UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA ART EXHIBIT Including AMERICAN FEDERATION OF ARTS WATER COLOR EXHIBIT Exhibit of Original Illustrations Used in Saturday Evening Post and Exhibit of Drawings and Paintings Done by Students of THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA JANUARY 13-26, T 9 1 4 NORMAN Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates » (fibiu'ral The collection of Water Colors from the American Federation of Arts of Washington, D. C., will be found in rooms 105 and 106, first floor Administration Building, and rooms 301 and 305, on the third floor of Administration Building. This collection consists of 70 pieces from the New York Water Color Club and 66 pieces from the Phil¬ adelphia Water Color Club. A list of the paintings is given on the fol¬ lowing pages of this pamphlet. By- referring to the number of the pic¬ ture you can find its name, author, and value. These paintings were brought to Norman in order that the Univer¬ sity Art students might have an opportunity to study in detail some of the best examples of contempo¬ rary art. The University felt, how- PATRICIO GIMENO ever, that the benefits of this ex- head of department of hibit, doubtless the best of its kind drawing and painting ever brought to Oklahoma, should not be confined to its own students, and arrangements were therefore made to throw the exhibit open to the general public without charge. The studio of the Department of Drawing and Painting of the University is in Room 305, third floor, Administration Building. Here can be seen some of the models used by the students, and a collec¬ tion of charcoal sketches, drawings, water color, oil, and china paint¬ ings, done by the University students. The pictures exhibited here are listed in this pamphlet. In this room can also be seen some paint¬ ings by Professor Gimeno and some charcoals, sketches, paintings, etc., by such artists as James Montgomery Flagg, Will Foster, Everett, May Willson Preston, and others, for use in the Saturday Evening Post. These pictures were presented to the University by Mr. Lorimer, Editor of the Post. ART STUDIO, UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA American AciU'mtuut nf Arts Exhibit (Litllrrfiiut frmtt tlhc 'Philadelphia -Loafer Color Chib Ethel Franklin Betts Bains Valuation 1. “Almost Beyond Endurance” __:_ $100.00 Anna Whelan Betts 2. “Middleton Place”_:_ 150.00 3. “Old Fashioned Children”__ 30.00 4. “Charleston Garden Gate”_ 125.00 Hugh H. Breckenridge 5. “Summer”_ _ 800.00 6. “The Winding Stream”_ 500.00 7. “The Pool”_ 350.00 Charolette Harding Brown 8. “The Play’s the Thing_ 100.00 9. “May Iverson”_ 75.00 Lucy S. Conant 10. “She Langkofel, Dolomites”_ 100.00 11. “The Matterhorn, Afternoon”_ 100.00 12. “Combia Pines Engadine”_ 100.00 13. “Riffel Alp”_ 100.00 14. “The Weissmier, Saas-Fee” _ 75.00 15. “Sella Joch, Dolomite”_ 100.00 Colin Campbell Cooper 16. “Broadway from the Postoffice”_ 400.00 