Library Bureau, 530 Atlantic Ave., Boston * J i I ofa.%y» Vl43li- umm of tm UNIVERSITY of ILLINOIS* GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS Alton. Austin. Austin. Brooks. Dawes. Dole. Fiske. Fiske. Harrison. Holden. Judson. Matthews. Nordhoff. Among the law makers. Uncle Sam’s secrets. Uncle Sam’s soldiers. Century book for young Americans. How we are governed. Young citizen. American political ideas. Civil government. This country of ours. Our country’s flag. Young American. Our navy in time of war. Politics for young Americans. GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL Carpenter. Carpenter. Carpenter. Dana. King. Longmans’ . Ober. Ober. Parker. Parkman. Shaler. Tarr & McMurry. Asia. North America. South America. Two years before the mast. Geographical readers. 6 v. Pictorial geographical reader. Crusoe’s Island. Storied West Indies. Uncle Robert’s geography. 3 v. Oregon trail. Story of our continent.. Home geograph y. INDIANS Booher. Deming. Deming. Holbrook . Jenks. Judd. Starr. Hiawatha the Indian, Little Indian folk. Little red people. Hiawatha primer. Childhood of Jishib. Wigwam stories. American Indians. LIBMW ar tmi UNIVERSITY «f !LUHO\S. Alton. Austin. Austin. Brooks. Dawes. Dole. Fiske. Fiske. Harrison. Holden. Jndson. Matthew: Xordhoff GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS Among the law makers. Uncle Sam’s secrets. Uncle Sam's soldiers. Century book for young Americans. How we are governed. Young citizen. American political ideas. Civil government. This country of ours. Our country’s flag. Young American. Our navy in time of war. Politics for younc Americans. if TM» ff TY «f ILLINOIS. M HI gp- « ■ Wilmington Institute tree Library-Books for Schools Aivrnvr at.s POETRY si Carpenter. Carpenter. Carpenter. Dana. King. Longmans’ . Ober. Ober. Parker. PaTkman. Shaler. Tarr&McMurry Andrews. Andrews. Ayrton. Schwa tkai. Starr. Wade. Wade. Wade.. Bolton.. Bolton. Brooks. Brooks. Brooks. Brooks. Brooks. Eggleston. Elscm. Elson. Elson. Elson. Franklin. Gordy. Holden. Macomber. Pierson. Putnam. Seawell. Seawell. GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL Asia. North America. South America. Two years before the mast. Geographical readers. 6 v. Pictorial geographical reader. Crusoe's Island. Storied West Indies. Uncle Robert's geography. 3 v. Oregon trail. Story of onr continent. Home geography. INDIANS Hiawatha the Indian. Little Indian folk. Little red people. Hiawatha primer. Childhood of Jishib. Wigwam stories. American Indians. l ire arrows. g Our little Indian cousin. STRANGE PEOPLES Seven little sisters. Each and all. Child-life in Japan. Children of the cold. Strange peoples. Our little Russian cousin. Our little Japanese cousin. Our little brown cousin. BIOGRAPHY Lives of girls who became famous. Lives of poor Iroys who became famous. Historic boys. Historic girls. True story of Lincoln. True story of Washington. Abraham Lincoln. Stories of great Americans for little Ameri- cans. Andrew Jackson. Daniel Boone. Frances E. Willard. General Grant. Autobiography. American leaders and heroes. Stories of the great astronomers. Stories of great inventors. Lives of the presidents. Children’s life of Lincoln. Little Jarvis. Paul Jones. Seawell. Twelve naval captains. Shaw. Discoverers and explorers. Wright. Children’s stories of great scientists. AMERICAN HISTORY Baldwin. Discovery of the old Northwest. Bass. Stories of pioneer life. Blaisdell. Story of American history. Blaisdell. Stories of the Civil War. Coffin. Boys of ’61. Coffin. Boys of ’76. Coffin. Marching to victory. Coffin. Redeeming the republic. Drake. On Plymouth Rock. Eggleston. A first book of American history. Ellis. Young people’s history of our country. Elson. Side lights on American history. 