedera, New Edition, folio. Edited 5y.IOHN Caley and Fred. Holbrooke. Vol. 4, 1377-1383 (1869). 6s. Ducatus LANCASTRiiE C.vLENDARiuM Inquisitionum POST Mortem, &c. Part 3. Calendar to Pleadings, &c.. Hen. VII. — 13 Eliz. Part 4, Calendar to Pleadings, to end of Eliz. (1827-1834.) Edited by R. J. Harper, John Cale;y, and Wm. Mincuin. Folio. Part 4 (or Vol. 3), 21s. Calendars of the Procee;dings i.n Chancery, Eliz. ; with Exanqde.s of Pro- ceedings from Ric. II. Edited by John Bayley. Vol. 3 (1832), folio, 21s. Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum in Turri Londinensi asservati. 2 Vols. folio (1833, 1844). Edited by Thomas Dupfus Hardy, Esq. Vol. 2, 1224-1227. 18s. Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England. 10 Ric. II. — 33 Hen. VIII. Edited by Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas. 7 Vols. royal 8vo. (1834-1837). 14s. each. Rotuli Litterarum Patentium in Turri Bond, asservati. 1201-1216. Edited by T. Duppus Hardy. 1 Vol. folio (1835), 31s. 6rf. The Introduction, separately, 8vo. 9s. Rotuli Curiae Regis. Rolls and Records of the Court held before the King’.s Justiciars or Justices. 6 Richard I. — 1 John. Edited by Sir Francis Palgrave. Vol. 2 royal 8vo. (1835). 14s. Rotuli NoRMANNiRi in Turri Lond. asservati. 1200-1205 ; 1417-1418. Edited by Thomas Duppus Hardy. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1835). 12s. Gd. Rotuli de Oblatis p;t Finibus in Turri Lond. asservati, temp. Regis Johannis. Edited by Thomas Dupfus Hardy. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1835). 18s. Excerpta e Rotulis Finium in Turri Londinensi asservatis. Henry 111., 1216-1272. Edited Charles Roberts. 2 Vols. royal 8vo. ( 1835, 1836) ; Vol. 1, 14s. Vol. 2, 18s. Fines, sivE Pimics Finium ; sive Finales CoNCOitDiRi in Curia Domini Regis. 7 Richard I. — 16 .lohn, 1195 — 1214. Edited by the Rev. .Ioseph Hunter. In Counties. 2 Vols. royal 8vr). (1835-1844) ; Vol. 1, 8s. Gd.-, Vol. 2, 2s. Gd. Ancient Kalendars and 1nve;ntoriks op the Treasury op His Ma.iesty’s ExcHEQtiER; with Documents illustrating its History. Edited by SW Francis Palgrave. 3 Vols. royal 8vo. (1836). 42s. Documents and Records illustrating the History of Scotland, and 'j’ransactions hetween Scotland ana England; preserved in the Treasury of Her Hlaje.sly’s Kxchequer. ifd/Ved /ly Sir Francis Palc rave. 1 5'ol. royal 8vo. (1837). 18.?. 21 Rotuli Chartarum in Turri Londinensi asservati. 1190-1216. Edited by Thomas Duffus Hardy. 1 Yol. folio (1837). 30s. Report of the Proceedings of the Record Commissioners, 1831-1837. 1 V^ol. fol. (1837). 8s. Registru.m vulgariter nimciipatum “ The Record of Caernarvon,” e codice MS. Harleiano, 696,descriptum. Edited by Sir Henry Eelis. 1 Yol. folio (1838). 31s. Gd. Ancient Laws and Institutes of England ; comprising Laws enacted under the Anglo-Saxon Kings, with Translation of the Saxon ; the Laws called Edward Confessor’s ; the Laws of William the Conqueror, and those ascribed toHenry I. ; Monumenta Ecclesiastica Anglicana, from 7th to 10th century; and Ancient Latin Yersion of the Anglo-Saxon Laws. Eldded 6yBEN.j.AMiN Thorpe. 1 Vol. folio, 40s. 2 Vols. royal 8vo., 30s. (Vol. 1 is out of print.) Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales ; comprising Laws supposed to be enacted by Howel the Good, modified by Regulations prior to the Conquest by Edward I.; and anomalous Laws, principally of Institutions which continued in force. With translation. Also, Latin Transcripts, containing Digests of Laws, principally of the Dimetian Code. Edited by Aneurin Owen. I Yol. folio (1841), 44s. 2 Yols. royal 8vo., 36s. Rotuli de Liberate ac de Misis et Pr^stitis, Regnante Johanne. Edited by Tiiomas Duffus Hardy. 1 Yol. royal 8vo. (1844). 6s. The Great Rolls of the Pipe, 2, 3, 4 Hen. II., 1155-1158. Edited by the Rev. Joseph Hunter. 1 Yol. royal 8vo. (1844). 4s. 6d. The Great Roll of the Pipe, 1 Ric. I., 1189-1190. Edited by the Rev. Joseph Hunter. 1 Yol. royal 8vo. (1844). 6s. Documents Illustrative of English History in the 13th and 14th centuries, from the Records of the Queen’s Remembrancer in the Exchequer. Edited by Henry Cole. 1 Yol. fcp. folio (1844). 45s. Gd. Modus Tenendi Parliamentum. An Ancient Treatise on the Mode of holding the Parliament in England. Edited by Thomas Duffus Hardy. 1 Yol. 8vo. (1846). 2s. 6d. Registrum Magni Sigilli Reg. Scot, in Archivis Publicis asservatum. Yol. 1, 1306-1424. (For contmuation seep. 33.) Edited by Thomas Thomson Eolio (1814). 10s. 6d. Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland. Folio (1814-1875). Edited by Thomas Thomson and Cosmo Innes. Yol. 1, 42s. Yols. 5 and 6 (in three Parts), 21s. each Part; Yols. 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, 10s. 6d. each; Vol. 12 (Index), 63s. Or, 12 Volumes in 13, 12/. 12s. Acts of the Lords Auditors of Causes and Complaints (Acta Dominorum Auditorum). 1466-1494. Elddcd /3 [C.1432] 7 0 » Ditto. Part II. Index - - - [C. 1432 i-] [C.1745] 3 6 1877 Sixth Eeport, with Appendix. Part I. - Contents : — England. House of Lords ; Oxford and Cambridge Colleges ; Lambeth Palace ; Black Book of the Arch- deacon of Canterbury ; Bridport, Wallingford, and other Corporations ; Lord Leconfield, Sir Eeginald Graham, Sir Henry Ingilby, &c. Scotland. Duke of Argyll, Earl of Moray, &c. Ireland. Marquis of Ormonde. 8 6 1879 Ditto. Part II. Index - - - Seventh Eeport, with Appendix. )> [C.2102] \_Now re- printmg.'] Part I. - Contents : — House of Lords ; County of Somerset ; Earl of Egmont, Sir Frederick Graham, Sir Harry Vorney, &c. [C.2340] [0«t of print.'] 1881 Ditto. Part II. Appendix and Index - Contents: — Duke of Athole, Marquis of Ormonde, S. F. Livingstone, Esq., &c. Eighth Eeport, with Appendix and [C. 2340 i-] [Oh< of print.] Index. Part I. - . . Contents: — ■ List of collections examined ,1869-1880. England. House of Lords ; Duke of Marlborough ; Magdalen College, Oxford ; Eoyal College of Physicians ; Queen Anne’s Bounty Office ; Corporations of Chester, Leicester, &c. Ireland. Marquis of Ormonde, Lord Emly, The O’Conor Don, Trinity College, Dublin, &c. [C.3040] 8 6 1881 Ditto. Part 11. Appendix and Index - Contents: — Duke of Manchester. [C. 3040 i-] 1 9 26 Date. — Size, Sessional Paper. Price. 1881 Eighth Rbpout. Paht III. Appendix and Index - _ . . _ Contents: — Earl of Ashburnliam. f’cap [C.3040 ii.] s. d. 1 4 1883 Ninth Report, with Appendix and Index. Part I. - Contents: — St. Paul’s and Canterbury Cathedrals ; Eton College ; Carlisle, Yarmouth, Canterbury, :ind Barnstaple Corpora- tions, &c. J) [C.3773] [Owf of print.'] 