/ V LIST A : -t-e OF tier-sons, Copartners}) AND CORPORATIONS, WHO WERE TAXED ON SEVENTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, AND UPWARDS, IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, IN THE YEAR 1850 . COMPILED BY WILLIAM A. DARLING, Esq., DEPUTY RECEIVER OF TAXES. NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY JOHN F. WHITNEY, Pathfinder Office, 138 Fulton Street. 1851 . Entered according to Act of Congress, in the Year 1851, BY JOHN F. WHITNEY, in the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. 33U, £ S>MJL ' PREFACE. r In offering a book of this kind to the citizens of New York, — who have heretofore been obliged to consult the records, at the cost of much time and trouble, for the information herein compiled and printed — the Publisher has the pleasure of stating that the statistics have all been furnished from the Tax Receiver’s Office, by W. A. Darling, Esq., Deputy Receiver of Taxes, and therefore may be relied on as being the exact amount of Taxes paid by citizens in 1850, whose prop¬ erty, real and personal, is valued at $17,500, and upwards. The Publisher also takes this opportunity to remark, for the information of the public, that his principal object in issuing the Tax Book is to furnish the mer¬ cantile community with a book of reference, so much desired; and he assures them that it has been carefully revised by the records, and is correct and accurate in every particular. It will be observed that a great portion of the City Tax is paid by incorporated companies; and it may not be improper to add that though the amount of Taxes paid is accurately furnished, it should not, in every case, be regarded as an exact index of the IV PREFACE. payer’s fortune — as many of those here mentioned own large properties in Brooklyn, Williamsburg, Jersey City, and other places—but are, of course, taxed only for what they own here. The Publisher intends to issue, next year, a more voluminous work, of the same character — giving, among other improvements, a list of all citizens taxed upon an amount much lower than $17,500; that sum now yields $200 to the City Treasury. The Publisher. New-York, May 1, 1851. \ TAXES OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, PAID ON A VALUATION ABOVE $17,500, AMOUNTING TO THE SUM OF $200 AND UPWARDS. NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. American Exchange Bank 17,058 76 1,499,672 Anderson H. J. 1,084 28 95,300 JEtna Insurance Company 2,275 00 200,000 Abraham Jacob 170 62 234 30 35,600 Abraham Simon 113 75 182 98 26,100 Andrews B; 1,147 10 103,000 Astor William B. 5,687 50 23,891 76 2,600,300 Astor William, Trustee and " Guardian 5,687 50 2,236 53 696,650 Astor John Jacob, Jr. 853 12 365 55 106,600 American Institute 426 56 37,500 Allen Stephen 455 00 2,231 37 236,400 Alley Saul 910 00 1,296 74 194,000 Arcularius George 39 81 170 62 18,500 Anderson James W. 136 50 96 64 20,500 Alstyne John 113 75 776 09 78,200 Averill Augustus 113 75 91 00 18,000 Adams John 1,498 24 131,700 Astor Henry, Trustees of 503 89 44,300 Auchincloss Hugh 113 75 614 22 64,000 Agnew & Son, Wm. 56 87 255 93 27,500 Alsop & Chauncey 210 43 18,500 Ainslee Robert 17 06 780 81 70,100 A 8 XT A XfT?Q Tax on Personal Tax on Real Total Estate. Estate. Valuation. Aymar William 159 25 602 86 67,000 Andrews Loring 22 75 737 06 66,800 Aspinwall Wm. H. 568 75 1403 64 173,400 Allen G. T. 284 37 125 12 36,000 Allison M. 379 99 33,300 Avery James 268 44 23,600 Allaire James P. 1093 04 96,100 Allien L. 398 12 35,000 Armstrong M. 200 20 17,600 American Tract Society 853 72 75,000 Abeel & Brothers 204 75 18,000 Abeel J. H. 341 25 216 12 49,000 Abeel G. 113 75 91 00 18,000 Allen A. L. 232 60 20,450 Anderson James, Estate of 924 78 81,300 Anderson A. T. 523 24 46,000 Anthony N. K. 56 87 176 30 20,500 Addison Thos. 285 49 25,100 Anderson J. 318 48 28,000 Allen & Paxson 227 50 20,000 Anderson John 472 05 41,500 Anthon John 68 25 204 75 24,000 Auchmuty R., Estate of 91 00 113 75 18,000 Allen John C., Agent 302 57 26,600 Apply Jacob, Estate of 1,046 40 92,000 Adams William 199 06 17,500 Boardman C. 284 37 25,000 Bridgham S. W. 113 75 113 75 20,000 Bogart H. K. (Executor) 136 50 199 05 29,500 Bogart H. K. 364 00 250 25 54,000 Barron Thomas 688 17 60,500 Beckwith N. M. 34 12 250 24 25,000 Bronson F., Trustee 455 00 39 22 43,500 Barton R. 1815 49 159,600 Baylis H. 221 30 19,500 Barclay Robert 292 86 25,750 Barker A. 474 33 41,700 9 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Blunt Geo. W. 227 50 73 93 26,500 Barker J. W. 238 86 21,000 Browning J. G. 242 28 21,300 Beam J. V. 875 83 77,000 Broadway Tabernacle 204 75 18,000 Benson E. # 250 25 22,000 Buckley George 216 12 77 35 25,800 Beach Moses Y. 568 75 739 37 115,000 Burling T. H. 204 75 18,000 Brady, Anderson & Co. 489 07 43,000 Bridge J., Trustee 261 62 23,000 Butterworth J. E. 113 75 93 36 18,200 Brower Jesse 11 37 250 25 23,000 Bertine J. T. 568 75 50,000 Bishop I. 341 25 1157 37 131,750 Bowen & McNamee 910 00 80,000 Burger William 113 75 364 00 42,000 Brown Samuel 284 36 25,000 Bloomer Elisha 250 25 22,000 Bridge J. & L. K. 476 83 41,900 Baker Wm., Estate of 318 49 28,000 Bogardus Robert, Estate of 253 65 22,300 Bowne R. H. 207 70 18,350 Bonfanti J., Estate of 227 50 20,000 Banks D. 320 37 28,200 Bradhurst Jno. M., in Trust 241 64 25,000 Brown Eugene 11 37 196 20 18,250 Berrian J. W. 113 75 91 00 18,000 Barker Thomas 204 75 18,000 Brooks David, Estate of 201 08 17,750 Bowery Savings Bank 209 43 18,500 Brower Edward 113 75 92 08 18,100 Burrill Samuel 11 37 191 08 17,800 Bolster & Andrews 236 30 20,750 Bergh C. A. 22 75 184 26 18,200 Bleakely James 56 87 156 47 18,800 Bertine R. & S. 211 22 18,650 10 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Keal Estate. Total Valuation. Bazen Phoebe 205 12 18,050 Benedict C. S., Estate of 207 67 18,350 Birdsall, William Jr. 113 75 91 00 18,000 Burns William, Estate of 56 87 158 64 19,000 Brush Thomas 207 67 18,350 Byrne Sarah 261 02 23,000 Brandagee Jacob 242 28 21,300 Barker Isaac 205 81 18,100 Blackwell, Estate of 358 31 31,500 Bussell George 341 25 30,000 Briggs George 113 75 152 42 23,400 Burroughs P. 238 87 21,000 Bailey Thomas, Estate of 152 42 68 25 19,400 Binnse Mrs. V. 201 82 17,750 Beers Abner 56 87 155 82 18,700 Blair Henry B. 34 12 169 21 17,900 Burr H. A. 56 87 154 70 18,700 Baldwin J. C. 34 12 180 64 18,900 Brown A. 238 87 21,000 Belden Benjamin 203 87 17,900 Blackwell & Poillon 223 49 19,700 Bard William 260 65 22,900 Bennett Joseph G. 352 46 31,000 Baldwin J. C. 483 43 42,500 Bird William E. 170 62 79 62 22,000 Burtell P., Estate of 284 37 25,000 Bernich William W. 279 80 24,600 Beadell & Dobson 227 48 20,000 Burnham Michael, Estate of 637 00 56,000 Brady William V. 466 88 41,000 Bowen John 608 53 53,500 Brush Benjamin L. 170 62 51 18 19,500 Brooks James and George 457 11 40,200 Bull Jireh , 336 68 29,600 Brush Caleb, Jr. 578 94 50,900 Burtis James A. 213 81 18,900 Bronson Frederick 455 00 633 54 95,750 11 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Bronson Frederick, in Trust 2,218 12 195,000 Bronson J., Estate of 272 99 24,000 Bronson A., Estate of 236 58 20,800 Banks David 284 37 1,065 26 118,750 Burke Michael 1,283 53 112,900 Burrows Phillip 56 87 2,034 04 183,800 Beach Lewis 782 99 68,800 Bowen James 11 37 293 69 26,900 Boreel Robert 2,502 50 220,000 Brown Isaac H. 211 56 18,700 Bussing E. & J. 568 75 50,000 Barnes Joseph N. 654 59 58,000 Bussing J. L. 34 12 197 90 20,400 Bloomfield Smith 716 59 63,000 Bartholomew E. A. 204 75 18,000 Brown D. S. 254 79 22,400 Berrian James 113 75 114 87 21,100 Brown Silas 227 50 983 92 106,500 Billsborough J., Estate of 423 13 37,300 Bellamy John 170 62 56 87 20,000 Becker Abraham ' 267 30 23,500 Bullard John, Jr. 250 25 22,000 Bogart Judith 307 12 27,000 Bogart James 568 75 50,000 Belmont Augustus 682 50 379 92 93,400 Boorman Robert 326 83 28,750 Barclay George 56 87 585 79 56,500 Brush Joshua 136 50 1,057 74 105,000 Bibby G. S. 407 19 35,800 Barsalou Victor 56 87 447 95 44,350 Bouchard Joseph 284 37 304 85 51,800 Babcock Martha 113 75 164 93 24,500 Burrill Ann, Executor 287 78 25,300 Banks William, Estate of 227 50 318 50 48,000 Banks Isabella H. 455 00 40,000 Bailey Benjamin 201 19 17,700 Baker James 469 73 41,300 12 r-fs NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Bergarman C. II. 227 50 20,000 Barker Joseph S. 113 75 91 00 18,000 Bininger & Miller 551 68 48,500 Bruce John M. 466 37 437 93 79,500 Blois Samuel Dr. 224 58 19,750 Bell James C. 34 12 176 30 18,600 Bell Abraham 113 75 87 47 17,700 Bryan James, Estate of 398 12 35,000 Babcock & Co. 34 12 250 25 25,000 Bradford W. 204 75 18,000 Burnham Gordon 255 89 22,500 Bristed Charles Astor 318 50 783 66 97,000 Boyd Nathaniel J. 285 48 25,100 Brinckerhoff Jane 425 42 37,500 Baldwin T. 307 11 27,000 Bunker M. J. 454 99 40,000 Bunker W. L. 245 69 21,600 Brown John P. 280 57 24,700 Bank of America 21,526 72 1,478 75 2,022,459 Bank of Commerce 43,768 04 1,194 37 3,952,740 Bank of the State of New York 21,229 73 1,308 12 1,981,350 Broadway Bank 3,887 12 341,750 Bowery Bank 3,715 64 284 37 351,650 Butchers & Drovers Bank 4,997 01 690 42 500,000 Bank of New York 10,562 14 1,421 87 941,039 Bogart Cornelius 238 86 21,000 Bowne Walter, Estate of 704 47 61,900 Blatchford R. M. 113 75 193 37 27,000 Bogart James, Jr. 341 25 444 75 69,100 Bleakley William 436 78 38,400 Braine John H. 252 51 22,200 Bliss John E. 229 05 20,200 Bowden Andrew # 585 75 51,500 Bowery Insurance Company 3,403 39 299,200 Bruce George 113 75 1,681 71 157,850 Bogert Cornelius 113 75 150 15 23,200 13 Tax on Personal Tax on Eeal Total JN AMJuoi Estate. Estate. Valuation. Burdett S. C. 884 92 77,700 Bell Samuel 227 50 536 89 67,200 Blanco B. 1,184 67 104,150 Banger Maria 284 37 398 12 60,000 Beck & Co. James 398 12 73 93 41,500 Buxton Y. L. 34 12 321 90 31,300 Bonney Benjamin W. 56 87 144 71 17,700 Bogart C., Estate of 216 12 19,000 Barnes William 407 21 35,800 Bacon D. P. 309 39 27,200 Blair John 68 25 143 30 18,600 Bailey Nathaniel P. 1,148 68 101,000 Brush William F. 79 62 418 02 43,750 Bonnett Peter 455 00 353 75 71,100 Banker Edward 125 12 133 08 22,700 Bonnell J. C. 210 41 18,600 Bailey, Estate of 202 47 17,800 Bulger Jno., Estate of 236 59 20,800 Bleecker & Oothout 227 50 20,000 Baker, Wells & Co. 91 00 375 33 41,000 Brown W. S. 91 00 119 95 18,600 Brown M. 56 87 145 22 17,800 Bigelow A., Jr. 216 12 19,000 Burrell Sheldon 56 87 253 65 27,300 Blackwell L. A. 227 50 20,000 Brewster U. B. 113 75 96 68 18,500 Benedict S. W. 255 93 22,500 Brandon J. L. 219 62 19,300 Bayard Robert 568 75 641 43 101,500 Brown William H. 568 75 1,067 04 133,800 Burtis T. W. 409 46 36,000 Brandreth Benjamin 219 53 19,300 Boardman Dr., Estate of 307 12 27,000 Bonneau Robert 341 25 30,000 Bloodgood William 705 61 62,000 Bogert & Kneeland 407 20 35,800 Blackwell J. 34 12 338 96 32,800 B 14 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Brooks Joshua 284 37 25,000 Beekman J. 261 62 23,000 Browne S. 17 06 199 71 19,050 Belknap E. S. 367 38 32,300 Beers J. D. 710 30 62,500 Bakewell William, Estate of 204 75 18,000 Brower J. J. 56 87 147 87 18,000 Buloid Robert M. 56 87 665 42 63,500 Brower John L. 170 62 427 85 52,600 Briggs J. 11 37 216 11 20,000 Brahe A. H. 125 12 73 93 17,500 Beckley Samuel M. 227 50 • 20,000 Boutillier F. L. 113 75 91 00 18,000 Burkhalter Stephen 11 37 189 96 17,700 Browning William 307 12 492 49 70,300 Brown E. M. 199 05 59 15 22,700 Broadway Insurance Co. 2,275 00 200,000 Barbiere, George L. 113 75 170 62 25,000 Boyd Dr. Thomas 141 05 233 16 33,000 Belknap, A. B. 227 50 91 00 28,000 Bostwick William 875 87 77,000 Bruen M., Estate of 685 26 60,250 Benedict J., Estate of 557 36 49,000 Beekman E. G., Estate of 333 44 29,400 Bradford William 170 62 531 19 61,700 Beer Cerf 341 25 30,000 Briggs A. T. 326 45 28,700 Brodie A. 0. 418 35 36,800 Bryson David, Estate of 317 36 27,900 Brown Albert N. 329 86 29,000 Beekman Jas. W. 170 62 786 46 85,200 Banta Solomon 259 33 22,800 Bogart C., Estate of 216 12 19,000 Bogart Peter I. 333 27 29,400 Brinkerhoff W. C. 68 25 145 59 18,800 Boggs James, Estate of 555 21 48,800 Bergh Edwin 113 75 102 37 19,000 « 15 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Brush Caleb, Jr. 125 13 88 71 18,900 Bonsell John 297 14 26,150 Bradford Wm. H. 318 50 28,000 Bradford Eliza 278 66 24,500 Bancroft George 39 81 160 85 17,650 Blackwell Jas., Estate of 398 12 35,000 Brown John C. 348 06 30,600 Bushnell Giles 11 37 630 04 56,400 Boyce Gerardus 56 87 143 31 17,600 Berger Dr. 91 00 182 00 24,000 Brown Benj. M. 649 64 57,100 Beers Henry J. 113 75 125 12 21,000 Bogart Peter J. 56 87 149 00 18,100 Breese & Elliot 250 24 22,000 Blatchford R. M. 51 18 869 05 81,000 Bronson Silas 341 25 568 75 80,000 Bolman Wm. 270 14 23,800 Bell John 303 64 26,700 Barton F. B. 420 80 37,000 Blackstone Wyllis 113 75 137 62 22,100 Bowie, Estate of 250 93 250 24 44,000 Brooks Henry, Estate of 490 25 43,100 Brooks Daniel H. 34 12 236 59 23,800 Brooks Elisha 34 12 304 84 29,800 Breevort Henry, Estate of 2,051 99 180,500 Bibby Dr. E. N. 272 97 24,000 Boorman James 1,137 50 2,969 71 361,500 Boorman, Johnson & Co. 369 67 32,500 Bleecker J. W. 398 11 35,000 Bush R. J. 238 87 21,000 Burgoyne William 56 87 443 62 44,000 Binnsse Dr. 113 75 705 32 72,000 Brady Andrew 514 81 45,250 Brown R. J. 809 37 71,200 Bostwick Dr. H. 334 40 29,400 Burton William E. 659 75 58,000 Belden C. & G. 227 50 256 92 42,600 16 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Burr J., Estate of 1,626 48 143,000 Breevort E. 514 12 45,250 Bradhurst J. M. 464 70 1,346 45 159,000 Bleecker G. N. 56 87 391 28 39,400 Befhune Joanna 242 26 21,300 Brush Platt 170 62 170 62 30,000 Bulkley & Claflin 341 25 30,000 Boyce John 514 67 45,250 Bangs H. 204 75 18,000 Barclay Henry 4,434 90 390,000 Blatchford E. H. 227 50 244 54 41,500 Brinkerhoff P. R. 520 94 45,750 Baker Anson 17 06 323 03 29,900 Bloodgood A., Estate of 113 75 284 37 35,000 Beadell H. 34 12 542 56 50,700 Bennett D. L. 253 65 22,300 Blackburn R. C. 250 25 22,000 Buchan Robert 113 75 170 61 25,000 Berrian Wm. 361 71 31,800 Bonnett Peter, Trustee 91 00 113 75 18,000 Blunt Orison 382 47 33,600 Brevort H., Estate of 227 50 283 21 44,900 Breevort Henry 929 40 208 99 120,000 Breevort & Odell 619 74 55,500 Benkard & Hutton 322 94 28,400 Benkard James 455 00 193 37 57,000 Browne Robert, Estate of 284 36 25,000 Beekman Jas,, Estate of 274 13 24,100 Beekman John C. 102 23 536 81 56,200 Bradish M. L. 354 90 31,200 Bates Susan 227 50 20,000 Barker James 79 62 267 30 30,500 Bouchard Joseph 361 12 31,750 Bowne Samuel 629 47 55,300 Bacon J. E. 287 77 25,300 Burtis Wm. A. 476 59 42,000 Bossier J. E. 227 50 20,000 17 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Eeal Estate. Total Valuation. Black T. J. 295 73 26,000 Brown Chas. P. & Nelson 34 12 261 68 26,000 Billings E. B. 56 87 147 87 18,000 Bunting J. A. 469 76 41,300 Besley & Gibbs 296 84 26,100 Brooks H. 56 87 147 87 18,000 Bennett Jas. Gordon 318 50 28,000 Bininger, Estate of 796 25 1,626 60 213,000 Bininger A. & Co. 582 95 51,300 Bell Jacob 853 12 352 55 106,000 Brown David 341 25 209 28 48,500 Brown & Bell 817 56 71,900 Bendernale J. 204 74 18,000 Biggam H. 204 70 18,000 Ball Wm. G. 341 25 102 37 39,000 Bedford G. S. 532 40 46,800 Bradford S. D. 267 25 23,500 Burnham 0. S. 56 87 295 75 31,000 Bridge D. K., Estate of 295 74 26,000 Bebee & Co. J. 477 72 42,000 Breevort Carson, Executor 227 50 20,000 Brown Stewart 1,137 50 100,000 Brown James 5,687 50 500,000 Bruner Henry 218 40 19,200 Brown Brothers & Co. 4,368 10 384,000 Balance'Dock Company 568 75 50,000 Burrows Wm. H. 341 25 30,000 Blackford Jesse 682 48 60,000 Brown George W. 113 75 973 26 95,500 Blauvelt Abraham, Estate of 201 61 17,750 Bliss J. 511 87 45,000 Brown Samuel, Estate of 208 16 18,400 Benson C. L. 219 56 19,300 Bowery Theatre 739 37 65,000 Brown E. H. 11 37 213 18 19,850 Beebe Philo Y. 238 85 21,000 Beebe Welcome R. 252 08 22,150 18 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Beal Estate. Total Valuation. Brady James T. 341 25 30,000 Bonnefoux M. 307 12 27,000 Bartlett Edwin 568 75 50,000 Bolton Curtis 767 80 67,400 Barknell 0. 