6.5 ' ^^■ : lir%i* LIBRARY OF THE U N I VERS ITY OF 1LLI NO 15 From the Library of Professor Henry F. Wickham University of Iowa presented in 1942 rionida\ and the more especially among those of the higher tribes. STIBIA, n. g. This genus differs from Triorophus by the following characters : Front trilobed, mid- dle lobe triangular slightly deticxed, lateral lobes broadly rounded. Tarsi pubescent and spinous beneath. Eyes with distinct superciliary ridge, rounded and feebly emarginate. Mandibles without tooth on upper surface. The form of the front in the unique species of this genus is entirely different from any- thing seen in the tribe. The lateral lobes are broadly rounded, the middle slightly de- flexed, forming an angle with the rest of the front, the ridge being continous with the sides of the front, so that when the front is viewed from above it appears broadly rounded as in the next tribe, and thus approaches the form seen in foreign genera, allied to Tentyria. S. puncticollis, black shining, la-ad coarsely and conflueutly punctured, thorax moderately convex, coarsely and densely punctured, one-half broader than long. Sides broadly rounded, margin acute; angles distinct: anteriorly feebly emarginate, posteriorly feebly sinuate. Elytra convex, elongate, oval, with nine rows of strong punctures on the disc, one marginal row and a short scutellar row of '.i or 4 punctures. Beneath coarsely and densely punctured. Legs ferruginous, brown. Length .32-38 inch. Peninsula of California. Collected by Mr. \\ "m. M. Gabb, to whom I must again ac- knowledge indebtedness for collections, made in all parts of California, kindly placed at my disposal. TRIPHALUS, Lee. Triphalus, Lee, New Species, 104. Triphalus differs abundantly from any of the other genera already noted. The form of front approaches that seen in Trimytis. The middle lobe is rather triangular with the greatest dimension transverse, the sides are broadly rounded ; the lateral lobes are very distinct and separted from the median by a well defined incisure. The mandibles are not toothed above. The tarsi tire very distinctly pubescent beneath, more so than in any other genera of this tribe, and with the first joint of the hind tarsi rather shorter than the last, T. punctatus, Lee., New Species, 104. The only species known, is brownish in color, with head and thorax strongly punc- tured. The elytra have rows of large punctures in lines arranged in eight discoidal and one marginal series, with a short scutellar row. Lower California. Collected by Mr. Xantus. Length .26-33. NORTH OK MEXICO. '261 TRIMYTIS, Leo. Trimytis, Lee, Ann. Lye. V, 141. With this genus commences a series of an oval, rather rohust form. In them the thorax is as wide at hase as the base of the elytra. The intercoxal process of the abdo- men is triangular and acute. The form of front in Trimytis is nearly that seen in the preceding genus. The middle lobe is broader with sides less convergent, and truncate, the lateral lobes are small, rounded and separated from the middle lobe anteriorly by a fissure or incisure, as in Triphalus. The eyes have slight superciliary ridges, more de- veloped in front of the eyes than above them. T. pruinosa, Lee., Ann. Lye. V, 141. Form elongate oval, convex, glossy black. Head and thorax densely bnt not very coarsely punctured. Thorax one-half broader than long, sides slightly rounded, gradually narrowing from hind angles, which are rectangular, apex emarginate, base truncate, anterior angles prominent acute. Elytra oval truncate at base, scarcely wider than the thorax at base, with eight discoidal and one marginal row of rather fine punctures becoming obsolete at the apex; the interstices have a single row of very fine punctures. Thorax beneath rather coarsely but not densely punctured, abdomen finely and very distantly punctured. Length .25 inch. Found at times rather abundantly under stones on the plains west of Missouri. When recent the individuals have a pruinose appearance, or as if covered with a fine dust-like efflorescence. Length .20-24 inch. T. pulverea, n. sp. Piceous, sub-opaque, elongate, oval, moderately convex. Head finely suleate from the lon- gitudinal confluence of punctures. Thorax one-half broader than long, convex, moderately, coarsely and densely punctured, sides moderately rounded. Base faintly sinuous, angles rectangular. Anteriorly slightly emarginate; an- terior angles not very prominent. Elytra oval truncate at base, with eight discoidal rows of rather large punctures and one marginal; interstices slightly convex with a faint series of punctures. Thorax beneath very coarsely and densely punctured. 4bdomen less coarsely and not densely punctured. Length .20 inch. This species differs considerably from the preceding, notably in the form of the thorax. The thorax is rather narrower at base than at its middle, the sides are therefore more rounded than in pruinosa and the anterior angles are much less prominent. As compared with pruinosa, this species has more elongate and less convex elytra. The rows of punctures are better defined and the punctures more closely placed, so that the elytra are almost striate. When recent, this species is covered with a hue dust, as in pruinosa. I found but few specimens of this species at Camp Grant, Arizona, during the Winter, under stones, etc. T. ab nor mis, chestnut brown, sub-opaque; head rather densely and coarsely punctured; thorax broader than long, narrower at base than the elytra; disc moderately convex, coarsely and moderately densely punctured, especially toward the margins; apex feebly emarginate, base slightly sinuate, sides rounded in front, gradually narrowed to the hind angles, which are rectangular. Elytra elongate oval, subparallel in front, moderately convex with stria; of finely muricate punctures, confused at base and less distinct at apex. Body beneath coarsely but not densely punctured; abdomen paler, more shining, and scarcely at all punctured. Length .20 inch. This species differs not only from all its congeners, but from the group of genera, in reproducing a form of thorax more nearly allied to Stibia; all the other species of the AMERI. PH1LOSO. SOC. — VOL. XIV. — 66 262 REVISION' OF THE TENEBRIONIDJE OF AMERICA, genera of this group have the thorax broadest at base and equal to the elytra, while the thorax in the present species is narrower at base than at apex. It cannot be referred to any other genus, and this one character alone appears really too trifling to admit of the formation of a new one. A single specimen collected by the expedition in Nevada, under Clarence King. CRYPTADITJS, Lee. Cryptadius, Lee, Ann. Lye. V, 140. Epistoma with the middle lobe produced truncate, labrum slightly prominent, entire. Maxillary palpi slender, eyes subemarginate, with a distinct superciliary ridge. Mentum large, transverse, entirely filling the buccal cavity. Antenna' 11-jointed, slender, slightly thickened externally ; 3d joint larger. Legs slender, bicalcarate. Anterior tibiae with the outer angle prolonged. Posterior coxa? approximate. C. inflatus, Lee., Ann. Lye. V, 140. Black, very convex bead and thorax, finely punctured. Thorax short, narrower anteriorly, sides rounded, slightly margined. Elytra finely rauricato-punctate. Base of antennae and feet brownish. Length .23 inch. A single specimen was found at San Diego, and subsequently lost while being sent abroad for study. No other specimens have since been found. AUCHMOBIUS, Lee. A uch mohin s. Lee., Ann. Lye. V, 140. Epistoma with the middle lobe produced, deeply emarginate, and with convergent sides, lateral lobes broadly rounded. Labrum moderately prominent, feebly emarginate. Maxillary palpi slender, last joint broader oval. Eyes feebly emarginate and without su- perciliary ridge. Antenna' with the first three joints nearly equal and longer than the others; joints 4-10, gradually increasing in breadth, slightly flattened, last joint oval, acute and smaller than the preceding. Anterior tibia- with the outer angle prolonged. Tarsi with spinous hairs beneath. This genus and the preceding have been removed "from the group Thinobatini. in which they were placed by Dr. Leconte, on account of the prominence of the middle lobe of the epistoma. In the tribe named, the epistoma is very broadly rounded and without any undue prominence of either of the lobes, which are faintly indicated by obsolete sutures. A. sub he vis, Lee., Ann. Lye. ~i. 140. This insect is of very robust form, broadly oval, and very convex, nearly smooth and shining, with few hue punctures on the head and thorax, and rather coarse ones on the elytra. It appears to occur in many parts of California, though rare everywhere. Specimens occurred most abundantly in Owens' Valley, one at Tejon, another in the Southern Coast Range. It varies in size from .3-4 inch; and one from the latter locality is smoother and of a longer oval. NORTH OF MEXICO. '263 TRIBE III EPITRAGINI. Body generally elongate oval, winged ; epistoma with at least a prominent middle lobe in our species ; labrum prominent; mention large, entirely rilling the gnlar cavity; elytra with narrow epipleurae ; metasternum long ; parapleural narrow ; middle coxa? en- tirely enclosed by the sterna, hind coxa; approximate, intercoxal process of abdomen acute ; tarsi usually pubescent beneath. Than this tribe there is probably no other more difficult of position ; each genus pos- sessing characters peculiarly its own, yet all are connected by many points of structure, rendering the tribe at least as natural as any of those which precede. Composed origin- ally in our fauna of but one well defined genus, with characters unknown in any other preceding or following it in the Tentyriidoe, it was not a matter of any great trouble to assign it to a position in an analytical table. The addition of one other genus renders its study no less difficult in our fauna than Lacordaire found it in the genera of the whole world. Two genera alone compose this tribe in our fauna, and may be readily distinguished from each other as follows : — Mesosternum divided, receiving the presternum. epitragus. " not divided, presternum not prolonged. SCHoenicus. EPITRAGUS, Lair. Epitragus, Latr., Hist. Nat. Crust, et Ins. X, p. 322. The characters of this genus have been so thoroughly exposed by Lacordaire (Genera des Coleopteres V.) that it is unnecessary to repeat, while any characters peculiar to our species, or not heretofore noted, will be developed either in the table which follows or in the description of each species. For a long time but one species was known in our fauna; our collections now contain eight, either described within a very few years or now for the first time made known. The epistoma varies considerably in outline and to the same extent in our species as has been already noticed in foreign ones. Our species may be arranged as follows : — Thorax narrower than elytra ; supra-orbital ridge distinct. submetallicus. Thorax as wide at base as elytra, Thorax dissimilar in % and 9. Anterior angles of thorax very acute and more or acutus, less prominent. a r u n d i n i s . c a n a 1 i c u 1 a t u s . Thorax similar in both sexes. Eyes with supra-orbital ridge ; elytra not pubescent. pruinosus. Eyes without " " ; elytra pubescent. 264 REVISION" OF THE TENEBKIOXID.E UK AMERICA, Elytra emarginate at apex. d en ti g e r. Elytra entire at apex. t o m e n t o s u s . p 1 u in b ens. E. submetallicus, Lee, Proc. Acad. 7, 224. This is the largest as well as the most aberrant of our species. The thorax is narrower at base than the elytra, the sides parallel behind the middle, anteriorly broadly rounded, anterior angles not prominent, but obtuse. The head is sub-quad- rate. The epistoma strongly trilobed, middle lobe rounded and prominent, lateral lobes very prominent and acute with an emargination between them and the middle lobe. The sides of the epistoma in front of the eyes do not converge, and the head thus assumes a more nearly sub-quadrate form than in any other of the species. The eyes are very convex and have a strong supra-orbital ridge. The characters above given seem to l»e sufficient for generic separation. Genera among Tenebrionidae threaten to be- come very numerous, according to the value at present assigned to characters, and I there- fore prefer to indicate as tew as possible consistent with anatomical variations. E. acutus, Lee, New Species, :!7:i, p. 108. Texas, Kansas and Mexico, Length .4li-.."i0 inch. E. arundinis, Lee, New Species, :!74, p, 108. Middle States, near the coast. Length .4(1 inch. E. c anali culat us, Say, Long's Exped. 2, 281. Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. Length .40-.45 inch. These three species have been so thoroughly described and compared, (Lee. loc. cit.) that nothing further need be said. The form of epistoma varies sufficiently to enable each species to be recognised by it. The middle lobe is most prominent in the first two. broadly rounded in the third. The lateral lobes are more prominent in the second and least evident in the first ; in all the sides of trout are slightly convergent. The thorax is dissimilar in the sexes. In the male the thorax is slightly flattened at the middle of the disc, bounded by two slightly elevated ridges, between the ends of which the anterior margin of the thorax is emarginate. The anterior angles in all three species are very acute and prominent. E. pruinosus, rufo-piceous, shining, with scarcely any metallic lustre, elongate oval convex, surface moderately, coarsely ami not densely punctured, elytra! punctures not in stria'. Eyes with supra-orbital ridge limited within by a distinct longitudinal groove. Thorax broader than long; anteriorly, feebly emarginate, angles rectangular, sides feebly rounded from the base, marginal line slightly convex downwards, base feebly sinuate, angles scarcely acute. Beneath, very coarsely and sparsely, abdomen finely and densely punctured, and with a very sparse and short pubes- cence. Length .4S inch. When recent, covered with a line cinereous efflorescence. Collected by myself in Owens" Valley, C'al.; Arizona. Coll. Lee. A\ ith this species commences a series in which the thorax is similar in both sexes, and NORTH OF .MEXICO. 265 the anterior angles of the thorax are less acute and prominent than in the three preceding species. From canaliculatus, with the female of which it may be confounded, it may be readily distinguished by its coarser and less dense punctures, by its color and by the strong supra-orbital ridges with the longitudinal groove within. E. dentiger, dark ameous. elongate oval convex, surface not coarsely and very sparsely punctured. Thorax broader than long, narrowed in front, feebly emarginate anteriorly, sides feebly rounded from the base, angles acute, base strongly sinuate. Elytra with cinereous pubescence arranged in irregular patches, apex apparently emarginate, marginal line of elytra not extending to apex, but terminating in a small tooth near it. Base of elytra emarginate and with a faint impression within the humeri. Beneath, finely punctured and sparsely covered with cinereous pu- bescence. Length .40-. 48 inch. Not rare at Camp Grant, Arizona, under the bark of mesquit. May readily be dis- tinguished from all the species by the peculiar arrangement of the pubescence, as well as by the apparent eniargination of the elytra (when viewed from above) caused by the ab- rupt termination of the marginal line of the elytra in a small tooth near the apex. E. tomentosus, Lee, X. S. 376, p. 100. Florida. Length .40 inch. E. plumb eus, Lee, X. S., 375, p. 109. These two species have the thorax much more transverse and with less evident ante- rior angles, than any of the preceding species. From each other they may be readily dis- tinguished by the characters in the table, as well as by those given by their author. E. plumbeus has more rugose elytra than any other species. Length .-AG inch. Occurs in the Trans-Mississippi region. The Epitragi of the whole Western Continent appear to need a thorough revision, no monograph to my knowledge having ever been published. From the small amount of study given to the species foreign to our fauna, the groups appear sufficiently well marked and the species so abundantly distinct, that the task would prove by no means a difficult one to any student with large series of specimens. SCHOENICUS, Lee. Sehoenicus, Lee, New Species, p. 109. S. puberulus, Lee, loe cit. p. 110. The description of this insect has been so recently published, that further comments are unnecessary. Length .34 inch. Found in Georgia, Florida, and New Jersey (Cab. Ent. Soc). AMERI. PHILOSO. SOC VOL. XIV 61 266 REVISION OF THE TENEBRIONID^E OF AMERICA, TRIBE IV CNEMODINI. Mentum large, completely filling the gular space, lateral processes of gula triangular, applied against sides of mentum. Front with a prominent middle lobe completely con- cealing the labrum. Presternum not produced. Mesosternum short, not prominent be- tween the coxae; coxae entirely enclosed by sterna, trochantin visible. Metasternum long, (body winged) parapleural parallel. Intercoxal process of abdomen acute. Tarsi with two rows of short spine-like hairs. Legs slender, anterior with the apical angle produced and with a single short spur. Antennae 11-jointed, last joint oval acuminate. CXEMODTJS, Horn. Mentum large, transverse, concealing maxillae and ligula, hexagonal, rounded in front. Labrum concealed. Mandibles deeply cmarginate and with an acute. tooth at tip, and deeply grooved on their outer face. Maxillary palpi short, first joint obconical and larger, second shortest, last oval. Front with a prominent middle lobe, with a reflexed margin and emarginate, sides of front broadly rounded; head short, broader than long, eyes prominent and coarsely granulated. Antennae equalling half the length of body, rather slender, slightly thicker at tip, glabrous; joints nearly equal in length, except eleventh, which is shorter, oval and acuminate at tip ; joints thickened at distal extremity. Thorax slisrhtlv transverse, somewhat narrower than the elytra. Scutelhrm triangular, longer than wide. Epipleurae extending to the tips of elytra, narrow, anteriorly badly defined. Legs slender, tarsi long, slender, exceeding in length their respective tibiae; joints slender, cylindrical, last joint longer. Anterior tibiae flattened, external apical angle prolonged, and with an acute tooth at middle of external edge, and with a single spur. With the above characters I define a tribe and genus having nothing known to me, allied to them. In form the unique species resembles Hypselops, Sol., and it is possible that this South American genus should be associated with the one now under considera- tion. So many curious characters are found blended in this insect, that it is really diffi- cult to tell to which most prominence should be given. The legs bear a striking resem- blance to those of some of our Lamellicornia, as Macrodactylus or Dichelonycha. C. test a c ens, yellowish testaceous, head obtuse, as long as broad, moderately coarsely punctured between and in front of the eyes. Thorax wider than long, convex, sides broadly rounded, anteriorly feebly emarginate. angles obtuse, posteriorly truncate angles distinct, disc nearly smooth, moderately shining, more coarsely punctured toward the lateral margins. Marginal line scarcely distinct, pronotum almost continuous with the flank. Elytra elongate. subparallel, twice as long as head and thorax, surface shining, and densely aciculately punctured, humeral angles dis- tinct, obtuse. Beneath faintly and sparsely punctured and sparsely clothed with yellowish hairs. Length .32, width .11 inch. The whole surface of the body appears to have been, when recent, covered with very short, sparsely placed, sub-erect hairs. Those on the under surface of the body are short. NORTH OF MEXICO. 267 sparse and recumbent, except upon the presternum, where they are much longer and erect. For the unique of this interesting species I am indebted to Capt. John E. Hill, of the California Volunteers, to whose industry, exercised under the excessive heat of the Summer at Fort Yuma, I owe many fine species. TRIBE V THINOBATINI. Body more or less elongate oval, with or without wings. Epistoma broadly rounded, without prominent middle lobe. Mentum large, concealing the parts above. Middle coxa? without trochantin, coxa? enclosed by sterna. Intercoxal process of abdomen acute. Tarsi ciliate beneath. As here recognised but two genera constitute the tribe, as ibllows : Anterior tibiae with outer angle prolonged. eurymetopon. " u truncate at tip. emmenastus. The character made use of by Lacordaire for denning the groups of genera of the tribe, appears to be of no value whatever, species occuring in both our genera with and with- out wings. EURYMETOPON, Esch. Eurymetopon, Esch., Zool. Atl. IV, p. 8. In this genus the apical angle of the anterior tibiae is prolonged and acute, and the eyes have a well defined supra-orbital ridge. Our species are as follows : Margin of front continuous. Winged. rufipes. Not winged. c o n v e x i c o 1 le . b i c o 1 o r . Margin of front with a slight notch on each side. Anterior tibia? scarcely serrate, winged. p u n c t u 1 a t u m . s o d a 1 i s . Anterior tibia? distinctly serrate, winged. serratum. E. rufipes, Esch., Atlas IV, p. 8; pi. 18, fig. 1; abnorme Lee. Ann. Lye. 5, 138. Not rare under mesquit bark, Arizona. The synonymy is determined from a duplicate of Eschscholtz's type in the cabinet of Dr. Leconte, who described his species under the impression that rufipes was apterous. Length .30-.35 inch. E. convexicolle, Lee. loe. cit. Very distinct by its much more robust form, shorter, and apterous. Is not rare under stones everywhere in California. Length .30 inch. 268 REVISION OF THE TENEBRIONID.E OF AMERICA, E. hi color, elongate oval, convex, head and thorax brownish ferruginous, remainder of body black. Head densely and coarsely punctured, more sparsely near the occiput. Thorax transverse, one-half broader than long', slightly narrower in front, densely and coarsely and at the sides continently punctured; anteriorly feebly emarginate angles not prominent; posteriorly Insinuate angles acute, moderately prominent; sides broadly rounded from the base to apex. Elytra black, oval, closely aciculately punctured in stria;, interstices more finely punctured. Presternum very coarsely and continently punctured, pectus and abdomen coarsely and moderately densely punctured, legs and antenna' ferruginous. Length .26 inch. Quite distinct from convexicolle by the characters above given. The hind angles are more acute and prominent than in any other of our species. Specimens rarely occur in which the entire color is black. It is also more robust than the species already referred to. E. punctulatum, Lee, N. Spec, 300, p. 105. One of the most singular species of the genus in several characters. The penultimate abdominal segment in the male is short and broadly emarginate, as in the other species. The same segment in the female has a deep emargination each side of the middle, leaving a central acute tooth or lobe extending to the middle of the last segment. In this and the following species the line of the front is not continuous. On each side of the front at the termination of the supraorbital ridge, is a slight notch, being in this genus the last trace of the trilobed front seen in all the preceding genera. Length .27 inch. E. s o d al i s , alate, brown, scarcely shining, elongate oval, head coarsely and densely, thorax less densely punc- tured. Thorax broader than long, sides broadly rounded, scarcely narrower in front, angles obtuse. Elytra aciculately punctured in distinct striae. Beneath very sparsely punctured. Feet, palpi, antenna- and margin of front paler. Length .22-.24 inch. Not rare in Owens' Valley, and occasionally found at Fort Yuma, California. Differs from the preceding in having the sides of the thorax regularly rounded, scarcely rounded anteriorly, and by the anterior angles being obtuse, as well as in the absence of the peculiar sexual characters of the preceding. E. sen- a turn, Lee, N. S. 367, p. 106. This species has the anterior tibia? distinctly and, for its size, strongly serrate. Length .12 inch. E. o c h r a c e u m , Eseh., loc. cit. Is unknown to me. I suspect it to be an immature specimen of convexicolle, Lee. EMMENASTUS, Motsch, (emend. Lee.) Emmenastus, Motsch., Bull. Mose. 1845, 1, 75. Regarding this genus there may yet be room for some doubt. Mannerheim states that E. rugosus, Motsch., the type of the genus, is merely a specimen of Blapstinus pul- verulentus, while in the cabinet of Dr. Lecontc a specimen of Goniontis subpubescens bears NORTH OF MEXICO. 2()9 the name of E. rugosus, from the hand of Motschulsky. While rejecting the typical species to the doubtful list, the genus must be retained, an illustration of the prediction of a genus by an author who at the same time commits a specific blunder in doing it. Our species thus far known, are as follows : "U 'inged species — metasternum long. tcxanns. 1 o n gulu s. Apterous species — metasternum short. Larger species ; fuscous or ferruginous. p u n c t a t u s . subopacus. p i n g u i s . Small species; black, with paler legs. Margin of thorax sub-parallel behind middle; angles rectangular. a tor. Margin of thorax sinuate near hind angle, angle acute. acutus. " " " rounded and gradually narrowing to apex. obesus. Margin of thorax rounded, wider at middle, angles obtuse. o b t u s u s . E. texanus, Lee, N. Spec. 372, p. 108. Texas. Length .30 inch. E. longulus, Lee.. Ann. Lye. 5, 138. (Eurymetopon) Southern Cal. and Arizona. This species differs from the preceding in having the base of the thorax much less dis- tinctly sinuate, angles more obtuse. The surface of thorax at middle is very sparsely and at the sides continently punctured, while in texanus the surface is densely and very evenly punctured. E. punetatus, Lee., N. Spec. 308, p. 106. Lower California. Recalls the form of Eurymetopon rufipes. Length .30—37. E. subopacus. Elongate oval, subopaque, moderately convex, head densely and coarsely punctured; thorax coarsely and moderately densely punctured, punctures more dense at the sides; wider than long, narrowed in front, anteriorly emarginate, posteriorly truncate, sides feebly rounding from the base, angles obtuse. Elytra distinctly punctured in strke, interstices flat, subopaque and smooth. Beneath paler, prothorax and pectus densely and coarsely punctured, abdomen not coarsely and moderately punctured. Length .35 inch. Found at Fort Grant, Arizona, under stones. Third much more convex than punetatus and more elongate and less obese than pinguis. E. pinguis. Lee, X. Spec, p. 107. Lower Cal. A very robust Coniontis-like form. Length .30 inch. E. ater, Lee, Ann. Lye. .">, 130. (Eurymetopon.) California. Black, with brownish or ferruginous legs, regularly oval and convex. Thorax with the sides parallel behind the middle and with the angles rectangular. Length .20 inch. AMERI. PHILOSO. SOC VOL. XIV. — 08 270 REVISION OF THE TENEBKIONID^E OF AMERICA, E. aeutus. Black, subopaipie, elongate oval, convex. Head and thorax densely and coarsely punctured. Thorax broader than lung, narrower at apex, base truncate, sides broadly rounded anteriorly, sinuate near hind angles, which are acute. Elytra oval, punctured in irregular stria;, truncate at base, humeral angles acute and prominent. Beneath coarsely and not densely punctured. Length .19 inch. Nebraska, collec. Leconte. Can with difficulty be distinguished from ater except by the margin and angles of thorax. E. obesus, Lee, Ann. Lye. .">, p. LJS (Eurymetopoti); cemvexus, Lee, N. Spec. 3, p. 107. I unite the above two species, being unable to discover any difference save a little more rounding of the sides of thorax. From California, New Mexico and Nebraska. Length .20- 26 inch. E. obtusus, Lee, X. Spec, p. 107. This is much flatter than any of the smaller species, more elongate and with the sides of the thorax more strongly rounded and narrower at base than middle. Middle California. Length .30 inch. E. rugosus, Motsch,, Bull. Mosc. 1 84.">. 1, p. 75. Is unknown and the description unrecognisable. From Sitkha. TRIBE VI BATULIINT. Mentum large, concealing ligula but exposing the bases of the maxilla?, and with a broad gular peduncle. Middle coxa? entirely enclosed by sterna, trochantin invisible. In- tercoxal process of abdomen triangular. Legs short, tibial spurs distinct, Tarsi short, spinose beneath. I have removed Anepsius from the tribe, as it has the middle coxa? open externally and the trochantin visible. It will lie found in the next sub-family. The single genus Batulius constitutes this tribe, containing but two species. BATTJLIUS, Lev. Batulius, Lee. Ann. Lye. V. 14S. B. set os us. Lee, Ann. Lye. 5. 14S. Length .14 inch. Occurs in the Deserts of the Gila. B. rotundicollis, Lee., Ann. Lye. ."i. 14S. These are both small testaceous insects. The former is the larger, more robust and sparsely covered with yellowish hairs. The sides of the thorax are broadly rounded and the disc more convex. In rotundicollis the thorax is shorter, somewhat narrower behind, and less strongly rounded on the sides. Length .10 inch. Occurs with the preceding. NORTH OF MEXICO. 271 TRIBE VII ZOPHERINI. Mentum large, barely concealing ligula and maxilla?, inserted on a broad short gular process. Middle coxa? entirely enclosed by sterna, without trochantin. Anterior coxa? widely separated. Tibial spurs very minute. Eyes very finely granulate. Body elon- gate, apterous and covered with asperities. Four genera are comprised in this tribe: — Tarsi sulcate ; ligula concealed. Antenna? received in deep grooves. Joints 9-11, connate, truncate at tip. zopherus. " 10-11, " , pointed " " phlceodes. Antennal cavities obsolete behind, antenna? as in Phlceodes. noserus. Tarsi not sulcate ; eyes prominent, antenna? not received in grooves. Antenna? with joint 10 broader than 9 and 11, and free. phellopsis. ZOPHERUS, Be Cast. Zopherus. Cast,. Hist. Nat, Ins., Col. II, p. 205. The Zopheri are much more convex than the species of the other genera of this sub- family, and present well defined specific differences among themselves. Six species are known to inhabit our Territories — Elytra quadrituberculate at apex. nodulosus. Elytra bituberculate at apex. Body above with narrow white marginal band from anterior angle of thorax to apex of elytra. e 1 e g a n s . Body above entirely black. Elytra with smooth elevated tubercles. Tubercles round, very convex, approximate and shining, con color. Tubercles round, flattened, distant and subopacpie. guttulatus. Tubercles elongate, flattened, moderately shining. t r i s t i s . Elytra finely granulate, opaque. o p a c u s . Elytra finely punctured, moderately shining. gracilis. Z. nodulosus, Sol.,* Ann. Ent. Soc France V— 42. Texas. * Since this paper has been placed in the hands of the Society for publication, I have been informed by letter from M. A. Salle, of Paris, that our common Texan species quoted in all American authors as Z. nodulosus, Sol., is not that species, and should receive another name. In a monograph of all the species of Zopherus, prepared but still unpublished, Salle proposes to call it Haldemani. A true specimen of nodulosus, Sol., is now before me, having been sent me by Salle, to whom the type was accessible. Nodulosus is more elongate, less robust and rather less con- vex. The black spots of the thorax are more numerous and cover a larger space without becoming confluent into a large patch, as in haldemani. The black spots of the sutural row are small, elongate oval, distant and not confluent 272 REVISION OF THE TENEBRIONID/E OF AMERICA, This very beautiful little species may be readily known by the characters above given. The narrow white margin of the elytra is equal to about a third of the width of each ely- tron. The rounded elevated black tubercles contained in this white space are much more distinct than on any other portion of the elytral surface. Toward the suture they become more flattened, their arrangement more confused and their boundaries very poorly defined, so that they appear to range from one unto the other. A single specimen collected by D. rainier, in the Canon de Chelly, New Mexico, and kindly placed at my disposal, through the Agricultural Bureau at Washington. Occurs in eastern New Mexico, at the base of Rocky Mts. Z. concolor, Lee, Ann. Lye. V. 130. Z. guttulatus, Horn, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1867-160. Southwestern Texas. Coll. Am. Ent. Soc. Z. ti'istis, Lee, Ann. Lye. V. 130. Colorado and Gila Deserts. Not rare at Fort Grant, Arizona, under loose bark of mesquit. Z. niiac us, Horn, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1807-1(11. Specimens from Nevada, in my cabinet and that of H. Ulke. Z. gracilis, Horn, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1867-161. Unique specimen from Fort Whipple, Arizona, in cabinet of Dr. Leconte. A monograph of our species may he found in Trans. Ent. Soc. of Philadelphia, l!S(>7, pp. 159 if Se(J, PHLCEODES, Lee. Placodes, Lee, Class. Col. N. A. p. 216. Ageonoma, Pascoe, Journ. Ent. II, p. is?. Two species from California belong here. Both are moderately elongate, depressed insects, with surface very coarsely sculptured. into a long black stripe, as in haldemani. In the former species the elytra have the black spots between the suture and sides much larger and more numerous, while the similar region not only of the elytra but also of thorax in halde- mani, is in major part white. The white patches of the under surface are larger in nodulosus and occur on each side of the head, presternum, meso and metasternum, and first, second and third abdominal segments. In all cabinets the name Z. haldemani, Salic, should be substituted for that of Z. nodulosus, } Ilald. Z. elegans, similar in form to tristis or concolor, but rather more slender; black, subopacpie; thorax longer than broad, broader in front, sides moderately rounded and gradually narrowing to base, surface moderately convex, with sparsely placed distinctly muricate punctures, each bearing a scale-like hair; margins with a narrow white space, in which are included moderately elevated, smooth round black tubercles. Elytra elongate oval, narrower than the thorax, moderately convex and with nine rows of tubercles more confused and less distinct at the suture, and becom- ing more rounded, distinct and distant toward the sides, where there is a narrow band of white containing three of the rows of tubercles. Body beneath black and opaque, very sparsely punctured, each puncture with a scale. Length .Oil inch. NORTH OF MEXICO. 273 P. diabolicus, (Nosoderma) Ann. Lye. 5-130, and Pacif. R. R. Reports and Surveys IX, Append. 