ARCHITECTURAL COMPETITION FOR AND CITY HALL TO BE ERECTED IN CHICAGO, ILLIISTOIS. CHICAGO : Jameson & Morse, Printers, 240 E. Madison St. 1872. ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY, ARCHITECTURAL COMPETITION FOR Designs of a Court House AND CITY HALL, TO BE ERECTED IN CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. CHICAGO : Jameson & Morse, Printers, 240 E. Madison St. 1.S72. fi GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO Competing Architects. The County of Cook, and the City of Chicago, being about to erect a Court House, and City Hall, in said City, in which all the accommodation required for the business of every department of said County and City, is to be provided, have determined to invite Architects generally to send in designs in competition. The designs must include the principal elevations, which must be prepared in either Indian ink or Sepia, without the introduction of any other color, and also complete plans and sections of each floor. All drawings must be made to a scale of eight (8) feet to an inch, on sheets of plain paper, and mounted, without frames or borders. The plans of the building must show the relative position of the offices assigned to the several departments, and the size of each room must be clearly marked thereon in feet and inches. Entrances will be on the four sides of the building. The main, or principal floor will be elevated so as to admit of a thoroughly lighted Basement underneath. Each design must have a device or motto marked on each drawing, and be accompanied by a sealed letter, giving the name 4 / of the author, which will be opened after the final award is made only for the purpose of ascertaining the names of the successful architects, and for the return of the unsuccessful drawings to their authors. As it is the wish of the County and City to secure, in this important work, the largest possible competition, they offer jointly the following premiums: For the best design, $5,000.00 " " second best design, 2,000.00 " " third " 1,000.00 The Building Committees and Board of Public Works will reserve the right to exhibit the whole of the designs for one month, either before or after the award is made, as they may see fit. Each competitor will give the cubical contents of his building, and an estimate of the cost of the same complete. The whole building must be made, as far as practicable, fire- proof. Sealed Drawings will be received at the office of the Board of Public Works, corner of Adams and La Salle Streets, until the 15th day of March, A. D. 1873, at which time and place they will be opened by the Building Committees of the County Commissioners and Common Council, and the Board of Public Works. A plan, showing the size of the square upon which the build- ing is to be erected, together with a statement as to the nature and approximate extent of the accommodation required, will be found in the appendix hereto annexed. 5 APPENDIX. Plan of the square on which the Building is to be erected: RANDOLPH STREET. CO 320 ' N W- E 3 20/ H CO Q WASHINGTON STREET. The size of the square is 378 feet North and South, by 320 feet East and West, but no portion of the building proper, will come nearer than twenty (20) feet of the Street lines. The County Departments will occupy the East half, and the City Departments the West half of the building when erected. 