384 75 33,800 Bassford Abraham 11 37 326 45 29,700 Blackstone James 312 80 27,500 Briggs Benj., Estate of 204 12 17,950 Brower John 648 35 57,000 Barton Edgar J. 203 37 17,900 Budd John 204 69 18,000 Bradshaw John 221 81 19,500 Bruen H. 312 97 27,500 Brady John 202 32 17,800 Baker Charles 200 62 17,650 Britton Joseph 206 76 18,250 Bruen A. M. 457 23 40,200 Burkmastey J. 205 40 18,100 Brooks S. R. 28 43 170 62 17,500 Brinkerhoff W. W. 204 27 18,000 City Bank 7,362 37 910 00 727,241 Chemical Bank 2,947 31 455 00 299,105 Corwin Oliver 170 62 85 31 22,500 Clapp John 568 75 136 49 62,000 Carow Isaac 637 00 560 94 105,200 Cogswell Nathaniel, Estate of 1,488 95 130,900 Carter ¥m. A., Estate of 245 68 21,600 Conger John 569 84 50,100 Cohen L. J. 56 87 796 23 75,000 Cahoone Wm. 22 75 192 21 18,900 Corlies Benjamin 406 07 35,700 Cheeseman Jno. C. 568 75 334 41 79,500 Carpenter Thomas, Estate of 312 77 27,500 Cornell George I. 177 43 248 96 37,500 Crosby Wm. B. 39 81 787 06 72,200 Clark Benjamin, Estate of 250 24 22,000 Clayton E. B. 357 28 31,400 19 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Eeal Estate. Total Valuation. Cameron James \ 305 94 26,900 Coddington S. 219 53 19,300 City Fire Insurance Co. 2,388 75 210,000 Currier N. 56 87 185 40 23,300 Cebra & Cumming 506 18 44,500 Contoit John H. 341 25 1,926 86 209,600 Commercial Fire Ins. Co. 2,275 00 200,000 Carle Silas 250 24 22,000 Carle S. & Nephew 415 18 36,500 Cooledge Geo. F. 56 87 267 31 28,500 Chauncey Henry 227 50 176 31 35,500 Curtis George 500 50 153 56 57,500 Conover Stephen 113 75 477 72 52,000 Cauldwell Enoch 147 87 744 15 78,500 Center Robert 298 01 26,200 Center R. & E. 207 02 18,300 Chardovoyne Wm. 56 87 166 07 19,600 Cumming Thomas B. 68 25 136 55 18,000 Clarkson A. & E., Trustees of 204 73 18,000 Clarkson T. S., Estate of 284 37 25,000 Chrystie, Estate of 519 84 45,700 Champlin Elizabeth S. 1,251 25 244 55 131,500 Chichester G. 265 01 23,300 Costar G. W. 246 82 21,700 Cape H. M. 400 35 35,200 Crary E. 113 75 442 19 48,800 Cary Wm. F. 227 50 216 12 39,000 Cambrelling Stephen 22 75 272 42 26,000 Cambrelling Stephen, in Trust 56 87 316 18 32,800 Cook Edward 56 87 280 27 29,650 Carryle N. T. 34 12 267 30 26,500 Cissinant A. J. 300 28 26,400 Clinton Charles 204 13 17,950 Cornell F. 239 42 21,050 Creighton Rev. Wm. 261 61 23,000 Cock Dr. Thomas 204 75 18,000 Cook Israel 709 21 63,300 20 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Coburn R. H. 209 79 18,500 Cooper Wm., Estate of 338 83 29,800 Curtis L. 56 87 409 50 41,000 Campbell John 170 62 817 24 86,850 Corlies E. A. & G. W. 268 49 23,600 Clarkson D. A. 263 90 23,200 Clark Bayard 921 37 81,000 Carland John 250 25 22,000 Cunningham James 354 96 31,200 Campbell Samuel 352 31 31,000 Collins Patrick 391 25 34,400 Crumbie James • 293 46 25,800 Cooper William 279 79 24,600 Cunard E. 209 44 18,500 Cox Samuel 252 50 22,200 Cochran A. 250 79 22,050 Cozzens Wm. B, 750 69 66,000 Cockroft J. M. 307 12 27,000 Comstock Lucius S. 22 75 187 67 18,500 Crane David B. 91 00 109 62 17,600 Cregier G. D. 354 87 31,200 Clearwater R. 102 37 101 23 17,900 Cornell Mark 260 41 22,900 Corsen Edward, Estate of 213 84 18,800 Camman Oswald J. 113 75 96 68 18,600 Coleman T. J. 5 68 392 83 35,000 Cochran F., Estate of 219 52 19,300 Caswell John 227 50 426 56 57,500 Chauncey Wm. 56 87 171 08 20,050 Copcutt John 56 87 340 09 34,900 Columbia College 475 84 41,800 Colgate B., Estate of 227 50 85 31 27,500 Cooper Peter 568 75 1,084 42 145,300 Conner John, Estate of 224 07 19,700 Coit G. W. 39 81 229 76 23,700 Coe Wm. S. 257 06 22,600 Coe C. A. 34 12 187 67 19,500 21 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Keal Estate. Total Valuation. Cadwaller Thomas 1,367 19 120,200 Colgate R. 56 87 366 23 37,200 Coles Oscar 113 75 187 68 26,500 Conklin W. L. 26 84 244 82 23,850 Currie Wm. 556 41 48,900 Coddington John J. 2,403 98 211,300 Cary Henry ' 1,459 40 128,300 Compton Anthony 220 66 19,400 Cromwell Richard 849 24 74,700 Curtis P. A. 182 00 22 75 18,000 Curtis P. A. & J. 301 43 26,500 Cooper George 214 97 18,900 Coffin, Bradley & Co. 225 76 19,800 Conger A. B. 427 82 37,600 Carnley Thomas 210 41 18,600 Crane D. D. 201 03 17,700 Charraud J. J. 45 50 178 57 19,700 Carter Robert 203 37 17,900 Cleveland Augustus 11 37 1,012 36 90,000 Chandler J. W. 201 35 17,700 Chichester Abner 227 50 353 17 51,000 Chichester Abner, (in Trust) 227 50 20,000 Cleland James 225 18 19,800 Cheeseborough A., Estate of 284 37 25,000 Cox Abraham B. 660 58 58,100 Cheeseborough Margaret 1,631 14 144,000 Connelly Charles M. 227 50 304 84 46,800 Costar John G., Estate of 3,696 40 324,950 Corlies J. W. 568 75 987 34 136,800 Clark H. F. 260 47 22,900 Chambers & Heiser 227 50 341 25 50,000 Christy & Constant 91 00 227 46 28,000 Cruger Harriet D. 250 25 1,061 25 115,300 Campbell D. P. 1,194 35 105,000 Clark R. Smith 341 25 1,780 15 186,500 Canda Charles 318 50 28,000 Corning Amos, Estate of 213 84 18,900 c 22 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Carpenter Uriah F. 295 75 204 51 44,000 Cashman C., Estate of 28 43 291 16 28,100 Cashman Daniel 11 37 199 06 18,600' Cobb James N. 56 87 272 99 29,000 Cornell Jno. H. & Chas. E. 846 25 74,400 Colt Margaret, Trustees of 502 77 44,200 Crane Thomas 651 18 57,200 Codwise David 413 81 36,400 Chadwick Samuel 568 75 136 50 62,000 Colgate George, Estate of 102 37 358 31 40,500 Conover Gustav us A. , 336 84 29,600 Campion Catherine 205 86 18,100 Cook Edward 34 12 166 07 17,600 Concklin T. A. 56 87 159 25 19,000 Carman Richard F. 2,430 13 213,700 Clark Aaron 295 74 26,000 Constant Joseph A* 767 78 67,500 Carter Lawson 1,139 73 100,200 Collum H., Estate of 203 36 17,900 Coleman W., Estate of 200 28 17,600 Constable James 213 36 18,850 Costar H. A. 875 25 77,000 Cumming Thomas 413 99 36,450 Cumming & Pollock 328 92 28,900 Campbell Freeman 491 35 43,200 Carey Samuel F. 227 50 20,000 Carter Widow 261 62 23,000 Coffee Joseph E. 276 39 24,300 Carrigan Andrew 981 14 86,300 Clinton Hall Association 341 25 30,000 Chamberlain Elijah 255 93 22,500 Church C. M. 204 02 17,950 Cruger Jno. C. 113 75 1,337 58 128,600 Crane Charles 201 31 17,700 Collins John 68 25 136 50 18,000 Coit Henry 28 43 170 62 17,500 Cascaden Alex., Estate of 202 46 17,800 V NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Cameron Dr. Jas. 11 37 370 12 33,550 Cooper W. B. 203 87 17,900 Crown Anthony 34 12 170 62 18,000 Craft E. 216 12 19,000 Colyer & Dugard 365 09 32,100 Conkwright Jas. 277 04 24,350 Cutting F. B. 113 75 929 62 91,800 Cram Jacob 1,251 27 110,000 Chardavoyne Thos. C. 68 25 155 83 19,700 Cooper C. C., Estate of 205 83 18,100 Chaudon A. 201 33 17,700 Cunningham Wm. 22 75 179 45 17,800 Cowl James 206 83 18,250 Cary Wm. H. & Josiah Oakes 1,842 72 162,000 Cromwell Chas. T. 317 12 27,900 Close Joseph B. 113 75 232 04 30,400 Clark A. B. 34 12 169 48 17,900 Couch William 455 00 297 05 66,200 Camman Oswald 68 25 136 50 18,000 Corse Israel 568 75 50,000 Cheeseborough R. J., Trustee 395 80 34,800 Cheeseborough R. 517 53 45,500 Cheeseborough Miss C. 228 58 21,100 Cairnes Anna E. 383 39 33,700 Castree John 458 37 40,300 Clark & Brown 204 77 18,000 Costar & Prime, Trustees of 1,421 87 125,000 Cockroft James 444 75 39,100 Cotheal Henry, Estate of 730 22 64,200 Corp Wm., Agent 454 78 40,000 Cunningham Wm., Estate of 77 35 204 75 24,800 Cowdrey S., Estate of « 236 60 20,800 Cooper G. W., Estate of 301 43 26,500 Collis James 318 50 28,000 Close William 200 75 17,650 Campbell John 318 50 28,000 Cushman D. A. * 2,418 32 212,600 24 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Childs Ileman W. 475 32 42,000 Childs Dr. S. R. 227 £0 20,000 Clark A. H. 307 67 27,500 Coggill H. 335 52 29,500 Carpenter, Estate of 289 37 25,500 Coleman & Stetson 2,275 00 200,000 Connor & Sons James 241 24 21,200 Chester W. W. 841 74 76,100 Cruikshanks George 364 00 32,000 Cargill A., Estate of 11 37 216 11 20,000 Collins Stacey B. 170 62 102 37 24,000 Coursen A., Estate of 398 08 35,000 Cammaan Geo. P. 1,235 88 108,800 Civill Acton 407 50 35,850 Cooley Jas. E. 511 87 45,000 Creighton Jane, Estate of 981 65 86,300 Chesterman James 2,782 38 245,000 Collins Hugh 5 68 233 14 21,000 Constable John A. 284 37 25,000 Cutting Gertrude 691 38 61,000 Carnley R. 170 62 334 80 44,400 Carter L. C. 113 75 216 10 29,000 Coles J. N. 56 87 1,224 07 112,700 Colgate William 341 25 1,617 89 172,250 Colt Thomas, Estate of 278 66 24,500 Chastelain & Ponvert 326 42 28,700 Conklin James 222 92 19,600 Coman S. D. 56 87 147 87 18,000 Condit Calvin 221 77 19,500 Collins R. L. 236 02 20,750 Coit H. A. 113 75 370 91 42,600 Catlin D. W. 56 87 147 87 18,000 Costar G. II. 617 65 54,300 Cox James 445 88 39,200 Cox J. & J. 472 04 41,500 Coddington D. S, 204 75 18,000 Conkling Jonas 506 59 44,500 25 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Keal Estate. Total Valuation. Conway John 213 80 18,800 Chamberlain Enoch 113 75 602 81 63,000 Chrystie A. 425 42 37,500 Curtis J. 56 87 203 60 22,900 Cottenett F. 568 75 79 02 57,000 Christopher R. C, 255 93 22,500 Coit Wm. A. 398 21 35,000 Crolius Clarkson 202 76 17,800 Cisco John J. 495 94 43,500 Corrigan L. 204 74 18,000 Condert Charles 34 12 286 05 25,150 Catlin C. A. 206 96 18,300 Cockran R., Estate of 219 53 19,300 Clark Edward 56 87 147 87 18,000 Clark Mathias 56 87 178 48 20,700 Colgate S. 68 25 135 46 17,900 Chegary Madame 363 99 32,000 Collom Wm. 211 44 18,700 Cropper E. B. 284 37 170 62 40,000 Conklin Bros. 56 87 159 25 19,000 Clark Gerardus, 369 68 32,500 Catlin Catherine 222 90 19,600 Cowman A. F. 341 25 30,000 Drucker Gustavus 341 25 8 13 31,000 Douglass G., Estate of 966 87 386 74 119,000 Douglass George 1,608 41 121,400 Dorr G. B. 56 87 699 55 66,500 Dennistoun Wm. 56 87 1,182 85 109,000 Dickie Robert 489 11 43,000 Donaldson James 113 75 483 42 52,500 Donaldson Alishea, Trustees of 455 00 40,000 Douglass William 2,275 00 332 12 229,200 Decker & Brown 213 74 18,850 Dry Dock Bank 1,746 13 1,926 30 322,850 Decamp Morris 34 12 166 07 17,600 Davis Abm. B. - 221 79 19,500 Davis A. B. & Silas 11 37 203 60 18,900 I 26 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Davis Chas. A. 113 75 273 01 34,000 Depeyster J. Watts 1,243 94 109,300 Delaplaine Sami. B. 295 73 26,000 Duyckink E. A. 56 87 191 09 21,800 Denison C. & L. & Co. 813 28 71,600 Denison Lyman 113 75 170 62 25,000 Delafield Henry 252 39 22,200 Doughty Edward 346 16 30,450 Dusenberry D. 208 15 18,400 Day Asa, Estate of 237 73 20,900 Dean Nicholas, (in Trust) 410 63 36,100 Dean Nicholas 1,097 97 96,500 Delaplaine Mrs J. F. 205 41 18,100 Denny L. 295 75 26,000 Davison & Van Pelt 974 89 85,700 Depau Mrs. S. 204 75 18,000 Depau Fras., Estate of 1,284 21 113,000 Dusenberry Charles 345 76 30,400 Davis Thomas E. 1,082 39 95,200 Degroot H. H. 734 80 64,500 Draper Simeon 284 37 25,000 Dwyer & Barber 1,137 50 100,000 Dodge Wm. E. 490 07 43,000 Davies T. A. 1,206 31 106,000 Dubois Cornelius 530 57 46,600 Dyson D. S. 368 42 32,400 Del Hoyo F. 56 87 196 20 22,250 De Bham H. C. 341 25 1,222 80 137,500 Davis Henry E. 396 87 34,900 Dock Company 511 87 45,000 Delamater John 244 54 21,500 Disbrow B. 205 40 18,100 Dannett Wm. H. 56 87 216 12 24,000 Davids & Black 201 06 17,700 Dyckman M. 201 30 17,700 Dunham J. B. 407 21 35,800 Deraismes J. F. 1,076 52 94,700 27 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Davidson Wm. 113 75 113 75 20,000 Donnelly T. 568 75 611 95 104,000 Driggs Chester 261 62 23,000 Depeyster R. G. L. 244 52 21,500 Dunscomb Alfred 202 47 17,800 Duryea Joseph 259 34 22,800 Dupre Joseph 11 37 273 00 25,000 Delafield Dr E. 113 75 497 20 53,750 Dillon R. J. 350 74 30,800 Dyckman J. & M. 562 81 49,500 Ducker M. 204 74 18,000 Dodd John M. 382 18 33,600 Dayton & Sprague 51 18 244 56 26,000 Dusenberry J. 242 28 21,400 Duberceau L. 398 11 35,000 Duryea Jacob 701 75 61,700 Decatur M. S. 250 24 22,000 Drake Janies 1,071 38 94,200 Dean H. 273 00 24,000 Dubois C., Estate of 418 37 36,800 Dean J., Estate of 249 10 21,900 Dickinson Charles 91 00 142 18 20,500 Denton, Estate of 716 62 63,000 Drake Joseph 233 18 20,500 Dunscombe W. E. 332 52 29,200 Dougherty Michael 28 43 399 88 37,650 Day Mahlon 600 56 52,800 Drake John 676 79 59,500 Dickerson R. W. 45 50 168 34 18,800 Dolan John T. 170 62 426 55 52,500 Deforest Garret 458 94 '40,350 Drummond J. P. 204 75 18,000 Deforest Wm. W. 227 50 842 88 94,100 Dean Thomas 204 75 561 86 67,400 Dunham H. R. 113 75 211 21 28,600 Day Benjamin H. 457 25 40,200 Downing Augustus C. 113 75 288 87 35,400 28 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. D unkin John 295 75 184 53 42,200 Dunkin Thomas, Estate of 305 01 26,800 Day Elias 399 22 35,100 Dykers J. H. 56 87 147 87 18,000 Doughty Samuel S. 380 54 33,500 Dunlap Letty 170 62 62 55 20,500 Doming W. & F. 267 65 23,500 Davidson Edward 113 75 113 75 20,000 De Peyster Frederick 487 93 42,800 Deforest Benjamin 568 75 464 08 90,800 Deforest Alfred 232 35 20,400 Dominick James W. 68 25 774 63 74,100 Devoe Wm L. 466 37 83 03 48,300 Demaray David 79 62 130 81 18,600 De Luce Jane 159 25 136 50 26,000 Davie Archibald, Estate of 208 15 18,400 De Peyster Frederick, (in Trust) 682 50 60,000 Davis Gilbert 113 75 168 34 24,800 Douglass Hosea 193 37 ' 448 70 56,500 Dodge Josiah 204 73 18,000 Dayton Samuel 252 90 22,250 Dodge Jacob L. 252 49 22,200 De Kline L., Estate of 341 25 30,000 Duncan & Sheldon 202 45 17,800 Dickerson J., Estate of 229 77 20,200 Drew Daniel 568 75 261 62 73,000 Donaldson James 227 50 20,000 Dick T. W. 200 38 17,600 Dela. & Hudson Canal Co. 3,426 27 1,155 49 402,850 Duncan John 324 17 28,500 Dwight H., Jr. 284 37 25,000 Delaplaine John F. 1,895 79 166,600 Dickie Patrick 1,607 10 141,250 Dekay George C. 260 55 22,900 Durbrow Walter 207 32 18,300 Disbrow Jno., Estate of 113 75 161 52 24,200 Deyputer Jos. 34 12 170 62 18,000 * 29 • NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Denman A. A. 22 75 178 11 17,650 Davidson M. % 268 43 23,600 Dawson Win. 56 87 147 87 18,000 Downer Eliza. 