AND Adopted Since the Revis OF 1895. SALEM : Bakky Printing Company. 1900. / ORDINANCES AND Ameiidments to the Ordinances. Adopted Since the Revision OF 1895. SALEM : liAHKY PllINTlNC; CO-MTANV. 1900 . Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates 5 2L. D 1 1 1 DO STATE i Oi- M /, p f S- '> r-i ! wr . t ' -D ; o C R- W !S CITY OF SALEM. ORDINANCES. PASSED SUBSEQUENT TO THE REVISED ORDI- NANCES OF 1895. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE OFFICE OF ASSISTANT CITY CLERK. Section 1. There may be appointed from time to time, as occasion may require, an assistant city clerk for the city of Salem. Said assistant shall be appointed by the city clerk, but such appointment shall be subject to the approval of the board of aider- men. The assistant city clerk shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of the duties of the office, shall serve for such time as occasion may require, and may be removed at any time by the city clerk. 4 ORDINAXCES AND AMENDMENTS. Section 2. It shall be the duty of the assistant city clerk to assist the city clerk in the pei’foi*mance of the duties of his office, and in the absence of the city clerk to certify and attest all documents requir- ing to be cei'tified or attested, and also to perform all duties peidaining to the office Mdien the office of city clerk shall be vacant from any cause. Said assistant shall be paid by the city clerk out of his own compensation. Approved April 23, 1895. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER XVI OF THE RE- VISED ORDINANCES ENTITLED “AN ORDINANCE RELAT- ING TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Section 1. Section one of chapter XYI of the revised ordinances is hereby amended by striking out in the fourth line thereof the word '' three,” and inserting in place thereof the Avord ''tvm,” and by striking out in the fourth line the Avord ” one,” and inserting in jilace thereof the Avord ” tAvo,” and also fuilher amended b}" striking out in the fifth line the Avord ” Company,” and inserting in place thereof the AVord ” Companies.” Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Approved June 20, 1895. ORDINANCES AND AMENDMENTS. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Section 1. Section one of chaptei* XVI of the revised ordinances is hereby amended by inserting after the Avord '' wagon” in the last line thereof the woi-ds a ” di-iver of the supply wagon.” Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect ii])on its passage. Approved September 10, 1805. AN ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO SEWER ASSESSMENTS. Section 1. All assessments or other payments for the benefit received from the construction of a sewer or for the permanent privilege thereof to an estate which are mentioned in chapter thirty-six of the revised ordinances of the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, shall be payable upon the determination of the amount thereof by the board of aldermen, and immediately aftei* such de- termination the city collector shall notify the per- sons liable to pay said assessments or make said payments that the same have been determined, giv- ing the amount thereof and demanding payment thereof; and shall use all reasonable efforts to col- lect the same without delay. OKDIXA^X'ES AXD A3IEXDMEXTS. () Sectiox^ 2. In case such assessments are appor- tioned into several annual payments, as provided by statute, the first instalment thereof shall become due and be collected as provided in section one, and each successive instalment at the expiration of one year from the time the last preceding instalment becomes due. Approved December 24^ 1895. AX ORDIXAXCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE WATER DEPARTMENT. Section 1. Section 16 of chapter 51 of the revised ordinances of the city of Salem is hereby amended by inserting after the word water,” in the second line thereof, the following: ‘‘ But the city council reserves the right, without notice, to alter, amend, or change the rates at any time for any year or fraction of a year, and all jDersons taking- water from the city take it upon this express condi- tion, and not otherwise.” Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Approved December 31, 2895. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE POOR DEPARTMENT. Section 1. Section one of chapter XXXII of the revised ordinances of the city of Salem is hereby ORDINANCES AND AMENDMENTS. i amended by striking ont the words ‘‘the board of overseei’s of the poor of the city of Salem shall con- sist of twelve persons, two from each ward, together with the mayor, who shall be, ex-officio, a member and chairman of said board,” and inserting in place thereof the following, “the board of overseers of the poor of the city of Salem shall consist of five persons together with the mayor, who shall be, ex-officio, a member of and chairman of said board.” Section 2. Section 2 of said chapter is hereby amended by striking ont the first five lines thereof and inserting in place thereof the following: “Sec- tion 2. The city council shall annually, in the month of Januaiy, by concurrent vote, elect thj*ee members of said board, one member who shall hold no other city office for the term of three years from the first Monday of February, one member who shall be a member of the board of aldermen, and one member who shall lie a member of the common council ; said two last named members to serve until the expiration of the term for which they were elected to said city council, and all said mendiers to serve until their suc- cessoi's in said boaixl are elected and qualified.” Section 3. This ordinance to take effect upon its ])assage. Approved January 4^ 189(1. OE]»]SAXCES PASSED IS 189H. AX oedixaxcp: amending an okdinance relating to COMPENSATION OF MEMBERS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Section 1. That section t\vo of chapter tAvelve of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Salem be amended by strikino' ont such part as reads, ‘‘Thei-e sliall also be allowed and paid each year, thirty dol- lars for the services of the steward of the hook and ladder company.” Approved June 12, 1896. AN ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO THE CITY TREASFRER AND COLLECTOR. Section 1. Chapter fifteen of the Revised Ordi- nances of the City of Salem is hereby amended by striking ont section eighteen and substituting there- for, the folloAving: ‘^Section 18. The city treas- urer shall be also the city collectoi*.” ORDINANCES AND AMENDMENTS. 9 Section 2. Section one of chapter twelve of the Eevised Ordinances is hereby amended by striking out in the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth lines thereof, the Avords to the city treasurer two thous- and dollars. To the city collector one thousand five hundred dollars,” and substituting therefor the words to the city treasurer and collector in full for his services as city treasurer, one thousand dollars.” Section 3. The city treasurer and collector shall be allowed and paid as full compensation for all ser- vices rendered by him as city collector, a commission of one-fifth of one per cent, upon all sums collected by him for taxes; said commission to be paid him monthly. Section 4. Chapter fifteen of the Revised Ordi- nances is hereby amended by adding to section five, at the end thereof, the following words: ^^Said statement shall show all amounts collected by the city collector during the preceding calendar month, specifying the amounts credited to each department separately, and the amount of the taxes for each year, collected during the preceding calendar month, the amount of poll taxes so collected each year being shown separately. ]0 ORDIXAXCES AXD AMEXDMEXTS. Sectiox 5. The city treasure!* and collector shall give a bond for the faithful performance of the duties of his office as city treasurer and also of the duties of his office as city collector, in the sum of thirty thousand dollars, to be approved by the Board of Aldermen, and from a Fidelity company satisfac- tory to said board. Sections fifteen and twenty-five of chapter fifteen of the Kevised Ordinances are hereby repealed. Sectiox 6 . An amount not exceeding one thous- and dollars shall be allowed and paid for clerical assistance in the office of the city treasurer and col- lector. Section 7. That this percentage shall not apply to any outstanding taxes previous to 1896. Approved June 20, 1896. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO STREETS. Section 1. No person, except by permission of the Board of Aldermen or other board of officers of the city thereto duly authorized, or except an officer or employee of the city necessarily in the perform- ance of his duty as such officer or employee, shall ORDINANCES AND AMENDMENTS. 11 put or place or cause to be put or placed in or upon any street, lane, alley or public place in the city, any glass, crockery, scrap iron, nails, tacks, wire or other similar articles or substances. Section 2. Whoever violates any provision of this ordinance, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than two dollars or more than twenty dollars for each offence. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Approved June 25^ 1896. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING BUILDINGS AND FIRE LIMITS. Section 1. Section ten of chapter four of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Salem is hereby amended by inserting after the word ‘‘thereto” in the third line the words, “and other wooden or frame buildings not more than eighteen feet in height from the level of the street to the top of the roof, provided the same are entirely covered on the outside with some metallic or other non-combustible material.” Section 2. Said section ten of chapter four of said R-evised Ordinances is hereby further amended by inserting between the eighth and ninth lines 12 ORDINANCES AND AMENDMENTS. thereof, and after the word, ‘‘erected in the eleventh line thereof, the words, “altered or added to,” and by adding at the end of the seventeenth line thereof the words, “and provided further that no such dwelling house shall thereby be made to exceed forty feet in height from the level of the street,” Approved July 15, 1896. AX ORDINANCE A:\IENDIXG AX ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE SALEM WATER WORKS AND THE USE OF WENHAM LAKE WATER. Section 1. Section sixteen of chapter fifty-one of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Salem is hereby amended by striking out in the fourteenth clause or paragraph, the words, “for each cask of lime or cement, seven cents,” and inserting in place thereof the words, “from three dollars to twenty dollars, at the discretion of the AYater Board.” Approved Jidy 15, 1896. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE PUBLIC HEALTH. Section 1. Section eight of chapter twenty -three of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Salem is OKDTNANCES AND AMENDMENTS. 1:3 hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the words, ^‘Said Board of Health shall make all needful 1‘ules and regulations regarding the keeping and placing for removal of paper and similar articles.” Approved July 15^ 1896. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE COMPENSATION OF CITY OFFICERS. Section 1. Section one of Chapter twelve of the Kevised Ordinances is hereby amended by striking out the word ^‘two” in the fourteenth line thereof, and inserting in place thereof the word ‘‘five.” Approved Jidy 27 ^ 1896. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE COMPENSATION OF CERTAIN CITY OFFICERS. Section 1. Section 2 of chapter 12 of the revised ordinances of the City of Salem is hereby amended by striking out the eighth clause thereof, being the second clause on page 105 of the printed edition of said ordinance of 1895, and inserting in place thereof the following: “To the Drivers of each company, the engineman and driver of the 14 ORDINANCES AND AMENDMENTS. chemical engine, the relief driver and the driver of the Chief Engineer's team, nine hundred and ten dollars each payable weekly.” Apj)roved Oct. 3, 1896. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Section 1. Section 7 of Chapter 16 of’^the Revised Ordinances of the City of Salem is hereby amended by adding a new clause after the third clause on page 153 which shall read as follows: Each permanent man in the Department shall be allowed two days leave of absence in each and every month, without loss of pay.” Approved October 26^ 1896. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE COMPENSATION OF CERTAIN CITY OFFICERS. Section 1. Section two of Chapter 12^ of the Revised Ordinances is hereby amended by striking out the words to the chief engineer three hundred and twenty-five dollars ” and inserting in place thereof ORDINANCES AND AMENDMENTS. 15 the words “ to the chief engineer, six hundred dollars, payable monthly.” Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordi- nances inconsistent herewith, are hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Approved October 29, 189C). OEDINANCES PASSED IN 1897. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE COMPENSATION OF CERTAIN CITY OFFICERS. Section one of chapter twelve of the Ordinances of the City of Salem is hereby amended by striking out the following words: ‘^To the clerk and inspec- tor of the Board of Health, one thousand dollars,” and inserting in place thereof the words ‘‘ To the clerk and inspector of the Board of Health, one thousand three hundred and twelve dollars; ” and by striking out the words “ To the commissioner of sti*eets one thousand six hundred dollars,” and inserting in place thereof the words To the com- missioner of streets one thousand nine hundred and twelve dollars.” Aj^proved March 12^ 1897. AN ORDINANCE TO AAIEND AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE PUBLIC HEALTH. Section three of chapter twenty-three of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Salem is hereby ORDINANCES AND AMENDMENTS. 17 amended by inserting at the end thereof the follow- ing words: ‘‘He shall annually, on the fourth Monday in December in each year, report to the city council for their information the total amount of all sums paid by him for clerical assistance in his office during the previous fiscal year, and shall make simi- lar report thereof at any other time said council shall so request.” Approved March 12^ 1897, AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE COMMISSIONER OF STREETS. Section two of chapter forty-one of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Salem is hereby amended by inserting at the end thereof the following words: “ He shall annually, on the fourth Monday in December in each year, report to the City Council for their information the total amount of all sums paid by him for clerical assistance in his office during the previous fiscal year, and shall make similar report thereof at any other time said council shall so request.” Approved March 12^1897, 18 ORDINANCES AND AMENDMENTS. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE COMPENSATION OF CERTAIN CITY OFFICERS. That the third clause of section two on page 105 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Salem be amended so as to read as follows: To all the members of the several steam fire engine, hook and ladder, and hose companies, except the engineers, stokers and drivers, seventy-five dollars each, and ten dollars additional to the fore- man and assistant foreman of each company. The assistant foreman of each company shall serve as clerk of the company without additional compensa- tion therefor.” Approved March 12, 1897. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING BUILDINGS AND FIRE LIMITS. Section 1. That section eleven of chapter four of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Salem be hereby amended by adding after the word ‘‘ street” in the second line of said section the following words: and to be occupied by more than one family.” Approved March 12., 1897. ORDINANCES PASSED IN 1898. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE SALEM WATER WORKS AND THE USE OF WENHAM LAKE WATER. Section 1. The City Council shall annually, in the month of January, elect by ballot in concur- rence a Joint Standing Committee on Water Works, to be known as the Salem Water Board, consisting of two members of the Board of Aldermen and three members of the Common Council. Section 2. The Salem Water Board shall, as soon after their election as possible, meet and organize by the election of a member thereof as President, who shall also be chairman of the committee. Said Board may make such rules and regulations for the govern- ment of all officers and employees in the Water Department, as they may deem expedient, provided the same do not conflict with any statute of the Commonwealth or ordinance of the city. 20 ORDINACES AND AMENDMENTS. Section 3. Sections 1 and 2 of Chapter LT of the Hevised Ordinances of the City of Salem are hei eby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Approved January 11, 1898. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE SALEM WATER WORKS AND THE USE OF WENHAM LAKE WATER. Section 1. Section eighteen of Chapter tifty- one of the Revised Ordinances is hereby amended by striking out the whole of said section and insert- ing in place thereof the following: Xo charge shall be made for water supplied through a special pipe for lire purposes only, pro- vided that such pipe is approved by the Water Board and is inserted at the expense of the water taker. Approved February 25, 1898. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO TO SEWERS AND DRAINS. Section 1. Section twelve of Chapter thirty-six of the Ordinances of the City of Salem is hereby ORDINANCES AND AMENDMENTS. 21 amended by striking out in the sixteenth line, after the word drain,” the words Each permit may„ at the discretion of said Commissioner, be subject to the condition that such entrance shall be made in the presence of an inspector designated by him,” and inserting in place thereof the words : “All connec- tions with main drains and common sewers shall be made by a person holding a drain-layer’s license or under his supervision and each permit shall be sub- ject to the condition that such entrance shall be made in the presence of an ins])ector designated by the Commissioner of Streets,” so as to read as follows: Section 12. ~No person shall enter a particular- drain into any main drain or common sewer, or into a private drain connected with any main drain or common sewer, without a permit in widting fi-om the Commissioner of Streets, which permit on the com- pletion of the wor-k, shall be returmed to the said commissioner, indorsed by the drain layer with a statement of his proceedings thereunder. Said com- missioner is hereby authorized under direction of the Board of Aldermen to grant such per-mits for estates which abut on the sewer into which an entrance is desired. Each permit and the applica- tion therefor- shall be subject to the pr-ovisions of this ordinance, and shall state in detail the premises to which it applies, and the time, place and manner of constructing such particular drain. All connec- 22 ORDINANCES AND AMENDMENTS. tions with main drains and common sewers shall be made by a person holding a drain layer’s license or under his supervision and each permit shall be sub- ject to the condition that such entrance shall be made in the presence of an inspector designated by the Commissioner of Streets. No private or partic- ular drain shall be entered into any main drain or common sewer, from any estate or part of an estate not already assessed or not liable to assessment, for the cost of such main drain or sewer, except by the consent of the Board of Aldermen. Every person to whom a permit is granted shall, before such per- mit is issued, pay to the City Treasurer the sum assessed or determined by said Board; provided, however, that if such sum has not been assessed or determined, such permit may be issued subject to the condition that such payment shall be made whenever such sum shall be assessed or determined as afore- said. Said Commissioner of Streets, on the first Monday of each month, shall transmit to the Board of Aldermen a list of all such permits granted by him during the previous month. Approved May 25, 1898. ORDINANCES AND AMENDMENTS. 23 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING- THE COMPENSATION OF CERTAIN CITY OFFICERS. Section 1. Section two of Chapter twelve of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Salem, as amended October 29, 1896, is hereby farther amended by striking out the words, “six hundred’' in the second clause of said Section two, and insert- ing in place thereof the words “one thousand,” so as to read as follows: — “To the Chief Engineer, one thousand dollars, payable monthly.” Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon the thirtieth day of April, A. D., 1898. Approved June 4, 1898. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE COMPENSATION OF CERTAIN CITY OFFICERS. Section 1. Section one of Chapter twelve of the Ordinances of the City of Salem is hereby amended by striking out the words “ to each of the registrars of voters seventy-five dollars ; and twenty-five dollars additional for clerk of the board; payable annually in December,” in the 66th, 67th and 68th lines thereof, and inserting in place thereof the following words, “ to each of the registrars of voters one hun- dred dollars per annum and fifty dollars per annum 24 OEDINAXCES ANT) AMENDMENTS. additional for the clerk of the board, payable annu- ally in December.” Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Approved August 12^ 1898. AN ORDINA>XE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE C03IPENSATION OF CERTAIN CITY OFFICERS. Section 1. Section one of Chapter twelve of the % ordinances of the City of Salem, as amended March 12, 1897, is hereb}' further amended hy adding after the words twelve dollars ” the words, payable in equal weekly payments,” so as to read as follows: “ To the clerk and inspector of the Board of Health one thousand three hundred and twelve dollars, payable in equal weekly payments.” Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Approved August 12., 1898. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE OF STREETS. Section 1. Xo person or persons, other than a regularly organized band, shall play upon any mus- ical instrument, and no person or persons shall sing or speak in the streets or public places of the City of Salem unless duly licensed thereto by the Board of Aldermen. ORDINANCES AND AMENDMENTS. 25 Section 2. Whoever violates any provisions of this ordinance shall be liable to a penalty of not more than twenty dollars for each offence. Approved October 13, 1898. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE NUMBER OF MEETINGS TO BE HELD BY THE REGISTRARS OF VOTERS FOR THE REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. Section 1. The board of registrars of voters shall hold not less than seven meetings for the regis- tration of voters for the State election, and not less than five meetings for the City election. Approved October 14, 1898. AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT THE DRIPPING OP OIL, GAS HOUSE PRODUCTS, AND SIMILAR SUBSTANCES UPON THE STREETS AND WAYS OF THE CITY. Section 1. 'No person shall transport, convey or carry, or cause to be transported, conveyed or carried, through any street or way of the city, any kerosene oil, refined petroleum, gas house products and similar substances, unless the vehicles, barrels or vessels in which said oils or any of them are con- tained while being so transported, conveyed or carried, shall be so constructed and maintained as to 26 ORDIXAXCES AXD AMENDMENTS. prevent the escape therefrom of any. of their contents. Each tank-wagon or other vehicle used in trans- porting through any street or way of the city, kerosene oil, refined petroleum, gas house products and similar substances for the purpose of selling, delivering or distributing the same, shall, where the contents of such tank-wagon or other vehicle is delivered by means of a faucet or faucets, have per- manently attached thereto beneath each such faucet or faucets a drip pan of such size and form as shall be approved by the commissioner of streets of the city, in order that said oils and products, while being transported, delivered or distributed as aforesaid, shall not drip or fall upon the surface of any street or way of the city; and no person shall allow or permit said oils, or any of them, while being trans- ported, delivered or distributed as aforesaid, to drip or fall upon the surface of any street or way of the city. Section 2. Whoever violates any provision of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine not exceed- ing twenty dollars for each offence. Approved November 23, 1898, ORDINANCES AND AMENDMENTS 27 •AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO FEES FOR DIGGING GRAVES AND EMPTYING VAULTS AND CESSPOOLS. Section 1. All persons making application to the public property department for digging graves shall, before such work shall be performed, pay to the city treasurer the fee established for the same. Section 2. All persons making applications to the health department for emptying vaults or cess- pools shall, before such work is performed, deposit with the City Treasurer the price of one load, and as soon as the work is completed a bill shall be ren- dered and payment demanded for all in excess of one load removed. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Approved December 28, 1898. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE PUBLIC HEALTH. Section 1. Section 24 of Chapter XXIII of the ordinances of the city is hereby amended by striking out the Avhole of said section and inserting in jdace thereof the following: — Section 24. The Board of Health shall have entire supervision and control of the vaccination of any or all the inhabitants of the city; and shall keep 28 ORDINANCES AND AMENDMENTS. a record of the name, age, residence and date of successful vaccination of each person vaccinated by its order or under its direction, by request of aii}^ officer or board of the city or by the city physician; and shall furnish certified copies from such record whenever the same may be necessary or required. Said Board shall require and enforce the vaccination and re-vaccination of all the inhabitants of the city, whenever in the opinion of said board, the public health or safety requires such action. Every person over twenty-one years of age, not under gardianship, who neglects to comply with such requirements shall forfeit the sum of five dollars as provided by statute. Said boai-d shall furnish the means of free vaccination or re-vaccination to all the inhabitants of the cit}" whenever in the opinion of said Board, the public safety requires it. Apjyroved May 10, 1899. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE CITY PHYSICIAN. Section 1. Section 3 of Chapter IX of the Ordinances of the City is hereby amended by adding thereto the following sentence: ^‘All duties per- formed by him under this section shall be under the supervision and direction of the Board of Health’’ so as to read as follows : — ORDINANCES AND AMENDMENTS. 29 Section 3. He shall vaccinate without charge all persons sent to him by the Overseers of the Poor, such scholars of the public schools, or applicants for admission thereto, as the school committee may direct and all other residents of the City who may apply to him for that purpose, and are unable to pay for such service; provided, such persons have not been successfully vaccinated within three years. He shall give certificates of such vaccination when the same are necessary for admission to the public schools. All duties performed by him under this section shall be under the supervision and direction of the Board of Health. Approved^ May 10, 1899. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Section 1. Section 1 of Chapter XVI of the Ordinances of the City of Salem as amended upon June 20, 1895, and September 10, 1895 is hereby farther amended by striking out the word three in the third line thereof and inserting in place thereof the word four,” and by striking out the words “ two hose companies ” in the fourth line thereof and in- serting in place thereof the words one hose com- pany” and by striking out the words ^*^one engine- 30 ORDINANCES AND AMENDMENTS. man ” in the first line on page 147 and inserting in place tliei-eof the words two enginemen ’’ so as to read as follows: — Section 1. The fire department shall consist of a Chief Engineer, such Assistant Engineers as are provided for in section 2 of this ordinance, four steam fire engine companies, one hose company, two hook and ladder companies, two enginemen and a driver of the chemical engine, a driver of the supply wagon and a relief driver. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Approved May 12.1899. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO FUNDS RECEIVED FROM SALE OF LOTS IN GREENLAWN CEMETERY. Section 1. The proceeds of all sales of lots or portions of lots in Greenlawn Cemetery shall be paid into the City Treasury and kept by the City Treas- urer separate and apart from other funds, and be appropriated and used to pay the principal and interest of bonds amounting to four thousand dollars, issued for laying out additional lots in said Cemetery, dated August 1, 1899, until the same are fully paid and thereafter to reimburse the City for any expense 'incurred in the improvement and embellishment of said Cemetery. ORDINANCES AND AMENDMENTS. 31 Section 2. its passage. This Ordinance shall take effect upon Apj)roved September 13^ 1890. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO FINANCE. Section 1. Section 17 of Chapter XV of the Oi’dinances of the City is hereby amended so as to read as follows: — Section 17. The office of the Treasurer and Collector of the city shall be kept open for business from Monday to Friday inclusive in each week from 8.30 o’clock A. M. to 4 o’clock p. m., and upon Friday in each week from 7 o’clock p. m. to 9 o’clock p. m., and upon Saturday of each week from 8.30 o’clock A. m. to 2 o’clock p. m. Provided, howevei*, said office shall not be kept open upon any national or state holiday.” Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Approved December 29, 1899. 32 ORDINANCES AND AMENDMENTS. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO FINANCE. Section 1. Chapter XV. Section 29 of the revised ordinances is hereby amended as follows, viz : — In the fifth (5th) line thereof strike out the words second Monday of March ” and insert in place thereof the words “ first regular meeting of the Common Council in February.” A'piwovtd December 29^ 1899, INDEX Chap. IV. BUILDINGS. Erection of // !? Chap. Chap. Stairways in. IX. CITY PHYSICIAN. Regulating duties. ^ J XII. COMPENSATION OF CITY OFFICERS. Auditor. / ^ Clerk board of health, f ^ Clerk board of health paid weekly.<2 ^ Commissioner of streets. / ^ Registrars of voters. '3 Chief Engineer. S / Members of fire department. / a Drivers of fire department, j Abolishment of steward of hook and ladder company. Chap. XV. FINANCE. City treasurer and collector, office combined. ^ City treasurer and collector office hours of. S / Annual appropriation, when submitted. Chap. XVI. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Companies, number of. ^ Leave of absence, permanent me Supply wagon, driver of. ^ Chap. XXIII. PUBLIC HEALTH. Board of health, clerical assistance. / ^ Board of health regulations for removal of paper, etc. Vaccination. Q j Chap. XXXII. POo/ DEPARTMENT. Overseers of poor, how elected. 4> Chap. XXXVI. SEWERS AND DRAINS. Entering of. 34 INDEX, Chap. XLI. COMMISSIO^R OF STREETS. Clerical assistance. 7 Chap. XLIV. USE OF STREETS. Playing of musical instruments upon. Chap. XLVI. STREETS. Placing glass, tacks, etc. upon. (6 Chap. LI. WATER WORKS. Committee, election of. Water, building purposes. / Sir ^ . Water rates changed without notice.^ Water for fire purposes. ASSISTANT CITY CLERK. ^ CEMETERY LOTS, DISPOSAL OF FUND FOR SALE OF. 5 CESS POOLS, CLEANING OF. ^.7 GRAVES, DIGGING OF. S.1 ' REGISTRARS OF VOTERS, MEETINGS OF. ^ ! STREETS, TRANSPORTATION OF OIL, ETC. THROUGH. ^ SEWER ASSESSMENTS. ^ ’ .'.M