6 APPROXIMATE ACCOMMODATION TO BE PROVIDED. COUNTY PORTION. BASEMENT. RECORDS. The accommodation required for this department will be one General Business Office 40 x 60 ; 1 Room 30 x 50 ; 1 Room 18 x 20, and 2 Rooms 24 x 40, each, all connecting with each other, with a Vault 50 x 60. i SHERIFF. 1 Room for General Business Office 20 x 25 ; 1 Room 18 x 20 ; 1 Vault 20 x 25. ENGINEER HEATING APPARATUS. 1 Room 15 x 20. VAULT. A large General Receiving Vault, for filing away retired papers from the various departments, and to be used, in cases of emergency, for general storage purposes, will be constructed near the centre of the building. FIRST STORY. TREASURY AND COLLECTING DEPARTMENT. One Room to be used for the collection of taxes 60 x 60, 1 Room 25 x 35, and 1 Room 20 x 20, connecting with each other ; 2 Vaults 6 x 10 each. COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. One Room for the issuing of licenses, and for General Business Purposes 55 x 40 ; 1 Room 20 x 25 ; 1 Room 20 x 20 ; all connecting with each other; 1 Vault 40 x 60. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. The space required will be a Commissioners' Room, connect- ing with the County Clerk's Office, 35 x 40; 1 Private Room 20 x 20; 3 Committee Rooms 12 x 15 each ; 1 Vault 12 x 15. SUPERINTENDENT PUBLIC CHARITIES. One room connecting with County Commissioners' Office, 20 x 20. CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. Two Rooms 25 x 30 each ; 1 Room 20 x 20 ; 1 Room 12x18; all connecting with each other ; 1 Vault 40 x 60. CIRCUIT CLERK. One Room 20 x 40; 1 Room 25 x 30; 1 Room 12 x 18; all connecting with each other ; 1 Vault 40 x 60. CLERK PROBATE COURT. One Room 20 x 40 ; 1 Room 20 x 20 ; 1 Room 12 x 18, all connecting ; 1 Vault 40 x 60. SECOND STORY. COUNTY COURT. 1 Court Room 40 x 50 ; 2 Jury Rooms 12 x 15 each. 1 Judge's Chamber 12 x 15. PROBATE COURT. 1 Court Room 40 x 50 ; 2 Jury Rooms 12 x 15 each. 1 Judge's Chamber 12 x 15. Sri'KRINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. 1 Room 25 x 20; 1 Room 15 x 20; 1 Vault 6 x 10. LAW LIBRARY. 1 Reading Room 40 x 50 ; 1 Room 20 x 35 ; 1 Room 20 x 20, all connecting. COUNTY SURVEYOR. 1 Room 20 x 30; 1 Room 18 x 20 ; 1 Vault 10 x 15. CORONER. 1 Room 18 x 20. THIRD STORY. COURTS. The space required for the Superior and Circuit Courts will be, Common Law, 8 Rooms 40 x 60 each ; Chancery, 4 Rooms, 35 x 50 each. UNAPPROPRIATED SPACE. As a portion of the space in this wing of the building is not provided for. several miscellaneous rooms, of proper size and properly arranged and connected for use, as the business of the County increases, can be added. The necessary Wash and Cloak Rooms, Water Closets, &c., will be connected with the various rooms. CITY PORTION. BASEMENT. PAY ROOM. 1 Room 20 x 40. METER DEPARTMENT. 1 Storage Room 20 x 20 ; 1 Working Room 20 x 30. STORAGE. Street Department, 1 Room 20 x 30 ; Sewerage Department, 1 Room 20 x 30 ; Water Department, 1 Room 20 x 30. 9 HARBOR MASTER. 1 Room 15 x 20. GAS INSPECTOR. 1 Room 15 x 20. ENGINEER HEATING APPARATUS. 1 Room 15 x 20. BOARD OF POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENT. Commissioners' Room 20 x 30; Secretary's Room 20 x 15 ; Superintendent's Room 20x15; General Office 20x20; Lake Street Squad and Sergeant, 20 x 30; Custodian, 10 x 12; Custodian's Store Room, 20 x 20; Detectives' Room, 15x20; Sleeping Room, 10 x 12; 2 Cells 5x8; Fire Marshal's Office, 12 x 15; Fire Marshal's General Business Office, 16 x 20; Store Room, 16 x 20; 1 Vault 15 x 20. FIRST STORY. MAYOR. Mayor's Private Office, with private entrance, 15 x 20 ; Re- ception Room 20 x 20 ; Waiting Room 20 x 20. COMPTROLLER. The Comptroller's Office will connect with the Mayor's Office, and will require a General Business Office 30 x 50 ; Private Office 16 x 16 ; Committee Room 20 x 20 ; 1 Vault 18 x 20. TREASURER. Adjoining Comptroller's Office. 