563 06 49,500 De Laforest Charles 200 29 18,400 Dayman Jas., Estate of 209 96 18,450 Dodge Samuel M. 341 25 59 15 35,200 0 _ _ Dodge R., Estate of 398 09 35,000 Dater Philip 250 25 22,000 Dubois IT. A. 206 18 18,200 Delmonico Lorenzo 113 75 511 87 55,000 Doherty F. 253 65 22,300 Doremus F. C. & Nixon 328 72 28,900 Delano Wm. 227 50 182 00 36,000 Delano F. H. 113 75 497 00 53,700 Dash D. B., Estate of 1,326 86 116,650 Dyckman J. G. 217 25 19,100 Davis Mrs, 318 48 28,000 Dutch Geo. F. 295 73 26,000 Dubois & Bacon 9 232 03 20,400 Durand P. M. 273 00 24,000 Downing S. 207 67 18,350 De Forest John 352 62 31,000 Dewitt Peter 22 75 214 98 20,850 Devoe John 113 75 94 06 18,300 Dixon Samuel 22 75 183 13 18,100 Davis Ezra P. 209 82 18,500 Davis James 45 50 156 72 17,800 Doty Lewis ' 250 14 22,000 Demarest Daniel 206 96 18,250 Douglass Mrs. 217 26 19,100 Eggleston Thomas 113 75 193 37 27,000 Eggleston & Battelle 272 99 24,000 English James 272 99 24,000 Easton J. 200 99 17,700 Embury Peter 136 50 249 75 34,000 Embury Philip 170 62 47 76 19,200 D 30 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total • Valuation. Ellsworth Henry 455 00 801 68 110,400 Ellsworth John 357 17 31,400 Ellsworth Edward 56 87 688 17 65,500 Engle S. S. 22 75 395 83 36,800 Eagle Fire Insurance Co. 2,421 36 810 91 284,200 East River Fire Insurance Co. 1,548 15 227 50 156,100 Edwards Robert 91 00 110 33 17,700 Elliot G. T. 113 75 93 93 19,100 Easton Charles 34 12 187 68 19,500 Edgar W., and others 489 11 43,000 Endicott George, Estate of 220 66 19,400 Ewbank Thomas 251 37 22,100 Ewen Daniel 559 59 49,200 Everson G. F. 282 08 24,800 Edgar C. 206 12 150 14 31,300 Edgar D. M. 1,056 84 93,000 Edgar, Heirs of 363 97 32,000 Eno Amos R. 68 25 1,628 04 149,150 Engs Philip W. 113 75 216 96 29,150 Edwards A. 373 07 32,800 Earle J. E. 136 50 104 94 21,200 Earle Justus E. 113 75 566 50 59,800 Emmons J. 201 19 17,700 Eagle Henry 569 87 50,100 Etienne D. E. 218 39 19,200 Erben Henry 233 16 20,500 Edgar B. W. & H. L. 206 37 18,200 Everingham Jas. D. 208 80 18,400 Ewen Daniel 210 43 18,600 Edmonds Thomas 572 77 50,400 Elder & Palmer 210 43 18,600 Elder George 113 75 87 51 17,700 Edwards William 56 87 317 33 32,900 Edgar H. Leroy 229 97 20,200 Eddy D. 204 75 18,000 Elded Henry 335 56 29,500 Emmett Thos. Addis 883 59 77,700 31 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Emmett Wm. C. 209 22 18,400 Falconer John 227 50 20,000 Ferris Chas. G., Estate of 1,086 26 95,500 Frances J. W. 641 13 56,500 Fisher Leonard 297 98 26,200 Field R. M. 79 62 786 48 76,150 Fowler J. 0. 56 87 187 78 21,500 Foulke J. & Son 295 75 26,000 Foulke Jas., Jr. 56 87 147 87 18,000 Ferguson J., Estate of 136 50 489 12 55,000 Fairweather R. • 307 12 27,000 Finlay J. B. 312 80 27,500 Fanshaw Daniel 456 12 40,100 Fink Arnest 315 05 27,700 Forrest Edwin 353 74 31,100 Fellows & Schell 56 87 368 54 37,400 Ferris George, Estate of 464 23 40,800 Fitzgerald E. 257 07 22,600 Finch Jerome 226 35 19,900 Forgay William 279 80 24,600 Frost Samuel .113 75 169*57 24,900 Furman G. C. 203 60 17,900 Ferris J. H. 538 00 47,300 Fotherall S. 227 50 20,000 Fotherall L. G 223 67 19,650 Fox Edward 113 75 91 00 18,000 Fordham C., Estate of 206 76 18,250 Field Sarah, Estate of 324 18 28,500 Fowler Rachael A., Estate of 216 12 19,000 Frost Henry 79 62 164 92 21,500 Fish P., Estate of 217 64 19,150 Friedenbergh P. 203 54 17,900 Forrester Hiram M. 210 39 18,600 Fornenden Eliza N. 227 50 20,000 Forrester James 203 35 17,900 Ferguson Jas. 236 66 20,800 Foster Isaac 207 60 18,350 ft OO OJj NAMES. Tax. on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Faile E. G & T. H. 1,000 61 98,000 Field Moses, Estate of 408 93 461 98 76,550 Faile Thomas II. 284 37 25,000 Fellows, Cooper & Van Arsdale 193 37 227 50 37,000 Ford Patrick 255 93 22,500 Foster James 113 75 619 92 65,000 Foster James (in Trust) 390 21 34,300 Fulton George 217 24 19,100 Foster W. R. 349 17 30,700 Firth, Pond & Co. 56 87 233 18 25,500 Fellows James • 704 30 62,000 Field Maun sell 56 87 273 00 29,000 Fotterell S. G. 252 51 22,200 Foley J. E., Estate of 215 54 19,000 Field B. II. 227 50 255 93 42,500 Fox S. M., Estate of 491 39 43,200 Falconer Edward 205 86 18,100 Falconer Archibald 270 72 23,800 Florence John, Jr. 304 72 26,800 French & Snooks 352 04 30,950 Fordham George, Estate of 294 58 25,900 Ferris F. T. 423 13 37 200 Fanning Thomas 381 04 33,500 Folsom George 932 09 82,000 Foster James 1,001 62 88,000 Fisher & Bird 28 43 696 11 63,500 Flynn William 28 43 186 53 18,950 Fairman Wm. 201 29 17,700 Fowler Joseph, Trustee 716 62 63,000 Foulke James 92 94 295 69 34,200 Freeborn James F, .56 87 451 55 44,700 Freeborn W. H. 203 59 17,900 Force Ephraim 271 85 23,900 Field R. & Merrill ♦ 631 29 55,500 Foley John, Estate of 295 68 26,000 Fay Luke, Estate of 675 76 59,400 Fulton Bank 6,688 50 170 62 603,000 33 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Heal Estate. Total Valuation. Frye Daniel M. 318 49 28,000 Ferris J. M. 226 35 19,900 Ferris Lynde C. 308 12 27,100 Fisher Miss L. •56 87 290 06 30,500 Fox Wm. W. 704 62 61,950 Faulkner Samuel 56 87 155 83 18,800 Fish Mary S. 331 00 29,100 Field Hickson W. 332 47 2,400 51 240,000 Firemen’s Insurance Co. 2,320 50 204,000 Feeks Abijah 208 14 18,400 Feidler Ernest #» 386 74 34,000 Flaack Henry 287 21 25,250 Falls Wm. II. 611 95 53,800 Frost Samuel (in Trust) 68 25 132 80 17,700 Farish John F. 113 75 147 87 23,000 Fowler T. 0. 91 00 204 75 26,000 Fearing W. S., Estate of 454 99 40,000 Furman A. 45 50 282 09 28,800 Floyd D. Y. H. 147 87 664 85 71,450 Floyd Mrs. A. T. A. 227 50 96 68 28,500 Furniss Wm. P. 56 87 3,645 05 325,450 Farmers’ Loan & Trust Co. 11,406 58 827 55 1,387,650 Foster, Elliot & Co. 307 12 27,000 Foster Andrew 227 50 204 75 38,000 Foster A., Estate of 455 00 40,000 Fearing C. M. 210 43 18,600 Frost Thomas 11 37 307 12 28,000 Fabriquettes Eugene 284 37 79 62 32,000 Fish Elizabeth 113 75 225 78 29,850 Fellows R. S. & James 204 74 18,000 Fish Hamilton 3,168 51 278,500 Fearing Daniel B. 56 87 1,060 14 98,200 Fox Hannah 224 93 19,750 Fade George, Estate of 233 15 20,500 Frost P. H. 508 43 44,700 Fleming Augustus 113 75 230 90 . 30,300 Freeland James 568 75 50,000 34 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Freeland G. G. 254 21 22,350 Faitoute Jonathan 582 84 51,250 Forbes J. M. 227 50 20,000 Fox George S. •113 75 136 50 22,000 Faile E. W. 56 87 414 02 41,400 Floating Dry Dock Co. 2,076 64 331 21 211,750 French Richard 56 87 1,658 30 151,100 Forsyth Wm. 219 52 19,300 French Mrs. c9 261 62 23,000 Frazee Abraham 361 70 31,800 Fitch Asa • * 2,629 61 231,200 Fitch William 250 25 22,000 Fuller Wm. 222 94 19,600 Few Catharine 170 62 298 02 41,250 Falconer William 224 61 19,750 Folsom Mary C. 237 57 20,900 Fanning William 575 52 50,600 Flower Aaron 56 87 147 87 18,000 Gaillard Jos., Jr. 227 50 20,000 Graham J. H. 412 62 36,250 Grosvenor Jasper 284 37 376 57 58,100 Gorslin Peter 409 47 36,000 Gray John A. C. 341 25 30,000 Glass A. L., Estate of 341 25 30,000 Grinnell Moses H. 682 50 60,000 Grinnell, Minturn & Co. 1,740 33 153,000 Giraud Joseph 774 62 68,100 Greenwood John 178 01 1,377 46 137,000 Gireaud Edward 204 75 18,000 Griswold N. L. 113 75 102 37 19,000 Geisenlieimer F. W. 108 06 318 43 37,500 Gilford Eliza 427 80 37,800 Griffin Francis 556 93 49,000 Gassner & Young 216 12 19,000 Gassner Peter 1,804 03 158,500 Gunter H. H. 560 77 49,250 Gibson Wood 17 06 409 50 37,700 35 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Gilbert Clinton 2,923 37 1,220 52 364,250 Green M. E. 220 66 19,400 Gillespie G. D. H. 113 75 142 18 22,500 Griffen John 295 73 26,000 Gardner Wm. 284 37 25,000 Griffen George 227 50 453 82 59,900 Gregory H. 500 41 44,000 Gardner John, Estate of 402 61 35,400 Gates John 11 37 298 01 27,200 Gihon John 682 50 60,000 Gilhooley Jno. 22 75 179 71 17,800 Garrettson F. T. 201 60 17,750 Gratacap J. L. 776 88 67,300 Greacen John 494 80 43,500 Giles John S., Agent 2,287 55 201,100 Griswold George 796 25 2,545 69 293,700 Grinnell Henry 568 75 50,000 Geery John 341 25 30,000 Gottsberger J. J. 22 75 204 75 20,000 Gilsey Peter 716 97 63,000 Greene Wm. D. 125 12 102 37 20,000 Gelston G. S. 224 56 19,750 Grosvenor Mr., Trustee 387 87 34,100 Gililan E. H. 204 75 18,000 Griswold George, Jr. 56 87 170 62 20,000 Green George, Garret, & Edward 603 93 53,100 Gross Francis 723 15 65,400 Glover Thomas, Receiver 739 37 65,000 Griffen & Davis 809 54 71,200 Gibbons J. R. 113 75 93 27 18,200 Graham E. 445 89 39,200 Grosvenor J. 341 25 30,000 Goadby Thomas 205 88 18,100 Graydon M. E. 639 80 56,100 Gillender J. 204 75 18,000 Gillette Ann 203 86 17,900 Gray S. S. 386 74 34,000 4 36 * NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Goodwin Jos. II. 215 34 18,950 Getty Robert F. 326 75 28,750 Gautier T. B., Estate of 307 12 27,000 Gemmell James 1,816 52 159,650 Garner Thomas 56 87 271 85 28,900 Geisen F. 207 87 18,350 Griffin Edmund 318 47 28,000 Gassner Daniel, Estate of 475 33 41,800 Gibbons Wm., and others 341 25 30,000 Gifford Jas. N. 222 93 19,600 Gahn Jane 56 87 205 78 23,100 Geib Adam, Estate of 241 14 21,200 Goelet Peter 1,137 50 8,968 13 888,400 Goelet Peter (in Trust) 1,933 75 170,000 Greenwich Bank 1,890 78 136 50 178,250 Greenwich Fire Ins. Co. 2,182 86 60 28 197,200 Green W. C. 227 50 96 68 28,500 Gibert Nicolas 568 75 993 02 137,500 Gibert W. N. 113 75 341 24 40,000 Gifford George, Agent 511 87 45,000 Greely A., Estate of 392 43 34,500 Gibbs & McCarty 420 87 37,000 Gebhard Frederick 318 50 28,000 Gray John 284 37 454 87 55,000 Gwyer C. 369 65 32,500 Gordon Robert 322 46 28,350 Greene John C. 568 75 455 00 90,000 Grosvenor Seth 568 75 264 34 73,250 Guerin Francis 613 32 ’ 53,900 Goodhue Jonathan, Estate of 455 00 364 00 72,000 Gale Thomas W. 170 62 153 56 28,500 • Grocers’ Fire Ins. Co., 2,275 00 200,000 General Mutual Ins. Co. 1,858 44 163,400 Greer George 29 42 434 64 40,800 Gregory James G. 113 75 261 62 33,000 Gibhard F. C. & W. H. 392 43 34,500 Gillespie James 22 75 » 225 21 21,800 V 37 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Gibson Isaac 113 75 216 12 29,000 Griffing Samuel 312 78 27,500 Gibbs Thomas S. 113 75 552 53 58,600 Gibbs R. M. 91 00 284 37 33,000 Gray George W. 68 25 159 25 20,000 Gomez A. L. 289 48 25,450 Gallatin Albert, Estate of 216 12 19,000 Gallatin J., Trustee 307 12 27,000 Gallatin James 56 87 420 87 42,000 Graves E. Boonen 331 25 458 14 69,400 Gelston M. 455 00 454 42 79,950 Graff John A. 113 75 434 82 48,150 Glover Ann, Children of 235 43 20,700 Greenway J. H. & W. T. 227 50 20,000 Gill T. A. 490 25 43,100 Gibbons William 1,086 43 95,500 Gallatin W. W., Estate of 22 75 228 61 23,300 Gardner Thomas, Estate of 2,980 76 262,000 Gould E. S. 402 66 35,400 Griswold John 113 75 244 00 31,450 Gardner Thomas 255 92 22,500 Gunther C. G. 1,595 89 140,500 Gilmartin John 201 04 17,700 Giles G. M., Estate of 267 29 23,500 Giles E. 232 95 20,500 Gardner David 598 30 52,600 Grace Church 227 50 20,000 Gregory D. S. 420 87 37,000 Green Garrett 335 87 29,500 Goddard N., Estate of 227 50 20,000 Gale William 341 24 30,000 Griffen L. B. 385 58 33,900 Griffen F. and others, Trustees 387 77 34,100 Gill John 210 43 18,600 Gascoigne Charles 201 27 17,700 Gross John L. 216 32 19,000 Geschard Dr. A. 236 59 20,800 E 38 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Gaffney M., Estate of 263 32 23,150 Graham Charles M. 326 39 28,700 Genin John N. 261 62 23,000 Granger Barth. 200 35 17,600 Graham Jane 203 37 17,900 Graham Mrs., Estate of 250 25 22,000 Gilbert A., Estate of 209 29 18,500 Gibson Isaac (in Trust) 200 18 17,600 Gustin Jno. A., Estate of 202 44 17,800 Gale Edmund 204 74 18,000 Graham George 218 38 19,200 Grenzeback George 156 97 126 84 24,900 Gasquet William A. 22 75 181 62 17,950 Gordon L. 203 37 17,900 Gilly W. B., Estate of 484 57 42,600 Gerard J. W. 261 62 23,000 Hawley Ira 227 50 91 00 28,000 Halstead William M. 34 12 637 00 59,000 Halstead, Haines & Co. 909 99 80,000 Hollister T. N. 533 46 46,900 Harrison William H. 85 31 218 98 26,800 Hart Mrs. B. A. 1,279 66 112,500 Hart William H. 295 74 26,000 Hammersley L. C., & Est. of T. 227 50 20,000 Hewlett Oliver T. 182 00 92 13 24,100 Herrick E. 699 53 61,500 Hearn George A. 451 60 39,700 Howell Harriett 341 25 318 50 58,000 Hillyer John B. 170 62 251 35 37,100 Harsen Jacob F. 91 00 289 55 33,500 Harsen Jacob, Estate of • 687 03 70,400 Harsen J. P. R., Estate of 205 63 18,100 Hope G. T. 220 91 19,400 Howland J. H., Estate of 355 76 31,250 Herrick J. B. 56 87 276 38 29,300 Harper Samuel B. 170 62 91 00 23,000 Horspool John 352 60 31,000 39 » * NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Holmes S. & L. 489 70 43,000 Hunter James C. 227 50 70 52 26,200 Hadley David 341 25 125 12 41,000 Hitchcock Curtis, Estate of 369 66 32,500 Holmes Eldad 233 18 20,500 Hibbard William 274 70 24,150 Haynes Franklin 22 75 263 88 25,200 Hinsdale H. 205 19 18,050 Holmes Silas 648 31 57,000 Higgins E., Estate of 568 74 50,000 Hardenbrook William, Jr. 519 22 45,700 Harriott George 234 31 20,600 Harsell William 17 06 184 26 17,700 Hoople Wm. H. 170 62 908 26 94,800 Harrison George 1,850 84 182,700 Hoffman Susan L. 488 90 43,000 Hilton, Estate of 170 62 195 63 32,200 Hamilton S. B. 201 32 17,700 Hecker John 368 54 82,400 Hurd N. L. 307 12 27,000 Harrison Joseph 1,201 19 105,600 Hurlburt E. D. & Co. 523 25 46,000 Hopper C. 368 06 32,400 Howland Edgar 227 50 159 24 34,000 Hoagland A. & Estate of A. C. 5 68 214 00 19,350 Hone John, Estate of 204 75 18,000 Harriot E. 203 60 17,900 Herriman Wm. & Co. 34 12 170 62 18,000 Havemeyer Wm. F. 682 50 245 69 81,600 Hunt Thomas 988 42 86,800 Halsey William 383 98 33,900 Heiser C. 287 77 25,300 Halsey J.