1. pi. 1. fig. 2. From California. Abundant at San Jose. Length .6-.8 inch. T. pustulosus, Lee., Class. Col. X. A. 216, (Xosoderma); Proc. Acad. 1859-77. Differs from the preceding in the much finer granulation of the surface, and by the total absence of the white patches at the humeri and apices of elytra. Both species occur under dead oak bark, pustulosus being very abundant at Tejon. Length .60—85 inch. NOSERTJS, Lee, Xoserus, Lee., Class. Coll. N. Am. 216. X. plicatus, Lee, loc. cit. (Nosoderma) Lee, Proc. Acad. 1859-77. Xot rare at Fort Tejon, under oak bark. Length .55— .72 inch. PHELLOPSIS, Lee. Phellopsis, Lee.. Class. Coll. X. Am. 210. P. porcata, Lee., loc. cit. (Nosoderma) Lee., Proc. Acad. 6-235. Occurs abundantly in Oregon. Length .55-62 inch. P. obcordata. Lee., Class. Coll. X. Am. 216; (Boletophagns) Kirby, X. Z. 236. Eastern and Middle States and Canada. These two species are closely allied and not easy to describe as distinct. Porcata is. however, dark brown, while obcordata is ferruginous brown. Both species may be described as having the following elytral sculpture: 1st. A sutural elevated ridge. 2d. A ridge ex- tending from the base of elytra more or less continuous, terminating in a tubercle. 3d. A short ridge. These are separated from each other by a row of deep perforations. In por- cata the second ridge is continuous and the third not very prominent ; in obcordata, the second ridge is interrupted at its lower half, and consequently not reaching the tubercle, and the third very prominent. .Similar in length to the preceding. TRIBE VIII USECHIXI. Mentum moderately large, broadly rounded in front and barely concealing the ligula. Middle coxa? enclosed by sterna, trochantin not visible. Coxae widely separated. Tarsi not sulcate beneath. Antennas eleven jointed ; joints free, last rounded and larger than preceding. Antenna! groove marginal, visible from above. Eyes rounded, coarsely granulated. USECHTJS, Motsch. Useclius, Motsch., Bull. Mosc. 1845-1, p. 79. U. lacerta, Motsch., loc. cit. Rhagodera tuberculata, Motsch., (nee Mannerheim) Etudes Entom. Ann. V. p. 22. Found near Santa Cruz, Cal. Length .20 inch. For a fuller account of this insect see Proc. Ent. Soc. 1867-1293. AMERI. PHILOSO. SOC. — VOL. XIV 69 '274 REVISION* OF THE TENEBRIONID.E OF AMERICA, TRIBE IX STENOSIINI. Mentum large, inserted on a gular peduncle, maxillae exposed, ligula partly visible. Trochantin not visible. Coxae moderately separated. Legs feeble, tibial spurs obsolete. Tarsi ciliate. Antennae eleven jointed. Elytra feebly embracing body. Head strongly constricted behind. Eyes divided (in our species), coarsely granulated. One genus in our territory belongs to this tribe. AR.EOSt'HIZrS, Leo. Arseoschizus, Lee, Ann. Lye. V. 138. It is incorrect that the eyes have been said to be entire. They are divided by the side of the head, the larger portion being enclosed between the margin and another lon- gitudinal elevation, while a smaller portion, sometimes of only three or four lenses (in costipennis), is visible beneath. Attention was directed to this by the discovery of a second species in which one-third of the eye is below the margin of the head. A. costipennis, Lee.. Ann. Lye. V. 138; Lac. Genera, PI. 40. fig. 4; Thomson, Arcana, PI. XIII. fig. 11. Occurs from Vallecito, Cal., to near Fort Cummings, New Mexico. Figured by Lacordaire, Gen. des Coleop., pi. 49, fig. 4 (poor figure). A. sulci col lis, light brown, head elongate oval, gradually narrowing behind the eyes, coarsely punctured, each puncture bearing a yellowish scale-like hair, epistoma smoother; thorax longer than broad, smaller and narrower than head, disc coarsely punctured and with yellowish scale-like hairs; slightly channelled longitudinally and with two obtuse elevated ridges bounding the groove; thorax narrower behind, sides anteriorly strongly rounded, poste- riorly sinuate with distinct angles, apex and base truncate; elytra elongate oval, humeral angles not distinct, with four acute costa? on each elytron, interstices flat, with a double row of very coarse punctures; body beneath rather finely punctured and with sparsely placed yellowish scales. Legs with yellowish scale-like hairs. Length .10 inch. Collected in Owens' Valley, California, under stones in very dry places, and very fre- quently, though probably merely accidentally, with ants. Very abundant during Spring and Summer. Differs from all our other species by the very narrow thorax. Anteriorly the sides are broadly rounded, posteriorly becoming sinuate and narrowing so that the base is one- half smaller than the broadest part of the thorax. The elytra are elongate oval as in cos- tipennis, the costae have a row of recumbent scale-like hairs, the interstices are usually flat, though at times faintly carinate. The elytral costav are four in number (including the sutural), the first and second do not extend to the tip and are unequal in length, the first being longer, the third extends from within the humeri to the apex, the fourth is marginal and unites with the third near the apex. A. regularis, dark brown, head rotundate-oval, broadly rounded behind the eyes; thorax longer than broad, scarcely narrower or smaller than the head, disc feebly channelled, anteriorly and posteriorly truncate, sides ante- riorly rounded, gradually narrowing posteriorly. Elytra elongate oval, costate, interspaces Hat with a double row of very coarse punctures. Length .IS inch. NORTH OF MEXICO. 275 Fort Grant, Arizona, under stones, not common. In sculpture and the arrangement of the scale-like hairs this species resembles the last, but differs in color and form of head and thorax. A. arm at us, dark brown, head oval, rounded and narrowing behind the eyes, and suddenly narrowing to form the neck, with its hind angles moderately distinct; thorax subquadrate, feebly channelled, sides feebly rounded an- teriorly and slightly narrowing behind. Elytra oval, cosUe less distinct, interstices slightly earinated and with two rows of coarse punctures. Anterior femora armed at middle with a small acute tooth, middle femora with a tubercle, posterior femora mutic, Length .10 inch. One specimen, Owens' Valley, collected during October, 1862. As in the preceding species, the head, thorax, edges of costa?, under surface of body and legs are sparsely covered with the yellowish scale-like hairs. The species of this genus seem to be becoming numerous. Doubtless others remain in the unexplored desert regions of the West, to reward any one who has sufficient pa- tience to find stones under which they can find lodgment, and endurance to withstand the heat that has been as high as 125° Fahr. in as protected a place as possible, and during the season too, when Tenebrionida? are most abundant. To facilitate the recognition of these species, I add the following table: Femora mutic, unarmed. Thorax not channelled on disc. costipennis. Thorax with disc grooved. Head elongate oval, thorax much narrower behind. sulcicollis. Head rotundate-oval, thorax feebly narrowed. regularis. Femora (anterior and middle) armed with a small acute tooth or tubercle at middle. a r m a t u s . Costipennis, Lee, differs besides by having the hairs on the surface of the body darker in color, and on the edges of the costa? almost erect. The thorax regularly convex and all the angles more distinct. The species are all nearly uniform in size, varying only from .15-18 inch. TRIBE X DACODERIXI. Mentum large lunate, concealing base of maxillae, ligula exposed. Middle coxa? en- closed by sterna, anterior coxa? contiguous. Antenna? ten-jointed, eyes oval, coarsely granu- lated. Head suddenly constricted behind. Tibial spurs very small, tarsi pubescent. DACODERTJS, Lee. Dacoderus, Lee, Proc. Acad. 18.58, 74. D. striaticeps, Lee, Proc. Acad. 1858-74; Thomson, Arcana, 1, pi. XII, fig. 0. A single genus and species constitutes this tribe, remarkable for the contiguity of the 2H) REVISION OF THE TENEBRIONID.E OF AMERICA, anterior coxa?. Tlie head is suddenly constricted behind the eyes, partly forming the an- gle. The eves are oval, longitudinal and bounded beneath by the margin of the head. The thorax is strongly constricted at its middle, with a tubercle on each side bridging the constriction and uniting above the parts before and behind it. The elytra are elongate oval, flattened above, emarginate at base, with the angles very distinct; epipleurae narrow. Length .18-.20 inch. This insect, recalling remarkably the Rhyssodes, is found over a large extent of country, and is probably not rare, specimens being found from Vallecito, Cal., to Fort Grant, Arizona. It usually occurs in small colonies of three or four, under stones in very dry places, and when captured feigns death so persistently that I have never seen one walking. There remains but one insect described in this sub-family whose position has been un- accounted for, Dysmathes Sahlbergii, Mann. From the measurements and characters as- signed to this insect, I am inclined to believe it identical with the Amphizoa insolens. Lee., and so stated some months since in a verbal communication to the American Ent. Society. Sub-Family II.— ASIDIILL. The essential character of this sub-family is, — the middle coxae are not entirely en- closed by the sterna, but are open externally and completed by the parapleune. The The trochantin is here always more or less visible. The tarsi are for the most part spinose, in but one genus silky pubescent (Nyctoporis). This sub-family consists in our fauna of six tribes, which may be arranged in the fol- lowing order : Labium scarcely visible; Anterior tibia' broadly dilated. anepsiini. Anterior tibiae slender. Tarsi pubescent, spurs minute, gense prominent, nyctoforini. Tarsi setose, spurs large, gena; not prominent. cryptoglossini. Labrum prominent, in great part visible; Intercoxal process of abdomen broad, truncate; Mentum large, ligula scarcely visible. ASiniNi. Mentum small, ligula lunate exposed. branchini. Intercoxal process acute, triangular. coniontini. TRIBE XI — ANEPSIINI. Mentum moderate, supported by a short broad gular peduncle, ligula concealed, max- illa' visible. Epistoma rounded in front, labrum entirely concealed. Middle coxa? open NORTH OF MEXICO. '277 externally. Anterior tibia? broadly dilated with stout spurs, tarsi with spinose hairs be- neath. Antenna? slightly thicker externally. ANEPSIUS, Lee. Anepsius, Lee, Ann. Lye. V. i>- 147. A. delioatulus, Lee, Ann. Lye. 5, 147-148. A small (.17 inch) insect, with brownish head and thorax and black elytra. The thorax and head are continently punctured, the elytra punctured in stria?. The eyes are almost entirely divided. The under surface and legs are ferruginous. Occurs at Valle- cito (Leconte), and in Owens' Valley, where many specimens were found under stones. TRIBE XII XYCTOPORIXI. Mentum moderate, supported by a short broad gular peduncle, iigula hardly visible, base of maxilla? exposed, gena? very prominent. Anterior tibise slender, spurs small on all the legs, tarsi silky pubescent beneath. NTCTOPORIS, Esch. Nyctoporis, Esch., Zool. Atl. IV, p. 11. This genus, only one of the tribe, is remarkable for the vestiture of its tarsi. Its spe- cies appear to be confined exclusively to maritime California, and to the region of the Coast Range. Our species are four in number, as follows : Head strongly carinate. Thorax with two deep fovea?. c r i s t a t a . g a 1 e a t a . Thorax not foveate. carina t a . Head not carinate ; thorax not foveate. a? quicollis. N. oristata, Esch., Atlas Heft. IV, p. 11, a very rare species. Length .."iO inch. N. galeata, Lee, Pacif. R. R. Rep. IX. Append. I, p. 40, pi. 2. fig. 1. This species is closely allied to the preceding, and it is very doubtful whether they are distinct. A typical specimen of cristata is in the collection of Dr. Leconte. and we are thus enabled to make perfect comparisons. In both species the elytra are ornamented with acute ridges interrupted, forming rather a series of short elevations or catenulations. The only essential difference between the two species appears to be in these ridges. In cristata they are rather longer, less acute on top and higher than in galeata. The two forms thus appear to differ strikingly at first sight, but an analysis shows but little of spe- cific value, and it is highly probable that other forms from the northern portion of Cali- fornia will unite the two. Found abundantly near San Francisco. Length .50 inch. AMERI. PHILOSO. SOC. — VOL. XIV. 70 278 REVISION OF THE TENEBRIONID.E OF AMERICA, X. carinata, Lee, Ann. Lye. 5-138. Differs from the two preceding in the absence of thoracic fovea? and in the elytral sculpture. In this species the elytral costae are alternately continuous and interrupted, the former being higher and crenulate, the latter merely rows of small elevations between the higher costae. Not rare in Southern California (Tejon, San Pedro and San Diego). Length .50— .62 inch. X. sequicollis, Eseh., loc. oit. The head is not cristate, the thorax not fuveate, and the elytra ornamented with rows of elongated tubercles less prominent than in any of the preceding species. Not rare at San Francisco and Tejon. Length .50 inch. TRIHE XIII CRYPTOGLOSSIXI. Labrum almost entirely concealed. Lyes reniform. not coarsely granulated. Mentum moderately large, supported by a broad gular peduncle, exposing maxilla? and concealing ligula. Elytra with narrow epipleune and moderately embracing the body. Body apter- ous. Tibia? with moderately long, slender spurs. Tarsi spinous beneath. The genera of this tribe are two in number, and differ as follows : Last joint of antennas oval, acute, scarcely smaller than preceding joint ; antenna? scarcely flattened. centrioptera. Last joint of antenna? truncate, much smaller than preceding joint ; antenna' strongly flattened. CRYPTOGLOSSA. I have found it necessary, owing to the discovery of new species, to annex the genus Oochila, Lee, to Centrioptera, the form of mesosternum being a character of scarcely any value in this genus, and the denticulation of the hind thighs of still less; specimens un- doubtedly C. spiculifera, are in my cabinet, with almost entirely smooth thighs, while spe- cimens of Oochila have thighs with rather coarse granules. The degree of rugosity or spiculation of the elytra at its sides, appears to determine the presence or absence of the femoral denticulations, and is consequently not even of specific value. CENTRIOPTERA, Mann. Mann. Bull. Mosc. 1843, p. 0-10. Oochila, Lee, Class. Col. N. A., p. 220. Asbolus (part) Lee For convenience in recognising our species I add the following table: Elytra with series of more 1 or less evident tubercles becoming spiculate at the sides near apex. Hind thighs within more or less denticulate or granulate. Presternum produced behind the coxa?. NORTH OF MEXICO. 279 Head and thorax smooth. Mesosternum slightly declivous. Mentuin very coarsely punctured, convex at middle, spiculifera. Mentum nearly smooth, with a longitudinal median ridge. m uric a t a . Mesosternum and metasternum exactly on same plane. asperata. Head and thorax very coarsely punctured. variolosa. Prosternum not produced, truncate ; elytra scarcely spiculiferous. s e r i a t a . Elytra striato-punctate, not at all spiculiferous, prosternum produced, hind thighs distinctly granulate within. (Thorax broader than long.) i n f au s t a . O. spiculifera, Lee, Proc. Acad. 1861-337. Our largest species, distinguished from muricata by the greater development of the spicula? at the sides of the elytra near the apex, and by the difference in sculpture ot mentum. The mentum is very coarsely and even continently punctured, and broadly convex along the median line, bounded on each side by an oblique shallow groove. This sculpture of mentuin seems to distinguish from the succeeding species, individuals as small and as smooth as that species usually presents. I believe this species to be identical with that of Mannerheim (caraboides), but cannot settle the question definitely without a type of that species or some fuller description. Not rare on the peninsula of Lower California. Length 1.08 inch. C. muricata, Lee, Ann. Lye. 5-142. Resembles the preceding, but is smaller and with much less developed spicula?. The mentuin is smooth and with but k\v very distant large punctures, and with a longitudinal, more or less acute, median ridge. Occurs not very commonly on the Deserts of the Colorado and Gila rivers. One spe- cimen from Lower California. Length .55—95 inch. C. asperata, black, moderately shining, elongate; head coarsely but not densely punctured. Thorax longer than broad, emarginate anteriorly, truncate posteriorly, sides broadly rounded, slightly narrowed behind, angles sub- acute, disc moderately convex, smooth and a few coarse punctures near the sides; elytra elongate oval, flattened on the disc, very declivous posteriorly, base truncate, humeral angles not prominent, ornamented with series of elevated tubercles, more or less acute on the disc, becoming more acute but scarcely separate posteriorly. Mentum evenly convex, very coarsely punctured. Hind thighs with a few coarse granules. Prosternum produced, broadly rounded at tip. Mesosternum flat beneath, vertical and emarginate in front. Length .70 inch. Collected by Mr. Wm. M. Gabb, on the peninsula of Lower California, but one speci- men obtained. '280 REVISION OF THE TEXEBRK t.VID.K OF AMERICA, This species and the succeeding hear a remarkable resemblance to the figure of Cryp- toglossa bicostata, Ann. Sue. Entom. \ .. pi. 24, fig. 13, less the two costre of that species. C. variolosa, black, sub-opaque. Head very coarsely and in front densely punctured. Thorax as broad as long, emarginate in front, truncate behind, sides broadly rounded, slightly narrowed behind, angles rectangular, disc feebly convex, very coarsely punctured, becoming' more dense at the sides and base. Elytra elongate oval, truncate at base, moderately convex above, declivous behind, surface with regular series of elevated smooth tubercles, becom- ing rather more acute posteriorly, but not spiculate. Hind femora feebly granulate and coarsely punctured within. Mentum convex at middle with an oblique groove each side, and very coarsely and continently punctured. Fro- and mesosternum as in the preceding species. Length ..SO inch. Rather common at Fort Grant. Arizona. Numerous specimens were collected by my- self during the Winter of 1asc truncate, angles rectangular. Elytra elongate oval, convex, with a distinct marginal costa. base truncate, angles distinct, disc with six parallel moderately elevated costae, surface between suture and first costa sinning, between first costa and margin opaque. Beneath opaque, coarsely and sparsely punc- tured. Length .90 inch. Collected by Mr. Win, M, Gabb, in western Nevada. The arrangement of the coshe of this species is very peculiar. They tire moderately elevated, perfectly parallel to the suture and extend three-fourths of the length of the elytra. The first costa arises from the base slightly within the angles of the thorax; the second on a line of the humeri of the elytra, but at some little distance from it ; the third arises from the marginal costa at about one-fifth from the humeral angle. This species commences the divergence from the robust form resembling somewhat that of confluens (infra). NORTH OF MEXICO. 285 A. carinata, (Pelecyph.) Leo., Ann. Lye. 5-128; Thomson, Arcana 1, pi. XII, fig. 1. Philolithus carinatus, Lac. Genres Vol. V., p. 158, pi. 51, fig- 4. Collected by Dr. Leconte at San Felipe, Cal. The figure given by Lacordaire seems to give an idea of the form of this species. Length .65-80 inch. A. bifurca, (Pelecyph.) Lee.. Proc. Acad. 1861-337. From Cape San Lucas, Lower California, The elytra are very feebly transversely convex, and have on each a triple series of very short hairs arranged in the interspaces of series of confusedly placed punctures. Length .73 inch. A. connivens, (Pelecyph.) Lee, New Species, p. 140. Closely related to the preceding species. It is doubtful whether it is really distinct, though I retain it as such until a full series shows its identity beyond doubt. Cape San Lucas. Cabinet of Mr. H. Like. Length .40 inch. A. conflnens, (Pelecyph.) Lee, Ann. Lye. 5-128. Philolithus confluens, Lac. Genres 5, 158. Thorax with a distinct slightly reflexcd thick margin. Marginal costa of elytra dis- tinct, another starting from near the humerus and extending three-fourths the length of the elytra. Humeral angles distinct. Length .75-.90 inch. Colorado desert and eastward. A. parallela, (Pelecyph.) Lee., Ann. Lye. 5, 128. Philolithus parallelus, Lac. Genres 5-158. Similar in form to the preceding. Light brown, shining. Humeral angles of elytra rounded, marginal costa acute, nearly reaching the apex; another short costa parallel with the margin, and a short distance from it extending through the middle two-thirds of the length of the elytra. The sides of the elytra are very feebly rounded. Thorax with distinct slightly reflexed margin. Vallccito, California. Length .60 inch. A. sexcostata, (Pelecyph.) Lee, Proc. Acad. 1801, 337. Similar in form to the preceding; the elytra are, however, more nearly oval and the side of thorax more strongly rounded, and with the hind angles more evident. The elytra have an acute margin and two costa? on the disc of each, of which the inner is much the longer. From Cape San Lucas. Length .50 inch. A. obsoleta, (Pelecyph.) Lee, Ann. Lye 5-128. Philolithus obsoletus, Lac. Genres 5-158. Similar in outline to bifurca. The thorax is, however, nearly flattened above, rather declivous in front, and with a transverse impression at base. The elytral margin is very distinct, There is a second short costa parallel with the margin and very close to it, and occupying the middle third of the length of the elytra. Collected at Warner's ranche, California, (borders of Colorado desert). Length .70 inch. AMERI. PIIILOSO. SOC. — VOL. XIV. — 72 ?86 REVISION OF THE TENEBRIONIDJE OF AMERICA, A. muricatula, (Pelecypli.) Leo., Ann. Lye. 5-129. Philolitlius muricatulus, Lao. Genres V., 158. Closely resembling the preceding in outline and structure of thorax, both have the margin rather acute and slightly rerlexed. There is no other than the marginal costa. The elytra are covered rather sparsely with erect short yellow hairs. The legs are not hairy. Found at San Uiego by Dr. Leconte, and at Los Angelos by Mr. Gabb. Length .45 inch. A. hi r sut a, (Pelecypk.) Lee., Ann. Lye. 5-127. Philolitlius hirsutus, Lac. Genres V., 158. Similar in outline to parallela. Thorax with an acute margin. Sides of elytra rounded, without marginal costa. The whole surface is clothed with erect yellowish-white pubes- cence. The legs are also hairy. Found in the Colorado desert, Length .(!0 inch. A. kispidula, (Pelecypli.) Lee.. Ann. Lye. 5-127. Philolitlius hispidulus, Lac. Genres V., 158. Marginal line of elytra obtuse, elytra regularly oval, humeri rounded. Thorax broader than long, sides rounded ; anteriorly emarginate with acute angles, base truncate, angles distinct, not prominent. Surface sparsely clothed with very short hairs. Color usually dark brown. Found in Colorado and Maricopa deserts. Length .50 inch. A. luctata, black, opaque, elongate oval. Head very sparsely punctured. Thorax one-third broader than long, rather widely and acutely margined, disc very feebly convex, sparsely punctured at middle, more coarsely and densely at the margin, sides strongly rounded, sub-annulate at middle, apex deeply emarginate, angles acute and prominent, base Insinuate, angles obtuse. Elytra elongate oval, without marginal costa, humeral angles rounded, surface very faintly sub-tricostate. Prosternum truncate. Length .68 inch. I place this species near angulatus, from the similarity in outline, particularly of the thorax, and from the absence of any elvtral marginal ridge. It is, however, very distinct from any of our species, by the characters given. Occurs very rarely in Owens' Valley, Cal. A. angulata, (Pelecypli.) Lee.. Ann. Lye. 5-127. Philolitlius angulatus, Lac. Genres 5-158, pi. 50, fig. 3. Found heretofore only at San Diego, Cal. Length 1.1 inch. A. lecontei, Horn, Proe. Ent. Soc. Sept. 10th, 1866, verbal remarks. Pelecypli. costipennis || Lee, Proc. Acad. 1859, p. 76. The thorax of this species is much broader than long, with the sides evenly rounded and with acute margins. The elytra are elongate oval, frequently (especially in %) sub- parallel and witli the sides nearly vertical. Each elytron has two distinct costa? between the marginal and sutural. In some broadly oval 9 ? there is a third costa between the marginal ridge and the first dorsal costa. The species is, however, very variable. A va- NORTH OF MEXICO. 287 riety occurs in Tulare Valley, Cal., at the base of the hills on which the typical form is found, in which the thorax and elytra are much more smooth and the costa? of the elytra represented by very faint longitudinal ridges ; as a variety it may be known as A. com- pressa, though, as in the rough and smooth forms of costi pennis, I prefer to consider it merely a local variety. I have seen specimens evidently belonging to this species, much more robust and with the sculpture even more strongly marked. These are from Arizona and in the cabinet of Mr. H . Ulke. Length .60-.90 inch. A. captiosa, black, shining, similar in form to A. lecontei, and differing as follows: Head very finely and sparsely punctured, thorax more convex, less margined and scarcely punctured. Elytra elongate oval, margin broadly rounded, disc entirely smooth and without trace of cosfae. Length .00-.80 inch. I have doubts whether this should be considered distinct from Lecontei. It appears to be merely a variety, the result of a still further continuance of that obliteration of sculpture seen in the variety of tin 1 preceding species called compressa. Doubtless intermediate forms will some day be discovered warranting the union of this species with lecontei. Specimens in my cabinet are from both sides (East and Vest) of the Tulare, several hundred miles northward of Fort Tejon. A. punc ti colli s, (Euschides) Lee, New Spec. p. Ill, No. 379. A very robust species, with elongate oval, very convex, smooth elytra, with a faint marginal ridge. The thorax is broader than long, very convex, coarsely and densely punctured, and sides strongly rounded and the margin distinct, sub-acute. Specimens have been collected in Oregon. Leno-th .78 inch. b' A. conso b l'ina, black, opaque, very robust, head coarsely punctured, thorax one-half broader than long, feebly convex, coarsely and densely punctured, and the disc confluently punctured at the margin, sides broadly rounded, margin moderately broad; anteriorly emarginate, angles acute, posteriorly feebly rounded, angles distinct, not prominent. Elytra broadly obovate, very convex, margin scarcely evident, humeral angles distinct, not promi- nent, base feebly emarginate; surface faintly and obscurely rugose. Length .00 inch. This is one of our most robust species, resembling the preceding somewhat in general appearance. As compared with pwicticollis, it is very much shorter and more robust, the thorax less convex and punctured, and with sides more broadly rounded, and with margin much broader. The elytra are very broadly oval, convex, and suddenly declivous behind, and very obtuse at apex. The base of the thorax is broadly rounded, the rounding start- ing within the hind angles and not from the angles themselves. A. convexa, (Euschides) Lee., Smithson. Contr. Col. Ks. & N. M., p. 14, pi. 1, fig. 10. In this species the marginal line of the elytra is obsolete, except a very short carina at the humerus. The thorax is broader than long, moderately convex, very feebly punctured, margin distinct though narrow, side moderately and base feebly rounded. Elytra elongate 288 REVISION OF THE TEXEBRIONID.E OF AMERICA, oval, broader behind the middle, moderately convex and gradually declivous behind, the base is feebly emarginate, angles not prominent. From Arizona and New Mexico. Length .85 inch. A. obovata, (Euschides) Leo., Ann. Lye. V. 127. Differs from the preceding in having the elytra much more broadly expanded behind the middle, with acute rather prominent angles. The margin of the elytra is rounded and indistinct. It is probable that future discoveries will unite the preceding species with this one. Length .85 inch. A. convexioollis, (Euschidjs) Lee, Proc. Acad. 7, 334. Differs from both the preceding species in the very narrow thoracic margin, and by the greater convexity of the thorax, as well as the less breadth, as compared with the length. The elytra are similar to those of convexa, and has distinct though not prominent humeral angles. Rather common in Arizona. A. marginata, (Pelecypli.) Lee., Ami. Lye V. 128; rimutus, Lee, Proc. Acad. 7, 22:1; PlrilolitJius rimatus, Lac. Genera V. 158. One of our largest and at the same time a very variable species. Three varieties may lie more especially noticed : Marginata, surface sparsely and rather finely punctured, thoracic margin less strongly punctured and crenulate. Elytra with an acute margin not extending to the apex. Rimata, surface of elytra very coarsely and deeply punctured, thoracic margin very strongly punctured and crenulate, disc convex. Marginal line of elytra acute and extend- ing usually beyond three-fourths of their length. As compared with marginatus this spe- cies is broader, and the elytra broader and less convex. Subcylindrica, thorax as in rimata; elytra elongate, strongly rounded on the sides, sub-cylindrical and with a very short humeral carina ; surface smooth, very finely punctured. In all these forms the thorax is broader than long, sides strongly rounded and with a flattened margin more or less crenulate. The disc is convex. The base is broadly lobed at middle and with a broad impression opposite the scutcllum. All these forms inhabit the desert regions bordering the Gila River of Arizona. Length 1.00-1. '20 inch. A. gibbieollis, black, sub-opaque. Thorax broader than long, strongly gibbous, margin bread, thickened ami reflexed in front, gradually narrowing to base, apex deeply emarginate, angles acute, base rounded, and with three deep impressions, one scutellar and one on each side; elytra broadly oval, marginal carina distinct, base trun- cate, angles distinct. Length .S5-1.00 inch. A \ery distinct species, recalling the form of some of the Microschatia? by the strong NORTH OF .MEXICO. 289 impressions along the basal margin of the thorax. The median impression is rather deep and rounded on each side by an elevation. The margin of thorax is slightly turned up- ward, more distinctly so near the anterior angles. The base of elytra is truncate and the angles distinct, not prominent. Collected by Mr. Gabb it) the peninsula of Lower California. A. elata, (Pelecyph.) Lee, Proc. Acad. 0, 445; (Philolithus) Lac. Genera V.. p. 158; Pelecyph. difformis, Leo., Proc. Acad. 7, 723; (Philolithus) Lac, loc. cit.: Thomson, Arcana 1. pi. XII, fig. 7. This species is remarkable in the curious form of its thorax. Sides of thorax strongly angulate and margined, margin broadest at the angulation, rapidly narrowing to the an- terior angles, which are dentiform ; behind the angulation the margin is very feeble and the sides are rather feebly sinuate to the hind angles ; apex of thorax feebly emarginate, base nearly truncate, with angles rectangular. The margin of the thorax is in some specimens rather strongly reflexed, so that the disc becomes concave. The disc is nearly smooth, the margin very strongly and densely punctured. The elytra are elongate oval, nearly twice as long as broad, not acutely margined, feebly convex and with shallow longitudinal grooves. Along- the suture the elvtra are reddish brown, recalling the color seen in many Eleodes. This species is distributed from Oregon to Texas. Length 1.00-1.25 inch. SUB-TRIBE II ASTROTI. The two genera constituting this sub-tribe have been separated from the other genera of Asidini on account of the form of the middle coxa?. In the species of the preceding sub-tribe, the middle coxa? are strongly angulate, externally closed by the parapleural and allowing the trochantin to become very distinctly visible. In these genera, on the con- trary, the coxal cavities are nearly rounded, closed by the sterna, and the trochantin if at all visible is very minute. The buccal cavity is also more completely closed by the men- turn, against which the sides of the gula tit accurately, not allowing the maxillae to be- come visible. The ligula is completely hidden. Two genera constitute this sub-tribe, as follows : Antenna? slender, joints longer than broad, apex of presternum deflexed; trochantin very small. ologlyptus. Antenna? with joints broader than long, apex of presternum prominent ; trochantin not visible. ASTROTUS. OLOGLYPTUS, Lac. Ologlyptus, Lacordaire, Genera V., p. 158. Pactostoma, Lee, Journ. Acad. X'. P. IV., p. 19. (Without any other characters than those given in a table.) AMERI. PHILOSO. SOC VOL. XIV. — 73 290 REVISION OF THE TEXEliKIOXID.E OF AMERICA, 0. anastomosis, Say. (Asida) Journ. Acid. III. 236; Lie. (Ologlyptus) loc. '-it., pi. 52, fig. 0; Lee, (Pactos- t'HKI I 1 • > L- . fit. The figure given by Lacordaire, though inaccurate in many respects, will serve to give the student a tolerably exact representation of the species, and with the generic descrip- tion given leaves nothing to he desired. Not abundant. Occurs in Colorado and Kansas. Length .50-60 inch. ASTROTTJS, Lee. Astrotus, Lee, Class. Col. X. A.. \>. 001. Abundantly distinct from any of our Asidini. in the total absence of trochantin to the middle coxa?. In this ganus there appear many points of structure recalling those Molu- rini allied to Sspitlium, where we also find genera witli the same structure of middle coxal cavities, and it is probable that in these genera must be sought the links uniting the now isolated Zopherini with the neighboring tribes. A. eontortus, Lee., Class. Col. X. A., p. 001; Lee., (Microschatia) Proc. Acad. II, 44G. Color, dark brown, densely clothed with strongly adherent dark gray scaly coating. Head deeply inserted, lateral sutures between clypeus and front deeply impressed. Thorax broader than long, feebly convex, with two feeble longitudinal ridges separated by a me- dian shallow groove ; apex emarginate, base feebly emarginate ; sides strongly angulate at middle, converging in front of and deeply sinuate behind the angulation, hind angles rectangular and covering the humeral angles of the elytra. Elytra oval, broader behind the middle, rather suddenly declivous behind, sides rather strongly rounded and with an acute and strongly serrate marginal ridge extending nearly three-fourths of their length, disc feebly convex and with an irregular elevated line on each elytron extending from within the humerus to near the apex, and the two thus enclosing an elongate oval space; several short more or less oblique ridges extend from the main ridge to the elevated su- tural margin; base of elytra truncate, angles rectangular. Length .40-44 inch. The entire surface of the body is sparsely clothed with scale-like hairs, and the entire vestiture and sculpture strikingly recall that ol Sepidkun. All the specimens in our cabinets have been reported from Western Central Texas. A. regular is. Similar in form and sculpture, differing from eontortus in the following points: Sides of thorax not suddenly angulate at middle, but rounded and gradually sinuate to the hind angles. Median discal sulcus very faint. Elytra more broadly oval, marginal rido-e moderately acute, not coarsely serrate, median costa moderately elevated, not ser- rate at summit, enclosing a regular elongate oval space. NORTH OF MEXICO. 