17. “Bulle, Switzerland”_ 100.00 18. “Mountain at Gruyers, Switzerland_ 100.00 Emma Lampert Cooper 19. “Breton Bakery”_ 300.00 Alice Cushman 20. “Incoming Tide”_ 60.00 ■George Walter Dawsan 21. “A Garden of Southern Italy”_ 200.00 22. “Rose Covered Wall”__ 200.00 Blanche Dillaye 23. “The Crossroads”_ 300.00 24. “In the Grand Moran”_ 250.00 25. “The Sentinel”_ 125.00 Elizabeth Shippen Green Elliott 26. “The Duel of Wits”_ 75.00 27. “Aunt Olivia in Her Garden”_ 100.00 28. “The Thousand Quilt”_ 100.00 29. “Malcolm”_100.00 30. “The Spanish Jade”_ 75.00 31. “The Family Solicitor”_ 75.00 George Harding 32. “Off Cape Race”_ 100.00 33. “The Newfoundland Coast”. _ 100.00 34. “Steamer Ashore”_ 75.00 35. “The Looters”_ 100.00 Paula B. Himmelsbach 36. “Theater of Bacchus, Afterglow” 300.00 37. “The Golden Hour, Paithenon”_ 300.00 38. “The Parthenon Late Afternoon”_ 300.CO J. Wesley Little 39. “Under Autumn Skies” _ 125.00 Clara Madeira 136. “Thatched Cottage”_ 60.00 Thornton Oakley 40. “From the Depths to the Sky”_ 200.00 41. “Work” _ 150.00 42. “Canton, New Year’s Day” _ 100.00 43. “Tangier”_ 200.00 Katharine Patton 44. “In Chagford” __ 150.00 Joseph Pennell 45. ‘ Approaches to Gatun Lock”_ 26.50 46. “Building the Gates of Pedro Miguel” 26.10 47. “The Cut Looking Toward Culebra”_ 26.50 48. “Building Miraflores Lock”_ 26.50 Jessie Wilcox Smith 49. “With Thoughtful Eyes”_ _ 100.00 50. “Mystic Wood”_ 100.00 51. “Going Into Breeches”_ 150.00 52. “Child Calendar-August”_ 100.00 53. “Seven Ages of Childhood-Infant”_ 150.00 54. “The Prayer”_ 75.00 Fred Wagner 55. “Dock, New York”_ 50.00 56. “Water Front, New York”_ 50.00 57. “Street Scene, New York”_ 50.00 58. “Storm Cloud”_ 50.00 59. “Brooklyn Bridge”_ 50.00 60. “Across the River”_ 50.00 61. “Bright Day”_ 50.00 Eleanor Palmer Williams 62. “Old House, Nantucket”_ 25.00 Emmasita Register Corson 63. “Landscape etc.” _ $25.00 64. “Emily” _ 25.00 Susan H. Bradley 65. “Pierre Arezzo” _ 25.00 fxxnn Cit? tfurk Culvtr Club Louis L. Berneker 66. “Dance of the Dryads”__ 150.00 Ethel P. Brown 67. “Ancient Tower, rue des Pigeon Blancs” 50.00 W. S. Budworth 68. “Autumn, Seton Brool”_ 75.00 A. P. Button 69. “October Day’s Close”_ 100.00 Dorothy Ross Carmer 70. “Red Berries” _ _ Miss A. B. Craig 71. “The Old Gown”_ 60.00 Josephine W. Colby 72. “Green Parrot” _ 100.00 Edmund S. Campbell 73. “Roman Bridge”_ 100.00 Walter Douglas 74. “Grey Day” _ 125.00 R. L. Dickey 75. “A Connecticut Road”_ 75.00 G. W. Edwards 76. “The Cliffs, Monhegan” _ 200.00 Anna Fisher 77. “Zinnias”_ 50.06 E. Garrett 78. “Martha’s House” .. 