*R. / 223 63 19,650 Hegeman P. A. & F. B. 315 94 27,750 Howard Rebecca 386 74 34,000 Hidden Enoch 56 87 176 31 15,500 Halsted P. S. 252 48 22,200 40 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Halsted Schureman 247 95 21,800 Higgins E. & A. 113 75 464 70 50,900 Havens John W. 136 50 258 23 34,700 Havens & Co. 227 50 20,000 Humphrey H. W. 459 55 40,400 Hogan Robert 1,466 83 129,000 Hustace Benjamin 327 59 28,800 Habirshaw Wm. 466 36 41,000 Halsted J. M. 56 87 176 45 20,500 Hoppoek M. A. 244 56 21,500 Hay Allen 207 58 18,300 Hicks Samuel, Estate of 1,399 10 123,000 Hall Francis 68 25 136 50 18,000 Hamlin A. P. 1,039 63 91,400 Havemeyer William 580 12 51,000 Holmes Madison 213 85 18,900 Hyer Jane 170 62 119 43 25,500 Hall George * 227 48 20,000 Hamilton Alexander J. 263 30 23,150 Howland Samuel S. 1,137 50 1,170 97 203,000 Hart James 227 49 20,000 Henry Robert 34 12 224 06 22,700 Heath Jno., Estate of 284 35 25,000 Howard Daniel D. 227 50 159 25 34,000 Harris Thomas 333 23 29,300 Hillsburgh Charles, Estate of 576 66 50,700 Herriman William S. 554 52 48,750 Hamilton John C. 55 87 962 02 89,500 Holmes Samuel 01 00 151 42 21,400 Hall William, Estate of 363 98 32,000 Heath Aaron B. 393 56 34,600 Hustace Elijah 125 12 78 48 17,900 Hicks Miss Almy T. 91 00 223 75 27,700 Hunter Dr. W. A. 340 08 29,900 Hadley Ritler 6 82 ' 437 93 39,100 Havemeyer F. C. 359 43 31,600 Hendricks Mrs. Frances 2,821 00 941 05 330,700 V 41 Tax on Personal Tax on Real Total ^ A.il Estate. Estate. Valuation. Hendricks Selina Hendricks Henry Hendricks Henry (in Trust) Hayward Henry Hayward James Harmon Phillip Hoffman Samuel V. Hyslop Robert Holden Horace Harvey Widow Haggerty Ogden Huyler Jno., Estate of Hutchins S. B. Howes Mulford Hoyt Gould, Estate of Hines Jno. C. Harriott James Haight George Hart H., Trustees of Houghton E. L. Hill Thomas Howland George Hunter J. Harrison Andrew, Estate of Hannigan B. Hoyt Edwin Havens G., Estate of Hoffman Murray Hope Thomas Hubbard N. T. Hewlett James Harlem Bridge Company Hance A. B. Husted, L. H. Henry Patrick Hitchcock J. Hawthorne G. C. 312 79 27,500 204 75 406 62 54,000 307 12 27,000 212 59 18,750 209 94 18,550 423 49 37,200 279 81 24,600 227 50 192 50 37,000 170 62 295 74 32,200 284 37 25,000 284 37 147 87 38,000 225 20 19,800 462 01 40,500 113 75 91 00 18,000 3,349 85 294,500 386 73 34,000 810 52 71,250 436 80 38,400 68 25 519 81 51,800 342 36 ' 30,100 227 50 20,000 227 50 20,000 + 310 51 27,300 227 50 20,000 401 49 35,300 568 75 536 90 97,200 267 30 23,500 56 87 147 87 18,000 270 72 23,800 113 75 307 49 37,000 247 11 21,750 213 56 18,850 230 89 20,300 250 25 22,000 201 94 17,750 247 95 21,800 201 90 17,750 42 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Hone Hannah, Estate of 282 10 24,800 Hill Jane D., Executrix 432 25 38,000 Hunter Wm. C. 227 50 20,000 Hunter R. R. 341 23 30,000 Howe J. M. 282 36 24,800 Hagardorn William 356 95 31,350 Havens C. G. 303 78 26,700 Herrick J. K. 113 75 543 72 57,800 Haviland G. G. & D. 255 93 22,500 Hoyt George A. 341 25 305 98 56,900 Hunt Wilson J. & Co. 418 23 255 92 59,250 Howe Fisher 204 75 18,000 Hicks S. • 352 62 31,000 Harris Dennis 227 50 910 00 100,000 Hendricks & Brothers 654 05 . 57,500 Hendricks Uriah 227 50 741 01 85,200 Harbeck W. H. 284 37 25,000 Haines R. T. 432 25 38,000 Haydock H. W. 56 87 278 68 29,500 Hoppock J. 488 88 43,000 Hunt Benjamin F. 262 75 23,100 Hall J. Prescott 170 62 230 90 35,300 % Hart J. J. 534 61 47,000 Haight D. L. 1,484 99 130,550 Hoppock Howell 91 00 847 42 82,500 Hibbard T. R. 207 90 18,350 Halsted Caleb 0. 113 75 1,335 33 127,400 Husson, Estate of 650 31 57,150 Houghton E. 22 75 262 75 / 25,100 Hart R. P., Estate of 341 24 30,000 Harrison Joseph 427 76 37,600 Haws George 448 15 39,500 Hunter J. 556 21 48,900 Herrman Mrs. 296 87 26,100 Hogg James T. 568 75 50,000 Howland & Aspinwall 364 00 32,000 Hendrick H. V. 279 80 24,600 \ 43 NAMES. 4 ' Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Ilosack Dr., Estate of 590 42 52,000 Howard Joseph W. 625 62 55,000 Hutton John 204 75 18,000 Haley J. 201 16 17,700 Harper James 910 00 2,575 38 306,400 Hoppock Eli 136 50 266 16 35,400 Howell Charles J. 504 42 44,350 Hurry William 557 60 49,000 Huntington Thomas M. 335 43 29,500 Hicks John H. 341 25 30,000 Hicks Henry W. 341 25 228 87 51,100 Hicks Samuel 1,137 50 100,000 Howland B. J. 113 75 96 68 18,600 Henderson J. C. 56 87 204 75 23,000 Harrison William 208 15 18,400 Hall D. K. 113 75 346 93 40,500 Hall Asa, Estate of 615 36 54,100 Hunter Mrs. 206 03 18,200 Henderson Howard 56 87 182 00 21,000 Havemeyer & Co. 535 37 47,100 Harris John S. 218 39 19,200 Hicks Robert 91 00 179 71 23,800 Hale & Hallock 875 87 77,000 Hoe Robert M. & Co. 147 87 649 50 57,200 Hope Chapel 204 75 18,000 Hyatt George E. L. 45 50 170 62 19,000 Harris J. W. 221 78 19,500 Hornby J., Estate of 300 12 26,400 Howe C. 22 75 284 37 27,000 Huyler J. 11 37 192 21 17,900 Higbie N. T. 335 55 29,500 Harlow Jno., Estate of 207 90 18,350 Haight D. Henry 1,973 53 173,500 Haight Richard K. 682 50 1,502 74 192,100 Hunt Samuel J. 284 37 543 80 72,800 Hussey & Murray 400 38 35,200 Hope A. S. 56 87 182 00 21,000 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Hall Peleg 284 37 25,000 Harrison Joseph 702 86 61,800 Harrison James 329 80 29,000 Hart P. G., Estate of 455 00 1,069 27 134,000 Hone Philip 1,337 67 117,500 Hart David 568 75 68 25 56,000 Hart Nathan 227 50 20,000 Hillyer J. & J. 34 12 390 14 37,300 Horn James ' 1,185 16 104,200 Heard James, Estate of 568 75 113 75 60,000 Harriot W. & J. B. 251 28 22,100 Hunter Abrm. T., Estate of 56 87 446 90 44,300 Hendricks M. M. 682 50 721 13 123,400 Harmony Peter S. 415 65 36,600 Harmony Peter 1,755 69 154,700 Hagardorn John 11 37 382 33 34,700 Haggerty John 56 87 2,998 26 268,600 Hoffman R. R. 68 25 205 75 24,000 Holbrook E. 102 37 2,074 68 191,500 Hammersley L. & E. 56 87 307 12 32,000 Hitchcock W. R. 853 12 385 15 108,900 Hart Eli, Estate of 1,512 84 133,000 Hoe J. C. 228 74 21,100 Hammersley Thos., Estate of 356 03 31,300 Hardenbrook Wm., Jr. 204 75 18,000 Hastings Ryan P. 113 75 91 00 18,000 Halsey Anthony P. • 204 75 18,000 Halsted Benj. 212 03 18,750 Hopkins Alex. 22 75 185 28 18,300 Harper Jas. P. 22 75 196 74 19,300 Howard Jno. P. 227 50 20,000 Haggerty W. C. 56 87 153 55 18,500 Hammersley A. G. 204 75 18,000 Hyer John 56 87 147 87 18,000 Herring Jas., Estate of 253 64 22,300 Harris David 213 02 18,800 Howland G. G. 386 75 34,000 45 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Hora John K. 34 12 170 62 . 18,000 Hunter Wm. 217 24 19,100 Humphrey E., Estate of 206 43 18,200 Howland J. H. 216 12 19,000 Hanrahan John 454 90 40,000 Henriques David 437 32 44,350 s ' Hadden David 568 75 . 648 37 107,000 Hadden W. H. ■> 227 50 20,000 Hertsell Jacob S. ✓ 11 37 353 74 32,100 Hitchcock C. 1,137 50 352 62 131,000 Hammersly L. C. 102 37 950 31 92,550 Howland Gardner G. 1,137 50 2,494 66 320,200 Hull Wager, Estate of 464 70 447 02 80,150 Hull John C. 185 88 179 75 32,150 Haddock W. J. 203 35 17,900 Hone John, Estate of 204 74 18,000 Hustace William *28 43 233 17 . 23,000 Hudson River Rail Road 1,933 75 2,237 25 367,000 Hadley John S. 11 37 214 83 10,800 Hegaman Letitia 381 48 33,500 Ilegaman Miss T. B. 201 89 17,750 Howard Insurance Co. 1,856 13 546 00 184,800 Havemeyer F., Estate of 416 49 36,600 Havemeyer G. L. 207 66 18,350 Hadley Jacob 305 97 26,900 Havens Henry P. 22 75 226 25 21,900 Herring A., Estate of 261 60 23,000 Hatfield & Bertine 419 47 36,900 Hunneward J., Estate of / 213 85 18,900 Hadley Frederick 216 12 19,000 Hay James 805 82 70,850 Hibbard T. R. 388 75 34,150 Hoboken Ferry Company 205 27 18,050 Harlem Rail Road Co. 414 04 687 96 96,900 Havens H. & Son 327 57 28,800 Hoffman Martin 588 45 51,700 Hargons T. A. 568 75 85 31 57,500 F 4G 5 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Ileal Estate. Total Valuation. Hart J. T. 209 29 18,400 liegeman Peter A. 34 12 944 10 86,000 Hance John 411 75 36,200 Hammond Judah, Estate of 850 87 74,800 Herring Silas C. 113 75 414 50 46,500 Hoffman L. M. 568 7^ 258 20 72,700 Houghton E. H. 217 24 19,100 Holt Phil. H. 261 62 152 40 36,400 Hicks E. 227 50 20,000 Henderson D., Estate of 568 75 50,000 Hall Valentine G. 578 97 50,900 Ireland George 182 00 178 58 31,700 Iselin A. 113 75 159 25 24,000 Ireland Wm. IP, Estate of 227 50 182 00 36,000 Ireland J. L. 552 79 48,600 Ireland John B. 202 89 17,850 Irvin Richard * 455 00 566 20 89,800 Ingraham I). P. 204 75 18,000 Ingoldsby Felix 341 25 183 13 46,100 Inness J. W. 217 24 19,100 Ives George 398 12 35,000 Irving John T., Estate of 1,737 66 152,700 • Ingoldsby Francis (in Trust) 400 50 36,000 Ireland Wm. B. 592 62 52,100 Ireland A. L. 501 60 44,100 Ingersoll C. L. 214 97 18,900 Inslee Hester 208 47 18,400 Ireland Joseph, Estate of 79 62 122 57 17,800 Irwin D. 234 80 20,650 Irwin James 204 75 • 18,000 Isaacs S. I. 56 87 359 43 36,600 Jephson Wm. A. 113 75 181 35 25,950 Journeay Albert 332 11 29,200 Jones Eleanor, Estate of 232 80 20,450 Jones W. H., Estate of 205 47 ' 18,100 Jay John 284 36 25,000 Jane way George 417 18 36,650 47 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Eeal Estate. Total Valuation. Johnson J. C. 227 50 20,000 Jay L. 261 62 23,000 Jenkins Susannah 204 75 18,000 Johnson Wm., Estate of 324 18 1,800 42 106,800 Johnson B. 159 25 685 18 74,300 Johnson J. D. ^ 56 87 201 33 22,700 Johnson George W. 228 40 21,100 Johnson William W. 214 95 18,900 Jones & Graham 346 85 30,500 Jacques Isaac 56 87 500 45 49,000 Juhel Caroline 245 70 21,600 Jewell Charles W. 205 63 18,100 Jennings Chester 449 30 20 47 41,300 Jones Isaac, Estate of 201 58 17,700 Jones William, Estate of 723 96 * 63,650 James E. 385 02 33,850 James A. • 213 83 18,900 Jackson Abraham J. 210 42 18,600 Judd Samuel 203 37 17,900 Judson Curtis 625 62 65,000 Judd Dr., Estate of 371 94 32,700 Jumell Eliza 818 32 72,000 Jarvis Jay $ 225 22 19,800 James W. T. 210 43 18,600 Jacques Jean E. 200 15 17,600 Jones Daniel D. 316 20 27,800 Jones John Q. 1,864 86 163,900 Judah Mrs. E. 113 75 • 617 60 64,300 Johnson William, Estate of 284 37 147 87 38,000 Jackson J. 304 84 26,800 Jones George 962 76 84,650 Jones Elizabeth 243 55 21,450 Jones E. R., Estate of 2,165 73 190,400 Jones George, Trustee i 527 78 46,400 Jones G. F. 22 75 942 74 84,900 Jones James J. 34 12 3,005 89 267,300 / Jacques C. S. 250 23 22,000 48 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Jones J. A. 227 50 * 113 74 30,000 Jackson P. A. H. 203 81 17,900 Jay Ann C. 261 62 23,000 Jones Isaac, Executor 2,275 00 200,000 Jefferson Insurance Co. 1,899 62 196 78 184,300 Jackson Hannah 417 60 36,700 Jackson William II. 449 31 39,500 Jackson John, Estate of 227 50 138 76 32,200 Johnson J. W. 609 69 53,600 Jones John S. 22 75 415 16 38,500 Johnstone J. T. 2,559 36 225,000 Johnstone J. 1,421 87 347 07 155,500 Jarvis Nathaniel 226 45 19,900 Johnson & Linden 34 12 169 46 17,900 Janeway J. J., Trustee 568 72 50,000 Johnson George 255 93 22,500 Jay Laura, Trustees of 414 36 36,400 Jacques Edward J. 403 80 35,500 Janeway J. J. 2,127 06 187,000 Johnson J. A. 298 58 26,250 Jessup Isaac K. - 616 48 ♦ 55,800 Jackson J. L. 200 80 17,650 Johnson Jos. 204 75 18,000 Jarvis S. F. N 284 37 25,000 Johnston J. F. 205 64 18,100 Jaudon S. 56 87 270 60 23,800 Jones Walter F. 341 25 39 18 33,500 Jacobs J. F. & W. H. 299 68 26,350 Jones S. P. 284 37 25,000 Jones D. S. 402 23 35,400 Jaggar J. 600 58 52*750 Jay John 227 50 20,000 Jacobus John 113 75 233 17 30,500 Jay William 201 80 17,750 Jones Robert 1,170 37 102,900 Jacobus, Estate of 338 91 29,800 Jackson W. H, II, 250 25 22,000 49 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Jackson N. 245 93 39,200 Jenner Solomon 210 43 18,600 Jenkins Hannah - 280 93 24,700 Jamison J. & W. 227 50 20,000 Judd Samuel, Estate of 1,200 14 105,500 Jarvis N. S. 253 64 22,300 Jeremiah Thomas 56 87 152 41 18,400 Jackson W. V. E. 201 32 17,700 Jones Isaac 1,890 20 ' 166,200 Jones J. C., Estate of 2,769 48 243,500 Jackson Insurance Co. 200 05 17,600 Jones W. S. 548 69 48,200 Johnston T. W., Jr. 278 68 24,500 Jones William 219 53 19,300 Knickerbocker Insurance Co. 2,607 27 546 00 276,300 Keeler David B. 68 25 307 00 33,000 Kingsland D. & A. 1,402 98 123,350 Kingsland Daniel C. 170 62 379 91 48,400 Kingsland & Sutton 298 77 26,250 Kingsland Ambrose C. 170 62 403 81 50,500 Kevan William, Estate of 341 23 30,000 King Rufus S. 236 57 20,800 Kip J. L., Estate of 102 37 407 21 44,800 Kissam W. H., Agent 2,566 76 225,600 Kinch William 34 12 619 86 57,500 King James G. - 922 21 81,100 King Charles & Co. 22 75 279 81 26,600 King C. & E. J. 11 37 193 51 18,000 Kinney G. 56 87 187 10 21,400 Kortwright N. G. • 2,651 52 233,100 Kortwright N. G. (in Trust) 766 18 67,350 Kennedy Rachael, Trustees of 455 00 40,000 Kelly M. & R. 170 62 813 30 86,500 Kirby Ellen V. / 296 31 26,050 Kettletas Eugene 4,456 29 391,750 Kip Elbert 210 47 18,600 Kermit Robert 284 37 762 11 92,000 50 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Keyser Ernest - 508 89 44,750 Kerr Henry A. 234 31 20,600 Kennedy D. S. 853 12 1,632 31 218,500 Ketchum Morris 214 58 18,900 Kernochan Joseph 796 25 1,741 47 223,000 Kennan A. T. W. 216 12 19,000 Kent Mary 225 50 19,800 Kerr A. 272 99 24,000 Kerr H. A. & M. P. Reed 238 87 21,000 Kent James, Estate of 568 75 50,000 Kent William 34 12 170 62 18,000 Kelly Eli 227 50 20,000 Kelly R. W. 34 12 176 21 18,500 Kingsland H. W. 227 50 20,000 King C. C. 204 75 18,000 King C. W. 11 37 221 80 0 20,500 Kane M. 216 12 19,000 Kirby L. & V. 681 33 59,900 Kerrigan James 227 50 727 99 84,000 Kirks A. 203 36 17,900 Kinney F. S. 977 21 85,900 Kneeland Charles 1,727 64 157,150 Kelly James 214 75 18,900 Kellogg E. 346 93 30,500 Ketchum E. 354 92 31,200 King John A., Jr. 518 65 45,600 King John A. ' ' 440 83 38,850 Kinsley Hudson 349 90 30,700 Kipp J. H., Estate of 358 30 31,500 Kary J. M., Estate of 273 00 24,000 Kemble William 455 00 174 03 55,300 Kingsland S. 208 49 18,400 Kane D. 56 87 568 73 55,000 Kennedy R. L. 288 77 25,400 Kennedy John A. 28 43 170 62 17,500 Kuypers Samuel L. 252 52 22,200 Kip L. W. 136 50 155 08 25,700 51 NAMES. « Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Kelly Daniel 203 59 17,900 Kelly John H. - 207 56 18,350 Kearsing Thomas 202 46 17,800 Keyser John 205 93 18,100 Kelly H. 113 75 119 43 20,500 Kelly J., Estate of 245 67 21,600 Kane C. V. S. 216 10 19,000 Kurshedt A. 34 12 205 88 21,100 Kipp & Brown 344 45 30,300 Kirby Valentine 136 50 220 82 31,000 Kearney Phillip (in Trust) 910 00 80,000 Kearney P. R. 1,167 69 102,700 Knapp Shepard 113 75 409 50 46,000 Knapp Shepard (Trustee of Hammersley) 728 10 64,000 Lockwood Abraham, Est. of 221 17 19.550 7 Lawrence A. M. 341 25 239 88 51,100 Lawrence W. T. 302 55 26,600 Leggatt Samuel M. 227 50 20,000 Lawrence Joseph 910 00 255 93 102,500 Lane David 113 75 113 75 20,000 Lane Josiali 113 75 424 28 47,300 Lowerre Seaman 56 87 521 93 50,900 Lowerre Abigail 299 68 26,350 Little Jacob 932 74 82,000 Leggatt Thos., Estate of 1,919 29 168,900 Low John 257 61 22,650 Lynch Peter 250 23 22,000 Lawrence, Trimble & Co. 227 50 20,000 Louderback David 787 53 69,250 Lee Gideon, Estate of 585 81 51,500 Leupp Charles M, 170 62 79 62 22,000 Lamontaigne E. De 214 97 18,900 Leeds S. S. 56 87 219 37 23,400 Lambert Jeremiah 255 91 22,500 Laight Wm. E. 56 87 280 95 29,700 Livingston S. M. 513 03 45,100 52 “ NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Leroy Jacob 227 50 227 50 40,000 Laurie George o » 568 75 50,000 Laurie John 568 75 50,000 Lent Mrs. 234 32 20,600 Lord Daniel 170 62 G05 11 68,100 Long George, Estate of 477 75 42,000 Langdon Mrs. (Children) 4,041 14 355,250 Lowe & Brother A. A. 568 75 50,000 Lowther Charles 319 59 28,100 Lee John II. (Attorney) 119 43 486 81 53,300 Lydig David, Estate of 102 37 929 30 90,700 Lorillard George 626 16 55,050 Leroy Matilda 277 54 24,400 Lawrence Margaret 361 71 31,800 Laing Edgar 207 41 18,300 Laing E. II. 1,305 00 114,700 Laing Sophia V. D. 238 86 21,000 Labaut Alphonso 1,345 6D 118,300 Law George 4 1,706 25 150,000 Livingston A. 56 87 1*913 34 176,100 Lathrop F. S. 392 65 34,500 Lee Tlios. R. 261 62 23,000 Leggatt Wm. 882 36 77,600 Ludlum N. 891 88 78,400 Lowerre Randolph 341 25 30,000 Leroy Herman 568 75 > 301 43 76,500 Lawrence Richard 22 75 548 24 50,200 Leroy Jacob R. 449 30 904 30 119,000 Low Nicholas, Estate of 4,534 83 398,650 Lawrence John L. 308 39 27,100 Lewis Isaac 332 14 29,200 Lawrence Dominick 568 75 ) 65,000 Lawrence Dominick (in Trust) 170 62 ) 1 Lawrence W. B., Jr. 1,934 42 170,100 Leo Wolfe, Estate of 202 47 17,800 Lawrence A. 290 06 25,500 Lawrence D. L. 1,709 59 150,300 53 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Eeal Estate. Total Valuation. Lockwood Roe 398 12 35,000 Lewis Philo, Estate of 666 53 58,600 Lowry J. & A. 307 12 27,000 Lagrave J. J. 327 59 28,800 Livingston Robert S. 279 23 24,550 Latou Robert 22 75 247 63 23,800 Lorrillard George, Estate of 341 25 30,000 Loder Benjamin 113 75 1,327 90 126,750 Lutf Mrs. . 