291 This species has been for a long time considered as the female of contorlus, but the very marked difference in the form of thorax, and the very feebly elevated elytral ridges not serrate at the summits, have caused me to place it as distinct. In all the specimens of contortus before me, the median costa does not extend so far forward as to touch the thoracic base, while in reyiil9. Am. Ent. tab. 1G. (Eleodes) Esch. I cannot accept the feeble differences between the five species described, as indicative of specific distinction. With very large series it would be difficult indeed to define even races. The three principal variations have been selected as centres, and may for conve- nience be called "races," each may receive separate notice, and the student be thereby the better enabled to determine either their validity as species, separation as races, or complete union as mere varieties. dispersa, Lee; deleta, Lee. Proc. Acad. lsr>S, p. 182. Variations of sculpture alone form the differences between the three races. The mid- dle lobe of the mentum is large, obtuse in front, coarsely punctured and elevated more or less along the median line, the lateral lobes are small, strongly indexed, scarcely evident without careful examination. The head is often coarsely punctured, and the clypeo- frontal suture by no means rarely visible. Thorax broader than long, moderately convex and shining, and sparsely punctured, anteriorly truncate with obtuse angles. The sides are rather broadly rounded in front, slightly sinuate behind, margin fine, slightly refiexed, base feebly sinuate and one-fourth narrower than at the widest portion ; the hind angles are never acute, though distinct, generally rectangular. The elytra vary in shape even in individuals of the same sex. Their form is, however, elongate oval, generally twice longer than broad, sides more or less rounded, occasionally sub-parallel in some males. The margin is newer acute even at humerus, always rounded. The sculpture consists of very AMERI. PIIILOSO. SOC VOL. XIV. — 7 7 306 REVISION OF THE TEXEBRIOXID.E OF AMERICA, indistinct stria*, with the whole surface rather densely and very irregularly muricately punctured. The anterior femora arc armed in both sexes with a tooth, strong and acute in tin 1 male, very obtuse in the female and occasionally reduced to a mere sinuation. This form occurs in New Mexico. Length 1.25 inch. nip sc n r a . Say (references already given). Differs from the preceding as follows :" Elytra feebly sulcate, interstices convex and rather sparsely muricately punctured, the more densely in the stria". This race is also smaller and shows more tendency in the elytra to become reddish brown than the others. It agrees in every respect with dispersa excepting the elytral sculpture. Its habitat is more northern than the preceding, occurring in Nebraska and Colorado. Length 1.05 inch. sulcipennis, Mann.. Beitrag. 226; Mag. Zool. 1843, pi. 128; arata, Lee, Proc. Acad. 1858, p. 182. This form is still mure deeply sulcate than the preceding and has smoother interstices with fewer murieate punctures. Specimens occur very abundantly in Oregon, northern California, and through Nevada and Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona. Length hardly varying from 1.25-1.30 inch. E. a rut a, Say. (Blaps) Journ. Acad. 3, p. 238. Am. Fait. tab. 16. Esch. (Eleodes). The form of this species is not greatly different from the preceding. The only con- stant character being in the greater acuteness of the elytral margin, especially near the humeral angle. The dorsum of elytra is more or less flattened, and in proportion to the extent of this depression the margin is more extended from the humeral angle until it is almost as evident, though never so acute as in the following species. The thorax is simi- lar in form to obscura and lacks entirely the flattening and very acute margin of sutured 'is. 'l'he anterior femora are toothed, the female the more obtuse. The species occurs from Kansas to Texas and varies in length from 1.-1.40 inch. E. .s u t n ial is. Say. (Blaps) Joum. Acad. 3, p. 257; Am. Ent. talc 1(1: Esch. (Eleodes). The general form of this species agrees with the two already mentioned, differing, however, in having both the thorax and elytra with a very acute margin, generally slightly reflexed in the latter, always so in the former, so that the dorsum appears either flattened or concave, in accordance with the degree to which they are upturned. The sides of the elytra are rounded, never parallel, the dorsum is always flat. The anterior femora are not very acutely toothed, frequently merely sinuate. Occurs abundantly in Kansas and Ne- braska, and varies in length from .8 to 1.2 inch. Many specimens have a broad red hand along the suture of the elytra. E. texa mis, Lee, Proc. Acad. 18t8, p. 182; Thomson, Arcana, 1, pi. XII. fig. 3. Acutely margined as in the preceding. The thoracic margin is much wider and more NORTH OF MEXICO. 307 reflexed. The thorax is broader, sides more strongly rounded, apex deeply ernarginate with acute angles, base trisinuate also with acute angles. The elytra are also more acutely margined than suturalis, the dorsum slightly concave, longer and more parallel and in the males slightly produced, their surface is also feebly sulcate with stria? of coarse, closely placed punctures. The anterior femora of the male are armed with a rather small acute tooth. This species has thus far occurred in Texas alone. Length 1.25—1.50 inch. Section TI. of Group I. contains all those species of the sub-genus Eleodes in which the anterior spur of the anterior tibia is notably longer, broader, thicker and more strongly curved than the posterior spur, in the females. E. pedinoides, Lee, Proc. Acad. 1858, p. 183. tisperata, Lee, (loe. cit.) The peculiar form of the elytra distinguishes this and the next from the others of the section which follow. The sides are sub-parallel, very feebly rounded and scarcely nar- rower (frequently broader) at base than at any other portion. The base is also truncate and the angles rectangular, extending 1 under the basal angles of the thorax. In both species the middle lobe of the mentum is smaller, rather more acute and more prominent in front than the species in the preceding section. The form of the thorax of E. pedi- noides is similar to that of acuta. The anterior angles are not acute and the posterior are rectangular. The hase feebly emarginate and with an impression near each hind angle. The sides are rounded anteriorly, slightly sinuate posteriorly. The elytra are oval, not narrowed at base, black, glabrous, and never pubescent, feebly sulcate with moderately convex interstices. The stria? are rather coarsely punctured in some specimens, less evi- dently in others. In the variety asperata the punctures become slightly muricate at the sides near the apex. The elytra are also moderately convex, margin rounded, the humeri are occasionally slightly carinate. The femora are mutic in both sexes. Occurs in southwestern Texas. Length .75-95 inch. E. tricostata. Say. (Blaps) Journ. Acad. 3, 262; Lee. (Eleodes-: alternata, Kirov. (Pimelia) X. Z.,232; pian- ola 1 Sol., (Eleodesl Baudi e Truqui, p. 266, indicated by error as from Spain); robusta, Lee. Proc. Acad., 1858, p. 183. Similar in form to pedinoides, differing in the iollowing characters: Elytra usually flattened, margin more acute, alternate interspaces more elevated, the shallow sulci are rather strongly muricately punctured, each puncture with a short robust hair in recent specimens. The elytra are never shining as in pedinoides, and the peculiar sub-trieosta- tion will readily distinguish it. The variety robusta, as the name indicates, is larger, stouter and rather more coarsely muricate. The species is abundant on the plains of Kansas and Nebraska and southward into Texas. Length .50-.90 inch. 308 REVISION" OF THE TENEBRIONID^E OF AMERICA, Following the Pediniform species, we have another sub-section still having the ante- rior spur of the anterior tibia larger than the posterior, but (littering especially in the form of the elytra. In these the humeral angles of the elytra are but feebly prominent, and the base feebly emarginate ; the elytra themselves are always convex, never flattened and sub-acute on the margin. The thorax is usually narrowed at base-, the angles never prominent nor overlapping the elytral base. E. carbonaria, Say, (Blaps) Journ. Acad. 3. 200; Leo. (Eleodes); soror, Lee., Proc. Acad. lS,"jS. ls" >; immunu, Lee, il'., 186; deliiis, Lee, lb., 183. This species as above defined may lie known from all the others of the sub-section by the smooth polished elytra, with rows of large punctures rather distantly placed, the in- terstices of the rows are flat. In some specimens the punctures are small, though in other respects the characteristics of the species, such as the polish, the distance between the rows, are still present. In some specimens of quadricollis there is an evident ten- dency to the arrangement of the punctures in rows; in these, however, the interstices will be seen to be very distinctly diffusely punctured, besides lacking the peculiar appear- ance of carbonaria, readily remembered after sight. I have united several other species with carbonaria, as ma}' he seen above. Of these, I am absolutely unable to distinguish even as faint varieties, soror and immunis. Debilis is a very small form from the mountainous region around Santa Fe, and differs from the typical form only in having the thorax slightly more transverse and widest at the middle, while the others have the thorax widest in front of the middle. From the known degree of variation of other species and from the fact that this possesses all the other characters of the species, I am unwilling to retain it as distinct. The species is rather abundant in southern Colorado, New Mexico and eastern Ari- zona and Texas. Length .65-1.00 inch. K. obsoleta, Say. (Blaps) Journ. Acad. ::, 001. (Eleodes) Lee. This species has mutic femora also, and maybe known by the silicate or striate elytra. The suture is frequently reddened, the strne are marked with coarse punctures and the interpaces coarsely muricately punctured. The form is usually robust, occasionally elon- gate in the males, elytra rather broadly oval and feebly convex on the disc. As in car- bonaria, the thorax is sub-quadrate, sides and base feebly rounded, anteriorly very feebly emarginate. Occurs abundantly on the plains of Kansas and southward to New Mexico. Length .50-80 inch. E. quadi icollis, Esch., Zool. Atl. III., p. 10, tab. 14. fig. •"">. Mann.. Beitrag, 268; omissa, Lee. Proc. Acad. 1838, ISO: vicina, Lee.. Ann. Lye. •"">. 133. Very similar in form to obsoleta. The elytra are more convex, totally black, with NORTH OF MEXICO. 309 sculpture consisting of punctures sometimes fine, at others rather coarse, rather densely but irregularly placed and never muricate, never arranged in rows. The femora are mutic in both sexes. The thorax is also narrower at base than in the two preceding spe- cies. The elytra of the female are always broadly oval, those of the male elongate, scarcely broader than the thorax. Occurs in California, from San Francisco to San Diego on the coast, and inland from San Jose to Tejon. Specimens have been sent from Sonora. Length .60-.80 inch. E. humeralis, Lee, Pacif. R. R. Surv. 47 parallel, App. 1, p. ."i0. Differs from the preceding in the rather deeper emargination of the base of the elytra, and by the humeral angles a little more prominent. The elytra are always opaque to a greater or less extent, and very densely muricately punctured or almost granulate. The femora are mutic. Occurs in northern California and Oregon, where it replaces quadricollis of the south- ern regions. Length .54-.6S inch. E. granulata, Lee, f; obtusa, Lee., Proc. Acad. 1861, p. 332, % ; aspera, Lee, New Species. 115; ? subaspera, Sol., Stud. Ent. 24G. From all the other species this may be readily distinguished by the elvtral sculpture, consisting of rows of moderately elevated, rather smooth tubercles with opaque interspaces. Its form is similar to the male of quadricollis. I have placed it in association with extri- cata, a species with armed anterior femora, although its femora are scarcely toothed, but strongly sinuate near the tip. The other preceding species have the femora of both sexes entirely without either a tooth or the suspicion of a sinuation. The specimens in our col- lections appear to be rather poorly developed, and from what occurs in other species it is inferable that fully developed forms may have a very distinct tooth in the males. I have united aspera as a synonym, although the specimen is not before me. I believe it to lie merely a more roughly sculptured form, bearing the same relation to granulata that aspe- rata does to pedinoides. Occurs as follows ; granulata, Oregon; obtusa, California; aspera, Xew Mexico. The three specimens scarcely vary from .60 inch. The last synonym is placed here doubtfully. Should it prove to be identical with granulata, this name must be suppressed and the name of Solier used instead. E. extricata, Say, (Blaps) Journ. Acad. 3, 261. Lee. (Eleodes); cognata, Hald., Stansb. Rep.. App. C, p. 370. Readily distinguished from all others of the sub-section by the very evident tooth of the anterior femur of the male, as well as by the rather more slender form of that sex. AMERI. PHILOSO. SOC VOL. XIV. 78 :jlO REVISION OF THE TENEISRIONID.E OF AMERICA, The thorax is finely and very sparsely punctured, the elytra coarsely and densely, with a taint tendency to the arrangement of the punctures in lines, more evident in the smoother varieties of the species. Cognata, Hald., is merely a more rohust and rather smoother form of ( xtricata. Occurs abundantly on the plains of Kansas and Nebraska, and some few have been obtained in Utah and eastern Oregon. Length .42— .56 inch. Group II. This group is distinguished readily from the preceding, by having the spurs of the an- terior tibia' very nearly equal in size and in no way differing from each other in thickness and shape. Section 1. contains the bulk of the species of the group, and may be recognised by the smooth, sparsely punctured thorax. The three following species differ from all the others, by having all the femora of each sex armed with a very distinct tooth, large and strong in the first two, small in the last. The tibia? are also more strongly curved than in any others of the genus. E. militiiris, n. sp., black, moderately shining, elongate, similar in form to fenioi\tta. Thorax 5 sub-quadrate, moderately convex, sides rounded, feebly converging at base; apex rather deeply emarginate, angles acute, not denti- form; lia.se feebly rounded, angles not prominent; J thorax one-third broader than long, more convex at sides, moder- ately rounded, not converging at base; apex as in male, base truncate or feebly rounded, notably broader than apex, ingles not prominent. Elytra elongate oval, strongly attenuate behind, very convex above, with distant rows of rather tine and distant punctures. Leys coarsely punctured. Presternum prolonged, horizontally mucronate. Mesosternum slightly concave. Length .86-1.00 inch. Lower California. Mr. Wm. M. Gabb. The sexes of this species differ from each other, in the form of the elytra, the female as usual being the broader and more robust, and also in the form of the thorax. In the o there is scarcely any difference between the thoraces of fenwrata and militaris, while that of the female of the latter species is much broader, the sides regular!)' rounded to the basal angles and the base broader near the apex. In both sexes all the femora are armed with a very strong triangular tooth, broader but less acute than armata. This species differs from armata in the character last given, and also in its much less prominent and never dentiform apical thoracic angles. The elytra approach the form of femurata, and ere more attenuate behind than in a rmata . The peculiar form of thorax causes the []■. nude to appear more obtuse in front. K. armata, lac, Ann. Lye. 13, 134; Thomson, Arcana 1, PI. XII, fig. 2. The elytra of this species are less attenuate, rather more suddenly declivous behind than either of the others 0!' the group. The anterior angles of the prothorax are acute, usually prominent and dentiform. Further comparison between this and the preceding NORTH OF MEXICO. 311 species is unnecessary, while from the following it may be distinguished by having very much more prominent femoral spurs and by the form of the elytra already mentioned. Occurs abundantly on the Colorado Desert (Leconte) ; those in my cabinet are from central Arizona, where it exceeds all other insects in abundance except E. liispilabris, Say, (sulcata, Lee.) Length .58-1.30 inch. The greater number are over one inch in length. E. femorata, Lee, Ann. Lye. 5, 134. The teeth of the femora are all very obtuse. Occurs at San Diego, California. Length .68-1.00 inch. The species of the section hereafter noted differ from the three preceding, in having only the anterior femur (if any) toothed. In accordance with the form of thorax the species may be again sub-divided, those with a sub-quadrate thorax with very feebly rounded sides, and with the base rarely nar- rower will be mentioned first. L. longicollis, Lee, Ann. Lye. ■"",, 1:;4. Eaydenii, Lee.. Proc. Acad. 1858, p. 1st;. Frequently elongated fusiform in shape, thorax generally longer than broad, sides feebly rounded, base always broader than apex. Femora mutic in both sexes. The elytra. are smooth or feebly punctured, never striate. Occurs abundantly in New Mexico and Arizona, and occasionally in Kansas and Colorado. Length .90-1.25 inch. E gentilis, Lee., Proc. Acad. 18*>8, p. 1ST. The femora are mutic as in longicollis, from which it differs in its smaller size, more quadrate thorax with more rounded sides and rather more prominent anterior angles. Occurs at San Diego, Cal. Length .75 inch. E. ventricosa, Lee., Proe. Acad. 1858. \>. 108. With this species commences a series with the anterior femora of the % (and fre- quently ?) armed with an acute tooth or sinuate. The elytra are also feebly sulcate and rows of rather coarse punctures. In this the elytra are strongly ventricose in both sexes, and also caudate in the male. The anterior femora of the male are armed with a robust tooth, strongly curved. The thorax is broader than long, with sides and base moderately rounded, anteriorly feebly emarginate, angles distinct, not dentiform. Occurs in Texas, near the Rio Grande. Length 1.05-1.40 inch. 312 REVISION OF THE TEXEBRIOXImE OF AMERICA, E. Iuceb, Lee., New Species, p. 114. The species is more elongate than the preceding, and very feehly ventricose in the fe- male. The elytra are more deeply striate and also caudate in the male. The thorax lias feebly rounded sides, an almost truncate base, apex emarginate, angles distinct, never dentiform. Both sexes have the anterior femora armed with an acute 'straight tooth. Abundant near Cape St. Lucas. Lower California, where it replaces gracilis of Arizona and the northern end of the Peninsula. Length .70-1.04 inch. E. gracilis, Lee, Proc. Acad. 1858, p. 184. As in liini. the anterior femora of both sexes are armed with an acute tooth. It dif- fers by its more elongate form, the dentiform anterior angles of the thorax, as well as by the thorax being narrower behind and the sides more strongly rounded. The male is never caudate. From New Mexico. Arizona, and the upper end of the Peninsula of Lower California. Length .78-94 inch. E. innocens, Lee, New Species, p. 114. The femora of this species are feebly sinuate. The elytra are rather strongly striate. as in lucce. The thorax is slightly longer than broad, with feebly rounded sides and trun- cate base. The apex is very feebly emarginate, the angles prominent, not dentiform. From Cape St. Lucas. Length .54 inch. The following species have the thorax rounded on the sides and with the sides more strongly convergent at base, frequently rather suddenly constricted. The first two species have the thorax very convex, hind angles obtuse, humeral angles of elytra wanting. In both the elytra arc smooth or faintly punctured, never striate or sidcate. E. grandicollis, Mann.. Beitrag. p. 26G; Mag. Zool. 1844. pi. 130. talidn, Boheman, Eugen. Resa, Ins. p. 00. The elytra are rather broadly oval in outline. The anterior femora are toothed in both sexes. Dr. Leconte mentions the synonym in Proc. Ac. Xat. Sci. 1859, p. 290, bur it has been accidentally omitted in his List of Coleoptera, Occurs near San Francisco, Cal. Length 1.-1.20 inch. E. gigantea, Mann., Beitr., p. 267; Mag. Zool. 1843, pi. 127. More elongate and attenuate than the preceding. The femora are mutie in both sexes. Occurs at San Francisco, and in the Sacramento Valley around the bay. Length 1.10-1.40 inch. NORTH OF MEXICO. 3 1 I 3 E. nigrina, Lee, Proc. Acad. 1858, p. 186. With this species commences a series in which the humeral angles of the elytra are much more distinct than in the two preceding. The thorax is also much less convex. From the species following, this one may he readily known by the femora being merely feebly sinuate in both sexes. The elytra are feebly striate, with muricate punctures not very densely but very irregularly placed. The males are rather more slender than the females. The elytra of both are sub-opaque, a character otherwise unknown in the group. More decidedly Upiform than any other species. Occurs in Oregon, thence eastward to Dacota, and southward into Colorado and western Kansas. Length .60— .Sf! inch. E. hispilabris, Say, (Blaps) Journ. Acad. :!. 2(30; Am. Ent. pi. 10. sulcata || Lee, Proc. Acad. G, 07; con- vexa, Lee, Pacif. P.. P. Repts., App. 1, p. 4f>; nupta, Lee, Proc. Acad. 1858, p. 183. I have no hesitation in applying the name of Say to one of our species, better known under the pre-occupiod designation sulcata, Lee. The description and figure of Say ap- pear to me perfectly applicable to this and not to one of the larger species of Group I. The prominent dentiform anterior thoracic angles, so well described and figured, are not found in any species of the oiscnra series. I am unable to find characters warranting the division of the species into three others, the forms so completely passing from one to the other without a break in the series. The species may be readily distinguished from all those having the same form of thorax, by the more or less deeply sulcate elytra, with con- vex interstices. The striae arc 1 punctured and the interstices smooth. In the variety nupta, the elytra are rather more convex and broader, and the sidci less deep, and the interstices consequently much less convex. Occurs abundantly in Oregon and Arizona, Kansas, Colorado and Texas. Say's spe- cimens came from "Missouri," a very badly defined geographical region in his day. Length .70-1.05 inch. E. sponsa, Lee, Proc. Acad. 1858, p. 184. In general form this species resembles the preceding. The thorax is, however, less rounded on the sides and more nearly quadrate. The anterior angles arc acute and fre- quently prominent. The elytra are elongate oval, slightly flattened, feebly sub-striate and with the interstices rather coarsely muricately punctured. The apex is moderately acute in the male, never prolonged or caudate. The anterior femora of the males are fur- nished with an acute tooth, the females with one more obtuse. Occurs in southern Colorado and eastern New Mexico. Length .80-.9G inch. AMERI. PHILOSO. SOC VOL. XIV 7!) ol4 REVISION OF THE TENEBRIONlDyE OF AMERICA, E. caudifera, Lee, Proc. A.cad. 1858, p. 184. Differs from the preceding as follows: Males with the apex of elytra prolonged or caudate; anterior femora armed with an obtuse tooth in the males, mutic in females. Occurs with the preceding. Length .70— .90 inch, exclusive of elytral prolongation. E. acutica uda, Lee, Ann. Lye. 5, 135; laticoUis, Lee. lb. In this species the thorax is at least one-half broader than long, sides very strongly rounded, base strongly constricted; anterior angles very acute, prominent and dentiform. The elytra are elongate and strongly produced in the male, not suddenly caudate. The sculpture consists of stria' of tine punctures. The anterior femora of both sexes are acutely toothed, tooth rather small. Occurs only in extreme southern California. The synonym belongs to a larger and narrower form. Length .90-1.30 inch. E. dentipes, Esch., Zool. Atl. :'.. in, pi. 14. tig. 4; Mann. Beitrag. 267; Guerin. Mag. Zool. 4. 31, pi. 117. The thorax is much less broad than acioticanda, the sides less rounded and the an- terior angles less prominent, and the elytra are never as produced. Both sexes have the anterior femora armed, though the tooth is less prominent and broader than in the prece- ding species. The most abundant species in California south of the latitude of San Francisco, and very variable both in sculpture and general form. Length .62—1.05 inch. Section 15. E. granosa, Lee., New Species, p. 116. The elytral sculpture of this species is peculiar and without any parallel in the genus. One specimen in the cabinet of Dr. Lcconte, from California, another in my own. from Nevada, collected by Mr. Wm. M. Gabb. Length .65-.T5 inch. E. pilosa, n. sji., black obaque. Head coarsely and densely punctured, sparsely clothed with short, black. sub-erect hairs. Thorax sub-quadrate, feebly narrowed behind, sides moderately rounded, margin hardly evident: apex and base truncate, angles nut prominent; above very eoarsel) ami confluently puuetured with erect black hairs. Elytra oval, moderately convex, humeri indistinct, surface faintly sub-striate with densely and irregularly placed mu- ricate punctures, each bearing a rather long black hair. Beneath muricately punctured and setose, abdomen more shining, less densely punctured. Femora mutic in both sexes. Occurs abundantly in Owens' Valley, California, and in western Nevada (Gabb). Length .46-60 inch. NORTH OF MEXICO. 315 E. hirsuta, Loo., Proc. Acad. 1801, p. 352. Readily known from the two preceding, by the shining, densely punctured and pubes- cent elytra. Its form is more robust and the elytra more broadly oval. From the same regions with pilosa. Length .40-44 inch. Occurs in Owens' Valley, California, (Horn), and western Nevada (Gabb). Sub-Genus Blaptlis. This sub-generic name is proposed for some small species in which the males have two (sometimes three) basal joints of the anterior tarsi clothed with a rather dense silken pubescence, obliterating entirely the groove. These joints are never dilated nor thick- ened. The femora arc all unarmed. The thorax has rather strongly rounded sides, and always greatly narrowed at base, frequently constricted, appearing to be almost peduncu- late. The elytra are oval, strongly rounded on the sides, humeral angles usually obtuse. The tibial spurs are usually short, stout and sub-equal. This assemblage of characters will readily distinguish the species of this sub-genus, of which cordata may be considered the central form. The peculiar tarsal vestiture is seen also in the following sub-genus, where it becomes more spongy, and in ventricosa, where the anterior tarsi of some males are more hairy than spinous. Two sections are found in the sub-genus. The first contains species with a less strongly constricted thorax, and with the lateral margin extending to the basal margin. E. scabripennis, Leo., Proc. Acad. 1859, p. 77, 9; ineulta, Lee, Proe. Acad. 1861, p. 352, %. The base of thorax is rather more strongly rounded, the disc much less convex, and the sides much less rounded than any of the species of the sub-genns. The elytra are very densely and irregularly muricately punctured. From Santa Barbara and Ft. Tcjon, California. Length .5S-.65 inch. E. clavicornis, Exch., Zool. Atl. 0, p. 11 Mann. Beitrag. 270; impressicollis, Bohemann, Eugen. Tiesn. Ins.. p. 90. The impressicollis of Bohemann, is merely a specimen of this species with two thoracic fovea?. Accidental varie- ties of this kind frequently occur in many of the species, especially in small individuals. This species is among the smallest of the genus, and may be easily recognised from the characters given in the table. The middle lobe of the mentuin is much more acute and prominent than in its allies, resembling somewhat that of the larger species previously 316 REVISION OF THE TENEBRIONID.E OF AMERICA, cited. The elytra are rather coarsely and densely punctured in scarcely evident lines, each puncture bearing a short hair. Occurs in California from San Francisco to the head of Sacramento Valley. Length .36-50 inch. E. lecontei, Horn; subrispera || Lee, New Species, p. 115. I change the name given it by Leconte, Sober having used the name many years be- fore. Closely allied to consohrina. The sides of the thorax are regularly rounded to the basal angles, and the angles scarcely evident. The elytra! sculpture consists of irregularly but closely placed granules. Found in Colorado. Length .60 inch. E. co 11 so brin a, Lee, Ann. Lye. 5, ]>. 135; vcseyi, Lee, Proc. Acad. 1838, p. 187. This species begins a series with the thorax more strongly constricted at base; in this and the two following, however, the lateral line still extends to the base. The elytra! sculpture consists of muricate punctures rather irregularly placed on the disc, he coming- tubercles on the sides. Abundant at Fort Tejon, California. Length .60-. 14 inch. E. tenebrosa, Mink, opaque. Head rather coarsely punctured; thorax one-third broader than long, very coarsely punctured, becoming granular at the sides; sides strongly rounded, margin entire, basal angles moderately prominent, rectangular; elytra elongate oval, moderately convex, sides moderately rounded, basal angles obtuse, sur- face rather densely and irregularly covered with small, rounded, shining tubercles, arising from a very opaque base. Under surface and legs coarsely and densely punctured. From Owens' Valley, California, (collected by myself), and from western Nevada (by Mr. Gabb). Length .54k — .65? inch. The elytra are scarcely broader at their broadest part than the thorax, and much less rounded on the sides than any species of this section of the sub-genus. E. planipenuis, Lee.. New Species, p. 116. The elytra of this species are quite flat on the disc, and the margin less obtuse than the other species. The thorax is also more deeply emarginate in front, and the anterior femora rather more strongly sinuate. The elytra are also more finely and less densely muricately punctured. From eastern New Mexico. Length .04 inch. NORTH OF MEXICO. 317 The second section of the sub-genus contains those species in which the thorax is strongly constricted at base, almost pedunculate, and the lateral marginal line not attain- in"' the basal margin. On account of the extreme variation of which the species are sus- ceptible, many more names have been applied to the varieties than we can draw lines to separate. On account of the difficulty of ascertaining accurately the forms to which Esch- scholtz's names were applicable, Dr. Leconte obtained types from Europe, some of which were carefully compared by the late Dr. Schauta, while others were furnished by Mene- tries and Motschulslcy from the original collection of Eschscholtz, and with this assistance and the large numbers of specimens in Dr. Leconte's cabinet and my own, I can safely as- sert that but three species should be recognized in the fourteen varieties already known to us. E. par vi colli s, Esch., Zool. Atl. 3, p. 12; Mann. Beitrag. 2T1; planaia, Esch.., et Mann. loo. cit. ; produota, Mann., loc. cit.; parvicollis, Esch., et Mann. loc. cit.; scabrosa, Esch., et Mann., loc. cit.; constricts, Lee, Proc. Acad. 1858, p. 187. This species has the thorax comparatively smooth. The punctures, though rather coarse, are never confluent, and the thorax has never the scabrous appearance of the two succeeding species. The elytra are also rather coarsely punctured than intricately rugose, as in the next. The form of elytra varies greatly, and on this alone have been founded the numerous names cited above as synonyms. E. prod acta has the humeral angles very distinct and the disc of the elytra more flat- tened, approaching in this respect planipennis. The humeral angles, however, become less distinct, and at the same time the disc more convex, and the transition is very grad- ual and easy through planata and parvicollis to scabrosa. Typical specimens of all the species are before me, and it is easy to complete series leading gradually from one form to the other, all preserving, however, the common characters given in the synoptic table. This species is abundant at San Francisco and around the hay in a southerly direction. Length .42—64 inch. E. cordata, Esch., Zool. Atl. 3, p. 12; Mann. Beitr., p. 273; tuberculala, Esch., et. Mann loc cit.; intricate!,, Mann., Beitr., p. 273; rotundipennis, Lee, striata, Lee, Pacif. R. R. Reports, App. 1. p. 50. Differs from the preceding in having the thorax densely and continently punctured. The sides of the thorax are more strongly rounded in front, behind the middle nar- rowing rather suddenly, causing them to appear somewhat sub-angulate. This character is seen in the next species, but never in the previous one. The elytra are also more rugose, the spaces between the punctures are elevated and convex, and more or less continent transversely. The species is abundant in the region of San Francisco, extending its range to the southward through the Sacramento Valley and into Oregon, where it is replaced by the next species. Length .40-.62 inch. AMERI. PHILOSO. SOC. — VOX,. XIV. — 80 318 REVISION OF THE TENEBRION1D.E OF AMERICA, E. piraelioides, Mann., Beitrag. 