1884 Ditto. Part II. Appendix and Index - Contents : — England. House of Lords, Earl of Leicester ; C. Pole Gell, Alfred Mor- rison, Esqs., &e.' Scotland. Lord Elphinstone, H. C. Maxwell Stuart, Esq., &c. Ireland. Duke of Leinster, Marquis of Drogheda, &c. [C.3773 i-] 6 3 1884 Ditto. Part HI. Appendix and Index ----- Contents: — Mrs. Stopford Sackville. [C.3773 ii.] 1 7 1883 1888 Calendar op the Manuscripts op the Marquis op Salisbury, K.G. (or Cecil MSS.). Part I. - Ditto. Part II. - - - 8vo. [C.3777] [C,5463] [Owf oj print.] 3 5 1889 Ditto. Part III. 1 i o 1 1 GO 00 2 1 1892 Ditto. Part IV. - _ . J> [C.6823] 2 11 1885 Tenth Report - - - - This is introductory to the following: — yf [C.4548] 0 31 1885 (1.) Appendix and Index - Earl of Eglinton, Sir .1. S. Max- well, Bart., and C. S. IL D. Moray, C. F. Weston Underwood, G. W. Digby, Esqs. yy [C.4575] lOut of print.] 1885 (2.) Appendix and Index The Family of Gawdy. yy [C. 4576 iii.] 1 4 1885 (3.) Appendix and Index - - - Wells Cathedral. [C. 4576 ii.] 2 0 1885 (4.) Appendix and Index Earl of Westmorland ; Capt. Stewart ; Lord Stafford ; Sir N. W. Throck- morton ; Stonyhurst College ; Sir P. T. Mainwaring, Misses Boycott, Lord Muncaster, M.P., C.apt. .1. F. Bagot, Earl of Kilmorey, Earl of Powis, Revs. T. S. Hill, C. R. Man- ning, and others, the Corporations yy [C.4576] 3 6 27 Date. 1 Size. Sessional Paper. Price. (4.) Appendix and Index — cont. of Kendal, Wenlock, Bridgnorth, Eye, Plymouth, and the County of Essex. s. d. 1885 (5.) Appendix and Index - - - The Marquis of Ormonde, Earl of Fingall, Corporations of Galway, AVaterford, the Sees of Dublin and Ossory, the .Tesuits in Ireland. 8vo. [4576 i.] [0«< of print.] 1887 (6.) Appendix and Index iSIarqiiis of Abergavenny, Lord Braye, G. F. Luttrell, P. P. Bouverie, AV. B. Devonport, K. T. Balfour, Esquires. [C.5242] 1 7 1887 Eleventh Keport . - . . This is introductory to the following: — [C. 5060 Vi.] 0 3 1887 (1.) Appendix and Index H. D. Skrine, Esq., Salvetti Corre- spondence. [C.5060] 1 1 1887 (2.) Appendix and Index ... House of Lords. 1678-1688. [C. 5060 i-] 2 0 1887 (3.) Appendix and Index - - - Corporations of Southampton and Lynn. » [C. 5060 ii.] 1 8 1887 (4.) Appendix and Index - - - Marquess Townshend. [C. 5060 iii.] 2 6 1887 (5.) Appendix and Index - . - Earl of Dartmouth. [C. 5060 iv.] 2 8 1887 (6.) Appendix and Index - - - Duke of Hamilton. [C. 5060 1 6 1888 (7.) Appendix and Index - - - Duke of Leeds, Marchioness of Waterford, Lord Hothfield, &c. ; Bridgwater- Trust Office, Heading Corporation, Inner Temple Library. [C.5612] 2 0 1890 Twelfth Report . - - - This is introductory to the following: — [C.5889] 0 .3 1888 (1.) Appendix - - - - Earl Cowper, K.G. (Coke MSS., at Melbourne Hall, Derby). A^ol. 1. [C.5472] 2 7 1888 (2.) Appendix - . . . Ditto. A''ol. II. » [C.5613' 2 5 1889 (3.) Appendix and Index - - - Ditto. Vol. III. )> [C. 5889 i-] 1 4 1888 (4.) Appendix - - . . The Duke of Rutland, G.C.B. A'ol. I. [C.5614; 3 2 1891 (.5. ) Appendix and Index - - - Ditto. Vol. II. [C. 5889 ii.] 2 0 1889 (6.) Appendix and Index - - - House of Lords, 1689-1690. >> [C. 5889 iii.] 2 1 28 Date. Size. Sessional Paper. Price. 1 S. d. 1890 (7.) Appendix and Index - - - S. II. le Fleming, Esq., of Rydal. 8vo. [C. 5889 iv.] 1 11 1891 (8.) Appendix and Index - - . The Duke of Athole, K.T., and the Earl of Home. [C.6338] 1 0 1891 (9.) Appendix and Index - - . The Duke of Ueaufort, K.G., the Earl of Donougliraore, .1. H. Gurney, W. IS. llulton, K. W. Ketton, G. A. Aitken, P. V. Smith, Esejs. ; Bishop of Ely ; Cathedrals of Ely, Glouces- ter, Lincoln, and Peterborough ; Corporations of Gloucester, Higham, Ferrers, and Newark ; Southwell Minster ; Lincoln District Registry. [C. 0338 i-] 2 6 1891 ( 10. 