1 Room 18 x 20 , 1 Pri- vate Office 12x16: 1 Vault 8x10. COLLECTOR. One Room to be used for the collection of taxes, licenses, &c., 60 x 70 ; Private Office 15 x IT) ; 1 Vault 15 x 2X 10 COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. 1 General Business Room 20 x 30 ; 1 Private Room 16 x 16. SECRETARY BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. Adjoining Commissioners' Room. General Business Office, 20 x 20 ; 1 Private Office 12 x 16 ; 1 Vault 15 x 20. BOOK-KEEPER BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. Adjoining Secretary's Room. 1 Room 20 x 25 ; 1 Vault 15 x 15. WATER DEPARTMENT For the collection of Water Taxes, &c. 1 Room 60 x 70 ; Assessor's Room 12 x 16 ; 1 Vault 15 x 20. CITY CLERK. 1 General Business Room 30 x 50 ; 2 Committee Rooms 18 x 20 each ; 1 Vault 18 x 20. SECOND STORY. LAW DEPARTMENT. Corporation Counsel, 1 Room 12 x 15; City Attorney, 1 Room 12 x 15 ; Private Office 16 x 16 ; General Business Office 18x20. SUPERINTENDENT STREETS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 1 General Business Room 30 x 40 ; 1 Private Office 15 x 15. SUPERINTENDENT SIDEWALKS. 1 Room 20 x 25, adjoining Sup't of Streets. .DRAUGHTING DEPARTMENT. 1 Room 30 x 40; 1 Vault 10 x 15. SPECIAL AS-^KSSMF.NT DEPARTMENT. 1 General Business Room 20 x 40 ; 1 Working Roo.n 20x30; 1 Private Room 12 x 15; 1 Vault 15 x 20. 11 ENGINEERS. Chief Engineer's Business Room 20 x 25; Private Room 16 x 16; Assistant Engineer's Room 16 x 16. SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT. 1 General Business Room 30 x 60; 1 Vault 10 x 12. PUBLIC LIBRARY. 2 Rooms 20 x 20 each ; 1 Room 40 x 25; 2 Rooms 15 x 20 each ; 1 Room 20 x 25 ; 1 Room 25 x 25. BOARD OF EDUCATION. Board Room, for meetings of the Board, etc. 40 x 40 ; Sec- retary's Room 20 x 30 ; Reception Room 30 x 30 ; Committee Room 20 x 25 ; Supply Agent's Room 20 x 20 ; Superin- tendent's Office 20 x 20; 1 Vault, connecting with Secretary's Room 10 x 12. THIRD STORY. SUPREME COURT. 1 Court Room 40 x 60; 1 Room 25 x 30 ; 1 Room 15 x 20; 1 Room 15 x 25. FIRE ALARM TELEGRAPH. Superintendent's Room 12 x 15 ; Operating Room 20 x 20 ; Battery Room 20 x 20 ; Sleeping Room 15 x 20. COUNCIL CHAMBER. 1 Room 40 x 70; 1 Room 15 x 15; 1 Room 20 x 25. HOARD OF HEALTH. 1 General Business Room 20 x 30; Secretary's Room 20x20; Sanitary Superintendent's Room 15 x 15; 1 Vault 10 x 12. 12 UNAPPROPRIATED SPACE. Rooms of proper size for future use can be provided for in addition to the above. The necessary Wash and Cloak Rooms, Water Closets, etc., will be connected with the various rooms. Provision will be made for an Artesian Well in the Centre of the Building. Architects will not be confined strictly to the space as given above, it being our intention to give a general idea of what is required at the present time. The undersigned are to be the judges of the merits of the plans submitted. SAMUEL ASHTON, ) Building Committee JOHN CRAWFORD, ( of the JOSEPH HARRIS, County Commissioners J. H. PAHLMAN, of Cook County. S. S. GARDNER, M. B. BAILEY, MICHAEL SCHMITZ, DAVID COEY, MAHLON D. OGDEN, Building Committee of the Common Council of the City of Chicago. W. H. CARTER, ) Board of Public Works R. PRINDIVILLE, V of the J. K. THOMPSON, j City of Chicago.