274; Mag. Zool. 1843, pi. 129; viator, Leo., Proc. Acad. 1858, p. 188; suhli- rjula, Lea, Pacif. R. R. Rep., App. 1, p. 50. The elytra of this species are more opaque than either of the preceding, and have rows of small rounded tubercles placed in rather regular series, less distinct along the suture. The form of thorax is similar to the preceding, and is coarsely and continently punctured. Abundant in Oregon and Montana, and is distributed in the same manner as nigrina^ except that it does not extend into New Mexico. Length .38-54 inch. In all the species of this sub-genus the middle lobe of the mentum is rather broader, more obtuse in front (except clavicomis), and the lateral lobes much less evident than in the normal Eleodes (sub-gen.) In clavicomis the middle lobe is rather prominent and more produced. Sub-Genus Promvs. The first and second joints of the anterior tarsi of the male are thickened and flat- tened beneath, and densely clothed with a very hue almost spongy pubesence. Combined with these there is a peculiar more or less fusiform outline to the species. The sides of the thorax always converge anteriorly, and the elytra become gradually broader in the same line with the sides of the thorax. E. opaca, Say, (Blaps) Joura. Acad. ". p. 202; (Eleodes) Lee; (Promusj Lee, Class. Col. X. Am., p. 226. In this species the dorsum of elytra is quite flat, the margin rather acute, the surface is opaque and sparsely covered with short recumbent setose hairs. The base of elytra is deeply emarginate, the angles clasping the obtuse basal angles of the thorax. The first two joints of the anterior tarsus of the male are distinctly broader. The femora are un- armed. Occurs abundantly on the plains of Kansas and Colorado. Length .42— .50 inch. E. fusiformis, Lee. Proc. Acad. 1858, p. 184. Similar in form to the preceding. The dorsum is, however, much less flattened and the margin not acute. The surface is black and shining, neither opaque nor pubescent, but rather finely and closely sub-seriately punctured. The elytral humeral angles clasp the angles of the thorax. The femora are mutic. The joints of the anterior tarsi can hardly be called dilated, still their vertical measurement is greater than that of the female, in which the joints are nearly cylindrical. There need be no doubt as to the position oi the species, its peculiar form and produced humeral angles show its relationship with fi/Hica. Occurs rarely, on the plains of Nebraska, southward through New Mexico, and is more abundant, though by no means common, in Texas. Length .50-60 inch. NORTH OF MEXICO. 319 E. seriata, Lee, Proo. Acad. 1858, p. 185. The elytra of this species are frequently inflated in the female, always very convex and without any semblance of even an obtuse margin. Their sculpture consists of distant rows of large and rather distant punctures. The anterior femora of the male are armed with an obtuse tooth, and the two basal joints distinctly thickened and dilated. Occurs in New Mexico and Texas. Length .66-80 inch. E. subnitens, Lee, Ann. Lye. 5, 134. Similar in form to seviata, but less robust and more fusiform. The elytral margin is regularly rounded, as in the preceding species. The surface is sub-opaque and the sculp- ture of distant stria? of fine punctures. The male has an acute tooth to the anterior fe- mur, and the two basal joints very distinctly thickened. The unique specimen came from the region of Arizona traversed by the Gila River. Length .70 inch. E. striolata, Lee, Proc. Acad. ls."is, p. 185. It is not without some misgivings that I place this species in the present sub-genus. Three specimens are known to me, all females. The anterior spurs of the anterior tibia? in all the species of Promus, are similar in structure to that seen in Section B, Group I. Eleodes, thus increasing the difficulty of assigning places in the genus to females when the male is unknown. The anterior femora of the specimen before me are very feebly sinuate, and should the male prove to have simple tarsi and a toothed femur, the species should be placed near extricata. As in the two preceding species, the basis of elytra are very feebly emarginate, the angles acute, neither prolonged nor clasping the thoracic base. The surface is marked with approximate stria? of rather hue punctures. The apex of elytra is faintly prolonged, with the tips of the elytra slightly separated. Occurs in southwestern Texas and adjoining regions of Mexico. Length .65-.7T inch. DISCOGEXIA, Lee. Discogenia, Lee, New Spec. 117. This genus differs from Eleodes by very feeble characters, the value of which may be at any time lessened by the discovery of intermediate forms. The " mentum is quite flat, not at all trilobed, but transverse, widened from the base to the middle, then rounded, both at the front and sides, the lateral angles being also rounded at tip; the surface is punctured and is foveate on each side near the angle." The epipleura? of the elytra, as in Eleodes, are rather suddenly dilated at base and are slightly visible from above. The tarsi are similar in both sexes and rather coarsely spinous beneath. The tibial spurs are similar in the sexes and nearly equal. 320 REVISION' OF THE TEXEBRIONID.E OF AMERICA, D. marginata, Escli., (Eleodes) Zool. Atl. 3, 10; Mann. Beitrag. 209. FiscJieri, Mann., Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 137; Beitrag. 260. Lee. (Discogenia) New Species, 117. The thorax is broader than long, strongly rounded on the sides and finely margined, and with the hind angles not prominent; anteriorly feebly emarginate angles obtuse. The elytra are oval, rather pointed behind, and scarcely wider than the thorax, the hu- meral angles are obtuse. The anterior femora of the male arc armed with an obtuse tooth, the femora of the female are mutic. Occurs not abundantly in the region surrounding the Bay of San Francisco. Length .56— .82 inch. D. scabricula, Lee., (Eleodes) Prue. Acad. 1858, p. 1ST; (Discogenia) New Species, p. 117. This species is more robust, much more rugosely sculptured, and differs especially in the anterior femora of the female being armed with an obtuse tooth. Length .76 inch, EMBAPHIOX, Say. Embaphion, Say, Journ. Acad. 3, p. 2."i3; Lacordaire Genera V., p. 152. This genus is separated from Eleodes by rather feeble characters. The epipleurse are alwavs narrow, the suture rarely visible except at apex, at base scarcely and not suddenly wider, never attaining the humoral angles of elytra. The anterior tibiae at base are very distinctly sinuate in the males, less in the females. The thorax and elytra are always acutely, sometimes broadly, margined; the elytral margin more or less distinctly refiexed. The mentum is trilobed, the middle lobe broad, rounded in front, the lateral lobes small and indexed. E. muricatum, Say. Journ. Acad. 3, 251; con /•arum, Lee.. Proc. Acad. VI, p. 44(1; Thomson, Arcana 1. pi. xii, fig. 10. This species may be readily distinguished from the others of the genus by the very broad foliaceous margin of the thorax and elytra, very strongly refiexed. The elytral margin extends beyond the apex and the two meet on a line with the suture. The thor- acic margin is broad and widens behind, so that the hind angles are prominent, sub-acute, and project backwards over the basal angles of the elytra. The thorax itself (less the margins) is narrow, longer than broad, and about equal to half the width of the elytra (without margin). The disc of elytra (without margin) is elongate oval, the humeral angles not prominent and are rounded. The angles formed by the margin arc nearly right. The base of the thorax is strongly Insinuate ; the base of the thorax proper be- ing rounded, that of the margin on each side emarginate. The base of elytra is emargin- ate at middle, and on each side broadly rounded. Concavwn, Lee. is merely a large form with more strongly refiexed margins. The elytra of both forms are sculptured with approximate scries of fine punctures, each bearing a short hair. Occurs rather abundantly from Kansas to Texas. Length .50-76 inch. NORTH OF MEXICO. 3"21 E. con tu sum, Lee, .Tourn. Acad., Ser. '2, 4, p. 40; Smithson. Cent. 1839; Col., Kans. and New Hex. 15, pi. 1. fig. 8. This species may be known by the broader thorax (proper), with narrower, less re- flexed margins. The margin is. however, thin, as in the preceding, and formed by the sudden attenuation of the sides of the thorax. The sides of the margin are rounded from apex and not broader at base. The basal angles are broadly rounded. The base of thorax has the hind angles more prominent than the middle of the base, the middle very squarely truncate. The elytra are elongate oval, and the humeral angles (without margin) distinct, though obtuse, the margin is acute, slightly reflexed, and always attaining flic apex of the elytra. The males are always provided with an apical prolongation of the elytra, rather abrupt and with the tips slightly separated. The epipleura? are always poorly defined except near the apex. The sculpture above is similar to the preceding species; specimens from Arizona are more opaque. Occurs from Kansas to Arizona, Length .50—78 inch. E. elongatum . This is the most elongate of our species, the elytra being fully twice longer than broad. The thorax is less margined than the preceding, and the disc moderately convex above, evidently narrower behind. The thorax is emarginate in front, less deeply than the preceding. The middle of the base is slightly prolonged, and the angles formed by the margin very obtusely rounded. The elytra are elongate, feebly rounded on the sides, gradually narrowing to apex and attenuate, margin acute, not foliaceous, extending to apex. Humeral angles distinct, Epi- pleura indistinctly defined except at apex. The legs are long and slender, the hind femur longer than the first four abdominal segments. The head is sparsely muricately punctured, the thorax is sparsely punctured on the disc, granu- lar on the margins, the elytra are sculptured as in the preceding species. Occurs in western Nevada. For the only specimen in my cabinet I am indebted to Mr. Win. M. Gabb, of the Geological Survey of California. Length .CO, width .20 inch. E. planum. Thorax one-half broader than long, feebly convex above and slightly narrower behind, anteriorly not deeply emarginate, posteriorly with the middle of base truncate, not prolonged, margin acute, not foliaceous nor suddenly formed. Margin gradually rounded, slightly broader behind, hind angles obtuse, rounded and slightly pro- jecting beyond the middle of the base. Elytra elongate oval, sides rounded, gradually narrowing to apex and acute behind, not caudate. Margin acute, feebly reflexed. not attaining the apex. Disc flattened, never concave, angles distinct, rounded, middle of base prolonged. Epipleural limits distinctly defined. The sculpture is similar in all re- spects to conlusum. In this species the thorax is broader than one elytron and nearly equals the breadth of one-and-a-halt. It may be readily distinguished from contusum by the width of the disc of the thorax, by the males being never caudate or having suddenly acute elytra, by the greater distinctness of the epipleural limits and by the margin of the elytra never at- taining the apex. Occurs in Kansas and Colorado. Length .26-.70 inch. AMEKI. PII1L0S0. SOC. — VOL. XIV. — 81 3"3"J REVISION OF THE TENEBRIOXID..E OF AMERICA, E. deprossum, Leo.. (Eleodes) Ann. Lye. 5, 136; (Embaphion) List of Col. N. A., p. 60. In this species the thin margin is almost totally wanting. The thorax is moderately convex, one-third broader than long, very coarsely punctured, slightly narrower behind. The sides are moderately rounded. Anteriorly rather feebly emarginate, posteriorly with the middle of the base slightly prominent, angles obtuse. Elytra broadly oval, base emarginate, angles prominent, sides strongly rounded, gradually narrowing to apex. Mar- ginal line attaining the apex. Epipleunc limited by a very distinct elevated line. Third abdominal segment placed obliquely to the second, especially evident in the males. The antenna', legs, parts of mouth and last two abdominal segments, are ferruginous brown in color. The elytra have rows of moderately coarse punctures, bearing short hairs, and are generally more rugose than any of the preceding species. This is the most robust species of the genus, and is especially noticeable in having the thorax and elytra more distant. The antennae are also shorter and stouter, and with the basal joints more pubescent. Occurs rarely at Vallecito (Leconte), Maricopa Desert (Horn). Length .38-41 inch. In a review ol the species of Embaphion, it will lie particularly noticed that there is a gradual lessening of the foliaceous margin from muricatum to depress urn. In consequence of this, the anterior emargination of the thorax diminishes from the deep notch with al- most parallel sides, almost equalling in depth the length of the head, {muricatum') to the simple broad shallow emargination so frequently seen in Eleodes. In the broadly mar- gined species the thorax proper is narrow, sometimes longer than wide, and with a dimi- nution of the margin the thorax gradually widens, until, in depressum, the thorax is much broader than long, and the margin almost entirely absent. The epipleural line follows the same rule; almost entirely absent except at apex in the margined species, it becomes more distinct until va. planum and depressum the whole course is marked either by a faint groove in the one and a distinctly elevated line in the other. In all the species except planum the lateral margin of the elytra extends to the apsx. The humeral angles of the elytra proper (without the margin) are the more distinct as the acute margin is less so, and in depressum the rather deep emargination of the elytral base causes them to become quite prominent. Following these characters our species may be tabulated; Hind angles of thorax acute and overlapping the humeral angles of elytra. Body broadly margined. muricatum. Hind angles of thorax obtuse, not overlapping basal angles of elytra ; body acutely, not broadly, margined. NORTH OF MEXICO. 323 Thorax sparsely and not coarsely punctured, distinctly margined; not distant from elytra ; legs black ; abdominal segments on same plane. Elytral margin attaining apex of elytra. Broadly oval; males distinctly caudate. contusum. Elongate oval; elytra gradually narrowed. elongatum. Elytral margin not attaining the apex. Males not caudate. plan u m . Thorax very coarsely punctured ; elytra broadly oval, sub-rugose ; legs ferruginous brown ; third abdominal segment oblique. depres s u m . TRIBE XVIII SCAURINI. Body elongate, apterous ; head prolonged behind the eyes, which are narrow, trans- verse, reniform and moderately coarsely granulate ; front prolonged, concealing the labrum, sides dilated and slightly reflexed ; mentum small, distinctly trilobed, lateral lobes in- flexed, ligula prominent, gular peduncle distinct; palpi with the last joint dilated; gular peduncle distinct ; antenna? eleven-jointed, outer joints rounded, transverse. Elytra feebly embracing the abdomen, with narrow epipleura? attaining the tip ; mesostcrnum short, side pieces narrow, epimcra distinct. Anterior coxa? rounded, middle coxa? with distinct trochantin ; hind coxa? distant ; scutellum broad, not penetrating between the elytra. Tarsi coarsely spinous beneath. The scutellum occupies almost entirely the mesonotum. In addition to the very minute punctures, almost entirely hidden in tine pubescence, the antennae have the outer joints coarsely punctured. This same peculiarity is less distinctly reproduced among the Tene- brionini, between which tribe and Blaptini the Scanrini naturally occupy an intermediate position. The tribe is divisible into two groups. Third joint of antennae long; joints four to eleven gradually diminishing, terminal joint acute. Intercoxal pro- cess of first abdominal segment broader than long, the segment equal to the second and third; third and fourth seg- ments very short and deeply emarginate. Femora of male toothed, strongly olavate. cerenofi. Third joint of antennae not elongate; joints four to eleven sub-equal; last joint rounded; intercoxal process longer than broad; first segment of abdomen not longer than the two succeeding; third and fourth segments feebly emar- ginate; femora never suddenly clavate and always mutic. eulabes. GROUP I — EULABES. ETJLABIS, Esch. Eulabis, Esch., Zool. Atl. Ill, p. 14. Epantius, Lee, Ann. Lye. V., p. 144. Apsena, Lee., Glass. Col. X. A., p. 228. Tins genus alone constitutes the group, and may be readily recognized by the charac- ;p24 REVISION OF THE TENEBRIONID/E OF AMERICA, tors already and 327, are probably merely individual variations of this one form. Length .6S-.96 inch. sublsevis, Lee,., List, (Nyctobates) Bland, Fine. Ent. Soc. Differs from the preceding in its smoother sculpture. The head and thorax are mod- erately smooth, being rather finely and sparsely punctured. The elytra are sculptured NORTH OF MEXICO. 335 with striee of punctures, with flat interstices finely and very sparsely punctured. The un- der surface of the body is smoother and more shining. Length .80-.96 inch. The type specimens were from ('(dorado, others have since been found along the Sier- ras of California. Lcwisi i, Horn. In this form the whole surface is still more shining than in the preceding two. The stria? of the elytra are scarcely interrupted, the interstices convex, impunctured and finely transversely wrinkled. Length .80-.96 inch. Collected rather abundantly by Dr. Lewis, in the region of the Raton Mountains of eastern New Mexico. COELOCNEMIS, Mann. Coelocnemis, Mann., null. Mosc. 1843, p. 280. The mentum is here broader than long, supported on a short, rather broad gular pe- duncle, rounded on the sides, slightly emarginate in front and with the margins not in- flexed. The sculpture of its surface varies. The tibia? of the male are apparently slightly thickened in their lower half, somewhat flattened on the inner face, with line of fine pu- bescence on each edge extending half way up, so that the tibia appears grooved on the inner face. The intcrcoxal process of the abdomen is very broad and truncate at tip. The first joint of the hind tarsi equals the second and third together, and very nearly equals the last joint. The tibial spurs are here very short. The elytra are connate and the body is apterous. The species of this genus resemble Eleodes very closely in form, but may be at once known by the tarsal vestiture and by the elytra feebly embracing the abdomen. The un- der surface of the head of all the species is very rugose, by the confluence of rather deep coarse punctures. All are shining, black. They are found rather abundantly in Califor- nia, Oregon and Nevada, under stones or fallen bark, and are rarely found walking in daylight, except when the day is dark and cloudy. They may then be found feeding on growing plants, principally Saxifragea?. Our four species may be distinguished as follows : Thorax broader than long ; strongly rounded or sub-angulate at the sides. Elytra broader behind the middle, suddenly declivous behind; thorax narrower at base than long, always sub-angulate on the sides, which are rounded anteriorly, sinuate posteriorly. dilaticollis 336 REVISION OF THE TENEBEIOXID.E OF AMERICA, Elytra broadly oval, broader in front of middle; gradually declivous behind; thorax as broad at base as long, sides sub-angulate, anteriorly rounded, posteriorly feebly sinuous or gradually converging. o b e s a . Elvtra elongate oval, more prolonged at apex; thorax as broad -at base as long, never sub-angulate on the sides, which are regu- larly rounded from apex to base. magna. Thorax longer than broad, sides feebly rounded. Elytra elongate oval, sides more nearly parallel ; rather suddenly de- clivous behind. punctata. C. dilaticollis, Mann., Bull. Mosc. 1843, p. 380; califomica, Mann., lor. cit.: redescribed and the latter figured in Mag. Zool. 1844, pi. 133. The differences mentioned by Mannerheim between these two species seem not to warrant their being retained as distinct. The sculpture of the elytra is subject to varia- tion, as will be seen, and the presence or absence of one stria may be owing to accidental obliteration rather than a permanent absence from specific causes. The peculiar sculpture of mentum £>'iven of califomica is also that of dilaticollis, and while each species has a sculpture peculiar to itself, the differences are so slight as not to warrant any mention in the synoptic table already given. The characters given will suffice to distinguish this species from any which follows. The surface sculpture varies greatly. The Oregon spe- cimens have the thorax sub-opaque, and densely finely punctured; the elytra arc also sub- opaque, still more densely punctured and finely rugose. From this, gradual variations may fie noted until the surface is smooth and shining, with rows (more or less distinct) of small distant punctures. Length . 6(3-1. 0(i inch. Abundant in Oregon and California north of San Francisco. C. obesa, Lee., Ann. Lye. V., 150. The thorax is similar in outline to the preceding species, being, however, broader be- hind and more convex above-. The elytra arc also more pointed behind and are gradually declivous from the scutellum to the apex. Length .90-1.12 inch. This is the species of southern California and the Peninsula of Lower California. C. magna, Lee., Ann. Lye. V., 150. The sides of the thorax are in this species rounded and not sub-angulate, as in the two preceding species, and the surface is more convex. The elytra are more elongate and pointed behind. In form it resembles Eleocles gigantea. Len-ith .90-1. IS inch. NORTH OF MEXICO. 337 Abundant in California from San Francisco southward in the Sacramento and Tulare Valleys, also at Fort Tejon. C. punctata, Lee, Proc. Acad. VII. 225. Differs in the proportions of the thorax. The elytra are also broader in proportion to their length, and less rounded on the sides, and rather suddenly declivous behind. This species was described from an unique specimen from an unknown locality. Since that time three others were collected by Mr. Wm. M. Gabb, which I refer to the same species, although differing from the type as well as from each other, very slightly however, in form, but considerably in sculpture. The typical specimen is rather densely but finely punctured on the thorax as well as elytra. There is a faint indication of an arrangement of larger punctures in indistinct stria?. A specimen in my own cabinet is smooth, almost entirely impunctured. The elytra exhibit very distinct stria? of large punctures, faintly impressed, becoming obsolete on the sides and apex. Another specimen has the tine punctation quite evident. The elytra are less feebly striate, the stria? punctured and the interstices feebly convex and finely wrinkled. The fourth specimen reproduces the dense puncturing of the type, but the elytra are deeply striate, the interstices convex. The stria? are coarsely and the interstices densely and finely punctured and feebly transversely wrinkled. The under surface is more evi- dently punctured than the two preceding species, less, however, than in the typical form. Notwithstanding these variations of sculpture, these four specimens are considered as representatives of but one species, similar variations occurring in Eleodes and Iphthimus to such an extent as to render it almost impossible to define varieties. Length .80 (type)-l.lO (2nd specimen) inch. This species occurs in Utah and Nevada. The species of this genus appear to be confined, each within its own limits, as follows: dilaticollis, Oregon and northern California, in and to the westward of the Coast Range, southward to the Bay of San Francisco. magna, central California and the great valley of the Sacramento River and Tulare Lake, between the Sierras and Coast Range. obesa, Peninsula of California and that portion of upper California southwest of the Coast Range, forming part of the fauna of Arizona. punctata, the deserts of Nevada and western Utah, and southward to New Mexico. MERINUS, Lee. Merinus, Lee, Class. Col. N. Amer., p. 230. In this genus the middle lobe of the mentum is rather small, the lateral lobes or ala? AMEHI. PHILOSO. SOC. — VOL. XIV. 85 :>:>S REVISION OF THE TENEBRIONIDiE OF AMERICA, well developed. The middle lobe is also prominent along- the middle and in front, the lateral lobes with acute angles. The epipleurse extend beyond the last ventral suture. The hind coxa' though rather widely separated, have the intercoxal process oval, rounded in front. The males have the tibia' more strongly arcuate than the other sex, the hinder tibia' being armed near the tip with an acute tooth. The femora in both sexes are strongly clavate and slightly flattened. The only species known is winged. JL Levis, Oliv., (Tenebrio) Ent. 3, 10. (Merinus) Lee, loc. cit., p. 2:11. A large, elongate, sub-opaque, black insect, found not uncommonly under bark in the Eastern and Middle States, and more rarely in Canada. Easily known by its clavate femora and the peculiar armature of the hinder tibia 1 of male. Length .70-1.04 inch. PACHYTJRGTJS, Lee. Pachyurgus, Lei-., Class. Col. X. Aiuer., p. 230. Differs from the preceding genus, in the mentum being nearly flat in the middle and emarginate in front, with acute angles. The femora are also clavate. The only specimen known to me is a female; the males may have the posterior tibia' armed in Merinus. It is doubtful whether these two genera should be retained as distinct. The genera of Tene- brionini differ generally so slightly from each other that these may be retained as distinct until the male shall become known to us. P. aereus, Mels., {IpMhimits) Proc. Acad. :>, 65. Lee, {PacJiyurgua) loc. cit., p. 231. This species is similar in form to M. Icevis. It has a metallic bronzed, shining surface. The elytra have stria' with hue punctures, becoming rather less evident on the sides and at the apex. Length .(>'i inch. The specimen in the cabinet of Dr. Leconte is the type of Melsheimer, and the only one known. It is probable with this, as has already been discovered with other species, that the insect is a foreign (South American I) form introduced by mistake, and described as North American. UPIS, F. 121. This species is similar in form to femoratus, differing by the greater width of thorax, deeper elytral striae, and black legs. The third joint of the antenna? is scarcely longer than the fourth, and the outer joints are broader than in either of the preceding species. The mentum is here somewhat different in form from either of the others, being broader than long, rounded on the sides, the lateral lobes not distinct, The middle is slightly elevated, with a groove on each side. This form appears to be an intermediate one be- tween the trapezoidal mentum of femoratus and the distinctly trilobed one of ater. The short third antennal joint exists in the three specimens before me. I ,ength .34— .36 inch. This insect occurs, very rarely however, in Canada and the Lake Michigan region. SCOTOBJENUS, Lee. ScotobiEinis, Lee., Proc. Acad. 1859, \>. 88. The species of this genus is somewhat similar in form to Iphthimus, being, however, more depressed. The mentum is distinctly trilobed. The middle lobe prominent in front, convex along the middle, with a groove on each side, lateral lobes rather small, indexed and with the angles acute. The gular peduncle moderate. The front is hemi-hexagonal, with the suture of the epistoma rather strongly impressed. Thorax emarginate in front and at base, with the hind angles acute and moderately prominent. The epipleurse are not entire. The femora are slightly clavate and compressed. S. parallelus, Lee., Prof. Acad. 1859, p. 88. Black, sub-opaque. Thorax broader than long, narrower behind. Elytra truncate at base, humeri prominent. Sculpture consists of rather coarse punctures, the interstices be- ing more finely and densely punctured, as in Iphthimus serratus. The general form is similar to the species indicated, but the sides are nearly parallel. Length .74-.S2 inch. From the region of the western base of the Sierra Nevada Mts. of California, from Sacramento to Visalia. Not common. NORTH OF MEXICO. oil CIBDELIS, Mann. Cibdelis, Mann., Beitrag. 284. The mentum is trapezoidal, narrower behind, strongly (blaschkii) or feebly (bachei) rounded in front, convex at middle, with a faint groove on each side, supported by a gular peduncle. Head rounded in front, truncate (blaschkii) or emarginate (bachei) at middle of epistoma. Thorax truncate in front, rounded behind, hind angles distinct, not promi- nent, anterior angles obtuse. The metasternum is short and the body apterous. The mandibles of both species are very feebly emarginate. Two species from California are known. G. blaschkii, Mann., Beitr. 284. The thorax is densely and rather coarsely punctured. The elytra have faint stria? of punctures, and small rounded tubercles placed in more or less regular rows. This species is more convex and elongate than the next, and differs also in the form of the front and the greater prominence of the front of the mentum. Length .52— .56 inch. Occurs from San Francisco southward, under bark and stones. C. bachei, Lee, Proc. Acad. 1861, p. 353. The thorax is here granulose, less convex and proportionately broader than blaschkii. The thorax and elytra are also more opaque, and the tubercles of the latter rather smaller and more closely and regularly placed. The elytra are rather more depressed and more broadly oval than the preceding species, and differs also in the characters mentioned above. Length .56 inch. Occurs only at Santa Barbara and on the Island of San Clemente. GLYPTOTUS, Lee. Glyptotus, Lee, Proc. Acad. IX, p. ?.">. With this genus commences a series of genera in which the antenna 1 are longer than the head and thorax, the outer joints not being transverse but more or less triangular and closely articulated. This form is somewhat similar to that seen in many llelopides, and it may be considered doubtful whether these genera (excepting llhinandrus) should not enter that tribe or form a new one closely allied to it. The vestiture of the tarsi of these genera, with the exception noted, is intermediate between the previous group of genera and the Tenebriones which follow. In two genera the males have the anterior tarsi slightly dilated. The mentum of Glyptotus is small, rhomboidal, narrowing behind, Aery prominent at middle, and with prominent angles ; supported on a very narrow gular peduncle. The eyes are larger on the front than other of our genera. On each side of the head above AMERI. PHILOSO. SOC. — VOL. XIV. — 86 ;U - 3 KEVJSIOX OF THE TENEBRIONID^E OF AMERICA, the eves is a deep groove, extending from the anterior margin of the eyes backward, then down upon the side of the head at some distance behind the eyes, losing itself gradually as it approaches the gula. The antenna' are rather long, equalling the head and thorax. The outer joints are sub-quadrate, not transverse nor sub-perfoliate, the terminal joint be- ing longer than the preceding and obtuse at tip, as in Polypleurus. The epipleune are entire. The appearance of this insect is that of Helops, especially in the form of the he.nl. G. cri brains, Lee. Pioc. Acad. IX, p. 75. Black, moderately shining. Thorax broader than long, sides rounded in front, very feebly narrowed behind, hind angles rectangular, base feebly Insinuate. Elytra twice longer than broad, sub-parallel, moderately convex, with eight rows of rather large punc- tures feebly impressed. The body is winged. Length .5H inch. Hare in Texas. Another species is in the Zimmerman cabinet, from Guinea. RHIXANDRTJS, Lee. Rhinandrus, Lee, New Species, p. 119. The differences between this genus and Zophobas are slight, and a study of the Mexi- can species may render it probable that these points may have merely specific value. . R. gracilis, Lee. New Species, p. 120. Length .T2-.75 inch. From Cape St. Lucas, Lower California. CENTRONOPTJS, Solie.r. Centronopus, Sol., Baudi e Truqui Btudi Entom., p. 958. The antennae of this genus are longer than the head and thorax, the outer joints tri- angular, the last oval and pointed. The cpipleura? do not reach the apex of the elytra. The anterior tarsi of the males are feebly dilated or thickened.. The anterior tibiae of the same sex are armed near the middle with a short tooth, and the tips of these and the middle tibia- are thickened. The metasternum is long and the body winged. Mentum small, rhomboidal, narrower behind, middle prominent, angles acute. The anterior mar- gin of front is thickened and slightly reflexed. C. calearatus, Fab., (Helops) Svst. El. 1, 119. eoracinus, Enoch, (Tenebrio) Beitr,, 173; reflexus, Say, Teneb. ) Journ, Acad. V., p. 103. This rather abundant insect may be known by the peculiar thickening of the anterior margin of the front, as well as by the sexual characters of the male. The thorax is some- NORTH OF MEXICO. 