1 Appendix - . - . The First Earl ofCharlemout. Vol. 1. 1745-1783. >> [C. 6338 ii.] 1 11 1892 Thirteenth Report - - - This is introductory to the following: — [C.6827] 0 3 1891 1892 (1.) Appendix - . - . The Duke of Portland. Vol. 1. (2.) Appendix and Index. Ditto. Vol. II. - - - (3.) Appendix. J. B. Fortescue, Esq., of Dropmore. /n the [C.6474] Press. 3 0 Vol. I. - - - - Svo. [C.66G0] 3 7 1893 1892 (4.) Appendix and Inde.x Corporations of Rye, Hastings, and Hereford. Capt. F. C. Loder- Symonds, E. R. Wodehouse, M.P., J. Dovaston, Esqs., Sir T. B. Len- nard, Bart., Rev. W. D. Maeray, and Earl of Dartmouth (Supplementary Reiiort). (5.) Appendi.x and Index. [C.6810] 2 4 1893 House of Lords, 1090-1691 (6.) Appendix -Vnd Index. [C.6822] 2 4 Sir \V. Fitzherbert, Bart, 'i'lie Delaval Family, of Seaton Delaval ; The Earl of Ancastcr ; and General Lyttclton- Annesley. [C.7166] 1 4 Stationery Office, November 1893 . 29 ANNUAL REPORTS OE THE DEPUTY KEEPER OP THE PUBLIC RECORDS. REPORTS Nos. 1-22, IN POLIO, PUBLISHED BETWEEN 1840 AND 1861, ARE NO LONGER ON SALE. SUBSEQUENT REPORTS ARE IN OCTAVO. Date. Number of Report. Chief Contents. Sessional No. Price. s. d. 1862 23 Proceedings - - . - C. 2970 0 4 1863 24 Proceedings - . . . C. 3142 0 7i 1864 25 Calendar of Crown Leases, 33-38 Hen. VIII. — Calendar of Bills and Answers, &c.,Hen. Vlll.-Ph. & Mary, for Cheshire and Flintshire. — List of Lords High Treasurers and Chief Commissioners of the Treasury, from Hen. VII. C. 3318 0 8 186.5 26 List of Plans annexed to Inclosure Awards, 31 Geo. IL-7 Will. IV. — Calendar of Privy Seals, &c., for Cheshire and Flintshire, Hen, VI.-Eliz. — Calendar of Writs of General Livery, &c., for Cheshire, Eliz.-Charles I. — Calendar of Deeds, &c., on the Chester Plea Rolls, Hen. HI. and Edw. I. C. 3492 0 7 1866 27 List of Awards of Inclosure Commis- sioners. — References to Charters in the Cartae Antiqua; and the Confirmation Rolls of Chancery, Ethelbert of Kent- James I. — Calendar of Deeds, &c., on the Chester Plea Rolls, Edw. II. C. 3717 1 6 1867 28 Calendar of Fines, Cheshire and Flint- shire, Edw. I. — Calendar of Deeds, &c,, on the Chester Plea Rolls, Edw. III. Table of Law Terms, from the Nor- man Conquest to 1 Will IV, C. 3839 0 10.1 1868 29 Calendar of Royal Charters. — Calendar of Deeds, &c., on the Che.ster Plea Rolls Richard 11. Heniy \’1I.— Durham Records, Letter and Report. C. 4012 0 9 1869 30 Duchy of Lancaster Records, Inventory. — Durham Records, Inventory. — Calen- dar of Deeds, &c. on the Chester Plea Rolls, Hen. VIII. — Calendar of Decrees of Court of General Surveyors, 34-38 Hen. V 1 1 1. — Caleudarof Royal Charters. — State Paper Office, Calendar of Docu- ments relating to the History of, to 1800. — Tower of London. Index to Documents in custody of the Constable of. — Calendar of Dockets, &c., for Privy Seals, 1634-1711. — Reportofthe Commissioners on Carte Papers. — Venetian Ciphers. C. 4165 3 0 30 Date. Number of Report. Chief Contents. Sessional No. Price. 1870 31 Duchy of Lancaster Records, Calendar of Royal Charters. — Durham Records, Calendar of Chancery Enrolments ; Cursitors’ Records. — List of Officers of Palatinate of Chester, in Cheshire and Flintshire, and North Wales. — List of Sheriffs of England, 31 Hen. I. to 4 Edw. III. [C. 187] s. d. [0?