318 50 28,000 Livingston G. W. 207 94 18,350 Lee John A. 284 37 25,000 Leather Manufac’rs Bank G,790 13 596,950 Lennox James 4,550 00 1,904 84 567,500 Lennox James (in Trust) 1,819 94 136 50 172,000 Longworth Thomas 476 00 41,900 Lovett George 341 25 1,048 60 122,200 Lyons William 371 37 32,700 Lawrence W. E. 310 53 27,300 Lord Joseph N. 56 87 512 97 50,100 Lord Joseph N. (Trust & Exr .) ' 455 00 101 23 48,900 Ludlow Mathias 247 97 21,800 Lord Rufus L. 341 25 4,179 11 397,400 Lawrence Abraham R. • 1,022 53 89,900 Livermore W. W. 290 25 25,500 Lefferts H. 210 43 18,600 Lawrence H. 170 62 73 93 21,500 Lyon Stephen 260 46 22,900 Lowerre William 250 25 56 87 27,000 Lennox Jennet & Henrietta 341 25 30,000 Lawrence J. R. 56 87 511 85 50,000 Livingston Margaret 1,166 43 102,500 Livingston M., Estate of 705 09 62,000 Lewis Morgan, Estate of 833 71 73,300 Leveridge John 477 75 663 99 100,400 Lord Benjamin 227 50 381 06 53,500 Lee David 853 12 424 54 112,300 Leggett Samuel, Estate of 1,461 62 128,500 G 54 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Heal Estate. Total Valuation. Luqueer F. T. 56 87 751 85 71,100 Ludlum Isaac T. 31 29 367 39 35,050 Layton William 393 53 34,700 Le Maine John 136 50 85 31 19,500 Lawrence Corns. W. (in Trust) 751 68 66,000 Leland Francis P. 113 75 113 75 20,000 Laurence Jolm B. 238 87 21,000 Lamb Anthony 113 75 573 29 60,400 Lillienthal Lear 685 87 60,200 Lawson William J. 206 15 18,200 Livingston P. R., Estate of 284 36 25,000 Lafarge Jacob 303 64 26,700 Laird Alexander 565 98 49,700 Leary John 261 62 23,000 Lorrillard Peter 2,275 00 11,031 98 1,169,900 Labatut J. M. & J. 571 84 50,300 Livingston M. (in Trust) 261 62 298 12 49,200 Lathrop F. 568 75 ' 257 05 72,300 Lecompte John 417 44 36,700 Lewis T., Estate of 204 75 18,000 Lefferts Leffert * 477 75 42,000 Larocque John 295 74 26,000 Lynch James 369 66 32,500 Lewis George 113 75 612 51 63,900 Lane M. G. 210 42 18,600 Lippineott, Estate of 216 12 19,000 Lyon H. 466 36 41,000 Leeds & Hazard ' 238 87 21,000 Lee C., Estate of 253 65 22,300 Low Daniel 668 83 58,750 Lane Robert 468 63 41,200 Livingston L. 136 50 147 87 25,000 Lewis J. W. 253 07 22,250 Levy Uriah P. 898 50 79,000 Livingston Wm. 337 90 29,700 Lathrop F. S. & D. 870 90 76,550 Lee James 682 50 39 81 63,500 55 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. 1 Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Lent Charles 233 18 20,500 Lewis John 201 10 17,700 Lawrence J. W. 912 23 80,200 Lesieur J. B. 1,046 49 92,000 Lillienthal C. W. D. 284 37 182 00 41,000 Lew r is E. 279 80 24,600 Lasack F. W. 822 25 72,300 Livingston R. E. 227 50 20,000 Lawrence G. N. 56 87 156 56 18,800 Lawi^nce J. B., Estate of 232 35 450 01 60,200 Lane A. 34 12 168 35 17,800 Lovett, Estate of 366 23 32,200 Labagh J. J., Estate of 210 43 18,600 Laverty Henry 227 50 1,176 17 123,400 Leland George 443 59 39,000 Ludlow N. 203 37 17,900 Lewis Thomas 260 47 22,900 Lawrence A. H. 503 32 44,250 Lozier S. 244 54 21,500 Lawrence Richard 22 75 193 37 19,000 Leary James 260 89 22.950 / Leggatt Thomas H. 534 62 47,000 Livingston J. R. 1,005 49 ✓ 88,400 Little E. B. 200 43 17,600 Longstreth Samuel 801 90 70,500 Lohman Charles 113 75 170 62 25,000 Lindsley Caleb F. 170 62 227 93 35,000 Loomis & Lyman 341 25 30,000 Libby James S. 22 75 182 00 18,000 Lawrence John, Estate of 358 30 31,500 Livingston Maturin 1,054 40 92,700 La Farge John 11 37 4,178 00 368,350 Lorrillard Blaze 1,105 53 97,200 Lawrence T., Estate of 250 24 22,000 Lyon Mary 458 39 40,300 Leroy Susan E. 796 46 70,000 Langdon Walter 796 25 • 70,000 V NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Lounsberry S. 398 12 35,000 Langdon Margaret 79 62 181 99 23,000 Laight William E. (Executor) 56 87 178 57 20,700 Lauriette Mrs. 204 75 18,000 Ludlow Thomas W. 206 81 18,200 Leslie T. J. 208 08 18,400 Lennox R., Estate of 250 25 22,000 Lovett John 206 99 18,200 Livingston E. A. 379 96 33,400 Latson John W. 330 67 29,100 Luney Farrell 227 50 20,000 % Mechanics’ Banking Assoc. 5,683 83 1,416 17 624,177 Mechanics’ Bank 14,937 14 1,023 75 1,403,155 Mason John, Estate of 2,275 00 2,690 01 436,600 Merchants’ Exchange Bank 13,239 95 455 00 1,203,952 Merchants’ Bank 15,316 49 1,308 12 1,461,505 Manhattan Banking Co. 17,662 18 2,968 44 1,813,719 Mechanics’ & Traders’ Bank 2,121 50 136 50 198,506 Maxwell Hugh 1,213 66 106,700 Marshall Charles H. 568 75 398 12 85,000 Mollard John 71 66 142 17 18,900 Manhattan Fire Ins. Co. 2,843 75 250,000 Moore & Baker 341 25 30,000 Moore John P. 56 87 227 49 25,000 Marshall T. W. 34 12 882 85 80,600 Mitchell W. & E. E. 22 75 713 65 64,700 Merchants’ Insurance Co. 2,275 00 200,000 Mandeville William 11 37 208 14 19,300 Morse George W. 415 72 36,550 Macy Charles A. 113 75 136 50 22,000 McBride James 284 37 2,114 53 210,900 Macy Wm. H. 255 93 196 93 39,800 Macy Josiali 227 50 977 16 116,000 Manhattan Gas Light Co. 7,466 35 1,896 09 823,100 Munn Stephen B. 518 38 1,470 75 174,300 Moran John, Estate of 274 10 24,100 Mann A. P. (Trustee) 269 56 23.700 57 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Maxwell Win. H. 511 86 45,000 Melick B. P. 202 45 17,800 Moore Charles II. 170 62 166 07 29,600 Mills James 227 50 20,000 Morton Charles F. 483 42 42,500 Martin Samuel 633 54 55,700 Moore P. H. 368 52 32,400 Mitchell J. F. $ 431 65 37,900 Me Comb John 56 87 248 52 26,850 Moore S. W. 56 87 207 02 23,300 McCormick Richard C. 973 75 85,600 McKeon Hugh 211 78 18,700 Manice & Havens 853 37 75,000 Morgans Morgan, Jr. 207 02 18,300 Morris C. C. 295 75 26,000 Malone James 202 51 17,800 Miller Adeline 22 75 187 67 18,500 Mackrell & Richardson 294 24 25,900 Mackrell & Simpson 182 00 110 21 25,700 Morris Gerard W. 113 75 119 43 20,500 Matthews C. D. 284 37 25,000 Monroe James 901 62 79,300 Mercantile Bank 1,706 00 150,000 Murray John R. 664 90 58,400 McKeon M. 362 84 31,900 Miller George W. 238 87 21,000 Medical College / 426 56 37,500 Marks A., Estate of N 204 26 17,950 McNeal Samuel 597 22 52,600 Mulvahill P. 221 97 19,500 Myers Meyer S. 332 11 29,200 Moore B. 218 76 19,200 Mott J. L. 202 82 17,800 McCready Mary 91 00 185 41 24,300 Moore Charles B. 45 50 163 78 18,400 Miller John 204 98 18,000 McGowan Andrew 92 94 154 41 22,600 58 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Munson Marcena 200 19 17,600 Mills David S. 251 27 22,100 Martin Bernard 200 18 17,600 Martin Isaac P. 22 75 177 36 17,600 Martin Lawrence 206 15 18,200 Milledollar Phillip 212 15 ' 18,750 Mooney William 201 33 17,700 Morris William L. 227 46 20,000 Martin M. 205 29 18,050 Murphy William D. 368 75 32,400 Marsh Maria / 200. 42 17,600 Miner William 204 75 18,000 Mead C. D. 210 43 18,600 Mitchell R. G-. 201 56 17,700 McCracken J. L. 56 87 147 87 18,000 McBride Abraham * 231 96 20,400 Martin Alfred 113 75 96 21 18,550 Merrill Charles 203 59 17,900 Miller James 56 87 170 62 20,000 Mills P. S. 56 87 166 18 19,600 Moore J. S. 216 12 19,000 Murphy James 34 12 363 99 35,000 McGovern Ann 200 87 17,650 Marvin M. 460 84 40,400 Methodist Episcopal Church ' 201 12 17,650 McAuley Thomas 203 34 17,900 Millwood James * 271 88 23,900 Meserole Abraham 56 87 147 87 18,000 McKim R. 598 05 52,600 Mortimer R. 398 12 35,000 Magee David 113 75 272 99 34,000 Monnot J. B. 341 25 30,000 Martin Mulford 170 62 927 03 96,500 Miller G. 371 09 32,650 McBrair James • 631 06 55,500 McDermott R., Estate of 209 75 18,400 Mace John 56 87 147 87 18,000 59 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Keal Estate. Total Valuation. Maitland W. C. 244 54 21,500 Mitchell James 341 25 30,000 McKie Thomas 227 50 421 98 57,100 McDavitt James 284 34 25,000 McGregor Margaret 788 27 69,300 Maxwell Hugh (in Trust) 284 37 25,000 Munn William H. 420 84 37,000 McCall James 455 00 181 99 56,000 McCabe Owen 230 89 20,300 McCormick P. 56 87 309 95 32,250 Mirandoli E. 22 75 186 54 18,400 Moulton C. S. 806 46 70,900 Mauran 0., Estate of 537 98 47,300 Morse S. E. & R. C. 1,114 74 98,000 Mount Richard E. % 651 49 57,300 Morton John . . 290 01 25,500 Marsh James 79 62 387 50 41,050 Merle Guillaime 455 00 119 43 50,500 Mann A. P. 331 88 29,150 Merchant A. M. 113 75 391 91 44,500 Meyer Henry 204 74 18,000 Mullins Dennis 5 68 196 77 18,050 Mesier Edward S. 113 75 537 97 47,300 Moore J. L. 11 37 277 54 25,400 Mortimer Richard 1,461 10 128,500 Morris Peter 583 45 51,300 Marquand Francis 2,343 24 206,000 Minor Israel 45 50 238 87 25,000 Minturn Robert B. 1,137 50 100,000 Mix Elizabeth 208 14 18,400 Moreau Joseph, Estate of 326 45 28,700 McCollum Mrs., Estate of 329 86 29,000 Mabie Abraham P. 390 41 34,300 Morse R. 204 75 18,000 Morris William L. 432 25 38,000 Miller John, Estate of 200 17 17,600 March Charles 841 74 74,000 ✓ NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Menges William 223 45 19,650 Martin Alfred 200 15 17,600 Mills Philo S. 56 87 300 25 31,400 Moffat William B. 113 75 2,820 36 258,000 McChain John 266 15 23,400 Murphy M. 259 32 22,800 Mooney, Estate of 306 64 27,000 McLaughlin P. 679 06 59,700 Milhau John 603 69 53,100 McLaughlin R. 366 80 32,250 Myers M. 285 47 25,100 Mann S. 305 98 26,900 McCready Ann 773 50 68,000 Martine Theodore 290 32 25,500 Morgan Charles 113 75 969 09 95,200 Miller Edward, Estate of 302 56 26,600 Marston T., Trustee of 1,217 12 107,000 Morris L. G. 900 84 79,200 Moore P. D. 214 96 18,900 McCurdy R. H. 113 75 193 37 27,000 Munn William H. 284 37 98 96 33,700 Marsh Maria 210 42 18,600 Mo watt Mrs. C. 375 37 33,000 Morrison M., Estate of 221 80 19,500 Mesereau John W. 347 90 30,600 Mook Thomas 368 51 32,400 Miller W. P. 227 50 303 69 46,700 Miller Dr. W. E. 113 75 204 75 28,000 Maclay J. G. 333 27 29,300 Moore M., Estate of 481 15 42,300 Moore Alfred 235 43 20,700 Mead Ralph 238 87 301 42 47,500 Mead T. & E. 113 75 150 14 23,200 Mead R. & Co. 203 37 17,900 Mott H., Estate of 477 74 42,000 McGiffert J. 378 75 33,300 Mellen A. 170 62 563 57 64,500 61 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Mead Gabriel 56 87 750 74 71,000 Martin John B. 11 37 394 69 35,700 Methodist Book Concern 2,559 37 1,033 59 315,900 Molt Hermann 242 87 21,350 Maitland R. L. 142 18 559 64 61,700 Minturn Charles, Estate of 1,202 32 106,600 Myers M., Estate of 290 16 25,500 Mott Samuel F. 232 02 20,400 Miller William S. 56 87 519 92 59,500 Murray Robert J., and others 523 25 46,000 Morse William H. 294 59 25,900 McClure Alexander 56 87 360 54 36,700 Morgan Edwin D. 113 75 443 62 49,000 McBride James (Executor) 278 68 24,500 Mather George 56 87 683 57 65,100 Milderberger John A. 250 26 489 64 65,000 Mercantile Mutual Ins. Co. 7,917 00 696,000 Mutual Life Insurance Co. 10,665 20 937,600 Merchants’ Exchange Co. 9,100 00 800,000 Morgan Matthew 568 75 2,712 92 288,600 Moadinger John 277 52 24,400 Martin Patrick 22 75 187 67 18,600 Mott Wm. F. 398 12 554 54 83,750 Mattison Alexander 170 62 62 56 20,500 Meyer George 227 50 318 49 48,000 Milderberger Chris. 113 75 1,638 90 154,100 McCadden Henry, Jr. 266 72 23,450 Martin Peter 17 06 250 25 32,300 McCoskay Robert 568 75 301 43 76,500 Me Comb 0. 85 31 116 01 17,700 Millbank C. W., Estate of 221 85 19,500 Milbank Samuel, Jr. 92 13 606 31 61,400 Milbank C. & S. 583 21' 51,250 M’Crea Robert 98 96 105 78 18,000 Moore James 318 48 28,000 Meeks J. & J. W. 1,251 24 110,000 Macomber Edward 455 00 40,000 H 62 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Mantel J. B. 210 02 18,600 McComb S. H. 515 17 45,300 Morrill Wm., Estate of 394 69 34,700 Morrell Thomas 284 37 712 13 87,600 Minturn Edward 341 25 746 16 95,600 Mier C., Estate of 357 55 31,400 Mnnn W. H. 204 74 18,000 Mead, Rogers & Co. 45 50 227 50 24,000 Mount Andrew 91 00 125 12 19,000 Meeks Joseph 1,046 99 92,100 Me Gay J. 222 94 19,600 McCullough Jas. 739 42 65,000 Marsh Ralph 417 77 36,700 Maycock Samuel 203 15 17,900 Miller Wm. & Co. 204 75 18,000 Morris F., Estate of 429 96 37,800 Morse John 346 91 30,500 Moore James 204 72 18,000 Murray J. B. 204 75 18,000 Mickle A. H. 113 75 770 88 77,800 Miller R., Estate of 91 00 756 42 74,500 Mesier Peter A. 11 37 1,251 24 111,000 Miller Charles 238 87 21,000 Mills James K. 243 93 21,450 Muirhead Wm. 284 37 25,000 Mechanics’ Society 511 87 45,000 Morse John, Estate of 209 44 18,500 McMurray J. 227 50 20,000 McVickar Benj. 318 50 28,000 McCoy John 201 37 17,700 McMenomy & Groitry 273 00 24,000 Murray Mary 1,512 66 133,000 Murray Hannah, Estate of 282 09 24,800 Moses J. 56 87 314 74 32,700 Meyers J. S. 206 21 18,200 Mabbett James 210 43 18,600 Me Cahill B. 201 17 17,700 63 NAMES. Moore Richard Morris Richard, Estate of McLean C. Miller & Shaurman Miller Jacob Morrison S., Estate of Moody W. S. McComb S. K. Mali H. W. T. McNamee Theo. Morris G. W. McLaughlin Alex. Maltby Elbridge McElroy Rev. Murray H. Martine J. H. McQuinny J. May Jno. A. Mitchell Samuel McKnight Thos. Middleton Charles Meinell James McLeod E. Mason Jno. L. Mott Robert W. Mott J. W., Estate of Morgan E. McIntosh Jno. Mott W. W., Estate of Marsh Jno. Moneypenny Jno. Mott Valentine Morris Ann Moore Clarissa Miller J. B., Estate of Morris R. R. Morton E. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. 293 45 25,800 204 75 18,000 333 26 29,300 234 31 20,600 220 65 19,400 619 93 54,500 338 09 29,800 371 88 32,700 73 43 37,000 105 78 24,300 205 88 18,100 384 46 53,800 219 51 19,300 258 19 28,200 321 83 28,300 227 48 20,000 204 49 18,000 273 00 24,000 294 60 25,900 479 98 42,200 146 37 17,900 1,212 52 106,600 196 77 20,300 268 71 23,600 284 37 25,000 335 55 29,500 333 27 29,300 424 26 37,300 216 12 19,000 244 53 21,500 285 48 25,100 1,346 33 118,350 576 70 50,700 208 14 18,400 657 45 57,800 431 08 37,900 290 02 25,500 Tax on Personal Estate. 