343 what broader than long, feebly emarginate in front and at base, sides feebly rounded and slightly margined, anterior angles obtuse, bind angles nearly rectangular. The surface is coarsely but not densely punctured. The elytra are elongate sub-parallel, moderately convex, with eight entire and a short scutellar strife. The striae are punctured, interstices slightly convex and very feebly punctured. The legs are black and the under surface nearly smooth. In addition to the generic characters given above, it may be stated that the males have the under surface of the anterior femora near the base clothed with rather coarse hairs. Rather common in the Atlantic region, under fallen logs or stones. C. opaeus, Lcc, Smithson. Cont. 4to, Col., Kansas and New Mexico, p. 15. The entire surface is opaque in this species, while in the preceding the surface is shin- ing and of a sub-metallic lustre. The elytra are not striate, but have rows of fine, closely placed punctures, the intervals being flat and impunctured. The general form is similar to calcaratus, with the elytra, less parallel. The thorax is much less distinctly margined, and the under surface less shining. The sexual characters are similar in both species. Length .67 inch. A single specimen from the Black Hills, Dacotah, is known. XYLOPINUS, Lee. Xylopinus, Lee., Col. N. Am., 231. This genus differs from the preceding notably in the form of the front. The anterior margin is truncate or feebly emarginate, not thickened. The labrum is also more promi- nent and is occasionally so protruded as to allow the basal membrane to become visible. The males have the same sexual characters in the front tibia? as in Centronopus. The anterior femora have not the basal hairy spot, nor are the middle tibia? thickened at tip. The front and middle tarsi are more distinctly dilated, and the whole appearance more decidedly like the Helopides. All the specimens are winged. Our species may be distinguished as follows : Body black, not metallic. Legs black. saperdoides. Legs red. rufipes, Body sub-metallic. anescens. X. saperdoides, Oliv., (Tenebrio) Ent. 8, 11. saperdoides et calcaratus, (Helops) Beauv. Ins., 162, pi. 31, fig. 2; spinipes, Fab., El. 1, 162; anthraciiuis, Knocli, (Tenebrio) Neue. Beitrag., p. 169. The thorax of this species is nearly square, feebly emarginate in front, truncate behind, sides very feebly rounded, anterior angles rounded, hind angles acute with a slight im- pression within. The elytra are elongate, parallel, feebly convex, usually somewhat flat- :344 REVISION OF THE TEXEIUUOXID.E OF AMERICA, trued on the disc. The elytra are striate, the- striae punctured. The interstices are mod- erately convex and finely punctured. The leys are black and the under surface of the body smooth. Length .44— .64 inch. Common in nearly the entire region east of the Mississippi River, under loose bark. X. rati pes. Say, (Tenebrio) Joura. Acad. V., 203. Scarcely different from the preceding. The leys are red except the bases of the tibiae. It does not differ in size and sculpture from the preceding, and though common, is less so than saperdoides, and occurs in the same region. X. sen esc ens, Lee, N. Species, p. 120. Differs from the preceding two species, by its broader thorax and by the elytra being more dilated behind the middle. The color is pale brown, with a brassy tinge. The leys are slender, and the tooth of the anterior tibia of the male is less prominent and the emar- gination below it less deep. Length .50— .51 inch. Middle and Western States, not common, though more abundant in the latter region. SUB-TRIBE 11 — TENEBRIONES. In this group the tarsi are clothed with a coarser, less dense, and more rigid pubes- cence than in the preceding. The body is always elongate, never robust, usually de- pressed. The mentum is trapezoidal, generally flattened. The tibial spurs are always conspicuous. The epipleuras are variable in length. Our genera are as follows : Antenna' gradually thicker toward the tip. palpi and tarsi short. Epipleurse entire. texebrio. Epipleurse abbreviated. Head sub-quadrate ; similar in the sexes. bius. Head transverse; dissimilar in the sexes. Sitophaous. Antenna? elongate, slender, last joint fusiform ; palpi long ; tarsi slender. Epipleurse entire. Mentum emarginate in front. al.ephus. Mentum truncate in front. EUPSOl'HUS. The genera of this sub-tribe are much less homogeneous than the Upes, although lower in number, and this dissimilarity seems to indicate that, by the division of the Ten- ebrionidse and their apportionment in tribes by the discovery of better characters than those now known, these genera would not be found associated. The genus Sitophagus has been placed here (as done by Mulsant), the form of the anterior coxa' indicating but little affinitv with the genera allied to Ulonia. NORTH OF MEXICO. 345 TENEBRIO, Linn. Tenebrio, Linn., Syst. Nat. Ed. VI; Neatus, Lee, Col. N. A., p. 233. The characters of this genus are too well known to need special comment. Our species are four in number, and may be distinguished as follows : Trochantin of middle coxae very distinct. Surface dull, opaque. obscurus. Surface more or less shining. Thorax broader than long. m o 1 i t o r . Thorax sub-quadrate. castaneus. Trochantin of middle coxae small. tenebrioides. T. obscurus, Fab. El. 1. 140. Easily distinguished from our other species by its opaque surface. Length .58— .62 inch. Abundant in the Atlantic region, where it has been introduced from Europe. T. molitor, Linn., Fab. El. 1. 145. Similar in form to the preceding. The thorax is, however, more transverse and tbe margin broader and more distinctly reflexed. Length .50-65 inch. Abundant in the same regions with obscurus. Also introduced. T. castaneus, Knocb, Neue Beitr., 171; interstitialis, Say, J. Ac. 3, 206. Differs notably in form and sculpture from the preceding species. Tbe thorax is here nearly square, truncate at base, and more distinctly emarginate in front. The sides are more broadly margined and the margin more reflexed. The surface is more coarsely punctured. The elytra are narrower and more elongate, their surface more deeply striate and the striae more strongly punctured. Length .40 inch. Specimens have been found in every region of our country, though not abundant. T. tenebrioides, Beauv. (Helops) Ins., p. 121, pi. 30, fig. 1; badius. Say, (Tenebrio) Journ. Aead. 3, 230. Similar in form to molitor. The trochantin of the middle coxae is very small, and in some specimens scarcely visible. Length .4S-.52 inch. Abundant over our whole territory ; specimens have occurred in California. BIUS, Muls. Bins, Muls., Col. France; Latigeues, p. 206. B. estriatus, Lee, (Tenebrio) Ann. Lye. 5, 149. Similar in form to the European tlwracicus, but shorter, and with a more distinctly margined thorax, with less prominent hind angles. Length .22 inch. Rare. Specimens have been found in California, and at Fort Simpson, Brit. Amcr. AMERI. PIIILOSO. SOC. — VOL. XIV. ST :j-±t> REVISION' OF THE TENE15KIONI0.E OF AMERICA, SIT 01 'HAUL'S. Mv.U. Sitophagus, Muls., Col. France; Latigenes, p. 204. Easily known from our other genera by its depressed form, being almost perfectly flat above. The epipleurse are abbreviated. The antennae, though gradually thickening to- ward the tip, are less compact than in Bins, in which also the epipleurse do not attain the tip ol the elytra. The sexes differ from each other by the presence of horns on the male, formed by the sides of the genre and the sides of the epistoma. Two species are known in our fauna. S. pallidas. Say, (Pytho) Journ. Acad. :!, p. 271; Lee, (Adelina) Ann. Lye. ■">, 140: eomplanata, Dej. Cat. This is the larger of our two species, and has the side of the head in front of the eyes prolonged into a horn on each side of the head of the male. Length ."20 inch. Rare in the Middle and Southern States. S. lecontei, Horn; planus J Lee, (Adelina) Ann. Lye. V.. 149. Differs from (he preceding in size and by the head of the male having a second horn on each side, concealed from above by the larger horn formed by the prominence of the -ides of the front. Length .18 inch. Occurs rather abundantly in the Colorado Desert of California, in Owens' Valley, and in Arizona. AI,.KriIL"S, n. . 10. o. notus, Say, (Opatrum) Journ. Acad. 5, 237; Bost. Journ. 1, 1ST. Lee, (Opatrinus) Say's Eat. II, 304; Tenebrio minimus, Beauv. Ins. 163, pi. 31, ivj;. 7. The elytra] sculpture of this species consists of rows of large punctures, usually round, sometimes more or less elongate. There arc no stria 1 , and the rows of punctures are at times interrupted. The sides of the thorax are gradually convergent anteriorly, very feebly rounded and with the margin slightly thickened. Occurs abundantly in the whole Atlantic district. Length .3-2-.41 inch. NORTH OF MEXICO. 349 0. aciculatus, Lee., Proc. Acad. 1858, 75, Differs from the preceding in having the elytra distinctly striate, stria- with large punc- tures, interstices moderately convex. Thorax more strongly rounded than the preceding, with the sides distinctly reflexed, and with the disc more convex. Occurs abundantly in Texas. Length .40 inch. 0. sayi, oblong, parallel, brownish opaque. Head finely and densely punctured; elypens rather deeply emargi- nate. Thorax feebly convex, one-fifth broader than long, sides moderately rounded in front, nearly straight and slightly divergent toward the base; apex feebly emarginate, base bisinuate; surface opaque, very finely and densely punctured, lateral margin slightly thickened. Elytra sub-parallel, feebly convex, opaque, not deeply striate, anil with punctures neither approximate nor deeply impressed; interstices slightly convex ami very minutely punctured. Body beneath ferruginous, shining. Length .4(5 inch; 11.5 mm. One specimen from Kansas, kindly given me by Mr. P. S. Sprague, of Boston. Our species of Opatrinus may he known as follows : Thorax very finely punctured; inner side of male anterior tibise distinctly sinuate. s a y i . Thorax coarsely punctured ; anterior tibise of male slightly arcuate only. Elvtra not striate, but with rows of large deeply impressed punctures, n o t u s . Elytra striate ; sides of thorax slightly reflexed. a cieulatus. GROUP II — BLAPSTINI. This group differs from the preceding in having the eyes entirely divided. As in the previous group, the anterior and sometimes the middle- tarsi are dilated in the male, and the anterior tibia? are also somewhat curved in the same sex; in some of the genera, how- ever, the dilatation is but little apparent. The tibia? and femora of both sexes in all the genera are entirely unarmed. Notwithstanding the number of genera proposed by Mul- sant in this group, it has been found necessary to add several new ones. The following table will give their differences: Anterior tibiae with the outer angle obliquely truncate. Intercoxal process of abdomen triangular, acute or oval at tip. Antenna? long, slender. mecysmus. Antenna? stout, joints 4-8 broader than long. conibius. Antennas stout, joints 4-8 longer than broad. blapstinus. Intercoxal process broad truncate at tip. notibius. Anterior tibise with the apex emarginate, outer angles prolonged. Tibiae broad, not linear. ulus. MECYSMUS, n. g. This name is proposed for a species differing from the other Blapstini by its elongate depressed form, thorax sub-quadrate, narrower at base than the elytra. The antenna 1 are AMEEI, 1TIILOS0. SOC. — VOL. XIV 8X 350 REVISION OF THE TENEBRION11LK OF AMERICA, slightly longer than the head and thorax, slender and with the joints longer than broad. The last three joints are scarcely thicker than those which precede, although compara tivelv shorter, the third joint is one-and-a-half times the length of the fourth. The legs are slender and longer than usual, the anterior tibia? slender and the tarsi dilated in the males. M. an gust us, Lee., (Blapstinus) Ann. Lye. V., p. 146. The thorax is sub-quadrate, the sides moderately rounded and broadest at middle, the anterior and posterior angles are not prominent, the surface feebly convex towards the sides, flattened on the disc. The elytra are twice as long as broad at base, the base emar- ginate, sides feebly rounded, apex obtuse. The elytra have regular striae o( fine punc- tures, the interstices being flat and finely but sparsely pubescent. Length .26 inch. Found rather abundantly flying at night, at Fort Yuma, California. CON II! ITS, Lee. Conibius, Lee, Ann. Lye. V.. \>. 145. Besides the antennal characters given in the table, this genus may be known from Blapstinus by the small rounded superior portion of the eye. The anterior tibia- are also broader, slightly more arcuate and finely denticulate on the outer edge. The tarsi of the male are but feebly dilated. The antenna' are much more robust than in Blapstinus, the third joint being, however, longer than the fourth and at least one-half longer than broad. The metasternum is short and the body apterous. Our species are three in number. Sides of thorax moderately rounded, hind angles obtuse, base feebly sinuate. Thoracic margin feeble, equal. seriatus. Thoracic margin more distinct, slightly refiexed, broader behind. parallelus. Sides ol thorax nearly parallel and straight, base more strongly sinuous, hind angles more distinct. e 1 o n gatus. ('. seriatus, Lee, Ann. Lye. V., 145. This species is more robust, broader and more convex than either of those which fol- low. The thorax is more strongly rounded on the sides, and convex from the margin. The margin is very narrow and equal at apex and base. The base of thorax is ieebly sinuate and the angles obtuse. The surface of the insect is also much less opaque and punctured. Length .16 inch. Not abundant in the Colorado Desert of California. NORTH OF MEXICO. 351 U. parallelus, Lee, loc. cit. The sides of the thorax are less rounded, the disc less convex, and the margin more evident, especially near the hind angles. The elytra are more elongate, more nearly par- allel, less convex, and more coarsely punctured and opaque. Length .16-.20 inch. Occurs at San Jose, Cal. C. elongatus, elongate, sub-parallel. Head reddish brown, coarsely and rather closely punctured. Thorax sub-quadrate, somewhat broader than long, sides rounded anteriorly, straight and sub-parallel behind, distinctly mar gined, margin slightly reflexed; apex feebly emarginate, angles obtuse; base strongly sinuous, angles prominent back- wards; disc moderately convex, coarsely but not closely punctured. Elytra elongate, sub-parallel, densely muricately punctured, faintly sub-striate. Under surface and legs brownish or ferruginous. Length .14-.18 inch. As in the other species, the body is ferruginous or brownish in color, the elytra alone being black and more or less opaque. The thorax at base is strongly sinuous, especially within each hind angle, the latter being rendered thereby more prominent behind. The sides of the body are also more parallel. The muricate punctures of the elytra are fur- nished each with a very short coarse, curved hair. The elytra of seriatim are entirely de- void of hairs, they are probably found on recent or well preserved specimens a? parallelus, while in this species they are probably permanent and undoubtedly more dense than it is possible for them to be in the latter species. The females are larger and rather more ro- bust than the males, while the latter have the anterior and in less degree the middle tarsi feebly dilated. Occurs rather abundantly under stones in Owens' Valley, California. BLAPSTIXUS, Loir. Blapstimis, Latr. , Regne Animale ed. 2, V. p. 21. The differences between this genus and the preceding have already been adverted to, and need but little additional mention. In this the upper portion of the eye is larger and broader transversely, occasionally sub-angulate within. The antennae are more slender than in Conibius, and gradually thickened toward the tip. Our species are numerous and may be distinguished by the characters in the following- table : Thorax with a broad flattened margin. Alternate interspaces of elytra elevated. s o r d i d u s . Interspaces equal, elytra deeply striate. sulcatus. Thorax convex from the edge. Elytra black or brown, without metallic lustre ; stria? continuous. Elytra with golden yellow hairs. auripilis. Elytra with greyish hairs. 352 REVISION OF THE TENEr.UlOXID.E OF AMERICA, Base el' thorax strongly sinuate. Elytra very sparsely pubescent dilatatus. Thorax broader in front of middle. brevicollis. Thorax gradually narrowing from base. 1 e c o n t ; e i . .p r a t e ns i s . Elytra densely clothed with cinereous pubescence, v e s t i t u s . Base of thorax nearly truncate. Sides of thorax evenly rounded, not narrowing in front. 1 o n g ulu s . Elytra cither glabrous or with a few black hairs. 1 lead, thorax and legs ferruginous. di s c o 1 r . Body entirely black. Base of thorax strongly sinuous, hind angles more pro- longed than the middle of the base. m ce s tus . Base of thorax less sinuate, hind angles less prolonged and less acute. pul verulentus. Elytra glabrous, aeneous or aeneous black; striae interrupted. Thorax densely and coarsely punctured, less shining. into r r u p t u's . Thorax sparsely punctured, shining ; elytra aeneous. m c t a 1 1 i c u s . B. so nl id us. Lec, Ann. Lye. V., 1-tli. This species is easily distinguishable by the flattening of the upper surface of the thorax along the lateral margin, and by the alternate intervals of the elytra being more convex than the others. The thorax is broader than long, moderately rounded on the sides which converge toward the front ; rather deeply emarginate anteriorly, with acute angles. The base is bmadlv lobed at middle with the hind angles rather prominent backwards, and is always closely applied against the base of the elytra. The trout is al- ways deeply emarginate, exposing (when recent) the basal membrane of the labrum. The elvtra are striate, the strife closely punctured. The whole surface is clothed rather densely with coarse, scale-like, recumbent ochreous hairs. The color of the surface is brown. Length .32 inch. Very abundant under logs, at Camp Grant, Arizona. 15. sulcatus, Lec, Aim. Lye. V., 147. The margin is here also flattened, much less broadly however than in the preceding species. The head and thorax are densely and coarsely punctured. The latter is broader than long, rounded on the sides, scarcely narrower in front, apex emarginate, angles dis- tinct, base sinuate, less lobed at middle than sordklus, and with less prominent hind NORTH OF MEXICO. 353 angles. The elytra are deeply striate, the interstices flat and densely punctured. The sur- face is clothed with a puhescence similar to sordidw, hut coarser and paler. The color of the body is opaque brown. Length .23 inch. Found at Fort Yuma, California. B. auripilis, elongate oval, opaque brown. Head moderately, coarsely and densely punctured. Thorax con- vex from the edge without depressed margin, broader than long, sides gradually converging and moderately rounded. Apex emarginate, basal angles distinct, base sinuate, lobed at middle with angles prominent backwards, surface densely punctured. Elytra feebly striate, stria; punctured, interstices moderately convex and densely and finely punc- tured. Upper surface of body moderately densely clothed with golden yellow scale-like hairs. Beneath finely and densely punctured and clothed with similar but finer pubescence. Length .30 inch. Easily known from the species which precede, by the absence of a depressed thoracic margin, and from those which follow by the vestiture of the surface of the body. It is the most convex of our species. Occurs at Camp Grant, Arizona, in company with sordidus, though less abundant. B. dilatatus, Lee, Ann. Lye. V., 140. This species is usually black or deep brown in color, sub-opaque. The thorax is feebly convex, slightly flattened behind the head, sides rounded, broader at middle than at base. Apex moderately emarginate, base sinuate, angles not prominent. A slight impression on each side of base opposite the fourth elytra! interval. Surface coarsely and densely punctured, punctures elongate and confluent. Elytra feebly convex, striate, stria? coarsely and closely punctured, intervals flat, flnely but sparsely punctured ; surface sparsely clothed with brownish hairs. Length .36 inch. Occurs with sordidus, but is still more abundant. B. brevicollis, Lee, Ann. Lye V., 147. Similar in its characters to the preceding, differing in the shorter thorax, less rounded on the sides, less coarsely and continently punctured. The form is slightly more elongate and more convex. The vestiture and sculpture are similar to dilatatus. The legs paler. Length .'26-28 inch. Occurs rather abundantly near San Francisco. B. lecontei, Muls., Opusc. Entom. Call. 9, p. 128; pubescens || Lee, Ann. Lye V., p. 147. More elongate and convex than the two species which precede. The thorax is less rounded on the sides and not broader at middle than at base. The basal margin is less strongly sinuate. The punctures of the thorax are finer, less dense and not elongate, and AMERI. PHILOSO. SOC. — VOL. XIV. — 89 o54 REVISION OF THE TENEBKION1D.E OF AMERICA, scarcely confluent. The surface is also more densely clothed with an ochreous puhescence, longer and much more distinct than in dilatatus or hrevicoUis. Length .20-30 inch. Occurs at Fort Yuma and in Arizona. li. pratensis, Lee, Col. Kansas and New Mexico, p. 15. Similar in all its more important characters to lecontei; the sides of the thorax are however less rounded, and the apex more deeply emarginate, with more prominent an- gles. The ochreous vestiture is finer and much less evident, the stria? of the elytra shal- lower and more finely punctured. Length .24— .26 inch. Occurs in Kansas. Specimens probably of the same species are seen, deprived of pu- besence and rather larger, from New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. B. vestitus, Lee, Col. Kansas, and Now Mexico, p. 15. Early distinguishable from our other species by the rather dense greyish pubescence. The sides of the thorax are feebly rounded and converge towards the apex. The elytral stri;e are faint and the punctures fine. The body above is also very faintly bronzed, a character found only in the last two species in the table. Length .20 inch. Specimens reported from Kansas only. B. longulus, Lee, Ann. Lye. V, 147. The base of the thorax is here so feebly sinuate as compared witli our other species as to merit the distinction of being called nearly truncate. The thorax is as wide at apex as at base, sides feebly rounded, slightly sinuate near the hind angles, which are rectangular. The elytra are moderately striate with coarse punctures, the intervals feebly convex and rather coarsely punctured. The form is rather elongate and the color brownish black, shining. Length .28 inch. Occurs in Southern Arizona. 15. discolor, elongate; head, thorax and legs ferruginous, elytra, black, not shining. Head coarsely and densely jmnctured, punctures elongate and confluent. Thorax broader than long', moderately convex, less coarsely and densely punctured than the head ; apex feebly emarginate, angles not prominent ; base feebly sinuate ; sides feebly rounded, converging toward apex. Elytra elongate oval, convex with striae of moderately coarse punctures of which the interstices are feebly convex and finely punctured. Body beneath densely punctured. Length .:ili inch. Easily known by its peculiar coloring. There are no signs of any pubescence. As in longulus the thorax is feebly sinuate at base. The elytral striae are more faint toward the base, becoming gradually more distinct toward the apex. A single specimen irom near Visalia, California. NORTH OF MEXICO. 355 B. moestus, Mels., Proc. Acad., 3, 05. Found in the Northern and Middle States. B. pul verulentus, Mann., Beitrag, 276 ; ealifornicus Motscli. Bull., Mosc, 1845, p. 77. The species of Motschulsky is very badly described but it is doubtless the same as that described by Mannerheim. Both this and the preceding species are deep shining black and have but few black hairs very sparsely scattered over the elytra, rarely seen except when the specimen is fresh. This species has also, when recent, a coating of whitish efflorescence previously mentioned among the species of Trimytis. Moestus and pulverulentm are closely related and differ only in the base of the thorax of the former being more strongly sinuous and the hind angles rather more prominent than the middle lobe of the base. Both are nearly equal in size. Length .20-.23 inch. Occurs abundantly everywhere in California. B. interruptus, Say, (Opatrum) Jouin. Acad. 3, 2G4 ; luridus, Mills., Opusc. Entom. Cah. 9, p. 129. This species is separated from the synonymy in which it has been placed on account of the permanence of certain characters in a considerable series of specimens. The elytra are here black, very rarely with any metallic tinge. The thorax is densely and coarsely punctured, less shining than in metallic us. The species is larger, broader and more convex. Length .22 inch. Abundant in the Northern States and Canada. B. m e t allicu s, Fab. (Blaps), El. 1, 143 ; Beauv. Ins. p. 137, tali. 30b. fig. 2, aeneolus, Mels., Proc. Acad. 3, GO. Smaller than interruptus and more distinctly metallic. The thorax is finely and sparsely punctured and shining. The punctures of the elytra are very large and cause them to appear very rugose. In both species there is a depression of the base of the thorax opposite the fourth interspace, more evident in metallicus. Length .18-20 inch. Abundant with the preceding. NOTIBIUS, Lee. Notibius, Lee, Ann. Lye. V., 145. Differs from Blapstinus in having the upper portion of the eyes smaller and rounder, the intercoxal process of the abdomen quadrangular and truncate, and the scutellum very transverse, scarcely visible between the elytra. Prosternum more or less prolonged behind the coxa?, mesosternum correspondingly concave ; metasternum short, body apterous. 35() REVISION OF THE TENEBRION1D/E OF AMERICA, All the species exhibit some sexual peculiarity in the anterior tibia?, especially granu- latus, where the tibia becomes rather suddenly arcuate in its lower half forming thus an angle between the upper and lower portion.* Six species of this genus are known, all from the desert regions of California and Arizona. The following table sbows their differences: Elytra very broadly oval; disc faintly or not striate and rather densely but finely muricately punctured. Elytra sparsely pubescent. Surface uniformly dark brown or black. puberulus. Head and thorax ferruginous. pu ncti c oil is . Elytra not pubescent, sub-opaque, black. ga gates. Elytra elongate oval or sub-parallel ; disc distinctly striate or sulfate. Anterior tibia' similar in the sexes. Ant. tibiae neither sub-angnlate nor arcuate. opacus. Anterior tibia' dissimilar in the sexes. Ant. tibia I sub-angulate at middle, arcuate beneatb. granulatus. Ant. tibia £ suddenly narrower at base. sulcatus. X. puberulus, Lee, Ann. Lye. V., 145. The tibia? of the sexes are similar to each other, but slightly more arcuate in the male. From all the other species this and the following differ in having the anterior tibia:' very broad, outer edge and hind surface finely denticulate. The thorax is broader than long, moderately convex, distinctly margined, sides feebly rounding, not converging, apex emarginate, angles obtuse, base sinuate, angles distinct; disc finely and sparsely punc- tured. Elytra broadly oval, scarcely one-third longer than broad, convex, faintly striate, densely finely muricately punctured, each puncture bearing a short hair. The upper surface is very dark brown in color, the legs dark ferruginous. Length .22 inch. Occurs in the Colorado Desert and Arizona. N. puncticollis, Lee., Ann. Lye. V., 14r>. Similar to puberuhis, differs in having the head and thorax ferruginous, the latter more convex, less margined, more densely and coarsely punctured. The elytral striae are more evident, muricate punctures more distinct and abundant. Length .20-.22 inch. Occurs in the Sacramento Valley, at San Jose and near Visalia. * By an error of the pen, evidently, in the use of "last " I'm- "first," this peculiar angulation of the tibia is ac- credited to Conibius. in the Classification of Coleoptera of X. A., p. 827. NORTH OF MEXICO. 357 N. g agates, entirely black, sub-opaque. Head densely and finely punctured; margin of epistoma paler. Thorax broader than long, convex, densely and finely punctured, sides feebly rounded, narrowing slightly toward base; apex emarginate, angles distinct; base rounded, angles obtuse. Elytra broad, convex, densely and minutely punctured. Beneath black, shining, sparsely punctured. Length .24-.2S inch. This species with the table needs but little description; it differs from those with broadly oval elytra in its being totally black, thorax narrower at base, base rounded, apical angles distinct, not obtuse. The elytra are less rounded on the sides, the humeri distinct. There are no clytral striae and the punctures are very minute and irregularly placed. The anterior tibiae also, are narrow, not broad, as in the two preceding species. Occurs in moderate abundance at Camp Grant, under stones, and when recent is pruinosc. N. opacus, Lee, New Species, p. 118. The thorax is less transverse than in the broad species which precede, is more convex and is also narrower at base and narrower than the base of the elytra. The elytra are elongate oval, rounded on the sides, with distinct humeral angles, surface striate, stria? punctured, intervals feebly convex and finely punctured. The head and thorax are very densely and continently punctured with elongate punctures. Length .20-.24 inch. The measurement given by Leconte (loc. cit.) is probably a mistake, as his type is one-half longer at least than indicated (.12 inch). The anterior tibiae are here also similar in the sexes, and are very gradually wider from the base toward the apex. Occurs in Arizona and Lower California. N. granulatus, Lee., Ann. Lye. V., 145. While similar in form to ojpacus, this species has the thorax broader and less narrowed behind, the surface is densely and coarsely punctured. The elytra are deeply striate, the stria? closely punctured, the interstices convex and muricately punctured. The anterior tibia? of the males serve to distinguish this species from any other. From the base to the middle these tibia? are very gradually wider, below the middle the tibiae are suddenly ar- cuate, causing them to appear toothed. The tibiae of the female are gradually expanded toward the apex and are broader than the male. Length .18-.25 inch. Occurs at Fort Yuma and Arizona. N. sulcatus, Lee., Ann. Lye. V., 145. The thorax is sub-quadrate, not narrower behind, sides feebly rounded, almost parallel behind the middle. The elytra are elongate oval, sub-parallel, deeply striate, stria' coarsely AMERI. PHILOSO. SOC. — VOL. XIV. — 90 3,38 REVISION OF THE TENEBRIONID.E OF AMERICA, punctured, interstices very convex and sparsely punctured. The males have the anterior tibia' slender at the basal fourth, then suddenly broader and parallel toward the apex. Those of the female are similar to the preceding species. Length .19-25 inch. Occurs at San Diego, Lower California, and Arizona. All the preceding species, excepting gagates, have ferruginous legs. TJLUS, n. g. The above generic name is suggested for two species of Blapstinus differing from the typical form in having the anterior tibiae more dilated, emarginate at apex, witli the outer angle prolonged. The species resemble Trichoton. Thorax gradually narrowing from base to apex. obliquus. Thorax as wide at middle as at base. c r a s s u s . IT. obliquus, Leo., (Blapstinus) New Species, p. 117. The thorax gradually narrows from base to apex. The surface is sparsely clothed with short brownish hairs. Length .32 inch. From Cape San Lucas, Lower California. IT. crassus, Lee, (Blapstinus) Ann. Lye V.. 140. The sides of the thorax are more strongly rounded and as wide at middle as at base. The vestiture of the surface consists of ochreous scale-like hairs, rather densely placed. Length .22-. 26 inch. From around San Francisco, California. TRIBE XXII — OPATRINI. Mentum small, supported by a distinct gular peduncle; head deeply inserted, always more or less emarginate in front; eyes variable, coarsely granulated, rarely divided; labrum visible; antennas gradually clavate or with the last three joints suddenly broader; intercoxal process of abdomen usually broad, truncate ; anterior tibia? (of our genera) broad, triangular, spurs distinct; tarsi of male not dilated. There can be no point of difference given between this tribe and the preceding that will not be found subject to some exceptions. The simple tarsi of the male is that one however, most to 1k> relied on, taken in connection with other characters which, though of small value, show this tribe to be abundantly a distinct type from the preceding. Among these may be classed the broader head, very deeply inserted, almost concealing the eves from above, and with a more prominent epistoma. The mentum also, is simple, never sub-trilobed as in main of the genera of Pedinini. The small number of genera in NORTH OF MEXICO. 359 our fauna renders it (inadvisable to enter further into the discussion of this question. To those who desire to pursue it further, the works of Lacordaire and Mulsant afford abund- ant means. The following table exhibits our genera. Tibial spins small; last joint of maxillary palpi triangular. Anterior tibia slightly dilated, outer angle prolonged; antennas with the last four joints suddenly broader; intercoxal process acute. ammodoxvs. Anterior tibia? broad, triangular; antennas with gradually broader joints; short, clavate. ephalus. Tibial spurs very large; last joint of maxillary palpi oval. Intercoxal process triangular, acute; eyes large. cxemepi.atia. Intercoxal process very broad, rounded; eyes absent. alacdes. Each of the above genera may be considered as the representative of a distinct sub- tribe. The characters of each will be given in more detail as each genus is considered. AMMODONUS, Muls. Ammodonus, Muls., Opusc. Ent. Cahier X, p. 143. Body oval, moderately convex. Epistoma rather broadly emarginate. Eyes coarsely granulated, emarginate in front by the side of the head. Last joint of maxillary palpi feebly triangular. Antenna? longer than the head, first two joints thicker, third joint larger than the fourth, joints four to seven gradually shorter and more transverse, eight to eleven rather suddenly broader. Prothorax applied against the base of elytra. Scu- tellum small. Elytral epipleura? gradually narrower toward apex, extending slightly be- yond the fourth ventral suture. Anterior tibia? gradually wider, external apical angle much prolonged and acute. Tibial spurs small. Middle and hind tibia? slender. First and last joints of hind tarsi equal and longer than second and third together. Intercoxal process of abdomen triangular, acute. Hind margin of third and fourth ventral segments distinctly sub-coriaceous and feebly arcuate. Bodv winged. A. fossor, Lee, (Opatrum) Journ. Acad., id Series, 1, p. 92; Muls. (Ammodonus) Opusc. Ent. Cah. X. p. 144. The generic characters are of such a nature as renders any detailed description of the unique species unnecessary. The margin of the body is fringed with short hairs, the sur- face black, but densely clothed with ash-colored scales. On the elytra the vestiture is less dense, and three series of rounded spots are visible on each elytron, in which the scales are paler and more densely placed. The under surface and legs are paler and the scales sparsely scattered. Length .18-. 2 2 inch. Xot common in collections. It has been found in considerable numbers burrowing in the sand in the neighborhood of Trenton, and at Bath, Long Island. 