2 v. Fiske. History of the U S. for schools. Fiske. War of Independence. Guerber. Story of the thirteen colonies. Hale. Historic Boston Murphy. Flashlights on American history. Pratt. America’s story. 3 v. Pratt. Stories of colonial children. Roosevelt. Episodesfrom ‘‘The Winning of the West. Tomlinson. Stories of the American Revolution. 2 v. Wright. Children’s stories of American progress. HISTORY STORIES Andrews. Ten boys. Baldwin. Fifty famous stories retold. Baldwin. Old Steek stories. Church. Stories from Virgil. Church. Stories of the East from Herodotus. Church. Stories of the old world. Custer. Boots and saddles. Eggleston. Strange stories from history. Kingsley. Heroes. Hale. Lent. Mot by. Otis. Otis. Shell on. Tapfan. Warren. Andrews. Baskett. Bayliss. Beard. Burroughs. Chatty readings Gould. Harrington. Johonnot. Kingsfe y Kingsley. Kirby. Long. Long. Long. Piersoti. Pierson. Pierson. Pierson. Strong. Troeger. Warren. Wood. White. Wright. Man without a country. True story book. Siege of Leyden. When Dewey came to Manila. When we destroyed the Gaspee. 1000 men for a Christmas present. In the days of Alfred the Great. Stories from English history. NATURE Stories Mother Nature told. Story of the fishes. In brook and bayou. Curious homes and their tenants. Birds and bees and Sharp eyes, in elementary science, v. 1. Mother Nature’s children. About the weather. Friends in feathers and furs. Madame How and Lady Why. Water babies. Things in the forest. Secrets of the woods. Ways of wood- folk. Wilderness ways. Among the forest people. Among the meadow people. Among the pond people. Among the farmyard people. All the year round. 3 v. Nature study readers. 4 v. From September to June with nature. Natural history. Helena’s wonderland. Seaside and wayside. 4 V. Burroughs. Eddy. Hamerton. Thompson. Wright. Brown. Cheever. DeBurg. Craik. Dole. Johnston. Kipling. Ranree. Saunders. Segur. Seawell. Eckstorm. Grinnell. Miller. Stickney. Trimmer. Wright. Atkinson. Dana. Morley. Morley. Spear. Noel. Morley. Weed. Ball. Holden. Holden. Meadowcroft. Trowbridge. Trowbridge. ANIMALS Squirrels and other fur bearers. Friends and helpers. Chapters on animals. Lobo, Rag and Vixen. Four footed Americans. ANIMAL STORIES Rab and his friends. Ted's little dear. Terry the troop horse. So-Fat and Mew- Mew. Crib and Fly. Where was the little white dog? Jungle book. Dog of Flanders. Beautiful Joe. Story of a donkey . Black Beauty. BIRDS Bird book. Our feathered friends. First book of birds. Bird world. History of the robins. Citizen bird. PLANTS AND FLOWERS First studies of plant life Plants and their children. Little wanderers. Seed babies. Leaves arid flowers. II SECTS Buy __ Bee peoyTe. ASTRONOMY Star-lanq. The earth and the sky. Family of the sun. ELECTRICITY Scholar's A. B. C. of electricity. Electric a boy. Three boys on an electrical boat. INVENTIONS AND USEFUL ARTS Baker. Beard. Emery. Kirby. Wingate. Bellamy &Goodw Blaisdell. Irving. Logie & Uecke. My book. Norton. Poulsson. Poulsson. Ruskin. Thaxter. Verse and prose Wiebe. Amateurphotography. Bdy’s book of inventions. American boy’s handy book. Every day business. Aunt Martha’s corner cupboard. What shill our boys do for a living? LITERATURE in Open sesmie. 