150.00 79. “Captain’s Home, Nantucket" _ 175.00 80. Winter Sunshine, Bermuda”__ 100.00 R. A. Graham 81. “On the Pergola”__ 60.00 Charles P. Gruppe 82. “Twilight, Columbus Circle, New York” 250.00 Paula B. Himmelsbach 83. “Santa Paxtanassia Mistra”_ 300.00 Maud H anson 84. “Winter Sunlight”_ 35.00 Lizbeth V C. Hunter 85. “Rose Garden” _ 60.00 86. “Under the Roses”_ 30.00 Edith Lucile Howard 87. “Moonlit Pool”_ 40.00 C. W. Hudson 88. “Birch Tree and Mt. Starr King”_ v 125.00 Birge Harrison 89. “A Tow on the Lake”_ 1000.00 Charles Straight Kingsley 90. “Bermuda Coast”_ _ George Luke 91. “The Beggar” _ 500.00 Frank C. Mathewson 92. “Green and White”_ 75.00 Louise B. Mansfield 93. “The Novel” _ 75.00 H. C. Merrill 94. “Quiet Street in St. Goustan”_ 150‘00 Norwood MacGilvary 95. “Autumn Idyl” _ 100.00 Nicholls, Rhoda Holmes 96. “The Wharves”_ 60.00 97. “Beach at Provincetown” _ 25.00 Carl. J. Nordell 98. “A Cafe, Paris”_ 50.00 99. “Water Front, Noank” _ 50.00 100. “Near the Citadel, Quebec”__ 50.00 VUVi iriv SKETCH OF ADMINISTRATION BUILDING MADE BY A STUDENT OF THE UNIVER SITY DEPARTMENT OF DRAWING AND PAINTING Mrs. E. Parker Nordell 101. “The Bubble Party” _ 100.00 Galen J. Perrett 102. “No. 21, A New York Survivor”_ 75.00 Katherine Patton 103. “Early Morning in an English Harbor” 150.00 Alethea H. Platt 104. “Old French Farm House”_ 40.00 105. “Street in Le Faouet”_ 50.00 Bertha E. Perrie 106. “The Market, Concarneau”_ 60.00 Jane Peterson 107. “The Summer House”_ 125.00 Miss E. H. Quackenbush 108. “Blue Hydrangea”_ 40.00 Elizabeth Spalding 109. “Twilight, Woodstock, N. Y.”_ 50.00 R. E. Stevenson 110. “The Rehearsal” _ 50.00 Alice Schille 111. “The Other Side of the Circus Wagon”. 200.00 Albert H. Sonn 112. “Winter”_ 100.00 A. T. Schwartz 113. “Mountain Shadows”_ 150.00 Miss C. H. Simpson 114. “Turn of the Road”_ 50.00 115. “Market Day, Brittany”__50.00 Mrs. E. M. Scott 116. “Damask Roses”_ 100.00 Clara R. Saunders 117. “Gold and Grey”_ 50.00 Ross Turner 118. “The Lure”_ 200.00 C. H. Wright 119. “Sphinx and Pyramids by Moonlight” 100.00 J. S. Williams 120. “Gypsy Wagon”_ _...... 50.00 W. J. Whittemore 121. “Anstruther, Scotland”_ 75.00 122. “Soder Maler Strand, Stockholm”_ 75.00 123. “Stockholm Harbor”_..... 75.00 Charles A. Webb 124. “Breakfast”_ _ 100.00 125. “Alone” _ 100.00 W. C. Emerson 126. “Summer Dream” _ r ___ 1000.00 Donna Schuster 127. “Canal, Bruges”_ 75.00 George Walter Dawson 128. “An Old Cottage Rose”_ 250.00 Miss M. Silsbee 129. “Asleep, Holland”_ 100.00 M. Peterson 130. “Evening, Riverside Park”_ Frank Hutchins 131. “Market Day”_ _ Maud H. Squires 132. “Along the River, Vannes”_ _ A. H. Platt 133. “Grey Day, England”__ _ H. B. Snell 134. “On the Lagoon”_ _ Florence F. Snell 135. “Convent at Assissi”... _ _ Studies by Professor P. Gimeno I. After the Storm, Oklahoma City. 2. Scene from West 13th Street, Oklahoma City. 3. Scene in Wheeler Park, Oklahoma City. 4. The Moorish Spy. 5. Portrait of Himself. 6. An Old Horse. 7. Picking Roses. 8. Scene from Oklahoma University Campus. 9. Margurite and Her Pet. 10. Portrait. 11. Portrait of Governor Cruce. 12. Pastel Portrait. 13. Oklahoma City—Past. 14. Oklahoma City—Present. 15. Oklahoma City—Future. The above three pictures of Oklahoma City were winners of $500 Classen Prize. QjxhiHiimt ix f Witrlv Dmtc tru ;S‘iniUntis V in the JRe part mint t i'f ^rabmti;