325 39 170 62 227 50 62 56 56 87 34 12 64 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. McLean John 316 19 27,800 Manning John 352 62 31,000 McNulty Jno., Estate of 212 70 18,800 Minor Wm. 232 02 20,400 Me Gay Isaac 201 32 17,700 Mead William 477 75 42,000 Moses Henry 85 30 129 67 18,900 Masterton & Smith 1,068 54 93,900 Moses D. B. & W. 68 25 302 56 32,600 Moore Clement C. 1,950 84 171,500 Miles J., Agent 250 25 22,000 Morton J. L. 203 37 17,900 Moore J. S. 284 37 25,000 Mortimer John 568 75 421 73 87,100 Martin Thos. C., Estate of 992 42 87,250 Miller H. 340 15 29,900 Maurice D. F. 1,011 39 88,900 Martin Thos. 535 72 47,100 McBarron P. 271 82 23,900 Murray J. B. 905 94 79,600 Morris Richard L. 530 03 46,600 Miller J. - 226 77 19,900 Miller Charles 390 12 34,300 Miller D. S. 455 00 870 16 116,500 Mead S. M. 636 99 56,000 McDermott R. M. 201 18 17,700 More W. & J. 206 77 18,250 Mann Francis \ \ 473 18 42,400 Maas Hermann 203 44 17,900 Mook Wm. 201 07 17,700 North River Bank 6,652 83 375 35 617,865 New York Trust Co. 443 62 39,000 Noble John 358 30 31,500 Norwood A. S. 449 29 39,500 Nevius Peter I. 721 35 63,400 New York Gas Light Co. 5,036 85 2,848 24 693,200 Norrie Adam 796 25 244 56 91,500 65 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Newbold T. H. 170 62 278 68 39,500 North River Insurance Co. 3,812 90 139 91 347,500 Neilson Dr. John 22 75 271 86 25,900 New York Life and Trust Co. 9,439 04 1,758 09 984,106 National Bank 8,194 12 511 87 765,362 New York and Liverpool Mail \ Steam Ship Company 12,990 25 1,142,000 National Fire Lisurance Co. 1,026 30 159 24 104,225 New York Equitable Ins. Co. 2,378 51 209,100 New York Fire & Marine Insurance Company 1,303 00 432 25 152,549 North Amer. Fire Ins. Co. 2,843 75 250,000 New York Insurance Co. 5,678 96 499,250 Neilson John, Jr. 849 64 74,700 Newbold George 91 00 312 79 35,500 Nash Lora 227 50 79 62 27,000 Nevins Russell H. 227 50 904 30 99,500 Nevins R. H., Assignee 317 31 27,900 Nitchie John E. 245 69 21,600 Nichols R. S. 682 49 60,000 Nichol E. A., Estate of 204 72 18,000 National Academy of Design 329 86 29,000 Norswortliy S., Estate of 2,466 11 216,800 Nunns & Clark 522 06 45,900 Niblo William • 1,506 15 132,400 Norris J. D. 220 67 19,400 Newton Isaac 455 00 102 37 49,000 Nathan Benj. 113 75 416 86 46,700 New York & New Haven R. R. Co. 978 20 86,000 Nichols S. B. 386 74 34,000 Nesmith John P. 227 50 344 13 50,250 Nesmith & Dillon 216 12 19,000 Nichols Jane 256 21 22,500 Neilly J. H. 22 75 200 14 19,600 Noe Charles L. 246 82 21,700 Noyes W. C. 56 87 320 77 33,200 Norris Noah 259 34 22,800 66 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Naury C. W. 221 79 19,500 New York Dyeing & Printing Establishment 483 31 363 99 74,500 Nicoll S. Townsend 284 37 159 25 39,000 Nicholls P. 238 87 21,000 Nicoll John 203 57 17,900 Nash, Beadleston & Co. 639 20 56,200 Naylor P. 177 25 50,750 Nelson Richard 200 19 17,600 Newhouse Benjamin 1,041 88 91,600 Nelson H. A. 204 79 18,000 Nicolls Samuel 204 79 18,000 Newhouse John 358 26 32,400 New York Life and Fire Insurance Co. 591 19 51,973 Neal L. M. 220 65 19,400 New York & Saugerties White Lead Company 455 00 40,000 Norris Henry 280 92 24,700 Nash James 34 12 328 63 31,900 Noah M. M. 375 37 33,000 Napier Thomas 204 75 18,000 Nelson J. B. 170 62 34 12 18,000 Nicoll J. D., Estate of 204 75 18,000 Nevins D. H. 222 94 19,600 Ocean Bank 6,266 48 466 37 591,900 Onderdonk William 473 82 41,650 O’Conner Owen 234 31 20,600 Ostrander C. V. B. 598 31 52,600 O’Connor Francis B. 216 10 19,000 Osborn Charles, Estate of \ 674 48 59,300 Oothout John 56 87 1,683 59 168,000 Oakey D., Estate of 170 62 636 99 71,000 Olmstead Helen C. 475 40 41,800 Ocean Steam Navigation Co. 6,947 67 610,785 Oothout Catalina 853 12 564 07 124,600 O’Donoghue Michael 632 43 55,600 i 67 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. O’Donoghue Hugh 288 91 25,400 Ogden J. Depeyster t 278 68 24,500 O’Brien P., Estate of 310 50 27,300 Oatman Joel S. 429*96 37,800 Olmstead Francis, Estate of 796 25 70,000 O’Connor Charles 232 35 299 76 47,000 OlifFe William 271 83 23,900 Ogden J. D. 224 06 19,700 Ogden Harriet B. 263 86 23,200 O’Connor D. 313 45 27,550 Oliver James D. 903 59 79,450 Ogilvie W. H. 205 87 18,100 O’Brien M. C., Estate of ' 261 62 23,000 Olcott Henry W. 250 25 22,000 Odd Fellows Hall 910 00 80,000 Ottignon C. 204 75 18,000 Ogden Joseph 11 37 189 25 17,650 Ostrander Gideon 206 91 18,250 Otto Antoinette 68 25 136 50 18,000 O’Brien Francis 360 55 31,700 Olmstead Mrs. 202 20 17,800 Odell L. 212 83 18,850 O’Connor J., Estate of 214 55 18,800 Ogilvie Ann, Estate of 142 18 68 25 18,500 Olcott & McKesson 227 50 20,000 O’Reilly Thomas 56 87 443 55 44,000 Opdyke George 631 30 55,500 Overing James D. 593 73 52,200 Overing H. 321 85 28,300 Olyphant D. W. & Co. 211 57 18,700 Ogden B., Estate of 376 49 33,100 Ogilvie William 1,619 63 142,400 Osborne S., Estate of 202 47 17,800 Ogden Thomas L. 56 87 177 09 20,600 O’Brien William & John 227 49 20,000 Olmstead S. 397 39 35,000 Okill Mary 227 50 20,000 68 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Paine John 1,096 18 96,350 Peck A. 227 50 20,000 Phelps Anson G. 113 75 4,344 38 391,800 Phyfe James 221 80 19,500 Phipps J. L. 234 86 20,650 Peyser D. M. 22 75 1,301 25 116,400 Parmly Eleazer 2,195 33 193,000 Patten John 454 98 40,000 Peugneut Brothers 467 44 41,100 Post William 1,115 86 98,100 Post J. J. 611 94 53,800 Pitt Charles 639 25 56,000 Patterson Walter 389 02 34,200 Phillips Edward 200 73 17,650 Phyfe Duncan 136 50 1,171 60 115,000 Prevost H. 392 97 34,500 Pitcher Stacey 598 56 52,600 Primrose W., Estate of * 201 79 17,750 Pell J. B. 377 73 33,200 Price James 285 49 25,100 Pirnie John 643 39 56,600 Persse Dudley 273 00 24,000 Pinnette E. 209 29 18,500 Paulding Wm. 1,352 42 119,000 Pell E. T. 251 38 22,100 Pierson & Co. 272 99 24,000 Pierson J., Estate of 571 58 50,250 Platt Nathan C. 56 87 896 89 83,800 Platt George W. 34 12 166 57 17,650 Phelps Royal 204 75 18,000 Pearsall Denton 56 87 214 26 23,850 Phelps Geo. D. 113 75 285 54 35,100 Perry Jos. H. 241 69 21,250 Pillsbury A. 255 93 22,500 Potter E., Estate of 505 03 44,400 Patrullo Andrew 227 50 79 62 27,000 Parkin Thomas 68 25 187 68 22,500 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Parker G. Phillip 113 75 130 81 21,500 Pike Benjamin 68 25 216 12 25,000 Purdy Joel B. 200 18 17,600 Peck Elisha 170 62 1,380 88 136,500 Pell D. C. & W. 91 00 249 38 29,900 Porter Mortimer 267 30 23,500 Post Allison 2,751 49 242,000 Palmer Dr. W. C. 200 19 17,600 Phillips Samuel 460 64 46,500 Pike Noah T. 271 20 23,850 Prime R., Trustee of 321 25 28,250 Parker Clias. M. 853 12 585 80 126,500 Paxton A. B., Estate of • 868 45 76,350 Price Thompson 1,213 67 106,700 Putnam Garrant 34 12 621 08 57,600 - Penfold Edmund 227 50 170 62 35,000 Pettis Thomas 257 45 22,600 Poillon J. J., Estate of 326 95 28,750 Presbyterian Church 0 284 37 25,000 Pease John 34 12 523 87 49,000 Ponsot George 277 53 24,400 Pinckney W. F. 341 65 30,000 Pryor Grace 362 85 31,900 Pratt Henry 221 79 19,500 Parish & Kernochan 1,057 86 93,000 Parish Daniel 568 75 1,337 68 167,600 Parish Henry 1,706 25 . 494 80 193,500 Protestant Epis. Seminary - 389 72 34,250 Palmer & Peters 757 43 66,600 Palmer Cortland 1,887 85 166,000 Pryor John 56 87 374 23 37,900 Peters John R. . 812 17 11,400 Pendleton E. H. 1,621 53 142,500 Parkers Shivers 79 62 250 24 29,000 Parratt R. P. 228 61 21,100 Pell J. A. & G. W. 301 43 26,500 Palmer Thomas 249 94 21,950 I 70 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Pye John E. 411 79 36,200 Price Isaac 292 86 25,750 Phillips J. D. 22 75 808 01 73,000 Pell A. D. 201 63 17,750 Porter T. D. 266 86 23,450 Pearsall E. 250 23 22,000 Parish, Griffen & Havens 393 57 34,600 Perkins D. 455 00 40,000 Phillips T. 1,012 37 89,000 Payne F. T. 206 78 18,250 Prentiss & Tuttle 295 75 26,000 Post W. & G., Estate of ' 420 86 37,000 Polhamus T. 386 74 34,000 Palmer B. 364 00 32,000 Poillen John, Estate of 300 30 26,400 Paifnly S. W. 201 99 17,750 Purdy John 201 17 17,700 Purdy Elijah F. 591 75 52,000 Packwood Samuel 284 57 852 89 100,000 Pierrepont R. 739 37 65,000 Pirnie Peter 261 77 23,000 Paff John H. 102 37 207 02 27,300 Pell A. S., Estate of 376 49 33,100 Phalon James 295 75 1,503 75 158,200 Perry Samuel 193 37 307 12 44,000 Palmer J. J. 1,039 08 91,350 Patchin A. D. 495 90 43,500 Pattison Robert 524 89 46,100 Phelps J. J. 2,417 34 212,500 Phelps J. N. 227 50 83 66 27,350 Payne T. T. 415 18 31,500 Peck Z. & J. 291 14 25,600 Penfold Jane 212 71 18,800 Penniman J. T. 455 00 34 12 43,000 Pray E. H. 354 29 31,200 Peck H. & N. 218 49 19,200 Parshall Charles 705 22 62,000 71 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Palmer J. H. 321 88 28,300 Post A., Estate of 206 08 18,200 Petit Mrs. 204 75 18,000 Patterson J. W. 739 37 65,000 Parker Dr. Willard 469 78 41,300 Patterson J. M. 201 12 17,700 Powell Albert 203 37 17,900 Prout W. F. 205 41 18,100 Patten James 207 68 18,350 Patten John 204 92 18,000 Porter G. T. 201 37 17,700 Post Wm., Estate of 1,433 18 126,100 Pringle C., Estate of 219 07 19,300 Purser Thomas 206 87 18,250 Palmer John 202 45 17,800 Platt Thomas 216 10 19,000 Phillips S. W. 204 75 18,000 Post M. 209 27 18,500 Proovost F. 209 54 18,500 Purdy Jonathan 204 29 17,950 Porter F. D. 266 86 23,450 Phalen & Paine 258 18 22,500 Perrin John 238 87 21,000 Pease W. J. 443 60 39,000 Paine Wm. H. 1,138 89 100,100 Phoenix J. Phillips 113 75 386 75 44,000 Phoenix Bank 12,549 74 1,080 62 1,198,275 Pearsall Thomas W. 853 12 866 21 168,300 Pinkney W. H., Estate of 34 12 725 13 66,750 Pentz Frederick 34r 12 341 25 33,000 Pierce Nathaniel 1,182 96 104,000 Parsons Reuben 56 87 147 87 18,000 Peters Abel S. 238 85 21,000 Pentz & Co. 1,651 68 145,200 Pentz W. A. F. 113 75 122 21 20,750 Paine Elijah (Guardian) 263 31 23,150 Paine Elijah (Attorney) 287 78 25,300 72 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Post George D. 227 50 3,112 55 293,600 Parsons Ann B. 217 30 19,100 Pegg R. 274 13 24,100 Palmer John J. 245 69 21,600 Piggot Joseph 225 22 19,800 Probine E., Estate of 227 48 20,000 Pennell Dr. Richard 125 12 102 37 20,000 Purdy John 236 58 20,800 Pringle Thomas 11 37 221 81 20,500 Parsons Samuel, Estate of - 216 12 19,000 Platt Isaac L. 284 37 91 00 33,000 Penniman James 284 37 25,000 Pinckney Peter, Estate of 204 83 18,000 Pattison Robert 201 80 17,750 Pacific Mail Steamship Co. 4,550 00 400,000 Pearsall Mrs. Frances 227 50 1,016 22 109,300 Parkins J. S. W. 966 87 85,000 Proudfit James 210 42 18,600 Post Waldron B. 568 75 3,077 98 320,600 Prall Margaret 458 40 40,300 Prime Frederick 562 17 49,450 Penfold John 113 75 182 00 26,000 Pitts J. & F. 232 03 20,400 Pares F. 595 82 52,250 Paulding James K. 204 74 18,000 Pinchbeck William F. 424 31 37,300 Pettigrew J. 770 37 62,800 Palmer Amos 324 28 28,500 Parks Sarah 224 08 19,700 Quincy J. W. 113 75 102 37 19,000 Quackenboss M. M. 719 41 63,200 Queripel Samuel and Henry 220 66 19,400 Quackenboss Abraham 396 96 34,900 Quick William 351 48 30,900 Quackenboss N., Estate of 356 02 31,300 Quincy Charles E. 357 16 31,400 Quackenboss, Estate of 220 10 19,350 73 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Quinn John 211 03 18,650 Riley Asher 170 62 56 87 20,000 Riker John S. 420 87 37,000 Ross William S. 275 57 24,250 Rowland Charles N. S. 22 75 264 07 25,200 Reed G. C. 506 28 44,500 Rowe James 685 89 60,300 Remsen William 113 75 591 44 62,000 Riley Thomas 56 87 329 87 34,000 Romaine S. B. 943 51 82,950 Roberts E. S. 224 08 19,700 Roosevelt James I. 284 37 1,656 74 170,650 Rodrigues Y. 310 52 27,300 Ridgway James, Estate of 1,113 60 97,900 Roberts D. 796 24 70,000 Robson Dr. (in Trust) 352 62 31,000 Riggs Elisha 910 00 221 81 99,500 Ross William, Estate of 2,214 65 194,700 Robinson J. A. 227 50 20,000 Roach Edward 227 50 254 76 42,400 Robertson J. A. 227 50 341 24 50,000 Remsen Henry R. 170 62 590 33 66,900 Remsen Elizabeth 170 62 470 89 56,500 Reeve Samuel B. & Co. 113 75 425 34 47,500 Rutherford Lewis M. 2,643 99 232,450 Rutherford Mrs. M. S. 937 20 82,400 Remsen Robert G. 523 23 46,000 Renier Augustus 204 73 18,000 Rodgers John 113 75 214 96 28,900 Ruthven James 671 11 59,000 Ray Robert 853 12 971 06 160,400 Ray Richard, Estate of 999 53 87,900 Rosevelt James H. 966 87 824 64 157,500 Rosevelt C. Y. S. 1,296 75 3,609 26 431,300 Read R. L. 296 88 26,100 Ray Richard 34 12 170 62 18,000 Rosevelt J. 267 31 23,500 . 74 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Rosevelt E. 364 00 32,000 Ross George 240 79 21,150 Reilley Patrick 267 30 23,500 Rogers J. R. 22 75 199 05 19,500 Rankin John 385 61 33,900 Richards N. 203 36 17,900 Richards Thomas B. 330 98 28,900 Richards James 68 24 136 24 18,000 Randall John, Estate of 269 09 23,650 Radford William 227 50 271 83 43,900 Remsen P. V., Estate of 238 87 21,000 Russell Joseph 203 87 17,950 Ross Azariah 473 17 41,600 Rodgers A. J. K. 216 12 19,000 Robinson N. j ‘ 56 87 147 86 18,000 Reed C., Estate of 213 87 18,800 Ricard George 219 91 19,300 Rogers James 201 21 17,700 Rumrill Alexander 113 75 102 37 19,000 Ruckman Elisha 673 25 59,200 Romaine B., Estate of 254 77 22,400 Rohr John G. 428 82 37,700 Rhinelander Phillip, Estate of 227 50 20,000 Randolph Stuart F. 341 25 1,541 94 165,550 Ruggles Samuel B. 1,432 31 125,900 Rowland Jeremiah 224 07 20,550 Remsen H. B. 284 37 25,000 Robertson James 260 96 23,000 Ryan James J. 707 17 62,200 Renvick William 233 16 20,500 Richards Guy 218 39 19,200 Renvick J., Estate of 28 43 170 62 17,500 Russell J. P. 11 37 191 99 17,900 Reynolds H. H. 204 93 18,000 Redmond Chas. H. 36 58 333 94 32,600 Rowe James • 280 66 24,700 Rhinelander Wm. C. 329,850 I NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Eeal Estate. Total Valuation. Rhinelander Wm., Estate of 2,736 66 240,500 Reed Almet 56 87 145 59 17,800 Romaine P., Estate of 272 98 24,000 Robbins John 1,990 63 301 42 201,500 Ray C., Trustees of 585 79 51,500 Rivington, J., Estate of 341 25 30,000 Rogers Mary Ann C. 1,416 14 124,500 Roberts & Williams 710 92 62,500 ' Roberts C. R. (Trustee) 307 12 27,000 Reynolds Uriah 214 95 18,900 Rapelyea Geo., Estate of 1,877 99 164,600 Robson Benj. H. 320 76 28,200 Richards H. S., Estate of 254 76 22,400 Ritter Peter, Estate of 341 25 30,000 Ronalds E. R., Trustee of 727 99 64,000 Ronalds P. L., Trustee of 1,679 08 147,600 Remsen J., Estate of 255 92 22,500 Ridabock F., Estate of 1,171 59 103,000 Redmond Wm. 384 40 33,800 Rankin Ann 227 50 20,000 Rogers George P. 2,949 91 259,300 Renwick M. 1,635 67 126,200 Reynolds Philip 368 52 32,400 Raynor John 609 66 53,600 Rhodes Miss 369 66 32,500 Rhinelander W. 457 26 40,200 Rogers J. Smith (Executor) 341 25 261 62 53,000 Rogers J. Smyth 170 62 644 88 71,700 Ridabock W. S. 227 35 20,000 Roome Samuel, Estate of 308 25 27,100 Reynolds Jas. S. 433 37 38,100 Reynolds David, Estate of 423 13 37,200 Riley P., Estate of 204 75 18,000 Rudd James 207 91 18,300 Raymond James 2,367 34 208,150 Radford L. & F. 294 58 25,900 Randall John 79 62 146 73 19,900 76 NAMES. _ # Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Val nation. Rankin, Estate of 233 18 20,500 Raymond A. 385 60 33,900 Rabell A., Estate of 278 66 24,500 Ransom J. H. 56 87 829 54 72,950 Redmond L. 466 37 41,000 Rogers A. G. • 250 24 22,000 Rosevelt Jas., Estate of 204 40 18,000 Rogers Moses 1,185 23 104,200 Ridley John 769 10 67,600 Russell J. & R. 278 68 24,500 Ramsey David 238 86 21,000 Randolph J. F., Estate of 301 42 26,500 Rodman Win. A. 263 90 23,200 Remsen S. 208 98 18,350 Richards Wm. H. 22 75 182 00 , 18,000 Rudd George 204 75 18,000 Russell H. R. 383 20 33,700 Rait Robert 398 12 35,000 Robertson James 411 03 36,150 Richards J. W. 287 78 25,300 Richards E. C. 773 46 68,000 Russell Chas. H. 341 25 602 87 83,000 Russell Wm. H. 56 87 540 29 52,500 Ryder Edgar T. 170 62 81 89 22,200- Roberts Marshall 0. 