360 REVISION" OF THE TENEBRIOXID.E OF AMERICA, EPHALTIS, Lee. Ephalus, Lee, Class. Col. X. A., p. 227. Broadly oval, convex, resembling Ccelus. Epistoma deeply emarginate, sides of front slightly sinuous, forming an angle in front of the eyes, which are feebly emarginate. Last joint of maxillarv palpi feebly triangular, longer than broad. Antenna? -very short clavate, first two joints broader, second and third equal in length, four to eleven very short, trans- verse and perfoliate, the last joint being slightly narrower and longer than the preceding. Thorax applied against the base of elytra. Scutellum small, transverse. Epipleura? broad, concave, incomplete behind. Intcrcoxal process of abdomen short, obtuse in front Hind margins of third and fourth ventral segments distinctly sub-coriaceou-. feebly arcuate. An- terior tibia? flat, triangular, outer apical angle not prolonged. Spurs small. Hind tarsi with the last joint slightly longer than the first, and both longer than the second and third together. Body apterous. The form of the anterior tibise and intercoxal process of abdomen, and more especially the structure of the antenna', indicate this genus as the type of a sub-tribe distinct from that represented by the preceding genus, differing also from the Stizopodes of Lacordaire or any of the " Branches" defined by Mulsant. E. latimanus, Lee, (Heliopates) Jonrn. Acad. Series 2, 1, p. 00. Form similar to Ccelus or Easattm convexios. Black, opaque. Margin of body fringed with yellowish hairs Surface rather densely muricately punctured, each puncture bearing a small yellowish hair. Elytra very faintly sub-striate. Length .30-.36, width .20-24 inch. Bather rare in the New England States. CNEMEPLATIA, CoMa. To tins genus I refer a very rare insect collected by myself in Owens' Valley, Califor- nia. Specimens of the rare European species of Cnemeplatia are before me, and I am un- able to detect any differences not within the bounds ot generic limitation. The epistoma is rather more deeply emarginate and the edge slightly more retiexed. The front in Cne- meplatia has a slight impression on either side, not evident in this insect. The epipleurse are entire in both, and the intcrcoxal process triangular and acute. The palpi are rather short, the last joint of maxillary oval. The antenna? are similarly constructed, although the last three joints are in the California species somewhat broader. Both species are winged. The anterior tibia 1 are triangular and the spurs large. C. sericea, elongate oval, sub-parallel, moderately convex. Head sub-quadrangular, broader than long, emar- ginate in front and with slightly rcriVxed margin, eyes prominent, feebly emarginate in front, surface feebly convex, densely and finely punctured, and densely clothed with a yellowish, grey, recumbent silken pubescence. Thorax tra- pezoidal, slightly narrower behind and broader than long, moderately convex, densely and finely punctured and densely NORTH OF MEXICO. 361 clothed as the head; anteriorly feebly emarginate, angles obtuse, sides feebly rounded, base rounded, angles nearly rectangular. Elytra elongate oval, sub-parallel, apex obtuse, base feebly emarginate, humeri moderately prominent; moderately convex above with striffl of coarse punctures, and clothed as in the head and thorax. Under surface of body finely punctured and pubescent, the under surface of thorax and prothorax more densely. Within each hind angle the base of the prothorax is a rather broad impression, ren- dering the middle of the base more prominent ; there is also a slight impression opposite the scutellum. The pubescence of the upper surface is uniformly distributed on each of the divisions except on the elytra, where a sub-transverse triangular spot more denuded is seen at the middle of the lateral margin and mid-way between this and the apex. Those spots are broadest at the margin and are present on both sides of the two specimens in my possession. As compared with the European species, the thorax is longer, less narrowed behind and feebly emarginate in front ; the base slightly narrower than, and the apex equal to, the width of the elytral base. The ground color of the insect is reddish brown one of the specimens being rather darker. Length .12 inch. Rare in Owens' Valley, California, under stones. ALAUDES, n. g. Anterior tibia? broad, triangular, spurs very large. Intcrcoxal process of abdomen short, broad, rounded in front. Head transverse, broader behind, emarginate in front, sinuate on the sides. Eyes absent. Antenna? ten-jointed, first two thicker, intermediate short, broader than long, compactly placed, last three forming an oval compact club, of which the terminal joint is longer. Mentnm very short, transverse ; lignla not promi- nent ; palpi very short. Maxillary palpi short, last joint oval, slightly arcuate. Gular region prominent, peduncle of mentum broad, emarginate, angles prominent forward. Presternum not prominent. Thorax very transverse. Elytra elongate oval, straight on the sides, connate ; body apterous. Scutellum transverse. Hind tarsi with the first joint rather shorter than the last. The absence of eyes and the form of the intercoxal process of the abdomen will serve to distinguish this genus from any of those with triangular tibia? and with the last joint of the maxillary palpi oval. The margin of the head is slightly sinuate at the position usu- ally occupied by the eyes, and the anterior and posterior canthi of the eye here are in contact. Beneath the margin of the front the side of the head forms a broad groove, near the anterior limit of which the antenna? as usual, arise. This broad groove may be con- sidered as merely the continuation of that in which the antenna? usually arise, owing to absence of any prominence in the region of the eye. The gular region is flat, suddenly- declivous on the sides; the lateral margins converge to the front, where it is deeply emar- ginate, with the angles prominent. The mentum is situated at the bottom of this semi- AMERI. PH1LOSO. SOC. — VOL. XIV. — 91 3()2 REVISION' OF THE TENEBKIONID.E OF AMERICA. lunar emargination, short and transverse. The ligula is almost entirely concealed. The mandibles are anteriorly emarginate at tip. The parapleurae of the metathorax appear to be connate with the sternum, at least the sutures "cannot lie detected with such micro- scopic power as can be used. The prothorax is very short, nearly three times as broad as long, broadly emarginate in front, trisinuate at base. At the middle of the base of the thorax, opposite the scutellum, is a very abrupt and deep depression, and between it and each angle a moderate sinuation. The elytra have also a scutellar depression opposite that of the prothorax. The humeri are distinct and the base feebly emarginate. A. singulaiis. oval, brownish, sub-depressed. Head-and thorax (?densely and coarsely punctured) densely C-lothed with yellowish scales, of which some air larger and more prominent. Thorax slightly narrower behind, sides feebly rounded, hind angles obtuse. Elytra with nine rows of large punctures, the interspaces bearing short, thick, erect, capitate yellow hairs distantly placed. Head, prothorax and legs beneath clothed with yellowish scales, the rest of the surface coarsely but sparsely punctured, and with a few scattered scales. Length .06 inch. The head and thorax are so closely covered by scales that it is impossible to tell whether there is any puncturing or not. With the exception of the erect capitate hairs, the elytra are not clothed, and the surface is rather reddish brown and moderately shining. This insect is by far the most interesting and singular of ;my of those discovered by myself in California, and adds another to the list, still very limited, of blind Tenebrionida?, and is the only blind insect known from California. The specimens are very rare and found living with a small black tint under stones. They are difficult to obtain, owing to their rarity, the peculiar conditions demanded as a residence by the ant and by the ex- cessive numbers of the bitter when found, rendering it very troublesome to search care- fully in their neighborhood. TRIBE XXIII — CRYPTICINI. Hind coxa? moderately distant, oblique. Head inserted as far as eyes, which are small and reniform and not coarsely granulated. Antennae slender, outer joints rounded, slightly thicker. Presternum prolonged, mesosternum concave. Anterior coxa? nearly round, middle coxae with distinct trochantin. Tarsi spinous beneath; first joint of hind' tarsi very long. CRYPTICUS, Lair. Crypticus, Latr., Regne Anim. ed. 1. Ill, p. 298. One genus and species constitute this tribe in our fauna, easily known by its oval de- pressed form, resembling somewhat tin Hydroporus. ('. obsoletus, Say, Journ. Ac.id. Ill, 263. Length .14-.16 inch. Occurs in the Southern Atlantic region. NORTH OF MEXICO. 363 TRIBE XXIV ULOMINI. Body elongate oval, usually somewhat depressed. Head deeply inserted in prothorax, short, frequently broad and emarginate in front. Frontal suture always distinct. Labrum usually prominent, transverse. Mentum variable in most of the genera, trilobed, with the middle lobe prominent. Maxillary palpi with the last joint usually triangular, sometimes elongate oval. Antenna? gradually thickened toward apex, (rarely with the terminal joints forming a club) and more or less perfoliate ; third joint not very long. Eyes vari- able, always more or less emarginate by the sides of the front and the sides of the head behind, never entirely divided. Anterior coxa? sub-transverse or sub-cylindrical, middle coxa? without trochantin. Intercoxal process of abdomen acute or oval, never broad. Tarsi pubescent beneath, last joint elongated. Tibial spurs always visible, never very large. Body winged, rarely apterous. The tribes of the family Tenebrionida? are all difficult of definition, and no one is pro- bably more troublesome than this one, and it is only on the table of characters given above, taken as a whole, that the tribe must be considered as limited. In the structure of the antenna? and the absence of trochantin to the middle coxa?, we find the only points of difference between the Ulomini and Tenebrionini. The Diaperini are still less distinct, for with a form of antenna not unlike (though at times sub-serrate) we find the structure of the front offering the most striking points of difference. In Diaperini the eyes are always round, prominent, feebly emarginate in front and always more prominent than the gena?. In the course of the study it has seemed advisable to preserve the Diaperini dis- tinct from the Ulomini. in lieu of uniting them, as has been done by Duval. Its compo- sition is here substantially that of Lacordaire, less Hypophlceus and some genera unknown to him by specimens. The tribe Hypophlceini of Leconte appears to me untenable, the character defining it, the invisibility of the clypeal membrane, is not constant and the membrane is frequently visible in some of the genera of Tenebrionini and Pedinini. The genus Pratseus, Lee, is found to have a faintly sub-bilobed penultimate tarsal joint and a sculpture strongly recalling Ana?dus, etc., and has been united with the Heterotarsini. As defined, the tribe has many genera ; some new to our fauna are now added, while others entirely new are indicated. The following table exhibits the characters of our genera, as far as can be done in a synoptic table. A. Antenna? with the last two or three joints suddenly broader. Epipleura? very narrow at tip ; antenna! club three-jointed. tribolium. Epipleura? distinct at tip ; antennal club two-jointed. dioedus. B. Antenna? gradually broader toward the tip. 3(U REVISION OF THE TENEBRIONID.E OF AMERICA, Base of thorax applied against the bases of the elytra, or some- what distant from them ; never overlapping. Head of nude either tubereulate or horned, and last joint of maxillary palpi oval ; mentum small. Head of male tubereulate; mandibles with a horn above. Mandibles above broad, recurved, and not toothed. gnathocekus. Mandibles above slender, incurved and toothed. echocerus. Head o[' male with two long horns, arising within and above the eyi s, evoplus. Head of male not tubereulate; last joint o[" maxillary palpi ingular; mentum moderate. Epipleura? entire. Anterior tibia? slender, similar to the middle tibia 5 . Head (if male with two tubercles above; femora mutic. rLosoxiA. If ad of male simple; femora broad and with a broad tooth near ap \ merotemxus. interior tibia? more or le>s dilated, broader than the middle tibia?. Presternum prolonged ; mesosternum deeply emarginate. m r< otrogus. Prosternum not prolonged ; mesosternum very slightly concave. Front tibia? not denticulate; last joint of antenna? quadrangular, truncate, aphanotcs. Front tibia? finely denticulate ; last joint of antenna? oval. alphitobh/s Epipleura? abbreviated. Anterior tibia? slender. First joint of hind tarsi long. cyx.eus. First joint of hind tarsi short. METACLrsA. Anterior tibia? broad, serrate. ulo.ma. Base of thorax margined, hind angles covering the humeral angles of the elytra : outer joints of antenna? not perfoliate. Anteri til slightly dilated, finely denticulate. Epipleura? abbreviated. Last joint ol' maxillary palpi broadly triangular. eutochia. ^-ORTH OF MEXICO. 365 TRIBOLITJM, MacLeay. Tribolium, MacLeay, Annulos. Javan., p. 47. The mentum in this genus is very nearly square, with rounded anterior angles. The last joint of the maxillary palpi elongate oval, truncate at apex. Antenna 1 slender, last three joints suddenly dilated, forming a flattened club, truncate at apex. The epipleura? are entire but extremely narrow at tip. Anterior tibia? very feebly dilated and percepti- bly broader than those of the middle pair. Two species are known in our fauna. T. fen ugi neum, Fab., (Trogosita); WolListon (Tribolium). T. madeus, Cbarp., Tenebrio : Redteubacber Tribolium). The former species is ferruginous, the latter black. Length .16-.20 inch. The latter species is the larger. As these two species are imported and full descriptions and details of synonymy are given in many readily accessible works on European C'oleoptera, it is deemed unnecessary to repeat them. Both species are found abundantly wherever meal or grain is stored. DICEPFS, Lee. Dicedus, Class. Col. ST. A.. 23S. New Species, p. 132. Mentum trapezoidal, narrower behind, anterior angles distinct, convex along the me- dian line and coarsely punctured. Last joint of maxillary palpi elongate oval, scarcely compressed. Antenna? with the first joint cylindrical, thick, last two joints suddenly broader, compressed and pilose, the last joint being the larger. Epipleura entire, as broad at apex as at middle. Intercoxal process of abdomen moderate, rounded at tip. Anterior tibia slightly dilated, outer apical angle distinct, external edge with a few small teeth, spurs rather large. 1). pu net at us. Lee., loc. cit. A small, elongate oval, black species, with the head and thorax and elytral stria coarsely punctured. The elytra have eight stria but no scutellar stria. In the specimens in my possession the suture defining the epistoma is quite distinct, the line being darker and smoother than the rest of the front:. The epistoma is narrow, short and semilunar Length .10-1,3 inch. Found rather abundantly under pine bark, over our whole country. UN ATHOCERUS, Th unb. Gnatbocerus, Thunberg.. Act. Holm. 1814, p. 47. Mentum small, trapezoidal. Maxillary palpi elongate oval, very obliquely truncate at tip. Epipleura short. Base of thorax rather distant from base of elytra. Head with AMERI. PHILOSO. SOC VOL. XIV. — i»"2 3(i(> REVISION OF THE TEXEBRIONID.E OF AMERICA, two short horns between the eyes. Mandibles (i) with a broad ramus ascending- above the head, the inner being simple and the apex curved backward. Side margin of head (i) broadly foliaceous and prominent in front of each eye. Eyes deeply emarginate in front and behind and nearly divided. Middle of epistoma prominent; on each side emarginate lor the ramus of the mandible. Antennae gradually dilated. Anterior ' and middle tibiae similar, not dilated. G. covimtus, Fati., (Trogosita); Thunbeig., (Gnathocerus); Lucas, (Cevandria). As this insect has been introduced and is by no means common in this country, the student is referred for a fuller description and an excellent figure to Duval, Gen. Col. Europe. Length .18-.20 inch. The only specimen known to me was found in California, inside of an army biscuit, ECHOCERTJS, n. g. This generic name is suggested for GnatJiocerus inaxillosus, which (lifters from the type of the genus in which lias been placed, in the following particulars : Eyes rounded, prominent, feebly emarginate in front and not all behind. Sides of front less foliaceous and not prominent. Antenna? more or less robust, last joint sub- quadrate. Superior ramus of mandibles more slender, toothed and incurved. First joint of hind tarsi not longer than the second and third. E. in ax illosus, Fab.. (Trogosita); Mann., (Cerandria). This is also an introduced insect, found principally in the Southern States. Length .12 inch. EYOPLUS, Lee. Evoplus, Lee, New Species. 128. The description of Dr. Leconte (loc. cit.) leaves nothing to lie desired, and is so recent as to render it unnecessary to repeat any portion of it alter the table of genera already given. E. ferruginen s, Lee.. New Species, \>. 128. This genus is undoubtedly near that described as Peneta, and probably forms a link between it and Gnathocerus. Length .'20 inch. Found heretofore only in Louisiana. ULOSONIA, Casteln. LTosonia, Casteln.. Hist. Nat. des Coleopt. II. p. 220. Although the head of the male is here (in our species) tuberculate, or in some species horned, the maxillary palpi have the last joint broadly triangular or securiform. Epi- pleurae entire. Anterior tibia' slender. NORTH OF MEXICO. 3(>7 U. marginata, Lee, (Uloma) Ann. Lye. V, 140; (Ulosonia) Gen. Col. X. A., p. 233. Similar in form to Uloma, with the margin of the elytra more reflexed. Length .33 inch. Found under Cottonwood bark, along the Gila and Colorado Rivers. MEROTEMNTJS, n. g. This name is suggested foi an elongate Ulomide with entire epipleura? and slender front tibia?, differing from Ulosonia in the epistoma more prominent, suture not impressed, front not tuberculate. Femora clavate and flattened, emarginate at tip, and with a broad tooth at the emargination, on the middle and hind femora. M. elongatus, elongate, sub-parallel, moderately convex shilling, ferruginous brown. Head moderately eon- vex, sparsely and finely punctured, not tuberculate, frontal suture not impressed. Thorax sub-quadrate, one-fifth broader than long, sides nearly parallel, very feebly rounded, margin distinct, slightly reflexed, apex emarginate, an- gles not prominent, base almost truncate, angles rectangular; disc sparsely and finely punctured. Elytra elongate, more than twice longer than broad, sides slightly converging toward apex, base truncate on "each side, emarginate at middle, slightly broader than base of thorax, angles rectangular; nine entire and one short scutellar stria, moderately punctured, interstices convex, smooth. Beneath very finely and sparsely punctured. Body winged. Length .24 inch. The femora of this insect are much more strongly clavate than any other of our genera of Ulomini. The anterior femur is not emarginate near the apex, but slightly sinuous, the middle and hind pairs distinctly emarginate, the tooth of the latter being quite large and rather acute at tip. One specimen is known to me, presented to Dr. Leconte by Mr. Ulke, who received it from California. MYCOTROGTJS, n. g. This genus differs from all our other genera of Ulomini in Inning the prosternum pro- longed, mucronate and with a deeply emarginate mesosternum. From Erelus, Muls., it differs in the tuberculate head, tin 1 convex mentum with the middle lobe rather promi- nent in front. The third joint of the antennae is longer than the fourth. The epipleura? are entire, nearly as broad at apex as at middle, the anterior tibise dilated, very finely denticulate and slightly arcuate. The hind tarsi have the first joint longer than the second and third. Body winged. M. pi ceu s, elongate oval, depressed, piceous, black, shining. Head rather densely punctured, suture of epis- toma impressed, epistoma and sides of front ferruginous. Thorax sparsely punctured, broader than long, feebly con- vex, sides moderately rounded and margined, gradually narrowing to apex, which is rather deeply emarginate, angles prominent, not acute; base strongly sinuate, hind angles rectangular. Elytra oval, one-half longer than broad, feebly rounded on the sides, base emarginate at middle and truncate at sides; apex obtusely rounded. Disc with eight entire and a short scutellar stria of moderate punctures. Stria? feebly impressed. Beneath sparsely and finely punc- tured. Antennae and legs paler. Length .24 inch. 368 REVISION OF THE TENEBRIONID^E OF AMERICA, Above each eve in this insect is a rather small tubercle, similar to that seen in our species of Ulosonia 9. The frontal suture is also similarly impressed and the epistonia convex. One specimen is known, of similar derivation as that of the preceding genus. M. angustus, brownish ferruginous, moderately shining, elongate oval, parallel. Head rather coarsely but sparsely punctured. Thorax slightly broader than long, feebly convex, coarsely but sparsely an. 1 irregularly punc- tured; apex emarginate, angles not prominent; base Insinuate, angles rectangular; sides anteriorly rounded, posterior three-fourths straight and parallel, finely margined, margin slightly retlexed. Elytra elongate, parallel, apex obtuse, base emarginate at middle, with eight strife of elongate punctures, one marginal and a very indistinct scutellar stria; interstices Hat, finely and sparsely punctured. Propleuras coarsely but sparsely punctured, pectus and abdomen finely and sparsely punctured, smooth and shining. Length .10-20 inch Camp Grant, Arizona, under Cottonwood bark. The male is narrower hut smaller than the female, and the frontal tubercles distinct, though less prominent than in the preceding species. The base of the thorax has also a distinct impression on each side, scarcely evident in the female. This species (litters from the preceding in its more elongate and less depressed form, its color and the form of the thorax. In picetis the thorax gradually narrows from base to apex, in augtisttis the thorax is rounded only in front, while the posterior three-fourths are straight and parallel. A PHANOTUS, Lee. Aphanotus, lac. Gen. Col. X. A., p. 233. In addition to the characters given in the synoptic table, the following will serve to render this genus more certain of recognition, when till the foreign genera, of the tribe are taken into consideration. Epistonia truncate in front, convex at middle, slightly concave on the sides, suture in- distinct. Eyes very deeply emarginate in front, superior portion elongate, oblique. An- tenna? short, rather robust ; first and second joints thicker than the third; second short, nearly globular ; third slightly longer than fourth; joints lour to eleven very gradually broader, last joint larger and truncate at tip. The hind tarsi are short, first joint equal to the two intermediate, and last joint slightly longer than the first. Intercoxal process rounded at tip. A. brevicornis. Lee., (Eulabis) Proc. Acad. 1859, p. ?S. The head and thorax are coarsely, the latter rather densely punctured. The elytra are sculptured with rows of faintly impressed punctures, the interstices of which are flat except at middle, where they form a moderately elevated fine line. Length .25 inch. From California. NORTH OF MEXICO. 369 ALPHITOBITTS, Steph. Alphitobius, Stephens, Illust. Brit. Ent. V, p. 11. A. diaperinus, Panzer, (Tenebrio); Wollaston, (Alphitobius). A. piceus, Oliv., (Helops); Muls., (Alphitobius). These two insects are not natives of our country, and therefore require no special men- tion. For full description, both of genus and species, the student is referred to the works on the species of the various European local fauna?. Large numbers are occasionallv brought in vessels from various parts of the world. A few years since a vessel arrived at Philadelphia from Sierra Leone, the cargo of which was plentifully overrun by the latter species. As far as I can discover, all the specimens found are direct importations, and they do not appear to propagate. CYX.F.US, Lee. Cyiueus, Lee, Gen. Col. N. A., p. 233. The eyes are rather large and convex, deeply cmarginate in front, slightly behind ; inferior portion of the eye large. Antenna? with the third joint nearly equal to fourth and fifth ; joints five to ten transverse, last joint oval. Hind tarsi slender, first joint long. C. angustus, Lee., <"Plalydema) Ann. Lye. V, 149. Thorax broad, equalling one-and-a-half times the length, cmarginate in front, sides strongly rounded, not narrowing in front, as broad as the elytra. Elytra feebly striate, stria? punctured, interstices feebly convex, densely and finely punctured. Length .'20-.'22 inch. Found in the Colorado Desert of California, probably near Vallecito. C. de p ressus, n. sp. Differs from the preceding as follows: Thorax less transverse, nearly truncate at apex, sides very feebly rounded, narrowing in front. Base narrower than the base of elytra. Stria? of elytra not deep, more evident at apex, interstices more sparsely punctured. In both species the head and thorax are rather densely, but not coarsely punctured. Length .22-.30 inch. Occurs in the southern Coast Range of California. METACLISA, Duval. Metaclisa, Duval, Gen. Col. Europe. Ill, p. 290. In this genus the mentum is distinctly trilobed in front, the middle lobe prominent, lateral lobes inflexed. The anterior tibia? are slender, the epipleura? short and the first joint of the hind tarsi not longer than the two succeeding joints together. M. mavginalls, piceous black, shining, elongate oval, sub-parallel. Head slightly broader than long, feebly cmarginate in front, coarsely but not densely punctured, epistoma paler and the more finely and densely punctured. AMEUI. PH1LOSO. SOC. — VOL. XIV. — 93 370 REVISION OF THE TENEBKIONID^E OF AMERICA, Thorax one-third broader than long, moderately convex, coarsely but sparsely punctured, anteriorly emarginate, an- gles not prominent, base broadly sinuous, sides moderately rounded, gradually narrowing toward apex, margin slightly reflexed. Elytra elongate oval, parallel, sub-depressed; with eight entire and a short seutellar stria; stria; punctured; interstices tlat, very feebly and rather sparsely punctured. Beneath ferruginous brown, sparsely but coarsely punctured. Length .28-.30 inch. The upper surface is piceous black and shining, except the basal, sutural and lateral margins of the elytra, the lateral and apical margins of the thorax and the epistoma, which are ferruginous brown ; the under surface and legs are similar in color, but paler. Occurs in Northern California and along the high regions of the Southern Sierras, under bark in fungus. THARSTJS, Lee. Tharsus, Lee, Class. Col. N. A., p. 233. For the present this genus is retained as distinct, differing however, by some slight characters which are at present considered valid. The mentum is here trapezoidal, not trilobed in front but rounded, the anterior angles are slightly infiexed and the middle flat, coarsely punctured, not prominent. The last joint of the maxillary palpi is triangular, not securiform. The front tibia 1 as in Mctaclisa, are similar, and the epipleurae short. The hind tarsi are short, the first joint not equalling the second and third together. T. seditiosus, Lee, New Species, p. 122. Resembles a small Uloma. For a description the student is referred to the rather re- cent description of Dr. Leconte. Length .20-24 inch. Rather abundant in the Gulf States. ULOMA, Cast. Uloma, Cast., Hist. Nat. Ins. Col. II, 21!). Easily distinguished from all our genera of the tribe, by its short epiple-urse and di- lated, denticulate anterior tibia;. The mentum is variable, frequently trilobed in front, with the lateral lobes infiexed. Our species are numerous. From their mode of life some species have become widely diffused and almost cosmopolite. The following table will serve to aid in distinguishing our species : Lower edge of anterior femora feebly channeled along their entire length. Epistoma feebly emarginate or truncate. Last joint of antenna? rounded at tip. Middle plate of mentum elongate oval ; interatrial spaces of elytra entirely smooth. imp r e s s a . NORTH OF MEXICO. 371 Middle plate of mentum transversely oval ; interatrial spaces of elytra densely punctulate. punc t ula t a . Last joint of antennae oblique, pointed. imberbis. Epistoma deeply emarginate. longula. Lower edge of anterior femora with a broad fossa near the tip, and slightly emarginate. men talis. The groove of the lower edge of the anterior femora differs but little in the first five species, and is limited anteriorly by a ridge extending from the base to the apex, so that the lower edge of the femur when viewed from the front is very nearly a straight line. In the last species however, the channel is replaced by a broad fossa rather deeper than the groove in the other species, defined anteriorly by a ridge, not extending to the base, which when viewed from the front appears emarginate near the apex of the femur. The remain- ing characters in the table are sufficiently plain to be readily recognised. U. impress a, Mels., Proc. Acad. 3, G4. Our largest species, and for a long time considered identical with the European culi- naris, from which it differs by its larger size and different sculpture of mentum (See Le- conte, New Species, p. 123). Length .46 inch. Occurs abundantly everywhere in the Eastern and Middle States, U. imberbis, Lee., New Species, p. 123. Similar in form and sculpture to the preceding, differing however, in the transverse middle plate of mentum and the form of the last joint of the antennae. Length .3 2-. 3 6 inch. Occurs with the preceding, but less common, more abundant in the Southern States. U. men talis, n. sp. Similar in form and sculpture to imberbis, but differs in having a rather less robust form and a stouter thorax. The terminal joint of the antenme is rounded at tip, not oblique. The anterior femur has near its apex a rather broad fossa replacing the entire groove of the other species. The edge does not extend from apex to base, and is not a straight line, but sinuous at the position of the fossa. The middle plate of mentum is deeply concave, smooth and shining, with the edge somewhat thickened in the male (fe- male not seen). The epistoma is more nearly truncate than any other" of our species. Length .34 inch. Two specimens from Texas and Kansas. U. longula, Lee., Proc. Acad. 1861, p. 353. More elongate and parallel. Epistoma deeply emarginate. Anterior femur grooved, 372 REVISION OF THE TENEBRI0N1D.E OF AMERICA, edge entire and straight. Last joint of antennae rounded at tip. Stria? feebly impressed, interstices flat, smooth. The form of mentum is more nearly allied to impressa, being scarcely broader than long, rather strongly punctured, and with a groove on each side, the lateral lobes are not distinct. Length .36-42 inch. Occurs in Northern California. U. punctulata, Lee, New Species, p. 124; cava, Leo., (ibid). The two species above cited are united under the name most applicable to them. The differences of sculpture are but light and vanish in the larger series now at my disposal. The form is elongate oval, sub-parallel, as in the last species. Its color is uniformly fer- ruginous. The thorax usually parallel behind the middle. Epistoma very feebly emar- ginate. Last joint of antennae rounded at tip. Femora with entire groove. Interatrial spaces of elytra rather densely punctured and feebly convex. Length .28-33 inch. Texas, Louisiana, and Florida. In the preceding short descriptions only the more important and peculiar characteris- tics of each species noted. The species of Uloma have a remarkable resemblance to each other, and the continuous repetition of similar forms of expression has here, as elsewhere in this paper, been deemed altogether unnecessary. EUTOCIIIA, Lee. Eutochia, Lee, Class. Col. N. A., p. 238. Delopygus, Lee., New Species, p. 120. On renewed examination the differences between these two genera appear to be so slight as to warrant their union. The cpipleura? of the elytra do not extend to the tip in either genus, and the very slight difference in degree of serration of the anterior tibia? is barely specific, and what might be expected to occur in species of different size. E. pioea, Mels., (Uloma) Proc. Acad. 3, C4; Loo., (Eutochia) loc. cit. Black and shining, oval, convex. Length .33 inch. Occurs rather abundantly in the Middle States. E. crcnata, Lee, (Delopygus) New Species, 120. Smaller, more elongate and less convex than the preceding, brownish in color, with the sutural and lateral margins of elytra paler. Length .22 inch. Occurs in Texas. NORTH OF MEXICO. 373 TRIBE XXV HETEROTARSINI. Head not deeply inserted, eyes large, coarsely granulated. Antenna? gradually thicker. Middle coxa* with distinct trochantin. Tibial spurs small. Penultimate joint of tarsi more or less bilobed. Tarsi with coarse pubescence beneath. These lew characters will serve to render the tribe easy of recognition and separation from any of the neighboring tribes. It appears more closely allied to the Tenebrionini than to the tribes immediately preceding or following. The tribe is a small one, and com- posed in our ianna of but three genera, easily known by the very coarse punctures with which they are ornamented, and may be distinguished as follows: Antenna? very gradually thicker ; epipleura? entire but narrower at tip ; body pubescent. ax.edus. Antenna? with the last three joints larger. Margin of thorax denticulate ; body pubescent. paratexetus. Margin of thorax not denticulate ; body glabrous. PRATiEUS. ANJEDUS, Blanch. Ansedus, Blanch., Hist. Xat. Ins. II, p. 33. A. brunneus, Ziog., (Pandaras) Proc. Acad. 2. 4"i. The margin of thorax of this species is very distinct and retiexed, and the hind angles prominent. Length .'21 inch. Abundant under bark, in the Middle States. A. rotnndicollis, Lee Ann. Lye. V, p. 150. The margin of thorax is very narrow, and the hind angles much less prominent than the preceding species. Length .17 inch. From the Desert of the Gila River of Arizona. PARATEXETUs:. Spinola. Paratenetus, Spinola, Mouog. Clerites, II, p. US. P. pnnctatus, Solier, loc. eit.. tali. 44. fig. 5. Thorax with sides rounded in front, gradually narrowing behind the middle. Length .i'2-.16 inch. Abundant in the Middle and Eastern States. P. fuscus, Lee, Agass. Lake Superior, p. 223. Differs from punctatus by smaller size, more robust form, more convex thorax and elytra, the latter shorter and more rounded on the sides. The sides of the thorax are AMERI. PHILOSO. SOC. — VOL. XIV. 94 o(4 REVISION OF THE TENEBRIONIDiE OF AMERICA, strongly rounded from the front to the hind angles, which are also less distinct than in punctatus. Length .08-.10 inch. Occurs in ('ana la and the States bordering the Great Lakes. In Bull. Mose. 1868. p. 192-3, Motschulsky has indicated two species from the South- ern States unknown to me. The following table gives the species named by him : Sides of thorax five toothed. Thorax ami elytra unequally punctured. punctatus, Sol. Thorax ami elytra equally punctured. Thorax cordate, hind angles prominent, cribratus, Motsch. Sides of thorax three toothed. Elytra gibbous, antennal mass concolorous. gibbipennis, Motsch. PRAT.EUS. Lee. Pratseus, Lee., Class. Col. N. A., p. 238; New Species, p. 131. This genus has been removed from the association in which it was placed by Dr. Le- conte, as on renewed examination with line specimens the penultimate joint of the tarsi is found to resemble that of the other genera of Heterotarsini, although less distinctly lobed, It may readily be known by the sub-quadrate thorax, not denticulate ; epiplcunc broad at tip; body glabrous, strongly punctured. P. f us cuius, Lei-., loc. cit. Length .14 inch. Specimens are reported from Xew York and South Carolina; it probably occurs every- where in the Atlantic region, though rare. T1!I BE XXVI TRACHYSCELIXI. Mentum small, supported by a distinct gular peduncle; ligula and maxilla' exposed. Anterior coxae sub-transverse, middle coxae with distinct trochantin. Tibia? all more or less dilated and fossorial. Tarsi short, spinous or setose beneath. This tribe is here composed of the same genera included in it by Lacordaire, their partition in two tribes appearing rather unnecessary and hardly warranted by the differ- ences exhibited. The following table will aid in distinguishing our genera: Antennae slender, longer than the head. piialeria. Antennae very short and clavate. Epistoma truncate. traciiyscelis. Epistoma deeply emarginate. anemia. NORTH OF MEXICO. 