3 v. Child lifereaders. v. 2, 3, 4. Sketch bf childhood. Eggleston. Field. Field. Lang. Lear. Longfellow. Longfellow. Longfellow. Longfellow. Lowell. Macaulay. Matthews. Morrison. Pyle. Repplier. Scollard. Stevenson. Tennyson. Thatcher. Whittier. Lamb. Shakespeare. Shakespeare. Shakespeare. Shakespeare. POETRY American war ballads and lyrics. Eugene Field book. With trumpet and drum. Blue poetry book. Nonsense verse. Children’s hour. Evangeline, Hiawatha, etc. Poetical works. Tales of a wayside inn. Poems. Lays of ancient Rome. Poems of American patriotism. Songs and rhymes for little ones. Rabbit witch. Book of famous verse. Ballads of American bravery. Child’s garden of verse. Idylls of the King. Listening child. Snowbound, etc. SHAKESPEARE Tales from Shakespeare. Comedy of errors. Midsummer-night’s dream. The tempest. Winter s tale. NURSERY TALES Goody Two Shoes. Mother Goose, illus. by Kate Greenaway. Mother Goose jingles. Nursery tales. Perrault. Tales of Mother Goose. PICTURE BOOKS Book of ships Country friends. Cowper. John Gilpin. Grimm. Hop o’ my thumb. Grimm. Little Snow White. Night before Christmas. Old Mother Hubbard. Picture Book ABC. Sing a song o’ six-pence. Story teller. FAIRY TALES, FABLES AND FOLK STORIES Aesop. Fables. Andersen. Fairy tales. Andersen. Stories. Arabian nights Baldwin. Boyle. Browne. Cinderella. Fairy tale of a fox, a dog, a cat and a magpie. Frost. Knights of the round table. Grimm. Fairy tales. 2 v. Hawthorne. Wonder-book and Tanglewood tabs Ingelow. Three fairy tales. Jack and the bean stalk and Brother and sister. Jack the giant killer. Lang. Blue fairy book. Peabody. Old Greek folk stories. Scudder. Fables and folk stories. Six nursery classics. Snowdrop and other stories. Thackeray. The rose and the ring. Fairy stories and fables. Calendar stories. Wonderful chair. Aiken. Alcott. Alcott. Alcott. Coolidge. Edgeworth. Hawthorne. Howells. Ramee. Alcott. Alcott. Alden. Aldrich. Black. Bunyan. Burnett. Burnett. Carroll. Carroll. Cervantes. Coolidge. Coolidge. Coolidge. Cooper. Defoe. Dickens. Dodge. Eggleston. Eliot Ewing. Ewing. Ewing. Gellibrand. t wiusmith Hughes. Irving. Martineau. Mulock. Mulock. Mulock. Munroe. Munroe. Otis. Otis. Potter. Pratt. Raspe. Richards. Richards. Richards. Ruskin. Scott. Smith. Smith. Smith. Spyri. Stevenson. Stoddard. Swift. Stowe. Wiggin. Wiggin. Wiggin. White. Wyss. SHORT STORIES Eyes and no eyes. My boys. Old fashioned thanksgiving. Spinning wheel stories. In the story land. Waste not, want not. Little Daffydowndilly. Howells story book. FICTION Little men. Little women. Cruise of the Canoe Club. Story of a bad boy. Four Macnicols. Pilgrim’s progress. Editha’s burglar. Little Lord Fauntleroy. Alice's adventures in wonderland. Through the looking-glass. Don Quixote. Eyebright. What Katy did. What Katy did at school. The spy. Robinson Crusoe. Christmas carol. Hans Brinker, or the Silver skates. Hoosier school-boy. Silas Marner. Jackanapes. Six to sixteen. Story of a short life. J. Cole. vtcaror wiiwnmr Tom Brown's schooldays. Dolph Heyliger. Crofton boys. Adventures of a brownie. John Halifax. Little lame Prince. Cab and caboose. Flamingo feather. Mr. Stubb's brother. Toby Tyler. Three boys on the tramp. Little Peterkin Vandike. Tales from the travels of Baron Munchausen. Captain January. Quicksilver Sue. When I was your age. King of the Golden River. Story of Rob Roy. The Booboo book. Jolly good times. Jolly good times at school. Heidi. Treasure Island. Crowded out o’ Crofield. Gulliver’s travels. Uncle Tom's cabin. Birds’ Christmas carol. Polly Oliver’s problem. Summer in a canon. A little girl of long ago. Swiss family Robinson. All of these books, be- All books on this list marked with a check (v) are in your school house. The others will be sent to you at some ruture time. OYri rpaQiv for sides hundreds of other good ones, may be had at the central library, comer of Eighth and Market streets, where there is pleasant room expressly iui girls and boys, and librarians who will make you very welcome.