22 75 250 25 24,000 Richardson Samuel 1,324 05 125,200 Ryder Henry V. 56 87 646 08 61,800 Robbins George S. & Son 455 00 40,000 Roberts D. 284 37 25,000 Robertson A. 307 10 27,000 Read Lewis B. 45 50 831 47 73,100 Roberts E. 203 37 17,900 Rawdon Freeman 227 50 96 68 28,500 Robinson John 261 49 23,000 Ryan James 218 39 19,200 Rogers J., Estate of 269 56 23,700 Richard S. 204 11 18,000 77 NAMES. I Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Keal Estate. Total Valuation. Roberts J. R. 203 35 17,900 Remsen Miss 284 37 25,000 Robinson Beverly 343 82 30,250 Ronalds P. A., Trustees of 1,018 02 89,500 Reformed Dutch Church 2,704 29 237,750 Remsen Peter, Estate of 334 38 29,400 Ryerson John H. 258 77 22,750 Swarzwelder C. 113 75 102 37 19,000 Selden Dudley 777 47 68,350 Stewart Alex. 291 69 25,650 Swift J. H. 170 62 34 12 18,000 Scott J., Estate of 261 62 23,000 Scott ¥m., Estate of 836 01 73,500 Spear Robert 739 33 65,000 Schott George 598 27 52,600 Sandford, Estate of 324 08 28,500 Sagehorn M. L. 879 46 77,300 Secor T. F. 113 75 96 68 18,500 Shaddle H. V. 250 23 22,000 Sampson, Estate of 518 67 45,600 Sutton S. 323 03 28,400 Spicer C. B. 68 25 135 68 17,900 Sampson D. & A. 226 36 19,900 Smith Isaac 216 12 19,000 Story Rufus 686 42 60,350 Stagg Benjamin 284 37 210 43 43,600 Schwab C. 56 87 148 99 18,100 Selden David 923 65 81,200 Stephenson W., Estate of 454 97 40,000 Simpson ¥m. 812 75 71,450 Suydam Lambert 1,917 08 168,550 St. John M. 261 62 23,000 Smith J. B. 445 46 39,150 Swift E. H. 113 75 506 16 54,500 Suydam Henry 204 74 18,000 Scott William 424 95 37,350 Sedgwick J. 318 05 28,000 j 78 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Sherman A. 379 91 33,400 St. John S., Estate of 204 75 18,000 Satterlee M. S. R. 268 43 23,600 Sagehorn Henry 292 33 25,700 Smith John M. 251 35 22,100 Stillman, Allen & Co. 742 10 65,250 Stillman Thos. B. 238 29 21,000 Smith E. 412 89 36,300 Smedburgh Chas. G. 17 06 1,450 29 129,000 Shaurman J. 204 81 18,000 Sheafe J. F. 568 73 50,000 Spencer Mark 589 18 51,800 Stone Asaph 34 12 432 24 41,100 Smith J. W., Estate of 326 45 28,700 Smith John S. 204 75 18,000 Skiddy Wm. 398 53 35,000 Skiddy Francis 209 21 18,500 Stewart Alex. T. 1,706 25 2,550 23 374,200 Smith W. H. 113 75 1,734 65 162,500 Stevens T. J. 276 35 24,300 Salisbury Henry 398 12 60 28 40,300 Swords George H. 828 06 77,800 Strange E. B. 756 43 66,500 Stewart Joseph 227 50 455 00 60,000 Stewart James 170 62 176 31 30,500 Steward John 568 75 2,127 10 237,900 Steward John, Jr. 227 50 315 31 47,700 Sherwood N. 11 37 274 12 25,100 Stephenson John 22 75 227 49 22,000 Sandford Charles 415 99 36,500 Smith J. 204 75 18,000 Smith C. 464 08 40,800 Sherwood Samuel 113 75 240 56 31,150 Sweeny Daniel 22 75 342 37 32,100 Shortland Thomas 270 14 23,750 Swift A. W. 236 60 20,800 Scott John B. 340 09 29,900 79 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Smith M. H. 262 72 23,100 Sands A. B. &. D. 62 55 1,135 19 105,300 St. Patrick’s Church 298 87 26,250 Swan Benj. L. 1,689 17 148,500 Seventh Ward Bank 5,283 11 406 65 500,200 Stuart R. L. & A. 2,299 42 202,150 Stuart Robert L. 853 12 75,000 Stuart Alexander 853 12 75,000 Schmelzel J. B. 22 75 468 63 43,200 Schmelzel George 398 12 73 73 41,500 Seaman J. B. 483 43 42,500 Schoals Francis P. 56 87 188 81 21,600 Storms Garret 227 50 2,569 32 245,800 S til well Wm. M. 233 24 20,500 Sturges & Morse 232 06 20,400 Scofield Jesse 932 79 82,000 Spencer Eliza 34 12 432 21 41,000 Stickler Joseph 325 32 28,600 Smith Noah 255 93 22,500 Swan James 350 31 30,800 Society of Friends 255 90 22,500 Secor John M. 113 75 577 57 60,750 Suydam James 170 62 853 12 90,000 Savings Bank (Chambers Street) 341 25 30,000 Schenck & Downing 460 68 49,500 Sparks Samuel 426 55 37,500 Sands Elisha 329 85 29,000 . Suarez L. S. 796 25 771 87 137,850 Sampson Joseph 341 25 2,923 34 287,000 Suckley Rutsen 563 05 49,500 Suckley George, Estate of 1,360 42 119,600 Screw Dock Company 912 27 229 76 100,500 Stevens R. 203 36 17,900 Stevens Byam K. 113 75 284 35 35,000 Stevens John A. 113 75 227 49 30,000 Stevens B. K. & John A. 221 80 19,500 Stevens Anthony 56 87 144 18 17,700 80 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Stuart Agnes 313 94 27,600 Spofford Paul 568 75 278 68 74,500 Spofford & Tileston 813 29 71,500 Sneckner John 374 21 32,900 Schemerliorn J. Lr., Estate of 1,694 22 149,000 Schemerliorn Lucretia 56 87 156 46 18,800 Spencer Lorillard 702 92 61,800 Stevens H. G. 56 87 159 25 19,000 Stillwell Elizabeth 701 81 61,700 Spencer C. L. 2,063 15 180,800 Stevens R. L. 227 50 Shady John 472 02 41,500 Somerindyke R. M. 340 03 29,900 Skidmore Wm. B. 341 25 185 40 46,300 Sutton & Vanderbilt 201 62 17,750 Sillcock Valentine 335 52 29,500 Strong James, Estate of 1,330 86 117,000 Strong J. Remsen 320 76 28,200 Strong G. W. and others 307 12 27,000 Schemerliorn J. P. 278 68 24,500 Smith W. & M. G. 361 65 31,800 Smith Wm. & Son ' 206 91 18,250 Storm Stephen 1,148 86 101,000 Schenck C., Estate of 907 65 79,800 Shiefflin Id. M. 530 58 47,000 Suydam John, Estate of 3,626 31 318,750 Stewart Eliza B. 396 37 34,850 Smith George B. 201 84 17,750 Somerville A. 373 30 32,800 Shipman W. B., Estate of 268 44 23,600 Skidmore Lemuel, Estate of 353 64 31,100 Smith Peter, Estate of 676 76 59,500 Stevenson J. B 17 06 394 96 36,200 Sweet W. H., Estate of 201 28 17,700 Smith S. C. 203 90 17,900 Stackpole Christian 225 21 19,800 Smith, C. & TJ, .T. 1,839 32 161.700 81 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Smith Uriah J. 464 10 341 24 70,800 Smith Cornelius 341 25 252 52 52,200 Strong George W. 227 50 534 61 67,000 Strong George W. (in Trust) 420 87 37,000 Shields Robert 113 75 448 01 49,400 Salmon James 269 73 23,700 Skidmore Samuel T. 11 37 341 25 31,000 Seymour William N. 210 45 18,600 Skillin S., Estate of 276 38 24,300 Smith, Stratton & Co. 11 36 210 42 19,500 Shiefflin R. L. 755 98 66,450 Stephens Benjamin 1,193 12 104,900 Scudder John 254 77 22,400 Smith Bartlett 360 58 31,700 Schemerhorn P. A., Estate of 648 38 964 20 141,750 Shotwell & Dorsher 22 75 510 14 46,900 Smith & Dimon 56 87 839 06 78,750 Strong William K. 34 12 170 62 18,000 Stevens John C. 581 50 52,000 Snyder Edwin 410 61 36,100 Snyder J. A., Estate of 229 77 20,200 Scribner Uriah R. 113 75 159 25 24,000 Stanton D. 466 37 41,000 Seton Emily, Trustees of 288 82 25,400 Sandford Edward 56 87 170 62 20,000 Stoppani Charles 323 73 28,450 Scheifflin Samuel B. 866 76 76,200 Scheifflin H. H. 113 75 169 49 24,900 Scheifflin H. H. & S. B. 341 25 30,000 Schemerhorn P. and others 261 62 23,000 Squire S. S. 56 87 229 77 25,200 Stephenson Mark 305 97 26,900 Strong John 249 10 21,900 Sutton George 686 98 60,400 Sears William S. 641 77 56,500 Shannon William 345 77 30,400 Surget Jacob 773 50 790 59 137,500 / 82 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Swizay Jane 59 15 146 73 18,100 Smith William, Estate of 209 29 18,500 Smith Isaac H. 17 06 185 26 17,800 Seguine J. 85 31 204 75 25,500 Sullivan M. 241 69 21,250 Sands A. L. 449 30 39,500 Shotwell Joseph S. 499 38 43,900 Smith Thomas R. 201 63 17,750 Sanford H. J. 499 31 39,500 Sanford Charles 378 76 33,300 Smith William 464 07 40,800 Sturges Jonathan 568 75 676 79 109,500 Sterling & Walton 349 09 30,700 Southart Samuel 11 37 244 56 22,500 Sickels G. G. 404 08 35,550 Sullivan James 201 73 17,750 Smith Sydney 532 33 46,800 Smith Adam 1,369 52 120,400 Stephens, Estate of 217 25 19,100 Shepard John 251 65 22,100 Spear & Ingersoll 238 87 21,000 Stewart, Greir & Co. 307 12 27,000 Slate, Gardner & Howell 227 50 20,000 Simpson J. B. & J. ,136 50 193 37 29,000 Sheldon Frederick 460 68 40,500 Stevens J. 439 05 38,600 Smith A. S. 332 13 29,200 Smith W. 365 10 32,100 Smith B. T. 370 42 32,550 Salters Francis 682 50 804 97 130,750 Symes H. J. 22 75 287 78 27,300 Swords James 625 59 55,000 Symes John 341 23 30,000 Stewart Lispenard 853 12 169 48 89,900 Stillwell Silas M. 364 00 32,000 Strong James 200 19 17,600 Slosson J., Estate of 203 37 17,750 I 83 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Eeal Estate. Total Valuation. Spring Valley Shot Company 389 12 109 68 44,600 Sandford W. B., Estate of 420 87 37,000 Seaman J. W. 284 37 25,000 Stuyvesant Julia 548 74 48,250 Stevenson E. 568 75 50,000 Sandford J. M. 227 50 20,000 Smith W. 325 63 28,600 Smith Hanford 232 93 20,450 Silliman William 375 37 33,000 Smith A. 441 90 38,850 Swords T., Estate of 201 42 17,700 Secor F. 530 02 46,600 Stebbins H. G. 56 87 159 25 19,000 Smith Washington 216 25 19,000 Spicer L. W. 79 62 181 99 23,000 Seaman George 207 08 18,300 Sandford John 208 34 18,400 Shields Charles S. 113 75 93 22 18,250 Scott Mary 202 81 17,800 Schiefflin J. L. 212 70 18,800 Smith G. 251 14 22,100 Scott Henry C., Estate of 242 27 21,300 Smith E. S. 56 87 151 27 18,300 Sparks W. C. 28 43 176 29 18,000 Skelding H. C. 91 00 250 25 30,000 Sherwood William, Estate of 205 18 18,050 Smith G., Estate of 341 25 30,000 Squire Charles (Lessee) 375 37 33,000 Stout James D. 216 12 19,000 Shonnard Peter 5 68 321 89 28,800 Schemerhorn A., Estate of 2,186 88 192,250 Solomon & Hart 34 12 284 37 28,000 Storm Isaac A. 217 34 19,100 Stuyvesant Gerard 284 37 1,821 99 185,150 Stuyvesant P. G., Estate of 290 06 25,500 Stuyvesant Catherine L. 455 00 238 87 61,000 Salles Laurent, Estate of 3,413 06 2,991 58 563,050 84 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. S coles John 22 75 202 77 19,800 Smith C. W. 34 12 187 » 68 19,500 Spies Adam W. 34 12 371 28 35,650 Smith Ruel 56 87 307 12 32,000 Strong Benjamin 170 62 227 48 35,000 Stuyvesant Mrs. P. G. 291 19 25,600 Seamens’ Savings Bank 369 68 32,500 Stammer Christian 170 62 191 07 31,800 Smith James 22 75 377 03 35,200 Stevens Alexander H. 489 12 43,000 Stevens Henry H. 113 75 352 62 41,000 Sun Mutual Insurance Co. 10,806 25 950,000 Seaman Mrs. J. F. 428 82 37,700 Schucharat Frederick 796 25 1,391 09 192,300 Scliuchardt Frederick (in Trust) 341 25 102 37 ’ 39,000 Springled H., Estate of 2,004 14 176,200 Suydam Ferdinand " 568 75 1,045 12 141,900 Shoemaker Abram 136 50 553 93 60,700 Suffern Thomas 568 75 2,667 40 284,500 Stucken Edward 113 75 335 56 39,500 Schemerhorn Adeline E. 1,313 80 ' 329 86 144,500 Schemerliorn Peter 284 37 3,765 04 356,000 Scott A. M. L. 170 62 229 76 35,200 Sandford Michael, Estate of 136 50 274 10 36,100 Smith Floyd (Trustee) - 227 50 20,000 Scott W. B. 398 12 125 12 46,000 Swan Caleb 284 37 25,000 Seaman David 226 95 19,950 Shelburgh J., Estate of 448 85 39,500 Sheafe Hart M. 221 80 19,500 Sage Francis P. 227 50 113 75 30,000 Sandford Nathan, Estate of 210 39 18,600 Schuyler George - 273 00 24,000 Spencer William A. 1,137 50 2,803 80 346,500 Sherwood David 34 12 166 78 17,650 Stevens Samuel, Estate of 203 56 17,900 Scribner & Cooledge 202 36 17,800 85 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Stebbins & Co. 214 75 18,900 Smith Isaac • | 216 12 19,000 Suydam Richard 56 87 170 62 20,000 Smith Chatfield . 208 85 18,450 Seaman John M. 182 00 105 76 25,300 Suydam P. M. 113 75 125 12 21,000 Salters A. 223 22 19,600 Sutton David 230 15 20,250 Strong James H. 325 28 28,600 Sedgwick E. D. 258 77 22,750 Stryker James, Estate of 273 05 24,000 Stouvenal J. 210 56 18,600 Sackett & Belcher 278 68 24,500 Sill & Thompson 273 00 24,000 Sackett W. H. 22 75 181 99 18,000 Stewart Sarah A. 269 56 23,700 Stevens J. C. 209 39 18,500’ Sturges & Clearman 125 12 77 35 17,800 Steward John D. 56 87 153 31 17,600 Starr N. 56 87 147 87 18,000 Spingler Institute 341 25 30,000 Stuyvesant A. C. 220 67 19,400 Seguine C. 307 67 27,000 Storm Isaac T. 11 37 1,620 87 143,500 Society Library 455 00 40,000 Sailors’ Home 307 12 27,000 Schmidt John W. 56 87 222 44 24,550 Stuyvesant J. R. • 1,801 65 158,400 Schuyler Robert 56 87 534 61 52,000 St. John Chauncey 614 25 54,000 Smultz J. 209 78 18,400 Turner S. R. 240 63 20,500 Townsend Jno. R., Estate of 352 62 31,000 Thorn Herman 113 75 4,103 57 310,750 Tucker Fanning C. 113 75 432 11 48,000 Taylor R. S. 284 37 170 62 40,000 Tighe John 207 02 18,300 K 86 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Yaluation. Townsend S. A. 227 50 20,000 Thorne William K. 56 87 482 84 47,500 Thorne Thos. W. 45 50 251 66 26,150 Thompson Abm. G. 341 25 182 00 46,000 Talman Geo. F. (Assignee) 1,677 05 147,400 Taylor Wilson 325 29 28,600 Thurston R. M. (in Trust) 295 75 26,000 Truslow William 277 54 24,400 Truslow W. & J. 266 14 23,400 Thompson Adam 56 87 283 20 29,900 Tomes Francis, Jr. 113 75 102 37 19,000 Tomes Francis 113 75 312 80 37,500 Treadwell John 210 43 18,600 Trinity Church 1,724 23 151,600 Taylor Wm. C. 207 02 18,300 Thompson R., Estate of 265 01 23,300 Tucker Moses 381 91 33,550 Torrey Joseph 401 51 35,300 Tileston Thomas 568 75 392 43 84,500 Titus W. H. 56 87 498 19 48,800 Thomas C. R., Trustees of 800 77 70,400 Thwing J. T. 212 79 18,800 Troup Louisa 250 25 193 37 39,000 Tallmadge James 227 50 204 75 38,000 Tisdale Samuel T. 22 75 631 29 57,500 Tuckerman James 210 43 18,600 Tiffany F. A. 113 75 91 00 18,000 Terdon William • • 296 87 26,100 Tucker Joseph 233 42 20,500 Tompkins N. U. 491 37 43,200 Thompson James 453 85 39,900 Throckmorton E. 295 75 26,000 Titus Wm. M. 1,809 55 159,100 Tracy F. 22 75 177 87 17,600 Tompkins H. & J. 252 50 22,200 Townsend E. 204 74 18,000 Treadwell W. E. 206 13 18,200 87 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Thompson Wm. 206 07 18,200 Turner Charles 334 39 29,400 Trembly S. R. & G. W. 236 78 20,800 Trussell R., Estate of 269 25 23,700 Tallcott F. L. 56 87 221 73 24,500 Towle Adam W. 201 93 17,750 Tilden William 113 75 371 91 42,700 Townsend C. W. i 415 18 36,500 Tilley S. C. 299 15 26,300 Thompson Samuel, Estate of 1,024 04 90,000 Thompson Wm. A. 500 89 44,000 Thompson Samuel 502 27 44,200 Thompson R., Jr. 34 12 368 54 35,400 Tillinghast Philip 113 75 104 65 19,200 Turnbull Robert J. 1,093 06 96,100 Taylor Thos. C. 1,012 30 89,000 Thompson S. 250 25 22,000 Thompson L. 273 00 24,000 Taylor J. 261 62 45 50 27,000 Tompkins Noah 224 06 19,700 Tisdale & Borden 531 75 46,750 Tier Jeremiah 214 38 18,900 Tieman A. 851 30 74,150 Thompson Jas. 136 50 65 96 17,800 Tallman Jno. A. 102 37 734 23 73,500 Thomas C.AV. / 208 10 18,400 Townsend E. 204 64 18,000 Tarrant Jas. 202 47 17,800 Thorne Albert 276 39 24,300 Townsend, Brothers 942 96 82,900 Taylor J. (Executor) 56 87 321 88 33,300 Tiffany, Young & Ellis 420 87 37,000 Townsend Elisha 284 37 170 62 40,000 Trippe J. & J. F. 250 25 22,000 Thurman W. M, 211 03 18,650 Taylor N. 716 61 63,000 Taylor W. 429 39 37,750 88 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Thorpe A. & H. S. 34 12 184 26 19,200 Thorp A. (Executor) 225 22 19,800 Treadwell A. M. % 563 05 49,500 Tweed Richard 204 21 17,950 Thompson Jno. 444 73 39,100 Thompson M. - 308 30 27,100 Thompson James 212 04 18,750 Torboss Luke, Estate of 91 00 220 19 27,350 Tradesmens’ Bank 4,265 62 227 50 396,750 Titus P. S. 739 35 65,000 Tontine Company 511 87 45,000 Todd W. W. 589 22 51,800 Templeton Olivia 455 00 147 87 53,000 * Tilden & Crosby - 284 37 25,000 Trustees Madison Street Church 227 50 20,000 Trimble George T. 477 75 68 25 48,000 Trimble George T. (Executor) 1,410 50 55 73 128,900 Tanner Abraham, Estate of 267 31 23,500 Tobias Alfred 56 87 292 87 30,750 Treadwell B. W. 250 25 22,000 Treadwell Adam 1,490 24 131,000 Taylor G. W. 455 00 176 30 55,500 Thurston W. R. 518 68 45,600 Taylor Jacob B. 227 48 20,000 Targee John, Estate of 455 00 40,000 Targee John V. 11 37 310 52 28,300 Townsend Benjamin, Estate of 288 25 25,350 Tracy Elvira, and as Guardian 284 37 25,000 Tracy Frederick 56 87 146 50 17,900 Tracy F. A., Estate of 543 70 47,800 Tucker William 675 66 59,300 Tyson W. 56 87 193 37 22,000 Tillyou Francis R. 113 75 247 95 31,800 Taylor J. G. 204 74 18,000 Taylor Moses 739 37 2,633 26 296,500 Thorne Jonathan 1,706 25 216 12 169,000 Thorne Jonathan (in Trust) 227 50 20,000 89 Tax on Personal Tax on Real Total Is AJVl.Lb. Estate. Estate. Valuation. Thorne, Watson, Corse & Co. 273 00 24,000 Tucker Gideon, Estate of 85 31 1,715 20 158,300 Tremain George 113 75 119 43 20,500 Terbell Henry S. 455 00 40,000 Trimble Daniel 682 50 227 49 80,000 Thompson David 341 25 403 86 65,500 Tucker George W. 466 34 41,000 Tweedy Oliver 284 37 136 50 , 37,000 Townsend Thomas J. 455 00 437 93 78,500 Townsend & Beers 261 62 23,000 Taylor Benjamin S. 38 67 247 13 25,150 Taylor Isaac E. 170 62 102 37 24,000 Tillottson John 0. 