375 PHALERIA, Lair. Phaleria, Latr., Hist. Nat. cl. Crust, ct. d. Ins. X, p. :;00. The antenna? of Phaleria though not absolutely slender, are so compared with those of the other two genera, the first six joints being obconiral and longer than broad ; the outer joints are usually more or less transverse and gradually broader. The epipleura? are entire. The species known in our collections may be distinguished by the following table, published by Dr. Lcconte (New Species, p. 125). Oval, finely punctulate species ; antennae with the outer joints transverse ; (metasternum normal, body winged). Base of thorax finely margined. Elytra not wider than base of thorax. Margin of thorax and elytra with long hairs. Robust species ; surface sub-opaque. Upper surface and legs testaceous. v o t u n d a t a . Body and legs black; margin of elytra testaceous, limbata. Depressed species ; color black, shining. p i 1 i f e r a . Margin without hairs; color variable. Sides of thorax converging from the base. t e s t a c e a . Sides of thorax parallel behind the middle. Ion g u 1 a . Elytra wider than base of thorax ; color black. p i c i p e s . Base of thorax not margined. d e b i 1 i s . Small, rounded, strongly punctured species ; antenna? with the outer joints not testaceous ; (metasternum short, body apterous). Convex, testaceous, with black elytral spots. glo bosa . Eess convex, black, with red humeral spots. h u m e r a 1 i s . P. rotundata, Leo.. Ann. Lye. V, 143. The under surface of this species is occasionally black, the upper surface testaceous. and when examined under a high power the thorax is found to be finely punctured and alutaceous. The interstrial spaces of the elytra, especially those nearest the suture, are finely transversely wrinkled. Length .21 inch. Found on the sea coast of California. P. limbata, robust, sub-opaque, black, sides of thorax, margin and base of elytra dark testaceous. Thorax broader than long, convex, finely punctured, anteriorly emarginate, angles obtuse, sides rounded, base nearly trun- cate, angles obtuse. Elytra broadly oval, convex, strne distinct, interstices finely transversely wrinkled. Body be- neath black, legs piceous, coarsely punctured. Margin of thorax and elytra fringed with long bail's. Length .25 inch. Similar in form to the preceding, though rather more robust. The surface above is 376 REVISION OF THE TENEBKIONID/E OF AMERICA, entirely black, excepting the margin and base of elytra and an irregular space nearer the apical angle of the thorax, which are dark testaceous. The thorax above has four slight impressions, two basal and two on each side of the middle, the latter are probably acci- dental. The antennae and legs are piceous. One specimen from San Francisco. P. pilifera, Lee, New Species, p. 125. The thoracic and elytral margin are in this species fringed with hairs. It may be readily known from the preceding by its more elongate and depressed form and by its en- tirely black color. Length .23-.2S inch. From Cape St. Lucas, Lower California. P. testaeea, Say, Long's Expedition 2, 280. The margin of the body is not fringed. The surface smooth and shining and testa- ceous in color. The elytra are sometimes ornamented with black spots. One specimen has the disc of the elytra entirely black, with only a narrow space at base and on the margins, testaceous. Length .28-.30 inch. Lather abundant, on the Eastern coast. 1'. 1 o n g u 1 a , Lee, New Species, p. 125. Length .22 inch. From the Gulf coast, Mississippi Island. P. picipes, Say. Long's Second Exp, II. p. 3^0; Am. Em. Ed. Leo., I, p. 185. Elongate oval, black, shining. Head finely and sparsely punctured. Thorax broader than long, moderately convex, very li ebly and sparsely punctured and with a short linear longitudinal basal Tmpression on each side; anteriorly emarginate, angles obtuse ; sides feebly rounded, gradually narrowing to apex; base feebly sinuate. Elytra oval, moder- ately convex, wider at base than the thorax, with distinct stria? deeper at apex; interstices feebly punctulate. Beneath shining, black. Antenna? brownish. Length .22-.2S inch. From the southern and middle Atlantic coast. P. debilis, Lee, New Species, p. 12C. Easily known by the pale color, single brown spot on each elytron, and by the absence of any marginal line at the base of the thorax. Length .20-.24 inch. Cape St. Lucas, Lower California. NORTH OF MEXICO. 377 P. globosa, Lee, P;ioi. K. R. R., App. 1, p. 51, pi. ii, fig. 4. This and the following species differ from those which precede, in so many characters, that the establishment of a distinct genus seems almost necessary. They are both broadly oval and convex, rather coarsely punctured; antennas longer than the head and thorax, slender and with the outer joints not transverse, meso- and metasternum short, and the elytra with the first stria parallel with the suture and no scutellar stria. P. o-lobosa i s entirely testaceous, with two black marks on each elytron, the front being,- zigzag, the hinder irregularly triangular. Length .12-. 14 inch. From the sea coast in the neighborhood of San Francisco. P. humeral i s , n. sp. Similar in form to the preceding, but less convex. The color is black, somewhat bronzed, with a red humeral spot on each elytron. Length .15 inch. California (locality unknown). P. picta. Mann., Bull. Mosc. 184:!, 277. Sitkha; is unknown to me in nature. TRACHTSCELIS, Latr. Tracliyscelis, Latr., Gen. Crust, et Ins. IV. p. :;T!i. The form of antenna at once distinguishes Tracliyscelis from Fhaleria, and the trun- cate epistoma from Anaemia. In form the species resemble .Egialia. T. flavipes, Mels., Proe. Acad. Ill, p. 01. The upper surface is black and shining, the elytra rather deeply striate and without scutellar stria. The under surface is paler and the legs yellowish. Length .L3-.14 inch. From the southwestern Atlantic sea coast. A X.E.MIA, Cast. Anaemia, Cast., Hist. Nat. Col. II. p. 21s. Head broad, deeply cmarginate, sides rather broadly dilated. Eyes deeply emargi- nate, superior portion small. Mention small, trapezoidal. Last joint of maxillary palpi elongate oval. Antennae short, robust, gradually thicker toward the tip, outer joints very transverse, last joint slightly longer than the preceding and rounded at tip. Thorax very transverse. Elytra as broad as thorax, and with entire epipleurae. Legs short, robust, tibiae all dilated, ■ outer apical angle of all prolonged. Body winged. I refer to Anaemia, an insect from California possessing all the characters assigned to the species of the Eastern Continent, with also a similarity of sculpture. AMERI. PHILOSO. SOC VOL. XIV -95 378 REVISION OF THE TENEBRIONIO.E OF AMERICA, A. californica, oval, robust, piceous. Head broad, moderately convex, very densely and rather coarsely punctured. Thorax transverse, nearly three times as broad as long, convex, densely and coarsely punctured and fringed with Ion- yellowish hairs: anteriorly emarginate, angles not prominent; base rounded, angles obtuse; sides strongly rounded, slightly narrower behind than in front. Elytra broadly oval, scarcely longer than broad, not broader at base than the thorax; base feebly emarginate; sides fringe. 1 with long yellowish hairs; surface rather densely, coarsely and very irregularly punctured. Under surface of body with few scattered punctures. Prosternum and legs with long yellow hairs. Body winged. Length .16-.20 inch. As compared with the figure of A. sardoa, Gene, in Duval, pi. 70, tig. 350, our spe- cies is more robust, with a shorter thorax and with the sides much more strongly from the apex to base, the hind angles being very obtuse. The punctures are denser and coarser. Occurs in Owens' Valley, Cal., and the adjacent regions of Nevada. TRIISE XXVII DIAPERINI. Body usually oval or rounded, sometimes elongate (Hypophlceus). Eyes prominent, very feebly emarginate in front. Antennae always with the outer joints thicker and per- foliate Mentum small, gular peduncle distinct, Anterior coxae sub-transverse ; middle coxa' with distinct troehantin. Legs slender ; spurs small; tarsi pubescent. This tribe may be distinguished from those which precede by the very convex eyes, more prominent than the sides of the front, and from the Bolitophagini by the gula not being transversely sulcate. Our genera may be divided into the following groups; Diaperes. Body broadly oval; eyes distinctly emarginate in front; pygidium covered. hirst joint of hind tarsi not longer than the second. DIAPERIS. First joint of hind tarsi equal to second and third. hoplocephala. First joint of hind tarsi longer than second and third. Epipleurae entire; intercoxal process of abdomen acute. Mesosternum concave. Last joint of maxillary palpi broadly triangular, plattdema. Last joint of maxillary palpi elongate triangular, outer side much longer. ALPHITOPHAGUS. Mesosternum prominent, liodema. Epipleurae short; intercoxal process of abdomen truncate, scapiiidema. HypOPHIXEI. Body cylindrical ; eyes distinctly emarginate in front; py- gidium exposed. (One genus in this group). HYPOPHUEUS. PentAPHYLLI. Body elongate oval; eyes not emarginate in front; py- gidium covered. Last five joints of antennae forming a loose club. pentaphyllus. NORTH OF MEXICO. 379 DIAPERIS, Geoff. Diaperis, Geoff., Ins. d. Envir. d. Paris, I, p. 337. Two species of this well known genus occur in our fauna, D. hydni, Fab., El. 2, 585; Lap. Ann. Sc. Nat. 23, 335; maaulata, Oliv., Enc. Meth. 0, 273. This species is remarkably uniform in its system of elytral coloration. The elytra are orange color, with a sutural black stripe, not reaching the scutellum, becoming irregularly wider toward the apex; a small black spot at the anterior third, not very distant from the suture, and another smaller, near the margin ; a large irregular spot beginning at the margin behind the middle, extending toward the suture without attaining it, and becom- ing irregularly narrower. The head between the eyes is rufous. The legs entirely black. Length .24 inch. Abundant in the Middle and Eastern States, under bark or in fungi. D. rufipe s, oval, convex, shining; head entirely rufous; antennae black except the three basal joints, which are rufous; thorax black, shining, finely and sparsely punctured. Elytra with distinct striae of moderate punctures, in- terstices finely but very sparsely punctured; color black, with a. basal and median transverse irregular baud of orange, and an oval apical spot of the same color on each elytron; epipleurae black except base. The legs are brownish, ex- cepting the anterior femora and coxa?, which are pale orange. Length .20 inch. Found in Arizona, at Camp Grant, under Cottonwood bark. The differences between this species and the European D. boleti, when viewed from above, are very slight, the system of coloration is identical, the differences being in the entirely rufous head and the pale legs, and by the interstices between the elytral stria? being much more sparsely punctured. The eyes are more closely approximate and the frontal region of the head narrower in our species. HOPLOCEPHALA, Cast, et Brulle. Iloplocephala, Cast, et Brulle, Ann. d. Sc. Nat. 23, p. 33S. Arrhenoplita, Kirby, Fauna Am. Bor., p. 233. This genus differs from Diaperis in having the first joint of the hind tarsi longer than the second ; and from the genera which follow, by the same joint being less than the two following together. The epipleura? are abbreviated. Our species are four in number, of which two only are known to American entomolo- gists. Head of male with two horns. Thorax red, elytra green or blue, with metallic lustre. v i r i d i p e n n i s . Thorax and elytra similar in color. (Color blue ; length 4 lines. chalybea ). Color green ; length If lines. bicornis. Head of male simply tuberculate. (Thorax ferruginous, elytra black. collaris). 380 REVISION OF THE TEXEBRIOXIICK OF AMERICA, II. viridipeunis, Fab., (Diaperis) Syst. El. II, 586, 4; Cast et Brullr, (Oplocepbala) Ami. A. So. Nat. 23, 340. In this species and the following^ the head of the female is entirely devoid ol tubercles. Length .10-14 inch. II. bicornis, Oliv., (Diaperis) Ent. 3, 55; Enc. Meth. i!. 2~'-l; Kirliy. (Arrhenoplita) Fauna Bor. Am. 235; iresci us, Cast, ef Brullc, i tloplocepliala I loc. tit. p. 341; bicornis, Fab., (Hispa) Mant. p. 215. - This species differs from the preceding in having the whole surface bluish green. The thorax occasionally becomes brownish. Length .10-.14 inch. This and the preceding species are found rather abundantly over our entire country, living in fungi. II. cbalybea, Cast, et Brulle, Ann. Sc. Nat. 23, p. 341. " Elongate, punctured, shining, bluish green ; head of male with two vertical horns, female tuberculate; elytra moderately striate; body beneath blackish; legs brownish. Length 4 lines, width lj lines. From the neighborhood of Philadelphia." Unknown to us. Probably not North American. !1. collaris, Cast, et Brulle, loc. cit. p. 347. "Elongate, punctured, shining, dark ferruginous; head at middle bituberculate, mouth and antenna' brownish; thorax reddish brown, scutellum red; elytra faintly striate, black; with the base, humeri and anterior portion of suture brownish ; legs pale ferruginous. Length 2| lines, width 1 [ lines. From the neighborhood of Philadelphia." Unknown to us. PLATYDEMA, Cant, el Brullr. Platyclema, Cast et Brulk', Ann. He. Nat. 2:'., p. 350. First joint of hind tarsi longer than the two following joints ; epipleurse entire; me- sosterlmm concave ; last joint of maxillary palpi broadly triangular, with the inner and outer sides nearly equal; intercoxal process of abdomen triangular, acute. These characters will serve to distinguish this genus from all those before mentioned and those which follow. Our species are numerous and may be distinguished l>v the following table: Head tuberculate or horned; front concave. Polished or shining species. Black, broadly oval. excavatum. Blue, more elongate. c y a n e s c e n s . Opaque species. e r y t h r o c e r u m . NORTH OF MEXICO. 381 Head neither tuberculatc nor horned. Thorax rufous, elytra black. ruficolle. Thorax and elytra black. Surface opaque. Elytra without red spots. Antenna? pale. ruficorne. Antenna? black, three basal joints pale. flavipes. Antenna? black, three basal pale, terminal ferru- ginous, j a n u s . Elytra with an oblique red spot on each. ellipticum. Surface, shining black. Presternum horizontal, apex prominent, Head with distinct transverse groove and frontal impression. Frontal impression rather deep ; species broader, oregonense. Frontal impression faint ; species less rounded, americ a n u m . Head without transverse impression. Thorax very sparsely punctured; surface less shining. laevipes. Thorax densely punctured ; species small, shining, black. m i c a n s . Presternum convex between the coxa? ; apex deflexed and obtuse. Smaller species, black, with an a?neous tinge, picilabrum. more elongate. Larger species, black, more broadly oval. s u b c o s t a t u m . P. excavatum, Say, (Diaperis) Journ. Acad. 3, 267. A very abundant species over the entire district East of the Rocky Mountains ; easily recognisable by the black color, shining surface and corniculate head. Specimens occur in the Western States of rather more elongate form and less deeply striate elytra. Length .18-.21 inch. P. cyanescens, Lap. et Bralle, Ann. Sc. Nat. XXIII, p. 356. Differs from the preceding, in its more elongate form, less rounded sides and by its blue color. Length .18 inch. Occurs in the Gulf States. AMERI. PII1LOSO. SOC. — VOL. XIV. — 96 382 REVISION OF THE TENEBRIONID.E OF AMERICA, ° -. ~ P. erytlirocerum, Lap. et. Bridle, Ioc. cit., p. Broadly oval, opaque, under surface and antenna? brownish. Length .15 inch. Occurs in the Gulf States. P. ruficolle, Lap. et Brulle, 1"'. cit., p. 375; sanjuinieolle, Mels., Proc. Acad. 3, 61. A small oval sub-opaque species with a rufous thorax, and black elytra with apices paler; the body beneath, legs and antennae brownish ferruginous, the latter being paler. Length .20 inch. Middle States, rare. P. nificome, Sturm, i Diaperis) Oatal. ed. 1826, p. OS, tab. 3, fig. 21. rufiuentrc, Lap. et Brulle, (Plat.) p. 378; anale, Hald., .1. Ac. Ser. II. Vol. I, p. 101; rufa, Mels., (Neomida) Proc. Acad. 3, 61. ? p aliens, Lap. et Br., Ioc. cit. Very broadly oval, opaque black, under surface and legs dark testaceous, antenna? en- tirely pale. P. rufa, Mels.. is but an immature specimen, as is probably the pollens of Lap. and Brulle. Length .16—22 inch. A species of wide distribution. P. Bavipcs, Fab., (Mycetopliagus) Syst. El. II, 367, 11: Lap. et Brulle, Ioc. cit. 588; basale, Hald., J. Acad. Ser. II, Vol. I. p. 101. Similar to the preceding species, but more elongate, and with the antenna? black ex- cept the three basal joints, which are testaceous. The thorax is very feebly and sparsely punctured at middle, while at the sides the punctures are not only denser but coarser, dif- fering in this respect from the preceding species, in which the thorax is scarcely more punctured toward the margin than at the middle. The under side of the body and legs are pale brownish. Length .16-.20 inch. Middle and Southern States. P. janus, Fal... (Mycetopli.) Syst. El. II, 566, 4: Lap. et Brulle, Ioc. cit., p. 372; Zimmerman mscpt. At the suggestion of the manuscript of the late Dr. Zimmerman, I refer to this species our largest opaque black species, heretofore considerd flavipes. The description of the latter corresponds exactly with that described by Haldeman some years after as basale. Janus differs from flavipes in having the terminal joint of the antennae ferruginous, and by the thorax being regularly, sparsely and finely punctured. The under surface and legs are pale ferruginous. Length .24-.30 inch. From the Southern States, California, Arizona, and New Mexico. The types were from Peru. NORTH OF MEXICO. 383 P. ellipticum, Fab., (Mycet.) Syst. El. II, 566, 3; (Tenebrio) supplement, 19, 15; (Platydema) Lap. etBrulle, loe. cit. 380. The body, antennse and legs are entirely black, and the elytra have an oblique red spot from the humerus backward and inward toward the suture. The margins of the spot are irregular. Length .'2'3-.30 inch. Abundant in the Southern States, rarely found in Pennsylvania. P. oregonense, Lee, Pacif. K. R. Rep. IX, App. I, p. 51. This species is very closely allied to the following, and it is doubtful whether they should be retained as distinct. The only differences being in the rather rounder form and deeper frontal impression of this species. Should these two prove to he identical, its distribution would prove nearly as extended in the Northern regions as janus in the Southern. Oregoncse is always brownish in color, never black ; the antenna? are pale ; the presternum horizontal, tip acute and prominent. Length .20-.26 inch. Distributed from Oregon to Fort Tejon, Cal. P. americanum, Lap. et Brulle, loe. eit. 358. This species has heretofore borne the name of subcostatum, Lap., in our collections, and has been so distributed. The differences between it and oregonense have already been adverted to. Length .20-.26 inch. Abundant in the Northern States and Canada. P. lsevipes, Hald., J. Acad., Series II. Vol. 1, p. 101. Differs from both the preceding, in having the front convex, without any transverse or intra-ocular impression. The presternum is likewise prominent and horizontal. The sur- face is less shining than cither of the preceding, and while the thorax and head are black the elytra are brownish. The antennae are pale brown and the legs ferruginous. Length .20-26 inch. Middle and Southern States. P. mi c a ns , Zimmerman mscpt. " Broadly oval, of the form of ruficolle, black, very shining, with a blackish submetal- lic lustre to the elytra, with the sides toward the apex brownish ; antenna?, palpi and legs reddish brown ; head rather densely and coarsely punctured, thorax rather densely but less coarsely punctured, with two feeble impressions along the basal margin ; elytra with stria? of rather large punctures, with the interstices rather densely and finely punctured ; beneath with moderately large punctures." Length .12 inch. South Carolina. Dr. Chas. Zimmerman. 384 REVISION OF THE TEXEBRIOXID.E OF AMERICA, This species resembles in size, color, form and general appearance the female of exca- vatum Say, though readily distinguishable by the absence of horns or tubercles. The scutellar stria is almost totally obliterated and replaced by a single larger and many small irregularly placed punctures. The presternum is horizontal, acute and produced behind, and rather more deeply received in the mesosternum than usual. The above description and the substance of the remarks are drawn from the manu- script of the late Dr. Zimmerman, of Columbia, South Carolina. It is greatly to be re- gretted that these were not published in full at the date of their origin, as many valuable suggestions are found, now unfortunately for him forestalled by later students. That Dr. Zimmerman, even with a limited cabinet and library, was fully equal to and in many re- spects in advance of his cotemporaries, there can be no doubt. T. picilabrum, Mels., Proc. Ac-ad. 3, 61. This species and the next have the presternum between the coxa? very convex, and the apex depressed, obtuse and not prominent. In both the labrum is testaceous and the antenna' and legs ferruginous. This species has more deeply striate elytra with an irneous tinge, the form is also more slender and parallel. Length .20 inch. Eastern, Middle and Western States. P. sub costatum, Lap. et Bralle, loc. cit. p. 302; clypeatum, Hald., Journ. Acad., Ser. II, Vol. 1, p. 101. One of our largest and most abundant species in the Eastern and Middle States. Easily known by the characters given in the table. The species has been considered americanum, but the possession of an authentically determined specimen of the present species has enabled me to determine the identity of Haldeman's species, as well as fix the value of those otherwise labelled. Length .22-.26 inch. Unknown species. P. politum, Lap. et Bralle, loc. cit. p. 361. Erom the description this species does not differ from some specimens of americanum, now before me. Length 3.5 lines, breadth 2 lines. Erom Philadelphia. P. pallens, Lap- et Bralle, loc. cit. p. '■',',!. Probably an immature form of ruficorne or possibly of janus. Length 3, breadth 2 lines. Erom North and South America. NORTH OF MEXICO. 385 P. cyan en, Lap. et Brulle, loc. cit. p. 392. From the description it is fairly inferable that this species is but the female of one be- longing to the group in which the head of male is corniculate. It and the two preceding- species are, however, not known to me, and the matter is left with the few suggestions to future students. Length 2, breadth 1 line. From North America. ALPHITOPHAGUS, Steph. Alphitophagus, Steph., Illust. of Brit. Ent. Y, p. 12. A genus easily recognisable in the form of the second and last joints of the palpi. The epipleurre are entire, the presternum not produced, (he first joint of the hind tarsi equal to the second and third together, but shorter than the last. A. bifasciatus, Say, (Diaperis) Journ. Acad. Ill, 268, 1823; guadripustulatus, Steph., loc. cit., pi. 24, fig. 1, 1832. Easily known from all our species of Diaperini. by the small size, elongate oval form and system of coloration. The general color is reddish brown, the elytra being darker, The latter have two yellow hands on each, one near the humerus and slightly oblique, another behind the middle and transverse, not reaching the suture, and an elongate oval spot near the apex. " The males are remarkable in the curious structure of the head. The epistoma is deeply and bisinuately impressed along its posterior border, slightly impressed in the mid- dle and elevated on each side ; the front has also three deep grooves forming two longitu- dinal ridges, well marked and terminating between the eyes. They are also smaller than the females."— (Duval). Length .08-. 10 inch. Not rare in the Middle States and Dist. Columbia. Occasionally found in colonies of twenty or more. As this insect is very rare in Europe, it has probably been introduced. LIODEMA, Zimm. Liodema, Zimra., MS. Tenebrionides. Closely allied to Platydema, hut differs in having the mesosternum prominent and not emarginate. Presternum convex between the coxa?, apex deiiexed and received, when the thorax is depressed, beneath the mesosternum. The rest as in Platydema. L. lreve, Hald., (Platydema) Journ. Acad., Ser. II, Vol. 1, p. 101 (Liodema) Zimm. MSS. No. 3250. Oval, convex, smooth, moderately shining; color piceous black, with the apex of elytra paler, beneath reddish hrown; mouth, antenna? and legs reddish yellow; head and thorax AMERI. PHILOSO. SOC VOL. XIV 97 386 REVISION" OF THE TENEBRION1D.E OF AMERICA, regularly convex, with very fine sparsely placed punctures; epistoma and margins of thorax brownish ; elytra with faint striae of very tine punctures; body beneath smooth, shining, very sparsely punctured. Length .16 inch. North Carolina, Dr. Chas. Zimmerman. SCAPHIDEMA, Redt. Scapliidema, Redt.. Fauna Austr. rd. 1. p. 591. Nelites, Lee, Agass. Lake Super., p. 232. This genus may be distinguished from Platydema by its truncate intercoxal process and short epiplcune. The mesosternum is less prominent, less deeply excavated than any of the genera except Alphitophagus. The thorax is narrower at base than the elytra, the sides not rounded except in front, and gradually wider from apex to base. S. seneolum, Lcc. (Nelites) loo. cit.; Lac, (Scaph.) Genera V, p. 304. As compared with the European species, this one is more elongate, less rounded and with a narrower thorax. Length .14-.18 inch. From the Lake Superior region. HYPOPHLCEUS, Fab. Hypophloeus, Fab. in Sclmeid. N. Mactllidus are very distinctly bituberculate on the front between the eyes, and are usually larger than their females. The head of the female is very convex in pallidus, but in californicua there is an increase of the convexity in the place of the tuber- cles of the male. The unique in the cabinet of Dr. Leconte at the time of the descrip- tion of pallidas was a female, hence the failure to note the above character, which will serve additionally to separate our species from the European. From the figure given by Duval, P. testaceus is much more acute behind than either of our species, which are very obtuse and alike in both sexes. TRIBE XXVIII BOLITOPHAGINI. Last joint of palpi not securiform. Head short, deeply inserted. Epistoma semi- circular in front. Antenna? partly received, in repose, in a transverse gular groove between the eyes. Outer joints of antennae perfoliate, rarely pectinate. Scutellum dis- tinct. Anterior coxa? sub-cylindrical. Tibia? simple, spurs small or absent. Tarsi short, feebly pubescent beneath, usually compressed, with the first joint usually very small, last joint long 388 REVISION OF THE TEXEBRIONID.E OF AMERICA, Our genera are four in number, as follows: Sides of head in front of eyes prominent. Eves partially divided ; antenna? ten-jointed. bolitotiierus. Eves entirely divided; antennae eleven-jointed. . bolitopiiagus. Sides ol head in front of eyes not prominent. Eyes distinctly emarginate ; thorax margined ; margin crenulate. eeedona. Eves not emarginate ; thorax not margined. biiipidandrus. BOLITOTHERTJS, Candeze. Bolitotiierus, Candeze. Phcllidius, Lie. CIa>s. Col. X. A., p. 23G. P.. cornutus, Fab.. (Boletophagus) Syst. El. 1, p. 110; Panzer, (Opatrum) Fauna Amer. Bor. Prodroui., pi. 1, fig. 5 and li, J, and f; bifurcum, Fab., (Opatrum) Ent. Syst. Supp. 40, I. This insect is easily known. The males have two horns, slightly curved and broader at tin, projecting forward from the thorax. The anterior margin of epistoma has a very short horn, bifid at tip. * Length .40-.45 inch. Occurs abundantly everywhere in the middle belt of States. This species appears to be in an unfortunate condition in its synonymy. It appears to base been originally described by Fabricius as Opatrum bifurcum (Ent. Syst. Supp. 40, I), subsequently by Panzer as 0. comutum (Prod. Inc. cit.) All subsequent authors appear to have adopted for our insect the name of Fabricius, Trox cornutus, (Ent. p. 88) and repeated verbatim in his Syst. Eleut. I, p. 112, referring to an insect from Ceylon. In Syst. El. 1. lip. 112 and 11:), Fabricius adopts the name of Bolitophagus, and changes without any reason the specific name bifurcus to cornutus, and refers the insect to Caro- lina. In a notice of some coleopterous larvae (1861, p. 13), Candeze at the suggestion of Lacordaire, establishes the genus Bolitotiierus and adopts the specific name cornutus, re- ferring to Syst. El. p. 112, on which are two species of' this name, and although stating that the perfect insect is well known, Candeze does not state whence it comes. To render the matter still move confused, Harold (Cat. p. 1945) refers Opatrum bifurcum, 1'/., (cor- ii nt ii in. Fab.,) to Bolitophagus, and the Trox cornutus, Tali., of Ceylon, to Bolitotherus, The whole truth is that our large species is a Bolitotherus, whether the specific name be bifurcus or cornutus. It is to be desired that this confusion may lie rectified. From my own study I am inclined to adopt the synonymy as givi n by Harold (Catal. 1941 and 5), witli the removal of the />'. bifurcus, Tab., (cornutus, Pan/,.,) from Bolitophagus to Bolito- tiierus. Such a change compels us to drop a very well known specific name, adopting another, almost entirely lost sight of. NORTH OF MEXICO. 389 BOLITOPHAGTTS, Illiger. Bolitophagus, Illiger, Die Ka'fer Preuss., p. 100. Eyes entirely divided, sides of head prominent. Antennae eleven-jointed. B. corticola , Say, Jouvn. Acad. V, 238. The margin of thorax is strongly crenulate and deeply notched in front of the hind angles. The surface is covered with numerous tubercles and the elytra ornamented with widely interrupted elevated ridges. Length .33 inch. Occurs in the Middle and Eastern States. B. depressus, Randall, (Eledona) Bost. Jouvn. II, '31; telvaopss, Newman, (Bolet.) Eut. Mag. V, 378. Differs from the preceding, in having the thorax simply coarsely punctured, with the sides regularly rounded and margin scarcely crenulate. The elytra arc finely costate, the interstices having a single row of coarse punctures. Length .20-.30 inch. Middle an 1 Eastern States and Canada. ELEDONA, Lair. Eledona, Latr., Precis d. ear. gen. d. Ins., p. 10. Differs from the preceding genera, in not having the sides of the head prominent in front of the eyes. The eyes are about half divided. Front rounded, not prominent at middle. Antenna? clavate and compressed. Thorax distinctly margined, margin finely crenulate. E. fungicola, brown, opaque, oval, sub-cylindrical. Head densely and coarsely punctured. Thorax broader than long, very rugosely punctured, convex, anteriorly feebly emarginate, base bisinuate, sides feebly rounded, grad- ually wider behind. Elytra convex, broadly rounded at apex, base feebly emarginate, surface finely costulate, inter- stices with a single row of coarse punctures. Beneath dark brown, coarsely punctured, antennae and legs paler. Length .14 inch. Middle States. Closely resembling E. agaricicola of Europe. This insect has been associated in collections with the next as its female, the differ- ences appear to me to warrant its separation as a species of this genus. The characters are all those of Eledona. RIIIPIDANDHUS, Lee. Rhipidandrus, Lee, Class. Col. N. A., 236. llhipidandrus differs from Eledona in having the eyes larger, more convex, more coarsely granulated, and not emarginate by the sides of the front. The front is narrow, epistoma rather prominent, and truncate at middle. The antenna? are pectinate from the fifth to last joints, the fifth joint with a shorter branch than those which follow. The thorax is without flattened and crenulate margin. AMERI. PHILOSO. SOO. — VOL. XIV. — 93 390 REVISION OF THE TENEBRIONID.E OF AMERICA, R. flabellicornis, Sturm, (Xyletinus) Cat. 182G, p. 59, pi. 1, fig. 7. T have before me ten specimens of this insect, and find them all agreeing with the characters of the genus as defined by Dr. Leconte, and showing no differences among them- selves in the formation of their antenna'. The species is similar- in sculpture to the Eledona before described. The antennae and legs are pale reddish brown. Length .10 inch. Middle and Western States and Canada West (Pettit). May not this genus be allied to the Eutomides, lately referred to this family ! TRIBE XXIX — APOCRYPHINI. Body slender, apterous ; head not constricted behind ; labruni prominent, clypeal mem- brane distinctly visible; eves small, emarginate, coarsely granulated; mentum small; last joint of maxillary palpi strongly securiform ; antenna' eleven-jointed, slender, scarcely thicker externally; prothorax globose, marginal ridge rounded or wanting; trunk pedun- culated; elytra embracing widely the flanks of abdomen; epi pleurae narrow; middle coxae without trochantin ; hind coxa' small, widely separated ; legs long, femora elavate ; tibia? --lender, spurs small ; tarsi pubescent with long hairs ; hind margins of third and fourth ventral segments coriaceous. The last character alone serves to remove this tribe from the association in which it was placed by Dr. Leconte, to the place assigned it by Lacordaire, preferring, however, to retain it as a distinct tribe. APOCRYPHA, Esch. Apocrypha, Esch., Zool. Atl. IV, p. 13. Our species, three in number, all small, are found in California, under chips, etc., in very dry places ; they are very agile and difficult to capture. A. authicoides, Esch., loc. cit., pi. is, lij;. 