535 72 47,100 Turner John 284 37 25,000 Taylor J. J. 204 75 18,000 Thompson Samuel M. 108 06 430 20 47,400 Thompson 0. 811 02 71,300 Towt J. W. 200 19 17,600 Thorp Harriet A., Sarah F. and Estate of B. 395 84 34,800 Titus H. W. 758 65 66,700 Talbot Charles M. 284 37 853 11 100,000 Taylor S. 352 69 31,000 Thompson Samuel 651 75 57,300 Trenor Dr. John 278 68 24,500 Taylor J. H. 213 84 18,900 Terbell Jubal 113 75 102 37 19,000 Trimble J. M. 203 87 17,900 Thwing C. & E. W. 295 77 26,000 Thomas Thomas 295 75 26,000 Tallmadge F. G. 273 00 24,000 Thorburn J. M. & Co. 227 50 20,000 Townsend C. W. 415 18 36,500 Turner John 238 87 21,000 Thorne R. V. W. 203 87 17,900 Tonnelle John, Estate of 144 46 1,360 84 125,150 Townsend E. L. % 284 37 25,000 90 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Thompson W. D. 568 75 50,000 Titus P. H. 284 37 25,000 Trinder Charles, Estate of 286 64 25,200 Union Bank 10,521 87 1,023 75 1,015,000 United States Fire Ins. Co. Underhill Elias (Executor) 2,843 75 212 70 250,000 18,800 Underhill Philip 519 82 45,700 Ulshoeffer Michael 227 50 210 42 38,500 Union Mutual Insurance Co. Underwood John A. 1,897 35 293 46 166,800 25,800 Underhill J. S. 284 37 154 69 38,600 Underhill A. S. 170 62 71 66 21,300 Underhill Walter 113 75 227 48 30,000 Underhill Nathl. 213 55 18,850 Union White Lead Co. Underhill J. M. K. 227 50 383 32 20,000 33,700 Ubsdell & Pierson Underhill G. 284 75 212 70 25,000 18,800 Underhill & Ferris 206 45 18,250 United States Life Ins. Co. Van Zandt W. J. 1,137 50 203 37 % 100,000 17,900 Van Arsdale Dr. 334 41 29,400 Van Kleeck W. H. 233 18 20,500 Van Antwerp M. 204 75 18,000 Valentine E., Estate of 396 93 34,900 Valentine John 343 49 30,200 Van Zandt J. P. 204 75 18,000 Vandewater H. 242 26 21,300 Vandevort Peter, Estate of 511 87 45,500 Van Ransaeller S. C. 415 17 36,500 Van Buskirk Jno. 292 87 25,750 Victor & Achilles 477 75 42,000 Valentine B. W. 205 75 18,100 Vark A. 218 36 19,200 Vanderpool J., Jr. 662 31 58,200 Vorhis Abm. 45 50 179 72 19,800 Van Pelt J. J. 255 71 22,500 / 91 Tax on Personal Tax on Eeal Total JN AJxLJjS* Estate. Estate. Valuation. Vyse William Yyse Charles Van Ransaeller P. S. Van Ransaeller Alex. Vanderbeck Rachael, Estate of Van Zandt Wm. Van Zandt J. J. Van Cortland A. F. Van Ransaeller J. S. Yerrian William Yandewater H. Yanderbilt 0. Yermule Cornelius Yan Antwerp Wm. Yaughn Geo., Estate of Van Horn J. P. Yanderbilt Cornelius Van Yoorhies Elias Yan Wyck S. Verrin Catherine Yerplanck J. D. Yerplanck Gulian C. Yerplanck W. W. Yan Sinderson A., Estate of Van Nest Abraham Voison J. A. Yan Antwerp James Yan Antwerp J., Estate of Yan Allen James C. Yan Hook William Yan Nest John Yail Aaron Van Allen John J. Valentine A. Valentine Jacob Yan JSchaick Myndert Van Yoorhies M. 244 56 21,500 227 50 843 98 94,200 477 75 42,000 324 18 28,500 367 30 32,300 203 87 17,900 217 47 19,100 536 89 47,200 443 62 39,000 201 25 17,700 242 26 21,300 457 22 40,200 247 28 21,750 261 62 23,000 1,000 82 88,000 170 62 102 37 24,000 625 62 1,094 25 151,200 369 64 32,500 250 23 22,000 454 98 40,000 227 49 20,000 974 82 85,700 201 68 17,750 238 87 21,000 568 75 1,879 94 215,250 56 87 160 35 19,100 341 25 30,000 113 75 159 25 24,000 56 87 291 18 30,600 468 58 41,200 73 93 283 21 31,400 91 00 227 50 28,000 568 75 96 68 58,500 806 47 70,900 408 31 35,900 2,282 09 200,600 204 75 18,000 92 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Van Ransaeller Dr. 247 96 21,800 Van Antwerp J. (Executor) 227 50 20,000 Yarick Richard (Trustee) 877 50 77,100 Vreeland James, Estate of 22 75 249 94 24,000 Van Auken B. H. 591 49 52,000 Van Auken J., Estate of 56 87 145 59 17,800 Vultee C. W., Estate of 233 18 20,500 Van Buskirk John 283 80 24,950 Van Ness P. 299 15 26,300 Yan Beuren T. P., Estate of 409 47 36,000 Yan Ransaeller Henry 227 48 20,000 Yan Winkle Teunis 251 35 22,100 Yan Rensaeller A. 227 50 698 38 81,400 Van Rensaeller P. 831 44 73,100 Yan Rensaeller C. 648 35 57,000 Varaign^ M. D. 205 59 18,150 Yarian J. N. 566 97 49,800 Van Zandt Thomas 594 86 52,300 Yarian John, Estate of 201 31 17,700 Yarian George W. 211 73 18,700 Valentine William 203 99 17,900 Verplanck J. 284 37 25,000 Yan Hook W. H. 261 61 23,000 Yan Wagenen Hubert 22 75 631 30 57,500 Vredenburgh R. 68 25 360 57 37,700 Vreeland H. 204 74 18,000 Yan Buskirk J. J. 368 52 32,400 Varnum J. B. 227 50 255 93 42,500 Yarick Joseph 204 73 18,000 Yan Ransaeller Dr. J. N 584 62 51,400 Yan Zandt T. 204 75 18,000 Valentine E., Estate of 583 47 51,300 Yan Wart L. 208 75 18,450 Yarian Richard 206 99 18,300 Valentine Stephen 91 00 117 11 18,400 Weed Nathaniel 950 92 83,600 Wintringham S. 207 17 18,300 93 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Eeal Estate. Total Valuation. Wallace & Bruns 56 87 151 27 18,300 Webb John 205 36 18,050 Walton Wm., Estate of 209 52 18,500 Westervelt John 22 75 183 97 18,050 Wright William, Estate of 486 26 43,000 West William 22 75 179 41 17,750 Williams Mary 203 65 17,900 White W. C. 68 25 138 30 18,250 Walton & Little ~ 205 85 18,100 Weeden James 421 45 37,050 Watt William 56 87 159 24 19,000 Will George 383 32 33,700 Westervelt J. J. V. 113 75 153 54 23,500 Woodhead John 56 87 159 24 19,000 White Charles B. 601 64 52,900 Webb George 335 53 29,500 Warren E. H. 225 19 19,800 Webb John B. 270 10 24,500 Watson A. T. 204 75 18,000 Weeks Samuel 425 39 37,400 Worth Gorham A. 243 25 21,400 Warren James 227 50 20,000 Ward A. W. 216 12 19,000 Weyman W., Estate of 371 76 1,164 18 135,000 Wagstaff A. 497 06 43,700 Wattemere W. 217 88 19,150 Welsh William 238 87 21,000 White Augustus M. 204 75 18,000 Wallace William 997 58 87,700 Whitney Stephen 568 75 8,830 37 826,200 Weeks S. 359 42 31,600 Waters Martin 335 52 29,500 Wendell John D. 2,161 77 190,050 Woodcock William P. . 13 65 714 29 64,000 Woodruff A. P. 377 05 33,150 Whittemore Timothy 113 75 410 62 46,100 Weeks William i 203 46 17,900 L / 94 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Wheelwright William, Jr. 341 25 62 56 35,500 Wiggins James 34 12 227 48 23,000 Williamson Richard 477 15 41,950 Warner Abraham 546 00 184 26 64,200 Williams Stephen C. 792 78 69,700 Wetmore W. S. 796 25 1,667 46 216,600 Willetts Amos 284 37 359 44 56,600 Wheeler Ezra 11 37 199 06 18,600 Watts John, Estate of 883 78 77,700 Wolfe John D. 1,023 75 6,939 62 700,000 Wright C. 227 50 314 83 46,800 Weyman E. H. 113 75 278 67 34,500 Wendell John 261 62 23,000 Wood David 227 50 591 49 72,000 Weir James 288 90 25,400 Waddell William C. H. 1,047 54 92,100 Waddell Wm. C. H. (in Trust) 210 43 ’ 18,600 Watts Mrs. N. 201 05 17,700 Willetts S. and Andrew 56 87 143 31 17,600 Withers Reuben 56 87 147 87 18,000 Westervelt Daniel 201 05 17,700 Walker John 796 25 70,000 Willetts Stephen 68 25 299 15 32,300 Wheeler David E. 638 34 56,100 Walker William 91 00 255 93 30,500 Wyman & Clark 284 37 25,000 Walker John, Estate of 552 79 48,600 Weed Harvey 1,098 20 96,600 Ward William G., Estate of 227 50 591 06 71,850 Ward H. H. 170 62 113 75 25,000 Waldo Horace 1,114 74 98,000 Wood, Grant & Co. 278 68 24,500 Wood J., Estate of 113 75 512 41 55,100 Woodward R. J. 56 87 170 62 20,000 Walker George L. 56 87 392 43 39,500 Walters J. D. 331 14 29,100 Wymbs Thomas 642 67 56,500 » V 95 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. „ Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Wainwright E. 341 25 113 75 40,000 Wells J. 284 37 25,000 Warren R. 170 62 121 71 25,700 Wilson Daniel 809 23 71,150 Whiley W., Trustee 293 46 25,800 Winslow W. 228 62 21,100 Winham Aldbridge 251 93 22,150 Wadsworth & Sheldon 223 47 19,650 Weeks Jonathan 354 87 31,200 Wetherbey Peter 205 25 18,050 Wakeman Burr 301 42 26,500 Wright John 334 40 29,400 Wetmore Robert C. 304 18 26,750 Wright Grove, Estate of 1,759 65 154,700 Walker Daniel 216 12 19,000 Warren Mrs. Ann 318 49 28,000 Waterbury B. 203 83 17,900 Wright H. A. 203 32 17,850 Watts John, Est. of (Leasehold) 292 50 25,700 Woolsey Edward J. 1,706 00 204 74 168,000 Wilson Martha 227 50 20,000 Wilson Anne 227 50 20,000 Warner Peter R. 17 06 188 80 18,100 Williams Charles 318 50 28,000 Worcester H. 213 85 18,900 Woolsey & Co. 255 94 22,500 Weller John 22 75 193 37 19,000 Ward Thomas 11 37 1,505 52 133,250 Weeks J. A. 34 12 174 02 18,400 Wright J. D. 113 75 232 04 30,400 Wright J. D. (in Trust) 455 00 40,000 Winslow Robt. H. 56 87 230 19 25,250 Wallace James 371 93 32,700 Wheelock Clark 208 43 18,400 Wood W. R. 391 84 34,450 Wright Charles 227 50 119 43 30,500 Wyckoff Samuel S. 56 87 147 87 18,000 NAMES. Total Valuation. Tax on Personal Tax on Real Estate. Estate. Wynkoop Augustus, Estate of Walters James R. Williams Roger Winter Gabriel H. Wheeler Eliphalet Walton E. L. Winans A. V. Whitney S. and others Wotherspoon J. Wilson W. E. Williams Thomas J. Worrall & Co. Worrall Henry, Estate of Williams Richard S. Williams M. H., Estate of Wetmore Wm. C. Wood George Walker T. E. * Williams E. F. Wood Silas Willetts Daniel T. Willetts Robert R. Willetts Samuel Willetts & Co. Walker John Watson Col. J. Webb Wm. H. Ward J. 0. & Co. Ward James O. Winans W. W. Ward A. H. Wheeler Mrs., Estate of Wells Alfred Warren J., Estate of Wiedenfield Samuel D. Wiedmeyer George Weeks E. A. 657 46 57,800 477 73 42,000 463 12 40,700 840 64 75,700 271 85 23,900 34 12 218 37 22,200 11 37 415 16 37,500 386 74 34,000 11 37 231 90 21,300 271 29 23,850 201 86 17,750 318 48 28,000 - 328 71 28,900 227 50 133 08 31,650 205 93 18,100 284 37 96 68 33,500 278 65 24,500 56 87 199 05 22,500 296 86 26,100 170 62 654 02 72,500 113 75 • 87 07 17,650 170 62 ' 56 87 20,000 284 37 120 97 35,650 682 44 60,000 56 87 176 60 20,500 227 50 227 50 40,000 136 50 . 613 66 66,000 204 75 18,000 56 87 193 37 22,000 343 50 30,200 568 75 2,637 80 281,900 216 65 19,050 261 62 108 06 32,500 1,222 79 107,500 102 37 103 53 18,100 717 17 63,000 113 75 113 75 20,000 97 NAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Weeks E. A. (in Trust) 455 00 40,000 Weeks Jacob, Jr. 1,046 63 92,000 Wyckoff Henry J. 1,517 37 133,400 Ward Janies 390 16 34,300 Webb Helen J., Trustees of 262 74 23,100 White Eli 284 37 2,673 81 260,000 Wortendyke R. C. 207 51 18,300 Western Henry M. 354 18 31,150 Windle W. B. 563 62 49,600 Wetmore Apollos R. 227 50 597 18 72,500 Wiley Leroy M. 2,275 00 568 75 250,000 Wiggins Timothy 2,593 44 228,000 Willis Edward 68 25 136 50 18,000 Waterbury Jas. M. 251 38 22,100 Wood M. 267 31 23,500 Wagstaff Alfred 568 75 1,197 30 155,300 White Thomas H. 229 62 20,200 Willets J., Estate of 204 73 18,000 Wolfe Christopher 182 00 1,942 73 186,000 Wolfe John 102 37 142 18 21,500 Waring Edmund 239 97 21,100 Wray Stephen 649 48 57,100 Wood David, Estate of 298 15 26,200 White Miss H. 335 55 29,500 Walker Joshua 910 00 80,000 Willett M., Estate of 974 73 85,700 Wilkins G. M. 1,754 85 145,700 Wilson L. 0. 568 75 182 00 66,000 Wheaton Abel 202 44 17,800 Weeks H. 262 78 23,100 Whitehouse Dr. 540 31 47,500 Wells James N. 1,161 79 102,150 Wells & Tucker 304 84 26,800 Wood, Tomlinson & Co. 374 22 32,900 Wood Jonas 201 08 17,700 Weyman S. 910 00 80,000 Wood S. S. & W. 312 80 27,500 98 KAMES. Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Real Estate. Total Valuation. Whiting James R. 1,691 54 148,700 Wilson J. 392 43 34,500 Winant & Degraw 557 33 49,000 Wells Richard J. 113 75 3,065 84 279,450 Whiting Augustus 568 75 193 37 67,000 Winship D. 548 25 48,200 Webber F. 202 14 17,800 Wheeler J. B. 296 86 26,100 Woolsey C. W. 568 75 91 00 58,000 Woolsey G. M. 204 74 18,000 Woodruff Thomas T. 56 87 2,217 74 200,000 West N. W. 210 43 18,600 Watkins W. S. 389 56 34,250 Withans J. B. 113 75 600 56 62,800 Weeks R. D. 294 58 25,900 Williams E. P. 362 83 31,900 Wilson D. M. & Co. 568 75 50,000 Wells T. S. & S. E. 216 12 19,000 Wyeth Leonard J. 227 50 165 93 34,600 Whitlock B. M. 68 25 182 91 22,050 Wesson I). & A. 227 50 20,000 Wilkes Charles, Estate of 113 75 176 31 25,500 White Charles 266 91 23,450 Whitlock William, Jr. 2,275 00 453 52 239,850 Williams J. & M. 411 09 36,200 Wright H. 227 50 14 78 21,300 Wilmerding W. E. 568 75 391 43 84,400 Woodruff A. 253 72 22,300 Wright A. H. 202 47 17,800 Walters J. R. 11 37 323 12 29,400 Weed A., Estate of 221 80 19,500 Washburn James 261 59 23,450 Watt & Sherman 525 51 46,200 Wallace William, Estate of 904 27 79,500 White Norman 636 98 56,000 Weaver J., Estate of 252 51 22,200 Whitfield G. B. & J. 232 05 20,400 99 i NAMES. f • Tax on Personal Estate. Tax on Keal Estate. Total Yaluation. % Wliittemore S., Estate of 203 58 17,900 Wight Edward 113 75 254 79 32,400 White William 268 38 23,600 Ward & Goadby 209 96 18,500 Waller & Kreps 341 24 30,000 Winthrop R. R. 1,332 84 117,200 White Campbell P. 527 75 46,400 White J. C. 113 75 91 00 18,000 Wyckoff A., Estate of 616 50 54,200 Walkley James 226 17 19,900 Wolfe N. H. 68 25 136 50 18,000 Williams J. 291 17 25,600 Westervelt J. A. 341 25 177 44 45,600 Wright N. 28 43 217 82 21,650 Wakeman II., Jr. 211 57 18,700 White H. 238 87 21,000 Wilson P. & H. 203 80 17,900 Xcipia Ira 260 49 22,900 Young Henry 1,694 84 149,050 Young Moses, Estate of 285 49 25,100 Young Charles L. 257 06 22,600 Young William 238 84 21,000 Yates A. E. 864 47 76,100 Young H. 604 29 53,150 Yates Henry 948 63 83,400 Youngs 0. 209 41 18,500 Young Waldron 56 87 143 67 17,650 Zerega A. 113 75 170 62 25,000 Zabriskie George, Estate of 534 34 46,100 Zabriskie A. C. 1,285 33 113,000 Zimmerman A. C. 56 87 270 14 28,750 'j '? ’iff i i t y , V* o - » ' j i ' ■ t-. « K» : : l * - r. ' *\ \ « ■ r •ft* * \ : . t ~ • ...•• r . N * ( 1 , 4 *;< ;•*: s iw • , *» 4i •; 1 u ’J .1 - • V 4 1 ■ .Vs -J*V *•»» ' iT'nt ‘ f •'”’•©* fv# .'. •• •. » • **.r 7 • r: cu i Xi ft ft A r ” ;>> . «-, •» • V «* f.J> w f :' : : ■-