7. Thorax globoso-oval, broader than long ; broader in front of middle, sides strongly rounded and gradually narrower toward apex. Surface rather coarsely but sparsely punc- tured, and very sparsely clothed with yellowish hairs. Color brownish testaceous, elytra blackish, base broadly brownish testaceous. Beneath colored as above, legs paler. Length .11 inch. San Francisco and Tejou, Cal. A. dyschirioides, Lee, Ann. Lye. V, 137. Smaller than the preceding. Head and elytra dark brown or black, thorax rufous, shining. Thorax longer than broad, sides nearly straight ill front, gradually widening beyond the middle, then rapidly narrowing. Under surface blackish, feet rufous. Length .08-10 inch. Found with the preceding. NORTH OF MEXICO. 391 A. oli vino ides, brownish testaceous, sub-opaque. Thorax more densely punctured and more densely pilose, broader than lung-, sub-globose, slightly depressed, sides moderately roundftd from apex to base; base rounded. Elytra elongate oval, sub-depressed, sides feebly rounded, apex obtuse, surface moderately coarsely punctured and sparsely clothed with short yellowish recumbent hairs. Beneath testaceous, rather densely and coarsely punctured and sparsely pilose. Length .14 inch. Owens' Valley, California, rare. Differs from both the preceding species, by its color, more depressed form, and by the shape of the thorax. In this species the sides are gradually rounded from the apex to base, and the base is not prolonged as in the other species, and is comparatively broader. The elytra are less convex, more elongate, sides less rounded, and apex less acute. TRIBE XXX HELOP1X1. Labrum prominent, clypeal membrane always visible ; last joint of palpi securiform ; head usually more or less prolonged behind the eyes ; antennae with the outer joints flat- tened sub-triangular; last joint usually longer than the preceding; elytra feebly embracing the body ; epipleura? entire ; legs usually long ; anterior coxee globular ; tibial spurs fre- quently very small; tarsi densely pubescent beneath, the anterior and often the middle dilated in the males; intercoxal process broad or oval, never acute at tip; body either apterous or winged. HELOPS, Fab. llelops, Fab., Ent. Syst,, p. 337. One genus represents this tribe in our fauna. Our species are numerous and may be divided in the following manner : Group i — Alate Species. Thorax sub-quadrate, sides feebly rounded; apex (except in hnpclitus) emarginate; angles all prominent. Thorax emarginate at apex; elytra sub-metallic; shining. Sides of thorax not undulated; elytra finely striate, interstices finely and sparsely punctured. micans. Sides of thorax undulated; elytral strue deeper. undulatus, Sides of thorax not undulated; elytral striae deep; interstices convex, almost en- tirely impunctured. veuustus. Thorax truncate in front; angles rectangular; surface sub-opaque; elytra with rows of elongate punctures. i m p o 1 i t u s . Thorax usually broader than long; sides moderately rounded; apex truncate or rounded, with obtuse angles. Antennae with the outer joints compressed and sub-triangular. (Black, sub-opaque, California species.) Thorax narrowed at basj. o p a c u s . p unu tipe nu i s. Thorax wider at base, rugnlosus Antennae slender, outer joints not compressed. 392 REVISION OF THE TEXEBRIONID.E OF AMERICA, Thorax obtusely margined, Brownish; last joint of antennae shorter. a n gusi u s. Brownish; last joint of antennae longer than tenth. gracilis. Thorax acutely margined. Margin narrow. Propleurse finely longitudinally wrinkled. califoruicus. Propleurse coarsely and irregularly wrinkled, e d w ardsii . Margin broad, more or less reflexed. Thorax broadest at middle. pernitens. Thorax broadest at base. lse tus . C4noup it — Apterous Species. Antenna; short, robust, outer joints compressed. rugicollis, Antenna- longer than head and thorax. Sides of thorax rounded. Apex of thorax truncate. Thorax broader than long. Hind angles obtuse or rounded. Terminal joints of antennae sub-cylindrical, last joint long; interstrial spaces with rounded tubercles, distinct at least at apex. bachei. Terminal joints of antennas sub-triangular, last joint short oval; inter- strial spaces Hat. eonvexulus. Hind angles nearly rectangular. Elytra with stria' of line punctures. Propleurse grooved. sere us. Propleurse coarsely punctured, Last .joint of antenna' longer than tenth. cisteloides. Last joint of antennae shorter than tenth. disc ret us. Elytra deeply striate. sulci pen n is. Thorax longer than broad. Form slender; joints four to eleven of antennsB sub-equal. atte ml a tus. Apex of thorax emarginate; angles prominent. Form broadly oval: elytra deeply striate, fa r e tus, Sides of thorax sub-angulale in front of noddle. Apex truncate; antenna' slender; form broadly oval. t u m e s e ens. II. mi cans, Fab., Syst. Fl. I, 157; mltalus, Oliv., :t, 4; tanicltus, Beauv. Ins., p. 101, pi. 30, fig. .4. Our largest Eastern species. Thorax emarginate in front, angles distinct, broader thnii long, somewhat broader at base, sides feebly sinuate. Antennae slender, outer joints feebly compressed ; last three joints smaller and gradually decreasing. Elytra faintly striate, shining with indistinct metallic stripes. Propleurae coarsely and continently punc- tured. Apex of last ventral segment with a broad hairy depression ; in the females the depression is longitudinal and smaller. Length .50-.70 inch. A species of wide distribution. 1!. undulatus. Fee, New Specie-, p. 132. Similar to the preceding. Differs in the undulate sides of thorax and the absence oi NORTH OF MEXICO. 393 any depression in the last abdominal segment, The terminal joints of the antenna? are less compressed and not shorter. The antenna?, as in most of the species of the genus, are shorter in the female. Length .46-.53 inch. Southern States. H. veil ust us, Say, Long's Exped. 2, 283. Smaller than either of the preceding. The sides of the thorax are nearly straight, the proplenra? coarsely but not continently punctured, and the elytra deeply striate, with con- vex interstices. Antennae slender and as in undulatus. Length .36-.3S inch. Not abundant in the Middle and Southern States. II. i nip ol i tu s, Lee, New Species. 132. Thorax nearly square, sides nearly straight, apex very feebly emarginate. Elytra with stria? of coarse punctures. Color black, slightly bronzed, sub-opaque. Antenna? slender. Propleura? rugosely punctured, punctures behind confluent in grooves. Last segment of abdomen concave and hairy at apex. Length .50 inch. Texas. One male in my own cabinet, and a female in that of Mr. Ulke. II. op a cu s, Lee., Proc. Acad. 18">9, 284. Thorax truncate in front, angles rounded ; base almost truncate, angles rectangular ; sides rounded in front, slightly sinuate and converging behind ; surface opaque black, rugosely punctured. Three terminal joints of antenna^ shorter, compressed, broader than long. Propleura? coarsely and rugosely punctured. Two forms of this species occur, one apterous, the other winged. In the apterous form the thorax is more convex, the elytra more robust, convex and shorter. The winged species has the elytra depressed, more elongate and less rounded on the sides ; the thorax is also less convex, rather broader and with less rounded sides. I am unwilling at present to assign a distinct name to the latter form, desiring a further accumulation of specimens. Length .52-70 inch. From San Francisco, Cal. H. punctipennis, Lee., New Species, 133. Similar in form to the preceding, but more depressed and smaller. Thorax slightly broader than long ; disc densely but not rugosely punctured, sides rounded in front, slightly sinuate behind, base truncate, angles slightly acute, more prominent in any other of our species. The elytra are depressed, slightly broader behind, moderately striate, AMERI. PFIILOSO. SOC VOT,. XIV 09 394 REVISION OF THE TEXEBRIONID.E OF AMERICA, interstices densely punctured and slightly rugose. Antennae long, with the outer joints compressed, very gradually shorter. Length .36 inch. California. II. rugulosus, Lee, Ann. Lye. V, 151. A large sub-opaque black species, differing from all our other alate species in having the outer joints of the antennae compressed and shorter, and the thorax broader behind. The thorax is broader than long, truncate at apex and base, sides rounded, gradually con- verging to the apex. The propleurse are finely grooved near the margin and coarsely punctured near the coxae. The elytra are finely striate, the interspaces transversely wrinkled and finely punctured. Length .38.-64 inch. California, near San Francisco. II. angustus, Lee, Proc. Acad. 1 sr>n, 77. Brownish, not metallic. Thorax as long as broad, truncated in front and behind, sides moderately rounded, disc feebly convex. Antenna? elongate, outer joints not compressed, very slightlv shorter. Propleurae coarsely punctured. Thorax without thin margin. Length .30-40 inch. Fort Tejon, California. II. gracilis, Bland, Proc. Ent. So,-. 1803, \>. 310. Bronzed, sub-parallel, moderately depressed. Thorax not margined, broader than long, truncate at apex and base, sides feebly rounded, anterior angles broadly rounded, hind angles rectangular. Propleura? coarsely and irregularly grooved. Antenna' slender, last joint longer than the preceding. Length .30-35 inch. New Jersey, Bland. II. californicus, Mann., Bull. Mosc. 1*4:!; Beitrag. p. 2S7. Similar in form to gracilis, but rather more depressed and somewhat broader. The surface is brownish or piceous, shining, but rarely sub-metallic. Thorax rather more transverse and with a distinct margin, more evident near the hind angles. The propleurae are very finely wrinkled. The antennae are slender, the outer joints feebly compressed, sub-equal, the last joint broadly oval, equal with the preceding. The elytra arc feebly striate, the interstices tint, smooth and very sparsely punctured. Length .26- 42 inch. San Jose, California. NORTH OF MEXICO. 39") II. edwardsii, piceous with slight aeneous tinge. Head coarsely and rather densely punctured. Thorax broader than long, moderately convex, rather finely punctured and more densely at the sides; apex sub-truncate, base feebly rounded at middle, sides rounded in front, slightly sinuate and feebly narrower at base, margin acute, not broad, apical angles obtuse, hind angles rectangular. Propleurae coarsely and irregularly wrinkled and punctured, mesosternum coarsely punctured. Elytra oblong; feebly broader behind middle, sides feebly rounded; surface mod- erately convex, rather deeply striate, stria} not punctured, interspaces feebly convex and sparsely punctulate. Body beneath coarsely but not sparsely punctured, abdomen more densely punctured and at. the sides wrinkled. Length .02 inch. Resembles a large specimen of califomicus, from which it may readily be distinguished by the form of the thorax and the sculpture of the propleurge. The elytra are also much more deeply striate. The antenna? are broken, but they appear to be as in ealifomicus. For a single female specimen I am indebted to Mr. II. Edwards, of San Francisco, to whom I with pleasure dedicate it. Collected in Oregon. II. pemitens, Lee. , Proc. Acad. 1861, p. 353. Thorax one-half broader than long, apex and base of equal width, the former truncate, the latter feebly rounded ; sides rounded, very distinctly margined, margin slightly re flexed. Antenme slender, outer joints very feebly decreasing, last joint elongate, some- what longer than the tenth. Elytra rather broadly oval, finely striate, surface smooth and polished. Propleurae finely wrinkled. Length .40 inch. Oregon. H. lsetus, Lee, Proc, Acad., Pacif. R. P. Rep. IX, App. 1, p. 51. Thorax as in califoi'nicus, but rather more transverse. Margin broad, slightly reflexed and broader than the hind angles. Antennae with sub-ecpial joints, last joint rounded and smaller than the tenth. Fropleurae finely rugose. Elytra less rounded than in pemitens, more deeply striate, and with the interstices feebly convex. Surface smooth, shining, cu- preous metallic. Length .3'?- inch. Oregon. H. rugicolliS; Lee, New Species, p. 133. With this species begins our series of apterous Helops. The very short robust an- tennae serve to distinguish this species from those to which it has most resemblance in form and other characters. The antennae are not longer than the head and thorax, ro- bust, outer joints compressed, last three shorter; joints nine and ten sub-triangular, broader than long, last joint oval and shorter. The head and thorax are rather densely aciculately punctured, and reddish brown. Thorax slightly broader than long, apex trim- 396 REVISION OF TOE TENEBRIONIMI OF AMERICA, cate, base feebly rounded, bind angles distinct, not rounded. Elytra elongate oval, humeri rounded, color piceons. Propleurae coarsely punctured. Kegs ferruginous. Length .10-46 inch. Specimens in my cabinet from Tejon and Owens' Valley, California. II. bacliei, Lee, Proc. Acad. 18G1, 353. Thorax slightly broader than long, sides strongly rounded, apex truncate, base slightly rounded, hind angles very obtuse or rounded. Antenna? slender, last joint longer than the preceding. Elytra elongate oval, with striae of punctures faintly marked, interstices sparsely punctured and with slightly elevated rounded tubercles evident at least near the apex. Propleurae with confluent reticulate punctures. Surface sub-opaque, faintly bronzed. Length .34— .50 inch. Island of Santa Barbara, coast of California. II. convexulus, Lea, Proc. Acad. 1861, p. 353. Thorax similar to the preceding, with less rounded hind angles. The surface is shining, not metallic. Elytra elongate oval, convex, faintly striate, interstices flat, very sparsely punctured. Antennae slender, outer joints gradually decreasing, last joint oval. not longer than the preceding. Propleurae finely wrinkled. Easily distinguishable from the preceding species, the only one with which it might be confounded by description, by its more convex form, shining surface and absence of any interatrial tubercles. Length .22-.30 inch. Bitter Boot Valley, Nebraska. II. serous, Germar, s]>. nov. \>. 159; aratua, Say. Jouru. Acad. 5, '240: pullus, Say, .Touvn. Acad. 5, 241. A common species in the Eastern States, easily recognisable by the characters given in the table and by the very deeply grooved propleurae. The last three joints of antennae are shorter and sub-equal. Length .28-36 inch. Abundant in the Middle States. II. cist el "ides, Germar, Spec Nov. p. 159. The thorax is somewhat broader than long, the hind angles rectangular. I'ropleune coarsely punctured. Elytra elongate oval, bronzed, with striae of fine punctures, inter- stices flat, impnnctured. Antennae slender, last joint longer than the preceding. Length .40-.50 inch. Gulf States. NORTH OF MEXICO. 397 II. discretus, Lee, New Species, p. 134. This species is unknown to me in nature, and is placed near dsteloides in consequence of its comparison by Dr. Leconte with that species. Length .44 inch. Texas. Cabinet of Mr. H. Ulke. II. sulcipennis, Lee, New Species, p. 133. A very distinct species in this section, by its deeply sulcate elytra. The interstices are convex, smooth and shining with metallic reflection. The antennas are slender, the joints nearly equal, the last being as long as the preceding. The propleura? are punctured and wrinkled. The humeri of the elytra are more distinct than in any of our apterous species. Length .30 inch. Mount Yona, Habersham Co., Georgia. H. attenuatus, Lee., (Amphidora) Ann. Lye. V, 137; Class. Col. N, A., p. 240 (Slenotrichws). The type of this species is a badly mutilated specimen found by Dr. Leconte in the desert region around Vallecito, California. From the character of the region and the ap- pearance of the specimen, it must have been dead some years, and exposed to the intense heat of the desert region, lias undoubtedly lost to a certain extent its original outline. Several specimens are in my cabinet, from neighboring regions, agreeing in most respects with the type, but having the thorax rather less convex and slightly broader. The speci- mens, however, vary among themselves to a certain extent. Thorax longer than broad, truncate at apex and base, sides feebly rounded, margin obtuse. Propleura? and entire under surface densely and coarsely punctured. Elytra elongate oval, almost sub-cylindrical, humeri rounded ; surface with stria? of coarse punc- tures, and interstices more finely punctured. Antenna? with the outer joints feebly com- pressed, not shorter. Length .26-. 36 inch. Occurs at Vallecito, Owens' Valley, and at Camp Grant, Arizona. II. farctus, Lee, Proc. Acad. 1858, p. 74. Very distinct from all our apterous species, by its broadly oval form, apex of thorax deeply emarginate, and anterior angles prominent, and by its deeply striate elytra. Thorax twice as broad as long, sides feebly rounded, and wider at base; surface densely but not coarsely punctured. Propleura? and entire under surface coarsely but not sparsely- punctured. Antenna? gradually wider to apex, outer joints not shorter. ( 'olor black, moderately shining. Length .20-33 inch. Texas. AMERI. PHILOSO. SOC— VOL. XIV. — 100 398 REVISION OF THE TENEBRIONID.E OF AMERICA, &C. H. t u m e s ce n s, Leo., New Species, 134. A species differing abundantly from our only other species of oval convex form, in the sides of the thorax being sub-angulate. It resembles cereus, Germ., in form. The broadest portion of the thorax is in front of the middle, in cereus nearer the base. Length .42 inch. California. Collection of II. Ulke. The following species are described in the books, and from the very short descriptions are not recognisable. II. a in e ri c a mi s , Beauv. Ins. 122, pi. 30, fig. 6. II.? tristis, Beauv. Ins. 15?, pi. 30b, fig. 1. The former may possibly be H. undulatus, Lee, while the latter does not appear to belong to the genus. TRIBE XXXI MERACANTHINI. A single genus represents this tribe in our fauna. MERACANTHA, Kirby. Meracantlia, Kirby, Faun. Bor. Amer. p. 237. 51. contract a, Beauv. (Helops) Ins.. p. 122, pi. 30, fig. C>; canadensis, Kirby, (Meracantha) 1. c; tumidus, Mels., (Helops) Proe. Acad. 3, 61. A common species found over a large part of our eastern regions. Color dark bronze, shining. Head deeply inserted, antenna' long, slender, scarcely thicker at tip. Anterior portion of presternum very short, Anterior femur with an obtuse tooth. Length .44— .50 inch. TRIBE XXXII STRONGYLIINI. STRONGTLITJM, Kirby. Strongylium, Kirby, Trans. Linn. Sue. XII, p. 417. Two species of this genus are known to American students. S. tenuicolle, Say, (Helops) Journ. Acad. III. 07; Lac. (Strong.) Genera V, 487. Thorax quadrate or longer than wide. Antennae slender, last joint yellowish. Length .56 inch. Middle and Western States. S. terniina t u m. Say, (Teuebrio) Journ. Acad. V, 241; Lac. (Strong.; Genera V, 487. Thorax broader than long, with a shallow longitudinal median groove. Antenna? as in tenuicolle. Length .46 inch. Western States. INDEX Names in Italics are synonyms or unknown species. Several unknown species not mentioned in the body of tile paper will be found on page 402. AGEOXOMA, AL/EPHUS, pallidus, ALAUDES, singular! s, ALPHITOBIUS, diaperinus, pieeus, ALPHITOPHAGUS. bifasciatns, quadripustulatus, AMMODONUS, fossor, AMPHIDORA. eaudata, littoralis, nigropilosa, tenebrosa, AN.EDUS, brunneus, rotundicollis, ANAEMIA, californica, ANEPSIUS, delicatulus, APHANOTUS, brevieornis, APOCRYPHA, anthieoides, elivinoides, dyschirioides, AR.EOSCHIZUS, armatus, costipennis, reguiaris, sulcicollis, ARGOPORIS, atripes, bieolor, suleipennis, ARRHENOPLITA, ASBOLUS, ASPDA, aetuosa, ceger (var.) iegrota, angulata, bilurca, captiosa, earinata. coniluens, connivens, consobrina, convexa, convexicollis, costipennis (var.) costipennis || difformis, elata, gibbieollis, 272 hirsuta, 346 hispidula, 346 inmqualis, 361 lecontei, 362 lirata, 369 1 aetata, 369 marginata, 369 morbillosa, 385 muricatula, 385 obovata, 385 obsoleta, 359 opaca, 359 parallela, 328 polita, 330 punetieollis, 329 rirnatus (var.) 329 semilog vis, 329 sexeostata, 373 sordida, 373 subcylindrica ( var. ) 373 ASTROTUS, 377 contortus, 378 reguiaris, 277 AUCHMOBIUS, 277 subUevis, 368 BATULIUS, 368 rotundicollis. 390 setosus, 390 BIUS, 391 estriatus, 390 BLAPSTINUS, 274 ceneolus, 275 auripilis, 274 brevicollis, 274 califomicus. 274 discolor, 325 dilatatus, 325 interruptus, 325 lecontei, 325 longulus, 379 luridus, 278 metallicus, 282 mcestus, 284 prate nsis, 283 pubescens |[ 283 pulverulentus, 286 sordidus, 285 sulcatus, 287 vestitus. 285 BLAPYLI,% sub. gen.. 285 BOLITOPHAGUS, 285 corticola, 287 depressus, 287 tetraopes, 288 BOLITOTHERUS, 283 bifurcus. a?6 cornutus, 289 BRANCHUS, 289 florid anus, 288 CENTRIOPTERA, 286 asperata, 286 caraboides, 283 infausta, 286 mui'icata, 283 seriata, 286 spiculifera, 288 CENTRONOPUS, 284 calcaratus, 286 coraciuus, 288 opacus, 285 reflexus, 283 CERENOPUSS, 285 concolor, 283 costulatus, 287 cribratus, 288 CIBDELIS, 284 bachei, 285 blaschkii, 283 CXEMEPLATIA, 288 sericea, 290 CNE.MODUS, 290 testaceus, 290 CCELOCNE.YIIS, 262 californica, 262 dilaticollis, 270 magna, 270 obesa, 270 punctata, 345 (JCELUS, 345 ciliatus, 351 globosus, ' 355 CONIBIUS, 353 elongatus, 353 seriatus. 355 parallelus. 354 CONIONTIS, 353 abdomlnalis, 355 aftinis, 353 eschscholtzii, 354 lata, 355 nemoralis, 355 obesa, 355 opaca, 354 ovalis, 353 punetieollis, 355 robusta 352 subpubescens, 352 viatica, 354 CONIPIKUS, 315 CRANIOTUS, 389 pubescens, 389 CRATLDUS, 389 osculans, 389 rotundicollis, 388 CRYPTADIUS, 388 inflatus, 388 CRYPTICUS, 291 obsoletus, 291 CRYPTOGLOSSA, 278 laevis, 279 280 280 279 280 ■279 342 342 342 343 342 325 326 326 326 341 341 341 360 360 ■266' 2(56 335 336 336 336 336 337 292 292 292 350 351 350 351 295 296 297 297 298 297 298 296 297 297 296 297 296 292 258 258 328 328 328 262 262 362 362 280 2S0 400 REVISION OF THE TKNEBRIONlDiE OF AMERICA, verrucosa, CYN.F.l S. Augustus, depressus, DACODEEUS, striaticeps, DELOPYGUS, DIAPERIS. liyiliil. maculata, rufipes, DICEDUS, pnnctatus, DI8CODEMUS. D1SCOGENIA, fischeri, marginata. scabricula, DYSMASTHES SCllll ECHOCERUS, maxillosus, EDROTES, rotundas, ventricosus, ELEDONA, fungicola, ELEODES, ELEODES, sub. gen acuta, acuticauda, alternata, arata, arniata. aspera, asperata, carbonaria, caudifera, clavicomis, cognata, consobrina, constricta, convexa, coi'data. deliilis, fleleta, dentipes, dispersa var., extricata, femorata, fusiformis, gentilis, gigan tea, gracilis, grandicollis, granosa, granulata, haydenii, hirsuta, hispilabris, humeralis, (minimis, iiii pressicoUt* inculta, innocens, intricata, latlcollis, lecontei, longicollis. luca;, militaris, nigrina, nupta, USD obscura, 360 obscura var,. 3C9 obsoleta, 369 obtusa, 275 omissa, 2~5 opaca, : .71! parvicollis, 679 pedinoides, ?i7'.i pilosa, 3711 pimelioiues, 379 planata, 365 planata II 365 planipennis, 292 products. 319 quadiicollis, 320 robvsta, 320 rotundipennif, 320 scabripennis, 276 scabrosa. 366 seriata, :-»; soror, 257 sponsa, 257 stricta, 257 striolata, 380 subaspcra, Sol.. 360 subaspera II 301 sublif/rtta. 305 subniteus, 306 sulcata || 314 strtcipennis vav 307 suturalis, 306 tenebrosa, 307 texana, 309 ti icostata, 307 tuberculata, 308 ralido, 314 ventricosa, 315 veseyi, 3011 viator. 316 vicina, 317 EMBAPHION. 313 concavwn. :;17 contusuin, 308 depressum, 305 elongatum, 314 muricatum, 31 5 planum, 309 EMMENASTl'S, 311 acutus, HIS ater. 311 convt xus, 312 longulus, 312 obesus. :;12 olituslls. 314 pinguis, 300 pnnctatus, 311 ruposits, 315 subopacus. 313 texanus, 309 EPAXTIUS, .".us EPHALUS, 315 latiinaiius, 315 EPITEAGUS, 312 acutus, 317 atundinis, 314 canaliculatus, 310 dentiger, Hll plunibeus, 312 pruinosus, .".in subnietallicus, 313 t MltOSUS, 313 EULABIS, 305 bicannata, 306 grossa, 308 obscura, 309 pubescens, 308 rufipes, 318 EUPSOPHUS, 317 castaneus, 307 EURYMETOPON, 314 abnorme, 318 bicolor, 317 convexicolle. 307 ochraceum, 316 punctiilatmn , 317 serratum, BOS sodalis, 307 : EUSATTUK, 317 convexus, 315 costatus. 317 rt'llii'ilis. 319 dilatatus, 308 ilubius. 313 ei'OStls. 317 lsevis, 319 muricatus, 309 productus, 316 pubenilus, 318 reticularis, 310 robustus, 313 EVSCHIDES, 306 EUTOCHIA, 306 crenata, Mil', picea, 306 EVOPLUS, 307 ferrugineus. 317 GLYPTOTTJS, 312 cribratus, 311 GNATHOCERUS, 316 cornutus, 318 HAPLANDRUS, 308 ater, 320 concolor, 320 femoratus, 321 fulvipes. 322 HELOPS, 321 rereus,. 320 americamts, 321 angustus, 26S aratus, 270 attenuatus, 269 bachei, 27o caHfomicus, 269 cisteloides, 270 convexnlus, 27n discretus. 269 edwardsii, 269 farctus, 270 gracilis, 269 impolitus, 269 hi 1 us. 323 micans, 360 opacus, 360 pernitens, 263 pullus, 264 punctipennis, 264 mgicollis, 264 rugulosus, 265 sulcipeunis, 235 til ill'ltl/X, 264 trislis. 264 tumescens, 265 undulatus, 32: ; veuustus. 324 324 324 ".2t 324 347 347 267 267 268 267 268 268 292 294 293 294 294 294 294 294 294 295 294 293 293 2S2 372 372 .-172 366 366 341 342 365 :;i;o 339 ::::m 340 339 339 .".91 396 398 394 697 396 394 696 396 ,".97 395 397 694 393 .".95 392 396 695 396 393 695 394 397 392 398 398 692 NORTH OF MEXICO. 401 vittatus, HOPLOCEPHALA, bicornis, chalybea, collaris, virescens, viridipennis, HYPOPHLCEUS, oavus, parallelus, tlioracicus, IPHTHIMUS, lewisii var., opacus, serratus, servator, servitis, sublcevis var., subligatus, LIODEMA, Iseve, MECYSMUS, angustus, MEEACANTHA, canadensis, contractu, tumidus, MEEINUS, laevis, MEEOTEMNUS, elongatus, METACLISA, mai'ginalis, MICEOSCHATIA, incequalis, punctata, puncticollis, sulcipennis, MYCOTEOGUS, piceus. angustus, JYEATUS, NELITES, NOSEEUS, plicatus, NOT1BIUS, gagates, granulatus. opacus, puberulus, puncticollis, sulcatus, NYCTOBATES, barbata, chrysops, glabra, inermis, intermedia, pensylvanica, sublcevis, NYCTOPOJBIS, fequicollis, earinata, cristata, galeata, OLOGLYPTUS, anastomosis. OOCHILA, OPATEINUS, aciculatus, minimus, notus, sayi, 392 PACTOSTOMA. 380 PACHYURGUS, 380 aareus, 380 PARATENETUS, 3S0 cribratiis, 380 fnscus, 380 gibbipennis, 386 punctatus, 387 PELECYPHOR US, 386 PENTAPHYLLUS, 386 californicus, 334 pallidas, 335 PHALERIA. 334 debilis, 334 globosa. 334 lmnieralis, 334 limbata, 334 longula, 334 picipes, 385 picta. 385 pilifera, 349 rotundata. 350 testacea, 398 PHELLIDIUS, 398 PHELLOFSIS, 398 obcordata, 39S porcata, 337 PHILOLITHUS, 33S PHLCEODES, 367 diabolicus, 367 pustulosus, 369 PLATYDEMA, 369 americanum. 281 anale, 282 basale, 282 clypeatum. 282 cyanea. 2S2 cyaneseens, 367 ellipticuni, 367 erytlu'ocerum. 36S excavatum, 345 flavipes, 3S6 janus, 273 kevipes, 273 micans, 355 oregonese, 357 pattens, 357 picilabruin. 357 politum, 356 ru/a, 356 rulicolle, 357 ruficorne, 333 rufiventre, 333 sanijuinieolle. 333 subeostatum. 333 POLYPLEUEUS, 333 geminatus, 333 nitidus, 333 perforatus, 333 PEAT.EUS, 277 fusculus, 27S PBOMUS, sub. gen. 278 RHINANDRTJS, 277 gracilis, 277 RHIPIDANDRUS, 289 flabellicornis, 290 SCAPHIDE.MA. 278 ameolum, 348 SCHCENICUS, 349 puberulus, 348 SCOTOB.'ENUS, .348 parallelus, 349 288 SITOPHAGUS, 338 eomplanata, 3.38 lecontoi. 373 pallidas, 374 planus || 373 STENOTRICHUS, 374 rutipes, 373 STIBIA, 282 puncticollis, 387 STRONG YLIUM, 387 tenuicnlle, 3S7 terniinatum, 375 TENEBRIO, 376 bad/us. 377 castaneus, 377 interstitialis, 375 niolitor, 376 obscurus. 376 tenebrioidcs, 377 THAESVS. 376 seditiosus, 375 TRACHYSCEL1S. 376 flavipes, 388 TKIBOLIUM, 273 ferrugineum, 273 madcns, 273 TRIMYTIS, 282 abnormis, 272 pruinosa, 273 pulvcrea, 273 TRIOROPHUS, 380 ltevis, 383 lindiccps, 382 punctatus, 382 nigiceps, 384 subpubeseens, 385 TRIPHALUS, 381 perforatus, 383 ULOMA. 382 cava, 381 iniberbis, 382 impressa, 382 longula, 3S3 mentalis, 383 punctulata, 383 ULOSONIA, 3S4 marginata, 384 ULUS, 384 crassus, 382 obliquus. 3S2 UFIS, 3S2 ceraiuboides, 382 reticulata. 382 USECHUS, 384 lacerta, 332 XYIOPINUS, 332 reneseens, 333 anthracinits, 332 calcarcttus, 374 rulipes, 374 saperdoides. 318 spin ipes, 342 XYSTA, 342 ZOl'HEEUS, 389 concolor, 389 elegans, 386 gracilis, 3S6 guttulatus, 265 haldemani. 265 nodulosus t 340 opacus, 340 tristis, 346 346 346 346 346 330 330 260 260 39S .345 345 345 345 345 345 345 370 370 377 377 365 365 865 261 261 261 261 258 259 259 259 259 259 200 260 370 372 371 371 371 371 372 366 367 3JS 358 358 33S 33S 338 273 273 343 344 343 343 344 343 343 301 271 272 272 272 272 271 271 272 272 AMERI. PHILOSo. SOC VOL. XIV. — 101 402 REVISION OF THE TENEBKIONlDiE OF AMERICA, UNKNOWN SPECIES. Ernmenastus rugosus, Motsch., Bull. Muse TS4T. 1, p. 76. Dysmasthes sahlbergi, Mum., Bull. Mosc. 1813, 3, p. 265; probably Amphizoa insolens, Lee. Eurymetopon ochraceum, Escli., Zool. Atl. IV. p. 8, pi. 18, fig. 20; probably immature." Centnoptera caraboides, Maun., Bull. Mosc. 1845, 280; see page 280. Cryptadius inflatus, Lee.. Ann. Lye. V. p. 1 10; type lust. Eleodes binotata, conjuncta, convexicollis, latiuscula and subtuberoulata, Walk., Naturalist in Brit. Col. II, pp. 328 ami 329; probably well known but not recognisable. Eleodes subaspera, Sol., Studi Ent. II, 248. See page 300. Eleodes rellexicollis, Maun., Beitrag. 270. Pedinus suturalis, Say, Joum. Acad. Ill, 203: probably an Opatrinus. Paratenetus cribratus and gibbipennis, Motscli, Bull. Mosc. 1808. 192-3. Phaleria pieta, .Mann.. Bull. Mosc. 1843, 277. Hoplocephala chalybea and collaris, Cast, et Brulle, Ann. Se. Nat. 23. 341 and 347. Platydema politum, quadrimaculata, pallens, cyanea, Cast, et Brulle, Ann. Se. Nat. 23. Helops vireseens. Cast. Hist. Nat. II. 235. Helops americanus, Beauv. Ins. 122, pi. 30, fig. 0. = ?undulatus, Lee. Helops tristis, Beauv. Ins. 137, pi. 30 b, tie,-. 1. Meracantha rngosa Cast. Hist. Nat, II, p. 233. Strongylium erenatum, Makl. Monog. 199. Tenebrio variolosus, Beauv. Ins. 163, pi. 3,1, fig, 8. Tenebrio elongatus, Beauv. Ins. 1113, pi. 31, fig. 9. Tenebrio rufinasus, Say. Bost. Journ. 1. 187. REMARKS. Eleodes lecontei, Harold. Heft. VI. p. 122, proposed for sulcata || Lee.; as the latter is already a synonym no sucli change is necessary. P. 1859 Catalogus, Gemm. and Harold, quote by mistake Eleodes armata, Lee., and texana, Lee., in Cerenopus. Stenomorpha blapsoides, Sol., Ann. Ent. Soe. Fr. 1836, p. 491, pi, 12, figs. 9, 11, 12, 14; appears to be Asida riinata, Lee., rar., pi. 15, fig. 3, of tins work. Uloma ferruginea. Say, = Tribolium ferrug. See Lee., New Spec., p. 125. Helops punctatns, Gemm. Col. Heft VI, 1870. — punctipennis | Lee. CORRECTIONS. Page 260. Six lines from bottom, read T. perfora tus, Lee., not punctatus. " 264. After the remarks concerning E. submetallicus, add "Length .66 inch. Collected by Major Webb, of I . S. and Mex. Bound. Survey." •• 268. In the descriptions of E. bieol or and sodalis, for " aciculately" read "finely muricately." ■• 272. Line 7, for D. read Dr, The paragraph at bottom of page describing Z. elegans, should be at the to].. the remarks in I trge type referring to it and not to nodulosus. " 273. Line 3. for T read P. " 283. Line 12. for " six longitudinal cost®" read ''three," etc. ■' 291. After B. floridanus, for "p. 3," read "p. 111." All matter in Branchus after and including B. woodi, Lee., should be in the foot-note. " 300. For BOLETOPHAGINI read BOLITOPHAGINI. '• 3113. Last line, for J read V 300. Line before last, for texanus read texana. " 314. Alter E. pilos a . for obaque read opaque. " 319. Line 22, for basis read bases. " 32*. For E. osculans read C. osculans. •• 343. Line from bottom, for aneseens read senesceus. " 309. Line 10, for Plalydema read Platydema. •• 37S. Line 10, after " strongly" add "rounded." NORTH OF MEXICOv 403 PLATE XIV. Fig. 1. — Craniotus pubescens, Lee. I a, head; 1 b, antenna. Fig. 2. — Stibia puncticollis, Horn. 2 a, head. pig. 3. — Trimytis pruinosa, Lee. 3 a, head. Pig. 4. — Triphahis perforates, Lee. 4 a, head. Fig. 5. — Usechus laoerta, Mot.sch. Fig. 6. — Head of Triorophus, Lee. Fig. 7. — " " Auchmobius, Lee. Fig, g. — " and thorax of Edrotes ventrieosus, Lee. Fig. 9. — Batulius setosus, Lee. Fig. 10.— Cnemodus testaceus, Horn. 10 a, head and antenna; 10 b, anterior leg. Fig. 11. — Thorax of Epitragus arundinis, Lee. Fig. 12. — Head of " canaliculars, Say. Fig. 18. — " " " aeutus, Lee. Fig. 14. — " " " arundinis, Lee. Fig. 15. — Arseoschizus regularis, Horn. 13 a, thorax of A. costipennis, Lee.; 15 b, thorax of A. sulcicollis, Horn; 15 c and d, thorax and front leg of A. armatus, Horn. Fig. 16. — Daeoderus striaticeps, Lee. Fig. 17. — Eleodes granosa, Lee. Fig. 18. — Anepsius delicatulus, Lee. Fig. 19. — Glyptotus cribratus, Lee. Fig. 20. — Sitophagus planus, Lee. Fig. 21. — Polypleurus nitidus, Lee. Fig. 22. — Alsephus pallidus, Hum. Fig. 23. — Alaudes singularis, Horn. 23 a, underside of head; 23 b, antenna. Fig. 24. — Notibius gagates, Horn. 24 a, anterior tibia of male and female of X. puberulus, Lee; 24 b, ditto N. sul- catus, Lee. ; 24 c, ditto N. puncticollis, L?c. ; 24 d, ditto N. granulatus, Lee. Fig. 25. — Anterior tibia of Cerenopus concolor. Lee. Fig. 26.— " " " cribratus, Lee. Fig. 27. — " " Argoporis bicolor (Lee. ) Fig. 28. — Hind femur of male of Argoporis bicolor (Lee.) Fig. 29. — " " " " " suleipennis (Lee.) Fig. 30. — " " '■ " Cerenopus concolor, Lee. Fig. 31.— " " " " " cribratus, Lee. Fig. 32. — Head of Cerenopus concolor, Lee. 40-i REVISION OF THE TENEBRIONIDJE OF AMERICA. &C. PLATE XV. Fig. 33. — Head of Argoporis bicolor (Lee.) Fig. 34. — Side view of Liodema, Zimm. Fig. 35. — Scotobsenus pai-allelus, Lee. Fig. 36. — Eupsophus castaneus, Horn; last two joints of antenna near fig. 35. Fig. 37. — Thorax of Cratidus oseulans, Lee. Fig. 3!-t. — " " " rotuiidicollis, Horn. Fig. 39. — Embapliion planum, Horn. Fig. 40. — " elongatum, Horn. Fig. 41. — " depresssum, Lee. Fig. 42.— Rkipidandras flabellieornis (Sturm); 42 a, antenna. Fig. 1. — Asida gibbicollis, Horn. Fig. 2. — " marginata (Leo.) (liar, sub-cylindrica). Fig. 3. — " marginata (Lee.) var. Fig. 4. — " " (var. rimata, Lee.) Fig. 5. — " segrota (Lee.) Fig. ti. — " semikevis, Horn. Fig. 7. — " aotuosa, Horn. Fig. 8. — " eontluens (Lee.) Fig. 0. — '• sexeostata, Lee Fig. 10. — " lirata, Lee. Fig. 11. — " lecontei, Horn, (costipennis || Lee.) Fig. 12. — " " " (var. compressa, Horn). Fig. 13. — " captiosa, Horn. Fig. 14.— •' parallella (Lee.) Fig. 15. — " bifurca (Lee.) Fig. 16. — " cousobrina, Horn. Fig. 17. — " luctata, Horn. Fig. 18. — Microscbatia suleipennis, Lee. Fig. 19. — Astrotus contortus, Lee. Fig. 20. — " regularis, Horn. Fig. 21. — Eusattus erosus, Horn. Fig. 22. — " costatus, Horn. Fig. 23. — a, anterior tibia Eusattus; b, Ccelus; e, Coniontis. Fig. 24. — a, mesosternum Centrioptera muricata, Lee.; b, ditto asperata, Horn: e, terminal antennal joints Centri optera; d, ditto Cryptoglossa. Fig. 25. — Centrioptera variolosa, Horn. 5W,« '////- l/.v/^'/ /- /// ,'//.///' » $ -. 6 I' 1 J 17 8111 ■ |\ 24d 24V J/1 «i\ t o 24 c 24 A. 32 y— tf ■ .'- .. ! •■■ 37, 38 . - ■ • \ J.Ibb 01 I ^7fa/f. > « ( /??/. ■ C $t'A uc/c< ■ /< /- /// rl 15 r. H: I 1 m i i>4 a . c . - '•_>i : ' 8; r On Stone "byA. ■ ' Uth.Phila.d8 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA Q 595 76H781R CDD1 REVISION OF THE TENEBRIONIOAE OF AMERICA 30112 010222930 /■ I l#F* "»Mr k i *c /- 1- -.-W: :f - m; \ J** -i